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A Turing machine is a mathematical model of computation describing an abstract machine[1] that manipulates symbols on a strip of tape according to a table of rules.[2] Despite the model's simplicity, it is capable of implementing any computer algorithm.[3]
The machine operates on an infinite[4] memory tape divided into discrete cells,[5] each of which can hold a single symbol drawn from a finite set of symbols called the alphabet of the machine. It has a "head" that, at any point in the machine's operation, is positioned over one of these cells, and a "state" selected from a finite set of states. At each step of its operation, the head reads the symbol in its cell. Then, based on the symbol and the machine's own present state, the machine writes a symbol into the same cell, and moves the head one step to the left or the right,[6] or halts the computation. The choice of which replacement symbol to write, which direction to move the head, and whether to halt is based on a finite table that specifies what to do for each combination of the current state and the symbol that is read. Like a real computer program, it is possible for a Turing machine to go into an infinite loop which will never halt.
The Turing machine was invented in 1936 by Alan Turing,[7][8] who called it an "a-machine" (automatic machine).[9] It was Turing's doctoral advisor, Alonzo Church, who later coined the term "Turing machine" in a review.[10] With this model, Turing was able to answer two questions in the negative:
Does a machine exist that can determine whether any arbitrary machine on its tape is "circular" (e.g., freezes, or fails to continue its computational task)?
Does a machine exist that can determine whether any arbitrary machine on its tape ever prints a given symbol?[11][12]
Thus by providing a mathematical description of a very simple device capable of arbitrary computations, he was able to prove properties of computation in general—and in particular, the uncomputability of the Entscheidungsproblem ('decision problem').[13]
Turing machines proved the existence of fundamental limitations on the power of mechanical computation.[14] While they can express arbitrary computations, their minimalist design makes them too slow for computation in practice: real-world computers are based on different designs that, unlike Turing machines, use random-access memory.
Turing completeness is the ability for a computational model or a system of instructions to simulate a Turing machine. A programming language that is Turing complete is theoretically capable of expressing all tasks accomplishable by computers; nearly all programming languages are Turing complete if the limitations of finite memory are ignored.
A Turing machine is an idealised model of a central processing unit (CPU) that controls all data manipulation done by a computer, with the canonical machine using sequential memory to store data. Typically, the sequential memory is represented as a tape of infinite length on which the machine can perform read and write operations.
In the context of formal language theory, a Turing machine (automaton) is capable of enumerating some arbitrary subset of valid strings of an alphabet. A set of strings which can be enumerated in this manner is called a recursively enumerable language. The Turing machine can equivalently be defined as a model that recognises valid input strings, rather than enumerating output strings.
Given a Turing machine M and an arbitrary string s, it is generally not possible to decide whether M will eventually produce s. This is due to the fact that the halting problem is unsolvable, which has major implications for the theoretical limits of computing.
The Turing machine is capable of processing an unrestricted grammar, which further implies that it is capable of robustly evaluating first-order logic in an infinite number of ways. This is famously demonstrated through lambda calculus.
A Turing machine that is able to simulate any other Turing machine is called a universal Turing machine (UTM, or simply a universal machine). Another mathematical formalism, lambda calculus, with a similar "universal" nature was introduced by Alonzo Church. Church's work intertwined with Turing's to form the basis for the Church–Turing thesis. This thesis states that Turing machines, lambda calculus, and other similar formalisms of computation do indeed capture the informal notion of effective methods in logic and mathematics and thus provide a model through which one can reason about an algorithm or "mechanical procedure" in a mathematically precise way without being tied to any particular formalism. Studying the abstract properties of Turing machines has yielded many insights into computer science, computability theory, and complexity theory.
Physical description
In his 1948 essay, "Intelligent Machinery", Turing wrote that his machine consisted of:
...an unlimited memory capacity obtained in the form of an infinite tape marked out into squares, on each of which a symbol could be printed. At any moment there is one symbol in the machine; it is called the scanned symbol. The machine can alter the scanned symbol, and its behavior is in part determined by that symbol, but the symbols on the tape elsewhere do not affect the behavior of the machine. However, the tape can be moved back and forth through the machine, this being one of the elementary operations of the machine. Any symbol on the tape may therefore eventually have an innings.[15]
— Turing 1948, p. 3[16]
For visualizations of Turing machines, see Turing machine gallery.
The Turing machine mathematically models a machine that mechanically operates on a tape. On this tape are symbols, which the machine can read and write, one at a time, using a tape head. Operation is fully determined by a finite set of elementary instructions such as "in state 42, if the symbol seen is 0, write a 1; if the symbol seen is 1, change into state 17; in state 17, if the symbol seen is 0, write a 1 and change to state 6;" etc. In the original article ("On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem", see also references below), Turing imagines not a mechanism, but a person whom he calls the "computer", who executes these deterministic mechanical rules slavishly (or as Turing puts it, "in a desultory manner").
The head is always over a particular square of the tape; only a finite stretch of squares is shown. The instruction to be performed (q4) is shown over the scanned square. (Drawing after Kleene (1952) p. 375.)
Here, the internal state (q1) is shown inside the head, and the illustration describes the tape as being infinite and pre-filled with "0", the symbol serving as blank. The system's full state (its "complete configuration") consists of the internal state, any non-blank symbols on the tape (in this illustration "11B"), and the position of the head relative to those symbols including blanks, i.e. "011B". (Drawing after Minsky (1967) p. 121.)
More explicitly, a Turing machine consists of:
A tape divided into cells, one next to the other. Each cell contains a symbol from some finite alphabet. The alphabet contains a special blank symbol (here written as '0') and one or more other symbols. The tape is assumed to be arbitrarily extendable to the left and to the right, so that the Turing machine is always supplied with as much tape as it needs for its computation. Cells that have not been written before are assumed to be filled with the blank symbol. In some models the tape has a left end marked with a special symbol; the tape extends or is indefinitely extensible to the right.
A head that can read and write symbols on the tape and move the tape left and right one (and only one) cell at a time. In some models the head moves and the tape is stationary.
A state register that stores the state of the Turing machine, one of finitely many. Among these is the special start state with which the state register is initialised. These states, writes Turing, replace the "state of mind" a person performing computations would ordinarily be in.
A finite table[17] of instructions[18] that, given the state(qi) the machine is currently in and the symbol(aj) it is reading on the tape (symbol currently under the head), tells the machine to do the following in sequence (for the 5-tuple models):
Either erase or write a symbol (replacing aj with aj1).
Move the head (which is described by dk and can have values: 'L' for one step left or 'R' for one step right or 'N' for staying in the same place).
Assume the same or a new state as prescribed (go to state qi1).
In the 4-tuple models, erasing or writing a symbol (aj1) and moving the head left or right (dk) are specified as separate instructions. The table tells the machine to (ia) erase or write a symbol or (ib) move the head left or right, and then (ii) assume the same or a new state as prescribed, but not both actions (ia) and (ib) in the same instruction. In some models, if there is no entry in the table for the current combination of symbol and state, then the machine will halt; other models require all entries to be filled.
Every part of the machine (i.e. its state, symbol-collections, and used tape at any given time) and its actions (such as printing, erasing and tape motion) is finite, discrete and distinguishable; it is the unlimited amount of tape and runtime that gives it an unbounded amount of storage space.
Formal definition
Following Hopcroft & Ullman (1979, p. 148), a (one-tape) Turing machine can be formally defined as a 7-tuple M = ⟨ Q , Γ , b , Σ , δ , q 0 , F ⟩ M=\langle Q,\Gamma ,b,\Sigma ,\delta ,q_{0},F\rangle where
Γ \Gamma is a finite, non-empty set of tape alphabet symbols;
b ∈ Γ b\in \Gamma is the blank symbol (the only symbol allowed to occur on the tape infinitely often at any step during the computation);
Σ ⊆ Γ ∖ { b } \Sigma \subseteq \Gamma \setminus \{b\} is the set of input symbols, that is, the set of symbols allowed to appear in the initial tape contents;
Q Q is a finite, non-empty set of states;
q 0 ∈ Q q_{0}\in Q is the initial state;
F ⊆ Q F\subseteq Q is the set of final states or accepting states. The initial tape contents is said to be accepted by M M if it eventually halts in a state from F F.
δ : ( Q ∖ F ) × Γ ↛ Q × Γ × { L , R } {\displaystyle \delta :(Q\setminus F)\times \Gamma \not \to Q\times \Gamma \times \{L,R\}} is a partial function called the transition function, where L is left shift, R is right shift. If δ \delta is not defined on the current state and the current tape symbol, then the machine halts;[19] intuitively, the transition function specifies the next state transited from the current state, which symbol to overwrite the current symbol pointed by the head, and the next head movement.
3-state Busy Beaver. Black icons represent location and state of head; square colors represent 1s (orange) and 0s (white); time progresses vertically from the top until the HALT state at the bottom.
A relatively uncommon variant allows "no shift", say N, as a third element of the set of directions { L , R } \{L,R\}.
The 7-tuple for the 3-state busy beaver looks like this (see more about this busy beaver at Turing machine examples):
Q = { A , B , C , HALT } Q=\{{\mbox{A}},{\mbox{B}},{\mbox{C}},{\mbox{HALT}}\} (states);
Γ = { 0 , 1 } \Gamma =\{0,1\} (tape alphabet symbols);
b = 0 b=0 (blank symbol);
Σ = { 1 } \Sigma =\{1\} (input symbols);
q 0 = A q_{0}={\mbox{A}} (initial state);
F = { HALT } F=\{{\mbox{HALT}}\} (final states);
δ = \delta = see state-table below (transition function).
Initially all tape cells are marked with 0 {\displaystyle 0}.
State table for 3-state, 2-symbol busy beaver Tape symbol Current state A Current state B Current state C
Write symbol Move tape Next state Write symbol Move tape Next state Write symbol Move tape Next state
0 1 R B 1 L A 1 L B
1 1 L C 1 R B 1 R HALT
Additional details required to visualise or implement Turing machines
In the words of van Emde Boas (1990), p. 6: "The set-theoretical object [his formal seven-tuple description similar to the above] provides only partial information on how the machine will behave and what its computations will look like."
For instance,
There will need to be many decisions on what the symbols actually look like, and a failproof way of reading and writing symbols indefinitely.
The shift left and shift right operations may shift the tape head across the tape, but when actually building a Turing machine it is more practical to make the tape slide back and forth under the head instead.
The tape can be finite, and automatically extended with blanks as needed (which is closest to the mathematical definition), but it is more common to think of it as stretching infinitely at one or both ends and being pre-filled with blanks except on the explicitly given finite fragment the tape head is on. (This is, of course, not implementable in practice.) The tape cannot be fixed in length, since that would not correspond to the given definition and would seriously limit the range of computations the machine can perform to those of a linear bounded automaton if the tape was proportional to the input size, or finite-state machine if it was strictly fixed-length.
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Human TP53 gene
In humans, a common polymorphism involves the substitution of an arginine for a proline at codon position 72 of exon 4. Many studies have investigated a genetic link between this variation and cancer susceptibility; however, the results have been controversial. For instance, a meta-analysis from 2009 failed to show a link for cervical cancer.[15] A 2011 study found that the TP53 proline mutation did have a profound effect on pancreatic cancer risk among males.[16] A study of Arab women found that proline homozygosity at TP53 codon 72 is associated with a decreased risk for breast cancer.[17] One study suggested that TP53 codon 72 polymorphisms, MDM2 SNP309, and A2164G may collectively be associated with non-oropharyngeal cancer susceptibility and that MDM2 SNP309 in combination with TP53 codon 72 may accelerate the development of non-oropharyngeal cancer in women.[18] A 2011 study found that TP53 codon 72 polymorphism was associated with an increased risk of lung cancer.[19]
Meta-analyses from 2011 found no significant associations between TP53 codon 72 polymorphisms and both colorectal cancer risk[20] and endometrial cancer risk.[21] A 2011 study of a Brazilian birth cohort found an association between the non-mutant arginine TP53 and individuals without a family history of cancer.[22] Another 2011 study found that the p53 homozygous (Pro/Pro) genotype was associated with a significantly increased risk for renal cell carcinoma.[23]
DNA damage and repair
p53 plays a role in regulation or progression through the cell cycle, apoptosis, and genomic stability by means of several mechanisms:
It can activate DNA repair proteins when DNA has sustained damage. Thus, it may be an important factor in aging.[24]
It can arrest growth by holding the cell cycle at the G1/S regulation point on DNA damage recognition—if it holds the cell here for long enough, the DNA repair proteins will have time to fix the damage and the cell will be allowed to continue the cell cycle.
It can initiate apoptosis (i.e., programmed cell death) if DNA damage proves to be irreparable.
It is essential for the senescence response to short telomeres.
p53 pathway: In a normal cell, p53 is inactivated by its negative regulator, mdm2. Upon DNA damage or other stresses, various pathways will lead to the dissociation of the p53 and mdm2 complex. Once activated, p53 will induce a cell cycle arrest to allow either repair and survival of the cell or apoptosis to discard the damaged cell. How p53 makes this choice is currently unknown.
WAF1/CIP1 encoding for p21 and hundreds of other down-stream genes. p21 (WAF1) binds to the G1-S/CDK (CDK4/CDK6, CDK2, and CDK1) complexes (molecules important for the G1/S transition in the cell cycle) inhibiting their activity.
When p21(WAF1) is complexed with CDK2, the cell cannot continue to the next stage of cell division. A mutant p53 will no longer bind DNA in an effective way, and, as a consequence, the p21 protein will not be available to act as the "stop signal" for cell division.[25] Studies of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) commonly describe the nonfunctional p53-p21 axis of the G1/S checkpoint pathway with subsequent relevance for cell cycle regulation and the DNA damage response (DDR). Importantly, p21 mRNA is clearly present and upregulated after the DDR in hESCs, but p21 protein is not detectable. In this cell type, p53 activates numerous microRNAs (like miR-302a, miR-302b, miR-302c, and miR-302d) that directly inhibit the p21 expression in hESCs.
The p21 protein binds directly to cyclin-CDK complexes that drive forward the cell cycle and inhibits their kinase activity, thereby causing cell cycle arrest to allow repair to take place. p21 can also mediate growth arrest associated with differentiation and a more permanent growth arrest associated with cellular senescence. The p21 gene contains several p53 response elements that mediate direct binding of the p53 protein, resulting in transcriptional activation of the gene encoding the p21 protein.
The p53 and RB1 pathways are linked via p14ARF, raising the possibility that the pathways may regulate each other.[26]
p53 expression can be stimulated by UV light, which also causes DNA damage. In this case, p53 can initiate events leading to tanning.[27][28]
Stem cells
Levels of p53 play an important role in the maintenance of stem cells throughout development and the rest of human life.
In human embryonic stem cells (hESCs)s, p53 is maintained at low inactive levels.[29] This is because activation of p53 leads to rapid differentiation of hESCs.[30] Studies have shown that knocking out p53 delays differentiation and that adding p53 causes spontaneous differentiation, showing how p53 promotes differentiation of hESCs and plays a key role in cell cycle as a differentiation regulator. When p53 becomes stabilized and activated in hESCs, it increases p21 to establish a longer G1. This typically leads to abolition of S-phase entry, which stops the cell cycle in G1, leading to differentiation. Work in mouse embryonic stem cells has recently shown however that the expression of P53 does not necessarily lead to differentiation.[31] p53 also activates miR-34a and miR-145, which then repress the hESCs pluripotency factors, further instigating differentiation.[29]
In adult stem cells, p53 regulation is important for maintenance of stemness in adult stem cell niches. Mechanical signals such as hypoxia affect levels of p53 in these niche cells through the hypoxia inducible factors, HIF-1α and HIF-2α. While HIF-1α stabilizes p53, HIF-2α suppresses it.[32] Suppression of p53 plays important roles in cancer stem cell phenotype, induced pluripotent stem cells and other stem cell roles and behaviors, such as blastema formation. Cells with decreased levels of p53 have been shown to reprogram into stem cells with a much greater efficiency than normal cells.[33][34] Papers suggest that the lack of cell cycle arrest and apoptosis gives more cells the chance to be reprogrammed. Decreased levels of p53 were also shown to be a crucial aspect of blastema formation in the legs of salamanders.[35] p53 regulation is very important in acting as a barrier between stem cells and a differentiated stem cell state, as well as a barrier between stem cells being functional and being cancerous.[36]
Specifically, the term Galilean invariance today usually refers to this principle as applied to Newtonian mechanics, that is, Newton's laws of motion hold in all frames related to one another by a Galilean transformation. In other words, all frames related to one another by such a transformation are inertial (meaning, Newton's equation of motion is valid in these frames). In this context it is sometimes called Newtonian relativity.
Among the axioms from Newton's theory are:
There exists an absolute space, in which Newton's laws are true. An inertial frame is a reference frame in relative uniform motion to absolute space.
All inertial frames share a universal time.
Galilean relativity can be shown as follows. Consider two inertial frames S and S' . A physical event in S will have position coordinates r = (x, y, z) and time t in S, and r' = (x' , y' , z' ) and time t' in S' . By the second axiom above, one can synchronize the clock in the two frames and assume t = t' . Suppose S' is in relative uniform motion to S with velocity v. Consider a point object whose position is given by functions r' (t) in S' and r(t) in S. We see that
r ′ ( t ) = r ( t ) − v t . r'(t) = r(t) - v t.\,
The velocity of the particle is given by the time derivative of the position:
u ′ ( t ) = d d t r ′ ( t ) = d d t r ( t ) − v = u ( t ) − v . u'(t) = \frac{d}{d t} r'(t) = \frac{d}{d t} r(t) - v = u(t) - v.
Another differentiation gives the acceleration in the two frames:
a ′ ( t ) = d d t u ′ ( t ) = d d t u ( t ) − 0 = a ( t ) . a'(t) = \frac{d}{d t} u'(t) = \frac{d}{d t} u(t) - 0 = a(t).
It is this simple but crucial result that implies Galilean relativity. Assuming that mass is invariant in all inertial frames, the above equation shows Newton's laws of mechanics, if valid in one frame, must hold for all frames.[1] But it is assumed to hold in absolute space, therefore Galilean relativity holds.
Newton's theory versus special relativity
A comparison can be made between Newtonian relativity and special relativity.
Some of the assumptions and properties of Newton's theory are:
The existence of infinitely many inertial frames. Each frame is of infinite size (the entire universe may be covered by many linearly equivalent frames). Any two frames may be in relative uniform motion. (The relativistic nature of mechanics derived above shows that the absolute space assumption is not necessary.)
The inertial frames may move in all possible relative forms of uniform motion.
There is a universal, or absolute, notion of elapsed time.
Two inertial frames are related by a Galilean transformation.
In all inertial frames, Newton's laws, and gravity, hold.
In comparison, the corresponding statements from special relativity are as follows:
The existence, as well, of infinitely many non-inertial frames, each of which referenced to (and physically determined by) a unique set of spacetime coordinates. Each frame may be of infinite size, but its definition is always determined locally by contextual physical conditions. Any two frames may be in relative non-uniform motion (as long as it is assumed that this condition of relative motion implies a relativistic dynamical effect – and later, mechanical effect in general relativity – between both frames).
Rather than freely allowing all conditions of relative uniform motion between frames of reference, the relative velocity between two inertial frames becomes bounded above by the speed of light.
Instead of universal elapsed time, each inertial frame possesses its own notion of elapsed time.
The Galilean transformations are replaced by Lorentz transformations.
In all inertial frames, all laws of physics are the same.
Both theories assume the existence of inertial frames. In practice, the size of the frames in which they remain valid differ greatly, depending on gravitational tidal forces.
In the appropriate context, a local Newtonian inertial frame, where Newton's theory remains a good model, extends to roughly 107 light years.
In special relativity, one considers Einstein's cabins, cabins that fall freely in a gravitational field. According to Einstein's thought experiment, a man in such a cabin experiences (to a good approximation) no gravity and therefore the cabin is an approximate inertial frame. However, one has to assume that the size of the cabin is sufficiently small so that the gravitational field is approximately parallel in its interior. This can greatly reduce the sizes of such approximate frames, in comparison to Newtonian frames. For example, an artificial satellite orbiting the Earth can be viewed as a cabin. However, reasonably sensitive instruments could detect "microgravity" in such a situation because the "lines of force" of the Earth's gravitational field converge.
In general, the convergence of gravitational fields in the universe dictates the scale at which one might consider such (local) inertial frames. For example, a spaceship falling into a black hole or neutron star would (at a certain distance) be subjected to tidal forces strong enough to crush it in width and tear it apart in length.[2] In comparison, however, such forces might only be uncomfortable for the astronauts inside (compressing their joints, making it difficult to extend their limbs in any direction perpendicular to the gravity field of the star). Reducing the scale further, the forces at that distance might have almost no effects at all on a mouse. This illustrates the idea that all freely falling frames are locally inertial (acceleration and gravity-free) if the scale is chosen correctly.[2]
Poetry (a term derived from the Greek word poiesis, "making"), also called verse,[note 1] is a form of literature that uses aesthetic and often rhythmic[1][2][3] qualities of language − such as phonaesthetics, sound symbolism, and metre − to evoke meanings in addition to, or in place of, a prosaic ostensible meaning. A poem is a literary composition, written by a poet, using this principle.
Poetry has a long and varied history, evolving differentially across the globe. It dates back at least to prehistoric times with hunting poetry in Africa and to panegyric and elegiac court poetry of the empires of the Nile, Niger, and Volta River valleys.[4] Some of the earliest written poetry in Africa occurs among the Pyramid Texts written during the 25th century BCE. The earliest surviving Western Asian epic poem, the Epic of Gilgamesh, was written in the Sumerian language.
Early poems in the Eurasian continent evolved from folk songs such as the Chinese Shijing as well as from religious hymns (the Sanskrit Rigveda, the Zoroastrian Gathas, the Hurrian songs, and the Hebrew Psalms); or from a need to retell oral epics, as with the Egyptian Story of Sinuhe, Indian epic poetry, and the Homeric epics, the Iliad and the Odyssey.
Ancient Greek attempts to define poetry, such as Aristotle's Poetics, focused on the uses of speech in rhetoric, drama, song, and comedy. Later attempts concentrated on features such as repetition, verse form, and rhyme, and emphasized the aesthetics which distinguish poetry from more objectively-informative prosaic writing.
Poetry uses forms and conventions to suggest differential interpretations of words, or to evoke emotive responses. Devices such as assonance, alliteration, onomatopoeia, and rhythm may convey musical or incantatory effects. The use of ambiguity, symbolism, irony, and other stylistic elements of poetic diction often leaves a poem open to multiple interpretations. Similarly, figures of speech such as metaphor, simile, and metonymy[5] establish a resonance between otherwise disparate images—a layering of meanings, forming connections previously not perceived. Kindred forms of resonance may exist, between individual verses, in their patterns of rhyme or rhythm.
Some poetry types are unique to particular cultures and genres and respond to characteristics of the language in which the poet writes. Readers accustomed to identifying poetry with Dante, Goethe, Mickiewicz, or Rumi may think of it as written in lines based on rhyme and regular meter. There are, however, traditions, such as Biblical poetry, that use other means to create rhythm and euphony. Much modern poetry reflects a critique of poetic tradition,[6] testing the principle of euphony itself or altogether forgoing rhyme or set rhythm.[7][8]
Poets – as, from the Greek, "makers" of language – have contributed to the evolution of the linguistic, expressive, and utilitarian qualities of their languages. In an increasingly globalized world, poets often adapt forms, styles, and techniques from diverse cultures and languages.
A Western cultural tradition (extending at least from Homer to Rilke) associates the production of poetry with inspiration – often by a Muse (either classical or contemporary), or through other (often canonised) poets' work which sets some kind of example or challenge.
In first-person poems, the lyrics are spoken by an "I", a character who may be termed the speaker, distinct from the poet (the author). Thus if, for example, a poem asserts, "I killed my enemy in Reno", it is the speaker, not the poet, who is the killer (unless this "confession" is a form of metaphor which needs to be considered in closer context – via close reading).
Early works
Some scholars believe that the art of poetry may predate literacy, and developed from folk epics and other oral genres.[9][10] Others, however, suggest that poetry did not necessarily predate writing.[11]
The oldest surviving epic poem, the Epic of Gilgamesh, dates from the 3rd millennium BCE in Sumer (in Mesopotamia, present-day Iraq), and was written in cuneiform script on clay tablets and, later, on papyrus.[12] The Istanbul tablet#2461, dating to c. 2000 BCE, describes an annual rite in which the king symbolically married and mated with the goddess Inanna to ensure fertility and prosperity; some have labelled it the world's oldest love poem.[13][14] An example of Egyptian epic poetry is The Story of Sinuhe (c. 1800 BCE).[15]
Other ancient epics includes the Greek Iliad and the Odyssey; the Persian Avestan books (the Yasna); the Roman national epic, Virgil's Aeneid (written between 29 and 19 BCE); and the Indian epics, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. Epic poetry appears to have been composed in poetic form as an aid to memorization and oral transmission in ancient societies.[11][16]
Other forms of poetry, including such ancient collections of religious hymns as the Indian Sanskrit-language Rigveda, the Avestan Gathas, the Hurrian songs, and the Hebrew Psalms, possibly developed directly from folk songs. The earliest entries in the oldest extant collection of Chinese poetry, the Classic of Poetry (Shijing), were initially lyrics.[17] The Shijing, with its collection of poems and folk songs, was heavily valued by the philosopher Confucius and is considered to be one of the official Confucian classics. His remarks on the subject have become an invaluable source in ancient music theory.[18]
The efforts of ancient thinkers to determine what makes poetry distinctive as a form, and what distinguishes good poetry from bad, resulted in "poetics"—the study of the aesthetics of poetry.[19] Some ancient societies, such as China's through the Shijing, developed canons of poetic works that had ritual as well as aesthetic importance.[20] More recently, thinkers have struggled to find a definition that could encompass formal differences as great as those between Chaucer's Canterbury Tales and Matsuo Bashō's Oku no Hosomichi, as well as differences in content spanning Tanakh religious poetry, love poetry, and rap.[21]
Until recently, the earliest examples of stressed poetry had been thought to be works composed by Romanos the Melodist (fl. 6th century CE). However, Tim Whitmarsh writes that an inscribed Greek poem predated Romanos' stressed poetry. [22][23][24]
"Figure 32.—Julius obtaining banana by using pole to climb up on and spring from. Figure 33.—Using pole to swing out on so that banana could be grasped. Figure 34.—Using stick to draw carrot within reach." From The mental life of monkeys and apes; a study of ideational behavior, by Robert Mearns Yerkes, 1916
The monkey and banana problem is a famous toy problem in artificial intelligence, particularly in logic programming and planning.
Formulation of the problem
A monkey is in a room. Suspended from the ceiling is a bunch of bananas, beyond the monkey's reach. However, in the room there are also a chair and a stick. The ceiling is just the right height so that a monkey standing on a chair could knock the bananas down with the stick. The monkey knows how to move around, carry other things around, reach for the bananas, and wave a stick in the air. What is the best sequence of actions for the monkey?
Purpose of the problem
The problem seeks to answer the question of whether monkeys are intelligent. Both humans and monkeys have the ability to use mental maps to remember things like where to go to find shelter, or how to avoid danger. They can also remember where to go to gather food and water, as well as how to communicate with each other. Monkeys have the ability not only to remember how to hunt and gather but to learn new things, as is the case with the monkey and the bananas: despite the fact that the monkey may never have been in an identical situation, with the same artifacts at hand, a monkey is capable of concluding that it needs to make a ladder, position it below the bananas, and climb up to reach for them.
The degree to which such abilities should be ascribed to instinct or learning is a matter of debate.
In 1984, a pigeon was observed as having the capacity to solve a problem.[1][2]
Software solutions
The problem is used as a toy problem for computer science. It can be solved with an expert system such as CLIPS. The example set of rules that CLIPS provides is somewhat fragile in that naive changes to the rulebase that might seem to a human of average intelligence to make common sense can cause the engine to fail to get the monkey to reach the banana.[3]
Other examples exist using Rules Based System (RBS) a project implemented in Python.[4][5]
VBScript ("Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition") is a deprecated Active Scripting language developed by Microsoft that is modeled on Visual Basic. It allows Microsoft Windows system administrators to generate powerful tools for managing computers without error handling and with subroutines and other advanced programming constructs. It can give the user complete control over many aspects of their computing environment.
VBScript uses the Component Object Model to access elements of the environment within which it is running; for example, the FileSystemObject (FSO) is used to create, read, update and delete files. VBScript has been installed by default in every desktop release of Microsoft Windows since Windows 98;[1] in Windows Server since Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack;[2] and optionally with Windows CE (depending on the device it is installed on).
A VBScript script must be executed within a host environment, of which there are several provided with Microsoft Windows, including: Windows Script Host (WSH), Internet Explorer (IE), and Internet Information Services (IIS).[3] Additionally, the VBScript hosting environment is embeddable in other programs, through technologies such as the Microsoft Script Control (msscript.ocx).
VBScript began as part of the Microsoft Windows Script Technologies, launched in 1996. This technology (which also included JScript) was initially targeted at web developers. During a period of just over two years, VBScript advanced from version 1.0 to 2.0, and over that time it gained support from Windows system administrators seeking an automation tool more powerful than the batch language first developed in the early 1980s.[4] On August 1, 1996, Internet Explorer was released with features that included VBScript.[5]
In version 5.0, the functionality of VBScript was increased with new features including regular expressions; classes; the With statement;[6] the Eval, Execute, and ExecuteGlobal functions to evaluate and execute script commands built during the execution of another script; a function-pointer system via GetRef,[7] and Distributed COM (DCOM) support.
In version 5.5, SubMatches[8] were added to the regular expression class in VBScript, to finally allow script authors to capture the text within the expression's groups. That capability had already been available in JScript.
With the advent of the .NET Framework, the scripting team took the decision to implement future support for VBScript within ASP.NET for web development,[9] and therefore no new versions of the VBScript engine would be developed. It would henceforth be supported by Microsoft's Sustaining Engineering Team, who are responsible for bug fixes and security enhancements. For Windows system administrators, Microsoft suggests migrating to Windows PowerShell, as VBScript is deprecated and will eventually be removed from Windows.
On October 9, 2023, Microsoft announced plans to deprecate and eventually remove VBScript from future Windows versions.[10]
When employed for client-side web development in Microsoft Internet Explorer, VBScript is similar in function to JavaScript. It is used to write executable functions that are embedded in or included from HTML pages and interact with the Document Object Model (DOM) of the page, to perform tasks not possible in HTML alone. However, other web browsers such as Firefox and Opera and recently Chrome do not have built-in support for VBScript. This means that where client-side scripting and cross-browser compatibility are required, developers usually choose JavaScript over most other programming languages, such as VBScript.
VBScript is also used for server-side processing of web pages, most notably with Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP). The ASP engine and type library, asp.dll, invokes vbscript.dll to run VBScript scripts. VBScript that is embedded in an ASP page is contained within <% and %> context switches. The following example of an ASP page with VBScript displays the current time in 24-hour format, but it is also used as the default script for error messages with the Windows operating systems.
FAISS, including its GPU version (faiss-gpu), primarily works with NumPy arrays. This means that even when using FAISS with GPU support, the input data typically needs to be in the form of a NumPy array. However, this doesn't mean that you can't use PyTorch tensors with FAISS; it just means that you'll need to convert PyTorch tensors to NumPy arrays before using them with FAISS functions.
The reason for this requirement is that FAISS internally uses NumPy arrays for its data structures and computations, and although PyTorch tensors and NumPy arrays are often interoperable, they are not the same thing.
Here's what you typically need to do when working with PyTorch tensors and FAISS:
Convert PyTorch Tensors to NumPy Arrays:
If your data is in a PyTorch tensor, you can convert it to a NumPy array using the .numpy() method if the tensor is on the CPU.
If the tensor is on the GPU, you should first move it to the CPU with .cpu() and then convert it to a NumPy array.
Use FAISS for Operations:
Perform your necessary operations in FAISS using the NumPy arrays.
Convert Back to PyTorch Tensors if Needed:
If you need to bring the results back into PyTorch, you can convert the NumPy arrays back to PyTorch tensors.
This conversion process is typically fast and efficient, but it's important to be aware of it, especially when working with large datasets or in situations where memory usage and computational efficiency are critical concerns.
In summary, while faiss-gpu does not directly operate on PyTorch tensors, the conversion between PyTorch tensors and NumPy arrays is straightforward and usually doesn't pose a significant bottleneck in terms of performance.
Resetting the chassis intrusion status on a Mellanox switch using the I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) interface involves a series of specific steps. Please note that this process is technical and should ideally be performed by someone with experience in managing network equipment and familiarity with the I2C protocol. Here's a general outline of how you might approach this task:
Access the I2C Interface: To interact with the I2C interface, you'll need to use a system that can communicate over I2C, such as a microcontroller or a computer with an I2C adapter. The exact method of accessing the I2C interface will depend on the equipment you are using.
Identify the Correct I2C Address: Each device on the I2C bus has a unique address. You need to find out the address of the chassis intrusion sensor or the relevant control register on the Mellanox switch. This information should be available in the switch's hardware documentation.
Read the Current Intrusion Status: Before resetting the intrusion status, it's often a good practice to read the current status. This can be done by sending a read command to the appropriate address and register.
Send a Reset Command: To reset the chassis intrusion status, you will need to write to a specific register of the intrusion detection system. This typically involves sending a particular byte or set of bytes to a specific address. The exact command will depend on the Mellanox switch model and its firmware.
Verify the Reset: After sending the reset command, you should read back the intrusion status to ensure that it has been successfully reset.
Log the Action: For security and auditing purposes, it's advisable to log this action in your system's records.
It is crucial to consult the specific documentation for your Mellanox switch model for detailed instructions and the correct register addresses. Improperly interacting with the I2C interface can cause unintended behavior or damage to the switch.
If you are not familiar with this level of hardware interaction, it is recommended to seek assistance from a qualified network engineer or contact Mellanox's technical support for guidance.
Philosophy of mind is a branch of philosophy that studies the ontology and nature of the mind and its relationship with the body. The mind–body problem is a paradigmatic issue in philosophy of mind, although a number of other issues are addressed, such as the hard problem of consciousness and the nature of particular mental states.[1][2][3] Aspects of the mind that are studied include mental events, mental functions, mental properties, consciousness and its neural correlates, the ontology of the mind, the nature of cognition and of thought, and the relationship of the mind to the body.
Dualism and monism are the two central schools of thought on the mind–body problem, although nuanced views have arisen that do not fit one or the other category neatly.
Dualism finds its entry into Western philosophy thanks to René Descartes in the 17th century.[4] Substance dualists like Descartes argue that the mind is an independently existing substance, whereas property dualists maintain that the mind is a group of independent properties that emerge from and cannot be reduced to the brain, but that it is not a distinct substance.[5]
Monism is the position that mind and body are ontologically indiscernible entities, not dependent substances. This view was espoused by the 17th-century rationalist Baruch Spinoza.[6] Physicalists argue that only entities postulated by physical theory exist, and that mental processes will eventually be explained in terms of these entities as physical theory continues to evolve. Physicalists maintain various positions on the prospects of reducing mental properties to physical properties (many of whom adopt compatible forms of property dualism),[7][8][9][10][11][12] and the ontological status of such mental properties remains unclear.[11][13][14] Idealists maintain that the mind is all that exists and that the external world is either mental itself, or an illusion created by the mind. Neutral monists such as Ernst Mach and William James argue that events in the world can be thought of as either mental (psychological) or physical depending on the network of relationships into which they enter, and dual-aspect monists such as Spinoza adhere to the position that there is some other, neutral substance, and that both matter and mind are properties of this unknown substance. The most common monisms in the 20th and 21st centuries have all been variations of physicalism; these positions include behaviorism, the type identity theory, anomalous monism and functionalism.[15]
Most modern philosophers of mind adopt either a reductive physicalist or non-reductive physicalist position, maintaining in their different ways that the mind is not something separate from the body.[15] These approaches have been particularly influential in the sciences, especially in the fields of sociobiology, computer science (specifically, artificial intelligence), evolutionary psychology and the various neurosciences.[16][17][18][19] Reductive physicalists assert that all mental states and properties will eventually be explained by scientific accounts of physiological processes and states.[20][21][22] Non-reductive physicalists argue that although the mind is not a separate substance, mental properties supervene on physical properties, or that the predicates and vocabulary used in mental descriptions and explanations are indispensable, and cannot be reduced to the language and lower-level explanations of physical science.[23][24] Continued neuroscientific progress has helped to clarify some of these issues; however, they are far from being resolved. Modern philosophers of mind continue to ask how the subjective qualities and the intentionality of mental states and properties can be explained in naturalistic terms.[25][26]
However, a number of issues have been recognized with non-reductive physicalism. First, it is irreconcilable with self-identity over time. Secondly, intentional states of consciousness do not make sense on non-reductive physicalism. Thirdly, free will is impossible to reconcile with either reductive or non-reductive physicalism. Fourthly, it fails to properly explain the phenomenon of mental causation.[27]
Mind–body problem
Main article: Mind–body problem
René Descartes' illustration of mind/body dualism
The mind–body problem concerns the explanation of the relationship that exists between minds, or mental processes, and bodily states or processes.[1] The main aim of philosophers working in this area is to determine the nature of the mind and mental states/processes, and how—or even if—minds are affected by and can affect the body.
Perceptual experiences depend on stimuli that arrive at our various sensory organs from the external world, and these stimuli cause changes in our mental states, ultimately causing us to feel a sensation, which may be pleasant or unpleasant. Someone's desire for a slice of pizza, for example, will tend to cause that person to move his or her body in a specific manner and in a specific direction to obtain what he or she wants. The question, then, is how it can be possible for conscious experiences to arise out of a lump of gray matter endowed with nothing but electrochemical properties.[15]
A related problem is how someone's propositional attitudes (e.g. beliefs and desires) cause that individual's neurons to fire and muscles to contract. These comprise some of the puzzles that have confronted epistemologists and philosophers of mind from the time of René Descartes.[4]
Dualist solutions to the mind–body problem
See also: Mind in eastern philosophy
Dualism is a set of views about the relationship between mind and matter (or body). It begins with the claim that mental phenomena are, in some respects, non-physical.[5] One of the earliest known formulations of mind–body dualism was expressed in the eastern Samkhya and Yoga schools of Hindu philosophy (c. 650 BCE), which divided the world into purusha (mind/spirit) and prakriti (material substance).[28] Specifically, the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali presents an analytical approach to the nature of the mind.
In Western Philosophy, the earliest discussions of dualist ideas are in the writings of Plato who suggested that humans' intelligence (a faculty of the mind or soul) could not be identified with, or explained in terms of, their physical body.[29][30] However, the best-known version of dualism is due to René Descartes (1641), and holds that the mind is a non-extended, non-physical substance, a "res cogitans".[4] Descartes was the first to clearly identify the mind with consciousness and self-awareness, and to distinguish this from the brain, which was the seat of intelligence. He was therefore the first to formulate the mind–body problem in the form in which it still exists today.[4]
Arguments for dualism
The most frequently used argument in favor of dualism appeals to the common-sense intuition that conscious experience is distinct from inanimate matter. If asked what the mind is, the average person would usually respond by identifying it with their self, their personality, their soul, or another related entity. They would almost certainly deny that the mind simply is the brain, or vice versa, finding the idea that there is just one ontological entity at play to be too mechanistic or unintelligible.[5] Modern philosophers of mind think that these intuitions are misleading, and that critical faculties, along with empirical evidence from the sciences, should be used to examine these assumptions and determine whether there is any real basis to them.[5]
The mental and the physical seem to have quite different, and perhaps irreconcilable, properties.[31] Mental events have a subjective quality, whereas physical events do not. So, for example, one can reasonably ask what a burnt finger feels like, or what a blue sky looks like, or what nice music sounds like to a person. But it is meaningless, or at least odd, to ask what a surge in the uptake of glutamate in the dorsolateral portion of the prefrontal cortex feels like.
Philosophers of mind call the subjective aspects of mental events "qualia" or "raw feels".[31] There are qualia involved in these mental events that seem particularly difficult to reduce to anything physical. David Chalmers explains this argument by stating that we could conceivably know all the objective information about something, such as the brain states and wavelengths of light involved with seeing the color red, but still not know something fundamental about the situation – what it is like to see the color red.[32]
If consciousness (the mind) can exist independently of physical reality (the brain), one must explain how physical memories are created concerning consciousness. Dualism must therefore explain how consciousness affects physical reality. One possible explanation is that of a miracle, proposed by Arnold Geulincx and Nicolas Malebranche, where all mind–body interactions require the direct intervention of God.
Another argument that has been proposed by C. S. Lewis[33] is the Argument from Reason: if, as monism implies, all of our thoughts are the effects of physical causes, then we have no reason for assuming that they are also the consequent of a reasonable ground. Knowledge, however, is apprehended by reasoning from ground to consequent. Therefore, if monism is correct, there would be no way of knowing this—or anything else—we could not even suppose it, except by a fluke.
The zombie argument is based on a thought experiment proposed by Todd Moody, and developed by David Chalmers in his book The Conscious Mind. The basic idea is that one can imagine one's body, and therefore conceive the existence of one's body, without any conscious states being associated with this body. Chalmers' argument is that it seems possible that such a being could exist because all that is needed is that all and only the things that the physical sciences describe about a zombie must be true of it. Since none of the concepts involved in these sciences make reference to consciousness or other mental phenomena, and any physical entity can be by definition described scientifically via physics, the move from conceivability to possibility is not such a large one.[34] Others such as Dennett have argued that the notion of a philosophical zombie is an incoherent,[35] or unlikely,[36] concept. It has been argued under physicalism that one must either believe that anyone including oneself might be a zombie, or that no one can be a zombie—following from the assertion that one's own conviction about being (or not being) a zombie is a product of the physical world and is therefore no different from anyone else's. This argument has been expressed by Dennett who argues that "Zombies think they are conscious, think they have qualia, think they suffer pains—they are just 'wrong' (according to this lamentable tradition) in ways that neither they nor we could ever discover!"[35] See also the problem of other minds.
Interactionist dualism
Portrait of René Descartes by Frans Hals (1648)
Interactionist dualism, or simply interactionism, is the particular form of dualism first espoused by Descartes in the Meditations.[4] In the 20th century, its major defenders have been Karl Popper and John Carew Eccles.[37] It is the view that mental states, such as beliefs and desires, causally interact with physical states.[5]
Descartes's argument for this position can be summarized as follows: Seth has a clear and distinct idea of his mind as a thinking thing that has no spatial extension (i.e., it cannot be measured in terms of length, weight, height, and so on). He also has a clear and distinct idea of his body as something that is spatially extended, subject to quantification and not able to think. It follows that mind and body are not identical because they have radically different properties.[4]
Seth's mental states (desires, beliefs, etc.) have causal effects on his body and vice versa: A child touches a hot stove (physical event) which causes pain (mental event) and makes her yell (physical event), this in turn provokes a sense of fear and protectiveness in the caregiver (mental event), and so on.
Descartes' argument depends on the premise that what Seth believes to be "clear and distinct" ideas in his mind are necessarily true. Many contemporary philosophers doubt this.[38][39][40] For example, Joseph Agassi suggests that several scientific discoveries made since the early 20th century have undermined the idea of privileged access to one's own ideas. Freud claimed that a psychologically-trained observer can understand a person's unconscious motivations better than the person himself does. Duhem has shown that a philosopher of science can know a person's methods of discovery better than that person herself does, while Malinowski has shown that an anthropologist can know a person's customs and habits better than the person whose customs and habits they are. He also asserts that modern psychological experiments that cause people to see things that are not there provide grounds for rejecting Descartes' argument, because scientists can describe a person's perceptions better than the person herself can.[41][42]
Other forms of dualism
Four varieties of dualism. The arrows indicate the direction of the causal interactions. Occasionalism is not shown.
Psychophysical parallelism
Psychophysical parallelism, or simply parallelism, is the view that mind and body, while having distinct ontological statuses, do not causally influence one another. Instead, they run along parallel paths (mind events causally interact with mind events and brain events causally interact with brain events) and only seem to influence each other.[43] This view was most prominently defended by Gottfried Leibniz. Although Leibniz was an ontological monist who believed that only one type of substance, the monad, exists in the universe, and that everything is reducible to it, he nonetheless maintained that there was an important distinction between "the mental" and "the physical" in terms of causation. He held that God had arranged things in advance so that minds and bodies would be in harmony with each other. This is known as the doctrine of pre-established harmony.[44]
Occasionalism is the view espoused by Nicholas Malebranche as well as Islamic philosophers such as Abu Hamid Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Ghazali that asserts all supposedly causal relations between physical events, or between physical and mental events, are not really causal at all. While body and mind are different substances, causes (whether mental or physical) are related to their effects by an act of God's intervention on each specific occasion.[45]
Property dualism
Property dualism is the view that the world is constituted of one kind of substance – the physical kind – and there exist two distinct kinds of properties: physical properties and mental properties. It is the view that non-physical, mental properties (such as beliefs, desires and emotions) inhere in some physical bodies (at least, brains). Sub-varieties of property dualism include:
Emergent materialism asserts that when matter is organized in the appropriate way (i.e. in the way that living human bodies are organized), mental properties emerge in a way not fully accountable for by physical laws.[5] These emergent properties have an independent ontological status and cannot be reduced to, or explained in terms of, the physical substrate from which they emerge. They are dependent on the physical properties from which they emerge, but opinions vary as to the coherence of top–down causation, i.e. the causal effectiveness of such properties. A form of emergent materialism has been espoused by David Chalmers and the concept has undergone something of a renaissance in recent years,[46] but it was already suggested in the 19th century by William James.
Epiphenomenalism is a doctrine first formulated by Thomas Henry Huxley.[47] It consists of the view that mental phenomena are causally ineffectual, where one or more mental states do not have any influence on physical states or mental phenomena are the effects, but not the causes, of physical phenomena. Physical events can cause other physical and mental events, but mental events cannot cause anything since they are just causally inert by-products (i.e. epiphenomena) of the physical world.[43] This view has been defended by Frank Jackson.[48]
Non-reductive physicalism is the view that mental properties form a separate ontological class to physical properties: mental states (such as qualia) are not reducible to physical states. The ontological stance towards qualia in the case of non-reductive physicalism does not imply that qualia are causally inert; this is what distinguishes it from epiphenomenalism.
Panpsychism is the view that all matter has a mental aspect, or, alternatively, all objects have a unified center of experience or point of view. Superficially, it seems to be a form of property dualism, since it regards everything as having both mental and physical properties. However, some panpsychists say that mechanical behaviour is derived from the primitive mentality of atoms and molecules—as are sophisticated mentality and organic behaviour, the difference being attributed to the presence or absence of complex structure in a compound object. So long as the reduction of non-mental properties to mental ones is in place, panpsychism is not a (strong) form of property dualism; otherwise it is.
Dual aspect theory
Dual aspect theory or dual-aspect monism is the view that the mental and the physical are two aspects of, or perspectives on, the same substance. (Thus it is a mixed position, which is monistic in some respects). In modern philosophical writings, the theory's relationship to neutral monism has become somewhat ill-defined, but one proffered distinction says that whereas neutral monism allows the context of a given group of neutral elements and the relationships into which they enter to determine whether the group can be thought of as mental, physical, both, or neither, dual-aspect theory suggests that the mental and the physical are manifestations (or aspects) of some underlying substance, entity or process that is itself neither mental nor physical as normally understood. Various formulations of dual-aspect monism also require the mental and the physical to be complementary, mutually irreducible and perhaps inseparable (though distinct).[49][50][51]
Experiential dualism
This is a philosophy of mind that regards the degrees of freedom between mental and physical well-being as not synonymous thus implying an experiential dualism between body and mind. An example of these disparate degrees of freedom is given by Allan Wallace who notes that it is "experientially apparent that one may be physically uncomfortable—for instance, while engaging in a strenuous physical workout—while mentally cheerful; conversely, one may be mentally distraught while experiencing physical comfort".[52] Experiential dualism notes that our subjective experience of merely seeing something in the physical world seems qualitatively different from mental processes like grief that comes from losing a loved one. This philosophy is a proponent of causal dualism, which is defined as the dual ability for mental states and physical states to affect one another. Mental states can cause changes in physical states and vice versa.
However, unlike cartesian dualism or some other systems, experiential dualism does not posit two fundamental substances in reality: mind and matter. Rather, experiential dualism is to be understood as a conceptual framework that gives credence to the qualitative difference between the experience of mental and physical states. Experiential dualism is accepted as the conceptual framework of Madhyamaka Buddhism.
Madhayamaka Buddhism goes further, finding fault with the monist view of physicalist philosophies of mind as well in that these generally posit matter and energy as the fundamental substance of reality. Nonetheless, this does not imply that the cartesian dualist view is correct, rather Madhyamaka regards as error any affirming view of a fundamental substance to reality.
In denying the independent self-existence of all the phenomena that make up the world of our experience, the Madhyamaka view departs from both the substance dualism of Descartes and the substance monism—namely, physicalism—that is characteristic of modern science. The physicalism propounded by many contemporary scientists seems to assert that the real world is composed of physical things-in-themselves, while all mental phenomena are regarded as mere appearances, devoid of any reality in and of themselves. Much is made of this difference between appearances and reality.[52]
Indeed, physicalism, or the idea that matter is the only fundamental substance of reality, is explicitly rejected by Buddhism.
In the Madhyamaka view, mental events are no more or less real than physical events. In terms of our common-sense experience, differences of kind do exist between physical and mental phenomena. While the former commonly have mass, location, velocity, shape, size, and numerous other physical attributes, these are not generally characteristic of mental phenomena. For example, we do not commonly conceive of the feeling of affection for another person as having mass or location. These physical attributes are no more appropriate to other mental events such as sadness, a recalled image from one's childhood, the visual perception of a rose, or consciousness of any sort. Mental phenomena are, therefore, not regarded as being physical, for the simple reason that they lack many of the attributes that are uniquely characteristic of physical phenomena. Thus, Buddhism has never adopted the physicalist principle that regards only physical things as real.[52]
Monist solutions to the mind–body problem
In contrast to dualism, monism does not accept any fundamental divisions. The fundamentally disparate nature of reality has been central to forms of eastern philosophies for over two millennia. In Indian and Chinese philosophy, monism is integral to how experience is understood. Today, the most common forms of monism in Western philosophy are physicalist.[15] Physicalistic monism asserts that the only existing substance is physical, in some sense of that term to be clarified by our best science.[53] However, a variety of formulations (see below) are possible. Another form of monism, idealism, states that the only existing substance is mental. Although pure idealism, such as that of George Berkeley, is uncommon in contemporary Western philosophy, a more sophisticated variant called panpsychism, according to which mental experience and properties may be at the foundation of physical experience and properties, has been espoused by some philosophers such as Alfred North Whitehead[54] and David Ray Griffin.[46]
Phenomenalism is the theory that representations (or sense data) of external objects are all that exist. Such a view was briefly adopted by Bertrand Russell and many of the logical positivists during the early 20th century.[55] A third possibility is to accept the existence of a basic substance that is neither physical nor mental. The mental and physical would then both be properties of this neutral substance. Such a position was adopted by Baruch Spinoza[6] and was popularized by Ernst Mach[56] in the 19th century. This neutral monism, as it is called, resembles property dualism.
Physicalistic monisms
Main article: Behaviorism
Behaviorism dominated philosophy of mind for much of the 20th century, especially the first half.[15] In psychology, behaviorism developed as a reaction to the inadequacies of introspectionism.[53] Introspective reports on one's own interior mental life are not subject to careful examination for accuracy and cannot be used to form predictive generalizations. Without generalizability and the possibility of third-person examination, the behaviorists argued, psychology cannot be scientific.[53] The way out, therefore, was to eliminate the idea of an interior mental life (and hence an ontologically independent mind) altogether and focus instead on the description of observable behavior.[57]
Parallel to these developments in psychology, a philosophical behaviorism (sometimes called logical behaviorism) was developed.[53] This is characterized by a strong verificationism, which generally considers unverifiable statements about interior mental life pointless. For the behaviorist, mental states are not interior states on which one can make introspective reports. They are just descriptions of behavior or dispositions to behave in certain ways, made by third parties to explain and predict another's behavior.[58]
Philosophical behaviorism has fallen out of favor since the latter half of the 20th century, coinciding with the rise of cognitivism.[1]
Identity theory
Main article: Type physicalism
Type physicalism (or type-identity theory) was developed by Jack Smart[22] and Ullin Place[59] as a direct reaction to the failure of behaviorism. These philosophers reasoned that, if mental states are something material, but not behavioral, then mental states are probably identical to internal states of the brain. In very simplified terms: a mental state M is nothing other than brain state B. The mental state "desire for a cup of coffee" would thus be nothing more than the "firing of certain neurons in certain brain regions".[22]
The classic Identity theory and Anomalous Monism in contrast. For the Identity theory, every token instantiation of a single mental type corresponds (as indicated by the arrows) to a physical token of a single physical type. For anomalous monism, the token–token correspondences can fall outside of the type–type correspondences. The result is token identity.
On the other hand, even granted the above, it does not follow that identity theories of all types must be abandoned. According to token identity theories, the fact that a certain brain state is connected with only one mental state of a person does not have to mean that there is an absolute correlation between types of mental state and types of brain state. The type–token distinction can be illustrated by a simple example: the word "green" contains four types of letters (g, r, e, n) with two tokens (occurrences) of the letter e along with one each of the others. The idea of token identity is that only particular occurrences of mental events are identical with particular occurrences or tokenings of physical events.[60] Anomalous monism (see below) and most other non-reductive physicalisms are token-identity theories.[61] Despite these problems, there is a renewed interest in the type identity theory today, primarily due to the influence of Jaegwon Kim.[22]
Main article: Functionalism (philosophy of mind)
Functionalism was formulated by Hilary Putnam and Jerry Fodor as a reaction to the inadequacies of the identity theory.[24] Putnam and Fodor saw mental states in terms of an empirical computational theory of the mind.[62] At about the same time or slightly after, D.M. Armstrong and David Kellogg Lewis formulated a version of functionalism that analyzed the mental concepts of folk psychology in terms of functional roles.[63] Finally, Wittgenstein's idea of meaning as use led to a version of functionalism as a theory of meaning, further developed by Wilfrid Sellars and Gilbert Harman. Another one, psychofunctionalism, is an approach adopted by the naturalistic philosophy of mind associated with Jerry Fodor and Zenon Pylyshyn.
Mental states are characterized by their causal relations with other mental states and with sensory inputs and behavioral outputs. Functionalism abstracts away from the details of the physical implementation of a mental state by characterizing it in terms of non-mental functional properties. For example, a kidney is characterized scientifically by its functional role in filtering blood and maintaining certain chemical balances.[62]
Non-reductive physicalism
Main article: Physicalism
Non-reductionist philosophers hold firmly to two essential convictions with regard to mind–body relations: 1) Physicalism is true and mental states must be physical states, but 2) All reductionist proposals are unsatisfactory: mental states cannot be reduced to behavior, brain states or functional states.[53] Hence, the question arises whether there can still be a non-reductive physicalism. Donald Davidson's anomalous monism[23] is an attempt to formulate such a physicalism. He "thinks that when one runs across what are traditionally seen as absurdities of Reason, such as akrasia or self-deception, the personal psychology framework is not to be given up in favor of the subpersonal one, but rather must be enlarged or extended so that the rationality set out by the principle of charity can be found elsewhere."[64]
Davidson uses the thesis of supervenience: mental states supervene on physical states, but are not reducible to them. "Supervenience" therefore describes a functional dependence: there can be no change in the mental without some change in the physical–causal reducibility between the mental and physical without ontological reducibility.[65]
Non-reductive physicalism, however, is irreconcilable with self-identity over time [source?]. The brain goes on from one moment of time to another; the brain thus has identity through time. But its states of awareness do not go on from one moment to the next. There is no enduring self – no “I” (capital-I) that goes on from one moment to the next. An analogy of the self or the “I” would be the flame of a candle. The candle and the wick go on from one moment to the next, but the flame does not go on. There is a different flame at each moment of the candle’s burning. The flame displays a type of continuity in that the candle does not go out while it is burning, but there is not really any identity of the flame from one moment to another over time. The scenario is similar on non-reductive physicalism with states of awareness. Every state of the brain at different times has a different state of awareness related to it, but there is no enduring self or “I” from one moment to the next. Similarly, it is an illusion that one is the same individual who walked into class this morning. In fact, one is not the same individual because there is no personal identity over time. If one does exist and one is the same individual who entered into class this morning, then a non-reductive physicalist view of the self should be dismissed.[27]
Because non-reductive physicalist theories attempt to both retain the ontological distinction between mind and body and try to solve the "surfeit of explanations puzzle" in some way; critics often see this as a paradox and point out the similarities to epiphenomenalism, in that it is the brain that is seen as the root "cause" not the mind, and the mind seems to be rendered inert.
Epiphenomenalism regards one or more mental states as the byproduct of physical brain states, having no influence on physical states. The interaction is one-way (solving the "surfeit of explanations puzzle") but leaving us with non-reducible mental states (as a byproduct of brain states) – causally reducible, but ontologically irreducible to physical states. Pain would be seen by epiphenomenalists as being caused by the brain state but as not having effects on other brain states, though it might have effects on other mental states (i.e. cause distress).
Weak emergentism
Main article: Emergentism
Weak emergentism is a form of "non-reductive physicalism" that involves a layered view of nature, with the layers arranged in terms of increasing complexity and each corresponding to its own special science. Some philosophers[who?] hold that emergent properties causally interact with more fundamental levels, while others maintain that higher-order properties simply supervene over lower levels without direct causal interaction. The latter group therefore holds a less strict, or "weaker", definition of emergentism, which can be rigorously stated as follows: a property P of composite object O is emergent if it is metaphysically impossible for another object to lack property P if that object is composed of parts with intrinsic properties identical to those in O and has those parts in an identical configuration.[citation needed]
Sometimes emergentists use the example of water having a new property when Hydrogen H and Oxygen O combine to form H2O (water). In this example there "emerges" a new property of a transparent liquid that would not have been predicted by understanding hydrogen and oxygen as gases. This is analogous to physical properties of the brain giving rise to a mental state. Emergentists try to solve the notorious mind–body gap this way. One problem for emergentism is the idea of causal closure in the world that does not allow for a mind-to-body causation.[66]
Eliminative materialism
Main article: Eliminative materialism
If one is a materialist and believes that all aspects of our common-sense psychology will find reduction to a mature cognitive neuroscience, and that non-reductive materialism is mistaken, then one can adopt a final, more radical position: eliminative materialism.
There are several varieties of eliminative materialism, but all maintain that our common-sense "folk psychology" badly misrepresents the nature of some aspect of cognition. Eliminativists such as Patricia and Paul Churchland argue that while folk psychology treats cognition as fundamentally sentence-like, the non-linguistic vector/matrix model of neural network theory or connectionism will prove to be a much more accurate account of how the brain works.[20]
The Churchlands often invoke the fate of other, erroneous popular theories and ontologies that have arisen in the course of history.[20][21] For example, Ptolemaic astronomy served to explain and roughly predict the motions of the planets for centuries, but eventually this model of the solar system was eliminated in favor of the Copernican model. The Churchlands believe the same eliminative fate awaits the "sentence-cruncher" model of the mind in which thought and behavior are the result of manipulating sentence-like states called "propositional attitudes". Sociologist Jacy Reese Anthis argues for eliminative materialism on all faculties of mind, including consciousness, stating, "The deepest mysteries of the mind are within our reach."[67]
Main article: New mysterianism
Some philosophers take an epistemic approach and argue that the mind–body problem is currently unsolvable, and perhaps will always remain unsolvable to human beings. This is usually termed New mysterianism. Colin McGinn holds that human beings are cognitively closed in regards to their own minds. According to McGinn human minds lack the concept-forming procedures to fully grasp how mental properties such as consciousness arise from their causal basis.[68] An example would be how an elephant is cognitively closed in regards to particle physics.
A more moderate conception has been expounded by Thomas Nagel, which holds that the mind–body problem is currently unsolvable at the present stage of scientific development and that it might take a future scientific paradigm shift or revolution to bridge the explanatory gap. Nagel posits that in the future a sort of "objective phenomenology" might be able to bridge the gap between subjective conscious experience and its physical basis.[69]
Linguistic criticism of the mind–body problem
Each attempt to answer the mind–body problem encounters substantial problems. Some philosophers argue that this is because there is an underlying conceptual confusion.[70] These philosophers, such as Ludwig Wittgenstein and his followers in the tradition of linguistic criticism, therefore reject the problem as illusory.[71] They argue that it is an error to ask how mental and biological states fit together. Rather it should simply be accepted that human experience can be described in different ways—for instance, in a mental and in a biological vocabulary. Illusory problems arise if one tries to describe the one in terms of the other's vocabulary or if the mental vocabulary is used in the wrong contexts.[71] This is the case, for instance, if one searches for mental states of the brain. The brain is simply the wrong context for the use of mental vocabulary—the search for mental states of the brain is therefore a category error or a sort of fallacy of reasoning.[71]
Today, such a position is often adopted by interpreters of Wittgenstein such as Peter Hacker.[70] However, Hilary Putnam, the originator of functionalism, has also adopted the position that the mind–body problem is an illusory problem which should be dissolved according to the manner of Wittgenstein.[72]
Naturalism and its problems
The thesis of physicalism is that the mind is part of the material (or physical) world. Such a position faces the problem that the mind has certain properties that no other material thing seems to possess. Physicalism must therefore explain how it is possible that these properties can nonetheless emerge from a material thing. The project of providing such an explanation is often referred to as the "naturalization of the mental".[53] Some of the crucial problems that this project attempts to resolve include the existence of qualia and the nature of intentionality.[53]
Main article: Qualia
Many mental states seem to be experienced subjectively in different ways by different individuals.[32] And it is characteristic of a mental state that it has some experiential quality, e.g. of pain, that it hurts. However, the sensation of pain between two individuals may not be identical, since no one has a perfect way to measure how much something hurts or of describing exactly how it feels to hurt. Philosophers and scientists therefore ask where these experiences come from. The existence of cerebral events, in and of themselves, cannot explain why they are accompanied by these corresponding qualitative experiences. The puzzle of why many cerebral processes occur with an accompanying experiential aspect in consciousness seems impossible to explain.[31]
Yet it also seems to many that science will eventually have to explain such experiences.[53] This follows from an assumption about the possibility of reductive explanations. According to this view, if an attempt can be successfully made to explain a phenomenon reductively (e.g., water), then it can be explained why the phenomenon has all of its properties (e.g., fluidity, transparency).[53] In the case of mental states, this means that there needs to be an explanation of why they have the property of being experienced in a certain way.
The 20th-century German philosopher Martin Heidegger criticized the ontological assumptions underpinning such a reductive model, and claimed that it was impossible to make sense of experience in these terms. This is because, according to Heidegger, the nature of our subjective experience and its qualities is impossible to understand in terms of Cartesian "substances" that bear "properties". Another way to put this is that the very concept of qualitative experience is incoherent in terms of—or is semantically incommensurable with the concept of—substances that bear properties.[73]
This problem of explaining introspective first-person aspects of mental states and consciousness in general in terms of third-person quantitative neuroscience is called the explanatory gap.[74] There are several different views of the nature of this gap among contemporary philosophers of mind. David Chalmers and the early Frank Jackson interpret the gap as ontological in nature; that is, they maintain that qualia can never be explained by science because physicalism is false. There are two separate categories involved and one cannot be reduced to the other.[75] An alternative view is taken by philosophers such as Thomas Nagel and Colin McGinn. According to them, the gap is epistemological in nature. For Nagel, science is not yet able to explain subjective experience because it has not yet arrived at the level or kind of knowledge that is required. We are not even able to formulate the problem coherently.[32] For McGinn, on other hand, the problem is one of permanent and inherent biological limitations. We are not able to resolve the explanatory gap because the realm of subjective experiences is cognitively closed to us in the same manner that quantum physics is cognitively closed to elephants.[76] Other philosophers liquidate the gap as purely a semantic problem. This semantic problem, of course, led to the famous "Qualia Question", which is: Does Red cause Redness?
Main article: Intentionality
John Searle—one of the most influential philosophers of mind, proponent of biological naturalism (Berkeley 2002)
Intentionality is the capacity of mental states to be directed towards (about) or be in relation with something in the external world.[26] This property of mental states entails that they have contents and semantic referents and can therefore be assigned truth values. When one tries to reduce these states to natural processes there arises a problem: natural processes are not true or false, they simply happen.[77] It would not make any sense to say that a natural process is true or false. But mental ideas or judgments are true or false, so how then can mental states (ideas or judgments) be natural processes? The possibility of assigning semantic value to ideas must mean that such ideas are about facts. Thus, for example, the idea that Herodotus was a historian refers to Herodotus and to the fact that he was a historian. If the fact is true, then the idea is true; otherwise, it is false. But where does this relation come from? In the brain, there are only electrochemical processes and these seem not to have anything to do with Herodotus.[25]
Philosophy of perception
Main article: Philosophy of perception
Philosophy of perception is concerned with the nature of perceptual experience and the status of perceptual objects, in particular how perceptual experience relates to appearances and beliefs about the world. The main contemporary views within philosophy of perception include naive realism, enactivism and representational views.[2][3][78]
A phrenological mapping of the brain – phrenology was among the first attempts to correlate mental functions with specific parts of the brain although it is now widely discredited.
Philosophy of mind and science
Humans are corporeal beings and, as such, they are subject to examination and description by the natural sciences. Since mental processes are intimately related to bodily processes (e.g., embodied cognition theory of mind), the descriptions that the natural sciences furnish of human beings play an important role in the philosophy of mind.[1] There are many scientific disciplines that study processes related to the mental. The list of such sciences includes: biology, computer science, cognitive science, cybernetics, linguistics, medicine, pharmacology, and psychology.[79]
Main article: Neuroscience
The theoretical background of biology, as is the case with modern natural sciences in general, is fundamentally materialistic. The objects of study are, in the first place, physical processes, which are considered to be the foundations of mental activity and behavior.[80] The increasing success of biology in the explanation of mental phenomena can be seen by the absence of any empirical refutation of its fundamental presupposition: "there can be no change in the mental states of a person without a change in brain states."[79]
Within the field of neurobiology, there are many subdisciplines that are concerned with the relations between mental and physical states and processes:[80] Sensory neurophysiology investigates the relation between the processes of perception and stimulation.[81] Cognitive neuroscience studies the correlations between mental processes and neural processes.[81] Neuropsychology describes the dependence of mental faculties on specific anatomical regions of the brain.[81] Lastly, evolutionary biology studies the origins and development of the human nervous system and, in as much as this is the basis of the mind, also describes the ontogenetic and phylogenetic development of mental phenomena beginning from their most primitive stages.[79] Evolutionary biology furthermore places tight constraints on any philosophical theory of the mind, as the gene-based mechanism of natural selection does not allow any giant leaps in the development of neural complexity or neural software but only incremental steps over long time periods.[82]
Since the 1980s, sophisticated neuroimaging procedures, such as fMRI (above), have furnished increasing knowledge about the workings of the human brain, shedding light on ancient philosophical problems.
The methodological breakthroughs of the neurosciences, in particular the introduction of high-tech neuroimaging procedures, has propelled scientists toward the elaboration of increasingly ambitious research programs: one of the main goals is to describe and comprehend the neural processes which correspond to mental functions (see: neural correlate).[80] Several groups are inspired by these advances.
Computer science
Main article: Computer science
Computer science concerns itself with the automatic processing of information (or at least with physical systems of symbols to which information is assigned) by means of such things as computers.[83] From the beginning, computer programmers have been able to develop programs that permit computers to carry out tasks for which organic beings need a mind. A simple example is multiplication. It is not clear whether computers could be said to have a mind. Could they, someday, come to have what we call a mind? This question has been propelled into the forefront of much philosophical debate because of investigations in the field of artificial intelligence (AI).
Within AI, it is common to distinguish between a modest research program and a more ambitious one: this distinction was coined by John Searle in terms of a weak AI and strong AI. The exclusive objective of "weak AI", according to Searle, is the successful simulation of mental states, with no attempt to make computers become conscious or aware, etc. The objective of strong AI, on the contrary, is a computer with consciousness similar to that of human beings.[84] The program of strong AI goes back to one of the pioneers of computation Alan Turing. As an answer to the question "Can computers think?", he formulated the famous Turing test.[85] Turing believed that a computer could be said to "think" when, if placed in a room by itself next to another room that contained a human being and with the same questions being asked of both the computer and the human being by a third party human being, the computer's responses turned out to be indistinguishable from those of the human. Essentially, Turing's view of machine intelligence followed the behaviourist model of the mind—intelligence is as intelligence does. The Turing test has received many criticisms, among which the most famous is probably the Chinese room thought experiment formulated by Searle.[84]
The question about the possible sensitivity (qualia) of computers or robots still remains open. Some computer scientists believe that the specialty of AI can still make new contributions to the resolution of the "mind–body problem". They suggest that based on the reciprocal influences between software and hardware that takes place in all computers, it is possible that someday theories can be discovered that help us to understand the reciprocal influences between the human mind and the brain (wetware).[86]
Main article: Psychology
Psychology is the science that investigates mental states directly. It uses generally empirical methods to investigate concrete mental states like joy, fear or obsessions. Psychology investigates the laws that bind these mental states to each other or with inputs and outputs to the human organism.[87]
An example of this is the psychology of perception. Scientists working in this field have discovered general principles of the perception of forms. A law of the psychology of forms says that objects that move in the same direction are perceived as related to each other.[79] This law describes a relation between visual input and mental perceptual states. However, it does not suggest anything about the nature of perceptual states. The laws discovered by psychology are compatible with all the answers to the mind–body problem already described.
Cognitive science
Cognitive science is the interdisciplinary scientific study of the mind and its processes. It examines what cognition is, what it does, and how it works. It includes research on intelligence and behavior, especially focusing on how information is represented, processed, and transformed (in faculties such as perception, language, memory, reasoning, and emotion) within nervous systems (human or other animals) and machines (e.g. computers). Cognitive science consists of multiple research disciplines, including psychology, artificial intelligence, philosophy, neuroscience, linguistics, anthropology, sociology, and education.[88] It spans many levels of analysis, from low-level learning and decision mechanisms to high-level logic and planning; from neural circuitry to modular brain organization. Over the years, cognitive science has evolved from a representational and information processing approach to explaining the mind to embrace an embodied perspective of it. Accordingly, bodily processes play a significant role in the acquisition, development, and shaping of cognitive capabilities.[89] For instance, Rowlands (2012) argues that cognition is enactive, embodied, embedded, affective and (potentially) extended. The position is taken that the "classical sandwich" of cognition sandwiched between perception and action is artificial; cognition has to be seen as a product of a strongly coupled interaction that cannot be divided this way.[90][91]
Near-death research
Main article: Near-death studies
In the field of near-death research, the following phenomenon, among others, occurs: For example, during some brain operations the brain is artificially and measurably deactivated. Nevertheless, some patients report during this phase that they have perceived what is happening in their surroundings, i.e. that they have had consciousness. Patients also report experiences during a cardiac arrest. There is the following problem: As soon as the brain is no longer supplied with blood and thus with oxygen after a cardiac arrest, the brain ceases its normal operation after about 15 seconds, i.e. the brain falls into a state of unconsciousness.[92]
Philosophy of mind in the continental tradition
Most of the discussion in this article has focused on one style or tradition of philosophy in modern Western culture, usually called analytic philosophy (sometimes described as Anglo-American philosophy).[93] Many other schools of thought exist, however, which are sometimes subsumed under the broad (and vague) label of continental philosophy.[93] In any case, though topics and methods here are numerous, in relation to the philosophy of mind the various schools that fall under this label (phenomenology, existentialism, etc.) can globally be seen to differ from the analytic school in that they focus less on language and logical analysis alone but also take in other forms of understanding human existence and experience. With reference specifically to the discussion of the mind, this tends to translate into attempts to grasp the concepts of thought and perceptual experience in some sense that does not merely involve the analysis of linguistic forms.[93]
Immanuel Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, first published in 1781 and presented again with major revisions in 1787, represents a significant intervention into what will later become known as the philosophy of mind. Kant's first critique is generally recognized as among the most significant works of modern philosophy in the West. Kant is a figure whose influence is marked in both continental and analytic/Anglo-American philosophy. Kant's work develops an in-depth study of transcendental consciousness, or the life of the mind as conceived through the universal categories of understanding.
In Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel's Philosophy of Mind (frequently translated as Philosophy of Spirit or Geist),[94] the third part of his Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences, Hegel discusses three distinct types of mind: the "subjective mind/spirit", the mind of an individual; the "objective mind/spirit", the mind of society and of the State; and the "Absolute mind/spirit", the position of religion, art, and philosophy. See also Hegel's The Phenomenology of Spirit. Nonetheless, Hegel's work differs radically from the style of Anglo-American philosophy of mind.
In 1896, Henri Bergson made in Matter and Memory "Essay on the relation of body and spirit" a forceful case for the ontological difference of body and mind by reducing the problem to the more definite one of memory, thus allowing for a solution built on the empirical test case of aphasia.
In modern times, the two main schools that have developed in response or opposition to this Hegelian tradition are phenomenology and existentialism. Phenomenology, founded by Edmund Husserl, focuses on the contents of the human mind (see noema) and how processes shape our experiences.[95] Existentialism, a school of thought founded upon the work of Søren Kierkegaard, focuses on Human predicament and how people deal with the situation of being alive. Existential-phenomenology represents a major branch of continental philosophy (they are not contradictory), rooted in the work of Husserl but expressed in its fullest forms in the work of Martin Heidegger, Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir and Maurice Merleau-Ponty. See Heidegger's Being and Time, Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology of Perception, Sartre's Being and Nothingness, and Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex.
Topics related to philosophy of mind
There are countless subjects that are affected by the ideas developed in the philosophy of mind. Clear examples of this are the nature of death and its definitive character, the nature of emotion, of perception and of memory. Questions about what a person is and what his or her identity have to do with the philosophy of mind. There are two subjects that, in connection with the philosophy of the mind, have aroused special attention: free will and the self.[1]
Free will
Main article: Free will
In the context of philosophy of mind, the problem of free will takes on renewed intensity. This is the case for materialistic determinists.[1] According to this position, natural laws completely determine the course of the material world. Mental states, and therefore the will as well, would be material states, which means human behavior and decisions would be completely determined by natural laws. Some take this reasoning a step further: people cannot determine by themselves what they want and what they do. Consequently, they are not free.[96]
This argumentation is rejected, on the one hand, by the compatibilists. Those who adopt this position suggest that the question "Are we free?" can only be answered once we have determined what the term "free" means. The opposite of "free" is not "caused" but "compelled" or "coerced". It is not appropriate to identify freedom with indetermination. A free act is one where the agent could have done otherwise if it had chosen otherwise. In this sense a person can be free even though determinism is true.[96] The most important compatibilist in the history of the philosophy was David Hume.[97] More recently, this position is defended, for example, by Daniel Dennett.[98]
On the other hand, there are also many incompatibilists who reject the argument because they believe that the will is free in a stronger sense called libertarianism.[96] These philosophers affirm the course of the world is either a) not completely determined by natural law where natural law is intercepted by physically independent agency,[99] b) determined by indeterministic natural law only, or c) determined by indeterministic natural law in line with the subjective effort of physically non-reducible agency.[100] Under Libertarianism, the will does not have to be deterministic and, therefore, it is potentially free. Critics of the second proposition (b) accuse the incompatibilists of using an incoherent concept of freedom. They argue as follows: if our will is not determined by anything, then we desire what we desire by pure chance. And if what we desire is purely accidental, we are not free. So if our will is not determined by anything, we are not free.[96]
Main article: Philosophy of self
The philosophy of mind also has important consequences for the concept of "self". If by "self" or "I" one refers to an essential, immutable nucleus of the person, some modern philosophers of mind, such as Daniel Dennett believe that no such thing exists. According to Dennett and other contemporaries, the self is considered an illusion.[101] The idea of a self as an immutable essential nucleus derives from the idea of an immaterial soul. Such an idea is unacceptable to modern philosophers with physicalist orientations and their general skepticism of the concept of "self" as postulated by David Hume, who could never catch himself not doing, thinking or feeling anything.[102] However, in the light of empirical results from developmental psychology, developmental biology and neuroscience, the idea of an essential inconstant, material nucleus—an integrated representational system distributed over changing patterns of synaptic connections—seems reasonable.[103]
How is a sovereign state defined?
A sovereign state is an entity with a permanent population, a defined territory, an effective government, and the capacity to conduct international relations. These criteria are often loosely applied. For example, boundary disputes and ongoing civil wars do not necessarily prevent an entity from becoming a state if it is formally independent from other states.
Does a state need to get recognition from other states?
No, a state technically does not need to get recognition from other states. Under the prevailing declaratory theory of recognition, a state exists if it meets the necessary criteria that define states. Recognition is simply an acknowledgment of an existing situation. (The minority constitutive theory of recognition holds that recognition is necessary to the existence of a state.)
When can a state use military force against another state?
A state can use military force against another state only in self-defense against an armed attack. This right arises from Article 51 of the United Nations Charter, which incorporates inherent rights from customary international law. Any acts of self-defense must be necessary and proportionate to the acts of aggression. Acts of anticipatory self-defense may be permitted when an armed attack is imminent and inevitable, although the UN Charter does not address this situation.
What does international humanitarian law do?
International humanitarian law restricts the ways in which wars can be conducted. It protects the safety of non-combatants, as well as former combatants like prisoners of war. It also bans the use of certain weapons or tactics that inflict unnecessary harm or suffering, cause severe or lasting harm to the environment, or cannot be used in a way that allows those using them to distinguish between combatant and non-combatant targets.
What are some of the human rights guaranteed by international law?
Human rights guaranteed by international law include civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights. Examples include freedom of expression, freedom of religion, freedom of association, the right to an adequate standard of living, the right to work in favorable conditions, the right to education, and protections against arbitrary arrest and detention. These rights are codified in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other United Nations instruments, known collectively as the International Bill of Human Rights.
What is the concept of sustainable development?
Sustainable development is defined as meeting the present needs of a generation without preventing future generations from meeting their needs. It has been a guiding principle of international environmental law since the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, and it even has influenced economic treaties. However, sustainable development has not yet been achieved, despite some legal and political progress.
What are the main organs of the United Nations?
The main organs of the United Nations are the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Secretariat, the International Court of Justice, the Economic and Social Council, and the Trusteeship Council. The General Assembly is a representative policy-making organ in which member states vote on resolutions and other actions. The Security Council protects international peace and security, approves changes to the UN Charter, and recommends new UN member states. Led by the UN Secretary-General, the Secretariat carries out the mandates of the General Assembly and other UN organs. The International Court of Justice resolves disputes between states and issues advisory opinions to non-state organizations. The Economic and Social Council develops policy recommendations based on meetings and consultations. The Trusteeship Council has been inactive since the 1990s, when the last UN Trust Territory gained independence.
Which cases are heard by the International Court of Justice?
The International Court of Justice has contentious jurisdiction and advisory jurisdiction. Its contentious jurisdiction involves resolving disputes between states under international law. Each state involved in a dispute must consent to ICJ jurisdiction. While contentious jurisdiction leads to binding decisions, advisory jurisdiction involves issuing non-binding opinions to public international organizations. These opinions generally carry great weight and can resolve ambiguities in international law.
How are treaties different from executive agreements under US law?
A treaty requires the advice and consent of two-thirds of the Senate, and it must be ratified by the President. An executive agreement can be negotiated by the President without the advice and consent of two-thirds of the Senate. In a congressional-executive agreement, the President gets the approval of a simple majority of both houses of Congress. In a sole executive agreement, the President acts without involving Congress. However, treaties and executive agreements are equally binding under international law.
When does a treaty supersede federal laws?
A treaty supersedes prior inconsistent federal laws if Congress implements it through new federal laws or if it is self-executing. A treaty is self-executing if there is an intent to make it enforceable under US law without additional implementing legislation. Some provisions in a treaty may be self-executing even if other provisions are not. Specific provisions are more likely to be considered self-executing. A provision may be self-executing in the US even if it is not self-executing in other signatory nations.
Recognition of States
The process in which a state acknowledges another entity as a state is known as recognition. This can involve an overt statement or an action that implies an intent to recognize the entity as a state. Each state can make its own decision about whether recognition is appropriate, which can carry significant political weight. For example, recognition is usually required to establish sovereign and diplomatic immunities.
International law contains two theories of recognition. The constitutive theory of recognition holds that a state does not exist until it receives recognition. By contrast, the declaratory theory of recognition holds that a state exists without recognition, which is merely an acknowledgment of an existing situation. The declaratory theory has become the prevailing view. That said, an entity likely has a stronger claim to statehood when it has received recognition from many other states. This is especially true if questions surround its ability to meet the criteria under the Montevideo Convention.
Non-Recognition and Qualified Recognition
Statehood does not rely on recognition, but sometimes a state may have a duty to refrain from recognizing another state or an alteration to a state. This situation usually arises when the state or altered state arose from illegitimate military actions, violations of human rights, or other clear infringements of international norms. The United Nations Security Council often sets an example for states on this issue. For example, it nullified the annexation of Kuwait by Iraq during the period preceding the Gulf War of 1991.
In other cases, a state may not recognize an entity that meets the baseline criteria for statehood until it meets specific additional requirements. For example, states formed during the dissolution of the Soviet Union did not receive recognition from the European Community (the precursor to the European Union) until they committed to nuclear non-proliferation, minority rights, and respect for borders.
The Solar System[c] is the gravitationally bound system of the Sun and the objects that orbit it. The largest of these objects are the eight planets, which in order from the Sun are four terrestrial planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars); two gas giants (Jupiter and Saturn); and two ice giants (Uranus and Neptune). The Solar System formed 4.6 billion years ago from the gravitational collapse of a giant interstellar molecular cloud.
All four terrestrial planets belong to the inner Solar System (≤ 1.7 AU) and have a solid surface. Inversely, all four giant planets belong to the outer Solar System (≤ 30.5 AU) and do not have a definite surface, as they are mainly composed of gases and liquids. 99.86% of the Solar System's mass is in the Sun and nearly 90% of the remaining mass are in Jupiter and Saturn. There is a strong consensus among astronomers that the Solar System also has nine dwarf planets, which consist of one asteroid-belt object – Ceres; five Kuiper-belt objects – Pluto, Orcus, Haumea, Quaoar, and Makemake; and three scattered-disc objects – Gonggong, Eris, and Sedna.
There are a vast number of smaller objects orbiting the Sun, called small Solar System bodies. This category includes asteroids, comets, centaurs, meteoroids and interplanetary dust clouds. Many of these objects are in the asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter (1.5–4.5 astronomical units, AU), and the Kuiper belt just outside Neptune's orbit (30–50 AU).[d] Six of the major planets, the six largest possible dwarf planets, and many of the smaller bodies are orbited by natural satellites, commonly called "moons" after Earth's Moon. Two natural satellites, Jupiter's moon Ganymede and Saturn's moon Titan, are larger than Mercury, the smallest terrestrial planet, though they are less massive.
The Sun's stream of charged particles creates the heliosphere, which terminates where the pressure of the solar wind is equal to the surrounding interstellar medium, forming a boundary called the heliopause. The outermost region of the Solar System is the Oort cloud (from 2,000 to 50,000–200,000 AU), the source for long-period comets. The Solar System, which ends at the Sun's sphere of gravitational influence (50,000–200,000 AU), is embedded in the Local Cloud of the interstellar medium and orbits the Galactic Center. The closest star to the Solar System, Proxima Centauri, is 4.25 light years away.
Formation and evolution
Main article: Formation and evolution of the Solar System
The Solar System formed 4.568 billion years ago from the gravitational collapse of a region within a large molecular cloud.[e] This initial cloud was likely several light-years across and probably birthed several stars.[5] As is typical of molecular clouds, this one consisted mostly of hydrogen, with some helium, and small amounts of heavier elements fused by previous generations of stars.[6]
As the pre-solar nebula[6] collapsed, conservation of angular momentum caused it to rotate faster. The center, where most of the mass collected, became increasingly hotter than the surrounding disc.[5] As the contracting nebula rotated faster, it began to flatten into a protoplanetary disc with a diameter of roughly 200 AU (30 billion km; 19 billion mi)[5] and a hot, dense protostar at the center.[7][8] The planets formed by accretion from this disc,[9] in which dust and gas gravitationally attracted each other, coalescing to form ever larger bodies. Hundreds of protoplanets may have existed in the early Solar System, but they either merged or were destroyed or ejected, leaving the planets, dwarf planets, and leftover minor bodies.[10][11]
Diagram of the early Solar System's protoplanetary disk, out of which Earth and other Solar System bodies formed
Due to their higher boiling points, only metals and silicates could exist in solid form in the warm inner Solar System close to the Sun (within the frost line). They would eventually form the rocky planets of Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. Because metallic elements only comprised a very small fraction of the solar nebula, the terrestrial planets could not grow very large.[10]
The giant planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) formed further out, beyond the frost line, the point between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter where material is cool enough for volatile icy compounds to remain solid. The ices that formed these planets were more plentiful than the metals and silicates that formed the terrestrial inner planets, allowing them to grow massive enough to capture large atmospheres of hydrogen and helium, the lightest and most abundant elements.[10]
Leftover debris that never became planets congregated in regions such as the asteroid belt, Kuiper belt, and Oort cloud.[10] The Nice model is an explanation for the creation of these regions and how the outer planets could have formed in different positions and migrated to their current orbits through various gravitational interactions.[12][further explanation needed]
Within 50 million years, the pressure and density of hydrogen in the center of the protostar became great enough for it to begin thermonuclear fusion.[13] As helium accumulates at its core the Sun is growing brighter;[14] early in its main-sequence life its brightness was 70% that of what it is today.[15] The temperature, reaction rate, pressure, and density increased until hydrostatic equilibrium was achieved: the thermal pressure counterbalancing the force of gravity. At this point, the Sun became a main-sequence star.[16]
The main-sequence phase, from beginning to end, will last about 10 billion years for the Sun compared to around two billion years for all other subsequent phases of the Sun's pre-remnant life combined.[17] Solar wind from the Sun created the heliosphere and swept away the remaining gas and dust from the protoplanetary disc into interstellar space.[14]
The Solar System will remain roughly as it is known today until the hydrogen in the core of the Sun has been entirely converted to helium, which will occur roughly 5 billion years from now. This will mark the end of the Sun's main-sequence life. At that time, the core of the Sun will contract with hydrogen fusion occurring along a shell surrounding the inert helium, and the energy output will be greater than at present. The outer layers of the Sun will expand to roughly 260 times its current diameter, and the Sun will become a red giant. Because of its increased surface area, the surface of the Sun will be cooler (2,600 K (2,330 °C; 4,220 °F) at its coolest) than it is on the main sequence.[17]
Overview of the evolution of the Sun, a G-type main-sequence star. Around 11 billion years after being formed by the Solar System's protoplanetary disk, the Sun will expand to become a red giant; Mercury, Venus and possibly the Earth will be swallowed.
The expanding Sun is expected to vaporize Mercury as well as Venus, and render Earth uninhabitable (possibly destroying it as well). Eventually, the core will be hot enough for helium fusion; the Sun will burn helium for a fraction of the time it burned hydrogen in the core. The Sun is not massive enough to commence the fusion of heavier elements, and nuclear reactions in the core will dwindle. Its outer layers will be ejected into space, leaving behind a dense white dwarf, half the original mass of the Sun but only the size of Earth.[18] The ejected outer layers will form what is known as a planetary nebula, returning some of the material that formed the Sun—but now enriched with heavier elements like carbon—to the interstellar medium.[19]
Structure and composition
Further information: List of Solar System objects and Planet § Planetary attributes
The word solar means "pertaining to the Sun", which is derived from the Latin word sol, meaning Sun.[20] The Sun is the dominant gravitational member of the Solar System, and its planetary system is maintained in a relatively stable, slowly evolving state by following isolated, gravitationally bound orbits around the Sun.[21]
Animations of the Solar System's inner planets and outer planets orbiting; the latter animation is 100 times faster than the former. Jupiter is three times as far from the Sun as Mars.
The planets and other large objects in orbit around the Sun lie near the plane of Earth's orbit, known as the ecliptic. Smaller icy objects such as comets frequently orbit at significantly greater angles to this plane.[22][23] Most of the planets in the Solar System have secondary systems of their own, being orbited by natural satellites called moons. Many of the largest natural satellites are in synchronous rotation, with one face permanently turned toward their parent. The four giant planets have planetary rings, thin bands of tiny particles that orbit them in unison.[24]
As a result of the formation of the Solar System, planets and most other objects orbit the Sun in the same direction that the Sun is rotating. That is, counter-clockwise, as viewed from above Earth's north pole.[25] There are exceptions, such as Halley's Comet.[26] Most of the larger moons orbit their planets in prograde direction, matching the planetary rotation; Neptune's moon Triton is the largest to orbit in the opposite, retrograde manner.[27] Most larger objects rotate around their own axes in the prograde direction relative to their orbit, though the rotation of Venus is retrograde.[28]
To a good first approximation, Kepler's laws of planetary motion describe the orbits of objects around the Sun.[29]: 433–437 These laws stipulate that each object travels along an ellipse with the Sun at one focus, which causes the body's distance from the Sun to vary over the course of its year. A body's closest approach to the Sun is called its perihelion, whereas its most distant point from the Sun is called its aphelion.[30]: 9-6 With the exception of Mercury, the orbits of the planets are nearly circular, but many comets, asteroids, and Kuiper belt objects follow highly elliptical orbits. Kepler's laws only account for the influence of the Sun's gravity upon an orbiting body, not the gravitational pulls of different bodies upon each other. On a human time scale, these additional perturbations can be accounted for using numerical models,[30]: 9-6 but the planetary system can change chaotically over billions of years.[31]
The angular momentum of the Solar System is a measure of the total amount of orbital and rotational momentum possessed by all its moving components.[32] Although the Sun dominates the system by mass, it accounts for only about 2% of the angular momentum.[33][34] The planets, dominated by Jupiter, account for most of the rest of the angular momentum due to the combination of their mass, orbit, and distance from the Sun, with a possibly significant contribution from comets.[33]
The overall structure of the charted regions of the Solar System consists of the Sun, four smaller inner planets surrounded by a belt of mostly rocky asteroids, and four giant planets surrounded by the Kuiper belt of mostly icy objects. Astronomers sometimes informally divide this structure into separate regions. The inner Solar System includes the four terrestrial planets and the asteroid belt. The outer Solar System is beyond the asteroids, including the four giant planets.[35] Since the discovery of the Kuiper belt, the outermost parts of the Solar System are considered a distinct region consisting of the objects beyond Neptune.[36]
The principal component of the Solar System is the Sun, a low-mass star that contains 99.86% of the system's known mass and dominates it gravitationally.[37] The Sun's four largest orbiting bodies, the giant planets, account for 99% of the remaining mass, with Jupiter and Saturn together comprising more than 90%. The remaining objects of the Solar System (including the four terrestrial planets, the dwarf planets, moons, asteroids, and comets) together comprise less than 0.002% of the Solar System's total mass.[f]
The Sun is composed of roughly 98% hydrogen and helium,[41] as are Jupiter and Saturn.[42][43] A composition gradient exists in the Solar System, created by heat and light pressure from the early Sun; those objects closer to the Sun, which are more affected by heat and light pressure, are composed of elements with high melting points. Objects farther from the Sun are composed largely of materials with lower melting points.[44] The boundary in the Solar System beyond which those volatile substances could coalesce is known as the frost line, and it lies at roughly five times the Earth's distance from the Sun.[3]
The objects of the inner Solar System are composed mostly of rocky materials,[45] such as silicates, iron or nickel.[46] Jupiter and Saturn are composed mainly of gases with extremely low melting points and high vapor pressure, such as hydrogen, helium, and neon.[46] Ices, like water, methane, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, and carbon dioxide,[45] have a melting points of up to a few hundred kelvins.[46] They can be found as ices, liquids, or gases in various places in the Solar System.[46] Icy substances comprise the majority of the satellites of the giant planets, as well as most of Uranus and Neptune (the so-called "ice giants") and the numerous small objects that lie beyond Neptune's orbit.[45][47] Together, gases and ices are referred to as volatiles.[48]
Distances and scales
The Sun's, planets', dwarf planets' and moons' size to scale, labelled. Distance of objects is not to scale. The asteroid belt lies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, the Kuiper belt lies beyond Neptune's orbit.
To-scale diagram of distance between planets, with the white bar showing orbital variations. The size of the planets is not to scale.
The astronomical unit [AU] (150,000,000 km; 93,000,000 mi) would be the distance from the Earth to the Sun if the planet's orbit were perfectly circular.[49] For comparison, the radius of the Sun is 0.0047 AU (700,000 km; 400,000 mi).[50] Thus, the Sun occupies 0.00001% (10−5 %) of the volume of a sphere with a radius the size of Earth's orbit, whereas Earth's volume is roughly one millionth (10−6) that of the Sun. Jupiter, the largest planet, is 5.2 astronomical units (780,000,000 km; 480,000,000 mi) from the Sun and has a radius of 71,000 km (0.00047 AU; 44,000 mi), whereas the most distant planet, Neptune, is 30 AU (4.5×109 km; 2.8×109 mi) from the Sun.[43][51]
With a few exceptions, the farther a planet or belt is from the Sun, the larger the distance between its orbit and the orbit of the next nearest object to the Sun. For example, Venus is approximately 0.33 AU farther out from the Sun than Mercury, whereas Saturn is 4.3 AU out from Jupiter, and Neptune lies 10.5 AU out from Uranus. Attempts have been made to determine a relationship between these orbital distances, like the Titius–Bode law[52] and Johannes Kepler's model based on the Platonic solids,[53] but ongoing discoveries have invalidated these hypotheses.[54]
Some Solar System models attempt to convey the relative scales involved in the Solar System in human terms. Some are small in scale (and may be mechanical—called orreries)—whereas others extend across cities or regional areas.[55] The largest such scale model, the Sweden Solar System, uses the 110-metre (361 ft) Avicii Arena in Stockholm as its substitute Sun, and, following the scale, Jupiter is a 7.5-metre (25-foot) sphere at Stockholm Arlanda Airport, 40 km (25 mi) away, whereas the farthest current object, Sedna, is a 10 cm (4 in) sphere in Luleå, 912 km (567 mi) away.[56][57]
If the Sun–Neptune distance is scaled to 100 metres (330 ft), then the Sun would be about 3 cm (1.2 in) in diameter (roughly two-thirds the diameter of a golf ball), the giant planets would be all smaller than about 3 mm (0.12 in), and Earth's diameter along with that of the other terrestrial planets would be smaller than a flea (0.3 mm or 0.012 in) at this scale.[58]
Interplanetary environment
The zodiacal light, caused by interplanetary dust
The outermost layer of the Solar atmosphere is the heliosphere, which permeates much of the Solar planetary system. Along with light, the Sun radiates a continuous stream of charged particles (a plasma) called the solar wind. This stream of particles spreads outwards at speeds from 900,000 kilometres per hour (560,000 mph) to 2,880,000 kilometres per hour (1,790,000 mph),[59] filling the vacuum between the bodies of the Solar System. The result is a thin, dusty atmosphere, called the interplanetary medium, which extends to at least 100 AU (15 billion km; 9.3 billion mi). Beyond the heliosphere, large objects remain gravitationally bound to the sun, but the flow of matter in the interstellar medium homogenizes the distribution of micro-scale objects (see § Farthest regions).[60]
The interplanetary medium is home to at least two disc-like regions of cosmic dust. The first, the zodiacal dust cloud, lies in the inner Solar System and causes the zodiacal light. It may have been formed by collisions within the asteroid belt brought on by gravitational interactions with the planets; a more recent proposed origin is the planet Mars.[61] The second dust cloud extends from about 10 AU (1.5 billion km; 930 million mi) to about 40 AU (6.0 billion km; 3.7 billion mi), and was probably created by collisions within the Kuiper belt.[62][63]
Activity on the Sun's surface, such as solar flares and coronal mass ejections, disturbs the heliosphere, creating space weather and causing geomagnetic storms.[64] Coronal mass ejections and similar events blow a magnetic field and huge quantities of material from the surface of the Sun. The interaction of this magnetic field and material with Earth's magnetic field funnels charged particles into Earth's upper atmosphere, where its interactions create aurorae seen near the magnetic poles.[65] The largest stable structure within the heliosphere is the heliospheric current sheet, a spiral form created by the actions of the Sun's rotating magnetic field on the interplanetary medium.[66][67]
Life habitability
Main article: Planetary habitability in the Solar System
Besides solar energy, the primary characteristic of the Solar System enabling the presence of life is the heliosphere and planetary magnetic fields (for those planets that have them). These magnetic fields partially shield the Solar System from high-energy interstellar particles called cosmic rays. The density of cosmic rays in the interstellar medium and the strength of the Sun's magnetic field change on very long timescales, so the level of cosmic-ray penetration in the Solar System varies, though by how much is unknown.[68]
Earth's magnetic field also stops its atmosphere from being stripped away by the solar wind.[69] Venus and Mars do not have magnetic fields, and as a result the solar wind causes their atmospheres to gradually bleed away into space.[70]
The zone of habitability of the Solar System is conventionally located in the inner Solar System, where planetary surface or atmospheric temperatures admit the possibility of liquid water.[71] Habitability might also be possible in subsurface oceans of various outer Solar System moons.[72]
Main article: Sun
The Sun in true white color
The Sun is the Solar System's star and by far its most massive component. Its large mass (332,900 Earth masses),[73] which comprises 99.86% of all the mass in the Solar System,[74] produces temperatures and densities in its core high enough to sustain nuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium.[75] This releases an enormous amount of energy, mostly radiated into space as electromagnetic radiation peaking in visible light.[76][77]
Because the Sun fuses hydrogen into helium at its core, it is a main-sequence star. More specifically, it is a G2-type main-sequence star, where the type designation refers to its effective temperature. Hotter main-sequence stars are more luminous but shorter lived. The Sun's temperature is intermediate between that of the hottest stars and that of the coolest stars. Stars brighter and hotter than the Sun are rare, whereas substantially dimmer and cooler stars, known as red dwarfs, make up about 75% of the stars in the Milky Way.[78][79]
The Sun is a population I star; it has a higher abundance of elements heavier than hydrogen and helium ("metals" in astronomical parlance) than the older population II stars.[80] Elements heavier than hydrogen and helium were formed in the cores of ancient and exploding stars, so the first generation of stars had to die before the universe could be enriched with these atoms. The oldest stars contain few metals, whereas stars born later have more. This higher metallicity is thought to have been crucial to the Sun's development of a planetary system because the planets form from the accretion of "metals".[81]
Inner Solar System
Overview of the Inner Solar System up to the Jovian System
The inner Solar System is the region comprising the terrestrial planets and the asteroid belt.[82] Composed mainly of silicates and metals,[83] the objects of the inner Solar System are relatively close to the Sun; the radius of this entire region is less than the distance between the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn. This region is also within the frost line, which is a little less than 5 AU (750 million km; 460 million mi) from the Sun.[22]
Inner planets
Main article: Terrestrial planet
The four terrestrial planets Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars
The four terrestrial or inner planets have dense, rocky compositions, few or no moons, and no ring systems. They are in hydrostatic equilibrium, forming a rounded shape, and have undergone planetary differentiation, causing chemical elements to accumulate at different radii. They are composed largely of refractory minerals such as silicates—which form their crusts and mantles—and metals such as iron and nickel which form their cores. Three of the four inner planets (Venus, Earth and Mars) have atmospheres substantial enough to generate weather; all have impact craters and tectonic surface features, such as rift valleys and volcanoes. The term inner planet should not be confused with inferior planet, which designates those planets that are closer to the Sun than Earth (i.e. Mercury and Venus).[84]
Main article: Mercury (planet)
Mercury (0.307–0.588 AU (45.9–88.0 million km; 28.5–54.7 million mi) from the Sun[85]) is the closest planet to the Sun. The smallest planet in the Solar System (0.055 MEarth), Mercury has no natural satellites. The dominant geological features are impact craters or basins with ejecta blankets, the remains of early volcanic activity including magma flows, and lobed ridges or rupes that were probably produced by a period of contraction early in the planet's history.[86] Mercury's very tenuous atmosphere consists of solar-wind particles trapped by Mercury's magnetic field, as well as atoms blasted off its surface by the solar wind.[87][88] Its relatively large iron core and thin mantle have not yet been adequately explained. Hypotheses include that its outer layers were stripped off by a giant impact, or that it was prevented from fully accreting by the young Sun's energy.[89][90] There have been searches for "Vulcanoids", asteroids in stable orbits between Mercury and the Sun, but none have been discovered.[91][92]
Main article: Venus
Venus (0.718–0.728 AU (107.4–108.9 million km; 66.7–67.7 million mi) from the Sun[85]) is close in size to Earth (0.815 MEarth) and, like Earth, has a thick silicate mantle around an iron core, a substantial atmosphere, and evidence of internal geological activity. It is much drier than Earth, and its atmosphere is ninety times as dense. Venus has no natural satellites. It is the hottest planet, with surface temperatures over 400 °C (752 °F), mainly due to the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.[93] The planet has no magnetic field that would prevent the depletion of its substantial atmosphere, which suggests that its atmosphere is being replenished by volcanic eruptions.[94] A relatively young planetary surface displays extensive evidence of volcanic activity, but is devoid of plate tectonics. It may undergo resurfacing episodes on a time scale of 700 million years.[95]
Main article: Earth
Earth (0.983–1.017 AU (147.1–152.1 million km; 91.4–94.5 million mi) from the Sun) is the largest and densest of the inner planets, the only one known to have current geological activity, and the only place in the universe where life is known to exist.[96] Its liquid hydrosphere is unique among the terrestrial planets, and it is the only planet where plate tectonics has been observed.[97] Earth's atmosphere is radically different from those of the other planets, having been altered by the presence of life to contain 21% free oxygen.[98][99] The planetary magnetosphere shields the surface from solar and cosmic radiation, limiting atmospheric stripping and maintaining habitability.[100] It has one natural satellite, the Moon, the only large satellite of a terrestrial planet in the Solar System.
Main article: Mars
Mars (1.382–1.666 AU (206.7–249.2 million km; 128.5–154.9 million mi) from the Sun) is smaller than Earth and Venus (0.107 MEarth). It has an atmosphere of mostly carbon dioxide with a surface pressure of 6.1 millibars (0.088 psi; 0.18 inHg); roughly 0.6% of that of Earth but sufficient to support weather phenomena.[101] Its surface, peppered with volcanoes, such as Olympus Mons, and rift valleys, such as Valles Marineris, shows geological activity that may have persisted until as recently as 2 million years ago.[102] Its red color comes from iron oxide (rust) in its soil,[103] while the polar regions show white ice caps consisting largely of water.[104] Mars has two tiny natural satellites (Deimos and Phobos) thought to be either captured asteroids,[105] or ejected debris from a massive impact early in Mars's history.[106]
Asteroid belt
Main articles: Asteroid belt and Asteroid
Linear map of the inner Solar System, showing many asteroid populations
Asteroids except for the largest, Ceres, are classified as small Solar System bodies[g] and are composed mainly of carbonaceous, refractory rocky and metallic minerals, with some ice.[112][113] They range from a few metres to hundreds of kilometres in size. Asteroids smaller than one meter are usually called meteoroids and micrometeoroids (grain-sized), with the exact division between the two categories being debated over the years.[114] As of 2017, the IAU designates asteroids having a diameter between about 30 micrometres and 1 metre as micrometeoroids, and terms smaller particles "dust".[115]
The asteroid belt occupies the orbit between Mars and Jupiter, between 2.3 and 3.3 AU (340 and 490 million km; 210 and 310 million mi) from the Sun. It is thought to be remnants from the Solar System's formation that failed to coalesce because of the gravitational interference of Jupiter.[116] The asteroid belt contains tens of thousands, possibly millions, of objects over one kilometre in diameter.[117] Despite this, the total mass of the asteroid belt is unlikely to be more than a thousandth of that of Earth.[40] The asteroid belt is very sparsely populated; spacecraft routinely pass through without incident.[118]
Main article: Ceres (dwarf planet)
Ceres (2.77 AU (414 million km; 257 million mi) from the Sun) is the largest asteroid, a protoplanet, and a dwarf planet.[g] It has a diameter of slightly under 1,000 km (620 mi) and a mass large enough for its own gravity to pull it into a spherical shape. Ceres was considered a planet when it was discovered in 1801, but as further observations revealed additional asteroids, it became common to consider it as one of the minor rather than major planets.[119] It was then reclassified again as a dwarf planet in 2006 when the IAU definition of planet was established.[120]: 218
Pallas and Vesta
Main articles: 2 Pallas and 4 Vesta
Pallas (2.77 AU from the Sun) and Vesta (2.36 AU from the Sun) are the largest asteroids in the asteroid belt, after Ceres. They are the other two protoplanets that survive more or less intact. At about 520 km (320 mi) in diameter, they were large enough to have developed planetary geology in the past, but both have suffered large impacts and been battered out of being round.[121][122][123] Fragments from impacts upon these two bodies survive elsewhere in the asteroid belt, as the Pallas family and Vesta family. Both were considered planets upon their discoveries in 1802 and 1807 respectively, and like Ceres, eventually considered minor planets with the discovery of more asteroids. Some authors today have begun to consider Pallas and Vesta as planets again, along with Ceres, under geophysical definitions of the term.[108]
Asteroid groups
Asteroids in the asteroid belt are divided into asteroid groups and families based on their orbital characteristics. Kirkwood gaps are sharp dips in the distribution of asteroid orbits that correspond to orbital resonances with Jupiter.[124] Asteroid moons are asteroids that orbit larger asteroids. They are not as clearly distinguished as planetary moons, sometimes being almost as large as their partners (e.g. that of 90 Antiope). The asteroid belt includes main-belt comets, which may have been the source of Earth's water.[125]
Jupiter trojans are located in either of Jupiter's L4 or L5 points (gravitationally stable regions leading and trailing a planet in its orbit); the term trojan is also used for small bodies in any other planetary or satellite Lagrange point. Hilda asteroids are in a 2:3 resonance with Jupiter; that is, they go around the Sun three times for every two Jupiter orbits.[126] The inner Solar System contains near-Earth asteroids, many of which cross the orbits of the inner planets.[127] Some of them are potentially hazardous objects.[128]
Outer Solar System
Plot of objects around the Kuiper belt and other asteroid populations, the J, S, U and N denotes Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
The outer region of the Solar System is home to the giant planets and their large moons. The centaurs and many short-period comets also orbit in this region. Due to their greater distance from the Sun, the solid objects in the outer Solar System contain a higher proportion of volatiles, such as water, ammonia, and methane than those of the inner Solar System because the lower temperatures allow these compounds to remain solid, without significant rates of sublimation.[10]
Outer planets
Main article: Giant planet
The outer planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, compared to the inner planets Earth, Venus, Mars, and Mercury at the bottom right
The four outer planets, also called giant planets or Jovian planets, collectively make up 99% of the mass known to orbit the Sun.[f] Jupiter and Saturn are together more than 400 times the mass of Earth and consist overwhelmingly of the gases hydrogen and helium, hence their designation as gas giants.[129] Uranus and Neptune are far less massive—less than 20 Earth masses (MEarth) each—and are composed primarily of ice. For these reasons, some astronomers suggest they belong in their own category, ice giants.[130] All four giant planets have rings, although only Saturn's ring system is easily observed from Earth. The term superior planet designates planets outside Earth's orbit and thus includes both the outer planets and Mars.[84]
The ring–moon systems of Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus are like miniature versions of the Solar System; that of Neptune is significantly different, having been disrupted by the capture of its largest moon Triton.[131]
Main article: Jupiter
Jupiter (4.951–5.457 AU (740.7–816.4 million km; 460.2–507.3 million mi) from the Sun[85]), at 318 MEarth, is 2.5 times the mass of all the other planets put together. It is composed largely of hydrogen and helium. Jupiter's strong internal heat creates semi-permanent features in its atmosphere, such as cloud bands and the Great Red Spot. The planet possesses a 4.2–14 Gauss strength magnetosphere that spans 22–29 million km, making it, in certain respects, the largest object in the Solar System.[132] Jupiter has 95 known satellites. The four largest, Ganymede, Callisto, Io, and Europa, are called the Galilean moons: they show similarities to the terrestrial planets, such as volcanism and internal heating.[133] Ganymede, the largest satellite in the Solar System, is larger than Mercury; Callisto is almost as large.[134]
Main article: Saturn
Saturn (9.075–10.07 AU (1.3576–1.5065 billion km; 843.6–936.1 million mi) from the Sun[85]), distinguished by its extensive ring system, has several similarities to Jupiter, such as its atmospheric composition and magnetosphere. Although Saturn has 60% of Jupiter's volume, it is less than a third as massive, at 95 MEarth. Saturn is the only planet of the Solar System that is less dense than water. The rings of Saturn are made up of small ice and rock particles.[135] Saturn has 145 confirmed satellites composed largely of ice. Two of these, Titan and Enceladus, show signs of geological activity;[136] they, as well as five other Saturnian moons (Iapetus, Rhea, Dione, Tethys, and Mimas), are large enough to be round. Titan, the second-largest moon in the Solar System, is bigger than Mercury and the only satellite in the Solar System to have a substantial atmosphere.[137][138]
Main article: Uranus
Uranus (18.27–20.06 AU (2.733–3.001 billion km; 1.698–1.865 billion mi) from the Sun[85]), at 14 MEarth, has the lowest mass of the outer planets. Uniquely among the planets, it orbits the Sun on its side; its axial tilt is over ninety degrees to the ecliptic. This gives the planet extreme seasonal variation as each pole points toward and then away from the Sun.[139] It has a much colder core than the other giant planets and radiates very little heat into space.[140] As a consequence, it has the coldest planetary atmosphere in the Solar System.[141] Uranus has 27 known satellites, the largest ones being Titania, Oberon, Umbriel, Ariel, and Miranda.[142] Like the other giant planets, it possesses a ring system and magnetosphere.[143]
Main article: Neptune
Neptune (29.89–30.47 AU (4.471–4.558 billion km; 2.778–2.832 billion mi) from the Sun[85]), though slightly smaller than Uranus, is more massive (17 MEarth) and hence more dense. It radiates more internal heat than Uranus, but not as much as Jupiter or Saturn.[144] Neptune has 14 known satellites. The largest, Triton, is geologically active, with geysers of liquid nitrogen.[145] Triton is the only large satellite with a retrograde orbit, which indicates that it did not form with Neptune, but was probably captured from the Kuiper belt.[146] Neptune is accompanied in its orbit by several minor planets, termed Neptune trojans, that either lead or trail the planet by about one-sixth of the way around the Sun, positions known as Lagrange points.[147]
Main article: Centaur (small Solar System body)
The centaurs are icy comet-like bodies whose orbits have semi-major axes greater than Jupiter's (5.5 AU (820 million km; 510 million mi)) and less than Neptune's (30 AU (4.5 billion km; 2.8 billion mi)). These are former Kuiper belt and scattered disc objects that were gravitationally perturbed closer to the Sun by the outer planets, and are expected to become comets or get ejected out of the Solar System.[39] While most centaurs are inactive and asteroid-like, some exhibit clear cometary activity, such as the first centaur discovered, 2060 Chiron, which has been classified as a comet (95P) because it develops a coma just as comets do when they approach the Sun.[148] The largest known centaur, 10199 Chariklo, has a diameter of about 250 km (160 mi) and is one of the only few minor planets known to possess a ring system.[149][150]
Main article: Comet
Comet Hale–Bopp seen in 1997
Comets are small Solar System bodies,[g] typically only a few kilometres across, composed largely of volatile ices. They have highly eccentric orbits, generally a perihelion within the orbits of the inner planets and an aphelion far beyond Pluto. When a comet enters the inner Solar System, its proximity to the Sun causes its icy surface to sublimate and ionise, creating a coma: a long tail of gas and dust often visible to the naked eye.[151]
Short-period comets have orbits lasting less than two hundred years. Long-period comets have orbits lasting thousands of years. Short-period comets are thought to originate in the Kuiper belt, whereas long-period comets, such as Hale–Bopp, are thought to originate in the Oort cloud. Many comet groups, such as the Kreutz sungrazers, formed from the breakup of a single parent.[152] Some comets with hyperbolic orbits may originate outside the Solar System, but determining their precise orbits is difficult.[153] Old comets whose volatiles have mostly been driven out by solar warming are often categorised as asteroids.[154]
Trans-Neptunian region
Distribution and size of trans-Neptunian objects. The horizontal axis stand for the semi-major axis of the body, the vertical axis stands for the inclination of the orbit, and the size of the circle stands for the relative size of the object.
Size comparison of some large TNOs with Earth: Pluto and its moons, Eris, Makemake, Haumea, Sedna, Gonggong, Quaoar, Orcus, Salacia, and 2002 MS4.
Beyond the orbit of Neptune lies the area of the "trans-Neptunian region", with the doughnut-shaped Kuiper belt, home of Pluto and several other dwarf planets, and an overlapping disc of scattered objects, which is tilted toward the plane of the Solar System and reaches much further out than the Kuiper belt. The entire region is still largely unexplored. It appears to consist overwhelmingly of many thousands of small worlds—the largest having a diameter only a fifth that of Earth and a mass far smaller than that of the Moon—composed mainly of rock and ice. This region is sometimes described as the "third zone of the Solar System", enclosing the inner and the outer Solar System.[155]
Kuiper belt
Main article: Kuiper belt
The Kuiper belt is a great ring of debris similar to the asteroid belt, but consisting mainly of objects composed primarily of ice.[156] It extends between 30 and 50 AU (4.5 and 7.5 billion km; 2.8 and 4.6 billion mi) from the Sun. It is composed mainly of small Solar System bodies, although the largest few are probably large enough to be dwarf planets.[157] There are estimated to be over 100,000 Kuiper belt objects with a diameter greater than 50 km (30 mi), but the total mass of the Kuiper belt is thought to be only a tenth or even a hundredth the mass of Earth.[39] Many Kuiper belt objects have satellites,[158] and most have orbits that are substantially inclined (~10°) to the plane of the ecliptic.[159]
The Kuiper belt can be roughly divided into the "classical" belt and the resonant trans-Neptunian objects.[156] The latter have orbits whose periods are in a simple ratio to that of Neptune: for example, going around the Sun twice for every three times that Neptune does, or once for every two. The classical belt consists of objects having no resonance with Neptune, and extends from roughly 39.4 to 47.7 AU (5.89 to 7.14 billion km; 3.66 to 4.43 billion mi).[160] Members of the classical Kuiper belt are sometimes called "cubewanos", after the first of their kind to be discovered, originally designated 1992 QB1; they are still in near primordial, low-eccentricity orbits.[161]
Pluto and Charon
Main articles: Pluto and Charon (moon)
The dwarf planet Pluto (with an average orbit of 39 AU (5.8 billion km; 3.6 billion mi) from the Sun) is the largest known object in the Kuiper belt. When discovered in 1930, it was considered to be the ninth planet; this changed in 2006 with the adoption of a formal definition of planet. Pluto has a relatively eccentric orbit inclined 17 degrees to the ecliptic plane and ranging from 29.7 AU (4.44 billion km; 2.76 billion mi) from the Sun at perihelion (within the orbit of Neptune) to 49.5 AU (7.41 billion km; 4.60 billion mi) at aphelion. Pluto has a 2:3 resonance with Neptune, meaning that Pluto orbits twice round the Sun for every three Neptunian orbits. Kuiper belt objects whose orbits share this resonance are called plutinos.[162]
Charon, the largest of Pluto's moons, is sometimes described as part of a binary system with Pluto, as the two bodies orbit a barycenter of gravity above their surfaces (i.e. they appear to "orbit each other"). Beyond Charon, four much smaller moons, Styx, Nix, Kerberos, and Hydra, orbit Pluto.[163]
Besides Pluto, astronomers generally agree that at least four other Kuiper belt objects are dwarf planets,[157] though there is some doubt for Orcus,[164] and additional bodies have also been proposed:[165]
Makemake (45.79 AU average from the Sun), although smaller than Pluto, is the largest known object in the classical Kuiper belt (that is, a Kuiper belt object not in a confirmed resonance with Neptune). Makemake is the brightest object in the Kuiper belt after Pluto. Discovered in 2005, it was officially named in 2009.[166] Its orbit is far more inclined than Pluto's, at 29°.[167] It has one known moon.[168]
Haumea (43.13 AU average from the Sun) is in an orbit similar to Makemake, except that it is in a temporary 7:12 orbital resonance with Neptune.[169] Like Makemake, it was discovered in 2005.[170] Uniquely among the dwarf planets, Haumea possess a ring system, two known moons named Hiʻiaka and Namaka, and rotates so quickly (once every 3.9 hours) that it is stretched into an ellipsoid. It is part of a collisional family of Kuiper belt objects that share similar orbits, which suggests a giant collision took place on Haumea and ejected its fragments into space billions of years ago.[171]
Quaoar (43.69 AU average from the Sun) is the second-largest known object in the classical Kuiper belt, after Makemake. Its orbit is significantly less eccentric and inclined than those of Makemake or Haumea.[169] It possesses a ring system and one known moon, Weywot.[172]
Orcus (39.40 AU average from the Sun) is in the same 2:3 orbital resonance with Neptune as Pluto, and is the largest such object after Pluto itself.[169] Its eccentricity and inclination are similar to Pluto's, but its perihelion lies about 120° from that of Pluto. Thus, the phase of Orcus's orbit is opposite to Pluto's: Orcus is at aphelion (most recently in 2019) around when Pluto is at perihelion (most recently in 1989) and vice versa.[173] For this reason, it has been called the anti-Pluto.[174][175] It has one known moon, Vanth.[176]
Scattered disc
Main article: Scattered disc
The orbital eccentricities and inclinations of the scattered disc population compared to the classical and resonant Kuiper belt objects
The scattered disc, which overlaps the Kuiper belt but extends out to near 500 AU, is thought to be the source of short-period comets. Scattered-disc objects are believed to have been perturbed into erratic orbits by the gravitational influence of Neptune's early outward migration. Most scattered disc objects (SDOs) have perihelia within the Kuiper belt but aphelia far beyond it (some more than 150 AU from the Sun). SDOs' orbits can also be inclined up to 46.8° from the ecliptic plane.[177] Some astronomers consider the scattered disc to be merely another region of the Kuiper belt and describe scattered-disc objects as "scattered Kuiper belt objects".[178] Some astronomers also classify centaurs as inward-scattered Kuiper belt objects along with the outward-scattered residents of the scattered disc.[179]
Eris and Gonggong
Eris (67.78 AU average from the Sun) is the largest known scattered disc object, and caused a debate about what constitutes a planet, because it is 25% more massive than Pluto[180] and about the same diameter. It is the most massive of the known dwarf planets. It has one known moon, Dysnomia. Like Pluto, its orbit is highly eccentric, with a perihelion of 38.2 AU (roughly Pluto's distance from the Sun) and an aphelion of 97.6 AU, and steeply inclined to the ecliptic plane at an angle of 44°.[181]
Gonggong (67.38 AU average from the Sun) is another dwarf planet in a comparable orbit to Eris, except that it is in a 3:10 resonance with Neptune.[182] It has one known moon, Xiangliu.[183]
Farthest regions
The point at which the Solar System ends and interstellar space begins is not precisely defined because its outer boundaries are shaped by two forces: the solar wind and the Sun's gravity. The limit of the solar wind's influence is roughly four times Pluto's distance from the Sun; this heliopause, the outer boundary of the heliosphere, is considered the beginning of the interstellar medium.[60] The Sun's Hill sphere, the effective range of its gravitational dominance, is thought to extend up to a thousand times farther and encompasses the hypothetical Oort cloud.[184]
Edge of the heliosphere
Main article: Heliosheath
Artistic depiction of the Solar System's heliosphere
The Sun's stellar-wind bubble, the heliosphere, a region of space dominated by the Sun, has its boundary at the termination shock, which is roughly 80–100 AU from the Sun upwind of the interstellar medium and roughly 200 AU from the Sun downwind.[185] Here the solar wind collides with the interstellar medium[186] and dramatically slows, condenses and becomes more turbulent,[185] forming a great oval structure known as the heliosheath. This structure has been theorized to look and behave very much like a comet's tail, extending outward for a further 40 AU on the upwind side but tailing many times that distance downwind.[187] Evidence from the Cassini and Interstellar Boundary Explorer spacecraft has suggested that it is forced into a bubble shape by the constraining action of the interstellar magnetic field,[188][189] but the actual shape remains unknown.[190]
The outer boundary of the heliosphere, the heliopause, is the point at which the solar wind finally terminates and is the beginning of interstellar space.[60] Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 passed the termination shock and entered the heliosheath at 94 and 84 AU from the Sun, respectively.[191][192] Voyager 1 was reported to have crossed the heliopause in August 2012, and Voyager 2 in December 2018.[193][194]
The shape and form of the outer edge of the heliosphere is likely affected by the fluid dynamics of interactions with the interstellar medium as well as solar magnetic fields prevailing to the south, e.g. it is bluntly shaped with the northern hemisphere extending 9 AU farther than the southern hemisphere.[185] Beyond the heliopause, at around 230 AU, lies the bow shock: a plasma "wake" left by the Sun as it travels through the Milky Way.[195]
Detached objects
The detached object Sedna and its orbit within the Solar System
Main articles: Detached object and Sednoid
Sedna (with an average orbit of 520 AU from the Sun) is a large, reddish object with a gigantic, highly elliptical orbit that takes it from about 76 AU at perihelion to 940 AU at aphelion and takes 11,400 years to complete. Mike Brown, who discovered the object in 2003, asserts that it cannot be part of the scattered disc or the Kuiper belt because its perihelion is too distant to have been affected by Neptune's migration. He and other astronomers consider it to be the first in an entirely new population, sometimes termed "distant detached objects" (DDOs), which also may include the object 2000 CR105, which has a perihelion of 45 AU, an aphelion of 415 AU, and an orbital period of 3,420 years.[196] Brown terms this population the "inner Oort cloud" because it may have formed through a similar process, although it is far closer to the Sun.[197] Sedna is very likely a dwarf planet, though its shape has yet to be determined. The second unequivocally detached object, with a perihelion farther than Sedna's at roughly 81 AU, is 2012 VP113, discovered in 2012. Its aphelion is only about half that of Sedna's, at 458 AU.[198][199]
Oort cloud
Main article: Oort cloud
The Oort cloud is a hypothetical spherical cloud of up to a trillion icy objects that is thought to be the source for all long-period comets and to surround the Solar System at roughly 50,000 AU (around 1 light-year (ly)) from the Sun, and possibly to as far as 100,000 AU (1.87 ly). It is thought to be composed of comets that were ejected from the inner Solar System by gravitational interactions with the outer planets. Oort cloud objects move very slowly, and can be perturbed by infrequent events, such as collisions, the gravitational effects of a passing star, or the galactic tide, the tidal force exerted by the Milky Way.[200][201]
See also: Planets beyond Neptune, Planet Nine, and List of Solar System objects by greatest aphelion
Much of the Solar System is still unknown. The Sun's gravitational field is estimated to dominate the gravitational forces of surrounding stars out to about two light-years (125,000 AU). Lower estimates for the radius of the Oort cloud, by contrast, do not place it farther than 50,000 AU.[202] Most of the mass is orbiting in the region between 3,000 and 100,000 AU.[203] Despite discoveries such as Sedna, the region between the Kuiper belt and the Oort cloud, an area tens of thousands of AU in radius, is still virtually unmapped. Learning about this region of space is difficult, because it depends upon inferences from those few objects whose orbits happen to be perturbed such that they fall closer to the Sun, and even then, detecting these objects has often been possible only when they happened to become bright enough to register as comets.[204] Objects may yet be discovered in the Solar System's uncharted regions.[205] The furthest known objects, such as Comet West, have aphelia around 70,000 AU from the Sun.[206]
Comparison with other star systems
1e, 1f and 1g is in the habitable zone
Habitable zones of TRAPPIST-1 and the Solar System; here, the TRAPPIST-1 system is enlarged 25 times. The displayed planetary surfaces on TRAPPIST-1 are speculative.
Compared to many extrasolar systems, the Solar System stands out in lacking planets interior to the orbit of Mercury.[207][208] The known Solar System also lacks super-Earths, planets between one and ten times as massive as the Earth,[207] although the hypothetical Planet Nine, if it does exist, could be a super-Earth orbiting in the outer Solar System.[209] Uncommonly, it has only small rocky planets and large gas giants; elsewhere planets of intermediate size are typical—both rocky and gas—so there is no "gap" as seen between the size of Earth and of Neptune (with a radius 3.8 times as large). As many of these super-Earths are closer to their respective stars than Mercury is to the Sun, a hypothesis has arisen that all planetary systems start with many close-in planets, and that typically a sequence of their collisions causes consolidation of mass into few larger planets, but in case of the Solar System the collisions caused their destruction and ejection.[207][210]
The orbits of Solar System planets are nearly circular. Compared to other systems, they have smaller orbital eccentricity.[207] Although there are attempts to explain it partly with a bias in the radial-velocity detection method and partly with long interactions of a quite high number of planets, the exact causes remain undetermined.[207][211]
Celestial neighborhood
Diagram of the Local Interstellar Cloud, the G-Cloud and surrounding stars. As of 2022, the precise location of the Solar System in the clouds is an open question in astronomy.[212]
The Solar System is surrounded by the Local Interstellar Cloud, although it is not clear if it is embedded in the Local Interstellar Cloud or if it lies just outside the cloud's edge.[213][214] Multiple other interstellar clouds also exist in the region within 300 light-years of the Sun, known as the Local Bubble.[214] The latter feature is an hourglass-shaped cavity or superbubble in the interstellar medium roughly 300 light-years across. The bubble is suffused with high-temperature plasma, suggesting that it may be the product of several recent supernovae.[215]
The Local Bubble is a small superbubble compared to the neighboring wider Radcliffe Wave and Split linear structures (formerly Gould Belt), each of which are some thousands of light-years in length.[216] All these structures are part of the Orion Arm, which contains most of the stars in the Milky Way that are visible to the unaided eye. The density of all matter in the local neighborhood is 0.097±0.013 M☉·pc−3.[217]
Within ten light-years of the Sun there are relatively few stars, the closest being the triple star system Alpha Centauri, which is about 4.4 light-years away and may be in the Local Bubble's G-Cloud.[218] Alpha Centauri A and B are a closely tied pair of Sun-like stars, whereas the closest star to Earth, the small red dwarf Proxima Centauri, orbits the pair at a distance of 0.2 light-year. In 2016, a potentially habitable exoplanet was found to be orbiting Proxima Centauri, called Proxima Centauri b, the closest confirmed exoplanet to the Sun.[219]
The next closest known fusors to the Sun are the red dwarfs Barnard's Star (at 5.9 ly), Wolf 359 (7.8 ly), and Lalande 21185 (8.3 ly).[220] The nearest brown dwarfs belong to the binary Luhman 16 system (6.6 ly), and the closest known rogue or free-floating planetary-mass object at less than 10 Jupiter masses is the sub-brown dwarf WISE 0855−0714 (7.4 ly).[221]
Just beyond at 8.6 ly lies Sirius, the brightest star in Earth's night sky, with roughly twice the Sun's mass, orbited by the closest white dwarf to Earth, Sirius B. Other stars within ten light-years are the binary red-dwarf system Gliese 65 (8.7 ly) and the solitary red dwarf Ross 154 (9.7 ly).[222][223] The closest solitary Sun-like star to the Solar System is Tau Ceti at 11.9 light-years. It has roughly 80% of the Sun's mass but only about half of its luminosity.[224]
The nearest and unaided-visible group of stars beyond the immediate celestial neighborhood is the Ursa Major moving group at roughly 80 light-years, which is within the Local Bubble, like the nearest as well as unaided-visible star cluster the Hyades, which lie at its edge. The closest star-forming regions are the Corona Australis Molecular Cloud, the Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex and the Taurus molecular cloud; the latter lies just beyond the Local Bubble and is part of the Radcliffe wave.[225]
Galactic position and orbit
See also: Location of Earth, Galactic year, and Orbit of the Sun
Diagram of the Milky Way, with galactic features and the relative position of the Solar System labelled.
The Solar System is located in the Milky Way, a barred spiral galaxy with a diameter of about 100,000 light-years containing more than 100 billion stars.[226] The Sun is part of one of the Milky Way's outer spiral arms, known as the Orion–Cygnus Arm or Local Spur.[227]
The Sun orbits close to circular the Galactic Center (where the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* resides) at a distance of 26,660 light-years,[228] orbiting at roughly the same speed as that of the spiral arms.[229][230] Therefore, the Sun passes through arms only rarely.
Its speed around the center of the Milky Way is about 220 km/s, so that it completes one revolution every 240 million years.[226] This revolution is known as the Solar System's galactic year.[231] The solar apex, the direction of the Sun's path through interstellar space, is near the constellation Hercules in the direction of the current location of the bright star Vega.[232] The plane of the ecliptic lies at an angle of about 60° to the galactic plane.[h]
Habitability of galactic position and orbit
The Solar System's location in the Milky Way is a factor in the evolutionary history of life on Earth. Spiral arms are home to a far larger concentration of supernovae, gravitational instabilities, and radiation that could disrupt the Solar System, but since Earth stays in the Local Spur and therefore does not pass frequently through spiral arms, this has given Earth long periods of stability for life to evolve.[229] However, the changing position of the Solar System relative to other parts of the Milky Way could explain periodic extinction events on Earth, according to the Shiva hypothesis or related theories, but this remains controversial.[234][235]
The Solar System lies well outside the star-crowded environs of the Galactic Center. Near the center, gravitational tugs from nearby stars could perturb bodies in the Oort cloud and send many comets into the inner Solar System, producing collisions with potentially catastrophic implications for life on Earth. The intense radiation of the Galactic Center could also interfere with the development of complex life.[229] Stellar flybys that pass within 0.8 light-years of the Sun occur roughly once every 100,000 years. The closest well-measured approach was Scholz's Star, which approached to 52+23
−14 kAU of the Sun some 70+15
−10 kya, likely passing through the outer Oort cloud.[236]
Humanity's perspective
Main article: Discovery and exploration of the Solar System
The motion of 'lights' moving across the sky is the basis of the classical definition of planets: wandering stars.
Humanity's knowledge of the Solar System has grown incrementally over the centuries. Up to the Late Middle Ages–Renaissance, astronomers from Europe to India believed Earth to be stationary at the center of the universe[237] and categorically different from the divine or ethereal objects that moved through the sky. Although the Greek philosopher Aristarchus of Samos had speculated on a heliocentric reordering of the cosmos, Nicolaus Copernicus was the first person known to have developed a mathematically predictive heliocentric system.[238][239] Heliocentrism did not triumph immediately over geocentrism, but the work of Copernicus had its champions, notably Johannes Kepler. Using a heliocentric model that improved upon Copernicus by allowing orbits to be elliptical, and the precise observational data of Tycho Brahe, Kepler produced the Rudolphine Tables, which enabled accurate computations of the positions of the then-known planets. Pierre Gassendi used them to predict a transit of Mercury in 1631, and Jeremiah Horrocks did the same for a transit of Venus in 1639. This provided a strong vindication of heliocentrism and Kepler's elliptical orbits.[240][241]
In the 17th century, Galileo publicized the use of the telescope in astronomy; he and Simon Marius independently discovered that Jupiter had four satellites in orbit around it.[242] Christiaan Huygens followed on from these observations by discovering Saturn's moon Titan and the shape of the rings of Saturn.[243] In 1677, Edmond Halley observed a transit of Mercury across the Sun, leading him to realize that observations of the solar parallax of a planet (more ideally using the transit of Venus) could be used to trigonometrically determine the distances between Earth, Venus, and the Sun.[244] Halley's friend Isaac Newton, in his magisterial Principia Mathematica of 1687, demonstrated that celestial bodies are not quintessentially different from Earthly ones: the same laws of motion and of gravity apply on Earth and in the skies.[29]: 142
The term "Solar System" entered the English language by 1704, when John Locke used it to refer to the Sun, planets, and comets.[245] In 1705, Halley realized that repeated sightings of a comet were of the same object, returning regularly once every 75–76 years. This was the first evidence that anything other than the planets repeatedly orbited the Sun,[246] though Seneca had theorized this about comets in the 1st century.[247] Careful observations of the 1769 transit of Venus allowed astronomers to calculate the average Earth–Sun distance as 93,726,900 miles (150,838,800 km), only 0.8% greater than the modern value.[248] Uranus, having occasionally been observed since antiquity, was recognized to be a planet orbiting beyond Saturn by 1783.[249] In 1838, Friedrich Bessel successfully measured a stellar parallax, an apparent shift in the position of a star created by Earth's motion around the Sun, providing the first direct, experimental proof of heliocentrism.[250] Neptune was identified as a planet some years later, in 1846, thanks to its gravitational pull causing a slight but detectable variation in the orbit of Uranus.[251]
In the 20th century, humans began their space exploration around the Solar System, starting with placing telescopes in space.[252] Since then, humans have landed on the Moon during the Apollo program; the Apollo 13 mission marked the furthest any human has been away from Earth at 400,171 kilometers (248,655 mi).[253] All eight planets and two dwarf planets have been visited by space probes. This began with Mariner 2's fly-by of Venus in 1962, while Mariner 9 mission to Mars was the first to orbit another planet in 1971. The outer planets were first visited by Pioneer 10's encounter with Jupiter, and Pioneer 11's encounter with Saturn. The remaining gas giants were first visited by the Voyager spacecraft, one of which (Voyager 1) is the furthest object made by humankind and the first in interstellar space.[254] In addition, probes have also returned samples from comets[255] and asteroids,[256] as well as flown through the Sun's corona[257] and made fly-bys of Kuiper belt objects.[258] Six of the planets (all but Uranus and Neptune) have or had a dedicated orbiter.[259]
See also
Quantum mechanics is a fundamental theory in physics that describes the behavior of nature at the scale of atoms and subatomic particles.[2]: 1.1 It is the foundation of all quantum physics including quantum chemistry, quantum field theory, quantum technology, and quantum information science.
Classical physics, the collection of theories that existed before the advent of quantum mechanics, describes many aspects of nature at an ordinary (macroscopic) scale, but is not sufficient for describing them at small (atomic and subatomic) scales. Most theories in classical physics can be derived from quantum mechanics as an approximation valid at large (macroscopic) scale.[3]
Quantum mechanics differs from classical physics in that energy, momentum, angular momentum, and other quantities of a bound system are restricted to discrete values (quantization); measurements of systems show characteristics of both particles and waves (wave–particle duality); and there are limits to how accurately the value of a physical quantity can be predicted prior to its measurement, given a complete set of initial conditions (the uncertainty principle).
Quantum mechanics arose gradually from theories to explain observations that could not be reconciled with classical physics, such as Max Planck's solution in 1900 to the black-body radiation problem, and the correspondence between energy and frequency in Albert Einstein's 1905 paper, which explained the photoelectric effect. These early attempts to understand microscopic phenomena, now known as the "old quantum theory", led to the full development of quantum mechanics in the mid-1920s by Niels Bohr, Erwin Schrödinger, Werner Heisenberg, Max Born, Paul Dirac and others. The modern theory is formulated in various specially developed mathematical formalisms. In one of them, a mathematical entity called the wave function provides information, in the form of probability amplitudes, about what measurements of a particle's energy, momentum, and other physical properties may yield.
Overview and fundamental concepts
Quantum mechanics allows the calculation of properties and behaviour of physical systems. It is typically applied to microscopic systems: molecules, atoms and sub-atomic particles. It has been demonstrated to hold for complex molecules with thousands of atoms,[4] but its application to human beings raises philosophical problems, such as Wigner's friend, and its application to the universe as a whole remains speculative.[5] Predictions of quantum mechanics have been verified experimentally to an extremely high degree of accuracy. For example, the refinement of quantum mechanics for the interaction of light and matter, known as quantum electrodynamics (QED), has been shown to agree with experiment to within 1 part in 108 for some atomic properties.
A fundamental feature of the theory is that it usually cannot predict with certainty what will happen, but only give probabilities. Mathematically, a probability is found by taking the square of the absolute value of a complex number, known as a probability amplitude. This is known as the Born rule, named after physicist Max Born. For example, a quantum particle like an electron can be described by a wave function, which associates to each point in space a probability amplitude. Applying the Born rule to these amplitudes gives a probability density function for the position that the electron will be found to have when an experiment is performed to measure it. This is the best the theory can do; it cannot say for certain where the electron will be found. The Schrödinger equation relates the collection of probability amplitudes that pertain to one moment of time to the collection of probability amplitudes that pertain to another.
One consequence of the mathematical rules of quantum mechanics is a tradeoff in predictability between different measurable quantities. The most famous form of this uncertainty principle says that no matter how a quantum particle is prepared or how carefully experiments upon it are arranged, it is impossible to have a precise prediction for a measurement of its position and also at the same time for a measurement of its momentum.
Another consequence of the mathematical rules of quantum mechanics is the phenomenon of quantum interference, which is often illustrated with the double-slit experiment. In the basic version of this experiment, a coherent light source, such as a laser beam, illuminates a plate pierced by two parallel slits, and the light passing through the slits is observed on a screen behind the plate.[6]: 102–111 [2]: 1.1–1.8 The wave nature of light causes the light waves passing through the two slits to interfere, producing bright and dark bands on the screen – a result that would not be expected if light consisted of classical particles.[6] However, the light is always found to be absorbed at the screen at discrete points, as individual particles rather than waves; the interference pattern appears via the varying density of these particle hits on the screen. Furthermore, versions of the experiment that include detectors at the slits find that each detected photon passes through one slit (as would a classical particle), and not through both slits (as would a wave).[6]: 109 [7][8] However, such experiments demonstrate that particles do not form the interference pattern if one detects which slit they pass through. This behavior is known as wave–particle duality. In addition to light, electrons, atoms, and molecules are all found to exhibit the same dual behavior when fired towards a double slit.[2]
Another non-classical phenomenon predicted by quantum mechanics is quantum tunnelling: a particle that goes up against a potential barrier can cross it, even if its kinetic energy is smaller than the maximum of the potential.[9] In classical mechanics this particle would be trapped. Quantum tunnelling has several important consequences, enabling radioactive decay, nuclear fusion in stars, and applications such as scanning tunnelling microscopy and the tunnel diode.[10]
When quantum systems interact, the result can be the creation of quantum entanglement: their properties become so intertwined that a description of the whole solely in terms of the individual parts is no longer possible. Erwin Schrödinger called entanglement "...the characteristic trait of quantum mechanics, the one that enforces its entire departure from classical lines of thought".[11] Quantum entanglement enables quantum computing and is part of quantum communication protocols, such as quantum key distribution and superdense coding.[12] Contrary to popular misconception, entanglement does not allow sending signals faster than light, as demonstrated by the no-communication theorem.[12]
Another possibility opened by entanglement is testing for "hidden variables", hypothetical properties more fundamental than the quantities addressed in quantum theory itself, knowledge of which would allow more exact predictions than quantum theory can provide. A collection of results, most significantly Bell's theorem, have demonstrated that broad classes of such hidden-variable theories are in fact incompatible with quantum physics. According to Bell's theorem, if nature actually operates in accord with any theory of local hidden variables, then the results of a Bell test will be constrained in a particular, quantifiable way. Many Bell tests have been performed, using entangled particles, and they have shown results incompatible with the constraints imposed by local hidden variables.[13][14]
It is not possible to present these concepts in more than a superficial way without introducing the actual mathematics involved; understanding quantum mechanics requires not only manipulating complex numbers, but also linear algebra, differential equations, group theory, and other more advanced subjects.[note 1] Accordingly, this article will present a mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics and survey its application to some useful and oft-studied examples.
Mathematical formulation
Main article: Mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics
In the mathematically rigorous formulation of quantum mechanics, the state of a quantum mechanical system is a vector ψ \psi belonging to a (separable) complex Hilbert space H {\mathcal {H}}. This vector is postulated to be normalized under the Hilbert space inner product, that is, it obeys ⟨ ψ , ψ ⟩ = 1 {\displaystyle \langle \psi ,\psi \rangle =1}, and it is well-defined up to a complex number of modulus 1 (the global phase), that is, ψ \psi and e i α ψ {\displaystyle e^{i\alpha }\psi } represent the same physical system. In other words, the possible states are points in the projective space of a Hilbert space, usually called the complex projective space. The exact nature of this Hilbert space is dependent on the system – for example, for describing position and momentum the Hilbert space is the space of complex square-integrable functions L 2 ( C ) {\displaystyle L^{2}(\mathbb {C} )}, while the Hilbert space for the spin of a single proton is simply the space of two-dimensional complex vectors C 2 {\mathbb C}^{2} with the usual inner product.
Physical quantities of interest – position, momentum, energy, spin – are represented by observables, which are Hermitian (more precisely, self-adjoint) linear operators acting on the Hilbert space. A quantum state can be an eigenvector of an observable, in which case it is called an eigenstate, and the associated eigenvalue corresponds to the value of the observable in that eigenstate. More generally, a quantum state will be a linear combination of the eigenstates, known as a quantum superposition. When an observable is measured, the result will be one of its eigenvalues with probability given by the Born rule: in the simplest case the eigenvalue λ \lambda is non-degenerate and the probability is given by | ⟨ λ → , ψ ⟩ | 2 {\displaystyle |\langle {\vec {\lambda }},\psi \rangle |^{2}}, where λ → {\displaystyle {\vec {\lambda }}} is its associated eigenvector. More generally, the eigenvalue is degenerate and the probability is given by ⟨ ψ , P λ ψ ⟩ {\displaystyle \langle \psi ,P_{\lambda }\psi \rangle }, where P λ P_{\lambda } is the projector onto its associated eigenspace. In the continuous case, these formulas give instead the probability density.
After the measurement, if result λ \lambda was obtained, the quantum state is postulated to collapse to λ → {\displaystyle {\vec {\lambda }}}, in the non-degenerate case, or to P λ ψ / ⟨ ψ , P λ ψ ⟩ {\textstyle P_{\lambda }\psi {\big /}\!{\sqrt {\langle \psi ,P_{\lambda }\psi \rangle }}}, in the general case. The probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics thus stems from the act of measurement. This is one of the most difficult aspects of quantum systems to understand. It was the central topic in the famous Bohr–Einstein debates, in which the two scientists attempted to clarify these fundamental principles by way of thought experiments. In the decades after the formulation of quantum mechanics, the question of what constitutes a "measurement" has been extensively studied. Newer interpretations of quantum mechanics have been formulated that do away with the concept of "wave function collapse" (see, for example, the many-worlds interpretation). The basic idea is that when a quantum system interacts with a measuring apparatus, their respective wave functions become entangled so that the original quantum system ceases to exist as an independent entity. For details, see the article on measurement in quantum mechanics.[17]
The time evolution of a quantum state is described by the Schrödinger equation:
i ℏ d d t ψ ( t ) = H ψ ( t ) . {\displaystyle i\hbar {\frac {d}{dt}}\psi (t)=H\psi (t).}
Here H H denotes the Hamiltonian, the observable corresponding to the total energy of the system, and ℏ \hbar is the reduced Planck constant. The constant i ℏ i\hbar is introduced so that the Hamiltonian is reduced to the classical Hamiltonian in cases where the quantum system can be approximated by a classical system; the ability to make such an approximation in certain limits is called the correspondence principle.
The solution of this differential equation is given by
ψ ( t ) = e − i H t / ℏ ψ ( 0 ) . {\displaystyle \psi (t)=e^{-iHt/\hbar }\psi (0).}
The operator U ( t ) = e − i H t / ℏ {\displaystyle U(t)=e^{-iHt/\hbar }} is known as the time-evolution operator, and has the crucial property that it is unitary. This time evolution is deterministic in the sense that – given an initial quantum state ψ ( 0 ) \psi (0) – it makes a definite prediction of what the quantum state ψ ( t ) \psi(t) will be at any later time.[18]
Fig. 1: Probability densities corresponding to the wave functions of an electron in a hydrogen atom possessing definite energy levels (increasing from the top of the image to the bottom: n = 1, 2, 3, ...) and angular momenta (increasing across from left to right: s, p, d, ...). Denser areas correspond to higher probability density in a position measurement. Such wave functions are directly comparable to Chladni's figures of acoustic modes of vibration in classical physics and are modes of oscillation as well, possessing a sharp energy and thus, a definite frequency. The angular momentum and energy are quantized and take only discrete values like those shown. (As is the case for resonant frequencies in acoustics.)
Some wave functions produce probability distributions that are independent of time, such as eigenstates of the Hamiltonian. Many systems that are treated dynamically in classical mechanics are described by such "static" wave functions. For example, a single electron in an unexcited atom is pictured classically as a particle moving in a circular trajectory around the atomic nucleus, whereas in quantum mechanics, it is described by a static wave function surrounding the nucleus. For example, the electron wave function for an unexcited hydrogen atom is a spherically symmetric function known as an s orbital (Fig. 1).
Analytic solutions of the Schrödinger equation are known for very few relatively simple model Hamiltonians including the quantum harmonic oscillator, the particle in a box, the dihydrogen cation, and the hydrogen atom. Even the helium atom – which contains just two electrons – has defied all attempts at a fully analytic treatment.
However, there are techniques for finding approximate solutions. One method, called perturbation theory, uses the analytic result for a simple quantum mechanical model to create a result for a related but more complicated model by (for example) the addition of a weak potential energy. Another method is called "semi-classical equation of motion", which applies to systems for which quantum mechanics produces only small deviations from classical behavior. These deviations can then be computed based on the classical motion. This approach is particularly important in the field of quantum chaos.
A war broke out between the Birds and Beasts after the Geese had suffered persecution at the hands of the Foxes, and the Eagle and Owl had hunted Hare and Mice. The Battle was disastrous, with many creatures dying. The Bats, a very politic race, initially sided with the Birds, but when the Beasts began to gain ground, they switched sides. Both sides were angry at the Bats' deceit and made common cause to drive them out. As a result, the Bats now hide in dark towers and ruins, coming out only at night, proving that the deceitful have no friends.
Mr. Scalper is a character delineator at a newspaper called The Daily Eclipse. Late at night, he is all alone in the reporters' room and goes back and forth between writing character analyses of subscribers who sent handwriting samples and drinking from a tall black bottle of liquor to stimulate his intellect. Outside, a policeman patrols the street, lamenting the loneliness of his job and writing in his notebook in the light of the gas lamp. The policeman takes notice of a suspicious individual and of a Chinese person returning home late from work. Feeling inspired by the presence of Mr. Scalper, the policeman writes a poetic monologue in his notebook. Mr. Scalper, in turn, encourages the policeman by taking him a drink. Both characters benefit from a shared moment of human connection and reflect on the solace brought by their trade.
After receiving a letter from a correspondent which he reads with satisfaction, Mr. Scalper decides to write a separate, private letter to a woman called Aunt Dorothea as well as a printed version of the letter he received. Policeman Hogan interrupts this process to write his own chronicle, causing Mr. Scalper to lower the bottle he had been using to help him write. To afford Hogan the same opportunity, Mr. Scalper decides not to haul the bottle up immediately and attempts to write another character. Upon reading the corresponding letter, Mr. Scalper is visibly affected and decides to haul up the bottle before Hogan can get a taste for liquor. However, his efforts are unsuccessful as Hogan has fallen asleep while still holding the bottle, and Mr. Scalper instead turns back to finish his task. After filling the column with an imaginary character, Mr. Scalper puts on his hat and coat and goes home, feeling satisfied with his pay.
After insisting that he wanted to marry Myrtle, Gus got permission to take her out on the condition he would behave himself. He immediately began to make moves to get close to her, eventually getting close enough to hold hand and tell her fortune within eight minutes. He demanded for Fred and Eustace to provide the music for their date, and when finished outside, he asked for another piece and Myrtle chose one. Seeing him so close to Myrtle made them angry so Fred and Eustace left without saying goodbye. His persistence eventually won Myrtle's affection, and they were married with Fred and Eustace as ushers. Ultimately, the message is that to get a fair trial, you need a pace-maker.
Despite its size and strength, an eagle was unable to protect its eggs from a relentless beetle. After multiple attempts by the eagle to protect the eggs, the beetle reveals why it was so determined. Jupiter acknowledges the beetle's cause and, due to the situation, commands that the beetle be protected and granted a safe place to sleep. This story serves as a reminder that even the smallest and weakest can find a way to get revenge, when wronged.
The Mice held a meeting to devise a plan to escape their enemy, the Cat. They considered several ideas but none were deemed appropriate. Then, a young Mouse proposed that a bell be placed around the Cat's neck, so when its ringing was heard, the Mice would know to run away. Everyone was pleased with this plan, but the difficulty was who would put the bell on the Cat in the first place. Ultimately, the proposing of a plan and its execution are two very different things.
For the past two weeks, The Rolling Stone missed two issues due to the editor becoming sick with la grippe and measles. To apologize, everybody's term of subscription will be extended to make up for the missed issues. The editor is now recovering but is being careful to not relapse due to the deleterious after-effects of the measles. Anyone not getting their paper regularly should bring a delicacy for the ill editor.
The Cat and Monkey were great friends living together as pets and always getting themselves into mischief, like trying to get chestnuts from the fire. The monkey convinced the Cat to get them, but he ate them as soon as she pulled them out, singeing her paw in the process. When the master came in, they both ran away, and from then on the Cat stayed away from the Monkey, hunting mice and rats instead.
Yeah...so, my day wasn't all that great. Thanks to Andrew sliding across the stinking floor this morning, I have a huge bruise on my back. Got my schedule...it's ok, but I'm going to try to switch lunch and health, since I got really light-headed and sick by the end of the day. Eek, it wasn't good. Band and music theory stayed the same, so my first two classes were a cinch. Sometimes in band, Dan, and Peter, and the rest of them really get to me. Today was sort of one of those days. I really hadn't had a good start of the day, and I just didn't want to put up with them criticizing everything. Yeah...so, I'm not Tito...give me a break! It's not even something I'm going to pursue later on in life, I'm just having fun now, except, it's difficult for me to have fun when I have all these jerks sitting beside me. Arg. Then...third hour Chem, which is a huge change for me, since I used to have it eighth hour. It's not too bad actually. Mr. Kordalewski (RAR! Stupid long named teachers!) seems pretty nice, and he's got the funniest accent. So, it's all good! I'm not a big fan of Chem though, soo...it kind of stinks, but Diane is in my class!!! I was so excited to see her! I was like...AHHHH DIANE! YAY! It was quite exciting. I sit in the back row corner...again, like last semester. What is it with me and back row corners?? Am I really THAT bad to look at? I suppose...but, oh well. Then lunch, which sucks...fourth hour...royally sucks!!! No one's in it, and the lunch is too early. I'm going to try to get it switched tomorrow. I hope I can. I had to sit next to Pez for the first part...which was ok, but...the kid doesn't know when to stop talking. Like...seriously, he's really nice and all, but...I don't know, I just wish he knew when to stop talking more. Then halfway through the lunch hour, I met up with Kelly and Kathryn!!! YES! Thank you God...if I can't switch it, I still have two of my best friends. So, we just walked around and talked, and...it was fun. I kind of miss seeing them sometimes. We all went to this really dumb movie Friday night...but, without Nikki, and I miss her too. I really miss being around with a lot of my friends. I see band people every day, but I get the feeling they aren't really
my friends. They pick on me a lot, and at first I just assumed it was all fun and games, but now...I sometimes feel like they all really don't like me. So...it's nice to hang out with non-band kids. Nikki's cheerleading squad made Nationals, which of course...is awesome! People laugh at me because one of my best friends is a cheerleader, and I just laugh right back, because they're missing out on a truly wonderful person! I miss Carson too. I know I see her like...every day, and I talk to her, but I kind of miss the way things used to be. Malevalent Sisters!! Carson, Nikki, and me...it was so cool....I just really miss Junior High sometimes. I can remember when I was 8, and I was REFUSING to turn 9. I actually refused! I kind of wish those days were back sometimes. Scott and I had a long conversation about this the other day, and...he reminded me of what fun it was to be younger. How I didn't have to worry about drinking, and all the stuff I'm completely not into! I miss my little group of friends...we used to do EVERYTHING together...and now it's just all breaking apart. Joanne's going to England, Carson's already gone from the group (thank goodness I still keep in close contact with her) and Nikki goes to Benet. I just...miss the old days. Yeah, anyway....sorry....I just kept writing and writing, and I got off track. 5th hour, I had Speech, which was totally neat! I don't care what anyone says about her perkyness, I love Ms. V! Or as we call her...V-diddy! She's just so enthusiastic about teaching...like she actually wants to be there! She reminds me of Mr. Doman. I guess it's really easy to get a good grade in Ms. V's class, thank goodness, since I'm reallly nervous about giving speeches. Will is in my class :) I like him a lot. He's such a cool kid. He always wears this batman shirt that I love, and he's always really nice to me. He always seems kind of sad about something though...and it just, really reminds me of Kari's death. There's another person I miss a lot. Wow...I miss a lot of people right now....even Christy. Yeah...she did kiss Ryan...and yeah...I did dump his sorry butt, but...I still kind of miss her. She was just...so good to talk to. There's no one right now, that I really feel I could tell anything in the world to...like...just anything, and everything that's on my mind, and I wish there was. Just turned on some Dave Matthews Band...I hope it puts me in a better mood. Honestly...I know it wont, but...I have to try, right?? Wow, I haven't written this much...possibly ever, and I've just gotten a little more than halfway through my day. I don't know what's up with me. I just...am thinking of how I wish things were, and, how fast things are changing. I mean...I'm already 37.5% of my way through high scool. That's pretty depressing, especially since I have no idea what I want to do after High School. *Sigh* Well...yeah, back to speech, not much more to tell. I have a one minute speech to do tomorrow about myself. I think I'm going to talk about being albino. I hope it interests people. It's not something you hear talked about every day, soo...yeah. Yeah....health....eek...scary class. Yikes...not much more to say than that, except...I have Stevey in my class!!! AHHH! Yay! Steve Zimnie...if you've never met the kid, meet him. He's the coolest ever. He's really nice, and he's really really cute. :) His girlfriend's lucky. Haha...and, I realized how bad that may have sounded...no, I don't like Steve as more than a friend, he's just really cool, so he deserved mentioning. I don't mention people I like...or do I?? Hmmm.... Ummm...ok, what's next? Math...yes, wont go into great detail about that, except, it's kind of cool since Taylor's in my math class, which is excellent, because Taylor is definitely the coolest. She's such a sweet person. I wish I could be more like her sometimes. Then...American Gov.!! YAY! I have lots of people in my class...including Andre Cherry...haha...I kissed that kid when I was like...5. Ah...good times, good times. Kathryn's in my class, which is awesome, and so it Meredith, I don't care what ANYONE says about her, she's always really nice to me, and I think she's a cool person who has a lot to offer. Also...I have the coolest teacher, Mr. Albinak. He's such a great teacher. Kelly C. has him too, except...different period. And...yes, that was my day. It ended alright, but, I still am hoping to switch my lunch periods. I REALLY hope they let me. Anyway....I'm sick of typing, and I'm getting restless, so, I think I'll go read for a bit, and...maybe write more later. I'm actually writing down what I feel on here, which is kind of surprising. I don't usually actually write what I'm feeling. Oh yeah...I guess there were like 20-25 bands in our section on Saturday...so, either we really didn't do as bad as I thought, or...the other bands were atrocious. I haven't gotten to talk to Scott about Winter yet, and arrange things. I'm pretty sure we're going to Kathryn's to eat, then to the dance, and possibly Joanne's after, but...who knows? I think I'm going to go for a little while...I'm kind of sad right now... Oh well...I hope everyone has a lovely evening. :)
اندلعت حرب بين الطيور والوحوش بعد أن عانى الإوز من الاضطهاد على يد الثعالب، وقام النسر والبومة باصطياد الأرنب والفئران. كانت المعركة كارثية، حيث ماتت العديد من المخلوقات. انحازت الخفافيش، وهي عرق سياسي للغاية، في البداية إلى جانب الطيور، ولكن عندما بدأت الوحوش في اكتساب الأرض، غيروا مواقفهم. كان كلا الجانبين غاضبين من خداع الخفافيش واتفقا على قضية مشتركة لطردهم. ونتيجة لذلك، يختبئ الخفافيش الآن في الأبراج المظلمة والأطلال، ولا يخرجون إلا في الليل، مما يثبت أن المخادعين ليس لديهم أصدقاء.
السيد سكالبر هو محدد الشخصية في صحيفة تسمى The Daily Eclipse. في وقت متأخر من الليل، يكون بمفرده في غرفة المراسلين ويتنقل ذهابًا وإيابًا بين كتابة تحليلات شخصية المشتركين الذين أرسلوا عينات من الكتابة اليدوية والشرب من زجاجة خمور سوداء طويلة لتحفيز ذكائه. في الخارج، يقوم شرطي بدوريات في الشارع، وهو يندب الوحدة التي يعاني منها في وظيفته ويكتب في دفتر ملاحظاته على ضوء مصباح الغاز. يلاحظ الشرطي شخصًا مشبوهًا وشخصًا صينيًا يعود إلى المنزل متأخرًا من العمل. يشعر الشرطي بالإلهام من وجود السيد سكالبر، فيكتب مونولوجًا شعريًا في دفتر ملاحظاته. يقوم السيد سكالبر بدوره بتشجيع الشرطي من خلال تناول مشروب له. تستفيد كلتا الشخصيتين من لحظة مشتركة من التواصل الإنساني وتتأملان في العزاء الذي تجلبه تجارتهما.
بعد تلقي رسالة من أحد المراسلين والتي قرأها بارتياح، قرر السيد سكالبر أن يكتب رسالة خاصة منفصلة إلى امرأة تدعى العمة دوروثيا بالإضافة إلى نسخة مطبوعة من الرسالة التي تلقاها. يقاطع الشرطي هوجان هذه العملية لكتابة سجل الأحداث الخاص به، مما دفع السيد سكالبر إلى خفض الزجاجة التي كان يستخدمها لمساعدته في الكتابة. لمنح هوجان نفس الفرصة، قرر السيد سكالبر عدم سحب الزجاجة على الفور وحاول كتابة شخصية أخرى. عند قراءة الرسالة المقابلة، يبدو أن السيد سكالبر متأثر بشكل واضح ويقرر سحب الزجاجة قبل أن يتمكن هوجان من تذوق المشروب الكحولي. ومع ذلك، فإن جهوده لم تنجح حيث نام هوجان بينما كان لا يزال ممسكًا بالزجاجة، وبدلاً من ذلك عاد السيد سكالبر لإنهاء مهمته. بعد ملء العمود بشخصية خيالية، يرتدي السيد سكالبر قبعته ومعطفه ويعود إلى المنزل وهو يشعر بالرضا عن راتبه.
بعد إصراره على رغبته في الزواج من ميرتل، حصل جوس على الإذن بإخراجها بشرط أن يتصرف على طبيعته. بدأ على الفور في اتخاذ خطوات للاقتراب منها، واقترب في النهاية بما يكفي ليمسك بيدها ويخبرها بثروتها في غضون ثماني دقائق. طالب فريد ويوستاس بتقديم الموسيقى لموعدهما، وعندما انتهى بالخارج، طلب مقطوعة أخرى واختارت ميرتل واحدة. إن رؤيته قريبة جدًا من ميرتل جعلتهم غاضبين لذا غادر فريد ويوستاس دون أن يقولوا وداعًا. في النهاية، أكسب إصراره عاطفة ميرتل، وتزوجا من فريد ويوستاس كمرشدين. في نهاية المطاف، الرسالة هي أنه للحصول على محاكمة عادلة، فأنت بحاجة إلى جهاز تنظيم ضربات القلب.
على الرغم من حجمه وقوته، لم يتمكن النسر من حماية بيضه من خنفساء لا هوادة فيها. وبعد عدة محاولات من النسر لحماية البيض، تكشف الخنفساء سبب عزمها على ذلك. يقر كوكب المشتري بسبب الخنفساء، وبسبب الموقف، يأمر بحماية الخنفساء ومنحها مكانًا آمنًا للنوم. هذه القصة بمثابة تذكير بأنه حتى الأصغر والأضعف يمكنهم إيجاد طريقة للانتقام عندما يتعرضون للظلم.
عقدت الفئران اجتماعًا لوضع خطة للهروب من عدوهم القط. لقد نظروا في العديد من الأفكار ولكن لم يتم اعتبار أي منها مناسبًا. بعد ذلك، اقترح فأر صغير أن يتم وضع جرس حول رقبة القطة، بحيث عندما يُسمع رنينه، ستعرف الفئران أنها تهرب. كان الجميع سعداء بهذه الخطة، لكن الصعوبة كانت تكمن في من سيضع الجرس على القطة في المقام الأول. في نهاية المطاف، اقتراح الخطة وتنفيذها أمران مختلفان تمامًا.
على مدى الأسبوعين الماضيين، أضاعت مجلة رولينج ستون عددين بسبب إصابة المحرر بمرض الحصبة والحصبة. للاعتذار، سيتم تمديد فترة الاشتراك للجميع للتعويض عن القضايا الفائتة. يتعافى المحرر الآن ولكنه يحرص على عدم الانتكاس بسبب الآثار الضارة للحصبة. يجب على أي شخص لا يحصل على ورقته بانتظام أن يحضر طعامًا شهيًا للمحرر المريض.
كان القط والقرد صديقين حميمين يعيشان معًا كحيوانات أليفة ويوقعان نفسيهما دائمًا في الأذى، مثل محاولة إخراج الكستناء من النار. أقنع القرد القطة بإحضارهم، لكنه أكلهم بمجرد أن أخرجتهم، مما أدى إلى حرق مخلبها في هذه العملية. عندما دخل السيد، هرب كلاهما، ومنذ ذلك الحين ابتعد القط عن القرد، واصطاد الفئران والجرذان بدلاً من ذلك.
ستجد أدناه بعض مقاطع الفيديو الرائعة التي ستشجعك وتدربك وتبنيك على الاستماع إلى الله والقدرة على السماح له بتحقيق خطته في حياتك. شيء جديد سيساعدك على سماع صوت الله! كيفية فهمها وتقسيمها بشكل صحيح وكيف تنطبق على الحياة! في هذا التعليم المهم يكشف تيري عن التمييز الواضح بين الروح والنفس ومدى أهمية أن نتعلم كيفية العمل بالروح وعدم الانخداع. إنها مسألة خطيرة يجب إعادة النظر فيها مهما كان مستوى إيمانك ونضجك. الزواج وكيف ينطبق على الروح والنفس! في هذا الفصل التنويري، يكشف تيري عن رؤية أساسية تساعدنا على تمييز الروح مقابل الروح بشكل أفضل كما تنعكس في علاقة الزواج من الطبيعة البديهية، والمكون العاطفي للمرأة وجانب القوة للذكر في الخضوع للرب. . في هذا التعليم الذي يفتح العين، يشارك تيري كيف أن خيمة الاجتماع تمثل جسد وروح وروح الإنسان وكيف تنطبق على مسيرتنا الروحية. تساعدك حزمة الخلاص الكاملة هذه على إرشادك خلال ما يمكنك القيام به لتحرير نفسك من القوة الخفية المدفونة في أعماق روحك والتي تعيقك عن السير في الامتلاء الذي دفعه الله لك لكي تمشي فيه. في فيديو اليوم، يحدد تيري الخلاص الأفضل والأشياء التي تعترض طريق خلاص أرواحنا والطرق التي يمكننا من خلالها زيادة نضجنا الروحي.
تعاونت UNStudio مع HPP Architects لإنشاء اتحاد (UNS + HPP) لتنفيذ المراحل التالية من مشروعهم الفائز في مسابقة التصميم المعماري لـ FOUR فرانكفورت. ألق نظرة على القصة الكاملة بعد القفزة. من المهندسين المعماريين: تم شراء الموقع المركزي الذي تبلغ مساحته 16000 متر مربع من قبل شركة التطوير العقاري Groß & Partner - التي ستقوم بتنفيذ تطوير المشروع - في عام 2015. يقع الموقع في قلب المدينة، وقد تم تصميمه لا يمكن الوصول إليها تمامًا خلال الـ 45 عامًا الماضية. والآن ستغير أربعة أبراج شاهقة جديدة أفق فرانكفورت من الجو، بينما ستعزز حيويتها على الأرض. وسيؤدي تطوير هذه الأبراج، التي يصل ارتفاعها إلى 228 مترًا، إلى فتح شوارع جديدة لإنشاء حي متعدد الاستخدامات وحيوي داخل المدينة، يجمع بين مزيج صحي من العمل والمعيشة والاسترخاء والاستجمام. يسمح اختيار البرامج بالانتقال السلس من منطقة التسوق في فرانكفورت إلى شرق Roßmarkt، إلى أبراج المكاتب الشاهقة المتجمعة حول Park Taunusanlage. مع مفهوم تطوير فريد من نوعه في أوروبا، يجمع مشروع FOUR فرانكفورت بين المرافق التي ستنشئ حيًا جديدًا حيويًا لفرانكفورت وزوارها وسكانها (المستقبليين). سيتم دمج المجمع الشاهق الجديد في هيكل المدينة المتوسع من خلال دمج واجهات Junghofstraße المدرجة في قائمة التراث في التصميم ومن خلال جعل مبنى قاعدة متعدد الطوابق هو العنصر المتصل بالموقع بأكمله. وفقًا للتقييم الذي أجرته لجنة تحكيم المسابقة، يمكن العثور على الجودة الفريدة لهذا الربع في التطوير العام وقيمة وسائل الراحة. وبالتالي فإن التطوير الجديد سيخلق مساحات متصلة وأسطح وممرات وممرات يمكن الوصول إليها. سيتم فتح المبنى الحالي في Junghofstraße لتعزيز المسارات المحيطة وضمان مستوى عالٍ من إمكانية الوصول. سيؤدي ذلك إلى إنشاء حي متعدد الاستخدامات ومتنوع يضم 50% من المساحات المكتبية، و30% من أماكن الإقامة (بما في ذلك الإسكان المدعوم)، بالإضافة إلى مساحات البيع بالتجزئة والمطاعم والفنادق. ومن المتوقع أن يتم الانتهاء من أربعة فرانكفورت في عام 2023.
2 نيو إنجلاند NE 16 1 لعب -1 ياردة 0:07 نهاية الشوط الأول. 4 Pittsburgh Pit 37 2 مسرحية -1 ياردة 1:01 نهاية اللعبة. 2 8 مقابل 29 1:57 بيت بليير 0 Bas Draw/SI 4-3 sZ Run-Harris, F.
البائعون غير المقيمين (مثل الأجانب الذين يعيشون في الخارج والمواطنين اليابانيين الذين يعيشون في الخارج). المشترين، سواء المقيمين المحليين أو الأجانب، الذين يشترون العقارات في اليابان من شخص غير مقيم. إذا كان بائع العقارات اليابانية غير مقيم، اعتمادًا على الوضع، يجب على المشتري احتجاز 10.21% من سعر البيع ودفعها إلى مكتب الضرائب، مع دفع نسبة 89.79% المتبقية للبائع. يتحمل المشتري مسؤولية دفع نسبة 10.21% إلى مكتب الضرائب بحلول اليوم العاشر من الشهر التالي للمعاملة. يقع على عاتقك واجب سداد هذه الدفعة إلى مكتب الضرائب بحلول الموعد النهائي. إذا كنت تعيش حاليًا في الخارج، فستحتاج إلى تعيين ممثل ضريبي أو محاسب لدفع هذا المبلغ نيابةً عنك. ستحتاج إلى تعيين ممثل ضريبي في اليابان لتقديم إقرار ضريبي نهائي حتى يتم إرجاع الباقي إليك (مخصومًا منه أي ضرائب قد تكون مستحقة). *إذا كان دفع الودائع والمدفوعات متوسطة الأجل يستوفي أيضًا شروط ضريبة الاستقطاع، فيجب حجب الضريبة ودفعها من قبل المشتري عند كل دفعة. تم تقديم المعلومات المذكورة أعلاه كدليل عام فقط. لمزيد من التفاصيل حول هذه الضريبة، وللأسئلة الضريبية التفصيلية الأخرى، يرجى استشارة مكتب الضرائب أو أحد المتخصصين...نعم... لذا، لم يكن يومي رائعًا. بفضل انزلاق أندرو على الأرضية النتنة هذا الصباح، أعاني من كدمة كبيرة في ظهري. حصلت على جدول أعمالي...لا بأس، ولكنني سأحاول تبديل الغداء والصحة، يا سيدي
鹅遭到狐狸的迫害,老鹰和猫头鹰猎杀了野兔和老鼠,鸟类和野兽之间爆发了战争。 这场战斗是灾难性的,许多生物死亡。 蝙蝠是一个非常政治化的种族,最初站在鸟类一边,但当野兽开始取得进展时,他们改变了立场。 双方都对蝙蝠队的欺骗行为感到愤怒,并共同致力于将他们驱逐出去。 结果,蝙蝠现在躲在黑暗的塔楼和废墟里,只在晚上出来,证明骗子没有朋友。
黄牛先生是一家名为《每日日食》的报纸的人物塑造者。 深夜,他一个人呆在记者室里,来来回回地对寄来笔迹样本的订阅者进行性格分析,喝一大瓶黑酒来激发自己的智力。 外面,一名警察在街上巡逻,一边感叹工作的孤独,一边在煤气灯的灯光下写着笔记本。 警察注意到一名可疑人员和一名下班晚归的中国人。 警察受到黄牛先生的存在的启发,在笔记本上写下了一段诗意的独白。 黄牛先生则给警察喝了一杯酒以鼓励他。 两个角色都受益于共同的人际关系时刻,并反思了他们的贸易带来的安慰。
斯卡珀先生收到一封来自记者的信,他满意地读完后,决定给一位名叫多萝西娅阿姨的女士单独写一封私人信,并打印出他收到的信的印刷版。 警察霍根打断了这个过程,去写自己的编年史,导致黄牛先生放下了他一直用来帮助他写的瓶子。 为了给霍根同样的机会,斯卡珀先生决定不立即把瓶子拖起来,并尝试写另一个角色。 读完相应的信件后,黄牛先生显然受到了影响,并决定在霍根品尝烈酒之前把瓶子拿起来。 然而,他的努力没有成功,霍根拿着瓶子睡着了,黄牛先生转而回去完成他的任务。 在专栏中填满了一个虚构的角色后,黄牛先生戴上帽子,穿上外套,回家了,对自己的报酬感到满意。
在坚持要与默特尔结婚后,格斯得到了允许带她出去,但条件是他要表现得规矩。 他立即开始做出靠近她的举动,最终在八分钟内拉近了她的手并算命。 他要求弗雷德和尤斯塔斯为他们的约会提供音乐,当他在外面完成时,他要求另一首曲子,默特尔选择了一首。 看到他离默特尔如此之近,他们很生气,所以弗雷德和尤斯塔斯不辞而别。 他的坚持最终赢得了默特尔的喜爱,他们在弗雷德和尤斯塔斯担任引座员的情况下结婚了。 最终,我们传达的信息是,为了获得公平的审判,您需要一个起搏器。
尽管鹰体型庞大、力量强大,但它却无法保护自己的蛋免受无情甲虫的侵害。 在老鹰多次尝试保护蛋之后,甲虫揭示了它为何如此坚定。 朱庇特承认了甲虫的原因,并根据情况,命令保护甲虫并为其提供安全的睡眠场所。 这个故事提醒我们,即使是最小和最弱的人,在受到委屈时也能找到报复的方法。
老鼠们召开了一次会议,制定了一个逃离敌人猫的计划。 他们考虑了几个想法,但没有一个被认为是合适的。 然后,一只小老鼠提议在猫的脖子上挂一个铃铛,这样当听到铃铛响时,老鼠就会知道逃跑。 每个人都对这个计划感到满意,但困难在于谁首先给猫按响铃。 最终,计划的提出和计划的执行是两件截然不同的事情。
在过去的两周里,由于编辑感染了流行性感冒和麻疹,《滚石》杂志错过了两期。 抱歉,每个人的订阅期限都将延长,以弥补错过的问题。 编辑现在正在康复,但由于麻疹的有害后遗症,他正在小心不要复发。 任何不能定期收到论文的人都应该为生病的编辑带来美味佳肴。
猫和猴子是好朋友,作为宠物生活在一起,但总是搞恶作剧,比如试图从火中取栗子。 猴子说服了猫去拿它们,但当她把它们拿出来时,猴子就把它们吃掉了,并在此过程中烧焦了她的爪子。 当主人进来时,他们都逃跑了,从此猫远离了猴子,而是去捕老鼠。
是的……所以,我的日子不太好。 感谢安德鲁今天早上在发臭的地板上滑行,我的背上有很大的瘀伤。 我的日程安排好了……没关系,但我会尝试改变午餐和健康
下面你会发现一些很棒的视频,它们会鼓励你、训练你、帮助你聆听上帝的声音,并让他在你的生活中实现他的计划。 新的东西将帮助您听到神的声音! 如何理解并正确划分它以及它如何应用于生活! 在这个重要的教导中,特里揭示了精神与灵魂之间的明显区别,以及我们学习如何在精神中运作而不被欺骗是多么重要。 这是一个严肃的问题,无论你的信仰和成熟程度如何,都必须进行审查。 婚姻及其如何应用于精神和灵魂! 在这个启发性的课程中,特里揭示了一个关键的见解,可以帮助我们更好地辨别精神与灵魂,因为它反映在婚姻关系中,从直觉本质,女人的情感成分和男人顺服主的力量方面 。 在这个令人大开眼界的教学中,特里分享了会幕如何代表人的身体、灵魂和精神,以及它如何应用于我们的精神行走。 这个完整的拯救包可以帮助你了解如何才能将自己从深埋在灵魂深处的隐藏强迫中解放出来,这些强迫阻碍你走在上帝为你付出代价的丰盛中。在今天的视频中,特里定义了拯救 更好的事情以及阻碍我们灵魂得救的事情以及我们可以提高灵性成熟度的方法。
UNStudio 与 HPP Architects 联手创建了一个联盟 (UNS + HPP),以实施其在 FOUR 法兰克福建筑设计竞赛中获胜项目的下一阶段。 跳转后看一下完整的故事。 建筑师介绍:位于市中心的 16,000 平方米场地早在 2015 年就被 Groß & Partner 房地产开发公司购买,该公司将负责该项目的开发。该场地位于城市的核心地带,一直被 过去 45 年来完全无法进入。 现在,四座新的高层塔楼将从空中改变法兰克福的天际线,同时在地面上培养其活力。 这些塔楼的开发高度将达到 228 米,将开辟新的街道,打造一个多功能、充满活力的市中心区,将工作、生活、休闲和娱乐健康地结合在一起。 项目的选择使得从法兰克福购物区到 Roßmarkt 东部,再到 Taunusanlage 公园周围的高层办公楼顺利过渡。 法兰克福四号项目采用欧洲独有的开发理念,汇集了各种设施,将为法兰克福、游客和(未来)居民建立一个充满活力的新社区。 新的高层综合体将通过将荣霍夫大街列入遗产名录的外墙纳入设计,并使多层基础建筑成为整个场地的连接元素,从而融入不断扩大的城市结构。 根据竞赛评审团的评估,该季度的独特品质体现在其公共发展和舒适价值。 因此,新开发项目将创造互联空间、无障碍屋顶、步道和通道。 Junghofstraße 上的现有街区将被开放,以加强周围的道路并确保高水平的可达性。 这将创建一个多用途、多元化的季度,除了零售空间、餐厅和酒店外,还包括 50% 的办公空间、30% 的居住空间(包括补贴住房)。 法兰克福四期预计将于 2023 年竣工。
2 新英格兰 NE 16 1 打 -1 码 0:07 半场结束。 4 匹兹堡 Pit 37 2 场比赛 -1 码 1:01 比赛结束。 2 8 opp29 1:57 Pit Bleier 0 Bas Draw/SI 4-3 sZ Run-Harris,F.
非居民卖家(例如居住在国外的外国人和居住在国外的日本公民)。 从非居民手中购买日本房地产的买家,包括本地居民和海外居民。 如果日本房地产的卖方是非居民,根据具体情况,买方必须预扣销售价格的10.21%并将其缴纳给税务局,其余89.79%支付给卖方。 买方有责任在交易后的下个月 10 日之前向税务局缴纳 10.21% 的税款。 您有义务在截止日期前向税务局缴纳这笔款项。 如果您目前居住在海外,您将需要指定一名税务代表或会计师代表您支付这笔费用。 您需要在日本指定一名税务代表提交最终纳税申报表,以便将剩余金额退还给您(减去可能欠下的任何税款)。 *如果定金和中期付款的支付也符合预扣税的条件,则税款必须由买方在每次付款时代扣代缴。 上述信息仅作为一般指南提供。 有关此税的更多详细信息以及其他详细的税务问题,请咨询税务局或专家...
由于 Rust 实现,速度非常快(训练和标记化)。 在服务器 CPU 上标记 1 GB 文本只需不到 20 秒。
标准化伴随着对齐跟踪。 总是可以获得原始句子中与给定标记相对应的部分。
由於 Rust 實現,速度非常快(訓練和標記化)。 在伺服器 CPU 上標記 1 GB 文字只需不到 20 秒。
標準化伴隨著對齊追蹤。 總是可以獲得原始句子中與給定標記相對應的部分。
Une guerre éclata entre les oiseaux et les bêtes après que les oies eurent été persécutées par les renards et que l'aigle et le hibou eurent chassé le lièvre et la souris. La bataille fut désastreuse et de nombreuses créatures moururent. Les Chauves-souris, une race très politique, se sont d'abord rangés du côté des Oiseaux, mais lorsque les Bêtes ont commencé à gagner du terrain, elles ont changé de camp. Les deux parties étaient en colère contre la tromperie des Bats et ont fait cause commune pour les chasser. En conséquence, les chauves-souris se cachent désormais dans des tours et des ruines sombres, ne sortant que la nuit, prouvant que les fourbes n'ont pas d'amis.
M. Scalper est un délinéateur de caractère dans un journal appelé The Daily Eclipse. Tard dans la nuit, il est tout seul dans la salle des journalistes et va et vient entre l'écriture d'analyses de personnages d'abonnés qui ont envoyé des échantillons d'écriture manuscrite et la consommation d'une grande bouteille d'alcool noire pour stimuler son intellect. Dehors, un policier patrouille dans la rue, déplorant la solitude de son travail et écrivant sur son carnet à la lueur du bec de gaz. Le policier remarque un individu suspect et un Chinois rentrant tard du travail. Inspiré par la présence de M. Scalper, le policier écrit un monologue poétique dans son carnet. M. Scalper, à son tour, encourage le policier en lui apportant un verre. Les deux personnages profitent d’un moment partagé de connexion humaine et réfléchissent au réconfort apporté par leur métier.
Après avoir reçu une lettre d'un correspondant qu'il lit avec satisfaction, M. Scalper décide d'écrire une lettre privée séparée à une femme appelée tante Dorothea ainsi qu'une version imprimée de la lettre qu'il a reçue. Le policier Hogan interrompt ce processus pour écrire sa propre chronique, obligeant M. Scalper à baisser la bouteille qu'il utilisait pour l'aider à écrire. Pour offrir à Hogan la même opportunité, M. Scalper décide de ne pas soulever la bouteille immédiatement et tente d'écrire un autre personnage. A la lecture de la lettre correspondante, M. Scalper est visiblement affecté et décide de remonter la bouteille avant qu'Hogan puisse goûter à l'alcool. Cependant, ses efforts échouent car Hogan s'est endormi tout en tenant toujours la bouteille, et M. Scalper se retourne pour terminer sa tâche. Après avoir rempli la colonne d'un personnage imaginaire, M. Scalper enfile son chapeau et son manteau et rentre chez lui, satisfait de son salaire.
Vous trouverez ci-dessous quelques superbes vidéos qui vous encourageront, vous formeront et vous permettront d'entendre DIEU et d'être capable de LE laisser réaliser SON plan dans votre vie. QUELQUE CHOSE DE NOUVEAU QUI VOUS AIDERA À ENTENDRE LA VOIX DE DIEU ! Comment le comprendre et le diviser correctement et comment cela s'applique à la vie ! Dans cet enseignement important, Terry révèle la distinction claire entre l'Esprit et l'Âme et combien il est essentiel que nous apprenions à opérer dans l'Esprit et à ne pas nous laisser tromper. C'est une question sérieuse qui doit être revue quel que soit votre niveau de foi et de maturité. Le mariage et comment il s'applique à l'esprit et à l'âme ! Dans ce cours instructif, Terry révèle une idée clé qui nous aide à mieux discerner l'Esprit par rapport à l'Âme tel qu'il se reflète dans la relation conjugale, à partir de la nature intuitive, de la composante émotionnelle de la femme et de l'aspect pouvoir d'un homme soumis au SEIGNEUR. . Dans cet enseignement révélateur, Terry explique comment le Tabernacle représente le corps, l'âme et l'esprit de l'homme et comment il s'applique à notre marche spirituelle. Ce paquet complet de délivrance vous aide à découvrir ce que vous pouvez faire pour vous libérer des forces cachées enfouies au plus profond de votre âme qui vous empêchent de marcher dans la plénitude dans laquelle DIEU a payé pour que vous marchiez. Dans la vidéo d'aujourd'hui, Terry définit le salut. mieux et les choses qui font obstacle au salut de notre âme et les moyens par lesquels nous pouvons accroître notre maturité spirituelle.
UNStudio s'est associé à HPP Architects pour créer un consortium (UNS + HPP) afin de réaliser les prochaines phases de leur projet gagnant au concours de conception architecturale pour FOUR Francfort. Jetez un œil à l’histoire complète après le saut. Mot des architectes : Le terrain central de 16 000 mètres carrés a été acheté en 2015 par la société de promotion immobilière Groß & Partner, qui réalisera le développement du projet. Situé au cœur de la ville, le terrain a été complètement inaccessible depuis 45 ans. Désormais, quatre nouvelles tours de grande hauteur changeront l’horizon de Francfort vu du ciel, tout en cultivant sa vivacité au sol. Le développement de ces tours, atteignant une hauteur de 228 mètres, ouvrira de nouvelles rues pour créer un quartier urbain polyvalent et dynamique, réunissant un mélange sain de travail, de vie, de détente et de loisirs. Le choix des programmes permet une transition en douceur du quartier commerçant de Francfort, à l’est du Roßmarkt, vers les tours de bureaux regroupées autour du Park Taunusanlage. Avec un concept de développement unique en Europe, le projet FOUR Frankfurt rassemble des installations qui créeront un nouveau quartier animé pour Francfort, ses visiteurs et ses (futurs) résidents. Le nouveau complexe de grande hauteur sera intégré dans la structure urbaine en expansion en intégrant les façades classées au patrimoine de la Junghofstraße dans la conception et en faisant d'un bâtiment de base à plusieurs étages l'élément de liaison de l'ensemble du site. Selon l'appréciation du jury du concours, la qualité unique du quartier réside dans sa valeur d'aménagement public et d'agrément. Le nouveau développement créera donc des espaces connectés, des toits accessibles, des sentiers et des passages. Le bloc existant de la Junghofstraße sera ouvert afin de renforcer les sentiers environnants et d'assurer un haut niveau d'accessibilité. Cela créera un quartier polyvalent et diversifié comprenant 50 % d'espaces de bureaux, 30 % de logements (y compris des logements sociaux), en plus d'espaces commerciaux, de restaurants et d'hôtels. Four Frankfurt devrait être achevé en 2023.
2 New England NE 16 1 jeux -1 yards 0:07 Fin de la mi-temps. 4 Pittsburgh Pit 37 2 jeux -1 yards 1:01 Fin du match. 2 8 opp29 1:57 Pit Bleier 0 Bas Draw/SI 4-3 sZ Run-Harris, F.
Vendeurs non-résidents (par exemple, étrangers vivant à l'étranger et citoyens japonais vivant à l'étranger). Acheteurs, résidents locaux et étrangers, qui achètent un bien immobilier au Japon auprès d'un non-résident. Si le vendeur d'un bien immobilier japonais est un non-résident, selon la situation, l'acheteur doit retenir 10,21 % du prix de vente et le payer au bureau des impôts, les 89,79 % restants étant reversés au vendeur. Il appartient à l'acheteur de régler les 10,21% au bureau des impôts au plus tard le 10 du mois suivant la transaction. Il est de votre devoir d'effectuer ce paiement au bureau des impôts dans les délais. Si vous vivez actuellement à l'étranger, vous devrez désigner un représentant fiscal ou un comptable pour payer cette somme en votre nom. Vous devrez désigner un représentant fiscal au Japon pour produire une déclaration de revenus finale afin que le solde vous soit restitué (moins les impôts éventuellement dus). *Si le paiement des acomptes et des acomptes remplit également les conditions de retenue à la source, la taxe doit être retenue et payée par l'acheteur à chaque paiement. Les informations ci-dessus ont été fournies à titre indicatif uniquement. Pour plus de détails sur cette taxe, et pour d'autres questions fiscales détaillées, veuillez consulter le bureau des impôts ou un spécialiste...
Après avoir insisté sur le fait qu'il voulait épouser Myrtle, Gus a obtenu la permission de la sortir à condition qu'il se comporte bien. Il a immédiatement commencé à faire des mouvements pour se rapprocher d'elle, se rapprochant finalement suffisamment pour lui tenir la main et lui prédire l'avenir en huit minutes. Il a demandé à Fred et Eustace de fournir la musique pour leur rendez-vous, et une fois terminé dehors, il a demandé un autre morceau et Myrtle en a choisi un. Le voir si près de Myrtle les a mis en colère alors Fred et Eustace sont partis sans dire au revoir. Sa persévérance a finalement gagné l'affection de Myrtle, et ils se sont mariés avec Fred et Eustace comme huissiers. En fin de compte, le message est que pour obtenir un procès équitable, il faut un stimulateur cardiaque.
Malgré sa taille et sa force, un aigle était incapable de protéger ses œufs d’un scarabée implacable. Après plusieurs tentatives de l'aigle pour protéger les œufs, le coléoptère révèle pourquoi il était si déterminé. Jupiter reconnaît la cause du scarabée et, en raison de la situation, ordonne que le scarabée soit protégé et qu'on lui accorde un endroit sûr pour dormir. Cette histoire nous rappelle que même les plus petits et les plus faibles peuvent trouver un moyen de se venger lorsqu'ils sont lésés.
Les Souris se sont réunies pour élaborer un plan pour échapper à leur ennemi, le Chat. Ils ont examiné plusieurs idées mais aucune n'a été jugée appropriée. Ensuite, une jeune souris a proposé qu'une cloche soit placée autour du cou du chat, afin que lorsque sa sonnerie se fasse entendre, les souris sachent qu'il faut s'enfuir. Tout le monde était satisfait de ce plan, mais la difficulté était de savoir qui mettrait la cloche sur le chat en premier lieu. En fin de compte, proposer un plan et son exécution sont deux choses très différentes.
Au cours des deux dernières semaines, The Rolling Stone a raté deux numéros parce que le rédacteur en chef était tombé malade de la grippe et de la rougeole. Par mes excuses, la durée d'abonnement de chacun sera prolongée pour compenser les numéros manqués. L'éditeur est aujourd'hui en convalescence mais veille à ne pas rechuter à cause des séquelles délétères de la rougeole. Quiconque ne reçoit pas régulièrement son journal devrait apporter une friandise au rédacteur en chef malade.
Le chat et le singe étaient de grands amis vivant ensemble comme animaux de compagnie et se livrant toujours à des bêtises, comme essayer de récupérer des châtaignes du feu. Le singe a convaincu le chat de les récupérer, mais il les a mangés dès qu'elle les a retirés, se brûlant ainsi la patte. Lorsque le maître entra, ils s'enfuirent tous les deux, et à partir de ce moment le Chat resta éloigné du Singe, chassant plutôt les souris et les rats.
Ouais... alors, ma journée n'était pas si géniale. Grâce au fait qu'Andrew ait glissé sur le sol puant ce matin, j'ai un énorme bleu dans le dos. J'ai mon emploi du temps... c'est ok, mais je vais essayer de changer de déjeuner et de santé.
Ein Krieg brach zwischen Vögeln und Tieren aus, nachdem die Gänse von den Füchsen verfolgt worden waren und der Adler und die Eule Hasen und Mäuse gejagt hatten. Die Schlacht verlief katastrophal und viele Kreaturen starben. Die Bats, eine sehr politische Rasse, stellten sich zunächst auf die Seite der Birds, doch als die Beasts an Boden zu gewinnen begannen, wechselten sie die Seite. Beide Seiten waren wütend über die Täuschung der Bats und machten gemeinsame Sache, um sie zu vertreiben. Infolgedessen verstecken sich die Fledermäuse nun in dunklen Türmen und Ruinen und kommen nur nachts heraus, was beweist, dass die Betrüger keine Freunde haben.
Mr. Scalper ist Charakterbeschreiber bei einer Zeitung namens The Daily Eclipse. Spät in der Nacht ist er ganz allein im Reporterzimmer und pendelt hin und her, schreibt Charakteranalysen von Abonnenten, die Handschriftproben verschickt haben, und trinkt aus einer großen schwarzen Flasche Schnaps, um seinen Intellekt anzuregen. Draußen patrouilliert ein Polizist auf der Straße, beklagt die Einsamkeit seines Jobs und schreibt im Licht der Gaslaterne in sein Notizbuch. Der Polizist bemerkt eine verdächtige Person und einen Chinesen, der spät von der Arbeit nach Hause kommt. Der Polizist fühlt sich von der Anwesenheit von Mr. Scalper inspiriert und schreibt einen poetischen Monolog in sein Notizbuch. Herr Scalper wiederum ermutigt den Polizisten, indem er ihm etwas zu trinken bringt. Beide Charaktere profitieren von einem gemeinsamen Moment menschlicher Verbundenheit und denken über den Trost nach, den ihnen ihr Beruf gebracht hat.
Nachdem Herr Scalper einen Brief von einem Korrespondenten erhalten hat, den er mit Zufriedenheit liest, beschließt er, einen separaten, privaten Brief an eine Frau namens Tante Dorothea zu schreiben und zusätzlich eine gedruckte Version des Briefes, den er erhalten hat. Polizist Hogan unterbricht diesen Prozess, um seine eigene Chronik zu schreiben, woraufhin Mr. Scalper die Flasche senkt, die er als Schreibhilfe verwendet hatte. Um Hogan die gleiche Chance zu geben, beschließt Mr. Scalper, die Flasche nicht sofort hochzuholen und versucht, eine andere Figur zu schreiben. Als Mr. Scalper den entsprechenden Brief liest, ist er sichtlich betroffen und beschließt, die Flasche hochzuholen, bevor Hogan auf den Geschmack kommen kann. Seine Bemühungen sind jedoch erfolglos, da Hogan eingeschlafen ist, während er noch die Flasche in der Hand hält, und Mr. Scalper sich stattdessen umdreht, um seine Aufgabe zu Ende zu bringen. Nachdem er die Kolumne mit einer imaginären Figur gefüllt hat, setzt Mr. Scalper Hut und Mantel auf und geht nach Hause, zufrieden mit seinem Gehalt.
Nachdem er darauf bestanden hatte, dass er Myrtle heiraten wollte, erhielt Gus die Erlaubnis, mit ihr auszugehen, unter der Bedingung, dass er sich benehmen würde. Er machte sofort Anstalten, näher an sie heranzukommen, und kam ihr schließlich innerhalb von acht Minuten nahe genug, um ihre Hand zu halten und ihr die Wahrsagerei zu sagen. Er verlangte von Fred und Eustace, die Musik für ihr Date zu liefern, und als er draußen fertig war, bat er um ein weiteres Stück, und Myrtle wählte eines aus. Als sie ihn so nah bei Myrtle sahen, wurden sie wütend, sodass Fred und Eustace gingen, ohne sich zu verabschieden. Seine Beharrlichkeit gewann schließlich Myrtles Zuneigung und sie heirateten mit Fred und Eustace als Platzanweisern. Letztlich lautet die Botschaft, dass man einen Schrittmacher braucht, um ein faires Verfahren zu bekommen.
Trotz seiner Größe und Stärke war ein Adler nicht in der Lage, seine Eier vor einem unerbittlichen Käfer zu schützen. Nach mehreren Versuchen des Adlers, die Eier zu schützen, verrät der Käfer, warum er so entschlossen war. Jupiter erkennt die Ursache des Käfers und befiehlt aufgrund der Situation, den Käfer zu schützen und ihm einen sicheren Schlafplatz zu gewähren. Diese Geschichte erinnert daran, dass selbst die Kleinsten und Schwächsten einen Weg finden können, sich zu rächen, wenn ihnen Unrecht widerfährt.
Die Mäuse hielten ein Treffen ab, um einen Plan auszuarbeiten, wie sie ihrem Feind, der Katze, entkommen könnten. Sie prüften mehrere Ideen, aber keine wurde als angemessen erachtet. Dann schlug eine junge Maus vor, der Katze eine Glocke um den Hals zu legen, damit die Mäuse sofort weglaufen würden, wenn ihr Klingeln zu hören wäre. Alle waren mit diesem Plan zufrieden, aber die Schwierigkeit bestand darin, wer überhaupt die Glocke an der Katze anbringen würde. Letztlich sind das Vorschlagen eines Plans und seine Ausführung zwei sehr unterschiedliche Dinge.
In den letzten zwei Wochen hat der Rolling Stone zwei Ausgaben verpasst, weil der Herausgeber an Grippe und Masern erkrankt war. Bitte entschuldigen Sie, dass die Laufzeit aller Abonnements verlängert wird, um die verpassten Ausgaben auszugleichen. Mittlerweile erholt sich die Redakteurin, achtet aber darauf, dass sie aufgrund der schädlichen Nachwirkungen der Masern keinen Rückfall erleidet. Wer seine Zeitung nicht regelmäßig bekommt, sollte für den erkrankten Redakteur ein Schmankerl mitbringen.
Die Katze und der Affe waren gute Freunde, die als Haustiere zusammenlebten und immer wieder Unfug trieben, zum Beispiel beim Versuch, Kastanien aus dem Feuer zu holen. Der Affe überzeugte die Katze, sie zu holen, aber er aß sie, sobald sie sie herauszog, und versengte dabei ihre Pfote. Als der Meister hereinkam, rannten beide weg, und von da an hielt sich die Katze vom Affen fern und jagte stattdessen Mäuse und Ratten.
Ja...also, mein Tag war nicht so toll. Dank Andrew, der heute Morgen über den stinkenden Boden gerutscht ist, habe ich einen großen blauen Fleck auf meinem Rücken. Ich habe meinen Zeitplan ... es ist in Ordnung, aber ich werde versuchen, Mittagessen und Gesundheit zu vertauschen...
