ideologies = [
        "name": "Anarcho-Communism",
        "link": "",
        "desc": "Anarcho-Communism is a political philosophy and anarchist school of thought which advocates the abolition of the state, capitalism, wage labour, social hierarchies and private property, in favour of common ownership of the means of production and direct democracy.",
        "stats": {
            "econ": 90,
            "dipl": 50,
            "govt": 5,
            "scty": 50
        "name": "Libertarian Socialism",
        "link": "",
        "desc": "Libertarian Socialism is an anti-authoritarian, anti-statist and libertarian political philosophy within the socialist movement which rejects the state socialist conception of socialism as a statist form where the state retains centralized control of the economy.",
        "stats": {
            "econ": 80,
            "dipl": 80,
            "govt": 20,
            "scty": 50
        "name": "Trotskyism",
        "link": "",
        "desc": "Trotskyism is the political ideology and branch of Marxism developed by Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky. Trotsky self-identified as an orthodox Marxist and Bolshevik–Leninist. He supported founding a vanguard party of the proletariat, proletarian internationalism and a dictatorship of the proletariat based on working class self-emancipation and mass democracy.",
        "stats": {
            "econ": 100,
            "dipl": 100,
            "govt": 40,
            "scty": 50
        "name": "Marxism",
        "link": "",
        "desc": "Marxism is a method of socioeconomic analysis that uses a materialist interpretation of historical development, better known as historical materialism, to understand class relations and social conflict as well as a dialectical perspective to view social transformation. It originates from the works of 19th-century German philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.",
        "stats": {
            "econ": 100,
            "dipl": 70,
            "govt": 40,
            "scty": 50
        "name": "De Leonism",
        "link": "",
        "desc": "Marxism–De Leonism is a libertarian Marxist current developed by the American activist Daniel De Leon. De Leon was an early leader of the first United States socialist political party, the Socialist Labor Party of America (SLP). De Leon introduced the concept of Socialist Industrial Unionism. According to De Leonist theory, militant industrial unions are the vehicle of class struggle. Industrial unions serving the interests of the proletariat (working class) will be the needed republican structure used to establish a socialist system.",
        "stats": {
            "econ": 100,
            "dipl": 30,
            "govt": 70,
            "scty": 50
        "name": "Leninism",
        "link": "",
        "desc": "Leninism is a political ideology developed by Russian Marxist revolutionary Vladimir Lenin that proposes the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat led by a revolutionary vanguard party, as the political prelude to the establishment of communism.",
        "stats": {
            "econ": 100,
            "dipl": 40,
            "govt": 80,
            "scty": 60
        "name": "Stalinism",
        "link": "",
        "desc": "Stalinism is the means of governing and policies which were implemented in the Soviet Union from 1927 to 1953 by Joseph Stalin. It included the creation of a one-party totalitarian police state; rapid industrialization; the theory of socialism in one country, and the collectivization of agriculture.",
        "stats": {
            "econ": 100,
            "dipl": 20,
            "govt": 100,
            "scty": 40
        "name": "State Socialism",
        "link": "",
        "desc": "State socialism is a political and economic ideology within the socialist movement advocating state ownership of the means of production, either as a temporary measure or as a characteristic of socialism in the transition from the capitalist to the socialist mode of production or communist society.",
        "stats": {
            "econ": 80,
            "dipl": 30,
            "govt": 70,
            "scty": 50
        "name": "Democratic Socialism",
        "link": "",
        "desc": "Democratic socialism is a political philosophy supporting political democracy within a socially owned economy, with a particular emphasis on economic democracy, workplace democracy and workers' self-management within a market socialist economy or some form of a decentralised planned socialist economy.",
        "stats": {
            "econ": 80,
            "dipl": 50,
            "govt": 60,
            "scty": 50
        "name": "Revolutionary Socialism",
        "link": "",
