check changelog tab
Browse files
@@ -1,30 +1,48 @@
1 |
import gradio as gr, glob, os, auditok, zipfile, wave, pytube.exceptions, librosa, time, librosa, librosa.display, matplotlib.pyplot as plt, numpy as np, urllib.error
2 |
from pytube import YouTube
3 |
from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip
4 |
5 |
def download_video(url, download_as):
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def split_audio_from_yt_video(mindur, maxdur, name_for_split_files, show_amount_of_files_and_file_dur):
30 |
if show_amount_of_files_and_file_dur == True:
@@ -247,6 +265,7 @@ with gr.Blocks(theme='sudeepshouche/minimalist', title="Global Dataset Maker") a
247 |
with gr.Row():
248 |
url = gr.Textbox(label="URL")
249 |
download_as = gr.Radio(["wav", "mp3"], label="Audio format output", value="wav", info="What should the audio format be output as?")
250 |
convertion = gr.Button("Download", variant='primary')
251 |
252 |
@@ -336,27 +355,8 @@ with gr.Blocks(theme='sudeepshouche/minimalist', title="Global Dataset Maker") a
336 |
gr.Image(label="Spectrogram result", show_download_button=False, scale=2)
337 |
338 |
with gr.TabItem("Changelog"):
339 |
gr.Markdown("v0.98.2 - Added new upcoming features tab.")
340 |
gr.Markdown("v0.98.1 - Reverted back due to none of the new features working apart from removing SR analyzer and adding new error checks.")
341 |
gr.Markdown("v0.97a - Fixed issue with spectrogram tab if no WAV file was selected.")
342 |
gr.Markdown("v0.97 - Added new spectrogram tool in Misc Tools and removed pitch analyzer as it did not fit with the purpose of this Space.")
343 |
gr.Markdown("v0.96 - Added new remaining files tool in Misc Tools.")
344 |
gr.Markdown("v0.95 - Fixed issue with mp3 files not downloading audio properly.")
345 |
gr.Markdown("v0.94a - Fixed issue with existing output.wav or output.mp3 files clashing with the split audio files with addition of the new tool.")
346 |
gr.Markdown("v0.94 - Added new tool: YouTube-to-audio.")
347 |
gr.Markdown("v0.93 - Removed obsolete warnings and fixed issue with all-in-one if output.mp3 or output.wav doesnt exist.")
348 |
gr.Markdown("v0.92 - Added all-in-one tab under Misc Tools.")
349 |
gr.Markdown("v0.91 - Added mp3 file support for single file splitting, and also fixed bug if neither output.wav or output.mp3 exists.")
350 |
gr.Markdown("v0.90a - Fixed bug that if 'show_amount_of_files_and_file_dur' was False, split wav files would not be deleted.")
351 |
gr.Markdown("v0.90 - Added mp3 support for downloading a Youtube video.")
352 |
gr.Markdown("v0.85 - Fixed bug in pitch analyzer if no audio file was given.")
353 |
gr.Markdown("v0.80 - Added new tool: Pitch Analyzer.")
354 |
gr.Markdown("v0.75 - Fixed bug that would cause split wav files to be packaged with the previously split wav files.")
355 |
gr.Markdown("v0.74 - Added new tool: WAV file splitter.")
356 |
gr.Markdown("v0.73 - Added Misc Tools tab and new Sample Rate analyzer tool.")
357 |
gr.Markdown("v0.70 - Fixed bug if no URL was passed or if the URL was invalid.")
358 |
gr.Markdown("v0.65 - Fixed bug if user tried to split an audio file when 'output.wav' didnt exist.")
359 |
gr.Markdown("v0.60 - Initial push to Huggingface Space.")
360 |
with gr.TabItem("Upcoming features"):
361 |
362 |
1 |
import gradio as gr, glob, os, auditok, zipfile, wave, pytube.exceptions, librosa, time, librosa, librosa.display, matplotlib.pyplot as plt, numpy as np, urllib.error, traceback, yt_dlp
2 |
from pytube import YouTube
3 |
from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip
4 |
5 |
def download_video(url, download_as, use_ytdlp):
6 |
if use_ytdlp == True:
7 |
8 |
ydl_opts = {
9 |
'format': f"{download_as}/bestaudio/best",
10 |
'postprocessors': [{
11 |
'key': 'FFmpegExtractAudio',
12 |
'preferredcodec': download_as,
13 |
14 |
15 |
with yt_dlp.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:
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17 |
for i in glob.glob(f"*.{download_as}"):
18 |
if os.path.exists(i):
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os.rename(i, f"output.{download_as}")
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return "Finished downloading! Please proceed to next tab."
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raise gr.Error(traceback.format_exc())
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yt = YouTube(url)
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except pytube.exceptions.RegexMatchError:
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raise gr.Error("URL not valid or is empty! Please fix the link or enter one!")
28 |
except urllib.error.HTTPError as not_ok:
29 |
raise gr.Error(f"Recieved {not_ok}")
30 |
except pytube.exceptions.AgeRestrictedError:
31 |
raise gr.Error("The video you inputted is age-restricted! Please try another link.")
32 |
video = yt.streams.get_highest_resolution()
33 |
34 |
video_path = f"{video.default_filename}"
35 |
video_clip = VideoFileClip(video_path)
36 |
audio_clip =
37 |
if download_as == "wav":
38 |
39 |
elif download_as == "mp3":
40 |
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for removalmp4 in glob.glob("*.mp4"):
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return "Finished downloading! Please proceed to next tab."
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def split_audio_from_yt_video(mindur, maxdur, name_for_split_files, show_amount_of_files_and_file_dur):
48 |
if show_amount_of_files_and_file_dur == True:
265 |
with gr.Row():
266 |
url = gr.Textbox(label="URL")
267 |
download_as = gr.Radio(["wav", "mp3"], label="Audio format output", value="wav", info="What should the audio format be output as?")
268 |
use_ytdlp = gr.Checkbox(False, label="Use yt_dlp instead of pytube?", info="Sometimes Pytube refuses to download a video. If that happens, check this box to download using yt_dlp instead.")
269 |
convertion = gr.Button("Download", variant='primary')
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355 |
gr.Image(label="Spectrogram result", show_download_button=False, scale=2)
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with gr.TabItem("Changelog"):
358 |
gr.Markdown("v0.98.5 - Added an option to download yt link via yt_dlp if pytube cant download it.")
359 |
gr.Markdown("v0.98.2 - Added new upcoming features tab.")
360 |
with gr.TabItem("Upcoming features"):
361 |
362 |