{"id":"2308.05428","submitter":"Haozhe Wu","authors":"Haozhe Wu, Songtao Zhou, Jia Jia, Junliang Xing, Qi Wen, Xiang Wen","title":"Speech-Driven 3D Face Animation with Composite and Regional Facial\n Movements","comments":"Accepted by MM 2023, 9 pages, 7 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.MM","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Speech-driven 3D face animation poses significant challenges due to the\nintricacy and variability inherent in human facial movements. This paper\nemphasizes the importance of considering both the composite and regional\nnatures of facial movements in speech-driven 3D face animation. The composite\nnature pertains to how speech-independent factors globally modulate\nspeech-driven facial movements along the temporal dimension. Meanwhile, the\nregional nature alludes to the notion that facial movements are not globally\ncorrelated but are actuated by local musculature along the spatial dimension.\nIt is thus indispensable to incorporate both natures for engendering vivid\nanimation. To address the composite nature, we introduce an adaptive modulation\nmodule that employs arbitrary facial movements to dynamically adjust\nspeech-driven facial movements across frames on a global scale. To accommodate\nthe regional nature, our approach ensures that each constituent of the facial\nfeatures for every frame focuses on the local spatial movements of 3D faces.\nMoreover, we present a non-autoregressive backbone for translating audio to 3D\nfacial movements, which maintains high-frequency nuances of facial movements\nand facilitates efficient inference. Comprehensive experiments and user studies\ndemonstrate that our method surpasses contemporary state-of-the-art approaches\nboth qualitatively and quantitatively.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 08:42:20 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Wu","Haozhe",""],["Zhou","Songtao",""],["Jia","Jia",""],["Xing","Junliang",""],["Wen","Qi",""],["Wen","Xiang",""]]} {"id":"2308.05429","submitter":"Johannes Zeitler","authors":"Johannes Zeitler, Simon Deniffel, Michael Krause, and Meinard M\\\"uller","title":"Stabilizing Training with Soft Dynamic Time Warping: A Case Study for\n Pitch Class Estimation with Weakly Aligned Targets","comments":"Accepted for ISMIR 2023, Milano, Italy","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.AS cs.SD","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Soft dynamic time warping (SDTW) is a differentiable loss function that\nallows for training neural networks from weakly aligned data. Typically, SDTW\nis used to iteratively compute and refine soft alignments that compensate for\ntemporal deviations between the training data and its weakly annotated targets.\nOne major problem is that a mismatch between the estimated soft alignments and\nthe reference alignments in the early training stage leads to incorrect\nparameter updates, making the overall training procedure unstable. In this\npaper, we investigate such stability issues by considering the task of pitch\nclass estimation from music recordings as an illustrative case study. In\nparticular, we introduce and discuss three conceptually different strategies (a\nhyperparameter scheduling, a diagonal prior, and a sequence unfolding strategy)\nwith the objective of stabilizing intermediate soft alignment results. Finally,\nwe report on experiments that demonstrate the effectiveness of the strategies\nand discuss efficiency and implementation issues.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 08:42:57 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Zeitler","Johannes",""],["Deniffel","Simon",""],["Krause","Michael",""],["M\u00fcller","Meinard",""]]} {"id":"2308.05430","submitter":"Jyoti Kini","authors":"Jyoti Kini, Sarah Fleischer, Ishan Dave, Mubarak Shah","title":"Ensemble Modeling for Multimodal Visual Action Recognition","comments":"Technical Report accepted at the Multimodal Action Recognition\n Challenge on the MECCANO Dataset - ICIAP 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" In this work, we propose an ensemble modeling approach for multimodal action\nrecognition. We independently train individual modality models using a variant\nof focal loss tailored to handle the long-tailed distribution of the MECCANO\n[21] dataset. Based on the underlying principle of focal loss, which captures\nthe relationship between tail (scarce) classes and their prediction\ndifficulties, we propose an exponentially decaying variant of focal loss for\nour current task. It initially emphasizes learning from the hard misclassified\nexamples and gradually adapts to the entire range of examples in the dataset.\nThis annealing process encourages the model to strike a balance between\nfocusing on the sparse set of hard samples, while still leveraging the\ninformation provided by the easier ones. Additionally, we opt for the late\nfusion strategy to combine the resultant probability distributions from RGB and\nDepth modalities for final action prediction. Experimental evaluations on the\nMECCANO dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 08:43:20 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Kini","Jyoti",""],["Fleischer","Sarah",""],["Dave","Ishan",""],["Shah","Mubarak",""]]} {"id":"2308.05431","submitter":"T. Jeremy P. Karpowski","authors":"T. Jeremy P. Karpowski, Federica Ferraro, Matthias Steinhausen,\n Sebastian Popp, Christoph M. Arndt, Christian Kraus, Henning Bockhorn,\n Wolfgang Meier, Christian Hasse","title":"Numerical Investigation of the Local Thermo-Chemical State in a\n Thermo-Acoustically Unstable Dual Swirl Gas Turbine Model Combustor","comments":"Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2022 Turbomachinery Technical\n Conference and Exposition. Volume 3B Combustion, Fuels, and Emissions.\n Rotterdam, Netherlands. 2022 ASME","journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1115/GT2022-83810","report-no":null,"categories":"physics.flu-dyn","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" In this work, the thermo-acoustic instabilities of a gas turbine model\ncombustor, the so-called SFB606 combustor, are numerically investigated using\nLarge Eddy Simulation (LES) combined with tabulated chemistry and Artificial\nThickened Flame (ATF) approach. The main focus is a detailed analysis of the\nthermo-acoustic cycle and the accompanied equivalence ratio oscillations and\ntheir associated convective time delay. In particular, the variations of the\nthermo-chemical state and flame characteristics over the thermo-acoustic cycle\nare investigated. For the operating point flame B ($P_{th}=25\\,$kW), the burner\nexhibits thermo-acoustic instabilities with a dominant frequency of 392Hz, the\nacoustic eigenmode of the inner air inlet duct. These oscillations are\naccompanied by an equivalence ratio oscillation, which exhibits a convective\ntime delay between the injection in the inner swirler and the flame zone. Two\nLES, one adiabatic and one accounting for heat losses at the walls by\nprescribing the wall temperatures from experimental data and Conjugated Heat\nTransfer (CHT) simulations, are conducted. Results with the enthalpy-dependent\ntable are found to predict the time-averaged flow field in terms of velocity,\nmajor species, and temperature with higher accuracy than in the adiabatic case.\nFurther, they indicate, that heat losses should be accounted for to correctly\npredict the flame position. Subsequently, the thermo-chemical state variations\nover the thermo-acoustic cycle for the enthalpy-dependant case are analyzed in\ndetail and compared with experimental data in terms of phase-conditioned\naveraged profiles and conditional averages. An overall good prediction is\nobserved. The results provide a detailed quantitative analysis of the\nthermo-acoustic feedback mechanism of this burner.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 08:45:34 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Karpowski","T. Jeremy P.",""],["Ferraro","Federica",""],["Steinhausen","Matthias",""],["Popp","Sebastian",""],["Arndt","Christoph M.",""],["Kraus","Christian",""],["Bockhorn","Henning",""],["Meier","Wolfgang",""],["Hasse","Christian",""]]} {"id":"2308.05432","submitter":"Ankit Anand","authors":"Ankit Anand","title":"Island in Warped AdS Black Holes","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-th","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" This paper investigates the Page curve in Warped Anti-de Sitter black holes\nusing the quantum extremal surface prescription. The findings reveal that in\nthe absence of an island, the entanglement entropy of Hawking radiation grows\nproportionally with time and becomes divergent at later times. However, when\nconsidering the island's emergence, which extends slightly beyond the event\nhorizon, the growth of the entanglement entropy of Hawking radiation comes to a\nconstant value. Eventually, the constant value is precisely twice the\nBekenstein-Hawking entropy. We have also discussed the Page time as well as the\nScrambling time.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 08:47:48 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Anand","Ankit",""]]} {"id":"2308.05433","submitter":"Diego Gonzalez-Buitrago Dr.","authors":"D. H. Gonz\\'alez-Buitrago, Ma. T. Garc\\'ia-D\\'iaz, F. Pozo Nu\\~nez,\n and Hengxiao Guo","title":"On the nature of the continuum reverberation of X-ray/UV and optical\n emission of IRAS 09149-6206","comments":"10 pages, 11 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.HE astro-ph.GA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We present the results of a continuum reverberation mapping study of the\nradio-quiet Seyfert 1 galaxy IRAS 09149-6206. The analysis was performed using\nX-ray, UV and optical observations made with the {\\em Swift} telescope between\nJanuary and December 2017. The time delays between different light curves were\nmeasured using three different algorithms: PyI$^2$CCF, PyROA and JAVELIN. Our\nresults show that the time delays increase with wavelength after $\\tau\\propto\n\\lambda^{4/3}$, as predicted for a geometrically thin and optically thick\naccretion disc, but only after accounting for significant diffuse continuum\nemission from the broad line region. However, the measured size of the\naccretion disc can be up to five times larger than that predicted by standard\ntheory. To our surprise, the strong increase in soft X-ray fluxes is delayed by\nabout 15 days compared to the optical UV fluctuations, which challenges the\nprediction of the lamp-post model. Our analysis of the X-ray variability\nreveals the presence of a non-variable spectral component at 0.3-6.0 keV along\nwith variable excess emission at 2.0-3.0 keV, which could be partly related to\nrelativistic reflection in the inner region of the accretion disc. IRAS\n09149-6206 joins the list of objects for which the traditional lamp-post model\ncannot explain the observed time delays. A scenario that incorporates other\ngeometric considerations into the lamp-post model, e.g. an extended corona\nalong a scattering source, might be better suited to explain the observed long\ntime delays\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 08:48:52 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Gonz\u00e1lez-Buitrago","D. H.",""],["Garc\u00eda-D\u00edaz","Ma. T.",""],["Nu\u00f1ez","F. Pozo",""],["Guo","Hengxiao",""]]} {"id":"2308.05434","submitter":"Bohayra Mortazavi","authors":"Bohayra Mortazavi, Yves Remond, Hongyuan Fang, Timon Rabczuk and\n Xiaoying Zhuang","title":"Hexagonal boron-carbon fullerene heterostructures; Stable\n two-dimensional semiconductors with remarkable stiffness, low thermal\n conductivity and flat bands","comments":null,"journal-ref":"Materials Today Communications 2023","doi":"10.1016/j.mtcomm.2023.106856","report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mtrl-sci cond-mat.mes-hall","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Among exciting recent advances in the field of two-dimensional (2D)\nmaterials, the successful fabrications of the C60 fullerene networks has been a\nparticularly inspiring accomplishment. Motivated by the recent achievements,\nherein we explore the stability and physical properties of novel hexagonal\nboron-carbon fullerene 2D heterostructures, on the basis of already synthesized\nB40 and C36 fullerenes. By performing extensive structural minimizations of\ndiverse atomic configurations using the density functional theory method, for\nthe first time, we could successfully detect thermally and dynamically stable\nboron-carbon fullerene 2D heterostructures. Density functional theory results\nconfirm that the herein predicted 2D networks exhibit very identical\nsemiconducting electronic natures with topological flat bands. Using the\nmachine learning interatomic potentials, we also investigated the mechanical\nand thermal transport properties. Despite of different bonding architectures,\nthe room temperature lattice thermal conductivity of the predicted nanoporous\nfullerene heterostructures was found to range between 4 to 10 W/mK.\nBoron-carbon fullerene heterostructures are predicted to show anisotropic but\nalso remarkable mechanical properties, with tensile strengths and elastic\nmodulus over 8 and 70 GPa, respectively. This study introduces the possibility\nof developing a novel class of 2D heterostructures based on the fullerene\ncages, with attractive electronic, thermal and mechanical features.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 08:49:04 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Mortazavi","Bohayra",""],["Remond","Yves",""],["Fang","Hongyuan",""],["Rabczuk","Timon",""],["Zhuang","Xiaoying",""]]} {"id":"2308.05435","submitter":"Tilo Wiklund","authors":"Tilo Wiklund","title":"Another look at binomial and related distributions exceeding values\n close to their centre","comments":"19 pages, 2 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.PR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We generalise the known fact that for binomial $X_{n,k} \\sim \\mathrm{Bin}(n,\nk/n)$ one has $\\inf_{k>1,n} \\mathrm{P}(X_{n,k} \\geq k) \\geq \\lim_{k \\to\n1+}\\mathrm{P}(X_{2,k} \\geq k) = 1/4$ to cover probabilities of exceeding a\nconstant shift away from the mean. The proof is very short and the theorem\nyields the original result as a special case, as well as proving that an\nanalogous result holds for the Poisson distribution. We furthermore prove a\nsimilar property holds for the family of beta distributions near their mode.\nThanks to the connection between Binomial and Beta distributions, this allows\nus to shed some further light on the original result regarding Binomial\nprobabilities.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 08:49:15 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Wiklund","Tilo",""]]} {"id":"2308.05436","submitter":"Yuya Kusuki","authors":"Andreas Karch, Yuya Kusuki, Hirosi Ooguri, Hao-Yu Sun, Mianqi Wang","title":"Universality of Effective Central Charge in Interface CFTs","comments":"25 pages, 10 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":"CALT-TH 2023-031, IPMU 23-0025, RIKEN-iTHEMS-Report-23","categories":"hep-th cond-mat.str-el","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" When an interface connects two CFTs, the entanglement entropy between the two\nCFTs is determined by a quantity called the effective central charge. The\neffective central charge does not have a simple form in terms of the central\ncharges of the two CFTs, but intricately depends on the transmissive properties\nof the interface. In this article, we examine universal properties of the\neffective central charge. We first clarify how the effective central charge\nappears when considering general subsystems of the interface CFT. Then using\nthis result and ideas used in the proof of the $c$-theorem, we provide a\nuniversal upper bound on the effective central charge.\n In past studies, the effective central charge was defined only in two\ndimensions. We propose an analogue of the effective central charge in general\ndimensions possessing similar universal properties as in two dimensions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 08:49:54 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Karch","Andreas",""],["Kusuki","Yuya",""],["Ooguri","Hirosi",""],["Sun","Hao-Yu",""],["Wang","Mianqi",""]]} {"id":"2308.05437","submitter":"Pratap Sahoo","authors":"Madhusmita Sahoo, Kalyan Ghosh, Swayamprakash Sahoo, Pratap K. Sahoo,\n Tom Mathews, and Sandip Dhara","title":"Determination of Thermal Conductivity of phase pure 10H-SiC Thin Films\n by non-destructive Raman Thermometry","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.app-ph cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" 10 H SiC thin films are potential candidates for devices that can be used in\nhigh temperature and high radiation environment. Measurement of thermal\nconductivity of thin films by a non-invasive method is very useful for such\ndevice fabrication. Micro-Raman method serves as an important tool in this\naspect and is known as Raman Thermometry. It utilises a steady-state heat\ntransfer model in a semi-infinite half space and provides for an effective\ntechnique to measure thermal conductivity of films as a function of film\nthickness and laser spot size. This method has two limiting conditions i.e.\nthick film limit and thin film limit. The limiting conditions of this model was\nexplored by simulating the model for different film thicknesses at constant\nlaser spot size. 10H SiC films of three different thicknesses i.e. 104, 135 and\n156 nm were chosen to validate the thin film limiting condition. It was found\nthat the ideal thickness at which this method can be utilised for calculating\nthermal conductivity is 156 nm. Thermal conductivity of 156 nm film is found to\nbe 102.385 $(Wm^{-1}K^{-1})$.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 08:50:15 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Sahoo","Madhusmita",""],["Ghosh","Kalyan",""],["Sahoo","Swayamprakash",""],["Sahoo","Pratap K.",""],["Mathews","Tom",""],["Dhara","Sandip",""]]} {"id":"2308.05438","submitter":"Jun Zhou","authors":"Jun Zhou, Kai Chen, Linlin Xu, Qi Dou, Jing Qin","title":"Deep Fusion Transformer Network with Weighted Vector-Wise Keypoints\n Voting for Robust 6D Object Pose Estimation","comments":"Accepted by ICCV2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" One critical challenge in 6D object pose estimation from a single RGBD image\nis efficient integration of two different modalities, i.e., color and depth. In\nthis work, we tackle this problem by a novel Deep Fusion Transformer~(DFTr)\nblock that can aggregate cross-modality features for improving pose estimation.\nUnlike existing fusion methods, the proposed DFTr can better model\ncross-modality semantic correlation by leveraging their semantic similarity,\nsuch that globally enhanced features from different modalities can be better\nintegrated for improved information extraction. Moreover, to further improve\nrobustness and efficiency, we introduce a novel weighted vector-wise voting\nalgorithm that employs a non-iterative global optimization strategy for precise\n3D keypoint localization while achieving near real-time inference. Extensive\nexperiments show the effectiveness and strong generalization capability of our\nproposed 3D keypoint voting algorithm. Results on four widely used benchmarks\nalso demonstrate that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods by\nlarge margins.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 08:52:08 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Zhou","Jun",""],["Chen","Kai",""],["Xu","Linlin",""],["Dou","Qi",""],["Qin","Jing",""]]} {"id":"2308.05439","submitter":"Marko Gacesa","authors":"Marko Gacesa","title":"Elastic and inelastic cross sections for $^{12}$C+CO$_2$ and\n $^{13}$C+CO$_2$ scattering at superthermal energies","comments":"9 pages, 9 figures; submitted to MNRAS","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.EP physics.ao-ph physics.atom-ph physics.chem-ph physics.space-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We report elastic and inelastic cross sections for fast superthermal\n$^{12}$C($^3P$) and $^{13}$C($^3P$) atoms scattering on $^{12}$CO$_2$. The\ncross sections were computed using quantum-mechanical rotationally\nclose-coupling formalism with the electronic interaction described by a newly\nconstructed potential energy surface correlating to the lowest energy asymptote\nof the complex. State-to-state cross sections, differential cross sections, and\nderived transport properties of interest for energy relaxation are also\nreported. The computed elastic cross sections are strongly anisotropic, show\nsignificant energy dependence, and differ by up to 2% between the two isotopes\nof carbon.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 08:55:34 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Gacesa","Marko",""]]} {"id":"2308.05440","submitter":"Vittorio De Falco Dr","authors":"Vittorio De Falco, Salvatore Capozziello","title":"Static and spherically symmetric wormholes in metric-affine theories of\n gravity","comments":"10 pages, 1 table","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"gr-qc astro-ph.HE hep-th","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We consider static and spherically symmetric wormhole solutions in extended\nmetric-affine theories of gravity supposing that stability and traversability\nof these objects can be achieved by means of the geometric degrees of freedom.\nIn particular, we consider $f(R)$ metric, $f(T)$ teleparallel, and $f(Q)$\nsymmetric teleparallel models where curvature, torsion, and non-metricity rule\nentirely the background geometry without invoking any exotic energy-momentum\ntensor as matter field source. Starting from the flaring out and null energy\nconditions, we gather together a series of constraints which allow us to state\nthat stable and traversable wormholes can be derived in a purely geometric\napproach resorting to modified gravity theories with more degrees of freedom\nthan general relativity.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 08:56:39 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["De Falco","Vittorio",""],["Capozziello","Salvatore",""]]} {"id":"2308.05441","submitter":"Hao Liang","authors":"Hao Liang, Pietro Perona and Guha Balakrishnan","title":"Benchmarking Algorithmic Bias in Face Recognition: An Experimental\n Approach Using Synthetic Faces and Human Evaluation","comments":"accepted to iccv2023; 18 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We propose an experimental method for measuring bias in face recognition\nsystems. Existing methods to measure bias depend on benchmark datasets that are\ncollected in the wild and annotated for protected (e.g., race, gender) and\nnon-protected (e.g., pose, lighting) attributes. Such observational datasets\nonly permit correlational conclusions, e.g., \"Algorithm A's accuracy is\ndifferent on female and male faces in dataset X.\". By contrast, experimental\nmethods manipulate attributes individually and thus permit causal conclusions,\ne.g., \"Algorithm A's accuracy is affected by gender and skin color.\"\n Our method is based on generating synthetic faces using a neural face\ngenerator, where each attribute of interest is modified independently while\nleaving all other attributes constant. Human observers crucially provide the\nground truth on perceptual identity similarity between synthetic image pairs.\nWe validate our method quantitatively by evaluating race and gender biases of\nthree research-grade face recognition models. Our synthetic pipeline reveals\nthat for these algorithms, accuracy is lower for Black and East Asian\npopulation subgroups. Our method can also quantify how perceptual changes in\nattributes affect face identity distances reported by these models. Our large\nsynthetic dataset, consisting of 48,000 synthetic face image pairs (10,200\nunique synthetic faces) and 555,000 human annotations (individual attributes\nand pairwise identity comparisons) is available to researchers in this\nimportant area.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 08:57:31 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Liang","Hao",""],["Perona","Pietro",""],["Balakrishnan","Guha",""]]} {"id":"2308.05442","submitter":"Di Wu","authors":"Rui Li, Di Wu, Jinfeng Li","title":"Optimal chromatic bound for ($P_3\\cup P_2$, house)-free graphs","comments":"arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2307.11946","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Let $G$ and $H$ be two vertex disjoint graphs. The {\\em union} $G\\cup H$ is\nthe graph with $V(G\\cup H)=V(G)\\cup V(H)$ and $E(G\\cup H)=E(G)\\cup E(H)$. We\nuse $P_k$ to denote a {\\em path} on $k$ vertices, use {\\em house} to denote the\ncomplement of $P_5$. In this paper, we show that $\\chi(G)\\le2\\omega(G)$ if $G$\nis ($P_3\\cup P_2$, house)-free. Moreover, this bound is optimal when\n$\\omega(G)\\ge2$.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 08:58:12 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Li","Rui",""],["Wu","Di",""],["Li","Jinfeng",""]]} {"id":"2308.05443","submitter":"Miguel Arturo Vega Torres","authors":"Miguel Arturo Vega Torres, Alexander Braun, Andr\\'e Borrmann","title":"Occupancy Grid Map to Pose Graph-based Map: Robust BIM-based 2D-LiDAR\n Localization for Lifelong Indoor Navigation in Changing and Dynamic\n Environments","comments":"8 pages, 5 figures, conference: eWork and eBusiness in Architecture,\n Engineering and Construction: ECPPM 2022. booktitle: eWork and eBusiness in\n Architecture, Engineering and Construction: ECPPM 2022,editors: Eilif\n Hjelseth, Sujesh F. Sujan, and Raimar Scherer, publisher: CRC Press, year:\n 2022,month: Sep,isbn: 978-1-003-35422-2","journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1201/9781003354222-72","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.RO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Several studies rely on the de facto standard Adaptive Monte Carlo\nLocalization (AMCL) method to localize a robot in an Occupancy Grid Map (OGM)\nextracted from a building information model (BIM model). However, most of these\nstudies assume that the BIM model precisely represents the real world, which is\nrarely true. Discrepancies between the reference BIM model and the real world\n(Scan-BIM deviations) are not only due to furniture or clutter but also the\nusual as-planned and as-built deviations that exist with any model created in\nthe design phase. These deviations affect the accuracy of AMCL drastically.\nThis paper proposes an open-source method to generate appropriate Pose\nGraph-based maps from BIM models for robust 2D-LiDAR localization in changing\nand dynamic environments. First, 2D OGMs are automatically generated from\ncomplex BIM models. These OGMs only represent structural elements allowing\nindoor autonomous robot navigation. Then, an efficient technique converts these\n2D OGMs into Pose Graph-based maps enabling more accurate robot pose tracking.\nFinally, we leverage the different map representations for accurate, robust\nlocalization with a combination of state-of-the-art algorithms. Moreover, we\nprovide a quantitative comparison of various state-of-the-art localization\nalgorithms in three simulated scenarios with varying levels of Scan-BIM\ndeviations and dynamic agents. More precisely, we compare two Particle Filter\n(PF) algorithms: AMCL and General Monte Carlo Localization (GMCL); and two\nGraph-based Localization (GBL) methods: Google's Cartographer and SLAM Toolbox,\nsolving the global localization and pose tracking problems. The numerous\nexperiments demonstrate that the proposed method contributes to a robust\nlocalization with an as-designed BIM model or a sparse OGM in changing and\ndynamic environments, outperforming the conventional AMCL in accuracy and\nrobustness.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 08:59:47 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Torres","Miguel Arturo Vega",""],["Braun","Alexander",""],["Borrmann","Andr\u00e9",""]]} {"id":"2308.05444","submitter":"Barbara Bazzana","authors":"Barbara Bazzana, Henrik Andreasson, Giorgio Grisetti","title":"How-to Augmented Lagrangian on Factor Graphs","comments":"This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication.\n Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no\n longer be accessible","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.RO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Factor graphs are a very powerful graphical representation, used to model\nmany problems in robotics. They are widely spread in the areas of Simultaneous\nLocalization and Mapping (SLAM), computer vision, and localization. In this\npaper we describe an approach to fill the gap with other areas, such as optimal\ncontrol, by presenting an extension of Factor Graph Solvers to constrained\noptimization. The core idea of our method is to encapsulate the Augmented\nLagrangian (AL) method in factors of the graph that can be integrated\nstraightforwardly in existing factor graph solvers. We show the generality of\nour approach by addressing three applications, arising from different areas:\npose estimation, rotation synchronization and Model Predictive Control (MPC) of\na pseudo-omnidirectional platform. We implemented our approach using C++ and\nROS. Besides the generality of the approach, application results show that we\ncan favorably compare against domain specific approaches.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 09:01:18 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Bazzana","Barbara",""],["Andreasson","Henrik",""],["Grisetti","Giorgio",""]]} {"id":"2308.05445","submitter":"Kuan-Yu Lin","authors":"Kuan-Yu Lin, Yu-Chih Huang, and Yu-Pin Hsu","title":"Scheduling for Periodic Multi-Source Systems with Peak-Age Violation\n Guarantees","comments":"32 pages, 11 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with\n arXiv:2206.04303","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IT math.IT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Age of information (AoI) is an effective performance metric measuring the\nfreshness of information and is particularly suitable for applications\ninvolving status update. In this paper, using the age violation probability as\nthe metric, scheduling for heterogeneous multi-source systems is studied. Two\nqueueing disciplines, namely the infinite packet queueing discipline and the\nsingle packet queueing discipline, are considered for scheduling packets within\neach source. A generalized round-robin (GRR) scheduling policy is then proposed\nto schedule the sources. Bounds on the exponential decay rate of the age\nviolation probability for the proposed GRR scheduling policy under each\nqueueing discipline are rigorously analyzed. Simulation results are provided,\nwhich show that the proposed GRR scheduling policy can efficiently serve many\nsources with heterogeneous arrivals and that our bounds can capture the true\ndecay rate quite accurately. When specialized to the homogeneous source\nsetting, the analysis concretizes the common belief that the single packet\nqueueing discipline has a better AoI performance than the infinite packet\nqueueing discipline. Moreover, simulations on this special case reveals that\nunder the proposed scheduling policy, the two disciplines would have similar\nasymptotic performance when the inter-arrival time is much larger than the\ntotal transmission time.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 09:05:09 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Lin","Kuan-Yu",""],["Huang","Yu-Chih",""],["Hsu","Yu-Pin",""]]} {"id":"2308.05446","submitter":"Mirco Piccinini","authors":"Mirco Piccinini","title":"A limiting case in partial regularity for quasiconvex functionals","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Local minimizers of nonhomogeneous quasiconvex variational integrals with\nstandard $p$-growth of the type $$ w \\mapsto \\int \\left[F(Dw)-f\\cdot w\\right]dx\n$$ feature almost everywhere $\\mbox{BMO}$-regular gradient provided that $f$\nbelongs to the borderline Marcinkiewicz space $L(n,\\infty)$.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 09:05:20 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Piccinini","Mirco",""]]} {"id":"2308.05447","submitter":"Pan Mu","authors":"Pan Mu, Hanning Xu, Zheyuan Liu, Zheng Wang, Sixian Chan, Cong Bai","title":"A Generalized Physical-knowledge-guided Dynamic Model for Underwater\n Image Enhancement","comments":"Accepted by ACMMM 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV eess.IV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Underwater images often suffer from color distortion and low contrast\nresulting in various image types, due to the scattering and absorption of light\nby water. While it is difficult to obtain high-quality paired training samples\nwith a generalized model. To tackle these challenges, we design a Generalized\nUnderwater image enhancement method via a Physical-knowledge-guided Dynamic\nModel (short for GUPDM), consisting of three parts: Atmosphere-based Dynamic\nStructure (ADS), Transmission-guided Dynamic Structure (TDS), and Prior-based\nMulti-scale Structure (PMS). In particular, to cover complex underwater scenes,\nthis study changes the global atmosphere light and the transmission to simulate\nvarious underwater image types (e.g., the underwater image color ranging from\nyellow to blue) through the formation model. We then design ADS and TDS that\nuse dynamic convolutions to adaptively extract prior information from\nunderwater images and generate parameters for PMS. These two modules enable the\nnetwork to select appropriate parameters for various water types adaptively.\nBesides, the multi-scale feature extraction module in PMS uses convolution\nblocks with different kernel sizes and obtains weights for each feature map via\nchannel attention block and fuses them to boost the receptive field of the\nnetwork. The source code will be available at\n\\href{https://github.com/shiningZZ/GUPDM}{https://github.com/shiningZZ/GUPDM}.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 09:09:15 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Mu","Pan",""],["Xu","Hanning",""],["Liu","Zheyuan",""],["Wang","Zheng",""],["Chan","Sixian",""],["Bai","Cong",""]]} {"id":"2308.05448","submitter":"Natalia Bondarenko","authors":"Natalia P. Bondarenko","title":"Local solvability and stability of an inverse spectral problem for\n higher-order differential operators","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.SP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In this paper, we for the first time prove local solvability and stability of\nan inverse spectral problem for higher-order ($n > 3$) differential operators\nwith distribution coefficients. The inverse problem consists in the recovery of\ndifferential equation coefficients from $(n-1)$ spectra and the corresponding\nweight numbers. The proof method is constructive. It is based on the reduction\nof the nonlinear inverse problem to a linear equation in the Banach space of\ninfinite sequences. We prove that, under a small perturbation of the spectral\ndata, the main equation remains uniquely solvable and estimate the differences\nof the coefficients in the corresponding functional spaces.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 09:13:58 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Bondarenko","Natalia P.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05449","submitter":"Sahar Almahfouz Nasser","authors":"Sahar Almahfouz Nasser, Ashutosh Sharma, Anmol Saraf, Amruta Mahendra\n Parulekar, Purvi Haria, and Amit Sethi","title":"Transforming Breast Cancer Diagnosis: Towards Real-Time Ultrasound to\n Mammogram Conversion for Cost-Effective Diagnosis","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.IV cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Ultrasound (US) imaging is better suited for intraoperative settings because\nit is real-time and more portable than other imaging techniques, such as\nmammography. However, US images are characterized by lower spatial resolution\nnoise-like artifacts. This research aims to address these limitations by\nproviding surgeons with mammogram-like image quality in real-time from noisy US\nimages. Unlike previous approaches for improving US image quality that aim to\nreduce artifacts by treating them as (speckle noise), we recognize their value\nas informative wave interference pattern (WIP). To achieve this, we utilize the\nStride software to numerically solve the forward model, generating ultrasound\nimages from mammograms images by solving wave-equations. Additionally, we\nleverage the power of domain adaptation to enhance the realism of the simulated\nultrasound images. Then, we utilize generative adversarial networks (GANs) to\ntackle the inverse problem of generating mammogram-quality images from\nultrasound images. The resultant images have considerably more discernible\ndetails than the original US images.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 09:15:15 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Nasser","Sahar Almahfouz",""],["Sharma","Ashutosh",""],["Saraf","Anmol",""],["Parulekar","Amruta Mahendra",""],["Haria","Purvi",""],["Sethi","Amit",""]]} {"id":"2308.05450","submitter":"Martin Fraas","authors":"Martin Fraas","title":"Commuting Kraus operators are normal","comments":"6 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math-ph math.MP math.RA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Let $\\{V_1, \\dots, V_n \\}$ be a set of mutually commuting matrices. We show\nthat if $V_1^* V_1 + \\cdots +V_n^* V_n = {\\rm Id}$ then the matrices are normal\nand, in particular, simultaneously diagonalizable.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 09:16:03 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Fraas","Martin",""]]} {"id":"2308.05451","submitter":"Feng Li","authors":"Feng Li","title":"A Forecaster's Review of Judea Pearl's Causality: Models, Reasoning and\n Inference, Second Edition, 2009","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.ME cs.LG stat.AP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" With the big popularity and success of Judea Pearl's original causality book,\nthis review covers the main topics updated in the second edition in 2009 and\nillustrates an easy-to-follow causal inference strategy in a forecast scenario.\nIt further discusses some potential benefits and challenges for causal\ninference with time series forecasting when modeling the counterfactuals,\nestimating the uncertainty and incorporating prior knowledge to estimate causal\neffects in different forecasting scenarios.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 09:17:07 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Li","Feng",""]]} {"id":"2308.05452","submitter":"Muhammad Khalil","authors":"Muhammad I Khalil","title":"Optimizing Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for Improved Space-based\n Communication Amidst Phase Shift Errors","comments":"Ten pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RISs) have emerged as a promising\ntechnology for enhancing satellite communication systems by manipulating the\nphase of electromagnetic waves. This study addresses optimising phase shift\nvalues (\\phi_{R}) in RIS networks under both ideal and non-ideal conditions.\nFor ideal scenarios, we introduce a novel approach that simplifies the\ntraditional optimisation methods for determining the optimal value. Leveraging\ntrigonometric identities and the law of cosines, we create a more tractable\nformulation for the received power that allows for efficient optimisation of\n\\phi_{R}. However, practical applications often grapple with non-ideal\nconditions. These conditions can introduce phase errors, significantly\naffecting the received signal and overall system performance. To accommodate\nthese complexities, our optimisation framework extends to include phase errors,\nwhich are modelled as a uniform distribution. To solve this optimisation\nproblem, we propose a stochastic framework that harnesses the Monte Carlo\nmethod to consider all plausible phase error values. Furthermore, we employ the\nBroyden Fletcher Goldfarb Shanno (BFGS) algorithm, an iterative method known\nfor its efficacy. This algorithm systematically updates \\phi_{R} values,\nincorporating the gradient of the objective function and Hessian matrix\napproximations. The algorithm also monitors convergence to balance\ncomputational complexity and accuracy. The results of the theoretical analysis\nare illustrated with several examples. As herein demonstrated, the proposed\nsolution offers profound insights into the impacts of phase errors on RIS\nsystem performance. It also unveils innovative optimisation strategies for\nreal-world satellite communication scenarios under diverse conditions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 09:22:54 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Khalil","Muhammad I",""]]} {"id":"2308.05453","submitter":"Hanieh Fattahi Dr","authors":"Soyeon Jun, Andreas Herbst, Kilian Scheffter, Nora John, Julia Kolb,\n Daniel Wehner, Hanieh Fattahi","title":"Highly Nonlinear Dynamics of In Vivo Deep-Tissue Interaction with\n Femtosecond Laser Pulses at 1030 nm","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.optics physics.bio-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We report on the highly nonlinear behavior observed in the central nervous\nsystem tissue of zebrafish (Danio rerio) when exposed to femtosecond pulses at\n1030 nm. At this irradiation wavelength, photo damage becomes detectable only\nafter exceeding a specific peak intensity threshold, which is independent of\nthe photon flux and irradiation time, distinguishing it from irradiation at\nshorter wavelengths. Furthermore, we investigate and quantify the role of\nexcessive heat in reducing the damage threshold, particularly during\nhigh-repetition-rate operations, which are desirable for label-free and\nmulti-dimensional microscopy techniques. To verify our findings, we examined\ncellular responses to tissue damage, including apoptosis and the recruitment of\nmacrophages and fibroblasts at different time points post-irradiation. These\nfindings substantially contribute to advancing the emerging nonlinear optical\nmicroscopy techniques and provide a strategy for inducing deep-tissue, precise\nand localized injuries using near-infrared femtosecond laser pulses.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 09:24:41 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Wed, 16 Aug 2023 08:01:24 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-17","authors_parsed":[["Jun","Soyeon",""],["Herbst","Andreas",""],["Scheffter","Kilian",""],["John","Nora",""],["Kolb","Julia",""],["Wehner","Daniel",""],["Fattahi","Hanieh",""]]} {"id":"2308.05454","submitter":"Hai-Le Yan","authors":"Xue-Qian Wang, Ying Zhao, Hao-Xuan Liu, Shuchen Sun, Hongbo Yang,\n Jiamin Zhong, Ganfeng Tu, Song Li, Hai-Le Yan, Liang Zuo","title":"Finite-temperature ductility-brittleness and electronic structures of\n Al$_{n}$Sc (n=1, 2 and 3)","comments":"14 pages, 10 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mtrl-sci physics.comp-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Finite-temperature ductility-brittleness and electronic structures of\nAl$_3$Sc, Al$_2$Sc and AlSc are studied comparatively by first-principles\ncalculations and ab-initio molecular dynamics. Results show that Al$_3$Sc and\nAl$_2$Sc are inherently brittle at both ground state and finite temperatures.\nBy contrast, AlSc possesses a significantly superior ductility evaluated from\nall Pugh's, Pettifor's and Poisson's ductility-brittleness criteria. At ground\nstate, AlSc meets the criteria of ductile according to Pugh's and Poisson's\ntheories, while it is categorized as the brittle in the frame of Pettifor's\npicture. With the increasing temperature, the ductility of all the studied\ncompounds exhibits a noticeable improvement. In particular, as the temperature\nrises, the Cauchy pressure of AlSc undergoes a transition from negative to\npositive. Thus, at high temperatures (T > 600 K), AlSc is unequivocally\nclassified as the ductile from all criteria considered. In all Al$_3$Sc,\nAl$_2$Sc and AlSc, the Al-Al bond, originated from s-p and p-p orbital\nhybridizations, and the Al-Sc bond, dominated by p-d covalent hybridization,\nare the first and second strongest chemical bonds, respectively. To explain the\ndifference in mechanical properties of the studied compounds, the mean bond\nstrength (MBS) is evaluated. The weaker Al-Al bond in AlSc, leading to a\nsmaller MBS, could be the origin for the softer elastic stiffness and superior\nintrinsic ductility. The longer length of the Al-Al bond in AlSc is responsible\nfor its weaker bond strength. Furthermore, the enhanced metallicity of the\nAl-Al bond in AlSc would also contribute to its exceptional ductility.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 09:25:01 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Xue-Qian",""],["Zhao","Ying",""],["Liu","Hao-Xuan",""],["Sun","Shuchen",""],["Yang","Hongbo",""],["Zhong","Jiamin",""],["Tu","Ganfeng",""],["Li","Song",""],["Yan","Hai-Le",""],["Zuo","Liang",""]]} {"id":"2308.05455","submitter":"Baksa Kolok","authors":"Baksa Kolok and Andr\\'as P\\'alyi","title":"Protocols to measure the non-Abelian Berry phase by pumping a spin qubit\n through a quantum-dot loop","comments":"11 pages main text, +5 pages appendix and bibliography, 9 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mes-hall quant-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" A quantum system constrained to a degenerate energy eigenspace can undergo a\nnontrival time evolution upon adiabatic driving, described by a non-Abelian\nBerry phase. This type of dynamics may provide logical gates in quantum\ncomputing that are robust against timing errors. A strong candidate to realize\nsuch holonomic quantum gates is an electron or hole spin qubit trapped in a\nspin-orbit-coupled semiconductor, whose twofold Kramers degeneracy is protected\nby time-reversal symmetry. Here, we propose and quantitatively analyze\nprotocols to measure the non-Abelian Berry phase by pumping a spin qubit\nthrough a loop of quantum dots. One of these protocols allows to characterize\nthe local internal Zeeman field directions in the dots of the loop. We expect a\nnear-term realisation of these protocols, as all key elements have been already\ndemonstrated in spin-qubit experiments. These experiments would be important to\nassess the potential of holonomic quantum gates for spin-based quantum\ninformation processing.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 09:26:25 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Kolok","Baksa",""],["P\u00e1lyi","Andr\u00e1s",""]]} {"id":"2308.05456","submitter":"Oliver Hines","authors":"Oliver Hines, Karla Diaz-Ordaz, Stijn Vansteelandt","title":"Optimally weighted average derivative effects","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.ME math.ST stat.TH","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Inference for weighted average derivative effects (WADEs) usually relies on\nkernel density estimators, which introduce complicated bandwidth-dependant\nbiases. By considering a new class of Riesz representers, we propose WADEs\nwhich require estimating conditional expectations only, and derive an optimally\nefficient WADE, also connected to projection parameters in partially linear\nmodels. We derive efficient estimators under the nonparametric model, which are\namenable to machine learning of working models. We propose novel learning\nstrategies based on the R-learner strategy. We perform a simulation study and\napply our estimators to determine the effect of Warfarin dose on blood clotting\nfunction.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 09:27:25 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Hines","Oliver",""],["Diaz-Ordaz","Karla",""],["Vansteelandt","Stijn",""]]} {"id":"2308.05457","submitter":"Xu Chang","authors":"Shuo Yang, Ruijia Li, and Chang Xu","title":"Alpha-Clustering in Nuclei and Its Impact on Nuclear Symmetry Energy","comments":"6 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review C","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"nucl-th","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Nuclear symmetry energy is a fundamental quantity currently under intense\ninvestigation in both nuclear physics and astrophysics. The {\\it softness} or\n{\\it stiffness} of symmetry energy is still under debate and the extraction of\nsymmetry energy from neutron skin thickness $R_{\\rm skin}$ remains a challenge.\nParity-violating measurements PREX and CREX provide important opportunities for\nconstraining $R_{\\rm skin}$ in $^{208}$Pb and $^{48}$Ca. We investigate the\noccurrence of $\\alpha$-cluster at the surface of nuclei and its impact on the\nextraction of symmetry energy from $R_{\\rm skin}$. Our result indicates that\nthe $\\alpha$-clustering probability in $^{208}$Pb is small and the extracted\ndensity slope of symmetry energy $L$ is almost unaffected. In contrast, the\n$\\alpha$-clustering probability in $^{48}$Ca is sizeable and the corresponding\ncorrection to $L$ should be taken into account. This correction progressively\nincreases with the $\\alpha$-clustering probability, leading to a modification\nof the $L$-$R_{\\rm skin}$ correlation, a fact may have important implications\nin constraining nuclear symmetry energy.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 09:31:08 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Yang","Shuo",""],["Li","Ruijia",""],["Xu","Chang",""]]} {"id":"2308.05458","submitter":"Tim R\\\"az","authors":"Tim R\\\"az","title":"Inter-Rater Reliability is Individual Fairness","comments":"4 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CY","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" In this note, a connection between inter-rater reliability and individual\nfairness is established. It is shown that inter-rater reliability is a special\ncase of individual fairness, a notion of fairness requiring that similar people\nare treated similarly.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 09:31:14 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["R\u00e4z","Tim",""]]} {"id":"2308.05459","submitter":"Changkun Liu","authors":"Changkun Liu, Yukun Zhao, Tristan Braud","title":"KS-APR: Keyframe Selection for Robust Absolute Pose Regression","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Markerless Mobile Augmented Reality (AR) aims to anchor digital content in\nthe physical world without using specific 2D or 3D objects. Absolute Pose\nRegressors (APR) are end-to-end machine learning solutions that infer the\ndevice's pose from a single monocular image. Thanks to their low computation\ncost, they can be directly executed on the constrained hardware of mobile AR\ndevices. However, APR methods tend to yield significant inaccuracies for input\nimages that are too distant from the training set. This paper introduces\nKS-APR, a pipeline that assesses the reliability of an estimated pose with\nminimal overhead by combining the inference results of the APR and the prior\nimages in the training set. Mobile AR systems tend to rely upon visual-inertial\nodometry to track the relative pose of the device during the experience. As\nsuch, KS-APR favours reliability over frequency, discarding unreliable poses.\nThis pipeline can integrate most existing APR methods to improve accuracy by\nfiltering unreliable images with their pose estimates. We implement the\npipeline on three types of APR models on indoor and outdoor datasets. The\nmedian error on position and orientation is reduced for all models, and the\nproportion of large errors is minimized across datasets. Our method enables\nstate-of-the-art APRs such as DFNetdm to outperform single-image and sequential\nAPR methods. These results demonstrate the scalability and effectiveness of\nKS-APR for visual localization tasks that do not require one-shot decisions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 09:32:20 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Liu","Changkun",""],["Zhao","Yukun",""],["Braud","Tristan",""]]} {"id":"2308.05460","submitter":"Ken Yamamoto","authors":"Ken Yamamoto, Seiya Uezu, Keiichiro Kagawa, Yoshihiro Yamazaki, Takuma\n Narizuka","title":"Statistical analysis of player and team ball possession time in football","comments":"10 pages, 9 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.soc-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In this study, the stochastic properties of player and team ball possession\ntimes in professional football matches are examined. Data analysis shows that\nplayer possession time follows a gamma distribution and the player count of a\nteam possession event follows a mixture of two geometric distributions. We\npropose a formula for expressing team possession time in terms of player\npossession time and player count in a team's possession, verifying its validity\nthrough data analysis. Furthermore, we calculate an approximate form of the\ndistribution of team possession time, and study its asymptotic property.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 09:34:22 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Yamamoto","Ken",""],["Uezu","Seiya",""],["Kagawa","Keiichiro",""],["Yamazaki","Yoshihiro",""],["Narizuka","Takuma",""]]} {"id":"2308.05461","submitter":"Giancarlo Rinaldo","authors":"Giancarlo Rinaldo, Francesco Romeo, Rajib Sarkar","title":"Level and pseudo-Gorenstein path polyominoes","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AC","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We classify path polyominoes which are level and pseudo-Gorenstein. Moreover,\nwe compute all level and pseudo-Gorenstein simple thin polyominoes with rank\nless than or equal to 10 and we compute the regularity of the pseudo-Gorenstein\nsimple thin polyominoes in relation to their cardinality.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 09:36:20 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Rinaldo","Giancarlo",""],["Romeo","Francesco",""],["Sarkar","Rajib",""]]} {"id":"2308.05462","submitter":"Kristian Thijssen","authors":"Ryan R. Keogh, Timofey Kozhukhov, Kristian Thijssen, Tyler N. Shendruk","title":"Active Darcy's Law","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.soft physics.bio-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" While bacterial swarms can exhibit active turbulence in vacant spaces, they\nnaturally inhabit crowded environments. We numerically show that driving\ndisorderly active fluids through porous media enhances Darcy's law. While\npurely active flows average to zero flux, hybrid active/driven flows display\ngreater drift than pure-driven fluids. This enhancement is non-monotonic with\nactivity, leading to an optimal activity to maximize flow rate. We incorporate\nthe active contribution into an active Darcy's law, which may serve to help\nunderstand anomalous transport of swarming in porous media.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 09:39:25 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Keogh","Ryan R.",""],["Kozhukhov","Timofey",""],["Thijssen","Kristian",""],["Shendruk","Tyler N.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05463","submitter":"Qin Zhang","authors":"Qin Zhang, Zelin Shi, Xiaolin Zhang, Xiaojun Chen, Philippe\n Fournier-Viger, Shirui Pan","title":"$\\mathcal{G}^2Pxy$: Generative Open-Set Node Classification on Graphs\n with Proxy Unknowns","comments":"8 pages, 1 figure","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Node classification is the task of predicting the labels of unlabeled nodes\nin a graph. State-of-the-art methods based on graph neural networks achieve\nexcellent performance when all labels are available during training. But in\nreal-life, models are often applied on data with new classes, which can lead to\nmassive misclassification and thus significantly degrade performance. Hence,\ndeveloping open-set classification methods is crucial to determine if a given\nsample belongs to a known class. Existing methods for open-set node\nclassification generally use transductive learning with part or all of the\nfeatures of real unseen class nodes to help with open-set classification. In\nthis paper, we propose a novel generative open-set node classification method,\ni.e. $\\mathcal{G}^2Pxy$, which follows a stricter inductive learning setting\nwhere no information about unknown classes is available during training and\nvalidation. Two kinds of proxy unknown nodes, inter-class unknown proxies and\nexternal unknown proxies are generated via mixup to efficiently anticipate the\ndistribution of novel classes. Using the generated proxies, a closed-set\nclassifier can be transformed into an open-set one, by augmenting it with an\nextra proxy classifier. Under the constraints of both cross entropy loss and\ncomplement entropy loss, $\\mathcal{G}^2Pxy$ achieves superior effectiveness for\nunknown class detection and known class classification, which is validated by\nexperiments on benchmark graph datasets. Moreover, $\\mathcal{G}^2Pxy$ does not\nhave specific requirement on the GNN architecture and shows good\ngeneralizations.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 09:42:20 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Zhang","Qin",""],["Shi","Zelin",""],["Zhang","Xiaolin",""],["Chen","Xiaojun",""],["Fournier-Viger","Philippe",""],["Pan","Shirui",""]]} {"id":"2308.05464","submitter":"Chenwei Wang","authors":"Chenwei Wang, Yulin Huang, Xiaoyu Liu, Jifang Pei, Yin Zhang, Jianyu\n Yang","title":"Global in Local: A Convolutional Transformer for SAR ATR FSL","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1109/LGRS.2022.3183467","report-no":null,"categories":"eess.IV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have dominated the synthetic aperture\nradar (SAR) automatic target recognition (ATR) for years. However, under the\nlimited SAR images, the width and depth of the CNN-based models are limited,\nand the widening of the received field for global features in images is\nhindered, which finally leads to the low performance of recognition. To address\nthese challenges, we propose a Convolutional Transformer (ConvT) for SAR ATR\nfew-shot learning (FSL). The proposed method focuses on constructing a\nhierarchical feature representation and capturing global dependencies of local\nfeatures in each layer, named global in local. A novel hybrid loss is proposed\nto interpret the few SAR images in the forms of recognition labels and\ncontrastive image pairs, construct abundant anchor-positive and anchor-negative\nimage pairs in one batch and provide sufficient loss for the optimization of\nthe ConvT to overcome the few sample effect. An auto augmentation is proposed\nto enhance and enrich the diversity and amount of the few training samples to\nexplore the hidden feature in a few SAR images and avoid the over-fitting in\nSAR ATR FSL. Experiments conducted on the Moving and Stationary Target\nAcquisition and Recognition dataset (MSTAR) have shown the effectiveness of our\nproposed ConvT for SAR ATR FSL. Different from existing SAR ATR FSL methods\nemploying additional training datasets, our method achieved pioneering\nperformance without other SAR target images in training.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 09:42:21 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Chenwei",""],["Huang","Yulin",""],["Liu","Xiaoyu",""],["Pei","Jifang",""],["Zhang","Yin",""],["Yang","Jianyu",""]]} {"id":"2308.05465","submitter":"Verdi Vanreusel","authors":"Verdi Vanreusel, Alessia Gasparini, Federica Galante, Giulia Mariani,\n Matteo Pacitti, Arnaud Colijn, Brigitte Reniers, Burak Yalvac, Dirk\n Vandenbroucke, Marc Peeters, Paul Leblans, Giuseppe Felici, Dirk Verellen and\n Luana de Freitas Nascimento","title":"Optically stimulated luminescence system as an alternative for\n radiochromic film for 2D reference dosimetry in UHDR electron beams","comments":"Submitted to Physica Medica","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.med-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Radiotherapy is part of the treatment of over 50% of cancer patients. Its\nefficacy is limited by the radiotoxicity to the healthy tissue. FLASH-RT is\nbased on the biological effect that ultra-high dose rates (UHDR) and very short\ntreatment times strongly reduce normal tissue toxicity, while preserving the\nanti-tumoral effect. Despite many positive preclinical results, the translation\nof FLASH-RT to the clinic is hampered by the lack of accurate dosimetry for\nUHDR beams. To date radiochromic film is commonly used for dose assessment but\nhas the drawback of lengthy and cumbersome read out procedures. In this work,\nwe investigate the equivalence of a 2D OSL system to radiochromic film\ndosimetry in terms of dose rate independency. The comparison of both systems\nwas done using the ElectronFlash linac. We investigated the dose rate\ndependence by variation of the 1) modality, 2) pulse repetition frequency, 3)\npulse length and 4) source to surface distance. Additionally, we compared the\n2D characteristics by field size measurements. The OSL calibration showed\ntransferable between conventional and UHDR modality. Both systems are equally\nindependent of average dose rate, pulse length and instantaneous dose rate. The\nOSL system showed equivalent in field size determination within 3 sigma. We\nshow the promising nature of the 2D OSL system to serve as alternative for\nradiochromic film in UHDR electron beams. However, more in depth\ncharacterization is needed to assess its full potential.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 09:42:33 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Vanreusel","Verdi",""],["Gasparini","Alessia",""],["Galante","Federica",""],["Mariani","Giulia",""],["Pacitti","Matteo",""],["Colijn","Arnaud",""],["Reniers","Brigitte",""],["Yalvac","Burak",""],["Vandenbroucke","Dirk",""],["Peeters","Marc",""],["Leblans","Paul",""],["Felici","Giuseppe",""],["Verellen","Dirk",""],["Nascimento","Luana de Freitas",""]]} {"id":"2308.05466","submitter":"Xu Chang","authors":"Qi Meng, Emiko Hiyama, Makoto Oka, Atsushi Hosaka, and Chang Xu","title":"Doubly heavy tetraquarks including one-pion exchange potential","comments":"7 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Physics Letters B","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"nucl-th","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Spectrum of the doubly heavy tetraquarks is studied in a constituent quark\nmodel including one-pion exchange (OPE) potential. Central and tensor forces\ninduced by OPE between two light quarks are considered. Our results show that\n$I(J^P)=0(1^+)$ compact bound states are shifted up because of the repulsive\ncentral force between $\\bar{q}\\bar{q}$. This effect possibly leads to the small\nbinding energy in $T_{cc}$. In addition, a $I(J^P)=1(1^+)$ resonant state is\nreported with $ E=10641 \\ \\rm{MeV},\\Gamma=15 \\ \\rm{MeV}$ and $ E=10640 \\\n\\rm{MeV},\\Gamma=15 \\ \\rm{MeV}$, without and with including OPE potential,\nrespectively. The repulsive central force and attractive tensor force almost\ncancel with each other and leave a small energy difference when OPE potential\nis included.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 09:43:51 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Meng","Qi",""],["Hiyama","Emiko",""],["Oka","Makoto",""],["Hosaka","Atsushi",""],["Xu","Chang",""]]} {"id":"2308.05467","submitter":"Yuqi Deng","authors":"Yuqi Deng, Riku Kurimaru, Toshiki Matsusaka","title":"Arithmetic Dijkgraaf-Witten invariants for real quadratic fields,\n quadratic residue graphs, and density formulas","comments":"16 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We compute Hirano's formula for the mod 2 arithmetic Dijkgraaf-Witten\ninvariant ${Z}_k$ for the ring of integers of the quadratic field\n$k=\\mathbb{Q}(\\sqrt{p_1\\cdots p_r})$, where ${p_i}$'s are distinct prime\nnumbers with $p_i \\equiv 1 \\pmod{4}$, and give a simple formula for $Z_k$ in\nterms of the graph obtained from quadratic residues among $p_1,\\cdots, p_r$.\nOur result answers the question posed by Ken Ono. We also give a density\nformula for mod 2 arithmetic Dijkgraaf-Witten invariants.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 09:45:32 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Deng","Yuqi",""],["Kurimaru","Riku",""],["Matsusaka","Toshiki",""]]} {"id":"2308.05468","submitter":"Sudipta Dutta","authors":"Koushik R. Das and Sudipta Dutta","title":"Asymmetric Electronic Transport in Porphine: Role of Atomically Precise\n Tip-Electrode","comments":"29 pages, 13 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Electronic conductance through a single molecule is sensitive towards its\nstructural orientation between two electrodes, owing to the distribution of\nmolecular orbitals and their coupling to the electrode levels, that are\ngoverned by quantum confinement effects. Here, we vary the contact geometry of\nthe porphine molecule by attaching two Au tip electrodes that resemble the\nmechanical break junction, via thiol anchoring groups. We investigate the\ncurrent-voltage characteristics of all the contact geometries using\nnon-equilibrium Green's function formalism along with density functional theory\nand tight-binding framework. We observe varying current responses with changing\ncontact sites, originating from varied wave-function delocalization and quantum\ninterference effect. Our calculations show asymmetric current-voltage\ncharacteristics under forward and reverse biases due to structural asymmetry of\nthe tip electrodes in either sides of the molecule. We establish this\nphenomenon as a universal feature for any molecular electronic device,\nirrespective of the inherent structural symmetry of a molecule. This will\nprovide fundamental insights of electronic transport through single molecule in\nreal experimental setup. Furthermore, our observations of varying current\nresponse can further motivate the fabrication of sensor devices with porphine\nbased biomolecules that control important physiological activities, in view of\ntheir applications in advanced diagnostics.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 09:48:04 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Das","Koushik R.",""],["Dutta","Sudipta",""]]} {"id":"2308.05469","submitter":"Leonardo Figueroa","authors":"Leonardo E. Figueroa","title":"Weighted Sobolev orthogonal polynomials and approximation in the ball","comments":"24 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":"DIM 2023-08, CI^2MA 2023-18","categories":"math.CA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We establish simultaneous approximation properties of weighted first-order\nSobolev orthogonal projectors onto spaces of polynomials of bounded total\ndegree in the Euclidean unit ball. The simultaneity is in the sense that we\nprovide bounds for the projection error in both a weighted $\\mathrm{L}^2$ norm\nand a weighted $\\mathrm{H}^1$ seminorm, both involving the same weight of the\ngeneralized Gegenbauer type $x \\mapsto (1-\\lVert x \\rVert^2)^\\alpha$, $\\alpha >\n-1$. The Sobolev orthogonal projectors producing the approximations are with\nrespect to an alternative yet equivalent inner product for the corresponding\nuniformly weighted $\\mathrm{H}^1$ space. In order to obtain our approximation\nbounds, we study the orthogonal polynomial structure of this alternative\nSobolev inner product obtaining, among other results, a characterization of its\northogonal polynomials as solutions of certain Sturm-Liouville problems. We do\nnot rely on any particular basis of orthogonal polynomials, which allows for a\nstreamlined and dimension-independent exposition.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 09:49:45 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-21","authors_parsed":[["Figueroa","Leonardo E.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05470","submitter":"Arindam Dutta","authors":"Arindam Dutta and Anirban Pathak","title":"Collective attack free controlled quantum key agreement without quantum\n memory","comments":"Protocols for quantum key agreement designed and analyzed","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Here we present a new protocol for controlled quantum key agreement and\nanother protocol for key agreement with a specific focus on the security\nanalysis. Specifically, detailed security proof is provided against\nimpersonated fraudulent attack and collective attacks and it is established\nthat the proposed protocols are not only secure, but they also satisfy other\ndesired properties of such schemes (i.e., fairness and correctness). Further,\nthe proposed schemes are critically compared with a set of schemes for quantum\nkey agreement and an existing scheme for controlled quantum key agreement (Tang\net al.'s protocol) in terms of efficiency and the required quantum resources.\nEspecially, it is observed that in contrast to the existing schemes, the\npresent scheme does not require quantum memory. In addition, the protocol for\ncontrolled quantum key agreement proposed here is found to require quantum\nresources (Bell state and single photon state) that are easier to produce and\nmaintain compared to the quantum resources (GHZ states) required by the only\nknown existing protocol for the same purpose, i.e., Tang et al.'s protocol.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 09:51:23 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Dutta","Arindam",""],["Pathak","Anirban",""]]} {"id":"2308.05471","submitter":"Yuan Cheng","authors":"Yuan Cheng, Jing Yang, Yingbin Liang","title":"Provably Efficient Algorithm for Nonstationary Low-Rank MDPs","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Reinforcement learning (RL) under changing environment models many real-world\napplications via nonstationary Markov Decision Processes (MDPs), and hence\ngains considerable interest. However, theoretical studies on nonstationary MDPs\nin the literature have mainly focused on tabular and linear (mixture) MDPs,\nwhich do not capture the nature of unknown representation in deep RL. In this\npaper, we make the first effort to investigate nonstationary RL under episodic\nlow-rank MDPs, where both transition kernels and rewards may vary over time,\nand the low-rank model contains unknown representation in addition to the\nlinear state embedding function. We first propose a parameter-dependent policy\noptimization algorithm called PORTAL, and further improve PORTAL to its\nparameter-free version of Ada-PORTAL, which is able to tune its\nhyper-parameters adaptively without any prior knowledge of nonstationarity. For\nboth algorithms, we provide upper bounds on the average dynamic suboptimality\ngap, which show that as long as the nonstationarity is not significantly large,\nPORTAL and Ada-PORTAL are sample-efficient and can achieve arbitrarily small\naverage dynamic suboptimality gap with polynomial sample complexity.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 09:52:44 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Cheng","Yuan",""],["Yang","Jing",""],["Liang","Yingbin",""]]} {"id":"2308.05472","submitter":"Mengfan Zheng","authors":"Mengfan Zheng and Cong Ling","title":"PAC Codes for Source and Joint Source-Channel Coding","comments":"6 pages, 6 figures. Submitted to GC 2023 Workshop - Channel Coding\n Beyond 5G","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IT math.IT","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Polarization-adjusted convolutional (PAC) codes, as a concatenated coding\nscheme based on polar codes, is able to approach the finite-length bound of\nbinary-input AWGN channel at short blocklengths. In this paper, we extend PAC\ncodes to the fields of source coding and joint source-channel coding and show\nthat they can also approach the corresponding finite-length bounds at short\nblocklengths.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 09:55:56 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Zheng","Mengfan",""],["Ling","Cong",""]]} {"id":"2308.05473","submitter":"Vlatko Vedral","authors":"Vlatko Vedral","title":"Quantum mechanics with real numbers: entanglement, superselection rules\n and gauges","comments":"7 pages, no figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We show how imaginary numbers in quantum physics can be eliminated by\nenlarging the Hilbert Space followed by an imposition of - what effectively\namounts to - a superselection rule. We illustrate this procedure with a qubit\nand apply it to the Mach-Zehnder interferometer. The procedure is somewhat\nreminiscent of the constrained quantization of the electromagnetic field,\nwhere, in order to manifestly comply with relativity, one enlargers the Hilbert\nSpace by quantizing the longitudinal and scalar modes, only to subsequently\nintroduce a constraint to make sure that they are actually not directly\nobservable.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 09:58:16 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Vedral","Vlatko",""]]} {"id":"2308.05474","submitter":"Simon Dahan","authors":"Simon Dahan, Mariana da Silva, Daniel Rueckert, Emma C Robinson","title":"Surface Masked AutoEncoder: Self-Supervision for Cortical Imaging Data","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.IV cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Self-supervision has been widely explored as a means of addressing the lack\nof inductive biases in vision transformer architectures, which limits\ngeneralisation when networks are trained on small datasets. This is crucial in\nthe context of cortical imaging, where phenotypes are complex and\nheterogeneous, but the available datasets are limited in size. This paper\nbuilds upon recent advancements in translating vision transformers to surface\nmeshes and investigates the potential of Masked AutoEncoder (MAE)\nself-supervision for cortical surface learning. By reconstructing surface data\nfrom a masked version of the input, the proposed method effectively models\ncortical structure to learn strong representations that translate to improved\nperformance in downstream tasks. We evaluate our approach on cortical phenotype\nregression using the developing Human Connectome Project (dHCP) and demonstrate\nthat pre-training leads to a 26\\% improvement in performance, with an 80\\%\nfaster convergence, compared to models trained from scratch. Furthermore, we\nestablish that pre-training vision transformer models on large datasets, such\nas the UK Biobank (UKB), enables the acquisition of robust representations for\nfinetuning in low-data scenarios. Our code and pre-trained models are publicly\navailable at \\url{https://github.com/metrics-lab/surface-vision-transformers}.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 10:01:56 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Dahan","Simon",""],["da Silva","Mariana",""],["Rueckert","Daniel",""],["Robinson","Emma C",""]]} {"id":"2308.05475","submitter":"Tim Huege","authors":"Tim Huege and Maximilian Reininghaus (for the CORSIKA 8 Collaboration)","title":"The particle-shower simulation code CORSIKA 8","comments":"Proceedings of the 38th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC) in\n Nagoya, Japan","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.HE astro-ph.IM","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" CORSIKA up to version 7 has been the most-used Monte Carlo code for\nsimulating extensive air showers for more than 20 years. Due to its monolithic,\nFortran-based software design and hand-optimized code, however, it has become\ndifficult to maintain, adapt to new computing paradigms and extend for more\ncomplex simulation needs. These limitations led to the CORSIKA 8 project, which\nconstitutes a complete rewrite of the CORSIKA 7 core functionality in a modern,\nmodular C++ framework. CORSIKA 8 has now reached a state that we consider\n\"physics-complete\" and a stability that already allows experts to engage in\ndevelopment for specific applications. It already supports the treatment of\nhadronic interactions with Sibyll 2.3d, QGSJet-II.04, EPOS-LHC and Pythia 8.3\nand the treatment of the electromagnetic cascade with PROPOSAL 7.6.2.\nParticular highlights are the support for multiple interaction media, including\ncross-media particle showers, and an advanced calculation of the radio emission\nfrom particle showers. In this contribution, we discuss the design principles\nof CORSIKA 8, give an overview of the functionality implemented to date, the\nvalidation of its simulation results, and the plans for its further\ndevelopment.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 10:02:59 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Huege","Tim","","for the CORSIKA 8 Collaboration"],["Reininghaus","Maximilian","","for the CORSIKA 8 Collaboration"]]} {"id":"2308.05476","submitter":"Anusuya Krishnan Baby","authors":"Anusuya Krishnan","title":"Exploring Machine Learning and Transformer-based Approaches for\n Deceptive Text Classification: A Comparative Analysis","comments":"12 pages, 8 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Deceptive text classification is a critical task in natural language\nprocessing that aims to identify deceptive o fraudulent content. This study\npresents a comparative analysis of machine learning and transformer-based\napproaches for deceptive text classification. We investigate the effectiveness\nof traditional machine learning algorithms and state-of-the-art transformer\nmodels, such as BERT, XLNET, DistilBERT, and RoBERTa, in detecting deceptive\ntext. A labeled dataset consisting of deceptive and non-deceptive texts is used\nfor training and evaluation purposes. Through extensive experimentation, we\ncompare the performance metrics, including accuracy, precision, recall, and F1\nscore, of the different approaches. The results of this study shed light on the\nstrengths and limitations of machine learning and transformer-based methods for\ndeceptive text classification, enabling researchers and practitioners to make\ninformed decisions when dealing with deceptive content.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 10:07:00 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 02:50:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Krishnan","Anusuya",""]]} {"id":"2308.05477","submitter":"Daniel Max Hoffmann","authors":"Alessandro Codenotti and Daniel Max Hoffmann","title":"Ranks in Ellis semigroups and model theory","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.LO math.DS","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" We slightly generalize a notion of rank introduced by Glasner and\nMegrelishvili, which captures the oscillations of elements of Ellis semigroups,\nso that it can be applied to any compact Hausdorff space instead of being\nlimited to the metric case. Then, we relate this rank to classical dividing\nlines in the model-theoretic stability hierarchy.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 10:08:42 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Codenotti","Alessandro",""],["Hoffmann","Daniel Max",""]]} {"id":"2308.05478","submitter":"Martin Krueger","authors":"Patrick Palmer and Martin Krueger and Richard Altendorfer and Ganesh\n Adam and Torsten Bertram","title":"Reviewing 3D Object Detectors in the Context of High-Resolution 3+1D\n Radar","comments":"Published at CVPR 2023 Workshop on 3D Vision and Robotics\n (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xj4R5ucH3PaR7QdRDJbbkjS-3iBUsruR/view)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.RO cs.AI cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Recent developments and the beginning market introduction of high-resolution\nimaging 4D (3+1D) radar sensors have initialized deep learning-based radar\nperception research. We investigate deep learning-based models operating on\nradar point clouds for 3D object detection. 3D object detection on lidar point\ncloud data is a mature area of 3D vision. Many different architectures have\nbeen proposed, each with strengths and weaknesses. Due to similarities between\n3D lidar point clouds and 3+1D radar point clouds, those existing 3D object\ndetectors are a natural basis to start deep learning-based 3D object detection\non radar data. Thus, the first step is to analyze the detection performance of\nthe existing models on the new data modality and evaluate them in depth. In\norder to apply existing 3D point cloud object detectors developed for lidar\npoint clouds to the radar domain, they need to be adapted first. While some\ndetectors, such as PointPillars, have already been adapted to be applicable to\nradar data, we have adapted others, e.g., Voxel R-CNN, SECOND, PointRCNN, and\nPV-RCNN. To this end, we conduct a cross-model validation (evaluating a set of\nmodels on one particular data set) as well as a cross-data set validation\n(evaluating all models in the model set on several data sets). The\nhigh-resolution radar data used are the View-of-Delft and Astyx data sets.\nFinally, we evaluate several adaptations of the models and their training\nprocedures. We also discuss major factors influencing the detection performance\non radar data and propose possible solutions indicating potential future\nresearch avenues.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 10:10:43 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Palmer","Patrick",""],["Krueger","Martin",""],["Altendorfer","Richard",""],["Adam","Ganesh",""],["Bertram","Torsten",""]]} {"id":"2308.05479","submitter":"Sihui Zhong","authors":"Sihui Zhong, Valery M. Nakariakov, Yuhu Miao, Libo Fu, Ding Yuan","title":"30-min Decayless Kink Oscillations in a Very Long Bundle of Solar\n Coronal Plasma Loops","comments":"15 pages, 5 figures, accepted by Scientific Reports","journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1038/s41598-023-40063-2","report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.SR physics.space-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" The energy balance in the corona of the Sun is the key to the long-standing\ncoronal heating dilemma, which could be potentially revealed by observational\nstudies of decayless kink oscillations of coronal plasma loops. A bundle of\nvery long off-limb coronal loops with the length of $736\\pm80$ Mm and a\nlifetime of about 2 days are found to exhibit decayless kink oscillations. The\noscillations were observed for several hours. The oscillation amplitude was\nmeasured at 0.3-0.5 Mm, and the period at 28-33 min. The existence of 30-min\nperiodicity of decayless kink oscillations indicates that the mechanism\ncompensating the wave damping is still valid in such a massive plasma\nstructure. It provides important evidence for the non-resonant origin of\ndecayless kink oscillations with 2-6min periods, i.e., the lack of their link\nwith the leakage of photospheric and chromospheric oscillations into the corona\nand the likely role of the broadband energy sources. Magnetohydrodynamic\nseismology based on the reported detection of the kink oscillation, with the\nassistance of the differential emission measure analysis and a background\ncoronal model provides us with a comprehensive set of plasma and magnetic field\ndiagnostics, which is of interest as input parameters of space weather models.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 10:10:45 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Zhong","Sihui",""],["Nakariakov","Valery M.",""],["Miao","Yuhu",""],["Fu","Libo",""],["Yuan","Ding",""]]} {"id":"2308.05480","submitter":"Yuming Chen","authors":"Yuming Chen, Xinbin Yuan, Ruiqi Wu, Jiabao Wang, Qibin Hou, Ming-Ming\n Cheng","title":"YOLO-MS: Rethinking Multi-Scale Representation Learning for Real-time\n Object Detection","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We aim at providing the object detection community with an efficient and\nperformant object detector, termed YOLO-MS. The core design is based on a\nseries of investigations on how convolutions with different kernel sizes affect\nthe detection performance of objects at different scales. The outcome is a new\nstrategy that can strongly enhance multi-scale feature representations of\nreal-time object detectors. To verify the effectiveness of our strategy, we\nbuild a network architecture, termed YOLO-MS. We train our YOLO-MS on the MS\nCOCO dataset from scratch without relying on any other large-scale datasets,\nlike ImageNet, or pre-trained weights. Without bells and whistles, our YOLO-MS\noutperforms the recent state-of-the-art real-time object detectors, including\nYOLO-v7 and RTMDet, when using a comparable number of parameters and FLOPs.\nTaking the XS version of YOLO-MS as an example, with only 4.5M learnable\nparameters and 8.7G FLOPs, it can achieve an AP score of 43%+ on MS COCO, which\nis about 2%+ higher than RTMDet with the same model size. Moreover, our work\ncan also be used as a plug-and-play module for other YOLO models. Typically,\nour method significantly improves the AP of YOLOv8 from 37%+ to 40%+ with even\nfewer parameters and FLOPs. Code is available at\nhttps://github.com/FishAndWasabi/YOLO-MS.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 10:12:27 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Chen","Yuming",""],["Yuan","Xinbin",""],["Wu","Ruiqi",""],["Wang","Jiabao",""],["Hou","Qibin",""],["Cheng","Ming-Ming",""]]} {"id":"2308.05481","submitter":"Xuanhe Zhou","authors":"Xuanhe Zhou, Guoliang Li, Zhiyuan Liu","title":"LLM As DBA","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.DB cs.AI cs.CL cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Database administrators (DBAs) play a crucial role in managing, maintaining\nand optimizing a database system to ensure data availability, performance, and\nreliability. However, it is hard and tedious for DBAs to manage a large number\nof database instances (e.g., millions of instances on the cloud databases).\nRecently large language models (LLMs) have shown great potential to understand\nvaluable documents and accordingly generate reasonable answers. Thus, we\npropose D-Bot, a LLM-based database administrator that can continuously acquire\ndatabase maintenance experience from textual sources, and provide reasonable,\nwell-founded, in-time diagnosis and optimization advice for target databases.\nThis paper presents a revolutionary LLM-centric framework for database\nmaintenance, including (i) database maintenance knowledge detection from\ndocuments and tools, (ii) tree of thought reasoning for root cause analysis,\nand (iii) collaborative diagnosis among multiple LLMs. Our preliminary\nexperimental results that D-Bot can efficiently and effectively diagnose the\nroot causes and our code is available at\ngithub.com/TsinghuaDatabaseGroup/DB-GPT.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 10:12:43 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 07:55:19 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Zhou","Xuanhe",""],["Li","Guoliang",""],["Liu","Zhiyuan",""]]} {"id":"2308.05482","submitter":"Vojtech Kostal","authors":"Vojtech Kostal, Pavel Jungwirth, Hector Martinez-Seara","title":"Non-Aqueous Ion Pairing Exemplifies the Case for Including Electronic\n Polarization in Molecular Dynamics Simulations","comments":"main text: 7 pages, 4 figures; supporting information: 6 pages, 5\n figures, 3 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.chem-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The inclusion of electronic polarization is of crucial importance in\nmolecular simulations of systems containing charged moieties. When neglected,\nas often done in force field simulations, charge-charge interactions in\nsolution may become severely overestimated leading to unrealistically strong\nbindings of ions to biomolecules. The electronic continuum correction\nintroduces electronic polarization in a mean-field way via scaling of charges\nby the reciprocal of the square root of the high-frequency dielectric constant\nof the solvent environment. Here, we use ab initio molecular dynamics\nsimulations to quantify the effect of electronic polarization on pairs of\nlike-charged ions in a model non-aqueous environment where electronic\npolarization is the only dielectric response. Our findings confirm the\nconceptual validity of the present approach, underlining its applicability to\ncomplex aqueous biomolecular systems. Simultaneously, the present results\njustify the potential employment of weaker charge scaling factors in force\nfield development.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 10:18:33 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Kostal","Vojtech",""],["Jungwirth","Pavel",""],["Martinez-Seara","Hector",""]]} {"id":"2308.05483","submitter":"Johann Huber","authors":"J. Huber, F. H\\'el\\'enon, M. Coninx, F. Ben Amar, S. Doncieux","title":"Quality Diversity under Sparse Reward and Sparse Interaction:\n Application to Grasping in Robotics","comments":"37 pages, 17 figures. Draft version","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.RO cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Quality-Diversity (QD) methods are algorithms that aim to generate a set of\ndiverse and high-performing solutions to a given problem. Originally developed\nfor evolutionary robotics, most QD studies are conducted on a limited set of\ndomains - mainly applied to locomotion, where the fitness and the behavior\nsignal are dense. Grasping is a crucial task for manipulation in robotics.\nDespite the efforts of many research communities, this task is yet to be\nsolved. Grasping cumulates unprecedented challenges in QD literature: it\nsuffers from reward sparsity, behavioral sparsity, and behavior space\nmisalignment. The present work studies how QD can address grasping. Experiments\nhave been conducted on 15 different methods on 10 grasping domains,\ncorresponding to 2 different robot-gripper setups and 5 standard objects. An\nevaluation framework that distinguishes the evaluation of an algorithm from its\ninternal components has also been proposed for a fair comparison. The obtained\nresults show that MAP-Elites variants that select successful solutions in\npriority outperform all the compared methods on the studied metrics by a large\nmargin. We also found experimental evidence that sparse interaction can lead to\ndeceptive novelty. To our knowledge, the ability to efficiently produce\nexamples of grasping trajectories demonstrated in this work has no precedent in\nthe literature.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 10:19:48 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Huber","J.",""],["H\u00e9l\u00e9non","F.",""],["Coninx","M.",""],["Amar","F. Ben",""],["Doncieux","S.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05484","submitter":"Eviatar Bach","authors":"Eviatar Bach, Tim Colonius, Andrew Stuart","title":"Filtering Dynamical Systems Using Observations of Statistics","comments":"14 pages, 8 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.ME math.OC nlin.CD","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We consider the problem of filtering dynamical systems, possibly stochastic,\nusing observations of statistics. Thus the computational task is to estimate a\ntime-evolving density $\\rho(v, t)$ given noisy observations of $\\rho$; this\ncontrasts with the standard filtering problem based on observations of the\nstate $v$. The task is naturally formulated as an infinite-dimensional\nfiltering problem in the space of densities $\\rho$. However, for the purposes\nof tractability, we seek algorithms in state space; specifically we introduce a\nmean field state space model and, using interacting particle system\napproximations to this model, we propose an ensemble method. We refer to the\nresulting methodology as the ensemble Fokker-Planck filter (EnFPF).\n Under certain restrictive assumptions we show that the EnFPF approximates the\nKalman-Bucy filter for the Fokker-Planck equation, which is the exact solution\nof the infinite-dimensional filtering problem; our numerical experiments show\nthat the methodology is useful beyond this restrictive setting. Specifically\nthe experiments show that the EnFPF is able to correct ensemble statistics, to\naccelerate convergence to the invariant density for autonomous systems, and to\naccelerate convergence to time-dependent invariant densities for non-autonomous\nsystems. We discuss possible applications of the EnFPF to climate ensembles and\nto turbulence modelling.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 10:21:01 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Bach","Eviatar",""],["Colonius","Tim",""],["Stuart","Andrew",""]]} {"id":"2308.05485","submitter":"Benedikt Ahrens","authors":"Ralph Matthes and Kobe Wullaert and Benedikt Ahrens","title":"Substitution for Non-Wellfounded Syntax with Binders","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.PL","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We describe a generic construction of non-wellfounded syntax involving\nvariable binding and its monadic substitution operation. Our construction of\nthe syntax and its substitution takes place in category theory, notably by\nusing monoidal categories and strong functors between them. A language is\nspecified by a multi-sorted binding signature, say {\\Sigma}. First, we provide\nsufficient criteria for {\\Sigma} to generate a language of possibly infinite\nterms, through {\\omega}-continuity. Second, we construct a monadic substitution\noperation for the language generated by {\\Sigma}. A cornerstone in this\nconstruction is a mild generalization of the notion of heterogeneous\nsubstitution systems developed by Matthes and Uustalu; such a system\nencapsulates the necessary corecursion scheme for implementing substitution.\nThe results are formalized in the Coq proof assistant, through the UniMath\nlibrary of univalent mathematics.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 10:25:16 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Matthes","Ralph",""],["Wullaert","Kobe",""],["Ahrens","Benedikt",""]]} {"id":"2308.05486","submitter":"Matteo Iacopini","authors":"Matteo Iacopini and Aubrey Poon and Luca Rossini and Dan Zhu","title":"The Distributional Impact of Money Growth and Inflation Disaggregates: A\n Quantile Sensitivity Analysis","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"econ.EM","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" We propose an alternative method to construct a quantile dependence system\nfor inflation and money growth. By considering all quantiles, we assess how\nperturbations in one variable's quantile lead to changes in the distribution of\nthe other variable. We demonstrate the construction of this relationship\nthrough a system of linear quantile regressions. The proposed framework is\nexploited to examine the distributional effects of money growth on the\ndistributions of inflation and its disaggregate measures in the United States\nand the Euro area. Our empirical analysis uncovers significant impacts of the\nupper quantile of the money growth distribution on the distribution of\ninflation and its disaggregate measures. Conversely, we find that the lower and\nmedian quantiles of the money growth distribution have a negligible influence\non the distribution of inflation and its disaggregate measures.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 10:26:10 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Iacopini","Matteo",""],["Poon","Aubrey",""],["Rossini","Luca",""],["Zhu","Dan",""]]} {"id":"2308.05487","submitter":"Sungmin Kang","authors":"Sungmin Kang, Gabin An, Shin Yoo","title":"A Preliminary Evaluation of LLM-Based Fault Localization","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SE","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown a surprising level of performance on\nmultiple software engineering problems. However, they have not yet been applied\nto Fault Localization (FL), in which one must find the code element responsible\nfor a bug from a potentially vast codebase. Nonetheless, LLM application to FL\nhas the potential to benefit developers both in terms of performance and\nexplainability. In this work, we present AutoFL, an automated fault\nlocalization technique that only requires a single failing test, and in its\nfault localization process generates an explanation about why the given test\nfails. Using the function call API of the OpenAI LLM, ChatGPT, we provide tools\nthat allow it to explore a large source code repository, which would otherwise\npose a significant challenge as it would be impossible to fit all the source\ncode within the limited prompt length. Our results indicate that, on the widely\nused Defects4J benchmark, AutoFL can identify the faulty method on the first\ntry more often than all standalone techniques we compared against from prior\nwork. Nonetheless, there is ample room to improve performance, and we encourage\nfurther experimentation of language model-based FL as a promising research\narea.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 10:26:55 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Sat, 26 Aug 2023 05:00:56 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-29","authors_parsed":[["Kang","Sungmin",""],["An","Gabin",""],["Yoo","Shin",""]]} {"id":"2308.05488","submitter":"Andre Ran","authors":"A.E. Frazho, M.A. Kaashoek, A.C.M. Ran, F. van Schagen","title":"Wiener-Hopf indices of unimodular functions on the unit circle,\n revisited","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.FA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Inspired by the paper of Groenewald, Kaashoek and Ran (Wiener-Hopf indices of\nunitary functions on the unit circle in terms of realizations and related\nresults on Toeplitz operators. \\emph{Indag. Math.} 28, (2017), 649-710), we\npresent an operator-theoretic approach to provide further insight and simpler\ncomputational formulas for the Wiener-Hopf indices of a rational matrix valued\nfunction taking unimodular values on the unit circle.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 10:28:28 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Frazho","A. E.",""],["Kaashoek","M. A.",""],["Ran","A. C. M.",""],["van Schagen","F.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05489","submitter":"Chenwei Wang","authors":"Chenwei Wang, Jifang Pei, Xiaoyu Liu, Yulin Huang, Deqing Mao, Yin\n Zhang, Jianyu Yang","title":"SAR Target Image Generation Method Using Azimuth-Controllable Generative\n Adversarial Network","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1109/JSTARS.2022.3218369","report-no":null,"categories":"eess.IV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Sufficient synthetic aperture radar (SAR) target images are very important\nfor the development of researches. However, available SAR target images are\noften limited in practice, which hinders the progress of SAR application. In\nthis paper, we propose an azimuth-controllable generative adversarial network\nto generate precise SAR target images with an intermediate azimuth between two\ngiven SAR images' azimuths. This network mainly contains three parts:\ngenerator, discriminator, and predictor. Through the proposed specific network\nstructure, the generator can extract and fuse the optimal target features from\ntwo input SAR target images to generate SAR target image. Then a similarity\ndiscriminator and an azimuth predictor are designed. The similarity\ndiscriminator can differentiate the generated SAR target images from the real\nSAR images to ensure the accuracy of the generated, while the azimuth predictor\nmeasures the difference of azimuth between the generated and the desired to\nensure the azimuth controllability of the generated. Therefore, the proposed\nnetwork can generate precise SAR images, and their azimuths can be controlled\nwell by the inputs of the deep network, which can generate the target images in\ndifferent azimuths to solve the small sample problem to some degree and benefit\nthe researches of SAR images. Extensive experimental results show the\nsuperiority of the proposed method in azimuth controllability and accuracy of\nSAR target image generation.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 10:34:51 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-16","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Chenwei",""],["Pei","Jifang",""],["Liu","Xiaoyu",""],["Huang","Yulin",""],["Mao","Deqing",""],["Zhang","Yin",""],["Yang","Jianyu",""]]} {"id":"2308.05490","submitter":"Ming Gang Zhao","authors":"BESIII Collaboration: M. Ablikim, M. N. Achasov, P. Adlarson, R.\n Aliberti, A. Amoroso, M. R. An, Q. An, Y. Bai, O. Bakina, I. Balossino, Y.\n Ban, V. Batozskaya, K. Begzsuren, N. Berger, M. Bertani, D. Bettoni, F.\n Bianchi, E. Bianco, J. Bloms, A. Bortone, I. Boyko, R. A. Briere, A.\n Brueggemann, H. Cai, X. Cai, A. Calcaterra, G. F. Cao, N. Cao, S. A. Cetin,\n J. F. Chang, T. T. Chang, W. L. Chang, G. R. Che, G. Chelkov, C. Chen, Chao\n Chen, G. Chen, H. S. Chen, M. L. Chen, S. J. Chen, S. M. Chen, T. Chen, X. R.\n Chen, X. T. Chen, Y. B. Chen, Y. Q. Chen, Z. J. Chen, W. S. Cheng, S. K.\n Choi, X. Chu, G. Cibinetto, S. C. Coen, F. Cossio, J. J. Cui, H. L. Dai, J.\n P. Dai, A. Dbeyssi, R. E. de Boer, D. Dedovich, Z. Y. Deng, A. Denig, I.\n Denysenko, M. Destefanis, F. De Mori, B. Ding, X. X. Ding, Y. Ding, Y. Ding,\n J. Dong, L. Y. Dong, M. Y. Dong, X. Dong, S. X. Du, Z. H. Duan, P. Egorov, Y.\n L. Fan, J. Fang, S. S. Fang, W. X. Fang, Y. Fang, R. Farinelli, L. Fava, F.\n Feldbauer, G. Felici, C. Q. Feng, J. H. Feng, K Fischer, M. Fritsch, C.\n Fritzsch, C. D. Fu, Y. W. Fu, H. Gao, Y. N. Gao, Yang Gao, S. Garbolino, I.\n Garzia, P. T. Ge, Z. W. Ge, C. Geng, E. M. Gersabeck, A Gilman, K. Goetzen,\n L. Gong, W. X. Gong, W. Gradl, S. Gramigna, M. Greco, M. H. Gu, Y. T. Gu, C.\n Y Guan, Z. L. Guan, A. Q. Guo, L. B. Guo, R. P. Guo, Y. P. Guo, A. Guskov, X.\n T. H., W. Y. Han, X. Q. Hao, F. A. Harris, K. K. He, K. L. He, F. H.\n Heinsius, C. H. Heinz, Y. K. Heng, C. Herold, T. Holtmann, P. C. Hong, G. Y.\n Hou, Y. R. Hou, Z. L. Hou, H. M. Hu, J. F. Hu, T. Hu, Y. Hu, G. S. Huang, K.\n X. Huang, L. Q. Huang, X. T. Huang, Y. P. Huang, T. Hussain, N H\\\"usken, W.\n Imoehl, M. Irshad, J. Jackson, S. Jaeger, S. Janchiv, J. H. Jeong, Q. Ji, Q.\n P. Ji, X. B. Ji, X. L. Ji, Y. Y. Ji, Z. K. Jia, P. C. Jiang, S. S. Jiang, T.\n J. Jiang, X. S. Jiang, Y. Jiang, J. B. Jiao, Z. Jiao, S. Jin, Y. Jin, M. Q.\n Jing, T. Johansson, X. K., S. Kabana, N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki, X. L. Kang, X.\n S. Kang, R. Kappert, M. Kavatsyuk, B. C. Ke, A. Khoukaz, R. Kiuchi, R.\n Kliemt, L. Koch, O. B. Kolcu, B. Kopf, M. Kuessner, A. Kupsc, W. K\\\"uhn, J.\n J. Lane, J. S. Lange, P. Larin, A. Lavania, L. Lavezzi, T. T. Lei, Z. H. Lei,\n H. Leithoff, M. Lellmann, T. Lenz, C. Li, C. Li, C. H. Li, Cheng Li, D. M.\n Li, F. Li, G. Li, H. Li, H. B. Li, H. J. Li, H. N. Li, Hui Li, J. R. Li, J.\n S. Li, J. W. Li, Ke Li, L. J Li, L. K. Li, Lei Li, M. H. Li, P. R. Li, S. X.\n Li, T. Li, W. D. Li, W. G. Li, X. H. Li, X. L. Li, Xiaoyu Li, Y. G. Li, Z. J.\n Li, Z. X. Li, Z. Y. Li, C. Liang, H. Liang, H. Liang, H. Liang, Y. F. Liang,\n Y. T. Liang, G. R. Liao, L. Z. Liao, J. Libby, A. Limphirat, D. X. Lin, T.\n Lin, B. J. Liu, B. X. Liu, C. Liu, C. X. Liu, D. Liu, F. H. Liu, Fang Liu,\n Feng Liu, G. M. Liu, H. Liu, H. B. Liu, H. M. Liu, Huanhuan Liu, Huihui Liu,\n J. B. Liu, J. L. Liu, J. Y. Liu, K. Liu, K. Y. Liu, Ke Liu, L. Liu, L. C.\n Liu, Lu Liu, M. H. Liu, P. L. Liu, Q. Liu, S. B. Liu, T. Liu, W. K. Liu, W.\n M. Liu, X. Liu, Y. Liu, Y. B. Liu, Z. A. Liu, Z. Q. Liu, X. C. Lou, F. X. Lu,\n H. J. Lu, J. G. Lu, X. L. Lu, Y. Lu, Y. P. Lu, Z. H. Lu, C. L. Luo, M. X.\n Luo, T. Luo, X. L. Luo, X. R. Lyu, Y. F. Lyu, F. C. Ma, H. L. Ma, J. L. Ma,\n L. L. Ma, M. M. Ma, Q. M. Ma, R. Q. Ma, R. T. Ma, X. Y. Ma, Y. Ma, F. E.\n Maas, M. Maggiora, S. Maldaner, S. Malde, A. Mangoni, Y. J. Mao, Z. P. Mao,\n S. Marcello, Z. X. Meng, J. G. Messchendorp, G. Mezzadri, H. Miao, T. J. Min,\n R. E. Mitchell, X. H. Mo, N. Yu. Muchnoi, Y. Nefedov, F. Nerling, I. B.\n Nikolaev, Z. Ning, S. Nisar, Y. Niu, S. L. Olsen, Q. Ouyang, S. Pacetti, X.\n Pan, Y. Pan, A. Pathak, Y. P. Pei, M. Pelizaeus, H. P. Peng, K. Peters, J. L.\n Ping, R. G. Ping, S. Plura, S. Pogodin, V. Prasad, F. Z. Qi, H. Qi, H. R. Qi,\n M. Qi, T. Y. Qi, S. Qian, W. B. Qian, C. F. Qiao, J. J. Qin, L. Q. Qin, X. P.\n Qin, X. S. Qin, Z. H. Qin, J. F. Qiu, S. Q. Qu, C. F. Redmer, K. J. Ren, A.\n Rivetti, V. Rodin, M. Rolo, G. Rong, Ch. Rosner, S. N. Ruan, N. Salone, A.\n Sarantsev, Y. Schelhaas, K. Schoenning, M. Scodeggio, K. Y. Shan, W. Shan, X.\n Y. Shan, J. F. Shangguan, L. G. Shao, M. Shao, C. P. Shen, H. F. Shen, W. H.\n Shen, X. Y. Shen, B. A. Shi, H. C. Shi, J. L. Shi, J. Y. Shi, Q. Q. Shi, R.\n S. Shi, X. Shi, J. J. Song, T. Z. Song, W. M. Song, Y. J. Song, Y. X. Song,\n S. Sosio, S. Spataro, F. Stieler, Y. J. Su, G. B. Sun, G. X. Sun, H. Sun, H.\n K. Sun, J. F. Sun, K. Sun, L. Sun, S. S. Sun, T. Sun, W. Y. Sun, Y. Sun, Y.\n J. Sun, Y. Z. Sun, Z. T. Sun, Y. X. Tan, C. J. Tang, G. Y. Tang, J. Tang, Y.\n A. Tang, L. Y Tao, Q. T. Tao, M. Tat, J. X. Teng, V. Thoren, W. H. Tian, W.\n H. Tian, Y. Tian, Z. F. Tian, I. Uman, B. Wang, B. L. Wang, Bo Wang, C. W.\n Wang, D. Y. Wang, F. Wang, H. J. Wang, H. P. Wang, K. Wang, L. L. Wang, M.\n Wang, Meng Wang, S. Wang, S. Wang, T. Wang, T. J. Wang, W. Wang, W. Wang, W.\n H. Wang, W. P. Wang, X. Wang, X. F. Wang, X. J. Wang, X. L. Wang, Y. Wang, Y.\n D. Wang, Y. F. Wang, Y. H. Wang, Y. N. Wang, Y. Q. Wang, Yaqian Wang, Yi\n Wang, Z. Wang, Z. L. Wang, Z. Y. Wang, Ziyi Wang, D. Wei, D. H. Wei, F.\n Weidner, S. P. Wen, C. W. Wenzel, U. Wiedner, G. Wilkinson, M. Wolke, L.\n Wollenberg, C. Wu, J. F. Wu, L. H. Wu, L. J. Wu, X. Wu, X. H. Wu, Y. Wu, Y. J\n Wu, Z. Wu, L. Xia, X. M. Xian, T. Xiang, D. Xiao, G. Y. Xiao, H. Xiao, S. Y.\n Xiao, Y. L. Xiao, Z. J. Xiao, C. Xie, X. H. Xie, Y. Xie, Y. G. Xie, Y. H.\n Xie, Z. P. Xie, T. Y. Xing, C. F. Xu, C. J. Xu, G. F. Xu, H. Y. Xu, Q. J. Xu,\n W. L. Xu, X. P. Xu, Y. C. Xu, Z. P. Xu, F. Yan, L. Yan, W. B. Yan, W. C. Yan,\n X. Q Yan, H. J. Yang, H. L. Yang, H. X. Yang, Tao Yang, Y. Yang, Y. F. Yang,\n Y. X. Yang, Yifan Yang, Z. W. Yang, M. Ye, M. H. Ye, J. H. Yin, Z. Y. You, B.\n X. Yu, C. X. Yu, G. Yu, T. Yu, X. D. Yu, C. Z. Yuan, L. Yuan, S. C. Yuan, X.\n Q. Yuan, Y. Yuan, Z. Y. Yuan, C. X. Yue, A. A. Zafar, F. R. Zeng, X. Zeng, Y.\n Zeng, Y. J. Zeng, X. Y. Zhai, Y. H. Zhan, A. Q. Zhang, B. L. Zhang, B. X.\n Zhang, D. H. Zhang, G. Y. Zhang, H. Zhang, H. H. Zhang, H. H. Zhang, H. Q.\n Zhang, H. Y. Zhang, J. J. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, J. Q. Zhang, J. W. Zhang, J. X.\n Zhang, J. Y. Zhang, J. Z. Zhang, Jiawei Zhang, L. M. Zhang, L. Q. Zhang, Lei\n Zhang, P. Zhang, Q. Y. Zhang, Shuihan Zhang, Shulei Zhang, X. D. Zhang, X. M.\n Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Y. T. Zhang, Y. H. Zhang, Y. X.\n Zhang, Yan Zhang, Yao Zhang, Z. H. Zhang, Z. L. Zhang, Z. Y. Zhang, Z. Y.\n Zhang, G. Zhao, J. Zhao, J. Y. Zhao, J. Z. Zhao, Lei Zhao, Ling Zhao, M. G.\n Zhao, S. J. Zhao, Y. B. Zhao, Y. X. Zhao, Z. G. Zhao, A. Zhemchugov, B.\n Zheng, J. P. Zheng, W. J. Zheng, Y. H. Zheng, B. Zhong, X. Zhong, H. Zhou, L.\n P. Zhou, X. Zhou, X. K. Zhou, X. R. Zhou, X. Y. Zhou, Y. Z. Zhou, J. Zhu, K.\n Zhu, K. J. Zhu, L. Zhu, L. X. Zhu, S. H. Zhu, S. Q. Zhu, T. J. Zhu, W. J.\n Zhu, Y. C. Zhu, Z. A. Zhu, J. H. Zou, J. Zu","title":"Search for the lepton number violation decay $\\phi \\to \\pi^+ \\pi^+ e^-\n e^-$ via $J/\\psi\\to \\phi\\eta$","comments":"10 pages, 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ex","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Using $(1.0087\\pm0.0044)\\times10^{10}$ $J/\\psi$ events collected by the\nBESIII detector at the BEPCII collider, we search for the lepton number\nviolation decay $\\phi \\to \\pi^+ \\pi^+ e^- e^-$ via $J/\\psi\\to \\phi\\eta$. No\nsignal is found and the upper limit on the branching fraction of $\\phi \\to\n\\pi^+ \\pi^+ e^- e^-$ is set to be $9.7\\times10^{-6}$ at the 90\\% confidence\nlevel.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 10:36:38 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["BESIII Collaboration","",""],["Ablikim","M.",""],["Achasov","M. N.",""],["Adlarson","P.",""],["Aliberti","R.",""],["Amoroso","A.",""],["An","M. R.",""],["An","Q.",""],["Bai","Y.",""],["Bakina","O.",""],["Balossino","I.",""],["Ban","Y.",""],["Batozskaya","V.",""],["Begzsuren","K.",""],["Berger","N.",""],["Bertani","M.",""],["Bettoni","D.",""],["Bianchi","F.",""],["Bianco","E.",""],["Bloms","J.",""],["Bortone","A.",""],["Boyko","I.",""],["Briere","R. A.",""],["Brueggemann","A.",""],["Cai","H.",""],["Cai","X.",""],["Calcaterra","A.",""],["Cao","G. F.",""],["Cao","N.",""],["Cetin","S. A.",""],["Chang","J. F.",""],["Chang","T. T.",""],["Chang","W. L.",""],["Che","G. R.",""],["Chelkov","G.",""],["Chen","C.",""],["Chen","Chao",""],["Chen","G.",""],["Chen","H. S.",""],["Chen","M. L.",""],["Chen","S. J.",""],["Chen","S. M.",""],["Chen","T.",""],["Chen","X. R.",""],["Chen","X. T.",""],["Chen","Y. B.",""],["Chen","Y. Q.",""],["Chen","Z. J.",""],["Cheng","W. S.",""],["Choi","S. K.",""],["Chu","X.",""],["Cibinetto","G.",""],["Coen","S. C.",""],["Cossio","F.",""],["Cui","J. J.",""],["Dai","H. L.",""],["Dai","J. P.",""],["Dbeyssi","A.",""],["de Boer","R. E.",""],["Dedovich","D.",""],["Deng","Z. Y.",""],["Denig","A.",""],["Denysenko","I.",""],["Destefanis","M.",""],["De Mori","F.",""],["Ding","B.",""],["Ding","X. X.",""],["Ding","Y.",""],["Ding","Y.",""],["Dong","J.",""],["Dong","L. Y.",""],["Dong","M. Y.",""],["Dong","X.",""],["Du","S. X.",""],["Duan","Z. H.",""],["Egorov","P.",""],["Fan","Y. L.",""],["Fang","J.",""],["Fang","S. S.",""],["Fang","W. X.",""],["Fang","Y.",""],["Farinelli","R.",""],["Fava","L.",""],["Feldbauer","F.",""],["Felici","G.",""],["Feng","C. Q.",""],["Feng","J. H.",""],["Fischer","K",""],["Fritsch","M.",""],["Fritzsch","C.",""],["Fu","C. D.",""],["Fu","Y. W.",""],["Gao","H.",""],["Gao","Y. N.",""],["Gao","Yang",""],["Garbolino","S.",""],["Garzia","I.",""],["Ge","P. T.",""],["Ge","Z. W.",""],["Geng","C.",""],["Gersabeck","E. M.",""],["Gilman","A",""],["Goetzen","K.",""],["Gong","L.",""],["Gong","W. X.",""],["Gradl","W.",""],["Gramigna","S.",""],["Greco","M.",""],["Gu","M. H.",""],["Gu","Y. T.",""],["Guan","C. Y",""],["Guan","Z. L.",""],["Guo","A. Q.",""],["Guo","L. B.",""],["Guo","R. P.",""],["Guo","Y. P.",""],["Guskov","A.",""],["H.","X. T.",""],["Han","W. Y.",""],["Hao","X. Q.",""],["Harris","F. A.",""],["He","K. K.",""],["He","K. L.",""],["Heinsius","F. H.",""],["Heinz","C. H.",""],["Heng","Y. K.",""],["Herold","C.",""],["Holtmann","T.",""],["Hong","P. C.",""],["Hou","G. Y.",""],["Hou","Y. R.",""],["Hou","Z. L.",""],["Hu","H. M.",""],["Hu","J. F.",""],["Hu","T.",""],["Hu","Y.",""],["Huang","G. S.",""],["Huang","K. X.",""],["Huang","L. Q.",""],["Huang","X. T.",""],["Huang","Y. P.",""],["Hussain","T.",""],["H\u00fcsken","N",""],["Imoehl","W.",""],["Irshad","M.",""],["Jackson","J.",""],["Jaeger","S.",""],["Janchiv","S.",""],["Jeong","J. H.",""],["Ji","Q.",""],["Ji","Q. P.",""],["Ji","X. B.",""],["Ji","X. L.",""],["Ji","Y. Y.",""],["Jia","Z. K.",""],["Jiang","P. C.",""],["Jiang","S. S.",""],["Jiang","T. J.",""],["Jiang","X. S.",""],["Jiang","Y.",""],["Jiao","J. B.",""],["Jiao","Z.",""],["Jin","S.",""],["Jin","Y.",""],["Jing","M. Q.",""],["Johansson","T.",""],["K.","X.",""],["Kabana","S.",""],["Kalantar-Nayestanaki","N.",""],["Kang","X. L.",""],["Kang","X. S.",""],["Kappert","R.",""],["Kavatsyuk","M.",""],["Ke","B. C.",""],["Khoukaz","A.",""],["Kiuchi","R.",""],["Kliemt","R.",""],["Koch","L.",""],["Kolcu","O. B.",""],["Kopf","B.",""],["Kuessner","M.",""],["Kupsc","A.",""],["K\u00fchn","W.",""],["Lane","J. J.",""],["Lange","J. S.",""],["Larin","P.",""],["Lavania","A.",""],["Lavezzi","L.",""],["Lei","T. T.",""],["Lei","Z. H.",""],["Leithoff","H.",""],["Lellmann","M.",""],["Lenz","T.",""],["Li","C.",""],["Li","C.",""],["Li","C. H.",""],["Li","Cheng",""],["Li","D. M.",""],["Li","F.",""],["Li","G.",""],["Li","H.",""],["Li","H. B.",""],["Li","H. J.",""],["Li","H. N.",""],["Li","Hui",""],["Li","J. R.",""],["Li","J. S.",""],["Li","J. W.",""],["Li","Ke",""],["Li","L. J",""],["Li","L. K.",""],["Li","Lei",""],["Li","M. H.",""],["Li","P. R.",""],["Li","S. X.",""],["Li","T.",""],["Li","W. D.",""],["Li","W. G.",""],["Li","X. H.",""],["Li","X. L.",""],["Li","Xiaoyu",""],["Li","Y. G.",""],["Li","Z. J.",""],["Li","Z. X.",""],["Li","Z. Y.",""],["Liang","C.",""],["Liang","H.",""],["Liang","H.",""],["Liang","H.",""],["Liang","Y. F.",""],["Liang","Y. T.",""],["Liao","G. R.",""],["Liao","L. Z.",""],["Libby","J.",""],["Limphirat","A.",""],["Lin","D. X.",""],["Lin","T.",""],["Liu","B. J.",""],["Liu","B. X.",""],["Liu","C.",""],["Liu","C. X.",""],["Liu","D.",""],["Liu","F. H.",""],["Liu","Fang",""],["Liu","Feng",""],["Liu","G. M.",""],["Liu","H.",""],["Liu","H. B.",""],["Liu","H. M.",""],["Liu","Huanhuan",""],["Liu","Huihui",""],["Liu","J. B.",""],["Liu","J. L.",""],["Liu","J. Y.",""],["Liu","K.",""],["Liu","K. Y.",""],["Liu","Ke",""],["Liu","L.",""],["Liu","L. C.",""],["Liu","Lu",""],["Liu","M. H.",""],["Liu","P. L.",""],["Liu","Q.",""],["Liu","S. B.",""],["Liu","T.",""],["Liu","W. K.",""],["Liu","W. M.",""],["Liu","X.",""],["Liu","Y.",""],["Liu","Y. B.",""],["Liu","Z. A.",""],["Liu","Z. Q.",""],["Lou","X. C.",""],["Lu","F. X.",""],["Lu","H. J.",""],["Lu","J. G.",""],["Lu","X. L.",""],["Lu","Y.",""],["Lu","Y. P.",""],["Lu","Z. H.",""],["Luo","C. L.",""],["Luo","M. X.",""],["Luo","T.",""],["Luo","X. L.",""],["Lyu","X. R.",""],["Lyu","Y. F.",""],["Ma","F. C.",""],["Ma","H. L.",""],["Ma","J. L.",""],["Ma","L. L.",""],["Ma","M. M.",""],["Ma","Q. M.",""],["Ma","R. Q.",""],["Ma","R. T.",""],["Ma","X. Y.",""],["Ma","Y.",""],["Maas","F. E.",""],["Maggiora","M.",""],["Maldaner","S.",""],["Malde","S.",""],["Mangoni","A.",""],["Mao","Y. J.",""],["Mao","Z. P.",""],["Marcello","S.",""],["Meng","Z. X.",""],["Messchendorp","J. G.",""],["Mezzadri","G.",""],["Miao","H.",""],["Min","T. J.",""],["Mitchell","R. E.",""],["Mo","X. H.",""],["Muchnoi","N. Yu.",""],["Nefedov","Y.",""],["Nerling","F.",""],["Nikolaev","I. B.",""],["Ning","Z.",""],["Nisar","S.",""],["Niu","Y.",""],["Olsen","S. L.",""],["Ouyang","Q.",""],["Pacetti","S.",""],["Pan","X.",""],["Pan","Y.",""],["Pathak","A.",""],["Pei","Y. P.",""],["Pelizaeus","M.",""],["Peng","H. P.",""],["Peters","K.",""],["Ping","J. L.",""],["Ping","R. G.",""],["Plura","S.",""],["Pogodin","S.",""],["Prasad","V.",""],["Qi","F. Z.",""],["Qi","H.",""],["Qi","H. R.",""],["Qi","M.",""],["Qi","T. Y.",""],["Qian","S.",""],["Qian","W. B.",""],["Qiao","C. F.",""],["Qin","J. J.",""],["Qin","L. Q.",""],["Qin","X. P.",""],["Qin","X. S.",""],["Qin","Z. H.",""],["Qiu","J. F.",""],["Qu","S. Q.",""],["Redmer","C. F.",""],["Ren","K. J.",""],["Rivetti","A.",""],["Rodin","V.",""],["Rolo","M.",""],["Rong","G.",""],["Rosner","Ch.",""],["Ruan","S. N.",""],["Salone","N.",""],["Sarantsev","A.",""],["Schelhaas","Y.",""],["Schoenning","K.",""],["Scodeggio","M.",""],["Shan","K. Y.",""],["Shan","W.",""],["Shan","X. Y.",""],["Shangguan","J. F.",""],["Shao","L. G.",""],["Shao","M.",""],["Shen","C. P.",""],["Shen","H. F.",""],["Shen","W. H.",""],["Shen","X. Y.",""],["Shi","B. A.",""],["Shi","H. C.",""],["Shi","J. L.",""],["Shi","J. Y.",""],["Shi","Q. Q.",""],["Shi","R. S.",""],["Shi","X.",""],["Song","J. J.",""],["Song","T. Z.",""],["Song","W. M.",""],["Song","Y. J.",""],["Song","Y. X.",""],["Sosio","S.",""],["Spataro","S.",""],["Stieler","F.",""],["Su","Y. J.",""],["Sun","G. B.",""],["Sun","G. X.",""],["Sun","H.",""],["Sun","H. K.",""],["Sun","J. F.",""],["Sun","K.",""],["Sun","L.",""],["Sun","S. S.",""],["Sun","T.",""],["Sun","W. Y.",""],["Sun","Y.",""],["Sun","Y. J.",""],["Sun","Y. Z.",""],["Sun","Z. T.",""],["Tan","Y. X.",""],["Tang","C. J.",""],["Tang","G. Y.",""],["Tang","J.",""],["Tang","Y. A.",""],["Tao","L. Y",""],["Tao","Q. T.",""],["Tat","M.",""],["Teng","J. X.",""],["Thoren","V.",""],["Tian","W. H.",""],["Tian","W. H.",""],["Tian","Y.",""],["Tian","Z. F.",""],["Uman","I.",""],["Wang","B.",""],["Wang","B. L.",""],["Wang","Bo",""],["Wang","C. W.",""],["Wang","D. Y.",""],["Wang","F.",""],["Wang","H. J.",""],["Wang","H. P.",""],["Wang","K.",""],["Wang","L. L.",""],["Wang","M.",""],["Wang","Meng",""],["Wang","S.",""],["Wang","S.",""],["Wang","T.",""],["Wang","T. J.",""],["Wang","W.",""],["Wang","W.",""],["Wang","W. H.",""],["Wang","W. P.",""],["Wang","X.",""],["Wang","X. F.",""],["Wang","X. J.",""],["Wang","X. L.",""],["Wang","Y.",""],["Wang","Y. D.",""],["Wang","Y. F.",""],["Wang","Y. H.",""],["Wang","Y. N.",""],["Wang","Y. Q.",""],["Wang","Yaqian",""],["Wang","Yi",""],["Wang","Z.",""],["Wang","Z. L.",""],["Wang","Z. Y.",""],["Wang","Ziyi",""],["Wei","D.",""],["Wei","D. H.",""],["Weidner","F.",""],["Wen","S. P.",""],["Wenzel","C. W.",""],["Wiedner","U.",""],["Wilkinson","G.",""],["Wolke","M.",""],["Wollenberg","L.",""],["Wu","C.",""],["Wu","J. F.",""],["Wu","L. H.",""],["Wu","L. J.",""],["Wu","X.",""],["Wu","X. H.",""],["Wu","Y.",""],["Wu","Y. J",""],["Wu","Z.",""],["Xia","L.",""],["Xian","X. M.",""],["Xiang","T.",""],["Xiao","D.",""],["Xiao","G. Y.",""],["Xiao","H.",""],["Xiao","S. Y.",""],["Xiao","Y. L.",""],["Xiao","Z. J.",""],["Xie","C.",""],["Xie","X. H.",""],["Xie","Y.",""],["Xie","Y. G.",""],["Xie","Y. H.",""],["Xie","Z. P.",""],["Xing","T. Y.",""],["Xu","C. F.",""],["Xu","C. J.",""],["Xu","G. F.",""],["Xu","H. Y.",""],["Xu","Q. J.",""],["Xu","W. L.",""],["Xu","X. P.",""],["Xu","Y. C.",""],["Xu","Z. P.",""],["Yan","F.",""],["Yan","L.",""],["Yan","W. B.",""],["Yan","W. C.",""],["Yan","X. Q",""],["Yang","H. J.",""],["Yang","H. L.",""],["Yang","H. X.",""],["Yang","Tao",""],["Yang","Y.",""],["Yang","Y. F.",""],["Yang","Y. X.",""],["Yang","Yifan",""],["Yang","Z. W.",""],["Ye","M.",""],["Ye","M. H.",""],["Yin","J. H.",""],["You","Z. Y.",""],["Yu","B. X.",""],["Yu","C. X.",""],["Yu","G.",""],["Yu","T.",""],["Yu","X. D.",""],["Yuan","C. Z.",""],["Yuan","L.",""],["Yuan","S. C.",""],["Yuan","X. Q.",""],["Yuan","Y.",""],["Yuan","Z. Y.",""],["Yue","C. X.",""],["Zafar","A. A.",""],["Zeng","F. R.",""],["Zeng","X.",""],["Zeng","Y.",""],["Zeng","Y. J.",""],["Zhai","X. Y.",""],["Zhan","Y. H.",""],["Zhang","A. Q.",""],["Zhang","B. L.",""],["Zhang","B. X.",""],["Zhang","D. H.",""],["Zhang","G. Y.",""],["Zhang","H.",""],["Zhang","H. H.",""],["Zhang","H. H.",""],["Zhang","H. Q.",""],["Zhang","H. Y.",""],["Zhang","J. J.",""],["Zhang","J. L.",""],["Zhang","J. Q.",""],["Zhang","J. W.",""],["Zhang","J. X.",""],["Zhang","J. Y.",""],["Zhang","J. Z.",""],["Zhang","Jiawei",""],["Zhang","L. M.",""],["Zhang","L. Q.",""],["Zhang","Lei",""],["Zhang","P.",""],["Zhang","Q. Y.",""],["Zhang","Shuihan",""],["Zhang","Shulei",""],["Zhang","X. D.",""],["Zhang","X. M.",""],["Zhang","X. Y.",""],["Zhang","X. Y.",""],["Zhang","Y.",""],["Zhang","Y. T.",""],["Zhang","Y. H.",""],["Zhang","Y. X.",""],["Zhang","Yan",""],["Zhang","Yao",""],["Zhang","Z. H.",""],["Zhang","Z. L.",""],["Zhang","Z. Y.",""],["Zhang","Z. Y.",""],["Zhao","G.",""],["Zhao","J.",""],["Zhao","J. Y.",""],["Zhao","J. Z.",""],["Zhao","Lei",""],["Zhao","Ling",""],["Zhao","M. G.",""],["Zhao","S. J.",""],["Zhao","Y. B.",""],["Zhao","Y. X.",""],["Zhao","Z. G.",""],["Zhemchugov","A.",""],["Zheng","B.",""],["Zheng","J. P.",""],["Zheng","W. J.",""],["Zheng","Y. H.",""],["Zhong","B.",""],["Zhong","X.",""],["Zhou","H.",""],["Zhou","L. P.",""],["Zhou","X.",""],["Zhou","X. K.",""],["Zhou","X. R.",""],["Zhou","X. Y.",""],["Zhou","Y. Z.",""],["Zhu","J.",""],["Zhu","K.",""],["Zhu","K. J.",""],["Zhu","L.",""],["Zhu","L. X.",""],["Zhu","S. H.",""],["Zhu","S. Q.",""],["Zhu","T. J.",""],["Zhu","W. J.",""],["Zhu","Y. C.",""],["Zhu","Z. A.",""],["Zou","J. H.",""],["Zu","J.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05491","submitter":"Tanisha Joshi","authors":"Tanisha Joshi, S.D Pathak","title":"Interacting Tachyonic Scalar Field III","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"gr-qc","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" This study explores the plausibility of an interacting tachyonic scalar,\nhomogeneous in nature, as a promising candidate for dynamic dark energy,\noffering insights into the observed accelerated expansion of the universe. The\nparameterization of the interaction between the tachyonic field, matter, and\nHubble's parameter is performed linearly. The analysis focuses on fundamental\ncosmological parameters in a flat universe $(K = 0)$: expansion rate, universe\nage, energy density evolution for matter and the tachyonic field. The study\nalso examines the coupling strength between the tachyonic field and matter,\nrevealing a maximum value of unity when the interaction depends solely on their\nenergy densities. Combining them also yields an upper limit of unity (precisely\n0.7) for the coupling strength.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 10:38:45 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Joshi","Tanisha",""],["Pathak","S. D",""]]} {"id":"2308.05492","submitter":"Luca Foffano","authors":"Luca Foffano, Matteo Cerruti, Valerio Vittorini","title":"Neutrinos from interactions between the relativistic jet and large-scale\n structures of BL Lac objects investigated through their gamma-ray spectrum","comments":"Accepted for publication on Proceedings of Science for the 38th\n International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2023)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.HE","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Absorption and emission lines in the optical spectrum are typically used to\ninvestigate the presence of large-scale environments in active galactic nuclei\n(AGNs). BL Lac objects - which are a category of AGNs with the relativistic jet\npointing directly to the observer - are supposed to represent a late evolution\nstage of AGNs. Their large-scale structures are probably poorer of material,\nwhich is distributed with lower densities throughout the circumnuclear\nenvironment. Their accretion disk is weak and weakly reprocessed, making the\nnon-thermal continuum of the relativistic jet dominate their optical spectrum\nand preventing us from identifying the thermal emission of the photon fields\nproduced by such large-scale structures. However, these photon fields may still\nexist and eventually interact with the gamma rays traveling in the blazar jet\nvia gamma-gamma pair production, producing observable effects such as\nabsorption features in their spectral energy distribution. Interestingly, the\nsame photon field might also lead to the production of high-energy neutrinos,\nacting as targets for proton-photon interactions. In this contribution, we\npresent the results of a set of simulations over a wide parameter space\ndescribing both the blazar jet and the photon field properties. We discuss the\nmost effective conditions that may produce fluxes of neutrinos compatible with\nthe sensitivities of the current and the next generation of neutrino detectors.\nWe will also discuss how the possible neutrino flux would be related to the\nproperties of the large-scale structures investigated indirectly through the\nanalysis of the gamma-ray spectrum of the BL Lac object.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 10:42:16 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Foffano","Luca",""],["Cerruti","Matteo",""],["Vittorini","Valerio",""]]} {"id":"2308.05493","submitter":"Xu Zheng","authors":"Xu Zheng, Tianbo Pan, Yunhao Luo, Lin Wang","title":"Look at the Neighbor: Distortion-aware Unsupervised Domain Adaptation\n for Panoramic Semantic Segmentation","comments":"Accepted to ICCV 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Endeavors have been recently made to transfer knowledge from the labeled\npinhole image domain to the unlabeled panoramic image domain via Unsupervised\nDomain Adaptation (UDA). The aim is to tackle the domain gaps caused by the\nstyle disparities and distortion problem from the non-uniformly distributed\npixels of equirectangular projection (ERP). Previous works typically focus on\ntransferring knowledge based on geometric priors with specially designed\nmulti-branch network architectures. As a result, considerable computational\ncosts are induced, and meanwhile, their generalization abilities are profoundly\nhindered by the variation of distortion among pixels. In this paper, we find\nthat the pixels' neighborhood regions of the ERP indeed introduce less\ndistortion. Intuitively, we propose a novel UDA framework that can effectively\naddress the distortion problems for panoramic semantic segmentation. In\ncomparison, our method is simpler, easier to implement, and more\ncomputationally efficient. Specifically, we propose distortion-aware attention\n(DA) capturing the neighboring pixel distribution without using any geometric\nconstraints. Moreover, we propose a class-wise feature aggregation (CFA) module\nto iteratively update the feature representations with a memory bank. As such,\nthe feature similarity between two domains can be consistently optimized.\nExtensive experiments show that our method achieves new state-of-the-art\nperformance while remarkably reducing 80% parameters.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 10:47:12 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Zheng","Xu",""],["Pan","Tianbo",""],["Luo","Yunhao",""],["Wang","Lin",""]]} {"id":"2308.05494","submitter":"Shih-Ying Hsu","authors":"Shih-Ying Hsu, Sheng-Yuan Liu, Doug Johnstone, Tie Liu, Leonardo\n Bronfman, Huei-Ru Vivien Chen, Somnath Dutta, David J. Eden, Neal J. Evans\n II, Naomi Hirano, Mika Juvela, Yi-Jehng Kuan, Woojin Kwon, Chin-Fei Lee,\n Chang Won Lee, Jeong-Eun Lee, Shanghuo Li, Chun-Fan Liu, Xunchuan Liu, Qiuyi\n Luo, Sheng-Li Qin, Mark G. Rawlings, Dipen Sahu, Patricio Sanhueza, Hsien\n Shang, Kenichi Tatematsu, Yao-Lun Yang","title":"ALMA Survey of Orion Planck Galactic Cold Clumps (ALMASOP): The\n Warm-Envelope Origin of Hot Corinos","comments":"28 pages, 11 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.GA astro-ph.SR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Hot corinos are of great interest due to their richness in interstellar\ncomplex organic molecules (COMs) and the consequent potential prebiotic\nconnection to solar-like planetary systems. Recent surveys have reported an\nincreasing number of hot corino detections in Class 0/I protostars; however,\nthe relationships between their physical properties and the hot-corino\nsignatures remain elusive. In this study, our objective is to establish a\ngeneral picture of the detectability of the hot corinos by identifying the\norigin of the hot-corino signatures in the sample of young stellar objects\n(YSOs) obtained from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array Survey of\nOrion Planck Galactic Cold Clumps (ALMASOP) project. We apply spectral energy\ndistribution (SED) modeling to our sample and identify the physical parameters\nof the modeled YSOs directly, linking the detection of hot-corino signatures to\nthe envelope properties of the YSOs. Imaging simulations of the methanol\nemission further support this scenario. We, therefore, posit that the observed\nCOM emission originates from the warm inner envelopes of the sample YSOs, based\non both the warm region size and the envelope density profile. The former is\ngoverned by the source luminosity and is additionally affected by the disk and\ncavity properties, while the latter is related to the evolutionary stages. This\nscenario provides a framework for detecting hot-corino signatures toward\nluminous Class 0 YSOs, with fewer detections observed toward similarly luminous\nClass I sources.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 10:48:29 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 15:23:07 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Hsu","Shih-Ying",""],["Liu","Sheng-Yuan",""],["Johnstone","Doug",""],["Liu","Tie",""],["Bronfman","Leonardo",""],["Chen","Huei-Ru Vivien",""],["Dutta","Somnath",""],["Eden","David J.",""],["Evans","Neal J.","II"],["Hirano","Naomi",""],["Juvela","Mika",""],["Kuan","Yi-Jehng",""],["Kwon","Woojin",""],["Lee","Chin-Fei",""],["Lee","Chang Won",""],["Lee","Jeong-Eun",""],["Li","Shanghuo",""],["Liu","Chun-Fan",""],["Liu","Xunchuan",""],["Luo","Qiuyi",""],["Qin","Sheng-Li",""],["Rawlings","Mark G.",""],["Sahu","Dipen",""],["Sanhueza","Patricio",""],["Shang","Hsien",""],["Tatematsu","Kenichi",""],["Yang","Yao-Lun",""]]} {"id":"2308.05495","submitter":"Taehwan Im","authors":"Taehwan Im, Sun Kyu Song, Jae Whan Park, and Han Woong Yeom","title":"Topological soliton molecule in quasi 1D charge density wave","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Soliton molecules, bound states of two solitons, can be important for the\ninformatics using solitons and the quest for exotic particles in a wide range\nof physical systems from unconventional superconductors to nuclear matter and\nHiggs field, but have been observed only in temporal dimension for classical\nwave optical systems. Here, we identify a topological soliton molecule formed\nspatially in an electronic system, a quasi 1D charge density wave of indium\natomic wires. This system is composed of two coupled Peierls chains, which are\nendowed with a Z$_4$ topology and three distinct, right-chiral, left-chiral,\nand non-chiral, solitons. Our scanning tunneling microscopy measurements\nidentify a bound state of right- and left-chiral solitons with distinct in-gap\nstates and net zero phase shift. Our density functional theory calculations\nreveal the attractive interaction of these solitons and the hybridization of\ntheir electronic states. This result initiates the study of the interaction\nbetween solitons in electronic systems, which can provide novel manybody\nelectronic states and extra data-handling capacity beyond the given soliton\ntopology.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 10:54:29 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Im","Taehwan",""],["Song","Sun Kyu",""],["Park","Jae Whan",""],["Yeom","Han Woong",""]]} {"id":"2308.05496","submitter":"Nick Bryan-Kinns","authors":"Nick Bryan-Kinns, Berker Banar, Corey Ford, Courtney N. Reed, Yixiao\n Zhang, Simon Colton, Jack Armitage","title":"Exploring XAI for the Arts: Explaining Latent Space in Generative Music","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI cs.HC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Explainable AI has the potential to support more interactive and fluid\nco-creative AI systems which can creatively collaborate with people. To do\nthis, creative AI models need to be amenable to debugging by offering\neXplainable AI (XAI) features which are inspectable, understandable, and\nmodifiable. However, currently there is very little XAI for the arts. In this\nwork, we demonstrate how a latent variable model for music generation can be\nmade more explainable; specifically we extend MeasureVAE which generates\nmeasures of music. We increase the explainability of the model by: i) using\nlatent space regularisation to force some specific dimensions of the latent\nspace to map to meaningful musical attributes, ii) providing a user interface\nfeedback loop to allow people to adjust dimensions of the latent space and\nobserve the results of these changes in real-time, iii) providing a\nvisualisation of the musical attributes in the latent space to help people\nunderstand and predict the effect of changes to latent space dimensions. We\nsuggest that in doing so we bridge the gap between the latent space and the\ngenerated musical outcomes in a meaningful way which makes the model and its\noutputs more explainable and more debuggable.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 10:59:24 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Bryan-Kinns","Nick",""],["Banar","Berker",""],["Ford","Corey",""],["Reed","Courtney N.",""],["Zhang","Yixiao",""],["Colton","Simon",""],["Armitage","Jack",""]]} {"id":"2308.05497","submitter":"Max Vom Stein","authors":"Max vom Stein, Maximilian Hoppe, Maxim Sommer, Kai-Dietrich Wolf","title":"Measuring the spatial Acuity of vibrotactile Stimuli: A new Approach to\n determine universal and individual Thresholds","comments":"17 pages, 10 figures. Submitted to Elsevier: Displays","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.HC q-bio.NC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Tactile perception is an increasingly popular gateway in human-machine\ninteraction, yet universal design guidelines for tactile displays are still\nlacking, largely due to the absence of methods to measure sensibility across\nskin areas. In this study, we address this gap by developing and evaluating two\nfully automated vibrotactile tasks that require subjects to discriminate the\nposition of vibrotactile stimuli using a two-interval forced-choice procedure\n(2IFC). Of the two methodologies, one was initially validated through a\npreliminary study involving 13 participants. Subsequently, we applied the\nvalidated and improved vibrotactile testing procedure to a larger sample of 23\nparticipants, enabling a direct and valid comparison with static perception.\nOur findings reveal a significantly finer spatial acuity for static stimuli\nperception compared to vibrotactile stimuli perception from a stimulus\nseparation of 15 mm onwards. This study introduces a novel method for\ngenerating both universal thresholds and individual person-specific data for\nvibratory perception, marking a critical step towards the development of\nfunctional vibrotactile displays. The results underline the need for further\nresearch in this area and provide a foundation for the development of universal\ndesign guidelines for tactile displays.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 11:01:14 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Stein","Max vom",""],["Hoppe","Maximilian",""],["Sommer","Maxim",""],["Wolf","Kai-Dietrich",""]]} {"id":"2308.05498","submitter":"Benjamin Miller","authors":"Benjamin A. Miller and Kevin Chan and Tina Eliassi-Rad","title":"Complex Network Effects on the Robustness of Graph Convolutional\n Networks","comments":"39 pages, 8 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with\n arXiv:2003.05822","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SI","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Vertex classification -- the problem of identifying the class labels of nodes\nin a graph -- has applicability in a wide variety of domains. Examples include\nclassifying subject areas of papers in citation networks or roles of machines\nin a computer network. Vertex classification using graph convolutional networks\nis susceptible to targeted poisoning attacks, in which both graph structure and\nnode attributes can be changed in an attempt to misclassify a target node. This\nvulnerability decreases users' confidence in the learning method and can\nprevent adoption in high-stakes contexts. Defenses have also been proposed,\nfocused on filtering edges before creating the model or aggregating information\nfrom neighbors more robustly. This paper considers an alternative: we leverage\nnetwork characteristics in the training data selection process to improve\nrobustness of vertex classifiers.\n We propose two alternative methods of selecting training data: (1) to select\nthe highest-degree nodes and (2) to iteratively select the node with the most\nneighbors minimally connected to the training set. In the datasets on which the\noriginal attack was demonstrated, we show that changing the training set can\nmake the network much harder to attack. To maintain a given probability of\nattack success, the adversary must use far more perturbations; often a factor\nof 2--4 over the random training baseline. These training set selection methods\noften work in conjunction with the best recently published defenses to provide\neven greater robustness. While increasing the amount of randomly selected\ntraining data sometimes results in a more robust classifier, the proposed\nmethods increase robustness substantially more. We also run a simulation study\nin which we demonstrate conditions under which each of the two methods\noutperforms the other, controlling for the graph topology, homophily of the\nlabels, and node attributes.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 11:03:11 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Miller","Benjamin A.",""],["Chan","Kevin",""],["Eliassi-Rad","Tina",""]]} {"id":"2308.05499","submitter":"Ayla Erdur Kara","authors":"Muhittin Evren Aydin and Ayla Erdur Kara","title":"Singular Miminal Ruled Surfaces","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.DG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In this paper we study surfaces with minimal potential energy under\ngravitational forces, called singular minimal surfaces. We prove that a\nsingular minimal ruled surface in a Euclidean $3-$space is cylindrical, in\nparticular as an $\\alpha-$catenary cylinder by a result of L\\'{o}pez [Ann.\nGlob. Anal. Geom. 53(4) (2018), 521-541]. This result is also extended in\nLorentz-Minkowski $3-$space.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 11:03:18 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Aydin","Muhittin Evren",""],["Kara","Ayla Erdur",""]]} {"id":"2308.05500","submitter":"Pelin \\c{C}ilo\\u{g}lu","authors":"Pelin \\c{C}ilo\\u{g}lu, Hamdullah Y\\\"ucel","title":"An Adaptive Algorithm Based on Stochastic Discontinuous Galerkin for\n Convection Dominated Equations with Random Data","comments":"41 pages, 19 figures, 5 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NA cs.NA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In this paper, we propose an adaptive approach, based on mesh refinement or\nparametric enrichment, for convection diffusion equations containing randomness\nin their coefficients. A parametric system of convection diffusion equations\nobtained by an application of stochastic Galerkin approach is discretized by\nusing a symmetric interior penalty Galerkin (SIPG) method with upwinding for\nthe convection term in the spatial domain. We show the reliability of the\nproposed residual-based error estimator in the energy norm contributed by the\nerror due to the SIPG discretization, the error due to the data oscillations,\nand the error due to the (generalized) polynomial chaos discretization in the\nparametric space. To illustrate the performance of the proposed estimator,\nseveral benchmark examples including a random diffusivity parameter, a random\nvelocity parameter, random diffusivity/velocity parameters, and a random (jump)\ndiscontinuous diffusivity parameter, are tested.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 11:07:40 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["\u00c7ilo\u011flu","Pelin",""],["Y\u00fccel","Hamdullah",""]]} {"id":"2308.05501","submitter":"Sapir Gershov","authors":"Sapir Gershov, Fadi Mahameed, Aeyal Raz, Shlomi Laufer","title":"More Than Meets the Eye: Analyzing Anesthesiologists' Visual Attention\n in the Operating Room Using Deep Learning Models","comments":"Submitted to MICCAI Aml4HC 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Patient's vital signs, which are displayed on monitors, make the\nanesthesiologist's visual attention (VA) a key component in the safe management\nof patients under general anesthesia; moreover, the distribution of said VA and\nthe ability to acquire specific cues throughout the anesthetic, may have a\ndirect impact on patient's outcome. Currently, most studies employ wearable\neye-tracking technologies to analyze anesthesiologists' visual patterns. Albeit\nbeing able to produce meticulous data, wearable devices are not a sustainable\nsolution for large-scale or long-term use for data collection in the operating\nroom (OR). Thus, by utilizing a novel eye-tracking method in the form of deep\nlearning models that process monitor-mounted webcams, we collected continuous\nbehavioral data and gained insight into the anesthesiologist's VA distribution\nwith minimal disturbance to their natural workflow. In this study, we collected\nOR video recordings using the proposed framework and compared different visual\nbehavioral patterns. We distinguished between baseline VA distribution during\nuneventful periods to patterns associated with active phases or during\ncritical, unanticipated incidents. In the future, such a platform may serve as\na crucial component of context-aware assistive technologies in the OR.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 11:12:04 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Gershov","Sapir",""],["Mahameed","Fadi",""],["Raz","Aeyal",""],["Laufer","Shlomi",""]]} {"id":"2308.05502","submitter":"Andrea Tagarelli","authors":"Candida M. Greco, Andrea Tagarelli","title":"Bringing order into the realm of Transformer-based language models for\n artificial intelligence and law","comments":"Accepted for publication with Artificial Intelligence and Law,\n Springer Nature","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.AI cs.IR cs.NE physics.soc-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Transformer-based language models (TLMs) have widely been recognized to be a\ncutting-edge technology for the successful development of deep-learning-based\nsolutions to problems and applications that require natural language processing\nand understanding. Like for other textual domains, TLMs have indeed pushed the\nstate-of-the-art of AI approaches for many tasks of interest in the legal\ndomain. Despite the first Transformer model being proposed about six years ago,\nthere has been a rapid progress of this technology at an unprecedented rate,\nwhereby BERT and related models represent a major reference, also in the legal\ndomain. This article provides the first systematic overview of TLM-based\nmethods for AI-driven problems and tasks in the legal sphere. A major goal is\nto highlight research advances in this field so as to understand, on the one\nhand, how the Transformers have contributed to the success of AI in supporting\nlegal processes, and on the other hand, what are the current limitations and\nopportunities for further research development.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 11:14:22 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Greco","Candida M.",""],["Tagarelli","Andrea",""]]} {"id":"2308.05503","submitter":"Jiaxin Song","authors":"Xiaolin Bu, Jiaxin Song and Ziqi Yu","title":"EFX Allocations Exist for Binary Valuations","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CE cs.AI cs.CC","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We study the fair division problem and the existence of allocations\nsatisfying the fairness criterion envy-freeness up to any item (EFX). The\nexistence of EFX allocations is a major open problem in the fair division\nliterature. We consider binary valuations where the marginal gain of the value\nby receiving an extra item is either $0$ or $1$. Babaioff et al. [2021] proved\nthat EFX allocations always exist for binary and submodular valuations. In this\npaper, by using completely different techniques, we extend this existence\nresult to general binary valuations that are not necessarily submodular, and we\npresent a polynomial time algorithm for computing an EFX allocation.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 11:28:31 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Bu","Xiaolin",""],["Song","Jiaxin",""],["Yu","Ziqi",""]]} {"id":"2308.05504","submitter":"Wouter Jansen","authors":"Maarten de Backer, Wouter Jansen, Dennis Laurijssen, Ralph Simon,\n Walter Daems, Jan Steckel","title":"Detecting and Classifying Bio-Inspired Artificial Landmarks Using In-Air\n 3D Sonar","comments":"Accepted at 2023 IEEE Sensors Conference, Vienna, Austria","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.RO eess.SP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Various autonomous applications rely on recognizing specific known landmarks\nin their environment. For example, Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM)\nis an important technique that lays the foundation for many common tasks, such\nas navigation and long-term object tracking. This entails building a map on the\ngo based on sensory inputs which are prone to accumulating errors. Recognizing\nlandmarks in the environment plays a vital role in correcting these errors and\nfurther improving the accuracy of SLAM. The most popular choice of sensors for\nconducting SLAM today is optical sensors such as cameras or LiDAR sensors.\nThese can use landmarks such as QR codes as a prerequisite. However, such\nsensors become unreliable in certain conditions, e.g., foggy, dusty,\nreflective, or glass-rich environments. Sonar has proven to be a viable\nalternative to manage such situations better. However, acoustic sensors also\nrequire a different type of landmark. In this paper, we put forward a method to\ndetect the presence of bio-mimetic acoustic landmarks using support vector\nmachines trained on the frequency bands of the reflecting acoustic echoes using\nan embedded real-time imaging sonar.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 11:30:23 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 07:22:14 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["de Backer","Maarten",""],["Jansen","Wouter",""],["Laurijssen","Dennis",""],["Simon","Ralph",""],["Daems","Walter",""],["Steckel","Jan",""]]} {"id":"2308.05505","submitter":"Xinyi Wang","authors":"Xinyi Wang (1), Asmar Muqeet (1), Tao Yue (1), Shaukat Ali (1 and 2),\n Paolo Arcaini (3) ((1) Simula Research Laboratory Oslo Norway, (2) Oslo\n Metropolitan University Oslo Norway, (3) National Institute of Informatics\n Tokyo Japan)","title":"Test Case Minimization with Quantum Annealers","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SE","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Quantum annealers are specialized quantum computers for solving combinatorial\noptimization problems using special characteristics of quantum computing (QC),\nsuch as superposition, entanglement, and quantum tunneling. Theoretically,\nquantum annealers can outperform classical computers. However, the currently\navailable quantum annealers are small-scale, i.e., they have limited quantum\nbits (qubits); hence, they currently cannot demonstrate the quantum advantage.\nNonetheless, research is warranted to develop novel mechanisms to formulate\ncombinatorial optimization problems for quantum annealing (QA). However,\nsolving combinatorial problems with QA in software engineering remains\nunexplored. Toward this end, we propose BootQA, the very first effort at\nsolving the test case minimization (TCM) problem with QA. In BootQA, we provide\na novel formulation of TCM for QA, followed by devising a mechanism to\nincorporate bootstrap sampling to QA to optimize the use of qubits. We also\nimplemented our TCM formulation in three other optimization processes:\nclassical simulated annealing (SA), QA without problem decomposition, and QA\nwith an existing D-Wave problem decomposition strategy, and conducted an\nempirical evaluation with three real-world TCM datasets. Results show that\nBootQA outperforms QA without problem decomposition and QA with the existing\ndecomposition strategy in terms of effectiveness. Moreover, BootQA's\neffectiveness is similar to SA. Finally, BootQA has higher efficiency in terms\nof time when solving large TCM problems than the other three optimization\nprocesses.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 11:31:53 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Xinyi","","1 and 2"],["Muqeet","Asmar","","1 and 2"],["Yue","Tao","","1 and 2"],["Ali","Shaukat","","1 and 2"],["Arcaini","Paolo",""]]} {"id":"2308.05506","submitter":"Thomas Studer","authors":"Michael Baur and Thomas Studer","title":"Semirings of Evidence","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.LO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In traditional justification logic, evidence terms have the syntactic form of\npolynomials, but they are not equipped with the corresponding algebraic\nstructure. We present a novel semantic approach to justification logic that\nmodels evidence by a semiring. Hence justification terms can be interpreted as\npolynomial functions on that semiring. This provides an adequate semantics for\nevidence terms and clarifies the role of variables in justification logic.\nMoreover, the algebraic structure makes it possible to compute with evidence.\nDepending on the chosen semiring this can be used to model trust,\nprobabilities, cost, etc. Last but not least the semiring approach seems\npromising for obtaining a realization procedure for modal fixed point logics.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 11:34:15 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Thu, 17 Aug 2023 13:36:49 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-21","authors_parsed":[["Baur","Michael",""],["Studer","Thomas",""]]} {"id":"2308.05507","submitter":"Roman Engelhardt","authors":"Roman Engelhardt and Hani S. Mahmassani and Klaus Bogenberger","title":"Predictive Vehicle Repositioning for On-Demand Ride-Pooling Services","comments":"Submitted to TRB Annual Meeting 2024","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SY cs.SY","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" On-Demand Ride-Pooling services have the potential to increase traffic\nefficiency compared to private vehicle trips by decreasing parking space needed\nand increasing vehicle occupancy due to higher vehicle utilization and shared\ntrips, respectively. Thereby, an operator controls a fleet of vehicles that\nserve requested trips on-demand while trips can be shared. In this highly\ndynamic and stochastic setting, asymmetric spatio-temporal request\ndistributions can drive the system towards an imbalance between demand and\nsupply when vehicles end up in regions with low demand. This imbalance would\nlead to low fleet utilization and high customer waiting times. This study\nproposes a novel rebalancing algorithm to predictively reposition idle fleet\nvehicles to reduce this imbalance. The algorithm first samples artificial\nrequests from a predicted demand distribution and simulates future fleet states\nto identify supply shortages. An assignment problem is formulated that assigns\nrepositioning trips considering multiple samples and forecast horizons. The\nalgorithm is implemented in an agent-based simulation framework and compared to\nmultiple state-of-the-art rebalancing algorithms. A case study for Chicago,\nIllinois shows the benefits of applying the repositioning strategy by\nincreasing service rate and vehicle revenue hours by roughly 50% compared to a\nservice without repositioning. It additionally outperforms all comparison\nalgorithms by serving more customers, increasing the pooling efficiency and\ndecreasing customer waiting time regardless of the forecasting method applied.\nAs a trade-off, the computational time increases, but with a termination within\na couple of seconds it is still applicable for large-scale real world\ninstances.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 11:35:48 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Engelhardt","Roman",""],["Mahmassani","Hani S.",""],["Bogenberger","Klaus",""]]} {"id":"2308.05508","submitter":"Wentao Ning","authors":"Wentao Ning, Xiao Yan, Weiwen Liu, Reynold Cheng, Rui Zhang and Bo\n Tang","title":"Multi-domain Recommendation with Embedding Disentangling and Domain\n Alignment","comments":"Accepted by CIKM'23 as a Long paper","journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1145/3583780.3614977","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IR cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Multi-domain recommendation (MDR) aims to provide recommendations for\ndifferent domains (e.g., types of products) with overlapping users/items and is\ncommon for platforms such as Amazon, Facebook, and LinkedIn that host multiple\nservices. Existing MDR models face two challenges: First, it is difficult to\ndisentangle knowledge that generalizes across domains (e.g., a user likes cheap\nitems) and knowledge specific to a single domain (e.g., a user likes blue\nclothing but not blue cars). Second, they have limited ability to transfer\nknowledge across domains with small overlaps. We propose a new MDR method named\nEDDA with two key components, i.e., embedding disentangling recommender and\ndomain alignment, to tackle the two challenges respectively. In particular, the\nembedding disentangling recommender separates both the model and embedding for\nthe inter-domain part and the intra-domain part, while most existing MDR\nmethods only focus on model-level disentangling. The domain alignment leverages\nrandom walks from graph processing to identify similar user/item pairs from\ndifferent domains and encourages similar user/item pairs to have similar\nembeddings, enhancing knowledge transfer. We compare EDDA with 12\nstate-of-the-art baselines on 3 real datasets. The results show that EDDA\nconsistently outperforms the baselines on all datasets and domains. All\ndatasets and codes are available at https://github.com/Stevenn9981/EDDA.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 11:41:34 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Mon, 14 Aug 2023 01:48:12 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-15","authors_parsed":[["Ning","Wentao",""],["Yan","Xiao",""],["Liu","Weiwen",""],["Cheng","Reynold",""],["Zhang","Rui",""],["Tang","Bo",""]]} {"id":"2308.05509","submitter":"Juncai He","authors":"Juncai He","title":"On the Optimal Expressive Power of ReLU DNNs and Its Application in\n Approximation with Kolmogorov Superposition Theorem","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.NA math.NA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" This paper is devoted to studying the optimal expressive power of ReLU deep\nneural networks (DNNs) and its application in approximation via the Kolmogorov\nSuperposition Theorem. We first constructively prove that any continuous\npiecewise linear functions on $[0,1]$, comprising $O(N^2L)$ segments, can be\nrepresented by ReLU DNNs with $L$ hidden layers and $N$ neurons per layer.\nSubsequently, we demonstrate that this construction is optimal regarding the\nparameter count of the DNNs, achieved through investigating the shattering\ncapacity of ReLU DNNs. Moreover, by invoking the Kolmogorov Superposition\nTheorem, we achieve an enhanced approximation rate for ReLU DNNs of arbitrary\nwidth and depth when dealing with continuous functions in high-dimensional\nspaces.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 11:42:09 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["He","Juncai",""]]} {"id":"2308.05510","submitter":"He Wang","authors":"Minghui Du and Bo Liang and He Wang and Peng Xu and Ziren Luo and\n Yueliang Wu","title":"Advancing Space-Based Gravitational Wave Astronomy: Rapid Detection and\n Parameter Estimation Using Normalizing Flows","comments":"15 pages, 6 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.IM gr-qc physics.data-an","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Gravitational wave (GW) astronomy is witnessing a transformative shift from\nterrestrial to space-based detection, with missions like Taiji at the\nforefront. While the transition brings unprecedented opportunities to explore\nmassive black hole binaries (MBHBs), it also imposes complex challenges in data\nanalysis, particularly in parameter estimation amidst confusion noise.\nAddressing this gap, we utilize scalable Normalizing Flow models to achieve\nrapid and accurate inference within the Taiji environment. Innovatively, our\napproach simplifies the data's complexity, employs a transformation mapping to\novercome the year-period time-dependent response function, and unveils\nadditional multimodality in the arrival time parameter. Our method estimates\nMBHBs several orders of magnitude faster than conventional techniques,\nmaintaining high accuracy even in complex backgrounds. These findings\nsignificantly enhance the efficiency of GW data analysis, paving the way for\nrapid detection and alerting systems and enriching our ability to explore the\nuniverse through space-based GW observation.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 11:42:33 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Du","Minghui",""],["Liang","Bo",""],["Wang","He",""],["Xu","Peng",""],["Luo","Ziren",""],["Wu","Yueliang",""]]} {"id":"2308.05511","submitter":"Feng-Xiao Sun","authors":"Yilun Xu, Daoquan Zhu, Feng-Xiao Sun, Qiongyi He, Wei Zhang","title":"Fast quantum state transfer and entanglement preparation in strongly\n coupled bosonic systems","comments":"28 pages, 8 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Continuous U(1) gauge symmetry, which guarantees the conservation of the\ntotal excitations in linear bosonic systems, will be broken when it comes to\nthe strong-coupling regime where the rotation wave approximation (RWA) fails.\nHere we develop analytic solutions for multi-mode bosonic systems with XX-type\ncouplings beyond RWA, and proposed a novel scheme to implement high-fidelity\nquantum state transfer (QST) and entanglement preparation (EP) with high speed.\nThe scheme can be realized with designated coupling strength and pulse duration\nwith which the excitation number keeps unchanged regardless of the breakdown of\nthe global U(1) symmetry. In the QST tasks, we consider several typical quantum\nstates and demonstrate that this method is robust against thermal noise and\nimperfections of experimental sequence. In the EP tasks, the scheme is\nsuccessfully implemented for the preparation of Bell states and W-type states,\nwithin a shortest preparation time.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 11:44:19 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Xu","Yilun",""],["Zhu","Daoquan",""],["Sun","Feng-Xiao",""],["He","Qiongyi",""],["Zhang","Wei",""]]} {"id":"2308.05512","submitter":"Hirofumi Nema","authors":"Hirofumi Nema, Yasuhiro Fujii, Eiichi Oishi and Akitoshi Koreeda","title":"Observation of low-frequency Raman peak in layered WTe$_2$","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" WTe$_2$ recently attracted considerable attention as a layered material\nexhibiting ferroelectricity, giant magnetoresistance, and pressure-induced\nsuperconductivity. In this study, we performed Raman spectroscopy on bulk\nWTe$_2$, including the unreported low frequency region. A novel Raman peak (P0)\nwas found at approximately 9 cm$^{-1}$ in addition to the seven already known\npeaks. Furthermore, the angular and polarization dependence of the spectra\nrevealed that the novel peak had $A_1$ symmetry. The existence of this novel\npeak is consistent with first principles calculations by another group. Our\nwork paves the way for studying the low frequency vibration modes of atomic\nlayer ferrolectric films.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 11:45:24 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Nema","Hirofumi",""],["Fujii","Yasuhiro",""],["Oishi","Eiichi",""],["Koreeda","Akitoshi",""]]} {"id":"2308.05513","submitter":"Han Qing Shi","authors":"Han-Qing Shi and Hai-Qing Zhang","title":"Measuring Renyi Entropy in Neural Network Quantum States","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.dis-nn hep-th quant-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We compute the Renyi entropy in a one-dimensional transverse-field quantum\nIsing model by employing a swapping operator acting on the states which are\nprepared from the neural network methods. In the static ground state, Renyi\nentropy can uncover the critical point of the quantum phase transition from\nparamagnetic to ferromagnetic. At the critical point, the relation between the\nRenyi entropy and the subsystem size satisfies the predictions from conformal\nfield theory. In the dynamical case, we find coherent oscillations of the Renyi\nentropy after the end of the linear quench. These oscillations have universal\nfrequencies which may come from the superpositions of excited states. The\nasymptotic form of the Renyi entropy implies a new length scale away from the\ncritical point. This length scale is also verified by the overlap of the\nreduced Renyi entropy against the dimensionless subsystem size.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 11:52:44 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Shi","Han-Qing",""],["Zhang","Hai-Qing",""]]} {"id":"2308.05514","submitter":"Julia Theresa Kamml","authors":"Julia Kamml, Claire Acevedo, David Kammer","title":"Advanced-Glycation Endproducts: How cross-linking properties affect the\n collagen fibril behavior","comments":"19 pages, 10 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"q-bio.TO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Advanced-Glycation-Endproducts (AGEs) are known to be a major cause of\nimpaired tissue material properties. In collagen fibrils, the main building\ncomponent of human tissue, these AGEs appear as fibrillar cross-links. When\nAGEs accumulate in collagen fibrils, a process often caused by diabetes and\naging, the mechanical properties of the collagen fibril are altered. However,\ncurrent knowledge about the mechanical properties of different types of AGEs,\nand their quantity in collagen fibrils is limited owing to the scarcity of\navailable experimental data. Consequently, the precise relationship between the\nnano-scale cross-link properties, their density in collagen fibrils, and the\nmechanical properties of the collagen fibrils at larger scales remains poorly\nunderstood. In our study, we use coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations\nand perform destructive tensile tests on collagen fibrils to evaluate the\neffect of different cross-link densities and their mechanical properties on\ncollagen fibril deformation and fracture behavior. We observe that the collagen\nfibril stiffens at high strain levels when either the AGEs density or the\nloading energy capacity of AGEs are increased. We demonstrate that this\nstiffening is caused by a mechanism that favors energy absorption via\nstretching rather than inter-molecular sliding. Hence, in cross-linked collagen\nfibrils, the absorbed energy is stored rather than dissipated through friction,\nresulting in brittle fracture upon fibrillar failure. Further, by varying\nmultiple AGEs nano-scale parameters, we show that the AGEs loading energy\ncapacity is, aside from their density in the fibril, the unique factor\ndetermining the effect of different types of AGEs on the mechanical behavior of\ncollagen fibrils. Our results show that knowing AGEs properties is crucial for\nunderstanding of the origin of impaired tissue behavior.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 11:55:44 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Kamml","Julia",""],["Acevedo","Claire",""],["Kammer","David",""]]} {"id":"2308.05515","submitter":"Udugama Vithanage Bavantha Lakshan Udugama","authors":"U.V.B.L. Udugama, G. Vosselman, F. Nex","title":"Mono-hydra: Real-time 3D scene graph construction from monocular camera\n input with IMU","comments":"7 pages, 5 figures, GSW 2023 conference paper","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.RO cs.AI","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" The ability of robots to autonomously navigate through 3D environments\ndepends on their comprehension of spatial concepts, ranging from low-level\ngeometry to high-level semantics, such as objects, places, and buildings. To\nenable such comprehension, 3D scene graphs have emerged as a robust tool for\nrepresenting the environment as a layered graph of concepts and their\nrelationships. However, building these representations using monocular vision\nsystems in real-time remains a difficult task that has not been explored in\ndepth. This paper puts forth a real-time spatial perception system Mono-Hydra,\ncombining a monocular camera and an IMU sensor setup, focusing on indoor\nscenarios. However, the proposed approach is adaptable to outdoor applications,\noffering flexibility in its potential uses. The system employs a suite of deep\nlearning algorithms to derive depth and semantics. It uses a robocentric\nvisual-inertial odometry (VIO) algorithm based on square-root information,\nthereby ensuring consistent visual odometry with an IMU and a monocular camera.