from pathlib import Path import click import tqdm from carvekit.utils.image_utils import ALLOWED_SUFFIXES from carvekit.utils.pool_utils import batch_generator, thread_pool_processing from carvekit.web.schemas.config import MLConfig from carvekit.web.utils.init_utils import init_interface from carvekit.utils.fs_utils import save_file @click.command( "removebg", help="Performs background removal on specified photos using console interface.", ) @click.option("-i", required=True, type=str, help="Path to input file or dir") @click.option("-o", default="none", type=str, help="Path to output file or dir") @click.option("--pre", default="none", type=str, help="Preprocessing method") @click.option("--post", default="fba", type=str, help="Postprocessing method.") @click.option("--net", default="tracer_b7", type=str, help="Segmentation Network") @click.option( "--recursive", default=False, type=bool, help="Enables recursive search for images in a folder", ) @click.option( "--batch_size", default=10, type=int, help="Batch Size for list of images to be loaded to RAM", ) @click.option( "--batch_size_seg", default=5, type=int, help="Batch size for list of images to be processed by segmentation " "network", ) @click.option( "--batch_size_mat", default=1, type=int, help="Batch size for list of images to be processed by matting " "network", ) @click.option( "--seg_mask_size", default=640, type=int, help="The size of the input image for the segmentation neural network.", ) @click.option( "--matting_mask_size", default=2048, type=int, help="The size of the input image for the matting neural network.", ) @click.option( "--trimap_dilation", default=30, type=int, help="The size of the offset radius from the object mask in " "pixels when forming an unknown area", ) @click.option( "--trimap_erosion", default=5, type=int, help="The number of iterations of erosion that the object's " "mask will be subjected to before forming an unknown area", ) @click.option( "--trimap_prob_threshold", default=231, type=int, help="Probability threshold at which the prob_filter " "and prob_as_unknown_area operations will be " "applied", ) @click.option("--device", default="cpu", type=str, help="Processing Device.") @click.option( "--fp16", default=False, type=bool, help="Enables mixed precision processing." ) def removebg( i: str, o: str, pre: str, post: str, net: str, recursive: bool, batch_size: int, batch_size_seg: int, batch_size_mat: int, seg_mask_size: int, matting_mask_size: int, device: str, fp16: bool, trimap_dilation: int, trimap_erosion: int, trimap_prob_threshold: int, ): out_path = Path(o) input_path = Path(i) if input_path.is_dir(): if recursive: all_images = input_path.rglob("*.*") else: all_images = input_path.glob("*.*") all_images = [ i for i in all_images if i.suffix.lower() in ALLOWED_SUFFIXES and "_bg_removed" not in ] else: all_images = [input_path] interface_config = MLConfig( segmentation_network=net, preprocessing_method=pre, postprocessing_method=post, device=device, batch_size_seg=batch_size_seg, batch_size_matting=batch_size_mat, seg_mask_size=seg_mask_size, matting_mask_size=matting_mask_size, fp16=fp16, trimap_dilation=trimap_dilation, trimap_erosion=trimap_erosion, trimap_prob_threshold=trimap_prob_threshold, ) interface = init_interface(interface_config) for image_batch in tqdm.tqdm( batch_generator(all_images, n=batch_size), total=int(len(all_images) / batch_size), desc="Removing background", unit=" image batch", colour="blue", ): images_without_background = interface(image_batch) # Remove background thread_pool_processing( lambda x: save_file(out_path, image_batch[x], images_without_background[x]), range((len(image_batch))), ) # Drop images to fs if __name__ == "__main__": removebg()