# Import necessary libraries import os import json import time import re import base64 from datetime import datetime from io import BytesIO import numpy as np import pandas as pd import gradio as gr from gradio import ChatMessage from gradio_modal import Modal from sentence_transformers import CrossEncoder from azure.storage.fileshare import ShareServiceClient # Import custom modules from climateqa.engine.embeddings import get_embeddings_function from climateqa.engine.llm import get_llm from climateqa.engine.vectorstore import get_pinecone_vectorstore from climateqa.engine.reranker import get_reranker from climateqa.sample_questions import QUESTIONS from climateqa.constants import POSSIBLE_REPORTS from climateqa.utils import get_image_from_azure_blob_storage from climateqa.engine.graph import make_graph_agent from climateqa.engine.chains.retrieve_papers import find_papers from front.utils import serialize_docs, process_figures from climateqa.event_handler import ( init_audience, handle_retrieved_documents, stream_answer, handle_retrieved_owid_graphs ) from utils import create_user_id # Load environment variables in local mode try: from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() except Exception as e: pass # Set up Gradio Theme theme = gr.themes.Base( primary_hue="blue", secondary_hue="red", font=[gr.themes.GoogleFont("Poppins"), "ui-sans-serif", "system-ui", "sans-serif"], ) # Initialize prompt and system template init_prompt = """ Hello, I am ClimateQ&A, a conversational assistant designed to help you understand climate change and biodiversity loss. I will answer your questions by **sifting through the IPCC and IPBES scientific reports**. ❓ How to use - **Language**: You can ask me your questions in any language. - **Audience**: You can specify your audience (children, general public, experts) to get a more adapted answer. - **Sources**: You can choose to search in the IPCC or IPBES reports, or both. - **Relevant content sources**: You can choose to search for figures, papers, or graphs that can be relevant for your question. ⚠️ Limitations *Please note that the AI is not perfect and may sometimes give irrelevant answers. If you are not satisfied with the answer, please ask a more specific question or report your feedback to help us improve the system.* 🛈 Information Please note that we log your questions for meta-analysis purposes, so avoid sharing any sensitive or personal information. What do you want to learn ? """ # Azure Blob Storage credentials account_key = os.environ["BLOB_ACCOUNT_KEY"] if len(account_key) == 86: account_key += "==" credential = { "account_key": account_key, "account_name": os.environ["BLOB_ACCOUNT_NAME"], } account_url = os.environ["BLOB_ACCOUNT_URL"] file_share_name = "climateqa" service = ShareServiceClient(account_url=account_url, credential=credential) share_client = service.get_share_client(file_share_name) user_id = create_user_id() # Citation information CITATION_LABEL = "BibTeX citation for ClimateQ&A" CITATION_TEXT = r"""@misc{climateqa, author={Théo Alves Da Costa, Timothée Bohe}, title={ClimateQ&A, AI-powered conversational assistant for climate change and biodiversity loss}, year={2024}, howpublished= {\url{https://climateqa.com}}, } @software{climateqa, author = {Théo Alves Da Costa, Timothée Bohe}, publisher = {ClimateQ&A}, title = {ClimateQ&A, AI-powered conversational assistant for climate change and biodiversity loss}, } """ # Create vectorstore and retriever embeddings_function = get_embeddings_function() vectorstore = get_pinecone_vectorstore(embeddings_function, index_name=os.getenv("PINECONE_API_INDEX")) vectorstore_graphs = get_pinecone_vectorstore(embeddings_function, index_name=os.getenv("PINECONE_API_INDEX_OWID"), text_key="description") llm = get_llm(provider="openai",max_tokens = 1024,temperature = 0.0) reranker = get_reranker("nano") agent = make_graph_agent(llm=llm, vectorstore_ipcc=vectorstore, vectorstore_graphs=vectorstore_graphs, reranker=reranker) # Function to update modal visibility def update_config_modal_visibility(config_open): new_config_visibility_status = not config_open return gr.update(visible=new_config_visibility_status), new_config_visibility_status # Main chat function async def chat( query: str, history: list[ChatMessage], audience: str, sources: list[str], reports: list[str], relevant_content_sources_selection: list[str], search_only: bool ) -> tuple[list, str, str, str, list, str]: """Process a chat query and return response with relevant sources and visualizations. Args: query (str): The user's question history (list): Chat message history audience (str): Target audience type sources (list): Knowledge base sources to search reports (list): Specific reports to search within sources relevant_content_sources_selection (list): Types of content to retrieve (figures, papers, etc) search_only (bool): Whether to only search without generating answer Yields: tuple: Contains: - history: Updated chat history - docs_html: HTML of retrieved documents - output_query: Processed query - output_language: Detected language - related_contents: Related content - graphs_html: HTML of relevant graphs """ # Log incoming question date_now = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") print(f">> NEW QUESTION ({date_now}) : {query}") audience_prompt = init_audience(audience) sources = sources or ["IPCC", "IPBES", "IPOS"] reports = reports or [] # Prepare inputs for agent inputs = { "user_input": query, "audience": audience_prompt, "sources_input": sources, "relevant_content_sources_selection": relevant_content_sources_selection, "search_only": search_only, "reports": reports } # Get streaming events from agent result = agent.astream_events(inputs, version="v1") # Initialize state variables docs = [] related_contents = [] docs_html = "" output_query = "" output_language = "" output_keywords = "" start_streaming = False graphs_html = "" used_documents = [] answer_message_content = "" # Define processing steps steps_display = { "categorize_intent": ("🔄️ Analyzing user message", True), "transform_query": ("🔄️ Thinking step by step to answer the question", True), "retrieve_documents": ("🔄️ Searching in the knowledge base", False), } try: # Process streaming events async for event in result: if "langgraph_node" in event["metadata"]: node = event["metadata"]["langgraph_node"] # Handle document retrieval if event["event"] == "on_chain_end" and event["name"] == "retrieve_documents" and event["data"]["output"] != None: docs, docs_html, history, used_documents, related_contents = handle_retrieved_documents( event, history, used_documents ) # Handle intent categorization elif (event["event"] == "on_chain_end" and node == "categorize_intent" and event["name"] == "_write"): intent = event["data"]["output"]["intent"] output_language = event["data"]["output"].get("language", "English") history[-1].content = f"Language identified: {output_language}\nIntent identified: {intent}" # Handle processing steps display elif event["name"] in steps_display and event["event"] == "on_chain_start": event_description, display_output = steps_display[node] if (not hasattr(history[-1], 'metadata') or history[-1].metadata["title"] != event_description): history.append(ChatMessage( role="assistant", content="", metadata={'title': event_description} )) # Handle answer streaming elif (event["name"] != "transform_query" and event["event"] == "on_chat_model_stream" and node in ["answer_rag","answer_rag_no_docs", "answer_search", "answer_chitchat"]): history, start_streaming, answer_message_content = stream_answer( history, event, start_streaming, answer_message_content ) # Handle graph retrieval elif event["name"] in ["retrieve_graphs", "retrieve_graphs_ai"] and event["event"] == "on_chain_end": graphs_html = handle_retrieved_owid_graphs(event, graphs_html) # Handle query transformation if event["name"] == "transform_query" and event["event"] == "on_chain_end": if hasattr(history[-1], "content"): sub_questions = [q["question"] for q in event["data"]["output"]["remaining_questions"]] history[-1].content += "Decompose question into sub-questions:\n\n - " + "\n - ".join(sub_questions) yield history, docs_html, output_query, output_language, related_contents, graphs_html except Exception as e: print(f"Event {event} has failed") raise gr.Error(str(e)) try: # Log interaction to Azure if not in local environment if os.getenv("GRADIO_ENV") != "local": timestamp = str(datetime.now().timestamp()) prompt = history[1]["content"] logs = { "user_id": str(user_id), "prompt": prompt, "query": prompt, "question": output_query, "sources": sources, "docs": serialize_docs(docs), "answer": history[-1].content, "time": timestamp, } log_on_azure(f"{timestamp}.json", logs, share_client) except Exception as e: print(f"Error logging on Azure Blob Storage: {e}") error_msg = f"ClimateQ&A Error: {str(e)[:100]} - The error has been noted, try another question and if the error remains, you can contact us :)" raise gr.Error(error_msg) yield history, docs_html, output_query, output_language, related_contents, graphs_html # Function to save feedback def save_feedback(feed: str, user_id): if len(feed) > 1: timestamp = str(datetime.now().timestamp()) file = user_id + timestamp + ".json" logs = { "user_id": user_id, "feedback": feed, "time": timestamp, } log_on_azure(file, logs, share_client) return "Feedback submitted, thank you!" # Function to log data on Azure def log_on_azure(file, logs, share_client): logs = json.dumps(logs) file_client = share_client.get_file_client(file) file_client.upload_file(logs) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Gradio # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def vote(data: gr.LikeData): if data.liked: print(data.value) else: print(data) def save_graph(saved_graphs_state, embedding, category): print(f"\nCategory:\n{saved_graphs_state}\n") if category not in saved_graphs_state: saved_graphs_state[category] = [] if embedding not in saved_graphs_state[category]: saved_graphs_state[category].append(embedding) return saved_graphs_state, gr.Button("Graph Saved") # Functions to toggle visibility def toggle_summary_visibility(): global summary_visible summary_visible = not summary_visible return gr.update(visible=summary_visible) def toggle_relevant_visibility(): global relevant_visible relevant_visible = not relevant_visible return gr.update(visible=relevant_visible) def change_completion_status(current_state): current_state = 1 - current_state return current_state def update_sources_number_display(sources_textbox, figures_cards, current_graphs, papers_html): sources_number = sources_textbox.count("