\nThis system achieves sub-20 cm error in real-time processing at 15 fps,\nenabling real-time 3D scene graph construction using a laptop GPU (NVIDIA\n3080). This enhances decision-making efficiency and effectiveness in simple\ncamera setups, augmenting robotic system agility. We make Mono-Hydra publicly\navailable at: https://github.com/UAV-Centre-ITC/Mono_Hydra\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 11:58:38 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Udugama","U. V. B. L.",""],["Vosselman","G.",""],["Nex","F.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05516","submitter":"Paolo Leonetti","authors":"Paolo Leonetti","title":"Quasi-arithmetic means ad libitum","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Let $\\alpha_1, \\ldots, \\alpha_m$ be two or more positive reals with sum $1$,\nlet $C\\subseteq \\mathbb{R}^k$ be an open convex set, and $f: C\\to \\mathbb{R}^k$\nbe a continuous injection with convex image. For each nonempty set $S\\subseteq\nC$, let $\\mathscr{M}(S)$ be the family of quasi-arithmetic means of all\n$m$-tuples of vectors in $C$ with respect to $f$ and the weights\n$\\alpha_1,\\ldots,\\alpha_m$, that is, the family $$ \\mathscr{M}(S)= \\left\\{\nf^{-1}\\left(\\alpha_1f(x_1)+\\cdots+\\alpha_mf(x_m)\\right): x_1,\\ldots,x_m \\in S\n\\right\\}. $$ We provide a simple necessary and sufficient condition on $S$ for\nwhich the infinite iteration $\\bigcup_{n}\\mathscr{M}^n(S)$ is relatively dense\nin the convex hull of $S$.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 11:58:48 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Leonetti","Paolo",""]]} {"id":"2308.05517","submitter":"Liu Yahang","authors":"Yahang Liu, Kecheng Wei, Chen Huang, Yongfu Yu, Guoyou Qin","title":"Quantile regression outcome-adaptive lasso: variable selection for\n causal quantile treatment effect estimation","comments":"Need polishing","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.ME","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Quantile treatment effects (QTEs) can characterize the potentially\nheterogeneous causal effect of a treatment on different points of the entire\noutcome distribution. Propensity score (PS) methods are commonly employed for\nestimating QTEs in non-randomized studies. Empirical and theoretical studies\nhave shown that insufficient and unnecessary adjustment for covariates in PS\nmodels can lead to bias and efficiency loss in estimating treatment effects.\nStriking a balance between bias and efficiency through variable selection is a\ncrucial concern in casual inference. It is essential to acknowledge that the\ncovariates related treatment and outcome may vary across different quantiles of\nthe outcome distribution. However, previous studies have overlooked to adjust\nfor different covariates separately in the PS models when estimating different\nQTEs. In this article, we proposed the quantile regression outcome-adaptive\nlasso (QROAL) method to select covariates that can provide unbiased and\nefficient estimates of QTEs. A distinctive feature of our proposed method is\nthe utilization of linear quantile regression models for constructing penalty\nweights, enabling covariate selection in PS models separately when estimating\ndifferent QTEs. We conducted simulation studies to show the superiority of our\nproposed method over the outcome-adaptive lasso (OAL) method in variable\nselection. Moreover, the proposed method exhibited favorable performance\ncompared to the OAL method in terms of root mean square error in a range of\nsettings, including both homogeneous and heterogeneous scenarios. Additionally,\nwe applied the QROAL method to datasets from the China Health and Retirement\nLongitudinal Study (CHARLS) to explore the impact of smoking status on the\nseverity of depression symptoms.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 11:59:10 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Mon, 14 Aug 2023 07:30:21 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-15","authors_parsed":[["Liu","Yahang",""],["Wei","Kecheng",""],["Huang","Chen",""],["Yu","Yongfu",""],["Qin","Guoyou",""]]} {"id":"2308.05518","submitter":"Valerio Busillo","authors":"Valerio Busillo, Giovanni Covone, Mauro Sereno, Lorenzo Ingoglia,\n Mario Radovich, Sandro Bardelli, Gianluca Castignani, Carlo Giocoli, Giorgio\n Francesco Lesci, Federico Marulli, Matteo Maturi, Lauro Moscardini, Emanuela\n Puddu, Mauro Roncarelli","title":"AMICO galaxy clusters in KiDS-DR3: constraints on $\\Lambda$CDM from\n extreme value statistics","comments":"11 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables","journal-ref":"MNRAS 524 (2023) 5050-5059","doi":"10.1093/mnras/stad2190","report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.CO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We constrain the $\\Lambda$CDM cosmological parameter $\\sigma_{8}$ by applying\nthe extreme value statistics for galaxy cluster mass on the AMICO KiDS-DR3\ncatalog. We sample the posterior distribution of the parameters by considering\nthe likelihood of observing the largest cluster mass value in a sample of\n$N_{\\textrm{obs}} = 3644$ clusters with intrinsic richness $\\lambda^{*} > 20$\nin the redshift range $z\\in[0.10, 0.60]$. We obtain\n$\\sigma_{8}=0.90_{-0.18}^{+0.20}$, consistent within $1\\sigma$ with the\nmeasurements obtained by the Planck collaboration and with previous results\nfrom cluster cosmology exploiting AMICO KiDS-DR3. The constraints could improve\nby applying this method to forthcoming missions, such as $\\textit{Euclid}$ and\nLSST, which are expected to deliver thousands of distant and massive clusters.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 12:02:53 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Busillo","Valerio",""],["Covone","Giovanni",""],["Sereno","Mauro",""],["Ingoglia","Lorenzo",""],["Radovich","Mario",""],["Bardelli","Sandro",""],["Castignani","Gianluca",""],["Giocoli","Carlo",""],["Lesci","Giorgio Francesco",""],["Marulli","Federico",""],["Maturi","Matteo",""],["Moscardini","Lauro",""],["Puddu","Emanuela",""],["Roncarelli","Mauro",""]]} {"id":"2308.05519","submitter":"Sung-Soo Byun","authors":"Gernot Akemann, Sung-Soo Byun, Markus Ebke, Gregory Schehr","title":"Universality in the number variance and counting statistics of the real\n and symplectic Ginibre ensemble","comments":"47 pages, 6 figures; v2 48 pages, 6 figures, references and\n associated text added","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math-ph cond-mat.stat-mech math.MP math.PR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In this article, we compute and compare the statistics of the number of\neigenvalues in a centred disc of radius $R$ in all three Ginibre ensembles. We\ndetermine the mean and variance as functions of $R$ in the vicinity of the\norigin, where the real and symplectic ensembles exhibit respectively an\nadditional attraction to or repulsion from the real axis, leading to different\nresults. In the large radius limit, all three ensembles coincide and display a\nuniversal bulk behaviour of $O(R^2)$ for the mean, and $O(R)$ for the variance.\nWe present detailed conjectures for the bulk and edge scaling behaviours of the\nreal Ginibre ensemble, having real and complex eigenvalues. For the symplectic\nensemble we can go beyond the Gaussian case (corresponding to the Ginibre\nensemble) and prove the universality of the full counting statistics both in\nthe bulk and at the edge of the spectrum for rotationally invariant potentials,\nextending a recent work which considered the mean and the variance. This\nstatistical behaviour coincides with the universality class of the complex\nGinibre ensemble, which has been shown to be associated with the ground state\nof non-interacting fermions in a two-dimensional rotating harmonic trap. All\nour analytical results and conjectures are corroborated by numerical\nsimulations.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 12:02:59 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Fri, 18 Aug 2023 12:33:46 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-21","authors_parsed":[["Akemann","Gernot",""],["Byun","Sung-Soo",""],["Ebke","Markus",""],["Schehr","Gregory",""]]} {"id":"2308.05520","submitter":"Ariel Neufeld","authors":"Ariel Neufeld, Julian Sester","title":"Bounding the Difference between the Values of Robust and Non-Robust\n Markov Decision Problems","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.OC math.PR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In this note we provide an upper bound for the difference between the value\nfunction of a distributionally robust Markov decision problem and the value\nfunction of a non-robust Markov decision problem, where the ambiguity set of\nprobability kernels of the distributionally robust Markov decision process is\ndescribed by a Wasserstein-ball around some reference kernel whereas the\nnon-robust Markov decision process behaves according to a fixed probability\nkernel contained in the ambiguity set. Our derived upper bound for the\ndifference between the value functions is dimension-free and depends linearly\non the radius of the Wasserstein-ball.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 12:03:37 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Neufeld","Ariel",""],["Sester","Julian",""]]} {"id":"2308.05521","submitter":"Christian Dietrich","authors":"Christian Dietrich and Tim-Marek Thomas and Matthias Mnich","title":"Checkpoint Placement for Systematic Fault-Injection Campaigns","comments":"Preprint for accepted version at ICCAD'23","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Shrinking hardware structures and decreasing operating voltages lead to an\nincreasing number of transient hardware faults,which thus become a core problem\nto consider for safety-critical systems. Here, systematic fault injection (FI),\nwhere one program-under-test is systematically stressed with faults, provides\nan in-depth resilience analysis in the presence of faults. However, FI\ncampaigns require many independent injection experiments and, combined, long\nrun times, especially if we aim for a high coverage of the fault space. One\ncost factor is the forwarding phase, which is the time required to bring the\nsystem-under test into the fault-free state at injection time. One common\ntechnique to speed up the forwarding are checkpoints of the fault-free system\nstate at fixed points in time.\n In this paper, we show that the placement of checkpoints has a significant\ninfluence on the required forwarding cycles, especially if we place faults\nnon-uniformly on the time axis. For this, we discuss the checkpoint-selection\nproblem in general, formalize it as a maximum-weight reward path problem in\ngraphs, propose an ILP formulation and a dynamic programming algorithm that\nfind the optimal solution, and provide a heuristic checkpoint-selection method\nbased on a genetic algorithm. Applied to the MiBench benchmark suite, our\napproach consistently reduces the forward-phase cycles by at least 88 percent\nand up to 99.934 percent when placing 16 checkpoints.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 12:03:54 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Dietrich","Christian",""],["Thomas","Tim-Marek",""],["Mnich","Matthias",""]]} {"id":"2308.05522","submitter":"Alan Kai Hassen","authors":"Paula Torren-Peraire, Alan Kai Hassen, Samuel Genheden, Jonas\n Verhoeven, Djork-Arne Clevert, Mike Preuss, Igor Tetko","title":"Models Matter: The Impact of Single-Step Retrosynthesis on Synthesis\n Planning","comments":"The following authors contributed equally: Paula Torren-Peraire, Alan\n Kai Hassen","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI cs.LG physics.chem-ph q-bio.BM","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Retrosynthesis consists of breaking down a chemical compound recursively\nstep-by-step into molecular precursors until a set of commercially available\nmolecules is found with the goal to provide a synthesis route. Its two primary\nresearch directions, single-step retrosynthesis prediction, which models the\nchemical reaction logic, and multi-step synthesis planning, which tries to find\nthe correct sequence of reactions, are inherently intertwined. Still, this\nconnection is not reflected in contemporary research. In this work, we combine\nthese two major research directions by applying multiple single-step\nretrosynthesis models within multi-step synthesis planning and analyzing their\nimpact using public and proprietary reaction data. We find a disconnection\nbetween high single-step performance and potential route-finding success,\nsuggesting that single-step models must be evaluated within synthesis planning\nin the future. Furthermore, we show that the commonly used single-step\nretrosynthesis benchmark dataset USPTO-50k is insufficient as this evaluation\ntask does not represent model performance and scalability on larger and more\ndiverse datasets. For multi-step synthesis planning, we show that the choice of\nthe single-step model can improve the overall success rate of synthesis\nplanning by up to +28% compared to the commonly used baseline model. Finally,\nwe show that each single-step model finds unique synthesis routes, and differs\nin aspects such as route-finding success, the number of found synthesis routes,\nand chemical validity, making the combination of single-step retrosynthesis\nprediction and multi-step synthesis planning a crucial aspect when developing\nfuture methods.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 12:04:47 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Torren-Peraire","Paula",""],["Hassen","Alan Kai",""],["Genheden","Samuel",""],["Verhoeven","Jonas",""],["Clevert","Djork-Arne",""],["Preuss","Mike",""],["Tetko","Igor",""]]} {"id":"2308.05523","submitter":"Adam Widomski","authors":"Adam Widomski, Maciej Ogrodnik, Micha{\\l} Karpi\\'nski","title":"Efficient detection of multidimensional single-photon time-bin\n superpositions","comments":"6 pages, 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.optics quant-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The ability to detect quantum superpositions lies at the heart of fundamental\nand applied aspects of quantum mechanics. The time-frequency degree of freedom\nof light enables encoding and transmitting quantum information in a\nmulti-dimensional fashion compatible with fiber and integrated platforms.\nHowever, the ability to efficiently detect time-frequency superpositions is not\nyet available. Here we show, that multidimensional time-bin superpositions can\nbe detected using a single time-resolved photon detector. Our approach uses\noff-the shelf components and is based on the temporal Talbot effect -- a\ntime-frequency counterpart of the well-know near field diffraction effect. We\nprovide experimental results and discuss the possible applications in quantum\ncommunication, quantum information processing, and time-frequency quantum state\ntomography.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 12:05:08 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Widomski","Adam",""],["Ogrodnik","Maciej",""],["Karpi\u0144ski","Micha\u0142",""]]} {"id":"2308.05524","submitter":"Matthew Pressland","authors":"Xin Fang, Mikhail Gorsky, Yann Palu, Pierre-Guy Plamondon, Matthew\n Pressland","title":"Extriangulated ideal quotients, with applications to cluster theory and\n gentle algebras","comments":"47 pages, comments welcome","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.RT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We extend results of Br\\\"ustle-Yang on ideal quotients of 2-term\nsubcategories of perfect derived categories of non-positive dg algebras to a\nrelative setting. We find a new interpretation of such quotients: they appear\nas prototypical examples of a new construction of quotients of extriangulated\ncategories by ideals generated by morphisms from injectives to projectives. We\napply our results to Frobenius exact cluster categories and Higgs categories\nwith suitable relative extriangulated structures, and to categories of walks\nrelated to gentle algebras. In all three cases, the extriangulated structures\nare well-behaved (they are 0-Auslander) and their quotients are equivalent to\nhomotopy categories of two-term complexes of projectives over suitable\nfinite-dimensional algebras.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 12:05:36 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Fang","Xin",""],["Gorsky","Mikhail",""],["Palu","Yann",""],["Plamondon","Pierre-Guy",""],["Pressland","Matthew",""]]} {"id":"2308.05525","submitter":"Meir Yossef Levi","authors":"Meir Yossef Levi, Guy Gilboa","title":"Critical Points ++: An Agile Point Cloud Importance Measure for Robust\n Classification, Adversarial Defense and Explainable AI","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The ability to cope accurately and fast with Out-Of-Distribution (OOD)\nsamples is crucial in real-world safety demanding applications. In this work we\nfirst study the interplay between critical points of 3D point clouds and OOD\nsamples. Our findings are that common corruptions and outliers are often\ninterpreted as critical points. We generalize the notion of critical points\ninto importance measures. We show that training a classification network based\nonly on less important points dramatically improves robustness, at a cost of\nminor performance loss on the clean set. We observe that normalized entropy is\nhighly informative for corruption analysis. An adaptive threshold based on\nnormalized entropy is suggested for selecting the set of uncritical points. Our\nproposed importance measure is extremely fast to compute. We show it can be\nused for a variety of applications, such as Explainable AI (XAI), Outlier\nRemoval, Uncertainty Estimation, Robust Classification and Adversarial Defense.\nWe reach SOTA results on the two latter tasks. Code is available at:\nhttps://github.com/yossilevii100/critical_points2\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 12:06:03 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 18:21:24 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Levi","Meir Yossef",""],["Gilboa","Guy",""]]} {"id":"2308.05526","submitter":"Melih Arslan Ozcelik","authors":"Sergei Makarov, Kirill Melnikov, Paolo Nason, Melih A. Ozcelik","title":"Linear power corrections to top quark pair production in hadron\n collisions","comments":"35 pages, 8 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":"TTP23-032, P3H-23-055","categories":"hep-ph hep-th","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We compute, in the framework of renormalon calculus, the ${\\cal\nO}(\\Lambda_{\\rm QCD})$ corrections to the production of $t\\bar{t}$ pairs in\nhadron collisions under the assumption that $q \\bar q \\to t \\bar t$ is the\ndominant partonic channel. This assumption is not applicable to top quark pair\nproduction at the LHC but it is valid for the Tevatron where collisions of\nprotons and anti-protons were studied. We show that the linear power correction\nto the total $t \\bar t$ production cross section vanishes provided one uses a\nshort-distance scheme for the top quark mass. We also derive relatively simple\nformulas for the power corrections to top quark kinematic distributions.\nAlthough small numerically, these power corrections exhibit interesting\ndependencies on top quark kinematics.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 12:11:10 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Makarov","Sergei",""],["Melnikov","Kirill",""],["Nason","Paolo",""],["Ozcelik","Melih A.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05527","submitter":"Andrei Kramer-Miehe","authors":"Andrei Kramer, Federica Milinanni, Pierre Nyquist, Alexandra\n Jauhiainen, Olivia Eriksson","title":"UQSA -- An R-Package for Uncertainty Quantification and Sensitivity\n Analysis for Biochemical Reaction Network Models","comments":"6 pages, 1 figure, application note","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"q-bio.QM q-bio.SC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" We present an R-package developed for modeling of biochemical reaction\nnetworks, uncertainty quantification (UQ) and sensitivity analysis (SA).\nEstimating parameters and quantifying their uncertainty (and resulting\nprediction uncertainty), is required for data-driven systems biology modeling.\nSampling methods need to be efficient when confronted with high-dimensional,\ncorrelated parameter distributions. We have developed the UQSA package to be\nfast for this problem class and work well with other tools for modelling. We\naim for simplicity, and part of that is our use of the SBtab format for the\nunified storage of model and data. Our tool-set is modular enough, that parts\ncan be replaced. We use intermediate formats that are not hidden from the user\nto make this feasible. UQ is performed through Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)\nsampling in an Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) setting. This can be\nfollowed by a variance-decomposition based global sensitivity analysis. If\nneeded, complex parameter distributions can be described, evaluated, and\nsampled from, with the help of Vine-copulas that are available in R. This\napproach is especially useful when new experimental data become available, and\na previously calibrated model needs to be updated.\n Implementation: R is a high-level language and allows the use of\nsophisticated statistical methods. The ode solver we used is written in C\n(gsl_odeiv2, interface to R is ours). We use the SBtab tabular format for the\nmodel description, as well as the data and an event system to be able to model\ninputs frequently encountered in systems biology and neuroscience. The code has\nbeen tested on one node with 256 cores of a computing cluster, but smaller\nexamples are included in the repository that can be run on a laptop.\n Source code: https://github.com/icpm-kth/uqsa\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 12:12:03 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Kramer","Andrei",""],["Milinanni","Federica",""],["Nyquist","Pierre",""],["Jauhiainen","Alexandra",""],["Eriksson","Olivia",""]]} {"id":"2308.05528","submitter":"Yang Zhang","authors":"Ning Mao, Nikolai Peshcherenko, and Yang Zhang","title":"Wannier functions, minimal model and charge transfer in\n Pb$_9$CuP$_6$O$_{25}$","comments":"5+4 pages, 3+3 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.supr-con cond-mat.str-el","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Recent preprints claimed that the copper doped lead apatite\nPb$_9$CuP$_6$O$_{25}$ (LK99) might be a high-temperature superconductor because\nof its strong diamagnetism and transport properties. Motivated by the strongly\ncorrelated effects that can arise from a triangular lattice of Cu atoms with\nnarrow bandwidth, we calculated the maximally projected Wannier functions from\ndensity functional theory simulations, and constructed a minimal two-orbital\ntriangular model with Cu ($3d_{xz},3d_{yz}$) basis, and a four-orbital buckled\nhoneycomb model with Cu ($3d_{xz},3d_{yz}$), O ($2p_x,2p_y$). Since the Coulomb\ninteraction Ud is much larger than potential energy difference between Cu and\nO, charge transfer will occur for hole filling fraction $n_h > 1$. We further\ncalculate the interaction parameters, and discuss the possible insulating state\nand corresponding spin exchange coupling.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 12:14:59 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Mao","Ning",""],["Peshcherenko","Nikolai",""],["Zhang","Yang",""]]} {"id":"2308.05529","submitter":"Anna Miriam Benini","authors":"Veronica Beltrami, Anna Miriam Benini, Alberto Saracco","title":"Escaping Fatou components with disjoint hyperbolic limit sets","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.DS","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We construct automorphisms of $\\mathbb{C}^2$ with a cycle of escaping Fatou\ncomponents, on which there are exactly two limit functions, both of rank 1. On\neach such Fatou component, the limit sets for these limit functions are two\ndisjoint hyperbolic subsets of the line at infinity.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 12:15:50 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Beltrami","Veronica",""],["Benini","Anna Miriam",""],["Saracco","Alberto",""]]} {"id":"2308.05530","submitter":"Ankit Mahajan","authors":"Ankit Mahajan, Jo S. Kurian, Joonho Lee, David R. Reichman, Sandeep\n Sharma","title":"Response properties in phaseless auxiliary field quantum Monte Carlo","comments":"10 pages, 6 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.chem-ph cond-mat.str-el","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We present a method for calculating first-order response properties in\nphaseless auxiliary field quantum Monte Carlo (AFQMC) through the application\nof automatic differentiation (AD). Biases and statistical efficiency of the\nresulting estimators are discussed. Our approach demonstrates that AD enables\nthe calculation of reduced density matrices (RDMs) with the same computational\ncost scaling as energy calculations, accompanied by a cost prefactor of less\nthan four in our numerical calculations. We investigate the role of\nself-consistency and trial orbital choice in property calculations.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 12:17:35 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Mahajan","Ankit",""],["Kurian","Jo S.",""],["Lee","Joonho",""],["Reichman","David R.",""],["Sharma","Sandeep",""]]} {"id":"2308.05531","submitter":"Igor Yu. Chestnov","authors":"S. Mikkola, V. Shahnazaryan, I. Chestnov, and I. Iorsh","title":"Exciton localization on magnetic domain wall in MoS$_2$-CrI$_3$\n heterostructure","comments":"5 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The existence of spontaneous magnetization that fingerprints a ground-state\nferromagnetic order was recently observed in two-dimensional (2D) van der Waals\nmaterials. Despite progress in the fabrication and manipulation of the\natom-thick magnets, investigation of nanoscale magnetization properties is\nstill challenging due to the concomitant technical issues. We propose a\npromising approach for a direct visualization of the domain walls formed in 2D\nmagnetic materials. By interfacing 2D magnet with a transition metal\ndichalcogenide (TMD) monolayer, the strong proximity effects enable pinning the\nTMD excitons on the domain wall. The emergent localization stems from the\nproximity-induced exchange mixing between spin-dark and spin-bright TMD\nexcitons due to the local in-plane magnetization characteristic of the domain\nwall in the magnetic monolayer.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 12:17:44 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Mikkola","S.",""],["Shahnazaryan","V.",""],["Chestnov","I.",""],["Iorsh","I.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05532","submitter":"R\\'obert Kov\\'acs","authors":"Feh\\'er Anna, Mar\\'oti J\\'anos, Tak\\'acs Don\\'at, Orbulov Imre,\n Kov\\'acs R\\'obert","title":"Thermal and mechanical properties of AlSi7Mg matrix syntactic foams\n reinforced by Al$_2$O$_3$ or SiC particles in matrix","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mtrl-sci physics.app-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Materials with complex inner structure can be challenging to characterize in\nan effective way. First, it is difficult to determine the representative volume\nfor such a heterogeneous material. Second, the effective material parameters\nsignificantly depend on the structure, and thus on the interface properties. In\nthe present paper, we focus on composite metal foams, and we attempt to\ndetermine the effective thermal parameters. We use the heat pulse experiment to\nstudy its transient thermal response. We observed deviation from Fourier's law,\nand thus we propose an evaluation procedure for such experimental data using\nthe Guyer--Krumhansl heat equation. Furthermore, we studied the effective\nparameters, the specific heat, mass density, thermal conductivity and thermal\ndiffusivity, and we propose a method for deducing a more reliable thermal\ndiffusivity and thermal conductivity based on the transient temperature\nhistory.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 12:18:11 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Anna","Feh\u00e9r",""],["J\u00e1nos","Mar\u00f3ti",""],["Don\u00e1t","Tak\u00e1cs",""],["Imre","Orbulov",""],["R\u00f3bert","Kov\u00e1cs",""]]} {"id":"2308.05533","submitter":"Silvia-Laura Pintea","authors":"Frans de Boer, Jan C. van Gemert, Jouke Dijkstra, Silvia L. Pintea","title":"Is there progress in activity progress prediction?","comments":"Accepted at ICCVw-2023 (AI for Creative Video Editing and\n Understanding, ICCV workshop 2023)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Activity progress prediction aims to estimate what percentage of an activity\nhas been completed. Currently this is done with machine learning approaches,\ntrained and evaluated on complicated and realistic video datasets. The videos\nin these datasets vary drastically in length and appearance. And some of the\nactivities have unanticipated developments, making activity progression\ndifficult to estimate. In this work, we examine the results obtained by\nexisting progress prediction methods on these datasets. We find that current\nprogress prediction methods seem not to extract useful visual information for\nthe progress prediction task. Therefore, these methods fail to exceed simple\nframe-counting baselines. We design a precisely controlled dataset for activity\nprogress prediction and on this synthetic dataset we show that the considered\nmethods can make use of the visual information, when this directly relates to\nthe progress prediction. We conclude that the progress prediction task is\nill-posed on the currently used real-world datasets. Moreover, to fairly\nmeasure activity progression we advise to consider a, simple but effective,\nframe-counting baseline.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 12:23:47 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["de Boer","Frans",""],["van Gemert","Jan C.",""],["Dijkstra","Jouke",""],["Pintea","Silvia L.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05534","submitter":"Chiara Gaia Magnani","authors":"Chiara G. Magnani, Aldo Solari","title":"Rank tests for outlier detection","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.ME","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In novelty detection, the objective is to determine whether the test sample\ncontains any outliers, using a sample of controls (inliers). This involves\nmany-to-one comparisons of individual test points against the control sample. A\nrecent approach applies the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure to the conformal\n$p$-values resulting from these comparisons, ensuring false discovery rate\ncontrol.\n In this paper, we suggest using Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney tests for the\ncomparisons and subsequently applying the closed testing principle to derive\npost-hoc confidence bounds for the number of outliers in any subset of the test\nsample. We revisit an elegant result that under a nonparametric alternative\nknown as Lehmann's alternative, Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney is locally most powerful\namong rank tests. By combining this result with a simple observation, we\ndemonstrate that the proposed procedure is more powerful for the null\nhypothesis of no outliers than the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure applied to\nconformal $p$-values.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 12:23:51 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Magnani","Chiara G.",""],["Solari","Aldo",""]]} {"id":"2308.05535","submitter":"Roman Engelhardt","authors":"Fynn Wolf, Roman Engelhardt, Yunfei Zhang, Florian Dandl and Klaus\n Bogenberger","title":"Effects of Dynamic and Stochastic Travel Times on the Operation of\n Mobility-on-Demand Services","comments":"Submitted to 26th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent\n Transportation Systems ITSC 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SY cs.SY","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Mobility-on-Demand (MoD) services have been an active research topic in\nrecent years. Many studies focused on developing control algorithms to supply\nefficient services. To cope with a large search space to solve the underlying\nvehicle routing problem, studies usually apply hard time-constraints on pick-up\nand drop-off while considering static network travel times to reduce\ncomputational time. As travel times in real street networks are dynamic and\nstochastic, assigned routes considered feasible by the control algorithm in one\ntime step might become infeasible in the next. Since once assigned and\nconfirmed, customers should still be part of the solution, damage control is\nnecessary to counteract this effect. In this study, a detailed simulation\nframework for MoD services is coupled with a microscopic traffic simulation to\ncreate dynamic and stochastic travel times, and tested in a case study for\nMunich, Germany. Results showed that the combination of inaccurate travel time\nestimation and damage control strategies for infeasible routes deteriorates the\nperformance of MoD services -- hailing and pooling -- significantly. Moreover,\ncustomers suffer from unreliable pick-up time and travel time estimations.\nAllowing re-assignments of initial vehicle schedules according to updated\nsystem states helps to restore system efficiency and reliability, but only to a\nminor extent.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 12:28:21 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Wolf","Fynn",""],["Engelhardt","Roman",""],["Zhang","Yunfei",""],["Dandl","Florian",""],["Bogenberger","Klaus",""]]} {"id":"2308.05536","submitter":"Tiantian He","authors":"Tiantian He, Elinor Thompson, Anna Schroder, Neil P. Oxtoby, Ahmed\n Abdulaal, Frederik Barkhof, Daniel C. Alexander","title":"A coupled-mechanisms modelling framework for neurodegeneration","comments":"MICCAI 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"q-bio.QM cs.CE q-bio.NC","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Computational models of neurodegeneration aim to emulate the evolving pattern\nof pathology in the brain during neurodegenerative disease, such as Alzheimer's\ndisease. Previous studies have made specific choices on the mechanisms of\npathology production and diffusion, or assume that all the subjects lie on the\nsame disease progression trajectory. However, the complexity and heterogeneity\nof neurodegenerative pathology suggests that multiple mechanisms may contribute\nsynergistically with complex interactions, meanwhile the degree of contribution\nof each mechanism may vary among individuals. We thus put forward a\ncoupled-mechanisms modelling framework which non-linearly combines the\nnetwork-topology-informed pathology appearance with the process of pathology\nspreading within a dynamic modelling system. We account for the heterogeneity\nof disease by fitting the model at the individual level, allowing the\nepicenters and rate of progression to vary among subjects. We construct a\nBayesian model selection framework to account for feature importance and\nparameter uncertainty. This provides a combination of mechanisms that best\nexplains the observations for each individual from the ADNI dataset. With the\nobtained distribution of mechanism importance for each subject, we are able to\nidentify subgroups of patients sharing similar combinations of apparent\nmechanisms.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 12:34:25 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["He","Tiantian",""],["Thompson","Elinor",""],["Schroder","Anna",""],["Oxtoby","Neil P.",""],["Abdulaal","Ahmed",""],["Barkhof","Frederik",""],["Alexander","Daniel C.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05537","submitter":"EPTCS","authors":"Eben Blaisdell (University of Pennsylvania, USA), Max Kanovich\n (University College London, UK), Stepan L. Kuznetsov (Steklov Mathematical\n Institute of RAS, Russia and HSE University, Russia), Elaine Pimentel\n (University College London, UK), Andre Scedrov (University of Pennsylvania,\n USA)","title":"Explorations in Subexponential Non-associative Non-commutative Linear\n Logic","comments":"In Proceedings AMSLO 2023, arXiv:2308.03679","journal-ref":"EPTCS 381, 2023, pp. 4-19","doi":"10.4204/EPTCS.381.3","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In a previous work we introduced a non-associative non-commutative logic\nextended by multimodalities, called subexponentials, licensing local\napplication of structural rules. Here, we further explore this system,\nexhibiting a classical one-sided multi-succedent classical analogue of our\nintuitionistic system, following the exponential-free calculi of Buszkowski,\nand de Groote, Lamarche. A large fragment of the intuitionistic calculus is\nshown to embed faithfully into the classical fragment.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 8 Aug 2023 18:34:46 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Blaisdell","Eben","","University of Pennsylvania, USA"],["Kanovich","Max","","University College London, UK"],["Kuznetsov","Stepan L.","","Steklov Mathematical\n Institute of RAS, Russia and HSE University, Russia"],["Pimentel","Elaine","","University College London, UK"],["Scedrov","Andre","","University of Pennsylvania,\n USA"]]} {"id":"2308.05538","submitter":"Alice Battiston","authors":"Alice Battiston and Rossano Schifanella","title":"On the need to move from a single indicator to a multi-dimensional\n framework to measure accessibility to urban green","comments":"23 pages (11 main), 5 main figures, 1 main table. Supporting web\n interface see http://atgreen.hpc4ai.unito.it/","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.soc-ph cs.CY","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" With the recent expansion of urban greening interventions, the definition of\nspatial indicators to measure the provision of urban greenery has become of\npivotal importance in informing the policy-design process. By analyzing the\nstability of the population and area rankings induced by several indicators of\ngreen accessibility for over 1,000 cities worldwide, we investigate the extent\nto which the use of a single metric provides a reliable assessment of green\naccessibility in a city. The results suggest that, due to the complex\ninteraction between the spatial distribution of greenspaces in an urban center\nand its population distribution, the use of a single indicator might lead to\ninsufficient discrimination across areas or subgroups of the population, even\nwhen focusing on one form of green accessibility. From a policy perspective,\nthis indicates the need to switch toward a multi-dimensional framework that is\nable to organically evaluate a range of indicators at once.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 12:37:13 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Battiston","Alice",""],["Schifanella","Rossano",""]]} {"id":"2308.05539","submitter":"Sebastien Roux","authors":"S\\'ebastien Roux, Christophe Arnold, Etienne Carr\\'e, Eli Janzen,\n James H. Edgard, Camille Maestre, B\\'erang\\`ere Toury, Catherine Journet,\n Vincent Garnier, Philippe Steyer, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Annick\n Loiseau and Julien Barjon","title":"Surface recombination and out of plane diffusivity of free excitons in\n hexagonal boron nitride","comments":"Main text : 8 pages, 5 figures. Annexes : 3 pages, 3 figures.\n Submitted to Physical Review B","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mtrl-sci physics.app-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We present a novel experimental protocol using Cathodoluminescence\nmeasurements as a function of the electron incident energy to study both\nexciton diffusion in a directional way and surface exciton recombination. Our\napproach overcomes the challenges of anisotropic diffusion and the limited\napplicability of existing methods to the bulk counterparts of 2D materials. The\nprotocol is then applied at room and at cryogenic temperatures to four bulk\nhexagonal boron nitride crystals grown by different synthesis routes. The\nexciton diffusivity depends on the sample quality but not on the temperature,\nindicating it is limited by defect scattering even in the best quality\ncrystals. The lower limit for the diffusivity by phonon scattering is 0.2\ncm$^{2}$.s$^{-1}$. Diffusion lengths were as much as 570 nm. Finally, the\nsurface recombination velocity exceeds 10$^{5}$ cm$^{2}$.s$^{-1}$, at a level\nsimilar to silicon or diamond. This result reveals that surface recombination\ncould strongly limit light-emitting devices based on 2D materials.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 12:37:25 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 12:58:27 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Roux","S\u00e9bastien",""],["Arnold","Christophe",""],["Carr\u00e9","Etienne",""],["Janzen","Eli",""],["Edgard","James H.",""],["Maestre","Camille",""],["Toury","B\u00e9rang\u00e8re",""],["Journet","Catherine",""],["Garnier","Vincent",""],["Steyer","Philippe",""],["Taniguchi","Takashi",""],["Watanabe","Kenji",""],["Loiseau","Annick",""],["Barjon","Julien",""]]} {"id":"2308.05540","submitter":"Jianhan Zhao","authors":"Jianhan Zhao, Wei Zhang, Yanyan Liu","title":"An Efficient Construction Method Based on Partial Distance of Polar\n Codes with Reed-Solomon Kernel","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IT eess.SP math.IT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Polar codes with Reed-Solomon (RS) kernel have great potential in\nnext-generation communication systems due to their high polarization rate. In\nthis paper, we study the polarization characteristics of RS polar codes and\npropose two types of partial orders (POs) for the synthesized channels, which\nare supported by validity proofs. By combining these partial orders, a Partial\nDistance-based Polarization Weight (PDPW) construction method is presented. The\nproposed method achieves comparable performance to Monte-Carlo simulations\nwhile requiring lower complexity. Additionally, a Minimum Polarization Weight\nPuncturing (MPWP) scheme for rate-matching is proposed to enhance its practical\napplicability in communication systems. Simulation results demonstrate that the\nRS polar codes based on the proposed PDPW construction outperform the 3rd\nGeneration Partnership Project (3GPP) NR polar codes in terms of standard code\nperformance and rate-matching performance.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 12:39:56 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Zhao","Jianhan",""],["Zhang","Wei",""],["Liu","Yanyan",""]]} {"id":"2308.05541","submitter":"Corentin Louis","authors":"C. K. Louis, P. Louarn, B. Collet, N. Cl\\'ement, S. Al Saati, J. R.\n Szalay, V. Hue, L. Lamy, S. Kotsiaros, W. S. Kurth, C. M. Jackman, Y. Wang,\n M. Blanc, F. Allegrini, J. E. P. Connerney, D. Gershman","title":"Source of radio emissions induced by the Galilean moons Io, Europa and\n Ganymede: in situ measurements by Juno","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.EP physics.space-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" At Jupiter, part of the auroral radio emissions are induced by the Galilean\nmoons Io, Europa and Ganymede. Until now, except for Ganymede, they have been\nonly remotely detected, using ground-based radio-telescopes or electric\nantennas aboard spacecraft. The polar trajectory of the Juno orbiter allows the\nspacecraft to cross the range of magnetic flux tubes which sustain the various\nJupiter-satellite interactions, and in turn to sample in situ the associated\nradio emission regions. In this study, we focus on the detection and the\ncharacterization of radio sources associated with Io, Europa and Ganymede.\nUsing electric wave measurements or radio observations (Juno/Waves), in situ\nelectron measurements (Juno/JADE-E), and magnetic field measurements (Juno/MAG)\nwe demonstrate that the Cyclotron Maser Instability (CMI) driven by a loss-cone\nelectron distribution function is responsible for the encountered radio\nsources. We confirmed that radio emissions are associated with Main (MAW) or\nReflected Alfv\\'en Wing (RAW), but also show that for Europa and Ganymede,\ninduced radio emissions are associated with Transhemispheric Electron Beam\n(TEB). For each traversed radio source, we determine the latitudinal extension,\nthe CMI-resonant electron energy, and the bandwidth of the emission. We show\nthat the presence of Alfv\\'en perturbations and downward field aligned currents\nare necessary for the radio emissions to be amplified.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 12:40:29 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Louis","C. K.",""],["Louarn","P.",""],["Collet","B.",""],["Cl\u00e9ment","N.",""],["Saati","S. Al",""],["Szalay","J. R.",""],["Hue","V.",""],["Lamy","L.",""],["Kotsiaros","S.",""],["Kurth","W. S.",""],["Jackman","C. M.",""],["Wang","Y.",""],["Blanc","M.",""],["Allegrini","F.",""],["Connerney","J. E. P.",""],["Gershman","D.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05542","submitter":"Wongi Park","authors":"Wongi Park, Inhyuk Park, Sungeun Kim, Jongbin Ryu","title":"Robust Asymmetric Loss for Multi-Label Long-Tailed Learning","comments":null,"journal-ref":"ICCVW 2023","doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/","abstract":" In real medical data, training samples typically show long-tailed\ndistributions with multiple labels. Class distribution of the medical data has\na long-tailed shape, in which the incidence of different diseases is quite\nvaried, and at the same time, it is not unusual for images taken from\nsymptomatic patients to be multi-label diseases. Therefore, in this paper, we\nconcurrently address these two issues by putting forth a robust asymmetric loss\non the polynomial function. Since our loss tackles both long-tailed and\nmulti-label classification problems simultaneously, it leads to a complex\ndesign of the loss function with a large number of hyper-parameters. Although a\nmodel can be highly fine-tuned due to a large number of hyper-parameters, it is\ndifficult to optimize all hyper-parameters at the same time, and there might be\na risk of overfitting a model. Therefore, we regularize the loss function using\nthe Hill loss approach, which is beneficial to be less sensitive against the\nnumerous hyper-parameters so that it reduces the risk of overfitting the model.\nFor this reason, the proposed loss is a generic method that can be applied to\nmost medical image classification tasks and does not make the training process\nmore time-consuming. We demonstrate that the proposed robust asymmetric loss\nperforms favorably against the long-tailed with multi-label medical image\nclassification in addition to the various long-tailed single-label datasets.\nNotably, our method achieves Top-5 results on the CXR-LT dataset of the ICCV\nCVAMD 2023 competition. We opensource our implementation of the robust\nasymmetric loss in the public repository: https://github.com/kalelpark/RAL.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 12:41:08 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Park","Wongi",""],["Park","Inhyuk",""],["Kim","Sungeun",""],["Ryu","Jongbin",""]]} {"id":"2308.05543","submitter":"Liang Chen","authors":"Liang Chen, Jiawei Zhang, Zhenhua Li, Yunxuan Wei, Faming Fang, Jimmy\n Ren, and Jinshan Pan","title":"Deep Richardson-Lucy Deconvolution for Low-Light Image Deblurring","comments":"Accepted by IJCV","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Images taken under the low-light condition often contain blur and saturated\npixels at the same time. Deblurring images with saturated pixels is quite\nchallenging. Because of the limited dynamic range, the saturated pixels are\nusually clipped in the imaging process and thus cannot be modeled by the linear\nblur model. Previous methods use manually designed smooth functions to\napproximate the clipping procedure. Their deblurring processes often require\nempirically defined parameters, which may not be the optimal choices for\ndifferent images. In this paper, we develop a data-driven approach to model the\nsaturated pixels by a learned latent map. Based on the new model, the non-blind\ndeblurring task can be formulated into a maximum a posterior (MAP) problem,\nwhich can be effectively solved by iteratively computing the latent map and the\nlatent image. Specifically, the latent map is computed by learning from a map\nestimation network (MEN), and the latent image estimation process is\nimplemented by a Richardson-Lucy (RL)-based updating scheme. To estimate\nhigh-quality deblurred images without amplified artifacts, we develop a prior\nestimation network (PEN) to obtain prior information, which is further\nintegrated into the RL scheme. Experimental results demonstrate that the\nproposed method performs favorably against state-of-the-art algorithms both\nquantitatively and qualitatively on synthetic and real-world images.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 12:53:30 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Chen","Liang",""],["Zhang","Jiawei",""],["Li","Zhenhua",""],["Wei","Yunxuan",""],["Fang","Faming",""],["Ren","Jimmy",""],["Pan","Jinshan",""]]} {"id":"2308.05544","submitter":"Yi Yang","authors":"Yi Yang, Dong Liu, Ali \\\"Ovg\\\"un, Gaetano Lambiase, and Zheng-Wen Long","title":"Black hole surrounded by the pseudo-isothermal dark matter halo","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"gr-qc","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The abundance of dark matter in the actual universe motivates us to construct\nthe black hole spacetime enveloped by dark matter. In this paper, we derive a\nnew spherically symmetric black hole surrounded by the pseudo-isothermal dark\nmatter halo, and then explore the effects of the pseudo-isothermal halo profile\non a rotating black hole at the M87 galactic center, aiming to achieve a black\nhole solution that aligns with those found in the real universe. Using the\nNewman-Janis method, we derive a rotating black hole solution encompassed by\nthe pseudo-isothermal halo, which is consistent with observations of actual\nblack holes that are believed to possess spin. Our investigation focuses on the\nimpact of the pseudo-isothermal halo on the black hole event horizon, time-like\nand null orbits, as well as the black hole shadow. We find that as the spin\nparameter $a$ increases, the interval between the inner event horizon and the\nouter event horizon of the rotating black hole surrounded by the\npseudo-isothermal halo in M87 diminishes. This leads to the formation of an\nextreme black hole. The presence of dark matter, however, has minimal effect on\nthe event horizon. Moreover, in the M87 as the spin parameter $a$ increases,\nthe black hole shadow deviates increasingly from a standard circle, with larger\nspin parameters causing more pronounced distortion relative to the standard\ncircle. Surprisingly, we observe that the dark matter density has very little\ninfluence on the shadow of the black hole surrounded by the pseudo-isothermal\nhalo in the M87. This study contributes to a deeper understanding of black hole\nstructures and the role of dark matter in the universe.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 12:53:47 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Wed, 16 Aug 2023 13:52:43 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-17","authors_parsed":[["Yang","Yi",""],["Liu","Dong",""],["\u00d6vg\u00fcn","Ali",""],["Lambiase","Gaetano",""],["Long","Zheng-Wen",""]]} {"id":"2308.05545","submitter":"Saurabh Kumar","authors":"Saurabh Kumar, Akhil Uniyal, Sayan Chakrabarti","title":"Shadow and Weak Gravitational lensing of rotating traversable Wormhole\n in Non-homogeneous Plasma Space-time","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"gr-qc astro-ph.HE","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In this work, we have studied the behavior of null geodesics within a\nrotating wormhole space-time in non-magnetized pressure-less plasma. By\nfocusing on the dispersion relation of the plasma and disregarding its direct\ngravitational effects, we examine how light rays traverse in the mentioned\nspace-time. A key highlight of the work is the necessity of a specific plasma\ndistribution profile to establish a generalized Carter's constant, shedding\nlight on the importance of this parameter. Furthermore, we have derived\nanalytical formulas to distinguish the shadow boundary across various plasma\nprofiles, uncovering a fascinating trend of diminishing shadow size as plasma\ndensity increases. Intriguingly, certain limits of the plasma parameters result\nin the complete disappearance of the shadow. When calculating the deflection\nangle by a wormhole in plasma space-time, we observe a distinct pattern: the\nangle decreases as the plasma parameter rises in non-homogeneous plasma\nspace-time, diverging from the behavior observed in homogeneous plasma\nspace-time. Also, leveraging observational data from M$87^{\\ast}$, we establish\nconstraints on the throat radius. Furthermore, minimum shadow diameters provide\nvaluable constraints for the radial and latitudinal plasma parameters.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 12:55:18 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Thu, 17 Aug 2023 07:46:14 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-21","authors_parsed":[["Kumar","Saurabh",""],["Uniyal","Akhil",""],["Chakrabarti","Sayan",""]]} {"id":"2308.05546","submitter":"Xiangyu Pi","authors":"Xiangyu Pi, Lipeng Zhu, Zhenyu Xiao and Rui Zhang","title":"Multiuser Communications with Movable-Antenna Base Station Via Antenna\n Position Optimization","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IT eess.SP math.IT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" This paper studies the deployment of multiple movable antennas (MAs) at the\nbase station (BS) for enhancing the multiuser communication performance. First,\nwe model the multiuser channel in the uplink to characterize the wireless\nchannel variation caused by MAs' movement at the BS. Then, an optimization\nproblem is formulated to maximize the minimum achievable rate among multiple\nusers for MA-aided uplink multiuser communications by jointly optimizing the\nMAs' positions, their receive combining at the BS, and the transmit power of\nusers, under the constraints of finite moving region of MAs, minimum inter-MA\ndistance, and maximum transmit power of each user. To solve this challenging\nnon-convex optimization problem, a two-loop iterative algorithm is proposed by\nleveraging the particle swarm optimization (PSO) method. Specifically, the\nouter-loop updates the positions of a set of particles, where each particle's\nposition represents one realization of the antenna positioning vector (APV) of\nall MAs. The inner-loop implements the fitness evaluation for each particle in\nterms of the max-min achievable rate of multiple users with its corresponding\nAPV, where the receive combining matrix of the BS and the transmit power of\neach user are optimized by applying the block coordinate descent (BCD)\ntechnique. Simulation results show that the antenna position optimization for\nMAs-aided BS can significantly improve the rate performance as compared to\nconventional BS with fixed-position antennas (FPAs).\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 12:55:39 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Pi","Xiangyu",""],["Zhu","Lipeng",""],["Xiao","Zhenyu",""],["Zhang","Rui",""]]} {"id":"2308.05547","submitter":"Pierre Nicolay","authors":"Pierre Nicolay, Yvan Petillot, Mykhaylo Marfeychuk, Sen Wang, Ignacio\n Carlucho","title":"Enhancing AUV Autonomy With Model Predictive Path Integral Control","comments":"10 pages, 11 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.RO cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) play a crucial role in surveying marine\nenvironments, carrying out underwater inspection tasks, and ocean exploration.\nHowever, in order to ensure that the AUV is able to carry out its mission\nsuccessfully, a control system capable of adapting to changing environmental\nconditions is required. Furthermore, to ensure the robotic platform's safe\noperation, the onboard controller should be able to operate under certain\nconstraints. In this work, we investigate the feasibility of Model Predictive\nPath Integral Control (MPPI) for the control of an AUV. We utilise a non-linear\nmodel of the AUV to propagate the samples of the MPPI, which allow us to\ncompute the control action in real time. We provide a detailed evaluation of\nthe effect of the main hyperparameters on the performance of the MPPI\ncontroller. Furthermore, we compared the performance of the proposed method\nwith a classical PID and Cascade PID approach, demonstrating the superiority of\nour proposed controller. Finally, we present results where environmental\nconstraints are added and show how MPPI can handle them by simply incorporating\nthose constraints in the cost function.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 12:55:57 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Nicolay","Pierre",""],["Petillot","Yvan",""],["Marfeychuk","Mykhaylo",""],["Wang","Sen",""],["Carlucho","Ignacio",""]]} {"id":"2308.05548","submitter":"Jayanth Mohan","authors":"Aadharsh Aadhithya A, Abinesh S, Akshaya J, Jayanth M, Vishnu\n Radhakrishnan, Sowmya V, Soman K.P","title":"Learning (With) Distributed Optimization","comments":"23 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.OC cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" This paper provides an overview of the historical progression of distributed\noptimization techniques, tracing their development from early duality-based\nmethods pioneered by Dantzig, Wolfe, and Benders in the 1960s to the emergence\nof the Augmented Lagrangian Alternating Direction Inexact Newton (ALADIN)\nalgorithm. The initial focus on Lagrangian relaxation for convex problems and\ndecomposition strategies led to the refinement of methods like the Alternating\nDirection Method of Multipliers (ADMM). The resurgence of interest in\ndistributed optimization in the late 2000s, particularly in machine learning\nand imaging, demonstrated ADMM's practical efficacy and its unifying potential.\nThis overview also highlights the emergence of the proximal center method and\nits applications in diverse domains. Furthermore, the paper underscores the\ndistinctive features of ALADIN, which offers convergence guarantees for\nnon-convex scenarios without introducing auxiliary variables, differentiating\nit from traditional augmentation techniques. In essence, this work encapsulates\nthe historical trajectory of distributed optimization and underscores the\npromising prospects of ALADIN in addressing non-convex optimization challenges.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 12:59:17 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["A","Aadharsh Aadhithya",""],["S","Abinesh",""],["J","Akshaya",""],["M","Jayanth",""],["Radhakrishnan","Vishnu",""],["V","Sowmya",""],["P","Soman K.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05549","submitter":"Chanh-Duc Ngo","authors":"Chanh-Duc Ngo, Fabrizio Pastore, Lionel Briand","title":"Testing Updated Apps by Adapting Learned Models","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SE","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Although App updates are frequent and software engineers would like to verify\nupdated features only, automated testing techniques verify entire Apps and are\nthus wasting resources. We present Continuous Adaptation of Learned Models\n(CALM), an automated App testing approach that efficiently tests App updates by\nadapting App models learned when automatically testing previous App versions.\nCALM focuses on functional testing. Since functional correctness can be mainly\nverified through the visual inspection of App screens, CALM minimizes the\nnumber of App screens to be visualized by software testers while maximizing the\npercentage of updated methods and instructions exercised. Our empirical\nevaluation shows that CALM exercises a significantly higher proportion of\nupdated methods and instructions than six state-of-the-art approaches, for the\nsame maximum number of App screens to be visually inspected. Further, in common\nupdate scenarios, where only a small fraction of methods are updated, CALM is\neven quicker to outperform all competing approaches in a more significant way.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 12:59:24 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Ngo","Chanh-Duc",""],["Pastore","Fabrizio",""],["Briand","Lionel",""]]} {"id":"2308.05550","submitter":"Yan Li","authors":"Xuehan Bai, Yan Li, Yanhua Cheng, Wenjie Yang, Quan Chen, Han Li","title":"Cross-Domain Product Representation Learning for Rich-Content E-Commerce","comments":"ICCV23","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The proliferation of short video and live-streaming platforms has\nrevolutionized how consumers engage in online shopping. Instead of browsing\nproduct pages, consumers are now turning to rich-content e-commerce, where they\ncan purchase products through dynamic and interactive media like short videos\nand live streams. This emerging form of online shopping has introduced\ntechnical challenges, as products may be presented differently across various\nmedia domains. Therefore, a unified product representation is essential for\nachieving cross-domain product recognition to ensure an optimal user search\nexperience and effective product recommendations. Despite the urgent industrial\nneed for a unified cross-domain product representation, previous studies have\npredominantly focused only on product pages without taking into account short\nvideos and live streams. To fill the gap in the rich-content e-commerce area,\nin this paper, we introduce a large-scale cRoss-dOmain Product Ecognition\ndataset, called ROPE. ROPE covers a wide range of product categories and\ncontains over 180,000 products, corresponding to millions of short videos and\nlive streams. It is the first dataset to cover product pages, short videos, and\nlive streams simultaneously, providing the basis for establishing a unified\nproduct representation across different media domains. Furthermore, we propose\na Cross-dOmain Product rEpresentation framework, namely COPE, which unifies\nproduct representations in different domains through multimodal learning\nincluding text and vision. Extensive experiments on downstream tasks\ndemonstrate the effectiveness of COPE in learning a joint feature space for all\nproduct domains.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:06:05 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Bai","Xuehan",""],["Li","Yan",""],["Cheng","Yanhua",""],["Yang","Wenjie",""],["Chen","Quan",""],["Li","Han",""]]} {"id":"2308.05551","submitter":"Anton Selivanov","authors":"Anton Selivanov, Emilia Fridman","title":"Disturbance attenuation in the Euler-Bernoulli beam using piezoelectric\n actuators","comments":"This paper was submitted for publication in Automatica. The\n preliminary version of the paper was accepted for presentation at IEEE\n Conference on Decision and Control 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.OC","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We consider a simply-supported Euler-Bernoulli beam with viscous and\nKelvin-Voigt damping. Our objective is to attenuate the effect of an unknown\ndistributed disturbance using one piezoelectric actuator. We show how to design\na suitable $H_\\infty$ state-feedback controller based on a finite number of\ndominating modes. If the remaining (infinitely many) modes are ignored, the\ncalculated $L^2$ gain is wrong. This happens because of the spillover\nphenomenon that occurs when the effect of the control on truncated modes is not\naccounted for in the feedback design. We propose a simple modification of the\n$H_\\infty$ cost that prevents spillover. The key idea is to treat the control\nas a disturbance in the truncated modes and find the corresponding $L^2$ gains\nusing the bounded real lemma. These $L^2$ gains are added to the control weight\nin the $H_\\infty$ cost for the dominating modes, which prevents spillover. A\nnumerical simulation of an aluminum beam with realistic parameters demonstrates\nthe effectiveness of the proposed method.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:06:37 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Selivanov","Anton",""],["Fridman","Emilia",""]]} {"id":"2308.05552","submitter":"Mohammed Siddique Akbar Dalwale","authors":"Siddique Dalwale, M. Sait \\\"Ozer, Sebastian Merchel, M. Ercan Altinsoy","title":"3D Modeling of a Guitar Using a Computer Tomography Scan","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CE","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" This paper describes the development of a detailed 3D geometric model of an\nacoustical guitar. Modeling an instrument is a sophisticated task considering\nthe individual parts and their complex shapes. The geometry of the parts\nvisible from the outside can be measured using appropriate tools, but it is\nvery difficult to measure the details of the internal parts like bracing,\nheels, and other features by hand through the sound hole. Otherwise, it would\nbe necessary to disassemble the guitar to measure the precise position and\ndimensions of the parts inside it. Reassembling the guitar could result in\nimproper functioning. To avoid damaging the instrument by disassembling or\ntaking inaccurate measurements through the sound hole, a computer tomography\n(CT) scan of the guitar body was performed. Using this method, cross-sectional\nimages of the guitar body in all the three dimensions were extracted with 1 mm\nspacing between adjacent images. In total, approximately 2000 images were\ngenerated and used in developing the geometric model of the guitar. The 3D\nmodel will be further used to develop a vibro-acoustic simulation model of the\nguitar\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:07:58 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Dalwale","Siddique",""],["\u00d6zer","M. Sait",""],["Merchel","Sebastian",""],["Altinsoy","M. Ercan",""]]} {"id":"2308.05553","submitter":"Yair Hayut","authors":"Yair Hayut","title":"Prikry type forcings and the Bukovsk\\'y-Dehornoy phenomena","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.LO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" This paper is meant to present in a coherent way several instances of quite\ncommon phenomena that was first identified (independently) by Bukovsk\\'y and\nDehornoy. We present the basic result for Prikry type forcing and show how to\nextend it to the Gitik-Shraon forcing, the Extender Based Prikry forcing,\nPrikry forcings with interleaved collapses and Radin forcing for $o(\\kappa) <\n\\kappa^+$.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:08:16 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Hayut","Yair",""]]} {"id":"2308.05554","submitter":"Hiroki Kusudo","authors":"Hiroki Kusudo, Takeshi Omori, Laurent Joly and Yasutaka Yamaguchi","title":"The receding contact line cools down during dynamic wetting","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.flu-dyn","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" When a contact line (CL) -- where a liquid-vapor interface meets a substrate\n-- is put into motion, it is well known that the contact angle differs between\nadvancing and receding CLs. Using non-equilibrium molecular dynamics\nsimulations, we reveal another intriguing distinction between advancing and\nreceding CLs: while temperature increases at an advancing CL -- as expected\nfrom viscous dissipation, we show that temperature can drop at a receding CL.\nDetailed quantitative analysis based on the macroscopic energy balance around\nthe dynamic CL showed that the internal energy change of the fluid along the\npathline induced a remarkable temperature drop around the receding CL, in a\nmanner similar to latent heat upon phase changes. This result provides new\ninsights for modeling the dynamic CL, and the framework for heat transport\nanalysis introduced here can be applied to a wide range of nanofluidic systems.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:09:21 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Kusudo","Hiroki",""],["Omori","Takeshi",""],["Joly","Laurent",""],["Yamaguchi","Yasutaka",""]]} {"id":"2308.05555","submitter":"Joris Barrat","authors":"J. Barrat, A. F. Tzortzakakis, M. Niu, X. Zhou, G.G. Paschos, D.\n Petrosyan, P.G. Savvidis","title":"Superfluid Polaritonic Qubit in an Annular Trap","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.quant-gas physics.pop-ph quant-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We report on the experimental realization and characterization of an\nexciton-polariton qubit prototype. In our system, a Bose-Einstein condensate of\nsemiconductor exciton-polaritons is confined by a spatially-patterned pump\nlaser in an annular trap that supports energy-degenerate circulating currents\nof the polariton superfluid. Using non-invasive temporal interference\nmeasurements, we observe coherent oscillations between a pair of\ncounter-circulating superfluid vortex states of the polaritons coupled by\nelastic scattering off the laser-imprinted potential. The qubit basis states\ncorrespond to the symmetric and antisymmetric superpositions of the two vortex\nstates forming orthogonal double-lobe spatial wavefunctions. By engineering the\npotential, we tune the coupling and coherent oscillations between the two\ncirculating current states, control the energies of the qubit basis states and\nthereby initialize the qubit in the desired state. The dynamics of the system\nis accurately reproduced by our theoretical two-state model, and we discuss\npotential avenues to achieve complete control over our polaritonic qubit and\nimplement controllable interactions and quantum gates between such qubits.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:13:37 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Barrat","J.",""],["Tzortzakakis","A. F.",""],["Niu","M.",""],["Zhou","X.",""],["Paschos","G. G.",""],["Petrosyan","D.",""],["Savvidis","P. G.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05556","submitter":"Alex Fink","authors":"Alex Fink, Jorge Alberto Olarte","title":"Extensions of transversal valuated matroids","comments":"9 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Following up on our previous work, we study single-element extensions of\ntransversal valuated matroids. We show that tropical presentations of valuated\nmatroids with a minimal set of finite entries enjoy counterparts of the\nproperties proved by Bonin and de Mier of minimal non-valuated transversal\npresentations.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:13:43 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Fink","Alex",""],["Olarte","Jorge Alberto",""]]} {"id":"2308.05557","submitter":"David Koisser","authors":"David Koisser and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi","title":"Accountability of Things: Large-Scale Tamper-Evident Logging for Smart\n Devices","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Our modern world relies on a growing number of interconnected and interacting\ndevices, leading to a plethora of logs establishing audit trails for all kinds\nof events. Simultaneously, logs become increasingly important for forensic\ninvestigations, and thus, an adversary will aim to alter logs to avoid\nculpability, e.g., by compromising devices that generate and store logs. Thus,\nit is essential to ensure that no one can tamper with any logs without going\nundetected. However, existing approaches to establish tamper evidence of logs\ndo not scale and cannot protect the increasingly large number of devices found\ntoday, as they impose large storage or network overheads. Additionally, most\nschemes do not provide an efficient mechanism to prove that individual events\nhave been logged to establish accountability when different devices interact.\n This paper introduces a novel scheme for practical large-scale tamper-evident\nlogging with the help of a trusted third party. To achieve this, we present a\nnew binary hash tree construction designed around timestamps to achieve\nconstant storage overhead with a configured temporal resolution. Additionally,\nour design enables the efficient construction of shareable proofs, proving that\nan event was indeed logged. Our evaluation shows that - using practical\nparameters - our scheme can localize any tampering of logs with a sub-second\nresolution, with a constant overhead of ~8KB per hour per device.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:18:46 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Koisser","David",""],["Sadeghi","Ahmad-Reza",""]]} {"id":"2308.05558","submitter":"Mounika Vanamala","authors":"Mounika Vanamala, Sean Loesch and Alexander Caravella","title":"Using Machine Learning To Identify Software Weaknesses From Software\n Requirement Specifications","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SE","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Secure software engineering is crucial but can be time-consuming; therefore,\nmethods that could expedite the identification of software weaknesses without\nreducing the process efficacy would benefit the software engineering industry\nand thus benefit modern life. This research focuses on finding an efficient\nmachine learning algorithm to identify software weaknesses from requirement\nspecifications. The research uses the CWE repository and PROMISE exp dataset\nfor training. Keywords extracted using latent semantic analysis help map the\nCWE categories to PROMISE_exp. Naive Bayes, support vector machine (SVM),\ndecision trees, neural network, and convolutional neural network (CNN)\nalgorithms were tested, with SVM and neural network producing reliable results.\nThe research is unique contribution lies in the mapping technique and algorithm\nselection. It serves as a valuable reference for the secure software\nengineering community seeking to expedite the development lifecycle without\ncompromising efficacy. Future work involves testing more algorithms, optimizing\nexisting ones, and improving the training sets accuracy.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:19:10 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Vanamala","Mounika",""],["Loesch","Sean",""],["Caravella","Alexander",""]]} {"id":"2308.05559","submitter":"Bin Guo","authors":"Jingya Chen, Bin Guo, Baisheng Yan","title":"On higher integrability for $p(x)$-Laplacian equations with drift","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" In this paper, we study the higher integrability for the gradient of weak\nsolutions of $p(x)$-Laplacians equation with drift terms. We prove a version of\ngeneralized Gehring's lemma under some weaker condition on the modulus of\ncontinuity of variable exponent $p(x)$ and present a modified version of\nSobolev-Poincar\\'{e} inequality with such an exponent. When $p(x)>2$ we derive\nthe reverse H\\\"older inequality with a proper dependence on the drift and force\nterms and establish a specific high integrability result. Our condition on the\nexponent $p(x)$ is more specific and weaker than the known conditions and our\nresults extend some results on the $p(x)$-Laplacian equations without drift\nterms.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:19:35 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Chen","Jingya",""],["Guo","Bin",""],["Yan","Baisheng",""]]} {"id":"2308.05560","submitter":"Sohail Farhangi","authors":"Sohail Farhangi","title":"Van der Corput's difference theorem for amenable groups and the left\n regular representation","comments":"24 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.DS math.RT math.SP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We establish a connection between two variants of van der Corput's Difference\nTheorem (vdCDT) for second countable amenable groups $G$ and the ergodic\nhierarchy of mixing properties of a unitary representation $U$ of $G$. In\nparticular, we show that one variant of vdCDT corresponds to subrepresentations\nof the left regular representation, and another variant of vdCDT corresponds to\nthe absence of finite dimensional subrepresentations. We then obtain\napplications for measure preserving actions of countable abelian groups.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:21:34 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Farhangi","Sohail",""]]} {"id":"2308.05561","submitter":"Mateusz Michalek","authors":"Austin Conner, Kangjin Han, Mateusz Micha{\\l}ek","title":"Sullivant-Talaska ideal of the cyclic Gaussian Graphical Model","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AG math.AC math.CO math.ST stat.TH","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In this paper, we settle a conjecture due to Sturmfels and Uhler concerning\ngeneration of the prime ideal of the variety associated to the Gaussian\ngraphical model of any cycle graph. Our methods are general and applicable to a\nlarge class of ideals with radical initial ideals.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:21:59 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Conner","Austin",""],["Han","Kangjin",""],["Micha\u0142ek","Mateusz",""]]} {"id":"2308.05562","submitter":"Arie Levit","authors":"Arie Levit, Raz Slutsky and Itamar Vigdorovich","title":"Spectral gap and character limits in arithmetic groups","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.GR math.OA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We establish vanishing results for limits of characters in various discrete\ngroups, most notably irreducible lattices in higher rank semisimple Lie groups.\nThis is achieved by studying the geometry of the simplex of traces of discrete\ngroups having Kazhdan's property (T) or its relative generalizations.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:24:22 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Levit","Arie",""],["Slutsky","Raz",""],["Vigdorovich","Itamar",""]]} {"id":"2308.05563","submitter":"Mounika Vanamala","authors":"Natalie Krueger, Dr. Mounika Vanamala, Dr. Rushit Dave","title":"Recent Advancements In The Field Of Deepfake Detection","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI cs.CY","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" A deepfake is a photo or video of a person whose image has been digitally\naltered or partially replaced with an image of someone else. Deepfakes have the\npotential to cause a variety of problems and are often used maliciously. A\ncommon usage is altering videos of prominent political figures and celebrities.\nThese deepfakes can portray them making offensive, problematic, and/or untrue\nstatements. Current deepfakes can be very realistic, and when used in this way,\ncan spread panic and even influence elections and political opinions. There are\nmany deepfake detection strategies currently in use but finding the most\ncomprehensive and universal method is critical. So, in this survey we will\naddress the problems of malicious deepfake creation and the lack of universal\ndeepfake detection methods. Our objective is to survey and analyze a variety of\ncurrent methods and advances in the field of deepfake detection.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:24:27 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Krueger","Natalie",""],["Vanamala","Dr. Mounika",""],["Dave","Dr. Rushit",""]]} {"id":"2308.05564","submitter":"Michael Smith","authors":"Lin Deng, Michael Stanley Smith, Worapree Maneesoonthorn","title":"Efficient Variational Inference for Large Skew-t Copulas with\n Application to Intraday Equity Returns","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"econ.EM cs.LG q-fin.ST stat.CO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Large skew-t factor copula models are attractive for the modeling of\nfinancial data because they allow for asymmetric and extreme tail dependence.\nWe show that the copula implicit in the skew-t distribution of Azzalini and\nCapitanio (2003) allows for a higher level of pairwise asymmetric dependence\nthan two popular alternative skew-t copulas. Estimation of this copula in high\ndimensions is challenging, and we propose a fast and accurate Bayesian\nvariational inference (VI) approach to do so. The method uses a conditionally\nGaussian generative representation of the skew-t distribution to define an\naugmented posterior that can be approximated accurately. A fast stochastic\ngradient ascent algorithm is used to solve the variational optimization. The\nnew methodology is used to estimate copula models for intraday returns from\n2017 to 2021 on 93 U.S. equities. The copula captures substantial heterogeneity\nin asymmetric dependence over equity pairs, in addition to the variability in\npairwise correlations. We show that intraday predictive densities from the\nskew-t copula are more accurate than from some other copula models, while\nportfolio selection strategies based on the estimated pairwise tail\ndependencies improve performance relative to the benchmark index.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:24:45 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Deng","Lin",""],["Smith","Michael Stanley",""],["Maneesoonthorn","Worapree",""]]} {"id":"2308.05565","submitter":"Oladipupo Akinyemi","authors":"Oladipupo Akinyemi, Rejwan Sulaiman and Nasr Abosata","title":"Analysis of the LockBit 3.0 and its infiltration into Advanced's\n infrastructure crippling NHS services","comments":"4 pages and 1 table","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The LockBit 3.0 ransomware variant is arguably the most threatening of\nmalware in recent times. With no regard for a victim's industry, the ransomware\nhas undergone several evolutions to arrive at an adaptable and evasive variant\nwhich has been a menace to governments and organisations, recently infiltrating\nAdvanced Computer Software group. Previous LockBit studies mostly concentrated\non measuring the impact of the ransomware attack, prevention, encryption\ndetection, decryption, or data recovery, thereby providing little or no benefit\nto the less tech savvy populace as a detailed breakdown of the mode of attack\nis rarely examined. This article analyses the LockBit 3.0 attack techniques\nwith a contextual illustration of the attack on Advanced Computer Software\ngroup. With the NHS being a major client of the organisation, and its services\nalongside 15 other clients being crippled for hours during the attack,\nattention is drawn to how dreadful such disruption may be in critical\norganisations. We observed that the upgrade of Lockbit based on releasing newer\nversions is in a bid to continuously ensure the malware's efficiency - a virtue\nthat keeps it at the zenith - by staying ahead of improved defenses. Our study\nhighlights social engineering as a vibrant portal to Lockbit's maliciousness\nand indicates an investment in detection systems may profit more than in\nprevention systems. Therefore, further research should consider improving\ndetection systems against Lockbit 3.0.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:28:38 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Akinyemi","Oladipupo",""],["Sulaiman","Rejwan",""],["Abosata","Nasr",""]]} {"id":"2308.05566","submitter":"Oleksandr Shchur","authors":"Oleksandr Shchur, Caner Turkmen, Nick Erickson, Huibin Shen, Alexander\n Shirkov, Tony Hu, Yuyang Wang","title":"AutoGluon-TimeSeries: AutoML for Probabilistic Time Series Forecasting","comments":"Published at AutoML Conference 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We introduce AutoGluon-TimeSeries - an open-source AutoML library for\nprobabilistic time series forecasting. Focused on ease of use and robustness,\nAutoGluon-TimeSeries enables users to generate accurate point and quantile\nforecasts with just 3 lines of Python code. Built on the design philosophy of\nAutoGluon, AutoGluon-TimeSeries leverages ensembles of diverse forecasting\nmodels to deliver high accuracy within a short training time.\nAutoGluon-TimeSeries combines both conventional statistical models,\nmachine-learning based forecasting approaches, and ensembling techniques. In\nour evaluation on 29 benchmark datasets, AutoGluon-TimeSeries demonstrates\nstrong empirical performance, outperforming a range of forecasting methods in\nterms of both point and quantile forecast accuracy, and often even improving\nupon the best-in-hindsight combination of prior methods.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:28:59 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Shchur","Oleksandr",""],["Turkmen","Caner",""],["Erickson","Nick",""],["Shen","Huibin",""],["Shirkov","Alexander",""],["Hu","Tony",""],["Wang","Yuyang",""]]} {"id":"2308.05567","submitter":"Pan Liang","authors":"Pan Liang, Danwei Ye, Zihao Zhu, Yunchao Wang, Wang Xia, Ronghua\n Liang, and Guodao Sun","title":"C5: Towards Better Conversation Comprehension and Contextual Continuity\n for ChatGPT","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Large language models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, have demonstrated outstanding\nperformance in various fields, particularly in natural language understanding\nand generation tasks. In complex application scenarios, users tend to engage in\nmulti-turn conversations with ChatGPT to keep contextual information and obtain\ncomprehensive responses. However, human forgetting and model contextual\nforgetting remain prominent issues in multi-turn conversation scenarios, which\nchallenge the users' conversation comprehension and contextual continuity for\nChatGPT. To address these challenges, we propose an interactive conversation\nvisualization system called C5, which includes Global View, Topic View, and\nContext-associated Q\\&A View. The Global View uses the GitLog diagram metaphor\nto represent the conversation structure, presenting the trend of conversation\nevolution and supporting the exploration of locally salient features. The Topic\nView is designed to display all the question and answer nodes and their\nrelationships within a topic using the structure of a knowledge graph, thereby\ndisplay the relevance and evolution of conversations. The Context-associated\nQ\\&A View consists of three linked views, which allow users to explore\nindividual conversations deeply while providing specific contextual information\nwhen posing questions. The usefulness and effectiveness of C5 were evaluated\nthrough a case study and a user study.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:29:12 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Liang","Pan",""],["Ye","Danwei",""],["Zhu","Zihao",""],["Wang","Yunchao",""],["Xia","Wang",""],["Liang","Ronghua",""],["Sun","Guodao",""]]} {"id":"2308.05568","submitter":"Kazuki Tokuda","authors":"Kazuki Tokuda, Naoto Harada, Kei E. I. Tanaka, Tsuyoshi Inoue, Takashi\n Shimonishi, Yichen Zhang, Marta Sewi{\\l}o, Yuri Kunitoshi, Ayu Konishi, Yasuo\n Fukui, Akiko Kawamura, Toshikazu Onishi, Masahiro N. Machida","title":"An ALMA Glimpse of Dense Molecular Filaments Associated with High-mass\n Protostellar Systems in the Large Magellanic Cloud","comments":"21 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.GA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Recent millimeter/sub-millimeter facilities have revealed the physical\nproperties of filamentary molecular clouds in relation to high-mass star\nformation. A uniform survey of the nearest, face-on star-forming galaxy, the\nLarge Magellanic Cloud (LMC), complements the Galactic knowledge. We present\nALMA survey data with a spatial resolution of $\\sim$0.1 pc in the 0.87 mm\ncontinuum and HCO$^{+}$(4-3) emission toward 30 protostellar objects with\nluminosities of 10$^4$-10$^{5.5}$ $L_{\\odot}$ in the LMC. The spatial\ndistributions of the HCO$^{+}$(4-3) line and thermal dust emission are well\ncorrelated, indicating that the line effectively traces dense, filamentary gas\nwith an H$_2$ volume density of $\\gtrsim$10$^5$ cm$^{-3}$ and a line mass of\n$\\sim$10$^3$-10$^{4}$ $M_{\\odot}$ pc$^{-1}$. Furthermore, we obtain an increase\nin the velocity linewidths of filamentary clouds, which follows a power-law\ndependence on their H$_2$ column densities with an exponent of $\\sim$0.5. This\ntrend is consistent with observations toward filamentary clouds in nearby\nstar-forming regions withiin $ \\lesssim$1 kpc from us and suggests enhanced\ninternal turbulence within the filaments owing to surrounding gas accretion.\nAmong the 30 sources, we find that 14 are associated with hub-filamentary\nstructures, and these complex structures predominantly appear in protostellar\nluminosities exceeding $\\sim$5 $\\times$10$^4$ $L_{\\odot}$. The hub-filament\nsystems tend to appear in the latest stages of their natal cloud evolution,\noften linked to prominent H$\\;${\\sc ii} regions and numerous stellar clusters.\nOur preliminary statistics suggest that the massive filaments accompanied by\nhub-type complex features may be a necessary intermediate product in forming\nextremely luminous high-mass stellar systems capable of ultimately dispersing\nthe parent cloud.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:30:37 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Tokuda","Kazuki",""],["Harada","Naoto",""],["Tanaka","Kei E. I.",""],["Inoue","Tsuyoshi",""],["Shimonishi","Takashi",""],["Zhang","Yichen",""],["Sewi\u0142o","Marta",""],["Kunitoshi","Yuri",""],["Konishi","Ayu",""],["Fukui","Yasuo",""],["Kawamura","Akiko",""],["Onishi","Toshikazu",""],["Machida","Masahiro N.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05569","submitter":"Donald Weingarten","authors":"Don Weingarten","title":"Vacuum Branching, Dark Energy, Dark Matter","comments":"found a problem - no longer believe there is a reasonable chance main\n punchline correct - previous paper, 2105.04545, however, remains correct","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"gr-qc hep-th quant-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Beginning with the Everett-DeWitt many-worlds interpretation of quantum\nmechanics, there have been a series of proposals for how the state vector of a\nquantum system might split at any instant into orthogonal branches, each of\nwhich exhibits approximately classical behavior. In an earlier version of the\npresent work, we proposed a decomposition of a state vector into branches by\nfinding the minimum of a measure of the mean squared quantum complexity of the\nbranches in the branch decomposition. With respect to a particular Lorentz\nframe, for a system beginning in a state of low complexity, branching occurs\nrepeatedly over time with each branch splitting successively into further\nsub-branches among which the branch followed by the real world is chosen\naccording to the Born rule. Alternatively, in an explicitly Lorentz covariant\nformulation, the real world is a single random draw from the set of branches at\nasymptotically late time, which can then be restored to finite time in a\nparticular Lorentz frame by sequentially retracing the set of branching events\nimplied by the late time choice. In the present article, we adapt the earlier\nformulation to quantum electrodynamics in temporal gauge on a lattice in\nMinkowski space. The earlier version, however, here is simplified by replacing\na definition of complexity based on the physical vacuum with a definition based\non the bare vacuum. As a consequence of this replacement, the physical vacuum\nitself is predicted to branch yielding branches with energy densities slightly\nlarger than that of the unbranched vacuum. If the vacuum energy renormalization\nconstant is chosen as usual to give 0 energy density to the unbranched vacuum,\nvacuum branches will appear to have a combination of dark energy and dark\nmatter densities but no additional particle content.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:32:52 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Sun, 13 Aug 2023 20:27:05 GMT"},{"version":"v3","created":"Tue, 15 Aug 2023 15:16:05 GMT"},{"version":"v4","created":"Sun, 27 Aug 2023 14:46:30 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-29","authors_parsed":[["Weingarten","Don",""]]} {"id":"2308.05570","submitter":"Rajni Kant Bansal","authors":"Rajni Kant Bansal, Yue Chen, Pengcheng You, Enrique Mallada","title":"Intercept Function and Quantity Bidding in Two-stage Electricity Market\n with Market Power Mitigation","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.OC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Electricity markets typically operate in two stages, day-ahead and real-time.\nDespite best efforts striving efficiency, evidence of price manipulation has\ncalled for system-level market power mitigation (MPM) initiatives that\nsubstitute noncompetitive bids with default bids. Implementing these policies\nwith a limited understanding of participant behavior may lead to unintended\neconomic losses. In this paper, we model the competition between generators and\ninelastic loads in a two-stage market with stage-wise MPM policies. The loss of\nNash equilibrium and lack of guarantee of stable market outcome in the case of\nconventional supply function bidding motivates the use of an alternative market\nmechanism where generators bid an intercept function. A Nash equilibrium\nanalysis for a day-ahead MPM policy leads to a Stackelberg-Nash game with loads\nexercising market power at the expense of generators. A comparison of the\nresulting equilibrium with the standard market (not implementing any MPM\npolicy) shows that a day-ahead policy completely mitigates the market power of\ngenerators. On the other hand, the real-time MPM policy increases demand\nallocation to real-time, contrary to current market practice with most\nelectricity trades in the day-ahead market. Numerical studies illustrate the\nimpact of the slope of the intercept function on the standard market.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:33:20 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Bansal","Rajni Kant",""],["Chen","Yue",""],["You","Pengcheng",""],["Mallada","Enrique",""]]} {"id":"2308.05571","submitter":"Enes K\\\"okta\\c{s}","authors":"Enes Koktas and Recep A. Tasci and Ibrahim Yildirim and Ertugrul Basar","title":"Unleashing the Potential of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces in\n Martian Communication","comments":"8 pages, 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Space exploration has witnessed a steady increase since the 1960s, with Mars\nplaying a significant role in our quest for further knowledge. As the ambition\nto colonize Mars becomes a reality through the collaboration of private\ncompanies and space agencies, the need for reliable and robust communication\ninfrastructures in the Martian environment becomes paramount. In this context,\nreconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS)-empowered communication emerges as a\npromising technology to enhance the coverage and improve the communication\nquality. By considering various Martian scenarios such as canyons, craters,\nmountains, and plateaus, this article explores of the potential of RISs in\nincreasing the coverage in Martian environments, thereby enabling future Mars\nmissions to be more robust and reliable. The article also investigates the\napplication of RIS-assisted localization in both line-of-sight (LOS) and\nnon-line-of-sight (NLOS) scenarios, presenting a general framework for accurate\nuser angle estimation in challenging Martian conditions. The findings and\npresented framework of this article provide a promising research direction for\nintegrating RISs in deep space communication as well as paving the way for\nfuture improvements in interplanetary communication networks.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:33:37 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Koktas","Enes",""],["Tasci","Recep A.",""],["Yildirim","Ibrahim",""],["Basar","Ertugrul",""]]} {"id":"2308.05572","submitter":"Martin Adrian Barstow","authors":"O. Vincent, M.A. Barstow, S. Jordan, C. Mander, P. Bergeron, P. Dufour","title":"Classification and parameterisation of a large Gaia sample of white\n dwarfs using XP spectra","comments":"20 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables. Submitted to Astronomy & Astrophysics\n Revised version, including links to the White Dwarf catalogue","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.SR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The latest Gaia data release in July 2022, DR3, added a number of important\ndata products to those available in earlier releases, including radial velocity\ndata, information on stellar multiplicity and XP spectra of a selected sample\nof stars. While the normal Gaia photometry (G, GBP and GRP bands) and\nastrometry can be used to identify white dwarfs with high confidence, it is\nmuch more difficult to parameterise the stars and determine the white dwarf\nspectral type from this information alone. The availability of the XP spectra\nand synthetic photometry presents an opportunity for more detailed spectral\nclassification and measurement of effective temperature and surface gravity of\nGaia white dwarfs. A magnitude limit of G < 17.6 was applied to the routine\nproduction of XP spectra for Gaia sources, which would have excluded most white\ndwarfs. We created a catalogue of 100,000 high-quality white dwarf\nidentifications for which XP spectra were processed, with a magnitude limit of\nG < 20.5. Synthetic photometry was computed for all these stars, from the XP\nspectra, in Johnson, SDSS and J-PAS, published as the Gaia Synthetic Photometry\nCatalogue - White Dwarfs (GSPC-WD). We have now taken this catalogue and\napplied machine learning techniques to provide a classification of all the\nstars from the XP spectra. We have then applied an automated spectral fitting\nprogramme, with chi-squared minimisation, to measure their physical parameters\n(effective temperature and log g) from which we can estimate the white dwarf\nmasses and radii. We present the results of this work, demonstrating the power\nof being able to classify and parameterise such a large sample of 100, 000\nstars. We describe what we can learn about the white dwarf population from this\ndata set. We also explore the uncertainties in the process and the limitations\nof the data set.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:34:47 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Fri, 25 Aug 2023 09:01:06 GMT"},{"version":"v3","created":"Thu, 31 Aug 2023 12:38:19 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-09-01","authors_parsed":[["Vincent","O.",""],["Barstow","M. A.",""],["Jordan","S.",""],["Mander","C.",""],["Bergeron","P.",""],["Dufour","P.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05573","submitter":"Bayram Tekin","authors":"Zeynep Tugce Ozkarsligil, Bayram Tekin","title":"A Systematic Construction of Kastor-Traschen Currents and their\n Extensions to Generic Powers of Curvature","comments":"8 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"gr-qc hep-th math-ph math.MP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Kastor and Traschen constructed totally anti-symmetric conserved currents\nthat are linear in the Riemann curvature in spacetimes admitting Killing-Yano\ntensors. The construction does not refer to any field equations and is built on\nthe algebraic and differential symmetries of the Riemann tensor as well as on\nthe Killing-Yano equation. Here we give a systematic generalization of their\nwork and find divergence-free currents that are built from the powers of the\ncurvature tensor.\n A rank-4 divergence-free tensor that is constructed from the powers of the\ncurvature tensor plays a major role here and it comes from the Lanczos-Lovelock\ntheory.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:36:57 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Ozkarsligil","Zeynep Tugce",""],["Tekin","Bayram",""]]} {"id":"2308.05574","submitter":"Rahul Raman","authors":"Danish Ebadulla, Rahul Raman, S. Natarajan, Hridhay Kiran Shetty,\n Ashish Harish Shenoy","title":"Exploring Linguistic Similarity and Zero-Shot Learning for Multilingual\n Translation of Dravidian Languages","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Current research in zero-shot translation is plagued by several issues such\nas high compute requirements, increased training time and off target\ntranslations. Proposed remedies often come at the cost of additional data or\ncompute requirements. Pivot based neural machine translation is preferred over\na single-encoder model for most settings despite the increased training and\nevaluation time. In this work, we overcome the shortcomings of zero-shot\ntranslation by taking advantage of transliteration and linguistic similarity.\nWe build a single encoder-decoder neural machine translation system for\nDravidian-Dravidian multilingual translation and perform zero-shot translation.\nWe compare the data vs zero-shot accuracy tradeoff and evaluate the performance\nof our vanilla method against the current state of the art pivot based method.\nWe also test the theory that morphologically rich languages require large\nvocabularies by restricting the vocabulary using an optimal transport based\ntechnique. Our model manages to achieves scores within 3 BLEU of large-scale\npivot-based models when it is trained on 50\\% of the language directions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:38:09 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Ebadulla","Danish",""],["Raman","Rahul",""],["Natarajan","S.",""],["Shetty","Hridhay Kiran",""],["Shenoy","Ashish Harish",""]]} {"id":"2308.05575","submitter":"Blerta Lindqvist","authors":"Blerta Lindqvist","title":"Symmetry Defense Against XGBoost Adversarial Perturbation Attacks","comments":"16 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.CR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We examine whether symmetry can be used to defend tree-based ensemble\nclassifiers such as gradient-boosting decision trees (GBDTs) against\nadversarial perturbation attacks. The idea is based on a recent symmetry\ndefense for convolutional neural network classifiers (CNNs) that utilizes CNNs'\nlack of invariance with respect to symmetries. CNNs lack invariance because\nthey can classify a symmetric sample, such as a horizontally flipped image,\ndifferently from the original sample. CNNs' lack of invariance also means that\nCNNs can classify symmetric adversarial samples differently from the incorrect\nclassification of adversarial samples. Using CNNs' lack of invariance, the\nrecent CNN symmetry defense has shown that the classification of symmetric\nadversarial samples reverts to the correct sample classification. In order to\napply the same symmetry defense to GBDTs, we examine GBDT invariance and are\nthe first to show that GBDTs also lack invariance with respect to symmetries.\nWe apply and evaluate the GBDT symmetry defense for nine datasets against six\nperturbation attacks with a threat model that ranges from zero-knowledge to\nperfect-knowledge adversaries. Using the feature inversion symmetry against\nzero-knowledge adversaries, we achieve up to 100% accuracy on adversarial\nsamples even when default and robust classifiers have 0% accuracy. Using the\nfeature inversion and horizontal flip symmetries against perfect-knowledge\nadversaries, we achieve up to over 95% accuracy on adversarial samples for the\nGBDT classifier of the F-MNIST dataset even when default and robust classifiers\nhave 0% accuracy.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:39:19 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Lindqvist","Blerta",""]]} {"id":"2308.05576","submitter":"Tal Linzen","authors":"Matthew Mandelkern and Tal Linzen","title":"Do Language Models Refer?","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" What do language models (LMs) do with language? Everyone agrees that they\nproduce sequences of (mostly) coherent sentences. But are they saying anything\nwith those strings or simply babbling in a convincing simulacrum of language\nuse? This is a vague question, and there are many ways of making it precise.\nHere we will address one aspect of the question, namely, whether LMs' words\nrefer: that is, whether the outputs of LMs achieve \"word-to-world\" connections.\nThere is prima facie reason to think they do not since LMs do not interact with\nthe world in the way that ordinary language users do. Drawing on insights from\nthe externalist tradition in philosophy of language, we argue that appearances\nare misleading and that there is good reason to think that LMs can refer.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:39:40 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Mandelkern","Matthew",""],["Linzen","Tal",""]]} {"id":"2308.05577","submitter":"Jonathan Stallrich","authors":"Jonathan W. Stallrich and Michael McKibben","title":"Optimal Designs for Two-Stage Inference","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.ME","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The analysis of screening experiments is often done in two stages, starting\nwith factor selection via an analysis under a main effects model. The success\nof this first stage is influenced by three components: (1) main effect\nestimators' variances and (2) bias, and (3) the estimate of the noise variance.\nComponent (3) has only recently been given attention with design techniques\nthat ensure an unbiased estimate of the noise variance. In this paper, we\npropose a design criterion based on expected confidence intervals of the first\nstage analysis that balances all three components. To address model\nmisspecification, we propose a computationally-efficient all-subsets analysis\nand a corresponding constrained design criterion based on lack-of-fit.\nScenarios found in existing design literature are revisited with our criteria\nand new designs are provided that improve upon existing methods.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:39:43 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Stallrich","Jonathan W.",""],["McKibben","Michael",""]]} {"id":"2308.05578","submitter":"Eetu Loisa","authors":"Eetu Loisa","title":"Searching for the flavon at current and future colliders","comments":"10 pages, 5 figures. Contribution to the proceedings of the 21st\n Conference on Flavor Physics and CP Violation (FPCP2023)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The $ B_3 - L_2$ $ Z' $ model may explain certain features of the fermion\nmass spectrum as well as the $b \\rightarrow s \\mu^+ \\mu^-$ anomalies. The $ Z'\n$ acquires its mass via a TeV-scale scalar field, the flavon, whose vacuum\nexpectation value spontaneously breaks the family non-universal gauged $\nU(1)_{B_3 - L_2} $ symmetry. We review the key features of the model, with an\nemphasis on its scalar potential and the flavon field, and use experimental\ndata and perturbativity arguments to place bounds upon the Higgs-flavon mixing\nangle. Finally, we discuss flavonstrahlung as a means to discover the flavon\nexperimentally and compute flavonstrahlung cross-sections at current and future\ncolliders.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:41:55 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Loisa","Eetu",""]]} {"id":"2308.05579","submitter":"Gary P. T. Choi","authors":"Zhiyuan Lyu, Gary P. T. Choi, Lok Ming Lui","title":"Bijective Density-Equalizing Quasiconformal Map for Multiply-Connected\n Open Surfaces","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CG cs.GR math.CV math.DG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" This paper proposes a novel method for computing bijective density-equalizing\nquasiconformal (DEQ) flattening maps for multiply-connected open surfaces. In\nconventional density-equalizing maps, shape deformations are solely driven by\nprescribed constraints on the density distribution, defined as the population\nper unit area, while the bijectivity and local geometric distortions of the\nmappings are uncontrolled. Also, prior methods have primarily focused on\nsimply-connected open surfaces but not surfaces with more complicated\ntopologies. Our proposed method overcomes these issues by formulating the\ndensity diffusion process as a quasiconformal flow, which allows us to\neffectively control the local geometric distortion and guarantee the\nbijectivity of the mapping by solving an energy minimization problem involving\nthe Beltrami coefficient of the mapping. To achieve an optimal parameterization\nof multiply-connected surfaces, we develop an iterative scheme that optimizes\nboth the shape of the target planar circular domain and the density-equalizing\nquasiconformal map onto it. In addition, landmark constraints can be\nincorporated into our proposed method for consistent feature alignment. The\nmethod can also be naturally applied to simply-connected open surfaces. By\nchanging the prescribed population, a large variety of surface flattening maps\nwith different desired properties can be achieved. The method is tested on both\nsynthetic and real examples, demonstrating its efficacy in various applications\nin computer graphics and medical imaging.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:42:03 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Tue, 15 Aug 2023 08:59:50 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-16","authors_parsed":[["Lyu","Zhiyuan",""],["Choi","Gary P. T.",""],["Lui","Lok Ming",""]]} {"id":"2308.05580","submitter":"Mohsen Sadr","authors":"Mohsen Sadr, Marcel Pfeiffer, M. Hossein Gorji","title":"Fokker-Planck-Poisson kinetics: Multi-phase flow beyond equilibrium","comments":null,"journal-ref":"Journal of Fluid Mechanics 920 (2021): A46","doi":"10.1017/jfm.2021.461","report-no":null,"categories":"physics.flu-dyn","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Multi-phase phenomena remain at the heart of many challenging fluid dynamics\nproblems. Molecular fluxes at the interface determine the fate of neighboring\nphases, yet their closure far from the continuum needs to be modeled. Along the\nhierarchy of kinetic approaches, a multi-phase particle method is devised in\nthis study. This approach is built closely upon the previous studies on the\nkinetic method development for dense gasses [Phys. Fluids, 29 (12), 2017] and\nlong-range interactions [J. Comput. Phys, 378, 2019]. It is on this background\nthat the current work on Fokker-Planck-Poisson modeling of multi-phase\nphenomena is initiated. Molecular interactions are expressed via stochastic\nforces driven by the white noise, coupled with long-range attractions. The\nformer is local and pursues diffusive approximation of molecular collisions,\nwhereas the latter takes a global feature owing to mean-field forces. The\nobtained Fokker-Planck-Poisson combination provides an efficient workflow for\nphysics-driven simulations suitable for multi-phase phenomena far from the\nequilibrium. Besides highlighting the computational efficiency of the method,\nvarious archetypical and complex problems ranging from\ninverted-temperature-gradient between droplets to spinodal decomposition are\nexplored. Detailed discussions are provided on different characteristics of the\ndroplets dispersed in low/high density background gases; including the\ndeparture of heat fluxes from Fourier's law as well as droplets growth in\nspinodal phases.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:42:58 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Sadr","Mohsen",""],["Pfeiffer","Marcel",""],["Gorji","M. Hossein",""]]} {"id":"2308.05581","submitter":"Quan Tang","authors":"Quan Tang, Chuanjian Liu, Fagui Liu, Yifan Liu, Jun Jiang, Bowen\n Zhang, Kai Han, Yunhe Wang","title":"Category Feature Transformer for Semantic Segmentation","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Aggregation of multi-stage features has been revealed to play a significant\nrole in semantic segmentation. Unlike previous methods employing point-wise\nsummation or concatenation for feature aggregation, this study proposes the\nCategory Feature Transformer (CFT) that explores the flow of category embedding\nand transformation among multi-stage features through the prevalent multi-head\nattention mechanism. CFT learns unified feature embeddings for individual\nsemantic categories from high-level features during each aggregation process\nand dynamically broadcasts them to high-resolution features. Integrating the\nproposed CFT into a typical feature pyramid structure exhibits superior\nperformance over a broad range of backbone networks. We conduct extensive\nexperiments on popular semantic segmentation benchmarks. Specifically, the\nproposed CFT obtains a compelling 55.1% mIoU with greatly reduced model\nparameters and computations on the challenging ADE20K dataset.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:44:54 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Tang","Quan",""],["Liu","Chuanjian",""],["Liu","Fagui",""],["Liu","Yifan",""],["Jiang","Jun",""],["Zhang","Bowen",""],["Han","Kai",""],["Wang","Yunhe",""]]} {"id":"2308.05582","submitter":"Filipo Sharevski","authors":"Aziz Zeidieh and Filipo Sharevski","title":"Usability Assessment of the OnlyKey Hardware Two-Factor Authentication\n Key Among Low Vision or Blind Users","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.HC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Hardware security keys undoubtedly have advantage for users as \"usability\"\npain is trivial compared to the maximum \"security\" gain in authentication.\nNaturally, the hardware factor in the authentication received a widespread\nadoption amongst average users, as it is ergonomically less demanding than\nphone texts or authentication prompts. This ergonomic advantage in particular\nis essential for users who are blind or low vision, as their interaction with a\nphone is impractical. However, the \"usability\" for low vision or blind users\npain might be much higher than an average well-bodied user for the same\n\"security\" gain. In an effort to learn more we conducted a usability assessment\nwith ten low vision or blind users setting up the OnlyKey two-factor\nauthentication key. First, the setup process was insurmountable for more than\nhalf of the participants, resulting in a situation where the hardware key was\nabandoned. Secondly, the lack of tactile orientation led participants to\nconsider it as both impractical, and prone to difficulties locating or loosing\nit. We discuss the implications of our findings for future improvements in\nusable authentication for visually impaired users.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:46:36 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Zeidieh","Aziz",""],["Sharevski","Filipo",""]]} {"id":"2308.05583","submitter":"Sattar Vakili","authors":"Ushnish Sengupta, Chinkuo Jao, Alberto Bernacchia, Sattar Vakili and\n Da-shan Shiu","title":"Generative Diffusion Models for Radio Wireless Channel Modelling and\n Sampling","comments":"2023 IEEE Global Communications Conference","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI cs.CE cs.NI stat.ML","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Channel modelling is essential to designing modern wireless communication\nsystems. The increasing complexity of channel modelling and the cost of\ncollecting high-quality wireless channel data have become major challenges. In\nthis paper, we propose a diffusion model based channel sampling approach for\nrapidly synthesizing channel realizations from limited data. We use a diffusion\nmodel with a U Net based architecture operating in the frequency space domain.\nTo evaluate how well the proposed model reproduces the true distribution of\nchannels in the training dataset, two evaluation metrics are used: $i)$ the\napproximate $2$-Wasserstein distance between real and generated distributions\nof the normalized power spectrum in the antenna and frequency domains and $ii)$\nprecision and recall metric for distributions. We show that, compared to\nexisting GAN based approaches which suffer from mode collapse and unstable\ntraining, our diffusion based approach trains stably and generates diverse and\nhigh-fidelity samples from the true channel distribution. We also show that we\ncan pretrain the model on a simulated urban macro-cellular channel dataset and\nfine-tune it on a smaller, out-of-distribution urban micro-cellular dataset,\ntherefore showing that it is feasible to model real world channels using\nlimited data with this approach.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:49:26 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Sengupta","Ushnish",""],["Jao","Chinkuo",""],["Bernacchia","Alberto",""],["Vakili","Sattar",""],["Shiu","Da-shan",""]]} {"id":"2308.05584","submitter":"Marcel Pfeiffer","authors":"Franziska Hild and Marcel Pfeiffer","title":"Multi-species modeling in the particle-based ellipsoidal statistical\n Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook method including internal degrees of freedom","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.flu-dyn","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The implementation of the ellipsoidal statistical Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook\n(ESBGK) method in the open-source particle code PICLas is extended for\nmulti-species modeling of polyatomic molecules, including internal energies\nwith multiple vibrational degrees of freedom. For this, the models of Mathiaud,\nMieussens, Pfeiffer, and Brull are combined. In order to determine the\ntransport coefficients of the gas mixture, Wilke's mixing rules and collision\nintegrals are compared. The implementation is verified with simulation test\ncases of a supersonic Couette flow as well as a hypersonic flow around a\n70{\\deg} blunted cone. The solutions of the ESBGK method are compared to the\nDirect Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method to assess the accuracy, where\noverall good agreement is achieved. In general, collision integrals should be\npreferred for the determination of the transport coefficients, since the\nresults using Wilke's mixing rules show larger deviations in particular for\nlarge mass ratios. Considering the computational efficiency of the methods, a\nconsiderable reduction in computational time is possible with the ESBGK model.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:49:37 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Hild","Franziska",""],["Pfeiffer","Marcel",""]]} {"id":"2308.05585","submitter":"Miao Fan","authors":"Miao Fan, Chen Hu, Shuchang Zhou","title":"Proximal Policy Optimization Actual Combat: Manipulating Output\n Tokenizer Length","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) plays a pivotal role in\nshaping the impact of large language models (LLMs), contributing significantly\nto controlling output toxicity and selecting output styles, particularly as\nLLMs often harbor misleading content, highlighting the urgency to align them\nwith human values for secure AI systems. The RLHF, characterized by complexity,\ninstability, and sensitivity to hyperparameters, makes the evaluation of the\nreward model for complex tasks challenging, thereby further complicating the\nuse of Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO). In this paper, we introduce a simple\ntask designed to employ Gloden as a reward model that validates the\neffectiveness of PPO and inspires it, primarily explaining the task of\nutilizing PPO to manipulate the tokenizer length of the output generated by the\nmodel. Experiments confirm that PPO is not only effective in manipulating the\noutput tokenizer length to a certain extent in this type of task but also\nexhibits facilitated training once the influence of the reward model effect is\nexcluded, making it an exciting development.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:50:17 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Fan","Miao",""],["Hu","Chen",""],["Zhou","Shuchang",""]]} {"id":"2308.05586","submitter":"Daniel Greb","authors":"Matteo Costantini, Daniel Greb","title":"Milnor-Wood inequality for klt varieties of general type and\n uniformization","comments":"14 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AG math.DG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We generalize the definition of the Toledo invariant for representations of\nfundamental groups of smooth varieties of general type due to Koziarz and\nMaubon to the context of singular klt varieties, where the natural fundamental\ngroups to consider are those of smooth loci. Assuming that the rank of the\ntarget Lie group is not greater than two, we show that the Toledo invariant\nsatisfies a Milnor-Wood type inequality and we characterize the corresponding\nmaximal representations.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:50:51 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Costantini","Matteo",""],["Greb","Daniel",""]]} {"id":"2308.05587","submitter":"Eric Torrence","authors":"FASER Collaboration","title":"Search for Dark Photons with the FASER detector at the LHC","comments":"19 pages, 7 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":"CERN-EP-2023-161","categories":"hep-ex","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The FASER experiment at the LHC is designed to search for light,\nweakly-interacting particles produced in proton-proton collisions at the ATLAS\ninteraction point that travel in the far-forward direction. The first results\nfrom a search for dark photons decaying to an electron-positron pair, using a\ndataset corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 27.0 fb$^{-1}$ collected\nat center-of-mass energy $\\sqrt{s} = 13.6$ TeV in 2022 in LHC Run 3, are\npresented. No events are seen in an almost background-free analysis, yielding\nworld-leading constraints on dark photons with couplings $\\epsilon \\sim 2\n\\times 10^{-5} - 1 \\times 10^{-4}$ and masses $\\sim$ 17 MeV - 70 MeV. The\nanalysis is also used to probe the parameter space of a massive gauge boson\nfrom a U(1)$_{B-L}$ model, with couplings $g_{B-L} \\sim 5 \\times 10^{-6} - 2\n\\times 10^{-5}$ and masses $\\sim$ 15 MeV - 40 MeV excluded for the first time.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:51:04 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["FASER Collaboration","",""]]} {"id":"2308.05588","submitter":"Nave Frost","authors":"Omer Abramovich, Daniel Deutch, Nave Frost, Ahmet Kara, Dan Olteanu","title":"Banzhaf Values for Facts in Query Answering","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.DB","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Quantifying the contribution of database facts to query answers has been\nstudied as means of explanation. The Banzhaf value, originally developed in\nGame Theory, is a natural measure of fact contribution, yet its efficient\ncomputation for select-project-join-union queries is challenging. In this\npaper, we introduce three algorithms to compute the Banzhaf value of database\nfacts: an exact algorithm, an anytime deterministic approximation algorithm\nwith relative error guarantees, and an algorithm for ranking and top-$k$. They\nhave three key building blocks: compilation of query lineage into an equivalent\nfunction that allows efficient Banzhaf value computation; dynamic programming\ncomputation of the Banzhaf values of variables in a Boolean function using the\nBanzhaf values for constituent functions; and a mechanism to compute\nefficiently lower and upper bounds on Banzhaf values for any positive DNF\nfunction.\n We complement the algorithms with a dichotomy for the Banzhaf-based ranking\nproblem: given two facts, deciding whether the Banzhaf value of one is greater\nthan of the other is tractable for hierarchical queries and intractable for\nnon-hierarchical queries.\n We show experimentally that our algorithms significantly outperform exact and\napproximate algorithms from prior work, most times up to two orders of\nmagnitude. Our algorithms can also cover challenging problem instances that are\nbeyond reach for prior work.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:52:44 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Abramovich","Omer",""],["Deutch","Daniel",""],["Frost","Nave",""],["Kara","Ahmet",""],["Olteanu","Dan",""]]} {"id":"2308.05589","submitter":"Kristen Schumacher","authors":"Kristen Schumacher, Nicolas Yunes and Kent Yagi","title":"Gravitational Wave Polarizations with Different Propagation Speeds","comments":"13 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"gr-qc","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In some modified theories of gravity, gravitational waves can contain up to\nsix different polarizations, which can travel at speeds different from that of\nlight. Searches for these different polarizations in gravitational wave data\nare important because any detection would be clear evidence of new physics,\nwhile clear non-detections could constrain some modified theories. The first\nstep toward searching the data for such gravitational wave content is the\ncalculation of the amplitudes of these different polarizations. Here we present\na model-independent method to obtain the different polarizations of\ngravitational waves directly from the metric perturbation in theories where\nthese polarizations are allowed to travel at different speeds. We develop our\ncalculations so that the same procedure works with either the metric\nperturbation itself or its trace-reversed form. Our results are in agreement\nwith previous work in the limit that all polarization speeds are the speed of\nlight. We demonstrate how our model-independent method can be used with two\nspecific modified theories of gravity, suggesting its wide applicability to\nother theories that allow for different gravitational wave propagation speeds.\nWe further extend the ppE formalism to apply to such theories that travel with\ndifferent speeds. Finally, we discuss how the different speeds of different\npolarizations may affect null stream tests of general relativity with\ngravitational wave observations by multiple interferometers. Differences in\npropagation speeds may make null streams ineffective or lead to the detection\nof what seem to be isolated scalar or vector modes.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:53:02 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Schumacher","Kristen",""],["Yunes","Nicolas",""],["Yagi","Kent",""]]} {"id":"2308.05590","submitter":"Igor Rogachevskii","authors":"I. Rogachevskii (BGU), N. Kleeorin (BGU)","title":"Budget equations and astrophysical nonlinear mean-field dynamos","comments":"9 pages, revised paper","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":"NORDITA-2023-046","categories":"astro-ph.SR astro-ph.GA physics.plasm-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Solar, stellar and galactic large-scale magnetic fields are originated due to\na combined action of non-uniform (differential) rotation and helical motions of\nplasma via mean-field dynamos. Usually, nonlinear mean-field dynamo theories\ntake into account algebraic and dynamic quenching of alpha effect and algebraic\nquenching of turbulent magnetic diffusivity. However, these theories do not\ntake into account a feedback of the mean magnetic field on the background\nturbulence (with a zero mean magnetic field). Our analysis using the budget\nequation for the total (kinetic plus magnetic) turbulent energy, which takes\ninto account the feedback of the generated mean magnetic field on the\nbackground turbulence, has shown that a nonlinear dynamo number decreases with\nincrease of the mean magnetic field for a forced turbulence, and a\nshear-produced turbulence and a convective turbulence. This implies that\nmean-field $\\alpha\\Omega$, $\\alpha^2$ and $\\alpha^2\\Omega$ dynamo instabilities\nare always saturated.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:53:26 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 17:54:10 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Rogachevskii","I.","","BGU"],["Kleeorin","N.","","BGU"]]} {"id":"2308.05591","submitter":"Feng Wang","authors":"Feng Wang, Giovanni Geraci, Tony Q. S. Quek","title":"Optimizing Cache Content Placement in Integrated Terrestrial and\n Non-terrestrial Networks","comments":"accepted by IEEE GLOBECOM 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SY cs.IT cs.NI cs.SY eess.SP math.IT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Non-terrestrial networks (NTN) offer potential for efficient content\nbroadcast in remote regions, thereby extending the reach of digital services.\nIn this paper, we introduce a novel approach to optimize wireless edge content\nplacement using NTN. Specifically, we dynamically select content for placement\nvia NTN links based on popularity and suitability for delivery through NTN,\nwhile considering the orbital motion of LEO satellites. Our comprehensive\nsystem-level case studies, based on a practical LEO constellation, demonstrate\nthe significant improvement in placement speed compared to existing methods\nthat neglect network mobility. We further show that the advantages of NTN links\nover standalone wireless TN solutions are more pronounced in the early stages\nof content delivery and are amplified by higher content popularity correlation\nacross geographical regions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:57:37 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Feng",""],["Geraci","Giovanni",""],["Quek","Tony Q. S.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05592","submitter":"Somnath Koley","authors":"Somnath Koley, Karuna Kar Nanda","title":"Algae-like Artificial Organic Phototactic Micro-swimmers","comments":"11 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.soft cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.mtrl-sci physics.chem-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Phototaxis is a light driven self-locomotion of mass and a common phenomenon\nin motile organisms with varieties of motility such as in bacteria, algae, etc.\nIn naturally occurring organisms, mechanical force is generated utilising their\nmetabolic energy to propel and swim in presence of light, performing important\nbio-chemical reactions. Herein, we report a new class of micro-swimmers that\nexhibit captivating and complicated micro-swimming mediated colony formation\nproperties resembling green algae. A facile pyrolysis reaction is explored\nleading to homogeneous organic Nano-structures forming patterned\nself-assemblies among themselves. A delicate balance of colloid surface forms\ninteresting architectures such as dynamic colonies, thallus like patterning and\ncilia like micro-arms. In presence of weak light both positive and negative\nphototaxis are seen moving the micro-swimmers propelling towards and away from\nthe light respectively. During swimming helical motion and electrostatic\ninteractions of colloidal micro-swimmers with neighbouring assemblies are\nobserved. The nature of assembly formation is found to be fractal and can be\ndisintegrated using strong light. Strong exposure stimulates predominately fast\nnegative phototaxis leading to directional propulsion along the light path. All\nthese algae life-like behaviour of the colloidal carbonaceous lyophilic\ncolloids are stable in alcohol and can be reversibly discontinued with water\ndue to super-hydrophilicity. We therefore introduce a class of life-like\ncolloidal chemical architecture. Our discovery may entice studies for creation\nof a diverse programmable micro-swimmers for microscopic understanding and\nmanipulating collective effect of the assemblies for bio-mimetic and catalytic\napplications.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 14:00:46 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Koley","Somnath",""],["Nanda","Karuna Kar",""]]} {"id":"2308.05593","submitter":"Fujing Xie","authors":"Fujing Xie, S\\\"oren Schwertfeger","title":"Robust Lifelong Indoor LiDAR Localization using the Area Graph","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.RO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Lifelong indoor localization in a given map is the basis for navigation of\nautonomous mobile robots. In this letter, we address the problem of robust\nlocalization in cluttered indoor environments like office spaces and corridors\nusing 3D LiDAR point clouds in a given Area Graph, which is a hierarchical,\ntopometric semantic map representation that uses polygons to demark areas such\nas rooms, corridors or buildings. This representation is very compact, can\nrepresent different floors of buildings through its hierarchy and provides\nsemantic information that helps with localization, like poses of doors and\nglass. In contrast to this, commonly used map representations, such as\noccupancy grid maps or point clouds, lack these features and require frequent\nupdates in response to environmental changes (e.g. moved furniture), unlike our\napproach, which matches against lifelong architectural features such as walls\nand doors. For that we apply filtering to remove clutter from the 3D input\npoint cloud and then employ further scoring and weight functions for\nlocalization. Given a broad initial guess from WiFi localization, our\nexperiments show that our global localization and the weighted point to line\nICP pose tracking perform very well, even when compared to localization and\nSLAM algorithms that use the current, feature-rich cluttered map for\nlocalization.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 14:03:48 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Xie","Fujing",""],["Schwertfeger","S\u00f6ren",""]]} {"id":"2308.05594","submitter":"Martin Fasser","authors":"Martin Fasser, Christoph Hotter, David Plankensteiner, Helmut Ritsch","title":"Threshold studies for a hot beam superradiant laser including an atomic\n guiding potential","comments":"12 pages, 6 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.atom-ph quant-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Recent theoretical predictions hint at an implementation of a superradiant\nlaser based on narrow optical clock transitions by using a filtered thermal\nbeam at high density. Corresponding numerical studies give encouraging results\nbut the required very high densities are sensitive to beam collimation errors\nand inhomogeneous shifts. Here we present extensive numerical studies of\nthreshold conditions and the predicted output power of such a superradiant\nlaser involving realistic particle numbers and velocities along the cavity\naxis. Detailed studies target the threshold scaling as a function of\ntemperature as well as the influence of eliminating the hottest part of the\natomic distribution via velocity filtering and the benefits of additional\natomic beam guiding. Using a cumulant expansion approach allows us to quantify\nthe significance of atom-atom and atom-field correlations in such\nconfigurations. We predict necessary conditions to achieve a certain threshold\nphoton number depending on the atomic temperature and density. In particular,\nwe show that the temperature threshold can be significantly increased by using\nmore atoms. Interestingly, a velocity filter removing very fast atoms has only\nalmost negligible influence despite their phase perturbing properties. On the\npositive side an additional conservative optical guiding towards cavity mode\nantinodes leads to significantly lower threshold and higher average photon\nnumber. Interestingly we see that higher order atom-field and direct atom-atom\nquantum correlations play only a minor role in the laser dynamics, which is a\nbit surprising in the superradiant regime.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 14:05:09 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Fasser","Martin",""],["Hotter","Christoph",""],["Plankensteiner","David",""],["Ritsch","Helmut",""]]} {"id":"2308.05595","submitter":"Alceu Emanuel Bissoto","authors":"Alceu Bissoto, Catarina Barata, Eduardo Valle, Sandra Avila","title":"Test-Time Selection for Robust Skin Lesion Analysis","comments":"Accepted at ISIC Workshop @ MICCAI 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Skin lesion analysis models are biased by artifacts placed during image\nacquisition, which influence model predictions despite carrying no clinical\ninformation. Solutions that address this problem by regularizing models to\nprevent learning those spurious features achieve only partial success, and\nexisting test-time debiasing techniques are inappropriate for skin lesion\nanalysis due to either making unrealistic assumptions on the distribution of\ntest data or requiring laborious annotation from medical practitioners. We\npropose TTS (Test-Time Selection), a human-in-the-loop method that leverages\npositive (e.g., lesion area) and negative (e.g., artifacts) keypoints in test\nsamples. TTS effectively steers models away from exploiting spurious\nartifact-related correlations without retraining, and with less annotation\nrequirements. Our solution is robust to a varying availability of annotations,\nand different levels of bias. We showcase on the ISIC2019 dataset (for which we\nrelease a subset of annotated images) how our model could be deployed in the\nreal-world for mitigating bias.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 14:08:50 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Bissoto","Alceu",""],["Barata","Catarina",""],["Valle","Eduardo",""],["Avila","Sandra",""]]} {"id":"2308.05596","submitter":"XInlei He","authors":"Xinlei He and Savvas Zannettou and Yun Shen and Yang Zhang","title":"You Only Prompt Once: On the Capabilities of Prompt Learning on Large\n Language Models to Tackle Toxic Content","comments":"To Appear in the 45th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, May\n 20-23, 2024","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.SI","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The spread of toxic content online is an important problem that has adverse\neffects on user experience online and in our society at large. Motivated by the\nimportance and impact of the problem, research focuses on developing solutions\nto detect toxic content, usually leveraging machine learning (ML) models\ntrained on human-annotated datasets. While these efforts are important, these\nmodels usually do not generalize well and they can not cope with new trends\n(e.g., the emergence of new toxic terms). Currently, we are witnessing a shift\nin the approach to tackling societal issues online, particularly leveraging\nlarge language models (LLMs) like GPT-3 or T5 that are trained on vast corpora\nand have strong generalizability. In this work, we investigate how we can use\nLLMs and prompt learning to tackle the problem of toxic content, particularly\nfocusing on three tasks; 1) Toxicity Classification, 2) Toxic Span Detection,\nand 3) Detoxification. We perform an extensive evaluation over five model\narchitectures and eight datasets demonstrating that LLMs with prompt learning\ncan achieve similar or even better performance compared to models trained on\nthese specific tasks. We find that prompt learning achieves around 10\\%\nimprovement in the toxicity classification task compared to the baselines,\nwhile for the toxic span detection task we find better performance to the best\nbaseline (0.643 vs. 0.640 in terms of $F_1$-score). Finally, for the\ndetoxification task, we find that prompt learning can successfully reduce the\naverage toxicity score (from 0.775 to 0.213) while preserving semantic meaning.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 14:14:13 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["He","Xinlei",""],["Zannettou","Savvas",""],["Shen","Yun",""],["Zhang","Yang",""]]} {"id":"2308.05597","submitter":"Jan Karbowski","authors":"Jan Karbowski","title":"Bounds on the rates of statistical divergences and mutual information","comments":"16 pages, 2 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.data-an cond-mat.stat-mech math-ph math.MP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Statistical divergences are important tools in data analysis, information\ntheory, and statistical physics, and there exist well known inequalities on\ntheir bounds. However, in many circumstances involving temporal evolution, one\nneeds limitations on the rates of such quantities, instead. Here, several\ngeneral upper bounds on the rates of some f-divergences are derived, valid for\nany type of stochastic dynamics (both Markovian and non-Markovian), in terms of\ninformation-like and/or thermodynamic observables. As special cases, the\nanalytical bounds on the rate of mutual information are obtained, which may\nprovide explicit and simple alternatives to the existing numerical algorithms\nfor its estimation. The major role in all those limitations is played by\ntemporal Fisher information, and some of them contain entropy production,\nsuggesting a link with stochastic thermodynamics. Overall, the derived bounds\ncan be applied to any complex network of interacting elements, where\npredictability of network dynamics is of prime concern.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 14:17:12 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Karbowski","Jan",""]]} {"id":"2308.05598","submitter":"Dipanweeta Bhattacharyya","authors":"Dipanweeta Bhattacharyya, Jasjeet Singh Bagla","title":"Where can we find the merger remnant in BH-BH mergers in Globular\n clusters?","comments":"8 pages, 1 table, 6 figures with 9 subfigures, Submitted to MNRAS","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.GA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Mergers of black holes and other compact objects produce gravitational waves\nwhich carry a part of the energy, momentum, and angular momentum of the system.\nDue to asymmetry in the gravitational wave emission, a recoil kick velocity is\nimparted to the merger remnant. It has been conjectured that a significant\nfraction of the mergers detected so far reside in globular clusters. We explore\nthe scenario where the merger remnant in a globular cluster is moving at a\nsignificant speed with respect to the binary that underwent merger. We study\nthis in the situation when the kick velocity is higher than the escape velocity\nin the case of globular clusters assuming a Plummer density profile for the\ncluster. We study the evolution of the system to study the outcome: whether\ndynamical friction can trap the black hole within the globular cluster, whether\nthe black hole escapes the globular cluster but ends up in the bulge, and\nlastly, whether the black halo becomes a halo object. We present results for an\nanalysis based on orbital parameters of ten globular clusters using data from\nGAIA EDR3. We find that if the kick velocity is smaller than $120$ km/s then a\nmajority of remnant black holes end up in the bulge. Note that our results in\nterms of where compact objects launched from a globular cluster end up are\napplicable to any mechanism, e.g., a compact object ejected due to three-body\ninteractions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 14:18:33 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Bhattacharyya","Dipanweeta",""],["Bagla","Jasjeet Singh",""]]} {"id":"2308.05599","submitter":"Peter Reimann","authors":"Christian Eidecker-Dunkel and Peter Reimann","title":"Allosteric impurity effects in long spin chains","comments":null,"journal-ref":"Phys. Rev. B 108, 054407 (2023)","doi":"10.1103/PhysRevB.108.054407","report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.stat-mech","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Allosterism traditionally refers to local changes in an extended object, for\ninstance the binding of a ligand to a macromolecule, leading to a localized\nresponse at some other, possibly quite remote position. Here, we show that such\nfascinating effects may already occur in very simple and common quantum\nmany-body systems, such as an anisotropic Heisenberg spin chain: Introducing an\nimpurity at one end of a sufficiently long chain may lead to quite significant\nchanges of the observable behavior near the other end, but not in the much\nlarger region in between. Specifically, spin autocorrelation functions at\nthermal equilibrium are found to exhibit a pronounced allosterism of this type.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 14:19:08 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Eidecker-Dunkel","Christian",""],["Reimann","Peter",""]]} {"id":"2308.05600","submitter":"Edouard Yvinec","authors":"Edouard Yvinec, Arnaud Dapogny and Kevin Bailly","title":"NUPES : Non-Uniform Post-Training Quantization via Power Exponent Search","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Deep neural network (DNN) deployment has been confined to larger hardware\ndevices due to their expensive computational requirements. This challenge has\nrecently reached another scale with the emergence of large language models\n(LLMs). In order to reduce both their memory footprint and latency, a promising\ntechnique is quantization. It consists in converting floating point\nrepresentations to low bit-width fixed point representations, usually by\nassuming a uniform mapping onto a regular grid. This process, referred to in\nthe literature as uniform quantization, may however be ill-suited as most DNN\nweights and activations follow a bell-shaped distribution. This is even worse\non LLMs whose weight distributions are known to exhibit large, high impact,\noutlier values. In this work, we propose an improvement over the most commonly\nadopted way to tackle this limitation in deep learning models quantization,\nnamely, non-uniform quantization. NUPES leverages automorphisms to preserve the\nscalar multiplications. Such transformations are derived from power functions.\nHowever, the optimization of the exponent parameter and weight values remains a\nchallenging and novel problem which could not be solved with previous post\ntraining optimization techniques which only learn to round up or down weight\nvalues in order to preserve the predictive function. We circumvent this\nlimitation with a new paradigm: learning new quantized weights over the entire\nquantized space. Similarly, we enable the optimization of the power exponent,\ni.e. the optimization of the quantization operator itself during training by\nalleviating all the numerical instabilities. The resulting predictive function\nis compatible with integer-only low-bit inference. We show the ability of the\nmethod to achieve state-of-the-art compression rates in both, data-free and\ndata-driven configurations.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 14:19:58 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Yvinec","Edouard",""],["Dapogny","Arnaud",""],["Bailly","Kevin",""]]} {"id":"2308.05601","submitter":"Tianpu Zhang","authors":"Weilong Ding, Tianpu Zhang, Jianwu Wang, Zhuofeng Zhao","title":"Multi-graph Spatio-temporal Graph Convolutional Network for Traffic Flow\n Prediction","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Inter-city highway transportation is significant for urban life. As one of\nthe key functions in intelligent transportation system (ITS), traffic\nevaluation always plays significant role nowadays, and daily traffic flow\nprediction still faces challenges at network-wide toll stations. On the one\nhand, the data imbalance in practice among various locations deteriorates the\nperformance of prediction. On the other hand, complex correlative\nspatio-temporal factors cannot be comprehensively employed in long-term\nduration. In this paper, a prediction method is proposed for daily traffic flow\nin highway domain through spatio-temporal deep learning. In our method, data\nnormalization strategy is used to deal with data imbalance, due to long-tail\ndistribution of traffic flow at network-wide toll stations. And then, based on\ngraph convolutional network, we construct networks in distinct semantics to\ncapture spatio-temporal features. Beside that, meteorology and calendar\nfeatures are used by our model in the full connection stage to extra external\ncharacteristics of traffic flow. By extensive experiments and case studies in\none Chinese provincial highway, our method shows clear improvement in\npredictive accuracy than baselines and practical benefits in business.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 14:20:43 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Ding","Weilong",""],["Zhang","Tianpu",""],["Wang","Jianwu",""],["Zhao","Zhuofeng",""]]} {"id":"2308.05602","submitter":"Shizhe Chen","authors":"Shizhe Chen, Thomas Chabal, Ivan Laptev and Cordelia Schmid","title":"Object Goal Navigation with Recursive Implicit Maps","comments":"Accepted to IROS 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.RO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Object goal navigation aims to navigate an agent to locations of a given\nobject category in unseen environments. Classical methods explicitly build maps\nof environments and require extensive engineering while lacking semantic\ninformation for object-oriented exploration. On the other hand, end-to-end\nlearning methods alleviate manual map design and predict actions using implicit\nrepresentations. Such methods, however, lack an explicit notion of geometry and\nmay have limited ability to encode navigation history. In this work, we propose\nan implicit spatial map for object goal navigation. Our implicit map is\nrecursively updated with new observations at each step using a transformer. To\nencourage spatial reasoning, we introduce auxiliary tasks and train our model\nto reconstruct explicit maps as well as to predict visual features, semantic\nlabels and actions. Our method significantly outperforms the state of the art\non the challenging MP3D dataset and generalizes well to the HM3D dataset. We\nsuccessfully deploy our model on a real robot and achieve encouraging object\ngoal navigation results in real scenes using only a few real-world\ndemonstrations. Code, trained models and videos are available at\n\\url{https://www.di.ens.fr/willow/research/onav_rim/}.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 14:21:33 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Chen","Shizhe",""],["Chabal","Thomas",""],["Laptev","Ivan",""],["Schmid","Cordelia",""]]} {"id":"2308.05603","submitter":"Jonathan Bares","authors":"Elisabeth Agoritsas and Jonathan Bar\\'es","title":"Loss of memory of an elastic line on its way to limit cycles","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.stat-mech cond-mat.soft","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Under an oscillating mechanical drive, an amorphous material progressively\nforgets its initial configuration and might eventually converge to a limit\ncycle. Beyond quasistatic drivings, how structurally disordered systems lose or\nrecord such memory remains theoretically challenging. Here we investigate these\nissues in a minimal model system -- with quenched disorder and memory encoded\nin a spatial pattern -- where the oscillating protocol can formally be replaced\nby finite positive-velocity driving. We consider an elastic line driven at zero\ntemperature in a fixed disordered landscape, with bi-periodic boundary\nconditions and tunable system size. This setting allows us to control the area\nswept by the line at each cycle in a given disorder realisation, as would the\namplitude of an oscillating drive. We find that the line converges to\ndisorder-dependent limit cycles, jointly for its geometrical \\emph{and}\nvelocity profiles. Moreover, the way it forgets its initial condition is\nstrongly coupled to the nature of the velocity dynamics it displays depending\non system size. We conclude on the implications of these results for the\nresponse of amorphous materials under \\emph{non}-quasistatic oscillating\nprotocols.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 14:22:40 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Agoritsas","Elisabeth",""],["Bar\u00e9s","Jonathan",""]]} {"id":"2308.05604","submitter":"Mariela Mart\\'inez-Paredes","authors":"Mariela Mart\\'inez-Paredes, Gustavo Bruzual, Christophe Morisset,\n Minsun Kim, Marcio Mel\\'endez and Luc Binette","title":"On the origin of optical and IR emission lines in star forming galaxies","comments":"Accepted for publication in MNRAS","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.GA astro-ph.CO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Combining the {\\sc Cloudy} photoionization code with updated stellar\npopulation synthesis results, we simultaneously model the MIR $\\neiii/\\neii$\nvs. $\\oiv/\\neiii$, the MIR-FIR $\\neiii/\\neii$ vs. $\\oiv/\\oiii$ and the\nclassical BPT diagnostic diagrams. We focus on the properties of optically\nclassified \\hii\\,galaxies that lie in the normal star forming zone in the MIR\ndiagnostic diagram. We find that a small fraction of our models lie in this\nzone, but most of them correspond to the lowest explored metallicity,\n\\zstar\\,=\\,0.0002, at age $\\sim1$ Gyr. This value of \\zstar\\,is, by far, lower\nthan the values derived for these galaxies from optical emission lines,\nsuggesting that the far-UV emission produced by post-AGB stars (a.k.a. HOLMES,\nhot low-mass evolved stars) is NOT the source of ionization. Instead, shock\nmodels can easily reproduce this part of the MIR diagram. We suggest that it is\nlikely that some of these galaxies have been misclassified and that in them,\nshocks, produced by a weak AGN-outflow, could be an important source of\nionizaton. Using a subset of our models, we derive a new demarcation line for\nthe maximal contribution of retired galaxies in the BPT diagram. This\ndemarcation line allows for a larger contamination from the neighbouring\nAGN-dominated region. Considering the importance of disentangling the different\nionising mechanisms in weak or deeply obscured systems, new observational\nefforts to classify galaxies both in the optical and IR are required to better\nconstrain this kind of models and understand their evolutionary paths.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 14:27:45 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Mart\u00ednez-Paredes","Mariela",""],["Bruzual","Gustavo",""],["Morisset","Christophe",""],["Kim","Minsun",""],["Mel\u00e9ndez","Marcio",""],["Binette","Luc",""]]} {"id":"2308.05605","submitter":"Jianbing Shen","authors":"Wencheng Han, Junbo Yin and Jianbing Shen","title":"Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation by Direction-aware Cumulative\n Convolution Network","comments":"ICCV2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Monocular depth estimation is known as an ill-posed task in which objects in\na 2D image usually do not contain sufficient information to predict their\ndepth. Thus, it acts differently from other tasks (e.g., classification and\nsegmentation) in many ways. In this paper, we find that self-supervised\nmonocular depth estimation shows a direction sensitivity and environmental\ndependency in the feature representation. But the current backbones borrowed\nfrom other tasks pay less attention to handling different types of\nenvironmental information, limiting the overall depth accuracy. To bridge this\ngap, we propose a new Direction-aware Cumulative Convolution Network (DaCCN),\nwhich improves the depth feature representation in two aspects. First, we\npropose a direction-aware module, which can learn to adjust the feature\nextraction in each direction, facilitating the encoding of different types of\ninformation. Secondly, we design a new cumulative convolution to improve the\nefficiency for aggregating important environmental information. Experiments\nshow that our method achieves significant improvements on three widely used\nbenchmarks, KITTI, Cityscapes, and Make3D, setting a new state-of-the-art\nperformance on the popular benchmarks with all three types of self-supervision.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 14:32:18 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Han","Wencheng",""],["Yin","Junbo",""],["Shen","Jianbing",""]]} {"id":"2308.05606","submitter":"Karl Glazebrook","authors":"Karl Glazebrook, Themiya Nanayakkara, Corentin Schreiber, Claudia\n Lagos, Lalitwadee Kawinwanichakij, Colin Jacobs, Harry Chittenden, Gabriel\n Brammer, Glenn G. Kacprzak, Ivo Labbe, Danilo Marchesini, Z. Cemile Marsan,\n Pascal A. Oesch, Casey Papovich, Rhea-Silvia Remus, Kim-Vy H. Tran, James\n Esdaile, Angel Chandro Gomez","title":"An extraordinarily massive galaxy that formed its stars at $z \\gtrsim\n 11$","comments":"25 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.GA astro-ph.CO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The formation of galaxies by gradual hierarchical co-assembly of baryons and\ncold dark matter halos is a fundamental paradigm underpinning modern\nastrophysics. A key test of this paradigm is via the observations of massive\ngalaxies at early times as the evolution of the masses and abundances of dark\nmatter halos is straight forward to simulate and massive halos should contain\nthe universal cosmic baryon fraction at high redshift. Extremely massive\nquiescent galaxies > $10^{11}$ M$_\\odot$ have now been observed as early as 1-2\nbillions years after the Big Bang producing tension with theoretical models and\ndriving significant revisions. Typical spectroscopic ages of these objects are\n300-500 Myr. Here we report on the spectroscopic observations with the James\nWebb Space Telescope of one of these objects that is quite different from the\nrest; selected by it having much redder colours. We see spectral features\ntypical of much older stellar populations and detailed modeling shows that they\nformed at least 1.5 billion years earlier in time $z \\gtrsim 11$ in a rapid\nstar formation event. Dark matter halos massive enough to host these ancestors\nought not to have assembled at this time. This observation may point to a\nsignificant gap in our understanding of early stellar populations, galaxy\nformation and/or the nature of dark matter.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 14:35:37 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Glazebrook","Karl",""],["Nanayakkara","Themiya",""],["Schreiber","Corentin",""],["Lagos","Claudia",""],["Kawinwanichakij","Lalitwadee",""],["Jacobs","Colin",""],["Chittenden","Harry",""],["Brammer","Gabriel",""],["Kacprzak","Glenn G.",""],["Labbe","Ivo",""],["Marchesini","Danilo",""],["Marsan","Z. Cemile",""],["Oesch","Pascal A.",""],["Papovich","Casey",""],["Remus","Rhea-Silvia",""],["Tran","Kim-Vy H.",""],["Esdaile","James",""],["Gomez","Angel Chandro",""]]} {"id":"2308.05607","submitter":"Zuowei Liu","authors":"Mingxuan Du, Rundong Fang, Zuowei Liu, Wenxi Lu, Zicheng Ye","title":"Probing invisible dark photon models via atmospheric collisions","comments":"6 pages, 2 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ph astro-ph.HE","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Atmospheric collisions can copiously produce dark sector particles in the\ninvisible dark photon model, leading to detectable signals in underground\nneutrino detectors. We consider the dark photon model with the mass mixing\nmechanism and use the Super-K detector to detect the electron recoil events\ncaused by the atmospherically produced dark sector particles within the model.\nWe find that the combined data from four Super-K runs yield new leading\nconstraints for the invisible dark photon in the mass range of $\\sim(0.5-1.4)$\nGeV, surpassing the constraints from NA64, BaBar, and searches for millicharged\nparticles.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 14:36:58 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Du","Mingxuan",""],["Fang","Rundong",""],["Liu","Zuowei",""],["Lu","Wenxi",""],["Ye","Zicheng",""]]} {"id":"2308.05608","submitter":"John Sebastian Simon","authors":"\\v{S}\\'arka Ne\\v{c}asov\\'a and John Sebastian H. Simon","title":"On a nonlocal two-phase flow with convective heat transfer","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We study a system describing the dynamics of a two-phase flow of\nincompressible viscous fluids influenced by the convective heat transfer of\nCaginalp-type. The separation of the fluids is expressed by the order parameter\nwhich is of diffuse interface and is known as the Cahn-Hilliard model. We shall\nconsider a nonlocal version of the Cahn-Hilliard model which replaces the\ngradient term in the free energy functional into a spatial convolution operator\nacting on the order parameter and incorporate with it a potential that is\nassumed to satisfy an arbitrary polynomial growth. The order parameter is\ninfluenced by the fluid velocity by means of convection, the temperature\naffects the interface via a modification of the Landau-Ginzburg free energy.\nThe fluid is governed by the Navier--Stokes equations which is affected by the\norder parameter and the temperature by virtue of the capillarity between the\ntwo fluids. The temperature on the other hand satisfies a parabolic equation\nthat considers latent heat due to phase transition and is influenced by the\nfluid via convection. The goal of this paper is to prove the global existence\nof weak solutions and show that, for an appropriate choice of sequence of\nconvolutional kernels, the solutions of the nonlocal system converges to its\nlocal version.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 14:38:04 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Sat, 12 Aug 2023 14:59:08 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-15","authors_parsed":[["Ne\u010dasov\u00e1","\u0160\u00e1rka",""],["Simon","John Sebastian H.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05609","submitter":"Diana Sousa","authors":"Pedro Ruas, Diana F. Sousa, Andr\\'e Neves, Carlos Cruz, Francisco M.