import json |
import os |
import numpy as np |
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d |
from tqdm import tqdm |
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler |
def load_content_feature_path(meta_data, processed_dir, feat_dir): |
utt2feat_path = {} |
for utt_info in meta_data: |
utt = utt_info["Dataset"] + "_" + utt_info["Uid"] |
feat_path = os.path.join( |
processed_dir, utt_info["Dataset"], feat_dir, f'{utt_info["Uid"]}.npy' |
) |
utt2feat_path[utt] = feat_path |
return utt2feat_path |
def load_source_content_feature_path(meta_data, feat_dir): |
utt2feat_path = {} |
for utt in meta_data: |
feat_path = os.path.join(feat_dir, f"{utt}.npy") |
utt2feat_path[utt] = feat_path |
return utt2feat_path |
def get_spk_map(spk2id_path, utt2spk_path): |
utt2spk = {} |
with open(spk2id_path, "r") as spk2id_file: |
spk2id = json.load(spk2id_file) |
with open(utt2spk_path, encoding="utf-8") as f: |
for line in f.readlines(): |
utt, spk = line.strip().split("\t") |
utt2spk[utt] = spk |
return spk2id, utt2spk |
def get_target_f0_median(f0_dir): |
total_f0 = [] |
for utt in os.listdir(f0_dir): |
if not utt.endswith(".npy"): |
continue |
f0_feat_path = os.path.join(f0_dir, utt) |
f0 = np.load(f0_feat_path) |
total_f0 += f0.tolist() |
total_f0 = np.array(total_f0) |
voiced_position = np.where(total_f0 != 0) |
return np.median(total_f0[voiced_position]) |
def get_conversion_f0_factor(source_f0, target_median, source_median=None): |
"""Align the median between source f0 and target f0 |
Note: Here we use multiplication, whose factor is target_median/source_median |
Reference: Frequency and pitch interval |
http://blog.ccyg.studio/article/be12c2ee-d47c-4098-9782-ca76da3035e4/ |
""" |
if source_median is None: |
voiced_position = np.where(source_f0 != 0) |
source_median = np.median(source_f0[voiced_position]) |
factor = target_median / source_median |
return source_median, factor |
def transpose_key(frame_pitch, trans_key): |
print("Transpose key = {} ...\n".format(trans_key)) |
transed_pitch = frame_pitch * 2 ** (trans_key / 12) |
return transed_pitch |
def pitch_shift_to_target(frame_pitch, target_pitch_median, source_pitch_median=None): |
source_pitch_median, factor = get_conversion_f0_factor( |
frame_pitch, target_pitch_median, source_pitch_median |
) |
print( |
"Auto transposing: source f0 median = {:.1f}, target f0 median = {:.1f}, factor = {:.2f}".format( |
source_pitch_median, target_pitch_median, factor |
) |
) |
transed_pitch = frame_pitch * factor |
return transed_pitch |
def load_frame_pitch( |
meta_data, |
processed_dir, |
pitch_dir, |
use_log_scale=False, |
return_norm=False, |
interoperate=False, |
utt2spk=None, |
): |
utt2pitch = {} |
utt2uv = {} |
if utt2spk is None: |
pitch_scaler = StandardScaler() |
for utt_info in meta_data: |
utt = utt_info["Dataset"] + "_" + utt_info["Uid"] |
pitch_path = os.path.join( |
processed_dir, utt_info["Dataset"], pitch_dir, f'{utt_info["Uid"]}.npy' |
) |
pitch = np.load(pitch_path) |
assert len(pitch) > 0 |
uv = pitch != 0 |
