# coding: utf-8 import argparse import subprocess import sys import signal import time from appium.webdriver.common.touch_action import TouchAction from appium.webdriver.common.multi_action import MultiAction # from appium.webdriver.common.mobileby import MobileBy from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By from appium.webdriver.common.mobileby import MobileBy from appium import webdriver from tqdm import tqdm from agent_for_api.API_list import usr_api_list from agent_for_api.agent_api_prompt import select_api_prompt, select_api_example from agent_for_api.main_for_api import get_api_list from agent_html_prompt import * from selenium.common.exceptions import WebDriverException, InvalidElementStateException, NoSuchElementException, \ InvalidArgumentException, StaleElementReferenceException import json from xml_to_html import any_tree_to_html from chatgpt import * import re from app_list_MIUI import app_list from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait from selenium.common.exceptions import TimeoutException from PIL import Image import numpy as np from io import StringIO max_attempts = 5 # Set the maximum number of retry attempts sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))) # currently tasks are all defined on single-app ''' How does the entire demo work? Use appium to obtain the xml information of the interface -> convert the local algorithm into html format -> package and send the task (task description + env_html) -> agent (planning + action) -> action is converted into appium's action and acts on the environment -> (task Description+env_html+action_history)-> The new action acts on the environment. (loop construction completed) ''' # How to agent make decision?: ''' planning action reward memory? ''' import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from anytree import Node def parse_xml_to_anytree(xml_code): root = ET.fromstring(xml_code) def build_anytree(node, element, child_index, seen_elements, counter): element_type = element.tag # print(element_type) # Generate a unique key for the element based on its attributes element_key = ( element_type, element.get('resource-id', ''), # content-desc, text兼容问题 element.get('content-desc', ''), element.get('text', ''), element.get('clickable', ''), element.get('scrollable', ''), element.get('package', ''), ## element.get('class', ''), element.get('displayed', ''), element.get('bounds', ''), ) seen_elements.add(element_key) # 检查是否有儿子节点 is_leaf = not bool(list(element)) # 检查 text 和 content-desc 是否至少有一个为真 has_text = bool(element.get('text')) has_content_desc = bool(element.get('content-desc')) visible = has_text or has_content_desc or 'button' in element_type.lower() or 'edittext' in element.tag.lower() leaf_id = counter[0] # 使用计数器作为 leaf_id counter[0] += 1 # 递增计数器 anytree_node = Node(element_type, parent=node, type=element_type, visible=visible, leaf_id=leaf_id, resource_id=element.get('resource-id'), content_desc=element.get('content-desc'), text=element.get('text'), clickable=element.get('clickable'), is_leaf=is_leaf, scrollable=element.get('scrollable'), package=element.get('package'), class_label=element.get('class'), displayed=element.get('displayed'), bounds=element.get('bounds')) for idx, child in enumerate(element): # print(idx) build_anytree(anytree_node, child, idx, seen_elements, counter) is_root_leaf = not bool(list(root)) anytree_root = Node(root.tag, type=root.tag, visible=True, leaf_id=0, # 初始计数器为 0 resource_id=root.get('resource-id'), content_desc=root.get('content-desc'), text=root.get('text'), clickable=root.get('clickable'), is_leaf=is_root_leaf, scrollable=root.get('scrollable'), package=root.get('package'), class_label=root.get('class'), displayed=root.get('displayed'), bounds=root.get('bounds')) seen_elements = set() counter = [1] # 使用列表来存储计数器的值,以便在递归中共享 for idx, child in enumerate(root): # print("out",idx) build_anytree(anytree_root, child, idx, seen_elements, counter) return anytree_root def screen_swipe(driver, start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y, duration=1000): # use duration to control the speed of swipe success = False while not success: try: driver.swipe(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y, duration) success = True # If the page source is acquired, set success to True to exit the loop except WebDriverException as e: print(f"Encountered an error: {e}. Retrying...") time.sleep(5) # Wait for 5 seconds before retrying def get_memory(history_actions): memory_list = [] # print(history_actions) for round_number, action_info in enumerate(history_actions, 1): key = None if 'action' in action_info: key = 'action' # round_number += 1 # 仅当键是 'action' 时增加 round_number elif 'thought' in action_info: key = 'thought' elif 'API call' in action_info: key = 'API call' # round_number += 1 # 仅当键是 'API call' 时增加 round_number else: key = 'unknown' # round_number += 1 # 对于其他未知类型也增加 round_number detail = action_info.get(key, 'No detail') # print(f"{key}: {detail}") memory_list.append(f"{action_info}") # memory_list.append(f"{key}: {detail}") if memory_list != []: # memory_list = memory_list[-10:] # 记忆压缩。 memory = "\n".join(memory_list) else: memory = "No action has been completed yet" return memory from selenium.common.exceptions import WebDriverException import re, time def find_element1(element, driver): id_match = re.search(r'id="([^"]+)"', element) text_match = re.search(r'>\s*([^<>]+)\s*<', element) alt_match = re.search(r'description="([^"]+)"', element) class_match = re.search(r'class="([^"]+)"', element) if id_match: id_value = id_match.group(1).strip() # print("-----------------------------------------", id_value) if text_match: text_value = text_match.group(1).strip() # print(text_value) if text_value.isspace() or not text_value: text_match = False # print("-----------------------------------------", text_match) if alt_match: alt_value = alt_match.group(1).strip() # print("-----------------------------------------", alt_value) if class_match: class_value = class_match.group(1).strip() find = False if text_match and alt_match and id_match : success = False attempt_count = 0 while not success and attempt_count < max_attempts: try: list = driver.find_elements(MobileBy.ANDROID_UIAUTOMATOR, f'new UiSelector().text("{text_value}").description("{alt_value}").resourceId("{id_value}")') success = True # 如果页面源获取成功,设置success为True以退出循环 except WebDriverException as e: attempt_count += 1 print(f"遇到错误: {e}. 