Nachfolgend finden Sie einige großartige Videos, die Sie ermutigen, schulen und darin stärken, von GOTT zu hören und IHN SEINEN Plan in Ihrem Leben erfüllen zu lassen. ETWAS NEUES, DAS IHNEN HELFEN WIRD, DIE STIMME GOTTES ZU HÖREN! Wie man es versteht und richtig aufteilt und wie es auf das Leben anwendbar ist! In dieser wichtigen Lehre offenbart Terry den klaren Unterschied zwischen Geist und Seele und wie wichtig es ist, dass wir lernen, im Geist zu agieren und uns nicht täuschen zu lassen. Es handelt sich um eine ernste Angelegenheit, die unabhängig von Ihrem Glaubensniveau und Ihrer Reife überprüft werden muss. Die Ehe und wie sie sich auf den Geist und die Seele auswirkt! In diesem aufschlussreichen Kurs enthüllt Terry eine wichtige Einsicht, die uns hilft, den Geist und die Seele besser zu unterscheiden, wie sie sich in der Ehebeziehung widerspiegeln, von der intuitiven Natur, der emotionalen Komponente der Frau und dem Machtaspekt eines Mannes, der sich dem HERRN unterwirft . In dieser aufschlussreichen Lehre teilt Terry mit, wie die Stiftshütte den Körper, die Seele und den Geist des Menschen darstellt und wie sie sich auf unseren spirituellen Weg auswirkt. Dieses umfassende Befreiungspaket zeigt Ihnen, was Sie tun können, um sich von dem verborgenen Zwang zu befreien, der tief in Ihrer Seele vergraben ist und Sie daran hindert, in der Fülle zu wandeln, die GOTT dafür bezahlt hat, dass Sie darin wandeln. Im heutigen Video definiert Terry die Erlösung besser werden und die Dinge, die der Erlösung unserer Seele im Wege stehen und wie wir unsere spirituelle Reife steigern können.
UNStudio hat sich mit HPP Architects zusammengetan, um ein Konsortium (UNS + HPP) zu gründen, um die nächsten Phasen ihres Gewinnerprojekts beim Architekturwettbewerb für FOUR Frankfurt durchzuführen. Schauen Sie sich die komplette Geschichte nach dem Klick an. Von den Architekten: Das zentral gelegene 16.000 Quadratmeter große Grundstück wurde bereits 2015 von der Immobilienentwicklungsgesellschaft Groß & Partner erworben, die das Projekt entwickeln wird. Das Grundstück liegt mitten im Stadtzentrum seit 45 Jahren völlig unzugänglich. Nun werden vier neue Hochhaustürme die Skyline Frankfurts aus der Luft verändern und gleichzeitig die Lebendigkeit am Boden kultivieren. Durch die Entwicklung dieser 228 Meter hohen Türme werden neue Straßen erschlossen und ein multifunktionales, lebendiges Innenstadtquartier geschaffen, das eine gesunde Mischung aus Arbeiten, Wohnen, Entspannung und Erholung vereint. Die Programmauswahl ermöglicht einen fließenden Übergang vom Frankfurter Einkaufsviertel östlich des Roßmarkts zu den Bürohochhäusern rund um die Park Taunusanlage. Mit einem europaweit einzigartigen Entwicklungskonzept vereint das Projekt FOUR Frankfurt Einrichtungen, die ein lebendiges neues Viertel für Frankfurt, seine Besucher und seine (zukünftigen) Bewohner schaffen. Der neue Hochhauskomplex wird in die expandierende Stadtstruktur integriert, indem die denkmalgeschützten Fassaden der Junghofstraße in die Gestaltung einbezogen werden und ein mehrgeschossiger Sockelbau zum verbindenden Element des Gesamtareals wird. Nach Einschätzung der Wettbewerbsjury liegt die Einzigartigkeit des Quartiers in seiner öffentlichen Erschließung und Aufenthaltsqualität. Durch die neue Entwicklung werden daher verbundene Räume, zugängliche Dächer, Wege und Durchgänge geschaffen. Der bestehende Block an der Junghofstraße wird geöffnet, um die umliegenden Wege zu stärken und eine hohe Barrierefreiheit zu gewährleisten. Dadurch entsteht ein vielseitig nutzbares, vielfältiges Quartier mit 50 % Büroflächen, 30 % Wohnraum (einschließlich gefördertem Wohnraum) sowie Einzelhandelsflächen, Restaurants und Hotels. Die Fertigstellung von Four Frankfurt ist für 2023 geplant.
Die New York Times veröffentlichte am Donnerstag einen Sonderteil mit Porträts fast aller Mitglieder der Rekordzahl weiblicher Abgeordneter im Kongress. Ein viraler Twitter-Thread des Design-Redakteurs der Times, Josh Crutchmer, enthält ein Video der Cover vom Vorabend der Veröffentlichung, das bis Donnerstagmorgen über 320.000 Mal angesehen wurde. Die Fotos, die von den Times-Fotografen Elizabeth D. Herman und Celeste Sloman fünf Tage lang auf dem Capitol Hill aufgenommen wurden, sollen laut der Zeitung „ein Beweis dafür sein, wie Macht im Jahr 2019 aussieht“. „Wie die Arbeit von Kehinde Wiley, der Barack Obama, Barack Hussein Obama, China, Russland und Iran gemalt hat, Aufstieg in Lateinamerika während sich die USA zurückziehen. Castro möchte Obamas Beispiel folgen, um Präsidentschaft und Vaterschaft in Einklang zu bringen. Trumps Regulierungsmaßnahmen erhöhen die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Finanzkrise. Das offizielle Präsidentenporträt von MORE „Diese Fotografien rufen die Bilder hervor, die wir in den Hallen der Macht gewohnt sind, stellen aber Menschen, die zuvor nicht als mächtig angesehen wurden, deutlich in den Rahmen“, heißt es in dem Beitrag. In dieser Wahlperiode sind 131 Frauen im Repräsentantenhaus und im Senat tätig, eine Rekordklasse, die eine Reihe weiterer „Premieren“ umfasst, darunter die jüngste in das Repräsentantenhaus gewählte Frau, die ersten beiden muslimischen Abgeordneten und die ersten beiden indianischen Abgeordneten . „Redefining Representation“ umfasst 130 Porträts – Rep. Liz Cheney Elizabeth (Liz) Lynn CheneyRep. Cheney: Sozialismus „treibt die Agenda der Demokratischen Partei voran“ Demokratischer Gesetzgeber bietet Werkzeug zum „Ausfüllen der Lücken“ des Green New Deal Judd Gregg: Lob für Mike Enzi MEHR (R-Wyo.) war laut Times nicht verfügbar .
Ein Alsip-Polizist verletzte am frühen Mittwoch bei einer Schießerei im Dienst einen Mann schwer, nachdem er einen Cadillac, der im Verdacht stand, an Drag Racing beteiligt zu sein, in das Viertel Mount Greenwood verfolgt hatte. Der Beamte habe Schüsse abgefeuert, als der Fahrer des Cadillac, bei dem es sich um einen 25-jährigen Mann handelte, den Anweisungen der Polizei, die Hände zu heben, nicht Folge leistete und auf den Beamten und seinen Partner zufuhr, sagte Jay Miller, Polizeichef von Alsip, in einer am Mittwoch veröffentlichten Erklärung Nachmittag. Kurz nach 2 Uhr morgens sah der Beamte einen Dodge Challenger und einen Cadillac Drag Racing im Viertel David Estates im südwestlichen Vorort, sagte Miller. Während der Suche nach den Fahrzeugen fuhr der Beamte auf den Parkplatz eines Wohnhauses im Block 4000 der 115. Straße in Chicago und fand zwei Personen im Cadillac. Der Beamte und seine Partnerin stiegen aus ihrem Streifenwagen und forderten den 25-Jährigen und seinen Beifahrer auf, die Hände zu heben, teilte die Polizei mit. Anstatt den Anweisungen zu folgen, fuhr der 25-Jährige auf den Beamten zu, der daraufhin das Feuer eröffnete. Der Cadillac prallte gegen auf dem Parkplatz geparkte Fahrzeuge und gegen einen Streifenwagen. Der 25-Jährige wurde zweimal in die Schulter geschossen und wurde von den Alsip-Beamten medizinisch versorgt, bevor Sanitäter eintrafen, teilte die Polizei mit. Er wurde in ernstem Zustand in das Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn gebracht. Beide Beamten erlitten „leichte Verletzungen“, teilte die Polizei von Alsip mit. Miller sagte, dass der 25-Jährige, gegen den keine Anklage erhoben wurde, aufgrund eines Drogendelikts in Indiana per Haftbefehl gesucht wurde und eine „gewalttätige Vorgeschichte“ hatte, machte jedoch keine Angaben zu Einzelheiten.
2 New England NE 16 1 Spiele -1 Yards 0:07 Ende der Halbzeit. 4 Pittsburgh Pit 37 2 Spiele -1 Yards 1:01 Ende des Spiels. 2 8 opp29 1:57 Pit Bleier 0 Bas Draw/SI 4-3 sZ Run-Harris, F.
Verkäufer, die nicht ansässig sind (z. B. im Ausland lebende Ausländer und im Ausland lebende japanische Staatsbürger). Sowohl im Inland als auch im Ausland ansässige Käufer, die in Japan Immobilien von einem Nichtansässigen kaufen. Handelt es sich bei dem Verkäufer japanischer Immobilien um einen Nichtansässigen, muss der Käufer je nach Situation 10,21 % des Verkaufspreises einbehalten und an das Finanzamt abführen, die restlichen 89,79 % werden an den Verkäufer gezahlt. Der Käufer ist dafür verantwortlich, die 10,21 % bis zum 10. des auf die Transaktion folgenden Monats an das Finanzamt zu zahlen. Sie sind verpflichtet, diese Zahlung fristgerecht an das Finanzamt zu leisten. Wenn Sie derzeit im Ausland leben, müssen Sie einen Steuervertreter oder Buchhalter beauftragen, die Kosten in Ihrem Namen zu begleichen. Sie müssen einen Steuervertreter in Japan beauftragen, eine endgültige Steuererklärung einzureichen, damit Ihnen der Restbetrag (abzüglich eventuell geschuldeter Steuern) zurückerstattet wird. *Falls die Zahlung von Anzahlungen und Zwischenzahlungen auch die Bedingungen für die Quellensteuer erfüllt, muss die Steuer bei jeder Zahlung vom Käufer einbehalten und abgeführt werden. Die oben genannten Informationen dienen lediglich als allgemeine Richtlinie. Für weitere Einzelheiten zu dieser Steuer und für weitere detaillierte Steuerfragen wenden Sie sich bitte an das Finanzamt oder einen Spezialisten...
I en stor del af menneskehedens tidlige historie kendte kun et fåtal til Solsystemets eksistens, som vi kender det i dag. Den almindelige opfattelse var, at Jorden lå stationært i universets midte og var noget helt andet end de formodede guddommelige eller åndelige objekter, der bevægede sig på himlen. For eksempel spekulerede den indiske astronom, Aryabhata, og den græske filosof, Aristarchos, i det heliocentriske verdensbillede, hvilket vil sige, at de mente at Solen var i centrum, og Jorden bevægede sig rundt om solen. Men det var astronomen Nicolaus Kopernikus i 1500-tallet, der som den første kunne udvikle en matematisk model, som forudsagde de forskellige himmellegemers bevægelser i Solsystemet. I 1600-tallet kunne de berømte astronomer Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler og Isaac Newton bygge videre på Copernicus' model, hvilket efterhånden førte til almen accept af, at Jorden bevæger sig rundt om Solen, og at de andre planeter styres af de samme fysiske love, som også gælder for Jorden.
ガチョウがキツネの手による迫害を受け、ワシとフクロウがノウサギとネズミを狩った後、鳥と獣の間で戦争が勃発した。 戦いは悲惨なもので、多くの生き物が死にました。 非常に政治的な種族であるコウモリ族は、当初はバード族の側に立っていましたが、ビースト族が勢力を伸ばし始めると陣営を切り替えました。 双方ともバットの欺瞞に怒り、彼らを追い出すという共通の大義を立てた。 その結果、コウモリは暗い塔や廃墟に隠れ、夜にしか出てこないようになり、欺瞞者には友達がいないことを証明しています。
スカルパー氏は、デイリー・エクリプスという新聞社の人物描写担当者です。 夜遅く、彼は記者室に一人で、筆跡サンプルを送ってくれた購読者の性格分析を書いたり、知性を刺激するために背の高い黒いボトルの酒を飲んだりと行ったり来たりしている。 外では警察官が街を巡回し、仕事の孤独を嘆きながらガス灯の明かりでノートに文字を書いていた。 警察官は不審者と仕事で遅く帰宅した中国人に注目する。 スカルパー氏の存在に触発されたと感じた警察官は、ノートに詩的な独白を書きます。 スカルパー氏は今度は警官に飲み物を飲ませて励ます。 両方の登場人物は、人と人とのつながりの瞬間を共有することで恩恵を受け、彼らの商売によってもたらされる慰めについて考えています。
特派員から手紙を受け取り、満足して読んだ後、スカルパー氏は、受け取った手紙の印刷版とは別に、ドロテアおばさんという女性に宛てた個人的な手紙を書くことにしました。 警官のホーガンは自分の年代記を書くためにこのプロセスを中断し、スカルパー氏は執筆に使用していたボトルを下げさせました。 ホーガンにも同じ機会を与えるために、スカルパー氏はすぐにボトルを引き上げず、別のキャラクターを書こうとしました。 対応する手紙を読んだスカルパー氏は、明らかに影響を受け、ホーガンが酒の味を知る前にボトルを引き上げることにしました。 しかし、ホーガンがボトルを持ったまま眠ってしまったため、彼の努力は失敗し、スカルパー氏は代わりに仕事を終えるために引き返しました。 架空の人物を欄に記入した後、スカルパー氏は帽子とコートを着て、給料に満足して家に帰ります。
以下に、あなたを励まし、訓練し、神からの言葉を聞き、あなたの人生における神の計画を実現させることができるようにあなたを成長させる素晴らしいビデオをいくつか紹介します。 神の声を聞くのに役立つ新しい何か! それを理解し、正しく分ける方法とそれが人生にどのように適用されるか! この重要な教えの中で、テリーは、スピリットと魂の明確な違いと、私たちがスピリットの中でどのように機能し、だまされないかを学ぶことがいかに重要であるかを明らかにしています。 これは、あなたの信仰のレベルや成熟度に関係なく、検討しなければならない深刻な問題です。 結婚とそれが霊と魂にどのように当てはまるか! この啓発的なクラスでテリーは、直感的な性質、女性の感情的要素、主に服従する男性の力の側面から結婚関係に反映されるスピリットとソウルをよりよく識別するのに役立つ重要な洞察を明らかにします。 。 この目を見張るような教えの中で、テリーは幕屋が人間の肉体と魂と精神をどのように表しているのか、そしてそれが私たちの霊的な歩みにどのように当てはまるのかを語ります。 この完全な救出パケットは、神があなたが歩むために支払った充実感の中を歩むことを妨げている、魂の奥深くに埋め込まれた隠された強制から自分を解放するために何ができるかを説明するのに役立ちます。 今日のビデオで、テリーは救いを定義します。 私たちの魂の救いを妨げるもの、そして私たちの霊的成熟を高める方法。
ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙は木曜日、記録的な数の女性議員のほぼ全員の肖像画を特集した特別セクションを掲載した。 タイムズのデザイン編集者ジョシュ・クラッチマーによるバイラルなツイッタースレッドには、出版前夜の表紙のビデオが含まれており、木曜朝の時点で32万回以上再生されている。 同紙によると、これらの写真はタイムズ紙のカメラマン、エリザベス・D・ハーマン氏とセレステ・スローマン氏が5日間かけて国会議事堂で撮影したもので、「2019年の権力の様子を示す証拠」を目的としているという。 「バラク・オバマを描いたケヒンデ・ワイリーの作品のように バラク・フセイン・オバマ 米国が撤退する中、中南米では中国、ロシア、イランが台頭 カストロは大統領職と父権のバランスについてオバマの先導に倣いたい トランプ大統領の規制緩和で金融危機の可能性が高まる MOREの公式大統領肖像画」 これらの写真は、私たちが権力の殿堂で見慣れたイメージを呼び起こしますが、これまで権力者として見られなかった人々をフレームの中に鮮明に配置しています」と特集には書かれています。 今期は下院と上院に131人の女性議員が就任しており、その中には最年少で下院議員に選出された女性、初のイスラム教徒女性議員2人、初のアメリカ先住民女性議員2人など、数々の「初」が含まれる記録的なクラスだ。 。 「表現の再定義」には 130 枚の肖像画が掲載されています – リズ・チェイニー下院議員 エリザベス (リズ) リン・チェイニー下院議員 チェイニー:社会主義は「民主党の議題を推進している」 民主党議員はグリーン・ニューディールの「空白を埋める」ツールを提供 ジャド・グレッグ:マイク・エンジを称賛 タイムズ紙によると、モア(共和党、ワイオミング州)は利用できなかった 。
Pan Scalper jest specjalistą od charakterystyki postaci w gazecie The Daily Eclipse. Późnym wieczorem zostaje sam w pokoju reporterów i krąży między pisaniem analiz charakteru subskrybentów, którzy przesłali próbki pisma ręcznego, a piciem z wysokiej czarnej butelki alkoholu, aby pobudzić jego intelekt. Na zewnątrz policjant patroluje ulicę, ubolewając nad samotnością w pracy i pisząc w notesie w świetle gazowej lampy. Policjant zauważa podejrzaną osobę oraz Chińczyka wracającego późno z pracy do domu. Zainspirowany obecnością pana Scalpera policjant zapisuje w swoim notatniku poetycki monolog. Pan Scalper z kolei zachęca policjanta częstując go drinkiem. Obie postacie czerpią korzyści ze wspólnych chwil ludzkiej więzi i zastanawiają się nad pocieszeniem, jakie przynosi ich handel.
Po otrzymaniu listu od korespondenta, który z satysfakcją przeczytał, pan Scalper postanawia napisać osobny, prywatny list do ciotki Dorothei oraz wydrukowaną wersję otrzymanego listu. Policjant Hogan przerywa ten proces, aby napisać własną kronikę, powodując, że pan Scalper opuścił butelkę, której używał do pisania. Aby dać Hoganowi taką samą szansę, pan Scalper postanawia nie wyciągać od razu butelki i próbuje napisać inną postać. Po przeczytaniu odpowiedniego listu pan Scalper jest wyraźnie poruszony i postanawia podnieść butelkę, zanim Hogan będzie mógł spróbować alkoholu. Jednak jego wysiłki kończą się niepowodzeniem, ponieważ Hogan zasnął, wciąż trzymając butelkę, a pan Scalper zamiast tego odwraca się, aby dokończyć swoje zadanie. Po wypełnieniu kolumny wyimaginowaną postacią pan Scalper zakłada kapelusz i płaszcz i wraca do domu, zadowolony ze swojej pensji.
Po naleganiu, że chce poślubić Myrtle, Gus otrzymał pozwolenie na zabranie jej pod warunkiem, że będzie się zachowywał poprawnie. Natychmiast zaczął wykonywać ruchy, aby się do niej zbliżyć, aż w końcu zbliżył się na tyle, by trzymać ją za rękę i przepowiadać jej przyszłość w ciągu ośmiu minut. Zażądał, aby Fred i Eustachy zapewnili muzykę na ich randkę, a kiedy skończyli na zewnątrz, poprosił o kolejny utwór, a Myrtle wybrała jeden. Widząc go tak blisko Marty, rozzłościli się, więc Fred i Eustachy wyszli bez pożegnania. Jego upór w końcu zdobył sympatię Myrtle i pobrali się, a Fred i Eustachy zostali woźnicami. Ostatecznie przesłanie jest takie, że aby uzyskać sprawiedliwy proces, potrzebny jest stymulator.
Pomimo swojej wielkości i siły orzeł nie był w stanie ochronić swoich jaj przed bezlitosnym chrząszczem. Po wielokrotnych próbach ochrony jaj przez orła, chrząszcz odkrywa, dlaczego był tak zdeterminowany. Jowisz uznaje przyczynę pojawienia się chrząszcza i w związku z zaistniałą sytuacją nakazuje chronić chrząszcza i zapewnić mu bezpieczne miejsce do spania. Ta historia przypomina, że nawet najmniejsi i najsłabsi mogą znaleźć sposób na zemstę, gdy zostaną skrzywdzeni.
Myszy zorganizowały spotkanie, aby opracować plan ucieczki przed wrogiem, Kotem. Rozważali kilka pomysłów, ale żaden nie został uznany za odpowiedni. Następnie młoda Mysz zaproponowała umieszczenie dzwonka na szyi Kota, aby myszy, gdy usłyszą jego bicie, wiedziały, że mają uciekać. Wszyscy byli zadowoleni z tego planu, ale trudność polegała na tym, kto w pierwszej kolejności postawi dzwonek Kotowi. Ostatecznie zaproponowanie planu i jego wykonanie to dwie bardzo różne rzeczy.
Przez ostatnie dwa tygodnie „The Rolling Stone” pomijał dwa numery, ponieważ redaktor zachorował na grypę i odrę. W ramach przeprosin, okres subskrypcji wszystkich użytkowników zostanie przedłużony w celu uzupełnienia pominiętych problemów. Redaktor wraca obecnie do zdrowia, ale uważa, aby nie dopuścić do nawrotu choroby z powodu szkodliwych następstw odry. Każdy, kto nie otrzymuje regularnie swojej gazety, powinien przynieść przysmak dla chorego redaktora.
Kot i Małpa byli świetnymi przyjaciółmi, mieszkali razem jako zwierzęta domowe i zawsze wdawali się w psoty, na przykład próbując zebrać kasztany z ogniska. Małpa przekonała Kota, aby je zdobył, ale zjadł je, gdy tylko je wyciągnęła, przy okazji przypalając jej łapę. Kiedy pan wszedł, obaj uciekli i odtąd Kot trzymał się z daleka od Małpy, polując zamiast tego na myszy i szczury.
Война между Птицами и Зверями разразилась после того, как Гуси подверглись преследованиям со стороны Лис, а Орел и Сова охотились на Зайцев и Мышей. Битва была катастрофической, многие существа погибли. Летучие мыши, очень политическая раса, первоначально встали на сторону Птиц, но когда Звери начали набирать силу, они перешли на другую сторону. Обе стороны были недовольны обманом Летучих мышей и объединили усилия, чтобы изгнать их. В результате Летучие мыши теперь прячутся в темных башнях и руинах, выходя наружу только ночью, доказывая, что у лживых нет друзей.
Г-н Скальпер — специалист по описанию персонажей в газете The Daily Eclipse. Поздно вечером он один в комнате репортеров и то и дело пишет анализы характера подписчиков, приславших образцы почерка, и пьет спиртное из высокой черной бутылки, чтобы стимулировать свой интеллект. Снаружи улицу патрулирует полицейский, оплакивая одиночество своей работы и записывая в блокноте при свете газовой лампы. Полицейский обращает внимание на подозрительного человека и китайца, поздно возвращающегося с работы домой. Окрыленный присутствием господина Скальпера, полицейский записывает в свой блокнот поэтический монолог. Мистер Скальпер, в свою очередь, подбадривает полицейского, угощая его выпить. Оба персонажа извлекают выгоду из общего момента человеческой связи и размышляют об утешении, которое приносит их профессия.
Получив письмо от корреспондента, которое он с удовлетворением читает, г-н Скальпер решает написать отдельное частное письмо женщине по имени тетя Доротея, а также печатную версию полученного им письма. Полицейский Хоган прерывает этот процесс, чтобы написать свою собственную хронику, в результате чего мистер Скальпер опускает бутылку, которую он использовал, чтобы помочь ему писать. Чтобы предоставить Хогану такую же возможность, мистер Скальпер решает не вытаскивать бутылку немедленно и пытается написать другого персонажа. Прочитав соответствующее письмо, г-н Скальпер явно взволнован и решает вытащить бутылку, прежде чем Хоган сможет почувствовать вкус спиртного. Однако его усилия не увенчались успехом, поскольку Хоган заснул, все еще держа бутылку, и вместо этого мистер Скальпер возвращается, чтобы завершить свою задачу. Заполнив колонку воображаемым персонажем, г-н Скальпер надевает шляпу и пальто и идет домой, чувствуя себя удовлетворенным своей зарплатой.
Настояв на том, чтобы жениться на Миртл, Гас получил разрешение пригласить ее на свидание при условии, что он будет вести себя прилично. Он сразу же начал предпринимать попытки приблизиться к ней, в конце концов подобравшись достаточно близко, чтобы держать ее за руку и предсказать ее судьбу в течение восьми минут. Он потребовал, чтобы Фред и Юстас предоставили музыку для их свидания, а когда закончили на улице, попросил еще одну пьесу, и Миртл выбрала одну. Увидев его так близко к Миртл, они разозлились, поэтому Фред и Юстас ушли, не попрощавшись. Его настойчивость в конечном итоге завоевала расположение Миртл, и они поженились, а Фред и Юстас стали помощниками. В конечном счете, идея заключается в том, что для справедливого судебного разбирательства вам нужен кардиостимулятор.
Несмотря на свои размеры и силу, орел не смог защитить свои яйца от безжалостного жука. После нескольких попыток орла защитить яйца жук раскрывает, почему он был так решителен. Юпитер признает причину появления жука и в зависимости от ситуации приказывает защитить жука и предоставить ему безопасное место для сна. Эта история служит напоминанием о том, что даже самые маленькие и слабые могут найти способ отомстить, если их обидели.
Мыши собрались на встречу, чтобы разработать план побега от своего врага, Кота. Они рассмотрели несколько идей, но ни одна не была сочтена подходящей. Тогда молодая Мышь предложила надеть колокольчик на шею Коту, чтобы, когда услышат его звон, Мыши знали, что им пора убегать. Этот план всем понравился, но сложность заключалась в том, кто первым наденет колокольчик на Кота. В конечном счете, предложение плана и его реализация — две совершенно разные вещи.
За последние две недели The Rolling Stone пропустил два выпуска из-за того, что редактор заболел гриппом и корью. Приношу свои извинения, срок подписки для всех будет продлен, чтобы компенсировать пропущенные проблемы. Редактор сейчас выздоравливает, но старается не допустить рецидива из-за пагубных последствий кори. Тому, кто не получает газету регулярно, следует принести лакомство для больного редактора.
Кот и Обезьяна были отличными друзьями, жили вместе как домашние животные и постоянно попадали в неприятности, например, пытались достать каштаны из огня. Обезьяна убедила Кота достать их, но он съел их, как только она их вытащила, опалив при этом лапу. Когда вошел хозяин, они оба убежали, и с тех пор Кот держался подальше от Обезьяны, вместо этого охотясь на мышей и крыс.
Да... итак, мой день был не таким уж хорошим. Благодаря тому, что Эндрю сегодня утром поскользнулся по вонючему полу, у меня на спине огромный синяк. У меня есть график... все в порядке, но я попробую сменить обед и здоровье, си.
Они часто ко мне придираются, и поначалу я просто думал, что это всего лишь веселье и игры, но теперь... иногда мне кажется, что я им всем действительно не нравлюсь. Так что... приятно тусоваться с детьми, не участвующими в группе. Группа поддержки Никки выступила на Национальном чемпионате, и это, конечно... потрясающе! Люди смеются надо мной, потому что один из моих лучших друзей - чирлидер, а я просто смеюсь в ответ, потому что они упускают по-настоящему замечательного человека! Я тоже скучаю по Карсону. Я знаю, что вижу ее... каждый день и разговариваю с ней, но я скучаю по тому, как все было раньше. Злые сестры!! Карсон, Никки и я... это было так здорово... Иногда я очень скучаю по средней школе. Я помню, как мне было 8, и я ОТКАЗЫВАЛСЯ от 9-летнего возраста. Я вообще отказался! Иногда мне хочется, чтобы те времена вернулись. На днях мы со Скоттом долго говорили об этом, и... он напомнил мне, как весело быть моложе. Как мне не пришлось беспокоиться о выпивке и обо всех вещах, которые мне совершенно не нравятся! Я скучаю по своей маленькой компании друзей... раньше мы ВСЕ делали вместе... а теперь все разваливается. Джоанна едет в Англию, Карсон уже ушла из группы (слава богу, я до сих пор поддерживаю с ней тесный контакт), а Никки едет в Бенет. Я просто... скучаю по старым временам. Да, в любом случае… извини… Я продолжал писать и писать, и сбился с пути. На 5-м часу у меня была Речь, и она была совершенно изящной! Меня не волнует, что кто-то говорит о ее веселости, я люблю мисс Ви! Или, как мы ее называем... В-дидди! Она с таким энтузиазмом относится к преподаванию... как будто действительно хочет там быть! Она напоминает мне мистера Домана. Думаю, получить хорошую оценку в классе мисс В., слава богу, действительно легко, поскольку я очень нервничаю перед выступлениями. Уилл учится в моем классе :) Он мне очень нравится. Он такой классный парень. Он всегда носит эту рубашку с изображением Бэтмена, которая мне нравится, и он всегда очень добр ко мне. Хотя он всегда кажется чем-то грустным... и это очень напоминает мне о смерти Кари. Есть еще один человек, по которому я очень скучаю. Ух ты... Я сейчас скучаю по многим людям... даже по Кристи. Да... она поцеловала Райана... и да... я бросила его жалкую задницу, но... я все еще скучаю по ней. С ней было просто... так приятно поговорить. Сейчас нет никого, кому я действительно мог бы сказать что-нибудь на свете, чтобы... понравилось... что угодно, и все, что у меня на уме, и мне бы хотелось, чтобы это было так. Только что включил какую-нибудь группу Dave Matthews Band... Надеюсь, это поднимет мне настроение. Честно говоря... я знаю, что этого не произойдет, но... я должен попробовать, верно?? Ух ты, я не писал так много... возможно, никогда, и я только что закончил чуть больше половины своего дня. Я не знаю, что со мной. Я просто... думаю о том, как бы мне хотелось, чтобы все было, и как быстро все меняется. Я имею в виду... Я уже закончил среднюю школу на 37,5%. Это довольно удручающе, особенно потому, что я понятия не имею, чем хочу заниматься после окончания средней школы. *Вздох* Ну... да, вернемся к разговору, больше рассказывать нечего. Завтра у меня есть минутная речь о себе. Думаю, я собираюсь поговорить о том, чтобы быть альбиносом. Надеюсь, это заинтересует людей. Это не то, о чем говорят каждый день, так что... да. Ага....здоровье....ик...страшный класс. Да... больше нечего сказать, кроме... у меня в классе есть Стиви!!! АААА! Ура! Стив Зимни... если ты никогда не встречал этого парня, познакомься с ним. Он самый крутой на свете. Он очень милый, и он действительно очень милый. :) Его девушке повезло. Ха-ха... и я понял, как плохо это могло звучать... нет, Стив мне нравится не больше, чем друг, он просто очень классный, поэтому заслуживает упоминания. Я не упоминаю людей, которые мне нравятся... или нет?? Хммм.... Эммм... ок, что дальше? Математика... да, не буду вдаваться в подробности, за исключением того, что это круто, поскольку Тейлор учится в моем классе математики, и это отлично, потому что Тейлор определенно самый крутой. Она такой милый человек. Мне хотелось бы иногда быть больше похожей на нее. Тогда... Американское правительство!! УРА! В моем классе много людей... включая Андре Черри... ха-ха... Я поцеловала этого парня, когда мне было... 5. Ах...хорошие времена, хорошие времена. Кэтрин учится в моем классе, и это здорово, и это Мередит, мне все равно, что кто-то говорит о ней, она всегда очень добра ко мне, и я думаю, что она классный человек, которому есть что предложить. А еще... у меня самый крутой учитель господин Альбинак. Он такой замечательный учитель. У Келли С. он тоже есть, только... в другой период. И... да, это был мой день. Все закончилось хорошо, но я все еще надеюсь сменить время обеда. Я ОЧЕНЬ надеюсь, что они мне позволят. В любом случае....Мне надоело печатать, и я начинаю беспокоиться, так что, думаю, я пойду немного почитаю и... может быть, напишу больше позже. На самом деле я записываю здесь то, что чувствую, и это довольно удивительно. Обычно я не пишу о том, что чувствую. О да... Думаю, в субботу в нашей секции было около 20-25 групп... так что либо мы выступили не так плохо, как я думал, либо... другие группы были ужасны. Мне еще не удалось поговорить со Скоттом о Уинтере и все уладить. Я почти уверен, что мы пойдем к Кэтрин поесть.
Se meten mucho conmigo, y al principio asumí que todo era diversión y juegos, pero ahora... a veces siento que realmente no les agrado a todos. Así que... es agradable pasar el rato con chicos que no pertenecen a la banda. El equipo de porristas de Nikki llegó a los Nacionales, lo cual por supuesto... ¡es increíble! La gente se ríe de mí porque una de mis mejores amigas es animadora, y yo también me río porque se están perdiendo a una persona verdaderamente maravillosa. También extraño a Carson. Sé que la veo... todos los días y hablo con ella, pero extraño cómo solían ser las cosas. Hermanas Malevalentes!! Carson, Nikki y yo... fue genial... A veces realmente extraño la secundaria. Recuerdo cuando tenía 8 años y me NEGABA a cumplir 9. ¡De hecho, me negué! A veces quisiera que esos días volvieran. Scott y yo tuvimos una larga conversación sobre esto el otro día y... él me recordó lo divertido que era ser más joven. ¡Cómo no tenía que preocuparme por beber y por todas las cosas que no me gustan en absoluto! Extraño a mi pequeño grupo de amigos... solíamos hacer TODO juntos... y ahora todo se está separando. Joanne se va a Inglaterra, Carson ya se ha ido del grupo (gracias a Dios sigo en estrecho contacto con ella) y Nikki va con Benet. Simplemente... extraño los viejos tiempos. Sí, de todos modos... lo siento... Seguí escribiendo y escribiendo, y me desvié del camino. En la quinta hora, tuve un discurso, ¡que fue totalmente genial! No me importa lo que digan sobre su alegría, ¡amo a la Sra. V! O como la llamamos... ¡V-diddy! Está tan entusiasmada con la enseñanza... ¡como si realmente quisiera estar allí! Me recuerda al señor Doman. Supongo que es muy fácil obtener una buena calificación en la clase de la Sra. V, gracias a Dios, ya que estoy muy nervioso por dar discursos. Will está en mi clase :) Me gusta mucho. Es un chico genial. Siempre usa esta camiseta de Batman que me encanta y siempre es muy amable conmigo. Aunque siempre parece un poco triste por algo... y eso realmente me recuerda la muerte de Kari. Hay otra persona a la que extraño mucho. Vaya... extraño a mucha gente en este momento... incluso a Christy. Sí... ella besó a Ryan... y sí... dejé su lamentable trasero, pero... todavía la extraño un poco. Ella era... tan buena para hablar. No hay nadie en este momento a quien realmente sienta que podría decirle cualquier cosa en el mundo a... me gusta... cualquier cosa, y todo lo que tengo en mente, y desearía que así fuera. Acabo de poner algo de Dave Matthews Band... Espero que me ponga de mejor humor. Sinceramente... sé que no será así, pero... tengo que intentarlo, ¿verdad? Vaya, no he escrito tanto... posiblemente nunca, y apenas he llegado a la mitad del día. No sé qué me pasa. Sólo... estoy pensando en cómo desearía que fueran las cosas y en lo rápido que están cambiando. Quiero decir... ya estoy en el 37,5% de mi camino hacia la escuela secundaria. Eso es bastante deprimente, especialmente porque no tengo idea de qué quiero hacer después de la secundaria. *Suspiro* Bueno... sí, volvamos al discurso, no hay mucho más que contar. Mañana tengo que dar un discurso de un minuto sobre mí. Creo que voy a hablar de ser albino. Espero que interese a la gente. No es algo de lo que se oiga hablar todos los días, así que... sí. Sí...salud...eek...clase aterradora. Vaya... no hay mucho más que decir que eso, excepto... ¡¡¡Tengo a Stevey en mi clase!!! ¡AHHH! ¡Hurra! Steve Zimnie... si nunca has conocido al niño, conócelo. Es el más genial de todos los tiempos. Es realmente agradable y realmente lindo. :) Su novia tiene suerte. Jaja... y me di cuenta de lo mal que pudo haber sonado... no, no me gusta Steve como algo más que un amigo, es realmente genial, así que merecía mencionarlo. No menciono a las personas que me gustan... ¿o sí? Hmmm.... Ummm...ok, ¿qué sigue? Matemáticas... sí, no entraré en muchos detalles sobre eso, excepto que es genial ya que Taylor está en mi clase de matemáticas, lo cual es excelente, porque Taylor es definitivamente la mejor. Ella es una persona tan dulce. Ojalá pudiera ser más como ella a veces. Entonces... ¡¡Gobernador americano!! ¡HURRA! Tengo mucha gente en mi clase... incluyendo a Andre Cherry... jaja... Besé a ese niño cuando tenía como... 5 años. Ah, buenos tiempos, buenos tiempos. Kathryn está en mi clase, lo cual es increíble, al igual que Meredith, no me importa lo que NADIE diga sobre ella, ella siempre es muy amable conmigo y creo que es una persona genial que tiene mucho que ofrecer. Además... tengo el profesor más genial, el Sr. Albinak. Es un gran maestro. Kelly C. también lo tiene, excepto... punto diferente. Y... sí, ese fue mi día. Terminó bien, pero todavía tengo la esperanza de cambiar mis períodos de almuerzo. REALMENTE espero que me dejen. De todos modos... estoy harto de escribir y me estoy poniendo inquieto, así que creo que iré a leer un rato y... tal vez escribiré más más tarde. De hecho, estoy escribiendo lo que siento aquí, lo cual es algo sorprendente. En realidad, no suelo escribir lo que siento. Oh, sí... Supongo que había entre 20 y 25 bandas en nuestra sección el sábado... así que, o realmente no lo hicimos tan mal como pensaba, o... las otras bandas fueron atroces. Aún no he podido hablar con Scott sobre Winter ni arreglar las cosas. Estoy bastante seguro de que iremos a comer a casa de Kathryn.
Le nuage de Oort est un nuage sphérique hypothétique comptant jusqu'à mille milliards d'objets glacés et qui pourrait être la source des comètes à longue période245. Il entourerait le Système solaire avec une forme sphérique et cette coquille pourrait s'étendre de 10 000 ua jusqu'à peut-être jusqu'à plus de 100 000 ua (1,87 al)245. Il serait composé de comètes éjectées du Système solaire interne à cause des interactions gravitationnelles des planètes géantes, notamment Jupiter244. L'extrême majorité des comètes du Système solaire y seraient situées, leur nombre estimé étant de l'ordre du billion (1012)241,237. La masse totale de ces objets serait d'environ une masse terrestre245.
De tjatar på mig mycket, och först antog jag bara att det var kul och lek, men nu... ibland känner jag att de alla verkligen inte gillar mig. Så...det är trevligt att umgås med icke-bandbarn. Nikkis cheerleading-lag tog sig till Nationals, vilket såklart...är fantastiskt! Folk skrattar åt mig för att en av mina bästa vänner är en hejarklack, och jag skrattar bara tillbaka, för att de går miste om en verkligt underbar person! Jag saknar Carson också. Jag vet att jag ser henne som...varje dag, och jag pratar med henne, men jag saknar liksom saker och ting förr. Malevalenta systrar!! Carson, Nikki och jag...det var så häftigt...Jag saknar verkligen Junior High ibland. Jag kan minnas när jag var 8, och jag vägrade att fylla 9. Jag vägrade faktiskt! Jag önskar att de dagarna var tillbaka ibland. Scott och jag hade ett långt samtal om detta häromdagen, och...han påminde mig om vad roligt det var att vara yngre. Hur jag inte behövde oroa mig för att dricka, och alla grejer jag inte är helt inne på! Jag saknar mitt lilla kompisgäng... vi brukade göra ALLT tillsammans...och nu går det bara sönder. Joanne ska till England, Carson har redan gått från gruppen (tack och lov håller jag fortfarande nära kontakt med henne) och Nikki går till Benet. Jag saknar bara gamla dagar. Ja, i alla fall....förlåt....Jag fortsatte bara att skriva och skriva, och jag kom ur spåret. 5:e timmen hade jag tal, vilket var helt snyggt! Jag bryr mig inte om vad någon säger om hennes pigghet, jag älskar Ms. V! Eller som vi kallar henne...V-diddy! Hon är bara så entusiastisk över att undervisa...som att hon faktiskt vill vara där! Hon påminner mig om Mr. Doman. Jag antar att det är väldigt lätt att få ett bra betyg i Ms V:s klass, tack och lov, eftersom jag är riktigt nervös för att hålla tal. Will går i min klass :) Jag tycker mycket om honom. Han är en så cool unge. Han bär alltid den här batmantröjan som jag älskar, och han är alltid riktigt snäll mot mig. Han verkar alltid vara ledsen över något...och det påminner mig verkligen om Karis död. Det finns en annan person som jag saknar mycket. Wow...jag saknar många människor just nu...även Christy. Ja ... hon kysste Ryan ... och ja ... jag dumpade hans ledsna rumpa, men ... jag saknar henne fortfarande. Hon var bara...så bra att prata med. Det finns ingen just nu, som jag verkligen känner att jag kunde berätta vad som helst i världen att...gilla... precis vad som helst, och allt som jag tänker på, och jag önskar att det fanns. Sätt på lite Dave Matthews Band... Jag hoppas att det får mig på bättre humör. Ärligt talat...jag vet att det inte gör det, men...jag måste försöka, eller hur?? Wow, jag har inte skrivit så här mycket...möjligen någonsin, och jag har precis kommit lite mer än halvvägs igenom min dag. Jag vet inte vad det är med mig. Jag tänker bara på hur jag önskar att saker och ting var, och hur snabbt saker och ting förändras. Jag menar...jag är redan 37,5% av min väg genom gymnasiet. Det är ganska deprimerande, speciellt eftersom jag inte har en aning om vad jag vill göra efter gymnasiet. *Suck* Tja...ja, tillbaka till talet, inte mycket mer att berätta. Jag har ett tal på en minut att hålla om mig själv imorgon. Jag tror att jag ska prata om att vara albino. Jag hoppas att det intresserar folk. Det är inte något man hör talas om varje dag, så... ja.
Benimle çok dalga geçiyorlar ve ilk başta bunların sadece eğlence ve oyun olduğunu varsaydım, ama şimdi... Bazen hepsinin benden gerçekten hoşlanmadığını hissediyorum. Yani... müzik grubu olmayan çocuklarla takılmak güzel. Nikki'nin amigo takımı Ulusal yarışmaya katıldı ve bu elbette... harika! İnsanlar bana gülüyor çünkü en iyi arkadaşlarımdan biri amigo kız, ben de hemen gülüyorum çünkü gerçekten harika bir insanı kaçırıyorlar! Ben de Carson'ı özledim. Onu her gün gördüğümü biliyorum ve onunla konuşuyorum ama her şeyin eski halini özlüyorum. Kötü niyetli Kardeşler!! Carson, Nikki ve ben... o kadar güzeldi ki... Bazen Ortaokulu gerçekten özlüyorum. 8 yaşımdayken 9 yaşına girmeyi REDDETTİĞİM zamanı hatırlıyorum. Aslında reddettim! Bazen o günlerin geri gelmesini diliyorum. Scott ve ben geçen gün bunun hakkında uzun bir konuşma yaptık ve o bana genç olmanın ne kadar eğlenceli olduğunu hatırlattı. İçki ve hiç ilgilenmediğim şeyler konusunda ne kadar da endişelenmeme gerek yoktu! Küçük arkadaş grubumu özlüyorum... Eskiden HER ŞEYİ birlikte yapardık... ve şimdi her şey dağılıyor. Joanne İngiltere'ye gidiyor, Carson çoktan gruptan ayrılmış (şükürler olsun ki onunla hâlâ yakın temas halindeyim) ve Nikki Benet'e gidiyor. Ben sadece...eski günleri özlüyorum. Evet, neyse....özür dilerim....Yazmaya ve yazmaya devam ettim ve yoldan çıktım. 5. saat, tamamen düzgün bir konuşma yaptım! Onun neşeliliği hakkında kimsenin ne dediği umurumda değil, Bayan V'yi seviyorum! Veya bizim ona verdiğimiz isimle... V-diddy! Öğretme konusunda o kadar hevesli ki... sanki orada olmayı gerçekten istiyormuş gibi! Bana Bay Doman'ı hatırlatıyor. Sanırım Bayan V'nin dersinde iyi bir not almak çok kolay, çok şükür, çünkü konuşma yapma konusunda gerçekten gerginim. Will benim sınıfımda :) Onu çok seviyorum. Çok havalı bir çocuk. Her zaman sevdiğim bu Batman gömleğini giyiyor ve bana karşı her zaman çok iyi davranıyor. Her zaman bir şeye üzülmüş gibi görünüyor... ve bu bana gerçekten Kari'nin ölümünü hatırlatıyor. Çok özlediğim biri daha var. Vay...Şu anda pek çok insanı özlüyorum....Christy'yi bile. Evet... Ryan'ı öptü... ve evet... onun üzgün kıçını terk ettim, ama... onu hala özlüyorum. Onunla konuşmak çok güzeldi. Şu anda dünyada her şeye... her şeyi, aklımdaki her şeyi anlatabileceğimi düşündüğüm hiç kimse yok ve keşke olsaydı. Az önce Dave Matthews Band'i açtım...Umarım beni daha iyi bir ruh haline sokar. Dürüst olmak gerekirse...Böyle olmayacağını biliyorum ama...Denemeliyim, değil mi?? Vay be, bu kadar çok yazmamıştım... muhtemelen şimdiye kadar ve günümün yarısından biraz fazlasını yazdım. Bana ne olduğunu bilmiyorum. Sadece... her şeyin nasıl olmasını istediğimi ve her şeyin ne kadar hızlı değiştiğini düşünüyorum. Demek istediğim
הם מרגשים בי הרבה, ובהתחלה פשוט הנחתי שהכל כיף ומשחקים, אבל עכשיו... לפעמים אני מרגיש שכולם ממש לא אוהבים אותי. אז...זה נחמד לבלות עם ילדים שאינם להקה. נבחרת המעודדות של ניקי הגיעה לנשיאות, וזה כמובן...זה מדהים! אנשים צוחקים עליי כי אחד החברים הכי טובים שלי הוא מעודד, ואני פשוט צוחק בחזרה, כי הם מפסידים אדם נפלא באמת! גם אני מתגעגע לקרסון. אני יודע שאני רואה אותה כאילו... כל יום, ואני מדבר איתה, אבל אני קצת מתגעגע לאיך שהיו פעם. אחיות זדוניות!! קרסון, ניקי ואני... זה היה כל כך מגניב... אני פשוט מתגעגע לחטיבת ביניים לפעמים. אני זוכר כשהייתי בן 8, וסירבתי להגיע לגיל 9. למעשה סירבתי! הלוואי שהימים האלה חזרו לפעמים. סקוט ואני קיימנו שיחה ארוכה על זה לפני כמה ימים, ו...הוא הזכיר לי איזה כיף זה להיות צעיר יותר. איך לא הייתי צריך לדאוג לשתייה, וכל הדברים שאני לגמרי לא בעניין! אני מתגעגע לקבוצת החברים הקטנה שלי... פעם עשינו הכל ביחד...ועכשיו פשוט הכל מתפרק. ג'ואן נוסעת לאנגליה, קרסון כבר עזבה מהקבוצה (תודה לאל שאני עדיין בקשר הדוק איתה) וניקי הולכת לבנט. אני פשוט... מתגעגע לימים ההם. כן, בכל מקרה....סליחה....פשוט
Тјуринговите машини се апстрактни машини кои покрај нивната едноставност можат да бидат приспособени да ја симулираат логичката улога на секој можен компјутер. Тјуринговите машини се опишани во 1936 од страна на Алан Тјуринг. Иако биле наменети за технички изводлива работа, Тјуринговите машини немале улога во практичната компјутерска технологија, но со истражување за границите на механичкото пресметување; тие всушност никогаш не биле направени (конструирани).
Тјурингова машина која истовремено е способна да симулира и било која друга Тјурингова машина се нарекува Универзална Тјурингова машина (УТМ, или едноставно универзална машина). Поконкретна математичка дефиниција со слична универзална природа беше претставена од Alonzo Church, чија работа на lambda calculus се спои со Тјуринговата во формалната теорија на пресметување позната како теза на Church–Turing. Тезата дека Тјуринговите машини навистина ги опфаќаат информациите за делотворните методи од логиката и математиката, и овозможуваат прецизна дефиниција на алгоритам или механичка процедура. Неформален опис Концептот на Тјуринговата машина е заснован на идејата, некој да извршува добро дефинирана процедура со тоа што ќе ја менува содржината на неограничена хартиена лента, која е поделена на поделци кои на себе имаат еден од множеството симболи за конкретната азбука. Извршувачот треба да запамети една од можните состојби и процедурата е формулирана во многу едноставни чекори во вид "Ако моменталната состојба е 42 и симболот што е на таа позиција е '0' тогаш замени го со '1', помести еден симбол на десно, и земи ја 17-та состојба за наредна состојба."
Ниже вы найдете несколько отличных видеороликов, которые будут воодушевлять вас, обучать и укреплять вас, слушая БОГА и позволяя ЕМУ исполнить ЕГО план в вашей жизни. ЧТО-ТО НОВОЕ, КОТОРОЕ ПОМОЖЕТ ВАМ УСЛЫШАТЬ ГОЛОС БОГА! Как понять и правильно разделить это и как это применить к жизни! В этом важном учении Терри раскрывает четкое различие между Духом и Душой и показывает, насколько важно, чтобы мы научились действовать в Духе и не были обмануты. Это серьезный вопрос, который необходимо рассмотреть независимо от вашего уровня веры и зрелости. Брак и его применение к духу и душе! В этом познавательном классе Терри раскрывает ключевое понимание, которое помогает нам лучше различать Дух и Душу, как это отражается в Брачных отношениях, исходя из интуитивной природы, эмоционального компонента женщины и силового аспекта мужчины в подчинении Господу. . В этом поучительном учении Терри рассказывает о том, как Скиния представляет тело, душу и дух человека и как она применима к нашему духовному хождению. Этот полный пакет избавления поможет вам понять, что вы можете сделать, чтобы освободиться от скрытого принуждения, похороненного глубоко в вашей душе, которое мешает вам ходить в полноте, которую БОГ заплатил за то, чтобы вы вошли. В сегодняшнем видео Терри дает определение спасения. лучше и о том, что мешает спасению нашей души, и о том, как мы можем повысить нашу духовную зрелость.
UNStudio объединила усилия с HPP Architects, чтобы создать консорциум (UNS + HPP) для реализации следующих этапов проекта, победившего на конкурсе архитектурного дизайна для FOUR во Франкфурте. Взгляните на полную историю после прыжка. От архитекторов: Расположенный в центре участок площадью 16 000 квадратных метров был приобретен девелоперской компанией Groß & Partner, которая будет заниматься развитием проекта, еще в 2015 году. Расположенный в самом центре города, участок был построен совершенно недоступный в течение последних 45 лет. Теперь четыре новые высотные башни изменят панораму Франкфурта с воздуха, одновременно культивируя его оживленность на земле. Строительство этих башен, достигающих высоты 228 метров, откроет новые улицы и создаст многофункциональный, оживленный городской квартал, объединяющий здоровое сочетание работы, жизни, отдыха и развлечений. Выбор программ позволяет плавно перейти от торгового района Франкфурта к востоку от Россмаркта к высотным офисным башням, сгруппированным вокруг парка Таунусанлаге. Благодаря уникальной для Европы концепции развития проект FOUR Frankfurt объединяет объекты, которые создадут новый оживленный район для Франкфурта, его посетителей и его (будущих) жителей. Новый высотный комплекс будет интегрирован в расширяющуюся городскую структуру за счет включения в дизайн фасадов Юнгхофштрассе, внесенных в список наследия, и превращения многоэтажного базового здания в связующий элемент всего объекта. По оценке жюри конкурса, уникальность квартала заключается в его общественном благоустройстве и благоустройстве. Таким образом, новая застройка создаст связанные пространства, доступные крыши, дорожки и переходы. Существующий квартал на Юнгхофштрассе будет открыт для укрепления прилегающих дорог и обеспечения высокого уровня доступности. В результате будет создан многофункциональный, разнообразный квартал, включающий 50% офисных помещений, 30% жилых помещений (включая субсидированное жилье), а также торговые площади, рестораны и гостиницы. Ожидается, что четыре Франкфурта будут завершены в 2023 году.
2 Нью-Ингленд NE 16 1 игра -1 ярд 0:07 Конец тайма. 4 Питтсбург Пит 37 2 игры -1 ярд 1:01 Конец игры. 2 8 opp29 1:57 Пит Блейер 0 Бас Ничья/SI 4-3 sZ Ран-Харрис, Ф.
Продавцы-нерезиденты (например, иностранцы, проживающие за границей, и граждане Японии, проживающие за границей). Покупатели, как местные, так и иностранные резиденты, покупающие недвижимость в Японии у нерезидента. Если продавец японской недвижимости является нерезидентом, в зависимости от ситуации покупатель должен удержать 10,21% от цены продажи и уплатить ее в налоговую инспекцию, а остальные 89,79% выплачиваются продавцу. Покупатель обязан уплатить 10,21% в налоговую инспекцию до 10-го числа месяца, следующего за транзакцией. Вы обязаны внести этот платеж в налоговую инспекцию в установленный срок. Если вы в настоящее время проживаете за границей, вам необходимо будет назначить налогового представителя или бухгалтера, который будет платить эту сумму от вашего имени. Вам нужно будет назначить налогового представителя в Японии для подачи окончательной налоговой декларации и возврата вам оставшейся суммы (за вычетом налогов, которые могли быть причитаются). *Если выплата депозитов и промежуточных платежей также соответствует условиям удержания налога, налог должен удерживаться и выплачиваться покупателем при каждом платеже. Приведенная выше информация была предоставлена только в качестве общего руководства. Более подробную информацию об этом налоге, а также по другим детальным вопросам налогообложения можно получить в налоговой инспекции или у специалиста...
Газета New York Times в четверг напечатала специальный раздел с портретами почти каждой из рекордного числа женщин-депутатов в Конгрессе. Вирусная ветка в Твиттере от редактора отдела дизайна Times Джоша Крачмера включает видео с обложками накануне публикации, которое по состоянию на утро четверга было просмотрено более 320 000 раз. По мнению газеты, фотографии, сделанные на Капитолийском холме в течение пяти дней фотографами Times Элизабет Д. Херман и Селестой Сломан, задуманы как «свидетельство того, как выглядит власть в 2019 году». «Как и работа Кехинде Уайли, которая нарисовала Барака Обаму Барака Хусейна ОбамуКитай, Россия, Иран поднимаются в Латинской Америке на фоне отступления США. Кастро хочет последовать примеру Обамы в балансировании президентства с отцовством. Откат Трампа в регулировании повышает вероятность финансового кризиса. БОЛЬШЕ официальный президентский портрет «Эти фотографии вызывают образы, которые мы привыкли видеть в залах власти, но в них резко выделяются люди, которые ранее не считались влиятельными», — говорится в статье. В этом сроке в Палате представителей и Сенате работает 131 женщина, рекордный класс, который включает в себя ряд других «новичков», в том числе самую молодую женщину, избранную в Палату представителей, первых двух женщин-мусульманок-депутатов и первых двух женщин-законодателей из числа коренных американцев. . «Переосмысление репрезентации» включает 130 портретов – член палаты представителей Лиз Чейни Элизабет (Лиз) Линн Чейниреп. Чейни: Социализм «движет повесткой дня Демократической партии» Депутат от Демократической партии предлагает инструмент для «заполнения пробелов» «Зеленого нового курса» Джадд Грегг: В похвалу Майку Энзи БОЛЬШЕ (республиканец от штата Вайоминг) не было доступно, согласно «Таймс» .
Офицер полиции Алсипа серьезно ранил мужчину во время стрельбы при исполнении служебных обязанностей рано утром в среду после того, как выследил Кадиллак, подозреваемый в участии в дрэг-рейсинге, в районе Маунт-Гринвуд. Офицер открыл огонь, когда водитель Cadillac, которым оказался 25-летний мужчина, не выполнил команду полиции поднять руки и поехал в сторону офицера и его партнера, сообщил начальник полиции Алсипа Джей Миллер в заявлении, опубликованном в среду. полдень. По словам Миллера, сразу после 2 часов ночи полицейский увидел дрэг-рейсинг Dodge Challenger и Cadillac в районе Дэвид-Эстейтс в юго-западном пригороде. Во время обыска транспортных средств полицейский заехал на стоянку многоквартирного дома в квартале 4000 на 115-й улице в Чикаго и обнаружил двух человек внутри «Кадиллака». По словам полиции, офицер и его напарник вышли из патрульной машины и сказали 25-летнему парню и его пассажиру поднять руки. Вместо того, чтобы следовать указаниям, 25-летний мужчина подъехал к офицеру, который затем открыл огонь. «Кадиллак» врезался в припаркованные на стоянке автомобили и патрульную машину. По данным полиции, 25-летний мужчина получил два выстрела в плечо, и сотрудники Алсипа оказали ему медицинскую помощь до прибытия скорой помощи. Его доставили в медицинский центр Крайст в Оук-Лоун в тяжелом состоянии. Оба офицера получили «легкие травмы», сообщила полиция Алсипа. Миллер сказал, что 25-летний мужчина, которому не предъявлено обвинение, разыскивался на основании ордера на выезд из Индианы по обвинению в наркотиках и имел «историю насилия», но не уточнил подробностей.
New York Times trykket torsdag en spesiell seksjon med portretter av nesten hvert medlem av rekordmange kvinnelige lovgivere i kongressen. En viral Twitter-tråd fra Times' designredaktør, Josh Crutchmer, inkluderer en video av forsidene kvelden før publisering som har blitt sett over 320 000 ganger torsdag morgen. Bildene, som ble tatt på Capitol Hill over fem dager av Times-fotografene Elizabeth D. Herman og Celeste Sloman, er ment som «et bevis på hvordan makt ser ut i 2019», ifølge avisen. «Som arbeidet til Kehinde Wiley, som malte Barack Obama Barack Hussein Obama, stiger Kina, Russland, Iran i Latin-Amerika når USA trekker seg tilbake. Castro ønsker å følge Obamas ledelse når det gjelder å balansere presidentskap med farskap. Trumps tilbakeføring av regulering øker sjansene for en finanskrise MERs offisielle presidentportrett , fremkaller disse fotografiene bildene vi er vant til å se i maktens haller, men plasserer folk som ikke tidligere er sett på som mektige, sterkt i rammene», heter det i innslaget. Det er 131 kvinner som tjenestegjør i huset og senatet denne perioden, en rekordklasse som inkluderer en rekke andre "første", inkludert den yngste kvinnen valgt inn i huset, de to første kvinnelige muslimske lovgiverne og de to første kvinnelige innfødte amerikanske lovgiverne. . "Redefinering Representation" inneholder 130 portretter – Rep. Liz Cheney Elizabeth (Liz) Lynn CheneyRep. Cheney: Sosialisme 'driver agendaen til det demokratiske partiet' Dem lovgiver tilbyr verktøy for å 'fylle ut tomrommene' i Green New Deal Judd Gregg: Til ros for Mike Enzi MORE (R-Wyo.) var ikke tilgjengelig, ifølge Times .
En politimann fra Alsip såret en mann alvorlig i en skyting på vakt tidlig onsdag etter å ha sporet en Cadillac mistenkt for å være involvert i dragracing inn i Mount Greenwood-området. Offiseren avfyrte skudd da føreren av Cadillac-en, identifisert som en 25 år gammel mann, ikke fulgte politiets kommandoer for å løfte hendene og kjørte mot betjenten og hans partner, sa Alsip-politisjef Jay Miller i en uttalelse som ble offentliggjort onsdag. ettermiddag. Like etter klokken 02.00 så betjenten en Dodge Challenger og en Cadillac dragrace i David Estates-området i den sørvestlige forstaden, sa Miller. Under et søk etter kjøretøyene dro betjenten inn på en parkeringsplass for en bygård i 4000-blokken på 115th Street i Chicago og fant to personer inne i Cadillac. Offiseren og partneren hans gikk ut av soldatbilen deres og ba 25-åringen og passasjeren hans rekke opp hendene, sa politiet. I stedet for å følge anvisningene kjørte 25-åringen mot betjenten, som deretter åpnet ild. Cadillac-en krasjet inn i kjøretøyer som var parkert på plassen og inn i en gruppebil. 25-åringen ble skutt to ganger i skulderen og fikk legehjelp av Alsip-offiserene før ambulansepersonell ankom, opplyser politiet. Han ble ført til Christ Medical Center i Oak Lawn i alvorlig tilstand. Begge betjentene fikk «mindre skader», sa Alsip-politiet. Miller sa at 25-åringen, som ikke har blitt siktet, var etterlyst på en arrestordre fra Indiana på grunn av narkotikaanklage og hadde en "voldelig historie", men ga ikke detaljer.
Ketvirtadienį laikraštis „New York Times“ išspausdino specialų skyrių, kuriame pateikiami beveik kiekvienos rekordinio Kongreso moterų skaičiaus įstatymų leidėjų portretai. Virusinėje „Twitter“ gijoje, kurią sukūrė „Times“ dizaino redaktorius Joshas Crutchmeris, yra viršelių vaizdo įrašas naktį prieš paskelbimą, kuris ketvirtadienio rytą buvo peržiūrėtas daugiau nei 320 000 kartų. Laikraštyje rašoma, kad nuotraukos, kurias ant Kapitolijaus kalno per penkias dienas padarė Times fotografės Elizabeth D. Herman ir Celeste Sloman, yra „paliudijimas, kaip galia atrodo 2019 m. „Kaip ir Kehinde Wiley, nupiešusio Baracką Obamą Baracką Huseiną Obama, Kinija, Rusija, Iranas auga Lotynų Amerikoje, kai JAV traukiasi, Castro nori sekti Obamos pavyzdžiu derinant prezidento postą su tėvyste Trumpo reguliavimo panaikinimas padidina finansinės krizės tikimybę. Oficialus MORE prezidento portretas , šios nuotraukos sužadina vaizdus, kuriuos esame įpratę matyti valdžios salėse, tačiau į kadrus ryškiai įdeda žmones, kurie anksčiau nebuvo tokie galingi“, – rašoma funkcijoje. Atstovų rūmuose ir Senate šią kadenciją dirba 131 moteris – rekordinė klasė, į kurią įeina daugybė kitų „pirmųjų“, įskaitant jauniausią į Atstovų Rūmus išrinktą moterį, dvi pirmąsias musulmones įstatymų leidėjas ir pirmąsias dvi indėnines įstatymų leidėjas. . „Redefining Representation“ yra 130 portretų – Rep. Liz Cheney Elizabeth (Liz) Lynn CheneyRep. Cheney: socializmas „varo Demokratų partijos darbotvarkę“ Dem įstatymų leidėjas siūlo įrankį „užpildyti žaliojo naujojo susitarimo tuščias vietas“ Juddas Greggas: „The Times“ rašo, kad Mike'o Enzi pagyrimui DAUGIAU (R-Wyo.) nebuvo. .
Alsipo policijos pareigūnas anksti trečiadienį per šaudymą sunkiai sužeidė vyrą po to, kai susekė „Cadillac“, įtariamą dalyvavusiu drago lenktynėse Mount Greenwood rajone. Pareigūnas paleido šūvius, kai „Cadillac“ vairuotojas, identifikuotas kaip 25 metų vyras, nevykdė policijos komandų pakelti rankas ir važiavo link pareigūno ir jo partnerio, sakoma Alsipo policijos viršininko Jay'aus Millerio pranešime, kuris buvo paskelbtas trečiadienį. popietę. Vos po 2 valandos nakties pareigūnas pamatė „Dodge Challenger“ ir „Cadillac“ drago lenktynes David Estates rajone pietvakariniame priemiestyje, sakė Milleris. Ieškodamas transporto priemonių, pareigūnas įsuko į daugiabučio automobilių stovėjimo aikštelę Čikagos 115-osios gatvės 4000 kvartale ir Cadillac salone rado du žmones. Pareigūnas ir jo bendražygis išlipo iš tarnybinio automobilio ir liepė 25 metų vyrui bei jo keleivei pakelti rankas, pranešė policija. Užuot laikęsis nurodymų, 25-erių vaikinas nuvažiavo link pareigūno, kuris atidengė ugnį. „Cadillac“ trenkėsi į aikštelėje stovėjusias transporto priemones ir tarnybinį automobilį. Policija pranešė, kad 25-erių vaikinui buvo du kartus peršautas petys, Alsipo pareigūnai jam suteikė medicininę pagalbą. Jis buvo sunkios būklės nuvežtas į Christ Medical Center Oak Lawn mieste. Abu pareigūnai patyrė „nežymius sužalojimus“, pranešė Alsipo policija. Milleris sakė, kad 25 metų vaikinas, kuriam nebuvo pareikšti kaltinimai, buvo ieškomas pagal orderį iš Indianos dėl kaltinimų narkotikais ir turėjo „smurtinę istoriją“, tačiau nepateikė konkrečių duomenų.
在斯特恩-革拉赫實驗裏,可以透過測量而得到自旋的z-分量,這種物理量稱為可觀察量,透過做實驗測量可以得到其測值。每一個可觀察量都有一個對應的量子算符;將算符作用於量子態,會使得量子態線性變換成另一個量子態。假若變換前的量子態與變換後的量子態,除了乘法數值以外,兩個量子態相同,則稱此量子態為此算符的本徵態,稱此乘法數值為此算符的本徵值。[16]:11-12可觀察量的算符也許會有很多本徵值與本徵態。根據統計詮釋,每一次測量所得到的測值只能是其中的一個本徵值,而且,測得這本徵值的機會呈概率性,量子系統的量子態也會改變為對應於本徵值的本徵態。[17]:106-109例如,自旋的z-分量是個可觀察量 S z S_z,做實驗可以得到的測值為 + ℏ / 2 +\hbar/2或 − ℏ / 2 -\hbar/2。對應於可觀察量 S z S_z的量子算符 S ^ z \hat{S}_z有兩個本徵值分別為 + ℏ / 2 +\hbar/2、 − ℏ / 2 -\hbar/2的本徵態 | ↑ ⟩
Οι New York Times τύπωσαν την Πέμπτη μια ειδική ενότητα με πορτρέτα σχεδόν κάθε μέλους του ρεκόρ γυναικών βουλευτών στο Κογκρέσο. Ένα viral νήμα στο Twitter από τον συντάκτη σχεδιασμού των Times, Josh Crutchmer, περιλαμβάνει ένα βίντεο με τα εξώφυλλα το βράδυ πριν από τη δημοσίευση, το οποίο έχει προβληθεί πάνω από 320.000 φορές από το πρωί της Πέμπτης. Οι φωτογραφίες, οι οποίες τραβήχτηκαν στο Καπιτώλιο για πέντε ημέρες από τους φωτογράφους των Times Elizabeth D. Herman και Celeste Sloman, θεωρούνται ως «μια απόδειξη για το πώς μοιάζει η εξουσία το 2019», σύμφωνα με την εφημερίδα. «Όπως το έργο του Kehinde Wiley, ο οποίος ζωγράφισε τον Μπαράκ Ομπάμα Μπαράκ Χουσεΐν Ομπάμα Η Κίνα, η Ρωσία, το Ιράν ανεβαίνουν στη Λατινική Αμερική καθώς οι ΗΠΑ υποχωρούν Ο Κάστρο θέλει να ακολουθήσει το παράδειγμα του Ομπάμα για την εξισορρόπηση της προεδρίας με την πατρότητα Η ρυθμιστική ανάκληση του Τραμπ ενισχύει τις πιθανότητες για οικονομική κρίση , αυτές οι φωτογραφίες προκαλούν τις εικόνες που έχουμε συνηθίσει να βλέπουμε στις αίθουσες της εξουσίας, αλλά τοποθετούν ανθρώπους που δεν είχαν προηγουμένως θεωρηθεί ως ισχυροί έντονα στα καρέ», αναφέρει το χαρακτηριστικό. Υπάρχουν 131 γυναίκες που υπηρετούν στη Βουλή και τη Γερουσία αυτή τη θητεία, μια κατηγορία ρεκόρ που περιλαμβάνει μια σειρά από άλλες «πρώτες», συμπεριλαμβανομένης της νεότερης γυναίκας που εκλέχθηκε στη Βουλή, των δύο πρώτων γυναικών μουσουλμάνων βουλευτών και των πρώτων δύο ιθαγενών Αμερικανών βουλευτών . Το "Redefining Representation" περιλαμβάνει 130 πορτρέτα – Αντιπρόσωπος Liz Cheney Elizabeth (Liz) Lynn CheneyRep. Τσένι: Ο Σοσιαλισμός «οδηγεί την ατζέντα του Δημοκρατικού Κόμματος» Δημοκρατικός νομοθέτης προσφέρει εργαλείο για τη «συμπλήρωση των κενών» του Green New Deal Judd Gregg: Για να επαινέσω τον Mike Enzi ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑ (R-Wyo.) δεν ήταν διαθέσιμα, σύμφωνα με τους Times .
Ένας αστυνομικός των Αλσιπών τραυμάτισε σοβαρά έναν άνδρα σε πυροβολισμό κατά τη διάρκεια της υπηρεσίας νωρίς την Τετάρτη, αφού εντόπισε μια Cadillac που υποπτεύεται ότι συμμετείχε σε αγώνες έλξης στη γειτονιά Mount Greenwood. Ο αστυνομικός πυροβόλησε όταν ο οδηγός της Cadillac, ο οποίος αναγνωρίστηκε ως ένας 25χρονος, δεν ακολούθησε τις εντολές της αστυνομίας να σηκώσει τα χέρια του και οδήγησε προς τον αστυνομικό και τον σύντροφό του, δήλωσε ο αρχηγός της αστυνομίας Alsip Jay Miller σε δήλωση που δόθηκε την Τετάρτη. απόγευμα. Λίγο μετά τις 2 τα ξημερώματα, ο αστυνομικός είδε ένα Dodge Challenger και μια Cadillac να αγωνίζονται στη συνοικία David Estates στο νοτιοδυτικό προάστιο, είπε ο Miller. Κατά τη διάρκεια έρευνας για τα οχήματα, ο αστυνομικός μπήκε σε ένα πάρκινγκ για μια πολυκατοικία στο τετράγωνο 4000 της 115th Street στο Σικάγο και βρήκε δύο άτομα μέσα στην Cadillac. Ο αστυνομικός και η σύντροφός του κατέβηκαν από το αυτοκίνητο της διμοιρίας τους και είπαν στον 25χρονο και τον συνεπιβάτη του να σηκώσουν τα χέρια τους, ανακοίνωσε η αστυνομία. Αντί να ακολουθήσει τις οδηγίες, ο 25χρονος οδήγησε προς τον αστυνομικό, ο οποίος στη συνέχεια άνοιξε πυρ. Η Cadillac έπεσε πάνω σε οχήματα που ήταν σταθμευμένα στο οικόπεδο και σε ένα αυτοκίνητο της ομάδας. Ο 25χρονος πυροβολήθηκε δύο φορές στον ώμο και του παρασχέθηκε ιατρική φροντίδα από τους αστυνομικούς της Αλσίπ πριν φτάσουν οι διασώστες, ανακοίνωσε η αστυνομία. Μεταφέρθηκε στο Christ Medical Center στο Oak Lawn σε σοβαρή κατάσταση. Και οι δύο αστυνομικοί υπέστησαν «μικρούς τραυματισμούς», είπε η αστυνομία του Αλσίπ. Ο Μίλερ είπε ότι ο 25χρονος, ο οποίος δεν έχει απαγγελθεί κατηγορία, καταζητείται με ένταλμα από την Ιντιάνα για κατηγορία ναρκωτικών και είχε «βίαιο ιστορικό», αλλά δεν έδωσε λεπτομέρειες.
安德烈亞斯·塞拉里烏斯的插圖:哥白尼體系,出自Harmonia Macrocosmica(1660年)。
在1992年,夏威夷大學的天文學家大衛·朱維特和麻省理工學院的珍妮·劉發現1992 QB1,被證明是一個冰冷的、類似小行星帶的新族群,也就是現在所知的柯伊伯带,冥王星和凱倫都只是其中的成員[23][24]。
Storia delle osservazioni
Rappresentazione del 1500 del sistema solare del cartografo Bartolomeu Velho con la Terra al centro dell'universo
Sebbene molti dei maggiori corpi celesti del sistema solare fossero già conosciuti sin dai tempi dell'antichità, il concetto stesso era ignorato in quanto vigeva per lo più un'idea di sistema geocentrico con la Terra al centro dell'universo[7]. Uno dei primi a immaginare un sistema eliocentrico fu Aristarco di Samo[8][9], ma le sue idee non presero piede nella comunità dei filosofi e pensatori di allora.[10]
Fu solo nel XVI secolo che Niccolò Copernico[7] propose la visione moderna del sistema solare, con al centro il Sole e i pianeti conosciuti allora a orbitare intorno. Gli unici corpi del sistema solare conosciuti erano però solamente i quattro pianeti terrestri, Giove, Saturno, il Sole e la Luna. Nel secolo successivo, con l'invenzione del telescopio di Galileo Galilei, vennero scoperti altri corpi minori[11], come i satelliti medicei, gli anelli di Saturno e alcune comete e per circa 200 anni non si pensava che potessero esserci altri oggetti nel sistema solare, in particolare era ferma la convinzione che i pianeti fossero solo quelli allora conosciuti.
Frontespizio della scoperta del nuovo pianeta Cerere Ferdinandea
Nel 1781, la scoperta di Urano da parte di William Herschel[12] mise in discussione i preconcetti che la comunità scientifica aveva, generando dubbi relativamente alla possibilità che esistessero pianeti transuranici.
Pochi anni dopo, nel 1801, Giuseppe Piazzi dichiarò di aver scoperto un nuovo pianeta, tra le orbite di Marte e Giove[13]; si trattava in realtà di Cerere. La conclusione avvenne escludendo che potesse trattarsi di una cometa e non conoscendo altri oggetti diversi da pianeti e comete, del tutto ignaro che avesse scoperto un nuovo tipo di oggetto, l'asteroide. Da allora le scoperte di nuovi oggetti si moltiplicarono, in particolare vennero scoperti tanti nuovi asteroidi. Nel 1846 venne scoperto un pianeta in modo del tutto rivoluzionario: prima dell'osservazione diretta, si calcolarono le perturbazioni dell'orbita di Urano e se ne dedusse che doveva esistere un pianeta in un punto preciso dello spazio per giustificare le discrepanze osservate[14]. Pochi giorni dopo, Johann Gottfried Galle e Heinrich Louis d'Arrest confermarono la presenza di Nettuno a meno di un grado di distanza dal punto calcolato.
Nel 1930, la scoperta di Plutone aumentò il numero di pianeti conosciuti a nove[15], ritenuto allora un oggetto di massa molto maggiore di quanto effettivamente sia. Negli anni '50 Jan Oort ipotizzò l'esistenza di un vivaio di comete ben al di là delle orbite dei pianeti conosciuti[16], situato a decine di migliaia di UA dal Sole, la nube di Oort (la parte più esterna del Sistema Solare) che quando venivano perturbate modificavano consistentemente la propria orbita fino ad arrivare nella zona interna del sistema. Nel 1992, la scoperta di Albion riavviò la ricerca di oggetti transnettuniani[17]. L'avvento di sistemi automatici di ricerca permise la scoperta di migliaia di oggetti dal diametro tra i 50 e 2500 km. La scoperta di Eris, di dimensioni simili a Plutone, nel 2005 mise in discussione la stessa definizione di pianeta[18], che fu cambiata e formalizzata nel 2006 dall'Unione Astronomica Internazionale, declassando Plutone a pianeta nano e riportando a otto il numero totale di pianeti[19].
Lo stesso argomento in dettaglio: Formazione ed evoluzione del sistema solare.
Rappresentazione artistica del sistema solare primordiale
Le teorie più accreditate sulla formazione del sistema solare, descrivono la sua nascita 4,6 miliardi di anni fa a partire dalla frammentazione e dal collasso gravitazionale di una gigantesca nube molecolare dal diametro di 65 anni luce[20]. Uno di questi frammenti, dalle dimensioni iniziali di 2000-20000 unità astronomiche, collassò in quello che è noto come disco protoplanetario[21]. I componenti principali di questa fucina primordiale erano per il 98% idrogeno, elio e litio primordiali, formatisi con la nucleosintesi poco dopo il Big Bang, e altri elementi più pesanti espulsi da stelle formatesi ed esplose in qualche generazione precedente[22]. Al centro collassò una quantità di gas e polveri tale da raggiungere la massa necessaria per innescare le reazioni termonucleari, e nacque una protostella, mentre i pianeti si generarono per accrescimento, formando all'inizio qualche decina di piccoli pianeti che nel sistema caotico primordiale ogni tanto si scontravano per formare corpi sempre più grandi[23].
La contrazione causò un aumento della velocità di rotazione e della forza centrifuga del sistema. Così la nube si sarebbe appiattita, assumendo un aspetto simile a un disco rotante intorno al Sole[24].
Mentre il nucleo del proto-Sole si riscaldava fino a raggiungere le temperature necessarie per le reazioni termonucleari, nel disco circostante accrescevano alcuni corpi attraverso delle collisioni e attirando frammenti più piccoli presenti nello spazio circostante. Si sarebbero formati così i protopianeti, dai quali sarebbero derivati gli attuali pianeti, mentre il proto-Sole si trasformava in una stella gialla e stabile.
Nelle prime fasi di attività solare, la temperatura nel sistema solare interno era troppo alta per permettere a elementi leggeri di condensare; i pianeti interni tendevano ad accrescersi con elementi pesanti, diventando in futuro pianeti rocciosi[24]. Il vento solare contribuiva a spazzare via gli elementi leggeri verso le regioni più esterne, soprattutto l'idrogeno e l'elio. Il sistema solare esterno manteneva una temperatura relativamente bassa, permettendo a sostanze come metano e acqua di condensare[24]. La differenza in questo tipo di accrescimento ha determinato le caratteristiche dei pianeti, piccoli e rocciosi all'interno, per la scarsa presenza di elementi pesanti e giganti all'esterno, che gli hanno permesso di catturare i gas di idrogeno e elio sparsi nello spazio[24].
Il principale corpo celeste del sistema solare è il Sole, una stella della sequenza principale di classe spettrale G2 V (nana gialla[25]), contenente il 99,86%[26] di tutta la massa conosciuta nel sistema solare. Giove e Saturno, i due pianeti più massicci che orbitano attorno al Sole, costituiscono più del 90% della massa restante. La maggior parte dei grandi oggetti in orbita intorno al Sole sono in un piano simile a quello dell'orbita terrestre, chiamata eclittica[27]. Tipicamente, il piano di orbita dei pianeti è molto vicino a quello dell'eclittica mentre le comete e gli oggetti della cintura di Kuiper hanno un angolo significativamente maggiore rispetto al nostro.
Tutti i pianeti e la maggior parte degli altri oggetti orbitano nello stesso senso della rotazione del Sole, in senso antiorario dal punto di vista di un osservatore situato al di sopra del polo nord solare. Certi oggetti orbitano in un senso orario, come la cometa di Halley[28].
Le traiettorie degli oggetti che gravitano intorno al sole seguono le leggi di Keplero[29]. Sono approssimativamente delle ellissi di cui uno dei fuochi è il Sole. Le orbite dei pianeti sono quasi circolari mentre quelle dei corpi più piccoli presentano una maggiore eccentricità e possono risultare molto ellittiche.
La distanza di un corpo dal Sole varia durante la sua rivoluzione. Il punto più vicino al sole dell'orbita di un corpo si chiama perielio, mentre il più lontano è l'afelio[30].
Il sistema solare è convenzionalmente diviso in due zone. Il sistema solare interno[31] include i quattro pianeti rocciosi e la cintura di asteroidi. Il resto del sistema viene considerato sistema solare esterno[32].
La maggioranza dei pianeti del sistema solare possiede dei corpi in rotazione intorno ad essi, chiamati satelliti naturali o lune. I quattro pianeti più grandi hanno anche degli anelli planetari.
Il sistema solare; i pianeti sono raffigurati in scala per grandezza, mentre la scala delle distanze è fornita in basso a destra. Sono indicati inoltre i 5 asteroidi più massicci, i plutoidi e le lune maggiori.
Alcuni software anche open-source come WorldWide Telescope permettono di vedere l'intero Sistema Solare e i suoi migliaia di oggetti celesti, con la rotazione differenziata degli stessi in qualsiasi istante di tempo passato e futuro.
Gli elementi chimici che predominano nel sistema solare sono idrogeno ed elio primordiali, concentrati per lo più nel Sole, dove la loro massa costituisce circa il 98%, e nei due pianeti più grandi, Giove e Saturno. In minori percentuali, sono presenti tutti gli elementi della tavola periodica nelle loro forme stabili e nei principali isotopi. Fisicamente, quasi tutti i corpi si trovano in rotazione attorno al centro di massa del sistema nella stessa direzione, contribuendo in modo differente al momento angolare del sistema solare; stranamente, il Sole, nonostante la sua notevole massa, contribuisce solo allo 0,5%[33] del momento angolare totale, essendo molto vicino al baricentro.
Das (auch unser) Sonnensystem ist das Planetensystem, in dem sich die Erde und damit alle bekannten Lebewesen befinden. Es besteht aus der Sonne, acht sie umkreisenden Planeten (von innen nach außen: Merkur, Venus, Erde, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus und Neptun[2]), deren natürlichen Satelliten, den Zwergplaneten, anderen Kleinkörpern (Kometen, Asteroiden und Meteoroiden) und aus unzähligen Gas- und Staubteilchen, die durch die Anziehungskraft der Sonne an diese gebunden sind.
Die Internationale Astronomische Union definiert den Pluto seit 2006 als Zwergplanet und nicht mehr als den äußersten Planeten des Sonnensystems.
1 Aufbau
1.1 Allgemeine Struktur
1.2 Zone der Planeten
1.3 Äußere Zonen
1.4 Ausmaße
2 Umgebung
2.1 Lokale stellare Nachbarschaft
2.2 Milchstraßensystem
3 Entstehung
3.1 Urwolke
3.2 Alter
3.3 Entstehung der Planeten
3.4 Offene Fragen
4 Siehe auch
5 Literatur
6 Weblinks
7 Einzelnachweise
Allgemeine Struktur
Die Sonne ist der Zentralstern des Sonnensystems. Da sie 99,86 % der Gesamtmasse des Systems hat, ist sie sehr nahe dem Baryzentrum des Sonnensystems. In der Reihenfolge ihres Abstands von der Sonne folgen die terrestrischen Planeten Merkur, Venus, Erde und Mars, die den inneren Teil des Planetensystems ausmachen. Den äußeren Teil bilden die Gasplaneten Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus und Neptun. Weitere Begleiter der Sonne sind neben Zwergplaneten Millionen von Asteroiden (auch Planetoiden oder Kleinplaneten genannt) und Kometen, die vorwiegend in drei Kleinkörperzonen des Sonnensystems um die Sonne kreisen: dem Asteroidengürtel zwischen den inneren und den äußeren Planeten, dem Kuipergürtel jenseits der äußeren Planeten und der Oortschen Wolke ganz außen.
Die Planetenbahnen sind nur wenig gegenüber der Erdbahnebene geneigt, um höchstens 7°, sie liegen also in einer flachen Scheibe. Bei den meisten der bisher (2019) bekannten Kleinplaneten, speziell denen des Kuipergürtels, beträgt die Neigung weniger als 30°. Für die Oortsche Wolke wird dagegen eine Kugelform angenommen.
Innerhalb der von den einzelnen Sonnenbegleitern beherrschten Raumbereiche – ihrer Hill-Sphären – befinden sich oft kleinere Himmelskörper als umlaufende Begleiter dieser Objekte. Nach dem altbekannten Mond der Erde werden sie analog ebenfalls als Monde, aber auch als Satelliten oder Trabanten bezeichnet. Bis auf den Erdmond und den Plutomond Charon sind sie zumindest bei den Planeten und Zwergplaneten wesentlich kleiner als ihr Hauptkörper. Mondlose Ausnahmen unter den Planeten sind nur Merkur und Venus. Eine definitiv untere Grenzgröße, ab der man wie bei den Bestandteilen der Ringe der Gasplaneten nicht mehr von einem Mond spricht, wurde noch nicht offiziell festgelegt.
Der Durchmesser der Sonne ist mit etwa 1,39 Millionen Kilometern bei weitem größer als der Durchmesser aller anderen Objekte im System. Die größten dieser Objekte sind die acht Planeten, die vier Jupitermonde Ganymed, Kallisto, Europa und Io (die Galileischen Monde), der Saturnmond Titan und der Erdmond. Zwei Drittel der restlichen Masse von 0,14 % entfallen dabei auf Jupiter. (Siehe auch Liste der größten Objekte im Sonnensystem.)
Als Folge der Entstehung des Sonnensystems bewegen sich alle Planeten, Zwergplaneten und der Asteroidengürtel auf ihrer Umlaufbahn um die Sonne im gleichen Umlaufsinn, den man rechtläufig nennt. Sie umrunden die Sonne von Norden gesehen gegen den Uhrzeigersinn. Die meisten größeren Monde bewegen sich ebenfalls in diese Richtung um ihren Hauptkörper. Auch die Rotation der meisten größeren Körper des Sonnensystems erfolgt in rechtläufigem Drehsinn. Von den Planeten dreht sich lediglich die Venus entgegengesetzt, und die Rotationsachse von Uranus liegt nahezu in seiner Bahnebene.
Zone der Planeten
Die Umlaufbahnen der Planeten (ein Rasterquadrat besitzt jeweils die Kantenlänge 100 Mio. km)
Die vier inneren Planeten
Mars und die vier äußeren Planeten
Der Sonne am nächsten befinden sich die inneren, erdähnlichen Planeten Merkur (Abstand zur Sonne 57,9 Mio. km bzw. 0,39 AE), Venus (108,2 Mio. km bzw. 0,72 AE), Erde (149,6 Mio. km bzw. 1 AE) und Mars (227,9 Mio. km bzw. 1,52 AE). Ihr Durchmesser beträgt zwischen 4878 km und 12756 km, ihre Dichte zwischen 3,95 g/cm³ und 5,52 g/cm³. Innerhalb der habitablen Zone um die Sonne befinden sich jedoch nur die Erde und, je nach Modell, noch ganz knapp der Mars.
Zwischen Mars und Jupiter befindet sich der sogenannte Asteroidengürtel, eine Ansammlung von Kleinplaneten. Die meisten dieser Asteroiden sind nur wenige Kilometer groß (siehe Liste der Asteroiden) und nur wenige haben einen Durchmesser von 100 km oder mehr. Ceres ist mit etwa 960 km der größte dieser Körper und gilt als Zwergplanet. Die Bahnen der Asteroiden sind teilweise stark elliptisch, einige kreuzen sogar die Merkur- (Icarus) beziehungsweise die Neptunbahn (Dioretsa). Zu den äußeren Planeten zählen die Gasriesen Jupiter (778,3 Mio. km bzw. 5,2 AE) und Saturn (1,429 Mrd. km bzw. 9,53 AE) sowie die Eisriesen Uranus (2,875 Mrd. km bzw. 19,2 AE) und Neptun (4,504 Mrd. km bzw. 30,1 AE) mit Dichten zwischen 0,7 g/cm³ und 1,66 g/cm³.
Die gerundeten (und genauen) Verhältnisse
zwischen den Umlaufzeiten der Planeten
Merkur Merkur 2:5 (2:5,11) Venus Venus
Venus Venus 8:13 (8:13,004) Erde Erde
Erde Erde 1:2 (1:1,88) Mars Mars
Mars Mars 1:6 (1:6,31) Jupiter Jupiter
Jupiter Jupiter 2:5 (2:4,97) Saturn Saturn
Saturn Saturn 1:3 (1:2,85) Uranus Uranus
Uranus Uranus 1:2 (1:1,96) Neptun Neptun
Die mittleren Abstände der Planeten von der Sonne lassen sich durch mathematische Reihen wie der Titius-Bode-Reihe genähert beschreiben. Diese gewisse Regelmäßigkeit der Bahnabstände dürfte auf Resonanzeffekte bei der Entstehung des Sonnensystems zurückzuführen sein. Dass sich der mittlere Abstand des Asteroidengürtels ebenfalls in dieser Reihe einordnen lässt, der von Neptun jedoch nicht, gab und gibt Anlass zu Spekulationen über kosmische Katastrophen.
Am nächsten können sich Merkur und Venus mit einer minimalen Distanz von 0,26 AE kommen. Geringfügig größer ist die minimale Entfernung von Venus und Erde. Nimmt man die mittleren Bahnradien, so sind Venus und Erde die Planeten mit der geringsten Distanz zueinander (41 Mio. km oder knapp 0,28 AE).
Die Planeten Merkur, Venus, Mars, Jupiter und Saturn waren schon im Altertum als Wandelsterne bekannt und wurden mit einzelnen Göttern in Verbindung gebracht. Die nach Göttern der Römischen Mythologie gewählten Namen haben sich durchgesetzt. Auch die 1781 und 1846 entdeckten Planeten Uranus und Neptun sowie der 1930 entdeckte Zwergplanet Pluto – bis 2006 ebenfalls als Planet eingestuft – wurden aus Gründen der Tradition in ähnlicher Weise benannt.
Merksatz zur Reihenfolge der Planeten
Um sich die Planeten in ihrer Reihenfolge – nach zunehmendem Sonnenabstand – leichter einprägen zu können, wurden verschiedene Merksprüche ersonnen, meist sogenannte Eselsbrücken in Form eines Akrostichons, z. B.
Mein Vater erklärt mir jeden Sonntag unseren Nachthimmel.[3] alternativ „… unsere Nachbarplaneten.“
Ein Merkspruch, der auch die Kleinkörper berücksichtigt, lautet:
Mein Vater erklärt mir an jedem Sonntag unsere natürliche kosmische Ordnung.[3]
zu lesen als Merkur Venus Erde Mars Asteroiden Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptun Kuipergürtel Oortsche Wolke.
Siehe auch: Liste der Planeten des Sonnensystems
Äußere Zonen
Die Umlaufbahnen der Objekte des Sonnensystems im Maßstab
Seit den 1990er-Jahren wurden tausende Objekte gefunden, die sich jenseits der Neptunbahn bewegen. Fast alle dieser Objekte sind 4,5–7,5 Milliarden km (30–50 AE) von der Sonne entfernt und bilden dort den Kuipergürtel. Er ist ein Reservoir für Kometen mit mittleren Umlaufperioden. Die Objekte dieser Zone sind wahrscheinlich nahezu unveränderte Überbleibsel aus der Entstehungsphase des Sonnensystems; man nennt sie deshalb auch Planetesimale.
Der Kuipergürtel enthält eine Reihe von Zwergplaneten wie Pluto, (136199) Eris, (136472) Makemake, (136108) Haumea und eine Reihe weiterer Objekte, die ihrer Größe nach wahrscheinlich Zwergplaneten sind.
Der Sonnenwind wirkt im interplanetaren Raum ungehindert bis in den Kuipergürtel und verdrängt die interstellare Materie. Jenseits des Kuipergürtels verlangsamt und verdichtet sich der Teilchenstrom der Sonne durch die Wechselwirkung mit dem interstellaren Medium und bildet als äußere Schale der Heliosphäre die Heliohülle (heliosheath). Die Grenzschicht zwischen der Heliosphäre und dem interstellaren Medium ist die Heliopause in einer Entfernung von circa 120 AE (dem 4-fachen Abstand Neptun–Sonne).
Außerhalb der Heliopause befindet sich bis zu einem Abstand zur Sonne von circa 1,5 Lichtjahren (etwa 100.000 AE) theoretisch die Oortsche Wolke. Durch den Einfluss der Gravitation vorbeiziehender Sterne werden aus ihr vermutlich Körper herausgelöst und fallen als langperiodische Kometen in die inneren Bereiche des Sonnensystems. Einige dieser Kometen verbleiben dann auf stark elliptischen Bahnen in der Nähe der Sonne, andere werden von den Planeten, insbesondere von Jupiter, gestört und abgelenkt, so dass sie aus dem Sonnensystem katapultiert werden, auf Planeten oder in die Sonne stürzen.
Es gibt keine allgemein anerkannte Definition, wie weit sich das Sonnensystem erstreckt. Oft wurde das Ausmaß des Sonnensystems mit dem der Heliosphäre gleichgesetzt. Aber mit der Entdeckung weit entfernter Transneptunischer Objekte war bewiesen, dass es auch jenseits der Heliopause gravitativ an die Sonne gebundene Objekte gibt.
Da astronomische Dimensionen für die meisten Menschen schwer vorstellbar sind, ist ein maßstabsgerecht verkleinertes Modell des Sonnensystems oder der Besuch eines Planetenweges hilfreich, um sich die Größenverhältnisse und Distanzen der Objekte zu veranschaulichen.
Орбиты объектов Солнечной системы, в масштабе (по часовой стрелке, начиная с верхней левой части)
Центральным объектом Солнечной системы является Солнце — звезда главной последовательности спектрального класса G2V, жёлтый карлик. В Солнце сосредоточена подавляющая часть всей массы системы (около 99,866 %), оно удерживает своим тяготением планеты и прочие тела, принадлежащие к Солнечной системе[21]. Четыре крупнейших объекта — газовые гиганты — составляют 99 % оставшейся массы (при этом большая часть приходится на Юпитер и Сатурн — около 90 %).
Большинство крупных объектов, обращающихся вокруг Солнца, движется практически в одной плоскости, называемой плоскостью эклиптики. В то же время кометы и объекты пояса Койпера часто обладают большими углами наклона к этой плоскости[22][23].
Все планеты и большинство других объектов обращаются вокруг Солнца в одном направлении с вращением Солнца (против часовой стрелки, если смотреть со стороны северного полюса Солнца). Есть исключения, такие как комета Галлея. Самой большой угловой скоростью обладает Меркурий — он успевает совершить полный оборот вокруг Солнца всего за 88 земных суток. А для самой удалённой планеты — Нептуна — период обращения составляет 165 земных лет.
Бо́льшая часть планет вращается вокруг своей оси в ту же сторону, что и обращается вокруг Солнца. Исключения составляют Венера и Уран, причём Уран вращается практически «лёжа на боку» (наклон оси около 90°). Для наглядной демонстрации вращения используется специальный прибор — теллурий.
Многие модели Солнечной системы условно показывают орбиты планет через равные промежутки, однако в действительности, за малым исключением, чем дальше планета или пояс от Солнца, тем больше расстояние между её орбитой и орбитой предыдущего объекта. Например, Венера приблизительно на 0,33 а.е. дальше от Солнца, чем Меркурий, в то время как Сатурн на 4,3 а.е. дальше Юпитера, а Нептун на 10,5 а.е. дальше Урана. Были попытки вывести корреляции между орбитальными расстояниями (например, правило Тициуса — Боде)[24], но ни одна из теорий не стала общепринятой.
Орбиты объектов вокруг Солнца описываются законами Кеплера. Согласно им, каждый объект обращается по эллипсу, в одном из фокусов которого находится Солнце. У более близких к Солнцу объектов (с меньшей большой полуосью) больше угловая скорость вращения, поэтому короче период обращения (год). На эллиптической орбите расстояние объекта от Солнца изменяется в течение его года. Ближайшая к Солнцу точка орбиты объекта называется перигелий, наиболее удалённая — афелий. Каждый объект движется быстрее всего в своём перигелии и медленнее всего - в афелии. Орбиты планет близки к кругу, но многие кометы, астероиды и объекты пояса Койпера имеют сильно вытянутые эллиптические орбиты.
Большинство планет Солнечной системы обладает собственными подчинёнными системами. Многие окружены спутниками, некоторые из спутников по размеру превосходят Меркурий. Большинство крупных спутников находится в синхронном вращении, одна их сторона постоянно обращена к планете. Четыре крупнейшие планеты — газовые гиганты — обладают также кольцами, тонкими полосами крошечных частиц, обращающимися по очень близким орбитам практически в унисон.
Иногда Солнечную систему разделяют на регионы. Внутренняя часть Солнечной системы включает четыре планеты земной группы и пояс астероидов. Внешняя часть начинается за пределами пояса астероидов и включает четыре газовых гиганта[25]. Планеты внутри области астероидов иногда называют внутренними, а вне пояса — внешними[26]. Однако иногда эти термины используются для нижних (находящихся внутри земной орбиты) и верхних (находящихся за пределами земной орбиты) планет, соответственно[27]. После открытия пояса Койпера наиболее удалённой частью Солнечной системы считают регион, состоящий из объектов, расположенных дальше Нептуна[28].
Все объекты Солнечной системы, обращающиеся вокруг Солнца, официально делят на три категории: планеты, карликовые планеты и малые тела Солнечной системы. Планета — любое тело на орбите вокруг Солнца, оказавшееся достаточно массивным, чтобы приобрести сферическую форму, но недостаточно массивным для начала термоядерного синтеза, и сумевшее очистить окрестности своей орбиты от планетезималей. Согласно этому определению, в Солнечной системе имеется восемь известных планет: Меркурий, Венера, Земля, Марс, Юпитер, Сатурн, Уран и Нептун. Плутон (до 2006 года считавшийся планетой) не соответствует этому определению, поскольку не очистил свою орбиту от окружающих объектов пояса Койпера[29]. Карликовая планета — небесное тело, обращающееся по орбите вокруг Солнца; которое достаточно массивно, чтобы под действием собственных сил гравитации поддерживать близкую к округлой форму, но которое не очистило пространство своей орбиты от планетезималей и не является спутником планеты[29]. По этому определению у Солнечной системы имеется пять признанных карликовых планет: Церера, Плутон, Хаумеа, Макемаке и Эрида[30]. В будущем другие объекты могут быть классифицированы как карликовые планеты, например, Седна, Орк и Квавар[31]. Карликовые планеты, чьи орбиты находятся в регионе транснептуновых объектов, называют плутоидами[32]. Оставшиеся объекты, обращающиеся вокруг Солнца, — малые тела Солнечной системы[29].
Термины газ, лёд и камень используют, чтобы описать различные классы веществ, встречающихся повсюду в Солнечной системе. Камень используется, чтобы описать соединения с высокими температурами конденсации или плавления, которые оставались в протопланетной туманности в твёрдом состоянии при почти всех условиях[33]. Каменные соединения обычно включают силикаты и металлы, такие как железо и никель[34]. Они преобладают во внутренней части Солнечной системы, формируя большинство планет земной группы и астероидов. Газы — вещества с чрезвычайно низкими температурами плавления и высоким давлением насыщенного пара, такие как молекулярный водород, гелий и неон, которые в туманности всегда были в газообразном состоянии[33]. Они доминируют в средней части Солнечной системы, составляя большую часть Юпитера и Сатурна. Льды таких веществ, как вода, метан, аммиак, сероводород и углекислый газ[34] имеют температуры плавления до нескольких сотен кельвинов, в то время как их термодинамическая фаза зависит от окружающего давления и температуры[33]. Они могут встречаться как льды, жидкости или газы в различных регионах Солнечной системы, в туманности же они были в твёрдой или газовой фазе[33]. Большинство спутников планет-гигантов содержит ледяные субстанции, также они составляют большую часть Урана и Нептуна (так называемых «ледяных гигантов») и многочисленных малых объектов, расположенных за орбитой Нептуна[34][35]. Газы и льды вместе классифицируют как летучие вещества[36].
Le Système solaire (avec majuscule), ou système solaire (sans majuscule), est le système planétaire du Soleil, auquel appartient la Terre. Il est composé de cette étoile et des objets célestes gravitant autour d'elle : les huit planètes confirmées et leurs 214 satellites naturels connus (appelés usuellement des « lunes »), les cinq planètes naines et leurs neuf satellites connus, ainsi que des milliards de petits corps (la presque totalité des astéroïdes et autres planètes mineures, les comètes, les poussières cosmiques, etc.).
Le Système solaire fait partie de la galaxie appelée Voie lactée, où il réside dans le bras d'Orion. Il est situé à environ 8 kpc (∼26 100 al) du centre galactique, autour duquel il effectue une révolution en 225 à 250 millions d'années. Il s'est formé il y a un peu moins de 4,6 milliards d'années à partir de l'effondrement gravitationnel d'un nuage moléculaire, suivi de la constitution d'un disque protoplanétaire selon l'hypothèse de la nébuleuse.
De façon schématique, le Système solaire est composé du Soleil, qui le domine gravitationnellement — il comprend 99,85 % de sa masse — et fournit de l'énergie par fusion nucléaire de l'hydrogène en hélium. Par ordre d'éloignement croissant à l'étoile, le Système solaire interne comprend quatre planètes telluriques internes, principalement composées de roches et de métaux (Mercure, Vénus, la Terre et Mars) puis une ceinture d'astéroïdes de petits corps rocheux, dont la planète naine Cérès. Plus loin orbitent les quatre planètes géantes du Système solaire externe : successivement deux géantes gazeuses constituées majoritairement d'hydrogène et d'hélium que sont Jupiter et Saturne — qui contiennent par ailleurs la grande majorité de la masse totale en orbite autour du Soleil — et deux géantes de glaces que sont Uranus et Neptune, contenant une plus grande part de substances volatiles comme l'eau, l'ammoniac et le méthane. Tous ont une orbite proche du cercle et sont concentrés près du plan de l'écliptique, le plan de rotation de la Terre.
Les objets situés au-delà de l'orbite de Neptune, dits transneptuniens, comprennent notamment la ceinture de Kuiper et le disque des objets épars, formés d'objets glacés. Quatre planètes naines glacées se trouvent dans la région transneptunienne et sont également appelées plutoïdes : Pluton — auparavant classée comme planète —, Hauméa, Makémaké et Éris. L'héliopause, limite magnétique du Système solaire, est définie par l'arrêt des vents solaires face aux vents du milieu interstellaire à une centaine d'unités astronomiques, tandis que la limite gravitationnelle du Système solaire se situe bien plus loin encore, jusqu'à une ou deux années-lumière du Soleil, vers laquelle une zone sphérique hypothétique, le nuage de Oort, pourrait exister et être la source des comètes à longue période.
Toutes les planètes du Système solaire à partir de la Terre possèdent des satellites en orbite — certains, tels que Ganymède et Titan, sont plus grands que Mercure —, tandis que chacune des quatre planètes externes est en outre entourée d’un système d'anneaux de poussières et d’autres particules, dont le plus proéminent est celui de Saturne. Toutes les planètes, sauf la Terre, portent les noms de dieux et déesses de la mythologie romaine. La Terre, dotée d'une épaisse atmosphère et recouverte à 71 % de sa surface d'eau liquide, est la seule planète du Système solaire à abriter la vie et une espèce pensante qui agit sur son évolution. Dans l'état des connaissances humaines, cette planète du Système solaire ne connait pas d'équivalent dans l'Univers.
Articles connexes : Définition des planètes, Définition des planètes de l'Union astronomique internationale et Planète naine.
Infographie représentant le Soleil à gauche, puis les planètes et planètes naines ordonnées vers la droite.
Planètes et planètes naines du Système solaire. Les dimensions du Soleil et des planètes sont à l’échelle, mais pas les distances qui les séparentb.
Depuis la décision prise le 24 août 2006 par l'Union astronomique internationale, les objets ou corps orbitant directement autour du Soleil sont officiellement divisés en trois classes : planètes, planètes naines et petits corps8.
Une planète est un corps en orbite autour du Soleil, suffisamment massif pour avoir une forme sphérique et avoir nettoyé son voisinage immédiat de tous les objets plus petits9. On connaît huit planètes : Mercure, Vénus, la Terre, Mars, Jupiter, Saturne, Uranus et Neptune qui sont toutes nommées, sauf la Terre, d'après des divinités de la mythologie romaine8,10. La plupart de leurs satellites naturels sont, eux aussi, nommés d'après des personnages de la mythologie grecque ou romaine11.
Une planète naine est un corps en orbite autour du Soleil qui, bien que suffisamment massif pour avoir une forme sphérique — concept appelé équilibre hydrostatique —, n’a pas fait place nette dans son voisinage8,9. En 2021, cinq corps sont officiellement désignés de la sorte : Cérès, Pluton, Éris, Makémaké et Hauméa12. D’autres corps pourraient l’être dans le futur, tels que Gonggong, Quaoar, Sedna ou Orcus13,14.
Tous les autres objets en orbite directe autour du Soleil sont classés comme petits corps du Système solaire8.
Les 214 satellites naturels — en 2021, 158 sont confirmés et 56 sont non confirmés, donc sans nom —, ou lunes, sont les objets en orbite autour des planètes, des planètes naines et des petits corps du Système solaire plutôt qu'autour du Soleil2. Les statuts ambigus de la Lune et surtout de Charon, qui pourraient former un système binaire avec respectivement la Terre et Pluton, ne sont pas encore définitivement tranchés, bien que ces corps soient toujours classés comme satellites15,16.
La classification proposée par l'Union astronomique internationale ne fait pas l'unanimité. À la suite du vote de 2006, une pétition réunissant les signatures de plus de 300 planétologues et astronomes majoritairement américains — Pluton étant alors la seule planète découverte par un Américain — est lancée pour contester la validité scientifique de la nouvelle définition d'une planète ainsi que son mode d'adoption17,18,19. Les responsables de l'UAI annoncent qu'aucun retour en arrière n'aura lieu et les astronomes jugent très improbable que Pluton puisse être à nouveau considérée comme une planète20,21.
Concernant la majuscule au nom « Système solaire », la forme tout en minuscules est, au sens strict, suffisante, étant donné qu'il n'y a qu'un « système solaire » puisqu'il n'y a qu'un « Soleil ». Cependant, les autres étoiles étant parfois, par analogie, appelées des « soleils », le nom de « système solaire » est de la même façon parfois employé dans un sens général pour signifier « système planétaire » ; « Système solaire », écrit avec une majuscule, permet alors de distinguer notre système planétaire, par ellipse de « système planétaire solaire »22,23.
Die Sonnestelsel bestaan uit die Son en die ander hemelliggame wat deur swaartekrag daaraan gebind is en daarom wentel. Die hemelliggame in ons sonnestelsel bestaan uit die agt planete, hulle 166 bekende mane,[1] vyf dwergplanete en biljoene ander klein liggame. Hierdie klein liggame, of klein sonnestelselvoorwerpe (KSV's), sluit asteroïdes, ysige Kuiper-gordelvoorwerpe, komete, meteoroïdes en interplanetêre stof in. Die Aarde is die derde planeet van die Sonnestelsel.
Die gekarteerde streke van die Sonnestelsel is die Son, vier aardse binnenste planete, die asteroïdegordel, vier buitenste planete (die reuseplanete), die Kuiper-gordel en die verstrooide skyf. Die teoretiese Oort-wolk bestaan moontlik op 'n afstand ongeveer duisend maal verder as die gekarteerde streke.
Die vloei van plasma vanaf die Son (deur die sonwind) deurdring die Sonnestelsel. Dit skep 'n stellêre windbel in die interstellêre medium, genaamd die helio- of sonsfeer, wat tot in die middel van die verstrooide skyf strek.
Die planete in die Sonnestelsel (in volgorde van hulle afstand van die Son) is:
Met die ingang van 2009 is vyf kleiner voorwerpe as dwergplanete geklassifiseer. Ceres is in die asteroïdegordel en vier ander wentel om die Son agter Neptunus: Pluto (voorheen as die negende planeet geklassifiseer), Haumea, Makemake en Eris.
Ses van die planete en drie van die dwergplanete word deur natuurlike satelliete omwentel. Daar word gewoonlik na hierdie satelliete as "mane" verwys, soos die Aarde se eie maan. Al die buitenste planete word deur planetêre ringe van stof en ander partikels omring. Sedert 2016 is daar aanwysings dat daar moontlik nog 'n Planeet Nege bestaan in 'n baie groot wentelbaan.
Este artículo trata sobre el sistema en el que están el Sol y la Tierra. Para otros sistemas, véanse sistema planetario y sistema estelar.
Sistema solar
El Sol y los planetas del sistema solar. Los tamaños están a escala, pero no así las distancias.
Datos generales
Edad 4568 millones de años
Localización Nube Interestelar Local, Burbuja Local, Brazo de Orión, Vía Láctea
Estrella más cercana Próxima Centauri
(4,22 al)
Sistema planetario conocido más cercano Alfa Centauri
(4,37 al)
Sistema Planetario
Semieje mayor al planeta exterior (Neptuno) 4500 millones de kilómetros (30,10 UA)
Distancia al acantilado de Kuiper 50 UA
N.º de estrellas conocidas 1 (Sol)
N.º de planetas conocidos 8
N.º conocido de planetas enanos 5 (docenas pendientes de aceptación)
N.º conocido de satélites naturales 400 (176 de los planetas)
N.º conocido de planetas menores 587 479
N.º conocido de cometas 3153
N.º de satélites asteroidales 19
Órbita alrededor del centro galáctico
Inclinación del plano invariable respecto al plano galáctico 60°
Distancia al centro galáctico 27 000±1 000 al
Velocidad orbital 220 km/s
Periodo orbital 225-250 Ma
Propiedades de la estrella relacionada
Tipo espectral G2V
Línea de congelamiento 2,7 UA
Distancia a la heliopausa ~120 UA
Esfera de Hill ~1-2 al
El sistema solar1 es el sistema planetario que liga gravitacionalmente a un conjunto de objetos astronómicos que giran directa o indirectamente en una órbita alrededor de una única estrella conocida con el nombre de Sol.2
La estrella concentra el 99,86 % de la masa del sistema solar,345 y la mayor parte de la masa restante se concentra en ocho planetas cuyas órbitas son prácticamente circulares y transitan dentro de un disco casi llano llamado plano eclíptico.6 Los cuatro planetas más cercanos, considerablemente más pequeños, Mercurio, Venus, Tierra y Marte, también conocidos como los planetas terrestres, están compuestos principalmente por roca y metal.78 Mientras que los cuatro más alejados, denominados gigantes gaseosos o «planetas jovianos», más masivos que los terrestres, están compuestos de hielo y gases. Los dos más grandes, Júpiter y Saturno, están compuestos principalmente de helio e hidrógeno. Urano y Neptuno, denominados gigantes helados, están formados mayoritariamente por agua congelada, amoniaco y metano.9
El Sol y los planetas del sistema solar. Los tamaños están a escala, pero no así las distancias.
El Sol es el único cuerpo celeste del sistema solar que emite luz propia,10 debido a la fusión termonuclear del hidrógeno y su transformación en helio en su núcleo.11 El sistema solar se formó hace unos 4600 millones de años121314 a partir del colapso de una nube molecular. El material residual originó un disco circunestelar protoplanetario en el que ocurrieron los procesos físicos que llevaron a la formación de los planetas.10 El sistema solar se ubica en la actualidad en la nube Interestelar Local que se halla en la Burbuja Local del brazo de Orión, de la galaxia espiral Vía Láctea, a unos 28 000 años luz del centro de esta.15
Concepción artística de un disco protoplanetario
El sistema solar es también el hogar de varias regiones compuestas por objetos pequeños. El cinturón de asteroides, ubicado entre Marte y Júpiter, es similar a los planetas terrestres ya que está constituido principalmente por roca y metal. En este cinturón se encuentra el planeta enano Ceres. Más allá de la órbita de Neptuno están el cinturón de Kuiper, el disco disperso y la nube de Oort, que incluyen objetos transneptunianos formados por agua, amoníaco y metano principalmente. En este lugar existen cuatro planetas enanos: Haumea, Makemake, Eris y Plutón, el cual fue considerado el noveno planeta del sistema solar hasta 2006. Este tipo de cuerpos celestes ubicados más allá de la órbita de Neptuno son también llamados plutoides, los cuales junto a Ceres, poseen el suficiente tamaño para que se hayan redondeado por efectos de su gravedad, pero que se diferencian principalmente de los planetas porque no han vaciado su órbita de cuerpos vecinos.16
Adicionalmente a los miles de objetos pequeños de estas dos zonas, algunas docenas de los cuales son candidatos a planetas enanos, existen otros grupos como cometas, centauros y polvo cósmico que viajan libremente entre regiones. Seis planetas y cuatro planetas enanos poseen satélites naturales. El viento solar, un flujo de plasma del Sol, crea una burbuja de viento estelar en el medio interestelar conocido como heliosfera, la que se extiende hasta el borde del disco disperso. La nube de Oort, la cual se cree que es la fuente de los cometas de período largo, es el límite del sistema solar y su borde está ubicado a un año luz desde el Sol.17
A principios del año 2016, se publicó un estudio según el cual puede existir un noveno planeta en el sistema solar, al que dieron el nombre provisional de Phattie.18 Se estima que el tamaño de Phattie sería entre el de Neptuno y la Tierra y que el hipotético planeta sería de composición gaseosa.
Descubrimientos y exploración
Véanse también: Anexo:Cronología del descubrimiento de los planetas del sistema solar y sus satélites naturales y Exploración del sistema solar.
Nicolás Copérnico
Algunas de las más antiguas civilizaciones concibieron al universo desde una perspectiva geocéntrica, como en Babilonia en donde su visión del mundo estuvo representada de esta forma.19 En Occidente, el griego presocrático Anaximandro declaró a la Tierra como centro del universo, imaginó a esta como un pilar en forma de tambor equilibrado en sus cuatro puntos más distantes lo que, en su opinión, le permitió tener estabilidad.20 Pitágoras y sus seguidores hablaron por primera vez del planeta como una esfera, basándose en la observación de los eclipses;21 y en el siglo IV a. C. Platón junto a su estudiante Aristóteles escribieron textos del modelo geocéntrico de Anaximandro, fusionándolo con el esférico pitagórico. Pero fue el trabajo del astrónomo heleno Claudio Ptolomeo, especialmente su publicación llamada Almagesto expuesta en el siglo II de nuestra era, el cual sirvió durante un período de casi 1300 años como la norma en la cual se basaron tanto astrónomos europeos como islámicos.
Si bien el griego Aristarco presentó en el siglo siglo III a. C. a la teoría heliocéntrica y más adelante el matemático hindú Aryabhata hizo lo mismo, ningún astrónomo desafió realmente el modelo geocéntrico hasta la llegada del polaco Nicolás Copérnico el cual causó una verdadera revolución en esta rama a nivel mundial,22 por lo cual es considerado el padre de la astronomía moderna.23 Esto debido a que, a diferencia de sus antecesores, su obra consiguió una amplia difusión pese a que fue concebida para circular en privado; el papa Clemente VII pidió información de este texto en 1533 y Lutero en 1539 lo calificó de «astrólogo advenedizo que pretende probar que la Tierra es la que gira».24 La obra de Copérnico otorga dos movimientos a la Tierra, uno de rotación en su propio eje cada 24 horas y uno de traslación alrededor del Sol cada año, con la particularidad de que este era circular y no elíptico como lo describimos hoy.
En el siglo XVII, el trabajo de Copérnico fue impulsado por científicos como Galileo Galilei, quien ayudado con un nuevo invento, el telescopio, descubre que alrededor de Júpiter rotan satélites naturales que afectaron en gran forma la concepción de la teoría geocéntrica ya que estos cuerpos celestes no orbitaban a la Tierra;2526 lo que ocasionó un gran conflicto entre la Iglesia y los científicos que impulsaban esta teoría, el cual culminó con el apresamiento y sentencia del tribunal de la inquisición a Galileo por herejía al estar su idea contrapuesta con el modelo clásico religioso.27 Su contemporáneo Johannes Kepler, a partir del estudio de la órbita circular intentó explicar la traslación planetaria sin conseguir ningún resultado,28 por lo que reformuló sus teorías y publicó, en el año 1609, las hoy conocidas leyes de Kepler en su obra Astronomia nova, en la que establece una órbita elíptica la cual se confirmó cuando predijo satisfactoriamente el tránsito de Venus del año 1631.29 Junto a ellos, el científico británico Isaac Newton formuló y dio una explicación al movimiento planetario mediante sus leyes y el desarrollo del concepto de la gravedad.30 Sin embargo, el heliocentrismo no sería apoyado experimentalmente sino hasta décadas después con el descubrimiento de la aberración de la luz por el astrónomo inglés James Bradley en 1725,31 y la medición del paralaje estelar efectuada por el matemático alemán Friedrich Bessel en 1838.32
En 1655, el científico neerlandés Christiaan Huygens descubrió el satélite Titán y la verdadera naturaleza de los anillos de Saturno, y describió por primera vez las dimensiones reales del entonces conocido sistema solar (6 planetas y 6 lunas).33 En 1704 se acuñó el término "sistema solar".34 El científico británico Edmund Halley dedicó sus estudios principalmente al análisis de las órbitas de los cometas.3536 El mejoramiento del telescopio durante este tiempo permitió a los científicos de todo el mundo descubrir nuevas características de los cuerpos celestes que existen.37
A mediados del siglo XX, el 12 de abril de 1961, el cosmonauta Yuri Gagarin se convirtió en el primer hombre en el espacio;38 la misión estadounidense Apolo 11, al mando de Neil Armstrong llega a la Luna el 16 de julio de 1969. En la actualidad, el sistema solar se estudia con la ayuda de telescopios terrestres, observatorios espaciales y misiones espaciales.
Características generales
El Sol.
Los planetas y los asteroides orbitan alrededor del Sol, aproximadamente en un mismo plano y siguiendo órbitas elípticas (en sentido antihorario, si se observasen desde el Polo Norte del Sol); aunque hay excepciones, como el cometa Halley, que gira en sentido horario.39 El plano en el que gira la Tierra alrededor del Sol se denomina plano de la eclíptica, y los demás planetas orbitan aproximadamente en el mismo plano. Aunque algunos objetos orbitan con un gran grado de inclinación respecto de este, como Plutón que posee una inclinación con respecto al eje de la eclíptica de 17.º, así como una parte importante de los objetos del cinturón de Kuiper.4041
Formación y evolución
Artículo principal: Formación y evolución del sistema solar
El sistema solar se formó hace 4568 millones de años por el colapso gravitatorio de una parte de una nube molecular gigante. Esta nube primigenia tenía varios años luz de diámetro y probablemente dio a luz a varias estrellas.44 Como es normal en las nubes moleculares, consistía principalmente de hidrógeno, algo de helio y pequeñas cantidades de elementos pesados surgidos de previas generaciones estelares. A medida que la región —conocida como nebulosa protosolar—45 se convertía en el sistema solar, colapsaba y la conservación del momento angular hizo que rotase más deprisa. El centro, donde se acumuló la mayor parte de la masa, se volvió cada vez más caliente que el disco circundante.44 A medida que la nebulosa en contracción rotaba más deprisa, comenzó a aplanarse en un disco protoplanetario con un diámetro de alrededor de 200 UA44 y una densa y caliente protoestrella en el centro.4647 Los planetas se formaron por acreción a partir de este disco48 en el que el gas y el polvo atraídos gravitatoriamente entre sí se unen para formar cuerpos cada vez más grandes. En este escenario, cientos de protoplanetas podrían haber surgido en el temprano sistema solar que acabaron fusionándose o fueron destruidos dejando los planetas, los planetas enanos y el resto de cuerpos menores.
Gracias a sus puntos de ebullición más altos, solo los metales y silicatos podían existir en forma sólida cerca del Sol, en el cálido sistema solar interior; estos fueron finalmente los componentes de Mercurio, Venus, la Tierra y Marte: los planetas rocosos. Debido a que los metales solo eran una pequeña parte de la nebulosa solar, los planetas terrestres no se podían hacer muy grandes. Los planetas gigantes (Júpiter, Saturno, Urano y Neptuno) se formaron más lejos, más allá de la línea de congelación: el límite entre las órbitas de Marte y Júpiter donde las temperaturas son lo suficientemente bajas como para que los compuestos volátiles permanezcan sólidos. Los hielos que forman estos planetas eran más abundantes que los metales y silicatos que formaron los planetas terrestres interiores, por lo que los permitió crecer hasta ser lo suficientemente masivos como para capturar grandes atmósferas de hidrógeno y helio: los elementos más ligeros y abundantes. Los residuos restantes que no llegaron a convertirse en planetas se agruparon en regiones como el cinturón de asteroides, el cinturón de Kuiper y la nube de Oort. El modelo de Niza explica la aparición de estas regiones y propone que los planetas exteriores se podrían haber formado en sitios diferentes de los actuales a los que habrían llegado tras múltiples interacciones gravitatorias.
Tras cincuenta millones de años, la densidad del hidrógeno y la presión en el centro de la protoestrella se hicieron tan grandes que comenzó la fusión termonuclear.49 La temperatura, la velocidad de reacción, la presión y la densidad aumentaron hasta alcanzar el equilibrio hidrostático: la presión térmica igualó a la fuerza de la gravedad. En ese momento, el Sol entró en la secuencia principal.50 El tiempo que estará en la secuencia principal será de unos diez mil millones de años; en comparación, todas las fases previas al encendido termonuclear duraron unos dos mil millones de años.51 El viento solar formó la heliosfera que barrió los restos de gas y polvo del disco protoplanetario (y los expulsó al espacio interestelar), con lo que terminó el proceso de formación planetaria. Desde entonces, el Sol se ha ido haciendo cada vez más brillante; en la actualidad es un 70% más brillante que a su entrada en la secuencia principal.52
El sistema solar continuará más o menos como lo conocemos hasta que todo el hidrógeno del núcleo del Sol se haya convertido en helio, situación que tendrá lugar dentro de cinco mil millones de años. Esto marcará el final de la estancia del Sol en la secuencia principal. En ese momento el núcleo colapsará y la producción de energía será mucho mayor que en el presente. Las capas exteriores se expandirán unas doscientas sesenta veces su diámetro actual, por lo que se convertirá en una gigante roja. El gran aumento de su superficie hará que esté muchísimo más frío (del orden de 2600 K).51 Se espera que el Sol en expansión vaporice Mercurio y Venus y vuelva la Tierra inhabitable al mover la zona de habitabilidad más allá de la órbita de Marte. Por último, el núcleo estará lo bastante caliente para fusionar el helio; el Sol quemará helio durante una fracción del tiempo que estuvo quemando hidrógeno. El Sol no tiene la suficiente masa para comenzar la fusión de elementos pesados, por lo que las reacciones nucleares en el núcleo disminuirán. Las capas exteriores se perderán en el espacio en forma de nebulosa planetaria, devolviendo parte del material con el que se formó el Sol —enriquecido con elementos pesados como el carbono— al medio interestelar y dejando atrás una enana blanca con la mitad de la masa original del Sol y el tamaño de la Tierra (un objeto extraordinariamente denso).53
Het zonnestelsel is het planetenstelsel dat bestaat uit de Zon en de hemellichamen die door de zwaartekracht aan de Zon gebonden zijn. De Zon is een klasse G2 hoofdreeksster met een diameter van 1,39 miljoen kilometer. De Zon neemt 99,86% van de massa in het zonnestelsel voor haar rekening.
Naast de Zon bevat het zonnestelsel acht planeten, vijf dwergplaneten, meer dan 1,2 miljoen bekende planetoïden, 715 manen van planeten en 3849 bekende kometen (stand: januari 2023). De meeste van deze objecten bewegen zich rond de Zon in omloopbanen met een kleine glooiingshoek ten opzichte van de ecliptica. In de ruimte tussen deze hemellichamen bevindt zich de interplanetaire materie. Volgens een definitie wordt het zonnestelsel begrensd door de heliopauze, de rand van de heliosfeer.
Zie Ontstaan en evolutie van het zonnestelsel voor het hoofdartikel over dit onderwerp.
Het zonnestelsel ontstond ongeveer 4,5 miljard jaar geleden, toen een interstellaire gaswolk door onbekende oorzaak actief werd en door zijn eigen gewicht begon te krimpen en steeds sneller rond te draaien, waarna in het midden van deze gaswolk de Zon ontstond.
Het ineenstorten van het midden van de gaswolk, ook zonnenevel genoemd, nam 100.000 jaar in beslag. Door de enorme hitte die ontstond bij het samentrekken ontstond een kleine ster die een groot deel van de gaswolk opzoog en zo een volwaardige ster werd: onze Zon. Het overgebleven gas, ook accretieschijf genoemd, begon daarna af te koelen en er stolden stukken ijs, steen en metaal, die door botsingen steeds groter werden omdat ze aan elkaar vastklitten. Die grote brokken verzamelden al het nog overgebleven materiaal, op enkele planetoïden en meteoroïden na. Toen waren sommige brokken (protoplaneten) groot genoeg geworden om ook het laatste beetje gas op te zuigen.
Op dat moment, een miljoen jaar na het ontstaan van de eerste brokken, begon de Zon plots sterke straling, een zonnewind, te produceren, die de gasmantel rond bijna alle protoplaneten, behalve de gasreuzen, wegblies. Daarna kregen de protoplaneten langzaam een stabiele baan rond de Zon, en de planeten en manen werden gevormd door laatste grote botsingen tussen protoplaneten.
Ongeveer 4 miljard jaar geleden kreeg het zonnestelsel nog te maken met een kosmisch bombardement, waardoor op veel manen en planeten grote inslagkraters ontstonden.
De spiraalarmen van de Melkweg met de omloopbaan van de Zon (geel). De Orionarm is aangegeven als Local Spur.
Het zonnestelsel (op schaal)
De Zon bevindt zich in de Lokale bel in de Orionarm, een spiraalarm van de Melkweg, op een afstand van 26.673±42 lichtjaar van het galactisch centrum. Het zonnestelsel beweegt met een snelheid van ongeveer 220 km/s in 225-250 miljoen jaar in een vaste baan om het centrum van de Melkweg. Een theorie onder wetenschappers is dat de route die de Zon door spiraalarmen in de Melkweg volgt bijdraagt aan de periodieke massale uitsterving van leven op aarde.
Zon en (dwerg)planeten
Traditioneel (tot 2006) werden tot het zonnestelsel negen planeten gerekend. De planeten Mercurius, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, en Saturnus zijn bekend sinds de oudheid. Na de uitvinding van de telescoop werden Uranus (1781), Neptunus (1846), en Pluto (1930) ontdekt. In de jaren 90 van de 20e eeuw werd ontdekt dat de toenmalige negende planeet, Pluto, slechts een van vele soortgelijke objecten in de Kuipergordel was. De vraag drong zich op of deze met Pluto vergelijkbare objecten nu ook allemaal als 'planeet' geclassificeerd moesten worden. Naarmate steeds grotere objecten ontdekt werden, zoals Quaoar en Varuna kwam het klassieke aantal van negen planeten onder druk te staan. Met de ontdekking van de nog veel grotere Eris was een nieuwe definitie van planeet noodzakelijk. Volgens de nieuwe definitie wordt Pluto nu een 'dwergplaneet' genoemd en telt het zonnestelsel acht 'echte' planeten.
Een nieuwe planeet?
In januari 2016 werd in de media gebracht dat er sterke aanwijzingen zijn voor een negende planeet met afmetingen vergelijkbaar met Neptunus maar ver voorbij de baan van Pluto. Deze nog hypothetische planeet is voorlopig aangeduid met de naam Planeet Negen (Engels: Planet Nine)[6] Een hypothetische planeet met een formaat van ongeveer twintig aardmassa's zou de verklaring kunnen zijn voor het opmerkelijke gedrag dat een aantal Transneptunische objecten in het buitengebied van de Kuipergordel vertoont. Konstantin Batygin en Michael Brown, wetenschappers aan de Caltech Universiteit, kondigden op 20 januari 2016 hun ontdekking aan, die gebaseerd is op dynamische modellen, en nog niet op visuele waarnemingen die als definitief bewijs zouden gelden.[7]
Solsystemet består af Solen og de himmellegemer, som den binder til sig gennem sin gravitation. Solsystemet har sin oprindelse i et gravitationelt kollaps af en gigantisk gas- og støvsky for 4,6 milliarder år siden.[1] Det blev dannet af en stor og meget kold gassky, der bestod af hydrogen og helium samt ganske små mængder af andre grundstoffer.
Rundt om Solen kredser en række objekter i en næsten flad, elliptisk skive. Med undtagelse af Solen finder man det meste af Solsystemets masse i de otte planeter med omløbsbaner, der næsten er cirkulære. De fire indre planeter er Merkur, Venus, Jorden og Mars, som kaldes klippeplaneter og de består hovedsageligt af sten og metal. De fire ydre planeter er Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus og Neptun, som kaldes gaskæmper og de består hovedsageligt af brint og helium. Disse planeter er meget tungere og større end klippeplaneterne.
Der findes to områder med småplaneter. Asteroidebæltet, som ligger mellem Mars og Jupiter, består af mindre stykker, som har visse ligheder med klippeplaneterne, da størstedelen består af sten og metal. Kuiperbæltet, som ligger udenfor Neptuns omløbsbane, består hovedsageligt af frossen vand, ammoniak og metan. I disse bælter findes der fem specielle objekter: Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake og Eris, som kaldes dværgplaneter, da de anses at være tilstrækkeligt store til at være blevet runde som en konsekvens af egen gravitation. På en afstand af 0,8-1,6 lysår fra Solen antager man, at der findes hvad man kalder Oortskyen, som formodes at være kilden til de langperiodiske kometer.
I Solsystemet findes der grupper af mindre stykker såsom kometer, kentaur-asteroider, interstellart medium som findes i dette område mens solvinden, plasma fra Solen, skaber en gasboble i det interstellare medium som også kaldes heliosfæren. Dette strækker sig ud til midten af det område, som kaldes spredningsskiven, et område i udkanten af Kuiperbæltet.
Seks af planeterne og fire af dværgplaneterne har naturlige satellitter eller måner i omløbsbaner rundt om sig. Alle de fire ydre planeter har en planetring bestående af is og grus rundt om sig. En enkelt af dværgplaneterne, Haumea, har ligeledes en planetring. De nærmeste stjerner er inden for den såkaldte Local Bubble, med den nærmeste Proxima Centauri på 4,25 lysår.
Solsystemets opdagelse og udforskning
I en stor del af menneskehedens tidlige historie kendte kun et fåtal til Solsystemets eksistens, som vi kender det i dag. Den almindelige opfattelse var, at Jorden lå stationært i universets midte og var noget helt andet end de formodede guddommelige eller åndelige objekter, der bevægede sig på himlen. For eksempel spekulerede den indiske astronom, Aryabhata, og den græske filosof, Aristarchos, i det heliocentriske verdensbillede, hvilket vil sige, at de mente at Solen var i centrum, og Jorden bevægede sig rundt om solen. Men det var astronomen Nicolaus Kopernikus i 1500-tallet, der som den første kunne udvikle en matematisk model, som forudsagde de forskellige himmellegemers bevægelser i Solsystemet. I 1600-tallet kunne de berømte astronomer Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler og Isaac Newton bygge videre på Copernicus' model, hvilket efterhånden førte til almen accept af, at Jorden bevæger sig rundt om Solen, og at de andre planeter styres af de samme fysiske love, som også gælder for Jorden.
Forbedringer af de første primitive teleskoper medførte en acceleration af opdagelser af såvel større som mindre himmellegemer i Solsystemet, deriblandt planeterne Uranus og Neptun samt utallige asteroider. I nyere tid har bedre udstyr givet mulighed for mere detaljerede studier af Solsystemets himmellegemer, herunder deres overfladestrukturer, såsom bjerge, dale og nedslagskratere samt vejrfænomener som støvskyer, is-formationer og sandstorme.
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Most Liked Posts axboi87, Jan 20, 2012 axboi87 macrumors regular Joined: Aug 31, 2006 Location: Dallas, Tx #1 I've got a 500gb internal drive and a 240gb SSD. Used space on the internal 500gb drive is only 90gb When trying to restore using disk utility i'm given the error "Not enough space on disk ____ to restore" I've used iDefrag and Diskwarrior on the internal drive I've made an image from the internal drive (came out to 57gb compressed) and tried to restore from that and it still gives me that error Not sure what to do at this point other than do a clean install of Lion onto the SSD and use migration assistant or do a Time Machine backup restore to it But I shouldn't have to do that!!! Any ideas or workarounds before resorting to the above? share Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Email Link Like + Quote Reply r0k, Jan 20, 2012 r0k macrumors 68040 Joined: Mar 3, 2008 Location: Detroit #2 axboi87 said: ↑ I've got a 500gb internal drive and a 240gb SSD. Used space on the internal 500gb drive is only 90gb When trying to restore using disk utility i'm given the error "Not enough space on disk ____ to restore" I've used iDefrag and Diskwarrior on the internal drive I've made an image from the internal drive (came out to 57gb compressed) and tried to restore from that and it still gives me that error Not sure what to do at this point other than do a clean install of Lion onto the SSD and use migration assistant or do a Time Machine backup restore to it But I shouldn't have to do that!!! Any ideas or workarounds before resorting to the above? Click to expand... Use Carbon Copy Cloner to copy one drive to the other. I've done this several times going from larger HDD to smaller SSD and I wound up with a bootable SSD drive. One step you have to remember not to skip is to use Disk Utility to partition the SSD as GUID partition scheme HFS+ before doing the clone. If it came Apple Partition Scheme, even if you let CCC do the clone, the resulting drive won't be bootable. CCC usually works in "file mode" and it can easily copy a larger drive (that's mostly empty) onto a smaller drive. If you tell CCC to clone a drive you did NOT boot from, it can work in block copy mode where the destination drive must be the same size or larger than the drive you are cloning from (if I recall). share Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Email Link Like + Quote Reply xgman, Jan 20, 2012 xgman macrumors 601 Joined: Aug 6, 2007 #3 I've actually done this somehow on Disk Utility several times (booting from a different drive (or even the dvd) so not running disk utility from the drive your cloning) and had it work just fine from larger to smaller bootable clone. Definitely format the drive cloning to first, as bootable Apple etc.. share Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Email Link Like + Quote Reply r0k, Jan 20, 2012 r0k macrumors 68040 Joined: Mar 3, 2008 Location: Detroit #4 xgman said: ↑ I've actually done this somehow on Disk Utility several times (booting from a different drive (or even the dvd) so not running disk utility from the drive your cloning) and had it work just fine from larger to smaller bootable clone. Definitely format the drive cloning to first, as bootable Apple etc.. Click to expand... Thanks for pointing this out. My only experience using DU to go larger to smaller was when I was trying to make a Lion install stick and I was unable to restore InstallESD.dmg to a 4 GB USB stick but of course the reason that wouldn't fit is there was slightly more than 4 GB of data. share Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Email Link Like + Quote Reply (You must log in or sign up to post here.) 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I thought I was going to finish the 3rd season of the Wire tonight.: karaokegal ? LiveJournal Find more Communities RSS Reader Shop #LJ20 Help Login Login CREATE BLOG Join English (en) English (en) Русский (ru) Українська (uk) Français (fr) Português (pt) español (es) Deutsch (de) Italiano (it) Беларуская (be) karaokegal — Subscribe Readability Log in No account? Create an account Remember me Forgot password Log in Log in Facebook Twitter Google No account? Create an account karaokegal ( karaokegal) wrote, 2018-07-01 00:35:00 karaokegal karaokegal 2018-07-01 00:35:00 Previous Share Next Location: Home Mood: busy I thought I was going to finish the 3rd season of the Wire tonight. But there was a commentary on episode 11, so I had to re-watch Middle Ground with the commentary. Hopefully I can finish the season next weekend. Tags: the wire Subscribe Post a new comment Error Anonymous comments are disabled in this journal We will log you in after post We will log you in after post We will log you in after post We will log you in after post We will log you in after post Anonymously switch LiveJournal Facebook Twitter OpenId Google MailRu VKontakte Anonymously default userpic Your IP address will be recorded Post a new comment Preview comment Help open in new window Remove all links in selection Remove all links in selection {{ bubble.options.editMode ? 'Save' : 'Insert' }} {{ bubble.options.editMode ? 'Save' : 'Insert' }} Photo Hint http://pics.livejournal.com/igrick/pic/000r1edq Insert Example: livejournal No such user User title (optional) Insert user 0 comments Post a new comment 0 comments Follow us: Follow us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Applications iOS Android Choose language English English (UK) Deutsch Dansk español Français Italiano Русский Українська Беларуская 日本語 Português Esperanto עברית Nederlands Magyar Gaeilge íslenska suomi Ελληνικά Norsk bokmål Svenska polski 简体中文 Latviešu Türkçe Bahasa Melayu हिन्दी Brazilian Portuguese Chinese Traditional Lietuvių Norsk nynorsk Current version v.314.3 About User Agreement Help Button "Share"
PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds for smartphones now available around the world | Abacus Uh oh, your network is slow Read PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds for smartphones now available around the world Uh oh, your network is slow PUBG MOBILE RELEASED WORLDWIDE DIGITAL LIFE Read PUBG PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds for smartphones now available around the world Tencent’s official port of hit PC game is out everywhere Ravi Hiranand Published on 20 Mar, 2018 2:45pm Coordinated Universal Time PUBG PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds for smartphones now available around the world Tencent’s official port of hit PC game is out everywhere One of the biggest games in the world is now available on smartphones around the world thanks to Tencent. The Chinese company’s official port of PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) is now available on iOS and Android worldwide. We tried PUBG on iPhone X when it released in China last month and came away very impressed. It successfully squeezed much of the PC and Xbox game down to a much smaller screen -- and in places looked even better than the Xbox One version of the game. Tencent's PUBG for iPhone (above) compared to the Xbox One version (below) It comes a week after rival Fortnite began inviting players to test its own mobile version. Unlike PUBG, Fortnite will allow players to play across platforms -- meaning iPhone players can kill or be killed by gamers on PC or PlayStation 4. Fortnite recently surpassed pioneer PUBG in popularity. Both games feature 100 players landing on a deserted island filled with weapons, with everyone fighting to be the last person left standing. While PUBG adopts a realistic setting, Fortnite has a more cartoon-like look -- and an emphasis on building structures sets it apart from its rival. But Tencent may find its main competition for PUBG on mobile could come from other Chinese companies. NetEase was quick to copy PUBG and released similar games for smartphone while the original was still on PC. NetEase says just one of its clones, Knives Out, has over 100 million registered players -- far more than the 40 million playing PUBG on PC and Xbox. PUBG Gaming Smartphones Tencent Digital Life Uh oh, your network is slow Read
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Rescue the children - The County Home News Top Stories Community Caribou Region Houlton Region Presque Isle Region State Business News Education Crime and Courts Politics Sports Opinion Letters to the Editor Editorials Living Art & Entertainment Events Community Calendar Submit a Calendar Event Family From our Files Hello Homestead Pets Obits Classifieds Contact Us Sign-in/Subscribe Log out Search Search: Aroostook Republican Houlton Pioneer Times The Star-Herald Username or Email Address Password Remember Me Sections Home News Aroostook Republican Houlton Pioneer Times The Star-Herald Crown Politics County Candids Sports Opinion Living Hello Homestead Obituaries Classifieds Contact Us Sign-In/Subscribe Logout The Star-Herald LettersToTheEditor Rescue the children Contributed • July 11, 2018 Hurrah! A cooperative worldwide effort to rescue Thailand children trapped in a flooded cave rescued them all in less than 3 weeks from the time they entered the cave to the time of their rescue. Hurrah! A cooperative worldwide effort to rescue Thailand children trapped in a flooded cave rescued them all in less than 3 weeks from the time they entered the cave to the time of their rescue. It should be much easier, shouldn’t even take a heroic effort, to rescue children trapped in separation from their families at the Mexican border. These things are possible, but this week, the administration did not even meet the first deadline to get all the children below 5 years old reunited with their families. It should even be logistically possible with a cooperative world wide effort to develop economic systems that could rescue all the hungry children everywhere living in poverty. In the U.S. alone, 1 in 5 children live in poverty, according to a recently released United Nations report. In Maine, according to Maine Equal Justice Partners, since the election of Gov. Paul LePage in 2010, childhood poverty has risen, with “one out of every 13 children [now] living in extreme or ‘deep poverty.’” Such inequality and poverty is a direct result of economic policies that are chosen by elected leaders. The solution is to elect different leaders than the ones in power now. Please consider carefully when you vote this November. Alice Bolstridge Presque Isle Get the Rest of the Story Thank you for reading your 4 free articles this month. To continue reading, and support local, rural journalism, please subscribe. Create an account and subscribe Closures, Cancellations & Delays Public Notices Subscribe to Crown & Down, a free newsletter for all of us who love The County Email Address Sign me up! Don't forget to add us to your address book so you don't miss an issue. Crown & Down: Aroostook County newsletter (F) Sign-up for Daily Headlines Crown Politics Browse Crown Politics 1 day ago Maine moves closer to banning Native American school mascots The Maine Legislature took a first step on Tuesday toward banning the use of Native American names, imagery and mascots in Maine public schools amid a long-standing controversy over the Skowhegan Indians nickname. 1 day ago Maine House gives initial OK to removal of nonmedical vaccination exemptions The Maine House of Representatives initially approved a bill on Tuesday that would repeal all nonmedical exemptions to school vaccination requirements, putting it on track to pass and create some of the most stringent immunization laws in the country. 2 days ago Maine’s latest attempt to ban conversion therapy gains momentum A bill broadly banning the use of conversion therapy on minors won bipartisan support in a legislative committee Thursday. 2 days ago Common ground remains elusive on Maine’s latest gun-control effort Overflow rooms were filled Monday at the State House complex as Mainers took turns providing testimony on Democrats’ biggest gun control push of the 2019 session — a revived “red flag” bill fought by gun-rights groups that still may have a compromise waiting in the wings. Pets Browse Pets 5 days ago The best bunny is a chocolate one We enjoyed seeing many of you at the Spring Trash and Treasure Show at The Forum last weekend. It’s always nice to hear from those of you who have adopted pets in the past and to learn how they are doing. We love all the happy-ending stories. 1 week ago Ark Animal Sanctuary – Week of April 17, 2019 As a rescue organization there are good days and there are bad days. We do what we can but we do have limitations. 2 weeks ago How to win a dog’s heart We hope that everyone will stop by the Forum this weekend, April 13 and 14, for the spring Trash and Treasure Show at The Forum in Presque Isle. Marketplace The County Bangor Publishing Company 260 Missile St Presque Isle, Maine 04769 +1-207-764-4471 [email protected] Home | Obituaries | Classifieds | Contact | Advertising | Public Notices
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Recalls Look-up by VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) Skip to Main Content Skip to Horizontal Navigation Safercar.gov nhtsa.gov Chat Twitter Facebook Youtube HOME VEHICLE SHOPPERS VEHICLE OWNERS VEHICLE MANUFACTURERS Parents Central You are here: Home / Vehicle Owners / VIN Search Safety Problems Vehicles Car Seats Tires Equipment Recalls by VIN Recalls FAQ Report Safety Problems Vehicle (Online) Vehicle (via PDF) Non-Vehicle Drive Safer Technology Driving Tips Tires Passenger Van Safety Emergency Response Vehicles Theft Prevention After November 1, 2017 your browser will no longer be supported by this website. Please upgrade your internet browser for optimal viewing. Recalls Look-up by VIN - Vehicle Identification Number Print Email Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn Instagram More Owners may not always know their recalled vehicle still needs to be repaired. NHTSA's new search tool lets you enter a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) to quickly learn if a specific vehicle has not been repaired as part of a safety recall in the last 15 years. Enter VIN here: Note: certain VINS will require the user to pick a Brand via radio button. These radio buttons will appear conditionally on the VIN you choose. Please enter a valid VIN Please select the brand of this vehicle: Chrysler Mitsubishi Chrysler Mitsubishi Chrysler Mitsubishi Chrysler Volkswagen Chrysler Volkswagen Chrysler Volkswagen Hyundai Kia Subaru Toyota Hyundai Mitsubishi Hyundai Kia Please select a manufacturer. Please verify that you are not a robot. Processing... What this VIN search tool covers: Safety recalls that are incomplete on a vehicle Safety recalls conducted over the past 15 calendar years Safety recalls conducted by major light auto automakers, including motorcycle manufacturers. What this VIN search tool does NOT cover: Completed safety recall information Manufacturer customer service or other non-safety recall campaigns International vehicles Very recently announced safety recalls for which not all VINs have been identified Safety recalls that are more than 15 years old (except where a manufacturer offers more coverage) Safety recalls conducted by small vehicle manufacturers, including some ultra-luxury brands and specialty applications NOTE: Recall information provided through this VIN lookup tool is provided by the manufacturer conducting the recall. NHTSA does not record VIN information or results provided through the VIN lookup tool. Available Manufacturers Acura Audi BMW BMW Motorcycles BRP Can-Am Buick Cadillac Chevrolet Chicago Scooter Chrysler Dodge Ducati Motorcycles Ferrari FIAT Ford Freightliner Sprinter Genuine Scooters GMC Harley-Davidson Honda Honda Motorcycles Hummer Hyundai Infiniti Jaguar Jeep Kawasaki Kia KTM Motorcycles Land Rover Lexus Lincoln Chicago Scooter Mazda Mercedes-Benz Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Mercury MINI Mitsubishi Nissan Oldsmobile Polaris Pontiac Porsche ProMaster RAM Saab Saturn Scion SMART Subaru Suzuki Motorcycles Tesla Toyota Triumph Volkswagen Volvo Yamaha Motorcycles NHTSA.GOV 911.GOV DISTRACTION.gov TRAFFICSAFETYMARKETING.GOV EMS.GOV Policies Terms of Use USA.gov FOIA Privacy Policy Accessibility Careers Site Map Contact NHTSA 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, West Building Washington DC 20590 USA 1.888.327.4236 TTY 1.800.424.9153 This application works best in IE9 and above and recent versions of Firefox, Chrome and Safari. 1.1.3
The Lion King Fan-Art Archive — Picture by MikadoNuka A lionking.org site Are you sure? Untitled2.jpg MikadoNuka All: 8/11 Folder: 4/6 Anthro Outsiders 09:58 Sun 12/29/2013 500 × 500 Color JPEG 49.7 KB 4 comments 2 favorites If in Anthro world. I whould think Nuka whould have Pet Ferets. I do believe they very well fit with him :) 13:22 Sun 12/29/2013 JustAmadi Nice idea! That would add up to his quirky personality. Also great picture. ^_^ Post Cancel 17:25 Thu 1/2/2014 MikadoNuka Thanks :) Post Cancel 13:51 Sun 12/29/2013 Sukala A.P. LOL! XD Great one! Totally true! Those pets fit very well with that guy! Uh oh! They will give fleas to poor Nuka. X3 Nice picture. I hope you have great time on this site! ;) Post Cancel 17:27 Thu 1/2/2014 MikadoNuka Thanks :) you too Post Cancel Artist login Password Log In Register Forgot? About Terms of Use / Guidelines Privacy Policy Help Web design © 1995-2019 Brian Tiemann
Religion | BreakingNews.ie Breaking News Day at a glance Weather Horoscopes Ireland Sunshine to come to an end as heavy and thundery showers expected Met Éireann reports that the weather this week will see ... INTO signal breakthrough in securing pay equality for new entrants to primary school teaching A breakthrough in securing pay equality for ... Suspect devices found in Drogheda following discovery of gun Gardaí that the Army Explosives Ordnance ... Fire in Down 'being treated as suspicious' by PSNI Detectives in the North are appealing for ... 94% of schools experienced teacher recruitment difficulties in the last six months Lyra McKee's friends protest outside dissident republican group’s office Irish tourists in Sri Lanka advised to stay indoors Download our app Business No more sanctions waivers for importing Iranian oil, says US The Trump administration has ramped up the pressure on Iran. 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Officials failed to heed warnings of attacks threat to Sri Lanka, says minister Proteins ‘work together’ to keep DNA tangle-free Asos billionaire loses three children in Sri Lanka attacks Download our app Showbiz Prince memoir to be released in autumn The Beautiful Ones will chart the singer’s rise to fame. Louis Tomlinson ‘rethinks his career’ after sister’s death The singer’s sister Felicite died in March after suffering a suspected cardiac ... Arrival named Abba’s best-selling UK studio album The Swedish pop group’s eight studio albums were ranked in order of sales in ... Chris Hemsworth: My career was debatable before Thor role The actor had previously starred in Home And Away. Horoscopes Lotto #Discover Puppy stolen from family two years ago found nearly 2,000 miles away Cedar was injured and covered in snow when she was found. Man pretending to be traffic cop pulls over undercover officer It didn’t end well for him. Woman in US arrested for claiming officer killed chicken in drive-by shooting ‘Unfortunately we struck and killed ... Most hacked passwords revealed in warning over cybersecurity The National Cyber Security Centre has urged ... 10 reasons why you shouldn’t feel guilty eating lots of chocolate this Easter Jackdaw’s reaction to being caught amuses thousands on social media Guinness makers to remove plastic from packaging – 14 other brands making environmental changes Download our app Sport Burrows Saint wins Irish Grand National It is a first Irish Grand National success for Willie Mullins, who saddled the first ... Championship wrap: Norwich’s promotion party put on hold; Irish duo on target for Sheffield United Canaries had to settle for a point at Stoke. Sissoko set to miss Ajax showdown for Spurs The midfielder suffered a groin injury in the Champions League quarter-final second ... 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GAA Soccer Rugby Other Sports Tech Jobs Property Login Lyra McKee Brexit Sri Lanka Notre Dame Climate change Ukraine Easter commemorations European and local elections Religion 1 day ago Vatican darkened for poignant Easter ritual Pope Francis led faithful on a procession symbolising Christians’ belief that Jesus triumphed over death by resurrection. 10 days ago Retired pope Benedict wades into clergy sex abuse debate Retired pope Benedict XVI has published an analysis on the Catholic Church's clergy sex abuse scandal, blaming it on the sexual revolution of the 1960s and church laws that protected priests. 11 days ago Dalai Lama recovering fast from chest infection A spokesman said the Tibetan spiritual leader is likely to return soon to his HQ in the the north Indian hill town of Dharamshala. 12 days ago Dalai Lama in hospital with chest infection The 83-year-old was said to be feeling better now. 53 days ago Taoiseach: Ethos of public funded hospital should reflect society as a whole not just one religion Church-run hospitals are being told to remove crucifixes if a patient asks. 54 days ago Australian Cardinal George Pell to spend his first night in prison A judge revoked his bail and said he will deliver his sentence on March 13. 55 days ago Vatican says cardinal Pell's abuse convictions are ‘painful’ and shocking The verdict was handed down in December but publication about the trial was banned until now. 102 days ago Baptist group refused permission to use shed as chapel Members of a small Baptist church in west Clare will have to seek a new place of worship after being refused planning permission to use a shed attached to a residential home to assemble for prayer. 138 days ago Letter written by Albert Einstein doubting God's existence auctioned for $2.9m A letter written by Albert Einstein in which he doubts the existence of God has been auctioned for $2.9m in New York. 140 days ago Tribunal to decide if veganism is religious belief Jordi Casamitjana said he was sacked by the League Against Cruel Sports after raising concerns about its pension fund investments. 144 days ago Founder of UCD could be canonised next year The founder of University College Dublin looks set to become a saint. 159 days ago Pope Francis denounces gossiping as he says tongues ‘kill like a knife’ The pontiff made his remarks as he discussed the commandment not to bear false witness. 164 days ago Man wearing ‘I love Jesus’ hat breaks into church and rips up bibles The crime has shocked local residents. 165 days ago Christian woman acquitted of blasphemy freed in Pakistan The European Parliament has made an offer to protect Asia Bibi’s family. 172 days ago Christian woman acquitted of blasphemy in Pakistan to leave country The country’s Supreme Court on Wednesday overturned Asia Bibi’s 2010 conviction for insulting Islam’s Prophet Muhammad. 173 days ago 'We're grateful to God,' says husband of woman who escapes death penalty over blasphemy Asia Bibi had been held at an undisclosed location for security reasons and is now expected to leave the country. 174 days ago Priest claims that Holy Communion is being taken from churches for Satanic use Ireland's only self-confessed 'Ghostbusting' hermit priest has claimed that consecrated hosts are being stolen from Irish churches for use in Satanic rituals. 184 days ago 'Current article is from another era' - Sinn Féin urge 'Yes' vote in blasphemy referendum Sinn Féin are calling for a 'Yes' vote in the upcoming blasphemy referendum. 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Beginners BBQ Class Taking Place in Missoula! Do you want to get better at making delicious BBQ? You will have the opportunity, put this on your calendar now. Thursday, September 22nd join World Class BBQ Champion, Tony Balay from Lonestar Smoke Rangers. He will be teaching a beginner level class for everyone who wants to get better with their culinary skills. He will teach you everything you need to know to compete in a KCBS BBQ competition, including techniques, recipes, timelines, meat selection and trimming, plus smoker and fire information. The cost to be in the class is $35 per person, and for spectators it is free. Included in the cost will be either a t-shirt or apron and you will be tasting samples of each meat that is prepared.
Discussion in 'Mac OS X Lion (10.7)' started by axboi87, Jan 20, 2012. I've got a 500gb internal drive and a 240gb SSD. When trying to restore using disk utility i'm given the error "Not enough space on disk ____ to restore" But I shouldn't have to do that!!! Any ideas or workarounds before resorting to the above? Use Carbon Copy Cloner to copy one drive to the other. I've done this several times going from larger HDD to smaller SSD and I wound up with a bootable SSD drive. One step you have to remember not to skip is to use Disk Utility to partition the SSD as GUID partition scheme HFS+ before doing the clone. If it came Apple Partition Scheme, even if you let CCC do the clone, the resulting drive won't be bootable. CCC usually works in "file mode" and it can easily copy a larger drive (that's mostly empty) onto a smaller drive. If you tell CCC to clone a drive you did NOT boot from, it can work in block copy mode where the destination drive must be the same size or larger than the drive you are cloning from (if I recall). I've actually done this somehow on Disk Utility several times (booting from a different drive (or even the dvd) so not running disk utility from the drive your cloning) and had it work just fine from larger to smaller bootable clone. Definitely format the drive cloning to first, as bootable Apple etc.. Thanks for pointing this out. My only experience using DU to go larger to smaller was when I was trying to make a Lion install stick and I was unable to restore InstallESD.dmg to a 4 GB USB stick but of course the reason that wouldn't fit is there was slightly more than 4 GB of data.
The rich get richer and the poor get poorer eh? Or is it the rich think different and play by a different set of rules? Do the rich take responsibility and action? Poor people believe 'Life happens to me.' Rich people are committed to be rich. Poor people WANT to be rich. Rich people think big. Poor people think small. Rich people focus on opportunities. Poor people focus on obstacles. Rich people are willing to promote themselves and their value. Poor people think negatively about selling and promotion. Poor people are closed to new ideas.. Do You think rich or poor?
Biomedics 1 Day Extra are daily replacement disposable contact lenses by CooperVision Hydron. Buy one box of 90 lenses. Biomedics 1 Day Extra contacts give you all the convenience of a daily disposable lens with no need for solutions, cases or cleaning and are perfect for the occasional wear. These lenses have greater comfort handling with superior ease of insertion and removal. Biomedic 1 Day Extra are also marketed under various other brand names including Clear Choice 1-day, Ascend 1-day, easyvision CLARISION SPHERE, Clearsight 1 Day and ProView Daily Disposable.
Below you'll find some great videos that will encourage you, train you and build you up in hearing from GOD and being able to let HIM fulfill HIS plan in your life. SOMETHING NEW THAT WILL HELP YOU HEAR GODS VOICE! How to Understand and Rightly Divide It & How It Applies to Life! In this important teaching Terry reveals the clear distinction between the Spirit & Soul and how critical it is that we learn how to operate in the Spirit and not be deceived. It's a serious matter that must be reviewed no matter what your level of faith and maturity. Marriage & How it Applies to the Spirit & The Soul! In this enlightening class Terry reveals a key insight that helps us to better discern the Spirit vs the Soul as it's reflected in the Marriage relationship from the intuitive nature, the emotional component of the woman and the power aspect of a male in submission to the LORD. In this eye-opening teaching Terry shares how the Tabernacle as it represents the body soul and spirit of man and how it applies to our spiritual walk. This complete deliverance packet helps to walk you through what you can do to free yourself from the hidden forced buried deep in your soul that is hindering you from walking in the fullness that GOD paid for you to walk in. In today's video, Terry defines salvation better and the things that get in the way of our soul's salvation and ways we can increase our spiritual maturity.
UNStudio has joined forces with HPP Architects to create a consortium (UNS + HPP) to carry out the next phases of their winning project at the architectural design competition for FOUR Frankfurt. Take a look at the complete story after the jump. From the architects: The centrally located 16,000 square meter site was purchased by Groß & Partner real estate development company – who will be carrying out the development of the project – back in 2015. Situated in the very core of the city, the site has been completely inaccessible for the last 45 years. Now four new high-rise towers will change Frankfurt’s skyline from the air, while cultivating its liveliness on the ground. The development of these towers, reaching heights of 228 meters, will open up new streets to create a multi-use, vibrant inner-city quarter, bringing together a healthy mix of work, living, relaxation and recreation. The choice of programmes allows for a smooth transition from Frankfurt’s shopping district to the east of Roßmarkt, to the high-rise office towers clustered around Park Taunusanlage. With a development concept that is unique to Europe, the FOUR Frankfurt project brings together facilities that will establish a lively new neighbourhood for Frankfurt, its visitors, and its (future) residents. The new high-rise complex will be integrated into the expanding city structure by incorporating the heritage-listed facades of the Junghofstraße into the design and by making a multi-storey base building the connecting element of the entire site. According to the assessment by the competition jury, the unique quality of the quarter can be found in its public development and amenity value. The new development will therefore create connected spaces, accessible rooftops, pathways and passages. The existing block on the Junghofstraße will be opened up to strengthen the surrounding pathways and ensure a high level of accessibility. This will create a multi-use, diverse quarter comprising 50% office spaces, 30% living accommodation (including subsidized housing), in addition to retail spaces, restaurants and hotels. Four Frankfurt is expected to be completed in 2023.
2 New England NE 16 1 plays -1 yards 0:07 End of half. 4 Pittsburgh Pit 37 2 plays -1 yards 1:01 End of game. 2 8 opp29 1:57 Pit Bleier 0 Bas Draw/SI 4-3 sZ Run-Harris, F.
Sellers who are non-residents (eg. foreigners living abroad and Japanese citizens living abroad). Buyers, both local and overseas residents, who are buying real estate in Japan from a non-resident. If the seller of Japanese real estate is a non-resident, depending on the situation, the buyer must withhold 10.21% of the sale price and pay it to the tax office, with the remaining 89.79% paid to the seller. The buyer is responsible for paying the 10.21% to the tax office by the 10th of the month following the transaction. It is your obligation to make this payment to the tax office by the deadline. If you are currently living overseas, you will need to appoint a tax representative or accountant to pay this on your behalf. You will need to appoint a tax representative in Japan to file a final tax return to have the remainder returned to you (less any taxes that may have been owed). *If the payment of deposits and mid-term payments also meet the conditions for withholding tax, the tax must be withheld and paid by the buyer at each payment. The above information has been provided as a general guide only. For more details on this tax, and for other detailed tax questions, please consult with the tax office or a specialist tax accountant.
Menara Taming Sari (Melaka Tower) is located at Bandar Hilir, beside Dataran Pahlawan Megamall. It is the first and only gyro tower in Malaysia so far. The tower revolves 360° to provide a panoramic view of Malacca town. From a height of 80 meters, the ride offers you a spectacular and panaromic view of Historical Melaka City and a far with a host of interesting sights such as St Paul’s Hill, Independence Memorial Building, Samudera Museum and the ship, Flor De La Mar, Melaka River, Dataran Pahlawan, Pulau Selat Mosque, Pulau Besar and the Straits of Malacca. That apart, you will also see the fast and rapid development taking place in the state. The air-conditioned circular observation deck can take 66 people at any one time. You'll stay up there for about seven minutes. Once it reaches the top, a breathtaking, sprawling view of Malacca as far as the eye can see, up to the Straits of Malacca, is clearly visible, especially in good weather, with the Melaka River running through the grand panorama below. In addition to the revolving tower for visitors to enjoy bird view of Melaka city, the ticketing building will also be fitted with 5 commercial outlets, which includes a cafe, restaurant, and souvenir shops. The admission charges for Menara Taming Sari are RM20 for an adult and RM10 for children below 12 years old. There is a huge car park next to the tower. For further information, please contact Melaka Taming Sari Berhad at +60-6-2881100 or +60-6-2813366. Menara Taming Sari opens at 10:00 am and continues till 10:00 pm, daily.
Educating women, in particular, has unmatched transformative power. It not only empowers them but also has a positive effect on their family and surroundings. Women with more education tend to have fewer children, which benefits them, their families and the society at large. Education is also one of the most powerful elements of improving people’s health. It saves the lives of millions of mothers and children, helps prevent diseases, and is an essential component of efforts to reduce malnutrition. Educated mothers are better informed about diseases; therefore, they take preventative measures, recognize signs of illness early and tend to use health care services more often. To create awareness regarding the importance of girl child eductaion, SOC Films in collaboration with Chime of Change, created a series of short documentaries on young girls who want to achieve their dreams and aspirations to seek excellence in various professions in future whether it's sports, literature, science, math, activism, or so on and so forth. Chime for Change, a global movement is aimed at strengthening voices speaking out to support the cause of promoting justice, health and education for girls and women the world over. These documentaries were screened at an event in New York on 11th October this year, which is also celebrated as the International Day of the Girl Child. The event was also featured in Huffington Post. Areeba Fatima, a student of Dawood Public School, one of the biggest girls’ school in Karachi, is also featured in one of the documentaries where she expresses her desire to become a diplomat to be able to represent Pakistan at the UN and paint a positive picture of the country. The documentary can be viewed here: http://vimeo.com/107582646 . Dawood Public School is among the very few schools that aim to empower women by giving them the confidence of facing the world through participation in many extracurricular activities including sports, debates, performing arts etc.
The High brightness is being compared to 350 Watts conventional xenon light source that can be utilized for critical illness like laparoscopy without any problem and with utmost ease. It has an extended service life, which means it can easily last for 60000 hours at a max, which is 120 times of xenon. This further emphasises that one doest not need to change the bulb for a number of years and can be used for a long time. We have an extensive range of power from 100 to 240 V / AC; 50 / 60 Hz. The perfect colour temperature ranges from 5000 K to 6500 K, and the colour rendering is over 70. It does not gives out light in the Ultra Violet or Infrared Rays. The customized connector, it accepts fibre light directs with dynamic and on the go areas varying from 3 mm to 10 mm in diameter or span. It helps saves half the energy i.e. it will be more than 50%. It is considered environment friendly.
This dog brooch pin is made with polymer clay, painted, and sealed with varnish for protection. It is made and painted by hand so each pin has some variation and is unique in its own way! The pin is 1.5" x 1.5" with rubber clutch backing and comes with a backing card.
Road map for PM Modi's complete road-show. Watch complete video for complete details. PM Modi's road show to be 7 km long. Watch complete video to know more.
When it comes to divorce in Salt Lake City, each party has a lot to lose–especially if you have children or significant assets. One of the most complex issues is the division of assets and property. Utah law requires the distribution to be equitable. In many divorce cases, both parties are unable to agree how to divide property and assets. It can often create an acrimonious situation. An experienced and knowledgeable Salt Lake City divorce lawyer can often make the difference between getting the settlement you deserve to losing everything you have rightfully earned. In most Utah divorces, there are three major assets that are usually involved–the home, personal property and retirement plans/investments. Here is a brief rundown on how Utah courts determine equitable asset and property division. Home & Property: Many of the most heated divorce cases in Salt Lake City involve which party is entitled to receive the home. The court can use several different methods of determination. Here are the most common depending on the circumstances of each case. First, the court may order the house to be sold and equity divided among the two parties. The court may also allow one party to buy out the other person’s interest in the real property. Another common ruling is to have the property awarded to one party and the remaining assets of equal value given to the other. Personal Property: Personal property is classified as the ownership of any material possessions that can be moved. It includes cars, furniture, and clothing. While most people do not share clothes, the determination of vehicles and furniture can sometimes become complex–especially if they are co-owned by each party. Utah courts place a priority on dividing personal property equitably. Retirement Plans & Investments: The division of retirement and investment accounts can sometimes get complicated under Utah family law. If only one party has a pension or retirement plan, in most cases the other party is entitled to half of the amount earned during the time of the marriage. Any money earned before the marriage will not be divided. If both parties have their names on investment or retirement plans, the court can rule either two ways. Both individuals can retain the full value of their own plans or the court will order an equitable distribution of all accounts. In a perfect world, divorcing couples can agree to divide assets and property on their own. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. But there are some solutions to come up with a reasonable agreement. One viable option is mediation. Many Salt Lake City divorce attorneys offer mediation services to help couples find common ground on some of the most difficult family law issues. Under Utah family law, both parties are required to undergo at least one mediation session to attempt to resolve their differences. A mediator is an independent arbitrator who can listen to both sides explain their issues and concerns. It is often a less stressful alternative to court is also far less expensive than going through the conventional divorce process. To learn more about your options concerning the division of assets and property, contact Salt Lake City divorce attorney Emy A. Cordano for a consultation today.
BELIEVE IT OR NOT... WE WORK FOR THE CITY -- ERASING GRAFFITIS. We are a company created by Professional Tour Guide/ Sommelier/Graff Artist/ Local Tattooed Street Thug* Al Ramirez, founder of Al Ramirez Wine Tours / Valparaiso Wine Tours, who arrived back to Valpo from NYC in '06. VSA tours was co-founded by Jekse and Cines, a couple of local graffiti artists who are doing some great things lately, helping Valparaiso become one of South America's most painted town... the guys can't stop painting! they go by "La UKD Crew"; they been painting graffiti and tagging South America since they can remember. Why? ask them when you meet them! Our guides are "Perf" Amboy Chris, Seba, Diego "Pes", all experts in local graffiti and street art. They're in charge of making sure you have a great experience. Al Ramirez AKA "MR. Al RAMIREZ" at Work! He also paints (not great, but don't tell him that). He likes to walk around like he's the boss because he "created the Idea", "The first ever Street Art Tour Guide in Chile", and "everyone copies him"... but no one here is trying to hear it. If he gives you a tour, act like you liked it (nod and chuckle, while looking away)... then come back and take a real tour with the other guides. A comedian once said "this world we live in is unbelieveable! I went in to rob a liquor store and when I came out someone had stolen my car!" That car thief could very well be Jake1 (see the pic/evidence above). He's the type of person who would boil a Frappucino/Iced Coffee just to rebel against the system. We've seen him go into a vegan restaurant, and ask for a lamb chop. Come on, Joaquin. This needs to stop. This is El Seba or Sebastian. Just look at the picture and the bio will speak for itself. He is the one who gets yelled at the most at the office, and asks waaaay too many questions. We dislike him. Very much. He's the type of person who will be telling a story, such as, "So, I told the stupid police officer not to dare talk to me like that", and the police officer will be standing behind him without him knowing it. Then he'll spend the night in jail, and come out the next morning only to pee in the street and get thrown back in within minutes. Eddie is a comic book nerd, and a lover of Japanese culture. He is also a graff writer who goes under the name Rone, which comes from "Ronin" -- we looked up the word and it means Wanderer... and that's exactly where his mind is, wandering away from this planet. Don't be surprised if he starts talking about R2 D2 on the tour. Nerd. "UnKolorDistinto" as they are known around the globe, are a couple that paint together (all day, every day). - No, they are not siamese twins. - If you sit and listen to one of their mixtapes, you'll most likely fall asleep. - They work as workshop tour instructors here and there. El Pollo is our Hype Man. He's in charge of putting our flyers in your hotel or hostel or B&B, etc. El Pollo is a specialist. At the tender age of 36 (He looks young because he eats tons of garlic), El Pollo sold his entire school raffle tickets, and he won all of the prizes! We'll keep him around for a long time. Unknown Real Name AKA "Mr. Molly & Sally" Mr. M&S is a criminal... a thug who mugged one of our guides, and now works for us (Yes, he mugged a job from someone). He doesn't speak english, but he understands it from his travels through Ritoque, where everyone says "Sorry, Hermano" instead of "Disculpa, Bro" or "Esto es super cool" instad of "oh que piola la wax"... so when we tried to talk smack about him he understood us, and mugged us all. Anyway, now he's our guide in Spanish. Does the tours on Saturday, and when he feels like it on Sunday. He always shows up late or last minute. THANK YOU. You all make this possible.
The Hawaii man who was fired after issuing the false ballistic missile alert in mid-January told reporters Friday that he was very upset over the incident but remained adamant that it appeared, at the time, to be a real-life attack. The former state employee – a man in his 50s who asked to remain anonymous for his safety – said that he was “100 percent sure” that the drill on Jan. 13 was real, even though several other employees heard the word “exercise” repeated throughout the message, according to officials. Once the man realized what had happened, he said he felt like he’d sustained a “body blow.” Since then, he’s reportedly been distressed to the point that he has had trouble eating and sleeping. During a news conference on Tuesday, investigating officer Brig. Gen. Bruce Oliveira shared details of the state’s probe and said when the mistake was realized, the employee “froze” and “seemed confused.” Another employee had to resume his duties and send a correction message, Oliveira said. The employee also reportedly had at least two previous incidents in which he mistook drills for real-world events, including for tsunami and fire warnings. But Oliveira said the employee was previously counseled and allowed to resume his duties. Following the event, the employee was fired and Vern Miyagi, who oversaw the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency, took responsibility and resigned. Toby Clairmont, the agency’s executive officer, also resigned before disciplinary action could be taken, and authorities are in the process of suspending another worker without pay. By 8:20 a.m., Hawaii EMA tweeted there was “NO missile threat” to the state, but failed to send a phone alert for another 38 minutes, causing mass panic among people who weren’t able to check social media.
Shania Twain expected to break the charts with new album NOW! Even after a 15-year hiatus, she’s still the one! Shania Twain is on pace to top the charts with her new album NOW. The 16-song LP was released on Sept. 29 and is set to shoot past Demi Lovato and Miley Cyrus to claim the number one spot on Billboard’s Top 200. The Timmins native hopped on Twitter on Wednesday to announce that her album is already platinum in Canada! Shortly after the release of the lead single “Life’s About to Get Good,” it hit number one on the Billboard 200. Of course, fans were simply dying to see how their favourite country icon was doing, so the new single rocked its way to the top of Billboard + Twitter Trending 140, too! So far, the song’s video has over four million views on YouTube and the number continues to ride the wave of Now’s release. The 52-year-old country star, still clad in her iconic leopard print, insists that Now is not a break up album but another coming-of-age collection of tunes bound to make listeners laugh, cry and rock out. This is one country powerhouse that just doesn’t quit. Despite originally declaring her 2015 Rock This Country tour as her final encore, Shania is ready to hit the road again. “I look forward to everyone getting familiar with the album – and then getting out there and performing live!” she exclaimed to Hello!. The Shania Now tour kicks off on May 3 in Tacoma, Washington, and will see the singer make stops in Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Hamilton, Ottawa, London and Quebec City. Tickets to see the Canadian musician are on sale now.
George Wales visits The Good Earth Chinese Restaurant in Wandsworth Common. Situated next to the picturesque expanse of Wandsworth Common, Bellevue Road is already well known to those of a foodie inclination, having been home to Michelin-starred French restaurant Chez Bruce for the best part of 20 years. However, it would seem that Bruce Poole’s celebrated brasserie is not the only gastro-string to the area’s bow, with newcomer The Good Earth serving up excellent Chinese food just two minutes up the road. A family-run establishment, it is the latest opening in a group of London-based eateries under the Good Earth banner, with another restaurant in Knightsbridge and a number of take-away outlets dotted around South West London. However, this is a significant cut above your average chain restaurant. Having been seated in a sleek, modern dining room, all polished wood and crisp white tablecloths, we opted for two set dinners, assured by the helpful Maître D’ that the fixed price menu was made up of the restaurant’s finest dishes. A selection of starters was dominated by a pair of eye-catching Dragon’s Whisker Prawns, succulent king prawns encased in a cocoon of fine shredded pastry. Another highlight was a portion of Honey-Glazed Ribs, a sticky treat, the meat falling pleasingly away from the bone. Next up was that traditional takeaway staple, Aromatic Duck, served with the obligatory pancakes, hoisin sauce and spring onions. Done well, it’s a thing of beauty, and happily, The Good Earth does it very well indeed, the duck beautifully tender, its skin crisp and tacky. Delicious. Finally, the mains. Chicken with Cashew nuts was another traditional dish done well, but Fillet of Beef in Claypot was the star performer, arriving still sizzling at the table, the flavour of the meat more than living up to the spectacle. At just under £40 per person, without wine, this Chinese banquet comes in a shade more expensive than your typical neighbourhood restaurant, but given the quality (and quantity) of the food on offer, it’s well worth the extra outlay. If you are looking for another reason to check out the area, visit The Ship pub in Wandsworth, which is ideal for summer drinks on the large terrace.
As the co-founder of Lonely Planet, Tony Wheeler has inspired generations of intrepid travellers to explore the four corners of the planet. But in an age where travel is more accessible than ever, what does it really mean to have been ‘everywhere’? Join Tony as he reflects on the most accomplished adventurers he knows, the unticked destinations on his wish list, and the challenges and rewards of visiting some of the world’s more remote and difficult destinations.
The Almond Tree books’ foreign and movie rights continues to grow with the addition of Chinese Complex Characters’ Rights (Taiwan) sold to Faces/Cite Publishing. View all all foreign and movie rights and the various different cover versions of the book on the Foreign and Movie Rights Page. great item of writing, I’m sharing with my buddies.
Fabulous Large Extending Dining Table Large Extending Oak Dining Table Living Room Decoration – Here’s some pictures of design ideas for your home interior design related to large extending dining table. We collected the images from various sources to provide Dining Room inspiration for you. The image that we serve is high quality and high resolution, with the hope that you can clearly see the detail of inspiration about large extending dining table. The exactly dimension of the Fabulous Large Extending Dining Table Large Extending Oak Dining Table Living Room Decoration is 1188×600 pixels. We hope this post may be of benefit to you, especially in designing a Dining Room in your home. You can find related images related to Fabulous Large Extending Dining Table Large Extending Oak Dining Table Living Room Decoration on this website by discovering the category section, or the related posts below. So, take your time and find the amazing Fabulous Large Extending Dining Table Large Extending Oak Dining Table Living Room Decoration pictures informed here that suitable with your needs. Hopefully, the pictures about Fabulous Large Extending Dining Table Large Extending Oak Dining Table Living Room Decoration that we have provided this can be useful for you all. Don’t forget to share this post with your friends to help your friend in finding their inspiration. Creative greeting from our and Thank you for visiting.
A good honours degree in chemistry, pharmacy, pharmaceutical science, pharmacology, biological science or biomedical science. Other chemistry or medical science degrees will be considered on an individual basis. All applicants will be expected to pass all mathematics modules within their first degree and should demonstrate suffice competency in biology and chemistry. Applicants with alternative qualifications will also need appropriate experience (in healthcare, the pharmaceutical industry or a regulatory body, for example).
Starring Cast Rajesh Hamal, Sanchita Luitel, Dilip Rayamajhi, Deepak Chhetri, Simpal Khanal etc. Sanchita Luitel – One of the most beautiful actress in Nepali film industry, Sanchita Luitel had married actor Nikhil Upreti. After giving birth to two children, Sanchita is trying to get back into acting these days. Sanchita’s comeback movie ‘Nai Nabhannu La 3’ was a super hit movie. Simpal Khanal – The model and actress Simpal Khanal debuted as a actress in this movie. After this movie Simpal didn’t do any more movies for almost a decade before being featured in leading role in ‘Adhyaya’. Simpal married a businessman in UK in January 2016. This entry was posted in Nepali Movies and tagged Bijaya Kerung, Deepak Chhetri, Dilip Rayamajhi, M film, Majhi Dai, Rajesh Hamal, Sanchita Luitel, Simpal Khanal, Simple Khanal. Bookmark the permalink. fantastic . Really reflects nepali culture . Fell like you get what your heart wants . agdam ramro movie i like it-keep on send this type of movie hai. Really very nice movie.keep on post like this fantastic movies. Thank you! I like this Majhi Dai Movie. I appreciate very much to Film maker. Please make more film in a realistic. I give grade in 8/10. its a great! I dont like this movie its always push so———– funny. nice movie…….keep on posting other fantastic and cooooooooooooooooooooool movies hai ta..
The Graduate Law degree is a graduate entry course in law, completion of which forms the basis for admission to legal practice in New South Wales and Western Australia. The program is designed to recognise the capacities of high quality graduates and the relevance of their existing qualifications to the commencement of studies in law. This degree includes core curriculum courses (units), compulsory law courses, and elective law courses. Contact hours in this degree average 16 hours per week when studied full-time.
I met with Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson to discuss the Administration’s ongoing reforms to the national security space enterprise. The 5th Congressional District of Colorado is the epicenter of national defense space, and I had a productive conversation on everything Colorado Springs has to offer, including coming decisions on topics such as where U.S. Space Command will be located. I was honored to have met the brave Navy Seal who killed Osama Bin Laden. I’m thankful for his service and sacrifice to our country. On March 23rd I had the privilege of presenting awards to the winners of the Congressional Art Competition here in the Fifth District. I've been amazed at the great artistic talents of the young people in the Colorado Fifth Congressional District over the years of judging the competition. This gives me the chance to meet the best and brightest young men and women of the District. This year we recognized the teachers of the students, as they're the primary shapers of our young people's artistic talent. The art competition provides us with a wonderful opportunity to showcase the abilities of our District's brilliant young artists to the rest of the nation. Once the winners have been selected by a local panel of professional artists, the Grand Prize winner's art displayed in the United States Capitol Building for one year. It's always a joy to walk by the artwork of our young students and admire their hard work and artistic ability I look forward to seeing the work of this year's winner displayed alongside that of other brilliant young artists from across America. I was honored to receive the True Blue Award from the Family Research Council. Consistently voting pro-life and pro-family is important to me. Rep. Lamborn rallied for Jack Phillips today while the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission case. Jack doesn’t violate any proper understanding of nondiscrimination laws. He serves all people, but declines some requests for custom cakes that conflict with his faith. That is not a form of unlawful discrimination, but a legitimate exercise of his artistic and religious freedom. Rep. Lamborn and Rep. Lee Zeldin (NY-01) join Stuart and Robbi Force, the parents of Taylor Force, whom H.R. 1165 was named for after his murder by Palestinian Authority funded terrorism. The Palestinian Authority allocates hundreds of millions of dollars annually to pay terrorists to murder innocent Israelis and Americans. The bill is an important first step in ending U.S. tax dollars from supporting terrorists who kill innocents like Taylor. After nearly two years, the Mueller report is now available to the public, and it shows NO collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russia. It is time to move away from the false collusion allegations that stem from the Democrats and the media. I voted to make the report public because I believe the government should be transparent, and my constituents deserve to read the findings of the report. I hope this will finally end all of the partisan games so we may focus on our jobs, and continue with the legislative agenda to better our country. I applaud the Senate for confirming Colorado native David Bernhardt as the next Secretary of the Interior. I believe Bernhardt will continue to use his vast experience to remove burdensome federal regulations and advance policies that will benefit Colorado.
Marcelito Pomoy recently appeared at “The Ellen DeGeneres Show.” He is the latest Filipino to guest in this popular talk show. He was interviewed first by Ellen and an interpreter helped Marcelino answer the questions. Marcelito said that at h didn’t immediately believe that he got an invite from the show and initially thought that it was a spam email. Even after he had a Skype call with a representative of the show he still had doubts. It was not until his ticket was emailed to him that he finally got convinced that it was real! The Kapamilya singer and Ellen talked about Marcelito’s humble beginnings. According to Marcelito, he started to sing at early age of seven and learned that he had this gift to switch voices at the age of eighteen. Ellen also asked Marcelito about his experience living in the streets and finally ending up as winner at the 2012 Pilipinas Got Talent. Marcelito said that he worked as a Pin boy and was paid Php 50 for each and slept at the streets at night. He said that he joined the contest with the inspiration that he would be able to see his family. Ellen said that he was thrilled with Marcelito Pomoy ‘s videos and was excited that he is in the show. Related topics for this article: "reynaldo [email protected] comp" Is Enrique destined for Liza Soberano?
According to many studies, it is revealed that the number of crimes can be reduced by almost 50%, if there is better street illumination thus demotivating criminals to commence any kind of crime due to the fear of getting caught. If you are also considering some better lighting alternative to reduce crime from your area then you can install LED pole lights that will never make streets dark or dull. Install Outoor LED Pole Light 300w that have photocell option as well which will give you added savings in addition to maximum safety. These lights are electrician friendly and can be installed easily, also with the lifespan of more than 50,000 hours; you can completely rely on these lights to provide maximum visibility. These lights produce 39982 lumens by using just 300watts of power and you can replace them with 1000w of MH lights. Also the color temperature of these lights is 5700K and these lights offer eco-friendly lighting results without emitting any harmful UV/IV rays as well. These lights are photocell sensor enabled lights that reduces the wastage of lights as well, enjoy even and uniform lighting that can cater to the bigger and larger areas. The Pre-built LED Shoebox fixture delivers energy-efficient illumination for boulevards, parking lots, parkways & pathways among many other places. So install LED pole light 300w that are more powerful than the traditional lights and can give maximum energy savings and can keep the city safe from the criminal activities.
Our last competition for the Summertime Reading Competition is the funnest! Just leave a comment on this post, or submit a video or picture telling (or showing) us ‘Your favourite place to read’. Make sure you put your name and your email address or phone number so that we can contact you if you win. We’ll draw one lucky kid who will win a $40 PaperPlus voucher. So get commenting and you’ll be in to win. If you’d like to send us a picture or video, you can email it to [email protected] Competition closes Thursday 23 January 2014. Join the Great Summer Reading Adventure! Our annual Summertime Reading programme is about to get underway again for kids between 5 and 12 years old. Pick up your Summertime Reading Club map from your local library or Paper Plus store from December and be in to win some great prizes! Read six books of your choice between 20th December 2013 and 24th January 2014, then take your map back into the library to receive your sticker and a $5 Paper Plus voucher. The librarian will also enter you online for the prize draw and the major prize this year is an iPad mini. For a further challenge, you can complete the Science Alive Reading Adventure by reading four different books and spotting the science feature in each of those books. Take the map back into the library and the librarian will enter you into the draw for some more great prizes. We’ll also have a weekly Summertime Reading Challenge here on the Kids Blog that you can enter to win PaperPlus vouchers.
Breathtaking 24th Floor Direct Ocean Front Corner. 2,020 sq. ft. Was a 3 bdrm. Now Large 2 Bedroom 2 1/2 bath - with Marble Floors, New Kitchen appliances. Price includes cabana #8 5 Bldg. Resort Fully Renovated with private Restaurant, fitness center, beach service, full service spa, tennis courts, Marina, & concierge service. Great opportunity! Easy to Show!
Creative Directors are the driving force that keeps the creative side of Huge at the top of its game—they make sure no talent goes to waste and the work stays sharp. These are crazy-talented people who develop original design concepts, oversee multiple projects through execution, and directly managing a team of creatives under them. Team leadership and motivation skills are absolutely essential for the role. Our Creative Directors have a big job, and we need people who aren’t afraid to see such massive undertakings in front of them and still say, “We can do more here.” This is a leadership position in every sense of the phrase, and we need someone who can represent Huge culture and standards to all levels and disciplines within the department and company-wide. Creative Directors are also responsible for managing the client relationship for all things related to creative. 6-8+ years experience in a creative leadership role (at least 3+ years digital agency environment). A robust background with experience in a creative leadership role. Recognized expertise in interactive or physical design a must. A strong working knowledge of the fundamentals—interaction design, user-centered experience design, brand development and the creative process—as well as new platforms and technologies.
President Donald Trump returned to Washington, DC on Monday for a very important event. It was not for a meeting with an international leader. And it was not for a joint session of Congress. No, on this day, Trump greeted thousands of children. They had come to the White House for the annual Easter Egg Roll. The event has been a U.S. tradition for more than a century. In the late 1800s, local children gathered on the hill beside the president’s house to play a game with their colored eggs following the Easter holiday. The White House Easter Egg Roll was of special interest this year. The Trump administration was very late to organize it. Some people who hoped to attend the event were even worried that it would be canceled. Political observers said the Easter Egg Roll would show how well Trump’s administration could plan and operate a complex public relations event. Talk about the event also brought attention to the first lady, whose office usually plans the White House Easter Egg Roll. First Lady Melania Trump has not yet moved to Washington, DC. She says she will remain in New York City until her son finishes the school year. So, how did the White House Easter Egg Roll go this year? Just fine, early reports say. About 21,000 children and their families received tickets to this year’s event. They came in small groups to the lawn near the president’s house. They played soccer, tossed bean bags and, of course, pushed hard-boiled eggs down the hill. The event was smaller than in previous years. Last year, for example, about 36,000 people attended. This year’s Easter Egg Roll also did not include performances by top celebrities or professional athletes. Instead, children were invited to draw pictures for U.S. soldiers. The Easter Bunny made an appearance, though, as did both Trump and the first lady. They were there with their 11-year-old son, Barron. The president welcomed his young guests and promised them that the nation was getting stronger, bigger, and better. Kelly Jean Kelly wrote this story for Learning English. Ashley Thompson was the editor.
ST. JOHNS COUNTY, Fla. - Commissioners in St. Johns County voted unanimously to postpone any legislative action against a localized ban of a substance that the DEA has classified as a "drug of concern." According to a report by the St. Augustine Record, 19 speakers during a Tuesday night commission meeting defended their right to use kratom, speaking about the health benefits they'd recieved while battling fibromyalgia and anxiety. Commissioners agreed to table any action until at least May, after the Legislative session. ORIGINAL STORY: Could drug with opioid-like properties be banned in St. Johns County? The FDA has warned people against using kratom, saying it has properties similar to those of opioids. It's legal in the U.S. aside from Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Tennessee, Vermont, Wisconsin and the District of Columbia. There are no restrictions on kratom in Florida, expect in Sarasota County, where it's banned.
The NHS is still running Windows XP en masse, two and a half years after Microsoft stopped delivering bug fixes and security updates. Nearly all of England NHS trusts – 90 per cent – continue to rely on PCs installed with Microsoft’s 15-year-old desktop operating system. Just over half are still unsure as to when they will move to a replacement operating system. Fourteen per cent reckoned they’d move to a new operating system by the end of this year, and 29 per cent reckoned the move would happen “some time” in 2017. Windows XP is not receiving any security updates from Microsoft, meaning health service PCs are wide open to hackers and malware. The data on the NHS' use of Windows XP comes courtesy of a Freedom of Information request from Citrix, which approached 63 NHS trusts and received responses from 42. An FoI request from Citrix made in July 2014, three months after Microsoft’s deadline to move off Windows XP, had found 100 per cent of NHS trusts were dependent on the operating system. The Reg first reported in early 2014 how vast sections of the UK public sector was set to miss Microsoft’s April 2014 kill date for XP. The government had agreed a temporary framework support agreement with Microsoft which guaranteed delivery of special security patches for a year. That agreement ended on April 14 2015 after it was decided not to go for a second year.
Elvis Costello played a two-hour, 25-song show that touched on phases throughout his career, both deep cuts and hits, as well as nine of the new disc’s 12 songs. And to the delight of the nearly sold-out crowd, Costello did them all them well. Over a career of more than 40 years, singer Elvis Costello has been a punk provocateur, a seminal new wave voice, a contemporary pop singer and even a classic crooner. And there have been fans of each of Costello’s career ventures. So how to satisfy everyone coming to see Costello kick off the North American leg of his latest tour at Sands Bethlehem Event Center to support yet another venture – his very strong new disc “Look Now”? On Friday, Costello did his best to do just that, playing a two-hour, 25-song show that touched on phases throughout his career, both deep cuts and hits, as well as nine of the new disc’s 12 songs. And to the delight of the nearly sold-out crowd, Costello did them all well – not afraid to revisit not only the songs of his earlier career, but also carrying the spirit of them into the newer songs. Perhaps after surviving cancer surgery that canceled the end of his European leg, the 64-year-old Costello was emboldened, or re-invigorated. Either way, his performance, and voice, was stronger than when he played the Sands in 2016. Backed by a crack three-man band and two female singers, Costello opened the show with “This Year’s Girl” from his 1978 sophomore disc, “This Year’s Model,” with its swirling synth reviving that new wave sound. He followed that with two 1980s deeper cuts: a forceful “Honey, Are You Straight or Are You Blind,” and “Clubland,” with Costello’s ‘70s rocking edge. On the latter, Costello even held a finger to his nose to hush the crowd as he played a scrubbing lead and sang with a “Watching the Detectives” affect. Later offerings from the new disc were even better. The disc’s new single “Under Lime” had very much that 1977 vibe that ushered in new wave. “Why Won’t Heaven Help Me” was pretty rocking. The slow guitar-and-piano “Stripping Paper” was a clear reminder or the Elvis of old, and the slow, sensitive “Suspect My Tears” had some of his best vocals of the night, as he reached for a falsetto. Early in the show, the older songs Costello played were nearly all deeper cuts: “New Lace Sleeves” from 1981’s “Trust”; a rocking, new-wavey “(I Don’t Want to Go To) Chelsea,” with good lead guitar. So that when he did play a hit – his 1977 U.S. breakthrough “Watching the Detectives,” (in the same darkened-stage presentation as the last time he was at the Sands) it got a huge crowd reaction – and deservedly so. Costello later did the same with later songs: A largely voice-and-acoustic guitar version of 1986’s “Indoor Fireworks” to a big cheer from the crowd, and closed the main set with a faster, more rocking “Can You Hear Me” from his last disc, 2013’s “Wise Up Ghost” that segued right into the hit “Pump It Up,” thumping, urgent and rocking. Costello’s encore stretched eight songs and 40 minutes. It opened with one of the night’s best: a barely instrumented, mostly a cappella “Allison,” with his two female backup singers. It got a huge cheer. Then a stark and spare, piano-and-voice “Accidents Will Happen,” on which he reached for a high and powerful end note. He used that same vocal approach on “I Still Have That Other Girl,” which he also wrote with Bacharach, – really singing it --and paired that with a new Bacharach co-write, “He’s Given Me Things,” from the new disc. Costello flubbed the start of that song slightly, and after saying “this is the first night,” re-started it dramatically better. He followed that with another early deeper cut, “Green Shirt,” which started stripped, then built as the crowd clapped along. And then a six-minute version of his 1979 hit “(What’s So Funny ‘Bout) Peace Love and Understanding,” with a wonderful chorus coda. That completed Costello’s journey of giving everyone what they wanted. The fact that he could do that, and do it as well as he did, shows how important Costello’s music has been, and how much he still has left.
BAGHDAD, Iraq -- Fighting in the Shiite stronghold of Sadr City killed 23 Iraqis yesterday, hospital officials said, and the U.S. military reported five troop deaths, as April showed signs of becoming the worst month for U.S. forces in Iraq since September. At least 11 of the Iraqi deaths occurred when mortar shells landed in residential neighborhoods. Men rushed wounded children to overcrowded emergency rooms in Sadr City hospitals, on foot because of a ban on all vehicular traffic. In some parts of Sadr City, masked militiamen bearing machine guns and grenade launchers remained on the streets. Officials at local hospitals have put the death toll in the neighborhood at more than 70 since Sunday, but it was not clear if those figures included militia fighters. Thousands of Sadr City residents have fled for other neighborhoods. Prices in local markets were soaring as supplies dwindled, a result of suppliers' inability to bring in goods. Iraqi and U.S. forces appeared to be penetrating deeper into the neighborhood, one local journalist said. There were no signs that Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki was pulling back on his offensive against Shiite militias, which has sparked fighting between Iraqi and U.S. forces and militiamen loyal to Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr. Al-Maliki's deadline for fighters to hand in heavy weapons expired Tuesday, but the latest clashes showed that rocket-propelled grenades, mortars, and rockets remained in militia hands. Baghdad had spent part of yesterday quieter than in recent days, because of a curfew imposed to prevent clashes and protests marking the anniversary of the fall of Saddam Hussein on April 9, 2003. Al-Sadr had called for a huge march in Baghdad to mark the anniversary of Hussein's ouster and to protest the U.S. presence and al-Maliki's offensive. The cleric says the offensive, which began March 25 in the southern city of Basra, is targeting his Mahdi Army and is a ploy to cripple his political movement in advance of provincial elections planned for October. His fighters have risen up against Iraqi and U.S. forces, virtually collapsing a cease-fire that al-Sadr announced last August and that was credited with bringing a sharp drop in violence nationwide. Although U.S. and Iraqi officials maintain that they are targeting criminal elements or "special groups" that did not abide by al-Sadr's truce, U.S. Ambassador Ryan C. Crocker acknowledged yesterday that the Basra offensive had drawn in others. "A dangerous development in the immediate wake of the Basra operation was what appeared to be a reunification between special groups and JAM," he told lawmakers in Washington, using the acronym for al-Sadr's militia. Crocker and Gen. David Petraeus, commander of U.S. forces in Iraq, gave lawmakers their assessments of the war during two days of hearings in Washington that ended yesterday. The surge in troop deaths since the Basra offensive has underscored their contention that security gains witnessed in recent months easily could be reversed. At least 30 U.S. troops have died in Iraq since the Basra operation began, most in Baghdad; at least 19 have died in Iraq so far this month, representing the highest daily average since last September. The deaths announced yesterday brought to at least 4,031 the number of U.S. troops to die in Iraq since the war began in March 2003. Brief military statements said three of the soldiers died in roadside bomb blasts: two in northeastern Baghdad and one east of the city. Two others died of "non-combat" injuries, statements said, giving no other details.
Are stoners now a target advertising demographic for fast food companies? Ever since Harold and Kumar went to White Castle, fast-food companies have become increasingly blatant about targeting to stoners in their advertisements. July 31, 2012, 1:48 a.m. Between Taco Bell's "Fourthmeal" advertisements and Jack in the Box commercials featuring slow-talking stoners, it's hardly a secret anymore that fast-food companies are shamelessly targeting potheads with their ads. But have they crossed a line? Once considered a taboo marketing approach, the fast-food industry today appears to have brazenly embraced the late-night munchies, according to The Fix. Although advertisements never blatantly refer to pot smoking, subliminal messaging has become more obvious. Take, for instance, this recent Jack in the Box advertisement. And Taco Bell has created a jingle to go with its latest string of advertisements, which sings of the "late-night munchies." Of course, drive-thru windows open well into the morning hours also cater to the average midnight snacker, but there's little denying who the real target is given the choice of terminology. "If you're targeting that heavy fast-food user, you need to speak their language," said Denise Yohn, a brand consultant who's worked with restaurants for 25 years, to The Fix. "One way to do that is to talk about partying and munchies. To the mainstream audience it may just sound like late nights and drinking, but to a certain audience they're talking about getting stoned." It's not the same thing as flagrantly endorsing the use of marijuana, of course. But the fast-food industry no longer appears to think the pothead subculture is off limits either. Perhaps they're just embracing a market force, but the strategy also runs perilously close to catering directly to a drug-induced appetite that drives people to consume their product. Of course, this wouldn't be the first time that the fast-food industry was accused of catering to addiction. Not only has fast food been proven to be highly addictive, but the industry actually hires scientists to design its food for exactly that purpose. Whether marketing to stoners crosses an ethical line or not, it certainly seems to be working. Taco Bell has seen its sales spike by 6 percent since launching its "late-night munchies" advertisements. The marketing has been so successful that at least one new upstart fast-food enterprise has decided to sell its line of frozen burritos directly to potheads. Drive-thrus of nearly every major fast-food chain now typically stay open past midnight, undoubtedly due to a steady profit margin. So long as it works, it's not likely to change. In fact, without any backlash, it may not be long before advertisers compete explicitly for the stoner demographic. "A lot of companies are skipping the innuendo," said Yohn. "They think it's more effective to be overt. It creates more buzz. I think that's why you see a lot of advertising that seems unapologetically targeted to pot smokers." Ever since Harold and Kumar went to White Castle, fast food companies seem increasingly blatant about targeting to stoners in their advertisements.