utt2uv[utt] = uv |
if use_log_scale: |
nonzero_idxes = np.where(pitch != 0)[0] |
pitch[nonzero_idxes] = np.log(pitch[nonzero_idxes]) |
utt2pitch[utt] = pitch |
pitch_scaler.partial_fit(pitch.reshape(-1, 1)) |
mean, std = pitch_scaler.mean_[0], pitch_scaler.scale_[0] |
if return_norm: |
for utt_info in meta_data: |
utt = utt_info["Dataset"] + "_" + utt_info["Uid"] |
pitch = utt2pitch[utt] |
normalized_pitch = (pitch - mean) / std |
utt2pitch[utt] = normalized_pitch |
pitch_statistic = {"mean": mean, "std": std} |
else: |
spk2utt = {} |
pitch_statistic = [] |
for utt_info in meta_data: |
utt = utt_info["Dataset"] + "_" + utt_info["Uid"] |
if not utt2spk[utt] in spk2utt: |
spk2utt[utt2spk[utt]] = [] |
spk2utt[utt2spk[utt]].append(utt) |
for spk in spk2utt: |
pitch_scaler = StandardScaler() |
for utt in spk2utt[spk]: |
dataset = utt.split("_")[0] |
uid = "_".join(utt.split("_")[1:]) |
pitch_path = os.path.join( |
processed_dir, dataset, pitch_dir, f"{uid}.npy" |
) |
pitch = np.load(pitch_path) |
assert len(pitch) > 0 |
uv = pitch != 0 |
utt2uv[utt] = uv |
if use_log_scale: |
nonzero_idxes = np.where(pitch != 0)[0] |
pitch[nonzero_idxes] = np.log(pitch[nonzero_idxes]) |
utt2pitch[utt] = pitch |
pitch_scaler.partial_fit(pitch.reshape(-1, 1)) |
mean, std = pitch_scaler.mean_[0], pitch_scaler.scale_[0] |
if return_norm: |
for utt in spk2utt[spk]: |
pitch = utt2pitch[utt] |
normalized_pitch = (pitch - mean) / std |
utt2pitch[utt] = normalized_pitch |
pitch_statistic.append({"spk": spk, "mean": mean, "std": std}) |
return utt2pitch, utt2uv, pitch_statistic |
def load_phone_pitch( |
meta_data, |
processed_dir, |
pitch_dir, |
utt2dur, |
use_log_scale=False, |
return_norm=False, |
interoperate=True, |
utt2spk=None, |
): |
print("Load Phone Pitch") |
utt2pitch = {} |
utt2uv = {} |
if utt2spk is None: |
pitch_scaler = StandardScaler() |
for utt_info in tqdm(meta_data): |
utt = utt_info["Dataset"] + "_" + utt_info["Uid"] |
pitch_path = os.path.join( |
processed_dir, utt_info["Dataset"], pitch_dir, f'{utt_info["Uid"]}.npy' |
) |
frame_pitch = np.load(pitch_path) |
assert len(frame_pitch) > 0 |
uv = frame_pitch != 0 |
utt2uv[utt] = uv |
phone_pitch = phone_average_pitch(frame_pitch, utt2dur[utt], interoperate) |
if use_log_scale: |
nonzero_idxes = np.where(phone_pitch != 0)[0] |
phone_pitch[nonzero_idxes] = np.log(phone_pitch[nonzero_idxes]) |
utt2pitch[utt] = phone_pitch |
pitch_scaler.partial_fit(remove_outlier(phone_pitch).reshape(-1, 1)) |
mean, std = pitch_scaler.mean_[0], pitch_scaler.scale_[0] |
max_value = np.finfo(np.float64).min |
min_value = np.finfo(np.float64).max |
if return_norm: |
for utt_info in meta_data: |
utt = utt_info["Dataset"] + "_" + utt_info["Uid"] |
pitch = utt2pitch[utt] |
normalized_pitch = (pitch - mean) / std |
max_value = max(max_value, max(normalized_pitch)) |
min_value = min(min_value, min(normalized_pitch)) |
utt2pitch[utt] = normalized_pitch |
phone_normalized_pitch_path = os.path.join( |
processed_dir, |
utt_info["Dataset"], |
"phone_level_" + pitch_dir, |
