#!/usr/bin/env bash # Function to display help information display_help() { cat <<EOF Kohya_SS Installation Script for POSIX operating systems. Usage: # Specifies custom branch, install directory, and git repo setup.sh -b dev -d /workspace/kohya_ss -g https://mycustom.repo.tld/custom_fork.git # Same as example 1, but uses long options setup.sh --branch=dev --dir=/workspace/kohya_ss --git-repo=https://mycustom.repo.tld/custom_fork.git # Maximum verbosity, fully automated installation in a runpod environment skipping the runpod env checks setup.sh -vvv --skip-space-check --runpod Options: -b BRANCH, --branch=BRANCH Select which branch of kohya to check out on new installs. -d DIR, --dir=DIR The full path you want kohya_ss installed to. -g REPO, --git_repo=REPO You can optionally provide a git repo to check out for runpod installation. Useful for custom forks. -h, --help Show this screen. -i, --interactive Interactively configure accelerate instead of using default config file. -n, --no-git-update Do not update kohya_ss repo. No git pull or clone operations. -p, --public Expose public URL in runpod mode. Won't have an effect in other modes. -r, --runpod Forces a runpod installation. Useful if detection fails for any reason. -s, --skip-space-check Skip the 10Gb minimum storage space check. -u, --no-gui Skips launching the GUI. -v, --verbose Increase verbosity levels up to 3. --use-ipex Use IPEX with Intel ARC GPUs. --use-rocm Use ROCm with AMD GPUs. EOF } # Helper function to check if variable is set and non-empty env_var_exists() { if [[ -n "${!1}" ]]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } # Check if RUNPOD variable should be set RUNPOD=false if env_var_exists RUNPOD_POD_ID || env_var_exists RUNPOD_API_KEY; then RUNPOD=true fi # Directory of the script SCRIPT_DIR="$(cd -- $(dirname -- "$0") && pwd)" # Variables defined before the getopts loop, so we have sane default values. # Default installation locations based on OS and environment if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "lin"* ]]; then if [ "$RUNPOD" = true ]; then DIR="/workspace/kohya_ss" elif [ -d "$SCRIPT_DIR/.git" ]; then DIR="$SCRIPT_DIR" elif [ -w "/opt" ]; then DIR="/opt/kohya_ss" elif env_var_exists HOME; then DIR="$HOME/kohya_ss" else # The last fallback is simply PWD DIR="$(PWD)" fi else if [ -d "$SCRIPT_DIR/.git" ]; then DIR="$SCRIPT_DIR" elif env_var_exists HOME; then DIR="$HOME/kohya_ss" else # The last fallback is simply PWD DIR="$(PWD)" fi fi # Variables BRANCH="master" GIT_REPO="https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss.git" INTERACTIVE=false PUBLIC=false SKIP_SPACE_CHECK=false SKIP_GIT_UPDATE=true SKIP_GUI=false VERBOSITY=2 MAXVERBOSITY=6 DIR="" PARENT_DIR="" VENV_DIR="" USE_IPEX=false USE_ROCM=false # Function to get the distro name get_distro_name() { local line if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then # We search for the line starting with ID= # Then we remove the ID= prefix to get the name itself line="$(grep -Ei '^ID=' /etc/os-release)" echo "Raw detected os-release distro line: $line" >&5 line=${line##*=} echo "$line" return 0 elif command -v python >/dev/null; then line="$(python -mplatform)" echo "$line" return 0 elif command -v python3 >/dev/null; then line="$(python3 -mplatform)" echo "$line" return 0 else line="None" echo "$line" return 1 fi } # Function to get the distro family get_distro_family() { local line if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then if grep -Eiq '^ID_LIKE=' /etc/os-release >/dev/null; then line="$(grep -Ei '^ID_LIKE=' /etc/os-release)" echo "Raw detected os-release distro family line: $line" >&5 line=${line##*=} echo "$line" return 0 else line="None" echo "$line" return 1 fi else line="None" echo "$line" return 1 fi } # Function to check available storage space check_storage_space() { if [ "$SKIP_SPACE_CHECK" = false ]; then if [ "$(size_available)" -lt 10 ]; then echo "You have less than 10Gb of free space. This installation may fail." MSGTIMEOUT=10 # In seconds MESSAGE="Continuing in..." echo "Press control-c to cancel the installation." for ((i = MSGTIMEOUT; i >= 0; i--)); do printf "\r${MESSAGE} %ss. " "${i}" sleep 1 done fi fi } # Function to create symlinks create_symlinks() { local symlink="$1" local target_file="$2" echo "Checking symlinks now." # Check if the symlink exists if [ -L "$symlink" ]; then # Check if the linked file exists and points to the expected file if [ -e "$symlink" ] && [ "$(readlink "$symlink")" == "$target_file" ]; then echo "$(basename "$symlink") symlink looks fine. Skipping." else if [ -f "$target_file" ]; then echo "Broken symlink detected. Recreating $(basename "$symlink")." rm "$symlink" && ln -s "$target_file" "$symlink" else echo "$target_file does not exist. Nothing to link." fi fi else echo "Linking $(basename "$symlink")." ln -s "$target_file" "$symlink" fi } # Function to install Python dependencies install_python_dependencies() { local TEMP_REQUIREMENTS_FILE # Switch to local virtual env echo "Switching to virtual Python environment." if ! inDocker; then if command -v python3.10 >/dev/null; then python3.10 -m venv "$DIR/venv" elif command -v python3 >/dev/null; then python3 -m venv "$DIR/venv" else echo "Valid python3 or python3.10 binary not found." echo "Cannot proceed with the python steps." return 1 fi # Activate the virtual environment source "$DIR/venv/bin/activate" fi case "$OSTYPE" in "lin"*) if [ "$RUNPOD" = true ]; then python "$SCRIPT_DIR/setup/setup_linux.py" --platform-requirements-file=requirements_runpod.txt elif [ "$USE_IPEX" = true ]; then python "$SCRIPT_DIR/setup/setup_linux.py" --platform-requirements-file=requirements_linux_ipex.txt elif [ "$USE_ROCM" = true ] || [ -x "$(command -v rocminfo)" ] || [ -f "/opt/rocm/bin/rocminfo" ]; then python "$SCRIPT_DIR/setup/setup_linux.py" --platform-requirements-file=requirements_linux_rocm.txt else python "$SCRIPT_DIR/setup/setup_linux.py" --platform-requirements-file=requirements_linux.txt fi ;; "darwin"*) if [[ "$(uname -m)" == "arm64" ]]; then python "$SCRIPT_DIR/setup/setup_linux.py" --platform-requirements-file=requirements_macos_arm64.txt else python "$SCRIPT_DIR/setup/setup_linux.py" --platform-requirements-file=requirements_macos_amd64.txt fi ;; esac if [ -n "$VIRTUAL_ENV" ] && ! inDocker; then if command -v deactivate >/dev/null; then echo "Exiting Python virtual environment." deactivate else echo "deactivate command not found. Could still be in the Python virtual environment." fi fi } # Function to configure accelerate configure_accelerate() { echo "Source accelerate config location: $DIR/config_files/accelerate/default_config.yaml" >&3 if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = true ]; then accelerate config else if env_var_exists HF_HOME; then if [ ! -f "$HF_HOME/accelerate/default_config.yaml" ]; then mkdir -p "$HF_HOME/accelerate/" && echo "Target accelerate config location: $HF_HOME/accelerate/default_config.yaml" >&3 cp "$DIR/config_files/accelerate/default_config.yaml" "$HF_HOME/accelerate/default_config.yaml" && echo "Copied accelerate config file to: $HF_HOME/accelerate/default_config.yaml" fi elif env_var_exists XDG_CACHE_HOME; then if [ ! -f "$XDG_CACHE_HOME/huggingface/accelerate" ]; then mkdir -p "$XDG_CACHE_HOME/huggingface/accelerate" && echo "Target accelerate config location: $XDG_CACHE_HOME/accelerate/default_config.yaml" >&3 cp "$DIR/config_files/accelerate/default_config.yaml" "$XDG_CACHE_HOME/huggingface/accelerate/default_config.yaml" && echo "Copied accelerate config file to: $XDG_CACHE_HOME/huggingface/accelerate/default_config.yaml" fi elif env_var_exists HOME; then if [ ! -f "$HOME/.cache/huggingface/accelerate" ]; then mkdir -p "$HOME/.cache/huggingface/accelerate" && echo "Target accelerate config location: $HOME/accelerate/default_config.yaml" >&3 cp "$DIR/config_files/accelerate/default_config.yaml" "$HOME/.cache/huggingface/accelerate/default_config.yaml" && echo "Copying accelerate config file to: $HOME/.cache/huggingface/accelerate/default_config.yaml" fi else echo "Could not place the accelerate configuration