MikeTrizna's picture
Initial Space commit
import streamlit as st
import os
import urllib
import fastai.vision.all as fai_vision
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
import pathlib
from PIL import Image
import platform
import altair as alt
import pandas as pd
def main():
st.title('Fish Masker and Classifier')
data_loader, segmenter = load_unet_model()
classification_model = load_classification_model()
st.markdown("Upload an Amazonian fish photo for masking.")
uploaded_image = st.file_uploader("", IMAGE_TYPES)
if uploaded_image:
image_data = uploaded_image.read()
st.markdown('## Original image')
st.image(image_data, use_column_width=True)
original_pil = Image.open(uploaded_image)
single_file = [Path('original.jpg')]
single_pil = Image.open(single_file[0])
input_dl = segmenter.dls.test_dl(single_file)
masks, _ = segmenter.get_preds(dl=input_dl)
masked_pil, percentage_fish = mask_fish_pil(single_pil, masks[0])
st.markdown('## Masked image')
st.markdown(f'**{percentage_fish:.1f}%** of pixels were labeled as "fish"')
st.image(masked_pil, use_column_width=True)
st.markdown('## Classification')
prediction = classification_model.predict('masked.jpg')
pred_chart = predictions_to_chart(prediction, classes = classification_model.dls.vocab)
st.altair_chart(pred_chart, use_container_width=True)
def mask_fish_pil(unmasked_fish, fastai_mask):
unmasked_np = np.array(unmasked_fish)
np_mask = fastai_mask.argmax(dim=0).numpy()
total_pixels = np_mask.size
fish_pixels = np.count_nonzero(np_mask)
percentage_fish = (fish_pixels / total_pixels) * 100
np_mask = (255 / np_mask.max() * (np_mask - np_mask.min())).astype(np.uint8)
np_mask = np.array(Image.fromarray(np_mask).resize(unmasked_np.shape[1::-1], Image.BILINEAR))
np_mask = np_mask.reshape(*np_mask.shape, 1) / 255
masked_fish_np = (unmasked_np * np_mask).astype(np.uint8)
masked_fish_pil = Image.fromarray(masked_fish_np)
return masked_fish_pil, percentage_fish
def predictions_to_chart(prediction, classes):
pred_rows = []
for i, conf in enumerate(list(prediction[2])):
pred_row = {'class': classes[i],
'probability': round(float(conf) * 100,2)}
pred_df = pd.DataFrame(pred_rows)
top_probs = pred_df.sort_values('probability', ascending=False).head(4)
chart = (
x=alt.X("probability:Q", scale=alt.Scale(domain=(0, 100))),
sort=alt.EncodingSortField(field="probability", order="descending"))
return chart
def load_unet_model():
data_loader = fai_vision.SegmentationDataLoaders.from_label_func(
path = Path("."),
bs = 1,
fnames = [Path('test_fish.jpg')],
label_func = lambda x: x,
codes = np.array(["Photo", "Masks"], dtype=str),
item_tfms = [fai_vision.Resize(256, method = 'squish'),],
batch_tfms = [fai_vision.IntToFloatTensor(div_mask = 255)],
valid_pct = 0.2, num_workers = 0)
segmenter = fai_vision.unet_learner(data_loader, fai_vision.resnet34)
return data_loader, segmenter
def load_classification_model():
plt = platform.system()
if plt == 'Linux' or plt == 'Darwin':
pathlib.WindowsPath = pathlib.PosixPath
inf_model = fai_vision.load_learner('models/fish_classification_model.pkl', cpu=True)
return inf_model
IMAGE_TYPES = ["png", "jpg","jpeg"]
if __name__ == "__main__":