import argparse
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import os
from appium import webdriver
from appium.webdriver.common.touch_action import TouchAction
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
from appium.webdriver.common.mobileby import MobileBy
from tqdm import tqdm
from agent_for_api.API_list import usr_api_list
from agent_for_api.agent_api_prompt import select_api_prompt, select_api_example
from agent_for_api.main_for_api import get_api_list
from agent_for_ui.agent_html_prompt import *
from selenium.common.exceptions import WebDriverException, InvalidElementStateException, NoSuchElementException
import json
from agent_for_ui.xml_to_html import any_tree_to_html
from chatgpt import chatgpt
import re
from app_list_MIUI import app_list
from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC
from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait
from selenium.common.exceptions import TimeoutException
import os
import random
import copy
from appium.webdriver.common.touch_action import TouchAction
from appium.webdriver.common.multi_action import MultiAction
max_attempts = 5
How does the entire demo work?
Use appium to obtain the xml information of the interface -> convert the local algorithm into html format ->
package and send the task (task description + env_html) -> agent (planning + action) ->
action is converted into appium's action and acts on the environment -> (task Description+env_html+action_history)->
The new action acts on the environment. (loop construction completed)
planning action reward memory?
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from anytree import Node
def parse_xml_to_anytree(xml_code):
root = ET.fromstring(xml_code)
def build_anytree(node, element, child_index, seen_elements, counter):
element_type = element.tag
element_key = (
element.get('resource-id', ''),
element.get('content-desc', ''),
element.get('text', ''),
element.get('clickable', ''),
element.get('scrollable', ''),
element.get('package', ''),
element.get('class', ''),
element.get('displayed', ''),
element.get('bounds', ''),
is_leaf = not bool(list(element))
has_text = bool(element.get('text'))
has_content_desc = bool(element.get('content-desc'))
visible = has_text or has_content_desc or 'button' in element_type.lower()
leaf_id = counter[0]
counter[0] += 1
anytree_node = Node(element_type, parent=node, type=element_type, visible=visible, leaf_id=leaf_id,
resource_id=element.get('resource-id'), content_desc=element.get('content-desc'),
text=element.get('text'), clickable=element.get('clickable'), is_leaf=is_leaf,
scrollable=element.get('scrollable'), package=element.get('package'),
class_label=element.get('class'), displayed=element.get('displayed'),
for idx, child in enumerate(element):
build_anytree(anytree_node, child, idx, seen_elements, counter)
is_root_leaf = not bool(list(root))
anytree_root = Node(root.tag, type=root.tag, visible=True, leaf_id=0,
resource_id=root.get('resource-id'), content_desc=root.get('content-desc'),
text=root.get('text'), clickable=root.get('clickable'),
is_leaf=is_root_leaf, scrollable=root.get('scrollable'), package=root.get('package'),
class_label=root.get('class'), displayed=root.get('displayed'), bounds=root.get('bounds'))
seen_elements = set()
counter = [1]
for idx, child in enumerate(root):
build_anytree(anytree_root, child, idx, seen_elements, counter)
return anytree_root
def screen_click(element_id):
element = driver.find_element(By.ID, element_id)
def screen_text_input(element_id, input_text):
element = driver.find_element(By.ID, element_id)
def screen_swipe(driver, start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y, duration=1000):
success = False
while not success:
driver.swipe(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y, duration)
success = True
except WebDriverException as e:
print(f"Encountered an error: {e}. Retrying...")
def get_memory(history_actions):
memory_list = []
for round_number, action_info in enumerate(history_actions, 1):
key = None
if 'action' in action_info:
key = 'action'
elif 'thought' in action_info:
key = 'thought'
elif 'API call' in action_info:
key = 'API call'
key = 'unknown'
detail = action_info.get(key, 'No detail')
if memory_list != []:
memory = "\n".join(memory_list)
memory = "No action has been completed yet"
return memory
def find_element(element, driver):
id_match = re.search(r'id="([^"]+)"', element)
text_match = re.search(r'>\s*([^<>]+)\s*<', element)
alt_match = re.search(r'description="([^"]+)"', element)
class_match = re.search(r'class="([^"]+)"', element)
if id_match:
id_value = id_match.group(1).strip()
if text_match:
text_value = text_match.group(1).strip()
if text_value.isspace() or not text_value:
text_match = False
if alt_match:
alt_value = alt_match.group(1).strip()
if class_match:
class_value = class_match.group(1).strip()
find = False
if text_match and alt_match and id_match:
success = False
attempt_count = 0
while not success and attempt_count < max_attempts:
list = driver.find_elements(MobileBy.ANDROID_UIAUTOMATOR,
f'new UiSelector().text("{text_value}").description("{alt_value}").resourceId("{id_value}")')
success = True
except WebDriverException as e:
attempt_count += 1
print(f"遇到错误: {e}. 重试中...")