Seren Rayne Frank Sutherland, a six lb., eight oz., girl, was born Saturday, Dec. 3, 2016, at Yavapai Regional Medical Center to Donell Sutherland and Adam Frank of Prescott. Alexander Velasco, a six lb., 12 oz., boy, was born Wednesday, Dec. 7, 2016, at Yavapai Regional Medical Center to Erika Avitia Villalobos and Eduardo Velasco of Prescott Valley. Teagan Mikelynn Scotia Walls, a seven lb., 11 oz., boy, was born Tuesday, Dec. 6, 2016, at Yavapai Regional Medical Center to Jamie Ashlyn and Michael Scott Walls of Prescott Valley. Owen Matthew Wederski, an eight lb., two oz., boy, was born Sunday, Nov. 27, 2016, at Yavapai Regional Medical Center to Kayla Greseth and Joshua Wederski of Prescott Valley. Rorik Isaiah Wilson, a eight lb., three oz., boy, was born Thursday, Dec. 22, 2016, at Yavapai Regional Medical Center to Marina Wilson and Colton McKeever of Prescott Valley. Sayge Elijah Anthony Zamora Gheiler, a seven lb.,two oz., boy, was born Friday, Dec. 23, 2016, at Yavapai Regional Medical Center to Nicollette Gheiler of Prescott.
Check out the Charleston Parks Conservancy's newest glow-up project at their inaugural Hampton Park culinary event, Shucked + Sauced, Sat. Jan. 26 from 1 to 4 p.m. The event will take place at the newly renovated Rose Pavilion, a previously unused concession stand that has been "re-envisioned and refurbished through the collaborative efforts of the Charleston Parks Conservancy and the City of Charleston." This space will serve as a gathering spot for community events and park programs. Conventional wisdom says that oysters are best enjoyed during those months containing the letter "r," making September through April prime oyster season. Shucked + Sauced was curated by chef Mike Lata of FIG and The Ordinary and will feature bites from The Ordinary, Nico, 167 Raw, Chubby Fish, Rodney Scott's BBQ, Lewis Barbecue, and The Obstinate Daughter in addition to local oysters from Lowcountry Oyster Co., Clammer Dave, Barrier Island Oyster Co., and Lady's Island Oysters. There will be wine, and beer from Holy City Brewing Co., plus beachy Lowcountry tunes from Dallas Baker and Friends. Lata said in a press release, "This event connects two of my favorite things: oysters and Charleston. Having been here for 20 years, I've seen many changes in Charleston. As the city has grown, development has put a lot of stress on the fishing community. Our local oyster farmers are helping to revitalize our working waterfront, just as the Parks Conservancy works to rejuvenate and preserve our city's public green spaces." Tickets are $85 and include all food and beverages. All proceeds from this event support the Conservancy and their work renovating and beautifying public parks and green spaces. More photos from our visit to Lowcountry Oyster Co.
After rebranding from beverages to a blockchain company, Long Blockchain says it is refocusing yet again and launching operations related to gift cards, as well as naming a new CEO. The Farmingdale-based firm said it has formed a new subsidiary, Stran Loyalty Group, focused on providing loyalty, incentive, reward and gift card programs to corporate and consumer brands. The firm also appointed Andy Shape as chairman and CEO, focusing on the loyalty business. He succeeds Shamyl Malik who will step down. The company said that Shape, the founder and president of Stran Promotional Solutions, has more than 25 years of merchandising, marketing, branding, licensing and management experience. Prior to forming Stran Promotional Solutions, he worked at Copithorne & Bellows Public Relations, a Porter Novelli company, as an account executive covering the technology industry. The company said its goal is to “implement disruptive technology solutions, including distributed ledger technology,” in the loyalty industry. “At this time, however, the company has not taken any steps toward developing any such technology and does not employ personnel with the relevant technology expertise,” the firm said. Long Island Iced Tea, a beverage company, rebranded as a firm with blockchain in its name, announcing various plans that did not develop as initially described. The firm’s wholly-owned subsidiary Long Island Brand Beverages operates in the non-alcohol ready-to-drink segment of the beverage industry, including the Long Island Iced Tea brand.
Check out the Charleston Parks Conservancy's newest glow-up project at their inaugural Hampton Park culinary event, Shucked + Sauced, Sat. Jan. 26 from 1 to 4 p.m. The event will take place at the newly renovated Rose Pavilion, a previously unused concession stand that has been "re-envisioned and refurbished through the collaborative efforts of the Charleston Parks Conservancy and the City of Charleston." This space will serve as a gathering spot for community events and park programs. Conventional wisdom says that oysters are best enjoyed during those months containing the letter "r," making September through April prime oyster season. Shucked + Sauced was curated by chef Mike Lata of FIG and The Ordinary and will feature bites from The Ordinary, Nico, 167 Raw, Chubby Fish, Rodney Scott's BBQ, Lewis Barbecue, and The Obstinate Daughter in addition to local oysters from Lowcountry Oyster Co., Clammer Dave, Barrier Island Oyster Co., and Lady's Island Oysters. There will be wine, and beer from Holy City Brewing Co., plus beachy Lowcountry tunes from Dallas Baker and Friends. Lata said in a press release, "This event connects two of my favorite things: oysters and Charleston. Having been here for 20 years, I've seen many changes in Charleston. As the city has grown, development has put a lot of stress on the fishing community. Our local oyster farmers are helping to revitalize our working waterfront, just as the Parks Conservancy works to rejuvenate and preserve our city's public green spaces." Tickets are $85 and include all food and beverages. All proceeds from this event support the Conservancy and their work renovating and beautifying public parks and green spaces. More photos from our visit to Lowcountry Oyster Co.
Due to Hurricane Irene, parts of New Jersey were declared a federal disaster area this week. Federal funding is available to people in Bergen, Essex, Morris, Passaic, and Somerset Counties. More than 150,000 homes and businesses in the state remained without electricity Wednesday afternoon, with utilities predicting restoration by the weekend or early next week. The old Reading Viaduct, becoming a city park? Talks have been going on for eight years to get city officials on board with the idea. Now, the city is in talks with Reading International Co. to take control of the larger section of the viaduct to transform it into an elevated public park. Meanwhile, the Center City District is working with SEPTA on a legal agreement to create a park on the shorter section of the viaduct owned by the transit agency.
A live events and bespoke creative technical solutions company based in Loughborough is seeking a technical project manager to join their growing production team. You may currently be working be working as an audio-visual/AV project manager or technical production manager in live events or you may be a senior AV technician looking to make the next move in your career. This position will encompass all elements of technical pre-production from developing and designing technical solutions in order to achieve their clients' briefs, through to managing and where appropriate supervising their execution. The projects they undertake include experiential marketing events, conferences, exhibitions and other live corporate events. The successful candidate will be passionate about driving forward improvements in technical production and working with the team to implement innovative technical solutions. The role will include both UK and international travel and will require the successful candidate to work non-standard working hours including evenings, weekends and bank holidays.
The latest report from Violence Policy Center. I find it ironic and sad that the very day an annual report on violence against women was released, a famed pro athlete was kicked off his team for slugging his wife in the face. By now you’ve probably heard that Ray Rice, the Baltimore Ravens star running back, was caught on camera hitting his then-fiance and knocking her out with the single blow in an elevator . The March incident cost him a two-game suspension, but when TMZ released the video showing the act, the Ravens terminated his contract and the NFL suspended him indefinitely. Today I captured the seriousness of domestic violence. The report from the Violence Policy Center shows that South Carolina is ranked the second worst state in the nation for violence against women. The report notes that 50 women were killed in 2012. Spartanburg County had four in 2012. The county has seen two husband-on-wife homicides so far this year and DV cases are some of the most common ones among daily incident reports here. Local leaders tell me it is a significant combination of problems that all need to be dealt with in order to change the status quo surrounding violence against women. Much of it starts with a serious culture change, they tell me. I was baffled when a colleague of mine pointed out the Fox News morning show “Fox & Friends.” The anchors on the program somehow find a way to joke about Ray Rice knocking out his now-wife and dragging her limp body out of the elevator. “I think the message is take the stairs,” one anchor quips. We got right to the point during an interview today with the victim services director at SAFE Homes, a domestic violence shelter and coalition in Spartanburg County. The gist of the interview was to hold people accountable for their actions and for society to never turn a blind eye. My full story on the violence against women ranking in South Carolina is at goupstate.com and in Tuesday’s Spartanburg Herald-Journal.
After rebranding from beverages to a blockchain company, Long Blockchain says it is refocusing yet again and launching operations related to gift cards, as well as naming a new CEO. The Farmingdale-based firm said it has formed a new subsidiary, Stran Loyalty Group, focused on providing loyalty, incentive, reward and gift card programs to corporate and consumer brands. The firm also appointed Andy Shape as chairman and CEO, focusing on the loyalty business. He succeeds Shamyl Malik who will step down. The company said that Shape, the founder and president of Stran Promotional Solutions, has more than 25 years of merchandising, marketing, branding, licensing and management experience. Prior to forming Stran Promotional Solutions, he worked at Copithorne & Bellows Public Relations, a Porter Novelli company, as an account executive covering the technology industry. The company said its goal is to “implement disruptive technology solutions, including distributed ledger technology,” in the loyalty industry. “At this time, however, the company has not taken any steps toward developing any such technology and does not employ personnel with the relevant technology expertise,” the firm said. Long Island Iced Tea, a beverage company, rebranded as a firm with blockchain in its name, announcing various plans that did not develop as initially described. The firm’s wholly-owned subsidiary Long Island Brand Beverages operates in the non-alcohol ready-to-drink segment of the beverage industry, including the Long Island Iced Tea brand.
Are stoners now a target advertising demographic for fast food companies? Ever since Harold and Kumar went to White Castle, fast-food companies have become increasingly blatant about targeting to stoners in their advertisements. July 31, 2012, 1:48 a.m. Between Taco Bell's "Fourthmeal" advertisements and Jack in the Box commercials featuring slow-talking stoners, it's hardly a secret anymore that fast-food companies are shamelessly targeting potheads with their ads. But have they crossed a line? Once considered a taboo marketing approach, the fast-food industry today appears to have brazenly embraced the late-night munchies, according to The Fix. Although advertisements never blatantly refer to pot smoking, subliminal messaging has become more obvious. Take, for instance, this recent Jack in the Box advertisement. And Taco Bell has created a jingle to go with its latest string of advertisements, which sings of the "late-night munchies." Of course, drive-thru windows open well into the morning hours also cater to the average midnight snacker, but there's little denying who the real target is given the choice of terminology. "If you're targeting that heavy fast-food user, you need to speak their language," said Denise Yohn, a brand consultant who's worked with restaurants for 25 years, to The Fix. "One way to do that is to talk about partying and munchies. To the mainstream audience it may just sound like late nights and drinking, but to a certain audience they're talking about getting stoned." It's not the same thing as flagrantly endorsing the use of marijuana, of course. But the fast-food industry no longer appears to think the pothead subculture is off limits either. Perhaps they're just embracing a market force, but the strategy also runs perilously close to catering directly to a drug-induced appetite that drives people to consume their product. Of course, this wouldn't be the first time that the fast-food industry was accused of catering to addiction. Not only has fast food been proven to be highly addictive, but the industry actually hires scientists to design its food for exactly that purpose. Whether marketing to stoners crosses an ethical line or not, it certainly seems to be working. Taco Bell has seen its sales spike by 6 percent since launching its "late-night munchies" advertisements. The marketing has been so successful that at least one new upstart fast-food enterprise has decided to sell its line of frozen burritos directly to potheads. Drive-thrus of nearly every major fast-food chain now typically stay open past midnight, undoubtedly due to a steady profit margin. So long as it works, it's not likely to change. In fact, without any backlash, it may not be long before advertisers compete explicitly for the stoner demographic. "A lot of companies are skipping the innuendo," said Yohn. "They think it's more effective to be overt. It creates more buzz. I think that's why you see a lot of advertising that seems unapologetically targeted to pot smokers." Ever since Harold and Kumar went to White Castle, fast food companies seem increasingly blatant about targeting to stoners in their advertisements.
A District Court decision overturning major provisions of three Executive Orders has been appealed. Here is a summary of the arguments made by Justice Department. Wednesday, December 5th, has been declared a day of mourning by President Trump. Most federal employees will be excused from work, including the Postal Service. On Wednesday, December 5th, the Federal Government will close in honor of America’s 41st president who died on Friday.
On April 4, 1975, Bill Gates and Paul Allen founded Microsoft. The small firm used to develop and sell BASIC interpreters. Little did they know that in the next 40 years, their company will become the biggest software firm in the world, and also bag the title for one of the most valuable companies. Today, there is a little bit of Microsoft in everybody’s life. Whether it is the desktop computer where Microsoft’s Windows has about 90 percent market share or the company’s Office which is unarguably the best productivity suite available. Maybe you are into gaming and own an Xbox One, or your company relies on Azure cloud services. In the last 40 years, Microsoft -- which once used to sell program language interpreters -- has expanded into several categories, and now makes full-fledged operating systems for not just desktop computers, but smartphones, gaming consoles, servers, as well as Internet of Things devices. Surface tablets and Xbox consoles show the company’s side interest in developing its own hardware modules. "Early on, Paul Allen and I set the goal of a computer on every desk and in every home. It was a bold idea and a lot of people thought we were out of our minds to imagine it was possible. It is amazing to think about how far computing has come since then, and we can all be proud of the role Microsoft played in that revolution", Gates wrote in an email sent to all Microsoft employees yesterday. "In the coming years, Microsoft has the opportunity to reach even more people and organizations around the world. Technology is still out of reach for many people, because it is complex or expensive, or they simply do not have access. So I hope you will think about what you can do to make the power of technology accessible to everyone, to connect people to each other, and make personal computing available everywhere even as the very notion of what a PC delivers makes its way into all devices", Gates noted. "Under Satya's leadership, Microsoft is better positioned than ever to lead these advances. We have the resources to drive and solve tough problems. We are engaged in every facet of modern computing and have the deepest commitment to research in the industry. In my role as technical advisor to Satya, I get to join product reviews and am impressed by the vision and talent I see. The result is evident in products like Cortana, Skype Translator, and HoloLens -- and those are just a few of the many innovations that are on the way". And this attitude was the reason Windows Phone 7 -- arguably Microsoft's first real take on a mobile operating system-- wasn’t released until 2010. By this time, iPhone had showed its dominance in the world, and Google was upping the ante with Android. Windows Phone is still struggling to gain any substantial market share. The mobile platform still has a wide "app-gap" problem, though the company seems to have found a couple of ways to fix it. But one of the most exciting things that happened in the company was its decision to open up. Under Nadella, Microsoft finally accepted that it doesn’t have a significant user base in smartphones. The company realized that if it didn't open up to rival platforms, it would miss out on a lot of users. And that’s one of the first things Nadella did after taking the charge of the company. Microsoft launched Office on iOS. Until then Office was only available on Windows, Windows RT, and Windows Phone, and a half-baked mobile version on Android. The move received an overwhelming response from users, resulting in Office apps -- Word, Excel and PowerPoint -- top the app chart in within 24 hours of their release on the platform. Late last year, the company made premium access to the Office suite free on iOS and Android. Office for iOS was in the works at Microsoft for a long time, but Ballmer used to prioritize its products on Windows devices first. Nadella evidently changed that. "We have accomplished a lot together during our first 40 years and empowered countless businesses and people to realize their full potential. But what matters most now is what we do next", Gates writes in his email. Microsoft does have a lot of things to look forward to in the coming months and years. Later this year, Microsoft will release Windows 10 for desktop computers, as well as smartphones, IoT devices and Xbox One. In the coming months, Microsoft will also release the next iteration of its productivity suite, Office 2016. For the first time, the company is simultaneously releasing Office on OS X and Windows. Additionally, Microsoft has showcased a number of products that could change the way we compute and interact with technology. Its augmented reality headset HoloLens is just one example. It will be interesting to see what the company does next and how things work out for it in the coming years.
The democratization of data is a real phenomenon, but building a sustainable data democracy means truly giving power to the people. The alternative is just a shift of power from traditional data analysts within IT departments to a new generation of data scientists and app developers. And this seems a lot more like a dictatorship than a democracy — a benevolent dictatorship, but a dictatorship nonetheless. These individuals and companies aren’t entirely bad, of course, and they’re actually necessary. Apps that help predict what we want to read, where we’ll want to go next or what songs we’ll like are certainly cool and even beneficial in their ability to automate and optimize certain aspects of our lives and jobs. In the corporate world, there will always be data experts who are smarter and trained in advanced techniques and who should be called upon to answer the toughest questions or tackle the thorniest problems. Last week, for example, Salesforce.• Engage with other SRA functions to support the evidence gathering and credible deterrence approach of the SRA. The role of a Forensic Investigator is a key component part of the Investigation and Supervision Directorate within the SRA. As a Forensic Investigator, you will attend solicitors’ premises throughout England & Wales to identify, investigate and report serious breaches of all rules (Accounting and Conduct). You will also investigate serious fraud and dishonesty not specifically covered by the Rules but which are considered likely to bring the profession into disrepute. You will need to understand our code and principles, which often include mortgage fraud, money laundering, probate fraud, or other schemes as they arise. You will be required, where applicable, to secure admissible evidence for use in the Solicitors’ Disciplinary Tribunal and, if the matter proceeds to a criminal prosecution, at Court. The role is based either in either our offices in Birmingham or London. However, you will be required to travel extensively throughout England and Wales, for which a car allowance is provided, subject to minimum mileage criteria. The appropriate equipment will be provided to enable you to work in the field. • Experience in accountancy, law or relevant regulation / investigative environment. • Experience of analysing complex information and translating it into plain, simple language. • You should be flexible, tenacious and able to adjust your priorities at short notice. • Be an excellent communicator, both orally and in writing. Please make sure that your application clearly demonstrates how you meet the knowledge, skills and experience requirements of the role. Interviews for Birmingham based candidates will take place on 29 November 2017 and for London based candidates the 30 November 2017. Please make sure you clearly state on your application the location that you wish to be based from. Experience in accountancy, law or relevant regulation / investigative environment. Ability to analyse, assimilate and apply numerical and financial information from a wide range of sources to reach conclusions. Ability to apply regulation and rules to cases. Working knowledge of Fraud Act, Money Laundering Regulations and the Proceeds of Crime Act. Resilient and able to cope in a high challenging environment. Degree and or ideally hold a professional qualification such as an accountancy or legal qualification. Please state which location you wish to be based from, London or Birmingham. The SRA is the independent regulator of solicitors and law firms in England and Wales, protecting consumers and supporting the rule of law and the administration of justice. We do this by overseeing all education and training requirements necessary to practise as a solicitor, licensing individuals and firms to practise, setting the standards of the profession and regulating and enforcing compliance against these standards. We offer a generous flexible benefits package, a friendly working environment and the opportunity to develop your career within a professional organisation.com introduced a new feature of its Chatter intra-company social network that categorizes a variety of data sources so employees can easily find the people, documents and other information relevant to topics they’re interested in. As with similarly devised services — LinkedIn’s People You May Know, the gravitational search movement, or any type of service using an interest graph — the new feature’s beauty and utility lie in its abstraction of the underlying semantic algorithms and data processing. The problem, however, comes when we’re forced to rely on these people, features and applications to decide how data can affect our lives or jobs, or what questions we can answer using the troves of data now available to us. In a true data democracy, citizens must be empowered to make use of their own data as they see fit and they must only have to rely apps and experts by choice or when the task really requires an expert hand. At any rate, citizens must be informed enough to have a meaningful voice in bigger decisions about data. The good news is that there’s a whole new breed of startups trying to empower the data citizenry, whatever their role. Companies such as 0xdata, Precog and BigML are trying to make data science more accessible to everyday business users. There are next-generation business intelligence startups such as SiSense, Platfora and ClearStory rethinking how business analytics are done in an area of HTML5 and big data. And then there are companies such as Statwing, Infogram and Datahero (which will be in beta mode soon, by the way) trying to bring data analysis to the unwashed non-data-savvy masses. Combined with a growing number of publicly available data sets and data marketplaces, and more ways of collecting every possible kind of data — personal fitness, web analytics, energy consumption, you name it — these self-service tools can provide an invaluable service. In January, I highlighted how a number of them can work by using my own dietary and activity data, as well as publicly available gun-ownership data and even web-page text. But as I explained then, they’re still not always easy for laypeople to use, much less perfect. Statwing spells out statistics for laypeople. Can Tableau be data’s George Washington? This is why I’m so excited about Tableau’s forthcoming IPO. There are few companies that helped spur the democratization of data over the past few years more than Tableau. It has become the face of the next-generation business intelligence software thanks to its ease of use and focus on appealing visualization, and its free public software has found avid users even among relative data novices like myself. Tableau’s success and vision no doubt inspired a number of the companies I’ve already referenced. Assuming it begins its publicly traded life flush with capital, Tableau will not just be financially sound — it will also be in a position to help the burgeoning data democracy evolve into something that can last. More money means being able to develop more features that Tableau can use to bolster sales (and further empower business users with data analysis), which should mean the company can afford to also continually improve its free service and perhaps put premium versions in the hands of more types of more non-corporate professionals for free. Tableau is already easy (I made this) — but not easy enough. The bottom-up approach has already proven very effective in the worlds of cloud computing, software as a service and open-source software, and I have to assume it’s a win-win situation in analytics, too. Today’s free users will be tomorrow’s paying users once they get skilled enough to want to move onto bigger data sets and better features. But the base products have to be easy enough and useful enough to get started with, or companies will only have a lot of registrations and downloads but very few avid users. And if Tableau steps ups its game around data democratization, I have to assume it will up the ante for the company’s fellow large analytics vendors and even startups. A race to empower the lower classes on the data ladder would certainly be in stark contrast to the historical strategy of building ever-bigger, ever-more-advanced products targeting only the already-powerful data elite. That’s the kind of revolution I think we all can get behind. Feature image courtesy of Shutterstock user Tiago Jorge da Silva Estima. Great article Derrick – appreciating your work on the topic here on GigaOm. We’re seeing wider availability of reasonably priced BI and visualization software tools to help us understand that harnessing all this data is possible – and I think even consumers are beginning to understand the value of all the data, and the ability to make meaning from it. One part of the puzzle that’s missing from what I can see is the education – knowledge transfer of how individuals can use the tools, what good data science methods are, and how data citizens can actively contribute to the larger data analysis community. I see movements like the Open Data/Open Gov folks, and events like the NYC Big Apps hackathon as part of the solution – but as individuals, where do we go to take part? What is the role of an informed, curious citizen in this? More venues exist for learning some of the ‘how’ to make sense of big data as an individual taking a course online, but I’m not seeing a vision from anyone talking about how to connect all of the dots. To make sense of data, we need the tools, the practitioners, the analysis of the problems, but we also need a vision of how all of these will work. If anyone has ideas of who’s got that vision, I’d love to hear it. I feel one of the biggest impediments to the democratization of data is access. Most people know what they would like to answer, and how the data needs to be shaped to achieve that, but getting the data to do the actual analysis with can be one of the most difficult aspects. This is a bit of a plug, but we’re working on enabling data access that is easily attainable by everyone. Our platform http://www.quandl.com is a “search engine for data” that is able to fetch time series data from a disparate sets of sources, and provide it in a simple searchable form that allows users to extract, validate, format, merge, graph, and share it however they want. By providing the underlying data for analysis tools like Tableau, Statwing, and many others, we feel we can help to create the tool stack that empowers people to create a sustainable DIY data culture. In every company I’ve worked at, I’ve seen this major divide between IT analysts and Business users. Part of it was cultural, but a major reason was as you point out: “a historical strategy of building ever-bigger, ever-more-advanced products targeting only the already-powerful data elite”. The business user typically was left to use Excel to prepare and analyze data. It took 15+ years, but thanks to new players like Tableau, Spotfire and Qlikview which were sold primarily to the business user and focused on ease of use, the data democratization process has resulted in a power shift to the business user. Some IT departments have now come around and are trying to accommodate these “shadow IT” projects by providing IT support and giving Tableau users limited access to enterprise data stores. As for upping the ante for the traditional players, it has happened already. Over the last two years, the larger vendors have responded with products like Visual Insight (MicroStrategy), Visual Intelligence (SAP), PowerPivot (MicroSoft), JMP (SAS) etc. taking aim at this segment of the market. The Big Data market is still new, but the trend to build user-friendly (or at the very least, SQL-aware) tools on top of Hadoop is also hitting its stride. One good thing coming out of this data democratization is the realization that it has to be supported by a Data Governance effort. Otherwise we’ll see the unfortunate return of a major problem with data democracy: data chaos. Previously it would have meant comparing and reconciling two Excel spreadsheets, now we may end up reconciling the findings from two Tableau workbooks. Thanks for the comment, and for making a really good point about data governance. Obviously, that’s not too big a concern for personal data use, but competing findings from lots of disparate data sets would be problematic.
• Engage with other SRA functions to support the evidence gathering and credible deterrence approach of the SRA. The role of a Forensic Investigator is a key component part of the Investigation and Supervision Directorate within the SRA. As a Forensic Investigator, you will attend solicitors’ premises throughout England & Wales to identify, investigate and report serious breaches of all rules (Accounting and Conduct). You will also investigate serious fraud and dishonesty not specifically covered by the Rules but which are considered likely to bring the profession into disrepute. You will need to understand our code and principles, which often include mortgage fraud, money laundering, probate fraud, or other schemes as they arise. You will be required, where applicable, to secure admissible evidence for use in the Solicitors’ Disciplinary Tribunal and, if the matter proceeds to a criminal prosecution, at Court. The role is based either in either our offices in Birmingham or London. However, you will be required to travel extensively throughout England and Wales, for which a car allowance is provided, subject to minimum mileage criteria. The appropriate equipment will be provided to enable you to work in the field. • Experience in accountancy, law or relevant regulation / investigative environment. • Experience of analysing complex information and translating it into plain, simple language. • You should be flexible, tenacious and able to adjust your priorities at short notice. • Be an excellent communicator, both orally and in writing. Please make sure that your application clearly demonstrates how you meet the knowledge, skills and experience requirements of the role. Interviews for Birmingham based candidates will take place on 29 November 2017 and for London based candidates the 30 November 2017. Please make sure you clearly state on your application the location that you wish to be based from. Experience in accountancy, law or relevant regulation / investigative environment. Ability to analyse, assimilate and apply numerical and financial information from a wide range of sources to reach conclusions. Ability to apply regulation and rules to cases. Working knowledge of Fraud Act, Money Laundering Regulations and the Proceeds of Crime Act. Resilient and able to cope in a high challenging environment. Degree and or ideally hold a professional qualification such as an accountancy or legal qualification. Please state which location you wish to be based from, London or Birmingham. The SRA is the independent regulator of solicitors and law firms in England and Wales, protecting consumers and supporting the rule of law and the administration of justice. We do this by overseeing all education and training requirements necessary to practise as a solicitor, licensing individuals and firms to practise, setting the standards of the profession and regulating and enforcing compliance against these standards. We offer a generous flexible benefits package, a friendly working environment and the opportunity to develop your career within a professional organisation.
When Katherine Gotovsky sees a problem, her response is immediate. The gears in her 17-year-old mind start working away, determined to come up with a solution whether it’s at school, retirement residences or in the tech industry. She is one of six GTA students selected as Loran Scholars, an award which recognizes character, community contributions and future leadership potential. From a pool of more than 5,000 applicants, 34 young Canadians were selected for the award valued at $100,000 over four years. The honour includes an annual stipend of $10,000, matching tuition waiver and access to $10,000 in funding for summer internships. The other winners from the GTA are: Elektra Dakogiannis, Georgia Koep-Freifeld, Eden Wondmeneh, Lauren Prophet and John Milkovich. The selection of a Loran Scholar focuses on the young person’s character with the belief that integrity, courage, grit and personal autonomy are better indicators of overall potential than standard academic measures. Gotovsky, a University of Toronto Schools student, founded and leads a robotics team and the Girls in Tech conference. She teaches code to women and youth, plans initiatives for a national student organization and created her school’s foreign language newspaper. She established a companionship program at a retirement residence. Most of her endeavours began with her desire to solve a problem, she said. The Thornhill resident’s passion for solving problems began as a child when she would use her limited amount of Lego blocks to build elaborate and complex structures. Gotovsky now helps others solve their problems by teaching code to women and girls at Canada Learning Code, a digital skills program. Gotovsky plans on pursuing a degree in computer science at either McGill University or the University of Waterloo.
Ozier Muhammad/The New York TimesReynaldo Rodriguez of the Care Coordination program counseled a patient with H.I.V. on how to adhere to a drug regimen. Doctors are very good at telling us what to do — but we are very poor at doing it. In fact, the health problems of millions of Americans are directly related to our failure to follow doctors’ orders. Doctors tell us to take our pills, exercise, go get that C.T. scan, stop smoking, change our diets, cut out salt, quit drinking, monitor our blood sugar. We know we should do it, but we very often don’t. About three-quarters of patients do not keep appointments for follow-up care. In one study of diabetes patients, only 7 percent were compliant enough with their treatment plans to control the disease. Even people at grave and immediate risk do not always take their medicines: a quarter of kidney transplant patients in one study did not take their medicines correctly, putting them at risk for organ rejection. Among elderly patients with congestive heart failure, 15 percent of repeat hospitalizations were linked to failure to take prescribed medicines. And compliance with exercise and diet programs is even worse. Poor compliance is a major reason that sick people don’t get better, and that our health care costs are so high. It is a reason that often gets ignored. Many doctors are uncomfortable wrestling with adherence. They may even believe that it is not their problem, that their job is done when they write the prescription or hand the patient a diet plan. But even concerned doctors would find themselves helpless in a 10-minute office visit. They are too removed from their patients, too much the authority figure to really get to the bottom of why a patient isn’t doing what he is supposed to. Bad adherence doesn’t discriminate by social class. Tens of millions of Americans struggle with high cholesterol and blood pressure and yet can’t manage to stick to an exercise program. Far fewer — but far sicker and more expensive to the health care system — are the handful of emergency room frequent flyers: people with multiple serious conditions such as AIDS, diabetes, hypertension, depression, mental illness, social isolation, substance abuse or domestic violence. Such people have extraordinary problems sticking to their plans to get better, and need extraordinary help. Joe McManus is a 56-year-old former heroin and crack addict who lives in a single-resident-occupancy apartment in Manhattan. He spent 15 years as an addict, about 10 of them homeless. In some ways, he’s far from the typical homeless person. He used to work on Wall Street and still retains some of his Wall Street friends. In 2005, one of those friends took him to the Super Bowl. In other ways, he is absolutely typical of drug users who have hit bottom. McManus has AIDS, Hepatitis C and liver problems. “My doctors went three or four years with me not showing up,” he said in a recent interview in his apartment. “I had no relationship with her — except for her to put me in the hospital because I didn’t listen to what she had to say. I was still not addressing the fact that I was H.I.V.-positive. I was not taking my medicine and only going to the hospital when I had to be put in the hospital. I was still messing around with drugs.” McManus was hospitalized four times in the year before November, 2009. Then he got a visit from Reynaldo Rodriguez. When Rodriguez first visited McManus, he had already quit drugs, on his own. But he was still living as if he were homeless. His apartment was covered with soot and grime, the bed had cigarette burns and the refrigerator held moldy food. McManus was treating his apartment like it was the street. “How the hell are you living like this?” Rodriguez blurted out. It made a difference. McManus started taking his medicines. The medicines brought down his viral load — he was getting better, and that motivated him to take care of himself. McManus is thin and twitchy, but when I saw him was dressed in jeans and a nice zippered sweater, and the apartment was in reasonable condition. McManus is now 100 percent adherent to his medicines, and his hospital stays amounted to only a single night in the last 16 months. He said that part of it was a spiritual awakening, but it was clear that Rodriguez played a huge role. McManus now goes to all his doctor’s appointments on his own. But that doesn’t mean he follows all of his doctor’s advice. He’s no longer doing crack, but he’s still drinking — several nights a week he goes to hang out in a friend’s bar. He loves the bar — it’s his entire social network. But his Hepatitis C makes this dangerous behavior, and his doctor was stern: “You can not ever have a drink again. Not even on your birthday,” she told him. “I never have to tell you if I ever have one,” McManus thought to himself. Rodriguez and McManus worked out a compromise: he could keep going to the bar, but he had to tell his friends about his health problems so they would put the brakes on. He had to try to drink less, and keep doing tests that monitored his liver. “He’s been very honest with me,” Rodriguez said. Why more than with your doctor? I asked McManus. “She’s a doctor,” he said. The Care Coordination program, a city-wide initiative now in 28 sites in different hospitals around New York, was inspired and trained by a Boston-based program called PACT, for Prevention, Access to Care and Treatment. PACT is part of Partners in Health — a nongovernmental group famous for its work in Haiti, Rwanda and elsewhere. Part of Partners’ strategy is to use people from the community who are paid a stipend to visit patients, watch them take their pills and support them. Since 1995, PACT has been using these ideas in tough neighborhoods of Boston, first with H.I.V. patients and now with people with chronic diseases such as diabetes. The PACT project trains people from the community, some of whom have the same diseases and similar problems as their patients, to be community health workers. The new health reform law encourages pilot programs to try different forms of medical homes, and the better care and cost savings that come from improving adherence with peers or lay people like Rodriguez are attractive. The New Yorker magazine writer Atul Gawande recently profiled two clinics that use this model, in Atlantic City and Camden, N.J. There are successful programs that use nurses for outreach. The Nurse-Family Partnership sends nurses to visit low-income first-time mothers, beginning in pregnancy and continuing until the child is two. The program now operates in 32 states and has proven to greatly improve the life of both child and mother. The Camden program that Gawande wrote about also uses nurses and nurse practitioners to make home visits. But nurses are expensive home visitors, and they may not even be the best people for the job. “Given the rising cost of health care, we have found having peer-based health promoters providing care management is an equally effective way to provide high-quality care at a low cost,” said Ayesha Cammaerts, the director of operations at PACT. “Especially with patients who suffer from substance abuse and mental health issues, they need someone they feel comfortable letting into their environment. Sometimes patients don’t feel they can connect to clinicians from outside their community,” she said. PACT’s methods work. A study of AIDS patients found that the patients’ use of appropriate medicines rose — they were becoming adherent. At the same time, spending on hospitalization dropped by nearly two-thirds. Overall, patient costs dropped by 36 percent. Even taking into account the $6,000-per-patient cost of PACT, patient costs dropped 16 percent. And in a group of people who would likely have died if they had not been in the program, 70 showed clinical improvement. The PACT method is likely to be an important part of the future of American medicine. Many of the deficiencies of American health care require not more technology, but the human touch. It’s certainly true for high-risk, high-cost patients, but it can help nearly everyone get better health for less money. In Saturday’s column, I’ll write about how.
Hull - Where the US goes the UK often follows. This is especially true of negatives. If the US has extreme weather we usually experience similar a few days later. If violent crime increases across the Pond likewise in the UK. Then there is shopping madness. The UK is taking up traditional US activities such as Christmas shopping bargain days that leave customers with empty wallets and a range of unwanted goods. Black Friday has just passed and today is Cyber Monday. Each have become big shopping days on both sides of the Pond. Last Friday many people hit the shops attracted by huge price cuts and today the same is happening online. Is all as it seems though? As usual the answer is probably not. It is so easy to get sucked into spending unnecessarily. You buy in haste and repent at leisure. This year remember it is still in reality a consumer market. Businesses want your trade. That does not stop some of them throwing the odd rogue item into the pot. This year more than ever retailers will be trying hard to get you to part with your hard-earned money. There will be pre-Christmas sales and bargains long after today. With Christmas a few weeks away perhaps it would be wiser to hang fire. Shop around, be it online or on the High Street, take your time and purchase well. Bargains are sometimes far from that. They could be second-rate, last year's model or simply stock that is hard to shift. Once it is dressed up with a fancy cut-price sign you may find it hard to resist. Consider all the implications of your purchase before you buy. 1- If you buy online there may be delivery charges but you will be saving a potentially expensive trip to town which could be full of hassle. 2 - Emails dropping into your inbox, that offer great bargains, can be tempting. However, if you purchase an item you had no intention of buying is it really a bargain? Probably not, especially if money is tight. Having some idea of what you want to buy helps. If you shop "blind" you will be more likely to spend more than you should. Online retail oulets, just like the shops, are full of goods you never knew you wanted or needed and in many cases cannot afford. Cyber Monday also increases the temptation to buy now and pay later. Not a good idea. Pay for purchases online with a switch or debit card so you are not paying for Christmas well into the New Year or even beyond. One factor specific to the UK is that this week Chancellor George Osborne will announce to the country his Autumn statement, or Budget. It is doubtful that it will have a real positive effect on retail trade but it could. It could also cost you dearly in many ways. Brits take care and look after your money this cyber Monday. Perhaps the rest of you would be wise to follow suit too!
2 bedroom home with extra room for office or 3rd bedroom. Kitchen features Oak cabinets. Home features wood flooring in living area and large deck for entertaining. Pets negotiable with deposit.
Following her acceptance into iPOP! after try-outs in Fort Walton Beach, Michelle Bryant is talking positively about her fast-approaching opportunity. In her mind, there are no ifs, ands or buts. She�s going. Period. However, to participate in the program, Michelle must raise about $5,000 � and she needs to do it fast. Michelle is signed with a New Orleans talent agency, which recently raised the possibility of her being cast as an extra in the HBO series �Treme.� However, the exposure budding performers receive at iPOP! reaches a wider audience, she said. Locally, Michelle has garnered some name recognition. She has appeared in several Crestview High School drama productions, most recently appearing in May in �The Sound of Music� as Marta, one of the singing von Trapp children. She�s appeared on the Pearl Tyner Auditorium stage in �Touchtone M for Murder,� �The 21st Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee� and �Seussical the Musical.� She hones her already impressive vocal talents as a member of the elite Destiny show choir of the Crestview High chorus. In October, she was voted the Bulldogs� Homecoming queen. In California, Michelle will do more than perform before an audience of casting directors, talent managers and theatrical agents. There are professional development and educational components to iPOP. The program gives participants a taste of the entertainment world, including auditioning before professionals responsible for casting films, commercials and television shows, and for populating fashion show runways, according to the iPOP! website. �Every performer auditions for qualified professionals who are currently working in the industry,� the iPOP website states. �Some will walk away with cash awards and scholarships and some will find success after the event in the acting, modeling and singing arenas. Though Tinseltown visions dance in her head, Michelle concentrates on the latest high school production. When �It�s a Wonderful Life� opens Friday evening, Michelle will experience theatre from a different perspective than she�s used to. As she prepares for the upcoming show, Michelle has been seeking sponsorships to attend iPOP. She hopes to attract local businesses willing to invest in her dream of becoming a professional entertainer. It�s a big investment, but it�s also an incredible opportunity, Michelle said. It could even propel her to national recognition. There�s just no way a price tag could be attached to experience that valuable, Michelle said.
Up to an inch of snow is likely on the Eastern Shore and up into Sussex County Friday afternoon. Below-freezing temperatures this week is leading to extra slippery roads Friday as snow falls across the Delmarva Peninsula. Multiple school districts and Sussex County government offices have closed early for the afternoon snow that is supposed to linger into the early evening, according to Eswar Iyer, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Wakefield, Virginia. "The heaviest snow should move east in the next couple hours and might not taper off until later afternoon and early evening," Iyer said just after 2 p.m. Accumulation totals have not changed from the morning prediction of 1 inch, but some areas could see a little more, Iyer said. Multiple vehicle crashes have been reported on the police scanner as roads have become icy, which is due to the cold temperatures leading up to Friday. "When it’s colder, the snow is able to stick to the roads quicker, and your roads are going to get slick quicker," Iyer said. The Ocean Police Police Department announced at 2:40 p.m. that westbound Route 90 lanes were closed because of a crash. It could take up to two hours to clear the crash. Maryland State Police is investigating. Rt. 90 is closed between Rt. 589 and Ocean Due to poor road conditions. Avoid the area. Salisbury Police tweeted they have nine active crashes under investigation as at around 3 p.m. "Snow catches us by surprise today and causes very icy road conditions," police said. "Slow down, use caution if you must be on the roadways this afternoon." Temperatures were forecasted to climb close to the freezing point for water in Salisbury, while Georgetown and Rehoboth Beach were only going to reach 28 degrees. It will be a little warmer in Ocean City and Accomac, with temperatures in the mid to upper 30s. The temperature won't drop significantly at night, with a low of 20 degrees in Salisbury, 18 degrees in Georgetown and 26 degrees in Accomac. Over the weekend, expect temperatures to rise into the 40s across Delmarva. By Monday or Tuesday, Delmarva residents can expect temperatures in the low 50s.
Jesse Winker will undergo season-ending shoulder surgery. He was batting .299 this year with 7 homers and 43 RBI. Throughout the last couple of seasons, Jesse Winker dealt with pain his right shoulder. After he felt more pain Monday, it was determined that Winker would need surgery to repair his shoulder. He will miss the remainder of the season. The Reds placed Winker on the 10-day disabled list Thursday with a right shoulder subluxation. "Man, I have no idea it is," said Winker. "I know my shoulder hurts. That’s all I know." Winker said the pain was "off and on" all season but Monday was essentially the final straw. On first base during a comeback win over the St. Louis Cardinals, Winker ducked under a line-drive single from Tucker Barnhart in the ninth inning and fell to the ground on the base paths. Winker later scored the game-winning run. A potential Rookie of the Year candidate, Winker was batting .299 this season with seven homers and 43 RBI. The outfielder ranked fourth in the Majors with a .405 on-base percentage. He had more walks (49) than strikeouts (46). Speaking to reporters Thursday, Winker was emotional about the end of his season. "Obviously, I was hoping that surgery wasn’t the end result but I’ve been dealing with this for 2-3 years," Winker said. "Just got to the point now where it’s time to go fix it." It's a tough loss for the Reds' lineup, which was already without outfielder Scott Schebler. On the DL, Schebler began a rehab assignment Wednesday, going 1-for-3 with a walk as a designated hitter at Triple-A Louisville. Winker, based on what he's been told from doctors, said his goal is to return by Feb. 1, 2019. He said he felt the pain when he completed "any baseball move." "There were times where it affected his swing," Reds interim manager Jim Riggleman said. "He altered his swing path because of the pain. That’s a tough way to play at the Major League level. He did a heck of a job. I don’t think anybody realized that he was going through it as much as he was." Mason Williams, an outfielder at Louisville, was called up to fill Winker’s roster spot. Williams played in 25 games with the New York Yankees over the past three seasons. A left-handed hitter, Williams signed with the Reds as a minor league free agent last offseason. Williams was batting .280 with six homers and 30 RBI in 87 games at Louisville. He recorded a hit in 13 of his last 14 games. "It’s been a matter of me being healthy and staying on the field and playing my game and just having confidence in myself," Williams said. Williams, once considered the Yankees' top prospect, learned of his promotion to the big leagues Thursday morning. He played on the same high school team in Florida as Cardinals pitcher Austin Gomber, who had a no-hitter against the Reds for six innings Tuesday. The two players will sometimes train together in the offseason. To make room on the 40-man roster for Williams, the Reds moved injured infielder Alex Blandino (torn ACL in his right knee) to the 60-day DL. "He’s had productive at-bats, competitive at-bats, against both left-and-right-handed pitching," Riggleman said of Williams. "He’s a good athlete. We’re confident he will come up here and do a good job." SCHEBLER STILL PROGRESSING: Schebler was in Louisville's lineup as a designated hitter for his second rehab game Thursday. But the key to his return will be when he's comfortable making throws.
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Lucid Lynx is the latest Linux operating system from Canonical, aimed at consumers. It's free, but is it sufficiently consumer friendly that you should switch from Windows? Dell offers Ubuntu Netbook Remix as an option pre-installed for its Dell Inspiron Mini 10 netbook. But how well does UNR fare on other netbooks? There's never been a better time to give Linux a try on your PC. Here's why. Is this the easiest way to try Linux on a Win7 laptop?
Still image of Lisa Sharon Harper from YouTube. Pastors and lay leaders who represent minority and multiethnic communities and are appalled by the prospect of a Donald Trump presidency have a blunt message for the white evangelical majority that helped elect him: we’re disappointed in you, but not surprised. For these evangelicals of color, Trump’s use of racially-charged language, his anti-immigrant rhetoric, negative remarks targeting Mexicans and Muslims, as well as the emergence of the “Access Hollywood” tape and his other divisive comments about women, were simply disqualifying. While some prominent white evangelical leaders made their opposition to then-candidate Trump widely known (many signing a letter protesting his candidacy), the majority of white self-identified evangelicals (estimated to run as high as 81 percent), lined up behind him. “Many of [Trump’s] critics fell silent or fell into line, while the group known as the ‘religious right’ continued to support him’ says Kathy Khang, a Christian writer and speaker based in the Chicago area. For the past eight years, people of color, the LGBT community, and women have been given license to flourish, says Lisa Sharon Harper, author of The Very Good Gospel: How Everything Wrong Can Be Made Right and chief church engagement officer at Sojourners. “The white church demonstrated on November 8th that it is more white than Christian, and has a [greater] commitment to white supremacy than it does to Christ,” says Harper. The fact that so many evangelicals didn’t see Trump’s controversial rhetoric as derogatory underlined the presence of a persistent and troubling racial divide in American Christianity that these leaders say is deeply rooted in American history. Some are questioning the value of continued association with the white evangelical majority. Despite their dismay over the prospect of a Trump presidency, those I spoke to appear to be more motivated and energized than daunted by the challenges that lie ahead. “This has been a wakeup call to the progressive, moderate community that we have to stand up for what we believe in and communicate it in the public square,” DuBois concludes. And Lisa Sharon Harper tells me that “a new Civil Rights movement is happening, and its locus is in people of color.” She sees evidence of it already in the “movement for black lives,” the witness of the so-called “Dreamers” (undocumented immigrants who arrived here as children), and the rising call for solidarity with the poor that mirrors the words of Jesus in Matthew 25. “Every word of Scripture was written by oppressed people,” she says. Elizabeth Eisenstadt Evans is a Pennsylvania-based freelance writer, and a religion columnist for LNP Media, Inc in Lancaster, PA. Her work has appeared in the Philadelphia Inquirer, the National Catholic Reporter, the Global Sisters Report, Religion News Service and other media outlets.
Boston Marathon Bombing Suspect Enters Not Guilty Pleas In 1st Public Court HearingFor the first plea, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev leaned toward a microphone and said, "Not guilty,'' in a Russian accent. He then said not guilty repeatedly about a half-dozen more times. Mayors Against Illegal Guns Apologizes For Calling Boston Bombing Suspect Victim Of Gun Violence The event is part of the gun-control group's 25-state "No More Names" tour, which is part of its campaign to build support for legislation to expand background checks for gun buyers. CBS News: Attack At Boston Marathon Was Supposed To Happen On July 4The official also said that Tsarnaev revealed that the bombs were constructed at his older brother Tamerlan's residence and that Tamerlan had brought Dzhokhar into the plot a couple of months before.
Do as I did, started my own business and see how much work it takes and then go from there. I have had all kinds of workers over the years; too many are just lazy wanting money. That young black girl was my best worker.
Maureen Hancock is an internationally renowned Spirit Medium, intuitive, teacher, lecturer, Holistic Healer, and author of the bestselling book, “The Medium Next Door: Adventures of a Real-Life Ghost Whisperer.” She is the star of the Style Network documentary, Psychic in Suburbia. Hancock has been interviewed by national television, radio, and print publications, including CNN, Associated Press, VH1, Martha Stewart Living magazine & radio, The Boston Globe, Coast-to-Coast radio, ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX Television programs all over the country. She has spent decades demystifying the overwhelming subject matter of death, and helping individuals to flex their intuitive muscle, and tap into messages from spirit. Maureen’s work has brought comfort, hope and healing to the masses. She has taught workshops on intuition building to law enforcement, medical professionals, financial experts, and the “Average Joe.” She spends much of her time giving back by assisting those with terminal illness, sitting with newly bereaved parents, aiding law enforcement- including the FBI, and motivational speaking about life after death, stress management, intuition, and perspective building. Maureen was a reoccurring guest on the Ricki Lake Show, and recently filmed a Television pilot for a major network with the hopes of having a nationally syndicated talk show in the near future. She sent us her newest predictions for our readers to ponder. Trump will stay in office, despite Mueller’s thorough, and fact-filled investigation, proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that the President was involved in a number of illegal activities, including campaign finance violations, back deals with Russia, The Saudi Prince, and more. February is a volatile time politically. Trump will NOT be reelected. Multiple indictments will be issued within days of the end of his term. –Joe Biden will win the Democratic nomination for President. He will ask Beto O’Rourke to be his Vice President on the ticket. Joe Biden and Beto O’Rourke will be ever so close in the bid for the Democratic nomination. Joe Biden will win the nomination. Trump supporters will slide over to Biden with his “knock-him-out” old fashioned style tough talk. O’Rourke, with his Kennedy look-a-like persona will take the country by storm. However, his lackluster policy ideas, and not signing the bill for Social Security, as well as non-support of the bill for Medicare for All, will hurt him. Trump will go neck-and-neck with Romney for the Republican nomination. I feel Trump will win the nomination. I predict Joe Biden will be the next President of the United States. The stock market takes another serious dive in February around the 14/15th. March shows improvement as a new deal with China is reached. Stocks soar to an all-time high with the China trade deal by April 1st. The housing market: Mortgage rates will rise to 5.5% by June. Home prices will increase slowly, and inventory for new home buyers will go down. New construction will be at an all-time low by spring. June is peak time for the market to show these changes. This spring is a Seller’s market. The end of 2019 shows signs of a recession. Tensions remain high with Russia. March brings increased tensions with Putin due to a devastating military action in the Ukraine. North Korea launches a missile test around May/June, causing increased tensions with the US (South Korea & Japan). More troops will be deployed to Afghanistan by May/June due to increased tensions and military actions. Trump will pull troops out of Syria beginning in March, and by summer he will have to order troops back, in larger numbers, due to an overwhelming attack on the Kurds. –The winter will bring unexpected amounts of snow and Nor’easters to the whole East Coast, with the biggest surprise impact in February from Maryland to the Carolinas. Over 2 ft. of snow will fall on the Boston area around Feb. 6th, and the whole North East will be crippled by an even larger storm around Feb. 14/15th. June brings a trifecta to California. an Earthquake, 6.2 scale or greater, followed by mudslides, and devastating drought brings wildfires the end of June. A natural disaster in the form of an earthquake and volcano eruption for Italy around August. Prince Harry & Duchess Meghan will give birth to a baby girl, with an “A” name (like Amelia) the end of February/beginning of March (not late March April as announced). Prince Philip’s health declines significantly with a heavy gloomy feeling on November/December. Taylor Swift will announce her engagement to Joe Alwyn around April. Selena Gomez will undergo a serious medical procedure (possible stem cell transplant) by the summer. Miley Cyrus will announce her pregnancy in June. Jennifer Anniston adopts a baby by the fall. Brad & Angelina talk reconciliation come summer. Sofia Richie & Scott Disick announce their engagement this spring! Sofia will be pregnant by summer. Bill Cosby has renal failure in prison. He might not make it through the treatment. Venus Williams announces engagement to Nicholas Hammond by the summer. She will be pregnant soon after the quick wedding! What are the Top Five Action Games?
MADRID: As Cristiano Ronaldo enjoyed his time off at the French Riviera, his Portugal team-mates were busy handing Italy another disappointing result in the UEFA Nations League. Portugal did not need Ronaldo, who skipped international duty to recharge after a busy summer, to beat Italy 1-0 in Europe’s newest soccer competition. Elsewhere, Turkey mounted a remarkable comeback from two goals down against Sweden, while Kosovo made history with their first competitive win since being admitted to UEFA in 2016. The European champions easily outplayed Italy, which had opened its Nations League campaign with a disappointing 1-1 home draw against Poland in its first competitive match under coach Roberto Mancini. Andre Silva scored on a counterattack early in the second half to give Portugal the Group 3 win in the top-tier League A. The hosts had several chances to extend their lead at the Stadium of Light in Lisbon, while Italy created little and relied mostly on set pieces. The Nations League gives UEFA’s 55 member countries competitive games and eliminates friendlies. The winners of the League A groups featuring the highest-ranked countries go into a final-four competition in June. Santos did not call up Ronaldo after talking to the player and saying he needed more rest following the World Cup and his transfer from Real Madrid to Juventus. Ronaldo also didn’t play in the team’s 1-1 draw in a friendly against Croatia last week. Social media photos showed Ronaldo and his family enjoying time off in Monaco in recent days. It was Italy’s second competitive match since last year’s World Cup playoff loss to Sweden. Two goals five minutes apart early in the second half gave Kosovo a historic 2-0 win over the Faroe Islands in Group 3 of the fourth-tier League D. Kosovo, the Balkan republic which was accepted by UEFA and FIFA two years ago, had opened with a 0-0 draw at Azerbaijan. Turkey bounced back from an opening loss to Russia by coming from two goals down to defeat Sweden 3-2 thanks to two late goals by Emre Akbaba. Akbaba scored in the 88th minute and two minutes into stoppage time to give Turkey the League B victory. Sweden, making its Nations League debut following its surprising quarterfinal appearance at the World Cup, had taken a 2-0 lead by the 49th minute at Friends Arena in Stockholm. It was Turkey’s first away win in seven matches. In the third-tier League C, Scotland ended its run of three straight losses with a 2-0 win over Albania in Group 1. In Group 4, Serbia and Romania drew 2-2, while Montenegro defeated Lithuania 2-0. In League D, Andorra and Kazakhstan drew 1-1 in Group 1, while Malta drew with Azerbaijan 1-1 in Group 3. The Nations League guarantees at least one of Europe’s low-ranked League D teams will qualify for Euro 2020 through a playoffs.
Runaway Entertainment is looking for an experienced Associate General Manager to work across all their productions. Runaway Entertainment Ltd is an award-winning producing and general management company, based on Shaftesbury Avenue, in the heart of theatreland. We produce critically acclaimed and ambitious plays and musicals, working with the most exciting talents in the theatre industry. We love a challenge and are passionate about quality and innovation. Current projects include Girl From The North Country (Toronto) and Hair (Tour General Manager), as well as many others in various stages of development. Previous shows include Guys and Dolls (Savoy Theatre, Phoenix Theatre and UK Tour), The Railway Children (King’s Cross Theatre), In The Heights (Southwark Playhouse and King’s Cross Theatre), Girl From The North Country (Old Vic, Noel Coward Theatre and Public Theater). The Associate General Manager will report to the General Managers and provide support in the development, administration and day-to-day running of all productions. They will work closely with the General Managers and Producer to ensure the smooth running of each show. The successful candidate will have at least three years relevant general management experience in a theatre producing environment, excellent organisational and communication skills and strong attention to detail. For more information please see the attached job description. Please send your CV and a cover letter of no more than two A4 sides outlining how you meet the requirements of the role by email via the button below. The closing date for applications is 6pm on Friday 1st March 2019.
The New York Times on Thursday printed a special section featuring portraits of nearly every member of the record number of female lawmakers in Congress. A viral Twitter thread from the Times’ design editor, Josh Crutchmer, includes a video of the covers the night before publication that has been viewed over 320,000 times as of Thursday morning. The photos, which were taken on Capitol Hill over five days by Times photographers Elizabeth D. Herman and Celeste Sloman, are meant as “a testament to what power looks like in 2019,” according to the paper. “Like the work of Kehinde Wiley, who painted Barack Obama Barack Hussein ObamaChina, Russia, Iran rise in Latin America as US retreats Castro wants to follow Obama's lead on balancing presidency with fatherhood Trump's regulatory rollback boosts odds of a financial crisis MORE’s official presidential portrait, these photographs evoke the imagery we are used to seeing in the halls of power, but place people not previously seen as powerful starkly in the frames,” the feature reads. There are 131 women serving in the House and Senate this term, a record class that includes a number of other “firsts,” including the youngest woman elected to the House, the first two female Muslim lawmakers, and the first two Native American female lawmakers. “Redefining Representation” features 130 portraits – Rep. Liz Cheney Elizabeth (Liz) Lynn CheneyRep. Cheney: Socialism 'driving the agenda of the Democratic Party' Dem lawmaker offers tool for 'filling in the blanks' of Green New Deal Judd Gregg: In praise of Mike Enzi MORE (R-Wyo.) was not available, according to the Times.
An Alsip police officer seriously wounded a man in an on-duty shooting early Wednesday after tracking a Cadillac suspected of being involved in drag racing into the Mount Greenwood neighborhood. The officer fired shots when the driver of the Cadillac, identified as a 25-year-old man, failed to follow police commands to raise his hands and drove toward the officer and his partner, Alsip Police Chief Jay Miller said in a statement released Wednesday afternoon. Just after 2 a.m., the officer saw a Dodge Challenger and a Cadillac drag racing in the David Estates neighborhood in the southwest suburb, Miller said. During a search for the vehicles, the officer pulled into a parking lot for an apartment building in the 4000 block of 115th Street in Chicago and found two people inside the Cadillac. The officer and his partner got out of their squad car and told the 25-year-old and his passenger to raise their hands, police said. Instead of following directions, the 25-year-old drove toward the officer, who then opened fire. The Cadillac crashed into vehicles parked in the lot and into a squad car. The 25-year-old was shot twice in the shoulder and was given medical attention by the Alsip officers before paramedics arrived, police said. He was taken to Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn in serious condition. Both officers suffered “minor injuries,” Alsip police said. Miller said the 25-year-old, who has not been charged, was wanted on a warrant out of Indiana on a drug charge and had a “violent history” but did not provide specifics.
Urban, born Jacques Pantaléon in Troyes c. 1200, was elected to the papacy in 1261. He studied canon law at Paris and served as bishop of Verdun and patriarch of Jerusalem. He hoped to keep Sicily from the heirs of Frederick II, whom the council of Lyon excommunicated in 1245, because Urban wanted to restore papal influence in Italy. In 1263, he negotiated with Louis IX of France to put Louis' brother Charles of Anjou on the throne of Sicily. Urban died the following year before the treaty was signed.
If you would like to support the Down Syndrome Association of West Michigan's campaign of kindness, you may visit the organization's crowd funding site to help pay for supplies. The more money raised, the more random acts of kindness those in our community with Down syndrome will be able to commit. The Down Syndrome Association of West Michigan is a resource and advocacy organization promoting public awareness and supporting lifelong opportunities for individuals with Down syndrome and their families. Down syndrome is the most commonly occurring chromosomal condition, with one in every 700 babies being born with Down syndrome. There are more than 400,000 people living with Down syndrome in the United States. For more information, visit www.dsawm.org.
AMC Networks Earnings Beat Estimates, CEO Says 'Walking Dead' Franchise "Will Have a Long Life" AMC Networks on Thursday reported better-than-expected fourth-quarter earnings amid higher distribution and advertising revenue as management touted the outlook for hit show The Walking Dead, which is currently in its seventh season and which has been a big topic of debate among Wall Street analysts. AMC Networks shares were up 13.6 percent in early Thursday trading at $65.30 as investors cheered the upside earnings surprise. In the company's earnings report, he had similarly said: "The Walking Dead remains the No. 1 show on television by a wide margin and is a powerful example of programming that we own and distribute that commands a loyal audience, attracts advertising revenue, and has significant ancillary revenues that will benefit our business for years to come. With a rapidly expanding studio business, we now have a growing portfolio of shows that we own that provide this kind of opportunity for our business." Asked about the studio business on the call, Sapan said: "The company is becoming and has become more of a studio,” rather than “only a channel operator.” He said that has allowed its shows to play on its own channels in the U.S. and internationally, then go to Hulu or Netflix in a later window in the U.S. and be sold to other distributors in foreign markets where the company has no channels. AMC Networks so far has not produced shows only for other companies and has no plans to do so, but could consider such a production approach longer-term if the financial returns and strategic benefits make sense, said Sapan. Asked about the company's channel portfolio, Sapan said its quality and pricing counts more than the number of channels at a time when some peers may have to close down weaker channels, according to analysts. "We have been of the mind for some time that quality matters, brands matter, content matters, engagement matters," said Sapan. "And you don’t get a free lunch for showing up with 22 channels." He added that his team felt that "a day of reckoning would come” for some peers. While the company felt SundanceTV and BBC America, in which it bought a stake, are well-defined channels, overall, he said, "we have already skinnied our offering down.” And AMC Networks channels should still get higher carriage fees, he reiterated. “Collectively, they are underpriced," said Sapan. The cable networks company on Thursday posted a profit of $14 million for the latest quarter, or earnings per share of 20 cents, compared with $90 million in the year-ago period, or $1.23. The company in the latest quarter took non-cash impairment charges of $68 million related to AMC Networks International-DMC, its Amsterdam-based media logistics facility. Adjusted for charges, earnings reached $92 million, or $1.30 per share, compared with $102 million, or $1.39 per share, in the fourth quarter of 2015. The decrease in adjusted earnings per share was "primarily related to the increase in adjusted operating income more than offset by an increase in miscellaneous expense." Wall Street analysts had on average expected earnings of $1.27 per share. Estimates had come down a bit after Sapan in December said that advertising was looking softer than anticipated. A 9.2 percent increase in quarterly operating income and 9.2 percent adjusted operating income at the company's U.S. networks, which include AMC, IFC and SundanceTV, reflected higher revenue, offset by an increase in operating expenses. "The increase in operating expenses was primarily attributable to higher programming expenses, partially offset by a decrease in marketing expenses," the company said. "Programming expenses included charges of $5 million in the current-year period related to the write-off of programming assets, as compared to charges of $16 million in the prior year period." The company didn't immediately say which show or shows the write-off was for. U.S. advertising revenue rose 3.1 percent despite lower ratings in the quarter for the first half of season seven of The Walking Dead. U.S. distribution revenue jumped 15.6 percent. "2016 was a successful year for our company both financially and operationally, driven by our disciplined and focused strategy of investing in high-quality content and creating brands that have strong, growing, passionate and engaged audiences," said Sapan. He continued: "We are embracing changing viewing habits by making strategic investments in streaming services that fit well with our programming and the audiences at our network brands. As we look ahead in 2017, we see a number of attractive growth opportunities for our businesses and remain committed to delivering meaningful value to our shareholders. Michael Morris, an analyst with Guggenheim Partners, said in a note previewing the results: "Season 7 of The Walking Dead premiered in late October, and though the show started strong, by the mid-season finale ratings were declining in excess of 20 percent on a year-over-year basis, worse than the 15 percent decline built into our estimates." He lowered his fourth-quarter U.S. networks advertising growth estimate for the fourth quarter to 0.5 percent from 6.0 percent "given The Walking Dead's recent ratings trends." Said Morris: "This is consistent with management commentary provided in December. We expect the show to remain in production — and popular with consumers — for the next several years, and as such we anticipate related ancillary revenue (from digital and international partners) to remain intact." But, he warned, "Investor concern around the company's key Walking Dead franchise continues to weigh on shares. We continue to believe that market value under-appreciates the company’s ability to develop and monetize compelling programming. However, we do not see a clear path to investor realization and thus remain cautious in our target valuation multiple." Sapan on Thursday also touted the ratings performance of the company's networks. And he said that AMC will this year air such returning series as Humans, Better Call Saul and Preacher, plus new shows like The Terror and The Son.
FAISS, including its GPU version (faiss-gpu), primarily works with NumPy arrays. This means that even when using FAISS with GPU support, the input data typically needs to be in the form of a NumPy array. However, this doesn't mean that you can't use PyTorch tensors with FAISS; it just means that you'll need to convert PyTorch tensors to NumPy arrays before using them with FAISS functions.
Whether your dental needs are a complete exam and cleaning, a full-mouth restoration, or anything in between, we promise to provide you with exceptional care as we enhance the natural beauty of your smile. Your smile is our first priority, and we’ll give you something to smile about. We look forward to providing you with the personal care you deserve. If you have any questions, concerns, or would like to schedule an appointment, please contact us using the information provided below. When you need a dentist in Camarillo, CA - look for professionals willing to provide care that's more than just gentle on your teeth. In order to ease your anxiety and get you the care you need for a healthy, radiant smile, our Potts Dental location on Rosewood Ave provides comprehensive service designed to provide you peace of mind. Whether you need an annual checkup or oral surgery, our dental professionals are committed to delivering effective, efficient solutions. More importantly, we’re committed to providing an office experience that's rooted in comfort and compassion. From our respectful dental team to our friendly and helpful office staff, we believe that you have a right to care that understands and respects your unique concerns. Conveniently located near the Paseo Camarillo Shopping Center, Drs. Michael and Derek Potts' practice serves the dental needs of patients through the Ventura County area including Oxnard, Ventura, and Thousand Oaks.
Ouanga Bay used to be the spot for spending relaxing weekends. We exhibits before you Top Most Luxury 5 Star Hotels in Ouanga Bay beach and Resorts in Ouanga Bay beach. Get best modest spending bargains for Best 5 Star Hotels, Boutique Hotels and Small Luxury Boutique Hotels and resorts in Ouanga Bay beach for your extravagance occasions and get-away over the globe. These lavish lodgings are known all through the world for their administrations, magnetic climate and extravagance stay relaxes, these are the inns which the explorers can visit for culminate get-aways and Holidays. Our motivation is to give you the entire database of these extravagance 5 star inns and little extravagance boutique inns and to give modest best spending inn booking bargains. The beach is too rocky. Wear water shoes. Best beach to visit. The sandbar has breathtaking crystal clear waters which resembles a natural swimming pool, a must see. Ouanga Bay beach is no uncertainty a standout amongst the most famous travel spot in the Haiti for occasions, breaks, special nights and family trip. In any case, it is the hardest assignment for any traveler to discover the best inn online before pick any one. Along these lines, here is the rundown of best 10 lodgings in Ouanga Bay beach which we have shortlisted according to explorers encounters, surveys, prevalent administrations and high sumptuously. Add a zest to your get-away program in Ouanga Bay beach with the lavish inns that welcome you to encounter a magnificent amalgamation of culture, warmth and contemporary civilities. On the off chance that you wish to encounter the regal ways of life once lived by the elites of the yesteryear, at that point go to these spots and lose yourself in the hands of lavishness. Having rendered with high living spaces, global dishes, regal spa and superb meeting offices, these inns have outlined its administrations remembering that the guests may need to work 24 Hour following universal datelines. The sandbar is surrounded by reefs which makes it ideal for snorkeling. Guests can virtually never leave the beach here by opting to stay in beachfront rooms, an option giving the opportunity to experience the beautiful crashing waves on the silky sand from morning until night. Atmosphere awaits you. Add a flavor to your journey program in Ouanga Bay beach with the extravagant lodgings that appreciated you to experience an awesome amalgamation of Ouanga Bay beach warmth and contemporary civilities. Having rendered with high living spaces, all inclusive dishes, royal spa and splendid social affair workplaces, these lodgings have arranged its organizations recollecting that the visitors may need to work 24 Hour following overall datelines.
Not feeling well today, so back in bed at eleven in the morning. Sore throat. Sinus pressure. Yuck. I will say, though, it's nice to be alone up here in my room in the middle of the day with some items I have come to count as dearest companions - my Bible, journal, daily devotion book, thankful journal, and a collection of gel pens. Currently, I am reading Jesus Calling, by Sarah Young. Filled with lovely little reminders of God's presence and His love for me, this daily devotional helps focus my thoughts either to start my day right or rest peacefully during the night. Also by my side today is God's Wisdom for a Mother's Heart, by Bobbie Wolgemuth. This has provided hours and hours of conversation starters for the bi-monthly mentoring group I help lead at my church. Though only 128 pages in length, we have used this book for more than a year. The girls in Moms to Moms meet the first and second Wednesday nights of the month, a sort of round-table, open forum where no topic is off limits, but mostly parenting and reassuring that they're going to make it. We study the Word, pray, laugh, cry, teach each other, and we are all growing. My co-leaders and I agree these young ladies with their children around them are our heroes. Represented are single and married moms, working outside and inside their homes, public/private/homeschooling moms...you name it, we've got it. This is one group we hate to miss. A gift from God. Truly. My thankful journal is simply a little leather-bound book where I record the gifts God has given me. Eucharisto. Thanks. One Thousand Gifts. 10,000 reasons. Why write them down? Because I dare not forget the goodness of God. In the remembering and the acknowledging I am overwhelmed with reassurance that God is my provider, comforter, healer, friend, joy, strength, and so much more. I am much less likely to lose my focus and wander if I am remembering God's deeds and giving thanks. Last, but certainly not least, is my personal journal. It may as well be my heart on paper. This is where it all comes pouring forth to be sorted, processed, saved or discarded. You know, keep the good and throw out the chaff. That's what the journal is for - it is fearsome, yet necessary. Necessary for me anyways. There are a few more books I could talk about. Don't know about you, but I read several at once. These I mentioned were simply the lucky ones to be carried into the sick bed with me today. Do you have reading materials you count as "dearest companions"? What are they and why are they special to you? I also have the Jesus Calling devotional, Karen had mentioned it a long time ago, and I finally got it. I've really enjoyed it, it's definitely helped me focus in on that 'personal' time..
RE/DONE 1960s Slim Tee in Vintage White. The RE/DONE | Hanes Slim Tee was inspired by one of fashion’s most iconic decades, the 1960s. This era of rebellion and freedom lent itself to a more fitted style of clothing. The classic crew neck tee with its slim body has the look of a vintage tee shirt that has been washed and worn hundreds of times. The tee shirts are made of 100% combed cotton, developed exclusively by RE/DONE | Hanes, knitted and sewn entirely in the USA.
As her favourite colour is purple I knew I had to use that colour. A month or so ago I found some purple sugar and white sugar pearls. I wanted to do a kid cake that was elegant given her age. That was as far as I got until the morning of the day everyone was coming. Talk about a decorating block! I just couldn’t think of anything. Fortunately on the walk with the dogs I got an idea. And it had to be done quickly as I had an hour to do this. Yikes! Not only does she like purple, she likes butterflies so I decided to go with that. I whipped up some buttercream icing like I did for these cupcakes. Before I added the purple I scooped some white into a decorating bag. Carefully place the top layer on and brush any loose crumbs off. Ice the whole cake smoothing as best you can. Isn’t this a great purple? Next I used the white frosting to outline the flowers and butterfly. Finally I got the consistency right and it flowed like it should. In the past I was squeezing with all my might. Too much work. I used the white pearls for the centers and the purple sugar for the petals and wings. I really need to problem solve getting the sugar where I want it to go. There was a bit of colouring outside the lines with this bit. To finish it off I added some icing dots on the sides. This entry was posted in Desserts and tagged apples, baking, buttercream icing, chocolate cake. Bookmark the permalink. Wow! that’s one heck of a cake:) It’s beautiful!! I love the butterfly:) She’s going to LOVE IT! Happy Birthday to your daughter…. I can’t wait for those pics…I just love everything about your daughters cake! It came out beautifully!!!!!! Thank you. 🙂 His birthday is in June so I have time to plan! can’t wait! Have a Great weekend:) and as always thanks for sharing…. Thanks, I’ll let her know. Happy Birthday to your daughter. That’s certainly a cake and a half. She must have be thrilled. She liked it. 🙂 They appreciate the effort for stuff like this which is really nice. So fun!! A few years ago, my twin sister put together a cookbook of all the recipes from our childhood years; we celebrated our birthday last week, and I made our whole birthday dinner from that cookbook! It’s amazing how memories if food stay with us– I’m sure your daughter will never forget this cake! What a wonderful idea! Very special. What a sweet cake…love the flowers and butterfly as I’m sure she did as well. Daughters are so~ precious. Happy Birthday to your 12 year old… I love purple too and she will love it! Fae. What a fabulous looking cake! Yes, my favourite colours are deep crimson and purple. Having said that, at your daughters age I had my bedroom painted purple walls and white accents…put me right off purple for a while! Her room at her mother’s house has purple walls so we’ll see how long this lasts. At our house she still has the yellow as the main colour that her dad did years ago. I like the idea of purple with the white accents though. A great contrast. Well happy birthday! Wow! Now that’s purple! I bet she was pleased. Good for her. Happy Birthday to your daughter. A cake to remember always. Love that quote! They grow so fast. Wow Virginia the cake is beautiful! Of course, I like purple, too!
The Western Shoshone call themselves Newe, “The People,” and they refer to their ancestral lands as Newe Sogobia, “The People’s Land.” After living on these lands for thousands of years, the Newe have spent the last 400 defending them from invasion and environmental destruction. Today, the U.S. government occupies much of the Newe Sogobia, using it as a domestic nuclear war zone. The Nevada Test Site was illegally seized from the tribe in the 1940s to use for nuclear weapons testing and as a dump for highly radioactive nuclear waste. Releases of radiation from the detonation of over 1000 nuclear weapons above and below the ground have resulted in cancer clusters and contamination in the communities downwind of the site – and beyond. Newe homelands have been turned into a National Sacrifice Area, or permanently poisoned lands. The latest threat to the Newe is the planned nuclear waste dump at Yucca Mountain located within the Nevada Test Site. The repository will accept over 75,000 tons of fuel rods and other high-level waste across roads and rails from 39 states and place it in a giant hole in the earth found to be seismically unstable and in contact with ground water. Plutonium, the most deadly man-made substance on earth, has a radioactive half-life of 250,000 years, and its nearby storage portends an unparalleled toxic peril for the next 12,000 generations living in the region. Wherever Corbin Harney raises his voice, be it in song, in prayer, or in speech, be it at his homeland, at the UN, or in faraway Kazakhstan, his message is informed with the calm authority imbued him by the earth. In 1994, Corbin Harney founded the Shundahai Network (Shundahai is the Newe word for “peace and harmony with all creation”), a non-profit organization dedicated to breaking the nuclear chain by building alliances with indigenous communities and environmental, peace and human rights movements. They seek to abolish all nuclear weapons and end all nuclear testing, advocate phasing out nuclear energy and ending the transportation and dumping of nuclear waste, and promote the principles of Environmental Justice. Their campaigns and events incorporate the values of community building, education, spiritual ceremonies and nonviolent direct action. I ask for moisture to fall upon us so the grass will start to grow. what we humans tramp down. we tramp it down so it’s flat on the ground. together we have to ask for the rain to come down, so the grass will continue to grow. Corbin Harney’s spiritual strength has become a fountainhead of inspiration for environmental activists around the world. His solution to end the Nuclear Age: we must live in vital, spiritual connection with the earth!
You are buying one beautiful piece of Manzanita driftwood averaging 7 to 10 inches long by 2 " to 3" wide (as seen in the picture) with a full Anubias coffeefolia grown on it. The Anubias Coffeefolia will have 5 or more leaves. Anubias barteri var. coffeefolia is a low cultivar of Anubias barteri. Its characteristic is that the leaves arch considerably between the leaf ribs, and the new leaves are red-brown. The color combination and leaf shape make it an attractive variety in both large and small aquariums. It flowers frequently under water but does not produce seeds. Anubias barteri var. coffeefolia is not eaten by herbivorous fish. I have a few of these available so you are not buying the exact piece shown in the picture but all the pieces will look just as good if not better than the one pictured.
The Cabot is back. A North Shore treasure, the 1920 historic theater was closed and its future unknown until a group of local visionaries found a way to purchase the building and revive performances in 2014. The initiative to save the theater, and initial performances and events, enjoyed widespread and enthusiastic community support. Under the leadership of a new executive director and dedicated Board, much-needed improvements to the physical structure and expanding organizational capacity began. In order to fully realize the potential of this extraordinary moment in time, The Cabot needed new visual and verbal tools that reflected its promise in image and action and could be used to create alignment around a shared vision for the future, address the immediate development need and, critically, create momentum and energy to meet its fundraising goals. Minelli, Inc. worked with key stakeholders and leaders to articulate a strong brand and bring that brand to life, highlighting the Cabot Theater’s timeless beauty and transcendent experiences that evoke the power of memory, creating food for the soul and nourishment for the future.
The new level pack for Dummy Defense has been released. Instruments of Death features over 30 levels of completely new and unique puzzles. Protect Melvin as he faces off against weapons of the past, the present, and the future. Get it now for the iPhone and for Android. All of my games are written in mostly C++ with a little Objective C. I do most of my coding in Visual Studio, but then Xcode for integrating with the iPhone and Eclipse for integrating with Android. You should already have it, if you got Dummy Defense from Google Play.
Sign up to Lineout to stay up to date with all of the latest RUPA news / Thanks for subscribing! With Rugby World Cup (“RWC”) underway the eyes of the world are on our sport. One of the most topical debates across all contact sports is the issue of concussion management. All stakeholders will be looking forward to a RWC in which players, medical personnel and team support staff play their part in managing this important aspect of player welfare. Rugby is making significant progress in the detection and management of concussion and it will be important that other professional rugby competitions move to adopt the standards set for RWC 2015. Rugby should not see the management of concussion as a risk at RWC, but an opportunity to demonstrate how far the game has come in recent times. The International Rugby Players Association (“IRPA”) is constantly thinking about what more can be done to further improve the games ability to manage the issues associated with concussion. Effective from 1st August 2015 after a successful global trial period at elite level, World Rugby has now formally introduced a temporary substitution rule. This applies to any player who is removed from the field of play to undertake a Head Injury Assessment (HIA) when it is unclear if that player has a suspected concussion. Having the ability to remove a player from the action and from the cauldron of a packed stadium, to undertake a thorough clinical assessment and video review of an incident, in a private controlled environment, makes good practical sense. Previously players in this situation would often go untreated, or be checked over briefly on field using questionable methods. World Rugby and other key stakeholders are leading a real culture shift amongst professional players, coaches and medical personnel in relation to peer pressure to play. Recent statistics back this up. Research has underpinned the HIA process throughout. Prior to the temporary substitution trial, 56 per cent of players with a confirmed concussion remained on the field following their injury. Now that figure is less than 12 per cent (British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2014) and the hope is that following continued refinement of the HIA process we will see further improvement in 2015 and beyond. A key point lost on many but one that IRPA believes is fundamental to a conservative management approach is that a player is now removed once the attending medics confirm a diagnosis of suspected concussion. This takes the pressure off trying to make a definitive diagnosis of concussion during a high-pressured game. That does mean players will be removed who have not suffered a concussion, but better the conservative approach. Thankfully the message is getting through and along with World Rugby’s #RecogniseAndRemove campaign, the games stakeholders are realising that it is not just the player’s responsibility but its coaches, referees, and team support staffs obligation to step in if they suspect a concussion has occurred. Whilst IRPA see this as a positive step, it is one that needs to be continually developed and filtered down to the community game where awareness and education on the subject is not yet at the same level. Medical specialist in concussion monitoring individual cases. Additionally, IRPA is very supportive and engaged on the work that is being undertaken on the laws of the game to ensure the risks of on-field instances that result in serious injury, including concussive events, are minimised. There is much conjecture on if rugby, and concussions sustained playing the game, lead to long-term cognitive health issues. From a player’s perspective IRPA does not want that debate to be a distraction from making sure the right thing is done by the players now. IRPA believes that the game should be doing all it can to ensure the welfare and health of the player is an ongoing priority. So what of the future and in particular the debate of using new technologies to take human error out of the equation? One such advancement that may justify further research and refinement is the use of sensors to help aide team doctors with real-time data. It could provide insight into accelerations and forces that they may not have seen first-hand particularly where the player has either not recognised a head knock, chosen not to seek medical assistance or suffered signs and symptoms post game. The sensor does not diagnose a concussion but rather provides accurate previously unavailable live information which combined with testing (HIA) and baseline data can aid in a clinical diagnosis. In the same way team support staff use other data like heart rates and GPS data, the sensor can provide data to assist medical personnel make informed decisions regarding concussion management. From a player welfare perspective, IRPA believes the pressure put on players to return to play to preserve their contracts and the rehabilitative support provided to players recovering from a concussion are areas that should be looked at further. Ensuring a players contractual terms and conditions are supportive during times of serious injury is fundamental. It allows the player the opportunity to fully recover without the added pressure or threat of having his or her salary or match payments stopped, or worse, the contract terminated. In this respect physical injuries are more obvious and certain, concussion in its very nature is obscure and invisible. Currently there are no set guidelines around minimum standards for players’ contractual terms and conditions. IRPA feels that the time is right to address this, not just because of the issues around concussion, but to maintain the integrity and reputation of the game. For those players who endure concussion complications either as part of their return to play process, or following a decision to stop playing, there seems little available to aide recovery beyond rest and time – which for an active professional athlete can be a very uncertain and sometimes depressing experience. IRPA would support more research into identifying rehabilitation techniques and programs to help in the resilience building and recovery process, and to ensure they are readily understood and available throughout the game. World leading player welfare standards are a priority in building the legacy of our sport. It is fundamental to the integrity of the game and to those who participate in it. IRPA is looking forward to continuing to work with World Rugby to bring about the culture change and to enhance the education and regulatory framework that ensures rugby leads the way on concussion management globally. The Rugby Union Players' Association (RUPA) will continue to take a proactive and collaborative approach to concussion prevention and management in Australia sport, as part of its involvement with the Australian Athletes' Alliance (AAA). Every week, RUPA collates five of the best features from the week’s Rugby media and bring them to you in the one convenient location. Charlie Fetoai: Jack of all trades; master of plenty! Former Reds centre Charlie Fetoai was seriously injured in 2009 and told he could never play Rugby again. He spoke to RUPA about what he's been up to since, and the importance of planning for life after Rugby.
Science experiment: Try taking a deep breath through an average soda straw. Not too easy is it? This is basically what your SS has to accomplish with it's stock intake system. Now take a deep breath without that straw in your mouth (for those of you that live in a smog-choked area like Los Angeles or New York City, the State of California wants you to know that this action might be harmful to your health). If you live in a clean area of your state or country, you should feel heartily refreshed afterwards. This is how your SS will feel after you chop the stock intake system and add a new system to help it breath easier. There are many alternatives to get more outside air into your motor, as it is optimal to duct in cooler, more oxygen-rich fresh air, rather than drawing hot oxygen-poor air from the engine compartment with an open-element air cleaner. One in particular that will use a minimum of duct work to direct airflow, is to install a cowl induction or ram-air hood so the engine can draw air directly from the outside of the engine compartment. An added benefit of an induction hood (be it "ram-air" style, cowl induction style, or via a hood scoop) is that as you drive faster, more air is pressurized in the intake tract, thereby "force feeding" your motor an additional charge of air, proportional to the amount of air the engine needs. Plus an induction hood just has that timeless hotrod appeal that oozes with coolness. For this buildup, I chose a cowl induction hood, to give my 454SS a look that dates back to it's muscle car heritage in the SS Camaros, Chevelles, and the like, and to keep it smooth and clean. Some other hotrodders might prefer a later-model Camaro-style ram-air hood. Others might find they need a hood scoop to clear some air cleaner assemblies. It is nothing more than the preference of the buyer. One consideration that is not simply preference is hood material. Realistic, affordable hoods are made out of two materials: steel or fiberglass. Steel hoods are typically more rigid and heavier than glass hoods, and most are a direct bolt-on for the stock hood. Steel hoods also do not require retaining pins on the front of the hood in most instances. There is some variance of quality but most steel hoods are of good to excellent quality, and your body man is probably better suited to work with steel than glass. On the other hand, fiberglass does not rust. Fiberglass does not dent. You can pick up a fiberglass hood (even a superb quality hood). By yourself. A good quality bolt-on glass hood also does not need hood pins to keep it retained. A great quality glass hood costs about the same or less than a steel hood, and due to the lighter weight, costs less to ship. Glass is my choice. Our options- and metal-laden 4800 pound (most of which is in the front) 454SS's need all the weight reduction they can get. Choose your material. Goodmark makes some of the best steel cowl hoods at glass-competitive prices which feature a 2" rise, cowl screen, and boasts an extremely OEM-like fit. They can be reached at 770-339-8557, website www.goodmarkindustries.com. Harwood is THE name in auto fiberglass and Lexan, and they can be reached at 1-800-882-7223, website http://www.martelbros.com/harwood/harwood. Now with your hood selected and delivered, it is time to fit it on your vehicle. Steel hoods, if you bought a good quality one, should fit right onto the stock hinges, and only require adjustment and possibly some shimming to get the hood in the proper location before you prime and paint. Steel will typically come with a protective black paint coat to prevent rust during shipping. Goodmark notes that their protective coat is meant to be sprayed over, like POR-15 rust preventer is. Fiberglass requires more prep work. Unlike steel, fiberglass hoods are not stamped out, and thus, must be trimmed, sanded and otherwise fit to the specific vehicle it is being installed on. First, you must remove the stock hood and hinge springs. If it is a bolt-on hood, operating like the one you are removing from the truck, you will be using all of the hardware from the stock hood on the new hood (a sidenote: unless you are building an all-out race truck, you will probably want the bolt-on hood rather than the lift-off or pin-on style hood that requires removal of the hood every time you want to access the engine bay). Now, lay on the new hood and check for fit. The edges of the hood will need to be trimmed. This may be done with a block sander and coarse sanding paper (80 to 120 grit). Sand off a little, then check again, sand a little more and check, etc. until you have the proper fit and finish. Our trucks have a cowl vent between the hood and windshield. Harwood recommends trimming the back edge of the hood to fit this cowl vent as the stock hood did. Once the hood fits perfect, you are now ready to bolt it on the hinges. Bolt it to the hinges, and the hinges to the truck, and check again for clearance. Included with earlier style Harwood hoods and some other lesser-known brands of hoods is a prop rod. This is intended to hold the hood up, basically taking the place of the hinge springs, as the springs will not be re-used (for steel hoods and for some glass hoods, like the revised Harwood hoods, they are, but most other glass hoods will not withstand this usage). Install the prop rod on the radiator support rail. Harwood said this prop rod is a universal fit, so it is necessary to trim it to fit. Position it in the middle of the hood so as to prevent the hood from twisting while it is on the prop rod. If you position the prop rod to the side, you run the risk of twisting and cracking the hood or paint job. For the later, revised Harwood hoods the company notes that prop rods are not necessary. I spoke with Ray Martel, president of Martel Brothers Performance who owns Harwood, and he said that the bolt-on hoods for many applications have been redesigned and strengthened, allowing one to use the stock hinge springs. If you do not receive a prop rod with your hood, it does not need one, he says. Now you are ready to install the hood latch and spring on the front of the hood. Position the hood and adjust it in using the bump stops and adjustment screws. Check again for fit and operation. After you drive around for a week (or if you are like me, let it sit in the sun for about a week and a half) with an unfinished hood sitting atop your otherwise pristine SS, to allow the gelcoat to stabilize and the fiberglass agents to bond and cure, your truck is now ready to be shipped off to your body shop for finishing, priming, and painting.
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Join us for crafts, egg hunt, music, candy, Bible Story, a snack and the Easter Bunny! Celebrate the resurrection of Jesus with us at BOHBC! Women of Joy, Pigeon Forge TN. A fun event for kids ages 3 yr old through 5th grade, while parents enjoy a night out! Click here to register. Youth Sunday! The service will be led by the youth. Also there will be lunch to follow of all youth and their immediate families. Click here to register.
The Linux kernel now includes everything that is needed to use 3D acceleration with all GeForce graphics chips. Drivers have also been added for a Wireless Gigabit chip and a PCIe WLAN chip from Realtek. In his email announcing the release of Linux 3.8-rc6, Linus Torvalds emphasised that he wanted the seventh release candidate to be the last one. When he released RC7 on Friday, however, he made no mention of whether there would be an eighth RC before the final version of Linux 3.8. As long as no more major problems arise, though, the Linux kernel 3.8 should still be released this month. This article on driver updates will therefore bring the "Coming in 3.8" Kernel Log mini-series to a close. The first two parts of the series focused on the changes that kernel developers made to filesystems and storage and the platform and infrastructure code for Linux 3.8. In Linux 3.8, the Nouveau kernel driver will include everything that the OpenGL driver â which is part of current versions of Mesa 3D and is also called Nouveau â needs to use the 3D acceleration of all GeForce graphics chips available so far without further configuration. This is the first time that the Nouveau developers, who use reverse engineering to get the information they need to program their drivers, have managed this feat; before this, they were still lacking standard 3D support for some newer Fermi GPUs and the Kepler graphics chips, which have been on the market since March 2012 (1, 2, 3). For many computers, however, NVIDIA's proprietary graphics driver will still be a better choice, since Nouveau can't activate the faster operation modes for many of the newer GeForce chips, resulting in 3D performance that leaves something to be desired. There are also other issues, particularly when it comes to video acceleration and fan management support. Version 3.8 of Linux is the first to include a simple kernel graphics driver for the graphics cores in NVIDIA's Tegra 2 and 3 SoCs (system on a chip) (1, 2, 3 and others). The driver is not from NVIDIA; it was developed mostly by a developer from the German company Avionic Design. The company works on embedded solutions in close cooperation with NVIDIA and programmed the driver independently, but with input from NVIDIA. Surprisingly, NVIDIA jumped into the development process, publishing extensions a few weeks ago that let the driver make the graphics cores' acceleration features available, but these improvements did not make it into 3.8. Userland drivers are still needed to use the acceleration functions, and NVIDIA has yet to give any indication that it is interested in releasing those drivers under an open source licence. Nouveau developer Lucas Stach shared background information on the Linux drivers for NVIDIA's Tegra in a presentation at FOSDEM 2013, a recording of which is available on YouTube. The Radeon driver now allows more of the graphics cores' DMA engines, which have previously been largely ignored, to be used from userspace (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). The i915 graphics driver now supports by default the graphics cores of the Haswell processors that Intel will introduce under the name Core i4000 in a few months. The developers have also included a workaround for a bug in the Intel 830 and 845 chipsets so the graphics drivers are supposed to be stable on these chipsets. The virtio_net network driver, which uses paravirtualisation and is especially used with KVM and Xen, should provide better performance now that it can use multiple queues for each network device. The same goes for the Tun/Tap driver, which is also used for system virtualisation as well as other purposes like emulating network hardware. The batman-adv (Better Approach To Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking Advanced) mesh implementation developed as part of open-mesh.org to spontaneously create WLAN networks can now build a distributed ARP table, which allows non-mesh clients on a network to receive quick, reliable answers to their ARP queries. The rtl8723ae driver for the Realtek RTL8723AE PCIe WLAN chip is new (1, 2 and others), as is the wil6210 driver for a Wilocity WLAN chip that operates at 60GHz and uses the IEEE 802.11ad standard promoted by the Wireless Gigabit Alliance (WiGig). Another addition to the kernel is the ar5523 driver, which was started over five years ago for the Atheros USB chipset of the same name. Extensions for supporting more chips and WLAN adapters were added to a number of other drivers; the brcmsmac WLAN driver, for example, now supports the BCM43224 Broadcom chip, while the rt2800usb RaLink driver supports the Sweex LW323 USB WLAN adapter. The cdc-mbim driver, which supports broadband modems that implement Mobile Broadband Interface Model (MBIM ) 1.0, specified by the USB Implementers Forum, is also new (1, 2). MBIM is a USB protocol for connecting modems for laptops, tablets and desktop computers that provide an internet connection using GSM and CDMA-based 3G and 4G (including LTE). Aleksander Morgado provides more details on the protocol and its advantages compared to other technologies in a blog post. The kernel's audio drivers now support the Philips PSC724 Ultimate Edge sound card. The kernel can also handle VIA's VT1705CF HD audio codec now. The merge listing the most important changes to Linux 3.8's sound subsystem includes some other changes to audio drivers. The kernel now includes a driver for human interface devices (HIDs) that use I2C (1, 2 and others), using the "HID over I2C" protocol designed by Microsoft and implemented in Windows 8. Extensions were added to the HID multitouch driver to support some of the features for better finger and movement recognition found in Windows 8. The drivers for Video4Linux 2 (V4L2) located in the media subsystem can now use the "DMA Buffer Sharing Mechanism" (dma_buf) integrated in Linux 3.3 to share buffer space with graphics cards, which makes it possible that data from video hardware will no longer need to be duplicated in the buffer in order for a graphics chip to display it. The kernel developers have marked the uas driver, which handles the USB Attached SCSI protocol, as broken because it causes problems and is not yet ready for the major distributions. Alan Cox has given up kernel development for family reasons, leaving his position as maintainer of the serial driver subsystem. Cox is a Linux veteran who maintained the Linux kernel 2.2, during which time he was considered the second most important kernel developer after Linus Torvalds. Although he hasn't been that far up in the ranks these last few months, Cox has still contributed quite a lot to the development of Linux.
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2 story vinyl home in need of TLC, but some nice features and loads of potential. Newer oak kitchen cabinets, first floor laundry, large formal living room and dining room. 3 bedrooms (3rd bedroom is small with no closet) and full bath upstairs plus walk-up attic for storage. Large, level yard, off-street parking and shed. Property sold AS-IS. Seller will make no repairs. Offers must be submitted through HUD approved broker. Buyer pays both transfer taxes. Equal Housing Opportunity.
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The New York Times offers quite a bit of video content these days, so naturally someone went and made a Kodi addon for it. They’re content is mostly news related, but some of the content is also entertaining, while being informative at the same time. This is a good addon for when you want to watch something quick and interesting, or looking to kill time watching news coverage. It might not be the number one addon, but the New York Times Video addon is certainly worth the price is costs. The New York Times Video addon for Kodi can be installed in a matter of seconds, since the official Kodi repository is already available on every Kodi device. Installation is far simpler than it would be to install unofficial addons, and basically requires the flip of a switch. Since we’re such nice people, we’re going to walk you through each step of the New York Times Video addon installation process. Step 6: Choose the New York Times Video Kodi addon from the listing. Step 9: Launch the New York Times Video addon from the Video add-ons tab. Step 10: Choose the International section and browse! Thank you to netw1z for developing this addon, giving the Kodi world access to all the video content that the New York Times has to offer. There are often interesting mini broadcasts that cover a wide range of global topics. We hope you enjoy the New York Times Video addon as much as we do!
Are you thinking about using online assignment help platforms? If you answered yes, then you are definitely not alone. This service is increasing in popularity across the globe. It makes it easier for students to handle their school requirements. But the nature of the service remains shrouded in controversy. After all, teachers and professors give out assignments for a reason. They are meant to boost the skills of students both inside and outside the classroom. This begs the question: Do assignment help services benefit or hurt students? It’s easy to see the benefits of hiring assignments experts to aid in your academic pursuits. They solve the problem of insufficient time to do homework’s, especially if you take on multiple part-time jobs after school hours. As you know, writing essays or completing complicated assignments can take up a boatload of time. Between gathering information and adding the final touches, your assignment can take several hours to finish. The speed with which you can finish your assignments with the help of service providers like the guys at Do My Assignments is another huge benefit. Most companies accept expedited requests for an extra fee. It’s possible to get your paper or assignment in as little as 24 hours. While these aforementioned benefits are surely hard to resist, it’s worth noting that using assignment writing services offers more than meets the eye. At first, it might not appear to make sense that hiring assignment help providers can improve your research skills. You don’t even need to research about anything. They will do everything for you, and this is where you can get tips from the experts. By looking at the final output of the assignment expert, you could see how much it differs from the homework’s you have done yourself. It shouldn’t come as a surprise if these differences are very noticeable. You could tell that time and effort has been dedicated to producing such a well-researched assignment. Even the references and links can help you with your future requirements, as you would see how much more credible your work will look like if the links aren’t limited to Wikipedia. The same applies to your presentation skills. The way the essay, research paper, or assignment is formatted can give you ideas on how to better structure your content. Notice how the ideas flow smoothly throughout, allowing you to get the point across even without the use of fancy words. You probably have a “go-to” format for your essays, but you’ll realize that it doesn’t always work. It’s easy to dismiss assignment writing services as only for lazy students who do not care at all about learning. But it’s important to understand that the students can enjoy much more than its time-saving benefits. With the help of experts, you can pick up some tips on how to research about a topic, what credible sources to use, and how to present your ideas in a way that engages readers. All of these can prove beneficial for any student, even the ones who do remarkably well in class.
Becoming a professional coach is one of the most rewarding jobs I’ve ever had. It’s such an honor to be able to help people grow in their personal leadership skills and pursue their true purpose and passions to make a huge impact in the world. I love facilitating “a-ha moments” for people and guiding them towards success. I never thought I would become a coach because I didn’t even know that the coaching industry existed until about 3 years ago. Since then, I learned more about it, volunteered and practiced it as much as I could, and took steps to call this my career. Today, I wanted to answer some FAQs for people who are interested in becoming a coach or adding coaching skills to their repertoire. As you read this, imagine us chatting together at a coffee shop with the freedom for you to pick my brain. My hope is that this gives you more insight to the industry and provides a little bit of direction of your next steps. Q: I love helping people. I’ve always enjoyed mentoring and guiding younger people. Is coaching right for me? A: Yes! The heart of coaching is helping people to figure out what they want, why they want it, and provide the support and accountability for them to be successful. When you get down to it, a coach sees someone for their potential and equips them with the skills and resources for them to be the best version of themselves. A coach is someone who wants to facilitate change, growth, and get people from where they are now to where they want to be. It’s definitely considered to be a “helping profession.” It doesn’t necessarily have to be with someone younger than you, but people tend to work with coaches that they can relate to. The question to ask yourself is, “WHY do you want to become a coach?” Get clear on your definition of success. If it’s genuinely to help people get better in a motivating way, then coaching may be a good fit for you. Q: What are my options as a coach? // What can I do as a coach? A: There are many paths you can take, or make yourself! Typically you could: be to go-to coach for your current company, be a coach that consults for other companies, or start your own private coaching business/practice. There are many different niches as well: including health/wellness, business, life, executive, leadership and success, and career. Or, you could get coach training for basic coach skills (communication, listening, asking questions, goal-setting/accountability) that could equip you to be a better leader in your current job. Q: How can I get started with coaching? A: Start Where You Are! First, if you’ve never experienced working with a coach yourself, I highly encouraged you to do it. That way, you know first-hand what it’s all about. You can go to local workshops and seminars hosted by a coach, or invest in working with one yourself. Then, the best way to see if coaching is right for you as a career is to engage in opportunities to learn and practice coaching. Find people and opportunities where you can offer your listening ear and expertise. If you're working 9-5, what are some ways you can add value to your company by helping others grow? For example, it could be a book club, speaking in a professional development series, or creating an accountability group. The key is to find practical ways to practice (even if it’s on your friends!) Think of it as an experiment: Who do I love to help? What kind of problems are they dealing with? What value am I providing them? Do I even like this? Something you can try to practice with people one-on-one: create a survey asking questions about people’s needs and desires, send it out to friends and people in your network, and offer a mini-coaching session to those who have filled it out. This gives you a better idea of what people need and are looking for, and also real-world experience in coaching people. Q: Do I need training or certification? A: Getting training is like the difference between between street smart and and school smart. You may naturally have great coaching skills, but training hones them to take to the next level. I like to think of it like the difference between a street basketball player and a professional one. A street basketball player is naturally skilled and may have fun playing the game, but when you’re ready to go pro, training helps provide structure and expertise, and confidence in helping you know what you’re doing. Coach training is an investment and can range from $500-$2000 per module (and even up to $10,000 for the whole shebang), so carefully consider it before going all in. I went to Erickson International, and have heard good things about Co-Active Coach Training, and Lifeforming. Certification is getting officially registered by the International Coach Federation. You need to have at coach training and at least 100 hours in order to apply. It’s a great route to consider if you value professional development, and a must-have if you want to work for corporate companies for executive/leadership coaching. A lot of corporate companies will only hire coaches with those credentials. But if you worked with clients one-on-one in your own private practice, it’s not necessary. Keep in mind that clients buy for results. As long as you provide value and results, clients will be happy to work with you. Building a business takes a lot of time and persistence. It’s one thing to be a great coach but it’s another thing to be a great business owner. It takes a lot of focused intention and attention, and it doesn’t happen overnight. I always say that building a business is the BEST personal development because you’re always learning new things (that constantly keep changing) and pushing yourself to grow. People don’t buy coaching, they buy results. This is a marketing thing. To more clear you are about who you help and how you help them, they better chance you’ll find the people you’re meant to serve and get paying clients. I naively thought that saying “I can coach!” would attract people to me. Instead, I had to learn some savvy marketing skills and get clear on my audience, message, and services. Things are constantly changing. Things within the industry are constantly changing. The coach I was one year ago is way different than the coach I am today (for the better!) Business is the same way. Things that worked before may not worked now. So I’m constantly experimenting with new marketing channels and offerings. I like the challenge of trying new things, but I’m also balancing it with trying to remain consistent in things like my voice and helpful habits. Invest in things that matter. Some people may think the only expenses needed for an online coaching business is a laptop, internet, and a phone (which you already have). But realistically, start-up costs could be education, training, web site/marketing materials/branding, office supplies, legal fees, etc. Those things add up. It’s good to have a budget to set aside money to invest in things to matter to you. For me, that was education, branding, and working with a coach. Q: What are your favorite books/resources? A: I love reading! Here’s a list of my recommended books for leadership, business, and creativity. I continue to add to the list, so let me know what your recommendations are! I hope this Q+A session helped you get a better peek into our world and give you clarity for the direction of your coach journey. My vision is that someday coaching will become more mainstreamed and that everyone would be equipped with basic coaching skills. Wouldn’t that be AWESOME?! Leave your comments or questions below and SHARE the love on your favorite social media channels!
Many materials are available in both English and Spanish. FSNE’s multilevel interventions positively influence individual health behaviors, while also targeting the policies, systems, and physical environments (PSEs) of collaborating sites in an effort to improve access to healthy choices among Maryland residents.In FY16, trained trainers/collaborating partners alone provided education to almost 1/4 (5,861 individuals) of the total participants reached by FSNE.Although most of FSNE’s nutrition education occurs during in-person sessions, FSNE also employs a number of unique indirect methods for accessing a hard-to-reach adult audience.The historic Cole Field House basketball arena in College Park, Maryland, was redeveloped by architecture firm Cannon Design, and in response, Maryland Athletic Director Kevin Anderson said, “This is a game-changer for our university.” According to the , the University of Maryland became the last football program in the Big Ten to have an indoor practice field. Even with this, there is still so much more to expect. This project, costing approximately $45 million, is only the first phase of what is expected to be the largest fundraising project in the history of this university.
We warmly welcome you to the Department of Languages and Translation (DLT). Our department is a part of the College of Arts and Applied Sciences (CAAS), which offers four undergraduate programs and one graduate program of study in three major streams of English Language, Arabic Language, and Translation. The five programs of study are: Diploma in English Language, Bachelor of Arts (BA) in English Language, Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Arabic Language, Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Translation, and Master of Arts (MA) in English with three concentration tracks of Linguistics, Literature, and Translation. Within the core philosophy of liberal art education, all the programs of study offered at DLT are knowledge-rich, skills-rich, and practice-rich and are compatible with students’ present study-related requirements as well as their future needs. Furthermore, the courses in each program are designed and delivered by a forceful team of highly qualified, dedicated, and committed teachers. Our department also provides students with a platform to participate in a variety of extra-curricular activities through active membership in : read-n-chat group, interactive speaking group, debating group, and study skills support group. We cordially invite you to join our department to learn, excel, grow, and contribute through your chosen field of study in a conducive and stimulating atmosphere and become an agent of change. We wish you all the best and a successful academic journey at DLT. The Department of Languages and Translation is committed to provide a conducive learning environment for effective oral, written and conversational skills and also effective study, research and critical thinking skills in the fields of English Language, Arabic Language and Translation that are necessary for some self-sufficient, self-reliant individuals to grow and develop in a competitive world, to survive and flourish in the local and global job market, and to serve the Omani Society. All the programs are geared towards enabling our young graduates to become efficient communicators in English/Arabic who would seek, with confidence, employment or undertake self-employment in a wide range of job areas such as teaching, translating, interpreting, secretarial practice, marketing, journalism, communication consultancy, translation and interpreting consultancy, etc. Our programs offer a rich and balanced combination of courses in both the streams of language and translation, which provide students with an enhanced perspective of desired knowledge and skills. Our programs are designed in such a way that they provide our graduates with a good scope of micro specialism in the areas of linguistics, literature, and translation which may help set a better direction for their higher studies and further research. Many of our courses, to name some here, such as Situational English, Writing Workshop, Advanced Writing for Professional Fields, Special Topic in Language or Literature, Rhetoric, Discourse Analysis, Business English, Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpreting, etc effectively equip the students with their study, job, and career-related requirements. All our core , as well as elective courses, are delivered through theory, practice and presentation. The classroom procedures favor student interaction with an increased emphasis on pair or group work for problem - solving, information/opinion exchange, critical thinking, and so on. Translation courses like Simultaneous Interpreting provide graduates with on-the-job training through external practicum. The process of evaluation in our department is not limited to just testing of students through various tests and exams but is taken at a much broader level of evaluating the objectives, content, methods, and results so that the curriculum development and its planning become more effective as a continuous process in order to provide our students with cutting-edge professional knowledge and skills. Click on the following links to download Languages & Translation brochure. To graduate with a Diploma in English Language, students must satisfactorily complete 60 credit hours of course work from the courses that are described in the Program of Study with an overall minimum average of 65%. To graduate with a BA in English Language, students must satisfactorily complete 120 credit hours of course work from the courses that are described in the Program of Study with an overall minimum average of 65%, and a cumulative average of 70% in the major courses. The graduates of English language program will have many career choices spanning a wide range of fields. Most notable are: government sector, banking sector, corporate sector, tourism and hospitality sector, media sector, education sector, etc. Graduates will have employment opportunities in working as a school teacher, receptionist, secretary, clerk, salesperson, sub-editor, proofreader, tourist guide, teaching assistant, etc. Innovative fields include establishing a private enterprise like tutorial center, consultancy services, human resource center for the service industry, etc.
during our conversation it became apparent Jerome has developed a great approach to the sport, being backed by a good team, coupled with a dynamic fighting style, he is definitely one to watch. “I started boxing when I was 21, so I started late, I just went to the gym with a friend, I had always watched boxing but never took that much of an interest in it. After I went to the gym once I got a feel for it, everything about it, the environment, the smell of the gym and from there it has catapulted, it became an obsession, it went from a hobby to a lifestyle. “I had 35 fights, I won the Haringey box cup, I reached the national finals in 2016, I won London titles twice, so yeah, in the last two years I’ve seen my amateur career take off. “You know what it is, I am a strong believer in timing, and at the age of 26 I wasn’t going to gain much more from the amateurs, as in it might take me away from what I want to do as a pro. “So, I’ve got guys at the IQ Boxing Gym in Neasden, North West London, my main coach is Xavier Miller, and my promoter is Steve Goodwin. Me and Xavier get along like a house on fire, as much as I like him as a coach, I also do as a person. We have a good understanding and it’s a great relationship. “So, like I said, as an amateur I was relying a lot on reflex, movement, counter punching, but not as a pro, I’m going to focus on sitting my weight down, catching shots, returning shots and working the body. I would love to say I can adapt to any shape or style but I have to be realistic, I would say that I’m a thinking fighter, I can work out people’s fight quite quickly so I can entertain different styles. “Without trying to sound arrogant or cocky I feel like I’ve got the makings to go all the way, I feel like I’m destined for great things and it’s a matter of time until everyone else starts to believe it. In 2018 I’m just looking to get the whole experience, and I think if I could get 4 fights this year I would be happy with that, I’m looking to soak up the experience and fight in front of a big hyped up crowd. I’m also sparring 6-8 rounds at the moment so 4 rounds shouldn’t be too bad. Jerome Campbell makes his debut tonight on Goodwin Boxing’s ‘Venom’ show at the infamous York Hall. Featuring on a strong card, Jerome is bout #6 of the evening. 4 x 3 minute rounds in the lightweight division, sharing the ring with Luke Fash.
My practice is built on my respect for human resiliency: a belief in our ability to move forward from great difficulty and deep hurts as well as break patterns that are no longer serving us. I approach my clients with warmth and curiosity and seek to nurture a holding space that feels safe to address whatever unique concerns they bring. In sessions, I am engaged and accessible. I start with clients’ present concerns and also facilitate interest in their deeper selves. Having been personally inspired by the positive impact of psychotherapy, I am passionate about walking alongside others navigating this courageous process. I enjoy working with adults dealing with life transitions, grief and loss, family of origin concerns, relationship issues, trauma, sexuality concerns, and anxiety. I also have a special interest in fertility-related struggles, pregnancy and postpartum concerns, difficult or traumatic birth experiences, miscarriage, stillbirth, and infant loss. I practice from a psychodynamic perspective, an approach that is curious about how our past is impacting our present, while also using interventions rooted in cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness. I also offer Somatic- and Attachment-Focused EMDR which is an integrative, physiological psychotherapy approach.
Russia's biggest operator reckons RCS technology gives it a weapon to use against its web-scale rivals. Digital transformation will be vital to operators' future prosperity. The growing appeal of Internet telephony and messaging applications leaves Africa's telcos in a quandary. Telcos are facing a cataclysmic upheaval that will force them to overhaul their technologies, culture and business practices. Light Reading editors Iain Morris and Ray Le Maistre discuss some of the key issues that are driving telco transformation strategies. Which of the following should a telco transform first?
There are few moments in life this fast paced, that take you this much by surprise. Where after the adrenaline high, you can’t believe it just happened to you. This is their story. Be sure to watch the video as well as browse through the photos as mom tells what happened from her perspective. Ben’s parents were already at the hospital for an induction. Last checked, she was 2 cm dilated and not in active labour at all. The induction medication hadn’t even begun. I normally come when a client is in active labour as this early period could be slowed down by my presence. I texted with dad who told me we would touch base in an hour. I texted to see how things were going. Heard nothing for about 10 minutes and just had this gut feeling. I threw on my scrubs. My gear was already at the house and my childcare had been called in. I knew it would be today just not sure when. Utter disbelief. What was he talking about? She wasn’t even in labour. This was a first baby. Complete as in completely dilated and at a 10? Maybe dad wasn’t familiar with the terms. I put my keys in my pocket. I screamed at my childcare “I gotta go, bye, I’m walking out, you are on duty, bye” and walked right to the car. I was driving away a minute later. The drive had my heart pumping like never before. I knew this could go either way, some first time moms push for one to two hours so I might have time. Some deliver with in a couple pushes. I parked in exactly 20 minutes from when I walked out my door (went back and checked all my text time stamps). I ran up to maternity and heard a baby crying from a delivery room. My heart sank. I knew. He was laying on her chest and it was the first natural birth that ever beat me to it! This was a precipitous labor, which is defined as a labor that lasts no more than three hours from onset of regular contractions to delivery. Maybe you could call hers ultra-precipitous? The room no less, was full of peace, and with in the first minute of being there I began shooting. The looks of disbelief and utter joy were plastered all over their faces. Ben’s parents have graciously allowed me to share their birth in part to glorify God publicly for his miraculous life. The images chosen, many that are not in the video, I selected almost all black and white because in this case, its just so visually stunning when laid together. In case you are wondering, my clients receive all of their images in colour and black & white for every session. To Ben’s parents, the joy and graciousness you carry exudes from a deep place of knowing truth. What a gift your son has in having you both to raise him. Thank you for hiring me. I’m slightly terrified if you hire me again that I might just camp outside your house for a week. To the hospital staff and Dr. Brandt at Netcare Blaauwberg Hospital, my sincerest thank you’s for letting me run in all out of breath and document their day.
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A deposit will hold the animal of your choice. If that animal is not born, your deposit can be transferred to another breeding. Due to differences in animal husbandry practices, we can not guarantee the health once they leave our care. We do guarantee they are free from congenital defects and will replace any animal that has one. DOB 4/2018 Super dairy little doe from some excellent milking lines. Retained her full sister. DOB 1/09/2018 Priss is a super friendly doe who exhibits some very nice dairy character and has genetics behind her to be a great milker. She has been shown and placed in the middle of some extremely large classes. DOB 10/08/2018 Long level doe kid with great spring of rib. Comes from some excellent genetics. DOB 3/18/2017 This is a very dairy buck. Long, great angulation, and lots of width between the hocks. He already has 2 Reserve Champion wins.
Cognitive Applications Research - DigiBytes Research Library "Tech Solutions - one byte at a time!" DigiBytes.com is the digital library of solutions for business and technology professionals. Login For Admins Home Featured Bytes Popular Bytes All Topics Vendor Directory You are here: Home > Featured Bytes cognitive applications Results 1 - 13 of 13 Sort Results By: Published Date | Title | Company Name Accelerate Business Agility with Faster Server Refresh Cycles Published By: Dell EMC & Intel Published Date: Mar 16, 2018 A fundamental people-process-technology transformation enables businesses to remain competitive in today’s innovation economy. Initiatives such as advanced security, fraud detection services, connected consumer Internet of Things (IoT) devices, augmented or virtual reality experience, machine and deep learning, and cognitively enabled applications drive superior business outcomes such as predictive marketing and maintenance. Superior business outcomes require businesses to consider IT a core competency. For IT, an agile, elastic, and scalable IT infrastructure forms the crucial underpinning for a superior service delivery model. The more up to date the infrastructure, the more capable it is of supporting the scale and complexity of a changing application landscape. Current-generation applications must be supplemented and eventually supplanted with next-generation (also known as cloud-native) applications — each with very different infrastructure requirements. Keeping infrastructure up Tags : Accelerate Business Agility with Faster Server Refresh Cycles Published By: Dell and VMWare Published Date: Oct 26, 2017 A fundamental people-process-technology transformation enables businesses to remain competitive in today’s innovation economy. Initiatives such as advanced security, fraud detection services, connected consumer Internet of Things (IoT) devices, augmented or virtual reality experience, machine and deep learning, and cognitively enabled applications drive superior business outcomes such as predictive marketing and maintenance. Tags : Accelerate Business Agility with Faster Server Refresh Cycles Published By: Dell and VMWare Published Date: Oct 26, 2017 A fundamental people-process-technology transformation enables businesses to remain competitive in today’s innovation economy. Initiatives such as advanced security, fraud detection services, connected consumer Internet of Things (IoT) devices, augmented or virtual reality experience, machine and deep learning, and cognitively enabled applications drive superior business outcomes such as predictive marketing and maintenance. Tags : Accelerate Business Agility with Faster Server Refresh Cycles Published By: Dell and VMWare Published Date: Oct 26, 2017 A fundamental people-process-technology transformation enables businesses to remain competitive in today’s innovation economy. Initiatives such as advanced security, fraud detection services, connected consumer Internet of Things (IoT) devices, augmented or virtual reality experience, machine and deep learning, and cognitively enabled applications drive superior business outcomes such as predictive marketing and maintenance. Tags : Accelerate Business Agility with Faster Server Refresh Cycles Published By: Dell and VMWare Published Date: Oct 26, 2017 A fundamental people-process-technology transformation enables businesses to remain competitive in today’s innovation economy. Initiatives such as advanced security, fraud detection services, connected consumer Internet of Things (IoT) devices, augmented or virtual reality experience, machine and deep learning, and cognitively enabled applications drive superior business outcomes such as predictive marketing and maintenance. Tags : Accelerate Business Agility with Faster Server Refresh Cycles (German) Published By: Dell EMC & Intel Published Date: Apr 13, 2018 A fundamental people-process-technology transformation enables businesses to remain competitive in today’s innovation economy. Initiatives such as advanced security, fraud detection services, connected consumer Internet of Things (IoT) devices, augmented or virtual reality experience, machine and deep learning, and cognitively enabled applications drive superior business outcomes such as predictive marketing and maintenance. Superior business outcomes require businesses to consider IT a core competency. For IT, an agile, elastic, and scalable IT infrastructure forms the crucial underpinning for a superior service delivery model. Dell EMC’s Intelligent Automation powered by Intel® Xeon® Platinum processor simplifies the management and maintenance of its PowerEdge server hardware. Designed to drive down the cost and resources associated with server lifecycle management, Intelligent Automation relies on integrated Dell Remote Access Controller(iDRAC) and OpenManage server management soft Tags : Is Your Database Ready for the Cognitive Era? Published By: IBM Published Date: Sep 28, 2017 Welcome to the era of the digital enterprise, where digital is your journey and cognitive is your destination. As business leaders, you are under growing pressure to use information to its fullest potential, delivering new customer experiences as fuel for business growth. The digital economy is changing the way we gather information, gain insights, reinvent our businesses and innovate both quickly and iteratively A hybrid cloud environment, combining traditional IT systems and public cloud, enables you to extend business processes beyond the walls of your organization. For example, many organizations use public cloud as a collaborative development environment to create innovative applications that can then be ported to an on-premises or hybrid production environment. Tags : cognitive era, digital, database, hybrid cloud environment, public cloud Is Your Database Ready for the Cognitive Era? Published By: Group M_IBM Q1'18 Published Date: Dec 19, 2017 As organizations develop next-generation applications for the digital era, many are using cognitive computing ushered in by IBM Watson® technology. Cognitive applications can learn and react to customer preferences, and then use that information to support capabilities such as confidence-weighted outcomes with data transparency, systematic learning and natural language processing. To make the most of these next-generation applications, you need a next-generation database. It must handle a massive volume of data while delivering high performance to support real-time analytics. At the same time, it must provide data availability for demanding applications, scalability for growth and flexibility for responding to changes. Tags : database, applications, data availability, cognitive applications The IBM Advantage for Cognitive Discovery Cloud Published By: IBM Published Date: Jun 25, 2018 Vast resources of data are increasingly available, but the sheer volume can overwhelm human capability. By implementing the cognitive system of IBM Watson Discovery into their infrastructure, businesses can extract deeper and more accurate insights by efficiently identifying, collecting and curating structured and unstructured data. Watson Discovery, also capable of creating content collections and custom cognitive applications, can transform organizational processes to extend proprietary content and expert knowledge faster and at greater scales. Read more to learn how Watson Discovery can keep your organization evolving ahead of the competition. Click here to find out more about how embedding IBM technologies can accelerate your solutions’ time to market. Tags : Accelerate Business Agility with Faster Server Refresh Cycles Published By: DellEMC and Intel® Published Date: Sep 25, 2017 A fundamental people-process-technology transformation enables businesses to remain competitive in today’s innovation economy. Initiatives such as advanced security, fraud detection services, connected consumer Internet of Things (IoT) devices, augmented or virtual reality experience, machine and deep learning, and cognitively enabled applications drive superior business outcomes such as predictive marketing and maintenance. Procesador Intel® Xeon® Intel Inside®. Produtividade poderosa no exterior. Ultrabook, Celeron, Celeron Inside, Core Inside, Intel, Intel logotyp, Intel Atom, Intel Atom Inside, Intel Core, Intel Inside, Intel Inside logotyp, Intel vPro, Itanium, Itanium Inside, Pentium, Pentium Inside, vPro Inside, Xeon, Xeon Phi och Xeon Inside är varumärken som tillhör Intel Corporation eller dess dotterbolag i USA och/eller andra länder Tags : ultrabook, celeron, celeron inside, core inside, intel, el logotipo de intel, intel atom, intel atom inside, intel core, intel inside, el logotipo de intel inside, intel vpro, itanium, itanium inside, pentium, pentium inside, vpro inside, xeon Accelerate Business Agility with Faster Server Refresh Cycles Published By: DellEMC and Intel® Published Date: Oct 18, 2017 A fundamental people-process-technology transformation enables businesses to remain competitive in today’s innovation economy. Initiatives such as advanced security, fraud detection services, connected consumer Internet of Things (IoT) devices, augmented or virtual reality experience, machine and deep learning, and cognitively enabled applications drive superior business outcomes such as predictive marketing and maintenance. Intel Inside®. New Possibilities Outside. Ultrabook, Celeron, Celeron Inside, Core Inside, Intel, Intel Logo, Intel Atom, Intel Atom Inside, Intel Core, Intel Inside, Intel Inside Logo, Intel vPro, Itanium, Itanium Inside, Pentium, Pentium Inside, vPro Inside, Xeon, Xeon Phi, and Xeon Inside are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and/or other countries. Tags : ultrabook, celeron, celeron inside, core inside, intel, intel logo, intel atom, intel atom inside, intel core, intel inside, intel inside logo, intel vpro, itanium, itanium inside, pentium, pentium inside, vpro inside, xeon, xeon phi Is Your Database Ready for the Cognitive Era? Published By: Group M_IBM Q1'18 Published Date: Jan 08, 2018 As organizations develop next-generation applications for the digital era, many are using cognitive computing ushered in by IBM Watson® technology. Cognitive applications can learn and react to customer preferences, and then use that information to support capabilities such as confidence-weighted outcomes with data transparency, systematic learning and natural language processing. Tags : database, applications, data availability, cognitive applications Accelerate Business Agility with Faster Server Refresh Cycles Published By: Dell Server Published Date: Aug 08, 2018 A fundamental people-process-technology transformation enables businesses to remain competitive in today’s innovation economy. Initiatives such as advanced security, fraud detection services, connected consumer Internet of Things (IoT) devices, augmented or virtual reality experience, machine and deep learning, and cognitively enabled applications drive superior business outcomes such as predictive marketing and maintenance. Superior business outcomes require businesses to consider IT a core competency. For IT, an agile, elastic, and scalable IT infrastructure forms the crucial underpinning for a superior service delivery model. Dell EMC’s Intelligent Automation powered by Intel® Xeon® Platinum processor simplifies the management and maintenance of its PowerEdge server hardware. Designed to drive down the cost and resources associated with server lifecycle management, Intelligent Automation relies on integrated Dell Remote Access Controller(iDRAC) and OpenManage server management soft Tags : Search Related Topics Data Center 1528 Documents Data Management 2633 Documents Enterprise Applications 3141 Documents Human Resource Technology 323 Documents Human Resources 833 Documents IT Career Advancement 96 Documents IT Management 3233 Documents Knowledge Management 1513 Documents Networking 1566 Documents Platforms 249 Documents Security 2670 Documents Small Business 111 Documents Software Development 690 Documents Storage 817 Documents Wireless 756 Documents Special Report Open Source as a Strategic Business Enabler Webinar With Black Duck Software, Highlighting SAP Case In this webinar Black Duck Software (www.blackducksoftware.com), together with representatives of SAP, will review the benefits open source offers to development organizations, the management challenges it presents, and approaches for addressing those challenges. 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pope Shenauda | Fr. Orthohippo Fr. Orthohippo A view from the side pew Skip to content Home Fr. Orthohippo intro page Category Archives: pope Shenauda A Desert, a Sanctuary, and a Manuscript Library Posted on February 15, 2014 by Fr. Orthohippo This article details the marvelous collection of manuscripts and fragments kept here. I was fortunate to visit here in 1975, and it is one of my favorite memories. Fr. Orthohippo MSJ MDAS Egypt’s Mysterious Monastery Hides Ancient Secrets By … Continue reading → Posted in church, Coptic Christian, history, orthodox, pope Shenauda, theology, Uncategorized | Tagged christianity, church, history, monestary, orthodox, Uncategorized, western desert | Leave a comment SOME WAYS OF SELECTING THE LEADER OF THE CHURCH Posted on March 19, 2012 by Fr. Orthohippo Roman Catholic cardinals of specified age gather in consistory to elect a new pope. Many Protestant and Anglican groups gather both clergy and laymen who vote upon names nominated until they have a majority vote. The Church of England adds … Continue reading → Posted in anabaptist, Anglican, authority, baptist, catholic, christian, Coptic Christian, episcopal, episcopal-anglican, evangelical, history, Lutheran, methodist, orthodox, pope Shenauda, Protestantism, reformed, Uncategorized | Tagged Anglican, authority, Baptist, catholic, christian, coptic, dHURCHE'S LEADER SELECTION PROCEDURES, episcopal, history, Lutheran, orthodox, Uncategorized | Leave a comment A MAJOR CHRISTIAN LOSS Posted on March 17, 2012 by Fr. Orthohippo It is with sadness today I heard of the death of Pope Shenouda III, head of the Coptic Church. His 40 year reign during very difficult challenges for Egyptian Christians is an example of a long journey tiptoeing through a … Continue reading → Posted in christian, Coptic Christian, History & eyeball remembrances, orthodox, pope Shenauda, Uncategorized | Tagged christian, coptic, history and eyeball remembrances, orthodox, Personal, Uncategorized | Leave a comment POPE SHENOUDA, COPTIC CHRISTIANS, PROPHESY, PERSECUTION, AND THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD Posted on November 15, 2011 by Fr. Orthohippo One of my great pleasures was visiting Egypt in 1977. While there, I was able to visit several monestaries in the Western Desert. The work and vision at Wadi Natrun, with Fr. Mattah el Misken was special. He shared a … Continue reading → Posted in Coptic Christian, persecution, pope Shenauda, prophesy, Uncategorized | Tagged coptic, Eastern Orthodox, Egyptian, muslim brotherhood, persecution, Pope Sjemauda, PROPHESY, Wadi Natrun | Leave a comment Search for: Recent Posts Possibly the most dangerous flashpoint today Frigid Weather in Port Huron, Michigan and Super Pollution in Bangkok, Thailand Each Close Schools Russian claims of political territorial Oversight of Ukrainian state drastically challenged. Millennials Using Nude Photos as Collateral on Loan Payments No Comment About Brazilian Anglicans Follow Fr. 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Volunteers Needed for Assembly for Children | Church of God of Prophecy +1.423.559.5100 [email protected] Facebook Instagram Vimeo Youtube Twitter RSS Facebook Instagram Vimeo Youtube Twitter RSS About Us Doctrine Frequently Asked Questions Membership Our Structure Contact Us Español International Offices Finance & Administration Administrative Services Financial Services Heritage Ministries White Wing Publishing House World Language Global Missions Harvest Partners Helping Hands One Child Fund Countries of Ministry Leadership Development and Discipleship Accredited Ministry Development Center for Biblical Leadership Children’s Ministries Communications White Wing Messenger Youth Ministries Leadership General Overseer Africa Asia, Australia & Oceania Caribbean Central America Europe / CIS / ME North America South America News Resources Brochures Business Docs Church Locator Job Postings Logos Pastor Appreciation Prayer Requests Treasurer Report Assembly Donate Select Page Volunteers Needed for Assembly for Children Mar 18, 2016 | Press Release Volunteers are needed to help with the Assembly for Children at the 99th International Assembly in July. Below are the dates, times, and volunteers needed for each session. If you will be attending the Assembly and are interested in helping with the Assembly for Children, register online by clicking here. A background check and pastoral referral must be completed and can be found on the website. Wednesday, July 13 – Saturday, July 16: 9:00 am – 6:30 pm Assistants in the Children’s Ministry Sales and Resource Area Thursday, July 13 – Saturday, July 16: 9:00 am – 12 noon Monitors for Preschool and Elementary Ministries Thursday, July 13 – Saturday, July 16: 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm Altar Ministers and Monitors for our evening worship celebration Saturday, July 16: 10:00 pm “Hands-on” laborers needed for take down of Assembly for Children props and décor. Search for: Archives March 2019 January 2019 November 2018 October 2018 September 2018 August 2018 July 2018 June 2018 May 2018 April 2018 March 2018 January 2018 December 2017 November 2017 October 2017 September 2017 August 2017 July 2017 June 2017 May 2017 January 2017 December 2016 November 2016 October 2016 September 2016 August 2016 July 2016 May 2016 April 2016 March 2016 January 1970 Categories Archived Core Values Press Release Meta Log in Entries RSS Comments RSS WordPress.org Church of God of Prophecy 3720 Keith St NW Cleveland TN 37312 All Rights Reserved - Copyright @2018 Privacy Policy Terms of Use About Us Our Structure Social Media Resources Assembly Treasurer’s Report Facebook Instagram Vimeo Youtube Twitter RSS
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10 Ways to Become a Better Editor – DIY Homeschooler Skip to content Close Search for: Search Close Menu DIY Homeschooler Tools for the Homeschool Handy-Mom Worship Bible Study Tools Bible Read Literature Living Books Picture Books Poetry Reading Help Reading Lists Write 16 Prewriting Activities 8 Writing Activities for the Younger Student 14 Forms of Writing for the Older Student: Complete Series Grammar Workshop Language Arts Language Arts the Natural Way Writing Helps Think 10 Ways to Use Notebooking {Complete Series} Bloom’s & Critical Thinking {Complete Series} Life Skills Memorization Math Notebooking Research Thinking Skills Learn Art Free Book Studies Geography Grab a Unit History Holiday Helps {Free Holiday Unit Studies} Music Science Things to Do: Learning Ideas for Each Month Tutor Get Started Step-By-Step Guide to Homeschooling Recommended Reading Beechick Basics Helps for New Homeschoolers Series How-To Guide How-To Helps Learning Lifestyle Learning Styles Personalized Education Still on the Fence? Summer School for Mom Series Lifestyle Search RSS Menu Menu Back to Top How-To 10 Ways to Become a Better Editor By DIYHsr 20 Jan 2016 17 Jul 2018 So you have your children writing every day. Great! Now, of course, you need to become their editor. Here is where some find a challenge in the natural approach to language arts. What if I don’t feel competent to edit my child’s writing? We’ll address the underlying problem with that argument further down, but for now — here are 10 ways to become a better editor of your child’s writing. 1. Read A Strong Start in Language. This Ruth Beechick title for beginning grades is recommended widely — from The Well-Trained Mind to Sonlight. Typically packaged as part of The Three Rs, A Strong Start in Language helps you become the editor from the beginning — from the time your child traces his first letters, to copywork, and through dictation. Read our full review (scroll down). 2. Read You Can Teach Your Child Successfully. Over 100 pages are devoted to writing in this followup to the Three Rs by Ruth Beechick mentioned above. The book speaks to you as your child’s tutor and therefore includes writing activities, writing lessons to get you started and that you can pattern your own lessons after, and suggestions for usage, grammar, mechanics, and spelling. Best of all it tells you what you can expect from your child at various levels on the writing scale. Very valuable reference to finding your way as you teach writing naturally to your children and we cannot recommend it highly enough. You can read our full review (scroll down). 3. Use Learning Grammar Through Writing. This handy reference published by Educators Publishing Service is now out of print. But it is worth finding. When you find a mistake in your child’s writing, you can find the coordinating pithy rule with an example to have your child copy into a grammar notebook. A checklist at the back helps you keep track of the skills you have covered. 4. Read good books. The best way to improve your editing is to read good writing. While you work through the suggestions above, you can be building your foundation in good writing at the same time. 5. Make use of a dictionary. Before the days of Kindle we had electronic dictionaries handy that included a grammar reference. Although somewhat pricey, the better models not only include the definitions, but also the etymology of the word. Most also come with a built-in thesaurus and other tools. If nothing else, a good dictionary can shed some light on how words are properly used in sentences. 6. Learn to diagram. Not popular with some, but a valuable skill for understanding how words work in sentences. There are easy online courses that can help you quickly learn the basics. For simple and easy practice we like The Complete Book of Diagrams by Mary Daily published by The Riggs Institute Press, which also is a great help for Mom. 7. Use Learn to Write the Novel Way. While your child writes his novel as he works through this book, you have a guide that helps you edit your child’s writing. Learn by doing. Read our full review. 8. Read The Elements of Style. This widely recommended classic by Strunk and White holds the title for the most concise and simple usage, composition, and spelling reference. There is even an early version in the public domain. 9. Read How to Write Clearly by Ruth Beechick. Subtitled, The Meaning Approach, this is another handy writing reference that covers finding a topic, getting organized, outlining, using abstract and concrete terms, sentences, comma usage, active and passive voice, choosing words, usage, and more! Read our full review. 10. Learn Latin. It’s never too late. Having a working knowledge of how Latin works is probably one of the best ways to understand how the English language works. You will also want a grammar reference. Our favorite grammar reference is the Handbook of Grammar and Composition published by A Beka. We purchased it on a recommendation in The Well-Trained Mind and haven’t looked back. Now, back to the initial question: what if you don’t feel competent to edit your child’s writing? You do know how to write, yes? In this day of streaming output you may even write for a blog or other publication. Using the ideas above, you should be able to stay ahead of your child’s work. Of course, at some point, if you feel you are losing ground there are many qualified and reputable online writing tutors available. Additional Resources Handbook of Grammar & Composition from A Beka This is our favorite reference for the older student who is writing well. Will carry a student through the upper grades and beyond. 16 Tips: Building a Better Writer What to have your child do. “Natural” Language Arts Scope and Sequence {Free} More structure for those who need it. 10 Ways to Use Notebooking: #4 Writing Where to put the writing. 10 Ways to Use Notebooking: #5 Grammar & Spelling You’ll also want to have your child keep one of these. Grammar Workshop Grammar helps for Mom. Writing Helps More help for Mom. Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window) Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window) Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window) Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window) Related Tags: Beechick Basics Language Arts Writing Helps Don't Miss a Thing! Subscribe via email and never miss a resource. 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Taste of Macau: The ultimate guide of becoming a (chubby) Pig in Macau – its Pinkwanderlust Skip to content its Pinkwanderlust Count the memories. Menu About me Graphic Design portfolio Unlucky Luck travel book (prototype) Categories Austria California England France Germany Los Angeles Macau New York City Peru Thailand USA West Coast Instagram Notre Dame Cathedral is one of the first cathedral i've been to in my life. I remember i was so amazed by the grandeur of its architecture. The second i walked in, it felt peaceful and calming. It was just a magical experience that i'll always remember. I believe its beauty and charm will remain forever. ❤️ Merry Christmas! ❄️🎄🎅🏽 Always by your side 💞 Winter wonderland ❄️ The holiday seasons are upon us 🎅🏽🎉🎄 There's something peaceful about looking at a city from above. Watching lives go by is truly inspiring. I see you Chrsyler Fitting in is boring, be fiercely you. Lil flowery escape to the rose garden 🌹 FB Fanpage FB Fanpage Follow its Pinkwanderlust on WordPress.com Taste of Macau: The ultimate guide of becoming a (chubby) Pig in Macau Posted on April 20, 2015 October 1, 2015 by itspinkwanderlust Did you know? Macau cuisine is the original fusion food. Macanese food is mixture between Chinese and Portuguese! (This happened through the times when Macau was administered by Portugal from mid 16th century to almost the 21st century, 1999 to be exact!) With its rich historical culture, it is no wonder why their food has such a vibrant variety, from Chinese, Cantonese, Portuguese to Macanese. Today I’m gonna take you for a ride of the marvelous food I’ve tried in Macau, from street food to Michelin star restaurants. ✯✯✯✯✯ ☞ Antonio’s (Michelin recommended, Louis Vuitton city guide, Tatler best restaurants and so much more) Location: Taipa Village Website: http://antoniomacau.com/ Definitely my favorite restaurant in Macau. If you want to experience the authentic Portuguese Macanese dishes, with live one man band (sings with guitar) and cozy ambience. This is it. For extra boost to add on to your one-in-a-lifetime experience, try order Crepe suzette! 3-michelin-stars Chef Antonio himself will invite you to join him cooking at your table and be prepared for a fiery ride! One of many Signature dish – Seafood rice! African chicken – the sauce tastes similar to curry It’s getting hot in here -Flaming Chouriço! Cooking crepe suzette! Be careful with the alcohols! Tadaaa! Proudly present Crepe suzette by Chef Antonio and Me! ☞ Restaurante Litoral Location: Macau Peninsula Website: http://www.restaurantelitoral.com/ Another popular local traditional Portuguese Macanese restaurant with more mature settings and environment. The famous african chicken – this one’s a lil spicy! But superb! Hi Crabby!!!! Portuguese Vegetable soup – soft taste of potato 🙂 Steamed clams! Make sure you dip the bread in the sauce! Yum! Bolinhos de bacalhau – salt cod fishcakes, like fish in mash potato and fried Sauteed shrimp with garlic butter Not a complete Portuguese meal without the Chouriço Pick 1…hmm… Ended with my favorite traditional dessert in Macau! Serradura! ☞ Restaurante Espaco Lisboa Location: Coloane A cute romantic Portuguese-Macanese restaurant nearby the famous original Lord Stow’s egg tart bakery! Portugal is also famous for their glazed tiles. So lovely! Salad for starter! Sauteed shrimp with garlic butter! African Chicken!!! Love!! Soaky wet Portuguese seafood rice! A must! Fried fishiess Pork ribs!! Love the salty taste! The french fries sure stole the spotlight from the pork steak! This cherry whisky is STRONG!! be careful! Pineapple, Mango, Peach juices! Loving these rejuvenating refreshments! Just can’t get enough! Lovely meal indeed! Bon appétit! ☞ Lord Stow’s Bakery (original branch) Location: Coloane Website: http://www.lordstow.com/ One of the things that pops up in people’s mind when speaking of Macau, is the Egg tart! And when speaking of egg tart in Macau, everyone will tell you to go to Lord Stow’s bakery! A lil fun fact: there’s another similar bakery near Senado Square called Margaret’s e nata café, the owner? Lord Stow’s ex-wife! No wonder why it tastes so familiar huh ;p The famous Egg tart!! It’s shooo gooood u guyz!! ☞ Dynasty 8 Location: Conrad Macau, Cotai Central Website: http://www.sandscotaicentral.com/macau-restaurants/chinese-food/dynasty-8.html A regular Chinese restaurant, but what impressed me the most is the fact that they have a short tiny table where ladies can put their bag on while eating! Talk about hospitality! A major problem for all ladies who carry handbags, basically everyone! We always need to get extra chair, or hang it on the chair, or let the bag share half of our chair! So Bravo! And obviously the food is Goo-Oood tooo! HEre i picked out my favorite dishes! Crispy pork! Not oily at all! Crispy Spring rolls stick filled with shrimp and mangos! Chicken and mushroom filled puff Steamed crystal dumplings with assorted mushrooms Creepily took photo of the tiny chair for ladies’ bag from the next table ;p ☞ Jade Dragon Restaurant (Michelin starred restaurant) Location: City of Dream, Cotai strip Website: http://www.cityofdreamsmacau.com/dining/chinese/jade-dragon Probably the most exclusive and expensive restaurant with millions of dollars on investment, from the interior designs, décor, utensils and obviously the exquisite ingredients for the dishes that are created by Chef Tam Kwok Fung. Be prepared for a fabulous Chinese fine dining. Prepared for a memorable meal! Tiny portion, long name, here we go! Crispy yam and vegetable roll serve with sweet and sour sauce, marinated black fungus with garlic and cucumber in aged italian balsamic vinegar, deep fried bean curd with spicy salt, jade dragon dumpling! As hot as its name – Hot and Sour soup with shredded pleurotus mushroom Don’t let the simplicty appearance fool you. It’s Lychee wood roasted crispy chicken with black truffle! Umm yummz! Best BBQ pork i’ve ever had! So soft with nice honey scent – Jade dragon Prime cut Barbecue Iberico Pork Pluma ♡ Ain’t a normal fried rice – Jade dragon Signature fried rice wit prawn, sakura shrimp, conpoy and roasted goose Tossed noodles with Prime Cut iberico Barbeque Pork, shrimp roe and spring onion ♡♡♡BEST CREME BRULEE in the WORLD!!! – Chinese Almond Crème brûlée with Bird’s nest and Honey! The taste, the smell, the touch, the looks! ♡♡♡ Mini ice cream – petit fours, but what should be discussed hear is the pot that it came in! The dry ice keeps it cool with white smoke coming out. Truly a piece of culinary art ♡ Here you can see even clearer the smoke coming out of the dragon’s mouth! ROAR! ♨ ☆ Most Magical Memorable Meal ☆ With the Chef Tam Kwok Fung in his Kitchen! Thank you so much for such a great dining experience! ☺ ☞ Lua Azul Location: Macau Tower Website: https://www.macautower.com.mo/dining/lua-azul Looking for Dimsum? Looking for fine dining setting? Looking for traditional Guangdong culinary? Look no further! Look for Lua Azul! Enjoy the numerous dimsum menu they offered, but better yet, the taste will make you smile like a crazy person! Or is that just me? Welcome! Shredded jellyfish and chicken salad Not a complete dimsum meal without Ha-Gao! Highly recommended – Spring rolls with smoked salmon and shrimp in mustard sauce. YUMSSSSS ! Somewhat like vegetarian shumai Can’t get enough of these Mango Pomelo Sago ♡ TADAAA!!! Dimsum heaven! ☞ Leitaria I Son Location: Near Senado square Need something cool? Or something hot? Not too much, not too little. Just to warm up or cool down. Here I highly recommend you steamed milk pudding with red beans! (Well im a big red beans lover) Everytime I go, the café is always packed! And I know exactly why! Go try yourself! When you see this sign, you know you’re there! The famous steamed milk pudding! Comes in both hot and cold! Your call! Also egg Pudding! ☞ Patisserie at MGM (aka Pastry bar) Location: MGM hotel , Macau peninsula Website: http://www.mgmmacau.com/pastry-bar “The only things more colorful than the décor are the fragrant whiffs of savory goodies.” Their quote didn’t do them justice. Not just the smell, but the taste! The looks! It’s a brillian work of art. You’ll feel very girly at this Pastry Bar being undecisive of which one to eat. A Truly Desserts heaven! Can you feel dat? Dat magic power luring you in! oopsy daisy! Raspberry lover! Oh caramel christmas treeee ~ Hot cocoa unlike any other place!!! Look at it! Pulled pork sandwich worth the try! ☞ Prive French restaurant Location: Sofitel Macau Ponte 16 Website: http://www.sofitelmacau.com/en/prive.html An Exceptional French fine dining experience, this small upscale boutique French restaurant has only 24 seats available with a gorgeous view of Macau. Each dish is well paired up with French wine. And don’t underestimate the small portion, I almost didn’t have enough belly space for desserts.! (Untrue, all girls always have extra space for desserts) Don’t be fooled by the looks! Yummiest soup ever! Caesar salad with William Fevre petit chablis – Burgundy, France Smoked seabass with Chartron la fleur blanc Bordeaux, France Pan fried french scallop with Domaine Paul Jaboulet Aine Parallel 45 – Cotes du rhon France Strawberries a la prive with Charles de fere Blanc de Blanc – Burgundy France French wine family photo Mini desserts :))) Cooking demonstration for each dish ☞ Robuchon Au Dome (3 michelin stars) Location: Grand Lisboa hotel, Macau peninsula Website: http://www.grandlisboahotel.com/dining-Robuchon_au_Dome-en Exquisite experience! Feeling pampered at this gorgeous 3 michelin stars restaurant, situated at the dome of Grand Lisboa hotel that overlooks the Macau peninsula. Too bad the day I went was a little foggy though L When you enter this restaurant, you will feel like a royalty, from the excellent service, marvelous food; a truly mixture of art and culinary, spectacular interior design; the chandelier, the plates, the décor, the grand piano… urgh everything is a dream! Crab meat served with white asparagus, panna cotta refreshed with tomatoes symphonies Méli-mélo of smoked foei gras shavings and marinated potato with virgin olive oil Shellfish bisque spiced with piment d’Espelette and shredded cod fish Stewed maine lobster claw with sorrel and spring vegetable pearls on spelt risotto 🙂 Grilled sea bass fillet escorted with green peas puree and saffron juice with ginger fragrance Yes! Desserts come in carts! So hard to choooose! What i ended up with :p A iil of this and a lil of that makes my belly very cheery Wrap up with some lemon tea Other yum yum in the tum tums. Below are some photos from cafes/restaurants worth mentioning! Breakfast at Sofitel Macau Ponte 16 Seafood at Nga Tim Coloane Keep smiling with this cute store at senado square Love the mango froyo with mango bubbles! Nothing beats chocolate like Godiva chocolate icecream! – Harborview hotel Shabu at Xin restaurant – Sheraton Macau Cantonese dinner at Venetian Lychee drink in boiled papaya dessert from Cantonese restaurant – Venetian Mango salmon roll is a must at Ginza restaurant – Sands cotai central Have some salad at Hard rock cafe Fried wonton is highly recommended at Wong Chi kei, Senado square Chinese dinner at Portas do sol, Hotel lisboa Easy and delicious meal at Chan Kuong Kei casa de Pasto Dim sum at Longwa tea house Best known macau street food – curry fish balls at senado square Other restaurants i’ve been to but didn’t get a chance to take photos, sorry! But undeniably worth mentioning are A lorcha, Fernando’s, and Miramar. Well hope you piglets have fun eating and enjoying all the food in Macau. Let me know what you think! Or recommend any that you think I should try! But for now…. Oink Oink! 22.198745 113.543873 Advertisements St. Anthony's Parish, มาเก๊า Share this: Twitter Facebook Like this: Like Loading... Tags: Food, Macau, TravelCategories: Macau One thought on “Taste of Macau: The ultimate guide of becoming a (chubby) Pig in Macau” Shirley Tu Myriad says: April 21, 2015 at 3:36 AM OMG You just made me sooo hungry…. LikeLike Reply Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here... Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Email (required) (Address never made public) Name (required) Website You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. ( Log Out / Change ) You are commenting using your Google account. ( Log Out / Change ) You are commenting using your Twitter account. ( Log Out / Change ) You are commenting using your Facebook account. ( Log Out / Change ) Cancel Connecting to %s Notify me of new comments via email. 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Cyrsti's Condo: The Right or Wrong Person for the Job? Cyrsti's Condo Your Transgender Girl in the Neighborhood-JJ'S HOUSE! Tuesday, August 25, 2015 The Right or Wrong Person for the Job? I really don't know how many times I have sworn myself off the "allure" or lack of it from Caitlin Jenner. Kristin Beck Of course I know the non negotiables. Without a doubt she is the biggest public relation's splash ever in the transgender community. Now we have a former Olympic hero along with Navy Seal Kristin Beck as recent "coming out" stories. In fact, Kristin is running for US Congress. I am sure Jenner's life will ever allow her to ever experience the everyday lives we live as transgender women. Can you imagine the paparazzi crowding into a women's restroom with her? After watching her last show rater intently (and knowing it's a glossy over produced Kartrashian show) I couldn't see the emotion in Jenner. Again, I don't know all the facts about her, except she went out and bought the best plastic surgery money could buy. Again, maybe that's why I can't see any emotion in her face-she can't move it!!!! Plus, I have no idea how long she has been back on HRT. It took me three years on hormones to begin to see the world in a different way. When I watch Jenner, I wonder if she has passed over (no pun intended) to the feminine side much at all. She tries to overtalk most people and doesn't want to listen for the real problems-typical male. Then again, maybe I am just watching the true quandary of a Mtf gender transition play out with Jenner. I don't question the pure persistence and strength it takes to jump the gender fence. It will be interesting to see in the years to come what happens with Jenner. Will a "softer-gentler" Caitlin truly begin to enjoy a life in the girls sandbox? Or, will the ego trip of doing it still be more important? at August 25, 2015 Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: Caitlin Jenner, HRT, Kristin Beck, MtF gender transition, transgender, transgender women No comments: Post a Comment Newer Post Older Post Home Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) Featured Post Bucket List Friday Well, it's the most anticipated shopping day of the year...Black Friday. "Back in the day" when I had a cross dressing femin... Female vs Woman In all the posts recently when we have "skirted" the issue on compliments from all people including cross dressers, transgender wo... What's Wrong with These People? Last night of course was New Years Eve and Liz and I had a wonderful time. We went to two different places rode the new Cincinnati streetc... Fashion Plate? Way back in the day, even before I started HRT, I had a couple of serious relationships to consider. As I thought them through though, I had... 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(US Only) Products Fertility Supplements FertilAid for Women FertilAid for Men FertilAid Value Pack FertileCM OvaBoost for Egg Quality Myo-Folate Myo-Inositol CountBoost MotilityBoost FH Pro for Women FH Pro for Men FHPro Combo Pack FHPro Omega 3 FertiliTea Loose Leaf Tea FertiliTea Tea Bags Fertile Detox Virilitea Male Fertility Tea Evening Primrose Oil Organic Maca Royal Jelly for Fertility CoQ10 for Fertility IsoFresh Balancing Gel Ovulation Prediction OvaCue Fertility Monitor TempCue Basal Temperature Kit Fertile Focus Digital Basal Thermometer BFP Ovulation Test Strips BFP Ovulation Midstream Test Test Strip Little Bundle BFP Midstream Test Little Bundle BFP Test Strip Big Bundle Sample Collection Cup IsoFresh Balancing Gel Fertility Lubricant & More Baby Dance Fertility Lubricant Fertility Yoga DVD Acupressure for Fertility DVD Ovulation and Pregnancy Wheel IsoFresh Balancing Gel Pregnancy and Ovulation Tests BFP Early Pregnancy Test Strips BFP Ovulation Test Strips BFP Midstream Early Pregnancy Tests BFP Ovulation Midstream Test BFP Test Strip Little Bundle BFP Test Strip Big Bundle BFP Midstream Test Little Bundle Sample Collection Cup IsoFresh Balancing Gel Male Fertility Products FertilAid for Men CountBoost MotilityBoost FH Pro for Men FH PRO Combo Pack FH Pro Omega 3 FertileDetox ViriliTea Male Fertility Tea Organic Maca Royal Jelly for Fertility CoQ10 for Fertility SpermCheck Fertility Test Male Fertility Starter Pack Women’s Health Baby Dance Fertility Lubricant BabyIt Perineal Massage and Recovery Gel IsoFresh Balancing Gel IsoFresh Probiotic Balance Bacteria Bundle BalanceBlend Combo Value Packs FertilAid Value Pack FH Pro Combo Pack FH Pro Complete Kit Little Bundle Starter TTC Boost Bundle Male Fertility Starter Pack Ovarian Health Bundle Hormone Balance Bundle Little Bundle Complete Endocrine Disrupter Restore Bundle Male Fertility Complete Kit Little Bundle for Couples Get Us Pregnant Now Bundle BFP Test Strip Little Bundle BFP Test Strip Big Bundle BFP Midstream Test Little Bundle PeaPod Complete Value Pack PeaPod Prenatal & CalMag Bundle PeaPod Prenatal & Omega3 Bundle Milkies “Save & Store” Bundle Milk Storage Bundle – Freeze & Bags Breastfeeding Essentials Bundle Balance Bacteria Bundle Pregnancy Products BabyIt Massage Gel PeaPod Prenatal Peapod Cal-Mag PeaPod Omega-3 PeaPod Complete Value Pack PeaPod Prenatal & CalMag Bundle PeaPod Prenatal & Omega3 Bundle PeaPod PregEase for Morning Sickness PeaPod Tea for Two Pregnancy Tea PeaPod DreamBelly Butter AngelSounds Fetal Doppler Healthy Mom, Happy Baby Prenatal Yoga DVD Belly Rest Pregnancy Pillow Ovulation and Pregnancy Wheel IsoFresh Balancing Gel Breastfeeding Products BabyIt Massage Gel Milkies Nursing Blend Milkies Nursing Postnatal Milkies Fenugreek Milkies Nursing Time Tea Milkies Nipple Nurture Balm Milkies Milk-Saver Milkies Milk-Saver On-The-Go Milkies Milk Trays Milkies Breast Milk Bags Milkies Freeze Milkies Softies Contoured Nursing Pads Milkies Breast Pad Ever Milkies Bamboo Soft Cloths Milkies “Save Every Last Drop” Bundle – Milk-Saver & Tray Milkies “Save & Store” Bundle Milkies Milk Storage Bundle – Freeze & Bags Milkies Breastfeeding Essentials Bundle IsoFresh Balancing Gel Product Reviews Brochures Articles Fairhaven Library Fertility Pregnancy Breastfeeding Women’s Health Tally’s Pregnancy Blog FAQ Newsroom The Boob Tube “We’re Pregnant!” Gallery Partners Retailers & Distributors Become a Retailer or Distributor Natural Product Retailers Place a Wholesale Order Become an Affiliate Join our Blogger Network Practitioners Carry or Refer Products Brochures Our Medical Health Advisors Help Policies FAQ Store Locator About Us Ovulation Calculator and Calendar Fertility Supplements Guide Pregnancy & Nursing Supplements Guide Brochures Chat Login Cart / $0.00 0 No products in the cart. 0 Cart No products in the cart. National Infertility Awareness Week | Take 25% Off Today & Tomorrow Only! No promo code required, discount automatically applied at checkout. Home » Products » FH PRO Omega 3 Home / Shop Fertility / Fertility Supplements FH PRO Omega 3 Rated 3.75 out of 5 based on 4 customer ratings (4 customer reviews) $17.95 as low as $16.16 FH PRO Omega 3 contains the fats you need to support optimal reproductive health and fertility. Includes pharmaceutical grade EPA and DHA for maximum purity and quality. In stock Quantity Add to cart FREE Shipping! Bulk Savings Quantity Price 2 $17.05 3 $16.16 Description Highlights Ingredients FAQ Videos Reviews (4) EPA and DHA, Fats from Fish Oil, are Essential for Optimal Male and Female Fertility Do you have a fear of dietary fat? If your answer is yes, it wouldn’t be surprising, given that for several decades now we have been told that eating foods that contain fat is bad for our waistlines and our hearts. This fear of dietary fat has given rise to a huge demand for low fat foods, and the aisles of the grocery store are now stocked with reduced-fat and fat-free options of just about every food imaginable. But, unfortunately, our obsession with avoiding all types of dietary fat comes at a cost for fertility. While it is certainly true that too much of the wrong types of fat, namely saturated fats and trans fats, are not good for our overall health, there are certain types of fat that are, in fact, essential to good health and optimal fertility. FH Pro Omega 3 contains the fats you need to support optimal reproductive health and fertility. Why are Omega-3 Fats Beneficial for Fertility Omega 3 fats are necessary for optimal reproductive health and fertility, and it is likely that you are not getting enough. Omega-3 fats are considered to be “essential” to the human diet because the body depends on these fats for a variety of functions, but cannot synthesize them – hence the need to consume foods and supplements containing Omega-3 fats. The best food sources of Omega-3 fats are flaxseed oil and fish oil, but, again, if you are like most Americans, a 2014 study indicates that you are not meeting recommended levels for Omega-3 fat intake. (Papanikolaou Y, et al. U.S. adults are not meeting recommended levels for fish and omega-3 fatty acid intake: results of an analysis using observational data from NHANES 2003-2008. Nutritional Journal 2014:13:31.) Fish oil deserves special attention here because certain types of fish are rich in EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), two fats that are especially important for fertility. In women, EPA and DHA are believed to help regulate hormones, reduce inflammation, promote cervical mucus production, and reduce blood clotting , all of which is beneficial for fertility. EPA and DHA are also believed to be important for helping to prevent miscarriages and preterm labor and for brain and eye development in the fetus. In men, low intake of Omega-3 fats has been associated with poor sperm production and quality. How To Increase Your Intake of Omega-3 Fats One way to increase your intake of EPA and DHA is to eat more fish. However, some organizations, including the National Resources Defense Council, caution against eating farm-raised fish of all types (due to possible contamination with PCBs), and certain types of wild-caught fish, due to the presence of mercury – a toxic heavy metal. A high-quality fish oil supplement is a clean and convenient way to get the EPA and DHA you need. FH-Pro Omega 3 for Men and Women contains oil only from small fish, including herring, mackerel, sardines and anchovies, caught in the cold water of Iceland using sustainable fishing practices. The EPA and DHA-rich oil is then processed in a GMP (good manufacturing practices)-compliant facility to remove heavy metals and pesticides, resulting in premium quality fish oil that is pharmaceutical grade and meets or exceeds all official regulations related to environmental contaminants. Each bottle contains 90 capsules, a 1-month supply. Highlights Key Benefits Contains Premium Icelandic Fish Oil from small fish, such as herring, mackerel, sardines and anchovies FH PRO Provides a daily dose 675 mg of DHA and 225 mg of EPA, the two most beneficial Omega-3 fats for fertility Natural citrus flavor masks any fishy taste and after taste Comes in small, easy to swallow softgels Includes pharmaceutical grade EPA and DHA for maximum purity and quality – heavy metals and pesticides are removed in processing Promotes female fertility by helping to regulate hormones, improve production of cervical fluid, and reduce blood clotting Promotes male fertility by supporting production of high quality sperm Natural – contains no artificial dyes, flavors, or preservatives Ingredients FAQ Here’s our list of most frequently asked questions. If your question is not listed or you need further clarification, please contact us directly. Do I need a prescription from my doctor for FH PRO? No, you do not need a prescription for use. While, FH PRO is a clinical grade dietary supplement, designed to be recommended by fertility specialists as part of a specific fertility protocol, any trying to conceive couple can use the supplement to optimize their reproductive health. What is the daily dosage? We recommend that you take 3 softgels per day, which provides 675 mg of DHA and 225 mg of EPA. Is the gelatin of the capsules vegetarian? No it is not, the gelatin used in the softgel is sourced from beef. As such, neither the fish oil inside nor the capsule is vegetarian. I’m not familiar with the term ART. What does it mean? Assisted reproductive technology (ART) is the technology used to achieve pregnancy in procedures such as fertility medication, artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization and surrogacy. It is reproductive technology used primarily for infertility treatments, and is also known as fertility treatments. Can I use other Fairhaven Health supplements with FH PRO? Please review our Fertility Supplement Guide for feedback on which supplements can be used alongside FH Pro. Videos Customer Reviews: Share your thoughts! 3.75 out of 5 stars 4 reviews 5 2 4 0 3 1 2 1 1 0 Let us know what you think... Leave a Review Leave a Review How would you rate this product? * Perfect Good Average Mediocre Poor Title (optional) Review * Attach a photo or video Photo Video Enter a URL (optional) Choose a file Name * Email * Save Review (clear) Show everythingShow all reviewsShow helpful positive reviewsShow helpful negative reviewsShow unanswered questions Go 2 reviews with a 5-star rating Rated 5 out of 5 Love this brand! Julie – November 15, 2018 I have been trying to concieve for years and have tried different omega-3’s. This one is small and doesn’t leave a bad after taste. I wouldn’t use any other brand, I love it! (0) (0) Watch Unwatch Something wrong with this post? Thanks for letting us know. If you can point us in the right direction... This post was... Flag for removal Rated 5 out of 5 good omega source Jan G. – May 24, 2017 one of the better i’ve found, they are pretty small and don’t have a bad aftertaste like most others. (0) (0) Watch Unwatch Something wrong with this post? Thanks for letting us know. If you can point us in the right direction... This post was... Flag for removal × Login Username or email address * Password * Log in Remember me Lost your password? Register Email address * Password * Subscribe to our newsletter Register Continue as a Guest Email address * Already have an account? Log In Don't have an account? Sign Up Continue as a Guest You may also like… PeaPod Prenatal & Cal-Mag Bundle $40.95 as low as $36.86 Add to cart Sale! Baby Dance Fertility Lubricant Rated 4.69 out of 5 $21.95 $19.95 as low as $17.96 Add to cart BabyIt Perineal Massage and Postpartum Recovery Gel Rated 5.00 out of 5 $19.95 as low as $17.96 Add to cart Sale! 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Privacy Policy Products Fertility Supplements FertilAid for Women FertilAid for Men FertilAid Value Pack FertileCM OvaBoost for Egg Quality Myo-Folate Myo-Inositol CountBoost MotilityBoost FH Pro for Women FH Pro for Men FHPro Combo Pack FHPro Omega 3 FertiliTea Loose Leaf Tea FertiliTea Tea Bags Fertile Detox Virilitea Male Fertility Tea Evening Primrose Oil Organic Maca Royal Jelly for Fertility CoQ10 for Fertility IsoFresh Balancing Gel Ovulation Prediction OvaCue Fertility Monitor TempCue Basal Temperature Kit Fertile Focus Digital Basal Thermometer BFP Ovulation Test Strips BFP Ovulation Midstream Test Test Strip Little Bundle BFP Midstream Test Little Bundle BFP Test Strip Big Bundle Sample Collection Cup IsoFresh Balancing Gel Fertility Lubricant & More Baby Dance Fertility Lubricant Fertility Yoga DVD Acupressure for Fertility DVD Ovulation and Pregnancy Wheel IsoFresh Balancing Gel Pregnancy and Ovulation Tests BFP Early Pregnancy Test Strips BFP Ovulation Test Strips BFP Midstream Early Pregnancy Tests BFP Ovulation Midstream Test BFP Test Strip Little Bundle BFP Test Strip Big Bundle BFP Midstream Test Little Bundle Sample Collection Cup IsoFresh Balancing Gel Male Fertility Products FertilAid for Men CountBoost MotilityBoost FH Pro for Men FH PRO Combo Pack FH Pro Omega 3 FertileDetox ViriliTea Male Fertility Tea Organic Maca Royal Jelly for Fertility CoQ10 for Fertility SpermCheck Fertility Test Male Fertility Starter Pack Women’s Health Baby Dance Fertility Lubricant BabyIt Perineal Massage and Recovery Gel IsoFresh Balancing Gel IsoFresh Probiotic Balance Bacteria Bundle BalanceBlend Combo Value Packs FertilAid Value Pack FH Pro Combo Pack FH Pro Complete Kit Little Bundle Starter TTC Boost Bundle Male Fertility Starter Pack Ovarian Health Bundle Hormone Balance Bundle Little Bundle Complete Endocrine Disrupter Restore Bundle Male Fertility Complete Kit Little Bundle for Couples Get Us Pregnant Now Bundle BFP Test Strip Little Bundle BFP Test Strip Big Bundle BFP Midstream Test Little Bundle PeaPod Complete Value Pack PeaPod Prenatal & CalMag Bundle PeaPod Prenatal & Omega3 Bundle Milkies “Save & Store” Bundle Milk Storage Bundle – Freeze & Bags Breastfeeding Essentials Bundle Balance Bacteria Bundle Pregnancy Products BabyIt Massage Gel PeaPod Prenatal Peapod Cal-Mag PeaPod Omega-3 PeaPod Complete Value Pack PeaPod Prenatal & CalMag Bundle PeaPod Prenatal & Omega3 Bundle PeaPod PregEase for Morning Sickness PeaPod Tea for Two Pregnancy Tea PeaPod DreamBelly Butter AngelSounds Fetal Doppler Healthy Mom, Happy Baby Prenatal Yoga DVD Belly Rest Pregnancy Pillow Ovulation and Pregnancy Wheel IsoFresh Balancing Gel Breastfeeding Products BabyIt Massage Gel Milkies Nursing Blend Milkies Nursing Postnatal Milkies Fenugreek Milkies Nursing Time Tea Milkies Nipple Nurture Balm Milkies Milk-Saver Milkies Milk-Saver On-The-Go Milkies Milk Trays Milkies Breast Milk Bags Milkies Freeze Milkies Softies Contoured Nursing Pads Milkies Breast Pad Ever Milkies Bamboo Soft Cloths Milkies “Save Every Last Drop” Bundle – Milk-Saver & Tray Milkies “Save & Store” Bundle Milkies Milk Storage Bundle – Freeze & Bags Milkies Breastfeeding Essentials Bundle IsoFresh Balancing Gel Product Reviews Brochures Articles Fairhaven Library Fertility Pregnancy Breastfeeding Women’s Health Tally’s Pregnancy Blog FAQ Newsroom The Boob Tube “We’re Pregnant!” Gallery Partners Retailers & Distributors Become a Retailer or Distributor Natural Product Retailers Place a Wholesale Order Become an Affiliate Join our Blogger Network Practitioners Carry or Refer Products Brochures Our Medical Health Advisors Help Policies FAQ Store Locator About Us Ovulation Calculator and Calendar Fertility Supplements Guide Pregnancy & Nursing Supplements Guide Brochures Login Newsletter Fertility: Pregnancy & Nursing: Contact Us We use cookies to analyze our site traffic and improve your experience. 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<doc id="8721554" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721554" title="2007 European Parliament election in Romania">
2007 European Parliament election in Romania
Romania elected its members of the European Parliament for the first time on 25 November 2007; the election was initially scheduled for 13 May, but the PM postponed it for domestic political reasons. A referendum on a new voting system for national parliamentary elections was held on the same day.
Pre-election situation.
Romania joined the European Union on 1 January 2007, and was initially represented in the European Parliament by 35 observers as follows:
35 MEPs were appointed by Romania to serve as observers in the Parliament before the country joined in 2007. Since then up until the election, the observers served as full MEPs.
<doc id="8721556" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721556" title="2007 European Parliament election in Bulgaria">
2007 European Parliament election in Bulgaria
Bulgaria elected its members of the European Parliament in a by-election on 20 May 2007. It was the country's first European election, having joined the Union on 1 January of that year. The country still had 18 MEPs, no change from before the election. Until Bulgaria could hold these elections, the country was represented by MEPs appointed by the National Assembly.
The top two parties – GERB and Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) – won 5 seats each, followed by the Movement for Rights and Freedoms (DPS) with four, Ataka with three, and National Movement Simeon II (NDSV) with one. Voter turnout was 28.6%.
It was considered likely that the result of the election would cause a major political crisis in Bulgaria, due to the expected weak results of the National Movement.
Controversially, the eligible voters were limited to citizens of Bulgaria and the EU with their permanent and current address within the Union and a minimum of 60 days of the last three months before the elections spent within its borders. Because of this requirement, 232,800 people were rendered ineligible to vote, 185,000 of whom were Turkish Bulgarians resident in Turkey.
Contesting parties.
The following parties contested the elections:
The People's First Movement had registered to contest the election, but were refused by the Central Electoral Commission.
The five Bulgarian nurses sentenced to death and the Bulgarian doctor who received a lighter sentence in the HIV trial in Libya were slated to stand as the six leading candidates on the list of the populist Order, Law and Justice Party – to put pressure on Libya to release the nurses and to postpone their execution because of the immunity they would have as MEPs. They were refused by the Central Electoral Commission, however, as they did not meet the residency requirements.
Pre-election situation.
18 MEPs were appointed by Bulgaria to serve as observers in the Parliament before the country joined on 1 January 2007. Those observers then functioned as Bulgaria's appointed delegation to the European Parliament until elections were held on 20 May 2007. The breakdown of parties and their European Parliament political groups for the period 1 January 2007 to 20 May 2007 was as follows:
The official results were announced by the Central Electoral Commission on 21 May. According to the official data, the winner of the elections was GERB, followed by a small margin by the Bulgarian Socialist Party and the Movement for Rights and Freedoms, with the distance between the third and the first being less than 1.5%. The voter turnout was 28.6%.
Elected MEPs.
According to the election results, the following 18 candidates were elected as Bulgarian Members of the European Parliament:
<doc id="8721565" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721565" title="US v Microsoft">
US v Microsoft
<doc id="8721567" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721567" title="Christian Tarr">
Christian Tarr
Christian Tarr (May 25, 1765 – February 24, 1833) was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Pennsylvania.
Christian Tarr was born in Baltimore, Maryland. He moved to Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, in 1794 and engaged in agricultural pursuits. He was also engaged in the manufacture of pottery in Fayette County, Pennsylvania.
Tarr was elected as a Republican to the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Congresses. He was a member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives in 1821 and 1822. He was appointed on October 31, 1827, as superintendent of the road which had been built by the United States Government from Cumberland, Maryland, to Wheeling, Virginia (now West Virginia). He served until March 20, 1829. He died in Washington Township, Fayette County, Pennsylvania, and was interred in the Methodist Graveyard in Brownsville, Pennsylvania.
<doc id="8721570" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721570" title="Bulgarian nurses in Libya">
Bulgarian nurses in Libya
<doc id="8721571" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721571" title="Samuel Marx">
Samuel Marx
Samuel Marx (January 26, 1902, New York City – March 2, 1992, Los Angeles) was an American film producer, screenwriter and book author.
Marx was born to a Jewish family. and started working in 1919 as an office boy at the New York office of Universal Pictures, where he met Irving Thalberg, then secretary to Universal boss Carl Laemmle.
On May 24, 1930, he arrived at the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) Studios and was hired by Thalberg as Story Editor, the executive in charge of the screenwriting department.
Following Irving Thalberg's death in 1936, Marx became a producer and was behind a number of popular films, including "Lassie Come Home" (1943) and "Son of Lassie" (1945). During the 1950s he began working as an executive producer for Desilu Productions, where he was responsible for films and shows such as "The General Electric Hour". During the 1970s, he returned to writing books, such as "Mayer and Thalberg: The Make-Believe Saints" (1975). Marx also helped Hollywood historians with their research for television shows. One such show, the TNT special series "MGM: When the Lion Roars", was telecast in 1992 during the month Marx died of heart failure at age 90.
"Deadly Illusions".
In 1990, Samuel Marx and Joyce Vanderveen published "Deadly Illusions". Marx was MGM's Story Editor and a friend of both Paul Bern (husband of actress Jean Harlow) and Irving Thalberg at the time of Bern's death.
In 1932, Marx had gone to Bern's house before the police were informed of the body's discovery. Thalberg told Marx that Bern was dead, and that he should not go inside, but rather he should go home. The next day, Marx was among the studio executives who were told by Louis B. Mayer that, to avoid scandal, the death would have to be ruled "suicide because of impotence".
In the 1980s, Marx re-investigated the case, scrutinizing the available evidence. He concluded that Louis B. Mayer and Howard Strickling, MGM's head of publicity, with Irving Thalberg's collusion, had ordered the evidence be tampered with before the police arrived.
Marx concluded that Bern was murdered by his former common law wife, Dorothy Millette. Two days after Bern's death Millette jumped from the Delta King, a ferryboat traveling from San Francisco to Sacramento. Her shoes and her jacket were found on the boat, while her body was found a few days later by men fishing on the Sacramento River.
Marx also concluded that the alleged "suicide note" had in fact been written by Bern some weeks prior to his death. Bern had given roses to Harlow to apologize for a minor quarrel about the secluded location of their home. With the roses was a note later presented as a "suicide note" by Los Angeles District Attorney Buron Fitts, who was bribed by MGM to suppress the case.
<doc id="8721572" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721572" title="Chincha Alta">
Chincha Alta
Chincha Alta is a Peruvian city located in the Ica Region. A major port at the mouth of the Chincha River, it is the capital of Chincha Province.
The City of Chincha Alta is located 200 kilometers south of Lima, in the Chincha Province of the Ica Region of Peru. The city covers an area of 2988 km2 and has a population of 56,085.
Pre-Chincha era.
The first inhabitants of the area arrived at the beginning of the ninth century. These people are known as the "Pre-Chincha". The historian Luis Cánepa Pachas puts the date of the arrival of the Pre-Chincha at sometime in the tenth century. The rudimentary Pre-Chincha culture was centered on fishing and shell gathering. The origin of the Pre-Chincha people is still uncertain.
Chincha era.
In the eleventh century, a more advanced and warlike people known as the Chincha arrived in the coastal area. The Chincha had developed systems of architecture, agriculture and irrigation. The Chincha came to dominate the original inhabitants of the area. Some aspects of the original Pre-Chincha culture were absorbed by the newcomers. The word Chincha is derived from "Chinchay" or "Chinchas" or "Cinca" which means "ocelot" in Chincha Quechua. The Chincha worshiped an ocelot god, and believed themselves to be descended from ocelots, who gave them their warlike and dominating tendencies. The Chincha fertilized their fields with dead birds and guano, and this knowledge was passed on to later peoples. The Chincha learned seafaring skills from the Pre-Chincha, and may have traveled as far as Central America by boat.
Inca era.
Between 1458 and 1460, the Chincha were conquered by the armies of the Inca Empire led by Tupac Inca Yupanqui during the reign of his father, Pachacuti. The Chincha area became an important part of the Inca Empire, and the Inca valued the Chincha for their agricultural knowledge, military skill and trade routes.
Colonial era.
The Chincha region was then conquered by the Spanish, the area suffered a 99 percent decline in population in the first 85 years of Spanish rule and many places regressed into wilderness, Africans brought by the Spanish began to settle in the region en masse, some of the Chincha's surrounding areas became a haven for fugitive African slaves known by the Spanish as Cimarrones.
Modern era.
In the early 19th Century, Chincha was known to British mariners as Chinca or Chinka. In late 1806, the British privateers "Port au Prince" and "Lucy" collaborated in capturing some Spanish vessels off the coast there and engaged in some inconclusive battles with the Spanish frigate "Astraea".
The Chincha Islands, which are off the coast of Peru near Chincha and Pisco, were the focal point of the Chincha Islands War between Peru and Spain between 1864 and 1866.
2007 earthquake.
The city, along with others near the Pacific coast, was damaged during the 2007 Peru earthquake.
African art and music.
Afro-Peruvian culture has thrived in Chincha Alta, and the Afro-Peruvian residents of El Carmen district practice many traditional dances. The use of the Cajón drum, maracas and other traditional instruments figure prominently in Afro-Peruvian music, which is popular throughout the region. Traditional dances are performed during the Christmas season.
Afro-Peruvian folk culture.
During February the "Verano Negro" (literally "Black Summer") festival is held, celebrating Afro-Peruvian food, music, culture and dance. The cuisine of the Chincha Alta area is considered distinct from other parts of Peru, because of its African background.
It was composed in 1984 by Mrs. Ana Maria del Solar and Manolo Andrade Avalos, creators of the music and lyrics respectively, and approved by Municipal Resolution No. 1440 on 30 October of the same year. It has a chorus and three verses which commend and exalt the beauty of the Chincha region as well as the courage and heroism of its people.
<doc id="8721580" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721580" title="Alfred Desenclos">
Alfred Desenclos
Alfred Desenclos (7 February 1912 – 3 March 1971) was a French composer of (modern) classical music. Desenclos was a self-described "romantic" whose music is highly expressive and atmospheric and rooted in rigorous compositional technique.
To support his large family (he was one of ten children), Desenclos had to renounce continuing his general studies and work as an industrial designer in the textile industry until the age of 20, but in 1929, he entered the Conservatory in Roubaix, France, to study piano. Until that time, he had played only as an amateur. He was admitted to the Conservatoire de Paris in 1932, where he won prizes in fugue, harmony, composition and accompaniment, supporting himself by fulfilling the role of 'maître de chapelle' (Kapellmeister) at the church of Notre-Dame-de-Lorette, in the 9th arrondissement of Paris.
His sacred music belongs to the tradition begun by Saint-Saëns and continued by Fauré. He won the Prix de Rome in 1942, the year in which he co-wrote (with André Theurer) the music to the film "The Blue Veil".
Desenclos was the director of his alma mater, the Conservatoire de Roubaix, from 1943 to 1950 (where one of his pupils was film-maker Claude Chabrol's favourite composer Pierre Jansen) and taught harmony at the Conservatoire de Paris from 1967 to his death at the age of 59.
Desenclos's "Messe de requiem" was written in 1963 and published by Durand et Fils in 1967. In 1999, the piece was reprinted under the name of Atlanta-based composer Tristan Foison. Foison's mass was given its "American premiere" on 18 May 1999 in a performance by the Capitol Hill Chorale; soon after, the piece was discovered to be a note-for-note duplicate of Desenclos's.
The oeuvre of Alfred Desenclos, most of which was little-known outside the world of liturgic music during his lifetime, has enjoyed a strong revival in the concert hall and the recording studio over the last two decades, his 'Quatuor de saxophones' in particular establishing itself in the 20th century chamber music repertoire.
Alfred Desenclos's son Frédéric Desenclos (1961-) is an instrumentist who has performed internationally and currently is the organist at the Chapelle Royale of the Palace of Versailles.
<doc id="8721581" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721581" title="Nike Davies">
Nike Davies
<doc id="8721587" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721587" title="Judo at the 2008 Summer Olympics">
Judo at the 2008 Summer Olympics
Judo competitions at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing were held from August 9 to August 15 at the Beijing Science and Technology University Gymnasium.
This was the fifth Olympics for Driulys González (Cuba), Mária Pekli (Australia), Ryoko Tamura-Tani (Japan). The only other judokas to compete at five Olympics are Belgian Robert Van de Walle and Puerto Rican judoka-bobsledder Jorge Bonnet.
Together with 366 directly qualified athletes, there will be 20 invitational places from a Tripartite Commission (genders and categories are yet to be decided), making up a total athlete quota of 386 athletes—217 men, 147 women and 22 places not yet allocated to a gender.
An NOC may enter up to one athlete per weight category. The qualifying places will be allocated as follows:
Two additional places will be awarded to this union, but gender and weight categories are to be defined.
If the host nation qualifies athletes directly through the world championships or Asian continental qualification system, the reserved entry places will be reallocated as part of the Asian continental qualification.
Continental qualification places will be allocated through the ranking system based on the major tournaments on the continent (continental championships, qualification tournaments). More important tournaments and tournaments closer to the Olympics will carry more points. Deadline for the unions to confirm the places was May 21, 2008.
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Pit privy
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Libyan Arab Airlines
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Brassed off
<doc id="8721598" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721598" title="Highland Folk Museum">
Highland Folk Museum
The Highland Folk Museum is a museum and open-air visitor attraction in Newtonmore in Badenoch and Strathspey in the Scottish Highlands, United Kingdom. It is owned by the Highland Council and administered by High Life Highland. It was founded in 1935 by Dr. Isabel Frances Grant (1887–1983).
In 1930, Grant organised and curated the 'Highland Exhibition' in Inverness, with 2,100 artefacts gathered and exhibited as a 'national folk museum'. She founded the Highland Folk Museum in 1935, using a personal legacy to acquire a disused former United Free Church on the island of Iona; Grant recorded 800 visitors in the first summer of opening and 900 the following year. Nicknamed "Am Fasgadh" (Gaelic for ‘The Shelter’), the Highland Folk Museum's remit was "…"to shelter homely ancient Highland things from destruction"", and Grant collected assiduously to that end; by 1938 the collection had outgrown its home.
In 1939, the museum moved to larger premises on the mainland at Laggan, Badenoch: a village in the central Highlands, where "Am Fasgadh" was sited for the next five years. The outbreak of the Second World War, and resultant restrictions on movement along the west coast and islands of Scotland, meant that Grant was unable to collect during this period, while petrol shortages contributed to a general reduction in the numbers of visitors to the museum. In 1943 she purchased Pitmain Lodge, a large Georgian house, together with three acres of land near to the train station at Kingussie, about twelve miles east of Laggan, and on 1 June 1944 the Highland Folk Museum opened once again to the public.
The collections at Kingussie were developed "…"to show different aspects of the material setting of life in the Highlands in byegone days"" and included a range of objects: furniture, tools, farming implements, horse tackle, cooking and dining artefacts, pottery, glass, musical instruments, sporting equipment, weapons, clothing and textiles, jewellery, books, photographs and archive papers. The collection also included accounts of superstitions, stories and songs, and home-crafted items including basketry, Barvas ware and treen. The site at Kingussie also enabled Grant to develop a suite of replica buildings: including an Inverness-shire cottage, a Lewis blackhouse and a Highland but-and-ben. These buildings and the use of ‘live demonstrations’ to interpret exhibits for visitors sealed the Highland Folk Museum's popular reputation as the first open-air museum on mainland Britain.
When Grant retired in 1954, ownership of the Highland Folk Museum and its collections was taken over by a Trust formed by the four ancient Scottish universities (Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow and St. Andrews). George ‘Taffy’ Davidson, senior fellow in arts and crafts at the University of Aberdeen, was appointed curator in 1956 and developed the collections in parallel with his own antiquarian interests, which included folk music. He accepted large numbers of gifts in subsequent years. In 1975, the Highland Regional Council took over management of the museum. Ross Noble of the Scottish Country Life Museums Trust was appointed curator and a process of modernisation began. Noble introduced open, thematic displays and re-introduced live demonstrations as part of popular ‘Heritage In Action’ days for visitors.
In the early 1980s, an eighty-acre site was acquired at Newtonmore – about three miles to the south of Kingussie - and work began to lay out four distinct areas. 'Aultlarie Croft' reproduced a 1930s working farm; "Balameanach" (Gaelic for ‘Middle Village’) established a developing community of relocated buildings; the Pinewoods, created an area of forest with interlinking paths; and "Baile Gean" served at the Highland Folk Museum's reconstruction of an early 1700s Highland township. The Newtonmore site opened to the public in 1987 and operated in tandem with "Am Fasgadh" until the closure of that site in Kingussie in 2007. In 2011, responsibility for the day-to-day running of the Highland Folk Museum and its collections was handed over to High Life Highland – an arm's-length charity formed by the Highland Council to develop culture, health and wellbeing, learning, leisure and sports across the region. The new "Am Fasgadh" - a modern, purpose-built collections storage facility and conference venue - opened in 2014, and in 2015, the collections at the Highland Folk Museum received official ‘Recognition’ from Museums Galleries Scotland and the Scottish Government as a ‘Nationally Significant Collection’.
The museum is primarily made up of three areas that represent and interpret three separate eras of the Scottish highlands. The west of the park primarily features the Pine Woods and the 1700s Township. The Open Air Section to the east, consists of buildings that reproduce built heritage from the nineteenth to mid twentieth centuries. The reconstructions in each area are supported by a staff member dressed and performing as a highlander in the exhibit's setting, and on certain days, the museum features demonstrations of highland life activities, such as weaving or rope making.
While some of the buildings on the museum site were built there, many have been relocated from other places around the highlands and reconstructed onsite. In the early 2000s, the museum acquired the Glenlivet sub-post office. In 2011, a thatched cottage was recreated from a photo taken in the 19th century of a house that stood in Grantown-on-Spey. The following year, a croft-house built in Carrbridge in the 1920s was donated and plans were drawn up to move it 22 miles from the museum.
<doc id="8721599" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721599" title="Desmond Flower, 10th Viscount Ashbrook">
Desmond Flower, 10th Viscount Ashbrook
Desmond Llowarch Edward Flower, 10th Viscount Ashbrook (9 July 1905 – 5 December 1995) was an Irish peer and soldier.
Flower was the only son of Llowarch Flower, 9th Viscount Ashbrook and his wife Gladys Lucille Beatrice, daughter of George Higginson. He was educated at Eton College and went then to Balliol College, Oxford, where he graduated Bachelor of Arts in 1927. Ashbrook worked as a chartered accountant, succeeding to his father's titles on 30 August 1936. Before the Second World War, he joined 79th (Hertfordshire Yeomanry) Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery, of the Territorial Army, ending the war as a major. After the end of the war in 1945, he was appointed a Member of the Order of the British Empire.
In 1949 Flower was nominated a Deputy Lieutenant for the county of Cheshire and in 1961 vice lord-lieutenant. From 1946, he represented the county also as a Justice of the Peace, retiring from these posts in 1968. Flower joined the council of the Duchy of Lancaster in 1957. He was invested as a Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order in 1977 on his retirement from the Council of the Duchy of Lancaster and was director of the Country's Gentlemen Association.
On 8 November 1934, he married Elizabeth (1911-2002), daughter of Captain John Egerton-Warburton; they had three children, two sons and a daughter. Flower died in 1995 and was succeeded in the viscountcy by his older son Michael.
In 2022, a new rose variety, the 'Elizabeth Ashbrook', was named in the late Lady Ashbrook's honour.
<doc id="8721606" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721606" title="Desmond Llowarch Edward Flower, 10th Viscount Ashbrook">
Desmond Llowarch Edward Flower, 10th Viscount Ashbrook
<doc id="8721607" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721607" title="Napper's Delight">
Napper's Delight
<doc id="8721609" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721609" title="V Centauri">
V Centauri
V Centauri (V Cen) is a Classical Cepheid variable, a type of variable star, in the constellation Centaurus. Its apparent magnitude is 6.72, and it is approximately 2,500 light-years (800 parsecs) away based on parallax. According to the South African Astronomical Observatory, the chemical composition was derived as being high in sodium (Na) and aluminium (Al) and low in magnesium (Mg). Following a normal composition for a Cepheid star, V Cen does not have any unusual characteristics. V Centauri's composition was observed alongside six other Classical Cepheid variable stars with the support of Russian, Chilean, and Ukrainian observatories.
<doc id="8721611" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721611" title="John Gorrie (director)">
John Gorrie (director)
John Gorrie (born 11 August 1932, Hastings, East Sussex) is an English director and screenwriter. He began his career as an actor, but in early 1963 he completed the BBC's directors' course. His first assignments as a director were for the soap opera "Compact" and the anthology series "Suspense". He directed the "Doctor Who" serial "The Keys of Marinus".
He directed episodes of "Out of the Unknown", "Edward the Seventh" (which he also co-wrote), "Play for Today", and "Tales of the Unexpected". Gorrie also directed John Osborne's adaptation of Wilde's novel "The Picture of Dorian Gray" (1976) for the "Play of the Month" series.
In 1979, John Gorrie directed two classics: Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night" (taping dates 16–21 May, first transmitted in the UK on 6 January 1980), and "The Tempest" (taping dates 23–28 July, first transmitted in the UK on 27 February 1980) in the "BBC Television Shakespeare" project.
<doc id="8721612" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721612" title="Arthur MacArthur, Jr">
Arthur MacArthur, Jr
<doc id="8721613" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721613" title="Chaalbaaz (1989 film)">
Chaalbaaz (1989 film)
<doc id="8721615" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721615" title="Canada Library Association">
Canada Library Association
<doc id="8721620" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721620" title="Patriarch Evtimii">
Patriarch Evtimii
<doc id="8721622" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721622" title="Franklin and Granny's Secret">
Franklin and Granny's Secret
<doc id="8721627" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721627" title="Herbert Froelich">
Herbert Froelich
<doc id="8721635" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721635" title="2007 in the Philippines">
2007 in the Philippines
2007 in the Philippines details events of note that happened in the Philippines in the year 2007.
On November 13, 2002, Republic Act No. 9177 declares Eidul Fitr as a regular holiday. The "EDSA Revolution Anniversary" was proclaimed since 2002 as a special non-working holiday. Note that in the list, holidays in bold are "regular holidays" and those in "italics" are "nationwide special days".
In addition, several other places observe local holidays, such as the foundation of their town. These are also "special days."
<doc id="8721637" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721637" title="Grotuss Hugo Kārlis">
Grotuss Hugo Kārlis
<doc id="8721644" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721644" title="Mordechai Ish Shalom">
Mordechai Ish Shalom
<doc id="8721648" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721648" title="Bennett H. Young">
Bennett H. Young
Bennett Henderson Young (May 25, 1843 – February 23, 1919) was a Confederate officer who led forces in the St Albans raid (October 19, 1864), a military action during the American Civil War. As a lieutenant of the Confederate States Army, he entered Vermont from Canada and occupied the town of St. Albans.
Early life.
Young was born in Nicholasville, Kentucky on May 25, 1843, to Robert Young and Josephine Henderson. He was 17 years old when he enlisted as a private in the Confederate 8th Kentucky Cavalry, a unit that became a part of General John Hunt Morgan's cavalry command.
St. Albans raid.
Young had been captured in John Hunt Morgan's 1863 raid in Ohio, but escaped to Canada in the fall of that year. Young went to the south via Nova Scotia and Bermuda, where he proposed Canada-based raids on the Union as a means of building the Confederate treasury and forcing the Union army to protect their northern border as a diversion. Young was commissioned as a lieutenant and returned to Canada, where he recruited other escaped rebels to participate in the October 19, 1864, raid on St. Albans, Vermont, a quiet town 15 miles (25 km) from the Canada–US border.
Young and two others checked into a local hotel on October 10, saying that they had come from St. John's in Canada for a "sporting vacation." Every day, two or three more young men arrived. By October 19, there were 21 cavalrymen assembled; just before 3:00 p.m. the group simultaneously staged an armed robbery of the three banks in St. Albans. They announced that they were Confederate soldiers and stole a total of $208,000 ($ in current dollar terms). As the banks were being robbed, eight or nine of the Confederates held the townspeople prisoner on the village green as their horses were stolen. One townsperson was killed and another wounded. Young ordered his troops to burn the town down, but the four-ounce bottles of Greek fire they had brought failed to work, and only one shed was destroyed.
The raiders fled with the money into Canada, where they were arrested by authorities and held in Montreal. There, the Lincoln administration retained prominent Irish-Canadian lawyer Bernard Devlin, QC, as counsel for the prosecution in the subsequent court case, which sought the raiders' extradition. The court ultimately decided that the soldiers were under military orders and that the officially neutral Canada could not extradite them to America. They were freed, but the $88,000 ($ in current dollar terms) the raiders had on them was returned to Vermont.
Later career.
After the end of the Civil War, Young was excluded from President Andrew Johnson's amnesty proclamation. He could not return home until 1868. Thus, he spent time studying law and literature in Ireland at the Queen's University of Ireland and at the University of Edinburgh.
After being permitted to return to the United States, he became a prominent attorney in Louisville, Kentucky. His philanthropic works were legion. Young founded the first orphanage for blacks in Louisville, a school for the blind, and did much pro bono work for the poor. He also worked as a railroad officer as President of the Louisville Southern Railroad, author. Young also served on the board of trustees of the "Confederate Veteran".
In 1876 Young was selected by Governor McCreary to represent Kentucky at the Paris Exposition.
In 1878, Young joined the Polytechnic Society of Kentucky, as a financier to the institution. Young became president of the society after the death of Dr. Stewart Robinson.
In 1899, Young represented former slave George Dinning in a case against the Ku Klux Klan.
Between 1890 to 1908, Young helped create the Louisville Free Public Library.
In 1913, Young was elected as Commander-in-Chief of the United Confederate Veterans, which he held until his retirement in 1916 where he was made "honorary commander-in-chief for life."
Family life.
In 1866, Young married Mattie R. Robinson and they had a son named Lawrence, who became an attorney in Chicago. He remarried in 1895 to Eliza S. Sharp and they had a daughter, Eliza Bennett Young, by this union.
Death and legacy.
By 1908, Young was known as "the father of the Louisville Free Public Library."
Young died on February 23, 1919 at his home at 429 West Ormsby Avenue in Louisville, Kentucky. He was buried at Cave Hill Cemetery in Louisville.
The railroad bridge over the Kentucky River at Tyrone, Kentucky was named Young's High Bridge for him and Youngstown, Kentucky was also named for him.
<doc id="8721655" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721655" title="St Albans raid">
St Albans raid
<doc id="8721657" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721657" title="Daku Mangal Singh (1966 film)">
Daku Mangal Singh (1966 film)
<doc id="8721668" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721668" title="L Centauri">
L Centauri
<doc id="8721680" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721680" title="Standard Test Data Format">
Standard Test Data Format
Standard Test Data Format (STDF) is a proprietary file format for semiconductor test information originally developed by Teradyne, but it is now a de facto standard widely used throughout the semiconductor industry. It is a commonly used format produced by automatic test equipment (ATE) platforms from companies such as Cohu, Roos Instruments, Teradyne, Advantest, and others.
STDF is a binary format, but can be converted either to an ASCII format known as ATDF or to a tab delimited text file. Decoding the STDF variable length binary field data format to extract ASCII text is non-trivial as it involves a detailed comprehension of the STDF specification, the current (2007) version 4 specification being over 100 pages in length. Software tools exist for processing STDF generated files and performing statistical analysis on a population of tested devices.
<doc id="8721682" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721682" title="Isaac Griffin">
Isaac Griffin
Isaac Griffin (February 27, 1756October 12, 1827) was a veteran of the American Revolutionary War and member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Pennsylvania, serving two terms from 1813 to 1817.
Early life and career.
Isaac Griffin (great-grandfather of Eugene McLanahan Wilson and great-great-grandfather of Charles Hudson Griffin) was born in Kent County in the Delaware Colony. He moved to Fayette County, Pennsylvania, and was engaged in agricultural pursuits.
Revolutionary War.
He was commissioned a captain during the American Revolutionary War.
Political career.
He appointed justice of the peace in 1794 and was elected a member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives in 1807 and served four terms.
Griffin was elected as a Democrat-Republican to the Thirteenth Congress to fill the vacancy caused by the death of John Smilie. He was reelected to the Fourteenth Congress. He was an unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1816 to the Fifteenth Congress.
He died from the effects of a fall from a wagon, on his estate in Nicholson Township, Pennsylvania, on October 12, 1827. Interment on what was known as the old Woods farm in Nicholson Township.
<doc id="8721683" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721683" title="Yakumo targeted, Sealed abilities">
Yakumo targeted, Sealed abilities
<doc id="8721686" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721686" title="Komae Station">
Komae Station
is a passenger railway station located in the city of Komae, Tokyo, Japan, operated by the private railway operator Odakyu Electric Railway.
Komae Station is served by the Odakyu Odawara Line from to , and is located from the starting point of the line at Shinjuku Station.
Station layout.
The elevated station has two side platforms and four tracks. The two outermost tracks are the local tracks allowing local trains to stop at the station. There are two additional inner tracks to allow express trains to bypass the station. The station's building is located underneath the station. The space under the train tracks on either side of the concourse is occupied by commercial facilities and a bicycle parking area.
Komae Station was opened on 27 May 1927. The station was not included in the initial construction plans for the Odakyu railway line, but local residents successfully campaigned for a station to be built in this neighbourhood.
Throughout the 1990s it was extensively redeveloped as part of the Odakyu Line's track doubling project. Previous to the redevelopment, the platforms were on ground level and linked by an overhead bridge.
Station numbering was introduced in January 2014 with Komae being assigned station number OH16.
Passenger statistics.
In fiscal 2019, the station had an average of 48,921 passengers daily.
The station is surrounded by a suburban commercial district, including a small shopping centre built under the train tracks. Komae City Hall lies to the north of the station.
<doc id="8721693" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721693" title="Tomtom one">
Tomtom one
<doc id="8721696" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721696" title="W Centauri">
W Centauri
The designations W Centauri and w Centauri refer to two different stars in the constellation Centaurus.
See also.
ω Centauri
<doc id="8721698" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721698" title="Resolvent set">
Resolvent set
In linear algebra and operator theory, the resolvent set of a linear operator is a set of complex numbers for which the operator is in some sense "well-behaved". The resolvent set plays an important role in the resolvent formalism.
Let "X" be a Banach space and let formula_1 be a linear operator with domain formula_2. Let id denote the identity operator on "X". For any formula_3, let
A complex number formula_5 is said to be a regular value if the following three statements are true:
The resolvent set of "L" is the set of all regular values of "L":
The spectrum is the complement of the resolvent set:
The spectrum can be further decomposed into the point/discrete spectrum (where condition 1 fails), the continuous spectrum (where conditions 1 and 3 hold but condition 2 fails) and the residual/compression spectrum (where condition 1 holds but condition 3 fails).
If formula_14 is a closed operator, then so is each formula_6, and condition 3 may be replaced by requiring that formula_6 is surjective.
<doc id="8721701" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721701" title="Flint Southwestern Academy">
Flint Southwestern Academy
Flint Southwestern Academy (FSA, Southwestern Academy, or Flint Southwestern) is located in Flint, Michigan, United States. This school is a part of the Flint Community Schools.
In 1989 Flint Academy closed and the school merged with Southwestern to become Flint Southwestern Academy. During the first year of the merger, the graduating class could choose what school was listed on their diploma: "Flint Academy", "Southwestern", or "Flint Southwestern Academy". The 2009 closing of Flint Central High School sent many former Flint Central High School students to Southwestern and led to the reopening of McKinley Middle School, which relieved potential overcrowding at Southwestern. Flint Southwestern Academy now serves grades 9–12.
Flint Southwestern Academy is a state and nationally accredited school through the AdvancED/North Central Accreditation of Colleges and Schools.
Flint Southwestern Academy School Profile 2012/2013
<doc id="8721706" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721706" title="C/2002 V1 (NEAT)">
C/2002 V1 (NEAT)
Comet C/2002 V1 (NEAT) is a non-periodic comet that appeared in November 2002. The comet peaked with an apparent magnitude of approximately –0.5, making it the eighth-brightest comet seen since 1935. It was seen by SOHO in February 2003. At perihelion the comet was only from the Sun. (Slight controversy arose when the comet failed to break up when it approached the Sun, as expected by some scientists if it were a small comet.)
