Abdulrahman Al-Ghamdi
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أحببت الفيلم كثيرًا، كان ممتعًا!
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كان الطعام لذيذًا للغاية.
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لقد كانت رحلة رائعة حقًا.
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الخدمة في الفندق كانت استثنائية.
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الحديقة جميلة جدًا ومريحة.
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أشعر بالسعادة لأنني حققت هدف اليوم.
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حصلت على مكافأة في العمل، وأنا مسرور جدًا.
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اليوم كان من أجمل الأيام التي عشتها.
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التجربة كانت سيئة للغاية.
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الطعام لم يكن طازجًا كما توقعت.
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شعرت بخيبة أمل كبيرة بعد رؤية النتائج.
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اليوم كان مرهقًا للغاية.
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لم يعجبني هذا الفيلم على الإطلاق.
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الخدمة كانت بطيئة ومزعجة.
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المنتج الذي اشتريته معيب وغير قابل للاستخدام.
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الجو كان حارًا جدًا وغير مريح.
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ذهبت إلى السوق لشراء بعض الأشياء.
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انتهيت من قراءة الكتاب وكان جيدًا.
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قضيت وقتًا في المنزل هذا المساء.
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المؤتمر كان مفيدًا ولكنه طويل.
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الرحلة إلى المدينة استغرقت حوالي ساعتين.
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الطقس كان معتدلاً اليوم.
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أعمل على إنهاء مشروعي.
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اليوم كان يوم عادي مثل أي يوم آخر.
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كان الاختبار سهلا جدا.
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أنا راضٍ جدًا عن الخدمة التي حصلت عليها.
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التطبيق يتعطل باستمرار، إنه مزعج للغاية.
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لم يعجبني حقًا الطريقة التي تعاملوا بها معنا في الحدث.
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أحتاج إلى التحقق من بريدي الإلكتروني لاحقًا.
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الاجتماع مجدول ليوم غد في الساعة الثالثة مساءً.
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I absolutely loved the vacation; it was a dream come true!
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The customer service was excellent and very helpful.
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This is the best decision I have ever made.
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The new restaurant in town is fantastic!
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I'm so proud of what we have accomplished today.
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She did an amazing job on the project, exceeding expectations.
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What a beautiful and sunny day outside!
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I received a promotion today, and I'm thrilled!
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I am extremely disappointed with the results.
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The food was terrible, I couldn't even finish it.
11 |
This product broke after just one use, awful quality.
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The movie was too boring and slow.
13 |
I had the worst experience with this service.
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My day has been a complete disaster from start to finish.
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Traffic was unbearable this morning, making me late.
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I regret wasting my money on this useless gadget.
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"The book was okay, nothing special.
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"The meeting lasted two hours and covered basic topics.
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I went for a walk in the park.
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The presentation went as expected.
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I need to finish my homework by tomorrow.
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The weather today is neither hot nor cold.
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The restaurant serves both vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes.
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I took the bus to work today instead of driving.
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The concert last night was amazing!
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I'm very satisfied with the service I received.
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The app keeps crashing, it's so frustrating.
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I really didn’t like the way they treated us at the event.
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I need to check my email later.
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I went to the mall.