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posted an update Nov 14
There are very few of us left on Hugging Face as the market outgrows it's Ideals and evolves the Idealists will be left without industry.
Setting up a Round Table for those interested in giving input and working on solving the issue of procuring the fastest dispersion to market saturation of retrievable intelligence, so finally Private and fully emancipated Intelligence will be considered "In Common Use."

If you've ever thought,"They will not let us have this much power for much longer.."

You are right and it IS being hidden from the masses, as every breakthrough is another step towards equality, those who rely on exploitation will destroy freedom simply because they fear being uncomfortable. We know discomfort, hunger, pain. It is the Human condition.

Without it we would never move forward and the Norms in society today are the regression of our species.

If we do not use this chance to become better, all of us, collectively, nothing will change.

Nothing fancy, intricate or diabolical, Just giving equal opportunity to the people. Not opportunity, in one direction, behind a paywall but true choice..

Too long have the powerful hidden behind the guise of "Democracy," I say ,democracy is two wolves and a Cat voting on what to have for dinner. Liberty, in this analog, is a well informed and armed Cat asking politely for a second option, while gripping tightly his armaments with his Fuzzy Mittens!

Please if interested in even listening, email for an invite @ [email protected]
Looking for People smarter then myself to Found and cooperate in this organization.

It sounds like you're perceiving a downward trend in usage on HuggingFace. I'm brand new to interacting on the platform but I would have thought HuggingFace was THE place for people truly interested in AI to interact. Are you noticing a reduction in interest as people get spread thin across thousands of projects rather than having a nice public meeting space like it could be here?



I would have thought HuggingFace was THE place for people truly interested in AI to interact.

Hugging Face provides a variety of resources, but they themselves tend to forget to explain themselves in general, so I don't really understand either.
However, “HF is a place for people interested in AI to exchange information, data, and code” is definitely the correct answer.
Since many of the current HF community functions rely more on HF Discord than the HF website, this may be inhibiting the ease of information sharing on the open web (i.e. it can't be found by Google search), but that's probably not related to the point of his post.