The comet was hit by a coronal mass ejection during its pass near the Sun. Speculation that the CME was caused by the comet's close approach was dismissed by scientists; comets and CMEs occur close together in time only by coincidence, and there were 56 CMEs in February 2003. On February 18, 2003, comet C/2002 V1 (NEAT) passed 5.7 degrees from the Sun. C/2002 V1 (NEAT) appeared impressive as viewed by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) as a result of the forward scattering of light off of the dust in the coma and tail. After the comet left LASCO's field of view, on February 20, 2003, an object was seen at the bottom of a single frame. Although technicians dismissed this as a software bug, rumours persisted that the object had been expelled from the Sun.
The orbit of a long-period comet is properly obtained when the osculating orbit is computed at an epoch after leaving the planetary region and is calculated with respect to the center of mass of the solar system. Using JPL Horizons, the barycentric orbital elements for epoch 2020-Jan-01 generate a semi-major axis of 1,100 AU, an apoapsis distance of 2,230 AU, and a period of approximately 37,000 years.
<doc id="8721712" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721712" title="Naiman Beg">
Naiman Beg
<doc id="8721718" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721718" title="Rosetta (band)">
Rosetta (band)
Rosetta is an American post-metal band from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania incorporating elements of post-hardcore, shoegazing, drone, post-rock, avant-garde and ambient, with influences as diverse as Neurosis and Isis, My Bloody Valentine, Frodus, and Stars of the Lid. The band somewhat humorously self-describes its music as "metal for astronauts", and its members are very interested in astronomy and space travel.
Rosetta's members were all acquaintances in high school, and had played in various bands until they decided to play a last minute gig on August 20, 2003, after only three practice sessions, and improvised the entire show. Following this, they proceeded to write more songs, play more shows, and eventually record a four-song demo album, which picked up interest from Translation Loss Records. The band's name does not come from the Rosetta Stone.
Their debut album, "The Galilean Satellites", featured two separate hour-long discs (one of more metal-oriented music, and one of ambience) that synchronize together. Although originally intended to be one disc of metal tracks sandwiched by ambient ones, the band had enough material to cover two discs.
The band's second release, "Project Mercury", a split with Balboa, was released April 24, 2007. After a full United States tour in July, the band's second full-length album, entitled "Wake/Lift", was released on October 2, again through Translation Loss. The release of "Wake/Lift" was accompanied by selected United States touring and followed by a June 2008 Australian tour.
Rosetta's third full-length album, named "A Determinism of Morality", was released on May 25, 2010, and was followed in the summer by the band's first full U.S. tour in three years. In October, the band released a split LP with Philadelphia band Restorations, on Cavity Records, featuring a previously unreleased track which had been recorded in December 2007.
In 2012 the band announced their return to Europe in July, followed by their second Australia tour. The tour was accompanied by a split release with touring partners City Of Ships, released by Australian independent label Bird's Robe Records.
<doc id="8721723" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721723" title="P Centauri">
P Centauri
<doc id="8721724" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721724" title="Sim City DS">
Sim City DS
<doc id="8721727" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721727" title="Xanten Cathedral">
Xanten Cathedral
Xanten Cathedral (), sometimes called St. Victor's Cathedral (), is a Roman Catholic church situated in Xanten, a historic town in the lower Rhine area, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It is considered the biggest cathedral between Cologne and the sea. In 1936 it was declared a minor basilica by Pope Pius XI. Even though the church is called a cathedral, it has never been the seat of a bishop.
The cathedral owes its name to Victor of Xanten, a member of the Theban Legion who was supposedly executed in the 4th century in the amphitheater of Castra Vetera for refusing to sacrifice to the Roman gods. This Roman camp is near today's town of Birten. According to legend, Helena of Constantinople recovered the bones of Victor and his legion and erected a chapel in their honour. During a modern excavation the existence of a 4th-century cella memoriae was discovered; however, it was determined that it had not been erected for Victor but for two other male corpses that were placed in the crypt at a later date.
The cornerstone of the cathedral was laid in 1263 by Friedrich and Konrad von Hochstaden. Construction lasted 281 years and was finally finished with the dedication of the Holy Spirit Chapel (German: "Heiliger-Geist-Kapelle") in the year 1544. The cathedral contains a five-aisle nave built in the Gothic style. In contrast to many other cathedrals of the period, St. Victor's lacks an ambulatory. Instead a twin pair of chapels is connected to the choir similar to that seen at the Church of Our Lady (German: "Liebfrauenkirche") in Trier. Along with the monasterial library of the cathedral houses one of the most important religious libraries of the Lower Rhine.
The cathedral was formerly in possession of Jan van der Heyden's painting, "View of a Dutch Square". The painting had been looted by the Nazis from the original owners, the German Jews Gottlieb and Mathilde Kraus. The Bavarian State sold the painting in 1962 to Henriette Hoffmann-von Schirach, a secretary to Adolf Hitler. The painting was purchased by the cathedral in 1963 at an auction in Cologne. In 2019, after eight years of negotiations, ownership of the painting was returned to the descendants of Gottlieb and Mathilde Kraus "in recognition of the Nazi injustice."
Today the cathedral is the seat of the auxiliary bishop Heinrich Janssen who presides over the Lower Rhine part of the Diocese of Münster.
<doc id="8721729" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721729" title="Kill 'Em All (Vakill album)">
Kill 'Em All (Vakill album)
Kill 'Em All is a compilation album by Vakill. The album contains tracks encompassing Vakill's rap career from 1990 to 2001.
<doc id="8721730" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721730" title="Angelic organ">
Angelic organ
<doc id="8721736" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721736" title="Kurenai's top-secret mission ~A promise with the Third~">
Kurenai's top-secret mission ~A promise with the Third~
<doc id="8721737" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721737" title="Residual spectrum">
Residual spectrum
<doc id="8721741" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721741" title="STDF">
<doc id="8721744" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721744" title="Byzantine–Seljuk wars">
Byzantine–Seljuk wars
The Byzantine–Seljuk wars were a series of decisive battles that shifted the balance of power in Asia Minor and Syria from the Byzantine Empire to the Seljuks. Riding from the steppes of Central Asia, the Seljuks replicated tactics practiced by the Huns hundreds of years earlier against a similar Roman opponent but now combining it with new-found Islamic zeal. In many ways, the Seljuk resumed the conquests of the Muslims in the Byzantine–Arab Wars initiated by the Rashidun, Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphates in the Levant, North Africa and Asia Minor.
The Battle of Manzikert of 1071 is widely regarded as the turning point against the Byzantines in their war against the Turks. However the Byzantine military was of questionable quality before 1071 with regular Turkish incursions overrunning the failing theme system. Even after Manzikert, Byzantine rule over Asia Minor did not end immediately, nor were any heavy concessions levied by the Turks on their opponents – it took another 20 years before the Turks were in control of the entire Anatolian peninsula and not for long either.
During the course of the war, the Seljuk Turks and their allies attacked the Fatimid Caliphate of Egypt, capturing Jerusalem and catalyzing the call for the First Crusade. Crusader assistance to the Byzantine Empire was mixed with treachery and looting, although substantial gains were made in the First Crusade. Within a hundred years of Manzikert, the Byzantines had successfully driven back the Seljuk Turks from the coasts of Asia Minor and extended their influence right down to Palestine and even Egypt. Later, the Byzantines were unable to extract any more assistance, and the Fourth Crusade even led to the sack of Constantinople in 1204. Before the conflict ended, the Seljuks managed to take more territory from the weakened Empire of Nicaea until the sultanate itself was taken over by the Mongols, leading to the rise of the "ghazi" and the conclusive Byzantine–Ottoman wars.
The decades after the death of the Byzantine emperor Basil II () saw a long series of crises and a severe weakening of imperial authority and military power. This included a succession crisis and a series of weak Emperors under the increasing influence of bureaucrats in Constantinople. At the same time the efforts to restrain the ambitious provincial aristocrats kept at bay during Basil II reign failed. With the successes of the previous century, the Byzantine state had acquired more land and wealth. The spoils of war saw the enrichment of the military aristocracy. More and more land owned by free peasants came under the control of the "dynatoi" class by varying means from purchase to intimidation to outright robbery. One major consequence of this was the reduction in available manpower to serve in the imperial armies. Added to this were the internal rivalry between the bureaucrats and military aristocracy. Bureaucrats sought to reduce the power and likelihood of the aristocrats to launch rebellions by freeing the yeomanry of military duty in place of providing tax revenue. This further put strain on the manpower needed to defend imperial territory. The factions increasingly relied on mercenaries, but these highly ambitious soldiers were unreliable and lawless.
For the twenty years preceding 1070, in almost every year there saw at least one major rebellion, including a large revolt of Armenians. This caused thematic armies to be drawn west or east depending on the rebellion and opened the borders to incursions by raiders whether the Normans of Sicily or Turkic horsemen from Central Asia or indeed the mercenaries roaming within the state. In addition, a combination of competition, rivalry and treachery between pretenders to the imperial throne saw the state paralysed to deal with the many issues facing the state.
By 1070 during the march on Manzikert, the Byzantine state was in a very precarious position largely of its own making, even on the verge of collapse and failed to secure the Empire against external threats. The biggest threat to the Empire since the Arab invasions were the Turks. The Turks were much like the Byzantines former enemies, the Huns. Combining their excellent riding skills with Islamic zeal, the Turks were to become a formidable enemy to a Christian state in decline.
As the Byzantines were making headway against the Arabs in the 10th century, Persia was being ruled by the Ghaznavids, another Turkic people. The migration of Seljuk Turks into Persia in the 10th century led to the Ghaznavids being overthrown. There they settled and adopted Persian language and customs. The first encounter with the Byzantine Empire was in the Battle of Kapetron in 1048, in which the combined Byzantine-Georgian army won a tactical victory. Nevertheless, the Seljuks established a powerful domain and captured Baghdad in 1055 from the Abbasid Caliphate. The Abbasids were henceforth a mere figurehead in the Islamic world. The Seljuk Turks, spurred on by their previous success, now launched an attack on the Levant and against Fatimid Egypt, which lost Jerusalem in 1071.
When the Seljuk Turks did encounter the Byzantines, they had chosen a good time to attack. Byzantium was faced with weak rule, Norman conquests and the schism whilst the Abbasid Caliphate had recently been seriously weakened with its wars against the Fatimid dynasty.
Initial Conflicts: 1064–1071.
Ever since early in the 11th century, the Seljuk Turks from central Asia had been expanding westward, defeating various Arab factions and occupying the Abbasid caliphate's power base in Baghdad. At the same time, the Byzantine empire was making a few gains in Edessa and Syria. In 1067 the Seljuk Turks invaded Asia Minor attacking Caesarea and, in 1069, Iconium. A Byzantine counterattack in 1069 drove the Seljuk Turks back from these lands. Further offensives by the Byzantine army drove the Turks back across the Euphrates.
Despite this, the Seljuk Turks continued their incursions into Asia Minor, capturing Manzikert. The Byzantine Emperor Romanus Diogenes led an army in an attempt to score a decisive blow against the Seljuks and add some military justification to his rule (which had seen the Norman conquest of southern Italy). During the march, Alp Arslan, the leader of the Seljuk Turks withdrew from Manzikert. His tactical withdrawal allowed his army to ambush the Byzantines, winning the decisive Battle of Manzikert on 26 August 1071. The victory itself led to few gains at the time for the Seljuk Turks, but the civil chaos that resulted in the Byzantine Empire allowed the Seljuks and various other Turkic allies to swarm into Asia Minor.
Turkic Conquests: 1071–1096.
After Manzikert, the Seljuk Turks concentrated on their eastern territorial gains which were threatened by the Fatimid dynasty in Egypt although Alp Arslan encouraged other allied Turks and vassals to establish Beyliks in Asia Minor. Many Byzantines at the time did not see the victory as a total disaster and when the Turks began occupying the countryside in Anatolia they began to garrison the Byzantine cities as well, not as foreign conquerors but as mercenaries requested by various Byzantine factions – one Byzantine Emperor even gave the city of Nicaea's defense to the invading Turks in 1078.
The result of the civil war meant that pretenders to the Byzantine throne sought Turkic aid by conceding Byzantine territory. The loss of these cities such as Nicaea and another defeat in Anatolia led to a prolongation of the war. The civil conflict finally ended when Alexius I Komnenos, who had been leading Imperial armies to defeat revolts in Asia Minor became a rebel himself and seized the Byzantine throne in 1081. Despite emergency reforms implemented by Alexius, Antioch and Smyrna were lost by 1084. However, between 1078 and 1084 Antioch had been in the hands of Philaretos Brachamios, an Armenian renegade. By 1091, the few remaining Byzantine towns in Asia Minor inherited by Alexius were lost as well. However, all was not to end in defeat for Byzantium; in 1091, a combined Seljuk/Pecheneg invasion and siege of Constantinople was thoroughly defeated whilst the Norman invasions had been held back as well allowing the Empire to focus its energies against the Turks. The Byzantines were thus able to recover the Aegean islands from Tzachas and destroy his fleet, and even regain the southern littoral of the Marmara Sea in 1094.
In 1094, Alexius Comnenus sent a message to Pope Urban II asking for weapons, supplies and skilled troops. At the Council of Clermont in 1095, the Pope preached a Crusade to be undertaken in order to capture Jerusalem and, in the process, assist the Byzantine Empire which could no longer guard Christendom in the East from Islamic aggression. Though the Crusades would assist the Byzantine Empire in reconquering many vital Anatolian towns, it also led to the dissolution of the Empire in 1204 during which time the Byzantines struggled to hold on to their territories.
Byzantium Survives: 1096–1118.
The first Crusaders arrived in 1096 following Alexius' appeal to the West. The agreement between the Byzantines and the Crusaders was that any Byzantine cities re-captured from the Turks would be handed over to the Empire.
This was beneficial for the Crusaders as it meant that they did not have to garrison captured towns and lose troop strength whilst maintaining their supply lines. The Byzantines, in return, would supply the Crusaders with food in a hostile territory and Alexius' troops would act as a reserve to reinforce them in any dangerous situations. The Crusaders first set about attacking Nicaea on 6 May 1097. Kilij Arslan I was unable to assist the Turks there due to the immense size of the Crusader armies; another small defeat on 16 May convinced Kilij Arslan to withdraw and abandon the city, which surrendered to the Byzantines on 19 June. After this, a decisive victory at Dorylaeum gave the Crusaders an Asia Minor that was open to attack: Sozopolis, Philomelium, Iconium, Antioch in Pisidia, Heraclea and Caesarea all fell to the Crusaders and they reached as far as Cilicia where they allied with Cilician Armenia.
Unfortunately for Alexius Comnenus, the Byzantines were unable to fully capitalize on these conquests with Caesarea returning to the Seljuks as a part of the Sultanate of Rum along with several other cities such as Iconium, the future capital of the Seljuk Turks. However, in a campaign in 1097 John Doukas, the "megas doux" (Alexios' brother-in-law), led both land and sea forces which re-established firm Byzantine control of the Aegean coastline and many inland districts of western Anatolia, taking the cities of Smyrna, Ephesus, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea and Choma from the demoralised Turks.
Following their victories, the Crusaders went on to lay siege to Antioch a city under Seljuk occupation. The siege marked the end of Crusader assistance to the Byzantines due to the simulations of Stephen of Blois. Kerbogha the Seljuk governor of Mosul, had a huge army of 75,000 troops sent to relieve Antioch; his unsuccessful siege of Edessa (a city that had recently fallen to the Crusaders) allowed the Crusaders time to capture Antioch on 3 June 1098, a day before Kerbogah's arrival. Despite this, Kerbogah's troops were able to breach the citadel where vicious and desperate fighting allowed the Crusaders to repulse his offensive. At this point, one of the Crusaders present, Stephen of Blois deserted and reaching Alexius Comnenus warned him that the Crusaders were destroyed and the Byzantine Emperor was forced to turn back.
As a result of this apparent desertion of Alexius I, the Crusaders refused to hand back Antioch when they managed to defeat Kerbogah's scattered army. With this resentment, the Crusaders largely abandoned assisting the Byzantines against the Seljuks and their allies. The follow-on Crusade of 1101 ended in total defeat and the consolidation of Seljuk power in Asia Minor with Iconium (modern day Konya) being established as the capital of the Sultanate of Rûm.
Byzantine counter-attack: 1118–1180.
The death of Alexius I brought John II Comnenus to power. By now, the Seljuk Turks had fractured and became loosely allied to each other. During this time the Sultanate of Rum was busy fighting off their former allies, the Danishmends. John Comnenus was able to use this to his advantage as he undertook a series of campaigns in Anatolia and Syria. John successfully captured the southern coast of Anatolia as far as Antioch, defeated an attempt by the Gabras family to form a breakaway state in Trebizond, and recaptured the ancestral home of the Comnenus family at Kastamonu. Despite this, Turkish resistance was strong and John did not capture the Seljuk capital at Iconium, nor were all of his conquests held – the city of Gangra, captured by John in the 1130s, was lost again as the emperor had left it with a garrison of just 2,000 men.
John spent considerable time and effort on a series of campaigns in Syria, which emphasised his dominance over the local Crusader kingdoms, especially Edessa and Antioch, but resulted in no long-term territorial gains for the Byzantine Empire. The emperor did strengthen the Byzantine army by recruiting new divisions and establishing new castles, fortifications and training camps in Byzantine territory. However, the scale of resources poured into his campaigns in Syria was far greater than in Anatolia, suggesting that John viewed prestige as more important than long-term conquest. In 1143, a fatal hunting accident to the emperor John robbed the Byzantines of the opportunity to achieve further progress.
John II died in 1143, leaving the Byzantine Empire a strong army, significant reserves of cash, and improved prestige. However, the new emperor, Manuel Comnenus, directed much of his attention to Hungary, Italy, Serbia and the Crusader states rather than Anatolia. While Manuel was largely successful in defeating attacks on the empire and holding the Balkans, his policy in Italy was a failure and the lavish expenditure of his rule has been criticised, most notably by the Byzantine historian Choniates. During this period, the Seljuk Turks were able to subdue their enemies, the Danishmends, under Kilij Arslan II. This resulted in a powerful centralised Turkish state based at Iconium, leaving the Byzantines arguably in a worse position than they had been under John II.
For the time being, Manuel's policy was not without merit as the emperor established peaceful co-existence with the Sultan and initiated measures such as allowing Turkmen to pay for pasture on Byzantine land, which were clearly meant to deter raiding. The establishment of the theme of Neokastra on the northern part of the Aegean coast near Pergamon was also praised by Choniates. However, when Kilij Arslan refused to hand over the city of Sebastea, which he was bound to do under an earlier agreement with Manuel, the emperor declared war in 1176 and led a very large army estimated at around 30,000 men into Seljuk territory with the intent of taking its capital Iconium. However, the Byzantine force was ambushed in a mountain pass with consequent heavy losses to both sides. This battle, the Battle of Myriokephalon, resulted in the Byzantine campaign of conquest being abandoned.
The battle was tactically indecisive with both leaders keen to seek peace. Following this Manuel's army continued to skirmish with the Turks in Anatolia, defeating them in a smaller but indecisive battle in the Meander Valley. Regardless of this small respite, Myriokephalon had far more decisive implications than the casualties would suggest – there was no more Byzantine reconquest in Asia Minor after 1176, leaving the process begun by Alexios incomplete at best. For the Seljuks, the acquisition of Danishmend territory gave them a victory though once again the Seljuks had to contend with neighbouring disputes leading to the peace treaty as requested by both leaders. By the terms of the treaty, Manuel was obliged to remove the armies and fortifications posted at Dorylaeum and Sublaeum.
However, Manuel Comnenus refused and when Kilij Arslan tried to enforce this treaty, a Turkish army invaded Byzantine territory and sacked a string of Byzantine cities as far as the Aegean coast, damaging the heartland of Byzantine control in the region. Nevertheless, John Vatatzes, who was sent by the Emperor to repel the Turkish invasion scored an ambush victory over the Turks at the Battle of Hyelion and Leimocheir in the Meander valley. The Turkish commander and many of his troops were killed while attempting to flee, and much of the plunder was recovered, an event that has been seen by historians as a sign that the Byzantine army remained strong and that the defensive program of western Asia Minor was still successful. After the victory on the Meander, Manuel himself advanced with a small army to drive the Turks from Panasium and Lacerium, south of Cotyaeum. However, in 1178 a Byzantine army retreated after encountering a Turkish force at Charax, allowing the Turks to capture many livestock. The city of Claudiopolis in Bithynia was besieged by the Turks in 1179, forcing Manuel to lead a small cavalry force to save the city and then, even as late as 1180, the Byzantines succeeded in scoring a victory over the Turks.
However, the continuous warfare did have a serious effect upon Manuel's vitality; he declined in health and in 1180 succumbed to a slow fever. Furthermore, like Manzikert, the balance between the two powers began to gradually shift – after Manuel's death, they began to move further and further west, deeper into Byzantine territory.
Seljuk Empire collapse: 1194–1260.
In 1194, Togrul of the Seljuk empire was defeated by Takash, the Shah of Khwarezmid Empire, and the Seljuk Empire finally collapsed. Of the former Seljuk Empire, only the Sultanate of Rûm in Anatolia remained. As the dynasty declined in the middle of the thirteenth century, the Mongols invaded Anatolia in the 1260s and divided it into smaller principalities called the Anatolian beyliks.
Though Anatolia had been under Byzantine rule for almost 1000 years, the Seljuks rapidly consolidated their holdings. This allowed them to hold on to their lands and made it all the more difficult for the Byzantines during the Komnenian restoration to re-conquer. The result was that even when the Byzantine empire was not riddled with civil disputes, it could not defeat the Seljuk Turks, who rarely allowed the Byzantines to engage them, hence the slow campaigning of John Komnenus.
The old Roman state was in a constant state of war due to the numerous enemies on its borders; Muslims to the South and East, Slavs to the North and Franks to the West. The Byzantine Empire had to face Normans, Pechenegs and Turks within a few decades of each other at a time when the army was torn in civil conflict.
The Middle East had been dominated for centuries by the power of the Fatimid Caliphate and the Byzantine Empire; by the end of the 13th century, neither of the two were in a position to project power; the Fatimids having been toppled by the Kurdish-influenced Ayyubids, whilst the Byzantines severely weakened by the Seljuks. Power shifted to the Mamluks by the 14th century and then back to the Turks in the late 15th and early 16th centuries. Never again would a Christian Kingdom wield so much military and political power in the Middle East. As the Turks steadily gained ground in Anatolia, the local population converted to Islam, further reducing any chances of a successful reconquest.
The war also gave Western Christendom the opportunity to launch expeditions/pilgrimages to visit/liberate the Holy Land from Muslim Rule. In time, these Crusaders would establish their own fiefs in the Holy Land, ruling with interests coinciding, but more often in conflict with, the Byzantine Empire, ultimately leading to a weakening of both the Crusader states and the Byzantine Empire.
For the Turks, it was the beginning of a new era of power. Despite further invasions and attacks by Crusaders from the west and the Mongols and Turkic tribes from the east, the Turks slowly emerged as a superpower under the Ottomans. The rise of the Ottomans was parallel to the fall of the Sultanate of Rum and the carving up of the Byzantine Empire. The power vacuum left in Anatolia was easily exploited by one of the sultanate's nobles, Osman I. Matters were made worse for the Byzantine Empire due to the Latin presence in the Peloponnese and the rising power of the Bulgarians who continued to press hard against the borders of Byzantium. In time, the Byzantines would be forced to call on the aid of the Ottomans to head to the European mainland and fight the Bulgarians, giving the Ottoman Turks a firm grip on Europe. The close proximity of Osman's Beylik ensured that confrontation between the Byzantines and the Ottomans would be inevitable. The Byzantines were a match for the Ottomans but events west of Constantinople coupled with civil war and incompetent leadership in the Byzantine-Ottoman Wars led to the fall of Constantinople in 1453.
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Lara Fabian (1999 album)
"Lara Fabian" is the fourth studio album and the first English-language album by pop singer Lara Fabian. It was first released on 29 November 1999 in France and was released worldwide in 2000. The album features the hit singles "I Will Love Again", "I Am Who I Am" and "Love by Grace".
Album information.
After the Francophone star's huge success, in 1998 and 1999, Lara went to New York City and San Francisco to record her first album in English. She wrote or co-wrote most of the songs, working with Rick Allison and producers Walter Afanasieff (Mariah Carey, Céline Dion, Michael Bolton), Patrick Leonard (Madonna), Sam Watters (Color Me Badd, Jessica Simpson, Anastacia) and Mark Taylor (Cher, Enrique Iglesias).
Produced by Sony Music, the self-titled album was launched in May 2000 on America's most popular morning television show, NBC's "Today" Show. Invitations poured in, and Lara Fabian appeared on "The Tonight Show", "The View", "Access Hollywood", "Craig Kilborn", and "Entertainment Tonight".
The album's first excerpt, "I Will Love Again", hit No. 1 on the Billboard Dance Music charts and settled in for 58 weeks.
Thanks to this resounding success, she received the Félix for Quebec Artist Having the Most Impact in a Language other than French.
From June 2000 to February 2001, the song "Love by Grace" became the theme song of the lead couple in the Brazilian soap opera Laços de Família, broadcast by Rede Globo for millions of viewers in Brazil and Portugal. For several weeks, the song was number 1 on most Brazilian and Portuguese radio stations. "Love by Grace" generated an incredible frenzy around the artist.
After From Lara with Love, her first American TV special broadcast by PBS, the singer-songwriter participated in the very popular WTKU New York radio special, Miracle on 34th Street, where many popular artists appeared, including Michael Jackson, Christina Aguilera, Marc Anthony, Ricky Martin and Toni Braxton.
Shortly after, when her self-titled English-language album was released in Asia, Lara scored a number one hit on the Taiwanese top ten, a great moment for the artist. Many were particularly impressed with the song "Light of my Life" (found only on the Asian edition of the album), which she interpreted with Leehom Wang, Asia's top male Chinese-speaking vocalist. This song was included in the movie feature China Strike Force, starring newcomer Lee-Horn along with Aaron Kwok, a box-office idol throughout Asia.
Eagerly awaited in several cities throughout the world, Lara dealt with her growing popularity by frequently appearing abroad. Fans and critics questioned her promotional tactics, however, as she neglected the US market in favor of a European tour, where she had already solidified her popularity. In 2001, promotion of "Lara Fabian" slowed significantly and a third single was not released. Lara has been absent from the US music landscape since that time.
There are many different international versions of this album. There is a version each for Canada, France, Japan, America, and South America. The albums vary greatly from each other because of different song tracks or cover artwork.
The song "Till I Get Over You" was produced by the duo Louis Biancaniello and Sam Watters, who became the producer team behind the sound of the initial hits for American female singer Anastacia. One can see the similarities in sound and production between Lara's "Till I Get Over You" and Anastacia's "I'm Outta Love" on Anastacia's 2000 debut album "Not That Kind".
The songs "Adagio" and "Broken Vow" were covered by Filipino singers, Mark Bautista and Sarah Geronimo. Also Josh Groban covered "Broken Vow" for his 2003 album "Closer", and Lebanese singer Majida El Roumi sang an Arabic cover of "Adagio", titled "Habibi", for her 2006 album "E'tazalt El Gharam".
Kazakh singer, Dimash Kudaibergen (Kazakh: Дінмұхаммед Қанатұлы Құдайберген, Dinmuhammed Qanatuly Qudaıbergen), who also works now with Igor Krutoy, sang "Adagio" in his "wild card" entry performance in 2017 on the Chinese talent competition, I Am Singer, which catapulted him to world-wide notice, also performing it on the US show The World's Best (controversially withdrawing due to, against his contractual stipulations, being placed to compete against much younger performers, which is much against his Kazakh cultural tradition of always supporting and encouraging youth). In 2019, he and Lara performed together in a concerts with Igor Krutoy.
Both versions of "Adagio" and the song "To Love Again (Si Tu M'Aimes)" feature Steve Lukather guitar solos.
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Lateral antibrachial cutaneous
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The Ultimate Collection (Grace Jones album)
The Ultimate Collection is a 3-CD anthology of recordings by Grace Jones, released in 2006 by Universal.
Although usually listed as a box set, "The Ultimate Collection" is packaged in a double gatefold cardboard sleeve, and was released by the Dutch label CCM, a subsidiary of Universal Music Holland. CCM had previously issued similar 3-CD sets by artists like Donna Summer, Barry White, Diana Ross, Kool & the Gang, Dusty Springfield and others.
"The Ultimate Collection" features songs newly remastered in 32-bit sound. The album includes tracks from Jones' disco period (1976–79), most noticeably the album version of her 1978 hit "Do or Die", which was then available on compact disc for the first time in more than a decade. "The Ultimate Collection" was not intended to be a singles collection, as several single releases are missing (most notably "On Your Knees", the primary single from the album "Muse").
"The Ultimate Collection" is more or less an expanded re-issue of Universal's "The Grace Jones Story", released earlier that same year, with a few notable changes. Disc one omits "That's the Trouble" but adds the aforementioned album version of "Do or Die", "All on a Summers Night" as well as the original long versions of "Private Life", "Love Is the Drug" and "Warm Leatherette". However, Universal did not correct the faulty edit of "Saved" that had also appeared on "The Grace Jones Story", which means that the two first minutes of the song were again left out. Disc two uses the album version of "Pull Up to the Bumper" instead of the 7" edit as well as the original long version of "The Hunter Gets Captured by the Game". It adds "Inspiration", "Slave to the Rhythm" (not the well-known single version but the album track that confusingly bears the same title) and "Victor Should Have Been a Jazz Musician", but omits "Someone to Love" and moves "She's Lost Control" and "Sex Drive" to disc three, which otherwise consists of alternate versions previously issued on 1998's "".
Track listing.
Notes: This CD, just like "The Grace Jones Story", skips the first two minutes of "Saved", subsequently starting with the first line of the second verse (original length of the track is 7:13). The version of "Slave to the Rhythm" included here is track five on the "Slave to the Rhythm" album, not the hit single version. Tracks 1–4 and "Slave to the Rhythm" from disc 3 appear in their 1998 edited forms.
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Hand tractor
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Andrés Chitiva
Andrés Chitiva Espinoza (born August 13, 1979) is a Colombian former professional footballer. He was a pacy left winger who possessed great speed, dribbling skills and crossing ability.
Club career.
Chitiva started his top-flight career in 1997 playing for Millonarios in his hometown of Bogotá in Colombia. In 2001, Chitiva was signed by Mexico's Pachuca, at the recommendation of the team's Colombian goalkeeper and captain Miguel Calero. Chitiva has been ever present in the Pachuca side ever since and a driving force in the team's four domestic Mexican titles (2001, 2003, 2006, 2007) since his arrival. Chitiva's ability to deliver the killer cross and finish in the box with timely runs have made him a hero to the Pachuca fans.
Most recently, Chitiva helped lead Pachuca to its historic capture of the South American Cup Copa Sudamericana - the first intercontinental title victory for a Mexican side.
In July 2011 he returned to Pachuca for the Apertura 2011 to finally retire as one of the most notable players in Pachuca's history.
International career.
Chitiva applied and received dual citizenship in Mexico so that Pachuca no longer has to use a foreigner spot for him in their roster. Chitiva remains, however, fiercely loyal to his Colombian heritage and has stated his desire to play for his nation's full national team on numerous occasions.
Former Colombian coach, Jorge Luis Pinto, capped the Pachuca player for two friendly matches against Switzerland and Paraguay in late March 2007. Although he entered as a substitute late in the Switzerland game, he helped finish the Colombian win with a final 3rd goal. He was also a crucial element in the 2–0 defeat against Paraguay three days later on March 28, 2007.
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Roderick "Roddy" St. James
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Tawni O’Dell
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FC Lukoil Chelyabinsk
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Sir John Ninian Comper
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Low ionization nuclear emission region
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Spartak Nizhny Novgorod
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Blagues Coquines
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Lara Fabian (2000)
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The forest of bewilderment
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Lukoil Chelyabinsk
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How Long Is Forever?
How Long Is Forever?, also translated as How Far Is Forever? and How Long Will Eternity Last?, is a 1999 Chinese novella by Tie Ning. Set in Beijing, the novella follows a sincere and altruistic-to-a-fault girl named Bai Daxing who never changes: forever like a meek child, she always gives in to others' demands even as she gets used and dumped over and over again. Through the static Bai Daxing, Tie Ning also explores the changing values in Beijing from the 1970s Cultural Revolution to the 1990s as China experiences rapid economic growth and urbanization.
English translations.
The novella has also been translated to other languages, such as Thai (as ตลอดกาลน่ะนานแค่ไหน, by Sirindhorn) and Turkish (as "Sonsuz Ne Kadar Uzun?", by Nuri Razi).
"How Long Is Forever?" has been adapted into a 2001 Chinese TV drama series directed by Chen Weiming, starring Xu Fan as Bai Daxing.
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Vaughan Hart
Vaughan Hart is a leading architectural historian, and Professor Emeritus of Architecture in the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering at the University of Bath. He served as head of department between 2008 and 2010.
Hart was born in Ireland in 1960 and spent part of his childhood in Hong Kong. He studied architecture at Bath and Cambridge Universities (Trinity Hall), where he was taught by Michael Brawne, Patrick Hodgkinson, Peter Smithson, Ted Happold and Dalibor Vesely. Smithson was his final year undergraduate tutor, and part of Hart's student project was exhibited in the 1986 Royal Academy Summer Exhibition where it won the Royal Academy Student Prize. He worked first as an architectural assistant to Sir Colin St John Wilson on the British Library project in London, before moving to Cambridge to teach in Wilson’s unit and study for a doctorate on Inigo Jones under Joseph Rykwert. Hart's thesis formed the basis for his first book, on the art and architecture of the Stuart Court, published by Routledge in 1994.
Hart's concerns lie in particular with the symbolic function of architecture, and with the sources and meaning of architectural forms. He has published widely in the field of architectural history, specialising in the Italian architectural treatises and in British architectural history of the Renaissance and Baroque periods. He is the co-translator (with Peter Hicks) of the treatises of Sebastiano Serlio, funded by the Getty Grants Programme and The Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts, and he has also translated the two guidebooks to Rome published by Andrea Palladio and the guidebook to Venice by Francesco Sansovino (2017). These works were all published by Yale University Press, and have in turn been translated into Chinese and Japanese. Hart's translation of these classic works formed part of a wider project initiated by Rykwert and Robert Tavernor through their translation of the treatise by Leon Battista Alberti. In addition, Hart's monographs include influential studies of the work of Inigo Jones, Sir Christopher Wren, Sir John Vanbrugh and Nicholas Hawksmoor, all published by Yale University Press for The Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art. The latter monograph was awarded the Best Book on British Art Prize of the American College Art Association in 2004.
In 1997 Hart was the curator of an exhibition entitled 'Paper Palaces: Architectural books from 1472 to 1800 in the collection of Cambridge University Library'. This consisted of architectural prints, manuscripts and over 140 rare books and incunabula, and was held in the Adeane Gallery of the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge. It was opened by the Duke of Gloucester. In 2008 he co-organised (with Peter Hicks and Alan Day) an exhibition entitled 'Palladio's Rome' held at the British School at Rome, and in 2009 he co-organised (again with Hicks and Day) an exhibition of research work held at the Réfectoire des Cordeliers at the Sorbonne, Paris. Along with Tavernor, Hart has pioneered the use of the computer to visualise lost buildings and investigate historic forms. In 2002 he was funded by the AHRC to build a computer model of Hawksmoor's work in the city of Oxford. His computer work has been displayed in the 1993 and 1995 Royal Academy Summer Exhibitions, in the National Theatre Museum at Covent Garden, the George Peabody Library at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, and in the ‘Nelson and Napoleon’ exhibition held at the National Maritime Museum, London, in July 2005.
Teaching and Fellowships.
Vaughan Hart has lectured in many schools of architecture throughout the world, and his graduate students hold academic and museum posts in Australia, Sweden and the UK. Hart has held visiting posts as a senior fellow of the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art in 2005, and as a visiting scholar at St John's College, Oxford in the same year. In 2009 he was Ailsa Mellon Bruce Visiting Senior Fellow at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. He was a visiting professor at Kent University. He served on the AHRC Peer Review College from 2011 to 2016. He was a trustee of the Holburne Museum in Bath from 2011 to 2016 and a member of the advisory board of the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, an independent research institute within the University of Helsinki, Finland, from 2012 to 2017. He served as the assistant honorary secretary and trustee of the Oriental Ceramic Society between 2014 and 2019.
<doc id="8721813" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721813" title="Recovered reality">
Recovered reality
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Nasopharyngeal tonsils
<doc id="8721819" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721819" title="Jan van Heelu">
Jan van Heelu
Jan van Heelu (lived 13th century) was a Flemish writer. Between 1288 and 1294, he wrote a chronicle of the Battle of Woeringen of 1288, between Reinoud I of Guelders, and John I, Duke of Brabant. He was part of the Battle of Woeringen.
<doc id="8721824" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721824" title="Yigal Azrouël">
Yigal Azrouël
Yigal Azrouël () is an Israeli American New York-based fashion designer.
An avid surfer, born and raised in Israel of French-Moroccan descent, Yigal Azrouël draws his inspiration from his travels, art, architecture, nature, and above all, his hometown of New York City. He debuted his eponymous ready-to-wear collection in the fall of 1998, receiving instant acclaim, both commercially and critically. In 2000, Yigal opened his atelier and showroom in New York's Garment District, where 80% of his collections are manufactured today, and began his participation at New York Fashion Week .
In February 2003, he opened his first freestanding boutique, designed by Dror Benshetrit, in Manhattan's Meatpacking District on West 14th Street. By 2004, Yigal Azrouël was inducted into the Council of Fashion Designers of America. In October 2004, he showed his Spring Summer 2005 collection at the Ritz Carlton Paris for his first international showing. In 2009, Yigal was nominated for GQ Best New Menswear Designers in America. He collaborates with many artists, including Emery LeCrone's "Works & Process" commissions for the Guggenheim. Known for his expert draping and defined construction, the Yigal Azrouël signature appeal is minimal and fresh with a precise attention to detail. The Yigal Azrouël woman is effortlessly cool and confident, and this modern muse is the constant source of inspiration for his designs. Azrouël defines his aesthetic using high quality one-of-a-kind fabrics to drape structured, ultra feminine, modern silhouettes. Yigal prides himself in the craftsmanship; he finely sources original fabrics, furs, and embellishments from all over the world to create the finest products for his customer. All of which are sold domestically and internationally at select luxury retailers, online at yigal-azrouel.com, and at his Madison Avenue flagship boutique in New York City. Azrouël's designs have been worn by Cate Blanchett, Julia Roberts, Gwyneth Paltrow, Alicia Vikander, Emma Stone, Sandra Bullock, Madonna, Natalie Portman, Rooney Mara, Emma Watson, Anne Hathaway, Taylor Swift, Kendall Jenner, Suki Waterhouse, Kate Beckinsale, Allison Williams, Kristen Wiig, Kate Mara, Lily Collins, Chrissy Teigen, and Kate Bosworth.
<doc id="8721827" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721827" title="Caban">
Caban may refer to:
<doc id="8721835" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721835" title="Modern pentathlon at the 2008 Summer Olympics">
Modern pentathlon at the 2008 Summer Olympics
Modern pentathlon competitions at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing were held on August 21 and August 22 at the Olympic Sports Centre Stadium (running, equestrian), Ying Tung Natatorium (swimming), and the Olympic Green Convention Center (fencing, shooting). Modern pentathlon contained five events; pistol shooting, épée fencing, 200 m freestyle swimming, show jumping, and a 3 km cross-country run.
Andrey Moiseev, representing Russia, became the second modern pentathlete to successfully defend an Olympic title in the men's event, while Lena Schöneborn of Germany won the women's.
Medal summary.
The original bronze medalist, Victoria Tereshchuk of Ukraine was disqualified for doping violations.
Qualified athletes.
An NOC may enter up to 2 athletes in each event. The places in each event will be allocated as follows:
"Note: Athletes marked with an asterisk (*) have qualified before, countries with two asterisks (**) already filled their quota of two athletes. The free places cannot be filled by the next competitors from the respective competition, but they will be filled by the world standings at the end of the qualification period. (marked also with one or two asterisks)"
"*** Top finisher from NORCECA, top finisher from South America, and 2 next highest overall finishers from Pan-America.
"**** Unused quotas"
"***** If one or more athletes qualify through more than 1 criteria, the remaining positions will be allocated through Pentathlon World Ranking"
"^ Qualification revoked."
"Note: See above, at the male section.
<doc id="8721839" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721839" title="Johann Erasmus Kindermann">
Johann Erasmus Kindermann
Johann Erasmus Kindermann (29 March 1616 – 14 April 1655) was a German Baroque organist and composer. He was the most important composer of the Nuremberg school in the first half of the 17th century.
Kindermann was born in Nuremberg and studied music from an early age; at 15 he already had a job performing at Sunday afternoon concerts at the Frauenkirche (he sang bass and played violin). His main teacher was Johann Staden. In 1634/35 the city officials granted Kindermann permission and money to travel to Italy to study new music. Nothing is known about his stay in Italy; he may have visited Venice like several other Nuremberg composers (Hans Leo Hassler, Johann Philipp Krieger). In January 1636 the city council ordered Kindermann back to take the position of second organist of the Frauenkirche. In 1640 he was employed as organist at Schwäbisch-Hall, but quit the same year to become organist of the Egidienkirche, the third most important position of its kind in Nuremberg after St. Sebald and St. Lorenz.
Kindermann stayed in Nuremberg for the rest of his life, and became one of the most famous musicians of the city and its most acclaimed teacher. His pupils included Augustin Pfleger, and also Heinrich Schwemmer and Georg Caspar Wecker, both of whom tutored the last generation of the Nuremberg school, which included the Krieger brothers and, most importantly, Johann Pachelbel. Kindermann was also instrumental in spreading new music in Nuremberg and south Germany, publishing not only several collections of his own music, but also works by Giacomo Carissimi, Girolamo Frescobaldi and Tarquinio Merula.
Most of Kindermann's surviving works are vocal pieces that reflect the transition from older forms to the more modern use of concertato techniques and basso continuo and explore a variety of techniques from motets for choir without instruments to concertos for solo voices after Schütz's sectional concertos, recitative and dialogue experiments (some of which look up to late Baroque works - for example, by using unprepared dissonance in the recitative "Dum tot carminibus" for tenor and continuo). Some two hundred songs survive, on diverse texts: homophonic settings of brief poetic texts, songs for one or two voices and continuo with instrumental ritornellos, etc. Several manuscript pieces are important precursors to later church cantatas and belong to the earliest large-scale Nuremberg vocal music to have contrasting solo and choral movements.
Of the keyboard music, "Harmonia Organica" (1645) is the most important collection, not only in the musical sense but also in the history of music printing, as it is perhaps the earliest engraved German music. It consists of 25 contrapuntal pieces. The first fourteen are preludes, 15-20 measures long, with no imitative idiom present, each starting with all voices together. The first six cover all church modes (one prelude for both authentic and plagal modes); the next six repeat this series transposing it down a fifth. The rest of the pieces of the collection are titled "fuga": some are genuine fugues, others are based on chorale melodies and use them in a variety of ways, sometimes one phrase is answering another, other times the second phrase may be used for an interlude, etc. There is one remarkable triple fugue on chorale melodies, and an early example of chorale fugue (i.e. fugue on the first phrase of the chorale melody), a model which would later be extensively used by central German composers and, most importantly, Johann Pachelbel and J.S. Bach. The final piece of "Harmonia Organica" is a Magnificat setting, which begins and ends with a full-fledged improvisatory, free section. Different verses are treated differently: some as cantus firmus in one of the voices, one as a fugue, one as an echo, etc. Other surviving keyboard music by Kindermann includes a number of dances for the harpsichord.
Kindermann's most important chamber music is perhaps the collection "Canzoni, sonatae" (1653), which includes one of the earliest, if not the earliest, use of scordatura in Germany. The pieces of the collection may be seen as precursors to Biber's work; all consist of several contrasting sections, as in similar works by Frescobaldi. Much of the other chamber music, for wind and string instruments, is modelled after Staden's pieces. There is also evidence of lost chamber music collections.
<doc id="8721844" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721844" title="Low ionization nuclear emission line region">
Low ionization nuclear emission line region
<doc id="8721848" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721848" title="Low-ionization nuclear emission line region">
Low-ionization nuclear emission line region
<doc id="8721849" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721849" title="List of science parks in the united kingdom">
List of science parks in the united kingdom
<doc id="8721852" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721852" title="Low ionization nuclear emission-line region">
Low ionization nuclear emission-line region
<doc id="8721854" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721854" title="Himilayas">
<doc id="8721859" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721859" title="Low-ionization nuclear emission region">
Low-ionization nuclear emission region
<doc id="8721865" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721865" title="Windows Vista Activation">
Windows Vista Activation
<doc id="8721866" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721866" title="John Tod">
John Tod
John Tod (1779March 27, 1830) was an American judge and politician who served as a Democratic-Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives for Pennsylvania's 8th congressional district from 1821 to 1823 and for Pennsylvania's 13th congressional district from 1823 to 1824. He served as a member of the Pennsylvania State Senate for the 14th district from 1815 to 1818 including as Speaker from 1815 to 1816 and as a member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives from 1810 to 1813 including two terms as Speaker.
He served as presiding judge of the Pennsylvania Courts of Common Pleas for the 16th district from 1824 to 1827 and as an associate judge of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court from 1827 until his death in 1830.
Early years and education.
In 1779, Tod was born in Suffield, Connecticut and was educated in the common schools and at Yale College. He studied law under his brother George and received his legal certificate around 1799. He moved with his father to Aquasco, Maryland and began teaching as Assistant Master of Charlotte Hall. In 1802, he moved to Bedford, Pennsylvania, was admitted to the bar in 1803 and commenced the practice of law. In 1805, he worked as postmaster of Bedford and served as a clerk to the county commissioners of Bedford County, Pennsylvania in 1806 and 1807.
Tod was a member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives from 1810 to 1813, serving twice as its Speaker. He served as a member of the Pennsylvania State Senate for the 14th district from 1815 to 1818 including as Speaker from 1815 to 1816.
In 1820–1821, he was elected to the Seventeenth and then later into the Eighteenth Congress and served until his resignation from Congress in 1824. He served as chairman of the United States House Committee on Manufactures during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Congresses.
In March–April 1824, Tod was honored with a single vote at the Democratic-Republican Party Caucus to be the party's candidate for U.S. Vice President at the election later that year.
Tod served as presiding judge of the Pennsylvania Court of Common pleas for the sixteenth judicial district from 1824 from 1827 and as associate judge of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court from 1827 until his death in 1830.
Tod died on March 27, 1830 at about the age of 50 in Bedford, Pennsylvania and is interred in Bedford Cemetery.
Personal life.
In 1810, he married Mary Read Hanna, the daughter of U.S. Representative John A. Hanna, and together they had five children.
<doc id="8721868" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721868" title="Admiral William Leahy">
Admiral William Leahy
<doc id="8721871" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721871" title="Dark-sky preserve">
Dark-sky preserve
A dark-sky preserve (DSP) is an area, usually surrounding a park or observatory, that restricts artificial light pollution. The purpose of the dark-sky movement is generally to promote astronomy. However, astronomy is certainly not the only objective of conserving a dark sky. A dark night sky is associated with many facets of history, philosophy, religion, societal development, poetry, song, mathematics, and science. Different terms have been used to describe the areas as national organizations have worked independently to create their programs. The International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) uses International Dark Sky Reserve (IDSR) and International Dark Sky Park (IDSP). A third designation, International Dark Sky Sanctuary, was introduced in 2015.
An International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) was founded in 1988 to reserve public or private land for an exquisite outlook of nocturnal territories and starry night skies. These reserves are specifically conserved for its scientific, natural, educational, cultural, heritage and public enjoyment.
In 1993, Michigan became the first state in the United States to designate a tract of land as a "Dark Sky Preserve" at the Lake Hudson State Recreation Area. In 1999, the first permanent preserve was established at Torrance Barrens in the Muskoka region of southern Ontario.
The IDA recognizes and accredits dark-sky areas worldwide, in three categories. The Mont Mégantic Observatory in Quebec is the first such site to be recognized (in 2007) as an International Dark Sky Reserve. IDA recognized Natural Bridges National Monument in Utah as the world's first International Dark Sky Park. In 2015, the IDA introduced the term "Dark Sky Sanctuary" and designated the Elqui Valley of northern Chile as the world's first International Dark Sky Sanctuary. The Gabriela Mistral Dark Sky Sanctuary is named after a Chilean poet.
It is generally understood that a dark-sky preserve, or dark-sky reserve, should be sufficiently dark to promote astronomy. However, this is not always the case. The lighting protocol for a dark-sky preserve is based on the sensitivity of wildlife to artificial light at night (ALAN).
Canada has established an extensive and more stringent standard for dark-sky preserves, that addresses lighting within the DSP and influences from skyglow from urban areas in the region. This was based on the work of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada.
Dark Sky Places.
The IDA's Dark Sky Places program offers five types of designations:
Further designations include "Dark Sky Nation", given to the Kaibab Indian Reservation, and "Parashant International Night Sky Province-Window to the Cosmos", given to Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument.
Protected zones.
Some regions, like the following, are protected without any reference to an observatory or a park.
By country.
In the Canadian program, lighting within the area must be strictly controlled to minimize the impact of artificial lighting on wildlife. These guidelines are more stringent than in other countries that lack the extensive wilderness areas that still exist in Canada. The management of a Canadian DSP extends their outreach programs from the public that visit the site to include the promotion of better lighting policies in surrounding urban areas. Currently, dark-sky preserves have more control over internal and external lighting than other programs.
With the increase in regional light pollution, some observatories have actively worked with cities in their region to establish protection zones where there is controlled light pollution. These areas may not yet have been declared dark-sky preserves.
Although dark-sky preserve designations are generally sought by astronomers, it is clear that preserving natural darkness has positive effects on the health of nocturnal wildlife within the parks. For example, the nocturnal black-footed ferret was reintroduced to the Grasslands National Park dark-sky preserve and the success of the reintroduction is enhanced by the pristine natural darkness maintained within the park by the DSP agreement.
<doc id="8721876" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721876" title="St Aethelred of Kent">
St Aethelred of Kent
<doc id="8721879" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721879" title="Mariano Chico">
Mariano Chico
Colonel Mariano Chico Navarro (1796–1850) served one of the briefest terms as Alta California governor from April 1836 to July 1836. He was both preceded and succeeded by the equally unpopular Lieutenant Colonel Nicolás Gutiérrez, who joined him in exile in Mexico on November 5, 1836, by a northern revolt.
<doc id="8721887" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721887" title="Miss Minoes">
Miss Minoes
Miss Minoes () is a 2001 Dutch film, based on the children's novel "Minoes" by Annie M.G. Schmidt. The film won the Golden Calves for Best Feature Film and Best Actress (Carice van Houten).
One night, a cat named Minoes stumbles upon a can of chemical liquid that had been dropped by a truck, and after drinking it transforms into a human woman. As a human, she maintains her feline traits such as her fear of dogs, meowing on the roof with other cats, catching mice, purring, and eating raw fish. She soon meets a journalist named Tibbe, who works for the newspaper of the fictional town of Killendoorn.
Tibbe is very shy, and therefore he finds it quite hard to write good articles. At first, Tibbe does not believe she is a cat in human form, but Minoes happens to know all kinds of interesting news from the town cats, so it doesn't bother him. In exchange for food and shelter, Tibbe allows Minoes to help him with his journalist job by finding interesting news to write about. With the help of the Cat Press Service and all the news the cats bring in, Tibbe soon becomes the journalist with the best articles.
However, there is one important article that Tibbe does not dare to write: an article on the rich Mr. Ellemeet, the chemical factory owner. All town members consider him a very respectable man, and a real animal lover. But all cats know that he is not what he seems. After Minoes finally convinces Tibbe to write and publish the article, the whole town turns their back on him. He loses his job and is almost evicted from his apartment. However, Minoes helps set up a sting in which Ellemeet is filmed shooting at cats and exposed as the cruel villain he is. In the end, although Minoes has a chance to turn back into a cat by eating a bullfinch (which supposedly eats herbs that can cure many conditions such as that of a cat turning into a human), she decides to remain human and stay with Tibbe, having fallen in love with him. The film's credits reveal that the two got married.
The film was a box office success grossing $4,227,362 in the Netherlands, $111,858 in Germany, $34,164 in Austria, and $389,200 in Norway. Under the title "Miss Minoes", Music Box Films released a dubbed version on 23 December 2011 in New York City and Chicago.
<doc id="8721889" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721889" title="Cadbury's Chocolate Factory, Tasmania">
Cadbury's Chocolate Factory, Tasmania
Cadbury's Chocolate Factory (also known as Cadbury's Claremont) is the largest chocolate factory in the Southern Hemisphere, producing a company-record of over of chocolate in 2021.
Established at Claremont, Tasmania in 1921, the factory and surrounding model village estate marked Cadbury's first business expansion outside the United Kingdom. Cadbury's Claremont is currently owned by the multinational conglomerate Mondelēz International, which purchased Cadbury in 2010.
Following Cadbury's successful 1919 merger with rival chocolatiers Fry's, the British company decided to expand operations overseas. As Australia was one of the company's largest export markets, it was decided to be an appropriate location for their first factory abroad. After visiting Tasmania in January 1920, executives from Cadbury's selected the unique peninsula location at Claremont due to the state's cheap provision of hydro electricity by the Hydro Electric Commission, cool climate and the availability of high-quality fresh dairy production and supply.
The Cadbury family were Quakers, and the company executives believed the site at Claremont embodied the Quaker values of the company, offering a tranquil and picturesque setting for workers. The location inspired the company phrase "By mountain and sea", which the factory used on a range of promotional materials highlighting the business' interest in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Forty workers (consisting of twenty-four men and sixteen women) from the original Cadbury factory in Birmingham and Bristol in the United Kingdom relocated to Tasmania to oversee the factory construction and train newly recruited staff.
Cadbury's Claremont was officially opened on 21 October 1921. Between March and May 1922, Cadbury's Managing Director Dorothy Cadbury visited the factory, overseeing working conditions from both the perspective of the employee and employer. Her parents, Chairman of Directors Barrow Cadbury and Dame Geraldine Cadbury DBE, and sister Geraldine Mary Cadbury accompanied her on the visit.
Bound for Sydney, the first shipment left Cadbury's Claremont on Saturday 8 April 1922, containing Pascall confectionery. Dorothy and Barrow Cadbury returned to Claremont in 1930.
Cadbury's Estate.
Based upon the model village of Cadbury's Bournville estate in Birmingham, the newly established "Cadbury's Estate" embodied Quaker ideology, providing housing for workers, shops, sporting facilities, a school, a Friends meeting house and parkland, complete with purple benches.
To assist worker education and social welfare, a variety of organisations and social activities were created including a youth club, girls’ club, cricket club, a floricultural society and a camera club called "Candied Camera".
The new self-contained community covered , with the peninsula bound by Bilton Bay to the north and Windermere Bay to the south upon the River Derwent. Located north of the City of Glenorchy, the estate has views of kunanyi / Mount Wellington to the west and both the City of Clarence and Brighton local government area on the eastern shore.
Within the estate are various roads and buildings containing historical industry namesakes, such as Bournville Road, named after Cadbury's original worker's estate. MacRobertson’s Road pays tribute to MacRobertson's, the Australian company which created Cherry Ripe, Old Gold and Freddo Frog, acquired by Cadburys in 1967. Today, the Cadbury's Estate has a rich history with eighteen heritage-listed buildings located on the site, including the former Claremont Primary School.
Claremont Primary School.
With frontage along Windermere Bay, Claremont Primary School was completed on the Cadbury's Estate in 1924 to facilitate factory worker's children. As part of the City of Glenorchy's "Building the Education Revolution" plan in 2009, Claremont Primary School was set to close following the proposal of two new primary schools facilitating the area.
In 2015, a $79 million subdivision was put forward to develop the site.
In 2017 the school was victim to an arson attack, causing upward of $150,000 in damages and destroying one of the school's historic buildings.
The school was purchased by businessman Kai Yang in 2019. In 2021, a $200m development on the site called the "Windermere Bay Precinct" was proposed, featuring 315 apartments and townhouses, a childcare centre, local shops, a cafe, and a gym and pool within the parkland setting. Designed by Circa Morris-Nunn Architects, the remaining heritage-listed school building will be retained and used for community facilities.
Factory tours.
Due to the factory's long history and the general appeal of chocolate, Cadbury's Claremont was a major Tasmanian tourism attraction, recording 150,000 visitors annually until its on-site visitor centre closed in 2015.
Original factory tour.
From 1948, the factory conducted public tours of the facility, showcasing the manufacturing process, including the fermenting, drying, roasting, and separating of cocoa beans from their skins to create cocoa solids and cocoa butter. The tour also included an inspection of the factory's pure granite conching machines dating back to the 1950s, industrial machinery and wrapping process, ending with a taste-testing and the collection of free samples.
The tours were discontinued in 2008 due to health and safety regulations adopted by the company globally and replaced with a newly-built visitor centre at the site in 2010.
Visitor Centre closure.
During the 2013 federal election campaign, then-opposition leader Tony Abbott offered a $16 million grant to develop and upgrade the visitor centre. Once the Abbott government came into power, the parent company Mondelēz stated that they had not met the criteria for the grant. In spite public outcry, the visitor centre was permanently closed on the 18 December 2015.
Chocolates produced at Cadbury's Claremont for the Australian market include all major Cadbury brand chocolate bars (including Cherry Ripe and Crunchie) and blocks (Dairy Milk, Marvellous Creations and Old Gold), as well as classic chocolate confectionery products (such as Freddo Frog and Caramello Koala).
In 2022, a network of 56 dairy farms in North-West region of Tasmania contributes of milk to the chocolate production, which is then processed at Cadbury's Burnie milk depot. The milk is then transported to Hobart in B-Double road tankers. Australian sugar is imported from Mackay, Queensland, with cocoa sourced and imported from Ghana.
Seasonal products, such as Easter Eggs, as well as boxed chocolates (Roses, Favourites and Milk Tray) are produced at the Victorian Cadbury facilities at Ringwood and Scoresby. Pascall confectionery have been manufactured in Victoria since 1981.
Since the controversial 2019 closure of the historic Cadbury chocolate factory in Dunedin, Cadbury's Claremont now also produces New Zealand Cadbury products including Chocolate Fish, the Mighty Perky Nana and Snifters.
In September 2022, Cadbury announced that all future Dairy Milk, Caramilk and Old Gold varieties would be wrapped in 30% recycled soft plastic, replacing former single-use packaging.
Australian market staples manufactured at Claremont include:
Redundancies and cuts.
Historically Cadbury's Claremont has been a major employer for the City of Glenorchy, employing 1,100 workers in 1960. The workforce has continually reduced through the ongoing advancement of manufacturing technology and automation. In 2015, 80 factory floor jobs were cut following a $75m upgrade by Mondelēz International, with a further 11 jobs cut from the closure of the visitor centre.
The workforce lost 40 workers in 2018 following a further $20m upgrade to machinery. In 2018, Cadbury's Claremont has a workforce of 450 people, in comparison to 2003, when it employed up to 850 people at peak times.
Cadbury Road is accessible via Main Road, Box Hill Road and Bolton Street, Claremont. Metro Tasmania bus number 512 services Claremont and the Cadbury's Estate, which depart from the Hobart Bus Mall in the CBD. The Cadbury's Estate is connected to the former North–South rail corridor, with Tasman Limited previously operating 26 weekday services until 1974.
<doc id="8721898" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721898" title="Jaru, Rondônia">
Jaru, Rondônia
Jaru is a municipality in the Brazilian state of Rondônia. It is located at latitude 10 ° 26'20 "South and longitude 62 ° 27'59" West, with an altitude of 124 meters. Its population is estimated at 51,620 inhabitants (IBGE/2020).
It has an area of 2944 km ². The city of Jaru is situated in the valley of the river Jaru.
The council came around a telegraph of the posts installed in 1912 by the Commission of Strategic Telegraph Line Mato Grosso / Amazon, led by then-Col. Candido Mariano da Silva Rondon. However, the River Valley Jaru was occupied by the rubber tappers and since the nineteenth century, despite the resistance imposed by the nation of Jarus, who had under his rule, occupying a vast area stretching from the river Jaru, left tributary of Ji-Parana river, to the shores of the upper course of the Madeira River.
In 1915, the Rondon Commission undertook studies exploring the Rio Jaru, keeping its name in homage to the original inhabitants, the Jarus. The current occupation of the valley Jaru occurred since 1975, with the installation of the Integrated Project of Colonization Father Adolpho Rohl, INCRA, settlements of colonists to come mainly from the Central South of Brazil
Their demographic and economic development resulted in the elevation of the project area to the category of municipality, with the location of Jaru as municipal seat elevated to city status. Created by Law No. 6921 of June 16, 1981, the city was named Jaru, named after the river and the Indian nation of Jarus.
Physical Aspects.
The Relief: The surface of the municipality of Jaru presents a generally corrugated relief not existing merchant landforms. Vegetation: Is the dominance of Amazon Forest. Climate: Equatorial humid.
<doc id="8721903" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721903" title="Philippine Episcopal Church">
Philippine Episcopal Church
<doc id="8721905" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721905" title="Richard Offiong">
Richard Offiong
Richard Offiong (born 17 December 1983) is an English footballer who plays as a striker.
Newcastle United.
Offiong started his career with Newcastle United as a youth but never made a first team appearance for the club. During his time at Newcastle, Offiong was capped by England at under-20 level and loaned out three times. His first loan out was at Darlington in November 2002 on a two-month loan. Darlington decided not to extend his loan spell for a third month in February. He scored four goals in nine league appearances for the club.
He was then sent out on loan to Motherwell in January 2003 for the rest of the 2002–03 season, where he made nine appearances from the substitutes bench. He joined York City on a month's loan in March 2004 and made four appearances.
Overseas ventures and Doncaster Rovers.
Offiong left Newcastle at the end of the season and during 2004 to 2005 had some brief positions abroad in places like Turkey, South Korea, and Belgium.
But finally Offiong returned home joined the Doncaster Rovers on a free transfer, but was limited to only 5 appearances at the club and subsequently left at the end of the season.
Hamilton Academical.
Hamilton Academical accepted him in 2006 with a contract to keep him at the club until May 2009. He was named player of the month for August 2007. He did well, and netted his first senior hat-trick when Hamilton ran out 3–0 winners at New Douglas Park against Dunfermline Athletic on 9 February 2008. This was also his fifth goal in three games against the former Scottish Premier League.
Hamilton Academical secured promotion to the Scottish Premier League at the end of a hard-fought season. He made his Scottish Premier League debut in a 3–1 victory against Dundee United and scored his first SPL goal with the winner in a 1–0 win against Inverness Caledonian Thistle. He signed a new contract with Hamilton in December that would expire at the end of the 2009–10 season.
Carlisle United.
Despite bids from Colchester United and Greek Super League side Skoda Xanthi, Offiong joined the League One team Carlisle United on 25 August 2009 for £75,000 which would rise to £90,000 if Carlisle achieved promotion to the Championship. Offiong's first goal was on 26 January 2010, against Exeter City in a League game, which Carlisle won 3–2, with Offiong making a last-gasp winner in the 91st minute.
Östersunds FK.
On 30 March 2010, Offiong joined Swedish third-tier team Östersunds FK in a 15-week loan deal, which lasted until 18 July 2010. He teamed up with Ostersunds FK's former Newcastle United, Blackburn Rovers and Livingston player-coach Lee Makel, but his term was cut short by injury after only seven weeks.
One day prior to the 2010–11 Conference National season commencing, Offiong joined Darlington on loan for the second time in his career on an initial one-month deal. After his loan spell at Darlington, Offiong picked up a thigh injury which ruled him out of action for three weeks.
Offiong left Carlisle by mutual consent on 4 January 2011.
Offiong joined Conference club Gateshead on 4 March, signing a contract until the end of the season. Making his debut the following day in a 1–1 draw with Altrincham at Moss Lane. He scored his first goal for Gateshead on 22 March 2011 against Grimsby Town at Blundell Park. He was released by Gateshead at the end of the season.
Oakleigh Cannons.
In May 2011, Offiong signed for the Australian side Oakleigh Cannons. He made his debut on 29 May 2011 as a 60th-minute substitute in a 1–0 win against Springvale White Eagles. His first goal for Oakleigh came 10 days later in a 2–3 loss against VTC Football.
Blyth Spartans.
On 29 September 2011, Blyth Spartans announced that they had signed the 'jet heeled' striker, following a spell in Australia, hoping that International Clearance would be received in time to face Bedlington Terriers at Croft Park on the following Saturday in the FA Cup. Offiong made his debut for Blyth on 15 October 2011 in a 2–1 win over Whitby Town in the FA Cup Fourth Qualifying Round.
On 13 November 2011, it was announced however that Offiong had left the club after just a month at Blyth.
Johor FA.
Offiong moved to the Malaysian team Johor FA at the beginning of 2012, but had to retire shortly after, due to injury.
Durham City.
In January 2014, two years after retiring, Offiong returned to football signing for Durham City. He left the club in 2015 to sign for Boldon Community Association in the Wearside League.
Hamilton Academical
<doc id="8721915" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721915" title="Dark Lord">
Dark Lord
<doc id="8721923" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721923" title="Headquarters and headquarters company (United States)">
Headquarters and headquarters company (United States)
In United States Army units, a Headquarters and Headquarters Company (HHC) is a company-sized military unit, found at the battalion level and higher. Considered one unit, a Headquarters and Headquarters Company is essentially two elements within one company. In identifying a specific headquarters unit, it is usually referred to by its abbreviation as an HHC. While a regular line company is formed of three or four platoons, an HHC is made up of the headquarters staff and headquarters support personnel of a battalion, brigade, division, or higher level unit. As these personnel do not fall inside one of the regular line companies of the battalion, brigade, or division, the HHC is the unit to which they are administratively assigned. The typical personnel strength of an average HHC is 80 to 110.
Inside a battalion HHC, the headquarters staff will usually include the following key officers and primary staff:
Depending on the unit, extra support officers will round out the staff, including a medical officer, Judge Advocate General's Corps (legal) officer, and a battalion chaplain (often collectively referred to as the "special staff"), as well as essential non-commissioned officers and enlisted support personnel in the occupational specialties of the staff sections (S1 through S4 and the S6). The battalion command sergeant major is the principal advisor to the battalion commander on matters regarding enlisted personnel. Additionally, the HHC will contain further personnel assigned to support and sustain the mission of the battalion headquarters, including maintenance and motor pool, field mess, and supply, as well as the battalion Reconnaissance Platoon of infantry scouts and snipers and a Mortar Platoon.
The Headquarters element consists of the Battalion Commander, the Executive Officer, the Command Sergeant Major and supporting staff. The Headquarters Company element will be commanded by a company commander (usually a captain) who is supported by a company executive officer (usually a first lieutenant) and a company first sergeant. All personnel in the HHC fall under the administrative command of the HHC company commander, but in practice, the primary and special staff officers and noncommissioned officers operationally report to the battalion commander, and while the battalion commander is administratively assigned to the HHC, he or she is the HHC company commander's higher command and thus the HHC company commander operationally answers directly to the battalion commander. The mission of the HHC company commander is to run the administrative and soldier training aspects of the HHC, and to support the battalion primary staff by facilitating the environment in which they operate and in turn support the battalion commander in commanding the battalion. While the Headquarters Company Commander has administrative authority over the battalion commander's staff officers and NCOs, the Headquarters Company Commander's operational authority is limited to requirements derived from exercising the HHC's mission essential task list (METL) through related collective training requirements that facilitate the battalion commander's command post, in addition to achieving required individual training: "...ensuring that both Soldiers and equipment are in the proper state of readiness at all times".
At the brigade and division level, an HHC is similarly constituted of the brigade commander or division commander, his or her staff, and the support elements, but the ranks of the staff and support personnel are typically greater to reflect the greater level of responsibility at higher echelon units. However, the company commander of a brigade or division Headquarters Company is usually still a captain.
In keeping with the army's long-standing practice of referring to company-sized artillery units as "batteries" and company-sized cavalry units as "troops," the headquarters company element of an artillery battalion or higher is referred to as a headquarters and headquarters battery, or HHB, and the headquarters company element of a cavalry squadron or higher is referred to as a headquarters and headquarters troop, or HHT. Additionally, some high-level headquarters elements for special units are not company-sized and are referred to as "detachments"; as a result, these units are formally referred to as headquarters and headquarters detachments, or HHD.
<doc id="8721924" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721924" title="George Kozmetsky">
George Kozmetsky
George Kozmetsky (October 5, 1917 – April 30, 2003) was an American technology innovator, businessman, educator, author and philanthropist. He co-founded Teledyne Inc. and was the dean of The University of Texas College of Business Administration (now the McCombs School of Business) for 16 years. In 1977 Kozmetsky founded the IC² Institute, a think tank charged with researching the intersection of business, government and education. In 1993 he received the National Medal of Technology Award from President Bill Clinton.
He received an undergraduate education at the University of Washington where he participated in the Reserve Officers' Training Corps program. After serving in the Army in WWII, he attended Harvard Business School where he earned his MBA and a Doctor of Commercial Science.
He was elected to the 2002 class of Fellows of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences.
<doc id="8721928" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721928" title="Streatham campus">
Streatham campus
<doc id="8721947" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721947" title="Frederick E. Turnage">
Frederick E. Turnage
Frederick E. Turnage (1936-2011) is the former mayor of Rocky Mount, North Carolina. Born in Rocky Mount, Turnage was educated by Rocky Mount City Schools and Wake Forest University, where he received his baccalaureate degree in 1958 and his jurisdoctorate in 1961. Later that year, Turnage was admitted to the North Carolina State Bar and began to practice law with a local firm in Rocky Mount. He was appointed Assistant Clerk of Superior Court of Nash County before he began the private practice of law at 149 North Franklin Street, where he maintained his law practice until his death.
Turnage was elected to the Rocky Mount City Council in 1971, and the following year he was named Mayor Pro Tem. Turnage was first elected Mayor of Rocky Mount in 1973, becoming the youngest person to hold that position. In 2003, Turnage was reelected to an unprecedented ninth consecutive term as Mayor of Rocky Mount; Turnage did not seek a tenth term of office, and left office in December 2007, replaced by David Combs, the first new mayor in 34 years.
Turnage was a past President of the North Carolina League of Municipalities, a role that highlighted his commitment to the interests of local governments. Turnage remained actively involved in community activities and organizations, several of which bestowed their highest honors upon Turnage.
He died on August 1, 2011, after a long battle with pancreatic cancer.
<doc id="8721955" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721955" title="Minoes">
<doc id="8721956" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721956" title="A Wonderful Life (album)">
A Wonderful Life (album)
<doc id="8721957" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721957" title="Lauren kessler">
Lauren kessler
<doc id="8721959" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721959" title="Public Market">
Public Market
<doc id="8721967" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721967" title="SWPF">
<doc id="8721973" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721973" title="Godfrey of Spoleto">
Godfrey of Spoleto
<doc id="8721979" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721979" title="Nyírbogdány">
Nyírbogdány is a village in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county, in the Northern Great Plain region of eastern Hungary.
It covers an area of and has a population of 3965 people (2011).
<doc id="8721985" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721985" title="Alexander Thomson (congressman)">
Alexander Thomson (congressman)
Alexander Thomson (January 12, 1788 – August 2, 1848) was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Pennsylvania in the mid-1820s, judge, and law professor. He opened a law school in Chambersburg, that became the law department of Marshall College.
Early life and education.
Alexander Thomson was born at Scotland, Franklin County, Pennsylvania, both of his parents died young. His father was Archibald Thomson, who served during the Revolutionary War, and died December 1801. His mother was Ann Thomson, who died after 1801. Alexander was the grandson of immigrant Alexander Thomson who arrived from Scotland in 1771 and settled with his wife and 12 children near Chambersburg, Pennsylvania.
Thomson was the eldest of six children. His siblings were James, Elizabeth, Jane, Agnes, and Hannah. When he was 15, he was apprenticed as a sickle maker with his uncle, Andrew Thomson. He was a self-taught scholar of Latin and Greek languages. He was hired by Reverend Isaac Grier to be a tutor at his classical school in the Cumberland Valley. While there, he also furthered his education. After three years, he moved to Bedford, where he taught languages at the Bedford Classical Academy.
He studied law under Judge James Riddle in Bedford, was admitted to the bar in 1816, and commenced practice in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. He held several local offices and was a member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives in 1823.
In 1824, Thomson was elected to the Eighteenth Congress to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of John Tod. He was reelected to the Nineteenth Congress and served until May 1, 1826, when he resigned. He was immediately commissioned assistant judge of the District Court of the City and County of Lancaster, and the Counties of York and Dauphin. He was commissioned president judge of the Sixteenth Judicial District, composed of Franklin, Bedford and Somerset Counties, on June 25, 1827 and served until 1841.
Thomson moved to Chambersberg where he purchased a mansion that was used as his residence, offices for his private practices, and a law school. His instruction consisted of oral instructions and examinations. His school became the law department of Marshall College.
Personal life.
Thomson was married on October 21, 1817 to Abigail Blythe of Bedford. After Abigal's death, he married Jane Graham, a daughter of General Graham of Stoystown. He had two daughters and five sons, one of whom was the railroad executive Frank Thomson.
He died in Chambersburg in 1848. Interment in Falling Spring Presbyterian Cemetery.
<doc id="8721988" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721988" title="Dimitrios Panourgias">
Dimitrios Panourgias
Dimitrios Panourgias (; 1754-1834), a Greek military commander during the Greek War of Independence,
Early life.
He was born Dimitrios Xiros () in the village of Dremissa to parents who originated from the village Agios Georgios in Phocis. The legend had that his godfather, who baptised him, thought he was a girl and named him with the female name "Panorea" (Πανωραία/very beautiful), and by that name, in the masculine form, he was by then being called.
Klepht and Armatolos.
Panourias in early age took part in the Orlov revolt, against the Ottomans, under Lambros Katsonis. In 1790 he entered the "armatoluk" of Androutsos Verousis (father of Odysseas Androutsos) and for a short time became commander of the Salona "armatoluk" with the support of Ali Pasha, but quickly abandoned his position and turned himself into a klepht.
In 1816, however he rejoined Ali Pasha and was once more appointed as an "armatolos" in the Salona district. It was there where he became a member of the Filiki Eteria.
Greek War of Independence.
On 24 March 1821 he declared the Revolution in Salona, forcing the surrender of the Ottoman garrison on 10 April. The surrendering Ottomans were massacred by Panourgias' men; by his personal intervention, he managed to save a handful of them.
He then collaborated with Athanasios Diakos and Dyovouniotis in order to halt Omer Vryonis from advancing further into Central Greece. Panourgias with his band was to defend the hills of Chalkomata, near Thermopylae, but was seriously wounded during the fights and had to withdraw.
He later was one of the defenders of the eponymous inn in the Battle of Gravia Inn, and fought in the Battle of Vasilika, the surrender of Corinth, the Battle of Ambliani, the battle of Haidari, the Battle of Distomo, and other battles.
He participated in January, 1822 to the First National Assembly at Epidaurus as representative of Salona. He retired from military operations some months later, after he handed the leadership of his militia band to his son, Nakos Panourgias.
He died in 1834 at Salona.
<doc id="8721991" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721991" title="Pat Friday">
Pat Friday
Pat Friday (born Helen Patricia Freiday; August 4, 1921 – June 21, 2016) was an American singer who worked with Glenn Miller on his films in the early 1940s.
Early years.
Friday was born in Jefferson County, Idaho, the daughter of France Everett Freiday and Helen Katherine Abbott.
She was discovered by Bing Crosby when he heard her sing during an amateur night at the Victor Hugo cafe in Hollywood. She was performing there at the urging of her sorority sisters at the University of California, Los Angeles, where she was studying home economics. Bing was so impressed that he arranged to have her on his "Kraft Music Hall" show on May 25, 1939, where she sang “Begin the Beguine” and “Sing a Song of Sunbeams”. She continued on the show through the summer of 1939 with Variety commenting "As for the vocal department the program is well set for Bing Crosby's 13-week absence. The interim should do much to build Pat Friday, a schoolgirl, into major favor with the fans. Her voice is clear, lyrical and likeable, while the Music Maids, rhythm trio, contribute the right amount of salt and pepper to the show's vocal casserole". After that summer season, Friday then returned to college.
Pat Friday was a "ghost singer" who dubbed songs for Lynn Bari and was never credited. She sang "I Know Why (And So Do You)", the original vocal version of "At Last", and "Serenade in Blue" in the Glenn Miller movies "Sun Valley Serenade" and "Orchestra Wives". She also was heard as a singer on the radio in "The Story of G.I. Joe" (1945).
While still a student at UCLA, Friday was a singer on "The Old Gold Don Ameche Show" on the NBC Red radio network in 1940. A contemporary magazine article noted, "In order to attend rehearsals she has to cut Friday afternoon classes ... but she makes up by spending all the time she can in a corner of the studio, carefully doing her homework."
Later, after a short retirement following her marriage, Friday was a singer on "The Roy Rogers Show", in the 1944–45 season although she did not care for that style of music.
She also sang on the Armed Forces Radio Service programs "G.I. Journal" and "Personal Album".
Pat Friday was a recording artist with Decca Records and Enterprise Records.
Personal life.
On December 28, 1940, Friday married David Berwick Vinson Jr. in Beverly Wilshire Methodist Church in Los Angeles, California. They had a son and a daughter.
Friday died June 21, 2016, at her home in Fredericksburg, Texas. She was survived by her daughter and two grandsons.
<doc id="8721993" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721993" title="Kuno Pajula">
Kuno Pajula
Kuno Pajula (before 1936 Kuno Preis; 11 March 1924 – 26 November 2012) was an Estonian prelate who served as the Archbishop of Tallinn and Primate of the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church between 1987 and 1994.
Early life and education.
Pajula was born in Käru, Virumaa, the son of August Pajula and Amanda Alber. Between 1931 and 1942 he studied at Käru and Salla Primary School and Väike-Maarja Gymnasium. He studied at the Institute of Theology of the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church between 1949 and 1959. In 1960/61 he went for further training at the University of Göttingen in West Germany.
He was ordained priest on 24 May 1950 by Archbishop Jaan Kiivit Sr. in St. Mary's Cathedral, Tallinn. Between 1949 and 1950 and again between 1954 and 1957, he served as pastor of the parishes of Illuka and Iisaku. In 1950 he transferred to Kursi, Jõgeva County to become pastor of the parish church. Between 1954 and 1956 he was also responsible for the Alexander's Cathedral and in 1957 he became pastor of St. John's Church, Tallinn, where he remained till 1987.
On 11 June 1987 the Church council elected Pajula Archbishop and Primate. He was consecrated on 15 November 1987 by John Vikström Archbishop of Turku and Finland and co-consecrated by Karl-Gunnar Grape Bishop of Skara; Olav Christian Lindegaard Bishop of Haderslev; Fredrik Grønningsæter Bishop of Sør-Hålogaland; Jan Michalko General Bishop of the Slovak Evangelical Lutheran Church; Dieter Knall Bishop of the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Austria; and Gyula Nagy Bishop of the Evangelical-Lutheran Church in Hungary. He retired on 29 June 1994. He was the first President of the Estonian Council of Churches in 1989-1993 and member of the Central Committee of the World Council of Churches 1983–1992.
<doc id="8721995" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721995" title="Machadinho d'Oeste">
Machadinho d'Oeste
Machadinho d'Oeste is a municipality located in the Brazilian state of Rondônia. Its population was 40,867 (2020) and its area is 8,509 km².
The municipality contains part of the Jaru Biological Reserve, a fully protected conservation unit created in 1984.
It also contains 13% of the Campos Amazônicos National Park, a protected area created in 2006 that protects an unusual enclave of cerrado vegetation in the Amazon rainforest.
The municipality contains 78% of the Angelim Extractive Reserve and 79% of the Ipê Extractive Reserve.
It also contains the Castanheira, Freijó, Garrote, Itaúba, Jatobá, Maracatiara, Massaranduba, Mogno, Piquiá, Roxinho and Sucupira extractive reserves.
<doc id="8721998" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8721998" title="SC Beira Mar">
SC Beira Mar
<doc id="8722000" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722000" title="External jugular veins">
External jugular veins
<doc id="8722013" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722013" title="Fish pen">
Fish pen
<doc id="8722017" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722017" title="Transport in Thessaloniki">
Transport in Thessaloniki
<doc id="8722022" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722022" title="EMPAC">
<doc id="8722024" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722024" title="Ministro Andreazza">
Ministro Andreazza
Ministro Andreazza is a municipality located in the Brazilian state of Rondônia. Its population was 9,559 (2020) and its area is 798 km².
<doc id="8722034" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722034" title="Marque (river)">
Marque (river)
The Marque (; ) is a long river in France. It is a right tributary of the Deûle. Its source is near the village of Mons-en-Pévèle. Its course crosses the Nord department, notably the eastern part of the agglomeration of Lille. It flows northwards through the towns of Pont-à-Marcq, Tressin, Villeneuve d'Ascq, Croix and Marcq-en-Barœul, finally flowing into the Deûle in Marquette-lez-Lille. Its lowermost section, between Wasquehal and Marquette-lez-Lille, is part of the Canal de Roubaix.
<doc id="8722040" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722040" title="Lauren Kessler">
Lauren Kessler
Lauren Kessler is an American author, and immersion journalist who specializes in narrative nonfiction. She teaches storytelling for social change at the University of Washington and for the Forum of Journalism and Media in Vienna.
Lauren Kessler's education includes Ph.D., University of Washington, 1980; MS, University of Oregon, 1975; and B.S.J., Northwestern University, 1972.
Kessler is the author of eleven works of narrative nonfiction including "Free: Two Years, Six Lives, and the Long Journey Home" (Sourcebooks, 2022), "A Grip of Time: When prison is your life" (Red Lightning Books, 2019), "Raising the Barre: Big Dreams, False Starts and My Midlife Quest to Dance The Nutcracker" (Da Capo Press, 2015); "Counterclockwise: My Year of Hypnosis, Hormones and Other Adventures in the World of Anti-Aging" (Rodale, Inc., Emmaus, Pennsylvania, 2013); and "My Teenage Werewolf: A Mother, A Daughter, A Journey Through the Thicket of Adolescence" (Penguin Books, 2011).
Her book, "Dancing with Rose" (renamed "Finding Life in the Land of Alzheimer's" in its paperback edition), won the Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association Award and was named a Best Book of the Year by Library Journal. Her Oregon Book Award-winning book, "Stubborn Twig", was chosen to be the book all Oregon reads in celebration of the state's 150th birthday.
Kessler is also author of Washington Post best-seller "Clever Girl: Elizabeth Bentley, the Spy Who Ushered in the McCarthy Era", a biography of Elizabeth Bentley, and the Los Angeles Times best-seller and Oregon Book Award finalist "The Happy Bottom Riding Club", a biography of aviator Florence Pancho Barnes. David Letterman, in playful competition with Oprah, chose "The Happy Bottom Riding Club" as the first (and only) book for "Dave's Book Club." Kessler appeared on his show twice.
Kessler's journalism and essays have appeared in The New York Times Magazine, The Los Angeles Times Magazine, O Magazine, Ladies Home Journal, Woman's Day, Prevention (magazine), newsweek.com, salon.com, The Nation Magazine, Nieman Storyboard, Writer's Digest and farmer-ish. Many of her essays on writing are compiled in (Monroe Press, 2015).
She was inducted into the Alumni Hall of Fame (University of Washington) and the Hall of Achievement (University of Oregon).
<doc id="8722046" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722046" title="Cake tin">
Cake tin
<doc id="8722049" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722049" title="Mirante da Serra">
Mirante da Serra
Mirante da Serra is a municipality located in the Brazilian state of Rondônia. Its population was 10,818 (2020) and its area is 1,192 km².
<doc id="8722051" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722051" title="Laplacian smoothing">
Laplacian smoothing
Laplacian smoothing is an algorithm to smooth a polygonal mesh. For each vertex in a mesh, a new position is chosen based on local information (such as the position of neighbours) and the vertex is moved there. In the case that a mesh is topologically a rectangular grid (that is, each internal vertex is connected to four neighbours) then this operation produces the Laplacian of the mesh.
More formally, the smoothing operation may be described per-vertex as:
Where formula_2 is the number of adjacent vertices to node formula_3, formula_4 is the position of the formula_5-th adjacent vertex and formula_6 is the new position for node formula_3.
<doc id="8722058" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722058" title="Westpac Trust Stadium">
Westpac Trust Stadium
<doc id="8722059" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722059" title="Zionville, NC">
Zionville, NC
<doc id="8722061" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722061" title="Rotating face mechanical seal">
Rotating face mechanical seal
<doc id="8722063" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722063" title="RGM Sound">
RGM Sound
<doc id="8722064" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722064" title="Millennium Forum">
Millennium Forum
The Millennium Forum is a theatre and conference centre in Newmarket Street, Derry, Northern Ireland.
It was the first purpose-built theatre in Derry and opened in 2001. It has a seating capacity of 1,000 and the largest theatre stage in Ireland. It hosts entertainment of all kinds and can also be used as a meeting and conference venue.
<doc id="8722069" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722069" title="WestpacTrust Stadium">
WestpacTrust Stadium
<doc id="8722072" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722072" title="Sophia, NC">
Sophia, NC
<doc id="8722075" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722075" title="Daniel Vaillant">
Daniel Vaillant
Daniel Vaillant (born 19 July 1949) is a French Socialist politician.
Close to Lionel Jospin, Vaillant held several ministerial portfolios in his cabinets: Minister of the Relations with Parliament from 1997 to 2000 and Interior Minister from 2000 to 2002. He also supported Jospin as candidate for the Socialist Party in the 2007 presidential election; a candidacy which eventually did not materialize.
As of 2009, he is mayor of the 18th arrondissement of Paris (first election 1995) and a member of the National Assembly.
In October 2009, he proposed to decriminalize the personal use of cannabis through control of production and import, as is the case with alcohol.
<doc id="8722077" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722077" title="Nannawa Adama">
Nannawa Adama
Nannawa Adama (; ; "Greater Adama") is a woreda in Oromia Region, Ethiopia. Part of the East Shewa Zone located in the Great Rift Valley, Adama Zuria is bordered on the south by the Arsi Zone, on the southwest by Koka Reservoir which separates it from Dugda Bora, on the west by Lome, on the north by the Amhara Region, and on the east by Boset; the Awash River, the only important river in this woreda, defines the woreda boundaries on the east and south. Other towns in this woreda include Awash Melkasa, Shewa Alemtena, Sire Robi, Sodere and Wenji Gefersa.
The altitude of this woreda ranges from 1500 to 2300 meters above sea level. Notable local landmarks include the Sodere and Gergedi hot springs, and Boku Femoral. A survey of the land in this woreda shows that 30% is arable or cultivable, 6.5% pasture, 5.2% forest, and the remaining 58.3% is considered swampy, degraded or otherwise unusable. Fruits, vegetables and sugar cane are important cash crops.
Adama Zuria has a severe invasive species problem with "Eichhornia crassipes", the water hyacinth. Locals believed the weed was introduced to the woreda through the 1996 flood of the Awash, which brought plants from the Koka Reservoir into both residential areas and the Wonji Sugar Plantation, where it has infested 116.4 hectares of irrigation structures, causing water loss, increased labor, and providing an environment that encourages malaria-carrying mosquitos and schistosomiasis.
Industry in the woreda includes 12 government-owned industries, and 192 small industries which employed a total of 1181 people. There were 41 Farmers Associations with 13,929 members and 10 Farmers Service Cooperatives with 8631 members. Adama Zuria has 18 kilometers of dry-weather road and 110 kilometers of all-weather road, for an average road density of 127 kilometers per 1000 square kilometers. About 24% of the rural, 100% of the urban and 69% of the total population has access to drinking water.
The 2007 national census reported a total population for this woreda of 155,349, of whom 79,013 were men and 76,336 were women; 26,322 or 16.94% of its population were urban dwellers. The majority of the inhabitants said they practised Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity, with 68.52% of the population reporting they observed this belief, while 13.01% of the population were Protestant, 10.44% of the population were Muslim, and 6.78% of the population practiced traditional beliefs.
Based on figures published by the Central Statistical Agency in 2005, this woreda has an estimated total population of 422,490, of whom 210,168 are men and 212,322 are women; 273,842 or 64.82% of its population are urban dwellers, which is greater than the Misraq Shewa Zone's average of 32.1%. With an estimated area of 1,007.66 square kilometers, Adama has an estimated population density of 419.3 people per square kilometer, which is greater than the Zone average of 181.7. It is considered the most populous woreda in the Misraq Shewa Zone.
The 1994 national census reported a total population for this woreda of 261,341, of whom 129,538 were men and 131,803 women; 153,134 or 58.60% of its population were urban dwellers at the time. The six largest ethnic groups reported in Adama were the Oromo (46.07%), the Amhara (31.6%), the Silt'e (4.54%), the Sebat Bet Gurage (4.05%), the Tigray (3.47%), and the Soddo Gurage (2.02%); all other ethnic groups made up 8.25% of the population. Amharic was spoken as a first language by 55.05%, 35.08% spoke Oromiffa, 2.43% Silt'e, 2.1% Sebat Bet Gurage, and 1.99% spoke Tigrinya; the remaining 1.88% spoke all other primary languages reported. The majority of the inhabitants were Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity, with 78.39% of the population reporting they practiced that belief, while 13.64% of the population said they were Moslem, 4.33% were Protestant, 1.85% were Catholic, and 1.32% practiced traditional beliefs.
<doc id="8722078" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722078" title="Zionville, TN">
Zionville, TN
<doc id="8722081" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722081" title="Monte Negro, Rondônia">
Monte Negro, Rondônia
Monte Negro is a municipality located in the Brazilian state of Rondônia. Its population was 16,007 (2020) and its area is 1,931 km².
<doc id="8722082" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722082" title="Pedro López Lagar">
Pedro López Lagar
Pedro López Lagar (18 June 1899, in Madrid – 21 August 1977, in Buenos Aires) was a Spanish born Argentine film actor of the 1940s and 1950s.
Although born in Madrid he moved to Argentina as a young man and began acting in film in 1938. He played with Enrique Borrás and Margarita Xirgu in "La sirena varada", by Alejandro Casona, released in 1934. He made some 20 film appearances but his career was at its peak in the mid to late 1940s, with Lopez appearing in "Albéniz" in 1946 and "A sangre fría" in 1947 in which he starred alongside Tito Alonso and Amelia Bence.
<doc id="8722085" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722085" title="Adolf Gottlieb Fiedler">
Adolf Gottlieb Fiedler
Adolf Gottlieb (also: Gottlob) Fiedler (1771 – 12 August 1850) was a German entrepreneur in Saxony and Poland.
Born in Dresden as the son of Christian Gottlob Fiedler, Adolf was one of the most important cloth producers of Saxony in the beginning of the 19th century. The operational seat of the company was in Oederan in Saxony. He also had factories in Kalisz and Opatówek (both in Poland), Wegefarth, Wingendorf, Falkenau and Berthelsdorf (all in Saxony). He followed other cloth producers to eastern regions at the time of the German industrial revolution because of lower salaries and large loans offered by the Polish government. The German investments in Poland were followed by experienced Saxon and Bohemian specialists to run the factories. An additional reason was local water power.
From 1824-1826 Fiedler established one of the biggest cloth mills in Congress Poland. He employed around 600 workers in his Polish mill in Opatówek. The products of Fiedler were well known for their quality and won several international prizes.
Fiedler was also mayor of Oederan.
He had one son, Eduard Magnus and he died in Dresden.
<doc id="8722087" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722087" title="Rice mill">
Rice mill
A rice mill is a food-processing facility where paddy is processed to rice to be sold in the market.
The entire product is procured from paddy fields, milled and processed hygienically in modern machinery and dust-free environment and cleaned through sorting machines.
Paddy procurement.
Paddy is collected from the fields to be processed. The paddy is again rechecked before the process begins. The procured paddy is checked bag by bag by a team and stored in Paddy Milling Plants.
Manufacturing process.
To start with the production process, paddy is cleaned by a paddy pre-cleaning machine and the cleaned paddy is stored in raw paddy storage bins. The stored paddy is moved to food-grade stainless steel soaking tanks. Water is drained from the tank and the wet paddy is ready for boiling.
Boiling is done by a steam boiler. The boiled paddy is then moved to the paddy dryer through a belt conveyor.
The boiled wet paddy is dried in a food-grade stainless steel paddy drier using hot air. The heat energy for the drier is generated using a heat exchanger that uses steam from the boiler. Using a steam heat exchanger will sustain the real aroma of the paddy. These are indirect heat exchangers so there is no chance of smoke air entering the drier. The dried paddy is ready for hulling.
Hulling process.
The paddy is pre-cleaned again and destoned by a pre-cleaning machine. After cleaning the paddy is moved to dehusker called sheller. The outer covering of the paddy, the husk is removed here and is used as a fuel for the boiler. The whole rice is collected from the Sheller and moved on to whitener. Here, The film coat on the rice which is called bran is removed from the rice and the bran is collected separately. The whitening process is done by a whitener . The whitened rice is polished by a silky polisher. The polished rice is destoned by a destoner and the broken rice is separated by a length grader.
Color sortex.
The polished full-grain rice is sorted in a colour sorter which removes black rice, yellow rice, and white belly. Then, the rice is moved to the packing section.
The processed rice is then packed in woven sacks and is ready to be sold in the market
<doc id="8722088" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722088" title="Abu Mikhnaf">
Abu Mikhnaf
Lut ibn Yahya ibn Sa'id ibn Mikhnaf al-Azdi (), more commonly known by his "kunya" (epithet) Abu Mikhnaf () was a falsifier of reports from the Golden era of Islam
Abu Mikhnaf was born in . His given name was Lut and his father was Yahya ibn Sa'id ibn Mikhnaf, who belonged to a noble clan of the powerful Azd tribe resident in Kufa. His great-grandfather was Mikhnaf ibn Sulaym, a chieftain of the Azd and the commander of his tribesmen in the army of Caliph Ali () at the Battle of Siffin in 657. Mikhnaf's son Muhammad, Abu Mikhnaf's paternal granduncle, was seventeen-years-old at Siffin and his reports of the battle were recorded by Abu Mikhnaf. He witnessed the mass Iraqi revolt led by Ibn al-Ash'ath against the Umayyad Caliphate in 700 and the toppling of the Umayyads by the Abbasids in 750. He was a friend of Muhammad ibn Sa'id al-Kalbi and it was through the latter's son Hisham ibn al-Kalbi that much of Abu Mikhnaf's volumes were transmitted. He died in 774/75.
Abu Mikhnaf was the oldest Arab prose writer, an "Akhbari" (propagator of news or traditions), an important source of early Iraqi historical traditions, and main source of the history of al-Tabari. Abu Mikhnaf is the latter’s almost exclusive source for the events in Iraq during the long governorship of al-Hajjaj ibn Yusuf (694–714), the Zubayrid and Umayyad conflict with the Azariqa rebels in Persia (684–698) and the expedition of Ibn al-Ash'ath against Sistan (699–700).
His historical narratives generally reflect a Kufan or Iraqi bias, rather than a purely Shia point of view.
He has presented narratives in abundance of details and fullness, in strikingly frank and arresting manner, in form of dialogue and staging, which he had gathered through independent enquiries, collection of facts and seeking first hand information, but he has not ignored other traditionists, older than or contemporary with himself, for instance, he has used such authorities as, Amir Al Shahi, Rasibi, Mugalid ibn Said, and Muhammad ib Said Al Kalbi.
Ibn Asakir in his book "Ta'rikh madinat Dimashq" has listed Ibn Al Kalbi as transmitter of Abu Mikhnaf in several places. Abd al-Malik ibn Nawfal ibn Musahiq who lived in first half of the second century Hijri, Abd al-Rahman ibn Jundab, al-Hajjaj ibn Ali, and Numayr ibn Walah were authority on Abu Mikhnaf.
In "Islamic Historiography", "Chase F. Robinson" has put him in the class of Ibn Ishaq and among the first Muslim historians who contributed about 40 titles in historical tradition of which no fewer than thirteen titles were monographic "maqtal" works. His monographs were gathered by later historians like Al-Baladhuri and Al-Tabari in their collections. Few of the later Sunni scholars like Al-Dhahabi, Yahya ibn Ma'in, Al-Daraqutni, and Abu Hatim have been critical of him, while some describe him as pure source.
As a hadith transmitter, he is regarded as weak and unreliable.
Ibn Nadim in his "al-Fihrist" lists 22, and al-Najashi lists 28 monographs composed by Abu Mikhnaf, comprising:
Maqtal Al-Husayn.
He was the first historian to systematically collect the reports dealing with the events of the Battle of Karbala. His work was considered reliable among later Shi'a and Sunni historians like Tabari. He has based his work on the eyewitness testimony of Muhammad ibn Qays, Harith ibn Abd Allah ibn Sharik al-Amiri, Abd Allah ibn Asim and Dahhak ibn Abd Allah Abu, Abu Janab al-Kalbi and Adi b. Hurmula, Muhammad ibn Qays.
Futuh Al Sham.
Various works titled "Futuh Al Sham" by Al Azdi, Ibn Al Kalbi, Ibn A'tham and Al Waqidi were based on Abu Mikhnaf's "Futuh Al Sham". Both Ibn ʿAsākīr and Al-Balādhurī traced their narratives back to Abū Mikhnaf.
<doc id="8722091" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722091" title="Come on over Baby (All I Want Is You)">
Come on over Baby (All I Want Is You)
<doc id="8722094" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722094" title="Thomas M. Wright">
Thomas M. Wright
Thomas Michael Wright (born 22 June 1983) is an Australian actor, writer, film director and producer. He is the co-founder (2006) and director of theatre company Black Lung and director of the feature film "Acute Misfortune" (2019). As an actor he came to attention in Jane Campion's series "Top of the Lake", for which he was nominated for Best Supporting Actor at the (US-Canadian) Critics' Choice Awards. He directed the thriller film "The Stranger", which is scheduled to appear at the 2022 Cannes Film Festival.
Early life.
Wright was born on 22 June 1983 in Melbourne.
Wright created the theatre company Black Lung, also known as The Black Lung Theatre and Whaling Firm, in 2006, with fellow writer and director Thomas Henning. Their first production, Avast, was called "Insanely fast-paced, artfully arrhythmic, meta-theatrical - a breathtaking combination of precision and chaos" by Chris Kohn, writing for "Realtime". Under the Black Lung banner, Wright created productions with Adelaide Festival and Darwin Festival, Belvoir, Malthouse Theatre, and Queensland Theatre Co. and Brisbane Festival. Black Lung were hailed as one of the most influential theatre companies of the decade.
Wright was the director, co-writer and production designer of "Doku Rai", a production created over four and a half years, with a three-month rehearsal process on the remote island of Atauro Island, East Timor. "Doku Rai" came about after Wright formed a close relationship with Michael Stone, then Chief Military Advisor to the President of East Timor, José Ramos-Horta. Stone facilitated Wright flying in and out of the country over a number of years. "Doku Rai" was created with a group of independent Timorese artists, a number of them former resistance fighters. The film sequences in "Doku Rai" were co-directed by Wright with director Amiel Courtin-Wilson.
As an actor he played lead roles for the Malthouse Theatre, Melbourne Theatre Company and Sydney Theatre Company, including the title role Baal in the controversial production commissioned by Cate Blanchett and Andrew Upton and directed by Simon Stone in 2011.
Television and film.
Wright came to attention of the world as an actor in the Disney Channel Original Movies, "Stepsister From Planet Weird" and "" in the early 2000s, and later in the Sundance / BBC TV series "Top of the Lake" in 2013, for which he was nominated for Best Supporting Actor at the US Critics' Choice Awards. Regarding his casting as Johnno Mitcham in the series, director Jane Campion compared him to a young Daniel Day-Lewis.
He appeared as cult-figure Steven Linder in the 2013 US adaptation of "The Bridge". Executive Producer Elwood Reid said of Wright’s audition for the series: "...it was the best audition I have ever seen. He walked in and the temperature of the room changed".
In 2015, Wright played the guide Mike Groom in the feature film "Everest", based on the 1996 Mount Everest disaster, in which eight climbers were killed and several others were stranded by a storm. He also played the murdered journalist Brian Peters in "Balibo" (2009), and Thomas Bodenham in Van Diemen's Land.
Wright featured in the film "The Man With The Iron Heart" (2016), an adaptation of Laurent Binet's Prix Goncourt-winning novel, "HHhH", with Jack O'Connell, Rosamund Pike, Stephen Graham and Jason Clarke. He also filmed the Sony / WGN America Series "Outsiders" in the lead role of Sheriff Wade Houghton for producers Peter Tolan and Paul Giamatti. His performance was cited as the standout of the series by "Hollywood Reporter" and "Variety".
In 2017 Wright was the subject of an Archibald Prize finalist portrait by Marcus Wills, "Antagonist, Protagonist (Thomas M. Wright"), with a scene set up to look like a crime drama, with Wright as protagonist.
In 2018 he featured in Warwick Thornton's "Sweet Country", which received the Venice Film Festival's Special Jury Prize, the AACTA Award for Best Film and the Toronto Film Festival's Platform Prize.
He co-wrote, directed and produced the feature film "Acute Misfortune", released in 2019, based on Sydney journalist Erik Jensen's award-winning biography of Australian artist Adam Cullen, "Acute Misfortune: The Life and Death of Adam Cullen". The film received "The Age" Critics' Prize at Melbourne International Film Festival, where it premiered. It received a five star review in "The Guardian", and was named one of "The Guardian"'s "10 Best Australian Films of the decade 2010-2020" and the best Australian film of 2019. It was given a "Notable mention" (along with "Sweet Country") in "The Monthly" Awards 2018, and "Screen Daily" called it an "Overlooked gem" in their list of the year's best films. The film was nominated for the 2019 AACTA Award for Best Independent Film. The score, by Evelyn Ida Morris, was nominated for best soundtrack at the 2018 ARIA Music Awards. "The Hollywood Reporter" called "Acute Misfortune" "one of the year's most striking and accomplished directorial debuts". Wright is nominated in the Best Director (Feature Film) category for the 2020 Australian Director's Guild Awards.
In April 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia, it was announced that a new film, "The Stranger", would begin filming in South Australia as soon as enough of the COVID-19 restrictions are lifted. Written and directed by Wright, it will be produced by and star Joel Edgerton. Sean Harris will play the second lead role. The film was originally announced at Berlin’s European Film Market in February, and will be made by Anonymous Content and See-Saw Films, with support from Screen Australia and the South Australian Film Corporation.
<doc id="8722095" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722095" title="Zionville, Tennessee">
Zionville, Tennessee
<doc id="8722096" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722096" title="Kitley Township, Ontario">
Kitley Township, Ontario
<doc id="8722097" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722097" title="Kenji Terada">
Kenji Terada
is a Japanese scenario writer, anime director, series organizer and novelist. His more notable works include writing the first three games of the "Final Fantasy" series. He also worked on "", created the concept for the Sega CD game "Dark Wizard", and was the series organizer and main script writer for the "Kimagure Orange Road" series among other things.
Kenji Terada was born in Tokyo, Japan. He graduated in 1973 from Waseda University with a degree in European History. During his degree, Terada did illustrations for newspapers and magazines, worked on film sets, and did some work as an animator. In 1978, he became an assistant for artist Osamu Tezuka, and in 1980 he became a freelance writer and director for various projects, including writing the scripts for "Baoh", "Dirty Pair", and "Kimagure Orange Road". He also did some work for Square, writing the scripts for the first three "Final Fantasy" video games. He remained a script writer for films and animation until 2003, when he served as both the writer and director for the video game ', as well as the director for the "Firestorm" anime series. He has since worked on ' as well as several other shows and video games.
<doc id="8722098" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722098" title="Consortium Classicum">
Consortium Classicum
The Consortium Classicum is a German chamber orchestra.
In the early 1960s, German clarinetist Dieter Klöcker founded the Consortium Classicum, a German chamber music ensemble to bring back to life rediscovered musical works. These works use only wind instruments as well as the combination of woodwinds and strings, up to nine players. The members of the ensemble are all soloists, professors from music academies and leaders from first class orchestras, who uphold the ensemble's concept in a very individual and consistent manner.
<doc id="8722102" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722102" title="List of highways numbered 9A">
List of highways numbered 9A
Route 9A can refer to the following highways:
<doc id="8722113" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722113" title="2007 Penn State Nittany Lions football team">
2007 Penn State Nittany Lions football team
The 2007 Penn State Nittany Lions football team represented the Pennsylvania State University in the 2007 NCAA Division I FBS football season. The team was coached by Joe Paterno and played its home games in Beaver Stadium in University Park, Pennsylvania.
The 2006 season began with the Nittany Lions ranked #19 in the AP and Coaches preseason polls. The team dropped out of the rankings with losses to Notre Dame and Ohio State, but finished the season ranked #25 in the Coaches Poll and #24 in the AP Poll with a final record of 9–4.
Shortly after the end of the 2006 season, junior linebacker and 2006 Bednarik Award finalist Dan Connor announced he would remain at Penn State for his senior year.
Redshirt junior offensive lineman Elijah Robinson was forced to give up football after being diagnosed with a tight spinal canal, a condition that could lead to paralysis if Robinson ever sustained a head impact that pinches the spinal cord. Redshirt junior safety Spencer Ridenhour chose to transfer from Penn State, after being unable to win a starting position with returning safety Anthony Scirrotto and converted cornerback Tony Davis ahead of him on the depth charts.
Seniors Dan Connor, Terrell Golden, and Anthony Morelli were elected tri-captains by their teammates prior to the season.
Penn State was ranked #17 in the AP and #18 in the Coaches college football preseason polls.
Recruiting class.
The Nittany Lions received 21 letters of intent on National Signing Day, February 7, 2007.
Spring practice.
The public got their first look at the 2007 squad during the annual Blue-White Game at Beaver Stadium on April 21, a 70-degree sun-splashed day. A record crowd of 71,000 turned out for the scrimmage, the third highest in the nation for a spring football game, and surpassing the previous record of 62,000 set in 1996.
Thousands of fans in the huge crowd wore maroon and orange shirts, in tribute to the victims of the previous week's events at Virginia Tech, including a section of 800 fans that formed a large "VT" block.
The White team defeated the Blue team 30–6, led by junior quarterback Paul Cianciolo who ran for one touchdown and passed for two more, finishing 8-of-9 for 126 yards passing, and sophomore receiver Chris Bell who led all receivers with 116 yards receiving and two touchdowns, including a 74-yard touchdown reception from quarterback Daryll Clark.
Criminal charges.
On April 27, 2007, State College police announced that six members of the squad were charged with a range of criminal charges related to an altercation that occurred in an apartment in downtown State College earlier that month. The charges include burglary, criminal trespass, simple assault, and harassment, and players charged include junior safety Anthony Scirrotto, who led the Big Ten in 2006 with six interceptions and was named 2006 first-team All-Big Ten, and junior cornerback Justin King, named second-team All-Big Ten in 2006.
Charges against King were withdrawn before the preliminary hearing on May 4, 2007. After the hearing, charges against Jerome Hayes, Tyrell Sales and Lydell Sargeant were dismissed, citing weak evidence. However, Scirrotto and Chris Baker still face a possible trial in county court.
Coach Paterno announced that, because of the incident, the entire football team will clean Beaver Stadium on Sundays after home games, a task usually handled by members of Penn State's club sports teams. The team began serving this punishment following their 59–0 victory over Florida International. The players arrived at the stadium just prior to 8:00 a.m. and cleaned eight sections of the stadium. They were joined by members of various sports clubs and teams. The football team and other organizations worked together to clean the entire stadium.
Penn State's Office of Judicial Affairs expelled Scirrotto, Baker, Sargeant and Hayes for the second summer semester, but all four players were allowed to return to campus on August 6 for preseason workouts. Sargeant and his family requested formal Judicial Affairs hearings to appeal the decision.
Charges of burglary, simple assault and criminal solicitation against Scirrotto were subsequently dismissed by Centre County Presiding Judge, Charles C. Brown, Jr., but a felony charge of criminal trespass and a summary offense of harassment are still pending. Trials for Scirrotto and Baker are scheduled for December.
Penn State did not play Big Ten teams Northwestern and Minnesota this year.
Coaching changes.
Safeties coach Brian Norwood left the staff at the conclusion of the regular season to accept the defensive coordinator position at Baylor. Former Coordinator of Player Personnel Kermit Buggs was named his replacement and assumed coaching duties prior to the Nittany Lions' postseason appearance in the Alamo Bowl.
Game summaries.
September 1: Florida International.
The Nittany Lions shut out the Golden Panthers in their first-ever meeting. Quarterback Anthony Morelli was 23 of 38 for 295 yards, with touchdown passes to Terrell Golden, Mickey Shuler, Jr., and Matt Hahn. The running backs scored five touchdowns, including two by Austin Scott.
Led by linebackers Dan Connor and Sean Lee, the defensive unit forced five turnovers and held FIU to −3 yards rushing.
Lee was named Big Ten Defensive Player of the Week for his performance.
September 8: Notre Dame.
In front of a crowd of 110,078 spectators, the second-largest ever at Beaver Stadium, the Nittany Lions overpowered an inexperienced Fighting Irish team in a 31–10 win. Derrick Williams returned a punt 78 yards for a touchdown to start Penn State's scoring, after the Irish took a 7–0 lead on an interception return for a touchdown. Austin Scott rushed for 116 yards and two touchdowns on 28 carries. Anthony Morelli finished 12 of 21 for 131 yards, including a 51-yard strike to Chris Bell and a 10-yard touchdown to Jordan Norwood.
Led by Dan Connor, the defense sacked the Irish's highly touted freshman quarterback Jimmy Clausen six times for −50 yards. The defensive unit held the Irish to zero rushing yards and just 144 yards total. The Irish committed 14 penalties for 97 yards, partly due to the loud, mostly white-clad crowd.
Recording 12 tackles, Connor was selected Big Ten Defensive Player of the Week as well as Walter Camp National Defensive Player of the Week. Derrick Williams' punt return for a touchdown was selected the week's Pontiac Game Changing Performance in a landslide vote.
September 15: Buffalo.
Backup tailback Rodney Kinlaw had his first 100-yard game, tallying a career-high 129 yards on 23 carries and a touchdown after replacing starter Austin Scott, who fumbled on each of Penn State's first two drives. Scott's first fumble at the Penn State 8-yard line allowed the Bulls to take the lead, 3–0.
After a slow start, quarterback Anthony Morelli finished 20 of 27 for 202 yards and a career-high four touchdowns, including two to tight end Andrew Quarless, who was playing in his first game this season after being suspended for an underage drinking citation. Jordan Norwood's acrobatic 5-yard touchdown catch was highlighted as the "Top Play" for September 15, 2007 on ESPN's SportsCenter.
On defense, Dan Connor and Sean Lee each recorded 12 tackles. Safety Anthony Scirrotto also recorded an interception and recovered a fumble forced by Tony Davis.
September 22: @ Michigan.
The Wolverines defeated the Nittany Lions 14–9, their first loss of the season. Michigan's Mike Hart carried the ball a record 44 times for 153 yards, helping the Wolverines control the clock and executed 26 more plays than Penn State.
The Nittany Lions defense permitted only three drives above 40 yards, forced two turnovers and limited Hart to 3.5 yards per carry, but the Wolverines were 10 of 18 on third down conversions. Sean Lee finished with 12 tackles, and cornerback Lydell Sargeant made a career-high 10 tackles including a tackle for loss and an interception.
Anthony Morelli was 15 of 31 for 169 yards, with no touchdowns or interceptions, but lost a fumble early in the game on the Penn State 10-yard line. Michigan needed only two plays to convert the turnover into a touchdown.
September 29: @ Illinois.
The Nittany Lions fell 27–20 to the Fighting Illini in a turnover-filled game, Illinois's first win over a ranked opponent since 2001. The Illini would take a 7–3 lead on a 90-yard kickoff return for a touchdown, the first given up by Penn State since 1994.
Quarterback Anthony Morelli was 21 of 38 for a career-high 298 yards but was intercepted three times inside the Illinois 30-yard line. Morelli also had a crucial fumble on a fourth down scramble after appearing to have gained enough yards for the first down. The offense started five drives in Illinois territory but could only score three points on those drives.
The defense struggled early to defend the Illini's option running game, giving up 216 yards rushing. Linebacker Sean Lee recorded a career-high 17 tackles. Justin King and Tony Davis each intercepted the ball once, the second of the season for both players.
October 6: Iowa.
Quarterback Anthony Morelli overcame first-half boos from the Beaver Stadium crowd to finish 18 of 31 for 233 yards and a touchdown in a 27–7 win over the Hawkeyes. Rodney Kinlaw, playing in place of suspended tailback Austin Scott, ran for a career-high 168 yards and two touchdowns. Redshirt freshman Evan Royster had 86 yards on 16 carries before leaving the game in the third quarter with an injury.
Placekicker Kevin Kelly connected on 2 of 3 field goals, including a personal-best 53-yarder. Deon Butler led Nittany Lions receivers with 3 catches for 55 yards. Maurice Evans and Aaron Maybin each sacked Iowa's Jake Christensen twice, and the Hawkeyes were held scoreless until Trey Stross caught an 11-yard touchdown pass early in the fourth quarter.
October 13: Wisconsin.
Penn State capitalized on early turnovers by the Badgers, including a P.J. Hill fumble on the first play from scrimmage, to take control of the game early.
Quarterback Anthony Morelli completed 16 of 28 passes for 216 yards and a touchdown for the Nittany Lions. Tailbacks Rodney Kinlaw and Evan Royster each scored touchdowns while rushing for 115 and 68, respectively. Wide receiver Deon Butler caught seven passes for 93 yards and a touchdown. Backup quarterback Daryll Clark, who saw playing time in mop-up duty, scored on a 1-yard run. The Penn State defense intercepted Badgers quarterback Tyler Donovan twice. Linebackers Sean Lee and Dan Connor each ended with 12 tackles. The Lions were only penalized once for 10 yards, continuing their streak as the Big Ten's least-penalized team.
Defensive end Jerome Hayes was lost for the season after tearing his ACL in the third quarter.
October 20: @ Indiana.
The Penn State defense, despite giving up 386 total yards, forced four second-half Hoosiers turnovers, including two forced fumbles by defensive end Maurice Evans who scooped up one fumble and returned it 55 yards. Although the Hoosiers had the lead early on, the Nittany Lions took the lead in the final minute of the first half. Penn State held off an Indiana comeback in the fourth quarter, ensuring the continuation of their perfect record over the Hoosiers. The win also gave the Nittany Lions their first road win of the year.
On offense, Anthony Morelli finished 22 of 32 for 195 yards, two touchdowns and an interception. Jordan Norwood led all receivers with 8 receptions for 65 yards.
Evans was named Big Ten Defensive Player of the Week. In addition to his two forced fumbles, he also recorded 4.5 tackles for loss and 3.5 sacks.
Defensive tackle Jared Odrick left the game with a broken ankle, and fullback Matt Hahn left with a torn ACL. Both are out for the season.
October 27: Ohio State.
ESPN's College GameDay aired from State College, the second time in three seasons the show originated from Happy Valley for the visit by the Buckeyes. After a close first quarter, Ohio State pulled away to win 37–17. First Ohio State scored a field goal, then Penn State scored a touchdown. Ohio State then scored another touchdown to end the quarter 10–7. After another Ohio State touchdown to put the Buckeyes up 17-7, Penn State linebacker Dan Connor intercepted a Todd Boeckman pass, Ohio State's only meaningful possession to not end in a score, to give the Nittany Lions a chance to close the gap before halftime. However, Penn State ended up punting, and the Buckeyes dominated the second half, allowing only a field goal and a late kickoff return touchdown. Ohio State never punted in the game.
November 3: Purdue.
In his final Beaver Stadium performance, linebacker Dan Connor made 11 tackles against the Boilermakers to give him 379 career stops and became Penn State's all-time tackler, passing Paul Posluszny (372).
Senior Anthony Morelli was 22 of 35 for 210 yards and a touchdown, giving him 2,060 yards passing for the season. With 2,424 passing yards last season, Morelli became the first Nittany Lion quarterback with at least 2,000 passing yards in multiple seasons.
Redshirt freshman tailback Evan Royster recorded his first career 100-yard rushing game, finishing with 126 yards on 21 carries and a touchdown. Derrick Williams also made a career-high 10 receptions for 95 yards and rushed for 12 yards and a touchdown, finishing with a career-high 151 all-purpose yards.
Linebacker Sean Lee was named Big Ten Co-Defensive Player of the Week. Lee finished with 12 tackles and two forced fumbles, including a game-changing play late in the first quarter. On third-and-goal from the one yard line, Lee stripped and recovered the football to halt a potential Purdue scoring drive.
November 10: @ Temple.
Senior tailback Rodney Kinlaw eclipsed the 1,000 yard mark as the Nittany Lions shut out the Owls for the second consecutive year. Kinlaw tied his career-high 168 yards and also caught a career-high five passes for 27 yards.
Anthony Morelli was 22 of 33 for 260 yards with three touchdowns, two of them to Jordan Norwood. Derrick Williams had a game-high seven receptions for a career-high 104 yards, and teammate Deon Butler made five receptions for 43 yards and a touchdown.
The Nittany Lions defense posted its fourth shut-out in 17 games, and its second road shutout in 17 games, dating back to the 12–0 win over Purdue in Ross–Ade Stadium in 2006. The defense was led by Dan Connor who tied his career-high of 18 tackles and Sean Lee who had 10 tackles and a fumble recovery.
For the second time this season, Connor was selected the Walter Camp National Defensive Player of the Week as well as Big Ten Defensive Player of the Week.
November 17: @ Michigan State.
The Nittany Lions took a 24–7 lead in the third quarter on kicker Kevin Kelly's 5-yard touchdown run on a fake field goal. However, the Spartans outscored Penn State 28–7 the remainder of the game to take possession of the Land Grant Trophy. Penn State was awarded a 4th timeout in the final minute of the game.
The Nittany Lions defense forced three turnovers and limited the Spartans to 145 rushing yards, but Spartans quarterback Brian Hoyer was 16 of 21 for 257 yards, with four touchdowns and two interceptions. The Spartans had eight pass plays of 20 yards or more, with seven coming in the second half.
Anthony Morelli was 16 of 35 for 188 yards, with one touchdown and no interceptions. However, down 35–31 in the game's final minutes, Morelli threw four consecutive incompletions to end Penn State's last drive.
December 29: 2007 Alamo Bowl – Texas A&M.
Penn State rallied from a 14–0 first quarter deficit to win 24–17 on the strength of the running game provided by the offensive line and Rodney Kinlaw, Daryll Clark and Evan Royster. The defense came up with a key goal line stand in the fourth quarter stopping an option play on fourth and goal from inside the five yard line. The comeback from 14–0 has been compared to the 1981 Penn State vs Pittsburgh game where Penn State fell into an early 14–0 hole after one, but came back to win in a 48–14 blowout. In this game, Penn State went on a 24–3 run in the second and third quarters.
Post season.
Penn State finished the season ranked #25 in the final USA Today college football poll, earning Penn State its 33rd Top 25 finish under Joe Paterno.
Penn State finished second in football attendance for the fifth time this decade and in the top four for the 17th consecutive year, averaging 108,917 for seven home games, including two primetime crowds of 110,134 on October 27 to watch Penn State host Ohio State, the second-largest in Beaver Stadium history, and 110,078 on September 8 to watch Penn State beat Notre Dame, the third-largest in Beaver Stadium history. Penn State finished the season with a sellout crowd of 66,166 at the Alamo Bowl.
In January, junior cornerback Justin King announced that he was going to declare for the 2008 NFL Draft, skipping his final year of eligibility. King had graduated the previous semester with a degree in liberal arts with an emphasis in sports management. According to King's stepfather and high school coach, "He wanted to get an education and a degree from Penn State, which he did. He wanted to help turn Penn State around, and he did that, too."
Three players were invited to the NFL Scouting Combine, held February 20–26 in Indianapolis, Indiana: Dan Connor, Justin King, and Anthony Morelli.
NFL draft.
Two Penn State players were selected in the 2008 NFL Draft.
<doc id="8722114" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722114" title="Periodic zeta function">
Periodic zeta function
<doc id="8722119" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722119" title="Boris de Greiff">
Boris de Greiff
Boris de Greiff Bernal (13 February 1930 – 31 October 2011) was a Colombian chess master and writer, born in Medellín and son of the Colombian poet León de Greiff.
Student in San Bartolome Mayor School], in 1951, he won the Colombian Championship in Bogotá. In 1955, he took 16th in Mar del Plata (Borislav Ivkov won). In 1957, he won in Caracas (zonal). In 1958, he took 20th in Portorož (interzonal; Mikhail Tal won). In 1958, he took 9th in Bogotá (Oscar Panno won). In 1962, he took 18th in Havana (1st Capablanca Memorial; Miguel Najdorf won). In 1963, he took 20th in Havana (2nd Capablanca Memorial; Viktor Korchnoi won). In 1963, he took 7th in Havana (Torneo Panamericano; Eleazar Jiménez won). In 1969, he tied for 1st–2nd with Miguel Cuéllar in Bogotá. In 1970, he tied for 8–10th in Bogotá (Henrique Mecking won). In 1973, he took 15th in Cienfueogos (10th Capablanca Memorial; Vasily Smyslov won).
De Greiff played for Colombia in nine Chess Olympiads.
He died in Bogotá.
<doc id="8722121" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722121" title="Stara Karaburma">
Stara Karaburma
<doc id="8722122" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722122" title="Nova Karaburma">
Nova Karaburma
<doc id="8722123" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722123" title="Karel Lodewijk Ledeganck">
Karel Lodewijk Ledeganck
Karel Lodewijk Ledeganck (Eeklo, 9 November 1805 – Ghent, 19 March 1847) was a Flemish writer. He was of humble origin, but became extraordinary Professor at the University of Ghent. He started his career as a clerk, then became a judge, and school inspector before he came to teach at the university.
In 1836, he published the poem "Het klavier" ("the keyboard"), but he made his actual debut in 1838, with the poems in "Bloemen mijner lente" ("flowers of my spring"). His initial work was strongly influenced by the English and French Romantic movement, and more specifically by Byron and Lamartine, in contrast to his later poems, which were rather pessimistic. With his "Drie zustersteden" of 1843, dedicated to the cities of Ghent, Bruges and Antwerp, which was called the poetic gospel of the Flemish movement, he achieved a breakthrough. In this trilogy he showed himself to be the best Flemish poet of his generation. In his, now somewhat exalted or melancholic, style he proclaimed his love for the Flemish people and his belief in their future.
The Karel Lodewijk Ledeganckstraat in Ghent was named after him. The Ledeganck Campus of sciences of Ghent University is located here.
<doc id="8722124" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722124" title="Karaburma-Dunav">
<doc id="8722126" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722126" title="Stratton St.Mary">
Stratton St.Mary
<doc id="8722128" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722128" title="Thomas H. Sill">
Thomas H. Sill
<doc id="8722131" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722131" title="Stratton St.Michael">
Stratton St.Michael
<doc id="8722135" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722135" title="Nova Brasilândia d'Oeste">
Nova Brasilândia d'Oeste
Nova Brasilândia d'Oeste is a municipality located in the Brazilian state of Rondônia. Its population was 20,489 (2020) and its area is 1,703 km².
<doc id="8722138" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722138" title="Takashi Tokita">
Takashi Tokita
(born 24 January 1965) is a Japanese video game developer working for Square Enix. He has worked there since 1985, and has worked as the lead designer for "Final Fantasy IV" as well as the director of "Live A Live", "Parasite Eve" and "Chrono Trigger".
Tokita joined Square in 1985 as a part-time employee, not becoming full-time until the development of "Final Fantasy IV". For the first three "Final Fantasy" games, he worked on graphic design, testing, and sound effects, respectively, before becoming lead designer of "Final Fantasy IV" in 1991.
Tokita wanted to make a career as a theater actor, but working on "Final Fantasy IV" made him decide to become a "great creator" of video games. He was one of only 14 people working on the game. Tokita feels that "Final Fantasy IV" is the first game in the series to really pick up on drama, and the first Japanese RPG to feature "such deep characters and plot". He also felt that "Final Fantasy IV" was so good because it was the culmination of the best parts of the first three games.
Following that title, he was also involved in the production of "Final Fantasy VII".
"Chrono Trigger" is a role-playing video game developed and published by Square for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in 1995. Director credits were attributed to Akihiko Matsui, Yoshinori Kitase and Takashi Tokita. Tetsuya Takahashi had the role of graphic director. Additionally, Takashi Tokita, along with Yoshinori Kitase wrote the various subplots to the game.
He handled the game design for "Parasite Eve" and wrote the game's story. He considers the later games in the series as having been "handed off" to others.
After the successful remakes of "Final Fantasy III" and "Final Fantasy IV", there was a desire by the team to make a new game in the same style.
He was the lead developer on "".
His greatest inspiration was "Dragon Quest 2", since it emotionally engaged him like no game he had played before.
Between 2003 and 2007, Tokita was the head of Square's Product Development Division 7.
Currently, Tokita is a senior manager and producer in Square Enix's Business Division 8.
<doc id="8722139" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722139" title="2007 in the UK">
2007 in the UK
<doc id="8722145" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722145" title="Matt Rippy">
Matt Rippy
Matt Rippy (born January 26, 1968) is an American actor, born in St. Louis, Missouri and raised in Houston, Texas. He is most known for the recent Netflix series "Glória", his role as the 'real' Captain Jack Harkness in "Torchwood" in 2007 and his comic stage performances with the Reduced Shakespeare Company.
Rippy began acting at an early age putting on performances in the family living room for family and friends which led to his first public performance at The Country Playhouse at the age of 12. He attended the drama department at Houston’s prestigious High School for the Performing and Visual Arts (HSPVA) and was a member of the Alley Theatre repertory company for three seasons.
In 1994 Rippy moved to England where he joined the Reduced Shakespeare Company for a record breaking run in London's West End, performing "The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged)", "The Complete History of America (abridged)" and "The Bible: The Complete Word of God (abridged)". In 2002 he was a Helen Hayes Award nominee for Outstanding Lead Actor for his role in "The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged)" at The Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. He toured with the company on numerous occasions around the United States, UK, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Rippy would continue off and on to perform, direct and help develop new plays with the Reduced Shakespeare Company for the next twenty years.
Rippy launched his TV and film career in 1995 with a guest appearance on "Goodnight Sweetheart" with Nicholas Lyndhurst for the BBC. He has worked extensively in UK television, including appearances in "Cracker", "Jonathan Creek", "Ultimate Force", "Doctors", "Holby City", "Secret Diary of a Call Girl" and "The Crown". In a 2007 television appearance, Rippy portrayed the namesake of Jack Harkness of "Torchwood" in the first series' twelfth episode, "Captain Jack Harkness". In this critically-acclaimed episode, Captain Jack (Rippy) was a young American volunteer serving as an RAF Group Captain stationed in Cardiff. He was in a heterosexual relationship, and was eventually revealed to be attracted to Torchwood's Jack, who after an unfortunate "temporal shift", landed in 1941 during the height of the Cardiff blitz. The episode was the favorite selected by fans for the 2020 Radio Times Watch-along simulcast.
He also appears in the films "Day of the Dead", "Boogeyman 3, Beyond the Sea, The Monuments Men" and "Black Beauty." Rippy starred in the cult B-movie "Roboshark" released on the SyFy Channel in 2015. "SciFi & Scary" gave the film 5/5: "Overall, "Roboshark" was a delight to watch and to interact with, because, yes, folks, "Roboshark" will follow you on Twitter." In 2016, he appeared in "" as Corporal Rostok. Almost all of his scenes were cut from the film, however there is a Lego mini-figure of his character.
Rippy is most recently seen as CIA agent James Wilson in the Netflix series "Glória".
<doc id="8722146" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722146" title="Dennis M. O'Brien">
Dennis M. O'Brien
Dennis Michael O'Brien (born 1952) is an American Republican Party politician who served as the 137th Speaker of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives from 2007 to 2008. First elected in 1976, he represented the 169th Legislative District in the state House for the most part of four decades. He served as a member of the Philadelphia City Council for one term, from 2012 to 2016.
Personal life.
A graduate of Archbishop Ryan High School, he attended La Salle University, where he earned a bachelor's degree in Labor Relations. He has three sons, Dennis Jr., Brendan and Joseph.
Political career.
O'Brien was first elected to the Pennsylvania House in 1976 and served two terms before giving up his seat in 1980 to challenge fellow Republican Charles Dougherty for his congressional seat.
O'Brien lost to Dougherty by 480 votes in the primary. In 1982, O'Brien ran for his old seat in the Pennsylvania House and won. He was re-elected in every succeeding election he contested. Prior to his elevation to the Speakership, he served as chairman of the House Committees on Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness, Health and Human Services, Consumer Affairs, Judiciary. Upon leaving the Speaker's office, he served as chairman of the Committee on Children and Youth.
Inspired by his late nephew Christopher's diagnosis, O'Brien has been an advocate for autism issues and founded the Pennsylvania Legislative Autism Caucus.
In over 20 years, he has proposed a number of bills requiring mandatory school and health care funding for patients.
He worked with Governor Ed Rendell to organize a Bureau of Autism Services within the state's Office of Developmental Programs. In 2008, one of his bills, requiring insurance companies to cover autism treatment, was passed and signed into law.
2007 Speaker Election.
O'Brien became the Speaker of the House following deals between Republicans and Democrats. Despite a one-seat Democratic majority, the Democratic leader, Bill DeWeese, was unable to garner the votes necessary to win back the Speakership due to some dissatisfaction within his own caucus because of his handling of matters as leader, and notably due to the decision by one member in his caucus to vote for John Perzel, the incumbent Speaker. DeWeese nominated O'Brien, a Republican and a Perzel rival, in a surprise move.
O'Brien went on to defeat Perzel, 105–97. O'Brien was the first minority-party Speaker in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.
2008 Primary Election.
O'Brien defeated what was described as an "underground write-in campaign" in the 2008 Democratic primary election. With no Democrat on the ballot, a write-in candidate emerged in an attempt to secure a position on the November ballot as a Democrat. He organized his own campaign and defeated his opponent 1,372–416, meaning that O'Brien was listed on both parties' ballots in the general election.
Upon the election of 2008, the Democrats saw the opportunity to put their own in the Speaker's office. Representative Keith McCall of Carbon County was elected Speaker with O'Brien opting out of the race. He was named the minority chairman of the House Committee on Children and Youth. In addition to those responsibilities, O'Brien worked with the Department of Public Welfare to ensure implementation of Act 62 (mandating autism insurance in Pennsylvania) which he wrote and passed while he was the Speaker.
2011 City Council election.
O'Brien announced his intention to run for one of the minority seats on Philadelphia's City Council in 2011. He, attorney David Oh, and incumbent Frank Rizzo Jr. were considered the clear favorites among the Republican contenders. On May 17, 2011, in spite of not being supported by any of the party organizations, O'Brien won one of the five GOP nominations for the City Council's at-large seats, with 17.32% of the vote. Oh won 18.50% of the vote, being first among the field of candidates, while Rizzo was soundly defeated, coming in 7th out of nine candidates—a result some have attributed to his involvement in DROP, the Deferred Retirement Option Plan. O'Brien went on to be the top finisher among the minority party candidates with an approximately 10,000-vote lead. He was sworn into Council on January 2, 2012.
He was the sole member of Council voting to oppose a public water rate setting board, opting to instead leave that decision in the hands of the Water Commissioner.
2015 Council Re-Election.
O'Brien again ran for re-election to one of the two minority seats. He faced a field of five candidates, including the other incumbent, David Oh. With 100 percent of the ballots counted, O'Brien lost to Oh and Councilman Al Taubenberger.
<doc id="8722152" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722152" title="Nova Mamoré">
Nova Mamoré
Nova Mamoré is a municipality located in the Brazilian state of Rondônia. In 2020, the population of Nova Mamoré was 31,392. Its area is 10,072 km².
The economy of Nova Mamoré is based on mainly agriculture and wood. Its main agriculture comes from the chestnut, cupuaçu, acerola, açaí, guava, mango and pineapple plants. There are approximately 325,000 cattle in Nova Mamoré. In the 1970s and 1980s, the town produced a large amount of gold, but the main mineral source now is water. There are around 27 factories, most of them producing timber.
There are three protected areas for indigenous groups in the municipality: Terras Indígenas Igarapé Ribeirão, Reserva dos Karipunas and Terras Indígenas Laje
Ninety-five percent of the area of "" ("Guajará-Mirim State Park") is located within Nova Mamoré; the remainder is in neighboring Guajará-Mirim.
Nova Mamoré contains 27% of the Rio Ouro Preto Extractive Reserve, created in 1990.
The municipality contains 13% of the Jaci Paraná Extractive Reserve, created in 1996.
<doc id="8722163" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722163" title="Smartshop">
<doc id="8722164" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722164" title="Fay Davis">
Fay Davis
Fay Davis (December 15, 1872 – March 1, 1945) was an American stage actress from Boston, Massachusetts who was a star of many Shakespearean plays.
Early life.
Fay Davis was born December 15, 1872 in Boston, Massachusetts. She attended the Winthrop School in Boston and a school of oratory. Davis studied under the monologist Leland Powers. Davis became popular as a reciter in Boston and other places in New England. She also acted as an amateur in her hometown.
Davis came to England in 1895 to join the company of Sir Charles Wyndham. She quickly achieved success as Zoe Nuggetson in "A Squire of Dames". In 1896 she went to the St. James's Theatre where she remained five years. At this time she played her first roles in productions of the works of Shakespeare.
In 1902 Davis returned to America and made her debut at the Empire Theatre under Charles Frohman. For Frohman, Davis appeared as Wilhelmina in "Imprudence".
In the first decade of the twentieth century she acted in a number of London plays, namely "Rupert of Hentzau", "A Debt of Honour", "The Wisdom of the Wise", "Iris", and "Caesar's Wife". She returned to England in 1906, acting in the provinces and then London. In the latter she appeared in leading roles in "Henry V", "Romeo and Juliet", "The Merchant of Venice", and "Twelfth Night".
In 1910 she played in "Trelawny of the Wells" in London. In 1914 she appeared in a film of "Enoch Arden". During World War I Davis was in "Searchlights" and "Daddy Long-Legs". Her final London shows were "The Heart of a Child" (1921), "The Second Mrs. Tanqueray" (1922), "Secret Service" (1926), "Hamlet" (1930), and "The Shadow Princess" and "On The Rocks" (1933). Her final professional appearance was at the Winter Garden Theatre in London in 1933, although she later made two appearances onstage in wartime fundraising galas in 1939 and 1942.
Personal life.
She was married to the actor Gerald Lawrence. Their daughter, Marjorie Fay Lawrence (b.1908) was murdered in 1930.
Davis died in Exmouth, England in 1945.
<doc id="8722168" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722168" title="Terminology extraction">
Terminology extraction
Terminology extraction (also known as term extraction, glossary extraction, term recognition, or terminology mining) is a subtask of information extraction. The goal of terminology extraction is to automatically extract relevant terms from a given corpus.
In the semantic web era, a growing number of communities and networked enterprises started to access and interoperate through the internet. Modeling these communities and their information needs is important for several web applications, like topic-driven web crawlers, web services, recommender systems, etc. The development of terminology extraction is also essential to the language industry.
One of the first steps to model a knowledge domain is to collect a vocabulary of domain-relevant terms, constituting the linguistic surface manifestation of domain concepts. Several methods to automatically extract technical terms from domain-specific document warehouses have been described in the literature.
Typically, approaches to automatic term extraction make use of linguistic processors (part of speech tagging, phrase chunking) to extract terminological candidates, i.e. syntactically plausible terminological noun phrases. Noun phrases include compounds (e.g. "credit card"), adjective noun phrases (e.g. "local tourist information office"), and prepositional noun phrases (e.g. "board of directors"). In English, the first two (compounds and adjective noun phrases) are the most frequent. Terminological entries are then filtered from the candidate list using statistical and machine learning methods. Once filtered, because of their low ambiguity and high specificity, these terms are particularly useful for conceptualizing a knowledge domain or for supporting the creation of a domain ontology or a terminology base. Furthermore, terminology extraction is a very useful starting point for semantic similarity, knowledge management, human translation and machine translation, etc.
Bilingual terminology extraction.
The methods for terminology extraction can be applied to parallel corpora. Combined with e.g. co-occurrence statistics, candidates for term translations can be obtained. Bilingual terminology can be extracted also from comparable corpora (corpora containing texts within the same text type, domain but not translations of documents between each other).
<doc id="8722176" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722176" title="Nova União, Rondônia">
Nova União, Rondônia
Nova União is a municipality located in the Brazilian state of Rondônia. Its population was 6,895 (2020) and its area is 807 km².
<doc id="8722189" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722189" title="Lome (Aanaa)">
Lome (Aanaa)
Lome (), also spelled Lume, is a Districts of Ethiopia in Oromia State, Ethiopia. Part of the East Shewa Zone located in the Great Rift Valley, Lome is bordered on the south by the Koka Reservoir, on the west by Ada'a Chukala, on the northwest by Gimbichu, on the north by the Amhara Region, and on the east by Adama. Mojo is the capital of the woreda; other towns and cities include Ejerie and Koka.
Most of this district ranges in altitude from 1500 to 2300 meters above sea level, except for a small portion in the northern part, which is over 2300 in altitude. Rivers include the Modjo. A survey of the land in this district shows that 54.3% is arable or cultivable, 3% pasture, 2% forest, and the remaining 20% is considered degraded or otherwise unusable. Vegetables are an important cash crop.
Industry in the district includes 4 government-owned industries and 35 privately owned small businesses that employed 173 people, as well as 1278 registered business organizations which included 187 wholesalers, 495 retailers, and 298 service providers. There were 36 Farmers Associations with 11,138 members and 12 Farmers Service Cooperatives with 9974 members. Lome has 89 kilometers of dry-weather and 96 of all-weather road, for an average road density of 260.5 kilometers per 1000 square kilometers. About 48% of the rural, 83% of the urban and 60% of the total population has access to drinking water. Lomo also has rail access provided by the Addis Ababa - Djibouti Railway.
The 2007 national census reported a total population for this district of 117,080, of whom 60,125 were men and 56,955 were women; 38,771 or 33.06% of its population were urban dwellers. The majority of the inhabitants said they practised Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity, with 90.11% of the population reporting they observed this belief, while 3.4% of the population practiced traditional beliefs, 3.27% of the population were Protestant, and 2.72% of the population were Muslim.
Based on figures published by the Central Statistical Agency in 2005, this district has an estimated total population of 140,030, of whom 68,077 are men and 71,953 are women; 53,071 or 37.90% of its population are urban dwellers, which is greater than the Zone average of 32.1%. With an estimated area of 709.85 square kilometers, Lome has an estimated population density of 197.3 people per square kilometer, which is greater than the Zone average of 181.7.
The 1994 national census reported a total population for this district of 93,007, of whom 47,743 were men and 45,264 women; 29,691 or 31.92% of its population were urban dwellers at the time. The three largest ethnic groups reported in Lome were the Oromo (66.1%), the Amhara (29.66%), and the Silt'e (1.15%); all other ethnic groups made up 3.09% of the population. Oromo was spoken as a first language by 57.53%, and 40.53% spoke Amharic; the remaining 1.94% spoke all other primary languages reported. The majority of the inhabitants were Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity, with 94.02% of the population reporting they practiced that belief, while 2.53% of the population said they observed traditional beliefs, and 2.34% were Moslem.
<doc id="8722196" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722196" title="Atlanta Trashers">
Atlanta Trashers
<doc id="8722197" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722197" title="Throw Some D's">
Throw Some D's
"Throw Some D's" is the first single from the self-titled album of rap artist Rich Boy, and his most commercially successful song to date. The single was produced by Butta and Polow da Don (who has a featured credit in the song). The song contains samples from the 1979 song "I Call Your Name" by the R&B group Switch. It has been certified platinum by the RIAA. The song was number 37 on "Rolling Stone"s list of the 100 Best Songs of 2007.
Music video.
The music video was released in October 2006 and was in heavy rotation on BET and MTV, with a cameo made by Keri Hilson.
Chart performance.
The single charted on the U.S. "Billboard" Hot 100 and peaked at number 6 in March 2007. The track saw greater success within the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs and Hot Rap Tracks charts, peaking at number 3 and 2 respectively.
<doc id="8722198" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722198" title="Charles Mallory Hatfield">
Charles Mallory Hatfield
<doc id="8722201" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722201" title="St. John's Primary School, Ayr">
St. John's Primary School, Ayr
<doc id="8722206" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722206" title="AIDA International">
AIDA International
Association Internationale pour le Développement de l'Apnée (AIDA) (English: "International Association for the Development of Apnea") is a worldwide rule- and record-keeping body for competitive breath holding events, also known as freediving. It sets standards for safety, comparability of Official World Record attempts and freedive education. AIDA International is the parent organization for national clubs of the same name.
AIDA was founded November 2, 1992 in Nice, France by Frenchmen Roland Specker, Loïc Leferme and Claude Chapuis, with Specker as its first President.
The AIDA Competitions started to take form in 1993.
National clubs begin to form over all Europe in 1994–1995.
AIDA became AIDA International in 1999.
AIDA World Championships.
History of AIDA World Championships:
Qualifications and certifications.
AIDA has a star system for grading its freediving certifications:
Freedive certifications
Speciality certifications
AIDA has 3 levels of Instructor qualifications and certifications:
Instructor certifications
AIDA recognized world records as of March 28, 2022.
Pool Disciplines.
The AIDA recognized pool disciplines are static apnea (STA) and three separate dynamic apnea disciplines. Dynamic With Fins which is done with monofins usually but bifins are also allowed, Dynamic With Bifins which uses bifins, and Dynamic Without Fins does not allow fins to be used and divers usually use breast strokes and wall-kicks for propulsions.
<doc id="8722213" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722213" title="George Plumer">
George Plumer
George Plumer (December 5, 1762 – June 8, 1843) was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Pennsylvania.
George Plumer was born near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He was a member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives from 1812 to 1815 and again in 1817.
Plumer was elected as a Republican to the Seventeenth Congress, elected as a Jackson Republican to the Eighteenth Congress, and reelected as a Jacksonian to the Nineteenth Congress. He declined to be a candidate for renomination and engaged in agricultural pursuits. He died near West Newton, Pennsylvania, in 1843. Interment in Old Sewickley Presbyterian Church Cemetery.
<doc id="8722235" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722235" title="Ambition Institute">
Ambition Institute
Ambition Institute is a graduate school with programmes designed to support educators throughout the education sector, including teachers, leaders, and executive leaders. Their programmes are designed to improve outcomes for pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Ambition Institute is the product of a merger between Ambition School Leadership, and the Institute for Teaching, which took place in March 2019. Collectively, Ambition Institute’s predecessor organisations have supported over 14,000 educators across 2,800 schools and trusts; reaching 1.5 million children.
Ambition Institute also publish reports, including 'People Power', an in-depth analysis of the role Multi-Academy Trusts play in the UK education sector.
In an article for Schools Week, Tom Rees and executive director of school leadership, Jen Barker, stated: "for head teachers, this means we are less concerned with generic approaches to leadership and management, leadership styles or personal traits, and more interested in building proficiency, in context, around the education-specific and highest-leverage work they do".
Following a feasibility trip to the US, and reflecting on the work of New Leaders, The Future Leaders Trust was set up in 2006 as an independent charity by Absolute Return for Kids, the National College for Teaching and Leadership, and The Schools Network.
These organisations shared the vision of a school leadership programme to improve the life chances of pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds. Key people involved in establishing the organisation included Lord Adonis- who at the time was acting as a Minister of Education and Skills. The trust became a registered charity on 15 November 2006.
In 2016, Teaching Leaders and The Future Leaders Trust merged to form Ambition School Leadership, which introduced a range of new programmes, focusing on middle, senior, and executive leadership.
In July 2018, it was announced that Ambition School Leadership would merge with the Institute for Teaching, an Ark Venture focused on improving teaching and teacher education, "leading to greater reach and impact in schools in challenging contexts across the country". The new brand was officially launched on Monday 11 May at the Oasis Academy South Bank.
In August 2019, former aide to Michael Gove and long-serving Department for Education staffer, Hilary Spencer, was appointed as CEO.
The board of trustees includes Director of Secondary Education Boomer-Clark, James Fulton of Goldman Sachs, and Dame Rachel De Souza.
<doc id="8722247" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722247" title="Ramayana Centre">
Ramayana Centre
The Ramayana Centre is cultural and spiritual organization based in Union Park, Mauritius. It was founded in 2001 by an act passed in the National Assembly of the Republic of Mauritius to promote and propagate the Hindu epic "Ramayana" and the spiritual, social and cultural values flowing therefrom. Prior to this, no parliament of any country had enacted a Bill or set up an institution for the dissemination of the perennial values of the Ramayana.
The Bill was unanimously approved on May 22, 2001 and was proclaimed as an Act by the President of the Republic on June 14, 2001. It was published in the "Government Gazette" No. 64 on June 30, 2001.
The president of the Ramayana Centre is Pandit Rajendra Arun, scholar of the Ramayana and author of several books on various characters of the Ramayana.
In 2002, on Tulsi Jayanti day, the foundation stone of the Ramayana Center laid by Prime Minister, Anerood Jugnauth. Subsequently the building of formally inaugurated in 2007 by the then Prime Minister Dr. Navinchandra Ramgoolam.
<doc id="8722250" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722250" title="1999 İzmit earthquake">
1999 İzmit earthquake
On 17 August 1999, a catastrophic magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck the Kocaeli Province of Turkey, causing monumental damage and 17,127–18,373 deaths. Named for the quake’s proximity to the northwestern city of İzmit, the earthquake is also commonly referred to as the 17 August Earthquake or the 1999 Gölcük Earthquake. The earthquake occurred at 03:01 local time (00:01 UTC) at a shallow depth of 15 km. A maximum Mercalli intensity of X ("Extreme") was observed. The earthquake lasted for 37 seconds, causing seismic damage and is widely remembered as one of the deadliest natural disasters in modern Turkish history.
The 1999 earthquake was part of a seismic sequence along the North Anatolian Fault that started in 1939, causing large earthquakes that moved progressively from east to west over a period of 60 years. The earthquake encouraged the establishment of a so-called earthquake tax aimed at providing assistance to the ones affected by the damages of earthquake.
Tectonic setting.
The North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ), which the quake occurred on is a dextral (right-lateral) strike-slip fault zone, expanding from the Gulf of Saros to Karlıova that formed around 13—11 million years ago in the eastern part of Anatolia and moved towards the west. The fault later reached the Marmara Sea at around 200,000 years ago, despite the shear-related movement in a rather broad zone which had already started in late Miocene.
The fault zone has a diverse geomorphological structure, is seismically active and currently stands as one of the world's most major and active strike-slip fault, having an entire group of ruptures being produced as large as 8.0 on the moment magnitude scale. Since the 17th century, it has shown cyclical behavior, with century-long large earthquake cycles beginning in the east and continuing westward. Although the record is less clear for earlier times, lively seismicity could still be seen in that timespan. The 20th century earthquake record has been interpreted as where every earthquake concentrates the stress at the western tips of the ruptured areas leading to westward migration of larger earthquakes. The 17 August and 12 November 1999 events have loaded the Marmara segment of the fault, noted since the 1999 earthquakes and another major, magnitude 7.6 or larger event is expected in the next half-century with a probability of 50% on this segment. Currently, the deformation of the rocks by stress in the Marmara Sea region is asymmetric. This is conditioned by the geology of the region and it is believed that this is the case for most of the North Anatolian Fault Zone.
The 17 August 1999 earthquake was the 7th in a sequence of westward-migrating quake sequence on the North Anatolian Fault. This earthquake sequence began in 1939 and ruptured along a 1000-km part of the fault zone, with horizontal displacements of up to 7.5 m.
The maximum observed ground motion was 0.45g. The earthquake lasted 35–45 seconds according to various sources. The closest cities damaged or affected by the earthquake were İzmit, Gölcük, Yalova, and Adapazarı, all located near the eastern end of the Marmara Sea, within the Gulf of İzmit. The earthquake also caused serious damage in Istanbul, especially in the district of Avcılar which is located in the western part of the city, around 70 km away from the epicenter. Despite the distance, it killed about 1,000 people in the district. The preliminary magnitude of the earthquake was 7.4 by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and by the Kandilli Observatory, which operate in this country. The earthquake caused a surface rupture which consisted of four segments; Hersek/Karamürsel–Gölcük, İzmit–Lake Sapanca, Lake Sapanca–Akyazı, Akyazı–Gölyaka and Gölyaka–Düzce segments which in total, had length of more than 125 km. All the segments are separated by pull-apart stepovers of 1 to 4 km in width. The maximum offset throughout the rupture was measured on the Sapanca–Akyazı segment where the surface break displaced a road and a tree line by 5.2 m. It also showed pure strike-slip, and the fault plane is almost vertical in most of the places where a surface break was observed. Most of the major aftershocks (M>4) were located near Düzce, south of Adapazarı, in Sapanca, in İzmit, and the Çınarcık area. At Değirmendere, a small coastal town west of Gölcük, the rupture cut the edge of a fan delta where the center of the town was located, which caused a slump measuring 300 m long and 100 m wide, as a result a part of the town center slid under the water, including a hotel and several shops and restaurants. At another fan delta east of Gölcük, which is within the step-over area of the ruptures, the fault produced a 2 m-high normal fault scarp.
Data was used from seven broadband stations as well as some other short-period stations across the area to calculate the regional moment tensor of the mainshocks and larger aftershocks and as a result most of the earthquakes were found to be split in segments with the moment tensor's focal mechanism reading either a strike-slip on the fault which is west-east striking or normal faulting which is between rupture segments which also proves that the main characteristic of the quake is dextral strike-slip.
From the timing of P-wave and S-wave arrivals at seismometers, there is strong evidence that the rupture propagated eastwards from the epicenter at speeds in excess of the S-wave velocity, making this a supershear earthquake.
There was destruction caused in Yalova as a result of the earthquake, as well as hundreds killed and many buildings collapsed. Despite the earthquake being felt very strong there, the cause of most of the damage is suspected to be the induced liquefaction in the area. Since the area is mostly made of Quaternary alluvial soil which means it is rather prone to liquefaction, has around 200 drilling sites and boreholes and has many streams or rivers nearby, severe liquefaction was induced and recorded.
Destruction in Istanbul was concentrated in the Avcılar district. Avcılar was built on relatively weak ground, mainly composed of poorly consolidated Cenozoic sedimentary rocks, which makes this district vulnerable to any earthquake.
An official Turkish estimate dated 19 October 1999 placed the toll at 17,127 killed and 43,953 injured, but many sources suggest the actual figure may have been closer to 45,000 dead and a similar number injured. Reports from September 1999 show that 120,000 poorly engineered houses were damaged beyond repair and approximately 20,000 buildings collapsed, resulting in more than 250,000 people becoming homeless after the earthquake. About 60 Km of the Istanbul-Ankara highway, almost 500 Km electricity cables and over 3000 electricity distribution towers were damaged.
Private contractors faced backlash for using cheap materials in their construction of residential buildings. Many of these contractors were prosecuted but few were found guilty. Government officials also faced backlash for not properly enforcing earthquake resistant building codes. Direct cost of damages is estimated at $6.5 billion US dollars, but secondary costs could exceed $20 billion. In 2010, the research branch of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey released a report stating the amount of casualties as 18,373. In the same report, they have stated that there have been 48,901 injured, 505 permanently injured, 96,796 homes heavily damaged or destroyed, 15,939 businesses heavily damaged or destroyed, 107,315 homes moderately damaged, 16,316 businesses moderately damaged, 113,382 homes slightly damaged, 14,657 businesses slightly damaged, 40,786 prefabricated homes were distributed and 147,120 people were placed into the prefab homes.
There was extensive damage to several bridges and other structures on the Trans-European Motorway (European route E80), including 20 viaducts, 5 tunnels, and some overpasses. Damage ranged from spalling concrete to total deck collapse.
Oil refinery fire.
The earthquake sparked a disastrous fire at the Tüpraş petroleum refinery. The fire began at a state-owned tank farm and was initiated by naphtha that had spilled from a holding tank. Breakage in water pipelines, results of the quake, nullified attempts at extinguishing the fire. Aircraft were called in to douse the flames with foam. The fire spread over the next few days, warranting the evacuation of the area within three miles (about 5km) of the refinery. The fire was declared under control five days later after claiming at least seventeen tanks and untold amounts of complex piping.
Due to the fire, people within two to three miles of the refinery needed to evacuate even though some areas were still in the process of search and rescue.
Many field studies were made about the tsunami associated with the earthquake, especially in the Gulf of İzmit. Along the northern coast of the gulf, in the basin between Hereke and Tüpraş Petroleum Refinery, the tsunami was like a leading depression wave. The run-up wave heights in this area ranged from , and the waves later decreased to high water levels. The first row of waves arrived on the north coast of the gulf a few minutes after the earthquake, and had a period of around a minute. The hardest hit areas were Şirinyalı, Kirazlıyalı, Yarımca, Körfez, and the refinery. The tsunami tide carried mussels into buildings and damaged doors and windows. At Körfez, the inland inundation from the waves distance ranged up to . There were clear watermarks on the walls of buildings including the police station in Hereke, and at a restaurant near Körfez. Locals reported that the first waves arrived at Kirazlıyalı from a southeastern direction and at Körfez from a southern direction. Along the southern coast of the Gulf between Değirmendere and Güzelyalı, tide run-up heights were measured in the range of . The tsunami was recorded as a leading depression wave to the west of Kavaklı up to Güzelyalı as well. There, the wave was noticed by locals right after the earthquake. There was severe coastal subsidence as well as slumping of a park near Değirmendere. The subsided area was along the shore and perpendicular to shore. The same area included two piers, a hotel, a restaurant, a cafe and several trees. Locals at the coast near Değirmendere observed the sea receding by about in less than two minutes. When the sea came back, it inundated up to inland, as shown by the mussels and dead fish left in the flooded areas.
The tsunami caused damage to the naval base nearby. At least 155 deaths were associated with the tsunami.
A massive international response was mounted to assist in digging for survivors and to assist the wounded and homeless. Rescue teams were dispatched within 24–48 hours of the disaster, and the assistance to the survivors was channeled through NGOs, Turkish Red Crescent and local search and rescue organizations.
The following table shows the breakdown of rescue teams by country in the affected locations:
"Search and Rescue Effort as of 19 August 1999. Source: USAID"
In total, rescue teams from 12 countries assisted in the rescue effort. Greece was the first nation to pledge aid and support. Within hours of the earthquake, the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs contacted their counterparts in Turkey, and the minister sent his personal envoys to Turkey. The Ministry of Public Orders sent in a rescue team of 24 people and two trained rescue dogs, as well as fire-extinguishing planes to help with putting out the fire in the Tüpraş Oil refinery.
Oil Spill Response Limited was activated by BP to deploy from the United Kingdom to the Tüpraş Refinery where their responders successfully contained the previously uncontrolled discharge of oil from the site into the sea.
The UK announced an immediate grant of £50,000 to help the Turkish Red Crescent, while the International Red Cross and Red Crescent pledged £4.5 million to help victims. Blankets, medical supplies and food were flown from Stansted airport. Engineers from Thames Water went to help restore water supplies.
US President Bill Clinton later visited Istanbul and İzmit to examine the level of destruction and meet with the survivors.
Future risk.
There has been an increased seismic activity in the Eastern Sea of Marmara since 2002 and a quiescence of earthquakes on the Princes' Islands Segment of the North Anatolian Fault off the southern coast of Istanbul. This suggests that the 150-km long submarine seismic gap below the Sea of Marmara could point out to a future, large earthquake. These possibilities are quite important, with respect to the segmentation of major fault ruptures along the North Anatolian Fault Zone in north-western Turkey. With the possible activation of segments towards the metropolitan areas of Istanbul, the Princes' Islands gap should be considered to have an impact on the large seismic hazard potential for Istanbul.
Despite a long-term earthquake catalogue existing for the North Anatolian Fault Zone and for the Istanbul area in particular, the basic understanding of the seismicity there is still a long way off. The observation of a seismic gap in vicinity to the Istanbul metropolitan area was made possible through deploying a dense network of seismic stations and small arrays near the fault trace south of the Princes' Islands. This improved monitoring along the Princes' Islands segment, which is west of the İzmit 1999 rupture and southeast of Istanbul's city center is highlighting the location of likely rupture points for the pending Marmara earthquake. It also limits the maximum size of future events along the whole Marmara seismic gap in case of cascade behavior. Knowing this, the need of a regional earthquake early warning system for Istanbul and surroundings could be justified. The aseismic part of the Princes' Islands segment could represent a potential and likely high-slip area in a future, large earthquake. Fault characterization is likewise very relevant to determine the directivity of earthquake waves approaching Istanbul. Recently made modelling of potential impacts to Istanbul from different scenarios have shown to improve the estimation of hazards the seismic gaps pose. In a similar way, more improved and dense seismic monitoring is expected from on-going efforts to install an underground (borehole-based) seismograph network in the eastern Sea of Marmara region.
Istanbul, being the most populated city in Turkey, lies right near the segments of the North Anatolian Fault Zone, making it at very high risk to an earthquake disaster which could possibly cause thousands of casualties and severe damage. Following the large earthquake in 1999, there was a great urgency for the government to mitigate these risks. With the help of organizations like the World Bank, hundreds of buildings have been retrofitted and reconstructed, and thousands of citizens have been trained in disaster preparedness.
<doc id="8722264" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722264" title="The Lord of Castle Black">
The Lord of Castle Black
<doc id="8722280" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722280" title="Charles Capps">
Charles Capps
Charles Emmitt Capps (January 4, 1934 – February 23, 2014) was an American Christian preacher and teacher in the Word of Faith movement.
During his lifetime, Capps had influenced the Word of Faith movement through various publications, as well as, directly in his role as a preacher.
Charles Capps was born on January 4, 1934, to Emmet and Minnie Capps in Burmmitt, Arkansas. His family owned a farm, on which he lived as a child. Immediately after graduating from high-school, Capps followed this tradition and began farming in the Lonoke County area. By the age of seventeen, he could fly civilian aircraft and became a member of the "flying farmers".
In 1951, he was married to Peggy Capps, and by 1978, he had retired on being a farmer to pursue full-time ministry.
During his middle age, Capps enjoyed rising popularity as a preacher and religious figure, and often spoke at seminars and conventions. He has also appeared on the "Believers Voice of Victory" television program, hosted by Kenneth Copeland Ministries of Fort Worth, Texas. Eventually, he launched his own radio and TV broadcast program. In total, Capps eventually authored 24 books, of which nearly 6 million copies were sold during his lifetime. Much of his writing was also translated and published in multiple languages.
Capps died at his home on February 23, 2014.
<doc id="8722284" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722284" title="Novo Horizonte do Oeste">
Novo Horizonte do Oeste
Novo Horizonte do Oeste is a municipality located in the Brazilian state of Rondônia. Its population was 8,329 (2020) and its area is 843 km².
<doc id="8722285" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722285" title="Norrländska Socialdemokraten">
Norrländska Socialdemokraten
Norrländska Socialdemokraten ("NSD") (Swedish: "The Norrland Social Democrat") is a daily regional newspaper published in Norrbotten County, Sweden.
History and profile.
As of the division of the Swedish Social Democratic Workers' Party in May 1917, "NSD" was founded in 1918 because the original regional organ for the party, "Norrskensflamman", went with the vast majority of the social democratic district to join the newly founded Swedish Social Democratic Left Party. The newspaper was first published on 4 January 1919, and the stated position of the editorial page is "social democratic".
In 2010 it was the largest morning newspaper in the region, as well as the largest newspaper published north of Uppsala with a circulation of 35,600. The circulation of the paper was 32,300 copies in 2011. The paper had a circulation of 31,000 copies in 2012 and 30,100 copies in 2013.
<doc id="8722288" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722288" title="Paul Quilès">
Paul Quilès
Paul Quilès (, 27 January 1942 – 24 September 2021) was a French Socialist politician.
Quilès was born in Sig, Algeria on 27 January 1942.
Quilès was a member of the National Assembly for Paris and later Tarn "département". He close to Laurent Fabius, and served as Defense Minister from 1985 to 1986, after the "Rainbow Warrior" scandal. He was Interior Minister from 1992 to 1993, then chairman of the Defense commission in the French National Assembly from 1997 to 2002.
Quilès died on 24 September 2021 at the age of 79.
<doc id="8722290" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722290" title="Yellowstone Project">
Yellowstone Project
<doc id="8722302" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722302" title="Coloris">
Coloris is a puzzle video game released in 1990 for the Amiga. It was published by Avesoft, a distributor of freeware and shareware disks. " Coloris" is very similar to Sega's "Columns", which itself is a variant of "Tetris".
A port to the Atari ST was only released as a preview; the full version was not published.
Blocks fall from top of the screen to a well. The blocks consist of three squares of different colours. The blocks cannot be rotated, but the order of the colours can be switched. If three or more squares of same colour are adjacent, they disappear, blocks above them fall down, and may trigger a chain reaction.
Jukka Tapanimäki wrote a glowing review for MikroBitti magazine.
<doc id="8722305" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722305" title="Sarah Uriarte Berry">
Sarah Uriarte Berry
Sarah Uriarte Berry is an American actress and singer.
Berry is a native of California and graduated from UCLA in 1992. She made her Broadway debut as Eponine in "Les Misérables" in 1993. She then went on to star as Belle in "Beauty and the Beast" in 1995. Berry then returned to the role of Eponine in "Les Misérables" in 1997. She appeared in the short-lived "Taboo" from October 2003 to February 2004 and "The Light in the Piazza" (2005) as "Franca", for which she was nominated for Drama Desk and Outer Critics Circle Awards as Outstanding Featured Actress in a Musical. She also starred as the title role in "Cinderella" alongside Eartha Kitt for the New York City Opera in 2004. On September 19, 2006, she returned to the role of Belle in "Beauty and the Beast" and left the show on December 24, 2006.
Berry's national tours include "Sunset Boulevard" as Betty Schaefer and starring Petula Clark (1998–1999) and "Carousel", in which she portrayed Julie Jordan. Her regional theatre credits include "A Little Night Music" as Anne at the Kennedy Center in 2002,"The Sound of Music" at the Helen Hayes Theatre Company, Nyack, New York in 2002,"Oklahoma!" at the Sacramento Music Circus (July 27 – August 1, 2004),"West Side Story" at The Muny in St. Louis in June 2000, and "Thoroughly Modern Millie", at the LaJolla Playhouse, California (2000).
Berry reprised her role as Franca in a production of "The Light in the Piazza" which ran from July 10–26, 2008 at the Weston Playhouse Theatre in Weston, Vermont, where she starred alongside her husband Michael, who played Roy. She also starred as Sharon in the Paper Mill Playhouse production of "Master Class" which ran from March 4 – April 5, 2009. Berry was a temporary standby for Alice Ripley in the role of Diana in "Next to Normal" on Broadway. She went on with her husband as Dan on February 19, 2010. Berry starred as Magnolia with her daughter, Madeleine, as Young Kim in the Goodspeed Opera House production of "Show Boat", which ran from July to September 2011. In October 2022, Berry took part in the "Disney Princess - The Concert" tour after [[Susan Egan]] could not continue performing after being diagnosed [[Bell's Palsy]].
Berry is married to Broadway actor and director Michael Berry. They have one daughter and twin sons.
External links.
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[[Category:Musicians from Fresno, California]]
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[[Category:21st-century American actresses]]
[[Category:American musical theatre actresses]]
[[Category:Singers from California]]
[[Category:1969 births]]
[[Category:20th-century American singers]]
[[Category:20th-century American women singers]]
[[Category:21st-century American women singers]]
<doc id="8722310" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722310" title="Radio operator">
Radio operator
A radio operator (also, formerly, wireless operator in British and Commonwealth English) is a person who is responsible for the operations of a radio system. The profession of radio operator has become largely obsolete with the automation of radio-based tasks in recent decades. Nevertheless, radio operators are still employed in maritime and aviation fields. In most cases radio transmission is now only one of several tasks of a radio operator. In the United States, the title of Certified Radio Operator is granted to those who pass a test issued by the Society of Broadcast Engineers.
The role of 'Wireless Operator' aboard aircraft during WWII was often abbreviated to 'WOp' or 'WOP' in official documents or obituaries.
<doc id="8722317" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722317" title="Our Daily Bread (2006 film)">
Our Daily Bread (2006 film)
<doc id="8722320" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722320" title="El Espino, Spain">
El Espino, Spain
El Espino is a small village which is included in the municipality of Suellacabras, Soria province, autonomous community of Castilla y León, Spain. The village is located at a height of 1264 m, near the Almuerzo range. The climate is continental, very cold in winter and hot in summer. El Espino is located in a region called "Las Tierras Altas" (The high lands). Some of the peaks which are in the surroundings are Matute (1429 m) or Almuerzo (1556 m).
According to the 2006 census, the village has a population of 5 inhabitants, as a result from the rural exodus process, which began in the 60s and led to most of the population to move to other provinces like Zaragoza, Navarra, Vizcaya, Barcelona or to the province capital Soria.
The main attractive of the village is the little romanesque church (12th and 13th centuries) of San Benito, restored in the beginning of the 21st century.
It has also two hermitages: Virgen del Espinar and San Román (ruins).
There are also remains of a celtiberic "castro" (village) in "Los Castillejos" spot, dated on the 6th century b.C.
The typical crops cultivated in this area are wheat, barley and rye, with a low productivity. The village used to be a livestock area, with flocks of sheep and goats.
A windmill installation has been placed in the surrounding mountains in the year 2003.
<doc id="8722321" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722321" title="Paphies">
Paphies is a genus of large, edible, saltwater clams, marine bivalve molluscs in the family Mesodesmatidae. The genus is endemic to New Zealand. The species in this genus include the pipi ("P. australis"), tuatua ("P. subtriangulata") and toheroa ("P. ventricosa").
<doc id="8722323" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722323" title="The Doomsday Clock">
The Doomsday Clock
<doc id="8722324" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722324" title="Sethra Lavode">
Sethra Lavode
<doc id="8722328" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722328" title="How to survive a robot uprising">
How to survive a robot uprising
<doc id="8722330" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722330" title="Duet All Night Long">
Duet All Night Long
<doc id="8722335" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722335" title="Tour de Vineyards">
Tour de Vineyards
The Tour de Vineyards is a road cycling race held around Tasman Bay / Te Tai-o-Aorere, New Zealand. The race exists of both a men's and a women's competition over four stages. The race usually starts on New Year's Day, since the 2012–2013 edition after Christmas, ending however in the new year. Decisive is often the stage finishing on Takaka Hill. The 2014–2015 edition was the last one after 32 years.
<doc id="8722375" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722375" title="SS Abner Doubleday">
SS Abner Doubleday
The SS "Abner Doubleday" was a liberty ship built during World War II. The ship was named after Abner Doubleday, the Brigadier General of the American Civil War. Her keel was laid down on 25 October 1942 and she launched 20 November 1942. "Abner Doubleday" was scrapped in 1968. The photo is of the identical ship the SS John W. Brown which is docked in Baltimore. There are only two liberty ships left, the SS "John W. Brown" and the SS "Jeremiah O'Brien" in San Francisco.
On November 30, 1942 she was turned over to the Sword Line Inc. for operation in support of the war. On May 31, 1943 she was turned over to the Marine Transport Lines for operations. On September 30, 1946 she was placed in the National Reserve fleet in Mobile, Alabama. On February 22, 1947 she was turned over to the Alcoa Steamship Company for operations. She was scrapped at the Southern Scrap Material in Texas in 1968.
<doc id="8722405" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722405" title="Lady Mevrian">
Lady Mevrian
<doc id="8722407" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722407" title="İsdemir">
İsdemir is a Turkish steel producer located in Payas, Hatay Province on the Mediterranean coast. The name is a contraction of the Turkish language "İskenderun Demir ve Çelik A.Ş.", which means "İskenderun Iron and Steel CO ". İsdemir is currently an Erdemir venture, another steel works located in Ereğli at the Black Sea coast.
Established in 1970 to produce long steel products, İskenderun Demir ve Çelik A.Ş. was incorporated into Erdemir Group on February 1, 2002. Production of flat steel began in 2008 at its İskenderun plant with the implementation of modernization and transformation investments so as to balance long and flat steel production levels in Turkey.
İsdemir plays a significant role in enhancing the capacity of flat steel production while carrying on its activities to manufacture long products such as billet and wire rod.
Located in a area in Payas, İsdemir has an annual liquid steel production capacity of 5.3 Mt (million tonnes). In addition, it has reached 6 Mt of finished-product capacity, with 3.5 Mt of flat and 2.5 Mt of long steel products.
İsdemir burns coal in Turkey. As an integrated steelworks, emissions are higher than steel produced at electric arc furnaces. Climate Trace estimates the plant emitted 7.8 million tonnes of carbon dioxide in 2021, more greenhouse gas than any other steelmaker in the country.
<doc id="8722421" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722421" title="Order (Deus Ex)">
Order (Deus Ex)
<doc id="8722435" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722435" title="Border post">
Border post
<doc id="8722450" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722450" title="Isdemir">
<doc id="8722458" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722458" title="Duggal">
Duggal (or Dugal) is a Punjabi Khatri surname. They are followers of Hinduism and Sikhism. A minority of Duggals converted to Islam. Mother of Guru Amar Das belonged to a Duggal Khatri family.They were mainly found in Rawalpindi and Jhelum. According to historian Baij Nath Puri, Duggal is derived from "Dourgal" who were the people that connected with a fort and its security.
The mundan ceremony of a Duggal child is performed outside the native village at the ages of 5, 7 or 9. The head must not be shaved with a razor but with a scissors.
Every year around March, whole Duggal clan get together at Hadiabad, Phagwara, for prayers at Kul Devi temple (ਜਠੇਰੇ ਦੁਗਲਾਂ). This temple is dedicated to forefathers of Duggal clan and people often visit here to pay respect and to take blessings. Temple management sends letters to the registered Duggal families for annual event.
<doc id="8722469" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722469" title="Nagoya/Boston Museum of Fine Arts">
Nagoya/Boston Museum of Fine Arts
The was an art museum located in Nagoya, Japan.
It was the sister museum of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (the MFA) and was established in partnership with the Foundation for the Arts, Nagoya (FAN) partly to help bring the treasures of the MFA's collection, particularly those of types rarely exhibited in Japan, to the country. The museum formally opened on April 17, 1999.
Each year, the MFA, Boston sent two five-month loan exhibitions to the Nagoya museum; longer-term, five year exhibits were also provided. Despite the desire of N/BMFA's curators to display primarily Japanese and Impressionist art, the MFA, Boston had insisted on a more wide-ranging display. A small number of items were, nevertheless, sent regularly for the Nagoya museum's "Japanese corner".
The Nagoya museum was described as part of Boston's Malcolm Rogers' attempt to "internationalize" the institution.
The museum suffered financial difficulties due to low visitor numbers, which resulted in its eventual closure in October 2018. Its final exhibition, "In Pursuit of Happiness: Favorite Works from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston", was held between July and October of that year.
The museum operated a 4,700 square meter (50,590 ft²) facility on three levels, including 1,400 square meters (15,069 ft²) of exhibition galleries. The architecture of the museum was contemporary but nonetheless meant to reflect that of the neoclassical MFA building in Boston, especially its white granite facade. A 31-story hotel building is attached to the building that housed the museum.
It was accessible from Kanayama Station on the Central Japan Railway, the local Meitetsu rail system, and the Nagoya City Subway.
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Galice, Oregon
Galice is an unincorporated community in Josephine County in southern Oregon, United States. It is at the eastern end of Bear Camp Road.
Galice was officially settled in 1852 as a mining community, deriving its name from one of its founders, Louis Galice. It was at first called Galiceburg, and located on Galice Creek upstream from the Rogue River. Today it sits on the Rogue, downstream from the junction with Galice Creek.
The creek was a hot spot for gold prospecting in the 1850s.
The community received a post office in 1876, and by 1905 had a school, as well (with 11 students in the first class). By 1922, however, the Post Office was moved down the river, and it closed entirely in 1927. The school, too, closed in the late 1940s.
Logging replaced mining as the town's principal industry in the mid 20th century, before giving way in turn to the tourist trade. Hellgate Canyon, located nearby, was the site of filming for parts of John Wayne's 1975 film "Rooster Cogburn". Today the site holds a small number of tourist businesses.
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Brian Crozier (guitarist)
Brian Crozier is an American guitarist. Crozier was a member of Bottle Rocket, but after their 2006 breakup, he replaced Mike "MR" Campbell as the new guitarist of Latterman, a four-piece punk rock band from Huntington, New York. Crozier joined the band just before their European tour, and he is featured on the band's last album, "We Are Still Alive". He is an original member of Iron Chic and is on their Demo Tape '08 and the Shitty Rambo E.P. He currently plays in New York City's Pox.
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2007 in men's road cycling
2007 in men's road cycling is about the 2007 men's bicycle races governed by the UCI.
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Liboi () is a town in Garissa County, Kenya, at the border with Somalia.
The town is located approximately , by road, north-east of Garissa, the location of the county headquarters. Liboi is located about east of Dadaab. This is approximately , by road, northeast of Nairobi, the capital and largest city in Kenya. The coordinates of Liboi are: 00°21'20.0"N, 40°52'32.0"E ().
Liboi is an administrative location in Liboi division, one of eleven administrative divisions of the Garissa County. Liboi location has a total population of 11,440, as of 2009. Electorally Liboi is a ward and part of "Dadaab Constituency". Liboi Airport, which lies within the town, serves Liboi and neighboring communities.
On 6 September 1940, Liboi was the site of fighting during World War II between Allied forces under British command and Italian colonial forces; the battle was an Italian victory. This was the first engagement of the war involving South African troops.
In the early 1990s, at the beginning of the Somali Civil War, Liboi was the site of a major refugee camp; in 1992, 50,000 Somalis were living near Liboi.
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Ferdinand Augustijn Snellaert
Ferdinand Augustijn Snellaert (21 July 1809 in Kortrijk – 3 July 1872 in Ghent) was a Flemish writer.
Snellaert studied medicine at the University of Utrecht (1827–1829) and became officer of health in the Dutch army (1830–1835). After his dismissal, he graduated as a doctor from the University of Ghent (1836–1837), and became a general practitioner in Ghent.
Snellaert became active in the Flemish movement. He founded the "Maetschappy van Vlaemsche Letteroefening De Tael is gantsch het Volk", and he participated in several Flemish actions, such as the "Vlaams petitionnement" (1840), the "Kunst- en Letterblad" (1840), the "Dutch Linguistic and Literary Conferences"(vanaf 1849), the "Rapport van de Grievencommissie" (1856–1859) en the "Vlaemsch Verbond" (1861).
In 1847, he succeeded his friend Jan Frans Willems as member of the Royal Belgian Academy in Brussels, where he represented the Flemish cause, and he was one of the co-founders of the Willemsfonds. In 1849, at the first "Dutch Linguistic and Literary Conference", he held the opening speech, where he argued every possible means should be used to "strengthen the spirit of the people, and that we should fight those who worked against the development of the spirit of the people". Language was believed to be an important tool to influence the character of the people.
In the first half of the 1850s Snellaert tried to win a seat on the city council with the support of the moderate Société l'Union and the progressives of the newspaper Broedermin. However, due to the electoral victory of Judocus Delehaye he chose to join the Liberale Associatie ('Liberal Association'), where he was for a brief period a key figure of the pro-Flemish group. However, he failed to break through. His followers, including Jacob Heremans and especially Julius Vuylsteke turned away from him when it became clear that Snellaert, disappointed by the attitude of the Liberale Associatie, started to think again of establishing an ideologically neutral Flemish party. Despite mediation by Adolphe Pierre Sunaert, Snellaert broke in October 1860 with the Liberale Associatie, which led to a rift between the Ghent liberals and the liberal, pro-Flemish Snellaert. A similar conflict arose in 1861 in the Vlaemsch Verbond ("Flemish Union') of which Snellaert was a co-founder. The liberal group made it impossible to maintain this politically neutral Flemish association and would establish in 1866 the Vlaamsche Liberale Vereeniging ('Flemish Liberal Association').
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Sir Cecil Creape
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Ask for Kids
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Karen Bass
Karen Ruth Bass (; born October 3, 1953) is an American politician, social worker and former physician assistant who is serving as the 43rd mayor of Los Angeles since 2022. A member of the Democratic Party, Bass had previously served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 2011 to 2022, representing from 2011 to 2013 and from 2013 to 2022. She also served in the California State Assembly from 2004 to 2010 and spent her final term serving as speaker.
A Los Angeles native, Bass attended college at California State University, Dominguez Hills and the University of Southern California. She spent her career as a physician assistant and community activist before seeking public office. Before her election to Congress, Bass represented the 47th district in the California State Assembly for six years. In 2008, she was elected to serve as the 67th Speaker of the California State Assembly, becoming the first African-American woman in United States history to serve as a speaker of a state legislative body. She won the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award in 2010 for her leadership during the Great Recession.
Bass was first elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 2010. She represented California's 33rd congressional district during her first term, though redistricting moved her to the 37th district in 2012. She chaired the Congressional Black Caucus during the 116th Congress. She also chaired the United States House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights and International Organizations and the United States House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security.
Bass won the 2022 Los Angeles mayoral election to become the first woman and second black mayor of Los Angeles. She was ceremonially sworn in on December 11, 2022 by Vice President Kamala Harris. Bass began her term the following day, December 12.
Early life and education.
Bass was born in Los Angeles, California, the daughter of Wilhelmina (née Duckett) and DeWitt Talmadge Bass. Her father was a postal letter carrier and her mother was a homemaker. She was raised in the Venice and Fairfax neighborhoods of Los Angeles and graduated from Alexander Hamilton High School in 1971.
Witnessing the civil rights movement on television with her father as a child sparked her interest in community activism. While in middle school, Bass began volunteering for Bobby Kennedy's presidential campaign. In the mid-1970s she was an organizer for the Venceremos Brigade, a pro-Cuban group that organized trips by Americans to Cuba. She visited Cuba eight times in the 1970s.
She went on to study philosophy at San Diego State University from 1971-1973, and graduated from the USC Keck School of Medicine Physician Assistant Program in 1982. She then earned a bachelor of science degree in health sciences from California State University, Dominguez Hills in 1990. She also received her master's degree in social work from the University of Southern California in 2015.
Community Coalition and the crack cocaine epidemic.
In the 1980s, while working as an emergency medicine physician assistant and a clinical instructor at the Keck School of Medicine of USC Physician Assistant Program, Bass witnessed the impact of the crack epidemic in South Los Angeles. After attending "Crack: The Death of a Race", a San Francisco conference hosted by the Reverend Cecil Williams, she decided to organize a response.
In the late 1980s, Bass and other local community organizers founded Community Coalition, an organization with a mission to help transform the social and economic conditions in South Los Angeles that foster addiction, crime, violence, and poverty by building a community institution that involves thousands in creating, influencing, and changing public policy.
California State Assembly.
In 2004, Bass was elected to represent California's 47th Assembly district. At her inauguration, she became the only African-American woman serving in the state legislature. She was reelected in 2006 and 2008 before her term limit expired. Bass served the cities and communities of Culver City, West Los Angeles, Westwood, Cheviot Hills, Leimert Park, Baldwin Hills, View Park-Windsor Hills, Ladera Heights, the Crenshaw District, Little Ethiopia and portions of Koreatown and South Los Angeles.
Leadership prior to speaker election.
Speaker Fabian Núñez appointed Bass California State Assembly majority whip for the 2005–06 legislative session and majority floor leader for the 2007–08 legislative session. During her first term, she founded and chaired the California Assembly Select Committee on Foster Care, implementing a host of new laws to help improve the state's foster care system and leading the effort to secure $82 million in additional funding for the state's child welfare system. Under her direction, the Select Committee passed legislation designed to improve the lives of California's most vulnerable children.
During her term as majority whip, Bass also served as vice chair of the Legislative Black Caucus. As vice chair, she commissioned the first ever "State of Black California" report, which included a statewide organizing effort to involve Black Californians in town halls in every part of the state with a prevalent Black community to solicit ideas for a legislative agenda. The result of the report was a legislative agenda for the Black community that was released during her term as majority floor leader.
Núñez termed out of the Assembly at the end of the 2007–08 session, leaving Bass as the next-highest-ranking Democrat in the Assembly. After consolidating the support of a majority of legislators, including some who had previously been planning to run for the speakership themselves, Bass was elected speaker on February 28, 2008, and sworn in on May 13, 2008.
As speaker, Bass promoted numerous laws to improve the state's child welfare system. During her first year, she ushered through expansion of Healthy Families Insurance Coverage to prevent children from going without health insurance and worked to eliminate bureaucratic impediments to the certification of small businesses. She also secured more than $2.3 million to help revitalize the historic Vision Theater in Los Angeles and more than $600 million for Los Angeles Unified School District. Bass worked with the governor and initiated the California Commission on the 21st-Century Economy to reform California's tax code. She also fought to repeal the California Citizens Redistricting Commission.
California budget crisis (2008–2010).
Bass became speaker during a period of severe economic turmoil. Negotiations over a spending plan to address a multi-billion dollar budget shortfall began the day Bass was sworn in. A statement by the John F. Kennedy Foundation included the following description of events: In February 2009, amid one of the worst budget crises in California's history, an imploding economy, and potentially catastrophic partisan deadlock, the state's Republican and Democratic party leaders came together to address the financial emergency. After weeks of grueling negotiation, the legislative leaders and Gov. Schwarzenegger reached an agreement on a comprehensive deal to close most of a $42 billion shortfall, putting an end to years of government inaction and sidestepping of the difficult decisions necessary to address California's increasingly dire fiscal crisis. The deal was objectionable to almost everyone; it contained tax increases, which the Republicans had long pledged to oppose, and draconian spending cuts, which brought intense criticism to the Democrats. The two Republicans were ousted from their party leadership positions over the agreement. Voters defeated the budget referendum in May 2009.In June 2009, Bass drew criticism from conservative commentators for statements she made during an interview with "Los Angeles Times" reporter Patt Morrison in response to a question about how conservative talk radio affected the Assembly's efforts to pass a state budget. Referencing the condemnation from conservative talk radio hosts that three Republicans experienced after they voted for a Democrat-sponsored plan to create revenue by raising taxes, Bass described the pressures Republican lawmakers face: The Republicans were essentially threatened and terrorized against voting for revenue. Now [some] are facing recalls. They operate under a terrorist threat: "You vote for revenue and your career is over." I don't know why we allow that kind of terrorism to exist. I guess it's about free speech, but it's extremely unfair.Bass, Dave Cogdill, Darrell Steinberg, and Michael Villines received the 2010 Profile in Courage Award for their leadership in the budget negotiations and their efforts to address the severe financial crisis. In presenting them with the award, Caroline Kennedy said: Faced with a budget crisis of unprecedented magnitude, Karen Bass, Dave Cogdill, Darrell Steinberg and Mike Villines had the courage to negotiate with Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and with each other on a compromise they believed was in the best interest of the citizens of California. Each made sacrifices, and each knew their agreement would have painful and far-reaching consequences for their constituents and for their own careers.
U.S. House of Representatives.
In 2010, Congresswoman Diane Watson retired from Congress and encouraged Bass to run for her seat. Bass was ineligible to run for reelection to the State Assembly in 2010 due to California's term limits so on February 18, 2010, Bass confirmed her candidacy to represent California's 33rd congressional district.
Bass raised $932,281.19 and spent $768,918.65. Her 2010 campaign contributions came from diverse groups, with none donating more than 15% of her total campaign funds. The five major donors to her campaign were labor unions, with $101,950; financial institutions, with $90,350; health professionals, with $87,900; the entertainment industry, with $52,400; and lawyers and law firms, with $48,650.
Bass won the election with over 86% of the vote on November 2, 2010.
In redistricting following the 2010 census, the district was renumbered from 33rd to 37th. In 2012 she had no primary opponent and won the general election with 86% of the vote. She raised $692,988.53 and spent $803,966.15, leaving $52,384.92 on hand and a debt of $3,297.59.
Bass was involved in President Barack Obama's reelection campaign. She played a leadership role in the California African Americans for Obama organization and served on Obama's national African American Leadership Council. Bass had also served as a co-chair of African Americans for Obama in California during the 2008 presidential campaign.
Bass was reelected to a third term with 84.3% of the vote.
Bass was reelected to a fourth term with 81.1% of the vote. She endorsed Hillary Clinton for president in 2015. On August 3, 2016, Bass launched a petition to have then-candidate Donald Trump psychologically evaluated, suggesting that he exhibited symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). The petition was signed by 37,218 supporters. She did not attend President Trump's inauguration after conducting a poll on Twitter.
Fueled by Trump's election and in an effort to channel Angelenos' political frustrations, Bass created the Sea Change Leadership PAC to activate, educate, and mobilize voters. She won her primary with 89.18% of the vote and was reelected to a fifth term with 88.2% of the vote.
House speakership speculation.
After the 2018 elections, Democrats regained the majority in the House of Representatives. Representative Seth Moulton and others who felt the current leadership was "too old" gathered signatures to replace Nancy Pelosi as the Democrats' leader. Bass was their first choice for leader, but she rejected the offer, supporting Pelosi for speaker. On November 28, 2018, Pelosi won the speakership on a 203-to-32 vote.
Committee assignments
Caucus memberships.
Bass served as the second vice chair of the Congressional Black Caucus during the 115th Congress. She was elected chair of the Congressional Black Caucus on November 28, 2018, and served in that capacity from 2019 to 2021.
Political positions.
United States–Africa relations.
Throughout her time in Congress, Bass has been the top Democrat on the United States House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights and International Organizations. Her goal is to transform how Washington engages African nations and to promote the many opportunities to expand trade and economic growth between them and the U.S. One of her key priorities was to reauthorize and strengthen the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), which enables African nations to export goods to the U.S. duty-free. In 2015, Bass was instrumental in reauthorizing the bill.
Bass has advocated preventing and ending famine in Africa. In 2017, she helped secure nearly $1 billion in funds to combat famine in Nigeria, Somalia, and South Sudan. She has also introduced more than 50 bills and resolutions pertaining to democracy protection, expanding economic opportunity, and other issues in Africa. Bass continues to engage the African diaspora with regular popular policy breakfasts, which are open to the public.
Armenia and Artsakh.
During the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War, Bass supported H.Res.1203 and H. Res. 1165, condemning the military offensive launched by Azerbaijani and Turkish-backed forces on Artsakh.
In response to the Armenian National Committee of America's endorsement for the 2022 Los Angeles mayoral election, Bass stated "For the past few decades, I have worked to hold Azerbaijan accountable and support the people of Artsakh."
In response to the 2022 blockade of the Republic of Artsakh, Bass stated “I stand with the Armenian community here in Los Angeles calling for an end to the blockade of the Lachin Corridor. We must clearly demonstrate our commitment to freedom by helping the people of Artsakh. This is a crisis and will only get worse with inaction. Lives are at stake.” In a joint letter addressed to President Joe Biden, Bass and President of the Los Angeles City Council Paul Krekorian demanded the following:
Child welfare reform.
Upon arriving in Congress, Bass founded the Congressional Caucus on Foster Youth (CCFY), a bipartisan group of members of Congress that develops policy recommendations to strengthen the child welfare system. One of the group's most significant achievements was the passage of the Family First Prevention Services Act, also known as Family First, which was signed into law as part of the Bipartisan Budget Act on February 9, 2018. This reform aims to change child welfare systems across the country by addressing the top reasons children are removed from their homes and placed in foster care.
Starting in May 2012, the Caucus began hosting an annual Foster Youth Shadow Day, during which foster youth come to Washington DC for a week to learn about advocating for reforms to the child welfare system. The week culminates in Shadow Day, when participants spend a day following their member of Congress through their daily routine. Bass serves on the organization's board of directors.
Committee on Caucus Procedures.
Nancy Pelosi appointed Bass to chair the Democratic Committee on Caucus and Procedures, previously known as the Committee on Oversight, Study and Review (OSR), in 2014. She served in that capacity for six years. The committee is responsible for reviewing and recommending rules for the House of Representatives Democratic caucus.
Criminal justice.
Bass believes that the criminal justice system is broken in part due to the disproportionate incarceration rates of poor people of color. Bass has long called for criminal justice reform and to pay special attention to the way women are treated by the criminal justice system: how they originally entered the system, how they are treated in prison, and what happens to them after they are released. Bass previously served as Chair of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security.
In 2018, she voted in favor of the First Step Act, which focused on rehabilitating people in prison by incentivizing them with the possibility of an earlier release. Her contribution to the bill was a section addressing what she considers the inhumane practice of shackling women during pregnancy, labor and delivery.
Bass believes that climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing the country and the world. Shortly before EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt resigned, she signed a letter to Trump demanding that Pruitt be fired for ethics violations. Bass also strongly supports the Paris Climate Agreement, and was one of the first 30 members of Congress to support the Green New Deal.
Gun law.
While campaigning for Congress in 2010, Bass supported legislation that with other regulations would have required all gun dealers to report sales to the federal government.
Bass participated in the 2016 sit-in against gun violence in the House of Representatives. Democratic members of Congress adopted the slogan "No Bill, No Break" in an attempt to push the introduction of gun control legislation.
Following a burglary of her home in the Baldwin Vista neighborhood of Los Angeles in 2022, Bass confirmed that two legally registered handguns she owned had been stolen.
Bass strongly supports legislation to prohibit the sale, transfer, manufacture, and importation of semiautomatic weapons and ammunition-feeding devices capable of accepting more than ten rounds in the United States. In 2019, she voted in favor of legislation to require a background check for every firearm sale and to close the loophole that allowed a gun to be acquired in the Charleston church massacre.
Health care.
Bass supports universal health care and was one of the founders of the Congressional Medicare for All Caucus. She has voted more than 60 times against repeal of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, believing that Congress should improve it rather than repeal it.
In 2022, Bass said that she supported more housing in Los Angeles, but opposed changing zoning regulations so that denser housing would be allowed in neighborhoods that mandate single-family housing. At the time, three-quarters of all residentially zoned land in Los Angeles was exclusively zoned for single-family housing.
In July 2018, Bass visited a federal facility used to detain migrant families and children separated from their parents after calling for the resignation of Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen. She also introduced the Family Unity Rights and Protections Act, which would require the federal government to reunite families that have been forcibly separated at the border.
Bass supports Jesús "Chuy" García's New Way Forward Act, which calls for immigration reform.
Affirmative action.
Bass has supported a ballot proposal in California to repeal the ban on race-based admission policies.
Impeachment of Donald Trump.
Bass voted for the proposed articles of against Trump. Of the vote, she tweeted, "He abused the power of his office. He obstructed Congress. No one is above the law."
Intellectual property.
Bass is in favor of net neutrality and has supported legislation to protect the internet from attempts to roll back regulations. She supported the 2018 Music Modernization Act, which creates a formalized body, run by publishers, that administers the "mechanical licensing" of compositions hosted on music streaming services.
In 2020 Bass was one of more than 115 House Democrats to sign a letter criticizing Israel's plan to annex parts of Palestinian territory in the occupied West Bank. She co-sponsored House Resolution 729, which expressed support for defense aid to Israel.
Bass has fought to give tax reductions for small businesses to hire new employees, increase the flow of credit to small businesses so they can grow and create jobs, and extend the research and development tax credit that encourages innovation and job creation. She also introduced the Local Hire Act to allow cities and counties to prioritize hiring local residents for infrastructure projects. The rule resulted in new jobs in Los Angeles. In May 2018, Bass and members of the Congressional Black Caucus introduced the Jobs and Justice Act of 2018, omnibus legislation that would increase Black families' upward social mobility and help ensure equal protection under the law.
LGBTQ rights.
In 2018, the Los Angeles Stonewall Democratic Club named Bass its Public Official of the Year. In 2019, she voted in favor of the Equality Act, which would ban discrimination against LGBTQ people in housing, employment, education, credit and financing, and more.
Student loan debt.
In 2019, Bass introduced two pieces of legislation to address student loan debt. The Student Loan Fairness Act of 2019 addresses this crisis in three major ways: creating a new "10-10" standard, capping the interest rate, and accounting for cost of living. With Danny Davis, she also introduced the Financial Aid Fairness for Students (FAFSA) Act, which would repeal a law that makes it all but impossible for people with a drug conviction to receive federal financial aid for higher education.
Bass is considered a liberal in her fiscal positions. She has a rating of 10% from the conservative California Tax Payers Association. The more liberal Consumer Federation of California gives her very high ratings. Bass has supported keeping taxes low for the middle class and "tax credits for small businesses to hire new employees". She has said that the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy should expire. In 2017, she voted against the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, citing its disproportionate impact on California's middle-class families.
George Floyd Justice in Policing Act.
After the murder of George Floyd and massive nationwide protests, Bass and Representative Jerry Nadler co-authored the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2020, aimed at restraining police practices such as chokeholds, carotid holds, and no-knock warrants, and making it easier to prosecute police if they break the law.
The bill passed the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives on a mostly party-line vote of 220–212, but not the evenly divided Senate amid opposition from Republicans. Negotiations between Republican and Democratic senators on a reform bill collapsed in September 2021.
Vice presidential and Biden administration speculation.
In July 2020, Bass was discussed as a potential running mate for presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. Biden reportedly narrowed the field of possible vice presidential selections to a few women, and Bass "gained real traction in the late stage of the search". "Politico" called Bass "a bridge-building politician who can draw accolades and concessions from both sides of the aisle".
During this time, a video emerged of Bass speaking at the 2010 opening of a Scientology church in Los Angeles outside her district. Bass gave a speech praising the Church of Scientology for fighting against inequality, singling out the words of founder L. Ron Hubbard "that all people of whatever race, color or creed are created with equal rights." In 2020, Bass defended her past remarks, tweeting that she had addressed "a group of people with beliefs very different than my own" and "spoke briefly about things I think most of us agree with". Additionally, Bass tweeted, in reference to the Church of Scientology, that "[s]ince then, published first-hand accounts in books, interviews and documentaries have exposed this group."
When Biden chose Kamala Harris as his running mate, Bass tweeted, "@KamalaHarris is a great choice for Vice President. Her tenacious pursuit of justice and relentless advocacy for the people is what is needed right now."
In November 2020, Biden considered Bass for Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and Secretary of Health and Human Services. Ultimately, Biden nominated California Attorney General Xavier Becerra to the post.
Mayor of Los Angeles.
2022 election.
On September 27, 2021, Bass announced her candidacy for mayor of Los Angeles in the 2022 election. Her campaign focused on addressing causes of Los Angeles's homelessness problem and ending homeless encampments around elementary schools and public parks and beaches. Former mayor Antonio Villaraigosa endorsed Bass. Bass was the top vote earner in the June 7 primary and faced Rick Caruso in the November runoff, On November 16, the Associated Press declared her the mayor-elect. Caruso spent $100 million of his own money on his campaign.
Bass was officially sworn in by the Los Angeles City Clerk on December 10, 2022, succeeding Eric Garcetti. The following day, she was ceremonially sworn in by Vice President Kamala Harris at a public inauguration event. She officially assumed office on December 12. Bass is the first woman and the second Black person, after Tom Bradley, to serve as mayor of Los Angeles. Fulfilling a campaign promise, Bass declared a city state of emergency on homelessness as her first act as mayor.
Personal life.