重试中...") time.sleep(5) # 重试前等待5秒 if not success: print("服务器端错误") return None if len(list) > 0: find = True if len(list) > 1: print(r"警告: 存在多个具有相同text_value\description\id的元素,这可能导致错误!") if find: return list if text_match and alt_match : success = False attempt_count = 0 while not success and attempt_count < max_attempts: try: list = driver.find_elements(MobileBy.ANDROID_UIAUTOMATOR, f'new UiSelector().text("{text_value}").description("{alt_value}")') success = True # 如果页面源获取成功,设置success为True以退出循环 except WebDriverException as e: attempt_count += 1 print(f"遇到错误: {e}. 重试中...") time.sleep(5) # 重试前等待5秒 if not success: print("服务器端错误") return None if len(list) > 0: find = True if len(list) > 1: print(r"警告: 存在多个具有相同text_value\description的元素,这可能导致错误!") if find: return list if id_match and text_match: success = False attempt_count = 0 while not success and attempt_count < max_attempts: try: list = driver.find_elements(MobileBy.ANDROID_UIAUTOMATOR, f'new UiSelector().resourceId("{id_value}").text("{text_value}")') # print("------------------------",list) success = True # If the page source is acquired, set success to True to exit the loop except WebDriverException as e: attempt_count += 1 print(f"Encountered an error: {e}. Retrying...") time.sleep(5) # Wait for 5 seconds before retrying # list = driver.find_elements(By.ID, id_value) if success == False: print("serve side error") return None if len(list) > 0: find = True if len(list) > 1: print(r"警告: 存在多个具有相同text_value\id的元素,这可能导致错误!") if find: return list if id_match and alt_match: success = False attempt_count = 0 while not success and attempt_count < max_attempts: try: list = driver.find_elements(MobileBy.ANDROID_UIAUTOMATOR, f'new UiSelector().resourceId("{id_value}").description("{alt_value}")') # print("------------------------",list) success = True # If the page source is acquired, set success to True to exit the loop except WebDriverException as e: attempt_count += 1 print(f"Encountered an error: {e}. Retrying...") time.sleep(5) # Wait for 5 seconds before retrying # list = driver.find_elements(By.ID, id_value) if success == False: print("serve side error") return None if len(list) > 0: find = True if len(list) > 1: print(r"警告: 存在多个具有相同description\id的元素,这可能导致错误!") if find: return list if text_match: success = False attempt_count = 0 while not success and attempt_count < max_attempts: try: list = driver.find_elements(MobileBy.ANDROID_UIAUTOMATOR, f'new UiSelector().text("{text_value}")') success = True # If the page source is acquired, set success to True to exit the loop except WebDriverException as e: attempt_count += 1 print(f"Encountered an error: {e}. Retrying...") time.sleep(5) # Wait for 5 seconds before retrying if success == False: print("serve side error") return None if len(list) > 0: find = True if len(list) > 1: print("警告: 存在多个具有相同text的元素,这可能导致错误!") if find: return list if alt_match: success = False attempt_count = 0 while not success and attempt_count < max_attempts: try: list = driver.find_elements(MobileBy.ANDROID_UIAUTOMATOR, f'new UiSelector().description("{alt_value}")') success = True # If the page source is acquired, set success to True to exit the loop except WebDriverException as e: attempt_count += 1 print(f"Encountered an error: {e}. Retrying...") time.sleep(5) # Wait for 5 seconds before retrying if success == False: print("serve side error") return None if len(list) > 0: find = True if len(list) > 1: print("警告: 存在多个具有相同description的元素,这可能导致错误!") if find: return list if class_match: success = False attempt_count = 0 while not success and attempt_count < max_attempts: try: list = driver.find_elements(MobileBy.ANDROID_UIAUTOMATOR, f'new UiSelector().className("{class_value}")') success = True # If the page source is acquired, set success to True to exit the loop except WebDriverException as e: attempt_count += 1 print(f"Encountered an error: {e}. Retrying...") time.sleep(5) # Wait for 5 seconds before retrying # list = driver.find_elements(By.ID, id_value) if success == False: print("serve side error") return None if len(list) > 0: find = True if len(list) > 1: print("警告: 存在多个具有相同class的元素,这可能导致错误!") if find: return list if id_match: success = False attempt_count = 0 while not success and attempt_count < max_attempts: try: list = driver.find_elements(MobileBy.ANDROID_UIAUTOMATOR, f'new UiSelector().resourceId("{id_value}")') success = True # If the page source is acquired, set success to True to exit the loop except WebDriverException as e: attempt_count += 1 print(f"Encountered an error: {e}. Retrying...") time.sleep(5) # Wait for 5 seconds before retrying if success == False: print("serve side error") return None if len(list) > 0: find = True if len(list) > 1: print("警告: 存在多个具有相同id的元素,这可能导致错误!") if find: return list print("没有定位到对应的元素") return None def find_elements_by_criteria(driver, max_attempts=3, **criteria): selectors = [] if 'id' in criteria: selectors.append(f'resourceId("{criteria["id"]}")') if 'text' in criteria: selectors.append(f'text("{criteria["text"]}")') if 'alt' in criteria: selectors.append(f'description("{criteria["alt"]}")') if 'class' in criteria: selectors.append(f'className("{criteria["class"]}")') if not selectors: print("没有定位到对应的元素") return None ui_selector = f'new UiSelector().' + '.'.join(selectors) attempt_count = 0 while attempt_count < max_attempts: try: elements = driver.find_elements(MobileBy.ANDROID_UIAUTOMATOR, ui_selector) if len(elements) > 0: if len(elements) > 1: print(f"警告: 存在多个具有相同属性的元素,这可能导致错误!") return elements attempt_count += 1 except WebDriverException as e: print(f"遇到错误: {e}. 