\n Couto","title":"LASIGE and UNICAGE solution to the NASA LitCoin NLP Competition","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.IR cs.PF","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Biomedical Natural Language Processing (NLP) tends to become cumbersome for\nmost researchers, frequently due to the amount and heterogeneity of text to be\nprocessed. To address this challenge, the industry is continuously developing\nhighly efficient tools and creating more flexible engineering solutions. This\nwork presents the integration between industry data engineering solutions for\nefficient data processing and academic systems developed for Named Entity\nRecognition (LasigeUnicage\\_NER) and Relation Extraction (BiOnt). Our design\nreflects an integration of those components with external knowledge in the form\nof additional training data from other datasets and biomedical ontologies. We\nused this pipeline in the 2022 LitCoin NLP Challenge, where our team\nLasigeUnicage was awarded the 7th Prize out of approximately 200 participating\nteams, reflecting a successful collaboration between the academia (LASIGE) and\nthe industry (Unicage). The software supporting this work is available at\n\\url{https://github.com/lasigeBioTM/Litcoin-Lasige_Unicage}.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 14:41:17 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Ruas","Pedro",""],["Sousa","Diana F.",""],["Neves","Andr\u00e9",""],["Cruz","Carlos",""],["Couto","Francisco M.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05610","submitter":"Csaba Fabri","authors":"Csaba F\\'abri","title":"Practical guide to the statistical mechanics of molecular polaritons","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.chem-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" A theoretical approach aimed at the quantum statistical mechanics of a\nmolecular ensemble coupled to a lossless cavity mode is presented. A canonical\nensemble is considered and an approximate formula is devised for the Helmholtz\nfree energy correction due to cavity-molecule coupling, which enables the\nderivation of experimentally measurable thermodynamic quantities. The frequency\nof the cavity mode is assumed to lie in the infrared range. Therefore, the\ncavity couples to molecular vibrations and our treatment can be restricted to\nthe electronic ground state of the molecule. The method is tested for an\nanalytically solvable model system of one-dimensional harmonic oscillators\ncoupled to the cavity. The performance of the approximation and its range of\nvalidity are discussed in detail. It is shown that the leading-order correction\nto the Helmholtz free energy is proportional to the square of the collective\ncoupling strength. We also demonstrate that the cavity mode does not have a\nsignificant impact on the thermodynamic properties of the system in the\ncollective ultrastrong coupling regime (the collective coupling strength is\ncomparable to the frequency of the cavity mode).\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 14:52:34 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["F\u00e1bri","Csaba",""]]} {"id":"2308.05611","submitter":"Satoru Morita","authors":"Satoru Morita","title":"Representation of degree correlation using eigenvalue decomposition and\n its application to epidemic models","comments":"5 pages, 3 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.soc-ph cond-mat.stat-mech nlin.AO q-bio.PE","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Degree correlation plays a crucial role in studying network structures;\nhowever, its varied forms pose challenges to understanding its impact on\nnetwork dynamics. This study devised a method that uses eigenvalue\ndecomposition to characterize degree correlations. Additionally, the\napplicability of this method was demonstrated by approximating the basic and\ntype reproduction numbers in an epidemic network model. The findings elucidate\nthe interplay between degree correlations and epidemic behavior, thus\ncontributing to a deeper understanding of complex networks and their dynamics.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 14:52:42 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Morita","Satoru",""]]} {"id":"2308.05612","submitter":"D. Adriana G\\'omez-Rosal","authors":"D. Adriana G\\'omez-Rosal, Max Bergau, Georg K.J. Fischer, Andreas\n Wachaja, Johannes Gr\\\"ater, Matthias Odenweller, Uwe Piechottka, Fabian\n Hoeflinger, Nikhil Gosala, Niklas Wetzel, Daniel B\\\"uscher, Abhinav Valada,\n Wolfram Burgard","title":"A Smart Robotic System for Industrial Plant Supervision","comments":"Accepted for publication in IEEE Sensors 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.RO cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In today's chemical production plants, human field operators perform frequent\nchecks on the plant's integrity to guarantee high safety standards, and thus\nare possibly the first to encounter dangerous operating conditions. To\nalleviate their tasks of failure detection and monitoring by audio, visual, and\nolfactory perceptions, we present a robotic system that consists of an\nautonomously navigating robot integrated with various sensors and data\nprocessing. We aim to resemble the human sensing and interpretation\ncapabilities of sight, smell, and hearing, for providing automated inspection.\nWe evaluate our system extensively at a wastewater facility in full working\nconditions. Our results demonstrate that the system is able to robustly\nnavigate a plant and to provide useful information about critical operating\nconditions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 14:54:21 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["G\u00f3mez-Rosal","D. Adriana",""],["Bergau","Max",""],["Fischer","Georg K. J.",""],["Wachaja","Andreas",""],["Gr\u00e4ter","Johannes",""],["Odenweller","Matthias",""],["Piechottka","Uwe",""],["Hoeflinger","Fabian",""],["Gosala","Nikhil",""],["Wetzel","Niklas",""],["B\u00fcscher","Daniel",""],["Valada","Abhinav",""],["Burgard","Wolfram",""]]} {"id":"2308.05613","submitter":"Sophia Stasevic","authors":"S. Stasevic, J. Milli, J. Mazoyer, A.-M. Lagrange, M. Bonnefoy, V.\n Faramaz-Gorka, F. M\\'enard, A. Boccaletti, E. Choquet, L. Shuai, J. Olofsson,\n A. Chomez, B. Ren, P. Rubini, C. Desgrange, R. Gratton, G. Chauvin, A. Vigan,\n E. Matthews","title":"An inner warp discovered in the disk around HD 110058 using VLT/SPHERE\n and HST/STIS","comments":"17 pages, 15 figures, 3 tables; accepted for publication in A&A","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.EP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" An edge-on debris disk was detected in 2015 around the young, nearby A0V star\nHD 110058. The disk showed features resembling those seen in the disk of beta\nPictoris that could indicate the presence of a perturbing planetary-mass\ncompanion in the system. We investigated new and archival scattered light\nimages of the disk in order to characterise its morphology and spectrum. In\nparticular, we analysed the disk's warp to constrain the properties of possible\nplanetary perturbers. Our work uses data from two VLT/SPHERE observations and\narchival data from HST/STIS. We measured the morphology of the disk by\nanalysing vertical profiles along the length of the disk to extract the\ncentroid spine position and vertical height. We extracted the surface\nbrightness and reflectance spectrum of the disk. We detect the disk between 20\nau (with SPHERE) and 150 au (with STIS), at a position angle of\n159.6$^\\circ\\pm$0.6$^\\circ$. Analysis of the spine shows an asymmetry between\nthe two sides of the disk, with a 3.4$^\\circ\\pm$0.9$^\\circ$ warp between ~20 au\nand 60 au. The disk is marginally vertically resolved in scattered light, with\na vertical aspect ratio of 9.3$\\pm$0.7% at 45 au. The extracted reflectance\nspectrum is featureless, flat between 0.95 micron and 1.1 micron, and red from\n1.1 micron to 1.65 micron. The outer parts of the disk are also asymmetric with\na tilt between the two sides compatible with a disk made of forward-scattering\nparticles and seen not perfectly edge-on, suggesting an inclination of\n<84$^\\circ$. The presence of an undetected planetary-mass companion on an\ninclined orbit with respect to the disk could explain the warp. The\nmisalignment of the inner parts of the disk with respect to the outer disk\nsuggests a warp that has not yet propagated to the outer parts of the disk,\nfavouring the scenario of an inner perturber as the origin of the warp.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 14:56:41 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Stasevic","S.",""],["Milli","J.",""],["Mazoyer","J.",""],["Lagrange","A. -M.",""],["Bonnefoy","M.",""],["Faramaz-Gorka","V.",""],["M\u00e9nard","F.",""],["Boccaletti","A.",""],["Choquet","E.",""],["Shuai","L.",""],["Olofsson","J.",""],["Chomez","A.",""],["Ren","B.",""],["Rubini","P.",""],["Desgrange","C.",""],["Gratton","R.",""],["Chauvin","G.",""],["Vigan","A.",""],["Matthews","E.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05614","submitter":"Gauri Kamat","authors":"Gauri Kamat, Mingyang Shan, and Roee Gutman","title":"Bayesian Record Linkage with Variables in One File","comments":null,"journal-ref":"Statistics in Medicine, 2023","doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.ME stat.AP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In many healthcare and social science applications, information about units\nis dispersed across multiple data files. Linking records across files is\nnecessary to estimate the associations of interest. Common record linkage\nalgorithms only rely on similarities between linking variables that appear in\nall the files. Moreover, analysis of linked files often ignores errors that may\narise from incorrect or missed links. Bayesian record linking methods allow for\nnatural propagation of linkage error, by jointly sampling the linkage structure\nand the model parameters. We extend an existing Bayesian record linkage method\nto integrate associations between variables exclusive to each file being\nlinked. We show analytically, and using simulations, that this method can\nimprove the linking process, and can yield accurate inferences. We apply the\nmethod to link Meals on Wheels recipients to Medicare Enrollment records.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 14:58:36 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Mon, 28 Aug 2023 16:14:45 GMT"},{"version":"v3","created":"Thu, 31 Aug 2023 00:59:51 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-09-01","authors_parsed":[["Kamat","Gauri",""],["Shan","Mingyang",""],["Gutman","Roee",""]]} {"id":"2308.05615","submitter":"Vitaliy Slyn'ko","authors":"Vladyslav Bivziuk, Sergey Dashkovskiy and Vitalii Slynko","title":"Comparison theorem for infinite-dimensional linear impulsive systems","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.DS","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We consider a linear impulsive system in an infinite-dimensional Banach\nspace. It is assumed that the moments of impulsive action satisfy the averaged\ndwell-time condition and the linear operator on the right side of the\ndifferential equation generates an analytic semigroup in the state space. Using\ncommutator identities, we prove a comparison theorem that reduces the problem\nof asymptotic stability of the original system to the study of a simpler system\nwith constant dwell-times. An illustrative example of a linear impulsive system\nof parabolic type in which the continuous and discrete dynamics are both\nunstable is given.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 14:58:47 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Bivziuk","Vladyslav",""],["Dashkovskiy","Sergey",""],["Slynko","Vitalii",""]]} {"id":"2308.05616","submitter":"Cameron Pratt","authors":"Nichole Gray, Cameron Pratt, Joel Bregman","title":"Recovering the O VII Absorption Distributions from X-Ray Data","comments":"12 pages, 7 figures, 1 table, accepted by SPIE","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.IM astro-ph.HE","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The absorption by gas toward background continuum sources informs us about\nthe cosmic density of gas components as well as the hosts responsible for the\nabsorption (galaxies, clusters, cosmic filaments). Cosmic absorption line\ndistributions are distorted near the detection threshold (S/N $\\approx 3$) due\nto true lines being scattered to lower S/N and false detections occurring at\nthe same S/N. We simulate absorption line distributions in the presence of\nnoise and consider two models for recovery: a parametric fitting of the noise\nplus a cut-off power law absorption line distribution; a non-parametric fit\nwhere the negative absorption line distribution (emission lines) is subtracted\nfrom the positive S/N absorption line distribution (flip and subtract). We show\nthat both approaches work equally well and can use data where S/N$\\gtrsim$3 to\nconstrain the fit. For an input of about 100 absorption line systems, the\nnumber of systems is recovered to $\\approx$14%. This investigation examined the\nO VII X-ray absorption line distribution, but the approach should be broadly\napplicable for statistically well-behaved data.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:00:19 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Gray","Nichole",""],["Pratt","Cameron",""],["Bregman","Joel",""]]} {"id":"2308.05617","submitter":"Hanzhao Wang","authors":"Hanzhao Wang, Zhongze Cai, Xiaocheng Li, Kalyan Talluri","title":"A Neural Network Based Choice Model for Assortment Optimization","comments":"arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2208.09325","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Discrete-choice models are used in economics, marketing and revenue\nmanagement to predict customer purchase probabilities, say as a function of\nprices and other features of the offered assortment. While they have been shown\nto be expressive, capturing customer heterogeneity and behaviour, they are also\nhard to estimate, often based on many unobservables like utilities; and\nmoreover, they still fail to capture many salient features of customer\nbehaviour. A natural question then, given their success in other contexts, is\nif neural networks can eliminate the necessity of carefully building a\ncontext-dependent customer behaviour model and hand-coding and tuning the\nestimation. It is unclear however how one would incorporate assortment effects\ninto such a neural network, and also how one would optimize the assortment with\nsuch a black-box generative model of choice probabilities. In this paper we\ninvestigate first whether a single neural network architecture can predict\npurchase probabilities for datasets from various contexts and generated under\nvarious models and assumptions. Next, we develop an assortment optimization\nformulation that is solvable by off-the-shelf integer programming solvers. We\ncompare against a variety of benchmark discrete-choice models on simulated as\nwell as real-world datasets, developing training tricks along the way to make\nthe neural network prediction and subsequent optimization robust and comparable\nin performance to the alternates.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:01:52 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Hanzhao",""],["Cai","Zhongze",""],["Li","Xiaocheng",""],["Talluri","Kalyan",""]]} {"id":"2308.05618","submitter":"Liyu Hao","authors":"Liyu Hao, Engang Fu","title":"First-principles calculation on the electronic structures, phonon\n dynamics, and electrical conductivities of Pb$_{10}$(PO$_4$)$_6$O and\n Pb$_9$Cu(PO$_4$)$_6$O compounds","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mtrl-sci physics.app-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Superconducting materials with high critical temperature have the potential\nto revolutionize many fields, including military, electronic communications,\nand power energy. Therefore, Scientists around the world have been tirelessly\nworking with the ultimate goal of achieving high temperature superconductivity.\nIn 2023, a preprint by S. Lee et al in South Korea claimed the discovery of\nultra-high-temperature superconductivity with a critical temperature of up to\n423 K in Cu-doped lead-apatite (LK-99) (arXiv:2307.12008, arXiv:2307.12037),\nwhich caused a worldwide sensation and attention. Herein, the electronic\nstructures, phonon dynamics, and electrical conductivities of LK-99 and its\nparent compound lead-apatite have been calculated using first-principles\nmethods. The results show that the lead-apatite compound and the LK-99 compound\nare insulator and half-metal respectively. The flat band characteristic is\nconsistent with previous calculations. The electrical conductivity of LK-99\ncompound shows two extreme point, and the electrical conductivity along the\nC-axis increases significantly after 400 K. The phonon dispersion spectra of\nthe compounds were investigated, demonstrating their dynamic instability.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:06:39 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Hao","Liyu",""],["Fu","Engang",""]]} {"id":"2308.05619","submitter":"Erkin Otles","authors":"Erkin \\\"Otle\\c{s}, Brian T. Denton, Jenna Wiens","title":"Updating Clinical Risk Stratification Models Using Rank-Based\n Compatibility: Approaches for Evaluating and Optimizing Clinician-Model Team\n Performance","comments":"Conference paper accepted at the 2023 Machine Learning for Healthcare\n Conference Includes supplemental: 32 pages, 17 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.ML cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" As data shift or new data become available, updating clinical machine\nlearning models may be necessary to maintain or improve performance over time.\nHowever, updating a model can introduce compatibility issues when the behavior\nof the updated model does not align with user expectations, resulting in poor\nuser-model team performance. Existing compatibility measures depend on model\ndecision thresholds, limiting their applicability in settings where models are\nused to generate rankings based on estimated risk. To address this limitation,\nwe propose a novel rank-based compatibility measure, $C^R$, and a new loss\nfunction that aims to optimize discriminative performance while encouraging\ngood compatibility. Applied to a case study in mortality risk stratification\nleveraging data from MIMIC, our approach yields more compatible models while\nmaintaining discriminative performance compared to existing model selection\ntechniques, with an increase in $C^R$ of $0.019$ ($95\\%$ confidence interval:\n$0.005$, $0.035$). This work provides new tools to analyze and update risk\nstratification models used in clinical care.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:08:13 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["\u00d6tle\u015f","Erkin",""],["Denton","Brian T.",""],["Wiens","Jenna",""]]} {"id":"2308.05620","submitter":"Erik Pearson","authors":"Erik Pearson and Brendan Englot","title":"A Robust and Rapidly Deployable Waypoint Navigation Architecture for\n Long-Duration Operations in GPS-Denied Environments","comments":"8 pages, 7 figures, Ubiquitous Robots 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.RO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" For long-duration operations in GPS-denied environments, accurate and\nrepeatable waypoint navigation is an essential capability. While simultaneous\nlocalization and mapping (SLAM) works well for single-session operations,\nrepeated, multi-session operations require robots to navigate to the same\nspot(s) accurately and precisely each and every time. Localization and\nnavigation errors can build up from one session to the next if they are not\naccounted for. Localization using a global reference map works well, but there\nare no publicly available packages for quickly building maps and navigating\nwith them. We propose a new architecture using a combination of two publicly\navailable packages with a newly released package to create a fully functional\nmulti-session navigation system for ground vehicles. The system takes just a\nfew hours from the beginning of the first manual scan to perform autonomous\nwaypoint navigation.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:09:14 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Pearson","Erik",""],["Englot","Brendan",""]]} {"id":"2308.05621","submitter":"Francesco Orabona","authors":"Francesco Orabona","title":"Normalized Gradients for All","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG math.OC stat.ML","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In this short note, I show how to adapt to H\\\"{o}lder smoothness using\nnormalized gradients in a black-box way. Moreover, the bound will depend on a\nnovel notion of local H\\\"{o}lder smoothness. The main idea directly comes from\nLevy [2017].\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:10:08 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Orabona","Francesco",""]]} {"id":"2308.05622","submitter":"Vladimir Alexandrovich Krykhtin","authors":"I.L. Buchbinder, S.A. Fedoruk, A.P. Isaev, V.A. Krykhtin","title":"Lagrangian formulation for free $6D$ infinite spin field","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-th","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We construct a Lagrangian that describes the dynamics of a six-dimensional\nfree infinite (continuous) spin field in $6D$ Minkowski space. The Lagrangian\nis formulated in the framework of the BRST approach to higher spin field theory\nand is based on a system of constraints defining an irreducible representation\nof the corresponding Poincar\\'e group. The field realization of generators in\nthe $6D$ Poincar\\'e algebra and the second-, fourth-, and sixth-order Casimir\noperators are obtained in explicit form using additional spinor coordinates.\nSpecific aspects of such a realization in six dimensions are discussed. We\nderive the conditions that determine the irreducible representation $6D$\ninfinite spin field and reformulate them as operators in the Fock space forming\na first-class algebra in terms of commutators. These operators are used to\nconstruct the BRST charge and the corresponding Lagrangian. We prove that the\nconditions of the irreducible representation are reproduced as the consequence\nof the Lagrangian equations of motion, which finally provides the correctness\nof the results obtained.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:12:18 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Wed, 16 Aug 2023 15:50:47 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-17","authors_parsed":[["Buchbinder","I. L.",""],["Fedoruk","S. A.",""],["Isaev","A. P.",""],["Krykhtin","V. A.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05623","submitter":"Elizabeth Winstanley","authors":"Thomas Morley, Sivakumar Namasivayam and Elizabeth Winstanley","title":"Renormalized stress-energy tensor on global anti-de Sitter space-time\n with Robin boundary conditions","comments":"17 pages, 7 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-th gr-qc","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We study the renormalized stress-energy tensor (RSET) for a massless,\nconformally coupled scalar field on global anti-de Sitter space-time in four\ndimensions. Robin (mixed) boundary conditions are applied to the scalar field.\nWe compute both the vacuum and thermal expectation values of the RSET. The\nvacuum RSET is a multiple of the space-time metric when either Dirichlet or\nNeumann boundary conditions are applied. Imposing Robin boundary conditions\nbreaks the maximal symmetry of the vacuum state and results in an RSET whose\ncomponents with mixed indices have their maximum (or maximum magnitude) at the\nspace-time origin. The value of this maximum depends on the boundary\nconditions. We find similar behaviour for thermal states. As the temperature\ndecreases, thermal expectation values of the RSET approach those for vacuum\nstates and their values depend strongly on the boundary conditions. As the\ntemperature increases, the values of the RSET components tend to profiles which\nare the same for all boundary conditions. We also find, for both vacuum and\nthermal states, that the RSET on the space-time boundary is independent of the\nboundary conditions and determined entirely by the trace anomaly.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:12:20 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Morley","Thomas",""],["Namasivayam","Sivakumar",""],["Winstanley","Elizabeth",""]]} {"id":"2308.05624","submitter":"Giancarlo Urzua","authors":"Fernando Figueroa, Julie Rana, Giancarlo Urz\\'ua","title":"Optimal bounds for many T-singularities in stable surfaces","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AG math.GT math.SG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We effectively bound T-singularities on non-rational projective surfaces with\nan arbitrary amount of T-singularities and ample canonical class. We classify\nall possible geometric situations for which our bound is higher than expected.\nAs an application, we work out in detail the case of two singularities.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:13:43 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Figueroa","Fernando",""],["Rana","Julie",""],["Urz\u00faa","Giancarlo",""]]} {"id":"2308.05625","submitter":"Giancarlo Urzua","authors":"Giancarlo Urz\\'ua","title":"The Coble-Mukai lattice from $\\mathbb Q$-Gorenstein deformations","comments":"Submitted to the proceedings of the Moduli and Hodge Theory 2021\n conference at the Institute of the Mathematical Sciences of the Americas","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We show some geometric properties of Enriques surfaces via $\\mathbb\nQ$-Gorenstein smoothings of Coble surfaces. In particular, we explicitly\nidentify the Enriques lattice of the general fiber with the Coble-Mukai\nlattice. At the end, we discuss applications to Gorenstein $\\mathbb Q$-Homology\nprojective planes with trivial canonical class.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:13:50 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Urz\u00faa","Giancarlo",""]]} {"id":"2308.05626","submitter":"Sahar Shahaf","authors":"Sahar Shahaf and Barak Zackay","title":"A linearized approach to radial velocity extraction","comments":"14 pages, 9 figures. Under review in MNRAS","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.IM astro-ph.EP astro-ph.SR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" High-precision radial velocity (RV) measurements are crucial for exoplanet\ndetection and characterisation. Efforts to achieve ~10 cm/s precision have been\nmade over the recent decades, with significant advancements in instrumentation,\ndata reduction techniques, and statistical inference methods. However, despite\nthese efforts, RV precision is currently limited to ~50 cm/s. This value\nexceeds state-of-the-art spectrographs' expected instrumental noise floor and\nis mainly attributed to RV signals induced by stellar variability. In this\nwork, we propose a factorisation method to overcome this limitation. The\nfactorisation is particularly suitable for controlling the effect of localised\nchanges in the stellar emission profile, assuming some smooth function of a few\nastrophysical parameters governs them. We use short-time Fourier transforms\n(STFT) to infer the RV in a procedure equivalent to least-squares minimisation\nin the wavelength domain and demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in\ntreating arbitrary temperature fluctuations on the star's surface. The proposed\nprescription can be naturally generalised to account for other effects, either\nintrinsic to the star, such as magnetic fields, or extrinsic to it, such as\ntelluric contamination. As a proof-of-concept, we empirically derive a set of\nfactorisation terms describing the Solar centre-to-limb variation and apply\nthem to a set of realistic SOAP-GPU spectral simulations. We discuss the\nmethod's capability to mitigate variability-induced RV signals and its\npotential extensions to serve as a tomographic tool.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:14:52 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Shahaf","Sahar",""],["Zackay","Barak",""]]} {"id":"2308.05627","submitter":"Adrian Lubitz","authors":"Adrian Lubitz, Lisa Gutzeit and Frank Kirchner","title":"CoBaIR: A Python Library for Context-Based Intention Recognition in\n Human-Robot-Interaction","comments":"7 Pages, 3 Figures, to be published in proceedings of IEEE RO-MAN\n Conference","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.RO cs.HC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) becomes more and more important in a world\nwhere robots integrate fast in all aspects of our lives but HRI applications\ndepend massively on the utilized robotic system as well as the deployment\nenvironment and cultural differences. Because of these variable dependencies it\nis often not feasible to use a data-driven approach to train a model for human\nintent recognition. Expert systems have been proven to close this gap very\nefficiently. Furthermore, it is important to support understandability in HRI\nsystems to establish trust in the system. To address the above-mentioned\nchallenges in HRI we present an adaptable python library in which current\nstate-of-the-art Models for context recognition can be integrated. For\nContext-Based Intention Recognition a two-layer Bayesian Network (BN) is used.\nThe bayesian approach offers explainability and clarity in the creation of\nscenarios and is easily extendable with more modalities. Additionally, it can\nbe used as an expert system if no data is available but can as well be\nfine-tuned when data becomes available.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:15:26 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Lubitz","Adrian",""],["Gutzeit","Lisa",""],["Kirchner","Frank",""]]} {"id":"2308.05628","submitter":"Yongqing Cai","authors":"Zheng Shu, Bowen Wang, Xiangyue Cui, Xuefei Yan, Hejin Yan, Huaxian\n Jia, Yongqing Cai","title":"High-performance Thermoelectric Monolayer {\\gamma}-GeSe and its Group-IV\n Monochalcogenide Isostructural Family","comments":null,"journal-ref":"Chem. Eng. J. 454, 140242 (2023)","doi":"10.1016/j.cej.2022.140242","report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Recently synthesized novel phase of germanium selenide ({\\gamma}-GeSe) adopts\na hexagonal lattice and a surprisingly high conductivity than graphite. This\ntriggers great interests in exploring its potential for thermoelectric\napplications. Herein, we explored the thermoelectric performance of monolayer\n{\\gamma}-GeSe and other isostructural {\\gamma}-phase of group-IV\nmonochalcogenides {\\gamma}-GeX (X = S, Se and Te) using the density functional\ntheory and the Boltzmann transport theory. A superb thermoelectric performance\nof monolayer {\\gamma}-GeSe is revealed with figure of merit ZT value up to\n1.13-2.76 for n-type doping at a moderate carrier concentration of\n4.73-2.58x10^12 cm-2 between 300 and 600 K. This superb performance is rooted\nin its rich pocket states and flat plateau levels around the electronic band\nedges, leading to promoted concentrations and electronic conductivity, and\nlimited thermal conductivity. Our work suggests that monolayer {\\gamma}-GeSe is\na promising candidate for high performance medium-temperature thermoelectric\napplications.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:16:16 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Shu","Zheng",""],["Wang","Bowen",""],["Cui","Xiangyue",""],["Yan","Xuefei",""],["Yan","Hejin",""],["Jia","Huaxian",""],["Cai","Yongqing",""]]} {"id":"2308.05629","submitter":"Rickard Br\\\"annvall","authors":"Rickard Br\\\"annvall, Henrik Forsgren, Fredrik Sandin and Marcus\n Liwicki","title":"ReLU and Addition-based Gated RNN","comments":"12 pages, 4 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We replace the multiplication and sigmoid function of the conventional\nrecurrent gate with addition and ReLU activation. This mechanism is designed to\nmaintain long-term memory for sequence processing but at a reduced\ncomputational cost, thereby opening up for more efficient execution or larger\nmodels on restricted hardware. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) with gating\nmechanisms such as LSTM and GRU have been widely successful in learning from\nsequential data due to their ability to capture long-term dependencies.\nConventionally, the update based on current inputs and the previous state\nhistory is each multiplied with dynamic weights and combined to compute the\nnext state. However, multiplication can be computationally expensive,\nespecially for certain hardware architectures or alternative arithmetic systems\nsuch as homomorphic encryption. It is demonstrated that the novel gating\nmechanism can capture long-term dependencies for a standard synthetic sequence\nlearning task while significantly reducing computational costs such that\nexecution time is reduced by half on CPU and by one-third under encryption.\nExperimental results on handwritten text recognition tasks furthermore show\nthat the proposed architecture can be trained to achieve comparable accuracy to\nconventional GRU and LSTM baselines. The gating mechanism introduced in this\npaper may enable privacy-preserving AI applications operating under homomorphic\nencryption by avoiding the multiplication of encrypted variables. It can also\nsupport quantization in (unencrypted) plaintext applications, with the\npotential for substantial performance gains since the addition-based\nformulation can avoid the expansion to double precision often required for\nmultiplication.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:18:16 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Br\u00e4nnvall","Rickard",""],["Forsgren","Henrik",""],["Sandin","Fredrik",""],["Liwicki","Marcus",""]]} {"id":"2308.05630","submitter":"Samuel Kim","authors":"Samuel Kim, C.J. Martoff, Michael Dion, David Glasgow","title":"Reactor Antineutrino Spectral \"Bump\": Cumulative Fission Yields of\n Irradiated U-235 and Pu-239 Measured by HPGe Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy","comments":"7 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"nucl-ex physics.ins-det","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Recent measurements of the reactor antineutrino emission show that there\nexists a spectral excess (the \"bump\") in the 5-7 MeV region when compared to\nthe Huber-Muller prediction based on the conversion method. Analysis within an\nalternate prediction technique, the summation method, suggests that the bump\ncould be due to excess contributions from a certain few of the beta-decaying\nfission products. However, it has been shown that when updated fission yield\nvalues are used in the summation method, the predicted excess vanishes. In the\npresent preliminary study, fission yields for nuclides suspected of causing the\nneutrino spectral bump are investigated using gamma-ray spectroscopy of U-235\nand Pu-239 samples freshly irradiated using the High Flux Isotope Reactor. For\nseveral of the suspect nuclides, the derived fission yields are consistent with\nJEFF3.3 fission yield library. The exception is the case of Cs-140 from Pu-239,\nwhere the discrepancy between the fitted and expected values suggests a\npotential error in the fission yield library. This highlights the importance of\nusing accurate nuclear data libraries in the analysis of the reactor\nantineutrino spectra, and the need for ongoing efforts to improve these\nlibraries.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:18:20 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Kim","Samuel",""],["Martoff","C. J.",""],["Dion","Michael",""],["Glasgow","David",""]]} {"id":"2308.05631","submitter":"Shaozhen Xu","authors":"Yuxin Tan and Shaozhen Xu","title":"Some new decay estimates for $(2+1)$-dimensional degenerate oscillatory\n integral operators","comments":"This new version adds some missed argument and correct some typos","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In this paper, we consider the $(2+1)-$dimensional oscillatory integral\noperators with cubic homogeneous polynomial phases, which are degenerate in the\nsense of \\cite{Tan06}. We improve the previously known $L^2\\to L^2$ decay rate\nto $3/8$ and also establish a sharp $L^2\\to L^6$ decay estimate based on\nfractional integration method.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:19:07 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Mon, 14 Aug 2023 11:35:07 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-15","authors_parsed":[["Tan","Yuxin",""],["Xu","Shaozhen",""]]} {"id":"2308.05632","submitter":"Zhu Yi","authors":"Zhu Yi and Zhi-Qiang You and You Wu","title":"Model-independent reconstruction of the primordial curvature power\n spectrum from PTA data","comments":"16 pages, 1 figure","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.CO gr-qc","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Recently released data from pulsar timing array (PTA) collaborations provide\nstrong evidence for a stochastic signal consistent with a gravitational-wave\nbackground, potentially originating from scalar-induced gravitational waves\n(SIGWs). However, in order to determine whether the SIGWs with a specific power\nspectrum of curvature perturbations can account for the PTA signal, one needs\nto estimate the energy density of the SIGWs, which can be computationally\nexpensive. In this paper, we use a model-independent approach to reconstruct\nthe primordial curvature power spectrum using a free spectrum cross over from\n$10^{1}\\,\\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}$ to $10^{20}\\,\\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}$ with NANOGrav\n15-yrs data set. Our results can simplify the task of assessing whether a given\nprimordial curvature power spectrum can adequately explain the observed PTA\nsignal without calculating the energy density of SIGWs.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:19:46 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Yi","Zhu",""],["You","Zhi-Qiang",""],["Wu","You",""]]} {"id":"2308.05633","submitter":"Keqiang Fan","authors":"Keqiang Fan, Xiaohao Cai, Mahesan Niranjan","title":"IIHT: Medical Report Generation with Image-to-Indicator Hierarchical\n Transformer","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.CL cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Automated medical report generation has become increasingly important in\nmedical analysis. It can produce computer-aided diagnosis descriptions and thus\nsignificantly alleviate the doctors' work. Inspired by the huge success of\nneural machine translation and image captioning, various deep learning methods\nhave been proposed for medical report generation. However, due to the inherent\nproperties of medical data, including data imbalance and the length and\ncorrelation between report sequences, the generated reports by existing methods\nmay exhibit linguistic fluency but lack adequate clinical accuracy. In this\nwork, we propose an image-to-indicator hierarchical transformer (IIHT)\nframework for medical report generation. It consists of three modules, i.e., a\nclassifier module, an indicator expansion module and a generator module. The\nclassifier module first extracts image features from the input medical images\nand produces disease-related indicators with their corresponding states. The\ndisease-related indicators are subsequently utilised as input for the indicator\nexpansion module, incorporating the \"data-text-data\" strategy. The\ntransformer-based generator then leverages these extracted features along with\nimage features as auxiliary information to generate final reports. Furthermore,\nthe proposed IIHT method is feasible for radiologists to modify disease\nindicators in real-world scenarios and integrate the operations into the\nindicator expansion module for fluent and accurate medical report generation.\nExtensive experiments and comparisons with state-of-the-art methods under\nvarious evaluation metrics demonstrate the great performance of the proposed\nmethod.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:22:11 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Fan","Keqiang",""],["Cai","Xiaohao",""],["Niranjan","Mahesan",""]]} {"id":"2308.05634","submitter":"Hao Cheng","authors":"Mengmeng Liu, Hao Cheng, Michael Ying Yang","title":"Tracing the Influence of Predecessors on Trajectory Prediction","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.RO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" In real-world traffic scenarios, agents such as pedestrians and car drivers\noften observe neighboring agents who exhibit similar behavior as examples and\nthen mimic their actions to some extent in their own behavior. This information\ncan serve as prior knowledge for trajectory prediction, which is unfortunately\nlargely overlooked in current trajectory prediction models. This paper\nintroduces a novel Predecessor-and-Successor (PnS) method that incorporates a\npredecessor tracing module to model the influence of predecessors (identified\nfrom concurrent neighboring agents) on the successor (target agent) within the\nsame scene. The method utilizes the moving patterns of these predecessors to\nguide the predictor in trajectory prediction. PnS effectively aligns the motion\nencodings of the successor with multiple potential predecessors in a\nprobabilistic manner, facilitating the decoding process. We demonstrate the\neffectiveness of PnS by integrating it into a graph-based predictor for\npedestrian trajectory prediction on the ETH/UCY datasets, resulting in a new\nstate-of-the-art performance. Furthermore, we replace the HD map-based\nscene-context module with our PnS method in a transformer-based predictor for\nvehicle trajectory prediction on the nuScenes dataset, showing that the\npredictor maintains good prediction performance even without relying on any map\ninformation.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:24:37 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Liu","Mengmeng",""],["Cheng","Hao",""],["Yang","Michael Ying",""]]} {"id":"2308.05635","submitter":"Vitaliy Slyn'ko","authors":"Vitalii Slynko, Sergey Dashkovskiy, Ivan Atamas","title":"Asymptotic stability conditions for linear coupled impulsive systems\n with time-invariant subsystems","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.DS","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" This article proposes an approach to construct a Lyapunov function for a\nlinear coupled impulsive system consisting of two time-invariant subsystems. In\ncontrast to various variants of small-gain stability conditions for coupled\nsystems, the asymptotic stability property of independent subsystems is not\nassumed. To analyze the asymptotic stability of a coupled system, the direct\nLyapunov method is used in combination with the discretization method. The\nperiodic case and the case when the Floquet theory is not applicable are\nconsidered separately. The main results are illustrated with examples.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:25:51 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Slynko","Vitalii",""],["Dashkovskiy","Sergey",""],["Atamas","Ivan",""]]} {"id":"2308.05636","submitter":"Farzad Nikfam","authors":"Farzad Nikfam, Raffaele Casaburi, Alberto Marchisio, Maurizio Martina\n and Muhammad Shafique","title":"A Homomorphic Encryption Framework for Privacy-Preserving Spiking Neural\n Networks","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CR cs.NE","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Machine learning (ML) is widely used today, especially through deep neural\nnetworks (DNNs), however, increasing computational load and resource\nrequirements have led to cloud-based solutions. To address this problem, a new\ngeneration of networks called Spiking Neural Networks (SNN) has emerged, which\nmimic the behavior of the human brain to improve efficiency and reduce energy\nconsumption. These networks often process large amounts of sensitive\ninformation, such as confidential data, and thus privacy issues arise.\nHomomorphic encryption (HE) offers a solution, allowing calculations to be\nperformed on encrypted data without decrypting it. This research compares\ntraditional DNNs and SNNs using the Brakerski/Fan-Vercauteren (BFV) encryption\nscheme. The LeNet-5 model, a widely-used convolutional architecture, is used\nfor both DNN and SNN models based on the LeNet-5 architecture, and the networks\nare trained and compared using the FashionMNIST dataset. The results show that\nSNNs using HE achieve up to 40% higher accuracy than DNNs for low values of the\nplaintext modulus t, although their execution time is longer due to their\ntime-coding nature with multiple time-steps.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:26:35 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Nikfam","Farzad",""],["Casaburi","Raffaele",""],["Marchisio","Alberto",""],["Martina","Maurizio",""],["Shafique","Muhammad",""]]} {"id":"2308.05637","submitter":"Zezhou Huang","authors":"Zezhou Huang, Jiaxiang Liu, Haonan Wang, and Eugene Wu","title":"The Fast and the Private: Task-based Dataset Search","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.DB","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Modern dataset search platforms employ ML task-based utility metrics instead\nof relying on metadata-based keywords to comb through extensive dataset\nrepositories. In this setup, requesters provide an initial dataset, and the\nplatform identifies complementary datasets to augment (join or union) the\nrequester's dataset such that the ML model (e.g., linear regression)\nperformance is improved most. Although effective, current task-based data\nsearches are stymied by (1) high latency which deters users, (2) privacy\nconcerns for regulatory standards, and (3) low data quality which provides low\nutility. We introduce Mileena, a fast, private, and high-quality task-based\ndataset search platform. At its heart, Mileena is built on pre-computed\nsemi-ring sketches for efficient ML training and evaluation. Based on\nsemi-ring, we develop a novel Factorized Privacy Mechanism that makes the\nsearch differentially private and scales to arbitrary corpus sizes and numbers\nof requests without major quality degradation. We also demonstrate the early\npromise in using LLM-based agents for automatic data transformation and\napplying semi-rings to support causal discovery and treatment effect\nestimation.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:27:59 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Sun, 20 Aug 2023 16:28:29 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Huang","Zezhou",""],["Liu","Jiaxiang",""],["Wang","Haonan",""],["Wu","Eugene",""]]} {"id":"2308.05638","submitter":"Edward Shuryak","authors":"Nicholas Miesch, Edward Shuryak, Ismail Zahed","title":"Baryons and tetraquarks using instanton-induced interactions","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ph hep-lat","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We analyze some aspects of the perturbative and non-perturbative interactions\nin the composition of heavy quarkonia, heavy and light baryons ($ccc$ and $uuu$\nones), as well as all charm tetraquarks ($cc\\bar c\\bar c$). Using the\nhyper-spherical approximation and effective radial potentials (in 6 and 9\ndimensions, respectively) we derive their spectra and wave functions. In all of\nthe cases, we focus on the splittings between the s-shell levels, which are\nremarkably insensitive to the quark masses, but proportional to the effective\ninteraction potentials. We use the traditional Cornell-like potentials, and the\nnon-perturbative instanton-induced static potentials, from correlators of two,\nthree and four Wilson lines, and find rather satisfactory description of\nspectra in all cases.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:29:03 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Miesch","Nicholas",""],["Shuryak","Edward",""],["Zahed","Ismail",""]]} {"id":"2308.05639","submitter":"Matyas Barczy","authors":"Matyas Barczy, Sandra Palau","title":"On distributions of jumps of multi-type CBI processes","comments":"50 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.PR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We study the distributional properties of jumps of multi-type continuous\nstate and continuous time branching processes with immigration (multi-type CBI\nprocesses). We derive an expression for the distribution function of the first\njump time of a multi-type CBI process with jump size in a given Borel set\nhaving finite total L\\'evy measure (which is defined as the sum of the measures\nappearing in the branching and immigration mechanisms of the multi-type CBI\nprocess in question). Using this we derive an expression for the distribution\nfunction of the local supremum of the norm of the jumps of a multi-type CBI\nprocess. Further, we show that if $A$ is a nondegenerate rectangle anchored at\nzero and with total L\\'evy measure zero, then the probability that the local\ncoordinate-wise supremum of jumps of the multi-type CBI process belongs to $A$\nis zero. We also prove that a converse statement holds.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:29:31 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Barczy","Matyas",""],["Palau","Sandra",""]]} {"id":"2308.05640","submitter":"Yuxin Ma","authors":"Yansong Huang, Zherui Zhang, Ao Jiao, Yuxin Ma, Ran Cheng","title":"A Comparative Visual Analytics Framework for Evaluating Evolutionary\n Processes in Multi-objective Optimization","comments":"Accepted by IEEE VIS 2023 (will appear in IEEE TVCG)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.NE","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Evolutionary multi-objective optimization (EMO) algorithms have been\ndemonstrated to be effective in solving multi-criteria decision-making\nproblems. In real-world applications, analysts often employ several algorithms\nconcurrently and compare their solution sets to gain insight into the\ncharacteristics of different algorithms and explore a broader range of feasible\nsolutions. However, EMO algorithms are typically treated as black boxes,\nleading to difficulties in performing detailed analysis and comparisons between\nthe internal evolutionary processes. Inspired by the successful application of\nvisual analytics tools in explainable AI, we argue that interactive\nvisualization can significantly enhance the comparative analysis between\nmultiple EMO algorithms. In this paper, we present a visual analytics framework\nthat enables the exploration and comparison of evolutionary processes in EMO\nalgorithms. Guided by a literature review and expert interviews, the proposed\nframework addresses various analytical tasks and establishes a multi-faceted\nvisualization design to support the comparative analysis of intermediate\ngenerations in the evolution as well as solution sets. We demonstrate the\neffectiveness of our framework through case studies on benchmarking and\nreal-world multi-objective optimization problems to elucidate how analysts can\nleverage our framework to inspect and compare diverse algorithms.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:32:46 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Huang","Yansong",""],["Zhang","Zherui",""],["Jiao","Ao",""],["Ma","Yuxin",""],["Cheng","Ran",""]]} {"id":"2308.05641","submitter":"Shijie Gao","authors":"Shi-Jie Gao and Xiang-Dong Li","title":"The White Dwarf Mass-Orbital Period Relation Under Wind Mass Loss","comments":"11 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in MNRAS,\n comments are welcome!","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.SR astro-ph.HE","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Helium white dwarfs (HeWDs) are thought to form from low-mass red giant stars\nexperiencing binary interaction. Because the helium core mass of a red giant\nstar is closely related to the stellar radius, there exists well-known relation\nbetween the orbital period ($P_{\\rm orb}$) and the mass ($M_{\\rm WD}$) of the\nHeWDs, which is almost independent of the type of the companion star.\nTraditional derivation of the $M_{\\rm WD}$-$P_{\\rm orb}$ relation generally\nneglected the effect of wind mass loss from the red giants, while observations\nshow that wind mass loss from red giants in binary systems is systematically\nhigher than that from isolated stars. In this work, we calculate binary\nevolution with tidally enhanced stellar wind (TEW) and find that it causes\nsignificantly scatter of the traditional $M_{\\rm WD}$-$P_{\\rm orb}$ relation.\nThe TEW can prevent the red giants from overflowing their Roche lobes and slow\ndown the growth of the helium core, leaving a lower-mass HeWD for given orbital\nperiod. This scenario may account for some of the HeWD binaries that deviate\nfrom the traditional $M_{\\rm WD}$-$P_{\\rm orb}$ relation. However, we point out\nthat observations of more HeWD binaries in wide orbits are needed to test the\nTEW model and to constrain the enhanced wind factor.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:33:14 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Gao","Shi-Jie",""],["Li","Xiang-Dong",""]]} {"id":"2308.05642","submitter":"Gurucharan Mohanta","authors":"Gurucharan Mohanta, Ketan M. Patel","title":"Gauged $SU(3)_F$ and loop induced quark and lepton masses","comments":"25 pages, 5 tables, 1 figure","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We investigate a local $SU(3)_F$ flavour symmetry for its viability in\ngenerating the masses for the quarks and charged leptons of the first two\nfamilies through radiative corrections. Only the third-generation fermions get\ntree-level masses due to specific choice of the field content and their gauge\ncharges. Unprotected by symmetry, the remaining fermions acquire non-vanishing\nmasses through the quantum corrections induced by the gauge bosons of broken\n$SU(3)_F$. We show that inter-generational hierarchy between the masses of the\nfirst two families arises if the flavour symmetry is broken with an\nintermediate $SU(2)$ leading to a specific ordering in the masses of the gauge\nbosons. Based on this scheme, we construct an explicit and predictive model and\nshow its viability in reproducing the realistic charged fermion masses and\nquark mixing parameters in terms of not-so-hierarchical fundamental couplings.\nThe model leads to the strange quark mass, $m_s \\approx 16$ MeV at $M_Z$, which\nis $\\sim 2.4 \\sigma$ away from its current central value. Large flavour\nviolations are a generic prediction of the scheme which pushes the masses of\nthe new gauge bosons to $10^3$ TeV or higher.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:35:33 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-13","authors_parsed":[["Mohanta","Gurucharan",""],["Patel","Ketan M.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05643","submitter":"Javad Asadzade","authors":"Javad A. Asadzade","title":"On solvability in the small of higher order elliptic equations in\n Orlicz-Sobolev spaces","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In this article, we consider a higher-order elliptic equation with nonsmooth\ncoefficients with respect to Orlicz spaces on the domain\n$\\Omega\\subset\\mathbb{R}^{n}$. The separable subspace of this space is\ndistinguished in which infinitely differentiable and compactly supported\nfunctions are dense; Sobolev spaces generated by these subspaces are\ndetermined. We demonstrate the local solvability of the equation in\nOrlicz-Sobolev spaces under specific restrictions on the coefficients of the\nequation and the Boyd indices of the Orlicz space. This result strengthens the\npreviously known classical $L_{p}$ analog.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:37:18 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Asadzade","Javad A.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05644","submitter":"Khaza Anuarul Hoque","authors":"Ernest Bonnah, Khaza Anuarul Hoque","title":"QTWTL: Quality Aware Time Window Temporal Logic for Performance\n Monitoring","comments":"Accepted for publication in the ACM/IEEE MEMOCODE 2023 conference","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LO cs.PF cs.RO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" In various service-oriented applications such as distributed autonomous\ndelivery, healthcare, tourism, transportation, and many others, where service\nagents need to perform serial and time-bounded tasks to achieve their goals,\nquality of service must constantly be assured. In addition to safety\nrequirements, such agents also need to fulfill performance requirements in\norder to satisfy their quality of service. This paper proposes the novel\nquality-aware time window temporal logic (QTWTL) by extending the traditional\ntime window temporal logic (TWTL) with two operators for counting and\naggregation operations. We also propose offline runtime monitoring algorithms\nfor the performance monitoring of QTWTL specifications. To analyze the\nfeasibility and efficiency of our proposed approach, we generate a large number\nof traces using the New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission Trip Record\ndata, formalize their performance requirements using QTWTL, and monitor them\nusing the proposed algorithms. The obtained results show that the monitoring\nalgorithm has a linear space and time complexity with respect to the number of\ntraces monitored.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:37:33 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Bonnah","Ernest",""],["Hoque","Khaza Anuarul",""]]} {"id":"2308.05645","submitter":"Jian-Min Zuo","authors":"Hsu-Chih Ni, Renliang Yuan, Jiong Zhang, Jian-Min Zuo","title":"Framework of compressive sensing and data compression for 4D-STEM","comments":"17 pages, 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.app-ph cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Four-dimensional Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (4D-STEM) is a\npowerful technique for high-resolution and high-precision materials\ncharacterization at multiple length scales, including the characterization of\nbeam-sensitive materials. However, the field of view of 4D-STEM is relatively\nsmall, which in absence of live processing is limited by the data size required\nfor storage. Furthermore, the rectilinear scan approach currently employed in\n4D-STEM places a resolution- and signal-dependent dose limit for the study of\nbeam sensitive materials. Improving 4D-STEM data and dose efficiency, by\nkeeping the data size manageable while limiting the amount of electron dose, is\nthus critical for broader applications. Here we develop a general method for\nreconstructing 4D-STEM data with subsampling in both real and reciprocal spaces\nat high fidelity. The approach is first tested on the subsampled datasets\ncreated from a full 4D-STEM dataset, and then demonstrated experimentally using\nrandom scan in real-space. The same reconstruction algorithm can also be used\nfor compression of 4D-STEM datasets, leading to a large reduction (100 times or\nmore) in data size, while retaining the fine features of 4D-STEM imaging, for\ncrystalline samples.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:42:15 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Ni","Hsu-Chih",""],["Yuan","Renliang",""],["Zhang","Jiong",""],["Zuo","Jian-Min",""]]} {"id":"2308.05646","submitter":"Yeshwanth Nagaraj","authors":"Yeshwanth Nagaraj, Ujjwal Gupta","title":"AST-MHSA : Code Summarization using Multi-Head Self-Attention","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.LG cs.PL cs.SE","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Code summarization aims to generate concise natural language descriptions for\nsource code. The prevailing approaches adopt transformer-based encoder-decoder\narchitectures, where the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) of the source code is\nutilized for encoding structural information. However, ASTs are much longer\nthan the corresponding source code, and existing methods ignore this size\nconstraint by directly feeding the entire linearized AST into the encoders.\nThis simplistic approach makes it challenging to extract truly valuable\ndependency relations from the overlong input sequence and leads to significant\ncomputational overhead due to self-attention applied to all nodes in the AST.\n To address this issue effectively and efficiently, we present a model,\nAST-MHSA that uses multi-head attention to extract the important semantic\ninformation from the AST. The model consists of two main components: an encoder\nand a decoder. The encoder takes as input the abstract syntax tree (AST) of the\ncode and generates a sequence of hidden states. The decoder then takes these\nhidden states as input and generates a natural language summary of the code.\n The multi-head attention mechanism allows the model to learn different\nrepresentations of the input code, which can be combined to generate a more\ncomprehensive summary. The model is trained on a dataset of code and summaries,\nand the parameters of the model are optimized to minimize the loss between the\ngenerated summaries and the ground-truth summaries.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:43:46 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Nagaraj","Yeshwanth",""],["Gupta","Ujjwal",""]]} {"id":"2308.05647","submitter":"Marie-Luise Steinmeyer","authors":"Marie-Luise Steinmeyer, Peter Woitke, Anders Johansen","title":"Sublimation of refractory minerals in the gas envelopes of accreting\n rocky planets","comments":"17 pages, 10 figures, accepted in A&A","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.EP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Protoplanets growing within the protoplanetary disk by pebble accretion\nacquire hydrostatic gas envelopes. Due to accretion heating, the temperature in\nthese envelopes can become high enough to sublimate refractory minerals which\nare the major components of the accreted pebbles. Here we study the sublimation\nof different mineral species and determine whether sublimation plays a role\nduring the growth by pebble accretion. For each snapshot in the growth process,\nwe calculate the envelope structure and sublimation temperature of a set of\nmineral species representing different levels of volatility. Sublimation lines\nare determined using and equilibrium scheme for the chemical reactions\nresponsible for destruction and formation of the relevant minerals. We find\nthat the envelope of the growing planet reaches temperatures high enough to\nsublimate all considered mineral species when the mass is larger than 0.4 Earth\nmasses. The sublimation lines are located within the gravitionally bound\nenvelope of the planet. We make a detailed analysis of the sublimation of FeS\nat around 720 K, beyond which the mineral is attacked by H2 to form gaseous H2S\nand solid Fe. We calculate the sulfur concentration in the planet under the\nassumption that all sulfur released as H2S is lost from the planet by diffusion\nback to the protoplanetary disk. Our calculated values are in good agreement\nwith the slightly depleted sulfur abundance of Mars, while the model\noverpredicts the extensive sulfur depletion of Earth by a factor of\napproximately 2. We show that a collision with a sulfur-rich body akin to Mars\nin the moon-forming impact lifts the Earth's sulfur abundance to approximately\n10% of the solar value for all impactor masses above 0.05 Earth masses.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:44:53 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Steinmeyer","Marie-Luise",""],["Woitke","Peter",""],["Johansen","Anders",""]]} {"id":"2308.05648","submitter":"Zezhong Lv","authors":"Zezhong Lv, Bing Su, Ji-Rong Wen","title":"Counterfactual Cross-modality Reasoning for Weakly Supervised Video\n Moment Localization","comments":"Accepted by ACM MM 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Video moment localization aims to retrieve the target segment of an untrimmed\nvideo according to the natural language query. Weakly supervised methods gains\nattention recently, as the precise temporal location of the target segment is\nnot always available. However, one of the greatest challenges encountered by\nthe weakly supervised method is implied in the mismatch between the video and\nlanguage induced by the coarse temporal annotations. To refine the\nvision-language alignment, recent works contrast the cross-modality\nsimilarities driven by reconstructing masked queries between positive and\nnegative video proposals. However, the reconstruction may be influenced by the\nlatent spurious correlation between the unmasked and the masked parts, which\ndistorts the restoring process and further degrades the efficacy of contrastive\nlearning since the masked words are not completely reconstructed from the\ncross-modality knowledge. In this paper, we discover and mitigate this spurious\ncorrelation through a novel proposed counterfactual cross-modality reasoning\nmethod. Specifically, we first formulate query reconstruction as an aggregated\ncausal effect of cross-modality and query knowledge. Then by introducing\ncounterfactual cross-modality knowledge into this aggregation, the spurious\nimpact of the unmasked part contributing to the reconstruction is explicitly\nmodeled. Finally, by suppressing the unimodal effect of masked query, we can\nrectify the reconstructions of video proposals to perform reasonable\ncontrastive learning. Extensive experimental evaluations demonstrate the\neffectiveness of our proposed method. The code is available at\n\\href{https://github.com/sLdZ0306/CCR}{https://github.com/sLdZ0306/CCR}.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:45:45 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Lv","Zezhong",""],["Su","Bing",""],["Wen","Ji-Rong",""]]} {"id":"2308.05649","submitter":"Kunjian Song","authors":"Kunjian Song, Mikhail R. Gadelha, Franz Brau{\\ss}e, Rafael S. Menezes,\n Lucas C. Cordeiro","title":"ESBMC v7.3: Model Checking C++ Programs using Clang AST","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" This paper introduces ESBMC v7.3, the latest Efficient SMT-Based\nContext-Bounded Model Checker version, which now incorporates a new clang-based\nC++ front-end. While the previous CPROVER-based front-end served well for\nhandling C++03 programs, it encountered challenges keeping up with the evolving\nC++ language. As new language and library features were added in each C++\nversion, the limitations of the old front-end became apparent, leading to\ndifficult-to-maintain code. Consequently, modern C++ programs were challenging\nto verify. To overcome this obstacle, we redeveloped the front-end, opting for\na more robust approach using clang. The new front-end efficiently traverses the\nAbstract Syntax Tree (AST) in-memory using clang APIs and transforms each AST\nnode into ESBMC's Intermediate Representation. Through extensive\nexperimentation, our results demonstrate that ESBMC v7.3 with the new front-end\nsignificantly reduces parse and conversion errors, enabling successful\nverification of a wide range of C++ programs, thereby outperforming previous\nESBMC versions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:46:33 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Song","Kunjian",""],["Gadelha","Mikhail R.",""],["Brau\u00dfe","Franz",""],["Menezes","Rafael S.",""],["Cordeiro","Lucas C.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05650","submitter":"Tian-Ai Zhang","authors":"Shi Jin, Zheng Ma and Tian-ai Zhang","title":"Asymptotic-preserving neural networks for multiscale\n Vlasov-Poisson-Fokker-Planck system in the high-field regime","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NA cs.NA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The Vlasov-Poisson-Fokker-Planck (VPFP) system is a fundamental model in\nplasma physics that describes the Brownian motion of a large ensemble of\nparticles within a surrounding bath. Under the high-field scaling, both\ncollision and field are dominant. This paper introduces two\nAsymptotic-Preserving Neural Network (APNN) methods within a physics-informed\nneural network (PINN) framework for solving the VPFP system in the high-field\nregime. These methods aim to overcome the computational challenges posed by\nhigh dimensionality and multiple scales of the system. The first APNN method\nleverages the micro-macro decomposition model of the original VPFP system,\nwhile the second is based on the mass conservation law. Both methods ensure\nthat the loss function of the neural networks transitions naturally from the\nkinetic model to the high-field limit model, thereby preserving the correct\nasymptotic behavior. Through extensive numerical experiments, these APNN\nmethods demonstrate their effectiveness in solving multiscale and high\ndimensional uncertain problems, as well as their broader applicability for\nproblems with long time duration and non-equilibrium initial data.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:47:51 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Jin","Shi",""],["Ma","Zheng",""],["Zhang","Tian-ai",""]]} {"id":"2308.05651","submitter":"Olivier Haution","authors":"Olivier Haution","title":"Geometric concentration theorem","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AG math.KT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We establish a purely geometric form of the concentration theorem (also\ncalled localization theorem) for actions of a linearly reductive group $G$ on\nan affine scheme $X$ without fixed points. It asserts the existence of a\n$G$-representation over the base without trivial summand, which acquires a\nnowhere vanishing equivariant section over $X$.\n As a consequence, we show that the equivariant stable motivic homotopy theory\nof a scheme with an action of a linearly reductive group is equivalent to that\nof the fixed locus, upon inverting appropriate maps, namely the Euler classes\nof representations without trivial summands. We also discuss consequences for\nequivariant cohomology theories obtained using Borel's construction. This\nrecovers most known forms of the concentration theorem in algebraic geometry,\nand yields generalisations valid beyond the setting of actions of\ndiagonalisable groups, or of oriented cohomology theories.\n Finally, we derive a version of Smith theory for motivic cohomology,\nfollowing the approach of Dwyer--Wilkerson in topology.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:48:53 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Haution","Olivier",""]]} {"id":"2308.05652","submitter":"Astrid Herremans","authors":"Astrid Herremans and Daan Huybrechs","title":"Efficient Function Approximation in Enriched Approximation Spaces","comments":"18 pages, 13 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NA cs.NA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" An enriched approximation space is the span of a conventional basis with a\nfew extra functions included, for example to capture known features of the\nsolution to a computational problem. Adding functions to a basis makes it\novercomplete and, consequently, the corresponding discretized approximation\nproblem may require solving an ill-conditioned system. Recent research\nindicates that these systems can still provide highly accurate numerical\napproximations under reasonable conditions. In this paper we propose an\nefficient algorithm to compute such approximations. It is based on the AZ\nalgorithm for overcomplete sets and frames, which simplifies in the case of an\nenriched basis. In addition, analysis of the original AZ algorithm and of the\nproposed variant gives constructive insights on how to achieve optimal and\nstable discretizations using enriched bases. We apply the algorithm to examples\nof enriched approximation spaces in literature, including a few non-standard\napproximation problems and an enriched spectral method for a 2D boundary value\nproblem, and show that the simplified AZ algorithm is indeed stable, accurate\nand efficient.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:50:21 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Herremans","Astrid",""],["Huybrechs","Daan",""]]} {"id":"2308.05653","submitter":"Julia Ziegler","authors":"Juhi Dutta, Jayita Lahiri, Cheng Li, Gudrid Moortgat-Pick, Sheikh\n Farah Tabira and Julia Anabell Ziegler","title":"Dark Matter Phenomenology in 2HDMS in light of the 95 GeV excess","comments":"32 pages, 10 figures, 10 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":"DESY-23-114","categories":"hep-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The Two Higgs Doublet model extended with a complex scalar singlet (2HDMS) is\na well-motivated Beyond Standard Model candidate addressing several open\nproblems of nature. In this work, we focus on the dark matter (DM)\nphenomenology of the complex scalar singlet where the real part of the complex\nscalar obtains a vacuum expectation value. The model is characterized by an\nenlarged Higgs spectrum comprising six physical Higgs bosons and a pseudoscalar\nDM candidate. We address the impact of accommodating the 95 GeV excess on the\n2HDMS parameter space and DM observables after including all theoretical and\nexperimental constraints. Finally, we look into the prospects of this scenario\nat HL-LHC and future lepton colliders for a representative benchmark.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:50:52 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Dutta","Juhi",""],["Lahiri","Jayita",""],["Li","Cheng",""],["Moortgat-Pick","Gudrid",""],["Tabira","Sheikh Farah",""],["Ziegler","Julia Anabell",""]]} {"id":"2308.05654","submitter":"Yan Feng","authors":"Yan Feng, Haneen Farah, Bart van Arem","title":"Effect of eHMI on pedestrian road crossing behavior in shared space with\n Automated Vehicles-A Virtual Reality study","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.HC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" A shared space area is a low-speed urban area in which pedestrians, cyclists,\nand vehicles share the road, often relying on informal interaction rules and\ngreatly expanding freedom of movement for pedestrians and cyclists. While\nshared space has the potential to improve pedestrian priority in urban areas,\nit presents unique challenges for pedestrian-AV interaction due to the absence\nof a clear right of way. The current study applied Virtual Reality (VR)\nexperiments to investigate pedestrian-AV interaction in a shared space, with a\nparticular focus on the impact of external human-machine interfaces (eHMIs) on\npedestrian crossing behavior. Fifty-three participants took part in the VR\nexperiment and three eHMI conditions were investigated: no eHMI, eHMI with a\npedestrian sign on the windshield, and eHMI with a projected zebra crossing on\nthe road. Data collected via VR and questionnaires were used for objective and\nsubjective measures to understand pedestrian-AV interaction. The study revealed\nthat the presence of eHMI had an impact on participants' gazing behavior but\nnot on their crossing decisions. Additionally, participants had a positive user\nexperience with the current VR setting and expressed a high level of trust and\nperceived safety during their interaction with the AV. These findings highlight\nthe potential of utilizing VR to explore and understand pedestrian-AV\ninteractions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:51:02 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Sat, 12 Aug 2023 11:32:27 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-15","authors_parsed":[["Feng","Yan",""],["Farah","Haneen",""],["van Arem","Bart",""]]} {"id":"2308.05655","submitter":"Yanteng Zhang","authors":"Yanteng Zhang, Qizhi Teng, Xiaohai He, Tong Niu, Lipei Zhang, Yan Liu,\n Chao Ren","title":"Attention-based 3D CNN with Multi-layer Features for Alzheimer's Disease\n Diagnosis using Brain Images","comments":"4 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":"The 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering\n in Medicine and Biology Society, 2023","doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.IV cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Structural MRI and PET imaging play an important role in the diagnosis of\nAlzheimer's disease (AD), showing the morphological changes and glucose\nmetabolism changes in the brain respectively. The manifestations in the brain\nimage of some cognitive impairment patients are relatively inconspicuous, for\nexample, it still has difficulties in achieving accurate diagnosis through sMRI\nin clinical practice. With the emergence of deep learning, convolutional neural\nnetwork (CNN) has become a valuable method in AD-aided diagnosis, but some CNN\nmethods cannot effectively learn the features of brain image, making the\ndiagnosis of AD still presents some challenges. In this work, we propose an\nend-to-end 3D CNN framework for AD diagnosis based on ResNet, which integrates\nmulti-layer features obtained under the effect of the attention mechanism to\nbetter capture subtle differences in brain images. The attention maps showed\nour model can focus on key brain regions related to the disease diagnosis. Our\nmethod was verified in ablation experiments with two modality images on 792\nsubjects from the ADNI database, where AD diagnostic accuracies of 89.71% and\n91.18% were achieved based on sMRI and PET respectively, and also outperformed\nsome state-of-the-art methods.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:53:35 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Zhang","Yanteng",""],["Teng","Qizhi",""],["He","Xiaohai",""],["Niu","Tong",""],["Zhang","Lipei",""],["Liu","Yan",""],["Ren","Chao",""]]} {"id":"2308.05656","submitter":"Steven Dale Cutkosky","authors":"Razieh Ahmadian and Steven Dale Cutkosky","title":"Generating sequences of valuations on simple extensions of domains","comments":"14 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with\n arXiv:1904.10702","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AC math.AG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Suppose that $(K,v_0)$ is a valued field, $f(x)\\in K[x]$ is a monic and\nirreducible polynomial and $(L,v)$ is an extension of valued fields, where\n$L=K[x]/(f(x))$. Let $A$ be a local domain with quotient field $K$ dominated by\nthe valuation ring of $v_0$ and such that $f(x)$ is in $A[x]$. The study of\nthese extensions is a classical subject.\n This paper is devoted to the problem of describing the structure of the\nassociated graded ring ${\\rm gr}_v A[x]/(f(x))$ of $A[x]/(f(x))$ for the\nfiltration defined by $v$ as an extension of the associated graded ring of $A$\nfor the filtration defined by $v_0$. We give a complete simple description of\nthis algebra when there is unique extension of $v_0$ to $L$ and the residue\ncharacteristic of $A$ does not divide the degree of $f$. To do this, we show\nthat the sequence of key polynomials constructed by MacLane's algorithm can be\ntaken to lie inside $A[x]$. This result was proven using a different method in\nthe more restrictive case that the residue fields of $A$ and of the valuation\nring of $v$ are equal and algebraically closed in a recent paper by Cutkosky,\nMourtada and Teissier.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:54:34 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Ahmadian","Razieh",""],["Cutkosky","Steven Dale",""]]} {"id":"2308.05657","submitter":"Juan M. Cruz-Martinez","authors":"Juan M. Cruz-Martinez, Matteo Robbiati, Stefano Carrazza","title":"Multi-variable integration with a variational quantum circuit","comments":"Code available at https://github.com/qiboteam/QiNNtegrate","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":"TIF-UNIMI-2023-13, CERN-TH-2023-157","categories":"quant-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In this work we present a novel strategy to evaluate multi-variable integrals\nwith quantum circuits. The procedure first encodes the integration variables\ninto a parametric circuit. The obtained circuit is then derived with respect to\nthe integration variables using the parameter shift rule technique. The\nobservable representing the derivative is then used as the predictor of the\ntarget integrand function following a quantum machine learning approach. The\nintegral is then estimated using the fundamental theorem of integral calculus\nby evaluating the original circuit. Embedding data according to a reuploading\nstrategy, multi-dimensional variables can be easily encoded into the circuit's\ngates and then individually taken as targets while deriving the circuit. These\ntechniques can be exploited to partially integrate a function or to quickly\ncompute parametric integrands within the training hyperspace.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:55:20 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Cruz-Martinez","Juan M.",""],["Robbiati","Matteo",""],["Carrazza","Stefano",""]]} {"id":"2308.05658","submitter":"Kojo Adu-Gyamfi","authors":"Adu-Gyamfi Kojo, Kandiboina Raghupathi, Ravichandra-Mouli Varsha,\n Knickerbocker Skylar, Hans Zachary N, Hawkins, Neal R, Sharma Anuj","title":"Automatic Extraction of Relevant Road Infrastructure using Connected\n vehicle data and Deep Learning Model","comments":"18 pages, 13 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI stat.ML","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" In today's rapidly evolving urban landscapes, efficient and accurate mapping\nof road infrastructure is critical for optimizing transportation systems,\nenhancing road safety, and improving the overall mobility experience for\ndrivers and commuters. Yet, a formidable bottleneck obstructs progress - the\nlaborious and time-intensive manual identification of intersections. Simply\nconsidering the shear number of intersections that need to be identified, and\nthe labor hours required per intersection, the need for an automated solution\nbecomes undeniable. To address this challenge, we propose a novel approach that\nleverages connected vehicle data and cutting-edge deep learning techniques. By\nemploying geohashing to segment vehicle trajectories and then generating image\nrepresentations of road segments, we utilize the YOLOv5 (You Only Look Once\nversion 5) algorithm for accurate classification of both straight road segments\nand intersections. Experimental results demonstrate an impressive overall\nclassification accuracy of 95%, with straight roads achieving a remarkable 97%\nF1 score and intersections reaching a 90% F1 score. This approach not only\nsaves time and resources but also enables more frequent updates and a\ncomprehensive understanding of the road network. Our research showcases the\npotential impact on traffic management, urban planning, and autonomous vehicle\nnavigation systems. The fusion of connected vehicle data and deep learning\nmodels holds promise for a transformative shift in road infrastructure mapping,\npropelling us towards a smarter, safer, and more connected transportation\necosystem.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:57:47 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Kojo","Adu-Gyamfi",""],["Raghupathi","Kandiboina",""],["Varsha","Ravichandra-Mouli",""],["Skylar","Knickerbocker",""],["N","Hans Zachary",""],["Hawkins","",""],["R","Neal",""],["Anuj","Sharma",""]]} {"id":"2308.05659","submitter":"Ankit Jha","authors":"Mainak Singha, Harsh Pal, Ankit Jha, Biplab Banerjee","title":"AD-CLIP: Adapting Domains in Prompt Space Using CLIP","comments":"10 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables. Accepted at OOD-CV, ICCV Workshop,\n 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Although deep learning models have shown impressive performance on supervised\nlearning tasks, they often struggle to generalize well when the training\n(source) and test (target) domains differ. Unsupervised domain adaptation (DA)\nhas emerged as a popular solution to this problem. However, current DA\ntechniques rely on visual backbones, which may lack semantic richness. Despite\nthe potential of large-scale vision-language foundation models like CLIP, their\neffectiveness for DA has yet to be fully explored. To address this gap, we\nintroduce AD-CLIP, a domain-agnostic prompt learning strategy for CLIP that\naims to solve the DA problem in the prompt space. We leverage the frozen vision\nbackbone of CLIP to extract both image style (domain) and content information,\nwhich we apply to learn prompt tokens. Our prompts are designed to be\ndomain-invariant and class-generalizable, by conditioning prompt learning on\nimage style and content features simultaneously. We use standard supervised\ncontrastive learning in the source domain, while proposing an entropy\nminimization strategy to align domains in the embedding space given the target\ndomain data. We also consider a scenario where only target domain samples are\navailable during testing, without any source domain data, and propose a\ncross-domain style mapping network to hallucinate domain-agnostic tokens. Our\nextensive experiments on three benchmark DA datasets demonstrate the\neffectiveness of AD-CLIP compared to existing literature.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:58:28 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Singha","Mainak",""],["Pal","Harsh",""],["Jha","Ankit",""],["Banerjee","Biplab",""]]} {"id":"2308.05660","submitter":"Gavin Crooks","authors":"Maxwell Aifer, Kaelan Donatella, Max Hunter Gordon, Thomas Ahle,\n Daniel Simpson, Gavin E. Crooks, Patrick J. Coles","title":"Thermodynamic Linear Algebra","comments":"21+15 pages, 7 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.stat-mech cs.ET quant-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Linear algebraic primitives are at the core of many modern algorithms in\nengineering, science, and machine learning. Hence, accelerating these\nprimitives with novel computing hardware would have tremendous economic impact.\nQuantum computing has been proposed for this purpose, although the resource\nrequirements are far beyond current technological capabilities, so this\napproach remains long-term in timescale. Here we consider an alternative\nphysics-based computing paradigm based on classical thermodynamics, to provide\na near-term approach to accelerating linear algebra.\n At first sight, thermodynamics and linear algebra seem to be unrelated\nfields. In this work, we connect solving linear algebra problems to sampling\nfrom the thermodynamic equilibrium distribution of a system of coupled harmonic\noscillators. We present simple thermodynamic algorithms for (1) solving linear\nsystems of equations, (2) computing matrix inverses, (3) computing matrix\ndeterminants, and (4) solving Lyapunov equations. Under reasonable assumptions,\nwe rigorously establish asymptotic speedups for our algorithms, relative to\ndigital methods, that scale linearly in matrix dimension. Our algorithms\nexploit thermodynamic principles like ergodicity, entropy, and equilibration,\nhighlighting the deep connection between these two seemingly distinct fields,\nand opening up algebraic applications for thermodynamic computing hardware.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:01:07 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Aifer","Maxwell",""],["Donatella","Kaelan",""],["Gordon","Max Hunter",""],["Ahle","Thomas",""],["Simpson","Daniel",""],["Crooks","Gavin E.",""],["Coles","Patrick J.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05661","submitter":"Sheikh Ifatur Rahman","authors":"Sheikh Ifatur Rahman, Robert Armitage and Siddharth Rajan","title":"Demonstration of Multi-Active Region P-down Green LEDs with High Quantum\n Efficiency","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.app-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Longer wavelength emitters such as green LEDs display a pronounced efficiency\ndrop at higher current densities, resulting in relatively low wall-plug\nefficiency. Multi-active region approach can improve the wall-plug efficiency\nsignificantly and tackle the green gap challenge. This work reports\nmulti-active region p-down LEDs with high external efficiency operating\nentirely in the green wavelength. Devices were developed using p-down topology,\nwhere the PN junction is oriented such that electric fields from depletion and\nbuilt-in polarization dipoles are aligned. Ga-polar multi-active region green\nLEDs with excellent voltage and EQE scaling, and significantly higher wall-plug\nefficiency is demonstrated in this work.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:02:03 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Rahman","Sheikh Ifatur",""],["Armitage","Robert",""],["Rajan","Siddharth",""]]} {"id":"2308.05662","submitter":"Jackson Remington","authors":"Jackson Remington","title":"Analysis of Downward Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes Using a Large-Area\n Cosmic Ray Scintillation Detector","comments":"Ph.D. Dissertation","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.HE physics.ao-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The Telescope Array (TA) of central Utah was designed to detect\nultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) and is the largest of its kind in the\nNorthern hemisphere. Its capabilities, however, are not limited to\nextra-terrestrial sources. Scintillation detectors (SDs) in the array are\ndesigned to measure energy deposit from charged cosmic ray secondaries, but\nhave recently caught bursts of electromagnetic radiation that do not match the\ntypical signature of cosmic ray air showers. After investigation, the bursts\nwere tied to individual lightning strikes. In an effort to better understand\nthe phenomenon, Langmuir Laboratory for Atmospheric Research at New Mexico Tech\nprovided specialized lightning detectors across the array, eventually\nconfirming the events as downward terrestrial gamma-ray flashes (TGFs) produced\nin the first few microseconds of lightning flashes. After 20 identified TGFs\nand 2 publications, the lightning instrumentation at Telescope Array was\nupgraded in the summer of 2018 with the addition of a broadband interferometer\n(INTF) for high-resolution lightning mapping. This unique variety of lightning\ndetectors has become one of the leading studies of downward TGFs. This\ndissertation is focused on the application of this method and resultson four\nevents from late 2018. The individual TGFs lasted <10 us and likely consisted\nof >10^12 gamma-rays, with evidence of some energies >2.6 MeV. I determined TGF\nsource times, plan locations, and altitudes with average uncertainties of 0.6\nus, 140 m, and 25 m, respectively. This high resolution showed that TGFs in all\nfour of these events occured during strong initial breakdown pulses and was\ndriven by streamer-based fast negative breakdown in the first couple\nmilliseconds of negative intracloud and cloud-to-ground lightning flashes.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:02:44 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Remington","Jackson",""]]} {"id":"2308.05663","submitter":"Cristian Villavicencio","authors":"C.A. Dominguez, Marcelo Loewe, Cristian Villavicencio, R. Zamora","title":"Nucleon axial-vector coupling constant in magnetar environments","comments":"8 pages, 6 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ph nucl-th","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The nucleon axial-vector coupling constant $g_A$ is studied in the presence\nof an external magnetic field, and in dense nuclear environments, to emulate\nnuclear matter in magnetars. For this purpose we use QCD finite energy sum\nrules for two-current and three-current correlators, the former involving\nnucleon-nucleon correlators and the latter involving proton-axial-neutron\ncurrents. As a result, the axial-vector coupling constant decreases both with\nbaryon density as well as with magnetic field. The axial-vector coupling\nevaluated with baryon density near the nuclear density $\\rho_0$ leads to\n$g_A^*\\approx 0.92$. In the presence of magnetic fields $g_A$ decreases in\ngeneral, but $g_A^*$ does not show significant changes.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:02:47 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Dominguez","C. A.",""],["Loewe","Marcelo",""],["Villavicencio","Cristian",""],["Zamora","R.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05664","submitter":"Andrea Luppi","authors":"Andrea I Luppi, Fernando E. Rosas, Gustavo Deco, Morten L.\n Kringelbach, and Pedro A.M. Mediano","title":"Information decomposition reveals hidden high-order contributions to\n temporal irreversibility","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"q-bio.NC cond-mat.stat-mech cs.IT math-ph math.IT math.MP physics.data-an","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Temporal irreversibility, often referred to as the arrow of time, is a\nfundamental concept in statistical mechanics. Markers of irreversibility also\nprovide a powerful characterisation of information processing in biological\nsystems. However, current approaches tend to describe temporal irreversibility\nin terms of a single scalar quantity, without disentangling the underlying\ndynamics that contribute to irreversibility. Here we propose a broadly\napplicable information-theoretic framework to characterise the arrow of time in\nmultivariate time series, which yields qualitatively different types of\nirreversible information dynamics. This multidimensional characterisation\nreveals previously unreported high-order modes of irreversibility, and\nestablishes a formal connection between recent heuristic markers of temporal\nirreversibility and metrics of information processing. We demonstrate the\nprevalence of high-order irreversibility in the hyperactive regime of a\nbiophysical model of brain dynamics, showing that our framework is both\ntheoretically principled and empirically useful. This work challenges the view\nof the arrow of time as a monolithic entity, enhancing both our theoretical\nunderstanding of irreversibility and our ability to detect it in practical\napplications.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:04:23 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Luppi","Andrea I",""],["Rosas","Fernando E.",""],["Deco","Gustavo",""],["Kringelbach","Morten L.",""],["Mediano","Pedro A. M.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05665","submitter":"Kojo Adu-Gyamfi","authors":"Kojo Adu-Gyamfi, Sharma Anuj","title":"Exploring Deep Learning Approaches to Predict Person and Vehicle Trips:\n An Analysis of NHTS Data","comments":"15 pages, 11 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI stat.ML","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Modern transportation planning relies heavily on accurate predictions of\nperson and vehicle trips. However, traditional planning models often fail to\naccount for the intricacies and dynamics of travel behavior, leading to\nless-than-optimal accuracy in these predictions. This study explores the\npotential of deep learning techniques to transform the way we approach trip\npredictions, and ultimately, transportation planning. Utilizing a comprehensive\ndataset from the National Household Travel Survey (NHTS), we developed and\ntrained a deep learning model for predicting person and vehicle trips. The\nproposed model leverages the vast amount of information in the NHTS data,\ncapturing complex, non-linear relationships that were previously overlooked by\ntraditional models. As a result, our deep learning model achieved an impressive\naccuracy of 98% for person trip prediction and 96% for vehicle trip estimation.\nThis represents a significant improvement over the performances of traditional\ntransportation planning models, thereby demonstrating the power of deep\nlearning in this domain. The implications of this study extend beyond just more\naccurate predictions. By enhancing the accuracy and reliability of trip\nprediction models, planners can formulate more effective, data-driven\ntransportation policies, infrastructure, and services. As such, our research\nunderscores the need for the transportation planning field to embrace advanced\ntechniques like deep learning. The detailed methodology, along with a thorough\ndiscussion of the results and their implications, are presented in the\nsubsequent sections of this paper.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:06:10 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Adu-Gyamfi","Kojo",""],["Anuj","Sharma",""]]} {"id":"2308.05666","submitter":"Sergio Ernesto Aguilar Gutierrez","authors":"Sergio E. Aguilar-Gutierrez, Ayan K. Patra and Juan F. Pedraza","title":"Entangled universes in dS wedge holography","comments":"30 pages + Appendices; 8 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":"IFT-UAM/CSIC-23-95","categories":"hep-th gr-qc","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We develop a new setting in the framework of braneworld holography to\ndescribe a pair of coupled and entangled uniformly accelerated universes. The\nmodel consists of two branes embedded into AdS space capping off the UV and IR\nregions, giving rise to a notion of dS wedge holography. Specializing in a\nthree-dimensional bulk, we show that dS JT gravity can emerge as an effective\nbraneworld theory, provided that fluctuations transverse to the brane are\nincluded. We study the holographic entanglement entropy between the branes as\nwell as the holographic complexity within the `complexity=anything' proposal.\nWe reproduce a Page curve with respect to an observer collecting radiation on\nthe UV brane, as long as we take the limit where gravity decouples in that\nuniverse, thus acting as a non-gravitating bath. The Page curve emerges due to\nmomentum-space (UV/IR) entanglement and can be understood as analogous to the\n`confinement-deconfinement' transition in theories with a mass gap. Moreover,\nthe analysis of complexity shows that the hyperfast growth phenomenon is\ndisplayed within a set of proposals, while late-time linear growth can be\nrecovered for a different set. Our framework thus provides new test grounds for\nunderstanding quantum information concepts in dS space and dS holography.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:07:16 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Aguilar-Gutierrez","Sergio E.",""],["Patra","Ayan K.",""],["Pedraza","Juan F.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05667","submitter":"Zheng Qin","authors":"Minhao Li, Zheng Qin, Zhirui Gao, Renjiao Yi, Chenyang Zhu, Yulan Guo,\n Kai Xu","title":"2D3D-MATR: 2D-3D Matching Transformer for Detection-free Registration\n between Images and Point Clouds","comments":"Accepted by ICCV 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The commonly adopted detect-then-match approach to registration finds\ndifficulties in the cross-modality cases due to the incompatible keypoint\ndetection and inconsistent feature description. We propose, 2D3D-MATR, a\ndetection-free method for accurate and robust registration between images and\npoint clouds. Our method adopts a coarse-to-fine pipeline where it first\ncomputes coarse correspondences between downsampled patches of the input image\nand the point cloud and then extends them to form dense correspondences between\npixels and points within the patch region. The coarse-level patch matching is\nbased on transformer which jointly learns global contextual constraints with\nself-attention and cross-modality correlations with cross-attention. To resolve\nthe scale ambiguity in patch matching, we construct a multi-scale pyramid for\neach image patch and learn to find for each point patch the best matching image\npatch at a proper resolution level. Extensive experiments on two public\nbenchmarks demonstrate that 2D3D-MATR outperforms the previous state-of-the-art\nP2-Net by around $20$ percentage points on inlier ratio and over $10$ points on\nregistration recall. Our code and models are available at\nhttps://github.com/minhaolee/2D3DMATR.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:10:54 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Mon, 14 Aug 2023 12:49:28 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-15","authors_parsed":[["Li","Minhao",""],["Qin","Zheng",""],["Gao","Zhirui",""],["Yi","Renjiao",""],["Zhu","Chenyang",""],["Guo","Yulan",""],["Xu","Kai",""]]} {"id":"2308.05668","submitter":"Th\\'eo Durandard","authors":"Th\\'eo Durandard","title":"Dynamic delegation in promotion contests","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"econ.TH","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" I study how organizations assign tasks to identify the best candidate to\npromote among a pool of workers. Task allocation and workers' motivation\ninteract through the organization's promotion decisions. The organization\ndesigns the workers' careers to both screen and develop talent. When only\nnon-routine tasks are informative about a worker's type and non-routine tasks\nare scarce, the organization's preferred promotion system is an index contest.\nEach worker is assigned a number that depends only on his own type. The\nprincipal delegates the non-routine task to the worker whose current index is\nthe highest and promotes the first worker whose type exceeds a threshold. Each\nworker's threshold is independent of the other workers' types. Competition is\nmediated by the allocation of tasks: who gets the opportunity to prove\nthemselves is a determinant factor in promotions. Finally, features of the\noptimal promotion contest rationalize the prevalence of fast-track promotion,\nthe role of seniority, or when a group of workers is systemically advantaged.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:13:10 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Durandard","Th\u00e9o",""]]} {"id":"2308.05669","submitter":"Manu Stalport","authors":"M. Stalport, M. Cretignier, S. Udry, A. Anna John, T. G. Wilson, J.-B.\n Delisle, A. S. Bonomo, L. A. Buchhave, D. Charbonneau, S. Dalal, M. Damasso,\n L. Di Fabrizio, X. Dumusque, A. Fiorenzano, A. Harutyunyan, R. D. Haywood, D.\n W. Latham, M. L\\'opez-Morales, V. Lorenzi, C. Lovis, L. Malavolta, E.\n Molinari, A. Mortier, M. Pedani, F. Pepe, M. Pinamonti, E. Poretti, K. Rice,\n A. Sozzetti","title":"A review of planetary systems around HD 99492, HD 147379 and HD 190007\n with HARPS-N","comments":"27 pages, 26 figures (13 in Appendix); Accepted for publication in\n A&A","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.EP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The Rocky Planet Search (RPS) program is dedicated to a blind radial velocity\n(RV) search of planets around bright stars in the Northern hemisphere, using\nthe high-resolution echelle spectrograph HARPS-N installed on the Telescopio\nNazionale Galileo (TNG).\n The goal of this work is to revise and update the properties of three\nplanetary systems by analysing the HARPS-N data with state-of-the-art stellar\nactivity mitigation tools. The stars considered are HD 99492 (83Leo B), HD\n147379 (Gl617 A) and HD 190007.\n We employ a systematic process of data modelling, that we selected from the\ncomparison of different approaches. We use YARARA to remove instrumental\nsystematics from the RV, and then use SPLEAF to further mitigate the stellar\nnoise with a multidimensional correlated noise model. We also search for\ntransit features in the Transiting Exoplanets Survey Satellite (TESS) data of\nthese stars.\n We report on the discovery of a new planet around HD 99492, namely HD 99492\nc, with an orbital period of 95.2 days and a minimum mass of msin i = 17.9\nM_Earth, and refine the parameters of HD 99492 b. We also update and refine the\nKeplerian solutions for the planets around HD 147379 and HD 190007, but do not\ndetect additional planetary signals. We discard the transiting geometry for the\nplanets, but stress that TESS did not exhaustively cover all the orbital\nphases.\n The addition of the HARPS-N data, and the use of advanced data analysis\ntools, has allowed us to present a more precise view of these three planetary\nsystems. It demonstrates once again the importance of long observational\nefforts such as the RPS program. Added to the RV exoplanet sample, these\nplanets populate two apparently distinct populations revealed by a bimodality\nin the planets minimum mass distribution. The separation is located between 30\nand 50 M_Earth.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:14:44 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Stalport","M.",""],["Cretignier","M.",""],["Udry","S.",""],["John","A. Anna",""],["Wilson","T. G.",""],["Delisle","J. -B.",""],["Bonomo","A. S.",""],["Buchhave","L. A.",""],["Charbonneau","D.",""],["Dalal","S.",""],["Damasso","M.",""],["Di Fabrizio","L.",""],["Dumusque","X.",""],["Fiorenzano","A.",""],["Harutyunyan","A.",""],["Haywood","R. D.",""],["Latham","D. W.",""],["L\u00f3pez-Morales","M.",""],["Lorenzi","V.",""],["Lovis","C.",""],["Malavolta","L.",""],["Molinari","E.",""],["Mortier","A.",""],["Pedani","M.",""],["Pepe","F.",""],["Pinamonti","M.",""],["Poretti","E.",""],["Rice","K.",""],["Sozzetti","A.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05670","submitter":"Leone Di Mauro Villari Dr","authors":"Leone Di Mauro Villari, Alesssandro Principi","title":"The Fracton quantum gas","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.quant-gas cond-mat.str-el","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Starting from a simple dipole-conserving Hamiltonian model, after introducing\na proper quantisation framework, we construct the linear-response theory of a\nfracton quantum gas. We show how to consistently construct the density operator\nand we calculate the density-density linear-response function in the limit of\nlarge number of (fracton) flavours. We show how to construct its random-phase\napproximation, from which we calculate the fracton-plasmon dispersion.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:15:05 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-16","authors_parsed":[["Villari","Leone Di Mauro",""],["Principi","Alesssandro",""]]} {"id":"2308.05671","submitter":"Adrian Ioana","authors":"R\\'emi Boutonnet, Daniel Drimbe, Adrian Ioana, Sorin Popa","title":"Non-isomorphism of $A^{*n}, 2\\leq n \\leq \\infty$, for a non-separable\n abelian von Neumann algebra $A$","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.OA math.FA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We prove that if $A$ is a non-separable abelian tracial von Neuman algebra\nthen its free powers $A^{*n}, 2\\leq n \\leq \\infty$, are mutually non-isomorphic\nand with trivial fundamental group, $\\mathcal F(A^{*n})=1$, whenever $2\\leq\nn<\\infty$. This settles the non-separable version of the free group factor\nproblem.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:17:57 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Boutonnet","R\u00e9mi",""],["Drimbe","Daniel",""],["Ioana","Adrian",""],["Popa","Sorin",""]]} {"id":"2308.05672","submitter":"Mohsen Sadr","authors":"Mohsen Sadr, Qian Wang, M. Hossein Gorji","title":"Coupling kinetic and continuum using data-driven maximum entropy\n distribution","comments":null,"journal-ref":"Journal of Computational Physics, Volume 444, 2021, 110542","doi":"10.1016/j.jcp.2021.110542","report-no":null,"categories":"physics.flu-dyn","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" An important class of multi-scale flow scenarios deals with an interplay\nbetween kinetic and continuum phenomena. While hybrid solvers provide a natural\nway to cope with these settings, two issues restrict their performance.\nForemost, the inverse problem implied by estimating distributions has to be\naddressed, to provide boundary conditions for the kinetic solver. The next\nissue comes from defining a robust yet accurate switching criterion between the\ntwo solvers. This study introduces a data-driven kinetic-continuum coupling,\nwhere the Maximum-Entropy-Distribution (MED) is employed to parametrize\ndistributions arising from continuum field variables. Two regression\nmethodologies of Gaussian-Processes (GPs) and Artificial-Neural-Networks (ANNs)\nare utilized to predict MEDs efficiently. Hence the MED estimates are employed\nto carry out the coupling, besides providing a switching criterion. To achieve\nthe latter, a continuum breakdown parameter is defined by means of the Fisher\ninformation distance computed from the MED estimates. We test the performance\nof our devised MED estimators by recovering bi-modal densities. Next, MED\nestimates are integrated into a hybrid kinetic-continuum solution algorithm.\nHere Direct Simulation Monte-Carlo (DSMC) and Smoothed-Particle Hydrodynamics\n(SPH) are chosen as kinetic and continuum solvers, respectively. The problem of\nmonatomic gas inside Sod's shock tube is investigated, where DSMC-SPH coupling\nis realized by applying the devised MED estimates. Very good agreements with\nrespect to benchmark solutions along with a promising speed-up are observed in\nour reported test cases.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:20:54 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Sadr","Mohsen",""],["Wang","Qian",""],["Gorji","M. Hossein",""]]} {"id":"2308.05673","submitter":"David Walker","authors":"David Walker","title":"Algorithms for 3D Hilbert Encoding and Decoding","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.DS","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" This paper presents algorithms and pseudocode for encoding and decoding 3D\nHilbert orderings.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:22:58 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Walker","David",""]]} {"id":"2308.05674","submitter":"Nikolai Priezjev V.","authors":"Nikolai V. Priezjev","title":"Fatigue behavior of Cu-Zr metallic glasses under cyclic loading","comments":"21 pages, 8 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with\n arXiv:2301.07857","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.soft cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The effect of oscillatory shear deformation on the fatigue life, yielding\ntransition, and flow localization in metallic glasses is investigated using\nmolecular dynamics simulations. We study a well-annealed Cu-Zr amorphous alloy\nsubjected to periodic shear at room temperature. We find that upon loading for\nhundreds of cycles at strain amplitudes just below a critical value, the\npotential energy at zero strain remains nearly constant and plastic events are\nhighly localized. By contrast, at strain amplitudes above the critical point,\nthe plastic deformation is gradually accumulated upon continued loading until\nthe yielding transition and the formation of a shear band across the entire\nsystem. Interestingly, when the strain amplitude approaches the critical value\nfrom above, the number of cycles to failure increases as a power-law function,\nwhich is consistent with the previous results on binary Lennard-Jones glasses.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:23:26 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Priezjev","Nikolai V.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05675","submitter":"Changlong Shen","authors":"Zhiquan Hu, Changlong Shen","title":"Erd\\H{o}s-Gy\\'{a}rf\\'{a}s Conjecture for $P_{10}$-free Graphs","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Let $P_{10}$ be a path on $10$ vertices. A graph is said to be $P_{10}$-free\nif it does not contain $P_{10}$ as an induced subgraph. The well-known\nErd\\H{o}s-Gy\\'{a}rf\\'{a}s Conjecture states that every graph with minimum\ndegree at least three has a cycle whose length is a power of $2$. In this\npaper, we show that every $P_{10}$-free graph with minimum degree at least\nthree contains a cycle of length $4$ or $8$. This implies that the conjecture\nis true for $P_{10}$-free graphs.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:23:39 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Sat, 12 Aug 2023 03:38:34 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-15","authors_parsed":[["Hu","Zhiquan",""],["Shen","Changlong",""]]} {"id":"2308.05676","submitter":"Anna Zhigun","authors":"Anna Zhigun and Mabel Lizzy Rajendran","title":"Modelling non-local cell-cell adhesion: a multiscale approach","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"q-bio.TO math.AP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Cell-cell adhesion plays a vital role in the development and maintenance of\nmulticellular organisms. One of its functions is regulation of cell migration,\nsuch as occurs, e.g. during embryogenesis or in cancer. In this work, we\ndevelop a versatile multiscale approach to modelling a moving self-adhesive\ncell population that combines a careful microscopic description of a\ndeterministic adhesion-driven motion component with an efficient mesoscopic\nrepresentation of a stochastic velocity-jump process. This approach gives rise\nto mesoscopic models in the form of kinetic transport equations featuring\nmultiple non-localities. Subsequent parabolic and hyperbolic scalings produce\ngeneral classes of equations with non-local adhesion and myopic diffusion, a\nspecial case being the classical macroscopic model proposed in [4]. Our\nsimulations show how the combination of the two motion effects can unfold.\nCell-cell adhesion relies on the subcellular cell adhesion molecule binding.\nOur approach lends itself conveniently to capturing this microscopic effect. On\nthe macroscale, this results in an additional non-linear integral equation of a\nnovel type that is coupled to the cell density equation.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:24:04 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Zhigun","Anna",""],["Rajendran","Mabel Lizzy",""]]} {"id":"2308.05677","submitter":"Rajeev Singh","authors":"Sonali Patnaik, Lopamudra Nayak, Rajeev Singh","title":"Assessing Lepton Flavor Universality Violations in Semileptonic Decays","comments":"Comments are welcome!","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ph hep-ex","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In light of recent measurements suggesting potential lepton flavor\nuniversality violations in semileptonic decays at LHCb and other collider\nexperiments, this article offers a brief review of the theoretical basis of\ntree- and loop-level $B$-hadron decays, $b \\to c l \\nu_l$ and $b \\to s l^+\nl^-$, and the experimental conditions. We reassess global averages for\n$\\mathcal{R}_{D(D^*)}$, $\\mathcal{R}_{K(K^*)}$, $\\mathcal{R}_{J/\\psi}$, and\n$\\mathcal{R}_{\\eta_c}$ in semileptonic transitions and have also provided the\nresults for $B_c$ decay channels within the relativistic independent quark\nmodel context. If LHC Run 2 data evaluation corroborates Run 1 measurements,\nthe effect of statistical significance in each decay channel could reach\n5\\,$\\sigma$. The confirmation of these measurements could soon represent the\nfirst notable observation of physics beyond the Standard Model, broadening our\nperspective of New Physics.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:24:11 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Patnaik","Sonali",""],["Nayak","Lopamudra",""],["Singh","Rajeev",""]]} {"id":"2308.05678","submitter":"Beatrice Langella","authors":"Massimiliano Berti, Beatrice Langella, Diego Silimbani","title":"Time periodic solutions of completely resonant Klein-Gordon equations on\n $\\mathbb{S}^3$","comments":"53 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We prove existence and multiplicity of Cantor families of small amplitude\ntime periodic solutions of completely resonant Klein-Gordon equations on the\nsphere $\\mathbb{S}^3$ with quadratic, cubic and quintic nonlinearity, regarded\nas toy models in General Relativity. The solutions are obtained by a\nvariational Lyapunov- Schmidt decomposition, which reduces the problem to the\nsearch of mountain pass critical points of a restricted Euler-Lagrange action\nfunctional. Compactness properties of its gradient are obtained by\nStrichartz-type estimates for the solutions of the linear Klein-Gordon equation\non $\\mathbb{S}^3$.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:27:58 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Berti","Massimiliano",""],["Langella","Beatrice",""],["Silimbani","Diego",""]]} {"id":"2308.05679","submitter":"Laura Boucheron","authors":"Jeremy A. Grajeda, Laura E. Boucheron, Michael S. Kirk, Andrew\n Leisner, and C. Nick Arge","title":"Quantifying the Consistency and Characterizing the Confidence of Coronal\n Holes Detected by Active Contours without Edges (ACWE)","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.SR astro-ph.IM","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" This paper presents an intramethod ensemble for coronal hole (CH) detection\nbased on the Active Contours Without Edges (ACWE) segmentation algorithm. The\npurpose of this ensemble is to develop a confidence map that defines, for all\non disk regions of a Solar extreme ultraviolet (EUV) image, the likelihood that\neach region belongs to a CH based on that region's proximity to, and\nhomogeneity with, the core of identified CH regions. CHs are regions of open\nmagnetic field lines, resulting in high speed solar wind. Accurate detection of\nCHs is vital for space weather prediction. By relying on region homogeneity,\nand not intensity (which can vary due to various factors including line of\nsight changes and stray light from nearby bright regions), to define the final\nconfidence of any given region, this ensemble is able to provide robust,\nconsistent delineations of the CH regions. Using the metrics of global\nconsistency error (GCE), local consistency error (LCE), intersection over union\n(IOU), and the structural similarity index measure (SSIM), the method is shown\nto be robust to different spatial resolutions and different intensity\nresolutions. Furthermore, using the same metrics, the method is shown to be\nrobust across short timescales, indicating self-consistent segmentations.\nFinally, the accuracy of the segmentations and confidence maps are validated by\nconsidering the skewness (i.e., unipolarity) of the underlying magnetic field.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:29:14 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Grajeda","Jeremy A.",""],["Boucheron","Laura E.",""],["Kirk","Michael S.",""],["Leisner","Andrew",""],["Arge","C. Nick",""]]} {"id":"2308.05680","submitter":"Iknoor Singh","authors":"Iknoor Singh, Carolina Scarton, Xingyi Song, Kalina Bontcheva","title":"Finding Already Debunked Narratives via Multistage Retrieval: Enabling\n Cross-Lingual, Cross-Dataset and Zero-Shot Learning","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.CY cs.IR cs.LG cs.SI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The task of retrieving already debunked narratives aims to detect stories\nthat have already been fact-checked. The successful detection of claims that\nhave already been debunked not only reduces the manual efforts of professional\nfact-checkers but can also contribute to slowing the spread of misinformation.\nMainly due to the lack of readily available data, this is an understudied\nproblem, particularly when considering the cross-lingual task, i.e. the\nretrieval of fact-checking articles in a language different from the language\nof the online post being checked. This paper fills this gap by (i) creating a\nnovel dataset to enable research on cross-lingual retrieval of already debunked\nnarratives, using tweets as queries to a database of fact-checking articles;\n(ii) presenting an extensive experiment to benchmark fine-tuned and\noff-the-shelf multilingual pre-trained Transformer models for this task; and\n(iii) proposing a novel multistage framework that divides this cross-lingual\ndebunk retrieval task into refinement and re-ranking stages. Results show that\nthe task of cross-lingual retrieval of already debunked narratives is\nchallenging and off-the-shelf Transformer models fail to outperform a strong\nlexical-based baseline (BM25). Nevertheless, our multistage retrieval framework\nis robust, outperforming BM25 in most scenarios and enabling cross-domain and\nzero-shot learning, without significantly harming the model's performance.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:33:17 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Singh","Iknoor",""],["Scarton","Carolina",""],["Song","Xingyi",""],["Bontcheva","Kalina",""]]} {"id":"2308.05681","submitter":"Ziyi Chang","authors":"Zhengzhi Lu, He Wang, Ziyi Chang, Guoan Yang and Hubert P. H. Shum","title":"Hard No-Box Adversarial Attack on Skeleton-Based Human Action\n Recognition with Skeleton-Motion-Informed Gradient","comments":"Camera-ready version for ICCV 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Recently, methods for skeleton-based human activity recognition have been\nshown to be vulnerable to adversarial attacks. However, these attack methods\nrequire either the full knowledge of the victim (i.e. white-box attacks),\naccess to training data (i.e. transfer-based attacks) or frequent model queries\n(i.e. black-box attacks). All their requirements are highly restrictive,\nraising the question of how detrimental the vulnerability is. In this paper, we\nshow that the vulnerability indeed exists. To this end, we consider a new\nattack task: the attacker has no access to the victim model or the training\ndata or labels, where we coin the term hard no-box attack. Specifically, we\nfirst learn a motion manifold where we define an adversarial loss to compute a\nnew gradient for the attack, named skeleton-motion-informed (SMI) gradient. Our\ngradient contains information of the motion dynamics, which is different from\nexisting gradient-based attack methods that compute the loss gradient assuming\neach dimension in the data is independent. The SMI gradient can augment many\ngradient-based attack methods, leading to a new family of no-box attack\nmethods. Extensive evaluation and comparison show that our method imposes a\nreal threat to existing classifiers. They also show that the SMI gradient\nimproves the transferability and imperceptibility of adversarial samples in\nboth no-box and transfer-based black-box settings.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:34:20 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Fri, 18 Aug 2023 15:34:40 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-21","authors_parsed":[["Lu","Zhengzhi",""],["Wang","He",""],["Chang","Ziyi",""],["Yang","Guoan",""],["Shum","Hubert P. H.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05682","submitter":"Yan V. Fyodorov","authors":"Yan V. Fyodorov","title":"On the density of complex eigenvalues of Wigner reaction matrix in a\n disordered or chaotic system with absorption","comments":"22 pages, 2 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.dis-nn math-ph math.MP nlin.CD","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In an absorptive system the Wigner reaction $K-$matrix (directly related to\nthe impedance matrix in acoustic or electromagnetic wave scattering) is\nnon-selfadjoint, hence its eigenvalues are complex. The most interesting regime\narises when the absorption, taken into account as an imaginary part of the\nspectral parameter, is of the order of the mean level spacing. I show how to\nderive the mean density of the complex eigenvalues for reflection problems in\ndisordered or chaotic systems with broken time-reversal invariance. The\ncomputations are done in the framework of nonlinear $\\sigma-$ model approach,\nassuming fixed $M$ and $N\\to \\infty$. Some explicit formulas are provided for\nzero-dimensional quantum chaotic system as well as for a semi-infinite quasi-1D\nsystem with fully operative Anderson localization.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:35:48 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Fyodorov","Yan V.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05683","submitter":"David Stark","authors":"David Stark, Filippos Kapsalidis, Sergej Markmann, Mathieu Bertrand,\n Bahareh Marzban, Emilio Gini, Mattias Beck, and J\\'er\\^ome Faist","title":"Quantum Cascade Surface Emitting Lasers","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.optics physics.app-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" A low-cost single frequency laser emitting in the mid-infrared spectral\nregion and dissipating minimal electrical power is a key ingredient for the\nnext generation of portable gas sensors for high-volume applications involving\nchemical sensing of important greenhouse and pollutant gases. We propose here a\nQuantum Cascade Surface Emitting Laser (QCSEL), which we implement as a short\nlinear cavity with high reflectivity coated end-mirrors to suppress any edge\nemission and use a buried semiconductor diffraction grating to extract the\nlight from the surface. By wafer-level testing we investigate the cavity length\nscaling, extract mirror reflectivities larger than 0.9, and achieve a pulsed\nthreshold power dissipation of 237 mW for an emission wavelength near 7.5\n$\\mu$m. Finally, we demonstrate single mode emission with a side-mode\nsuppression ratio larger than 33 dB of a 248 $\\mu$m short cavity mounted with\nthe epitaxial layer up and operated in continuous wave at 20 $^\\circ$C.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:38:47 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Stark","David",""],["Kapsalidis","Filippos",""],["Markmann","Sergej",""],["Bertrand","Mathieu",""],["Marzban","Bahareh",""],["Gini","Emilio",""],["Beck","Mattias",""],["Faist","J\u00e9r\u00f4me",""]]} {"id":"2308.05684","submitter":"Ignacio Del Amo","authors":"Ignacio del Amo and Peter Ditlevsen","title":"Escape by jumps and diffusion by {\\alpha}-stable noise across the\n barrier in a double well potential","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.stat-mech","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Many physical and chemical phenomena are governed by stochastic escape across\npotential barriers. The escape time depends on the structure of the noise and\nthe shape of the potential barrier. By applying $\\alpha$-stable noise from the\n$\\alpha=2$ Gaussian noise limit to the $\\alpha<2$ jump processes, we find a\ncontinuous transition of the mean escape time from the usual dependence on the\nheight of the barrier for Gaussian noise to a dependence solely on the width of\nthe barrier for $\\alpha$-stable noise. We consider the exit problem of a\nprocess driven by $\\alpha$-stable noise in a double well potential. We study\nindividually the influences of the width and the height of the potential\nbarrier in the escape time and we show through scalings that the asymptotic\nlaws are described by a universal curve independent of both parameters. When\nthe dependence in the stability parameter is considered, we see that there are\ntwo different diffusive regimes in which diffusion is described either by\nKramer's time or by the corresponding asymptotic law for $\\alpha$-stable noise.\nWe determine the regions of the noise parameter space in which each regime\nprevails, and exploit this result to construct an anomalous example in which a\ndouble well potential exhibit a different diffusion regime in each well for a\nwide range of parameters.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:38:48 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["del Amo","Ignacio",""],["Ditlevsen","Peter",""]]} {"id":"2308.05685","submitter":"Netta Haroush","authors":"Netta Haroush, Michal Levo, Eric Wieschaus and Thomas Gregor","title":"Functional analysis of a gene locus in response to non-canonical\n combinations of transcription factors","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"q-bio.MN","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Transcription factor combinations determine gene locus activity and thereby\ncell identity. However, the precise link between concentrations of such\nactivating transcription factors and target-gene activity is ambiguous. Here we\ninvestigate this link for the gap gene dependent activation of the even-skipped\n(eve) locus in the Drosophila embryo. We simultaneously measure the\nspatiotemporal gap gene concentrations in hemizygous and homozygous gap\nmutants, and link these to eve activity. Although changes in expression extend\nwell beyond the genetically manipulated gene, nearly all expression\nalternations approximate the canonical combinations of activating levels in\nwild-type, sometimes necessitating pattern shifts. Expression levels that\ndiverge from the wild-type repertoire still drive locus activation. Specific\nstripes in the homozygous mutants show partial penetrance, justifying their\nrenown variable phenotypes. However, all eve stripes appear at highly\nreproducible positions, even though a broader span of gap gene expression\nlevels activates eve. Our results suggest a correction capacity of the gap gene\nnetwork and set constraints on the activity of multi-enhancer gene loci.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:38:59 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Haroush","Netta",""],["Levo","Michal",""],["Wieschaus","Eric",""],["Gregor","Thomas",""]]} {"id":"2308.05686","submitter":"Jinxin Hu","authors":"Jin-Xin Hu, Shuai A. Chen and K. T. Law","title":"Anomalous Coherence Length in Superconductors with Quantum Metric","comments":"8 pages, 5 figures, plus Supplementary Material","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.supr-con","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The coherence length $\\xi$ is a fundamental length scale of superconductors\nwhich governs the sizes of Cooper pairs, vortices, Andreev bound states and\nmore. In existing microscopic theories of superconductivity, it is expected\nthat as the attractive interaction increases, $\\xi$ decreases as the electrons\nare bound together more strongly. In BCS theory, for example, the coherence\nlength is $\\xi_\\mathrm{BCS} = \\hbar v_{F}/\\Delta$, where $v_{F}$ is the Fermi\nvelocity and $\\Delta$ is the pairing gap. It is clear that increasing $\\Delta$\nwill shorten $\\xi_\\mathrm{BCS}$. However, the situation is puzzling for\nsuperconductors with completely flat bands in which $v_{F}$ goes to zero and\n$\\xi_\\mathrm{BCS}$ is expected to be zero. In this work, we show that the\nquantum metric, which is the real part of the quantum geometric tensor, gives\nrise to an anomalous contribution to the coherence length. Specifically, $\\xi =\n\\sqrt{\\xi_\\mathrm{BCS}^2 +\\ell_{\\mathrm{qm}}^{2}}$ for a superconductor where\n$\\ell_{\\mathrm{qm}}$ is the quantum metric contribution. In the flat band\nlimit, $\\xi$ does not vanish but bound by $\\ell_{\\mathrm{qm}}$. Incredibly, for\nthe nontrivial flat bands with Chern number $C$, $\\xi$ has a topological bound\nof $\\xi\\geq a\\sqrt{\\vert C \\vert/4\\pi}$ where $a$ is the lattice constant.\nPhysically, the Cooper pair size of a superconductor cannot be squeezed down to\na size smaller than $\\ell_{\\mathrm{qm}}$ which is a fundamental length scale\ndetermined by the quantum geometry of the bands. Finally, we calculate the\nquantum metric contributions for the superconducting moir\\'e graphene family\nand show that the quantum metric effects are very important in these\nsuperconductors.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:41:18 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Hu","Jin-Xin",""],["Chen","Shuai A.",""],["Law","K. T.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05687","submitter":"Petter Andreas Bergh","authors":"Petter Andreas Bergh, Julia Yael Plavnik, Sarah Witherspoon","title":"Support varieties without the tensor product property","comments":"11 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":"Hamburger Beitr. zur Mathematik Nr 946; ZMP-HH/23-12","categories":"math.QA math.KT math.RT","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We show that over a perfect field, every non-semisimple finite tensor\ncategory with finitely generated cohomology embeds into a larger such category\nwhere the tensor product property does not hold for support varieties.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:41:30 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Bergh","Petter Andreas",""],["Plavnik","Julia Yael",""],["Witherspoon","Sarah",""]]} {"id":"2308.05688","submitter":"Lionel Pournin","authors":"Hugo Parlier, Lionel Pournin","title":"Counting geodesics between surface triangulations","comments":"26 pages, 7 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.GT cs.CG math.CO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Given a surface $\\Sigma$ equipped with a set $P$ of marked points, we\nconsider the triangulations of $\\Sigma$ with vertex set $P$. The flip-graph of\n$\\Sigma$ whose vertices are these triangulations, and whose edges correspond to\nflipping arcs appears in the study of moduli spaces and mapping class groups.\nWe consider the number of geodesics in the flip-graph of $\\Sigma$ between two\ntriangulations as a function of their distance. We show that this number grows\nexponentially provided the surface has enough topology, and that in the\nremaining cases the growth is polynomial.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:41:52 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Parlier","Hugo",""],["Pournin","Lionel",""]]} {"id":"2308.05689","submitter":"Franz Achleitner","authors":"Franz Achleitner, Anton Arnold, Ansgar J\\\"ungel","title":"Necessary and sufficient conditions for strong stability of explicit\n Runge-Kutta methods","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NA cs.NA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Strong stability is a property of time integration schemes for ODEs that\npreserve temporal monotonicity of solutions in arbitrary (inner product) norms.\nIt is proved that explicit Runge--Kutta schemes of order $p\\in 4\\mathbb{N}$\nwith $s=p$ stages for linear autonomous ODE systems are not strongly stable,\nclosing an open stability question from [Z.~Sun and C.-W.~Shu, SIAM J. Numer.\nAnal. 57 (2019), 1158--1182]. Furthermore, for explicit Runge--Kutta methods of\norder $p\\in\\mathbb{N}$ and $s>p$ stages, we prove several sufficient as well as\nnecessary conditions for strong stability. These conditions involve both the\nstability function and the hypocoercivity index of the ODE system matrix. This\nindex is a structural property combining the Hermitian and skew-Hermitian part\nof the system matrix.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:43:19 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Achleitner","Franz",""],["Arnold","Anton",""],["J\u00fcngel","Ansgar",""]]} {"id":"2308.05690","submitter":"Ao-Xiang Liu","authors":"Ao-Xiang Liu, Ma-Cheng Yang and Cong-Feng Qiao","title":"A Universal Quantum Certainty Relation for Arbitrary Number of\n Observables","comments":"15 pages, 3 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We derive by lattice theory a universal quantum certainty relation for\narbitrary $M$ observables in $N$-dimensional system, which provides a\nstate-independent maximum lower bound on the direct-sum of the probability\ndistribution vectors (PDVs) in terms of majorization relation. While the utmost\nlower bound coincides with $(1/N,...,1/N)$ for any two orthogonal bases, the\nmajorization certainty relation for $M\\geqslant3$ is shown to be nontrivial.\nThe universal majorization bounds for three mutually complementary observables\nand a more general set of observables in dimension-2 are achieved. It is found\nthat one cannot prepare a quantum state with PDVs of incompatible observables\nspreading out arbitrarily. Moreover, we obtain a complementary relation for the\nquantum coherence as well, which characterizes a trade-off relation of quantum\ncoherence with different bases.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:44:10 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Liu","Ao-Xiang",""],["Yang","Ma-Cheng",""],["Qiao","Cong-Feng",""]]} {"id":"2308.05691","submitter":"Junichiro Kawamura","authors":"Waleed Abdallah, Mustafa Ashry, Junichiro Kawamura and Ahmad Moursy","title":"Semi-visible dark photon in a model with vector-like leptons for the\n $(g-2)_{e,\\mu}$ and $W$-boson mass anomalies","comments":"20 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":"CTPU-PTC-23-32","categories":"hep-ph hep-ex","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We propose a model realizes that a semi-visible dark photon which can\ncontribute to the anomalous magnetic moment ($g-2$) of both electron and muon.\nIn this model, the electron $g-2$ is deviated from the Standard Model (SM)\nprediction by the 1-loop diagrams involving the vector-like leptons, while that\nof muon is deviated due to a non-vanishing gauge kinetic mixing with photons.\nWe also argue that the $W$-boson mass can be deviated from the SM prediction\ndue to the vector-like lepton loops, so that the value obtained by the CDF II\nexperiment can be explained. Thus, this model simultaneously explains the\nrecent three anomalies in $g-2$ of electron and muon as well as the $W$-boson\nmass. The constraints on the $\\mathcal{O}(1)~\\mathrm{GeV}$ dark photon can be\navoided because of the semi-invisible decay of the dark photon, $A^\\prime \\to 2\nN \\to 2\\nu \\,2\\chi \\to 2\\nu \\,4e$, where $N$ is a SM singlet vector-like\nneutrino and $\\chi$ is a CP-even Higgs boson of the $U(1)^\\prime$ gauge\nsymmetry.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:46:57 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Abdallah","Waleed",""],["Ashry","Mustafa",""],["Kawamura","Junichiro",""],["Moursy","Ahmad",""]]} {"id":"2308.05692","submitter":"Xinchi Han","authors":"Xinchi Han and Weihao Jiang and Peirui Cao and Qinwei Yang and Yunzhuo\n Liu and Shuyao Qi and Shengkai Lin and Shizhen Zhao","title":"Isolated Scheduling for Distributed Training Tasks in GPU Clusters","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.DC","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Distributed machine learning (DML) technology makes it possible to train\nlarge neural networks in a reasonable amount of time. Meanwhile, as the\ncomputing power grows much faster than network capacity, network communication\nhas gradually become the bottleneck of DML. Current multi-tenant GPU clusters\nface network contention caused by hash-collision problem which not only further\nincreases the overhead of communication, but also creates unfairness and\naffects the user experience. In this paper, we firstly analyse how network\ncontention affects the training time in a cluster with 32 NVIDIA V100 GPUs.\nThen we propose vClos to eliminate network contention by jointly optimizing\nnetwork topology and communication pattern in distributed training. An\nOCS-vClos which introduces a layer of optical circuit switches (OCSs) in the\nleaf-spine network is also proposed to reduce potential network resource\nfragmentation caused by resource allocation strategy in vClos. Testbed\nexperiments and real-trace-based large-scale simulations are conducted to\ndemonstrate the superiority of vClos over existing network resource scheduling\nstrategies.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:48:57 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Han","Xinchi",""],["Jiang","Weihao",""],["Cao","Peirui",""],["Yang","Qinwei",""],["Liu","Yunzhuo",""],["Qi","Shuyao",""],["Lin","Shengkai",""],["Zhao","Shizhen",""]]} {"id":"2308.05693","submitter":"Benedikt Pago","authors":"Moritz Lichter, Benedikt Pago, Tim Seppelt","title":"Limitations of Game Comonads via Homomorphism Indistinguishability","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Abramsky, Dawar, and Wang (2017) introduced the pebbling comonad for\nk-variable counting logic and thereby initiated a line of work that imports\ncategory theoretic machinery to finite model theory. Such game comonads have\nbeen developed for various logics, yielding characterisations of logical\nequivalences in terms of isomorphisms in the associated co-Kleisli category. We\nshow a first limitation of this approach by studying linear-algebraic logic,\nwhich is strictly more expressive than first-order counting logic and whose\nk-variable logical equivalence relations are known as invertible-map\nequivalences (IM). We show that there exists no finite-rank comonad on the\ncategory of graphs whose co-Kleisli isomorphisms characterise IM-equivalence,\nanswering a question of \\'O Conghaile and Dawar (CSL 2021). We obtain this\nresult by ruling out a characterisation of IM-equivalence in terms of\nhomomorphism indistinguishability and employing the Lov\\'asz-type theorems for\ngame comonads established by Dawar, Jakl, and Reggio (2021). Two graphs are\nhomomorphism indistinguishable over a graph class if they admit the same number\nof homomorphisms from every graph in the class. The IM-equivalences cannot be\ncharacterised in this way, neither when counting homomorphisms in the natural\nnumbers, nor in any finite prime field.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:54:12 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Lichter","Moritz",""],["Pago","Benedikt",""],["Seppelt","Tim",""]]} {"id":"2308.05694","submitter":"Margaryta Myronyuk Dr","authors":"Margaryta Myronyuk","title":"Identically distributed random vectors on locally compact Abelian groups","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.PR math.ST stat.TH","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" L. Klebanov proved the following theorem. Let $\\xi_1, \\dots, \\xi_n$ be\nindependent random variables. Consider linear forms\n$L_1=a_1\\xi_1+\\cdots+a_n\\xi_n,$ $L_2=b_1\\xi_1+\\cdots+b_n\\xi_n,$\n$L_3=c_1\\xi_1+\\cdots+c_n\\xi_n,$ $L_4=d_1\\xi_1+\\cdots+d_n\\xi_n,$ where the\ncoefficients $a_j, b_j, c_j, d_j$ are real numbers. If the random vectors\n$(L_1,L_2)$ and $(L_3,L_4)$ are identically distributed, then all $\\xi_i$ for\nwhich $a_id_j-b_ic_j\\neq 0$ for all $j=\\overline{1,n}$ are Gaussian random\nvariables. The present article is devoted to an analog of the Klebanov theorem\nin the case when random variables take values in a locally compact Abelian\ngroup and the coefficients of the linear forms are integers.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:55:51 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Myronyuk","Margaryta",""]]} {"id":"2308.05695","submitter":"Zixuan Pan","authors":"Zixuan Pan, Jianxu Chen, Yiyu Shi","title":"Masked Diffusion as Self-supervised Representation Learner","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Denoising diffusion probabilistic models have recently demonstrated\nstate-of-the-art generative performance and been used as strong pixel-level\nrepresentation learners. This paper decomposes the interrelation between the\ngenerative capability and representation learning ability inherent in diffusion\nmodels. We present masked diffusion model (MDM), a scalable self-supervised\nrepresentation learner that substitutes the conventional additive Gaussian\nnoise of traditional diffusion with a masking mechanism. Our proposed approach\nconvincingly surpasses prior benchmarks, demonstrating remarkable advancements\nin both medical and natural image semantic segmentation tasks, particularly\nwithin the context of few-shot scenario.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:57:14 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Sun, 27 Aug 2023 22:05:35 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-29","authors_parsed":[["Pan","Zixuan",""],["Chen","Jianxu",""],["Shi","Yiyu",""]]} {"id":"2308.05696","submitter":"Bowen Yu","authors":"Yingxiu Zhao, Bowen Yu, Binyuan Hui, Haiyang Yu, Fei Huang, Yongbin\n Li, Nevin L. Zhang","title":"A Preliminary Study of the Intrinsic Relationship between Complexity and\n Alignment","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Training large language models (LLMs) with open-domain instruction data has\nyielded remarkable success in aligning to end tasks and user preferences.\nExtensive research has highlighted that enhancing the quality and diversity of\ninstruction data consistently improves performance. However, the impact of data\ncomplexity, as a crucial metric, remains relatively unexplored in three\naspects: (1) scaling law, where the sustainability of performance improvements\nwith increasing complexity is uncertain, (2) additional tokens, whether the\nimprovement brought by complexity comes from introducing more training tokens,\nand (3) curriculum tuning, where the potential advantages of incorporating\ninstructions ranging from easy to difficult are not yet fully understood. In\nthis paper, we propose \\textit{tree-instruct} to systematically enhance the\ncomplexity of instruction data in a controllable manner. This approach adds a\nspecified number of nodes into the instruction semantic tree, yielding new\ninstruction data based on the modified tree. By adjusting the number of added\nnodes, we can control the difficulty level in the modified instruction data.\nOur preliminary experiments reveal the following insights: (1) Increasing\ncomplexity consistently leads to sustained performance improvements. For\ninstance, using 1,000 instruction data and 10 nodes resulted in a substantial\n24\\% increase in win rate. (2) Under the same token budget, a few complex\ninstructions outperform diverse yet simple instructions. (3) Curriculum\ninstruction tuning might not yield the anticipated results; focusing on\nincreasing complexity appears to be the key.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:58:51 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Zhao","Yingxiu",""],["Yu","Bowen",""],["Hui","Binyuan",""],["Yu","Haiyang",""],["Huang","Fei",""],["Li","Yongbin",""],["Zhang","Nevin L.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05697","submitter":"Xubin Ren","authors":"Xubin Ren, Lianghao Xia, Yuhao Yang, Wei Wei, Tianle Wang, Xuheng Cai\n and Chao Huang","title":"SSLRec: A Self-Supervised Learning Library for Recommendation","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IR cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Self-supervised learning (SSL) has gained significant interest in recent\nyears as a solution to address the challenges posed by sparse and noisy data in\nrecommender systems. Despite the growing number of SSL algorithms designed to\nprovide state-of-the-art performance in various recommendation scenarios (e.g.,\ngraph collaborative filtering, sequential recommendation, social\nrecommendation, KG-enhanced recommendation), there is still a lack of unified\nframeworks that integrate recommendation algorithms across different domains.\nSuch a framework could serve as the cornerstone for self-supervised\nrecommendation algorithms, unifying the validation of existing methods and\ndriving the design of new ones. To address this gap, we introduce SSLRec, a\nnovel benchmark platform that provides a standardized, flexible, and\ncomprehensive framework for evaluating various SSL-enhanced recommenders. The\nSSLRec library features a modular architecture that allows users to easily\nevaluate state-of-the-art models and a complete set of data augmentation and\nself-supervised toolkits to help create SSL recommendation models with specific\nneeds. Furthermore, SSLRec simplifies the process of training and evaluating\ndifferent recommendation models with consistent and fair settings. Our SSLRec\nplatform covers a comprehensive set of state-of-the-art SSL-enhanced\nrecommendation models across different scenarios, enabling researchers to\nevaluate these cutting-edge models and drive further innovation in the field.\nOur implemented SSLRec framework is available at the source code repository\nhttps://github.com/HKUDS/SSLRec.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:59:36 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Ren","Xubin",""],["Xia","Lianghao",""],["Yang","Yuhao",""],["Wei","Wei",""],["Wang","Tianle",""],["Cai","Xuheng",""],["Huang","Chao",""]]} {"id":"2308.05698","submitter":"Kojo Adu-Gyamfi","authors":"Kojo Konadu Adu-Gyamfi, Karo Ahmadi-Dehrashid, Yaw Okyere Adu-Gyamfi,\n Pujitha Gunaratne, Anuj Sharma","title":"MobiScout: A Scalable Cloud-Based Driving and Activity Monitoring\n Platform Featuring an IOS App and a WatchOS Extension","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SE","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" MobiScout is an iOS software that monitors users' driving habits and\nphysiological conditions while on the road. The Mobiscout app was created to\nprovide a low-cost next-generation data collection and analysis solution for\nnaturalistic driving studies. MobiScout collects real-time data, including\nphysiological information from drivers in their normal driving conditions using\nsensors and cameras on mobile phones, smartwatches, and Bluetooth-enabled OBD\nequipment. The MobiScout software captures vehicle and driving data, including\nspeed, braking, pulse rate, and acceleration, while the phone's camera captures\neverything inside and outside the car. Data captured can be streamed to cloud\nstorage in real-time or persisted in local storage in WIFI dead zones. The\ninformation gathered will be studied further to better understand typical\ntraffic behavior, performance, surroundings, and driving context among drivers.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:00:46 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Adu-Gyamfi","Kojo Konadu",""],["Ahmadi-Dehrashid","Karo",""],["Adu-Gyamfi","Yaw Okyere",""],["Gunaratne","Pujitha",""],["Sharma","Anuj",""]]} {"id":"2308.05699","submitter":"Aaron Goldberg","authors":"Aaron Z. Goldberg and Khabat Heshami","title":"Teleamplification on Borealis","comments":"7+4 pages, 5+6 figures; comments always welcome","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" A recent theoretical proposal for teleamplification requires preparation of\nFock states, programmable interferometers, and photon-number resolving\ndetectors to herald the teleamplification of an input state. These enable\nteleportation and heralded noiseless linear amplification of a photonic state\nup to an arbitrarily large energy cutoff. We report on adapting this proposal\nfor Borealis and demonstrating teleamplification of squeezed-vacuum states with\nvariable amplification factors. The results match the theoretical predictions\nand exhibit features of amplification in the teleported mode. This\ndemonstration motivates the continued development of photonic quantum computing\nhardware for noiseless linear amplification's applications across quantum\ncommunication, sensing, and error correction.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:02:32 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Goldberg","Aaron Z.",""],["Heshami","Khabat",""]]} {"id":"2308.05700","submitter":"Sarah E Carter","authors":"Sarah E. Carter, Mathieu d'Aquin, Dayana Spagnuelo, Ilaria Tiddi,\n Kathryn Cormican, Heike Felzmann","title":"The Privacy-Value-App Relationship and the Value-Centered Privacy\n Assistant","comments":"14 pages, Preprint; under review. Supplementary available at:\n https://zenodo.org/record/8234190","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CR cs.CY cs.HC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Many of us make quick decisions that affect our data privacy on our\nsmartphones without due consideration of our values. One such decision point is\nestablishing whether to download a smartphone app or not. In this work, we aim\nto better understand the relationship between our values, our privacy\npreferences, and our app choices, as well as explore the effectiveness of a\nsmartphone value-centered privacy assistant (VcPA) at promoting value-centered\napp selection. To do this, we conducted a mixed-methods study that involved two\nphases. The first was an online survey of 273 smartphone user's values and\nprivacy preferences when considering whether to download one of two apps (Lose\nIt! and OpenLitterMap). Our results suggest that values and privacy preferences\nare related in an app or context-dependent manner. The second phase was testing\nthe VcPA with 77 users in a synthetic Mock App Store setting. We established\nusability of a VcPA, with the VcPA helping some users more than others with\nselecting apps consistent with their selected value profile. Future qualitative\nand context-specific explorations of user perspectives could contribute to\nadequately capturing the specific role of values for privacy decision-making\nand improving the VcPA.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:04:12 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Carter","Sarah E.",""],["d'Aquin","Mathieu",""],["Spagnuelo","Dayana",""],["Tiddi","Ilaria",""],["Cormican","Kathryn",""],["Felzmann","Heike",""]]} {"id":"2308.05701","submitter":"Daniel Bogdoll","authors":"Daniel Bogdoll, Lukas Bosch, Tim Joseph, Helen Gremmelmaier, Yitian\n Yang, J. Marius Z\\\"ollner","title":"Exploring the Potential of World Models for Anomaly Detection in\n Autonomous Driving","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI cs.RO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In recent years there have been remarkable advancements in autonomous\ndriving. While autonomous vehicles demonstrate high performance in closed-set\nconditions, they encounter difficulties when confronted with unexpected\nsituations. At the same time, world models emerged in the field of model-based\nreinforcement learning as a way to enable agents to predict the future\ndepending on potential actions. This led to outstanding results in sparse\nreward and complex control tasks. This work provides an overview of how world\nmodels can be leveraged to perform anomaly detection in the domain of\nautonomous driving. We provide a characterization of world models and relate\nindividual components to previous works in anomaly detection to facilitate\nfurther research in the field.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:04:51 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Bogdoll","Daniel",""],["Bosch","Lukas",""],["Joseph","Tim",""],["Gremmelmaier","Helen",""],["Yang","Yitian",""],["Z\u00f6llner","J. Marius",""]]} {"id":"2308.05702","submitter":"Ranjan Modak","authors":"Ranjan Modak","title":"Engineering skin effect across a junction of Hermitian and non-Hermitian\n lattice","comments":"7 pages, 8 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.dis-nn cond-mat.stat-mech quant-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We study a system where the two edges of a non-Hermitian lattice with\nasymmetric nearest-neighbor hopping are connected with two Hermitian lattices\nwith symmetric nearest-neighbor hopping.\n In the absence of those Hermitian lattices, the majority of the eigenstates\nof the system will be localized at the edges, the phenomena known as the\nnon-Hermitian skin effect. We show that once we connect it with the Hermitian\nlattices, for open boundary conditions (OBC), the localized states exist at the\njunction of the non-Hermitian and Hermitian lattice; moreover, the spectrum\nshows mobility edges that separate delocalized and localized states. On the\ncontrary, mobility edges vanish for periodic boundary conditions (PBC), and the\ndelocalized phase turns into a scale-invariant localized phase, where the\nlocalized states are still peaked at the junctions. We also find that if the\nconnected Hermitian lattices are thermodynamically large, in OBC, most of the\nstates become delocalized, while in PBC, the system still shows the\nscale-invariant localized phase.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:06:55 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Modak","Ranjan",""]]} {"id":"2308.05703","submitter":"Jose Ceniceros","authors":"Jose Ceniceros","title":"$p$-Fold Cyclic Branched Covers and Overtwisted Contact Structures","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.GT math.DG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" This article presents an alternate way to prove a result originally proven by\nHarvey, Kawamuro, and Plamenvskaya in \\cite{HaKaPl}. We accomplish this by\nexplicitly constructing an overtwisted disk in the $p$-fold cyclic branched\ncover of $S^3$ with the standard contact structure branched along a carefully\nselected transverse knot. Furthermore, by utilizing this construction of the\novertwisted disk, we can see that the overtwisted disk is contained in the\ncomplement of the branch locus.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:07:17 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Ceniceros","Jose",""]]} {"id":"2308.05704","submitter":"Alfredo Glioti","authors":"Siyu Chen, Alfredo Glioti, Giuliano Panico, Andrea Wulzer","title":"Boosting likelihood learning with event reweighting","comments":"51 pages, 13 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ph hep-ex","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Extracting maximal information from experimental data requires access to the\nlikelihood function, which however is never directly available for complex\nexperiments like those performed at high energy colliders. Theoretical\npredictions are obtained in this context by Monte Carlo events, which do\nfurnish an accurate but abstract and implicit representation of the likelihood.\nStrategies based on statistical learning are currently being developed to infer\nthe likelihood function explicitly by training a continuous-output classifier\non Monte Carlo events. In this paper, we investigate the usage of Monte Carlo\nevents that incorporate the dependence on the parameters of interest by\nreweighting. This enables more accurate likelihood learning with less training\ndata and a more robust learning scheme that is more suited for automation and\nextensive deployment. We illustrate these advantages in the context of LHC\nprecision probes of new Effective Field Theory interactions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:07:49 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Chen","Siyu",""],["Glioti","Alfredo",""],["Panico","Giuliano",""],["Wulzer","Andrea",""]]} {"id":"2308.05705","submitter":"Md Abhishek","authors":"Md. Abhishek, Subramanya Hegde, Dileep P. Jatkar, Arnab Priya Saha,\n and Amit Suthar","title":"Loop Amplitudes in the Coulomb Branch of $\\mathcal{N}=4$\n Super-Yang-Mills Theory","comments":"44 pages, 11 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-th","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We study four point loop amplitudes at an arbitrary point in the Coulomb\nbranch of $\\mathcal{N}=4$ super-Yang-Mills theory. We study two particle\nunitary cuts up to four loop order. We explicitly verify that bubble and\ntriangle graphs do not contribute at one loop level and show that the results\nhold at higher loop level as well. We also write down an all loop recursion\nrelation for two particle reducible graphs for four point amplitudes.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:08:31 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Abhishek","Md.",""],["Hegde","Subramanya",""],["Jatkar","Dileep P.",""],["Saha","Arnab Priya",""],["Suthar","Amit",""]]} {"id":"2308.05706","submitter":"Paolo Saracco","authors":"Paolo Saracco","title":"A remark on the Galois-type correspondence between ideal coideals and\n comodule subrings of a Hopf algebroid","comments":"13 pages, comments are welcome","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.RA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We exhibit a bijective correspondence between certain left ideal coideals in\na Hopf algebroid for which the resulting quotient is a coequalizer and certain\nright coideal subrings which are themselves an equalizer, remarkably improving\na recent result of the author obtained in collaboration with L. El Kaoutit, A.\nGhobadi and J. Vercruysse. Interpreting this result in the Hopf algebra setting\nprovides a bijective correspondence which extends the previously known cases.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:10:13 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Saracco","Paolo",""]]} {"id":"2308.05707","submitter":"Jiageng Zhu","authors":"Jiageng Zhu, Hanchen Xie, Jianhua Wu, Jiazhi Li, Mahyar Khayatkhoei,\n Mohamed E. Hussein, Wael AbdAlmageed","title":"Shadow Datasets, New challenging datasets for Causal Representation\n Learning","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Discovering causal relations among semantic factors is an emergent topic in\nrepresentation learning. Most causal representation learning (CRL) methods are\nfully supervised, which is impractical due to costly labeling. To resolve this\nrestriction, weakly supervised CRL methods were introduced. To evaluate CRL\nperformance, four existing datasets, Pendulum, Flow, CelebA(BEARD) and\nCelebA(SMILE), are utilized. However, existing CRL datasets are limited to\nsimple graphs with few generative factors. Thus we propose two new datasets\nwith a larger number of diverse generative factors and more sophisticated\ncausal graphs. In addition, current real datasets, CelebA(BEARD) and\nCelebA(SMILE), the originally proposed causal graphs are not aligned with the\ndataset distributions. Thus, we propose modifications to them.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:14:07 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 19:24:36 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-15","authors_parsed":[["Zhu","Jiageng",""],["Xie","Hanchen",""],["Wu","Jianhua",""],["Li","Jiazhi",""],["Khayatkhoei","Mahyar",""],["Hussein","Mohamed E.",""],["AbdAlmageed","Wael",""]]} {"id":"2308.05708","submitter":"Hector Pasten","authors":"Natalia Garcia-Fritz, Hector Pasten","title":"Intersecting the torsion of elliptic curves","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In 2007, Bogomolov and Tschinkel proved that given two complex elliptic\ncurves $E_1$ and $E_2$ along with even degree-$2$ maps $\\pi_j\\colon E_j\\to\n\\mathbb{P}^1$ having different branch loci, the intersection of the image of\nthe torsion points of $E_1$ and $E_2$ under their respective $\\pi_j$ is finite.\nThey conjectured (also in works with Fu) that the cardinality of this\nintersection is uniformly bounded independently of the elliptic curves. As it\nhas been observed in the literature, the recent proof of the Uniform\nManin--Mumford conjecture implies a full solution of the\nBogomolov--Fu--Tschinkel conjecture. In this work we prove a generalization of\nthe Bogomolov--Fu--Tschinkel conjecture where instead of even degree-$2$ maps\none can use any rational functions of bounded degree on the elliptic curves as\nlong as they have different branch loci. Our approach combines Nevanlinna\ntheory with the Uniform Manin--Mumford conjecture. With similar techniques, we\nalso prove a result on lower bounds for ranks of elliptic curves over number\nfields.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:14:09 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Garcia-Fritz","Natalia",""],["Pasten","Hector",""]]} {"id":"2308.05709","submitter":"Juan Carlos Loredo Rosillo","authors":"H. Cao, L. M. Hansen, F. Giorgino, L. Carosini, P. Zahalka, F. Zilk,\n J. C. Loredo, P. Walther","title":"A photonic source of heralded GHZ states","comments":"6 pages, 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Generating large multiphoton entangled states is of main interest due to\nenabling universal photonic quantum computing and all-optical quantum repeater\nnodes. These applications exploit measurement-based quantum computation using\ncluster states. Remarkably, it was shown that photonic cluster states of\narbitrary size can be generated by using feasible heralded linear optics fusion\ngates that act on heralded three-photon Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ)\nstates as the initial resource state. Thus, the capability of generating\nheralded GHZ states is of great importance for scaling up photonic quantum\ncomputing. Here, we experimentally demonstrate this required building block by\nreporting a polarisation-encoded heralded GHZ state of three photons, for which\nwe build a high-rate six-photon source ($547{\\pm}2$ Hz) from a solid-state\nquantum emitter and a stable polarisation-based interferometer. The detection\nof three ancillary photons heralds the generation of three-photon GHZ states\namong the remaining particles with fidelities up to\n$\\mathcal{F}=0.7278{\\pm}0.0106$. Our results initiate a path for scalable\nentangling operations using heralded linear-optics implementations.