file. Please configure manually." sleep 2 accelerate config fi fi } # Function to update Kohya_SS repo update_kohya_ss() { if [ "$SKIP_GIT_UPDATE" = false ]; then if command -v git >/dev/null; then # First, we make sure there are no changes that need to be made in git, so no work is lost. if [ "$(git -C "$DIR" status --porcelain=v1 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && echo "These files need to be committed or discarded: " >&4 && git -C "$DIR" status >&4; then echo "There are changes that need to be committed or discarded in the repo in $DIR." echo "Commit those changes or run this script with -n to skip git operations entirely." exit 1 fi echo "Attempting to clone $GIT_REPO." if [ ! -d "$DIR/.git" ]; then echo "Cloning and switching to $GIT_REPO:$BRANCH" >&4 git -C "$PARENT_DIR" clone -b "$BRANCH" "$GIT_REPO" "$(basename "$DIR")" >&3 git -C "$DIR" switch "$BRANCH" >&4 else echo "git repo detected. Attempting to update repository instead." echo "Updating: $GIT_REPO" git -C "$DIR" pull "$GIT_REPO" "$BRANCH" >&3 if ! git -C "$DIR" switch "$BRANCH" >&4; then echo "Branch $BRANCH did not exist. Creating it." >&4 git -C "$DIR" switch -c "$BRANCH" >&4 fi fi else echo "You need to install git." echo "Rerun this after installing git or run this script with -n to skip the git operations." fi else echo "Skipping git operations." fi } # Section: Command-line options parsing while getopts ":vb:d:g:inprus-:" opt; do # support long options: https://stackoverflow.com/a/28466267/519360 if [ "$opt" = "-" ]; then # long option: reformulate OPT and OPTARG opt="${OPTARG%%=*}" # extract long option name OPTARG="${OPTARG#$opt}" # extract long option argument (may be empty) OPTARG="${OPTARG#=}" # if long option argument, remove assigning `=` fi case $opt in b | branch) BRANCH="$OPTARG" ;; d | dir) DIR="$OPTARG" ;; g | git-repo) GIT_REPO="$OPTARG" ;; i | interactive) INTERACTIVE=true ;; n | no-git-update) SKIP_GIT_UPDATE=true ;; p | public) PUBLIC=true ;; r | runpod) RUNPOD=true ;; s | skip-space-check) SKIP_SPACE_CHECK=true ;; u | no-gui) SKIP_GUI=true ;; v) ((VERBOSITY = VERBOSITY + 1)) ;; use-ipex) USE_IPEX=true ;; use-rocm) USE_ROCM=true ;; h) display_help && exit 0 ;; *) display_help && exit 0 ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND - 1)) # Just in case someone puts in a relative path into $DIR, # we're going to get the absolute path of that. if [[ "$DIR" != /* ]] && [[ "$DIR" != ~* ]]; then DIR="$( cd "$(dirname "$DIR")" || exit 1 pwd )/$(basename "$DIR")" fi for v in $( #Start counting from 3 since 1 and 2 are standards (stdout/stderr). seq 3 $VERBOSITY ); do (("$v" <= "$MAXVERBOSITY")) && eval exec "$v>&2" #Don't change anything higher than the maximum verbosity allowed. done for v in $( #From the verbosity level one higher than requested, through the maximum; seq $((VERBOSITY + 1)) $MAXVERBOSITY ); do (("$v" > "2")) && eval exec "$v>/dev/null" #Redirect these to bitbucket, provided that they don't match stdout and stderr. done # Example of how to use the verbosity levels. # printf "%s\n" "This message is seen at verbosity level 1 and above." >&3 # printf "%s\n" "This message is seen at verbosity level 2 and above." >&4 # printf "%s\n" "This message is seen at verbosity level 3 and above." >&5 # Debug variable dump at max verbosity echo "BRANCH: $BRANCH DIR: $DIR GIT_REPO: $GIT_REPO INTERACTIVE: $INTERACTIVE PUBLIC: $PUBLIC RUNPOD: $RUNPOD SKIP_SPACE_CHECK: $SKIP_SPACE_CHECK VERBOSITY: $VERBOSITY Script directory is ${SCRIPT_DIR}." >&5 # This must be set after the getopts loop to account for $DIR changes. PARENT_DIR="$(dirname "${DIR}")" VENV_DIR="$DIR/venv" if [ -w "$PARENT_DIR" ] && [ ! -d "$DIR" ]; then echo "Creating install folder ${DIR}." mkdir "$DIR" fi if [ ! -w "$DIR" ]; then echo "We cannot write to ${DIR}." echo "Please ensure the install directory is accurate and you have the correct permissions." exit 1 fi # Shared functions # This checks for free space on the installation drive and returns that in Gb. size_available() { local folder if [ -d "$DIR" ]; then folder="$DIR" elif [ -d "$PARENT_DIR" ]; then folder="$PARENT_DIR" elif [ -d "$(echo "$DIR" | cut -d "/" -f2)" ]; then folder="$(echo "$DIR" | cut -d "/" -f2)" else echo "We are assuming a root drive install for space-checking purposes." folder='/' fi local FREESPACEINKB FREESPACEINKB="$(df -Pk "$folder" | sed 1d | grep -v used | awk '{ print $4 "\t" }')" echo "Detected available space in Kb: $FREESPACEINKB" >&5 local FREESPACEINGB FREESPACEINGB=$((FREESPACEINKB / 1024 / 1024)) echo "$FREESPACEINGB" } isContainerOrPod() { local cgroup=/proc/1/cgroup test -f $cgroup && (grep -qE ':cpuset:/(docker|kubepods)' $cgroup || grep -q ':/docker/' $cgroup) } isDockerBuildkit() { local cgroup=/proc/1/cgroup test -f $cgroup && grep -q ':cpuset:/docker/buildkit' $cgroup } isDockerContainer() { [ -e /.dockerenv ] } inDocker() { if isContainerOrPod || isDockerBuildkit || isDockerContainer; then return 0 else return 1 fi } # Start OS-specific detection and work if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "lin"* ]]; then # Check if root or sudo root=false if [ "$EUID" = 0 ]; then root=true elif command -v id >/dev/null && [ "$(id -u)" = 0 ]; then root=true elif [ "$UID" = 0 ]; then root=true fi check_storage_space update_kohya_ss distro=get_distro_name family=get_distro_family echo "Raw detected distro string: $distro" >&4 echo "Raw detected distro family string: $family" >&4 if "$distro" | grep -qi "Ubuntu" || "$family" | grep -qi "Ubuntu"; then echo "Ubuntu detected." if [ $(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' python3-tk 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed") = 0 ]; then # if [ "$root" = true ]; then echo "This script needs YOU to install the missing python3-tk packages. Please install with:" echo " " if [ "$RUNPOD" = true ]; then bash apt update -y && apt install -y python3-tk else echo "sudo apt update -y && sudo apt install -y python3-tk" fi exit 1 # else # echo "This script needs to be run as root or via sudo to install packages." # exit 1 # fi else echo "Python TK found..." fi elif "$distro" | grep -Eqi "Fedora|CentOS|Redhat"; then echo "Redhat or Redhat base detected." if ! rpm -qa | grep -qi python3-tkinter; then # if [ "$root" = true ]; then echo "This script needs you to install the missing python3-tk packages. Please install with:\n\n" echo "sudo dnf install python3-tkinter -y >&3" exit 1 # else # echo "This script needs to be run as root or via sudo to install packages." # exit 1 # fi else echo "Python TK found..." fi elif "$distro" | grep -Eqi "arch" || "$family" | grep -qi "arch"; then echo "Arch Linux or Arch base detected." if ! pacman -Qi tk >/dev/null; then # if [ "$root" = true ]; then echo "This script needs you to install the missing python3-tk packages. Please install with:\n\n" echo "pacman --noconfirm -S tk >&3" exit 1 # else # echo "This script needs to be run as root or via sudo to install packages." # exit 1 # fi else echo "Python TK found..." fi elif "$distro" | grep -Eqi "opensuse" || "$family" | grep -qi "opensuse"; then echo "OpenSUSE detected." if ! rpm -qa | grep -qi python-tk; then # if [ "$root" = true ]; then echo "This script needs you to install the missing python3-tk packages. Please install with:\n\n" echo "zypper install -y python-tk >&3" exit 1 # else # echo "This script needs to be run as root or via sudo to install packages." # exit 1 # fi else echo "Python TK found..." fi elif [ "$distro" = "None" ] || [ "$family" = "None" ]; then if [ "$distro" = "None" ]; then echo "We could not detect your distribution of Linux. Please file a bug report on github with the contents of your /etc/os-release file." fi if [ "$family" = "None" ]; then echo "We could not detect the family of your Linux distribution. Please file a bug report on github with the contents of your /etc/os-release file." fi fi install_python_dependencies # We need just a little bit more setup for non-interactive environments if [ "$RUNPOD" = true ]; then if inDocker; then # We get the site-packages from python itself, then