language: en

# BERT SMALL + Typo Detection βœβŒβœβœ”

[BERT SMALL](https://huggingface.co/google/bert_uncased_L-4_H-512_A-8) fine-tuned on [GitHub Typo Corpus](https://github.com/mhagiwara/github-typo-corpus) for **typo detection** (using *NER* style)

## Details of the downstream task (Typo detection as NER)

- Dataset: [GitHub Typo Corpus](https://github.com/mhagiwara/github-typo-corpus) πŸ“š

- [Fine-tune script on NER dataset provided by Huggingface](https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/blob/master/examples/token-classification/run_ner_old.py) πŸ‹οΈβ€β™‚οΈ

## Metrics on test set πŸ“‹

|  Metric   |  # score  |
| :-------: | :-------: |
|    F1     | **89.12** |
| Precision | **93.82** |
|  Recall   | **84.87** |

## Model in action πŸ”¨

Fast usage with **pipelines** πŸ§ͺ

from transformers import pipeline

typo_checker = pipeline(

result = typo_checker("here there is an error in coment")

# Output:
[{'entity': 'ok', 'score': 0.9021041989326477, 'word': 'here'},
 {'entity': 'ok', 'score': 0.7975626587867737, 'word': 'there'},
 {'entity': 'ok', 'score': 0.8596242070198059, 'word': 'is'},
 {'entity': 'ok', 'score': 0.7071516513824463, 'word': 'an'},
 {'entity': 'ok', 'score': 0.943381130695343, 'word': 'error'},
 {'entity': 'ok', 'score': 0.8047608733177185, 'word': 'in'},
 {'entity': 'ok', 'score': 0.8240702152252197, 'word': 'come'},
 {'entity': 'typo', 'score': 0.5004884004592896, 'word': '##nt'}]

It worksπŸŽ‰! we typed ```coment``` instead of ```comment```

Let's try with another example

result = typo_checker("Adddd validation midelware")

# Output:
[{'entity': 'ok', 'score': 0.7128152847290039, 'word': 'add'},
 {'entity': 'typo', 'score': 0.5388424396514893, 'word': '##dd'},
 {'entity': 'ok', 'score': 0.94792640209198, 'word': 'validation'},
 {'entity': 'typo', 'score': 0.5839331746101379, 'word': 'mid'},
 {'entity': 'ok', 'score': 0.5195121765136719, 'word': '##el'},
 {'entity': 'ok', 'score': 0.7222476601600647, 'word': '##ware'}]
Yeah! We typed wrong ```Add and middleware```

> Created by [Manuel Romero/@mrm8488](https://twitter.com/mrm8488)

> Made with <span style="color: #e25555;">&hearts;</span> in Spain