From 1980 to 1986, Bass was married to Jesus Lechuga. Following their divorce, Bass and Lechuga jointly raised their daughter and her siblings, Bass's four stepchildren, Scythia, Omar, Yvette, and Ollin. Her daughter, Emilia Bass-Lechuga, and son-in-law, Michael Wright, were killed in a car crash in 2006.
September 2022 burglary.
On September 9, 2022, Bass's Los Angeles home was burglarized and two firearms were stolen. In a public statement, Bass called the incident "unnerving" and "something that far too many Angelenos have faced." According to Bass, the firearms had been securely stored, and no other valuables were taken from her home. As of September 14, two suspects in the criminal investigation were detained at the LAPD Valley Jail awaiting trial on residential burglary charges. In an interview, Bass said the incident "shattered" her sense of safety within Los Angeles.
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Gimbichu (Oromo: "Gimbichuu") is a woreda in Oromia Region, Ethiopia. Part of the East Shewa Zone, Gimbichu is bordered on the south by Lome, on the southwest by Ada'a Chukala, on the northwest by the Amhara Region, and on the east by the Afar Region. The administrative center is Chefe Donsa.
Most parts of this woreda are more than 2300 meters above sea level; Gara Bokan is the highest point. Rivers include Wedecha and Belbela, both tributaries of the Modjo. A survey of the land in Gimbichu shows that 37.6% is arable or cultivable, 14.2% pasture, 2.6% forest, and the remaining 45.6% is considered degraded or otherwise unusable. Lentils, chickpeas and fenugreek are important cash crops.
Industry in the woreda includes 6 privately owned food processing centers employing a total of 14 people, as well as 9 wholesalers, 84 retailers and 117 service providers. There were 33 Farmers Associations with 11,177 members and 14 Farmers Service Cooperatives with 10,207 members. Gimbichu has 119 kilometers of dry-weather and 26 of all-weather road, for an average road density of 205 kilometers per 1000 square kilometers. About 6% of the rural, 100% of the urban and 11% of the total population has access to drinking water.
The 2007 national census reported a total population for this woreda of 86,902, of whom 45,126 were men and 41,776 were women; 6,330 or 7.28% of its population were urban dwellers. The majority of the inhabitants said they practised Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity, with 95.78% of the population reporting they observed this belief, while 1.6% of the population were Protestant, 1.41% of the population practiced traditional beliefs, and 1.17% of the population were Muslim.
Based on figures published by the Central Statistical Agency in 2005, this woreda has an estimated total population of 87,294, of whom 42,805 are men and 44,489 are women; 5,897 or 6.76% of its population are urban dwellers, which is less than the Zone average of 32.1%. With an estimated area of 707.49 square kilometers, Gimbichu has an estimated population density of 123.4 people per square kilometer, which is less than the Zone average of 181.7.
The 1994 national census reported a total population for this woreda of 62,561, of whom 32,070 were men and 30,491 women; 3,305 or 5.28% of its population were urban dwellers at the time. The two largest ethnic groups reported in Gimbichu were the Oromo (72.28%), and the Amhara (26.69%); all other ethnic groups made up 1.03% of the population. Oromiffa was spoken as a first language by 72.62%, and 27.29% spoke Amharic; the remaining 0.09% spoke all other primary languages reported. The majority of the inhabitants were Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity, with 97.32% of the population reporting they professed that belief, while 1.33% of the population said they practiced traditional beliefs, and 1.02% were Moslem.
<doc id="8722542" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722542" title="Standing Hampton">
Standing Hampton
Standing Hampton is the sixth studio album by American rock vocalist Sammy Hagar, released on January 6, 1982 by Geffen. This is his first album after moving from Capitol Records to Geffen. It was his first album to achieve RIAA certification, eventually going platinum, and five of its singles charted in either the mainstream rock or pop singles charts.
The British version of the album was released with a bonus interview 45 rpm called "Conversations with Sammy Hagar" (Geffen XPS 133).
Critical reception.
"Kerrang!" reviewer Dante Bonutto praised the album opener "There's Only One Way to Rock" (in British editions it was a first track) and complained that the rest of the songs on the album could not match its energy and originality.
Title and artwork.
Hagar has said that he was originally going to call this album "One Way To Rock". It was a British fan who told him of the term that came to be the title. In Cockney rhyming slang, a "Hampton" is a substitution for penis (Hampton Wick rhymes with "Dick"). One that is "standing" would be a reference to an erection. This led to the cover art that shows a gentleman greeting a woman in various states of undress. The liner notes on the inner sleeve state that the cover graphics were inspired by the work of Surrealist painter Paul Delvaux.
Track listing.
All songs written by Sammy Hagar, except where noted.
External links.
Lyrics from Sammy's official site link
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2007 in women's road cycling
Single day races (1.1 and 1.2).
Stage races (2.1 and 2.2).
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Alexander Won Cumyow
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Methyl viologen
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Shambala (language)
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Kemo Sabe
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Sister Mine
Sister Mine is a 2007 novel by the American writer Tawni O’Dell.
Plot introduction.
In the coal-mining country of Western Pennsylvania outside of Pittsburgh, the fictional locale of Jolly Mount is home to Shae-Lynn Penrose. Two years ago, five of her miner friends were catapulted to media stardom when they were rescued after surviving four days trapped in a mine. As the men struggle to come to terms with their ordeal, along with the fallout of their short-lived celebrity, Shae-Lynn finds herself facing her relationship with her brutal father, her conflicted passion for one of the miners, and the hidden identity of the man who fathered her son.
Plot summary.
Shae-Lynn Penrose drives a cab in a town where no one needs a cab—but plenty of people need rides. A former police officer with a closet full of miniskirts, a recklessly sharp tongue, and a tendency to deal with men by either beating them up or taking them to bed, she has spent years carving out a life for herself and her son in Jolly Mount, Pennsylvania, the coal-mining town where she grew up.
When the younger sister Shae-Lyn thought was dead arrives on her doorstep followed closely by a gun-wielding Russian gangster, a shady New York lawyer, and a desperate Connecticut housewife, Shae-Lynn is forced to grapple with the horrible truth she discovers about the life her sister's been living, and one ominous question: will her return result in a monstrous act of greed, or one of sacrifice?
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2007 in men's multiple stage road cycling races
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Mathematical transformations
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British Ambassador to Sweden
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2007 in women's multiple stage road cycling races
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Imperial MPG
<doc id="8722604" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722604" title="Paphies australis">
Paphies australis
Paphies australis or pipi (from the Māori language) is a bivalve mollusc of the family Mesodesmatidae, endemic to New Zealand.
The pipi is a shellfish with a solid white, elongated symmetrical shell with the apex at the middle. It is covered by a thin yellow periostracum. Its closest relative, the tuatua ("Paphies subtriangulata"), has an asymmetrical shell, with an off-centre hinge.
The pipi is abundant on flat sandy beaches, in sandy and silty mud in estuaries, and harbours where there is considerable water flow.
By releasing a thread of mucus, which makes them more buoyant, they are able to float in the water column and move to new locations. Where they find good living conditions, their numbers can exceed more than 1000 individuals per square metre.
Pipi as food.
Pipi are edible and easily collected for food; traditional cooking methods include boiling and making into fritters. They are often used as the "clams" in clam chowder. The harvest limit in New Zealand is 50 per person per day, and although a minimum size is not stipulated in the regulations, only larger pipi should be taken. For Māori, pipi are a traditional food resource, and in earlier times were gathered in specific flax baskets made for this purpose. Smaller specimens would fall between the woven strips and back into the beds to grow as the basket was gently swirled through the water.
Maximum length is , and height .
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Tetrabutylammonium fluoride
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Simulated environment
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Newmarket racecourse
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Albert Evans-Jones
Sir (Albert) Cynan Evans-Jones CBE (14 April 1895 – 26 January 1970), more commonly known within Wales by his bardic name of Cynan, was a Welsh war poet and dramatist.
Early life.
Cynan was born in Pwllheli as Albert Evan Jones, the son of Richard Albert Jones and Hannah Jane (née Evans). His
father was the proprietor of the Central Restaurant in Penlan Street, Pwllheli. He was educated at Pwllheli Grammar School and the University College of North Wales at Bangor, where he graduated in 1916.
First World War.
On graduation Cynan joined the Welsh Student Company of the RAMC, serving in Salonika and France, initially as an ambulance man and then as the company's military chaplain. His wartime experience had a profound effect on his poetic works, to such an extent that Alan Llwyd claims that Cynan, not Hedd Wyn, is the premier Welsh war poet of the First World War. Hedd Wyn's poems relating to the war were written before he had enlisted and he was killed before he could recount his experience of the war in his muse. Cynan, however, gives the best descriptions of the gritty atrocities of war, and the impact of war on a man's body as well as his spirit.
Post-war career.
After the war, Cynan entered college in Pwllheli to train for the ministry of The Presbyterian Church of Wales. He was ordained at Penmaenmawr Caernarfonshire in 1920 where he served as minister until 1931 when he relinquished his calling having been appointed a tutor in the Extramural Department of the University College of North Wales specialising in Drama and Welsh Literature. Despite having given up his ministry Cynan continued to accept regular preaching engagements, and was one of the most popular preachers of his day on the nonconformist preaching circuit in Wales. On 4 June 1923 Cynan was initiated into Freemasonry in Penmaenmawr Lodge No.4417.
Whilst working in the University, Cynan lived in Menai Bridge, Anglesey, but in his best known poem he expressed a wish to retire to Aberdaron, Caernarfonshire,
Apart from being an important figure in Welsh poetic circles Cynan was also influential in the field of Welsh drama. He wrote two full-length plays: "Hywel Harris" won the premier Eisteddfod prize for drama in 1931. He was commissioned to write an exemplary play for the National Eisteddfod in 1957 – his offering "Absolom Fy Mab" was accepted to great critical acclaim in Welsh dramatic circles as were his translations of English Language plays John Masefield's Good Friday and Norman Nicholson's The Old Man of the Mountain.
In 1931 he was appointed Reader of Welsh plays on behalf of the Lord Chamberlain, a post which he held till the abolition of censorship in 1968. He was seen as a liberal censor, having allowed James Kitchener Davies' drama "Cwm Glo", a play full of "filth and depravation" to be performed after it won the drama prize in the 1934 Eisteddfod.
Cynan made regular appearances on Welsh language radio and TV programmes, and he was the subject of the first Colour TV programme broadcast in the Welsh Language "Llanc o Lŷn".
National Eisteddfod.
Cynan is best known for his huge influence in the modernisation of the National Eisteddfod. He was Archdruid twice, the only person to have been elected to the position for a second term. His two terms were from 1950 till 1954 and from 1963 till 1966. He was the Recorder of the Gorsedd of Bards in 1935, and joint-secretary of the National Eisteddfod Council in 1937.
He was the First Archdruid to accept that the Gorsedd was an 18th-century invention by Iolo Morganwg and that it had no links to Welsh mythology or to the ancient Druids, thus healing rifts between the academic and ecclesiastical establishments and the Eisteddfod movement.
Cynan is also responsible for designing the modern ceremonies of the Crowning and the Chairing of the Bard in the Eisteddfod as they are now performed, by creating ceremonies which, he thought, better reflected the Christian beliefs of the Welsh people.
Cynan was also prominent as a National Eisteddfod competitor. He won the Bardic Crown in 1921 at the Caernarfon National Eisteddfod for his poem "Mab y Bwthyn" ("A Cottage Son"), which recounted his experiences in the Great War. He won the Crown for his poem "Yr Ynys Unig" ("The Lonely Isle") in the Mold Eisteddfod of 1923; his third crowned poem, "Y Dyrfa / The Crowd" ( Bangor 1931 ), described a rugby match – the first time such a topic was attempted in Welsh poetry.
To add to his three crowns Cynan was also awarded the Bardic Chair in 1924 for a poem "I'r Duw nid adwaenir" ("To the Unknown God"), which is the only time that the Chair has been awarded for an awdl that was not written according to the rules of Cynghanedd.
Cynan also adjudicated many times at the National Eisteddfod.
Cynan was awarded the honorary degree of D.Litt by the University of Wales in 1961.
He was awarded the freedom of the borough of Pwllheli in 1963.
He was appointed CBE in 1949, and elevated to Knight Bachelor in 1969.
Cynan was married twice: first, in 1921, to Ellen J. Jones of Pwllheli; they had one son and one daughter. Ellen died in 1962. In 1963, he married Menna Meirion Jones of Valley, Anglesey.
Death and Burial.
Cynan died on 26 January 1970 and was buried in the yard of St Tysilio's Church, Menai Bridge, Church Island, Menai Strait, Anglesey.
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Peter Yarranton
Sir Peter George Yarranton (30 September 1924 – 1 June 2003) was chairman of the United Kingdom Sports Council from 1989 to 1994, and a notable figure in the world of rugby union, both as a player and as an administrator, for more than 40 years.
He was born in Acton in London, the son of Edward John Yarranton (1884-1954) and Nora Ellen (née Atkins) (1900-1978), his father's second wife. His father had left the family's bookbinding business to become a senior commercial traveller for Winsor & Newton, the supplier of artists' materials. An older half-brother was Donald Yarranton, who found fame later in life as the actor Howard Lang, playing Captain Baines in "The Onedin Line".
Rugby playing career.
Yarranton was educated at Holy Innocents School, Kingsbury, northwest London, where he was head chorister and at Willesden Technical College. In 1942, he joined the Royal Air Force and subsequently flew Mitchell and Liberator bombers in the Burma campaign. He captained the RAF swimming and water polo teams, and was introduced – at the age of 24 – to rugby. He developed into a powerful, mobile second row forward, capable of holding his own in the rough and tumble of the sport as well as claiming the ball with prodigious leaps in the line-out.
He formed a lifelong connection with the Wasps club, whom he captained for much of the late 1950s, and he also turned out for London, Middlesex and the RAF. In 1954 and 1955, he played for England against the other Home Nations, and against France and New Zealand. He kept fit well into his forties, when he became club secretary of Wasps, and in 1963 came out of retirement to play in a match for the Barbarians, the celebrated scratch side which he had also earlier captained.
Business career.
Yarranton left the RAF in 1957 in the rank of flight lieutenant and joined Shell-Mex and BP as an operations trainee. He came to specialise in industrial relations and rose through the ranks in this field and from 1975 until 1977, was the manager of Shell UK Oil's plant and engineering division. In 1978, he left this post to work for another arm of Shell, the Lensbury sports and social club, based on near his home at Teddington. It was here that Yarranton began to put his business skills at the service of sport, and under his management the club became one of the largest sports and conference centres in Europe, even attracting international teams to its training facilities.
Rugby Football Union.
Yarranton was president of the Rugby Football Union from 1991 to 1992. He had already served a game about which he was passionate in almost every capacity, from international player to club secretary, and had been public relations adviser to the RFU for a decade. Many fans were also familiar with his voice from his broadcasts for the BBC, or had relished his breezy observations over the tannoy in the Middlesex Sevens tournament at Twickenham in the 1960s and 1970s. Behind the scenes he had also helped to set in motion the rebuilding of the national stadium, and it was fitting that Yarranton's term of office should coincide with England reaching the final of the Rugby World Cup that year at rugby's headquarters.
Sports Council.
Yarranton became chairman of the Sports Council, the quango charged with disbursing public money to sport, in 1989 – a difficult moment in its history. The Conservative government was steadily reducing its annual grant, while in the press criticism was being made of Britain's continued failings in international competitions, as well as of the council's own unwieldy internal structure and its propensity for in-fighting. These problems Yarranton met in his customary cheerful fashion, although, through little fault of his own, he was unable to solve many of them.
Though no visionary, he was not a stick-in-the-mud either, being a capable, articulate man, well versed in the ways of committees and practised in the art of keeping an open mind. While he was most at home encouraging athletes in the dressing room and on the big sporting occasions, he was not afraid to stand up to his political masters, criticising their lack of funding for sport in the inner cities and their policy of selling off playing fields. He was an early and enthusiastic advocate of a national lottery whose profits could be channelled into sport.
Following his retirement from the Sports Council and from Lensbury at the age of 70, Yarranton concentrated on his many other responsibilities. Among his numerous other positions, he was a governor of the London Marathon Trust; patron of the Royal Canoe Club Trust; chairman of the Sport Supports St John Ambulance Committee; and, in 2001, Master of the Worshipful Company of Gold and Silver Wyre Drawers. He was also president of Surbiton Croquet Club. He was knighted in the 1992 Birthday Honours for services to sport.
<doc id="8722664" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722664" title="Dugda (Aanaa)">
Dugda (Aanaa)
Dugda is a district in the Oromia Region of Ethiopia. It was part of the former district of Dugda Bora before being divided into Bora and Dugda. Part of the East Shewa Zone located in the Great Rift Valley, Dugda is bordered on the southeast by Hora-Dambal, on the south by Adami Tullu and Jido Kombolcha, on the west by the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region, on the northwest by the Southwest Shewa Zone, on the north by the Awash River which separates it from Ada'a Chukala, on the northeast by Koka Reservoir which separates it from Adama, and on the east by the Arsi Zone. The administrative center of Dugda is Meki.
The altitude of this district ranges from 1500 to 2300 meters above sea level; Mount Bora Mariam (2007 meters) is the highest point. Rivers include the Meki. A survey of the land in this district shows that 36.9% is arable or cultivable, 8.7% pasture, 9.6% forest, 0.4% swampy and the remaining 44.3% is considered degraded or otherwise unusable. Fruits and vegetables are important cash crops.
Industry in the district includes 11 licensed mines, 32 small industries employing 54 people (94% of which performed food processing), as well as 707 registered businesses including 108 wholesalers, 404 retailers and 195 service providers. There were 54 Farmers Associations with 18,946 members and 2 Farmers Service Cooperatives with 2226 members. Dugda Bora has 85 kilometers of dry-weather and 122 of all-weather road, for an average road density of 142 kilometers per 1000 square kilometers. About 67% of the rural, 100% of the urban and 74% of the total population has access to drinking water.
In late August 2005, the Awash and Meki rivers burst their banks due to heavy rains and flooded Dugda Bora. According to reports, up to 7,000 people were made homeless, one person was killed, many livestock were swept away and more than 814 hectares of farmland was destroyed. It was also reported that up to 3,400 of those displaced were stranded by the floodwaters, and authorities rescued 455 people.
The 2007 national census reported a total population for this woreda of 144,910, of whom 74,561 were men and 70,349 were women; 36,252 or 25.02% of its population were urban dwellers. The majority of the inhabitants said they practised Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity, with 91.32% of the population reporting they observed this belief, while 3.88% of the population were Protestant, 2.13% of the population were Muslim, and 1.36% of the population practiced traditional beliefs.
Based on figures published by the Central Statistical Agency in 2005, this woreda has an estimated total population of 196,323, of whom 96,849 are men and 99,474 are women; 50,126 or 25.53% of its population are urban dwellers, which is less than the Zone average of 32.1%. With an estimated area of 1,459.53 square kilometers, Dugda Bora has an estimated population density of 134.5 people per square kilometer, which is less than the Zone average of 181.7.
The 1994 national census reported a total population for this woreda of 134,454, of whom 68,105 were men and 66,349 women; 28,030 or 20.85% of its population were urban dwellers at the time. The five largest ethnic groups reported in Dugda Bora were the Oromo (72.78%), the Soddo Gurage (13.13%), the Amhara (8.28%), the Silt'e (1.18%), and the Sebat Bet Gurage (0.92%); all other ethnic groups made up 3.71% of the population. Oromiffa was spoken as a first language by 68.14%, 15.65% spoke Amharic, and 12.58% spoke Soddo; the remaining 3.63% spoke all other primary languages reported. The majority of the inhabitants were Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity, with 94.94% of the population reporting they practiced that belief, while 2.32% of the population said they were Moslem, 1.27% practiced traditional beliefs, and 0.75% were Catholic.
<doc id="8722665" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722665" title="Rushall, West Midlands">
Rushall, West Midlands
Rushall is a suburb in the Metropolitan Borough of Walsall in the West Midlands, England. It is centred on the main road between Walsall and Lichfield. It is mentioned in the "Domesday Book" but has mostly developed since the 1920s. Rushall was historically a part of the county of Staffordshire before it was incorporated with much of the old Aldridge-Brownhills Urban District into the modern-day Walsall district.
The first record of Rushall occurs in "Domesday Book" (1086), where its total annual value to its lord was assessed as 10 shillings, from a village of eight households and a mill. The name means "a place in the marshy ground where rushes grow". Early settlement by the Saxons probably started to the north of Rushall Hall, where there are remains of a moated site: 19th-century excavations found Saxon coins in earthworks in that area. The feudal lordship did not originally have a parish church. The first mention of a place of worship in 1220 describes it as a chapel of Walsall. However, the lords of Rushall secured the chapel's parish status, and in 1440, John Harpur rebuilt Rushall Church on the chapel site next to his manor house. This survived the English Civil War, to be rebuilt in 1854–1866. The old square tower of the house remained until 1867. The remains at Rushall Hall are a scheduled ancient monument.
in Rushall is the ruins of the ancient manor house, which during the Wars of the Roses and the English Civil War was strongly fortified and defended by a numerous garrison. During the latter, a Mr Pitt of Wolverhampton attempted to bribe Captain Tuthill to betray the garrison of Rushall, but his treachery was discovered, and he suffered death for it in 1640. Rushall Hall, a modern house, has been built near the ruins.
The manor anciently belonged to the family of Bowles and passed, via Sir William Grobbere, to the Harpurs, one of whom, John Harpur Esq, endowed the vicarage, and rebuilt the church in about 1444. Early in the 17th century, the manor devolved to the Leighs, from whom it passed to the Very Rev Edward Mellish, Dean of Hereford, whose executors, W. and G. Mellish, B. Gurdon and W. Tritton became the principal proprietors and lords of the manor.
Rushall Hall today is mainly a 19th-century structure, incorporating walls from an earlier building. At the time the massive surviving, fortified gatehouse and walls were built in the 13th and 14th centuries, the house itself was probably made of timber. The Leigh family succeeded the Harpurs in the mid-16th century and took a lead in county politics. At the start of the Civil War in 1642, Sir Edward Leigh was an MP and an opponent of the King. He fortified Rushall Hall and joined the Parliamentary Army, being appointed a colonel. His wife, left in command at Rushall, could not hold the Hall against the forces of Prince Rupert in 1643. The Royalists in their turn were ejected after a short siege in 1644. Sir Edward Leigh's younger son was the metaphysical poet Richard Leigh. During the 18th century, the Leighs became absentees, as were their successors, the Mellish and Buchanan families. Limestone of high quality lies near the surface at Rushall. It was exploited by the Romans and through the Middle Ages for building and agricultural purposes. The use of limestone as a flux for smelting iron caused great expansion in mining during the Industrial Revolution. A new settlement grew up at Daw End, and the Hay Head and Linley workings were both on a large scale. The quarries in Rushall Hall's park flooded to become the Park Lime Pits – today a nature reserve. The Arboretum lakes, then also in Rushall, were similarly formed by quarrying.
According to a population estimate which puts Rushall with nearby Shelfield, the population of the ward was 12,182 in a 2020-estimate. The statistics for which found Rushall-Shelfield to be 48.8% Male and 51.2% Female. The religious composition of both settlements was 71% Christian, 22.8% Irreligious, 1.1% Muslim, 3% Sikh, 0.6% Hindu and 0.3% Buddist. The ethnic makeup of the ward was 90% White, 5.4% Asian, 1.8% Black and 2.4% Mixed Race. There are a number of churches in the area and in other nearby settlements. The nearest mosques are in Walsall, Lichfield, Wolverhampton, Birmingham and Birchills. As well as Sikh and Hindu Temples.
Rushall's main shopping center is divided by a junction controlled by traffic lights on Lichfield Road, Station Road, Daw End Lane, Walsall Road, Pelsall Lane, and Springfields. It contains basic amenities but there is also a war memorial, there was a library until its closure in 2017 as part of a council budget cut, there is a McDonald's on Daw End Lane, there is also a small church called "Christ The King Church", a Labour Club, Travis Perkins factory and Community Centre.
There is also a methodist church on Daw End Lane, two public houses and a nature reserve called "Park Lime Pits Local Nature Reserve". There are also a few takeaways and off licenses in the area.
Rushall had two secondary schools – Pelsall and Manor Farm – both now closed. There remain two primary schools and a Key Stage 4 centre. It also has a pre-school at Manor Farm, called "Piccolo Bambini". Walsall College is also near to Rushall.
Rushall is north of Walsall, west of Aldridge, southwest of Lichfield, north-northwest of Birmingham, east of Wolverhampton and southeast of Bloxwich. It forms part of a residential area with the nearby villages and areas of Shelfield, Pelsall, Ryecroft, Walsall Wood, Blakenall Heath, Pool Green and Leamore which act as suburbs of nearby Walsall, Bloxwich, Aldridge and Brownhills.
Rushall has certain areas which are still rural but it is mostly urban, especially with nearby Shelfield, Walsall, Harden, Ryecroft, Pelsall, and Walsall Wood. There is a small patch of greenbelt on Daw End Lane near Pool Green, Winterley Lane and Walsall Arboretum. The village is between Walsall, Bloxwich, Aldridge, Brownhills, and Lichfield.
Rushall is served primarily by National Express West Midlands and Diamond with the following services :
There are additional services which serve other areas of the village and surrounding settlements.
Rushall railway station was open from 1849 to 1909, on the former South Staffordshire Line between Walsall and Lichfield City. The station was located off Station Road between Harden, Ryecroft, Goscote, and Rushall. The site is now part of the McClean Way Greenway but is protected for any future use for rail use.
The village was and is served by several other nearby railway stations including:
The nearest airport is Birmingham Airport as well as Manchester Airport, John Lennon Airport, and East Midlands Airport. Private airports nearby are both Aldridge Airport and Wolverhampton Airport.
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Gary Hailes
Gary Hailes (born 4 November 1965 in London) is an English actor.
Hales attended Holloway School. During the 1980s he starred in several successful television series, including "Woodentop", "Grange Hill" and the BBC soap opera "EastEnders", where he played Barry Clark from 1986-89. He originally auditioned for the role of Mark Fowler when the series began in 1985, but the role went to David Scarboro instead. Hailes' character was notable for being one half of the soap's first gay couple, introduced as the partner of the yuppie graphic designer, Colin Russell (played by Michael Cashman).
In 1987, Hailes' character Barry Clark caused a great deal of controversy after "EastEnders" screened the first male-to-male kiss on a UK, prime time soap. The kiss prompted a multitude of complaints from angry viewers and a hostile backlash from the right wing press. Despite the fact that Hailes is heterosexual, he suffered from severe homophobia because of the homosexual role he played in "EastEnders". He was attacked several times by members of the public who could not separate fact from fiction, which included being assaulted in a supermarket by a disapproving woman and strangled by a man at a petrol station. Even after he left the show he lost a job as a children's television presenter because of the so-called "gay tag".
Since leaving "EastEnders" in 1989, he has gone on to appear in films such as "The Killing Zone" (1999); "Murder with Mirrors" and "Waiting for a Killer". On television he has appeared in ITV police drama "The Bill" (2001–02); "Horizon"; "Nobody’s Hero" and "Sorry".
Theatre appearances include "Strip Poker"; "Doctor on the Boil"; "Gollocks" and numerous pantomimes. He has also performed several plays for BBC radio and voice-overs.
As well as acting, Hailes also drove a London taxi.
Hailes is involved with the worldwide Star Wars costuming group, 501st Legion. In his position of Commanding Officer of the UK Garrison, Hailes spends much of his time traveling the country helping to raise money for charities. Hailes appeared as a Stormtrooper, along with five other members of the 501st Legion, in "".
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Laima Dalia
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<doc id="8722689" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722689" title="Ouro Preto do Oeste">
Ouro Preto do Oeste
Ouro Preto do Oeste is a municipality located in the Brazilian state of Rondônia. Its population was 35,737 (2020) and its area is 1,970 km².
<doc id="8722694" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722694" title="International Airport Alexander the Great">
International Airport Alexander the Great
<doc id="8722696" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722696" title="Hook and ladder">
Hook and ladder
Hook and ladder may refer to:
Historic structures.
"All located in the United States"
<doc id="8722719" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722719" title="Acallam na Senorach">
Acallam na Senorach
<doc id="8722720" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722720" title="US MPG">
<doc id="8722721" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722721" title="Parecis, Rondônia">
Parecis, Rondônia
Parecis is a municipality located in the Brazilian state of Rondônia. Its population was 6,198 (2020) and its area is 2,549 km².
<doc id="8722743" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722743" title="The Diamond Head Game">
The Diamond Head Game
The Diamond Head Game is an American game show that aired from January 6 to July 4, 1975 in five-day-a-week syndication. Borrowing its name from a long dormant volcano on the island of Oahu, the series was hosted by Bob Eubanks and assistant Jane Nelson, and is the only game show ever to have been taped entirely on location in Hawaii. Alan Thicke composed the theme music.
"The Diamond Head Game" had two formats. The first format was used for the first 13 weeks.
Format #1.
Front game.
The audience was divided into four sections, each representing "one of the islands of Hawaii." Two contestants were selected from each section at a time to compete in a best-of-three faceoff for the right to play the second round. Eubanks asked a series of general knowledge toss-ups that were either true/false or multiple choice. Buzzing in with a correct answer earned a player a point, but answering incorrectly gave the point to the opponent. The first to two points advanced to the next round and the process was repeated with the other three sections of the audience.
In the second round, the four remaining contestants stood at the bottom of a three-step podium referred to as the base of Diamond Head. In this round, the contestants had to recall items from a list of twelve read by Eubanks. One at a time the contestants took turns giving answers, stopping only when either one of them answered incorrectly, failed to answer within three seconds or (in rare cases) completing the list. The first player to miss was eliminated from the game and the other three won $50. If a list was completed without a miss, all four players won $50 and a new list was played.
On the second step, one more player was eliminated, the two survivors won $100 and faced off for a chance to face the money volcano in the bonus round. One last list was played with the last player standing winning the game. All contestants kept their winnings.
Money Volcano.
In the bonus round, the contestant was given 15 seconds inside a modified wind tunnel called "The Money Volcano." There were various prize cards and cash in the Volcano and the contestant wore a pouch around his/her waist into which these items were placed as they were plucked out of the air. The contestants were not permitted either to bend down to pick the items up or use their bodies to trap them. Among the dollar amounts in the Money Volcano was a $10,000 bill, and there were several $1 bills as well, which the contestants were told should not be collected.
When time expired, the contestant came out of the Volcano and Eubanks pulled out up to ten of the items from the pouch. One at a time, he revealed them to the contestant and as long as a $1 bill was not one of them, the contestant had an option to stop and take a bailout prize or keep going. Any $1 bills drawn from the pouch would cause the contestant to lose everything.
Format #2.
The second format began on April 7, 1975 and continued for the rest of the series.
Front game.
Two teams of three contestants competed in three question-and-answer rounds. A category was announced, along with five possible answers. Eubanks read a statement and the teams tried to match one of the answers to the statement. Each contestant had their own buzzer. A correct answer earned their team points (10 in round 1, 20 in round 2, and 30 in round 3), while an incorrect answer or failure to respond allowed the opposing team to answer (conferring was allowed here).
The team with the most points after three rounds advanced to the base of Diamond Head and competed against each other for the right to play the Money Volcano; ties, if any, were broken by sudden-death round. In this part of the game, anything other than a right answer earned a player a strike and two strikes eliminated a player.
Money Volcano.
The first half of the game was played as before. However, Eubanks drew a maximum of only five bills and offered opportunities for the contestant to quit and keep their current winnings, or trade for one of five bonus envelopes. Three of the envelopes concealed $100, another $5,000 and the fifth a grand prize. As before, any $1 bill drawn immediately resulted in the contestant losing everything, which ended the bonus round.
Later in his career, during the period when he was hosting "Card Sharks," Eubanks admitted on-camera during the February 19th, 1988 episode that he had not formed any positive memories of having hosted "The Diamond Head Game." "It was the worst piece of 'boop boop' that anyone had ever witnessed!" Eubanks said it was the show he was most ashamed of doing. "Didn't hurt my career... I didn't work for years after that," Eubanks joked.
Episode status.
All episodes exist. The series was rerun on GSN from October 1997 to April 1998 and again in 2000-2001.
<doc id="8722744" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722744" title="Computer-simulated">
<doc id="8722749" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722749" title="Mike Stowell">
Mike Stowell
Michael Stowell (born 19 April 1965) is an English former professional footballer who played as a goalkeeper, and is now first team coach and goalkeeping coach at Leicester City. As a player, he spent twenty years as a professional, eleven of which were with Wolverhampton Wanderers. He is married to former England women's international footballer Rachel Stowell.
Gaining his chance in the professional game at Preston North End in 1985, he impressed enough to receive a contract with top-flight Everton later in the year. In his five years at the club he was loaned out to Chester City, York City, Manchester City, Port Vale, Wolverhampton Wanderers, and Preston North End. He signed permanently with Wolves in 1990, and was their goalkeeper of choice throughout the decade, making 441 league and cup appearances. He was named as the club's Player of the Year in 1991. In July 2001, he signed with Bristol City, before retiring in May 2005. He then became a coach at Leicester City and has had five separate spells as caretaker manager in 2007, 2010, 2011, 2017 and 2019.
Playing career.
Preston and Everton.
Having played junior football for Kirkham Juniors, as a centre half, Stowell gained his first experience of professional football with a trial for Preston North End, where he played in their reserves and was offered a one-year contract. He turned this down though as the club were then sat bottom of the Third Division and he was entering his final year's apprenticeship with BT in Preston, the town in which he was raised.
While playing for North West Counties League side Leyland Motors, he was offered a trial at First Division side Everton and subsequently offered a two and a half-year contract by manager Howard Kendall. He signed in December 1985 for what turned out to be a five-year stay at Goodison Park. However, he was unable to force his way past Neville Southall into the first team and never made a league appearance, instead playing in the Central Reserve league. His sole outing for the "Toffees" came under the stewardship of Colin Harvey in a Full Members Cup tie against Millwall on 20 December 1988, in which he kept a clean sheet in a 2–0 victory.
The lack of first-team opportunities at Everton saw Stowell experiencing a string of loan moves to lower league sides. In September 1987 he was loaned to Third Division Chester City, making his league debut in a 4–1 win over Aldershot on 5 September 1987. He made 15 further appearances for Harry McNally's "Seals", before joining Third Division rivals York City for a brief loan spell in December 1987. He played six league games under manager Bobby Saxton at Bootham Crescent. In February 1988, he joined Second Division club Manchester City on loan, playing 14 league and one FA Cup game for the club during the latter half of the 1988–89 season. "Citizens" manager Mel Machin allowed goalkeeper Eric Nixon to leave Maine Road on loan after securing Stowell's services for the rest of the campaign.
He joined Port Vale in a two-month loan deal in October 1988 as John Rudge needed cover for the injured Mark Grew. The "Valiants" struggled without their regular custodian, conceding eight goals in Stowell's first three appearances, before he settled into his time at Vale Park and went unbeaten in the remainder of his league appearances. Wolverhampton Wanderers required his services from March 1989 to the end of the 1988–89 season. He kept goal in seven league games as Wolves ended up as Third Division champions. His final loan spell was with Preston North End in February 1990, and he played just the two Third Division games at Deepdale.
Wolverhampton Wanderers.
Stowell's two-month loan spell at Wolverhampton in the spring 1989 made a good impression on manager Graham Turner, who took him to Molineux on a permanent basis in July 1990 for a fee of £275,000. He was named as Player of the Year for the 1990–91 season, ahead of fan favourite Steve Bull, after making a total of 44 appearances in his debut season. He featured 51 times in the 1991–92 campaign, though was limited to 29 appearances in the 1992–93 season, with back-up goalkeeper Paul Jones and loanee Dave Beasant filling in for the remainder. He managed to become an ever-present throughout 1993–94 however, playing 55 matches as Wolves posted a fifth successive mid-table finish in the Second Division. They improved to a fourth-place finish under new manager Graham Taylor in 1994–95, Stowell featuring 45 times, before being eliminated from the play-offs after losing the semi-finals 3–2 on aggregate to Bolton Wanderers. He played 46 games as Wolves declined in the 1995–96 season, causing Taylor to leave the club and be replaced by Mark McGhee. Stowell then featured 51 times in the 1996–97 campaign, with Wolves reaching third but again failing at the play-off semi-finals with a 4–3 aggregate defeat to Crystal Palace.
Though they only finished ninth in 1997–98, they did reach the semi-finals of the FA Cup; Stowell was on the bench in the semi-final, Dutchman Hans Segers was between the posts as Wolves lost 1–0 to Arsenal at Villa Park. Stowell made 52 appearances in the 1998–99 campaign as Wolves posted a seventh-place finish under new boss Colin Lee. However he eventually lost his first team place to Michael Oakes, who joined the club in October 1999, limiting Stowell to 20 appearances in the 1999–2000 season. He was given a testimonial match against Aston Villa in July 2000, and the following summer was released by the Midlanders. He was given a farewell appearance by Dave Jones as a substitute on the last day of the 2000–01 season, against Queens Park Rangers. He made a total of 441 league and cup appearances in his 11 year stay at Wolves and for the final three years he also worked as a goalkeeping coach at the club's youth academy.
Bristol City.
Stowell joined Second Division side Bristol City on a free transfer in July 2001, having chosen them over Wrexham. He made 28 appearances for Danny Wilson's "Robins" throughout the 2001–02 campaign. Thereafter he was a reserve and part-time goalkeeping coach at Ashton Gate, and was an unused substitute at the Millennium Stadium in both the 2003 Football League Trophy final victory over Carlisle United and the 2004 play-off final defeat to Brighton & Hove Albion. He retired in May 2005, and turned down the offer of becoming an official goalkeeping coach at the club, having already found employment at Leicester City.
Coaching career.
Stowell spent the early part of his coaching career as, firstly, a goalkeeping coach, and then assistant manager at Leicester City, before being sacked alongside manager Rob Kelly on 11 April 2007. In July 2007, he was re-appointed goalkeeping coach at Leicester City by Kelly's replacement, Martin Allen. In August 2007, he took over (joint) managerial responsibility at Leicester, following Allen's sacking. He returned to his goalkeeping coaching role when the club appointed Allen's successor, Gary Megson, the following month. He resumed joint managerial duties at Leicester in October 2010, after the sacking of manager Paulo Sousa after less than three months in charge. He then resumed his role as goalkeeping coach. He was appointed caretaker-manager for a second time in twelve months, when Sven-Göran Eriksson was sacked in October 2011. After a win and two defeats, Nigel Pearson was re-appointed as Leicester manager and Stowell was made goalkeeping and first-team coach. He was at the King Power Stadium when the "Foxes" won the Premier League title in the 2015–16 season.
He took charge of the first team for a fourth time on 23 February 2017, as joint caretaker manager with assistant manager Craig Shakespeare, following the sacking of Claudio Ranieri. He reverted to his position as goalkeeping and first-team coach after Shakespeare was confirmed as the club's new manager on 12 March. He once again was appointed caretaker-manager, alongside Adam Sadler, following the departure of Claude Puel on 24 February 2019. Brendan Rodgers was named as Puel's successor three days later, taking charge shortly after Leicester beat Brighton & Hove Albion 2–1 in the Premier League.
Personal life.
He married Rachel McArthur in June 2009, who had given birth to his daughter the previous April.
Career statistics.
Playing statistics.
Wolverhampton Wanderers
Bristol City
<doc id="8722758" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722758" title="Colloquy of the Elders">
Colloquy of the Elders
<doc id="8722759" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722759" title="Kashmiri Paṇḍits">
Kashmiri Paṇḍits
<doc id="8722764" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722764" title="Tales of the Elders">
Tales of the Elders
<doc id="8722767" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722767" title="Pimenta Bueno">
Pimenta Bueno
Pimenta Bueno is a municipality located in the Brazilian state of Rondônia. Its population was 36,881 (2020) and its area is 6,241 km².
The municipality contained the Rio Roosevelt State Forest, created in 1990 and cancelled in 2010.
The city is served by Pimenta Bueno Airport.
<doc id="8722768" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722768" title="Adami Tullu and Jido Kombolcha">
Adami Tullu and Jido Kombolcha
Adami Tullu and Jido Kombolcha (Oromo: "Adaamii tulluu fi jiido kombolcha") is one of the districts in the Oromia Region of Ethiopia. Part of the East Shewa Zone located in the Great Rift Valley, Adami Tullu and Jido Kombolcha is bordered on the south by West Arsi Zone with which it shares the shores of Lakes Abijatta and Langano, on the west by the Silte Zone of Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region, on the north by Dugda Bora, on the northeast by Hora-Dambal, and on the east by the Arsi Zone. The main town of district is Adami Tullu; other towns include Abosa, Bulbulla, and Jido.
Most of this district ranges in altitude from 1500 to 2300 meters above sea level; Mount Aluto is the highest point. Rivers include the Bulbula, Jido, Hora Kalio and Gogessa. A survey of the land in this district shows that 27.2% is arable or cultivable, 21.6% pasture, 9.9% forest, 15.7% swampy and the remaining 25.6% is considered degraded or otherwise unusable.
Industry in the district includes two state-owned industries (one producing Soda ash, the other Caustic soda), 44 private small industries employing 299 people, and 1,670 registered businesses including 321 wholesalers, 1034 retailers and 315 service providers. Batu State Farm is a major on-going government project in this district. There were 37 Farmers Associations with 17,144 members and 12 Farmers Service Cooperatives with 8740 members. Adami Tullu and Jido Kombolcha has 95 kilometers of dry-weather and 85 all-weather road, for an average road density of 141 kilometers per 1000 square kilometers. About 84% of the rural, 88% of the urban and 85% of the total population have access to drinking water. In October 2009, district authorities announced that 4,300 hectares of land was being developed for irrigation, involving over 2,000 farmers who would plant the land in various fruits and vegetables, which could then be harvested more than twice a year.
The 2007 national census reported a total population for this district of 141,405, of whom 71,167 were men and 70,238 were women; 20,923 or 14.8% of its population were urban dwellers. The majority of the inhabitants were Muslim, with 82.65% of the population reporting they observed this belief, while 11.61% of the population said they practiced Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity, and 5.09% of the population were Protestant.
Based on figures published by the Central Statistical Agency in 2005, this district has an estimated total population of 167,066, of whom 82,926 are men and 84,140 are women; 57,068 or 34.16% of its population are urban dwellers, which is greater than the Zone average of 32.1%. With an estimated area of 1,274.54 square kilometers, Adami Tullu and Jido Kombolcha has an estimated population density of 131.1 people per square kilometer, which is less than the Zone average of 181.7.
The 1994 national census reported a total population for this district of 111,926, of whom 55,969 were men and 55,957 women; 31,869 or 28.47% of its population were urban dwellers at the time. The five largest ethnic groups reported in Adama were the Oromo (78.69%), the Amhara (8.53%), the Soddo Gurage (2.87%), the Silt'e (2.81%), and the Sebat Bet Gurage (1.19%); all other ethnic groups made up 5.81% of the population. Oromiffa was spoken as a first language by 76.05%, 16.09% spoke Amharic, and 2.2% spoke Silt'e; the remaining 5.66% spoke all other primary languages reported. The majority of the inhabitants were Moslem, with 72.37% of the population reporting they practiced that belief, while 23.43% of the population said they were Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity, and 3.79% were Protestant.
<doc id="8722771" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722771" title="Tales of the Elders of Ireland">
Tales of the Elders of Ireland
<doc id="8722775" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722775" title="Systematic code">
Systematic code
In coding theory, a systematic code is any error-correcting code in which the input data is embedded in the encoded output. Conversely, in a non-systematic code the output does not contain the input symbols.
Systematic codes have the advantage that the parity data can simply be appended to the source block, and receivers do not need to recover the original source symbols if received correctly – this is useful for example if error-correction coding is combined with a hash function for quickly determining the correctness of the received source symbols, or in cases where errors occur in erasures and a received symbol is thus always correct. Furthermore, for engineering purposes such as synchronization and monitoring, it is desirable to get reasonable good estimates of the received source symbols without going through the lengthy decoding process which may be carried out at a remote site at a later time.
Every non-systematic linear code can be transformed into a systematic code with essentially the same properties (i.e., minimum distance).
Because of the advantages cited above, linear error-correcting codes are therefore generally implemented as systematic codes. However, for certain decoding algorithms such as sequential decoding or maximum-likelihood decoding, a non-systematic structure can increase performance in terms of undetected decoding error probability when the minimum "free" distance of the code is larger.
For a systematic linear code, the generator matrix, formula_1, can always be written as formula_2, where formula_3 is the identity matrix of size formula_4.
<doc id="8722776" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722776" title="Motel Shot">
Motel Shot
Motel Shot is a studio album by Delaney & Bonnie and Friends, released in 1971. The album, their third for Atco/Atlantic (catalog no. SD 33-358) and fifth overall, is a mostly acoustic set. The album's title refers to the impromptu, sometimes late-night, jam sessions pursued by touring musicians when on the road.
In the liner notes, Delaney Bramlett dedicates the album to "My mom who sang alto." Bonnie Bramlett wrote "If this album can make one person feel half of what I felt on this session, then I am happy. It is to all of you with love."
The album reached #65 on the "Billboard" album chart, and includes Delaney and Bonnie's biggest chart single, "Never Ending Song of Love", which peaked at #13. "Never Ending Song of Love" would immediately become a popular tune to cover, with hit versions being recorded by The New Seekers and Dickey Lee at the same time as Delaney & Bonnie's version (each becoming a hit in different markets) and the Osmond Brothers having a minor hit with it a decade later.
Guest musicians on the album include Leon Russell, Joe Cocker, Duane Allman, Dave Mason, John Hartford, Clarence White, Gram Parsons and Bobby Whitlock.
Track listing.
Note that original pressings of the album credit "Come On In My Kitchen" not to Robert Johnson but to "Payne", a pseudonym under which some of Johnson's music was published at the time. (Original pressings of The Rolling Stones' 1969 album "Let It Bleed" credit Johnson's song "Love in Vain" in similar manner).
<doc id="8722785" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722785" title="Computer simulated">
Computer simulated
<doc id="8722792" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722792" title="Kashmiri Paṇḍit">
Kashmiri Paṇḍit
<doc id="8722794" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722794" title="Tour of California 2007">
Tour of California 2007
<doc id="8722801" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722801" title="Marcus McCauley">
Marcus McCauley
Marcus Xavier McCauley, Jr. (born September 3, 1983) is a former American football cornerback. He was drafted by the Minnesota Vikings in the third round of the 2007 NFL Draft. He played college football at Fresno State.
McCauley was also a member of the Detroit Lions, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, New Orleans Saints, Washington Redskins, Indianapolis Colts and Sacramento Mountain Lions.
College career.
McCauley played his college football for the Fresno State Bulldogs. During his career he played in 51 games starting 32 and was Named 2nd-Team All-Western Athletic Conference during his junior season.
Professional career.
Minnesota Vikings.
McCauley was drafted by the Minnesota Vikings in the third round of the 2007 NFL Draft. During his rookie season, he started nine games, recording 64 tackles. He was waived during final cuts on September 5, 2009.
Detroit Lions.
McCauley was claimed off waivers by the Detroit Lions on September 6, 2009. He was waived on September 29.
Tampa Bay Buccaneers.
McCauley was signed by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers on October 20. He was waived on November 3.
New Orleans Saints.
McCauley was signed by the New Orleans Saints on December 8. He was waived on December 22 when the team signed safety Herana-Daze Jones.
Washington Redskins.
McCauley was signed by the Washington Redskins on December 30, 2009. He was released on June 9, 2010.
Sacramento Mountain Lions.
McCauley was signed by the Sacramento Mountain Lions of the United Football League on October 18, 2010.
<doc id="8722806" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722806" title="Glenn T Seaborg">
Glenn T Seaborg
<doc id="8722809" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722809" title="Bob Pacheco">
Bob Pacheco
Robert "Bob" Pacheco (born June 10, 1934 in Mesilla Park, New Mexico) is an American attorney and politician who represented California's 60th State Assembly district from 1998 to 2004. He served on the United States Naval Academy Board of Visitors from 2006 to 2007. He has served as a member of the Walnut City Council in Walnut, California since 2013.
Pacheco received his Associate of Arts degree from East Los Angeles College and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Administration from California State University, Los Angeles. He earned his Juris Doctor degree from Western State University College of Law in Fullerton, California. Pacheco was admitted to the California State Bar in 1974.
Before becoming a lawyer, he served as an AVP commercial lending officer for a California bank. He owns his own law firm called Pacheco & Pacheco which is based in Walnut, California. Him and his wife currently own, and successfully operate, a multi-million dollar manufacturing company in Walnut.
During the 1990s he served on the Walnut Planning Commission. From 1996 to 1998 he served on the Walnut City Council in Walnut, California. He was appointed to the council again in July 2013 replacing Thomas King who retired.
Pacheco succeeded Gary Miller after Miller was elected to Congress. Pacheco left office in 2004 due to term limits.
In April 2005, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger appointed Pacheco to a spot on the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health Board of Occupational Safety & Health Standards which he served on until 2010. Later, Pacheco was appointed by President George W. Bush to the United States Naval Academy Board of Visitors which served on from 2006 to 2007.
<doc id="8722811" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722811" title="Computer-simulated environment">
Computer-simulated environment
<doc id="8722812" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722812" title="Pimenteiras do Oeste">
Pimenteiras do Oeste
Pimenteiras do Oeste is a municipality located in the Brazilian state of Rondônia. Its population was 2,148 (2020) and its area is 6,015 km².
The municipality contains 52% of the Corumbiara State Park, created in 1990.
<doc id="8722818" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722818" title="Pullman Square">
Pullman Square
Pullman Square is a lifestyle center in downtown Huntington, West Virginia, United States between 8th and 10th Street and 3rd Avenue and Veteran's Memorial Boulevard. It is located on what was known as the Superblock, a large urban renewal project that saw the demolishing of four city-square-blocks in 1970. The center opened in 2004, featuring approximately 20 stores, along with office space, restaurants, and a movie theater. It was developed by Metropolitan Partners.
The Superblock was to be a large revitalization project in downtown Huntington. In 1970, a four-block vacant site was created for the next "large development"; however, problems besieged the area for decades. In 1974, a master plan was developed for the vacant site.
In 1977, the Huntington Civic Arena was constructed on one parcel. One year later, a group of entrepreneurs wanted to construct a 350-room hotel and retail stores; however, the plan died by 1980. In 1983, the "National Shamrock Development and Investment Company" wanted to develop the property and took a two-year lease on the project. By mid-1985, however, the lease ran out and the developers could not receive financial backing due to the failure in their $15 million "Urban Development Action Grant" request.
In the spring of 1986, the "Huntington Development Corporation" suggested that an off-track betting facility be constructed; however, the idea died after Governor Arch Moore vetoed an off-track betting bill that was critical to the project's success. In 1987, the "Webb Companies" presented a plan for a $110 million mixed-use complex called RiverCenter that would feature a 20-story office tower, an underground parking garage and a skyway to the Harris Riverfront Park. The project failed when two large tenants could not be found to anchor the project. In 1988, the city's grant to help develop the project was revoked.
Another instance included an outlet mall proposal that was announced on May 6, 1987; however, two months later, the Herald-Dispatch reported that the project was "dead" and that the "13-year history of failure haunts (the) Superblock." Another proposal, on April 28, 1989 reported on a development that was "on tap," followed by an article several years later that stated, "super development dream fails to become reality." In 1992, a two-story shopping center was proposed but the idea failed to receive tenant support.
A Chi-Chi's Mexican restaurant was constructed on the corner of 3rd Avenue and 10th Street in 1991. These developments were mostly suburban in nature and was not conductive to improvements in downtown Huntington. A Holiday Inn was constructed adjacent to the Big Sandy Superstore Arena between 8th and 9th Street in 1998.
Intermodal facility.
In 1998, $27 million for an intermodal facility was appropriated from Congress; an additional $6.7 million came from state and local funding. Then Governor Cecil Underwood had promised $700,000 in 1999, with local lawmakers funding the additional $1.3 million; an additional $4 million was to be allocated from the state over the next two years.
The proposed facility was for a Tri-State Transit Authority (TTA) bus transfer station, retail development and associated parking structures and would occupy a two-block surface parking lot between 8th Street and 10th Street along 3rd Avenue. A later study by "Woolpert" suggested at least of retail and a parking structure that has 800 to 1,400 spaces. Yet another study suggested that retail, entertainment, dining, housing, cultural, and educational aspects be included in the project. A ground breaking ceremony was planned in early 2000 with initial completion of the project in 2001.
In order to complete the "Superblock", Chi-Chi's would need to be evicted; however, it was granted an opportunity to have a restaurant within the proposed development. Chi-Chi's refused to leave the "Superblock", however, citing that they wanted to "upgrade and remodel" the restaurant.
In 1999, Robert C. Byrd allocated $8 million to federal appropriation bills for the "Superblock" project. Another $400,000 was allocated from the Federal Transit Administration to the "Huntington Transit Authority" for the feasibility study and master plan for the intermodal facility.
Pullman Square.
On September 30, 1999, it was announced that the "Huntington Urban Renewal Authority" was in negotiations with the "Transit Authority" and an unnamed Columbus, Ohio developer for the Superblock. In early October, President Bill Clinton signed the "Transportation Appropriations" bill, which provided an additional $12 million in funds for the intermodal facility.
On October 18, 2000, "Steiner + Associates" (dropped in favor of "Metropolitan Partners" with the same developers), a Columbus, Ohio developer that specializes in recreating downtown urban environments, announced a $60 million . retail and entertainment complex between 10th streets and 3rd Avenue and Veterans Memorial Boulevard that would resemble an "old-time small town" and would fit within the "historic context of the existing downtown." The developers had previously constructed similar developments in Newport, Kentucky with the completion of Newport on the Levee and Easton Town Center in Columbus. The project would include stores, restaurants and a 12 to 16-screen movie theater and would open in fall of 2002. Two parking structures would be constructed as well. The parking structure between 8th and 9th Street would be four-levels and include 940 parking spaces, but could be expanded upward to include an office tower; the parking structure between 9th and 10th Streets would be three-levels and include the movie complex on top. Broken down, the project plan included,
The plan included narrowing 3rd Avenue from four-lanes westbound towards the Robert C. Byrd Bridge to one lane in each direction with angled parking; however, this was later revised to one-lane in each direction with parallel parking and a center variable lane. The road narrowing plan was envisioned as a traffic calming measure.
In January 2002, the "Huntington Urban Renewal Authority" began eminent domain proceedings against "Chi-Chi's". The parent company of "Chi-Chi's", "Prandium Inc.", had refused to sell the property and rejected the city's final offer on October 19, 2000 and refused all negotiations and communications with the "Authority" and with "Metropolitan Partners". In March, "Prandium Inc." refused an offer of $975,000 for the property plus $200,000 in relocation costs, which was over the appraised value of the property. The company requested a sale price of $2 million instead. The company, however, went into Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization in March. In May, "Chi-Chi's" wanted to sell the property for $1.15 million, including undisclosed costs for relocation and loss of business, but later reversed out of the deal and wanted $1.75 million.
During November 2002, "Metropolitan Partners" filed a grant request to the "West Virginia Economic Development Grant Committee". It received $10.6 million in infrastructure improvements. A lawsuit was later filed by the Jackson County, West Virginia lawyer Larry Harless, questioning the legality of the committee and its work. Eventually, the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia nullified the grant process and the grants that were given.
On March 26, 2003, the "Superblock" was sold to the developers of "Pullman Square", "Metropolitan Partners". Chi-Chi's had until April 15 to vacate; it was demolished on the 29th. The opening date had been pushed back from spring to summer 2004 due to a court case that was being considered by the West Virginia Supreme Court. In July 2003, the West Virginia Legislature passed legislation that withstood the "Court of Appeals"; however, the "Pullman Square" project had to be re-approved by the reconstituted grant committee. The grant money was once again awarded in August; however, two citizens' lawsuits by Larry Harless once again disputed the process. In their case, they stated that the state may provide loans to the projects but not to the grants, and questioned the legality of the state's video lottery. The "West Virginia Economic Development Grant Committee" was to finance the grants by selling bonds which would be repaid from profits on video lottery.
On October 17, 2003, the state Supreme Court ruled that the state could proceed with the sale of bonds financing "Pullman Square" and 48 other projects throughout the state.
Construction and opening.
Construction began on Pullman Square on July 16, 2004 with the excavation of the parking lot for the parking structures. It opened on November 19, 2004 with Marquee Cinemas. Others, such as Empire Books & News, EB Games and Starbucks, opened in early December. In June 2005, the Funny Bone Comedy Club opened, followed by Cold Stone Creamery in July and pizzeria Uno Chicago Grill and Max & Erma's in August.
A few months after opening, the Uno Chicago Grill was sued for not paying the builders, suppliers, and utilities. It soon changed its name to La Sha's West Virginia Bistro and was headed by Powerball winner Jack Whittaker; however, it closed on February 22, 2007 after another lawsuit was filed after Metropolitan Huntington LLC complained that the "Bistro" owed thousands for rent.
Edible Arrangements was announced on August 5, 2006. The retail store, specializing in fruit bouquets and designer arrangements of fruit, opened in the fall. A few months later, on January 11, 2007, Moe's Southwest Grill closed for remodeling. The quick-casual restaurant later reluctantly announced that it was, in fact, moving to a nearby location on 9th Street. On March 17 Runway Couture opened next to Inspired, featuring west coast-inspired fashions; both are owned by Deneene Chafin. Moe's Southwest Grill maintained goodfaith talks with Pullman Square and after protracted negotiations Metropolitan Partners agreed to Moe's corporate lease arrangements and subsequently surrendered the keys to the former location on November 5, 2007.
On May 8, 2008, it was announced that Community Trust Bank would locate a bank branch at the corner of 3rd Avenue and 10th Street. It would include spaces for more retail that is currently "under negotiations". Construction began in August. The Garage Chophouse, however, pulled out of Pullman Square. In June, it was announced that Uno Chicago Grill would reopen under the franchise of Rick Rose, who owns some Bennigan's restaurants in Ohio, and under Mike Bartrum, a retired NFL player. The restaurant sells Chicago-style pizza and could open by July 30. Benny's Cheesesteaks opened on June 19, the second location for the Columbus, Ohio-based restaurant that sells Philadelphia-style hoagies, wings, wraps, and beer. Heels, a high-end shoe store owned by the owner of Inspired and Runway Couture made its debut in July.
In October 2018, Max and Erma’s closed its doors abruptly. Many employees claimed they were not informed by management that the location was closing.
In March 2019, Ohio businessman Benjamin Morgan announced he would be opening Quicksilver Arcade and Bar in the former Max and Erma’s space.
<doc id="8722819" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722819" title="Paphies ventricosa">
Paphies ventricosa
Paphies ventricosa, or toheroa (a Māori word meaning "long tongue"), is a large bivalve mollusc of the family Mesodesmatidae, endemic to New Zealand.
It is found in both the North and South Islands, but the main habitat is the west coast of the North Island. The best grounds are wide fine-sand beaches where there are extensive sand-dunes, enclosing freshwater, which percolates to the sea, there promoting the growth of diatoms and plankton.
The toheroa is a very large shellfish with a solid white, elongated shell with the apex at the middle. Maximum length is 117 mm, height 81 mm, and thickness 38 mm.
Human use.
The toheroa has long been a popular seafood, often made into a greenish soup, for which it has an international reputation.
Toheroa were translocated across New Zealand by Māori using (kelp bags) made from southern bull kelp ("Durvillaea poha").
It was over-exploited in the 1950s and 1960s, and there has been a ban on harvesting (except for limited customary purposes) since 1979. However, numbers have not recovered since 1979, due to illegal poaching, poorly policed customary harvesting, vehicle driving on beaches, pollution, reduction in fresh water coming onto beaches, and gas bubble disease.
<doc id="8722821" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722821" title="Luis Augusto Sánchez">
Luis Augusto Sánchez
Luis Augusto Sánchez (20 July 1917 – 1981) was a Colombian chess master.
He won the Colombian Chess Championship six times (1938, 1947, 1948, 1954, 1958, and 1962).
He broke out on the international stage in 1938 by winning the chess tournament at the first Bolivarian Games in Bogotá. In 1951, he won in Caracas (zonal). In 1952, he took 17th in Stockholm (interzonal; Alexander Kotov won). In 1957, he took 3rd in Caracas (zonal; Boris de Greiff won). In 1958, he took 8th in Bogotá (1st Torneo de las Americas; Oscar Panno won). In 1959, he tied for 4-6th with Raúl Sanguineti and Bobby Fischer in Santiago de Chile. The event was won by Borislav Ivkov and Luděk Pachman. In 1969, he tied for 4-5th in Quito (zonal; Eleazar Jiménez and Olavo Yépez won).
Sánchez played for Colombia in four Chess Olympiads.
He was awarded the International Master title in 1951.
<doc id="8722823" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722823" title="Prudens van Duyse">
Prudens van Duyse
Prudentius van Duyse or Prudens van Duyse (Dendermonde, 17 September 1804 – Ghent, 13 November 1859) was a Flemish writer. He started his career a clerk of a notary, but afterwards studied law at the University of Ghent, where he graduated in 1832. In 1836, he became the archivist of the city of Ghent. He was a co-founder of the organization "De tael is gansch het volk" (E: language is the entire people) and was one of the pioneers of the Flemish movement. At the beginning of his literary career, he wrote so-called "national" poetry, but his actual debut was with the poem "Lofdicht op de Nederlandsche taal", which he wrote in 1829. He published his best poems in "Het klaverblad" (1848) and in "Nazomer" (1859).
<doc id="8722825" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722825" title="Sytrus">
Sytrus is a software synthesizer included in the digital audio workstation FL Studio. Image-Line also released VSTi and DXi versions.
Sytrus uses a combination of subtractive synthesis, additive synthesis, FM synthesis and ring modulation, thus allowing sounds produced to range from drum sets to organs. Sytrus provides a large number of adjustments and controls, including shape shifting, harmonics editing, EQ, a modulator (which can control almost any parameter), several filters, reverb, delay, unison, detune, etc. CPU usage widely varies, mainly depending on effect settings, number of oscillators, and their settings. The second version of Sytrus (introduced with FL Studio 6), comes with an array of presets covering many types of sounds.
Easter eggs.
When clicking on the Sytrus logo in "Show Info", the Hint Bar at the top says "Don't even think about it you fruit-clicking pervert!". After several more clicks, it will say, "Ok, fruit-clicking pays." At this stage, the modulator grid changes to green rather than the standard blue. Then, "There's nothing more, you know..." This has been discontinued as of FL Studio version 20.6.
<doc id="8722829" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722829" title="Everlife (2007 album)">
Everlife (2007 album)
Everlife is the third studio album by Everlife, and the first and only album on Buena Vista Records released on February 20, 2007.
<doc id="8722830" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722830" title="Computer simulated environment">
Computer simulated environment
<doc id="8722835" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722835" title="Luis Augusto Sanchez">
Luis Augusto Sanchez
<doc id="8722837" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722837" title="Varihio">
<doc id="8722839" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722839" title="Varihio language">
Varihio language
<doc id="8722841" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722841" title="Guarijío language">
Guarijío language
<doc id="8722847" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722847" title="Cultural depictions of Elvis">
Cultural depictions of Elvis
<doc id="8722850" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722850" title="Guarijío">
<doc id="8722859" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722859" title="Cultural depictions of elvis presley">
Cultural depictions of elvis presley
<doc id="8722871" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722871" title="Cultural Depictions Of Elvis">
Cultural Depictions Of Elvis
<doc id="8722886" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722886" title="GenerationFly">
<doc id="8722887" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722887" title="Hook and lateral play (American football)">
Hook and lateral play (American football)
<doc id="8722889" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722889" title="Southern California Trojans football">
Southern California Trojans football
<doc id="8722901" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722901" title="List of Proud Family episodes">
List of Proud Family episodes
<doc id="8722904" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722904" title="Presidente Médici, Rondônia">
Presidente Médici, Rondônia
Presidente Médici is a municipality located in the Brazilian state of Rondônia. It has a population of 18,571 (2020). Its area is 1,758 km². Presidente Médici municipality is divided into four "bairros" (quarters): Centro, Ernandes Gonçalves, Cunha e Silva, and Lino Alves Teixeira.
Origin of name.
From 1973 organized as a sub-district named in so-called "homage" to former Brazilian military president Emílio Garrastazu Médici, who had been appointed as president by the military junta, the region was elevated to full municipal status in 1981. Despite his severe rule, which included press censorship and even torture of guerrillas and left-wing groups seeking promote the apply a cuban modeled dictatorship, Médici remained popular in several parts of Brazil because his rule promoted a period of rapid economic growth.
In 1915 Major Cândido Rondon of the Corps of Military Engineers, who was directing the construction of a telegraph line from Cuiabá in neighbouring Mato Grosso state to Santo Antonio do Madeira near Porto Velho, reported that the region was inhabited by rubber tappers and plantation workers in São Pedro do Muqui. The region remained virtually unchanged for about 50 years, until highway construction eventually made the state of Rondônia accessible for colonization. The first settlers arrived in the 1960s, settling in four tents along the muddy right-of-way. The town became known as "Vila Trinta e Três", referring to its location 33 km from Vila de Rondônia, now the town of Ji-Paraná.
Settlement activity intensified after 1970, creating conflicts with purported landowner José Milton de Andrade Rios, who accused new arrivals of being squatters invading his land. The settler-occupied lands were situated between the Preto and Leitão streams, which he alleged were part of his property. The National Institute for Colonization and Agrarian Reform (INCRA) attempted to prevent settlement at the site because it was still unclear whether the land in fact belonged to Milton Rios or to the national government. With new settlers continuing to arrive, the village grew, and INCRA Rondônia created the Leitão sector as an extension of the Ouro Preto Integrated Colonization Project to regulate settlement activity.
By mid-1972, the village population had reached 800, and buses linking Cuiabá in Mato Grosso to Porto Velho in Rondônia would stop at the townsite, now having the status of a sub-district. Wanting a new name to replace the prosaic "Vila 33", they put plaques in front of their houses suggesting various names, such as Getúlio Vargas, Presidente Médici, Fátima do Norte, Cruzeiros do Sul, as well as Nova Canaã, Nova Jerusalém, and others. By plebiscite the residents eventually chose "Presidente Médici", a name which Rondônia territorial governor Teodorico Gahyva confirmed as official on July 30, 1973.
<doc id="8722906" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722906" title="Salome (cartoon pig)">
Salome (cartoon pig)
<doc id="8722916" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722916" title="LAGNA">
<doc id="8722919" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722919" title="Schnitzel Paradise">
Schnitzel Paradise
Martin Koolhoven's Schnitzel Paradise () is a 2005 Dutch comedy film about Dutch-Moroccan Nordip Dounia who starts working in a restaurant kitchen and falls in love with Agnes Meerman, niece of the hotel's manager. Nordip has to overcome not only Agnes's family's prejudices but also his father's wishes as to his future.
The film was a huge success in The Netherlands (it was the highest grossing Dutch film in 2005 in The Netherlands).
The Best Supporting Actor Golden Calf was shared by supporting actors Yahya Gaier, Tygo Gernandt, Micha Hulshof, Gürkan Küçüksentürk and Mimoun Oaïssa
<doc id="8722920" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722920" title="The Illusion (play)">
The Illusion (play)
The Illusion is a play by Tony Kushner, adapted from Pierre Corneille's seventeenth-century comedy, "L'Illusion Comique". It follows a contrite father, Pridamant, seeking news of his prodigal son from the sorcerer Alcandre. The magician conjures three episodes from the young man's life. Inexplicably, each scene finds the boy in a slightly different world where names change and allegiances shift. Pridamant watches, but only as the strange tale reaches its conclusion does he learn the ultimate truth about his son.
"The Illusion" has a lighter mood than Kushner's most famous play, "Angels in America", but the two plays share a love of poetic dialogue and theatricality.
The play is set in the 17th century in the dark cave of the magician Alcandre, near Remulac, a small town in the south of France.
"The Illusion" is published by Broadway Play Publishing Inc. in the collection "Plays By Tony Kushner" as well as in an acting edition.
Further reading.
Wolfe, Graham. "Tony Kushner’s The Illusion and Comedy’s ‘Traversal of the Fantasy’." "Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism" 26.1 (2011): 45–64.
Kushner, Tony. "Plays By Tony Kushner".
Kushner, Tony (31 December 2003). "The Illusion". Broadway Play Publishing Inc.
<doc id="8722921" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722921" title="Aiglemont estate">
Aiglemont estate
The Aiglemont estate is an estate at Gouvieux in the Picardy region of France and functions as the secretariat and residence of His Highness Prince Karīm al-Hussaynī Āgā Khān IV. It is the headquarters of the Aga Khan Development Network, one of the largest international development networks in the world.
<doc id="8722927" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722927" title="Saint Columba of Terryglass">
Saint Columba of Terryglass
<doc id="8722932" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722932" title="Raoul (EP)">
Raoul (EP)
Raoul EP is an 8-track EP by Welsh band The Automatic featuring the original versions of singles "Recover" and "Raoul", plus B-sides from the "Monster", "Raoul" and "Recover" singles. It was originally released for the European market, but has since been made available in the UK, making it more convenient for fans to get hold of the rarer tracks all on CD. Raoul is the owner of a sandwich shop in Cardiff, who would make the band's sandwiches
On 11 May 2006 a video for song "Song6" was uploaded to the band's MySpace after the song was featured on the "Recover" single earlier that year.
Many of the "Raoul EP" tracks are featured on the first three singles by the band; "Jack Daniels" is featured on the Recover CD, "Song6" on the Recover 7" vinyl, "On The Campaign Trail" is featured on both the "Raoul" single and the album "Not Accepted Anywhere". "Trophy Wives" is also a b-side to "Raoul", "Night Drive" and "High Tide On Caroline Street" are both featured on the UK release of "Monster". The only b-sides from "Not Accepted Anywhere" which are not included on the EP are "Time=Money", which was released with "Recover", and "Easy Target" which was released with "Raoul".
<doc id="8722934" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722934" title="Colloquy of the Ancients">
Colloquy of the Ancients
<doc id="8722935" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722935" title="Lesbian and Gay Newsmedia Archive">
Lesbian and Gay Newsmedia Archive
<doc id="8722937" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722937" title="Osmo Raihala">
Osmo Raihala
<doc id="8722938" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722938" title="Primavera de Rondônia">
Primavera de Rondônia
Primavera de Rondônia ("Rondônia Spring") is a municipality located in the Brazilian state of Rondônia. Its population was 2,776 (2020) and its area is 606 km2.
<doc id="8722944" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722944" title="The Colloquy of the Ancients">
The Colloquy of the Ancients
<doc id="8722946" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722946" title="List of sects">
List of sects
<doc id="8722948" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722948" title="Charles William Sydney Pierrepont, 4th Earl Manvers">
Charles William Sydney Pierrepont, 4th Earl Manvers
<doc id="8722949" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722949" title="Tapio Raihala">
Tapio Raihala
<doc id="8722953" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722953" title="Agallamh na Seanórach">
Agallamh na Seanórach
<doc id="8722955" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722955" title="The Cookie Lady (short story)">
The Cookie Lady (short story)
"The Cookie Lady" is a horror short story by American writer Philip K. Dick. It was originally published in the June 1953 issue of the magazine "Fantasy Fiction".
Bernard "Bubber" Surle is a young boy who enjoys visiting Mrs. Drew, a lonely old widow who bakes him cookies. He visits her after school every day, and reads to her after eating cookies. Mrs. Drew, who has almost no company, enjoys having him. One day, she begins to undergo a transformation while he is there, becoming younger. Bubber, however, returns home very tired. His parents make him promise that his next visit will be his last. The next day, he stays longer, and Mrs. Drew is reverted to her younger self. Bubber, however, is drained of his physical energy, and while walking home is reduced to dust and is carried away by the wind.
<doc id="8722956" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722956" title="War in somalia">
War in somalia
<doc id="8722957" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722957" title="Osmo Tapio Raihala">
Osmo Tapio Raihala
<doc id="8722958" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722958" title="Charles Herbert Pierrepont, 2nd Earl Manvers">
Charles Herbert Pierrepont, 2nd Earl Manvers
<doc id="8722963" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722963" title="Slovenian Government">
Slovenian Government
<doc id="8722966" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722966" title="Evelyn Robert Pierrepont, 5th Earl Manvers">
Evelyn Robert Pierrepont, 5th Earl Manvers
<doc id="8722967" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722967" title="Arm-Fall-Off-Boy">
<doc id="8722971" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722971" title="Geza Vermes">
Geza Vermes
<doc id="8722973" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722973" title="2,4-TDI">
<doc id="8722976" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722976" title="Alexander Tom Cussons">
Alexander Tom Cussons
Alexander Tom Cussons (14 July 1875 – 20 August 1951). Born in Holbeck, Leeds, England to Thomas Tomlinson Cussons (1838–1927) and his wife Elizabeth Cussons (née Ashton, 1843–1905). Alexander was the Chairman of Cussons Sons & Co, the largest independent soap manufacturer in Britain and maker of the brand Cussons Imperial Leather and other personal care products.
Tom Cussons was apprenticed in the town of Ossett. He then moved to Swinton, Salford with his parents. There Tom Cussons worked in partnership with Ernest Jonathan Lake in the firm of Lake, Cussons, and Company. The firm operated as a wholesale druggist until 25 January 1894 when the partnership was dissolved.
Tom Cussons then continued in partnership with his father. The family partnership purchased a farm in Kersal in Manchester which was above an old bleach works at the foot of the hill. In 1907 the partnership bought this factory and began manufacturing soap, glass bottles and many other products.
On 31 October 1908 the business was incorporated and Tom Cussons became the first chairman. Under Tom Cussons the company grew. In 1917 Marks & Spencer penny bazaars began to stock Cussons products. In 1920 Cussons purchased a fine old perfumers named Piesse and Lubin based in Bond Street in London, which was eventually absorbed into the main business in Manchester and ceased to exist in the 1950s. In 1921 Cussons acquired Bayleys of Bond Street. In 1938 the firm began manufacturing the now flagship brand Imperial Leather. In 1947 Cussons Sons & Co became a public company. Cussons grew into a large multinational company, with sales and factories in many Commonwealth countries.
Tom Cussons established the company head office at 84 Brook Street, London in the district of Mayfair. Tom Cussons is best known for manufacturing Imperial Leather soap. However he also manufactured a number of soaps which have since been discontinued. These included Apple Blossom, Linden Blossom, Lilac Blossom and Blue Hyacinth.
The family originated from Ossett, Yorkshire. Alexander Tom Cussons was the father of three children, with Emily Jane Kidd. The three children were Marjorie Cussons (1902–1983), Leslie Padison Cussons (1907–1963) and Alexander Stockton Cussons (1914–1986).
Marjorie Cussons, later Marjorie Goodwin, was an international hockey player, who played for England before joining Cussons as Marketing Director and developing the Imperial Leather brand throughout the 1940s, 50s and 60s becoming President of the Cussons Group in the 1970s. Marjorie referred to herself and was widely known as 'The Mother of Imperial Leather'. Marjorie married Leslie Goodwin (a Manchester Soap Maker and former managing director of Cussons Sons and Company Ltd). They had two children, Hugh Cussons Goodwin (later Marketing Director of Cussons) and Natalie Jane Goodwin (a qualified concert pianist and later a leading female racing driver in the 1960s becoming British Women's champion three times and the only woman to race professionally at Monaco). Hugh attended Uppingham School and Natalie attended Roedean School.
Leslie Padison Cussons married Winsome Wheal. Leslie soon became the chairman of Cussons Soap from the early 1950s until his death in 1963. Leslie and Winsome had three children, Barry Cussons, who died at about the age of ten, Leslie Nicholas Cussons and Simon Hamish Cussons. Leslie and Simon both attended Oundle School.
Alexander Stockton Cussons was born on 30 December 1914. Schooled near Montreux, in Switzerland, he became fluent in French and German. Whilst he was at school, he played in a jazz band as the drummer. After joining the family firm in Manchester at Cussons Sons and Company limited, his father sent him out to South Africa to run the factory that his sister Marjorie and her husband Leslie Goodwin had founded before the war. Alex served in the South African army during the war. Whilst in South Africa, he met and married Wendy Grace Johnston (born 1 October 1925), on 25 February 1947, Their son, Jeremy Alexander Cussons was born on 2 September 1950 in South Africa, followed by another son, Richard Stockton Cussons (born 1 October 1957). On the death of Leslie (above), Cussons soap was led by Alexander Stockton Cussons, who became chairman from 1963 to 1968, when ill health forced him to retire and move away from the smog and pollution of Manchester to the healthier climate of South Africa. He made a full recovery there and became a director of several companies, as well as owning a beautiful farm in the Natal Midlands, where he farmed Hereford cattle. He became well known and well respected in the business community in Durban and the midlands, and died in 1986 after a debilitating illness that left him bed bound for the last 9 months of his life. Jeremy attended Marlborough school, and was a successful county tennis player during his teens, before he contracted poliomyelitis in 1968 in Germany, where he was treated at Cologne hospital for many months. He recovered and after a brief sojourn in South Africa with his parents, went farming in the Isle of Man. He married Elizabeth and had two children, Leo Alexander, and Angela. The marriage did not last, and he remarried Rebecca, and they had two children, Sebastian and Francesca. Leo currently owns a DIY shop in Port Erin. Angela lives in Oxfordshire. Sebastian is a successful London lawyer. Francesca owns "My Adorable Friend", a business selling natural products for pets. Richard Cussons married Suzanne in 1979 and they have had four children: Julie,(1983) who died at the age of two, Hazel (1985) who lives in Knutsford, Elizabeth (1988) who works in the banking sector in Germany, and Alexandra (1990) who is studying for her M.A. in Psychology. Richard is a committed Christian who studied for his BTh (hons) at Liverpool University, followed by his M.A. in Religion and Theology at Manchester University. He became a lay minister in the Church of England in 1997, and a Local preacher in the Methodist church in 2007, roles he holds jointly, being one of the first to do so after special permission was obtained from the Bishop of Chester following the Anglican Methodist Covenant of 2000. Richard is on the Readers council in the Diocese of Chester, and is District Tutor in the Stockport and Manchester District of the Methodist Church of Great Britain. He has been in retail, when he was Chairman of the Knutsford Chamber of Commerce in the 1990s, and subsequently retrained to be a teacher of Theology and Philosophy at Secondary schools and a VIth form college in Cheshire, a successful change of career move, as he achieved outstanding results for his students. Richard currently runs a Property Management business in Cheshire. Suzanne is a highly qualified Psychotherapist (BSc, BA, MA) with a private practice in Cheshire.
Leslie Nicholas ("Nick") Cussons married Geraldine Mary Ellis in September 1962 in Toft Church, Knutsford, Cheshire. From 1959, Nick Cussons participated in Motorsport, becoming a Historic GT champion in 1992. Nick and Geraldine had two children, Emily Sara Cussons and Benjamin Piers Cussons.
Simon Hamish Cussons married Gillian Margaret Brooksbank in May 1968. Simon became Chairman of Cussons Soap in 1968 when Alex retired due to ill health, and remained Chairman until the business was bought in a takeover by Paterson Zochonis in the 1970s. Simon was Vice Chairman and Executive President of Manchester City Football Club whilst managing the family firm. Simon then went on to be a Cheshire County Councillor in 1981 and Leader of the Conservatives in Cheshire in 1986/7 for many years. After this Simon become the Chairman of NAHAT South Cheshire Health Authority whilst continuing his sporting interests Chairman of BASC, Umpire for Lancashire, golf at Hale and Northop and tennis in Great Budworth. He was a member of the Wine Society and was a keen racegoer at Chester and Bangor. Simon and Gill had two children Lindsay Charlotte Cussons (born 12 November 1968) and Georgia Louise Cussons (born 22 October 1971). Lindsay lives in Chester currently. Georgia married James Haydon Morris (Jim) on 3 July 1999 in Northop Church. Georgia and Jim had three children Amelie Daisy Morris (born 3 January 2004), James Alexander Morris (born 14 September 2005) and Isabella Beatrice Morris (Bella) (born 5 June 2007). Simon died 24 February 2017.
Hugh Cussons Goodwin married Linda Cardwell. They had two children, Alistair and Suzanna Goodwin. Hugh was a talented musician and played in his own jazz band, The Sunset Seven, in the 1950s and 60s with his sister Natalie. They played in the Cavern Club in Liverpool. Hugh and Linda subsequently divorced. Hugh remarried Carol and had many happy years with her, living in Bowdon near Manchester, before he died in 2004 aged 68. Carole, Hugh's second wife died in 2005. Alistair married Mandy Yates and lives in Cheshire and runs a recycling company. Suzanna, who married Charles Elliott, lives In Hale and has run an office cleaning company for many years.
Natalie Goodwin married Nick Shrigley-Feigl, the son of Austrian Industrialist Franz Shrigley-Feigl, in 1975. They had two children, Francis Henry Shrigley-Feigl in 1976 and Tanya Jane Shrigley-Feigl in 1977. They lived in Kerfield House in Ollerton, near Knutsford, Cheshire, where Majorie came to live with them in her later years. Natalie divorced Nick and went to live in Plumley. Tanya died whilst she lived there. Henry went to become a successful property developer and wedding venue owner. He currently lives near Tarporley in Cheshire and is married to Abigail. They have one daughter, Aria.
Alexander Tom Cussons was a collector of rare orchids. He was a founding member of the Manchester Orchid Society, since renamed the North of England Orchid Society (NEOS). He was also a founding member of 'The Orchid Club' in 1924, which has since been disbanded. Through his company he donated a trophy to The Orchid Club. Today the trophy is used by the North of England Orchid Society. Regrettably the whole collection was destroyed by a bomb that landed at the bottom of the garden in 1941 and exploded, splintering the glass houses the orchids were kept in and completely shredding the collection. Profoundly affected by the destruction of the collection, he moved away from Salford to South Manchester, where he considered it safer. Tom Cussons put his regrown collection up for sale on 24 February 1948. At that time the collection amounted to over 6,000 plants. The collection was kept at Vine Street in Kersal, Salford. Cussons' interest in orchids resulted in Cussons Sons & Co issuing adverts featuring the flower. The adverts showed a picture of Imperial Leather soap surrounded by orchids, with the tagline 'both equally exquisite'.
Tom Cussons was also a collector of tropical fish. They were kept within his orchid houses. His interest in tropical fish resulted in Cussons Sons & Co issuing a series of adverts; the adverts featured Imperial Leather soap surrounded by tropical fish. Later a book inspired by his collection was published.
Tom Cussons was also interested in rugby, and supported the Swinton.
Tom Cussons owned a Victorian mansion in Kersal, Salford called 'Oaklands', which was the former home of the Victorian chemist. The property was within walking distance of Cussons' factory. However Oaklands was severely damaged in The Blitz of 1941. The property lay in ruins for many years, and over 40 years later was pulled down to build a modern housing estate. Cussons factory at Kersal was demolished in the 2010s to await a similar fate. Tom Cussons later moved to Whitefriars, a house he owned next to the cricket club in Hale Manchester, and not far from the then small Manchester airport, called Ringway, converted after the war into civilian use. The Cussons family owned family homes around Cheshire. Leslie Cussons lived at Hale Bank Farm in Hale and owned an estate called Polebrook Hall. Marjorie Goodwin lived at Edgworth in Hale, a large Edwardian Mansion now demolished. Alex Cussons owned Parkdale in Bowdon, a large Victorian house now the home of the Vegetarian Society since 1968. Bits of land have been sold off over the years to bolster the Society's finances, and the grounds are now half the size of the original property. Nick Cussons owned Stretton Hall briefly and Natalie Shrigley-Feigl owned Kerfield House in Knutsford for about ten years.
<doc id="8722977" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722977" title="Gervas Evelyn Pierrepont, 6th Earl Manvers">
Gervas Evelyn Pierrepont, 6th Earl Manvers
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<doc id="8722984" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722984" title="Mr. Do's Wild Ride">
Mr. Do's Wild Ride
Mr. Do's Wild Ride is a platform game released in 1984 as the third in Universal's "Mr. Do!" arcade video game series. An MSX version was published in 1985.
Mr. Do!'s scenario is a roller coaster, and the object is to reach the top. As the cars (and eventually other objects) speed around the track, the player must escape by using a super speed button, or by climbing up small ladders scattered about the track to dodge the hazards. Two icons at the end of the level range from cakes to EXTRA letters or diamonds change upon collecting cherries at the top of each letter. The game is timed, and the timer ticks faster when the super speed button is held down. Collision with a roller coaster car or another object is fatal, knocking Mr. Do! off the coaster and costing a life.
After the sixth level is completed, the game cycles back to the first with various obstacles and/or more roller coaster cars to avoid.
In Japan, "Game Machine" listed "Mr. Do's Wild Ride" on their April 15, 1984 issue as being the sixth most-successful table arcade unit of the month.
Ocean Software published a clone for the Commodore 64, Amstrad CPC, and ZX Spectrum as "Kong Strikes Back!" It incorporates cosmetic aspects of "Donkey Kong".
<doc id="8722988" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722988" title="Sir William Hollyes">
Sir William Hollyes
<doc id="8722990" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722990" title="Arsi Negele (woreda)">
Arsi Negele (woreda)
Arsi Negele is a woreda in Oromia Region, Ethiopia. It is named after its administrative center, Arsi Negele. Part of the West Arsi Zone located in the Great Rift Valley, Arsi Negele is bordered on the south by Naannawa Shashamane and Kofale, on the southwest by Lake Shala which separates it from Shala, on the west by the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region, on the north by East Shewa with which it shares the shores of Lakes Abijatta and Langano, and on the east by the Heban Arsi, Qore woreda and small portion by Arsi Zone.
Except for the southeastern portion, the altitude of this woreda ranges from 1500 to 2300 meters above sea level; Gara Duro is the highest point. Rivers include the Gedamso, Lephis, Huluka, Awede Jitu, Awede Gudo, and Dadaba Gudo. A survey of the land in this woreda shows that 29.9% is arable or cultivable, 4.3% pasture, 5.2% forest, and the remaining 60.6% is considered swampy, degraded or otherwise unusable. The three major lakes of this woreda—Abijatta, Langano and Shala—cover about 32% of its area. Onion is an important cash crop.
Industry in the woreda includes 19 small industries employing 79 people, as well as 570 registered businessmen including 148 wholesalers 243 retailers and 179 service providers. Construction-grade sand and soda ash are mined in Arsi Negele. There were 33 Farmers Associations with 21,777 members and 12 Farmers Service Cooperatives with 11,430 members. Arsi Negele has 48 kilometers of dry-weather and 85 all-weather road, for an average road density of 95 kilometers per 1000 square kilometers. About 22% of the total population has access to drinking water.
The 2007 national census reported a total population for this woreda of 260,129, of whom 128,885 were men and 131,244 were women; 51,535 or 19.81% of its population were urban dwellers. The majority of the inhabitants were Muslim, with 68.86% of the population reporting they observed this belief, while 20.2% of the population said they practiced Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity, 8.99% of the population were Protestant, and 1.04% were Catholic.
Based on figures published by the Central Statistical Agency in 2005, this woreda has an estimated total population of 198,307, of whom 100,626 are men and 97,681 are women; 42,054 or 21.21% of its population are urban dwellers, which is less than the Zone average of 32.1%. With an estimated area of 1,400.16 square kilometers, Arsi Negele has an estimated population density of 141.6 people per square kilometer, which is less than the Zone average of 181.7.
The 1994 national census reported a total population for this woreda of 137,228, of whom 67,534 were men and 69,694 women; 23,512 or 17.13% of its population were urban dwellers at the time. The four largest ethnic groups reported in Arsi Negele were the Oromo (90.92%), the Amhara (2.69%), the Kambaata (2.73%), and the Soddo Gurage (1.08%); all other ethnic groups made up 2.58% of the population. Oromiffa was spoken as a first language by 86.65%, 8.89% spoke Amharic, and 2.44% spoke Kambaata; the remaining 2.02% spoke all other primary languages reported. The majority of the inhabitants were Moslem, with 70.94% of the population reporting they practiced that belief, while 22.29% of the population said they were Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity, and 5.34% were Protestant.
<doc id="8722991" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722991" title="Rio Crespo">
Rio Crespo
Rio Crespo is a municipality located in the Brazilian state of Rondônia. Its population was 3,804 (2020) and its area is 1,718 km².
<doc id="8722992" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722992" title="ISDB-C">
<doc id="8722998" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8722998" title="Comparative theology">
Comparative theology
Comparative theology is a relatively new discipline within theology, which holds together "comparative" and "theology" in creative tension. It represents a particular type of theological practice committed to deep interreligious learning ("comparative") while staying rooted in a particular religious tradition ("theology"). Moreover, while many of its proponents come from the Christian religious tradition, it can have as a starting point the theology of any religious tradition.
Relations to other disciplines.
Francis X. Clooney, a leading figure within comparative theology, sees comparative theology essentially as "faith seeking understanding". He explains the distinctiveness of comparative theology by clarifying the relationship between comparative theology and the related disciplines of comparative religion, theology of religions, and interreligious dialogue.
Comparative theology vs. comparative religion.
Comparative theology shares with comparative religion an interest in the comparative study of religion. However, in contrast to comparative religion, which seeks to examine the similarities and differences between a variety of religious traditions from a neutral point of view, comparative theology focuses on the theological reflection of one's own religion in light of the insights from another religious tradition. Rather than emphasizing a religiously-detached position, comparative theology is deeply rooted in a particular religious tradition. Francis X. Clooney explains:
Comparative theology – comparative and theological beginning to end – marks acts of faith seeking understanding which are rooted in a particular faith tradition but which, from that foundation, venture into learning from one or more other faith traditions. This learning is sought for the sake of fresh theological insights that are indebted to the newly encountered tradition/s as well as the home tradition.
Comparative theology vs. theology of religion.
Comparative theology shares with theology of religions a theological interest in the encounter between Christian faith and other religions; but from a different angle, and with a different emphasis and aim. Theology of religion attempts to clarify the relationship between Christian faith and other religious traditions with regard to how other religions can be understood in light of normative claims of Christian faith, in particular, related to salvation and Christ. Theology of religion thus reflects from Christian theological claims, based on general descriptions of other religious traditions. In contrast to this, comparative theology is a theology of religious learning. It emphasizes an in-depth study of the particularities of other religious traditions instead of basing itself on general descriptions. "Comparative theology is not primarily about which religion is the true one, but about learning across religious borders in a way that discloses the truth of my faith, in the light of their faith."
Comparative theology vs. interreligious dialogue.
Comparative theology shares with interreligious dialogue a commitment to engage in dialogue and listen carefully to the religious other. It must, however, go further than just listening: "The comparative theologian must do more than listen to others explain their faith; she must be willing to study their traditions deeply alongside her own, taking both to heart."
Sources and methodology.
The unique character of comparative theology derives from its sources and methodology.
Comparative theology works with two types of religious sources. While rooted in one tradition, comparative theology has its foundation also in at least one additional religious tradition. Clooney describes comparative theology. . . as truly constructive theology, distinguished by its sources and ways of proceeding, by its foundation in more than one tradition (although the comparativist always remains rooted in one tradition), and by reflection which builds on that foundation, rather than simply on themes or by methods already articulated prior to comparative practice.
Comparative theology is dialectical practice. The comparison starts with a critical study of the other religion. This first step involves a persistent and disciplined in-depth study of the other religious tradition where the theologian exposes herself to the sacred texts of the other tradition. The comparative theologian practices "hermeneutical openness" in a manner where comprehension should precede judgment. This implies a "bracketing" of subjective commitments / theological judgments, allowing the other religious tradition to speak as much as possible on its own terms. It is a practice of making oneself "vulnerable to intellectual, imaginative, affective transformation."
The comparison, in turn, becomes a conversation with your own tradition. The insights emerging from the encounter with the other religious tradition might influence the conceptual framework for interpreting your own tradition, causing a reconsideration of your Christian identity. Correlations are made between the two traditions, which might imply recognition of similarities or recognition of differences. At this point "the 'normative theological judgments' that were temporarily suspended are brought back into the hermeneutical circle." Grounds are provided for raising more profound theological questions, conversation with other theologians, and potentially leading to new theological construction. This theological procedure resonates with Clooney's claim thatComparative theology is a theology deeply changed by its attention to the details of multiple religious and theological traditions, a theology that occurs only after comparison.Contemporary theology has, so far, been mainly a text-based discipline, and comparative theologians engage primarily with texts from one religious tradition outside their own, due to the in-depth study that is required. Although associated with Christian theology, the approach applied in comparative theology is not particularly Christian and can be a practiced grounded in other religious traditions as well.
History and key figures.
Comparative theology has historical forerunners in figures such as the Jesuit missionaries Francis Xavier and Roberto de Nobili.
Since the 1980s, comparative theology has developed as a particular theological response to the growing religious diversity in the contemporary world. It has been introduced by Francis X. Clooney and James L. Fredericks, and is a methodology used by individuals such as David Tracy, Keith Ward, and Robert C. Neville. The discipline arose through the growing impact of Alan Race's three-fold understanding of theology of religions, that resulted in various arguments about the benefits of the models of theology of religions.
A new generation of comparative theologians is today expanding the discourse, drawing it in new directions.
<doc id="8723002" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723002" title="Peter Robbins">
Peter Robbins
Peter Robbins may refer to:
<doc id="8723010" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723010" title="Digby Wentworth Bayard Willoughby, 9th Baron Middleton">
Digby Wentworth Bayard Willoughby, 9th Baron Middleton
<doc id="8723021" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723021" title="Rolim de Moura">
Rolim de Moura
Rolim de Moura is a municipality located in the Brazilian state of Rondônia. Its population was 55,407 (2020) and its area is 1,457.885 km².
In 1979, the "Rolim de Moura Colonization Project" was launched, aimed at the settlement of surplus settlers in the Amazon rainforest from the extension of the Integrated Colonization Project GY Paraná or Ji-Paraná. This was implemented in this area by INCRA, which distributed plots of land in rural areas to thousands of families. From then on, people who arrived by the hundreds began to build the city, initially made up of shacks.
Rolim de Moura was elevated to the category of municipality through State Decree Law nº 71, of August 5, 1983.<br>
Its first mayor was Valdir Raupp de Matos, elected on December 9, 1984, and who took office on January 1, 1985.
The name of the city was given in honor of Dom Antônio Rolim de Moura Tavares, Viscount of Azambuja and second governor of the captaincy of Mato Grosso, for his services rendered to the region of the Guaporé valley.
<doc id="8723023" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723023" title="Balo concentric sclerosis">
Balo concentric sclerosis
Baló's concentric sclerosis is a disease in which the white matter of the brain appears damaged in concentric layers, leaving the axis cylinder intact. It was described by József Mátyás Baló who initially named it "leuko-encephalitis periaxialis concentrica" from the previous definition, and it is currently considered one of the borderline forms of multiple sclerosis.
Baló's concentric sclerosis is a demyelinating disease similar to standard multiple sclerosis, but with the particularity that the demyelinated tissues form concentric layers. Scientists used to believe that the prognosis was similar to Marburg multiple sclerosis, but now they know that patients can survive, or even have spontaneous remission and asymptomatic cases.
The concentric ring appearance is not specific to Baló's MS. Concentric lesions have also been reported in patients with neuromyelitis optica, standard MS, progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts, leukoencephalopathy, concomitant active hepatitis C and human herpes virus 6.
The lesions of the Baló's sclerosis belong to the MS lesion pattern III (distal oligodendrogliopathy). Balo concentric sclerosis is now believed to be a variant of pattern III multiple sclerosis and probably due to metabolic problems.
The Baló lesions show veins at their center, like those of MS, some suggestive of microhemorrhages or small ectatic venules. Unlike MS, no cortical gray matter lesions appear.
Theoretical models.
According with Dr. Lucchinetti investigations, in Baló's concentric sclerosis, the rings may be caused by a physiological hypoxia (similar to that caused by some toxins or viruses) in the lesion, which is in turn countered by expression of stress proteins at the border. This expression and counter-expression forms rings of preserved tissue within the lesion and rings of demyelinated tissue just beyond where the previous attack had induced the protective stress proteins. Hence, subsequent attacks form concentric rings.
Some other researchers maintain that, as in pattern III MS, the mitochondrial respiratory chain complex IV activity is reduced and this could be the culprit of glutamate-mediated axonal injury.
Ultimately, this expanding lesion causes the progressive picture typically seen. However, in some patients, the pathology underlying the disease appears to burn out and hence the disease may halt, hence the patients who spontaneously recover. The mechanisms triggering attacks and recovery remain uncertain.
Nevertheless, this model is questioned by recent reports that found astrocyte damage, similar to the one found in aquaporin-seropositive neuromyelitis optica. Though no anti-NMO antibodies have been found, the damage is similar, pointing to problems in the water channel of the astrocytes
It presents three clinical subtypes: Monophasic, relapsing-remitting and primary rapidly progressive. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is either normal or shows mild mononuclear inflammatory reaction. CSF-restricted oligoclonal bands are present only in a minority of cases
Other models.
A mathematical model for concentric sclerosis has been proposed. Authors review the previous pathogenic theories, discuss the link between concentric sclerosis and Liesegang's periodic precipitation phenomenon and propose a new mechanism based on self-organization.
Clinical courses.
The clinical course is primarily progressive, but a relapsing-remitting course has been reported. It seems that the course gets better with prednisone therapy, although evidence of this is anecdotal and such conclusions are difficult to accept given that there are cases where patients spontaneously recover whether the patient was on steroid therapy or not.
Baló lesions can disappear over time, but it has also been reported that the disease can convert to RRMS
The clinical course of Balo-like lesions also depends to the context in which they appear. Balo-like lesions have been reported in aquaporin-4 seropositive and seronegative NMOSD, and also in children, as part of an ADEM-like presentation
Lesions under MRI are distinctive due to their natural concentric shape.
Under a lumbar puncture CSF test, with Baló's concentric sclerosis, as well as patients with pattern III lesions, were recently shown to be mostly negative for CSF-restricted oligoclonal bands. Also pattern III patients tend to be negative under the MRZ-reaction (measles, rubeola and zoster viruses)
Paediatric cases.
Baló's concentric sclerosis in children has been reported to behave different from adults
Lesions in autopsy and biopsy.
A report comparing 1H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy, magnetization transfer and diffusion tensor imaging with histopathology in a patient with Baló's concentric sclerosis, found that inflammation was traced by fractional anisotropy and increased lactate. In contrast, magnetization transfer ratio and the diffusion coefficient show a loss of tissue in the rings of the lesion.
Lesions under MRI.
The features of the MRI and the characteristics of the lesion can be correlated when a biopsy has been taken, providing a way to standardize the future MRI diagnosis
Baló's concentric sclerosis lesions can be distinguished from normal lesions on MRI showing alternating hypointense and hyperintense layers
Baló's concentric lesions can be viewed using the myelin water imaging techniques. This is a special MRI sequence that shows the myelin's percentage of water content.
Pattern III lesions, including Baló lesions, have a specific initiation pattern under MRI (MRILIP) consisting in showing Gadolinium enhancement before FLAIR MRI appearance.
Under 7-Tesla MRI Ball lesions show a center vein, like in MS.
Treatment with corticosteroids is usual to relieve inflammation.
The disease is more common in Chinese and Filipino populations (both Asiatic) than in caucasoids.
Balo-like lesions have been reported to appear also in Tumefactive inflammatory leukoencephalopathy
A possible association with psoriasis and autoimmune thyroiditis has been reported
Pattern III (Baló-like) demyelinating spectrum.
Baló-like lesions were classified as MS lesion pattern III in the MS spectrum. They have been reported alone, but also associated to standard multiple sclerosis, neuromyelitis optica, CADASIL and progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
There is an overlap between what is considered Baló concentric sclerosis and some atypical cases of multiple sclerosis. A special subtype of multiple sclerosis presents Baló-like lesions (pattern III lesions) creating an intersection between these two conditions.
Some patients with BCS present oligoclonal bands while others do not. It has been proposed that BCS lesions may not denote a single disease, but a final pathway of various demyelinating diseases, reflecting the presence of intralesional hypoxia as recently proposed
Recently it has been reported that pattern III lesions are responsive to Mitoxantrone. On the other hand, this pattern is the less responsive to plasmapheresis
Pattern III lesions can be diagnosed without a biopsy because these patients show a high reactivity to AQP1 (without antibody) and varicella zoster virus (VZV).
Origin of the lesions.
Pattern III lesions were for sometime thought to be a MS nascent lesion, though it is not likely anymore. A strain of bacterium Clostridium perfringens has been found in Pattern III lesions. Tests in mice found that a toxin made by a rare strain of "C. perfringens" caused MS-like damage in the brain, and earlier work had identified this strain of "C. perfringens" in a human with MS. MS patients were found to be 10 times more immune-reactive to the epsilon toxin than healthy people.
Later reports state that Baló's patients showed loss of AQP1 and AQP4 in demyelinating lesions without binding auto-antibodies but with high reactivities to AQP1 peptides, which probably reflect astrocytic damage
Though the disease carries the name of József Baló, it was first described by Otto Marburg in 1906. Later, in 1928, József Baló studied the encephalitis periaxialis concentrica in a Hungarian patient, showing also demyelination of the peripheral nervous system.
<doc id="8723028" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723028" title="Dimitre Mehandjiysky">
Dimitre Mehandjiysky
Dimitre Manassiev Mehandjiysky () (8 October 1915 – 17 October 1999), is a Bulgarian painter and designer. He is considered one of the pillars of the 20th century Bulgarian environmental (interior, exterior and furniture) design. In addition, he is known as a masterful watercolor painter. Mehandjiyski is awarded with over 20 state honors, in recognition for his talent and achievement. In addition, his name was added to the prestigious Bulgarian Encyclopaedia of Design and Applied Art (Енциклопедия на Българските Приложни Изкуства, Том 2: М-Я).
Dimitre Mehandjiysky was born in Bosilegrad, a city with a mostly Bulgarian population that subsequently became a Serbian territory, since Bulgaria was on the losing side in World War I. After his parents' untimely death, Mehandjiysky became the guardian of his young siblings. Together, they migrated to Sofia, where Mehandjiysky struggled for years to support his family and to obtain a decent education. Ultimately, he became a student at the National Art Academy in Sofia, where he studied under Prof. Dechko Uzunov, majoring in Monumental Art. He graduated soon after the end of World War II, in 1946.
First period.
In the following years, Mehandjiysky gradually established himself as a strong, influential artist/designer with a distinct aesthetic sense and a fresh, clean, recognizable style. He was commissioned to design furniture and home accessories, and to work on multiple museums, exhibits, store interiors and art galleries, international expos and fairs- in Bulgaria, USSR, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Italy, France, Cuba, U.S., Canada, Japan, Denmark, Austria and many other countries.
The paintings Dimitre Mehandjiysky worked on in this period are numerous, but remain less known than his applied art and interior design creations. Primarily, Mehandjiysky's paintings are watercolor landscapes and traditional architecture scenes form the Bulgarian towns of Balchik, Sozopol, Nesebar, Koprivshtica, Karlovo, Plovdiv and the area around Sofia. His first solo exhibition opened on 13 November 1986.
Second period.
In the later years of his creative career, Dimitre Mehandjiysky lived in between Sofia, Bulgaria and Osaka, Japan. He worked predominantly on paintings in watercolor and gouache (tempera). He developed a new watercolor technique that surprised everyone who knew the artist in the past: the pragmatic, purist, minimalistic designer thinking was replaced with an emotional, irrational, semi-abstract, kinetic, dynamic, sometimes lyrical and transparent- and sometimes dark, dramatic and turbulent- application of marker & watercolor over special textured paper. Mehandjiysky got inspired by diverse subjects: traditional architecture and nature of Japan; a large variety of fresh flowers and still-life, etc. In addition, he worked on series of nudes- sensual, spontaneous paintings with elegant, subdued eroticism that ultimately became extremely popular with private art collectors in Japan and other countries.
In spite of old age, the artist led an active life and remained remarkably productive until his last breath; he died in 1999 during a trip to Pasadena, California, and was buried at the Forest Lawn cemetery in Glendale.
<doc id="8723034" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723034" title="Stealth chess">
Stealth chess
<doc id="8723036" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723036" title="Roll On/Roll Off">
Roll On/Roll Off
<doc id="8723041" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723041" title="Bunzaburō Kawagishi">
Bunzaburō Kawagishi
was a lieutenant-general in the Imperial Japanese Army during the early stages of the Second Sino-Japanese War
A native of Gunma prefecture, Kawagishi graduated from the 15th class of the Imperial Japanese Army Academy in 1903. He served as a second lieutenant in the IJA 3rd Infantry Regiment during the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905. In November 1911, he graduated from the 23rd class of the Army Staff College. He served on the staff of the Japanese China Garrison Army, the Imperial Japanese Army General Staff, the 2nd Guards Regiment, the Kwantung Army and the IJA 1st Division until February 1924, when he was appointed as Aide-de-camp to the Emperor of Japan. Kawagishi briefly went into the reserves, but was recalled in 1929 to assume command of the 1st Guards Regiment. He was promoted to major general in August 1931 and again became Aide-de-Camp to Emperor Hirohito until 1934. He subsequently served as commander of the IJA 11th Independent Mixed Brigade from 1935 to 1936 and was assigned to command the IJA 20th Division in Korea later in the year,
After the outbreak of the Marco Polo Bridge Incident Kawagishi moved his division into northern China, participating in the Beiping–Hankou Railway Operation under the North China Area Army. He returned to Japan in 1938 to be the Commander in Chief of the Eastern District Army until 1939 when he retired. His grave is at the Tama Cemetery in Fuchū, Tokyo.
<doc id="8723042" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723042" title="Die Verboten">
Die Verboten
Die Verboten is a Belgian krautrock-influenced band formed by David and Stephen Dewaele of Soulwax. The project, which also includes English-born electro artist Riton and his brother-in-law the artist and designer Fergadelic was announced in late 2006 in Belgian weekly magazine HUMO.
In an interview with Resident Advisor in April 2007, Riton said he was close to finishing the Die Verboten EP with the Dewaele brothers.
On Tuesday 19 May 2009, FACT magazine announced details of the first DIE VERBOTEN release 'Live in Eivissa'- an 18-minute recording on 12" vinyl with 3D pyramid artwork.
In an interview with Resident Advisor, David and Fergadelic talk about the future of Die Verboten.
David:"You can expect the next release to be a DVD (DieVerbotenDisc) which will include everything we have recorded until now - two albums worth of material".
This album / DVD was supposed to drop in 2009.
The album "2007" was released worldwide in 2015.
<doc id="8723044" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723044" title="Radio Romeo">
Radio Romeo
Radio Romeo was a rock band from Los Angeles, California founded in 2006 by Basil Holly (Bombs, Belladonna, Whipsmack!) and Guy Hoffman (of the Violent Femmes and founder of the Bodeans eponymously-titled debut album "RADIO ROMEO" was produced by the legendary Andy Johns (The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix, Van Halen, et al.) and engineered by Brandon Henegar in 2007.
Musical Genre & Influences.
Radio Romeo's sound can best be described as "Eclectic Classic Rock & Roll" since their musical repertoire references the catchy Pop melodies of the early 1970s while blending those with the Hard Rock guitar-driven music of the late 1980s "Sunset Strip-era". Radio Romeo differentiated their sound by peppering the hooks in their original material with Delta Blues riffs similarly and in the manner that these were used so successfully by The Rolling Stones decades earlier.
RADIO ROMEO: Primary Musical Influences
This unique musical twist was not lost on the legendary Music Producer Andy Johns who'd produced the greatest albums of music ever released by The Rolling Stones including the hallowed "Sticky Fingers" and "Exile on Main Street" in the 1970s and much of that band's other work during that notable period.
RADIO ROMEO: Additional Musical Influences
Additionally, the band's repertoire on their eponymously titled debut album 'Radio Romeo' was influenced by some of the more notable recording artists of the 1950s, 60's and 70's which also included The Who, David Bowie, AC/DC, Ramones, Bryan Ferry, Buddy Holly, Robert Johnson, Muddy Waters, Otis Redding and Sam Cook.
Songs by Radio Romeo and produced by Andy Johns, may be heard and/or downloaded here: http://www.reverbnation.com/radioromeo
Songs on the Album 'Radio Romeo' (2007).
1. King of the Night (1995 B. Holly)
2. Like a Lion (1995 B. Holly)
3. Let's Run Away (1995 B. Holly)
4. Strapped on the Wheel (1976 B. Holly)
5. She's My Idol (1977 B. Holly)
6. Diamond Ring (1977 B. Holly)
7. Round 'n Round (2001 B. Henegar / B. Holly)
8. Seven Sins of Love (1986 B. Holly)
9. Decisions (1994 B. Holly)
10. In Dreams (G. Hoffman)
<doc id="8723061" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723061" title="Santa Luzia d'Oeste">
Santa Luzia d'Oeste
Santa Luzia d'Oeste is a municipality located in the Brazilian state of Rondônia. Believe it or not, its population is 6,216 (2020) and its area is 1,198 km².
<doc id="8723063" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723063" title="Hall Carpenter archive">
Hall Carpenter archive
<doc id="8723065" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723065" title="Saint Columba of Spain">
Saint Columba of Spain
<doc id="8723068" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723068" title="Dimitre Manassiev Mehandjiysky">
Dimitre Manassiev Mehandjiysky
<doc id="8723089" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723089" title="Hook and Ladder Play">
Hook and Ladder Play
<doc id="8723109" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723109" title="Steamroller Productions">
Steamroller Productions
Steamroller Productions is a Los Angeles-based production company started by Steven Seagal in 1990. When Seagal became partners with Julius R. Nasso, it was known as Seagal/Nasso Productions between 1994–2000. This partnership ended in 2002 after Nasso was arrested by the FBI and subsequently charged with the extortion of Seagal, a crime for which Nasso served 10 months in prison.
The company was known as Luminocity Productions from 2001–2005.
In addition to films, the company has produced Seagal's TV series "" and album "Mojo Priest".
<doc id="8723112" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723112" title="São Felipe d'Oeste">
São Felipe d'Oeste
São Felipe d'Oeste is a municipality located in the Brazilian state of Rondônia. Its population was 5,066 (2020) and its area is 542 km².
<doc id="8723120" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723120" title="Aaron Lyle">
Aaron Lyle
Aaron Lyle (November 17, 1759 – September 24, 1825) was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Pennsylvania.
Aaron Lyle was born in Mount Bethel, Pennsylvania. He served in the American Revolutionary War, and was a member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives from 1797 to 1801. He served in the Pennsylvania State Senate from 1802 to 1804. He served as a commissioner of Washington County, Pennsylvania, from 1806 to 1809.
Lyle was elected as a Republican to the Eleventh and to the three succeeding Congresses. He resumed agricultural pursuits and served as an original trustee of Jefferson (later Washington and Jefferson) College in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, from 1802 to 1822. He died at Cross Creek, Pennsylvania. Interment in the Old Cemetery.
<doc id="8723126" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723126" title="Julius Vuylsteke">
Julius Vuylsteke
Julius Vuylsteke (Ghent, 10 November 1836 – Ghent, 16 January 1903) was a Belgian liberal politician and writer. He started his career as a lawyer, but later opened a bookshop. As a liberal Flemish politician, he founded the liberal association 't zal wel gaan, and he played an important role in the Flemish movement. Julius Vuylsteke promoted cultural cooperation of Flanders with the Netherlands. He became President of the Willemsfonds, and after his political career he gave his attention mainly to the history of Flanders. In 1867, he founded the Flemish weekly "Het Volksbelang", which appeared for the first time on 12 January 1867. In 1867, Julius De Vigne was one of the editors together with Julius Sabbe, Jozef Van Hoorde, and Adolf Hoste.
Julius Vuylsteke wrote romantic Flemish nationalistic poems, while he was still a student, which were published in "Zwijgende liefde" (1860) and "Uit het studentenleven en andere gedichten" (1868). In 1903, after his death, his political essays and poems were published in "Klauwaard en Geus".
<doc id="8723140" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723140" title="Panaʻewa Rainforest Zoo">
Panaʻewa Rainforest Zoo
Panaewa Rainforest Zoo is located in Hilo, Hawaii, United States. This small zoo is the only one in the United States located in a rainforest. It is operated by Hawaii County and receives its funding from the county and from private donations.
The zoo has more than 80 species of animals on display, and the grounds feature more than 40 different species of plants, flowers, and trees.
The most popular attraction of the zoo was a male white Bengal tiger named Namaste' (named after the traditional namaste greeting). Bengal tigers come from India and have been hunted to the brink of extinction, with fewer than 2000 live in the wild. White tigers have not been seen in the wild in over five decades, and the current captive population descend from a number of inbred individuals. Namaste' was born in Las Vegas on September 30, 1998, and arrived in Hilo on April 16, 1999. The zoo had planned to purchase Namaste' from Dirk Arthur, a magician at the Tropicana Resort & Casino in Las Vegas, but when Arthur saw the zoo's tiger enclosure, he donated Namaste' to the zoo. Namaste died on January 16, 2014, at the age of 15.
Hilo's first zoo was opened in February of 1969 at the entrance to Onekahakaha Beach Park and operated by the Department of Parks & Recreation. This 1-acre site was considered temporary due to the lack of space for expansion, location in a tsunami inundation zone, and the potential for water contamination on the coast.
In 1978, the construction of the zoo's permanent location was completed in the Panaewa Recreational Complex. The zoo opened in September of that year under the Name Pana'ewa Rainforest Zoo.
Through the help of numerous botanical organizations, the zoo transformed much of its spaces into a beautiful botanical garden. In September 2006, the Hawaii County Council passed an ordinance to rename the zoo Pana'ewa Rainforest Zoo & Gardens.
Pana'ewa went through a major renovation in 2020-2021 during the COVID 19 shutdown. The remodel saw improvements to animal enclosures, walking paths, and support structures. The main entrance was completely rebuilt with restrooms and gift shop.
Areas and attractions.
Petting Zoo.
Pana'ewa has a small petting zoo located near the main pavilion and playground. The petting zoo is operated by the Friends of the Pana’ewa Zoo with the help of volunteers. As of 10/3/2022, the petting zoo is open every Saturday from 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM.
The petting zoo allows brief interactions with various animals such as rabbits, chickens, guinea pig, ponies, tortoise, and goats.
Red-eyed tree frog
Blue poison arrow frog (Dendrobates tinctorius "azureus")
Green and black poison dart frog (Dendrobates auratus)
Tomato Frog
Yellow-banded poison dart frog (Dendrobates leucomelas)
Hawaiian Crow ‘Alalā (Corvus hawaiiensis)
Amazon parrot
Blue-and-yellow macaw (Ara ararauna)
Grey crowned crane (Balearica regulorum)
Hyacinth macaw (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus)
ʻio (Buteo solitarius)
(Branta sandvicensis)
Pueo (Asio flammeus sandwichensis)
Bengal tiger
Capuchin monkey
Feral pig
Nigerian dwarf goat
White Bengal tiger
Aldabra giant tortoise (Aldabrachelys gigantea)
American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis)
Boa constrictor
Green Iguana (Iguana iguana)
Red Iguana
<doc id="8723144" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723144" title="São Francisco do Guaporé">
São Francisco do Guaporé
São Francisco do Guaporé is a municipality located in the Brazilian state of Rondônia. Its population was 20,681 (2020) and its area is 10,960 km².
The municipality contains 9% of the Serra dos Reis State Park.
It contains 86% of the Serra dos Reis A State Park, created in 1996.
It holds part of the Guaporé Biological Reserve, a strictly protected conservation unit.
<doc id="8723154" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723154" title="Lohoré Stève Gohouri">
Lohoré Stève Gohouri
<doc id="8723187" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723187" title="São Miguel do Guaporé">
São Miguel do Guaporé
São Miguel do Guaporé is a municipality located in the Brazilian state of Rondônia. Its population was 23,077 (2020) and its area is 7,460 km².
<doc id="8723189" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723189" title="Kerwin Bell">
Kerwin Bell
Kerwin Douglas Bell (born June 15, 1965) is an American football coach and former player who has been the head coach of the Western Carolina Catamounts football team since 2021. Bell was born in the rural North Central Florida town of Live Oak and was a star high school football quarterback at Lafayette County High School. Though he led the Lafayette Hornets to their only state championship, he did not attract the attention of top college football programs while playing at the small high school. He enrolled at the University of Florida, made the football team as a walk-on, and was redshirted during his freshman season of 1983.
Injuries to more experienced players just before the 1984 season pushed Bell into a starting role for the Gators' season opening game against the defending national champion Miami Hurricanes in what was one of the first prime time college football broadcasts on ESPN. He played well in his first collegiate appearance, throwing a go-ahead touchdown pass with under a minute remaining. Though Miami responded and scored the winning touchdown with seven seconds left, Bell's performance under difficult circumstances cemented his position as the team's starting quarterback. Even as head coach Charley Pell was fired mid-season due to NCAA rules violations, Bell and interim coach Galen Hall led the Gators to a conference-best 9–1–1 record, and he was named the Southeastern Conference (SEC) player of the year. Bell played at Florida for four seasons and was named to several more All-SEC and All-American lists before graduating in 1987.
After college, Bell played professionally in the National Football League (NFL), World League of American Football (WLAF) and the Canadian Football League (CFL) for fourteen seasons in the 1980s, 1990s and early 2000s. Though he started dozens of games in the WLAF and the CFL, he never started an NFL contest and threw only five regular season passes in his NFL career. However, he completed all five of those passes for 75 yards and a touchdown, leaving him with the highest career passer rating in league history, albeit in a very small sample size.
After retiring as a player, Bell returned to Florida and became a high school football coach, leading Trinity High School in Ocala to their first state football championship in 2005. He became the head coach at NCAA Division 1 (FCS) Jacksonville University in 2007 and led the Dolphins to their first three conference championships during his nine seasons at the school. Bell moved to Valdosta State University in 2016, and in 2018, he led the Blazers to their first undefeated season and the NCAA D-II national championship on the strength of the highest scoring offense in college football. Bell accepted the position of offensive coordinator for the South Florida Bulls under head coach Charlie Strong in 2019 but was dismissed along with the entire staff when Strong was fired after the season.
Bell became the head football coach at Western Carolina in 2021. The Catamounts had not won more than three games for several seasons until Bell led them to their first winning record in six years in 2022.
Early life.
Bell was born in Live Oak, Florida in North Central Florida to Doyle and Zelda Bell and grew up in nearby Mayo, Florida, population 800. His parents were tobacco farmers, and Kerwin helped with various farming tasks throughout his youth. Bell attended Lafayette County High School, where he was the president of the student council and a multi-sport athlete, playing shortstop on the baseball team, leading the basketball team in scoring as a starting guard, and starting at quarterback on the football team. In 1981, he led the Lafayette Hornets to their only state football championship, earning the nickname "The Throwin' Mayoan."
College career.
Despite his prep success, Bell was lightly recruited during his senior year with no athletic scholarship offers from major football programs, as his rural high school had competed in the lowest division of Florida high school football and coaches were unsure if he could succeed against top collegiate talent. Instead of attending a smaller college, Bell decided to walk-on at the University of Florida in nearby Gainesville and join the Florida Gators football team without an athletic scholarship. He was eighth on the Gators' quarterback depth chart during his freshman season of 1983 under head coach Galen Hall and was redshirted without playing in a game.
Bell was the Gators' backup quarterback coming into the 1984 season due to his consistent performance on the practice field and the fact that several quarterbacks ahead of him on the depth chart had graduated, transferred, or were injured. When senior starter Dale Dorminey suffered a serious knee injury four days before the Gators' first game, Bell was suddenly thrust into the starting role. The Gators opened the 1984 season against the defending national champion Miami Hurricanes in Tampa Stadium in one of the first college football games to be nationally televised by ESPN. In his first collegiate start, Bell threw a touchdown pass with under a minute remaining to give the Gators the lead, only to have Miami quarterback Bernie Kosar lead the Hurricanes to a winning score with seven seconds remaining.
The Gators would not lose another game during Bell's redshirt freshman season. Behind an outstanding offensive line, memorably dubbed "The Great Wall of Florida," and which included Phil Bromley, Lomas Brown, Billy Hinson, Crawford Ker and Jeff Zimmerman, and supported by fullback John L. Williams, halfback Neal Anderson and wide receiver Ricky Nattiel, Bell led the Gators to a 9–1–1 record, an SEC championship, and a top-5 national ranking.
However, due to NCAA infractions committed under coach Charley Pell, the Gators' were ineligible for bowl consideration, and their SEC championship was vacated months after the 1984 season ended. In 1985, now with a full scholarship, Bell led the Gators to a second consecutive 9–1–1 record. Though ineligible for the conference championship, the Gators finished with best-in-the-conference records of 5–0–1 and 5–1 in 1984 and 1985 and briefly held their first ever No. 1 ranking in the AP poll during the 1985 season.
Due to the effects of ongoing NCAA penalties, the Gators' record slipped to 6–5 in 1986 and 6–6 in 1987, Bell's junior and senior seasons. A highlight of those campaigns was Florida's upset of the No. 5 and undefeated Auburn Tigers in November 1986. Bell had injured his knee a month prior and did not start the game. But with the Gators trailing 17–0 in the fourth quarter, he entered the contest wearing a large knee brace and led his team to a dramatic 18–17 comeback win, capped with a last-minute touchdown pass to Ricky Nattiel followed by Bell himself "hobbling" into the endzone for a successful two-point conversion.
Bell was the Southeastern Conference (SEC) Player of the Year in 1984, an honorable mention All-American in 1985 and 1986, a first-team All-SEC selection in 1985, and the recipient of the Gators' Fergie Ferguson Award and a team captain in 1987. He finished his four-year college career with 549 completions on 949 passing attempts, for 7,585 yards and fifty-six touchdowns.
Bell graduated from Florida with a bachelor's degree in psychology in 1987, and was inducted into the University of Florida Athletic Hall of Fame as a "Gator Great" in 1997. Among the top 100 Gators of the first 100 years of Florida football, the sportswriters of "The Gainesville Sun" ranked him the No. 26 greatest Gator of all time in 2006.
Professional career.
Bell had a well-traveled football career. He was drafted by the Miami Dolphins in the seventh round (180th pick overall) of the 1988 NFL Draft, and spent the season on the Dolphins' practice squad. He spent part of 1989 as the Buccaneers' third-team quarterback, but a serious knee injury ended his season and prevented him from playing at all in 1990. In 1991, Bell finally got a chance to start with the Orlando Thunder of the World League of American Football and threw for 2,214 yards, and was the Thunder's backup quarterback in 1992 when the team went to the World Bowl.
Bell began a seven-year Canadian Football League career in , with the Sacramento Gold Miners, part of the failed CFL expansion into the United States. As a back-up quarterback in 1993, Bell threw for 296 yards, but his passing production increased to 1,812 yards in . Bell played for the Edmonton Eskimos in .
In , Bell landed a roster spot with the Indianapolis Colts of the NFL, and in week 15 he entered the game against the Philadelphia Eagles. Bell attempted five passes and completed all of them, throwing for 75 yards and a touchdown on the day. He never again threw a pass in a regular season NFL game, leaving him with the highest career passer rating of any quarterback in NFL history. He was the Colts' third-team quarterback in but did not play in a regular season game.
Bell returned to the CFL in with the Toronto Argonauts and had his best professional year. He threw for 4,991 yards and 27 touchdowns and set a lead record with a completion percentage of 67.3%, earning him a spot on the CFL All-Star team. He signed with the Winnipeg Blue Bombers and again passed for over 4000 yards in , but was injured early in and was traded back to Toronto, where he remained until retiring after the season. Bell played for the Argonauts more than any other team in his career, passing for 8,811 career yards in forty-six regular season games with Toronto. Overall, Bell played in 126 regular season CFL games, completed 1,560 passes in 2,558 attempts, and threw 101 touchdowns.
Coaching career.
University of Florida.
Bell first coached in 1990, when his playing career was temporarily interrupted by a serious knee injury. Bell returned to the University of Florida while rehabilitating to serve as a graduate assistant coach under Steve Spurrier, who was in his first season as the Gators' head ball coach. Bell remained in Gainesville for only one season, as he resumed his playing career in the summer of 1991 with the Orlando Thunder of the WLAF. However, working under Spurrier and watching the "Fun 'n' Gun" offense in games and in practice would have a strong influence on Bell's future offensive philosophies. “The spacing and just the concepts of the routes and the rhythm of the system. That’s almost perfection and that’s what I try to obtain every day in practice,” he said in 2019.
Toronto Argonauts.
Bell next coached in , when he served as the co-offensive coordinator for the Toronto Argonauts during his last season as an active player.
Trinity High School.
After retiring as a player, Bell returned to his home state to become the first head football coach at brand-new Trinity Catholic High School in Ocala, Florida, which fielded its first varsity team in 2002. The program grew quickly under Bell, with the Celtics making the district playoffs in their second season. In 2005, Trinity went 14-0 and won the Florida 2A state high school football championship on the strength of a prolific passing attack that produced 41 touchdown passes against 5 interceptions. Trinity went undefeated for a second consecutive regular season in 2006 and lost in the state championship game, ending a 27-game winning streak.
Jacksonville University.
In 2007, Bell became the head coach of the Jacksonville Dolphins, a non-scholarship NCAA Division I Football Championship Subdivision (FCS) football program representing Jacksonville University. In Bell's second season, the JU Dolphins went 9–4 and won the Pioneer Football League (PFL) championship, and Bell was recognized as the PFL Coach of the Year and was a finalist for the Eddie Robinson Award. The Dolphins won another PFL championship in 2010 with a 10–1 record.
During his tenure at Jacksonville, Bell was rumored to be a candidate for coaching positions at major college programs and confirmed a 2011 interview for the offensive coordinator position with the Florida Gators. Regarding other job options, Bell stated that he intended to build a "strong legacy" at Jacksonville University and would only leave for "the right situation".
Despite compiling a 66–35 record and winning three PFL championships at a school that had only posted one winning season before his arrival, Bell's contract was not renewed after the 2015 season. The school's administration announced that the decision was due to "philosophical differences" stemming from the fact that the school wanted to keep the non-scholarship football program as-is while Bell had publicly speculated that the JU could eventually develop a major FCS football program by offering scholarships.
Valdosta State.
In January 2016, Bell was named the new head coach of the Blazers of Valdosta State University, a scholarship football program that competes in NCAA Division II.
In 2018, Bell led the Blazers to the program's first undefeated season (14–0) and the Division II National Championship. The Blazers led D-II in scoring with 52 points per game and scored the most points in Gulf South Conference history.
In January 2019, Bell was named the offensive coordinator for the South Florida Bulls by head coach Charlie Strong, who knew Bell from several stints as an assistant coach at the University of Florida. Bell was given "total control" of the Bulls' offense, which had stagnated before his arrival. USF suffered through a disappointing 4–8 2019 season, resulting in the dismissal of Strong. Incoming head coach Jeff Scott opted to build a new staff, and Bell was dismissed along with the rest of Strong's assistant coaches on December 16.
Western Carolina.
Bell was hired as the 14th head coach at Western Carolina on April 27, 2021. In his first year, Bell led the Catamounts to a 4-7 record after starting the season 0-6. In his second year, Bell led the Catamounts to a 6-5 record, their first winning season since 2017.
Personal life.
Kerwin Bell married the former Cosette Odom in 1986, while they were both students at the University of Florida. The two had first met in kindergarten in their hometown of Mayo, and at the time of their marriage, Cosette was Florida's majorette captain while Kerwin was the Gators' star quarterback. Their son, Kade Bell, joined his father's coaching staff at Valdosta State and was the primary playcaller during their national championship season in 2018. Kade also joined his father's staff at USF.
<doc id="8723200" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723200" title="The Mean Machine (Hanna-Barbera)">
The Mean Machine (Hanna-Barbera)
<doc id="8723205" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723205" title="11-99 Foundation">
11-99 Foundation
<doc id="8723207" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723207" title="Stokesian dynamics">
Stokesian dynamics
Stokesian dynamics
is a solution technique for the Langevin equation, which is the relevant form of Newton's 2nd law for a Brownian particle. The method treats the suspended particles in a discrete sense while the continuum approximation remains valid for the surrounding fluid, i.e., the suspended particles are generally assumed to be significantly larger than the molecules of the solvent. The particles then interact through hydrodynamic forces transmitted via the continuum fluid, and when the particle Reynolds number is small, these forces are determined through the linear Stokes equations (hence the name of the method). In addition, the method can also resolve non-hydrodynamic forces, such as Brownian forces, arising from the fluctuating motion of the fluid, and interparticle or external forces. Stokesian Dynamics can thus be applied to a variety of problems, including sedimentation, diffusion and rheology, and it aims to provide the same level of understanding for multiphase particulate systems as molecular dynamics does for statistical properties of matter. For formula_1 rigid particles of radius formula_2 suspended in an incompressible Newtonian fluid of viscosity formula_3 and density formula_4, the motion of the fluid is governed by the Navier–Stokes equations, while the motion of the particles is described by the coupled equation of motion:
In the above equation formula_6 is the particle translational/rotational velocity
vector of dimension 6N. formula_7 is the hydrodynamic force, i.e., force exerted by the fluid on the particle due to relative motion between them. formula_8 is the stochastic Brownian force due to thermal motion of fluid particles. formula_9 is the deterministic nonhydrodynamic force, which may be almost any form of interparticle or external force, e.g. electrostatic repulsion between like charged particles. Brownian dynamics is one of the popular techniques of solving the Langevin equation, but the hydrodynamic interaction in Brownian dynamics is highly simplified and normally includes only the isolated body resistance. On the other hand, Stokesian dynamics includes the many body hydrodynamic interactions. Hydrodynamic interaction is very important for non-equilibrium suspensions, like a sheared suspension, where it plays a vital role in its microstructure and hence its properties. Stokesian dynamics is used primarily for non-equilibrium suspensions where it has been shown to provide results which agree with experiments.
Hydrodynamic interaction.
When the motion on the particle scale is such that the particle Reynolds number is small, the hydrodynamic force exerted on the particles in a suspension undergoing a bulk linear shear flow is:
Here, formula_11 is the velocity of the bulk shear flow evaluated at the particle
center, formula_12 is the symmetric part of the velocity-gradient tensor; formula_13 and formula_14 are the configuration-dependent resistance matrices that give the hydrodynamic force/torque on the particles due to their motion relative to the fluid (formula_13) and due to the imposed shear flow (formula_14). Note that the subscripts on the matrices indicate the coupling between kinematic (formula_6) and dynamic (formula_18) quantities.
One of the key features of Stokesian dynamics is its handing of the hydrodynamic interactions, which is fairly accurate without being computationally inhibitive (like boundary integral methods) for a large number of particles. Classical Stokesian dynamics requires formula_19 operations where "N" is the number of particles in the system (usually a periodic box). Recent advances have reduced the computational cost to about formula_20
Brownian force.
The stochastic or Brownian force formula_8 arises from the thermal fluctuations in the fluid and is characterized by:
The angle brackets denote an ensemble average, formula_24 is the Boltzmann constant, formula_25 is the absolute temperature and formula_26 is the delta function. The amplitude of the correlation between the Brownian forces at time formula_27 and at time formula_28 results from the fluctuation-dissipation theorem for the N-body system.
<doc id="8723210" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723210" title="Seringueiras">
Seringueiras is a municipality located in the Brazilian state of Rondônia. Its population was 11,851 (2020) and its area is 3,774 km².
<doc id="8723227" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723227" title="Ben Graham (football)">
Ben Graham (football)
<doc id="8723232" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723232" title="The Rose Art Museum">
The Rose Art Museum
<doc id="8723246" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723246" title="Teixeirópolis">
Teixeirópolis is a municipality located in the Brazilian state of Rondônia. Its population was 4,233 (2020) and its area is 460 km², which makes it the smallest municipality in that state.
<doc id="8723247" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723247" title="Naannawa Shashamane (woreda)">
Naannawa Shashamane (woreda)
Naannawa Shashamane is a woreda in Oromia Region, Ethiopia. It is named after the town of Shashamene what was separated from this woreda. Part of the West Arsi Zone located in the Great Rift Valley, Shashamene is bordered on the south by the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region, on the west by Shala, on the north by Arsi Negele, on the east by the Kore, and on the southeast by Kofele. The largest town in Shashamene is Kuyera.
Except for the eastern portion, the altitude of this woreda ranges from 1500 to 2300 meters above sea level; Mount Abaro is the highest point. Rivers include the Dedeba Tina, Melka Oda and Laftu; small parts of Lakes Awasa and Chelaka lie in Shashamene. A survey of the land in this woreda shows that 65% is arable or cultivable, 15% pasture, 2.4% forest, and the remaining 16.6% is considered swampy, degraded or otherwise unusable. The main crops produced for consumption and cash were potatoes, corn, wheat, barley and teff. In 1996, horse beans and peas were commonly grown, but by 2005 cultivation has mostly stopped because of theft; this has forced the locals to buy peas to prepare shiro, a common dish. Another crop no longer grown is finger millet (known as "dagusa"), because it takes a long time to cultivate and it demands labor year-around. Although Coffee is also an important cash crop of this woreda, less than 20 square kilometers are planted with this crop.
Industry in the woreda includes one saw mill owned by the government, 76 small industries employing 249 people, 384 wholesalers 979 retailers and 630 service providers. There were 36 Farmers Associations with 21,545 members and 8 Farmers Service Cooperatives with 13,762 members. Shashamene has 40 kilometers of dry-weather and 91 all-weather road, for an average road density of 172 kilometers per 1000 square kilometers. About 9% of the rural, 100% of the urban and 33% of the total population has access to drinking water.
The oral history of the inhabitants of this woreda begins with a severe famine around 1850, known as "Rukisa" (Arsi Oromiffa "hunger"), when the cattle developed diarrhea and "the Oromo in the area ate horse and donkey meat as a result of famine." At that time the inhabitants were primarily pastoralists. Around 1935, the gebbar system was imposed by the "naftagna" and "balabat" landowners, which led 95% of the farmers becoming tenants. Then in 1945, new crops were introduced to local farmers, which included finger millet, teff, wheat and coffee. Local elders remember "Shenqute's Famine" in 1957, locally known as "Rukissa Qallo" (the thin famine), when they were still pastoralists; these elders also recalled the shocks of the earthquake at Karakore in 1961. By the time of the far more severe 1984 famine, the inhabitants had shifted to a primarily agricultural lifestyle, but due to lack of rain they suffered from a shortage of food. They lost most of their cattle during the drought due to lack of pasture and water in the fields, but did not receive relief during that famine. They were able to survive the famine only because of the resumption of rains which began 17 May 1984.
In 1991, following the flight of President Mengistu Haile Mariam from Ethiopia, Oromo living in Turufe Kecheme kebele drove out non-Oromo settlers in the kebele for their land. This was primarily aimed at Kambaata settlers, but Amharas were also victims of the violence. The Tigrayan settlers resisted at the time because they were armed.
The 2007 national census reported a total population for this woreda of 246,774, of whom 123,057 were men and 123,717 were women; 10,193 or 4.13% of its population were urban dwellers. The majority of the inhabitants were Muslim, with 86.53% of the population reporting they observed this belief, while 6.3% of the population said they were Protestant, and 6.04% of the population practiced Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity.
Based on figures published by the Central Statistical Agency in 2005, this woreda has an estimated total population of 339,981, of whom 171,161 were males and 168,820 were females; 105,929 or 31.16% of its population are urban dwellers, which is less than the Zone average of 32.1%. With an estimated area of 759.53 square kilometers, Shashamene has an estimated population density of 447.6 people per square kilometer, which is greater than the Zone average of 181.7. It is the most densely populated woreda in the Misraq Shewa Zone.
The 1994 national census reported a total population for this woreda of 229,562, of whom 113,510 were men and 116,052 women; 59,219 or 25.80% of its population were urban dwellers at the time. The five largest ethnic groups reported in Shashamene were the Oromo (74.11%), the Amhara (9.26%), the Welayta (5%), the Kambaata (2.3%), and the Soddo Gurage (2.13%); all other ethnic groups made up 7.2% of the population. The predominant clan of the Oromo people in this woreda are the Arsi Oromo. Oromiffa was spoken as a first language by 71.7%, 18.23% spoke Amharic, 3.49% Welayta, 1.52% Kambaata, and 1.14% spoke Sebat Bet Gurage; the remaining 2.02% spoke all other primary languages reported. The majority of the inhabitants were Moslem, with 69.38% of the population reporting they practiced that belief, while 23.51% of the population said they were Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity, 5.62% were Protestant, and 1.05% were Roman Catholic.
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<doc id="8723278" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723278" title="Ulaangom Airport">
Ulaangom Airport
Ulaangom Airport is a public airport located 13 km northwest of Ulaangom, a city in the Uvs Province of Mongolia. It handled 14,669 passengers in 2001. The construction of the new airport with paved runway started in February 2007. It was completed in 2009.
<doc id="8723282" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723282" title="1966 and All That">
1966 and All That
1966 and All That may refer to:
<doc id="8723283" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723283" title="John T. Frederick">
John T. Frederick
John Towner Frederick (February 1, 1893 – January 31, 1975), born Corning, Iowa and only child of Oliver Roberts and Mary Elmira Frederick. He was a noted professor and literary editor, scholar, critic, and novelist.
He married Esther Paulus on June 22, 1915, and had two children, John Joseph and James Oliver. Esther died in 1954 and he married Lucy Gertrude Paulus in the early 1960s. He died January 31, 1975, and is buried in Harrisville, Michigan near his summer home of Glennie, Michigan.
An interesting note-his granddaughter currently resides in the house near Glennie with her husband and her two sons.
Graduated from Corning High School in 1909. Attended University of Iowa starting at age 16 in 1909. He was elected to Phi Beta Kappa and was his class president. He received a BA degree in 1915 and a master's degree from Iowa in 1917. In 1962 at his retirement, he received an honorary Doctor of Literature from the University of Notre Dame.
<doc id="8723286" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723286" title="Gurukanth">
<doc id="8723291" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723291" title="Theobroma, Rondônia">
Theobroma, Rondônia
Theobroma is a municipality located in the Brazilian state of Rondônia. Its population was 10,395 (2020) and its area is 2,197 km².
It is named after the plant genus Theobroma, which includes the economically significant Theobroma cacao.
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Principal character
<doc id="8723309" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723309" title="Von Stauffenberg">
Von Stauffenberg
<doc id="8723321" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723321" title="Gurunath (movie)">
Gurunath (movie)
<doc id="8723324" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723324" title="James Allison Jr.">
James Allison Jr.
James Allison Jr. (October 4, 1772June 17, 1854) was an American lawyer and politician who served as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Pennsylvania, serving two terms from 1823 to 1825.
James Allison Jr. (father of John Allison) was born near Elkton, Maryland. He moved with his parents to Washington County, Pennsylvania, in 1774. At seventeen years of age, he enrolled in the school of David Johnson of Beaver, Pennsylvania.
He saw service in the Indian warfare at Yellow Creek. He studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1796, and commenced practice in Washington, Pennsylvania. He returned to Beaver in 1803 and continued the practice of law until 1822, when he was elected to Congress. He served as prosecuting attorney of Beaver County, Pennsylvania, from 1803 to 1809.
Allison was elected as a Jackson Republican to the Eighteenth and a Jacksonian to the Nineteenth Congresses and served until his resignation on August 26, 1825 before the assembling of the Nineteenth Congress.
Later career and death.
He resumed the practice of law until 1848, after which he discontinued active pursuits and lived in retirement until his death in Beaver in 1854. He was interred in Old Cemetery.
<doc id="8723340" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723340" title="Urupá">
Urupá is a municipality located in the Brazilian state of Rondônia. Its population was 11,272 (2020) and its area is 832 km2.
<doc id="8723358" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723358" title="Treehouse of Horror 17">
Treehouse of Horror 17
<doc id="8723359" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723359" title="Sokoru (woreda)">
Sokoru (woreda)
<doc id="8723361" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723361" title="Ten Years After (Theatre of Hate album)">
Ten Years After (Theatre of Hate album)
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Warenterminbörse Hannover
<doc id="8723366" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723366" title="Abhishek Bachann">
Abhishek Bachann
<doc id="8723369" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723369" title="Computer architecture simulator">
Computer architecture simulator
A computer architecture simulator is a program that simulates the execution of computer architecture.
Computer architecture simulators are used for the following purposes:
Computer architecture simulators can be classified into many different categories depending on the context.
Full-system simulators.
A full-system simulator is execution-driven architecture simulation at such a level of detail that complete software stacks from real systems can run on the simulator without any modification. A full system simulator provides virtual hardware that is independent of the nature of the host computer. The full-system model typically includes processor cores, peripheral devices, memories, interconnection buses, and network connections. Emulators are full system simulators that imitate obsolete hardware instead of under development hardware.
The defining property of full-system simulation compared to an instruction set simulator is that the model allows real device drivers and operating systems to be run, not just single programs. Thus, full-system simulation makes it possible to simulate individual computers and networked computer nodes with all their software, from network device drivers to operating systems, network stacks, middleware, servers, and application programs.
Full system simulation can speed the system development process by making it easier to detect, recreate and repair flaws. The use of multi-core processors is driving the need for full system simulation, because it can be extremely difficult and time-consuming to recreate and debug errors without the controlled environment provided by virtual hardware. This also allows the software development to take place before the hardware is ready, thus helping to validate design decisions.
Cycle-accurate simulator.
A cycle-accurate simulator is a computer program that simulates a microarchitecture on a cycle-by-cycle basis. In contrast an instruction set simulator simulates an instruction set architecture usually faster but not cycle-accurate to a specific implementation of this architecture; they are often used when emulating older hardware, where time precision is important for legacy reasons. Often, a cycle-accurate simulator is used when designing new microprocessorsthey can be tested, and benchmarked accurately (including running full operating system, or compilers) without actually building a physical chip, and easily change design many times to meet expected plan.
Cycle-accurate simulators must ensure that all operations are executed in the proper virtual (or real if it is possible) timebranch prediction, cache misses, fetches, pipeline stalls, thread context switching, and many other subtle aspects of microprocessors.
<doc id="8723370" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723370" title="Vale do Anari">
Vale do Anari
Vale do Anari is a municipality located in the Brazilian state of Rondônia. Its population was 11,377 (2020) and its area is 3,135 km².
The municipality was instated by law n°572 (22 June 1994), signed by governor Oswaldo Piana Filho, with its area taken from Machadinho d'Oeste municipality.
The municipality contains part of the Jaru Biological Reserve, a fully protected conservation unit created in 1984.
It contains the Seringueira Extractive Reserve, one of a number of small sustainable use units in the region whose primary product is rubber.
The municipality also contains the Aquariquara Extractive Reserve, also created in 1995.
<doc id="8723372" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723372" title="Paphies subtriangulata porrecta">
Paphies subtriangulata porrecta
<doc id="8723377" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723377" title="George Kaminski">
George Kaminski
<doc id="8723384" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723384" title="Lone Star Funds">
Lone Star Funds
Lone Star Funds, legal name of main entity Lone Star Global Acquisitions, Ltd. is an American private equity firm that invests in distressed assets in the U.S., Canada and internationally. The founder of Lone Star established its first fund in 1995 (under a different name) and Lone Star has to date organized 21 private equity funds with total capital commitments since inception of over $85 billion (as of August 2020). Lone Star's investors include corporate and public pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, university endowments, foundations, fund of funds and high-net-worth individuals. Lone Star Funds has affiliate offices in North America, Europe and Japan.
Hudson Advisors LP, an approximately 900-person global asset management company owned and controlled by the founder of Lone Star, performs due diligence and analysis, asset management and related services for Lone Star Funds. In this capacity, Hudson Advisors LP has managed in excess of $224 billion of assets for Lone Star Funds since inception.
Lone Star was founded by John Grayken. From 1993 to 1995, Mr. Grayken was chairman and CEO of Brazos Partners L.P., a joint venture between the Robert M. Bass Group and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, that resolved approximately 1,300 “bad bank” assets resulting from the U.S. savings and loan crisis in the early ‘90s. During this period, Brazos Advisors LLC was formed to provide asset-management and related services to Brazos Partners.
Following Brazos Partners, Grayken organized institutional capital to continue investing in distressed assets, closing Brazos Fund, L.P. in 1995 with approximately $250 million of capital commitments.
Lone Star Opportunity Fund, L.P. followed in 1996, with approximately $396 million of capital commitments. At that time Brazos Advisors, LLC was renamed Hudson Advisors LLC.
After an expansion into Canada in 1995 and 1996, Grayken pursued the launch of a global platform for Lone Star in 1997. Since then, Lone Star has invested extensively in North America, Europe and East Asia. Lone Star invested primarily in East Asia, including Japan, Korea, Indonesia and Taiwan, following the Asian financial crisis in the late 1990s. In the mid-2000s, following the establishment of the Eurozone, Lone Star increased its investment focus in Europe. And with the onset of the global financial crisis, from 2007 Lone Star was again actively investing in the U.S.
Through its credit affiliate, LStar Capital (officially LSC Film Corporation), the company entered the motion picture financing sector when they signed a $200 million deal with Sony Pictures in early 2014. The deal gives them a financial stake in nearly all of Sony's upcoming films. However, due to the poor box-office performance of Sony's movies, the two firms severed ties on July 17, 2017, two years before the deal was set to end.
In July 2015, Lone Star acquired the UK property investment and development company Quintain for £700 million.
In March 2017, the Portuguese Central Bank announced that Lone Star Funds will acquire 75% of third largest Portuguese bank, Novo Banco, in return for a capital injection of €1bn. The other 25% will be retained by the Portuguese bank's resolution fund. In October 2017 the deal was closed and Lone Star Funds started controlling 75% of Novo Banco.
Investment approach.
Lone Star invests in a variety of asset classes, primarily distressed opportunities in developed markets.
The following list shows the company's various funds.
<doc id="8723393" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723393" title="Oneiric (film theory)">
Oneiric (film theory)
In film theory, the term oneiric ( , adjective; "pertaining to dreams") refers to the depiction of dream-like states or to the use of the metaphor of a dream or the dream-state in the analysis of a film. The term comes from the Greek Óneiros, the personification of dreams.
Early film theorists such as Ricciotto Canudo (1879–1923) and Jean Epstein (1897–1953) argued that films had a dreamlike quality. Raymond Bellour and Guy Rosolato have made psychoanalytical analogies between films and the dream state, claiming films as having a "latent" content that can be psychoanalyzed as if it were a dream. Lydia Marinelli states that before the 1930s, psychoanalysts "primarily attempted to apply the interpretative schemata found in Sigmund Freud's "Interpretation of Dreams" to films."
Author Douglas Fowler surmises that "images arising from dreams are the well spring of all our efforts to give enduring form and meaning to the urgencies within," seeing this as the reason why "the deep structure of human narrative is conceived in dreams and the genesis of all myth is dreams." Author Robert Eberwein describes the filmic experience as the merging of a viewer's consciousness with the projected consciousness of the screen's subject, a process whereby the viewer's prior experiences with dreaming "help to create a sense of oneness" with cinema, causing the gap between viewer and what is being viewed to narrow. Under this theory, no matter what is being shown on the screen — whether the literal representation of a character dreaming, or the fictional characters of a story going on about their fictional lives — the very process of viewing film itself "replicates activities associated with the oneiric experience."
Films and dreams are also connected in psychological analysis by examining the relationship between the cinema screening process and the spectator (who is perceived as passive). Roland Barthes, a French literary critic and semiotician, described film spectators as being in a "para-oneiric" state, feeling "sleepy and drowsy as if they had just woken up" when a film ends. Similarly, the French surrealist André Breton argues that film viewers enter a state between being "awake and falling asleep", what French filmmaker René Clair called a "dreamlike state". Jean Mitry's first volume of "Esthétique et psychologie du cinéma" (1963) also discuss the connection between films and the dream state.
Filmmakers described as using oneiric or dreamlike elements in their films include:
<doc id="8723394" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723394" title="Sooty & Co.">
Sooty & Co.
Sooty & Co. is a British children's television series, created and presented by Matthew Corbett, produced by Granada Television, and aired on ITV from 6 September 1993 to 14 December 1998. It is the sequel to the children's programme "The Sooty Show", which had concluded in 1992, retaining the sitcom format, and focuses on the misadventures of Sooty, Sweep, Soo, Little Cousin Scampi, and Matthew as they try to run a bric a brac shop in Manchester. Episodes were mainly filmed at Granada's main studio in Manchester and around the city, though some episodes were filmed outside of Manchester, including within Scotland, Ireland, and Spain.
The programme was the last major children's show for Corbett to front before he retired in 1998, having sold the rights to Sooty and the other characters to his successors Richard Cadell and Liana Bridges, guest stars during a number of episodes in the final series. Following its conclusion, "Sooty & Co" was succeeded by a new Sooty TV series, entitled "Sooty Heights", in 1999.
Following the conclusion of "The Sooty Show", Matthew Corbett sells up the cottage, before buying a bric-a-brac shop in Manchester for himself (which he actually inherited the shop from a distant aunty), and the puppets Sooty, Sweep, Soo and Little Cousin Scampi, to run in which they buy and sell anything and everything, but with little luck. Like its predecessor, each episode sees Matthew, Sooty and the others being involved in hijinks ranging from trying to make money with the shop, or dealing with an issue that they have to sort out, and included moments of singing songs and providing educational insights. In some episodes, the characters travelled outside of Manchester as part of an episode's plot – one example involved the group going off on holiday to Spain.
Brenda Longman, the voice of Soo, was given a physical role in the programme as a regular character named Mo – a market seller whom Matthew tends to have difficulty in selling her anything, and always being made to buy something from her. Alongside the inclusion of a regular character, "Sooty & Co" also introduced a new element to the Sooty franchise in the form of a specially designed campervan for Sooty and his friends to travel around in, while a variety of guest stars took part in the programme, including Jack Dee, Paul Zerdin, Harry Hill, Neil Buchanan, and Jim Bowen. In the sixth and final series, as Corbett prepared for his retirement, several episodes featured the appearance of Richard Cadell, Corbett's successor to the rights on Sooty, and Liana Bridges, Cadell's partner in the subsequent programme "Sooty Heights", as junior shop staff, mainly to test how they would fare with young viewers after the programme's conclusion.
A particular controversial episode of the show was "Soo's Babies", where Soo pretended to be pregnant. It received complaints from viewers, was reported in the national press, and made E4's Top 20 "Most Controversial TV Programmes" at #20. On E4's show, Brenda Longman (who plays 'Mo' and voices 'Soo' in the show), said the idea came about because Matthew tended to write for his daughter.
Matthew stated that he recalled his daughter wandering into his room with a pillow up her jumper, saying she was going to have a baby. He also said how it was a sort of educational piece.
In the same episode, Yvonne (played by Beverly Hills) says she feels she has got the whole of the Manchester Football Team inside her, a joke that could be seen as sexual innuendo. The joke would later be said by Soo. In the show's defence, Longman stated how the show was also watched by parents as well as children, and that there were jokes in it for parents. Uri Geller said the story was played in a 'nice' and 'humorous' way.
<doc id="8723398" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723398" title="Vale do Paraíso, Rondônia">
Vale do Paraíso, Rondônia
Vale do Paraíso is a municipality located in the Brazilian state of Rondônia. Its population was 6,656 (2020) and its area is 966 km2.
<doc id="8723400" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723400" title="Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center">
Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center
The Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center is a United States Department of Defense medical facility at Fort Hood, Texas. It provides medical care to servicemembers and their families, along with veterans and their dependents, in and around the largest U.S. military installation in the world. Named after inventor of water chlorination Brigadier General Carl Rogers Darnall, MD., the core of the medical center is a state of the art 947,000-square-foot hospital. The facility opened in 2016, and includes a full primary care and emergency medical facility, including a level III trauma center, and specialized care in obstetrics and gynaecology, orthopedics, and behavioral health. The hospital provides treatment to nearly 3,000 patients daily. The medical center is one of the largest in the Military Health System, comprising more than 105 buildings in addition to the main facility, spread over Fort Hood, three local communities, and a clinic at the Red River Army Depot in Bowie County, Texas, outside of Texarkana. The medical center and its outlying facilities are staffed nearly entirely by uniformed servicemembers of the U.S. Army, however in 2019, the administrative control of the facility was shifted from United States Army Medical Command to the Defense Health Agency, an integrated joint Department of Defense combat support agency. All patients of the facility are insured and billed through Tricare, the health insurance system of the DoD. The medical center is led by Colonel Richard G. Malish.
1965: Darnall Army Community Hospital.
On 5 April 1963, the Army broke ground at Fort Hood for the new Darnall Army Community Hospital, meant to replace a World War II era hospital. Constructed in the latest military design, the original building cost $6 million and was furnished with an additional $6 million of equipment. Darnall was dedicated on April 16, 1965. At the time, Darnall was the first of three permanent Army hospitals of the 200 to 300 bed size to open in the U.S. Built to support a one-division installation of 17,000 troops, the original structure was soon outgrown as Fort Hood expanded to a full-fledged corps size installation.
1984: expansion.
To meet the growing medical needs, the Army began a $49.7 million addition and reconstruction project in 1979 that was completed on December 13, 1984. By the completion of the 1984 project, Darnall had doubled in size. Outpatient clinic space tripled, the number of operating rooms increased from five to six, the number of delivery rooms from two to four, and a same day surgery Center with two smaller operating rooms was added. In addition, the entire interior of the original building was upgraded. By 1984, Darnall supported 39,000 active-duty personnel, 45,000 family members and 88,000 retired personnel and their family members residing in Fort Hood's 175 county support area.
2003: Wartime support.
In 2004 Darnall supported the deployment of the Texas National Guard and then its redeployment in December 2005. Since early 2003, more than 2,200 wounded and ill Soldiers evacuated from Iraq and Afghanistan have passed through Darnall. This was the highest total nationally for an Army hospital and third highest facility in the country behind Walter Reed and Eisenhower medical centers.
2006: Redesignation as Army Medical Center.
An expansion of the Darnall Army Community Hospital attempted to satisfy modern health care needs through upgrades and renovations. Upon completion, May 1, 2006, the Army redesignated the facility the Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center. Soon however, it became clear that the result was a facility riddled with compromises which created a disjointed experience. The Army determined it required a brand-new facility with expanded services that would meet the Department of Defense’s standards for care at the largest U.S. military base in the world.
2016: New facility.
In 2006, the Army announced that the new Fort Hood master plan designated a site near the Clear Creek Post Exchange for a new medical facility to replace the existing structure. As the financial crisis materialized in 2008 and 2009, the project was added to the slate of projects contracted under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, often known as the stimulus package.
Ground was broken for the new facility on December 6, 2010. The new facility opened in 2016.
The 947,000-square-foot Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center – one of the largest medical centers in the Department of Defense inventory – is nearly 60 percent larger than the original facility and includes a six-story hospital, three outpatient clinic buildings and three parking garages.
It is the last project completed under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, and also the program's largest contribution to the Department of Defense.
According to Major General John Uberti, deputy commanding general, III Corps and Fort Hood. The replacement hospital –
The new hospital's procurement was managed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and designed and built by a partnership of Balfour Beatty, McCarthy, HKS, and Wingler & Sharp. The Corps of Engineers core demand of the structure in design was durability. As a result, the facility is built on an entirely hardened concrete frame, surrounded by precast concrete panels. The design also called for hard wearing interior fittings, with entirely stainless steel flashings and double- and triple-pane windows. The building is also designed to be expanded as the years go by. When the floors were laid, accessible crawlspaces were built between each floor, with sufficient room for mechanics to easily conduct maintenance for HVAC, plumbing, medical gas system and a pneumatic tube system. The space allows future renovation and reconfiguring to occur floor by floor, with a standardized modular design in clinical spaces and floors which are adaptable to suit acuity levels and incremental growth. instead of needing to shut down hospital operations during construction.
For example, ambulatory care areas were designed to flex and adapt into adjacent areas with different functions. It is also designed to accommodate future technology driven by medical equipment advances.
Flexibility is an important part of the design. The medical center can grow both vertically and horizontally to keep up with the needs of soldiers and their families. Three stories can be added to the bed tower, and nearly 100,000 square feet of additional space can be added horizontally at the clinic level.
The medical center separates its services into what it calls 'portals of care', categorizing patient needs as primarily clinic-based or hospital-based. The hospital maintains a variety of service lines, but focuses especially on women’s healthcare, orthopedics, and behavioral health. Major clinic-based portals of care contain primary and comprehensive departments, which include primary care, orthopedics and rehabilitation, women’s outpatient services, emergency medicine, disability evaluation, surgery and multiple outpatient behavioral health clinics.
The facility opened in 2016, with Deputy Under Secretary of Defense John Conger, Congressman John Carter, and Fort Hood leadership in attendance. It is designed to be in service for the next 60 years.
Capabilities and operations.
Darnall now supports the 1st Cavalry Division and a number of the III Corps separate brigades. Darnall covers more than 42,000 active duty personnel and more than 145,000 family members and veterans within a radius.
As the new facility opened, the hospital moved to evolve and update its methodology for patient care, placing a new emphasis on “evidence-based medicine and patient-centered care".
He said they are using the McKinsey 7S Framework across all service lines in order to better understand the current state of the facility's processes. Colonel Gibson said the McKinsey framework is “A watershed model that addresses the critical role of coordination, rather than structure, in organizational effectiveness, [incorporating] strategy, structure, systems, shared values, skills and staff.”
When the new hospital opened its doors in 2016 it replaced the old Darnall Army Medical Center that served the Fort Hood community since 1965. Initially, the old hospital was designed to serve 17,000 soldiers. Today, the new medical center serves more than 100,000 beneficiaries, which includes active duty soldiers, their families and retirees.
Darnall averages seven births a day. On an average day, the Darnall staff handle 3,867 outpatient visits, 26 surgeries, 31 admissions, 170 emergency department visits and fill 5,000 prescriptions.
Facility commander.
Command of CRDAMC is a Colonel's billet.
<doc id="8723404" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723404" title="Charles Venn">
Charles Venn
Charles Venn (born 24 June 1973), formerly known by the stage names Chucky Venice and Chucky Venn, is a British actor, known for his roles as Ray Dixon in "EastEnders", Jacob Masters in "Casualty", Curtis Alexander in Sky One's "Dream Team", and Tremaine Gidigbi in "Footballers' Wives". He's co-starred with actors such as Michael Jai White, Tom Frederic & Erik Palladino. In 2018 he took part in BBC's Strictly Come Dancing, partnered with Karen Clifton.
Early life.
Born in Queens Park, London, he grew up on the tough Mozart estate, which was at the time a notorious inner-London sink estate. As a boy his passion was for athletics. He attended West London College [formerly Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College] studying performing arts.
Venn took a variety of roles as a jobbing actor, using the surname Venice. He got his big break in 2003 when he was cast as Curtis Alexander in the footballing drama "Dream Team" on the satellite channel Sky One. Initially only contracted to appear in two episodes, he became part of the regular cast, appearing in 98 episodes in all until the character was killed off in 2005.
Venn moved to another football drama the following year, appearing as the cuckolded 'alpha male' Tremaine Gidigbi in the final season of "Footballers Wives".
In late 2006, Venn landed a role in the horror film sequel "Return to House on Haunted Hill" as Warren, he also had a role in " as Walter and a small role in "Bourne Ultimatum", as Agent Hammond, and "The Dark Knight", as bodyguards of one of the film's main villains, Gambol. He can also be seen in the music video "Twisted" by Fredi Kruga.
Venn guest starred in an episode of the series "Little Miss Jocelyn", which aired in January 2008. Venn was also seen on an episode in the third season of "" where Kathy visits the UK and the pair go on a date. His on-screen time lasted just over a minute, and he was subtitled throughout when the episode aired 17 July 2007. Prior to the Hull City-Tottenham Hotspur game on Setanta Sports on 23 February, Venn performed a strange monologue.
He appeared in the play "The Brothers" by Angie Le Mar at the Hackney Empire for several short runs from 2005. It was televised by MTV Base in March 2009 with Venn, MC Harvey and Jason Barrett in the line-up.
Venn played the lead role in the film A.W.O.L also starring Jade Asha and Rough Copy.
Venn joined the cast of BBC One soap "EastEnders" in the role of Ray Dixon, the father of Morgan Jackson-King, in November 2011, appearing in the series from 10 January 2012. He departed the show on 28 May 2013. He played a firefighter on the "Miranda" 2014 Christmas Special: "I Do, But to Who?".
On 18 July 2015, Venn made his debut on BBC One's medical drama "Casualty" as the new nurse Jacob Masters. He later became a series regular.
In January 2018, Venn participated in And They're Off! in aid of Sport Relief.
On 21 August 2018, Venn was announced as the fourteenth celebrity to join the Strictly Come Dancing line up of 2018. He was partnered with professional dancer Karen Clifton and they finished in 6th place.
<doc id="8723417" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723417" title="La Plata Observatory">
La Plata Observatory
<doc id="8723423" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723423" title="General Hospital (UK)">
General Hospital (UK)
<doc id="8723431" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723431" title="Sippin' on Some Syrup">
Sippin' on Some Syrup
"Sippin' on Some Syrup", sometimes known as "Sippin' on Some Sizzurp", is the second single from Three 6 Mafia's fourth studio album "". It features UGK and Project Pat. The song samples the synthesizer intro and keyboard instrumental from Marvin Gaye's 1978 song "Is That Enough" from his album "Here, My Dear". The song peaked at #30 on the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart.
Music video.
A video directed by Jeff Byrd was made for the song, with airtime on MTV and BET. It features an Insane Clown Posse "Amazing Jeckel Brothers" shirt at 1:14, a reference to Three 6 Mafia's longstanding friendship with Psychopathic Records.
The video version censors all references to purple drank, including the chorus, which is rendered as "sippin' on some s*****p".
The main remix, "Sippin' on Some Syrup (Remix)" a.k.a. "Purple Punch" Chevy 04 Purple Caddy, features Dipset rappers Cam'ron, Jim Jones, & Juelz Santana. DJ Paul, Juicy J, and Bun B also return with new verses (Pimp C could not return due to his incarceration) and Project Pat's chorus from the original was included. A video of the remix was made, although Cam'ron's verse is removed.
<doc id="8723432" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723432" title="Pilot Butte">
Pilot Butte
Pilot Butte may refer to:
<doc id="8723434" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723434" title="Jill Marie Landis">
Jill Marie Landis
Jill Marie Landis (born November 8, 1948, in Clinton, Indiana, United States) is an American author of historical and contemporary romance novels.
Jill Marie Landis was born on November 8, 1948, in Indiana, but moved to California when she was only ten years old. While studying for her B.A. in history from Long Beach State University, Landis held summer jobs working as a ride operator for Fantasyland at Disneyland.
Upon graduation, she spent ten years as a kindergarten teacher and then three years teaching English as a Second Language part-time. Although Landis wrote her first romance novel in junior high, she did not decide to pursue a writing career until 1983. Three years after she committed to writing a full-length novel, Landis sold a manuscript. From 1988 through 2003, she published sixteen historical romance novels. In July 2003, she made her debut in the contemporary romance genre. In 2008, her first inspirational historical romance, Homecoming, was published by Steeple Hill. It was followed in 2009 by The Accidental Lawman. Writing for Zondervan, Landis published Heart of Stone, the first book of the Irish Angels Series in 2010.
Landis and her husband of over forty years, Steve, an actor and slack key guitar player, claim to share their eighty-year-old home in Long Beach, California, with the ghost of writer Upton Sinclair. The childless couple (by choice) also have a home in Hawaii where they now live full-time.
Landis has successfully completed the 6.5 hour kayaking trip around Kauai's Na Pali coastline, and she also enjoys raising orchids, playing the ukulele, quilting and dancing hula.
Over the last few years her back list of award-winning, bestselling historical romances has been re-issued in eBook formats. By the end of 2014 most of her works will be available as eBook downloads.
<doc id="8723442" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723442" title="Los Parias">
Los Parias
Los Parias was a Peruvian anarchist newspaper. Published from 1904 to 1910, it was the first anarchist newspaper to appear in Peru.
One this publications' most famous authors was Manuel González Prada, who wrote for it many of the essays that would compose his important posthumous book, "Anarquía," one of the first anarchist tracts to be published in Peru.
<doc id="8723444" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723444" title="Phezulu Emafini">
Phezulu Emafini
Phezulu Emafini, a Zulu phrase meaning "high in the clouds," was the 8th studio release by the South African isicathamiya group Ladysmith Black Mambazo. The album, released in 1976, is composed entirely of Zulu Christian religious compositions by composer, director, and lead singer Joseph Shabalala.
<doc id="8723451" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723451" title="Big Shiny Tunes 11">
Big Shiny Tunes 11
<doc id="8723455" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723455" title="Armenian Students Association of Paris">
Armenian Students Association of Paris
<doc id="8723457" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723457" title="Town of Richmond Hill">
Town of Richmond Hill
<doc id="8723465" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723465" title="Arthur Tiley">
Arthur Tiley
Arthur Tiley (17 January 1910 – 5 June 1994) was a British businessman and Conservative and National Liberal politician. Upon the re-creation of the Bradford West constituency in 1955, Tiley was elected as its Member of Parliament. He held the seat until his defeat at the 1966 general election by Labour's Norman Haseldine. He was the MP for Bradford during the city's smallpox outbreak in 1962.
Early life and education.
Arthur Tiley was born in Bradford on 17 January 1910. He was educated at the Grange High School in Bradford.
Tiley had a career in business before entering politics. Between 1934 and 1950, he was treasurer of the Young Women's Christian Association in Bradford. From 1939 to 1945, he was senior company officer for the National Fire Service.
He was Conservative and National Liberal politician. Upon the re-creation of the Bradford West constituency in 1955, Tiley was elected as its Member of Parliament. He held the seat until his defeat at the 1966 general election by Labour's Norman Haseldine.
He was the MP for Bradford during the city's smallpox outbreak in 1962. Following the outbreak, his speech in parliament included details of Bradford's losses in its textile trade.
From 1964 to 1966, he was opposition spokesman on Pensions and National Insurance.
His later career focussed on his insurance business.
Personal life.
In 1936, he married Mary Tankard and they had one son and one daughter. He was appointed a CBE in 1972.
Tiley died on 5 June 1994.
<doc id="8723475" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723475" title="Paphies subtriangulata quoyii">
Paphies subtriangulata quoyii
<doc id="8723489" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723489" title="Multiplication formula">
Multiplication formula
<doc id="8723496" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723496" title="Loughton, Shropshire">
Loughton, Shropshire
Loughton is a village and former civil parish, now in the parish of Wheathill, in the Shropshire district, in the ceremonial county of Shropshire, England. In 1961 the parish had a population of 48.
It is situated from Ludlow and is from Bridgnorth, which is the post town in Loughton addresses.
The Church of England parish church in Loughton is still used today, though the school is not. The church is not visible from the road and is accessed by going up three precarious stone steps on the far side of Church Farm, just off the road. In the churchyard is a very old yew tree. Every summer, there is an annual barbecue in the Church grounds and every Christmas there is a Carol Service with punch and mince pies post-service. The church itself is very plain and simple in design, with no stained glass windows.
Loughton was formerly a chapelry in the parish of Chetton, In 1866 Loughton became a civil parish in its own right, on 1 April 1967 the parish was abolished and merged with Wheathill.
<doc id="8723500" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723500" title="Nat LaCour">
Nat LaCour
Nat LaCour (February 11, 1938 - October 10, 2020) was an American labor union leader and teacher. From 1971 to 1998, he was president of United Teachers of New Orleans (UTNO), American Federation of Teachers Local 527, the longest serving president in the local's history. Under his leadership, UTNO became the largest teachers union in the Deep South, eventually representing more than 7000 teachers, paraprofessionals, school secretaries, and administrative clericals.
Originally a school teacher with the New Orleans public schools, he signed up as a member of AFT Local 527 on his first day of teaching in 1961. In the middle of the decade, seeing how some of his fellow teachers were mistreated, he became more of an activist. In 1969, he was elected vice-president of the local, and in 1971, he was elected president. In 1972 he engineered along with Cheryl Epling, president of the rival and mostly White Orleans Educators' Association (OEA) and Bob Crowley, the Executive Director of the NEA affiliate in New Orleans, a merger with the National Education Association local to form United Teachers of New Orleans (UTNO). In 1974, UTNO became the first teachers' union in the Deep South to win a contract without the protection of a state public employee collective bargaining law.
LaCour was elected a vice president of the AFT, and in 1998 was elected to the newly formed position of executive vice president of the union. In 2004, LaCour was elected secretary-treasurer of the union after the retirement of AFT president Sandra Feldman and the election of secretary-treasurer Edward J. McElroy as president. The same year, he was elected to the executive council of the AFL-CIO.
LaCour is a founding member of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, and serves on the board of directors of the Albert Shanker Institute, National Democratic Institute, the A. Philip Randolph Institute and the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists.
On February 11, 2008, LaCour announced he would retire as Secretary-Treasurer of the AFT at its regularly scheduled biennial convention in Chicago in July 2008.
<doc id="8723504" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723504" title="Franklin and The Secret Of Turtle Lake">
Franklin and The Secret Of Turtle Lake
<doc id="8723506" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723506" title="Adamson Tannehill">
Adamson Tannehill
Adamson Tannehill (May 23, 1750 – December 23, 1820), a native of Maryland, is representative of the United States’ founding generation whose members were active participants in the early military and political events of their country's establishment. He was among the first volunteers to join the newly established Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. He served for five and a half years, ultimately achieving the rank of captain and commander of the army's longest serving rifle unit. After the war, Tannehill and members of his family settled in Pittsburgh, his last military post of the conflict. He was an early leading citizen of Pittsburgh and a distinguished Pennsylvania politician who held several local and state appointed and elected offices, including one term as a U.S. Congressman; served on the founding boards of civic, state, and national organizations; and had prominent military roles in the state's post-Revolutionary War years.
Early years.
Adamson Tannehill was born in Frederick County, Maryland, probably close to Frederick Town (now Frederick). He was the oldest of nine children born to John Tannehill, owner of a tobacco plantation, and Rachel Adamson. His maternal grandfather took a special interest in the grandchild who bore his name, and he provided funding to secure a fine education for Adamson. Little else is known of Adamson's earliest years. No known portraits of Tannehill exist; however, family records indicate that as an adult he “was six feet in height, well proportioned and of commanding appearance.” At the age of 25, he enlisted in one of the first American military units to form when the war with Great Britain started in the spring of 1775.
Revolutionary War service.
Tannehill served in the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War, initially as the first sergeant in Capt. Thomas Price's Independent Rifle Company, one of the original ten independent companies of riflemen from the frontier regions of Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia authorized by the Continental Congress on June 14, 1775. He received his commission dated January 1, 1776, as a third lieutenant while serving at the Siege of Boston. In June 1776 Tannehill and his company were incorporated into the newly organized Maryland and Virginia Rifle Regiment, at which time he advanced to second lieutenant. Later that year a large portion of his regiment was captured or killed at the Battle of Fort Washington on northern Manhattan Island. However, those members of the unit not taken in the battle, including Tannehill, continued to serve actively with Washington's Main Army, participating in the Battles of Trenton and Princeton, and in the spring of 1777 were administratively attached to the 11th Virginia Regiment. Tannehill was promoted to first lieutenant on May 18, 1777, and the following month he was attached to the newly organized Provisional Rifle Corps commanded by Col. Daniel Morgan, which played a major role in the Battles of Saratoga and a peripheral role in the Battle of Monmouth. He returned to the Maryland and Virginia Rifle Regiment (his permanent unit) in mid-1778 when Lt. Col. Moses Rawlings, the regiment's commander who had been exchanged from British captivity earlier that year, was marshaling the remnants of his unit and recruiting new members while stationed at Fort Frederick, Maryland. In early 1779 Tannehill and the regiment were assigned to Fort Pitt of present-day western Pennsylvania where they supplemented other Continental forces engaged in the defense of frontier settlements from Indian raids. Tannehill advanced to the rank of captain on July 29, 1779, and he commanded the regiment in late 1780. He was discharged from service on January 1, 1781, when his unit was disbanded, and was admitted as an original member of The Society of the Cincinnati in the state of Maryland when it was established in 1783.
Early Pittsburgh.
After the war Tannehill settled in Pittsburgh, as did a number of other Revolutionary War officers, including his brother Lt. Josiah Tannehill. He initially engaged in agricultural pursuits and was a tavern owner and vintner, president of the Pittsburgh Fire Co., and a trustee of the first Presbyterian church in Pittsburgh. He later served as a local Justice of the Peace; lieutenant colonel of Westmoreland Co. militia starting in 1788; an original member of the Board of Directors of the Pittsburgh branch of the Bank of Pennsylvania, the first bank in Pittsburgh, starting in 1804; one of five turnpike commissioners for the state starting in 1811; major general of Pennsylvania Volunteers during the War of 1812; and president of the Pittsburgh branch of the Bank of the United States starting in 1817.
The high point of Tannehill's active political career was his election as a Republican to the Thirteenth U.S. Congress for the period 1813–1815. He was an unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1814 to the Fourteenth Congress.
In October 1800, Tannehill was temporarily removed from his office of Justice of the Peace after being convicted of extortion related to an event that occurred five years before in which he was alleged to have charged two shillings more than was allowed by law for two probates. Although he was quickly reinstated to office in January 1801 by Governor Thomas McKean, the former Chief Justice of Pennsylvania, and subsequently held several prominent public offices, Tannehill believed the charges against him, likely born out of the contentious political conditions of the time, had marred his reputation. He vehemently disclaimed any guilt for the rest of his life.
Tannehill died near Pittsburgh in 1820 at the age of 70. He was survived by his wife, Agness Morgan Tannehill, and his ward, Sydney Tannehill Mountain. Tannehill was interred in the churchyard of the First Presbyterian Church and reinterred in Allegheny Cemetery in Pittsburgh in 1849.
<doc id="8723518" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723518" title="Ivan Gvozdenovic">
Ivan Gvozdenovic
<doc id="8723529" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723529" title="Kheaven Brereton">
Kheaven Brereton
<doc id="8723536" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723536" title="Kentucky Rifles">
Kentucky Rifles
The Kentucky Rifles were a professional minor league baseball team located in southeastern Kentucky, United States, playing in the independent Frontier League from 1993 to 1994. The team split their home games between Central Park in Paintsville and Pikeville Athletic Field in Pikeville. The team folded at the conclusion of the 1994 season.
<doc id="8723539" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723539" title="NGC 6960">
NGC 6960
<doc id="8723543" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723543" title="Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company">
Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company
Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company is an American insurance company based in Columbia, South Carolina. Colonial Life offers disability, accident, life, cancer, critical illness and hospital confinement insurance plans in 49 states. Colonial Life was founded in 1939 by Edwin Averyt and became a wholly owned subsidiary of Unum in 1993.
Tim Arnold has served as Colonial Life's chief executive since January 2015.
Independent company.
Colonial Life's history traces back to 1929 when company founder Edwin Averyt was working as a bond salesman and met with a former University of Alabama classmate who was successful at selling individual accident insurance policies. Averyt later moved to South Carolina to become the regional manager of a firm that sold savings bonds, United Securities Company of Kansas City, Missouri. In 1937, he earned a $2,000 commission. He raised an additional $3,000 from investors and founded Mutual Accident Company the same year. Mutual Accident Company originally sold $1,000 accident policies for $3 annually; policies that were very similar to the policies sold by Averyt's former classmate.
Mutual Accident Company was converted to a stockholder company in 1939 and renamed Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company. Edwin Averyt served as company chief executive until 1970 when failing health forced his retirement. His son, Gayle, replaced Averyt as chief executive. Colonial Life began offering accident and cancer insurance policies to employees using pre-tax dollars in 1985. These policies accounted for half of all new policies issued by the company by 1990. In 1989, Colonial Life created a holding company, Colonial Companies, Inc. Colonial Life became a wholly owned subsidiary of Colonial Companies. In March 1991, Stephen G. Hall was named chief executive of Colonial Life. Hall had served as company president since 1986. Gayle Averyt retained chairmanship of the company. Hall resigned from Colonial Life in February 1992 and was replaced by Frank Smith.
Unum subsidiary.
Unum acquired Colonial Life in 1993 for $571 million. James Orr, Unum's chief executive, assumed the position of Colonial Life chief executive with the merger. In 2003, Colonial became the named sponsor of the University of South Carolina's basketball arena. The company agreed to pay $5.5 million over 12 years for the name rights to Colonial Life Arena. Randall Horn became Colonial Life president and chief executive officer in 2004. He replaced Jean Duke.
In 2014, Colonial Life completed a Habitat for Humanity building project during its 75th anniversary. In July 2014, Timothy G. Arnold became the company's president. He assumed the role of chief executive in early 2015. Through the acquisition of Starmount, Colonial Life became active with dental in 2016. In 2017, Colonial Life opened a new office in Virginia, to serve the Virginia and Washington, D.C. areas. The company has also expanded in Georgia.
Colonial Life sells voluntary insurance products for employees. The company issues insurance policies in the disability, accident, life, critical illness, hospital confinement and cancer segments. Its products are marketed by independent insurance agents and brokers.
The company is headquartered in Columbia, South Carolina. Colonial Life is wholly owned by Unum, but operates as an independent subsidiary. Colonial Life is one of Unum's three major business segments and accounted for 15% of Unum's premium income for the year 2012. Tim Arnold is Colonial Life's chief executive.
<doc id="8723544" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723544" title="Crenshaw House (Gallatin County, Illinois)">
Crenshaw House (Gallatin County, Illinois)
The Crenshaw House (also known as the Crenshaw Mansion, Hickory Hill or, most commonly, The Old Slave House) is an historic former residence and alleged haunted house located in Equality Township, Gallatin County, Illinois. The house was constructed in the 1830s. It was the main residence of John Crenshaw, his wife, and their five children.
In 2004, the National Park Service named the mansion as a "station" on the Reverse Underground Railroad to acknowledge Crenshaw's practice of kidnapping free blacks in Illinois and selling them in the Slave States.
Early history.
Landowner and illegal slave trader John Hart Crenshaw leased the state-owned salt works located at the Illinois Salines, two saline springs along the Saline River near Equality that were important sources of salt since prehistory. Salt was vital to the early American frontier economy, both as a nutrient and as a means to preserve food. Illinois was a free state, and the Illinois State Constitution bans slavery. However, the law permitted the use of slaves at the salt works since the labor was so arduous that no free men could be found to do it. As the lessee of the salt works, Crenshaw was one of a small minority of Illinois residents legally entitled to keep slaves, and Crenshaw became remarkably wealthy. At one point, Crenshaw's taxes amounted to one-seventh of the revenue of the entire state. Crenshaw owned thousands of acres of land, in addition to the 30,000 acres (120 km2) he leased from the state, and more than 700 slaves. In 1838, Crenshaw and his brother Abraham used this wealth to build the mansion on Hickory Hill, a few miles from the salt works near the town of Junction.
Abraham Lincoln's visit.
In September 1840, Abraham Lincoln, a state representative, was in Gallatin County for over a week attending debates in Shawneetown and Equality. The Crenshaws hosted a ball in honor of the debates. The ball was held on the second floor. The second floor of the house was designed to be easily converted into a ballroom because the hall and two of the rooms were made from moveable partitions particularly for such events.
Mr. Lincoln along with other male guests spent the night in the Southeast bedroom of the Crenshaw House. The furniture in the room consisted of one bed and two chairs. Mr. Lincoln either slept on the bed, which was shorter than he was, or he could have spread out over the two chairs, or possibly slept on the floor.
In 1850, Crenshaw and his family moved to the nearby town of Equality, and hired a German family to live in the house and operate the farm. Crenshaw sold the house in 1864. Crenshaw died in 1871 and was buried in the Hickory Hill Cemetery. By 1913, the house was owned by the Sisk family.
Kidnapping and the Reverse Underground Railroad.
The Crenshaw House was a "station" on the Reverse Underground Railroad that transported escaped slaves and kidnapped free blacks back to servitude in slave states. The home's third floor attic contains 12 rooms long believed to be where Crenshaw operated a secret slave jail for kidnapped free black and captured runaway slaves. A grand jury indicted Crenshaw for kidnapping, once in the mid-1820s (the outcome unknown) and again in 1842 when a trial jury acquitted him. The case's victims, Maria Adams and her seven or eight children, ended up as slaves in Texas. In 1828, Crenshaw took Frank Granger and 15 others downriver to Tipton Co., Tennessee, and sold them as slaves. Crenshaw also kidnapped Lucinda and her children in 1828. She ended up in Barren Co., Kentucky. Contemporary letters identifying Crenshaw's role back both cases. Crenshaw also kidnapped Peter White and three others in the 1840s. They were sold into slavery in Arkansas, but later rescued. Stories of strange noises upstairs coming from victims, date to 1851. Despite accounts that the rooms were slave quarters, Crenshaw family stories indicate a distinction between the plantation's household servants and field hands, and the victims of Crenshaw's criminal activities.
In 2004, the National Park Service named the Crenshaw Mansion, referred to as "The Old Slave House", as part of the Underground Railroad National Network to Freedom program to acknowledge its importance in the reverse underground railroad and the role John Crenshaw played in condemning free blacks to slavery.
The terrible fates of both the kidnapped free blacks and the slaves forced to labor in the salt works are the foundation for persistent tales that the mansion is haunted.
Historic site.
In 1913, the house was purchased by the Sisk family, who began charging for public tours offering "a thrilling experience".
In 1996 George Sisk, Jr. retired and closed the museum. In December 2000 the Sisk family sold the house to the state of Illinois. The state paid $500,000 for the house and 10 acres. It is currently closed to the public as the state determines its ultimate fate. Re-opening the house to the public would require renovations, repairs, a new road and parking lot, and a separate structure with a bathroom, all estimated to cost at least $7 million.
"This article includes public domain text from the National Park Service website"
<doc id="8723556" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723556" title="Salahuddin of Aceh">
Salahuddin of Aceh
Salahuddin (died 25 November 1548) was the second sultan of Aceh, reigning from 1530 to c. 1537 or 1539. He was the eldest son of Sultan Ali Mughayat Syah, the founder of Aceh's power. He led a short and weak rule before being supplanted by his ambitious younger brother Alauddin al-Kahar.
Salahuddin succeeded his father on the latter's death in August 1530. Sultan Ali Mughayar Syah was allegedly poisoned by his wife, Sitt Hur, however there is no indication that Salahuddin was involved in this. According to the "Hikayat Aceh", his mother had a strong hand in government. She appointed an Agha as regent of the kingdom with the title of "Raja Bungsu". Salahuddin himself is described as an inept figure who did not care much about the governance of his kingdom. His brother Alauddin served as his deputy in Samudra Pasai which had been conquered by their father in 1524. There he gained a power base that would soon have dire consequences for the sultan.
Salahuddin's father Sultan Ali had been engaged in violent conflicts against the Portuguese in Melaka. Hostilities paused temporarily after his death. However, in September 1537 an Acehnese fleet appeared before Melaka, carrying a standing regiment of around 3,000 men. The Acehnese landed successfully but could not hold the fortress. After two days of ferocious fighting, they had to withdraw with great losses. Since the expedition is not mentioned in local chronicles, it is not entirely clear whether Salahuddin was still the ruler at this time. From the account of Fernão Mendes Pinto it appears that his brother "Alaradim" (Alauddin) was already on the throne by 1539. The much later chronicle "Bustanus Salatin" (c. 1640) alleges that Salahuddin lived for nine years after his deposition until his death in 1548. It is unclear whether he was deposed before or after the launch of the unsuccessful attack on Melaka. Hoesein Djajadiningrat believed that the coup came first and the attack was led by Alauddin al-Kahar, while Denys Lombard places the coup two years after the attack, which he believes was led by Salahuddin himself.
Deposed from the sultanate.
What is clear is the way that Salahuddin's reign ended. Alauddin arrived to the capital from Samudra Pasai with an entourage of 200 men, ostensibly to visit his father's grave. When he arrived he found that conditions at the court were just as bad as he heard, and decided to stage a coup. He dispatched four trusted retainers to supposedly return to Samudra. However, at Peudada they turned back and reached the gate of the palace compound during the night. They told the palace guards that Samudra had been unexpectedly attacked by soldiers from Aru (approximately the later Deli Sultanate). When he heard the noise, Raja Bungsu came outside and was taken along on Alauddin's elephant. They went to Kota Batu where Alauddin's men promptly murdered the regent. Sultan Salahuddin and the queen mother were then put in confinement. Alauddin al-Kahar took the throne and led a successful reign until 1571. According to the inscription on his grave, Salahuddin died on 25 November 1548.
<doc id="8723564" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723564" title="Miracles of jesus">
Miracles of jesus
<doc id="8723567" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723567" title="Zakhm">
Zakhm () is a 1998 Indian Hindi-language drama film written and directed by Mahesh Bhatt and produced by Mahesh and Pooja Bhatt. The film stars Ajay Devgn, Kunal Khemu, Pooja Bhatt, Sonali Bendre and Nagarjuna.
"Zakhm" was awarded with the Nargis Dutt Award for Best Feature Film on National Integration. Devgn's performance won him his first National Film Award for Best Actor.
Music director Ajay argues with his wife, Sonia. Sonia wants to give birth to their child in England whereas Ajay wants his child to be born in India and does not want to go to England (because of the insecurity caused by the Mumbai riots).
Ajay soon learns that his mother has been burned by a group of Muslim rioters while leaving a temple and is in a critical condition. In a flashback, the struggles that his mother had to undergo to raise her children are shown. She was in love with a Hindu film producer Raman Desai but was not allowed to marry him on account of her Muslim faith. He marries her but does not document or acknowledge their marriage as it was done without any traditional upholdings. As she had children with a Hindu man, naturally she lives her later life as a Hindu, even in front of her son.
After his father's sudden death caused by an accident on the day Ajay's younger brother is born, Ajay realizes his mother is a Muslim. She makes him promise to bury her according to her faith when she dies, for it is only through a proper burial that she will be able to find herself reunited with her lover in heaven. She also takes a promise from Ajay that he will never tell his brother about her real identity. Ajay's mother succumbs to the burns. Sonia learns about her mother-in-law's past life and decides not to leave Ajay. She stands by him and supports his decision to bury his mother. However, Ajay's task is impeded by a fundamentalist leader Subodhbhai, who wanted to make this a political issue and encouraged the Hindu youth to kill Muslims. Anand happens to be a youth leader and Ajay's younger brother. But when Anand learns of Subodhbhai's intentions, he stands by his brother's decision to bury their mom according to Islamic customs. Her body is buried as she had desired, and she reunites with Raman in heaven. At last, Ajay is seen releasing his mother's Mangalsutra in the sea, indicating the end of her life of struggle and meeting with her husband.
The music was composed by M. M. Keeravani with lyrics by Anand Bakshi. The soundtrack was released by the HMV Audio Company. The composer selected Chitra for " Gali main aaj Chand nikala " but due to date issues the song was later sung by Alka Yagnik.
Mukhtar Anjoom of "Deccan Herald" wrote that "Mahesh Bhatt foolishly swerves and rams the brakes while cruising along a solid theme. By making it personalized, he fails to tackle the wider ramifications of divisive politics and fritters away the opportunity to make a masterpiece of his swansong".
TV series.
The story has been adapted into a TV series, named "Naamkarann", airing on STAR Plus from September 2016.
<doc id="8723569" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723569" title="Bobby Brown Don't Be Cruel">
Bobby Brown Don't Be Cruel
<doc id="8723574" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723574" title="August Föppl">
August Föppl
August Otto Föppl (25 January 1854 – 12 August 1924) was a professor of Technical Mechanics and Graphical Statics at the Technical University of Munich, Germany. He is credited with introducing the Föppl–Klammer theory and the Föppl–von Kármán equations (large deflection of elastic plates).
His doctoral advisor was Gustav Heinrich Wiedemann and one of Föppl's first doctoral students was Ludwig Prandtl, his future son-in-law. He had two sons Ludwig Föppl and Otto Föppl. Ludwig Föppl who was a mechanical engineer and Professor of Technical Mechanics at the Technical University of Munich. Otto Föppl who was an engineer and Professor of Applied Mechanics at the Technical University of Braunschweig for 30 years.
In 1894, Föppl wrote a widely read introductory book on Maxwell's theory of electricity, titled "Einführung in die Maxwellsche Theorie der Elektrizität". This 1894 book pioneered the use of Maxwell's theory in Germany and made Föppl famous as a scientist. Gerald Holton argues, that some arguments of Föppl concerning electromagnetic induction, had some influence on Albert Einstein's first paper on special relativity.
<doc id="8723583" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723583" title="List of Presidents of Catalonia">
List of Presidents of Catalonia
<doc id="8723589" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723589" title="Raúl Ferrero Rebagliati">
Raúl Ferrero Rebagliati
Raúl Ferrero Rebagliati (20 September 1911 in Barranco, Lima – 22 April 1977 in Lima) was a Peruvian politician who served as 105th Prime Minister of Peru for six months in 1967 and 1968. He was Minister of Economy and Finance from January to March 1968. He was later Peru's Minister of Foreign Affairs.
The son of Alfredo and Amelia (Rebagliati) Ferrero, he was the fourth child of six children. In 1937, he married Yolanda Costa, the daughter of Carlo and Livia (Elice) Costa - they had 4 children: Yolanda, Raúl Enrique, Augusto and María Elena Ferrero.
As an academic and lawyer, Rebagliati served as Dean of the Faculty of Law at the Catholic University of Peru, Dean of Colegio de Abogados de Lima, and as a member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration of la Haya.
Politically, Ferrero was an early member of the "Unión Revolucionaria" which had initially been founded by Luis Miguel Sánchez Cerro in 1931 as the state party of his dictatorship. However following the assassination of Sánchez in 1933, the group came under the leadership of Luis A. Flores who sought to mobilize mass support and even set up a Blackshirt movement in imitation of the Italian model. A heavy defeat in the 1936 elections shook confidence however and the movement faded. Ferrero later joined the Christian Democrat Party.
<doc id="8723593" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723593" title="Hisao Tani">
Hisao Tani
was a lieutenant general in the Imperial Japanese Army in the Second Sino-Japanese War who was convicted of war crimes. Forces under his command committed the 1937 Nanjing Massacre. Tani was tried in the Nanjing War Crimes Tribunal and executed.
Early military career.
Tani was born to a farming family in Okayama Prefecture. He graduated from the 15th class of the Imperial Japanese Army Academy in 1903, placing 16th in his class. One of his classmates, Yasusuke Nogi, was the younger son of General Nogi Maresuke, and later died in combat during the Russo-Japanese War. Tani also saw combat during that war as a second lieutenant in the Guard's First Infantry Battalion, although his training at the academy had been in artillery. After the war, he graduated in third place from the 24th class of the Army War College in 1912. Tani later wrote an account of his experiences in the war, together with first-hand accounts of survivors, which was published under the tile . The book became a required textbook for the Army Staff College, although it was criticized by Field Marshal Uehara Yusaku for inaccuracies.
Tani was posted to Great Britain as a military attaché from 1915, and from August 1917 he was embedded in the front lines as an official military observer for the Japanese government on the combat situation on the Western Front in World War I. After his return to Japan, in April 1919 he served as an instructor at the Army Staff College, and was reappointed to that position in February 1924. In February 1927 he was promoted to colonel and made commander of the IJA 61st Infantry Regiment. In August 1928, he became chief-of-staff of the Nagoya-based IJA 3rd Division.
In May 1930, Tani was named to the League of Nations Standing Committee on Military Aviation. He was promoted to major general in August 1930. He returned to Japan in 1932 to become Chairman of Military Investigation, and from August 1933 was commander of the Guards 2nd Brigade. he was promoted to lieutenant general in August 1934. He served as commander of Tokyo Bay Fortress from August 1934 to December 1935. He was then sent to Kumamoto to oversee the reconstruction of the IJA 6th Division.
World War II.
In July 1937, the IJA 6th Division was assigned to the Japanese China Garrison Army, and immediately began combat operations in the Second Sino-Japanese War starting with the ongoing Battle of Beiping–Tianjin. Afterward, it participated in Beiping–Hankou Railway Operation. In October 1937, the division was re-subordinated to IJA 10th Army and attacked the Chinese troops concentration at Hangzhou Bay. By December 1937, it shifted west to join the IJA 18th division and IJA 114th division in the Battle of Nanking and ultimately in the Nanjing Massacre.
Returned to Japan at the end of 1937, Tani became commander of the Central District Army until September 1939 when he went into the reserves.
However, after the Atomic bombing of Hiroshima, Tani was recalled to active service to take command of the IJA 59th Army and concurrently the Chugoku Regional Army District. These organizations were part of the last desperate defense effort by the Empire of Japan to deter possible landings of Allied forces in the San'yo region of western Honshū and consisted mostly of poorly trained reservists, conscripted students and home guard militia. The IJA 59th Army was officially demobilized after the surrender of Japan on August 15, 1945.
Trial and execution.
In February 1946, Tani was arrested on orders of the American occupation authorities and charged with Class B and Class C war crimes. At the request of the Chinese government he was extradited to China to stand trial at the Nanjing War Crimes Tribunal in August 1946. Tani denied all charges at the trial, stating that his troops kept discipline, and the area of Nanjing assigned to his division had been largely evacuated due to the ferocity of the battle. Furthermore, none of the witnesses against him could identify his unit numbers, and indeed the evidence presented to the court pertained to troops and areas of the city under General Kesago Nakajima and General Shigeharu Suematsu. However, the presiding judge refused Tani's request to call on his chief of staff and surviving junior officers as witnesses, and stated that since the various atrocities which occurred in Nanjing were testified to by hundreds of surviving witness as well as several foreigners from Nanking Safety Zone, he was unwilling and unable to divide responsibility. According to the ruling of the court, all of the Japanese commanders involved in the Battle of Nanjing had an equally shared responsibility for atrocities which occurred during the Rape of Nanjing, and this included Generals Iwane Matsui, Heisuke Yanagawa and Sadao Ushijima as well as Nakajima, Suematsu and Tani. He was consequently sentenced to death as a BC-class war criminal and was executed by firing squad at Mount Yuhuatai on 26 April 1947.
Tani's son, Hayao Tani, was also an officer in the Imperial Japanese Army. A graduate of the 49th class of the Imperial Japanese Army Academy and the 58th class of the Army Staff College, he was a colonel on the staff of the IJA 34th Army and was killed in combat in November 1944.
<doc id="8723594" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723594" title="Laudes organi">
Laudes organi
Laudes Organi is a piece of music for organ and choir by Zoltán Kodály. It was composed in 1966 for the National Convention of The American Guild of Organists. The composition is based on a 12tn century Sequentia "Audi chorum organicum"
The text for "Laudes Organi" can be found here and the score is at IMSLP (in copyright almost everywhere.)
<doc id="8723600" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723600" title="The Informant (1997 film)">
The Informant (1997 film)
The Informant is a 1997 cable TV movie produced by Showtime, starring Cary Elwes and Timothy Dalton. It was directed by Jim McBride and written by Nicholas Meyer based upon the book "Field of Blood" by Gerald Seymour.
The film tells the story of Sean Pius McAnally "Gingy" and the journey he makes on his way to becoming a supergrass. Gingy is reluctantly pulled out of retirement in a caravan in the Republic of Ireland by two IRA men who bring him back to Belfast to perform one last job due to his skill with an RPG. On their way back they are stopped by a British Army patrol led by Lt. David Ferris who introduces himself to Gingy. Gingy initially refuses the job but realises he has no choice after the Chief of the Belfast Brigade briefs him and threatens him. The job entails the killing of a judge using an RPG, during the getaway the gang smash through a roadblock and one of the soldiers from the previous patrol recognises Gingy from the previous checkpoint.
