Build error
Build error
struct ggml_mpi_context { | |
int rank; | |
int size; | |
}; | |
void ggml_mpi_backend_init(void) { | |
MPI_Init(NULL, NULL); | |
} | |
void ggml_mpi_backend_free(void) { | |
MPI_Finalize(); | |
} | |
struct ggml_mpi_context * ggml_mpi_init(void) { | |
struct ggml_mpi_context * ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(struct ggml_mpi_context)); | |
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &ctx->rank); | |
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &ctx->size); | |
return ctx; | |
} | |
void ggml_mpi_free(struct ggml_mpi_context * ctx) { | |
free(ctx); | |
} | |
int ggml_mpi_rank(struct ggml_mpi_context * ctx) { | |
return ctx->rank; | |
} | |
void ggml_mpi_eval_init( | |
struct ggml_mpi_context * ctx_mpi, | |
int * n_tokens, | |
int * n_past, | |
int * n_threads) { | |
UNUSED(ctx_mpi); | |
// synchronize the worker node parameters with the root node | |
MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); | |
MPI_Bcast(n_tokens, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); | |
MPI_Bcast(n_past, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); | |
MPI_Bcast(n_threads, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); | |
} | |
static int ggml_graph_get_node_idx(struct ggml_cgraph * gf, const char * name) { | |
struct ggml_tensor * t = ggml_graph_get_tensor(gf, name); | |
if (t == NULL) { | |
fprintf(stderr, "%s: tensor %s not found\n", __func__, name); | |
return -1; | |
} | |
for (int i = 0; i < gf->n_nodes; i++) { | |
if (gf->nodes[i] == t) { | |
return i; | |
} | |
} | |
fprintf(stderr, "%s: tensor %s not found in graph (should not happen)\n", __func__, name); | |
return -1; | |
} | |
static void ggml_mpi_tensor_send(struct ggml_tensor * t, int mpi_rank_dst) { | |
MPI_Datatype mpi_type; | |
switch (t->type) { | |
case GGML_TYPE_I32: mpi_type = MPI_INT32_T; break; | |
case GGML_TYPE_F32: mpi_type = MPI_FLOAT; break; | |
default: GGML_ASSERT(false && "not implemented"); | |
} | |
const int retval = MPI_Send(t->data, ggml_nelements(t), mpi_type, mpi_rank_dst, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); | |
} | |
static void ggml_mpi_tensor_recv(struct ggml_tensor * t, int mpi_rank_src) { | |
MPI_Datatype mpi_type; | |
switch (t->type) { | |
case GGML_TYPE_I32: mpi_type = MPI_INT32_T; break; | |
case GGML_TYPE_F32: mpi_type = MPI_FLOAT; break; | |
default: GGML_ASSERT(false && "not implemented"); | |
} | |
MPI_Status status; UNUSED(status); | |
const int retval = MPI_Recv(t->data, ggml_nelements(t), mpi_type, mpi_rank_src, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status); | |
} | |
// TODO: there are many improvements that can be done to this implementation | |
void ggml_mpi_graph_compute_pre( | |
struct ggml_mpi_context * ctx_mpi, | |
struct ggml_cgraph * gf, | |
int n_layers) { | |
const int mpi_rank = ctx_mpi->rank; | |
const int mpi_size = ctx_mpi->size; | |
struct ggml_tensor * inp_tokens = ggml_graph_get_tensor(gf, "inp_tokens"); | |
if (inp_tokens == NULL) { | |
fprintf(stderr, "%s: tensor 'inp_tokens' not found\n", __func__); | |
return; | |
} | |
struct ggml_tensor * inp0 = ggml_graph_get_tensor(gf, "layer_inp_0"); | |
if (inp0 == NULL) { | |
