import streamlit as st import numpy as np from object_9x9 import Player, HumanPlayer # Create RL bot player and human player p1 = Player("9x9_p1") human_player = HumanPlayer("p2") def handle_click(i, j): if (i, j) not in check_available_moves(extra=True): st.session_state.warning = True elif not st.session_state.winner: st.session_state.warning = False st.session_state.board[i, j] = st.session_state.player winner = check_win(st.session_state.board) if winner: st.session_state.winner = winner if st.session_state.opponent == 'Computer': # Give reward to the RL bot and update its policy if winner == 'X': p1.feedReward(1) elif winner == 'O': p1.feedReward(0) else: p1.feedReward(0.1) # Save the RL bot's policy p1.savePolicy() # Toggle the player's turn st.session_state.player = "O" if st.session_state.player == "X" else "X" def init(post_init=False): if not post_init: = {'X': 0, 'O': 0} st.session_state.opponent = 'Computer' # Initialize the opponent attribute st.session_state.board = np.full((9, 9), '.', dtype=str) st.session_state.player = 'X' st.session_state.warning = False st.session_state.winner = None st.session_state.over = False def check_available_moves(extra=False) -> list: raw_moves = [row for col in st.session_state.board.tolist() for row in col] num_moves = [i for i, spot in enumerate(raw_moves) if spot == '.'] if extra: return [(i // 9, i % 9) for i in num_moves] return num_moves def check_win(board): # Check for a winner by checking rows, columns, and diagonals for three linked points for i in range(9): for j in range(9): if board[i, j] != '.': symbol = board[i, j] # Check horizontally if j + 2 < 9 and board[i, j + 1] == board[i, j + 2] == symbol: return symbol # Check vertically if i + 2 < 9 and board[i + 1, j] == board[i + 2, j] == symbol: return symbol # Check diagonally (top-left to bottom-right) if i + 2 < 9 and j + 2 < 9 and board[i + 1, j + 1] == board[i + 2, j + 2] == symbol: return symbol # Check diagonally (top-right to bottom-left) if i + 2 < 9 and j - 2 >= 0 and board[i + 1, j - 1] == board[i + 2, j - 2] == symbol: return symbol return None def computer_player(): moves = check_available_moves(extra=True) if moves: # Use p1 to choose the action positions = check_available_moves(extra=True) p1_action = p1.chooseAction(positions, st.session_state.board, -1) # Check if the chosen action is valid and make the move if p1_action in moves: i, j = p1_action handle_click(i, j) def main(): st.write( """ # βŽπŸ…ΎοΈ Tic Tac Toe (9x9) """ ) if "board" not in st.session_state: init() reset, score, player = st.columns([0.5, 0.6, 1]) reset.button('New game', on_click=init, args=(True,)) for i, row in enumerate(st.session_state.board): cols = st.columns([5] + [1] * 9 + [5]) for j, field in enumerate(row): if st.session_state.player == 'X' and not st.session_state.winner: # Only allow human player to make a move if it's their turn and the game is not over cols[j + 1].button( field, key=f"{i}-{j}", on_click=lambda i=i, j=j: handle_click(i, j) # Use lambda to pass arguments ) else: # If it's not the human player's turn or the game is over, let the bot play computer_player() if st.session_state.winner: st.success(f"Congrats! {st.session_state.winner} won the game! 🎈") elif not check_available_moves():"It's a tie πŸ“") score.button(f'❌{["X"]} πŸ†š {["O"]}β­•') player.button( f'{"❌" if st.session_state.player == "X" else "β­•"}\'s turn' if not st.session_state.winner else f'🏁 Game finished' ) if __name__ == '__main__': main()