import './style.css'; import { env, AutoModel, AutoProcessor, RawImage } from '@xenova/transformers'; env.backends.onnx.wasm.wasmPaths = ''; env.backends.onnx.wasm.numThreads = 1; // Reference the elements that we will need const status = document.getElementById('status'); const container = document.getElementById('container'); const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'); const outputCanvas = document.getElementById('output-canvas'); const video = document.getElementById('video'); const sizeSlider = document.getElementById('size'); const sizeLabel = document.getElementById('size-value'); const scaleSlider = document.getElementById('scale'); const scaleLabel = document.getElementById('scale-value'); function setStreamSize(width, height) { video.width = outputCanvas.width = canvas.width = Math.round(width); video.height = outputCanvas.height = canvas.height = Math.round(height); } status.textContent = 'Loading model...'; // Load model and processor const model_id = 'Xenova/modnet'; let model; try { model = await AutoModel.from_pretrained(model_id, { device: 'webgpu', dtype: 'fp32', // TODO: add fp16 support }); } catch (err) { status.textContent = err.message; alert(err.message) throw err; } const processor = await AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(model_id); // Set up controls let size = 256; processor.feature_extractor.size = { shortest_edge: size }; sizeSlider.addEventListener('input', () => { size = Number(sizeSlider.value); processor.feature_extractor.size = { shortest_edge: size }; sizeLabel.textContent = size; }); sizeSlider.disabled = false; let scale = 0.5; scaleSlider.addEventListener('input', () => { scale = Number(scaleSlider.value); setStreamSize(video.videoWidth * scale, video.videoHeight * scale); scaleLabel.textContent = scale; }); scaleSlider.disabled = false; status.textContent = 'Ready'; let isProcessing = false; let previousTime; const context = canvas.getContext('2d', { willReadFrequently: true }); const outputContext = outputCanvas.getContext('2d', { willReadFrequently: true }); function updateCanvas() { const { width, height } = canvas; if (!isProcessing) { isProcessing = true; (async function () { // Read the current frame from the video context.drawImage(video, 0, 0, width, height); const currentFrame = context.getImageData(0, 0, width, height); const image = new RawImage(, width, height, 4); // Pre-process image const inputs = await processor(image); // Predict alpha matte const { output } = await model({ input: inputs.pixel_values }); const mask = await RawImage.fromTensor(output[0].mul(255).to('uint8')).resize(width, height); // Update alpha channel const outPixelData = currentFrame; for (let i = 0; i <; ++i) {[4 * i + 3] =[i]; } outputContext.putImageData(outPixelData, 0, 0); if (previousTime !== undefined) { const fps = 1000 / ( - previousTime); status.textContent = `FPS: ${fps.toFixed(2)}`; } previousTime =; isProcessing = false; })(); } window.requestAnimationFrame(updateCanvas); } // Start the video stream navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia( { video: true }, // Ask for video ).then((stream) => { // Set up the video and canvas elements. video.srcObject = stream;; const videoTrack = stream.getVideoTracks()[0]; const { width, height } = videoTrack.getSettings(); setStreamSize(width * scale, height * scale); // Set container width and height depending on the image aspect ratio const ar = width / height; const [cw, ch] = (ar > 720 / 405) ? [720, 720 / ar] : [405 * ar, 405]; = `${cw}px`; = `${ch}px`; // Start the animation loop setTimeout(updateCanvas, 50); }).catch((error) => { alert(error); });