f'{utt_info["Uid"]}.npy', |
) |
pitch_statistic = { |
"mean": mean, |
"std": std, |
"min_value": min_value, |
"max_value": max_value, |
} |
else: |
spk2utt = {} |
pitch_statistic = [] |
for utt_info in tqdm(meta_data): |
utt = utt_info["Dataset"] + "_" + utt_info["Uid"] |
if not utt2spk[utt] in spk2utt: |
spk2utt[utt2spk[utt]] = [] |
spk2utt[utt2spk[utt]].append(utt) |
for spk in spk2utt: |
pitch_scaler = StandardScaler() |
for utt in spk2utt[spk]: |
dataset = utt.split("_")[0] |
uid = "_".join(utt.split("_")[1:]) |
pitch_path = os.path.join( |
processed_dir, dataset, pitch_dir, f"{uid}.npy" |
) |
frame_pitch = np.load(pitch_path) |
assert len(frame_pitch) > 0 |
uv = frame_pitch != 0 |
utt2uv[utt] = uv |
phone_pitch = phone_average_pitch( |
frame_pitch, utt2dur[utt], interoperate |
) |
if use_log_scale: |
nonzero_idxes = np.where(phone_pitch != 0)[0] |
phone_pitch[nonzero_idxes] = np.log(phone_pitch[nonzero_idxes]) |
utt2pitch[utt] = phone_pitch |
pitch_scaler.partial_fit(remove_outlier(phone_pitch).reshape(-1, 1)) |
mean, std = pitch_scaler.mean_[0], pitch_scaler.scale_[0] |
max_value = np.finfo(np.float64).min |
min_value = np.finfo(np.float64).max |
if return_norm: |
for utt in spk2utt[spk]: |
pitch = utt2pitch[utt] |
normalized_pitch = (pitch - mean) / std |
max_value = max(max_value, max(normalized_pitch)) |
min_value = min(min_value, min(normalized_pitch)) |
utt2pitch[utt] = normalized_pitch |
pitch_statistic.append( |
{ |
"spk": spk, |
"mean": mean, |
"std": std, |
"min_value": min_value, |
"max_value": max_value, |
} |
) |
return utt2pitch, utt2uv, pitch_statistic |
def phone_average_pitch(pitch, dur, interoperate=False): |
pos = 0 |
if interoperate: |
nonzero_ids = np.where(pitch != 0)[0] |
interp_fn = interp1d( |
nonzero_ids, |
pitch[nonzero_ids], |
fill_value=(pitch[nonzero_ids[0]], pitch[nonzero_ids[-1]]), |
bounds_error=False, |
) |
pitch = interp_fn(np.arange(0, len(pitch))) |
phone_pitch = np.zeros(len(dur)) |
for i, d in enumerate(dur): |
d = int(d) |
if d > 0 and pos < len(pitch): |
phone_pitch[i] = np.mean(pitch[pos : pos + d]) |
else: |
phone_pitch[i] = 0 |
pos += d |
return phone_pitch |
def load_energy( |
meta_data, |
processed_dir, |
energy_dir, |
use_log_scale=False, |
return_norm=False, |
utt2spk=None, |
): |
utt2energy = {} |
if utt2spk is None: |
for utt_info in meta_data: |
utt = utt_info["Dataset"] + "_" + utt_info["Uid"] |
energy_path = os.path.join( |
processed_dir, utt_info["Dataset"], energy_dir, f'{utt_info["Uid"]}.npy' |
) |
if not os.path.exists(energy_path): |
continue |
energy = np.load(energy_path) |
assert len(energy) > 0 |
if use_log_scale: |
nonzero_idxes = np.where(energy != 0)[0] |
energy[nonzero_idxes] = np.log(energy[nonzero_idxes]) |
utt2energy[utt] = energy |
if return_norm: |
with open( |
os.path.join( |
processed_dir, utt_info["Dataset"], energy_dir, "statistics.json" |
) |
) as f: |
stats = json.load(f) |
mean, std = ( |
stats[utt_info["Dataset"] + "_" + utt_info["Singer"]][ |
"voiced_positions" |
]["mean"], |