重试中...") time.sleep(5) attempt_count += 1 print("服务器端错误或超过最大尝试次数") return None def find_element(element, driver, max_attempts=3): id_match = re.search(r'id="([^"]+)"', element) text_match = re.search(r'>\s*([^<>]+)\s*<', element) alt_match = re.search(r'description="([^"]+)"', element) class_match = re.search(r'class="([^"]+)"', element) criteria = {} if id_match: criteria['id'] = id_match.group(1).strip() if text_match and not text_match.group(1).isspace(): criteria['text'] = text_match.group(1).strip() if alt_match: criteria['alt'] = alt_match.group(1).strip() if class_match: criteria['class'] = class_match.group(1).strip() return find_elements_by_criteria(driver, max_attempts, **criteria) def actions(res, history_actions, driver): if 'click(' in res: first_angle_bracket = res.find('<') first_reangle_bracket = res.find('>') second_angle_bracket = res.find('>', first_reangle_bracket + 1) # Extract the element from between these positions text = res[first_angle_bracket:second_angle_bracket + 1] list = find_element(text, driver) if list == None: print("Warning: Invalid element") history_actions.append({"Action": f"[Fail]: Invalid element click({text})"}) elif len(list) == 0: print("Warning: Invalid element") history_actions.append({"Action": f"[Fail]: Invalid element click({text})"}) else: try: list[0].click() history_actions.append({"Action": f"click({text})"}) except WebDriverException as e: print(f"Encountered an error: {e}. Retrying...") history_actions.append({"Action": f"[Fail]: Unsuccessful click click({text})"}) elif 'press(' in res: action = TouchAction(driver) first_angle_bracket = res.find('<') first_reangle_bracket = res.find('>') second_angle_bracket = res.find('>', first_reangle_bracket + 1) # Extract the element from between these positions text = res[first_angle_bracket:second_angle_bracket + 1] list = find_element(text, driver) if list == None: print("Warning: Invalid element") elif len(list) == 0: print("Warning: Invalid element") history_actions.append({"Action": f"[Fail]: Invalid element press({text})"}) else: try: action.press(list[0]).wait(1000).release().perform() history_actions.append({"Action": f"press({text})"}) except WebDriverException as e: print(f"Encountered an error: {e}. Retrying...") history_actions.append({"Action": f"[Fail]: Unsuccessful press({text})"}) elif 'zoom(' in res: action1 = TouchAction(driver) action2 = TouchAction(driver) zoom_action = MultiAction(driver) first_angle_bracket = res.find('<') first_reangle_bracket = res.find('>') second_angle_bracket = res.find('>', first_reangle_bracket + 1) # Extract the element from between these positions text = res[first_angle_bracket:second_angle_bracket + 1] list = find_element(text, driver) if list == None: print("Warning: Invalid element") elif len(list) == 0: print("Warning: Invalid element") history_actions.append({"Action": f"[Fail]: Invalid element Zoom({text})"}) else: try: action1.press(list[0]).move_to(x=0, y=-100) # 向上移动 action2.press(list[0]).move_to(x=0, y=100) # 向下移动 zoom_action.add(action1, action2) zoom_action.perform() history_actions.append({"Action": f"Zoom({text})"}) except WebDriverException as e: print(f"Encountered an error: {e}. Retrying...") history_actions.append({"Action": f"[Fail]: Unsuccessful zoom({text})"}) elif 'pinch(' in res: action1 = TouchAction(driver) action2 = TouchAction(driver) first_angle_bracket = res.find('<') first_reangle_bracket = res.find('>') second_angle_bracket = res.find('>', first_reangle_bracket + 1) # Extract the element from between these positions text = res[first_angle_bracket:second_angle_bracket + 1] list = find_element(text, driver) if list == None: print("Warning: Invalid element") elif len(list) == 0: print("Warning: Invalid element") history_actions.append({"Action": f"[Fail]: Invalid element pinch({text})"}) else: try: action1.press(x=list[0].location['x'], y=list[0].location['y'] - 100).move_to(list[0]) action2.press(x=list[0].location['x'], y=list[0].location['y'] + 100).move_to(list[0]) pinch_action = MultiAction(driver) pinch_action.add(action1, action2) pinch_action.perform() history_actions.append({"Action": f"pinch({text})"}) except WebDriverException as e: print(f"Encountered an error: {e}. Retrying...") history_actions.append({"Action": f"[Fail]: Unsuccessful pinch({text})"}) elif 'input(' in res: first_angle_bracket = res.find('<') first_reangle_bracket = res.find('>') second_angle_bracket = res.find('>', first_reangle_bracket + 1) # Extract the element from between these positions element = res[first_angle_bracket:second_angle_bracket + 1] input_context = res[second_angle_bracket + 2:-1].strip() input_context = input_context.strip('\'\"') # print(element) # print(input_context) list = find_element(element, driver) if list == None: print("Warning: Invalid element") history_actions.append({"Action": f"[Fail]: Invalid element. input({element}, {input_context})"}) elif len(list) == 0: print("Warning: Invalid element") history_actions.append({"Action": f"[Fail]: Invalid element. input({element}, {input_context})"}) else: try: # 点击元素 list[0].click() history_actions.append({"Action": f"click({element})"}) try: WebDriverWait(driver, 1).until( EC.staleness_of(list[0]) ) # 等待刷新 except TimeoutException: # 如果元素不存在或不可见,不执行input操作 list[0].send_keys(input_context) history_actions.append({"Action": f"input({element}, {input_context})"}) except InvalidElementStateException as e: print(f"Encountered an error: {e}. Retrying...") history_actions.append( {"Action": f"[Fail]: InvalidElementStateException input({element}, {input_context})"}) except NoSuchElementException as e: print(f"Encountered an error: {e}. Retrying...") history_actions.append({"Action": f"[Fail]: NoSuchElementException input({element}, {input_context})"}) except InvalidArgumentException as e: print(f"Encountered an error: {e}. Input value might be invalid for the element.") history_actions.append( {"Action": f"[Fail]: InvalidArgumentException input({element}, {input_context})"}) except StaleElementReferenceException as e: print(f"Encountered an error: {e}. The element might have been detached from the DOM.") history_actions.append( {"Action": f"[Fail]: StaleElementReferenceException input({element}, {input_context})"}) elif 'scroll(' in res or 'swipe(' in res: action = TouchAction(driver) numbers = re.findall(r'\d+', res) # 将找到的数字转换成整数并分配给相应的变量 x1, y1, x2, y2 = map(int, numbers[:4]) max_value = max(x1, y1, x2, y2) # 对滑动操作的参数进行调整,以免超出边界。 if x1 == max_value: x1 -= 50 if y1 == max_value: y1 -= 50 if x2 == max_value: x2 -= 50 if y2 == max_value: y2 -= 50 # 如果某个数等于0,则加50 if x1 == 0: x1 += 50 if y1 == 0: y1 += 50 if x2 == 0: x2 += 50 if y2 == 0: y2 += 50 success = False attempt_count = 0 while not success and attempt_count < max_attempts: try: action.press(x=x1, y=y1).wait(ms=1000).move_to(x=x2, y=y2).release().perform() # driver.swipe(x1, y1, x2, y2, duration=1000) # swipe的效果不够好。 