cut the string, so no other code changes required. VENV_DIR=$(python -c "import site; print(site.getsitepackages()[0])") VENV_DIR="${VENV_DIR%/lib/python3.10/site-packages}" fi # Symlink paths libnvinfer_plugin_symlink="$VENV_DIR/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tensorrt/libnvinfer_plugin.so.7" libnvinfer_symlink="$VENV_DIR/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tensorrt/libnvinfer.so.7" libcudart_symlink="$VENV_DIR/lib/python3.10/site-packages/nvidia/cuda_runtime/lib/libcudart.so.11.0" #Target file paths libnvinfer_plugin_target="$VENV_DIR/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tensorrt/libnvinfer_plugin.so.8" libnvinfer_target="$VENV_DIR/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tensorrt/libnvinfer.so.8" libcudart_target="$VENV_DIR/lib/python3.10/site-packages/nvidia/cuda_runtime/lib/libcudart.so.12" # echo "Checking symlinks now." # create_symlinks "$libnvinfer_plugin_symlink" "$libnvinfer_plugin_target" # create_symlinks "$libnvinfer_symlink" "$libnvinfer_target" # create_symlinks "$libcudart_symlink" "$libcudart_target" # if [ -d "${VENV_DIR}/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tensorrt/" ]; then # export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${VENV_DIR}/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tensorrt/" # else # echo "${VENV_DIR}/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tensorrt/ not found; not linking library." # fi # if [ -d "${VENV_DIR}/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tensorrt/" ]; then # export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${VENV_DIR}/lib/python3.10/site-packages/nvidia/cuda_runtime/lib/" # else # echo "${VENV_DIR}/lib/python3.10/site-packages/nvidia/cuda_runtime/lib/ not found; not linking library." # fi configure_accelerate # This is a non-interactive environment, so just directly call gui.sh after all setup steps are complete. if [ "$SKIP_GUI" = false ]; then if command -v bash >/dev/null; then if [ "$PUBLIC" = false ]; then bash "$DIR"/gui.sh --headless exit 0 else bash "$DIR"/gui.sh --headless --share exit 0 fi else # This shouldn't happen, but we're going to try to help. if [ "$PUBLIC" = false ]; then sh "$DIR"/gui.sh --headless exit 0 else sh "$DIR"/gui.sh --headless --share exit 0 fi fi fi fi echo -e "Setup finished! Run \e[0;92m./gui.sh\e[0m to start." echo "Please note if you'd like to expose your public server you need to run ./gui.sh --share" elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then # The initial setup script to prep the environment on macOS # xformers has been omitted as that is for Nvidia GPUs only if ! command -v brew >/dev/null; then echo "Please install homebrew first. This is a requirement for the remaining setup." echo "You can find that here: https://brew.sh" #shellcheck disable=SC2016 echo 'The "brew" command should be in $PATH to be detected.' exit 1 fi check_storage_space # Install base python packages echo "Installing Python 3.10 if not found." if ! brew ls --versions python@3.10 >/dev/null; then echo "Installing Python 3.10." brew install python@3.10 >&3 else echo "Python 3.10 found!" fi echo "Installing Python-TK 3.10 if not found." if ! brew ls --versions python-tk@3.10 >/dev/null; then echo "Installing Python TK 3.10." brew install python-tk@3.10 >&3 else echo "Python Tkinter 3.10 found!" fi update_kohya_ss if ! install_python_dependencies; then echo "You may need to install Python. The command for this is brew install python@3.10." fi configure_accelerate echo -e "Setup finished! Run ./gui.sh to start." elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "cygwin" ]]; then # Cygwin is a standalone suite of Linux utilities on Windows echo "This hasn't been validated on cygwin yet." elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "msys" ]]; then # MinGW has the msys environment which is a standalone suite of Linux utilities on Windows # "git bash" on Windows may also be detected as msys. echo "This hasn't been validated in msys 'mingw' on Windows yet." fi