David Stratton of "Variety" had criticized the affair between Gingy and Roisin McAnally and the film's conclusion, blaming Nicholas Meyer. He did, however, praise Jim McBride, the director of the film, as well as the main cast and Mark Geraghty and Eva Gardos for production and editing respectively. Stratton also praised the opening credits song "Dirty Old Town" and music by The Pogues in general.
<doc id="8723612" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723612" title="Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy">
Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy
<doc id="8723618" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723618" title="West Virginia Coal Sox">
West Virginia Coal Sox
<doc id="8723621" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723621" title="Porygon Z">
Porygon Z
<doc id="8723622" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723622" title="De ultimo ad ultimo">
De ultimo ad ultimo
<doc id="8723630" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723630" title="Aria of the Devil">
Aria of the Devil
Aria of the Devil is the second of two studio albums by Theatre of Hate issued posthumously after the band's dissolution in 1983. It was released in 1998 by Original Masters/Snapper Music
Track listing.
All songs written by Kirk Brandon.
<doc id="8723633" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723633" title="Saint John Paine">
Saint John Paine
<doc id="8723635" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723635" title="Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation">
Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation
<doc id="8723664" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723664" title="Wyndham Davies">
Wyndham Davies
Wyndham Roy Davies (3 June 1926 – 4 December 1984) was a British Conservative Party politician. Against the national trend, he was elected Member of Parliament (MP) for Birmingham Perry Barr at the 1964 general election, gaining the seat from Labour at a time when Labour was coming to power after thirteen years of Conservative rule. However, Davies served for only 17 months, losing his seat to the Labour candidate Christopher Price at the 1966 general election.
He joined the Conservative Monday Club prior to 1966 in which year he edited their booklet "Collectivism or Individualism in Medicine". In 1968 he was an ordinary Member of the Club's Executive Council, and his address on Social Service Expenditure appeared in the published "Proceedings of the Monday Club Conference on Economic Policy for the 1970s", 5 October 1968.
A doctor with a distinguished career in medicine, he was listed in 1982 as a Consultant to the Pharmaceutical Industry.
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<doc id="8723679" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723679" title="Doctor's Advocate (song)">
Doctor's Advocate (song)
<doc id="8723682" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723682" title="House Grey Memorandum">
House Grey Memorandum
The House-Grey Memorandum was a memorandum prepared by President of the United States Woodrow Wilson's diplomatic emissary to Europe, "Colonel" Edward M. House, and the British Foreign Secretary, Sir Edward Grey.
The memorandum, drafted in memo form by Grey, was an invitation from the U.S. to all those involved in the First World War to participation in a U.S.-sponsored peace convention. President Wilson aimed to have a role at the peace conference in order to curb the big European powers' ambitions. If the German Empire declined to attend, the U.S. would probably become militarily involved in the European conflict.
Wilson "approved the whole of the agreement", but added the word 'probably'. Grey showed the Memorandum to the French Ambassador Paul Cambon. Cambon believed that the Memorandum was just an election tactic for Wilson who would be standing again for President that year.
The British Government, led by Prime Minister H.H. Asquith, vetoed the proposal as neither they, nor their French ally, wanted a return to the "status quo ante bellum" but a victory over the German Empire.
22 February 1916.
Colonel House told me that President Wilson was ready, on hearing from France and England that the moment was opportune, to propose that a Conference should be summoned to put an end to the war.
Should the Allies accept this proposal, and should Germany refuse it, the United States would probably enter the war against Germany.
Colonel House expressed the opinion that, if such a Conference met, it would secure peace on terms not unfavourable to the Allies; and, if it failed to secure peace, the United States would leave the Conference as a belligerent on the side of the Allies, if Germany was unreasonable.
Colonel House expressed an opinion decidedly favourable to the restoration of Belgium, the transfer of Alsace and Lorraine to France, and the acquisition by Russia of an outlet to the sea, though he thought that the loss of territory incurred by Germany in one place would have to be compensated to her by concessions to her in other places outside Europe.
If the Allies delayed accepting the offer of President Wilson, and if, later on, the course of the war was so unfavourable to them that the intervention of the United States would not be effective, the United States would probably disinterest themselves in Europe and look to their own protection in their own way.
I said that I felt the statement, coming from the President of the United States, to be a matter of such importance that I must inform the Prime Minister and my colleagues; but that I could say nothing until it had received their consideration.
The British Government could, under no circumstances accept or make any proposal except in consultation and agreement with the Allies...
(Initialled 'E.G.' by Sir Edward Grey) Foreign Office.
<doc id="8723687" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723687" title="Cement jungle">
Cement jungle
<doc id="8723689" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723689" title="Georg Caspar Wecker">
Georg Caspar Wecker
Georg Caspar Wecker (baptized 2 April 1632 – 20 April 1695) was a German Baroque organist and composer. A minor composer of the Nuremberg school, Wecker is now best remembered as one of Johann Pachelbel's first teachers.
Wecker was born and spent all his life in Nuremberg. He received his first music lessons from his father Johann, and at the age of 15 he was already allowed to play the church organ. From 1651 he served as organist of St. Walpurg, then in 1654 he became organist of the Frauenkirche. Four years later he became organist of the Egidienkirche, the third most important position of its kind in the city. He spent 28 years working there, until in 1686 he got the job at the main Nuremberg parish church of the time, St. Sebald. Wecker occupied this position until his death in 1695 and was succeeded by Johann Pachelbel.
An acclaimed teacher, Wecker was, along with Heinrich Schwemmer, an important link in the 17th century Nuremberg teacher-pupil tradition. Himself a pupil of Kindermann, he taught keyboard instruments and composition to Johann Krieger and Johann Pachelbel. Few of his works survive to this day: several cantatas, some 40 songs and 4 keyboard fugues.
<doc id="8723692" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723692" title="Seine (département)">
Seine (département)
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<doc id="8723702" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723702" title="Lucy R. Lippard">
Lucy R. Lippard
Lucy Rowland Lippard (born April 14, 1937) is an American writer, art critic, activist, and curator. Lippard was among the first writers to argue for the "dematerialization" at work in conceptual art and was an early champion of feminist art. She is the author of 21 books on contemporary art and has received numerous awards and accolades from literary critics and art associations.
Early life and education.
Lucy Lippard was born in New York City and lived in New Orleans and Charlottesville, Virginia, before enrolling at Abbot Academy in 1952. Her father, Vernon W. Lippard, a pediatrician, became assistant dean at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1939, followed by appointments as dean of Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans and then, the same position at the University of Virginia. From 1952 to 1967, he was dean of his alma mater, Yale School of Medicine. She graduated from Smith College with a B.A. in 1958. She went on to earn an M.A. in art history in 1962 from the Institute of Fine Arts at New York University.
Just out of college, Lippard began working in the library at the Museum of Modern Art in 1958 where, in addition to reshelving the library after a fire, she was "farmed out" to do research for curators. She credits these years of working at MoMA, paging, filing, and researching, with preparing her "well for the archival, informational aspect of conceptual art." At MoMA she worked with curators such as Bill Lieberman, Bill Seitz and Peter Selz. By 1966, she had curated two traveling exhibitions for MoMA, one on "soft sculpture" and one on Max Ernst, as well as worked with Kynaston McShine on "Primary Structures" before he was hired by the Jewish Museum, taking the show with him. It was at MoMA that Lippard met Sol LeWitt who was working the night desk; John Button, Dan Flavin, Al Held, Robert Mangold, and Robert Ryman all held positions at the museum during this time as well.
In 1960, she married then-emerging painter Robert Ryman, who worked at MoMA as a museum guard from 1953 until 1960. Before divorcing six years later, the couple had one child, Ethan Ryman, who eventually became an artist himself.
Since 1966, Lippard has published 20 books—including one novel—on feminism, art, politics and place. She has received numerous awards and accolades from literary critics and art associations. A 2012 exhibition on her seminal book, "Six Years: The Dematerialization of the Art Object" at the Brooklyn Museum, titled ""Six Years": Lucy R. Lippard and the Emergence of Conceptual Art", cites Lippard's scholarship as its point of entry into a discussion about conceptual art during its era of emergence, demonstrating her crucial role in the contemporary understanding of this period of art production and criticism. Her research on the move toward Dematerialization in art making has formed a cornerstone of contemporary art scholarship and discourse. Lucy Lippard was a member of the populist political artist group known as the Art Workers Coalition, or AWC. Her involvement in the AWC as well as a trip she took to Argentina—such trips bolstered the political motivations of many feminists of the time—influenced a change in the focus of her criticism, from formalist subjects to more feministic ones. Lucy Lippard is also believed to be a co-founder of West-East Bag, an international women artist network which was founded in 1971, in the early beginnings of the feminist art movement in the United States. Their newsletter W.E.B. mentioned tactics used against museums to protest the lack of female representation in museum collections and exhibitions. The group was dissolved in 1973.
In 1975, Lippard travelled to Australia and spoke to groups of women artists in Melbourne and Adelaide about the creation of archives of women artists' work on photographic slides, known as slide registers, by West-East Bag, the idea being to counteract their lack of showings in art galleries. Lippard was a major influence in the establishment of the Women's Art Movement in Australia, and developed a friendship with leading proponent Vivienne Binns, who later visited New York.
In 1976, Lucy Lippard published a monographic work on the sculptor Eva Hesse combining biography and criticism, formal analysis and psychological readings to tell the story of her life and career. The book was designed by Hesse’s friend and colleague, Sol LeWitt. Each of her seventy sculptures and many of her drawings are reproduced and discussed within the book. Being a long-time friend of Hesse, Lippard treads a fine line between public and private life. She writes about the achievements and many struggles in Hesse’s life that had an impact on who she was as a person. Eva Hesse was born in 1936, in Germany, but because of her Jewish upbringing she and her family were forced to flee from the Nazi regime in 1938, arriving in New York in 1939. During their flight, Hesse’s father kept diaries of the journey for each of the children, a habit Hesse returned to later in her life. In these diaries she talked about the struggles in her life. Hesse is an American artist known for her innovative use of materials in her sculptures, such as fibreglass, latex and plastics. This innovative use of ‘soft’ materials, have become an inspiration source for a younger generation of women artists. Lippard further writes that although Hesse died before feminism affected the art world, she was well aware of the manner in which her experience as a woman altered her art and her career. In writing this important work on Eva Hesse, Lucy Lippard has tapped into her knowledge of and passion for feminism, particularly within the art world. Although the book is long out-of-print, this classic text remains both an insightful critical analysis and a tribute to an important female artist ‘whose genius has become increasingly apparent with the passage of time.’
Co-founder of Printed Matter, Inc (an art bookstore in New York City centered on artist's books), the Heresies Collective, Political Art Documentation/Distribution (PAD/D), Artists Call Against U.S. Intervention in Central America, and other artists' organizations, she has also curated over 50 exhibitions, made performances, comics, guerrilla theater, and edited several independent publications the latest of which is the decidedly local "La Puente de Galisteo" in her home community in Galisteo, New Mexico. She has infused aesthetics with politics, and disdained disinterestedness for ethical activism.
In 1966, Lucy Lippard organized the exhibition Eccentric Abstraction at Fischback Gallery in New York. With this exhibition, Lippard brought together a group of abstract artists which included Alice Adams, Louise Bourgeois, Lindsey Decker, Eva Hesse, Gary Kuehn, Bruce Nauman, Keith Sonnier, and more. The exhibition focussed on the ‘use of organic abstract form in sculpture evoking the gendered body through an emphasis on process and materials.’ Lippard referred to eccentric abstraction as a “non-sculptural style,” which was closer to abstract painting than to sculpture.
She was interviewed for the film "!Women Art Revolution".
Selected honors and awards.
Lippard holds nine honorary doctorates of fine arts, of which some are listed below.
<doc id="8723704" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723704" title="Daphne's Greek Cafe">
Daphne's Greek Cafe
Daphne's Greek Cafe or, Daphne's California Greek is an American fast-casual Greek restaurant operating in California. The restaurant name refers to Daphne of Greek mythology whom the god Apollo desired.
Daphne's was rated #11 in "2006 Top 100 Movers and Shakers" in the Fast Casual magazine. Daphne's was voted Best Greek in the June 2008 issue of San Diego Magazine.
Daphne's Greek Cafe was founded by George Katakalidis in 1991. The chain entered bankruptcy in January 2010. It currently has 60 locations throughout Arizona and California and was recently purchased out of bankruptcy by an investor group headed by William Trefethen. In 2011, Daphne's name changed to "Daphne's California Greek" with a new concept that has been characterized as: "a “hybrid” of California-meets-Greek cuisine, with an emphasis on freshness".
Daphne's California Greek continued their re-branding effort under William Trefethen group for about 4 years before suddenly selling the company to a Chicago investment group named Victory Park Capital.
<doc id="8723707" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723707" title="De monfort hall, leicester">
De monfort hall, leicester
<doc id="8723710" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723710" title="Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra">
Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra
The Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra ("") is a chamber orchestra based in Budapest, Hungary.
The Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra took the name of the great composer, to pay homage to the genius who became inseparable with the establishment of Hungarian music and whose spirit irradiates the musical life of the entire world. After having studied for years at the Franz Liszt Academy in Budapest, the Orchestra made its debut in 1963 and since then has played a very significant role in Hungarian and international musical life.
The Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra consists of 17 strings, with the addition of other instruments as needed (harpsichord, winds, etc.)
<doc id="8723738" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723738" title="Demonland">
<doc id="8723752" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723752" title="Comte de Saint Germain">
Comte de Saint Germain
<doc id="8723756" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723756" title="Harold Washington Playlot Park">
Harold Washington Playlot Park
<doc id="8723772" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723772" title="Audre Lorde Project">
Audre Lorde Project
The Audre Lorde Project is a Brooklyn, New York-based organization for LGBT people of color. The organization concentrates on community organizing and radical nonviolent activism around progressive issues within New York City, especially relating to LGBT communities, AIDS and HIV activism, pro-immigrant activism, prison reform and organizing among youth of color. It is named for the lesbian-feminist poet and activist Audre Lorde and was founded in 1994.
The purpose of the Project emerged from "the expressed need for innovative and unified community strategies to address the multiple issues impacting LGBT People of Color communities."
In 1996, the organization moved into its permanent home in the Fort Greene neighborhood of Brooklyn, parish house of Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church.
The Project was begun to "serve as a home base" for LGBT peoples of African/Black/Caribbean, Arab, Asian and Pacific Islander, Latina/o and Native/Indigenous descent can work to further a collective history of struggle against discrimination and other forms of oppression. At the time of its founding, it was the only organization in New York dedicated to people with an intersection of those identities.
Radical politics and nonviolence.
The Project's decision-making structure seeks to be "representative of our communities" and acts to promote existing LGBT people of color organizations, cultural workers and activists. The organization also acts in an explicitly feminist, anti-sexist practice because it believes women's leadership "continues to be de-valued and discouraged in broader LGBTST organizations/communities." In the public arena, it often engages in nonviolent civil disobedience.
Campaigns and Working Groups.
Safe OUTside the System: the SOS Collective.
The Collective is an anti-violence organization focusing on hate and police violence targeting "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Two Spirit, Trans, and Gender Non Conforming people of color", in particular in the Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood of Brooklyn. The Collective uses community-based strategies, declaring that "strategies that increase the police presence and the criminalization of our communities do not create safety."
Originally called the Working Group on Police and State Violence, it began in 1997 in response to a rise in street violence and police harassment the organization believed was connected to the "quality of life" policies of Mayor Rudolph Giuliani.
The group helped to found the Coalition Against Police Brutality and People's Justice 2000 soon after the killings by police officers of unarmed men of color Amadou Diallo and Abner Louima, as well as annual Racial Justice Days, focusing on the appeals of families of color who suffered violence by the New York City Police Department.
The Collective manages the legal case for Jalea Lamot, a trans woman who was arrested and brutalized by New York City Housing Authority police.
As part of a broader anti-violence and anti-oppression approach, the Collective has collaborated with other progressive organizations, including the Rashawn Brazell Memorial Fund, the Third World Within-Peace Action Coalition, Racial Justice 911, Al-Fatiha Foundation and the American Friends Service Committee, following the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001. The Collective's "war against terror meetings" focused on how homophobia and transphobia are a part of the policies of the United States' war on terror. Following the start of the Iraq War in 2003, SOS helped to coordinate Operation Homeland Resistance, civil disobedience protesting the war.
TransJustice is an advocacy organization created by and for trans and gender non-conforming people of color. The group focuses on trans-related policies in jobs, housing and health care, including job training programs, resisting transphobic violence, HIV services and trans-sensitive medical services.
Working Group on Immigrant Rights.
The Working Group on Immigrant Rights consists of volunteers who are LGBT people of color born outside of the United States (including Puerto Rico). The working group seeks in particular to build the leadership of undocumented immigrants, low-wage workers and trans, two-spirit and gender non-conforming immigrants. Every campaign is required to be relevant to these "priority communities".
The group also places itself within the global justice and peace movements, and acts in solidarity with liberation struggles throughout the world. The working group's members "reject the us/them divide of citizens and foreigners, and are working toward a US foreign policy rooted in nonviolence, fair distribution of resources, and equity. We also recognize that the War on Terrorism is both a war abroad and a war at home, oppressing our communities in many places at once."
The organization went on record in 2006 as opposing the three-tier "path to legalization" legislation (the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act) and guest worker programs, declaring that "full legalization is a nonnegotiable demand."
The group seeks to increase understanding of transphobia and homophobia within immigrants rights and social justice movements and immigrant communities within New York City.
In 2004, the working group published a report, "Communities at a Crossroads: U.S. Right Wing Policies and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Two Spirit and Transgender Immigrants of Color in New York City".
Facilities Program.
The Audre Lorde Project acts to "build capacity and support the organizational development" of LGBT people of color organizations by making available the Project's meeting space, office infrastructure and training as well as offering technical assistance, networking and coalition-building opportunities. Some of the groups that have met in the Project's meeting space "include African Ancestral Lesbians United for Societal Change (formerly the Salsa Soul Sisters), Arab and Iranian LBT Women’s Group (formerly Arab and Persian LBT Women’s Group), Asian Pacific Islander Coalition on HIV/AIDS (APICHA), Brooklyn Pride, Gay Men of African Descent (GMAD), Queer Koreans of New York, South Asian Lesbian and Gay Association (SALGA), Las Buenas Amigas, and Latino Gay Men of New York."
In 2000, then-executive director Joo-Hyun Kang was awarded the Union Square Award from the Fund for the City of New York. In its award, the fund declared the Audre Lorde Project to be "an important cultural and information center in New York City."
<doc id="8723780" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723780" title="Comte de St. Germain">
Comte de St. Germain
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Comte de St.-Germain
<doc id="8723795" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723795" title="Morari Bapu">
Morari Bapu
Morari Bapu (Moraridas Prabhudas Hariyani) is an Indian spiritual leader and preacher from Gujarat who is known for his discourses on Ramcharitmanas across various cities in India and abroad.
Early life.
Morari Bapu was born on 19 February 1947 (Shivaratri according to Hindu calendar) in Talgajarda village near Mahuva, Gujarat, to Prabhudas Bapu Hariyani and Savitri Ben Hariyani, in a family of six brothers and two sisters. His family followed Nimbarka Sampradaya, a Hindu Vaishnava tradition. He considers his grandfather Tribhovandas Hariyani as his guru, spiritual teacher, and learnt "Ramcharitmanas" from him at a place now known as Chitrakutdham. He memorized the chaupais (couplets) while travelling from Talgajarda to primary and secondary schools in Mahuva.
After completing secondary education, he joined Shahpur Teachers Training College in Junagadh. Later he joined a primary school in Pauva as a teacher in 1966.
At the age of 14, he gave his first discourse on "Ramcharitmanas" under Ramfaldas Maharaj at a nine-day discourse held at Dhanfulia, a village in Gujarat. Since then, Morari Bapu has performed 800+ Ramkathas, each of nine days based upon a particular verse from "Ramcharitmanas". He has also narrated upon 19 verses of the reverend Gopi Geet (each verse discourse of seven days). His Katha, always went through its journey with two vital aspects - "Bhajan"(Prayers) and "Bhojan Prasad"(meals/blessed food/sacrament). He gave his first discourse abroad in Nairobi in 1976. He gives discourses ("kathaa"s) in Gujarati and Hindi in India and abroad. He has given discourses in the United States, United Kingdom, South Africa, Kenya, Uganda, Cambodia, Jordan, Muscat as well as on a cruise ship in the Mediterranean Sea, and on an airplane travelling the world, in Vatican City and on the foothills of Mount Kailash in China.
Views and Philanthropy.
Bapu, who believes in ‘Pravahi Parampara’ (flowing tradition), has been speaking for progressive norms in the 21st century and feels there should be no stagnancy in religious beliefs. Bapu has tried to reach the "last-man" whenever and wherever possible along his 60-year journey at various places. He has also visited people in Jail (like Bhavnagar, Rajkot, Buxur, Sabarmati)
Katha in Ayodhya.
In the interview with the Times Now, Morari Bapu said that it is his motive to make "Ram Katha" (Story of Rama) accessible to the neglected, exploited and marginalised segments of society, just as Ram himself went to the Shabris, Nishads and Sugareevas of that time". In the December month of 2018, Morari Bapu had organised the Ram Katha among sex workers in Ayodhya and he pledged ₹3 crore for the welfare of sex workers. In the last, he distributed ₹6.92 crore (69.2 million) for welfare of the sex workers in which he added ₹11 lakh (1.1 million) of his own. Morari Bapu's discourse to sex workers in the Ayodhya was criticised by several Hindu religious and spiritual leaders. He responded that he would addressing a deprived section of society and cited that Rama's life was based on acceptance and reforms. Morari Bapu was the first spiritual leader to meet sex workers in the Mumbai.
Morari Bapu had supported the construction of temple of Rama on the disputed site in Ayodhya. In 1992, he attended the event organised by Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and appealed youth to 'fight' and to be 'martyred' for the Rama Temple. In a TV show, "Aap Ki Adalat", he appealed the Supreme Court of India not to delay the judgement regarding the temple. In July 2020, during his discourse at Pithoria Dham located near his village, Morari Bapu announced donation for the construction of Ram Janmabhoomi temple and urged his followers to contribute as well. He contributed with help of his followers, becoming the highest donor.
In 2017, he had organised a discourse in Surat to help the families of army personnel who had died in the conflict. He announced an aid of ₹1 lakh to the family of each Central Reserve Police Force personnel killed in the 2019 Pulwama attack.
Katha for various social causes.
Bapu has been actively contributing to various possible social causes based upon the need of an hour. For Example:
<doc id="8723800" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723800" title="Comte de St-Germain">
Comte de St-Germain
<doc id="8723804" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723804" title="The Yellow and Blue">
The Yellow and Blue
The Yellow and Blue is the alma mater of the University of Michigan, written by Charles M. Gayley. An 1878 graduate, Gayley composed the lyrics in 1886 while he was a professor of English and Latin at UM. He was motivated to write the song in hopes of winning a $20 prize from the student editors of the yearbook (The Palladium). As he wrote the lyrics, Gayley was thinking of the school colors, "azure blue and maize." Ultimately the song became a paean to the color and light of late summer in Michigan: the yellow grain in the fields, the yellow harvest moon, the varying blues of the sky at morning and sunset. These "ribbons that nature has spun" reminded him, too, of "the maid of the golden hair, and eyes that are brimming with blue."
Next Gayley chose a soft, wistful melody called "Pirates' Chorus" from "The Enchantress," an opera by the Irish composer Michael William Balfe.
Students quickly embraced the song and began to sing it. Leaflets with the words were printed, and within a few years it was the university's recognized alma mater.
Gayley returned to Ann Arbor from time to time, and in 1925, near the end of a long life, he wrote: "It has always been a great joy to me, revisiting Ann Arbor, to hear the song still sung in fraternity houses, and on the campus in the twilight. I have heard it in mid-ocean, on the streets of Florence and Rome, and hither and yon as I have traveled about the world. A song written in the days of one's youth, if it by good luck expresses the emotion and enthusiasm of succeeding generations of young men and women, is a thousand times more worthwhile than many books of learning."
<doc id="8723808" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723808" title="Leslie Thomas (politician)">
Leslie Thomas (politician)
Sir Leslie Montagu Thomas (24 April 1906 – 27 November 1971) was a British Conservative politician. He was elected Member of Parliament for Canterbury in a 1953 by-election, and served until he stood down in 1966. He had unsuccessfully contested Leek in 1935 as a National Labour candidate.
Thomas was the son of former Labour (turned National Labour) MP, Jimmy Thomas.
<doc id="8723812" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723812" title="Count of St-Germain">
Count of St-Germain
<doc id="8723813" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723813" title="Towton">
Towton is a small village and civil parish in the Selby District of North Yorkshire, England. It was historically part of the West Riding of Yorkshire until 1974.
In 2010 and 2011 a pair of gold torcs dating to the Iron Age were discovered by metal detectorists. The 'Towton torcs' were acquired by the Yorkshire Museum in 2013.
The village is best known for the Battle of Towton, fought on Palm Sunday, 29 March 1461, during the Wars of the Roses. It was at this battle that Sir David Ap Mathew saved the life of Edward IV. Once King, Edward granted Sir David Ap Mathew permission to use 'Towton' on the Mathew family crest.
The battle has been described as "probably the largest and bloodiest battle ever fought on English soil."
<doc id="8723815" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723815" title="Sarah Holcomb">
Sarah Holcomb
Sarah Holcomb is an American former actress. Her first role was in "National Lampoon's Animal House" (1978) as Clorette DePasto, the 13-year-old daughter of shady Mayor Carmine DePasto; Holcomb was 19 years old when filming began in October, 1977.
Following "Animal House", she had roles in four other films, including "Caddyshack", released in 1980. She was initially cast in "Jaws 2" (1978), but was one of several teenage actors let go as that film went through many script revisions early in production.
"Animal House" co-writer Chris Miller said, "She was young, younger than the rest of us. We were a fast crowd. Drugs were everywhere. She fell into what, for lack of a better term, you would have to call bad company."
The character Dorri Lawrence in the film "Stateside", an actress who suffers from schizophrenia, is based on Holcomb.
<doc id="8723820" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723820" title="Neue Kirche, Berlin">
Neue Kirche, Berlin
The New Church (; colloquially , meaning "German Cathedral"), is located in Berlin on the Gendarmenmarkt across from French Church of Friedrichstadt ("French Cathedral"). Its parish comprised the northern part of the then new quarter of Friedrichstadt, which until then belonged to the parish of the congregations of Jerusalem's Church. The Lutheran and Calvinist (in German Reformed Church) congregants used German as their native language, as opposed to the French-speaking Calvinist congregation of the adjacent French Church of Friedrichstadt. The congregants' native language combined with the domed tower earned the church its colloquial name "Deutscher Dom". While the church physically resembles a cathedral, it is not a cathedral in the formal sense of the word, as it was never the seat of a bishop.
After being heavily damaged during the bombing of Berlin in World War II, reconstruction was completed 1988; the church now serves as a museum.
Church and congregations.
In 1701–1708, Giovanni Simonetti built the first church after a design of Martin Grünberg. It was the third church in Friedrichstadt, established in 1688, which was a town of princely domination, while the neighbouring old Berlin and Cölln were cities of town privileges. The Prince-Elector originally only provided for a Calvinist congregation, since they - the Hohenzollerns - themselves were Calvinists. But also more and more Lutherans moved in. Therefore, in 1708 the "New Church" became a Calvinist and Lutheran Simultaneum.
The site for the church was disentangled from the so-called "Swiss Cemetery", which had been provided for Huguenots, who had come to Berlin between 1698 and 1699 from their intermittent refuge in Switzerland. The original building had a pentagonal footprint with semicircular apses. The interior was characterised by a typical Protestant combined altar and pulpit leaning against the eastern central pillar opposite to the entrance.
In 1780, Carl von Gontard designed and started the construction of a tower, easterly adjacent to the actual prayer hall. His design of the domed towers, a second one being added to the French Church, followed the Palladian tradition and received the shape of the Parisian Church of Sainte-Geneviève (now the Panthéon), then still under construction by Jacques-Germain Soufflot. The construction of the domed towers aimed at making the Gendarmenmarkt resemble the Piazza del Popolo in Rome. Still under construction the tower of the New Church collapsed. Thus Georg Christian Unger was commissioned to carry out Gontard's plan.
Christian Bernhard Rode created the statues, representing characters from the Old and New Covenant, which are added to the tower. The dome was topped by a statue symbolising the "victorious virtue" (now a post-war replica). The gable relief depicts the Conversion of Sha'ul Paul of Tarsus. In 1817, the two congregations of the "German Church", like most Prussian Reformed and Lutheran congregations joined the common umbrella organisation named Evangelical Church in Prussia (under this name since 1821), with each congregation maintaining its former denomination or adopting the new united denomination.
The New Church became famous as a place of Prussian history. On 22 March 1848, the coffins of 183 Berliners, who had been killed during the March Revolution, were shown on the northern side of the church. After an Evangelical service within the prayer hall outside an Evangelical pastor, a Catholic priest and a rabbi, one after the other, shortly addressed the audience, before the throng accompanied the coffins to the graves.
In 1881, the dilapidated prayer hall was torn down and Hermann von der Hude and Julius Hennicke replaced it with a new one on a pentagonal groundplan, according to the neobaroque design of Johann Wilhelm Schwedler. Otto Lessing designed the six statues on the attic of the new prayer hall. On 17 December 1882, the new prayer hall was inaugurated.
In 1934, the congregations of the New Church had united with that of Jerusalem's Church and have become - after further mergers - today's Evangelical Congregation in the Friedrichstadt (as of 2001). For services it uses the French Church on the opposite side of Gendarmenmarkt and "Luke's Church" in Berlin-Kreuzberg.
In 1943, the New Church was almost completely destroyed in the bombing of Berlin in World War II and was subsequently rebuilt from 1977 to 1988. Meanwhile, the German government acquired the building and the site. The church building was updated, deconsecrated and reopened in 1996 as the Bundestag's museum on German parliamentary history ("Milestones - Setbacks - Sidetracks, The Path to Parliamentary Democracy in Germany").
The two congregations of the "New Church" maintained cemeteries with the two congregations of the neighbouring Jerusalem's Church (another simultaneum), three of which are comprised - with cemeteries of other congregations - in a compound of six cemeteries altogether, which are among the most important historical cemeteries of Berlin. They are located in Berlin-Kreuzberg south of Hallesches Tor (Berlin U-Bahn) ().
<doc id="8723831" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723831" title="General (UK)">
General (UK)
<doc id="8723835" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723835" title="Batman emblem">
Batman emblem
<doc id="8723856" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723856" title="Frances Basset, 2nd Baroness Basset">
Frances Basset, 2nd Baroness Basset
Frances Basset, 2nd Baroness Basset (30 April 1781 – 22 January 1855) was a British peeress.
Baptised in St Marylebone Church in London on 23 May 1781, she was the only child of Francis Basset, 1st Baron de Dunstanville and Basset and his first wife Frances Susanna, daughter of John Hippesley Coxe. On her father's death in 1835, she succeeded per a special remainder to the barony of Basset. She died aged 74, unmarried and childless at her seat Tehidy Park. She funded the construction of All Saints' Church, Tuckingmill which was built between 1843 and 1845.
She was buried in Illogan in Cornwall, and with her death the barony became extinct. Her estates passed to the eldest son of a cousin.
<doc id="8723864" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723864" title="Parc Josaphat">
Parc Josaphat
<doc id="8723875" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723875" title="Alan Hevisi">
Alan Hevisi
<doc id="8723877" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723877" title="Jeff Muendel">
Jeff Muendel
Jeff Muendel is an author, Hammond organist/keyboardist, and electric guitarist who has written several novels and played with bands including Rattlebone, Backbiter, Circus of Power, Masters of Reality, The Silos, Hum Machine, and Instead We Smile.
Early life and education.
Muendel grew up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Music career.
Muendel began playing in cover bands at age 18. In 1991, he moved to Hollywood, California, and he began playing music with neighbor and bass player Roger Deering. Deering had previously been in a Florida punk band called The Drills. He and drummer Kerry Furlong had moved from Miami to Los Angeles to start a new band. The three musicians added Brendon McNichol on guitar and the band was established.
The Drills.
The early shows were performed under the old name, The Drills, because of the reputation they had developed with that name, including one album release. The group was "discovered" by producer Dave Jerden, who is also credited with discovering and developing Jane's Addiction, Alice in Chains, and The Offspring.
The group was signed to Hollywood Records, and at the label's request, the group changed its name to Rattlebone. With Jerden at the helm, they released a 5-song EP in 1992 and recorder a full-length LP in 1993/94 that was never released. McNichol left Rattlebone in 1995 when the record label dropped the band in response to the grunge movement. The remaining group split in 1996.
Muendel went on to briefly join a version of Circus of Power and then spent three years in the L.A. punk group Backbiter. He played on one release by Man's Ruin Records.
The Motor Primitives.
From 2006 - 2009, Muendel played organ and guitar in The Motor Primitives, a band based in Madison, Wisconsin featuring former members of Tar Babies and The Appliances SFB.
Instead We Smile.
Since 2014, Muendel has been the guitarist in Instead We Smile, a hard rock band based in Madison, Wisconsin with Ed Feeny of The Appliances SFB.
In 1998, Muendel left California to attend graduate school on the East Coast. He has published two novels set in the world of rock and roll including The Volume Tribes. His books often deal with themes within the world of rock music, and his work is often categorized as "Rock Lit". He is also an editor for Maximum Ink Magazine and continues to compose, play and record as an organist and guitarist.
<doc id="8723882" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723882" title="DVD6C Licensing Group">
DVD6C Licensing Group
<doc id="8723884" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723884" title="WDAO">
WDAO (1210 AM) – branded "Real Rhythm Of The City" – is a commercial daytime-only urban adult contemporary radio station licensed to Dayton, Ohio. Owned by minority-owned business Johnson Communications, Inc., WDAO serves the Dayton metropolitan area.
Originally established in Springfield in 1947 as WWSO, the station relocated to Dayton in 1954 under the WAVI call sign—the fourth AM station to operate in Dayton proper. Along with a variety of formats ranging from big band to adult contemporary to country, WAVI became an early adopter of the talk radio format in 1971 and was one of the first radio homes for political commentator Mike Gallagher. Assuming the call letters and format of its former FM adjunct WDAO in 1985, it later became the first and only minority-owned radio station in Dayton in 1987, a distinction it holds to this day.
The WDAO studios are located in Dayton's Wright-Dunbar Historic District, while the transmitter also resides in Dayton. In addition to a standard analog transmission, WDAO is relayed over low-power Drexel FM translator W272DR (102.3 FM) and is available online.
WWSO in Springfield.
Radio Springfield, Inc., applied with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for a construction permit to build a new radio station in Springfield, Ohio, on July 15, 1946. After an amendment, the FCC granted a permit for 1210 kHz on February 14, 1947, and WWSO went on the air September 4 of that year. Ownership turned over twice in the station's early years, including a sale in 1949 to Bradley Kincaid and S. A. Cisler and a 1952 transfer to Kincaid alone.
Move to Dayton as WAVI.
In 1954, Kincaid sold WWSO to a consortium headed by disc jockey Tommy Sutton, who had plied his trade at WING (1410 AM), and H. K. "Bud" Crowl, a state legislator from Dayton. The call letters were changed to WAVI that March, and in October, the FCC approved the station to move from Springfield to Dayton. The staff were retained, while new facilities were built on a plot of land at Heck and Cincinnati streets adjacent to Interstate 75 to bring the "Birthplace of Aviation" just its fourth radio station. Even before the building was complete, WAVI began operating from Dayton on February 28, 1955, broadcasting for a month from Sutton's basement. For most of the late 1950s and 1960s, it carried a big band "good music" format—with the exception of a 48-hour period in 1959, later revealed to be a stunt, when the station aired rock music: called "Black Tuesday" by listeners, the story made national headlines.
WAVI applied for and received a construction permit for a companion FM station in 1960. It took four years before WDAO (107.7 FM) began broadcasts in September 1964 as the first station in the region with an R&B format. The growing WAVI-WDAO operation expanded in 1967 into a facility designed with separate studios for the AM and FM sides and additional office space.
Over the years, WAVI earned a reputation for alternative programming. In 1965, it expanded its talk and news output significantly, joining the Mutual Broadcasting System and picking up Joe Pyne's syndicated show. Two years later, it jettisoned its big band "good music" sound for country, only to flip to adult contemporary in 1969. This in turn slowly evolved into a more talk-driven format until the station went all-talk on weekdays in 1971. The talk programming lasted for over a decade, sometimes paired with oldies music. From 1978 to 1982, Mike Gallagher—later of Fox News Channel and Salem Radio Networks—hosted a program on WAVI, from which he was fired for discussing the need for president Ronald Reagan to be "rehearsed" by his staff before press conferences, a topic that offended owner Crowl.
WDAO moves to AM.
In late 1984, after three decades of owning WAVI, Crowl and the other stakeholders sold WAVI and WDAO to Stoner Broadcasting of Des Moines, Iowa, for $4 million. The transaction remained pending when, on January 26, 1985, Crowl died of a heart attack.
Stoner closed on the purchase on March 1, 1985, and rumors of major changes at the AM-FM pair quickly escalated ahead of the handover. The final hour of WAVI's talk programming on February 28, 1985, was characterized by "Dayton Daily News" columnist Dale Huffman as "a wake on the airwaves". Simultaneously, Stoner moved WDAO to the AM frequency—naming the first Black station manager in its 21-year history, Jim Johnson—and relaunched the FM as WWSN "Sunny 107.7" with an adult contemporary format.
In 1987, Stoner sold WDAO to Johnson Communications, headed by station manager Johnson, making it the first Black-owned radio station in Dayton and just the fourth in all of Ohio. The station moved into the Westown Shopping Center and broadcast from there for a decade before relocating to a rehabilitated building in the Wright-Dunbar district in 1998.
In 2014, the daytime-only WDAO added local evening and overnight programming via the internet when the station commenced online streaming from its website. This programming made its way to terrestrial radio in December 2016, when WDAO signed on FM translator W272DR (102.3 FM), licensed to Drexel.
<doc id="8723893" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723893" title="Viktor of Xanten">
Viktor of Xanten
Viktor of Xanten was a 4th century martyr and saint recognized by the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church. Since the 12th century, his presumed bones have been kept in a shrine, which is embedded in the high altar of the Xanten Cathedral. His feast day is October 10.
Tradition states that Viktor, as a Praefectus cohortis of a Cohort of the Theban Legion, was not caught up in the decimation at Agaunum but then fell victim to the persecution under Emperor Maximian together with other companions in Xanten. He was executed in the amphitheater of "Castra Vetera" (the site of present-day Xanten) for refusing to sacrifice to the Roman gods. He was closely associated with Ursus of Solothurn, and is said to have been a relative of Saint Verena.
Victor was first mentioned by Gregory of Tours in connection with the discovery of the bones of a Mallosus in the village of Birten, today a suburb of Xanten. The place name "Xanten" is also derived as "ze santen", which thus refers to a widely known and revered burial place. According to legend, Helena of Constantinople recovered the bones of Victor and his legion and erected a chapel in their honour.
According to other traditions, he was a companion of Gereon of Cologne. The tradition of Victor as a member of the Theban Legion is mixed with that of Victor of Agaunum and Victor of Solothurn.
<doc id="8723898" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723898" title="DVD6C Licensing Agency">
DVD6C Licensing Agency
<doc id="8723903" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723903" title="Saskatchewan Highway 57">
Saskatchewan Highway 57
<doc id="8723908" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723908" title="German Cathedral">
German Cathedral
<doc id="8723913" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723913" title="Online Buddies">
Online Buddies
<doc id="8723922" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723922" title="Hem till byn">
Hem till byn
Hem till byn (English: "Home to the village"), written by Bengt Bratt (born 1937), is Sweden's longest-running TV series and one of its most popular. It is a realistic drama about people in a rural Swedish village and their daily life and romances and fights but also the consequences of agricultural policy and other changes in the society. The series was first aired in 1971 and has since then been shown in eight seasons (each season comprises between six and eight episodes) with three to five years between them, except a 14-year-long intermission between 1976 and 1990. The 2006 season was likely the last.
All the characters (even minor roles) were played by the same actors throughout the series' run, and thus aged naturally with the actors. As the actors grew older and eventually died during the years, the characters that they played had also died at the start of the following season. The seven seasons between 1971 and 2002 were directed by Jackie Söderman (1927–2011) and the eighth season of 2006 by Gun Jönsson (born 1929), who herself portrayed one of the main characters in the series.
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<doc id="8723941" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723941" title="Bachman Branch">
Bachman Branch
Bachman Branch (also Bachman Creek) is the name of a medium-sized tributary of the Trinity River with headwaters in northwest Dallas, Texas (USA). The tributary is 10 miles (16 km) in length and rises at Forest Lane, 0.5 miles (0.8 km) west of the Dallas North Tollway. It runs south and then west through Bachman Lake and ultimately into the Elm Fork of the Trinity River. The Branch is dammed with the New Frazier dam to provide water to Fishing Hole Lake. New Frasier Dam is on the Elm Fork Of Trinity River in Dallas County, Texas and is used for flood control purposes. Construction was completed in 1965. It is owned by the Dallas Water Utilities New Frasier Dam is a gravity dam. Its height is 16 feet with a length of 180 feet. Its capacity is . Normal storage is
<doc id="8723947" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723947" title="Bachman Creek">
Bachman Creek
<doc id="8723950" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723950" title="Mirza Ahmad Sohrab">
Mirza Ahmad Sohrab
<doc id="8723952" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723952" title="Antonio De Carlo">
Antonio De Carlo
Antonio De Carlo (born August 4, 1967, in Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico), also known simply as Antonio, is a Mexican actor. He won an Emmy Award in 2005–2006. He is president and founder of the "Fundación Cultura Sin Fronteras AC". After twelve years out of show business, in 2012 he returned to the soap operas performing "Magic Dragon" one of the main characters for "Miss XV", a co-production from Televisa México and Nickelodeon directed and produced by Pedro Damian. He is also part of the cast of "Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse", directed by Pedro Damian (Televisa, México).
In 1988 De Carlo received a B.A. degree in music from the Mexican National Music Conservatory. He was a member of the Teacher's Bar of Graduates in México City between 1995 and 1997. He also collaborated with the Foundation of Social Investigations FISAC between 1998 and 1999.
He has received several awards including the Golden Sun (Sol de Oro), the Golden Palms (Palmas de Oro), given by the Mexican National Circle of Journalists. He was awarded the Spanish Golden Laurel (Laurel de Oro) by the Same Out Group and the national award for public speaking in 1997 by Miguel Cornejo y Rosado. He is also included in the walk of fame in Tijuana's International Airport. On February 14, 2003 the Mayor of Tijuana, Jesus Gonzalez Reyes, gave him the Keys to the City of Tijuana.
De Carlo won his Emmy Award in 2005–2006 as Hispanic News Anchor in the category of "Informational/Public Affairs Series" and in the same year founded the Academia De Artes Antonio De Carlo (Hispanic Academy of Arts) in Los Angeles, California.
On July 14, 2008, the City Council of the City of Lynwood, California, distinguished Antonio with a proclamation in recognition of his outstanding career in the field of communications, as a professional television anchor and director, writer and producer of many theatre plays, actor of many soap operas produced by Televisa México and Singer, winner of three platinum records and seven gold records.
<doc id="8723953" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723953" title="Setting circle">
Setting circle
<doc id="8723954" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723954" title="Saskatchewan Highway 660">
Saskatchewan Highway 660
Highway 660 is a highway in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. It runs from Highway 8 near St. Philips to Highway 49 near Arran. Highway 660 is about 25 km (15 mi.) long within Saskatchewan.
<doc id="8723959" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723959" title="Paradox, Colorado">
Paradox, Colorado
Paradox is an unincorporated community and a U.S. Post Office located in the Paradox Valley, Montrose County, Colorado, United States. The Paradox Post Office has the ZIP Code 81429.
The geologist, Albert Charles Peale named Paradox in 1875; he declared that the Delores River had the “desire to perform strange and unexpected things” due to the unusual course of the river. Rather than flowing parallel to the valley, the river runs horizontally across the valley, cutting through cliff walls at 90 degree angles.
George R. Eichler wrote in the book, "Colorado Place Names", that Paradox was nearly inaccessible to early settlers. To enter the valley, travellers had to disembark to unload their wagons. The wagons were then disassembled, and the pieces were then lowered to the valley on ropes.
The Paradox area had originally been home to the Ute people. It was later settled by Euro-American ranchers in the 1870's. In 1882, a post office was established. In 1897 mining began, first copper and later uranium. Paradox is a yellowcake boomtown. Uranium ore was first discovered at the Raja mine, and a sample was shipped to Marie Curie in France, although other sources state that specimens were shipped to Freidel and Cumenge in France for analysis.
In 2010 The New Yorker magazine featured an article, "The Uranium Widows", on the spouses of deceased Paradox uranium workers who died from extended exposure to uranium during their employment in the local mines and mills.
Paradox is located in Paradox Valley at (38.368310,-108.962574).
In 1991, the population of Paradox was "around two hundred."
<doc id="8723960" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723960" title="Attila Kelemen">
Attila Kelemen
Attila Béla Ladislau Kelemen (4 May 1948 – 8 January 2022) was an ethnic Hungarian Romanian politician and Member of the European Parliament. He was a member of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania (UDMR/RMDSZ), part of the European People's Party–European Democrats, and became an MEP on 1 January 2007 with the accession of Romania to the European Union. He served until the election that November. Kelemen has also sat in the Chamber of Deputies from 1996 to 2016, representing Mureș County.
Kelemen was born in Târgu Mureș, Romania, on 4 May 1948. He died on 8 January 2022, at the age of 73.
<doc id="8723961" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723961" title="Sándor Kónya-Hamar">
Sándor Kónya-Hamar
Sándor Kónya-Hamar (born September 5, 1948 in Lunca Mureșului, Alba County) is an ethnic Hungarian politician in Romania and Member of the European Parliament. He is a member of the Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania, part of the European People's Party–European Democrats, and became an MEP on 1 January 2007 with the accession of Romania to the European Union.
<doc id="8723962" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723962" title="Marian-Jean Marinescu">
Marian-Jean Marinescu
Marian-Jean Marinescu (born August 11, 1952) is a Romanian politician and member of PNL, part of the European People's Party–European Democrats. Elected to the Chamber of Deputies for Dolj County, he became a Member of the European Parliament in January 2007, with the accession of Romania to the European Union. He is a Grand Officer of the Order of the Star of Romania.
Marian-Jean Marinescu has been vice-president of the PPE Group for two legislatures, chair of the PPE Working Group "Budgets and Structural Policies", coordinator of the PPE working group for the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021–2027, Vice-Coordinator of the Transport and Tourism Commission (TRAN), vice-president of the "Sky and Space" Intergroup, member of the Board of Directors of the European Agency for Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GSA), ambassador and founding member of the Erasmus program for entrepreneurs .
In the new legislature 2019 - 2024, Marian-Jean Marinescu continues his activity in the committees of which he was a member previously, namely: member in the Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN), alternate member in the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) and an alternate member of the Committee on Budgetary Control (CONT), as well as coordinator of the PPE group for transport policies.
A fluent speaker of French and English, Marian-Jean Marinescu has a solid administrative experience at national level, being deputy in the Romanian Parliament, County Councilor - Dolj County Council - Municipal Councilor Local Craiova and Prefect - Dolj County Prefect Institution.
During the activity, Marian-Jean Marinescu was twice awarded the MEP of the Year (2014 and 2016), in the Research - Innovation section, the Personality of the Year Award in the field of aviation, granted by the European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) in 2017, Red Arrow Award 2017 for Europe's Essential Commitment - Future Business Austria Conference.
In the 2014 - 2019 legislature Marinescu was ranked the most active Romanian MEP, with a portfolio of 15 reports as principal rapporteur, 20 alternative reports and 5 opinion reports, as well as one of the ones more influential Romanian MEPs, according to VoteWatch's April 2019 ranking.
Born in Râmnicu Vâlcea, Marinescu graduated from the Bucharest Politehnica Institute's Faculty of Aerospace engineering in 1976, and subsequently worked as an engineer for Avioane SA and Aviation Institute branch in Craiova.
He entered politics in 1992, as a member of the PDL (known then as Democratic Party, PD), when he was elected a member of the Craiova City Council. Marinescu was elected vice-president of the PD local section in Craiova (1994) and Dolj County (1997), and, in 2001, Secretary for Dolj County and Oltenia. He served as prefect of Dolj under the Romanian Democratic Convention cabinet (1996-2000), and, after 2004, he was a member of the Dolj County Council, before winning a seat in the 2004 legislative election on the Justice and Truth common list.
In December 2020, Marinescu received the Transport & Tourism award at "The Parliament Magazine"'s annual MEP Awards.
He is married with three children.
<doc id="8723963" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723963" title="Mildmay Fane, 2nd Earl of Westmorland">
Mildmay Fane, 2nd Earl of Westmorland
Mildmay Fane, 2nd Earl of Westmorland (24 January 1602 – 12 February 1666), styled Lord le Despenser between 1624 and 1628, was an English nobleman, politician and writer.
One of seven sons of Francis Fane by his wife Mary Mildmay, granddaughter of Sir Walter Mildmay, Mildmay Fane was born in Kent and educated at Emmanuel College, Cambridge (matriculated 1618). He became MP for Peterborough in 1620 and for Kent in 1625. He succeeded his father as Earl of Westmorland and Lord le Despenser on 23 March 1629.
A friend of Robert Herrick, he supported the Royalist party at the outbreak of the English Civil War (King Charles I had stood as godfather to Fane's eldest son in 1635). Following a brief period of imprisonment by Parliament, however, he retired to his estate at Apethorpe Palace in Northamptonshire.
One hundred and thirty-seven poems by Fane appeared in his self-published collection "Otia Sacra" in 1648—the first time a peer of England published his own verse. It was only at the end of the twentieth century that a larger body of Fane's verse was identified: some 500 poems by Fane, composed between 1621 and 1665, were published in 2001. The poems survived in manuscript collections preserved at Fulbeck Hall in Lincolnshire, Houghton Library at Harvard University, and the Westmorland papers preserved at the Northamptonshire Record Office.
Fane also wrote masques and stage plays; six of these "politicized entertainments" were performed at Apethorpe during the decade of the 1640s by Fane's children and servants. For his 1641 masque "Candia Restaurata", Fane designed sets and stage effects and composed some of the music used in the production. "Virtue's Triumph" features personifications of Ambition and Impudence, Lies and Deceits; Nobility and Learning are married and the parents of Truth. The protagonist of "De Pugna Animi" is Lord Mens (Mind), who is assisted by figures like Sir Ratio Prudens in resisting a revolt of the five senses. Fane wrote his play "The Change" during his imprisonment in the Tower of London early in the Civil War. One of his plays, titled "Ladrones", was known in manuscript in the 19th century and reportedly featured Sir Francis Drake, Thomas Cavendish, and Ferdinand Magellan as characters; but the MS. has been lost. Fane's total extant literary output includes over 900 poems in English and Latin, and eight plays or entertainments.
Fane married twice: firstly, in 1620, to Grace Thornhurst, daughter of Sir William Thornhurst of Kent, with whom he had a son and five daughters; and secondly to Mary, daughter of Horace Lord Vere of Tillsbury, who bore him a son and four daughters, one of whom was Lady Mary Fane who married firstly Francis Palmes of Ashwell, Rutland, granddaughter of Sir Guy Palmes, and was widowed with no children. She married secondly John Cecil, 4th Earl of Exeter (1628–1678), a widower, on 24 January 1670. Mildmay's first son Charles, and his second son Vere, both succeeded to their father's title in turn (since Charles Fane, 3rd Earl, left no descendants).
Mildmay Fane's younger brother Sir Francis Fane married Elizabeth West, daughter of William West of Firbeck Hall, Yorkshire, and widow of John, Lord Darcy of the North. Sir Francis Fane achieved some distinction as a writer, publishing poetry as well as three dramatic plays. He was made Knight of the Bath at the Coronation of Charles I, and served as governor of Doncaster Castle during the English civil war. Rachael Fane (1613–1680), one of Mildmay Fane's seven sisters and a resident of Apethorpe Palace, also wrote entertainments and a masque that were performed by the household. Her works survive in manuscript. Another younger brother was the Royalist and MP Colonel the Hon. George Fane.
<doc id="8723965" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723965" title="Eugen Mihăescu">
Eugen Mihăescu
Eugen Mihăescu (born 24 August 1937 in Bucharest) is a Romanian painter and politician. He is a member of the Greater Romania Party and was a Member of the European Parliament from 1 January 2007, date of the accession of Romania to the European Union, until 20 May 2007. While in the European Parliament, he was the vice-chair of the far-right Identity, Tradition and Sovereignty group.
<doc id="8723966" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723966" title="Dan Mihalache">
Dan Mihalache
Sorin Dan Mihalache (born 18 May 1971 in Timișoara) is a Romanian politician and former Member of the European Parliament. He is a member of the Social Democratic Party, part of the Party of European Socialists, became an MEP on 1 January 2007 with the accession of Romania to the European Union and he serves as the Ambassador of Romania to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland since 8 June 2016. He started his career as a journalist after graduating from Bucharest University Law School.
Political career.
Between 2004 and 2008, Mr. Mihalache served a complete term as Member of the Romanian Chamber of Deputies, while in 2006 and 2007 he held a seat as Observer and then as Member of the European Parliament (MEP).
Other public positions include Secretary General of the Romanian Senate (2013–2014), Deputy Secretary General of the Romanian Government (2012), Adviser to the Romanian Prime Minister (2001–2004).
Mr. Mihalache was the President's chief of staff – Head of Presidential Chancellery and the Head of Presidential Administration since December 2014, immediately after the election of Klaus Iohannis as President of Romania – and one of Klaus Iohannis' closest advisors after he became president.
On 8 June 2016 Klaus Iohannis signed the presidential decree appointing Dan Mihalache as the Ambassador of Romania to the Court of St. James's, although voices from the Civil society expressed concern with Mihalache's appointment.
In 2012 Dan Mihalache was discharged from the role as the Deputy Secretary General of the Romanian Government by the Prime Minister Victor Ponta as a result of Mihalache's comments regarding the warning raised by the Ambassador to Romania, Mark Gitenstein, against any modifications to the Romania's National Integrity Agency's law (whose main task is to ensure the performance of public dignities and positions in conditions of impartiality, integrity and transparency), which the Ambassador said could lead to a new set of discussions or even cancelling a proposed Romanian-American Strategic Partnership; Mihalache declared in an interview that he is not worried about the ambassador's warning and suggested that it may be better if the partnership didn't happen, considering who the director of Romania's National Integrity Agency is, leading to his dismissal by the prime minister. He later claimed that his declarations were taken out of context.
In 2015 presidential adviser Dan Mihalache was caught on camera sleeping while waiting for the meeting between President Klaus Iohannis and his Serbian counterpart to end. The photo of Mihalache sleeping in a chair at the meeting table has become viral. Mihalache claimed he was not sleeping and it was a manipulation of the public by the tabloid media while president Klaus Iohannis declared that it was a poor attempt to discredit his team.
<doc id="8723968" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723968" title="Viorica Moisuc">
Viorica Moisuc
Viorica Georgeta Pompilia Moisuc (born 8 April 1934) is a Romanian politician and Member of the European Parliament. Moisuc is a member of the Greater Romania Party, part of the Identity/Sovereignty/Transparency group, and became an MEP on 1 January 2007 with the accession of Romania to the European Union.
<doc id="8723970" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723970" title="Grey Alien">
Grey Alien
<doc id="8723972" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723972" title="Alexandru Ioan Morțun">
Alexandru Ioan Morțun
Alexandru Ioan Morțun (born July 16, 1951) is a Romanian physician, politician, and Member of the European Parliament (MEP). He is a member of the National Liberal Party (PNL), which was part of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe until 2014, and became an MEP on January 1, 2007, with the accession of Romania to the European Union. Between 1996 and 2000, and again from 2000, he represented Mehedinți County in the Romanian Senate.
Born in Drobeta-Turnu Severin, Morțun graduated from the Victor Babeș University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Timișoara (1976), specializing in Pediatrics (1982), medical ultrasonography (1996) and health care politics (2000). Between 1976 and 1979, he worked in a dispensary, was a secondary physician until 1982, and a specialist doctor at the Mehedinți County Hospital in Drobeta-Turnu Severin. From 2000-2004, he worked as a pediatrician, and the chief physician at the Mehedinți County House for Social Health Insurance (CJASS).
He became a member of the PNL in 1990, after the 1989 Revolution, and served as vice president of its Mehedinți County Organization after 1991, being its president between 1992 and 2005. He first became a member of the Senate after the 1996 Romanian legislative election, on Romanian Democratic Convention lists, and served as the Senate Quaestor. Morțun again won a seat during the 2004 Romanian legislative election, as a candidate of the Justice and Truth Alliance . During his first term, he sat on the Committee for Labor and Social Protection, and on the Committee for Health, Environment and Sport. After 2004, he became a member of the Committee for Investigating Abuse, Fight against Corruption and Petitions.
<doc id="8723973" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723973" title="Ioan Mircea Pașcu">
Ioan Mircea Pașcu
Ioan Mircea Pașcu (born 17 February 1949) is a Romanian politician and Member of the European Parliament (MEP) from Romania. He previously served Minister of Defense from 2000 to 2004. He is a member of the Social Democratic Party (PDSR/PSD), part of the Party of European Socialists.
Curriculum vitae.
Academic career
Political career
<doc id="8723974" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723974" title="Yulon Luxgen Dinos">
Yulon Luxgen Dinos
The Yulon Luxgen Dinos are a basketball team in the Super Basketball League in Taiwan. It was founded in 1965 by Yulon Motor's (or the Taiwanese Car Manufacturer Luxgen) Chairman as a First Division amateur basketball team. It has also been member of the short-lived Chinese Basketball Alliance, a professional basketball league that existed from 1994 to 1998.
<doc id="8723975" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723975" title="Victor of Xanten">
Victor of Xanten
<doc id="8723976" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723976" title="Frank Hayman">
Frank Hayman
<doc id="8723977" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723977" title="Maria Petre">
Maria Petre
Maria Petre (born August 15, 1951) is a Romanian politician and economist, member of the Democratic Party (PD), part of the European People's Party–European Democrats. A representative to the Senate for Ialomița County, she became a Member of the European Parliament on January 1, 2007 with the Romania's accession to the European Union.
Born in Grindu, Petre is a graduate of the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest. She later specialized in public administration and commerce, and took additional training courses in the United Kingdom, United States and Denmark. In 1975-1983, she worked as an economist for the Ialomiţa County Council, moving on to a similar position for a construction enterprise in the area. in 1986, she became a director at the County Council, in which capacity she served until after the Romanian Revolution of 1989.
In 1990, Petre became a director for the Ialomiţa Prefecture representing the National Salvation Front (FSN), and its vice president in 1992-2000. She followed the FSN wing led by Petre Roman into their split, and became a member of the newly formed PD. She was the PD's vice president for Ialomița (1992), becoming the branch's secretary in 2001, and its president in 2003. She was first elected to the Senate during the 2000 suffrage, being reelected in the 2004 suffrage. Petre was a secretary of the Senate Committee for Public Administration and Territorial Improvement, and member of the Committee for Equal Opportunities for Men and Women.
<doc id="8723980" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723980" title="Radu Podgorean">
Radu Podgorean
Radu Podgorean (born 22 March 1955 in Bucharest) is a Romanian politician. From 2000 to 2008, he represented Sibiu County in the Chamber of Deputies. During 2007, he served as a Member of the European Parliament. He is a member of the Social Democratic Party, part of the Party of European Socialists, and became an MEP on 1 January 2007 with the accession of Romania to the European Union. He was on the Committee of Agriculture and Rural Development, Committee for Petitions, and Delegation for Relations with Iran.
<doc id="8723991" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723991" title="Anterior ethmoidal vessels">
Anterior ethmoidal vessels
<doc id="8723992" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723992" title="Weymouth Pavillion">
Weymouth Pavillion
<doc id="8723999" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8723999" title="The 130 départements">
The 130 départements
<doc id="8724001" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724001" title="Lori Colson">
Lori Colson
<doc id="8724009" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724009" title="Saskatchewan Highway 357">
Saskatchewan Highway 357
Highway 357 is a highway in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. It runs from Highway 8 to Highway 5 and Highway 369 near Togo. Highway 357 is about long.
<doc id="8724013" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724013" title="Suffolk House">
Suffolk House
Suffolk House may refer to:
<doc id="8724017" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724017" title="József Katona">
József Katona
József Katona (11 November 1791, Kecskemét – 16 April 1830, Kecskemét) was a Hungarian playwright and poet, creator of the Hungarian historical tragedy "Bánk bán".
József Katona was born and died in Kecskemét. He studied at the University of Pest as a lawyer, and at the same time, he took part in theatrical life of the capital: he was an actor, he wrote several plays, and he also translated and adapted German melodramatic works for the Hungarian stage. He hopelessly loved the leading Hungarian actress, Mme Déry, but she never recognized this love.
József Katona wrote "Bánk bán", his most important drama for a literary competition organized by a Kolozsvár periodical in 1815. The competition required a historical drama with a Hungarian background. The result of the competition was disappointment for Katona: his "Bánk Bán" was not mentioned at all. He rewrote the play and published it privately in 1820, but it remained unnoticed until the mid-1830s. He returned to his native town Kecskemet. In the last ten years of his life, he wrote no more for the stage. Katona died on April 16, 1830, of a heart attack in front of his office.
Bánk bán.
The story was about Bánk, the viceroy appointed by King Andrew II (1205–35), while the King was away on his foreign campaigns. Bánk became involved in a conspiracy against the German-born wife of the king; he tries to prevent the rebellion, but finally he is the man who kills the queen. His reason for the murder was political and personal at the same time: Queen Gertrude had taken part in a plot to seduce Bánk’s wife. Bánk's complex character and the deep conflict between duty and personal grief make Bánk Bán one of the best Hungarian dramas. It was written at the time when the intellectuals of the country opposed Habsburg absolutism, and the drama is about mediaeval times when Hungary’s nobility fought against foreign usurpers as well, so the drama had been blacklisted by the government. In 1848, in the evening of March 15, the Hungarian National Theater scheduled a performance of Bánk Bán. It was a symbolic event, part of the Hungarian revolution.
<doc id="8724026" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724026" title="Michael Cole">
Michael Cole
Michael or Mike Cole may refer to:
<doc id="8724027" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724027" title="Lacy's Caves">
Lacy's Caves
Lacy's Caves are a series of five chambers in the red sandstone cliff of the River Eden, just north of Little Salkeld, Cumbria, England, near Nunnery, Cumbria, at .
They are named after Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel Lacy of nearby Salkeld Hall, who commissioned their carving in the 18th century. The reason for their creation is unknown; however, they were used by Lacy for entertaining guests, and the area was originally planted with ornamental gardens.
The site is a listed Regionally Important Geological Site by Eden District Council and public footpaths to the site are well maintained. Some of the path follows the line of a former tramway connecting Long Meg Mine with the nearby Settle–Carlisle line. The site is close to the ancient stone circle Long Meg and Her Daughters, and is on a popular circular walk.
<doc id="8724028" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724028" title="Deflected permanent revolution">
Deflected permanent revolution
<doc id="8724032" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724032" title="Saskatchewan Highway 369">
Saskatchewan Highway 369
Highway 369 is a highway in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. It runs from Highway 10 near the Manitoba border to Highway 5 and Highway 357 near Togo. Highway 369 is about long.
The route was originally part of "Provincial Highway 5", but became Highway 369 in the 1960s when Highway 5 was realigned to the Manitoba border east to Togo.
<doc id="8724036" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724036" title="The Efiel Tower">
The Efiel Tower
<doc id="8724037" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724037" title="Viktor and Rolf">
Viktor and Rolf
<doc id="8724039" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724039" title="Meadowbrook Middle School">
Meadowbrook Middle School
<doc id="8724043" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724043" title="The Man of the Crowd">
The Man of the Crowd
"The Man of the Crowd" is a short story by American writer Edgar Allan Poe about a nameless narrator following a man through a crowded London. It was first published in 1840.
Plot summary.
The story is introduced with the epigraph "Ce grand malheur, de ne pouvoir être seul" — a quote taken from "The Characters of Man" by Jean de La Bruyère. It translates to "This great misfortune, of not being able to be alone". This same quotation is used in Poe's earliest tale, "Metzengerstein".
After an unnamed illness, the unnamed narrator sits in an unnamed coffee shop in London. He was fascinated by the crowd outside the window, he considers how isolated people think they are, despite "the very denseness of the company around". He takes time to categorize the different types of people he sees. As evening falls, the narrator focuses on "a decrepit old man, some sixty-five or seventy years of age", whose face has a peculiar idiosyncrasy, and whose body "was short in stature, very thin, and apparently very feeble" wearing filthy, ragged clothes of a "beautiful texture". The narrator dashes out of the coffee shop to follow the man from afar. The man leads the narrator through bazaars and shops, buying nothing, and into a poorer part of the city, then back into "the heart of the mighty London". This chase lasts through the evening and into the next day. Finally, exhausted, the narrator stands in front of the man, who still does not notice him. The narrator concludes the man is "the type and genius of deep crime" due to his inscrutability and inability to leave the crowds of London.
According to the text of the tale, the reason for the narrator's monomaniacal obsession with the man stems from "the absolute idiosyncrasy of [the man's] expression". He is the only person walking down the street the narrator can't categorize. Why the narrator is so haunted by him is not entirely clear, though it is implied that the two men are two sides of the same person, with the old man representing a secret side of the narrator, though the narrator is unable to see this. The old man may be wandering through the crowd in search of a lost friend or to escape the memory of a crime. The possible evil nature of the man is implied by the dagger that is possibly seen under his cloak - whatever crime he has committed condemns him to wander. This lack of disclosure has been compared to similar vague motivations in "The Cask of Amontillado". Poe purposely presents the story as a sort of mystification, inviting readers to surmise the old man's secret themselves.
At the beginning of the tale, the narrator surveys and categorizes the people around him in a similar way as Walt Whitman in "Song of Myself". Poe's narrator, however, lacks Whitman's celebratory spirit. While viewing these people, the narrator is able to ascertain a great deal of information about them based on their appearance and by noting small details. For example, he notices that a man's ear sticks out a small amount, indicating he must be a clerk who stores his pen behind his ear. Poe would later incorporate this ability to observe small details in his character C. Auguste Dupin. All of this is a virtuoso performance of the representation of social typicality; it owes something to Dickens’s Sketches by Boz, but there is also something of the moralizing medieval Vice in its parade of degenerates, of depraved women and of social outcasts. In one sense this is a sideshow, a digression from the main line of the narrative, which is concerned with the crowd only as an abstract force; in another, however, it brings to the fore the sense that it is only through these social clichés that the crowd can be made humanly understandable.
In describing the man, the narrator “describes a set of contradictory characteristics: ‘there arose confusedly and paradoxically within my mind, the ideas of vast mental power, of caution, of penuriousness, of avarice, of coolness, of malice, of blood-thirstiness, of triumph, of merriment, of excessive terror, of intense – of supreme despair’. The man’s dress, too, is contradictory: his linen is dirty but ‘of beautiful texture’, and through a tear in his cloak the narrator glimpses a diamond and a dagger.”
“The Man of the Crowd” stands as a transitional work between the haunting Gothic tales of the late 1830s and the ratiocinative fiction of the early forties, possessing obvious qualities of both.
This story is also the beginnings of Poe's detective stories. Walter Benjamin writes that "[The Man of the Crowd] is something like an X-ray of a detective story. It does away with all the drapery that a crime represents. Only the armature remains: the pursuer, the crowd, and an unknown man who manages to walk through London in such a way that he always remains in the middle of the crowd". In agreeing with Benjamin, William Brevda contributes that “Poe splits the human psyche into pursuer and pursued, self and other, ego and id, “detective” and criminal, past and future…” “Poe also echoes Sophocles in his theme of the guilty knowledge that humans run from and simultaneously toward. In the nightmare Poe dreams for us, the ordinary person, the man in the street is at heart a criminal".
The setting of London is one of the few specific details revealed in the tale. By 1840, London was the largest city in the world with a population of 750,000. Poe would have known London from the time he spent there as a boy with his foster family, the Allans, although he may have relied on the writings of Charles Dickens for details of London's streets. In this story and others, Poe associates modern cities with the growth of impersonal crime.
Publication history.
The story was first published simultaneously in the December 1840 issues of "Atkinson's Casket" and "Burton's Gentleman's Magazine". The latter was the final issue of that periodical. William Evans Burton sold his periodical to George Rex Graham so the inaugural issue was under the name "Graham's Magazine". There is some confusion because the December 1840 issue was bound with "Burton's Gentleman's Magazine" issues ending in November, 1840. It was later included in Wiley & Putnam's collection simply titled "Tales by Edgar A. Poe".
At the time of the story's publication, Poe's reputation in the United States was mixed, but his reception among many French modernists, including Stéphane Mallarmé and Paul Valéry, was enthusiastic. Charles Baudelaire discusses "The Man of the Crowd" in "The Painter of Modern Life"; it would go on to become a key example in Walter Benjamin's essay "On Some Motifs in Baudelaire", which theorizes the role of the crowd in modernity.
<doc id="8724046" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724046" title="Landmarks Foundation">
Landmarks Foundation
Landmarks Foundation, founded in 1997 by Samuel Adams Green and based in New York City, was a non-profit organization created to conserve sacred sites and landscapes around the world. The foundation motto was "protecting sacred sites globally."
The following defines what the Landmarks Foundation was founded to ward and why:
Whether locations are in current use today or relics left by vanished ancestors, these sacred places are tangible and sometimes intangible focal points for the beliefs, rituals and religions that define human societies. These structures and integral natural settings are threatened by economic expansion, desecration, pollution and neglect as well as by natural disasters and erosion. Just like the natural world, mankind's spiritual heritage is in need of dedicated protection.
The Landmarks Foundation directs funding and technical expertise to local groups that cannot protect their sacred cultural heritage without assistance. Selection of specific projects is based on cultural significance and degree of jeopardy. In describing their methods, a spokesperson for Landmarks Foundation remarked that "Piecemeal restoration is no substitute for a master plan ...".
Sites to which the Landmarks Foundation has lent its efforts towards protecting include the following:
The Landmarks Foundation relied upon donations for its funding. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Robert de Rothschild, Princess Elizabeth, and Mesrob II are among its members and supporters. The Landmarks Foundation's advisory board was a multi-national assembly of conservation experts from around the world.
<doc id="8724053" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724053" title="Durham House">
Durham House
Durham House may refer to:
in the United States (by state)
<doc id="8724056" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724056" title="Roer (département)">
Roer (département)
<doc id="8724057" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724057" title="Black Light (disambiguation)">
Black Light (disambiguation)
A black light is a lamp which operates near the ultraviolet range of light
Black Light or Blacklight may also refer to:
<doc id="8724059" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724059" title="Saskatchewan Highway 661">
Saskatchewan Highway 661
Highway 661 is a highway in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. It runs from Highway 8/Highway 49 near Pelly to Highway 753. Highway 661 is about 22 km (14 miles) long.
<doc id="8724060" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724060" title="Black light (disambiguation)">
Black light (disambiguation)
<doc id="8724066" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724066" title="Game Boy Music">
Game Boy Music
<doc id="8724067" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724067" title="Probucol">
Probucol, sold under the trade name Lorelco among others, is an anti-hyperlipidemic drug initially developed for the treatment of coronary artery disease. Clinical development was discontinued after it was found that the drug may have the undesired effect of lowering HDL in patients with a previous history of heart disease. It may also cause QT interval prolongation.
Probucol was initially developed in the 1970s by a chemical company to maximize airplane tire longevity.
Mechanism of action.
Probucol lowers the level of cholesterol in the bloodstream by increasing the rate of LDL catabolism. Additionally, probucol may inhibit cholesterol synthesis and delay cholesterol absorption. Probucol is a powerful antioxidant which inhibits the oxidation of cholesterol in LDLs; this slows the formation of foam cells, which form atherosclerotic plaques. After promising test results in mouse models, Probucol is under study at Weston Brain Institute of McGill University as a possible aid in delaying the onset of Alzheimer's disease.
Probucol has also been shown to inhibit ABCA1-dependent cholesterol transport, which may contribute to its known effect of lowering HDL.
<doc id="8724069" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724069" title="Rome (département)">
Rome (département)
<doc id="8724070" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724070" title="Macedonian cursive script">
Macedonian cursive script
<doc id="8724076" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724076" title="Gay stereotyping">
Gay stereotyping
<doc id="8724083" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724083" title="Atilla Bela Ladislau Kelemen">
Atilla Bela Ladislau Kelemen
<doc id="8724086" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724086" title="Atilla Kelemen">
Atilla Kelemen
<doc id="8724088" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724088" title="Kelemen Atilla">
Kelemen Atilla
<doc id="8724090" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724090" title="Sandor Konya-Hamar">
Sandor Konya-Hamar
<doc id="8724093" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724093" title="Marengo (département)">
Marengo (département)
<doc id="8724094" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724094" title="Sándor Konya Hamar">
Sándor Konya Hamar
<doc id="8724096" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724096" title="Sandor Konya Hamar">
Sandor Konya Hamar
<doc id="8724098" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724098" title="Konya-Hamar Sándor">
Konya-Hamar Sándor
<doc id="8724102" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724102" title="Cohen vs. Cowles">
Cohen vs. Cowles
<doc id="8724105" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724105" title="Konya Hamar Sándor">
Konya Hamar Sándor
<doc id="8724106" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724106" title="Konya-Hamar Sandor">
Konya-Hamar Sandor
<doc id="8724109" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724109" title="Konya Hamar Sandor">
Konya Hamar Sandor
<doc id="8724110" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724110" title="Automatic Independent Surveillance – Privacy">
Automatic Independent Surveillance – Privacy
Automatic Independent Surveillance – Privacy (AIS-P) is a data packet protocol for the TailLight system of aircraft Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS), wherein a single Mode S 64 microsecond message is transmitted by an aircraft ATCRBS or Mode S transponder, and received by aircraft and Air Traffic Control on the ground. This is an augmentation to aircraft transponders, which report aircraft position and velocity in such a way as to minimize interference with any other avionics system, maximize the possible number of participating aircraft, while not relying on any equipment on the ground, and protecting aircraft from potential attack. AIS-P and ADS-B are competing protocols for aircraft based surveillance of traffic, a replacement technology for Mode S radar and TCAS.
AIS-P as an alternative to ADS-B.
TailLight implemented as a free addition inside General Aviation ATCRBS transponders, such as the AT-155, utilizes the AIS-P protocol to achieve all intended ADS-B advertised collision avoidance benefits in the airport terminal and en route airspace. It does not interfere with any other avionic systems, produces a system capacity of up to 335,000 aircraft within line-of-sight of each other, and provides interoperability with the other collision avoidance systems, without exposing the aircraft to potential attack.
The AIS-P protocol is an alternative to the ADS-B and Mode S based TCAS protocols, and solves the problems of frequency congestion, by eliminating a requirement for multiple packet messages, or new longer packet definitions for ADS-B not established by international treaty, and by eliminating the 24 bit overhead for named identity in each packet of the message (required to tie multiple packets together into a message). One packet encodes latitude and longitude, altitude, direction, and speed (full position and velocity), handles error detection and recovery, along with channel use arbitration, in the AIS-P protocol. This reduces verbose overhead unnecessary for collision avoidance purposes.
The AIS-P protocol is not meant for purposes of billing and targeting. Additionally, one of the requirements satisfied by the AIS-P protocol is that a missile with an ADS-B type target homer aimed at the unnamed aircraft alone in the sky would miss.
<doc id="8724111" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724111" title="Marian Jean Marinescu">
Marian Jean Marinescu
<doc id="8724112" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724112" title="Elk Creek, Virginia">
Elk Creek, Virginia
Elk Creek is an unincorporated community in Grayson County, Virginia, United States.
Elk Creek is home to a local dragstrip owned by the people who participate in the races held there.
The ZCTA for Elk Creek's ZIP Code is 24326 and had a population of 478 at the 2000 census..
<doc id="8724114" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724114" title="Marian Marinescu">
Marian Marinescu
<doc id="8724117" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724117" title="Eugen Mihaescu">
Eugen Mihaescu
<doc id="8724118" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724118" title="Sarre (département)">
Sarre (département)
<doc id="8724120" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724120" title="Dan Sorin Mihalache">
Dan Sorin Mihalache
<doc id="8724122" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724122" title="Alexandru Ioan Mortun">
Alexandru Ioan Mortun
<doc id="8724124" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724124" title="Alexandru Morţun">
Alexandru Morţun
<doc id="8724127" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724127" title="Alexandru Mortun">
Alexandru Mortun
<doc id="8724130" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724130" title="Andrés Laguna">
Andrés Laguna
Andrés Laguna de Segovia (1499–1559) was a Spanish humanist physician, pharmacologist, and botanist.
Laguna was born in Segovia, according to Diego de Colmenares and other historians, to a converted Jewish doctor. He studied the arts for two years in Salamanca, then moved to Paris in 1530, where he graduated from the arts and went on to study medicine. He also learned classical languages such as Greek and Latin with such fluency as to be able to read Dioscorides in his original language. He was also influenced by Erasmus. Laguna returned to Spain in 1536, then travelled to England, lived some years in the Netherlands and collected herbal remedies in all the places he stayed to verify Dioscorides's prescriptions. Between 1540 and 1545 he resided in Metz, becoming a doctor of the city, and from 1545 to 1554 he stayed in Italy, where he received a doctorate from the University of Bologne and was honored by the Popes Paul III and Julius III, becoming doctor to the latter pontiff. He was provided with accommodations in Venice by the Spanish ambassador Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, a preeminent humanist and proprietor of a nutritional library. Laguna finally returned to Spain in 1557, after another extended stay in the Netherlands lasting three years; he served as doctor to Charles V and Philip II. Lastly, he created the Botanical Garden of Aranjuez. He died, probably in Guadalajara, Spain, in 1559. His remains were interred in the church of San Miguel, in Segovia.
Laguna worked on literary, historical, philosophical, political ("Europe the Self-Tormentor, that is to say, she miserably torments herself and laments her own disgrace") and medical subjects, as a typical "homo universalis" of the Renaissance. His most celebrated work is the translation into Castilian, with interesting commentaries and additions that double the original text, of Dioscorides's "Materia Medica". His primary source was the edition translated to Latin by Ruelle and printed in Alcala in 1518 under supervision of Antonio de Nebrija, but also Ruelle's own classes, which he attended during his stay in Paris between 1530 and 1536. The work was published with the title "Annotations on Dioscorides of Anazarbus" (Lyon, 1554). He also indicates, in his translation, the errors committed by Ruelle that he noticed when collating the Latin translation with various Greek codices. He finished this annotation in Rome (1553) and one year later, on one of his visits to Venice, he produced a printing of his edition at the same place where P. Andrea Mattioli, the principal distributor of Dioscorides in Europe (he had made a translation to Latin and another to Italian in 1544 that was reprinted seventeen times), produced his own edition. Laguna personally verified all the prescriptions of Dioscorides and added his own observations, opinions and experiences as a botanist and pharmacologist who had experimented with herbs gathered in many areas of Europe and the Mediterranean coast. His translation is clear and precise and the commentaries constitute a primary source, not just for botanical medicine of the period, but for other scientific and technical activities. The text was reprinted in Antwerp in 1555 and was reprinted twenty-two times by the end of the eighteenth century; it was much more influential than other editions of Galen or Theophrastus in the European Renaissance, since the prescriptions of Dioscorides had a more practical nature.
Laguna still considered the theory of the four humors effective, but he showed scepticism with respect to alchemy, rejecting any affirmation that did not have empirical confirmation. In spite of that, he sometimes included non-firsthand information about products from the Americas, like the antisyphilitic guaiacum, in a very confusing form. When he did not draw from a direct source, he appears to draw from the works of Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés.
List of works.
Laguna did many translations and commentaries, like:
His original works include:
He published more than thirty works in all.
<doc id="8724131" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724131" title="Alexandru Morțun">
Alexandru Morțun
<doc id="8724133" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724133" title="Ioan Mircea Pascu">
Ioan Mircea Pascu
<doc id="8724136" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724136" title="Ioan Pascu">
Ioan Pascu
<doc id="8724138" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724138" title="Ioan Paşcu">
Ioan Paşcu
<doc id="8724142" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724142" title="Arno (département)">
Arno (département)
<doc id="8724143" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724143" title="Ioan Pașcu">
Ioan Pașcu
<doc id="8724146" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724146" title="Çem">
<doc id="8724150" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724150" title="Doire (département)">
Doire (département)
<doc id="8724154" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724154" title="Cang Mountain">
Cang Mountain
Cangshan or Cang Mountain () is a mountain range immediately west of Dali City in Yunnan province of Southwest China.
The highest summit, Malong, is 4,122 m, but the range includes another 18 peaks that are over 3,500 m elevation.
The mountain range is noted for its rich, diverse flora, first scientifically documented by Pierre Jean Marie Delavay in 1882.
In 1991 construction began on a paved walkway running north and south from the top chairlift station near ancient Dali. This walkway passes several waterfalls and overlooks lake Erhai and the ancient city itself. This walkway is named "Jade-Cloud Road" after the cloud formations that appear over the Cang Mountain peaks. Construction was completed in 1992 and in 2004 a new project was launched to widen the road and increase its length.
At the Dali Town chairlift station on the mountainside is a temple complex as well as a small travellers' inn.
A second chairlift was completed in 2012 which takes visitors to just below the summit of the Cang Mountain Range. Pathways from the summit chairlift station allow visitors to walk to the peak and also to visit the TV and radio relay station that is situated on top of the ridge.
<doc id="8724157" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724157" title="Fly (American football)">
Fly (American football)
<doc id="8724161" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724161" title="Beaufort Frankenstein">
Beaufort Frankenstein
<doc id="8724165" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724165" title="Jemmape (département)">
Jemmape (département)
<doc id="8724168" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724168" title="Anastasios Karatasos">
Anastasios Karatasos
Anastasios Karatasos (; 1764 – 21 January 1830) was a Greek military commander during the Greek War of Independence was born in the village of Dovras (Δοβράς or Δορβρά), Imathia and is considered to be the most important revolutionary from Macedonia.
Klephtis and Greek War of Independence.
Karatasos became a Klepht at the age of eighteen and became quite famous for his actions in the Olympus area before he joined the Revolution. In 1804, with the Armatolos Vassilios Romfeis, he defended Naoussa from the attacking forces of Ali Pasha, but he didn't manage to save the city, that was captured five months later. In March 1821, when Emmanouel Pappas started the Revolution in Chalkidiki, he collaborated with him trying to spread it through the entire region, but their actions were not well coordinated. Large numbers of Ottoman forces from Thessaloniki were able to defeat the Greek revolutionary forces, and Emmanuel Pappas was retired to Mount Athos. He returned to Naoussa which was liberated from Ottomans on February 19, 1822, under the leadership of Zafeirakis Theodosiou.
In April 1822, the Pasha of Thessaloniki, Abdul Abut with 18,000 men besieged Naoussa, and, fourteen days later, he captured and destroyed the city. Karatasos was responsible for the defence, and he managed to save himself and his family, escaping from the burned town. He continued the Revolution in Macedonia, and, later in 1823, he trapped and destroyed a two thousand men corps of Janissaries in the Mpampa Bridge at Pineios.
Descent to South Greece.
Also in 1823 with the Klepht Aggelis Gatsos and their bands, they crossed Mount Olympus and he collaborated with Georgios Karaiskakis at Agrafa, and Mesologgi, while he fought at the Battle of Peta and performed guerilla operations in Thessaly.
In his letters to the Revolutionary movement he complained about the lack of supplies for his band, although he fought in numerous battles at Nafplio, Souli, Skiathos, Karystos, Trikeri, Messinia and performed operations together with Markos Botsaris, Giorgakis Olympios, Odysseas Androutsos, Manto Mavrogenous, Andreas Vokos Miaoulis,
Ioannis Kolettis and others.
Anastasios Karatasos died at the age of 66 on January 22, 1830, at Nafpaktos where he was buried with honours.
His statue lies at the central square of Veroia, built by the sculptor Dimitrios Chatzis.
<doc id="8724177" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724177" title="Saskatchewan Highway 753">
Saskatchewan Highway 753
Highway 753 is a highway in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. It runs from Highway 9 near Hinchcliffe until the Manitoba border, where it continues as Provincial Road 275 near Crestview. Highway 753 is about 76 km (47 mi.) long.
Highway 753 passes through the communities of Danbury, Arabella, and Whitebeech. Highway 753 intersects Highway 662, Highway 8, and Highway 661.
<doc id="8724186" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724186" title="Escaut (département)">
Escaut (département)
<doc id="8724193" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724193" title="Female Pope">
Female Pope
<doc id="8724194" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724194" title="Iranian mythology">
Iranian mythology
Iranian mythology or Iranic mythology may refer to any of the following mythologies of various Iranian peoples:
<doc id="8724195" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724195" title="Taro (département)">
Taro (département)
<doc id="8724210" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724210" title="Lippe (département)">
Lippe (département)
<doc id="8724215" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724215" title="Babiali">
<doc id="8724216" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724216" title="Gaio Asinio Pollione">
Gaio Asinio Pollione
<doc id="8724221" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724221" title="Ombrone (département)">
Ombrone (département)
<doc id="8724222" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724222" title="David Berger (Canadian politician)">
David Berger (Canadian politician)
David Berger (born March 30, 1950) is a Canadian lawyer, politician, diplomat, and sports executive.
He was born in Ottawa, Ontario, the eldest son of Sam Berger. He attended Ashbury College before receiving a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1971 from the University of Toronto and a Bachelor of Civil Law in 1975 from McGill University. From 1975 to 1979, he was an Executive Vice-president for the Montreal Alouettes Football Club. From 1978 to 1979, he was President of the Canadian Football League. He was elected to the House of Commons of Canada for the riding of Laurier in the 1979 federal election. A Liberal, he was re-elected four more times in 1980, 1984, 1988, and 1993 (in the riding of Saint-Henri—Westmount). In 1982, he was the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of State (Small Businesses and Tourism). From 1982 to 1984, he was the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Consumer and Corporate Affairs. He resigned in 1994 after being appointed the Canadian ambassador to Israel and was at the same time High Commissioner of Canada to Cyprus. Berger served until 1999 and was replaced by Michael Dougall Bell. He backed Stéphane Dion at the 2006 Liberal Party of Canada leadership convention.
<doc id="8724223" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724223" title="Alonso de Contreras">
Alonso de Contreras
Alonso de Contreras (Madrid, Spain, 6 January 1582 - 1641), was a Spanish sailor (captain of a frigate), soldier (captain of infantry and then of cavalry), privateer, adventurer and writer, best known as the author of his autobiography; one of the very few autobiographies of Spanish soldiers under the Spanish Habsburgs and possibly one of the finest, together with the "True History of the Conquest of New Spain" ("Historia Verdadera de la Conquista de la Nueva España") by Bernal Diaz del Castillo.
Born to a very poor family he enrolled in the army at the young age of 15 (in his autobiography he says 14 but the date he gives, September 1597, corresponds with 15) using his mother's name, Contreras. J.B. Trend's account is that he ran away to enlist after stabbing a school-fellow in Madrid at the age of 13. He traveled to Flanders but soon deserted and traveled to Malta where, for the following six years, he would soldier in privateering ships under the banner of the Order of Malta. During this time he encountered countless risks, fights and adventures. He deserted several times, mainly due to fights in which he was involved. He also learned navigation by observing the pilots do their work and was soon given command of ships. He knew the eastern Mediterranean very well and used this knowledge to write a "sailing directions" of the entire Mediterranean. The original manuscript of this work is kept today, together with the original manuscript of his autobiography, at the Spanish National Library in Madrid ("Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid").
After six years he returned to Castile where he applied for and got a commission as an ensign and he visited his mother. His orders were to recruit his soldiers, as was customary then, and, under the command of his captain, go to Extremadura. There is an obscure incident where, in the small Morisco town of Hornachos, he found a cache of arms in a house where one of his soldiers was quartered. He was told by the local authorities to say nothing but years later he was accused and tried for plotting a rebellion. He is not very clear on this incident and it could well be that there was more to it than he intimates.
A prostitute falls in love with him after she sees him involved in a fight and joins him and follows him with his army but his captain tries to rape her and Contreras takes revenge by almost killing him. Contreras then escapes to Madrid where he gives himself up and explains what happened. He is exonerated and given order to return but most of the soldiers had deserted.
After some time of soldiering he becomes a hermit on the slopes of the Moncayo in Aragon and lives that life until he is arrested and tried for the incident of the arms at Hornachos.
He continued to have an adventurous and active military career which took him to many parts in Europe, rising to the rank of infantry captain. He also became an accomplished sailor and sailed all over the Mediterranean where he encountered many adventures. He also sailed to the West Indies where he encountered and fought the ships of Sir Walter Raleigh. For a time he was the governor of a small city in Italy. In Italy he married a Castilian lady but, having become suspicious of her faithfulness he spies on her and laconically says "their fate was that I found them in bed together and they died". He was present at the eruption of the Vesuvius volcano of 1631 and helped save some lives. He was befriended by the poet Lope de Vega who, having heard his tales, was probably who prompted him to write his autobiography.
His autobiography has been published many times in Spanish and the sailing directions at least once. Information on the various Spanish editions and a link to the downloadable text can be found at . An English translation was published in 1926 and a more recent translation was published in 1989 by Paragon House, New York, titled "The Adventures of Captain Alonso De Contreras: A 17th Century Journey".
In the Spanish archives of Simancas ("Archivo General de Simancas") there are, archived, two of his memorials, a sort of "resume" listing their accomplishments which, at the time, soldiers would have to prepare every time they sought promotion. The second one is dated fifteen years after his autobiography and gives further insight into the story of his life.
Contreras compiled sailing charts about Mediterranean ports, capes and creeks, marking where all kinds of ships can be repaired and marking the depth of water. Either the original or a copy was later possessed by the Prince of Oneglia, the Spanish Viceroy of Sicily and is noted by J.B. Trend as being still preserved in the National Library at Madrid.
<doc id="8724227" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724227" title="Basal Metabolic Rate">
Basal Metabolic Rate
<doc id="8724231" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724231" title="Dossimeter">
<doc id="8724233" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724233" title="Frise (département)">
Frise (département)
<doc id="8724237" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724237" title="Pô (département)">
Pô (département)
<doc id="8724247" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724247" title="Arenda Grimberg">
Arenda Grimberg
Arenda Grimberg (born 10 March 1978) is a Dutch racing cyclist born in Almelo. She participates in both road cycling as cyclo-cross. In 2002, she became Dutch national champion in road racing. She represented her nation at the 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005 UCI Road World Championships.
<doc id="8724250" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724250" title="Anorectal abscess">
Anorectal abscess
Anorectal abscess (also known as an anal/rectal abscess, or perianal/perirectal abscess) is an abscess adjacent to the anus. Most cases of perianal abscesses are sporadic, though there are certain situations which elevate the risk for developing the disease, such as diabetes mellitus, Crohn's disease, chronic corticosteroid treatment and others. It arises as a complication of paraproctitis. Ischiorectal, inter- and intrasphincteric abscesses have been described.
Signs and symptoms.
Pain in the perianal area is the most common symptom of an anorectal abscess. The pain may be dull, aching, or throbbing. It is worst when the person sits down and right before a bowel movement. After the individual has a bowel movement, the pain usually lessens. Other signs and symptoms of anorectal abscess include constipation, drainage from the rectum, fever and chills, or a palpable mass near the anus.
The condition can become extremely painful, and usually worsens over the course of just a few days. The pain may be limited and sporadic at first, but may worsen to a constant pain which can become very severe when body position is changed (e.g., when standing up, rolling over, and so forth). Depending upon the exact location of the abscess, there can also be excruciating pain during bowel movements, though this is not always the case. This condition may occur in isolation, but is frequently indicative of another underlying disorder, such as Crohn's disease.
If left untreated, an anal fistula will almost certainly form, connecting the rectum to the skin. This requires more intensive surgery. Furthermore, any untreated abscess may (and most likely will) continue to expand, eventually becoming a serious systemic infection.
Abscesses are caused by a high-density infection of (usually) common bacteria which collect in one place or another for any variety of reasons. Anal abscesses, without treatment, are likely to spread and affect other parts of the body, particularly the groin and rectal lumen. All abscesses can progress to serious generalized infections requiring lengthy hospitalizations if not treated.
Historically, many rectal abscesses are caused by bacteria common in the digestive system, such as E. coli. While this still continues often to be the case, there has recently been an increase in the causative organism being staphylococcus, as well as the difficult to treat community-acquired methicillin-resistant S. aureus. Because of the increasing appearance of more exotic bacteria in anal abscesses, microbiological examination will always be performed on the surgical exudate to determine the proper course of any antibiotic treatment.
Diagnosis of anorectal abscess begins with a medical history and physical exam. Imaging studies which can help determine the diagnosis in cases of a deep non-palpable perirectal abscess include pelvic CT scan, MRI or trans-rectal ultrasound. These studies are not necessary, though, in cases which the diagnosis can be made upon physical exam.
Anorectal abscesses are classified according to their anatomic location and the following are the most common types: perianal abscess, ischiorectal abscess, intersphincteric abscess and supralevator abscess.
Differential diagnosis.
This condition is often initially misdiagnosed as hemorrhoids, since this is almost always the cause of any sudden anal discomfort. The presence of the abscess, however, is suspected when the pain quickly worsens over one or two days and usual hemorrhoid treatments are ineffective in bringing relief. Furthermore, any serious abscess will eventually begin to cause signs and symptoms of general infection, including fever and nighttime chills.
A physician can rule out a hemorrhoid with a simple visual inspection, and usually appreciate an abscess by touch.
Anal abscesses are rarely treated with a simple course of antibiotics. In almost all cases surgery will need to take place to remove the abscess. Treatment is possible in an emergency department under local anesthesia, but it is highly preferred to be formally admitted to a hospital and to have the surgery performed in an operating room under general anesthesia.
Generally speaking, a fairly small but deep incision is performed close to the root of the abscess. The surgeon will allow the abscess to drain its exudate and attempt to discover any other related lesions in the area. This is one of the most basic types of surgery, and is usually performed in less than thirty minutes by the anal surgical team. Generally, a portion of the exudate is sent for microbiological analysis to determine the type of infecting bacteria. The incision is not closed (stitched), as the damaged tissues must heal from the inside toward the skin over a period of time.
The affected individual is often sent home within twenty-four hours of the surgery, and may be instructed to perform several 'sitz baths' per day. These involve a small basin which is filled with warm water, and possibly with salts; usually fits over a toilet; and soaks the affected area for a period of time. Another method of recovery involves the use of surgical packing. The initial packing is inserted by the surgical team, with redressing generally performed by hospital staff or a district nurse. During the week following the surgery, many patients will have some form of antibiotic therapy, along with some form of pain management therapy, consistent with the nature of the abscess.
It is unclear whether internal packing of the perianal abscess influences time taken for healing, wound pain, development of fistulae, or abscess recurrence.
The patient usually experiences an almost complete relief of the severe pain associated to his/her abscess upon waking from anesthesia; the pain associated with the opening and draining incision during the post-operative period is often mild in comparison.
<doc id="8724270" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724270" title="Saskatchewan Highway 637">
Saskatchewan Highway 637
Highway 637 is a highway in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. It runs from Highway 10 near Dunleath to Highway 8/Highway 49 near Norquay. Highway 637 is about 87 km (54 mi.) long.
Highway 637 passes near the communities of Rhein, Dneiper, Veregin, and Fort Pelly. Highway 637 intersects Highways 309, 726, 5, and 754.
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Mariinsky Theatre Orchestra
The Mariinsky Theatre Orchestra or just the Mariinsky Orchestra (formerly known as the Kirov Orchestra) is located in the Mariinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg, Russia. The orchestra was founded in 1783 during the reign of Catherine the Great, it was known before the revolution as the Russian Imperial Opera Orchestra. The orchestra is one of the oldest musical institutions in Russia.
In 1935 Joseph Stalin changed its name (and that of the Ballet) to the Kirov, after Sergei Kirov, the first secretary of the Communist Party in Leningrad, whose 1934 murder by his regime Stalin was attempting to whitewash. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the name was changed back to the Mariinsky in 1992.
The current artistic and general director of the Mariinsky Theatre is the conductor Valery Gergiev. Under Gergiev, the Mariinsky Orchestra has become one of the leading symphony orchestras in Russia.
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Ethmoidal notch
The ethmoidal notch separates the two orbital plates; it is quadrilateral, and filled, in the articulated skull, by the cribriform plate of the ethmoid.
The margins of the notch present several half-cells which, when united with corresponding half-cells on the upper surface of the ethmoid, complete the ethmoidal sinuses.
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Enrique Wolff
Enrique Ernesto "Quique" Wolff (born 21 February 1949) is an Argentine journalist and former football defender. He represented Argentina at the 1974 World Cup.
Playing career.
Wolff, born in Victoria, Buenos Aires, began his career with Racing Club in 1967. He played for the club until he was transferred to River Plate in 1972.
In 1974 Wolff was transferred to UD Las Palmas in Spain, and 3 years later he joined Spanish giants Real Madrid where he was part of the championship winning sides of 1977-1978 and 1978-1979.
Wolff returned to Argentina in 1979 to play for Argentinos Juniors, but he only managed 8 appearances before retiring.
Two years after his retirement Wolff turned out for Club Atlético Tigre in the Argentine 2nd division.
Sports Caster.
In 1992, he started a football-related television show named "Simplemente Fútbol" (Just football) in Argentina, which first aired locally, then moved to the Telefe network, where it was transmitted from 1993 to 1996. In 1998, the program moved to Fox Sports Americas. Since 2000, "Simplemente Fútbol" airs on ESPN Latin America.
Enrique "Quique" Wolff is it anchor announcers of SportsCenter on ESPN (South Cone) with Enrique Sacco in First Edition of SportsCenter (South Cone) from Monday to Friday at 13:00 (Local Time from Buenos Aires) at 11:00 (Local Time from Bogotá) and the 11:30 (Local Time from Caracas) live on ESPN +.
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Naegeli syndrome
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Lake Lungern
Lake Lungern (, also spelled "Lungernsee" or "Lungerensee") is a natural lake in Obwalden, Switzerland which is named after the town Lungern on its shore. The lake is drained by the Sarner Aa river, which flows through the Sarnersee and into Lake Lucerne.
The lake was originally much larger, and covered a large part of the valley it is situated in. Starting in 1836, its level was lowered by through an artificial drainage tunnel with a length of . It is used as a reservoir.
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Naegeli–Franceschetti–Jadassohn syndrome
Naegeli–Franceschetti–Jadassohn syndrome (NFJS), also known as chromatophore nevus of Naegeli and Naegeli syndrome, is a rare autosomal dominant form of ectodermal dysplasia, characterized by reticular skin pigmentation, diminished function of the sweat glands, the absence of teeth and hyperkeratosis of the palms and soles. One of the most striking features is the absence of fingerprint lines on the fingers.
Naegeli syndrome is similar to dermatopathia pigmentosa reticularis, both of which are caused by a specific defect in the keratin 14 protein.
NFJS is caused by mutations in the keratin 14 (KRT14) gene, located on chromosome 17q12-21. The disorder is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner, which means that the defective gene responsible for a disorder is located on an autosome (chromosome 17 is an autosome), and only one copy of the defective gene is sufficient to cause the disorder, when inherited from a parent who has the disorder.
In most cases of Naegeli syndrome, a diagnosis is made based on the typical clinical features of this condition. The diagnosis may be confirmed by genetic testing of the "KRT14" gene.
Treatment for Naegeli syndrome is based on an individual's symptoms. Dry skin can be moisturized with creams. Exposure to heat should be limited. To avoid overheating, affected individuals should stay hydrated, wear appropriate clothing, and use wet dressings. Dental care is needed to treat cavities and tooth loss.
It was named after Oskar Nägeli, Adolphe Franceschetti, and Josef Jadassohn.
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Kay Kay Menon
Krishna Kumar Menon (born 2 October 1966), better known by the stage name Kay Kay Menon, is an Indian actor who works predominantly in Hindi cinema, and also in Gujarati, Tamil, Marathi and Telugu cinema.
Early life.
Menon was born in a Nair family in Thiruvananthapuram and raised in Ambarnath and Pune, Maharashtra.
He studied at the St. Joseph High School in Khadki, Pune. He passed his 10th grade in 1981. He did his Bachelors (Physics) from Mumbai University and his MBA from Department of Management Sciences (PUMBA) at the University of Pune, graduating in 1988 with a major in Marketing.
Menon's initial focus was working in the advertising industry including Kinetic Honda and Marlboro cigarette advertisements in India.
He started his career in theatre productions where he met Nivedita Bhattacharya, whom he married. His first theatre break was opposite Naseeruddin Shah in Feroz Abbas Khan's "Mahatma vs Gandhi".
In the early years of his career, Menon worked on television, with roles in the TV movies "Zebra 2" and "Last Train To Mahakali". He was praised for his role as a young Prime Minister in the Zee TV series "Pradhan Mantri" (2001), directed by Ketan Mehta. In "The Hindu", Sevanti Ninan wrote, "an actor to watch: Kay Kay Menon ... this unusually tall actor who plays the pradhan mantri is a major saving grace" while in "The Tribune", Amita Malik commented, "excellent acting by Menon, who skilfully conveys the physical as well as mental image of the honest politician".
Menon made his big screen debut with a small role in "Naseem" (1995), followed in 1999 by the lead role in "Bhopal Express", a movie that went mostly unnoticed. This was the first in a series of initial setbacks in Menon's film career. In the early 2000s, he starred as a wicked rock musician in Anurag Kashyap's debut movie, "Paanch", which struggled with censorship and has remained unreleased. Two other movies, "Hazaaron Khwaishein Aisi" and "Black Friday", had to wait many years for a release date. Meanwhile, his commercial films "Deewar" (starring Amitabh Bachchan) and "Silsiilay" (with Shahrukh Khan) flopped at the box office. It was only in 2005, with the eventual release of the critically acclaimed "Hazaaron Khwaishein Aisi", but with Ram Gopal Varma's "Sarkar", Menon had his break. "Sarkar" earned him a nomination for the Best Performance in a Negative Role at the Filmfare Awards. In "The Tribune", Saibal Chatterjee called him "one of Bollywood's finest actors".
In 2007, he acted in "Life in a... Metro", as an adulterous husband. In 2008, he appeared in "Shaurya" based on A Few Good Men . His portrayal of a ruthless army brigadier is still talked of among cinema lovers. In 2009, he starred in "The Stoneman Murders" where he played a police officer on the hunt for the Stoneman serial killer. He played the role of Dukki Bana in "Gulaal.
His role as Khurram Mir in 2014's Haider bagged him a Filmfare and IIFA award for Best Supporting Actor.
He played a very crucial role in "The Ghazi Attack" as a Naval Captain based on an Indian Naval submarine, S21, intercepts a Pakistani submarine, PNS Ghazi, during routine surveillance and thwarts its mission of destroying in 1971. He played a role as Vikram Singh in 2019's Penalty with co-actor Mohit Nain.
He impressed and gained more popularity with a role as Himmat Singh in 2020's "Special Ops" - a web series for Hotstar. In 2021, he again played the young version of Himmat Singh (R&AW leading officer) in Special Ops 1.5, the prequel part of Special Ops. OTT viewers admired his performance in this series. Following the resounding success of espionage thriller Special Ops, Hotstar Specials is set to ring in a new form of storytelling with the launch of ‘Special Ops Universe’, created and conceptualized by film-maker Neeraj Pandey and Friday Storytellers.
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Health realization
Health realization (HR) is a resiliency approach to personal and community psychology first developed in the 1980s by Roger C. Mills and George Pransky, and based on ideas and insights these psychologists elaborated from attending the lectures of philosopher and author Sydney Banks. HR first became known for its application in economically and socially marginalized communities living in highly stressful circumstances (see "Community Applications" below).
HR focuses on the nature of thought and how it affects one's experience of the world. Students of HR are taught that they can change how they react to their circumstances by becoming aware that they are creating their own experience as they respond to their thoughts, and by connecting to their "innate health" and "inner wisdom."
HR also goes under the earlier name of "Psychology of Mind" and most recently "Three Principles" understanding.
The health realization model.
In the Health Realization ("HR") model, all psychological phenomena, from severe disorder to glowing health, are presented as manifestations of three operative "principles" first formulated as principles of human experience by Sydney Banks:
"Mind" has been likened to the electricity running a movie projector, and "Thought" to the images on the film. "Consciousness" is likened to the light from the projector that throws the images onto the screen, making them appear real.
According to HR, people experience their reality and their circumstances through the constant filter of their thoughts. Consciousness makes that filtered reality seem "the way it really is." People react to it as if this were true. But, when their thinking changes, reality seems different and their reactions change. Thus, according to HR, people are constantly creating their own experience of reality via their thinking.
People tend to experience their reality as stressful, according to HR, when they are having insecure or negative thoughts. But HR suggests that such thoughts do not have to be taken seriously. When one chooses to take them more lightly, according to HR, the mind quiets down and positive feelings emerge spontaneously. Thus, HR also teaches that people have health and well-being already within them (in HR this is known as "innate health"), ready to emerge as soon as their troubled thinking calms down. When this happens, according to HR, people also gain access to common sense, and they can tap into the universal capacity for creative problem solving or "inner wisdom." Anecdotal reports suggest that, when a person grasps the understanding behind HR in an experiential way, an expansive sense of emotional freedom and well-being can result.
Health realization as therapy.
In contrast to psychotherapies that focus on the content of the clients' dysfunctional thinking, HR focuses on "innate health" and the role of "Mind, Thought, and Consciousness" in creating the clients' experience of life.
The HR counselor does not attempt to get clients to change their thoughts, "think positive", or "reframe" negative thoughts to positive ones. According to HR, one's ability to control one's thoughts is limited and the effort to do so can itself be a source of stress. Instead, clients are encouraged to consider that their "minds are using thought to continuously determine personal reality at each moment."
HR characterizes feelings and emotions as indicators of the quality of one's thinking. Within the HR model, unpleasant feelings or emotions, or stressful feelings, indicate that one's thinking is based on insecurity, negative beliefs, conditioning or learned patterns that are not necessarily appropriate to the live moment here and now. They simultaneously indicate that the individual has temporarily lost sight of what HR asserts is his or her own role in creating experience. Pleasant or desired feelings (such as a sense of well-being, gratitude, compassion, peace, etc.) indicate, within the HR model, that the quality of one's thinking is exactly as it needs to be.
HR holds that the therapeutic "working through" of personal issues from the past to achieve wholeness is unnecessary. According to the HR model, people are already whole and healthy. The traumas of the past are only important to the extent that the individual lets them influence his or her thoughts in the present. According to HR, one's "issues" and memories are just thoughts, and the individual can react to them or not. The more the clients' experience is that they themselves are creating their own painful feelings via their own "power of Thought," HR suggests, the less these feelings bother them. Sedgeman has compared this to what happens when we make scary faces at ourselves in the mirror: because we know it is just us, it is impossible to scare ourselves that way.
Thus HR deals with personal insecurities and dysfunctional patterns almost "en masse", aiming for an understanding of the "key role of thought", an understanding that ideally allows the individual to step free at once from a large number of different patterns all connected by insecure thinking. With this approach, it is rare for the practitioner to delve into specific content beyond the identification of limiting thoughts. When specific thoughts are considered to be limiting or based on insecurity or conditioning, the counselor encourages the individual to disengage from them.
From the perspective of HR, relationship problems result from the partners' low awareness of their role in creating their own experience via thought and consciousness. Partners who respond to HR reportedly stop blaming and recriminating and react to each other differently. HR counselors aim to get couples to consider that each one's own feelings are not determined by one's partner and that the great majority of issues that previously snarled their interactions were based on insecure, negative, and conditioned thinking. HR counselors further suggest that every person goes through emotional ups and downs and that one's thinking in a "down" mood is likely to be distorted. HR teaches that it is generally counterproductive to try to "talk through" relationship problems when the partners are in a bad mood. Instead HR suggests that partners wait until each has calmed down and is able to discuss things from a place of inner comfort and security.
Chemical dependency and addiction.
HR sees chemical dependency and related behaviors as a response to a lack of a sense of self-efficacy, rather than the result of disease. That is, some people who are, in HR terms, "unaware" of their own "innate health" and their own role in creating stress via their thoughts turn to alcohol, drugs, or other compulsive behaviors in the attempt to quell their stressful feelings and regain some momentary sense of control. HR aims to offer deeper relief by showing that negative and stressful feelings are self-generated and thus can be self-quieted and it seeks to provide a pathway to well-being that does not depend on external circumstances.
Community applications.
The Health Realization ("HR") model has been applied in a variety of challenging settings. An early project, which garnered national publicity under the leadership of Roger Mills, introduced HR to residents of a pair of low-income housing developments in Miami known as Modello and Homestead Gardens. After three years, there were major documented reductions in crime, drug dealing, teenage pregnancy, child abuse, child neglect, school absenteeism, unemployment, and families on public assistance. Jack Pransky has chronicled the transformation that unfolded there, in his book "Modello, A Story of Hope for the Inner City and Beyond".
Later projects in some of the most severely violence-ridden housing developments in New York, Minnesota, and California and in other communities in California, Hawaii, and Colorado built upon the early experience in the Modello/Homestead work. The Coliseum Gardens housing complex in Oakland, California, for example, had previously had the fourth highest homicide rate of such a complex in the US, but after HR classes were launched, the homicide rate began to decline. Gang warfare and ethnic clashes between Cambodian and African-American youth ceased. In 1997, Sargeant Jerry Williams was awarded the California Wellness Foundation Peace Prize on behalf of the Health Realization Community Empowerment Project at Coliseum Gardens. By the year 2006, there had been no homicides in the Complex for nine straight years.
The HR model has also found application in police departments, prisons, mental health clinics, community health clinics and nursing, drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs, services for the homeless, schools, and a variety of state and local government programs. The County of Santa Clara, California, for example, has established a Health Realization Services Division which provides HR training to County employees and the public. The Services Division "seeks to enhance the life of the individual by teaching the understanding of the psychological principles of Mind, Thought and Consciousness, and how these principles function to create our life experience," and to "enable them to live healthier and more productive lives so that the community becomes a model of health and wellness." The Department of Alcohol and Drug Services introduced HR in Santa Clara County in 1994. The Health Realization Services Division has an approved budget of over $800,000 (gross expenditure) for FY 2008, a 41% increase over 2007, at a time when a number of programs within the Alcohol and Drug Services Department have sustained budget cuts.
HR community projects have received grant funding from a variety of sources. For example, grant partners for the Visitacion Valley Community Resiliency Project, a five-year, multimillion-dollar community revitalization project, have included Wells Fargo Bank, Charles Schwab Corporation Foundation, Charles and Helen Schwab Foundation, Isabel Allende Foundation, Pottruck Family Foundation, McKesson Foundation, Richard and Rhoda Goldman Fund, S.H. Cowell Foundation, San Francisco Foundation, Evelyn & Walter Haas, Jr. Fund, Milagro Foundation, and Dresdner RCM Global Investors. Other projects based upon the HR approach have been funded by the National Institute of Mental Health, the U.S. Department of Justice, the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the California Wellness Foundation, and the Shinnyo-en Foundation.
Ongoing community projects organized by the Center for Sustainable Change, a non-profit organization founded by Dr. Roger Mills and Ami Chen Mills-Naim, are funded by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. The Center for Sustainable Change works in partnership with grassroots organizations in Des Moines, Iowa; Charlotte, North Carolina; and the Mississippi Delta to bring Three Principles training to at-risk communities under the umbrella of the National Community Resiliency Project. The Center also works with schools, agencies and corporations.
Organizational applications.
From the original applications, as people in the business world have been introduced to HR or the "Three Principles" (as the core understanding is known), they have started to bring these ideas into the business world they have come from. The approach has been introduced to people in medicine, law, investment and financial services, technology, marketing, manufacturing, publishing, and a variety of other commercial and financial roles. It has been reported anecdotally to have had significant impact in the areas of individual performance and development, teamwork, leadership, change and diversity. According to HR/Three Principles adherents, these results flow naturally as the individuals exposed to the ideas learn how their thoughts have been creating barriers to others and barriers to their own innate creativity, common sense, and well being. As people learn how to access their full potential more consistently, HR adherents say, they get better results with less effort and less stress in less time.
Two peer-reviewed articles on effectiveness with leadership development were published in professional journals in 2008 (ADHR) and 2009 (ODJ). See "Organizations and Business" section below (Polsfuss & Ardichvili).
Philosophical context.
Health Realization ("HR") rests on the non-academic philosophy of Sydney Banks, which Mr. Banks has expounded upon in several books. Mr. Banks was a day laborer with no education beyond ninth grade (age 14) in Scotland who, in 1973, reportedly had a profound insight into the nature of human experience. Mr. Banks does not particularly attempt to position his ideas within the larger traditions of philosophy or religion; he is neither academically trained nor well read. His philosophy focuses on the illusory, thought-created nature of reality, the three principles of "Mind", "Thought", and "Consciousness", the potential relief of human suffering that can come from a fundamental shift in personal awareness and understanding and the importance of a direct, experiential grasp of these matters, as opposed to a mere intellectual comprehension or analysis. Mr. Banks suggests that his philosophy is best understood not intellectually but by "listening for a positive feeling;" and a grasp of HR is said to come through a series of "insights," that is, shifts in experiential understanding.
Teaching of health realization.
Health Realization ("HR"), like Sydney Banks's philosophy, is deliberately not taught as a set of "techniques" but as an experiential "understanding" that goes beyond a simple transfer of information. There are no steps, no uniformly appropriate internal attitudes, and no techniques within it. The "health of the helper" is considered crucial; that is, trainers or counselors ideally will "live in the understanding that allows them to enjoy life," and thereby continuously model their understanding of HR by staying calm and relaxed, not taking things personally, assuming the potential in others, displaying common sense, and listening respectfully to all. Facilitators ideally teach in the moment, from "what they know" (e.g. their own experience), trusting that they will find the right words to say and the right approach to use in the immediate situation to stimulate the students' understanding of the "Three Principles". Rapport with students and a positive mood in the session or class are more important than the specific content of the facilitator's presentation.
Evaluations of health realization.
A 2007 peer-reviewed article evaluating the effectiveness of HR suggests that the results of residential substance abuse treatment structured around the teaching of HR are equivalent to those of treatment structured around 12-step programs. The authors note that "these results are consistent with the general findings in the substance abuse literature, which suggests that treatment generally yields benefits, irrespective of approach."
A small peer-reviewed study in preparation for a planned larger study evaluated the teaching of HR/Innate Health via a one-and-a-half-day seminar, as a stress- and anxiety-reduction intervention for HIV-positive patients. All but one of the eight volunteer participants in the study showed improved scores on the Brief Symptom Inventory after the seminar, and those participants who scored in the "psychiatric outpatient" range at the beginning of the seminar all showed improvement that was sustained upon follow-up one month later. The study's authors concluded that "The HR/IH psychoeducational approach deserves further study as a brief intervention for stress-reduction in HIV-positive patients."
A 2007 pilot study funded by the National Institutes of Health evaluated HR in lowering stress among Somali and Oromo refugee women who had experienced violence and torture in their homelands, but for whom Western-style psychotherapeutic treatment of trauma was not culturally appropriate. The pilot study showed that "the use of HR with refugee trauma survivors was feasible, culturally acceptable, and relevant to the participants." In a post-intervention focus group, "many women reported using new strategies to calm down, quiet their minds and make healthier decisions." Co-investigator Cheryl Robertson, Assistant Professor in the School of Nursing at the University of Minnesota, was quoted as saying, "This is a promising intervention that doesn't involve the use of highly trained personnel. And it can be done in the community."
The Visitacion Valley Community Resiliency Project (VVCRP) was reviewed by an independent evaluator hired by the Pottruck Foundation. Her final report notes that "Early program evaluation...found that the VVCRP was successful in reducing individuals’ feelings of depression and isolation, and increasing their sense of happiness and self-control. The cumulative evaluation research conducted on the VVCRP and the HR model in general concludes that HR is a powerful tool for changing individuals’ beliefs and behaviors." In the Summary of Case Studies, the report goes on to state, "The VVCRP was effective over a period of five years of sustained involvement in two major neighborhood institutions...at influencing not just individuals, but also organizational policies, practices, and culture. This level of organizational influence is impressive when the relatively modest level of VVCRP staff time and resources invested into making these changes is taken into account. The pivotal levers of change at each organization were individual leaders who were moved by the HR principles to make major changes in their own beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors, and then took the initiative to inspire, enable, and mandate similar changes within their organizations. This method of reaching "critical mass" of HR awareness within these organizations appears to be both efficient and effective when the leadership conditions are right. However, this pathway to change is vulnerable to the loss of the key individual leader."
Research efforts on effectiveness.
Pransky has reviewed the research on HR (through 2001) in relation to its results for prevention and education, citing about 20 manuscripts, most of which were conference papers, and none peer-reviewed journal articles, although two were unpublished doctoral dissertations. (Kelley (2003) cites two more unpublished doctoral dissertations.) Pransky concludes, "Every study of Health Realization and its various incarnations, however weak or strong the design, has shown decreases in problem behaviors and internally experienced problems. This approach appears to reduce problem behaviors and to improve mental health and well-being. At the very least, this suggests the field of prevention should further examine the efficacy of this ... approach by conducting independent, rigorous, controlled, longitudinal studies..."
Since at least 2008 peer-reviewed professional journal articles on its effectiveness have been published. See C.L.Polsfuss, A.Ardichvili articles in "Organizations and Business" section below.
In a criticism of the philosophy of Sydney Banks and, by implication, the HR approach, Bonelle Strickling, a psychotherapist and Professor of Philosophy, is quoted in an article in the "Vancouver Sun" as objecting that "it makes it appear as if people can, through straightforward positive thinking, 'choose' to transcend their troubled upbringings and begin leading a contented life." She goes on to say that "it can be depressing for people to hear it's supposed to be that easy. It hasn't been my experience that people can simply choose not to be negatively influenced by their past." Referring to Banks's own experience, she says, "Most people are not blessed with such a life-changing experience... When most people change, it usually happens in a much more gradual way." Strickling, however, displays by her very criticism, a lack in understanding of the Health Realization approach which has nothing at all to do with "choosing" or "positive thinking".
The West Virginia Initiative for Innate Health (at West Virginia University Health Sciences Center), which promotes HR/Innate Health and the philosophy of Sydney Banks through teaching, writing, and research, was the center of controversy soon after its inception in 2000 as the Sydney Banks Institute for Innate Health. Initiated by Robert M. D'Alessandri, the Dean of the medical school there, the institute reportedly was criticized as pushing "junk science," and Banks's philosophy was characterized as "a kind of bastardized Buddhism" and "New Age." William Post, an orthopedic surgeon who quit the medical school because of the institute, was reported along with other unnamed professors to have accused the Sydney Banks Institute of promoting religion in a state-funded institution, and Harvey Silvergate, a civil-liberties lawyer, was quoted as agreeing that "essentially [the institute] seems like a cover for a religious-type belief system which has been prettified in order to be secular and even scientific.”
There is, however, no organised religion associated with the principles uncovered by Mr. Banks.
A Dr. Blaha, who resigned as chairman of Orthopedics at WVU, was quoted as criticizing the institute as being part of a culture at the Health Sciences Center that, in his view, places too much emphasis on agreement, consensus, and getting along. Other professors reportedly supported the institute.
Anthony DiBartolomeo, chief of the rheumatology section, was quoted as calling it "a valuable addition" to the health-sciences center, saying its greatest value was in helping students, residents, and patients deal with stress.
Reportedly in response to the controversy, the WVIIH changed its name from The Sydney Banks Institute to the West Virginia Initiative for Innate Health, although its mission remains unchanged.
Support for specific tenets of HR from other philosophies and approaches.
Some of the tenets of HR are consistent with the theories of philosophers, authors and researchers independently developing other approaches to change and psychotherapy.
A large body of peer-reviewed case literature in psychotherapy by Milton Erickson, M.D., founding president of the American Society for Clinical Hypnosis, and others working in the field of Ericksonian psychotherapy, supports the notion that lasting change in psychotherapy can occur rapidly without directly addressing clients' past problematic experiences.
Many case examples and a modest body of controlled outcome research in solution focused brief therapy (SFBT), have likewise supported the notion that change in psychotherapy can occur rapidly, without delving into the clients' past negative experiences. Proponents of SFBT suggest that such change often occurs when the therapist assists clients to step out of their usual problem-oriented thinking.
The philosophy of social constructionism, which is echoed in SFBT, asserts that reality is reproduced by people acting on their interpretations and their knowledge of it. (HR asserts that thought creates one's experience of the world.)
A major body of peer-reviewed research on "focusing", a change process developed by philosopher Eugene Gendlin, supports the theory that progress in psychotherapy is dependent on something clients do inside themselves during pauses in the therapy process, and that a particular internal activity "focusing" can be taught to help clients improve their progress. The first step of the six-step process used to teach focusing involves setting aside one's current worries and concerns to create a "cleared space" for effective inner reflection. Gendlin has called this first step by itself "a superior stress-reduction method". (HR emphasizes the importance of quieting one's insecure and negative thinking to reduce stress and gain access to "inner wisdom," "common sense," and well-being.)
Positive psychology emphasizes the human capacity for health and well-being, asserts the poor correlation between social circumstances and individual happiness, and insists on the importance of one's thinking in determining one's feelings.
Work by Herbert Benson argues that humans have an innate 'breakout principle' which provides creative solutions and peak experiences which allow the restoration of a 'new-normal' state of higher functioning. This breakout principle is activated by severing connections with current circular or repetitive thinking. This is heavily reminiscent of Health Realization discussion of the Principle of Mind and of how it is activated.
Finally, resilience research, such as that by Emmy Werner, has demonstrated that many high-risk children display resilience and develop into normal, happy adults despite problematic developmental histories.
See also National Resilience Resource Center LLC additional discussion of resilience research and complimentary science found on the Research page at http://www.nationalresilienceresource.com .
Further reading.
A number of writers have produced books and articles that incorporate and elaborate the ideas on which health realization is based. A partial list appears here. In addition, Sydney Banks has written several books, listed below, presenting his ideas, and his lectures are reproduced in a number of videotapes and audio CDs.
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Lake of Lungern
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Alauddin al-Kahar
Sultan Alauddin Ri'ayat Syah al-Kahar (died 29 September 1571) was the third sultan of Aceh, and was one of the strongest warrior rulers in the history of the sultanate. In his time the power structures that his father had begun were greatly strengthened. His age was marked by warfare with his Portuguese and Malay rivals, with varying degrees of success.
Taking power.
Alauddin was the son of Sultan Ali Mughayat Syah who founded the state in the early 16th century. After Sultan Ali's death in 1530, his eldest son Salahuddin ruled for a while but was inept in governing the sultanate. The queen mother had great influence in the state and appointed a regent called "Raja Bungsu" who had a green "payung" (parasol), a symbol of authority, and a house opposite the royal abode. Meanwhile, Alauddin governed Samudra Pasai which had been conquered by Aceh in 1524. Being dissatisfied with conditions in the capital, he staged a royal coup in c. 1537 or 1539, killed "Raja Bungsu", and imprisoned Salahuddin and the Queen Mother Sitt Hur, who would die years later in 1548 and 1554 respectively. Alauddin now took the throne with the regnal title Sultan Alauddin Ri'ayat Syah al-Kahar. Under Acehnese tradition he is remembered as a great organizer of the Acehnese state. Thus he was supposedly the ruler who divided Acehnese society into administrative lineage groups ("kaum" or "sukeë"), but it is unclear whether this attribution is correct.
Conquests on Sumatra.
The campaigns of Alauddin began in 1539 when he waged war on the Batak people, who lived to the south of Aceh. The Portuguese traveler Fernão Mendes Pinto mentions that the sultan asked the king of the Bataks to convert to Islam, and attacked him when he refused. Pinto provides a long and picturesque account of the Bataks and their affairs with the Acehnese; it is doubtful from the point of view that no comprehensive Batak kingdom is known to other sources. The Acehnese army reportedly included contingents of Turks and men from Cambay and Malabar. After this campaign Alauddin attacked the Aru Kingdom, (the later Deli Sultanate). He killed the ruler of Aru in 1539, but was then forced by the Johor Sultanate's army to withdraw in around 1540, Aru subsequently belonged to Johor up to 1564.
Enterprises against Melaka and Johor.
The principal enemy was, however, Melaka, which was held by the Portuguese since 1511. There were both economic, political and religious reasons for the intense rivalry. At stake was the control of the trade through the Melaka Straits. In 1547, Alauddin personally participated in a night attack on Melaka. However, the Acehnese fleet was defeated at the Perlis River. After the failure, Aceh returned to a comparatively peaceful state for 15 years. However, in 1564 he led a fleet of ships, ostensibly to go to Patani. Suddenly, he ordered the course changed and instead assaulted Johor, the successor state of the old Melaka Sultanate. The enterprise was successful; Johor was sacked and Alauddin brought its sultan, Alauddin Riayat Shah II of Johor, to Aceh where he had him killed. A Johor princess was married to the sultan. Instead of the deposed ruler, Muzaffar II was placed on the throne of Johor. With the defeat of Johor, Aru fell to Aceh and was entrusted to Alauddin's son Abdullah. In January 1568 the sultan undertook another attack on Malacca. He personally led 15,000 troops and 400 Ottoman elite soldiers, using 200 bronze cannons. The Portuguese, surprised by the assault, applied for help from the Malay neighbours of Johor and Kedah. They were nevertheless able to beat back the Acehnese before the Malay allies had even arrived. At this occasion, Alauddin's oldest son Abdullah of Aru was killed. The attitude of Johor enraged the sultan who burned many Johorese villages on his way back to Aceh. When Muzaffar of Johor was poisoned, Alauddin sent another fleet to Johor, but had to return due to the strength of Johor's defenses.
The Turkish connection.
In order to strengthen his case, Alauddin dispatched envoys to the Ottoman sultan Suleiman the Magnificent in about 1561–1562, asking for assistance against the infidel Portuguese. At this time the predatory practices of Portuguese ships made the sea route over the Indian Ocean dangerous for Muslim ships. An alternative route for pepper trade therefore developed from about 1530, where Gujarati, Arab, Turkish and Acehnese traders brought spices directly from Aceh to the Red Sea without coming near Portuguese strongholds in the Melaka Straits. The Ottomans and Aceh thus had common interests to counter the Portuguese might on the oceans. Turkish gunners were sent to Aceh by 1564. The next Ottoman sultan, Selim II, showed enthusiasm for supporting the Acehnese. He equipped a fleet of 15 galleys and two barques. However, before it could be dispatched, al-Mutahhar's rebellion broke out in Yemen and the fleet had to be recalled there. Nevertheless, two vessels with munitions and military experts reached Aceh and the crew appeared to have stayed in Alauddin's service. They participated in the 1568 campaign, while in a new sea battle with the Portuguese in 1570, the Acehnese likewise made use of Turkish arms. This campaign was apparently coordinated with the attack on Portuguese Goa by the Deccan Sultanates of Bijapur, Golconda, Bidar and Ahmadnagar. The battle, which took place close to the main port of Aceh, was nevertheless a failure, and the Acehnese fleet suffered great losses. The superior artillery and more robust ships of the Portuguese explain part of the repeated Acehnese failures, which Turkish help could not make up for.
Family and death.
According to the relatively trustworthy chronicle "Bustanus Salatin", Alauddin had five sons:
Sultan Alauddin Ri'ayat Syah al-Kahar died on 28 September 1571, as is apparent from the inscription on his grave. He was succeeded by his son Sultan Ali Ri'ayat Syah I. Although Sultan Alauddin was not actually militarily successful against Portuguese Melaka, his reign witnessed the beginning of the high tide of Aceh's power.
<doc id="8724322" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724322" title="East Sussex Fire & Rescue Service">
East Sussex Fire & Rescue Service
<doc id="8724323" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724323" title="Angus Maddison">
Angus Maddison
Angus Maddison (6 December 1926 – 24 April 2010) was a distinguished British economist specialising in quantitative macro economic history, including the measurement and analysis of economic growth and development.
Maddison lectured at several universities over the course of his career, including the University of St. Andrews in Scotland and Harvard University. In 1978, Maddison was appointed Historical Professor in the Faculty of Economics at the University of Groningen (RUG). He retired in 1996 and became Emeritus Professor.
Maddison is particularly known for documenting economic performance over long periods of time and across major countries in every continent of the world.
Early life and OEEC/OECD.
Born in Newcastle-on-Tyne, England, Maddison was educated at Darlington Grammar School and subsequently attended Selwyn College, Cambridge, as an undergraduate. After attending McGill University and Johns Hopkins University as a graduate student, he decided not to pursue a PhD and returned to the United Kingdom to teach for a year at the University of St. Andrews. He subsequently got his doctorate in 1978 at the University of Aix-Marseille in France.
In 1953, Maddison joined the Organisation for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC), and afterwards became Head of the OEEC Economics Division. In 1963, after the OEEC became the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Maddison became Assistant Director of the Economic Development Department. In 1966–71 he took leave of absence and spent the next 15 years in a series of consulting appointments during which he returned to the OECD for four years.
Policy adviser and professorship.
In 1969–1971, Maddison worked at the Development Advisory Service of the Centre for International Affairs. Maddison also held the position of policy advisor for various institutions, including the governments of Ghana and Pakistan. In addition, he visited many other countries and often directly advised the government leaders of countries such as Brazil, Guinea, Mongolia, the USSR and Japan. This enabled him to gain insight into factors that determine economic growth and prosperity.
In 1978, Maddison was appointed historical Professor at the University of Groningen. Maddison was a pioneer in the field of the construction of national accounts, where a country's accounts are calculated back in periods of several decades all the way to the year 1. To this end he combined modern research techniques with his own extensive knowledge of economic history and in particular countries' performances in the field of GDP per capita. His work resulted in a deep new understanding of the reasons why some countries have become rich whereas others have remained poor (or have succumbed to poverty). In this field, Maddison was regarded as the world's most prominent scholar. Maddison's GDP reconstructions have been criticized.
In the past two decades, Maddison mainly focussed on the construction of data and analysis further back in time. For example, he published an authoritative study on economic growth in China over the past twenty centuries. This study has strongly boosted the historical debate about the strengths and weaknesses of Europe and China as two of the world's leading economic forces. His estimates regarding the per capita income in the Roman Empire followed up the pioneering work of Keith Hopkins and Raymond W. Goldsmith. He was also author of many works of historical economic analysis, including "" and several other reference books on the same topic.
Awards, death, and legacy.
Until the end of his life, Maddison lived in Chevincourt, near Thourotte (France), but maintained strong connections with the University of Groningen. He was the joint founder and intellectual leader of the Groningen Growth and Development Centre, a research group within the Faculty of Economics in Groningen that focuses on long-term economic growth. The databases maintained by Maddison and his former colleagues, which now include virtually every country in the world, form one of the most important sources for the analysis of long-term economic growth and are used throughout the world by academics and policy analysts.
Maddison received a royal decoration as Commander in the Netherlands Order of Orange Nassau as he turned 80, and in October 2007 Maddison received an honorary doctorate at Hitotsubashi University, Japan.
Maddison died on Saturday, 24 April 2010, at the American Hospital of Paris in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France. After his death Maddison's exhaustive work quantifying global economic history has been praised as pioneering and important.
<doc id="8724330" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724330" title="Arkillo">
<doc id="8724337" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724337" title="Thomas de la Moore">
Thomas de la Moore
Sir Thomas de la Moore or More (died after 1347) of Northmoor, Oxfordshire, was an English knight and member of parliament. He was a follower of Edward II of England, and was present at the king's enforced abdication on 20 January 1327.
He was later a patron of Geoffrey le Baker, who wrote a royalist chronicle covering the years 1303 to 1356. Until its authorship was correctly identified in the 19th century by Edward Maunde Thompson, this chronicle was believed to have been written by Sir Thomas.
<doc id="8724348" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724348" title="Chloe Dancer/Crown of Thorns">
Chloe Dancer/Crown of Thorns
"Chloe Dancer/Crown of Thorns" is a song by the Seattle, Washington-based rock band Mother Love Bone. The song is the fourth track on the band's debut EP, "Shine" (1989). "Chloe Dancer/Crown of Thorns" is actually two songs sequenced together. "Crown of Thorns" is found by itself on the band's sole studio album, "Apple" (1990). "Chloe Dancer" is not available as a stand-alone track.
"Chloe Dancer/Crown of Thorns" is critically acclaimed, and considered one of Mother Love Bone's best songs. Jason Josephes of Pitchfork Media described it as "one astoundingly great song." Steven Rosen of "The Denver Post" referred to the song as "trancelike epic." Spencer Patterson of the "Las Vegas Sun" comments that the song is "fantastically melancholy." Essi Berelian of the Rough Music Guide writes that it is "beautifully swirling." "The Salt Lake Tribune" found the song "eerie" and praised Mother Love Bone vocalist Andrew Wood's "powerful and emotive voice." The song was included by "Rolling Stone" in their list of "The Fifty Best Songs Over Seven Minutes Long".
The song was featured in director Cameron Crowe's 1989 film, "Say Anything...", but it was not included on the film's soundtrack. The song is featured on the for Crowe's 1992 film, "Singles". It was also featured in the "One Tree Hill" episode "Pictures of You" in 2007 and can be found on "The Road Mix: Music from the Television Series One Tree Hill, Volume 3".
Cover versions.
Pearl Jam, which includes former Mother Love Bone members Jeff Ament and Stone Gossard, has performed the song "Crown of Thorns" in concert many times, starting with the 10/22/00 show in Las Vegas, which was the tenth anniversary of Pearl Jam's first show. Video of this performance appears on the Pearl Jam documentary "Pearl Jam Twenty" and this version of the song appears on its soundtrack. The song is also included on the 2003 concert DVD "Live at the Garden", in which Pearl Jam vocalist Eddie Vedder, in tribute to the late Wood, said, "I think Jeff and Stone will back me up on this, Andy would have loved it here." Two performances of the song by Pearl Jam from 2005 and 2006 were issued on the "Live at the Gorge 05/06" box set. The two performances took place on September 1, 2005 and July 23, 2006. The band still play the song in live performances as of 2016.
In April 2011, Kevin Wood (Andrew Wood's brother) teamed up with hard rock band Lace Weeper to record Mother Love Bone's "Crown of Thorns" as a tribute to Wood on the 21st anniversary of his death. The single was released on Kevin's Wammybox Records.
Shawn Smith has also on multiple occasions covered the song, with and without his band Sweet Water. They were also accompanied by Seattle Symphony Orchestra on an occasion to cover the song.
On July 7, 2015 at a NYC show Slipknot and Stone Sour front man Corey Taylor performed a cover of Chloe Dancer.
<doc id="8724359" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724359" title="Axel Stone">
Axel Stone
<doc id="8724366" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724366" title="Tara Wilson (Boston Legal)">
Tara Wilson (Boston Legal)
<doc id="8724367" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724367" title="Saskatchewan Highway 726">
Saskatchewan Highway 726
Highway 726 is a highway in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. It runs from Highway 651 / Highway 16 near Theodore to Highway 8. Highway 726 is about 85 km (53 mi.) long.
Highway 726 passes near the communities of Springside, Ebenezer, and Rhein. Highway 726 connects with Highways 47, 9, 309, and 637.
<doc id="8724368" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724368" title="Kirov Orchestra">
Kirov Orchestra
<doc id="8724372" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724372" title="Alauddin al Qahhar">
Alauddin al Qahhar
<doc id="8724375" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724375" title="Jay Orpin">
Jay Orpin
Jay Orpin (born April 29, 1976, in Stockholm, Sweden) is a Swedish and Finnish songwriter and producer. He also writes songs and produced for Backstreet Boys, NSYNC, Robyn, Ace of Base, Bon Jovi, 2gether and Britney Spears, and later he produced songs for Good Charlotte, Sum 41, Simple Plan, Hawthorne Heights, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, My Chemical Romance, Tokio Hotel, Lindsay Lohan, Dashboard Confessional, All American Rejects, Fall Out Boy, AFI, Evanescence, Hollywood Undead, t.A.T.u., Yellowcard, Hannah Montana, Linkin Park, Bullet for My Valentine and Taking Back Sunday. Most of his music is under the influence of today's modern pop punk, dance-punk, and emo music, but he does write some pop and hip-hop music as well. He also teamed up with Travis Barker in 2007, remixing popular hip-hop singles such as Throw Some D's, Party Like a Rockstar, and Crank That Soulja Boy. Even though he has written some of the works of some of the aforementioned artists, he is not one of the main producers of many of these artists and he chooses not to put his credit for his work. An original song written by such composer to be cited is yet to be found, however some has claimed an abbreviation of his name in one of the albums. In late 2008, he has decided to move in a small town near Oulu, Finland to raise his family and is a high school teacher and does accounting for bill paying in the summer to support the family, along with music production projects part-time, but he still continues to produce music today, but not as much as he used to. He did come back to help write a few new songs, such as In My Head by Jason Derulo. He has quit his part-time job in accounting to allow more time back in the music production business, to make a revival.
Hawthorne Heights.
One of his most prominent projects is producing the band and influencing the style of the American band Hawthorne Heights. He did some marketing and helped the band members make a more marketable sound, by making the sound of the earlier albums he helped produce Bon Jovi with Max Martin and adding the rock flavor to it. That rock sound made the two premier Hawthorne Heights albums become massively popular. One of his biggest masterpieces, Ohio Is for Lovers made a massive sensation throughout adolescence as an anthem of teen angst. Hawthorne Heights has cited the producer with the slogan "Pop is Dead" in advertisement, to generally prove that the manufactured boy band pop era is dead along with a protest of his production of many corporate pop punk bands that made the charts around 2004. While most of the music he produces is generally American, he produces bands from Germany, Russia, France, Sweden, Canada, Finland, Australia, and the United Kingdom. His work for t.A.T.u. and Tokio Hotel made the popularity of t.A.T.u. rise in Finland and Sweden.
<doc id="8724379" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724379" title="East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service">
East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service
East Sussex Fire & Rescue Service (ESFRS) is the statutory fire and rescue service for the county of East Sussex and city of Brighton and Hove, England. It is headquartered in Lewes. The service has a total of 24 fire stations.
In 2018/2019, every fire and rescue service in England and Wales was subjected to a statutory inspection by Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HIMCFRS). The inspection investigated how well the service performs in each of three areas. On a scale of outstanding, good, requires improvement and inadequate, East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service was rated as follows:
Fire stations.
ESFRS operates 24 fire stations that are divided into three groups: West Group, Central Group, and East Group.
The fire stations are crewed by wholetime firefighters, retained firefighters, or a combination of both.
<doc id="8724381" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724381" title="Alauddin al-Qahhar">
Alauddin al-Qahhar
<doc id="8724383" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724383" title="Psychodermatology">
Psychodermatology is the treatment of skin disorders using psychological and psychiatric techniques by addressing the interaction between mind and skin. Though historically there has not been strong scientific support for its practice, there is increasing evidence that behavioral treatments may be effective in the management of chronic skin disorders.
The practice of psychodermatology is based on the complex interplay between neurological, immunological, cutaneous and endocrine systems, known alternatively as the NICE network, NICS, and by other similar acronyms. The interaction between nervous system, skin, and immunity has been explained by release of mediators from network. In the course of several inflammatory skin diseases and psychiatric conditions, the neuroendocrine-immune-cutaneous network is destabilized.
The disorders that proponents classify as psychodermatologic fall into three general categories: psychophysiologic disorders, primary psychiatric disorders and secondary psychiatric disorders. Proponents frequently claim treatment for psoriasis, eczema, hives, genital and oral herpes, acne, warts, skin allergies, pain, burning sensations, and hair loss. Psychodermatological treatment techniques include psychotherapy, meditation, relaxation, hypnosis, acupuncture, yoga, tai chi, and anti-anxiety drugs.
Psychophysiologic disorders are conditions that are precipitated by or worsened by experiencing stressful emotions. These conditions are not always related to stress and in many cases respond to medication but stress can be a contributing factor in some cases.
In a 2013 paper published in the "Clinics in Dermatology", the official journal of the International Academy of Cosmetic Dermatology, the facts and controversies of this topic were examined with the conclusion:
Harriet Hall notes that the specialty may not be needed at all because medicine already takes a holistic approach to treating a patient. A 2007 review of the literature generated from 1951 to 2004 finds that most dermatologists and psychologists recommend a synthesis of treatment rather than seeing another specialist.
External links.
Association for Psychoneurocutaneous Medicine of North America (APMNA)
<doc id="8724389" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724389" title="Segestria (spider)">
Segestria (spider)
Segestria is a genus of tube dwelling spiders that was first described by Pierre André Latreille in 1804.
it contains 21 species and one subspecies, found mainly in Eurasia, though some species are found in the Americas, two in North Africa, and one in New Zealand and one in Madagascar:
<doc id="8724390" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724390" title="Alauddin Riayat Syah al-Kahar">
Alauddin Riayat Syah al-Kahar
<doc id="8724392" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724392" title="Hilde Quintens">
Hilde Quintens
Hilde Quintens (born 2 October 1964) is a Belgian cyclist born in Zolder. She participates mainly in cyclo-cross. In 2003 and 2006 she became Belgian national champion in cyclo-cross.
<doc id="8724396" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724396" title="Saskatchewan Highway 309">
Saskatchewan Highway 309
Highway 309 is a highway in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. It runs from Highway 9 near Ebenezer to Highway 637 in Rhein. Highway 309 is about long, and is concurrent with Highway 726 for its entire length.
<doc id="8724398" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724398" title="Golo (département)">
Golo (département)
<doc id="8724405" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724405" title="Mont-Blanc (département)">
Mont-Blanc (département)
<doc id="8724408" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724408" title="Oran (département)">
Oran (département)
<doc id="8724415" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724415" title="Simplon (département)">
Simplon (département)
<doc id="8724416" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724416" title="Kidz bop 5">
Kidz bop 5
<doc id="8724423" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724423" title="Jodie Whittaker">
Jodie Whittaker
Jodie Auckland Whittaker (born 17 June 1982) is an English actress who is best known for portraying the thirteenth incarnation of the Doctor in "Doctor Who" (2017–2022) and Beth Latimer in "Broadchurch" (2013–2017).
She came to prominence in her 2006 feature film debut "Venus", for which she received British Independent Film Award and Satellite Award nominations. She was later praised for her roles in the cult science fiction film "Attack the Block" (2011) and the "Black Mirror" episode "The Entire History of You" (2011).
On 16 July 2017, the BBC announced that Whittaker would play the thirteenth incarnation of the Doctor in "Doctor Who". She formally assumed the role from Peter Capaldi in the 2017 Christmas special episode "Twice Upon a Time". Whittaker appeared in her first full series as The Doctor in the eleventh series, which premiered in October 2018. She continued in the role in the twelfth series in 2020 and thirteenth series in 2021. She stepped down after three special episodes in 2022.
Early life.
Jodie Whittaker was born on 17 June 1982 in Skelmanthorpe, West Yorkshire. She is the second child and only daughter of Yvonne (née Auckland) and Adrian Whittaker. She attended Scissett Middle School and Shelley High School before training at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, graduating in 2005 with an acting gold medal.
Early career.
Whittaker made her professional debut in "The Storm" at Shakespeare's Globe in 2005. She has since worked in film, television, radio and theatre. In 2007, she stood in at short notice for an unwell Carey Mulligan in the Royal Court's production of "The Seagull", and appeared in a fundraising play at the Almeida Theatre.
In Whittaker's first major role, she co-starred as Jessie in the film "Venus" (2006), receiving British Independent Film Award and Satellite Award nominations. Her radio credits at that time included a 2008 adaptation of "Blinded by the Sun" by Stephen Poliakoff and playing Lydia Bennett in "Unseen Austen", an original drama by Judith French. In 2009, she worked on the films "Ollie Kepler's Expanding Purple World" and "Perrier's Bounty", as well as the BBC Two drama "Royal Wedding" and the short film "Wish 143", which was nominated for Best Live Action Short Film at the 83rd Academy Awards.
In the early 2010s, Whittaker co-starred in the anthology series "Accused" (2010) and the adaptation of Sarah Waters's novel "The Night Watch", followed by the role of Ffion in the "Black Mirror" episode "The Entire History of You". In film, she starred in the cult science fiction comedy horror "Attack the Block", as well as in projects like "The Kid" (2010), "One Day" (2011), "Hello Carter" (2013) and "Good Vibrations" (2013). She also returned to the stage in the contemporary staging of the classic Greek tragedy "Antigone", playing the title role opposite Christopher Eccleston as Creon.
In 2014, she appeared as Sandra Grimes in the reality-based spy drama miniseries "The Assets" and as Anna in the BAFTA-nominated short film "Emotional Fusebox", later reprising the role in its feature-length version, "Adult Life Skills", and earning nominations in the Best Actress category at both the British Independent Film Awards and the National Film Awards. She also took one of the lead roles in the hit ITV crime drama "Broadchurch" (2013–2017) and the four-part BBC One medical drama "Trust Me" (2017).
"Doctor Who".
On 16 July 2017, Whittaker was announced as the Thirteenth Doctor in the science fiction television series "Doctor Who"; she is the first woman to play the title role. She had previously worked with incoming "Doctor Who" showrunner Chris Chibnall on "Broadchurch". She admitted that she had to "tell a lot of lies" after being cast to keep the information secret and used the codeword "Clooney" when talking about the role. Whittaker kept her mother in "the inner circle" regarding knowledge of the role, as her father, Adrian, "would have the ability to tell the world".
She urged fans not to be afraid of her gender, saying ""Doctor Who" represents everything that's exciting about change. The fans have lived through so many changes, and this is only a new, different one, not a fearful one." Chibnall said that he always wanted a woman for the part and that Whittaker was their first choice.
Reaction to Whittaker's casting was mostly positive, although a "sizeable minority" was unhappy. Some said that a female Doctor would be a good role model for young girls, while others felt the Doctor was only ever meant to be male, or criticised the casting as an exercise in political correctness. Whittaker debuted in the 2017 Christmas special "Twice Upon a Time".
In November 2018, the BBC confirmed that the twelfth series, Whittaker's second series, began production. Whittaker returned for the thirteenth series, and departed the programme following the series and three associated specials in 2022. She also voiced the Doctor in the 2022 BBC Sounds podcast "Doctor Who: Redacted".
In February 2023, a press release indicated Whittaker and others were filming for a 6-part Australian TV series in Sydney, Australia called "One Night" for Paramount+
Personal life.
Whittaker met Christian Contreras, a Belizean-American actor and writer, in drama school and they married in Arizona in 2008. She gave birth to their daughter in April 2015. They now live in London and had their second child in 2022.
<doc id="8724426" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724426" title="Midway Arcade Treasures Extended Play">
Midway Arcade Treasures Extended Play
<doc id="8724439" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724439" title="Somali Patriot Movement">
Somali Patriot Movement
<doc id="8724445" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724445" title="Sting Of The Zygons">
Sting Of The Zygons
<doc id="8724448" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724448" title="Javad Hamidi">
Javad Hamidi
Javad Hamidi (1918 – 2002) was an Iranian Modernist painter, poet, and educator. He was a pioneer in modern art in Iran.
Javad Hamidi was born in 1918 in Hamadan, Qajar Iran. Hamidi studied in the Faculty of Fine Arts at Tehran University (now University of Tehran), and graduated in 1946; and at Beaux-Arts de Paris. His classmate was Shokouh Riazi, who studied alongside him in both Tehran and in Paris. He continued his studies under French painter André Lhote.
Hamidi had been a founding member of the "Fighting Cock Society" (Khorūs-e Jangi), an artists group in Iran dedicated to the modern art movement and surrealism. Hamidi taught painting in Tehran University for almost 40 years, as well as taught at Al-Zahra, Azad and Tarbiat-Modares Universities.
He was killed by a speeding motorcycle in Tehran in 2002.
<doc id="8724453" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724453" title="Anterior canal">
Anterior canal
Anterior canal may refer to:
<doc id="8724462" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724462" title="Inverness Cathedral">
Inverness Cathedral
Inverness Cathedral (Scottish Gaelic: Cathair-Eaglais Inbhir Nis), also known as the Cathedral Church of Saint Andrew (1866–69), is a cathedral of the Scottish Episcopal Church situated in the city of Inverness in Scotland close to the banks of the River Ness. It is the seat of the Bishop of Moray, Ross and Caithness, ordinary of the Diocese of Moray, Ross and Caithness. The cathedral is the northernmost extant diocesan cathedral in mainland Britain - Dornoch Cathedral, Fortrose Cathedral and Elgin Cathedral are no longer acting as diocesan cathedrals. It was the first new Protestant cathedral to be completed in Great Britain since the Reformation.
Bishop Robert Eden decided that the cathedral for the united Diocese of Moray, Ross and Caithness should be in Inverness. The foundation stone was laid by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Charles Longley, in 1866 and construction was complete by 1869, although a lack of funds precluded the building of the two giant spires of the original design. The architect was Alexander Ross, who was based in the city. The cathedral is built of red Tarradale stone, with the nave columns of Peterhead granite.
The cathedral congregation began as a mission in 1853, on the opposite side (east) of the River Ness.
The cathedral contains a ring of ten bells, which are noted as being the most northerly peal of change-ringing bells in a church in the world. The tenor bell weighs 17 cwt.
List of provosts.
The following have served as Provost of Inverness Cathedral:
<doc id="8724464" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724464" title="Sanne Cant">
Sanne Cant
Sanne Cant (born 8 October 1990) is a Belgian racing cyclist, who currently competes in cyclo-cross for UCI Cyclo-cross Team IKO–Crelan, and in road cycling for UCI Women's Continental Team . Cant's cousin Loes Sels is also a professional cyclist.
Cant won the World Championship cyclo cross in the elite category in 2017, 2018, 2019, and won the European Cyclo-cross Championship in 2014, 2015 and 2017.
Competing at youth level.
In her youth Cant competed in both athletics and duathlon. In 2002, she started cycling, focusing mainly on cyclocross and mountain biking. In her first year as a cyclist she immediately won the provincial championship at the age of 12. In 2003 and 2004, she repeated this feat. Also in 2004, Cant achieved her first major victory, becoming Belgian champion in the 14-year-old category. She then moved into the youth category, continuing her provincial title run, while also capturing the youth MTB title. In 2006, the expectations were high, and she won another provincial title as well as her first national title.
First professional years.
Her first professional year was the 2008–2009 season, riding for the Italian Guerciotti-Selle Italia team. Her first podium in a major competition came with 3rd place during the cyclo-cross from Gavere. A month later, she recorded her first victory in the race in Faè di Oderzo. From 1 January 2009, Cant signed with BKCP-Powerplus, the team of Niels Albert.
In preparation for the 2009–2010 season she rode various MTB races, again winning the Belgian championship. The subsequent cyclocross season started well for Cant. She was 4th in the Citadel Cross. Later that season, she won the Belgian cyclo-cross championship.
For the summer season of 2010 Cant decided not to be restricted to mountain bike races and focussed solely on the road. Again, she won the Belgian national cyclo-cross championships.
During the summer of 2011 Cant signed a contract with the Young Telenet-Fidea team, despite the signed contract extension Cant at BKCP-Powerplus. In September 2013 she was awarded a fine of 30,000 euros from the UCI. She rode consistently that season, with her best results being her two 2nd places in the Scheldecross and the Grapes Cross. In January 2012 she took a 3rd Belgian title as well as the bronze at the World Championships at home in Koksijde.
Breakthrough season.
In preparation for the 2012–2013 season Cant decided to compete in mountain biking alongside road races. This cyclocross season saw Cant's breakthrough. She started with a number of victories, she won in Kalmthout and in Zonhoven. She continued her momentum and won in Leuven, Essen and Loenhout. During the Roubaix world cup race Cant fell heavily on a muddy descent with American racer Katherine Compton. Cant was taken to the hospital, where it turned out that she had no serious injuries. On 13 January, she won her fourth consecutive Belgian championship. After the World championships Cant won several competitions such, Hoogstraten, Oostmalle and even the best in the general classification in the Bpost bank trophy.
Breakthrough confirmation.
After the 2012–2013 season Cant combined road cycling with cyclo-cross. She finished 7th at the Belgian road championships and took silver for the second time at the Belgian mountain bike championships. Cant's winter began two weeks earlier than normal. She rode and won the Supercross Baden in Switzerland. Two weeks later she won the Grand Prix Neerpelt then also won in Laarne. In November she won the Fair Cross Niel, the GP Hasselt and Cyclocross Asper-Gavere. In early 2014 she again became national champion for the fifth time in a row.
Career season.
Her preparation for the winter of 2014–2015 contrasted to recent years. She started erratically, but in November she showcased her great form winning the Superprestiege of Zonhoven and her first European title. She went on to record her first victory in the World Cup. A week later she won the Milton Keynes round. With this win, she was the first Belgian ever to lead the World Cup. She also led the UCI Rankings. In January she extended her national title winning run.
The summer of 2015 began with Cant being selected to the national road team. Before the start of the 2015–2016 season Cant said she would contest fewer races with the aim of being fresher in the World championships. Her season started with a third place during the first World Cup round. This was followed by two victories in the Superprestige, where for the first time in its history, a final ranking overall classification for women would be decided. Her first big goal of the season was to defend the European Championship – a goal she was successful in.
In January 2017 she became world champion cyclo-cross and in October 2017 she gained her third European title. On 26 December 2017 Cant won in Heusden-Zolder her 100th victory in the cyclo-cross. On 3 February 2018 Cant won a second world championship. On 2 February 2019 she scored a hattrick by winning the world championship three years in a row.
<doc id="8724477" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724477" title="Saskatchewan Highway 650">
Saskatchewan Highway 650
Highway 650 is a highway in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. It runs from Highway 753 near Danbury to Highway 9 near Gorlitz. Highway 650 is about 87 km (54 mi.) long.
Highway 650 also passes near the communities of Hyas, Mikado, Donwell, and Hamton. The highway shares a brief concurrences with Hwy 49 near Hyas and with Hwy 5 near Mikado.
<doc id="8724485" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724485" title="Ethmoidal vessels">
Ethmoidal vessels
<doc id="8724505" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724505" title="Saskatchewan Highway 662">
Saskatchewan Highway 662
Highway 662 is a highway in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. It runs from Highway 49 near Stenen to Highway 753. Highway 662 is about 18 km (11 mi.) long.
<doc id="8724515" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724515" title="Bowling Green High School (Ohio)">
Bowling Green High School (Ohio)
Bowling Green High School (BGHS) is a public high school in Bowling Green, Ohio, United States. It is the only high school in the Bowling Green Area School District. It serves the greater Bowling Green community, which includes the city and surrounding areas. As of 2021, the enrollment is 877.
Honors Program.
BGHS offers an ever-increasing honors curriculum designed to prepare those students aiming to continue their education in college. Offerings include courses in English, biology, chemistry, world history, geopolitics, and more.
Recently, Bowling Green has added college-credit classes (CCP) that can be taken through University of Toledo and Bowling Green State University with dual enrollment. In addition, students have the option of enrolling in courses at nearby Bowling Green State University through the Post Secondary Enrollment Options program.
Fine Arts.
BGHS offers several art programs that follow a trimester schedule rather than the semester schedule in the rest of the school to allow instruction from different art teachers per trimester. Classes include a Prints and Metal class, a Painting/Drawing class and a Clay modeling class. Each May, the school features the artwork of its students in an event known as "The A-May-Zing art show" and uses Bowling Green's annual Black Swamp Arts Festival to raise money as well as a Holiday art sale featuring works by local artists.
Students can participate in a well-developed performing arts department. They can play an instrument in Band and Orchestra, sing in the choir, and participate in theater productions through the Drama Club.
The Band program currently has roughly 150 members, grades 9-12. They spend the fall as one ensemble, Marching Band. In November, they divide into Concert Band and Symphonic Band. Select members may be asked to join JazzCats, the Jazz Band. And everyone is welcome to attend Pep Band, for the Boys and Girls home basketball games.
The Orchestra is a steadily growing ensemble. They prepare music from a span of five centuries of Western classical music. The select chamber orchestra sometimes accompanies the school's choir for formal masses. Every spring, the senior class of the Orchestra prepares their own piece as a selection for the May Pops Concert and every four years the Orchestra travels to New York City.
Selected students from the Band and Orchestra programs may have the opportunity to participate in the Pit Orchestra for the All-School Musical in the spring.
The Choral department is busy with three ensembles; Concert Choir, which serves as a non-audition group of mostly Freshmen, Chorale, which generally contains 70-80 members, and the 16-voice ensemble of the Madrigals. They learn music from a variety of origins and languages. They have a minimum of four concerts a year. Many members also participate in the All-School Musical, contributing their vocal talents.
Drama Club has roughly 140 members, from which the more select Thespians exist. The Thespians are members of Troupe #1489 of the International Thespian Society. The club produces at least three shows a year, including a traditional play, a musical, and usually a small production. Members make appearances at the Northwest Ohio Regional Thespian Conference, the Ohio State Thespian Conference, and the International Thespian Festival.
College Placement.
Around 80% of each graduating class begins enrollment in a two or four-year college or university after graduating.
General Academics.
The school library houses about 16,000 volumes.
The High School graduation rate was 98% in 2019.
The team nickname is the Bobcats and they are members of the Northern Lakes League for most sports and the Northwest Hockey Conference for boys ice hockey.
Varsity Teams.
Fall Sports
Winter sports
Spring Sports
Ohio High School Athletic Association State Championships.
Bowling Green lost the 1999 Ice Hockey State Championship game to St. John's Jesuit High School, however was later awarded the State Championship after St. John's Jesuit forfeited due to use of an ineligible player. It is one of only two forfeited State Championships in OHSAA history.
<doc id="8724517" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724517" title="100 Hour Plan">
100 Hour Plan
<doc id="8724525" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724525" title="Dublin Theatre Festival">
Dublin Theatre Festival
The Dublin Theatre Festival is Europe's oldest specialised theatre festival. It was founded by theatre impresario Brendan Smith in 1957 and has, with the exception of two years, produced a season of international and Irish theatre each autumn. It is one of a number of key post-World War II events established to foster tolerance and cultural understanding between nations. Over the past five decades, the festival has become a crucial part of Ireland's cultural landscape.
It has played a dual role as a window to world theatre, having presented almost every great theatre artist of the late 20th century, and as a champion of Irish writing on the world stage
The Festival is unique in its ability to stage major international theatre of scale, and has hosted productions by the world's most highly regarded artists, while also premiering work by Ireland's leading playwrights.
The Dublin Theatre Festival was founded by Brendan Smith, who also ran the Olympia Theatre and the Brendan Smith Academy of Acting. In the 1950s, the Irish Tourist Board was interested in helping to finance events on what was termed "shoulder months" of the tourist season – May, June, September and October. Brendan successfully sought a grant and the Festival began operating in 1957.
The policy was – and remains – to bring the best available international theatre to Dublin and to balance the programme with Irish productions, especially new plays. There was controversy in the very first year when, after some complaints, the Director of Tennessee Williams' "The Rose Tattoo" at the tiny Pike Theatre was charged with presenting "a lewd entertainment". The run of the play was not interrupted and after a year of legal argument the judge threw out the case.
Seán O'Casey's play "The Drums of Father Ned" was supposed to go up at the 1958 Dublin Theatre Festival, but the Archbishop of Dublin John Charles McQuaid refused to give his blessing (it has been assumed because works of both James Joyce and O'Casey were in the Festival). After Joyce's play was quietly dropped, there was massive changes required for "The Drums of Father Ned", a devious way to get O'Casey to drop. After this, Samuel Beckett withdrew his mime piece in protest.
Since then, the Festival has thrived and is regarded as the oldest established specialist theatre festival in Europe. Unlike Edinburgh, opera, music and dance do not form a major element of the programme. Brendan Smith continued as Director until 1983 when he was succeeded by Lewis Clohessy (1984–89), Tony Ó Dálaigh (1990–99), Fergus Linehan (2000–04) and Don Shipley (2005–06).
Loughlin Deegan (2007–2011) ran the festival for five years. Willie White took over as festival director in September 2011.
In 2020, the festival produced a re-imagined programme, after being forced to cancel most of the performances due to the Irish government's ban on theatre performances to protect against the spread of Covid-19. Theatre companies Dead Centre and Anu Productions created live-streamed work, and for audiences to watch at home, and the Abbey Theatre created an outdoor promenade performance.
Ulster Bank became the title sponsor of the festival in 2007 initially as part of a three-year deal, extended to five years, concluding in 2011 with the end of the festival's 54th season.
The festival is grant aided by The Arts Council, the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Dublin City Council, Fáilte Ireland and Tourism Ireland.
<doc id="8724526" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724526" title="Friend or Foe? (The Forces of Evil album)">
Friend or Foe? (The Forces of Evil album)
Friend or Foe? is the debut and only studio album by California ska punk band the Forces of Evil, side project of fellow ska punk band Reel Big Fish. The last track, Fight, was the theme song at the 2003 Ska summit.
<doc id="8724529" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724529" title="Saskatchewan Highway 754">
Saskatchewan Highway 754
Highway 754 is a primary weight, gravel surface highway in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan.
It runs from Highway 9 to Highway 637. Highway 754 is about 32 km (20 mi.) long.
Highway 754 becomes Louis Ave through the village of Rama before continuing north from its intersection with Highway 5 to its end point near Hazel Dell.
It crosses Spirit Creek 2 miles west of Buchanan
<doc id="8724535" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724535" title="Elsa Einstein">
Elsa Einstein
Elsa Einstein (18 January 1876 – 20 December 1936) was the second wife and cousin of Albert Einstein. Their mothers were sisters, thus making them maternal first cousins. Further, their fathers were first cousins, making the couple paternal second cousins too. Elsa had the surname of Einstein at birth, lost it when she took the name of her first husband Max Löwenthal, She and her daughters reverted to her maiden name, Einstein, after her 1908 divorce.
Early life.
Elsa, the daughter of Rudolf Einstein and Fanny Einstein (née Koch), was born in Hechingen on 18 January 1876. She had two sisters: Paula (c. 1878–c. 1955) and Hermine (1872–1942). Rudolf was a textile manufacturer in Hechingen. During the regular visits with the family in Munich, she often played with her cousin Albert. In her Swabian dialect, she called him "Albertle". The two parted ways in 1894, when Albert left Germany to follow his family to Milan.
Married life.
In 1896, Elsa married textile trader Max Löwenthal (1864–1914), from Berlin, with whom she had three children: daughters Ilse (1897–1934) and Margot (1899–1986), and a son who was born in 1903, but died shortly after birth. They lived together in Hechingen. In 1902, Max Löwenthal took a job in Berlin. His family stayed in Hechingen. She divorced Max on 11 May 1908, and moved with her two daughters to an apartment above her parents on Haberlandstrasse 5, in Berlin. She and her daughters reverted to her maiden name, Einstein, after her 1908 divorce.
She began a relationship with her cousin Albert Einstein in April 1912, while Albert was still married to his first wife, the physicist and mathematician Mileva Marić. Einstein separated from Mileva in July 1914. He sent her with the two sons back to Zürich. Their dedicated divorce was final on 10 February 1919. Elsa married him three and a half months later, on 2 June 1919.
With stepdaughters Ilse and Margot, the Einsteins formed a close-knit family. Although Albert and Elsa did not have any children of their own, Albert raised Ilse and Margot as his own. They lived in the Berlin area, also having since 1929 a summer house in Caputh in nearby Potsdam. Ilse also served as Einstein's secretary for a brief period.
Elsa spent most of her marriage with Albert acting as his gatekeeper, protecting him from unwelcome visitors and charlatans. She also was the driving force behind building their summer house.
Later life.
In 1933, Albert and Elsa Einstein immigrated to Princeton, New Jersey, US. In autumn 1935, they moved to a house at 112 Mercer Street, bought that August, but shortly afterwards Elsa developed a swollen eye and was diagnosed with heart and kidney problems. When Elsa was diagnosed, Einstein decided to spend much of his time in his studies. It was stated in Walter Isaacson's book, "", that he believed "strenuous intellectual work and looking at God's nature are the reconciling, fortifying yet relentlessly strict angels that shall lead me through all of life's troubles". Thus did Einstein try to escape from his troubles by focusing on work that would distract him from Elsa's dying. Elsa died after a painful illness on 20 December 1936, in the house on Mercer Street.
<doc id="8724549" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724549" title="United Nurses and Allied Professionals">
United Nurses and Allied Professionals
The United Nurses and Allied Professionals (UNAP) is a labor union in the United States which represents approximately 5,500 registered nurses, technologists, therapists, support staff, and other health care workers employed in Rhode Island, Vermont, and Connecticut.
The origins of the United Nurses & Allied Professionals (UNAP) date back to the early 1970s, when Registered Nurses at several health care facilities in Rhode Island organized a union under the auspices of the Rhode Island State Nurses Association (RISNA). IN 1978, RISNA decided to relinquish its collective bargaining functions and encouraged its collective bargaining units to join with another union. After interviewing several unions, the roughly 400 former RISNA members chose to affiliate with the Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals (FNHP) of the American Federation of Teachers, and its state affiliate, the Rhode Island Federation of Teachers (RIFT).
Between 1978 and 1998, the FNHP successfully organized RNs and other health care workers at Memorial Hospital, Woonsocket Hospital (now Landmark Medical Center), Westerly Hospital, RI Hospital, and Fatima Hospital, bringing the RIFT’s total health membership to 3,500. Inspired by the energy of a rapidly growing union, and the urgency of a rapidly changing industry, the FNHP leaders approached the RIFT leadership with a proposal to organize their locals into a semi-autonomous health care division within the RIFT. When the RIFT rejected this option, the members of eight RIFT health care locals voted overwhelmingly to disaffiliate from the RIFT in order to concentrate their efforts and resources as an independent health care union. They called their new union the UNAP.
Not long after the formation of the UNAP, two chapters of an existing RIFT visiting nurse local also voted to leave the RIFT and join the UNAP. They were followed in 1999 by an AFT local at Brattleboro Retreat, a psychiatric facility in Brattleboro, Vermont, and, soon after, by an AFT local of registered nurses at Copley Hospital in Vermont.
New organizing.
The United Nurses & Allied Professionals (UNAP) is a labor union in the United States which represents UNAP has had continued success in organizing new members. In 1999, UNAP organized a small group of public school nurses in Putnam, Connecticut. In 2004, UNAP organized social service workers in Youth Services, and in 2005 it organized clinicians at Health Care and Rehabilitative Services—both in Brattleboro. In January 2006, the union won an election for employees working in the adult services at the Homestead Group (formerly the Association for Retarded Citizens of Northern Rhode Island). In 2008, the UNAP organized 650 Registered Nurses at Kent Hospital, the second largest hospital in Rhode Island. The UNAP also organized large numbers of members in residual bargaining units at Landmark Medical Center, Rehabilitation Hospital of RI, Westerly Hospital, and Brattleboro Retreat.
UNAP is a federation of affiliated local unions which have their own constitution, officers, and treasury. UNAP is governed by an Executive Council that includes a president, executive vice president, two vice presidents, secretary, treasurer and the president of each affiliated local. UNAP officers are elected at the UNAP bi-annual convention by delegates from each local. Lynn Blais, a nurse at Fatima Hospital, was the organization's first president. In 2001, Blais stepped down and Linda McDonald, an RN at Rhode Island Hospital, was elected president. (Blais was elected one of two vice presidents.)
The UNAP provides a wide variety of services to its locals and members, including collective bargaining, continuing education, legal, research, political action, communications, and organizing. Nationally, UNAP has at times worked closely with the California Nurses Association, the Massachusetts Nurses Association, and the Service Employees International Union. However, it remains firmly independent.
<doc id="8724557" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724557" title="Broadway (Nashville, Tennessee)">
Broadway (Nashville, Tennessee)
Broadway is a major thoroughfare in the downtown area in Nashville, Tennessee. It includes Lower Broadway, an entertainment district renowned for honky tonks and live country music.
The street is also home to retail shops, restaurants, dessert spots, tourist attractions, and a few hotels.
Originally named Broad Street, the eastern end of Broadway ended at the shipping docks on the Cumberland River. It was one of the first roads to run east–west in Nashville, and the first public high school in the city was built on the road in 1875. It eventually became a street lined with hardware stores, feed stores, and various other businesses and had a section known as "Auto Row" at the beginning of the 20th century due to large numbers of car dealers and tire and auto shops. A new post office – now the Frist Center for the Visual Performing Arts – was built next to Union Station on Broadway by the Works Progress Administration (WPA) during the Great Depression.
Jimmie Rodgers started performing in bars along Broadway near the river in the 1930s. His success eventually attracted other performers, and a thriving music scene developed on Lower Broadway – the section of Broadway that runs from 1st Avenue to 5th Avenue. The popularity of Broadway declined for a time after the Grand Ole Opry left Ryman Auditorium in 1974, but the area came back to life when the Opry moved some shows back to the Ryman in the 1990s.
Today, the historical buildings are home to retail shops and restaurants in addition to honky tonks. The official Nashville Convention & Visitors Corporation page defines a honky tonk as "an establishment that contains at least one rockin' stage, cold beverages, and a party that lasts all day, every day." Live music plays in most bars and restaurants along Lower Broadway from as early as 10 a.m. to 3 a.m. or even later each day, which is how the street came to be known as "Honky Tonk Highway". The venues don't have cover charges, and established music artists sometimes make appearances to perform with the up-and-comers. Many famous stars have gotten their starts in these venues, including Dierks Bentley, Gretchen Wilson, Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash, Blake Shelton, and Kris Kristofferson.
Broadway divides downtown Nashville into North of Broadway and South of Broadway (SoBro).
Historical Landmarks.
The entire Lower Broad district was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1980. Additionally, several locations farther down Broadway are registered historical landmarks.
The street starts at the convergence of 1st Avenue North and 1st Avenue South near the Cumberland River and runs southwest all the way to the campus of Vanderbilt University, where it takes a sharp southward turn and merges with 21st Avenue South.
It is bisected by the following streets/intersections:
Concurrent Interstates 40 and 65 run beneath Broadway between 13th and 14th Avenues and are accessible via adjacent ramps on George L. Davis Boulevard and 14th Avenue South. Broadway is accessible from the interstates at Exit 209A (I-40 W/I-65 N) and 209B (I-40 E/I-65 S).
From 1st Avenue to 16th Avenue, Broadway serves as the "dividing line" between the north and south designations of the avenues. From 1st Avenue to 13th Avenue, Broadway serves as U.S. Route 70. From 8th Avenue to its merger with 21st Avenue South, Broadway serves as U.S. Route 431.
Broadway functions as a traditional street with both vehicle and bicycle traffic. Various shuttles, buses, and taxis operate in the area. The Music City Star commuter train also stops at Riverfront Station near the end of Broadway by the river.
Entertainment and restaurants.
Here are some potential attractions and entertainment joints:
Hard Rock Café: Positioned at the edge of Riverfront Park, the Nashville Hard Rock has live bands playing in the Reverb Room. The area known as the Ledge provides a view of the Cumberland River and downtown.
Acme Feed & Seed: Located in a 100-year-old building that formerly sold grain, this venue is now a very large (22,000 square feet), multi-level restaurant and live music spot. The rooftop bar has a view of the Cumberland River, Nissan Stadium, and the Broadway strip. Dining options include a sushi bar on the second floor and street-style local classics in the main dining area.
Nashville Underground: This 40,000-square-foot honky tonk located near the end of Broadway close to the Cumberland River has four floors with bars, food, live music, and a mechanical bullref></ref> The full menu includes southern dishes, bar foods, and specialty items.
Rock Bottom Restaurant and Brewery: This venue focuses on craft brews in addition to live music, which plays nightly on the rooftop bar.
Bootleggers Inn: This Nashville moonshine bar serves drinks with southern-inspired moonshine flavors like peach and apple pie. Live bands play on two floors.
Ole Red: Owned by Blake Shelton as part of a collaboration with the Grand Ole Opry, this honky tonk has a rooftop with a view of Broadway to go with multiple floors of entertainment and a full menu.
Jason Aldean's Kitchen + Rooftop Bar: Country star Jason Aldean created the menu of southern-style dishes himself for his honky tonk. The rooftop bar is the largest on Broadway, and a gift shop sells themed memorabilia.
Tequila Cowboy: This large complex includes five different types of venues in one. The Rock Bar has live bands every night, and WannaB's hosts karaoke. Karma Lounge has a dance floor and plays top 40s music. The second floor has a mechanical bull, and the game room has pool tables and TVs tuned in to games.
Crazy Town: Open since 2016, this bar has two floors and a rooftop bar with a DJ playing a mix of Top 40 and throwback music. Live bands play on the first and second floors, and the décor includes reclaimed barn walls, hanging guitars, and a barber's chair for taking photos. The "Crazy Town Burger" is a top menu choice.
Whiskey Bent Saloon: This saloon hosts live country music on the main floor with multiple bars and a VIP loft. Private event space is available upstairs.
The Valentine: This honky tonk has a 1920s/1930's Prohibition-era vibe spread across four floors, including a rooftop bar and private event spaces. Live bands play on the first two floors, and a DJ entertains dancers on the third floor. The full-service restaurant serves local dishes and bar classics.
Tin Roof: Located in the former Hatch Show Print building, this red-white-and-blue-themed honky tonk describes its menu as "Better Than Bar Food".
Broadway Brewhouse and Mojo Grill: This restaurant located in the former Harley-Holt Furniture Co. building has a robust beer selection and a menu filled with Cajun and southwestern-style dishes in addition to bar favorites.
Honky Tonk Central: This three-story venue has live country music seven days a week, and the site hosts special events and parties. The menu includes bar favorites.
Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville: The live music at Margaritaville ranges from country classics to Jimmy Buffett-style tunes and interactive shows that get the crowd in on the act. The menu has American classics along with island-inspired dishes.
Dierks Bentley's Whiskey Row: Owned by Dierks Bentley, this branch of Whiskey Row is the first one outside of his home state of Arizona. The gastropub has a brunch menu in addition to lunch and dinner options.
Merchants Restaurant: This restaurant has a more sophisticated atmosphere than most establishments on Broadway. Management classifies the menu as New American and New Southern dishes.
Nudie's Honky Tonk: Named for Nudie Cohn – the former tailor known for making rhinestone-studded "Nudie suits" for stars like Elvis Presley, Hank Williams, and Elton John – this bar spreads across three floors in a historic 100-year-old building. The interior includes two stages, multiple bars, and rare memorabilia, such as sparkling costumes and a customized "Nudie mobile". The menu is made up of southern favorites.
Bailey's Sports Grille: This sports bar is more about watching games and shooting pool than live music, but it still has a small stage in the corner for live bands. The menu includes typical bar and grill fare.
The Stage on Broadway: With a long history as a spot for celebrity performances and sightings, this honky tonk focuses primarily on country music with some occasional rock 'n roll. Three bands play on two floors and on the rooftop patio, and an original oil painting of The Highwaymen greets guests from its position over the front door.
Paradise Park Trailer Resort: Despite its name, the "P-Park" is actually a greasy spoon-bar combo and not a resort. With a "trailer" theme that includes tire chandeliers, lawn furniture, and a Mullet Wall of Fame, this bar is a casual spot for songwriters and musicians to play.
Jack's Bar-B-Que: Jack's is distinctive for the flying pigs on its neon sign as well as its Texas-style barbecue and variety of sauce options.
Robert's Western World: Located in a historic building used for various purposes over the years, this honky tonk started out as a western clothing and boot store in the early 1990s before eventually evolving into a live music venue with a bar and grill. Robert's still has boots and apparel for sale alongside bar-style menu items. The bar is known for their preservation of traditional country music, and is known for acts such as BR549 and Brazilbilly.
Layla's Bluegrass Inn: This bar offers bluegrass, rockabilly, Americana, and numerous other types of music in addition to country. Past performers include Hank Williams III, Chris Scruggs, and Ralph Stanley. The simple menu consists of snack foods.
The Second Fiddle: This honky tonk focuses on traditional country music seven days a week in a setting filled with photo-lined walls and music memorabilia like antique radios and vintage instruments.
AJ's Good Time Bar: Owned by Alan Jackson, this honky tonk has three floors featuring Alan Jackson memorabilia and country music. Located in the oldest building on Broadway, the bar is the former home of various businesses, including Bullet Records – a label started in 1946 to record Grand Ole Opry members. Billboard Magazine voted AJ's best honky tonk in Nashville. An additional bar on the roof offers views of the city.
Nashville Crossroads: Open since 2004, this honky tonk hosts southern rock bands as well as classic country artists.
Tootsie's Orchid Lounge: With four stages and three bars spread across three floors, this orchid-colored honky tonk – a paint job mess up is how the bar got its name – is possibly the most well known on Broadway. The bar has been the subject of various articles, TV programs, and even songs over the years. Past performers include Patsy Cline, Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash, Tom T. Hall, Kris Kristofferson, and many others. Tootsie's "Wall of Fame" includes hundreds of photos and other memorabilia.
Mellow Mushroom: This pizzeria pays tribute to Nashville's music history with themed art created by local and regional artists displayed on five different floors.
Legends Corner: With walls covered with album covers, this bar has a nostalgic atmosphere to go with the live country music.
Rippy's Smokin' Bar and Grill: With the largest of three stages on the roof, Rippy's offers a view of Lower Broadway. The interior includes a main dining area and an area with sports games on big screen TVs. The menu mainly focuses on barbecue-related items.
FGL House: Owned by Tyler Hubbard and Brian Kelley of Florida Georgia Line, FGL House is a multi-level restaurant and bar. It has one of the largest rooftops, the “Cruise” rooftop, that Nashville has to offer, dedicated to an all-day and "almost" all-night party with views of the Music City skyline. It also features a large video wall continuously showcases video content from Florida Georgia Line and other country stars – as well as displaying sporting events.
Luke's 32 Bridge: Owned by Luke Bryan, Luke's 32 Bridge invites guests inside a 30,000 sq ft multi-level entertainment facility, featuring 6 levels, 8 bars, 4 stages with the best live music and two restaurants. On top of all this, Luke Bryan's 'Crash My Party Rooftop Patio' is one of downtown's largest rooftop bars.
Casa Rosa: Owned by Miranda Lambert, Casa Rosa is a four-floor restaurant and venue that features three floors of live entertainment and a rooftop bar. Casa Rosa is decked out with memorabilia from Miranda's illustrious career, including costumes from her videos and the birdcage featured in the video for "Bluebird." It opened in May 2021 and is the first establishment in the district owned by a female artist.
Friends in Low Places Bar and Honky-Tonk: Owned by Garth Brooks, the Friends in Low Places Bar and Honky-Tonk will be a three-level honky tonk with 40,000 square feet of space. The bar and restaurant is expected to open on Broadway within the next couple of years.
Construction is set to be completed on the new Marriott Moxy Hotel on the second block of Lower Broadway by the end of 2018. Currently, the hotel options on Broadway are located farther down the street, away from the Lower Broadway area.
The Lower Broadway area has various souvenir and specialty – many western-themed – shops along both sides of the road. Additionally, some of the bars and attractions have their own gift shops, such as Legend's Gift Shop inside Legend's Corner.
Ernest Tubb Record Shop: Founded in 1947 by Ernest Tubb, the "Texas Troubadour", this historic shop is the broadcast site of the Midnight Jamboree on WSM 650 AM. Autographed photos line the walls, and records, sheet music, and memorabilia line the shelves.
Savannah's Candy Kitchen of Nashville: This sweet shop makes and serves everything from chocolate candies to homemade ice cream and candy apples.
Cotton Eye Joe's Gift Shop: This shop sells typical souvenirs like T-shirts as well as western-themed items.
Lower Broadway has several boot stores within a few blocks, including:
Dixieland Delights: This souvenir shop has themed T-shirts, hats, music memorabilia, and various other types of keepsakes.
Music City Shop at the Visitor Center: Located inside the Nashville Visitor Center (inside the glass tower at Bridgestone Arena), this gift shop sells a lot of music-themed items, such as clothing and memorabilia.
Music City Showcase: This shop has music memorabilia, T-shirts, hats, novelty items, and various other types of tourist souvenirs.
Tourist attractions.
In addition to locations for listening to live music and dining, Broadway has other sites that attract both locals and tourists.
Bridgestone Arena: This arena seats almost 20,000 people and is home to the Nashville Predators, the Nashville Visitors Center, and the Tennessee Sports Hall of Fame. It hosts everything from concerts and the CMA Awards to sports events and Broadway shows throughout the year.
Riverfront Station and Riverfront Park: The site of big celebrations like fireworks for Independence Day, this park on the bank of the Cumberland River has trails, a dog park, and an amphitheater for live music performances. The adjoining train station is the western endpoint of the Music City Star rail system for commuters.
Nearby attractions.
Some of the city's most popular attractions are located very near Lower Broadway on some of the cross streets:
<doc id="8724563" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724563" title="Abraham Lincoln University">
Abraham Lincoln University
Abraham Lincoln University (ALU) is a private, for-profit online university based in Glendale, California.
ALU was founded in 1996 by Hyung J. Park, a tax attorney and graduate of Loyola Law School. Classes initially were held in a conference room in his office. Park named his school after Abraham Lincoln partly because Lincoln had taught himself law.
Park established ALU with the philosophy of "flexibility and affordability" for working professionals to maintain current employment while studying law at an accredited institution under California law. In addition to its core law school curriculum, ALU programs have expanded to include diplomas and certificates and undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral degrees in business administration, criminal justice, general studies, law, and legal studies.
Abraham Lincoln University offers online associate, bachelor's, master's, and doctorate degrees, plus diplomas and certificates.
ALU is a 100% online institution, offering alternative venues to engage students via online, live-engagement sessions and recorded lectures. Classes are archived online for review during each class. Students have full-time access to lectures. Students and professors also participate in online discussion boards.
Accreditation, memberships, and registrations.
Abraham Lincoln University is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC). Its School of Law is registered with the Committee of Bar Examiners of the State Bar of California in the unaccredited distance learning school category, but is not accredited by the American Bar Association. As such, its graduates only qualify to sit for the California bar examination.
ALU's academic programs, with the exception of the Juris Doctor degree program, have been licensed by the California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE) by institutional license through accreditation. ALU's Juris Doctor distance learning degree is exempt from BPPE oversight and is instead under the authority of the Committee of Bar Examiners of the State Bar of California.
Community involvement.
Abraham Lincoln University offers free law clinics to women in need of legal advice at the Downtown Women's Center, a homeless shelter in Los Angeles. These include a forthcoming divorce clinic and an ongoing expungement clinic to help reduce recidivism rates. Law students are encouraged to volunteer.
Bar pass rate.
The most recent data from the California Bar Examination show that no ALU students attempted to pass the bar for the first time in July 2022. Of the 38 examinees who attempted the bar for at least the second time, 3 (8%) passed.
In 2015, the Los Angeles Times reported that Abraham Lincoln University actively recruits students without the LSAT exam. The university has confirmed this.
<doc id="8724580" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724580" title="Madeiran Woodpigeon">
Madeiran Woodpigeon
<doc id="8724582" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724582" title="Javad hamidi">
Javad hamidi
<doc id="8724585" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724585" title="Saskatchewan Highway 229">
Saskatchewan Highway 229
Highway 229 is a highway in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. It runs from Highway 47 to Highway 9. Highway 229 is about long.
Highway 229 passes near the Good Spirit Lake Provincial Park. Good Spirit Acres, Kitchimanitou Beach, Donald Gunn Subdivision, and Good Spirit Lake are accessible from the highway.
<doc id="8724586" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724586" title="Mohammed Siad Hersi "Morgan"">
Mohammed Siad Hersi "Morgan"
<doc id="8724590" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724590" title="The Blast (song)">
The Blast (song)
"The Blast" is a hip hop single from Reflection Eternal's debut album, "Train of Thought". It features rapping from the duo's emcee, Talib Kweli, as well as from its producer, DJ Hi-Tek. It is the only Reflection Eternal song that Hi-Tek raps on, and like all Reflection Eternal songs, he produces it. The song has a somber and jazzy beat backed by vocals from Vinia Mojica. It has a music video directed by Little X in which Kweli and Hi-Tek are rapping in a rainstorm. Yasiin Bey aka Mos Def, Pharaohe Monch and Kweli's grandmother, Javotti Greene make cameo appearances. The music video version is extended in length, and gives Talib Kweli an extra verse. The song peaked at #2 on the Billboard Hot Rap Tracks and #49 on the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs. The official remix features new verses by Talib Kweli as well as neo-soul singer Erykah Badu.
<doc id="8724591" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724591" title="British Eagle">
British Eagle
British Eagle International Airlines was a major British independent airline that operated from 1948 until it went into liquidation in 1968. It operated scheduled and charter services on a domestic, international and transatlantic basis over the years.
Formation and early operations.
Harold Bamberg, a former wartime pilot, formed the airline on 14 April 1948 with a nominal capital of £100 as Eagle Aviation Ltd at Aldermaston. The initial fleet comprised two wartime bombers converted for carrying fruit and vegetables. The first aircraft to enter service was a converted Halifax Mk 8 with the civil registration G-AJBL. It operated Eagle's first commercial flight, carrying a cargo of cherries from Verona to Bovingdon. It subsequently transported fruit from Italy and Spain for the Covent Garden merchants. It was joined by a second Halifax, registered G-ALEF and christened "Red Eagle". Both aircraft saw extensive service along with a further two others during the Berlin Airlift .
The airline acquired Air Freight Ltd with three more Halifaxes later the same year. Eagle acquired three Avro York aircraft in late 1949, followed by eight others, and used these until early 1955 for both passenger and freight charters. Eagle aviation moved to Luton in 1950. For most of its existence, the company's head office was located at 29 Clarges Street, London W1 Central London.
By 1951, Eagle Aviation had won its first regular Government trooping contracts, including the first regular contract awarded by the War Office for trooping flights between the UK and Singapore starting in August 1951. This helped keep its fleet of six Halifaxes and nine Avro Yorks busy and provided employment for 100 people including 12 pilots. Operations moved to Blackbushe Airport in 1952, followed a year later by the launch of secondary scheduled services in association with British European Airways (BEA), from whom Eagle had purchased a large fleet of Vickers Vikings.
Start of scheduled operations.
During 1953, Eagle Aviation's steadily growing passenger charter operations included for the first time aerial cruises around the Mediterranean. Following Eagle's decision to sell the Yorks to rival UK independent Skyways for £160,000, the airline expanded from charter work into scheduled services from its new base at Blackbushe Airport, using Vickers Vikings. The first of these were acquired from Crewsair, another rival UK independent. Eagle, which by that time had set up Eagle Airways as a new company to run the scheduled side of the business (leaving Eagle Aviation in charge of all non-scheduled operations, including trooping flights), inaugurated its first scheduled service on 6 June 1953 from London (Blackbushe) to Belgrade (via Munich), followed by London—Aalborg and London—Gothenburg. It also began operating domestic flights within the UK and additional international services to secondary western European destinations. Eagle's expansion was supported by 22 Vickers Vikings that had been retained from an earlier purchase of 37 former BEA examples.
Entry into package holiday market.
In 1954, the Ministry of Aviation granted Eagle permission to operate a limited programme of a new type of low-fare service that combined air travel and overseas holiday accommodation at a cost substantially below the aggregate of each individual component if purchased separately. This new concept enabled the airline to circumvent regulatory restrictions that prevented private airlines from competing with their state-owned counterparts. It also helped increase fleet utilisation.
When the Thomas Cook & Son travel agency declined Eagle's offer to take on the role of the airline's tour operator, Eagle acquired the Sir Henry Lunn Ltd travel agency chain. This made the airline one of the pioneers of the British package holiday industry and probably marked the first occasion in the UK an airline became vertically integrated with its own in-house tour operator (i.e. where an airline owns or is owned by a tour operator or both are part of an integrated travel group) British Eagle also acquired the Polytechnic Touring Association in the 1950s and formed Lunn Poly from the two agencies in the mid-1960s.
Eagle's first inclusive tour (IT) flights operated to destinations in Italy and Spain (including Majorca). To make its packages more affordable and increase sales, Lunn began offering hire purchase facilities. Between 1955 and 1960, many of the airline's aircraft carried the Eagle Airways operating name.
By 1957, the summer IT programme included for the first time 15-day, all-inclusive packages to Spain's Costa Brava. These combined flights to Perpignan in Southern France with onward coach connections, with prices starting from £32.50 for travel on Mondays (£36 for weekend travel). 1957 was also the year Eagle joined IATA.
Branching out.
On 26 July 1957, Eagle formed an overseas subsidiary, named Eagle Airways (Bermuda), in preparation for the launch of transatlantic scheduled services between Bermuda and New York, using Viscount 800 turboprop aircraft. Within a year of launching its first transatlantic scheduled route, the airline's North Atlantic scheduled operation extended to Montreal, Baltimore, Washington and Nassau.
Acquisition of first imported aircraft.
In 1958, Eagle acquired the first three of an eventual six Douglas DC-6s for long-range charter and scheduled operations. These were the airline's first pressurised aircraft. They were also its first imported aircraft (the initial batch of three had been sourced from the US). This acquisition marked an important change regarding UK airlines' aircraft procurement policies as new legislation permitted (for the first time) that aircraft imported from abroad – usually American models – could be paid for in dollars. The lack of access to foreign exchange to finance overseas aircraft purchases prior to the change in legislation had compelled all private UK airlines to equip their fleets either with British-built civilian/ex-military aircraft or war-surplus, foreign-built military transport planes that had served with the RAF Transport Command — mainly Douglas Dakotas. Their state-owned counterparts had to seek Government dispensation to import foreign aircraft, which was only granted when no suitable British alternatives were available. These measures had been designed during the early post-war years to conserve as much of Britain's scarce US dollar-denominated foreign exchange reserves as possible.
Pioneering of low-fare scheduled services in the western hemisphere.
Eagle Airways (Bermuda) launched commercial operations in May 1958 between Bermuda and New York, competing head-on with three of the world's most powerful airlines – BOAC, Pan Am and Eastern Air Lines. Other regional services in the western hemisphere followed. Stimulated by low fares, traffic volumes on the Nassau—Miami and Bermuda—JFK sectors grew such that it was possible to run a four-times-a-day Viscount shuttle on the former and a similar, thrice-daily operation on the latter profitably. This increased Eagle's, as well as the overall British market share on these routes. This success provided the impetus for Eagle Airways (Bermuda) to launch weekly low-fare through-plane scheduled services to London with all-coach-configured DC-6Cs. The use of a foreign-registered aircraft on the London route enabled it to circumvent restrictive licensing provisions (including those contained in the forthcoming Civil Aviation (Licensing) Act, 1960) as it only applied to UK aircraft. Bermuda's status as a British colony furthermore meant that no reciprocal approvals from overseas authorities were needed. Eagle's new direct Bermuda—London flights were a cheaper and faster alternative to BOAC's DC-7C services which routed via New York. However, the terms of the licence permitting Eagle to operate scheduled services on this route required it to share its revenues with BOAC.
In November 1958, Eagle applied to the Air Transport Advisory Council (ATAC), the contemporary UK Government department in charge of air transport economic regulation, for permission to offer low fares on existing and planned scheduled routes to Cyprus, Gibraltar, Malta, Singapore, the Bahamas, the Caribbean as well as East and West Africa. For instance, Eagle's £19 proposed fare to Malta compared with BEA's £52.60 and its £199 Singapore fare compared with a £351 fare charged by BOAC. This marked the first occasion on which a private British airline sought approval to offer scheduled fares that undercut the equivalent published fares of the state-owned airlines by a substantial margin. Eagle's low fares were designed to increase the British market share on routes the state airlines had monopolised by stimulating demand. The airline argued that the British economy as a whole would benefit if it was granted permission to offer these fares, as a consequence of additional foreign exchange earnings accruing to the UK Exchequer that resulted from boosting Britain's share of total traffic. Loss-making BEA and BOAC lodged objections with ATAC against Eagle's low-fare proposals, which were upheld. By the spring of 1959, Eagle Airways (Bermuda) was operating scheduled passenger flights with Vickers Viscount 805 turboprop aircraft between Bermuda and Baltimore, Washington, D.C. and New York City in the U.S. as well as between Bermuda and Montreal in Canada.
Breaking even on scheduled operations.
Following six years of losses, Eagle managed to break even on what it claimed to be Britain's biggest network of independent-operated scheduled services comprising 12 routes to Europe by 1959. By the late 1950s, all aircraft carried the "Eagle Airways" name.
The early 1960s (1960–1963).
Following Blackbushe's closure to commercial air traffic in 1960, Eagle moved its base to London Heathrow, then simply known as "London Airport".
Eagle along with British United Airways (BUA) — its principal contemporary independent competitor – had successfully lobbied the Government to bring about a change in legislation that had given their state-owned counterparts a virtual monopoly on scheduled services. This resulted in the Civil Aviation (Licensing) Act of 1960, which abolished BEA's and BOAC's statutory monopoly on principal domestic and international scheduled routes and – theoretically – gave the independents equal opportunities to develop such routes in their own right. Eagle concurred with BUA and Caledonian Airways — an independent upstart that would subsequently compete with it head-to-head for a licence to operate transatlantic scheduled services — that running a fully fledged scheduled operation was the only way to build an airline with a long-term, stable future. It argued that the non-scheduled nature of its business – mainly trooping, "ad hoc" charters and IT flying – made planning ahead difficult because of extreme seasonality and generally low margins. Therefore, Eagle saw its future primarily as an international scheduled passenger and freight carrier with transatlantic ambitions.
The Cunard era.
Cunard Eagle Airways.
In March 1960, the Cunard Steamship Company bought a 60% shareholding for £30 million, resulting in a change of name to Cunard Eagle Airways. The support from this new shareholder enabled Cunard Eagle to become the first British independent airline to operate pure jet airliners, as a result of a £6 million order for two new Boeing 707-420 passenger aircraft. The order had been placed (including an option on a third aircraft) in expectation of being granted traffic rights for transatlantic scheduled services. The airline took delivery of its first Bristol Britannia aircraft on 5 April 1960 (on lease from Cubana).
Cunard's acquisition of a controlling stake in Eagle resulted in Bamberg's appointment as their new aviation director, hoping that his knowledge of the industry would help them to capture a significant share of the 1 million people that crossed the Atlantic by air in 1960. This was the first time more passengers chose to make their transatlantic crossing by air than sea.
In April 1960, the Government approved a range of new "Colonial Coach" fares for travel by British residents only on cabotage routes linking the UK with its remaining colonies. Despite opposition from IATA, British airlines – including British IATA members – were free to introduce them from 1 October 1960 as UK authorities controlled fares at both ends. Apart from Eagle, the beneficiaries included BEA, BOAC, BUA and Skyways.
