[ToolCalling] Fix chat_template error

by ishelaputov - opened


When adding a response from a tool in string format to the list of messages to a model, for example:

    "messages": [
        "role": "tool",
        "content": "Project 'AUTOTEST' is exists."

the error returned is (in HF TGI 2.2.0):

    "error": "Template error: unknown filter: filter tojson is unknown (in <string>:100)",
    "error_type": "template_error"

The error is in this condition in chat_template:

        {%- if message.content is mapping or message.content is iterable %}
            {{- message.content | tojson }}

String in Python is iterable too.


        {%- if message.content is mapping or (message.content is iterable and not message.content is string) %}
            {{- message.content | tojson }}

Please fix chat_template in the repository.


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