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:17:28 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Cao","H.",""],["Hansen","L. M.",""],["Giorgino","F.",""],["Carosini","L.",""],["Zahalka","P.",""],["Zilk","F.",""],["Loredo","J. C.",""],["Walther","P.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05710","submitter":"Dominik Vietinghoff","authors":"Dominik Vietinghoff (1), Michael B\\\"ottinger (2), Gerik Scheuermann\n (1), Christian Heine (1) ((1) Leipzig University, (2) Deutsches\n Klimarechenzentrum)","title":"A Mathematical Foundation for the Spatial Uncertainty of Critical Points\n in Probabilistic Scalar Fields","comments":"11 pages, 8 figures, to appear in an IEEE VGTC sponsored conference","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.HC cs.GR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Critical points mark locations in the domain where the level-set topology of\na scalar function undergoes fundamental changes and thus indicate potentially\ninteresting features in the data. Established methods exist to locate and\nrelate such points in a deterministic setting, but it is less well understood\nhow the concept of critical points can be extended to the analysis of uncertain\ndata. Most methods for this task aim at finding likely locations of critical\npoints or estimate the probability of their occurrence locally but do not\nindicate if critical points at potentially different locations in different\nrealizations of a stochastic process are manifestations of the same feature,\nwhich is required to characterize the spatial uncertainty of critical points.\nPrevious work on relating critical points across different realizations\nreported challenges for interpreting the resulting spatial distribution of\ncritical points but did not investigate the causes. In this work, we provide a\nmathematical formulation of the problem of finding critical points with spatial\nuncertainty and computing their spatial distribution, which leads us to the\nnotion of uncertain critical points. We analyze the theoretical properties of\nthese structures and highlight connections to existing works for special\nclasses of uncertain fields. We derive conditions under which\nwell-interpretable results can be obtained and discuss the implications of\nthose restrictions for the field of visualization. We demonstrate that the\ndiscussed limitations are not purely academic but also arise in real-world\ndata.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:18:25 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Vietinghoff","Dominik",""],["B\u00f6ttinger","Michael",""],["Scheuermann","Gerik",""],["Heine","Christian",""]]} {"id":"2308.05711","submitter":"Marshall Wang","authors":"Marshall Wang, John Willes, Thomas Jiralerspong, Matin Moezzi","title":"A Comparison of Classical and Deep Reinforcement Learning Methods for\n HVAC Control","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.SY eess.SY","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Reinforcement learning (RL) is a promising approach for optimizing HVAC\ncontrol. RL offers a framework for improving system performance, reducing\nenergy consumption, and enhancing cost efficiency. We benchmark two popular\nclassical and deep RL methods (Q-Learning and Deep-Q-Networks) across multiple\nHVAC environments and explore the practical consideration of model\nhyper-parameter selection and reward tuning. The findings provide insight for\nconfiguring RL agents in HVAC systems, promoting energy-efficient and\ncost-effective operation.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:20:02 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Marshall",""],["Willes","John",""],["Jiralerspong","Thomas",""],["Moezzi","Matin",""]]} {"id":"2308.05712","submitter":"Dhruba Jyoti Gogoi Dr.","authors":"Surajit Mandal, Surajit Das, Ananda Pramanik and Dhruba Jyoti Gogoi","title":"Leading-order corrections to the thermodynamics of Rindler modified\n Schwarzschild black hole","comments":"28 pages, 9 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"gr-qc hep-th","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In this work, we present a thermodynamical study of a Rindler modified\nSchwarzschild black hole under the consideration of small thermal fluctuations.\nIn particular, we compute various stable macroscopic thermodynamic variables\nsuch as Hawking temperature, entropy, Helmholtz free energy, internal energy,\nenthalpy, and Gibbs free energy. To explore the effects of small statistical\nthermal fluctuations on stable thermodynamical parameters, we estimated the\ncorrections to the various thermodynamical potentials of Rindler modified\nSchwarzschild black hole upto the first (leading) order and do a comparative\nstudy for the different values of correction parameter and Rindler acceleration\nparameter for fixed values of a cosmological constant. We study the stability\nof black holes under the consideration of thermal fluctuations and notice that\nthe small-sized black hole is stable and the large-sized black hole is unstable\nfor a negative value of correction parameter. For the positive value of the\ncorrection parameter, both the small and large black holes become unstable.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:20:57 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Mandal","Surajit",""],["Das","Surajit",""],["Pramanik","Ananda",""],["Gogoi","Dhruba Jyoti",""]]} {"id":"2308.05713","submitter":"Ernest Davis","authors":"Ernest Davis and Scott Aaronson","title":"Testing GPT-4 with Wolfram Alpha and Code Interpreter plug-ins on math\n and science problems","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI math.HO physics.pop-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" This report describes a test of the large language model GPT-4 with the\nWolfram Alpha and the Code Interpreter plug-ins on 105 original problems in\nscience and math, at the high school and college levels, carried out in\nJune-August 2023. Our tests suggest that the plug-ins significantly enhance\nGPT's ability to solve these problems. Having said that, there are still often\n\"interface\" failures; that is, GPT often has trouble formulating problems in a\nway that elicits useful answers from the plug-ins. Fixing these interface\nfailures seems like a central challenge in making GPT a reliable tool for\ncollege-level calculation problems.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:22:28 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Mon, 14 Aug 2023 23:59:02 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-16","authors_parsed":[["Davis","Ernest",""],["Aaronson","Scott",""]]} {"id":"2308.05714","submitter":"Hector Pasten","authors":"Natalia Garcia-Fritz, Hector Pasten","title":"Hilbert's tenth problem for lacunary entire functions of finite order","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.LO math.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In the context of Hilbert's tenth problem, an outstanding open case is that\nof complex entire functions in one variable. A negative solution is known for\npolynomials (by Denef) and for exponential polynomials of finite order (by\nChompitaki, Garcia-Fritz, Pasten, Pheidas, and Vidaux), but no other case is\nknown for rings of complex entire functions in one variable. We prove a\nnegative solution to the analogue of Hilbert's tenth problem for rings of\ncomplex entire functions of finite order having lacunary power series expansion\nat the origin.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:22:52 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Garcia-Fritz","Natalia",""],["Pasten","Hector",""]]} {"id":"2308.05715","submitter":"Bernd Schr\\\"oder","authors":"Bernd S. W. Schr\\\"oder","title":"Towards the Automorphism Conjecture I: Combinatorial Control and\n Compensation for Factorials","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" This paper exploits adjacencies between the orbits of an ordered set P and a\nconsequence of the classification of finite simple groups to, in many cases,\nexponentially bound the number of automorphisms. Results clearly identify the\nstructures which currently prevent the proof of such an exponential bound, or\nwhich indeed inflate the number of automorphisms beyond such a bound. This is a\nfirst step towards a possible resolution of the Automorphism Conjecture for\nordered sets.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:26:34 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Schr\u00f6der","Bernd S. W.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05716","submitter":"Masahisa Ebina","authors":"Masahisa Ebina","title":"Ergodicity and central limit theorems for stochastic wave equations in\n high dimensions","comments":"49 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.PR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We consider stochastic wave equations in spatial dimensions $d \\geq 4$. We\nassume that the driving noise is given by a Gaussian noise that is white in\ntime and has some spatial correlation. We show that the solution process is\nspatially ergodic under the spatial shift using the tools of Malliavin\ncalculus. When the spatial correlation is given by the Riesz kernel, we also\nestablish that the spatial integral of the solution with proper normalization\nconverges to the standard normal distribution under the Wasserstein distance.\nThe convergence is obtained by first constructing the approximation sequence to\nthe solution and then applying Malliavin-Stein's method to the normalized\nspatial integral of the sequence. The corresponding functional central limit\ntheorem is presented as well.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:29:23 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Ebina","Masahisa",""]]} {"id":"2308.05717","submitter":"Madeline Pettine","authors":"M. Pettine, S. Imbeah, J. Rathbun, A. Hayes, R. Lopes-Gautier, A.\n Mura, F. Tosi, F. Zambon, S. Bertolino","title":"JIRAM Observations of Volcanic Flux on Io: Distribution and Comparison\n to Tidal Heat Flow Models","comments":"Submitted for review to Geophysical Research Letters","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.EP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The Jovian Infrared Auroral Mapper (JIRAM) instrument aboard Juno has allowed\nclear, high-resolution imaging of Io's polar volcanoes. We have used data from\nJIRAM's M-band (4.78 micron) imager from eleven Juno orbits to construct a\nglobal map of volcanic flux. This map provides insight into the spatial\ndistribution of volcanoes and the ways in which high- and low-latitude\nvolcanoes differ. Using spherical harmonic analysis, we have quantitatively\ncompared our volcanic flux map to the surface heat flow distribution expected\nby modeling data of Io's tidal heat deposition (de Kleer et al. 2019). Systems\nof bright volcanoes were confirmed at high latitudes. Our study finds that both\npoles are more active than previous studies have suggested, although the south\npole was viewed too infrequently to establish reliable long-term trends. While\nnone of the tidal heat flow models match well, the asthenospheric heating model\nagrees best with the observed volcanic flux.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:29:50 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Pettine","M.",""],["Imbeah","S.",""],["Rathbun","J.",""],["Hayes","A.",""],["Lopes-Gautier","R.",""],["Mura","A.",""],["Tosi","F.",""],["Zambon","F.",""],["Bertolino","S.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05718","submitter":"Alexander Shabalin","authors":"Alexander N. Shabalin, Evgeniia P. Ovchinnikova, Yuri E. Charikov","title":"Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of Hard X-Ray Sources in Flare\n Model with a Vertical Current Sheet","comments":"Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. 18 pages, 6\n figures, 1 table","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.SR astro-ph.HE","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We analyzed changes in the height of the coronal hard X-ray (HXR) source for\nflares SOL2013-05-13T01:50 and SOL2013-05-13T15:51. Analysis of the Reuven\nRamaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager data revealed the downward motion\nof the HXR source and the separation of the sources by energy and height. In\nthe early stages of the flares, a negative correlation was found between the\nHXR source area in the corona and HXR flux. For the SOL2013-05-13T15:51 event,\nan increasing trend in the time delay spectra at the footpoints was obtained.\nFor both events, the spectra of the time delays in the coronal HXR source\nshowed a decreasing trend across the energies in certain flare phases. To\ninterpret the observed phenomena, we considered a flare model of collapsing\ntraps and calculated the distribution functions of accelerated electrons along\nthe magnetic loop using a nonstationary relativistic kinetic equation. This\napproach considers betatron and Fermi first-order acceleration mechanisms. The\nincreasing trend of the time delay spectra at the footpoints was explained by\nthe high mirror ratio in the magnetic loop and betatron acceleration mechanism.\nThe observed features in the spatial and temporal behavior of the HXR sources,\nsuch as the negative correlation between the HXR source area and HXR flux, can\nbe interpreted by the collapsing trap model.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:31:02 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Shabalin","Alexander N.",""],["Ovchinnikova","Evgeniia P.",""],["Charikov","Yuri E.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05719","submitter":"Supragyan Priyadarshinee","authors":"Supragyan Priyadarshinee","title":"Quasi-normal mode of dyonic hairy black hole and its interplay with\n phase transitions","comments":"29 pages, 45 Figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with\n arXiv:2108.02514","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"gr-qc hep-th","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We study the dynamical stability of hairy dyonic black holes in the\nEinstein-Maxwell-scalar gravity system against the massless scalar field\nperturbation. We numerically obtain the corresponding quasinormal modes (QNMs)\nusing the series solution and shooting methods for various black hole\nparameters. We find that the numerical values obtained from these two methods\nagree well with each other. The imaginary part of the QNM is always negative,\nindicating the stability of the dyonic hairy black hole against the scalar\nperturbation. We find that the decay and oscillatory modes of the scalar field\nperturbation increase linearly with the horizon radius for large black holes.\nWe thoroughly investigate the behaviour of QNMs for different values of black\nhole parameters, including the electric charge, magnetic charge, horizon radius\nand hairy parameter, etc. Moreover, we also analyse the QNM near the\nsmall/large black hole phase transition and find that the nature of the QNMs is\ndifferent for large and small black hole phases, suggesting QNMs as the\npossible probe of black hole phase transition.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:35:01 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 11:28:05 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Priyadarshinee","Supragyan",""]]} {"id":"2308.05720","submitter":"Arindam Mandal","authors":"Ashutosh Kumar Alok, Neetu Raj Singh Chundawat and Arindam Mandal","title":"Correlating neutrino millicharge and muon $(g-2)$ in an abelian\n $L_\\mu-L_\\tau$ model","comments":"15 Pages, 2 Figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" The inclusion of an additional $U(1)$ gauge symmetry is a common feature in\nmany extensions of the Standard Model, revealing the intricate connections\nbetween particle physics and cosmology. The $L_{\\mu} - L_{\\tau}$ model stands\nas a prominent member of this distinguished family, characterized by its\nanomaly-free nature and resilience in the face of collider constraints. This\nframework provides a unique vantage point for investigating both the intriguing\nmystery of the muon $(g-2)$ anomaly and the puzzling issue of the Hubble\ntension. However, due to the presence of kinetic mixing between the photon and\n$Z'$ in this model, the neutrinos have the potential to acquire minuscule\nelectric charges, often referred to as millicharges ($q_{\\nu}$) which is\ndirectly related to the strength of the new gauge couplings. A crucial question\nemerges: how does the model's inclusion of millicharges, while adhering to the\nstringent constraints imposed by experimental observations, influence its\ninherent ability to address the muon $(g-2)$ anomaly and the Hubble tension? We\nfind the current upper bounds on $q_{\\nu}$ derived from experiments such as the\nbeam dump, XENONnT and LUX-ZEPLIN experiments can impose strong constraints on\nthe $U(1)_{L_{\\mu} - L_{\\tau}}$ coupling. Consequently, these constraints may\nlimit the ability of the model to fully accommodate the current measurement of\n$(g-2)_{\\mu}$ while having a relatively minor impact on the resolution of the\nHubble tension.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:36:57 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Alok","Ashutosh Kumar",""],["Chundawat","Neetu Raj Singh",""],["Mandal","Arindam",""]]} {"id":"2308.05721","submitter":"Yangyang Xu","authors":"Yangyang Xu, Yibo Yang, Bernard Ghanemm, Lefei Zhang, Du Bo, Dacheng\n Tao","title":"Deformable Mixer Transformer with Gating for Multi-Task Learning of\n Dense Prediction","comments":"submitted to IJCV; an extension to our previous AAAI 2023 paper\n arXiv:2301.03461","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" CNNs and Transformers have their own advantages and both have been widely\nused for dense prediction in multi-task learning (MTL). Most of the current\nstudies on MTL solely rely on CNN or Transformer. In this work, we present a\nnovel MTL model by combining both merits of deformable CNN and query-based\nTransformer with shared gating for multi-task learning of dense prediction.\nThis combination may offer a simple and efficient solution owing to its\npowerful and flexible task-specific learning and advantages of lower cost, less\ncomplexity and smaller parameters than the traditional MTL methods. We\nintroduce deformable mixer Transformer with gating (DeMTG), a simple and\neffective encoder-decoder architecture up-to-date that incorporates the\nconvolution and attention mechanism in a unified network for MTL. It is\nexquisitely designed to use advantages of each block, and provide deformable\nand comprehensive features for all tasks from local and global perspective.\nFirst, the deformable mixer encoder contains two types of operators: the\nchannel-aware mixing operator leveraged to allow communication among different\nchannels, and the spatial-aware deformable operator with deformable convolution\napplied to efficiently sample more informative spatial locations. Second, the\ntask-aware gating transformer decoder is used to perform the task-specific\npredictions, in which task interaction block integrated with self-attention is\napplied to capture task interaction features, and the task query block\nintegrated with gating attention is leveraged to select corresponding\ntask-specific features. Further, the experiment results demonstrate that the\nproposed DeMTG uses fewer GFLOPs and significantly outperforms current\nTransformer-based and CNN-based competitive models on a variety of metrics on\nthree dense prediction datasets. Our code and models are available at\nhttps://github.com/yangyangxu0/DeMTG.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:37:49 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 05:39:02 GMT"},{"version":"v3","created":"Fri, 18 Aug 2023 08:15:25 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-21","authors_parsed":[["Xu","Yangyang",""],["Yang","Yibo",""],["Ghanemm","Bernard",""],["Zhang","Lefei",""],["Bo","Du",""],["Tao","Dacheng",""]]} {"id":"2308.05722","submitter":"Lukas Liehr","authors":"Lukas Liehr","title":"Arithmetic progressions and holomorphic phase retrieval","comments":"13 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CV math.FA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We study the phase retrieval problem within the broader context of analytic\nfunctions. Given a parameter $\\theta \\in \\mathbb{R}$, we derive the following\ncharacterization of uniqueness in terms of rigidity of a set $\\Lambda \\subseteq\n\\mathbb{R}$: if $\\mathcal{F}$ is a vector space of entire functions containing\nall exponentials $e^{\\xi z}, \\, \\xi \\in \\mathbb{C} \\setminus \\{ 0 \\}$, then\nevery $F \\in \\mathcal{F}$ is uniquely determined up to a unimodular phase\nfactor by $\\{ |F(z)| : z \\in e^{i\\theta}(\\mathbb{R} + i \\Lambda) \\}$ if and\nonly if $\\Lambda$ is not contained in an arithmetic progression\n$a\\mathbb{Z}+b$. Leveraging this insight, we establish a series of consequences\nfor Gabor phase retrieval and Pauli-type uniqueness problems. For instance,\n$\\mathbb{Z} \\times \\tilde{\\mathbb{Z}}$ is a uniqueness set for the Gabor phase\nretrieval problem in $L^2(\\mathbb{R}_+)$, provided that $\\tilde{\\mathbb{Z}}$ is\na suitable perturbation of the integers.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:38:07 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Liehr","Lukas",""]]} {"id":"2308.05723","submitter":"Manimala Chakraborti","authors":"Manimala Chakraborti, Sven Heinemeyer, and Ipsita Saha","title":"$(g-2)_\\mu$ and Stau coannihilation : Dark Matter and Collider Analysis","comments":"37 pages, 11 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with\n arXiv:2112.01389","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":"IFT--UAM/CSIC--23-080","categories":"hep-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Slepton coannihilation is one of the most promising scenarios that can bring\nthe predicted Dark Matter (DM) abundance in the the Minimal Supersymmetric\nStandard Model (MSSM) into agreement with the experimental observation. In this\nscenario, the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP), usually assumed to be the\nlightest neutralino, can serve as a Dark Matter (DM) candidate while the\nsleptons as the next-to-LSPs (NLSPs) lie close in mass. In our previous studies\nanalyzing the electroweak (EW) sector of MSSM, a degeneracy between the three\ngenerations of sleptons was assumed for the sake of simplicity. In case of\nslepton coannihilation this directly links the smuons involved in the\nexplanation for $(g-2)_\\mu$ to the coannihilating NLSPs required to explain the\nDM content of the universe. On the other hand, in Grand Unified Theories such\ndegeneracy do not hold, and often the lighter stau turns out to be the NLSP at\nthe EW scale, with the smuons (and selectrons) somewhat heavier. In this paper\nwe analyze a non-universal slepton mass scenario at the EW scale where the\nfirst two generations of sleptons are taken to be mass-degenerate and heavier\nthan the staus, enforcing stau coannihilation. We analyze the parameter space\nof the MSSM in the light of a variety of experimental data namely, the DM relic\ndensity and direct detection (DD) limits, LHC data and especially, the\ndiscrepancy between the experimental result for $(g-2)_\\mu$, and its Standard\nModel (SM) prediction. We find an upper limit on the LSP and NLSP masses of\nabout ~ 550 GeV. In contrast to the scenario with full degeneracy among the\nthree families of sleptons, the upper limit on the light smuon/selectron mass\nmoves up by ~ 200 GeV. We analyze the DD prospects as well as the physics\npotential of the HL-LHC and a future high-energy $e^+ e^-$ collider to\ninvestigate this scenario further.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:39:41 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Chakraborti","Manimala",""],["Heinemeyer","Sven",""],["Saha","Ipsita",""]]} {"id":"2308.05724","submitter":"Kanishka Tyagi","authors":"Chinmay Rane, Kanishka Tyagi, Michael Manry","title":"Optimizing Performance of Feedforward and Convolutional Neural Networks\n through Dynamic Activation Functions","comments":"Under submission in Neurocomputing","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.CE cs.NE","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Deep learning training training algorithms are a huge success in recent years\nin many fields including speech, text,image video etc. Deeper and deeper layers\nare proposed with huge success with resnet structures having around 152 layers.\nShallow convolution neural networks(CNN's) are still an active research, where\nsome phenomena are still unexplained. Activation functions used in the network\nare of utmost importance, as they provide non linearity to the networks. Relu's\nare the most commonly used activation function.We show a complex piece-wise\nlinear(PWL) activation in the hidden layer. We show that these PWL activations\nwork much better than relu activations in our networks for convolution neural\nnetworks and multilayer perceptrons. Result comparison in PyTorch for shallow\nand deep CNNs are given to further strengthen our case.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:39:51 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Rane","Chinmay",""],["Tyagi","Kanishka",""],["Manry","Michael",""]]} {"id":"2308.05725","submitter":"Tu Anh Nguyen","authors":"Tu Anh Nguyen, Wei-Ning Hsu, Antony D'Avirro, Bowen Shi, Itai Gat,\n Maryam Fazel-Zarani, Tal Remez, Jade Copet, Gabriel Synnaeve, Michael Hassid,\n Felix Kreuk, Yossi Adi, Emmanuel Dupoux","title":"EXPRESSO: A Benchmark and Analysis of Discrete Expressive Speech\n Resynthesis","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.LG cs.SD eess.AS","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Recent work has shown that it is possible to resynthesize high-quality speech\nbased, not on text, but on low bitrate discrete units that have been learned in\na self-supervised fashion and can therefore capture expressive aspects of\nspeech that are hard to transcribe (prosody, voice styles, non-verbal\nvocalization). The adoption of these methods is still limited by the fact that\nmost speech synthesis datasets are read, severely limiting spontaneity and\nexpressivity. Here, we introduce Expresso, a high-quality expressive speech\ndataset for textless speech synthesis that includes both read speech and\nimprovised dialogues rendered in 26 spontaneous expressive styles. We\nillustrate the challenges and potentials of this dataset with an expressive\nresynthesis benchmark where the task is to encode the input in low-bitrate\nunits and resynthesize it in a target voice while preserving content and style.\nWe evaluate resynthesis quality with automatic metrics for different\nself-supervised discrete encoders, and explore tradeoffs between quality,\nbitrate and invariance to speaker and style. All the dataset, evaluation\nmetrics and baseline models are open source\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:41:19 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Nguyen","Tu Anh",""],["Hsu","Wei-Ning",""],["D'Avirro","Antony",""],["Shi","Bowen",""],["Gat","Itai",""],["Fazel-Zarani","Maryam",""],["Remez","Tal",""],["Copet","Jade",""],["Synnaeve","Gabriel",""],["Hassid","Michael",""],["Kreuk","Felix",""],["Adi","Yossi",""],["Dupoux","Emmanuel",""]]} {"id":"2308.05726","submitter":"A G Sreejith","authors":"A. G. Sreejith, Kevin France, Luca Fossati, Tommi T. Koskinen, Arika\n Egan, P. Wilson Cauley, Patricio. E. Cubillos, S. Ambily, Chenliang Huang,5\n Panayotis Lavvas, Brian T. Fleming, Jean-Michel Desert, Nicholas Nell, Pascal\n Petit, Aline Vidotto","title":"CUTE reveals escaping metals in the upper atmosphere of the ultra-hot\n Jupiter WASP-189b","comments":"Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.EP astro-ph.IM","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Ultraviolet observations of Ultra-hot Jupiters (UHJs), exoplanets with\ntemperatures over 2000\\,K, provide us with an opportunity to investigate if and\nhow atmospheric escape shapes their upper atmosphere. Near-ultraviolet transit\nspectroscopy offers a unique tool to study this process owing to the presence\nof strong metal lines and a bright photospheric continuum as the light source\nagainst which the absorbing gas is observed. WASP-189b is one of the hottest\nplanets discovered to date, with a day-side temperature of about 3400\\,K\norbiting a bright A-type star. We present the first near-ultraviolet\nobservations of WASP-189b, acquired with the Colorado Ultraviolet Transit\nExperiment ($CUTE$). $CUTE$ is a 6U NASA-funded ultraviolet spectroscopy\nmission, dedicated to monitoring short-period transiting planets. WASP-189b was\none of the $CUTE$ early science targets and was observed during three\nconsecutive transits in March 2022. We present an analysis of the $CUTE$\nobservations and results demonstrating near-ultraviolet (2500--3300~\\AA)\nbroadband transit depth ($1.08^{+0.08}_{-0.08}\\%$) of about twice the visual\ntransit depth indicating that the planet has an extended, hot upper atmosphere\nwith a temperature of about 15000\\,K and a moderate mass loss rate of about\n\\SI{4e8}{\\kg\\per\\second}. We observe absorption by Mg{\\sc ii} lines ($R_p/R_s$\nof $0.212^{+0.038}_{-0.061}$) beyond the Roche lobe at $>$4$\\sigma$\nsignificance in the transmission spectrum at a resolution of 10~\\AA, while at\nlower resolution (100~\\AA), we observe a quasi-continuous absorption signal\nconsistent with a \"forest\" of low-ionization metal absorption dominated by\nFe{\\sc ii}. The results suggest an upper atmospheric temperature\n($\\sim15000$\\,K), higher than that predicted by current state-of-the-art\nhydrodynamic models.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:48:20 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Sreejith","A. G.",""],["France","Kevin",""],["Fossati","Luca",""],["Koskinen","Tommi T.",""],["Egan","Arika",""],["Cauley","P. Wilson",""],["Cubillos","Patricio. E.",""],["Ambily","S.",""],["Huang","Chenliang",""],["Lavvas","5 Panayotis",""],["Fleming","Brian T.",""],["Desert","Jean-Michel",""],["Nell","Nicholas",""],["Petit","Pascal",""],["Vidotto","Aline",""]]} {"id":"2308.05727","submitter":"Wenyuan Li","authors":"Wenyuan Li","title":"Existence of generating families on Lagrangian cobordisms","comments":"16 pages, 1 figure. Comments are welcome!","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.SG math.GT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" For an embedded exact Lagrangian cobordism between Legendrian submanifolds in\nthe 1-jet bundle, we prove that a generating family linear at infinity on the\nLegendrian at the negative end extends to a generating family linear at\ninfinity on the Lagrangian cobordism after stabilization if and only if the\nformal obstructions vanish. In particular, a Lagrangian filling with trivial\nstable Lagrangian Gauss map admits a generating family linear at infinity.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:49:29 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-15","authors_parsed":[["Li","Wenyuan",""]]} {"id":"2308.05728","submitter":"Sandeep Munjal","authors":"Vidit Pandey, Mohd Salman Siddiqui, Sandeep Munjal, Tufail Ahmad","title":"Structural and Optical Properties of Spin-Coated Mn$_3$O$_4$ Thin Films\n of Different Coating Layers","comments":"21 Pages, 71 references, 7 Figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.app-ph cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" In present study, Tetragonal Mn$_3$O$_4$ thin films of different coating\nlayers of 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 were prepared on the microscopic glass slides by\nthe spin-coating method. X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, and\nultra-violet visible spectroscopy were used to explore the structural and\noptical properties of Mn$_3$O$_4$ thin films. XRD patterns and Raman spectra\nconfirm the phase of all films as tetragonal. The average crystallite size of\nfilms increased from ~17 to ~25 nm with increasing coating layers. Optical\nproperties such as band gap, skin depth, cutoff wavelength, excitation\ncoefficient, refractive index, etc, have been studied in detail by using\nultra-violet visible spectroscopy. The direct optical band gap and refractive\nindex of fabricated films were decreased as increasing the coating layers of\nMn$_3$O$_4$. The refractive index for 2 and 4 coating layers were decreased as\nincreasing the incident wavelength. While for 6, 8, and 10 coating layers, the\nvalues of refractive index remain constant with respect to incident wavelength.\nThe optical analyses suggest that prepared Mn$_3$O$_4$ thin films can be used\nas a potential candidate for optical semiconductor devices including\nphotovoltaic cells and optical sensors.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:52:45 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-13","authors_parsed":[["Pandey","Vidit",""],["Siddiqui","Mohd Salman",""],["Munjal","Sandeep",""],["Ahmad","Tufail",""]]} {"id":"2308.05729","submitter":"Andrea Young","authors":"Alexandre Assouline, Taige Wang, Haoxin Zhou, Liam A. Cohen, Fangyuan\n Yang, Ruining Zhang, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Roger S. K. Mong,\n Michael P. Zaletel, and Andrea F. Young","title":"Energy gap of the even-denominator fractional quantum Hall state in\n bilayer graphene","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.str-el","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Bernal bilayer graphene hosts even denominator fractional quantum Hall states\nthought to be described by a Pfaffian wave function with nonabelian\nquasiparticle excitations. Here we report the quantitative determination of\nfractional quantum Hall energy gaps in bilayer graphene using both thermally\nactivated transport and by direct measurement of the chemical potential. We\nfind a transport activation gap of 5.1K at B = 12T for a half-filled N=1 Landau\nlevel, consistent with density matrix renormalization group calculations for\nthe Pfaffian state. However, the measured thermodynamic gap of 11.6K is smaller\nthan theoretical expectations for the clean limit by approximately a factor of\ntwo. We analyze the chemical potential data near fractional filling within a\nsimplified model of a Wigner crystal of fractional quasiparticles with\nlong-wavelength disorder, explaining this discrepancy. Our results\nquantitatively establish bilayer graphene as a robust platform for probing the\nnon-Abelian anyons expected to arise as the elementary excitations of the\neven-denominator state.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:52:53 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Assouline","Alexandre",""],["Wang","Taige",""],["Zhou","Haoxin",""],["Cohen","Liam A.",""],["Yang","Fangyuan",""],["Zhang","Ruining",""],["Taniguchi","Takashi",""],["Watanabe","Kenji",""],["Mong","Roger S. K.",""],["Zaletel","Michael P.",""],["Young","Andrea F.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05730","submitter":"Salvatore Pace","authors":"Salvatore D. Pace","title":"Emergent generalized symmetries in ordered phases","comments":"23 pages, 7 figures. v2: minor changes and added references","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.str-el cond-mat.stat-mech hep-th math-ph math.MP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We explore the rich landscape of higher-form and non-invertible symmetries\nthat emerge at low energies in generic ordered phases. Using that their charge\nis carried by homotopy defects (i.e., domain walls, vortices, hedgehogs, etc.),\nwe find the fusion higher category that describes them when there are finitely\nmany types of homotopy defects, which depends only on the spontaneous\nsymmetry-breaking (SSB) pattern of the ordered phase. These emergent symmetries\nare not spontaneously broken in the ordered phase. We show that spontaneously\nbreaking them induces a phase transition into a nontrivial disordered phase\nthat can have symmetry-enriched (non-)abelian topological orders, photons, and\neven more emergent symmetries. This SSB transition is between two distinct SSB\nphases$\\unicode{x2013}$an ordinary and generalized one$\\unicode{x2013}$making\nit a possible generalized deconfined quantum critical point. We also\ninvestigate the 't Hooft anomalies of these emergent symmetries and conjecture\nthat there is always a mixed anomaly between them and the microscopic symmetry\nspontaneously broken in the ordered phase. One way this anomaly can manifest is\nthrough the fractionalization of the microscopic symmetry's quantum numbers.\nOur results demonstrate that even the most exotic generalized symmetries emerge\nin ordinary phases and provide a valuable framework for characterizing them and\ntheir transitions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:52:53 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Fri, 18 Aug 2023 23:06:10 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Pace","Salvatore D.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05731","submitter":"Steffen Hagedorn","authors":"Steffen Hagedorn, Marcel Hallgarten, Martin Stoll, Alexandru\n Condurache","title":"Rethinking Integration of Prediction and Planning in Deep Learning-Based\n Automated Driving Systems: A Review","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.RO cs.AI cs.CV cs.LG cs.MA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Automated driving has the potential to revolutionize personal, public, and\nfreight mobility. Besides the enormous challenge of perception, i.e. accurately\nperceiving the environment using available sensor data, automated driving\ncomprises planning a safe, comfortable, and efficient motion trajectory. To\npromote safety and progress, many works rely on modules that predict the future\nmotion of surrounding traffic. Modular automated driving systems commonly\nhandle prediction and planning as sequential separate tasks. While this\naccounts for the influence of surrounding traffic on the ego-vehicle, it fails\nto anticipate the reactions of traffic participants to the ego-vehicle's\nbehavior. Recent works suggest that integrating prediction and planning in an\ninterdependent joint step is necessary to achieve safe, efficient, and\ncomfortable driving. While various models implement such integrated systems, a\ncomprehensive overview and theoretical understanding of different principles\nare lacking. We systematically review state-of-the-art deep learning-based\nprediction, planning, and integrated prediction and planning models. Different\nfacets of the integration ranging from model architecture and model design to\nbehavioral aspects are considered and related to each other. Moreover, we\ndiscuss the implications, strengths, and limitations of different integration\nmethods. By pointing out research gaps, describing relevant future challenges,\nand highlighting trends in the research field, we identify promising directions\nfor future research.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:53:03 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Hagedorn","Steffen",""],["Hallgarten","Marcel",""],["Stoll","Martin",""],["Condurache","Alexandru",""]]} {"id":"2308.05732","submitter":"Phillip Lippe","authors":"Phillip Lippe, Bastiaan S. Veeling, Paris Perdikaris, Richard E.\n Turner, Johannes Brandstetter","title":"PDE-Refiner: Achieving Accurate Long Rollouts with Neural PDE Solvers","comments":"Project website: https://phlippe.github.io/PDERefiner/","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Time-dependent partial differential equations (PDEs) are ubiquitous in\nscience and engineering. Recently, mostly due to the high computational cost of\ntraditional solution techniques, deep neural network based surrogates have\ngained increased interest. The practical utility of such neural PDE solvers\nrelies on their ability to provide accurate, stable predictions over long time\nhorizons, which is a notoriously hard problem. In this work, we present a\nlarge-scale analysis of common temporal rollout strategies, identifying the\nneglect of non-dominant spatial frequency information, often associated with\nhigh frequencies in PDE solutions, as the primary pitfall limiting stable,\naccurate rollout performance. Based on these insights, we draw inspiration from\nrecent advances in diffusion models to introduce PDE-Refiner; a novel model\nclass that enables more accurate modeling of all frequency components via a\nmultistep refinement process. We validate PDE-Refiner on challenging benchmarks\nof complex fluid dynamics, demonstrating stable and accurate rollouts that\nconsistently outperform state-of-the-art models, including neural, numerical,\nand hybrid neural-numerical architectures. We further demonstrate that\nPDE-Refiner greatly enhances data efficiency, since the denoising objective\nimplicitly induces a novel form of spectral data augmentation. Finally,\nPDE-Refiner's connection to diffusion models enables an accurate and efficient\nassessment of the model's predictive uncertainty, allowing us to estimate when\nthe surrogate becomes inaccurate.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:53:05 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Lippe","Phillip",""],["Veeling","Bastiaan S.",""],["Perdikaris","Paris",""],["Turner","Richard E.",""],["Brandstetter","Johannes",""]]} {"id":"2308.05733","submitter":"Guangkai Xu","authors":"Guangkai Xu, Wei Yin, Hao Chen, Chunhua Shen, Kai Cheng, Feng Zhao","title":"FrozenRecon: Pose-free 3D Scene Reconstruction with Frozen Depth Models","comments":"Accepted to ICCV 2023. Project webpage is at:\n https://aim-uofa.github.io/FrozenRecon/","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" 3D scene reconstruction is a long-standing vision task. Existing approaches\ncan be categorized into geometry-based and learning-based methods. The former\nleverages multi-view geometry but can face catastrophic failures due to the\nreliance on accurate pixel correspondence across views. The latter was\nproffered to mitigate these issues by learning 2D or 3D representation\ndirectly. However, without a large-scale video or 3D training data, it can\nhardly generalize to diverse real-world scenarios due to the presence of tens\nof millions or even billions of optimization parameters in the deep network.\nRecently, robust monocular depth estimation models trained with large-scale\ndatasets have been proven to possess weak 3D geometry prior, but they are\ninsufficient for reconstruction due to the unknown camera parameters, the\naffine-invariant property, and inter-frame inconsistency. Here, we propose a\nnovel test-time optimization approach that can transfer the robustness of\naffine-invariant depth models such as LeReS to challenging diverse scenes while\nensuring inter-frame consistency, with only dozens of parameters to optimize\nper video frame. Specifically, our approach involves freezing the pre-trained\naffine-invariant depth model's depth predictions, rectifying them by optimizing\nthe unknown scale-shift values with a geometric consistency alignment module,\nand employing the resulting scale-consistent depth maps to robustly obtain\ncamera poses and achieve dense scene reconstruction, even in low-texture\nregions. Experiments show that our method achieves state-of-the-art\ncross-dataset reconstruction on five zero-shot testing datasets.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:55:02 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Xu","Guangkai",""],["Yin","Wei",""],["Chen","Hao",""],["Shen","Chunhua",""],["Cheng","Kai",""],["Zhao","Feng",""]]} {"id":"2308.05734","submitter":"Haohe Liu","authors":"Haohe Liu, Qiao Tian, Yi Yuan, Xubo Liu, Xinhao Mei, Qiuqiang Kong,\n Yuping Wang, Wenwu Wang, Yuxuan Wang, Mark D. Plumbley","title":"AudioLDM 2: Learning Holistic Audio Generation with Self-supervised\n Pretraining","comments":"AudioLDM 2 project page is https://audioldm.github.io/audioldm2","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SD cs.AI cs.MM eess.AS eess.SP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Although audio generation shares commonalities across different types of\naudio, such as speech, music, and sound effects, designing models for each type\nrequires careful consideration of specific objectives and biases that can\nsignificantly differ from those of other types. To bring us closer to a unified\nperspective of audio generation, this paper proposes a framework that utilizes\nthe same learning method for speech, music, and sound effect generation. Our\nframework introduces a general representation of audio, called language of\naudio (LOA). Any audio can be translated into LOA based on AudioMAE, a\nself-supervised pre-trained representation learning model. In the generation\nprocess, we translate any modalities into LOA by using a GPT-2 model, and we\nperform self-supervised audio generation learning with a latent diffusion model\nconditioned on LOA. The proposed framework naturally brings advantages such as\nin-context learning abilities and reusable self-supervised pretrained AudioMAE\nand latent diffusion models. Experiments on the major benchmarks of\ntext-to-audio, text-to-music, and text-to-speech demonstrate new\nstate-of-the-art or competitive performance to previous approaches. Our demo\nand code are available at https://audioldm.github.io/audioldm2.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:55:13 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Liu","Haohe",""],["Tian","Qiao",""],["Yuan","Yi",""],["Liu","Xubo",""],["Mei","Xinhao",""],["Kong","Qiuqiang",""],["Wang","Yuping",""],["Wang","Wenwu",""],["Wang","Yuxuan",""],["Plumbley","Mark D.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05735","submitter":"Lukas J. Furtak","authors":"Lukas J. Furtak, Ivo Labb\\'e, Adi Zitrin, Jenny E. Greene, Pratika\n Dayal, Iryna Chemerynska, Vasily Kokorev, Tim B. Miller, Andy D. Goulding,\n Rachel Bezanson, Gabriel B. Brammer, Sam E. Cutler, Joel Leja, Richard Pan,\n Sedona H. Price, Bingjie Wang, John R. Weaver, Katherine E. Whitaker, Hakim\n Atek, \\'Akos Bogd\\'an, St\\'ephane Charlot, Emma Curtis-Lake, Pieter van\n Dokkum, Ryan Endsley, Yoshinobu Fudamoto, Seiji Fujimoto, Anna de Graaff,\n Karl Glazebrook, St\\'ephanie Juneau, Danilo Marchesini, Michael V. Maseda,\n Erica Nelson, Pascal A. Oesch, Ad\\`ele Plat, David J. Setton, Daniel P. Stark\n and Christina C. Williams","title":"A supermassive black hole in the early universe growing in the shadows","comments":"Submitted. Comments welcome!","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.GA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Early JWST observations have uncovered a new, substantial population of red\nsources that might represent a previously overlooked phase of actively growing\nsupermassive black holes (Kocevski et al. 2023, Matthee et al. 2023, Labbe et\nal. 2023). One of the most intriguing examples is an extremely red, point-like\nobject that was found to be triply-imaged by the strong lensing galaxy cluster\nAbell 2744 (Furtak et al. 2023), allowing an unprecedented detailed look into\nthis enigmatic population. Here we present deep spectroscopic JWST/NIRSpec\nobservations of this object, Abell2744-QSO1. The spectroscopy confirms that the\nthree images are of the same object, and that it is a highly reddened\n($A_V\\sim3$) broad emission-line Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) at a redshift of\n$z_{\\mathrm{spec}}=7.0451\\pm0.0005$. From the width of H$\\beta$\n($\\mathrm{FWHM}=2800\\pm250\\,\\frac{\\mathrm{km}}{\\mathrm{s}}$) we derive a black\nhole mass of $M_{\\mathrm{BH}}=3_{-1}^{+2}\\times10^7\\,\\mathrm{M}_{\\odot}$. We\ninfer a very high ratio of black hole to galaxy mass of at least 3% and\npossibly as high as 100%, an order of magnitude or more than is seen in local\ngalaxies. The lack of strong metal lines in the spectrum together with the high\nbolometric luminosity\n($L_{\\mathrm{bol}}=(1.1\\pm0.3)\\times10^{45}\\,\\frac{\\mathrm{erg}}{\\mathrm{s}}$)\nsuggest that we are seeing the black hole in a phase of rapid growth, accreting\nat 30% of the Eddington limit. Based on early JWST imaging studies we estimate\nthat such heavily reddened, low-mass black holes can be $\\sim100$ times more\ncommon than UV-selected ones at this epoch. The rapid growth and high black\nhole to galaxy mass ratio of A2744-QSO1 suggests that it may represent the\nmissing link between black hole seeds (Inayoshi et al. 2020; Greene et al.\n2020; Volonteri 2021) and the first luminous quasars (Fan et al. 2023).\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:56:31 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Furtak","Lukas J.",""],["Labb\u00e9","Ivo",""],["Zitrin","Adi",""],["Greene","Jenny E.",""],["Dayal","Pratika",""],["Chemerynska","Iryna",""],["Kokorev","Vasily",""],["Miller","Tim B.",""],["Goulding","Andy D.",""],["Bezanson","Rachel",""],["Brammer","Gabriel B.",""],["Cutler","Sam E.",""],["Leja","Joel",""],["Pan","Richard",""],["Price","Sedona H.",""],["Wang","Bingjie",""],["Weaver","John R.",""],["Whitaker","Katherine E.",""],["Atek","Hakim",""],["Bogd\u00e1n","\u00c1kos",""],["Charlot","St\u00e9phane",""],["Curtis-Lake","Emma",""],["van Dokkum","Pieter",""],["Endsley","Ryan",""],["Fudamoto","Yoshinobu",""],["Fujimoto","Seiji",""],["de Graaff","Anna",""],["Glazebrook","Karl",""],["Juneau","St\u00e9phanie",""],["Marchesini","Danilo",""],["Maseda","Michael V.",""],["Nelson","Erica",""],["Oesch","Pascal A.",""],["Plat","Ad\u00e8le",""],["Setton","David J.",""],["Stark","Daniel P.",""],["Williams","Christina C.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05736","submitter":"Bencheng Liao","authors":"Bencheng Liao, Shaoyu Chen, Yunchi Zhang, Bo Jiang, Qian Zhang, Wenyu\n Liu, Chang Huang, Xinggang Wang","title":"MapTRv2: An End-to-End Framework for Online Vectorized HD Map\n Construction","comments":"Code available at https://github.com/hustvl/MapTR . arXiv admin note:\n substantial text overlap with arXiv:2208.14437","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.RO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" High-definition (HD) map provides abundant and precise static environmental\ninformation of the driving scene, serving as a fundamental and indispensable\ncomponent for planning in autonomous driving system. In this paper, we present\n\\textbf{Map} \\textbf{TR}ansformer, an end-to-end framework for online\nvectorized HD map construction. We propose a unified permutation-equivalent\nmodeling approach, \\ie, modeling map element as a point set with a group of\nequivalent permutations, which accurately describes the shape of map element\nand stabilizes the learning process. We design a hierarchical query embedding\nscheme to flexibly encode structured map information and perform hierarchical\nbipartite matching for map element learning. To speed up convergence, we\nfurther introduce auxiliary one-to-many matching and dense supervision. The\nproposed method well copes with various map elements with arbitrary shapes. It\nruns at real-time inference speed and achieves state-of-the-art performance on\nboth nuScenes and Argoverse2 datasets. Abundant qualitative results show stable\nand robust map construction quality in complex and various driving scenes. Code\nand more demos are available at \\url{https://github.com/hustvl/MapTR} for\nfacilitating further studies and applications.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:56:53 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Liao","Bencheng",""],["Chen","Shaoyu",""],["Zhang","Yunchi",""],["Jiang","Bo",""],["Zhang","Qian",""],["Liu","Wenyu",""],["Huang","Chang",""],["Wang","Xinggang",""]]} {"id":"2308.05737","submitter":"Alaa Maalouf","authors":"Alaa Maalouf and Ninad Jadhav and Krishna Murthy Jatavallabhula and\n Makram Chahine and Daniel M.Vogt and Robert J. Wood and Antonio Torralba and\n Daniela Rus","title":"Follow Anything: Open-set detection, tracking, and following in\n real-time","comments":"Project webpage: https://github.com/alaamaalouf/FollowAnything\n Explainer video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Mgt3EPytrw","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.RO cs.CV cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Tracking and following objects of interest is critical to several robotics\nuse cases, ranging from industrial automation to logistics and warehousing, to\nhealthcare and security. In this paper, we present a robotic system to detect,\ntrack, and follow any object in real-time. Our approach, dubbed ``follow\nanything'' (FAn), is an open-vocabulary and multimodal model -- it is not\nrestricted to concepts seen at training time and can be applied to novel\nclasses at inference time using text, images, or click queries. Leveraging rich\nvisual descriptors from large-scale pre-trained models (foundation models), FAn\ncan detect and segment objects by matching multimodal queries (text, images,\nclicks) against an input image sequence. These detected and segmented objects\nare tracked across image frames, all while accounting for occlusion and object\nre-emergence. We demonstrate FAn on a real-world robotic system (a micro aerial\nvehicle) and report its ability to seamlessly follow the objects of interest in\na real-time control loop. FAn can be deployed on a laptop with a lightweight\n(6-8 GB) graphics card, achieving a throughput of 6-20 frames per second. To\nenable rapid adoption, deployment, and extensibility, we open-source all our\ncode on our project webpage at https://github.com/alaamaalouf/FollowAnything .\nWe also encourage the reader the watch our 5-minutes explainer video in this\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Mgt3EPytrw .\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:57:06 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Maalouf","Alaa",""],["Jadhav","Ninad",""],["Jatavallabhula","Krishna Murthy",""],["Chahine","Makram",""],["Vogt","Daniel M.",""],["Wood","Robert J.",""],["Torralba","Antonio",""],["Rus","Daniela",""]]} {"id":"2308.05738","submitter":"Will Consagra","authors":"William Consagra, Martin Cole, Xing Qiu, Zhengwu Zhang","title":"Continuous and Atlas-free Analysis of Brain Structural Connectivity","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.CO q-bio.NC stat.AP stat.ME","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Brain structural networks are often represented as discrete adjacency\nmatrices with elements summarizing the connectivity between pairs of regions of\ninterest (ROIs). These ROIs are typically determined a-priori using a brain\natlas. The choice of atlas is often arbitrary and can lead to a loss of\nimportant connectivity information at the sub-ROI level. This work introduces\nan atlas-free framework that overcomes these issues by modeling brain\nconnectivity using smooth random functions. In particular, we assume that the\nobserved pattern of white matter fiber tract endpoints is driven by a latent\nrandom function defined over a product manifold domain. To facilitate\nstatistical analysis of these high dimensional functional data objects, we\ndevelop a novel algorithm to construct a data-driven reduced-rank function\nspace that offers a desirable trade-off between computational complexity and\nflexibility. Using real data from the Human Connectome Project, we show that\nour method outperforms state-of-the-art approaches that use the traditional\natlas-based structural connectivity representation on a variety of connectivity\nanalysis tasks. We further demonstrate how our method can be used to detect\nlocalized regions and connectivity patterns associated with group differences.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:57:15 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Consagra","William",""],["Cole","Martin",""],["Qiu","Xing",""],["Zhang","Zhengwu",""]]} {"id":"2308.05739","submitter":"Michael Fischer","authors":"Michael Fischer, Tobias Ritschel","title":"Zero Grads Ever Given: Learning Local Surrogate Losses for\n Non-Differentiable Graphics","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.GR cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Gradient-based optimization is now ubiquitous across graphics, but\nunfortunately can not be applied to problems with undefined or zero gradients.\nTo circumvent this issue, the loss function can be manually replaced by a\n\"surrogate\" that has similar minima but is differentiable. Our proposed\nframework, ZeroGrads, automates this process by learning a neural approximation\nof the objective function, the surrogate, which in turn can be used to\ndifferentiate through arbitrary black-box graphics pipelines. We train the\nsurrogate on an actively smoothed version of the objective and encourage\nlocality, focusing the surrogate's capacity on what matters at the current\ntraining episode. The fitting is performed online, alongside the parameter\noptimization, and self-supervised, without pre-computed data or pre-trained\nmodels. As sampling the objective is expensive (it requires a full rendering or\nsimulator run), we devise an efficient sampling scheme that allows for\ntractable run-times and competitive performance at little overhead. We\ndemonstrate optimizing diverse non-convex, non-differentiable black-box\nproblems in graphics, such as visibility in rendering, discrete parameter\nspaces in procedural modelling or optimal control in physics-driven animation.\nIn contrast to more traditional algorithms, our approach scales well to higher\ndimensions, which we demonstrate on problems with up to 35k interlinked\nvariables.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:57:22 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Fischer","Michael",""],["Ritschel","Tobias",""]]} {"id":"2308.05740","submitter":"Rodolfo Ferro-Hern\\'andez","authors":"Jens Erler and Rodolfo Ferro-Hernandez","title":"Perturbative contributions to $\\Delta\\alpha^{(5)}(M^2_Z)$","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ph hep-lat","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We compute a theoretically driven prediction for the hadronic contribution to\nthe electromagnetic running coupling at the $Z$ scale using lattice QCD and\nstate-of-the-art perturbative QCD. We\nobtain$$\\Delta\\alpha^{(5)}(M^2_Z)=\\left[279.5\\pm0.9\\pm0.59\\right]\\times10^{-4}\\quad\\quad\\,\\,\\,\\,\\,\\,(\\mathrm{Mainz\n\\,\\,\\,Collaboration})$$$$\\Delta\\alpha^{(5)}(M^2_Z)=\\left[278.42\\pm0.22\\pm0.59\\right]\\times10^{-4}\\,\\,\\,\\,\\,\\,\\,\\,\\quad(\\mathrm{\nBMW \\,\\,\\,Collaboration}),$$\n where the first error is the quoted lattice uncertainty. The second is due to\nperturbative QCD, and is dominated by the parametric uncertainty on\n$\\hat{\\alpha}_s$, which is based on a rather conservative error. Using instead\nthe PDG average, we find a total error on $\\Delta\\alpha^{(5)}(M^2_Z)$ of\n$0.4\\times10^{-4}$. Furthermore, with a particular emphasis on the charm quark\ncontributions, we also update $\\Delta\\alpha^{(5)}(M^2_Z)$ when low-energy\ncross-section data is used as an input, obtaining $\\Delta\\alpha^{(5)}(M^2_Z) =\n\\left[276.29 \\pm 0.38 \\pm 0.62\\right] \\times 10^{-4}$. The difference between\nlattice QCD and cross-section-driven results reflects the known tension between\nboth methods in the computation of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon.\nOur results are expressed in a way that will allow straightforward\nmodifications and an easy implementation in electroweak global fits.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:57:49 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Erler","Jens",""],["Ferro-Hernandez","Rodolfo",""]]} {"id":"2308.05741","submitter":"Yun-Chun Chen","authors":"Yun-Chun Chen, Vladimir G. Kim, Noam Aigerman, Alec Jacobson","title":"Neural Progressive Meshes","comments":"SIGGRAPH 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.AI cs.GR cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The recent proliferation of 3D content that can be consumed on hand-held\ndevices necessitates efficient tools for transmitting large geometric data,\ne.g., 3D meshes, over the Internet. Detailed high-resolution assets can pose a\nchallenge to storage as well as transmission bandwidth, and level-of-detail\ntechniques are often used to transmit an asset using an appropriate bandwidth\nbudget. It is especially desirable for these methods to transmit data\nprogressively, improving the quality of the geometry with more data. Our key\ninsight is that the geometric details of 3D meshes often exhibit similar local\npatterns even across different shapes, and thus can be effectively represented\nwith a shared learned generative space. We learn this space using a\nsubdivision-based encoder-decoder architecture trained in advance on a large\ncollection of surfaces. We further observe that additional residual features\ncan be transmitted progressively between intermediate levels of subdivision\nthat enable the client to control the tradeoff between bandwidth cost and\nquality of reconstruction, providing a neural progressive mesh representation.\nWe evaluate our method on a diverse set of complex 3D shapes and demonstrate\nthat it outperforms baselines in terms of compression ratio and reconstruction\nquality.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:58:02 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Chen","Yun-Chun",""],["Kim","Vladimir G.",""],["Aigerman","Noam",""],["Jacobson","Alec",""]]} {"id":"2308.05742","submitter":"Cheuk Ting Li","authors":"Cheuk Ting Li","title":"A Characterization of Entropy as a Universal Monoidal Natural\n Transformation","comments":"45 pages, 1 figure","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CT cs.IT math.IT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We show that the essential properties of entropy (monotonicity, additivity\nand subadditivity) are consequences of entropy being a monoidal natural\ntransformation from the under category functor $-/\\mathsf{LProb}_{\\rho}$ (where\n$\\mathsf{LProb}_{\\rho}$ is category of $\\ell_{\\rho}$ discrete probability\nspaces) to $\\Delta_{\\mathbb{R}}$. Moreover, the Shannon entropy can be\ncharacterized as the universal monoidal natural transformation from\n$-/\\mathsf{LProb}_{\\rho}$ to the category of strongly Archimedean ordered\nvector spaces (a reflective subcategory of the lax-slice 2-category over\n$\\mathsf{MonCat}_{\\ell}$ in the 2-category of monoidal categories), providing a\nsuccinct characterization of Shannon entropy as a reflection arrow. We can\nlikewise define entropy for every category with a monoidal structure on its\nunder categories (e.g. the category of finite abelian groups, the category of\nfinite inhabited sets, the category of finite dimensional vector spaces, and\nthe augmented simplex category) via the reflection arrow to the reflective\nsubcategory of strongly Archimedean ordered vector spaces. This implies that\nall these entropies over different categories are components of a single\nnatural transformation (the unit of the idempotent monad), allowing us to\nconnect these entropies in a natural manner. We also provide a universal\ncharacterization of the conditional Shannon entropy based on the chain rule\nwhich, unlike the characterization of information loss by Baez, Fritz and\nLeinster, does not require any continuity assumption.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:58:15 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Sun, 27 Aug 2023 18:04:04 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-29","authors_parsed":[["Li","Cheuk Ting",""]]} {"id":"2308.05743","submitter":"Berndt Muller","authors":"John W. Harris and Berndt M\\\"uller","title":"\"QGP Signatures\" Revisited","comments":"42 pages, 47 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ph nucl-ex nucl-th","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We revisit the graphic table of QCD signatures in our 1996 Annual Reviews\narticle \"The Search for the Quark-Gluon Plasma\" and assess the progress that\nhas been made since its publication towards providing quantitative evidence for\nthe formation of a quark-gluon plasma in relativistic heavy-ion collisions and\nits characteristic properties.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:59:31 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 16:04:38 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Harris","John W.",""],["M\u00fcller","Berndt",""]]} {"id":"2308.05744","submitter":"Jia Zheng","authors":"Wentao Hu and Jia Zheng and Zixin Zhang and Xiaojun Yuan and Jian Yin\n and Zihan Zhou","title":"PlankAssembly: Robust 3D Reconstruction from Three Orthographic Views\n with Learnt Shape Programs","comments":"To Appear in ICCV 2023. The first three authors contributed equally\n to this work. The project page is at\n https://manycore-research.github.io/PlankAssembly","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.GR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In this paper, we develop a new method to automatically convert 2D line\ndrawings from three orthographic views into 3D CAD models. Existing methods for\nthis problem reconstruct 3D models by back-projecting the 2D observations into\n3D space while maintaining explicit correspondence between the input and\noutput. Such methods are sensitive to errors and noises in the input, thus\noften fail in practice where the input drawings created by human designers are\nimperfect. To overcome this difficulty, we leverage the attention mechanism in\na Transformer-based sequence generation model to learn flexible mappings\nbetween the input and output. Further, we design shape programs which are\nsuitable for generating the objects of interest to boost the reconstruction\naccuracy and facilitate CAD modeling applications. Experiments on a new\nbenchmark dataset show that our method significantly outperforms existing ones\nwhen the inputs are noisy or incomplete.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:59:34 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Hu","Wentao",""],["Zheng","Jia",""],["Zhang","Zixin",""],["Yuan","Xiaojun",""],["Yin","Jian",""],["Zhou","Zihan",""]]} {"id":"2308.05745","submitter":"Iaroslav Koshelev","authors":"Iaroslav Koshelev and Stamatios Lefkimmiatis","title":"Iterative Reweighted Least Squares Networks With Convergence Guarantees\n for Solving Inverse Imaging Problems","comments":"arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2304.10536","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" In this work we present a novel optimization strategy for image\nreconstruction tasks under analysis-based image regularization, which promotes\nsparse and/or low-rank solutions in some learned transform domain. We\nparameterize such regularizers using potential functions that correspond to\nweighted extensions of the $\\ell_p^p$-vector and $\\mathcal{S}_p^p$\nSchatten-matrix quasi-norms with $0 < p \\le 1$. Our proposed minimization\nstrategy extends the Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares (IRLS) method,\ntypically used for synthesis-based $\\ell_p$ and $\\mathcal{S}_p$ norm and\nanalysis-based $\\ell_1$ and nuclear norm regularization. We prove that under\nmild conditions our minimization algorithm converges linearly to a stationary\npoint, and we provide an upper bound for its convergence rate. Further, to\nselect the parameters of the regularizers that deliver the best results for the\nproblem at hand, we propose to learn them from training data by formulating the\nsupervised learning process as a stochastic bilevel optimization problem. We\nshow that thanks to the convergence guarantees of our proposed minimization\nstrategy, such optimization can be successfully performed with a\nmemory-efficient implicit back-propagation scheme. We implement our learned\nIRLS variants as recurrent networks and assess their performance on the\nchallenging image reconstruction tasks of non-blind deblurring,\nsuper-resolution and demosaicking. The comparisons against other existing\nlearned reconstruction approaches demonstrate that our overall method is very\ncompetitive and in many cases outperforms existing unrolled networks, whose\nnumber of parameters is orders of magnitude higher than in our case.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:59:46 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Koshelev","Iaroslav",""],["Lefkimmiatis","Stamatios",""]]} {"id":"2308.05746","submitter":"Songtao Huang","authors":"Franklin J. Vivanco, Alexander Schuckert, Songtao Huang, Grant L.\n Schumacher, Gabriel G. T. Assump\\c{c}\\~ao, Yunpeng Ji, Jianyi Chen, Michael\n Knap, Nir Navon","title":"The strongly driven Fermi polaron","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.quant-gas cond-mat.stat-mech physics.atom-ph quant-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Quasiparticles are emergent excitations of matter that underlie much of our\nunderstanding of quantum many-body systems. Therefore, the prospect of\nmanipulating their properties with external fields -- or even destroying them\n-- has both fundamental and practical implications. However, in solid-state\nmaterials it is often challenging to understand how quasiparticles are modified\nby external fields owing to their complex interplay with other collective\nexcitations, such as phonons. Here, we take advantage of the clean setting of\nhomogeneous quantum gases and fast radio-frequency control to manipulate Fermi\npolarons -- quasiparticles formed by impurities interacting with a\nnon-interacting Fermi gas -- from weak to ultrastrong drives. Exploiting two\ninternal states of the impurity species, we develop a steady-state\nspectroscopy, from which we extract the energy of the driven polaron. We\nmeasure the decay rate and the quasiparticle residue of the driven polaron from\nthe Rabi oscillations between the two internal states. At large drive\nstrengths, the so-extracted quasiparticle residue exceeds unity, raising\nintriguing questions on the relationship between the Rabi oscillations and the\nimpurity's spectral functions. Our experiment establishes the driven Fermi\npolaron as a promising platform for studying controllable quasiparticles in\nstrongly driven quantum matter.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:59:51 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-11","authors_parsed":[["Vivanco","Franklin J.",""],["Schuckert","Alexander",""],["Huang","Songtao",""],["Schumacher","Grant L.",""],["Assump\u00e7\u00e3o","Gabriel G. T.",""],["Ji","Yunpeng",""],["Chen","Jianyi",""],["Knap","Michael",""],["Navon","Nir",""]]} {"id":"2308.05752","submitter":"Dhiman Ray","authors":"Dhiman Ray, Michele Parrinello","title":"Data Driven Classification of Ligand Unbinding Pathways","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.chem-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Studying the pathways of ligand-receptor binding is essential to understand\nthe mechanism of target recognition by small molecules. The binding free energy\nand kinetics of protein-ligand complexes can be computed using molecular\ndynamics (MD) simulations, often in quantitative agreement with experiments.\nHowever, only a qualitative picture of the ligand binding/unbinding paths can\nbe obtained through a conventional analysis of the MD trajectories. Besides,\nthe higher degree of manual effort involved in analyzing pathways limits its\napplicability in large-scale drug discovery. Here we address this limitation by\nintroducing an automated approach for analyzing molecular transition paths with\na particular focus on protein-ligand dissociation. Our method is based on the\ndynamic time-warping (DTW) algorithm, originally designed for speech\nrecognition. We accurately classified molecular trajectories using a very\ngeneric descriptor set of contacts or distances. Our approach outperforms\nmanual classification by distinguishing between parallel dissociation channels,\nwithin the pathways identified by visual inspection. Most notably, we could\ncompute exit-path-specific ligand-dissociation kinetics. The unbinding\ntimescale along the fastest path agrees with the experimental residence time,\nproviding a physical interpretation to our entirely data-driven protocol. In\ncombination with appropriate enhanced sampling algorithms, this technique can\nbe used for the initial exploration of ligand-dissociation pathways as well as\nfor calculating path-specific thermodynamic and kinetic properties.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Wed, 2 Aug 2023 10:52:01 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Ray","Dhiman",""],["Parrinello","Michele",""]]} {"id":"2308.05753","submitter":"Denis Koshelev","authors":"Denis Koshelev, Alexey Ponomarenko, Sergei Seleznev","title":"Amortized neural networks for agent-based model forecasting","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"econ.EM","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In this paper, we propose a new procedure for unconditional and conditional\nforecasting in agent-based models. The proposed algorithm is based on the\napplication of amortized neural networks and consists of two steps. The first\nstep simulates artificial datasets from the model. In the second step, a neural\nnetwork is trained to predict the future values of the variables using the\nhistory of observations. The main advantage of the proposed algorithm is its\nspeed. This is due to the fact that, after the training procedure, it can be\nused to yield predictions for almost any data without additional simulations or\nthe re-estimation of the neural network\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 3 Aug 2023 11:24:34 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Koshelev","Denis",""],["Ponomarenko","Alexey",""],["Seleznev","Sergei",""]]} {"id":"2308.05754","submitter":"Wangjun Jiang","authors":"Wangjun Jiang, Zhiqing Wei, Zhiyong Feng","title":"SLAM for Multiple Extended Targets using 5G Signal","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SP cs.PF","license":"http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/","abstract":" 5th Generation (5G) mobile communication systems operating at around 28 GHz\nhave the potential to be applied to simultaneous localization and mapping\n(SLAM). Most existing 5G SLAM studies estimate environment as many point\ntargets, instead of extended targets. In this paper, we focus on the\nperformance analysis of 5G SLAM for multiple extended targets. To evaluate the\nmapping performance of multiple extended targets, a new mapping error metric,\nnamed extended targets generalized optimal sub-pattern assignment (ET-GOPSA),\nis proposed in this paper. Compared with the existing metrics, ET-GOPSA not\nonly considers the accuracy error of target estimation, the cost of missing\ndetection, the cost of false detection, but also the cost of matching the\nestimated point with the extended target. To evaluate the performance of 5G\nsignal in SLAM, we analyze and simulate the mapping error of 5G signal sensing\nby ET-GOPSA. Simulation results show that, under the condition of SNR = 10 dB,\n5G signal sensing can barely meet to meet the requirements of SLAM for multiple\nextended targets with the carrier frequency of 28 GHz, the bandwidth of 1.23\nGHz, and the antenna size of 32.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 4 Aug 2023 08:30:12 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Jiang","Wangjun",""],["Wei","Zhiqing",""],["Feng","Zhiyong",""]]} {"id":"2308.05755","submitter":"Arkadiusz Nowacki","authors":"Arkadiusz Nowacki, Ewelina Ko{\\l}pa, Mateusz Szychiewicz, Konrad\n Ciecierski","title":"Deep learning for spike detection in deep brain stimulation surgery","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SP cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a neurosurgical procedure successfully used\nto treat conditions such as Parkinson's disease. Electrostimulation, carried\nout by implanting electrodes into an identified focus in the brain, makes it\npossible to reduce the symptoms of the disease significantly. In this paper, a\nmethod for analyzing recordings of neuronal activity acquired during DBS\nneurosurgery using deep learning is presented. We tested using a convolutional\nneural network (CNN) for this purpose. Based on the time window, the classifier\nassesses whether neuronal activity (spike) is present. The maximum accuracy\nvalue for the classifier was 98.98%, and the area under the receiver operating\ncharacteristic curve (AUC) was 0.9898. The method made it possible to obtain a\nclassification without using data preprocessing.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 4 Aug 2023 13:15:05 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-23","authors_parsed":[["Nowacki","Arkadiusz",""],["Ko\u0142pa","Ewelina",""],["Szychiewicz","Mateusz",""],["Ciecierski","Konrad",""]]} {"id":"2308.05756","submitter":"Beitong Tian","authors":"Beitong Tian, Kuan-Chieh Lu, Ahmadreza Eslaminia, Yaohui Wang, Chenhui\n Shao, Klara Nahrstedt","title":"WeldMon: A Cost-effective Ultrasonic Welding Machine Condition\n Monitoring System","comments":"9 pages, 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SP cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Ultrasonic welding machines play a critical role in the lithium battery\nindustry, facilitating the bonding of batteries with conductors. Ensuring\nhigh-quality welding is vital, making tool condition monitoring systems\nessential for early-stage quality control. However, existing monitoring methods\nface challenges in cost, downtime, and adaptability. In this paper, we present\nWeldMon, an affordable ultrasonic welding machine condition monitoring system\nthat utilizes a custom data acquisition system and a data analysis pipeline\ndesigned for real-time analysis. Our classification algorithm combines\nauto-generated features and hand-crafted features, achieving superior\ncross-validation accuracy (95.8% on average over all testing tasks) compared to\nthe state-of-the-art method (92.5%) in condition classification tasks. Our data\naugmentation approach alleviates the concept drift problem, enhancing tool\ncondition classification accuracy by 8.3%. All algorithms run locally,\nrequiring only 385 milliseconds to process data for each welding cycle. We\ndeploy WeldMon and a commercial system on an actual ultrasonic welding machine,\nperforming a comprehensive comparison. Our findings highlight the potential for\ndeveloping cost-effective, high-performance, and reliable tool condition\nmonitoring systems.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Sat, 5 Aug 2023 00:30:20 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Tian","Beitong",""],["Lu","Kuan-Chieh",""],["Eslaminia","Ahmadreza",""],["Wang","Yaohui",""],["Shao","Chenhui",""],["Nahrstedt","Klara",""]]} {"id":"2308.05757","submitter":"Cheng-Wei Ching","authors":"Cheng-Wei Ching, Chirag Gupta, Zi Huang, Liting Hu","title":"OrcoDCS: An IoT-Edge Orchestrated Online Deep Compressed Sensing\n Framework","comments":"6 pages, 8 figures, to appear in 2023 IEEE International Conference\n on Distributed Computing Systems Workshop on ECAI","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SP cs.DC cs.IT cs.LG math.IT","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Compressed data aggregation (CDA) over wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is\ntask-specific and subject to environmental changes. However, the existing\ncompressed data aggregation (CDA) frameworks (e.g., compressed sensing-based\ndata aggregation, deep learning(DL)-based data aggregation) do not possess the\nflexibility and adaptivity required to handle distinct sensing tasks and\nenvironmental changes. Additionally, they do not consider the performance of\nfollow-up IoT data-driven deep learning (DL)-based applications. To address\nthese shortcomings, we propose OrcoDCS, an IoT-Edge orchestrated online deep\ncompressed sensing framework that offers high flexibility and adaptability to\ndistinct IoT device groups and their sensing tasks, as well as high performance\nfor follow-up applications. The novelty of our work is the design and\ndeployment of IoT-Edge orchestrated online training framework over WSNs by\nleveraging an specially-designed asymmetric autoencoder, which can largely\nreduce the encoding overhead and improve the reconstruction performance and\nrobustness. We show analytically and empirically that OrcoDCS outperforms the\nstate-of-the-art DCDA on training time, significantly improves flexibility and\nadaptability when distinct reconstruction tasks are given, and achieves higher\nperformance for follow-up applications.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Sat, 5 Aug 2023 04:19:35 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Ching","Cheng-Wei",""],["Gupta","Chirag",""],["Huang","Zi",""],["Hu","Liting",""]]} {"id":"2308.05758","submitter":"Sen Yang","authors":"Sen Yang and Xiaofeng Li","title":"SNR-based beaconless multi-scan link acquisition model with vibration\n for LEO-to-ground laser communication","comments":"15 pages, 7 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SP cs.SY eess.SY","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We propose a link acquisition time model deeply involving the process from\nthe transmitted power to received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for LEO-to-ground\nlaser communication for the first time. Compared with the conventional\nacquisition models founded on geometry analysis with divergence angle\nthreshold, utilizing SNR as the decision criterion is more appropriate for\npractical engineering requirements. Specially, under the combined effects of\nplatform vibration and turbulence, we decouple the parameters of beam\ndivergence angle, spiral pitch, and coverage factor at a fixed transmitted\npower for a given average received SNR threshold. Then the single-scan\nacquisition probability is obtained by integrating the field of uncertainty\n(FOU), probability distribution of coverage factor, and receiver field angle.\nConsequently, the closed-form analytical expression of acquisition time\nexpectation adopting multi-scan, which ensures acquisition success, with\nessential reset time between single-scan is derived. The optimizations\nconcerning the beam divergence angle, spiral pitch, and FOU are presented.\nMoreover, the influence of platform vibration is investigated. All the\nanalytical derivations are confirmed by Monte Carlo simulations. Notably, we\nprovide a theoretical method for designing the minimum divergence angle\nmodulated by the laser, which not only improves the acquisition performance\nwithin a certain vibration range, but also achieves a good trade-off with the\nsystem complexity.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Sun, 6 Aug 2023 08:12:57 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Yang","Sen",""],["Li","Xiaofeng",""]]} {"id":"2308.05759","submitter":"Felipe Meneguitti Dias","authors":"Douglas A.Almeida, Felipe M. Dias, Marcelo A. F. Toledo, Diego A. C.\n Cardenas, Filipe A. C. Oliveira, Estela Ribeiro, Jose E. Krieger, Marco A.\n Gutierrez","title":"A machine-learning sleep-wake classification model using a reduced\n number of features derived from photoplethysmography and activity signals","comments":"8 pages, 3 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SP cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Sleep is a crucial aspect of our overall health and well-being. It plays a\nvital role in regulating our mental and physical health, impacting our mood,\nmemory, and cognitive function to our physical resilience and immune system.\nThe classification of sleep stages is a mandatory step to assess sleep quality,\nproviding the metrics to estimate the quality of sleep and how well our body is\nfunctioning during this essential period of rest. Photoplethysmography (PPG)\nhas been demonstrated to be an effective signal for sleep stage inference,\nmeaning it can be used on its own or in a combination with others signals to\ndetermine sleep stage. This information is valuable in identifying potential\nsleep issues and developing strategies to improve sleep quality and overall\nhealth. In this work, we present a machine learning sleep-wake classification\nmodel based on the eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) algorithm and features\nextracted from PPG signal and activity counts. The performance of our method\nwas comparable to current state-of-the-art methods with a Sensitivity of 91.15\n$\\pm$ 1.16%, Specificity of 53.66 $\\pm$ 1.12%, F1-score of 83.88 $\\pm$ 0.56%,\nand Kappa of 48.0 $\\pm$ 0.86%. Our method offers a significant improvement over\nother approaches as it uses a reduced number of features, making it suitable\nfor implementation in wearable devices that have limited computational power.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 7 Aug 2023 13:43:19 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Almeida","Douglas A.",""],["Dias","Felipe M.",""],["Toledo","Marcelo A. F.",""],["Cardenas","Diego A. C.",""],["Oliveira","Filipe A. C.",""],["Ribeiro","Estela",""],["Krieger","Jose E.",""],["Gutierrez","Marco A.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05760","submitter":"Dongling Xu","authors":"Dongling Xu, Xiang Yi, Yal\\c{c}n Ata, Xinyue Tao, Yuxuan Li, Peng Yue","title":"Unified Statistical Channel Modeling and performance analysis of\n Vertical Underwater Wireless Optical Communication Links considering\n Turbulence-Induced Fading","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SP physics.optics","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The reliability of a vertical underwater wireless optical communication\n(UWOC) network is seriously impacted by turbulence-induced fading due to\nfluctuations in the water temperature and salinity, which vary with depth. To\nbetter assess the vertical UWOC system performances, an accurate probability\ndistribution function (PDF) model that can describe this fading is\nindispensable. In view of the limitations of theoretical and experimental\nstudies, this paper is the first to establish a more accurate modeling scheme\nfor wave optics simulation (WOS) by fully considering the constraints of\nsampling conditions on multi-phase screen parameters. On this basis, we\ncomplete the modeling of light propagation in a vertical oceanic turbulence\nchannel and subsequently propose a unified statistical model named mixture\nWeibull-generalized Gamma (WGG) distribution model to characterize\nturbulence-induced fading in vertical links. Interestingly, the WGG model is\nshown to provide a perfect fit with the acquired data under all considered\nchannel conditions. We further show that the application of the WGG model leads\nto closed-form and analytically tractable expressions for key UWOC system\nperformance metrics such as the average bit-error rate (BER). The presented\nresults give valuable insight into the practical aspects of development of UWOC\nnetworks.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 8 Aug 2023 06:47:39 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Xu","Dongling",""],["Yi","Xiang",""],["Ata","Yal\u00e7n",""],["Tao","Xinyue",""],["Li","Yuxuan",""],["Yue","Peng",""]]} {"id":"2308.05761","submitter":"Alexander Stepanenko","authors":"A. A. Stepanenko and Yu. M. Gasparyan","title":"Analysis of sample temperature dynamics under pulsed laser irradiation\n during laser-induced-desorption diagnostic","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.plasm-ph physics.app-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The accurate assessment of the local tritium concentration in the tokamak\nfirst wall by means of the laser-induced desorption (LID) diagnostic is sought\nas one the key solutions to monitoring the local radioactive tritium content in\nthe first wall of the fusion reactor ITER. Numerical models of gas desorption\nfrom solids used for LID simulation are usually closed with the one-dimensional\nheat transport models. In this study, the temperature dynamics of a target\nirradiated by a short laser pulse during LID are analyzed by means of the\ntwo-dimensional heat transport model to assess the validity of using\none-dimensional approximation for recovering the diagnostic signal. The\nquantitative estimates for the parameters governing the heat transfer are\npresented. The analytical expressions for the sample temperature distribution\nresolved both in time and space are derived. The sensitivity analysis of the\nobtained relations to uncertainties in the experimental parameters is\nperformed. It is shown that, depending of the ratio between the laser spot\nradius and heat diffusion length, the one-dimensional approach can noticeably\noverestimate the sample temperature in the limit of small laser spot radius,\nresulting in more than 100 % larger amounts of tritium desorbed from the\nirradiated target, compared to the two-dimensional approximation. In the limit\nof large laser spot radius, both approaches yield comparable amounts of\ndesorbed tritium.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 8 Aug 2023 19:11:07 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Stepanenko","A. A.",""],["Gasparyan","Yu. M.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05762","submitter":"Vaastav Anand","authors":"Roberta De Viti, Solal Pirelli, Vaastav Anand","title":"HotOS XIX Panel Report: Panel on Future of Reproduction and Replication\n of Systems Research","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.OS","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" At HotOS XIX (2023), we organized a panel to discuss the future of\nreproducibility and replication in systems research. In this document, we\nhighlight the key points and themes that were discussed in the panel and\nsummarize the various opinions shared by both the panelists as well as the\nHotOS attendees.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 8 Aug 2023 20:47:09 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["De Viti","Roberta",""],["Pirelli","Solal",""],["Anand","Vaastav",""]]} {"id":"2308.05763","submitter":"Ben Israeli","authors":"Ben Y. Israeli, Christopher Berg Smiet","title":"A topological approach to magnetic nulls","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.plasm-ph astro-ph.SR math-ph math.MP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Magnetic nulls are locations where the magnetic field vanishes. Nulls are the\nlocation of magnetic reconnection, and they determine to a large degree the\nmagnetic connectivity in a system. We describe a novel approach to\nunderstanding movement, appearance, and disappearance of nulls in magnetic\nfields. This approach is based on the novel concept of isotropes, or lines\nwhere the field direction is constant. These lines are streamlines of a vector\nfield whose flux is sourced by the topological indices of nulls, and can be\nconceptualized as corresponding \"lines of force\" between nulls. We show how\nthis topological approach can be used to generate analytical expressions for\nthe location of nulls in the presence of external fields for dipoles and for a\nfield defined by the Hopf fibration.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Tue, 8 Aug 2023 21:13:50 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Israeli","Ben Y.",""],["Smiet","Christopher Berg",""]]} {"id":"2308.05764","submitter":"\\\"Ozg\\\"un Turgut","authors":"\\\"Ozg\\\"un Turgut, Philip M\\\"uller, Paul Hager, Suprosanna Shit, Sophie\n Starck, Martin J. Menten, Eimo Martens, Daniel Rueckert","title":"Unlocking the Diagnostic Potential of ECG through Knowledge Transfer\n from Cardiac MRI","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SP cs.AI cs.CV cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The electrocardiogram (ECG) is a widely available diagnostic tool that allows\nfor a cost-effective and fast assessment of the cardiovascular health. However,\nmore detailed examination with expensive cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR)\nimaging is often preferred for the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases. While\nproviding detailed visualization of the cardiac anatomy, CMR imaging is not\nwidely available due to long scan times and high costs. To address this issue,\nwe propose the first self-supervised contrastive approach that transfers\ndomain-specific information from CMR images to ECG embeddings. Our approach\ncombines multimodal contrastive learning with masked data modeling to enable\nholistic cardiac screening solely from ECG data. In extensive experiments using\ndata from 40,044 UK Biobank subjects, we demonstrate the utility and\ngeneralizability of our method. We predict the subject-specific risk of various\ncardiovascular diseases and determine distinct cardiac phenotypes solely from\nECG data. In a qualitative analysis, we demonstrate that our learned ECG\nembeddings incorporate information from CMR image regions of interest. We make\nour entire pipeline publicly available, including the source code and\npre-trained model weights.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Wed, 9 Aug 2023 10:05:11 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Turgut","\u00d6zg\u00fcn",""],["M\u00fcller","Philip",""],["Hager","Paul",""],["Shit","Suprosanna",""],["Starck","Sophie",""],["Menten","Martin J.",""],["Martens","Eimo",""],["Rueckert","Daniel",""]]} {"id":"2308.05765","submitter":"Md Simul Hasan Talukder","authors":"Md. Simul Hasan Talukder, Rejwan Bin Sulaiman, Mouli Bardhan Paul\n Angon","title":"Unleashing the Power of Extra-Tree Feature Selection and Random Forest\n Classifier for Improved Survival Prediction in Heart Failure Patients","comments":"7 page, 6 Table and 6 Figure","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Heart failure is a life-threatening condition that affects millions of people\nworldwide. The ability to accurately predict patient survival can aid in early\nintervention and improve patient outcomes. In this study, we explore the\npotential of utilizing data pre-processing techniques and the Extra-Tree (ET)\nfeature selection method in conjunction with the Random Forest (RF) classifier\nto improve survival prediction in heart failure patients. By leveraging the\nstrengths of ET feature selection, we aim to identify the most significant\npredictors associated with heart failure survival. Using the public UCL Heart\nfailure (HF) survival dataset, we employ the ET feature selection algorithm to\nidentify the most informative features. These features are then used as input\nfor grid search of RF. Finally, the tuned RF Model was trained and evaluated\nusing different matrices. The approach was achieved 98.33% accuracy that is the\nhighest over the exiting work.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Wed, 9 Aug 2023 11:47:28 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Talukder","Md. Simul Hasan",""],["Sulaiman","Rejwan Bin",""],["Angon","Mouli Bardhan Paul",""]]} {"id":"2308.05766","submitter":"Svetlana Varchenko","authors":"G. Felder, A. Smirnov, V. Tarasov, A. Varchenko","title":"Hypergeometric integrals, hook formulas and Whittaker vectors","comments":"Latex, 15 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math-ph math.AG math.MP math.QA math.RT","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We determine the coefficient of proportionality between two multidimensional\nhypergeometric integrals. One of them is a solution of the dynamical difference\nequations associated with a Young diagram and the other is the vertex integral\nassociated with the Young diagram. The coefficient of proportionality is the\ninverse of the product of weighted hooks of the Young diagram. It turns out\nthat this problem is closely related to the question of describing the action\nof the center of the universal enveloping algebra of $\\mathfrak{gl}_n$ on the\nspace of Whittaker vectors in the tensor product of dual Verma modules with\nfundamental modules, for which we give an explicit basis of simultaneous\neigenvectors.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Wed, 9 Aug 2023 14:36:31 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Felder","G.",""],["Smirnov","A.",""],["Tarasov","V.",""],["Varchenko","A.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05767","submitter":"YiJin Zhou","authors":"Yijin Zhou, Fu Li, Yang Li, Youshuo Ji, Lijian Zhang, Yuanfang Chen,\n Wenming Zheng, Guangming Shi","title":"EEG-based Emotion Style Transfer Network for Cross-dataset Emotion\n Recognition","comments":"13 pages, 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SP cs.HC cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" As the key to realizing aBCIs, EEG emotion recognition has been widely\nstudied by many researchers. Previous methods have performed well for\nintra-subject EEG emotion recognition. However, the style mismatch between\nsource domain (training data) and target domain (test data) EEG samples caused\nby huge inter-domain differences is still a critical problem for EEG emotion\nrecognition. To solve the problem of cross-dataset EEG emotion recognition, in\nthis paper, we propose an EEG-based Emotion Style Transfer Network (E2STN) to\nobtain EEG representations that contain the content information of source\ndomain and the style information of target domain, which is called stylized\nemotional EEG representations. The representations are helpful for\ncross-dataset discriminative prediction. Concretely, E2STN consists of three\nmodules, i.e., transfer module, transfer evaluation module, and discriminative\nprediction module. The transfer module encodes the domain-specific information\nof source and target domains and then re-constructs the source domain's\nemotional pattern and the target domain's statistical characteristics into the\nnew stylized EEG representations. In this process, the transfer evaluation\nmodule is adopted to constrain the generated representations that can more\nprecisely fuse two kinds of complementary information from source and target\ndomains and avoid distorting. Finally, the generated stylized EEG\nrepresentations are fed into the discriminative prediction module for final\nclassification. Extensive experiments show that the E2STN can achieve the\nstate-of-the-art performance on cross-dataset EEG emotion recognition tasks.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Wed, 9 Aug 2023 16:54:40 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Zhou","Yijin",""],["Li","Fu",""],["Li","Yang",""],["Ji","Youshuo",""],["Zhang","Lijian",""],["Chen","Yuanfang",""],["Zheng","Wenming",""],["Shi","Guangming",""]]} {"id":"2308.05768","submitter":"Nina Weng","authors":"Nina Weng, Martyna Plomecka, Manuel Kaufmann, Ard Kastrati, Roger\n Wattenhofer, Nicolas Langer","title":"An Interpretable and Attention-based Method for Gaze Estimation Using\n Electroencephalography","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SP cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Eye movements can reveal valuable insights into various aspects of human\nmental processes, physical well-being, and actions. Recently, several datasets\nhave been made available that simultaneously record EEG activity and eye\nmovements. This has triggered the development of various methods to predict\ngaze direction based on brain activity. However, most of these methods lack\ninterpretability, which limits their technology acceptance. In this paper, we\nleverage a large data set of simultaneously measured Electroencephalography\n(EEG) and Eye tracking, proposing an interpretable model for gaze estimation\nfrom EEG data. More specifically, we present a novel attention-based deep\nlearning framework for EEG signal analysis, which allows the network to focus\non the most relevant information in the signal and discard problematic\nchannels. Additionally, we provide a comprehensive evaluation of the presented\nframework, demonstrating its superiority over current methods in terms of\naccuracy and robustness. Finally, the study presents visualizations that\nexplain the results of the analysis and highlights the potential of attention\nmechanism for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of EEG data analysis\nin a variety of applications.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Wed, 9 Aug 2023 16:58:01 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Weng","Nina",""],["Plomecka","Martyna",""],["Kaufmann","Manuel",""],["Kastrati","Ard",""],["Wattenhofer","Roger",""],["Langer","Nicolas",""]]} {"id":"2308.05769","submitter":"Benard Tabu Dr","authors":"Samuel Alpert, Visal Veng, and Benard Tabu","title":"Alternative Fertilizer Production Using an Environmentally Benign\n Approach","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.soc-ph physics.plasm-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Fertilizer manufacturing is an energy-intensive process that is done in a\nselect number of facilities across the world. We performed a literature review\nof methods that are being pursued in the emerging field of sustainable\nfertilizer manufacturing and analyzed the results of one such sustainably\nsourced fertilizer process. The results of our testing on a rooftop garden\nshowed that the production of tomatoes was similar to the control and\ncommercial fertilizer scenarios in that the total weight of tomatoes per plant\nwas 16% higher, and the weight per tomato was 68% more than the control (tap\nwater). We hope that this type of research will continue to be performed and\nexpanded so that we can adopt a more sustainable method of fertilizer\nmanufacturing in our pursuit of net positive environmental benefits.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 01:43:57 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Alpert","Samuel",""],["Veng","Visal",""],["Tabu","Benard",""]]} {"id":"2308.05770","submitter":"Wongi Park","authors":"Wongi Park and Jongbin Ryu","title":"Fine-Grained Self-Supervised Learning with Jigsaw Puzzles for Medical\n Image Classification","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Classifying fine-grained lesions is challenging due to minor and subtle\ndifferences in medical images. This is because learning features of\nfine-grained lesions with highly minor differences is very difficult in\ntraining deep neural networks. Therefore, in this paper, we introduce\nFine-Grained Self-Supervised Learning(FG-SSL) method for classifying subtle\nlesions in medical images. The proposed method progressively learns the model\nthrough hierarchical block such that the cross-correlation between the\nfine-grained Jigsaw puzzle and regularized original images is close to the\nidentity matrix. We also apply hierarchical block for progressive fine-grained\nlearning, which extracts different information in each step, to supervised\nlearning for discovering subtle differences. Our method does not require an\nasymmetric model, nor does a negative sampling strategy, and is not sensitive\nto batch size. We evaluate the proposed fine-grained self-supervised learning\nmethod on comprehensive experiments using various medical image recognition\ndatasets. In our experiments, the proposed method performs favorably compared\nto existing state-of-the-art approaches on the widely-used ISIC2018, APTOS2019,\nand ISIC2017 datasets.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 02:08:15 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Park","Wongi",""],["Ryu","Jongbin",""]]} {"id":"2308.05771","submitter":"Shidong Liang","authors":"Annan Fan and Shi-Dong Liang","title":"Geometric criterion of topological phase transition for non-Hermitian\n systems","comments":"24 pages, 4 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with\n arXiv:2308.05329","journal-ref":"Annalen der physik, 2100520 (2021)","doi":"10.1002/andp.202100520","report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We propose a geometric criterion of the topological phase transition for\nnon-Hermitian systems. We define the length of the boundary of the bulk band in\nthe complex energy plane for non-Hermitian systems. For one-dimensional\nsystems, we find that the topological phase transition occurs when the\nderivatives of the length with respect to parameters are discontinuous. For\ntwo-dimensional systems, when the length is discontinuous, the topological\nphase transitions between the gapped and gapless phases occurs. When the\nderivatives of the length with respect to parameters are discontinuous, the\ntopological phase transition between the gapless and gapless phases occurs.\nThese nonanalytic behaviors of the length in the complex energy plane provide a\nsignal to detect the topological phase transitions. We demonstrate this\ngeometric criterion by the one-dimensional non-Hermitian Su-Schieffer-Heeger\nmodel and the two-dimensional non-Hermitian Chern insulator model. This\ngeometric criterion provides an efficient insight to the global topological\ninvariant from a geometric local object in the complex energy plane for\nnon-Hermitian systems\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 05:55:10 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Fan","Annan",""],["Liang","Shi-Dong",""]]} {"id":"2308.05772","submitter":"Donggyu Kim","authors":"Donggyu Kim and Sang-il Oum","title":"Note on Hamilitonicity of basis graphs of even delta-matroids","comments":"10 pages, 2 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We show that the basis graph of an even delta-matroid is Hamiltonian if it\nhas more than two vertices. More strongly, we prove that for two distinct edges\n$e$ and $f$ sharing a common end, it has a Hamiltonian cycle using $e$ and\navoiding $f$ unless it has at most two vertices or it is a cycle of length at\nmost four. We also prove that if the basis graph is not a hypercube graph, then\neach vertex belongs to cycles of every length $\\ell\\ge 3$, and each edge\nbelongs to cycles of every length $\\ell \\ge 4$. For the last theorem, we\nprovide two proofs, one of which uses the result of Naddef (1984) on polytopes\nand the result of Chepoi (2007) on basis graphs of even delta-matroids, and the\nother is a direct proof using various properties of even delta-matroids. Our\ntheorems generalize the analogous results for matroids by Holzmann and Harary\n(1972) and Bondy and Ingleton (1976).\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 07:00:58 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Kim","Donggyu",""],["Oum","Sang-il",""]]} {"id":"2308.05773","submitter":"Diego Pasquier","authors":"Diego Pasquier","title":"Comment on \"Identification of the Mott Insulating Charge Density Wave\n State in $1T$-TaS$_2$\"","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.059601","report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.str-el","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The applicability of DFT+$U$ to the star-of-David phase of $1T$-TaS$_2$ is\nexamined. The viability of a Mott phase as a ground state for the bulk of this\nmaterial is briefly discussed in light of the available experimental evidence.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 07:02:31 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Pasquier","Diego",""]]} {"id":"2308.05774","submitter":"Kai Xiao","authors":"Kai Xiao, Haibo Yuan, Bowen Huang, Ruoyi Zhang, Lin Yang and Shuai Xu","title":"Improvement of the Pan-STARRS Photometric Calibration with LAMOST and\n Gaia","comments":"14 pages, 18 figures, ApJS accepted, see main results in Figures 11\n and 12","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.IM astro-ph.GA astro-ph.SR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In this work, we perform the re-calibration of PS1 photometry by correcting\nfor position-dependent systematic errors using the spectroscopy-based Stellar\nColor Regression method (SCR), the photometry-based SCR method (SCR$'$), and\nthe Gaia XP synthetic photometry method (XPSP). We confirm the significant\nlarge-scale and small-scale spatial variation of magnitude offsets for all the\n$grizy$ filters. We show that the PS1 photometric calibration precisions in the\n$grizy$ filters are around 5--7\\,mmag when averaged over 14$'$ regions. We note\na much larger calibration error up to 0.04 mag in the Galactic plane, which is\nprobably caused by the systematic errors of the PS1 magnitudes in crowded\nfields. The results of the three methods are consistent with each other within\n1--2\\,mmag or better for all the filters. We provide two-dimensional maps and a\npython package ({\\url{https://doi.org/10.12149/101283}}) to correct for\nposition-dependent magnitude offsets of PS1, which can be used for\nhigh-precision investigations and as a reference to calibrate other surveys.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 07:57:12 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Xiao","Kai",""],["Yuan","Haibo",""],["Huang","Bowen",""],["Zhang","Ruoyi",""],["Yang","Lin",""],["Xu","Shuai",""]]} {"id":"2308.05775","submitter":"T. Jeremy P. Karpowski","authors":"Julian Bissantz, Jeremy Karpowski, Matthias Steinhausen, Yujuan Luo,\n Federica Ferraro, Arne Scholtissek, Christian Hasse, Luc Vervisch","title":"Application of dense neural networks for manifold-based modeling of\n flame-wall interactions","comments":null,"journal-ref":"Applications in Energy and Combustion Science, Volume 13, 2023","doi":"10.1016/j.jaecs.2023.100113","report-no":null,"categories":"physics.flu-dyn","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Artifical neural networks (ANNs) are universal approximators capable of\nlearning any correlation between arbitrary input data with corresponding\noutputs, which can also be exploited to represent a low-dimensional chemistry\nmanifold in the field of combustion. In this work, a procedure is developed to\nsimulate a premixed methane-air flame undergoing side-wall quenching utilizing\nan ANN chemistry manifold. In the investigated case, the flame characteristics\nare governed by two canonical problems: the adiabatic flame propagation in the\ncore flow and the non-adiabatic flame-wall interaction governed by enthalpy\nlosses to the wall. Similar to the tabulation of a Quenching Flamelet-Generated\nManifold (QFM), the neural network is trained on a 1D head-on quenching flame\ndatabase to learn the intrinsic chemistry manifold. The control parameters\n(i.e. the inputs) of the ANN are identified from thermo-chemical state\nvariables by a sparse principal component analysis (PCA) without using prior\nknowledge about the flame physics. These input quantities are then transported\nin the coupled CFD solver and used for manifold access during simulation\nruntime. The chemical source terms are corrected at the manifold boundaries to\nensure boundedness of the thermo-chemical state at all times. Finally, the ANN\nmodel is assessed by comparison to simulation results of the 2D side-wall\nquenching (SWQ) configuration with detailed chemistry and with a flamelet-based\nmanifold (QFM).\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 09:06:32 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Bissantz","Julian",""],["Karpowski","Jeremy",""],["Steinhausen","Matthias",""],["Luo","Yujuan",""],["Ferraro","Federica",""],["Scholtissek","Arne",""],["Hasse","Christian",""],["Vervisch","Luc",""]]} {"id":"2308.05776","submitter":"Gohil Thakur Dr.","authors":"Gohil S. Thakur, Manuel Schulze and Michael Ruck","title":"On the synthesis methodologies to prepare Pb$_9$Cu(PO$_4$)$_6$O --\n phase, composition, magnetic analysis and absence of superconductivity","comments":"16 pages, 8 figure and 1 table","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.supr-con cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" We present the results of our various attempts to prepare the presumably\nroom-temperature and ambient-pressure superconducting compound\nPb$_9$Cu(PO$_4$)$_6$O (LK-99). We experimented with various starting materials,\nand used several synthesis techniques like, sealed quartz tubes and\nair-sintering pathways to prepare the reported phase. Repetition of the exact\nsynthesis process followed by Lee et al failed to reproduce the superconducting\nphase yielding only a multiphase sample. None of our prepared samples exhibits\nMeissner effect or Levitation. Very importantly, no copper (or only a trace\namount) could be detected in any of the designated LK-99 phase with PXRD\npattern identical to the reported one. Additionally, some dark greyish flakes\nin some samples responded towards the magnet in a way imitating\nhalf-levitation. The magnetic measurement on those sample suggest it is\ndiamagnetic in the measured temperature range of 2-325 K but show a weak soft\nferromagnetic behavior at 2 K, the origin of which is still unknown to us.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 09:13:09 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Thakur","Gohil S.",""],["Schulze","Manuel",""],["Ruck","Michael",""]]} {"id":"2308.05777","submitter":"Martin Buttenschoen","authors":"Martin Buttenschoen, Garrett M. Morris, Charlotte M. Deane","title":"PoseBusters: AI-based docking methods fail to generate physically valid\n poses or generalise to novel sequences","comments":"10 pages, 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"q-bio.QM physics.chem-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The last few years have seen the development of numerous deep learning-based\nprotein-ligand docking methods. They offer huge promise in terms of speed and\naccuracy. However, despite claims of state-of-the-art performance in terms of\ncrystallographic root-mean-square deviation (RMSD), upon closer inspection, it\nhas become apparent that they often produce physically implausible molecular\nstructures. It is therefore not sufficient to evaluate these methods solely by\nRMSD to a native binding mode. It is vital, particularly for deep\nlearning-based methods, that they are also evaluated on steric and energetic\ncriteria. We present PoseBusters, a Python package that performs a series of\nstandard quality checks using the well-established cheminformatics toolkit\nRDKit. Only methods that both pass these checks and predict native-like binding\nmodes should be classed as having ``state-of-the-art'' performance. We use\nPoseBusters to compare five deep learning-based docking methods (DeepDock,\nDiffDock, EquiBind, TankBind, and Uni-Mol) and two well-established standard\ndocking methods (AutoDock Vina and CCDC Gold) with and without an additional\npost-prediction energy minimisation step using a molecular mechanics force\nfield. We show that both in terms of physical plausibility and the ability to\ngeneralise to examples that are distinct from the training data, no deep\nlearning-based method yet outperforms classical docking tools. In addition, we\nfind that molecular mechanics force fields contain docking-relevant physics\nmissing from deep-learning methods. PoseBusters allows practitioners to assess\ndocking and molecular generation methods and may inspire new inductive biases\nstill required to improve deep learning-based methods, which will help drive\nthe development of more accurate and more realistic predictions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 11:28:48 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Buttenschoen","Martin",""],["Morris","Garrett M.",""],["Deane","Charlotte M.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05778","submitter":"Yue Sun","authors":"Qiang Hou, Wei Wei, Xin Zhou, Xinyue Wang, Yue Sun, ZhiXiang Shi","title":"Current percolation model for the special resistivity behavior observed\n in Cu-doped Apatite","comments":"This paper represents a continuation of our previous study\n [arXiv:2308.01192], now offering a more comprehensive analysis of the\n collected data","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.supr-con cond-mat.str-el","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Since the initial report of the potential occurrence of room-temperature\nsuperconductivity under normal pressure [arXiv: 2307.12008], there has been\nsignificant interest in the field of condensed matter physics regarding\nCu-doped Apatite (Pb10-xCux(PO4)6O). In this study, we performed\ntemperature-dependent resistivity measurements on the synthesized\nPb10-xCux(PO4)6O samples. The structure of the sample was confirmed to match\nthe reference literature through X-ray diffraction analysis. Remarkably, we\nobserved four distinct types of resistivity behaviors within samples from the\nsame pellet: (1) A semiconductor-like behavior characterized by a decrease in\nresistivity as the temperature is lowered. (2) A gradual reduction in\nresistivity, reaching an exceptionally small value that falls below the\nresolution limits of our measurement equipment. (3) An abrupt drop in\nresistivity to a low value at ~ 250 K. (4) An almost linear reduction in\nresistivity exhibiting a transition at approximately 7 K (possibly associated\nwith Pb). Following a thorough compositional analysis, we proposed a current\npercolation model, based on the formation of a Cu/Pb current channel, to\nelucidate the observed special resistivity behaviors. It is important to note\nthat the Meissner effect was not observed in our magnetization measurements.\nConsequently, we reached the conclusion that the presence of superconductivity\nin Cu-doped Apatite has yet to be substantiated.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:37:33 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Hou","Qiang",""],["Wei","Wei",""],["Zhou","Xin",""],["Wang","Xinyue",""],["Sun","Yue",""],["Shi","ZhiXiang",""]]} {"id":"2308.05779","submitter":"Maria Jose Sanchez Majo","authors":"Walter Qui\\~nonez, Mar\\'ia Jos\\'e S\\'anchez, Diego Rubi","title":"Effect of memristor\\'s potentiation-depression curves peculiarities in\n the convergence of physical perceptrons","comments":"10 pages published version","journal-ref":"Phys. Scr. 98 095917 (2023)","doi":"10.1088/1402-4896/aceb98","report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mes-hall cs.ET","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Neuromorphic computing aims to emulate the architecture and information\nprocessing mechanisms of the mammalian brain. This includes the implementation\nby hardware of neural networks. Oxide-based memristor arrays with cross-bar\narchitecture appear as a possible physical implementation of neural networks.In\nthis paper, we obtain experimental potentiation-depression (P-D) curves on\ndifferent manganite-based memristive systems and simulate the learning process\nof perceptrons for character recognition. We analyze how the specific\ncharacteristics of the P-D curves affect the convergence time -- characterized\nby the EPOCHs-to-convergence (ETC) parameter -- of the network. Our work shows\nthat ETC is reduced for systems displaying P-D curves with relatively low\ngranularity and non-linear and asymmetric response. In addition, we also show\nthat noise injection during the synaptic weight actualization further reduces\nthe ETC. The results obtained here are expected to contribute to the\noptimization of hardware neural networks based on memristors cross-bar arrays.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:39:56 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Qui\u00f1onez","Walter",""],["S\u00e1nchez","Mar\u00eda Jos\u00e9",""],["Rubi","Diego",""]]} {"id":"2308.05780","submitter":"Rohan Gupta","authors":"Sidhantha Poddar and Rohan Gupta","title":"Optical Script Identification for multi-lingual Indic-script","comments":"20 pages , 12 figures Keywords: Optical character Identification,\n Pre-processing, feature extraction, multi-script, Indic-script, Script\n Recognition","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Script identification and text recognition are some of the major domains in\nthe application of Artificial Intelligence. In this era of digitalization, the\nuse of digital note-taking has become a common practice. Still, conventional\nmethods of using pen and paper is a prominent way of writing. This leads to the\nclassification of scripts based on the method they are obtained. A survey on\nthe current methodologies and state-of-art methods used for processing and\nidentification would prove beneficial for researchers. The aim of this article\nis to discuss the advancement in the techniques for script pre-processing and\ntext recognition. In India there are twelve prominent Indic scripts, unlike the\nEnglish language, these scripts have layers of characteristics. Complex\ncharacteristics such as similarity in text shape make them difficult to\nrecognize and analyze, thus this requires advance preprocessing methods for\ntheir accurate recognition. A sincere attempt is made in this survey to provide\na comparison between all algorithms. We hope that this survey would provide\ninsight to a researcher working not only on Indic scripts but also other\nlanguages.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 14:02:05 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Poddar","Sidhantha",""],["Gupta","Rohan",""]]} {"id":"2308.05781","submitter":"Ion I. Cotaescu","authors":"Ion I. Cotaescu","title":"Conserved spin operator of Dirac's theory in spatially flat FLRW\n spacetimes","comments":"22 pages no figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with\n arXiv:2304.12182","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"gr-qc quant-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" New conserved spin and orbital angular momentum operators of Dirac's theory\non spatially flat FLRW spacetimes are proposed generalizing thus recent results\nconcerning the role of Pryce's spin operator in the flat case [I. I. Cot\\u\naescu, Eur. Phys. J. C (2022) 82:1073]. These operators split the conserved\ntotal angular momentum generating the new spin and orbital symmetries that form\nthe rotations of the isometry groups. The new spin operator is defined and\nstudied in active mode with the help of a suitable spectral representation\ngiving its Fourier transfor. Moreover, in the same manner is defined the\noperator of the fermion polarization. The orbital angular momentum is derived\nin passive mode using a new method, inspired by Wigner's theory of induced\nrepresentations, but working properly only for global rotations. In this\napproach the quantization is performed finding that the one-particle spin and\norbital angular momentum operators have the same form in any FLRW spacetime\nregardless their concrete geometries given by various scale factors.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:02:52 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Cotaescu","Ion I.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05782","submitter":"Ruining Deng","authors":"Franklin Hu, Ruining Deng, Shunxing Bao, Haichun Yang, Yuankai Huo","title":"Multi-scale Multi-site Renal Microvascular Structures Segmentation for\n Whole Slide Imaging in Renal Pathology","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.IV cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Segmentation of microvascular structures, such as arterioles, venules, and\ncapillaries, from human kidney whole slide images (WSI) has become a focal\npoint in renal pathology. Current manual segmentation techniques are\ntime-consuming and not feasible for large-scale digital pathology images. While\ndeep learning-based methods offer a solution for automatic segmentation, most\nsuffer from a limitation: they are designed for and restricted to training on\nsingle-site, single-scale data. In this paper, we present Omni-Seg, a novel\nsingle dynamic network method that capitalizes on multi-site, multi-scale\ntraining data. Unique to our approach, we utilize partially labeled images,\nwhere only one tissue type is labeled per training image, to segment\nmicrovascular structures. We train a singular deep network using images from\ntwo datasets, HuBMAP and NEPTUNE, across different magnifications (40x, 20x,\n10x, and 5x). Experimental results indicate that Omni-Seg outperforms in terms\nof both the Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) and Intersection over Union\n(IoU). Our proposed method provides renal pathologists with a powerful\ncomputational tool for the quantitative analysis of renal microvascular\nstructures.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:26:03 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Hu","Franklin",""],["Deng","Ruining",""],["Bao","Shunxing",""],["Yang","Haichun",""],["Huo","Yuankai",""]]} {"id":"2308.05783","submitter":"Frederike D\\\"umbgen","authors":"Frederike D\\\"umbgen, Connor Holmes, Ben Agro, Timothy D. Barfoot","title":"Toward Globally Optimal State Estimation Using Automatically Tightened\n Semidefinite Relaxations","comments":"17 pages, 18 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.RO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In recent years, semidefinite relaxations of common optimization problems in\nrobotics have attracted growing attention due to their ability to provide\nglobally optimal solutions. In many cases, specific handcrafted redundant\nconstraints are added to the relaxation in order to improve its tightness,\nwhich is usually a requirement for obtaining or certifying globally optimal\nsolutions. These constraints are formulation-dependent and typically require a\nlengthy manual process to find. Instead, the present paper suggests an\nautomatic method to find a set of sufficient redundant constraints to obtain\ntightness, if they exist. We first propose an efficient feasibility check to\ndetermine if a given set of variables can lead to a tight formulation.\nSecondly, we show how to scale the method to problems of bigger size. At no\npoint of the entire process do we have to manually find redundant constraints.\nWe showcase the effectiveness of the approach by providing new insights on two\nclassical robotics problems: range-based localization and stereo-based pose\nestimation. Finally, we reproduce semidefinite relaxations presented in recent\nliterature and show that our automatic method finds a smaller set of\nconstraints sufficient for tightness than previously considered.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:30:42 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["D\u00fcmbgen","Frederike",""],["Holmes","Connor",""],["Agro","Ben",""],["Barfoot","Timothy D.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05784","submitter":"Ruining Deng","authors":"Haoju Leng, Ruining Deng, Shunxing Bao, Dazheng Fang, Bryan A. Millis,\n Yucheng Tang, Haichun Yang, Xiao Wang, Yifan Peng, Lipeng Wan, Yuankai Huo","title":"High-performance Data Management for Whole Slide Image Analysis in\n Digital Pathology","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.IV cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" When dealing with giga-pixel digital pathology in whole-slide imaging, a\nnotable proportion of data records holds relevance during each analysis\noperation. For instance, when deploying an image analysis algorithm on\nwhole-slide images (WSI), the computational bottleneck often lies in the\ninput-output (I/O) system. This is particularly notable as patch-level\nprocessing introduces a considerable I/O load onto the computer system.\nHowever, this data management process could be further paralleled, given the\ntypical independence of patch-level image processes across different patches.\nThis paper details our endeavors in tackling this data access challenge by\nimplementing the Adaptable IO System version 2 (ADIOS2). Our focus has been\nconstructing and releasing a digital pathology-centric pipeline using ADIOS2,\nwhich facilitates streamlined data management across WSIs. Additionally, we've\ndeveloped strategies aimed at curtailing data retrieval times. The performance\nevaluation encompasses two key scenarios: (1) a pure CPU-based image analysis\nscenario (\"CPU scenario\"), and (2) a GPU-based deep learning framework scenario\n(\"GPU scenario\"). Our findings reveal noteworthy outcomes. Under the CPU\nscenario, ADIOS2 showcases an impressive two-fold speed-up compared to the\nbrute-force approach. In the GPU scenario, its performance stands on par with\nthe cutting-edge GPU I/O acceleration framework, NVIDIA Magnum IO GPU Direct\nStorage (GDS). From what we know, this appears to be among the initial\ninstances, if any, of utilizing ADIOS2 within the field of digital pathology.\nThe source code has been made publicly available at\nhttps://github.com/hrlblab/adios.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:33:59 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Sun, 20 Aug 2023 20:21:44 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Leng","Haoju",""],["Deng","Ruining",""],["Bao","Shunxing",""],["Fang","Dazheng",""],["Millis","Bryan A.",""],["Tang","Yucheng",""],["Yang","Haichun",""],["Wang","Xiao",""],["Peng","Yifan",""],["Wan","Lipeng",""],["Huo","Yuankai",""]]} {"id":"2308.05785","submitter":"Ruining Deng","authors":"Xueyuan Li, Ruining Deng, Yucheng Tang, Shunxing Bao, Haichun Yang,\n Yuankai Huo","title":"Leverage Weakly Annotation to Pixel-wise Annotation via Zero-shot\n Segment Anything Model for Molecular-empowered Learning","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.IV cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Precise identification of multiple cell classes in high-resolution Giga-pixel\nwhole slide imaging (WSI) is critical for various clinical scenarios. Building\nan AI model for this purpose typically requires pixel-level annotations, which\nare often unscalable and must be done by skilled domain experts (e.g.,\npathologists). However, these annotations can be prone to errors, especially\nwhen distinguishing between intricate cell types (e.g., podocytes and mesangial\ncells) using only visual inspection. Interestingly, a recent study showed that\nlay annotators, when using extra immunofluorescence (IF) images for reference\n(referred to as molecular-empowered learning), can sometimes outperform domain\nexperts in labeling. Despite this, the resource-intensive task of manual\ndelineation remains a necessity during the annotation process. In this paper,\nwe explore the potential of bypassing pixel-level delineation by employing the\nrecent segment anything model (SAM) on weak box annotation in a zero-shot\nlearning approach. Specifically, we harness SAM's ability to produce\npixel-level annotations from box annotations and utilize these SAM-generated\nlabels to train a segmentation model. Our findings show that the proposed\nSAM-assisted molecular-empowered learning (SAM-L) can diminish the labeling\nefforts for lay annotators by only requiring weak box annotations. This is\nachieved without compromising annotation accuracy or the performance of the\ndeep learning-based segmentation. This research represents a significant\nadvancement in democratizing the annotation process for training pathological\nimage segmentation, relying solely on non-expert annotators.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:44:24 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Li","Xueyuan",""],["Deng","Ruining",""],["Tang","Yucheng",""],["Bao","Shunxing",""],["Yang","Haichun",""],["Huo","Yuankai",""]]} {"id":"2308.05786","submitter":"Yuhang Zhang","authors":"Yuhang Zhang, Cong Liu, Xiyu Zhu, Hai-Hu Wen","title":"Ferromagnetism and insulating behavior with a logarithmic temperature\n dependence of resistivity in $Pb_{10-x}Cu_x\\left( PO_4 \\right) _6O$","comments":"11 Pages,4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.supr-con","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Recent claim of discovering above-room-temperature superconductivity (Tc\nabout 400 K) at ambient pressure in copper doped apatite $Pb_{10}\\left( PO_4\n\\right) _6O$ has stimulated world-wide enthusiasm and impulse of motion. A lot\nof follow-up works have been carried out with controversial conclusions. To\ncheck whether superconductivity is really present or absent in the material, we\nneed samples which should have a rather pure phase of $Pb_{10-x}Cu_x\\left( PO_4\n\\right) _6O$. Here we report the characterization results from the\n$Pb_{10-x}Cu_x\\left( PO_4 \\right) _6O$ with a volume of about 97% inferred from\nthe fitting to the x-ray diffraction pattern. The resistivity measurements show\nthat it is a semiconductor characterized roughly by a ln(1/T) temperature\ndependence in wide temperature region without trace of superconductivity.\nMagnetization measurements show that it has a general ferromagnetic signal with\na weak superparamagnetic background. Many grains of the sample show clear\ninteractions with a NbFeB magnet. The detected Cu concentration is much lower\nthan the expected nominal one and the conduction may be improved if more Cu\natoms are successfully doped into the system. Our results show the absence of\nmetallicity and superconductivity in $Pb_{10-x}Cu_x\\left( PO_4 \\right) _6O$ at\nambient pressure, and suggest the presence of strong correlation effect.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:20:41 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Mon, 14 Aug 2023 16:21:59 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-17","authors_parsed":[["Zhang","Yuhang",""],["Liu","Cong",""],["Zhu","Xiyu",""],["Wen","Hai-Hu",""]]} {"id":"2308.05787","submitter":"Ziyuan Huang","authors":"Ziyuan Huang, Shiwei Zhang, Liang Pan, Zhiwu Qing, Yingya Zhang, Ziwei\n Liu, Marcelo H. Ang Jr","title":"Temporally-Adaptive Models for Efficient Video Understanding","comments":"arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2110.06178","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Spatial convolutions are extensively used in numerous deep video models. It\nfundamentally assumes spatio-temporal invariance, i.e., using shared weights\nfor every location in different frames. This work presents Temporally-Adaptive\nConvolutions (TAdaConv) for video understanding, which shows that adaptive\nweight calibration along the temporal dimension is an efficient way to\nfacilitate modeling complex temporal dynamics in videos. Specifically, TAdaConv\nempowers spatial convolutions with temporal modeling abilities by calibrating\nthe convolution weights for each frame according to its local and global\ntemporal context. Compared to existing operations for temporal modeling,\nTAdaConv is more efficient as it operates over the convolution kernels instead\nof the features, whose dimension is an order of magnitude smaller than the\nspatial resolutions. Further, kernel calibration brings an increased model\ncapacity. Based on this readily plug-in operation TAdaConv as well as its\nextension, i.e., TAdaConvV2, we construct TAdaBlocks to empower ConvNeXt and\nVision Transformer to have strong temporal modeling capabilities. Empirical\nresults show TAdaConvNeXtV2 and TAdaFormer perform competitively against\nstate-of-the-art convolutional and Transformer-based models in various video\nunderstanding benchmarks. Our codes and models are released at:\nhttps://github.com/alibaba-mmai-research/TAdaConv.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:35:47 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Huang","Ziyuan",""],["Zhang","Shiwei",""],["Pan","Liang",""],["Qing","Zhiwu",""],["Zhang","Yingya",""],["Liu","Ziwei",""],["Ang","Marcelo H.","Jr"]]} {"id":"2308.05788","submitter":"Elena Derunova","authors":"Elena Derunova, \\'Angel David R\\'ios Ortiz, Jacob Gayles, Yan Sun,\n Michael W. Gaultois, and Mazhar N. Ali","title":"Correlated electrons tunneling through pseudo Fermi arcs in hyperbolic\n Fermi surfaces of topological materials","comments":"arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2007.05525","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.str-el cond-mat.mtrl-sci cond-mat.other","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In the last few decades, basic ideas of topology have completely transformed\nthe prediction of quantum transport phenomena. Following this trend, we go\ndeeper into the incorporation of modern mathematics into quantum material\nscience focusing on geometry. Here we formulate geometrical conditions of the\nFermi surface for a Fermi liquid breakdown and corresponding correlated\ntransport phenomena. As a mechanism to recognize these correlations, we\nintroduce pseudo Fermi arcs connecting separate pockets of a hyperbolic Fermi\nsurface. Tunneling through these pseudo arcs and corresponding time-reversal\nsymmetry breaking of purely geometrical origin is referred to as the Fermi\nSurface Geometry Effect (FS-GE). The reliability of the FS-GE is tested on the\nspin and anomalous Hall effects, traditionally associated with intrinsic\ntime-reversal symmetry breaking. An index, H, quantifying the FS-GE in a\nparticular direction, shows a universal correlation (R^2 = 0.97) with the\nexperimentally measured intrinsic anomalous Hall conductivity, of 16 different\ncompounds spanning a wide variety of crystal, chemical, and electronic\nstructure families, including those where topological methods give R$^2$ =\n0.52. This raises a question about the predictive limits of topological physics\nand its transformation into a wider study of bandstructures' and Fermi\nsurfaces' geometries, opening horizon for prediction of phenomena beyond\ntopological understanding.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:55:10 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Derunova","Elena",""],["Ortiz","\u00c1ngel David R\u00edos",""],["Gayles","Jacob",""],["Sun","Yan",""],["Gaultois","Michael W.",""],["Ali","Mazhar N.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05789","submitter":"Minhao He","authors":"Yuwen Hu, Yen-Chen Tsui, Minhao He, Umut Kamber, Taige Wang, Amir S.\n Mohammadi, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Zlatko Papic, Michael P.\n Zaletel, Ali Yazdani","title":"High-Resolution Tunneling Spectroscopy of Fractional Quantum Hall States","comments":"5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.str-el","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Strong interaction among electrons in two-dimensional systems in the presence\nof high magnetic fields gives rise to fractional quantum Hall (FQH) states that\nhost quasi-particles with fractional charge and statistics. We perform\nhigh-resolution scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy of FQH states in\nultra-clean Bernal-stacked bilayer graphene (BLG) devices. Our experiments show\nthat the formation of FQH states coincides with the appearance of sharp\nexcitations in tunneling experiments that have been predicted to occur for\nelectron fractionalizing into bound states of quasi-particles. From these\nmeasurements and their comparison to theoretical calculations, we find large\nlocal energy gaps that protect quasi-particles of FQH states predicted to host\nnon-abelian anyons, making BLG an ideal setting for the exploration of these\nnovel quasi-particles. STM studies not only provide a way to characterize the\nbulk properties of FQH states in the absence of disorder but also reveal\nprevious undiscovered states in such ultra-clean samples.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 17:57:41 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Hu","Yuwen",""],["Tsui","Yen-Chen",""],["He","Minhao",""],["Kamber","Umut",""],["Wang","Taige",""],["Mohammadi","Amir S.",""],["Watanabe","Kenji",""],["Taniguchi","Takashi",""],["Papic","Zlatko",""],["Zaletel","Michael P.",""],["Yazdani","Ali",""]]} {"id":"2308.05790","submitter":"Richard Parker","authors":"Richard J. Parker (University of Sheffield, UK)","title":"A dependence of binary and planetary system destruction on subtle\n variations in the substructure in young star-forming regions","comments":"9 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.SR astro-ph.EP astro-ph.GA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Simulations of the effects of stellar fly-bys on planetary systems in\nstar-forming regions show a strong dependence on subtle variations in the\ninitial spatial and kinematic substructure of the regions. For similar stellar\ndensities, the more substructured star-forming regions disrupt up to a factor\nof two more planetary systems. We extend this work to look at the effects of\nsubstructure on stellar binary populations. We present $N$-body simulations of\nsubstructured, and non-substructured (smooth) star-forming regions in which we\nplace different populations of stellar binaries. We find that for binary\npopulations that are dominated by close ($<$100au) systems, a higher proportion\nare destroyed in substructured regions. However, for wider systems ($>$100au),\na higher proportion are destroyed in smooth regions. The difference is likely\ndue to the hard-soft, or fast-slow boundary for binary destruction. Hard\n(fast/close) binaries are more likely to be destroyed in environments with a\nsmall velocity dispersion (kinematically substructured regions), whereas soft\n(slow/wide) binaries are more likely to be destroyed in environments with\nhigher velocity dispersions (non-kinematically substructured regions). Due to\nthe vast range of stellar binary semimajor axes in star-forming regions\n($10^{-2} - 10^4$au) these differences are small and hence unlikely to be\nobservable. However, planetary systems have a much smaller initial semimajor\naxis range (likely $\\sim$1 -- 100au for gas giants) and here the difference in\nthe fraction of companions due to substructure could be observed if the\nstar-forming regions that disrupt planetary systems formed with similar stellar\ndensities.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 18:00:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Parker","Richard J.","","University of Sheffield, UK"]]} {"id":"2308.05791","submitter":"Alex Levchenko","authors":"Maxim Dzero, Maxim Khodas, Alex Levchenko","title":"Transport anomalies in multiband superconductors near quantum critical\n point","comments":"41 pages, 12 figures, 4 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.supr-con","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We study the effects of quantum fluctuations on the transport properties of\nmultiband superconductors near a pair-breaking quantum critical point. For this\npurpose, we consider a minimal model of the quantum phase transition in a\nsystem with two nested two-dimensional Fermi surfaces. Under the assumption\nthat doping the system adds nonmagnetic impurities but does not change the\ndensities of carriers, we include disorder potentials that render both intra-\nand interband collisions. Interband scattering leads to a full suppression of\nthe unconventional $s^{\\pm}$ superconducting order similar to the effect of\nparamagnetic impurities in isotropic single-band superconductors. We use the\ndiagrammatic technique of quantum field theory to compute the corrections to\nelectrical conductivity in a normal state due to superconducting fluctuations\nin the entire low-temperature quantum regime. We show that the sign of the\nconductivity correction depends on how the quantum critical point is approached\nin the phase diagram. We contrast our findings to existing approaches to this\nproblem based on the renormalization group, time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau\nphenomenology, and effective bosonic action field theories.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 18:00:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Dzero","Maxim",""],["Khodas","Maxim",""],["Levchenko","Alex",""]]} {"id":"2308.05792","submitter":"Renato Renner","authors":"Renato Renner and Ramona Wolf","title":"Commuting operations factorise","comments":"24 pages, 6 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph math-ph math.MP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Consider two agents, Alice and Bob, each of whom takes a quantum input,\noperates on a shared quantum system $K$, and produces a quantum output. Alice\nand Bob's operations may commute, in the sense that the joint input-output\nbehaviour is independent of the order in which they access $K$. Here we ask\nwhether this commutation property implies that $K$ can be split into two\nfactors on which Alice and Bob act separately. The question can be regarded as\na \"fully quantum\" generalisation of a problem posed by Tsirelson, who\nconsidered the case where Alice and Bob's inputs and outputs are classical. In\nthis case, the answer is negative in general, but it is known that a\nfactorisation exists in finite dimensions. Here we show the same holds in the\nfully quantum case, i.e., commuting operations factorise, provided that all\ninput systems are finite-dimensional.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 18:00:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Renner","Renato",""],["Wolf","Ramona",""]]} {"id":"2308.05793","submitter":"Rui-Xing Zhang","authors":"Penghao Zhu, Rui-Xing Zhang","title":"Delicate Topology of Luttinger Semimetal","comments":"10 + 6 pages, 4 + 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.mtrl-sci cond-mat.str-el","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Recent advances in delicate topology have expanded the classification of\ntopological bands, but its presence in solid-state materials remains elusive.\nHere we show that delicate topology naturally emerges in the Luttinger-Kohn\nmodel that describes many semiconductors and semimetals. In particular, the\nLuttinger semimetal is found to be a quantum critical point leading to a\nquantized jump of an integer-valued delicate topological invariant. Away from\nthis criticality, we have identified new types of electronic insulators and\nsemimetals with intertwined stable and delicate topologies. They all carry\ngapless surface states that transform anomalously under rotation symmetry. Our\nwork provides a starting point for exploring delicate topological phenomena in\nquantum materials.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 18:00:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Zhu","Penghao",""],["Zhang","Rui-Xing",""]]} {"id":"2308.05794","submitter":"Shi-Ju Kang","authors":"Shi-Ju Kang, Yong-Gang Zheng, Qingwen Wu","title":"Hunting for the candidates of misclassified sources in LSP BL Lacs using\n Machine learning","comments":"Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 15 pages, 6 figures, 8 table","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.HE","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" An equivalent width (EW) based classification may cause the erroneous\njudgement to the flat spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs) and BL Lacerate objects\n(BL Lac) due to the diluting the line features by dramatic variations in the\njet continuum flux. To help address the issue, the present paper explore the\npossible intrinsic classification on the bias of a random forest supervised\nmachine learning algorithm. In order to do so, we compile a sample of 1680\nFermi blazars that have both gamma-rays and radio-frequencies data available\nfrom the 4LAC-DR2 catalog, which includes 1352 training and validation samples\nand 328 forecast samples. By studying the results for all of the different\ncombinations of 23 characteristic parameters, we found that there are 178\noptimal parameters combinations (OPCs) with the highest accuracy ($\\simeq$\n98.89\\%). Using the combined classification results from the nine combinations\nof these OPCs to the 328 forecast samples, we predict that there are 113 true\nBL Lacs (TBLs) and 157 false BL Lacs (FBLs) that are possible intrinsically\nFSRQs misclassified as BL Lacs. The FBLs show a clear separation from TBLs and\nFSRQs in the $\\gamma$-ray photon spectral index, $\\Gamma_{\\rm ph}$, and X-band\nradio flux, ${\\rm log}{F_{R}}$, plot. Phenomenally, existence a BL Lac to FSRQ\n(B-to-F) transition zone is suggested, where the FBLs are in the stage of\ntransition from BL Lacs to FSRQs. Comparing the LSP Changing-Look Blazars\n(CLBs) reported in the literatures, the majority of LSP CLBs are located at the\nB-to-F zone. We argue that the FBLs located at B-to-F transition zone are the\nmost likely Candidates of CLBs.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 18:00:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Kang","Shi-Ju",""],["Zheng","Yong-Gang",""],["Wu","Qingwen",""]]} {"id":"2308.05795","submitter":"Sirio Belli","authors":"Sirio Belli, Minjung Park, Rebecca L. Davies, J. Trevor Mendel,\n Benjamin D. Johnson, Charlie Conroy, Chlo\\\"e Benton, Letizia Bugiani, Razieh\n Emami, Joel Leja, Yijia Li, Gabriel Maheson, Elijah P. Mathews, Rohan P.\n Naidu, Erica J. Nelson, Sandro Tacchella, Bryan A. Terrazas, Rainer\n Weinberger","title":"Massive and Multiphase Gas Outflow in a Quenching Galaxy at z=2.445","comments":"18 pages, 9 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.GA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Large-scale outflows driven by supermassive black holes are thought to play a\nfundamental role in suppressing star formation in massive galaxies. However,\ndirect observational evidence for this hypothesis is still lacking,\nparticularly in the young universe where star formation quenching is remarkably\nrapid, thus requiring effective removal of gas as opposed to slow gas heating.\nWhile outflows of ionized gas are commonly detected in massive distant\ngalaxies, the amount of ejected mass is too small to be able to suppress star\nformation. Gas ejection is expected to be more efficient in the neutral and\nmolecular phases, but at high redshift these have only been observed in\nstarbursts and quasars. Using deep spectroscopy from JWST, here we show the\npresence of an outflow of neutral and ionized gas in a massive galaxy observed\nduring the rapid quenching of its star formation, at a redshift of z=2.445. The\noutflowing mass is mostly in the neutral phase, and the mass outflow rate is\nlarger than the residual star formation rate, indicating that the gas ejection\nis likely to have a strong impact on the evolution of the galaxy. We do not\ndetect X-ray or radio activity; however the presence of a supermassive black\nhole is suggested by the properties of the ionized gas emission lines. We thus\nconclude that supermassive black holes are able to rapidly suppress star\nformation in massive galaxies by efficiently ejecting neutral gas.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 18:00:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Belli","Sirio",""],["Park","Minjung",""],["Davies","Rebecca L.",""],["Mendel","J. Trevor",""],["Johnson","Benjamin D.",""],["Conroy","Charlie",""],["Benton","Chlo\u00eb",""],["Bugiani","Letizia",""],["Emami","Razieh",""],["Leja","Joel",""],["Li","Yijia",""],["Maheson","Gabriel",""],["Mathews","Elijah P.",""],["Naidu","Rohan P.",""],["Nelson","Erica J.",""],["Tacchella","Sandro",""],["Terrazas","Bryan A.",""],["Weinberger","Rainer",""]]} {"id":"2308.05796","submitter":"Mark Hirsbrunner","authors":"Mark R. Hirsbrunner, Alexander D. Gray, Taylor L. Hughes","title":"Crystalline-electromagnetic responses of higher order topological\n semimetals","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mes-hall","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Previous work has shown that time-reversal symmetric Weyl semimetals with a\nquadrupolar arrangement of first-order Weyl nodes exhibit a mixed\ncrystalline-electromagnetic response. For systems with higher order Weyl nodes,\nwhich are attached to both surface and hinge Fermi arcs, additional phenomena\nappear on surfaces of codimension $n>1$, such as electromagnetic responses of\nthe hinges. Here we construct a model possessing a quadrupole of higher order\nWeyl nodes to study the interplay between higher order topology and mixed\ncrystalline-electromagnetic responses. We show that the higher order nature of\nthe Weyl nodes yields a dipole of Dirac nodes on certain surfaces, leading to a\nmixed crystalline-electromagnetic \\emph{surface} response that binds charge to\ndislocations and momentum-density to magnetic fields. In addition, we show that\nthe model possesses a bulk quadrupole moment of crystal-momentum that provides\na link between the bulk and surface responses of the system.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 18:00:01 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Hirsbrunner","Mark R.",""],["Gray","Alexander D.",""],["Hughes","Taylor L.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05797","submitter":"Raphael Marschall","authors":"Raphael Marschall, Bj\\\"orn J. R. Davidsson, Martin Rubin, Valeriy\n Tenishev","title":"Neutral gas coma dynamics: modeling of flows and attempts to link inner\n coma structures to properties of the nucleus","comments":"29 pages, 9 figures, Chapter in press for the book Comets III, edited\n by K. Meech and M. Combi, University of Arizona Press","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.EP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Deriving properties of cometary nuclei from coma data is of significant\nimportance for our understanding of cometary activity and has implications\nbeyond. Ground-based data represent the bulk of measurements available for\ncomets. Yet, to date these observations only access a comet's gas and dust coma\nat rather large distances from the surface and do not directly observe its\nsurface. In contrast, spacecraft missions are one of the only tools that gain\ndirect access to surface measurements. However, such missions are limited to\nroughly one per decade. We can overcome these challenges by recognising that\nthe coma contains information about the nucleus's properties. In particular,\nthe near-surface gas environment is most representative of the nucleus. It can\ninform us about the composition, regionality of activity, and sources of coma\nfeatures and how they link to the topography, morphology, or other surface\nproperties. The inner coma data is a particularly good proxy because it has not\nyet, or only marginally, been contaminated by coma chemistry or secondary gas\nsources. Additionally, the simultaneous observation of the innermost coma with\nthe surface provides the potential to make a direct link between coma\nmeasurements and the nucleus. If we hope to link outer coma measurements\nobtained by Earth-based telescopes to the surface, we must first understand how\nthe inner coma measurements are linked to the surface. Numerical models that\ndescribe the flow from the surface into the immediate surroundings are needed\nto make this connection. This chapter focuses on the advances made to\nunderstand the flow of the neutral gas coma from the surface to distances up to\na few tens of nuclei radii. We describe both simple/heuristic models and\nstate-of-the-art physically consistent models. Model limitations and what they\neach are best suited for are discussed.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 18:00:02 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Marschall","Raphael",""],["Davidsson","Bj\u00f6rn J. R.",""],["Rubin","Martin",""],["Tenishev","Valeriy",""]]} {"id":"2308.05798","submitter":"Tianshu Wang","authors":"Adam Burrows, David Vartanyan, Tianshu Wang","title":"Black-Hole Formation Accompanied by the Supernova Explosion of a\n 40-M$_{\\odot}$ Progenitor Star","comments":"23 pages, 15 figures. Submitted to the Astrophysical Journal","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.SR astro-ph.HE","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We have simulated the collapse and evolution of the core of a\nsolar-metallicity 40-M$_{\\odot}$ star and find that it explodes vigorously by\nthe neutrino mechanism. This despite its very high ``compactness\". Within\n$\\sim$1.5 seconds of explosion, a black hole forms. The explosion is very\nasymmetrical and has a total explosion energy of $\\sim$1.6$\\times$10$^{51}$\nergs. At black hole formation, its baryon mass is $\\sim$2.434 M$_{\\odot}$ and\ngravitational mass is 2.286 M$_{\\odot}$. Seven seconds after black hole\nformation an additional $\\sim$0.2 M$_{\\odot}$ is accreted, leaving a black hole\nbaryon mass of $\\sim$2.63 M$_{\\odot}$. A disk forms around the proto-neutron\nstar, from which a pair of neutrino-driven jets emanates. These jets accelerate\nsome of the matter up to speeds of $\\sim$45,000 km s$^{-1}$ and contain matter\nwith entropies of $\\sim$50. The large spatial asymmetry in the explosion\nresults in a residual black hole recoil speed of $\\sim$1000 km s$^{-1}$. This\nnovel black-hole formation channel now joins the other black-hole formation\nchannel between $\\sim$12 and $\\sim$15 M$_{\\odot}$ discovered previously and\nimplies that the black-hole/neutron-star birth ratio for solar-metallicity\nstars could be $\\sim$20%. However, one channel leaves black holes in perhaps\nthe $\\sim$5-15 M$_{\\odot}$ range with low kick speeds, while the other leaves\nblack holes in $\\sim$2.5 M$_{\\odot}$ mass range with high kick speeds. This\nexotic channel of lower-mass black hole formation, accompanied by a very\nasymmetrical supernova explosion, reveals the importance of performing detailed\nand fully 3D simulations in order to determine the mapping of initial states to\noutcomes in the core-collapse context.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 18:00:03 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Burrows","Adam",""],["Vartanyan","David",""],["Wang","Tianshu",""]]} {"id":"2308.05799","submitter":"Bowen Fu","authors":"Bowen Fu, Stephen F. King, Luca Marsili, Silvia Pascoli, Jessica\n Turner, and Ye-Ling Zhou","title":"Testing Realistic $SO(10)$ SUSY GUTs with Proton Decay and Gravitational\n Waves","comments":"5 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":"IPPP/23/41","categories":"hep-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We present a comprehensive analysis of a supersymmetric $SO(10)$ Grand\nUnified Theory, which is broken to the Standard Model via the breaking of two\nintermediate symmetries. The spontaneous breaking of the first intermediate\nsymmetry, $B-L$, leads to the generation of cosmic strings and right-handed\nneutrino masses and further to an observable cosmological background of\ngravitational waves and generation of light neutrino masses via type-I seesaw\nmechanism. Supersymmetry breaking manifests as sparticle masses below the $B-L$\nbreaking but far above the electroweak scale due to proton decay limits. This\nnaturally pushes the $B-L$ breaking scale close to the GUT scale, leading to\nthe formation of metastable cosmic strings, which can provide a gravitational\nwave spectrum consistent with the recent Pulsar Timing Arrays observation. We\nperform a detailed analysis of this model using two-loop renormalisation group\nequations, including threshold corrections, to determine the symmetry-breaking\nscale consistent with the recent Pulsar Timing Arrays signals such as NANOGrav\n15-year data and testable by the next-generation limits on proton decay from\nHyper-K and JUNO. Simultaneously, we find the regions of the model parameter\nspace that can predict the measured quark and lepton masses and mixing, baryon\nasymmetry of our Universe, a viable dark matter candidate and can be tested by\na combination of neutrinoless double beta decay searches and limits on the sum\nof neutrinos masses.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 18:00:03 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Fu","Bowen",""],["King","Stephen F.",""],["Marsili","Luca",""],["Pascoli","Silvia",""],["Turner","Jessica",""],["Zhou","Ye-Ling",""]]} {"id":"2308.05800","submitter":"Laura Keating","authors":"Laura C. Keating, James S. Bolton, Fergus Cullen, Martin G. Haehnelt,\n Ewald Puchwein and Girish Kulkarni","title":"JWST observations of galaxy damping wings during reionization\n interpreted with cosmological simulations","comments":"13 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to MNRAS","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.GA astro-ph.CO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Spectra of the highest redshift galaxies taken with JWST are now allowing us\nto see into the heart of the reionization epoch. Many of these observed\ngalaxies exhibit strong damping wing absorption redward of their Lyman-$\\alpha$\nemission. These observations have been used to measure the redshift evolution\nof the neutral fraction of the intergalactic medium and sizes of ionized\nbubbles. However, these estimates have been made using a simple analytic model\nfor the intergalactic damping wing. We explore the recent observations with\nmodels of inhomogeneous reionization from the Sherwood-Relics simulation suite.\nWe carry out a comparison between the damping wings calculated from the\nsimulations and from the analytic model. We find that although the agreement is\ngood on the red side of the Lyman-$\\alpha$ emission, there is a discrepancy on\nthe blue side due to residual neutral hydrogen present in the simulations,\nwhich saturates the intergalactic absorption. For this reason, we find that it\nis difficult to reproduce the claimed observations of large bubble sizes at z ~\n7, which are driven by a detection of transmitted flux blueward of the\nLyman-$\\alpha$ emission. We suggest instead that the observations can be\nexplained by a model with smaller ionized bubbles and larger intrinsic\nLyman-$\\alpha$ emission from the host galaxy.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 18:00:04 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Keating","Laura C.",""],["Bolton","James S.",""],["Cullen","Fergus",""],["Haehnelt","Martin G.",""],["Puchwein","Ewald",""],["Kulkarni","Girish",""]]} {"id":"2308.05801","submitter":"Matthew Hopkins","authors":"Matthew J. Hopkins, Chris Lintott, Michele T. Bannister, J. Ted\n Mackereth, and John C. Forbes","title":"The Galactic Interstellar Object Population: A Framework for Prediction\n and Inference","comments":"Submitted to AJ","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.EP astro-ph.GA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The Milky Way is thought to host a huge population of interstellar objects\n(ISOs), numbering approximately $10^{15}\\mathrm{pc}^{-3}$ around the Sun, which\nare formed and shaped by a diverse set of processes ranging from planet\nformation to galactic dynamics. We define a novel framework: firstly to predict\nthe properties of this Galactic ISO population by combining models of processes\nacross planetary and galactic scales, and secondly to make inferences about the\nprocesses modelled, by comparing the predicted population to what is observed.\nWe predict the spatial and compositional distribution of the Galaxy's\npopulation of ISOs by modelling the Galactic stellar population with data from\nthe APOGEE survey and combining this with a protoplanetary disk chemistry\nmodel. Selecting ISO water mass fraction as an example observable quantity, we\nevaluate its distribution both at the position of the Sun and averaged over the\nGalactic disk; our prediction for the Solar neighbourhood is compatible with\nthe inferred water mass fraction of 2I/Borisov. We show that the well-studied\nGalactic stellar metallicity gradient has a corresponding ISO compositional\ngradient. We also demonstrate the inference part of the framework by using the\ncurrent observed ISO composition distribution to constrain the parent star\nmetallicity dependence of the ISO production rate. This constraint, and other\ninferences made with this framework, will improve dramatically as the Vera C.\nRubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) progresses and more\nISOs are observed. Finally, we explore generalisations of this framework to\nother Galactic populations, such as that of exoplanets.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 18:00:06 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Hopkins","Matthew J.",""],["Lintott","Chris",""],["Bannister","Michele T.",""],["Mackereth","J. Ted",""],["Forbes","John C.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05802","submitter":"Adel Bilal","authors":"Manojna Namuduri and Adel Bilal","title":"Effective gravitational action for 2D massive Majorana fermions on\n arbitrary genus Riemann surfaces","comments":"94 pages, 1 figure, references added, minor corrections","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-th math-ph math.MP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We explore the effective gravitational action for two-dimensional massive\nEuclidean Majorana fermions in a small mass expansion, continuing and\ncompleting the study initiated in a previous paper. We perform a detailed\nanalysis of local zeta functions, heat kernels, and Green's functions of the\nDirac operator on arbitrary Riemann surfaces. We obtain the full expansion of\nthe effective gravitational action to all orders in $m^2$. For genus one and\nlarger, this requires the understanding of the role of the zero-modes of the\n(massless) Dirac operator which is worked out.\n Besides the Liouville action, at order $m^0$, which only involves the\nbackground metric and the conformal factor $\\sigma$, the various contributions\nto the effective gravitational action at higher orders in $m^2$ can be\nexpressed in terms of integrals of the renormalized Green's function at\ncoinciding points of the squared (massless) Dirac operator, as well as of\nhigher Green's functions. In particular, at order $m^2$, these contributions\ncan be re-written as a term $\\int e^{2\\sigma}\\, \\sigma$ characteristic of the\nMabuchi action, much as for 2D massive scalars, as well as several other terms\nthat are multi-local in the conformal factor $\\sigma$ and involve the Green's\nfunctions of the massless Dirac operator and the renormalized Green's function,\nbut for the background metric only.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 18:00:16 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Wed, 16 Aug 2023 12:11:30 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-17","authors_parsed":[["Namuduri","Manojna",""],["Bilal","Adel",""]]} {"id":"2308.05803","submitter":"Cissy Suen","authors":"Cissy T Suen, Igor Markovi\\'c, Marta Zonno, Sergey Zhdanovich, Na-Hyun\n Jo, Michael Schmid, Philipp Hansmann, Pascal Puphal, Katrin F\\\"ursich,\n Valentin Zimmerman, Steef Smit, Christine Au-Yeung, Berend Zwartsenberg,\n Maximilian Krautloher, Ilya S Elfimov, Roland Koch, Sergey Gorovikov, Chris\n Jozwiak, Aaron Bostwick, Eli Rotenberg, Bernhard Keimer, and Andrea\n Damascelli","title":"Nature of the current-induced insulator-to-metal transition in\n Ca$_2$RuO$_4$ as revealed by transport-ARPES","comments":"8 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.str-el","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" The Mott insulator Ca$_2$RuO$_4$ exhibits a rare insulator-to-metal\ntransition (IMT) induced by DC current. While structural changes associated\nwith this transition have been tracked by neutron diffraction, Raman\nscattering, and x-ray spectroscopy, work on elucidating the response of the\nelectronic degrees of freedom is still in progress. Here we unveil the\ncurrent-induced modifications of the electronic states of Ca$_2$RuO$_4$ by\nemploying angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) in conjunction with\nfour-probe transport. Two main effects emerge: a clear reduction of the Mott\ngap and a modification in the dispersion of the Ru-bands. The changes in\ndispersion occur exclusively along the $XM$ high-symmetry direction, parallel\nto the $b$-axis where the greatest in-plane lattice change occurs. These\nexperimental observations are reflected in dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT)\ncalculations simulated exclusively from the current-induced lattice constants,\nindicating a current driven structural transition as the primary mechanism of\nthe IMT. Furthermore, we demonstrate this phase is distinct from the\nhigh-temperature zero-current metallic phase. Our results provide insight into\nthe elusive nature of the current-induced IMT of Ca$_2$RuO$_4$ and advance the\nchallenging, yet powerful, technique of transport-ARPES.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 18:00:21 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Tue, 15 Aug 2023 22:04:48 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-17","authors_parsed":[["Suen","Cissy T",""],["Markovi\u0107","Igor",""],["Zonno","Marta",""],["Zhdanovich","Sergey",""],["Jo","Na-Hyun",""],["Schmid","Michael",""],["Hansmann","Philipp",""],["Puphal","Pascal",""],["F\u00fcrsich","Katrin",""],["Zimmerman","Valentin",""],["Smit","Steef",""],["Au-Yeung","Christine",""],["Zwartsenberg","Berend",""],["Krautloher","Maximilian",""],["Elfimov","Ilya S",""],["Koch","Roland",""],["Gorovikov","Sergey",""],["Jozwiak","Chris",""],["Bostwick","Aaron",""],["Rotenberg","Eli",""],["Keimer","Bernhard",""],["Damascelli","Andrea",""]]} {"id":"2308.05804","submitter":"Prabhat Solanki","authors":"Biplob Bhattacherjee, Prabhat Solanki","title":"Search for Electroweakinos in R-Parity Violating SUSY with Long-Lived\n Particles at HL-LHC","comments":"43 pages, 16 figures, 3 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ph hep-ex","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We investigate the R-parity violating (RPV) supersymmetric (SUSY) model at\nthe High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) in the context of compact\nmuon solenoid (CMS) experiment assuming a total integrated luminosity of\n$\\mathcal{L}=3000~\\text{fb}^{-1}$ at $\\sqrt{s}=$ 14 TeV. We focus on the pair\nproduction of electroweakinos, specifically, $\\chi_2^0$ and $\\chi_1^{\\pm}$ in\nwino and higgsino states in a particular scenario where $\\chi_2^0$ and\n$\\chi_1^{\\pm}$ decay into a Higgs boson and W boson, respectively, along the\nlong-lived lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP), $\\chi_1^0$, which decays to\nthree quarks via $\\lambda^{''}$ RPV couplings leading to the prompt as well as\ndisplaced signatures in the final state. To select events at the level-1 (L1)\ntrigger system, we employ dedicated and standard triggers followed by an\noffline analysis integrating information from the tracker, electromagnetic\ncalorimeter (ECAL) and minimum ionising particle (MIP) timing detector (MTD).\nWe observe that wino-like $\\chi_2^0/\\chi_1^{\\pm}$ with a mass of 1900 GeV and\n$\\chi_1^0$ with a mass greater than 800 GeV can be probed across a decay length\nranging from 1 cm to 200 cm. In the case of higgsino-like pair production of\n$\\chi_2^0/\\chi_1^{\\pm}$, we can probe $\\chi_2^0/\\chi_1^{\\pm}$ with a mass of\n1600 GeV, and $\\chi_1^0$ with a mass greater than 700 GeV, across a decay\nlength range of 1 cm to 200 cm.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 18:01:04 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Bhattacherjee","Biplob",""],["Solanki","Prabhat",""]]} {"id":"2308.05805","submitter":"Lerato Baidoo Dr","authors":"Lerato Baidoo (1, 2 and 3), Richard A. Perley (1 and 2), Jean Eilek (4\n and 5), Oleg Smirnov (2 and 6), Valentina Vacca (7), Torsten Ensslin (8) ((1)\n National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Socorro United States, (2) Center for\n Radio Astronomy Techniques and Technologies, Rhodes University, Makhanda\n South Africa, (3) Dunlap Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, University\n of Toronto, Toronto Canada, (4) Physics Department New Mexico Tech, Socorro\n United States, (5) Adjunct Astronomer at the National Radio Astronomy\n Observatory, Socorro United States, (6) South African Radio Astronomy\n Observatory, Cape Town, South Africa, (7) INAF, Observatorio Astronomico di\n Caligiari, Selargius Italy, (8) Max-Planck-Institute for Astrophysics,\n Garching Germany)","title":"A Wideband Polarization Observation of Hydra A with the Jansky Very\n Large Array","comments":"21 pages, 19 figures, Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical\n Journal","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.GA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We present results of a wideband high-resolution polarization study of Hydra\nA, one of the most luminous FR I radio galaxies known and amongst the most\nwell-studied. The radio emission from this source displays extremely large\nFaraday rotation measures (RM), ranging from -12300 rad m$^{-2}$ to 5000 rad\nm$^{-2}$, the majority of which are believed to originate from magnetized\nthermal gas external to the radio tails. The radio emission from both tails\nstrongly depolarizes with decreasing frequency. The depolarization, as a\nfunction of wavelength, is commonly non-monotonic, often showing oscillatory\nbehavior, with strongly non-linear rotation of the polarization position angle\nwith $\\lambda^2$. A simple model, based on the RM screen derived from the high\nfrequency, high resolution data, predicts the lower frequency depolarization\nremarkably well. The success of this model indicates the majority of the\ndepolarization can be attributed to fluctuations in the magnetic field on\nscales $< 1500$ pc, suggesting the presence of turbulent magnetic\nfield/electron density structures on sub-kpc scales within a Faraday rotating\n(FR) medium.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 18:01:18 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Baidoo","Lerato","","1, 2 and 3"],["Perley","Richard A.","","1 and 2"],["Eilek","Jean","","4\n and 5"],["Smirnov","Oleg","","2 and 6"],["Vacca","Valentina",""],["Ensslin","Torsten",""]]} {"id":"2308.05806","submitter":"Rebecca VanDrunen","authors":"Becca VanDrunen, Juanjuan Ren, Sebastian Franke, Stephen Hughes","title":"Gain-compensated metal cavity modes and a million-fold improvement of\n Purcell factors","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.optics cond-mat.mes-hall","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Using a rigorous mode theory for gain-compensated plasmonic dimers, we\ndemonstrate how quality factors and Purcell factors can be dramatically\nincreased, improving the quality factors from 10 to over 26,000 and the peak\nPurcell factors from around 3000 to over 10 billion. Full three-dimensional\ncalculations are presented for gold dimers in a finite-size gain medium, which\nallows one to easily surpass fundamental Purcell factor limits of lossy media.\nWithin a regime of linear system response, we show how the Purcell factors are\nmodified from the contributions from the projected local density of states as\nwell as a non-local gain. Further, we show that the effective mode volume and\nradiative beta factors remain relatively constant, despite the significant\nenhancement of the Purcell factors.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 18:02:19 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["VanDrunen","Becca",""],["Ren","Juanjuan",""],["Franke","Sebastian",""],["Hughes","Stephen",""]]} {"id":"2308.05807","submitter":"Gabriel Hoerning","authors":"Gabriel A. Hoerning, Ricardo G. Landim, Luiza O. Ponte, Raphael P.\n Rolim, Filipe B. Abdalla, Elcio Abdalla","title":"Constraints on interacting dark energy revisited: alleviating the Hubble\n tension","comments":"11 pages, 4 figures, 7 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.CO gr-qc","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In this paper, we have revisited a class of coupled dark energy models where\ndark energy interacts with dark matter via phenomenological interactions. We\nincluded correction terms on the perturbation equations taking into account the\nperturbation of the Hubble rate, absent in previous works. We also consider\nmore recent data sets such as cosmic microwave background anisotropies from\n\\textit{Planck} 2018, type I-a supernovae measurements from Pantheon+ and data\nfrom baryon acoustic oscillations, and redshift space distortions. We analyzed\nthe influence of the SH0ES Cepheid host distances on the results and for one\nmodel the discrepancy of $H_0$ is reduced to $1.3\\sigma$ when compared to\n$\\Lambda$CDM and $4.6\\sigma$ when compared to the SH0ES team.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 18:03:39 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Hoerning","Gabriel A.",""],["Landim","Ricardo G.",""],["Ponte","Luiza O.",""],["Rolim","Raphael P.",""],["Abdalla","Filipe B.",""],["Abdalla","Elcio",""]]} {"id":"2308.05808","submitter":"Veronika Prokhorchuk","authors":"Piotr W. Nowak, Andriy Oliynyk and Veronika Prokhorchuk","title":"On (bi)reversible automata generating lamplighter groups","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.GR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" For any nontrivial abelian group $\\mathbb{X}$ we construct a reversible\n(bireversible in case the order of $\\mathbb{X}$ is odd) automaton such that its\nset of states and alphabet are identified with $\\mathbb{X}$, transition and\noutput functions are defined via the left and the right regular actions\ncorrespondingly and its group splits into the restricted wreath product\n$\\mathbb{X} \\wr \\mathbb{Z}$, i.e. is a lamplighter group.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 18:06:31 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Nowak","Piotr W.",""],["Oliynyk","Andriy",""],["Prokhorchuk","Veronika",""]]} {"id":"2308.05809","submitter":"Yihao Liu","authors":"Yihao Liu, Amir Kheradmand, Mehran Armand","title":"Toward Process Controlled Medical Robotic System","comments":"This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication.\n Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no\n longer be accessible","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.RO cs.HC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Medical errors, defined as unintended acts either of omission or commission\nthat cause the failure of medical actions, are the third leading cause of death\nin the United States. The application of autonomy and robotics can alleviate\nsome causes of medical errors by improving accuracy and providing means to\npreciously follow planned procedures. However, for the robotic applications to\nimprove safety, they must maintain constant operating conditions in the\npresence of disturbances, and provide reliable measurements, evaluation, and\ncontrol for each state of the procedure. This article addresses the need for\nprocess control in medical robotic systems, and proposes a standardized design\ncycle toward its automation. Monitoring and controlling the changing conditions\nin a medical or surgical environment necessitates a clear definition of\nworkflows and their procedural dependencies. We propose integrating process\ncontrol into medical robotic workflows to identify change in states of the\nsystem and environment, possible operations, and transitions to new states.\nTherefore, the system translates clinician experiences and procedure workflows\ninto machine-interpretable languages. The design cycle using hFSM formulation\ncan be a deterministic process, which opens up possibilities for higher-level\nautomation in medical robotics. Shown in our work, with a standardized design\ncycle and software paradigm, we pave the way toward controlled workflows that\ncan be automatically generated. Additionally, a modular design for a robotic\nsystem architecture that integrates hFSM can provide easy software and hardware\nintegration. This article discusses the system design, software implementation,\nand example application to Robot-Assisted Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and\nrobot-assisted femoroplasty. We also provide assessments of these two system\nexamples by testing their robotic tool placement.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 18:07:38 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Liu","Yihao",""],["Kheradmand","Amir",""],["Armand","Mehran",""]]} {"id":"2308.05810","submitter":"Anatole Moureaux","authors":"Anatole Moureaux and Chlo\\'e Chopin and Laurent Jacques and Flavio\n Abreu Araujo","title":"Spintronics for image recognition : performance benchmarking via\n ultrafast data-driven simulations","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We present a demonstration of image classification using a hardware-based\necho-state network (ESN) that relies on spintronic nanostructures known as\nvortex-based spin-torque oscillators (STVOs). Our network is realized using a\nsingle STVO multiplexed in time. To circumvent the challenges associated with\nrepeated experimental manipulation of such a nanostructured system, we employ\nan ultrafast data-driven simulation framework called the data-driven Thiele\nequation approach (DD-TEA) to simulate the STVO dynamics. We use this approach\nto efficiently develop, optimize and test an STVO-based ESN for image\nclassification using the MNIST dataset. We showcase the versatility of our\nsolution by successfully applying it to solve classification challenges with\nthe EMNIST-letters and Fashion MNIST datasets. Through our simulations, we\ndetermine that within a large ESN the results obtained using the STVO dynamics\nas an activation function are comparable to the ones obtained with other\nconventional nonlinear activation functions like the reLU and the sigmoid.\nWhile achieving state-of-the-art accuracy levels on the MNIST dataset, our\nmodel's performance on EMNIST-letters and Fashion MNIST is lower due to the\nrelative simplicity of the system architecture and the increased complexity of\nthe tasks. We expect that the DD-TEA framework will enable the exploration of\nmore specialized neural architectures, ultimately leading to improved\nclassification accuracy. This approach also holds promise for investigating and\ndeveloping dedicated learning rules to further enhance classification\nperformance.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 18:09:44 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Moureaux","Anatole",""],["Chopin","Chlo\u00e9",""],["Jacques","Laurent",""],["Araujo","Flavio Abreu",""]]} {"id":"2308.05811","submitter":"Fatim Zahra Mouhib","authors":"F. Mouhib, Z. Xie, A. Atila, J. Gu\\'enol\\'e, S. Korte-Kerzel, T.\n Al-Samman","title":"Atomistic insights into texture, segregation, and binding in magnesium\n alloys","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" This study aims at illuminating different solute effects, by comparing RE and\nCa solute additions to binary and ternary MgXZn alloys. A multi-scale approach\nfeatureing atom probe tomography and ab initio calculations was employed. In\nterms of texture, a pole spread in both RD and TD was observed in binary MgCa\nalloys, whileMgGd shows a pronounced RD split and no TD texture component.\nHowever, Zn additions to MgGd lead to a dominant TD pole spread, while the\ncounterpart Ca ternary alloy is less effected by Zn additions. A complementary\ntrend in segregation was observed by atom probe tomography, showing a\nsignificant Ca segregation in binary systems. However, the Ca segregation was\nnot effected by the addition of Zn, while added to MgGd, Zn greatly increases\nthe Gd segregation, and significant Zn segregation can be observed. A possible\nreason was identified by ab initio calculations, which showed significant\ndifferences in binding energies. High binding energies between Ca and vacancies\nwere observed, indicating that Ca, rather than Gd, preferably segregates to\ndefect-rich regions, e.g., grain boundaries. However, in the ternary state\nGd-Zn binding was found to be more favorable than Ca-Zn binding, indicating\nstrong ternary effects in MgGdZn.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 18:12:46 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Mouhib","F.",""],["Xie","Z.",""],["Atila","A.",""],["Gu\u00e9nol\u00e9","J.",""],["Korte-Kerzel","S.",""],["Al-Samman","T.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05812","submitter":"Arnab Hazra","authors":"Arnab Hazra, Pratik Nag, Rishikesh Yadav, Ying Sun","title":"Exploring the Efficacy of Statistical and Deep Learning Methods for\n Large Spatial Datasets: A Case Study","comments":"34 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.CO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Increasingly large and complex spatial datasets pose massive inferential\nchallenges due to high computational and storage costs. Our study is motivated\nby the KAUST Competition on Large Spatial Datasets 2023, which tasked\nparticipants with estimating spatial covariance-related parameters and\npredicting values at testing sites, along with uncertainty estimates. We\ncompared various statistical and deep learning approaches through\ncross-validation and ultimately selected the Vecchia approximation technique\nfor model fitting. To overcome the constraints in the R package GpGp, which\nlacked support for fitting zero-mean Gaussian processes and direct uncertainty\nestimation-two things that are necessary for the competition, we developed\nadditional \\texttt{R} functions. Besides, we implemented certain\nsubsampling-based approximations and parametric smoothing for skewed sampling\ndistributions of the estimators. Our team DesiBoys secured victory in two out\nof four sub-competitions, validating the effectiveness of our proposed\nstrategies. Moreover, we extended our evaluation to a large real spatial\nsatellite-derived dataset on total precipitable water, where we compared the\npredictive performances of different models using multiple diagnostics.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 18:13:31 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Hazra","Arnab",""],["Nag","Pratik",""],["Yadav","Rishikesh",""],["Sun","Ying",""]]} {"id":"2308.05813","submitter":"Saeid Pakravan","authors":"Saeid Pakravan, Jean-Yves Chouinard, Xingwang Li, Ming Zeng, Wanming\n Hao, Quoc-Viet Pham and Octavia A. Dobre","title":"Physical Layer Security for NOMA Systems: Requirements, Issues, and\n Recommendations","comments":"17 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":"IEEE Internet of Things Journal","doi":"10.1109/JIOT.2023.3296319","report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/","abstract":" Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) has been viewed as a potential\ncandidate for the upcoming generation of wireless communication systems.\nComparing to traditional orthogonal multiple access (OMA), multiplexing users\nin the same time-frequency resource block can increase the number of served\nusers and improve the efficiency of the systems in terms of spectral\nefficiency. Nevertheless, from a security view-point, when multiple users are\nutilizing the same time-frequency resource, there may be concerns regarding\nkeeping information confidential. In this context, physical layer security\n(PLS) has been introduced as a supplement of protection to conventional\nencryption techniques by making use of the random nature of wireless\ntransmission media for ensuring communication secrecy. The recent years have\nseen significant interests in PLS being applied to NOMA networks. Numerous\nscenarios have been investigated to assess the security of NOMA systems,\nincluding when active and passive eavesdroppers are present, as well as when\nthese systems are combined with relay and reconfigurable intelligent surfaces\n(RIS). Additionally, the security of the ambient backscatter (AmB)-NOMA systems\nare other issues that have lately drawn a lot of attention. In this paper, a\nthorough analysis of the PLS-assisted NOMA systems research state-of-the-art is\npresented. In this regard, we begin by outlining the foundations of NOMA and\nPLS, respectively. Following that, we discuss the PLS performances for NOMA\nsystems in four categories depending on the type of the eavesdropper, the\nexistence of relay, RIS, and AmB systems in different conditions. Finally, a\nthorough explanation of the most recent PLS-assisted NOMA systems is given.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 18:18:51 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Pakravan","Saeid",""],["Chouinard","Jean-Yves",""],["Li","Xingwang",""],["Zeng","Ming",""],["Hao","Wanming",""],["Pham","Quoc-Viet",""],["Dobre","Octavia A.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05814","submitter":"Arvind K. Saibaba","authors":"Arvind K. Saibaba and Agnieszka Mi\\k{e}dlar","title":"Randomized low-rank approximations beyond Gaussian random matrices","comments":"37 pages, appendix is really supplementary materials","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NA cs.NA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" This paper expands the analysis of randomized low-rank approximation beyond\nthe Gaussian distribution to four classes of random matrices: (1) independent\nsub-Gaussian entries, (2) independent sub-Gaussian columns, (3) independent\nbounded columns, and (4) independent columns with bounded second moment. Using\na novel interpretation of the low-rank approximation error involving sample\ncovariance matrices, we provide insight into the requirements of a \\textit{good\nrandom matrix} for the purpose of randomized low-rank approximation. Although\nour bounds involve unspecified absolute constants (a consequence of the\nunderlying non-asymptotic theory of random matrices), they allow for\nqualitative comparisons across distributions. The analysis offers some details\non the minimal number of samples (the number of columns $\\ell$ of the random\nmatrix $\\boldsymbol\\Omega$) and the error in the resulting low-rank\napproximation. We illustrate our analysis in the context of the randomized\nsubspace iteration method as a representative algorithm for low-rank\napproximation, however, all the results are broadly applicable to other\nlow-rank approximation techniques. We conclude our discussion with numerical\nexamples using both synthetic and real-world test matrices.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 18:30:11 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Saibaba","Arvind K.",""],["Mi\u0119dlar","Agnieszka",""]]} {"id":"2308.05815","submitter":"Veronika Prokhorchuk","authors":"Andriy Oliynyk and Veronika Prokhorchuk","title":"On exponentiation, $p$-automata and HNN extensions of free abelian\n groups","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.GR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" For every prime $p$ it is shown that a wide class of HNN extensions of free\nabelian groups admit faithful representation by finite $p$-automata.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 18:31:19 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Oliynyk","Andriy",""],["Prokhorchuk","Veronika",""]]} {"id":"2308.05816","submitter":"Johannes Buchner","authors":"Johannes Buchner","title":"Snowballing Nested Sampling","comments":"Accepted as a proceeding for MaxEnt2023. A central-limit-theorem-like\n result for nested sampling","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.CO stat.ME","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" A new way to run nested sampling, combined with realistic MCMC proposals to\ngenerate new live points, is presented. Nested sampling is run with a fixed\nnumber of MCMC steps. Subsequently, snowballing nested sampling extends the run\nto more and more live points. This stabilizes MCMC proposals over time, and\nleads to pleasant properties, including that the number of live points and\nnumber of MCMC steps do not have to be calibrated, that the evidence and\nposterior approximation improves as more compute is added and can be diagnosed\nwith convergence diagnostics from the MCMC literature. Snowballing nested\nsampling converges to a ``perfect'' nested sampling run with infinite number of\nMCMC steps.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 18:33:19 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Buchner","Johannes",""]]} {"id":"2308.05817","submitter":"Andrea Munaro","authors":"Nick Brettell and Andrea Munaro and Dani\\\"el Paulusma and Shizhou Yang","title":"Comparing Width Parameters on Graph Classes","comments":"31 pages, 4 figures, abstract shortened due to arXiv requirements","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CO cs.DM","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We study how the relationship between non-equivalent width parameters changes\nonce we restrict to some special graph class. As width parameters, we consider\ntreewidth, clique-width, twin-width, mim-width, sim-width and tree-independence\nnumber, whereas as graph classes we consider $K_{t,t}$-subgraph-free graphs,\nline graphs and their common superclass, for $t \\geq 3$, of $K_{t,t}$-free\ngraphs.\n We first provide a complete comparison when restricted to\n$K_{t,t}$-subgraph-free graphs, showing in particular that treewidth,\nclique-width, mim-width, sim-width and tree-independence number are all\nequivalent. This extends a result of Gurski and Wanke (2000) stating that\ntreewidth and clique-width are equivalent for the class of\n$K_{t,t}$-subgraph-free graphs.\n Next, we provide a complete comparison when restricted to line graphs,\nshowing in particular that, on any class of line graphs, clique-width,\nmim-width, sim-width and tree-independence number are all equivalent, and\nbounded if and only if the class of root graphs has bounded treewidth. This\nextends a resut of Gurski and Wanke (2007) stating that a class of\ngraphs~${\\cal G}$ has bounded treewidth if and only if the class of line graphs\nof graphs in ${\\cal G}$ has bounded clique-width.\n We then provide an almost-complete comparison for $K_{t,t}$-free graphs,\nleaving one missing case. Our main result is that $K_{t,t}$-free graphs of\nbounded mim-width have bounded tree-independence number. This result has\nstructural and algorithmic consequences. In particular, it proves a special\ncase of a conjecture of Dallard, Milani\\v{c} and \\v{S}torgel.\n Finally, we consider the question of whether boundedness of a certain width\nparameter is preserved under graph powers. We show that the question has a\npositive answer for sim-width precisely in the case of odd powers.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 18:34:18 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Brettell","Nick",""],["Munaro","Andrea",""],["Paulusma","Dani\u00ebl",""],["Yang","Shizhou",""]]} {"id":"2308.05818","submitter":"Unay Dorken Gallastegi","authors":"Unay Dorken Gallastegi, Hoover Rueda-Chacon, Martin J. Stevens, and\n Vivek K Goyal","title":"Absorption-Based, Passive Range Imaging from Hyperspectral Thermal\n Measurements","comments":"15 pages, 14 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV eess.SP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Passive hyperspectral long-wave infrared measurements are remarkably\ninformative about the surroundings, such as remote object material composition,\ntemperature, and range; and air temperature and gas concentrations. Remote\nobject material and temperature determine the spectrum of thermal radiance, and\nrange, air temperature, and gas concentrations determine how this spectrum is\nmodified by propagation to the sensor. We computationally separate these\nphenomena, introducing a novel passive range imaging method based on\natmospheric absorption of ambient thermal radiance. Previously demonstrated\npassive absorption-based ranging methods assume hot and highly emitting\nobjects. However, the temperature variation in natural scenes is usually low,\nmaking range imaging challenging. Our method benefits from explicit\nconsideration of air emission and parametric modeling of atmospheric\nabsorption. To mitigate noise in low-contrast scenarios, we jointly estimate\nrange and intrinsic object properties by exploiting a variety of absorption\nlines spread over the infrared spectrum. Along with Monte Carlo simulations\nthat demonstrate the importance of regularization, temperature differentials,\nand availability of many spectral bands, we apply this method to long-wave\ninfrared (8--13 $\\mu$m) hyperspectral image data acquired from natural scenes\nwith no active illumination. Range features from 15m to 150m are recovered,\nwith good qualitative match to unaligned lidar data.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 18:35:22 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Gallastegi","Unay Dorken",""],["Rueda-Chacon","Hoover",""],["Stevens","Martin J.",""],["Goyal","Vivek K",""]]} {"id":"2308.05819","submitter":"Abdallah Alsammani","authors":"Abdallah Alsammani","title":"Stochastic modeling and computational simulations of HBV infection\n dynamics","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.DS","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" This study investigates the stochastic dynamics of hepatitis B virus (HBV)\ninfection using a newly proposed stochastic model. Contrary to deterministic\nmodels that fail to encapsulate the inherent randomness and fluctuations in\nbiological processes, our stochastic model provides a more realistic\nrepresentation of HBV infection dynamics. It incorporates random variability,\nthereby acknowledging the changes in viral and cellular populations and\nuncertainties in parameters such as infection rates and immune responses. We\nexamine the solution's existence, uniqueness, and positivity for the proposed\nmodel, followed by a comprehensive stability analysis. We provide the necessary\nand sufficient conditions for local and global stability, offering deep insight\ninto the infection dynamics. Furthermore, we utilize numerical simulations to\ncorroborate our theoretical results. This research provides a robust tool to\nunderstand the complex behavior of HBV dynamics, which significantly\ncontributes to the ongoing quest for more effective HBV control and prevention\nstrategies.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 18:38:36 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Alsammani","Abdallah",""]]} {"id":"2308.05820","submitter":"Filipe Cordeiro","authors":"Daniel Rosa, Filipe R. Cordeiro, Ruan Carvalho, Everton Souza, Sergio\n Chevtchenko, Luiz Rodrigues, Marcelo Marinho, Thales Vieira and Valmir\n Macario","title":"Recognizing Handwritten Mathematical Expressions of Vertical Addition\n and Subtraction","comments":"Paper accepted at SIBGRAPI 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition (HMER) is a challenging task\nwith many educational applications. Recent methods for HMER have been developed\nfor complex mathematical expressions in standard horizontal format. However,\nsolutions for elementary mathematical expression, such as vertical addition and\nsubtraction, have not been explored in the literature. This work proposes a new\nhandwritten elementary mathematical expression dataset composed of addition and\nsubtraction expressions in a vertical format. We also extended the MNIST\ndataset to generate artificial images with this structure. Furthermore, we\nproposed a solution for offline HMER, able to recognize vertical addition and\nsubtraction expressions. Our analysis evaluated the object detection algorithms\nYOLO v7, YOLO v8, YOLO-NAS, NanoDet and FCOS for identifying the mathematical\nsymbols. We also proposed a transcription method to map the bounding boxes from\nthe object detection stage to a mathematical expression in the LATEX markup\nsequence. Results show that our approach is efficient, achieving a high\nexpression recognition rate. The code and dataset are available at\nhttps://github.com/Danielgol/HME-VAS\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 18:39:35 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Rosa","Daniel",""],["Cordeiro","Filipe R.",""],["Carvalho","Ruan",""],["Souza","Everton",""],["Chevtchenko","Sergio",""],["Rodrigues","Luiz",""],["Marinho","Marcelo",""],["Vieira","Thales",""],["Macario","Valmir",""]]} {"id":"2308.05821","submitter":"Houjian Yu","authors":"Houjian Yu, Xibai Lou, Yang Yang, and Changhyun Choi","title":"IOSG: Image-driven Object Searching and Grasping","comments":"Accepted to IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots\n (IROS 2023). Project page: https://sites.google.com/umn.edu/iosg","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.RO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" When robots retrieve specific objects from cluttered scenes, such as home and\nwarehouse environments, the target objects are often partially occluded or\ncompletely hidden. Robots are thus required to search, identify a target\nobject, and successfully grasp it. Preceding works have relied on pre-trained\nobject recognition or segmentation models to find the target object. However,\nsuch methods require laborious manual annotations to train the models and even\nfail to find novel target objects. In this paper, we propose an Image-driven\nObject Searching and Grasping (IOSG) approach where a robot is provided with\nthe reference image of a novel target object and tasked to find and retrieve\nit. We design a Target Similarity Network that generates a probability map to\ninfer the location of the novel target. IOSG learns a hierarchical policy; the\nhigh-level policy predicts the subtask type, whereas the low-level policies,\nexplorer and coordinator, generate effective push and grasp actions. The\nexplorer is responsible for searching the target object when it is hidden or\noccluded by other objects. Once the target object is found, the coordinator\nconducts target-oriented pushing and grasping to retrieve the target from the\nclutter. The proposed pipeline is trained with full self-supervision in\nsimulation and applied to a real environment. Our model achieves a 96.0% and\n94.5% task success rate on coordination and exploration tasks in simulation\nrespectively, and 85.0% success rate on a real robot for the search-and-grasp\ntask.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 18:41:24 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Yu","Houjian",""],["Lou","Xibai",""],["Yang","Yang",""],["Choi","Changhyun",""]]} {"id":"2308.05822","submitter":"Junxiao Shen Mr","authors":"Junxiao Shen, John Dudley, Per Ola Kristensson","title":"Encode-Store-Retrieve: Enhancing Memory Augmentation through\n Language-Encoded Egocentric Perception","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.AI cs.HC","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We depend on our own memory to encode, store, and retrieve our experiences.\nHowever, memory lapses can occur. One promising avenue for achieving memory\naugmentation is through the use of augmented reality head-mounted displays to\ncapture and preserve egocentric videos, a practice commonly referred to as life\nlogging. However, a significant challenge arises from the sheer volume of video\ndata generated through life logging, as the current technology lacks the\ncapability to encode and store such large amounts of data efficiently. Further,\nretrieving specific information from extensive video archives requires\nsubstantial computational power, further complicating the task of quickly\naccessing desired content. To address these challenges, we propose a memory\naugmentation system that involves leveraging natural language encoding for\nvideo data and storing them in a vector database. This approach harnesses the\npower of large vision language models to perform the language encoding process.\nAdditionally, we propose using large language models to facilitate natural\nlanguage querying. Our system underwent extensive evaluation using the QA-Ego4D\ndataset and achieved state-of-the-art results with a BLEU score of 8.3,\noutperforming conventional machine learning models that scored between 3.4 and\n5.8. Additionally, in a user study, our system received a higher mean response\nscore of 4.13/5 compared to the human participants' score of 2.46/5 on\nreal-life episodic memory tasks.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 18:43:44 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Shen","Junxiao",""],["Dudley","John",""],["Kristensson","Per Ola",""]]} {"id":"2308.05823","submitter":"Fabio Pasqualetti","authors":"Alberto Maria Nobili, Yuzhen Qin, Carlo Alberto Avizzano, Danielle S.\n Bassett, and Fabio Pasqualetti","title":"Vibrational Stabilization of Complex Network Systems","comments":null,"journal-ref":"Proceedings of the 2022 American Control Conference, San Diego,\n May, 2022","doi":"10.23919/ACC55779.2023.10156032","report-no":null,"categories":"math.OC cs.SY eess.SY","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Many natural and man-made network systems need to maintain certain patterns,\nsuch as working at equilibria or limit cycles, to function properly. Thus, the\nability to stabilize such patterns is crucial. Most of the existing studies on\nstabilization assume that network systems states can be measured online so that\nfeedback control strategies can be used. However, in many real-world scenarios,\nsystems states, e.g., neuronal activity in the brain, are often difficult to\nmeasure. In this paper, we take this situation into account and study the\nstabilization problem of linear network systems with an open-loop control\nstrategy (vibrational control). We derive a graph-theoretic sufficient\ncondition for structural vibrational stabilizability, under which network\nsystems can always be stabilized. We further provide an approach to select the\nlocations in the network for control placement and design corresponding\nvibrational inputs to stabilize systems that satisfy this condition. Finally,\nwe provide some numerical results that demonstrate the validity of our\ntheoretical findings.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 18:49:02 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Nobili","Alberto Maria",""],["Qin","Yuzhen",""],["Avizzano","Carlo Alberto",""],["Bassett","Danielle S.",""],["Pasqualetti","Fabio",""]]} {"id":"2308.05824","submitter":"Gonzalo Cousillas gcousillas","authors":"Gonzalo Cousillas","title":"Shadowing in non-compact spaces with a global attractor","comments":"8 pages, 0 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.DS","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" This paper studies the behavior of dynamical systems in non-compact spaces,\nspecifically focusing on the concepts of global attractors and shadowing. Let\n$K$ be a compact global attractor. We show that the shadowing property holds in\ncertain types of dynamical systems in non-compact spaces if and only if $K$ is\ntrivial.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 18:49:47 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Cousillas","Gonzalo",""]]} {"id":"2308.05825","submitter":"Yen-Tsung Chen","authors":"Yen-Tsung Chen","title":"A $v$-adic variant of Anderson-Brownawell-Papanikolas linear\n independence criterion and its application","comments":"25 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Let $\\overline{k}$ be a fixed algebraic closure of $k$. When the finite place\n$v$ is of degree one, we show that all $\\overline{k}$-linear relations among\n$v$-adic Carlitz multiple polylogarithms at algebraic points arise from\n$k$-linear relations among these values of the same weight. As an application,\nwe establish a function field analogue of Furusho-Yamashita's conjecture for\n$v$-adic multiple zeta values whenever the degree of the place $v$ is one.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 18:53:53 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Chen","Yen-Tsung",""]]} {"id":"2308.05826","submitter":"D. Anish Roshi","authors":"D. Anish Roshi, Phil Perillat, Felix Fernandez, Hamdi Mani, Benetge\n Perera, P. K. Manoharan, Luis Quintero, Arun Venkataraman","title":"A Cryogenic Wideband (2.5-14 GHz) Receiver system for the Arecibo 12m\n Telescope","comments":"13 pages, 7 figures, 1 table (submitted for publication)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.IM","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In this paper we present details of the construction of a wideband, cryogenic\nreceiver and its successful commissioning on the Arecibo 12m telescope. The\ncryogenic receiver works in the 2.5-14 GHz frequency range. The telescope is\noperated by the Arecibo Observatory, and is located within the premises of the\nObservatory. We upgraded the current narrow band, room temperature receivers of\nthe telescope with the new wideband receiver. The current receiver is built\naround a Quadruple-Ridged Flared Horn (QRHF) developed by Akgiray et al.\n(2013). To mitigate strong radio frequency interference (RFI) below 2.7 GHz, we\ninstalled a highpass filter before the first stage low noise amplifier (LNA).\nThe QRHF, highpass filter, noise coupler and LNA are located inside a cryostat\nand are cooled to 15 K. The measured receiver temperature is 25 K (median\nvalue) over 2.5 GHz to 14 GHz. The system temperature measured at zenith is\nabout 40 K near 3.1 and 8.6 GHz and the zenith antenna gains are 0.025 and\n0.018 K/Jy at the two frequencies respectively. In the next stage of the\ndevelopment, we plan to upgrade the highpass filter in order to achieve better\nRFI rejection near 2.5 GHz, improve the aperture efficiency at 8.6 GHz and\nupgrade the IF system to increase the upper frequency of operation from 12 GHz\nto 14 GHz.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 18:59:25 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Roshi","D. Anish",""],["Perillat","Phil",""],["Fernandez","Felix",""],["Mani","Hamdi",""],["Perera","Benetge",""],["Manoharan","P. K.",""],["Quintero","Luis",""],["Venkataraman","Arun",""]]} {"id":"2308.05827","submitter":"Lenny Fukshansky","authors":"Maxwell Forst and Lenny Fukshansky","title":"On a new absolute version of Siegel's lemma","comments":"15 pages; some minor additions and authorship change","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We establish a new version of Siegel's lemma over a number field $k$,\nproviding a bound on the maximum of heights of basis vectors of a subspace of\n$k^N$, $N \\geq 2$. In addition to the small-height property, the basis vectors\nwe obtain satisfy certain sparsity condition. Further, we produce a nontrivial\nbound on the heights of all the possible subspaces generated by subcollections\nof these basis vectors. Our bounds are absolute in the sense that they do not\ndepend on the field of definition. The main novelty of our method is that it\nuses only linear algebra and does not rely on the geometry of numbers or the\nDirichlet box principle employed in the previous works on this subject.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 19:00:31 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Sat, 26 Aug 2023 21:38:29 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-29","authors_parsed":[["Forst","Maxwell",""],["Fukshansky","Lenny",""]]} {"id":"2308.05828","submitter":"Kevin Pu","authors":"Kevin Pu, Jim Yang, Angel Yuan, Minyi Ma, Rui Dong, Xinyu Wang, Yan\n Chen, Tovi Grossman","title":"DiLogics: Creating Web Automation Programs With Diverse Logics","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1145/3586183.3606822","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.HC cs.AI cs.PL","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Knowledge workers frequently encounter repetitive web data entry tasks, like\nupdating records or placing orders. Web automation increases productivity, but\ntranslating tasks to web actions accurately and extending to new specifications\nis challenging. Existing tools can automate tasks that perform the same logical\ntrace of UI actions (e.g., input text in each field in order), but do not\nsupport tasks requiring different executions based on varied input conditions.\nWe present DiLogics, a programming-by-demonstration system that utilizes NLP to\nassist users in creating web automation programs that handle diverse\nspecifications. DiLogics first semantically segments input data to structured\ntask steps. By recording user demonstrations for each step, DiLogics\ngeneralizes the web macros to novel but semantically similar task requirements.\nOur evaluation showed that non-experts can effectively use DiLogics to create\nautomation programs that fulfill diverse input instructions. DiLogics provides\nan efficient, intuitive, and expressive method for developing web automation\nprograms satisfying diverse specifications.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 19:01:30 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Fri, 18 Aug 2023 15:33:39 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-21","authors_parsed":[["Pu","Kevin",""],["Yang","Jim",""],["Yuan","Angel",""],["Ma","Minyi",""],["Dong","Rui",""],["Wang","Xinyu",""],["Chen","Yan",""],["Grossman","Tovi",""]]} {"id":"2308.05829","submitter":"Nick Doty","authors":"Nick Doty, Mallory Knodel","title":"Slicing the Network: Maintaining Neutrality, Protecting Privacy, and\n Promoting Competition","comments":"41 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.NI cs.CY","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The principles of net neutrality have been essential for maintaining the\ndiversity of services built on top of the internet and for maintaining some\ncompetition between small and large providers of those online services. That\ndiversity and competition, in turn, provide users with a broader array of\nchoices for seeking online content and disseminating their own speech.\nFurthermore, in order for the internet to be used to its full potential and to\nprotect the human rights of internet users, we need privacy from surveillance\nand unwarranted data collection by governments, network providers, and edge\nproviders.\n The transition to 5G mobile networks enables network operators to engage in a\ntechnique called network slicing. The portion of a network that is sliced can\nbe used to provide a suite of different service offerings, each tailored to\nspecific purposes, instead of a single, general-purpose subscription for mobile\nvoice and data. This requires a careful approach. Our report describes the\ntechnologies used for network slicing and outlines recommendations -- for both\noperators and regulators -- to enable network slicing while maintaining network\nneutrality, protecting privacy, and promoting competition.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 19:13:07 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Doty","Nick",""],["Knodel","Mallory",""]]} {"id":"2308.05830","submitter":"Swayamtrupta Panda","authors":"Swayamtrupta Panda, Paola Marziani","title":"Modelling the quasar spectra for super-Eddington sources -- The What,\n the Why and the How","comments":"5 pages, 3 figures, version matches the published version in\n Proceedings of the XLV Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Astronomical Society.\n arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2210.15041","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.GA astro-ph.HE","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Broad lines in active galaxies are primarily emitted by photoionization\nprocesses that are driven by the incident continuum arising from a complex\ngeometrical structure circumscribing the supermassive black hole. A model of\nthe broad-band spectral energy distribution (SED) effective in ionizing the\ngas-rich broad line emitting region (BLR) is needed to understand the various\nradiative processes that eventually lead to the emission of emission lines from\ndiverse physical conditions. Photoionization codes are a useful tool to\ninvestigate two aspects - the importance of the shape of the SED, and the\nphysical conditions in the BLR. In this work, we focus on the anisotropy of\ncontinuum radiation from the very centre a direct consequence of the\ndevelopment of a funnel-like structure at regions very close to the black hole.\nAccounting for the diversity of Type-1 active galactic nuclei (AGNs) in the\ncontext of the main sequence of quasars permits us to locate the super\nEddington sources along the sequence and constrain the physical conditions of\ntheir line-emitting BLR.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 19:16:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Panda","Swayamtrupta",""],["Marziani","Paola",""]]} {"id":"2308.05831","submitter":"Swayamtrupta Panda","authors":"Swayamtrupta Panda, Edi Bon, Paola Marziani, Nata\\v{s}a Bon","title":"Saturation of the curve -- diagnostics of the continuum and H$\\beta$\n emission in Population B active galaxy NGC 5548","comments":"5 pages, 7 figures, version matches the published version in\n Proceedings of the XLV Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Astronomical Society.\n arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2111.05378","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.GA astro-ph.HE","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" NGC 5548 has been hailed as an archetypical type-1 active galactic nuclei\n(AGN) and serves as a valuable laboratory to study the long-term variation of\nits broad-line region (BLR). In this work, we re-affirm our finding on the\nconnection between the continuum variability in the optical regime and the\ncorresponding H$\\beta$ response to it, in order to realize the increase, albeit\nwith a gradual saturation, in the H$\\beta$ emitting luminosity with increasing\nAGN continuum. This effect is also known as the Pronik-Chuvaev effect after the\nauthors who first demonstrated this effect using long-term monitoring of\nanother well-studied Type-1 AGN - Mrk 6. We employ a homogeneous,\nmulti-component spectral fitting procedure over a broad range of spectral\nepochs that is then used to create the continuum and H$\\beta$ light curves. We\nfocus on the epoch range 48636-49686 MJD, different from our previous analysis.\nWe again notice a clear signature of shallowing in the trend between the\nH$\\beta$ and the continuum luminosities. We attempt to recover this H$\\beta$\nemission trend as a response to a significant continuum flux increase using\nCLOUDY photoionization simulations and employ a suitable broad-band spectral\nenergy distribution for this source. We explore the wide range in the physical\nparameters space for modelling the H$\\beta$ emission from the BLR appropriate\nfor this source. We employ a constant density, single cloud model approach in\nthis study and successfully recover the observed shallowing of the H$\\beta$\nemission with respect to the rising AGN continuum and provide constraints on\nthe local BLR densities and the location of the H$\\beta$ emitting BLR which\nagrees with the H$\\beta$ time-lags reported from the long-term reverberation\nmapping monitoring. On the contrary, we do not find a significant breathing\neffect in the location of the H$\\beta$ line-emitting BLR for this epoch in NGC\n5548.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 19:29:24 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Panda","Swayamtrupta",""],["Bon","Edi",""],["Marziani","Paola",""],["Bon","Nata\u0161a",""]]} {"id":"2308.05832","submitter":"Ehsanul Kabir","authors":"Ehsanul Kabir and Zeyu Song and Md Rafi Ur Rashid and Shagufta Mehnaz","title":"FLShield: A Validation Based Federated Learning Framework to Defend\n Against Poisoning Attacks","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CR cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Federated learning (FL) is revolutionizing how we learn from data. With its\ngrowing popularity, it is now being used in many safety-critical domains such\nas autonomous vehicles and healthcare. Since thousands of participants can\ncontribute in this collaborative setting, it is, however, challenging to ensure\nsecurity and reliability of such systems. This highlights the need to design FL\nsystems that are secure and robust against malicious participants' actions\nwhile also ensuring high utility, privacy of local data, and efficiency. In\nthis paper, we propose a novel FL framework dubbed as FLShield that utilizes\nbenign data from FL participants to validate the local models before taking\nthem into account for generating the global model. This is in stark contrast\nwith existing defenses relying on server's access to clean datasets -- an\nassumption often impractical in real-life scenarios and conflicting with the\nfundamentals of FL. We conduct extensive experiments to evaluate our FLShield\nframework in different settings and demonstrate its effectiveness in thwarting\nvarious types of poisoning and backdoor attacks including a defense-aware one.\nFLShield also preserves privacy of local data against gradient inversion\nattacks.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 19:29:44 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Kabir","Ehsanul",""],["Song","Zeyu",""],["Rashid","Md Rafi Ur",""],["Mehnaz","Shagufta",""]]} {"id":"2308.05833","submitter":"Mahyar Karimi","authors":"Mahyar Karimi, Ahmad Abdollahzadeh Barfroush","title":"Proposing a Dynamic Executive Microservices Architecture Model for AI\n Systems","comments":"7 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables, conference","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SE cs.DC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Microservices architecture is one of the new architectural styles that has\nimproved in recent years. It has become a popular architectural style among\nsystem architects and developers. This popularity increased with the advent of\nnew technologies and technological advancements in cloud computing. These\nadvancements caused the emergence of new design and development challenges for\nservice-based software systems. The increasing use of microservices\narchitecture in large organizations and teams has increased the need to find\nappropriate solutions for architecture challenges. Orchestration of the\ncomponents in the microservices architecture is one of the main challenges in\ndistributed systems and affects the software quality in factors such as\nefficiency, compatibility, stability, and reusability. In such systems,\nsoftware architecture consists of fine-grained components. Due to the\nincreasing number of microservices in a large-scale system, proper management\nand communication orchestration of microservice components can become a point\nof failure. In this article, the challenges of Microservices architecture have\nbeen identified. To resolve the component orchestration challenges, an\nappropriate model to maintain and improve quality is proposed. The presented\nmodel, as a pattern, can be used at the both design and development level of\nthe system. The Dynamicity of software at runtime is the main achievement of\nthis pattern. In this model, microservice components orchestration tasks are\nperformed by using a BPMN-based workflow engine as the orchestrator component.\nThe orchestrator design gives the ability to create, track and modify new\ncomposite microservices without the need to change platform infrastructure.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 19:31:02 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Karimi","Mahyar",""],["Barfroush","Ahmad Abdollahzadeh",""]]} {"id":"2308.05834","submitter":"Debraj Chakrabarti","authors":"Debraj Chakrabarti, Isaac Cinzori, Ishani Gaidhane, Jonathan Gregory,\n Mary Wright","title":"Bergman kernels of Monomial Polyhedra","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The Bergman kernels of monomial polyhedra are explicitly computed. Monomial\npolyhedra are a class of bounded pseudoconvex Reinhardt domains defined as\nsublevel sets of Laurent monomials. Their kernels are rational functions and\nare obtained by an application of Bell's transformation formula.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 19:32:29 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Chakrabarti","Debraj",""],["Cinzori","Isaac",""],["Gaidhane","Ishani",""],["Gregory","Jonathan",""],["Wright","Mary",""]]} {"id":"2308.05835","submitter":"Albert Rico Andr\\'es","authors":"Albert Rico and Karol \\.Zyczkowski","title":"Discrete dynamics in the set of quantum measurements","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph math-ph math.MP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" A quantum measurement, often referred to as positive operator-valued\nmeasurement (POVM), is a set of positive operators $P_i=P_i^\\dag\\geq 0$ summing\nto identity, $\\sum_iP_i=1\\!\\!1$. This can be seen as a generalization of a\nprobability distribution of positive real numbers summing to unity, whose\nevolution is given by a stochastic matrix. From this perspective, we consider\ntransformations of quantum measurements induced by blockwise stochastic\nmatrices, in which each column defines a POVM. These transformations can be\nsimulated with a sequence of two conditional measurements, and their input and\noutput are always jointly measurable. Analyzing dynamics induced by blockwise\nbistochastic matrices, in which both columns and rows sum to the identity, we\nformulate an operator majorization relation between quantum measurements, which\nallows to establish a resource theory in the set of quantum measurements.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 19:34:04 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Rico","Albert",""],["\u017byczkowski","Karol",""]]} {"id":"2308.05836","submitter":"Denise Kahl","authors":"Denise Kahl, Antonio Kr\\\"uger","title":"Using Abstract Tangible Proxy Objects for Interaction in Optical\n See-through Augmented Reality","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.HC","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Interaction with virtual objects displayed in Optical See-through Augmented\nReality is still mostly done with controllers or hand gestures. A much more\nintuitive way of interacting with virtual content is to use physical proxy\nobjects to interact with the virtual objects. Here, the virtual model is\nsuperimposed on a physical object, which can then be touched and moved to\ninteract with the virtual object. Since it is not possible to use an exact\nreplica as a tangible proxy object for every use case, we conducted a study to\ndetermine the extent to which the shape of the physical object can deviate from\nthe shape of the virtual object without massively impacting performance and\nusability, as well as the sense of presence. Our study, in which we\ninvestigated different levels of abstraction for a sofa model, shows that the\nphysical proxy object can be abstracted to a certain degree. At the same time,\nour results indicate that the physical object must have at least a similar\nshape as the virtual object in order to serve as a suitable proxy.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 19:34:55 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Kahl","Denise",""],["Kr\u00fcger","Antonio",""]]} {"id":"2308.05837","submitter":"Shunli Shang","authors":"Shun-Li Shang, Shuang Lin, Michael C. Gao, Darrell G. Schlom, and\n Zi-Kui Liu","title":"Predictions and correlation analyses of Ellingham diagrams in binary\n oxides","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Knowing oxide-forming ability is vital to gain desired or avoid deleterious\noxides formation through tuning oxidizing environment and materials chemistry.\nHere, we have conducted a comprehensive thermodynamic analysis of 137 binary\noxides using the presently predicted Ellingham diagrams. It is found that the\nactive elements to form oxides easily are the f-block elements (lanthanides and\nactinides), elements in the groups II, III, and IV (alkaline earth, Sc, Y, Ti,\nZr, and Hf), and Al and Li; while the noble elements with their oxides\nnonstable and easily reduced are coinage metals (Cu, Ag, and especially Au),\nPt-group elements, and Hg and Se. Machine learning based sequential feature\nselection indicates that oxide-forming ability can be represented by electronic\nstructures of pure elements, for example, their d- and s-valence electrons,\nMendeleev numbers, and the groups, making the periodic table a useful tool to\ntailor oxide-forming ability. The other key elemental features to correlate\noxide-forming ability are thermochemical properties such as melting points and\nstandard entropy at 298 K of pure elements. It further shows that the present\nEllingham diagrams enable qualitatively understanding and even predicting\noxides formed in multicomponent materials, such as the Fe-20Cr-20Ni alloy (in\nwt.%) and the equimolar high entropy alloy of AlCoCrFeNi, which are in\naccordance with thermodynamic calculations using the CALPHAD approach and\nexperimental observations in the literature.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 19:35:41 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Shang","Shun-Li",""],["Lin","Shuang",""],["Gao","Michael C.",""],["Schlom","Darrell G.",""],["Liu","Zi-Kui",""]]} {"id":"2308.05838","submitter":"Swayamtrupta Panda","authors":"Swayamtrupta Panda, Alberto Rodr\\'iguez Ardila, Marcos A. Fonseca\n Faria, Fernando C. Cerqueira-Campos, Murilo Marinello, Luis G. Dahmer-Hahn","title":"What drives the Coronal Lines? Resolving the forbidden, high-ionization\n emission regions in a sample of AGNs","comments":"3 pages, 1 figure, version matches the published version in\n Proceedings of the XLV Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Astronomical Society","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.GA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Emission-line studies in the active galactic nuclei (AGNs), particularly\nthose utilizing high spatial resolution, provide the most accurate method to\ndetermine critical quantities of the central engine and of the gas a few tens\nof parsecs away. Using seeing-limited data with spectroscopy, we have explored\nthe extended narrow-line region for a sample of active galactic nuclei (AGNs)\nwith strong, forbidden emission lines that have high-ionization potentials (IP\n$\\gtrsim$ 100 eV). We have studied the optical and near-infrared spectra for\nthese AGNs, extracted and compared their spectral energy distributions, and put\nconstraints on the physical conditions of the region producing the coronal\nlines. We have realized a novel black hole mass scaling relation with one such\nprominent coronal line - [Si VI] 1.963 microns, over the 10$^6$ - 10$^8$\nM$_{\\odot}$ interval, that suggests photoionization by the continuum produced\nby the accretion disk is the primary physical process at play here. We perform\na detailed parameter space study to optimize the emission from these coronal\nlines in terms of fundamental black hole parameters and test predictions that\ncan be used to measure the kinematics of the extended X-ray emission gas. With\nthe successful launch and first light of the JWST, we are well-poised to refine\nour findings using the superb angular resolution of the telescope that will\nallow us to map the inner few parsecs to the central supermassive black holes.\nThis opens up the study of the higher ionization lines that will be spatially\nresolved by JWST, expanding our sample to tens of hundreds of AGNs, and putting\nfirmer constraints on the physical conditions in the coronal line region.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 19:37:07 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Panda","Swayamtrupta",""],["Ardila","Alberto Rodr\u00edguez",""],["Faria","Marcos A. Fonseca",""],["Cerqueira-Campos","Fernando C.",""],["Marinello","Murilo",""],["Dahmer-Hahn","Luis G.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05839","submitter":"Eduard P. Kontar","authors":"Eduard P. Kontar, A. Gordon Emslie, Daniel L. Clarkson, Xingyao Chen,\n Nicolina Chrysaphi, Francesco Azzollini, Natasha L. S. Jeffrey, and Mykola\n Gordovskyy","title":"An Anisotropic Density Turbulence Model from the Sun to 1 au Derived\n From Radio Observations","comments":"27 pages, 12 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.SR physics.plasm-ph physics.space-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Solar radio bursts are strongly affected by radio-wave scattering on density\ninhomogeneities, changing their observed time characteristics, sizes, and\npositions. The same turbulence causes angular broadening and scintillation of\ngalactic and extra-galactic compact radio sources observed through the solar\natmosphere. Using large-scale simulations of radio-wave transport, the\ncharacteristics of anisotropic density turbulence from $0.1 \\, R_\\odot$ to $1$\nau are explored. For the first time, a profile of heliospheric density\nfluctuations is deduced that accounts for the properties of extra-solar radio\nsources, solar radio bursts, and in-situ density fluctuation measurements in\nthe solar wind at $1$ au. The radial profile of the spectrum-weighted mean\nwavenumber of density fluctuations (a quantity proportional to the scattering\nrate of radio-waves) is found to have a broad maximum at around $(4-7) \\,\nR_\\odot$, where the slow solar wind becomes supersonic. The level of density\nfluctuations at the inner scale (which is consistent with the proton resonance\nscale) decreases with heliocentric distance as $\\langle\\delta{n_i}^2 \\rangle\n(r) \\simeq 2 \\times 10^7 \\, (r/R_\\odot-1)^{-3.7}$ cm$^{-6}$. Due to scattering,\nthe apparent positions of solar burst sources observed at frequencies between\n$0.1$ and $300$ MHz are computed to be essentially cospatial and to have\ncomparable sizes, for both fundamental and harmonic emission. Anisotropic\nscattering is found to account for the shortest solar radio burst decay times\nobserved, and the required wavenumber anisotropy is $q_\\parallel/q_\\perp\n=0.25-0.4$, depending on whether fundamental or harmonic emission is involved.\nThe deduced radio-wave scattering rate paves the way to quantify intrinsic\nsolar radio burst characteristics.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 19:37:41 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Tue, 29 Aug 2023 17:12:18 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-31","authors_parsed":[["Kontar","Eduard P.",""],["Emslie","A. Gordon",""],["Clarkson","Daniel L.",""],["Chen","Xingyao",""],["Chrysaphi","Nicolina",""],["Azzollini","Francesco",""],["Jeffrey","Natasha L. S.",""],["Gordovskyy","Mykola",""]]} {"id":"2308.05840","submitter":"Siyu Qi","authors":"Siyu Qi, Lahiru D. Chamain, Zhi Ding","title":"End-to-End Optimization of JPEG-Based Deep Learning Process for Image\n Classification","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.IV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Among major deep learning (DL) applications, distributed learning involving\nimage classification require effective image compression codecs deployed on\nlow-cost sensing devices for efficient transmission and storage. Traditional\ncodecs such as JPEG designed for perceptual quality are not configured for DL\ntasks. This work introduces an integrative end-to-end trainable model for image\ncompression and classification consisting of a JPEG image codec and a DL-based\nclassifier. We demonstrate how this model can optimize the widely deployed JPEG\ncodec settings to improve classification accuracy in consideration of bandwidth\nconstraint. Our tests on CIFAR-100 and ImageNet also demonstrate improved\nvalidation accuracy over preset JPEG configuration.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 19:38:41 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Qi","Siyu",""],["Chamain","Lahiru D.",""],["Ding","Zhi",""]]} {"id":"2308.05841","submitter":"Gerta R\\\"ucker","authors":"Gerta R\\\"ucker, Theodoros Papakonstantinou, Adriani Nikolakopoulou,\n Guido Schwarzer, Tobias Galla, Annabel L. Davies","title":"Shortest path or random walks? A framework for path weights in network\n meta-analysis","comments":"Preprint, 17 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to Statistics in Medicine","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.soc-ph stat.ME","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Quantifying the contributions, or weights, of comparisons or single studies\nto the estimates in a network meta-analysis (NMA) is an active area of\nresearch. We extend this to the contributions of paths to NMA estimates. We\npresent a general framework, based on the path-design matrix, that describes\nthe problem of finding path contributions as a linear equation. The resulting\nsolutions may have negative coefficients. We show that two known approaches,\ncalled shortestpath and randomwalk, are special solutions of this equation, and\nboth meet an optimization criterion, as they minimize the sum of absolute path\ncontributions. In general, there is an infinite space of solutions, which can\nbe identified using the generalized inverse (Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse). We\nconsider two further special approaches. For complex networks we find that\nshortestpath is superior with respect to run time and variability, compared to\nthe other approaches, and is thus recommended in practice. The path-weights\nframework also has the potential to answer more general research questions in\nnetwork meta-analysis.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 19:40:43 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["R\u00fccker","Gerta",""],["Papakonstantinou","Theodoros",""],["Nikolakopoulou","Adriani",""],["Schwarzer","Guido",""],["Galla","Tobias",""],["Davies","Annabel L.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05842","submitter":"Chen Chen","authors":"Yunbai Wang, Chen Chen and Xiaoli Chu","title":"Performance Analysis for Hybrid mmWave and THz Networks with Downlink\n and Uplink Decoupled Cell Association","comments":"This paper has been submitted to IEEE for possible publications","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IT eess.SP math.IT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" It is expected that B5G/6G networks will exploit both terahertz (THz) and\nmillimetre wave (mmWave) frequency bands and will increase flexibility in user\nequipment (UE)-cell association. In this paper, we introduce a novel stochastic\ngeometry-based framework for the analysis of the\nsignal-to-interference-plus-noise-ratio (SINR) and rate coverage in a\nmulti-tier hybrid mmWave and THz network, where each tier has a particular base\nstation (BS) density, transmit power, bandwidth, number of BS antennas, and\ncell-association bias factor. The proposed framework incorporates the effects\nof mmWave and THz channel characteristics, BS beamforming gain, and blockages.\nWe investigate the downlink (DL) and uplink (UL) decoupled cell-association\nstrategy and characterise the per-tier cell-association probability. Based on\nthat, we analytically derive the SINR and rate coverage probabilities of a\ntypical user for both DL and UL transmissions. The analytical results are\nvalidated via extensive Monte Carlo simulations. Numerical results demonstrate\nthe superiority of the DL and UL decoupled cell-association strategy in terms\nof SINR and rate coverage over its coupled counterpart. Moreover, we observe\nthat the superiority of using the DL and UL decoupled cell-association strategy\nbecomes more evident with the dense deployment of THz networks.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 19:40:58 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Yunbai",""],["Chen","Chen",""],["Chu","Xiaoli",""]]} {"id":"2308.05843","submitter":"Xinquan Huang","authors":"Xinquan Huang, Tariq Alkhalifah","title":"GaborPINN: Efficient physics informed neural networks using\n multiplicative filtered networks","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.geo-ph cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The computation of the seismic wavefield by solving the Helmholtz equation is\ncrucial to many practical applications, e.g., full waveform inversion.\nPhysics-informed neural networks (PINNs) provide functional wavefield solutions\nrepresented by neural networks (NNs), but their convergence is slow. To address\nthis problem, we propose a modified PINN using multiplicative filtered\nnetworks, which embeds some of the known characteristics of the wavefield in\ntraining, e.g., frequency, to achieve much faster convergence. Specifically, we\nuse the Gabor basis function due to its proven ability to represent wavefields\naccurately and refer to the implementation as GaborPINN. Meanwhile, we\nincorporate prior information on the frequency of the wavefield into the design\nof the method to mitigate the influence of the discontinuity of the represented\nwavefield by GaborPINN. The proposed method achieves up to a two-magnitude\nincrease in the speed of convergence as compared with conventional PINNs.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 19:51:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Huang","Xinquan",""],["Alkhalifah","Tariq",""]]} {"id":"2308.05844","submitter":"Ljudmila Kamenova","authors":"Ljudmila Kamenova","title":"Finiteness of stable Lagrangian fibrations","comments":"This paper is in memory of my dear friend Sasha Ananin; 7 pages;\n added a reference and minor improvements","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AG math.DG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In this paper we survey some finiteness results of the deformation classes of\nhyperk\\\"ahler Lagrangian fibrations, and we prove finiteness for stable\nLagrangian fibrations with a given discriminant divisor.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 19:55:43 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:45:21 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Kamenova","Ljudmila",""]]} {"id":"2308.05845","submitter":"Mohsen Sadr","authors":"Mohsen Sadr, M. Hossein Gorji","title":"Treatment of long-range interactions arising in the Enskog-Vlasov\n description of dense fluids","comments":null,"journal-ref":"Journal of Computational Physics 378, 129-142, 2019","doi":"10.1016/j.jcp.2018.11.005","report-no":null,"categories":"physics.comp-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" The kinetic theory of rarefied gases and numerical schemes based on the\nBoltzmann equation have evolved to the cornerstone of non-equilibrium gas\ndynamics. However, their counterparts in the dense regime remain rather exotic\nfor practical non-continuum scenarios. This problem is partly due to the fact\nthat long-range interactions arising from the attractive tail of molecular\npotentials, lead to a computationally demanding Vlasov integral. This study\nfocuses on numerical remedies for efficient stochastic particle simulations\nbased on the Enskog-Vlasov kinetic equation. In particular, we devise a\nPoisson-type elliptic equation that governs the underlying long-range\ninteractions. The idea comes through fitting a Green function to the molecular\npotential, and hence deriving an elliptic equation for the associated\nfundamental solution. Through this transformation of the Vlasov integral,\nefficient Poisson-type solvers can be readily employed in order to compute the\nmean field forces. Besides the technical aspects of different numerical schemes\nfor the treatment of the Vlasov integral, simulation results for the\nevaporation of a liquid slab into the vacuum are presented. It is shown that\nthe proposed formulation leads to accurate predictions with a reasonable\ncomputational cost.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 19:55:56 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Sadr","Mohsen",""],["Gorji","M. Hossein",""]]} {"id":"2308.05846","submitter":"Venkat Margapuri","authors":"Venkat Margapuri and Prapti Thapaliya and Mitchell Neilsen","title":"Seed Kernel Counting using Domain Randomization and Object Tracking\n Neural Networks","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.AI","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" High-throughput phenotyping (HTP) of seeds, also known as seed phenotyping,\nis the comprehensive assessment of complex seed traits such as growth,\ndevelopment, tolerance, resistance, ecology, yield, and the measurement of\nparameters that form more complex traits. One of the key aspects of seed\nphenotyping is cereal yield estimation that the seed production industry relies\nupon to conduct their business. While mechanized seed kernel counters are\navailable in the market currently, they are often priced high and sometimes\noutside the range of small scale seed production firms' affordability. The\ndevelopment of object tracking neural network models such as You Only Look Once\n(YOLO) enables computer scientists to design algorithms that can estimate\ncereal yield inexpensively. The key bottleneck with neural network models is\nthat they require a plethora of labelled training data before they can be put\nto task. We demonstrate that the use of synthetic imagery serves as a feasible\nsubstitute to train neural networks for object tracking that includes the tasks\nof object classification and detection. Furthermore, we propose a seed kernel\ncounter that uses a low-cost mechanical hopper, trained YOLOv8 neural network\nmodel, and object tracking algorithms on StrongSORT and ByteTrack to estimate\ncereal yield from videos. The experiment yields a seed kernel count with an\naccuracy of 95.2\\% and 93.2\\% for Soy and Wheat respectively using the\nStrongSORT algorithm, and an accuray of 96.8\\% and 92.4\\% for Soy and Wheat\nrespectively using the ByteTrack algorithm.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 19:56:15 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Margapuri","Venkat",""],["Thapaliya","Prapti",""],["Neilsen","Mitchell",""]]} {"id":"2308.05847","submitter":"Joseph Romano","authors":"Joseph D. Romano and Bruce Allen","title":"Answers to frequently asked questions about the pulsar timing array\n Hellings and Downs correlation curve","comments":"16 pages, 11 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"gr-qc astro-ph.IM","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We answer frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the Hellings and Downs\ncorrelation curve -- the \"smoking-gun\" signature that pulsar timing arrays\n(PTAs) have detected gravitational waves (GWs). Many of these questions arise\nbecause of intuition based on how ground-based interferometers like LIGO\nrespond to GWs. These have arms that are short (km scale) compared to the\nwavelengths of the GWs that they detect (hundreds to thousands of km). In\ncontrast, PTAs respond to GWs whose wavelengths (tens of light-years) are much\nshorter than their arms (a typical PTA pulsar is thousands of light-years from\nEarth). To elucidate this, we calculate the exact response of a \"one-arm,\none-way\" detector to a passing GW, and compare it in the \"short-arm\"\n(LIGO-like) and \"long-arm\" (PTA) limits. This provides qualitative and\nquantitative answers to many questions about the Hellings and Downs\ncorrelation. The resulting \"FAQ sheet\" should help in understanding the\n\"evidence for GWs\" recently announced by several PTA collaborations.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 20:03:18 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Romano","Joseph D.",""],["Allen","Bruce",""]]} {"id":"2308.05848","submitter":"Zhanna Rodnova","authors":"Zhanna Rodnova, Tobias Saule, George Gibson, and Carlos A.\n Trallero-Herrero","title":"Molecular alignment-assisted spectral broadening and shifting in the\n near-infrared with a recycled depleted pump from an optical parametric\n amplifier","comments":"8 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.optics","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We demonstrate how the depleted pump of an optical parametric amplifier can\nbe recycled for impulsive alignment of a molecular gas inside a hollow-core\nfiber and use such alignment for the broadening and frequency shift of the\nsignal pulse at a center wavelength of $\\sim 1300$nm. Our results combine\nnon-adiabatic molecular alignment, self-phase modulation and Raman\nnon-linearities. We demonstrate spectral shifts of up to 204 nm and a spectral\nbroadening of more than one octave. We also report on the time delays at which\nbroadening occurs, which do not coincide with any of the molecular rotational\nconstants. Further, we encounter that maximum frequency shifts occur when the\nsignal and pump have perpendicular polarization instead of parallel.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 20:04:15 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Rodnova","Zhanna",""],["Saule","Tobias",""],["Gibson","George",""],["Trallero-Herrero","Carlos A.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05849","submitter":"Julio Deride","authors":"Julio Deride, Roger J-B Wets","title":"Solving equilibrium problems in economies with financial markets, home\n production, and retention","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1088/1475-7516/2023/07/058","report-no":null,"categories":"math.OC econ.GN q-fin.EC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We propose a new methodology to compute equilibria for general equilibrium\nproblems on exchange economies with real financial markets, home-production,\nand retention. We demonstrate that equilibrium prices can be determined by\nsolving a related maxinf-optimization problem. We incorporate the non-arbitrage\ncondition for financial markets into the equilibrium formulation and establish\nthe equivalence between solutions to both problems. This reduces the complexity\nof the original by eliminating the need to directly compute financial contract\nprices, allowing us to calculate equilibria even in cases of incomplete\nfinancial markets.\n We also introduce a Walrasian bifunction that captures the imbalances and\nshow that maxinf-points of this function correspond to equilibrium points.\nMoreover, we demonstrate that every equilibrium point can be approximated by a\nlimit of maxinf points for a family of perturbed problems, by relying on the\nnotion of lopsided convergence.\n Finally, we propose an augmented Walrasian algorithm and present numerical\nexamples to illustrate the effectiveness of this approach. Our methodology\nallows for efficient calculation of equilibria in a variety of exchange\neconomies and has potential applications in finance and economics.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 20:16:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-16","authors_parsed":[["Deride","Julio",""],["Wets","Roger J-B",""]]} {"id":"2308.05850","submitter":"V\\'ictor Fern\\'andez","authors":"V\\'ictor Fern\\'andez, Gabriela Eisenberg","title":"Matrix characterization of Ciuciura's paraconsistent hierarchy\n $\\textsf{Ciu}^n$","comments":"18 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.LO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In this paper, we will prove that the logics of the family\n$\\textsf{Ciu}^n$:=$\\{Ciu^n\\}_{n \\in \\omega}$ of paraconsistent Ciuciura{'}s\nLogics (defined by means of bivaluations) can be alternatively defined by means\nof finite matrices. This result arises from the characterization of the\ntruth-values of the involved matrices (relative to each $Ciu^n$-logic) as being\nspecific finite sequences of elements of the set $2$ := $\\{0,1\\}$. Moreover, we\nwill show along the paper that this characterization is related to the\nwell-known standard Fibonacci Sequence, which is presented here by means of its\nbinary expansion.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 20:31:54 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Fern\u00e1ndez","V\u00edctor",""],["Eisenberg","Gabriela",""]]} {"id":"2308.05851","submitter":"Anant Khandelwal","authors":"Anant Khandelwal","title":"SegDA: Maximum Separable Segment Mask with Pseudo Labels for Domain\n Adaptive Semantic Segmentation","comments":"11 pages, 4 Tables, 3 Figures, accepted at ICCVW 2023 (ICCV 2023: 4th\n Workshop on Visual Perception for Navigation in Human Environments)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) aims to solve the problem of label\nscarcity of the target domain by transferring the knowledge from the label rich\nsource domain. Usually, the source domain consists of synthetic images for\nwhich the annotation is easily obtained using the well known computer graphics\ntechniques. However, obtaining annotation for real world images (target domain)\nrequire lot of manual annotation effort and is very time consuming because it\nrequires per pixel annotation. To address this problem we propose SegDA module\nto enhance transfer performance of UDA methods by learning the maximum\nseparable segment representation. This resolves the problem of identifying\nvisually similar classes like pedestrian/rider, sidewalk/road etc. We leveraged\nEquiangular Tight Frame (ETF) classifier inspired from Neural Collapse for\nmaximal separation between segment classes. This causes the source domain pixel\nrepresentation to collapse to a single vector forming a simplex vertices which\nare aligned to the maximal separable ETF classifier. We use this phenomenon to\npropose the novel architecture for domain adaptation of segment representation\nfor target domain. Additionally, we proposed to estimate the noise in labelling\nthe target domain images and update the decoder for noise correction which\nencourages the discovery of pixels for classes not identified in pseudo labels.\nWe have used four UDA benchmarks simulating synthetic-to-real,\ndaytime-to-nighttime, clear-to-adverse weather scenarios. Our proposed approach\noutperforms +2.2 mIoU on GTA -> Cityscapes, +2.0 mIoU on Synthia -> Cityscapes,\n+5.9 mIoU on Cityscapes -> DarkZurich, +2.6 mIoU on Cityscapes -> ACDC.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 20:35:48 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Khandelwal","Anant",""]]} {"id":"2308.05852","submitter":"Michael Gaiewski","authors":"Jeffrey Connors, Michael Gaiewski","title":"An H1-Conforming Solenoidal Basis for Velocity Computation on\n Powell-Sabin Splits for the Stokes Problem","comments":"22 pages, 8 figures, 16 references","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NA cs.NA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" A solenoidal basis is constructed to compute velocities using a certain\nfinite element method for the Stokes problem. The method is conforming, with\npiecewise linear velocity and piecewise constant pressure on the Powell-Sabin\nsplit of a triangulation. Inhomogeneous Dirichlet conditions are supported by\nconstructing an interpolating operator into the solenoidal velocity space. The\nsolenoidal basis reduces the problem size and eliminates the pressure variable\nfrom the linear system for the velocity. A basis of the pressure space is also\nconstructed that can be used to compute the pressure after the velocity, if it\nis desired to compute the pressure. All basis functions have local support and\nlead to sparse linear systems. The basis construction is confirmed through\nrigorous analysis. Velocity and pressure system matrices are both symmetric,\npositive definite, which can be exploited to solve their corresponding linear\nsystems. Significant efficiency gains over the usual saddle-point formulation\nare demonstrated computationally.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 20:49:21 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Connors","Jeffrey",""],["Gaiewski","Michael",""]]} {"id":"2308.05853","submitter":"Guhesh Kumaran","authors":"Amihay Hanany, Rudolph Kalveks, Guhesh Kumaran","title":"$SU(n)$ hyper-K\\\"ahler quotients of $3d$ $\\mathcal N=4$ Coulomb branches\n and quiver subtraction","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-th","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We develop the diagrammatic technique of quiver subtraction to facilitate the\nidentification and evaluation of the $SU(n)$ hyper-K\\\"ahler quotient (HKQ) of\nthe Coulomb branch of a $3d$ $\\mathcal{N}=4$ unitary quiver theory. The target\nquivers are drawn from a wide range of theories, typically classified as\n''good'' or ''ugly'', which satisfy identified selection criteria. Our\nsubtraction procedure uses quotient quivers that are ''bad'', differing thereby\nfrom quiver subtractions based on Kraft-Procesi transitions. The procedure\nidentifies one or more resultant quivers, the union of whose Coulomb branches\ncorresponds to the desired HKQ. Examples include quivers whose Coulomb branches\nare moduli spaces of free fields, closures of nilpotent orbits of classical and\nexceptional type, and slices in the affine Grassmanian. We calculate the\nHilbert Series and Highest Weight Generating functions for HKQ examples of low\nrank. For certain families of quivers, we are able to conjecture HWGs for\narbitrary rank. We examine the commutation relations between quotient quiver\nsubtraction and other diagrammatic techniques, such as Kraft-Procesi\ntransitions, quiver folding, and discrete quotients.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 21:00:25 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Hanany","Amihay",""],["Kalveks","Rudolph",""],["Kumaran","Guhesh",""]]} {"id":"2308.05854","submitter":"Guido Magnano","authors":"Guido Magnano","title":"On the \"Legendre scalarization\" of nonlinear gravity theories","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"gr-qc","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" We discuss the proposal of a new method to transform a f(R) metric gravity\ntheory into a general relativistic theory including an auxiliary scalar field,\nrecently introduced by S. Cotsakis et al. We argue that (i) the fact that the\nfourth order equations of f(R) metric gravity can be recast (via a Legendre\ntransformation) into Einstein equations without any conformal rescaling has\nbeen thoroughly clarified in the previous literature, and (ii) the newly\nproposed method produces a set of equations that are not equivalent to the\noriginal theory. In the conclusion, a comment is added on another aspect of the\nLegendre transformation which seems to be generally overlooked.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 21:03:40 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Magnano","Guido",""]]} {"id":"2308.05855","submitter":"Joseph Straley","authors":"Matthew D. Golden and Joseph P. Straley","title":"Spatial Dependence of Microscopic Percolation Conduction","comments":"5 pages, 2 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.stat-mech","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In two dimensions, the average electrical conductance from a point in a\npercolating network to the network boundary should be related by a conformal\ntransformation to the conductance from one point to another in an unbounded\nnetwork. We verify that this works at the percolation threshold for the square.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 21:05:03 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Golden","Matthew D.",""],["Straley","Joseph P.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05856","submitter":"Patricia Cahn","authors":"Patricia Cahn and Alexandra Kjuchukova","title":"Linking in Cyclic Branched Covers and Satellite (non)-Homomorphisms","comments":"23 pages, 11 figures, 5 tables, 3 footnotes, 1 appendix","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.GT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Let $K\\subset S^3$ be a knot and $\\eta, \\gamma \\subset S^3\\backslash K$ be\nsimple closed curves. Denote by $\\Sigma_q(K)$ the $q$-fold cyclic branched\ncover of $K$. We give an explicit formula for computing the linking numbers\nbetween lifts of $\\eta$ and $\\gamma$ to $\\Sigma_q(K)$. As an application, we\nevaluate, in a variety of cases, an obstruction to satellite operations\ninducing homomorphisms on smooth concordance.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 21:05:40 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Cahn","Patricia",""],["Kjuchukova","Alexandra",""]]} {"id":"2308.05857","submitter":"Harsh Shrivastava","authors":"Urszula Chajewska, Harsh Shrivastava","title":"Knowledge Propagation over Conditional Independence Graphs","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Conditional Independence (CI) graph is a special type of a Probabilistic\nGraphical Model (PGM) where the feature connections are modeled using an\nundirected graph and the edge weights show the partial correlation strength\nbetween the features. Since the CI graphs capture direct dependence between\nfeatures, they have been garnering increasing interest within the research\ncommunity for gaining insights into the systems from various domains, in\nparticular discovering the domain topology. In this work, we propose algorithms\nfor performing knowledge propagation over the CI graphs. Our experiments\ndemonstrate that our techniques improve upon the state-of-the-art on the\npublicly available Cora and PubMed datasets.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 21:06:18 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Chajewska","Urszula",""],["Shrivastava","Harsh",""]]} {"id":"2308.05858","submitter":"Klaus Mosegaard","authors":"Klaus Mosegaard","title":"Inconsistency and Acausality of Model Selection in Bayesian Inverse\n Problems","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.ME","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Bayesian inference paradigms are regarded as powerful tools for solution of\ninverse problems. However, when applied to inverse problems in physical\nsciences, Bayesian formulations suffer from a number of inconsistencies that\nare often overlooked. A well known, but mostly neglected, difficulty is\nconnected to the notion of conditional probability densities. Borel, and later\nKolmogorov's (1933/1956), found that the traditional definition of conditional\ndensities is incomplete: In different parameterizations it leads to different\nresults. We will show an example where two apparently correct procedures\napplied to the same problem lead to two widely different results. Another type\nof inconsistency involves violation of causality. This problem is found in\nmodel selection strategies in Bayesian inversion, such as Hierarchical Bayes\nand Trans-Dimensional Inversion where so-called hyperparameters are included as\nvariables to control either the number (or type) of unknowns, or the prior\nuncertainties on data or model parameters. For Hierarchical Bayes we\ndemonstrate that the calculated 'prior' distributions of data or model\nparameters are not prior-, but posterior information. In fact, the calculated\n'standard deviations' of the data are a measure of the inability of the forward\nfunction to model the data, rather than uncertainties of the data. For\ntrans-dimensional inverse problems we show that the so-called evidence is, in\nfact, not a measure of the success of fitting the data for the given choice (or\nnumber) of parameters, as often claimed. We also find that the notion of\nNatural Parsimony is ill-defined, because of its dependence on the parameter\nprior. Based on this study, we find that careful rethinking of Bayesian\ninversion practices is required, with special emphasis on ways of avoiding the\nBorel-Kolmogorov inconsistency, and on the way we interpret model selection\nresults.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 21:17:08 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Mosegaard","Klaus",""]]} {"id":"2308.05859","submitter":"Elijah Pelofske","authors":"Georg Hahn, Elijah Pelofske, Hristo N. Djidjev","title":"Posiform Planting: Generating QUBO Instances for Benchmarking","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":"LA-UR-23-27170","categories":"quant-ph cond-mat.stat-mech cs.ET math.CO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We are interested in benchmarking both quantum annealing and classical\nalgorithms for minimizing Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization (QUBO)\nproblems. Such problems are NP-hard in general, implying that the exact minima\nof randomly generated instances are hard to find and thus typically unknown.\nWhile brute forcing smaller instances is possible, such instances are typically\nnot interesting as being too easy for both quantum and classical algorithms. In\nthis contribution, we propose a novel method, called posiform planting, for\ngenerating random QUBO instances of arbitrary size with known optimal\nsolutions, and use those instances to benchmark the sampling quality of four\nD-Wave quantum annealers utilizing different interconnection structures\n(Chimera, Pegasus, and Zephyr hardware graphs) as well as the simulated\nannealing algorithm. Posiform planting differs from existing methods in two key\nways. It ensures the uniqueness of the planted optimal solution, thus avoiding\ngroundstate degeneracy, and it enables the generation of QUBOs that are\ntailored to a given hardware connectivity structure, provided that the\nconnectivity is not too sparse. Posiform planted QUBO's are a type of 2-SAT\nboolean satisfiability combinatorial optimization problems. Our experiments\ndemonstrate the capability of the D-Wave quantum annealers to sample the\noptimal planted solution of combinatorial optimization problems with up to\n$5627$ qubits.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 21:23:41 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Hahn","Georg",""],["Pelofske","Elijah",""],["Djidjev","Hristo N.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05860","submitter":"David Curtin","authors":"David Curtin and Jaipratap Singh Grewal","title":"Long Lived Particle Decays in MATHUSLA","comments":"16 pages + references, 11 Figures. Detector FastSim and Event Library\n publicly available","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ph hep-ex","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We carefully study the decay and reconstruction of long-lived particle (LLP)\ndecays in the proposed MATHUSLA LLP detector for the HL-LHC. Our investigations\nare focused on three LLP benchmark models. MATHUSLA's primary physics target is\nrepresented by hadronically decaying $\\mathcal{O}(10~\\mathrm{GeV})$ LLPs\nproduced in exotic Higgs decays. We also investigate GeV-scale scalar and\nright-handed-neutrino LLPs, which are the target of many other proposed\nexperiments. We first introduce a public MATHUSLA FastSim code to allow for\nefficient signal-only studies of LLP decays in MATHUSLA and general external\nLLP detectors. For each of our benchmark scenarios, we carefully simulate LLP\nproduction and decay, and make our simulation libary publicly accessible for\nfuture investigations and comparisons with other experiments. We then\nsystematically study the geometric acceptance of MATHUSLA for LLP decays in\nthese scenarios, and present updated sensitivity projections that include these\nacceptances. Our results show that the idealized reach of MATHUSLA computed in\nearlier studies is mostly realized. We also investigate possible ways of\nincreasing the signal acceptance using the inherent geometric flexibility of\nthe FastSim, which will provide useful inputs for realistic experimental and\nengineering optimization of the detector in the future.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 21:26:28 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Curtin","David",""],["Grewal","Jaipratap Singh",""]]} {"id":"2308.05861","submitter":"Guenter Last","authors":"Daniel Hug, G\\\"unter Last, Wolfgang Weil","title":"Boolean models","comments":"This survey is a preliminary version of a chapter of the forthcoming\n book \"Geometry and Physics of Spatial Random Systems'' edited and partially\n written by Daniel Hug, Michael Klatt, Klaus Mecke, Gerd Schr\\\"oder Turk and\n Wolfgang Weil","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.PR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The topic of this survey are geometric functionals of a Boolean model (in\nEuclidean space) governed by a stationary Poisson process of convex grains. The\nBoolean model is a fundamental benchmark of stochastic geometry and continuum\npercolation. Moreover, it is often used to model amorphous connected structures\nin physics, materials science and biology. Deeper insight into the geometric\nand probabilistic properties of Boolean models and the dependence on the\nunderlying Poisson process can be gained by considering various geometric\nfunctionals of Boolean models. Important examples are the intrinsic volumes and\nMinkowski tensors. We survey here local and asymptotic density (mean value)\nformulas as well as second order properties and central limit theorems.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 21:37:50 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Hug","Daniel",""],["Last","G\u00fcnter",""],["Weil","Wolfgang",""]]} {"id":"2308.05862","submitter":"Jun Ma","authors":"Jun Ma, Yao Zhang, Song Gu, Cheng Ge, Shihao Ma, Adamo Young, Cheng\n Zhu, Kangkang Meng, Xin Yang, Ziyan Huang, Fan Zhang, Wentao Liu, YuanKe Pan,\n Shoujin Huang, Jiacheng Wang, Mingze Sun, Weixin Xu, Dengqiang Jia, Jae Won\n Choi, Nat\\'alia Alves, Bram de Wilde, Gregor Koehler, Yajun Wu, Manuel\n Wiesenfarth, Qiongjie Zhu, Guoqiang Dong, Jian He, the FLARE Challenge\n Consortium, and Bo Wang","title":"Unleashing the Strengths of Unlabeled Data in Pan-cancer Abdominal Organ\n Quantification: the FLARE22 Challenge","comments":"MICCAI FLARE22: https://flare22.grand-challenge.org/","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.IV cs.AI cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Quantitative organ assessment is an essential step in automated abdominal\ndisease diagnosis and treatment planning. Artificial intelligence (AI) has\nshown great potential to automatize this process. However, most existing AI\nalgorithms rely on many expert annotations and lack a comprehensive evaluation\nof accuracy and efficiency in real-world multinational settings. To overcome\nthese limitations, we organized the FLARE 2022 Challenge, the largest abdominal\norgan analysis challenge to date, to benchmark fast, low-resource, accurate,\nannotation-efficient, and generalized AI algorithms. We constructed an\nintercontinental and multinational dataset from more than 50 medical groups,\nincluding Computed Tomography (CT) scans with different races, diseases,\nphases, and manufacturers. We independently validated that a set of AI\nalgorithms achieved a median Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) of 90.0\\% by\nusing 50 labeled scans and 2000 unlabeled scans, which can significantly reduce\nannotation requirements. The best-performing algorithms successfully\ngeneralized to holdout external validation sets, achieving a median DSC of\n89.5\\%, 90.9\\%, and 88.3\\% on North American, European, and Asian cohorts,\nrespectively. They also enabled automatic extraction of key organ biology\nfeatures, which was labor-intensive with traditional manual measurements. This\nopens the potential to use unlabeled data to boost performance and alleviate\nannotation shortages for modern AI models.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 21:51:48 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Ma","Jun",""],["Zhang","Yao",""],["Gu","Song",""],["Ge","Cheng",""],["Ma","Shihao",""],["Young","Adamo",""],["Zhu","Cheng",""],["Meng","Kangkang",""],["Yang","Xin",""],["Huang","Ziyan",""],["Zhang","Fan",""],["Liu","Wentao",""],["Pan","YuanKe",""],["Huang","Shoujin",""],["Wang","Jiacheng",""],["Sun","Mingze",""],["Xu","Weixin",""],["Jia","Dengqiang",""],["Choi","Jae Won",""],["Alves","Nat\u00e1lia",""],["de Wilde","Bram",""],["Koehler","Gregor",""],["Wu","Yajun",""],["Wiesenfarth","Manuel",""],["Zhu","Qiongjie",""],["Dong","Guoqiang",""],["He","Jian",""],["Consortium","the FLARE Challenge",""],["Wang","Bo",""]]} {"id":"2308.05863","submitter":"Benjamin L. Gerard","authors":"Benjamin L. Gerard, Daren Dillon, Sylvain Cetre, Rebecca Jensen-Clem","title":"First laboratory demonstration of real-time multi-wavefront sensor\n single conjugate adaptive optics","comments":"Conference Proceeding for 2023 SPIE Optics & Photonics, Techniques\n and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets XI","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.IM astro-ph.EP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Exoplanet imaging has thus far enabled studies of wide-orbit ($>$10 AU) giant\nplanet ($>$2 Jupiter masses) formation and giant planet atmospheres, with\nfuture 30 meter-class Extremely Large Telescopes (ELTs) needed to image and\ncharacterize terrestrial exoplanets. However, current state-of-the-art\nexoplanet imaging technologies placed on ELTs would still miss the contrast\nrequired for imaging Earth-mass habitable-zone exoplanets around low-mass stars\nby ~100x due to speckle noise--scattered starlight in the science image due to\na combination of aberrations from the atmosphere after an adaptive optics (AO)\ncorrection and internal to the telescope and instrument. We have been\ndeveloping a focal plane wavefront sensing technology called the Fast\nAtmospheric Self-coherent camera Technique (FAST) to address both of these\nissues; in this work we present the first results of simultaneous first and\nsecond stage AO wavefront sensing and control with a Shack Hartmann wavefront\nsensor (SHWFS) and FAST, respectively, using two common path deformable\nmirrors. We demonstrate this \"multi-WFS single conjugate AO\" real-time control\nat up to 200 Hz loop speeds on the Santa Cruz Extreme AO Laboratory (SEAL)\ntestbed, showing a promising potential for both FAST and similar high-speed\ndiffraction-limited second-stage wavefront sensing technologies to be deployed\non current and future observatories, helping to remove speckle noise as the\nmain limitation to ELT habitable exoplanet imaging.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 21:52:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Gerard","Benjamin L.",""],["Dillon","Daren",""],["Cetre","Sylvain",""],["Jensen-Clem","Rebecca",""]]} {"id":"2308.05864","submitter":"Jun Ma","authors":"Jun Ma, Ronald Xie, Shamini Ayyadhury, Cheng Ge, Anubha Gupta, Ritu\n Gupta, Song Gu, Yao Zhang, Gihun Lee, Joonkee Kim, Wei Lou, Haofeng Li, Eric\n Upschulte, Timo Dickscheid, Jos\\'e Guilherme de Almeida, Yixin Wang, Lin Han,\n Xin Yang, Marco Labagnara, Sahand Jamal Rahi, Carly Kempster, Alice Pollitt,\n Leon Espinosa, T\\^am Mignot, Jan Moritz Middeke, Jan-Niklas Eckardt, Wangkai\n Li, Zhaoyang Li, Xiaochen Cai, Bizhe Bai, Noah F. Greenwald, David Van Valen,\n Erin Weisbart, Beth A. Cimini, Zhuoshi Li, Chao Zuo, Oscar Br\\\"uck, Gary D.\n Bader, and Bo Wang","title":"The Multi-modality Cell Segmentation Challenge: Towards Universal\n Solutions","comments":"NeurIPS22 Cell Segmentation Challenge:\n https://neurips22-cellseg.grand-challenge.org/","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.IV cs.CV cs.LG q-bio.QM","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Cell segmentation is a critical step for quantitative single-cell analysis in\nmicroscopy images. Existing cell segmentation methods are often tailored to\nspecific modalities or require manual interventions to specify hyperparameters\nin different experimental settings. Here, we present a multi-modality cell\nsegmentation benchmark, comprising over 1500 labeled images derived from more\nthan 50 diverse biological experiments. The top participants developed a\nTransformer-based deep-learning algorithm that not only exceeds existing\nmethods, but can also be applied to diverse microscopy images across imaging\nplatforms and tissue types without manual parameter adjustments. This benchmark\nand the improved algorithm offer promising avenues for more accurate and\nversatile cell analysis in microscopy imaging.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 21:59:23 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Ma","Jun",""],["Xie","Ronald",""],["Ayyadhury","Shamini",""],["Ge","Cheng",""],["Gupta","Anubha",""],["Gupta","Ritu",""],["Gu","Song",""],["Zhang","Yao",""],["Lee","Gihun",""],["Kim","Joonkee",""],["Lou","Wei",""],["Li","Haofeng",""],["Upschulte","Eric",""],["Dickscheid","Timo",""],["de Almeida","Jos\u00e9 Guilherme",""],["Wang","Yixin",""],["Han","Lin",""],["Yang","Xin",""],["Labagnara","Marco",""],["Rahi","Sahand Jamal",""],["Kempster","Carly",""],["Pollitt","Alice",""],["Espinosa","Leon",""],["Mignot","T\u00e2m",""],["Middeke","Jan Moritz",""],["Eckardt","Jan-Niklas",""],["Li","Wangkai",""],["Li","Zhaoyang",""],["Cai","Xiaochen",""],["Bai","Bizhe",""],["Greenwald","Noah F.",""],["Van Valen","David",""],["Weisbart","Erin",""],["Cimini","Beth A.",""],["Li","Zhuoshi",""],["Zuo","Chao",""],["Br\u00fcck","Oscar",""],["Bader","Gary D.",""],["Wang","Bo",""]]} {"id":"2308.05865","submitter":"R.T. Sutherland Ph.D.","authors":"R. Tyler Sutherland and M. Foss-Feig","title":"Laser-free trapped ion entangling gates with AESE: Adiabatic Elimination\n of Spin-motion Entanglement","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph physics.atom-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We discuss a laser-free, two-qubit geometric phase gate technique for\ngenerating high-fidelity entanglement between two trapped ions. The scheme\nworks by ramping the spin-dependent force on and off slowly relative to the\ngate detunings, which adiabatically eliminates the spin-motion entanglement\n(AESE). We show how gates performed with AESE can eliminate spin-motion\nentanglement with multiple modes simultaneously, without having to specifically\ntune the control field detunings. This is because the spin-motion entanglement\nis suppressed by operating the control fields in a certain parametric limit,\nrather than by engineering an optimized control sequence. We also discuss\nphysical implementations that use either electronic or ferromagnetic magnetic\nfield gradients. In the latter, we show how to ``AESE\" the system by smoothly\nturning on the \\textit{effective} spin-dependent force by shelving from a\nmagnetic field insensitive state to a magnetic field sensitive state slowly\nrelative to the gate mode frequencies. We show how to do this with a Rabi or\nadiabatic rapid passage transition. Finally, we show how gating with AESE\nsignificantly decreases the gate's sensitivity to common sources of motional\ndecoherence, making it easier to perform high-fidelity gates at Doppler\ntemperatures.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 22:04:58 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Sutherland","R. Tyler",""],["Foss-Feig","M.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05866","submitter":"Songhui Yue","authors":"Songhui Yue, Jyothsna Kondari, Aibek Musaev, Randy K. Smith, Songqing\n Yue","title":"Using Twitter Data to Determine Hurricane Category: An Experiment","comments":"9 Pages, 6 Figures, in Proceedings of the 15th ISCRAM Conference\n Rochester, NY, USA May 2018","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SI cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Social media posts contain an abundant amount of information about public\nopinion on major events, especially natural disasters such as hurricanes. Posts\nrelated to an event, are usually published by the users who live near the place\nof the event at the time of the event. Special correlation between the social\nmedia data and the events can be obtained using data mining approaches. This\npaper presents research work to find the mappings between social media data and\nthe severity level of a disaster. Specifically, we have investigated the\nTwitter data posted during hurricanes Harvey and Irma, and attempted to find\nthe correlation between the Twitter data of a specific area and the hurricane\nlevel in that area. Our experimental results indicate a positive correlation\nbetween them. We also present a method to predict the hurricane category for a\nspecific area using relevant Twitter data.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 22:30:24 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Yue","Songhui",""],["Kondari","Jyothsna",""],["Musaev","Aibek",""],["Smith","Randy K.",""],["Yue","Songqing",""]]} {"id":"2308.05867","submitter":"Cristhiano Duarte","authors":"Thiago Melo D. Azevedo, Cristhiano Duarte, Nadja K. Bernardes","title":"Distillation of quantum non-Markovianity","comments":"8 pages, 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Non-Markovianty of open quantum systems dynamics is a physically relevant\nproperty which is usually associated with the backflow of (quantum)\ninformation. Using this paradigmatic marker, we develop an operational\nframework to investigate how non-Markovianity for qubit dynamics can be\ndistilled when many copies of the channels are used, possibly allowing for a\nstronger effect on the backflow of information.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 22:33:23 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Azevedo","Thiago Melo D.",""],["Duarte","Cristhiano",""],["Bernardes","Nadja K.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05868","submitter":"Ilaria Seidel","authors":"Ilaria Seidel, Nathan Sun","title":"Periodic Points of Consecutive-Pattern-Avoiding Stack-Sorting Maps","comments":"8 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CO math.DS","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" West's stack-sorting map involves a stack which avoids the permutation $21$\nconsecutively. Defant and Zheng extended this to a consecutive-pattern-avoiding\nstack-sorting map $SC_\\sigma$, where the stack must always avoid a given\npermutation $\\sigma$ consecutively. We address one of the main conjectures\nraised by Defant and Zheng in their dynamical approach to $SC_\\sigma$.\nSpecifically, we show that the periodic points of $SC_\\sigma$ are precisely the\npermutations that consecutively avoid $\\sigma$ and its reverse.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 22:42:55 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Seidel","Ilaria",""],["Sun","Nathan",""]]} {"id":"2308.05869","submitter":"Ismet Dagli","authors":"Ismet Dagli, Mehmet Belviranli","title":"Shared Memory-contention-aware Concurrent DNN Execution for Diversely\n Heterogeneous System-on-Chips","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.DC cs.AI cs.PF","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Two distinguishing features of state-of-the-art mobile and autonomous systems\nare 1) there are often multiple workloads, mainly deep neural network (DNN)\ninference, running concurrently and continuously; and 2) they operate on shared\nmemory system-on-chips (SoC) that embed heterogeneous accelerators tailored for\nspecific operations. State-of-the-art lacks efficient performance and resource\nmanagement techniques necessary to either maximize total system throughput or\nminimize end-to-end workload latency. In this work, we propose HaX-CoNN, a\nnovel scheme that characterizes and maps layers in concurrently executing DNN\ninference workloads to a diverse set of accelerators within a SoC. Our scheme\nuniquely takes per-layer execution characteristics, shared memory (SM)\ncontention, and inter-accelerator transitions into account to find optimal\nschedules. We evaluate HaX-CoNN on NVIDIA Orin, NVIDIA Xavier, and Qualcomm\nSnapdragon 865 SoCs. Our experimental results indicate that HaX-CoNN minimizes\nmemory contention by up to 45% and can improve latency and total throughput by\nup to 32% and 29%, respectively, compared to the state-of-the-art approaches.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 22:47:40 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Dagli","Ismet",""],["Belviranli","Mehmet",""]]} {"id":"2308.05870","submitter":"Achintha Wijesinghe","authors":"Achintha Wijesinghe, Songyang Zhang, Siyu Qi, Zhi Ding","title":"UFed-GAN: A Secure Federated Learning Framework with Constrained\n Computation and Unlabeled Data","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG eess.SP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" To satisfy the broad applications and insatiable hunger for deploying low\nlatency multimedia data classification and data privacy in a cloud-based\nsetting, federated learning (FL) has emerged as an important learning paradigm.\nFor the practical cases involving limited computational power and only\nunlabeled data in many wireless communications applications, this work\ninvestigates FL paradigm in a resource-constrained and label-missing\nenvironment. Specifically, we propose a novel framework of UFed-GAN:\nUnsupervised Federated Generative Adversarial Network, which can capture\nuser-side data distribution without local classification training. We also\nanalyze the convergence and privacy of the proposed UFed-GAN. Our experimental\nresults demonstrate the strong potential of UFed-GAN in addressing limited\ncomputational resources and unlabeled data while preserving privacy.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 22:52:13 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Wijesinghe","Achintha",""],["Zhang","Songyang",""],["Qi","Siyu",""],["Ding","Zhi",""]]} {"id":"2308.05871","submitter":"Tyler Volkoff","authors":"T. J. Volkoff and Changhyun Ryu","title":"Globally optimal interferometry with lossy twin Fock probes","comments":"11 pages, 2 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":"LA-UR-23-29139","categories":"quant-ph cond-mat.quant-gas math-ph math.MP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Parity or $J_{z}^{2}$ readouts of a Mach-Zehnder (MZ) interferometer probed\nwith a twin Fock input state allow to saturate the optimal sensitivity\nattainable among all product states with a fixed total number of particles, but\nonly when the interferometer phase $\\theta$ is near zero. When more general\nDicke state probes are used, the parity readout saturates the QFI at\n$\\theta=0$, whereas better-than-standard quantum limit performance of the\n$J_{z}^{2}$ readout is restricted to an $o(\\sqrt{N})$ occupation imbalance. We\nshow that a method of moments readout of two quadratic spin observables\n$J_{z}^{2}$ and $J_{+}^{2}+J_{-}^{2}$ is globally optimal for Dicke state\nprobes, i.e., the error saturates the QFI for all $\\theta$. In the lossy\nsetting, we derive the time-inhomogeneous Markov process describing the effect\nof particle loss on twin Fock states, showing that method of moments readout of\nfour at-most-quadratic spin observables is sufficient for globally optimal\nestimation of $\\theta$ when two or more particles are lost. The analysis\nculminates in a numerical calculation of the QFI matrix for distributed MZ\ninterferometry on the four mode state $\\vert {N\\over 4},{N\\over 4},{N\\over\n4},{N\\over 4}\\rangle$ and its lossy counterparts, showing that an advantage for\nestimation of any linear function of the local MZ phases $\\theta_{1}$,\n$\\theta_{2}$ (compared to independent probing of the MZ phases by two copies of\n$\\vert{N\\over 4},{N\\over 4}\\rangle$) appears when more than one particle is\nlost.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 22:56:12 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Volkoff","T. J.",""],["Ryu","Changhyun",""]]} {"id":"2308.05872","submitter":"Liu Yanli","authors":"Liang Shang, Yanli Liu, Zhengyang Lou, Shuxue Quan, Nagesh Adluru,\n Bochen Guan, William A. Sethares","title":"Vision Backbone Enhancement via Multi-Stage Cross-Scale Attention","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and vision transformers (ViTs) have\nachieved remarkable success in various vision tasks. However, many\narchitectures do not consider interactions between feature maps from different\nstages and scales, which may limit their performance. In this work, we propose\na simple add-on attention module to overcome these limitations via multi-stage\nand cross-scale interactions. Specifically, the proposed Multi-Stage\nCross-Scale Attention (MSCSA) module takes feature maps from different stages\nto enable multi-stage interactions and achieves cross-scale interactions by\ncomputing self-attention at different scales based on the multi-stage feature\nmaps. Our experiments on several downstream tasks show that MSCSA provides a\nsignificant performance boost with modest additional FLOPs and runtime.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 22:57:31 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Mon, 14 Aug 2023 18:27:12 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-16","authors_parsed":[["Shang","Liang",""],["Liu","Yanli",""],["Lou","Zhengyang",""],["Quan","Shuxue",""],["Adluru","Nagesh",""],["Guan","Bochen",""],["Sethares","William A.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05873","submitter":"Fritz Scholz","authors":"F.W. Scholz","title":"On Steel's Test with Ties","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.ST stat.TH","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" This note revisits Steel's multiple comparison test which uses Wilcoxon\nstatistics in pairwise comparisons of several treatment samples with a common\ncontrol sample. It derives means, variances and covariances of the Wilcoxon\nstatistics under the conditional randomization distribution, given the tie\npattern in the pooled samples. Sample sizes do not have to be equal. Under the\nrandomization distribution asymptotic multivariate normality of these Wilcoxon\nstatistics is established. This widens the scope of normal approximations to\nconditional tests, assuming independent samples of respective sizes $n_0,\nn_1,\\ldots,n_K$ from any common population or randomized treatment assignment\nto $N=n_0 + n_1+\\ldots+n_K$ experimental subjects. Significance probabilities\nare obtained using a normal approximation and a single quadrature. In the\ncontinuous shift model the simultaneous tests are converted to simultaneous\nconfidence bounds and intervals. This is implemented in the {\\sf R} package\n{\\tt kSamples}. Extensions to all pairwise Wilcoxon test comparisons are\ndiscussed.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 23:02:47 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Scholz","F. W.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05874","submitter":"Antonios Zitridis","authors":"Antonios Zitridis","title":"Homogenization of conditional slow-fast McKean-Vlasov SDEs","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.PR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We study a fully-coupled system of conditional slow-fast McKean-Vlasov\nStochastic Differential Equations that exhibit full dependence on both the slow\nand fast components, as well as on the conditional law of the slow component.\nOur aim is to derive convergence rates to its homogenized limit, without making\nperiodicity assumptions. To prove our results, we utilize a perturbation method\nfor equations posed in the Wasserstein space.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 23:05:07 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Zitridis","Antonios",""]]} {"id":"2308.05875","submitter":"Minjae Kim","authors":"M. Kim, T. Mannel, J. Lasue, A. Longobardo, M. S. Bentley, R. Moissl\n and the MIDAS team","title":"Cometary dust collected by MIDAS on board Rosetta II. Particle shape\n descriptors and pristineness evaluation","comments":"40 pages, 31 figures, 1 online table","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.EP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The MIDAS (Micro-Imaging Dust Analysis System) atomic force microscope on\nboard the Rosetta comet orbiter investigated and measured the 3D topography of\na few hundred nm to tens of $\\mu$m sized dust particles of\n67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko with resolutions down to a few nanometers, giving\ninsights into the physical processes of our early Solar System. We analyze the\nshapes of the cometary dust particles collected by MIDAS on the basis of a\nrecently updated particle catalog with the aim to determine which structural\nproperties remained pristine. We develop a set of shape descriptors and metrics\nsuch as aspect ratio, elongation, circularity, convexity, and particle\nsurface/volume distribution, which can be used to describe the distribution of\nparticle shapes. Furthermore, we compare the structure of the MIDAS dust\nparticles and the clusters in which the particles were deposited to those found\nin previous laboratory experiments and by Rosetta/COSIMA. Finally, we combine\nour findings to calculate a pristineness score for MIDAS particles and\ndetermine the most pristine particles and their properties. We find that the\nmorphological properties of all cometary dust particles at the micrometer scale\nare surprisingly homogeneous despite originating from diverse cometary\nenvironments (e.g., different collection targets that are associated with\ncometary activities/source regions and collection velocities/periods). We next\nfind that the types of clusters found by MIDAS show good agreement with those\ndefined by previous laboratory experiments, however, there are some differences\nto those found by Rosetta/COSIMA. Based on our result, we rate 19 out of 1082\nMIDAS particles at least moderately pristine, i.e., they are not substantially\nflattened by impact, not fragmented, and/or not part of a fragmentation\ncluster.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 23:09:10 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Thu, 17 Aug 2023 23:43:08 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-21","authors_parsed":[["Kim","M.",""],["Mannel","T.",""],["Lasue","J.",""],["Longobardo","A.",""],["Bentley","M. S.",""],["Moissl","R.",""],["team","the MIDAS",""]]} {"id":"2308.05876","submitter":"Maulik Bhatt","authors":"Maulik Bhatt and Negar Mehr","title":"Strategic Decision-Making in Multi-Agent Domains: A Weighted Potential\n Dynamic Game Approach","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.RO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In interactive multi-agent settings, decision-making complexity arises from\nagents' interconnected objectives. Dynamic game theory offers a formal\nframework for analyzing such intricacies. Yet, solving dynamic games and\ndetermining Nash equilibria pose computational challenges due to the need of\nsolving coupled optimal control problems. To address this, our key idea is to\nleverage potential games, which are games with a potential function that allows\nfor the computation of Nash equilibria by optimizing the potential function. We\nargue that dynamic potential games, can effectively facilitate interactive\ndecision-making in many multi-agent interactions. We will identify structures\nin realistic multi-agent interactive scenarios that can be transformed into\nweighted potential dynamic games. We will show that the open-loop Nash\nequilibria of the resulting weighted potential dynamic game can be obtained by\nsolving a single optimal control problem. We will demonstrate the effectiveness\nof the proposed method through various simulation studies, showing close\nproximity to feedback Nash equilibria and significant improvements in solve\ntime compared to state-of-the-art game solvers.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 23:10:13 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Tue, 22 Aug 2023 22:03:12 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-24","authors_parsed":[["Bhatt","Maulik",""],["Mehr","Negar",""]]} {"id":"2308.05877","submitter":"Leonardo Ferreira","authors":"Leonardo Antunes Ferreira, Lucas Pereira Carlini, Gabriel de Almeida\n S\\'a Coutrin, Tatiany Marcondes Heideirich, Marina Carvalho de Moraes Barros,\n Ruth Guinsburg and Carlos Eduardo Thomaz","title":"Revisiting N-CNN for Clinical Practice","comments":"AICAI 2023 in conjuction with MICCAI","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" This paper revisits the Neonatal Convolutional Neural Network (N-CNN) by\noptimizing its hyperparameters and evaluating how they affect its\nclassification metrics, explainability and reliability, discussing their\npotential impact in clinical practice. We have chosen hyperparameters that do\nnot modify the original N-CNN architecture, but mainly modify its learning rate\nand training regularization. The optimization was done by evaluating the\nimprovement in F1 Score for each hyperparameter individually, and the best\nhyperparameters were chosen to create a Tuned N-CNN. We also applied soft\nlabels derived from the Neonatal Facial Coding System, proposing a novel\napproach for training facial expression classification models for neonatal pain\nassessment. Interestingly, while the Tuned N-CNN results point towards\nimprovements in classification metrics and explainability, these improvements\ndid not directly translate to calibration performance. We believe that such\ninsights might have the potential to contribute to the development of more\nreliable pain evaluation tools for newborns, aiding healthcare professionals in\ndelivering appropriate interventions and improving patient outcomes.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 23:22:41 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Ferreira","Leonardo Antunes",""],["Carlini","Lucas Pereira",""],["Coutrin","Gabriel de Almeida S\u00e1",""],["Heideirich","Tatiany Marcondes",""],["Barros","Marina Carvalho de Moraes",""],["Guinsburg","Ruth",""],["Thomaz","Carlos Eduardo",""]]} {"id":"2308.05878","submitter":"Stephanie Wang","authors":"Stephanie Wang, Michael Flynn, and Fangyu Luo","title":"Composable Core-sets for Diversity Approximation on Multi-Dataset\n Streams","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/","abstract":" Core-sets refer to subsets of data that maximize some function that is\ncommonly a diversity or group requirement. These subsets are used in place of\nthe original data to accomplish a given task with comparable or even enhanced\nperformance if biases are removed. Composable core-sets are core-sets with the\nproperty that subsets of the core set can be unioned together to obtain an\napproximation for the original data; lending themselves to be used for streamed\nor distributed data. Recent work has focused on the use of core-sets for\ntraining machine learning models. Preceding solutions such as CRAIG have been\nproven to approximate gradient descent while providing a reduced training time.\nIn this paper, we introduce a core-set construction algorithm for constructing\ncomposable core-sets to summarize streamed data for use in active learning\nenvironments. If combined with techniques such as CRAIG and heuristics to\nenhance construction speed, composable core-sets could be used for real time\ntraining of models when the amount of sensor data is large. We provide\nempirical analysis by considering extrapolated data for the runtime of such a\nbrute force algorithm. This algorithm is then analyzed for efficiency through\naveraged empirical regression and key results and improvements are suggested\nfor further research on the topic.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 23:24:51 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Stephanie",""],["Flynn","Michael",""],["Luo","Fangyu",""]]} {"id":"2308.05879","submitter":"Adriano Tiribocchi","authors":"S. Succi, A. Tiribocchi","title":"Navier-Stokes-Schr\\\"odinger equation for dissipative fluids","comments":"9 pages, 1 figure","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.flu-dyn quant-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We present a mapping between a Schr\\\"odinger equation with a complex\ndiffusion along with a complex potential and the Navier-Stokes equation.\nFollowing a generalization of the Madelung transformations, we show that the\ninclusion of above contributions leads to continuity and momentum equations for\na dissipative incompressible Navier-Stokes fluid. The dynamics is found to\npreserve unitarity, a condition that is lost if non-imaginary potentials are\nconsidered. The present model may facilitate the formulation of quantum\nalgorithms for classical dissipative fluids. In particular, since quantum wave\nequations of this sort have recently been used to develop analogies between\npolariton systems and the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation, the present model\nmay open up intriguing prospects for polariton-based realizations of quantum\ncomputers.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 23:44:27 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Succi","S.",""],["Tiribocchi","A.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05880","submitter":"Xiaoyuan Fan","authors":"Xue Li and Kishan Prudhvi Guddanti and Samrat Acharya and Patrick\n Royer and Xiaoyuan Fan and Marcelo Elizondo","title":"Smart Data Mapping for Connecting Power System Model and Geospatial Data","comments":"5 pages, i figure, 1 table","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SY cs.SY","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Knowing the geospatial locations of power system model elements and linking\nload models with end users and their communities are the foundation for\nanalyzing system resilience and vulnerability to natural hazards. However,\npower system models and geospatial data for power grid assets are often\ndeveloped asynchronously without close coordination. Creating a direct mapping\nbetween the two is a challenging task, mainly due to heterogeneous data\nstructures, target uses, historical legacies, and human errors. This work aims\nto build an automatic data mapping workflow to connect the two, and to support\nenergy grid resilience studies for Puerto Rico. The primary steps in this\nworkflow include constructing graphs using geospatial data, and aligning them\nto the transmission networks defined in the power system data. The results have\nbeen evaluated against existing manual mapping practices for part of the Puerto\nRico Power Grid model to illustrate the performance of such auto-mapping\nsolutions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 23:46:53 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Li","Xue",""],["Guddanti","Kishan Prudhvi",""],["Acharya","Samrat",""],["Royer","Patrick",""],["Fan","Xiaoyuan",""],["Elizondo","Marcelo",""]]} {"id":"2308.05881","submitter":"Richard Wang","authors":"Tianxiao Zhang, Kaidong Li, Xiangyu Chen, Cuncong Zhong, Bo Luo, Ivan\n Grijalva, Brian McCornack, Daniel Flippo, Ajay Sharda, Guanghui Wang","title":"Aphid Cluster Recognition and Detection in the Wild Using Deep Learning\n Models","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Aphid infestation poses a significant threat to crop production, rural\ncommunities, and global food security. While chemical pest control is crucial\nfor maximizing yields, applying chemicals across entire fields is both\nenvironmentally unsustainable and costly. Hence, precise localization and\nmanagement of aphids are essential for targeted pesticide application. The\npaper primarily focuses on using deep learning models for detecting aphid\nclusters. We propose a novel approach for estimating infection levels by\ndetecting aphid clusters. To facilitate this research, we have captured a\nlarge-scale dataset from sorghum fields, manually selected 5,447 images\ncontaining aphids, and annotated each individual aphid cluster within these\nimages. To facilitate the use of machine learning models, we further process\nthe images by cropping them into patches, resulting in a labeled dataset\ncomprising 151,380 image patches. Then, we implemented and compared the\nperformance of four state-of-the-art object detection models (VFNet, GFLV2,\nPAA, and ATSS) on the aphid dataset. Extensive experimental results show that\nall models yield stable similar performance in terms of average precision and\nrecall. We then propose to merge close neighboring clusters and remove tiny\nclusters caused by cropping, and the performance is further boosted by around\n17%. The study demonstrates the feasibility of automatically detecting and\nmanaging insects using machine learning models. The labeled dataset will be\nmade openly available to the research community.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 23:53:07 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Zhang","Tianxiao",""],["Li","Kaidong",""],["Chen","Xiangyu",""],["Zhong","Cuncong",""],["Luo","Bo",""],["Grijalva","Ivan",""],["McCornack","Brian",""],["Flippo","Daniel",""],["Sharda","Ajay",""],["Wang","Guanghui",""]]} {"id":"2308.05882","submitter":"Christophe Bonneville","authors":"Christophe Bonneville, Youngsoo Choi, Debojyoti Ghosh, Jonathan L.\n Belof","title":"GPLaSDI: Gaussian Process-based Interpretable Latent Space Dynamics\n Identification through Deep Autoencoder","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CE cs.LG cs.NA math.NA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Numerically solving partial differential equations (PDEs) can be challenging\nand computationally expensive. This has led to the development of reduced-order\nmodels (ROMs) that are accurate but faster than full order models (FOMs).\nRecently, machine learning advances have enabled the creation of non-linear\nprojection methods, such as Latent Space Dynamics Identification (LaSDI). LaSDI\nmaps full-order PDE solutions to a latent space using autoencoders and learns\nthe system of ODEs governing the latent space dynamics. By interpolating and\nsolving the ODE system in the reduced latent space, fast and accurate ROM\npredictions can be made by feeding the predicted latent space dynamics into the\ndecoder. In this paper, we introduce GPLaSDI, a novel LaSDI-based framework\nthat relies on Gaussian process (GP) for latent space ODE interpolations. Using\nGPs offers two significant advantages. First, it enables the quantification of\nuncertainty over the ROM predictions. Second, leveraging this prediction\nuncertainty allows for efficient adaptive training through a greedy selection\nof additional training data points. This approach does not require prior\nknowledge of the underlying PDEs. Consequently, GPLaSDI is inherently\nnon-intrusive and can be applied to problems without a known PDE or its\nresidual. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on the Burgers\nequation, Vlasov equation for plasma physics, and a rising thermal bubble\nproblem. Our proposed method achieves between 200 and 100,000 times speed-up,\nwith up to 7% relative error.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 23:54:12 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Bonneville","Christophe",""],["Choi","Youngsoo",""],["Ghosh","Debojyoti",""],["Belof","Jonathan L.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05883","submitter":"Gourab Mukherjee","authors":"Jiajun Luo, Trambak Banerjee, Gourab Mukherjee and Wenguang Sun","title":"Empirical Bayes Estimation with Side Information: A Nonparametric\n Integrative Tweedie Approach","comments":"the paper is based on chapter 2 of Jiajun Luo's PhD thesis which is\n archived at https://digitallibrary.usc.edu/asset-management/2A3BF1OVJ47TH","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.ME stat.ML","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We investigate the problem of compound estimation of normal means while\naccounting for the presence of side information. Leveraging the empirical Bayes\nframework, we develop a nonparametric integrative Tweedie (NIT) approach that\nincorporates structural knowledge encoded in multivariate auxiliary data to\nenhance the precision of compound estimation. Our approach employs convex\noptimization tools to estimate the gradient of the log-density directly,\nenabling the incorporation of structural constraints. We conduct theoretical\nanalyses of the asymptotic risk of NIT and establish the rate at which NIT\nconverges to the oracle estimator. As the dimension of the auxiliary data\nincreases, we accurately quantify the improvements in estimation risk and the\nassociated deterioration in convergence rate. The numerical performance of NIT\nis illustrated through the analysis of both simulated and real data,\ndemonstrating its superiority over existing methods.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 00:24:45 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Luo","Jiajun",""],["Banerjee","Trambak",""],["Mukherjee","Gourab",""],["Sun","Wenguang",""]]} {"id":"2308.05884","submitter":"Alpin Dale","authors":"Tear Gosling, Alpin Dale, Yinhe Zheng","title":"PIPPA: A Partially Synthetic Conversational Dataset","comments":"13 pages, 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" With the emergence of increasingly powerful large language models, there is a\nburgeoning interest in leveraging these models for casual conversation and\nrole-play applications. However, existing conversational and role-playing\ndatasets often fail to capture the diverse and nuanced interactions typically\nexhibited by real-world role-play participants. To address this limitation and\ncontribute to the rapidly growing field, we introduce a partially-synthetic\ndataset named PIPPA (Personal Interaction Pairs between People and AI). PIPPA\nis a result of a community-driven crowdsourcing effort involving a group of\nrole-play enthusiasts. The dataset comprises over 1 million utterances that are\ndistributed across 26,000 conversation sessions and provides a rich resource\nfor researchers and AI developers to explore and refine conversational AI\nsystems in the context of role-play scenarios.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 00:33:26 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Gosling","Tear",""],["Dale","Alpin",""],["Zheng","Yinhe",""]]} {"id":"2308.05885","submitter":"Choonkil Park","authors":"C. Jayakumar, A. Murugesan, Vediyappan Govindan, Choonkil Park","title":"Oscillation conditions of half-linear delay difference equations of\n second-","comments":"11 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CA math.FA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The goal of our work is to investigate the oscillation and asymptotic\nproperties of a class of difference equations with a condition. In contrast to\nmost previous studies, the oscillation of the investigated equation is obtained\nwith only one condition.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 00:35:51 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Jayakumar","C.",""],["Murugesan","A.",""],["Govindan","Vediyappan",""],["Park","Choonkil",""]]} {"id":"2308.05886","submitter":"Oliver Monti","authors":"Joohyung Park, Ayan N. Batyrkhanov, J.R. Schaibley and Oliver L.A.\n Monti","title":"Proximitization: Opportunities for Manipulating Correlations in Hybrid\n Organic / 2D Materials","comments":"32 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mes-hall","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Van der Waals layered and 2D materials constitute an extraordinary playground\nfor condensed matter physics, since the strong confinement of wavefunctions to\ntwo dimensions supports a diverse set of correlated phenomena. By creating\ncarefully designed heterostructures, these can be readily manipulated. In this\nPerspective, we advance the viewpoint that heterostructures from from these\nmaterials with thin layers of organic molecules offer an opportunity for\ncreating and manipulating the correlated degrees of freedom in unprecedented\nways. We briefly survey what has been accomplished thus far, including proposed\nmechanisms, before concentrating on unique opportunities offered by the vast\nselection of available organic molecules. We further introduce the notion of\nproximitization in combination with symmetry breaking as a fertile and\npotentially unifying conceptual vantage point from which to consider\nopportunities for tailoring correlations in van der Waals layered materials.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 00:38:20 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Park","Joohyung",""],["Batyrkhanov","Ayan N.",""],["Schaibley","J. R.",""],["Monti","Oliver L. A.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05887","submitter":"M. Marques Alves","authors":"M. Marques Alves, Benar F. Svaiter","title":"A search-free $O(1/k^{3/2})$ homotopy inexact proximal-Newton\n extragradient algorithm for monotone variational inequalities","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.OC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We present and study the iteration-complexity of a relative-error inexact\nproximal-Newton extragradient algorithm for solving smooth monotone variational\ninequality problems in real Hilbert spaces. We removed a search procedure from\nMonteiro and Svaiter (2012) by introducing a novel approach based on homotopy,\nwhich requires the resolution (at each iteration) of a single strongly monotone\nlinear variational inequality. For a given tolerance $\\rho>0$, our main\nalgorithm exhibits pointwise $O\\left(\\frac{1}{\\rho}\\right)$ and ergodic\n$O\\left(\\frac{1}{\\rho^{2/3}}\\right)$ iteration-complexities.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 00:38:57 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Alves","M. Marques",""],["Svaiter","Benar F.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05888","submitter":"Daniel Ries","authors":"Daniel Ries, Alicia Carriquiry","title":"The Relationship between Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity and\n Metabolic Syndrome: A Bayesian Measurement Error Approach","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.AP stat.ME","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) is a serious condition that can be an early warning\nsign of heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. MetS is characterized by having\nelevated levels of blood pressure, cholesterol, waist circumference, and\nfasting glucose. There are many articles in the literature exploring the\nrelationship between physical activity and MetS, but most do not consider the\nmeasurement error in the physical activity measurements nor the correlations\namong the MetS risk factors. Furthermore, previous work has generally treated\nMetS as binary, rather than directly modeling the risk factors on their\nmeasured, continuous space. Using data from the National Health and Nutrition\nExamination Survey (NHANES), we explore the relationship between minutes of\nmoderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and MetS risk factors. We\nconstruct a measurement error model for the accelerometry data, and then model\nits relationship between MetS risk factors with nonlinear seemingly unrelated\nregressions, incorporating dependence among MetS risk factors. The novel\nfeatures of this model give the medical research community a new way to\nunderstand relationships between MVPA and MetS. The results of this approach\npresent the field with a different modeling perspective than previously taken\nand suggest future avenues of scientific discovery.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 00:42:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Ries","Daniel",""],["Carriquiry","Alicia",""]]} {"id":"2308.05889","submitter":"Lingkai Kong","authors":"Lingkai Kong, Wenhao Mu, Jiaming Cui, Yuchen Zhuang, B. Aditya\n Prakash, Bo Dai, Chao Zhang","title":"DF2: Distribution-Free Decision-Focused Learning","comments":"24 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Decision-focused learning (DFL) has recently emerged as a powerful approach\nfor predict-then-optimize problems by customizing a predictive model to a\ndownstream optimization task. However, existing end-to-end DFL methods are\nhindered by three significant bottlenecks: model mismatch error, sample average\napproximation error, and gradient approximation error. Model mismatch error\nstems from the misalignment between the model's parameterized predictive\ndistribution and the true probability distribution. Sample average\napproximation error arises when using finite samples to approximate the\nexpected optimization objective. Gradient approximation error occurs as DFL\nrelies on the KKT condition for exact gradient computation, while most methods\napproximate the gradient for backpropagation in non-convex objectives. In this\npaper, we present DF2 -- the first \\textit{distribution-free} decision-focused\nlearning method explicitly designed to address these three bottlenecks. Rather\nthan depending on a task-specific forecaster that requires precise model\nassumptions, our method directly learns the expected optimization function\nduring training. To efficiently learn the function in a data-driven manner, we\ndevise an attention-based model architecture inspired by the distribution-based\nparameterization of the expected objective. Our method is, to the best of our\nknowledge, the first to address all three bottlenecks within a single model. We\nevaluate DF2 on a synthetic problem, a wind power bidding problem, and a\nnon-convex vaccine distribution problem, demonstrating the effectiveness of\nDF2.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 00:44:46 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Kong","Lingkai",""],["Mu","Wenhao",""],["Cui","Jiaming",""],["Zhuang","Yuchen",""],["Prakash","B. Aditya",""],["Dai","Bo",""],["Zhang","Chao",""]]} {"id":"2308.05890","submitter":"Aamir Hamid","authors":"Aamir Hamid, Hemanth Reddy Samidi, Tim Finin, Primal Pappachan,\n Roberto Yus","title":"PrivacyLens: A Framework to Collect and Analyze the Landscape of Past,\n Present, and Future Smart Device Privacy Policies","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CY","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" As the adoption of smart devices continues to permeate all aspects of our\nlives, concerns surrounding user privacy have become more pertinent than ever\nbefore. While privacy policies define the data management practices of their\nmanufacturers, previous work has shown that they are rarely read and understood\nby users. Hence, automatic analysis of privacy policies has been shown to help\nprovide users with appropriate insights. Previous research has extensively\nanalyzed privacy policies of websites, e-commerce, and mobile applications, but\nprivacy policies of smart devices, present some differences and specific\nchallenges such as the difficulty to find and collect them. We present\nPrivacyLens, a novel framework for discovering and collecting past, present,\nand future smart device privacy policies and harnessing NLP and ML algorithms\nto analyze them. PrivacyLens is currently deployed, collecting, analyzing, and\npublishing insights about privacy policies to assist different stakeholders of\nsmart devices, such as users, policy authors, and regulators. We show several\nexamples of analytical tasks enabled by PrivacyLens, including comparisons of\ndevices per type and manufacturing country, categorization of privacy policies,\nand impact of data regulations on data practices. At the time of submitting\nthis paper, PrivacyLens had collected and analyzed more than 1,200 privacy\npolicies for 7,300 smart device\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 00:52:31 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Hamid","Aamir",""],["Samidi","Hemanth Reddy",""],["Finin","Tim",""],["Pappachan","Primal",""],["Yus","Roberto",""]]} {"id":"2308.05891","submitter":"Daniel Ries","authors":"Daniel Ries, Alicia Carriquiry","title":"Assessing adult physical activity and compliance with 2008 CDC\n guidelines using a Bayesian two-part measurement error model","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.AP stat.ME","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" While there is wide agreement that physical activity is an important\ncomponent of a healthy lifestyle, it is unclear how many people adhere to\npublic health recommendations on physical activity. The Physical Activity\nGuidelines (PAG), published by the CDC, provide guidelines to American adults,\nbut it is difficult to assess compliance with these guidelines. The PAG further\ncomplicate adherence assessment by recommending activity to occur in at least\n10 minute bouts. To better understand the measurement capabilities of various\ninstruments to quantify activity, and to propose an approach to evaluate\nactivity relative to the PAG, researchers at Iowa State University administered\nthe Physical Activity Measurement Survey (PAMS) to over 1,000 participants in\nfour different Iowa counties. In this paper, we develop a two-part Bayesian\nmeasurement error model and apply it to the PAMS data in order to assess\ncompliance to the PAG in the Iowa adult population. The model accurately\naccounts for the 10 minute bout requirement put forth in the PAG. The\nmeasurement error model corrects biased estimates and accounts for day to day\nvariation in activity. The model is also applied to the nationally\nrepresentative National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 00:53:39 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Ries","Daniel",""],["Carriquiry","Alicia",""]]} {"id":"2308.05892","submitter":"Lukas Wenzl","authors":"Lukas Wenzl, Shi-Fan Chen, Rachel Bean","title":"Magnification Bias Estimators for Realistic Surveys: an Application to\n the BOSS Survey","comments":"14 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables, prepared for submission to MNRAS","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.CO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In addition to the intrinsic clustering of galaxies themselves, the spatial\ndistribution of galaxies observed in surveys is modulated by the presence of\nweak lensing due to matter in the foreground. This effect, known as\nmagnification bias, is a significant contaminant to analyses of galaxy-lensing\ncross-correlations and must be carefully modeled. We present a method to\nestimate the magnification bias in spectroscopically confirmed galaxy samples\nbased on finite differences of galaxy catalogs while marginalizing over errors\ndue to finite step size. We use our estimator to measure the magnification\nbiases of the CMASS and LOWZ samples in the SDSS BOSS galaxy survey,\nanalytically taking into account the dependence on galaxy shape for fiber and\nPSF magnitudes, finding $\\alpha_{\\rm CMASS} = 2.71 \\pm 0.02$ and $\\alpha_{\\rm\nLOWZ} = 2.45 \\pm 0.02$ and quantify modeling uncertainties in these\nmeasurements. Finally, we quantify the redshift evolution of the magnification\nbias within the CMASS and LOWZ samples, finding a difference of up to a factor\nof three between the lower and upper redshift bounds for the former. We discuss\nhow to account for this evolution in modeling and its interaction with commonly\napplied redshift-dependent weights. Our method should be readily-applicable to\nupcoming surveys and we make our code publicly available as part of this work.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 00:55:36 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Wenzl","Lukas",""],["Chen","Shi-Fan",""],["Bean","Rachel",""]]} {"id":"2308.05893","submitter":"Jaehoon Chung","authors":"Jaehoon Chung, Jamil Fayyad, Younes Al Younes, and Homayoun Najjaran","title":"Learning to Team-Based Navigation: A Review of Deep Reinforcement\n Learning Techniques for Multi-Agent Pathfinding","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI cs.LG cs.MA cs.RO cs.SY eess.SY","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Multi-agent pathfinding (MAPF) is a critical field in many large-scale\nrobotic applications, often being the fundamental step in multi-agent systems.\nThe increasing complexity of MAPF in complex and crowded environments, however,\ncritically diminishes the effectiveness of existing solutions. In contrast to\nother studies that have either presented a general overview of the recent\nadvancements in MAPF or extensively reviewed Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL)\nwithin multi-agent system settings independently, our work presented in this\nreview paper focuses on highlighting the integration of DRL-based approaches in\nMAPF. Moreover, we aim to bridge the current gap in evaluating MAPF solutions\nby addressing the lack of unified evaluation metrics and providing\ncomprehensive clarification on these metrics. Finally, our paper discusses the\npotential of model-based DRL as a promising future direction and provides its\nrequired foundational understanding to address current challenges in MAPF. Our\nobjective is to assist readers in gaining insight into the current research\ndirection, providing unified metrics for comparing different MAPF algorithms\nand expanding their knowledge of model-based DRL to address the existing\nchallenges in MAPF.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 00:59:29 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Chung","Jaehoon",""],["Fayyad","Jamil",""],["Younes","Younes Al",""],["Najjaran","Homayoun",""]]} {"id":"2308.05894","submitter":"Felipe Riquelme Abarca","authors":"Felipe Riquelme and Anibal Velozo","title":"On the Hausdorff dimension of geodesics that diverge on average","comments":"23 pages, 1 figure","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.DS","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In this article we prove that the Hausdorff dimension of geodesic directions\nthat are recurrent and diverge on average coincides with the entropy at\ninfinity of the geodesic flow for any complete, pinched negatively curved\nRiemannian manifold. We derive an interesting consequence from this result, we\nprove that the entropy of a {\\sigma}-finite, ergodic and conservative infinite\ninvariant measure is bounded from above by the entropy at infinity of the\ngeodesic flow.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 01:01:26 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Riquelme","Felipe",""],["Velozo","Anibal",""]]} {"id":"2308.05895","submitter":"Peter Hansen","authors":"Chen Tong and Peter Reinhard Hansen","title":"Characterizing Correlation Matrices that Admit a Clustered Factor\n Representation","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"econ.EM stat.ME","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The Clustered Factor (CF) model induces a block structure on the correlation\nmatrix and is commonly used to parameterize correlation matrices. Our results\nreveal that the CF model imposes superfluous restrictions on the correlation\nmatrix. This can be avoided by a different parametrization, involving the\nlogarithmic transformation of the block correlation matrix.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 01:07:39 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Tong","Chen",""],["Hansen","Peter Reinhard",""]]} {"id":"2308.05896","submitter":"Chuanxin Song","authors":"Chuanxin Song, Hanbo Wu, Xin Ma","title":"Semantic-embedded Similarity Prototype for Scene Recognition","comments":"12 pages, 8 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Due to the high inter-class similarity caused by the complex composition\nwithin scenes and the co-existing objects across scenes, various studies have\nexplored object semantic knowledge within scenes to improve scene recognition.\nHowever, a resulting issue arises as semantic segmentation or object detection\ntechniques demand heavy computational power, thereby burdening the network\nconsiderably. This limitation often renders object-assisted approaches\nincompatible with edge devices. In contrast, this paper proposes a\nsemantic-based similarity prototype that assists the scene recognition network\nto achieve higher accuracy without increasing network parameters. It is simple\nand can be plug-and-played into existing pipelines. More specifically, a\nstatistical strategy is introduced to depict semantic knowledge in scenes as\nclass-level semantic representations. These representations are utilized to\nexplore inter-class correlations, ultimately constructing a similarity\nprototype. Furthermore, we propose two ways to use the similarity prototype to\nsupport network training from the perspective of gradient label softening and\nbatch-level contrastive loss, respectively. Comprehensive evaluations on\nmultiple benchmarks show that our similarity prototype enhances the performance\nof existing networks without adding any computational burden. Code and the\nstatistical similarity prototype will be available soon.