const gameArea = document.getElementById('gameArea'); const paddleLeft = document.getElementById('paddleLeft'); const paddleRight = document.getElementById('paddleRight'); const ball = document.getElementById('ball'); const playerScoreDisplay = document.getElementById('playerScore'); const botScoreDisplay = document.getElementById('botScore'); let paddleLeftY = window.innerHeight / 2 - 40; // Center the paddle let paddleRightY = window.innerHeight / 2 - 40; // Center the paddle let ballX = window.innerWidth / 2; // Center the ball let ballY = window.innerHeight / 2; // Center the ball let ballSpeedX = 3; // Horizontal speed let ballSpeedY = 0; // Vertical speed (starts with no vertical movement) let playerScore = 0; let botScore = 0; let isGamePaused = true; // Pause the game until the player moves const paddleHeight = 80; const paddleWidth = 10; const ballSize = 15; const maxAngle = 45; // Maximum angle in degrees // Touch controls let touchY = 0; gameArea.addEventListener('touchmove', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); touchY = e.touches[0].clientY; // Move left paddle based on touch position if (e.touches[0].clientX < window.innerWidth / 2) { paddleLeftY = touchY - paddleHeight / 2; if (paddleLeftY < 0) paddleLeftY = 0; if (paddleLeftY > window.innerHeight - paddleHeight) paddleLeftY = window.innerHeight - paddleHeight; // Start the game if it's paused if (isGamePaused) { isGamePaused = false; } } }); function handlePaddleCollision(paddleY, paddleXDirection, isLeftPaddle) { const hitPosition = (ballY - (paddleY + paddleHeight / 2)) / (paddleHeight / 2); const angle = hitPosition * maxAngle * (Math.PI / 180); // Convert to radians ballSpeedX = paddleXDirection * Math.abs(ballSpeedX); // Ensure proper direction ballSpeedY = Math.sin(angle) * Math.abs(ballSpeedX); // Adjust vertical speed // Reposition ball to ensure no clipping through paddle if (isLeftPaddle) { ballX = paddleWidth + 10; // Place ball just outside left paddle } else { ballX = window.innerWidth - paddleWidth - 25; // Place ball just outside right paddle } } function checkPaddleCollision(paddleY, paddleX, isLeftPaddle) { if ( ballX >= paddleX && ballX <= paddleX + paddleWidth && ballY + ballSize >= paddleY && ballY <= paddleY + paddleHeight ) { handlePaddleCollision(paddleY, isLeftPaddle ? 1 : -1, isLeftPaddle); } } function update() { if (!isGamePaused) { // Update ball position ballX += ballSpeedX; ballY += ballSpeedY; // Ball collision with top and bottom walls if (ballY <= 0 || ballY >= window.innerHeight - ballSize) { ballSpeedY = -ballSpeedY; } // Check collision with paddles using improved detection checkPaddleCollision(paddleLeftY, paddleWidth, true); // Left paddle checkPaddleCollision(paddleRightY, window.innerWidth - paddleWidth - 25, false); // Right paddle // Ball out of bounds (left or right) if (ballX <= 0) { botScore++; botScoreDisplay.textContent = botScore; resetBall('right'); } else if (ballX >= window.innerWidth) { playerScore++; playerScoreDisplay.textContent = playerScore; resetBall('left'); } } // Bot logic for right paddle if (ballSpeedX > 0) { // Ball is moving towards the right paddle if (paddleRightY + paddleHeight / 2 < ballY) { paddleRightY += 3; // Move paddle down } else if (paddleRightY + paddleHeight / 2 > ballY) { paddleRightY -= 3; // Move paddle up } } // Ensure the right paddle stays within bounds if (paddleRightY < 0) paddleRightY = 0; if (paddleRightY > window.innerHeight - paddleHeight) paddleRightY = window.innerHeight - paddleHeight; // Update ball and paddle positions = ballX + 'px'; = ballY + 'px'; = paddleLeftY + 'px'; = paddleRightY + 'px'; requestAnimationFrame(update); } function resetBall(side) { isGamePaused = true; // Pause the game if (side === 'left') { ballX = paddleWidth + 10; // Place ball on the left paddle ballY = paddleLeftY + paddleHeight / 2; ballSpeedX = Math.abs(ballSpeedX); // Move ball to the right } else if (side === 'right') { ballX = window.innerWidth - paddleWidth - 25; // Place ball on the right paddle ballY = paddleRightY + paddleHeight / 2; ballSpeedX = -Math.abs(ballSpeedX); // Move ball to the left } ballSpeedY = 0; // Reset vertical speed } // Start the game loop update();