success = True # If the page source is acquired, set success to True to exit the loop except WebDriverException as e: attempt_count += 1 print(f"Encountered an error: {e}. Retrying...") time.sleep(5) # Wait for 5 seconds before retrying if success: history_actions.append({"Action": f"scroll([{x1},{y1}][{x2},{y2}])"}) else: print("[Fail]: unsucess scroll.") history_actions.append({"Action": f"[Fail]: unsuccessful scroll scroll([{x1},{y1}][{x2},{y2}])"}) def get_page_source(driver): attempt_count = 0 success = False xml_source = None while not success and attempt_count < max_attempts: try: xml_source = driver.page_source success = True # If the page source is acquired, set success to True to exit the loop except WebDriverException as e: attempt_count += 1 print(f"Encountered an error: {e}. Retrying...") time.sleep(5) # Wait for 5 seconds before retrying # driver.quit() # driver = open_driver() return xml_source, driver def run_command(command): result = subprocess.run(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True) if result.returncode == 0: return "API execution successful" else: return f"API execution failed with error: {result.stderr}" def api(res, history_actions): matches = re.findall(r'\[(.*)\]', res) success = False for match in matches: adb_command = match print("[API CALL]: ", adb_command) result = run_command(adb_command) print("[APi Function Call Result]: \033[34m" + result + "\033[0m") if 'success' in result: success = True # 有待商榷,执行失败的信息是否应该放在记录里,这样可以避免重复生成错误的API if "successful" in result: history_actions.append({f"API call": f"{adb_command}. [Call result]:{result}"}) # history_actions.append({f"[API call]": f"{adb_command}. [Call result]:{result}"}) return success def get_success_memory(history_actions): memory_list = [] counter = 0 # Initialize a counter for action_info in history_actions: key = None # 检查动作类型 if 'action' in action_info or 'thought' in action_info: if 'action' in action_info: key = 'action' elif 'thought' in action_info: key = 'thought' # 当遇到 'action' 或 'thought' 时,每两次迭代增加一次计数 if counter % 2 == 0: round_number = counter // 2 + 1 counter += 1 elif 'API call' in action_info: key = 'API call' round_number = counter // 2 + 1 # 保持当前的 round_number elif 'App Select and Plan' in action_info: key = 'App Select and Plan' round_number = counter // 2 + 1 # 保持当前的 round_number else: key = 'unknown' round_number = counter // 2 + 1 # 保持当前的 round_number detail = action_info.get(key, 'No detail') memory_list.append(f"Step {round_number}: {key}: {detail}") memory = "\n".join(memory_list) return memory def read_json_file(file_path): with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: data = json.load(file) # Extracting only id, app, packagename, query, and check_point information extracted_data = [] for item in data: id = item.get('id') app = item.get('app') package_name = item['check_point'].get('package', []) query = item.get('query') check_point = item.get('check_point') extracted_data.append({ 'id': id, 'app': app, 'packagename': package_name, 'query': query, 'check_point': check_point }) return extracted_data def calculate_package_coverage(data_item, action_history): # 初始化覆盖数量 coverage_count = 0 if 'check_point' in data_item and 'package' in data_item['check_point']: package_names = data_item['check_point']['package'] # 遍历 package_names 中的每个元素 for package_name in package_names: # 检查元素是否出现在 action_history 的任何动作中 if any(package_name in action for action in action_history): coverage_count += 1 return coverage_count / len(package_names) else: return 0 def check_point_passed(check_point_value, action_history): if '|' in check_point_value: # 如果列表中有 '|', 那么任何一个 action_history 中的动作包含至少一个元素即通过 return any(cp_elem in action for cp_elem in check_point_value if cp_elem != '|' for action in action_history), 1 elif '&' in check_point_value: # 如果列表中有 '&', 那么 action_history 中的动作需要包含所有元素 return all(cp_elem in action for cp_elem in check_point_value if cp_elem != '&' for action in action_history), 1 else: if isinstance(check_point_value, list): total_elems = len(check_point_value) passed_elems = sum(any(cp_elem in action for action in action_history) for cp_elem in check_point_value) return passed_elems, total_elems else: return any(check_point_value in action for action in action_history), 1 # check point scores def check_points(data_item, action_history): checkpoints = ['activity', 'resource-id', 'text', 'package', 'api'] total_checkpoints = 0 passed_checkpoints = 0 for cp in checkpoints: if cp in data_item['check_point'] and data_item['check_point'][cp]: # check existence check_point_value = data_item['check_point'][cp] if isinstance(check_point_value, list): passed, total = check_point_passed(check_point_value, action_history) passed_checkpoints += passed total_checkpoints += total else: # 直接比较 total_checkpoints += 1 if any(check_point_value in action for action in action_history): passed_checkpoints += 1 return passed_checkpoints / total_checkpoints if total_checkpoints > 0 else 0 def format_api_info_as_text(text, data): """ Format the API information as text in the specified format if the name_ch or name_en of an app is found in the text. :param text: The string in which to search for app names. :param data: The JSON data containing app information. :return: A string formatted as a dictionary with app names as keys and their API information as values. """ formatted_info = {} general_keys_api = [ { "ADB Command": "adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_BACK", "Function Description": "Return to previous page", "Parameter Information": "No additional parameters required." }, { "ADB Command": "adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_HOME", "Function Description": "go to home page, which is equal to click the home button", "Parameter Information": "No additional parameters required." }, { "ADB Command": "adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_SLEEP", "Function Description": "Set the device to sleep", "Parameter Information": "No additional parameters required." }, { "ADB Command": "adb shell screencap -p /sdcard/screenshot.png", "Function Description": "Takes a screenshot and saves it.", "Parameter Information": "No additional parameters required." }, { "ADB Command": "adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_WAKEUP", "Function Description": "Wake up the device", "Parameter Information": "No additional parameters required." } ] formatted_info["通用按键"] = general_keys_api # 如果text是中文,则应该直接匹配, \b带有词边界。 # if app['name_ch'] in text or app['name_en'] in text for app in data: # if re.search(r'\b' + re.escape(app['name_ch']) + r'\b', text) or re.search( # r'\b' + re.escape(app['name_en']) + r'\b', text): if app['name_ch'] in text or app['name_en'] in text: api_info = app['api'] if api_info: formatted_info[app['name_ch']] = api_info # Convert the dictionary to a string formatted as a dictionary formatted_text = json.dumps(formatted_info, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False) return formatted_text def map_and_reverse_complete_interactive_elements(html_content): # 建立元素和数值的映射关系; lines = html_content.split('\n') interactive_elements = {} counter = 1 # Start numbering from 1 for line in lines: # Check if the line contains a clickable, scrollable or input element if 'clickable="true"' in line or 'scrollable="true"' in line or 'input' in line: # Map the entire line (HTML tag) to the number interactive_elements[counter] = line.strip() counter += 1 # Increment the counter for the next interactive element return interactive_elements def calculate_scroll_parameters(window_size, html, direction, scroll_type='short'): width = window_size['width'] height = window_size['height'] safe_margin = 10 # 安全边界距离 match = re.search(r'bounds="\[([0-9]+,[0-9]+)\]\[([0-9]+,[0-9]+)\]"', html) bounds = [match.group(1), match.group(2)] # 解析bounds字符串"[x1,y1][x2,y2]" x1, y1 = map(int, bounds[0].split(',')) x2, y2 = map(int, bounds[1].split(',')) # 计算中点坐标 mid_x = (x1 + x2) // 2 mid_y = (y1 + y2) // 2 if scroll_type == 'short': # 短距离滚动 offset_x = (x2 - x1) // 4 offset_y = (y2 - y1) // 4 scroll_coordinates = { 'up': ([mid_x, mid_y + offset_y], [mid_x, mid_y - offset_y]), 'down': ([mid_x, mid_y - offset_y], [mid_x, mid_y + offset_y]), 'left': ([mid_x + offset_x, mid_y], [mid_x - offset_x, mid_y]), 'right': ([mid_x - offset_x, mid_y], [mid_x + offset_x, mid_y]) } elif scroll_type == 'long': # 长距离滚动 if direction == 'up': start_x = end_x = mid_x start_y = y2 - safe_margin end_y = safe_margin elif direction == 'down': start_x = end_x = mid_x start_y = y1 + safe_margin end_y = height - safe_margin elif direction == 'left': start_y = end_y = mid_y start_x = x2 - safe_margin end_x = safe_margin elif direction == 'right': start_y = end_y = mid_y start_x = x1 + safe_margin end_x = width - safe_margin else: return None # 无效方向 scroll_coordinates = { direction: ([start_x, start_y], [end_x, end_y]) } else: return None # 无效的滚动类型 return scroll_coordinates[direction] # # 定义滚动偏移量 # offset_x = (x2 - x1) // 4 # offset_y = (y2 - y1) // 4 # # # 根据方向计算滚动起始和结束坐标 # scroll_directions = { # 'up': ([mid_x, mid_y + offset_y], [mid_x, mid_y - offset_y]), # 'down': ([mid_x, mid_y - offset_y], [mid_x, mid_y + offset_y]), # 'left': ([mid_x + offset_x, mid_y], [mid_x - offset_x, mid_y]), # 'right': ([mid_x - offset_x, mid_y], [mid_x + offset_x, mid_y]) # } # return scroll_directions[direction] def process_user_input(window_size, user_input, elements_map): # 将用户的输入转化为实际的执行指令 # Splitting the input for action and parameters parts = user_input.split('(', 1) action = parts[0].strip().lower() # Action: click, scroll, input params = parts[1].rstrip(')').split(',') if len(parts) > 1 else [] # Parameters in the parentheses # Defining the action command and parameters action_command = '' params_command = '' # Determine the action and construct corresponding command if action == 'click': action_command = 'click' if params and params[0].isdigit() and int(params[0]) in elements_map: params_command = elements_map[int(params[0])] elif action == 'press': action_command = 'press' if params and params[0].isdigit() and int(params[0]) in elements_map: params_command = elements_map[int(params[0])] elif action == 'zoom': action_command = 'zoom' if params and params[0].isdigit() and int(params[0]) in elements_map: params_command = elements_map[int(params[0])] elif action == 'pinch': action_command = 'pinch' if params and params[0].isdigit() and int(params[0]) in elements_map: params_command = elements_map[int(params[0])] elif action == 'scroll': action_command = 'scroll' # Defining scroll directions as start and end coordinates if params and params[0].isdigit() and int(params[0]) in elements_map: html_element = elements_map[int(params[0])] direction = str(params[1]).strip() if len(params) > 2: scroll_type = 'long' else: scroll_type = 'short' params_command = calculate_scroll_parameters(window_size, html_element, direction, scroll_type) elif action == 'input': action_command = 'input' if params and params[0].isdigit() and int(params[0]) in elements_map: params_command = elements_map[int(params[0])] if len(params) > 1: params_command += f", '{params[1]}'" # Construct the final command final_command = f"{action_command}({params_command})" return final_command # def display_html_and_mapping(html_content, elements_map): # # Outputting the entire HTML content # print("[HTML Content]:") # print(html_content) # print("[Interactive Elements Mapping]:") # # Iterating through the elements map and printing the index and description # # Initialize categories # clickables = {} # scrollables = {} # inputs = {} # Assuming we could identify input elements somehow # # # Iterating through the elements map to categorize # for index, html in elements_map.items(): # if 'input' in html: # inputs[index] = html # elif 'scrollable="true"' in html: # scrollables[index] = html # elif 'clickable="true"' in html: # clickables[index] = html # # # # Outputting categorized elements # categories = [("Clickables", clickables), ("Scrollables", scrollables), ("Inputs", inputs)] # for category_name, category_map in categories: # if category_map: # Only print if category has items # print(f"[{category_name}]:") # max_index_length = len(str(max(category_map.keys()))) if category_map else 0 # for index, html in category_map.items(): # # Attempting to extract a brief description # if 'description="' in html: # description = html.split('description="')[1].split('"')[0] # else: # text_content = html.split('>')[1].split('<')[0] if '>' in html and '<' in html else "" # description = text_content.strip() # # Adding bounds if the element is scrollable # if 'scrollable="true"' in html and 'bounds="' in html: # bounds = html.split('bounds="')[1].split('"')[0] # description += f" ({bounds})" if bounds else "" # if description: # Only print if there's a description or text content # print(f"{index:{max_index_length}}: {description}") def display_html_and_mapping(html_content, elements_map): from io import StringIO # Initialize categories clickables = {} scrollables = {} inputs = {} # Assuming we could identify input elements somehow # Iterating through the elements map to categorize for index, html in elements_map.items(): if 'input' in html: inputs[index] = html elif 'EditText' in html: inputs[index] = html elif 'scrollable="true"' in html: scrollables[index] = html elif 'clickable="true"' in html: clickables[index] = html # Using StringIO to capture output output = StringIO() # Outputting categorized elements categories = [("Clickables", clickables), ("Scrollables", scrollables), ("Inputs", inputs)] for category_name, category_map in categories: if category_map: # Only print if category has items output.write(f"[{category_name}]:\n") max_index_length = len(str(max(category_map.keys()))) if category_map else 0 for index, html in category_map.items(): description = "" # Extracting a brief description if 'description="' in html: description = html.split('description="')[1].split('"')[0] elif 'class="' in html: class_name = html.split('class="')[1].split('"')[0] # Check if there is visible text inside the element inner_text = html.split('>')[1].split('<')[0] if '>' in html and '<' in html else "" if not inner_text.strip(): description = f"Empty {class_name}" else: description = inner_text.strip() # Adding bounds if the element is scrollable if 'scrollable="true"' in html and 'bounds="' in html: bounds = html.split('bounds="')[1].split('"')[0] description += f" ({bounds})" if bounds else "" if description: # Only print if there's a description or text content output.write(f"{index:{max_index_length}}: {description}\n") # Return the output as a string return output.getvalue() def display_html_and_mapping_1(html_content, elements_map): # Outputting the entire HTML content # Initialize categories clickables = {} scrollables = {} inputs = {} # Assuming we could identify input elements somehow # Iterating through the elements map to categorize for index, html in elements_map.items(): if 'input' in html: inputs[index] = html elif 'EditText' in html: inputs[index] = html elif 'scrollable="true"' in html: scrollables[index] = html elif 'clickable="true"' in html: clickables[index] = html # Outputting categorized elements categories = [("Clickables", clickables), ("Scrollables", scrollables), ("Inputs", inputs)] for category_name, category_map in categories: if category_map: # Only print if category has items print(f"[{category_name}]:") max_index_length = len(str(max(category_map.keys()))) if category_map else 0 for index, html in category_map.items(): description = "" # Extracting a brief description if 'description="' in html: description = html.split('description="')[1].split('"')[0] elif 'class="' in html: class_name = html.split('class="')[1].split('"')[0] # Check if there is visible text inside the element inner_text = html.split('>')[1].split('<')[0] if '>' in html and '<' in html else "" if not inner_text.strip(): description = f"Empty {class_name}" else: description = inner_text.strip() # Adding bounds if the element is scrollable if 'scrollable="true"' in html and 'bounds="' in html: bounds = html.split('bounds="')[1].split('"')[0] description += f" ({bounds})" if bounds else "" if description: # Only print if there's a description or text content print(f"{index:{max_index_length}}: {description}") def click_cancel(driver): # cancel_button = driver.find_element_by_id("com.miui.systemAdSolution:id/cancel_dialog") # if cancel_button: # cancel_button.click() cancel_button = driver.find_elements(MobileBy.ANDROID_UIAUTOMATOR, f'new UiSelector().text("取消")') if cancel_button: cancel_button[0].click() def open_driver(command_executor, desired_caps): success = False attempt_count = 0 while not success and attempt_count < max_attempts: try: driver = webdriver.Remote(command_executor, desired_caps) success = True except WebDriverException as e: attempt_count += 1 print(f"Encountered an error: {e}. Retrying...") time.sleep(5) # Wait for 5 seconds before retrying if not success: print(f"Failed to connect after {max_attempts} attempts. Exiting program.") driver.quit() sys.exit() # Exit the program if connection is not successful else: print("[Device connected successfully!]") return driver def compare_images(img_path1, img_path2, threshold): """ Compare two images and determine if they are the same based on pixel values. :param img_path1: Path to the first image. :param img_path2: Path to the second image. :param threshold: The threshold for considering the images as the same. This is the percentage of pixels that must be the same. :return: True if the images are the same based on the given threshold, False otherwise. """ # Open the images try: img1 = Image.open(img_path1) img2 = Image.open(img_path2) except IOError: print("Error in opening one of the images.") return False # Convert images to numpy arrays img1_array = np.array(img1) img2_array = np.array(img2) # Check if dimensions are the same if img1_array.shape != img2_array.shape: print("Images have different dimensions.") return False # Calculate the number of equal pixels equal_pixels = np.sum(img1_array == img2_array) # Total number of pixels total_pixels = img1_array.size # Calculate the ratio of equal pixels similarity_ratio = equal_pixels / total_pixels dif_ratio = 1 - similarity_ratio return dif_ratio > threshold def get_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Agent for mobile phone") parser.add_argument('--temperature', type=float, default=0.3, help='temperature') parser.add_argument('--model', type=str, default='gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09', help='model to use') parser.add_argument('--user_name', type=str, default='xuweikai', help='user name') parser.add_argument('--dataset', type=str, default='s_app_s_step.json', help='dataset to use') parser.add_argument('--max_steps', type=int, choices=range(0, 50), default=10, help='numbers of steps') parser.add_argument('--start_index', type=int, default=4, help='start_index') parser.add_argument('--device_name', type=str, default='YD7HAEKB49Q4PZOJ', help='device to use') parser.add_argument('--systemPort', type=int, default=8201, help='appium client port') parser.add_argument('--command_executor', type=str, default='', help='appium server port') parser.add_argument('--appPackage', type=str, default='ctrip.android.view', help='which app to randomly walk') return parser parser = get_parser() args = parser.parse_args() should_continue = True # STOP_SIGNAL_FILE = "../html/stop_signal.txt" def main(): global should_continue t = time.localtime() model_name = args.model.replace('/', '-') logfilename = '../result/results-' + model_name + '--t' + str( args.temperature) + '--' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", t) + '.jsonl' # with open(logfilename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: # f.write(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", t) + '\n') # write each result as a new line # f.write('model: ' + str(args.model) + '\n') # f.write('max_steps: ' + str(args.max_steps) + '\n') # f.write("--------------------------------\n") # read data # data = read_json_file(args.dataset) data = [ {"ori": {"名称": "椰香可芮朵", "杯型": "小杯", "浓缩咖啡": "金烘浓缩(浅烘)", "星巴克门店": "星巴克松江文汇路店"}, "query": "请在星巴克松江文汇路店为我点一杯小杯椰香可芮朵,使用金烘浓缩(浅烘)咖啡,浓缩份数为1份。"