if not success:
return None
if len(list) > 0:
find = True
if len(list) > 1:
print("警告: 存在多个具有相同text_value\description\id的元素,这可能导致错误!")
if find:
return list
if text_match and alt_match:
success = False
attempt_count = 0
while not success and attempt_count < max_attempts:
list = driver.find_elements(MobileBy.ANDROID_UIAUTOMATOR,
f'new UiSelector().text("{text_value}").description("{alt_value}")')
success = True
except WebDriverException as e:
attempt_count += 1
print(f"遇到错误: {e}. 重试中...")
if not success:
return None
if len(list) > 0:
find = True
if len(list) > 1:
print("警告: 存在多个具有相同text_value\description的元素,这可能导致错误!")
if find:
return list
if id_match and text_match:
success = False
attempt_count = 0
while not success and attempt_count < max_attempts:
list = driver.find_elements(MobileBy.ANDROID_UIAUTOMATOR,
f'new UiSelector().resourceId("{id_value}").text("{text_value}")')
success = True
except WebDriverException as e:
attempt_count += 1
print(f"Encountered an error: {e}. Retrying...")
if success == False:
print("serve side error")
return None
if len(list) > 0:
find = True
if len(list) > 1:
print("警告: 存在多个具有相同text_value\id的元素,这可能导致错误!")
if find:
return list
if id_match and alt_match:
success = False
attempt_count = 0
while not success and attempt_count < max_attempts:
list = driver.find_elements(MobileBy.ANDROID_UIAUTOMATOR,
f'new UiSelector().resourceId("{id_value}").description("{alt_value}")')
success = True
except WebDriverException as e:
attempt_count += 1
print(f"Encountered an error: {e}. Retrying...")
if success == False:
print("serve side error")
return None
if len(list) > 0:
find = True
if len(list) > 1:
print("警告: 存在多个具有相同description\id的元素,这可能导致错误!")
if find:
return list
if id_match:
success = False
attempt_count = 0
while not success and attempt_count < max_attempts:
list = driver.find_elements(MobileBy.ANDROID_UIAUTOMATOR,
f'new UiSelector().resourceId("{id_value}")')
success = True
except WebDriverException as e:
attempt_count += 1
print(f"Encountered an error: {e}. Retrying...")
if success == False:
print("serve side error")
return None
if len(list) > 0:
find = True
if len(list) > 1:
print("警告: 存在多个具有相同id的元素,这可能导致错误!")
if find:
return list
if class_match:
success = False
attempt_count = 0
while not success and attempt_count < max_attempts:
list = driver.find_elements(MobileBy.ANDROID_UIAUTOMATOR,
f'new UiSelector().resourceId("{class_value}")')
success = True
except WebDriverException as e:
attempt_count += 1
print(f"Encountered an error: {e}. Retrying...")
if success == False:
print("serve side error")
return None
if len(list) > 0:
find = True
if len(list) > 1:
print("警告: 存在多个具有相同class的元素,这可能导致错误!")
if find:
return list
return None
def actions(res, history_actions, driver):
if 'click(' in res:
first_angle_bracket = res.find('<')
first_reangle_bracket = res.find('>')
second_angle_bracket = res.find('>', first_reangle_bracket + 1)
text = res[first_angle_bracket:second_angle_bracket + 1]
list = find_element(text, driver)
if list == None:
print("Warning: Invalid element")
history_actions.append({"Action": f"[Fail]: Invalid element click({text})"})
elif len(list) == 0:
print("Warning: Invalid element")
history_actions.append({"Action": f"[Fail]: Invalid element click({text})"})
history_actions.append({"Action": f"click({text})"})
except WebDriverException as e:
print(f"Encountered an error: {e}. Retrying...")