        "desc": "Revolutionary socialism is a political philosophy, doctrine and tradition within socialism which stresses the idea that a social revolution is necessary in order to bring about structural changes to society. More specifically, it is the view that revolution is a necessary precondition for a transition from the capitalist mode of production to the socialist mode of production.",
        "stats": {
            "econ": 80,
            "dipl": 20,
            "govt": 50,
            "scty": 70
        "name": "Anarcho-Syndicalism",
        "link": "",
        "desc": "Anarcho-syndicalism is a political philosophy and anarchist school of thought that views revolutionary industrial unionism or syndicalism as a method for workers in capitalist society to gain control of an economy and thus control influence in broader society. The end goal of syndicalism is to abolish the wage system, regarding it as wage slavery. Anarcho-syndicalist theory therefore generally focuses on the labour movement.",
        "stats": {
            "econ": 80,
            "dipl": 50,
            "govt": 0,
            "scty": 50
        "name": "Left-Wing Populism",
        "link": "",
        "desc": "Left-wing populism, also called social populism, is a political ideology that combines left-wing politics with populist rhetoric and themes. Its rhetoric often consists of anti-elitism, opposition to the Establishment and speaking for the 'common people'.",
        "stats": {
            "econ": 60,
            "dipl": 40,
            "govt": 70,
            "scty": 50
        "name": "Distributism",
        "link": "",
        "desc": "Distributism is an economic theory asserting that the world's productive assets should be widely owned rather than concentrated. It views both laissez-faire capitalism and state socialism as equally flawed and exploitative, favoring economic mechanisms such as cooperatives and member-owned mutual organizations as well as small businesses and large-scale competition law reform such as antitrust regulations.",
        "stats": {
            "econ": 60,
            "dipl": 50,
            "govt": 50,
            "scty": 30
        "name": "Social Liberalism",
        "link": "",
        "desc": "Social Liberalism is a political philosophy and variety of liberalism that endorses a regulated market economy and the expansion of civil and political rights. Under social liberalism, the common good is viewed as harmonious with the freedom of the individual.",
        "stats": {
            "econ": 60,
            "dipl": 60,
            "govt": 40,
            "scty": 80
        "name": "Christian Democracy",
        "link": "",
        "desc": "Christian democracy is often considered centre-right on cultural, social and moral issues, but centre-left 'with respect to economic and labor issues, civil rights, and foreign policy' as well as the environment. Christian democrats support a social market economy.",
        "stats": {
            "econ": 60,
            "dipl": 60,
            "govt": 50,
            "scty": 30
        "name": "Social Democracy",
        "link": "",
        "desc": "Social democracy is a political, social and economic philosophy within socialism. As a policy regime, it is described by academics as advocating economic and social interventions to promote social justice within the framework of a liberal-democratic polity and a capitalist-oriented mixed economy.",
        "stats": {
            "econ": 60,
            "dipl": 70,
            "govt": 40,
            "scty": 50
        "name": "Progressivism",
        "link": "",
        "desc": "Progressivism is a political philosophy in support of social reform. It is based on the idea of progress in which advancements in science, technology, economic development and social organization are vital to the improvement of the human condition.",
        "stats": {
            "econ": 60,
            "dipl": 80,
            "govt": 40,
            "scty": 100
        "name": "Anarcho-Mutualism",
        "link": "",
        "desc": "Anarcho-Mutualism is an anarchist school of thought and economic theory that advocates a socialist society based on free markets and usufructs, i.e. occupation and use property norms.",
        "stats": {
            "econ": 60,
            "dipl": 50,
            "govt": 0,
            "scty": 50

        "name": "Technocracy",
        "link": "",
        "desc": "Technocracy is a system of government that in which a decision-maker or makers are elected by the population or appointed on the basis of their expertise in a given area of responsibility, particularly with regard to scientific or technical knowledge.",
        "stats": {
            "econ": 60,
            "dipl": 60,
            "govt": 80,
            "scty": 50
        "name": "Centrism",
        "link": "",