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 01:11:46 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Song","Chuanxin",""],["Wu","Hanbo",""],["Ma","Xin",""]]} {"id":"2308.05897","submitter":"Ava Fascetti","authors":"Yinan Xuan, Ava J. Fascetti, Colin Barry, and Edward J. Wang","title":"Development of a One Dollar Blood Pressure Monitor","comments":"4 pages, 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" BPClip is an ultra-low-cost cuffless blood pressure monitor. As a universal\nsmartphone attachment, BPClip leverages the computational imaging power of\nsmartphones to perform oscillometry based blood pressure measurements. This\npaper examines different design considerations in BPClip's development. The\ncost and accuracy of blood pressure measurements are the central design goals.\nBoth of these requirements are achieved with the initial prototype that\nachieves a $0.80 USD material cost and a mean absolute error of 8.72 and 5.49\nmmHg for systolic and diastolic blood pressure, respectively. Since a main\nmotivator to develop BPClip is making blood pressure monitoring more\naccessible, usability is also central to the design. User studies were\nconducted throughout the design process to inform the most intuitive and\naccessible design features. In this paper, we demystify the design process to\nshare effective design practices with future developers working towards\nexpanding health monitoring access beyond traditional clinical settings.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 01:18:54 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Xuan","Yinan",""],["Fascetti","Ava J.",""],["Barry","Colin",""],["Wang","Edward J.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05898","submitter":"Jieshan Chen","authors":"Jieshan Chen, Jiamou Sun, Sidong Feng, Zhenchang Xing, Qinghua Lu,\n Xiwei Xu, Chunyang Chen","title":"Unveiling the Tricks: Automated Detection of Dark Patterns in Mobile\n Applications","comments":"20 pages, 9 figures, accepted by UIST 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.HC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/","abstract":" Mobile apps bring us many conveniences, such as online shopping and\ncommunication, but some use malicious designs called dark patterns to trick\nusers into doing things that are not in their best interest. Many works have\nbeen done to summarize the taxonomy of these patterns and some have tried to\nmitigate the problems through various techniques. However, these techniques are\neither time-consuming, not generalisable or limited to specific patterns. To\naddress these issues, we propose UIGuard, a knowledge-driven system that\nutilizes computer vision and natural language pattern matching to automatically\ndetect a wide range of dark patterns in mobile UIs. Our system relieves the\nneed for manually creating rules for each new UI/app and covers more types with\nsuperior performance. In detail, we integrated existing taxonomies into a\nconsistent one, conducted a characteristic analysis and distilled knowledge\nfrom real-world examples and the taxonomy. Our UIGuard consists of two\ncomponents, Property Extraction and Knowledge-Driven Dark Pattern Checker. We\ncollected the first dark pattern dataset, which contains 4,999 benign UIs and\n1,353 malicious UIs of 1,660 instances spanning 1,023 mobile apps. Our system\nachieves a superior performance in detecting dark patterns (micro averages:\n0.82 in precision, 0.77 in recall, 0.79 in F1 score). A user study involving 58\nparticipants further shows that \\tool{} significantly increases users'\nknowledge of dark patterns.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 01:18:56 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Chen","Jieshan",""],["Sun","Jiamou",""],["Feng","Sidong",""],["Xing","Zhenchang",""],["Lu","Qinghua",""],["Xu","Xiwei",""],["Chen","Chunyang",""]]} {"id":"2308.05899","submitter":"Andrew Lincowski","authors":"Andrew P. Lincowski, Victoria S. Meadows, Sebastian Zieba, Laura\n Kreidberg, Caroline Morley, Micha\\\"el Gillon, Franck Selsis, Eric Agol,\n Emeline Bolmont, Elsa Ducrot, Renyu Hu, Daniel D. B. Koll, Xintong Lyu, Avi\n Mandell, Gabrielle Suissa, Patrick Tamburo","title":"Potential Atmospheric Compositions of TRAPPIST-1 c constrained by\n JWST/MIRI Observations at 15 $\\mu$m","comments":"15 pages, accepted to APJL","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.EP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The first JWST observations of TRAPPIST-1 c showed a secondary eclipse depth\nof 421+/-94 ppm at 15 um, which is consistent with a bare rock surface or a\nthin, O2-dominated, low CO2 atmosphere (Zieba et al. 2023). Here, we further\nexplore potential atmospheres for TRAPPIST-1 c by comparing the observed\nsecondary eclipse depth to synthetic spectra of a broader range of plausible\nenvironments. To self-consistently incorporate the impact of photochemistry and\natmospheric composition on atmospheric thermal structure and predicted eclipse\ndepth, we use a two-column climate model coupled to a photochemical model, and\nsimulate O2-dominated, Venus-like, and steam atmospheres. We find that a\nbroader suite of plausible atmospheric compositions are also consistent with\nthe data. For lower pressure atmospheres (0.1 bar), our O2-CO2 atmospheres\nproduce eclipse depths within 1$\\sigma$ of the data, consistent with the\nmodeling results of Zieba et al. (2023). However, for higher-pressure\natmospheres, our models produce different temperature-pressure profiles and are\nless pessimistic, with 1-10 bar O2, 100 ppm CO2 models within 2.0-2.2$\\sigma$\nof the measured secondary eclipse depth, and up to 0.5% CO2 within 2.9$\\sigma$.\nVenus-like atmospheres are still unlikely. For thin O2 atmospheres of 0.1 bar\nwith a low abundance of CO2 ($\\sim$100 ppm), up to 10% water vapor can be\npresent and still provide an eclipse depth within 1$\\sigma$ of the data. We\ncompared the TRAPPIST-1 c data to modeled steam atmospheres of $\\leq$ 3 bar,\nwhich are 1.7-1.8$\\sigma$ from the data and not conclusively ruled out. More\ndata will be required to discriminate between possible atmospheres, or to more\ndefinitively support the bare rock hypothesis.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 01:21:12 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Lincowski","Andrew P.",""],["Meadows","Victoria S.",""],["Zieba","Sebastian",""],["Kreidberg","Laura",""],["Morley","Caroline",""],["Gillon","Micha\u00ebl",""],["Selsis","Franck",""],["Agol","Eric",""],["Bolmont","Emeline",""],["Ducrot","Elsa",""],["Hu","Renyu",""],["Koll","Daniel D. B.",""],["Lyu","Xintong",""],["Mandell","Avi",""],["Suissa","Gabrielle",""],["Tamburo","Patrick",""]]} {"id":"2308.05900","submitter":"Nguyen Tuan Hung","authors":"Nguyen T. Hung, Jianqi Huang, Yuki Tatsumi, Teng Yang, Riichiro Saito","title":"QERaman: An open-source program for calculating resonance Raman spectra\n based on Quantum ESPRESSO","comments":"10 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mtrl-sci physics.comp-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We present an open-source program QERaman that computes first-order resonance\nRaman spectroscopy of materials using the output data from Quantum ESPRESSO.\nComplex values of Raman tensors are calculated based on the quantum description\nof the Raman scattering from calculations of electron-photon and\nelectron-phonon matrix elements, which are obtained by using the modified\nQuantum ESPRESSO. Our program also calculates the resonant Raman spectra as a\nfunction of incident laser energy for linearly- or circularly-polarized light.\nHands-on tutorials for graphene and MoS$_2$ are given to show how to run\nQERaman. All codes, examples, and scripts are available on the GitHub\nrepository.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 01:25:02 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Hung","Nguyen T.",""],["Huang","Jianqi",""],["Tatsumi","Yuki",""],["Yang","Teng",""],["Saito","Riichiro",""]]} {"id":"2308.05901","submitter":"Shenghui Cheng","authors":"Jinyu Li, Ping Hu, Weicheng Cui, Tianyi Huang, and Shenghui Cheng","title":"Deepsea: A Meta-ocean Prototype for Undersea Exploration","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.HC cs.GR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Metaverse has attracted great attention from industry and academia in recent\nyears. Metaverse for the ocean (Meta-ocean) is the implementation of the\nMetaverse technologies in virtual emersion of the ocean which is beneficial for\npeople yearning for the ocean. It has demonstrated great potential for tourism\nand education with its strong immersion and appealing interactive user\nexperience. However, quite limited endeavors have been spent on exploring the\nfull possibility of Meta-ocean, especially in modeling the movements of marine\ncreatures. In this paper, we first investigate the technology status of\nMetaverse and virtual reality (VR) and develop a prototype that builds the\nMeta-ocean in VR devices with strong immersive visual effects. Then, we\ndemonstrate a method to model the undersea scene and marine creatures and\npropose an optimized path algorithm based on the Catmull-Rom spline to model\nthe movements of marine life. Finally, we conduct a user study to analyze our\nMeta-ocean prototype. This user study illustrates that our new prototype can\ngive us strong immersion and an appealing interactive user experience.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 01:39:34 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Li","Jinyu",""],["Hu","Ping",""],["Cui","Weicheng",""],["Huang","Tianyi",""],["Cheng","Shenghui",""]]} {"id":"2308.05902","submitter":"Chen Xu","authors":"Chen Xu, Xiaopeng Ye, Jun Xu, Xiao Zhang, Weiran Shen, Ji-Rong Wen","title":"LTP-MMF: Towards Long-term Provider Max-min Fairness Under\n Recommendation Feedback Loops","comments":"arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2303.06660","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Multi-stakeholder recommender systems involve various roles, such as users,\nproviders. Previous work pointed out that max-min fairness (MMF) is a better\nmetric to support weak providers. However, when considering MMF, the features\nor parameters of these roles vary over time, how to ensure long-term provider\nMMF has become a significant challenge. We observed that recommendation\nfeedback loops (named RFL) will influence the provider MMF greatly in the long\nterm. RFL means that recommender system can only receive feedback on exposed\nitems from users and update recommender models incrementally based on this\nfeedback. When utilizing the feedback, the recommender model will regard\nunexposed item as negative. In this way, tail provider will not get the\nopportunity to be exposed, and its items will always be considered as negative\nsamples. Such phenomenons will become more and more serious in RFL. To\nalleviate the problem, this paper proposes an online ranking model named\nLong-Term Provider Max-min Fairness (named LTP-MMF). Theoretical analysis shows\nthat the long-term regret of LTP-MMF enjoys a sub-linear bound. Experimental\nresults on three public recommendation benchmarks demonstrated that LTP-MMF can\noutperform the baselines in the long term.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 01:52:23 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Xu","Chen",""],["Ye","Xiaopeng",""],["Xu","Jun",""],["Zhang","Xiao",""],["Shen","Weiran",""],["Wen","Ji-Rong",""]]} {"id":"2308.05903","submitter":"Daniel Ries","authors":"Daniel Ries, Joshua Michalenko, Tyler Ganter, Rashad Imad-Fayez\n Baiyasi, Jason Adams","title":"Comparing the quality of neural network uncertainty estimates for\n classification problems","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG stat.ML","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Traditional deep learning (DL) models are powerful classifiers, but many\napproaches do not provide uncertainties for their estimates. Uncertainty\nquantification (UQ) methods for DL models have received increased attention in\nthe literature due to their usefulness in decision making, particularly for\nhigh-consequence decisions. However, there has been little research done on how\nto evaluate the quality of such methods. We use statistical methods of\nfrequentist interval coverage and interval width to evaluate the quality of\ncredible intervals, and expected calibration error to evaluate classification\npredicted confidence. These metrics are evaluated on Bayesian neural networks\n(BNN) fit using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and variational inference (VI),\nbootstrapped neural networks (NN), Deep Ensembles (DE), and Monte Carlo (MC)\ndropout. We apply these different UQ for DL methods to a hyperspectral image\ntarget detection problem and show the inconsistency of the different methods'\nresults and the necessity of a UQ quality metric. To reconcile these\ndifferences and choose a UQ method that appropriately quantifies the\nuncertainty, we create a simulated data set with fully parameterized\nprobability distribution for a two-class classification problem. The gold\nstandard MCMC performs the best overall, and the bootstrapped NN is a close\nsecond, requiring the same computational expense as DE. Through this\ncomparison, we demonstrate that, for a given data set, different models can\nproduce uncertainty estimates of markedly different quality. This in turn\npoints to a great need for principled assessment methods of UQ quality in DL\napplications.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 01:55:14 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Ries","Daniel",""],["Michalenko","Joshua",""],["Ganter","Tyler",""],["Baiyasi","Rashad Imad-Fayez",""],["Adams","Jason",""]]} {"id":"2308.05904","submitter":"Gianluca Calcagni","authors":"Gianluca Calcagni, Sachiko Kuroyanagi","title":"Log-periodic stochastic gravitational-wave background beyond Einstein\n gravity","comments":"28 pages, 3 figures, 1 table. v2: section 3 reorganized and\n shortened, conclusions expanded, references added","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":"ET-0274A-23, IFT-UAM/CSIC-23-105","categories":"gr-qc astro-ph.CO hep-th","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Periodic patterns of logarithmic oscillations can arise in primordial\ncurvature perturbation spectra and in the associated stochastic\ngravitational-wave background via different mechanisms. We show that, in the\npresence of log oscillations, the spectral shape of the stochastic background\nhas a unique parametrization independent of its physical origin. We also show\nthat this log-periodic modulation can be generated in any scenario beyond\nEinstein gravity endowed with an approximate discrete scale invariance, a\nsymmetry typical of deterministic fractal spacetimes that could emerge in\nquantum gravity under certain conditions. We discuss how a log-oscillatory\nspectral shape arises from concrete inflationary models beyond Einstein gravity\nand the prospects for detection in Einstein Telescope and other next-generation\ngravitational-wave observatories. We find that these instruments will be\nsensitive to log-periodic features if the detection is made with a high\nsignal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and that the error scales as $1/{\\rm SNR}$.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 02:01:13 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Thu, 24 Aug 2023 10:12:06 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-25","authors_parsed":[["Calcagni","Gianluca",""],["Kuroyanagi","Sachiko",""]]} {"id":"2308.05905","submitter":"Taylor Contreras","authors":"T. Contreras, A. Martins, C. Stanford, C. O. Escobar, R. Guenette, M.\n stancari, J. Martin-Albo, B. Lawrence-Sanderson, A. Para, A. Kish, F.\n Kellerer","title":"A Method To Characterize Metalenses For Light Collection Applications","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.app-ph hep-ex physics.ins-det physics.optics","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Metalenses and metasurfaces are promising emerging technologies that could\nimprove light collection in light collection detectors, concentrating light on\nsmall area photodetectors such as silicon photomultipliers. Here we present a\ndetailed method to characterize metalenses to assess their efficiency at\nconcentrating monochromatic light coming from a wide range of incidence angles,\nnot taking into account their imaging quality.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:44:28 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Wed, 23 Aug 2023 18:33:57 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-25","authors_parsed":[["Contreras","T.",""],["Martins","A.",""],["Stanford","C.",""],["Escobar","C. O.",""],["Guenette","R.",""],["stancari","M.",""],["Martin-Albo","J.",""],["Lawrence-Sanderson","B.",""],["Para","A.",""],["Kish","A.",""],["Kellerer","F.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05906","submitter":"Zaman Keinath-Esmail","authors":"Zaman Keinath-Esmail","title":"On the equivalence of Occam algorithms","comments":"13 pages, submitted to Information and Computation","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.DS cs.IT math.IT","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Blumer et al. (1987, 1989) showed that any concept class that is learnable by\nOccam algorithms is PAC learnable. Board and Pitt (1990) showed a partial\nconverse of this theorem: for concept classes that are closed under exception\nlists, any class that is PAC learnable is learnable by an Occam algorithm.\nHowever, their Occam algorithm outputs a hypothesis whose complexity is\n$\\delta$-dependent, which is an important limitation. In this paper, we show\nthat their partial converse applies to Occam algorithms with\n$\\delta$-independent complexities as well. Thus, we provide a posteriori\njustification of various theoretical results and algorithm design methods which\nuse the partial converse as a basis for their work.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 02:05:08 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Keinath-Esmail","Zaman",""]]} {"id":"2308.05907","submitter":"Majid Daliri","authors":"Majid Daliri, Juliana Freire, Christopher Musco, A\\'ecio Santos,\n Haoxiang Zhang","title":"Simple Analysis of Priority Sampling","comments":"6 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.DS cs.DB","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We prove a tight upper bound on the variance of the priority sampling method\n(aka sequential Poisson sampling). Our proof is significantly shorter and\nsimpler than the original proof given by Mario Szegedy at STOC 2006, which\nresolved a conjecture by Duffield, Lund, and Thorup.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 02:09:37 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Daliri","Majid",""],["Freire","Juliana",""],["Musco","Christopher",""],["Santos","A\u00e9cio",""],["Zhang","Haoxiang",""]]} {"id":"2308.05908","submitter":"Anton Artemyev","authors":"Xiaofei Shi, David S. Tonoian, Anton V. Artemyev, Xiao-Jia Zhang, and\n Vassilis Angelopoulos","title":"Electron resonant interaction with whistler-mode waves around the\n Earth's bow shock I: the probabilistic approach","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.space-ph physics.plasm-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Adiabatic heating of solar wind electrons at the Earth's bow shock and its\nforeshock region produces transversely anisotropic hot electrons that, in turn,\ngenerate intense high-frequency whistler-mode waves. These waves are often\ndetected by spacecraft as narrow-band, electromagnetic emissions in the\nfrequency range of [0.1,0.5] of the local electron gyrofrequency. Resonant\ninteractions between these waves and electrons may cause electron acceleration\nand pitch-angle scattering, which can be important for creating the electron\npopulation that seeds shock drift acceleration. The high intensity and\ncoherence of the observed whistler-mode waves prohibit the use of quasi-linear\ntheory to describe their interaction with electrons. In this paper, we aim to\ndevelop a new theoretical approach to describe this interaction, that\nincorporates nonlinear resonant interactions, gradients of the background\ndensity and magnetic field, and the fine structure of the waveforms that\nusually consist of short, intense wave-packet trains. This is the first of two\naccompanying papers. It outlines a probabilistic approach to describe the\nwave-particle interaction. We demonstrate how the wave-packet size affects\nelectron nonlinear resonance at the bow shock and foreshock regions, and how to\nevaluate electron distribution dynamics in such a system that is frequented by\nshort, intense whistler-mode wave-packets. In the second paper, this\nprobabilistic approach is merged with a mapping technique, which allows us to\nmodel systems containing short and long wave-packets.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 02:16:36 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Shi","Xiaofei",""],["Tonoian","David S.",""],["Artemyev","Anton V.",""],["Zhang","Xiao-Jia",""],["Angelopoulos","Vassilis",""]]} {"id":"2308.05909","submitter":"Anton Artemyev","authors":"David S. Tonoian, Xiaofei Shi, Anton V. Artemyev, Xiao-Jia Zhang, and\n Vassilis Angelopoulos","title":"Electron resonant interaction with whistler-mode waves around the\n Earth's bow shock II: the mapping technique","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.space-ph physics.plasm-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Electron resonant scattering by high-frequency electromagnetic whistler-mode\nwaves has been proposed as a mechanism for solar wind electron scattering and\npre-acceleration to energies that enable them to participate in shock drift\nacceleration around the Earth's bow shock. However, observed whistler-mode\nwaves are often sufficiently intense to resonate with electrons nonlinearly,\nwhich prohibits the application of quasi-linear diffusion theory. This is the\nsecond of two accompanying papers devoted to developing a new theoretical\napproach for quantifying the electron distribution evolution subject to\nmultiple resonant interactions with intense whistler-mode wave-packets. In the\nfirst paper, we described a probabilistic approach, applicable to systems with\nshort wave-packets. For such systems, nonlinear resonant effects can be treated\nby diffusion theory, but with diffusion rates different from those of\nquasi-linear diffusion. In this paper we generalize this approach by merging it\nwith a mapping technique. This technique can be used to model the electron\ndistribution evolution in the presence of significantly non-diffusive resonant\nscattering by intense long wave-packets. We verify our technique by comparing\nits predictions with results from a numerical integration approach.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 02:20:19 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Tonoian","David S.",""],["Shi","Xiaofei",""],["Artemyev","Anton V.",""],["Zhang","Xiao-Jia",""],["Angelopoulos","Vassilis",""]]} {"id":"2308.05910","submitter":"Rashid Bikbaev Mr.","authors":"Rashid G. Bikbaev, Kuo-Ping Chen, Ivan V. Timofeev","title":"Two-dimensional dynamic beam steering by Tamm plasmon polariton","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.optics physics.app-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The dynamic steering of a beam reflected from a photonic structure supporting\nTamm plasmon polariton is demonstrated. The phase and amplitude of the\nreflected wave are adjusted by modulating the refractive index of a transparent\nconductive oxide layer by applying a bias voltage. It is shown that the\nproposed design allows for two-dimensional beam steering by deflecting the\nlight beam along the polar and azimuthal angles.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 02:22:46 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Bikbaev","Rashid G.",""],["Chen","Kuo-Ping",""],["Timofeev","Ivan V.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05911","submitter":"Yiheng Liu","authors":"Yiheng Liu, Junta Wu, Yi Fu","title":"Collaborative Tracking Learning for Frame-Rate-Insensitive Multi-Object\n Tracking","comments":"Accepted by ICCV 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Multi-object tracking (MOT) at low frame rates can reduce computational,\nstorage and power overhead to better meet the constraints of edge devices. Many\nexisting MOT methods suffer from significant performance degradation in\nlow-frame-rate videos due to significant location and appearance changes\nbetween adjacent frames. To this end, we propose to explore collaborative\ntracking learning (ColTrack) for frame-rate-insensitive MOT in a query-based\nend-to-end manner. Multiple historical queries of the same target jointly track\nit with richer temporal descriptions. Meanwhile, we insert an information\nrefinement module between every two temporal blocking decoders to better fuse\ntemporal clues and refine features. Moreover, a tracking object consistency\nloss is proposed to guide the interaction between historical queries. Extensive\nexperimental results demonstrate that in high-frame-rate videos, ColTrack\nobtains higher performance than state-of-the-art methods on large-scale\ndatasets Dancetrack and BDD100K, and outperforms the existing end-to-end\nmethods on MOT17. More importantly, ColTrack has a significant advantage over\nstate-of-the-art methods in low-frame-rate videos, which allows it to obtain\nfaster processing speeds by reducing frame-rate requirements while maintaining\nhigher performance. Code will be released at\nhttps://github.com/yolomax/ColTrack\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 02:25:58 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Liu","Yiheng",""],["Wu","Junta",""],["Fu","Yi",""]]} {"id":"2308.05912","submitter":"Hector Galindo-Silva","authors":"Hector Galindo-Silva","title":"Ideological Ambiguity and Political Spectrum","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"econ.GN q-fin.EC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" This study examines the relationship between ambiguity and the ideological\npositioning of political parties across the political spectrum. We identify a\nstrong non-monotonic (inverted U-shaped) relationship between party ideology\nand ambiguity within a sample of 202 European political parties. This pattern\nis observed across all ideological dimensions covered in the data. To explain\nthis pattern, we propose a novel theory that suggests centrist parties are\nperceived as less risky by voters compared to extremist parties, giving them an\nadvantage in employing ambiguity to attract more voters at a lower cost. We\nsupport our explanation with additional evidence from electoral outcomes and\neconomic indicators in the respective party countries.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 02:30:22 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Galindo-Silva","Hector",""]]} {"id":"2308.05913","submitter":"Mohamed Amazioug PhD","authors":"M. Amazioug, B. Maroufi and M. Daoud","title":"Creating mirror-mirror quantum correlations in optomechanics","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1140/epjd/e2020-100518-7","report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We study the transfer of quantum correlations between two movable mirrors of\ntwo Fabry-P\\'erot cavities separated via broadband squeezed light and coupled\nvia photon hopping process. We investigate the transfer of quantum correlations\nfrom EPR entangled squeezed light to the movable mirrors. We show that Gaussian\nquantum steering remains lower than entanglement. We employ Gaussian quantum\nsteering to characterize the steerability between the two mechanical modes. The\nlogarithmic negativity is used as the witness of quantum entanglement and\nGaussian quantum discord gives the measure of all non classical correlations\nincluding entanglement. We conclude that the transfer of quantum correlations\nis optimal for a strong optomechanical coupling and decreases with the thermal\neffects. We also conclude that steering, entanglement and discord are directly\nrelated to photon hopping coupling and the squeezing parameter.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 02:38:26 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-16","authors_parsed":[["Amazioug","M.",""],["Maroufi","B.",""],["Daoud","M.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05914","submitter":"Peimeng Yin","authors":"Peimeng Yin, Eirik Endeve, Cory D. Hauck, and Stefan R. Schnake","title":"A semi-implicit dynamical low-rank discontinuous Galerkin method for\n space homogeneous kinetic equations. Part I: emission and absorption","comments":"33 pages, 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NA cs.NA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Dynamical low-rank approximation (DLRA) is an emerging tool for reducing\ncomputational costs and provides memory savings when solving high-dimensional\nproblems. In this work, we propose and analyze a semi-implicit dynamical\nlow-rank discontinuous Galerkin (DLR-DG) method for the space homogeneous\nkinetic equation with a relaxation operator, modeling the emission and\nabsorption of particles by a background medium. Both DLRA and the DG scheme can\nbe formulated as Galerkin equations. To ensure their consistency, a weighted\nDLRA is introduced so that the resulting DLR-DG solution is a solution to the\nfully discrete DG scheme in a subspace of the classical DG solution space.\nSimilar to the classical DG method, we show that the proposed DLR-DG method is\nwell-posed. We also identify conditions such that the DLR-DG solution converges\nto the equilibrium. Numerical results are presented to demonstrate the\ntheoretical findings.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 02:39:48 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Yin","Peimeng",""],["Endeve","Eirik",""],["Hauck","Cory D.",""],["Schnake","Stefan R.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05915","submitter":"Drew Yarger","authors":"Drew Yarger, J. Derek Tucker","title":"Detecting changepoints in globally-indexed functional time series","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.AP stat.ME","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In environmental and climate data, there is often an interest in determining\nif and when changes occur in a system. Such changes may result from localized\nsources in space and time like a volcanic eruption or climate geoengineering\nevents. Detecting such events and their subsequent influence on climate has\nimportant policy implications. However, the climate system is complex, and such\nchanges can be challenging to detect. One statistical perspective for\nchangepoint detection is functional time series, where one observes an entire\nfunction at each time point. We will consider the context where each time point\nis a year, and we observe a function of temperature indexed by day of the year.\nFurthermore, such data is measured at many spatial locations on Earth, which\nmotivates accommodating sets of functional time series that are\nspatially-indexed on a sphere. Simultaneously inferring changes that can occur\nat different times for different locations is challenging. We propose test\nstatistics for detecting these changepoints, and we evaluate performance using\nvarying levels of data complexity, including a simulation study, simplified\nclimate model simulations, and climate reanalysis data. We evaluate changes in\nstratospheric temperature globally over 1984-1998. Such changes may be\nassociated with the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo in 1991.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 02:45:12 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Yarger","Drew",""],["Tucker","J. Derek",""]]} {"id":"2308.05916","submitter":"Anamaria Berea","authors":"Edgar Arguello, Sam Carter, Cristina Grieg, Michael Hammer, Chris\n Prather, Clark Petri, Anamaria Berea","title":"An Exploration of Mars Colonization with Agent-Based Modeling","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CY cs.MA nlin.AO stat.CO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Establishing a human settlement on Mars is an incredibly complex engineering\nproblem. The inhospitable nature of the Martian environment requires any\nhabitat to be largely self-sustaining. Beyond mining a few basic minerals and\nwater, the colonizers will be dependent on Earth resupply and replenishment of\nnecessities via technological means, i.e., splitting Martian water into oxygen\nfor breathing and hydrogen for fuel. Beyond the technical and engineering\nchallenges, future colonists will also face psychological and human behavior\nchallenges. Our goal is to better understand the behavioral and psychological\ninteractions of future Martian colonists through an Agent-Based Modeling (ABM\nsimulation) approach. We seek to identify areas of consideration for planning a\ncolony as well as propose a minimum initial population size required to create\na stable colony. Accounting for engineering and technological limitations, we\ndraw on research regarding high performing teams in isolated and high stress\nenvironments (ex: submarines, Arctic exploration, ISS, war) to include the 4\nbasic personality types within the ABM. Interactions between agents with\ndifferent psychological profiles are modeled at the individual level, while\nglobal events such as accidents or delays in Earth resupply affect the colony\nas a whole. From our multiple simulations and scenarios (up to 28 Earth years),\nwe found that an initial population of 22 was the minimum required to maintain\na viable colony size over the long run. We also found that the agreeable\npersonality type was the one more likely to survive. We find, contrary to other\nliterature, that the minimum number of people with all personality types that\ncan lead to a sustainable settlement is in the tens and not hundreds.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 02:52:46 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Arguello","Edgar",""],["Carter","Sam",""],["Grieg","Cristina",""],["Hammer","Michael",""],["Prather","Chris",""],["Petri","Clark",""],["Berea","Anamaria",""]]} {"id":"2308.05917","submitter":"Rajesh Kr Yadav Dr","authors":"Suman Banerjee, Rajesh Kumar Yadav, Avinash Khare and Bhabani Prasad\n Mandal","title":"A Class of Exactly Solvable Real and Complex $PT$ Symmetric\n Reflectionless Potentials","comments":"26 pages, 49 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph hep-th math-ph math.MP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We consider the question of the number of exactly solvable complex but\nPT-invariant reflectionless potentials with $N$ bound states. By carefully\nconsidering the $X_m$ rationally extended reflectionless potentials, we argue\nthat the total number of exactly solvable complex PT-invariant reflectionless\npotentials are $2[(2N-1)m+N]$.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 02:53:52 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Banerjee","Suman",""],["Yadav","Rajesh Kumar",""],["Khare","Avinash",""],["Mandal","Bhabani Prasad",""]]} {"id":"2308.05918","submitter":"Jun-Jie Wei Dr.","authors":"Jun-Jie Wei, Fulvio Melia","title":"Investigating Cosmological Models and the Hubble Tension using Localized\n Fast Radio Bursts","comments":"11 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in ApJ","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.CO astro-ph.HE","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We use the dispersion measure (DM) and redshift measurements of 24 localized\nfast radio bursts (FRBs) to compare cosmological models and investigate the\nHubble tension. Setting a flat prior on the DM contribution from the Milky\nWay's halo, $\\mathrm{DM_{halo}^{MW}}\\in[5,\\;80]\\;\\mathrm{pc\\;cm^{-3}}$, the\nbest fit for flat $\\Lambda$CDM is obtained with a Hubble constant\n$H_0=95.8^{+7.8}_{-9.2}\\;\\mathrm{km\\;s^{-1}\\;Mpc^{-1}}$ and a median matter\ndensity $\\Omega_{\\mathrm{m}}\\approx0.66$. The best fit for the\n$R_{\\mathrm{h}}=ct$ universe is realized with\n$H_0=94.2^{+5.6}_{-6.2}\\;\\mathrm{km\\;s^{-1}\\;Mpc^{-1}}$. We emphasize that the\n$H_0$ measurement depends sensitively on the $\\mathrm{DM_{halo}^{MW}}$ prior.\nSince flat $\\Lambda$CDM has one more free parameter, $R_{\\mathrm{h}}=ct$ is\nfavored by the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) with a likelihood of\n$\\sim73\\%$ versus $\\sim27\\%$. Through simulations, we find that if the real\ncosmology is $\\Lambda$CDM, a sample of $\\sim1,150$ FRBs in the redshift range\n$01$. Spectral properties of\nthe dynamic Laplacian are connected to the geometric problem of finding\n\"coherent\" sets with persistently small boundaries under dynamical evolution,\nand we show that the dynamic $p$-Laplacian shares similar geometric\nconnections. In particular, we prove that the first eigenvalue of the dynamic\n$p$-Laplacian with Dirichlet boundary conditions exists and converges to a\ndynamic version of the Cheeger constant introduced in (Froyland, 2015) as\n$p\\rightarrow 1$. We develop a numerical scheme to estimate the leading\neigenfunctions of the (nonlinear) dynamic $p$-Laplacian, and through a series\nof examples we investigate the behaviour of the level sets of these\neigenfunctions. These level sets define the boundaries of sets in the domain of\nthe dynamics that remain coherent under the dynamical evolution.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 05:46:09 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Unanue","Alvaro de Diego",""],["Froyland","Gary",""],["Junge","Oliver",""],["Koltai","P\u00e9ter",""]]} {"id":"2308.05948","submitter":"Yiyang Cai","authors":"Yiyang Cai, Jiaming Lu, Jiewen Wang, Shuang Liang","title":"Uncertainty-Aware Cross-Modal Transfer Network for Sketch-Based 3D Shape\n Retrieval","comments":"6 pages, 7 figures; To be published in IEEE International Conference\n on Multimedia and Expo 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In recent years, sketch-based 3D shape retrieval has attracted growing\nattention. While many previous studies have focused on cross-modal matching\nbetween hand-drawn sketches and 3D shapes, the critical issue of how to handle\nlow-quality and noisy samples in sketch data has been largely neglected. This\npaper presents an uncertainty-aware cross-modal transfer network (UACTN) that\naddresses this issue. UACTN decouples the representation learning of sketches\nand 3D shapes into two separate tasks: classification-based sketch uncertainty\nlearning and 3D shape feature transfer. We first introduce an end-to-end\nclassification-based approach that simultaneously learns sketch features and\nuncertainty, allowing uncertainty to prevent overfitting noisy sketches by\nassigning different levels of importance to clean and noisy sketches. Then, 3D\nshape features are mapped into the pre-learned sketch embedding space for\nfeature alignment. Extensive experiments and ablation studies on two benchmarks\ndemonstrate the superiority of our proposed method compared to state-of-the-art\nmethods.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 05:46:52 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Cai","Yiyang",""],["Lu","Jiaming",""],["Wang","Jiewen",""],["Liang","Shuang",""]]} {"id":"2308.05949","submitter":"R.S. Prasobh Sankar","authors":"R.S. Prasobh Sankar and Sundeep Prabhakar Chepuri","title":"Coded Aperture Radar Imaging Using Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SP cs.IT math.IT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In this paper, we focus on radar imaging using active sensing with a single\ntransceiver and reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS). RISs are arrays with\ntunable passive phase shifter elements that can modify the propagation channel.\nThe RIS reflects each transmit pulse with a different phase profile. We use\ncompressive sensing to recover the radar scene from observations at the\nsingle-antenna receiver. We also provide a projected gradient descent algorithm\nto design the RIS phase shifts to obtain minimally coherent observations\nrequired for recovery. Through numerical simulations, we demonstrate that the\nproposed method recovers radar scenes with point scatterers and extended\ntargets.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 05:49:11 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Sankar","R. S. Prasobh",""],["Chepuri","Sundeep Prabhakar",""]]} {"id":"2308.05950","submitter":"Sumit Patel","authors":"Ras Dwivedi, Sumit Patel, Prof. Sandeep Shukla","title":"Blockchain-Based Transferable Digital Rights of Land","comments":"5 pages, Paper presented in https://easychair.org/cfp/ICSF2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.DC cs.CR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Land, being a scarce and valuable resource, is in high demand, especially in\ndensely populated areas of older cities. Development authorities require land\nfor infrastructure projects and other amenities, while landowners hold onto\ntheir land for both its usage and its financial value. Transferable Development\nRights (TDRs) serve as a mechanism to separate the development rights\nassociated with the land from the physical land itself. Development authorities\nacquire the land by offering compensation in the form of TDRs, which hold\nmonetary value. In this paper, we present the tokenization of development\nrights, focusing on the implementation in collaboration with a development\nauthority. While there have been previous implementations of land tokenization,\nwe believe our approach is the first to tokenize development rights\nspecifically. Our implementation addresses practical challenges related to\nrecord-keeping, ground verification of land, and the unique identification of\nstakeholders. We ensure the accurate evaluation of development rights by\nincorporating publicly available circle rates, which consider the ground\ndevelopment of the land and its surrounding areas.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 05:50:40 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Dwivedi","Ras",""],["Patel","Sumit",""],["Shukla","Prof. Sandeep",""]]} {"id":"2308.05951","submitter":"Anupam Sahoo","authors":"Anupam Sahoo, Apurba Das","title":"Homotopy conformal algebras","comments":"18 pages, comments are welcome","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.RA math-ph math.MP math.RT","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The notion of conformal algebras was introduced by Victor G. Kac using the\naxiomatic description of the operator product expansion of chiral fields in\nconformal field theory. The structure theory, representations and cohomology of\nLie and associative conformal algebras are extensively studied in the\nliterature. In this paper, we first introduce $A_\\infty$-conformal algebras as\nthe homotopy analogue of associative conformal algebras and provide some\nequivalent descriptions. We characterize some $A_\\infty$-conformal algebras in\nterms of Hochschild cohomology classes of associative conformal algebras. Next,\nwe introduce associative conformal $2$-algebras as the categorification of\nassociative conformal algebras. We show that the category of associative\nconformal $2$-algebras and the category of $2$-term $A_\\infty$-conformal\nalgebras are equivalent. Finally, we consider $L_\\infty$-conformal algebras and\nfind their relations with $A_\\infty$-conformal algebras.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 05:53:34 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Sahoo","Anupam",""],["Das","Apurba",""]]} {"id":"2308.05952","submitter":"Franziska Weindel","authors":"Franziska Weindel, Andreas L. Gimpel, Robert N. Grass and Reinhard\n Heckel","title":"Embracing Errors is More Efficient than Avoiding Them through\n Constrained Coding for DNA Data Storage","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IT math.IT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" DNA is an attractive medium for digital data storage. When data is stored on\nDNA, errors occur, which makes error-correcting coding techniques critical for\nreliable DNA data storage. To reduce the number of errors, a common technique\nis to include constraints that avoid homopolymers (consecutive repeated\nnucleotides) and balance the GC content, as sequences with homopolymers and\nunbalanced GC contents are often associated with larger error rates. However,\nconstrained coding comes at the cost of an increase in redundancy. An\nalternative (unconstrained coding) is to control the errors by randomizing the\nsequences, embracing errors, and paying for them with additional coding\nredundancy. In this paper, we determine the error regimes in which embracing\nerrors is more efficient than constrained coding. We find that constrained\ncoding is inefficient in most common error regimes for DNA data storage.\nSpecifically, the error probabilities for nucleotides in homopolymers and in\nsequences with unbalanced GC contents must be very large for constrained coding\nto achieve a higher code rate than unconstrained coding.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 05:54:30 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Weindel","Franziska",""],["Gimpel","Andreas L.",""],["Grass","Robert N.",""],["Heckel","Reinhard",""]]} {"id":"2308.05953","submitter":"Osamu Saeki","authors":"Osamu Saeki","title":"Reeb spaces of smooth functions on manifolds II","comments":"11 pages, 6 figures, continuation of the previous paper \"Reeb spaces\n of smooth functions on manifolds\"","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.GT","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" The Reeb space of a continuous function is the space of connected components\nof the level sets. In this paper we characterize those smooth functions on\nclosed manifolds whose Reeb spaces have the structure of a finite graph. We\nalso give several explicit examples of smooth functions on closed manifolds\nsuch that they themselves or their Reeb spaces have some interesting\nproperties.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 05:55:04 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Saeki","Osamu",""]]} {"id":"2308.05954","submitter":"Damien Gaboriau","authors":"P\\'en\\'elope Azuelos and Damien Gaboriau","title":"Perfect kernel and dynamics: from Bass-Serre theory to hyperbolic groups","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.GR math.DS","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We introduce several approaches to studying the Cantor-Bendixson\ndecomposition of and the dynamics on the (topological) space of subgroups for\nvarious families of countable groups. In particular, we uncover the perfect\nkernel and the Cantor-Bendixson rank of the space of subgroups of many new\ngroups, including for instance infinitely ended groups, limit groups,\nhyperbolic 3-manifold groups and many graphs of free groups with cyclic edge\ngroups. We also study the topological dynamics of the conjugation action on the\nperfect kernel, establishing the conditions for topological transitivity and\nhigher topological transitivity.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 06:02:22 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Azuelos","P\u00e9n\u00e9lope",""],["Gaboriau","Damien",""]]} {"id":"2308.05955","submitter":"Yuya Ominato","authors":"Yuya Ominato, Ai Yamakage, and Mamoru Matsuo","title":"Dynamical Majorana Ising spin response in a topological\n superconductor-magnet hybrid by microwave irradiation","comments":"8 pages, 3 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mes-hall","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We study a dynamical spin response of surface Majorana fermions in a\ntopological superconductor-magnet hybrid under microwave irradiation. We find a\nmethod to toggle between dissipative and non-dissipative Majorana Ising spin\ndynamics by adjusting the external magnetic field angle and the microwave\nfrequency. This reflects the topological nature of the Majorana fermions,\nenhancing the Gilbert damping of the magnet, thereby, providing a detection\nmethod for the Majorana Ising spins. Our findings illuminate a magnetic probe\nfor Majorana fermions, paving the path to innovative spin devices.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 06:10:43 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Ominato","Yuya",""],["Yamakage","Ai",""],["Matsuo","Mamoru",""]]} {"id":"2308.05956","submitter":"Wakana Kubo","authors":"Ryosuke Nakayama, Sohei Saito, Takuo Tanaka, and Wakana Kubo","title":"Metasurface absorber enhanced thermoelectric conversion","comments":"13 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.optics physics.app-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Metasurfaces are artificial thin materials that achieve optical thickness\nthrough thin geometrical structure. This feature of metasurfaces results in\nunprecedented benefits for enhancing the performance of optoelectronic devices.\nIn this study, we report that this metasurface feature is also essential to\ndrive photo-thermoelectric conversion, which requires the accumulation of\nthermal energy and effective heat conduction. For example, a\nmetasurface-attached thermoelectric device placed in an environment with\nuniform thermal radiation generates an output voltage by gathering the thermal\nenergies existing in the environment and creating an additional thermal\ngradient across the thermoelectric element. In contrast, when a\n100-um-thick-carbon-black-coated electrode was used instead of the metasurface,\nthe device showed low-er thermoelectric performance than that of the\nmetasurface-attached device although carbon black exhibits higher infrared\nabsorption than the metasurface. These results indicate that metasurface\ncharacteristics of optical thickness and thin geometrical structure for\nachieving the high thermal conductance are essential in enhancing the\nperformance of photo-thermoelectric devices in terms of the effective\ncollection of thermal energies and conduction of local heating.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 06:11:06 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Nakayama","Ryosuke",""],["Saito","Sohei",""],["Tanaka","Takuo",""],["Kubo","Wakana",""]]} {"id":"2308.05957","submitter":"Jun Hee Kim","authors":"Jun Hee Kim, Jaeman Son, Hyunsoo Kim, Eunjo Lee","title":"Node Embedding for Homophilous Graphs with ARGEW: Augmentation of Random\n walks by Graph Edge Weights","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SI cs.LG stat.ML","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Representing nodes in a network as dense vectors node embeddings is important\nfor understanding a given network and solving many downstream tasks. In\nparticular, for weighted homophilous graphs where similar nodes are connected\nwith larger edge weights, we desire node embeddings where node pairs with\nstrong weights have closer embeddings. Although random walk based node\nembedding methods like node2vec and node2vec+ do work for weighted networks via\nincluding edge weights in the walk transition probabilities, our experiments\nshow that the embedding result does not adequately reflect edge weights. In\nthis paper, we propose ARGEW (Augmentation of Random walks by Graph Edge\nWeights), a novel augmentation method for random walks that expands the corpus\nin such a way that nodes with larger edge weights end up with closer\nembeddings. ARGEW can work with any random walk based node embedding method,\nbecause it is independent of the random sampling strategy itself and works on\ntop of the already-performed walks. With several real-world networks, we\ndemonstrate that with ARGEW, compared to not using it, the desired pattern that\nnode pairs with larger edge weights have closer embeddings is much clearer. We\nalso examine ARGEW's performance in node classification: node2vec with ARGEW\noutperforms pure node2vec and is not sensitive to hyperparameters (i.e.\nconsistently good). In fact, it achieves similarly good results as supervised\nGCN, even without any node feature or label information during training.\nFinally, we explain why ARGEW works consistently well by exploring the\ncoappearance distributions using a synthetic graph with clear structural roles.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 06:19:23 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Kim","Jun Hee",""],["Son","Jaeman",""],["Kim","Hyunsoo",""],["Lee","Eunjo",""]]} {"id":"2308.05958","submitter":"Lingyun Qiu","authors":"Lingyun Qiu, Zhongjing Wang, Hui Yu, Shenwen Yu","title":"Traceability of Water Pollution: An Inversion Scheme Via Dynamic CGO\n Solutions","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NA cs.NA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We aim to identify the time-dependent source term in the diffusion equation\nusing boundary measurements. This facilitates tracing back the origins of\nenvironmental pollutants. Based on the idea of dynamic complex geometrical\noptics (CGO) solutions, we analyze a variational formulation of the inverse\nsource problem and prove the uniqueness result. We propose a two-step\nreconstruction algorithm. Initially, the locations of the point sources are\ndetermined, followed by the reconstruction of the Fourier components of the\nemission concentration functions. Numerical experiments on simulated data are\nconducted. The results demonstrate that our proposed two-step reconstruction\nalgorithm can reliably reconstruct multiple point sources and accurately\nreconstruct the emission concentration functions. Additionally, we partition\nthe algorithm into online and offline computations, with the bulk of the work\ndone offline. This paves the way for real-time traceability of pollutants. Our\nproposed method, applicable in various fields - especially those related to\nwater pollution, can identify the source of a contaminant in the environment,\nthus serving as a valuable tool in environmental protection.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 06:25:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Qiu","Lingyun",""],["Wang","Zhongjing",""],["Yu","Hui",""],["Yu","Shenwen",""]]} {"id":"2308.05959","submitter":"Mateen Ulhaq","authors":"Mateen Ulhaq, Ivan V. Baji\\'c","title":"Learned Point Cloud Compression for Classification","comments":"6 pages, 4 figures, IEEE MMSP 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.IV cs.CV cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Deep learning is increasingly being used to perform machine vision tasks such\nas classification, object detection, and segmentation on 3D point cloud data.\nHowever, deep learning inference is computationally expensive. The limited\ncomputational capabilities of end devices thus necessitate a codec for\ntransmitting point cloud data over the network for server-side processing. Such\na codec must be lightweight and capable of achieving high compression ratios\nwithout sacrificing accuracy. Motivated by this, we present a novel point cloud\ncodec that is highly specialized for the machine task of classification. Our\ncodec, based on PointNet, achieves a significantly better rate-accuracy\ntrade-off in comparison to alternative methods. In particular, it achieves a\n94% reduction in BD-bitrate over non-specialized codecs on the ModelNet40\ndataset. For low-resource end devices, we also propose two lightweight\nconfigurations of our encoder that achieve similar BD-bitrate reductions of 93%\nand 92% with 3% and 5% drops in top-1 accuracy, while consuming only 0.470 and\n0.048 encoder-side kMACs/point, respectively. Our codec demonstrates the\npotential of specialized codecs for machine analysis of point clouds, and\nprovides a basis for extension to more complex tasks and datasets in the\nfuture.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 06:28:19 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Ulhaq","Mateen",""],["Baji\u0107","Ivan V.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05960","submitter":"Zhiwei Liu","authors":"Zhiwei Liu, Weiran Yao, Jianguo Zhang, Le Xue, Shelby Heinecke,\n Rithesh Murthy, Yihao Feng, Zeyuan Chen, Juan Carlos Niebles, Devansh Arpit,\n Ran Xu, Phil Mui, Huan Wang, Caiming Xiong, Silvio Savarese","title":"BOLAA: Benchmarking and Orchestrating LLM-augmented Autonomous Agents","comments":"Preprint","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The massive successes of large language models (LLMs) encourage the emerging\nexploration of LLM-augmented Autonomous Agents (LAAs). An LAA is able to\ngenerate actions with its core LLM and interact with environments, which\nfacilitates the ability to resolve complex tasks by conditioning on past\ninteractions such as observations and actions. Since the investigation of LAA\nis still very recent, limited explorations are available. Therefore, we provide\na comprehensive comparison of LAA in terms of both agent architectures and LLM\nbackbones. Additionally, we propose a new strategy to orchestrate multiple LAAs\nsuch that each labor LAA focuses on one type of action, \\textit{i.e.} BOLAA,\nwhere a controller manages the communication among multiple agents. We conduct\nsimulations on both decision-making and multi-step reasoning environments,\nwhich comprehensively justify the capacity of LAAs. Our performance results\nprovide quantitative suggestions for designing LAA architectures and the\noptimal choice of LLMs, as well as the compatibility of both. We release our\nimplementation code of LAAs to the public at\n\\url{https://github.com/salesforce/BOLAA}.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 06:37:54 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Liu","Zhiwei",""],["Yao","Weiran",""],["Zhang","Jianguo",""],["Xue","Le",""],["Heinecke","Shelby",""],["Murthy","Rithesh",""],["Feng","Yihao",""],["Chen","Zeyuan",""],["Niebles","Juan Carlos",""],["Arpit","Devansh",""],["Xu","Ran",""],["Mui","Phil",""],["Wang","Huan",""],["Xiong","Caiming",""],["Savarese","Silvio",""]]} {"id":"2308.05961","submitter":"Zikun Zhuang","authors":"Zikun Zhuang, Ruihao Qian, Chi Xie, Shuang Liang","title":"Compositional Learning in Transformer-Based Human-Object Interaction\n Detection","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Human-object interaction (HOI) detection is an important part of\nunderstanding human activities and visual scenes. The long-tailed distribution\nof labeled instances is a primary challenge in HOI detection, promoting\nresearch in few-shot and zero-shot learning. Inspired by the combinatorial\nnature of HOI triplets, some existing approaches adopt the idea of\ncompositional learning, in which object and action features are learned\nindividually and re-composed as new training samples. However, these methods\nfollow the CNN-based two-stage paradigm with limited feature extraction\nability, and often rely on auxiliary information for better performance.\nWithout introducing any additional information, we creatively propose a\ntransformer-based framework for compositional HOI learning. Human-object pair\nrepresentations and interaction representations are re-composed across\ndifferent HOI instances, which involves richer contextual information and\npromotes the generalization of knowledge. Experiments show our simple but\neffective method achieves state-of-the-art performance, especially on rare HOI\nclasses.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 06:41:20 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Zhuang","Zikun",""],["Qian","Ruihao",""],["Xie","Chi",""],["Liang","Shuang",""]]} {"id":"2308.05962","submitter":"Qinghua Lu","authors":"Yue Liu, Qinghua Lu, Liming Zhu, Hye-Young Paik","title":"Decentralised Governance for Foundation Model based AI Systems:\n Exploring the Role of Blockchain in Responsible AI","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SE cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Foundation models including large language models (LLMs) are increasingly\nattracting interest worldwide for their distinguished capabilities and\npotential to perform a wide variety of tasks. Nevertheless, people are\nconcerned about whether foundation model based AI systems are properly governed\nto ensure trustworthiness of foundation model based AI systems and to prevent\nmisuse that could harm humans, society and the environment. In this paper, we\nidentify eight governance challenges of foundation model based AI systems\nregarding the three fundamental dimensions of governance: decision rights,\nincentives, and accountability. Furthermore, we explore the potential of\nblockchain as a solution to address the challenges by providing a distributed\nledger to facilitate decentralised governance. We present an architecture that\ndemonstrates how blockchain can be leveraged to realise governance in\nfoundation model based AI systems.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 06:41:47 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Thu, 31 Aug 2023 04:50:30 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-09-01","authors_parsed":[["Liu","Yue",""],["Lu","Qinghua",""],["Zhu","Liming",""],["Paik","Hye-Young",""]]} {"id":"2308.05963","submitter":"Shun-Qing Shen","authors":"Kai-Zhi Bai, Bo Fu, Zhenyu Zhang, and Shun-Qing Shen","title":"Metallic Quantized Anomalous Hall Effect without Chiral Edge States","comments":"6 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.str-el","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The quantum anomalous Hall effect (QAHE) is a topological state of matter\nwith a quantized Hall resistance. It has been observed in some two-dimensional\ninsulating materials such as magnetic topological insulator films and twisted\nbilayer graphene. These materials are insulating in the bulk, but possess\nchiral edge states carrying the edge current around the systems. Here we\ndiscover a metallic QAHE in a topological insulator film with magnetic sandwich\nheterostructure, in which the Hall conductance is quantized to $e^{2}/h$, but\nthe longitudinal conductance remains finite. This effect is attributed to the\nexistence of a pair of massless Dirac cones of surface fermions, with each\ncontributing half of the Hall conductance due to quantum anomaly. It is not\ncharacterized by a Chern number and not associated to any chiral edge states.\nOur study offers novel insights into topological transport phenomena and\ntopological metallic states of matter.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 06:42:06 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Bai","Kai-Zhi",""],["Fu","Bo",""],["Zhang","Zhenyu",""],["Shen","Shun-Qing",""]]} {"id":"2308.05964","submitter":"Weihao Li","authors":"Weihao Li, Dianne Cook, Emi Tanaka, Susan VanderPlas","title":"A Plot is Worth a Thousand Tests: Assessing Residual Diagnostics with\n the Lineup Protocol","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.AP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Regression experts consistently recommend plotting residuals for model\ndiagnosis, despite the availability of many numerical hypothesis test\nprocedures designed to use residuals to assess problems with a model fit. Here\nwe provide evidence for why this is good advice using data from a visual\ninference experiment. We show how conventional tests are too sensitive, which\nmeans that too often the conclusion would be that the model fit is inadequate.\nThe experiment uses the lineup protocol which puts a residual plot in the\ncontext of null plots. This helps generate reliable and consistent reading of\nresidual plots for better model diagnosis. It can also help in an obverse\nsituation where a conventional test would fail to detect a problem with a model\ndue to contaminated data. The lineup protocol also detects a range of\ndepartures from good residuals simultaneously.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 06:46:48 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Li","Weihao",""],["Cook","Dianne",""],["Tanaka","Emi",""],["VanderPlas","Susan",""]]} {"id":"2308.05965","submitter":"Ju Won Seo","authors":"Ju Won Seo, Jin Sung Kim, and Chung Choo Chung","title":"Classification Method of Road Surface Condition and Type with LiDAR\n Using Spatiotemporal Information","comments":"10 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.IV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" This paper proposes a spatiotemporal architecture with a deep neural network\n(DNN) for road surface conditions and types classification using LiDAR. It is\nknown that LiDAR provides information on the reflectivity and number of point\nclouds depending on a road surface. Thus, this paper utilizes the information\nto classify the road surface. We divided the front road area into four\nsubregions. First, we constructed feature vectors using each subregion's\nreflectivity, number of point clouds, and in-vehicle information. Second, the\nDNN classifies road surface conditions and types for each subregion. Finally,\nthe output of the DNN feeds into the spatiotemporal process to make the final\nclassification reflecting vehicle speed and probability given by the outcomes\nof softmax functions of the DNN output layer. To validate the effectiveness of\nthe proposed method, we performed a comparative study with five other\nalgorithms. With the proposed DNN, we obtained the highest accuracy of 98.0\\%\nand 98.6\\% for two subregions near the vehicle. In addition, we implemented the\nproposed method on the Jetson TX2 board to confirm that it is applicable in\nreal-time.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 06:50:03 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Seo","Ju Won",""],["Kim","Jin Sung",""],["Chung","Chung Choo",""]]} {"id":"2308.05966","submitter":"Jungyeon Kim","authors":"Jungyeon Kim, Hyowon Lee, Heedong Do, Jinseok Choi, Jeonghun Park,\n Wonjae Shin, Yonina C. Eldar, and Namyoon Lee","title":"On the Learning of Digital Self-Interference Cancellation in Full-Duplex\n Radios","comments":"8 pages, 5 figures and 1 table","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Full-duplex communication systems have the potential to achieve significantly\nhigher data rates and lower latency compared to their half-duplex counterparts.\nThis advantage stems from their ability to transmit and receive data\nsimultaneously. However, to enable successful full-duplex operation, the\nprimary challenge lies in accurately eliminating strong self-interference (SI).\nOvercoming this challenge involves addressing various issues, including the\nnonlinearity of power amplifiers, the time-varying nature of the SI channel,\nand the non-stationary transmit data distribution. In this article, we present\na review of recent advancements in digital self-interference cancellation (SIC)\nalgorithms. Our focus is on comparing the effectiveness of adaptable\nmodel-based SIC methods with their model-free counterparts that leverage\ndata-driven machine learning techniques. Through our comparison study under\npractical scenarios, we demonstrate that the model-based SIC approach offers a\nmore robust solution to the time-varying SI channel and the non-stationary\ntransmission, achieving optimal SIC performance in terms of the convergence\nrate while maintaining low computational complexity. To validate our findings,\nwe conduct experiments using a software-defined radio testbed that conforms to\nthe IEEE 802.11a standards. The experimental results demonstrate the robustness\nof the model-based SIC methods, providing practical evidence of their\neffectiveness.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 06:54:28 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Kim","Jungyeon",""],["Lee","Hyowon",""],["Do","Heedong",""],["Choi","Jinseok",""],["Park","Jeonghun",""],["Shin","Wonjae",""],["Eldar","Yonina C.",""],["Lee","Namyoon",""]]} {"id":"2308.05967","submitter":"Huikai Wu","authors":"Shenxiao Mei, Chenglong Ma, Feihong Shen, Huikai Wu","title":"YOLOrtho -- A Unified Framework for Teeth Enumeration and Dental Disease\n Detection","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Detecting dental diseases through panoramic X-rays images is a standard\nprocedure for dentists. Normally, a dentist need to identify diseases and find\nthe infected teeth. While numerous machine learning models adopting this\ntwo-step procedure have been developed, there has not been an end-to-end model\nthat can identify teeth and their associated diseases at the same time. To fill\nthe gap, we develop YOLOrtho, a unified framework for teeth enumeration and\ndental disease detection. We develop our model on Dentex Challenge 2023 data,\nwhich consists of three distinct types of annotated data. The first part is\nlabeled with quadrant, and the second part is labeled with quadrant and\nenumeration and the third part is labeled with quadrant, enumeration and\ndisease. To further improve detection, we make use of Tufts Dental public\ndataset. To fully utilize the data and learn both teeth detection and disease\nidentification simultaneously, we formulate diseases as attributes attached to\ntheir corresponding teeth. Due to the nature of position relation in teeth\nenumeration, We replace convolution layer with CoordConv in our model to\nprovide more position information for the model. We also adjust the model\narchitecture and insert one more upsampling layer in FPN in favor of large\nobject detection. Finally, we propose a post-process strategy for teeth layout\nthat corrects teeth enumeration based on linear sum assignment. Results from\nexperiments show that our model exceeds large Diffusion-based model.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 06:54:55 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Mei","Shenxiao",""],["Ma","Chenglong",""],["Shen","Feihong",""],["Wu","Huikai",""]]} {"id":"2308.05968","submitter":"Qing Rao","authors":"Qing Rao, Guoyun Gao, Xinyu Wang, Hongxia Xue, Dong-Keun Ki","title":"Scratching lithography, manipulation, and soldering of 2D materials\n using microneedle probes","comments":"10 pages, 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.app-ph cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We demonstrate a facile technique to scratch, manipulate, and solder\nexfoliated flakes of layered 2D materials using a microneedle probe attached to\nthe precision xyz manipulators under an optical microscope. We show that the\nprobe can be used to scratch the flakes into a designated shape with a\nprecision at micrometer scales, move, rotate, roll-up, and exfoliate the flakes\nto help building various types of heterostructures, and form electric contacts\nby directly drawing/placing thin metal wires over the flake. All these can be\ndone without lithography and etching steps that often take long processing time\nand involve harmful chemicals. Moreover, the setup can be easily integrated\ninto any van der Waals assembly systems such as those in a glove box for\nhandling air/chemical-sensitive materials. The microneedle technique\ndemonstrated in this study therefore enables quick fabrications of devices from\ndiverse 2D materials for testing their properties at an early stage of research\nbefore conducting more advanced studies and helps to build different types of\nvan der Waals heterostructures.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 07:00:54 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Rao","Qing",""],["Gao","Guoyun",""],["Wang","Xinyu",""],["Xue","Hongxia",""],["Ki","Dong-Keun",""]]} {"id":"2308.05969","submitter":"Yafei Wang","authors":"Yafei Wang, Jianguo Liu","title":"Learning nonparametric DAGs with incremental information via high-order\n HSIC","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG stat.ML","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Score-based methods for learning Bayesain networks(BN) aim to maximizing the\nglobal score functions. However, if local variables have direct and indirect\ndependence simultaneously, the global optimization on score functions misses\nedges between variables with indirect dependent relationship, of which scores\nare smaller than those with direct dependent relationship. In this paper, we\npresent an identifiability condition based on a determined subset of parents to\nidentify the underlying DAG. By the identifiability condition, we develop a\ntwo-phase algorithm namely optimal-tuning (OT) algorithm to locally amend the\nglobal optimization. In the optimal phase, an optimization problem based on\nfirst-order Hilbert-Schmidt independence criterion (HSIC) gives an estimated\nskeleton as the initial determined parents subset. In the tuning phase, the\nskeleton is locally tuned by deletion, addition and DAG-formalization\nstrategies using the theoretically proved incremental properties of high-order\nHSIC. Numerical experiments for different synthetic datasets and real-world\ndatasets show that the OT algorithm outperforms existing methods. Especially in\nSigmoid Mix model with the size of the graph being ${\\rm\\bf d=40}$, the\nstructure intervention distance (SID) of the OT algorithm is 329.7 smaller than\nthe one obtained by CAM, which indicates that the graph estimated by the OT\nalgorithm misses fewer edges compared with CAM.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 07:07:21 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Yafei",""],["Liu","Jianguo",""]]} {"id":"2308.05970","submitter":"Yuesong Li","authors":"Yuesong Li, Feng Pan, Helong Yan, Xiuli Xin, Xiaoxue Feng","title":"Focused Specific Objects NeRF","comments":"17 pages,32 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.GR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Most NeRF-based models are designed for learning the entire scene, and\ncomplex scenes can lead to longer learning times and poorer rendering effects.\nThis paper utilizes scene semantic priors to make improvements in fast\ntraining, allowing the network to focus on the specific targets and not be\naffected by complex backgrounds. The training speed can be increased by 7.78\ntimes with better rendering effect, and small to medium sized targets can be\nrendered faster. In addition, this improvement applies to all NeRF-based\nmodels. Considering the inherent multi-view consistency and smoothness of NeRF,\nthis paper also studies weak supervision by sparsely sampling negative ray\nsamples. With this method, training can be further accelerated and rendering\nquality can be maintained. Finally, this paper extends pixel semantic and color\nrendering formulas and proposes a new scene editing technique that can achieve\nunique displays of the specific semantic targets or masking them in rendering.\nTo address the problem of unsupervised regions incorrect inferences in the\nscene, we also designed a self-supervised loop that combines morphological\noperations and clustering.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 07:07:40 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Li","Yuesong",""],["Pan","Feng",""],["Yan","Helong",""],["Xin","Xiuli",""],["Feng","Xiaoxue",""]]} {"id":"2308.05971","submitter":"Zihao Cheng","authors":"Zihao Cheng, Dongmei Huang, Feng Li, Chao Lu, and P. K. A. Wai","title":"Soliton frequency comb generation in a low Q microcavity coupled to a\n gain microcavity","comments":"7 pages, 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.optics","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Soliton frequency comb generation in coupled nonlinear microcavities is\nattractive because a coupled microcavity offers more flexibility and\npossibilities compared to a single nonlinear microcavity. In this paper, we\ninvestigate how an amplifying auxiliary cavity affects the bistability region\nof the main cavity and soliton frequency comb generation. When the auxiliary\ncavity has a small gain, it can partially compensate for the loss of the main\ncavity allowing the generation of soliton combs with a relatively low Q-factor\nin the main cavity. A low Q-factor microcavity would reduce the difficulty of\nfabrication and extend the microcavity platform to different types of\nmaterials. However, if the gain of the auxiliary cavity is too large, a\nfrequency comb cannot be generated because the coupled nonlinear microcavity\nsystem is no longer dissipative. Our results provide a theoretical\nunderstanding and experimental guidance for the bistability region and soliton\nfrequency comb generation in coupled nonlinear microcavities with an amplifying\nauxiliary cavity. The results will facilitate the development of chip-scale\nintegrated optical frequency comb sources.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 07:09:16 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Cheng","Zihao",""],["Huang","Dongmei",""],["Li","Feng",""],["Lu","Chao",""],["Wai","P. K. A.",""]]} {"id":"2308.05972","submitter":"Yuhan Zhao","authors":"Yuhan Zhao, Rui Chen, Riwei Lai, Qilong Han, Hongtao Song, Li Chen","title":"Augmented Negative Sampling for Collaborative Filtering","comments":"11 pages, 16 figures,","journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1145/3604915.3608811","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Negative sampling is essential for implicit-feedback-based collaborative\nfiltering, which is used to constitute negative signals from massive unlabeled\ndata to guide supervised learning. The state-of-the-art idea is to utilize hard\nnegative samples that carry more useful information to form a better decision\nboundary. To balance efficiency and effectiveness, the vast majority of\nexisting methods follow the two-pass approach, in which the first pass samples\na fixed number of unobserved items by a simple static distribution and then the\nsecond pass selects the final negative items using a more sophisticated\nnegative sampling strategy. However, selecting negative samples from the\noriginal items is inherently restricted, and thus may not be able to contrast\npositive samples well. In this paper, we confirm this observation via\nexperiments and introduce two limitations of existing solutions: ambiguous trap\nand information discrimination. Our response to such limitations is to\nintroduce augmented negative samples. This direction renders a substantial\ntechnical challenge because constructing unconstrained negative samples may\nintroduce excessive noise that distorts the decision boundary. To this end, we\nintroduce a novel generic augmented negative sampling paradigm and provide a\nconcrete instantiation. First, we disentangle hard and easy factors of negative\nitems. Next, we generate new candidate negative samples by augmenting only the\neasy factors in a regulated manner: the direction and magnitude of the\naugmentation are carefully calibrated. Finally, we design an advanced negative\nsampling strategy to identify the final augmented negative samples, which\nconsiders not only the score function used in existing methods but also a new\nmetric called augmentation gain. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets\ndemonstrate that our method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art\nbaselines.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 07:09:55 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Zhao","Yuhan",""],["Chen","Rui",""],["Lai","Riwei",""],["Han","Qilong",""],["Song","Hongtao",""],["Chen","Li",""]]} {"id":"2308.05973","submitter":"Zied Baklouti","authors":"Zied Baklouti (UPCit\\'e, ENIT)","title":"Tweet Sentiment Extraction using Viterbi Algorithm with Transfer\n Learning","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI cs.CL","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Tweet sentiment extraction extracts the most significant portion of the\nsentence, determining whether the sentiment is positive or negative. This\nresearch aims to identify the part of tweet sentences that strikes any emotion.\nTo reach this objective, we continue improving the Viterbi algorithm previously\nmodified by the author to make it able to receive pre-trained model parameters.\nWe introduce the confidence score and vector as two indicators responsible for\nevaluating the model internally before assessing the final results. We then\npresent a method to fine-tune this nonparametric model. We found that the model\ngets highly explainable as the confidence score vector reveals precisely where\nthe least confidence predicted states are and if the modifications approved\nameliorate the confidence score or if the tuning is going in the wrong\ndirection.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 07:16:49 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Baklouti","Zied","","UPCit\u00e9, ENIT"]]} {"id":"2308.05974","submitter":"Meirav Zehavi","authors":"Fedor V. Fomin, Tien-Nam Le, Daniel Lokshtanov, Saket Saurabh, Stephan\n Thomasse, Meirav Zehavi","title":"Lossy Kernelization for (Implicit) Hitting Set Problems","comments":"Accepted to ESA'23","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.DS","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We re-visit the complexity of kernelization for the $d$-Hitting Set problem.\nThis is a classic problem in Parameterized Complexity, which encompasses\nseveral other of the most well-studied problems in this field, such as Vertex\nCover, Feedback Vertex Set in Tournaments (FVST) and Cluster Vertex Deletion\n(CVD). In fact, $d$-Hitting Set encompasses any deletion problem to a\nhereditary property that can be characterized by a finite set of forbidden\ninduced subgraphs. With respect to bit size, the kernelization complexity of\n$d$-Hitting Set is essentially settled: there exists a kernel with $O(k^d)$\nbits ($O(k^d)$ sets and $O(k^{d-1})$ elements) and this it tight by the result\nof Dell and van Melkebeek [STOC 2010, JACM 2014]. Still, the question of\nwhether there exists a kernel for $d$-Hitting Set with fewer elements has\nremained one of the most major open problems~in~Kernelization.\n In this paper, we first show that if we allow the kernelization to be lossy\nwith a qualitatively better loss than the best possible approximation ratio of\npolynomial time approximation algorithms, then one can obtain kernels where the\nnumber of elements is linear for every fixed $d$. Further, based on this, we\npresent our main result: we show that there exist approximate Turing\nkernelizations for $d$-Hitting Set that even beat the established bit-size\nlower bounds for exact kernelizations -- in fact, we use a constant number of\noracle calls, each with ``near linear'' ($O(k^{1+\\epsilon})$) bit size, that\nis, almost the best one could hope for. Lastly, for two special cases of\nimplicit 3-Hitting set, namely, FVST and CVD, we obtain the ``best of both\nworlds'' type of results -- $(1+\\epsilon)$-approximate kernelizations with a\nlinear number of vertices. In terms of size, this substantially improves the\nexact kernels of Fomin et al. [SODA 2018, TALG 2019], with simpler arguments.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 07:17:55 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Fomin","Fedor V.",""],["Le","Tien-Nam",""],["Lokshtanov","Daniel",""],["Saurabh","Saket",""],["Thomasse","Stephan",""],["Zehavi","Meirav",""]]} {"id":"2308.05975","submitter":"Yin Yifei","authors":"Liang Chen, Yifei Yin, Hao Shi, Qingqing Sheng, Wei Li","title":"A Self-supervised SAR Image Despeckling Strategy Based on\n Parameter-sharing Convolutional Neural Networks","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.IV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Speckle noise is generated due to the SAR imaging mechanism, which brings\ndifficulties in SAR image interpretation. Hence, despeckling is a helpful step\nin SAR pre-processing. Nowadays, deep learning has been proved to be a\nprogressive method for SAR image despeckling. Most deep learning methods for\ndespeckling are based on supervised learning, which needs original SAR images\nand speckle-free SAR images to train the network. However, the speckle-free SAR\nimages are generally not available. So, this issue was tackled by adding\nmultiplicative noise to optical images synthetically for simulating speckled\nimage. Therefore, there are following challenges in SAR image despeckling: (1)\nlack of speckle-free SAR image; (2) difficulty in keeping details such as edges\nand textures in heterogeneous areas. To address these issues, we propose a\nself-supervised SAR despeckling strategy that can be trained without\nspeckle-free images. Firstly, the feasibility of SAR image despeckling without\nspeckle-free images is proved theoretically. Then, the sub-sampler based on the\nadjacent-syntropy criteria is proposed. The training image pairs are generated\nby the sub-sampler from real-word SAR image to estimate the noise distribution.\nFurthermore, to make full use of training pairs, the parameter sharing\nconvolutional neural networks are adopted. Finally, according to the\ncharacteristics of SAR images, a multi-feature loss function is proposed. The\nproposed loss function is composed of despeckling term, regular term and\nperception term, to constrain the gap between the generated paired images. The\nability of edge and texture feature preserving is improved simultaneously.\nFinally, qualitative and quantitative experiments are validated on real-world\nSAR images, showing better performances than several advanced SAR image\ndespeckling methods.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 07:19:45 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Chen","Liang",""],["Yin","Yifei",""],["Shi","Hao",""],["Sheng","Qingqing",""],["Li","Wei",""]]} {"id":"2308.05976","submitter":"Yapeng Meng","authors":"Yapeng Meng, Songru Yang, Xu Hu, Rui Zhao, Lincheng Li, Zhenwei Shi,\n Zhengxia Zou","title":"Zero-shot Text-driven Physically Interpretable Face Editing","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" This paper proposes a novel and physically interpretable method for face\nediting based on arbitrary text prompts. Different from previous\nGAN-inversion-based face editing methods that manipulate the latent space of\nGANs, or diffusion-based methods that model image manipulation as a reverse\ndiffusion process, we regard the face editing process as imposing vector flow\nfields on face images, representing the offset of spatial coordinates and color\nfor each image pixel. Under the above-proposed paradigm, we represent the\nvector flow field in two ways: 1) explicitly represent the flow vectors with\nrasterized tensors, and 2) implicitly parameterize the flow vectors as\ncontinuous, smooth, and resolution-agnostic neural fields, by leveraging the\nrecent advances of implicit neural representations. The flow vectors are\niteratively optimized under the guidance of the pre-trained Contrastive\nLanguage-Image Pretraining~(CLIP) model by maximizing the correlation between\nthe edited image and the text prompt. We also propose a learning-based one-shot\nface editing framework, which is fast and adaptable to any text prompt input.\nOur method can also be flexibly extended to real-time video face editing.\nCompared with state-of-the-art text-driven face editing methods, our method can\ngenerate physically interpretable face editing results with high identity\nconsistency and image quality. Our code will be made publicly available.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 07:20:24 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Meng","Yapeng",""],["Yang","Songru",""],["Hu","Xu",""],["Zhao","Rui",""],["Li","Lincheng",""],["Shi","Zhenwei",""],["Zou","Zhengxia",""]]} {"id":"2308.05977","submitter":"Tomohiro I","authors":"Kento Iseri, Tomohiro I, Diptarama Hendrian, Dominik K\\\"oppl, Ryo\n Yoshinaka, Ayumi Shinohara","title":"Breaking a Barrier in Constructing Compact Indexes for Parameterized\n Pattern Matching","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.DS","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" A parameterized string (p-string) is a string over an alphabet $(\\Sigma_{s}\n\\cup \\Sigma_{p})$, where $\\Sigma_{s}$ and $\\Sigma_{p}$ are disjoint alphabets\nfor static symbols (s-symbols) and for parameter symbols (p-symbols),\nrespectively. Two p-strings $x$ and $y$ are said to parameterized match\n(p-match) if and only if $x$ can be transformed into $y$ by applying a\nbijection on $\\Sigma_{p}$ to every occurrence of p-symbols in $x$. The indexing\nproblem for p-matching is to preprocess a p-string $T$ of length $n$ so that we\ncan efficiently find the occurrences of substrings of $T$ that p-match with a\ngiven pattern. Extending the Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT) based index for\nexact string pattern matching, Ganguly et al. [SODA 2017] proposed the first\ncompact index (named pBWT) for p-matching, and posed an open problem on how to\nconstruct it in compact space, i.e., in $O(n \\lg |\\Sigma_{s} \\cup \\Sigma_{p}|)$\nbits of space. Hashimoto et al. [SPIRE 2022] partially solved this problem by\nshowing how to construct some components of pBWTs for $T$ in $O(n\n\\frac{|\\Sigma_{p}| \\lg n}{\\lg \\lg n})$ time in an online manner while reading\nthe symbols of $T$ from right to left. In this paper, we improve the time\ncomplexity to $O(n \\frac{\\lg |\\Sigma_{p}| \\lg n}{\\lg \\lg n})$. We remark that\nremoving the multiplicative factor of $|\\Sigma_{p}|$ from the complexity is of\ngreat interest because it has not been achieved for over a decade in the\nconstruction of related data structures like parameterized suffix arrays even\nin the offline setting. We also show that our data structure can support\nbackward search, a core procedure of BWT-based indexes, at any stage of the\nonline construction, making it the first compact index for p-matching that can\nbe constructed in compact space and even in an online manner.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 07:24:13 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Iseri","Kento",""],["I","Tomohiro",""],["Hendrian","Diptarama",""],["K\u00f6ppl","Dominik",""],["Yoshinaka","Ryo",""],["Shinohara","Ayumi",""]]} {"id":"2308.05978","submitter":"Chao Feng","authors":"Chao Feng, Alberto Huertas Celdran, Pedro Miguel Sanchez Sanchez, Jan\n Kreischer, Jan von der Assen, Gerome Bovet, Gregorio Martinez Perez, Burkhard\n Stiller","title":"CyberForce: A Federated Reinforcement Learning Framework for Malware\n Mitigation","comments":"8 pages, 8 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CR cs.AI","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The expansion of the Internet-of-Things (IoT) paradigm is inevitable, but\nvulnerabilities of IoT devices to malware incidents have become an increasing\nconcern. Recent research has shown that the integration of Reinforcement\nLearning with Moving Target Defense (MTD) mechanisms can enhance cybersecurity\nin IoT devices. Nevertheless, the numerous new malware attacks and the time\nthat agents take to learn and select effective MTD techniques make this\napproach impractical for real-world IoT scenarios. To tackle this issue, this\nwork presents CyberForce, a framework that employs Federated Reinforcement\nLearning (FRL) to collectively and privately determine suitable MTD techniques\nfor mitigating diverse zero-day attacks. CyberForce integrates device\nfingerprinting and anomaly detection to reward or penalize MTD mechanisms\nchosen by an FRL-based agent. The framework has been evaluated in a federation\nconsisting of ten devices of a real IoT platform. A pool of experiments with\nsix malware samples affecting the devices has demonstrated that CyberForce can\nprecisely learn optimum MTD mitigation strategies. When all clients are\naffected by all attacks, the FRL agent exhibits high accuracy and reduced\ntraining time when compared to a centralized RL agent. In cases where different\nclients experience distinct attacks, the CyberForce clients gain benefits\nthrough the transfer of knowledge from other clients and similar attack\nbehavior. Additionally, CyberForce showcases notable robustness against data\npoisoning attacks.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 07:25:12 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Feng","Chao",""],["Celdran","Alberto Huertas",""],["Sanchez","Pedro Miguel Sanchez",""],["Kreischer","Jan",""],["von der Assen","Jan",""],["Bovet","Gerome",""],["Perez","Gregorio Martinez",""],["Stiller","Burkhard",""]]} {"id":"2308.05979","submitter":"Rirong Yuan","authors":"Rirong Yuan","title":"Notes on conformal metrics of negative curvature on manifolds with\n boundary","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.DG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We use certain Morse functions to construct conformal metrics such that the\neigenvalue vector of modified Schouten tensor belongs to a given cone. As a\nresult, we prove that any Riemannian metric on compact 3-manifolds with\nboundary is conformal to a compact metric of negative sectional curvature.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 07:25:51 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Yuan","Rirong",""]]} {"id":"2308.05980","submitter":"H\\'ector Carrascosa De Lucas","authors":"H. Carrascosa, M. \\'A. Satorre, B. Escribano, R. Mart\\'in-Dom\\'enech,\n G. M. Mu\\~noz Caro","title":"Physical properties of methanol (CH$_3$OH) ice as a function of\n temperature: Density, infrared band strengths, and crystallization","comments":"11 pages, 11 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.IM","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The presence of methanol among the common ice components in interstellar\nclouds and protostellar envelopes has been confirmed by the James Webb Space\nTelescope. Methanol is often detected in the gas phase toward lines of sight\nshielded from UV radiation. We measured the volumetric density of methanol ice,\ngrown under simulated interstellar conditions, and the infrared spectroscopy at\ndifferent deposition temperatures and during the warm-up. The IR band strengths\nare provided and the experimental spectra are compared to those computed with a\nmodel. The transition from amorphous to crystalline methanol ice was also\nexplored. Finally, we propose new observations of methanol ice at high\nresolution to probe the methanol ice structure.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 07:28:48 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Carrascosa","H.",""],["Satorre","M. \u00c1.",""],["Escribano","B.",""],["Mart\u00edn-Dom\u00e9nech","R.",""],["Caro","G. M. Mu\u00f1oz",""]]} {"id":"2308.05981","submitter":"Marija \\v{S}indik","authors":"Marija \\v{S}indik, Tomasz Zawi\\'slak, Alessio Recati, and Sandro\n Stringari","title":"Sound, superfluidity and layer compressibility in a ring dipolar\n supersolid","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.quant-gas","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We propose a protocol to excite the Goldstone modes of a supersolid dipolar\nBose-Einstein condensed gas confined in a ring geometry. By abruptly removing\nan applied periodic modulation proportional to cos($\\varphi$), where $\\varphi$\nis the azimuthal angle, we explore the resulting oscillations of the gas, by\nsolving the extended Gross-Pitaevskii equation. The value of the two\nlongitudinal sound velocities exhibited in the supersolid phase are analyzed\nusing the hydrodynamic theory of supersolids at zero temperature. This approach\nallows for the determination of the layer compressibility modulus as well as of\nthe superfluid fraction $f_S$, in agreement with the Leggett estimate of the\nnon-classical moment of inertia.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 07:29:09 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["\u0160indik","Marija",""],["Zawi\u015blak","Tomasz",""],["Recati","Alessio",""],["Stringari","Sandro",""]]} {"id":"2308.05982","submitter":"Lihui Yi","authors":"Lihui Yi and Ermin Wei","title":"Optimal EV Charging Decisions Considering Charging Rate Characteristics\n and Congestion Effects","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.GT cs.SY eess.SY","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" With the rapid growth in the demand for plug-in electric vehicles (EVs), the\ncorresponding charging infrastructures are expanding. These charging stations\nare located at various places and with different congestion levels. EV drivers\nface an important decision in choosing which charging station to go to in order\nto reduce their overall time costs. However, existing literature either assumes\na flat charging rate and hence overlooks the physical characteristics of an EV\nbattery where charging rate is typically reduced as the battery charges, or\nignores the effect of other drivers on an EV's decision making process. In this\npaper, we consider both the predetermined exogenous wait cost and the\nendogenous congestion induced by other drivers' strategic decisions, and\npropose a differential equation based approach to find the optimal strategies.\nWe analytically characterize the equilibrium strategies and find that\nco-located EVs may make different decisions depending on the charging rate\nand/or remaining battery levels. Through numerical experiments, we investigate\nthe impact of charging rate characteristics, modeling parameters and the\nconsideration of endogenous congestion levels on the optimal charging\ndecisions. Finally, we conduct numerical studies on real-world data and find\nthat some EV users with slower charging rates may benefit from the\nparticipation of fast-charging EVs.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 07:29:17 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Yi","Lihui",""],["Wei","Ermin",""]]} {"id":"2308.05983","submitter":"Xin Dong","authors":"Xin Dong, Rui Wang, Siyuan Liang, Aishan Liu, Lihua Jing","title":"Face Encryption via Frequency-Restricted Identity-Agnostic Attacks","comments":"I noticed something missing in the article's description in\n subsection 3.2, so I'd like to undo it and re-finalize and describe it","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.AI cs.CR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Billions of people are sharing their daily live images on social media\neveryday. However, malicious collectors use deep face recognition systems to\neasily steal their biometric information (e.g., faces) from these images. Some\nstudies are being conducted to generate encrypted face photos using adversarial\nattacks by introducing imperceptible perturbations to reduce face information\nleakage. However, existing studies need stronger black-box scenario feasibility\nand more natural visual appearances, which challenge the feasibility of privacy\nprotection. To address these problems, we propose a frequency-restricted\nidentity-agnostic (FRIA) framework to encrypt face images from unauthorized\nface recognition without access to personal information. As for the weak\nblack-box scenario feasibility, we obverse that representations of the average\nfeature in multiple face recognition models are similar, thus we propose to\nutilize the average feature via the crawled dataset from the Internet as the\ntarget to guide the generation, which is also agnostic to identities of unknown\nface recognition systems; in nature, the low-frequency perturbations are more\nvisually perceptible by the human vision system. Inspired by this, we restrict\nthe perturbation in the low-frequency facial regions by discrete cosine\ntransform to achieve the visual naturalness guarantee. Extensive experiments on\nseveral face recognition models demonstrate that our FRIA outperforms other\nstate-of-the-art methods in generating more natural encrypted faces while\nattaining high black-box attack success rates of 96%. In addition, we validate\nthe efficacy of FRIA using real-world black-box commercial API, which reveals\nthe potential of FRIA in practice. Our codes can be found in\nhttps://github.com/XinDong10/FRIA.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 07:38:46 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Thu, 24 Aug 2023 08:35:33 GMT"},{"version":"v3","created":"Fri, 25 Aug 2023 03:20:12 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-28","authors_parsed":[["Dong","Xin",""],["Wang","Rui",""],["Liang","Siyuan",""],["Liu","Aishan",""],["Jing","Lihua",""]]} {"id":"2308.05984","submitter":"Alberto Pozanco","authors":"Parisa Zehtabi, Alberto Pozanco, Ayala Bloch, Daniel Borrajo, Sarit\n Kraus","title":"Contrastive Explanations of Multi-agent Optimization Solutions","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In many real-world scenarios, agents are involved in optimization problems.\nSince most of these scenarios are over-constrained, optimal solutions do not\nalways satisfy all agents. Some agents might be unhappy and ask questions of\nthe form ``Why does solution $S$ not satisfy property $P$?''. In this paper, we\npropose MAoE, a domain-independent approach to obtain contrastive explanations\nby (i) generating a new solution $S^\\prime$ where the property $P$ is enforced,\nwhile also minimizing the differences between $S$ and $S^\\prime$; and (ii)\nhighlighting the differences between the two solutions. Such explanations aim\nto help agents understanding why the initial solution is better than what they\nexpected. We have carried out a computational evaluation that shows that MAoE\ncan generate contrastive explanations for large multi-agent optimization\nproblems. We have also performed an extensive user study in four different\ndomains that shows that, after being presented with these explanations, humans'\nsatisfaction with the original solution increases.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 07:42:17 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Zehtabi","Parisa",""],["Pozanco","Alberto",""],["Bloch","Ayala",""],["Borrajo","Daniel",""],["Kraus","Sarit",""]]} {"id":"2308.05985","submitter":"Liang Zhang","authors":"Liang Zhang, Nathaniel Xu, Pengfei Yang, Gaojie Jin, Cheng-Chao Huang,\n Lijun Zhang","title":"TrajPAC: Towards Robustness Verification of Pedestrian Trajectory\n Prediction Models","comments":"ICCV 2023 version","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Robust pedestrian trajectory forecasting is crucial to developing safe\nautonomous vehicles. Although previous works have studied adversarial\nrobustness in the context of trajectory forecasting, some significant issues\nremain unaddressed. In this work, we try to tackle these crucial problems.\nFirstly, the previous definitions of robustness in trajectory prediction are\nambiguous. We thus provide formal definitions for two kinds of robustness,\nnamely label robustness and pure robustness. Secondly, as previous works fail\nto consider robustness about all points in a disturbance interval, we utilise a\nprobably approximately correct (PAC) framework for robustness verification.\nAdditionally, this framework can not only identify potential counterexamples,\nbut also provides interpretable analyses of the original methods. Our approach\nis applied using a prototype tool named TrajPAC. With TrajPAC, we evaluate the\nrobustness of four state-of-the-art trajectory prediction models --\nTrajectron++, MemoNet, AgentFormer, and MID -- on trajectories from five scenes\nof the ETH/UCY dataset and scenes of the Stanford Drone Dataset. Using our\nframework, we also experimentally study various factors that could influence\nrobustness performance.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 07:43:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Zhang","Liang",""],["Xu","Nathaniel",""],["Yang","Pengfei",""],["Jin","Gaojie",""],["Huang","Cheng-Chao",""],["Zhang","Lijun",""]]} {"id":"2308.05986","submitter":"Huiwen Xu","authors":"Huiwen Xu, U Kang","title":"Fast and Accurate Transferability Measurement by Evaluating Intra-class\n Feature Variance","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Given a set of pre-trained models, how can we quickly and accurately find the\nmost useful pre-trained model for a downstream task? Transferability\nmeasurement is to quantify how transferable is a pre-trained model learned on a\nsource task to a target task. It is used for quickly ranking pre-trained models\nfor a given task and thus becomes a crucial step for transfer learning.\nExisting methods measure transferability as the discrimination ability of a\nsource model for a target data before transfer learning, which cannot\naccurately estimate the fine-tuning performance. Some of them restrict the\napplication of transferability measurement in selecting the best supervised\npre-trained models that have classifiers. It is important to have a general\nmethod for measuring transferability that can be applied in a variety of\nsituations, such as selecting the best self-supervised pre-trained models that\ndo not have classifiers, and selecting the best transferring layer for a target\ntask. In this work, we propose TMI (TRANSFERABILITY MEASUREMENT WITH\nINTRA-CLASS FEATURE VARIANCE), a fast and accurate algorithm to measure\ntransferability. We view transferability as the generalization of a pre-trained\nmodel on a target task by measuring intra-class feature variance. Intra-class\nvariance evaluates the adaptability of the model to a new task, which measures\nhow transferable the model is. Compared to previous studies that estimate how\ndiscriminative the models are, intra-class variance is more accurate than those\nas it does not require an optimal feature extractor and classifier. Extensive\nexperiments on real-world datasets show that TMI outperforms competitors for\nselecting the top-5 best models, and exhibits consistently better correlation\nin 13 out of 17 cases.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 07:50:40 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Xu","Huiwen",""],["Kang","U",""]]} {"id":"2308.05987","submitter":"Zhaohui Yin","authors":"Zhaohui Yin, Jingguang Tian, Xinhui Hu, Xinkang Xu","title":"Advancing the study of Large-Scale Learning in Overlapped Speech\n Detection","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SD eess.AS","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Overlapped Speech Detection (OSD) is an important part of speech applications\ninvolving analysis of multi-party conversations. However, most of the existing\nOSD systems are trained and evaluated on specific dataset, which limits the\napplication scenarios of these systems. To solve this problem, we conduct a\nstudy of large-scale learning (LSL) in OSD tasks and propose a general 16K\nsingle-channel OSD system. In our study, 522 hours of labeled audio in\ndifferent languages and styles are collected and used as the large-scale\ndataset. Rigorous comparative experiments are designed and used to evaluate the\neffectiveness of LSL in OSD tasks and select the appropriate model of general\nOSD system. The results show that LSL can significantly improve the performance\nand robustness of OSD models, and the OSD model based on Conformer (CF-OSD)\nwith LSL is currently the best 16K single-channel OSD system. Moreover, the\nCF-OSD with LSL establishes a state-of-the-art performance with an F1-score of\n81.6% and 53.8% on Alimeeting test set and DIHARD II evaluation set,\nrespectively.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 07:50:41 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Mon, 28 Aug 2023 09:28:15 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-29","authors_parsed":[["Yin","Zhaohui",""],["Tian","Jingguang",""],["Hu","Xinhui",""],["Xu","Xinkang",""]]} {"id":"2308.05988","submitter":"Darren Tsai","authors":"Darren Tsai, Julie Stephany Berrio, Mao Shan, Eduardo Nebot and\n Stewart Worrall","title":"MS3D++: Ensemble of Experts for Multi-Source Unsupervised Domain\n Adaption in 3D Object Detection","comments":"Code is available at https://github.com/darrenjkt/MS3D","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Deploying 3D detectors in unfamiliar domains has been demonstrated to result\nin a drastic drop of up to 70-90% in detection rate due to variations in lidar,\ngeographical region, or weather conditions from their original training\ndataset. This domain gap leads to missing detections for densely observed\nobjects, misaligned confidence scores, and increased high-confidence false\npositives, rendering the detector highly unreliable. To address this, we\nintroduce MS3D++, a self-training framework for multi-source unsupervised\ndomain adaptation in 3D object detection. MS3D++ provides a straightforward\napproach to domain adaptation by generating high-quality pseudo-labels,\nenabling the adaptation of 3D detectors to a diverse range of lidar types,\nregardless of their density. Our approach effectively fuses predictions of an\nensemble of multi-frame pre-trained detectors from different source domains to\nimprove domain generalization. We subsequently refine the predictions\ntemporally to ensure temporal consistency in box localization and object\nclassification. Furthermore, we present an in-depth study into the performance\nand idiosyncrasies of various 3D detector components in a cross-domain context,\nproviding valuable insights for improved cross-domain detector ensembling.\nExperimental results on Waymo, nuScenes and Lyft demonstrate that detectors\ntrained with MS3D++ pseudo-labels achieve state-of-the-art performance,\ncomparable to training with human-annotated labels in Bird's Eye View (BEV)\nevaluation for both low and high density lidar.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 07:56:10 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Tsai","Darren",""],["Berrio","Julie Stephany",""],["Shan","Mao",""],["Nebot","Eduardo",""],["Worrall","Stewart",""]]} {"id":"2308.05989","submitter":"Dandan Zhang","authors":"Dandan Zhang, Zhenzhao Tao, Mao Yuan, Jumei Yao, Pei Wang, Qijun Zhi,\n Weiwei Zhu, Xun Shi, Michael Kramer, Di Li, Lei Zhang, and Guangxing Li","title":"Galactic Interstellar Scintillation Observed from Four Globular Cluster\n Pulsars by FAST","comments":"9 pages, 3 figures, matches the published version","journal-ref":"SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy , Volume 66, Issue 9:\n 299511 (2023)","doi":"10.1007/s11433-023-2138-5","report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.GA astro-ph.HE","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We report detections of scintillation arcs for pulsars in globular clusters\nM5, M13 and M15 for the first time using the Five-hundred-meter Aperture\nSpherical radio Telescope (FAST). From observations of these arcs at multiple\nepochs, we infer that screen-like scattering medium exists at distances\n$4.1_{-0.3}^{+0.2}$ kpc, $6.7_{-0.2}^{+0.2}$ kpc and $1.3_{-1.0}^{+0.7}$ kpc\nfrom Earth in the directions of M5, M13 and M15, respectively. This means M5's\nand M13's scattering screens are located at $3.0_{-0.2}^{+0.1}$ kpc and\n$4.4_{-0.1}^{+0.1}$ kpc above the galactic plane, whereas, M15's is at\n$0.6_{-0.5}^{+0.3}$ kpc below the plane. We estimate the scintillation\ntimescale and decorrelation bandwidth for each pulsar at each epoch using the\none-dimensional auto-correlation in frequency and time of the dynamic spectra.\nWe found that the boundary of the Local Bubble may have caused the scattering\nof M15, and detected the most distant off-plane scattering screens to date\nthrough pulsar scintillation, which provides evidence for understanding the\nmedium circulation in the Milky Way.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 07:56:21 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Zhang","Dandan",""],["Tao","Zhenzhao",""],["Yuan","Mao",""],["Yao","Jumei",""],["Wang","Pei",""],["Zhi","Qijun",""],["Zhu","Weiwei",""],["Shi","Xun",""],["Kramer","Michael",""],["Li","Di",""],["Zhang","Lei",""],["Li","Guangxing",""]]} {"id":"2308.05990","submitter":"Yongrong Qiu","authors":"Nan Wu, Isabel Valera, Alexander Ecker, Thomas Euler, Yongrong Qiu","title":"Bayesian Neural System Identification with Response Variability","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"q-bio.NC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Neural population responses in sensory systems are driven by external\nphysical stimuli. This stimulus-response relationship is typically\ncharacterized by receptive fields with the assumption of identical and\nindependent Gaussian or Poisson distributions through the loss function.\nHowever, responses to repeated presentations of the same stimulus vary,\ncomplicating the understanding of neural coding in a stochastic manner.\nTherefore, to appreciate neural information processing, it is critical to\nidentify stimulus-response function in the presence of trial-to-trial\nvariability. Here, we present a Bayesian system identification approach to\npredict neural responses to visual stimuli with uncertainties, and explore\nwhether incorporating response fluctuations by using synaptic variability can\nbe beneficial for identifying neural response properties. To this end, we build\na neural network model using variational inference to estimate the distribution\nof each model weight. Tests with different neural datasets demonstrate that\nthis method can achieve higher or comparable performance on neural prediction\ncompared to Monte Carlo dropout methods and traditional models using point\nestimates of the model parameters. At the same time, our variational method\nallows to estimate the uncertainty of neural transfer function, which we have\nfound to be negatively correlated with the predictive performance. Finally, our\nmodel enables a highly challenging task, i.e., the prediction of noise\ncorrelations for unseen stimuli, albeit to a moderate degree. Together, we\nprovide a probabilistic approach as a starting point for simultaneously\nestimating neuronal receptive fields and analyzing trial-to-trial\nco-variability for a population of neurons, which may help to uncover the\nunderpinning of stochastic biological computation.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 07:57:05 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Wu","Nan",""],["Valera","Isabel",""],["Ecker","Alexander",""],["Euler","Thomas",""],["Qiu","Yongrong",""]]} {"id":"2308.05991","submitter":"Yufei Yin","authors":"Yufei Yin, Jiajun Deng, Wengang Zhou, Li Li, Houqiang Li","title":"Cyclic-Bootstrap Labeling for Weakly Supervised Object Detection","comments":"Accepted by ICCV 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Recent progress in weakly supervised object detection is featured by a\ncombination of multiple instance detection networks (MIDN) and ordinal online\nrefinement. However, with only image-level annotation, MIDN inevitably assigns\nhigh scores to some unexpected region proposals when generating pseudo labels.\nThese inaccurate high-scoring region proposals will mislead the training of\nsubsequent refinement modules and thus hamper the detection performance. In\nthis work, we explore how to ameliorate the quality of pseudo-labeling in MIDN.\nFormally, we devise Cyclic-Bootstrap Labeling (CBL), a novel weakly supervised\nobject detection pipeline, which optimizes MIDN with rank information from a\nreliable teacher network. Specifically, we obtain this teacher network by\nintroducing a weighted exponential moving average strategy to take advantage of\nvarious refinement modules. A novel class-specific ranking distillation\nalgorithm is proposed to leverage the output of weighted ensembled teacher\nnetwork for distilling MIDN with rank information. As a result, MIDN is guided\nto assign higher scores to accurate proposals among their neighboring ones,\nthus benefiting the subsequent pseudo labeling. Extensive experiments on the\nprevalent PASCAL VOC 2007 \\& 2012 and COCO datasets demonstrate the superior\nperformance of our CBL framework. Code will be available at\nhttps://github.com/Yinyf0804/WSOD-CBL/.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 07:57:17 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Yin","Yufei",""],["Deng","Jiajun",""],["Zhou","Wengang",""],["Li","Li",""],["Li","Houqiang",""]]} {"id":"2308.05992","submitter":"Inhyuk Oh","authors":"In Hyuk Oh, Ju Won Seo, Jin Sung Kim, and Chung Choo Chung","title":"Reachable Set-based Path Planning for Automated Vertical Parking System","comments":"8 pages, 10 figures, conference. This is the Accepted Manuscript\n version of an article accepted for publication in [IEEE International\n Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems ITSC 2023]. IOP Publishing\n Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the\n manuscript or any version derived from it. No information about DOI has been\n posted yet","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.RO cs.SY eess.SY","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" This paper proposes a local path planning method with a reachable set for\nAutomated vertical Parking Systems (APS). First, given a parking lot layout\nwith a goal position, we define an intermediate pose for the APS to accomplish\nreverse parking with a single maneuver, i.e., without changing the gear shift.\nThen, we introduce a reachable set which is a set of points consisting of the\ngrid points of all possible intermediate poses. Once the APS approaches the\ngoal position, it must select an intermediate pose in the reachable set. A\nminimization problem was formulated and solved to choose the intermediate pose.\nWe performed various scenarios with different parking lot conditions. We used\nthe Hybrid-A* algorithm for the global path planning to move the vehicle from\nthe starting pose to the intermediate pose and utilized clothoid-based local\npath planning to move from the intermediate pose to the goal pose.\nAdditionally, we designed a controller to follow the generated path and\nvalidated its tracking performance. It was confirmed that the tracking error in\nthe mean root square for the lateral position was bounded within 0.06m and for\norientation within 0.01rad.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 07:59:13 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Oh","In Hyuk",""],["Seo","Ju Won",""],["Kim","Jin Sung",""],["Chung","Chung Choo",""]]} {"id":"2308.05993","submitter":"Mengjie Zhou","authors":"Mengjie Zhou, Liu Liu, Yiran Zhong","title":"Image-based Geolocalization by Ground-to-2.5D Map Matching","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.RO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We study the image-based geolocalization problem that aims to locate\nground-view query images on cartographic maps. Previous methods often utilize\ncross-view localization techniques to match ground-view query images with 2D\nmaps. However, the performance of these methods is frequently unsatisfactory\ndue to the significant cross-view appearance differences. In this paper, we\nextend cross-view matching to 2.5D spaces, where the heights of the structures\n- such as trees, buildings, and other objects - can provide additional\ninformation to guide the cross-view matching. We present a new approach to\nlearning representative embeddings from multi-model data. Specifically, we\nfirst align 2D maps to ground-view panoramic images with polar transform to\nreduce the gap between panoramic images and maps. Then we leverage global\nfusion to fuse the multi-modal features from 2D and 2.5D maps to increase the\ndistinctiveness of location embeddings. We construct the first large-scale\nground-to-2.5D map geolocalization dataset to validate our method and\nfacilitate the research. We test our learned embeddings on two popular\nlocalization approaches, i.e., single-image based localization, and route based\nlocalization. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed method\nachieves significantly higher localization accuracy and faster convergence than\nprevious 2D map-based approaches.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 08:00:30 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Zhou","Mengjie",""],["Liu","Liu",""],["Zhong","Yiran",""]]} {"id":"2308.05994","submitter":"Byeong-Cheol Lee","authors":"Byeong-Cheol Lee, Gwanghui Jeong, Jae-Rim Koo, Beomdu Lim, Myeong-Gu\n Park, Tae-Yang Bang, Yeon-Ho Choi, Hyeong-Ill Oh, and Inwoo Han","title":"A Search for exoplanets around northern circumpolar stars VIII. filter\n out a planet cycle from the multi-period radial velocity variations in M\n giant HD 3638","comments":"5 pages, 2 figures, Accepted for publication in JKAS","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.EP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" This paper is written as a follow-up observations to reinterpret the radial\nvelocity (RV) of HD 36384, where the existence of planetary systems is known to\nbe ambiguous. In giants, it is, in general, difficult to distinguish the\nsignals of planetary companions from those of stellar activities. Thus, known\nexoplanetary giant hosts are relatively rare. We, for many years, have obtained\nRV data in evolved stars using the high-resolution, fiber-fed Bohyunsan\nObservatory Echelle Spectrograph (BOES) at the Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy\nObservatory (BOAO). Here, we report the results of RV variations in the M giant\nHD 36384. We have found two significant periods of 586d and 490d. Considering\nthe orbital stability, it is impossible to have two planets at so close orbits.\nTo determine the nature of the RV variability variations, we analyze the\nHIPPARCOS photometric data, some indicators of stellar activities, and line\nprofiles. A significant period of 580d was revealed in the HIPPARCOS\nphotometry. H{\\alpha} EW variations also show a meaningful period of 582d.\nThus, the period of 586d may be closely related to the rotational modulations\nand/or stellar pulsations. On the other hand, the other significant period of\n490d is interpreted as the result of the orbiting companion. Our orbital fit\nsuggests that the companion was a planetary mass of 6.6 MJ and is located at\n1.3 AU from the host.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 08:01:50 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Lee","Byeong-Cheol",""],["Jeong","Gwanghui",""],["Koo","Jae-Rim",""],["Lim","Beomdu",""],["Park","Myeong-Gu",""],["Bang","Tae-Yang",""],["Choi","Yeon-Ho",""],["Oh","Hyeong-Ill",""],["Han","Inwoo",""]]} {"id":"2308.05995","submitter":"Zhang Fan","authors":"Fan Zhang, Naye Ji, Fuxing Gao, Siyuan Zhao, Zhaohan Wang, Shunman Li","title":"Audio is all in one: speech-driven gesture synthetics using WavLM\n pre-trained model","comments":"10 pages, 5 figures, 1 table","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SD cs.AI cs.GR cs.MM eess.AS","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The generation of co-speech gestures for digital humans is an emerging area\nin the field of virtual human creation. Prior research has made progress by\nusing acoustic and semantic information as input and adopting classify method\nto identify the person's ID and emotion for driving co-speech gesture\ngeneration. However, this endeavour still faces significant challenges. These\nchallenges go beyond the intricate interplay between co-speech gestures, speech\nacoustic, and semantics; they also encompass the complexities associated with\npersonality, emotion, and other obscure but important factors. This paper\nintroduces \"diffmotion-v2,\" a speech-conditional diffusion-based and\nnon-autoregressive transformer-based generative model with WavLM pre-trained\nmodel. It can produce individual and stylized full-body co-speech gestures only\nusing raw speech audio, eliminating the need for complex multimodal processing\nand manually annotated. Firstly, considering that speech audio not only\ncontains acoustic and semantic features but also conveys personality traits,\nemotions, and more subtle information related to accompanying gestures, we\npioneer the adaptation of WavLM, a large-scale pre-trained model, to extract\nlow-level and high-level audio information. Secondly, we introduce an adaptive\nlayer norm architecture in the transformer-based layer to learn the\nrelationship between speech information and accompanying gestures. Extensive\nsubjective evaluation experiments are conducted on the Trinity, ZEGGS, and BEAT\ndatasets to confirm the WavLM and the model's ability to synthesize natural\nco-speech gestures with various styles.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 08:03:28 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Mon, 14 Aug 2023 03:27:40 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-15","authors_parsed":[["Zhang","Fan",""],["Ji","Naye",""],["Gao","Fuxing",""],["Zhao","Siyuan",""],["Wang","Zhaohan",""],["Li","Shunman",""]]} {"id":"2308.05996","submitter":"Qi Liu","authors":"Qi Liu, Zhilong Zhou, Gangwei Jiang, Tiezheng Ge, Defu Lian","title":"Deep Task-specific Bottom Representation Network for Multi-Task\n Recommendation","comments":"CIKM'23","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Neural-based multi-task learning (MTL) has gained significant improvement,\nand it has been successfully applied to recommendation system (RS). Recent deep\nMTL methods for RS (e.g. MMoE, PLE) focus on designing soft gating-based\nparameter-sharing networks that implicitly learn a generalized representation\nfor each task. However, MTL methods may suffer from performance degeneration\nwhen dealing with conflicting tasks, as negative transfer effects can occur on\nthe task-shared bottom representation. This can result in a reduced capacity\nfor MTL methods to capture task-specific characteristics, ultimately impeding\ntheir effectiveness and hindering the ability to generalize well on all tasks.\nIn this paper, we focus on the bottom representation learning of MTL in RS and\npropose the Deep Task-specific Bottom Representation Network (DTRN) to\nalleviate the negative transfer problem. DTRN obtains task-specific bottom\nrepresentation explicitly by making each task have its own representation\nlearning network in the bottom representation modeling stage. Specifically, it\nextracts the user's interests from multiple types of behavior sequences for\neach task through the parameter-efficient hypernetwork. To further obtain the\ndedicated representation for each task, DTRN refines the representation of each\nfeature by employing a SENet-like network for each task. The two proposed\nmodules can achieve the purpose of getting task-specific bottom representation\nto relieve tasks' mutual interference. Moreover, the proposed DTRN is flexible\nto combine with existing MTL methods. Experiments on one public dataset and one\nindustrial dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed DTRN.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 08:04:43 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Fri, 18 Aug 2023 01:37:14 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-21","authors_parsed":[["Liu","Qi",""],["Zhou","Zhilong",""],["Jiang","Gangwei",""],["Ge","Tiezheng",""],["Lian","Defu",""]]} {"id":"2308.05997","submitter":"Xuhan Guo","authors":"Youlv Chen, Xuhan Guo, Xulin Zhang, and Yikai Su","title":"High-dimensional broadband non-Abelian holonomy in silicon nitride\n photonics","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.optics","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Non-Abelian geometry phase has attracted significant attention for the robust\nholonomic unitary behavior exhibited, which arises from the degenerate subspace\nevolving along a trajectory in Hilbert space. It has been regarded as a\npromising approach for implementing topologically protected quantum computation\nand logic manipulation. However, due to the challenges associated with\nhigh-dimensional parameters manipulation, this matrix-valued geometry phase has\nnot been realized on silicon integrated photonic platform, which is CMOS\ncompatible and regarded as the most promising flatform for next-generation\nfunctional devices. Here, we demonstrate the first non-Abelian holonomic\nhigh-dimensional unitary matrices on multilayer silicon nitride integrated\nplatform. By leveraging the advantage of integrated platform and geometry\nphase, ultracompact footprint, highest order (up to six) and broadband\noperation (larger than 100nm) non-Abelian holonomy unitary matrices are\nexperimentally realized. Our work paves the way for versatile non-Abelian\noptical computing devices in integrated photonics.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 08:04:47 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Chen","Youlv",""],["Guo","Xuhan",""],["Zhang","Xulin",""],["Su","Yikai",""]]} {"id":"2308.05998","submitter":"Frederik Br\\\"uning","authors":"Frederik Br\\\"uning, Anne Driemel","title":"Simplified and Improved Bounds on the VC-Dimension for Elastic Distance\n Measures","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We study range spaces, where the ground set consists of polygonal curves and\nthe ranges are balls defined by an elastic distance measure. Such range spaces\nappear in various applications like classification, range counting, density\nestimation and clustering when the instances are trajectories or time series.\nThe Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension (VC-dimension) plays an important role when\ndesigning algorithms for these range spaces. We show for the Fr\\'echet distance\nand the Hausdorff distance that the VC-dimension is upper-bounded by $O(dk\n\\log(km))$, where $k$ is the complexity of the center of a ball, $m$ is the\ncomplexity of the curve in the ground set, and $d$ is the ambient dimension.\nFor $d \\geq 4$ this bound is tight in each of the parameters $d,k$ and $m$\nseparately. Our approach rests on an argument that was first used by Goldberg\nand Jerrum and later improved by Anthony and Bartlett. The idea is to interpret\nthe ranges as combinations of sign values of polynomials and to bound the\ngrowth function via the number of connected components in an arrangement of\nzero sets of polynomials.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 08:06:40 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Br\u00fcning","Frederik",""],["Driemel","Anne",""]]} {"id":"2308.05999","submitter":"Yatao Li","authors":"Yatao Li, Wanling Gao, Lei Wang, Lixin Sun, Zun Wang, Jianfeng Zhan","title":"Does AI for science need another ImageNet Or totally different\n benchmarks? A case study of machine learning force fields","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG physics.comp-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" AI for science (AI4S) is an emerging research field that aims to enhance the\naccuracy and speed of scientific computing tasks using machine learning\nmethods. Traditional AI benchmarking methods struggle to adapt to the unique\nchallenges posed by AI4S because they assume data in training, testing, and\nfuture real-world queries are independent and identically distributed, while\nAI4S workloads anticipate out-of-distribution problem instances. This paper\ninvestigates the need for a novel approach to effectively benchmark AI for\nscience, using the machine learning force field (MLFF) as a case study. MLFF is\na method to accelerate molecular dynamics (MD) simulation with low\ncomputational cost and high accuracy. We identify various missed opportunities\nin scientifically meaningful benchmarking and propose solutions to evaluate\nMLFF models, specifically in the aspects of sample efficiency, time domain\nsensitivity, and cross-dataset generalization capabilities. By setting up the\nproblem instantiation similar to the actual scientific applications, more\nmeaningful performance metrics from the benchmark can be achieved. This suite\nof metrics has demonstrated a better ability to assess a model's performance in\nreal-world scientific applications, in contrast to traditional AI benchmarking\nmethodologies. This work is a component of the SAIBench project, an AI4S\nbenchmarking suite. The project homepage is\nhttps://www.computercouncil.org/SAIBench.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 08:06:58 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Li","Yatao",""],["Gao","Wanling",""],["Wang","Lei",""],["Sun","Lixin",""],["Wang","Zun",""],["Zhan","Jianfeng",""]]} {"id":"2308.06000","submitter":"Ivan Filippov","authors":"Ivan Filippov, Alexandr Anikanov, Aleksandr Rykov, Alexander\n Mumlyakov, Maksim Shibalov, Igor Trofimov, Nikolay Porokhov, Yuriy Anufriev\n and Michael Tarkhov","title":"Superconducting TSV contact for cryoelectronic devices","comments":"8 pages, 6 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.supr-con","license":"http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/","abstract":" This work focuses on the fabrication of niobium through silicon vias (TSV)\nsuperconductors interconnects. The effect of supercycle of sequential oxidation\nand chemical etching process on the through-etch wall quality was investigated.\nIt was experimentally shown that the use of supercycle in the fabrication\nprocess leads to significant improvement of the TSV wall quality and removal of\nthe defect type - scallops. After 12 times repetitions of supercycles a\ndissipative bonding of superconducting strips on the front and back side of the\nsample is observed. The critical current density of such coupling is 5x104\nA/cm2. The critical ratio of substrate thickness to hole diameter at which\nelectrical coupling is formed is 3 : 1.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 08:07:11 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Filippov","Ivan",""],["Anikanov","Alexandr",""],["Rykov","Aleksandr",""],["Mumlyakov","Alexander",""],["Shibalov","Maksim",""],["Trofimov","Igor",""],["Porokhov","Nikolay",""],["Anufriev","Yuriy",""],["Tarkhov","Michael",""]]} {"id":"2308.06001","submitter":"Andrew Wynn","authors":"Joshua Binns and Andrew Wynn","title":"Global stability of Oldroyd-B fluids in plane Couette flow","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.flu-dyn math.AP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We prove conditions for global nonlinear stability of Oldroyd-B viscoelatic\nfluid flows in the Couette shear flow geometry. Global stability is inferred by\nanalysing a new functional, called a perturbation entropy, to quantify the\nmagnitude of the polymer perturbations from their steady-state values. The\nconditions for global stability extend, in a physically natural manner,\nclassical results on global stability of Newtonian Couette flow.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 08:12:18 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Binns","Joshua",""],["Wynn","Andrew",""]]} {"id":"2308.06002","submitter":"Giulia Cinquegrana","authors":"Giulia C. Cinquegrana, Meridith Joyce, Amanda I. Karakas","title":"Bridging the Gap between Intermediate and Massive Stars II:\n $M_\\text{mas}$ for the most metal-rich stars and implications for Fe CCSNe\n rates","comments":"Accepted for publication in MNRAS (August 2023)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.SR astro-ph.GA astro-ph.HE","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The minimum initial mass required for a star to explode as an Fe core\ncollapse supernova, typically denoted $M_\\text{mas}$, is an important quantity\nin stellar evolution because it defines the border between intermediate mass\nand massive stellar evolutionary paths. The precise value of $M_\\text{mas}$\ncarries implications for models of galactic chemical evolution and the\ncalculation of star formation rates. Despite the fact that stars with super\nsolar metallicities are commonplace within spiral and some giant elliptical\ngalaxies, there are currently no studies of this mass threshold in super\nmetal-rich models with $Z>0.05$. Here, we study the minimum mass necessary for\na star to undergo an Fe core collapse supernova when its initial metal content\nfalls in the range $2.5\\times 10^{-3} \\leq Z \\leq 0.10$. Although an increase\nin initial $Z$ corresponds to an increase in the Fe ignition threshold for $Z\n\\approx 1\\times 10^{-3}$ to $Z\\approx0.04$, we find that there is a steady\nreversal in trend that occurs for $Z > 0.05$. Our super metal-rich models thus\nundergo Fe core collapse at lower initial masses than those required at solar\nmetallicity. Our results indicate that metallicity--dependent curves extending\nto $Z=0.10$ for the minimum Fe ignition mass should be utilised in galactic\nchemical evolution simulations to accurately model supernovae rates as a\nfunction of metallicity, particularly for simulations of metal-rich spiral and\nelliptical galaxies.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 08:18:22 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Cinquegrana","Giulia C.",""],["Joyce","Meridith",""],["Karakas","Amanda I.",""]]} {"id":"2308.06003","submitter":"Benedicte Sverdrup Ofstad","authors":"Benedicte Sverdrup Ofstad, Meilani Wibowo-Teale, H{\\aa}kon Emil\n Kristiansen, Einar Aurbakken, Marios Petros Kitsaras, {\\O}yvind Sigmundson\n Sch{\\o}yen, Eirill Hauge, Simen Kvaal, Stella Stopkowicz, Andrew M.\n Wibowo-Teale, Thomas Bondo Pedersen","title":"Magnetic Optical Rotation from Real-Time Simulations in Finite Magnetic\n Fields","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.chem-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We present a numerical approach to magnetic optical rotation based on\nreal-time time-dependent electronic-structure theory. Not relying on\nperturbation expansions in the magnetic-field strength, the formulation allows\nus to test the range of validity of the linear relation between the rotation\nangle per unit path length and the magnetic-field strength that was established\nempirically by Verdet 160 years ago. Results obtained from time-dependent\ncoupled-cluster and time-dependent current density-functional theory are\npresented for the closed-shell molecules H2, HF, and CO in magnetic fields up\nto 55 kT at standard temperature and pressure conditions. We find that Verdet's\nlinearity remains valid up to roughly 10-20 kT, above which significant\ndeviations from linearity are observed. Among the three current\ndensity-functional approximations tested in this work, the current-dependent\nTao-Perdew-Staroverov-Scuseria hybrid functional performs the best in\ncomparison with time-dependent coupled-cluster singles and doubles results for\nthe magnetic optical rotation.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 08:19:27 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Ofstad","Benedicte Sverdrup",""],["Wibowo-Teale","Meilani",""],["Kristiansen","H\u00e5kon Emil",""],["Aurbakken","Einar",""],["Kitsaras","Marios Petros",""],["Sch\u00f8yen","\u00d8yvind Sigmundson",""],["Hauge","Eirill",""],["Kvaal","Simen",""],["Stopkowicz","Stella",""],["Wibowo-Teale","Andrew M.",""],["Pedersen","Thomas Bondo",""]]} {"id":"2308.06004","submitter":"Adem Ersin Ureyen","authors":"A. Ersin Ureyen","title":"Harmonic Bloch Space on the Real Hyperbolic Ball","comments":"19 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We study the Bloch and the little Bloch spaces of harmonic functions on the\nreal hyperbolic ball. We show that the Bergman projections from\n$L^\\infty(\\mathbb B)$ to $\\mathcal B$, and from $C_0(\\mathbb B)$ to $\\mathcal\nB_0$ are onto. We verify that the dual space of the hyperbolic harmonic Bergman\nspace $\\mathcal B^1_\\alpha$ is $\\mathcal B$ and its predual is $\\mathcal B_0$.\nFinally, we obtain an atomic decomposition of Bloch functions as a series of\nBergman reproducing kernels.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 08:21:26 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Ureyen","A. Ersin",""]]} {"id":"2308.06005","submitter":"Wenxin Xiao","authors":"Wenxin Xiao, Hao He, Weiwei Xu, Yuxia Zhang, and Minghui Zhou","title":"How Early Participation Determines Long-Term Sustained Activity in\n GitHub Projects?","comments":"The 31st ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and\n Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2023)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SE","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Although the open source model bears many advantages in software development,\nopen source projects are always hard to sustain. Previous research on open\nsource sustainability mainly focuses on projects that have already reached a\ncertain level of maturity (e.g., with communities, releases, and downstream\nprojects). However, limited attention is paid to the development of\n(sustainable) open source projects in their infancy, and we believe an\nunderstanding of early sustainability determinants is crucial for project\ninitiators, incubators, newcomers, and users.\n In this paper, we aim to explore the relationship between early participation\nfactors and long-term project sustainability. We leverage a novel methodology\nthat measures the early participation of 290,255 GitHub projects during the\nfirst three months with reference to the Blumberg model, trains an XGBoost\nmodel to predict project's two-year sustained activity, and interprets the\ntrained model using LIME. We quantitatively show that early participants have a\npositive effect on project's future sustained activity if they have prior\nexperience in OSS project incubation and demonstrate concentrated focus and\nsteady commitment. Participation from non-code contributors and detailed\ncontribution documentation also promote project's sustained activity. Compared\nwith individual projects, building a community that consists of more\nexperienced core developers and more active peripheral developers is important\nfor organizational projects. This study provides unique insights into the\nincubation and recognition of sustainable open source projects, and our\ninterpretable prediction approach can also offer guidance to open source\nproject initiators and newcomers.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 08:24:41 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Thu, 24 Aug 2023 08:57:27 GMT"},{"version":"v3","created":"Sat, 26 Aug 2023 12:06:11 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-29","authors_parsed":[["Xiao","Wenxin",""],["He","Hao",""],["Xu","Weiwei",""],["Zhang","Yuxia",""],["Zhou","Minghui",""]]} {"id":"2308.06006","submitter":"Imre Kisv\\'ardai","authors":"Imre Kisv\\'ardai, Bernadett D. P\\'al, \\'Akos Kereszturi","title":"Investigating the porosity of Enceladus","comments":"8 pages, 9 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1093/mnras/stad2333","report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.EP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The interior of Enceladus, a medium sized icy moon of Saturn hosts\nhydrothermal activity and exhibits tidal heating and related geyser-like\nactivity. There are major disagreements in the existing literature on the\nporosity of the interior, due to the different theoretical assumptions on which\nporosity related calculations were based. We present an application of\nexperimental equations - derived for Earth - for icy planetary objects and\nEnceladus in particular. We chose a set of boundary values for our initial\nparameters from measured porosity values of chondrite samples as references,\nand calculated the porosity related values of Enceladus using various\napproaches. We present a comprehensive investigation of the effects of using\nthese different porosity calculation methods on icy moons. With our most\nrealistic approach we also calculated the same values for Earth and Mars for\ncomparison. Our result for Enceladus is a minimum porosity of about 5\\% at the\ncentre of the body. For the total pore volume we estimated $1.51*10^7 km^3$ for\nEnceladus, $2.11*10^8 km^3$ for Earth and $1.62*10^8 km^3$ for Mars. Using the\nsame method, we estimated the total pore surface area. From this we derived\nthat the pore surface under a given $1 km^2$ area of the surface on Enceladus\nis about $1.37*10^9 km^2$, while for Earth this value is only $5.07*10^7 km^2$.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 08:26:47 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Kisv\u00e1rdai","Imre",""],["P\u00e1l","Bernadett D.",""],["Kereszturi","\u00c1kos",""]]} {"id":"2308.06007","submitter":"Soumya Prakash Dash","authors":"Soumya P. Dash and Aryan Kaushik","title":"RIS-Assisted 6G Wireless Communications: A Novel Statistical Framework\n in the Presence of Direct Channel","comments":"5 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IT eess.SP math.IT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" A RIS-assisted wireless communication system in the presence of a direct\ncommunication path between the transceiver pair is considered in this paper.\nThe transmitter-RIS and the RIS-receiver channels follow independent Nakagami-m\ndistributions, and the direct channel between the transceiver pair follows a\nRayleigh distribution. Considering this system model, the statistics of the\ncomposite channel for the RIS-assisted communication system are derived in\nterms of obtaining novel expressions for the probability density functions for\nthe magnitude and the phase of the communication channel. The correctness of\nthe analytical framework is verified via Monte Carlo simulations, and the\neffects of the shape parameters of the channels and the number of reflecting\nelements in the RIS on the randomness of the composite channel are studied via\nnumerical results.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 08:26:48 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Dash","Soumya P.",""],["Kaushik","Aryan",""]]} {"id":"2308.06008","submitter":"Padraig \\'O Cath\\'ain","authors":"Oliver W. Gnilke, Padraig O Cathain, Oktay Olmez, Guillermo Nunez\n Ponasso","title":"Invariants of Quadratic Forms and applications in Design Theory","comments":"23 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CO math.HO math.NT","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The study of regular incidence structures such as projective planes and\nsymmetric block designs is a well established topic in discrete mathematics.\nWork of Bruck, Ryser and Chowla in the mid-twentieth century applied the\nHasse-Minkowski local-global theory for quadratic forms to derive non-existence\nresults for certain design parameters. Several combinatorialists have provided\nalternative proofs of this result, replacing conceptual arguments with\nalgorithmic ones. In this paper, we show that the methods required are purely\nlinear-algebraic in nature and are no more difficult conceptually than the\ntheory of the Jordan Canonical Form. Computationally, they are rather easier.\nWe conclude with some classical and recent applications to design theory,\nincluding a novel application to the decomposition of incidence matrices of\nsymmetric designs.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 08:27:14 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Gnilke","Oliver W.",""],["Cathain","Padraig O",""],["Olmez","Oktay",""],["Ponasso","Guillermo Nunez",""]]} {"id":"2308.06009","submitter":"Kun Li","authors":"Kun Li, Dan Guo, Meng Wang","title":"ViGT: Proposal-free Video Grounding with Learnable Token in Transformer","comments":"This paper has been accepted by SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences","journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1007/s11432-022-3783-3","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.MM","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The video grounding (VG) task aims to locate the queried action or event in\nan untrimmed video based on rich linguistic descriptions. Existing\nproposal-free methods are trapped in complex interaction between video and\nquery, overemphasizing cross-modal feature fusion and feature correlation for\nVG. In this paper, we propose a novel boundary regression paradigm that\nperforms regression token learning in a transformer. Particularly, we present a\nsimple but effective proposal-free framework, namely Video Grounding\nTransformer (ViGT), which predicts the temporal boundary using a learnable\nregression token rather than multi-modal or cross-modal features. In ViGT, the\nbenefits of a learnable token are manifested as follows. (1) The token is\nunrelated to the video or the query and avoids data bias toward the original\nvideo and query. (2) The token simultaneously performs global context\naggregation from video and query features. First, we employed a sharing feature\nencoder to project both video and query into a joint feature space before\nperforming cross-modal co-attention (i.e., video-to-query attention and\nquery-to-video attention) to highlight discriminative features in each\nmodality. Furthermore, we concatenated a learnable regression token [REG] with\nthe video and query features as the input of a vision-language transformer.\nFinally, we utilized the token [REG] to predict the target moment and visual\nfeatures to constrain the foreground and background probabilities at each\ntimestamp. The proposed ViGT performed well on three public datasets: ANet\nCaptions, TACoS and YouCookII. Extensive ablation studies and qualitative\nanalysis further validated the interpretability of ViGT.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 08:30:08 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Li","Kun",""],["Guo","Dan",""],["Wang","Meng",""]]} {"id":"2308.06010","submitter":"Guangjun Zhu","authors":"Guangjun Zhu, Yijun Cui, Yulong Yang and Yi yang","title":"The $\\circ$ operation and $*$ operation of fan graphs","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Let $G$ be a finite simple graph on the vertex set $V$ and let $I_G$ denote\nits edge ideal in the polynomial ring $S=\\mathbb{K}[x_V]$. In this paper, we\ncompute the depth and the Castelnuovo--Mumford regularity of $S/I_G$ when\n$G=F_{k}^{W}(K_n)$ is a $k$-fan graph, or $G=G_1\\circ G_2$ or $G=G_1* G_2$ is\nthe graph obtained from fan graphs $G_1$, $G_2$ by $\\circ$ operation or $*$\noperation, respectively.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 08:37:34 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Zhu","Guangjun",""],["Cui","Yijun",""],["Yang","Yulong",""],["yang","Yi",""]]} {"id":"2308.06011","submitter":"Anjali Kshirsagar","authors":"Sutapa Chattopadhyay and Anjali Kshirsagar","title":"Design of Sn-doped cadmium chalcogenide based monolayers for\n valleytronics properties","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Valleytronics, that uses the valley index or valley pseudospin to encode\ninformation, has emerged as an interesting field of research in two-dimensional\n(2D) systems with promising device applications. Spin-orbit coupling (SOC) and\ninversion symmetry breaking leads to spin-splitting of bands near the energy\nextrema (valleys). In order to find a new 2D material useful for valleytronics,\nwe have designed hexagonal planar monolayers of cadmium chalcogenides (CdX, X =\nS, Se, Te) from the (111) surface of bulk CdX zinc blende structure. Band\nstructure study reveals valence band local maxima at symmetry point K and its\ntime reversal conjugate point K$\\textquotesingle$. Application of SOC initiates\nspin-splitting in the valleys that lifts the energy degeneracy and shows strong\nvalley-spin coupling character. We have substituted two Cd atoms in the planar\nmonolayers by Sn atoms which increases the spin-splitting significantly. The\nstructural, dynamic, mechanical and thermal stability of all the monolayers has\nbeen confirmed. Values of formation energies indicate that it may be feasible\nto synthesize the Sn-doped CdSe and CdTe monolayers using bottom-up approach.\nZeeman-type spin-splitting is observed in the valley region and Rashba\nspin-splitting is observed at the $\\Gamma$ point for Sn-doped CdSe and CdTe\nmonolayers. Berry curvature values are more in all the Sn-doped monolayers than\nthe pristine monolayers. These newly designed monolayers are thus found to be\nsuitable for valleytronics applications. Sn-doped monolayers show band\ninversion deep in the valence and conduction bands between Sn~$s$ and $p$ and\nX~$p$ states but lack topological properties.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 08:39:36 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Chattopadhyay","Sutapa",""],["Kshirsagar","Anjali",""]]} {"id":"2308.06012","submitter":"Wei Yang","authors":"Wei Yang","title":"A tutorial overview on the angular scattering models of\n Electron-Neutral, Ion-Neutral, Neutral-Neutral, and Coulomb Collisions in\n Monte Carlo collision modeling on low temperature plasma","comments":"55 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.plasm-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Over the past decade, massive modeling practices on low temperature plasma\n(LTP) reveal that input data such as microscopic scattering cross sections are\ncrucial to output macroscopic phenomena. In Monte Carlo collision (MCC)\nmodeling on LTP, angular scattering model is a non-trivial topic in both\nnatural and laboratory plasma. Conforming to the pedagogical purpose of this\noverview, the classical and quantum theory of binary scattering including the\ncommonly used Born-Bethe approximation is first introduced. State-of-the-art\nangular scattering models are derived based on the above theories for\nelectron-neutral, ion-neutral, neutral-neutral, and Coulomb collisions. The\ntutorial is not aiming to provide accurate cross section data by modern\napproaches in quantum theory, but to introduce analytical angular scattering\nmodels from classical, semi-empirical, and first-order perturbation theory. The\nreviewed models are expected to be readily incorporated into the MCC codes, in\nwhich scattering angle is randomly sampled through analytical inversion instead\nof numerical accept-reject method. Those simplified approaches are very\nattractive, and demonstrate in many cases the ability to achieve a striking\nagreement with experiments. Energy partition models on electron-neutral\nionization are also discussed with insight from the binary encounter Bethe\ntheory. This overview is written in a tutorial style, in order to serve as a\nguide for novice in this field, and at the same time as a comprehensive\nreference for practitioners in MCC modeling on plasma.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 08:40:48 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Yang","Wei",""]]} {"id":"2308.06013","submitter":"Ali Maatouk","authors":"Ali Maatouk, Nicola Piovesan, Fadhel Ayed, Antonio De Domenico,\n Merouane Debbah","title":"Large Language Models for Telecom: Forthcoming Impact on the Industry","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IT cs.AI cs.LG math.IT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Large Language Models (LLMs) have emerged as a transformative force,\nrevolutionizing numerous fields well beyond the conventional domain of Natural\nLanguage Processing (NLP) and garnering unprecedented attention. As LLM\ntechnology continues to progress, the telecom industry is facing the prospect\nof its potential impact on its landscape. To elucidate these implications, we\ndelve into the inner workings of LLMs, providing insights into their current\ncapabilities and limitations. We also examine the use cases that can be readily\nimplemented in the telecom industry, streamlining numerous tasks that currently\nhinder operational efficiency and demand significant manpower and engineering\nexpertise. Furthermore, we uncover essential research directions that deal with\nthe distinctive challenges of utilizing the LLMs within the telecom domain.\nAddressing these challenges represents a significant stride towards fully\nharnessing the potential of LLMs and unlocking their capabilities to the\nfullest extent within the telecom domain.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 08:41:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Maatouk","Ali",""],["Piovesan","Nicola",""],["Ayed","Fadhel",""],["De Domenico","Antonio",""],["Debbah","Merouane",""]]} {"id":"2308.06014","submitter":"Xingliang Tian","authors":"Shengbing Deng and Xingliang Tian","title":"Classification and non-degeneracy of positive radial solutions for a\n weighted fourth-order equation and its application","comments":"arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2205.08937","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" This paper is devoted to radial solutions of the following weighted\nfourth-order equation\n \\begin{equation*}\n \\mathrm{div}(|x|^{\\alpha}\\nabla(\\mathrm{div}(|x|^\\alpha\\nabla\nu)))=u^{2^{**}_{\\alpha}-1},\\quad u>0\\quad \\mbox{in}\\quad \\mathbb{R}^N,\n \\end{equation*} where $N\\geq 2$, $\\frac{4-N}{2}<\\alpha<2$ and\n$2^{**}_{\\alpha}=\\frac{2N}{N-4+2\\alpha}$. It is obvious that the solutions of\nabove equation are invariant under the scaling\n$\\lambda^{\\frac{N-4+2\\alpha}{2}}u(\\lambda x)$ while they are not invariant\nunder translation when $\\alpha\\neq 0$. We characterize all the solutions to the\nrelated linearized problem about radial solutions, and obtain the conclusion of\nthat if $\\alpha$ satisfies $(2-\\alpha)(2N-2+\\alpha)\\neq4k(N-2+k)$ for all\n$k\\in\\mathbb{N}^+$ the radial solution is non-degenerate, otherwise there exist\nnew solutions to the linearized problem that ``replace'' the ones due to the\ntranslations invariance. As applications, firstly we investigate the remainder\nterms of some inequalities related to above equation. Then when $N\\geq 5$ and\n$0<\\alpha<2$, we establish a new type second-order Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg\ninequality\n \\begin{equation*}\n \\int_{\\mathbb{R}^N} |\\mathrm{div}(|x|^\\alpha\\nabla u)|^2 \\mathrm{d}x \\geq C\n\\left(\\int_{\\mathbb{R}^N}|u|^{2^{**}_{\\alpha}}\n\\mathrm{d}x\\right)^{\\frac{2}{2^{**}_{\\alpha}}},\\quad\n \\mbox{for all}\\quad u\\in C^\\infty_0(\\mathbb{R}^N),\n \\end{equation*}\n and in this case we consider a prescribed perturbation problem by using\nLyapunov-Schmidt reduction.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 08:41:11 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Deng","Shengbing",""],["Tian","Xingliang",""]]} {"id":"2308.06015","submitter":"Xuannan Liu","authors":"Xuannan Liu, Yaoyao Zhong, Yuhang Zhang, Lixiong Qin, Weihong Deng","title":"Enhancing Generalization of Universal Adversarial Perturbation through\n Gradient Aggregation","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Deep neural networks are vulnerable to universal adversarial perturbation\n(UAP), an instance-agnostic perturbation capable of fooling the target model\nfor most samples. Compared to instance-specific adversarial examples, UAP is\nmore challenging as it needs to generalize across various samples and models.\nIn this paper, we examine the serious dilemma of UAP generation methods from a\ngeneralization perspective -- the gradient vanishing problem using small-batch\nstochastic gradient optimization and the local optima problem using large-batch\noptimization. To address these problems, we propose a simple and effective\nmethod called Stochastic Gradient Aggregation (SGA), which alleviates the\ngradient vanishing and escapes from poor local optima at the same time.\nSpecifically, SGA employs the small-batch training to perform multiple\niterations of inner pre-search. Then, all the inner gradients are aggregated as\na one-step gradient estimation to enhance the gradient stability and reduce\nquantization errors. Extensive experiments on the standard ImageNet dataset\ndemonstrate that our method significantly enhances the generalization ability\nof UAP and outperforms other state-of-the-art methods. The code is available at\nhttps://github.com/liuxuannan/Stochastic-Gradient-Aggregation.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 08:44:58 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Liu","Xuannan",""],["Zhong","Yaoyao",""],["Zhang","Yuhang",""],["Qin","Lixiong",""],["Deng","Weihong",""]]} {"id":"2308.06016","submitter":"Guangjun Zhu","authors":"Shiya Duan, Guangjun Zhu, Yijun Cui and Jiaxin Li","title":"Integral closure and normality of edge ideals of some edge-weighted\n graphs","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Let $G_\\omega$ be an edge-weighted simple graph. In this paper, we give a\ncomplete characterization of the graph $G_\\omega$ whose edge ideal\n$I(G_\\omega)$ is integrally closed. We also show that if $G_\\omega$ is an\nedge-weighted star graph, a path or a cycle, and $I(G_\\omega)$ is integrally\nclosed, then $I(G_\\omega)$ is normal.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 08:45:53 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Duan","Shiya",""],["Zhu","Guangjun",""],["Cui","Yijun",""],["Li","Jiaxin",""]]} {"id":"2308.06017","submitter":"Luv Verma Mr.","authors":"Luv Verma, Ketaki N. Kolhatkar","title":"Optimizing transformer-based machine translation model for single GPU\n training: a hyperparameter ablation study","comments":"12 pages, 15 figures, 1 Table","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.AI","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" In machine translation tasks, the relationship between model complexity and\nperformance is often presumed to be linear, driving an increase in the number\nof parameters and consequent demands for computational resources like multiple\nGPUs. To explore this assumption, this study systematically investigates the\neffects of hyperparameters through ablation on a sequence-to-sequence machine\ntranslation pipeline, utilizing a single NVIDIA A100 GPU. Contrary to\nexpectations, our experiments reveal that combinations with the most parameters\nwere not necessarily the most effective. This unexpected insight prompted a\ncareful reduction in parameter sizes, uncovering \"sweet spots\" that enable\ntraining sophisticated models on a single GPU without compromising translation\nquality. The findings demonstrate an intricate relationship between\nhyperparameter selection, model size, and computational resource needs. The\ninsights from this study contribute to the ongoing efforts to make machine\ntranslation more accessible and cost-effective, emphasizing the importance of\nprecise hyperparameter tuning over mere scaling.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 08:47:52 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Verma","Luv",""],["Kolhatkar","Ketaki N.",""]]} {"id":"2308.06018","submitter":"Ngoc Luyen Le","authors":"Ngoc Luyen Le, Marie-H\\'el\\`ene Abel, Philippe Gouspillou","title":"Designing a User Contextual Profile Ontology: A Focus on the Vehicle\n Sales Domain","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In the digital age, it is crucial to understand and tailor experiences for\nusers interacting with systems and applications. This requires the creation of\nuser contextual profiles that combine user profiles with contextual\ninformation. However, there is a lack of research on the integration of\ncontextual information with different user profiles. This study aims to address\nthis gap by designing a user contextual profile ontology that considers both\nuser profiles and contextual information on each profile. Specifically, we\npresent a design and development of the user contextual profile ontology with a\nfocus on the vehicle sales domain. Our designed ontology serves as a structural\nfoundation for standardizing the representation of user profiles and contextual\ninformation, enhancing the system's ability to capture user preferences and\ncontextual information of the user accurately. Moreover, we illustrate a case\nstudy using the User Contextual Profile Ontology in generating personalized\nrecommendations for vehicle sales domain.