}, {"ori": {"名称": "浓缩康保蓝", "杯型": "双份", "浓缩咖啡": "经典浓缩(深烘)", "温度": "热", "浓缩份数": "浓缩份数", "星巴克门店": "星巴克Z18广场店"}, "query": "请在星巴克Z18广场店为我点一杯热的浓缩康保蓝,使用经典浓缩(深烘)咖啡,浓缩份数为2份。"}, {"ori": {"名称": "馥芮白", "饮品主体": "稀奶油", "温度": "微热", "浓缩份数": "浓缩份数", "添加或更换风味糖浆": "大溪地香草风味糖浆", "添加更换牛奶": "燕麦奶", "浓缩咖啡": "经典浓缩(深烘)", "星巴克门店": "星巴克常州万都广场店"}, "query": "请在星巴克常州万都广场店为我点一杯馥芮白,使用经典浓缩(深烘)咖啡,浓缩份数为标准量。饮品中添加大溪地香草风味糖浆,使用燕麦奶替代标准牛奶,顶部覆盖微热的稀奶油。"}, {"ori": {"名称": "芒果西番莲果茶星冰乐", "杯型": "中杯", "添加或更换风味糖浆": "原味糖浆", "饮品主体": "椰浆", "星巴克门店": "星巴克虹梅路店"}, "query": "请在星巴克虹梅路店为我点一杯中杯芒果西番莲果茶星冰乐,使用椰浆作为饮品主体,并添加原味糖浆。"} ] # read APP list with open('app_list_MIUI.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: all_app_list = json.load(file) print("***[TEST BEGIN]***") cnt = 0 total_steps = 0 pass_cnt = 0 check_result_1 = 0 check_result_2 = 0 app_Packagename = "com.starbucks.cn" device_name = args.device_name systemPort = args.systemPort command_executor = args.command_executor desired_caps = { "platformName": "Android", "deviceName": device_name, "udid": device_name, "platformVersion": "13.0", 'automationName': 'uiautomator2', 'noReset': True, 'newCommandTimeout': 6000, 'uiautomator2ServerLaunchTimeout': 60000, 'systemPort': systemPort } print(desired_caps) print("[start connected]") # driver to connect to the emulator global driver driver = open_driver(command_executor, desired_caps) start_index = args.start_index # Change this to the index you want to start testing from # screenshot_path = f"C:/Users/mi/PycharmProjects/Agent_base_appium/result/screenshot/screenshot_{systemPort}_0.png" # adb_command = f"adb exec-out screencap -p > {screenshot_path}" # result = subprocess.run(adb_command, shell=True) # result 用于对ADB的指令测试。 # for data_item in tqdm(data[start_index:], desc="Automatic Testing"): for data_item in tqdm(data, desc="Automatic Testing"): # for data_item in tqdm(data, desc="Automatic Testing"): driver.close_app() # 清理正在前台的app history_actions = [] cnt += 1 task = ''.join(data_item['query']) print(task) stop_command = ["adb", "-s", device_name, "shell", "am", "force-stop", app_Packagename] subprocess.run(stop_command) # if cnt == 1: # adb_command = stop_command = ["adb", "-s", device_name, "shell", "am", "force-stop", app_Packagename] subprocess.run(stop_command) # click_cancel(driver) # # 这个方式会导致 socket hang up 目前尚未解决。 # open switch app # switch_command = f"adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_APP_SWITCH" # subprocess.run(switch_command) # time.sleep(3) # # 清理所有正在后台运行的程序 # id_value = "com.miui.home:id/clearAnimView" # try: # x = driver.find_element(MobileBy.ANDROID_UIAUTOMATOR, f'new UiSelector().resourceId("{id_value}")') # x.click() # print("[All apps delete.]") # except NoSuchElementException: # print(f"[No app is running.]") # 保证在主界面 # reboot_command = f"adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_HOME" # # 执行命令 # subprocess.run(reboot_command) # print("\n[Go back to Home page]") # start_command = f"./emulator -avd miui_emulator_phone_34 -snapshot reset-env-3 -sysdir ~/.miui/system-images/android-34/miui_emulator_phone_34/xiaomi/x86_64" # # start device and load the snapshot. # avd_name = "emulator-5554" # snapshot_name = "reset-env-3" # emulator_path = r"emulator" # # print("[ReSet The Environment]: ", start_command) # try: # # 执行命令 # subprocess.run(start_command, shell=True, check=True) # # except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: # print(f"命令执行失败: {e}") # except FileNotFoundError: # print("找不到'emulator'命令,请确保已将其添加到您的 PATH 环境变量中。") # except Exception as e: # print(f"发生了未知错误: {e}") # select the app xml_source, driver = get_page_source(driver) # print(xml_source) anytree_root = parse_xml_to_anytree(xml_source) # translate xml to html html_code = any_tree_to_html(anytree_root, 0, None) # folder_path = '' # print("[HTML UI]:", html_code) print(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", t)) prompt = app_selection_prompt.format(app_selection_example=app_selection_example, task_description=task, apps_information=app_list) # res = get_model_response(args, prompt) res = ('This is a overall plan. ') print("[Task]: ", task) print("[App Select and Plan]: \033[34m" + res + "\033[0m") plan = res api_list = format_api_info_as_text(plan, all_app_list) # # agent with environment round_number = 0 task_continue = True thought = "I have just specified the plan. Now I should execute it according to the plan and take the first step of the plan." # 每一轮决策中,api和ui只能调用一个。 # screenshot_path = f"C:/Users/mi/PycharmProjects/Agent_base_appium/result/screenshot_{device_name}/screenshot{device_name}_0.png" # adb_command = f"adb exec-out screencap -p > {screenshot_path}" # subprocess.run(adb_command, shell=True) while round_number < args.max_steps: print(r"------------Round {round}------------".format(round=round_number)) api_use = False round_number += 1 xml_source, driver = get_page_source(driver) if xml_source == None: print("error") sys.exit() anytree_root = parse_xml_to_anytree(xml_source) # translate xml to html html_code = any_tree_to_html(anytree_root, 0, None) print("[thought]: \033[34m" + thought + "\033[0m") # is there api could use?? # 先检查api的调用,再做ui操作。 # api_prompt = select_api_prompt.format(select_api_example=select_api_example, api_list=api_list, task=task, # memory=get_memory(history_actions), # planning=plan, thought=thought, ui_information=html_code) # api_res = get_model_response(args, api_prompt) # print("[API]: \033[34m" + api_res + "\033[0m") # if 'ERROR' in api_res: # time.sleep(8) # api_use = False # continue # elif 'sorry' not in api_res.lower(): # if re.search(r'\[(.