history_actions.append({"Action": f"[Fail]: Unsuccessful click click({text})"})
elif 'press(' in res:
action = TouchAction(driver)
first_angle_bracket = res.find('<')
first_reangle_bracket = res.find('>')
second_angle_bracket = res.find('>', first_reangle_bracket + 1)
text = res[first_angle_bracket:second_angle_bracket + 1]
list = find_element(text, driver)
if list == None:
print("Warning: Invalid element")
history_actions.append({"Action": f"[Fail]: Invalid element press({text})"})
elif len(list) == 0:
print("Warning: Invalid element")
history_actions.append({"Action": f"[Fail]: Invalid element press({text})"})
history_actions.append({"Action": f"press({text})"})
except WebDriverException as e:
print(f"Encountered an error: {e}. Retrying...")
history_actions.append({"Action": f"[Fail]: Unsuccessful press({text})"})
elif 'zoom(' in res:
action1 = TouchAction(driver)
action2 = TouchAction(driver)
zoom_action = MultiAction(driver)
first_angle_bracket = res.find('<')
first_reangle_bracket = res.find('>')
second_angle_bracket = res.find('>', first_reangle_bracket + 1)
text = res[first_angle_bracket:second_angle_bracket + 1]
list = find_element(text, driver)
if list == None:
print("Warning: Invalid element")
history_actions.append({"Action": f"[Fail]: Invalid element Zoom({text})"})
elif len(list) == 0:
print("Warning: Invalid element")
history_actions.append({"Action": f"[Fail]: Invalid element Zoom({text})"})
action1.press(list[0]).move_to(x=0, y=-100)
action2.press(list[0]).move_to(x=0, y=100)
zoom_action.add(action1, action2)
history_actions.append({"Action": f"Zoom({text})"})
except WebDriverException as e:
print(f"Encountered an error: {e}. Retrying...")
history_actions.append({"Action": f"[Fail]: Unsuccessful zoom({text})"})
elif 'pinch(' in res:
action1 = TouchAction(driver)
action2 = TouchAction(driver)
first_angle_bracket = res.find('<')
first_reangle_bracket = res.find('>')
second_angle_bracket = res.find('>', first_reangle_bracket + 1)
text = res[first_angle_bracket:second_angle_bracket + 1]
list = find_element(text, driver)
if list == None:
print("Warning: Invalid element")
history_actions.append({"Action": f"[Fail]: Invalid element pinch({text})"})
elif len(list) == 0:
print("Warning: Invalid element")
history_actions.append({"Action": f"[Fail]: Invalid element pinch({text})"})
action1.press(x=list[0].location['x'], y=list[0].location['y'] - 100).move_to(list[0])
action2.press(x=list[0].location['x'], y=list[0].location['y'] + 100).move_to(list[0])
pinch_action = MultiAction(driver)
pinch_action.add(action1, action2)
history_actions.append({"Action": f"pinch({text})"})
except WebDriverException as e:
print(f"Encountered an error: {e}. Retrying...")
history_actions.append({"Action": f"[Fail]: Unsuccessful pinch({text})"})
elif 'input(' in res:
first_angle_bracket = res.find('<')
first_reangle_bracket = res.find('>')
second_angle_bracket = res.find('>', first_reangle_bracket + 1)
element = res[first_angle_bracket:second_angle_bracket + 1]
input_context = res[second_angle_bracket + 2:-1].strip()
input_context = input_context.strip('\'\"')
list = find_element(element, driver)
if list == None:
print("Warning: Invalid element")
history_actions.append({"Action": f"[Fail]: Invalid element. input({element}, {input_context})"})
elif len(list) == 0:
print("Warning: Invalid element")
history_actions.append({"Action": f"[Fail]: Invalid element. input({element}, {input_context})"})
history_actions.append({"Action": f"click({element})"})
WebDriverWait(driver, 1).until(
except TimeoutException:
history_actions.append({"Action": f"input({element}, {input_context})"})
except InvalidElementStateException as e:
print(f"Encountered an error: {e}. Retrying...")
{"Action": f"[Fail]: InvalidElementStateException input({element}, {input_context})"})
except NoSuchElementException as e:
print(f"Encountered an error: {e}. Retrying...")
history_actions.append({"Action": f"[Fail]: NoSuchElementException input({element}, {input_context})"})
elif 'scroll(' in res or 'swipe(' in res:
action = TouchAction(driver)
numbers = re.findall(r'\d+', res)
x1, y1, x2, y2 = map(int, numbers[:4])
max_value = max(x1, y1, x2, y2)
if x1 == max_value:
x1 -= 50
if y1 == max_value:
y1 -= 50
if x2 == max_value:
x2 -= 50
if y2 == max_value:
y2 -= 50
if x1 == 0:
x1 += 50
if y1 == 0:
y1 += 50
if x2 == 0:
x2 += 50
if y2 == 0:
y2 += 50
success = False
attempt_count = 0
while not success and attempt_count < max_attempts:
action.press(x=x1, y=y1).wait(ms=1000).move_to(x=x2, y=y2).release().perform()
success = True
except WebDriverException as e:
attempt_count += 1
print(f"Encountered an error: {e}. Retrying...")
