// Copyright 2023 The Google Research Authors. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. syntax = "proto3"; package llm4mobile.proto; option java_multiple_files = true; // Types of the different UI objects. enum ObjectType { UNKNOWN_TYPE = 0; BUTTON = 1; CHECKBOX = 2; CHECKEDTEXTVIEW = 3; EDITTEXT = 4; IMAGEBUTTON = 5; IMAGEVIEW = 6; RADIOBUTTON = 7; SLIDINGDRAWER = 8; SPINNER = 9; SWITCH = 10; TABWIDGET = 11; TEXTVIEW = 12; TOGGLEBUTTON = 13; VIDEOVIEW = 14; APPWIDGETHOSTVIEW = 15; // android.appwidget.AppWidgetHostView VIEW = 16; // android.view.View WEBVIEW = 17; // android.webkit.WebView FRAMELAYOUT = 18; // android.widget.FrameLayout HORIZONTALSCROLLVIEW = 19; // android.widget.HorizontalScrollView LINEARLAYOUT = 20; // android.widget.LinearLayout LISTVIEW = 21; // android.widget.ListView MULTIAUTOCOMPLETETEXTVIEW = 22; // android.widget.MultiAutoCompleteTextView PROGRESSBAR = 23; // android.widget.ProgressBar RELATIVELAYOUT = 24; // android.widget.RelativeLayout SCROLLVIEW = 25; // android.widget.ScrollView TABHOST = 26; // android.widget.TabHost VIEWSWITCHER = 27; // android.widget.ViewSwitcher SEEKBAR = 28; // android.widget.SeekBar } // The on-screen grid location (3x3 grid) of an UI object. enum GridLocation { UNKNOWN_LOCATION = 0; TOP_LEFT = 1; TOP_CENTER = 2; TOP_RIGHT = 3; LEFT = 4; CENTER = 5; RIGHT = 6; BOTTOM_LEFT = 7; BOTTOM_CENTER = 8; BOTTOM_RIGHT = 9; } // A simulation episode as output from the simulation pipeline. message Episode { // A list of time steps from simulation. repeated TimeStep time_steps = 4; } // Environment output after taking an action. message TimeStep { // Step index. int32 index = 1; // Current observation available to the agent. Observation observation = 2; } // Observation for the agent. message Observation { // List of objects on the screen. repeated Object objects = 1; // Raw bytes of the screenshot. bytes screenshot = 3; // Id of image. string image_id = 13; // Raw bytes of the view hierarchy XML or Json oneof view_hierarchy_format { bytes xml = 4; bytes json = 9; } // Width of the screenshot. int32 screen_width = 5; // Height of the screenshot. int32 screen_height = 6; // Absolute path of screenshot file. string debug_screenshot_filepath = 10; // Absolute path of vew_hierarchy file. string debug_vh_filepath = 11; } // Screen object proto. message Object { // Object id defined and used by each pipeline. string id = 100; // Object index in the observation object list. int32 index = 1; // The id of parent object. string parent_id = 101; // The index of parent object in the objects list. int32 parent_index = 102; // Object name. string name = 2; // Object type. ObjectType type = 3; // Android class of the object, e.g., android.widget.LinearLayout. string android_class = 4; // Android package of the object, e.g., com.google.android.gms. string android_package = 5; // Text from content-desc, text and resource-id attribute. string text = 6; string content_desc = 7; string resource_id = 8; // Boolean attribuets. bool clickable = 9; bool visible = 10; bool enabled = 11; bool focusable = 12; bool focused = 13; bool scrollable = 14; bool long_clickable = 15; bool selected = 16; bool checkable = 17; bool checked = 18; // Bounding box of the object. BoundingBox bbox = 19; // Multiple types of the object based on its ancestors. repeated ObjectType multi_types = 20; // Below are computed attributes from view hierarchy. // Grid location of the object. GridLocation grid_location = 30; // Dom position of the object. DomPosition dom_position = 31; // Whether it's a leaf node. bool is_leaf = 32; // Whether it's an actionable object for RL policy. bool is_actionable = 33; string text_hint = 34; } // A bounding box on the screen. message BoundingBox { int32 left = 1; int32 right = 2; int32 top = 3; int32 bottom = 4; } // Dom position of the object. message DomPosition { int32 depth = 1; int32 pre_order_id = 2; int32 post_order_id = 3; }