""" Source url: https://github.com/OPHoperHPO/image-background-remove-tool Author: Nikita Selin (OPHoperHPO)[https://github.com/OPHoperHPO]. License: Apache License 2.0 """ import pathlib import warnings from typing import List, Union import PIL.Image import numpy as np import torch import torchvision.transforms as transforms from PIL import Image from carvekit.ml.arch.tracerb7.tracer import TracerDecoder from carvekit.ml.arch.tracerb7.efficientnet import EfficientEncoderB7 from carvekit.ml.files.models_loc import tracer_b7_pretrained, tracer_hair_pretrained from carvekit.utils.models_utils import get_precision_autocast, cast_network from carvekit.utils.image_utils import load_image, convert_image from carvekit.utils.pool_utils import thread_pool_processing, batch_generator __all__ = ["TracerUniversalB7"] class TracerUniversalB7(TracerDecoder): """TRACER B7 model interface""" def __init__( self, device="cpu", input_image_size: Union[List[int], int] = 640, batch_size: int = 4, load_pretrained: bool = True, fp16: bool = False, model_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = None, ): """ Initialize the U2NET model Args: layers_cfg: neural network layers configuration device: processing device input_image_size: input image size batch_size: the number of images that the neural network processes in one run load_pretrained: loading pretrained model fp16: use fp16 precision """ if model_path is None: model_path = tracer_b7_pretrained() super(TracerUniversalB7, self).__init__( encoder=EfficientEncoderB7(), rfb_channel=[32, 64, 128], features_channels=[48, 80, 224, 640], ) self.fp16 = fp16 self.device = device self.batch_size = batch_size if isinstance(input_image_size, list): self.input_image_size = input_image_size[:2] else: self.input_image_size = (input_image_size, input_image_size) self.transform = transforms.Compose( [ transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Resize(self.input_image_size), transforms.Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]), ] ) self.to(device) if load_pretrained: # TODO remove edge detector from weights. It doesn't work well with this model! self.load_state_dict( torch.load(model_path, map_location=self.device), strict=False ) self.eval() def data_preprocessing(self, data: PIL.Image.Image) -> torch.FloatTensor: """ Transform input image to suitable data format for neural network Args: data: input image Returns: input for neural network """ return torch.unsqueeze(self.transform(data), 0).type(torch.FloatTensor) @staticmethod def data_postprocessing( data: torch.tensor, original_image: PIL.Image.Image ) -> PIL.Image.Image: """ Transforms output data from neural network to suitable data format for using with other components of this framework. Args: data: output data from neural network original_image: input image which was used for predicted data Returns: Segmentation mask as PIL Image instance """ output = (data.type(torch.FloatTensor).detach().cpu().numpy() * 255.0).astype( np.uint8 ) output = output.squeeze(0) mask = Image.fromarray(output).convert("L") mask = mask.resize(original_image.size, resample=Image.BILINEAR) return mask def __call__( self, images: List[Union[str, pathlib.Path, PIL.Image.Image]] ) -> List[PIL.Image.Image]: """ Passes input images though neural network and returns segmentation masks as PIL.Image.Image instances Args: images: input images Returns: segmentation masks as for input images, as PIL.Image.Image instances """ collect_masks = [] autocast, dtype = get_precision_autocast(device=self.device, fp16=self.fp16) with autocast: cast_network(self, dtype) for image_batch in batch_generator(images, self.batch_size): images = thread_pool_processing( lambda x: convert_image(load_image(x)), image_batch ) batches = torch.vstack( thread_pool_processing(self.data_preprocessing, images) ) with torch.no_grad(): batches = batches.to(self.device) masks = super(TracerDecoder, self).__call__(batches) masks_cpu = masks.cpu() del batches, masks masks = thread_pool_processing( lambda x: self.data_postprocessing(masks_cpu[x], images[x]), range(len(images)), ) collect_masks += masks return collect_masks class TracerHair(TracerUniversalB7): """TRACER HAIR model interface""" def __init__( self, device="cpu", input_image_size: Union[List[int], int] = 640, batch_size: int = 4, load_pretrained: bool = True, fp16: bool = False, model_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = None, ): if model_path is None: model_path = tracer_hair_pretrained() warnings.warn("TracerHair has not public model yet. Don't use it!", UserWarning) super(TracerHair, self).__init__( device=device, input_image_size=input_image_size, batch_size=batch_size, load_pretrained=load_pretrained, fp16=fp16, model_path=model_path, )