if success:
history_actions.append({"Action": f"scroll([{x1},{y1}][{x2},{y2}])"})
print("[Fail]: unsucess scroll.")
history_actions.append({"Action": f"[Fail]: unsuccessful scroll scroll([{x1},{y1}][{x2},{y2}])"})
def get_page_source(driver):
attempt_count = 0
success = False
xml_source = None
while not success and attempt_count < max_attempts:
xml_source = driver.page_source
success = True
except WebDriverException as e:
attempt_count += 1
print(f"Encountered an error: {e}. Retrying...")
return xml_source, driver
def run_command(command):
result = subprocess.run(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True)
stderr = result.stderr
if not stderr:
return "API execution successful"
return "API execution failed"
def api(res, history_actions):
matches = re.findall(r'\[(.*)\]', res)
success = False
for match in matches:
adb_command = match
print("[API CALL]: ", adb_command)
result = run_command(adb_command)
print("[APi Function Call Result]: \033[34m" + result + "\033[0m")
if 'success' in result:
success = True
if "successful" in result:
history_actions.append({f"API call": f"{adb_command}. [Call result]:{result}"})
return success
def get_success_memory(history_actions):
memory_list = []
counter = 0
for action_info in history_actions:
key = None
if 'action' in action_info or 'thought' in action_info:
if 'action' in action_info:
key = 'action'
elif 'thought' in action_info:
key = 'thought'
if counter % 2 == 0:
round_number = counter // 2 + 1
counter += 1
elif 'API call' in action_info:
key = 'API call'
round_number = counter // 2 + 1
elif 'App Select and Plan' in action_info:
key = 'App Select and Plan'
round_number = counter // 2 + 1
key = 'unknown'
round_number = counter // 2 + 1
detail = action_info.get(key, 'No detail')
memory_list.append(f"Step {round_number}: {key}: {detail}")
memory = "\n".join(memory_list)
return memory
def open_driver():
success = False
attempt_count = 0
while not success and attempt_count < max_attempts:
driver = webdriver.Remote('', desired_caps)
success = True
except WebDriverException as e:
attempt_count += 1
print(f"Encountered an error: {e}. Retrying...")
if not success:
print(f"Failed to connect after {max_attempts} attempts. Exiting program.")
print("[Device connected successfully!]")
return driver
def read_json_file(file_path):
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
data = json.load(file)
extracted_data = []
for item in data:
id = item.get('id')
app = item.get('app')
package_name = item['check_point'].get('package', [])
query = item.get('query')
check_point = item.get('check_point')
'id': id,
'app': app,
'packagename': package_name,
'query': query,
'check_point': check_point
return extracted_data
def calculate_package_coverage(data_item, action_history):
coverage_count = 0
if 'check_point' in data_item and 'package' in data_item['check_point']:
package_names = data_item['check_point']['package']
for package_name in package_names:
if any(package_name in action for action in action_history):
coverage_count += 1
return coverage_count / len(package_names)
return 0
def check_point_passed(check_point_value, action_history):
if '|' in check_point_value:
return any(cp_elem in action for cp_elem in check_point_value if cp_elem != '|' for action in action_history), 1
elif '&' in check_point_value:
return all(cp_elem in action for cp_elem in check_point_value if cp_elem != '&' for action in action_history), 1
if isinstance(check_point_value, list):
total_elems = len(check_point_value)
passed_elems = sum(any(cp_elem in action for action in action_history) for cp_elem in check_point_value)
return passed_elems, total_elems
return any(check_point_value in action for action in action_history), 1
def check_points(data_item, action_history):
checkpoints = ['activity', 'resource-id', 'text', 'package', 'api']
total_checkpoints = 0
passed_checkpoints = 0
for cp in checkpoints:
if cp in data_item['check_point'] and data_item['check_point'][cp]:
check_point_value = data_item['check_point'][cp]
if isinstance(check_point_value, list):
passed, total = check_point_passed(check_point_value, action_history)
passed_checkpoints += passed
total_checkpoints += total
total_checkpoints += 1
if any(check_point_value in action for action in action_history):
passed_checkpoints += 1
return passed_checkpoints / total_checkpoints if total_checkpoints > 0 else 0
def format_api_info_as_text(text, data):
Format the API information as text in the specified format if the name_ch or name_en of an app is found in the text.
