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<script> |
const websims = [ |
"https://fluxai.pro/fast-flux", |
"https://aivideogenerator.me/ru", |
"https://airesumebuilder.me/ru", |
"https://www.ninjaed.com/", |
"https://essay.art/", |
"https://deepnostalgia.ai/", |
"https://aicoloringpages.net/", |
"https://ailovemusic.net/", |
"https://onionai.so/", |
"https://www.yeschat.ai/ru/features/text-to-image-ai", |
"https://slea.ai/ru", |
"https://pngmaker.ai/ru", |
"https://www.ai-portraits.org/ru", |
"https://remaker.ai/", |
"https://math.now/ru?utm_source=www.yeschat.ai", |
"https://learngerman.ai/", |
"https://ai-song.ai/", |
"https://videoweb.ai/", |
"https://www.cvformatter.co/", |
"https://sunoapi.org/", |
"https://qwen-qwen2-5-vl-72b-instruct.hf.space/" |
]; |
const itemsPerPage = 6; |
let currentPage = 1; |
function goToSite(site) { |
showLoader(); |
setTimeout(() => { |
window.location.href = site; |
localStorage.setItem('showExitButton', 'true'); |
if (site === "https://essay.art/") { |
localStorage.setItem('showTranslateButton', 'true'); |
} |
}, 1000); |
} |
function exitSite() { |
showLoader(); |
setTimeout(() => { |
window.location.href = "https://your-main-site.com"; |
}, 1000); |
} |
function toggleLanguage() { |
const translateButton = document.querySelector('.translate-button'); |
if (translateButton.textContent === "Перевести на русский") { |
translateButton.textContent = "Translate to English"; |
} else { |
translateButton.textContent = "Перевести на русский"; |
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} |
function showLoader() { |
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const themeToggle = document.querySelector('.theme-toggle'); |
themeToggle.textContent = document.body.classList.contains('dark-mode') ? '☀️' : '🌙'; |
} |
function displaySites(page) { |
const sitesList = document.getElementById('sitesList'); |
sitesList.innerHTML = ''; |
const startIndex = (page - 1) * itemsPerPage; |
const endIndex = startIndex + itemsPerPage; |
const sitesToShow = websims.slice(startIndex, endIndex); |
sitesToShow.forEach(site => { |
const siteElement = document.createElement('div'); |
siteElement.textContent = site; |
siteElement.addEventListener('click', () => goToSite(site)); |
sitesList.appendChild(siteElement); |
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document.getElementById('nextPage').disabled = endIndex >= websims.length; |
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document.getElementById('prevPage').addEventListener('click', () => { |
if (currentPage > 1) { |
currentPage--; |
displaySites(currentPage); |
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}); |
document.getElementById('nextPage').addEventListener('click', () => { |
if (currentPage * itemsPerPage < websims.length) { |
currentPage++; |
displaySites(currentPage); |
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localStorage.removeItem('showExitButton'); |
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} |
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