*)\]', api_res): # result = api(api_res, history_actions) # if result: # api_use = True # else: # api_use = False # else: # print("[Wrong API command format]") # api_use = False # else: # print("[No API Use]") # api_use = False # multi action making to finish a task. # if not api_use: # print("[HTML UI]:", html_code) # previous_history_actions = history_actions # # gpt4/3.5 API call # actions_prompt = actions_making_prompt.format(actions_making_example=actions_making_example, # task_description=task, # ui_information=html_code, # memory=get_memory(history_actions), # planning=plan, thought=thought) # print("[Prompt]: ", prompt) # action_res = chatgpt(actions_prompt)[0] # 保存动作前的页面信息 # finish\adb\ui actions decision making type_prompt = action_type_prompt.format(action_type_example=action_type_example, task_description=task, adb_api=api_list, action_history=get_memory(history_actions), thought=thought, planning=plan) # action_type = get_model_response(args, type_prompt) # action_type = input("[Has the task been completed? If it is not completed, what type of action do we need to do?]: ") action_type = 'ui action' print("[Action Type]: \033[34m" + action_type + "\033[0m") action_res = None if "task is finished" in action_type.lower(): task_continue = False break elif "adb" in action_type.lower() and "not finished" in action_type.lower(): api_prompt = select_api_prompt.format(select_api_example=select_api_example, api_list=api_list, task=task, memory=get_memory(history_actions), planning=plan, thought=thought, ui_information=html_code) action_res = get_model_response(args, api_prompt) print("[API Action]: \033[34m" + action_res + "\033[0m") # print("[API List]: ", api_list) # action_res = input("[Which ADB command do we need?]: ") result = api(action_res, history_actions) if result: api_use = True else: api_use = False elif "ui action" in action_type.lower(): mapping = map_and_reverse_complete_interactive_elements(html_code) print(mapping) action_space = display_html_and_mapping(html_code, mapping) # actions_prompt = actions_making_prompt.format(actions_making_example=actions_making_example, # task_description=task, # action=action_space, # memory=get_memory(history_actions), # planning=plan, thought=thought) # action_res = get_model_response(args, actions_prompt) # print("[UI Action]: \033[34m" + action_res + "\033[0m") # USER input action_res = input("[Which UI action do we need to do? click/scroll/input]: ") window_size = driver.get_window_size() action_res = process_user_input(window_size, action_res, mapping) print("[Actual Action]: \033[34m" + action_res + "\033[0m") actions(action_res, history_actions, driver) else: print("[no usful action in this round!]") continue # if the request reach the limit; time.sleep(1) xml_source, driver = get_page_source(driver) anytree_root = parse_xml_to_anytree(xml_source) # translate xml to html new_html_code = any_tree_to_html(anytree_root, 0, None) print("New HTML code:", new_html_code) # planning 放在最后面的原因是我们希望thought代表的是对当前动作的反思和对未来动作的思考。 print("[Action History]: ", get_memory(history_actions)) thought_prompt = Thought_prompt.format(thought_example=Thought_example, task_description=task, planning=plan, action=action_res, ui_information=html_code, action_history=get_memory(history_actions), now_ui_information=new_html_code, api_list=usr_api_list) round_result = { "round_number": round_number, "old_html": html_code, "new_html": new_html_code, "action": action_res } # with open(logfilename, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as f: # # Use json.dump() with indent=4 to write with indentation # json.dump(round_result, f, indent=4) # f.write('\n') # Add a newline to separate each result # # save the screenshot # 在设备上保存截图 remote_path = f"/sdcard/screenshot_{systemPort}_{round_number}-screen.png" screencap_command = f"adb shell screencap -p {remote_path}" subprocess.run(screencap_command, shell=True) local_path = f"C:/Users/mi/PycharmProjects/Agent_base_appium/result/screenshot/{systemPort}_{round_number}-screen.png" xml_path = f"C:/Users/mi/PycharmProjects/Agent_base_appium/result/screenshot/{systemPort}_{round_number}-xml.txt" html_path = f"C:/Users/mi/PycharmProjects/Agent_base_appium/result/screenshot/{systemPort}_{round_number}-html.txt" with open(xml_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(xml_source) f.write('\n') f.close() with open(html_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(new_html_code) f.write('\n') f.close() # 将截图文件拉取到本地 # local_path = os.path.join(data_output_path, temp_save_path, f"{filename}-screen.png") pull_command = f"adb pull {remote_path} {local_path}" subprocess.run(pull_command, shell=True) # 删除设备上的截图文件(可选) delete_command = f"adb -s {device_name} shell rm {remote_path}" subprocess.run(delete_command, shell=True) # adb_command = f"adb exec-out screencap -p > {screenshot_path}" # result = subprocess.run(adb_command, shell=True) # if result.returncode == 0: # print("截图成功!") # else: # print("截图失败。") # print("错误信息:", result.stderr) # thought_res = get_model_response(args, thought_prompt) # thought_res = input("what is your thought?") thought_res = "This is a test." # print("Thought Prompt:", thought_prompt) print("[thought]: \033[34m" + thought_res + "\033[0m") thought = thought_res # 更新对下一步动作的思考。 # history_actions.append({"thought": f"{res}"}) # Task_description_example total_steps += round_number if task_continue: result = "Task failed" else: result = "Task finished successfully" pass_cnt += 1 successful_actions_action = [action['Action'] for action in history_actions if action.get('Action', '') and 'Fail' not in action['Action']] successful_actions_api_call = [action['API call'] for action in history_actions if action.get('API call', '') and 'failed' not in action['API call']] successful_actions = successful_actions_action + successful_actions_api_call # check point check_result_1 += calculate_package_coverage(data_item, successful_actions) check_result_2 += check_points(data_item, successful_actions) result = { "id": data_item["id"], "app": data_item["app"], 'query': data_item["query"], 'action history': ' '.join(successful_actions), 'check_point': data_item["check_point"], "result": result, "passrate": pass_cnt / cnt, "steps": round_number, "average steps": total_steps / cnt, "level1_check_result": check_result_1 / cnt, "level2_check_result": check_result_2 / cnt, } print("[passrate]: ", pass_cnt / cnt) print("[level1_check_result]: ", check_result_1 / cnt) print("[level2_check_result]: ", check_result_2 / cnt) # with open(logfilename, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as f: # # Use json.dump() with indent=4 to write with indentation # json.dump(result, f, indent=4) # f.write('\n') # Add a newline to separate each result # task finished driver.quit() def signal_handler(sig, frame): driver.quit() print("driver cleaned") sys.exit(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) if __name__ == '__main__': main()