:param text: The string in which to search for app names.
:param data: The JSON data containing app information.
:return: A string formatted as a dictionary with app names as keys and their API information as values.
formatted_info = {}
general_keys_api = [
"ADB Command": "adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_BACK",
"Function Description": "Return to previous page",
"Parameter Information": "No additional parameters required."
"ADB Command": "adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_HOME",
"Function Description": "go to home page, which is equal to click the home button",
"Parameter Information": "No additional parameters required."
"ADB Command": "adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_SLEEP",
"Function Description": "Set the device to sleep",
"Parameter Information": "No additional parameters required."
"ADB Command": "adb shell screencap -p /sdcard/screenshot.png",
"Function Description": "Takes a screenshot and saves it.",
"Parameter Information": "No additional parameters required."
"ADB Command": "adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_WAKEUP",
"Function Description": "Wake up the device",
"Parameter Information": "No additional parameters required."
formatted_info["通用按键"] = general_keys_api
for app in data:
if app['name_en'] in text or app['name_ch'] in text:
api_info = app['api']
if api_info:
formatted_info[app['name_ch']] = api_info
formatted_text = json.dumps(formatted_info, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False)
return formatted_text
def map_and_reverse_complete_interactive_elements(html_content):
lines = html_content.split('\n')
interactive_elements = {}
counter = 1
for line in lines:
if 'clickable="true"' in line or 'scrollable="true"' in line or 'input' in line:
interactive_elements[counter] = line.strip()
counter += 1
return interactive_elements
def calculate_scroll_parameters(window_size, html, direction, scroll_type):
width = window_size['width']
height = window_size['height']
safe_margin = 10
match = re.search(r'bounds="\[([0-9]+,[0-9]+)\]\[([0-9]+,[0-9]+)\]"', html)
bounds = [match.group(1), match.group(2)]
x1, y1 = map(int, bounds[0].split(','))
x2, y2 = map(int, bounds[1].split(','))
mid_x = (x1 + x2) // 2
mid_y = (y1 + y2) // 2
if scroll_type == 'short':
offset_x = (x2 - x1) // 4
offset_y = (y2 - y1) // 4
scroll_coordinates = {
'up': ([mid_x, mid_y + offset_y], [mid_x, mid_y - offset_y]),
'down': ([mid_x, mid_y - offset_y], [mid_x, mid_y + offset_y]),
'left': ([mid_x + offset_x, mid_y], [mid_x - offset_x, mid_y]),
'right': ([mid_x - offset_x, mid_y], [mid_x + offset_x, mid_y])
elif scroll_type == 'long':
if direction == 'up':
start_x = end_x = mid_x
start_y = y2 - safe_margin
end_y = safe_margin
elif direction == 'down':
start_x = end_x = mid_x
start_y = y1 + safe_margin
end_y = height - safe_margin
elif direction == 'left':
start_y = end_y = mid_y
start_x = x2 - safe_margin
end_x = safe_margin
elif direction == 'right':
start_y = end_y = mid_y
start_x = x1 + safe_margin
end_x = width - safe_margin
return None
scroll_coordinates = {
direction: ([start_x, start_y], [end_x, end_y])
return None
return scroll_coordinates[direction]
def process_user_input(window_size, user_input, elements_map):
parts = user_input.split('(', 1)
action = parts[0].strip().lower()
params = parts[1].rstrip(')').split(',') if len(parts) > 1 else []
action_command = ''
params_command = ''
if action == 'click':
action_command = 'click'
if params and params[0].isdigit() and int(params[0]) in elements_map:
params_command = elements_map[int(params[0])]
elif action == 'press':
action_command = 'press'
if params and params[0].isdigit() and int(params[0]) in elements_map:
params_command = elements_map[int(params[0])]
elif action == 'zoom':
action_command = 'zoom'
if params and params[0].isdigit() and int(params[0]) in elements_map:
params_command = elements_map[int(params[0])]
elif action == 'pinch':
action_command = 'pinch'
if params and params[0].isdigit() and int(params[0]) in elements_map:
params_command = elements_map[int(params[0])]
elif action == 'scroll':
action_command = 'scroll'
if params and params[0].isdigit() and int(params[0]) in elements_map:
html_element = elements_map[int(params[0])]