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 08:48:56 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Le","Ngoc Luyen",""],["Abel","Marie-H\u00e9l\u00e8ne",""],["Gouspillou","Philippe",""]]} {"id":"2308.06019","submitter":"Shubham Srivastav","authors":"Shubham Srivastav, T. Moore, M. Nicholl, M. R. Magee, S. J. Smartt, M.\n D. Fulton, S. A. Sim, J. M. Pollin, L. Galbany, C. Inserra, A. Kozyreva,\n Takashi J. Moriya, F. P. Callan, X. Sheng, K. W. Smith, J. S. Sommer, J. P.\n Anderson, M. Deckers, M. Gromadzki, T. E. M\\\"uller-Bravo, G. Pignata, A. Rest\n and D. R. Young","title":"Unprecedented early flux excess in the hybrid 02es-like type Ia\n supernova 2022ywc indicates interaction with circumstellar material","comments":"Submitted to ApJL","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.HE astro-ph.SR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We present optical photometric and spectroscopic observations of the\n02es-like type Ia supernova (SN) 2022ywc. The transient occurred in the\noutskirts of an elliptical host galaxy and showed a striking double-peaked\nlight curve with an early excess feature detected in the ATLAS orange and cyan\nbands. The early excess is remarkably luminous with an absolute magnitude $\\sim\n-19$, comparable in luminosity to the subsequent radioactively-driven second\npeak. The spectra resemble the hybrid 02es-like SN 2016jhr, that is considered\nto be a helium shell detonation candidate. We investigate different physical\nmechanisms that could power such a prominent early excess and rule out massive\nhelium shell detonation, surface $^{56}$Ni distribution and ejecta-companion\ninteraction. We conclude that SN ejecta interacting with circumstellar material\n(CSM) is the most viable scenario. Semi-analytical modelling with MOSFiT\nindicates that SN ejecta interacting with $\\sim 0.05\\,$M$_{\\odot}$ of CSM at a\ndistance of $\\sim 10^{14}$ cm can explain the extraordinary light curve. A\ndouble-degenerate scenario may explain the origin of the CSM, either by\ntidally-stripped material from the secondary white dwarf, or disk-originated\nmatter launched along polar axes following the disruption and accretion of the\nsecondary white dwarf. A non-spherical CSM configuration could suggest that a\nsmall fraction of 02es-like events viewed along a favourable line of sight may\nbe expected to display a very conspicuous early excess like SN 2022ywc.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 08:49:01 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Srivastav","Shubham",""],["Moore","T.",""],["Nicholl","M.",""],["Magee","M. R.",""],["Smartt","S. J.",""],["Fulton","M. D.",""],["Sim","S. A.",""],["Pollin","J. M.",""],["Galbany","L.",""],["Inserra","C.",""],["Kozyreva","A.",""],["Moriya","Takashi J.",""],["Callan","F. P.",""],["Sheng","X.",""],["Smith","K. W.",""],["Sommer","J. S.",""],["Anderson","J. P.",""],["Deckers","M.",""],["Gromadzki","M.",""],["M\u00fcller-Bravo","T. E.",""],["Pignata","G.",""],["Rest","A.",""],["Young","D. R.",""]]} {"id":"2308.06020","submitter":"Bo Chen","authors":"Qingqing Yu, Bo Chen, Jiaru Wang, Yao Sun","title":"A direct sampling method based on the Green's function for\n time-dependent inverse scattering problems","comments":"18 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NA cs.NA math-ph math.MP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" This paper concerns the numerical simulation of time domain inverse acoustic\nscattering problems with a point-like scatterer, multiple point-like scatterers\nor normal size scatterers. Based on the Green's function and the application of\nthe time convolution, direct sampling methods are proposed to reconstruct the\nlocation of the scatterer. The proposed methods involve only integral calculus\nwithout solving any equations and are easy to implement. Numerical experiments\nare provided to show the effectiveness and robustness of the methods.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 08:51:47 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Yu","Qingqing",""],["Chen","Bo",""],["Wang","Jiaru",""],["Sun","Yao",""]]} {"id":"2308.06021","submitter":"Jakob Van Den Eijnden","authors":"J. van den Eijnden, L. Sidoli, M. Diaz Trigo, N. Degenaar, I. El\n Mellah, F. F\\\"urst, V. Grinberg, P. Kretschmar, S. Mart\\'inez-N\\'u\\~nez, J.\n C. A. Miller-Jones, K. Postnov, T. D. Russell","title":"The first mm detection of a neutron star high-mass X-ray binary","comments":"Submitted to MNRAS Letters. 6 pages, 1 figure","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.HE astro-ph.SR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Neutron stars accreting from massive binary companions come in a wide range\nof types. Systems with an OB supergiant donor are often divided between\npersistently and transiently accreting systems, respectively called Supergiant\nX-ray Binaries (SgXBs) and Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients (SFXTs). The origin\nof this dichotomy in accretion behaviour is typically attributed to systematic\ndifferences in the massive stellar wind, the binary orbit, or magnetic field\nconfiguration, but direct observational evidence for these hypotheses remains\nsparse. Here, we present the results of a pilot exploration of a novel approach\nto this long-standing question, turning to the mm band to probe the outer\nregions of the stellar wind beyond the binary orbit. Specifically, we present\n100-GHz NOEMA observations of a SgXB, X1908+075, and a SFXT, IGR J18410-0535.\nWe detect the SFXT as a point source at $63.4 \\pm 9.6$ $\\mu$Jy, while the SgXB\nis not detected. The spectrum of IGR J18410-0535 is constrained to be flat or\ninverted by comparing with quasi-simultaneous $5.5$+$9$ GHz radio observations,\nruling out non-thermal flaring and consistent with thermal wind emission.\nAdditional X-ray measurements further constrain the wind mass loss rate and\nvelocity of the SgXB. We compare our targets with each other and earlier wind\nestimates, and reflect on future opportunities using this novel observational\napproach to characterize stellar winds in X-ray binaries.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 08:54:29 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Eijnden","J. van den",""],["Sidoli","L.",""],["Trigo","M. Diaz",""],["Degenaar","N.",""],["Mellah","I. El",""],["F\u00fcrst","F.",""],["Grinberg","V.",""],["Kretschmar","P.",""],["Mart\u00ednez-N\u00fa\u00f1ez","S.",""],["Miller-Jones","J. C. A.",""],["Postnov","K.",""],["Russell","T. D.",""]]} {"id":"2308.06022","submitter":"Andres Felipe Posada Moreno","authors":"Andr\\'es Felipe Posada-Moreno, Lukas Kreisk\\\"other, Tassilo Glander,\n Sebastian Trimpe","title":"Scale-Preserving Automatic Concept Extraction (SPACE)","comments":"22 pages, 7 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) have become a common choice for\nindustrial quality control, as well as other critical applications in the\nIndustry 4.0. When these CNNs behave in ways unexpected to human users or\ndevelopers, severe consequences can arise, such as economic losses or an\nincreased risk to human life. Concept extraction techniques can be applied to\nincrease the reliability and transparency of CNNs through generating global\nexplanations for trained neural network models. The decisive features of image\ndatasets in quality control often depend on the feature's scale; for example,\nthe size of a hole or an edge. However, existing concept extraction methods do\nnot correctly represent scale, which leads to problems interpreting these\nmodels as we show herein. To address this issue, we introduce the\nScale-Preserving Automatic Concept Extraction (SPACE) algorithm, as a\nstate-of-the-art alternative concept extraction technique for CNNs, focused on\nindustrial applications. SPACE is specifically designed to overcome the\naforementioned problems by avoiding scale changes throughout the concept\nextraction process. SPACE proposes an approach based on square slices of input\nimages, which are selected and then tiled before being clustered into concepts.\nOur method provides explanations of the models' decision-making process in the\nform of human-understandable concepts. We evaluate SPACE on three image\nclassification datasets in the context of industrial quality control. Through\nexperimental results, we illustrate how SPACE outperforms other methods and\nprovides actionable insights on the decision mechanisms of CNNs. Finally, code\nfor the implementation of SPACE is provided.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 08:54:45 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Posada-Moreno","Andr\u00e9s Felipe",""],["Kreisk\u00f6ther","Lukas",""],["Glander","Tassilo",""],["Trimpe","Sebastian",""]]} {"id":"2308.06023","submitter":"Felix Kaps","authors":"Felix G. Kaps (1 ad 2), Susanne C. Kehr (1) and Lukas M. Eng (1 and 2)\n ((1) Institute of Applied Physics TUD Dresden University of Technology, (2)\n W\\\"urzburg-Dresden Cluster of Excellence - EXC 2147)","title":"Polarization sensitivity in scattering-type scanning near-field optical\n microscopy -- towards nanoellipsometry","comments":"11 pages, 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mtrl-sci physics.optics","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Electric field enhancement mediated through sharp tips in scattering-type\nscanning near-field optical microscopy (s-SNOM) enables optical material\nanalysis down to the 10-nm length scale, and even below. Nevertheless, mostly\nthe out-of-plane electric field component is considered here due to the\nlightning rod effect of the elongated s-SNOM tip being orders of magnitude\nstronger as compared to any in-plane field component. Nonetheless, the\nfundamental understanding of resonantly excited near-field coupled systems\nclearly allows us to take profit from all vectorial components, especially also\nfrom the in-plane ones. In this paper, we theoretically and experimentally\nexplore how linear polarization control of both near-field illumination and\ndetection, can constructively be implemented to (non-)resonantly couple to\nselected sample permittivity tensor components, e.g. explicitly also to the\nin-plane directions. When applying the point-dipole model, we show that\nresonantly excited samples respond with a strong near-field signal, to all\nlinear polarization angles. We then experimentally investigate the\npolarization-dependent responses for both non-resonant (Au) and phonon-resonant\n(3C-SiC) sample excitations at a 10.6~$\\mu$m and 10.7~$\\mu$m incident\nwavelength using a tabletop CO$_2$ laser. Varying the illumination polarization\nangle thus allows for quantitatively comparing the scattered near-field\nsignatures for the two wavelengths. Finally, we compare our experimental data\nto simulation results, and thus gain the fundamental understanding of the\npolarization's influence on the near-field interaction. As a result, the\nnear-field components parallel and perpendicular to the sample surface can be\neasily disentangled and quantified through their polarization signatures,\nconnecting them directly to the sample's local permittivity.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 09:01:31 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Kaps","Felix G.","","1 ad 2"],["Kehr","Susanne C.","","1 and 2"],["Eng","Lukas M.","","1 and 2"]]} {"id":"2308.06024","submitter":"Yang Zhang","authors":"Yang Zhang, Chenyun Xiong, Junjie Liu, Xuhui Ye, Guodong Sun","title":"Spatial-information Guided Adaptive Context-aware Network for Efficient\n RGB-D Semantic Segmentation","comments":"Accepted by IEEE Sensors Journal","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Efficient RGB-D semantic segmentation has received considerable attention in\nmobile robots, which plays a vital role in analyzing and recognizing\nenvironmental information. According to previous studies, depth information can\nprovide corresponding geometric relationships for objects and scenes, but\nactual depth data usually exist as noise. To avoid unfavorable effects on\nsegmentation accuracy and computation, it is necessary to design an efficient\nframework to leverage cross-modal correlations and complementary cues. In this\npaper, we propose an efficient lightweight encoder-decoder network that reduces\nthe computational parameters and guarantees the robustness of the algorithm.\nWorking with channel and spatial fusion attention modules, our network\neffectively captures multi-level RGB-D features. A globally guided local\naffinity context module is proposed to obtain sufficient high-level context\ninformation. The decoder utilizes a lightweight residual unit that combines\nshort- and long-distance information with a few redundant computations.\nExperimental results on NYUv2, SUN RGB-D, and Cityscapes datasets show that our\nmethod achieves a better trade-off among segmentation accuracy, inference time,\nand parameters than the state-of-the-art methods. The source code will be at\nhttps://github.com/MVME-HBUT/SGACNet\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 09:02:03 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Zhang","Yang",""],["Xiong","Chenyun",""],["Liu","Junjie",""],["Ye","Xuhui",""],["Sun","Guodong",""]]} {"id":"2308.06025","submitter":"Weiyuan Li","authors":"Weiyuan Li, Bin Dai, Ziyi Zhou, Qi Yao and Baoyuan Wang","title":"Controlling Character Motions without Observable Driving Source","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" How to generate diverse, life-like, and unlimited long head/body sequences\nwithout any driving source? We argue that this under-investigated research\nproblem is non-trivial at all, and has unique technical challenges behind it.\nWithout semantic constraints from the driving sources, using the standard\nautoregressive model to generate infinitely long sequences would easily result\nin 1) out-of-distribution (OOD) issue due to the accumulated error, 2)\ninsufficient diversity to produce natural and life-like motion sequences and 3)\nundesired periodic patterns along the time. To tackle the above challenges, we\npropose a systematic framework that marries the benefits of VQ-VAE and a novel\ntoken-level control policy trained with reinforcement learning using carefully\ndesigned reward functions. A high-level prior model can be easily injected on\ntop to generate unlimited long and diverse sequences. Although we focus on no\ndriving sources now, our framework can be generalized for controlled synthesis\nwith explicit driving sources. Through comprehensive evaluations, we conclude\nthat our proposed framework can address all the above-mentioned challenges and\noutperform other strong baselines very significantly.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 09:07:38 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Li","Weiyuan",""],["Dai","Bin",""],["Zhou","Ziyi",""],["Yao","Qi",""],["Wang","Baoyuan",""]]} {"id":"2308.06026","submitter":"Antonio Garc\\'ia Mu\\~noz","authors":"A. Garc\\'ia Mu\\~noz","title":"Heating and ionization by non-thermal electrons in the upper atmospheres\n of water-rich exoplanets","comments":"Published","journal-ref":"Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 672, id.A77, 12 pp., 2023","doi":"10.1051/0004-6361/202245766","report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.EP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Context. The long-term evolution of an atmosphere and the remote\ndetectability of its chemical constituents are susceptible to how the\natmospheric gas responds to stellar irradiation. The response remains poorly\ncharacterized for water and its dissociation products, however, this knowledge\nis relevant to our understanding of hypothetical water-rich exoplanets. Aims:\nOur work investigates the effect of photoelectrons, namely, the non-thermal\nelectrons produced by photoionizing stellar radiation on the heating and\nionization of extended atmospheres dominated by the dissociation products of\nwater. Methods: We used a Monte Carlo model and up-to-date collision cross\nsections to simulate the slowing down of photoelectrons in O-H mixtures for a\nrange of fractional ionizations and photoelectron energies. Results: We find\nthat that the fraction of energy of a photoelectron that goes into heating is\nsimilar in a pure H gas and in O-H mixtures, except for very low fractional\nionizations, whereby the O atom remains an efficient sink of energy. The O-H\nmixtures will go on to produce more electrons because the O atom is\nparticularly susceptible to ionization. We quantified all that information and\npresent it in a way that can be easily incorporated into\nphotochemical-hydrodynamical models. Conclusions: Neglecting the role of\nphotoelectrons in models of water-rich atmospheres will result in\noverestimations of the atmospheric heating and, foreseeably, the mass-loss\nrates as well. It will also underestimate the rate at which the atmospheric gas\nbecomes ionized, which may have implications for the detection of extended\natmospheres with Lyman-{\\alpha} transmission spectroscopy. Our simulations for\nthe small exoplanets {\\pi} Men c and TRAPPIST-1 b reveal that they respond very\ndifferently to irradiation from their host stars, with water remaining in\nmolecular form at lower pressures in the latter case.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 09:12:45 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Mu\u00f1oz","A. Garc\u00eda",""]]} {"id":"2308.06027","submitter":"Yuki Endo","authors":"Yuki Endo","title":"Masked-Attention Diffusion Guidance for Spatially Controlling\n Text-to-Image Generation","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.GR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Text-to-image synthesis has achieved high-quality results with recent\nadvances in diffusion models. However, text input alone has high spatial\nambiguity and limited user controllability. Most existing methods allow spatial\ncontrol through additional visual guidance (e.g, sketches and semantic masks)\nbut require additional training with annotated images. In this paper, we\npropose a method for spatially controlling text-to-image generation without\nfurther training of diffusion models. Our method is based on the insight that\nthe cross-attention maps reflect the positional relationship between words and\npixels. Our aim is to control the attention maps according to given semantic\nmasks and text prompts. To this end, we first explore a simple approach of\ndirectly swapping the cross-attention maps with constant maps computed from the\nsemantic regions. Moreover, we propose masked-attention guidance, which can\ngenerate images more faithful to semantic masks than the first approach.\nMasked-attention guidance indirectly controls attention to each word and pixel\naccording to the semantic regions by manipulating noise images fed to diffusion\nmodels. Experiments show that our method enables more accurate spatial control\nthan baselines qualitatively and quantitatively.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 09:15:22 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Endo","Yuki",""]]} {"id":"2308.06028","submitter":"Sebastian Stock","authors":"Sebastian Stock, Atif Mashkoor, Alexander Egyed","title":"Validation-Driven Development","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SE cs.LO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Formal methods play a fundamental role in asserting the correctness of\nrequirements specifications. However, historically, formal method experts have\nprimarily focused on verifying those specifications. Although equally\nimportant, validation of requirements specifications often takes the back seat.\nThis paper introduces a validation-driven development (VDD) process that\nprioritizes validating requirements in formal development. The VDD process is\nbuilt upon problem frames - a requirements analysis approach - and validation\nobligations (VOs) - the concept of breaking down the overall validation of a\nspecification and linking it to refinement steps. The effectiveness of the VDD\nprocess is demonstrated through a case study in the aviation industry.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 09:15:26 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Stock","Sebastian",""],["Mashkoor","Atif",""],["Egyed","Alexander",""]]} {"id":"2308.06029","submitter":"Kiyoto Nakamura","authors":"Kiyoto Nakamura, Joachim Ankerhold","title":"Qubit Dynamics beyond Lindblad: Non-Markovianity versus Rotating Wave\n Approximation","comments":"11 pages, 2 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" With increasing experimental performance of qubit devices, highly accurate\ntheoretical predictions are needed to describe the open system dynamics. Here,\nwe make use of three equations of motion for the reduced density matrix, the\nconventional Lindblad equation (LE), the Universal Lindblad Equation (ULE), and\nthe Hierarchical Equations of Motion (HEOM). While the HEOM provides\nnumerically exact benchmark data, the LE is based on the Born-Markov\napproximation in combination with the rotating wave approximation (RWA) which\nis not imposed in the ULE. This allows us to analyze the distinction between\nthe Born-Markov approximation and the RWA, which may be sometimes confused. As\na demonstration, predictions for relaxation and decoherence of a two-level\nsystem in presence of reservoirs with Ohmic and sub-Ohmic spectral densities\nare explored. With the aid of a recently proposed protocol based on Ramsey\nexperiments, the role of the Born-Markov approximation and the RWA is revealed.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 09:16:07 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Nakamura","Kiyoto",""],["Ankerhold","Joachim",""]]} {"id":"2308.06030","submitter":"Weiyi Pan","authors":"Weiyi Pan, Changsong Xu, Xueyang Li, Zhiming Xu, Boyu Liu, Bing-Lin\n Gu, and Wenhui Duan","title":"Role of higher-order spin interactions in the emergence of chiral\n magnetic configurations in lithium-decorated monolayer CrTe$_{2}$","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Chiral magnetic states in two-dimensional (2D) layered noncentrosymmetric\nmagnets, which are of promising advanced spintronic applications, are usually\nattributed to Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI), yet the role of\nunderlying higher-order spin couplings on the emergence of chiral spin textures\nis rarely reported. In this work, taking lithium-decorated monolayer CrTe$_{2}$\n(LiCrTe$_{2}$) as an example, we proposed a comprehensive\nfirst-principles-based spin model using the symmetry-adapted cluster expansion\nmethod. Based on this spin model, we identified the ground state of monolayer\nLiCrTe$_{2}$ to be a chiral labyrinth domain (LD) state, and various\nhigher-order spin interactions are essentially responsible for stabilizing this\nLD state. Meanwhile, some higher-order couplings are identified to play the\nrole of DMI due to their nontrivial spin spiral chirality selectivity. In\naddition, skyrmions emerge under either external magnetic field or finite\ntemperature. Our study sheds light on the complex magnetic couplings in 2D\nmagnets.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 09:16:23 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Pan","Weiyi",""],["Xu","Changsong",""],["Li","Xueyang",""],["Xu","Zhiming",""],["Liu","Boyu",""],["Gu","Bing-Lin",""],["Duan","Wenhui",""]]} {"id":"2308.06031","submitter":"Michael Fink","authors":"Michael Fink, Annalena Daniels, Cheng Qian, V\\'ictor Mart\\'inez\n Vel\\'asquez, Sahil Salotra, Dirk Wollherr","title":"Comparison of Dynamic Tomato Growth Models for Optimal Control in\n Greenhouses","comments":"2023 IEEE International Conference on Agrosystem Engineering,\n Technology & Applications (AGRETA2023), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.OC cs.SY eess.SY","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" As global demand for efficiency in agriculture rises, there is a growing\ninterest in high-precision farming practices. Particularly greenhouses play a\ncritical role in ensuring a year-round supply of fresh produce. In order to\nmaximize efficiency and productivity while minimizing resource use,\nmathematical techniques such as optimal control have been employed. However,\nselecting appropriate models for optimal control requires domain expertise.\nThis study aims to compare three established tomato models for their\nsuitability in an optimal control framework. Results show that all three models\nhave similar yield predictions and accuracy, but only two models are currently\napplicable for optimal control due to implementation limitations. The two\nremaining models each have advantages in terms of economic yield and\ncomputation times, but the differences in optimal control strategies suggest\nthat they require more accurate parameter identification and calibration\ntailored to greenhouses.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 09:18:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Fink","Michael",""],["Daniels","Annalena",""],["Qian","Cheng",""],["Vel\u00e1squez","V\u00edctor Mart\u00ednez",""],["Salotra","Sahil",""],["Wollherr","Dirk",""]]} {"id":"2308.06032","submitter":"Arianna Trozze","authors":"Arianna Trozze, Toby Davies, and Bennett Kleinberg","title":"Large Language Models in Cryptocurrency Securities Cases: Can ChatGPT\n Replace Lawyers?","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI cs.CL","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Large Language Models (LLMs) could enhance access to the legal system.\nHowever, empirical research on their effectiveness in conducting legal tasks is\nscant. We study securities cases involving cryptocurrencies as one of numerous\ncontexts where AI could support the legal process, studying LLMs' legal\nreasoning and drafting capabilities. We examine whether a) an LLM can\naccurately determine which laws are potentially being violated from a fact\npattern, and b) whether there is a difference in juror decision-making based on\ncomplaints written by a lawyer compared to an LLM. We feed fact patterns from\nreal-life cases to GPT-3.5 and evaluate its ability to determine correct\npotential violations from the scenario and exclude spurious violations. Second,\nwe had mock jurors assess complaints written by the LLM and lawyers. GPT-3.5's\nlegal reasoning skills proved weak, though we expect improvement in future\nmodels, particularly given the violations it suggested tended to be correct (it\nmerely missed additional, correct violations). GPT-3.5 performed better at\nlegal drafting, and jurors' decisions were not statistically significantly\nassociated with the author of the document upon which they based their\ndecisions. Because LLMs cannot satisfactorily conduct legal reasoning tasks,\nthey would be unable to replace lawyers at this stage. However, their drafting\nskills (though, perhaps, still inferior to lawyers), could provide access to\njustice for more individuals by reducing the cost of legal services. Our\nresearch is the first to systematically study LLMs' legal drafting and\nreasoning capabilities in litigation, as well as in securities law and\ncryptocurrency-related misconduct.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 09:23:11 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Wed, 30 Aug 2023 17:57:52 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-31","authors_parsed":[["Trozze","Arianna",""],["Davies","Toby",""],["Kleinberg","Bennett",""]]} {"id":"2308.06033","submitter":"Protyush Nandi","authors":"Protyush Nandi and Subinay Dasgupta","title":"Nodal line semimetals through boundary","comments":"8 pages,10 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.stat-mech cond-mat.str-el quant-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We study the properties of a spinless Hamiltonian which describes topological\nnodal line semimetals at zero temperature. Our Hamiltonian has some resemblance\nwith the usual Hamiltonian for this type of materials, with that of Weyl\nsemimetals and is some sort of a generalisation of Kitaev Hamiltonian on\nhoneycomb lattice. As the interaction parameter of the Hamiltonian is varied,\nit shows a transition from a gapless phase to a semimetal phase and then to\nanother semimetal phase. These transitions show up as non-analytic behaviour of\nground state energy. We find that one type of the semimetal is characterised by\na single closed loop of nodal line, while the other, by two such loops both\ncrossing the boundary of the first Brillouin zone. Surface states with non-zero\nwinding number are found to exist in both of these phases, but over two\ntopologically different regions. We also study the length of nodal line, the\narea and perimeter of the region over which the winding number is non-zero and\nthe low-frequency electrical conductivity.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 09:26:47 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-15","authors_parsed":[["Nandi","Protyush",""],["Dasgupta","Subinay",""]]} {"id":"2308.06034","submitter":"Andrea Munari","authors":"Andrea Munari","title":"Age of Incorrect Information in Random Access Channels without Feedback","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IT cs.NI math.IT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We focus on a system in which a set of two-state Markov sources report status\nupdate to a common receiver over a shared wireless channel. Inspired by\npractical IoT networks, we consider three variations of ALOHA as medium access\nprotocol: i) a random approach in which a source transmits regardless of its\nstatus, ii) a reactive scheme in which updates are sent only when a source\nchanges state, and iii) a hybrid solution which blends the two possibilities.\nWe consider different criteria to capture the ability of the receiver to\nmaintain an accurate perception of the tracked processes: average age of\nincorrect information (AoII), probability of missed detection (i.e., of not\ndetecting a source transition), and average duration of intervals over which\nthe receiver lingers with erroneous knowledge. We provide closed form\nanalytical expressions for all the metrics, highlighting non-trivial trade-offs\nand providing useful protocol design hints.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 09:28:39 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Munari","Andrea",""]]} {"id":"2308.06035","submitter":"Viktor Kewenig","authors":"Viktor Kewenig, Christopher Edwards, Quitterie Lacome DEstalenx,\n Akilles Rechardt, Jeremy I Skipper and Gabriella Vigliocco","title":"Evidence of Human-Like Visual-Linguistic Integration in Multimodal Large\n Language Models During Predictive Language Processing","comments":"13 pages, 4 figures, submitted to journal","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI cs.CL","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The advanced language processing abilities of large language models (LLMs)\nhave stimulated debate over their capacity to replicate human-like cognitive\nprocesses. One differentiating factor between language processing in LLMs and\nhumans is that language input is often grounded in more than one perceptual\nmodality, whereas most LLMs process solely text-based information. Multimodal\ngrounding allows humans to integrate - e.g. visual context with linguistic\ninformation and thereby place constraints on the space of upcoming words,\nreducing cognitive load and improving perception and comprehension. Recent\nmultimodal LLMs (mLLMs) combine visual and linguistic embedding spaces with a\ntransformer type attention mechanism for next-word prediction. To what extent\ndoes predictive language processing based on multimodal input align in mLLMs\nand humans? To answer this question, 200 human participants watched short\naudio-visual clips and estimated the predictability of an upcoming verb or\nnoun. The same clips were processed by the mLLM CLIP, with predictability\nscores based on a comparison of image and text feature vectors. Eye-tracking\nwas used to estimate what visual features participants attended to, and CLIP's\nvisual attention weights were recorded. We find that human estimates of\npredictability align significantly with CLIP scores, but not for a unimodal LLM\nof comparable parameter size. Further, alignment vanished when CLIP's visual\nattention weights were perturbed, and when the same input was fed to a\nmultimodal model without attention. Analysing attention patterns, we find a\nsignificant spatial overlap between CLIP's visual attention weights and human\neye-tracking data. Results suggest that comparable processes of integrating\nmultimodal information, guided by attention to relevant visual features,\nsupports predictive language processing in mLLMs and humans.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 09:30:07 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Kewenig","Viktor",""],["Edwards","Christopher",""],["DEstalenx","Quitterie Lacome",""],["Rechardt","Akilles",""],["Skipper","Jeremy I",""],["Vigliocco","Gabriella",""]]} {"id":"2308.06036","submitter":"Hiroshi Yoshitake","authors":"Hiroshi Yoshitake, Pieter Abbeel","title":"The Impact of Overall Optimization on Warehouse Automation","comments":"8 pages, 4 figures, accepted at International Conference on\n Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2023)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.RO cs.SY eess.SY","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In this study, we propose a novel approach for investigating optimization\nperformance by flexible robot coordination in automated warehouses with\nmulti-agent reinforcement learning (MARL)-based control. Automated systems\nusing robots are expected to achieve efficient operations compared with manual\nsystems in terms of overall optimization performance. However, the impact of\noverall optimization on performance remains unclear in most automated systems\ndue to a lack of suitable control methods. Thus, we proposed a centralized\ntraining-and-decentralized execution MARL framework as a practical overall\noptimization control method. In the proposed framework, we also proposed a\nsingle shared critic, trained with global states and rewards, applicable to a\ncase in which heterogeneous agents make decisions asynchronously. Our proposed\nMARL framework was applied to the task selection of material handling equipment\nthrough automated order picking simulation, and its performance was evaluated\nto determine how far overall optimization outperforms partial optimization by\ncomparing it with other MARL frameworks and rule-based control methods.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 09:31:42 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Yoshitake","Hiroshi",""],["Abbeel","Pieter",""]]} {"id":"2308.06037","submitter":"Zhe Wang","authors":"Xuyang Hou, Zhe Wang, Qi Liu, Tan Qu, Jia Cheng, Jun Lei","title":"Deep Context Interest Network for Click-Through Rate Prediction","comments":"accepted by CIKM 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IR cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Click-Through Rate (CTR) prediction, estimating the probability of a user\nclicking on an item, is essential in industrial applications, such as online\nadvertising. Many works focus on user behavior modeling to improve CTR\nprediction performance. However, most of those methods only model users'\npositive interests from users' click items while ignoring the context\ninformation, which is the display items around the clicks, resulting in\ninferior performance. In this paper, we highlight the importance of context\ninformation on user behavior modeling and propose a novel model named Deep\nContext Interest Network (DCIN), which integrally models the click and its\ndisplay context to learn users' context-aware interests. DCIN consists of three\nkey modules: 1) Position-aware Context Aggregation Module (PCAM), which\nperforms aggregation of display items with an attention mechanism; 2)\nFeedback-Context Fusion Module (FCFM), which fuses the representation of clicks\nand display contexts through non-linear feature interaction; 3) Interest\nMatching Module (IMM), which activates interests related with the target item.\nMoreover, we provide our hands-on solution to implement our DCIN model on\nlarge-scale industrial systems. The significant improvements in both offline\nand online evaluations demonstrate the superiority of our proposed DCIN method.\nNotably, DCIN has been deployed on our online advertising system serving the\nmain traffic, which brings 1.5% CTR and 1.5% RPM lift.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 09:32:58 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Hou","Xuyang",""],["Wang","Zhe",""],["Liu","Qi",""],["Qu","Tan",""],["Cheng","Jia",""],["Lei","Jun",""]]} {"id":"2308.06038","submitter":"Chun-Mei Feng","authors":"Chun-Mei Feng, Kai Yu, Yong Liu, Salman Khan, Wangmeng Zuo","title":"Diverse Data Augmentation with Diffusions for Effective Test-time Prompt\n Tuning","comments":"Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer\n Vision 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Benefiting from prompt tuning, recent years have witnessed the promising\nperformance of pre-trained vision-language models, e.g., CLIP, on versatile\ndownstream tasks. In this paper, we focus on a particular setting of learning\nadaptive prompts on the fly for each test sample from an unseen new domain,\nwhich is known as test-time prompt tuning (TPT). Existing TPT methods typically\nrely on data augmentation and confidence selection. However, conventional data\naugmentation techniques, e.g., random resized crops, suffers from the lack of\ndata diversity, while entropy-based confidence selection alone is not\nsufficient to guarantee prediction fidelity. To address these issues, we\npropose a novel TPT method, named DiffTPT, which leverages pre-trained\ndiffusion models to generate diverse and informative new data. Specifically, we\nincorporate augmented data by both conventional method and pre-trained stable\ndiffusion to exploit their respective merits, improving the models ability to\nadapt to unknown new test data. Moreover, to ensure the prediction fidelity of\ngenerated data, we introduce a cosine similarity-based filtration technique to\nselect the generated data with higher similarity to the single test sample. Our\nexperiments on test datasets with distribution shifts and unseen categories\ndemonstrate that DiffTPT improves the zero-shot accuracy by an average of\n5.13\\% compared to the state-of-the-art TPT method. Our code and models will be\npublicly released.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 09:36:31 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Thu, 17 Aug 2023 05:20:18 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-21","authors_parsed":[["Feng","Chun-Mei",""],["Yu","Kai",""],["Liu","Yong",""],["Khan","Salman",""],["Zuo","Wangmeng",""]]} {"id":"2308.06039","submitter":"Debodeep Banerjee","authors":"Debodeep Banerjee, Stefano Teso, Andrea Passerini","title":"Learning to Guide Human Experts via Personalized Large Language Models","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI cs.CL","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In learning to defer, a predictor identifies risky decisions and defers them\nto a human expert. One key issue with this setup is that the expert may end up\nover-relying on the machine's decisions, due to anchoring bias. At the same\ntime, whenever the machine chooses the deferral option the expert has to take\ndecisions entirely unassisted. As a remedy, we propose learning to guide (LTG),\nan alternative framework in which -- rather than suggesting ready-made\ndecisions -- the machine provides guidance useful to guide decision-making, and\nthe human is entirely responsible for coming up with a decision. We also\nintroduce SLOG, an LTG implementation that leverages (a small amount of) human\nsupervision to convert a generic large language model into a module capable of\ngenerating textual guidance, and present preliminary but promising results on a\nmedical diagnosis task.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 09:36:33 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Banerjee","Debodeep",""],["Teso","Stefano",""],["Passerini","Andrea",""]]} {"id":"2308.06040","submitter":"Arikatla Satyanarayana Reddy","authors":"Shivani Chauhan and A. Satyanarayana Reddy","title":"Algebraic connectivity of Kronecker products of line graphs","comments":"14 pages, accepted for publication in Discrete Mathematics,\n Algorithms and Applications","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Let $X$ be a tree with $n$ vertices and $L(X)$ be its line graph. In this\nwork, we completely characterize the trees for which the algebraic connectivity\nof $L(X)\\times K_m$ is equal to $m-1$, where $\\times$ denotes the Kronecker\nproduct. We provide a few necessary and sufficient conditions for $L(X)\\times\nK_m$ to be Laplacian integral. The algebraic connectivity of $L(X)\\times K_m$,\nwhere $X$ is a tree of diameter $4$ and $k$-book graph is discussed.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 09:36:40 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Chauhan","Shivani",""],["Reddy","A. Satyanarayana",""]]} {"id":"2308.06041","submitter":"Miquel Miravet-Ten\\'es","authors":"Miquel Miravet-Ten\\'es, Pablo Cerd\\'a-Dur\\'an, Martin Obergaulinger,\n Jos\\'e A. Font","title":"Assessment of a new sub-grid model for magnetohydrodynamical turbulence.\n II. Kelvin-Helmholtz instability","comments":"12 pages, 13 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.HE","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The modelling of astrophysical systems such as binary neutron star mergers or\nthe formation of magnetars from the collapse of massive stars involves the\nnumerical evolution of magnetised fluids at extremely large Reynolds numbers.\nThis is a major challenge for (unresolved) direct numerical simulations which\nmay struggle to resolve highly dynamical features as, e.g. turbulence, magnetic\nfield amplification, or the transport of angular momentum. Sub-grid models\noffer a means to overcome those difficulties. In a recent paper we presented\nMInIT, an MHD-instability-induced-turbulence mean-field, sub-grid model based\non the modelling of the turbulent (Maxwell, Reynolds, and Faraday) stress\ntensors. While in our previous work MInIT was assessed within the framework of\nthe magnetorotational instability, in this paper we further evaluate the model\nin the context of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (KHI). The main difference\nwith other sub-grid models (as e.g. the alpha-viscosity model or the gradient\nmodel) is that in MInIT we track independently the turbulent energy density at\nsub-grid scales, which is used, via a simple closure relation, to compute the\ndifferent turbulent stresses relevant for the dynamics. The free coefficients\nof the model are calibrated using well resolved box simulations of magnetic\nturbulence generated by the KHI. We test the model against these simulations\nand show that it yields order-of-magnitude accurate predictions for the\nevolution of the turbulent Reynolds and Maxwell stresses.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 09:39:37 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Miravet-Ten\u00e9s","Miquel",""],["Cerd\u00e1-Dur\u00e1n","Pablo",""],["Obergaulinger","Martin",""],["Font","Jos\u00e9 A.",""]]} {"id":"2308.06042","submitter":"Carsten Schneider","authors":"Johannes Bluemlein, Nikolai Fadeev, Carsten Schneider","title":"Computing Mellin representations and asymptotics of nested binomial sums\n in a symbolic way: the RICA package","comments":null,"journal-ref":"ACM Communications in Computer Algebra, Vol. 57, No. 2, Issue 224,\n June 2023","doi":"10.1145/3614408.3614410","report-no":"RISC Report Series 23-11","categories":"hep-ph cs.SC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Nested binomial sums form a particular class of sums that arise in the\ncontext of particle physics computations at higher orders in perturbation\ntheory within QCD and QED, but that are also mathematically relevant, e.g., in\ncombinatorics. We present the package RICA (Rule Induced Convolutions for\nAsymptotics), which aims at calculating Mellin representations and asymptotic\nexpansions at infinity of those objects. These representations are of\nparticular interest to perform analytic continuations of such sums.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 09:43:05 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Bluemlein","Johannes",""],["Fadeev","Nikolai",""],["Schneider","Carsten",""]]} {"id":"2308.06043","submitter":"Luisa Fermo","authors":"Luisa Fermo, Concetta Laurita, Maria Grazia Russo","title":"On the error of best polynomial approximation of composite functions","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NA cs.NA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The purpose of the paper is to provide a characterization of the error of the\nbest polynomial approximation of composite functions in weighted spaces. Such a\ncharacterization is essential for the convergence analysis of numerical methods\napplied to non-linear problems or for numerical approaches that make use of\nregularization techniques to cure low smoothness of the solution. This result\nis obtained through an estimate of the derivatives of composite functions in\nweighted uniform norm.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 09:43:17 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Fermo","Luisa",""],["Laurita","Concetta",""],["Russo","Maria Grazia",""]]} {"id":"2308.06044","submitter":"Tim Seppelt","authors":"Eva Fluck, Tim Seppelt and Gian Luca Spitzer","title":"Going Deep and Going Wide: Counting Logic and Homomorphism\n Indistinguishability over Graphs of Bounded Treedepth and Treewidth","comments":"30 pages, 3 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LO cs.DM","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We study the expressive power of first-order logic with counting quantifiers,\nespecially the $k$-variable and quantifier-rank-$q$ fragment $\\mathsf{C}^k_q$,\nusing homomorphism indistinguishability. Recently, Dawar, Jakl, and Reggio\n(2021) proved that two graphs satisfy the same $\\mathsf{C}^k_q$-sentences if\nand only if they are homomorphism indistinguishable over the class\n$\\mathcal{T}^k_q$ of graphs admitting a $k$-pebble forest cover of depth $q$.\nTheir proof builds on the categorical framework of game comonads developed by\nAbramsky, Dawar, and Wang (2017). We reprove their result using elementary\ntechniques inspired by Dvo\\v{r}\\'ak (2010). Using these techniques we also give\na characterisation of guarded counting logic. Our main focus, however, is to\nprovide a graph theoretic analysis of the graph class $\\mathcal{T}^k_q$. This\nallows us to separate $\\mathcal{T}^k_q$ from the intersection of the graph\nclass $\\mathcal{TW}_{k-1}$, that is graphs of treewidth less or equal $k-1$,\nand $\\mathcal{TD}_q$, that is graphs of treedepth at most $q$ if $q$ is\nsufficiently larger than $k$. We are able to lift this separation to the\nsemantic separation of the respective homomorphism indistinguishability\nrelations. A part of this separation is to prove that the class\n$\\mathcal{TD}_q$ is homomorphism distinguishing closed, which was already\nconjectured by Roberson (2022).\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 09:45:13 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Fluck","Eva",""],["Seppelt","Tim",""],["Spitzer","Gian Luca",""]]} {"id":"2308.06045","submitter":"Markus Horn","authors":"Markus Horn, Thomas Wodtko, Michael Buchholz, and Klaus Dietmayer","title":"User Feedback and Sample Weighting for Ill-Conditioned Hand-Eye\n Calibration","comments":"Accepted for publication at the 26th IEEE International Conference on\n Intelligent Transportation Systems 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.RO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Hand-eye calibration is an important and extensively researched method for\ncalibrating rigidly coupled sensors, solely based on estimates of their motion.\nDue to the geometric structure of this problem, at least two motion estimates\nwith non-parallel rotation axes are required for a unique solution. If the\nmajority of rotation axes are almost parallel, the resulting optimization\nproblem is ill-conditioned. In this paper, we propose an approach to\nautomatically weight the motion samples of such an ill-conditioned optimization\nproblem for improving the conditioning. The sample weights are chosen in\nrelation to the local density of all available rotation axes. Furthermore, we\npresent an approach for estimating the sensitivity and conditioning of the cost\nfunction, separated into the translation and the rotation part. This\ninformation can be employed as user feedback when recording the calibration\ndata to prevent ill-conditioning in advance. We evaluate and compare our\napproach on artificially augmented data from the KITTI odometry dataset.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 09:46:21 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Horn","Markus",""],["Wodtko","Thomas",""],["Buchholz","Michael",""],["Dietmayer","Klaus",""]]} {"id":"2308.06046","submitter":"Julyan Cartwright","authors":"Ana M. O. Morgado, Luis A. M. Rocha, Julyan H. E. Cartwright, and\n Silvana S. S. Cardoso","title":"Osmosis drives explosions and methane release in Siberian permafrost","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.geo-ph physics.flu-dyn","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Several mysterious large craters, with anomalously high concentrations of\nmethane, have formed in the Yamal and Taymyr peninsulas of Siberia since 2014.\nWhile the thawing of the permafrost in the Arctic owing to climate warming may\npromote methane releases, it is unknown how such release might be associated\nwith violent explosion and crater formation. In this study we demonstrate that\na significant volume of surface ice-melt water can migrate downward driven by\nthe osmotic pressure associated with a cryopeg, a lens of salty water below. We\nshow that the overpressure reached at depth, caused by this water accumulation\nin the reservoir, can exceed the fracture strength and cause the frozen soil to\ncrack. If such fractures propagate to the surface, a rapid reduction of\npressure at depth can result in methane hydrate decomposition, methane gas\nrelease, and mechanical explosion. This phenomenon may also be the cause of\nseafloor pockmarks in fine-grained sediments such as silts and clays. This\nunforeseen mechanism may therefore accelerate significantly the decomposition\nof methane hydrates transported from depth to the surface, with implications\nfor the climate.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 09:51:24 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Morgado","Ana M. O.",""],["Rocha","Luis A. M.",""],["Cartwright","Julyan H. E.",""],["Cardoso","Silvana S. S.",""]]} {"id":"2308.06047","submitter":"Matthias Meiwes","authors":"Matthias Meiwes","title":"Topological entropy and orbit growth in link complements","comments":"52 pages, 1 figure","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.DS math.SG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" In this article, we exhibit certain linking properties of periodic orbits of\n$C^{1+\\alpha}$ flows with positive topological entropy on closed 3-manifolds M.\nIt is shown that any such flow contains a link L of periodic orbits and a\nhorseshoe K in M\\L, such that all periodic orbits in K are unique in their\nhomotopy class in M\\L (among periodic orbits in M). Moreover, the entropy of\nthe flow can be approximated by the entropies of such horseshoes K. A version\nof that result for chords is obtained. Our main motivation comes from Reeb\ndynamics, and as an application, we address a question by Alves-Pirnapasov, and\nobtain that the topological entropy of a 3-dimensional, $C^{\\infty}$-generic\nReeb flow can be approximated by the exponential homotopical growth rates of\ncontact homology in link complements.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 09:52:06 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-15","authors_parsed":[["Meiwes","Matthias",""]]} {"id":"2308.06048","submitter":"Yan Rybalko","authors":"Yan Rybalko","title":"H\\\"older continuity of functions in the fractional Sobolev spaces:\n 1-dimensional case","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" This paper deals with the embedding of the Sobolev spaces of fractional order\ninto the space of H\\\"older continuous functions. More precisely, we show that\nthe function $f\\in H^s(\\mathbb{R})$ with $\\frac{1}{2}n/3$ this function is determined by appropriately\nchosen blow-ups of so called Andr\\'asfai graphs. Moreover, he proved\n$\\mathrm{ex}(n, s)=n^2-4ns+5s^2$ for $s/n\\in [2/5, 1/2]$ and in earlier work we\nobtained $\\mathrm{ex}(n, s)=3n^2-15ns+20s^2$ for $s/n\\in [3/8, 2/5]$. Here we\nmake the next step in the quest to settle Andr\\'asfai's conjecture by proving\n$\\mathrm{ex}(n, s)=6n^2-32ns+44s^2$ for $s/n\\in [4/11, 3/8]$.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 11:11:20 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["\u0141uczak","Tomasz",""],["Polcyn","Joanna",""],["Reiher","Christian",""]]} {"id":"2308.06071","submitter":"Tobias Dornheim","authors":"Tobias Dornheim and Panagiotis Tolias and Simon Groth and Zhandos\n Moldabekov and Jan Vorberger and Barak Hirshberg","title":"Fermionic physics from ab initio path integral Monte Carlo simulations\n of fictitious identical particles","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.comp-ph cond-mat.stat-mech physics.chem-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The \\emph{ab initio} path integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) method is one of the\nmost successful methods in statistical physics, quantum chemistry and related\nfields, but its application to quantum degenerate Fermi systems is severely\nhampered by an exponential computational bottleneck: the notorious fermion sign\nproblem. Very recently, Xiong and Xiong [J. Chem. Phys. 157, 094112 (2022)]\nhave suggested to partially circumvent the sign problem by carrying out PIMC\nsimulations of fictitious systems which contain an interpolating continuous\nvariable $\\xi\\in[-1,1]$ in their partition function, with the physical Fermi-\nand Bose-statistics corresponding to the endpoint limits $\\xi=-1$ and $\\xi=1$.\nIt has been proposed that thermodynamic information about the fermionic limit\nmight be obtained by path integral calculations within the bosonic sector\n$\\xi>0$ combined with a quadratic $\\xi$ extrapolation throughout the fermionic\nsector $\\xi<0$, essentially bypassing the sign problem. In this work, we show\nhow the inclusion of the artificial parameter $\\xi$ can be interpreted as an\neffective penalty on the formation of permutation cycles in the PIMC\nsimulation. We empirically demonstrate that the proposed extrapolation method\nbreaks down for moderate to high quantum degeneracy. Instead, the method\nconstitutes a valuable tool for the description of large Fermi-systems of weak\nquantum degeneracy. This is demonstrated for electrons in a 2D harmonic trap\nand for the archetypal uniform electron gas (UEG), where we find excellent\nagreement ($\\sim0.5\\%$) with exact configuration PIMC results in the\nhigh-density regime while attaining a speed-up exceeding eleven orders of\nmagnitude. Finally, we extend the idea beyond the energy and analyze the radial\ndensity distribution (2D trap), as well as the static structure factor and\nimaginary-time density-density correlation function (UEG).\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 11:22:40 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Dornheim","Tobias",""],["Tolias","Panagiotis",""],["Groth","Simon",""],["Moldabekov","Zhandos",""],["Vorberger","Jan",""],["Hirshberg","Barak",""]]} {"id":"2308.06072","submitter":"Julia Hornauer","authors":"Julia Hornauer and Adrian Holzbock and Vasileios Belagiannis","title":"Out-of-Distribution Detection for Monocular Depth Estimation","comments":"Accepted to ICCV 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In monocular depth estimation, uncertainty estimation approaches mainly\ntarget the data uncertainty introduced by image noise. In contrast to prior\nwork, we address the uncertainty due to lack of knowledge, which is relevant\nfor the detection of data not represented by the training distribution, the\nso-called out-of-distribution (OOD) data. Motivated by anomaly detection, we\npropose to detect OOD images from an encoder-decoder depth estimation model\nbased on the reconstruction error. Given the features extracted with the fixed\ndepth encoder, we train an image decoder for image reconstruction using only\nin-distribution data. Consequently, OOD images result in a high reconstruction\nerror, which we use to distinguish between in- and out-of-distribution samples.\nWe built our experiments on the standard NYU Depth V2 and KITTI benchmarks as\nin-distribution data. Our post hoc method performs astonishingly well on\ndifferent models and outperforms existing uncertainty estimation approaches\nwithout modifying the trained encoder-decoder depth estimation model.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 11:25:23 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Hornauer","Julia",""],["Holzbock","Adrian",""],["Belagiannis","Vasileios",""]]} {"id":"2308.06073","submitter":"Taekoo Oh","authors":"Taekoo Oh and Naoto Nagaosa","title":"Emergent inductance from spin fluctuations in strongly correlated\n magnets","comments":"17 pages, 14 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.str-el cond-mat.mes-hall","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Recently, the intriguing phenomenon of emergent inductance has been\ntheoretically proposed and experimentally observed in nanoscale spiral spin\nsystems subjected to oscillating currents. Building upon these recent\ndevelopments, we put forward the concept of emergent inductance in strongly\ncorrelated magnets in the normal state with spin fluctuations. It is argued\nthat the inductance shows a positive peak at temperatures above the ordering\ntemperature. As for the frequency dependence, in systems featuring a\nsingle-band structure or a gapped multi-band, we observe a Drude-type, while in\ngapless multi-band systems, a non-Drude inductance with a sharp dip near zero\nfrequency. These results offer valuable insights into the behavior of strongly\ncorrelated magnets and open up new possibilities for harnessing emergent\ninductance in practical applications.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 11:25:32 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Oh","Taekoo",""],["Nagaosa","Naoto",""]]} {"id":"2308.06074","submitter":"Jeison Fischer","authors":"Thomas Michely, Jason Bergelt, Affan Safeer, Alexander B\\\"ader, Tobias\n Hartl, Jeison Fischer","title":"Growth of aligned and twisted hexagonal boron nitride on Ir(110)","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mtrl-sci cond-mat.mes-hall","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" The growth of monolayer hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) on Ir(110) through\nlow-pressure chemical vapor deposition is investigated using low energy\nelectron diffraction and scanning tunneling microscopy. We find that the growth\nof aligned single hexagonal boron nitride on Ir(110) requires a growth\ntemperature of 1500 K, whereas lower growth temperatures result in coexistence\nof aligned h-BN with twisted h-BN The presence of the h-BN overlayer suppresses\nthe formation of the nano-faceted ridge pattern known from clean Ir(110).\nInstead, we observe the formation of a (1 $\\times$ n) reconstruction, with n\nsuch that the missing rows are in registry with the h-BN/Ir(110) moir\\'{e}\npattern. Our moir\\'{e} analysis showcases a precise methodology for determining\nboth the moir\\'{e} periodicity and the h-BN lattice parameter on an fcc(110)\nsurface.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 11:28:12 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Michely","Thomas",""],["Bergelt","Jason",""],["Safeer","Affan",""],["B\u00e4der","Alexander",""],["Hartl","Tobias",""],["Fischer","Jeison",""]]} {"id":"2308.06075","submitter":"Matteo Cozzi","authors":"Carlo Alberto Antonini, Matteo Cozzi","title":"Global gradient regularity and a Hopf lemma for quasilinear operators of\n mixed local-nonlocal type","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We address some regularity issues for mixed local-nonlocal quasilinear\noperators modeled upon the sum of a $p$-Laplacian and of a fractional $(s,\nq)$-Laplacian. Under suitable assumptions on the right-hand sides and the outer\ndata, we show that weak solutions of the Dirichlet problem are $C^{1,\n\\theta}$-regular up to the boundary. In addition, we establish a Hopf type\nlemma for positive supersolutions. Both results hold assuming the boundary of\nthe reference domain to be merely of class $C^{1, \\alpha}$, while for the\nregularity result we also require that $p > s q$.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 11:28:28 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Antonini","Carlo Alberto",""],["Cozzi","Matteo",""]]} {"id":"2308.06076","submitter":"Haoyu Wang","authors":"Haoyu Wang, Haozhe Wu, Junliang Xing, Jia Jia","title":"Versatile Face Animator: Driving Arbitrary 3D Facial Avatar in RGBD\n Space","comments":"Accepted by ACM MM2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1145/3581783.3612065","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.MM","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Creating realistic 3D facial animation is crucial for various applications in\nthe movie production and gaming industry, especially with the burgeoning demand\nin the metaverse. However, prevalent methods such as blendshape-based\napproaches and facial rigging techniques are time-consuming, labor-intensive,\nand lack standardized configurations, making facial animation production\nchallenging and costly. In this paper, we propose a novel self-supervised\nframework, Versatile Face Animator, which combines facial motion capture with\nmotion retargeting in an end-to-end manner, eliminating the need for\nblendshapes or rigs. Our method has the following two main characteristics: 1)\nwe propose an RGBD animation module to learn facial motion from raw RGBD videos\nby hierarchical motion dictionaries and animate RGBD images rendered from 3D\nfacial mesh coarse-to-fine, enabling facial animation on arbitrary 3D\ncharacters regardless of their topology, textures, blendshapes, and rigs; and\n2) we introduce a mesh retarget module to utilize RGBD animation to create 3D\nfacial animation by manipulating facial mesh with controller transformations,\nwhich are estimated from dense optical flow fields and blended together with\ngeodesic-distance-based weights. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate the\neffectiveness of our proposed framework in generating impressive 3D facial\nanimation results, highlighting its potential as a promising solution for the\ncost-effective and efficient production of facial animation in the metaverse.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 11:29:01 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Haoyu",""],["Wu","Haozhe",""],["Xing","Junliang",""],["Jia","Jia",""]]} {"id":"2308.06077","submitter":"Marija Sakota","authors":"Marija \\v{S}akota, Maxime Peyrard, Robert West","title":"Fly-Swat or Cannon? Cost-Effective Language Model Choice via\n Meta-Modeling","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Generative language models (LMs) have become omnipresent across data science.\nFor a wide variety of tasks, inputs can be phrased as natural language prompts\nfor an LM, from whose output the solution can then be extracted. LM performance\nhas consistently been increasing with model size - but so has the monetary cost\nof querying the ever larger models. Importantly, however, not all inputs are\nequally hard: some require larger LMs for obtaining a satisfactory solution,\nwhereas for others smaller LMs suffice. Based on this fact, we design a\nframework for Cost-Effective Language Model Choice (CELMOC). Given a set of\ninputs and a set of candidate LMs, CELMOC judiciously assigns each input to an\nLM predicted to do well on the input according to a so-called meta-model,\naiming to achieve high overall performance at low cost. The cost-performance\ntrade-off can be flexibly tuned by the user. Options include, among others,\nmaximizing total expected performance (or the number of processed inputs) while\nstaying within a given cost budget, or minimizing total cost while processing\nall inputs. We evaluate CELMOC on 14 datasets covering five natural language\ntasks, using four candidate LMs of vastly different size and cost. With CELMOC,\nwe match the performance of the largest available LM while achieving a cost\nreduction of 63%. Via our publicly available library, researchers as well as\npractitioners can thus save large amounts of money without sacrificing\nperformance.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 11:29:51 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["\u0160akota","Marija",""],["Peyrard","Maxime",""],["West","Robert",""]]} {"id":"2308.06078","submitter":"Raghunath Sahoo","authors":"Debadatta Behera, Suman Deb, Captain R. Singh, and Raghunath Sahoo","title":"Demystifying the nature of nuclear modification factor for upcoming O-O\n collisions at LHC energies using a transport model","comments":"9 pages and 10 captioned figures, submitted for publication","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ph hep-ex nucl-ex nucl-th","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" The present work focuses on Oxygen-Oxygen (O-O) collisions, which are planned\nat the CERN Large Hadron Collider. Oxygen, being a doubly magic number nucleus,\nhas some very unique features. This study attempts to probe the exotic state of\nQCD matter in O-O collisions. Additionally, the role of different nuclear\ndensity profiles in governing the final state dynamics in ultra-relativistic\nnuclear collisions is also explored. Using a multi-phase transport (AMPT)\nmodel, we obtain the nuclear modification factor ($\\rm R_{\\rm AA}$ ) for all\ncharged hadrons and identified particles for O-O collisions at\n$\\sqrt{s_{\\rm{NN}}}$ = 7 TeV. Furthermore, we investigate the behavior of $\\rm\nR_{\\rm AA}$ as a function of transverse momentum ($\\rm p_{\\rm T}$) for three\ncentralities (most-central, mid-central, and peripheral) considering both\n$\\alpha$-cluster and Woods-Saxon nuclear density profiles. We also extend this\nwork to study the rapidity dependence of $\\rm R_{\\rm AA}$ for all charged\nhadrons. To better under our findings of O-O collisions, the results are\nconfronted with the available data of $\\rm R_{\\rm AA}$ for Pb-Pb collisions.\nThe present study sheds light on particle production mechanisms, emphasizing\nfactors influencing particle yield from pre-collision to post-collision stages\nin the context of O-O collisions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 11:31:37 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Behera","Debadatta",""],["Deb","Suman",""],["Singh","Captain R.",""],["Sahoo","Raghunath",""]]} {"id":"2308.06079","submitter":"Jan M. L. Martin","authors":"Emmanouil Semdalas and Jan M. L. Martin","title":"Can G4-like Composite Ab Initio Methods Accurately Predict Vibrational\n Harmonic Frequencies?","comments":"submitted to Mol. Phys. [Timothy J. Lee memorial issue]","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.chem-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Minimally empirical G4-like composite wavefunction theories [E. Semidalas and\nJ. M. L. Martin, \\textit{J. Chem. Theory Comput.} {\\bf 16}, 4238-4255 and\n7507-7524 (2020)] trained against the large and chemically diverse GMTKN55\nbenchmark suite have demonstrated both accuracy and cost-effectiveness in\npredicting thermochemistry, barrier heights, and noncovalent interaction\nenergies. Here, we assess the spectroscopic accuracy of top-performing methods:\nG4-\\textit{n}, cc-G4-\\textit{n}, and G4-\\textit{n}-F12, and validate them\nagainst explicitly correlated coupled cluster CCSD(T*)(F12*) harmonic\nvibrational frequencies and experimental data from the HFREQ2014 dataset, of\nsmall first- and second-row polyatomics. G4-T is three times more accurate than\nplain CCSD(T)/def2-TZVP, while G4-T$_{\\rm ano}$ is two times superior to\nCCSD(T)/ano-pVTZ. Combining CCSD(T)/ano-pVTZ with MP2-F12 in a parameter-free\ncomposite scheme results to a root-mean-square deviation of ~5 cm$^{-1}$\nrelative to experiment, comparable to CCSD(T) at the complete basis set limit.\nApplication to the harmonic frequencies of benzene reveals a significant\nadvantage of composites with ANO basis sets -- MP2/ano-pV\\textit{m}Z and\n[CCSD(T)-MP2]/ano-pVTZ (\\textit{m} = Q or 5) -- over similar protocols based on\nCCSD(T)/def2-TZVP. Overall, G4-type composite energy schemes, particularly when\ncombined with ANO basis sets in CCSD(T), are accurate and comparatively\ninexpensive tools for computational vibrational spectroscopy.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 11:33:18 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Semdalas","Emmanouil",""],["Martin","Jan M. L.",""]]} {"id":"2308.06080","submitter":"Shimeles Terefe Mengistue Mr.","authors":"Shimeles Terefe, Ascensi\\'on Del Olmo, Paola Marziani, Mirjana\n Povi\\'c, Mar\\'ia Angeles Mart\\'inez-Carballo, Jaime Perea, and Isabel\n M\\'arquez","title":"Optical and near-UV spectroscopic properties of low-redshift jetted\n quasars in the main sequence context","comments":"The paper has been accepted for publishing in MNRAS. Has 26 pages and\n 59 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.GA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" This paper presents new optical and near-UV spectra of 11 extremely powerful\njetted quasars, with radio to optical flux density ratio $>$ 10$^3$, that\nconcomitantly cover the low-ionization emission of \\mgii\\ and \\hb\\ as well as\nthe \\feii\\ blends in the redshift range $0.35 \\lesssim z \\lesssim 1$. We aim to\nquantify broad emission line differences between radio-loud (RL) and\nradio-quiet (RQ) quasars by using the 4D eigenvector 1 parameter space and its\nMain Sequence (MS) and to check the effect of powerful radio ejection on the\nlow ionization broad emission lines. The \\hb\\ and \\mgii\\ emission lines were\nmeasured by using non-linear multicomponent fittings as well as by analysing\ntheir full profile. We found that broad emission lines show large redward\nasymmetry both in \\hb\\ and \\mgii. The location of our RL sources in a UV plane\nlooks similar to the optical one, with weak \\feiiuv\\ emission and broad \\mgii.\nWe supplement the 11 sources with large samples from previous work to gain some\ngeneral inferences. We found that, compared to RQ, our extreme RL quasars show\nlarger median \\hb\\ full width at half maximum (FWHM), weaker \\feii\\ emission,\nlarger \\mbh, lower \\lledd, and a restricted bf space occupation in the optical\nand UV MS planes. The differences are more elusive when the comparison is\ncarried out by restricting the RQ population to the region of the MS occupied\nby RL sources, albeit an unbiased comparison matching \\mbh\\ and \\lledd\\\nsuggests that the most powerful RL quasars show the highest redward asymmetries\nin \\hb.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 11:40:19 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Terefe","Shimeles",""],["Del Olmo","Ascensi\u00f3n",""],["Marziani","Paola",""],["Povi\u0107","Mirjana",""],["Mart\u00ednez-Carballo","Mar\u00eda Angeles",""],["Perea","Jaime",""],["M\u00e1rquez","Isabel",""]]} {"id":"2308.06081","submitter":"Alexandre Krajenbrink","authors":"Ismail Yunus Akhalwaya, Adam Connolly, Roland Guichard, Steven\n Herbert, Cahit Kargi, Alexandre Krajenbrink, Michael Lubasch, Conor Mc\n Keever, Julien Sorci, Michael Spranger, Ifan Williams","title":"A Modular Engine for Quantum Monte Carlo Integration","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" We present the Quantum Monte Carlo Integration (QMCI) engine developed by\nQuantinuum. It is a quantum computational tool for evaluating multi-dimensional\nintegrals that arise in various fields of science and engineering such as\nfinance. This white paper presents a detailed description of the architecture\nof the QMCI engine, including a variety of distribution-loading methods, a\nnovel quantum amplitude estimation method that improves the statistical\nrobustness of QMCI calculations, and a library of statistical quantities that\ncan be estimated. The QMCI engine is designed with modularity in mind, allowing\nfor the continuous development of new quantum algorithms tailored in particular\nto financial applications. Additionally, the engine features a resource mode,\nwhich provides a precise resource quantification for the quantum circuits\ngenerated. The paper also includes extensive benchmarks that showcase the\nengine's performance, with a focus on the evaluation of various financial\ninstruments.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 11:42:33 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Akhalwaya","Ismail Yunus",""],["Connolly","Adam",""],["Guichard","Roland",""],["Herbert","Steven",""],["Kargi","Cahit",""],["Krajenbrink","Alexandre",""],["Lubasch","Michael",""],["Keever","Conor Mc",""],["Sorci","Julien",""],["Spranger","Michael",""],["Williams","Ifan",""]]} {"id":"2308.06082","submitter":"Manish Kumar","authors":"Manish Kumar","title":"Security of XCB and HCTR","comments":"M.Tech Dissertation. Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, July 2018","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Tweakable Enciphering Scheme (TES) is a length preserving scheme which\nprovides confidentiality and admissible integrity. XCB (Extended Code Book) is\na TES which was introduced in 2004. In 2007, it was modified and security bound\nwas provided. Later, these two versions were referred to as XCBv1 and XCBv2\nrespectively. XCBv2 was proposed as the IEEE-std 1619.2 2010 for encryption of\nsector oriented storage media. In 2013, first time Security bound of XCBv1 was\ngiven and XCBv2's security bound was enhanced. A constant of $2^{22}$ appears\nin the security bounds of the XCBv1 and XCBv2.\n We showed that this constant of $2^{22}$ can be reduced to $2^{5}$. Further,\nwe modified the XCB (MXCB) scheme such that it gives better security bound\ncompared to the present XCB scheme. We also analyzed some weak keys attack on\nXCB and a type of TES known as HCTR (proposed in 2005). We performed\ndistinguishing attack and the hash key recovery attack on HCTR. Next, we\nanalyzed the dependency of the two different keys in HCTR.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 11:45:09 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Kumar","Manish",""]]} {"id":"2308.06083","submitter":"Bogdan Matioc","authors":"Joachim Escher, Anca-Voichita Matioc, Bogdan-Vasile Matioc","title":"The Mullins-Sekerka problem via the method of potentials","comments":"18 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" It is shown that the two-dimensional Mullins-Sekerka problem is well-posed in\nall subcritical Sobolev spaces $H^r(\\mathbb{R})$ with $r\\in(3/2,2).$ This is\nthe first result where this issue is established in an unbounded geometry. The\nnovelty of our approach is the use of potential theory to formulate the model\nas an evolution problem with nonlinearities expressed by singular integral\noperators.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 11:46:27 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Escher","Joachim",""],["Matioc","Anca-Voichita",""],["Matioc","Bogdan-Vasile",""]]} {"id":"2308.06084","submitter":"Alice C. Quillen","authors":"A. C. Quillen, Nathan Skerrett","title":"Generating quantum channels from functions on discrete sets","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Using the recent ability of quantum computers to initialize quantum states\nrapidly with high fidelity, we use a function operating on a discrete set to\ncreate a simple class of quantum channels. Fixed points and periodic orbits,\nthat are present in the function, generate fixed points and periodic orbits in\nthe associated quantum channel. Phenomenology such as periodic doubling is\nvisible in a 6 qubit dephasing channel constructed from a truncated version of\nthe logistic map. Using disjoint subsets, discrete function-generated channels\ncan be constructed that preserve coherence within subspaces. Error correction\nprocedures can be in this class as syndrome detection uses an initialized\nquantum register. A possible application for function-generated channels is in\nhybrid classical/quantum algorithms. We illustrate how these channels can aid\nin carrying out classical computations involving iteration of non-invertible\nfunctions on a quantum computer with the Euclidean algorithm for finding the\ngreatest common divisor of two integers.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 11:47:10 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Thu, 24 Aug 2023 16:41:18 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-25","authors_parsed":[["Quillen","A. C.",""],["Skerrett","Nathan",""]]} {"id":"2308.06085","submitter":"Jinqiang Chen","authors":"Jinqiang Chen, Vandana Dwarka, Cornelis Vuik","title":"A matrix-free parallel solution method for the three-dimensional\n heterogeneous Helmholtz equation","comments":"25 pages, 15 figures, manuscript submitted to a special issue of\n conference NMLSP2022","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NA cs.NA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The Helmholtz equation is related to seismic exploration, sonar, antennas,\nand medical imaging applications. It is one of the most challenging problems to\nsolve in terms of accuracy and convergence due to the scalability issues of the\nnumerical solvers. For 3D large-scale applications, high-performance parallel\nsolvers are also needed. In this paper, a matrix-free parallel iterative solver\nis presented for the three-dimensional (3D) heterogeneous Helmholtz equation.\nWe consider the preconditioned Krylov subspace methods for solving the linear\nsystem obtained from finite-difference discretization. The Complex Shifted\nLaplace Preconditioner (CSLP) is employed since it results in a linear increase\nin the number of iterations as a function of the wavenumber. The preconditioner\nis approximately inverted using one parallel 3D multigrid cycle. For parallel\ncomputing, the global domain is partitioned blockwise. The matrix-vector\nmultiplication and preconditioning operator are implemented in a matrix-free\nway instead of constructing large, memory-consuming coefficient matrices.\nNumerical experiments of 3D model problems demonstrate the robustness and\noutstanding strong scaling of our matrix-free parallel solution method.\nMoreover, the weak parallel scalability indicates our approach is suitable for\nrealistic 3D heterogeneous Helmholtz problems with minimized pollution error.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 11:48:09 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Chen","Jinqiang",""],["Dwarka","Vandana",""],["Vuik","Cornelis",""]]} {"id":"2308.06086","submitter":"Priyanshi Sinha","authors":"Priyanshi Sinha (for the STAR Collaboration)","title":"Probing nuclear structure using elliptic flow of strange and\n multi-strange hadrons in isobar collisions","comments":"Submitted in proceeding for DAE-HEP 2022","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"nucl-ex hep-ex","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Isobar collisions, $^{96}_{44}$Ru+$^{96}_{44}$Ru and\n$^{96}_{40}$Zr+$^{96}_{40}$Zr, at $\\sqrt{s_{\\mathrm {NN}}}$ = 200 GeV have been\nperformed at RHIC in order to study the charge separation along the magnetic\nfield, called the Chiral Magnetic Effect (CME). The difference in nuclear\ndeformation and structure between the two isobar nuclei may result in a\ndifference in the flow magnitudes. Hence, elliptic flow measurements for these\ncollisions give direct information about the initial state anisotropies.\nStrange and multi-strange hadrons have a small hadronic cross-section compared\nto light hadrons, making them an excellent probe for understanding the initial\nstate anisotropies of the medium produced in these isobar collisions. The\ncollected datasets include approximately two billion events for each of the\nisobar species and provide a unique opportunity for statistics hungry\nmeasurements. In this proceeding, we will report the elliptic flow ($v_{2}$)\nmeasurement of $K_{s}^{0}$, $\\Lambda$, $\\overline{\\Lambda}$, $\\phi$, $\\Xi^{-}$,\n$\\overline{\\Xi}^{+}$, $\\Omega^{-}$, and $\\overline{\\Omega}^{+}$ at mid-rapidity\nfor Ru+Ru and Zr+Zr collisions at $\\sqrt{s_{\\mathrm {NN}}}$ = 200 GeV. The\ncentrality and transverse momentum ($p_{T}$) dependence of $v_{2}$ of\n(multi-)strange hadrons will be shown. System size dependence of $v_{2}$ will\nbe shown by comparing the $v_{2}$ results obtained from Cu+Cu, Au+Au, and U+U\ncollisions. The number of constituent quark (NCQ) scaling for these strange\nhadrons will also be tested. We will also compare the $p_{T}$-integrated\n$v_{2}$ for these two isobar collisions. Transport model calculations will be\ncompared to data to provide further quantitative constraints on the nuclear\nstructure.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 11:51:43 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Sinha","Priyanshi","","for the STAR Collaboration"]]} {"id":"2308.06087","submitter":"Sung Jin Um","authors":"Sung Jin Um, Dongjin Kim, Jung Uk Kim","title":"Audio-Visual Spatial Integration and Recursive Attention for Robust\n Sound Source Localization","comments":"Camera-Ready, ACM MM 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.MM cs.AI cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The objective of the sound source localization task is to enable machines to\ndetect the location of sound-making objects within a visual scene. While the\naudio modality provides spatial cues to locate the sound source, existing\napproaches only use audio as an auxiliary role to compare spatial regions of\nthe visual modality. Humans, on the other hand, utilize both audio and visual\nmodalities as spatial cues to locate sound sources. In this paper, we propose\nan audio-visual spatial integration network that integrates spatial cues from\nboth modalities to mimic human behavior when detecting sound-making objects.\nAdditionally, we introduce a recursive attention network to mimic human\nbehavior of iterative focusing on objects, resulting in more accurate attention\nregions. To effectively encode spatial information from both modalities, we\npropose audio-visual pair matching loss and spatial region alignment loss. By\nutilizing the spatial cues of audio-visual modalities and recursively focusing\nobjects, our method can perform more robust sound source localization.\nComprehensive experimental results on the Flickr SoundNet and VGG-Sound Source\ndatasets demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method over existing\napproaches. Our code is available at: https://github.com/VisualAIKHU/SIRA-SSL\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 11:57:58 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Fri, 18 Aug 2023 03:19:52 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-21","authors_parsed":[["Um","Sung Jin",""],["Kim","Dongjin",""],["Kim","Jung Uk",""]]} {"id":"2308.06088","submitter":"Arne Bewersdorff","authors":"Arne Bewersdorff, Kathrin Se{\\ss}ler, Armin Baur, Enkelejda Kasneci,\n Claudia Nerdel","title":"Assessing Student Errors in Experimentation Using Artificial\n Intelligence and Large Language Models: A Comparative Study with Human Raters","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Identifying logical errors in complex, incomplete or even contradictory and\noverall heterogeneous data like students' experimentation protocols is\nchallenging. Recognizing the limitations of current evaluation methods, we\ninvestigate the potential of Large Language Models (LLMs) for automatically\nidentifying student errors and streamlining teacher assessments. Our aim is to\nprovide a foundation for productive, personalized feedback. Using a dataset of\n65 student protocols, an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system based on the\nGPT-3.5 and GPT-4 series was developed and tested against human raters. Our\nresults indicate varying levels of accuracy in error detection between the AI\nsystem and human raters. The AI system can accurately identify many fundamental\nstudent errors, for instance, the AI system identifies when a student is\nfocusing the hypothesis not on the dependent variable but solely on an expected\nobservation (acc. = 0.90), when a student modifies the trials in an ongoing\ninvestigation (acc. = 1), and whether a student is conducting valid test trials\n(acc. = 0.82) reliably. The identification of other, usually more complex\nerrors, like whether a student conducts a valid control trial (acc. = .60),\nposes a greater challenge. This research explores not only the utility of AI in\neducational settings, but also contributes to the understanding of the\ncapabilities of LLMs in error detection in inquiry-based learning like\nexperimentation.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 12:03:12 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Bewersdorff","Arne",""],["Se\u00dfler","Kathrin",""],["Baur","Armin",""],["Kasneci","Enkelejda",""],["Nerdel","Claudia",""]]} {"id":"2308.06089","submitter":"Nick Bryan-Kinns","authors":"Ashley Noel-Hirst and Nick Bryan-Kinns","title":"An Autoethnographic Exploration of XAI in Algorithmic Composition","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SD cs.AI cs.HC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Machine Learning models are capable of generating complex music across a\nrange of genres from folk to classical music. However, current generative music\nAI models are typically difficult to understand and control in meaningful ways.\nWhilst research has started to explore how explainable AI (XAI) generative\nmodels might be created for music, no generative XAI models have been studied\nin music making practice. This paper introduces an autoethnographic study of\nthe use of the MeasureVAE generative music XAI model with interpretable latent\ndimensions trained on Irish folk music. Findings suggest that the exploratory\nnature of the music-making workflow foregrounds musical features of the\ntraining dataset rather than features of the generative model itself. The\nappropriation of an XAI model within an iterative workflow highlights the\npotential of XAI models to form part of a richer and more complex workflow than\nthey were initially designed for.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 12:03:17 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Noel-Hirst","Ashley",""],["Bryan-Kinns","Nick",""]]} {"id":"2308.06090","submitter":"Sohei Ashida","authors":"Sohei Ashida","title":"Transformation of a variational problem in the Euclidean space to that\n of a tuple of functions on several regions","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AP math-ph math.MP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We obtain a method to transform an minimization problem of the quadratic form\ncorresponding to the Schr\\\"odinger operator in the Euclidean space to a\nvariational problem of a tuple of functions defined on several regions. The\nmethod is based on a characterization of elements of the orthogonal complement\nof $H^1_0(\\Omega)$ in $H^1(\\Omega)$ as weak solutions to an elliptic partial\ndifferential equation on a region $\\Omega$ with a bounded boundary.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 12:04:18 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Mon, 14 Aug 2023 13:12:09 GMT"},{"version":"v3","created":"Mon, 28 Aug 2023 02:38:13 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-29","authors_parsed":[["Ashida","Sohei",""]]} {"id":"2308.06091","submitter":"Seongmin Park","authors":"Seongmin Park, Mincheol Yoon, Jae-woong Lee, Hogun Park, Jongwuk Lee","title":"Toward a Better Understanding of Loss Functions for Collaborative\n Filtering","comments":"Accepted by CIKM 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IR cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Collaborative filtering (CF) is a pivotal technique in modern recommender\nsystems. The learning process of CF models typically consists of three\ncomponents: interaction encoder, loss function, and negative sampling. Although\nmany existing studies have proposed various CF models to design sophisticated\ninteraction encoders, recent work shows that simply reformulating the loss\nfunctions can achieve significant performance gains. This paper delves into\nanalyzing the relationship among existing loss functions. Our mathematical\nanalysis reveals that the previous loss functions can be interpreted as\nalignment and uniformity functions: (i) the alignment matches user and item\nrepresentations, and (ii) the uniformity disperses user and item distributions.\nInspired by this analysis, we propose a novel loss function that improves the\ndesign of alignment and uniformity considering the unique patterns of datasets\ncalled Margin-aware Alignment and Weighted Uniformity (MAWU). The key novelty\nof MAWU is two-fold: (i) margin-aware alignment (MA) mitigates\nuser/item-specific popularity biases, and (ii) weighted uniformity (WU) adjusts\nthe significance between user and item uniformities to reflect the inherent\ncharacteristics of datasets. Extensive experimental results show that MF and\nLightGCN equipped with MAWU are comparable or superior to state-of-the-art CF\nmodels with various loss functions on three public datasets.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 12:04:36 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Park","Seongmin",""],["Yoon","Mincheol",""],["Lee","Jae-woong",""],["Park","Hogun",""],["Lee","Jongwuk",""]]} {"id":"2308.06092","submitter":"Javier del Pino","authors":"Javier del Pino, Jan Ko\\v{s}ata, Oded Zilberberg","title":"Limit cycles as stationary states of an extended Harmonic Balance ansatz","comments":"Includes Supplemental Material","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"nlin.AO cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.quant-gas","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" A limit cycle is a self-sustained periodic motion appearing in autonomous\nordinary differential equations. As the period of the limit cycle is a-priori\nunknown, it is challenging to find them as stationary states of a rotating\nansatz. Correspondingly, their study commonly relies on brute-force\ntime-evolution or on circumstantial evidence such as instabilities of fixed\npoints. Alas, such approaches are unable to account for the coexistence of\nmultiple solutions, as they rely on specific initial conditions. Here, we\ndevelop a multifrequency rotating ansatz with which we find limit cycles as\nstationary states. We demonstrate our approach and its performance in the\nsimplest case of the Van der Pol oscillator. Moving beyond the simplest\nexample, we show that our method can capture the coexistence of all fixed-point\nattractors and limit cycles in a modified nonlinear Van der Pol oscillator. Our\nresults facilitate the systematic mapping of out-of-equilibrium phase diagrams,\nwith implications across all fields of natural science.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 12:05:11 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["del Pino","Javier",""],["Ko\u0161ata","Jan",""],["Zilberberg","Oded",""]]} {"id":"2308.06093","submitter":"Yongqi Huang","authors":"Yongqi Huang, Peng Ye, Xiaoshui Huang, Sheng Li, Tao Chen, Tong He,\n Wanli Ouyang","title":"Experts Weights Averaging: A New General Training Scheme for Vision\n Transformers","comments":"12 pages, 2 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Structural re-parameterization is a general training scheme for Convolutional\nNeural Networks (CNNs), which achieves performance improvement without\nincreasing inference cost. As Vision Transformers (ViTs) are gradually\nsurpassing CNNs in various visual tasks, one may question: if a training scheme\nspecifically for ViTs exists that can also achieve performance improvement\nwithout increasing inference cost? Recently, Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) has\nattracted increasing attention, as it can efficiently scale up the capacity of\nTransformers at a fixed cost through sparsely activated experts. Considering\nthat MoE can also be viewed as a multi-branch structure, can we utilize MoE to\nimplement a ViT training scheme similar to structural re-parameterization? In\nthis paper, we affirmatively answer these questions, with a new general\ntraining strategy for ViTs. Specifically, we decouple the training and\ninference phases of ViTs. During training, we replace some Feed-Forward\nNetworks (FFNs) of the ViT with specially designed, more efficient MoEs that\nassign tokens to experts by random uniform partition, and perform Experts\nWeights Averaging (EWA) on these MoEs at the end of each iteration. After\ntraining, we convert each MoE into an FFN by averaging the experts,\ntransforming the model back into original ViT for inference. We further provide\na theoretical analysis to show why and how it works. Comprehensive experiments\nacross various 2D and 3D visual tasks, ViT architectures, and datasets validate\nthe effectiveness and generalizability of the proposed training scheme.\nBesides, our training scheme can also be applied to improve performance when\nfine-tuning ViTs. Lastly, but equally important, the proposed EWA technique can\nsignificantly improve the effectiveness of naive MoE in various 2D visual small\ndatasets and 3D visual tasks.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 12:05:12 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Fri, 25 Aug 2023 14:30:45 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-28","authors_parsed":[["Huang","Yongqi",""],["Ye","Peng",""],["Huang","Xiaoshui",""],["Li","Sheng",""],["Chen","Tao",""],["He","Tong",""],["Ouyang","Wanli",""]]} {"id":"2308.06094","submitter":"Chao Yang","authors":"Chao Yang, Lu Wang, Kun Gao, Shuang Li","title":"Reinforcement Logic Rule Learning for Temporal Point Processes","comments":"27 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We propose a framework that can incrementally expand the explanatory temporal\nlogic rule set to explain the occurrence of temporal events. Leveraging the\ntemporal point process modeling and learning framework, the rule content and\nweights will be gradually optimized until the likelihood of the observational\nevent sequences is optimal. The proposed algorithm alternates between a master\nproblem, where the current rule set weights are updated, and a subproblem,\nwhere a new rule is searched and included to best increase the likelihood. The\nformulated master problem is convex and relatively easy to solve using\ncontinuous optimization, whereas the subproblem requires searching the huge\ncombinatorial rule predicate and relationship space. To tackle this challenge,\nwe propose a neural search policy to learn to generate the new rule content as\na sequence of actions. The policy parameters will be trained end-to-end using\nthe reinforcement learning framework, where the reward signals can be\nefficiently queried by evaluating the subproblem objective. The trained policy\ncan be used to generate new rules in a controllable way. We evaluate our\nmethods on both synthetic and real healthcare datasets, obtaining promising\nresults.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 12:05:32 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Yang","Chao",""],["Wang","Lu",""],["Gao","Kun",""],["Li","Shuang",""]]} {"id":"2308.06095","submitter":"Fabian Galetzka","authors":"Fabian Galetzka, Anne Beyer, David Schlangen","title":"Neural Conversation Models and How to Rein Them in: A Survey of Failures\n and Fixes","comments":"Represents the state of the field in 2022; partially based on the\n first authors 2022 PhD thesis","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Recent conditional language models are able to continue any kind of text\nsource in an often seemingly fluent way. This fact encouraged research in the\narea of open-domain conversational systems that are based on powerful language\nmodels and aim to imitate an interlocutor by generating appropriate\ncontributions to a written dialogue. From a linguistic perspective, however,\nthe complexity of contributing to a conversation is high. In this survey, we\ninterpret Grice's maxims of cooperative conversation from the perspective of\nthis specific research area and systematize the literature under the aspect of\nwhat makes a contribution appropriate: A neural conversation model has to be\nfluent, informative, consistent, coherent, and follow social norms. In order to\nensure these qualities, recent approaches try to tame the underlying language\nmodels at various intervention points, such as data, training regime or\ndecoding. Sorted by these categories and intervention points, we discuss\npromising attempts and suggest novel ways for future research.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 12:07:45 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Galetzka","Fabian",""],["Beyer","Anne",""],["Schlangen","David",""]]} {"id":"2308.06096","submitter":"Mathias Garny","authors":"Michael Hartmeier, Mathias Garny","title":"Minimal Basis for Exact Time Dependent Kernels in Cosmological\n Perturbation Theory and Application to $\\Lambda$CDM and $w_0w_a$CDM","comments":"4 figures, 40 pages + appendices","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":"TUM-HEP-1466/23","categories":"astro-ph.CO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We derive a minimal basis of kernels furnishing the perturbative expansion of\nthe density contrast and velocity divergence in powers of the initial density\nfield that is applicable to cosmological models with arbitrary expansion\nhistory, thereby relaxing the commonly adopted Einstein-de-Sitter (EdS)\napproximation. For this class of cosmological models, the non-linear kernels\nare at every order given by a sum of terms, each of which factorizes into a\ntime-dependent growth factor and a wavenumber-dependent basis function. We show\nhow to reduce the set of basis functions to a minimal amount, and give explicit\nexpressions up to order $n=5$. We find that for this minimal basis choice, each\nbasis function individually displays the expected scaling behaviour due to\nmomentum conservation, being non-trivial at $n\\geq 4$. This is a highly\ndesirable property for numerical evaluation of loop corrections. In addition,\nit allows us to match the density field to an effective field theory (EFT)\ndescription for cosmologies with an arbitrary expansion history, which we\nexplicitly derive at order four. We evaluate the differences to the EdS\napproximation for $\\Lambda$CDM and $w_0w_a$CDM, paying special attention to the\nirreducible cosmology dependence that cannot be absorbed into EFT terms for the\none-loop bispectrum. Finally, we provide algebraic recursion relations for a\nspecial generalization of the EdS approximation that retains its simplicity and\nis relevant for mixed hot and cold dark matter models.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 12:15:38 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Hartmeier","Michael",""],["Garny","Mathias",""]]} {"id":"2308.06097","submitter":"Yangyang Xu","authors":"Yangyang Xu, Shengfeng He, Kwan-Yee K. Wong, Ping Luo","title":"RIGID: Recurrent GAN Inversion and Editing of Real Face Videos","comments":"ICCV2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" GAN inversion is indispensable for applying the powerful editability of GAN\nto real images. However, existing methods invert video frames individually\noften leading to undesired inconsistent results over time. In this paper, we\npropose a unified recurrent framework, named \\textbf{R}ecurrent v\\textbf{I}deo\n\\textbf{G}AN \\textbf{I}nversion and e\\textbf{D}iting (RIGID), to explicitly and\nsimultaneously enforce temporally coherent GAN inversion and facial editing of\nreal videos. Our approach models the temporal relations between current and\nprevious frames from three aspects. To enable a faithful real video\nreconstruction, we first maximize the inversion fidelity and consistency by\nlearning a temporal compensated latent code. Second, we observe incoherent\nnoises lie in the high-frequency domain that can be disentangled from the\nlatent space. Third, to remove the inconsistency after attribute manipulation,\nwe propose an \\textit{in-between frame composition constraint} such that the\narbitrary frame must be a direct composite of its neighboring frames. Our\nunified framework learns the inherent coherence between input frames in an\nend-to-end manner, and therefore it is agnostic to a specific attribute and can\nbe applied to arbitrary editing of the same video without re-training.\nExtensive experiments demonstrate that RIGID outperforms state-of-the-art\nmethods qualitatively and quantitatively in both inversion and editing tasks.\nThe deliverables can be found in \\url{https://cnnlstm.github.io/RIGID}\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 12:17:24 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Tue, 15 Aug 2023 13:34:25 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-16","authors_parsed":[["Xu","Yangyang",""],["He","Shengfeng",""],["Wong","Kwan-Yee K.",""],["Luo","Ping",""]]} {"id":"2308.06098","submitter":"Tanay Rastogi","authors":"Tanay Rastogi and M{\\aa}rten Bj\\\"orkman","title":"Automated Construction of Time-Space Diagrams for Traffic Analysis Using\n Street-View Video Sequence","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Time-space diagrams are essential tools for analyzing traffic patterns and\noptimizing transportation infrastructure and traffic management strategies.\nTraditional data collection methods for these diagrams have limitations in\nterms of temporal and spatial coverage. Recent advancements in camera\ntechnology have overcome these limitations and provided extensive urban data.\nIn this study, we propose an innovative approach to constructing time-space\ndiagrams by utilizing street-view video sequences captured by cameras mounted\non moving vehicles. Using the state-of-the-art YOLOv5, StrongSORT, and\nphotogrammetry techniques for distance calculation, we can infer vehicle\ntrajectories from the video data and generate time-space diagrams. To evaluate\nthe effectiveness of our proposed method, we utilized datasets from the KITTI\ncomputer vision benchmark suite. The evaluation results demonstrate that our\napproach can generate trajectories from video data, although there are some\nerrors that can be mitigated by improving the performance of the detector,\ntracker, and distance calculation components. In conclusion, the utilization of\nstreet-view video sequences captured by cameras mounted on moving vehicles,\ncombined with state-of-the-art computer vision techniques, has immense\npotential for constructing comprehensive time-space diagrams. These diagrams\noffer valuable insights into traffic patterns and contribute to the design of\ntransportation infrastructure and traffic management strategies.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 12:18:53 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Rastogi","Tanay",""],["Bj\u00f6rkman","M\u00e5rten",""]]} {"id":"2308.06099","submitter":"Eberhard Goering","authors":"Michael Miller, Rene Nacke, Sven Ilse, Gisela Sch\\\"utz, and Eberhard\n Goering","title":"Direct determination of the spin-polarization at buried interfaces using\n voltage dependent MOKE signals","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.app-ph cond-mat.mtrl-sci","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Here we present a conceptually simple method to directly measure the\nspin-polarization at buried ferromagnet/insulator interfaces under ambient\nconditions. This has been done by applying an AC voltage across the interface\nand measuring the voltage-induced change of the longitudinal MOKE signal as a\nfunction of the applied magnetic field. A straight-forward quantitative model\nis presented, how the spin-polarization enters the VMOKE signal. For Fe and Co,\na clear positive majority spin-polarization has been identified, while Ni\nreveals a negative minority spin-polarization. This new method provides a\ndirect way to determine interfacial spin-polarizations at buried interfaces,\nwhich is one of most important key parameters in spintronics.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 12:20:55 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Miller","Michael",""],["Nacke","Rene",""],["Ilse","Sven",""],["Sch\u00fctz","Gisela",""],["Goering","Eberhard",""]]} {"id":"2308.06100","submitter":"Philipp Vaeth","authors":"Philipp Vaeth and Alexander M. Fruehwald and Benjamin Paassen and\n Magda Gregorova","title":"Diffusion-based Visual Counterfactual Explanations -- Towards Systematic\n Quantitative Evaluation","comments":"Accepted at the 5th International Workshop on eXplainable Knowledge\n Discovery in Data Mining @ ECML 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Latest methods for visual counterfactual explanations (VCE) harness the power\nof deep generative models to synthesize new examples of high-dimensional images\nof impressive quality. However, it is currently difficult to compare the\nperformance of these VCE methods as the evaluation procedures largely vary and\noften boil down to visual inspection of individual examples and small scale\nuser studies. In this work, we propose a framework for systematic, quantitative\nevaluation of the VCE methods and a minimal set of metrics to be used. We use\nthis framework to explore the effects of certain crucial design choices in the\nlatest diffusion-based generative models for VCEs of natural image\nclassification (ImageNet). We conduct a battery of ablation-like experiments,\ngenerating thousands of VCEs for a suite of classifiers of various complexity,\naccuracy and robustness. Our findings suggest multiple directions for future\nadvancements and improvements of VCE methods. By sharing our methodology and\nour approach to tackle the computational challenges of such a study on a\nlimited hardware setup (including the complete code base), we offer a valuable\nguidance for researchers in the field fostering consistency and transparency in\nthe assessment of counterfactual explanations.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 12:22:37 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Vaeth","Philipp",""],["Fruehwald","Alexander M.",""],["Paassen","Benjamin",""],["Gregorova","Magda",""]]} {"id":"2308.06101","submitter":"Junhong Gou","authors":"Junhong Gou, Siyu Sun, Jianfu Zhang, Jianlou Si, Chen Qian, Liqing\n Zhang","title":"Taming the Power of Diffusion Models for High-Quality Virtual Try-On\n with Appearance Flow","comments":"Accepted by ACMMM 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":"10.1145/3581783.3612255","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Virtual try-on is a critical image synthesis task that aims to transfer\nclothes from one image to another while preserving the details of both humans\nand clothes. While many existing methods rely on Generative Adversarial\nNetworks (GANs) to achieve this, flaws can still occur, particularly at high\nresolutions. Recently, the diffusion model has emerged as a promising\nalternative for generating high-quality images in various applications.\nHowever, simply using clothes as a condition for guiding the diffusion model to\ninpaint is insufficient to maintain the details of the clothes. To overcome\nthis challenge, we propose an exemplar-based inpainting approach that leverages\na warping module to guide the diffusion model's generation effectively. The\nwarping module performs initial processing on the clothes, which helps to\npreserve the local details of the clothes. We then combine the warped clothes\nwith clothes-agnostic person image and add noise as the input of diffusion\nmodel. Additionally, the warped clothes is used as local conditions for each\ndenoising process to ensure that the resulting output retains as much detail as\npossible. Our approach, namely Diffusion-based Conditional Inpainting for\nVirtual Try-ON (DCI-VTON), effectively utilizes the power of the diffusion\nmodel, and the incorporation of the warping module helps to produce\nhigh-quality and realistic virtual try-on results. Experimental results on\nVITON-HD demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of our method.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 12:23:09 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Gou","Junhong",""],["Sun","Siyu",""],["Zhang","Jianfu",""],["Si","Jianlou",""],["Qian","Chen",""],["Zhang","Liqing",""]]} {"id":"2308.06102","submitter":"Tista Mukherjee","authors":"Tista Mukherjee (for the IceCube Collaboration)","title":"Searching for IceCube sub-TeV neutrino counterparts to sub-threshold\n Gravitational Wave events","comments":"Presented at the 38th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2023).\n See arXiv:2307.13047 for all IceCube contributions","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":"PoS-ICRC2023-1504","categories":"astro-ph.HE","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Since the release of the Gravitational Wave Transient Catalogue GWTC-2.1 by\nthe LIGO-Virgo collaboration, sub-threshold gravitational wave (GW) candidates\nare publicly available. They are expected to be released in real-time as well,\nin the upcoming O4 run. Using these GW candidates for multi-messenger studies\ncomplement the ongoing efforts to identify neutrino counterparts to GW events.\nThis in turn, allows us to schedule electromagnetic follow-up searches more\nefficiently. However, the definition and criteria for sub-threshold candidates\nare pretty flexible. Finding a multi-messenger counterpart via archival studies\nfor these candidates will help to set up strong bounds on the GW parameters\nwhich are useful for defining a GW signal as sub-threshold, thereby increasing\ntheir significance for scheduling follow-up searches. Here, we present the\ncurrent status of this ongoing work with the IceCube Neutrino Observatory. We\nperform a selection of the sub-threshold GW candidates from GWTC-2.1 and\nconduct an archival search for sub-TeV neutrino counterparts detected by the\ndense infill array of the IceCube Neutrino Observatory, known as \"DeepCore\".\nFor this, an Unbinned Maximum Likelihood (UML) method is used. We report the\n90% C.L. sensitivities of this sub-TeV neutrino dataset for each selected\nsub-threshold GW candidate, considering the spatial and temporal correlation\nbetween the GW and neutrino events within a 1000 s time window.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 12:26:28 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Mukherjee","Tista","","for the IceCube Collaboration"]]} {"id":"2308.06103","submitter":"Andrea Gesmundo","authors":"Andrea Gesmundo and Kaitlin Maile","title":"Composable Function-preserving Expansions for Transformer Architectures","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Training state-of-the-art neural networks requires a high cost in terms of\ncompute and time. Model scale is recognized to be a critical factor to achieve\nand improve the state-of-the-art. Increasing the scale of a neural network\nnormally requires restarting from scratch by randomly initializing all the\nparameters of the model, as this implies a change of architecture's parameters\nthat does not allow for a straightforward transfer of knowledge from smaller\nsize models. In this work, we propose six composable transformations to\nincrementally increase the size of transformer-based neural networks while\npreserving functionality, allowing to expand the capacity of the model as\nneeded. We provide proof of exact function preservation under minimal\ninitialization constraints for each transformation. The proposed methods may\nenable efficient training pipelines for larger and more powerful models by\nprogressively expanding the architecture throughout training.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 12:27:22 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Gesmundo","Andrea",""],["Maile","Kaitlin",""]]} {"id":"2308.06104","submitter":"Vincent Humiliere","authors":"Jean-Fran\\c{c}ois Barraud, Mihai Damian, Vincent Humili\\`ere,\n Alexandru Oancea","title":"Morse homology with DG coefficients","comments":"232 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.SG math.AT math.GT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We develop a theory of Morse homology and cohomology with coefficients in a\nderived local system, for manifolds and also more generally for colimits of\nspaces that have the homotopy type of manifolds, with a view towards Floer\ntheory. The model that we adopt for derived, or differential graded (DG) local\nsystems is that of DG modules over chains on the based loop space of a\nmanifold. These encompass both classical (non DG) local systems and chains on\nfibers of Hurewicz fibrations. We prove that the Morse homology and cohomology\ngroups that we construct are isomorphic to DG Tor and Ext functors. The key\ningredient in the definition is a notion of twisting cocycle obtained by\nevaluating into based loops a coherent system of representatives for the\nfundamental classes of the moduli spaces of Morse trajectories of arbitrary\ndimensions. From this perspective, our construction sits midway between\nclassical Morse homology with twisted coefficients and more refined invariants\nof Floer homotopical flavor. The construction of the twisting cocycle is\noriginally due to Barraud and Cornea with Z/2-coefficients. We show that the\ntwisting cocycle with integer coefficients is equivalent to Brown's universal\ntwisting cocycle. We prove that Morse homology with coefficients in chains on\nthe fiber of a Hurewicz fibration recovers the homology of the total space of\nthe fibration. We study several structural properties of the theory:\ninvariance, functoriality, and Poincar\\'e duality, also in the nonorientable\ncase.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 12:30:47 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Barraud","Jean-Fran\u00e7ois",""],["Damian","Mihai",""],["Humili\u00e8re","Vincent",""],["Oancea","Alexandru",""]]} {"id":"2308.06105","submitter":"Attila P\\'asztor","authors":"Szabolcs Borsanyi, Zoltan Fodor, Matteo Giordano, Jana N. Guenther,\n Sandor D. Katz, Attila Pasztor, Chik Him Wong","title":"Can rooted staggered fermions describe nonzero baryon density at low\n temperatures?","comments":"12 pages, 6 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-lat","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Research on the QCD phase diagram with lattice field theory methods is\ndominated by the use of rooted staggered fermions, as they are the\ncomputationally cheapest discretization available. We show that rooted\nstaggered fermions at a nonzero baryochemical potential $\\mu_B$ predict a sharp\nrise in the baryon density at low temperatures and $\\mu_B \\gtrsim 3 m_\\pi/2$,\nwhere $m_\\pi$ is the Goldstone pion mass. We elucidate the nature of the\nnon-analyticity behind this sharp rise in the density by a comparison of\nreweighting results with a Taylor expansion of high order. While at first sight\nthis non-analytic behavior becomes apparent at the same position where the pion\ncondensation transition takes place in the phase-quenched theory, the nature of\nthe non-analyticity in the two theories appears to be quite different: While at\nnonzero isospin density the data are consistent with a genuine thermodynamic\n(branch-point) singularity, the results at nonzero baryon density point to an\nessential singularity at $\\mu_B=0$. The effect is absent for four flavors of\ndegenerate quarks, where rooting is not used. For the two-flavor case, we show\nnumerical evidence that the magnitude of the effect diminishes on finer\nlattices. We discuss the implications of this technical complication on future\nstudies of the QCD phase diagram.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 12:38:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Borsanyi","Szabolcs",""],["Fodor","Zoltan",""],["Giordano","Matteo",""],["Guenther","Jana N.",""],["Katz","Sandor D.",""],["Pasztor","Attila",""],["Wong","Chik Him",""]]} {"id":"2308.06106","submitter":"Chao Yang","authors":"Chao Yang, Hengyuan Miao, Shuang Li","title":"Hawkes Processes with Delayed Granger Causality","comments":"19 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG stat.ML","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We aim to explicitly model the delayed Granger causal effects based on\nmultivariate Hawkes processes. The idea is inspired by the fact that a causal\nevent usually takes some time to exert an effect. Studying this time lag itself\nis of interest. Given the proposed model, we first prove the identifiability of\nthe delay parameter under mild conditions. We further investigate a model\nestimation method under a complex setting, where we want to infer the posterior\ndistribution of the time lags and understand how this distribution varies\nacross different scenarios. We treat the time lags as latent variables and\nformulate a Variational Auto-Encoder (VAE) algorithm to approximate the\nposterior distribution of the time lags. By explicitly modeling the time lags\nin Hawkes processes, we add flexibility to the model. The inferred time-lag\nposterior distributions are of scientific meaning and help trace the original\ncausal time that supports the root cause analysis. We empirically evaluate our\nmodel's event prediction and time-lag inference accuracy on synthetic and real\ndata, achieving promising results.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 12:43:43 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Yang","Chao",""],["Miao","Hengyuan",""],["Li","Shuang",""]]} {"id":"2308.06107","submitter":"Jiyang Guan","authors":"Jiyang Guan, Jian Liang, Ran He","title":"Test-Time Adaptation for Backdoor Defense","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Deep neural networks have played a crucial part in many critical domains,\nsuch as autonomous driving, face recognition, and medical diagnosis. However,\ndeep neural networks are facing security threats from backdoor attacks and can\nbe manipulated into attacker-decided behaviors by the backdoor attacker. To\ndefend the backdoor, prior research has focused on using clean data to remove\nbackdoor attacks before model deployment. In this paper, we investigate the\npossibility of defending against backdoor attacks at test time by utilizing\npartially poisoned data to remove the backdoor from the model. To address the\nproblem, a two-stage method Test-Time Backdoor Defense (TTBD) is proposed. In\nthe first stage, we propose two backdoor sample detection methods, namely DDP\nand TeCo, to identify poisoned samples from a batch of mixed, partially\npoisoned samples. Once the poisoned samples are detected, we employ Shapley\nestimation to calculate the contribution of each neuron's significance in the\nnetwork, locate the poisoned neurons, and prune them to remove backdoor in the\nmodels. Our experiments demonstrate that TTBD removes the backdoor successfully\nwith only a batch of partially poisoned data across different model\narchitectures and datasets against different types of backdoor attacks.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 12:46:05 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Guan","Jiyang",""],["Liang","Jian",""],["He","Ran",""]]} {"id":"2308.06108","submitter":"Jenni Jormanainen","authors":"J. Jormanainen, T. Hovatta, I. M. Christie, E. Lindfors, M.\n Petropoulou, I. Liodakis","title":"Quantitative comparisons of VHE gamma-ray blazar flares with\n relativistic reconnection models","comments":"Accepted for publication in A&A","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.HE","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The origin of extremely fast variability is one of the long-standing\nquestions in the gamma-ray astronomy of blazars. While many models explain the\nslower, lower energy variability, they cannot easily account for such fast\nflares reaching hour-to-minute time scales. Magnetic reconnection, a process\nwhere magnetic energy is converted to the acceleration of relativistic\nparticles in the reconnection layer, is a candidate solution to this problem.\nIn this work, we employ state-of-the-art particle-in-cell simulations in a\nstatistical comparison with observations of a flaring episode of a well-known\nblazar, Mrk 421, at very high energy (VHE, E > 100 GeV). We tested the\npredictions of our model by generating simulated VHE light curves that we\ncompared quantitatively with methods that we have developed for a precise\nevaluation of theoretical and observed data. With our analysis, we can\nconstrain the parameter space of the model, such as the magnetic field strength\nof the unreconnected plasma, viewing angle and the reconnection layer\norientation in the blazar jet. Our analysis favours parameter spaces with\nmagnetic field strength 0.1 G, rather large viewing angles (6-8 degrees), and\nmisaligned layer angles, offering a strong candidate explanation for the\nDoppler crisis often observed in the jets of high synchrotron peaking blazars.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 12:51:41 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Jormanainen","J.",""],["Hovatta","T.",""],["Christie","I. M.",""],["Lindfors","E.",""],["Petropoulou","M.",""],["Liodakis","I.",""]]} {"id":"2308.06109","submitter":"Mark Pankov","authors":"Mariusz Kwiatkowski, Mark Pankov","title":"On maximal cliques in the graph of simplex codes","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The induced subgraph of the corresponding Grassmann graph formed by simplex\ncodes is considered. We show that this graph, as the Grassmann graph, contains\ntwo types of maximal cliques. For any two cliques of the first type there is a\nmonomial linear automorphism transferring one of them to the other. Cliques of\nthe second type are more complicated and can contain different numbers of\nelements.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 12:52:40 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Kwiatkowski","Mariusz",""],["Pankov","Mark",""]]} {"id":"2308.06110","submitter":"EPTCS","authors":"Elena Machkasova (University of Minnesota, Morris)","title":"Proceedings Twelfth International Workshop on Trends in Functional\n Programming in Education","comments":null,"journal-ref":"EPTCS 382, 2023","doi":"10.4204/EPTCS.382","report-no":null,"categories":"cs.PL","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" This volume contains the papers, accepted after post-reviewing, based on\npresentations submitted to TFPIE 2023 that took place at UMAss Boston in\nBoston, Massachusetts, USA on January 12th 2023. TFPIE stands for Trends in\nFunctional Programming in Education, where authors present research and\nexperiences in teaching concepts of functional programming at any level.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 12:53:54 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Machkasova","Elena","","University of Minnesota, Morris"]]} {"id":"2308.06111","submitter":"Lars Hillebrand","authors":"Lars Hillebrand, Armin Berger, Tobias Deu{\\ss}er, Tim Dilmaghani,\n Mohamed Khaled, Bernd Kliem, R\\\"udiger Loitz, Maren Pielka, David Leonhard,\n Christian Bauckhage, Rafet Sifa","title":"Improving Zero-Shot Text Matching for Financial Auditing with Large\n Language Models","comments":"Accepted at DocEng 2023, 4 pages, 1 figure, 2 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Auditing financial documents is a very tedious and time-consuming process. As\nof today, it can already be simplified by employing AI-based solutions to\nrecommend relevant text passages from a report for each legal requirement of\nrigorous accounting standards. However, these methods need to be fine-tuned\nregularly, and they require abundant annotated data, which is often lacking in\nindustrial environments. Hence, we present ZeroShotALI, a novel recommender\nsystem that leverages a state-of-the-art large language model (LLM) in\nconjunction with a domain-specifically optimized transformer-based\ntext-matching solution. We find that a two-step approach of first retrieving a\nnumber of best matching document sections per legal requirement with a custom\nBERT-based model and second filtering these selections using an LLM yields\nsignificant performance improvements over existing approaches.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 12:55:09 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Mon, 14 Aug 2023 07:45:17 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-15","authors_parsed":[["Hillebrand","Lars",""],["Berger","Armin",""],["Deu\u00dfer","Tobias",""],["Dilmaghani","Tim",""],["Khaled","Mohamed",""],["Kliem","Bernd",""],["Loitz","R\u00fcdiger",""],["Pielka","Maren",""],["Leonhard","David",""],["Bauckhage","Christian",""],["Sifa","Rafet",""]]} {"id":"2308.06112","submitter":"Yasser Abdelaziz Dahou Djilali","authors":"Yasser Abdelaziz Dahou Djilali, Sanath Narayan, Haithem Boussaid,\n Ebtessam Almazrouei, Merouane Debbah","title":"Lip2Vec: Efficient and Robust Visual Speech Recognition via\n Latent-to-Latent Visual to Audio Representation Mapping","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SD cs.CL eess.AS","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Visual Speech Recognition (VSR) differs from the common perception tasks as\nit requires deeper reasoning over the video sequence, even by human experts.\nDespite the recent advances in VSR, current approaches rely on labeled data to\nfully train or finetune their models predicting the target speech. This hinders\ntheir ability to generalize well beyond the training set and leads to\nperformance degeneration under out-of-distribution challenging scenarios.\nUnlike previous works that involve auxiliary losses or complex training\nprocedures and architectures, we propose a simple approach, named Lip2Vec that\nis based on learning a prior model. Given a robust visual speech encoder, this\nnetwork maps the encoded latent representations of the lip sequence to their\ncorresponding latents from the audio pair, which are sufficiently invariant for\neffective text decoding. The generated audio representation is then decoded to\ntext using an off-the-shelf Audio Speech Recognition (ASR) model. The proposed\nmodel compares favorably with fully-supervised learning methods on the LRS3\ndataset achieving 26 WER. Unlike SoTA approaches, our model keeps a reasonable\nperformance on the VoxCeleb test set. We believe that reprogramming the VSR as\nan ASR task narrows the performance gap between the two and paves the way for\nmore flexible formulations of lip reading.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 12:59:02 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Djilali","Yasser Abdelaziz Dahou",""],["Narayan","Sanath",""],["Boussaid","Haithem",""],["Almazrouei","Ebtessam",""],["Debbah","Merouane",""]]} {"id":"2308.06113","submitter":"Maximilian Kaul","authors":"Maximilian Kaul, Alexander K\\\"uchler, Christian Banse","title":"A Uniform Representation of Classical and Quantum Source Code for Static\n Code Analysis","comments":"2023 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and\n Engineering (QCE)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The emergence of quantum computing raises the question of how to identify\n(security-relevant) programming errors during development. However, current\nstatic code analysis tools fail to model information specific to quantum\ncomputing. In this paper, we identify this information and propose to extend\nclassical code analysis tools accordingly. Among such tools, we identify the\nCode Property Graph to be very well suited for this task as it can be easily\nextended with quantum computing specific information. For our proof of concept,\nwe implemented a tool which includes information from the quantum world in the\ngraph and demonstrate its ability to analyze source code written in Qiskit and\nOpenQASM. Our tool brings together the information from the classical and\nquantum world, enabling analysis across both domains. By combining all relevant\ninformation into a single detailed analysis, this powerful tool can facilitate\ntackling future quantum source code analysis challenges.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 13:03:32 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Kaul","Maximilian",""],["K\u00fcchler","Alexander",""],["Banse","Christian",""]]} {"id":"2308.06114","submitter":"Abhishek Chikkaballi","authors":"Abhishek Chikkaballi, Kamila Kowalska, Enrico Maria Sessolo","title":"Naturally small neutrino mass with asymptotic safety and\n gravitational-wave signatures","comments":"41 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We revisit the dynamical generation of an arbitrarily small neutrino Yukawa\ncoupling in the Standard Model with trans-Planckian asymptotic safety and apply\nthe same mechanism to the gauged $B-L$ model. We show that thanks to the\npresence of additional irrelevant couplings, the described neutrino-mass\ngeneration in the $B-L$ model is potentially more in line with existing\ntheoretical calculations in quantum gravity. Interestingly, the model can\naccommodate, in full naturalness and without extensions, the possibility of\npurely Dirac, pseudo-Dirac, and Majorana neutrinos with any see-saw scale. We\ninvestigate eventual distinctive signatures of these cases in the detection of\ngravitational waves from first-order phase transitions. We find that, while it\nis easy to produce a signal observable in new-generation space interferometers,\nits discriminating features are washed out by the strong dependence of the\ngravitational-wave spectrum on the relevant parameters of the scalar potential.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 13:04:46 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Chikkaballi","Abhishek",""],["Kowalska","Kamila",""],["Sessolo","Enrico Maria",""]]} {"id":"2308.06115","submitter":"J. Douglas Wright","authors":"Joshua A. McGinnis and J. Douglas Wright","title":"Approximation of (some) FPUT lattices by KdV Equations","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AP math.DS","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We consider a Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou lattice with randomly varying\ncoefficients. We discover a relatively simple condition which when placed on\nthe nature of the randomness allows us to prove that small amplitude/long\nwavelength solutions are almost surely rigorously approximated by solutions of\nKorteweg-de Vries equations for very long times. The key ideas combine energy\nestimates with homogenization theory and the technical proof requires a novel\napplication of autoregressive processes.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 13:10:22 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["McGinnis","Joshua A.",""],["Wright","J. Douglas",""]]} {"id":"2308.06116","submitter":"Neil Chada","authors":"Neil K. Chada, Philip J. Herbert","title":"The Stochastic Steepest Descent Method for Robust Optimization in Banach\n Spaces","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NA cs.NA math.OC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Stochastic gradient methods have been a popular and powerful choice of\noptimization methods, aimed at minimizing functions. Their advantage lies in\nthe fact that that one approximates the gradient as opposed to using the full\nJacobian matrix. One research direction, related to this, has been on the\napplication to infinite-dimensional problems, where one may naturally have a\nHilbert space framework. However, there has been limited work done on\nconsidering this in a more general setup, such as where the natural framework\nis that of a Banach space. This article aims to address this by the\nintroduction of a novel stochastic method, the stochastic steepest descent\nmethod (SSD). The SSD will follow the spirit of stochastic gradient descent,\nwhich utilizes Riesz representation to identify gradients and derivatives. Our\nchoice for using such a method is that it naturally allows one to adopt a\nBanach space setting, for which recent applications have exploited the benefit\nof this, such as in PDE-constrained shape optimization. We provide a\nconvergence theory related to this under mild assumptions. Furthermore, we\ndemonstrate the performance of this method on a couple of numerical\napplications, namely a $p$-Laplacian and an optimal control problem. Our\nassumptions are verified in these applications.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 13:10:46 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Chada","Neil K.",""],["Herbert","Philip J.",""]]} {"id":"2308.06117","submitter":"Jaime Ortega Arroyo","authors":"Alexia Stollmann, Jose Garcia-Guirado, Jae-Sang Hong, Hyungsoon Im,\n Hakho Lee, Jaime Ortega Arroyo, Romain Quidant","title":"Molecular fingerprinting of biological nanoparticles with a label-free\n optofluidic platform","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"q-bio.QM physics.bio-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Label-free detecting multiple analytes in a high-throughput fashion has been\none of the long-sought goals in biosensing applications. Yet, for all-optical\napproaches, interfacing state-of-the-art label-free techniques with\nmicrofluidics tools that can process small volumes of sample with high\nthroughput, and with surface chemistry that grants analyte specificity, poses a\ncritical challenge to date. Here, we introduce an optofluidic platform that\nbrings together state-of-the-art digital holography with PDMS microfluidics by\nusing supported lipid bilayers as a surface chemistry building block to\nintegrate both technologies. Specifically, this platform fingerprints\nheterogeneous biological nanoparticle populations via a multiplexed label-free\nimmunoaffinity assay with single particle sensitivity. Herein, we first\nthoroughly characterise the robustness and performance of the platform, and\nthen apply it to profile four distinct ovarian cell-derived extracellular\nvesicle populations over a panel of surface protein biomarkers, thus developing\na unique biomarker fingerprint for each cell line. We foresee that our approach\nwill find many applications where routine and multiplexed characterisation of\nbiological nanoparticles is required.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 13:10:53 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Stollmann","Alexia",""],["Garcia-Guirado","Jose",""],["Hong","Jae-Sang",""],["Im","Hyungsoon",""],["Lee","Hakho",""],["Arroyo","Jaime Ortega",""],["Quidant","Romain",""]]} {"id":"2308.06118","submitter":"L\\'eo Touzo","authors":"L\\'eo Touzo and Pierre Le Doussal","title":"Non-equilibrium phase transitions in active rank diffusions","comments":"8 pages, 6 Figures. Supp. Mat.: 18 pages, 2 Figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.stat-mech cond-mat.soft math-ph math.MP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We consider N run and tumble particles in one dimension interacting via a\nlinear 1D Coulomb potential, an active version of the rank diffusion problem.\nIt was solved previously for N = 2 leading to a stationary bound state in the\nattractive case. Here the evolution of the density fields is obtained in the\nlarge N limit in terms of two coupled Burger's type equations. In the\nattractive case the exact stationary solution describes a non-trivial\nN-particle bound state, which exhibits transitions between a phase where the\ndensity is smooth with infinite support, a phase where the density has finite\nsupport and exhibits \"shocks\", i.e. clusters of particles, at the edges, and a\nfully clustered phase. In presence of an additional linear potential, the phase\ndiagram, obtained for either sign of the interaction, is even richer, with\nadditional partially expanding phases, with or without shocks. Finally, a\ngeneral self-consistent method is introduced to treat more general\ninteractions. The predictions are tested through extensive numerical\nsimulations.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 13:11:38 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Touzo","L\u00e9o",""],["Doussal","Pierre Le",""]]} {"id":"2308.06119","submitter":"Oleg Morzhin","authors":"Oleg Morzhin, Alexander Pechen","title":"Krotov Type Optimization of Coherent and Incoherent Controls for Open\n Two-Qubit Systems","comments":"18 pages, 2 figures. Accepted to Bulletin of Irkutsk State\n University, Series Mathematics","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" This work considers two-qubit open quantum systems driven by coherent and\nincoherent controls. Incoherent control induces time-dependent decoherence\nrates via time-dependent spectral density of the environment which is used as a\nresource for controlling the system. The system evolves according to the\nGorini-Kossakowski-Sudarshan-Lindblad master equation with time-dependent\ncoefficients. For two types of interaction with coherent control, three types\nof objectives are considered: 1) maximizing the Hilbert-Schmidt overlap between\nthe final and target density matrices; 2) minimizing the Hilbert-Schmidt\ndistance between these matrices; 3) steering the overlap to a given value. For\nthe first problem, we develop the Krotov type methods directly in terms of\ndensity matrices with or without regularization for piecewise continuous\nconstrained controls and find the cases where the methods produce (either\nexactly or with some precision) zero controls which satisfy the Pontryagin\nmaximum principle and produce the overlap's values close to their upper\nestimates. For the problems 2) and 3), we find cases when the dual annealing\nmethod steers the objectives close to zero and produces a non-zero control.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 13:17:19 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Morzhin","Oleg",""],["Pechen","Alexander",""]]} {"id":"2308.06120","submitter":"Jan M. L. Martin","authors":"Golokesh Santra and Margarita Shepelenko and Emmanouil Semidalas and\n Jan M. L. Martin","title":"Is valence CCSD(T) enough for the binding of water clusters? The isomers\n of (H$_2$O)$_6$ and (H$_2$O)$_{20}$ as a case study","comments":"version updated from ResearchGate, now including 3-body contributions\n for water20","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.chem-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Benchmark calculations on noncovalent interactions typically exclude\ncorrelation effects beyond valence CCSD(T) owing to their steep computational\ncost scaling. In this work, we consider their importance for water clusters,\nspecifically, eight isomers of (H$_2$O)$_6$ and four Wales-Hodges isomers of\n(H$_2$O)$_{20}$. Higher order connected triples, $T_3$--(T), reduce\ndissociation energies of the latter by about 0.4 kcal/mol, but this is more\nthan compensated by an increase of up to 0.85 kcal/mol due to connected\nquadruple excitations. In general, higher-order correlation effects favor more\ncompact isomers over more `spread-out' ones. We also consider additional small\neffects for balance: scalar relativistics reduce binding in (H$_2$O)$_{20}$ by\nca. --0.4 kcal/mol, which fortuitously is compensated by the ca. 0.55 kcal/mol\ndiagonal Born-Oppenheimer correction. Core-valence correlation has the greatest\nimpact, at ca. 1.3 kcal/mol for the icosamer.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 13:17:46 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Santra","Golokesh",""],["Shepelenko","Margarita",""],["Semidalas","Emmanouil",""],["Martin","Jan M. L.",""]]} {"id":"2308.06121","submitter":"Xing-Dao Guo","authors":"Xing-Dao Guo, Dian-Yong Chen, Xue-Qian Li, Zhong-Yuan Yuan, Shijin\n Sang","title":"Molecular components in the $J/\\psi$ and the $\\rho$-$\\pi$ puzzle","comments":"8 pges, 2 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/","abstract":" Motivated by the large branching fractions of $J/\\psi \\to f_0 (1710)\n\\omega/f_0(1710) \\phi$ and the light exotic candidates, we find that there may\nexist molecular states composed of $f_0(1710) \\omega$ and $f_0 (1710) \\phi$,\nwhich correspond to $X(2440)$ and $X(2680)$ observed in a few decades before.\nThe branching fraction of $X(2440)$ and $X(2680)$ to various $PV$ channels and\n$KK\\omega(\\phi)$ channels are estimated in the molecular scenario. In addition,\nthe large branching fractions of $J/\\psi \\to f_0 (1710) \\omega/f_0(1710) \\phi$\nindicate the sizable molecular components in the $J/\\psi$ state. Thus, we\nconsider the $J/\\psi$ as the supperposition of $c\\bar{c}(1S)$, $f_0(1710)\n\\omega$ and $f_0 (1710) \\phi$ molecular states, and these molecular components\nhave significant impact on the light hadron decays of $J/\\psi$, which may\nshield light on the long standing $\\rho-\\pi$ puzzle.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 13:20:15 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Guo","Xing-Dao",""],["Chen","Dian-Yong",""],["Li","Xue-Qian",""],["Yuan","Zhong-Yuan",""],["Sang","Shijin",""]]} {"id":"2308.06122","submitter":"Joel Puibasset","authors":"Jo\\\"el Puibasset","title":"Are nucleation bubbles in a liquid all independent?","comments":null,"journal-ref":"Journal of Molecular Liquids 387, 122638 (2023)","doi":"10.1016/j.molliq.2023.122638","report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.soft cond-mat.stat-mech","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The spontaneous formation of tiny bubbles in a liquid is at the root of the\nnucleation mechanism during the liquid-to-vapor transition of a metastable\nliquid. The smaller the bubbles the larger their probability to appear, and\neven for moderately metastable liquid, it is frequent to observe several tiny\nbubbles close to each other, suggesting that they are not all independent. It\nis shown that these spatially correlated bubbles should be seen as belonging to\none single density depression of the liquid due to fluctuations (called LDR for\nLow Density Region) and should be counted as one event instead of several. This\nhas a major impact on the characterization of the bubble density in a liquid,\nwith consequences (i) for understanding liquid-to-vapor transitions which\nproceed through growing and merging of these correlated bubbles, and (ii) for\nfree energy profile and barrier calculations with molecular simulation\ntechniques which require to convert the calculated size distribution of the\nlargest bubble into the size distribution of any bubble. Remarkably, the\naverage number of LDRs in a given volume simply relates to the probability of\nnot having bubbles in the liquid.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 13:21:03 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Puibasset","Jo\u00ebl",""]]} {"id":"2308.06123","submitter":"Amanda Welch","authors":"Cristina Ballantine and Amanda Welch","title":"PED and POD partitions: combinatorial proofs of recurrence relations","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CO math.NT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" PED partitions are partitions with even parts distinct while odd parts are\nunrestricted. Similarly, POD partitions have distinct odd parts while even\nparts are unrestricted. Merca proved several recurrence relations analytically\nfor the number of PED partitions of $n$. They are similar to the recurrence\nrelation for the number of partitions of $n$ given by Euler's pentagonal number\ntheorem. We provide combinatorial proofs for all of these theorems and also for\nthe pentagonal number theorem for PED partitions proved analytically by Fink,\nGuy, and Krusemeyer. Moreover, we prove combinatorially a recurrence for POD\npartitions given by Ballantine and Merca, Beck-type identities involving PED\nand POD partitions, and several other results about PED and POD partitions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 13:22:43 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Ballantine","Cristina",""],["Welch","Amanda",""]]} {"id":"2308.06124","submitter":"Ping Liu","authors":"Habib Ammari and Silvio Barandun and Bryn Davies and Erik Orvehed\n Hiltunen and Ping Liu","title":"Stability of the non-Hermitian skin effect","comments":"18 pages, 14 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math-ph cond-mat.mtrl-sci math.AP math.MP math.RA physics.optics","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" This paper shows that the skin effect in systems of non-Hermitian\nsubwavelength resonators is robust with respect to random imperfections in the\nsystem. The subwavelength resonators are highly contrasting material inclusions\nthat resonate in a low-frequency regime. The non-Hermiticity is due to the\nintroduction of an imaginary gauge potential, which leads to a skin effect that\nis manifested by the system's eigenmodes accumulating at one edge of the\nstructure. We elucidate the topological protection of the associated (real)\neigenfrequencies and illustrate the competition between the two different\nlocalisation effects present when the system is randomly perturbed: the\nnon-Hermitian skin effect and the disorder-induced Anderson localisation. We\nshow that, as the strength of the disorder increases, more and more eigenmodes\nbecome localised in the bulk. Our results are based on an asymptotic matrix\nmodel for subwavelength physics and can be generalised also to tight-binding\nmodels in condensed matter theory.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 13:26:41 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Ammari","Habib",""],["Barandun","Silvio",""],["Davies","Bryn",""],["Hiltunen","Erik Orvehed",""],["Liu","Ping",""]]} {"id":"2308.06125","submitter":"Cal Peyser","authors":"Cal Peyser, Zhong Meng, Ke Hu, Rohit Prabhavalkar, Andrew Rosenberg,\n Tara N. Sainath, Michael Picheny, Kyunghyun Cho","title":"Improving Joint Speech-Text Representations Without Alignment","comments":null,"journal-ref":"INTERSPEECH 2023","doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.AI cs.SD eess.AS","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The last year has seen astonishing progress in text-prompted image generation\npremised on the idea of a cross-modal representation space in which the text\nand image domains are represented jointly. In ASR, this idea has found\napplication as joint speech-text encoders that can scale to the capacities of\nvery large parameter models by being trained on both unpaired speech and text.\nWhile these methods show promise, they have required special treatment of the\nsequence-length mismatch inherent in speech and text, either by up-sampling\nheuristics or an explicit alignment model. In this work, we offer evidence that\njoint speech-text encoders naturally achieve consistent representations across\nmodalities by disregarding sequence length, and argue that consistency losses\ncould forgive length differences and simply assume the best alignment. We show\nthat such a loss improves downstream WER in both a large-parameter monolingual\nand multilingual system.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 13:28:48 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Peyser","Cal",""],["Meng","Zhong",""],["Hu","Ke",""],["Prabhavalkar","Rohit",""],["Rosenberg","Andrew",""],["Sainath","Tara N.",""],["Picheny","Michael",""],["Cho","Kyunghyun",""]]} {"id":"2308.06126","submitter":"Ruihan Liu","authors":"Ruihan Liu and Chen Wang","title":"Unit Root Testing for High-Dimensional Nonstationary Time Series","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.ME","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In this article, we consider a $n$-dimensional random walk $X_t$, whose error\nterms are linear processes generated by $n$-dimensional noise vectors, and each\ncomponent of these noise vectors is independent and may not be identically\ndistributed with uniformly bounded 8th moment and densities. Given $T$\nobservations such that the dimension $n$ and sample size $T$ going to infinity\nproportionally, define $\\boldsymbol{X}$ and $\\hat{\\boldsymbol{R}}$ as the data\nmatrix and the sample correlation matrix of $\\boldsymbol{X}$ respectively. This\narticle establishes the central limit theorem (CLT) of the first $K$ largest\neigenvalues of $n^{-1}\\hat{\\boldsymbol{R}}$. Subsequently, we propose a new\nunit root test for the panel high-dimensional nonstationary time series based\non the CLT of the largest eigenvalue of $n^{-1}\\hat{\\boldsymbol{R}}$. A\nnumerical experiment is undertaken to verify the power of our proposed unit\nroot test.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 13:30:42 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Liu","Ruihan",""],["Wang","Chen",""]]} {"id":"2308.06127","submitter":"Marc Weber","authors":"Marc Weber, Phillip Swazinna, Daniel Hein, Steffen Udluft, and Volkmar\n Sterzing","title":"Learning Control Policies for Variable Objectives from Offline Data","comments":"8 pages, 7 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Offline reinforcement learning provides a viable approach to obtain advanced\ncontrol strategies for dynamical systems, in particular when direct interaction\nwith the environment is not available. In this paper, we introduce a conceptual\nextension for model-based policy search methods, called variable objective\npolicy (VOP). With this approach, policies are trained to generalize\nefficiently over a variety of objectives, which parameterize the reward\nfunction. We demonstrate that by altering the objectives passed as input to the\npolicy, users gain the freedom to adjust its behavior or re-balance\noptimization targets at runtime, without need for collecting additional\nobservation batches or re-training.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 13:33:59 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Weber","Marc",""],["Swazinna","Phillip",""],["Hein","Daniel",""],["Udluft","Steffen",""],["Sterzing","Volkmar",""]]} {"id":"2308.06128","submitter":"Xingyong Zhang","authors":"Cuiling Liu, Xingyong Zhang, Liben Wang","title":"Multiplicity of solutions for a class of nonhomogeneous quasilinear\n elliptic system with locally symmetric condition in $\\mathbb{R}^N$","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" This paper is concerned with a class of nonhomogeneous quasilinear elliptic\nsystem driven by the locally symmetric potential and the small continuous\nperturbations in the whole-space $\\mathbb{R}^N$. By a variant of Clark's\ntheorem without the global symmetric condition and a Moser's iteration\ntechnique, we obtain the existence of multiple solutions when the nonlinear\nterm satisfies some growth conditions only in a circle with center 0 and the\nperturbation term is any continuous function with a small parameter and no any\ngrowth hypothesis.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 13:34:12 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Liu","Cuiling",""],["Zhang","Xingyong",""],["Wang","Liben",""]]} {"id":"2308.06129","submitter":"Alexander Timans","authors":"Alexander Timans, Nina Wiedemann, Nishant Kumar, Ye Hong, Martin\n Raubal","title":"Uncertainty Quantification for Image-based Traffic Prediction across\n Cities","comments":"39 pages, 22 figures. Code publicly available at:\n https://github.com/alextimans/traffic4cast-uncertainty","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.LG stat.ML","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Despite the strong predictive performance of deep learning models for traffic\nprediction, their widespread deployment in real-world intelligent\ntransportation systems has been restrained by a lack of interpretability.\nUncertainty quantification (UQ) methods provide an approach to induce\nprobabilistic reasoning, improve decision-making and enhance model deployment\npotential. To gain a comprehensive picture of the usefulness of existing UQ\nmethods for traffic prediction and the relation between obtained uncertainties\nand city-wide traffic dynamics, we investigate their application to a\nlarge-scale image-based traffic dataset spanning multiple cities and time\nperiods. We compare two epistemic and two aleatoric UQ methods on both temporal\nand spatio-temporal transfer tasks, and find that meaningful uncertainty\nestimates can be recovered. We further demonstrate how uncertainty estimates\ncan be employed for unsupervised outlier detection on changes in city traffic\ndynamics. We find that our approach can capture both temporal and spatial\neffects on traffic behaviour in a representative case study for the city of\nMoscow. Our work presents a further step towards boosting uncertainty awareness\nin traffic prediction tasks, and aims to highlight the value contribution of UQ\nmethods to a better understanding of city traffic dynamics.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 13:35:52 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Timans","Alexander",""],["Wiedemann","Nina",""],["Kumar","Nishant",""],["Hong","Ye",""],["Raubal","Martin",""]]} {"id":"2308.06130","submitter":"Erik Mulder","authors":"Erik Mulder","title":"Fast square-free decomposition of integers using class groups","comments":"43 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Let $n=a^2b$, where $b$ is square-free. In this paper we present an algorithm\nbased on class groups of binary quadratic forms that finds the square-free\ndecomposition of $n$, i.e. $a$ and $b$, in heuristic expected time: $$\n\\widetilde{\\mathcal{O}}(L_{b}[1/2,1] \\ln(n) + L_{b}[1/2,1/2] \\ln(n)^2). $$ If\n$a,b$ are both primes of roughly the same cryptographic size, then our method\nis currently the fastest known method to factor $n$. This has applications in\ncryptography, since some cryptosystems rely on the hardness of factoring\nintegers of this form.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 13:38:23 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Mulder","Erik",""]]} {"id":"2308.06131","submitter":"Matthias Hoek","authors":"R. Spreckels, M. Hoek, U. M\\\"uller and M. Thiel","title":"A Highly Segmented Neutron Polarimeter for A1","comments":"11 pages, 10 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.ins-det","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" A new neutron polarimeter for measuring the neutron's electric form factor\nwas designed and constructed to complement the A1 spectrometer setup at the\nMainz Microtron (MAMI). The design is based on a previous polarimeter with\nsignificant improvements to halve the error of the extracted form factor. A\nhigher granularity of the polarimeter sections and a deeper first section on\nthe one hand, and a faster readout employing Time-over-Threshold methods to\nmeasure the signal amplitudes combined with a high-precision FPGA-based TDC on\nthe other hand will allow to achieve this goal. The performance of the new\npolarimeter during a first measurement campaign in 2019 using liquid hydrogen\nand deuterium targets will be discussed.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 13:38:50 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Spreckels","R.",""],["Hoek","M.",""],["M\u00fcller","U.",""],["Thiel","M.",""]]} {"id":"2308.06132","submitter":"Pan Qin","authors":"Aina Wang, Pan Qin, Xi-Ming Sun","title":"PDE Discovery for Soft Sensors Using Coupled Physics-Informed Neural\n Network with Akaike's Information Criterion","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Soft sensors have been extensively used to monitor key variables using\neasy-to-measure variables and mathematical models. Partial differential\nequations (PDEs) are model candidates for soft sensors in industrial processes\nwith spatiotemporal dependence. However, gaps often exist between idealized\nPDEs and practical situations. Discovering proper structures of PDEs, including\nthe differential operators and source terms, can remedy the gaps. To this end,\na coupled physics-informed neural network with Akaike's criterion information\n(CPINN-AIC) is proposed for PDE discovery of soft sensors. First, CPINN is\nadopted for obtaining solutions and source terms satisfying PDEs. Then, we\npropose a data-physics-hybrid loss function for training CPINN, in which\nundetermined combinations of differential operators are involved. Consequently,\nAIC is used to discover the proper combination of differential operators.\nFinally, the artificial and practical datasets are used to verify the\nfeasibility and effectiveness of CPINN-AIC for soft sensors. The proposed\nCPINN-AIC is a data-driven method to discover proper PDE structures and neural\nnetwork-based solutions for soft sensors.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 13:39:21 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Wang","Aina",""],["Qin","Pan",""],["Sun","Xi-Ming",""]]} {"id":"2308.06133","submitter":"Eduard Boos E","authors":"Eduard Boos","title":"An effective gauge field theory of the nucleon interactions","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ph nucl-th","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We discuss the possibility of constructing an effective gauge field theory of\nthe nucleon interations based on the ideas of isotopic invariance as well as\nhypercharge invariance as a local gauge symmetry and spontaneous breaking of\nthis symmetry. The constructed model predicts the structure of interactions of\nprotons and neutrons with $\\rho$- and $\\sigma$-mesons, with pi-mesons and\nphotons, as well as interactions of these particles with each other. The\nLagrangian of the model consists of several parts parts involving dimension 4\nand 5 gauge invariant operators. Feynman rules for physical degrees of freedom\nas follow from the Lagrangian define the structure of diagrams for one-boson\nexchanges between nucleons predicting the internucleon one-boson exchange\npotential as well as nucleon scattering amplitudes. The range of applicability\nof the model is discussed and estimates are made of the resulting coupling\nconstants. The model predicts the mass of the neutral $\\rho^0$-meson to be\nabout $1\\,MeV$ larger than the mass of the charged mesons $\\rho^{\\pm}$. The\nvector $\\omega$-meson, which is a sterile particle with respect to the\nconsidered gauge group $SU_I(2)\\times U_Y(1)$, can be added to the scheme by\nmeans of a gauge-invariant operator of dimension 5, as shown in Appendix ~A.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 13:40:01 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Boos","Eduard",""]]} {"id":"2308.06134","submitter":"Genya Kobayashi Dr.","authors":"Genya Kobayashi, Shonosuke Sugasawa, Yuki Kawakubo, Dongu Han, Taeryon\n Choi","title":"Clustering and Predicting Multiple Time Series Count Data via Mixture of\n Bayesian Predictive Syntheses: Analysis of COVID-19 Hospitalisation in Japan\n and Korea","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"stat.AP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Since the outbreak of COVID-19, governments and academia have made tremendous\nefforts to predict the course of the pandemic and implement prevention measures\nby monitoring various indicators. These indicators are obtained daily or\nweekly, and typically constitute time series count data over multiple\nsub-regions of a country, where groups of sub-regions often exhibit similar\ndynamics. This paper proposes a novel methodology called the mixture of\nBayesian predictive syntheses (MBPS) to improve the predictive performance for\nsuch data by combining a set of predictive models and clustering the time\nseries based on the contribution of those predictive models. MBPS takes the\nform of a finite mixture of dynamic factor models and is particularly useful\nwhen the multiple time series are discrete, as MBPS does not require\nmultivariate count models, which are generally cumbersome to develop and\nimplement. The clustering through MBPS provides valuable insights into the data\nand improves predictive performance by leveraging the share information within\neach cluster. Grouping multiple series into clusters also reduces the number of\nparameters needed compared to employing a multivariate model. To validate its\nefficacy, we apply the model to analyse the data on the numbers of COVID-19\ninpatients and isolated individuals in Japan and Korea. The results demonstrate\nthat our proposed approach outperforms the agent methods in predictive\naccuracy. Moreover, the insights gained from our model provide valuable\ninformation for interpreting and diagnosing the analysis, contributing to the\nformulation of preventive measures for infectious diseases in the future.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 13:43:32 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Kobayashi","Genya",""],["Sugasawa","Shonosuke",""],["Kawakubo","Yuki",""],["Han","Dongu",""],["Choi","Taeryon",""]]} {"id":"2308.06135","submitter":"Roberto Garra","authors":"G. Dattoli and R. Garra","title":"A note on differential equations of logistic type","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Logistic equations play a pivotal role in the study of any non linear\nevolution process exhibiting growth and saturation. The interest for the\nphenomenology, they rule, goes well beyond physical processes and cover many\naspects of ecology, population growth, economy...According to such a broad\nrange of applications, there are different forms of functions and distributions\nwhich are recognized as generalized logistics. Sometimes they are obtained by\nfitting procedures. Therefore, criteria might be needed to infer the associated\nnon linear differential equations, useful to guess \"hidden\" evolution\nmechanisms. In this article we analyze different forms of logistic functions\nand use simple means to reconstruct the differential equation they satisfy. Our\nstudy includes also differential equations containing non standard forms of\nderivative operators, like those of the Laguerre type.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 13:44:15 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Dattoli","G.",""],["Garra","R.",""]]} {"id":"2308.06136","submitter":"Amanda Welch","authors":"Cristina Ballantine and Amanda Welch","title":"Generalizations of POD and PED partitions","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CO math.NT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Partitions with even (respectively odd) parts distinct and all other parts\nunrestricted are often referred to as PED (respectively POD) partitions. In\nthis article, we generalize these notions and study sets of partitions in which\nparts with fixed residue(s) modulo r are distinct while all other parts are\nunrestricted. We also study partitions in which parts divisible by r\n(respectively congruent to r modulo 2r) must occur with multiplicity greater\nthan one.