        "desc": "Centrism is a political outlook or position that involves acceptance and/or support of a balance of social equality and a degree of social hierarchy, while opposing political changes which would result in a significant shift of society strongly to either the left or the right.",
        "stats": {
            "econ": 50,
            "dipl": 50,
            "govt": 50,
            "scty": 50
        "name": "Liberalism",
        "link": "",
        "desc": "Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on liberty, consent of the governed and equality before the law. Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but they generally support free markets, free trade, limited government, individual rights (including civil rights and human rights), capitalism, democracy, secularism, gender equality, racial equality, internationalism, freedom of speech, freedom of the press and freedom of religion.",
        "stats": {
            "econ": 50,
            "dipl": 60,
            "govt": 40,
            "scty": 60
        "name": "Religious Anarchism",
        "link": "",
        "desc": "Religious Anarchism promotes the idea of a personal belief in religion within an Anarchist society. They believe that the relationship with God, rather than the government, should be the primary focus on human life.",
        "stats": {
            "econ": 50,
            "dipl": 50,
            "govt": 0,
            "scty": 30
        "name": "Right-Wing Populism",
        "link": "",
        "desc": "Right-Wing Populism is a political ideology which combines right-wing politics and populist rhetoric and themes. The rhetoric often consists of anti-elitist sentiments, opposition to the Establishment, and speaking to the 'common people'.",
        "stats": {
            "econ": 40,
            "dipl": 30,
            "govt": 70,
            "scty": 40
        "name": "Moderate Conservatism",
        "link": "",
        "desc": "Moderate Conservatism have been influenced by economic liberalism, generally supporting free markets, limited government spending and other policies heavily associated with neoliberalism. The moderate right is neither universally socially conservative nor culturally liberal, and often combines both beliefs with support for civil liberties and elements of traditionalism.",
        "stats": {
            "econ": 40,
            "dipl": 40,
            "govt": 50,
            "scty": 40
        "name": "Reactionary",
        "link": "",
        "desc": "In political science, a reactionary or reactionist is a person or entity holding political views that favour a return to a previous political state of society that they believe possessed positive characteristics that are absent in contemporary society.",
        "stats": {
            "econ": 40,
            "dipl": 40,
            "govt": 60,
            "scty": 10
        "name": "Social Libertarianism",
        "link": "",
        "desc": "Social Libertarianism is a political philosophy and type of libertarianism that stresses both individual freedom and social equality. Social libertarianism represents several related yet distinct approaches to political and social theory. In its classical usage, it refers to anti-authoritarian varieties of left-wing politics such as anarchism, especially social anarchism.",
        "stats": {
            "econ": 60,
            "dipl": 70,
            "govt": 20,
            "scty": 50
        "name": "Right-Libertarianism",
        "link": "",
        "desc": "Right-Libertarianism is a political philosophy and type of libertarianism that supports capitalist property rights and defends market distribution of natural resources and private property. It supports civil liberties, especially natural law, negative rights and a major reversal of the modern welfare state.",
        "stats": {
            "econ": 40,
            "dipl": 60,
            "govt": 20,
            "scty": 50
        "name": "Anarcho-Egoism",
        "link": "",
        "desc": "Egoism is the philosophy concerned with the role of the self, or ego, as the motivation and goal of one's own action. That is, they may be interested in either describing that people do act in self-interest or prescribing that they should.",
        "stats": {
            "econ": 40,
            "dipl": 50,
            "govt": 0,
            "scty": 50
        "name": "Fascism",
        "link": "",
        "desc": "Fascism is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy.",
        "stats": {
            "econ": 40,
            "dipl": 10,
            "govt": 90,
            "scty": 10
        "name": "Conservatism",
        "link": "",
        "desc": "Conservatism is a political and social philosophy promoting traditional social institutions. The central tenets of conservatism may vary in relation to the traditional values or practices of the culture and civilization in which it appears. Conservatives usually seek to preserve a range of institutions such as organized religion, parliamentary government, and property rights.",