direction = str(params[1])
if len(params) > 2:
scroll_type = 'long'
scroll_type = 'short'
params_command = calculate_scroll_parameters(window_size, html_element, direction, scroll_type)
elif action == 'input':
action_command = 'input'
if params and params[0].isdigit() and int(params[0]) in elements_map:
params_command = elements_map[int(params[0])]
if len(params) > 1:
params_command += f", '{params[1]}'"
final_command = f"{action_command}({params_command})"
return final_command
def display_html_and_mapping(html_content, elements_map):
print("[HTML Content]:")
print("[Interactive Elements Mapping]:")
clickables = {}
scrollables = {}
inputs = {}
for index, html in elements_map.items():
if 'input' in html:
inputs[index] = html
elif 'scrollable="true"' in html:
scrollables[index] = html
elif 'clickable="true"' in html:
clickables[index] = html
action_space = {}
categories = [("Clickables", clickables), ("Scrollables", scrollables), ("Inputs", inputs)]
for category_name, category_map in categories:
if category_map:
max_index_length = len(str(max(category_map.keys()))) if category_map else 0
for index, html in category_map.items():
if 'description="' in html:
description = html.split('description="')[1].split('"')[0]
text_content = html.split('>')[1].split('<')[0] if '>' in html and '<' in html else ""
description = text_content.strip()
if 'scrollable="true"' in html and 'bounds="' in html:
bounds = html.split('bounds="')[1].split('"')[0]
description += f" ({bounds})" if bounds else ""
if description:
print(f"{index:{max_index_length}}: {description}")
action_space[index] = category_name
return action_space
def gen_action_list(action_space, window_size):
action_tobe = []
for index in action_space:
category_name = action_space[index]
action_list = []
if category_name == "Clickables":
action_res = "click(" + str(index) + ")"
elif category_name == "Scrollables":
action_res = "scroll(" + str(index) + ",up)"
action_res = "scroll(" + str(index) + ",down)"
action_res = "scroll(" + str(index) + ",left)"
action_res = "scroll(" + str(index) + ",right)"
elif category_name == "Inputs":
action_res = "click(" + str(index) + ")"
action_res = "input(" + str(index) + "," + current_text_list[0] + ")"
for action_res in action_list:
action_res = process_user_input(window_size, action_res, mapping)
if action_res not in action_tobe:
return action_tobe
def compare_html_acc(html_code_save, html_code):
html_code_save_list = html_code_save.strip().split("\n")
html_code_list = html_code.strip().split("\n")
index = 0
correct = []
for code_ in html_code_list:
if code_ in html_code_save_list:
index += 1
if float(index) / len(html_code_list) < 0.9:
return float(index) / len(html_code_list), index, len(html_code_list)
def restart_from_homepage(start_APP_command, history_list, driver):
history_actions = []
for temp_command in start_APP_command:
result = api(temp_command, history_actions)
if "adb" in temp_command.lower():
for temp_command in history_list:
actions(temp_command, history_actions, driver)
if "adb" in temp_command.lower():
def get_filelist(dir, Filelist):
newDir = dir
if os.path.isfile(dir):
elif os.path.isdir(dir):
for s in os.listdir(dir):
newDir = os.path.join(dir, s)
get_filelist(newDir, Filelist)
return Filelist
def get_parser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Agent for mobile phone")
parser.add_argument('--temperature', type=float, default=0.1, help='temperature')
parser.add_argument('--model', type=str, default='gpt-4', help='model to use')
parser.add_argument('--dataset', type=str, default='data/s_app_m_step_utf8.json', help='dataset to use')
parser.add_argument('--max_steps', type=int, choices=range(0, 50), default=20, help='numbers of steps')
parser.add_argument('--start_index', type=int, default=0, help='start_index')
return parser
parser = get_parser()
args = parser.parse_args()
if __name__ == '__main__':
current_adb=["[adb shell am start -n com.xiaomi.shop/.activity.MainTabActivity]"]
all_data = {"num": 0, "data": []}
curr_path = name_en + "0"
all_data_list = get_filelist(data_output_path, [])
count_num = 0
for name in all_data_list:
if name.endswith("html.txt"):
count_num += 1
print("count_num", count_num)
print("len all_data_list", len(all_data_list))