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# coding=utf-8
"""Common functions for data processing."""
from anytree import AnyNode
# import episode_pb2
def any_tree_to_html(node, layer, clickable_label):
"""Turns an AnyTree representation of view hierarchy into HTML.
node: an AnyTree node.
layer: which layer is the node in.
results: output HTML.
results = ''
if 'ImageView' in node.type:
node_type = 'img'
elif 'IconView' in node.type:
node_type = 'img'
elif 'Button' in node.type:
node_type = 'button'
elif 'Image' in node.type:
node_type = 'img'
elif 'MenuItemView' in node.type:
node_type = 'button'
elif 'EditText' in node.type:
node_type = 'input'
elif 'TextView' in node.type:
node_type = 'p'
node_type = 'div'
if node.clickable == "true":
clickable_label = "true"
elif clickable_label == "true":
node.clickable = "true"
if node.text:
node.text = node.text.replace('\n', '')
if node.content_desc:
node.content_desc = node.content_desc.replace('\n', '')
# or node.class_label == 'android.widget.EditText'
if node.is_leaf and node.visible:
html_close_tag = node_type
if node.scrollable == "true":
html_close_tag = node_type
results = '<{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}> {} </{}>\n'.format(
' id="{}"'.format(node.resource_id)
if node.resource_id
else '',
' package="{}"'.format(node.package)
if node.package
else '',
' class="{}"'.format(''.join(node.class_label))
if node.class_label
else '',
' description="{}"'.format(node.content_desc) if node.content_desc else '',
' clickable="{}"'.format(node.clickable) if node.clickable else '',
' scrollable="{}"'.format(node.scrollable) if node.scrollable else '',
' bounds="{}"'.format(node.bounds) if node.bounds else '',
'{}'.format(node.text) if node.text else '',
results = '<{}{}{}{}{}{}> {} </{}>\n'.format(
' id="{}"'.format(node.resource_id)
if node.resource_id
else '',
' package="{}"'.format(node.package)
if node.package
else '',
' class="{}"'.format(''.join(node.class_label))
if node.class_label
else '',
' description="{}"'.format(node.content_desc) if node.content_desc else '',
' clickable="{}"'.format(node.clickable) if node.clickable else '',
'{}'.format(node.text) if node.text else '',
if node.scrollable == "true":
html_close_tag = node_type
results = '<{}{}{}{}{}{}{}> {} </{}>\n'.format(
' id="{}"'.format(node.resource_id)
if node.resource_id
else '',
' class="{}"'.format(''.join(node.class_label))
if node.class_label
else '',
' descript ion="{}"'.format(node.content_desc) if node.content_desc else '',
' clickable="{}"'.format(node.clickable) if node.clickable else '',
' scrollable="{}"'.format(node.scrollable) if node.scrollable else '',
' bounds="{}"'.format(node.bounds) if node.bounds else '',
'{}'.format(node.text) if node.text else '',
for child in node.children:
results += any_tree_to_html(child, layer + 1, clickable_label)
return results
# def parse_episode_proto(episode_proto_string):
# """Parses an episode proto string.
# Args:
# episode_proto_string: the episode proto string.
# Returns:
# screen_html_list: html representation of the screen sequence in the episode.
# node_list: AnyNode representation of the screen sequence in the episode.
# id_to_leaf_id: mapping element indexes to leaf id. Used for grounding eval.
# """
# screen_html_list = []
# screen_node_list = []
# screen_id_map = []
# screen_action_list = []
# package_list = []
# episode = episode_pb2.Episode()
# episode.ParseFromString(episode_proto_string)
# for t in episode.time_steps:
# id_to_leaf_id = {}
# objects = t.observation.objects
# node_list = []
# leaf_count = 0
# for obj in objects:
# package = obj.android_package
# bbox = obj.bbox
# dom = obj.dom_position
# if '/' in obj.resource_id:
# resource_id = obj.resource_id.split('/')[1].split('_')
# else:
# resource_id = obj.resource_id
# if obj.is_leaf and obj.visible:
# leaf_id = leaf_count
# leaf_count += 1
# else:
# leaf_id = -1
# a = AnyNode(
# id=obj.index,
# type=episode_pb2.ObjectType.Name(obj.type),
# bbox=[bbox.left,, bbox.right, bbox.bottom],
# grid_location=episode_pb2.GridLocation.Name(obj.grid_location),
# dom_position=[dom.depth, dom.pre_order_id, dom.post_order_id],
# parent_id=obj.parent_index,
# text=obj.text,
# content_desc=obj.content_desc,
# resource_id=resource_id,
# selected=obj.selected,
# clickable=obj.clickable,
# visible=obj.visible,
# enabled=obj.enabled,
# is_leaf=obj.is_leaf,
# leaf_id=leaf_id,
# scrollable=obj.scrollable,
# checkable=obj.checkable,
# checked=obj.checked,
# focusable=obj.focusable,
# focused=obj.focused,
# )
# id_to_leaf_id[obj.index] = leaf_id
# if a.parent_id != -1:
# a.parent = node_list[a.parent_id]
# node_list.append(a)
# screen_action_list.append(id_to_leaf_id[t.action.object.index])
# screen_html_list.append(any_tree_to_html(node_list[0], 0))
# screen_node_list.append(node_list)
# screen_id_map.append(id_to_leaf_id)
# package_list.append(package)
# return (
# screen_html_list,
# screen_node_list,
# screen_action_list,
# screen_id_map,
# package_list,
# )
# def build_proto_object(screen_info):
# # 解析Appium XML格式的屏幕信息并存储在screen_info变量中
# # 创建Episode Proto对象
# episode = episode_pb2.Episode()
# # 遍历屏幕信息节点
# for node in screen_info:
# # 创建TimeStep Proto对象
# time_step = episode_pb2.TimeStep()
# # 根据节点类型设置node_type
# if '' in node.type:
# node_type = 'img'
# elif 'BUTTON' in node.type:
# node_type = 'button'
# elif 'EDITTEXT' in node.type:
# node_type = 'input'
# elif 'TEXTVIEW' in node.type:
# node_type = 'p'
# else:
# node_type = 'div'
# # 创建Element Proto对象
# element = episode_pb2.Element()
# element.node_type = node_type
# element.node_text = node.text
# element.node_id =
# # 将Element Proto对象添加到TimeStep Proto对象
# time_step.elements.append(element)
# # 将TimeStep Proto对象添加到Episode Proto对象
# episode.time_steps.append(time_step)
# # 将Episode Proto对象序列化为字符串
# episode_proto_string = episode.SerializeToString() |