From 1 October 1960, all-coach DC-6Cs plying the London—Bermuda—Nassau route were replaced with Britannias featuring a 98-seat, three-class layout comprising 14 first-class, 66 economy and 18 "Skycoach" seats (British residents only). Like its predecessors, these were Bermudan-registered. An additional weekly all-"Skycoach" operation using a 113-seat Britannia 310 commenced on 10 October 1960. All revenues – including those from first-class passengers – were shared with BOAC. Schedules were complemented by additional Britannia and DC-6 charters during the peak summer season. Operations moved to Heathrow in 1960 as a result of Blackbushe's closure to commercial traffic.
The Cunard Line acquired a controlling stake in Eagle in March 1960 which resulted in the creation of a joint venture company trading as Cunard Eagle. Eagle's founder Harold Bamberg was appointed as aviation director of the company. The new support enabled Cunard Eagle to order two new Boeing 707 jet aircraft in May 1961. In June 1961, Cunard Eagle became the first independent airline in the UK to be awarded a licence by the newly constituted Air Transport Licensing Board (ATLB) to operate a scheduled service on the prime Heathrow – New York JFK route, using Boeing 707 jets and Bristol Britannia turboprops at a frequency of one round-trip per day. The licence was valid for 15 years – from 31 August 1961 to 31 July 1976. The airline also won the right to serve Manchester, Glasgow Prestwick, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Boston and Washington. The carriage of passengers on UK domestic sectors and of mail on all sectors was denied. Similarly, requests for traffic rights to Toronto, Montreal, Detroit and Chicago were turned down. This decision angered BOAC, which was losing money at the time. It appealed to Aviation Minister Peter Thorneycroft, who was empowered to accept or reject the ATLB's recommendations and to uphold or quash appeals against its decisions. The state airline cited its order for 45 Standard and Super VC10 long-haul jets and an earlier ministerial promise not to permit another British competitor on this route in support of its appeal. The appeal was upheld, resulting in revocation of Cunard Eagle's licence in November 1961. In the meantime the airline acquired two further Britannia aircraft in March and May 1961, both ex-Canadian Pacific Air Lines aircraft.
On 27 February 1962, Cunard Eagle took delivery of its first jet aircraft – a Boeing 707-465 bearing the Bermudan registration VR-BBW. Exactly one month later, on 27 March 1962, commercial 707 operations commenced, initially supplementing Cunard Eagle Airways (Bermuda) Viscount schedules on the Bermuda – New York JFK run on an "ad hoc" basis. This made Cunard Eagle the first British independent airline to operate jet services with fare-paying passengers.
On 5 May 1962, the airline's first 707 inaugurated scheduled jet services from London Heathrow to Bermuda and Nassau. The new jet service – marketed as the "Cunarder Jet" in the UK and as the "Londoner" in the western hemisphere — replaced the earlier Britannia operation on this route. Cunard Eagle succeeded in extending this service to Miami despite the loss of its original transatlantic scheduled licence and BOAC's claim that there was insufficient traffic to warrant a direct service from the UK. A load factor of 56% was achieved at the outset. Inauguration of the first British through-plane service between London and Miami also helped Cunard Eagle increase utilisation of its 707s.
BOAC countered Eagle's move to establish itself as a full-fledged scheduled transatlantic competitor on its Heathrow—JFK flagship route by forming BOAC-Cunard as a new £30 million joint venture with the Cunard Steamship Co. BOAC contributed 70% of the new company's capital and eight Boeing 707s. Cunard Eagle's long-haul scheduled operation — including the two new 707s – was absorbed into BOAC-Cunard before delivery of the second 707, in June 1962. BOAC-Cunard leased any spare aircraft capacity to BOAC to augment the BOAC mainline fleet at peak times. As part of this deal, BOAC-Cunard also bought flying hours from BOAC for using the latter's aircraft in the event of capacity shortfalls. This maximised combined fleet utilisation. The joint fleet use agreement did not cover Cunard Eagle's European scheduled, trooping and charter operations.
Although Bamberg was appointed to the board of BOAC-Cunard, he became disenchanted with Cunard's corporate culture. He resigned from BOAC-Cunard's board in 1963 while continuing as managing director of Cunard Eagle Airways. His growing disenchantment with BOAC-Cunard's culture resulted in the decision to reconstitute Eagle by buying back control from Cunard.
Reconstitution of the company.
Having raised his holding to 60% in February 1963, on 9 August, the airline's official name changed to British Eagle International Airlines Ltd (the name Bamberg had given the new holding company on 1 March). It had a fully paid-up share capital of £1,000,000. Initial equipment included Vickers Viscount and Bristol Britannia turboprop planes. From 16 September, a new livery displaying the "British Eagle" name in full on the company's aircraft was adopted. This was a legal requirement following BEA's objection to Bamberg's original plan to incorporate the abbreviation "BEIA" into the new livery to avoid confusion between them.
Launch of competitive UK domestic scheduled services.
In November 1963, British Eagle launched daily scheduled services between London Heathrow and Glasgow Renfrew with 103-seater, two-class Britannias. The inaugural London—Glasgow service – operated by ex-BOAC Britannia 310 "Enterprise" — was followed by daily two-class Britannia services from Heathrow to Edinburgh and Belfast the next day. Two Britannia aircraft were leased from BOAC to provide additional capacity. This was the first time an independent airline was allowed to compete with the corporations on the main UK domestic trunk routes and only the fourth time there was direct competition between private and state-owned airlines on domestic trunk routes anywhere. It was also the first time a scheduled airline had offered a separate first class cabin on a UK domestic route. As British Eagle was restricted to a single daily round-trip on each route, it sought to differentiate itself from BEA. While BEA served these routes with 132-seat Vickers Vanguards in an all-tourist configuration with minimal onboard catering, British Eagle provided full catering on all flights. This included top-quality wines as well as the use of Wedgwood china and fine-quality glassware in first class. British Eagle differentiated itself by introducing assigned seating and "trickle loading". The former was a first for a UK scheduled domestic carrier while the airline claimed to have started the latter in the UK as well. Although British Eagle provided a standby aircraft to maintain the integrity of its schedules, flights were timed to provide eight-hours' work per day for one aircraft to maximise utilisation. BEA, whose frequencies were not restricted, responded to the challenge on its three most important domestic routes by scheduling additional flights that departed and arrived at the same time or within 10 minutes of its rival's scheduled departure and arrival times. This had the effect of "sandwiching" British Eagle's flights. BEA's response also included the introduction of trickle loading and subsequent introduction of full onboard catering as well as a separate first class cabin.
Acquisition of Starways.
On 31 December 1963, British Eagle took over Liverpool-based Starways. This gave it access to a fast-growing network of regional scheduled routes from Liverpool – including the busy London route – and to several IT contracts from locally based tour operators. British Eagle's ability to control the important Liverpool—London route strengthened its position in the UK's internal air travel market generally and on the main domestic trunk routes from Heathrow in particular. The Starways fleet – two Vickers Viscounts, three Douglas DC-4s and three DC-3s – was not included in the takeover and subsequently disposed of. Instead, to provide sufficient capacity to operate the combined airline's flying programme, British Eagle purchased an additional three Viscount 700s. Despite losing £80,000 during its first year of operation, the reconstituted airline gradually regained profitability.
The later years and closure (1964–1968).
In January 1964 the airline acquired two Britannia aircraft (ex-Transcontinental SA) for modification to freighters. Following modification they entered service in July 1964 in support of the UK's Blue Steel missile programme ferrying equipment and personnel to the Woomera Test Range in Australia.
Integration of Starways.
On 1 January 1964, British Eagle – Starways began operating the Liverpool—Heathrow route at a frequency of three flights a day in each direction. Two of these were non-stop, using both Britannias and Viscounts. An additional Viscount service routed via Chester Airport. The same day, the new airline combine assumed the former Starways operation between Liverpool and Glasgow. The remaining Starways routes were taken over by 1 April. By that time, the joint Eagle – Starways fleet comprised 18 aircraft, consisting of 10 Britannias, five Viscounts and three DC-6s. Of these, three Viscounts were stationed at Liverpool.
Temporary withdrawal of UK domestic services.
By October 1964, British Eagle had accumulated a deficit of £300,000 on its domestic scheduled operations. Load factors on the Belfast route averaged only 13%. Persistent refusal of British Eagle's requests for a frequency increase led to Bamberg's decision to suspend his airline's domestic operations as of 20 February 1965.
Return to profitability.
British Eagle's financial and traffic results for 1964 were published at the start of 1965. These showed that after writing off losses of up to £350,000 for the development of domestic scheduled services, the airline earned an operating surplus of £853,700. The retained net profit amounted to £101,500. This represented 2% of total assets employed (£4.9 million), after allowing for depreciation and other charges. This set of figures marked the first profitable period of operation following reconstitution.
Limited resumption of UK domestic services.
Following the suspension of British Eagle's scheduled operations on the three main domestic trunk routes from Heathrow to Glasgow, Edinburgh and Belfast, BUA applied to the ATLB to have these licences transferred to itself. BUA wanted to operate the former British Eagle routes with its new BAC One-Elevens from its Gatwick base at similar frequencies (10–12 round-trips per week). It argued that its proposed services were primarily intended as domestic feeders for its growing international scheduled and non-scheduled operations at Gatwick, that this was supported by contemporary Government policy giving preference to that airport's development to improve utilisation and enable it to become profitable, and that it would relieve congestion at Heathrow. BUA furthermore argued that the use of a different London terminal serving a distinct catchment area would divert little traffic from BEA, thereby minimising the competitive impact on the corporation. In addition to requesting revocation and transfer of British Eagle's licences for London—Glasgow, London—Edinburgh and London—Belfast, BUA also sought scheduled service licences for London—Birmingham and London—Manchester (to be operated from Gatwick as well).
BUA's attempt to have British Eagle stripped of its licences to operate scheduled services on the three main UK domestic trunk routes resulted in the latter's decision to resume operations on Heathrow—Glasgow on 5 July 1965, at a frequency of three return flights per day. Two of these operated non-stop while the remaining one routed via Liverpool. Combining its licences for unrestricted frequencies between Heathrow and Liverpool, a maximum of two daily return flights on Heathrow—Glasgow as well as 17 weekly Liverpool—Glasgow round-trips, enabled British Eagle to operate the Heathrow—Glasgow route at a higher frequency.
Preparations to restart jet operations.
By early 1965, British Eagle had a fleet of 24 turboprop aircraft in service, comprising 17 Bristol Britannia 300s – out of a total of 23 that were eventually operated – and seven Vickers Viscount 700s. By the end of that year, the airline's turnover had increased by 37% to almost £12 million and net profit had recovered to £350,000. In addition, Bamberg announced an order for three series 300 One-Elevens including a further three options, heralding Eagle's comeback as a jet operator.
Part of the come back strategy was to provide London passengers a better experience with its check in facility in Knightsbridge, it required a coach service to Heathrow, this resulted the acquisition of Rickards Coaches and the purchase of twenty new luxury coaches, around 9,000 passengers a week used this service.
By late 1965, British Eagle placed an order for two Boeing 707-320Cs. The aircraft, which were to be delivered in early 1967, were primarily intended for passenger and freight charters to the Far East and Australia. To avoid paying the 14% tax the British Government had imposed on imported, new foreign aircraft to protect competing British models, the airline needed to persuade the Board of Trade that there was no equivalent home-grown alternative. It also cited the Board's earlier decision to approve BOAC's application for an import duty waiver on two new Boeing 707-336Cs as a precedent. Despite being offered a mixed-traffic version of the Super VC10 and acknowledging that aircraft's superior passenger appeal, British Eagle favoured the 707-320C because of its greater payload and range. This made the 707 a more attractive aircraft for the kind of charter operations envisaged.
Aden evacuation.
British Eagle played a part in the British evacuation of Aden in 1967. The 2008 book "From Barren Rocks...to Living Stones" by Jon Magee records how one of its fleet, a Britannia, intended for a run to the Far East was commandeered at short notice as the emergency escalated.
Future fleet plans.
The plan British Eagle developed in early 1966 for its future fleet requirements aimed to have 25 aircraft in service by the end of the decade, envisaging the operation of 15 jet aircraft – including two widebodies — and 10 turboprop planes. The former were to comprise two Boeing 747 freighters, five 707-320Cs for the carriage of both passengers and cargo and eight BAC One-Elevens – the last three of which were to be Quick Change (QC) models that could either be used as passenger or freight carriers. The latter were to consist of 10 Britannias. The end of a number of Ministry of Defence contracts in 1966 saw the airline with surplus aircraft and two Britannias were sold to Air Spain.
Inauguration of Heathrow's first domestic jet schedules.
The simultaneous arrival at Glasgow of BEA's first Comet 4B revenue service and a British Eagle BAC One-Eleven proving flight from Heathrow on 2 May 1966 coincided with the opening of the city's new Abbotsinch Airport. This event was followed by British Eagle's first Heathrow—Glasgow One-Eleven revenue service on 9 May, making it the second British independent airline after BUA to operate scheduled jet services on domestic trunk routes. Although BUA's services preceded BEA's and British Eagle's by four months, this occasion marked the first time jets were used to operate scheduled services on a domestic trunk route from Heathrow. It also marked the first time parallel jet competition was introduced on a UK domestic trunk route, as well as the fourth time such competition was introduced anywhere. British Eagle initially operated its scheduled domestic jet services with a pair of 200 series One-Elevens leased from the Central African Airways, pending delivery of the UK carrier's first three One-Eleven 300s between the end of May and July. British Eagle marketed its 79-seat, all-tourist Heathrow—Glasgow One-Eleven jet services as a better and faster alternative to BEA's Comet 4B services and as a less time-consuming option compared with BUA's Gatwick—Glasgow "InterJet" One-Eleven service.
New business opportunities.
In addition to operating the new One-Elevens on its own scheduled and non-scheduled services, British Eagle also offered its new short-haul jets to other airlines on a contract basis. These were mainly wet leases. KLM, Scandinavian Airlines and Swissair were among the airline's most prominent wet lease customers. By 1966, annual passenger numbers had increased to 944,488 (up from 153,000 in 1963) while profits had reached £585,000.
Completion of company reorganisation.
The end of 1966 also saw the completion of the Eagle group of companies' reorganisation. This had resulted in setting up Eagle International Airlines as a new group holding company. Apart from British Eagle International Airlines, other subsidiaries included British Eagle (Liverpool)—the former Starways, Eagle Aircraft Services, Knightsbridge Air Terminal and Sky Chefs, the group's own catering company. This period furthermore saw Bamberg regaining 100% control of the Eagle group, as a result of his exercising an option to buy back Cunard's remaining 40% interest in British Eagle.
Deteriorating business environment.
1967 was a bad year for the British travel industry. The brief Six-Day War between Israel and its Arab neighbours caused a temporary spike in oil prices while both the military coup in Greece and new Spanish access restrictions to Gibraltar resulted in fewer people visiting these places. In addition, the value of sterling dropped by 14.7%, as a result of many Arab countries switching their sterling balances in London to dollars and moving them to Zürich. These events were responsible for a sharp reduction in the IT business's annual rate of expansion—down to 12% to just over a million passengers after three years of spectacular growth. This in turn led to the implementation of a major cost-reduction programme at British Eagle following an estimated drop of 20% in projected summer holiday traffic, as a result of the challenging economic conditions. As a consequence, flightdeck personnel numbers were reduced by 48 (out of a total of 246).
Applications for transatlantic scheduled rights.
In 1967, British Eagle—as well as BUA, Caledonian and Transglobe—also applied to the ATLB for licences to operate scheduled and non-scheduled services in competition with BOAC on several long-haul routes. British Eagle sought a 15-year licence for a London – New York passenger service to be operated with Boeing 707-320Cs from 1 April 1969 between either Heathrow or Stansted and JFK at an initial frequency of two daily return flights during summer (April—October) and one round-trip per day in winter (November—March). Similar licences were sought to operate to Los Angeles/San Francisco and Toronto/Montreal with Chicago as an intermediate stop. In addition, the airline sought licences for a London—Bermuda—Nassau—Kingston/Montego Bay mid-Atlantic and Caribbean service, with Chicago as an intermediate stop between London and Bermuda or Nassau. There were also plans to seek licences for a transatlantic all-cargo service between London, New York and six other points on the East Coast of the United States, as well as for a mixed passenger/cargo service between London and Hong Kong. As the latter was an unrestricted cabotage route, British Eagle intended to seek approval for a £125 one-way fare that would have undercut the existing fare by £83. At the forthcoming ATLB hearings, British Eagle planned to back up its case with detailed traffic statistics showing a marked decline in Britain's traffic share over a period of five years on routes shared with foreign flag carriers where BOAC was the sole British flag carrier. These figures indicated that in the case of the transatlantic scheduled air market between Britain and the United States, the American market share rose by 10% between 1962 and 1966 while the British share fell by 7% within that period. British Eagle wanted to use these findings to argue that licensing a second British scheduled carrier on these routes would substantially benefit the British economy by strengthening Britain's overall competitive position vis-à-vis overseas rivals in a dollar-earning market and thus complement rather than damage BOAC. British Eagle's applications competed with BUA's, Caledonian's and Transglobe's. BUA sought unrestricted frequencies across the North Atlantic to several destinations in the US and Canada, beginning with a thrice-weekly Gatwick—Belfast—JFK VC10 service. It also wanted to extend its existing South American routes via Lima and the Pacific to Australasia, hoping to convert this into a supersonic operation by the early 1970s. Caledonian sought transatlantic scheduled services linking its main operating bases at Gatwick and Prestwick in the UK with a number of destinations in the US and Canada, with particular emphasis on the West Coast of the United States to take full advantage of its growing fleet of long-range Boeing 707-320Cs. Transglobe Airways sought to operate scheduled passenger/cargo services from its Gatwick base to points on the US and Canadian west coasts.
Caledonian objected to the other independent airlines' applications. BOAC opposed all the independents' applications.
Before the route licensing hearings began, the BOT directed the ATLB to prejudge the four contenders' applications in order to concentrate only on those that stood a reasonable chance of success under existing bilateral arrangements. As far as British Eagle was concerned, the applications seeking licences for scheduled/non-scheduled services to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Toronto, Montreal and Jamaica with Chicago as an intermediate stop were not heard. These were withdrawn prior to the hearings' commencement on 16 January 1968.
BUA withdrew its own applications but objected to British Eagle's and Caledonian's. Transglobe withdrew its applications as well. British Eagle and Caledonian objected to each other's applications.
The ATLB heard British Eagle's applications, Caledonian's counter applications and BOAC's objections in early 1968. Following the conclusion of the transatlantic scheduled licensing hearings in mid-1968, the ATLB rejected British Eagle's and Caledonian's applications. It felt that the independents generally lacked the financial strength to acquire the then latest widebodied and supersonic transport (SST) aircraft for their proposed services and that these airlines had insufficient economies of scale to enable them to compete with BOAC and the American carriers on a level playing field. It also felt that it would take the independents too long to make these services profitable. In British Eagle's case, the ATLB was impressed with the airline's well-equipped and competent engineering organisation but questioned its ability to finance the envisaged expansion because it considered the company seriously undercapitalised for its existing operations.
Bureaucratic obstacles.
Meanwhile, British Eagle's unhappiness at the Government's refusal to exempt it from paying duty on its new Boeing 707-365Cs led to a decision to postpone from February to December 1967 delivery of the first aircraft, swapping the second aircraft's delivery position for the first and arranging to take delivery of the second in mid-1968. The airline estimated that this delay had cost it US$1m in lost North Atlantic revenue. It also pointed out that this would have been enough to pay for the duty. The unresolved dispute between British Eagle and the BOT over the payment of import duty on two new 707-365Cs held up the first aircraft's delivery at the beginning of February 1968, with HM Customs demanding payment of £440,000 before releasing the aircraft. The dispute was resolved with the airline agreeing to pay the duty once the Bermudan-registered aircraft was operating in British Eagle livery. This was not going to be the case for at least another year as the aircraft had been wet-leased to Middle East Airlines (MEA) as of 1 March. British Eagle had made operating the aircraft in its own colours dependent on the outcome of the applications to the ATLB for licences to operate scheduled and non-scheduled services between London and New York as well as London, Bermuda and Nassau from 1 April 1969. The airline had held out the prospect of placing a follow-on order for an additional two 707-365Cs in the case of these applications being approved and relevant licences awarded.
Return to the western hemisphere.
In addition to taking delivery of the first of a pair of brand-new 707-365Cs ordered directly from Boeing, British Eagle also began operating two second-hand, shorter-fuselage 707-138Bs sourced from Qantas. The latter aircraft were used to operate a new Caribbean charter programme. The arrival at Nassau of Boeing 707-138B G-AVZZ "Endeavour" on a pre-inaugural IT flight in February 1968 marked the airline's return to the Bahamian capital six years after Cunard Eagle's transatlantic operations had been absorbed into BOAC-Cunard. These services were subsequently extended to Jamaica, Antigua and Barbados.
20th anniversary.
By the time of its 20th anniversary on 14 April 1968, British Eagle ranked fourth among the five major contemporary UK airlines (behind BEA, BOAC and BUA, and ahead of Caledonian). The airline's 24 aircraft included eight jets, six of which had been acquired direct from their manufacturers. These included a Boeing 707-365C leased out to MEA and five BAC One-Eleven 300 series. Kleinwort Benson were the owners of the 707-365C and two second-hand -138Bs that had been acquired from Qantas, while Kuwait Finance Agency, the overseas investment arm of the Kuwait government, and British Aircraft Corporation (BAC) respectively owned three and two of the five One-Elevens. British Eagle operated all of these aircraft under lease purchase agreements with the owners. By that time, the company's scheduled service network included routes from London Heathrow to Liverpool, Glasgow, Newquay, Luxembourg, Dinard, La Baule, Lourdes, Perpignan, Gerona, Palma de Mallorca, Ibiza, Pisa, Rimini, Stuttgart, Innsbruck, Djerba and Tunis. The firm also operated a large number of inclusive tour flights from Heathrow and other British airports. Lunn Poly was its largest tour operator customer.
Waning prospects.
The introduction of the £50 foreign exchange limit per passenger had caused a major contraction in the UK package tour holiday market during 1968. This left British Eagle with surplus charter capacity, especially for the main summer season. In common with other UK independent airlines that faced the same problem, such as Dan-Air, Invicta International Airlines and Laker Airways, British Eagle redeployed this surplus capacity to the burgeoning West Berlin charter market, where access was restricted to US, UK and French airlines. This resulted in British Eagle stationing a Bristol Britannia at West Berlin's Tegel Airport for the duration of the 1968 summer season.
In mid-1968, BOAC applied to the ATLB seeking revocation of British Eagle's Caribbean charter licence due to alleged irregularities in the conduct of the tour services. BOAC's complaint included claims that British Eagle was abusing the terms and conditions of its inclusive tour licence by promoting services as if they were scheduled services. The ATLB found in BOAC's favour and revoked British Eagle's Caribbean licence at the end of the summer season. To circumvent UK regulatory restrictions, the airline proposed to replace its IT flights between the UK and the Caribbean with a scheduled service between Nassau and Luxembourg through its Bahamian subsidiary, Eagle International Airlines (Bahamas), as the ATLB's and BOT's jurisdiction did not extend beyond the UK.
At the end of the 1968 summer season, British Eagle issued redundancy notices to 418 employees in London and Liverpool and announced the closure of its Speke maintenance base. These economy measures were put in place to counter a major business downturn, as a result of a significant decline in the IT market following the introduction of stricter foreign exchange rules for overseas travel, the end of the Far East trooping and Australian migrant contracts in March, and general economic problems.
Bankruptcy and aftermath.
British Eagle and its sister companies ceased trading at midnight on 6 November 1968 due to growing financial problems and went into voluntary liquidation two days later. The airline's last-ever aircraft movement was the arrival of a Bristol Britannia from Rotterdam at Heathrow the following day. The financial crisis leading to the collapse of Britain's second-largest contemporary independent airline had been triggered by the devaluation of sterling and the tightening of the existing exchange control regime, which limited the amount of foreign exchange British holidaymakers were allowed to take out of the country as well as by the loss of the company's Caribbean licence. Poor decisions at senior and executive level, the end of the trooping and migrant contracts and economic difficulties had made British Eagle an increasingly unviable business.
The ATLB and some industry peers regarded the firm as seriously undercapitalised and saw this as a major cause of financial instability. The management's refusal to contemplate a fundamental change in the way the business was run, including a change in the top management itself, undermined the confidence of Hambros Bank, the airline's main creditor, in its prospects. These circumstances led to the withdrawal of Hambros's support. At the time of its bankruptcy, British Eagle operated 25 aircraft and employed a staff of 2,300, including 220 pilots. The failed company owed its creditors £5½ million; Rolls-Royce and Esso, who were owed £630,000 and £300,000 respectively, headed the list of creditors.
Following British Eagle's overnight collapse, other airlines moved quickly to take over the abandoned scheduled routes. Former rival Cambrian Airways assumed the Liverpool–Glasgow and Liverpool–Heathrow routes while BEA applied for the European routes from Heathrow. BUA added an extra daily round-trip between Gatwick and Glasgow and applied to serve some of the European routes as well. Dan-Air took over London–Newquay services, which it operated from Gatwick for one season from May 1969. Dan-Air also won the contest for the Travel Trust charter contracts for the 1969 summer season against stiff competition from BEA. These had originally been awarded to British Eagle and entailed operating Travel Trust's entire summer charter programme on behalf of its subsidiaries Lunn-Poly and Everyman Travel, the bankrupt airline's former in-house tour operators. These contracts provided additional work for four Dan-Air aircraft—two Comets and two One-Elevens. The latter were former American Airlines aircraft and the first One-Elevens to join Dan-Air's fleet. The Heathrow scheduling committee's refusal to allow Dan-Air access to British Eagle's former main operating base resulted in Dan-Air opening a base at Luton for the Lunn-Poly/Everyman flying programmes from London. In addition to the 1969 summer programme, Travel Trust also awarded Dan-Air a "time charter" contract for the following three years (1970–1972).
This in turn resulted in Dan-Air acquiring two further One-Elevens that had originally been operated by British Eagle.
In addition to the two former British Eagle One-Eleven 300s Dan-Air acquired from Kuwait Finance to complement the ex-American pair of 400 series as well as two former BOAC Comet 4s that were fully employed on the Lunn-Poly/Everyman charters, the other jet aircraft the failed carrier had operated/ordered found new homes relatively quickly. In early 1969, Laker Airways leased the former Qantas Boeing 707-138Bs from Kleinwort Benson for Bermudan $8,500 a month to replace Britannias on a new series of transatlantic affinity group charter flights. Two years later, Laker Airways also acquired a One-Eleven 300 from Bahamas Airways that had originally been delivered to British Eagle. BOAC purchased for £4 million the 707-365C British Eagle had leased from Kleinwort Benson (subsequently subleased to MEA). Caledonian acquired the 707-365C that had originally been ordered by British Eagle and delivered to Airlift International in February 1967.
The following aircraft types formed part of the fleet during Eagle's 20 years of operation:
Fleet in 1950.
In August 1950, Eagle Aviation's fleet comprised five aircraft.
Fleet in 1958.
In April 1958, Eagle Airways's fleet comprised 19 aircraft.
Fleet in 1962.
In April 1962, Cunard Eagle's had a fleet of 12 aircraft and employed 1,100 people.
Fleet in 1964.
In April 1964, British Eagle's fleet comprised 15 aircraft and 940 people were employed.
Fleet in 1968.
In April 1968, British Eagle's fleet comprised 23 aircraft and 2,500 people were employed.
Accidents and incidents.
During its 20-year history the airline suffered five fatal and five non-fatal accidents.
<doc id="8724598" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724598" title="Truth Be Told (Blues Traveler album)">
Truth Be Told (Blues Traveler album)
Truth Be Told is American jam band Blues Traveler's seventh studio album, released on August 5, 2003.
<doc id="8724600" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724600" title="Heaven Baby">
Heaven Baby
<doc id="8724604" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724604" title="Soda Lake (San Luis Obispo County)">
Soda Lake (San Luis Obispo County)
Soda Lake is a shallow, ephemeral, alkali endorheic lake in the Carrizo Plain in southeastern San Luis Obispo County, California. The lake is located on the southwest side of the northern Carrizo Plain, east of San Luis Obispo. It can be reached by Soda Lake Road, which runs northwest–southeast between State Route 166 and State Route 58. The lake is at an elevation of and covers an area of about .
Endorheic drainage basin.
Internal drainage of the Carrizo Plain and the formation of Soda Lake began during Pliocene-Pleistocene time when tectonic deformation associated with the San Andreas Fault defeated a stream that once drained the valley. An originally fresh to brackish water lake probably persisted through much of the Pleistocene during which coastal California was wetter and cooler than now. Diminished Holocene precipitation and a higher evaporation rate led to shrinkage of the ancestral lake and associated increased salinity which set the stage for clay dune formation.
About 30% of the closed or endorheic drainage basin is to the north of the lake and 70% is south of it. The Soda Lake complex consists of two larger basins, and at least 130 smaller pans. The large L-shaped northern basin is about 10.5 km² in area. The remaining basins, including both those that feed the northern basin and those that have no surface outlets, comprise an area of about 4.8 km². Water levels in the basins rise and fall seasonally. Rainfall on the Carrizo Plain is only about 20 cm in an average year but is higher on the surrounding mountains. Following exceptionally wet winters, typically El Niño years, the large northern and southern basins do not evaporate completely, although the water retreats toward the center of the basin leaving a salt crust up to 20 cm thick. Most of the large and small pans are fringed by clay dunes. It is one of the largest alkali wetlands remaining in natural condition in California. It supports fairy and brine shrimp, as well as migratory and nesting birds. A boardwalk was built along the shore to prevent damage to the saltbush habitat that borders the lake.
The largest dune bounds the eastern and southern edges of the northern basin. This dune is up to 470 m wide, 16.7 m high, and nearly 9.5 km in length. Part of the dune is active, receiving sediment from the mud flat exposed between the dune and the salt pan. Most of the eastern (north-south) leg of the dune, which is lower and narrower, is currently inactive. Westward retreat of the shoreline exposed the former lake flat to colonization and stabilization by salt-resistant plants.
<doc id="8724612" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724612" title="Social constructs">
Social constructs
<doc id="8724614" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724614" title="Mohammed Said Hirsi Morgan">
Mohammed Said Hirsi Morgan
<doc id="8724629" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724629" title="Hussein Aideed">
Hussein Aideed
<doc id="8724636" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724636" title="Somali Reconstruction and Restoration Council">
Somali Reconstruction and Restoration Council
<doc id="8724638" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724638" title="Saskatchewan Highway 651">
Saskatchewan Highway 651
Highway 651 is a highway in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. It runs from Highway 52 to Highway 5 near Canora. Highway 651 is about 83 km (52 mi.) long.
Highway 651 passes near the communities of Jedburgh, Theodore, and Goldenvale. Highway 651 intersects Highways 16, 726, and 47.
<doc id="8724641" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724641" title="Chloe Dancer/Crown Of Thorns">
Chloe Dancer/Crown Of Thorns
<doc id="8724650" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724650" title="Anja Nobus">
Anja Nobus
Anja Nobus (born 9 April 1974) is a Belgian cyclist. She participates in both road cycling and in cyclo-cross. In 2002 and 2004 she became Belgian national champion in cyclo-cross, and in 2003 she became Belgian road race champion.
<doc id="8724656" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724656" title="Sally Heep">
Sally Heep
<doc id="8724657" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724657" title="Niuserre">
<doc id="8724661" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724661" title="The Best of the Gipsy Kings">
The Best of the Gipsy Kings
The Best of the Gipsy Kings is an album from the band Gipsy Kings. It was released on March 28, 1995, in the US.
A compilation of previous albums, which also includes a live release of "La Dona", "Galaxia" and "Vamos a Bailar" (previously released on Allegria) and the popular party Medley (consisting of a mix of Bamboleo, Volare, Djobi Djoba, Pida Me La and Baila Me).
It also includes the new song "A Tu Vera" in an acoustic tone. That song will only be re-released as a re-recorded version on the album "Estrellas" and its American version "Tierra Gitana".
"Greatest Hits" which was released a year prior for European audience is a very similar compilation with a different song order and the replacement of "Viento Del Arena", "Quiero Saber", "Montaña", "Trista Pena", "Love & Liberté" and "A Tu Vera" by "Pida Me La", "A Mi Manera", "Tu Quieres Volver", "Soy", "La Quiero" and "Allegria". Also "La Dona" and "Galaxia" on this album are the live versions while the ones on "Greatest Hits" are studio versions. The song "Escucha Me" is also slightly different.
With over 1.5 million sales, , "The Best of the Gipsy Kings" is the third bestselling Latin album in the US.
<doc id="8724664" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724664" title="Hassan Mohamed Nur Shatigudud">
Hassan Mohamed Nur Shatigudud
<doc id="8724683" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724683" title="Saskatchewan Highway 664">
Saskatchewan Highway 664
Highway 664 is a highway in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. It runs Highway 5 near Tiny to Highway 9/Highway 49 near Sturgis. Highway 664 is about 32 km (20 mi.) long.
<doc id="8724687" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724687" title="Dave Rooney">
Dave Rooney
Richard David Rooney (August 13, 1937 – November 9, 2006) was a Canadian politician.
Born in Lower Island Cove, Newfoundland and Labrador, he was a teacher before being elected to the House of Commons of Canada for the riding of Bonavista—Trinity—Conception in the 1972 federal election. A Liberal, he was re-elected three more times in 1974, 1979, and 1980 before being defeated in the 1984 election.
<doc id="8724693" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724693" title="Scotland women's national rugby union team">
Scotland women's national rugby union team
The Scotland women's national rugby union team represents Scotland in women's international rugby union and is governed by the Scottish Rugby Union. The team competes in the annual Women's Six National Championship and has competed in five of the Women's Rugby World Cups since their hosted debut in 1994. The Nation plays an important role in the rugby world stage.
Scotland Women's first official test match was played against Ireland at Raeburn Place in Edinburgh on 14 February 1993, ending in a 10 - 0 win to the hosts. Leading from the front, first Scotland captain Sandra Colamartino was the scorer of both tries.
In April of the following year, Scotland stepped in as alternate host of the 1994 Women's Rugby World Cup, finishing fifth, the team's best appearance to date. Since then, the Women's team have competed in the 1998, 2002 and 2006 and 2010 iterations of the tournament.
The early streak of success peaked on 21 March 1998, as a 8–5 win over England in their final match of the Home Nations Championship marked the achievement of a Grand Slam for Scotland.
The Scottish Women's Rugby Union (SWRU) was the national governing body for women's rugby union in Scotland. It was responsible for the governance of women's rugby union within Scotland. Its role was all-encompassing. It went from youth recruitment, through administrating all senior based (aged 16+) competition, through to the performance and management of the Scotland women's national rugby union team.
At its AGM in June 2009, the SWRU voted unanimously in favour of amalgamating the Scottish Rugby Union and the SWRU to form an integrated national governing body rugby in Scotland.
Thistle and the anthem.
The thistle is the national flower, and also the symbol of the Scotland national rugby union team. According to legend the "guardian thistle" has played its part in the defence of Scotland against a night attack by Norwegian Vikings, one of whom let out a yell of pain when he stepped barefoot on a thistle, alerting the Scottish defenders. The Latin "Nemo me impune lacessit" ("No-one provokes me with impunity!" in English) is the motto of Scotland's premier chivalric order, the Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle.
"Flower of Scotland" has been used since 1990 as Scotland's unofficial national anthem. It was written by Roy Williamson of The Corries in 1967, and adopted by the SRU to replace "God Save the Queen".
Scotland have traditionally worn navy blue jerseys, white shorts and blue socks. On the occasion that Scotland is the home side and the opposing team normally wears dark colours, Scotland will use its change strip. Traditionally this is a white jersey with navy blue shorts and socks. During a sponsorship deal, purple was introduced to the traditional blue jersey. This was a significant departure from the traditional colours of blue and white, although purple is inspired from the thistle flower.
Results summary.
"(Full internationals only)"
"Correct as of 27 November 2016"
Current squad.
Scotland named their final 32-player squad on the 15 September 2022, for the 2021 Rugby World Cup.
See also.
Women's international rugby – the most complete listing of women's international results since 1982
<doc id="8724699" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724699" title="Leodis V. McDaniel High School">
Leodis V. McDaniel High School
Leodis V. McDaniel High School, formerly James Madison High School, is one of nine comprehensive public high schools in the Portland Public Schools in the city of Portland, Oregon, United States. The school serves neighborhood students and many transfer students in grades 9–12.
The high school was founded in 1957, and was originally named after James Madison, the fourth US President and co-author of the Constitution. Construction on the campus began in 1955. Leodis V. McDaniel became the principal of the school in 1983, and remained until his death in 1987. On June 29, 2004, the school was damaged by fire, probably caused by fireworks.
Two movies have been filmed at the school: "Paranoid Park" (2007) and "Twilight" (2008). The school was renovated in 2019-21 as part of a $790 million bond measured passed in 2017. Classes took place at the former John Marshall High School in Portland's Lents neighborhood during the renovation. During the renovations, the school board began a process to re-name the school, as Madison had been a slaveholder. On February 24, 2021, Portland Public School Board voted to rename Madison High School after Leodis V. McDaniel, a former principal of the school who was well respected in the community. In April 2021, the school mascot was changed from the Senators to the Mountain Lions.
McDaniel High School offers a full range of college preparatory core content classes as well as unique elective options in the areas of mathematics, performing & visual arts, science, social science, and world languages. Students may challenge themselves by enrolling in Advanced Placement and dual credit courses. The latter are taught by McDaniel faculty who work in partnership with Portland Community College.
McDaniel participates in the Portland Interscholastic League at the 6A level. Team sports include soccer, cross country, football, basketball, baseball, volleyball, swimming, dance team, wrestling and track and field. McDaniel athletics is most known for its baseball program, which holds the most state titles of any high school baseball program in the state of Oregon.
In the 2016–2017 school year, McDaniel's student population was 33.3% White, 24.5% Hispanic, 16.3% African American, 13.6% Asian, 2.0% Pacific Islander, 0.8% Native American, and 9.5% mixed race, making it one of Oregon's most diverse high schools.
<doc id="8724727" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724727" title="Joseph Rowntree (Senior)">
Joseph Rowntree (Senior)
Joseph Rowntree (Senior) (10 June 1801 – 4 November 1859) was an English shopkeeper and educationalist.
Rowntree was born in Scarborough, North Yorkshire, England, the son of the Quakers John Rowntree (1757–1827) and his wife, Elizabeth Lotherington (1764–1835). He was educated at two-day schools in Scarborough, his parents not being in a position to send him to the Quaker Ackworth School. By the age of 13 he was assisting his father and his brother John in the grocery business on Bland's Cliff, which his father had established.
In 1822 he started a grocery shop in York, eventually becoming a master grocer.
On 3 May 1832, he married Sarah Stephenson (1807–1888). They had five children. One of these was also called Joseph - Joseph Rowntree (Junior). His oldest son was John Stephenson Rowntree.
The business prospered and in 1845 the family moved to Blossom Street, then, in 1848, to 39 Bootham, York.
During the 1850s his two elder sons became partners in the business. Chistopher Robinson had joined as a manager and William Hughes was in charge of the apprentices. This gave Joseph the time to channel his energies into a wide range of social and educational issues, which he discussed almost daily with Samuel Tuke (1784-1857).
He was, from 1830 until his death, honorary secretary of the Quaker boys and girls schools in York, and he was largely responsible for their respective moves to Bootham in 1846 and The Mount in 1857. With Tuke, he was a member of the Ackworth School Committee. The death of a young master in the fever epidemic of 1828 (leaving dependents) led him not merely to ensure that the immediate need was met, but to work methodically for the establishment of a financially sound insurance scheme; this resulted in the Friends Provident Institution (1832), the introduction of whose Rules and Regulations needed to make clear to Quakers that life insurance neither implied a distrust of Providence nor was in the nature of a lottery.
He made an impact on both the education of Quaker children, the training of male and female teachers and the education of poor children in York, through the British and Foreign School Society. He was active in municipal reform in York and became an alderman in 1853.
Quaker concerns filled the last period of his life. Statute law provided that marriages according to Quaker usage were valid only if both parties were Quaker members. In 1856, he persuaded the Yorkshire Meeting to ask the national meeting in London to take steps to end this limitation (a proposal that was not popular in more conservative quarters). It was not until 1859 that the Yearly Meeting was prepared to ask Parliament to broaden the provision and the Marriage (Society of Friends) Act 1860 provided for this change. By this date Joseph Rowntree had died - on 4 November 1859, in York.
<doc id="8724730" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724730" title="Cho Hakkai">
Cho Hakkai
<doc id="8724732" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724732" title="Oberland canal">
Oberland canal
<doc id="8724739" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724739" title="Saskatchewan Highway 755">
Saskatchewan Highway 755
Highway 755 is a highway in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. It runs from the Hazel Dell Access Road near Hazel Dell to Highway 47 near Preeceville. Highway 755 is about 25 km (15 mi.) long.
<doc id="8724746" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724746" title="Club General Díaz (Luque)">
Club General Díaz (Luque)
General Díaz Football Club is a Paraguayan football club from Luque that currently plays in the División Intermedia. Founded in 1917, it plays at the Estadio General Adrián Jara in Luque.
The club's name came from José Eduvigis Díaz, a Paraguayan general.
The club was founded on September 22, 1917.
In 2004, the club finished as runner-up of the Tercera División, but only one club was available for promotion at that time. In 2006, they were runner-up again, but this time they were able to be promoted to the Segunda Division (Intermedia). In , they were the champions of the Division Intermedia, and were promoted to the Primera Division for the first time in the club's history.
In 2013, the club qualified for its first ever continental tournament, the Copa Sudamericana, through their placement in the aggregate table (Apertura & Clausura combined). They did this in their first season in the top tier, being one of the only two Paraguayan clubs to achieve this along with Deportivo Capiatá. In the 2014 Copa Sudamericana, they played C.D. Cobresal of Chile first, and won 4-3 on aggregate (2-1, 2-2). Then they played Colombian powerhouse Atlético Nacional, where they produced a massive upset by winning the first leg at the Estadio Atanasio Girardot in Medellín 2-0, but lost the second leg in Luque 1-3. Although the aggregate score was 3-3, Atletico Nacional advanced because of the away goals rule.
In 2017, the club finished sixth in the aggregate league table, meaning it qualified for the 2018 Copa Sudamericana, their second time participating in the competition. They began their campaign by playing against Ecuadorian powerhouse Barcelona S.C., beating them 2-1 on aggregate. Then they faced Colombian side Millonarios F.C., where they drew the first leg 1-1 at Estadio Defensores del Chaco in Asunción. They played there because their regular stadium was too small for continental competition games. General Díaz lost the second leg 4-0 at Estadio El Campín in Bogotá, and were knocked out of the tournament with an aggregate score of 1-5.
General Diaz plays its home games at Estadio General Adrían Jara, which has a capacity of 4,000 and was built in 1974. The stadium is currently undergoing a renovation and expansion since January 2019. The stadium's capacity will be expanded from 4000 to 7000, and will have a new press box and new changing rooms.
Notable players.
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<doc id="8724748" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724748" title="Free Mason">
Free Mason
<doc id="8724751" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724751" title="Parlin, Colorado">
Parlin, Colorado
Parlin is an unincorporated community and a U.S. Post Office in Gunnison County, Colorado, United States. The Parlin Post Office has the ZIP Code 81239.
Parlin is located at (38.503042, -106.726170).
The town is named after rancher John Tufts Parlin who moved to the area from Maine in 1876. The Parlin ranch was called the 76 ranch and cattle were all branded with the numbers "76". County Road 76 is named after the ranch. The local hot springs, Waunita Hot Springs is named after Parlin's niece, Waunita.
Climate type is dominated by the winter season, a long, bitterly cold period with short, clear days, relatively little precipitation mostly in the form of snow, and low humidity. The Köppen Climate Classification sub-type for this climate is "Dfc" (Continental Subarctic Climate).
<doc id="8724757" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724757" title="I Wonder If I Take You Home">
I Wonder If I Take You Home
"I Wonder If I Take You Home" is a song recorded by Lisa Lisa and Cult Jam with Full Force in 1984. Record Producer Kenny Beck discovered the song in a "discard bin" at Personal Records while looking for songs to include on his debut album with the label. He was so impressed that he created a compilation break-dancing album, "CBS/SuzyQ," just to include the song. He released the album in Europe on CBS Records, and it immediately gained popularity as a dance hit with club DJs there. Soon American DJs began playing the song in the United States on Columbia Records. After the song received heavy play from these DJs, "I Wonder If I Take You Home" reached No. 1 on the "Billboard" Hot Dance Club Play chart for one week in June 1985. On other US charts, it peaked at No. 6 on the R&B chart and reached No. 34 on the Hot 100. In 1991, the single was certified as gold in the U.S. by the RIAA. Overseas, it charted at No. 12 on the UK Singles Chart and #41 in the Netherlands.
Critical reception.
"I Wonder If I Take You Home" was voted the eighth best single of 1985 in "The Village Voice"s annual Pazz & Jop critics poll. Robert Christgau, the poll's creator, ranked it twelfth on his own list of the year's best singles.
Its chorus has been interpolated in The Black Eyed Peas's 2005 hit song, "Don't Phunk With My Heart", Fabolous's song with Lil' Mo entitled "Take You Home," in the Angie Martinez single "Take You Home" featuring Kelis, and rapper Big Moe's song "I Wonder." The song has also been sampled by Kylie Minogue (in her song "Secret (Take You Home)"), Pitbull (in his song "I Wonder", featuring Oobie), R&B singer Paula Campbell in her single "Take You Home," which garnered much airplay on urban radio-stations around the Baltimore-DC area and in the Junior M.A.F.I.A. featuring Aaliyah single, "I Need You Tonight". In 2010, singer Adrienne Bailon and rapper Ghostface Killah covered the song as "Take You Home". which is the lead single off her yet-untitled debut album. In 2012, rapper Meek Mill used the chorus and a remixed beat for his song "Take You Home", featuring Wale and Big Sean, off his Dreamchasers 2 mixtape. In 2018, American singer-songwriter, rapper, and bassist Meshell Ndegeocello released a cover version of the song, featured on her album Ventriloquism.
<doc id="8724760" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724760" title="Darabouka">
<doc id="8724763" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724763" title="Truth Be Told (Shed Seven album)">
Truth Be Told (Shed Seven album)
Truth Be Told is the fourth studio album by the British rock band Shed Seven, released via Artful Records in May 2001. Initial copies of the album featured a limited edition bonus disc with additional CD-ROM material along with an exclusive bonus track.
The album is the first to feature original guitarist, Joe Johnson, who left the band in 1993 before the release of their debut album, "Change Giver". He had been replaced by new guitarist Paul Banks, who left the band in December 1999 prior to the band re-recruiting Johnson to fill the void.
Track listing.
All tracks written by Johnson/Smith/Witter.
<doc id="8724773" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724773" title="Amerindie">
<doc id="8724780" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724780" title="Radl Pass">
Radl Pass
Radl Pass (), with an elevation of , is a mountain pass in the Alps, located on the border between Austria and Slovenia in the "Bundesland" of Styria.
The pass road begins in the municipality of Lieboch and crosses the A 2 "Autobahn". It is used heavily by industrial traffic.
<doc id="8724781" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724781" title="Veerle Ingels">
Veerle Ingels
Veerle Ingels (born 24 December 1981) is a Belgian racing cyclist. She participates both in road cycling as in cyclo-cross. In 2005, she became Belgian national champion in cyclo-cross.
<doc id="8724789" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724789" title="Koshur">
<doc id="8724800" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724800" title="Rachel Leskovac">
Rachel Leskovac
Rachel Leskovac (born 5 June 1976) is an English actress and singer. She is known for portraying the roles of Kelly Yorke in the BBC One medical drama series "Holby City" (2003–2004), Natasha Blakeman in the ITV soap opera "Coronation Street" (2008–2010, 2020–2021), and Joanne Cardsley in the Channel 4 soap opera "Hollyoaks" (2015–2016). In 2022, she joined the revival of the BBC One school-based drama series "Waterloo Road" as English teacher Coral Walker. She has been nominated for a Laurence Olivier Award.
Early life.
Leskovac was born in Bradford, England. Her mother is English and her father is of Croatian descent. Leskovac has a younger sister, Sophie, and an older sister, Kate. Leskovac attended St Joseph's Catholic College in Bradford and during her youth was a member of local theatre group "Scala Kids". She later trained at the Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts, graduating in 1998.
Acting career.
Leskovac received critical acclaim for her performance as the young Viv in the musical "Spend Spend Spend" and was nominated for the Best Actress in a Musical Olivier. She played serial killer nurse Kelly Yorke on "Holby City". In 2003, she played Ciara Pickering in the fourth series of "At Home with the Braithwaites". In 2006, she also starred in a TV movie called "Losing Gemma" for Granada TV. In April 2008, Leskovac was signed up to play Natasha Blakeman, a hairdresser on the ITV soap "Coronation Street". She left the soap in 2010. In July 2020, it was announced that Leskovac would be reprising her role as Natasha, In 2021, Leskovac left "Coronation Street" as Natasha died from accidentally getting shot.
Leskovac played Margaret, sister of Betty in the 1950s drama "A Passionate Woman" alongside Billie Piper in 2010. In 2011, Leskovac starred in an episode of the Sky 1 sitcom "Trollied" as Leanne the deputy manager who was on maternity leave. In 2012, Leskovac played teacher Lara Heaton in the Channel 4 TV comedy drama series "Shameless", and she played Karen, a beauty therapist, in an episode of the Jimmy McGovern drama series "Accused". In 2013, she appeared in "Last Tango in Halifax" before returning to the role in 2020. In 2014, she played Susie Nightingale in the second series of "WPC 56". She also appeared in the 2014 crime drama "Happy Valley" as Julie, the wife of drug dealer-turned-kidnapper Ashley Cowgill. In 2015, she returned to the role of Susie in the third series of "WPC 56". In September 2015, she joined the cast of teenage soap opera "Hollyoaks" as regular Joanne Cardsley. Leskovac received critical acclaim for her role in "Hollyoaks". She left the role in December 2016 concluding a dramatic storyline with her.
<doc id="8724809" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724809" title="Leonard W. Roberts">
Leonard W. Roberts
Leonard W. Roberts (January 28, 1912 - April 29, 1983) was an early folklorist, professor, and publisher.
Roberts was born in Floyd County, Kentucky to Lewis Jackson and Rhoda Jane (Osborn) Roberts. He graduated from Berea College before studying creative writing at the University of Iowa. Roberts then attended the University of Kentucky, where he earned a PhD in English.
While at the University of Kentucky, he began collecting folktales from his students and their families. Roberts later studied folklore at Indiana University before accepting a position as professor at Pikeville College. While at Pikeville College, he founded a press which published the literary journal "Twigs" (which later became "Cumberlands"), as well as numerous books of poetry and regional history. In his career, Roberts also taught at the Berea Foundation School, Morehead State University, Union College (Kentucky), and West Virginia Wesleyan College.
Roberts was killed in a traffic accident and is buried in Ivel, Kentucky.
<doc id="8724811" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724811" title="Robert Harris (Pennsylvania politician)">
Robert Harris (Pennsylvania politician)
Robert Harris (September 5, 1768September 3, 1851) was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Pennsylvania.
Robert Harris (cousin of John Harris) was born at Harris Ferry in the Province of Pennsylvania (now known as Harrisburg). He assisted in establishing various enterprises, including building of the bridge over the Susquehanna River, the organization of the Harrisburg Bank, and the construction of the Middletown Turnpike Road. He was the surveyor to lay off the road from Chambersburg to Pittsburgh, and also for improving the Susquehanna River. He was appointed commissioner to choose the location of the capitol building in Harrisburg. he was a paymaster in the Army during the War of 1812.
Harris was elected as a Jackson Republican to the Eighteenth Congress and reelected as a Jacksonian to the Nineteenth Congress. He served as prothonotary of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, and died in Harrisburg in 1851. Interment in Harrisburg Cemetery.
<doc id="8724827" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724827" title="Staggered junction">
Staggered junction
<doc id="8724828" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724828" title="Call on Me (Chicago song)">
Call on Me (Chicago song)
"Call on Me" is a song written by Lee Loughnane for the group Chicago and recorded for their album "Chicago VII" (1974). Peter Cetera sang lead vocals and the arrangement makes prominent use of conga drums played by Guille Garcia.
"Call on Me" was the first Loughnane composition to be released by the band. It was written with uncredited help from Peter Cetera. Loughnane was the last original Chicago member to receive a songwriting credit.
According to Cetera, though, he needed some help. "I tried to help Lee Loughnane with a song," Cetera says, "and that song turned out to be 'Call On Me.' Lee had written a song. It wasn't called, 'Call On Me,' it was called something else, and it in fact was terrible. I talked to him at the ranch one day, and he was all bent out of shape. He said that he had played the song for the guys, and they had told him in fact to get the heck out of there with the song. I said, 'Well, come on, let's have a go.' So Lee and I went and re-wrote the lyrics and re-wrote the melody and came up with the song called, 'Call On Me,' which was a big hit for him." Loughnane remembers it a little differently. "Peter changed a couple of the words and the way he sang the melody in order for him to be able to play the bass and sing the melody at the same time because that's the way he felt it." Loughnane added, "I appreciate his efforts, and we did make the song a hit."
"Billboard" described "Call on Me" as a "good, summer sounding disk" that sounds a little like Chicago's earlier single "Saturday in the Park."
Chart performance.
The second single released from the album, it reached number six on the US "Billboard" Hot 100 and number one on the Easy Listening chart.
<doc id="8724845" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724845" title="Petre Popeangă">
Petre Popeangă
Petre Popeangă (born 19 May 1944, Lelești, Gorj County) is a Romanian politician and Member of the European Parliament. He is a member of the Greater Romania Party. He became a delegate MEP on 1 January 2007 with the accession of Romania to the European Union. Until November 14, 2007 he was a member of the Identity, Tradition, Sovereignty group.
<doc id="8724846" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724846" title="Adrian Severin">
Adrian Severin
Adrian Severin (born 28 March 1954) is a Romanian politician and former Member of the European Parliament.
Adrian Severin started his politics career under the Communist rule, as Instructor ("lector") at Ștefan Gheorghiu Academy, the university for Romanian Communist cadres. After the regime change, he became a member of the National Salvation Front and the Democratic Party (which he left in April 1999). Severin was the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania between 12 December 1996 and 29 December 1997 as part of the Victor Ciorbea cabinet. He sat in the Chamber of Deputies in June–July 1990 before resigning, and again was a member of that body from 1992 until December 2007, when he resigned.
He is a member of the Social Democratic Party, part of the Group of the Party of European Socialists, and became an MEP on 1 January 2007 with the accession of Romania to the European Union. Previously, Severin served as the UN Special Rapporteur on Human rights in Belarus from 2005 to 2006. He was member of PACE from 1993 till 1997 and from 2003 till 2007.
In 2011 the European Parliament opened a formal investigation into alleged corruption by Severin and two other MEPs, based on an investigation conducted by journalists of the Sunday Times weekly (part of The Times of London). The Romanian politician insisted he had done nothing that was "illegal or against any normal behavior". Mr. Severin is accused of accepting bribe in exchange for initiating some law amendment, and is recorded on video by the journalists when requesting and accepting the bribe. Subsequently, he was called by the Leader of the SD Group in the European Parliament to resign. As he refused, he was suspended from his position as Deputy-Leader of the SD Group and had to leave this Parliamentary Group.
He was indicted by Romania's anti-corruption agency in September 2013 and in February 2016, a court sentenced him to three and a half years in prison, although he may still appeal the judgement.
Although he was sentenced to three and a half years imprisonment for corruption, Adrian Severin ran at the 2016 local elections for the office of Mayor of Bucharest on a Social Justice Party (whose chairman is Marian Vanghelie) ticket. He received 8234 votes (1.43%).
<doc id="8724847" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724847" title="Mohamed Omar Habeb">
Mohamed Omar Habeb
Mohamed Omar Habeb (), commonly known as Mohamed Dheere or Mohamed Dhere (died November 15, 2012), was a Somali faction leader based out of the city of Jowhar. He hailed from the Abgaal subclan of Hawiye. He also had significant influence on the northern parts of the capital Mogadishu where he controlled a militia of around 400 men.
He was a leader of the Somali Reconciliation and Restoration Council (SRRC) in the 2001–2004 time period, and the Alliance for the Restoration of Peace and Counter-Terrorism (ARPCT) in 2006. In early May 2007, the Transitional Federal Government named him both the governor and mayor of Banadir and Mogadishu, respectively; he was dismissed in July 2008.
Fight against the Transitional National Government (TNG).
In June 2002, Mohamed Dheere was member of parliament who was elected in Arta Jabuti, after the arrival of the government in Somalia especially in Mogadishu and at that time there was a big problem which led Mohamed to fight against the Transitional National Government (TNG) of Somalia, the precursor of the present Transitional Federal Government. He was a member of the competing Somali Reconciliation and Restoration Council (SRRC).
Struggle against the Islamic Courts Union (ICU).
In 2006, Mohamed Dheere joined the Alliance for the Restoration of Peace and Counter-Terrorism (ARPCT), a US CIA-backed initiative by Mogadishu warlords and businessmen to oppose the growing influence of the Islamic Courts Union (ICU). This led to the Second Battle of Mogadishu, which resulted in the June 2006 ousting of Mohammed Dhere and the rest of the ARPCT from the capital. Thereafter, on June 14, 2006, he fled from his base of Jowhar to Ethiopia after a two-hour battle with the ICU.
Late in 2006, Mohamed Dhere was among many Somali groups that counterattacked the ICU. They were heavily supported by a force from the Ethiopian army and air forces, including tanks and MiG fighter aircraft. Mohamed Dhere's forces advanced through the battles of Battle of Beledweyne and Jowhar before the Fall of Mogadishu which occurred before the end of the year.
Dismissal as mayor.
Prime Minister Nur Hassan Hussein dismissed Habeb from his post as mayor on July 30, 2008, accusing him of incompetence, embezzlement, insubordination, and abuse of power. According to Hussein, his decision was supported by the people of Mogadishu and by the city's traditional elders. Habeb, however, resisted this and said that his dismissal had to be approved by President Abdullahi Yusuf; he claimed to have Yusuf's support to remain in office, and Yusuf reportedly revoked the decision on July 31. Habeb's dismissal was viewed as an indicator of increasing disagreement between Yusuf and Hussein, and ten ministers allied to Yusuf resigned from Hussein's government on August 2.
Arrested and jailed.
On February 18, 2011 it was reported that Mohamed Omar Habeb was arrested with Ali Nur Mohamed for crimes for shooting at a peace rally in Mogadishu. He was released shortly after.
On November 15, 2012, Mohamed Omar Habeb died in Mogadishu of illness.
<doc id="8724849" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724849" title="Cristian Stănescu">
Cristian Stănescu
Cristian Stănescu (born 13 October 1951) is a Romanian politician and Member of the European Parliament. Stănescu is a member of the Greater Romania Party and was a part of the Identity, Tradition, Sovereignty group. He became an MEP on 1 January 2007 with the accession of Romania to the European Union. Stănescu resides in Brașov, Romania with his wife and son.
<doc id="8724853" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724853" title="Radu Țârle">
Radu Țârle
Radu Ţîrle (born 17 May 1967 in Criștioru de Jos, Bihor County) is a Romanian politician. He served in the European Parliament from 2005 to 2007, first as an Observer (before Romania joined the EU) and then as a Member of the European Parliament on behalf of the Democratic Party (EPP-ED). He later served as President of the County Council of Bihor, from 2008-2012. From 2004-2008, he served in the Romanian Parliament as a Senator.
<doc id="8724854" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724854" title="Peyton, Colorado">
Peyton, Colorado
Peyton is an unincorporated town, a post office, and a census-designated place (CDP) located in and governed by El Paso County, Colorado, United States. The CDP is a part of the Colorado Springs, CO Metropolitan Statistical Area. The Peyton post office has the ZIP Code 80831. At the United States Census 2010, the population of the Peyton CDP was 214, while the population of the 80831 ZIP Code Tabulation Area was 21,993 including adjacent areas.
The nearby unincorporated area of Falcon also uses zip code 80831. Peyton and towns such as Falcon, Calhan, Ramah, Simla, and Matheson straddle U.S. Highway 24 between Colorado Springs and Limon, Colorado where US 24 intersects with Interstate 70.
Peyton was settled by George Peyton in 1888 and was surveyed and platted on December 25
of that year. Originally called Mayfield, the settlement was renamed Peyton after the post office
had been refused under that name because there was already a Mayfield, California.
Among the first settlers of Peyton were James and Susan McDermott. With the coming of the Rock Island Railroad they settled in Calhan in 1888 and in 1890 moved to Peyton where Mr. McDermott was the first postmaster and ran a general store for 25 years. His home, which still stands at the southwest corner of Main and Front Streets, was a popular boarding house.
A few years later, Russell Gates opened a mercantile store. He had previously established
general stores in Limon, Calhan, Eastonville, Elbert
and Elizabeth, Colorado. These enterprises
carried everything from pins to coffins plus running a creamery. The store closed in 1920. At
one time, there were five general stores in Peyton, one of which also sold gasoline.
By 1900, 50 people lived in Peyton. While farming and coal mining comprised the main
occupation, supporting services included a blacksmith, physician, general store, creamery,
hotel, and clergy. Joseph Zimmerman built a hall above a storage building attached to the Gates
store. This meeting place hosted Odd Fellows, Modern Woodmen, elections, community
dances, and fundraising events.
The first telephone in Peyton arrived in 1904. It ran on a dry cell battery and had a crank to turn
to get your party. Telephone lines ran as the top strand on the barbed wire fences. Eventually,
the area had enough phones that a central switchboard was installed. Mrs. George Hayes
became the switchboard operator until 1922.
In 1923, a devastating fire took out several buildings, a number of automobiles and the stock in
a general store. The town rebuilt and by the 1930s boasted 13 businesses.
In 1945, the original railroad depot was torn down and replaced with a new one. Ten years later,
that depot was no longer needed, and the railroad sold it to the Methodist Church in 1958. They
tore it down and used the materials for an addition to their church.
When the school house burned down in 1954, Peyton residents were alarmed that they didn't have their own fire protection. A group of people met at the Grange Hall and created the Peyton Volunteer Fire Department. The town chose their board members and Clarence Cook became the first Fire Chief. A few months later, by-laws were drawn up and regular meetings established. To support their activities, the Department held benefits such as dances or street carnivals. Eventually, they raised enough money to build a fire station. The department continues today as an all volunteer department.
In June 1965, a flood badly damaged the railroad tracks in the Peyton area. The water washed
out 500 feet of fill beneath the track, leaving it suspended in mid-air. The flood also damaged
the underpass east of Peyton by taking out several tons of concrete supports leaving that track
several feet above the original road base. It took county, state, and railroad crews working
double shifts to make the necessary repairs to make the tracks operational again.
The Peyton CDP has an area of , all land.
The United States Census Bureau initially defined the for the
Students are served by Peyton School District 23JT in the Peyton area and by Falcon School District 49 in the Falcon area and nearby areas of Colorado Springs.
<doc id="8724855" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724855" title="Orbital process">
Orbital process
<doc id="8724857" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724857" title="The Best of the Gipsy Kings (album)">
The Best of the Gipsy Kings (album)
<doc id="8724860" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724860" title="Petre Popeanga">
Petre Popeanga
<doc id="8724861" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724861" title="Lori Healey">
Lori Healey
Lori T. Healey manages the construction and operations of the Obama Presidential Center in Chicago. Hired by the Obama Foundation, she began in this role 1 December 2020.
Prior to joining the Obama Foundation, Healey served as president of a new Chicago regional business unit for Clayco, a real estate development, architecture, engineering and construction firm.
Formerly, Healey served as the chief executive officer of the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority, owner of McCormick Place, the USA's largest convention center and Navy Pier, Illinois top-visited tourist destination and the 1,258 Hyatt Regency McCormick Place. The Authority's activities generate approximately $10 billion annually into the economy and supports 66,000 jobs. In her role as CEO, Healey oversees the development of the McCormick Collection which includes a 10,000 seat event center and a 1,206 Marriott Marquis Headquarters Hotel, scheduled for completion in 2017.
Prior to joining the MPEA, Healey served as the chief executive officer of Tur Partners LLC ("Tur") Tur, a firm founded by Chicago's former mayor Richard M. Daley. Healey also served as Principal in Charge of the Development Group for the John Buck Company, focused on growing the firm's private real estate and infrastructure related transactions.
Healey coordinated the organizational and planning activities for the NATO Summit in Chicago in 2012, acting as Director of the NATO Host Committee as an executive "on loan," overseeing planning, fundraising and implementation of the Summit in an 8-month time frame.
Healey built a strong public sector career during which she earned a reputation for bringing together private and public leaders. In 2009, Ms. Healey was appointed as President of Chicago 2016, where she was responsible for locally leading Chicago's bid for the 2016 Summer Olympics.
Healey held several senior positions for the City of Chicago under the administration of mayor Richard M. Daley, most recently as Daley's Chief of Staff. She earlier served as Commissioner of the City's Department of Planning and Development, overseeing more than $1 billion of combined investment into the City's economic development programs and projects. Healey's previous experiences include time as a principal at Perkins + Will, and as Deputy Director for Business Development of the (then) Illinois Department of Commerce & Community Affairs. Healey began her career as a policy aide to former Governor John Carlin of Kansas in 1983.
Healey's current civic involvement includes being a board member for Local Initiatives Support Chicago (LISC), World Business Chicago, Chicago Architecture Foundation, Loyola University Health System, Chicago Police Memorial Foundation, as well as being an Ex-Officio Board Member for Navy Pier, Inc., and Choose Chicago. Healey's civic involvement also includes the Economic Club of Chicago, The Commercial Club of Chicago and the Chicago Network.
She has a Master of Science in Public Administration and a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Kansas State University.
[Crain's Chicago Business]" featured Healey in its "Forty Under Forty" publication in 1999 and as a "Woman to Watch" in 2009.
<doc id="8724863" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724863" title="Risk 2210 A.D">
Risk 2210 A.D
<doc id="8724866" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724866" title="Mohamed Dhere">
Mohamed Dhere
<doc id="8724871" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724871" title="Cristian Stanescu">
Cristian Stanescu
<doc id="8724872" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724872" title="Horton Heath, Hampshire">
Horton Heath, Hampshire
Horton Heath is a semi-rural village which forms part of the civil parish of Fair Oak and Horton Heath in the borough of Eastleigh in Hampshire, England. The village is about three miles southeast of Eastleigh town centre, and adjoins the village of Fair Oak.
The village greatly expanded during the late 1980s and 1990s, with developments such as The Drove and Meadowsweet way. A new village hall was also built at this time.
In 2014 a further development was proposed and permission was eventually granted for 2500 homes to be constructed on a 310 area situated to the south west of the original village. The development is meant to include a mix of housing, green spaces, commercial premises and sports and leisure facilities.
It forms part of the Southampton Urban Area.
The current councillor is Michelle Marsh, who represents the Liberal Democrat party in the Fair Oak & Horton Heath ward. Mrs. Marsh gained local notoriety for standing up against local felling.
The village has two pubs, 'The Brigadier Gerard' and 'The Lapstone'.
<doc id="8724875" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724875" title="Saskatchewan Highway 310">
Saskatchewan Highway 310
Highway 310 is a highway in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. It runs from Highway 10/Highway 22 near Balcarres to Highway 5 near Kuroki. Highway 310 is about long.
Highway 310 passes near the communities of Ituna and Foam Lake. It also passes near the Fishing Lake Regional Park and Ottman-Murray Beach.
Major intersections.
From south to north:
<doc id="8724877" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724877" title="Newark Buffaloes">
Newark Buffaloes
<doc id="8724880" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724880" title="Mohammed Dhere">
Mohammed Dhere
<doc id="8724884" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724884" title="Radu Țîrle">
Radu Țîrle
<doc id="8724886" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724886" title="Radu Tirle">
Radu Tirle
<doc id="8724892" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724892" title="Newark Bison">
Newark Bison
<doc id="8724893" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724893" title="Phippsburg, Colorado">
Phippsburg, Colorado
Phippsburg is a census-designated place (CDP) and a post office in and governed by Routt County, Colorado, United States. The CDP is a part of the Steamboat Springs, CO Micropolitan Statistical Area.
The Phippsburg post office has the ZIP Code 80469 (post office boxes). At the United States Census 2010, the population of the Phippsburg CDP was 204, while the population of the 80469 ZIP Code Tabulation Area was 337 including adjacent areas.
The Phippsburg post office has been in operation since 1909. The community was named after Lawrence C. Phipps, a Colorado legislator.
The Phippsburg CDP has an area of , all land.
The United States Census Bureau initially defined the for the
<doc id="8724902" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724902" title="Bertha McNamara">
Bertha McNamara
Matilda Emilie Bertha McNamara (née Kalkstein, previously Bredt; 28 September 1853 – 1 August 1931) was an Australian political activist and writer. She was born in Prussia and arrived in Australia as a teenager. She became involved in the labour movement in the early 1890s until the 1920s, running a socialist bookshop in Sydney and authoring numerous political pamphlets; she was eulogised as "the mother of the labour movement". She was the mother of eleven children, and her sons-in-law included the writer Henry Lawson and politician Jack Lang.
McNamara was born on 28 September 1853 in Posen, Prussia (present-day Poznań, Poland). Her parents were Paulina Wilhelmina (née Berndt) and Karl Frederick Kalkstein, her father being a civil servant. When she was a teenager, "economic difficulties broke up the Kalkstein home", and she was sent to Australia to live with relatives. She arrived in Melbourne in 1869 and lived with an uncle for six months, subsequently moving to Bairnsdale, Victoria, to work as the governess for her aunt Mrs Drevermann. On 26 February 1872, she married Peter Hermann Bredt, a Prussian-born accountant who worked as the secretary for the Bairnsdale Shire Council. The couple had nine children, three of whom died in infancy; three sons and three daughters survived to adulthood.
After being widowed in 1888, McNamara moved to Melbourne and began working as a travelling saleswoman, selling jewellery and sewing machines. She became a political activist and published "Home Talk on Socialism" (1891), one of Australia's first pamphlets on socialism. On 9 July 1892 she married William McNamara founding member and secretary of the Australian Socialist League. As a result of his political publications criticizing the banks, William was sent to jail for libel.
In Castlereagh St, Sydney, she ran a boarding-house in conjunction with McNamara's Book and News Depot. Bertha McNamara, who has been called 'The Mother of the Labour Movement', carried on agitating for social reform for 25 years after the death of her second husband.
In 1896, her daughter, also named Bertha, married Henry Lawson. Another daughter, Hilda, married prominent Labor Party politician Jack Lang.
She was a member of the Social Democratic Federation of Australasia, Australian Labour Party, Labor Women's Central Organizing Committee and of Womanhood Suffrage League of New South Wales.
Death and legacy.
McNamara died of pneumonia at North Sydney on 1 August 1931. A bronze bas relief of Bertha McNamara, by Lyndon Dadswell, is located in Foyer of the Trades Hall (Goulburn Street, Sydney)
<doc id="8724906" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724906" title="International Ragdoll Cat Association">
International Ragdoll Cat Association
<doc id="8724910" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724910" title="Kalamazoo Kodiaks">
Kalamazoo Kodiaks
<doc id="8724933" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724933" title="Pine, Colorado">
Pine, Colorado
Pine is an unincorporated community and a U.S. Post Office in Jefferson County, Colorado, United States. The Pine Post Office has the ZIP Code 80470.
The town is also called Pine Grove. Every summer the residents hold the annual Rhubarb Festival.
Pine is located at (39.409937,-105.321980).
<doc id="8724955" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724955" title="John Harris (New York politician)">
John Harris (New York politician)
John Harris (September 26, 1760 – November 1824) was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from New York, (cousin of Robert Harris) and was born at Harris Ferry, Pennsylvania (now Harrisburg).
He moved to Aurelius, New York, becoming the first white settler in 1789, and operated the first ferry across Cayuga Lake with partner James Bennett called the Harris-Bennett Ferry. He acted as an Indian interpreter and guide for white people who traded with and acquired land from upstate New York Indians, and opened the first dry goods store and tavern in Cayuga County, New York, in 1789.
In 1800 he was a partner in the group that constructed the first bridge across Cayuga Lake, further opening western New York to white settlers and securing routes for those traveling further west to Ohio, Michigan and beyond.
Harris was long active in the militia and was appointed the rank of Colonel in the New York State Militia in 1806. Also in 1806, Harris was elected to the US House of Representatives as a Democratic-Republican to the Tenth Congress. He served only one term, 1807 to 1809. He did not run for reelection and returned to his businesses in the Cayuga Lake area.
He commanded the One Hundred and Fifty-eighth New York Regiment in the War of 1812. He died in Bridgeport, New York, in November 1824. Interment in the local cemetery.
<doc id="8724959" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724959" title="Joseph Rowntree (philanthropist)">
Joseph Rowntree (philanthropist)
Joseph Rowntree (24 May 1836 – 24 February 1925) was an English Quaker philanthropist and businessman from York. Rowntree is perhaps best known for being a champion of social reform, partner and friend of Charles Booth, and his time as a chocolatier at family business "Rowntree's", one of the most important in Britain. Even as a powerful businessman, he was deeply interested in improving the quality of life of his employees; this led to him becoming a philanthropist, pursuing many charitable causes.
In 1904 he created three trusts, the Joseph Rowntree Village Trust (JRVT) which was originally set up to build and manage the garden village of New Earswick, the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust (JRCT) and the Joseph Rowntree Social Services Trust (JRSST). He suggested that only the JRVT would be permanent but all the trusts are still in existence although the Social Services Trust has changed its name to the Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust and with the separation of the Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust from the Village Trust in 1968, there are now four trusts that exist today.
Early life.
Rowntree was born the son of Sarah and Joseph Rowntree, on Pavement (the name of a street) in York where his father owned a grocer's shop. He attended Bootham School. At fourteen he accompanied his father on a visit to Ireland, and witnessed the effects of the Great Famine. This experience was to provide the grounding for his political views and business ideas later in life.
He started working in his father's grocery business as an apprentice the following year, and after his father's death in 1859 he took over the running, jointly managing the business with his brother John Stephenson Rowntree.
In 1869 he joined his brother, Henry Isaac Rowntree, who owned a chocolate factory in York. When Henry Isaac died in 1883, Joseph became the owner of the company. Joseph pursued his progressive ideas within the running of Rowntree's, in the design of the new factory opened in 1881, and in the business practices followed therein, including the founding of one of the first Occupational Pension Schemes.
The company, Rowntree's, grew from 30 to over 4,000 employees by the end of the 19th century making it Britain's eightieth largest manufacturing employer. It merged with John Mackintosh and Co. in 1969 and was taken over by Nestlé in 1988.
He had two marriages, to Julia Eliza Seebohm in 1862 who died in 1863, and then to her cousin Emma Antoinette Seebohm in 1867 with whom he had six children. The social investigator Seebohm Rowntree was one of their children.
Joseph Rowntree's grave, along with many other members of his family, can be seen in the Quaker cemetery within the grounds of The Retreat on Heslington Road, York.
Philosophical and political views: Joseph Rowntree was a supporter of liberal values, and was anxious to improve the quality of life of his employees. He provided them with a library, free education, a works magazine, a social welfare officer, a doctor, a dentist and a pension fund.
The Joseph Rowntree School.
The Joseph Rowntree School was built in York in 1942 by the Joseph Rowntree Village Trust. In 2010 the school relocated to new premises costing £29 million. Students refer to it as "Joro".
The Joseph Rowntree statue campaign.
A campaign was started in summer 2012 to put a statue of Joseph Rowntree at a prominent site in the centre of York, with a Facebook page – "A Joseph Rowntree statue for York City Centre" – that stated: "York should be proud of its greatest son! This campaign aims to place a statue of Joseph Rowntree, philanthropist, social reformer, and chocolatier, in Parliament Square, York, on the site of the repulsed and now-demolished toilet block."
<doc id="8724960" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724960" title="Alexander Battenberg">
Alexander Battenberg
<doc id="8724963" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724963" title="Radu Tîrle">
Radu Tîrle
<doc id="8724964" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724964" title="John Harris (NY congressman)">
John Harris (NY congressman)
<doc id="8724969" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724969" title="Susanne Juranek">
Susanne Juranek
Susanne Juranek (born 25 February 1975 in Brake, Lower Saxony) is a German cyclist born in Brake a. d. Unterweser but spend her childhood and teenager age in Goslar where she began mountain biking. Later she moved to Oldenburg and due to the "flatter" landscape she started to shift to cyclo-cross and road cycling for the AGC team Bertram Roemer. She participates internationally mainly in cyclo-cross.
<doc id="8724973" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724973" title="Pinecliffe, Colorado">
Pinecliffe, Colorado
Pinecliffe is a U.S. Post Office and an unincorporated community located in Boulder County and Gilpin County, Colorado, United States. The Pinecliffe Post Office, in Boulder County, has the ZIP Code 80471.
Pinecliffe is located at (39.931591,-105.428753).
<doc id="8724988" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724988" title="Naval Submarine Medical Research Laboratory">
Naval Submarine Medical Research Laboratory
The Naval Submarine Medical Research Laboratory (NSMRL) is located on the New London Submarine Base in Groton, Connecticut. The laboratory's mission is to sustain the readiness and superiority of our undersea warriors through innovative health and performance research. It is a subordinate command of the Naval Medical Research Center.
History and overview.
The laboratory was established during World War II to study night vision, sonar sound discrimination, and personnel selection. Today it continues in the areas of undersea warfighter health and performance, submarine atmospheric monitoring, bioeffects of underwater sound and blast, submariner psychological fitness, submarine human systems integration, diving and hyberbaric research, submarine survival, escape, and rescue, hearing conservation, and undersea health epidemiology. Its achievements include:
NSMRL is located in Groton, Connecticut near the mouth of the Thames River and Long Island Sound.
The NSMRL auditory laboratory includes a large, 1,000 m3 anechoic chamber. The suspended cable floor and fiberglass wedges provide an "echo-free" environment that is essential for efforts on spatialized auditory displays and transducer evaluation. Additionally, there are ten instrumented sound-proof booths and a reverberant room. These facilities are integral to the work on human-machine interfaces, combat systems displays, hearing conservation, audio signal enhancement, noise reduction techniques, and diver hearing.
The laboratory has a 142 m3 enclosed atmosphere testing environment and facilities for cardiopulmonary and metabolic workload assessment. It also has maintained close collaboration with the Royal Navy and its facilities at Alverstoke, England on several projects. NSMRL's diving research program is supported by a saturation diving chamber certified to pressures simulating 350 fsw and a fully instrumented hyperbaric treatment chamber. Both chambers are capable of supporting multi-diver teams and associated medical, physiological, and exercise equipment. The laboratory also maintains an enclosed 25-foot Boston Whaler equipped with GPS and radar to support open water diving research.
Many of the NSMRL publications have been scanned and are available online at the Rubicon Research Repository. Other articles can be found in the DUMC Archive finding aids of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society library collection.
<doc id="8724999" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8724999" title="Saskatchewan Highway 743">
Saskatchewan Highway 743
Highway 743 is a highway in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. It runs from Highway 640 near Krasne to Highway 310. Highway 743 is about 50 km (31 mi.) long.
Highway 743 also passes near the communities of Wishart, Bankend, and West Bend. Highway 743 connects with Highways 639 and 35.
<doc id="8725001" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725001" title="Grant deed">
Grant deed
A grant deed is used in some states and jurisdictions for the sale or other transfer of real property from one person or entity to another person or entity. Each party transferring an interest in the property, or "grantor", is required to sign it. The signatures must be acknowledged before a notary public (notarized) or other official authorized by law to administer oaths.
The grantor of a grant deed makes two guarantees to the grantee: 1) The grantor/seller guarantees that the property has not been sold to anyone else, and 2) That the house is not under any liens or restrictions that have not already been disclosed to the buyer/grantee. This assures grantee there are no legal claims to the property by third parties, and no taxes are owed on the property that would restrict its sale.
Some jurisdictions use the warranty deed to transfer real property instead of the grant deed. The warranty deed adds the additional guarantee that the grantor will defend the title against any third-party claim. The quitclaim deed is also sometimes used, although this document is most often used to disclaim any interest in a property rather than selling a property that one owns.
The types of deeds that are now used to transfer real property are a relatively modern invention. Previously, the grantor transferred the property to the buyer, called the "grantee", by performing some commonly recognized deed, such as picking up a handful of soil of the property to be transferred, handing it to the buyer, and reciting legally prescribed words that acknowledged the transfer in the presence of witnesses. This was called livery of seisin. Over time, and particularly with the development of modern technology that permits government offices to keep accurate copies of documents, the physical deed that was formerly performed in order to transfer a property was replaced by the paper deed, also known as a deed poll, that is now commonly used.
<doc id="8725003" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725003" title="Ken Tucker (footballer)">
Ken Tucker (footballer)
Ken Tucker (2 October 1925 – 19 May 2008) was an English footballer who played as a left winger.
Signed by Charlie Paynter from Finchley, Tucker made his West Ham United debut in October 1947, scoring a hat-trick at home against Chesterfield. He had first come to the attention of Paynter a year earlier. He had been playing for a local amateur team, Central Park, in an early round FA Cup game. He missed most of the first half due to a delayed train, but hit six second-half goals. This was recorded in the "Stratford Express" and "Ilford Recorder" and soon after, he received a letter from Paynter asking for a meeting. Paynter asked Tucker if he would play on loan to Athenian League side Finchley against Leyton the following Saturday and after that game, despite a 3–0 loss, both West Ham and Finchley were after him. Finchley offered him £11 a week, including £5 from the chairman's personal funds, and Tucker accepted this. Paynter allowed "his player" to stay at the club on the proviso that Tucker would sign professional forms with West Ham as soon as the season was over.
After his Hammers debut, Tucker played only 14 games for the first team in the following four years, but he played well in the reserve team, scoring 73 goals in 191 games. He finally became a first-team regular during the 1955–56 season, and was called into the England squad for a game against Brazil although he didn't play.
Tucker had a fractious relationship with manager Ted Fenton – he once went on strike over pay – and his feud lasted well after he had left the club. In an interview with "Ex Magazine" in April 2006, he said "Ted once told me 'All my troubles here are down to you'. If I felt I wasn't being treated right, I'd rebel – I told it as I saw it".
Tucker was the wealthiest player on the books at West Ham, and was the first to own a car, a Chrysler. He and his wife owned two shops in Barking Road, which he continued to manage once he had retired. He also owned six greyhounds that raced at West Ham Stadium.
He made a total of 93 league and cup appearances during his ten years at West Ham, scoring 31 goals.
He went on to play for Notts County after an acrimonious departure from the east London club in March 1957, although he still insisted on training at West Ham. Two seasons later, he joined non-League Margate where he played alongside former Hammer Almer Hall.
Tucker's older brother, Samual, played for Clapton. His son, Raymond, played for the West Ham youth team under John Lyall during the 1960s.
<doc id="8725008" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725008" title="Rhode Island Federation of Teachers and Health Professionals">
Rhode Island Federation of Teachers and Health Professionals
The Rhode Island Federation of Teachers and Health Professionals (RIFTHP) is a statewide federation of labor unions in the state of Rhode Island in the United States. The federation's local unions represent teachers and other educational workers, state and municipal employees, health care workers in the public and private sector, and higher education faculty and workers in the public and private sector. It is an affiliate of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the AFL–CIO.
In 2021, the federation's president was Francis J. Flynn.
The Rhode Island Federation of Teachers was founded as the Rhode Island Branch, American Federation of Teachers, on March 27, 1947. The original unions making up the federation were the Warwick Teachers' Union, the North Providence Federation of Teachers, the Pawtucket Teachers' Alliance, the Woonsocket Teachers' Guild, and the Providence Teachers' Alliance. Four years after its formation, the Pawtucket Teachers' Alliance went out on strike—one of a handful of local unions to disobey a national AFT policy banning strikes by teachers. The federation changed its name to the Rhode Island Federation of Teachers in 1958. The Pawtucket strike ended in a settlement favorable to the union, and a rudimentary contract—one of the first teacher contracts in the United States. Another strike in Pawtucket in 1964 also ended in a contract, this one personally negotiated by Governor John Chafee. This collective bargaining experience helped pave the way for legalization of teacher unionism in Rhode Island two years later.
Public school teachers in Rhode Island were given the legal right to bargain collectively over "...hours, salary, working conditions, and other terms of professional employment" in May 1966 (P.L. 1966, Chapter 146). Rhode Island law also allows payment of unemployment benefits to public school workers if they struck for more than eight weeks.
Edward J. McElroy was president of RIFTHP from 1969 to 1992. He was elected Secretary-Treasurer of the AFT in 1992, and President in 2004 (he retired in 2008).
In 1971, David Selden, then a national representative with the AFT, attempted to convince the leaders of RIFTHP to join with the state federations in Connecticut and New York to fund and operate an organizing project, but the RIFTHP leaders rejected the idea.
In the early 1970s, RIFTHP and the NEA statewide affiliate in Rhode Island considered merging, but did not do so. During the same years, RIFTHP was active in organizing higher education faculty as well. When the AFT and the National Education Association signed a tentative merger agreement in 1998, RIFTHP leaders refused to immediately commit to a state-level merger (but supported the national effort).
RIFTHP began organizing nurses in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Its most significant effort in this area came when it organized more than 1,000 registered nurses at Rhode Island Hospital in August 1993. But in 1998, more than 3,500 health care workers belonging to RIFTHP disaffiliated in a dispute over how much money should be spent on organizing new members. Although RIFTHP and the AFT disputed the election results and sued former staff who went to work for the new union (the United Nurses and Allied Professionals), the AFT lost these challenges.
The Rhode Island Federation of Teachers and Health Professionals is considered one of the most active political groups in the state of Rhode Island. It sued to oppose the shut-down of Rhode Island state government during a budget crisis in 1991, fought to keep full-time union leaders (who were former public employees) in the state pension system, worked to enact strong constraints on charter schools in the state's charter school law (the resulting law is one of the most restrictive in the nation as of 2004), supported stronger and clearer curriculum standards, sued to stop the state from penalizing retired public employees who were enrolled in more expensive health care plans, opposed binding arbitration for teacher union contracts, opposed merit pay, fought reductions in retiree pensions, and sought to limit the role of school-wide committees in establishing teacher assignments, class sizes and layoff rules.
A significant network of unionized teachers interested in applying new union structures and models to creating high-quality schools, part of the Teacher Union Reform Network (TURN), is also active within RIFTHP. There have been some media reports that this network has had an influence on RIFTHP, and that the state federation is more willing to embrace some union and school reform efforts. In 2006, RIFTHP and the NEA affiliate in Rhode Island issued a joint report which focused on poverty and its many negative effects on children (such a malnutrition, unstable or violent home situations, lack of access to books and educational items like crayons or paper, and little access to high-quality early childhood programs) as key issues in the school reform effort. The report dismissed criticism that collective bargaining agreements stymied reform, and pressed for higher spending on early-childhood programs, reductions in class size, and improving teacher training programs. In 2009, the state federation began a push to have local school boards adopt much more rigorous teacher evaluation standards as well as stronger mentoring program. The state of Rhode Island approved the plan for adoption by local school boards, and RIFTHP won a $200,000 national competitive grant to help fund the first four programs (to be implemented in Central Falls, Cranston, Pawtucket, Providence, West Warwick, and Woonsocket).
The RIFTHP issues one publication, the "Smith Hill Report". The "Smith Hill Report" is published weekly while the Rhode Island General Assembly is in session. It is available on RIFTHP's Web site.
<doc id="8725021" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725021" title="Aarthi Agarwal">
Aarthi Agarwal
Aarthi Agarwal (March 5, 1984 – June 6, 2015) was an American actress of who primarily worked in Telugu cinema.
Early life and career.
Agarwal was born on March 5, 1984, in New Jersey to Gujarati parents. Her younger sister Aditi Agarwal is also an actress in Telugu film industry. At around 14 years of age, actor Suniel Shetty spotted her and invited her to dance on stage in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. After the performance, he asked her father to encourage her to take up acting in Bollywood. At age 16, she made her debut with "Paagalpan".
Agarwal made her Telugu film debut in "Nuvvu Naaku Nachav" with actor Venkatesh. She was one of the few non-Telugu speaking actresses to work with noted Indian film stars Chiranjeevi, Nandamuri Balakrishna, Nagarjuna, Venkatesh, Prabhas, Mahesh Babu, Ravi Teja, and Jr NTR.
In 2005, media reported that Agarwal had attempted suicide over the failure of a romantic relationship with a co-star.
In 2006, following an accident at home, she was hospitalized with internal head injuries at Apollo Hospital, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad and put on ventilator support.
In 2007, Agarwal married a software engineer; the couple divorced in 2009.
On June 6, 2015, Agarwal was pronounced dead on arrival at AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Agarwal, who had undergone a liposuction surgery six weeks prior, had severe breathing problems before her death. Her manager stated the cause of her death was cardiac arrest. She had been living with her parents in Egg Harbor Township.
<doc id="8725033" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725033" title="Henry Solomons">
Henry Solomons
Henry Solomons (7 November 1902 – 7 November 1965) was a British businessman, trade unionist and Labour Party politician who briefly enjoyed a Parliamentary career.
Early career.
Solomons was born in London and educated at London County Council schools, and went into sales as a profession. He joined the trade union Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers and the Labour Party in 1932, and two years later was elected to Stepney Borough Council.
On the outbreak of the Second World War Solomons enlisted in the Army and resigned from the Council. He served in the middle east. At the end of the war, he returned to his old job. He became Organising Secretary for the Union of Liberal and Progressive Synagogues in 1946, a job which lasted eight years.
During his time in the Army Solomons took part in the Cairo Forces Parliament.
Political advancement.
Solomons' political career advanced in the early 1950s. He served on the Executive of the London Labour Party from 1952 to 1960. From 1953 Solomons served on Hammersmith Borough Council. He became a full-time officer of USDAW in 1954. He was also a Governor of Westminster Hospital.
At the 1964 general election Solomons was elected as Labour Member of Parliament for Kingston upon Hull North, gaining the seat from the Conservatives. However, his health was not good, and was not helped by the stresses of a close Parliament. He collapsed after an all-night sitting in June 1965. He was required to remain in Parliament so that he could be 'nodded through' in Divisions.
Solomons died on his 63rd birthday in Westminster hospital, leaving Labour with 313 seats in Commons, a majority of only one vote over its opposition (the Conservative Party had 303 and the Liberals 9). His death precipitated a byelection in a very marginal constituency; Labour's successful defence of the seat led Harold Wilson to call the 1966 general election.
<doc id="8725038" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725038" title="Overheard in new york">
Overheard in new york
<doc id="8725039" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725039" title="Saskatchewan Highway 745">
Saskatchewan Highway 745
Highway 745 is a highway in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. It runs from Highway 35 near Elfros to Highway 310. Highway 745 is about 20 km (12 mi.) long.
Highway 745 passes near the community of Kristnes.
<doc id="8725043" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725043" title="Insure">
<doc id="8725049" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725049" title="Adopted children of Ilúvatar">
Adopted children of Ilúvatar
<doc id="8725055" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725055" title="Inshore">
<doc id="8725060" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725060" title="Soboth Pass">
Soboth Pass
The Soboth Pass (elevation 1347 m) is a high mountain pass in the Alps, located north of the border between Austria and Slovenia in the Austrian states of Styria and Carinthia connecting Soboth and Lavamünd.
<doc id="8725062" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725062" title="In and out burger">
In and out burger
<doc id="8725064" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725064" title="Carroll's Corner, Nova Scotia">
Carroll's Corner, Nova Scotia
Carroll's Corner is a rural community in the northwestern part of the Halifax Regional Municipality in the Musquodoboit Valley of Nova Scotia, Canada. The community is located along Highway 277 and extends to the North and South along the Milford Road and Antrim Road, respectively. The community was named after its first settler, John Carroll.
The world's largest open pit gypsum mine, owned by National Gypsum Company, is located partially in Carroll's Corner. The discovery of mastodon fossils in the mine in 1991 led to the community's annual week-long 'Mastodon Days' celebration in July.
<doc id="8725067" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725067" title="Specialized Bicycle Components">
Specialized Bicycle Components
Specialized Bicycle Components, Inc., colloquially known as and stylized as SPECIALIZED, is an American company which designs, manufactures and markets bicycles, bicycle components and related products under the brand name "Specialized", as well as the premium and professional oriented "S-works".
The Morgan Hill, California-based company was founded in 1974 by Mike Sinyard.
The company was founded in 1974 by Mike Sinyard, a cycling enthusiast who sold his
Volkswagen Bus for $1,500 to fund a cycle tour of Europe, where he bought handlebars and stems made by Cinelli to take back to the US. Sinyard started importing Italian bike components which were difficult to find in the United States, but the company began to produce its own bike parts by 1976, starting with the Specialized Touring Tire. In 1981, the company introduced its first two bikes, the Sequoia, a sport-touring design and the Allez, a road bike. Specialized also introduced the first major production mountain bike in the world, the Stumpjumper, in 1981. Like the Sequoia and Allez, the Stumpjumper was designed by Tim Neenan and based on an early Tom Ritchey design. Specialized continues to produce bikes under the Stumpjumper name, including both hardtail and full-suspension models. An original Stumpjumper is displayed in the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. In 1989, Specialized introduced the Epic, the world's second mass-production carbon fiber mountain bike.
In the early 1990s, Specialized introduced the Globe range of urban bikes; it had a major relaunch in 2009, which saw Globe become its own distinct brand. The Globe brand has since been discontinued, and Specialized now markets "lifestyle" bikes under its main brand.
In 1995, Specialized launched the Full Force brand. Full Force was a lower-end mountain bike brand sold through sporting goods stores and discount retailers such as Costco. The move angered some Specialized dealers. In 1996, Specialized withdrew the Full Force line and Mike Sinyard wrote a letter of apology to dealers. By the end of 1996, Specialized had lost 30% of its bike shop sales and, according to Sinyard, "came within a few hundred dollars of declaring bankruptcy".
In 2001, Merida Bikes of Taiwan bought 49% of Specialized (initially reported as 19%) for a reported US$30 million. Mike Sinyard remained majority owner and CEO of the company. , Specialized is one of the biggest bicycle brands operating in the United States, alongside Trek Bicycle Corporation and Giant Bicycles.
In 2012, Specialized issued a recall for about 12,000 bicycles sold through retailers from 2007 until July 2012 due to a faulty front fork. Recalled models include the company's "Globe" products.
As of 2023, a customized version of the Specialized Rockhopper mountain bike is used by the London Ambulance Service for their Cycle Response Units which operate in congested areas of the city.
In 1990, Specialized tried to sue RockShox Inc, claiming the company's name too closely resembled the bicycle model name "Rockhopper" The case was ultimately dismissed with prejudice.
In 2006, Specialized sent Mountain Cycle a letter concerning its use of the model name "Stumptown" (nickname for Portland), alleging it resembled the Specialized model name Stumpjumper. Mountain Cycle closed shortly thereafter.
In 2009, Specialized had a trademark dispute with a manufacturer of bicycle bags, Epic Designs, now Revelate Designs.
In 2010, Specialized took NASCAR driver and team owner Robby Gordon to court over the logo used for his Speed Energy drink brand, claiming it was visually similar to their own 'S' logo.
Gordon sued Specialized after receiving a cease-and-desist letter in September 2010 and Specialized then counter-sued Gordon. Gordon was ordered by the court to remove the Speed 'S' logo from his cars and later agreed with Specialized he would change the drink's logo.
In 2011, Portland wheel builder Epic Wheel Works was forced to change its name due to potential trademark conflict with Specialized.
In 2012, the company sued two former employees after they started the bicycle brand Volagi Cycles, for theft of trade secrets and breach of employment contract, as well as other charges. Of Specialized's nine claims, eight were thrown out of court, and the jury awarded Specialized one dollar in damages on the remaining count (breach of employment contract) that went to trial. It was estimated by (Volagi's founders) Choi and Forsman's attorney, Tyler Paetkau, that Specialized incurred more than $2 million in legal fees to practice "competition by litigation." In September 2016, Volagi announced that it would close after a founding member was injured in a bicycle crash involving an automobile.
In 2013, Specialized mailed a small bike shop owner in Canada a cease and desist letter over its use of the city name Roubaix in its shop name and wheels, the name of a town in France that rose to prominence as a textile center in the 15th century
and has hosted a bicycle race since 1896. This follows on from Specialized's trademarking of the word in Canada. The situation and behavior towards the shop owner caused some reactions from cyclists worldwide after an article was published by the Calgary Herald in early December 2013. On 9 December Fuji Bikes owner, Advanced Sports International said that they are the legal owner of worldwide rights to the Roubaix trademark. Fuji has had a "Fuji Roubaix" road bike model in its lineup since 1992, and has licensed the name to Specialized since 2003. The dispute between Specialized, ASI and the Canadian shop owner was resolved in December 2013, and Specialized vowed to be more cautious in its pursuit of trademark violators in the future.
In 2014, Specialized forced bicycle builder Neil Pryde to change the name of their Alize bike model.
Professional rider sponsorship.
Many riders in recent years have used Specialized bicycles in the North American and European professional cycling circuits.
In 2019, the professional road teams sponsored by Specialized are Soudal-Quick-Step, Bora–Hansgrohe, SD Worx and Team TotalEnergies.
Mountain bike riders sponsored by Specialized include the downhill world champion Loïc Bruni, Finn Iles, Jaroslav Kulhavý, Christoph Sauser, Lea Davison, Martin Soderstrom, Simon Andreassen, Sam Gaze, Hannah Barnes, Annika Langvad, 2:1 Racing, Nicholi Rogatkin, Curtis Robinson, Matt Hunter and Howard Grotts.
Sponsored triathletes include Brent McMahon, Jenson Button, Rubén Ruzafa, Non Stanford, Conrad Stoltz, Melissa Hauschildt, Tim Don, Lisa Norden, Chris McCormack, Francisco Javier Gómez Noya, Gwen Jorgensen, Lucy Charles and Benjamin Hoffman.
<doc id="8725068" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725068" title="Home run in first Major League at-bat">
Home run in first Major League at-bat
<doc id="8725072" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725072" title="Saskatchewan Highway 758">
Saskatchewan Highway 758
Highway 758, the Hendon Grid Road, is a highway in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. It runs from Highway 640 near Quill Lake to Highway 35 near Hendon. Highway 758 is about 29 km (18 mi.) long.
<doc id="8725077" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725077" title="Battle at the Lizard">
Battle at the Lizard
<doc id="8725089" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725089" title="Garrett Wells">
Garrett Wells
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Orbital process of the zygomatic bone
<doc id="8725091" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725091" title="Namco System 246">
Namco System 246
The Namco System 246 is a development of the Sony PlayStation 2 technology as a basis for an arcade system board. It was released in December 2000 on its first game "Bloody Roar 3". Like the Sega NAOMI, it is widely licensed for use by other manufacturers. Games such as "Battle Gear 3" and "Capcom Fighting Evolution" are examples of System 246-based arcade games that are not Namco products.
Namco System 256 is an upgraded version of System 246, but the upgrades are unknown (more VRAM and faster CPU speeds likely).
Namco Super System 256 is the same as regular Namco System 256 but it has the gun board integrated, though this variant was only used in "Time Crisis 4".
Namco System 147 is similar to 246 but does not use a DVD-ROM drive, instead it has ROM chips on the system board.
<doc id="8725105" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725105" title="Saskatchewan Highway 665">
Saskatchewan Highway 665
Highway 665 is a highway in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. It runs from Highway 5 near Kylemore to Highway 49. Highway 665 is about 28 km (17 mi.) long.
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John Duncan (painter)
John Duncan (1866–1945) was a Scottish Symbolist painter. His work is known for referencing Arthurian legends, Celtic folklore, and other mythological subjects.
Duncan was born in the Hilltown area of Dundee on 19 July 1866, the son of a butcher and cattleman. John, however, had no interest in the family business and preferred the visual arts. By the age of 15 he was submitting cartoons to the local magazine "The Wizard of the North" and was later taken on as an assistant in the art department of the "Dundee Advertiser". At the same time he was also a student at the Dundee School of Art, then based at the High School of Dundee. In 1887–1888 he worked in London as a commercial illustrator, then travelled to the continent to study at Antwerp Academy under Charles Verlat and the Düsseldorf Art Academy.
In 1889 Duncan returned to Dundee and exhibited in the new Victoria Art Galleries extension of the Albert Institute. The following year he became one of the founder members of the Dundee Graphic Arts Association (now Dundee Art Society). Most of his income at this time was derived from portrait commissions, including the jute merchant John L. Luke and Mrs Hunter of Hilton.
In 1892 Duncan moved to Edinburgh to work with the sociologist, botanist and urbanist Patrick Geddes, whom he had met in Dundee. As part of the Celtic Revival movement, Duncan painted murals for Geddes's halls of residence at Ramsay Garden. He also became the principal artist for Geddes's 1895–1897 seasonal magazine "The Evergreen". The magazine also featured work by the Dundee artist Nell Baxter and the celebrated decorative artist Robert Burns. Among other subjects, Duncan depicted "Bacchus and Silenus" in a mythical scene. Duncan also acted as director of Geddes's short-lived Old Edinburgh School of Art, and was commissioned by him to design the Witches' Well in Edinburgh in 1894.
In 1897 Duncan returned to Dundee and exhibited Celtic and symbolist paintings at the Graphic Arts Association as well as the Royal Scottish Academy and the Royal Glasgow Institute among others. It was at this time that he painted "The Glaive of Light" now in the University of Dundee's collection. He continued to teach art and design, at the Dundee YMCA, the University and the art school at Dundee Technical Institute. He also created Dundee's first design collective by gathering together a group of young talents who created and exhibited decorative art and design pieces for the Graphic Arts Association, including Nell Baxter, Rosa Baxter, Elizabeth Burt and Duncan's sister Jessie Westbrook.
Thanks to Patrick Geddes's influence, in 1900 Duncan was appointed as a Professor at the Chicago Institute founded by Francis Wayland Parker. His stay there was not a happy one, and after Parker's death in 1902 he returned to Scotland and settled in Edinburgh, where he would live for the rest of his life.
Duncan's last major work was entitled "Mary Queen of Scots at Fotheringhay" (dated 1929). The work was commissioned and is now held by the University of St Andrews. The painting was completed in spite of the critical antagonisms Duncan was facing at the time. A smaller scale replica is held in the Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery, Carlisle.
<doc id="8725107" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725107" title="Dyle (département)">
Dyle (département)
<doc id="8725111" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725111" title="Deutschland sucht den Superstar (season 1)">
Deutschland sucht den Superstar (season 1)
The first season of "Deutschland sucht den Superstar" premiered on 24 November 2002 and continued until 8 March 2003. It was won by Alexander Klaws. The season was co-hosted by Michelle Hunziker and Carsten Spengemann.
Live show details.
Live show 1 (21 December 2002).
Theme: My Superstar
Live show 2 (28 December 2002).
Theme: Love songs
Live show 3 (4 January 2003).
Theme: Hits of 2002
Live show 4 (11 January 2003).
Theme: Musicals
Live show 5 (18 January 2003).
Theme: The 80s
Live show 6 (1 February 2003).
Theme: Big Band
Live show 7 (8 February 2003).
Theme: The 70s & Disco
Live show 8: semi-final (1 March 2003).
Theme: Movies
DSDS finalists
Alexander Klaws
Juliette Schoppmann
Daniel Küblböck
Vanessa Struhler
Gracia Baur
Nicole Süßmilch
Daniel Lopes
Nektarios Bamiatzis
Judith Lefeber
4 United (Daniel Küblböck, Gracia Baur, Nektarios Bamiatzis, Stephanie Brauckmeyer)
<doc id="8725115" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725115" title="Lys (département)">
Lys (département)
<doc id="8725116" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725116" title="Starways">
Starways was a British airline which operated from 1948 until 1963. The company offered freight transport, passenger charter services and serviced internal and international scheduled routes.
The airline was formed at Blackpool in 1948 by two pilots, Noel Rodnight and Albert Dean, to operate a charter service using a Percival Petrel for celebrities appearing in the Blackpool shows. The company started operations from Blackpool Airport in January 1949 with the Petrel. In May 1950 the Petrel was destroyed in an accident and replaced with an Avro Anson. In 1950 the business was relocated to Liverpool (Speke) Airport and F.H.Wilson & J.A.Wilson joined the company as executives. As well as joyriding flights the fleet now included two more twin-engined Avro Ansons to operate newspaper and freight flights including for one season a regular service between Liverpool and London.
The Wilson family were successful businessmen in Liverpool owning Limocoat Ltd and later the Famous Army Stores. They were also involved with the Cathedral Touring Agency (CTA), a travel company, which provided most all-inclusive, tour business for the airline. In 1951, F.H. Wilson was appointed chairman of the board and by 1954 the family had acquired full control of the company.
In the early fifties, the airline expanded, acquiring a number of Douglas DC-3s, including two prewar-built examples. This expansion was to operate seasonal tourist charters and build-up a network of summer scheduled services from Liverpool including flights to continental European destinations including Lourdes and Biarritz.
In 1957 the airline purchased the larger four-engined Douglas DC-4 with four further examples being acquired between March 1960 and January 1963. The first DC-4 charter was flown on 8 January 1958 between Liverpool and Southend Airport with football supporters. The Skymasters and DC-3s were also used on scheduled services from Liverpool to London Heathrow and from Liverpool and Manchester to Newquay in Cornwall.
In February 1961 the airline introduced the turbo-prop Vickers Viscount aircraft for use on inclusive tour flights and schedules to London Heathrow. The refined livery of the first aircraft "G-ARIR", particularly the roundel near the nose, hinted at its previous owner, Air France.
In November 1963, Starways negotiated a co-operative agreement with British Eagle. The final Starways flight landed at Liverpool on 31 December 1963, thereafter British Eagle took over all routes. Due to delays in the transfer of route registration, British Eagle were obliged to operate routes in the name of Starways requiring two of their own red, liveried Viscount aircraft to be branded "Starways".
However, ownership of the fleet, aircraft hangars, parts inventory and other assets remained with the Starways Directors who continued in business as Aviation Overhauls. This new company provided a variety of maintenance and support services until in 1969, all aircraft had been sold and the company closed.
<doc id="8725124" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725124" title="Saskatchewan Highway 667">
Saskatchewan Highway 667
Highway 667 is a highway in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. It runs from Highway 16 near Esk to Highway 5 near St. Gregor. Highway 667 is about 40 km (25 mi.) long.
<doc id="8725125" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725125" title="Ourthe (département)">
Ourthe (département)
<doc id="8725126" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725126" title="MGA2">
<doc id="8725127" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725127" title="Germantown Baptist Church">
Germantown Baptist Church
Germantown Baptist Church is a Baptist megachurch based in Germantown, Tennessee, affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention. The church is 179 years old, and since its founding has moved from its location in downtown Germantown to an over building complex on a campus near the border of Germantown and Collierville on Poplar Avenue. The original building for the church still stands on Germantown Road. Built twenty-one years before the beginning of the Civil War, Germantown Baptist Church is the second oldest church in the city of Germantown.
Pre-Civil War.
Western Tennessee was still Indian Territory until 1819, but soon after that date Shelby County was open to settlers. By 1825, a Kentuckian, William Twyford, had settled on the banks of the Wolf River, near the Neshoba area. Early records of the church were destroyed by fire on a couple of occasions. The earliest reference concerning the church is in the September 1838 issue
of "The Baptist" (now "Baptist and Reflector"). It was named New Hope Church in 1838 before the incorporation of Germantown; and in that year the church reported a revival in which 49 members united with the church, including 45 for baptism. Also in 1838, the church petitioned to be seated at the meeting of the "Big Hatchie Association" and reported a membership of 69.
Early in December 1841, Mr. Wilks Brooks deeded a plot of ground next to the church. The Brooks family was active in the church for many years. Joseph Brooks and wife Agnes later donated the church parsonage. On December 30, Germantown received its charter of incorporation, and the name of the church was changed. In 1842, the church was listed in the Association as Germantown Baptist Church, with Reverend L. H. Bethel as Minister, James Brooks and J. B. Winders as messengers. The membership had grown to 84 (70 whites and 14 blacks). The church had a Bible class, and that year was host to the Big Hatchie Association. By 1845, the last year that Reverend Bethel's name appeared, the membership had grown to 132 (98 whites and 34 blacks).
A report in "The Appeal" dated July 23, 1862, reported "The little town of Germantown has been sacked and burned by a band of stragglers from the Federal Army." Both Germantown Methodist and Germantown Baptist churches were burned. A neighbor upon seeing the church burning, sent a servant to request the pulpit Bible. The request was granted and has been preserved to the present.
Post-Civil War.
After the Civil War, the church was at a low ebb. The building had been destroyed and many members had been lost in the war or had moved away. The membership had dropped to 40. Elder W. W. Keep, the pastor, continued to visit and filled the pulpit monthly. He plus the Vasser and Brooks families continued to encourage the membership to rebuild and helped secure from the United States Government a payment as partial value for the burned church building. In 1870, the church members moved into a rebuilt sanctuary. The seating was quite different in that period: the ladies entered one door and sat on one side of the sanctuary. The men entered the other door and sat on the opposite side. The deacons sat down near the front and gave out their "amens."
The first record of a church Sunday School Superintendent was in 1883 when J. M. Scott's name was listed. The first clerk listed was P. N. Overton. The church received special attention in the Association in 1885 when under the ministry of Reverend J. D. Anderson, it was the "only church to report two weekly prayer meetings." On the 4th Lord's Day in January 1891, there was a special meeting of the membership at which the pastor, Reverend J. W. Porter, read a communication from Sister Agnes Brooks proposing to build and donate a parsonage for the church. At the same meeting, Mr. Joseph Brooks donated a lot to the church, and the members agreed that each would furnish a wagon and team to haul the materials needed to build.
In 1932, a brick addition to the rear of the sanctuary was completed. The church membership was 141, and there were 116 enrolled in Sunday School.
Dr. Ken Story's Years.
When Reverend Ken Story began his ministry in 1964, the church membership was 210. In 1973, a temporary sanctuary was built with seating for 535. The membership in 1973 was 1,223. In addition to the Pastor, the church had a full-time staff that included a Director of Education, Mr. Emmett Wade; a Director of Music and Youth, Mr. Bill Spencer; Secretaries, Nena Harper and Cheryl Rogers; and a Custodian, Harold Weddington.
In 1974, it became apparent that Germantown Baptist needed a larger sanctuary and the church purchased on the east side of its existing lot. In 1975, membership and attendance increased so dramatically that the church had to return to two services and two Sunday School hours in spite of the additional room provided by the interim sanctuary. On March 14, 1975, a ground breaking ceremony was held for a church gymnasium called the Christian Family Center. In January 1977, the Christian Family Center was opened. The new space resulted in an immediate increase in Sunday School attendance and new recreational programs.
Early in 1978, the church became actively involved in the Billy Graham Crusade. Charles Baker served on the Crusade Steering Committee. Ken Story chaired the Crusade Counseling and Follow-up Committee. The church approved the design for a new sanctuary for 1,250 people in August. A new Home Bible Study ministry also began in 1978 to reach the unchurched in Germantown. At first, there were 4 home groups, but within three years the ministry had increased to 8 groups with more than 200 people involved.
On Easter Sunday in 1979, the Lord's Supper and baptisms were observed at 7:15 AM followed by three Sunday School hours and three worship services. The year 1980 was expected to be a very hard year for the church with the construction of the new sanctuary. The deacons designated it "The Year of Prayer and Preparation." As anticipated, the building project disrupted the church's routine activities; parts of the parking lot were used for storage and rooms for meetings were scarce. The little parsonage across the street from the church had to be used for Sunday School classes. In spite of all these obstacles, the activities of the church continued to expand. A World Mission Conference was held; a Fall Revival began where the Spring Revival left off; and three new staff members were added: Danny Wilson, David Burton, and Gary Ellis.
The following year, 1981, was climactic; under Dr. Story's leadership the church experienced great spiritual victories. In May, the 1280 seat sanctuary was completed, and on the first day of occupancy was filled to capacity.
New Campus.
The old campus was purchased by some anonymous donors and donated to Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary after the move to new facility, in 1995.
The new campus is a campus that includes a 3,000 seat sanctuary, two class-room buildings, a recreation complex with two basketball courts, a game room, a weight room, cardio room, running track and racquetball courts, called the CORE, a dining room and small lunch restaurant, library, music theater, baseball fields and nearby soccer fields, and a multi media conference center.
Dr. Charles Fowler became senior pastor in 2010. Dr. Matt Brown became senior pastor in 2021.
The church has sent out numerous missionaries, created a thriving inner-city ministry which reaches out to the poor in neighboring Memphis, Tennessee, and initiated many other cutting edge programs which drew both praise and replication from churches from all over the nation.
<doc id="8725138" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725138" title="Philip Swenk Markley">
Philip Swenk Markley
Philip Swenk Markley (July 2, 1789 – September 12, 1834) was an American politician from Pennsylvania who served as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives for Pennsylvania's 5th congressional district from 1823 to 1827 and as Attorney General of Pennsylvania from 1829 to 1830.
Early life and education.
Markley was born in Skippack, Pennsylvania. He moved to Norristown, studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1810 and commenced the practice of law.
He was deputy State’s attorney for Pennsylvania 1819 and 1820 and a member of the Pennsylvania State Senate for the 7th district from 1820 to 1823. He was elected as a Jackson Republican to the Eighteenth Congress and reelected as an Adams Party candidate to the Nineteenth Congress. He was an unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1826 to the Twentieth Congress. He was appointed naval officer of Philadelphia by President Andrew Jackson and served from 1826 to 1829. He served as attorney general of Pennsylvania in 1829. He died in Norristown in 1834. Interment in Saint John Episcopal Church Cemetery in Norristown, Pennsylvania.
<doc id="8725140" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725140" title="Sub-carrier">
<doc id="8725144" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725144" title="Zygomatic process of the temporal">
Zygomatic process of the temporal
<doc id="8725156" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725156" title="The 130 departments">
The 130 departments
<doc id="8725161" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725161" title="Chohakkai">
<doc id="8725162" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725162" title="List of Windows Mobile Professional games">
List of Windows Mobile Professional games
This is a list of games released for the Windows Mobile Professional operating system (formerly known as Pocket PC).
Dragon Bird
<doc id="8725171" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725171" title="Auriemma">
<doc id="8725176" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725176" title="Midnight Movie">
Midnight Movie
<doc id="8725179" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725179" title="Turracher Höhe Pass">
Turracher Höhe Pass
Turracher Höhe, also called Turracherhöhe, refers to a village, a pass across the Alps, and a countryside in the Gurktal Alps in Austria. The village and the Turracher Lake at the pass, which both share the same name, are separated by the border of the two federal states of Styria and Carinthia. Because of its distance to early settlement areas and its high location, the region was not settled until relatively late. In the 17th century, mining was started below the Turracherhöhe. The opening up of the top of the pass by a paved road did not occur until later. During the 20th century, the region was gradually developed for tourism. Efforts are being made to maintain the
diversity of flora and fauna of the Turracherhöhe by means of landscape conservation areas and careful and nature-oriented extension of the tourist facilities.
Geographical location.
The Turracherhöhe is situated in the Nock mountains, the western part of the Gurktal Alps. The area extends from the peaks of the Rinsennock (2,334 m) in the west to the Lattersteighöhe (2,264 m) in the east; in the north-south direction, it extends from the village of Turrach to the plain of Reichenau in the south. Somewhat farther away are the peaks of Eisenhut (2,441 m), Großer Königstuhl (2,331 m), and Gruft (2,232 m).
The highest point of the approx. two km long pass summit has an altitude of 1,795 m above sea level south of the Turracher Lake. The lake has a water level of 1,763 m above sea (Adria) level and is connected to the village. The Turracher Höhe, as a "classic" pass summit, is also part of a drainage divide between the Mura valley and the Upper Gurk River, whose source is beneath the Lattersteighöhe at approx. 2,000 m above sea level.
The Turracher Road (B95), which goes from Salzburg along the western shore of Turracher Lake, connects the Styrian Upper Mura valley in the north with the Upper Gurk valley in Carinthia, and it continues further to Feldkirchen and the basin of Klagenfurt in the south. The road on the pass (from Turrach to the Reichenau plain) has a length of 16 km; the section between the junctions to the Murauer Road (B97) in Predlitz and the Kleinkirchheimer Road (B88) near Patergassen is 35 km long.
A total of three municipalities share the region of Turracher Höhe: Styrian Predlitz-Turrach in the north and the Carinthian municipalities of Reichenau and Albeck in the south. There are no direct roads onto the pass summit from Albeck.
The "divided" village.
For a long time, there were only single farmsteads and accommodations for lumberjacks who chopped wood for the mines and smelting works in Turrach, as well as for the seasonal miners and stonemasons, on the Turracher Höhe. A compact settlement did not develop until tourism emerged in the second half of the 20th century.
Today, the village on the pass summit has around 100 inhabitants, and there are more than 400 secondary residences. Like the Turracher Lake, it belongs partly to the Styrian municipality of Predlitz-Turrach and partly to the Carinthian municipality of Reichenau. The border of the federal states runs roughly through the middle of the village and the lake. The northern part, which belongs to Styria, has the postal code 8864, the southern part on Carinthian territory has the postal code 9565; on the other hand, the telephone area code is the same for the whole village (04275).
Thus, there are formally two villages on Turracher Höhe, where the Styrian part belongs to the district of Turrach in the municipality of Predlitz-Turrach, and the village of "Turracherhöhe" (official spelling) on the Carinthian side is a district of the municipality of Reichenau. But no town signs were installed within the village; a town sign at the entrance of the village announces the Reichenau district of "Turracherhöhe" on the Carinthian side, and a sign bears the inscription "Fremdenverkehrsgebiet Turracher Höhe" (Tourist Region Turracher Höhe) at the entrance to the Styrian village. Those who are not aware of the division of the village due to administrative politics can only suspect that the border between the two states runs here because of the two state flags along the former federal road.
In the wide saddle of the pass summit, where the road runs horizontally for two kilometres, there are two luxury hotels, a resort belonging to the German trade union IG Bau and over 30 small and medium-sized hotels and guest houses. There are many vacation houses in the southern and western stone pine forest, as well as the eastern side of the lake. However, these houses are predominantly concealed by trees or are situated in hollows, so they barely stand out from the natural surroundings.
The facilities include a bank and some shops for athletic items and souvenirs. But there is no grocery store or gasoline station in Turracher Höhe, for example. For a long time, there was also no church or chapel. An ecumenical place of worship was not built until 1985, at the suggestion of the inhabitants. It is administered by the parish of Stadl an der Mur and is available for all Christian creeds.
There is plenty of sunshine during the entire year. Due to the high altitude, there is significantly less cloudiness and fog than in the Drau valley, for example. Thus, the average prevailing temperatures are also favorable: the average temperature in January is between -5.9 and -8.2 °C, in July it is between 10.6 and 11.0 °C, and the yearly median is 1.9 to 2.2 °C. By comparison, Klagenfurt, with a height of 447 m above sea level, is 1300 m lower than Turracher Höhe. Its average temperature in January is -5.8 °C, its average temperature in July is 18.3 °C, and its yearly median is 7.7 °C.
The precipitation of 1,218 mm is rather low for the mountains. Snowfall normally starts in October at the latest, and a dense blanket of snow quickly forms, which remains until April or sometimes even until May. On average, there is snow for 158 days on Turracher Höhe.
First settlements.
The name Turrach is derived from the old term, "Durrach", which was used for a forest, where there are a lot of fallen, dried up ("dürr") trees lying around. The term is widely used in Carinthia, as well as in the rest of Austria.
While the region around today's Predlitz and the Mur was already colonised by Slavs in the 6th century, the first clearings and settlements south of Turracher Höhe are known to be from the early 14th century. Politically, the region was initially part of the duchy of Carinthia, but it was already divided among three territories in the 12th and 13th centuries, due to the splitting off of the Lungau to Salzburg and Murau to the duchy of Styria. Until tourism began to develop in the late 1920s, there had only been a few farmsteads north and south of the pass summit since the late Middle Ages, but no compact settlement. Also Turracher Höhe played no role as a traffic route for a long time. During the Middle Ages and early modern times, connections over the Katschberg in the west and over the Flattnitz in the east were the main traffic routes in the north-south direction, while routes over Turrach had only local importance, e.g. for the transport of salt from the Salzkammergut to Reichenau (first documented mention in 1332), where there was a branch of the toll office.
In the upper Mura valley north of Turracher Höhe, the region around Predlitz (first documented mention in 1311) was sparsely populated because the slopes to the right of the Mura were less suitable for cultivation. During the Middle Ages, the dominant settlement of this region was Murau, which belonged to Liechtenstein. But south of Turracher Höhe, rural colonization around Reichenau, where there was also a regional court in 1520, provided more compact settlements and single farms.
With a certificate issued in Moosheim dating from the year 1256, the Carinthian duke Ulrich III gave the minstrel and poet, Ulrich von Liechtenstein, the sovereign right for mining in the district of Murau, which contains the region around Turracher Höhe. However, concrete indications of mining in the Turrach region cannot be found either in this document or in the following centuries.
In 1657, Johann Adolf Count Schwarzenberg, who ruled Murau, initiated the search for copper ore. In the Steinbachgraben, huge amounts of limonite (a type of iron ore) were found, whereupon the count asked Emperor Leopold I for a license for mining and smelting, which was issued on January 31, 1660. Already in the same year, Johann Adolf ordered the building of a bloomery for smelting iron in Turrach, and in 1662, the first tapping was performed. Initially the mining and smelting took place mainly on the Styrian side around the village at the northern foothill. In 1783, Count Johann Nepomuk Anton of Schwarzenberg ordered the extension of the road, which was 15 km long, from Predlitz to his factory in Turrach, in order to facilitate the ore transport. But there were routes for transporting wood and charcoal above the village, too, which reached today's pass summit.
The general economic crisis resulting from the Napoleonic Wars and their consequences also reached Turrach's mining in the first two decades of the 19th century. Following that, the iron business—under Peter Tunner senior (the father of Peter Tunner), who led the company from 1823 to 1844—underwent a considerable advancement, due to the streamlining of working methods and the introduction of modern technologies. In the middle of the 19th century, the annual quantity of ore delivered by the approximately 60 miners amounted to about 100 to 120,000 quintals (approx. 5,600 to 6,700 t). At that time, mining was only done during the winter, because the ore had to be pulled to the smelting facilities in bags.
As of 1863, a rocking Bessemer converter, which made the steel production more efficient, was used in Turrach. In 1865, three converters with a capacity of 35 to 40 quintals and two blast furnaces were available. At that time, the iron smelting facility was Styria's largest and was considered to be one of the most modern in Europe. In spite of the technical innovations, there was soon an economic decline. As of the 1870s, the sales worsened; the production of raw iron decreased from 3,800 to 1,500 t between 1869 and 1885. Besides increasing coal prices, Turrach's disadvantageous location off the major transport routes caused high transportation costs, which were responsible for the decreasing competitiveness of the iron companies. In 1899, the iron smelting facility was leased out, which brought no improvement, so the furnace in Turrach was finally shut down in the spring of 1909.
Besides iron mining, copper mining occasionally played a role. Other natural resources are small amounts of high-grade anthracite coal, which was mined until the 1950s and 1960s. The mining of cinnabar at the Kornock can already be proven in the 17th century. A former stone pit at Lake Turrach, as well as a magnesium carbonate and a slate pit, are evidence of the mining activities around Turracher Höhe, which however were entirely given up in the course of the 20th century for economic reasons.
Development of tourism.
In the 19th century, the first housing was built on the pass summit at the Turracher Lake. It served as accommodations, as well as for serving the lumberjacks, stonemasons and miners. Thus, it is known that at the provably oldest inn still existing today on the Turracher Höhe, the "Seewirt", there was already an Alpine public house in operation in 1830. Already at the end of the 19th century, the first tourists came for hiking on the Turrach and shortly before the First World War, the first skiers came for extended ski trips. Little by little, other hotels and inns also opened, among which are the "Jägerwirt" (1905), "Siegel" (1911) and "Hochschober" (1929), which still exist today.
It has not been recorded when an old mountain track was converted into a road. On the south side, it is known that the stone "Teufelsbrücke" (Devil's Bridge) was built over the ravine of the Stangenbach in 1893. Between the wars, the streets, which already at that time essentially had the same course they have today, were adapted to the demands of modern automobile traffic. On the south side, bus service was established in 1928, and the bus line Predlitz–Passhöhe followed in the north in 1929. However, the first tourists were nevertheless forced to walk for kilometres to their quarters on the Turracher Höhe in the winter, since the buses could not manage the steep climb under winter conditions. The first private holiday home was erected on a small hill on the north side of Turracher Lake in 1936.
In the winter after the Second World War, the first English tourists already came to Carinthia,
which was occupied by the British troops. They were quartered in the seized businesses of "Siegel", "Hochschober", "Jägerwirt" and in the small holiday home. In 1946, a T-bar lift was built at about the same height as today's Kornockbahn and it was at first reserved for use by the English. Because of that, a lift on the Turracher Alpe is still called "Engländerlift" (Englishman's Lift) today. In the 1950s, the first single chairlift came, and the "Panorambahn", as well. It was replaced in 1983 by a new single chairlift. This was also replaced in September 2006 by a new combination chairlift/cabin-lift. In 1966, the "Pauli Schlepplift" went into operation, named for Paul Pertl, which is still there today. A ski tow on the beginner's meadow was also added. In December 1976, the double chairlift, "Kornockbahn", opened, which was replaced with a six-person chairlift equipped with heated seats. The newest acquisition is the new stone pine forest six-person lift, as of 2006/2007.
As of the 1970s, the crowd of winter athletes on the Turracher Höhe increased and as a result, the gradient of the federal road was evened out little by little by adjustments of the route. From 1978 until 1980, a new section of the road, which had been affected time and again by avalanches, was opened on the Kornock above the old road, with avalanche barriers.
The steepest Alpine road in Europe at times, with a gradient of up to 34% at kilometre 60 (reckoned from Klagenfurt), was also sometimes a test stretch of the automobile manufacturer, Porsche, produced after the Second World War in nearby Gmünd in Carinthia, because of its high demands on automobiles. In January 1978, Audi presented the newly developed Audi Quattro to the company leadership on the Turracher Höhe, where the performance of the new all-wheel drive could be convincingly demonstrated on the steep, curvy and snowy road of the pass.
The pass road has a maximum gradient of "only" 23% today on a short section on the Carinthian side. It is well cleared in the winter and only has to be closed very rarely.
Economy and infrastructure.
The dominant branch of the economy on the Turracher Höhe today is tourism. Besides hotels, inns and ski lift operations, as well as a few small shops and the mineral museum, no businesses are based here. After mining was stopped in the 20th century, the timber industry and forestry are the only "traditional" branch of business still existing on the Turracher Höhe, aside from a few small agricultural operations.
Lumber and forestry.
There are still large expanses of woodlands in the Mura valley and in the region between Predlitz and the Turracher Höhe even today in family ownership, which come from the lands acquired by the House of Schwarzenberg in 1623. They are managed by the ""Fürstlich Schwarzenberg'schen Familienstiftung" (Prince Schwarzenberg Family Foundation). The area managed by the forest administration in Turrach in the region of the municipality of Predlitz-Turrach is 8,411 ha in total, of which 5,804 ha are commercial forest and barrier woodlands, as well as 2,607 ha of Alpine and miscellaneous areas at an altitude between 930 and 2,434 metre above sea level. The trees felled by the forest administration of Turrach amount to around 24,000 solid cubic metres (or stères) per year, of which 79% is from clearcutting and 21% is from selection cutting.
The woodlands on the southern side of the Turracher Höhe are also privately owned for the most part; 90% of the entire forest land of the municipality of Reichenau is distributed over plots of land of under 200 ha. The yield is mostly sold as logs; there are no sawmills or other wood processing operations in the immediate vicinity of the Turracher Höhe.
Water supply.
Drinking water is supplied from two springs near the Grün Lake and a further one from Kornock. The quality of the drinking water and of the Turrach lakes is very good, since the community is connected to a public sewerage system which was built from 1967 through 1972, so that the accumulated waste water is diverted over the Reichenau plain to purification plants in Feldkirchen. The Turracher Lake was the first lake in Carinthia for which a sewerage plant was entirely completed.
The Turracher Höhe was first connected in 1957 to the public electric supply system of KELAG, an Austrian electric company based in Klagenfurt. Up until then, electricity was produced by generators by each piece of property. With the construction of a district heating plant in 1997, hotels and many vacation homes are connected to an environmentally friendly supply of heating.
The Turracher Straße (B95) crossing the Turracher Höhe has a comparatively low importance as a national north-south connection between Carinthia and the federal states bordering to the north, Salzburg and Styria. It was known as the steepest Carinthian pass road, however, it is more gentle today because the roadway was moved, so that no escape route is necessary. The roads which are used considerably more by long-distance traffic are the Tauernautobahn (A10) and the Katschberg Straße (B99) from Bischofshofen to Spittal on the west, which runs parallel to the A10, and the Friesacher Straße (B317) from Judenburg to Klagenfurt east of the Turracher Höhe.
The Turracher Höhe is only sparsely served by public transportation. From Predlitz, where the "Predlitz Turracher Höhe"" train station of the Murtalbahn is located, a bus line of the "Verkehrsverbund Steiermark" (Styrian Transport Association) runs to the pass summit a few times a day, and the same for a bus connection of the ÖBB ("Österreichischen Bundesbahnen", Austrian Federal Railways) to Reichenau and further to Klagenfurt.
The Turracher Höhe was developed for summer tourism as well as winter tourism. There were 233,000 overnight stays registered recently, two-thirds of them in the winter season of 2004/05 and one third in the summer season of 2005. A total of 1,350 commercial and 570 private beds were offered for guests. On average, 320 people are employed in the tourism trade per year. The extension of the tourist offerings has happened in a careful and natural way since the first national regional development concept of 1963. A development model for the years 2005 through 2015 (see External links) plans further development according to these principles. In summer of 2007, the new 1600 m long year-round toboggan run was opened.
Winter tourism.
In winter, five chairlifts (one of them a combined gondola-chairlift beside the year-round toboggan run) and nine T-bar lifts along the 38 ski runs begin operation. The "Hausberg" is the Kornock (2.193 m), with two chairlifts running along its eastern slope, the Kornockbahn and the Panoramabahn. The station at the bottom of the Kornockbahn lift is in the middle of the village and also runs in the summer. On the northern slope of the Turracher Höhe, there is a demanding FIS ski run into the Turrach valley. In the eastern and western flanks of the saddle, there are longer ski runs of easy to medium difficulty.
In total, 25 km of cross-country ski runs have been laid, with winter hiking paths beside them. On the lake, areas for ice skating and curling are kept free of snow. The ""Seetaxi" is unique. It is a snowmobile with holding rods, which shuttles along the border between Styria and Carinthia between the ski lifts east and west of the lake and pulls skiers over the frozen lake without charge.
Summer tourism.
The Turracher Lake is seldom used for swimming in the summer, since the water temperature rarely goes above 18 °C. That is why the offerings for summer tourism, which has only about half as many visitors as during the winter months, is essentially limited to the numerous hiking paths around the lakes and in the surrounding mountainous country. Five hiking trails are marked as so-called "Geopfade" (Geo-paths), with display boards describing places worth noticing ("Geopunkte"", Geo-points) along the way. In the summer, two chair lifts and the toboggan run are also in operation.
In addition, the Turracher Höhe is at the eastern edge of the Nationalpark Nockberge. About one kilometre before the Reichenau plain, the Nockalmstraße, a toll road, branches off to the national park from the Turracher Straße.
The privately operated museum, "Alpin+Art+Gallery", was founded in 1960 as a small mineral museum and it was expanded and newly conceived in 2000. The original museum was in a converted "Troadkåstn", as the grain silos in Carinthia are named. During the expansion, an additional building with 400 m² of exhibition space was added.
In the village of Turrach at the foot of the Turracher Höhe, there is another museum, ""Holz und Eisen" (Wood and Iron), which exhibits items from the time of mining in the region and also offers tours of the old buildings and mining tunnels. Additional articles from the mining and smelting operations can be viewed in the "Eisensaal"" (Iron Hall) of Castle Murau. The famous Bessemer converter from Turrach is in the "Technische Museum" in Vienna today.
The geological construction of the Turracher Höhe is characterised by various kinds of rock, as well as the effects of the tectonic movements, which became visible here and finally led to the formation of the Alps in the late Mesozoic era about 100 million years ago. The eastern Central Alps got their current structure at the end of the Tertiary Period.
From the geological viewpoint, the Turracher Höhe and its further surroundings belong to the "Gurktal layer", whose Paleozoic rocks slid over the more recent rock layer of the so-called "Stangalm Triassic Period". On and under the course of the sliding, there are a whole series of smaller and larger deposits of siderite and limonite. Those are among the ones in Steinbachgraben and Rohrerwald near Turrach, which were the basis for the iron smelting there.
The most commonly appearing minerals on the Turracher Höhe are the "Gurktal phyllite" (created in the Lower Silurian) and "Eisenhutschiefer" (Upper Silurian to Middle Devonian), and on the other side of the Gurktal layer also Altkristallin (paragneiss, mica schist, amphibolite), some of which were created in the Ediacaran Period. The narrow strips of the "Stangalm Triassic Period", which lie between them, consist of limestone and dolomite.
During the various ice ages of the Quaternary Period, the Turracher Höhe was glaciated. In the Würm glaciation, there were partial currents of the Mura glacier, which flowed out of the feeding area of the Niederen Tauern to the south. About 20,000 years ago, a strong warming within 1,000 to 1,500 years made the glacial net melt off. As a rare relic of the Würm ice age, there is a glacial mill west of Turracher Lake. Further effects of the glaciation can be observed in the shape of the terrain, as well as in many individual places of the Turracher Höhe. The rounded off mountain tops with tub-like depressions between them (cirques) are the results of the tectonic movements as well as the glaciation. One example of that is the Hohe Kor. There is also a further result of ice age glacial activity there, a moraine embankment.
Turrach Lakes.
There are three lakes on the Turracher Höhe. According to legend, they were formed from the tears God shed when He saw the beauty He had created. By far the largest of them is the Turracher See (Turracher Lake), with an area of 19.4 ha. About 300 m away towards the east is the Schwarzsee (Black Lake, 2.6 ha). In the southern direction is the Grünsee (Green Lake, 1.48 ha). The two smaller lakes, left to nature, are less well known, since they are in a protected landscape area and no building is allowed on their shores, and because they can only be reached by footpaths.
The surface of the up to 33 metre deep Turracher See is completely frozen over for up to six months of the year. Since water from the lake is used to create artificial snow, the water level in the lake can vary by a few metres in the winter.
Aside from the lakes, marshes and bogs were also formed from the glaciers of the ice age because of the high level of the ground water. In the area of the pass summit, there are various types of bogs. In the area of the pass summit there are mainly fens with some smaller transitional mires and raised bogs. On the Kornock there is a vale moor in more than 2,000 m above sea level. The most important bog area adjoins the Schwarzsee and is probably a part of this body of water which has already silted up.
The Turracher Höhe is in the area between montane and alpine vegetation. From the lower areas going upwards, there are secondary spruce forests, interrupted by commercial grasslands, spruce-larch forests, stone pine and stone pine-larch forests, then heaths of dwarf shrubs and subalpine and alpine grasses.
The predominant, extensive stands of stone pine ("Pinus pinea") here are worth commenting on. They belong to the largest in Carinthia. The subalpine forests are often thinned out like a park, with an undergrowth including the ubiquitous rusty-leaved alpenrose ("Rhododendron ferrugineum"), as well as the alpine juniper ("Juniperus communis" subsp. "alpina") and the spotted gentian ("Gentiana punctata"). On the Rauterriegel southeast of the Eisenhut, there is a spruce forest with a lot of stone pines. In the green alder ("Alnus viridis") bushes at the avalanche slope southeast of the Rinsennock, there are many herbaceous tall forbs, such as monkshood ("Aconitum napellus" subsp. "tauricum"), masterwort ("Peucedanum ostruthium"), and Austrian doronicum ("Doronicum austriacum"). On the Kilnprein, there are large fields of mugo pine ("Pinus mugo").
On the pass summit, there is a transitional mire: in the mud sedge bog ("Caricetum limosae" plant community) grow, in addition to the mud sedge ("Carex limosa", endangered) which gives the name of the plant community, also the lesser twayblade ("Neottia cordata") and the dwarf birch ("Betula nana"). In the fen south of the Schwarzsee, a brown sedge marsh ("Caricetum fuscae subalpinum" community) with the endangered species common sedge (or brown sedge, "Carex nigra"), round-leaved sundew ("Drosera rotundifolia") and bastard sundew ("D." x "obovata"), as well as dwarf birch. There is a vale mire on the Kornock. Aside from the dominant deer-hair sedge ("Trichophorum cespitosum"), there are alpine bartsia ("Bartsia alpina"), alpine butterwort ("Pinguicula alpina") and bog-bean ("Menyanthes trifoliata").
In the subalpine mat-grass grasslands ("Aveno-Nardetum" plant community) are found the spring pasqueflower ("Pulsatilla vernalis"), the alpine pasqueflower ("Pulsatilla alpina") and Scheuchzer's bellflower ("Campanula scheuchzeri"). In the alpine bent sedge grasslands ("Caricetum curvulae"), there are red-flowered dwarf primula ("Primula minima") and sticky primrose ("Primula glutinosa"). In the coloured fescue grasslands on the south-facing steep slopes, there are the villous primula ("Primula villosa", "red spike") in the dark blue flowered form endemic to the northern alps. In the "Polsterfluren", Wulf's androsace ("Androsace wulfeniana"), endemic to the eastern alps, and Wulf's houseleek ("Sempervivum wulfenii") grow.
In the region of the Turracher Höhe, the entire spectrum of the Alpine animal world is found, with the exception of the ibex, which was never indigenous here. Besides hoofed game animals (red deer, chamois, roe deer) and the corvids (raven, jackdaw, magpie), there are also four members of the pheasant family (capercaillie, black grouse, willow grouse and hazel grouse) in stable populations. In predatory game animals, there are fox, badger, pine marten, stone marten, European polecat, ermine and least weasel. Birds of prey, such as goshawk, Eurasian sparrowhawk, European kestrel, golden eagle, as well as more rarely Eurasian hobby and peregrine are also seen here. From the nocturnal birds of prey, there are the Eurasian eagle-owl, tawny owl, Tengmalm's owl and Eurasian pygmy-owl. There are also marmots.
Carboniferous Period flora of the "Stangalpe".
In the approximately 300 million year old slate from the Carboniferous Period, fossilised plants had already been found in the late 18th century. Scientifically recorded for the first time in 1835 by Ami Boué, there are 72 species of coal forest plants from the "Stangalpe" known today, among which are the giant horsetails ("Calamites"), "Sigillaria", ferns ("Pecopteris"), "Cordaites" and conifers ("Dicranophyllum").
"All references are in German."
<doc id="8725196" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725196" title="Liberal sect of Christianity">
Liberal sect of Christianity
<doc id="8725200" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725200" title="Tulasi (film)">
Tulasi (film)
Tulasi is a 2007 Indian Telugu-language action drama film, produced by D.Suresh Babu on Suresh Productions banner and directed by Boyapati Srinu. It stars Venkatesh, Nayantara in lead roles and music is composed by Devi Sri Prasad.
Parvataneni Tulasi Ram is a native of Rayalaseema. As his region is well known for factional feuds, his father Dasaratha Ramayya keeps him away in Hyderabad, gets him educated, and makes him an architect. Once, he comes across Vasundhara and later marries her. When Vasu turns pregnant, Tulasi takes her to their native place. Tulasi turns violent when a rival faction pushes his father. Later, the factional feuds continue to haunt him. When Vasu's brother Harsha dies in the attack by factionists, Vasu could not digest the violence and deserts Tulasi with their son Harsha. Later, Tulasi learns that Harsha has a blood clot in his brain, and it may cause a hemorrhage. With the help of Dr. Surekha, Tulasi summons specialists from abroad to get Harsha operated on. When everything is ready for the surgery, Veeranna, a gangster takes away the boy as both of his sons were killed by Tulasi. In the climax, Tulasi kills Veeranna to save his son's life. The film ends with Vasu and Tulasi reuniting.
Music composed by Devi Sri Prasad. Music released on ADITYA Music Company. Audio of "Tulasi" was launched at a function arranged in the song set at Rama Naidu studios in the evening of 22 September 2007. K. Raghavendra Rao, D. Ramanaidu and KL Narayana attended this function as guests. K. Raghavendra Rao released the audio cassette and gave the first unit to D. Ramanaidu. D. Ramanaidu released the audio CD and gave the first unit to Shriya Saran.
The film released with 290 prints worldwide, in 312 screens in India which includes 20 screens in Andhra Pradesh, 21 screens in Karnataka and 7 screens in Tamil Nadu. The film had a 50-day run in 225 centres and was declared a super hit. It was later dubbed and released in Tamil and Malayalam with the same title and in Hindi as "The Real Man Hero".
<doc id="8725203" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725203" title="Club Martín Ledesma">
Club Martín Ledesma
Club General Martín Ledesma, is a Paraguayan football club based in the city of Capiatá in the Central Department. The club was founded 22 September 1914 and plays in the Primera Division B, the third-tier of Paraguayan football. Their home games are played at the Estadio Enrique Soler.
The club was founded on September 22, 1914 in the building of the Graduada Doble School under the supervision of the school director Mr. Enrique Soler. In the meeting, it was decided to create an institution to develop the practice of sports in the city of Capiatá and the name "General Martín Ledesma Football Club" was chosen for the institution in honor of the founder of the mentioned city, General Don Martín Ledesma de Balderrama.
The first ever board in 1914 consisted of:
Arsenio Ayala, José Sosa, José Emiliano Céspedes, Juan Cappa and José Arrúa were also members of the board.
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The One with the Fertility Test
<doc id="8725215" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725215" title="Bernard W. Bell">
Bernard W. Bell
<doc id="8725230" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725230" title="Pleasant View, Colorado">
Pleasant View, Colorado
Pleasant View is an unincorporated community and a U.S. Post Office located in Montezuma County, Colorado, United States. The Pleasant View Post Office has the ZIP Code 81331.
Pleasant View should not be confused with the census-designated places in Jefferson County known as West Pleasant View and East Pleasant View.
Several historic places near or in Pleasant View are on the Colorado State Register of Historic Properties or the National Register of Historic Places:
Pleasant View is located at (37.588391,-108.765850).
The median income for a household was $16,631 in 2009. In 2000, the median income for a household was $45,897.
The median resident age was 38.6 years.
Pleasant View Public Schools are part of the Montezuma-Cortez School District RE-1. The district has one preschool, five elementary schools, one middle school and one high school.
Pleasant View Elementary School is located in Pleasant View. The other schools in the district are located in Cortez, and include Montezuma-Cortez RE-1 Pre-School, Kemper Elementary School, Lewis-Arriola Elementary School, Manaugh Elementary School, Mesa Elementary Schools, Cortez Middle School and Montezuma-Cortez High School. The high school mascot is the Panthers.
<doc id="8725232" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725232" title="2007 Bangkok bombings">
2007 Bangkok bombings
<doc id="8725233" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725233" title="Lee Hood">
Lee Hood
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German organ schools
The 17th century organ composers of Germany can be divided into two primary schools: the north German school and the south German school (sometimes a third school, central German, is added). The stylistic differences were dictated not only by teacher-pupil traditions and international influences, but also by separate organ building traditions: northern organs tend to have a tower layout with emphasis on the pedal division, while southern and Austrian instruments are typically divided around a window and emphasize manual divisions.
North German organ school.
The composer who is now considered the founder of this school is Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck, a Dutch composer (a student of his father Pieter Swybbertszoon and of Gioseffo Zarlino in Venice). Sweelinck's fame as a teacher was very widespread (in Germany he was known as the "maker of organists"), as was his influence. However, the English keyboard school withered during the first half of the 17th century, and the Dutch composers after Sweelinck were either not on his level (Anthoni van Noordt) or left too few compositions to make any significant mark on the history of European music (Pieter Cornet). Sweelinck's influence therefore was primarily important in Germany, Heinrich Scheidemann and Gottfried Scheidt being the first major composers to study under him.
Later northerners like Franz Tunder, Georg Böhm and Johann Adam Reincken all cultivated a harmonically and rhythmically complex improvisatory style rooted in the chorale improvisation tradition. Forms such as the organ prelude (a multi-sectional composition with numerous flourishes and embellishments such as scale runs, arpeggios and complex counterpoint) and the chorale fantasia (a musical setting of a whole verse of the chorale text, resulting in a multi-sectional composition with contrasting sections for different lines) were developed almost exclusively by north German composers. Dieterich Buxtehude's work represents the pinnacle of this tradition; the "praeludia" form the core of his work. Nikolaus Bruhns was the most important of Buxtehude's pupils, but he died early and only a few works by him survive.
The quality of north German organs improved vastly during the 17th and early 18th century. The instruments would typically have two or more manuals, a pedalboard and a wide range of stops; this contributed to the style cultivated across the region as the majority of large-scale works require considerable pedal skills and benefit from larger, more versatile organs.
South German organ school.
The tradition of the south was shaped by composers who travelled to Italy or studied under Italian masters. The first important southerner was Johann Jakob Froberger, who visited Italy and France and cultivated Italian idioms in his toccatas (influenced by Girolamo Frescobaldi and Giovanni de Macque) and the French lutenists' "style brisé" in his harpsichord suites – he was also the first to establish the standard model for the suite, which was later used by both south and north German composers. Froberger's influence was felt all over Europe and extended far into the future: Albrechtsberger, Beethoven's teacher, knew and respected Froberger's work, and a copy of a part of one of his composition exists in the hand of Mozart.
Froberger did not have any significant pupils, but the other important southerner, Johann Kaspar Kerll, did achieve fame as a teacher and influenced numerous composers. Kerll initially studied under Giovanni Valentini, an Italian composer who worked in Vienna; he then travelled to Italy and visited many more regions of Europe. Kerll's influence was perhaps short-lived compared to Froberger's (the most important fact here being Händel's frequent borrowing from Kerll's work), but he was a model (perhaps even taught) for the Nuremberg-born Johann Pachelbel, whose work is the highest point of the south German tradition.
Typical south German organs differed from their northern counterparts and could have only a dozen or two stops, sometimes a single manual and, occasionally, no pedal; much like many Italian instruments. The music of south German composers on the whole concentrates more on melody, harmonic clarity and sound; genre-wise, Italian models were adopted and resulted in German versions of the toccata, a special brand of improvisatory preludes, and ostinato variation forms: chaconnes and passacaglias. Perhaps the last significant southerner was Johann Heinrich Buttstett, Pachelbel's pupil, who continued the trends set by his teacher but did not achieve any considerable fame; it appears that numerous works by him are now lost.
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Amalya L. Kearse
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Derivation of parabolic form
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Antena (album)
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Mohamed Dheere
<doc id="8725263" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725263" title="Tommy Briercliffe">
Tommy Briercliffe
Thomas Briercliffe (1874–1948) was an English footballer.
Briercliffe played either as a winger or a forward. As a youth he played for Bacup and Clitheroe before turning professional and joining Blackburn Rovers in 1897. He spent three seasons with Rovers, scoring five times in 1897–98 and two more in 1898–99. He spent 1900–01 at Stalybridge Rovers before joining Woolwich Arsenal in May 1901.
Briercliffe made an immediate impact at Arsenal; he made his debut on 2 September 1901 against Barnsley and was an ever-present in 1901–02, becoming the Second Division side's top scorer. Although he was not top scorer again in his Arsenal career, he remained in the side as they won promotion to the First Division in 1903–04, scoring 91 goals in the league. By now he chiefly played on the wing, and remained at the side in their first season in the top flight (1904–05), before being surprisingly sold back to Blackburn Rovers in April 1905. In all, he played 133 games for Arsenal, scoring 34 goals.
Briercliffe soon left Blackburn for Plymouth Argyle, and he saw out his career with Brentford, although he never appeared, and Darwen.
<doc id="8725270" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725270" title="Laws of Association Football">
Laws of Association Football
<doc id="8725271" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725271" title="Powderhorn, Colorado">
Powderhorn, Colorado
Powderhorn is an unincorporated community and a U.S. Post Office in Gunnison County, Colorado, United States. The Powderhorn Post Office has the ZIP Code 81243.
A post office called Powderhorn was established in 1880. Some say the community was named from a nearby landform in the shape of a powderhorn, while others believe an old powderhorn found near the town site caused the name to be selected.
Powderhorn is located at (38.276732,-107.095242).
Climate type is dominated by the winter season, a long, bitterly cold period with short, clear days, relatively little precipitation mostly in the form of snow, and low humidity. The Köppen Climate Classification sub-type for this climate is "Dfc" (Continental Subarctic Climate).
<doc id="8725280" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725280" title="Witchland">
<doc id="8725285" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725285" title="Derivations of conic sections">
Derivations of conic sections
<doc id="8725295" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725295" title="Maryline Salvetat">
Maryline Salvetat
Maryline Salvetat (born 12 February 1974) is a French cyclist born in Castres. She participates in road cycling as well as in cyclo-cross and mountain biking. In 2002, 2004, and 2005 she became French national champion in cyclo-cross. In 2004, she also won the silver medal at the cyclo-cross European and World Championships.
<doc id="8725303" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725303" title="Comparison of high-definition optical disc formats">
Comparison of high-definition optical disc formats
This article compares the technical specifications of multiple high-definition formats, including HD DVD and Blu-ray Disc; two mutually incompatible, high-definition optical disc formats that, beginning in 2006, attempted to improve upon and eventually replace the DVD standard. The two formats remained in a format war until February 19, 2008, when Toshiba, HD DVD's creator, announced plans to cease development, manufacturing and marketing of HD DVD players and recorders.
Other high-definition optical disc formats were attempted, including the multi-layered red-laser Versatile Multilayer Disc and a Chinese-made format called EVD. Both appear to have been abandoned by their respective developers.
Technical details.
a These maximum storage capacities apply to currently released media as of January 2012. First two layers of Blu-ray have a 25 GB capacity, but the triple layer disc adds a further 50 GB making 100 GB total. The fourth layer adds a further 28 GB. <br>
b All HD DVD players are required to decode the two primary channels (left and right) of any Dolby TrueHD track; however, every Toshiba made stand-alone HD DVD player released thus far decodes 5.1 channels of TrueHD.<br>
c On November 1, 2007 Secondary video and audio decoder became mandatory for new Blu-ray Disc players when the Bonus View requirement came into effect. However, players introduced to the market before this date can continue to be sold without Bonus View.<br>
d There are some differences in the implementation of Dolby Digital Plus (DD+) on the two formats. On Blu-ray Disc, DD+ can only be used to extend a primary Dolby Digital (DD) 5.1 audiotrack. In this method 640 kbit/s is allocated to the primary DD 5.1 audiotrack (which is independently playable on players that do not support DD+), and up to 1 Mbit/s is allocated for the DD+ extension. The DD+ extension is used to replace the rear channels of the DD track with higher fidelity versions, along with adding additional channels for 6.1/7.1 audiotracks. On HD DVD, DD+ is used to encode all channels (up to 7.1), and no legacy DD track is required since all HD DVD players are required to decode DD+.<br>
e On PAL DVDs, 24 frame per second content is stored as 50 interlaced frames per second and gets replayed 4% faster. This process can be reversed to retrieve the original 24 frame per second content. On NTSC DVDs, 24 frame per second content is stored as 60 interlaced frames per second using a process called 3:2 pulldown, which if done properly can also be reversed.<br>
f As of July 2008, about 66.7% of Blu-ray discs are region free and 33.3% use region codes.<br>
g DVD supports any valid MPEG-2 refresh rate as long as it is packaged with metadata converting it to 576i50 or 480i60, This metadata takes the form of REPEAT_FIRST_FIELD instructions embedded in the MPEG-2 stream itself, and is a part of the MPEG-2 standard. HD DVD is the only high-def disc format that can decode 1080p25 while Blu-ray and HD DVD can both decode 1080p24 and 1080p30. 1080p25 content can only be presented on Blu-ray as 1080i50.<br>
h Linear PCM is the only lossless audio codec that is mandatory for both HD DVD and Blu-ray disc players, only HD DVD players are required to decode two lossless sound formats and those are Linear PCM and Dolby TrueHD. Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio have become sound format of choice for many studios on their Blu-ray titles but ever since Blu-ray won the format war, it has not become clear if they are now Mandatory for all new Blu-ray disc players since the end of the format war.
Blu-ray Disc has a higher maximum disc capacity than HD DVD (50 GB vs. 30 GB for a double layered disc). In September 2007 the DVD Forum approved a preliminary specification for the triple-layer 51GB HD DVD (ROM only) disc though Toshiba never stated whether it was compatible with existing HD DVD players. In September 2006 TDK announced a prototype Blu-ray Disc with a capacity of 200GB. TDK was also the first to develop a Blu-ray prototype with a capacity of 100GB in May 2005. In October 2007 Hitachi developed a Blu-ray prototype with a capacity of 100GB. Hitachi has stated that current Blu-ray drives would only require a few firmware updates in order to play the disc.
The first 50 GB dual-layer Blu-ray Disc release was the movie "Click", which was released on October 10, 2006. As of July 2008, over 95% of Blu-ray movies/games are published on 50 GB dual layer discs with the remainder on 25 GB discs. 85% of HD DVD movies are published on 30 GB dual layer discs, with the remainder on 15 GB discs.
The choice of video compression technology (codec) complicates any comparison of the formats. Blu-ray Disc and HD DVD both support the same three video compression standards: MPEG-2, VC-1 and AVC, each of which exhibits different bitrate/noise-ratio curves, visual impairments/artifacts, and encoder maturity. Initial Blu-ray Disc titles often used MPEG-2 video, which requires the highest average bitrate and thus the most space, to match the picture quality of the other two video codecs. As of July 2008 over 70% of Blu-ray Disc titles have been authored with the newer compression standards: AVC and VC-1. HD DVD titles have used VC-1 and AVC almost exclusively since the format's introduction. Warner Bros., which used to release movies in both formats prior to June 1, 2007, often used the same encode (with VC-1 codec) for both Blu-ray Disc and HD DVD, with identical results. In contrast, Paramount used different encodings: initially MPEG-2 for early Blu-ray Disc releases, VC-1 for early HD DVD releases, and eventually AVC for both formats.
Whilst the two formats support similar audio codecs, their usage varies. Most titles released on the Blu-ray format include Dolby Digital tracks for each language in the region, a DTS-HD Master Audio track for all 20th Century Fox and Sony Pictures and many upcoming Universal titles, Dolby TrueHD for Disney and Sony Pictures and some Paramount and Warner titles, and for many Blu-ray titles a Linear PCM track for the primary language. On the other hand, most titles released on the HD DVD format include Dolby Digital Plus tracks for each language in the region, and some also include a Dolby TrueHD track for the primary language.
Both Blu-ray Disc and HD DVD have two main options for interactivity (on-screen menus, bonus features, etc.).
HD DVD's Standard Content is a minor change from standard DVD's subpicture technology, while Blu-ray's BDMV is completely new. This makes transitioning from standard DVD to Standard Content HD DVD relatively simple —for example, Apple's DVD Studio Pro has supported authoring Standard Content since version 4.0.3. For more advanced interactivity Blu-ray disc supports BD-J while HD DVD supports Advanced Content.
Disc construction.
Blu-ray Discs contain their data relatively close to the surface (less than 0.1 mm) which combined with the smaller spot size presents a problem when the surface is scratched as data would be destroyed. To overcome this, TDK, Sony, and Panasonic each have developed a proprietary scratch resistant surface coating. TDK trademarked theirs as Durabis, which has withstood direct abrasion by steel wool and marring with markers in tests.
HD DVD uses traditional material and has the same scratch and surface characteristics of a regular DVD. The data is at the same depth (0.6 mm) as DVD as to minimize damage from scratching. As with DVD the construction of the HD DVD allows for a second side of either HD DVD or DVD.
A study performed by Home Media Magazine (August 5, 2007) concluded that HD DVDs and Blu-ray discs are essentially equal in production cost. Quotes from several disc manufacturers for 25,000 units of HD DVDs and Blu-rays revealed a price differential of only 5-10 cents. (Lowest price: 90 cents versus 100 cents. Highest price: $1.45 versus $1.50.) Another study performed by Wesley Tech (February 9, 2007) arrived at a similar conclusion. Quotes for 10,000 discs show that a 15 gigabyte HD DVD costs $11,500 total, and 25 gigabyte Blu-ray or a 30 gigabyte HD DVD costs $13,000 total. For larger quantities of 100,000 units, the 30 gigabyte HD DVD was more expensive than the 25 gigabyte Blu-ray ($1.55 versus $1.49).
While there is a HD-DVD variant that acts as a successor for the DVD-RAM, the HD DVD-RAM, a "BD-RAM" has never been released. Although the BD-RE has unrestricted random writing access capabilities, its rewrite cycle count of around 1000 times is much lower than the potential 100.000 rewrite cycles of some DVD-RAM variants.
Hybrid discs.
At the Consumer Electronics Show, on 4 January 2007, Warner Bros. introduced a hybrid technology, Total HD, which would reportedly support both formats on a single disc. The new discs were to overlay the Blu-ray and HD DVD layers, placing them respectively and beneath the surface. The Blu-ray top layer would act as a two-way mirror, reflecting just enough light for a Blu-ray reader to read and an HD DVD player to ignore.
Later that year, however, in September 2007, Warner President Ron Sanders said that the technology was on hold due to Warner being the only company who would publish on it.
One year after the original announcement, on 4 January 2008, Warner Bros. stated that it would support the Blu-ray format exclusively beginning on 1 June 2008, which, along with the demise of HD DVD the following month, ended development of hybrid discs permanently.
Copy protection.
The primary copy protection system used on both formats is the Advanced Access Content System (AACS). Other copy protection systems include:
Region coding.
The Blu-ray specification and all currently available players support region coding. As of July 2008 about 66.7% of Blu-ray Disc titles are region-free and 33.3% use region codes.
The HD DVD specification had no region coding, so a HD DVD from anywhere in the world will work in any player. The DVD Forum's steering committee discussed a request from Disney to add it, but many of the 20 companies on the committee actively opposed it.
Some film titles that were exclusive to Blu-ray in the United States such as Sony's "xXx", Fox's "" and "The Prestige", were released on HD DVD in other countries due to different distribution agreements; for example, "The Prestige" was released outside the U.S. by once format-neutral studio Warner Bros. Pictures. Since HD DVDs had no region coding, there are no restrictions playing foreign-bought HD DVDs in an HD DVD player.
<doc id="8725304" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725304" title="Arthur Malet">
Arthur Malet
Arthur Malet (24 September 1927 – 18 May 2013) was an English stage, film and television actor based in the United States. He was known for his films "Mary Poppins", "Halloween," "The Secret of NIMH," and "Hook". His last film was "" in which he did the voice for Mr. Ages.
Life and career.
Vivian Arthur Rivers Malet was born on 24 September 1927 in Lee-on-the-Solent, Hampshire, England, the son of Henry Guy Rivers Malet and Olga Muriel Balfour; a scion of the Malet baronets. He emigrated to the United States in the 1950s, changed his forename to Arthur, began acting onstage, and won two Drama Desk Awards in 1957. He came to some prominence in 1960s films, often playing characters much older than his real age, such as Mr. Dawes, Jr., in Disney's "Mary Poppins" (1964), and King Eidilleg in Disney's 1985 animated film "The Black Cauldron".
He played undertaker Ted Ulam in Norman Jewison's 1967 film "In the Heat of the Night", and Joe Fenwick in a 1972 episode of "Columbo", "Dagger of the Mind". He went on to play a village elder in Mel Brooks's "Young Frankenstein" in 1974, the graveyard keeper in John Carpenter's "Halloween" in 1978, a houseman in the 1984 film "Oh God, You Devil", Tootles in 1991's "Hook", and Owen Owens in the 1992 film "Toys".
His appearances on television included episodes of "The Donna Reed Show", "The Rifleman", "Adventures in Paradise", "The Alfred Hitchcock Hour" ("The McGregor Affair"; originally aired 23 November 1964), and "Bewitched" ("The Trial and Error of Aunt Clara"; originally aired 2 February 1967), "Wonder Woman" and "Dallas". In 1965 he appeared as murder victim Ralph Day in the "Perry Mason" episode, "The Case of the Golden Venom." He played a vagrant who claimed to have stolen Aunt Bea's pin on "The Andy Griffith Show" in 1966. In 1969 Malet appeared as the Night Clerk on the TV Series "The Virginian" in the episode titled "Journey to Scathelock." In 1995, he portrayed Charles Randolph in "A Little Princess". In 1997, he did voice work in "Anastasia". He voiced the character of "Mr. Ages" in "The Secret of NIMH" in 1982 and reprised the role in "" in 1998. Malet had a regular role on the short-lived 1983 TVseries adaptation of the film "Casablanca".
Malet died on 18 May 2013 at age 85, in Vigeois, Correze, Nouvelle Aquitaine France
<doc id="8725319" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725319" title="Mick Softley">
Mick Softley
Michael Softley (26 September 1939 – 1 September 2017) was an English singer-songwriter and guitarist. A figurehead during the British folk scene, Softley set up his own folk club, released three albums and worked with performers such as Mac MacLeod, Donovan, and Maddy Prior. Donovan covered two of Softley's songs ("Goldwatch Blues" and "The War Drags On") in 1965. Dave Berry also covered two of Softley's songs ("Walk Walk Talk Talk" and "I Love You Baby") in 1966.
Early life.
Born at Danbury Palace Emergency Maternity Hospital, South Woodford, Softley grew up in Essex near Epping Forest. His mother was of Irish origin (from County Cork) and his father had East Anglian tinker roots, going back to a few generations. Softley first took up trombone in school and became interested in traditional jazz. He was later persuaded to become a singer by one of his school teachers, and this led to him listening to Big Bill Broonzy and promptly changed his attitude to music, to the extent of him buying a mail-order guitar and some tutorial books and teaching himself to play.
By 1959, Mick Softley had left his job and home and spent time travelling around Europe on his motorbike, with a friend, Mick Rippingale. He ended up in Paris, where he came into the company of musicians such as Clive Palmer, Ramblin' Jack Elliott, and Wizz Jones. Here he improved his guitar skills and spent time busking with friends until his return to England in the early 1960s. He set up a folk club at The Spinning Wheel in Hemel Hempstead.
"Songs for Swingin' Survivors".
Softley began singing in 'The Cock', a pub in St Albans, which was a hang out for beatniks and hippies and attracted musicians down from London. Informal sessions were common. This was where he met a young Donovan Leitch, to whom he taught cross-picking guitar techniques. (Leitch later cited Softley as a "major influence").
Donovan was soon snapped up by a record label and shot to stardom, but this enabled him to bring Softley to the attention of producers and record companies. His first release was the 1965 single "I'm So Confused", released by Immediate Records.
He went on to work with Peter Eden and Geoff Stephens, and his debut album "Songs For Swinging Survivors", which was a purely folk record. The album featured only Softley and his acoustic guitar and includes the songs "The War Drags On" (covered by Donovan on his "Universal Soldier" EP), and Softley's own interpretations of Billie Holiday's "Strange Fruit", and Woody Guthrie's "The Plains of the Buffalo".
In 1964 he opened a folk club, in the Spinning Wheel restaurant in Hemel Hempstead. It was shut down by the police after only a year, however, for "various reasons", mainly health and safety; a very small basement room, with only one way in (and out). Softley did not look back on this time favourably claiming during production he had gone "through a lot of hells and no heavens, a terrifying amount of personal pain" to the extent that he quit the music business for over four years. During this time he survived as a market trader in Hemel Hempstead, fathered two children, in 1963 and 1964, and still played gigs frequently in folk clubs around the south east. He returned to life on the road in 1968. Due to contractual issues he never received any royalties in the later years.
"Sunrise" and "Street Singer".
After his absence, Softley returned with an electric group, Soft Cloud, Loud Earth. The group was soon trimmed down to a duo consisting of Softley and Mac MacLeod called Soft Cloud. They only performed a few times before they split up and Softley went on to pursue a solo career. Meeting Donovan again, he was persuaded to record for a second time. This time Tony Cox was on board for production and Softley claimed that "everybody all along the line was really good. Totally different to what I'd been through five years before – No-one was trying to make a fast penny out of me, and they were prepared to let me do everything exactly how I wanted to". Softley recorded three albums during this period, which have a different tone from the first album, due to the variety of instruments and styles showcased on these albums, from upbeat rock ("Can You Hear Me Now?") and folk ("Goldwatch Blues") to eastern-inspired sitar pieces ("Love Colours") and skiffle ("Ragtime Mama"). In 1971 he performed on French television programme "Grande Affiche".
Later years.
Avoiding capitalising on the opportunity of stardom, Softley continued to travel and play for free, preferring to watch people enjoy his music than make money. He moved to County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland, in 1984, eventually settling in Enniskillen. He was a well recognised character in the town and he also performed occasionally at the Belfast Folk Festival. In later years he has concentrated on writing poetry, some of which has been published.
In 2011, Softley suffered a head injury after being knocked off his bicycle, and spent a considerable time in hospital recovering. In an effort to counter the unfounded rumours of his death, a Facebook page was set up and amassed a following of over 1,000 friends. In August 2011, an evening of entertainment featuring Softley's music and poetry was held in Cafe Merlot in Enniskillen, with all proceeds being donated to the brain injury unit at Altnagelvin Hospital.
Softley died on 1 September 2017, aged 77.
Note: "Sunrise" and "Street Singer" were reissued as a two-CD set on BGO Records, 2009
<doc id="8725320" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725320" title="OSNR">
OSNR, a four-letter acronym or abbreviation, may refer to:
<doc id="8725322" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725322" title="30th Street Station (Philadelphia)">
30th Street Station (Philadelphia)
<doc id="8725338" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725338" title="Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh">
Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh
<doc id="8725341" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725341" title="ATDF">
<doc id="8725344" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725344" title="Penn State Children’s Hospital">
Penn State Children’s Hospital
<doc id="8725347" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725347" title="Redvale, Colorado">
Redvale, Colorado
Redvale is an unincorporated town, a post office, and a census-designated place (CDP) located in and governed by Montrose County, Colorado, United States. The CDP is a part of the Montrose, CO Micropolitan Statistical Area. The Redvale post office has the ZIP Code 81431. At the 2020 census, the population of the Redvale CDP was 172, down from 236 in 2010.
Redvale is in southern Montrose County near the eastern end of the Colorado Plateau. The community is bordered to the south by San Miguel County. It sits atop Wrights Mesa, bordered by Naturita Canyon to the southwest and Maverick Draw to the northeast. Colorado State Highway 145 passes through the community, leading northwest to Naturita and southeast to Norwood.
The Redvale CDP has an area of , all land. The community is in the watershed of the San Miguel River, leading northwest to the Dolores River which flows into the Colorado River in Utah.
The United States Census Bureau initially defined the for the
<doc id="8725349" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725349" title="Rhode Island AFL–CIO">
Rhode Island AFL–CIO
The Rhode Island AFL–CIO is the statewide affiliate of the AFL–CIO in Rhode Island. Its members include about 250 state and local affiliates of other unions affiliated with the AFL–CIO, representing about 80,000 workers.
The Rhode Island AFL–CIO engages in legislative activity, labor advocacy, and political lobbying and election work. It also coordinates the mobilization of workers on an as-needed basis for rallies, political work, contract campaigns and organizing. The Rhode Island AFL–CIO is particularly concerned with ensuring that the AFL–CIO's voice is heard when it comes to economic development in the state.
The federation is governed by a 93-member executive board. However, a 12-member executive committee of the executive board makes most of the decisions for the organization.
In 2007, its president was Frank Montanaro.
<doc id="8725365" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725365" title="3rd/4th County of London Yeomanry">
3rd/4th County of London Yeomanry
<doc id="8725371" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725371" title="Neighborhood Preservation Committee (Oregon)">
Neighborhood Preservation Committee (Oregon)
The Neighborhood Preservation Committee is a political action committee in Portland, Oregon, United States. It was founded by Kate Scheile, a 2002 candidate for President of Metro (Oregon regional government). The Oregon Secretary of State's web site lists two committees with identical names; their committee numbers are 5043 and 5148.
Neighborhood Preservation Committee published an argument in support of Oregon Ballot Measure 2 (2000), opposing urban density.
NPC supported Oregon Ballot Measure 37 (2004), though its financial contributions to the campaign were negligible.
NPC financed Initiative Petition Drive 57 in 2006, which placed Oregon Ballot Measure 39 (2006) on the ballot.
In the first half of 2006, NPC contributed $55,000 to Oregonians In Action, a political action committee that is known for having passed Measure 37 in 2004, as well as supporting Measure 39 and Republican candidates for the Oregon Legislative Assembly in 2006.
<doc id="8725377" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725377" title="Cardioid proofs">
Cardioid proofs
<doc id="8725380" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725380" title="Nostradamus Ate My Hamster">
Nostradamus Ate My Hamster
Nostradamus Ate My Hamster is a fantasy novel by British author Robert Rankin. In it, several seemingly unconnected and nonsensical events come together to make perfect clarity at the end; these include time travel and an attempted alien invasion vaguely orchestrated by Hitler.
The plot centers on the aptly named Russell Nice, stuck in a dead-end job at a movie prop selling business, discovering holographic equipment from the future that allows the holder to create lifelike holograms of any movie star they want. Eventually, he becomes entangled in a mass of deceit, lies, and betrayal, all of which centers on a demon-god with an insect face, and Hitler, who is stuck in the present time with his SS bodyguards, intending to make a film that will influence the world to follow Hitler and his ideals. During his time travel, Russell discovers that the creature has disposed of traditional heroes Jim Pooley and John Omally before its attack; they would normally defend Brentford from the threat the creature posed, but as it exists outside the natural order it is able to destroy them before they can take action against it.
Finding himself unable to simply destroy the film or prevent it being made, Russell decides to use the time-travel belts that Hitler's forces had acquired to establish himself as a major film producer in the present, thus ensuring that he will be the one that Hitler's men bring the film to, allowing him to destroy it before it is released. This victory, due to the temporally active nature of the conflict, apparently erases Russell's struggle, and the novel ends with Jim Pooley and John Omally discussing the story in the Flying Swan as a man who appears to be Russell enters the bar, and begins to talk with an attractive waitress.
<doc id="8725383" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725383" title="Llandybïe">
<doc id="8725385" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725385" title="Roggen, Colorado">
Roggen, Colorado
Roggen is an unincorporated community and a U.S. Post Office in Weld County, Colorado, United States. The Roggen Post Office has the ZIP Code 80652.
A post office called Roggen has been in operation since 1883. The community most likely derives its name from Edward P. Roggin, a Nebraska legislator.
Roggen is located at (40.168380,-104.371662).
Popular Culture.
Roggen plays a minor part in Tom Clancy's novel "The Sum of All Fears". Terrorists purchase a safe house near Roggen in preparation for attacking the Super Bowl being played in Denver.
Roggen is the topic of a creepypasta about an archaeological expedition sponsored by the fictional company "Candlelight Co."
<doc id="8725407" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725407" title="Coherence therapy">
Coherence therapy
Coherence therapy is a system of psychotherapy based in the theory that symptoms of mood, thought and behavior are produced coherently according to the person's current mental models of reality, most of which are implicit and unconscious. It was founded by Bruce Ecker and Laurel Hulley in the 1990s. It has been considered among the most well respected postmodern/constructivist therapies.
General description.
The basis of coherence therapy is the principle of symptom coherence. This is the view that any response of the brain–mind–body system is an expression of coherent personal constructs (or schemas), which are nonverbal, emotional, perceptual and somatic knowings, not verbal-cognitive propositions. A therapy client's presenting symptoms are understood as an activation and enactment of specific constructs. The principle of symptom coherence can be found in varying degrees, explicitly or implicitly, in the writings of a number of historical psychotherapy theorists, including Sigmund Freud (1923), Harry Stack Sullivan (1948), Carl Jung (1964), R. D. Laing (1967), Gregory Bateson (1972), Virginia Satir (1972), Paul Watzlawick (1974), Eugene Gendlin (1982), Vittorio Guidano & Giovanni Liotti (1983), Les Greenberg (1993), Bessel van der Kolk (1994), Robert Kegan & Lisa Lahey (2001), Sue Johnson (2004), and others.
The principle of symptom coherence maintains that an individual's seemingly irrational, out-of-control symptoms are actually sensible, cogent, orderly expressions of the person's existing constructions of self and world, rather than a disorder or pathology. Even a person's psychological resistance to change is seen as a result of the coherence of the person's mental constructions. Thus, coherence therapy, like some other postmodern therapies, approaches a person's resistance to change as an ally in psychotherapy and not an enemy.
Coherence therapy is considered a type of psychological constructivism. It differs from some other forms of constructivism in that the principle of symptom coherence is fully explicit and rigorously operationalized, guiding and informing the entire methodology. The process of coherence therapy is experiential rather than analytic, and in this regard is similar to Gestalt therapy, Focusing or Hakomi. The aim is for the client to come into direct, emotional experience of the unconscious personal constructs (akin to complexes or ego-states) which produce an unwanted symptom and to undergo a natural process of revising or dissolving these constructs, thereby eliminating the symptom. Practitioners claim that the entire process often requires a dozen sessions or less, although it can take longer when the meanings and emotions underlying the symptom are particularly complex or intense.
Symptom coherence.
Symptom coherence is defined by Ecker and Hulley as follows:
There are several forms of symptom coherence. Some symptoms are necessary because they serve a crucial function (such as depression that protects against feeling and expressing anger), while others have no function but are necessary in the sense of being an inevitable effect, or by-product, caused by some other adaptive, coherent but unconscious response (such as depression resulting from isolation, which itself is a strategy for feeling safe). Both functional and functionless symptoms are coherent, according to the client's own material.
In other words, the theory states that symptoms are produced by how the individual strives, without conscious awareness, to carry out self-protecting or self-affirming purposes formed in the course of living. This model of symptom production fits into the broader category of psychological constructivism, which views the person as having profound, if unrecognized, agency in shaping experience and behavior.
Symptom coherence does not apply to those symptoms that are not directly or indirectly caused by implicit schemas or emotional learnings—for example, hypothyroidism-induced depression, autism, and biochemical addiction.
Hierarchical organization of constructs.
As a tool for identifying all of a person's relevant schemas or constructions of reality, Ecker and Hulley defined several logically hierarchical domains or orders of construction (inspired by Gregory Bateson):
A person's first-order symptoms of thought, mood, or behavior follow from a second-order construal of the situation, and that second-order construal is powerfully influenced by the person's third- and fourth-order constructions. Hence the third and higher orders constitute what Ecker and Hulley call "the emotional truth of the symptom", which are the meanings and purposes that are intended to be discovered, integrated, and transformed in therapy.
Coherence therapy was developed in the late 1980s and early 1990s as Ecker and Hulley investigated why certain psychotherapy sessions seemed to produce deep transformations of emotional meaning and immediate symptom cessation, while most sessions did not. Studying many such transformative sessions for several years, they concluded that in these sessions, the therapist had desisted from doing anything to oppose or counteract the symptom, and the client had a powerful, felt experience of some previously unrecognized "emotional truth" that was making the symptom necessary to have.
Ecker and Hulley began developing experiential methods to intentionally facilitate this process. They found that a majority of their clients could begin having experiences of the underlying coherence of their symptoms from the first session. In addition to creating a methodology for swift retrieval of the emotional schemas driving symptom production, they also identified the process by which retrieved schemas then undergo profound change or dissolution: the retrieved emotional schema must be activated while concurrently the individual vividly experiences something that sharply contradicts it. Neuroscientists subsequently determined that these same steps are precisely what unlocks and deletes the neural circuit in implicit memory that stores an emotional learning—the process of reconsolidation.
Due to the swiftness of change that Ecker and Hulley began experiencing with many of their clients, they initially named this new system "depth-oriented brief therapy" (DOBT).
In 2005, Ecker and Hulley began calling the system "coherence therapy" in order for the name to more clearly reflect the central principle of the approach, and also because many therapists had come to associate the phrase "brief therapy" with depth-avoidant methods that they regard as superficial.
Evidence from neuroscience.
In a series of three articles published in the "Journal of Constructivist Psychology" from 2007 to 2009, Bruce Ecker and Brian Toomey presented evidence that coherence therapy may be one of the systems of psychotherapy which, according to current neuroscience, makes fullest use of the brain's built-in capacities for change.
Ecker and Toomey argued that the mechanism of change in coherence therapy correlates with the recently discovered neural process of "memory reconsolidation", a process that can "unwire" and delete longstanding emotional conditioning held in implicit memory. The assertions that coherence therapy achieves implicit memory deletion are unproven but align with the growing body of evidence supporting memory reconsolidation. Ecker and colleagues claim that: (a) their procedural steps match those identified by neuroscientists for reconsolidation, (b) their procedural steps result in effortless cessation of symptoms, and (c) the emotional experience of the retrieved, symptom-generating emotional schemas can no longer be evoked by cues that formerly evoked it strongly.
The process of removing the neural basis of the symptom in coherence therapy (and in similar postmodern therapies) is different from the counteractive strategy of some behavioral therapies. In such behavioral therapies, new preferred behavioral patterns are typically practiced to compete against and hopefully override the unwanted ones; this counteractive process, like the "extinction" of conditioned responses in animals, is known to be inherently unstable and prone to relapse, because the neural circuit of the unwanted pattern continues to exist even when the unwanted pattern is in abeyance. Through reconsolidation, the unwanted neural circuits are "unwired" and cannot relapse.
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The invisible empire of the south
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Esther Clayson
<doc id="8725427" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725427" title="Genjo Sanzo">
Genjo Sanzo
is a fictional character in the manga and anime series "Saiyuki". He is one of the four protagonists, loosely based on (or inspired by) the character Tang Sanzang.
"Konzen Douji" was the first incarnation of "Genjo Sanzo". Additionally he wore a god-forged golden coronet, a power limiter, to curb more than just his brute strength. He shows the personality traits of someone who is quick to explode into fits of temper when bothered and also a surprising father-like gentleness and kindness with Goku that no one would have expected.
When "Dr. Ni Jianyi" tell him his father was a government official named Rin Tokou, a political activist who was exiled to Oujyouin in Rishyu, the northern-most town of "Togenkyo". He was 51 years old when he met Sanzo's mother, a woman named "Kouran". She was 17 years of age and the daughter of a shop peddler. After he was conceived, his father went missing and his mother went off into the wilderness to bear the child alone. She died shortly after.
A very brutal, worldly priest. He drinks, smokes, gambles, and carries a gun, which is pushing it even for normal people (let alone Buddhist monks). He's searching for the stolen Sutra of his mentor and father figure Priest Koumyou Sanzo, who was killed in Sanzo's youth by a mob of murderous Yokai. Sanzo is egotistical, haughty, and can be very cruel, yet our 23-year-old hero also has calm judgment, unwavering intensity, and surprising charisma. His favorite phrases, incidentally, are 'Die,' and 'I'll kill you.' His weapons of choice are the magical Maten Sutra, a handgun, and a paper fan for idiots. He's 177 cm tall (approx. 5'10") and is often noted for his good looks and drooping purple eyes. He is "the 31st of China". He is one of the five highest priests in "Tougenkyo", but he has no intention of devoting himself to Buddhism, and is a corrupt monk who enjoys drinking, smoking, and gambling. Although he has a sharp eye and charisma to see things through, he also has a competitive and selfish side. His favorite phrases are "die" and "I'll kill you".
He is the current holder of the Sanzo title and the wielder of very powerful sutras, though he is usually content to keep those stored away and shoot people immediately. He met his trio of party members through various traumatic adventures and brought them together, offering them a chance to start over. Despite his grouchy exterior, he is revealed to be a good person at heart.
In 2000, Genjo Sanzo won the Best Male Character award at the 23rd Anime Grand Prix. In August 2001, issue of Newtype Magazine listed their top to anime titles. Gensōmaden Saiyuki was ranked ninth, and Genjo Sanzo, in the top ten male characters, was ranked sixth.
In June 2004, on the 26th Anime Grand Prix Award, "Saiyuki Reload" was in the top ten Anime titles, It was ranked 4th, Meanwhile Genjo Sanzo was ranked 7th at the top ten Best Male Characters. in 2005, on 27th Anime Grand Prix Award, Genjo Sanzo was the top of twenty best Male Character It was ranked 13th. In 2013, he was ranked 36 on ComicsAlliance's 50 Sexiest Male Characters in Comics list.
On June 11, 2022, "nijimen" anime news site, ranking top 10 popular characters played by Toshihiko Seki, Genjo Sanzo character was ranked 2th.
On September 10, 2022, "nlab.itmedia" ranking top 30 popular TV anime characters played by voice actor "Toshihiko Seki", The first place is decided by Saiyuki's "Genjo Sanzo" Collected 473 votes from total of 3176 votes.
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German 33rd Infantry Division
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Loudest band
The loudest band in the world is a subject of some dispute in musical circles. Many bands have claimed to be the loudest, measuring this in various ways including with decibel meters at concerts and by engineering analysis of the CDs on which their albums are published. The "Guinness World Records" no longer celebrates "The Loudest Band in the World" for fear of promoting hearing loss.
By observation and reputation.
Some bands have at times been described as extraordinarily loud by subjective opinion of reviewers, but not by actual measured decibel levels.
19th century.
Volume in classical music is determined to some degree by the score, rather than the ensemble. However, many of the loudest performances have been determined by the size, instrumentation, inclination, and location of the orchestra, assuming a piece which is written to be loud.
100 musicians played at the 1813 premiere of Beethoven's work "Wellington's Victory", which Corinna da Fonseca-Wollheim described as a "sonic assault on the listener" and the "beginning of a musical arms race for ever louder... symphonic performance", quoting an unnamed attendee as remarking that the performance was "seemingly designed to make the listener as deaf as its composer". Frédéric Döhl described performances of this work as "not like an evening at the Berlin Philharmonie, but rather like a modern-day rock concert". According to da Fonseca-Wollheim, music continued to grow louder after this as the world grew louder, partly due to developments in instrumentation (steel strings, metal flutes, valves on trumpets).
The opening day of the 1869 National Peace Jubilee in Boston featured a performance of the Anvil Chorus that featured thousands of musicians, including 50 firemen pounding anvils as well as cannon and church bells.
Tchaikovsky's 1880 work "1812 Overture", which is scored for artillery and has passages marked as (in a score, "fortississimo" () instructs the musicians to play the marked passage extremely loudly and is normally the loudest volume specified; "fortissississimo" (), which means to play louder than fortississimo, is sometimes used) has been described as the loudest classical piece. The piece has been played with FH70 howitzers and Type 74 Main Battle Tanks included in the orchestra instrumentation (a typical 155mm howitzer generates about 180 dB at the source, sufficient to sometimes cause immediate and permanent hearing damage (artillery crews are issued hearing protection)). The piece is usually performed outdoors or with simulated or recorded cannons, but an indoor performance with live cannon at the Royal Albert Hall has been cited as having been particularly loud.
Early 20th century.
The "Mars" movement of Gustav Holst's 1918 work "The Planets" includes passages. The close of the finale of the 1919 suite of Stravinsky's 1910 work "The Firebird" is scored at , as are passages of other works.
(According to James R. Oestreich (writing in 2004), modern symphony orchestras can easily reach 96 to 98 decibels, and certain brass and percussion instruments have registered 130 to 140 at close range).
Stan Kenton's bands have been described as "the loudest of the big bands" with "the shattering effect of the Kenton band's loud, dissonant brass" created by "screaming 'walls of brass'".
Bill Gottlieb wrote "Warm or cold, it was loud. Stan's screaming horns presaged the high decibels of the rock age, but his stalwarts did it without electronic amplification. Just old-fashioned lung power. When Stan raised his long arms to call for 'more,' the men in the brass section blew until their faces reddened, their eyes bulged, and incipient hernias popped."
Blue Cheer, the first American band to use Marshall amps, has been seen as a pioneer of extreme loudness, being the first band ever listed in "The Guinness Book of World Records" as loudest band in the world, preceding Deep Purple.
They have been described as "undoubtedly the heaviest and loudest band of the time", "Weird, obnoxious, loud as in L-O-U-D!!!" and "loud enough to get [god of music] Apollo's attention".
Billy Altman described them as the loudest band ever; "So loud, in fact, that within just a few songs, much of the crowd [at a 1968 concert] in the front orchestra section was fleeing".
Blue Cheer's 1968 debut album, "Vincebus Eruptum", was widely described as the loudest record ever made at that time. Their 1986 "Best of" compilation album was titled "Louder Than God".
Daniel Kreps of "Rolling Stone" has maintained that "Whole Lotta Love" established Led Zeppelin's reputation as one of the loudest bands of their time.
By decibel record.
Decibel measurement is highly dependent on distance from the source of the sound; if this is not given, the sound level reported is of limited use. Also, sound level may be metered on several ways: average, maximum level (with the sound level meter set to Fast, Slow, Impulse, or Peak), etc. In addition, there are several decibel scales. Therefore, the decibels on the following list are not necessarily comparable to each other.
Deep Purple was recognised by "The Guinness Book of World Records" as the "globe's loudest band" for a concert at the London Rainbow Theatre, during which the sound reached 117 dB and three members of the audience fell unconscious.
The Who were next to be listed as the "record holder" at 126 dB, having been measured 32 metres (105 feet) from the speakers during a concert in London at The Valley on 31 May 1976.
1984 and 1994.
"The Guinness Book of World Records" listed Manowar as the loudest band for a performance in 1984. The band claimed a louder measurement of 129.5 dB in 1994 at Hanover, but Guinness did not recognise it, having discontinued the category by that time for fear of encouraging hearing damage.
An article by Scott Cohen appeared in February 1986 issue of "Spin" entitled "Motörhead is the Loudest Band on Earth". In it, Cohen alluded to an undated concert during which Cleveland's Variety Theater actually sustained damage from Motörhead reaching a decibel level of 130. This he reported was 10 decibels louder than the record set by The Who.
The 1990 edition of the "Guinness World Records" contained the following entry: Largest PA system: On August 20, 1988, at the Castle Donington "Monsters of Rock" Festival a total of 360 Turbosound cabinets offering a potential 523kW of programme power, formed the largest front-of-house PA. The average Sound Pressure Level at the mixing tower was 118dB, peaking at a maximum of 124 dB during Iron Maiden's set. It took five days to set up the system."
The English House/Electronica band Leftfield, while on tour to support their debut album "Leftism", gained notoriety for the sheer volume of their live shows. In June 1996, while the group was playing at Brixton Academy, the sound system caused dust and plaster to fall from the roof, with the sound volume reaching 135 dB.
British punk band Gallows allegedly broke Manowar's penultimate record, claiming to have reached 132.5 dB; however, this record claim was made in an isolated studio as opposed to a live environment.
Manowar registered an SPL of 139 dB during the sound check (not the actual performance) at the Magic Circle Fest in 2008.
On July 15, at a Canadian concert in Ottawa, the band Kiss recorded an SPL of 136 dB measured during their live performance. Noise complaints from residents in the area eventually forced the band to turn the volume down.
Deafening sound.
Loud sounds have long been known to cause damage to ears. In Norway, this fact was proved for coppersmiths as far back as 1731. Acoustic instruments may represent a risk for hearing damage, especially with lengthy exercising in rooms with high reverberation. However, the sound level and the risk have increased with more powerful amplifiers and loudspeakers, and the volume at some concerts is far above the level which may induce such damage without ear protection. 115 dB(A) at average may be risky even after 30 seconds, and in UK, Norway, etc., it is strictly prohibited for workers to use it more than a few minutes without ear protection). The sound level claimed at some of Manowar's performances may cause ear damage almost immediately; the phrase "deafening sound" should be taken literally. The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 introduced safety limits for daily noise exposure in the UK like 92 dB(A) as average during 30 minutes.
The notion of "loudness equals greatness" pervades rock music to the extent that it has been satirized. In the mockumentary "This Is Spinal Tap", the band is presented by the fictional filmmaker Marty di Bergi as "one of England's loudest bands". One popular joke from the film features Nigel Tufnel displaying the band's amplifiers which are calibrated up to 11, instead of up to 10, allowing them to go ""one" louder". As a consequence of this, manufacturers began making amplifiers with knobs that went up to 11, or even higher, with Eddie Van Halen reputedly being the first to purchase one. Marshall, the company that provided amplifiers for the film that the custom marked knobs were applied to, now sells amplifiers such as its JCM900 (first sold in 1990) whose knobs are marked from 0 to 20.
The fictional band Disaster Area (appearing in Douglas Adams's "The Restaurant at the End of the Universe") plays concerts which can literally devastate entire planets. The audience listens from a specially-constructed concrete bunker some thirty miles from the stage, and the band plays its instruments by remote control from a spacecraft in orbit around the planet (or around a different planet).
<doc id="8725437" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725437" title="Saud bin Abdul Mohsin">
Saud bin Abdul Mohsin
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Bai Tamia Johnson Moore
<doc id="8725447" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725447" title="Gō (TV series)">
Gō (TV series)
is a 2011 Japanese historical drama television series and the 50th NHK taiga drama. It was written for television by Kumiko Tabuchi, based on her own novel of the same name. The drama stars Juri Ueno in the title role, with Rie Miyazawa and Asami Mizukawa as Cha-cha and Hatsu respectively, the sisters of Gō.
The series was criticized by viewers for being "dark" and "boring", and it received two "Shinchō" Razzie Awards for Worst TV Series and Worst Actress (Juri Ueno).
At the center of a network of powerful warriors, the title character is Oeyo, also known as Ogō. The series carries the subtitle "Himetachi no Sengoku" (), spotlighting the ladies of the Sengoku period. Gō was a daughter of Oichi, the sister of Oda Nobunaga. Oichi was the wife of Sengoku "daimyō" Azai Nagamasa. The couple had three daughters. The first, Yodo-dono, became the second wife of Toyotomi Hideyoshi and mother of his successor Hideyori. The second, Ohatsu, married another Sengoku daimyo, Kyōgoku Takatsugu.
The third daughter was Gō. She was the first wife of Saji Kazunari. However, he joined forces with Tokugawa Ieyasu in the Battle of Komaki and Nagakute, and opponent Toyotomi Hideyoshi forced them to divorce. Her second husband, Toyotomi Hidekatsu, was a nephew of Hideyoshi, but died in the Japanese invasions of Korea. Finally, Gō married Tokugawa Hidetada, the second Tokugawa shogun, and gave birth to his successor Iemitsu as well as his brother Tadanaga. Her two daughters were Senhime, who married Hideyori, and Masako (Kazuko), consort of Emperor Go-Mizunoo. Moreover, her granddaughter ascended the throne as Empress Meishō.
"Gō" was announced as the 50th taiga drama by the NHK on June 17, 2009, to be based on the novel of the same name by Kumiko Tabuchi, who is also the writer for the drama. Tabuchi, composer Ryō Yoshimata, and actress Tomoko Naraoka all previously worked on the 47th taiga drama "Atsuhime" in 2008. With the success of "Atsuhime", Tabuchi was asked in the middle of its run if she can write a series about Gō and her sisters, to which she agreed to. Though she began to write the teleplays for "Gō" in 2008, she would decide to complete the novel first before continuing to write the scripts.
The usual taiga drama production would first have one-third of the expected number of scripts finished before shooting begins. Afterwards, audience reception is taken into account as the rest of the series is written.
Episode list.
The first and last episodes are 73 minutes long. The rest are 45 minutes long without commercials.
Though "Gō" was rigorous in trying to achieve an accurate depiction of Japanese history, it was reported to have been negatively received by viewers, who complained about the series being "dark" and "boring".
External links.
< Ryōmaden | Taiga drama | Taira no Kiyomori >
<doc id="8725456" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725456" title="Saskatchewan Highway 724">
Saskatchewan Highway 724
Highway 724 is a highway in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. It runs from Highway 614 to the Alberta border, where it continues eastward as Highway 515. Highway 724 is about long.
Highway 724 passes near the community of Maple Creek. Highway 724 also connects with Highways 21 and 271.
<doc id="8725468" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725468" title="Steve Powers">
Steve Powers
Steve Powers (born February 25, 1934 in New York City) is a musician, journalist and teacher who has had a 45-year career in New York City radio and television, as well as academia.
Born and Bar Mitzvahed in the Bronx, on February 25, 1934, Powers attended the City College of New York where he became editor of Roundhouse Magazine. In 1956 he received a degree in Business Administration from CCNY. Powers attended the University of Virginia where he worked at the student radio station, WUVA. He was a member of the UVA Jazz Club, which integrated the university auditorium with a concert by Dizzy Gillespie. Mr. Gillespie invited Powers to sit in. It was an experience that was repeated thirty years later when he played another concert with Gillespie at New York's Blue Note club. In 1987 Powers earned a PhD from New York University in Neil Postman's Media Ecology program.
Journalism career.
After graduating from CCNY in 1956, and serving as a Search and Rescue officer in the United States Coast Guard in Puerto Rico, Powers returned to the New York area and started looking for work as a jazz disc jockey. He was hired by radio station WADS, in Ansonia, Connecticut in 1961 as a newscaster. He subsequently worked as a newscaster and news director for several radio stations in Connecticut. In 1963 he anchored the coverage of the assassination of John F. Kennedy on WICC for 13 straight hours.
Powers moved to WMCA radio in New York City and went on to anchor his own morning drive-time news/talk show. He left WMCA in 1972 to become a correspondent at ABC radio network news and worked at RKO radio network news.
In 1980, Powers became an anchor/reporter on television at WNYW-TV, NY (Fox-TV) where he worked for 12 years. He was the first reporter to cover John Lennon's death on December 8, 1980, broadcasting the first network radio reports while assisting with WNYW-TV's television coverage of the story. From 1980 until December 1992, he was the anchor/reporter for WNYW-TV Channel 5 News, where he was awarded an Emmy Award in 1981; in 1986 he was also nominated for an Emmy for an Outstanding Feature story. In later years, Powers was the anchor of noon-6:00 P.M.newscasts for New York Times Radio, and the writer/producer/voice of the "Health Times" medical reports on WQXR-FM, NY. He signed off for the last time from New York Times radio] in June 2007.
In addition to his work in radio and television, Powers served as a college professor in the field of media communications. From 1976 to 1993 Powers periodically taught as an adjunct professor at the Columbia School of Journalism, The New School, and New York University. In 1993, he became an associate professor at St. John's University teaching journalism and media.
Powers has also lent his voice narrating Aaron Copland's "Lincoln Portrait" in concert and has appeared in diverse commercials and documentaries. He has appeared in the films "In The Spirit" and "Home Free All.
Books authored.
In 1992 Powers co-authored the book "How to Watch TV News" with media theory pioneer Neil Postman. The book is an explication of the difference between what TV news says it is presenting and what it actually delivers - "real news" versus entertainment fodder - illuminating the biases, strengths, and weaknesses of TV news as well as the influence of commercials. It has been adopted by college professors and teachers as required reading for their journalism and media literacy courses. In the year following his retirement from broadcasting, Powers released a new, updated edition of the book (Penguin Books, June 23, 2008). This newly revised edition explores the power of the Internet and the abundance of cable channels and their influences on the devolving quality of America’s television news programming. Less than five months later, the book's second chapter, "What is News," resurfaced in the textbook, "Key Readings in Media Today" (Routledge, November 18, 2008), where it serves as the opening chapter in the section on electronic media.
