import streamlit as st import json import schedule import time from datetime import datetime # Function to Generate Email Content def generate_email(template, customer, product): try: email_content = template.format( name=customer['name'], product_name=product['name'], features=product['features'], benefits=product['benefits'] ) except KeyError as e: st.error(f"KeyError: {e} in template: {template}") raise return email_content # Function to Send Email (for demonstration purposes, it just prints the email) def send_email(email): st.write(f"Subject: {email['subject']}") st.write(email['content']) st.write("\n---\n") # Streamlit UI st.title(" Cold Email Sequence Generator") uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload a JSON structured like the 'example.json' in the files section. Once 'Generated Emails' are okay, press 'Start Email Scheduling' button at the bottom to start sending each of the generated emails every 10 seconds", type="json") if uploaded_file is not None: # Parse JSON Input data = json.load(uploaded_file) customer = data['customer'] product = data['product'] sequence = data['sequence'] emails = [] # Generate Emails Based on the Sequence for email in sequence: email_content = generate_email(email['template'], customer, product) emails.append({ "day": email['day'], "subject": email['subject'], "content": email_content }) # Display Generated Emails st.subheader("Generated Emails") for email in emails: send_email(email) # Schedule Emails (for demonstration purposes, it just prints the emails) start_time = emails_sent = set() emails_sent_count = 0 max_emails_to_send = len(emails) def get_email_identifier(email): return (email['subject'], email['content']) def schedule_email(e=email): global emails_sent_count if emails_sent_count < max_emails_to_send: if get_email_identifier(e) not in emails_sent: send_email(e) emails_sent.add(get_email_identifier(e)) emails_sent_count += 1 if emails_sent_count >= max_emails_to_send: return schedule.CancelJob if st.button("Start Email Scheduling"): for i, email in enumerate(emails): schedule.every(10 * (i + 1)), e=email) while emails_sent_count < max_emails_to_send: schedule.run_pending() time.sleep(1)