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 13:48:43 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Ballantine","Cristina",""],["Welch","Amanda",""]]} {"id":"2308.06137","submitter":"Kushal Kedia","authors":"Kushal Kedia, Prithwish Dan, Sanjiban Choudhury","title":"A Game-Theoretic Framework for Joint Forecasting and Planning","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.AI","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Planning safe robot motions in the presence of humans requires reliable\nforecasts of future human motion. However, simply predicting the most likely\nmotion from prior interactions does not guarantee safety. Such forecasts fail\nto model the long tail of possible events, which are rarely observed in limited\ndatasets. On the other hand, planning for worst-case motions leads to overtly\nconservative behavior and a ``frozen robot''. Instead, we aim to learn\nforecasts that predict counterfactuals that humans guard against. We propose a\nnovel game-theoretic framework for joint planning and forecasting with the\npayoff being the performance of the planner against the demonstrator, and\npresent practical algorithms to train models in an end-to-end fashion. We\ndemonstrate that our proposed algorithm results in safer plans in a crowd\nnavigation simulator and real-world datasets of pedestrian motion. We release\nour code at\nhttps://github.com/portal-cornell/Game-Theoretic-Forecasting-Planning.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 13:56:39 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Kedia","Kushal",""],["Dan","Prithwish",""],["Choudhury","Sanjiban",""]]} {"id":"2308.06138","submitter":"Masoume Kazemi","authors":"Masoume Kazemi, Davood Moradkhani, Alireza A. Alipour","title":"Application of Artificial Neural Networks for Investigation of Pressure\n Filtration Performance, a Zinc Leaching Filter Cake Moisture Modeling","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI stat.ML","license":"http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/","abstract":" Machine Learning (ML) is a powerful tool for material science applications.\nArtificial Neural Network (ANN) is a machine learning technique that can\nprovide high prediction accuracy. This study aimed to develop an ANN model to\npredict the cake moisture of the pressure filtration process of zinc\nproduction. The cake moisture was influenced by seven parameters: temperature\n(35 and 65 Celsius), solid concentration (0.2 and 0.38 g/L), pH (2, 3.5, and\n5), air-blow time (2, 10, and 15 min), cake thickness (14, 20, 26, and 34 mm),\npressure, and filtration time. The study conducted 288 tests using two types of\nfabrics: polypropylene (S1) and polyester (S2). The ANN model was evaluated by\nthe Coefficient of determination (R2), the Mean Square Error (MSE), and the\nMean Absolute Error (MAE) metrics for both datasets. The results showed R2\nvalues of 0.88 and 0.83, MSE values of 6.243x10-07 and 1.086x10-06, and MAE\nvalues of 0.00056 and 0.00088 for S1 and S2, respectively. These results\nindicated that the ANN model could predict the cake moisture of pressure\nfiltration in the zinc leaching process with high accuracy.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 13:58:42 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Kazemi","Masoume",""],["Moradkhani","Davood",""],["Alipour","Alireza A.",""]]} {"id":"2308.06139","submitter":"Guillaume Scholz","authors":"Katharina T. Huber, Vincent Moulton, Guillaume E. Scholz","title":"Shared ancestry graphs and symbolic arboreal maps","comments":"19 pages, 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CO cs.DM","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" A network $N$ on a finite set $X$, $|X|\\geq 2$, is a connected directed\nacyclic graph with leaf set $X$ in which every root in $N$ has outdegree at\nleast 2 and no vertex in $N$ has indegree and outdegree equal to 1; $N$ is\narboreal if the underlying unrooted, undirected graph of $N$ is a tree.\nNetworks are of interest in evolutionary biology since they are used, for\nexample, to represent the evolutionary history of a set $X$ of species whose\nancestors have exchanged genes in the past. For $M$ some arbitrary set of\nsymbols, $d:{X \\choose 2} \\to M \\cup \\{\\odot\\}$ is a symbolic arboreal map if\nthere exists some arboreal network $N$ whose vertices with outdegree two or\nmore are labelled by elements in $M$ and so that $d(\\{x,y\\})$, $\\{x,y\\} \\in {X\n\\choose 2}$, is equal to the label of the least common ancestor of $x$ and $y$\nin $N$ if this exists and $\\odot$ else. Important examples of symbolic arboreal\nmaps include the symbolic ultrametrics, which arise in areas such as game\ntheory, phylogenetics and cograph theory. In this paper we show that a map\n$d:{X \\choose 2} \\to M \\cup \\{\\odot\\}$ is a symbolic arboreal map if and only\nif $d$ satisfies certain 3- and 4-point conditions and the graph with vertex\nset $X$ and edge set consisting of those pairs $\\{x,y\\} \\in {X \\choose 2}$ with\n$d(\\{x,y\\}) \\neq \\odot$ is Ptolemaic. To do this, we introduce and prove a key\ntheorem concerning the shared ancestry graph for a network $N$ on $X$, where\nthis is the graph with vertex set $X$ and edge set consisting of those $\\{x,y\\}\n\\in {X \\choose 2}$ such that $x$ and $y$ share a common ancestor in $N$. In\nparticular, we show that for any connected graph $G$ with vertex set $X$ and\nedge clique cover $K$ in which there are no two distinct sets in $K$ with one a\nsubset of the other, there is some network with $|K|$ roots and leaf set $X$\nwhose shared ancestry graph is $G$.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 13:59:39 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Huber","Katharina T.",""],["Moulton","Vincent",""],["Scholz","Guillaume E.",""]]} {"id":"2308.06140","submitter":"Frank Heyen","authors":"Frank Heyen, Quynh Quang Ngo, Michael Sedlmair","title":"Visual Overviews for Sheet Music Structure","comments":"Proceedings of the 24th International Society for Music Information\n Retrieval Conference (ISMIR) 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.HC","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We propose different methods for alternative representation and visual\naugmentation of sheet music that help users gain an overview of general\nstructure, repeating patterns, and the similarity of segments. To this end, we\nexplored mapping the overall similarity between sections or bars to colors. For\nthese mappings, we use dimensionality reduction or clustering to assign similar\nsegments to similar colors and vice versa. To provide a better overview, we\nfurther designed simplified music notation representations, including\nhierarchical and compressed encodings. These overviews allow users to display\nwhole pieces more compactly on a single screen without clutter and to find and\nnavigate to distant segments more quickly. Our preliminary evaluation with\nguitarists and tablature shows that our design supports users in tasks such as\nanalyzing structure, finding repetitions, and determining the similarity of\nspecific segments to others.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 14:01:13 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Heyen","Frank",""],["Ngo","Quynh Quang",""],["Sedlmair","Michael",""]]} {"id":"2308.06141","submitter":"Samuel Jelbart","authors":"Samuel Jelbart and Christian Kuehn","title":"Extending Discrete Geometric Singular Perturbation Theory to\n Non-Hyperbolic Points","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.DS","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We extend the recently developed discrete geometric singular perturbation\ntheory to the non-normally hyperbolic regime. Our primary tool is the Takens\nembedding theorem, which provides a means of approximating the dynamics of\nparticular maps with the time-1 map of a formal vector field. First, we show\nthat the so-called reduced map, which governs the slow dynamics near slow\nmanifolds in the normally hyperbolic regime, can be locally approximated by the\ntime-one map of the reduced vector field which appears in continuous-time\ngeometric singular perturbation theory. In the non-normally hyperbolic regime,\nwe show that the dynamics of fast-slow maps with a unipotent linear part can be\nlocally approximated by the time-1 map induced by a fast-slow vector field in\nthe same dimension, which has a nilpotent singularity of the corresponding\ntype. The latter result is used to describe (i) the local dynamics of\ntwo-dimensional fast-slow maps with non-normally singularities of regular fold,\ntranscritical and pitchfork type, and (ii) dynamics on a (potentially high\ndimensional) local center manifold in $n$-dimensional fast-slow maps with\nregular contact or fold submanifolds of the critical manifold. In general, our\nresults show that the dynamics near a large and important class of\nsingularities in fast-slow maps can be described via the use of formal\nembedding theorems which allow for their approximation by the time-1 map of a\nfast-slow vector field featuring a loss of normal hyperbolicity.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 14:01:39 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Jelbart","Samuel",""],["Kuehn","Christian",""]]} {"id":"2308.06142","submitter":"Dr. Mohammed Javed","authors":"Bulla Rajesh and Sk Mahafuz Zaman and Mohammed Javed and P.\n Nagabhushan","title":"CompTLL-UNet: Compressed Domain Text-Line Localization in Challenging\n Handwritten Documents using Deep Feature Learning from JPEG Coefficients","comments":"Accepted in 7th Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR 2023),\n 5-8 November 2023, Kitakyushu, Japan","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Automatic localization of text-lines in handwritten documents is still an\nopen and challenging research problem. Various writing issues such as uneven\nspacing between the lines, oscillating and touching text, and the presence of\nskew become much more challenging when the case of complex handwritten document\nimages are considered for segmentation directly in their respective compressed\nrepresentation. This is because, the conventional way of processing compressed\ndocuments is through decompression, but here in this paper, we propose an idea\nthat employs deep feature learning directly from the JPEG compressed\ncoefficients without full decompression to accomplish text-line localization in\nthe JPEG compressed domain. A modified U-Net architecture known as Compressed\nText-Line Localization Network (CompTLL-UNet) is designed to accomplish it. The\nmodel is trained and tested with JPEG compressed version of benchmark datasets\nincluding ICDAR2017 (cBAD) and ICDAR2019 (cBAD), reporting the state-of-the-art\nperformance with reduced storage and computational costs in the JPEG compressed\ndomain.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 14:02:52 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Rajesh","Bulla",""],["Zaman","Sk Mahafuz",""],["Javed","Mohammed",""],["Nagabhushan","P.",""]]} {"id":"2308.06143","submitter":"The CMS Collaboration","authors":"CMS Collaboration","title":"Search for scalar leptoquarks produced in lepton-quark collisions and\n coupled to $\\tau$ leptons","comments":"Submitted to Physical Review Letters. All figures and tables can be\n found at\n http://cms-results.web.cern.ch/cms-results/public-results/publications/EXO-22-018\n (CMS Public Pages)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":"CMS-EXO-22-018, CERN-EP-2023-129","categories":"hep-ex","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The first search for scalar leptoquarks produced in lepton-quark collisions\nand coupled to $\\tau$ leptons is presented. It is based on a set of\nproton-proton collision data recorded with the CMS detector at the LHC at a\ncenter-of-mass energy of 13 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of\n138 fb$^{-1}$. The reconstructed final state consists of a jet, significant\nmissing transverse momentum, and a $\\tau$ lepton reconstructed through its\nhadronic or leptonic decays. Limits are set on the product of the leptoquark\nproduction cross section and branching fraction and interpreted as exclusions\nin the plane of the leptoquark mass and the leptoquark-$\\tau$-quark coupling\nstrength.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 14:04:02 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["CMS Collaboration","",""]]} {"id":"2308.06144","submitter":"Sruthi S","authors":"Sruthi S, Tanmay Basu","title":"Identification of the Relevance of Comments in Codes Using Bag of Words\n and Transformer Based Models","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.IR cs.CL cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The Forum for Information Retrieval (FIRE) started a shared task this year\nfor classification of comments of different code segments. This is binary text\nclassification task where the objective is to identify whether comments given\nfor certain code segments are relevant or not. The BioNLP-IISERB group at the\nIndian Institute of Science Education and Research Bhopal (IISERB) participated\nin this task and submitted five runs for five different models. The paper\npresents the overview of the models and other significant findings on the\ntraining corpus. The methods involve different feature engineering schemes and\ntext classification techniques. The performance of the classical bag of words\nmodel and transformer-based models were explored to identify significant\nfeatures from the given training corpus. We have explored different classifiers\nviz., random forest, support vector machine and logistic regression using the\nbag of words model. Furthermore, the pre-trained transformer based models like\nBERT, RoBERT and ALBERT were also used by fine-tuning them on the given\ntraining corpus. The performance of different such models over the training\ncorpus were reported and the best five models were implemented on the given\ntest corpus. The empirical results show that the bag of words model outperforms\nthe transformer based models, however, the performance of our runs are not\nreasonably well in both training and test corpus. This paper also addresses the\nlimitations of the models and scope for further improvement.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 14:06:41 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["S","Sruthi",""],["Basu","Tanmay",""]]} {"id":"2308.06145","submitter":"Ashwin Jacob","authors":"Ashwin Jacob, Micha{\\l} W{\\l}odarczyk, Meirav Zehavi","title":"Finding Long Directed Cycles Is Hard Even When DFVS Is Small Or Girth Is\n Large","comments":"Accepted to ESA 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.DS","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We study the parameterized complexity of two classic problems on directed\ngraphs: Hamiltonian Cycle and its generalization {\\sc Longest Cycle}. Since\n2008, it is known that Hamiltonian Cycle is W[1]-hard when parameterized by\ndirected treewidth [Lampis et al., ISSAC'08]. By now, the question of whether\nit is FPT parameterized by the directed feedback vertex set (DFVS) number has\nbecome a longstanding open problem. In particular, the DFVS number is the\nlargest natural directed width measure studied in the literature. In this\npaper, we provide a negative answer to the question, showing that even for the\nDFVS number, the problem remains W[1]-hard. As a consequence, we also obtain\nthat Longest Cycle is W[1]-hard on directed graphs when parameterized\nmultiplicatively above girth, in contrast to the undirected case. This resolves\nan open question posed by Fomin et al. [ACM ToCT'21] and Gutin and Mnich\n[arXiv:2207.12278]. Our hardness results apply to the path versions of the\nproblems as well. On the positive side, we show that Longest Path parameterized\nmultiplicatively above girth} belongs to the class XP.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 14:10:15 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Jacob","Ashwin",""],["W\u0142odarczyk","Micha\u0142",""],["Zehavi","Meirav",""]]} {"id":"2308.06146","submitter":"Gang Zhang","authors":"Gang Zhang and Zhi Song","title":"Stable dynamic helix state in the nonintegrable XXZ Heisenberg model","comments":"7 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph cond-mat.stat-mech","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We investigate the influence of the external fields on the stability of spin\nhelix states in a XXZ Heisenberg model. Exact diagonalization on finite system\nshows that random transverse fields in x and y directions drive the transition\nfrom integrability to nonintegrability. It results in the fast decay of a\nstatic helix state, which is the eigenstate of an unperturbed XXZ Heisenberg\nmodel. However, in the presence of uniform z field, the static helix state\nbecomes a dynamic helix state with a relatively long life as a quantum scar\nstate.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 14:14:40 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Zhang","Gang",""],["Song","Zhi",""]]} {"id":"2308.06147","submitter":"Mengkun She","authors":"Mengkun She and Yifan Song and David Nakath and Kevin K\\\"oser","title":"Efficient Large-scale AUV-based Visual Seafloor Mapping","comments":"27 pages, 21 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Driven by the increasing number of marine data science applications, there is\na growing interest in surveying and exploring the vast, uncharted terrain of\nthe deep sea with robotic platforms. Despite impressive results achieved by\nmany on-land visual mapping algorithms in the past decades, transferring these\nmethods from land to the deep sea remains a challenge due to harsh\nenvironmental conditions. Typically, deep-sea exploration involves the use of\nautonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) equipped with high-resolution cameras and\nartificial illumination systems. However, images obtained in this manner often\nsuffer from heterogeneous illumination and quality degradation due to\nattenuation and scattering, on top of refraction of light rays. All of this\ntogether often lets on-land SLAM approaches fail underwater or makes\nStructure-from-Motion approaches drift or omit difficult images, resulting in\ngaps, jumps or weakly registered areas. In this work, we present a system that\nincorporates recent developments in underwater imaging and visual mapping to\nfacilitate automated robotic 3D reconstruction of hectares of seafloor. Our\napproach is efficient in that it detects and reconsiders difficult, weakly\nregistered areas, to avoid omitting images and to make better use of limited\ndive time; on the other hand it is computationally efficient; leveraging a\nhybrid approach combining benefits from SLAM and Structure-from-Motion that\nruns much faster than incremental reconstructions while achieving at least\non-par performance. The proposed system has been extensively tested and\nevaluated during several research cruises, demonstrating its robustness and\npracticality in real-world conditions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 14:24:03 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["She","Mengkun",""],["Song","Yifan",""],["Nakath","David",""],["K\u00f6ser","Kevin",""]]} {"id":"2308.06148","submitter":"Victor Morel","authors":"Piero Romare, Victor Morel, Farzaneh Karegar, Simone Fischer-H\\\"ubner","title":"Tapping into Privacy: A Study of User Preferences and Concerns on\n Trigger-Action Platforms","comments":"Accepted for publication at PST 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CY","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The Internet of Things (IoT) devices are rapidly increasing in popularity,\nwith more individuals using Internet-connected devices that continuously\nmonitor their activities. This work explores privacy concerns and expectations\nof end-users related to Trigger-Action platforms (TAPs) in the context of the\nInternet of Things (IoT). TAPs allow users to customize their smart\nenvironments by creating rules that trigger actions based on specific events or\nconditions. As personal data flows between different entities, there is a\npotential for privacy concerns. In this study, we aimed to identify the privacy\nfactors that impact users' concerns and preferences for using IoT TAPs. To\naddress this research objective, we conducted three focus groups with 15\nparticipants and we extracted nine themes related to privacy factors using\nthematic analysis. Our participants particularly prefer to have control and\ntransparency over the automation and are concerned about unexpected data\ninferences, risks and unforeseen consequences for themselves and for bystanders\nthat are caused by the automation. The identified privacy factors can help\nresearchers derive predefined and selectable profiles of privacy permission\nsettings for IoT TAPs that represent the privacy preferences of different types\nof users as a basis for designing usable privacy controls for IoT TAPs.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 14:25:01 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Romare","Piero",""],["Morel","Victor",""],["Karegar","Farzaneh",""],["Fischer-H\u00fcbner","Simone",""]]} {"id":"2308.06149","submitter":"Mohsen Sadr","authors":"Mohsen Sadr, Manuel Torrilhon, M. Hossein Gorji","title":"Gaussian Process Regression for Maximum Entropy Distribution","comments":null,"journal-ref":"Journal of Computational Physics, Volume 418, 2020, 109644","doi":"10.1016/j.jcp.2020.109644","report-no":null,"categories":"stat.ML cs.LG math-ph math.MP physics.data-an","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Maximum-Entropy Distributions offer an attractive family of probability\ndensities suitable for moment closure problems. Yet finding the Lagrange\nmultipliers which parametrize these distributions, turns out to be a\ncomputational bottleneck for practical closure settings. Motivated by recent\nsuccess of Gaussian processes, we investigate the suitability of Gaussian\npriors to approximate the Lagrange multipliers as a map of a given set of\nmoments. Examining various kernel functions, the hyperparameters are optimized\nby maximizing the log-likelihood. The performance of the devised data-driven\nMaximum-Entropy closure is studied for couple of test cases including\nrelaxation of non-equilibrium distributions governed by Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook\nand Boltzmann kinetic equations.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 14:26:29 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Sadr","Mohsen",""],["Torrilhon","Manuel",""],["Gorji","M. Hossein",""]]} {"id":"2308.06150","submitter":"Gabriel Katz","authors":"Gabriel Katz","title":"On immersions and embeddings with trivial normal line bundles","comments":"8 pages, 2 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.GT math.DG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Let $Z$ be a smooth compact $(n+1)$-manifold. We study smooth embeddings and\nimmersions $\\beta: M \\to Z$ of compact or closed $n$-manifolds $M$ such that\nthe normal line bundle $\\nu^\\beta$ is trivialized. For a fixed $Z$, we\nintroduce an equivalence relation between such $\\beta$'s; it is a crossover\nbetween pseudo-isotopies and bordisms. We call this equivalence relation ``{\\sf\nquasitopy}\". It comes in two flavors: $\\mathsf{IMM}(Z)$ and $\\mathsf{EMB}(Z)$,\nbased on immersions and embeddings into $Z$, respectively. We prove that the\nnatural map $\\mathsf{A}:\\mathsf{EMB}(Z) \\to \\mathsf{IMM}(Z)$ is injective and\nadmits a right inverse $\\mathsf{R}:\\mathsf{IMM}(Z) \\to \\mathsf{EMB}(Z)$,\ninduced by the resolution of self-intersections. As a result, we get a map\n$$\\mathcal B\\Sigma:\\; \\mathsf{IMM}(Z) \\big/ \\mathsf{A}(\\mathsf{EMB}(Z))\n\\longrightarrow \\bigoplus_{k \\in [2, n+1]} \\mathbf B_{n+1-k}(Z)$$ whose target\nis a collection of smooth bordism groups of the space $Z$ and which\ndifferentiate between immersions and embeddings.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 14:28:06 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Katz","Gabriel",""]]} {"id":"2308.06151","submitter":"Yan Li","authors":"Yan Li, Rong-Feng Shen, Bin-Bin Zhang","title":"Quasi-periodic oscillation in short gamma-ray bursts from black\n hole-neutron star mergers","comments":"13 pages, 8 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.HE","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Short-duration gamma-ray bursts (sGRBs) are commonly attributed to the\nmergers of double neutron stars (NSs) or the mergers of a neutron star with a\nblack hole (BH). While the former scenario was confirmed by the event GW170817,\nthe latter remains elusive. Here, we consider the latter scenario in which, a\nNS is tidally disrupted by a fast spinning low-mass BH and the accretion onto\nthe BH launches a relativistic jet and hence produces a sGRB. The merging\nbinary's orbit is likely misaligned with the BH's spin. Hence, the\nLense-Thirring precession around the BH may cause a hyper-accreting thick disk\nto precess in a solid-body manner. We propose that a jet, initially aligned\nwith the BH spin, is deflected and collimated by the wind from the disk,\ntherefore being forced to precess along with the disk. This would result in a\nquasi-periodic oscillation or modulation in the gamma-ray light curve of the\nsGRB, with a quasi-period of $\\sim 0.01-0.1$ s. The appearance of the\nmodulation may be delayed respective to the triggering of the light curve. This\nfeature, unique to the BH-NS merger, may have already revealed itself in a few\nobserved sGRBs (such as GRB 130310A), and it carries the spin-obit orientation\ninformation of the merging system. Identification of this feature would be a\nnew approach to reveal spin-orbit-misaligned merging BH-NS systems, which are\nlikely missed by the current gravitational-wave searching strategy principally\ntargeting aligned systems.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 14:29:05 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Li","Yan",""],["Shen","Rong-Feng",""],["Zhang","Bin-Bin",""]]} {"id":"2308.06152","submitter":"Jinqiang Chen","authors":"Jinqiang Chen, Vandana Dwarka, Cornelis Vuik","title":"A matrix-free parallel two-level deflation preconditioner for the\n two-dimensional Helmholtz problems","comments":"36 pages, 18 figures, a manuscript to be submitted as a journal paper","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NA cs.NA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We propose a matrix-free parallel two-level-deflation preconditioner combined\nwith the Complex Shifted Laplacian preconditioner(CSLP) for the two-dimensional\nHelmholtz problems. The Helmholtz equation is widely studied in seismic\nexploration, antennas, and medical imaging. It is one of the hardest problems\nto solve both in terms of accuracy and convergence, due to scalability issues\nof the numerical solvers. Motivated by the observation that for large\nwavenumbers, the eigenvalues of the CSLP-preconditioned system shift towards\nzero, deflation with multigrid vectors, and further high-order vectors were\nincorporated to obtain wave-number-independent convergence. For large-scale\napplications, high-performance parallel scalable methods are also\nindispensable. In our method, we consider the preconditioned Krylov subspace\nmethods for solving the linear system obtained from finite-difference\ndiscretization. The CSLP preconditioner is approximated by one parallel\ngeometric multigrid V-cycle. For the two-level deflation, the matrix-free\nGalerkin coarsening as well as high-order re-discretization approaches on the\ncoarse grid are studied. The results of matrix-vector multiplications in Krylov\nsubspace methods and the interpolation/restriction operators are implemented\nbased on the finite-difference grids without constructing any coefficient\nmatrix. These adjustments lead to direct improvements in terms of memory\nconsumption. Numerical experiments of model problems show that wavenumber\nindependence has been obtained for medium wavenumbers. The matrix-free parallel\nframework shows satisfactory weak and strong parallel scalability.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 14:30:34 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Chen","Jinqiang",""],["Dwarka","Vandana",""],["Vuik","Cornelis",""]]} {"id":"2308.06153","submitter":"Juan Ruiz-Alvarez","authors":"Sergio Amat, David Levin, Juan Ruiz-\\'Alvarez, Dionisio F. Y\\'a\\~nez","title":"Non-linear WENO B-spline based approximation method","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NA cs.NA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In this work we present a new WENO b-spline based quasi-interpolation\nalgorithm. The novelty of this construction resides in the application of the\nWENO weights to the b-spline functions, that are a partition of unity, instead\nto the coefficients that multiply the b-spline functions of the spline. The\nresult obtained conserves the smoothness of the original spline and presents\nadaption to discontinuities in the function. Another new idea that we introduce\nin this work is the use of different base weight functions from those proposed\nin classical WENO algorithms. Apart from introducing the construction of the\nnew algorithms, we present theoretical results regarding the order of accuracy\nobtained at smooth zones and close to the discontinuity, as well as theoretical\nconsiderations about how to design the new weight functions. Through a tensor\nproduct strategy, we extend our results to several dimensions. In order to\ncheck the theoretical results obtained, we present an extended battery of\nnumerical experiments in one, two and tree dimensions that support our\nconclussions.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 14:31:59 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Amat","Sergio",""],["Levin","David",""],["Ruiz-\u00c1lvarez","Juan",""],["Y\u00e1\u00f1ez","Dionisio F.",""]]} {"id":"2308.06154","submitter":"Boyuan Liu","authors":"Boyuan Liu, Nina S. Sartorio, Robert G. Izzard and Anastasia Fialkov","title":"Population synthesis of Be X-ray binaries: metallicity dependence of\n total X-ray outputs","comments":"25 pages, 16+7 figures, submitted to MNRAS, comments are welcome!","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.HE astro-ph.CO astro-ph.GA astro-ph.SR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/","abstract":" X-ray binaries (XRBs) are thought to regulate cosmic thermal and ionisation\nhistories during the Epoch of Reionisation and Cosmic Dawn ($z\\sim 5-30$).\nTheoretical predictions of the X-ray emission from XRBs are important for\nmodeling such early cosmic evolution. Nevertheless, the contribution from\nBe-XRBs, powered by accretion of compact objects from decretion disks around\nrapidly rotating O/B stars, has not been investigated systematically. Be-XRBs\nare the largest class of high-mass XRBs (HMXBs) identified in local\nobservations and are expected to play even more important roles in metal-poor\nenvironments at high redshifts. In light of this, we build a physically\nmotivated model for Be-XRBs based on recent hydrodynamic simulations and\nobservations of decretion disks. Our model is able to reproduce the observed\npopulation of Be-XRBs in the Small Magellanic Cloud with appropriate initial\nconditions and binary stellar evolution parameters. We derive the X-ray output\nfrom Be-XRBs as a function of metallicity in the (absolute) metallicity range\n$Z\\in [10^{-4},0.03]$. We find that Be-XRBs can contribute a significant\nfraction ($\\sim 60\\%$) of the total X-ray budget from HMXBs observed in nearby\ngalaxies for $Z\\sim 0.0003-0.02$. A similar fraction of observed ultra-luminous\n($\\gtrsim 10^{39}\\ \\rm erg\\ s^{-1}$) X-ray sources can also be explained by\nBe-XRBs. Moreover, the predicted metallicty dependence in our fiducial model is\nconsistent with observations, showing a factor of $\\sim 8$ increase in X-ray\nluminosity per unit star formation rate from $Z=0.02$ to $Z=0.0003$.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 14:33:07 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Liu","Boyuan",""],["Sartorio","Nina S.",""],["Izzard","Robert G.",""],["Fialkov","Anastasia",""]]} {"id":"2308.06155","submitter":"Tianpu Zhang","authors":"Weilong Ding, Tianpu Zhang, Zhe Wang","title":"Phased Deep Spatio-temporal Learning for Highway Traffic Volume\n Prediction","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.LG cs.AI","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Inter-city highway transportation is significant for citizens' modern urban\nlife and generates heterogeneous sensory data with spatio-temporal\ncharacteristics. As a routine analysis in transportation domain, daily traffic\nvolume estimation faces challenges for highway toll stations including lacking\nof exploration of correlative spatio-temporal features from a long-term\nperspective and effective means to deal with data imbalance which always\ndeteriorates the predictive performance. In this paper, a deep spatio-temporal\nlearning method is proposed to predict daily traffic volume in three phases. In\nfeature pre-processing phase, data is normalized elaborately according to\nlatent long-tail distribution. In spatio-temporal learning phase, a hybrid\nmodel is employed combining fully convolution network (FCN) and long short-term\nmemory (LSTM), which considers time, space, meteorology, and calendar from\nheterogeneous data. In decision phase, traffic volumes on a coming day at\nnetwork-wide toll stations would be achieved effectively, which is especially\ncalibrated for vital few highway stations. Using real-world data from one\nChinese provincial highway, extensive experiments show our method has distinct\nimprovement for predictive accuracy than various traditional models, reaching\n5.269 and 0.997 in MPAE and R-squre metrics, respectively.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 14:33:20 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Ding","Weilong",""],["Zhang","Tianpu",""],["Wang","Zhe",""]]} {"id":"2308.06156","submitter":"Yasumasa Yamasaki","authors":"Y. Yamasaki and H. Imada","title":"Quantification of propagation modes in an astronomical instrument from\n its radiation pattern","comments":"7 pages, 11 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.IM","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Context. Understanding complex phenomena and unsolved problems in modern\nastronomy requires wider-bandwidth observations. The current technique for\ndesigning and fabricating an astronomical instrument potentially provides such\nobservations with higher efficiency and precision than in the past.\nHigher-order modes in an instrument associated with wider bandwidths have been\nreported, which may degrade observation precision. Aims. To reduce the\nunfavorable degradation, we need to quantify the higher-order propagation\nmodes, though their power is too difficult to measure directly. Instead of the\ndirect mode measurement, we aim at developing a method based on measurable\nradiation patterns from an instrument of interest. Method. Assuming a linear\nsystem, whose radiated field is determined as a superposition of the mode\ncoefficients in an instrument, we obtain a coefficient matrix connecting the\ninside modes and the outside radiated field and calculate the pseudo-inverse\nmatrix. To understand the estimation accuracy of the proposed method, we\ndemonstrate two cases with numerical simulations, axially-corrugated horn case\nand offset Cassegrain antenna case, and investigate the effect of random errors\non the accuracy. Results. Both cases showed the estimated mode coefficients\nwith a precision of 10e-6 with respect to the maximum mode amplitude and 10e-3\ndegrees in phase, respectively. The calculation errors were observed when the\nrandom errors were smaller than 0.01 percent of the maximum radiated field\namplitude. The demonstrated method works independently of the details of a\nsystem. Conclusions. The method can quantify the propagation modes inside an\ninstrument and will be applicable to most of linear components and antennas.\nThis method can be employed for a general purpose, such as diagnosis of feed\nalignment and higher-performance feed design.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 14:33:59 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Mon, 14 Aug 2023 04:17:07 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-15","authors_parsed":[["Yamasaki","Y.",""],["Imada","H.",""]]} {"id":"2308.06157","submitter":"Haohan Chen","authors":"Haohan Chen, Jiepeng Wu, Minglei He, Hao Wang, Xinen Wu, Kezhou Fan,\n Haiying Liu, Qiang Li, Lijun Wu and Kam Sing Wong","title":"High efficiency spin-decoupled modulation using chiral C2-symmetric\n meta-atoms","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.optics physics.app-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Orthogonal circularly polarized light is essential for multiplexing tunable\nmetasurfaces. Mainstream spin-decoupled metasurfaces, consisting of numerous\nmeta-atoms with mirror symmetry, rely on the cooperative modulation of the\nPancharatnam-Berry (PB) phase and the propagation phase. This paper\ndemonstrates spin-decoupled functionality through the synergistic utilization\nof planar chiral meta-atom phase response and PB phase. Based on the Jones\ncalculus, it has been found that meta-atoms with chiral C2-symmetry owns a\nlarger geometric parameter range with high cross-polarization ratio compared to\nthose with mirror symmetry or higher symmetries at the same aspect ratio. This\ncharacteristic is advantageous in terms of enabling high-efficiency\nmanipulation and enhancing the signal-to-noise ratio. As an example, 10 kinds\nof C2-symmetry chiral meta-atoms with a H-like shape are selected by the\nself-adaptive genetic algorithm to attain a full 2$\\pi$ phase span with an\ninterval of $\\pi$/5. To mitigate the additional propagation phase change of the\nguided modes originated from the arrangement alternation upon the rotation of\nthe meta-atoms, the enantiomer of chiral meta-atoms and its PB phase delay are\nadopted to minimize the difference between the actual and desired target\nphases. A polarization-insensitive metalens and a chiral virtual-moving\nmetalens array are designed to demonstrate the spin-decoupled function with\nboth high efficiency and signal-to-noise ratio. The work in this paper may\ntrigger more exciting and interesting spin-decoupled multiplexing metasurfaces\nand broaden the prospect of chiroptical applications.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 14:35:13 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Chen","Haohan",""],["Wu","Jiepeng",""],["He","Minglei",""],["Wang","Hao",""],["Wu","Xinen",""],["Fan","Kezhou",""],["Liu","Haiying",""],["Li","Qiang",""],["Wu","Lijun",""],["Wong","Kam Sing",""]]} {"id":"2308.06158","submitter":"Alexander Thomas","authors":"Alexander Thomas","title":"Infinitesimal modular group: $q$-deformed $\\mathfrak{sl}_2$ and Witt\n algebra","comments":"15 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.QA math-ph math.MP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We describe new 1-parameter families of Lie algebras deforming the\n3-dimensional Heisenberg algebra, the simple Lie algebra $\\mathfrak{sl}_2$ and\nthe Witt algebra. They are constructed through a realization as differential\noperators. These operators are related to the modular group and $q$-deformed\nrational numbers defined by Morier-Genoud and Ovsienko and lead to $q$-deformed\nM\\\"obius transformations acting on the hyperbolic plane.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 14:36:05 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Thomas","Alexander",""]]} {"id":"2308.06159","submitter":"Daniel Cao Labora","authors":"Daniel Cao Labora","title":"A visual and simple proof for the Picard Little Theorem","comments":"One figure","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.GM","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" One of the most famous results in Complex Analysis is the Little Picard\nTheorem, that characterizes the image set of an arbitrary entire function.\nSpecifically, the theorem states that this image set is either the whole\ncomplex plane or the whole complex plane except a point. The traditional proofs\nfor the theorem involve technical tools such as either modular functions,\nHarnack's inequality, Bloch and Landau theorems... The previous fact makes the\nLittle Picard Theorem to be often presented at initial courses on Complex\nAnalysis without a proof. This manuscript provides a short and visual proof by\nonly using basic concepts that are covered in any standard course on Complex\nAnalysis. In fact, the essence of the proof is a good understanding of\ncomposition of the complex exponential map with itself and its underlying\ngeometrical properties.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 14:36:47 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Labora","Daniel Cao",""]]} {"id":"2308.06160","submitter":"Weijia Wu","authors":"Weijia Wu, Yuzhong Zhao, Hao Chen, Yuchao Gu, Rui Zhao, Yefei He, Hong\n Zhou, Mike Zheng Shou, Chunhua Shen","title":"DatasetDM: Synthesizing Data with Perception Annotations Using Diffusion\n Models","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Current deep networks are very data-hungry and benefit from training on\nlargescale datasets, which are often time-consuming to collect and annotate. By\ncontrast, synthetic data can be generated infinitely using generative models\nsuch as DALL-E and diffusion models, with minimal effort and cost. In this\npaper, we present DatasetDM, a generic dataset generation model that can\nproduce diverse synthetic images and the corresponding high-quality perception\nannotations (e.g., segmentation masks, and depth). Our method builds upon the\npre-trained diffusion model and extends text-guided image synthesis to\nperception data generation. We show that the rich latent code of the diffusion\nmodel can be effectively decoded as accurate perception annotations using a\ndecoder module. Training the decoder only needs less than 1% (around 100\nimages) manually labeled images, enabling the generation of an infinitely large\nannotated dataset. Then these synthetic data can be used for training various\nperception models for downstream tasks. To showcase the power of the proposed\napproach, we generate datasets with rich dense pixel-wise labels for a wide\nrange of downstream tasks, including semantic segmentation, instance\nsegmentation, and depth estimation. Notably, it achieves 1) state-of-the-art\nresults on semantic segmentation and instance segmentation; 2) significantly\nmore robust on domain generalization than using the real data alone; and\nstate-of-the-art results in zero-shot segmentation setting; and 3) flexibility\nfor efficient application and novel task composition (e.g., image editing). The\nproject website and code can be found at\nhttps://weijiawu.github.io/DatasetDM_page/ and\nhttps://github.com/showlab/DatasetDM, respectively\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 14:38:11 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Wu","Weijia",""],["Zhao","Yuzhong",""],["Chen","Hao",""],["Gu","Yuchao",""],["Zhao","Rui",""],["He","Yefei",""],["Zhou","Hong",""],["Shou","Mike Zheng",""],["Shen","Chunhua",""]]} {"id":"2308.06161","submitter":"Rui Xu","authors":"Rui Xu, Yong Luo, Han Hu, Bo Du, Jialie Shen, Yonggang Wen","title":"Rethinking the Localization in Weakly Supervised Object Localization","comments":"Accepted by ACM International Conference on Multimedia 2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Weakly supervised object localization (WSOL) is one of the most popular and\nchallenging tasks in computer vision. This task is to localize the objects in\nthe images given only the image-level supervision. Recently, dividing WSOL into\ntwo parts (class-agnostic object localization and object classification) has\nbecome the state-of-the-art pipeline for this task. However, existing solutions\nunder this pipeline usually suffer from the following drawbacks: 1) they are\nnot flexible since they can only localize one object for each image due to the\nadopted single-class regression (SCR) for localization; 2) the generated pseudo\nbounding boxes may be noisy, but the negative impact of such noise is not well\naddressed. To remedy these drawbacks, we first propose to replace SCR with a\nbinary-class detector (BCD) for localizing multiple objects, where the detector\nis trained by discriminating the foreground and background. Then we design a\nweighted entropy (WE) loss using the unlabeled data to reduce the negative\nimpact of noisy bounding boxes. Extensive experiments on the popular\nCUB-200-2011 and ImageNet-1K datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our\nmethod.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 14:38:51 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Xu","Rui",""],["Luo","Yong",""],["Hu","Han",""],["Du","Bo",""],["Shen","Jialie",""],["Wen","Yonggang",""]]} {"id":"2308.06162","submitter":"Neville Harnew","authors":"LHCb collaboration: R. Aaij, A.S.W. Abdelmotteleb, C. Abellan Beteta,\n F. Abudin\\'en, T. Ackernley, B. Adeva, M. Adinolfi, P. Adlarson, H.\n Afsharnia, C. Agapopoulou, C.A. Aidala, Z. Ajaltouni, S. Akar, K. Akiba, P.\n Albicocco, J. Albrecht, F. Alessio, M. Alexander, A. Alfonso Albero, Z.\n Aliouche, P. Alvarez Cartelle, R. Amalric, S. Amato, J.L. Amey, Y. Amhis, L.\n An, L. Anderlini, M. Andersson, A. Andreianov, M. Andreotti, D. Andreou, D.\n Ao, F. Archilli, A. Artamonov, M. Artuso, E. Aslanides, M. Atzeni, B.\n Audurier, I. Bachiller Perea, S. Bachmann, M. Bachmayer, J.J. Back, A.\n Bailly-reyre, P. Baladron Rodriguez, V. Balagura, W. Baldini, J. Baptista de\n Souza Leite, M. Barbetti, R.J. Barlow, S. Barsuk, W. Barter, M. Bartolini, F.\n Baryshnikov, J.M. Basels, G. Bassi, B. Batsukh, A. Battig, A. Bay, A. Beck,\n M. Becker, F. Bedeschi, I.B. Bediaga, A. Beiter, S. Belin, V. Bellee, K.\n Belous, I. Belov, I. Belyaev, G. Benane, G. Bencivenni, E. Ben-Haim, A.\n Berezhnoy, R. Bernet, S. Bernet Andres, D. Berninghoff, H.C. Bernstein, C.\n Bertella, A. Bertolin, C. Betancourt, F. Betti, Ia. Bezshyiko, J. Bhom, L.\n Bian, M.S. Bieker, N.V. Biesuz, P. Billoir, A. Biolchini, M. Birch, F.C.R.\n Bishop, A. Bitadze, A. Bizzeti, M.P. Blago, T. Blake, F. Blanc, J.E. Blank,\n S. Blusk, D. Bobulska, V. Bocharnikov, J.A. Boelhauve, O. Boente Garcia, T.\n Boettcher, A. Boldyrev, C.S. Bolognani, R. Bolzonella, N. Bondar, F. Borgato,\n S. Borghi, M. Borsato, J.T. Borsuk, S.A. Bouchiba, T.J.V. Bowcock, A. Boyer,\n C. Bozzi, M.J. Bradley, S. Braun, A. Brea Rodriguez, J. Brodzicka, A. Brossa\n Gonzalo, J. Brown, D. Brundu, A. Buonaura, L. Buonincontri, A.T. Burke, C.\n Burr, A. Bursche, A. Butkevich, J.S. Butter, J. Buytaert, W. Byczynski, S.\n Cadeddu, H. Cai, R. Calabrese, L. Calefice, S. Cali, M. Calvi, M. Calvo\n Gomez, P. Campana, D.H. Campora Perez, A.F. Campoverde Quezada, S. Capelli,\n L. Capriotti, A. Carbone, R. Cardinale, A. Cardini, P. Carniti, L. Carus, A.\n Casais Vidal, R. Caspary, G. Casse, M. Cattaneo, G. Cavallero, V. Cavallini,\n S. Celani, J. Cerasoli, D. Cervenkov, A.J. Chadwick, I. Chahrour, M.G.\n Chapman, M. Charles, Ph. Charpentier, C.A. Chavez Barajas, M. Chefdeville, C.\n Chen, S. Chen, A. Chernov, S. Chernyshenko, V. Chobanova, S. Cholak, M.\n Chrzaszcz, A. Chubykin, V. Chulikov, P. Ciambrone, M.F. Cicala, X. Cid Vidal,\n G. Ciezarek, P. Cifra, G. Ciullo, P.E.L. Clarke, M. Clemencic, H.V. Cliff, J.\n Closier, J.L. Cobbledick, V. Coco, J. Cogan, E. Cogneras, L. Cojocariu, P.\n Collins, T. Colombo, L. Congedo, A. Contu, N. Cooke, I. Corredoira, G. Corti,\n B. Couturier, D.C. Craik, M. Cruz Torres, R. Currie, C.L. Da Silva, S.\n Dadabaev, L. Dai, X. Dai, E. Dall'Occo, J. Dalseno, C. D'Ambrosio, J. Daniel,\n A. Danilina, P. d'Argent, J.E. Davies, A. Davis, O. De Aguiar Francisco, J.\n de Boer, K. De Bruyn, S. De Capua, M. De Cian, U. De Freitas Carneiro Da\n Graca, E. De Lucia, J.M. De Miranda, L. De Paula, M. De Serio, D. De Simone,\n P. De Simone, F. De Vellis, J.A. de Vries, C.T. Dean, F. Debernardis, D.\n Decamp, V. Dedu, L. Del Buono, B. Delaney, H.-P. Dembinski, V. Denysenko, O.\n Deschamps, F. Dettori, B. Dey, P. Di Nezza, I. Diachkov, S. Didenko, L.\n Dieste Maronas, S. Ding, V. Dobishuk, A. Dolmatov, C. Dong, A.M. Donohoe, F.\n Dordei, A.C. dos Reis, L. Douglas, A.G. Downes, P. Duda, M.W. Dudek, L.\n Dufour, V. Duk, P. Durante, M. M. Duras, J.M. Durham, D. Dutta, A. Dziurda,\n A. Dzyuba, S. Easo, U. Egede, V. Egorychev, C. Eirea Orro, S. Eisenhardt, E.\n Ejopu, S. Ek-In, L. Eklund, M. Elashri, J. Ellbracht, S. Ely, A. Ene, E.\n Epple, S. Escher, J. Eschle, S. Esen, T. Evans, F. Fabiano, L.N. Falcao, Y.\n Fan, B. Fang, L. Fantini, M. Faria, S. Farry, D. Fazzini, L. Felkowski, M.\n Feo, M. Fernandez Gomez, A.D. Fernez, F. Ferrari, L. Ferreira Lopes, F.\n Ferreira Rodrigues, S. Ferreres Sole, M. Ferrillo, M. Ferro-Luzzi, S.\n Filippov, R.A. Fini, M. Fiorini, M. Firlej, K.M. Fischer, D.S. Fitzgerald, C.\n Fitzpatrick, T. Fiutowski, F. Fleuret, M. Fontana, F. Fontanelli, R. Forty,\n D. Foulds-Holt, V. Franco Lima, M. Franco Sevilla, M. Frank, E. Franzoso, G.\n Frau, C. Frei, D.A. Friday, L. Frontini, J. Fu, Q. Fuehring, T. Fulghesu, E.\n Gabriel, G. Galati, M.D. Galati, A. Gallas Torreira, D. Galli, S. Gambetta,\n M. Gandelman, P. Gandini, H. Gao, Y. Gao, Y. Gao, M. Garau, L.M. Garcia\n Martin, P. Garcia Moreno, J. Garc\\'ia Pardi\\~nas, B. Garcia Plana, F.A.\n Garcia Rosales, L. Garrido, C. Gaspar, R.E. Geertsema, D. Gerick, L.L.\n Gerken, E. Gersabeck, M. Gersabeck, T. Gershon, L. Giambastiani, V. Gibson,\n H.K. Giemza, A.L. Gilman, M. Giovannetti, A. Giovent\\`u, P. Gironella\n Gironell, C. Giugliano, M.A. Giza, K. Gizdov, E.L. Gkougkousis, V.V.\n Gligorov, C. G\\\"obel, E. Golobardes, D. Golubkov, A. Golutvin, A. Gomes, S.\n Gomez Fernandez, F. Goncalves Abrantes, M. Goncerz, G. Gong, I.V. Gorelov, C.\n Gotti, J.P. Grabowski, T. Grammatico, L.A. Granado Cardoso, E. Graug\\'es, E.\n Graverini, G. Graziani, A. T. Grecu, L.M. Greeven, N.A. Grieser, L. Grillo,\n S. Gromov, B.R. Gruberg Cazon, C. Gu, M. Guarise, M. Guittiere, P. A.\n G\\\"unther, E. Gushchin, A. Guth, Y. Guz, T. Gys, T. Hadavizadeh, C.\n Hadjivasiliou, G. Haefeli, C. Haen, J. Haimberger, S.C. Haines, T.\n Halewood-leagas, M.M. Halvorsen, P.M. Hamilton, J. Hammerich, Q. Han, X. Han,\n T.H. Hancock, S. Hansmann-Menzemer, L. Hao, N. Harnew, T. Harrison, C. Hasse,\n M. Hatch, J. He, K. Heijhoff, F. Hemmer, C. Henderson, R.D.L. Henderson, A.M.\n Hennequin, K. Hennessy, L. Henry, J. Herd, J. Heuel, A. Hicheur, D. Hill, M.\n Hilton, S.E. Hollitt, J. Horswill, R. Hou, Y. Hou, J. Hu, J. Hu, W. Hu, X.\n Hu, W. Huang, X. Huang, W. Hulsbergen, R.J. Hunter, M. Hushchyn, D.\n Hutchcroft, P. Ibis, M. Idzik, D. Ilin, P. Ilten, A. Inglessi, A. Iniukhin,\n A. Ishteev, K. Ivshin, R. Jacobsson, H. Jage, S.J. Jaimes Elles, S. Jakobsen,\n E. Jans, B.K. Jashal, A. Jawahery, V. Jevtic, E. Jiang, X. Jiang, Y. Jiang,\n M. John, D. Johnson, C.R. Jones, T.P. Jones, S. Joshi, B. Jost, N. Jurik, I.\n Juszczak, S. Kandybei, Y. Kang, M. Karacson, D. Karpenkov, M. Karpov, J.W.\n Kautz, F. Keizer, D.M. Keller, M. Kenzie, T. Ketel, B. Khanji, A. Kharisova,\n S. Kholodenko, G. Khreich, T. Kirn, V.S. Kirsebom, O. Kitouni, S. Klaver, N.\n Kleijne, K. Klimaszewski, M.R. Kmiec, S. Koliiev, L. Kolk, A. Kondybayeva, A.\n Konoplyannikov, P. Kopciewicz, R. Kopecna, P. Koppenburg, M. Korolev, I.\n Kostiuk, O. Kot, S. Kotriakhova, A. Kozachuk, P. Kravchenko, L. Kravchuk, M.\n Kreps, S. Kretzschmar, P. Krokovny, W. Krupa, W. Krzemien, J. Kubat, S.\n Kubis, W. Kucewicz, M. Kucharczyk, V. Kudryavtsev, E. Kulikova, A. Kupsc, D.\n Lacarrere, G. Lafferty, A. Lai, A. Lampis, D. Lancierini, C. Landesa Gomez,\n J.J. Lane, R. Lane, C. Langenbruch, J. Langer, O. Lantwin, T. Latham, F.\n Lazzari, C. Lazzeroni, R. Le Gac, S.H. Lee, R. Lef\\`evre, A. Leflat, S.\n Legotin, P. Lenisa, O. Leroy, T. Lesiak, B. Leverington, A. Li, H. Li, K. Li,\n P. Li, P.-R. Li, S. Li, T. Li, T. Li, Y. Li, Z. Li, X. Liang, C. Lin, T. Lin,\n R. Lindner, V. Lisovskyi, R. Litvinov, G. Liu, H. Liu, K. Liu, Q. Liu, S.\n Liu, A. Lobo Salvia, A. Loi, R. Lollini, J. Lomba Castro, I. Longstaff, J.H.\n Lopes, A. Lopez Huertas, S. L\\'opez Soli\\~no, G.H. Lovell, Y. Lu, C.\n Lucarelli, D. Lucchesi, S. Luchuk, M. Lucio Martinez, V. Lukashenko, Y. Luo,\n A. Lupato, E. Luppi, A. Lusiani, K. Lynch, X.-R. Lyu, R. Ma, S. Maccolini, F.\n Machefert, F. Maciuc, I. Mackay, V. Macko, L.R. Madhan Mohan, A. Maevskiy, D.\n Maisuzenko, M.W. Majewski, J.J. Malczewski, S. Malde, B. Malecki, A. Malinin,\n T. Maltsev, G. Manca, G. Mancinelli, C. Mancuso, R. Manera Escalero, D.\n Manuzzi, C.A. Manzari, D. Marangotto, J.F. Marchand, U. Marconi, S. Mariani,\n C. Marin Benito, J. Marks, A.M. Marshall, P.J. Marshall, G. Martelli, G.\n Martellotti, L. Martinazzoli, M. Martinelli, D. Martinez Santos, F. Martinez\n Vidal, A. Massafferri, M. Materok, R. Matev, A. Mathad, V. Matiunin, C.\n Matteuzzi, K.R. Mattioli, A. Mauri, E. Maurice, J. Mauricio, M. Mazurek, M.\n McCann, L. Mcconnell, T.H. McGrath, N.T. McHugh, A. McNab, R. McNulty, B.\n Meadows, G. Meier, D. Melnychuk, S. Meloni, M. Merk, A. Merli, L. Meyer\n Garcia, D. Miao, H. Miao, M. Mikhasenko, D.A. Milanes, E. Millard, M.\n Milovanovic, M.-N. Minard, A. Minotti, E. Minucci, T. Miralles, S.E.\n Mitchell, B. Mitreska, D.S. Mitzel, A. Modak, A. M\\\"odden, R.A. Mohammed,\n R.D. Moise, S. Mokhnenko, T. Momb\\\"acher, M. Monk, I.A. Monroy, S. Monteil,\n G. Morello, M.J. Morello, M.P. Morgenthaler, J. Moron, A.B. Morris, A.G.\n Morris, R. Mountain, H. Mu, E. Muhammad, F. Muheim, M. Mulder, K. M\\\"uller,\n C.H. Murphy, D. Murray, R. Murta, P. Muzzetto, P. Naik, T. Nakada, R.\n Nandakumar, T. Nanut, I. Nasteva, M. Needham, N. Neri, S. Neubert, N.\n Neufeld, P. Neustroev, R. Newcombe, J. Nicolini, D. Nicotra, E.M. Niel, S.\n Nieswand, N. Nikitin, N.S. Nolte, C. Normand, J. Novoa Fernandez, G. Nowak,\n C. Nunez, A. Oblakowska-Mucha, V. Obraztsov, T. Oeser, S. Okamura, R.\n Oldeman, F. Oliva, C.J.G. Onderwater, R.H. O'Neil, J.M. Otalora Goicochea, T.\n Ovsiannikova, P. Owen, A. Oyanguren, O. Ozcelik, K.O. Padeken, B. Pagare,\n P.R. Pais, T. Pajero, A. Palano, M. Palutan, G. Panshin, L. Paolucci, A.\n Papanestis, M. Pappagallo, L.L. Pappalardo, C. Pappenheimer, W. Parker, C.\n Parkes, B. Passalacqua, G. Passaleva, A. Pastore, M. Patel, C. Patrignani,\n C.J. Pawley, A. Pellegrino, M. Pepe Altarelli, S. Perazzini, D. Pereima, A.\n Pereiro Castro, P. Perret, K. Petridis, A. Petrolini, S. Petrucci, M.\n Petruzzo, H. Pham, A. Philippov, R. Piandani, L. Pica, M. Piccini, B.\n Pietrzyk, G. Pietrzyk, M. Pili, D. Pinci, F. Pisani, M. Pizzichemi, V.\n Placinta, J. Plews, M. Plo Casasus, F. Polci, M. Poli Lener, A. Poluektov, N.\n Polukhina, I. Polyakov, E. Polycarpo, S. Ponce, D. Popov, S. Poslavskii, K.\n Prasanth, L. Promberger, C. Prouve, V. Pugatch, V. Puill, G. Punzi, H.R. Qi,\n W. Qian, N. Qin, S. Qu, R. Quagliani, N.V. Raab, B. Rachwal, J.H. Rademacker,\n R. Rajagopalan, M. Rama, M. Ramos Pernas, M.S. Rangel, F. Ratnikov, G. Raven,\n M. Rebollo De Miguel, F. Redi, J. Reich, F. Reiss, C. Remon Alepuz, Z. Ren,\n P.K. Resmi, R. Ribatti, A.M. Ricci, S. Ricciardi, K. Richardson, M.\n Richardson-Slipper, K. Rinnert, P. Robbe, G. Robertson, E. Rodrigues, E.\n Rodriguez Fernandez, J.A. Rodriguez Lopez, E. Rodriguez Rodriguez, D.L. Rolf,\n A. Rollings, P. Roloff, V. Romanovskiy, M. Romero Lamas, A. Romero Vidal,\n J.D. Roth, M. Rotondo, M.S. Rudolph, T. Ruf, R.A. Ruiz Fernandez, J. Ruiz\n Vidal, A. Ryzhikov, J. Ryzka, J.J. Saborido Silva, N. Sagidova, N. Sahoo, B.\n Saitta, M. Salomoni, C. Sanchez Gras, I. Sanderswood, R. Santacesaria, C.\n Santamarina Rios, M. Santimaria, E. Santovetti, D. Saranin, G. Sarpis, M.\n Sarpis, A. Sarti, C. Satriano, A. Satta, M. Saur, D. Savrina, H. Sazak, L.G.\n Scantlebury Smead, A. Scarabotto, S. Schael, S. Scherl, A. M. Schertz, M.\n Schiller, H. Schindler, M. Schmelling, B. Schmidt, S. Schmitt, O. Schneider,\n A. Schopper, M. Schubiger, N. Schulte, S. Schulte, M.H. Schune, R. Schwemmer,\n B. Sciascia, A. Sciuccati, S. Sellam, A. Semennikov, M. Senghi Soares, A.\n Sergi, N. Serra, L. Sestini, A. Seuthe, Y. Shang, D.M. Shangase, M. Shapkin,\n I. Shchemerov, L. Shchutska, T. Shears, L. Shekhtman, Z. Shen, S. Sheng, V.\n Shevchenko, B. Shi, E.B. Shields, Y. Shimizu, E. Shmanin, R. Shorkin, J.D.\n Shupperd, B.G. Siddi, R. Silva Coutinho, G. Simi, S. Simone, M. Singla, N.\n Skidmore, R. Skuza, T. Skwarnicki, M.W. Slater, J.C. Smallwood, J.G. Smeaton,\n E. Smith, K. Smith, M. Smith, A. Snoch, L. Soares Lavra, M.D. Sokoloff,\n F.J.P. Soler, A. Solomin, A. Solovev, I. Solovyev, R. Song, F.L. Souza De\n Almeida, B. Souza De Paula, B. Spaan, E. Spadaro Norella, E. Spedicato, J.G.\n Speer, E. Spiridenkov, P. Spradlin, V. Sriskaran, F. Stagni, M. Stahl, S.\n Stahl, S. Stanislaus, E.N. Stein, O. Steinkamp, O. Stenyakin, H. Stevens, D.\n Strekalina, Y. Su, F. Suljik, J. Sun, L. Sun, Y. Sun, P.N. Swallow, K.\n Swientek, A. Szabelski, T. Szumlak, M. Szymanski, Y. Tan, S. Taneja, M.D.\n Tat, A. Terentev, F. Teubert, E. Thomas, D.J.D. Thompson, H. Tilquin, V.\n Tisserand, S. T'Jampens, M. Tobin, L. Tomassetti, G. Tonani, X. Tong, D.\n Torres Machado, D.Y. Tou, C. Trippl, G. Tuci, N. Tuning, A. Ukleja, D.J.\n Unverzagt, A. Usachov, A. Ustyuzhanin, U. Uwer, V. Vagnoni, A. Valassi, G.\n Valenti, N. Valls Canudas, M. Van Dijk, H. Van Hecke, E. van Herwijnen, C.B.\n Van Hulse, M. van Veghel, R. Vazquez Gomez, P. Vazquez Regueiro, C. V\\'azquez\n Sierra, S. Vecchi, J.J. Velthuis, M. Veltri, A. Venkateswaran, M. Veronesi,\n M. Vesterinen, D. Vieira, M. Vieites Diaz, X. Vilasis-Cardona, E. Vilella\n Figueras, A. Villa, P. Vincent, F.C. Volle, D. vom Bruch, V. Vorobyev, N.\n Voropaev, K. Vos, C. Vrahas, J. Walsh, E.J. Walton, G. Wan, C. Wang, G. Wang,\n J. Wang, J. Wang, J. Wang, J. Wang, M. Wang, R. Wang, X. Wang, Y. Wang, Z.\n Wang, Z. Wang, Z. Wang, J.A. Ward, N.K. Watson, D. Websdale, Y. Wei, B.D.C.\n Westhenry, D.J. White, M. Whitehead, A.R. Wiederhold, D. Wiedner, G.\n Wilkinson, M.K. Wilkinson, I. Williams, M. Williams, M.R.J. Williams, R.\n Williams, F.F. Wilson, W. Wislicki, M. Witek, L. Witola, C.P. Wong, G.\n Wormser, S.A. Wotton, H. Wu, J. Wu, K. Wyllie, Z. Xiang, Y. Xie, A. Xu, J.\n Xu, L. Xu, L. Xu, M. Xu, Q. Xu, Z. Xu, Z. Xu, D. Yang, S. Yang, X. Yang, Y.\n Yang, Z. Yang, Z. Yang, L.E. Yeomans, V. Yeroshenko, H. Yeung, H. Yin, J. Yu,\n X. Yuan, E. Zaffaroni, M. Zavertyaev, M. Zdybal, M. Zeng, C. Zhang, D. Zhang,\n L. Zhang, S. Zhang, S. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhao, A. Zharkova, A.\n Zhelezov, Y. Zheng, T. Zhou, X. Zhou, Y. Zhou, V. Zhovkovska, X. Zhu, X. Zhu,\n Z. Zhu, V. Zhukov, Q. Zou, S. Zucchelli, D. Zuliani, G. Zunica","title":"A search for rare $B \\rightarrow D \\mu^+ \\mu^-$ decays","comments":"All figures and tables, along with any supplementary material and\n additional information, are available at\n https://cern.ch/lhcbproject/Publications/p/LHCb-PAPER-2022-048.html (LHCb\n public pages)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":"LHCb-PAPER-2022-048, CERN-EP-2023-121","categories":"hep-ex","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" A search for rare $B \\rightarrow D \\mu^+ \\mu^-$ decays is performed using\nproton-proton collision data collected by the LHCb experiment, corresponding to\nan integrated luminosity of 9 fb$^{-1}$. No significant signals are observed in\nthe non-resonant $\\mu^+\\mu^-$ modes, and upper limits of $\\mathcal{B}(B^0\n\\rightarrow \\overline{D}^0 \\mu^+ \\mu^-) < 5.1 \\times 10^{-8}$, $\\mathcal{B}(B^+\n\\rightarrow D_s^+ \\mu^+ \\mu^-) < 3.2 \\times 10^{-8}$, $\\mathcal{B}(B_s^0\n\\rightarrow \\overline{D}^0 \\mu^+ \\mu^-) < 1.6 \\times 10^{-7}$ and $f_c/f_u\n\\cdot \\mathcal{B}(B_c^+ \\rightarrow D_s^+ \\mu^+ \\mu^-) < 9.6 \\times 10^{-8}$\nare set at the 95\\% confidence level, where $f_c$ and $f_u$ are the\nfragmentation fractions of a $B$ meson with a $c$ and $u$ quark respectively in\nproton-proton collisions. Each result is either the first such measurement or\nan improvement by three orders of magnitude on an existing limit. Separate\nupper limits are calculated when the muon pair originates from a $J/\\psi\n\\rightarrow \\mu^+ \\mu^-$ decay. The branching fraction of $B_c^+ \\rightarrow\nD_s^+ J/\\psi$ multiplied by the fragmentation-fraction ratio is measured to be\n$f_c/f_u \\cdot \\mathcal{B}(B_c^+ \\rightarrow D_s^+ J/\\psi ) = (1.63 \\pm 0.15\n\\pm 0.13) \\times 10^{-5}$, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the\nsecond systematic.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 14:40:58 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["LHCb collaboration","",""],["Aaij","R.",""],["Abdelmotteleb","A. S. W.",""],["Beteta","C. Abellan",""],["Abudin\u00e9n","F.",""],["Ackernley","T.",""],["Adeva","B.",""],["Adinolfi","M.",""],["Adlarson","P.",""],["Afsharnia","H.",""],["Agapopoulou","C.",""],["Aidala","C. A.",""],["Ajaltouni","Z.",""],["Akar","S.",""],["Akiba","K.",""],["Albicocco","P.",""],["Albrecht","J.",""],["Alessio","F.",""],["Alexander","M.",""],["Albero","A. Alfonso",""],["Aliouche","Z.",""],["Cartelle","P. Alvarez",""],["Amalric","R.",""],["Amato","S.",""],["Amey","J. L.",""],["Amhis","Y.",""],["An","L.",""],["Anderlini","L.",""],["Andersson","M.",""],["Andreianov","A.",""],["Andreotti","M.",""],["Andreou","D.",""],["Ao","D.",""],["Archilli","F.",""],["Artamonov","A.",""],["Artuso","M.",""],["Aslanides","E.",""],["Atzeni","M.",""],["Audurier","B.",""],["Perea","I. Bachiller",""],["Bachmann","S.",""],["Bachmayer","M.",""],["Back","J. J.",""],["Bailly-reyre","A.",""],["Rodriguez","P. Baladron",""],["Balagura","V.",""],["Baldini","W.",""],["Leite","J. Baptista de Souza",""],["Barbetti","M.",""],["Barlow","R. J.",""],["Barsuk","S.",""],["Barter","W.",""],["Bartolini","M.",""],["Baryshnikov","F.",""],["Basels","J. M.",""],["Bassi","G.",""],["Batsukh","B.",""],["Battig","A.",""],["Bay","A.",""],["Beck","A.",""],["Becker","M.",""],["Bedeschi","F.",""],["Bediaga","I. B.",""],["Beiter","A.",""],["Belin","S.",""],["Bellee","V.",""],["Belous","K.",""],["Belov","I.",""],["Belyaev","I.",""],["Benane","G.",""],["Bencivenni","G.",""],["Ben-Haim","E.",""],["Berezhnoy","A.",""],["Bernet","R.",""],["Andres","S. Bernet",""],["Berninghoff","D.",""],["Bernstein","H. C.",""],["Bertella","C.",""],["Bertolin","A.",""],["Betancourt","C.",""],["Betti","F.",""],["Bezshyiko","Ia.",""],["Bhom","J.",""],["Bian","L.",""],["Bieker","M. S.",""],["Biesuz","N. V.",""],["Billoir","P.",""],["Biolchini","A.",""],["Birch","M.",""],["Bishop","F. C. R.",""],["Bitadze","A.",""],["Bizzeti","A.",""],["Blago","M. P.",""],["Blake","T.",""],["Blanc","F.",""],["Blank","J. E.",""],["Blusk","S.",""],["Bobulska","D.",""],["Bocharnikov","V.",""],["Boelhauve","J. A.",""],["Garcia","O. Boente",""],["Boettcher","T.",""],["Boldyrev","A.",""],["Bolognani","C. S.",""],["Bolzonella","R.",""],["Bondar","N.",""],["Borgato","F.",""],["Borghi","S.",""],["Borsato","M.",""],["Borsuk","J. T.",""],["Bouchiba","S. A.",""],["Bowcock","T. J. V.",""],["Boyer","A.",""],["Bozzi","C.",""],["Bradley","M. J.",""],["Braun","S.",""],["Rodriguez","A. Brea",""],["Brodzicka","J.",""],["Gonzalo","A. Brossa",""],["Brown","J.",""],["Brundu","D.",""],["Buonaura","A.",""],["Buonincontri","L.",""],["Burke","A. T.",""],["Burr","C.",""],["Bursche","A.",""],["Butkevich","A.",""],["Butter","J. S.",""],["Buytaert","J.",""],["Byczynski","W.",""],["Cadeddu","S.",""],["Cai","H.",""],["Calabrese","R.",""],["Calefice","L.",""],["Cali","S.",""],["Calvi","M.",""],["Gomez","M. Calvo",""],["Campana","P.",""],["Perez","D. H. Campora",""],["Quezada","A. F. Campoverde",""],["Capelli","S.",""],["Capriotti","L.",""],["Carbone","A.",""],["Cardinale","R.",""],["Cardini","A.",""],["Carniti","P.",""],["Carus","L.",""],["Vidal","A. Casais",""],["Caspary","R.",""],["Casse","G.",""],["Cattaneo","M.",""],["Cavallero","G.",""],["Cavallini","V.",""],["Celani","S.",""],["Cerasoli","J.",""],["Cervenkov","D.",""],["Chadwick","A. J.",""],["Chahrour","I.",""],["Chapman","M. G.",""],["Charles","M.",""],["Charpentier","Ph.",""],["Barajas","C. A. Chavez",""],["Chefdeville","M.",""],["Chen","C.",""],["Chen","S.",""],["Chernov","A.",""],["Chernyshenko","S.",""],["Chobanova","V.",""],["Cholak","S.",""],["Chrzaszcz","M.",""],["Chubykin","A.",""],["Chulikov","V.",""],["Ciambrone","P.",""],["Cicala","M. F.",""],["Vidal","X. Cid",""],["Ciezarek","G.",""],["Cifra","P.",""],["Ciullo","G.",""],["Clarke","P. E. L.",""],["Clemencic","M.",""],["Cliff","H. V.",""],["Closier","J.",""],["Cobbledick","J. L.",""],["Coco","V.",""],["Cogan","J.",""],["Cogneras","E.",""],["Cojocariu","L.",""],["Collins","P.",""],["Colombo","T.",""],["Congedo","L.",""],["Contu","A.",""],["Cooke","N.",""],["Corredoira","I.",""],["Corti","G.",""],["Couturier","B.",""],["Craik","D. C.",""],["Torres","M. Cruz",""],["Currie","R.",""],["Da Silva","C. L.",""],["Dadabaev","S.",""],["Dai","L.",""],["Dai","X.",""],["Dall'Occo","E.",""],["Dalseno","J.",""],["D'Ambrosio","C.",""],["Daniel","J.",""],["Danilina","A.",""],["d'Argent","P.",""],["Davies","J. E.",""],["Davis","A.",""],["Francisco","O. De Aguiar",""],["de Boer","J.",""],["De Bruyn","K.",""],["De Capua","S.",""],["De Cian","M.",""],["Da Graca","U. De Freitas Carneiro",""],["De Lucia","E.",""],["De Miranda","J. M.",""],["De Paula","L.",""],["De Serio","M.",""],["De Simone","D.",""],["De Simone","P.",""],["De Vellis","F.",""],["de Vries","J. A.",""],["Dean","C. T.",""],["Debernardis","F.",""],["Decamp","D.",""],["Dedu","V.",""],["Del Buono","L.",""],["Delaney","B.",""],["Dembinski","H. -P.",""],["Denysenko","V.",""],["Deschamps","O.",""],["Dettori","F.",""],["Dey","B.",""],["Di Nezza","P.",""],["Diachkov","I.",""],["Didenko","S.",""],["Maronas","L. Dieste",""],["Ding","S.",""],["Dobishuk","V.",""],["Dolmatov","A.",""],["Dong","C.",""],["Donohoe","A. M.",""],["Dordei","F.",""],["Reis","A. C. dos",""],["Douglas","L.",""],["Downes","A. G.",""],["Duda","P.",""],["Dudek","M. W.",""],["Dufour","L.",""],["Duk","V.",""],["Durante","P.",""],["Duras","M. M.",""],["Durham","J. M.",""],["Dutta","D.",""],["Dziurda","A.",""],["Dzyuba","A.",""],["Easo","S.",""],["Egede","U.",""],["Egorychev","V.",""],["Orro","C. 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Franco",""],["Frank","M.",""],["Franzoso","E.",""],["Frau","G.",""],["Frei","C.",""],["Friday","D. A.",""],["Frontini","L.",""],["Fu","J.",""],["Fuehring","Q.",""],["Fulghesu","T.",""],["Gabriel","E.",""],["Galati","G.",""],["Galati","M. D.",""],["Torreira","A. Gallas",""],["Galli","D.",""],["Gambetta","S.",""],["Gandelman","M.",""],["Gandini","P.",""],["Gao","H.",""],["Gao","Y.",""],["Gao","Y.",""],["Garau","M.",""],["Martin","L. M. Garcia",""],["Moreno","P. Garcia",""],["Pardi\u00f1as","J. Garc\u00eda",""],["Plana","B. Garcia",""],["Rosales","F. A. Garcia",""],["Garrido","L.",""],["Gaspar","C.",""],["Geertsema","R. E.",""],["Gerick","D.",""],["Gerken","L. L.",""],["Gersabeck","E.",""],["Gersabeck","M.",""],["Gershon","T.",""],["Giambastiani","L.",""],["Gibson","V.",""],["Giemza","H. K.",""],["Gilman","A. L.",""],["Giovannetti","M.",""],["Giovent\u00f9","A.",""],["Gironell","P. Gironella",""],["Giugliano","C.",""],["Giza","M. A.",""],["Gizdov","K.",""],["Gkougkousis","E. L.",""],["Gligorov","V. V.",""],["G\u00f6bel","C.",""],["Golobardes","E.",""],["Golubkov","D.",""],["Golutvin","A.",""],["Gomes","A.",""],["Fernandez","S. Gomez",""],["Abrantes","F. Goncalves",""],["Goncerz","M.",""],["Gong","G.",""],["Gorelov","I. V.",""],["Gotti","C.",""],["Grabowski","J. P.",""],["Grammatico","T.",""],["Cardoso","L. A. Granado",""],["Graug\u00e9s","E.",""],["Graverini","E.",""],["Graziani","G.",""],["Grecu","A. T.",""],["Greeven","L. M.",""],["Grieser","N. A.",""],["Grillo","L.",""],["Gromov","S.",""],["Cazon","B. R. Gruberg",""],["Gu","C.",""],["Guarise","M.",""],["Guittiere","M.",""],["G\u00fcnther","P. A.",""],["Gushchin","E.",""],["Guth","A.",""],["Guz","Y.",""],["Gys","T.",""],["Hadavizadeh","T.",""],["Hadjivasiliou","C.",""],["Haefeli","G.",""],["Haen","C.",""],["Haimberger","J.",""],["Haines","S. C.",""],["Halewood-leagas","T.",""],["Halvorsen","M. M.",""],["Hamilton","P. M.",""],["Hammerich","J.",""],["Han","Q.",""],["Han","X.",""],["Hancock","T. H.",""],["Hansmann-Menzemer","S.",""],["Hao","L.",""],["Harnew","N.",""],["Harrison","T.",""],["Hasse","C.",""],["Hatch","M.",""],["He","J.",""],["Heijhoff","K.",""],["Hemmer","F.",""],["Henderson","C.",""],["Henderson","R. D. L.",""],["Hennequin","A. M.",""],["Hennessy","K.",""],["Henry","L.",""],["Herd","J.",""],["Heuel","J.",""],["Hicheur","A.",""],["Hill","D.",""],["Hilton","M.",""],["Hollitt","S. E.",""],["Horswill","J.",""],["Hou","R.",""],["Hou","Y.",""],["Hu","J.",""],["Hu","J.",""],["Hu","W.",""],["Hu","X.",""],["Huang","W.",""],["Huang","X.",""],["Hulsbergen","W.",""],["Hunter","R. J.",""],["Hushchyn","M.",""],["Hutchcroft","D.",""],["Ibis","P.",""],["Idzik","M.",""],["Ilin","D.",""],["Ilten","P.",""],["Inglessi","A.",""],["Iniukhin","A.",""],["Ishteev","A.",""],["Ivshin","K.",""],["Jacobsson","R.",""],["Jage","H.",""],["Elles","S. J. Jaimes",""],["Jakobsen","S.",""],["Jans","E.",""],["Jashal","B. K.",""],["Jawahery","A.",""],["Jevtic","V.",""],["Jiang","E.",""],["Jiang","X.",""],["Jiang","Y.",""],["John","M.",""],["Johnson","D.",""],["Jones","C. R.",""],["Jones","T. P.",""],["Joshi","S.",""],["Jost","B.",""],["Jurik","N.",""],["Juszczak","I.",""],["Kandybei","S.",""],["Kang","Y.",""],["Karacson","M.",""],["Karpenkov","D.",""],["Karpov","M.",""],["Kautz","J. W.",""],["Keizer","F.",""],["Keller","D. M.",""],["Kenzie","M.",""],["Ketel","T.",""],["Khanji","B.",""],["Kharisova","A.",""],["Kholodenko","S.",""],["Khreich","G.",""],["Kirn","T.",""],["Kirsebom","V. S.",""],["Kitouni","O.",""],["Klaver","S.",""],["Kleijne","N.",""],["Klimaszewski","K.",""],["Kmiec","M. R.",""],["Koliiev","S.",""],["Kolk","L.",""],["Kondybayeva","A.",""],["Konoplyannikov","A.",""],["Kopciewicz","P.",""],["Kopecna","R.",""],["Koppenburg","P.",""],["Korolev","M.",""],["Kostiuk","I.",""],["Kot","O.",""],["Kotriakhova","S.",""],["Kozachuk","A.",""],["Kravchenko","P.",""],["Kravchuk","L.",""],["Kreps","M.",""],["Kretzschmar","S.",""],["Krokovny","P.",""],["Krupa","W.",""],["Krzemien","W.",""],["Kubat","J.",""],["Kubis","S.",""],["Kucewicz","W.",""],["Kucharczyk","M.",""],["Kudryavtsev","V.",""],["Kulikova","E.",""],["Kupsc","A.",""],["Lacarrere","D.",""],["Lafferty","G.",""],["Lai","A.",""],["Lampis","A.",""],["Lancierini","D.",""],["Gomez","C. Landesa",""],["Lane","J. J.",""],["Lane","R.",""],["Langenbruch","C.",""],["Langer","J.",""],["Lantwin","O.",""],["Latham","T.",""],["Lazzari","F.",""],["Lazzeroni","C.",""],["Gac","R. Le",""],["Lee","S. H.",""],["Lef\u00e8vre","R.",""],["Leflat","A.",""],["Legotin","S.",""],["Lenisa","P.",""],["Leroy","O.",""],["Lesiak","T.",""],["Leverington","B.",""],["Li","A.",""],["Li","H.",""],["Li","K.",""],["Li","P.",""],["Li","P. -R.",""],["Li","S.",""],["Li","T.",""],["Li","T.",""],["Li","Y.",""],["Li","Z.",""],["Liang","X.",""],["Lin","C.",""],["Lin","T.",""],["Lindner","R.",""],["Lisovskyi","V.",""],["Litvinov","R.",""],["Liu","G.",""],["Liu","H.",""],["Liu","K.",""],["Liu","Q.",""],["Liu","S.",""],["Salvia","A. Lobo",""],["Loi","A.",""],["Lollini","R.",""],["Castro","J. Lomba",""],["Longstaff","I.",""],["Lopes","J. H.",""],["Huertas","A. Lopez",""],["Soli\u00f1o","S. L\u00f3pez",""],["Lovell","G. H.",""],["Lu","Y.",""],["Lucarelli","C.",""],["Lucchesi","D.",""],["Luchuk","S.",""],["Martinez","M. 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A.",""],["Monteil","S.",""],["Morello","G.",""],["Morello","M. J.",""],["Morgenthaler","M. P.",""],["Moron","J.",""],["Morris","A. B.",""],["Morris","A. G.",""],["Mountain","R.",""],["Mu","H.",""],["Muhammad","E.",""],["Muheim","F.",""],["Mulder","M.",""],["M\u00fcller","K.",""],["Murphy","C. H.",""],["Murray","D.",""],["Murta","R.",""],["Muzzetto","P.",""],["Naik","P.",""],["Nakada","T.",""],["Nandakumar","R.",""],["Nanut","T.",""],["Nasteva","I.",""],["Needham","M.",""],["Neri","N.",""],["Neubert","S.",""],["Neufeld","N.",""],["Neustroev","P.",""],["Newcombe","R.",""],["Nicolini","J.",""],["Nicotra","D.",""],["Niel","E. M.",""],["Nieswand","S.",""],["Nikitin","N.",""],["Nolte","N. S.",""],["Normand","C.",""],["Fernandez","J. Novoa",""],["Nowak","G.",""],["Nunez","C.",""],["Oblakowska-Mucha","A.",""],["Obraztsov","V.",""],["Oeser","T.",""],["Okamura","S.",""],["Oldeman","R.",""],["Oliva","F.",""],["Onderwater","C. J. G.",""],["O'Neil","R. H.",""],["Goicochea","J. M. 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Rebollo",""],["Redi","F.",""],["Reich","J.",""],["Reiss","F.",""],["Alepuz","C. Remon",""],["Ren","Z.",""],["Resmi","P. K.",""],["Ribatti","R.",""],["Ricci","A. M.",""],["Ricciardi","S.",""],["Richardson","K.",""],["Richardson-Slipper","M.",""],["Rinnert","K.",""],["Robbe","P.",""],["Robertson","G.",""],["Rodrigues","E.",""],["Fernandez","E. Rodriguez",""],["Lopez","J. A. Rodriguez",""],["Rodriguez","E. Rodriguez",""],["Rolf","D. L.",""],["Rollings","A.",""],["Roloff","P.",""],["Romanovskiy","V.",""],["Lamas","M. Romero",""],["Vidal","A. Romero",""],["Roth","J. D.",""],["Rotondo","M.",""],["Rudolph","M. S.",""],["Ruf","T.",""],["Fernandez","R. A. Ruiz",""],["Vidal","J. Ruiz",""],["Ryzhikov","A.",""],["Ryzka","J.",""],["Silva","J. J. Saborido",""],["Sagidova","N.",""],["Sahoo","N.",""],["Saitta","B.",""],["Salomoni","M.",""],["Gras","C. Sanchez",""],["Sanderswood","I.",""],["Santacesaria","R.",""],["Rios","C. Santamarina",""],["Santimaria","M.",""],["Santovetti","E.",""],["Saranin","D.",""],["Sarpis","G.",""],["Sarpis","M.",""],["Sarti","A.",""],["Satriano","C.",""],["Satta","A.",""],["Saur","M.",""],["Savrina","D.",""],["Sazak","H.",""],["Smead","L. G. Scantlebury",""],["Scarabotto","A.",""],["Schael","S.",""],["Scherl","S.",""],["Schertz","A. M.",""],["Schiller","M.",""],["Schindler","H.",""],["Schmelling","M.",""],["Schmidt","B.",""],["Schmitt","S.",""],["Schneider","O.",""],["Schopper","A.",""],["Schubiger","M.",""],["Schulte","N.",""],["Schulte","S.",""],["Schune","M. H.",""],["Schwemmer","R.",""],["Sciascia","B.",""],["Sciuccati","A.",""],["Sellam","S.",""],["Semennikov","A.",""],["Soares","M. Senghi",""],["Sergi","A.",""],["Serra","N.",""],["Sestini","L.",""],["Seuthe","A.",""],["Shang","Y.",""],["Shangase","D. M.",""],["Shapkin","M.",""],["Shchemerov","I.",""],["Shchutska","L.",""],["Shears","T.",""],["Shekhtman","L.",""],["Shen","Z.",""],["Sheng","S.",""],["Shevchenko","V.",""],["Shi","B.",""],["Shields","E. B.",""],["Shimizu","Y.",""],["Shmanin","E.",""],["Shorkin","R.",""],["Shupperd","J. D.",""],["Siddi","B. G.",""],["Coutinho","R. Silva",""],["Simi","G.",""],["Simone","S.",""],["Singla","M.",""],["Skidmore","N.",""],["Skuza","R.",""],["Skwarnicki","T.",""],["Slater","M. W.",""],["Smallwood","J. C.",""],["Smeaton","J. G.",""],["Smith","E.",""],["Smith","K.",""],["Smith","M.",""],["Snoch","A.",""],["Lavra","L. Soares",""],["Sokoloff","M. D.",""],["Soler","F. J. P.",""],["Solomin","A.",""],["Solovev","A.",""],["Solovyev","I.",""],["Song","R.",""],["De Almeida","F. L. Souza",""],["De Paula","B. Souza",""],["Spaan","B.",""],["Norella","E. Spadaro",""],["Spedicato","E.",""],["Speer","J. G.",""],["Spiridenkov","E.",""],["Spradlin","P.",""],["Sriskaran","V.",""],["Stagni","F.",""],["Stahl","M.",""],["Stahl","S.",""],["Stanislaus","S.",""],["Stein","E. N.",""],["Steinkamp","O.",""],["Stenyakin","O.",""],["Stevens","H.",""],["Strekalina","D.",""],["Su","Y.",""],["Suljik","F.",""],["Sun","J.",""],["Sun","L.",""],["Sun","Y.",""],["Swallow","P. N.",""],["Swientek","K.",""],["Szabelski","A.",""],["Szumlak","T.",""],["Szymanski","M.",""],["Tan","Y.",""],["Taneja","S.",""],["Tat","M. D.",""],["Terentev","A.",""],["Teubert","F.",""],["Thomas","E.",""],["Thompson","D. J. D.",""],["Tilquin","H.",""],["Tisserand","V.",""],["T'Jampens","S.",""],["Tobin","M.",""],["Tomassetti","L.",""],["Tonani","G.",""],["Tong","X.",""],["Machado","D. Torres",""],["Tou","D. Y.",""],["Trippl","C.",""],["Tuci","G.",""],["Tuning","N.",""],["Ukleja","A.",""],["Unverzagt","D. J.",""],["Usachov","A.",""],["Ustyuzhanin","A.",""],["Uwer","U.",""],["Vagnoni","V.",""],["Valassi","A.",""],["Valenti","G.",""],["Canudas","N. Valls",""],["Van Dijk","M.",""],["Van Hecke","H.",""],["van Herwijnen","E.",""],["Van Hulse","C. B.",""],["van Veghel","M.",""],["Gomez","R. Vazquez",""],["Regueiro","P. Vazquez",""],["Sierra","C. V\u00e1zquez",""],["Vecchi","S.",""],["Velthuis","J. J.",""],["Veltri","M.",""],["Venkateswaran","A.",""],["Veronesi","M.",""],["Vesterinen","M.",""],["Vieira","D.",""],["Diaz","M. Vieites",""],["Vilasis-Cardona","X.",""],["Figueras","E. Vilella",""],["Villa","A.",""],["Vincent","P.",""],["Volle","F. C.",""],["Bruch","D. vom",""],["Vorobyev","V.",""],["Voropaev","N.",""],["Vos","K.",""],["Vrahas","C.",""],["Walsh","J.",""],["Walton","E. J.",""],["Wan","G.",""],["Wang","C.",""],["Wang","G.",""],["Wang","J.",""],["Wang","J.",""],["Wang","J.",""],["Wang","J.",""],["Wang","M.",""],["Wang","R.",""],["Wang","X.",""],["Wang","Y.",""],["Wang","Z.",""],["Wang","Z.",""],["Wang","Z.",""],["Ward","J. A.",""],["Watson","N. K.",""],["Websdale","D.",""],["Wei","Y.",""],["Westhenry","B. D. C.",""],["White","D. J.",""],["Whitehead","M.",""],["Wiederhold","A. R.",""],["Wiedner","D.",""],["Wilkinson","G.",""],["Wilkinson","M. K.",""],["Williams","I.",""],["Williams","M.",""],["Williams","M. R. J.",""],["Williams","R.",""],["Wilson","F. F.",""],["Wislicki","W.",""],["Witek","M.",""],["Witola","L.",""],["Wong","C. P.",""],["Wormser","G.",""],["Wotton","S. A.",""],["Wu","H.",""],["Wu","J.",""],["Wyllie","K.",""],["Xiang","Z.",""],["Xie","Y.",""],["Xu","A.",""],["Xu","J.",""],["Xu","L.",""],["Xu","L.",""],["Xu","M.",""],["Xu","Q.",""],["Xu","Z.",""],["Xu","Z.",""],["Yang","D.",""],["Yang","S.",""],["Yang","X.",""],["Yang","Y.",""],["Yang","Z.",""],["Yang","Z.",""],["Yeomans","L. E.",""],["Yeroshenko","V.",""],["Yeung","H.",""],["Yin","H.",""],["Yu","J.",""],["Yuan","X.",""],["Zaffaroni","E.",""],["Zavertyaev","M.",""],["Zdybal","M.",""],["Zeng","M.",""],["Zhang","C.",""],["Zhang","D.",""],["Zhang","L.",""],["Zhang","S.",""],["Zhang","S.",""],["Zhang","Y.",""],["Zhang","Y.",""],["Zhao","Y.",""],["Zharkova","A.",""],["Zhelezov","A.",""],["Zheng","Y.",""],["Zhou","T.",""],["Zhou","X.",""],["Zhou","Y.",""],["Zhovkovska","V.",""],["Zhu","X.",""],["Zhu","X.",""],["Zhu","Z.",""],["Zhukov","V.",""],["Zou","Q.",""],["Zucchelli","S.",""],["Zuliani","D.",""],["Zunica","G.",""]]} {"id":"2308.06163","submitter":"Mohammad Rifat Arefin","authors":"Mohammad Rifat Arefin, Suraj Shetiya, Zili Wang and Christoph Csallner","title":"Scaling Up Toward Automated Black-box Reverse Engineering of\n Context-Free Grammars","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.SE cs.PL","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Black-box context-free grammar inference is a hard problem as in many\npractical settings it only has access to a limited number of example programs.\nThe state-of-the-art approach Arvada heuristically generalizes grammar rules\nstarting from flat parse trees and is non-deterministic to explore different\ngeneralization sequences. We observe that many of Arvada's generalization steps\nviolate common language concept nesting rules. We thus propose to pre-structure\ninput programs along these nesting rules, apply learnt rules recursively, and\nmake black-box context-free grammar inference deterministic. The resulting\nTreeVada yielded faster runtime and higher-quality grammars in an empirical\ncomparison.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 14:45:26 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Arefin","Mohammad Rifat",""],["Shetiya","Suraj",""],["Wang","Zili",""],["Csallner","Christoph",""]]} {"id":"2308.06164","submitter":"David We{\\ss}mayer","authors":"D.We{\\ss}mayer, N. Przybilla, A. Ebenbichler, P. Aschenbrenner, and K.\n Butler","title":"The blue supergiant Sher 25 revisited in the Gaia era","comments":"27 pages, 22 figures, Accepted for publication in Astronomy &\n Astrophysics, Data: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8230158","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.SR astro-ph.GA","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Aims. The evolutionary status of the blue supergiant Sher 25 and its\nmembership to the massive cluster NGC 3603 are investigated. Methods. A hybrid\nnon-LTE (local thermodynamic equilibrium) spectrum synthesis approach is\nemployed to analyse a high-resolution optical spectrum of Sher 25 and five\nsimilar early B-type comparison stars in order to derive atmospheric parameters\nand elemental abundances. Fundamental stellar parameters are determined by\nconsidering stellar evolution tracks, Gaia Data Release 3 (DR3) data and\ncomplementary distance information. Interstellar reddening and the reddening\nlaw along the sight line towards Sher 25 are constrained employing UV\nphotometry for the first time in addition to optical and infrared data. The\ndistance to NGC 3603 is reevaluated based on Gaia DR3 data of the innermost\ncluster O-stars. Results. The spectroscopic distance derived from the\nquantitative analysis implies that Sher 25 lies in the foreground of NGC 3603,\nwhich is found to have a distance of $d_\\mathrm{NGC 3603}$ = 6250$\\pm$150 pc. A\ncluster membership is also excluded as the hourglass nebula is unaffected by\nthe vigorous stellar winds of the cluster stars and from the different\nexcitation signatures of the hourglass nebula and the nebula around NGC 3603.\nSher 25 turns out to have a luminosity of log L/L$_\\odot$ = 5.48$\\pm$0.14,\nequivalent to that of a $\\sim$27 $M_\\odot$ supergiant in a single-star\nscenario, which is about half of the mass assumed so far, bringing it much\ncloser in its characteristics to Sk-69{\\deg}202, the progenitor of SN 1987A.\nSher 25 is significantly older than NGC 3603. Further arguments for a binary\n(merger) evolutionary scenario of Sher 25 are discussed.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 14:46:43 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["We\u00dfmayer","D.",""],["Przybilla","N.",""],["Ebenbichler","A.",""],["Aschenbrenner","P.",""],["Butler","K.",""]]} {"id":"2308.06165","submitter":"Diogo Tavares","authors":"Diogo Tavares and Pedro Azevedo and David Semedo and Ricardo Sousa and\n Jo\\~ao Magalh\\~aes","title":"Task Conditioned BERT for Joint Intent Detection and Slot-filling","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Dialogue systems need to deal with the unpredictability of user intents to\ntrack dialogue state and the heterogeneity of slots to understand user\npreferences. In this paper we investigate the hypothesis that solving these\nchallenges as one unified model will allow the transfer of parameter support\ndata across the different tasks. The proposed principled model is based on a\nTransformer encoder, trained on multiple tasks, and leveraged by a rich input\nthat conditions the model on the target inferences. Conditioning the\nTransformer encoder on multiple target inferences over the same corpus, i.e.,\nintent and multiple slot types, allows learning richer language interactions\nthan a single-task model would be able to. In fact, experimental results\ndemonstrate that conditioning the model on an increasing number of dialogue\ninference tasks leads to improved results: on the MultiWOZ dataset, the joint\nintent and slot detection can be improved by 3.2\\% by conditioning on intent,\n10.8\\% by conditioning on slot and 14.4\\% by conditioning on both intent and\nslots. Moreover, on real conversations with Farfetch costumers, the proposed\nconditioned BERT can achieve high joint-goal and intent detection performance\nthroughout a dialogue.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 14:47:27 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Tavares","Diogo",""],["Azevedo","Pedro",""],["Semedo","David",""],["Sousa","Ricardo",""],["Magalh\u00e3es","Jo\u00e3o",""]]} {"id":"2308.06166","submitter":"Hector Pijeira Cabrera","authors":"Abel D\\'iaz-Gonz\\'alez, Juan Hern\\'andez and H\\'ector Pijeira-Cabrera","title":"Sequentially-ordered Sobolev inner product and Laguerre-Sobolev\n polynomials","comments":null,"journal-ref":"Mathematics (2023), 11(8), 1956","doi":"10.3390/math11081956","report-no":null,"categories":"math.CA math.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We study the sequence of polynomials $\\{S_n\\}_{n\\geq 0}$ that are orthogonal\nwith respect to the general discrete Sobolev-type inner product $$ \\langle f,g\n\\rangle_{\\mathsf{s}}=\\!\\int\\! f(x)\ng(x)d\\mu(x)+\\sum_{j=1}^{N}\\sum_{k=0}^{d_j}\\lambda_{j,k}\nf^{(k)}(c_j)g^{(k)}(c_j), $$ where $\\mu$ is a finite Borel measure whose\nsupport $\\supp{\\mu}$ is an infinite set of the real line, $\\lambda_{j,k}\\geq\n0$, and the mass points $c_i$, $i=1,\\dots,N$ are real values outside the\ninterior of the convex hull of $\\supp{\\mu}$\n($c_i\\in\\RR\\setminus\\inter{\\ch{\\supp{\\mu}}}$). Under some restriction of order\nin the discrete part of $\\langle \\cdot, \\cdot \\rangle_{\\mathsf{s}}$, we prove\nthat $S_n$ has at least $n-d^*$ zeros on $\\inter{\\ch{\\supp{\\mu}}}$, being $d^*$\nthe number of terms in the discrete part of $\\langle \\cdot, \\cdot\n\\rangle_{\\mathsf{s}}$. Finally, we obtain the outer relative asymptotic for\n$\\{S_n\\}$ in the case that the measure $\\mu$ is the classical Laguerre measure,\nand for each mass point, only one order derivative appears in the discrete part\nof $\\langle \\cdot, \\cdot \\rangle_{\\mathsf{s}}$.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 14:47:42 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["D\u00edaz-Gonz\u00e1lez","Abel",""],["Hern\u00e1ndez","Juan",""],["Pijeira-Cabrera","H\u00e9ctor",""]]} {"id":"2308.06167","submitter":"Andrzej A. Zdziarski","authors":"Andrzej A. Zdziarski, Srimanta Banerjee, Swadesh Chand, Gulab\n Dewangan, Ranjeev Misra, Michal Szanecki, Andrzej Niedzwiecki","title":"Black hole spin measurements in LMC X-1 are highly model-dependent","comments":"ApJ, submitted, 9 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.HE","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The spin parameter of the black hole in the accreting X-ray binary LMC X-1\nhas been measured in a number of studies to be $a_*\\gtrsim 0.9$. These\nmeasurements were claimed to take into account both statistical and systematic\n(model-dependent) uncertainties. We perform new measurements using a recent\nsimultaneous observation of LMC X-1 by NICER and NuSTAR, providing a data set\nof very high quality. We use the disk continuum method together with improved\nmodels for coronal Comptonization. With the standard relativistic blackbody\ndisk model and optically thin Comptonization, we obtain values of $a_*$ similar\nto those obtained before. We then consider modifications to the standard disk\nmodel. Using a phenomenological color correction set to 2, we find lower values\nof $a_*\\approx 0.64$--0.84. We then consider disks thicker than the standard\none, i.e., with some dissipation in surface layers, as expected if partially\nsupported by magnetic pressure. To account for that, we assume the disk is\ncovered by a warm and optically thick layer, Comptonizing the emission of the\nunderlying disk. Our model with the lowest $\\chi^2$ yields then a low range of\nthe spin, $a_*\\approx 0.40^{+0.41}_{-0.32}$. That last model is also in\nagreement with the inverse disk temperature-luminosity relation found in this\nsource. We conclude that determinations of the spin using the continuum method\nis highly sensitive to the assumptions about the disk structure.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 14:49:07 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Zdziarski","Andrzej A.",""],["Banerjee","Srimanta",""],["Chand","Swadesh",""],["Dewangan","Gulab",""],["Misra","Ranjeev",""],["Szanecki","Michal",""],["Niedzwiecki","Andrzej",""]]} {"id":"2308.06168","submitter":"Wolfgang Trutschnig","authors":"Jonathan Ansari, Patrick B. Langthaler, Sebastian Fuchs, Wolfgang\n Trutschnig","title":"Quantifying and estimating dependence via sensitivity of conditional\n distributions","comments":"24 pages, 5 figures, 1 table","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.ST stat.TH","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" Recently established, directed dependence measures for pairs $(X,Y)$ of\nrandom variables build upon the natural idea of comparing the conditional\ndistributions of $Y$ given $X=x$ with the marginal distribution of $Y$. They\nassign pairs $(X,Y)$ values in $[0,1]$, the value is $0$ if and only if $X,Y$\nare independent, and it is $1$ exclusively for $Y$ being a function of $X$.\nHere we show that comparing randomly drawn conditional distributions with each\nother instead or, equivalently, analyzing how sensitive the conditional\ndistribution of $Y$ given $X=x$ is on $x$, opens the door to constructing novel\nfamilies of dependence measures $\\Lambda_\\varphi$ induced by general convex\nfunctions $\\varphi: \\mathbb{R} \\rightarrow \\mathbb{R}$, containing, e.g.,\nChatterjee's coefficient of correlation as special case. After establishing\nadditional useful properties of $\\Lambda_\\varphi$ we focus on continuous\n$(X,Y)$, translate $\\Lambda_\\varphi$ to the copula setting, consider the\n$L^p$-version and establish an estimator which is strongly consistent in full\ngenerality. A real data example and a simulation study illustrate the chosen\napproach and the performance of the estimator. Complementing the\nafore-mentioned results, we show how a slight modification of the construction\nunderlying $\\Lambda_\\varphi$ can be used to define new measures of\nexplainability generalizing the fraction of explained variance.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 14:52:26 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Ansari","Jonathan",""],["Langthaler","Patrick B.",""],["Fuchs","Sebastian",""],["Trutschnig","Wolfgang",""]]} {"id":"2308.06169","submitter":"Boris Doubrov","authors":"Boris Doubrov, Tohru Morimoto","title":"Extrinsic geometry and linear differential equations of\n $\\mathfrak{sl}_3$-type","comments":"34 pages, v2: Updated URL to Maple files","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.DG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" As an application of the general theory on extrinsic geometry, we investigate\nextrinsic geometry in frag varieties and systems of linear PDE's for a class of\nspecial interest associated with the adjoint representation of\n$\\mathfrak{sl}(3)$. We carry out a complete local classification of the\nhomogeneous structures in this class. As a result, we find 7 kinds of new\nsystems of linear PDE's of second order on a 3-dimensional contact manifold\neach of which has a solution space of dimension 8. Among them there are\nincluded a system of PDE's called contact Cayley's surface and one which has\n$\\mathfrak{sl}(2)$ symmetry.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 14:52:28 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Tue, 15 Aug 2023 07:52:54 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-16","authors_parsed":[["Doubrov","Boris",""],["Morimoto","Tohru",""]]} {"id":"2308.06170","submitter":"Angelo Russomanno","authors":"Martina Minutillo and Procolo Lucignano and Gabriele Campagnano and\n Angelo Russomanno","title":"Topological properties of gap and supercurrent, and Anderson\n localization of quasiparticles, in a Kitaev ring threaded by a magnetic flux","comments":"17 pages, 18 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.quant-gas cond-mat.supr-con","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We study a superconducting Kitaev ring pierced by a magnetic flux, with and\nwithout disorder, in a quantum ring configuration, and in a rf-SQUID one, where\na weak link is present. In all cases we find in the ground state a finite\nsupercurrent in the thermodynamic limit. This current is periodic in the flux,\nwith a period strictly associated with the chosen configuration. In the\nrf-SQUID the supercurrent shows jumps at a fixed value $\\Phi^*$ of the flux,\nwhen the system is topological. In the thermodynamic limit $\\Phi^*$ is constant\ninside the topological phase, independently of disorder, and we analytically\npredict it using a perturbative approach in the weak-link coupling. We find\nthat the weak link breaks the ground-state degeneracy due to the boundary\nMajorana modes, and opens a topological spectral gap for $\\Phi\\neq \\Phi^*$,\nthat vanishes at $\\Phi^*$ with a cusp providing the current jump. Looking at\nthe quasiparticle excitations, we see that they are Anderson localized, so they\ncannot carry a resistive contribution to the current, and the localization\nlength stays finite also for very small disorder strength, for a specific value\nof the superconducting coupling. In the absence of disorder, we analytically\nand numerically find that the chemical-potential derivative of the supercurrent\nlogarithmically diverges at the topological/trivial transition, in agreement\nwith the transition being of the second order.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 14:52:37 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Minutillo","Martina",""],["Lucignano","Procolo",""],["Campagnano","Gabriele",""],["Russomanno","Angelo",""]]} {"id":"2308.06171","submitter":"Hector Pijeira Cabrera","authors":"H\\'ector Pijeira-Cabrera, Javier Quintero-Roba and Juan Toribio-Milane","title":"Differential properties of Jacobi-Sobolev polynomials and electrostatic\n interpretation","comments":null,"journal-ref":"Mathematics 2023, 11(15), 3420","doi":"10.3390/math11153420","report-no":null,"categories":"math.CA math.CV","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We study the sequence of monic polynomials $\\{S_n\\}_{n\\geqslant 0}$,\northogonal with respect to the Jacobi-Sobolev inner {product} \\;$$ \\langle\nf,g\\rangle_{\\mathsf{s}}= \\int_{-1}^{1} f(x) g(x)\\,\nd\\mu^{\\alpha,\\beta}(x)+\\sum_{j=1}^{N}\\sum_{k=0}^{d_j}\\lambda_{j,k}\nf^{(k)}(c_j)g^{(k)}(c_j), $$ \\; where $N,d_j \\in \\ZZ_+$,\n$\\lambda_{j,k}\\geqslant 0$, $d\\mu^{\\alpha,\\beta}(x)=(1-x)^{\\alpha}(1+x)^{\\beta}\ndx$, $\\alpha,\\beta>-1$, and $c_j\\in\\RR\\setminus (-1,1)$. A connection formula\nthat relates the Sobolev polynomials $S_n$ with the Jacobi polynomials is\nprovided, as well as the ladder differential operators for the sequence\n$\\{S_n\\}_{n\\geqslant 0}$ and a second-order differential equation with a\npolynomial coefficient that they satisfied. We give sufficient conditions under\nwhich the zeros of a wide class of Jacobi-Sobolev polynomials can be\ninterpreted as the solution of an electrostatic equilibrium problem of $n$ unit\ncharges moving in the presence of a logarithmic potential. Several examples are\npresented to illustrate this interpretation.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 14:55:52 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Pijeira-Cabrera","H\u00e9ctor",""],["Quintero-Roba","Javier",""],["Toribio-Milane","Juan",""]]} {"id":"2308.06172","submitter":"Vicky Singh Thounaojam Mr.","authors":"Debasish Borah, Satyabrata Mahapatra, Narendra Sahu and Vicky Singh\n Thounaojam","title":"GRB221009A events from the mediator of dark matter self-interactions","comments":"7 pages, 5 captioned figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"hep-ph astro-ph.CO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In this work, we explore the intriguing possibility of connecting\nself-interacting dark matter (SIDM) with the recently observed exceptionally\nbright and long-duration Gamma Ray Burst (GRB221009A). The proposed minimal\nscenario involves a light scalar mediator, simultaneously enabling dark matter\n(DM) self-interaction and explaining the observed very high energy (VHE)\nphotons from GRB221009A reported by LHAASO's data. The scalar's mixing with the\nstandard model (SM) Higgs boson allows for its production at the GRB site,\nwhich will then propagate escaping attenuation by the extra-galactic background\nlight (EBL). These scalars, if highly boosted, have the potential to explain\nLHAASO's data. Moreover, the same mixing also facilitates DM-nucleon or\nDM-electron scatterings at terrestrial detectors, linking SIDM phenomenology to\nthe GRB221009A events. This manuscript presents the parameter space meeting all\nconstraints and offers an exciting opportunity to explore SIDM in future direct\nsearch experiments using insights from the GRB observation.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 14:57:04 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Borah","Debasish",""],["Mahapatra","Satyabrata",""],["Sahu","Narendra",""],["Thounaojam","Vicky Singh",""]]} {"id":"2308.06173","submitter":"Amira Guesmi","authors":"Amira Guesmi, Muhammad Abdullah Hanif, Bassem Ouni, and Muhammed\n Shafique","title":"Physical Adversarial Attacks For Camera-based Smart Systems: Current\n Trends, Categorization, Applications, Research Challenges, and Future Outlook","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CR cs.AI cs.CV cs.LG cs.RO","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey of the current trends\nfocusing specifically on physical adversarial attacks. We aim to provide a\nthorough understanding of the concept of physical adversarial attacks,\nanalyzing their key characteristics and distinguishing features. Furthermore,\nwe explore the specific requirements and challenges associated with executing\nattacks in the physical world. Our article delves into various physical\nadversarial attack methods, categorized according to their target tasks in\ndifferent applications, including classification, detection, face recognition,\nsemantic segmentation and depth estimation. We assess the performance of these\nattack methods in terms of their effectiveness, stealthiness, and robustness.\nWe examine how each technique strives to ensure the successful manipulation of\nDNNs while mitigating the risk of detection and withstanding real-world\ndistortions. Lastly, we discuss the current challenges and outline potential\nfuture research directions in the field of physical adversarial attacks. We\nhighlight the need for enhanced defense mechanisms, the exploration of novel\nattack strategies, the evaluation of attacks in different application domains,\nand the establishment of standardized benchmarks and evaluation criteria for\nphysical adversarial attacks. Through this comprehensive survey, we aim to\nprovide a valuable resource for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to\ngain a holistic understanding of physical adversarial attacks in computer\nvision and facilitate the development of robust and secure DNN-based systems.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 15:02:19 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Guesmi","Amira",""],["Hanif","Muhammad Abdullah",""],["Ouni","Bassem",""],["Shafique","Muhammed",""]]} {"id":"2308.06174","submitter":"Maria Petropoulou","authors":"S. I. Stathopoulos, M. Petropoulou, G. Vasilopoulos, A. Mastichiadis","title":"LeHaMoC: a versatile time-dependent lepto-hadronic modeling code for\n high-energy astrophysical sources","comments":"19 pages, submitted to A&A. The leptonic module of the code (LeMoC)\n can be found at https://github.com/mariapetro/LeHaMoC.git","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.HE","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Recent associations of high-energy neutrinos with active galactic nuclei\n(AGN) have revived the interest in leptohadronic models of radiation from\nastrophysical sources. The rapid increase in the amount of acquired\nmulti-messenger data will require soon fast numerical models that may be\napplied to large source samples. We develop a time-dependent leptohadronic\ncode, LeHaMoC, that offers several notable benefits compared to other existing\ncodes, such as versatility and speed. LeHaMoC solves the Fokker-Planck\nequations of photons and relativistic particles (i.e. electrons, positrons,\nprotons, and neutrinos) produced in a homogeneous magnetized source that may\nalso be expanding. The code utilizes a fully implicit difference scheme that\nallows fast computation of steady-state and dynamically evolving physical\nproblems. We first present test cases where we compare the numerical results\nobtained with LeHaMoC against exact analytical solutions and numerical results\ncomputed with ATHE$\\nu$A, a well-tested code of similar philosophy but\ndifferent numerical implementation. We find a good agreement (within 10-30%)\nwith the numerical results obtained with ATHE$\\nu$A without evidence of\nsystematic differences. We then demonstrate the capabilities of the code\nthrough illustrative examples. First, we fit the spectral energy distribution\nfrom a jetted AGN in the context of a synchrotron-self Compton model and a\nproton-synchrotron model using Bayesian inference. Second, we compute the\nhigh-energy neutrino signal and the electromagnetic cascade induced by hadronic\ninteractions in the corona of NGC 1068. LeHaMoC is easily customized to model a\nvariety of high-energy astrophysical sources and has the potential to become a\nwidely utilized tool in multi-messenger astrophysics.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 15:04:20 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Stathopoulos","S. I.",""],["Petropoulou","M.",""],["Vasilopoulos","G.",""],["Mastichiadis","A.",""]]} {"id":"2308.06175","submitter":"Fabian Gr\\\"oger","authors":"Fabian Gr\\\"oger, Marc Pouly, Flavia Tinner, Leif Brandes","title":"Assessing Guest Nationality Composition from Hotel Reviews","comments":null,"journal-ref":"Gr\\\"oger, Fabian; Pouly, Marc; Tinner, Flavia & Brandes, Leif\n (2022). Assessing Guest Nationality Composition from Hotel Reviews.\n Proceedings of the 9th Swiss Data Science Conference, 1","doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL cs.LG","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Many hotels target guest acquisition efforts to specific markets in order to\nbest anticipate individual preferences and needs of their guests. Likewise,\nsuch strategic positioning is a prerequisite for efficient marketing budget\nallocation. Official statistics report on the number of visitors from different\ncountries, but no fine-grained information on the guest composition of\nindividual businesses exists. There is, however, growing interest in such data\nfrom competitors, suppliers, researchers and the general public. We demonstrate\nhow machine learning can be leveraged to extract references to guest\nnationalities from unstructured text reviews in order to dynamically assess and\nmonitor the dynamics of guest composition of individual businesses. In\nparticular, we show that a rather simple architecture of pre-trained embeddings\nand stacked LSTM layers provides a better performance-runtime tradeoff than\nmore complex state-of-the-art language models.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 15:04:34 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Gr\u00f6ger","Fabian",""],["Pouly","Marc",""],["Tinner","Flavia",""],["Brandes","Leif",""]]} {"id":"2308.06176","submitter":"Andreas Fring","authors":"Andreas Fring and Marta Reboiro","title":"Thermodynamic cycles in the broken PT-regime -- beating the Carnot cycle","comments":"6 pages, 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph math-ph math.MP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We propose a new type of quantum thermodynamic cycle whose efficiency is\ngreater than the one of the classical Carnot cycle for the same conditions. In\nour model this type of cycle only exists in the low temperature regime in the\nspontaneously broken parity-time-reversal (PT) symmetry regime of a\nnon-Hermitian quantum theory and does not manifest in the PT-symmetric regime.\nWe discuss this effect for an ensemble based on a model of a single boson\ncoupled in a non Hermitian way to a bath of different types of bosons with and\nwithout a time-dependent boundary.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 15:04:59 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Fring","Andreas",""],["Reboiro","Marta",""]]} {"id":"2308.06177","submitter":"Tingxin Li","authors":"Fan Xu, Zheng Sun, Tongtong Jia, Chang Liu, Cheng Xu, Chushan Li, Yu\n Gu, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Bingbing Tong, Jinfeng Jia, Zhiwen\n Shi, Shengwei Jiang, Yang Zhang, Xiaoxue Liu, Tingxin Li","title":"Observation of integer and fractional quantum anomalous Hall states in\n twisted bilayer MoTe2","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mes-hall","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The interplay between strong correlations and topology can lead to the\nemergence of intriguing quantum states of matter. One well-known example is the\nfractional quantum Hall effect, where exotic electron fluids with fractionally\ncharged excitations form in partially filled Landau levels. The emergence of\ntopological moir\\'e flat bands provides exciting opportunities to realize the\nlattice analogs of both the integer and fractional quantum Hall states without\nthe need for an external magnetic field. These states are known as the integer\nand fractional quantum anomalous Hall (IQAH and FQAH) states. Here, we present\ndirect transport evidence of the existence of both IQAH and FQAH states in\ntwisted bilayer MoTe2 (AA stacked). At zero magnetic field, we observe\nwell-quantized Hall resistance of h/e2 around moir\\'e filling factor {\\nu} = -1\n(corresponding to one hole per moir\\'e unit cell), and nearly-quantized Hall\nresistance of 3h/2e2 around {\\nu} = -2/3, respectively. Concomitantly, the\nlongitudinal resistance exhibits distinct minima around {\\nu} = -1 and -2/3.\nThe application of an electric field induces topological quantum phase\ntransition from the IQAH state to a charge transfer insulator at {\\nu} = -1,\nand from the FQAH state to a generalized Wigner crystal state, further\ntransitioning to a metallic state at {\\nu} = -2/3. Our study paves the way for\nthe investigation of fractionally charged excitations and anyonic statistics at\nzero magnetic field based on semiconductor moir\\'e materials.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 15:06:33 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Mon, 14 Aug 2023 15:29:44 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-15","authors_parsed":[["Xu","Fan",""],["Sun","Zheng",""],["Jia","Tongtong",""],["Liu","Chang",""],["Xu","Cheng",""],["Li","Chushan",""],["Gu","Yu",""],["Watanabe","Kenji",""],["Taniguchi","Takashi",""],["Tong","Bingbing",""],["Jia","Jinfeng",""],["Shi","Zhiwen",""],["Jiang","Shengwei",""],["Zhang","Yang",""],["Liu","Xiaoxue",""],["Li","Tingxin",""]]} {"id":"2308.06178","submitter":"Aldo Procacci","authors":"Aldo Procacci and Benedetto Scoppola","title":"On the local central limit theorem for interacting spin systems","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math-ph math.MP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We prove the equivalence between integral and local central limit theorem for\nspin system interacting via an absolutely summable pair potential without any\nconditions on the temperature of the system.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 15:08:10 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Procacci","Aldo",""],["Scoppola","Benedetto",""]]} {"id":"2308.06179","submitter":"James Capers","authors":"James R Capers, Dean A Patient, Simon A R Horsley","title":"Manipulating the Quasi-Normal Modes of Radially Symmetric Resonators","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.optics","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We derive two methods for simultaneously controlling the resonance frequency,\nlinewidth and multipolar nature of the resonances of radially symmetric\nstructures. Firstly, we formulate an eigenvalue problem for a global shift in\nthe permittivity of the structure to place a resonance at a particular complex\nfrequency. Next, we employ quasi-normal mode perturbation theory to design\nradially graded structures with resonances at desired frequencies.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 15:08:15 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Capers","James R",""],["Patient","Dean A",""],["Horsley","Simon A R",""]]} {"id":"2308.06180","submitter":"Qian Yuan","authors":"Feimin Huang, Zhouping Xin, Lingda Xu, Qian Yuan","title":"Nonlinear asymptotic stability of compressible vortex sheets with\n viscosity effects","comments":"54 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" This paper concerns the stabilizing effect of viscosity on the vortex sheets.\nIt is found that although a vortex sheet is not a time-asymptotic attractor for\nthe compressible Navier-Stokes equations, a viscous wave that approximates the\nvortex sheet on any finite time interval can be constructed explicitly, which\nis shown to be time-asymptotically stable in the $ L^\\infty $-space with small\nperturbations, regardless of the amplitude of the vortex sheet. The result\nshows that the viscosity has a strong stabilizing effect on the vortex sheets,\nwhich are generally unstable for the ideal compressible Euler equations even\nfor short time [26,8,1]. The proof is based on the $ L^2 $-energy method.In\nparticular, the asymptotic stability of the vortex sheet under small spatially\nperiodic perturbations is proved by studying the dynamics of these spatial\noscillations. The first key point in our analysis is to construct an ansatz to\ncancel these oscillations. Then using the Galilean transformation, we are able\nto find a shift function of the vortex sheet such that an anti-derivative\ntechnique works, which plays an important role in the energy estimates.\nMoreover, by introducing a new variable and using the intrinsic properties of\nthe vortex sheet, we can achieve the optimal decay rates to the viscous wave.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 15:09:53 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Huang","Feimin",""],["Xin","Zhouping",""],["Xu","Lingda",""],["Yuan","Qian",""]]} {"id":"2308.06181","submitter":"Henrik Koch","authors":"Rosario R. Riso, Enrico Ronca and Henrik Koch","title":"Strong coupling to circularly polarized photons: towards field-induced\n enantioselectivity","comments":"15 pages, 5 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.chem-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" The development of new methodologies for the selective synthesis of\nindividual enantiomers is still one of the major challenges in synthetic\nchemistry. Many biomolecules, and therefore many pharmaceutical compounds, are\nindeed chiral. While the use of chiral reactants or catalysts has led to\nsignificant progress in the field of asymmetric synthesis, a systematic\napproach applicable to general reactions has still not been proposed. In this\nwork, we show that strong coupling to circularly polarized fields represents a\npromising alternative for reaching highly selective asymmetric synthesis in a\nnon-invasive fashion. We demonstrate that the field induces stereoselectivity\nin the early stages of the chemical reaction, by selecting an energetically\npreferred direction of approach for the reagents.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 15:11:53 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Riso","Rosario R.",""],["Ronca","Enrico",""],["Koch","Henrik",""]]} {"id":"2308.06182","submitter":"Jaron Sanders","authors":"Gianluca Kosmella, Ripalta Stabile, Jaron Sanders","title":"Noise-Resilient Designs for Optical Neural Networks","comments":"17 pages, 6 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.NE eess.SP physics.app-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" All analog signal processing is fundamentally subject to noise, and this is\nalso the case in modern implementations of Optical Neural Networks (ONNs).\nTherefore, to mitigate noise in ONNs, we propose two designs that are\nconstructed from a given, possibly trained, Neural Network (NN) that one wishes\nto implement. Both designs have the capability that the resulting ONNs gives\noutputs close to the desired NN.\n To establish the latter, we analyze the designs mathematically. Specifically,\nwe investigate a probabilistic framework for the first design that establishes\nthat the design is correct, i.e., for any feed-forward NN with Lipschitz\ncontinuous activation functions, an ONN can be constructed that produces output\narbitrarily close to the original. ONNs constructed with the first design thus\nalso inherit the universal approximation property of NNs. For the second\ndesign, we restrict the analysis to NNs with linear activation functions and\ncharacterize the ONNs' output distribution using exact formulas.\n Finally, we report on numerical experiments with LeNet ONNs that give insight\ninto the number of components required in these designs for certain accuracy\ngains. We specifically study the effect of noise as a function of the depth of\nan ONN. The results indicate that in practice, adding just a few components in\nthe manner of the first or the second design can already be expected to\nincrease the accuracy of ONNs considerably.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 15:11:57 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Kosmella","Gianluca",""],["Stabile","Ripalta",""],["Sanders","Jaron",""]]} {"id":"2308.06183","submitter":"Jinbang Hu","authors":"Jinbang Hu and Xiansi Wang and Justin Wells","title":"Observation of broadening Rashba-type band in AuSb surface alloy","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mtrl-sci cond-mat.quant-gas","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Here, we report a novel AuSb 2D superstructure on Au(111) that shows\nagreements and discrepancies to the expected electronic features of the ideal\n2D surface alloys with $\\sqrt{3}\\times\\sqrt{3}$ periodicity. Using spin- and\nangle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, we find a significant spin splitting\nof the alloy bands with antiparallel spin polarization. The band structure\noriginates from the hybridization between the Sb and the Au orbitals at the 2D\nSb-Au interface. Taking advantage of the good agreement between the\nexperimental results and DFT calculations, we find the broadening of the band\nis due to the perturbations introduced by the 3-pointed-star-shaped defects as\nnonresonant impurities in the $8\\times8$ superstructure. The periodic defect\ncan properly adjust the energy position of the Rashba band while not breaking\nthe in-plane symmetry.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 15:14:08 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Hu","Jinbang",""],["Wang","Xiansi",""],["Wells","Justin",""]]} {"id":"2308.06184","submitter":"Roger Casals","authors":"Roger Casals, Ian Le, Melissa Sherman-Bennett, Daping Weng","title":"Demazure weaves for reduced plabic graphs (with a proof that\n Muller-Speyer twist is Donaldson-Thomas)","comments":"79 pages, 65 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.CO math.RT math.SG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" First, this article develops the theory of weaves and their cluster\nstructures for the affine cones of positroid varieties. In particular, we\nexplain how to construct a weave from a reduced plabic graph, show it is\nDemazure, compare their associated cluster structures, and prove that the\nconjugate surface of the graph is Hamiltonian isotopic to the Lagrangian\nfilling associated to the weave. The T-duality map for plabic graphs has a\nsurprising key role in the construction of these weaves. Second, we use the\nabove established bridge between weaves and reduced plabic graphs to show that\nthe Muller-Speyer twist map on positroid varieties is the Donaldson-Thomas\ntransformation. This latter statement implies that the Muller-Speyer twist is a\nquasi-cluster automorphism. An additional corollary of our results is that\ntarget labeled seeds and the source labeled seeds are related by a\nquasi-cluster transformation.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 15:17:08 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Casals","Roger",""],["Le","Ian",""],["Sherman-Bennett","Melissa",""],["Weng","Daping",""]]} {"id":"2308.06185","submitter":"Oinam Romesh Meitei","authors":"Oinam Romesh Meitei and Troy Van Voorhis","title":"Electron correlation in 2D periodic systems","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.str-el physics.chem-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Given the growing significance of 2D materials in various optoelectronic\napplications, it is imperative to have simulation tools that can accurately and\nefficiently describe electron correlation effects in these systems. Here, we\nshow that the recently developed bootstrap embedding (BE) accurately predicts\nelectron correlation energies and structural properties for 2D systems. Without\nexplicit dependence on the reciprocal space sum ($k$-points) in the correlation\ncalculation, BE can typically recover $\\sim$99.5% of the total electron\ncorrelation energy in 2D semi-metal, insulator and semiconductors. We\ndemonstrate that BE can predict lattice constants and bulk moduli for 2D\nsystems with high precision. Furthermore, we highlight the capability of BE to\ntreat electron correlation in twisted bilayer graphene superlattices with large\nunit cells containing hundreds of carbon atoms. We find that as the twist angle\ndecreases towards the magic angle, the correlation energy initially decreases\nin magnitude, followed by a subsequent increase. We conclude that BE is a\npromising electronic structure method for future applications to 2D materials.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 15:22:56 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Meitei","Oinam Romesh",""],["Van Voorhis","Troy",""]]} {"id":"2308.06186","submitter":"Sebastian Biewer","authors":"Sebastian Biewer, Kevin Baum, Sarah Sterz, Holger Hermanns, Sven\n Hetmank, Markus Langer, Anne Lauber-R\\\"onsberg and Franz Lehr","title":"Software Doping Analysis for Human Oversight","comments":"Submitted to Formal Methods in System Design, special issue for FASE\n 2022","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CY cs.AI cs.LO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/","abstract":" This article introduces a framework that is meant to assist in mitigating\nsocietal risks that software can pose. Concretely, this encompasses facets of\nsoftware doping as well as unfairness and discrimination in high-risk\ndecision-making systems. The term software doping refers to software that\ncontains surreptitiously added functionality that is against the interest of\nthe user. A prominent example of software doping are the tampered emission\ncleaning systems that were found in millions of cars around the world when the\ndiesel emissions scandal surfaced. The first part of this article combines the\nformal foundations of software doping analysis with established probabilistic\nfalsification techniques to arrive at a black-box analysis technique for\nidentifying undesired effects of software. We apply this technique to emission\ncleaning systems in diesel cars but also to high-risk systems that evaluate\nhumans in a possibly unfair or discriminating way. We demonstrate how our\napproach can assist humans-in-the-loop to make better informed and more\nresponsible decisions. This is to promote effective human oversight, which will\nbe a central requirement enforced by the European Union's upcoming AI Act. We\ncomplement our technical contribution with a juridically, philosophically, and\npsychologically informed perspective on the potential problems caused by such\nsystems.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 15:24:16 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Biewer","Sebastian",""],["Baum","Kevin",""],["Sterz","Sarah",""],["Hermanns","Holger",""],["Hetmank","Sven",""],["Langer","Markus",""],["Lauber-R\u00f6nsberg","Anne",""],["Lehr","Franz",""]]} {"id":"2308.06187","submitter":"Elio Quiroga Rodriguez","authors":"E. Quiroga","title":"A peculiar galaxy near M104","comments":"5 pages, 1 figure","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.GA","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Messier 104, NGC 4594, also known as the Sombrero Galaxy, has been\nextensively studied, especially its structure and stellar halo. Its abundance\nof globular clusters has given rise to many theories and much speculation (Ford\nH. C. et al 1996). But other objects in the vicinity of such a spectacular\ngalaxy are sometimes ignored. While studying HST images available on the HST\nLegacy website of the halo of M104 (HST proposal 9714, PI: Keith Noll), the\nauthor observed at 12:40:07.829 -11:36:47.38 (in j2000) an object about 4\narcseconds in diameter. A study with VO tools suggests that the object is a SBc\ngalaxy with AGN (Seyfert).\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 15:28:48 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Quiroga","E.",""]]} {"id":"2308.06188","submitter":"Wouter Van Harten","authors":"Wouter van Harten, Laura Scarabosio","title":"Exploiting locality in sparse polynomial approximation of parametric\n elliptic PDEs and application to parameterized domains","comments":"38 pages, 2 figures, submitted to ESIAM M2AN","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.NA cs.NA math.AP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" This work studies how the choice of the representation for parametric,\nspatially distributed inputs to elliptic partial differential equations (PDEs)\naffects the efficiency of a polynomial surrogate, based on Taylor expansion,\nfor the parameter-to-solution map. In particular, we show potential advantages\nof representations using functions with localized supports. As model problem,\nwe consider the steady-state diffusion equation, where the diffusion\ncoefficient and right-hand side depend smoothly but potentially in a\n\\textsl{highly nonlinear} way on a parameter $y\\in [-1,1]^{\\mathbb{N}}$.\nFollowing previous work for affine parameter dependence and for the lognormal\ncase, we use pointwise instead of norm-wise bounds to prove\n$\\ell^p$-summability of the Taylor coefficients of the solution. As\napplication, we consider surrogates for solutions to elliptic PDEs on\nparametric domains. Using a mapping to a nominal configuration, this case fits\nin the general framework, and higher convergence rates can be attained when\nmodeling the parametric boundary via spatially localized functions. The\ntheoretical results are supported by numerical experiments for the parametric\ndomain problem, illustrating the efficiency of the proposed approach and\nproviding further insight on numerical aspects. Although the methods and ideas\nare carried out for the steady-state diffusion equation, they extend easily to\nother elliptic and parabolic PDEs.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 15:29:26 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["van Harten","Wouter",""],["Scarabosio","Laura",""]]} {"id":"2308.06189","submitter":"Santiago Fern\\'andez","authors":"Santiago Fern\\'andez-Ferrer, Francisco Javier L\\'opez-Mart\\'inez,\n Fernando H. Gregorio and Juan E. Cousseau","title":"Companding and Predistortion Techniques for Improved Efficiency and\n Performance in SWIPT","comments":"This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication.\n Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no\n longer be accessible","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SP","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" In this work, we analyze how the use of companding techniques, together with\ndigital predistortion (DPD), can be leveraged to improve system efficiency and\nperformance in simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT)\nsystems based on power splitting. By taking advantage of the benefits of each\nof these well-known techniques to mitigate non-linear effects due to power\namplifier (PA) and energy harvesting (EH) operation, we illustrate how DPD and\ncompanding can be effectively combined to improve the EH efficiency while\nkeeping unalterable the information transfer performance. We establish design\ncriteria that allow the PA to operate in a higher efficiency region so that the\nreduction in peak-to-average power ratio over the transmitted signal is\ntranslated into an increase in the average radiated power and EH efficiency.\nThe performance of DPD and companding techniques is evaluated in a number of\nscenarios, showing that a combination of both techniques allows to\nsignificantly increase the power transfer efficiency in SWIPT systems.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 15:31:51 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Mon, 14 Aug 2023 17:05:13 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-15","authors_parsed":[["Fern\u00e1ndez-Ferrer","Santiago",""],["L\u00f3pez-Mart\u00ednez","Francisco Javier",""],["Gregorio","Fernando H.",""],["Cousseau","Juan E.",""]]} {"id":"2308.06190","submitter":"Emma Zajdela","authors":"Emma R. Zajdela and Daniel M. Abrams","title":"Phase chimera states: frozen patterns of disorder","comments":"5 pages of main text, 4 pages supplemental material, 5 figures in the\n main text, 1 figure in the supplemental material","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"nlin.CD math-ph math.DS math.MP nlin.AO nlin.PS","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Coupled oscillators can serve as a testbed for larger questions of pattern\nformation across many areas of science and engineering. Much effort has been\ndedicated to the Kuramoto model and phase oscillators, but less has focused on\noscillators with variable amplitudes. Here we examine the simplest such\noscillators -- Stuart-Landau oscillators -- and attempt to elucidate some\npuzzling dynamics observed in simulation by us and others. We demonstrate the\nexistence and stability of a previously unreported state which we call a\n``phase chimera state.'' Remarkably, in this state, the amplitudes of all\noscillators are identical, but one subset of oscillators phase-locks while\nanother subset remains incoherent in phase. We also show that this state can\ntake the form of a ``multitailed phase chimera state'' where a single\nphase-synchronous cluster of oscillators coexists with multiple groups of\nphase-incoherent oscillators.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 15:32:55 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Zajdela","Emma R.",""],["Abrams","Daniel M.",""]]} {"id":"2308.06191","submitter":"Ben Webster","authors":"Ben Webster, Philsang Yoo","title":"3-dimensional mirror symmetry","comments":"23 pages. Expanded version of the published article","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math-ph math.AG math.MP math.RT","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" This expository article discusses recent advances in understanding\n3-dimensional mirror symmetry and the mathematical definitions of the Higgs and\nCoulomb branches. This is a slightly expanded version of an article appearing\nin the Notices of the AMS.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 15:33:05 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Webster","Ben",""],["Yoo","Philsang",""]]} {"id":"2308.06192","submitter":"Michael Kouritzin A","authors":"Michael A. Kouritzin","title":"Sampling and Filtering with Markov Chains","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.ST stat.TH","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" A continuous-time Markov chain rate change formula for simulation, model\nselection, filtering and theory is proven. It is used to develop Markov chain\nimportance sampling, rejection sampling, branching particle filtering\nalgorithms and filtering equations akin to the Duncan-Mortensen-Zakai equation\nand the Fujisaki-Kallianpur-Kunita equation but for Markov signals with general\ncontinuous-time Markov chain observations. A direct method of solving these\nfiltering equations is given that, for example, applies to trend, volatility\nand/or parameter estimation in financial models given tick-by-tick market data.\nAll the results also apply to continuous-time Hidden Markov Models (CTHMM),\nwhich have become important in applications like disease progression tracking,\nas special cases and the corresponding CTHMM results are stated as corollaries.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 15:33:29 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Kouritzin","Michael A.",""]]} {"id":"2308.06193","submitter":"Yasushi Shinohara","authors":"Yasushi Shinohara, Haruki Sanada, Katsuya Oguri","title":"Enhancement of Zener tunneling rate via electron-hole attraction within\n a time-dependent quasi-Hartree-Fock method","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cond-mat.mes-hall physics.optics","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" The tunneling process, a prototypical phenomenon of nonperturbative dynamics,\nis a natural consequence of photocarrier generation in materials irradiated by\na strong laser. Common treatments for Zener tunneling are based on a one-body\nproblem with a field-free electronic structure. In a literature (Ikemachi et\nal., Phys. Rev. A 98, 023415 (2018)), a characteristic of gap shrinking or\nexcitation can occur due to the electron-hole interaction for slow and strong\ntime-varying electric fields. We have developed a theoretical framework called\nthe quasi-Hartree-Fock (qHF) method to enable a more flexible imitation of the\nelectronic structures and electron-hole attraction strength of materials\ncompared to the original Hartree-Fock method. In the qHF framework, band gap,\nreduced effective mass, and electron-hole interaction strength can be\nindependently selected to reproduce common crystals. In this study, we\ninvestigate the effect of electron-hole attraction on Zener tunneling subjected\nto a DC electric field for four different systems using the qHF method. Our\nfindings demonstrate that the electron-hole attraction promotes the tunneling\nrates in all four material systems assumed as examples. Specifically, systems\nthat have a strong electron-hole interaction show a few factor enhancements for\ntunneling rates under DC fields, while systems with a weak interaction show\nhigher enhancements of a few tens of percent.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 15:35:00 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Shinohara","Yasushi",""],["Sanada","Haruki",""],["Oguri","Katsuya",""]]} {"id":"2308.06194","submitter":"Yankun Lang","authors":"Yankun Lang, Zhuoran Jiang, Leshan Sun, Liangzhong Xiang and Lei Ren","title":"Hybrid-Supervised Deep Learning for Domain Transfer 3D Protoacoustic\n Image Reconstruction","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.med-ph","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Protoacoustic imaging showed great promise in providing real-time 3D dose\nverification of proton therapy. However, the limited acquisition angle in\nprotoacoustic imaging induces severe artifacts, which significantly impairs its\naccuracy for dose verification. In this study, we developed a deep learning\nmethod with a Recon- Enhance two-stage strategy for protoacoustic imaging to\naddress the limited view issue. Specifically, in the Recon-stage, a\ntransformer-based network was developed to reconstruct initial pressure maps\nfrom radiofrequency signals. The network is trained in a hybrid-supervised\napproach, where it is first trained using supervision by the iteratively\nreconstructed pressure map and then fine-tuned using transfer learning and\nself-supervision based on the data fidelity constraint. In the Enhance-stage, a\n3D U-net is applied to further enhance the image quality with supervision from\nthe ground truth pressure map. The final protoacoustic images are then\nconverted to dose for proton verification. The results evaluated on a dataset\nof 126 prostate cancer patients achieved an average RMSE of 0.0292, and an\naverage SSIM of 0.9618, significantly out-performing related start-of-the-art\nmethods. Qualitative results also demonstrated that our approach addressed the\nlimit-view issue with more details reconstructed. Dose verification achieved an\naverage RMSE of 0.018, and an average SSIM of 0.9891. Gamma index evaluation\ndemonstrated a high agreement (94.7% and 95.7% for 1%/3 mm and 1%/5 mm) between\nthe predicted and the ground truth dose maps. Notably, the processing time was\nreduced to 6 seconds, demonstrating its feasibility for online 3D dose\nverification for prostate proton therapy.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 15:36:59 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Lang","Yankun",""],["Jiang","Zhuoran",""],["Sun","Leshan",""],["Xiang","Liangzhong",""],["Ren","Lei",""]]} {"id":"2308.06195","submitter":"Komal Chand","authors":"Komal Chand, Khushboo Kunwar Rao, Kaushar Vaidya, Anju Panthi\n (Department of Physics, Birla Institute of Technology and Science-Pilani,\n 333031 Rajasthan, India)","title":"Hot Stellar Populations of Berkeley 39 using Swift/UVOT","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.GA astro-ph.SR","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Open clusters are excellent tools to probe the history of the Galactic disk\nand properties of star formation. In this work, we present a study of an old\nage open cluster Berkley 39 using the observations from UVOT instrument of the\nNeil Gehrels Swift observatory. Making use of a machine learning algorithm,\nML-MOC, we have identified a total of 861 stars as cluster members out of which\n17 are blue straggler stars. In this work, we present a characterisation of 2\nblue straggler stars. To estimate the fundamental parameters of blue straggler\nstars and their companions (if any), we constructed spectral energy\ndistributions using UV data from swift/UVOT and GALEX, optical data from Gaia\nDR3, and infrared (IR) data from 2MASS, Spitzer/IRAC, and WISE. We find excess\nflux in UV in one blue straggler star, implying the possibility of a hot\ncompanion.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 15:40:30 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Chand","Komal","","Department of Physics, Birla Institute of Technology and Science-Pilani,\n 333031 Rajasthan, India"],["Rao","Khushboo Kunwar","","Department of Physics, Birla Institute of Technology and Science-Pilani,\n 333031 Rajasthan, India"],["Vaidya","Kaushar","","Department of Physics, Birla Institute of Technology and Science-Pilani,\n 333031 Rajasthan, India"],["Panthi","Anju","","Department of Physics, Birla Institute of Technology and Science-Pilani,\n 333031 Rajasthan, India"]]} {"id":"2308.06196","submitter":"Tarik Dzanic","authors":"Tarik Dzanic and Luigi Martinelli","title":"Towards full molecular gas dynamics simulations of complex flows via the\n Boltzmann equation","comments":"14 pages, 9 figures, Cambridge Unsteady Flow Symposium","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"physics.flu-dyn physics.comp-ph","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" This work explores the capability of simulating complex fluid flows by\ndirectly solving the Boltzmann equation. Due to the high-dimensionality of the\ngoverning equation, the substantial computational cost of solving the Boltzmann\nequation has generally limited its application to simpler, two-dimensional flow\nproblems. Utilizing a combination of high-order spatial discretizations and\ndiscretely-conservative velocity models along with their highly-efficient\nimplementation on massively-parallel GPU computing architectures, we\ndemonstrate the current ability of directly solving the Boltzmann equation\naugmented with the BGK collision model for complex, three-dimensional flows.\nNumerical results are presented for a variety of these problems including\nrarefied microchannels, transitional and turbulent flows, and high-speed\natmospheric re-entry vehicles, showcasing the ability of the approach in\naccurately predicting complex nonlinear flow phenomena and non-equilibrium\neffects.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 15:40:52 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Tue, 15 Aug 2023 23:09:15 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-17","authors_parsed":[["Dzanic","Tarik",""],["Martinelli","Luigi",""]]} {"id":"2308.06197","submitter":"Angus Maiden MAAI(Prof)","authors":"Angus Maiden (1), Bahareh Nakisa (1) ((1) Deakin University)","title":"Complex Facial Expression Recognition Using Deep Knowledge Distillation\n of Basic Features","comments":"17 pages, 9 figures, 6 tables. Code available at\n https://github.com/AngusMaiden/complex-FER","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Complex emotion recognition is a cognitive task that has so far eluded the\nsame excellent performance of other tasks that are at or above the level of\nhuman cognition. Emotion recognition through facial expressions is particularly\ndifficult due to the complexity of emotions expressed by the human face. For a\nmachine to approach the same level of performance in this domain as a human, it\nmay need to synthesise knowledge and understand new concepts in real-time as\nhumans do. Humans are able to learn new concepts using only few examples, by\ndistilling the important information from memories and discarding the rest.\nSimilarly, continual learning methods learn new classes whilst retaining the\nknowledge of known classes, whilst few-shot learning methods are able to learn\nnew classes using very few training examples. We propose a novel continual\nlearning method inspired by human cognition and learning that can accurately\nrecognise new compound expression classes using few training samples, by\nbuilding on and retaining its knowledge of basic expression classes. Using\nGradCAM visualisations, we demonstrate the relationship between basic and\ncompound facial expressions, which our method leverages through knowledge\ndistillation and a novel Predictive Sorting Memory Replay. Our method achieves\nthe current state-of-the-art in continual learning for complex facial\nexpression recognition with 74.28% Overall Accuracy on new classes. We also\ndemonstrate that using continual learning for complex facial expression\nrecognition achieves far better performance than non-continual learning\nmethods, improving on state-of-the-art non-continual learning methods by\n13.95%. To the best of our knowledge, our work is also the first to apply\nfew-shot learning to complex facial expression recognition, achieving the\nstate-of-the-art with 100% accuracy using a single training sample for each\nexpression class.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 15:42:48 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Maiden","Angus","","Deakin University"],["Nakisa","Bahareh","","Deakin University"]]} {"id":"2308.06198","submitter":"Melissa Hall","authors":"Melissa Hall, Candace Ross, Adina Williams, Nicolas Carion, Michal\n Drozdzal, Adriana Romero Soriano","title":"DIG In: Evaluating Disparities in Image Generations with Indicators for\n Geographic Diversity","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.HC","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" The unprecedented photorealistic results achieved by recent text-to-image\ngenerative systems and their increasing use as plug-and-play content creation\nsolutions make it crucial to understand their potential biases. In this work,\nwe introduce three indicators to evaluate the realism, diversity and\nprompt-generation consistency of text-to-image generative systems when prompted\nto generate objects from across the world. Our indicators complement\nqualitative analysis of the broader impact of such systems by enabling\nautomatic and efficient benchmarking of geographic disparities, an important\nstep towards building responsible visual content creation systems. We use our\nproposed indicators to analyze potential geographic biases in state-of-the-art\nvisual content creation systems and find that: (1) models have less realism and\ndiversity of generations when prompting for Africa and West Asia than Europe,\n(2) prompting with geographic information comes at a cost to prompt-consistency\nand diversity of generated images, and (3) models exhibit more region-level\ndisparities for some objects than others. Perhaps most interestingly, our\nindicators suggest that progress in image generation quality has come at the\ncost of real-world geographic representation. Our comprehensive evaluation\nconstitutes a crucial step towards ensuring a positive experience of visual\ncontent creation for everyone.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 15:43:37 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Tue, 15 Aug 2023 16:42:07 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-16","authors_parsed":[["Hall","Melissa",""],["Ross","Candace",""],["Williams","Adina",""],["Carion","Nicolas",""],["Drozdzal","Michal",""],["Soriano","Adriana Romero",""]]} {"id":"2308.06199","submitter":"Anna-Grace Linton","authors":"Anna-Grace Linton (1), Vania Dimitrova (2), Amy Downing (3), Richard\n Wagland (4), Adam Glaser (3) ((1) UKRI CDT in AI for Medical Diagnosis and\n Care, University of Leeds, UK, (2) School of Computing, University of Leeds,\n UK, (3) School of Medicine, University of Leeds, UK, (4) School of Health\n Sciences, University of Southampton, UK)","title":"Weakly Supervised Text Classification on Free Text Comments in\n Patient-Reported Outcome Measures","comments":"Accepted and presented at Health Text Analytics conference 2023 (UK)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" Free text comments (FTC) in patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) data\nare typically analysed using manual methods, such as content analysis, which is\nlabour-intensive and time-consuming. Machine learning analysis methods are\nlargely unsupervised, necessitating post-analysis interpretation. Weakly\nsupervised text classification (WSTC) can be a valuable method of analysis to\nclassify domain-specific text data in which there is limited labelled data. In\nthis paper, we apply five WSTC techniques to FTC in PROMs data to identify\nhealth-related quality of life (HRQoL) themes reported by colorectal cancer\npatients. The WSTC methods label all the themes mentioned in the FTC. The\nresults showed moderate performance on the PROMs data, mainly due to the\nprecision of the models, and variation between themes. Evaluation of the\nclassification performance illustrated the potential and limitations of keyword\nbased WSTC to label PROMs FTC when labelled data is limited.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 15:47:49 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Linton","Anna-Grace",""],["Dimitrova","Vania",""],["Downing","Amy",""],["Wagland","Richard",""],["Glaser","Adam",""]]} {"id":"2308.06200","submitter":"Michele Fava","authors":"Michele Fava, Jorge Kurchan, and Silvia Pappalardi","title":"Designs via Free Probability","comments":"16 pages, 4 figures","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"quant-ph cond-mat.stat-mech hep-th","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Unitary Designs have become a vital tool for investigating pseudorandomness\nsince they approximate the statistics of the uniform Haar ensemble. Despite\ntheir central role in quantum information, their relation to quantum chaotic\nevolution and in particular to the Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis (ETH)\nare still largely debated issues. This work provides a bridge between the\nlatter and $k$-designs through Free Probability theory. First, by introducing\nthe more general notion of $k$-freeness, we show that it can be used as an\nalternative probe of designs. In turn, free probability theory comes with\nseveral tools, useful for instance for the calculation of mixed moments or for\nquantum channels. Our second result is the connection to quantum dynamics.\nQuantum ergodicity, and correspondingly ETH, apply to a restricted class of\nphysical observables, as already discussed in the literature. In this spirit,\nwe show that unitary evolution with generic Hamiltonians always leads to\nfreeness at sufficiently long times, but only when the operators considered are\nrestricted within the ETH class. Our results provide a direct link between\nunitary designs, quantum chaos and the Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis,\nand shed new light on the universality of late-time quantum dynamics.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 15:49:40 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Fava","Michele",""],["Kurchan","Jorge",""],["Pappalardi","Silvia",""]]} {"id":"2308.06201","submitter":"Mohammad Eslami","authors":"Mohammad Eslami, Tiago Perez and Samuel Pagliarini","title":"SALSy: Security-Aware Layout Synthesis","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CR cs.AR","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Integrated Circuits (ICs) are the target of diverse attacks during their\nlifetime. Fabrication-time attacks, such as the insertion of Hardware Trojans,\ncan give an adversary access to privileged data and/or the means to corrupt the\nIC's internal computation. Post-fabrication attacks, where the end-user takes a\nmalicious role, also attempt to obtain privileged information through means\nsuch as fault injection and probing. Taking these threats into account and at\nthe same time, this paper proposes a methodology for Security-Aware Layout\nSynthesis (SALSy), such that ICs can be designed with security in mind in the\nsame manner as power-performance-area (PPA) metrics are considered today, a\nconcept known as security closure. Furthermore, the trade-offs between PPA and\nsecurity are considered and a chip is fabricated in a 65nm CMOS commercial\ntechnology for validation purposes - a feature not seen in previous research on\nsecurity closure. Measurements on the fabricated ICs indicate that SALSy\npromotes a modest increase in power in order to achieve significantly improved\nsecurity metrics.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 15:52:28 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:15:02 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-22","authors_parsed":[["Eslami","Mohammad",""],["Perez","Tiago",""],["Pagliarini","Samuel",""]]} {"id":"2308.06202","submitter":"Frederic Zhang","authors":"Frederic Z. Zhang, Yuhui Yuan, Dylan Campbell, Zhuoyao Zhong, Stephen\n Gould","title":"Exploring Predicate Visual Context in Detecting of Human-Object\n Interactions","comments":"To appear in ICCV2023","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CV cs.AI cs.LG","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/","abstract":" Recently, the DETR framework has emerged as the dominant approach for\nhuman--object interaction (HOI) research. In particular, two-stage\ntransformer-based HOI detectors are amongst the most performant and\ntraining-efficient approaches. However, these often condition HOI\nclassification on object features that lack fine-grained contextual\ninformation, eschewing pose and orientation information in favour of visual\ncues about object identity and box extremities. This naturally hinders the\nrecognition of complex or ambiguous interactions. In this work, we study these\nissues through visualisations and carefully designed experiments. Accordingly,\nwe investigate how best to re-introduce image features via cross-attention.\nWith an improved query design, extensive exploration of keys and values, and\nbox pair positional embeddings as spatial guidance, our model with enhanced\npredicate visual context (PViC) outperforms state-of-the-art methods on the\nHICO-DET and V-COCO benchmarks, while maintaining low training cost.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 15:57:45 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Zhang","Frederic Z.",""],["Yuan","Yuhui",""],["Campbell","Dylan",""],["Zhong","Zhuoyao",""],["Gould","Stephen",""]]} {"id":"2308.06203","submitter":"Ricardo Cannizzaro Mr","authors":"Ricardo Cannizzaro, Jonathan Routley, and Lars Kunze","title":"Towards a Causal Probabilistic Framework for Prediction,\n Action-Selection & Explanations for Robot Block-Stacking Tasks","comments":"3 pages, 3 figures, accepted to the \"Causality for Robotics:\n Answering the Question of Why\" workshop at the 2023 IEEE/RSJ International\n Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.RO cs.AI cs.LG stat.AP stat.ML","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Uncertainties in the real world mean that is impossible for system designers\nto anticipate and explicitly design for all scenarios that a robot might\nencounter. Thus, robots designed like this are fragile and fail outside of\nhighly-controlled environments. Causal models provide a principled framework to\nencode formal knowledge of the causal relationships that govern the robot's\ninteraction with its environment, in addition to probabilistic representations\nof noise and uncertainty typically encountered by real-world robots. Combined\nwith causal inference, these models permit an autonomous agent to understand,\nreason about, and explain its environment. In this work, we focus on the\nproblem of a robot block-stacking task due to the fundamental perception and\nmanipulation capabilities it demonstrates, required by many applications\nincluding warehouse logistics and domestic human support robotics. We propose a\nnovel causal probabilistic framework to embed a physics simulation capability\ninto a structural causal model to permit robots to perceive and assess the\ncurrent state of a block-stacking task, reason about the next-best action from\nplacement candidates, and generate post-hoc counterfactual explanations. We\nprovide exemplar next-best action selection results and outline planned\nexperimentation in simulated and real-world robot block-stacking tasks.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 15:58:15 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Cannizzaro","Ricardo",""],["Routley","Jonathan",""],["Kunze","Lars",""]]} {"id":"2308.06204","submitter":"Wenlu Du","authors":"Wenlu Du, Ankan Dash, Jing Li, Hua Wei and Guiling Wang","title":"Safety in Traffic Management Systems: A Comprehensive Survey","comments":"Accepted by MDPI Designs journal, the Special Issue Design and\n Application of Intelligent Transportation Systems. 30 pages, 6 figures,\n published on 10 August 2023","journal-ref":"Designs 2023, 7, 100","doi":"10.3390/designs7040100","report-no":null,"categories":"eess.SY cs.AI cs.LG cs.SY","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Traffic management systems play a vital role in ensuring safe and efficient\ntransportation on roads. However, the use of advanced technologies in traffic\nmanagement systems has introduced new safety challenges. Therefore, it is\nimportant to ensure the safety of these systems to prevent accidents and\nminimize their impact on road users. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive\nreview of the literature on safety in traffic management systems. Specifically,\nwe discuss the different safety issues that arise in traffic management\nsystems, the current state of research on safety in these systems, and the\ntechniques and methods proposed to ensure the safety of these systems. We also\nidentify the limitations of the existing research and suggest future research\ndirections.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 16:09:12 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Du","Wenlu",""],["Dash","Ankan",""],["Li","Jing",""],["Wei","Hua",""],["Wang","Guiling",""]]} {"id":"2308.06205","submitter":"Iris Hee Rhang Yoon","authors":"Bernadette J. Stolz, Jagdeep Dhesi, Joshua A. Bull, Heather A.\n Harrington, Helen M. Byrne, Iris H.R. Yoon","title":"Relational persistent homology for multispecies data with application to\n the tumor microenvironment","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AT q-bio.CB q-bio.QM","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Topological data analysis (TDA) is an active field of mathematics for\nquantifying shape in complex data. Standard methods in TDA such as persistent\nhomology (PH) are typically focused on the analysis of data consisting of a\nsingle entity (e.g., cells or molecular species). However, state-of-the-art\ndata collection techniques now generate exquisitely detailed multispecies data,\nprompting a need for methods that can examine and quantify the relations among\nthem. Such heterogeneous data types arise in many contexts, ranging from\nbiomedical imaging, geospatial analysis, to species ecology. Here, we propose\ntwo methods for encoding spatial relations among different data types that are\nbased on Dowker complexes and Witness complexes. We apply the methods to\nsynthetic multispecies data of a tumor microenvironment and analyze topological\nfeatures that capture relations between different cell types, e.g., blood\nvessels, macrophages, tumor cells, and necrotic cells. We demonstrate that\nrelational topological features can extract biological insight, including the\ndominant immune cell phenotype (an important predictor of patient prognosis)\nand the parameter regimes of a data-generating model. The methods provide a\nquantitative perspective on the relational analysis of multispecies spatial\ndata, overcome the limits of traditional PH, and are readily computable.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 16:09:21 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Stolz","Bernadette J.",""],["Dhesi","Jagdeep",""],["Bull","Joshua A.",""],["Harrington","Heather A.",""],["Byrne","Helen M.",""],["Yoon","Iris H. R.",""]]} {"id":"2308.06206","submitter":"Ruiyang Zhao","authors":"Ruiyang Zhao, Xiaoyong Mu, Rafaela Gsponer, Jamie Donald-McCann,\n Yonghao Feng, Weibing Zhang, Yuting Wang, Gong-Bo Zhao, Kazuya Koyama, David\n Bacon, Robert G. Crittenden","title":"A Multi-tracer Analysis for the eBOSS galaxy sample based on the\n Effective Field Theory of Large-scale Structure","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"astro-ph.CO","license":"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","abstract":" We perform a multi-tracer full-shape analysis in Fourier space based on the\neffective field theory of large-scale structure (EFTofLSS) using the complete\nSloan Digital Sky Survey IV (SDSS-IV) extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic\nSurvey (eBOSS) DR16 luminous red galaxy (LRG) and emission line galaxy (ELG)\nsamples. We study in detail the impact of the volume projection effect and\ndifferent prior choices when doing the full-shape analysis based on the\nEFTofLSS model. We show that adopting a combination of Jeffreys prior and\nGaussian prior can mitigate the volume effect and avoid exploring unphysical\nregions in the parameter space at the same time, which is crucial when jointly\nanalysing the eBOSS LRG and ELG samples. We validate our pipeline using 1000\neBOSS EZmocks. By performing a multi-tracer analysis on mocks with comparable\nfootprints, we find that cosmological constraints can be improved by\n$\\sim10-40\\%$ depending on whether we assume zero stochastic terms in the cross\npower spectrum, which breaks the degeneracy and boosts the constraints on the\nstandard deviation of matter density fluctuation $\\sigma_8$. Combining with the\nBig Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) prior and fixing the spectral tilt $n_s$ to\nPlanck value, our multi-tracer full-shape analysis measures\n$H_0=70.0\\pm2.3~{\\rm km}~{\\rm s}^{-1} {\\rm Mpc}^{-1}$,\n$\\Omega_m=0.317^{+0.017}_{-0.021}$, $\\sigma_8=0.787_{-0.062}^{+0.055}$ and\n$S_8=0.809_{-0.078}^{+0.064}$, consistent with the Planck 2018 results. In\nparticular, the constraint on $\\sigma_8$ is improved beyond that obtained from\nthe single tracer analysis by $18\\%$, or by $27\\%$ when assuming zero\nstochastic terms in the cross power spectrum.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 16:10:38 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Zhao","Ruiyang",""],["Mu","Xiaoyong",""],["Gsponer","Rafaela",""],["Donald-McCann","Jamie",""],["Feng","Yonghao",""],["Zhang","Weibing",""],["Wang","Yuting",""],["Zhao","Gong-Bo",""],["Koyama","Kazuya",""],["Bacon","David",""],["Crittenden","Robert G.",""]]} {"id":"2308.06207","submitter":"Jintao Liu","authors":"Fanglong Yao, Changyuan Tian, Jintao Liu, Zequn Zhang, Qing Liu, Li\n Jin, Shuchao Li, Xiaoyu Li, Xian Sun","title":"Thinking Like an Expert:Multimodal Hypergraph-of-Thought (HoT) Reasoning\n to boost Foundation Modals","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.CL","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" Reasoning ability is one of the most crucial capabilities of a foundation\nmodel, signifying its capacity to address complex reasoning tasks.\nChain-of-Thought (CoT) technique is widely regarded as one of the effective\nmethods for enhancing the reasoning ability of foundation models and has\ngarnered significant attention. However, the reasoning process of CoT is\nlinear, step-by-step, similar to personal logical reasoning, suitable for\nsolving general and slightly complicated problems. On the contrary, the\nthinking pattern of an expert owns two prominent characteristics that cannot be\nhandled appropriately in CoT, i.e., high-order multi-hop reasoning and\nmultimodal comparative judgement. Therefore, the core motivation of this paper\nis transcending CoT to construct a reasoning paradigm that can think like an\nexpert. The hyperedge of a hypergraph could connect various vertices, making it\nnaturally suitable for modelling high-order relationships. Inspired by this,\nthis paper innovatively proposes a multimodal Hypergraph-of-Thought (HoT)\nreasoning paradigm, which enables the foundation models to possess the\nexpert-level ability of high-order multi-hop reasoning and multimodal\ncomparative judgement. Specifically, a textual hypergraph-of-thought is\nconstructed utilizing triple as the primary thought to model higher-order\nrelationships, and a hyperedge-of-thought is generated through multi-hop\nwalking paths to achieve multi-hop inference. Furthermore, we devise a visual\nhypergraph-of-thought to interact with the textual hypergraph-of-thought via\nCross-modal Co-Attention Graph Learning for multimodal comparative\nverification. Experimentations on the ScienceQA benchmark demonstrate the\nproposed HoT-based T5 outperforms CoT-based GPT3.5 and chatGPT, which is on par\nwith CoT-based GPT4 with a lower model size.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 16:13:04 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Yao","Fanglong",""],["Tian","Changyuan",""],["Liu","Jintao",""],["Zhang","Zequn",""],["Liu","Qing",""],["Jin","Li",""],["Li","Shuchao",""],["Li","Xiaoyu",""],["Sun","Xian",""]]} {"id":"2308.06208","submitter":"Cuncai Liu","authors":"Cuncai Liu, Fengjuan Meng, Chang Zhang","title":"Well-posedness and global attractor for wave equation with nonlinear\n damping and super-cubic nonlinearity","comments":"33 pages","journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AP math.DS","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" In the paper, we study the semilinear wave equation involving the nonlinear\ndamping $g(u_t) $ and nonlinearity $f(u)$. Under the wider ranges of exponents\nof $g$ and $f$, the well-posedness of the weak solution is achieved by\nestablishing a priori space-time estimates. Then, the existence of the global\nattractor in the naturally phase space $H^1_0(\\Omega)\\times L^2(\\Omega)$ is\nobtained. Moreover, we prove that the global attrator is regular, that is, the\nglobal attractor is a bounded subset of $(H^2(\\Omega)\\cap H^1_0(\\Omega))\\times\nH^1_0(\\Omega)$.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 16:14:20 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Liu","Cuncai",""],["Meng","Fengjuan",""],["Zhang","Chang",""]]} {"id":"2308.06209","submitter":"Lars Rohwedder","authors":"Alexander Armbruster, Lars Rohwedder, Andreas Wiese","title":"Simpler constant factor approximation algorithms for weighted flow time\n -- now for any $p$-norm","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"cs.DS","license":"http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/","abstract":" A prominent problem in scheduling theory is the weighted flow time problem on\none machine. We are given a machine and a set of jobs, each of them\ncharacterized by a processing time, a release time, and a weight. The goal is\nto find a (possibly preemptive) schedule for the jobs in order to minimize the\nsum of the weighted flow times, where the flow time of a job is the time\nbetween its release time and its completion time. It had been a longstanding\nimportant open question to find a polynomial time $O(1)$-approximation\nalgorithm for the problem and this was resolved in a recent line of work. These\nalgorithms are quite complicated and involve for example a reduction to\n(geometric) covering problems, dynamic programs to solve those, and LP-rounding\nmethods to reduce the running time to a polynomial in the input size. In this\npaper, we present a much simpler $(6+\\epsilon)$-approximation algorithm for the\nproblem that does not use any of these reductions, but which works on the input\njobs directly. It even generalizes directly to an $O(1)$-approximation\nalgorithm for minimizing the $p$-norm of the jobs' flow times, for any $0 < p <\n\\infty$ (the original problem setting corresponds to $p=1$). Prior to our work,\nfor $p>1$ only a pseudopolynomial time $O(1)$-approximation algorithm was known\nfor this variant, and no algorithm for $p<1$. For the same objective function,\nwe present a very simple QPTAS for the setting of constantly many unrelated\nmachines for $0 < p < \\infty$ (and assuming quasi-polynomially bounded input\ndata). It works in the cases with and without the possibility to migrate a job\nto a different machine. This is the first QPTAS for the problem if migrations\nare allowed, and it is arguably simpler than the known QPTAS for minimizing the\nweighted sum of the jobs' flow times without migration.\n","versions":[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 11 Aug 2023 16:21:22 GMT"}],"update_date":"2023-08-14","authors_parsed":[["Armbruster","Alexander",""],["Rohwedder","Lars",""],["Wiese","Andreas",""]]} {"id":"2308.06210","submitter":"O\\u{g}uz Yilmaz","authors":"Engin Ba\\c{s}ako\\u{g}lu, Bar{\\i}\\c{s} Ye\\c{s}ilo\\u{g}lu and O\\u{g}uz\n Y{\\i}lmaz","title":"Global Well-posedness for The Fourth-order Nonlinear Schr\\\"{o}dinger\n Equations on $\\mathbb{R}^{2}$","comments":null,"journal-ref":null,"doi":null,"report-no":null,"categories":"math.AP","license":"http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/","abstract":" We study the global well-posedness of the two-dimensional defocusing\nfourth-order Schr\\\"odinger initial value problem with power type nonlinearities\n$\\vert u\\vert^{2k}u$ where $k$ is a positive integer. By using the $I$-method,\nwe prove that global well-posedness is satisfied in the Sobolev spaces\n$H^{s}(\\mathbb{R}^{2})$ for $2-\\frac{3}{4k}