        "stats": {
            "econ": 30,
            "dipl": 40,
            "govt": 60,
            "scty": 30
        "name": "Neoliberalism",
        "link": "",
        "desc": "Neoliberalism is generally associated with policies of economic liberalization, including privatization, deregulation, globalization, free trade, austerity and reductions in government spending in order to increase the role of the private sector in the economy and society; however, the defining features of neoliberalism in both thought and practice have been the subject of substantial scholarly debate.",
        "stats": {
            "econ": 30,
            "dipl": 30,
            "govt": 50,
            "scty": 60
        "name": "Classical Liberalism",
        "link": "",
        "desc": "Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism that advocates civil liberties under the rule of law with an emphasis on economic freedom. It drew on classical economics, especially the economic ideas as espoused by Adam Smith in Book One of The Wealth of Nations and on a belief in natural law, progress and utilitarianism.",
        "stats": {
            "econ": 30,
            "dipl": 60,
            "govt": 40,
            "scty": 50
        "name": "Authoritarian Capitalism",
        "link": "",
        "desc": "Authoritarian Capitalism, also called Illiberal Capitalism, is an economic system in which a capitalist market economy exists alongside an authoritarian government. It combines private property and the functioning of market forces with repression of dissent, restrictions on freedom of speech and either a lack of elections or an electoral system with a single dominant political party.",
        "stats": {
            "econ": 20,
            "dipl": 30,
            "govt": 90,
            "scty": 50
        "name": "State Capitalism",
        "link": "",
        "desc": "State capitalism is an economic system in which the state undertakes business and commercial economic activity and where the means of production are organized and managed as state-owned enterprises, or where there is otherwise a dominance of corporatized government agencies.",
        "stats": {
            "econ": 30,
            "dipl": 50,
            "govt": 80,
            "scty": 50
        "name": "Neoconservatism",
        "link": "",
        "desc": "Neoconservatism typically advocate the promotion of democracy and interventionism in international affairs, including peace through strength (by means of military force), and are known for espousing disdain for communism, terrorism, and political radicalism.",
        "stats": {
            "econ": 20,
            "dipl": 20,
            "govt": 60,
            "scty": 20
        "name": "Objectivism",
        "link": "",
        "desc": "Objectivism's main tenets are that reality exists independently of consciousness, that one can attain objective knowledge from perception through the process of concept formation and inductive logic, and that the proper moral purpose of one's life is the pursuit of one's own happiness. It claimes that the only social system consistent with this morality is one that displays full respect for individual rights embodied in laissez-faire capitalism and limited government.",
        "stats": {
            "econ": 20,
            "dipl": 50,
            "govt": 10,
            "scty": 50
        "name": "Voluntaryism",
        "link": "",
        "desc": "Voluntaryism advocates for its principal beliefs, which stems from the principles of self-ownership and non-aggression. It rejects a mandatory government and taxation, in favour of free markets and Voluntary/No Government. It allows for multiple economic systems (as long as they are voluntary), but is mostly associated with Right-Wing economic views.",
        "stats": {
            "econ": 20,
            "dipl": 50,
            "govt": 5,
            "scty": 50
        "name": "Anarcho-Capitalism",
        "link": "",
        "desc": "Anarcho-capitalism is a political philosophy and economic theory that advocates the elimination of centralized states in favor of a system of private property enforced by private agencies, free markets and the right-libertarian interpretation of self-ownership, which extends the concept to include control of private property as part of the self. In the absence of statute, anarcho-capitalists hold that society tends to contractually self-regulate and civilize through participation in the free market which they describe as a voluntary society.",
        "stats": {
            "econ": 10,
            "dipl": 50,
            "govt": 0,
            "scty": 50