stats["LJSpeech_LJSpeech"]["voiced_positions"]["std"], |
) |
for utt in utt2energy.keys(): |
energy = utt2energy[utt] |
normalized_energy = (energy - mean) / std |
utt2energy[utt] = normalized_energy |
energy_statistic = {"mean": mean, "std": std} |
else: |
spk2utt = {} |
energy_statistic = [] |
for utt_info in meta_data: |
utt = utt_info["Dataset"] + "_" + utt_info["Uid"] |
if not utt2spk[utt] in spk2utt: |
spk2utt[utt2spk[utt]] = [] |
spk2utt[utt2spk[utt]].append(utt) |
for spk in spk2utt: |
energy_scaler = StandardScaler() |
for utt in spk2utt[spk]: |
dataset = utt.split("_")[0] |
uid = "_".join(utt.split("_")[1:]) |
energy_path = os.path.join( |
processed_dir, dataset, energy_dir, f"{uid}.npy" |
) |
if not os.path.exists(energy_path): |
continue |
frame_energy = np.load(energy_path) |
assert len(frame_energy) > 0 |
if use_log_scale: |
nonzero_idxes = np.where(frame_energy != 0)[0] |
frame_energy[nonzero_idxes] = np.log(frame_energy[nonzero_idxes]) |
utt2energy[utt] = frame_energy |
energy_scaler.partial_fit(frame_energy.reshape(-1, 1)) |
mean, std = energy_scaler.mean_[0], energy_scaler.scale_[0] |
if return_norm: |
for utt in spk2utt[spk]: |
energy = utt2energy[utt] |
normalized_energy = (energy - mean) / std |
utt2energy[utt] = normalized_energy |
energy_statistic.append({"spk": spk, "mean": mean, "std": std}) |
return utt2energy, energy_statistic |
def load_frame_energy( |
meta_data, |
processed_dir, |
energy_dir, |
use_log_scale=False, |
return_norm=False, |
interoperate=False, |
utt2spk=None, |
): |
utt2energy = {} |
if utt2spk is None: |
energy_scaler = StandardScaler() |
for utt_info in meta_data: |
utt = utt_info["Dataset"] + "_" + utt_info["Uid"] |
energy_path = os.path.join( |
processed_dir, utt_info["Dataset"], energy_dir, f'{utt_info["Uid"]}.npy' |
) |
frame_energy = np.load(energy_path) |
assert len(frame_energy) > 0 |
if use_log_scale: |
nonzero_idxes = np.where(frame_energy != 0)[0] |
frame_energy[nonzero_idxes] = np.log(frame_energy[nonzero_idxes]) |
utt2energy[utt] = frame_energy |
energy_scaler.partial_fit(frame_energy.reshape(-1, 1)) |
mean, std = energy_scaler.mean_[0], energy_scaler.scale_[0] |
if return_norm: |
for utt_info in meta_data: |
utt = utt_info["Dataset"] + "_" + utt_info["Uid"] |
energy = utt2energy[utt] |
normalized_energy = (energy - mean) / std |
utt2energy[utt] = normalized_energy |
energy_statistic = {"mean": mean, "std": std} |
else: |
spk2utt = {} |
energy_statistic = [] |
for utt_info in meta_data: |
utt = utt_info["Dataset"] + "_" + utt_info["Uid"] |
if not utt2spk[utt] in spk2utt: |
spk2utt[utt2spk[utt]] = [] |
spk2utt[utt2spk[utt]].append(utt) |
for spk in spk2utt: |
energy_scaler = StandardScaler() |
for utt in spk2utt[spk]: |
dataset = utt.split("_")[0] |
uid = "_".join(utt.split("_")[1:]) |
energy_path = os.path.join( |
processed_dir, dataset, energy_dir, f"{uid}.npy" |
) |
frame_energy = np.load(energy_path) |
assert len(frame_energy) > 0 |
if use_log_scale: |
nonzero_idxes = np.where(frame_energy != 0)[0] |