fprintf(stderr, "%s: tensor 'inp0' not found\n", __func__); | |
return; | |
} | |
GGML_ASSERT(inp0 == gf->nodes[0]); | |
// distribute the compute graph into slices across the MPI nodes | |
// | |
// the main node (0) processes the last layers + the remainder of the compute graph | |
// and is responsible to pass the input tokens to the first node (1) | |
// | |
// node 1: [( 0) * n_per_node, ( 1) * n_per_node) | |
// node 2: [( 1) * n_per_node, ( 2) * n_per_node) | |
// ... | |
// node n-1: [(n-2) * n_per_node, (n-1) * n_per_node) | |
// node 0: [(n-1) * n_per_node, n_nodes) | |
// | |
if (mpi_rank > 0) { | |
if (mpi_rank == 1) { | |
// the first node (1) receives the input tokens from the main node (0) | |
ggml_mpi_tensor_recv(inp_tokens, 0); | |
} else { | |
// recv input data for each node into the "inp0" tensor (i.e. the first node in the compute graph) | |
ggml_mpi_tensor_recv(inp0, mpi_rank - 1); | |
} | |
} else if (mpi_size > 1) { | |
// node 0 sends the input tokens to node 1 | |
ggml_mpi_tensor_send(inp_tokens, 1); | |
// recv the output data from the last node | |
ggml_mpi_tensor_recv(inp0, mpi_size - 1); | |
} | |
{ | |
const int n_per_node = (n_layers + (mpi_size - 1)) / mpi_size; | |
const int mpi_idx = mpi_rank > 0 ? mpi_rank - 1 : mpi_size - 1; | |
const int il0 = (mpi_idx + 0) * n_per_node; | |
const int il1 = MIN(n_layers, (mpi_idx + 1) * n_per_node); | |
char name_l0[GGML_MAX_NAME]; | |
char name_l1[GGML_MAX_NAME]; | |
snprintf(name_l0, sizeof(name_l0), "layer_inp_%d", il0); | |
snprintf(name_l1, sizeof(name_l1), "layer_inp_%d", il1); | |
const int idx_l0 = ggml_graph_get_node_idx(gf, name_l0); | |
const int idx_l1 = mpi_rank > 0 ? ggml_graph_get_node_idx(gf, name_l1) + 1 : gf->n_nodes; | |
if (idx_l0 < 0 || idx_l1 < 0) { | |
fprintf(stderr, "%s: layer input nodes not found\n", __func__); | |
return; | |
} | |
// attach the input data to all nodes that need it | |
// TODO: not great - should be able to do this without modifying the compute graph (see next TODO below) | |
for (int i = idx_l0; i < idx_l1; i++) { | |
if (gf->nodes[i]->src[0] == gf->nodes[idx_l0]) { | |
gf->nodes[i]->src[0] = inp0; | |
} | |
if (gf->nodes[i]->src[1] == gf->nodes[idx_l0]) { | |
gf->nodes[i]->src[1] = inp0; | |
} | |
} | |
// TODO: instead of rearranging the nodes, we should be able to execute a subset of the compute graph | |
for (int i = 1; i < idx_l1 - idx_l0; i++) { | |
gf->nodes[i] = gf->nodes[idx_l0 + i]; | |
gf->grads[i] = gf->grads[idx_l0 + i]; | |
} | |
// the first node performs the "get_rows" operation, the rest of the nodes get the data from the previous node | |
if (mpi_idx != 0) { | |
gf->nodes[0]->op = GGML_OP_NONE; | |
} | |
gf->n_nodes = idx_l1 - idx_l0; | |
//fprintf(stderr, "%s: node %d: processing %d nodes [%d, %d)\n", __func__, mpi_rank, gf->n_nodes, il0, il1); | |
} | |
} | |
void ggml_mpi_graph_compute_post( | |
struct ggml_mpi_context * ctx_mpi, | |
struct ggml_cgraph * gf, | |
int n_layers) { | |
UNUSED(n_layers); | |
const int mpi_rank = ctx_mpi->rank; | |
const int mpi_size = ctx_mpi->size; | |
// send the output data to the next node | |
if (mpi_rank > 0) { | |
ggml_mpi_tensor_send(gf->nodes[gf->n_nodes - 1], (mpi_rank + 1) % mpi_size); | |
} | |
} | |