frame_energy[nonzero_idxes] = np.log(frame_energy[nonzero_idxes]) |
utt2energy[utt] = frame_energy |
energy_scaler.partial_fit(frame_energy.reshape(-1, 1)) |
mean, std = energy_scaler.mean_[0], energy_scaler.scale_[0] |
if return_norm: |
for utt in spk2utt[spk]: |
energy = utt2energy[utt] |
normalized_energy = (energy - mean) / std |
utt2energy[utt] = normalized_energy |
energy_statistic.append({"spk": spk, "mean": mean, "std": std}) |
return utt2energy, energy_statistic |
def align_length(feature, target_len, pad_value=0.0): |
feature_len = feature.shape[-1] |
dim = len(feature.shape) |
if dim == 2: |
if target_len > feature_len: |
feature = np.pad( |
feature, |
((0, 0), (0, target_len - feature_len)), |
constant_values=pad_value, |
) |
else: |
feature = feature[:, :target_len] |
elif dim == 1: |
if target_len > feature_len: |
feature = np.pad( |
feature, (0, target_len - feature_len), constant_values=pad_value |
) |
else: |
feature = feature[:target_len] |
else: |
raise NotImplementedError |
return feature |
def align_whisper_feauture_length( |
feature, target_len, fast_mapping=True, source_hop=320, target_hop=256 |
): |
factor = np.gcd(source_hop, target_hop) |
source_hop //= factor |
target_hop //= factor |
max_source_len = 1500 |
target_len = min(target_len, max_source_len * source_hop // target_hop) |
width = feature.shape[-1] |
if fast_mapping: |
source_len = target_len * target_hop // source_hop + 1 |
feature = feature[:source_len] |
else: |
source_len = max_source_len |
const = source_len * source_hop // target_hop * target_hop |
up_sampling_feats = np.repeat(feature, source_hop, axis=0) |
down_sampling_feats = np.average( |
up_sampling_feats[:const].reshape(-1, target_hop, width), axis=1 |
) |
assert len(down_sampling_feats) >= target_len |
feat = down_sampling_feats[:target_len] |
return feat |
def align_content_feature_length(feature, target_len, source_hop=320, target_hop=256): |
factor = np.gcd(source_hop, target_hop) |
source_hop //= factor |
target_hop //= factor |
source_len, width = feature.shape |
const = source_len * source_hop // target_hop * target_hop |
up_sampling_feats = np.repeat(feature, source_hop, axis=0) |
down_sampling_feats = np.average( |
up_sampling_feats[:const].reshape(-1, target_hop, width), axis=1 |
) |
err = abs(target_len - len(down_sampling_feats)) |
if err > 4: |
print("target_len:", target_len) |
print("raw feature:", feature.shape) |
print("up_sampling:", up_sampling_feats.shape) |
print("down_sampling_feats:", down_sampling_feats.shape) |
exit() |
if len(down_sampling_feats) < target_len: |
end = down_sampling_feats[-1][None, :].repeat(err, axis=0) |
down_sampling_feats = np.concatenate([down_sampling_feats, end], axis=0) |
feat = down_sampling_feats[:target_len] |
return feat |
def remove_outlier(values): |
values = np.array(values) |
p25 = np.percentile(values, 25) |
p75 = np.percentile(values, 75) |
lower = p25 - 1.5 * (p75 - p25) |
upper = p75 + 1.5 * (p75 - p25) |
normal_indices = np.logical_and(values > lower, values < upper) |
return values[normal_indices] |