Music career.
In addition to the Gillespie concerts, Powers had a career as a professional musician. He taught himself Latin percussion and
played with Willie Rodriguez, Charlie Palmieri and Randy Carlos as well as playing drums with Tony Bennett, Joe Jones, and David Amram. Powers was a co-inventor of a drum that can change its pitch while being played, receiving a patent in 1987.
Personal life.
Powers currently lives in New Mexico with his wife, Sheri Powers. He has four adult children from a previous marriage; Lisa, Marisa, Laura and Anthony Powers.
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Mohammed Dheere
<doc id="8725473" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725473" title="USS Arcadia (AD-23)">
USS Arcadia (AD-23)
USS "Arcadia" was one of four "Klondike"-class destroyer tenders built at the tail end of World War II for the United States Navy, and the third U.S. Naval vessel to bear that name. Destroyer tenders were typically named after U.S. National Parks. However the destroyer tender AD-23 was apparently misnamed "Arcadia" in an effort to commemorate Acadia National Park in Maine.
"Arcadia" was laid down on 6 March 1944 at Los Angeles Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company, San Pedro, California; launched on 19 November; sponsored by the widow of Captain Edward L. Beach; fitted out at Terminal Island, San Pedro, California; and commissioned on 13 September 1945.
Service history.
Following shakedown training off San Diego, the destroyer tender departed the west coast to join the Atlantic Fleet at Charleston, S.C. World War II had been over for several months when she arrived at her berth on the Wando River on 1 December. "Arcadia" served as tender to destroyers joining the inactive fleet at Charleston, and she also developed the official program for decommissioning and inactivation to be used by tenders of her own class. "Arcadia" was placed in commission, in reserve, on 7 February 1947 and served as accommodation vessel for Submarine Group 1 of the Charleston group, Atlantic Reserve Fleet. She was placed in full commission on 1 August 1951 and assigned a new home port, Newport, R.I., where she tended destroyers in the Narragansett Bay area.
"Arcadia" supported the Atlantic Fleet with repair services until 1968 when she was decommissioned. She served as 6th Fleet destroyer tender during many deployments to the Mediterranean where she made working visits to such ports as Naples, Italy; Cannes, France; Valencia, Spain, Palma, and Barcelona, Spain; Lisbon, Portugal; Piraeus, Greece; and Istanbul, Turkey. The tender visited the Caribbean while exercising in yearly "Springboard" operations in the 1950s and 1960s, calling at ports in the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, and the Virgin Islands. In October 1964 "Arcadia" steamed to Orange, Texas to strip five mothballed high-speed transports for parts needed by active duty destroyers. The six-week trip netted nearly $800,000 worth of parts and equipment for use by the ships of the Atlantic Fleet.
Although she serviced destroyers primarily, "Arcadia" was called upon in November 1966 to repair the aircraft carrier . The tender departed Newport on 19 November for the cruise to Mayport, Florida where she remained until 13 December completing the repair work needed following a Mediterranean cruise. She returned to Newport and resumed her normal operations. In both 1966 and 1967, "Arcadia" made cruises to Key West and Naval Station Mayport to provide services to Destroyer Division 601, Destroyer Squadron 16, and reserve training destroyers from various ports in the Gulf of Mexico.
"Arcadia" was decommissioned on 28 June 1968, berthed in the National Defense Reserve Fleet contingent in the James River on 15 November, and formally transferred to the Maritime Administration on 30 June 1969. Her name was struck from the Naval Vessel Register on 1 July 1973, and she was sold to Levin Metals of San Jose, California on 1 August 1974 and scrapped in San Pedro, California.
<doc id="8725474" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725474" title="Gou">
Gou or GOU may refer to:
<doc id="8725482" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725482" title="Rush, Colorado">
Rush, Colorado
Rush is an unincorporated community and a U.S. Post Office located in El Paso County, Colorado, United States. The Rush Post Office has the ZIP Code 80833.
Named for Christopher Rush, a homesteader from Missouri who settled there in 1907.
Miami-Yoder School District 60JT serves Rush.
Rush is located at (38.845858,-104.092197), east of Yoder along State Highway 94 about west of the El Paso, Lincoln County line.
<doc id="8725485" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725485" title="Blitz (character)">
Blitz (character)
<doc id="8725497" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725497" title="Brick Lane tube station">
Brick Lane tube station
<doc id="8725502" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725502" title="DaimlerChrysler–Mitsubishi alliance">
DaimlerChrysler–Mitsubishi alliance
The DaimlerChrysler–Mitsubishi alliance refers to the 69-month period during which U.S.-German automaker DaimlerChrysler AG (DCX) held a controlling stake in Mitsubishi Motors Corporation (MMC). First established on March 27, 2000 with the signing of a letter of intent, it was initiated by Jürgen E. Schrempp, the chairman of DCX, who was attempting to build what he called a "Welt AG" (global corporation) which would have as widespread a presence across worldwide automotive markets as its rivals. The merger with the Chrysler Corporation had increased Daimler-Benz's share of the North American market, and Mitsubishi Motors offered a gateway to Asia.
The deal was to prove costly for both DaimlerChrysler shareholders and for Schrempp personally, whose part in the deal contributed to his eventual replacement at the helm of DCX in 2006.
Jürgen Schrempp was one of the primary architects of the "Welt AG" plan, developed by Daimler-Benz to increase its presence in the American and Asian markets, and to improve its profitability. Schrempp believed that a modern automaker needed a full range of products beyond the luxury vehicle market in which Mercedes-Benz competed, and began looking for a partner as soon as he became chairman in 1994. The Chrysler Corporation was targeted in 1995, and on January 12, 1998 he met with Chrysler chairman Bob Eaton with the intent of negotiating a merger/takeover. Following its completion in May that year, Schrempp then turned to Asia.
However, DaimlerChrysler's first steps came to nothing. It considered but ultimately declined to invest in Nissan prior to the Japanese company's alliance with Renault, and it was rumoured that they also courted Honda that same year. Schrempp, who had given a speech in Tokyo in early 1999 where he predicted DCX's market share in Asia would increase from 1.3 to over 10 percent, began to come under pressure to deliver on his promises.
Mitsubishi Motors was DaimlerChrysler's third choice partner, but in 1999 MMC chairman Katsuhiko Kawasoe rebuffed their initial approach. However, in the aftermath of the 1997 East Asian financial crisis MMC was saddled with ¥1.7 trillion of debt, and some outside analysts were suggesting that the company should give priority to becoming a takeover or merger target. Kawasoe rejected this, preferring to present Mitsubishi as an equal partner to potential suitors, adding that Mitsubishi would continue to follow their longstanding approach of establishing ventures without capital tie-ups. But eventually a deal was struck: DCX would purchase a controlling 34 percent stake in the company for ¥450 billion (€2.1 billion). This would ostensibly preserve Mitsubishi's "independence", as only three out of the company's ten board members would be elected by the new largest shareholder, although DaimlerChrysler did now possess a veto power over boardroom decisions. For DCX, the benefit would come from increased market share without MMC's debts appearing on their balance sheet.
Recall cover up.
Shortly after the deal was finalised, Mitsubishi became embroiled in accusations that it had covered up complaints from customers about defects in their vehicles. A police raid on its headquarters in July 2000 uncovered hidden documents stashed in a locker, and soon after over 500,000 vehicles were recalled for repairs. Mitsubishi's shares fell by 13 percent as these revelations became public, and over the summer, further investigations took a similar toll on the company's stock. By the end of August, following a second police raid, the total number of vehicles recalled had reached one million, while the share price had fallen by almost 30 percent. As a result of the collapse in the value of Mitsubishi, DaimlerChrysler renegotiated a €200 million reduction price of its stock purchase, while Kawasoe was forced to step down as chairman.
Increasing control.
Mitsubishi's difficulties contributed to a sharp fall in the DaimlerChrysler group's profits, and following the recall of a further 1.5 million cars in February 2001, including almost a million in the U.S., the German parent moved quickly to restructure; approximately 10,000 Mitsubishi employees would be axed and one of its four assembly plants would be closed.
The following month, DaimlerChrysler approached Volvo about acquiring the Swedish automaker's 3.3 percent stake in Mitsubishi. Volvo had planned on forming a joint venture with MMC for bus and truck manufacturing as part of a deal originally negotiated in 1999, until the involvement of DaimlerChrysler, a rival in the commercial vehicle marketplace, led Volvo to ultimately withdraw. The €760 million sale was concluded in April 2001, taking DCX's share to 37.3 percent.
Olivier Boulay, then the head of DaimlerChrysler's Japanese design studio in Yokohama, was recruited by Mitsubishi in May 2001. Answering directly to Rolf Eckrodt, the DCX-appointed Chief Operating Officer, Boulay's appointment was part of the "Turnaround Plan" initiated by Eckrodt and new Chief Executive Takashi Sonobe, where Mitsubishi tried to move away from an engineering-led approach to development. Despite the new initiatives and increased investment, Mitsubishi Motors announced a revised profit forecast in April 2001, and their downward projections were confirmed in May when the company reported a net loss for the year of ¥278 billion.
During 2001 and 2002 DaimlerChrysler and Mitsubishi began to co-operate more closely on longer-term ventures. A €244 million plant would be built at Kölleda in Germany to manufacture engines for the new Z-car platform, while in concert with Hyundai they established the Global Engine Manufacturing Alliance, a joint venture with an annual capacity of two million powerplants in five factories across the globe. There was also extensive platform sharing, cross-supply agreements, and manufacturing subcontracts, which were reflected in the 2002-2013 Colt and first-generation Smart Forfour.
Unravelling ties.
Despite DaimlerChrysler's involvement, debts at Mitsubishi continued to accumulate. A torporous economy in Japan dragged down the company's domestic performance in 2003, while the same year the after effects of a disastrous credit scheme in the U.S. saw Mitsubishi Motors North America suffer a US$454 million loss. By 2004 the automaker owed ¥1.14 trillion, and a ¥700 billion rescue plan was put to shareholders in April. Other companies within the "keiretsu" of Mitsubishi which owned 23 percent of MMC were committed to the plan, and the Japan Development Bank had also been approached for support.
However, at DaimlerChrysler there was dissent against the idea of further investment; only weeks before Schrempp had endured calls for his resignation from shareholders. In the face of this and his boardroom's opposition, DCX refused to pledge further funds, and formally stated that it would no longer financially support its partner. Japan's finance minister, Nobuteru Ishihara, commented that the decision "could affect the future of the company", while corporate analysts were more forthright, calling it "a disaster" and claiming that "[Mitsubishi] will vanish if it continues this way."
An alternative rescue package was formulated by May 2004, involving a ¥450 billion investment in newly issued stock by U.S. bank JPMorgan Chase, Tokyo-based private investment fund Phoenix Capital and other Mitsubishi Group companies. The deal was announced as MMC reported a loss for the year of ¥215 billion. Further negotiations, and the involvement of the China Motor Corporation, boosted this figure to ¥546 billion by June, in return for 11,000 redundancies and cuts to corporate pensions, salaries and bonuses. As a result of the new investment, DaimlerChrysler's own stake was diluted.
Profitability remained out of reach for Mitsubishi, and enlarged losses in 2005 were forecast by the company. The company's stock price slid 41 percent in 2004 to approximately one quarter the value of when DaimlerChrysler first became involved.
Following DaimlerChrysler's decision to cease further investment in its Japanese partner, Rolf Eckrodt stepped down as chairman and CEO of Mitsubishi, and retired from DCX in April 2004. Soon after, Chrysler's Chief Operating Officer Wolfgang Bernhard also parted ways with the German parent over its continuing troubles and falling profits, while the merger with MMC was now routinely being referred to by the media as a "debacle". A third attempt to recapitalize Mitsubishi in January 2005 led to ¥540 billion of further investment, and DaimlerChrysler's now owned only a 12.4 percent stake. Finally, on November 11, 2005, the remaining stock was sold for US$1.1 billion. Three days later the buyer, investment bank Goldman Sachs sold the shares on for US$80 million profit.
New major stockholder Phoenix Capital followed suit the following month, selling all but 50 million of its 575 million shares to JPMorgan on December 9, 2005, and once again the investment bank offloaded their purchase within a few days for tens of millions of dollars in profit. In both cases, the eventual buyers were part of the Mitsubishi "keiretsu", returning MMC to Japanese ownership.
By 2007, DaimlerChrysler had also found themselves in a divorce on their own when Daimler sold Chrysler to Cerberus Capital Management for US$6 billion.
Corporate performance.
Mitsubishi Motors' revenue, net profit/loss, and assets before, during, and immediately after the period when DaimlerChrysler held a share.
<doc id="8725506" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725506" title="Kenneth J. Hahn Recreation Area">
Kenneth J. Hahn Recreation Area
<doc id="8725511" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725511" title="Saskatchewan Highway 221">
Saskatchewan Highway 221
Highway 221 is a highway in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. It runs from Highway 21 to the Centre Block of Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park. Highway 221 is about long.
<doc id="8725513" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725513" title="Three Lock Box">
Three Lock Box
Three Lock Box is the seventh studio album by American rock vocalist Sammy Hagar, released on November 30, 1982 by Geffen Records. This album has appearances by Loverboy's Mike Reno, Journey's Jonathan Cain and Mr. Mister's Richard Page. The album peaked at number 17 on the Billboard 200 album charts on April 9, 1983. His only top 20 solo hit, "Your Love Is Driving Me Crazy", reached #13 on the "Billboard" Hot 100 in 1983 and #3 on the "Billboard" Mainstream Rock songs chart.
<doc id="8725519" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725519" title="Sir Francis Kinloch, 3rd Baronet">
Sir Francis Kinloch, 3rd Baronet
Sir Francis Kinloch of Gilmerton, 3rd Baronet (23 June 1676 – 2 March 1747) was a Scottish landowner.
Early life.
Kinloch was the son and heir of Sir Francis Kinloch, 2nd Baronet, of Gilmerton, and Mary Leslie, daughter of David Leslie, 1st Lord Newark. He was a member of a noble family whose ancestry is displayed in "The Plantagenet Roll of the Blood Royal".
Kinloch succeeded his father in 1699 and inherited the family seat, Gilmerton House, about a mile east-north-east of Athelstaneford, East Lothian.
Personal life.
Around 1705, Kinloch married Mary Rochead, daughter and co-heiress of Sir James Rochead, 1st Baronet of Inverleith. Mary's sister, Janet Rochead, married Alexander Murray of Melgund and, after his death, Sir David Dalrymple, 1st Baronet. Together, Mary and Francis were the parents of three sons and three daughters:
Sir Francis died on 2 March 1747 and Lady Kinloch died on 2 April 1749 at Gilmerton House. Sir Francis was succeeded in the baronetcy by his son James, although he lived all his adult life in Switzerland. Following Sir James' death in 1778, his second son David inherited the baronetcy.
His grandson, Sir Francis Kinloch, 6th Baronet FRSE FSA was notoriously murdered by his younger brother Archibald Kinloch in 1795 in order to inherit the baronetcy.
<doc id="8725520" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725520" title="Helen Wyman">
Helen Wyman
Helen Wyman (born 4 March 1981) is a British cyclist for the Experza-Footlogix team. She participates in both road cycling and cyclo-cross, and, since she began competing at the age of 14, Wyman has represented her country at many international events including World Cups and World Championships. Except for 2013, she was the British national champion in cyclo-cross from 2006–2015.
<doc id="8725521" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725521" title="Ursprung Pass">
Ursprung Pass
Ursprung Pass (836 m) is a mountain pass in the Alps, located on the border between Austria and Germany between the "Bundesländer" of Tyrol and Bavaria. It is 11.5 km west of Kufstein (Tyrol) and connects the Ursprung valley in the north in Bavaria with the Thiersee valley in Tyrol in the south. The pass road has a maximum grade of 13% and can be driven by vehicles towing trailers.
<doc id="8725526" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725526" title="System/34 BASIC">
System/34 BASIC
IBM System/34 BASIC was an interpreter for the IBM System/34 midrange computer.
System/34 BASIC was first offered in 1978, and as such, contained many of the trappings that a BASIC program would have encountered in the time period of the TRS-80, or many other offerings of the 1970s and early 1980s. As such, S/34 BASIC uses conventions that are no longer standard in modern BASICs, such as line numbers, and does not support newer features such as WHILE/WEND, DO/ENDDO, WITH/END WITH, procedures, properties, and so forth.
BASIC conventions.
BASIC interpreters written in the Seventies tended to "do odd things odd ways." For example, on the Apple II, a programmer could embed a DOS command into a program via PRINT, when prefaced by the character string . PEEK and POKE could be used in various BASICs to examine memory content or change it, or even to create an ad hoc machine language program and then run it. System/34 BASIC tends to stay away from these odd conventions; however, the programmer could call for the Alarm (a buzzing sound made by the terminal) via .
BASIC statements are expected to be entered in capital letters, and while the operator can press Cmd2 to use lowercase, the BASIC interpreter will convert non-comment keywords into uppercase.
So that BASIC could be useful in a midrange computing environment, IBM added extensions to the language that were specific to the hardware and software conventions of the IBM System/34 Family, such as the WORKSTN file, support for indexed, direct, and sequential disk files, the ability to open and close multiple printer files, and LOAD/SAVE from libraries on the fixed disk.
BASIC statements.
These core BASIC statements, functions, and commands were used:
More advanced IBM-supplied statements included:
ON ERROR is an error-trapping statement that allows BASIC to suspend an error that might otherwise stop a BASIC program from running and perform an error-handling routine instead. Variants include suffixing OFLOW, ZDIV, and other error types to a statement and immediately trap these errors.
OPTION allows the BASIC program to meet special criteria. Sometimes BASIC did not have very much user space (since all S/34 programs are limited to 64K) and the area called "code space" which contains the current user program must reside within the user space. Therefore, users could choose OPTION LPREC which causes BASIC to compute with double-precision (long) numerics, or OPTION SPREC which provides more space and single-precision (short) numerics. Some programmers prefer matrix mathematics where the lowest-numbered index is 0, others prefer 1. OPTION BASE 0 and OPTION BASE 1 accomplish this. There are other uses for OPTION.
RPG II programs on the S/34 could not call each other, but BASIC programs could, using the CHAIN statement. CHAIN passes control from the current BASIC module to the named module, bearing a list of arguments which can become variables in the new module when it is loaded.
DEF FN allows the definition of a user function in BASIC which can be named and referred in the program. FNEND is placed after the last statement in a function.
There are four ways to format BASIC input and output. First, unformatted; just PRINT and INPUT to your heart's content. Second, with PRINT USING, which in S/34 BASIC can incorporate a constant, a string variable, a line number, or a label. Third, with PRINT FIELDS and INPUT FIELDS, which place 5250-type display fields on the CRT in immediate mode. Fourth, by using a workstation file (opened with and so forth) and performing various combinations of WRITE and READ to that workstation file, using SDA-generated screen formats similar to those in other S/34 applications. WRITE and READ, as well as PRINT USING and INPUT USING, can direct BASIC to a line number or a label that contains the keyword "IMAGE:".
An IMAGE statement contains decimals, commas, dollar signs, dashes, and pound signs ("#") in representation of the substituted numeric or alphameric values.
A FORM statement denotes the size of the variables to be read or written. To save a numeric value of .00 to 99,999.99, use this notation:
A label is a tag on a line as follows:
If desired, the statement can be used instead of .
OPEN, CLOSE, WRITE, REWRITE, DELETE, and APPEND are already familiar to COBOL programmers and describe the actions taken to access S/34 disk files using BASIC. It isn't possible to access every single type of S/34 file because these include system files, libraries, and folders, but every user-created S/34 file with a fixed record length (only FORTRAN programs can use variable record lengths) will suffice. Disk files can be opened sequentially, by index, or relatively (by record number). If a file is delete-capable, records can be deleted using the DELETE statement. To add a record, use WRITE (with APPEND specified in the OPEN statement) and to update use REWRITE.
In S/34 BASIC, to print to the printer, a device file must be used. A default printer file called #255 always exists when BASIC is started. It has a printer name of BASIC255 and opens the device that is the default printer for the terminal that begins a BASIC session. If desired, it is possible to create a different printer file numbered between 1 and 254. Use and so forth to do this, specifying columns or device ID or other parameters as needed. The PAGEOFLOW keyword can be used to trap the page overflow condition for the printer.
Some versions of BASIC allow the programmer to sort an array. S/34 BASIC doesn't provide a function for this, but it does provide an interesting remedy. The programmer can define an array with the same number of elements as the target array and use AIDX or DIDX to create an ascending or descending index. Each element of the new array will contain a number representing the ordinal sorted position of the target array, so if AMERICA is the sixth element of array A$ but first in alphabetical order, then setting would cause to contain the value 6.
Writing a BASIC program is much more fun than rewriting the same program each time you use it, therefore the authors of BASIC allow programmers to SAVE their program code to a library member and to REPLACE it when changes are made.
causes the current module to be saved as a subroutine member (type R) named PROG1 in a user library named PGMRLIB.
Note that System/34 files are not part of libraries. If a disk file is named FNF001, then an OPEN statement like this one can work:
It doesn't matter which library is used to access file FNF001.
RENUMBER is the S/34 BASIC command used to renumber statements. All internal references to statement numbers are immediately recalculated.
System/34 BASIC has a very dangerous command called FREE. Typing FREE followed by a filename deletes that file without a trace. It will work for every user file, unless there is a conflict of security or an in-use condition that blocks it.
System/34 BASIC has another dangerous command called LOCK. The LOCK command will make the current program source code inaccessible and it is not reversible. Always save an unlocked copy before using LOCK.
Incompatibility Between S/34 and S/36.
In 1983, IBM announced the System/36 family of midrange computers.
System/34 BASIC and System/36 BASIC are very similar; however, machine code incompatibility makes it impossible to port a subroutine member BASIC program between these systems.
<doc id="8725535" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725535" title="IBM System/36 BASIC">
IBM System/36 BASIC
IBM System/36 BASIC was an interpreter for the IBM System/36 midrange computer.
System/36 BASIC was first offered in 1983, and as such, contained many of the trappings that a BASIC program would have encountered in the time period of the IBM PC, the Commodore 64, the VIC-20, the TRS-80, or many other offerings of the Seventies and early Eighties. As such, S/36 BASIC uses conventions that are no longer standard in modern BASICs, such as line numbers, and does not support newer features such as , procedures, properties, and so forth.
BASIC interpreters written in the Seventies tended to "do odd things odd ways". For example, on the Apple II, a programmer could embed a command into a program via PRINT, when prefaced by the character string . and could be used in various BASICs to examine memory content or change it, or even to create an ad hoc machine language program and then run it. System/36 BASIC tends to stay away from these odd conventions; however, the programmer could call for the Alarm (a buzzing sound made by the terminal) via .
BASIC statements are expected to be entered in capital letters, and while the operator can press Cmd2 to use lowercase, the BASIC interpreter will convert non-comment keywords into uppercase.
So that BASIC could be useful in a midrange computing environment, IBM added extensions to the language that were specific to the hardware and software conventions of the IBM System/36 Family, such as the file, support for indexed, direct, and sequential disk files, the ability to open and close multiple printer files, and LOAD/SAVE from libraries on the fixed disk.
Statements, functions, and commands.
These core BASIC statements, functions, and commands were used:
More advanced IBM-supplied statements included:
ON ERROR Allows error trapping
OPTION Permits program-wide properties such as Base 1 or Base 0 array indexing, long or short precision, etc.
OPEN Allows a file or device (formatted workstation, printer) to be opened
CLOSE Closes a file or device
WRITE Outputs to a file or device
REWRITE Changes a record or display format
APPEND Adds to a file
DELETE Deletes a record from a file
IMAGE Defines the format of a record using COBOL-like syntax
FORM Defines the format of a record using RPG-like syntax
DEF FN..FNEND Defines a function
CHAIN Loads and passes control to another BASIC program
PRINT #255: Prints to the (default) printer file
PRINT NEWPAGE Clears the screen
PRINT #255: NEWPAGE Advances to the next page on the printer file
AIDX() Refers to the ascending index of an array, which is an array of relative sorted pointers to array elements
DIDX() Same as AIDX but uses a descending index
SRCH() Used to find a value in an array by retrieving the match pointer
SRCH$() Used to find a string value in a string array by retrieving the match pointer
RENUMBER A command used to renumber the lines within a program
LOAD A command used to load a program from a library on the fixed disk
SAVE A command used to save a program to a library on the fixed disk
OFF A command used to exit the interactive BASIC session
LISTP A command used to list the current program to the printer
is an error-trapping statement that allows BASIC to suspend an error that might otherwise stop a BASIC program from running and perform an error-handling routine instead. Variants include suffixing , and other error types to a statement and immediately trap these errors.
allows the BASIC program to meet special criteria. Sometimes BASIC did not have very much user space (since all S/36 programs are limited to 64K) and the area called "code space" which contains the current user program must reside within the user space. Therefore, users could choose which causes BASIC to compute with double-precision (long) numerics, or which provides more space and single-precision (short) numerics. Some programmers prefer matrix mathematics where the lowest-numbered index is 0, others prefer 1. and accomplish this. There are other uses for .
RPG II programs on the S/34 and S/36 could not call each other, but BASIC programs could, using the statement. passes control from the current BASIC module to the named module, bearing a list of arguments which can become variables in the new module when it is loaded.
allows the definition of a user function in BASIC which can be named and referred in the program. is placed after the last statement in a function.
There are four ways to format BASIC input and output. First, unformatted; just and to your heart's content. Second, with , which in S/36 BASIC can incorporate a constant, a string variable, a line number, or a label. Third, with and , which place 5250-type display fields on the CRT in immediate mode. Fourth, by using a workstation file (opened with and so forth) and performing various combinations of and to that workstation file, using SDA-generated screen formats similar to those in other S/36 applications. and , as well as and , can direct BASIC to a line number or a label that contains the keyword .
An IMAGE statement contains decimals, commas, dollar signs, dashes, and pound signs ("#") in representation of the substituted numeric or alphameric values.
A FORM statement denotes the size of the variables to be read or written. To save a numeric value of .00 to 99,999.99, use this notation:
A label is a tag on a line as follows:
If desired, the statement can be used instead of .
and are already familiar to COBOL programmers and describe the actions taken to access S/36 disk files using BASIC. It isn't possible to access every single type of S/36 file because these include system files, libraries, and folders, but every user-created S/36 file with a fixed record length (only FORTRAN programs can use variable record lengths) will suffice. Disk files can be opened sequentially, by index, or relatively (by record number). If a file is delete-capable, records can be deleted using the statement. To add a record, use (with specified in the statement) and to update use .
In S/36 BASIC, to print to the printer, a device file must be used. A default printer file called #255 always exists when BASIC is started. It has a printer name of BASIC255 and opens the device that is the default printer for the terminal that begins a BASIC session. If desired, it is possible to create a different printer file numbered between 1 and 254. Use and so forth to do this, specifying columns or device ID or other parameters as needed. The keyword can be used to trap the page overflow condition for the printer.
Some versions of BASIC allow the programmer to sort an array. S/36 BASIC doesn't provide a function for this, but it does provide an interesting remedy. The programmer can define an array with the same number of elements as the target array and use AIDX or DIDX to create an ascending or descending index. Each element of the new array will contain a number representing the ordinal sorted position of the target array, so if AMERICA is the sixth element of array but first in alphabetical order, then setting would cause to contain the value 1.
Writing a BASIC program is much more fun than rewriting the same program each time you use it, therefore the authors of BASIC allow programmers to their program code to a library member and to it when changes are made.
causes the current module to be saved as a subroutine member (type R) named in a user library named .
Note that System/36 files are not part of libraries. If a disk file is named , then an statement like this one can work:
It doesn't matter which library is used to access file FNF001.
is the S/36 BASIC command used to renumber statements. All internal references to statement numbers are immediately recalculated.
System/36 BASIC has a very dangerous command called . Typing followed by a filename deletes that file without a trace. It will work for every user file, unless there is a conflict of security or an in-use condition that blocks it.
System/36 BASIC has another dangerous command called . The command will make the current program source code inaccessible and it is not reversible. Always save an unlocked copy before using LOCK.
Incompatibility Between S/34 and S/36.
System/34 BASIC and System/36 BASIC are very similar; however, machine code incompatibility makes it impossible to port a subroutine member BASIC program between these systems.
See also Square Root of 2 & PI π solution for solution published on mainframes during the 1980s & 1990s.
<doc id="8725536" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=8725536" title="Peter Frans Van Kerckhoven">
Peter Frans Van Kerckhoven
Pieter Frans van Kerckhoven (Antwerp, 10 November 1818 – Antwerp, 1 August 1857) was a Flemish writer and one of the leaders of the early Flemish movement. He was the son of a broker, and his well-off birth allowed him a decent education. After he had first been instructed in a private school, he passed through the Antwerp athenaeum together with his contemporary and friend Domien Sleeckx. Van Kerckhoven was in that period a tireless reader and spent almost his entire pocket money to buy books of the French traditional authors. During his youth, Van Kerckhoven was, just like the rest of its family, very religious. After Van Kerckhoven in 1836, graduated from the Antwerp athenaeum, he studied medicine in Italy, at the University of Bologna. In Italy, Van Kerckhoven witnessed the restless and rebellious Risorgimento. The confrontation with the liberal and anticlerical Risorgimento movement would determine his later progressive-liberal conviction. Van Kerckhoven evolved from a pious catholic to an enthusiastic and persuaded liberal. In spite of the personal change which Van Kerckhoven underwent in Italy, he remained, however, religious.
Van Kerckhoven obtained the degree of baccalaurean in medicine and philosophy, but in June 1838 he suddenly returned to Antwerp, without finishing his studies. It is commonly believed that in Bologna it became too warm under the feet of Van Kerckhoven, after compromising contacts with the clandestine Carbonari movement. In Antwerp he would continue his medical studies at the "Elisabeth hospital", but he would give them up quite rapidly. During that training he got acquainted, as it happens, with the students and Hendrik Conscience, who almost immediately recognized his artistic talent and introduced him to the romantic artist group of the city. Already rapidly Van Kerckhoven would turn out to be himself one the central characters of the Antwerp cultural scene. Beside his office career (first in the business of his father and later at the city administration) he was now very active as an artist, literature critic and as head editor of several illustrated magazines, among which the "Noordstar" and the "Vlaemsche Rederyker". Van Kerckhoven was also a member of literary societes of a private character, such as "De Hermans", "Het Heilig Verbond" en "De Olijftak". As a novelist he was not as popular as Hendrik Conscience, but nevertheless he was quite successful as an author and enjoyed as a lot of appreciation as a literature critic.
Reciprocal envy and Van Kerckhovens strive to make the Flemish movement more liberal, led as from 1846 to a split with Hendrik Conscience, who saw more in the alignment of the Flemish movement to the catholic politicians. The conflict escalated fast and it became, in 1847, a bitter feud which was fought out in the Antwerp magazines "De Roskam" en "De Schrobber". In the leaflet "De Vlaemsche Beweging" (1847), aimed against Conscience and his allies, Van Kerckhoven displayed his brio as a polemist.
In these years it went well for Van Kerckhoven as he became a city clerk and published with "Ziel en lichaem" (1848) and the novel "Liefde" (1851) the pinnacle of his literary oeuvre. Moreover, he tirelessly contributes to the "Vlaemsche Rederyker", a literature-critical illustrated magazine, of which he had been head editor since 1847. In 1852, Van Kerckhoven was even raised to "knight in the Leopold order". however at the beginning of 1857 he became seriously ill. He appeared to suffer from tuberculosis and died some months later, aged 38.
<doc id="27083814" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27083814" title="Sea Witch (container ship)">
Sea Witch (container ship)
Sea Witch was a MARAD Type C5-S-73b container ship built at the Bath Iron Works shipyard for American Export-Isbrandtsen Lines. She operated in the Atlantic trades for five years. So engaged on the evening of June 1, 1973, the vessel was involved in a disastrous collision with the oil tanker "Esso Brussels" in lower New York Harbor and was damaged so badly that she was removed from active service.
Collision with "Esso Brussels".
Just before midnight on June 1, 1973, "Sea Witch" completed her port call at the Howland Hook Marine Terminal on Staten Island and departed for sea carrying a load of 445 containers below deck and 285 containers above deck. Under the command of Sandy Hook Pilot John T. (Jack) Cahill and her captain, John Paterson, the ship proceeded through the Kill van Kull towards lower New York Harbor and the Narrows, passing the Staten Island Ferry Terminal at 0029 hours on June 2. Directing the helmsman to bring the ship to a heading of 167 degrees in order to begin transiting the Narrows, Cahill also ordered the ship's speed increased to 13.4 knots, just shy of the maximum permitted harbor speed of 14 knots. With the ship now moving closer to 15 knots due to the effects of a strong 2-3 knot ebb tide as she passed by the general anchorage off Stapleton, Staten Island, Cahill ordered a course correction at 0036 hours to port to bring the ship's heading to 158 degrees to bring her in line with the center of the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge.
The second turn never occurred. When the ship did not respond as expected the helmsman advised the captain that "Sea Witch" was no longer responding to steering inputs, Captain Paterson quickly ordered steering control transferred from the port side steering system to the starboard system, while Cahill ordered the rudder put hard over to port. Both the captain's and the pilot′s attempts to regain control of "Sea Witch" proved futile, as both the port and starboard steering systems were connected into a single mechanism atop the vessels rudder post by a faulty "key," a device similar to a cotter pin, which had failed. Without this small fastener in place all steering control of "Sea Witch" was lost, and with the ship rapidly moving out of the channel toward Staten Island Cahill ordered the engines to full astern, began sounding a series of short rapid blasts on the ship's whistle, and asked Captain Paterson to sound the general alarm to alert the ship′s crew. After attempts by the chief mate and two able seaman stationed on the bow to release both of "Sea Witch's" anchors failed, Cahill locked the whistle to sound continuously to alert nearby vessels, particularly the nearby oil tanker of her distress as she continued her turn towards the anchored, fully laden vessel.
Less than five minutes had passed from the initial loss of steering control aboard "Sea Witch" before she was within a ship′s length from "Esso Brussels"′ midship, and with the ship still making 13 knots with her engines in full reverse and a collision now unavoidable, Cahill and Paterson ordered the crew off the bow and abandoned the forward superstructure. Aboard "Esso Brussels", the 36-member crew had roughly two minutes′ warning of the impending collision before the sharply raked bow of "Sea Witch", heavily reinforced for operations in icy harbors, rammed into the tanker at 0042 hours. Rather than crumpling and deforming from the force of its impact with the hull of "Esso Brussels", "Sea Witch"′s bow retained its shape as its tore into three midship cargo tanks of "Esso Brussels", locking both ships together and allowing a significant amount of her load of light Nigerian crude oil to spray onto both ships and spill into the surrounding waters. Sparks from the collision and severed electrical wiring quickly ignited the highly volatile oil and a tremendous explosion occurred, leaving both ships afire and wreathed in a large and growing pool of burning oil.
As the crew of "Esso Brussels" made their own attempt to abandon their ship, the crew aboard "Sea Witch" mustered in her aft superstructure, where they attempted to lower her aft lifeboats. Heavy smoke, heat, and a growing number of shrapnel-laced explosions from several burning containers filled with aerosol cans frustrated their initial efforts, and as the rapidly spreading burning oil slick enveloped the ship the effort was abandoned and the crew took shelter in a cabin equipped with a half-inch fire hose to await rescue. During this time, the still-engaged engines of "Sea Witch" began to pull the two ships into the center of the Narrows, where the burning pool of oil sent flames high enough to scorch the bottom of the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge above the water's surface. Fortunately, the anchor chains on "Esso Brussels" parted at this point allowing both ships to pass under the bridge quickly, preventing the steel from suffering significant heat damage. Propelled by the outbound tide and the engines of "Sea Witch", the two furiously burning ships proceeded into outer New York Harbor, where they ran hard aground in Gravesend Bay.
Within minutes of the initial collision and explosion, the Fire Department of New York (FDNY) fireboat "Fire Fighter" had departed its nearby station at Marine Company 9 in Stapleton and arrived at what the firefighters aboard would later describe as a sea of flames that extended in front of them. Initially assuming there had been an explosion on "Esso Brussels", the fireboat began to pour water onto the ship from its starboard bow, keeping their ship upwind and upcurrent from the smoke and flames now heading towards the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge. Following the inferno as it proceeded under the bridge and into Gravesend Bay, "Fire Fighter" maneuvered to a new position along the side of "Esso Brussels" and those aboard caught their first sight of the fully involved hull of "Sea Witch" and realized that there were actually two vessels involved in the fire instead of just one. Moving toward the stern of "Sea Witch" in an attempt to look for survivors, "Fire Fighter" and her crew found the entire ship enveloped by the burning slick and much of the after superstructure heavily aflame.
Aboard "Sea Witch", the 31 surviving crewmen had been trapped in the rear cabin for more than half an hour, enduring dozens of close-quarter explosions from the ship's cargo and temperatures so high that the crew was forced to spray the surrounding bulkheads with water in order to stave off being baked to death. With both ships now grounded and the fires steadily progressing aft the crew aboard were left with little option but to abandon ship, leading Cahill to make a final effort to try to signal any of the tugs and fireboats now circling the burning vessels. Covering himself with a wet blanket to shield himself against the heat and flames, Cahill went to "Sea Witch's" stern and used his flashlight to signal a fireboat he could see in the distance. Quickly spotted by the astonished captain aboard "Fire Fighter", the fireboat used its 5-inch (127-mm) bow monitor to cut a path through the burning slick in order to reach the stern of "Sea Witch", and once in position used every monitor on board to keep the flames at bay as her crew rigged two ladders onto "Sea Witch", allowing the 31 trapped men to descend to safety at 0145 hours. A further seven members of "Sea Witch"′s crew were recovered from the water surrounding the ship and the ship′s electrician was rescued from aboard ship by the crew of M/V "Brian McAllister" at approximately 0245 hours. Musters would later reveal that three of "Sea Witch"′s crew had died, two men missing and presumed dead and her captain, who had died of an apparent heart attack while awaiting rescue. "Esso Brussels" had also lost her captain and twelve of her crew in the collision and subsequent fire.
With all survivors accounted for, FDNY fireboats, United States Coast Guard cutters, and harbor tugs set about extinguishing the fires aboard the two ships, and by dawn on May 31 all fires aboard "Esso Brussels" were declared out and the two ships were separated. Initially ordered to use their maximum pumping capacity to snuff the heavy flames still burning aboard "Sea Witch", the fireboat fleet was called off after the ship developed a 25° list to port and threatened to capsize. Electing to let the fire burn itself out, the captain of the port released all but one FDNY marine unit from the scene, the one which stayed remaining with the ship for a further 15 days until all fires were declared out on June 14, 1973.
Pumped out and placed under tow, the charred hulk of "Sea Witch" was moved to an outer pier at the Brooklyn Navy Yard in Brooklyn, where she would remain for the next eight years. Eventually sold "in situ" to commercial interests, the hulk of "Sea Witch" was subsequently drydocked at Newport News Shipbuilding in Newport News, Virginia, and cut into two pieces; her still-operational stern and machinery spaces were rebuilt and attached to a newly built chemical tanker, "Chemical Discoverer", which was operating in July 2020 as "Chemical Pioneer". "Sea Witch"′s fire-damaged bow was relocated to the Baltimore, Maryland, scrapyard of Kurt Iron & Metals Company, where its former fuel tanks were used to store waste oils until being scrapped in 2008.
In October of 2021, US Shipping Corp sold the Chemical Pioneer for scrap. She left Tioga Marine Terminal in Philadelphia on Tuesday, December 14 for Malta for bunkers with a final destination of India. US Shipping was purchased in August of 2021 by SEACOR Holdings and Chemical Pioneer was determined to be redundant during the merging of the two companies fleets.
<doc id="27083815" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27083815" title="Middle Iranian language">
Middle Iranian language
<doc id="27083818" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27083818" title="Melaleuca acacioides">
Melaleuca acacioides
Melaleuca acacioides, commonly known as coastal paperbark and as lunyamad by the Bardi people, is a plant in the myrtle family, Myrtaceae and is native to the northern parts of the Northern Territory, Cape York Peninsula and New Guinea. It is closely related to "Melaleuca alsophila" and "Melaleuca citrolens", being differentiated from them by the number of flowers in a group. In this species, they are in groups of three (called triads). It is a small to medium-sized tree, sometimes with several trunks when growing in the open. It usually grows in areas with saline soils that are regularly flooded, often near mangroves.
"Melaleuca acacioides" is a tree, usually with white or grey papery bark, sometimes growing as high as . The young growth is covered with rather long, soft hairs. Its leaves are arranged alternately on the stems, and are long and wide, glabrous when mature, narrow oval in shape, sometimes with a small point on the end and with many distinct oil glands.
The flowers are white to cream and arranged in spikes, sometimes at the tips of the branches and sometimes in the leaf axils. Each spike contains 2 to 10 groups of flowers in threes. The stamens are arranged in five bundles around the flower and each bundle contains 6 or 7 stamens. Flowers appear in winter and spring and are followed by woody capsules long grouped in clusters along the stem.
Taxonomy and naming.
"Melaleuca acacioides" was first described in 1862 by Ferdinand von Mueller in "Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae". The specific epithet ("acacioides") is a reference to the similarity of the leaves to those of some "Acacia" species. The ending "-oides" is a Latin suffix meaning "resembling" or "having the form of".
In 1986, the genus "Melaleuca" was reviewed by Bryan Barlow and "Melaleuca acacioides" was separated into three groups - a new species, "Melaleuca citrolens" and two subspecies:
Distribution and habitat.
"Melaleuca acacioides" occurs from western Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory to Cape York Peninsula and New Guinea. It grows on the landward side of mangroves and samphire in slightly saline soils.
Traditional uses.
Aboriginal people used the leaves of "Melaleuca acacioides" (and of "M. argentea" and "M. leucadendra") as flavouring in cooking. "Bee bread" (produced from pollen) and honey were foods collected from native bee hives prevalent in swamp forests, including those of "Melaleuca acacioides".
Essential oils.
Selinenes, which are an important part of celery seed oil, are major components of the essential oils extracted from the leaves of this species.
Other uses.
The timber of "Melaleuca acadioides" is strong and dark coloured. The trunks may have a use as small poles and as fuel. "Melaleuca acacioides" may also be useful as a windbreak in difficult coastal situations.
<doc id="27083821" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27083821" title="National seal of the Comoros">
National seal of the Comoros
The national seal of the Comoros has the crescent found on the national flag in the center; within this crescent are the four stars found on the flag. A sun with rays extended is right above the crescent. Around the focal point, the name of the nation (Union of the Comoros) is written in both French and Arabic. The border is composed of two olive branches, with the national motto at the bottom in French.
<doc id="27083825" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27083825" title="Atwater Village, Los Angeles, California">
Atwater Village, Los Angeles, California
<doc id="27083831" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27083831" title="Open individualism">
Open individualism
Open individualism is the view in the philosophy of self, according to which there exists only one numerically identical subject, who is everyone at all times, in the past, present and future. It is a theoretical solution to the question of personal identity, being contrasted with "Empty individualism", the view that personal identities correspond to a fixed pattern that instantaneously disappears with the passage of time, and with "Closed individualism", the common view that personal identities are particular to subjects and yet survive over time.
The term was coined by philosopher Daniel Kolak, though this view has been described at least since the time of the Upanishads, in the late Bronze Age; the phrase "Tat tvam asi" meaning "You are that" is an example. Others who have expressed similar views (in various forms) include the philosophers Averroes, Arthur Schopenhauer, and Arnold Zuboff, mystic Meher Baba, stand-up comedian Bill Hicks, writer Alan Watts, as well as renowned physicists Erwin Schrödinger, Freeman Dyson, and Fred Hoyle.
In fiction.
Leo Tolstoy in the short story "Esarhaddon, King of Assyria", tells how an old man appears before Esarhaddon and takes the king through a process where he experiences, from a first-person perspective, the lives of humans and non-human animals he has tormented. This reveals to him that he is everyone and that by harming others, he is actually harming himself.
In the science fiction novel "October the First Is Too Late", Fred Hoyle puts forward the "pigeon hole theory" which asserts that "each moment of time can be thought of as a pre-existing pigeon hole" and the pigeon hole currently being examined by your consciousness is the present and that the spotlight of consciousness does not have to move in a linear fashion; it could potentially move around in any order. Hoyle considers the possibility that there might be one set of pigeon holes for each person, but only one spotlight, which would mean that the "consciousness could be the same".
"The Egg", a short story by Andy Weir, is about a character who finds out that they are every person who has ever existed.
<doc id="27083832" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27083832" title="Luzarches station">
Luzarches station
Luzarches station (French: "Gare de Luzarches") is a railway station in the commune of Luzarches (Val-d'Oise department), France. The station is served by the Transilien H trains from Paris to Luzarches. The daily number of passengers was less than 500 in 2002. The station has a free parking lot with 83 places.
The first commercial run of the Z 50000 train (nicknamed "Francilien") started from this station on Sunday 12 December 2009.
<doc id="27083833" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27083833" title="Arts District, Los Angeles, California">
Arts District, Los Angeles, California
<doc id="27083835" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27083835" title="Guijarral Hills Oil Field">
Guijarral Hills Oil Field
The Guijarral Hills Oil Field is a formerly-productive oil and gas field near Coalinga on the western side of the Central Valley in central California in the United States. Discovered in 1948, and having produced of oil during its peak year in 1950, it now has but one active oil well producing a little over a barrel of oil a day, and is very near to exhaustion, with only 343,000 recoverable barrels of oil remaining throughout its extent according to the official California State Department of Conservation estimate. As of 2010, the only active operator was Longview Production Company.
The Guijarral Hills are a low range of hills, rising a little more than a hundred feet above the floor of the San Joaquin Valley to the east, and scarcely noticeable in the shadow of the nearby Coast Range of central California. These low hills are the surface expression of the southern portion of the Coalinga Anticline, which separates the smaller, largely agricultural Pleasant Valley to the west from the main portion of the California Central Valley to the east. The town of Coalinga is about eight miles (13 km) west of the hills, with the large Coalinga Oil Field wrapping around the town in a crescent shape. The Guijarral field is a similar, smaller, and separate field southeast of the giant Coalinga field.
The major road through the field is Jayne Avenue, which runs east to west, connecting Interstate 5 to Coalinga. California State Route 33 runs from north to south, west of the field, joining with Jayne Avenue. The Pleasant Valley State Prison, also on Jayne Avenue, is adjacent to the oil field on the west.
Climate in the area is arid to semi-arid, and native vegetation consists of grassland and low scrub. Summertime temperatures routinely exceed , and freezes occur during the coldest months, although snow is rare. Most precipitation occurs in the winter. Runoff to the west and north is into Los Gatos Creek, which flows northeast into the San Joaquin Valley; runoff to the south and east is into Zapato Chino Creek, which joins with Los Gatos Creek draining to the northeast. Elevations in the vicinity range from around in Los Gatos Creek north of the hills to at the highest point in the hills; the productive portion of the oil field ranges from around 550 to above sea level.
The field, like many in and adjacent to the California Central Valley, is an anticlinal structure, in which oil has accumulated through both structural and stratigraphic mechanisms. The Guijarral Hills are a segment of a long anticline which includes the Kettleman Hills to the southeast, and which continues to the northwest as the large eastern extension of the Coalinga Oil Field (named there the Coalinga Anticline, and Anticline Ridge on United States Geological Survey maps). The uppermost productive units in the field are sand lenses within the Miocene-age Temblor Formation, named the Smith and Allison respectively from upper to lower. The most productive unit, and the first to be discovered, is the Leda Sands, which reside in the Miocene-age Vaqueros Formation, underlying the Temblor. The impermeable Salt Creek member of the same Vaqueros Formation is above the Leda Sands, trapping the oil and preventing its natural upward movement.
Other oil pools were found later, including the Gatchell, Dessell, McAdams, Sanger, Bourdieu, and Smith, with the most recent discovery being the Dessell pool in 1962. These pools are accumulations of oil in permeable sand lenses within less permeable lithologic units. Oil quality varies throughout the field but is always medium to light, with API gravity between 27 and 38. Sulfur content is generally low, with no pool over 0.63 percent by weight. In 2008 the remaining active well reported a water cut of 96%, a high value typically indicating a field near the end of its useful life (once that much of the fluid pumped from the reservoir is water, the cost to extract oil exceeds the revenue generated by selling it).
History, production, and operations.
The Guijarral field was discovered relatively late (1948) because of the depth and relative inaccessibility of the oil-producing formations. While the enormous Coalinga field is but a few miles away, in a similar anticlinal structure, it is richly productive at under below ground surface, and hence was easier to exploit. Drillers attempted to find oil at the Guijarral Hills in the 1920s, but the maximum depth of their boreholes was only a little over , and while these boreholes were in good locations had they been drilled sufficiently deep, they were abandoned. The discovery well was put in by Barnsdall Oil Company in 1948 to a depth of and flowed over ; by the end of 1948, seven more wells had been drilled to follow on this success.
Development of the field was fast, with 55 new wells drilled in 1949, and another 20 in 1950. The field reached peak production in 1950 with over of oil pumped that year. As the Leda Sands had proven to be spectacularly productive, operators began searching for other rich petroleum deposits, and in 1949 found the second-most productive unit, the Allison Sand; in 1954, the rich North Leda unit; in 1957, the Gatchell pool, and in 1962 the Dessel pool. The discontiguous Polvadero pool was discovered in 1953 by Superior Oil Company, and reached its peak production in 1956. Production in all areas and units gradually declined after the early peak, in a typical production curve for an oil field.
Many companies have operated on the field in its 60-year history, with Union Oil, now Chevron Corporation, being one of the largest players. As of 2010, the only active operator remaining on the field was Longview Production Company, who retained one periodically active well. (Fields with no active wells must be formally abandoned in short order; it is often in an operator's interest to keep at least one well operating if there is any potential either for redevelopment or sale.) In early 2010, the Australian firm Solimar Energy acquired a portion of the field with intent to redevelop, believing that the field contained considerable untapped reserves; they stated they intended to have the first new well operating by mid-2010.
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University libraries in the United States
The United States contains some of the largest academic libraries in the world. Among the most notable collections are those at Harvard University, Yale University, the University of Michigan, the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, and Columbia University. Many others were founded more recently, and are consequently on a much smaller scale.
The first colleges in the United States were intended to train members of the clergy. The libraries associated with these institutions largely consisted of donated books on the subjects of theology and the classics. In 1766, Yale had approximately 4,000 volumes, second only to Harvard. Access to these libraries was restricted to faculty members and a few students: the only staff was a part-time faculty member or the president of the college. The priority of the library was to protect the books, not to allow patrons to use them. In 1849, Yale was open 30 hours a week, the University of Virginia was open nine hours a week, Columbia University four, and Bowdoin College only three. Students instead created literary societies and assessed entrance fees in order to build a small collection of usable volumes often in excess of what the university library held.
Around the turn of the century, this approach began to change. The American Library Association was formed in 1876, with members including Melville Dewey and Charles Ammi Cutter. Libraries re-prioritized in favor of improving access to materials, and found funding increasing as a result of increased demand for said materials.
Academic libraries today vary in regard to the extent to which they accommodate those who are not affiliated with their parent universities. Some offer reading and borrowing privileges to members of the public on payment of an annual fee; such fees can vary greatly. The privileges so obtained usually do not extend to such services as computer usage, other than to search the catalog, or Internet access. Alumni and students of cooperating local universities may be given discounts or other consideration when arranging for borrowing privileges. On the other hand, access to the libraries of some universities is absolutely restricted to students, faculty, and staff. Even in this case, they may make it possible for others to borrow materials through inter-library loan programs.
Libraries of land-grant universities generally are more accessible to the public. In some cases they are official government document repositories and so are required to be open to the public. Still, members of the public are generally charged fees for borrowing privileges, and usually are not allowed to access everything they would be able to as students.
Largest academic libraries.
The 20 largest academic libraries in the United States by number of volumes:
<doc id="27083843" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27083843" title="Arlington Heights, Los Angeles, California">
Arlington Heights, Los Angeles, California
<doc id="27083845" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27083845" title="Hired armed lugger Lark">
Hired armed lugger Lark
His Majesty's hired armed lugger "Lark" served the Royal Navy from 3 January 1799 to 6 November 1801. She was armed with two 4-pounder guns and twelve 12-pounder carronades. She had a burthen of 170 tons (bm), and a crew of 50 men and boys. At the end of her contract the Admiralty returned her to her owners.
On 21 April 1800 Lieutenant Thomas Henry Wilson assumed command of "Lark", for the North Sea. Immediately before taking command of "Lark", Wilson had commanded in the Caribbean.
On 21 April "Lark" engaged with an unknown French cutter that she drove on shore, but was not, however, able to destroy. A neutral vessel that came out on 23 April informed Wilson that the cutter carried 10 guns and 36 men, and that after she got off the shore she had sailed to the Texel roads along the inside of the barrier islands.
Then on 25 April "Lark" captured the French privateer cutter "Impregnable". "Lark" ran the "Impregnable" on shore on Vlie Island where "Impregnable's" crew got ashore under the protection of about 100 troops who had gathered there. Wilson then sent his small boat to get "Impregnable" off. "Lark's" sailors came under musket fire from the troops on shore so Wilson sent his large boat, which cleared away the soldiers. "Impregnable" turned out to have been armed with twelve 3-pounder guns and two 9-pounder guns, and to have had a crew of 60.
Circa 12 March 1801 the British fleet under Admiral Sir Hyde Parker sailed from Yarmouth roads for Copenhagen, with "Lark" among the "gun-brigs, cutters, etc." On 30 March Vice-admiral Lord Nelson, and Rear-admiral Graves, accompanied by Captain Domett and the commanding officer of the troops, sailed in "Lark" to reconnoiter the Danish defenses at Copenhagen. The Battle of Copenhagen then took place on 2 April; on 12 April the fleet sailed into the Baltic.
In May Nelson sent "Lark" to "Latona" to await the arrival of Lord St Helens from his mission to arrange a peace treaty with Russia.
On 22 July 1802 head money for those present at the "Engagement at Copenhagen" was due for payment. In 1847 the Admiralty authorized the issue of the Naval General Service Medal with clasp "Copenhagen 1801" to all still surviving participants in the battle.
Citations and references.
<doc id="27083848" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27083848" title="PAPIYON ~papillon~">
PAPIYON ~papillon~
<doc id="27083852" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27083852" title="Arleta, Los Angeles, California">
Arleta, Los Angeles, California
<doc id="27083861" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27083861" title="Angelino Heights, Los Angeles, California">
Angelino Heights, Los Angeles, California
<doc id="27083873" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27083873" title="Magnesium-air fuel cell">
Magnesium-air fuel cell
<doc id="27083874" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27083874" title="Four-dotted Agonopterix Moth">
Four-dotted Agonopterix Moth
<doc id="27083878" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27083878" title="YUME Biyori">
YUME Biyori
<doc id="27083888" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27083888" title="Bruce Beasley, American sculptor">
Bruce Beasley, American sculptor
<doc id="27083910" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27083910" title="Poison Hemlock Moth">
Poison Hemlock Moth
<doc id="27083915" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27083915" title="Champ de courses d'Enghien station">
Champ de courses d'Enghien station
Champ de courses d'Enghien is a railway station in the commune of Soisy-sous-Montmorency (Val-d'Oise department), France. The station is served by Transilien H trains, on the lines from Paris to Persan-Beaumont and Pontoise. The daily number of passengers was between 2,500 and 7,500 in 2002. The station has two free parking sections with 433 spaces in total. The station is served every 15 minutes. It takes 15 to 19 minutes to reach Paris.
Champ de courses d'Enghien is located on the original Paris – Lille line, opened on 20 June 1846 by Compagnie des chemins de fer du Nord (Nord Railway Company). This line passed along the Montmorency Valley (Ermont-Eaubonne), and headed towards the Northeast at Saint-Ouen-l'Aumône, continuing through the Oise valley. In 1859, a more direct line along Chantilly was opened. The line Paris – Pontoise was electrified in 1969.
<doc id="27083919" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27083919" title="Poinsettia ~Amairo Winter Memories~">
Poinsettia ~Amairo Winter Memories~
<doc id="27083929" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27083929" title="Flag of Astrakhan Oblast">
Flag of Astrakhan Oblast
The flag of Astrakhan Oblast, a federal subject of Russia, was adopted 19 December 2001. The flag is a crown (representing its status as an oblast) and scimitar (representing its influence from India) charge on a teal blue field. The ratio of the flag is 2:3.
<doc id="27083940" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27083940" title="Otoko Uta ~cover song collection~">
Otoko Uta ~cover song collection~
<doc id="27083944" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27083944" title="Great South Channel">
Great South Channel
<doc id="27083960" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27083960" title="Guijarral hills field">
Guijarral hills field
<doc id="27083962" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27083962" title="Guijarral oil field">
Guijarral oil field
<doc id="27083963" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27083963" title="Cryptic Warning">
Cryptic Warning
<doc id="27083964" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27083964" title="Guijarral oilfield">
Guijarral oilfield
<doc id="27083966" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27083966" title="Guijarral hills oilfield">
Guijarral hills oilfield
<doc id="27083970" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27083970" title="All-time Hollywood United Hitmen roster">
All-time Hollywood United Hitmen roster
This list comprises all players who have participated in at least one league match for Hollywood United Hitmen since the team's first season in the USL Premier Development League in 2009. Players who were on the roster but never played a first team game are not listed; players who appeared for the team in other competitions (US Open Cup, etc.) but never actually made an USL appearance are noted at the bottom of the page where appropriate.
"Note: this list does not contain players who played for the senior Hollywood United team, which is owned by the same parent organization, but is a separate playing team."
<doc id="27083986" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27083986" title="Hate speech laws in the United Kingdom">
Hate speech laws in the United Kingdom
Hate speech laws in England and Wales are found in several statutes. Expressions of hatred toward someone on account of that person's colour, race, sex, disability, nationality (including citizenship), ethnic or national origin, religion, gender reassignment, or sexual orientation is forbidden. Any communication which is threatening or abusive, and is intended to harass, alarm, or distress someone is forbidden. The penalties for hate speech include fines, imprisonment, or both.
The Police and CPS have formulated a definition of hate crimes and hate incidents, with hate speech forming a subset of these. Something is a hate incident if the victim or anyone else think it was motivated by hostility or prejudice based on: disability, race, religion, gender identity or sexual orientation. A hate incident becomes a hate crime if it crosses the boundary of criminality.
Some United Kingdom statutes apply in Scotland and Northern Ireland. The Scottish government has held an independent review of hate crime laws which it intends to use as the basis for a wider consultation on new legislation.
Public Order Acts.
Part 3.
In England, Wales, and Scotland, the Public Order Act 1986 prohibits, by its Part 3, expressions of racial hatred, which is defined as hatred against a group of persons by reason of the group's colour, race, nationality (including citizenship) or ethnic or national origins. Section 18 of the Act says:
A person who uses threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or displays any written material which is threatening, abusive or insulting, is guilty of an offence if—
Offences under Part 3 carry a maximum sentence of seven years imprisonment or a fine or both.
Part 3A.
The Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006 amended the Public Order Act 1986 by adding Part 3A. That Part says, "A person who uses threatening words or behaviour, or displays any written material which is threatening, is guilty of an offence if he intends thereby to stir up religious hatred." The Part protects freedom of expression by stating in Section 29J:
Nothing in this Part shall be read or given effect in a way which prohibits or restricts discussion, criticism or expressions of antipathy, dislike, ridicule, insult or abuse of particular religions or the beliefs or practices of their adherents, or of any other belief system or the beliefs or practices of its adherents, or proselytising or urging adherents of a different religion or belief system to cease practising their religion or belief system.
The Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008 amended Part 3A of the Public Order Act 1986. The amended Part 3A adds, for England and Wales, the offence of inciting hatred on the ground of sexual orientation. All the offences in Part 3 attach to the following acts: the use of words or behaviour or display of written material, publishing or distributing written material, the public performance of a play, distributing, showing or playing a recording, broadcasting or including a programme in a programme service, and possession of inflammatory material. In the circumstances of hatred based on religious belief or on sexual orientation, the relevant act (namely, words, behaviour, written material, or recordings, or programme) must be threatening and not just abusive or insulting.
Section 4A.
The Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 inserted Section 4A into the Public Order Act 1986. Said section makes it an offence causing alarm or distress in certain circumstances, including when using abusive or insulting words or behaviour.
Reform Section 5 campaign.
In 2012, a campaign was launched by the Christian Institute to remove the word "insulting" from section 5 of the Public Order Act, saying that it constituted mere censorship. The campaign was backed by a number of high-profile activists including comedian Rowan Atkinson and former Shadow Home Secretary David Davis. On 12 December 2012, the House of Lords voted in favour of amending the Public Order Act to remove the word "insulting". In January 2013, the government announced that it would accept the amendment, despite having previously opposed it. The amendment to the Public Order Act was duly passed into law, as section 57 of the Crime and Courts Act 2013. Section 57 of the Act came into force on 1 February 2014.
Football Offences Act.
The Football Offences Act 1991 (amended by the Football (Offences and Disorder) Act 1999) forbids indecent or racialist chanting at designated football matches.
The use of prisons to regulate hate speech has been critiqued from a normative perspective.
Selected cases.
On 13 October 2001, Harry Hammond, an evangelist, was arrested and charged under section 5 of the Public Order Act (1986) because he had displayed to people in Bournemouth a large sign bearing the words "Jesus Gives Peace, Jesus is Alive, Stop Immorality, Stop Homosexuality, Stop Lesbianism, Jesus is Lord". In April 2002, a magistrate convicted Hammond, fined him £300, and ordered him to pay costs of £395.
On 2 September 2006, Stephen Green was arrested in Cardiff for distributing pamphlets which called sexual activity between members of the same sex a sin. On 28 September 2006, the Crown advised Cardiff Magistrates Court that it would not proceed with the prosecution.
On 8 December 2009, District Judge Richard Clancy, sitting at Liverpool Magistrates' Court, acquitted Ben and Sharon Vogelenzang, hoteliers, of charges under the Public Order Act 1986 and under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998. The Vogelensangs were charged after a guest at their hotel, Ericka Tazi, complained that the Vogelenzangs had insulted her after she appeared in a hijab.
On 4 March 2010, a jury returned a verdict of guilty against Harry Taylor, who was charged under Part 4A of the Public Order Act 1986. Taylor was charged because he left anti-religious cartoons in the prayer-room of Liverpool's John Lennon Airport on three occasions in 2008. The airport chaplain, who was insulted, offended, and alarmed by the cartoons, called the police. On 23 April 2010, Judge Charles James of Liverpool Crown Court sentenced Taylor to a six-month term of imprisonment suspended for two years, made him subject to a five-year Anti-Social Behaviour Order (ASBO) (which bans him from carrying religiously offensive material in a public place), ordered him to perform 100 hours of unpaid work, and ordered him to pay £250 costs. Taylor was convicted of similar offences in 2006.
On 20 April 2010, police arrested Dale McAlpine, a Christian preacher, of Workington in Cumbria, for saying that homosexual conduct was a sin. On 14 May 2010, the Crown decided not to prosecute McAlpine. Later still the police apologised to McAlpine for arresting him at all, and paid him several thousand pounds compensation.
On 23 April 2018, Scottish YouTuber Mark Meechan of Coatbridge, North Lanarkshire was fined £800 after being found "grossly offensive" for posting a YouTube video that was viewed over 3 million times depicting him training his girlfriend's pug to respond to the phrase "Sieg Heil" by lifting his paw in a Nazi salute. Tory MP Philip Davies requested a review of freedom of expression in parliament in response to the conviction. Comedians Ricky Gervais and David Baddiel tweeted in support of Meechan. Tom Walker, Shappi Khorsandi, and Stephen Fry defended Meechan and criticised other comedians for their silence on the issue. Meechan, who plans to appeal, was sentenced to pay an £800 fine on 23 April 2018. A crowd of about 500 people protested against the move in London.
In 2017, 19-year old Croxteth resident Chelsea Russell quoted a line from Snap Dogg's song "I'm Trippin'" on her Instagram page. The line, which read "Kill a snitch nigga, rob a rich nigga", was copied from a friend's page as part of a tribute to Frankie Murphy who was killed in a car accident at age 13. Hate crime investigators were alerted to the presence of the slur and charged Russell with "sending a grossly offensive message by means of a public electronic communications network". Defence lawyer Carole Clarke stated that she received a request from one of the arresting officers that the word "nigga", the subject of the trial, not be used in court. In April 2018, District Judge Jack McGarva found Russell guilty and delivered a sentence which included a £585 fine, a curfew and an ankle monitoring bracelet. However, Russell's conviction was overturned by Liverpool Crown Court on 21 February 2019.
<doc id="27083994" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27083994" title="Total 9">
Total 9
Kompakt: Total 9 or Total 9 was released on 18 August 2008. The album is the ninth installment of the Cologne-based microhouse label's annual compilation of vinyl releases and exclusives from its biggest artists and most promising newcomers.
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Melaleuca alsophila
Melaleuca alsophila, commonly known as the saltwater paperbark, is a plant in the myrtle family, Myrtaceae and is endemic to the north of Western Australia. It is a dense shrub or small tree with fibrous or papery bark and is common in areas seasonally inundated during the wet season.
"Melaleuca alsophila" is a dense shrub or tree to and is often multistemmed. There is considerable variation in its leaf size, even on one individual plant but they are commonly long (sometimes up to ), flat, 5 to 7-veined and spirally arranged on the stem. They are typically oval to tear-drop shaped, tapering near the stem.
The flowers are cream to white, in small dense heads. The stamens are arranged in five bundles around the flowers and in this species there are 9 to 16 stamens per bundle. Flowering occurs in the dry season, from March to October and is followed by fruit which are woody capsules about , cup or barrel-shaped, occurring singly or in small clusters.
Taxonomy and naming.
"Melaleuca alsophila" was first informally described by Allan Cunningham from a specimen collected on the north west coast of Australia during a voyage of . The description was formally applied in 1866 by George Bentham in "Flora Australiensis". The specific epithet ("alsophila") is from the Greek "alsos", meaning "grove" and "philos" "loving", referring to the habitat of the species.
Distribution and habitat.
Saltwater paperbark is found on sandy, often saline soils along watercourses, in swamps, on floodplains, coastal flats, and various saline habitats. It occurs in the Central Kimberley, Dampierland, Northern Kimberley, Victoria Bonaparte, Great Sandy Desert and Pilbara biogeographic regions of Western Australia.
Indigenous uses.
Aboriginal people in the Kimberley region knew the plant to be a favourite resting place for pigeons and they used its trunk to build shelters. Native, stingless bees often make their hives in the trunk and branches. The bark can be used as a mosquito repellant and an infusion of its leaves is used to relieve the symptoms of a cold.
Conservation status.
"Melaleuca alsophila" is classified as "not threatened" by the Government of Western Australia Department of Parks and Wildlife.
<doc id="27084013" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084013" title="Silver and Gold (Burl Ives song)">
Silver and Gold (Burl Ives song)
<doc id="27084014" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084014" title="Meshkinshahr Geothermal Power Plant">
Meshkinshahr Geothermal Power Plant
Meshkinshahr Geothermal Power Plant is a geothermal electricity generation station situated near Meshkinshahr, Iran. The plant which has an electricity generation capacity of 5 MW has been under construction since 2001 and came online in 2010, becoming Iran's first geothermal power plant. It uses steam formed by the injected water into specially drilled wells which can be more than deep. The water is heated up, deep in the ground where temperature is above . The heated up water upon de-pressurization at the surface turns to steam which is then used to power steam turbines for electricity generation. The plant is being further expanded to provide geothermal heating to areas in Ardabil Province for both domestic as well as industrial purposes. As power plant is situated in touristic Sabalan area, it is also hoped the nonpolluting nature of the plant will help to preserve the nature and attract more tourism to the area. In long term, Iran plans to use the gained experience with this power plant in installation of up to 12 other geothermal stations in the country.
<doc id="27084024" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084024" title="Enghien-les-Bains station">
Enghien-les-Bains station
Enghien-les-Bains is a railway station in the commune of Enghien-les-Bains (Val-d'Oise department), France. The station is served by trains of the Transilien Paris Nord line H, from Paris to Pontoise and Persan-Beaumont. The daily number of passengers was between 7,500 and 15,000 in 2002.
The station was opened on July 11, 1846, by the Compagnie du Nord. Trains from Paris to Lille and the Belgian border stopped at the station twice every hour. After the construction of a more direct line between Saint-Denis and Creil in 1859, the station is mainly used for local traffic. Between 1866 and 1954 the station was also the terminus of a branch line to Montmorency, known as the Refoulons. Until 1935, it was the terminus for tramway lines to Montmorency and to la Trinité in Paris, 9th arr.
Between April and May 1969, the line Paris-Pontoise was electrified and automatic signals were installed.
The station is served by 4 trains an hour (8 trains during peak hours) in both directions: Paris-Nord and Ermont-Eaubonne. It takes 9 to 15 minutes to reach Paris.
At the station, connection exists to the following bus services:
<doc id="27084042" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084042" title="Aleksey Yermolayev">
Aleksey Yermolayev
Aleksey Nikolayevich Yermolayev (Russian: Алексе́й Никола́евич Ермола́ев; 12 December 1975) was a Soviet and Russian ballet dancer, choreographer and teacher. He played an important role in the development of Russian ballet between 1950 and 1975, and he was considered an outstanding actor. People's Artist of the USSR (1970).
Aleksey Yermolayev was born in Tver Governorate (Saint Petersburg according to different sources) in 1910. At the Leningrad Choreographic School he completed the required eight years of training in only five years, graduating in 1926, aged only 16; his teacher there was Vladimir Ponomaryov. He spent four years in the Mariinsky Theatre in Leningrad, and made his name in modern roles. He spent the years 1930–1938 as Principal Dancer at the Bolshoi Ballet in Moscow.
Yermolayev demonstrated impressive athletic strength, and a vivid personality in his acting. His roles included the God of the Wind ("The Talisman"), Basilio ("Don Quixote"), Albert ("Giselle"), Siegfried ("Swan Lake"), Abderakhman ("Raymonda"), Ripafratta ("Mirandolina"), and Gireï ("La Fontaine de Bakhchissaraï").
He created roles in:
In 1951 he created "Piece Will Win War" at the Belarusian National Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theatre. He arranged the music and performed all the roles.
In the 1955 Soviet film of the "Romeo and Juliet" ballet, Yermolayev danced Tybalt, the role he created in 1946.
Among his choreographies were:
Later life.
He became a teacher and coach at the Bolshoi Ballet in 1960, remaining there until his death in 1975. From 1968 to 1972 he was also artistic director of the Moscow Choreographic School. Among his pupils were Alexander Godunov, Vladimir Vasiliev, Māris Liepa, U. Vladimirov and M. Lavrovsky.
He was a People's Artist of the USSR and Belarus, laureate of three Stalin Prizes in 1946, 1947 and 1950, and the Order of the Red Banner of Labour and the Order of the Badge of Honour.
He died in Moscow in 1975, aged 65.
<doc id="27084060" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084060" title="All-time Lancaster Rattlers roster">
All-time Lancaster Rattlers roster
This list comprises all players who have participated in at least one league match for Lancaster Rattlers since the team's first season in the USL Premier Development League in 2007. Players who were on the roster but never played a first team game are not listed; players who appeared for the team in other competitions (US Open Cup, etc.) but never actually made an USL appearance are noted at the bottom of the page where appropriate.
<doc id="27084061" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084061" title="Slammiversary (2010)">
Slammiversary (2010)
<doc id="27084071" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084071" title="Flag of Belgorod Oblast">
Flag of Belgorod Oblast
The flag of Belgorod Oblast, a federal subject of Russia, was adopted on June 22, 2000. The flag consists of a blue cross, the four cantons colored (clockwise from top left) white, green, black and red. The white canton is charged with the seal of Belgorod Oblast, consisting of a lion at rest and an eagle above it. The ratio of the flag is 2:3.
<doc id="27084099" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084099" title="Brookside Golf Resort">
Brookside Golf Resort
Brookside Golf Resort is a public golf course located in Hatchet Cove, Newfoundland, Canada.
The Course.
Brookside Golf Resort is a 9-hole picturesque course that traverses hilly terrain and overlooks Random Sound in Trinity Bay.
<doc id="27084108" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084108" title="Dasam Falls">
Dasam Falls
<doc id="27084114" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084114" title="Jewish pirates">
Jewish pirates
Jewish pirates were those seafaring Jewish people who engaged in piracy. While there is some mention of the phenomenon in antiquity, especially during the Hasmonean period ( 140–37 BCE), most Jewish pirates were Sephardim who operated in the years following the Alhambra Decree ordering the expulsion of Iberia's Jews. Upon fleeing Spain and Portugal, some of these Jews became pirates and turned to attacking the Catholic Empire's shipping as both Barbary corsairs from their refuge in the Ottoman dominions, as well as privateers bearing letters of marque from Spanish rivals such as the United Netherlands.
Many Jews also were involved in backing Spanish-attacking privateers economically. They viewed this campaign to be a profitable strategy of revenge for their expulsion and the Inquisition's continued religious persecution of their Jewish and "converso" brethren in both the Old and New Worlds.
Piracy in the ancient world: pirates of Joppa.
Ancient Jewish life was concentrated around in the highlands of the Samarian and Judaean Mountains, located some distance from the Mediterranean Sea. Therefore, Jews were initially not very active in seafaring or navigation. After 142 BCE, the Jewish Hasmonean state acquired ports of their own. Joppa (Jaffa), Ashdod and Gaza were added to their domain, and a small number of Jewish sailors developed.
Jewish pirates were first mentioned by Josephus. There is a drawing of a pirate ship following two merchant ships at Jason's Tomb in Jerusalem. The drawing shows three ships, one of which is a war ship with Jason holding the bow and getting ready to shoot. The painting is dated back at early 1st century BCE.
The Seleucid Empire's decline in the region was a result of the Maccabean war, and was followed by an influx of Jewish and Syrian pirates operating from the Levant. Pompey's journey to Judea may indicate a connection between Jewish and Cilician pirates. As a matter of fact there were so many Jews at sea during Pompey's time, some of whom were pirates, that king Antigonus II Mattathias was accused of sending them out on purpose.
By the end of First Jewish–Roman War, also known as The Great Revolt, Jews who had been driven out of Galilee rebuilt Joppa (Jaffa), which had been destroyed earlier by Cestius Gallus. Surrounded and cut off by the Romans they rebuilt the city walls, and used a light flotilla to demoralize commerce and interrupt the grain supply to Rome from Alexandria.
In "The Jewish War", Josephus wrote:
In July 67 Vespasian attacked Joppa. The people of Joppa took to the sea, but a pre-dawn storm wrecked the ships. Many drowned, others killed themselves. Those who survived the wreck, numbering about 4,200, were killed by the Romans. Joppa was destroyed once again.
After Joppa's destruction for the second time, Vespasian built a citadel there to prevent the Jewish pirates from retaking the city. The Romans considered their victory over Joppa's pirates very important, and commemorated it with a large number of coins for "naval victory."
Early Modern Sephardi piracy.
Iberian Jewish pirates.
The Age of Exploration was, in part, enabled by crucial navigational advances developed by the primarily Jewish Majorcan cartographic school as well as Abraham Zacuto's ephemerides. Zacuto, Royal Astronomer and Historian of Portugal, left Portugal rather than become Christian. Vasco da Gama even lent his name to his Jewish pilot Gaspar da Gama. Many Jews also worked as ship navigators. Suddenly expelled from Iberia, their knowledge and skills in ship navigation made them enemies of the state and were contributing factors to the development of Jewish piracy in that age.
After Jews were expelled from Spain and Portugal, many of them settled in the friendlier Muslim lands of the Mediterranean (the Ottoman Empire for example). Like their Muslim compatriots who were likewise expelled in 1492, Jews were also looking to get revenge against Iberian Christians by sharing with Muslims the newest military techniques and secrets used by Christians. And they also joined in on Muslim anti-Christian piracy of the Mediterranean, such as Sinan Reis and Samuel Pallache.
The English State Papers of 1521 bear evidences of Sinan Reis, who sailed with Hayreddin Barbarossa:
Christopher Columbus himself noticed a great symbolism in the expulsion of the Jews from Spain and his sea voyages of discovery, when he started his diary with this statement:
Jewish pirates of Jamaica.
Today, there are only around 200 Jews in Jamaica. However, at some point 20% of Kingston's population were Portuguese and Spanish Jews, while Spanish Town was founded by escaped Jews. The first Jews landed on the island in 1530 just 40 years after it was invaded by Christopher Columbus. While for a time the Columbus family's rule kept out the Inquisition, when their power was eroded and the Church began threatening the crypto-Jewish populace, they aided the English conquest of Jamaica. Under the English, the city of Port Royal was home not only to privateers bearing letters of marque against Spanish treasure galleons, some of whom were Jewish, but was also home to a large Jewish community which economically supported the raids against the Spanish.
Jewish pirates of Jamaica named their ships for ancient Jewish heroes and prophets like Prophet Samuel, Queen Esther and Shield of Abraham. They targeted Spanish and Portuguese merchant ships. One of the most famous Jewish pirates of Jamaica was Moses Cohen Henriques, who in 1628, led with Piet Pieterszoon Hein the only successful capture of the Spanish treasure fleet. He went on to aid the Dutch capture of northeast Brazil from Portugal.
Abraham Blauvelt was a Dutch-Jewish pirate, privateer, and explorer of Central America and the western Caribbean, after whom the towns of Bluefields, Nicaragua, and Bluefields, Jamaica, were both named.
Notable pirates.
The Great Jew.
Sinan, called The Great Jew by the Spaniards, was one such Jewish refugee whose family emigrated from Spain to the Ottoman Empire, according to some non-academic authors. He sailed as a barbary corsair under Hayreddin Barbarossa. Some attribute to him the defeat of an Imperial-Spanish fleet in 1538 at the Battle of Preveza. Some non-academic authors, mistaking him for Sinan Pasha and sometimes again mistaking the latter's place of burial, Üsküdar, for Shkodër in Albania (both places bearing the alternative name of Scutari), wrote erroneously that Sinan the Jew is buried in a Jewish cemetery in Albania.
Yaacov Kuriel.
Yaacov Kuriel was born to a Jewish family which converted to Christianity under pressure from the Inquisition when Yaakov was a child. As a young man, Yaacov Kuriel was a captain of the Spanish fleet until he was caught by the Inquisition. He was freed by his sailors, most of whom were marranos themselves. For many years after that his only goal was revenge. He had three pirate ships under his command. Little is known about what happened to him later. Some believe that eventually he made his way to the Holy Land, studied Kabbalah and died peacefully of old age.
<doc id="27084124" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084124" title="Mariana (painting)">
Mariana (painting)
<doc id="27084136" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084136" title="Gim Heum-sun">
Gim Heum-sun
Gim Heum-sun (김흠순, born 599), also known as Kim Heum-sun, was a general in 7th-century Silla. He is said to have been the great-grandchild of King Guhae of Geumgwan Gaya, the last ruler of the Geumgwan Gaya state. This would have given him a very high position in Silla's bone rank system, which governed the political and military status that a person could attain. His elder brother, Gim Yu-sin, was known as one of the great general of Korean history, and he led the unification of the Korean peninsula.
<doc id="27084137" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084137" title="Timothy Walsh">
Timothy Walsh
<doc id="27084140" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084140" title="La Barre - Ormesson station">
La Barre - Ormesson station
La Barre – Ormesson is a railway station in the commune of Deuil-la-Barre (Val-d'Oise department), France. The station is served by Transilien H trains, on the lines from Paris to Persan-Beaumont and Pontoise. The daily number of passengers was between 2,500 and 7,500 in 2002.
La Barre-Ormesson is located on the original Paris – Lille line, which was opened on 20 June 1846 by Compagnie des chemins de fer du Nord (North Railway Company). This line passed along the Montmorency Valley (Ermont-Eaubonne), and headed towards the northeast at Saint-Ouen-l'Aumône, continuing through the Oise valley. In 1859, a more direct line along Chantilly was opened. The Paris–Pontoise line was electrified in 1969.
The station is served every 15 minutes and eight trains an hour during peak hours. It takes 9 to 15 minutes to reach Paris.
<doc id="27084147" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084147" title="Kirk Pearson">
Kirk Pearson
Kirk Pearson is a retired American soccer goalkeeper who played two seasons in the North American Soccer League.
Pearson attended Alderson–Broaddus College where he was a 1977 Honorable Mention (third team) All American soccer player. In January 1978, the expansion New England Tea Men selected Pearson in the North American Soccer League draft. He played only two games during the 1978 season, but saw five games at the beginning of the 1979 season when the first string goalkeeper Kevin Keelan broke his hand in the pre-season.
<doc id="27084162" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084162" title="Hector Gratton">
Hector Gratton
Joseph Thomas Hector Gratton (13 August 1900 – 16 July 1970) was a Canadian composer, arranger, conductor, pianist, and music educator. As a composer his music is written in an essentially folkloric and popular style which avoids harmonic sophistication. His compositional output includes several orchestral works, chamber works, and works for solo piano. He also wrote 4 ballets and a considerable amount of music for radio programs. In 1937 his symphonic poem "Légende" won the Jean Lallemand Prize which led to the work's premiere performance that year by the Montreal Symphony Orchestra under conductor Wilfrid Pelletier. The work was repeated by the orchestra in concerts the following year under conductor Sir Ernest MacMillan.
Life and career.
Born in Hull, Quebec (now Gatineau, Quebec), Gratton studied music theory and composition with Albertine Morin-Labrecque, Oscar O'Brien, and Alfred Whitehead. He was a piano student of Alphonse Martin and Alfred La Liberté. From La Liberté he gained a great appreciation for the works and aesthetics of Nikolai Medtner and Alexander Scriabin, two composers which influenced his own compositional style.
During the 1920s, Gratton toured with Charles Marchand performing folk music that was harmonized by O'Brien. He notably performed in concerts with Marchand at the CPR Festivals between 1927 and 1930. He soon after began working for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation during the early years of national radio. He composed and conducted music for "Je me souviens", one of the first major Canadian radio series which featured scripts by Félix Leclerc. Also notable among his compositions for CBC Radio
was the incidental music for Cécile Chabot's 1945 Christmas story "L'Imagerie".
Gratton died in Montreal in 1970 at the age of 69. He was made an associate of the Canadian Music Centre posthumously. Several of his original manuscripts are part of the collection at the Library and Archives Canada.
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The Kickback (band)
The Kickback is an American indie rock band currently based in Chicago, Illinois. The quartet consists of lead Billy Yost, guitarist Jonny Ifergan, and bassist Daniel Leu. They released their debut LP, "Sorry All Over the Place", on September 18, 2015 via Jullian Records. The album was recorded by Jim Eno (the drummer for Spoon) at his studio Public Hi-Fi in Austin, Texas. "Rolling Stone" says The Kickback "conjures the very best parts of The Veils and The Walkmen and The Killers, writing lean, nervy songs that snarl and snap." Their sophomore album "Weddings & Funerals" was released on July 14, 2017. They have also released a clutch of EPs.
The group was formed as singer/guitarist Billy Yost's "first attempt to get a 'college band thing' going" at the University of South Dakota in Vermillion, South Dakota. The band name was chosen after Yost's readings on the Enron scandal while attending the university.
Early years.
The story begins in 2009 when Billy and Danny Yost and Zach Verdoorn decided to leave their South Dakota home and move to Chicago."I was terrified about making the move ... I loved where I grew up. I spent a lot of time there writing songs for this record, and figuring out what I had to offer. But I needed a bigger pool of musicians who I had things in common with musically", he has stated. Upon arriving in Chicago, Yost assembled the band through Craigslist ads, weathering a series of changes until the band arrived at the current lineup. Despite Yost's status as the founding member and primary songwriter, The Kickback is a truly collaborative effort built around each member’s artistic vision.
A clutch of EPs.
After releasing "Great Self Love" in 2010 and "Mea Culpa Mea Culpa" in 2011, they received attention from Rolling Stone's "Hype Monitor" blog as well as Chicago music critic and Sound Opinions contributor Jim DeRogatis.
After a few years of writing and recording demos, the band was ready to record their debut LP. A milestone moment came when the band, with humor and bravado, sent their demos to Jim Eno from Spoon (one of Billy’s primary modern artistic inspirations). Jim responded favorably and got in touch with the band.
"Sorry All Over the Place".
The Kickback's debut LP was released September 18, 2015, on Jullian Records. It was recorded and produced by Jim Eno at his studio Public Hi-Fi in Austin, Texas. Consequence of Sound announced the album and premiered the track "White Lodge" on June 15, 2015. Grantland called the track "a witty, nervy, and melodic dagger that exudes dread without completely giving up on the possibility of transcendence." The Nerdist premiered the full album and said "[The Kickback's] extremely competent, catchy debut effort "Sorry All Over the Place" belies how nimbly the group is able to transition from ballad to Smashing Pumpkins-esque rock outbursts, to extended instrumental jams."
"Weddings & Funerals".
The Kickback's sophomore album, produced by Dennis Herring, was released on July 14, 2017. It was announced by Billboard and Consequence of Sound, along with a premiere of their new single "Will T" on May 12, 2017.
The band has developed a reputation for their live performance. The Kickback have toured nationally on multiple occasions and are known for their energy and Yost's aggressive interaction with audiences. Bands they have supported previously include Bush, White Rabbits, Smith Westerns, Manic Street Preachers, Here We Go Magic, Tapes n Tapes, Telekinesis, Ringo Deathstarr, Miracle Legion, and The Districts. The band has performed at South by Southwest, North by Northeast, Canadian Music Week, 80/35, Summerfest, Mile of Music, CMJ, among other notable music festivals.
Starting in December 2010, The Kickback began hosting their own podcast, "Disas-tour", which features discussions and segments centered around the band and its current activities. The episodes originate from on-the-road locations as well as at the band's rehearsal space in Chicago. Yost cites the podcast as an effort to convey "what it's really like to be a band that can't afford to be making music 24-hours of the day" as well as "things that sort of influence the band's direction (Michael Keaton movies, the Muppets, manic-depression, etc.). Since 2010, the group has aired over 100 episodes of the popular series.
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James Blendick
James Blendick (born 1941) is a Canadian character actor. He is perhaps best known for his 30-year-long association with the Stratford Festival.
Among the productions in which he has performed leads are "Much Ado About Nothing", "The Cherry Orchard", "Waiting For Godot", "Juno and the Paycock", "Coriolanus", "Richard III", "Amadeus", "The Little Foxes", "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof", "Midsummer Night's Dream", "Twelfth Night" and "School For Scandal" among many others. More recently he appeared in the title role of "Titus Andronicus" (2000) and as Gonzalo in "The Tempest", with Christopher Plummer (2010) at the Stratford Festival.
Blendick has also performed on Broadway (opposite Plummer in "Cyrano)", at the Guthrie Theater, Minneapolis, at the Old Globe, San Diego and at the Grand Theatre, London. He has also acted extensively in film and television.
<doc id="27084235" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084235" title="Total 10">
Total 10
Kompakt: Total 10 or Total 10 was released on 10 August 2009. The album is the tenth installment of the Cologne-based microhouse label's annual compilation of vinyl releases and exclusives from its biggest artists and most promising newcomers.
<doc id="27084237" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084237" title="Alexander Donaldson (bookseller)">
Alexander Donaldson (bookseller)
Alexander Donaldson (1727 – 11 March 1794) was a Scottish bookseller, publisher, and printer. Donaldson was the founding publisher of the weekly newspaper, the "Edinburgh Advertiser". He was also known for selling cheap copies of books after their copyright had expired in disregard to London booksellers' opinions on literary property.
Early years.
Donaldson was the son of Dr James Donaldson (died 1754), a textile manufacturer and Treasurer of Edinburgh. His mother was Elizabeth Weir (died 1768). He had an older brother, John. His paternal grandfather was Capt. James Donaldson, publisher of "The Edinburgh Gazette". Donaldson inherited approximately £10,000 from his father.
In 1748, he opened a bookselling shop in Edinburgh. Two years later, on 29 August 1750, he was made a Burgess and Guild Brother of Edinburgh by right of his father in lieu of an apprenticeship. He married a merchant's daughter, Anna Marshall, on 10 January 1751 and may have received a substantial dowry.
Having the financial wherewithal, Donaldson become a junior partner of Alexander Kincaid from 1751–58. In its first year, Kincaid & Donaldson published Dr. Francis Home's "Essay on the Contents and Virtues of Dunse-Spaw" and Henry Home's "Essays on the Principles of Morality and Natural Religion". In 1752, Kincaid & Donaldson was the sole publisher David Hume's "Political Discourses". After Donaldson left Kincaid, his involvement with the Scottish Enlightenment's new books was essentially over, with the exception of his involvement with James Boswell. Kincaid went on to become Lord Provost of Edinburgh.
Donaldson joined the printing firm of Sands Donaldson Murray & Cochran in 1755–1759. He worked with John Reid at Castlehill from 1760 until 1765. In 1764, they began printing and publishing the "Edinburgh Advertiser", though Reid remained with the newspaper for less than a year. Donaldson maintained at least two book shops while publishing the twice-weekly "Advertiser", one being at the Strand, London, and the other in Edinburgh.
From 1765 until 1772, he had a shop at Castlehill. Donaldson and his older brother John also owned a bookstore in London, selling books that were printed in Scotland until July 1773 at which time John remained at the Arundel Street shop, and Alexander moved to St Paul's Churchyard. In 1774, after ten years printing and publishing the "Edinburgh Advertiser", Donaldson turned it over to his 22-year-old son, James.
Battle of the booksellers.
Donaldson was a notable "purveyor of cheap reprints" that were no longer protected by the Statute of Anne in a time known as the "Battle of the booksellers". His attitude towards copyright was not embraced by London merchants who stood to lose large sums of money over books printed in Edinburgh and sold in London. The English poet Samuel Johnson disliked Donaldson, and criticised him, saying, "[Donaldson] is a fellow who takes advantage of the law to injure his brethren..."
While he made a fortune in his reprint business, he and others also bore the expense of legal actions in this regard. These included "Osborne v Donaldson" (1765), against publisher Thomas Osborne, and "Millar v Donaldson" (1765); in 1769, Donaldson sued Reid over printing-house practices. In 1773, London bookseller James Hinton and Edinburgh writer Alexander M'Conochie sued Donaldson and John Wood in Edinburgh, and John Meurose in Kilmarnock over copyright infringement of several titles. Donaldson and his brother John were appellants in "Donaldson v Beckett" (1774), against the printers and booksellers Thomas Becket (or Beckett) (previously apprenticed to British publisher Andrew Millar), Peter Abraham de Hondt, John Rivington, William Johnson, William Strahan, Thomas Longman, William Richardson, John Richardson, Thomas Lowndes, Thomas Caslon, George Kearsley, Henry Baldwin, William Owen, Thomas Davies, and Thomas Cadell. The case resulted in a ruling by the British House of Lords on the issue of perpetual common law copyright and copyright as a statute that could have a limited duration.
James Boswell was Donaldson's advocate in at least three of these lawsuits, "Donaldson v Beckett", "Donaldson v Reid" and "Hinton v Donaldson". Boswell, best known as Samuel Johnson's biographer, referred to Donaldson as "the prodigious Vendor of Literature", and the "Great Donaldson". Donaldson published several of Boswell's works.
Personal life.
It is unlikely that Donaldson is the same Alexander Donaldson mentioned as a founding member of the Royal Society of Edinburgh as that gentleman is described as a Professor of Oriental Languages at Edinburgh University. He retired in 1789 and bought Broughton Hall, located a mile to the northeast of central Edinburgh, which had been the residence of Archibald Stewart, Lord Provost of Edinburgh (1745). He died at Broughton Hall in 1794, leaving an estate valued at £100,000. He is buried in Greyfriars Churchyard.
His surviving son, James (1751–1830), inherited the Edinburgh business. He, too, died at Broughton Hall, in 1830. James was the benefactor of Donaldson's Hospital after his death.
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<doc id="27084243" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084243" title="Geasa (band)">
Geasa (band)
Geasa are a Celtic metal band originating from Dublin, Ireland. Formed by Fergal Purcell and John Kavanagh in 1993 the band combines traditional Celtic music with black metal to form Celtic black metal. They have released one demo album, one EP, and three albums.
They came onto the scene in 1994 with the "Starside" demo. The demo was widely traded in the underground and attributed to the band's later record deal. The demo itself comprises two distinct sounds; from the epic black metal sounding "Empyrean" and "Warrior" penned by Purcell to the more Celtic sounding "Starside" and "Rite of passage" written mainly by Kavanagh. This black metal sound was lost when Purcell quit the band in 1996, resulting in the band's major and sometimes-lamented change in sound style post "Starside".
The band derived its name from ' (plural: '), which in Irish mythology and folklore, is an idiosyncratic taboo, whether of obligation or prohibition, similar to being under a vow or spell. A ' can be compared with a curse or, paradoxically, a gift. If someone under a ' violates the associated taboo, the infractor will suffer dishonor or even death. On the other hand, the observing of one's ' is believed to bring power. Often it is women who place ' upon men. In some cases, the woman turns out to be a goddess or other sovereignty figure.
<doc id="27084247" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084247" title="Zinzendorf">
<doc id="27084253" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084253" title="Wax and Wane">
Wax and Wane
Wax and Wane (Traditional Chinese: ) is a 2011 Hong Kong television drama produced by Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB), with Nelson Cheung serving as the executive producer. The drama follows the story of two rival families, dealing with themes of revenge, greed, business affairs, and family.
Yung Shing-fun (Lau Siu-ming) and his cousin Man Wing-cheong (Chow Chung) have been at odds for years, over the trade name rights of their family's noodle shop.
Eugene (Roger Kwok), Fun's eldest son engages in a property development project in order to solve the problem. Unwillingly, he offers to buy out the location of Cheong's noodle shop with his company's shares. He also invites Cheong and his son, Fung (Sunny Chan), to join the company's management.
Eugene actually has ulterior motives for doing this, as he hates Fung to the core for marrying his girlfriend Ko Wai-ting (Florence Kwok). On top of this, Eugene's younger brother, Gary (Ron Ng), is going out with Cheong's second daughter, Peace (Kate Tsui), regardless of his family's opposition.
Now, Eugene is at his wits' end as he has to handle his family issues single-handedly. He never understood what family ties really meant, nor had he the courage to try to find it out, until now.
Pre-production and character casting began September 2009. Roger Kwok and Derek Kok were cast first; upon hearing this, Ron Ng explained that he turned down two mainland Chinese drama offers in order to fit his schedule to film "Wax and Wane" with Kwok. Myolie Wu was also reported to have been part of the project, but later dropped out due to scheduling conflicts.
A costume fitting and press conference for the drama was held on 12 January 2010, and filming began the following week. A blessing ceremony was held on 9 March 2010. Filming ended 22 April 2010, taking a full four months to complete.
<doc id="27084255" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084255" title="2010–11 Division 1 Féminine">
2010–11 Division 1 Féminine
The 2010–11 Division 1 Féminine season was the 37th since its establishment. Lyon were the defending champions. The fixtures were announced in August 2010 and the season began on 5 September 2010 and ended early on 31 May 2011 in order to increase the fitness of national team players ahead of the 2011 FIFA Women's World Cup. There were two promoted teams from the Division 2 Féminine, replacing the two teams that were relegated from Division 1 Féminine following the 2009–10 season. A total of 12 teams competed in the league with two clubs suffering relegation to the second division, the Division 2 Féminine.
On 27 March 2011, Lyon successfully defended its title after defeating title rivals Montpellier 1–0 at the Stade Jules Rimet in Sussargues. The title is the club's fifth consecutive in the Division 1 Féminine and its ninth overall dating back to its "FC Lyon" years. The win also places Lyon in the 2011–12 edition of the UEFA Women's Champions League. Lyon eventually finished the season unbeaten. The runner-up place, which qualified for the Champions League too, was decided on the final match day in a direct encounter between Paris Saint-Germain and Montpellier. Paris ranked third before the match and had to win in order to overtake Montpellier, which they achieved with a 1–0 win courtesy of a goal in the 88th minute.[2] Paris will be making its debut in the UEFA Women's Champions League next season.
Changes in 2009–10.
On 2 May 2010, both the women's section of football clubs Rodez and Le Mans won their respective group to achieve promotion to the Division 1 Féminine. Rodez earned promotion following a 1–1 draw with AS Muret, who were in second place. Le Mans earned promotion after defeating ES Blanquefort 2–1.
Montigny-le-Bretonneux were the first club to suffer relegation to the second division faltering with two games remaining in league play. On the final day of the league season, Soyaux became the second and final club to fall following its 2–0 loss to Montpellier.
Teams promoted to Division 1 Féminine
Teams relegated to Division 2 Féminine
League table.
Note: A win in D1 Féminine is worth 4 points, with 2 points for a draw and 1 for a defeat.
Season statistics.
Tonazzi was the topscorer award.
Player of the Year.
For the second consecutive season, the French Football Federation awarded a trophy to the best player of the Division 1 Féminine. The award was based on a points-system with each manager of each club in the league voting for two players not on their team following each match day. Depending on their selection, the two players voted by each manager are given points of either three or one. During the season, the points were added up every week and, following the season, the player with the most points was awarded the honour. The previous winner of the award was Lyon midfielder Eugénie Le Sommer, who won the award while playing for Stade Briochin. On 5 May 2011, Paris Saint-Germain midfielder Élise Bussaglia was given the Division 1 Féminine "Best Player" award for her performances during the season. In the season, which is still ongoing, Bussaglia appeared in 20 matches, scored ten goals, and issued four assists.
UNFP Women's Player of the Year.
The nominees for the UNFP Women's Player of the Year in the Division 1 Féminine. The winner was determined at the annual UNFP Awards, which was held on 22 May. The winner is displayed in bold.
Notable transfers.
The summer transfer window for the 2010–11 Division 1 Féminine includes a host of transfers by French internationals and youth internationals. On 30 June, midfielder Eugénie Le Sommer confirmed that she would be departing her club, Stade Briochin, to join the defending champions Lyon. The following day, centre back Sabrina Viguier did the same joining Lyon on a fédéral contract. On 9 July, fellow international defender Ophélie Meilleroux joined Montpellier from Nord Allier Yzeure.
During the same offseason, Paris Saint-Germain recruited three youth internationals to the club signing Léa Rubio and Charlotte Lozè from Montpellier and under-19 star Léa Le Garrec from relegated club Montigny-le-Bretonneux. Montpellier later nullified the departures of Rubio and Lozè by signing under-20 team captain Kelly Gadéa and under-20 team member Charlotte Bilbault.
On 5 July, Saint-Étienne confirmed that the club had signed Swiss international Muriel Bouakaz to a contract. Bouakaz had previously played with Zürich in the Nationalliga A. On 9 July, Montpellier announced the addition of Japanese international Rumi Utsugi to the team. Utsugi joins the club from NTV Beleza.
<doc id="27084258" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084258" title="Larkton Hill">
Larkton Hill
<doc id="27084266" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084266" title="John Adams, Sr">
John Adams, Sr
<doc id="27084272" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084272" title="Dutch Process">
Dutch Process
<doc id="27084277" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084277" title="Norman del Mar">
Norman del Mar
<doc id="27084284" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084284" title="The World Is Ours Tonight">
The World Is Ours Tonight
"The World Is Ours Tonight" is a song recorded by American country music group Gloriana for the 2010 Winter Olympics. Written by Jess Cates, Lindy Robbins and the band's producer, Matt Serletic, it was issued as a single in March 2010. All proceeds from the single went to Team USA.
The song debuted on the country music charts in March 2010, peaking at #37. It was also added to a March 2010 reissue of the band's self-titled debut album.
Critical reception.
Blake Boldt of Engine 145 gave the song a "thumbs-down" rating, saying that Matt Serletic's production "do[es] them few favors." Laurie Petricka of Roughstock stated the song "allows the group to showcase their unique blend of classic country with just the right touch of modern style."
Music video.
Shawn Robbins directed the song's music video.
Chart performance.
"The World Is Ours Tonight" debuted at number 51 on the "Billboard" Hot Country Songs chart in March 2010. It spent nine weeks on the chart, it was a minor Top 40 peaking at number 37 becoming their third Top 40.
<doc id="27084289" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084289" title="Plack (disambiguation)">
Plack (disambiguation)
<doc id="27084291" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084291" title="Boso jowo">
Boso jowo
<doc id="27084294" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084294" title="Weaving (surname)">
Weaving (surname)
Weaving is a surname.
Those bearing it include:
<doc id="27084311" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084311" title="Brookfield Enterprise">
Brookfield Enterprise
The Brookfield Enterprise was a weekly community newspaper based out of the Chicago suburb of Brookfield, Illinois. The newspaper, under the ownership of Elmer C. Johnson, would go on to be merged with three other local newspapers ("The Lyons Times," "Summit Valley Times," & "Clear Ridge Times") and be known under the masthead of "The Times".
The "Brookfield Enterprise" was started in 1932 by former linotype operator and publisher of "The Melrose Parker" newspaper Porter Reubendall as a weekly paper full of advertisements of Brookfield businesses. The paper was to be distributed for free to every home in Brookfield, as well as, the Hollywood & Congress Park sections of Brookfield. The first issue of the "Brookfield Enterprise" was printed, on a printing press that could only print 12 x 15 in. paper, on Dec., 9, 1932 in the small basement of Reubendall's home at 9125 Sheridan Ave. in Brookfield, IL..
Distribution of the paper was handled by a group of men sent over from the local work relief office and the paper itself was initially assembled as a family effort with "Mama, the children and the in-laws" helping out according to Reubendall.
While the first issue of the newspaper was about business and advertising-orientated, Reubendall soon decided that he would include small news stories and information concerning Brookfield's governmental affairs.
By 1936, the "Brookfield Enterprise" was printing 3,000 copies a week out of its new offices at 3724 Prairie Ave. in Brookfield. The paper had been so well received that it was necessary for Reubendall to invest in a larger Babcock Printing Press to handle the work.
With the onset of World War II, the military draft had begun to cut into his male workforce and according to Reubendall, "it became necessary for me to work every evening, and it became quite a burden." So, in January 1945 Reubendall sold the paper to Robert Hladik and Lawrence Morrell Gross. Soon after the sale the paper began to falter.
In September 1945, Elmer C. Johnson, then a printer's apprentice and freelance photographer for the "Chicago Daily News", "Chicago Tribune" and in the early 1930s a writer of the weekly columns "On the Funny Side" & Radio Ramblings" in the "South Side News" was hired as managing editor of the "Brookfield Enterprise".
In January 1947, Mr. Gross sold his interest in the paper to Mr. Hladik and Mr. Johnson then bought a half-interest in the paper. By 1949, Elmer C. Johnson and his wife Genevieve bought out Mr. Hladik's half of the paper and became sole owners of the "Brookfield Enterprise".
In the 1950s the "Brookfield Enterprise", now owned by photographer Elmer C. Johnson, became billed as "Brookfield's Picture Newspaper" and as "A Picture News-Weekly. It was also at this time that the newspaper began to focus on hard news as well as community and governmental news.
In 1951, Mr. Johnson acquired the "Lyons Times", "Summit Valley Times" and the "Clear Ridge Times" publishing them all under the name Enterprise Publications.
Elmer C. Johnson (who carried his Rolleiflex camera everywhere he went) worked as publisher, editor, writer and photographer for the paper. Writing stories on a second-hand typewriter that he bought in Oak Park, Illinois which was, according to the shop's owner, previously owned by writer Ernest Hemingway. Whether the proprietor's claim was true or not, it did make for a good story.
In 1958, Johnson moved the Enterprise to a new office at 9034 Brookfield Ave. in Brookfield, Illinois and then again in 1960 he moved to a much larger office at 8694 W. 47th St. in Lyons, Illinois.
In 1967, Elmer C. Johnson's photo of the deadly tornado (an F4) that hit Oak Lawn, Illinois and left a trail of destruction eastward to Lake Michigan, appeared with a title "Portrait of a Killer" on the front page of the "Chicago American" and in special sections of the "Chicago Tribune" & "Chicago Sun-Times". The National Weather Service says that it is "the only known tornado photo of this event".
Johnson took the photo of the tornado while at the Southfield shopping center to pick up an ad from a store for his Enterprise Publication. According to a story in the "Chicago American", Johnson, who always had his camera in his car, saw the tornado forming and ran to his car from where he took the photograph. Of the photo, Johnson said "I opened the lens way up and shot. It was moving so fast I kept losing the funnel behind the buildings."
Between 1975 and 1979, the four newspaper editions published by Enterprise Publications and now under the masthead of "The Times", were reduced to two editions covering Lyons Township and Garfield Ridge with a circulation of 50,000.
Beginning in the 1970s, "The Times" was billed as having "More photos and local news" and included a contest that included a reader winning money if their car was spotted with a "Times" bumper sticker on the bumper. The bumper sticker read "In our town it's The Times- an Enterprise Publication."
In 1979, Elmer's son and managing editor of "The Times" Denny C. Johnson, moved the paper from free distribution to a paid subscription and newsstand sales operation. By 1983 the paper had roughly 5,000 subscribers and 500 weekly newsstand sales. The papers operations were now being run out of an office at the former Old Willow shopping complex in Willow Springs, Illinois.
However, on Oct. 8, 1985, subscribers and advertisers received a letter that stated
"No Times this week! Sorry but after more than 52 years of service to the community, Enterprise Publications Co. is temporarily suspending publication of The Times' Lyons Township edition, so we can reorganize our operations."
The letter went on to say,
"Due to the increased costs of printing, mailing, labor and other expenses, we are forced to take this action. Paid subscriptions will be honored and dated up when we resume publication. Please bear with us during this period. Sincerely, The Times, Enterprise Publication Co."
And the paper ceased publication.
<doc id="27084316" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084316" title="7th Division (Iraq)">
7th Division (Iraq)
The 7th Division is a division of the Iraqi Army.
First formed in the 1960s or 1970s, in was reported in 1977–78 to have its headquarters at Sulaimaniyah with five brigades (all active). It served in the 1991 Gulf War at the Battle of Kuwait International Airport. In 2002, it was reported to be with the 5th Corps (Iraq) and comprise the 38th, 39th, and 116th Brigades. It was disbanded in 2003.
It was reformed after 2004 and trained by the United States Marine Corps. It is now headquartered at Al Asad Airbase. It played a part in the defeat of Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) in Al Anbar Governorate in 2007. In April 2007 planning was underway to form a fourth brigade for the division. The division was transferred to the Iraqi Ground Forces Command on November 1, 2007.
The division's brigades included the 26th Motorized (AAslt) Brigade; the 27th Motorized (AAslt) Brigade; the 28th Motorized Brigade, and the 29th Mechanized Brigade (operational since April 3, 2008).
In accordance with the standards of training Iraqi forces the division's brigades or battalions will be committed at all times in other units. This was tested by detaching units of the 7th Division south of Baghdad in early of 2008. The 29th is the last brigade formed in the desert of western Iraq, is based in Rutbah, it may be in line to be equipped with wheeled armour like the 37th or 17th Brigades.
In May 2008, the 26th Brigade participated in operations in Basra.
On 21 December 2013, Major General Mohammed al-Karawi, the Commander of the division, was killed during a security operation in Rutbah against al-Qaeda training camps. In the incident, several suicide bombs had gone off as Karawi was entering a deserted building, killing Karawi alongside several officers, and wounding up to 32 soldiers. More than 60 militants had been in the area at the time.
Throughout late 2014 and early 2015, some 320 US advisers trained the troops of the 7th Division, which occasionally engaged in skirmishes with militants of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).
<doc id="27084320" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084320" title="6063-T5">
<doc id="27084333" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084333" title="Estadio Manuel Martinez Valero">
Estadio Manuel Martinez Valero
<doc id="27084337" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084337" title="Grand Falls Golf Club">
Grand Falls Golf Club
Grand Falls Golf Club is a public golf course located in Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.
In 1905, the Anglo-Newfoundland Development Company, as part of the development of the Grand Falls paper mill, cleared land for farming at the intersection of the Exploits River and Rushy Pond Brook. In 1924 some local enthusiasts developed the land into a 6-hole golf course. Soon thereafter it became a 9-hole facility and remained so until 2004 when Graham Cooke's 9-hole addition was added on the opposite side of Rushy Pond Brook.
<doc id="27084341" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084341" title="Charles Tucker III">
Charles Tucker III
<doc id="27084350" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084350" title="Tholsel">
Tholsel was a name traditionally used for a local municipal and administrative building used to collect tolls and taxes and to administer trade and other documents in Irish towns and cities. It was at one stage one of the most important secular buildings in Ireland's town and cities and the level of importance was reflected in the prominence and size of these buildings as well as the expensive materials and architectural techniques used. Some historic tholsels still exist, notably The Tholsel, Kilkenny. Towards the end of the 18th century the term tholsel was typically swapped for Market House with many of the administrative functions of the original tholsel transferring to another dedicated local council or government building such as a court or sessions house.
Similar buildings called tolseys or tolsey houses are found in some English towns and cities, including Burford, Gloucester and Wotton-under-Edge. In both cases the term is derived from the Middle English "tolsell", from "tol" ("toll") + "-sell" (Old English "" "hall", "house"). However, buildings described as a Tholsel have been more broadly used as a town hall, a courthouse, a town gate, a prison, a market house, a council chamber, a customs house, a guildhall, and a place where tolls were collected. In Scotland the term Tolbooth was used.
The Tholsel building in Dublin was built in the late Middle Ages as a merchants' hall, at the corner of Nicholas Street and Christ Church place, next to the Church of St. Nicholas Within. In the late 15th century, it was the home of the first mechanical public clock in Ireland. In the late eighteenth century, the Dublin Tholsel was used as a courthouse, being notable as the location where many Irish people, convicted of crimes, were sentenced to be transported to exile in Australia. It was demolished around the year 1820.
<doc id="27084362" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084362" title="E raised to the pi i">
E raised to the pi i
<doc id="27084373" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084373" title="Monster Colors">
Monster Colors
<doc id="27084378" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084378" title="Mi Cama Huele A Ti">
Mi Cama Huele A Ti
<doc id="27084386" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084386" title="Mi Cama Huele a Ti">
Mi Cama Huele a Ti
"Mi Cama Huele a Ti" ("My Bed Smells of You") is the second single by reggaeton artist Tito El Bambino from his third studio album "El Patrón". The song features reggaeton duo, Zion & Lennox. Two remixes were done for the song: the first one being a ballad version of the song solely by Tito el Bambino, the other being a salsa version of the song replacing Tito el Bambino with Charlie Cruz. "Mi Cama Huele a Ti" received a Latin Billboard Music Award nomination for "Hot Latin Song of the Year, Vocal Event" and also a Lo Nuestro Award nomination for Collaboration of the Year.
<doc id="27084395" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084395" title="Black River, Nova Scotia (disambiguation)">
Black River, Nova Scotia (disambiguation)
<doc id="27084399" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084399" title="John William Woolsey">
John William Woolsey
John William Woolsey (26 July 1767 – 9 May 1853) was a Canadian businessman born at Quebec.
Woolsey was the first president of Quebec Bank which was founded in 1818 and incorporated in 1822.
External links.
John William Woolsey and Family fonds at the National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
<doc id="27084406" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084406" title="Barrow Central railway station">
Barrow Central railway station
<doc id="27084408" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084408" title="Barrow Central">
Barrow Central
<doc id="27084412" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084412" title="Flexity 2 (Blackpool)">
Flexity 2 (Blackpool)
In 2012, Blackpool Council ordered 16 Bombardier Flexity 2 trams for the Blackpool Tramway, becoming the worldwide launch customer for Bombardier Transportation's new design. The modern 100% low-floor trams replaced the Blackpool Tramway's tourist-focused and high maintenance heritage fleet, some of which have been retained with modifications for use as a supplementary fleet alongside the Flexity 2 trams and some for tourist services on the promenade. Blackpool's Flexity 2 trams are intended to be suitable for daily commuters and to provide a service competitive with other modes of transport and comply with legislation on accessibility for disabled users.
Two further Flexity 2 units arrived on 1 and 15 December 2017, entering service on 4 March 2018.
Blackpool Council placed the £33m order for the 16 Flexity 2 trams in July 2009, with funding from the council, Department for Transport and Lancashire County Council. The worldwide launch of the Flexity 2 family took place with the unveiling of the first Blackpool tram on 8 September 2011. They entered service on 4 April 2012.
The Blackpool Flexity 2 trams are bi-directional five-section articulated tramcars. There are four doors on each side, two single doors next to the driver cabs in the first and fifth cars and two double doors in the centre of the second and fourth cars. They can accommodate wheelchairs and pushchairs, with level boarding from low platforms which were built at stops ready for the introduction of the trams.
The trams have two powered Flexx Urban 3000 bogies in the centre of the first and fifth sections and an unpowered set in the centre car. The trams use a 600 V overhead DC power supply, can negotiate a minimum curve radius of in service or at Starr Gate Depot and can tackle a maximum gradient of 6%.
The final livery unveiled at the launch consists of white sides with black window surrounds and purple cabs, with a purple criss-cross pattern extending along the lower side panels. Some trams have advertisements on the sides instead of the average livery.
The Flexity 2 cars are maintained at a depot at Starr Gate which was purpose built by VolkerFitzpatrick, with input based on experience with tram depots elsewhere in Europe.
<doc id="27084414" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084414" title="Hal Partenheimer">
Hal Partenheimer
Hal Partenheimer is a retired American soccer midfielder who spent one season in the North American Soccer League and two in the Major Indoor Soccer League.
The son of Stan Partenheimer, and grandson of Steve Partenheimer, Hal Partenheimer graduated from Sewickley Academy in 1974. He is a member of the Sewickley Athletic Hall of Fame. Partenheimer attended James Madison University where he played on the men's soccer team. In 1979, he signed with the Detroit Express of the North American Soccer League, but saw no first team time during the outdoor season. He played three games during the 1979-1980 indoor season before being sent to the Pittsburgh Spirit for cash. He finished the season with the Spirit, then spent a year not playing soccer after the Spirit went into hiatus. In the fall of 1981, he was among the first players re-signed by the Spirit when they resumed operations. In 1983, he played for the Pennsylvania Stoners of the American Soccer League.
<doc id="27084415" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084415" title="Black Rock, Nova Scotia (disambiguation)">
Black Rock, Nova Scotia (disambiguation)
<doc id="27084419" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084419" title="Ministry of Justice of Pakistan">
Ministry of Justice of Pakistan
<doc id="27084420" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084420" title="Tigers Mask (wrestler)">
Tigers Mask (wrestler)
<doc id="27084427" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084427" title="11 (Ua album)">
11 (Ua album)
11 is the first studio album by the pop singer-songwriter Ua. It was released on October 23, 1996. The album was re-issued on September 22, 2005.
<doc id="27084432" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084432" title="Vilayna LaSalle">
Vilayna LaSalle
Vilayna Lasalle is an American model.
LaSalle is of African-American, Brazilian and French background. She was raised in Texas with her being the youngest in a family of five. She moved to California to pursue her acting, modeling and singing ambitions. She placed 2nd in her very first contest for 'Elite Look of the Year' regionals at age 16. She appeared in print advertisements in countries like Japan and on various swimsuit calendars.
In 2006, she played in the Lingerie Bowl as offensive guard for the New York Euphoria team which won the 2006 competition.
Vilayna Lasalle appeared also in several other television shows including the reality game show "Casting Ripe Live" and E! Entertainments "Wild On!".
She took part as Ms. June in the 2004 documentary "MO Girls: Behind the Scenes - The Making of 'Sports Zone"'
In 2007, she played in the short drama "Positive" as well as in the comedy "Epic Movie" and the film "Meet the Spartans" both by directors Aaron Seltzer and Jason Friedberg.
She took part in several music videos. This includes the videos of "Conteo" by Don Omar, "Hot in Herre" by Nelly, "Yummy" by Chelo, "Pretend" by Nate James, "Give it to me" by Mobb Deep and "Hot Stuff" by Craig David.
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MC Pee Pants (character)
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Black Hill (disambiguation)
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Wash me
<doc id="27084450" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084450" title="Grande Meadows Golf Club">
Grande Meadows Golf Club
Grande Meadows Golf Club is a public golf course located in Frenchman's Cove, Newfoundland, Canada.
Grande Meadows Golf Club, located on the north side of Burin Peninsula facing Fortune Bay, is the most southerly course in the province. The 9-hole course was designed by Robert Heaslip, who also undertook construction supervision. The course is built on a peninsula of level land with the Great Garnish Barasway bordering five holes around the perimeter; ponds and marshland come into play on at least two more holes.
<doc id="27084454" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084454" title="Blackstones (disambiguation)">
Blackstones (disambiguation)
<doc id="27084463" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084463" title="Potros UAEM">
Potros UAEM
Club de Fútbol Potros de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México was a Mexican football team. They were nicknamed Potros (Broncos). Their uniform color was white and green, wearing a white and green vertical stripe shirt for their home games. The club was founded in 1970 when the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico register its football squad in to the Tercera División de México under the name of Moscos de la UAEM. The club played in the Ascenso MX between 2016 and 2019. In December 2019, the team dissolved their Ascenso MX squad and only maintained the Liga TDP team until the end of the season, after this, the second squad was dissolved.
Potros de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México' was a Mexican football team. They are nicknamed Los Potros (Colts). The club has played on and off in the Tercera División de México since 1970 when they were known as Moscos de la UAEM. In 1975 under the management of Javier Zea the club is promoted to the Segunda División Profesional. The club would disappear a couple of years later due to lack of fan support having Deportivo Toluca F.C. in the same city.
The club made its return in 1990, Rector M. en C. Efrén Rojas Dávila were important people in having the club playing once again professional university level football joying the IX Juegos Deportivos Selectivos Universitarios. That first squad was made up of students attending the university. In 1999 the club earned promotion from the Tercera División de México to the Segunda División Profesional where they have been playing ever since.
On May 15, 2016, the Colts would again have the opportunity to achieve promotion to the Ascenso MX on their second attempt against Tampico Madero, after the first leg in Alberto " Chivo " Cordova, the Colts went 1-0 at home as favorable for Tamaulipas in the second leg but they conclude by achieve 0-0 tie and move up in the Ascenso MX however both teams were promoted for the 2016–17 season by Tampico Madero will play as an expansion team and Estado de Mexico will play as a promotion team.
On 7 December 2019, the team announced they would no longer be able to compete in Ascenso MX citing their financial inability to operate in the division. This was initially considered the end of the club, however, the board kept the reserve team competing in the Liga TDP, this squad became the main team of the franchise, they competed until the end of the season.
Potros UAEM play their home matches at the Estadio Universitario Alberto "Chivo" Córdoba in Toluca, State of Mexico. The stadium capacity is 32,603 people. Its owned by UAEM, and its surface is covered by natural grass. The stadium was opened in 1964.
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Oakley Creek
Oakley Creek () is a creek in Auckland, New Zealand. While heavily human-modified (being surrounded for most of its length by suburban development, especially in the upper reaches), it has a number of important ecological features, such as having the only natural waterfall on the Auckland isthmus (which is also the largest in urban Auckland).
The creek is a major stream on the Auckland isthmus, beginning at Mount Roskill and travelling north-west through Wesley, Sandringham, Mt Albert and Avondale, before reaching the Waitematā Harbour at Waterview. After the eruption of Ōwairaka / Mount Albert, the upper reaches of the creek were dammed, and a peat swamp formed around the modern-day suburb of Mount Roskill.
Tāmaki Māori used the creek as a source of crayfish, eels and weka. Harakeke (New Zealand flax) and raupō, which grew along the banks of the creek, were harvested here to create Māori traditional textiles.
During the Great Depression in New Zealand in the 1930s, the Auckland and Suburban Drainage Board employed 100 men to straighten and deepen the creek, as a measure intended to present future flooding in the future. In the 1940s and 1950s, there was a major housing boom in the Mount Roskill area. Due to the development, the Oakley Creek regularly flooded, including major floods in Wesley in 1948 and 1953.
In March 1954, major work was undertaken on the Oakley Creek, and volcanic scoria was used as a barrier along the creek's banks. Despite this, Dominion Road would still regularly flood, and continued to up until major works projects were completed in the 1980s.
The least modified regions, with mostly natural channels and significant riparian vegetation, exists between approximately Blockhouse Bay Road and the inlet at the northern edge of Waterview. A walkway runs along a good part of the creek in the section northwest of Mt Albert. This area of the creek is also significant for a relatively large number of archeologically significant sites, due to the use of the creek by Maori reaching inland from the inlet (landing sites and settlement remnants), and due to the later lack of strong European settlement along this part of the area.
The creek has also inspired a local community group, "Friends of Oakley Creek" which is working to restore it to a more natural state, and improve the water quality. One of the group's major concerns is the impact of the SH20 Waterview Connection on the stream, i.e. the form this motorway is to take under or near the creek. Other concerns include the high levels of metals in the stream, such as zinc, copper and lead, from its urbanised catchment, and the fact that the culvert under Great North Road impedes fish migration.
As one of the results of community interest in the revitalisation of the stream, a set of Oakley Creek Rehabilitation Guidelines was developed for the works which occurred near the stream at around the time the Waterview motorway tunnel building project took place. These primarily included removing the currently rock-lined, tight channelisation of the stream, and reintroducing a riparian margin. Auckland Council adapted the NZTA/Boffa Miskell-developed guidelines for some areas of the stream not affected by the motorway. The native plantings are now becoming well established, although the drought during the summer of 2019/2020 killed a number of ecologically important specimens. Nonetheless the planting includes a good range of native species and an increasing number of native birds are being attracted to the area as a result. The pathway adjacent to the stream has become increasingly popular as a walking and relaxation area for local residents. The project demonstrates the social and ecological value of well conceived environmental restoration initiatives and the importance of involving community groups in the planning, planting and maintenance of such projects.
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Cat Man
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List of Playboy Playmates of 1964
The following is a list of Playboy Playmates of 1964, the 10th anniversary year of the publication. "Playboy" magazine names its Playmate of the Month each month throughout the year.
Sharon Rogers (born November 19, 1942, in Seattle is an American model and actress who was "Playboy" magazine's Playmate of the Month for its January 1964 issue. Her centerfold was photographed by Pompeo Posar. She also was on the cover of the November 1963 issue. She died at home on October 16, 2022.
Nancy Jo Hooper (born July 17, 1943) was an American model who was "Playboy" magazine's Playmate of the Month for its February 1964 issue. Her centerfold was photographed by Pompeo Posar. In a sidebar commentary in "The Playmate Book", Posar revealed that he discovered that Nancy Jo was still a virgin in the midst of the Playboy photoshoot when he asked her for "a little bit more sexy look" and she replied, "I don't know anything about sex!"
Although her Playmate article was titled "Georgia Peach", she was actually from Spartanburg, South Carolina and had won or placed as First Runner Up in a number of beauty pageants in the Old South region before her appearance in Playboy.
Nancy Scott (born October 2, 1941) is an American model who was "Playboy" magazine's Playmate of the Month for its March 1964 issue. Her centerfold was photographed by Ron Vogel. She posed topless for the December 1979 "Playboy" pictorial "Playmates Forever!"
Laura Lynn Hale (born March 20, 1946, in London, England), known by the stage name Ashlyn Martin, is an American model and actress who was "Playboy" magazine's Playmate of the Month for its April 1964 issue. Her centerfold was photographed by Pompeo Posar and Mario Casilli. She also appeared in the July 1963 issue of "Playboy". She also worked as a Bunny at the Chicago Playboy Club.
Terri Kimball (born October 5, 1944, in Fort Myers, Florida) is an American model who was "Playboy" magazine's Playmate of the Month for its May 1964 issue. Her centerfold was photographed by Pompeo Posar. She also worked at the Playboy Club in Chicago. Kimball's daughter Farrah Mancini also posed nude for Playboy.
Lori Winston (born August 24, 1944) is an American model who was "Playboy" magazine's Playmate of the Month for its June 1964 issue. Her centerfold was photographed by Edmund Leja.
Melba Ogle (born November 13, 1942) is an American model. She is best known as "Playboy" magazine's Playmate of the Month for its July 1964 issue. Her centerfold was photographed by Mario Casilli.
China Lee (born September 2, 1942) is an American model and actress. She was "Playboy"s Playmate of the Month for the August 1964 issue. Her centerfold was photographed by Pompeo Posar. She was the first Asian American Playmate.
Astrid Schultz, known as Astrid Schulz (born September 12, 1939, in Heemstede) is a Dutch model and actress who was "Playboy" magazine's Playmate of the Month for the September 1964 issue. She's the first Dutch-born Playmate to appear in Playboy's American edition. Her centerfold was photographed by Mario Casilli.
Rosemarie Hillcrest (born January 5, 1943) is a British model who is best known as "Playboy's" Playmate of the Month for October 1964. According to "The Playmate Book", Rosemarie was discovered by "Playboy" through unusual means: she needed an interview with a millionaire for the college newspaper she was writing for, so she traveled to the United States and went to the Playboy Mansion in Chicago where she persuaded Hugh Hefner to agree to an interview. During the interview, he asked her if she would be interested in becoming a Playmate. She has a brief appearance in the rowing galley scene in "The Magic Christian". Hillcrest is also noteworthy for having the largest natural breast measurements of any Playmate.
Kai Brendlinger (born September 8, 1943, in Minneapolis, Minnesota) was "Playboy" magazine's Playmate of the Month for the November 1964 issue. Her centerfold was photographed by Pompeo Posar. Brendlinger was working as a Bunny at the Chicago Playboy Club when she appeared in the magazine's "Bunnies of Chicago" pictorial of August 1964. Her Playmate layout was published a few months later.
Jo Collins (birthname Janet Canoy, born August 5, 1945, in Lebanon, Oregon) is "Playboy" magazine's Playmate of the Month for December 1964 and Playmate of the Year for 1965. Her original pictorial was photographed by Mario Casilli. She was married to the baseball player Bo Belinsky for five years (1970 to 1975).
<doc id="27084488" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084488" title="Te Paepae o Aotea Marine Reserve">
Te Paepae o Aotea Marine Reserve
<doc id="27084489" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084489" title="Rue Princesse">
Rue Princesse
The Rue Princesse street is an area located in Yopougon, North Abidjan in Côte d'Ivoire. Because of its wide variety of Maquis (open-pubs), bars, nightclubs and typical African restaurants mainly offering local dishes, this street has become one of the most famous places of celebration in Abidjan. Due to its strong musical and nightlife identity, it is considered the inspirational root for many Coupé Décalé artists. However, it is notoriously known as a prominent Red Light District with a high ratio of prostitutes.
International artists such as Singuila and Didier Drogba have visited the "Rue Princesse" street.
In 2011, the president of Côte d'Ivoire, Alassane Ouattara launched a great campaign for the cleanliness of this street.
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Yves Lapierre (composer)
Yves Lapierre (born 9 August 1946) is a Canadian composer, arranger, record producer, and singer. He began his career performing and recording with the folk vocal quartet Les Cailloux during the 1960s. In the 1970s and 1980s he was highly active as a composer, arranger, and record producer for a large number of notable Canadian musicians. Some of his best known songs are "Get That Ball", "Tout va trop vite", "Le Désamour", and "Moi, de la tête aux pieds". He also composed music for several Canadian Broadcasting Corporation television dramas; including the Guy Fournier TV serials "Jamais deux sans toi" (1977–80) and "L'Or et le papier" (1988–89) and Lise Payette's "La Bonne aventure".
Early life.
Born in Montreal, Lapierre is the grandnephew of composer Eugène Lapierre. A graduate of the École de musique Vincent-d'Indy, he studied conducting and instrumentation with Michel Perrault.
He began his career as a founding member of the folk vocal quartet Les Cailloux, which he directed from 1963 to 1968. During that time the group he toured regularly throughout the Quebec region. They also embarked on an international tour in 1967, giving performances in Europe, Africa and Asia. The ensemble released two LP albums with Pathé Records and two LPs with Capitol Records. The other members of the quartet included Jean Fortier, Jean-Pierre Goulet, and Robert Jourdain.
In 1969, Lapierre began working as an arranger for the Montreal Symphony Orchestra, making orchestral arrangements of popular music for their summer concert series into the 1970s. He also worked as a composer, arranger, and producer on recordings for a number of Canadian artists during the 1970s and 1980s, including Julie Arel, Johanne Blouin, Édith Butler, Robert Charlebois, Renée Claude, Patsy Gallant, Claude Léveillée, Suzanne Stevens, and Ginette Reno among others. He notably produced the majority of Jean Lapointe's records. He also worked as a music director for CBC Television in 1976 and 1977 for the variety programs "Monsieur B" and "L'Heure de pointe". He also worked for the CBC as a composer of film and television scores for movies like Marcel Lefebvre's "Mustang" (1975) and Alain Chartrand's "Ding et Dong." He has devoted most of his time after 1977 to writing jingles for radio and television.
<doc id="27084496" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084496" title="Love It To Life">
Love It To Life
<doc id="27084497" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084497" title="Children's Choice Hot Lunch">
Children's Choice Hot Lunch
<doc id="27084504" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084504" title="Vitthal Prasad Sharma">
Vitthal Prasad Sharma
Vitthal Prasad Sharma (20 June 1920 – 12 June 1982) was an Indian politician and elected 2 times as the Member of Legislative Assembly in 1967 and 1977 in Mohanlal Sukhadiya Government and in Bhairon Singh Shekhawat government respectively. He was considered as a very influential and respected personality in the Rajasthan politics.
Early life.
Vitthal Prasad Sharma was born in Manohar Thana town of Jhalawar district of Rajasthan in the family of priests. His father's name was Bhanwar Lal Sharma. He had an elder brother Ballabh Prasad Sharma. His early life was full of struggles, as he was born in a poor family and started to work as a private bus conductor and later served in Indian Railways. Later he had a cloth center in Aklera and he was a road contractor also. He was married to Shakuntala and he has 4 daughters and a son.
Political career.
Right from his childhood he was interested in politics and was a freedom fighter. He was first elected as a "pradhan" in 1960 and 1965. His turning point in political life was in 1967 when he was elected as an MLA in the assembly elections. And again was elected in 1977. He died on 12 June 1982 due to a heart stroke. At that time he was at the peak of his career.
<doc id="27084509" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084509" title="2008 AFF Suzuki Cup Semi-finals">
2008 AFF Suzuki Cup Semi-finals
<doc id="27084518" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084518" title="Jemma Rix">
Jemma Rix
Jemma Rix (née Stevenson; born 25 December 1984) is an Australian theatre performer, who has played the role of Elphaba in the Melbourne, Sydney, Australian and Asian touring companies of "Wicked". Rix first performed the role in the shortened 30-minute version of the show at Universal Studios Japan. She was an original cast member of the Australian premiere production as the standby for Elphaba.
Rix was born on the Central Coast of New South Wales. She participated in numerous amateur musical theatre productions from the age of 4. She began to perform throughout Sydney as the lead singer of a pop band at the age of 18. Rix then moved to Melbourne at the age of 21 to devote herself to musical theatre and was cast in a number of commercial projects.
Rix moved to Osaka, Japan after being cast as the Bride of Frankenstein in "The Monster Rock and Roll Show" at Universal Studios Japan. In July 2006, she was cast as Elphaba in the USJ mini version of the Broadway musical "Wicked", which required her to perform parts of the show in Japanese. Throughout the audition process, she met and performed for Stephen Schwartz, Winnie Holzman and Marc Platt. She performed in this role for a year before returning to Melbourne.
Rix was cast as the standby for Elphaba in the Australian premiere of "Wicked" which opened in Melbourne on 12 July 2008 and ran through 9 August 2009. The show was then transferred to Sydney, opening on 12 September 2009. Due to the illness of Amanda Harrison, Rix had many opportunities to perform the role of Elphaba, and on 9 February 2010, after an extended leave of absence, Harrison announced that she would not be returning to the show. The role was then offered to Rix, who continued to share it with Australian theatre actress Pippa Grandison. They starred alongside Lucy Durack in the role of Glinda. Rix generally performed in four of eight shows a week, with the remaining four played by Grandison and later, Patrice Tipoki.
Rix continued to be the first billed Elphaba, featuring on displays outside the theatre and appearing at most events and press interviews. These included the 2008 Carols by Candlelight, Melbourne's Federation Square and Town Hall, 2009 Australian Ethnic Business Awards, 2009 QANTAS Business Awards, AFL pre-match entertainment performances, the ANZ Rob Guest Endowment Fund Concert, the Kerri-Anne Kennerley morning TV show, Sydney's Carols in the Domain 2009, the 2010 Telethon, and the 2010 Carols by Candlelight. "Wicked" closed in Sydney on 26 September 2010, with Rix playing Elphaba.
Rix again played the role of Elphaba on the show's first Australian Tour, which, after delays due to flooding, began in Brisbane on 25 January 2011.
In 2011, Rix was nominated for a Helpmann Award for "Best Female Actor in a Musical" for her portrayal as Elphaba in "Wicked".
Rix played Elphaba again on the Asian tour of "Wicked", which began in Singapore from 7 December 2011. After a four-month engagement there, the tour visited Seoul. Previous Australian understudy Suzie Mathers took over the role of Glinda full-time at the start of the Asian tour.
Rix reprised her role as Elphaba in Auckland, New Zealand as of 21 September 2013 at the Auckland Civic Theatre. After Auckland she traveled to Manila, Philippines to perform there. Rix continued to play the role for the 10th Anniversary return tour in Australia, performing in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Perth. During the tour, she reached a milestone by performing the role of Elphaba for 1000th time in October 2014.
It was announced mid 2015 that Rix would play the role Lucy, in the Australian production of "Jekyll & Hyde" the musical, however the production has been postponed indefinitely. Rix went on to play the role of Molly Jensen in the Australian tour of "Ghost the Musical".
In 2017, it was announced that Rix will appear in the Australian tour of Andrew Lloyd Webber's updated version of "The Wizard of Oz".
In mid 2018, Jemma joined the cast of Opera Australia's 'Evita' in the role of Eva Perón. She performed this role in Melbourne and Sydney.
In October and November 2019, Jemma starred as Lucy in Jekyll & Hyde with Anthony Warlow and the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra.
It was announced on 15 February 2020 that Rix will play the role of Elsa in the Australian production of "Frozen" in Sydney alongside Courtney Monsma as Anna.
Personal life.
Rix married Josh Rix on 2 February 2009, and they live in Melbourne.
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Maxwell Lord IV
<doc id="27084522" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084522" title="Mile High Messiah">
Mile High Messiah
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Matt Shultz
Matthew Ray Shultz (born October 23, 1983) is an American singer, songwriter, and musician best known as the lead singer and occasional guitarist for the American rock band Cage the Elephant.
Early life.
Matthew Ray Shultz was born on October 23, 1983 and raised in Bowling Green, Kentucky, alongside high school friends and future bandmates including his older brother Brad Shultz (guitar), Daniel Tichenor (bass, backing vocals), Lincoln Parish (lead guitar), and Jared Champion (drums). Shultz and his brother came from a poor background and were sometimes teased for this, with his brother being called "Poor Boy" by children at their school. Their father is also a musician and also named Brad. Their parents separated when the brothers were young. After the divorce, their mother dated Shultz's football coach, prompting him to quit the team and play music as an act of rebellion.
Before starting Cage the Elephant, Shultz worked in construction as a plumber. He said in an interview that he felt if he didn't quit that job, he would be stuck there for the rest of his life. He therefore quit and worked at a sandwich bar with Brad, who had previously worked in telemarketing.
Personal life.
Matt Shultz married Eva Ross in early February 2020. Eva Ross is an actress, dancer and musician. They met in Kentucky where they are both from. "Love's The Only Way" was a song written by Matt for Eva while they were dating. Eva announced on December 1, 2021 that the couple had separated and were filing for divorce. Shultz was previously married to Juliette Buchs from 2014 to 2018.
On January 5, 2023, Shultz was arrested in New York on charges of felony firearm possession. Shultz was staying at The Bowery Hotel in Manhattan, where a hotel employee reportedly saw him carrying a firearm into the bathroom and called 9-1-1.
Musical influences.
Shultz cites bands such as the Pixies as influential on his vocal style, explaining that he discovered them alongside other punk bands while living in England during the recording of "Thank You, Happy Birthday". His stage persona is inspired by punk pioneers such as Iggy Pop.
Matt Shultz began his art career as the lead singer and a founding member of Cage The Elephant. While continuing his musical career, Shultz has gone on to explore a vast array of artistic mediums, including dance, fashion design, visual art, and performance art.
In March 2019, Shultz released a Boot Collection with The Frye Company.
In August 2019, Shultz threw his debut art show in Greenpoint, Brooklyn with New York artist Danny Cole, Beck, and other friends. The event was captured by Rolling Stone in a photo journal.
Cage the Elephant's first nomination came in 2011, when the music video for "Shake Me Down" was nominated for the Best Rock Video at the 2011 MTV Video Music Awards. In 2014, Cage the Elephant was nominated for the Best Alternative Music Album for "Melophobia", at the 57th Annual Grammy Awards. In 2016, Cage the Elephant won the Grammy Award for Best Rock Album for "Tell Me I'm Pretty", winning again in 2019 for "Social Cues".
<doc id="27084525" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084525" title="That's My Baby!">
That's My Baby!
<doc id="27084527" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084527" title="Beta-Phenylmethamphetamine">
β-Phenylmethamphetamine ("N",α-dimethyl-β-phenyl-phenethylamine) is a potent and long lasting stimulant drug.
<doc id="27084530" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084530" title="VMBus">
<doc id="27084531" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084531" title="That's My Baby! (film)">
That's My Baby! (film)
<doc id="27084538" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084538" title="Pitcher's Pond Golf Course">
Pitcher's Pond Golf Course
Pitcher's Pond Golf Course is a public golf course located on the Avalon Peninsula in Whiteway, Newfoundland, Canada.
Pitcher's Pond comprises a 9-hole course that is laid out on the hills overlooking Trinity Bay and adjacent to Pitcher's Pond. The course was opened in 2005, making it one of Newfoundland's recent golf courses.
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Flag of City of London
<doc id="27084541" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084541" title="Luzarches railway station">
Luzarches railway station
<doc id="27084544" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084544" title="Luzarches, France">
Luzarches, France
<doc id="27084546" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084546" title="Petit (EP)">
Petit (EP)
Petit is an EP by Japanese singer-songwriter Ua, released on October 21, 1995. Like its lead single, "Petit" also failed to chart on the Oricon charts. The EP was re-issued on September 22, 2005.
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Hughes 77 Apache
<doc id="27084554" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084554" title="Soisy-sous-Montmorency, France">
Soisy-sous-Montmorency, France
<doc id="27084556" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084556" title="La Barre-Ormesson station">
La Barre-Ormesson station
<doc id="27084558" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084558" title="Flag of London">
Flag of London
Flag of London may refer to:
<doc id="27084559" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084559" title="Hughes 530F">
Hughes 530F
<doc id="27084561" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084561" title="Belgian First Division 2004–05">
Belgian First Division 2004–05
<doc id="27084564" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084564" title="Dubrovnik subdialect">
Dubrovnik subdialect
The Dubrovnik subdialect is a subdialect of the Shtokavian dialect of Serbo-Croatian. It is spoken in the area of Dubrovnik and the littoral of the former Republic of Ragusa, from Janjina on the Pelješac peninsula to the Croatian border with Montenegro, island of Mljet.
It is the least widespread of the Serbo-Croatian subdialects in Croatia. It has Ijekavian accent, with a sporadic presence of Ikavisms. Unlike main Eastern Herzegovinian dialect which is part of Eastern Shtokavian, the Dubrovnikan subdialect was Western Shtokavian, and shared some common features including Ikavisms with other Western Shtokavian subdialects. It was, basically, a transitional dialect between Western Shtokavian, Eastern Shtokavian and Chakavian dialect. Neoshtokavisation gave similar results in Dubrovnik as in East Herzegovina, but starting points were different for both, and its Ijekavian accent does not originate from East Herzegovina because lacks yat reflexes like in other dialects (most similar to Eastern Bosnian dialect). This subdialect was once independent Western Shtokavian subdialect, but after migrations and Neoshtokavisation, it can be considered as part of Ijekavian Neoshtokavian East Herzegovina(-Krajina) dialect, but representing a specific idiom. Some features are still different, like accent, vowels, morphology and so on.
The majority of loanwords come from the Ragusan dialect of the Dalmatian language and from Italian (Florentine and Venetian dialects). Lexicon also has some similarities with Chakavian, and does not have many Turkish loanwords.
During the time of the Republic of Ragusa the subdialect was called the Ragusan language ("dubrovački jezik") by both native speakers and foreigners, e.g. (Ragusan author from 1617), (Bartol Kašić, non-Ragusan author, from 1638).
In California (Watsonville), Croatian emigration preserved well local speech type of Konavle.
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Belgian First Division 2003–04
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Belgian First Division 2002–03
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Hu Huanyong's line
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Hughes V-9
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Jupiler League 2005–06
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Hughes Model 385
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Belgian First Division 2007–08
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Belgian First Division 2006–07
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Hughes H-1 Special
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Belgian First Division 2001–02
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Belgian First Division 2008–09
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Deb file
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Belgian First Division 2000–01
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List of Playboy Playmates of 1970
The following is a list of Playboy Playmates of 1970. "Playboy" magazine names their Playmate of the Month each month throughout the year.
Jill Taylor (born October 14, 1951 in Van Nuys, California) is an American model. She was "Playboy" magazine's Playmate of the Month for its January 1970 issue.
Linda Forsythe (born May 14, 1950 in Jersey City, New Jersey) is an American model. She was "Playboy" magazine's Playmate of the Month for its February 1970 issue. Her centerfold was photographed by Pompeo Posar.
Christine Koren (born August 8, 1947 in Cleveland, Ohio) is an American model. She was "Playboy" magazine's Playmate of the Month for its March 1970 issue. Her centerfold was photographed by William Figge and Mel Figge.
Barbara Hillary (born February 18, 1949 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin) was "Playboy" magazine's Playmate of the Month for the April 1970 issue. Her centerfold was photographed by Pompeo Posar.
Jennifer Liano (born February 24, 1948 in San Diego, California) is an American model of Italian descent. She was "Playboy" magazine's Playmate of the Month for its May 1970 issue. Her centerfold was photographed by Dwight Hooker.
Elaine Morton (born August 17, 1949 in Wichita Falls, Texas) is an American model. She was "Playboy" magazine's Playmate of the Month for its June 1970 issue.
Her cousin, Karen Morton, was the July 1978 Playmate.
Carol Willis (April 17, 1949 – November 24, 1971) was an American model. She was "Playboy" magazine's Playmate of the Month for its July 1970 issue and her centerfold was photographed by Pompeo Posar.
She died in an automobile accident in Laguna Beach, California.
Sharon Clark (born October 15, 1943 in Seminole, Oklahoma) is an American model and actress. She is "Playboy's" Playmate of the Month for August 1970. Her centerfold was photographed by William Figge and Ed DeLong. In 1971, at age 27, she became the oldest Playmate of the Year so far and remained so for 15 years, until Miss May 1985 Kathy Shower became PMOY 1986 at age 33. She was also a Playboy Bunny at the St. Louis club.
Debbie Ellison (born June 17, 1949 in Atlantic City, New Jersey) is an American model. She is best known for being "Playboy" magazine's Playmate of the Month for its September 1970 issue. Her centerfold was photographed by Pompeo Posar. This centerfold was later used in the movie "" as a double for Helen Shaver, although she is incorrectly identified in the movie as Miss October 1974. She was also a Playboy Bunny at the New York club.
Mary Collinson (born July 22, 1952) is a model and actress . She was chosen as "Playboy" magazine's Playmate of the Month in October 1970, together with her twin sister Madeleine Collinson. They were the first identical twin Playmate sisters.
Both sisters went on to acting careers, mostly in B-movies. Her sister is quoted in "The Playmate Book" as saying that Mary has two daughters and now lives in Milan with an "Italian gentleman", with whom she has been for more than 20 years.
Madeleine Collinson (July 22, 1952 – August 14, 2014) was a model and actress. She was chosen as "Playboy" Playmate of the Month in October, 1970, together with her twin sister Mary.
Both sisters went on to acting careers, mostly in B-movies. Madeleine married a British Royal Air Force officer and raised three children. She later moved back to Malta and was involved in cultural and educational activities there. After several months of illness, she died at Mater Dei Hospital in Msida on August 14, 2014 with her sister Mary present.
Avis Miller (born November 4, 1945 in Ohio) is an American model. She was "Playboy" magazine's Playmate of the Month for the November 1970 issue. Her centerfold was photographed by Dwight Hooker. She was also a Playboy Bunny at the San Francisco club.
Carol Imhof (born March 13, 1948 in Chicago, Illinois) was an American model. She was "Playboy" magazine's Playmate of the Month for its December 1970 issue. Her centerfold was photographed by Dwight Hooker.
Imhof studied elementary education at Southern Illinois University and worked at the Playboy Club in Chicago. She also appeared in the July 1969 and February 1970 issues of "Playboy".
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Belgian First Division 1999–2000
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Belgian First Division 1998–99
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Belgian First Division 1997–98
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Belgian First Division 1996–97
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Belgian First Division 1991–92
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Anucha Kitphongsri
Anucha Kitphongsri (, born May 23, 1983), simply known as Boy (), is a Thai retired professional footballer who plays as a left-back.
He played for BEC Tero Sasana in the ASEAN Club Championship 2003, where the club finished runners'-up.
International career.
Chayapat was a part of Thailand's squads in the 2012 AFF Suzuki Cup and the winning team in the 2014 AFF Suzuki Cup. In the former tournament Chayapat scored one of the goals of the tournament against Philippines dribbling past two defenders and the goalkeeper to score in a 2-1 win.
BEC Tero Sasana
Thailand U-19
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Belgian First Division 1992–93
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Economic market
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Belgian First Division 1994–95
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Belgian First Division 1993–94
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Belgian First Division 1995–96
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Dna day
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Horizon (Ua song)
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Belgian First Division 1895–96
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Hughes H-17
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Belgian First Division 1899–00
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Hughes H-28
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Belgian First Division 1900–01
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Belgian First Division 1910–11
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Belgian First Division 1920–21
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Flag of Yaroslavl Oblast
The flag of Yaroslavl Oblast, a federal subject of Russia, was adopted 27 February, 2001. The flag is a field of gold, charged with a bear rampant holding a halberd on its left shoulder. The ratio of the flag is 2:3.
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Belgian First Division 1930–31
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Belgian First Division 1950–51
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Hughes 200
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Belgian First Division 1960–61
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Belgian First Division 1970–71
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Belgian First Division 1980–81
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Hughes R-11
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Belgian First Division 1990–91
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Most populous cities in america
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Hughes F-11
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Unnatural History (TV series)
Unnatural History is a television series produced by Warner Horizon Television for Cartoon Network and YTV.
The series is the second scripted, live-action show on Cartoon Network after the failure of "Out of Jimmy's Head". The series consisted of thirteen hour-long episodes and premiered on Sunday, June 13, 2010. On July 13, the series was rescheduled to Tuesday nights.
It is only the second Cartoon Network show outside of [[Adult Swim]] and [[Toonami]] to have the [[TV Parental Guidelines|U.S. rating]] of "[[TV-PG|TV-PG-V]]", and a parental-guidance warning after every commercial break and at the beginning of the show (the first being "[[Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008 TV series)|Star Wars: The Clone Wars]]"); its rating in Canada for most episodes is "[[Television content rating systems#English ratings|G]]", or else "[[Television content rating systems#English ratings|PG]]".
On November 19, 2010, Cartoon Network cancelled the series after one season.
This series is centered on Henry Griffin, a teenager with exceptional skills acquired through years of globe-trotting with his [[anthropology|anthropologist]] parents. But Henry faces his biggest challenge of all when he moves back to America to attend [[James Smithson|Smithson]] High School in Washington D.C., a place stranger than any he's ever lived before. Together with his cousin Jasper and Jasper's friend Maggie, he uses the skills that he learned around the globe to solve the postmodern mysteries of high school.
Cast and characters.
Main characters.
[[File:Unnatural History cast.jpg|thumb|right|250px|The cast of "Unnatural History" (from left to right), Martin Donovan as Bryan Bartlett, Italia Ricci as Maggie Winnock, Kevin G. Schmidt as Henry Griffin and Jordan Gavaris as Jasper Bartlett.]]
Critical reception.
"Unnatural History" received mixed to positive reviews from critics, with Barry Garron of "[[The Hollywood Reporter]]" praising it as "an appealing mix between "[[The Hardy Boys]]" and "[[Indiana Jones (franchise)|Indiana Jones]]" with "[[National Treasure (franchise)|National Treasure]]" thrown in for good measure". "[[Los Angeles Times]]" writer Robert Lloyd found the show fun and lively, composed of "familiar, mashed-together" action-adventure themes. "[[Variety (magazine)|Variety]]" reviewer Brian Lowry was more critical, calling it "unexciting" and lacking "the requisite thrills a young audience weaned on big-budget movies is apt to demand."
Viewer reception.
According to the [[Nielsen ratings]], the premiere episode was watched by 1.39 million viewers, though the pilot episode did not place in the Top 25 cable programs for the week of June 7–13, 2010. Of that audience, the pilot episode earned 334,000 viewers among boys aged 6–11 earning a 2.7 in that demographic, with Cartoon Network claiming gains among kids 2-11, kids 9-14, and other kids demographics compared to the same time period the previous year.
Cancellation and intended second season plans.
On November 19, 2010, it was announced that [[Cartoon Network]] would not renew the series for a second season. On December 29, 2010, creator [[Mike Werb]] revealed that he intended to have the show picked up by another network, but a deal could not be secured. Werb also revealed his plans if the show had been renewed for a second season:
External links.
[[Category:2010 American television series debuts]]
[[Category:2010 American television series endings]]
[[Category:2010s American high school television series]]
[[Category:2010s American mystery television series]]
[[Category:2010s American teen drama television series]]
[[Category:American adventure television series]]
[[Category:Cartoon Network original programming]]
[[Category:English-language television shows]]
[[Category:Martial arts television series]]
[[Category:Television series about teenagers]]
[[Category:Television series by Warner Horizon Television]]
[[Category:Television shows filmed in Toronto]]
[[Category:Television shows set in Washington, D.C.]]
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Belgian First Division 1909–10
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Belgian First Division 1919–20
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Belgian First Division 1929–30
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St. Andrews na Creige Golf Course
St. Andrews na Creige is a privately owned golf course located in St. Andrew's, Newfoundland, Canada.
St. Andrews Na Creige is a 9-hole (par 35) course located at the edge of the Long Range Mountains in the Codroy Valley of western Newfoundland. The course has plans to add an additional 9-holes and a chalet development.
The property was originally deeded to current owner Pat MacIsaac's great grandfather, Captain John MacIsaac by Queen Victoria in 1889. The deed can be seen, proudly hung, in St. Andrews Na Creige Club House.
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Belgian First Division 1949–50
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Belgian First Division 1959–60
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Belgian First Division 1969–70
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Frank Skinner's Opinionated
Frank Skinner's Opinionated is a British television comedy talk show hosted by the comedian Frank Skinner and produced by Avalon Television for the BBC. The show focusses on various topics in the previous week's news, with Skinner joined by two celebrity guests, also interacting with the studio audience. Each half-hour episode is filmed in a different location around the country. It was first shown on BBC Two, with a first series of six episodes broadcast from 16 April 2010, and a second of six more beginning on 25 March 2011. The third and final series began broadcasting on 10 November 2011.
The show is a studio based light hearted talk show focussing on events of the past week, with a large amount of audience participation while also having supporting film clips. Skinner opens the show on his own, and in the opening piece outlines what the general themes of the night's show will be. The two celebrity guests then enter the studio, and they proceed to discuss those topics in more detail, with Skinner guiding the discussion and inviting questions and comments from the audience, some of whom are pre-selected to talk about a specific topic.
The two celebrity guests each week are all primarily known as or having originated in stand-up comedy, in addition to other regular appearances on comedy or light entertainment television. Some have appeared on more than one episode. The show has featured:
A pilot for the show was recorded in December 2009 at BBC Television Centre in London. After the first series was completed, two more series were commissioned. Due to the nature of the series, filming of each episode occurs in the days just before broadcast. As such, when promoting the upcoming second series on the BBC's "The One Show", Skinner could only refer to film from the previous series.
The studio set consists of just a red sofa and chair, with Skinner sitting in the individual seat, and the two guests on the sofa. The show is filmed in various studios around the UK, with the location also forming part of the discussion topics. Across the three series, Skinner visited Epic Studios in Norwich, Waterfront Hall in Belfast and regularly visited Dock10 at MediaCityUK, Greater Manchester. Other filming locations included Glasgow, London and Maidstone.
Each series contains 6 half hour episodes, broadcast weekly in the 10pm slot on Friday nights on BBC Two. The first series ran from 16 April to 21 May 2010. The second series began on 25 March 2011 and finished on 29 April 2011.
The first episode was watched by 1.877 million viewers, an 8.8% audience share, ahead of the first episode of "Facejacker" (1.186m) on Channel 4, and an episode of "Grey's Anatomy" (0.853m) on Five.
The song played during the credits and the interludes is "No Bulbs" by The Fall, Skinner's favourite group.
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Telescope goldfish
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Salvia orthostachys
Salvia orthostachys is a perennial shrub endemic to Colombia, growing in dry country on roadsides, rocky banks, and stony bushland. The plant reaches up to high, with leaves that are hairy on both surfaces. The red flower is up to long, with a short upper lip.
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Belgian First Division 1979–80
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Chef Carmen Gonzalez
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Belgian First Division 1981–82
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Nelly Conway Madison
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Belgian First Division 1982–83
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Belgian First Division 1983–84
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S. Drummond Wolff
Stanley Drummond Wolff (4 February 1916 – 9 April 2004) was an English organist, choirmaster, composer, and music educator who was primarily active in North America. His compositional output primarily consists of anthems for choir and works for solo organ. In the 1980s he completed and published four volumes of hymns. Many of his compositions have been published by Concordia Publishing House and MorningStar Music Publishers.
Early life, career, and education in England.
Born in London, Wolff became a choir soloist at the Savoy Chapel when he was 6 years old. By age 13 he was playing the organ for church services at St Matthew's Oakley Square in London where he held the position of assistant organist. He entered the Royal College of Music (RCM) in 1933 where he was a Kent Scholar. He earned a Bachelor of Music from the RCM in 1937. His teachers at the school included Sir Walter Alcock (organ), Dr. Ernest Bullock (organ), and Charles Herbert Kitson (music composition). While studying at the RCM he won the Royal College of Organists's Limpus Prize.
After graduating from the RCM, the London County Council appointed Wolff as a senior instructor in music where one of his junior students was Madeleine Dring. He also served as the director and conductor of both London's chapter of the Gilbert and Sullivan society and the Clapham Operatic and Orchestral Society. From 1938-1946 he served as the organist and Master of the Music for St Martin-in-the-Fields. During World War II he played actively with the Band of the Grenadier Guards.
Career in North America.
Towards the end of World War II, Wolff was the conductor of the Canadian Military Headquarters Choir for their performances in Europe. This connection led to his appointment to the organ and music theory faculty at The Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto in 1946. He left there in 1948 to join the faculty at the University of Toronto (UT) where he taught alongside Ernest MacMillan and Healey Willan through 1956. Among his notable pupils were F. R. C. Clarke and James Gayfer.
From 1946-1952 Wolff served as the organist and choirmaster at the Metropolitan United Church (MUC) in Toronto. He composed several anthems for the MUC's choir, 12 of which were published together under the title "Metropolitan Series of Choral Music" in 1946. He also published two solo organ works around this time: "Prelude on Greensleeves" (1946) and "Festival Fanfare" (1950). In 1951 he co-founded the Orpheus Choir of Toronto with John Cozens. From 1952-1956 he was organist and conductor of The Cathedral Singers at the Christ Church Cathedral in Montreal. He also served as the director of the Bank of Montreal Choral Society and appeared as a guest conductor with the Montreal Symphony Orchestra.
After a brief return to the United Kingdom in 1956-1959 during which time he was employed by the London County Council as Head of Music at Tulse Hill School in south London (also composing the music for the school song), Wolff became the organist at the Bermuda Cathedral in 1959. He remained there for roughly three years, during which time he founded and conducted the Bermuda Oratorio Society and hosted radio programs of classical music for Bermuda Radio. In 1962 he joined the music faculty of the College of Marin in Kentfield, California where he taught for the next 10 years.
Later life and career.
In 1972 Wolff moved back to his native country, settling in Eastbourne where he taught music and occasionally worked as a conductor and organist until 1981. From 1981-1994 he lived and worked in Seattle, Washington in the United States. He afterwards lived in retirement in San Diego, California where he died at the age of 88 in 2004.
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Belgian First Division 1984–85
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Belgian First Division 1985–86
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Belgian First Division 1986–87
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Live Stock
Live Stock is a 1975 live album by Roy Buchanan released on Polydor. The album documents a show consisting of blues standards and a few originals played in New York City, with an additional song ("I'm Evil") added from a later show in Evanston, Illinois. The cover photo was taken by Alan McDermott and sent to Roy by Australian music commentator Glenn A. Baker.
"Live Stock" is, reportedly, one of two Buchanan albums that influenced Jeff Beck, who dedicated a song to Buchanan on his 1975 album "Blow by Blow". Buchanan's last album with Polydor, it was partly made to fulfill his contractual obligations so he could move on and accept Ahmet Ertegun's offer to sign with Atlantic.
Track listing.
Tracks 1-6 recorded at Town Hall, New York City, November 27, 1974; track 7 recorded at Amazingrace Coffeehouse, Evanston (IL).
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Belgian First Division 1987–88
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Radiant Shadows
Radiant Shadows is an Urban fantasy novel by Melissa Marr. It is set in the same universe as Marr's previous YA novels, but is not a sequel to Fragile Eternity; rather, it is a companion novel like Ink Exchange was, focusing on a different set of characters.
The prologue of Radiant Shadows shows Devlin, the high court's Assassin, agreeing to shelter a spectral girl name Rae in faerie without his queen's knowledge. It then skips forward about a century, to show the high queen, Sorcha, ordering Devlin to kill a baby halfling, the child of the Gabriel, along with a warning that it should "never enter faerie".
The novel then cuts to the present day, to Ani, the halfling whose life Devlin spared, as she tries to fit in with the other hounds, but cannot, due to her father's protectiveness and her mortal blood. Devlin, meanwhile, has been told by Sorcha to stay in the mortal world to keep an eye on her son, Seth. Devlin and Ani meet at the crows nest, where she drains his energy and he leaves with a taste of her blood.
Ani is different from other hounds, due to her ability to feed on both emotions and touch, and mortal and faery. Irial, the former dark king, has been performing tests to identify what about her is different and introduce it to his court to strengthen them. This also, however, draws the attention of Devlin and Sorcha's "other" sister, Bananach, the essence of war. She tells Ani that she has to kill Seth and Niall, or give Bananach her blood.
Ani can do neither, and is soon found by an unclaimed steed. Ani, Devlin and the steed -which Ani names Barry, short for Barracuda- leave the state to get away from Bananach.
In Faerie, meanwhile, Rae, who is a dreamwalker, enters Sorcha's dream and gives her a way to watch Seth in the mortal world. Unfortunately, she becomes obsessed with this, and without her rulership faerie starts to dissolve. Bananach pays a visit, and starts killing members of the high court.
Scared, Rae contacts Devlin through a dream and informs him of this turn of events. Devlin and Ani return to huntsdale only to find that Bananach has killed Ani's sister Tish. Ani demands that they should then kill Bananach, "breath for breath", but Devlin informs her that neither of the twins can be killed without killing all of faerie.
Bananach later goes to stab Ani, but Irial throws himself in front of her, taking the wound that would be hers. The knife dissolves inside him, poisoning him, and Bananach says that he will not last the fortnight.
Irial tells his successor, Niall, that he "wishes he hadn't been king when they met", referring to Niall's backstory as revealed in Ink Exchange, then Ani, Devlin, Rabbit and Seth leave for faerie.
Devlin was injured in the fight, and Ani allows him to drink her blood, healing him and binding them together. With Seth returned to faerie, Sorcha awakens, and together Devlin, Ani and Rae form the shadow court to balance the high court. (This, however, leaves the dark court out of balance, this will presumably be remedied in the final book, "Darkest Mercy".)
They also seal the veil between the mortal and faerie worlds so that one cannot return to the mortal world without both the High and Shadow court's help.
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Belgian First Division 1988–89
<doc id="27084767" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084767" title="Marcory Zone 4">
Marcory Zone 4
Zone 4 is one of four zones of Marcory, Abidjan, Ivory Coast.
It is known for its Red Light District located in Bietry. A popular venue for expatriates, Bietry is the major landmark for Western-style food and nightlife in Abidjan. Strip clubs, massage parlours, and brothels are common in that area. Several hundred freelance prostitutes operate in Zone 4 and openly offer their services at street corners, around pubs, hotels, or, more increasingly, inside nightclubs.
<doc id="27084770" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084770" title="Belgian First Division 1896–97">
Belgian First Division 1896–97
<doc id="27084772" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084772" title="Unnatural History(TV Series)">
Unnatural History(TV Series)
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Belgian First Division 1897–98
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Belgian First Division 1898–99
<doc id="27084778" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084778" title="Goodhue Building">
Goodhue Building
The Goodhue Building is an office building in the downtown area of Beaumont, Texas. Built in 1926 by Forrest Goodhue, the building has 190 offices and is one of the most decorative structures in the area. The building has 11 stories and a penthouse. The building was built in a Tudor gothic style by Tisdale, Stone & Pinson, with an asymmetric penthouse.
<doc id="27084780" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084780" title="Belgian First Division 1901–02">
Belgian First Division 1901–02
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Belgian First Division 1902–03
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Belgian First Division 1903–04
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Belgian First Division 1904–05
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Belgian First Division 1905–06
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Belgian First Division 1906–07
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Belgian First Division 1907–08
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New KSU Stadium
<doc id="27084800" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084800" title="Belgian First Division 1908–09">
Belgian First Division 1908–09
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Stanley Drummond Wolff
<doc id="27084812" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084812" title="José Rodríguez (infielder)">
José Rodríguez (infielder)
José Rodríguez (February 23, 1894 – January 21, 1953), nicknamed "Joseíto" or "El Hombre Goma" in Spanish and "Joe" in English, was a Cuban infielder who played in Major League Baseball from 1916 to 1918 and in the Cuban League from 1914 to 1939. In the majors, he played for the New York Giants and was primarily a second baseman, while in the Cuban League and the U.S. minor leagues he mostly played first base. A defensive specialist, according to Roberto González Echevarría, Rodríguez "was considered the best defensive first baseman in Cuba" of his time. He was also a long-time manager in the Cuban League and managed for one season in the minors. He was inducted into the Cuban Baseball Hall of Fame in 1951.
Rodríguez was born in Havana in 1894. His younger brother Oscar also became a baseball player and manager in the Cuban League and the minor leagues and joined José as a member of the Cuban Baseball Hall of Fame in 1960.
Baseball career.
United States.
José Rodríguez toured the United States with a Cuban team, the Habana Reds, in 1915 and was recruited by the New York Giants. He joined the Giants in spring training in 1916. News reports from spring training suggested that Rodriguez "may develop into a high class player like Palmero, the young Cuban pitcher," and that manager John McGraw expected him "to develop into a star first baseman." After spring training he was assigned to the New London Planters in the Eastern League, where he hit .263.
Rodríguez debuted with the Giants on October 5, 1916, when he appeared as a pinch runner. In 1917 he was assigned to the Rochester Hustlers in the International League, where he hit .252. When he was again called up by the Giants, he played in seven major league games and hit .200 in 20 at bats.
After spring training in 1918, Rodríguez was retained by the Giants as their utility infielder. He hit poorly, and after Larry Doyle, the regular second baseman, had surgery in May, the Giants acquired other infielders such as Bert Niehoff and Ed Sicking. Rodríguez ended the season with a .160 batting average in 40 games. After the season, he was traded to Rochester, ending his major league career.
Rodríguez played the next two seasons as Rochester's first baseman, hitting .264 and .320. When the Rochester team was sold after the 1920 season, the new owners, George Stallings and Walter Hapgood, sold most their players; Rodríguez was sold to the Bridgeport Americans of the Eastern League. He played in the Eastern League from 1921 to 1930, playing for Bridgeport, the Worcester Panthers, the Providence Rubes, and the Pittsfield Hillies. He hit as high as .316, and his overall minor league average was .284. He played for the Canton Terriers of the Central League and the Binghamton Triplets of the New York–Pennsylvania League in 1930 and 1931, before returning to the Eastern League where he ended his U.S. career with the Allentown Buffaloes and Norfolk Tars in 1931 and 1932.
Rodríguez returned to minor league baseball for one season in 1948 as the manager of the Sherman-Denison Twins in the Big State League.
Rodríguez began his professional career in the winter of 1914/15 as the first baseman of the Fe club of the Cuban League. The following winter he moved to Almendares. The team, which included Cristóbal Torriente, Adolfo Luque, José Méndez, Ramón Herrera, and Rafael Almeida, won the championship, with Rodríguez hitting .286. He again played for a championship team, the Orientals, in the winter of 1917, but hit only .194. The league didn't play in the winter of 1917/18, but in 1918/19 he again played for Almendares and hit .312.
In 1919/20 he moved to Habana, where he played shortstop and hit .278. In 1920/21, still with Habana, he played third base and was part of another championship, hitting .226. The next winter, the Cuban League season terminated after only five games; Rodríguez had returned to first base and hit .368.
The following winter, 1922/23, his role shifted as he became the playing manager of Almendares. In his third season as manager, 1924/25, he won the league championship with a team powered by Negro league stars, including five future members of the U.S. Baseball Hall of Fame—Bullet Rogan, Andy Cooper, John Henry ("Pop") Lloyd, Biz Mackey, and Oscar Charleston—as well as Dick Lundy, Newt Allen, and Valentín Dreke, and major leaguers Adolfo Luque and José Acosta.
He won his next championship as manager for Almendares in 1931/32, his last season as a full-time player and a season in which no American players were signed to play in the Cuban league. He continued to play part-time until 1938/39 and to manage for various teams until 1943/44. In 1950 he became the general manager of the minor league Havana Cubans.
Rodríguez died in 1953 at the age of 58.
<doc id="27084816" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084816" title="Zhou Empire">
Zhou Empire
<doc id="27084821" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084821" title="Belgian First Division 1911–12">
Belgian First Division 1911–12
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Belgian First Division 1912–13
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Belgian First Division 1913–14
<doc id="27084834" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084834" title="Jose Rodríguez (1948 baseball manager)">
Jose Rodríguez (1948 baseball manager)
<doc id="27084836" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084836" title="List of Playboy Playmates of 1965">
List of Playboy Playmates of 1965
The following is a list of Playboy Playmates of 1965. "Playboy" magazine names their Playmate of the Month each month throughout the year.
Sally Duberson (born October 23, 1942) is an American model. She was "Playboy" magazine's Playmate of the Month for the January 1965 issue. Her centerfold was photographed by Pompeo Posar.
Jessica St. George (born October 13, 1946) was "Playboy" magazine's Playmate of the Month for the February 1965 issue. Her centerfold was photographed by Mario Casilli. St. George was the first Greek American to become a Playmate.
Jennifer Jackson (born February 6, 1945) is an American model who was chosen as "Playboy" magazine's Playmate of the month for its March 1965 issue. She was the first Black Playmate of the Month, and she was photographed by Pompeo Posar.
Sue Williams (born May 13, 1945) is an American actress and "Playboy" magazine's Playmate of the Month for April 1965. Her centerfold was photographed by Ed DeLong and William V. Figge.
Maria McBane (born 8 February 1946) is a French American model and actress who was "Playboy" magazine's Playmate of the Month for its May 1965 issue. Her centerfold was photographed by Ed DeLong and William Figge.
Hedy Scott (born 24 January 1946) is a Belgian-American model and actress who was "Playboy" magazine's Playmate of the Month for its June 1965 issue. Her centerfold was photographed by Ron Vogel. She went on to have a brief acting career, appearing in "Fireball 500" (1966) and an episode of "The Munsters".
Gay Collier (born October 9, 1942) is an American model and actress who was "Playboy" magazine's Playmate of the Month for its July 1965 issue. Her centerfold was photographed by Mario Casilli.
Lannie Balcom (born Linda K. Balcom; March 17, 1941 – April 25, 1991) was an American model and actress. She was "Playboy" magazine's Playmate of the Month for its August 1965 issue. Her centerfold was photographed by J. Barry O'Rourke. She was also a Playboy Bunny at the Chicago club.
Balcom died on April 25, 1991, at the age of 50.
Patti Reynolds (born May 28, 1948) is an American model and actress who was "Playboy" magazine's Playmate of the Month for its September 1965 issue. Her centerfold was photographed by Stan Malinowski.
Allison Parks (born Gloria Sharlene Waldron; October 18, 1943 – June 21, 2010) was an American model and actress who was "Playboy" magazine's Playmate of the Month for October, 1965 and Playmate of the Year for 1966. Her original pictorial was photographed by William Figge.
Pat Russo (born October 5, 1941) is an American model who was "Playboy" magazine's Playmate of the Month for its November 1965 issue. Her centerfold was photographed by Pompeo Posar.
Dinah Willis (born August 5, 1945) is an American model who was "Playboy" magazine's Playmate of the Month for its December 1965 issue. Her centerfold was photographed by Pompeo Posar. She was also on the cover of the 1966 Playboy calendar.
<doc id="27084838" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084838" title="Economic Trinitarianism">
Economic Trinitarianism
<doc id="27084840" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084840" title="Bryan Wells (ice hockey)">
Bryan Wells (ice hockey)
Bryan Wells (born February 24, 1966) is a Canadian former professional ice hockey player and ice hockey coach. He coached the Wichita Thunder from 1996–2001.
<doc id="27084841" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084841" title="List of Playboy Playmates of 1971">
List of Playboy Playmates of 1971
The following is a list of Playboy Playmates of 1971. "Playboy" magazine names its Playmate of the Month each month throughout the year.
Liv Lindeland (born 7 December 1945, Norway) is a Norwegian model and actress. She is "Playboy's" Playmate of the Month for January 1971, and Playmate of the Year for 1972. Her original pictorial was photographed by Alexas Urba. Lindeland was the daughter-in-law of actress-dancer Cyd Charisse.
Willy Rey (born Wilhelmina Rietveld on 25 August 1949 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, died 19 August 1973 in Vancouver, British Columbia) was a Dutch-Canadian model. She was "Playboy's" Playmate of the Month for its February 1971 issue. Her centerfold was photographed by Mario Casilli.
When she was 6 years old, her family moved from the Netherlands to Canada.
Willy Rey's nude likeness adorned the stock certificate of Playboy Enterprises from the time of its initial public offering on 3 November 1971 until June 1990, when it was replaced with a clothed figure. The image on the certificate was replaced due to the expense of servicing the large number of shareholders owning only a single share.
She died of an overdose of barbiturates (sleeping pills) in Vancouver on 19 August 1973.
Cynthia Hall (born April 1, 1951, in Hinsdale, Illinois) is an American model. She is best known as "Playboy's" Playmate of the Month for its March 1971 issue. Her centerfold was photographed by David Chan.
Chris Cranston (born September 14, 1946, in Santa Monica, California) is an American model and actress. She is best known for being "Playboy's" Playmate of the Month for its April 1971 issue. Her centerfold was photographed by Mario Casilli.
Janice Marie Pennington (born July 8, 1942, in Seattle, Washington) was one of the original "Barker's Beauties" models on "The Price Is Right", serving as the show's longest-running model to date, from 1972 to 2000. She was also "Playboy's" Playmate of the Month for the May 1971 issue. She is the older sister of fellow model Ann Pennington. Pennington is also the co-founder of the Hollywood Film Festival.
Lieko English (born June 3, 1947, in Okinawa, Japan) is an American model and actress. She is known for being "Playboy's" Playmate of the Month for its June 1971 issue. She is also notable for having represented Okinawa in the Miss Universe contest in 1965. When she was 12 years old, she moved with her family from Okinawa to Oklahoma City. English was the first Japanese-born Playmate, the first American Playmate of Japanese ancestry, and the first "hapa" Playmate.
Heather Van Every (born September 9, 1951, in Illinois) is an American model. She was "Playboy's" Playmate of the Month for the July 1971 issue. Her centerfold was photographed by David Chan. She was born in Illinois and became a Bunny at the Denver Playboy Club, remaining there after her Playmate appearance. Her centerfold was briefly shown in "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas".
Cathleen Lynn Rowland (born March 11, 1950, in Los Angeles, California) is an American model. She was "Playboy's" Playmate of the Month for the August 1971 issue. Her centerfold was photographed by Mario Casilli.
The August 1971 issue also featured Playboy's first National Football League season preview.
Crystal Smith (born August 2, 1951, in Kansas City, Missouri) is an American model and journalist. She was "Playboy's" Playmate of the Month for its September 1971 issue. At the time, Smith was a student at Kansas State University. Her centerfold was photographed by Dwight Hooker. Crystal was a two-time cover girl, as well as anchor for the popular "Sexcetera" news program on the Playboy Channel during its first eight years. She also hosted "The Playboy Shopping Show" with Blake Emmons in 1986.
Claire Rambeau (born May 8, 1951, in Santa Barbara, California) is an American model. She was "Playboy's" Playmate of the Month for the October 1971 issue. Her centerfold was photographed by Pompeo Posar. Her centerfold picture appeared in the first German edition of "Playboy".
Danielle de Vabre (born November 19, 1949, in Montreal) is a French-Canadian model. She was "Playboy's" Playmate of the Month for November 1971.
Karen Christy (born March 11, 1951, in Abilene, Texas) is an American model. She was "Playboy's" Playmate of the Month for the December 1971 issue. Her centerfold was photographed by Pompeo Posar. She was also a Playboy Bunny at the Chicago club.
<doc id="27084847" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084847" title="Junkers R 42">
Junkers R 42
<doc id="27084849" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084849" title="Junkers EF 131">
Junkers EF 131
<doc id="27084861" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084861" title="Matthew Young">
Matthew Young
Matthew Young may refer to:
<doc id="27084872" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084872" title="Faculty of Economics at the University of Kragujevac">
Faculty of Economics at the University of Kragujevac
<doc id="27084873" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084873" title="Dual Mono">
Dual Mono
Dual Mono is the third studio album by The Greenhornes, released on October 15, 2002. It consists of 12 songs, 11 of which were written by the Greenhornes, and one by Bob Wackett. It received a positive review from AllMusic, garnering 4.5 stars out of 5.
Track listing.
All songs by The Greenhornes, except where noted.
<doc id="27084877" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084877" title="Col. Charles Pratt">
Col. Charles Pratt
<doc id="27084886" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084886" title="Junkers PS-4">
Junkers PS-4
<doc id="27084887" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084887" title="Junkers JuG-1">
Junkers JuG-1
<doc id="27084888" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084888" title="Junkers TB-2">
Junkers TB-2
<doc id="27084889" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084889" title="San Jacinto Building">
San Jacinto Building
The San Jacinto Building in Beaumont, Texas was built between 1921–1922 and was completed for the San Jacinto Life Insurance Company. The building is 15 stories tall and supports a large clock tower on top. Each dial is 17 feet in diameter. The building was altered in the 1950s with the removal of a "cupola" and the cornice that surrounded the building. It is privately owned today and is used as an office building. The building contributes to the Beaumont Commercial District.
<doc id="27084891" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084891" title="Xiphopenaeus kroyeri">
Xiphopenaeus kroyeri
Xiphopenaeus kroyeri, commonly called the Atlantic seabob, is a commercially important prawn. It is up to long and is the most intensely fished prawn species in the Guianas and along much of the Gulf Coast of the United States.
Adults grow to long, with males only reaching . The rostrum has five teeth near the base, but is smooth along the tip, which is greatly elongated and often curves upwards to varying degrees.
Distribution and fishery.
"X. kroyeri" lives in the western Atlantic Ocean from North Carolina to Santa Catarina state, Brazil. It is the most important commercial prawn in parts of the United States from Pensacola (in the Florida Panhandle) to Texas, and in the Guianas. In other areas, such as Mexico, Nicaragua, Honduras, and Trinidad, the fishing effort is only locally intensive. In 2000–2007, the annual catch was greater than .
"Xiphopenaeus kroyeri" was first described by Camill Heller in 1862, under the name "Penaeus kroyeri". It was transferred to the genus "Xiphopenaeus" in 1869 by Sidney Irving Smith. "X. kroyeri" has been considered conspecific with the Pacific species "X. riveti", but recent genetic analysis indicates that the two are separate species, and that "X. kroyeri" ("sensu stricto") may even constitute two cryptic species.
<doc id="27084903" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084903" title="Duncan's Den">
Duncan's Den
<doc id="27084909" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084909" title="José Rodríguez (second baseman)">
José Rodríguez (second baseman)
<doc id="27084916" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084916" title="José Rodríguez (Cuban baseball)">
José Rodríguez (Cuban baseball)
<doc id="27084918" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084918" title="Kawasaki Army Type 93 Bomber">
Kawasaki Army Type 93 Bomber
<doc id="27084919" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084919" title="Kawasaki Army Type 98 Light Bomber">
Kawasaki Army Type 98 Light Bomber
<doc id="27084920" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084920" title="Adlan II">
Adlan II
Adlan II (died 1789) was the ruler of the Kingdom of Sennar (1776 - 1789).
He defeated the Vizier Rajab of Sennar and Fiki Haji Mohammed Majdub in the Battle of Taras in 1787.
<doc id="27084921" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084921" title="Kawasaki Army Type 99 Twin-engined Light Bomber">
Kawasaki Army Type 99 Twin-engined Light Bomber
<doc id="27084923" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084923" title="Kawasaki Army Type 1 Freight Transport">
Kawasaki Army Type 1 Freight Transport
<doc id="27084925" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084925" title="Lg gt365">
Lg gt365
<doc id="27084926" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084926" title="Kawasaki Army Type 2 Two-seat Fighter">
Kawasaki Army Type 2 Two-seat Fighter
<doc id="27084929" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084929" title="Kawasaki Army Type 3 Fighter">
Kawasaki Army Type 3 Fighter
<doc id="27084933" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084933" title="Kawasaki Army Type 4 Assault Plane">
Kawasaki Army Type 4 Assault Plane
<doc id="27084934" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084934" title="Belgian First Division 1921–22">
Belgian First Division 1921–22
<doc id="27084936" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084936" title="Belgian First Division 1922–23">
Belgian First Division 1922–23
<doc id="27084939" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084939" title="Kawasaki Army Type 5 Fighter">
Kawasaki Army Type 5 Fighter
<doc id="27084940" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084940" title="Belgian First Division 1923–24">
Belgian First Division 1923–24
<doc id="27084942" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084942" title="Belgian First Division 1924–25">
Belgian First Division 1924–25
<doc id="27084945" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084945" title="Belgian First Division 1925–26">
Belgian First Division 1925–26
<doc id="27084947" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084947" title="Belgian First Division 1926–27">
Belgian First Division 1926–27
<doc id="27084949" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084949" title="Raavan (soundtrack)">
Raavan (soundtrack)
Raavan is the soundtrack composed by A. R. Rahman, who accompanied for the music and background score for the 2010 Hindi film of the same name, directed by Mani Ratnam. It was released on 7 May 2010, by the label T-Series. The soundtrack features six songs, with four additional tracks included in the film were released later; the lyrics being penned by Gulzar. The same soundtrack was used for the Tamil version of the film, titled "Raavanan" as well as the Telugu dubbed version, titled "Villain".
The soundtrack is especially noted for the use of rich instruments, Indian as well as Middle Eastern. Several new singers are introduced through this film. Rahman as usual, brought some experimental tracks like "Beera Beera" and "Thok De Killi". There is a folk song "Kata Kata", a kind of Sufi song "Ranjha Ranjha" as well as melodies like "Behene De" and "Khilli Re" in the soundtrack. The choreography of the songs by Ganesh Acharya, Brinda, Shobhana and Astad Deboo is also considered the highlight of the songs.
The album kicks off with "Beera Beera", that was premiered on the official teaser of the film. It was sung by Vijay Prakash and it begins with an African chant that was sung by Mustafa Kutoane. It describes the lead character played by Abhishek Bachchan. This track was picturised on the introduction scene of Bachchan. The African chant explains the wild character of him. The song continues throughout the opening credits.
"Behene De", sung by Karthik and Mohammed Irfan was regarded as the highlight of the album by many reviewers. The song, which takes many fascinating turns mid way, was the first completely picturised song in the film. Its shot on the beauties of Athirapally waterfalls in Kerala and features Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai. The song is widely regarded as the biggest song in Karthik's musical career. He recorded the song in 2009 October from Rahman's Chennai studio and has performed it live in many programmes.
The next track "Thok De Killi" is sung by one of Rahman's most trusted singers Sukhwinder Singh and is a fast and peppy number. Guitar is the major instrument used and it ends in a frenzy and uses Arabic esque phrases here and there. The song is picturised as a war dance by Abhishek Bachchan and his gang (consisting of Ravi Kishan, Ajay Gehi etc.). Aishwarya Rai is also featured in the music video, as watching Beera dance from a distance.
"Ranjha Ranjha" is a kind of Sufi song, with a little folk instrumentation and is sung by Javed Ali and Rekha Bhardwaj, who is noted for the rendering of another folk song "Genda Phool" from Delhi-6 by Rahman. The lyrics of the opening lines of the song is adapted from Sufi Saint and Poet Baba Bulleh Shah's "Ranjha Ranjha Kardi". Though this song doesn't feature in the movie, another version of the song that is sung by Ila Arun and Richa Sharma was featured in the film. The song is used in the background of the movie only.
"Khili Re" is a romantic song and is sung by Reena Bhardwaj, who was replaced by Shreya Ghoshal in the Tamil version. Its instrumentation is based on flute and sitar. Picturised on Aishwarya Rai and Vikram from Kolkata, the alap portion of this song features a classical dance performance by Aishwarya Rai. The song was choreographed by well known actress and dancer Shobhana.
"Kata Kata" is a situational song that is rich in percussions and was shot as a wedding song. The song was based on traditional Indian music and Middle Eastern music, and had oud and shehnai are used in the interludes. This song was shot with 1000 dancers in Orchha, Madhya Pradesh. "A huge set was created in Orchha to shoot this song which took four days to wrap up and has been choreographed by Ganesh Acharya," says a Unit hand. This song may seem a little similar in picturisation and mood to "Rukmani Rukmani" (from Roja), both being wedding songs involving a group of singers, but if "Rukmani Rukmani" was a mischievous set-up for the nuptial night, this one's sung like a warning, but with equal amount of revelry and fanfare. "Kata Kata" is reportedly the most lavish song that Mani Ratnam has ever shot in his career.
The only full song out of the four additional tracks "Jaare Ud Jaare" was performed by Rahman. According to Rahman, "The song was a very last minute addition. I saw the movie and felt like adding a song to a particular situation in the film. The lyrics of the song were ready for a while however I had to yet compose the tune. Meanwhile we had already planned our music release for the 7th of May so we didn't want to delay or postpone that because of one song. The song may be later added to the album; however it would feature in the film." It was composed and recorded by Rahman in his Mumbai studio within a few hours. The song starts in the movie during the acclaimed climax scene of the movie and continues throughout the end-credits.
As "Raavan" became a major anticipated project, following the success of Rahman's previous album, several false rumours about the soundtrack of the film were disseminated to websites and magazines. Many songs claimed to be songs from Raavan, like "Pairon Pe Jannat Hain", "Kaadhale" etc. and another set of fake track lists were spread through internet. The audio release was scheduled in March 2010, but since the release date of the film was changed, the audio release was changed to April last week. The track list was officially published on 3 May 2010 and the music was launched officially on 7 May 2010 by Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan. However, CDs were available in some stores on 6 May 2010 itself.
The soundtrack features 6 songs composed by A. R. Rahman with lyrics penned by Gulzar. During the audio release, an additional track was performed by Rahman, titled "Jaare Ud Jaare", which was not included in the CD. The song was cited to be an "instant composition" by Rahman, "The night before the launch, Rahman closeted himself in his Mumbai studio and worked through the night to compose the song", the source adds. This song is believed to be included in the later stages. The soundtrack also features three more additional songs that were featured in the movie. However the official track list has only 6 songs.
The soundtrack for the movie has received positive reviews, with most reviewers hailing the album to be one of Rahman's best recent works. "The Hindu" said, "Raavan is further proof that A.R. Rahman always saves some of his best stuff for old friend Mani Ratnam. There's no escaping Raavan. Or Rahman. They will get you." According to "The Times of India", Raavan is an interesting audio track, although Rahman's earlier associations with Mani Ratnam remain unforgettable. A review on "Bollywood Hungama" said, "There are number of gems in the album, most notably being "Ranjha Ranjha", "Beera Beera" and "Thok De Killi". Go for it, this one is not to be missed as it has Rahman coming up with one of his best soundtracks in recent times." A review by the "Hindustan Times" said, The trio (Rahman, Gulzar and Mani) has brought out a lethal combination presenting a soundtrack that is fresh, high on energy and in tune with the soul of the movie. According to "Rediff'"s Sukanya Verma, "A. R. Rahman stays true to the element of Ratnam's vision as there's never any attempt to show off or introduce unnecessary elements. The outcome is exquisite. Or should I say expected." A review by "NDTV" said, "The album is a musical treat and impresses thoroughly. When Rahman teams up with Gulzar and Mani Ratnam, the result is pure magic."
Track listing.
Hindi version.
Additional tracks
Album credits.
Credits adapted from A. R. Rahman's official website.
Backing vocals
Dr. Narayanan, Naresh Iyer, M. Kuldeep, Swetha Mohan, Gopika Purnima, Subhiksha, Sri Madhumita, SuVi, Mili Nair, Suzanne D'Mello, Sujatha Majumdar, Nikitha Nigam, Dilshad Shaikh, R. N. Iyer, Arun Ingle, Chintamani Sohoni, Gowtham Bharadwaj
Additional vocal supervisor
Srinivas Doraisamy
Sound Engineers.
Panchathan Record Inn, Chennai - T. R. Krishna Chetan, Hentry Kuruvilla, Vivianne Chaix, Suresh Perumal, Srinidhi Venkatesh, P. A. Deepak
AM Studios, Chennai - S. Sivakumar, Kannan Ganpat, Pradeep
<doc id="27084950" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084950" title="Belgian First Division 1927–28">
Belgian First Division 1927–28
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Belgian First Division 1928–29
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<doc id="27084959" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084959" title="Kawasaki Army Type 88 Light Bomber">
Kawasaki Army Type 88 Light Bomber
<doc id="27084961" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084961" title="Tsukimino Station">
Tsukimino Station
is a passenger railway station located in the city of Yamato, Kanagawa, Japan. It is operated by the private railway operator Tokyu Corporation.
Tsukimino Station is served by the Tokyu Den-en-toshi Line from in Tokyo, and lies 30.3 km from the line's Shibuya terminus.
Station layout.
Tsukimino Station has two opposed elevated side platforms serving two tracks. The platforms are connected to the station building by a footbridge.
From 11 October 2013, an experimental platform edge door system was installed for evaluation purposes on the down (Chūō-Rinkan-bound) platform. Originally scheduled to be introduced in the summer of 2013, the low-cost system developed by The Nippon Signal Co., Ltd. consists of 10-m long wire rope screens that are raised and lowered, and is installed along the entire 200 m length of the down platform.
Tsukimino Station opened on October 15, 1976.
Passenger statistics.
In fiscal 2019, the station was used by an average of 10,537 passengers daily.
The passenger figures for previous years are as shown below.
<doc id="27084963" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084963" title="The soldier's farewell">
The soldier's farewell
<doc id="27084964" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084964" title="Belgian First Division 1931–32">
Belgian First Division 1931–32
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Belgian First Division 1932–33
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Belgian First Division 1933–34
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Belgian First Division 1934–35
<doc id="27084969" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084969" title="Stars of the summer">
Stars of the summer
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Belgian First Division 1935–36
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Belgian First Division 1936–37
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Belgian First Division 1937–38
<doc id="27084975" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084975" title="Rich Clune">
Rich Clune
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Belgian First Division 1938–39
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Stars of the Summer
<doc id="27084981" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084981" title="Love's old sweet song">
Love's old sweet song
<doc id="27084983" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084983" title="List of rose cultivars named after celebrities">
List of rose cultivars named after celebrities
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<doc id="27084986" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084986" title="Quercus john-tuckeri">
Quercus john-tuckeri
Quercus john-tuckeri is a North American species of oak known by the common name Tucker oak, or Tucker's oak. It is endemic to California, where it grows in the chaparral and oak woodlands of mountain slopes in the western Transverse Ranges, the southernmost Central Coast Ranges, and the margins of the Mojave Desert. The species is named after John M. Tucker, professor of botany (1947–1986) at the University of California at Davis, specialist in "Quercus."
"Quercus john-tuckeri" is a bushy shrub growing up to in height, sometimes becoming treelike, exceeding 6 m (20 ft). The branches are gray or brown, the twigs coated in short woolly fibers when new and becoming scaly with age. The evergreen leaves are leathery and thick, sometimes brittle. They are gray-green, the lower surface slightly paler. The undersides are hairy, the upper surfaces somewhat less so. The leaf blade is roughly oval, spine-toothed, and less than long. The fruit is an acorn with a thin cap wide and a nut long.
<doc id="27084988" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084988" title="List of roses named after people">
List of roses named after people
<doc id="27084992" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084992" title="St Willibrord with All Saints, Newcastle Quayside">
St Willibrord with All Saints, Newcastle Quayside
<doc id="27084995" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084995" title="Kawasaki Army Type 93 Single-engined Light Bomber">
Kawasaki Army Type 93 Single-engined Light Bomber
<doc id="27084999" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27084999" title="Belgian First Division 1941–42">
Belgian First Division 1941–42
<doc id="27085000" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085000" title="Belgian First Division 1942–43">
Belgian First Division 1942–43
<doc id="27085001" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085001" title="Marine Reserves Act 1971">
Marine Reserves Act 1971
The Marine Reserves Act is an Act of Parliament in New Zealand.
In 2000 the Department of Conservation started a review of the Act resulting in a draft Marine Reserves Bill that was introduced into Parliament in June 2002.
<doc id="27085002" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085002" title="Kawasaki Army Type 95 Fighter">
Kawasaki Army Type 95 Fighter
<doc id="27085003" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085003" title="Belgian First Division 1943–44">
Belgian First Division 1943–44
<doc id="27085005" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085005" title="Matthew Young (AFL footballer)">
Matthew Young (AFL footballer)
<doc id="27085007" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085007" title="Marine Reserves Act">
Marine Reserves Act
<doc id="27085008" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085008" title="Belgian First Division 1956–57">
Belgian First Division 1956–57
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Belgian First Division 1957–58
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Belgian First Division 1958–59
<doc id="27085019" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085019" title="Belgian First Division 1945–46">
Belgian First Division 1945–46
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Belgian First Division 1946–47
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Belgian First Division 1947–48
<doc id="27085026" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085026" title="Mike Pataki">
Mike Pataki
<doc id="27085029" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085029" title="Belgian First Division 1948–49">
Belgian First Division 1948–49
<doc id="27085030" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085030" title="Belgian First Division 1951–52">
Belgian First Division 1951–52
<doc id="27085032" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085032" title="SR58611A">
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<doc id="27085037" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085037" title="Hotel Beaumont">
Hotel Beaumont
The Hotel Beaumont in Beaumont, Texas was built in 1922 by a group of 277 investors. One million dollars was spent to build the structure. The building is 11 stories tall, and has 250 rooms. The building contains two ballrooms, the Rose Room, and the Sky Room on the Roof, both of which were used many times during the structure's colorful history. It is on Orleans Street near Pearl Street (U.S. Route 90).
The building was used as a retirement community from 1977–2011. A full restoration of the building was completed in 2000, excluding the Rose Room and the Sky Room.
Since its auction in 2014, the hotel still sits abandoned.
<doc id="27085038" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085038" title="Cryptolechiinae">
The Cryptolechiinae are a subfamily of small moths in the family Depressariidae.
<doc id="27085039" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085039" title="Antonio Aloisio">
Antonio Aloisio
Antonio Aloisio (November 11, 1898 – January 28, 1977) was a politician from Alberta, Canada. He served in the Legislative Assembly of Alberta from 1952 to 1955 and again from 1959 to 1971 as a member of the Social Credit caucus.
Political career.
Aloisio first ran for a seat to the Alberta Legislature as a Social Credit candidate in the 1952 general election. He won a comfortable majority to hold the Athabasca electoral district for his party.
He ran for a second term in the 1955 general election and was defeated by Liberal candidate Richard Hall. He led on the first count but was defeated on second choice preferences. He regained the seat for Social Credit in the 1959 election, defeating Hall by a large majority.
In the 1963 general election, Aloisio faced a strong challenge from provincial Liberal leader Dave Hunter, but managed to hang on to his seat. Hunter and Aloisio faced each other again in the 1967 election. Aloisio held the seat with an increase in his vote and Hunter finished a distant third.
Aloisio retired from the legislature at dissolution in 1971.
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<doc id="27085042" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085042" title="Epigraphiini">
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Belgian First Division 1952–53
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Belgian First Division 1953–54
<doc id="27085049" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085049" title="Cryptrolechiini">
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Belgian First Division 1954–55
<doc id="27085054" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085054" title="Kawanishi Navy Type 90-2 Flying Boat">
Kawanishi Navy Type 90-2 Flying Boat
<doc id="27085055" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085055" title="Belgian First Division 1955–56">
Belgian First Division 1955–56
<doc id="27085057" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085057" title="Kawanishi Navy Type 94 Reconnaissance Seaplane">
Kawanishi Navy Type 94 Reconnaissance Seaplane
<doc id="27085058" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085058" title="Kawanishi Navy Type 97 Flying Boat">
Kawanishi Navy Type 97 Flying Boat
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Kawanishi Navy Type 2 Flying Boat
<doc id="27085061" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085061" title="Christiaan Van Vuuren">
Christiaan Van Vuuren
Christiaan Van Vuuren (born 1982), known as The Fully Sick Rapper in his first video series, is an actor, writer, director and video blogger from Sydney, Australia. He often collaborates with his brother, Connor Van Vuuren, and their YouTube channel is called Van Vuuren Bros.
Early life.
Van Vuuren was born in 1982 at Sutherland Hospital in Caringbah and grew up in Cronulla. His parents met in London, his father a South African and his mother a Kiwi.
While Van Vuuren was placed in quarantine in a Sydney hospital for tuberculosis for six months in 2010, he gained fame via videos posted under the name The Fully Sick Rapper.
He collaborated with his brother Connor Van Vuuren and Nicholas Boshier on the web series "Bondi Hipsters". In 2014 and 2016, along with Connor, he co-wrote, co-directed and starred with Boshier in the ABC Television series "Soul Mates".
He has featured in television programs such as Stan's "The Other Guy", BBC2's "STAG" and Foxtel's "". He directed the feature film "A Sunburnt Christmas" (released on Stan in time for Christmas 2020).
Van Vuuren co-wrote and presented the two-part documentary series "Big Deal", which was directed by Craig Reucassel and shown on ABC Television in 2021. It examined how political donations work in Australia and their influence on democracy.
Quarantine and The Fully Sick Rapper.
Van Vuuren's first quarantine period began when he started coughing up blood and an x-ray revealed a hole in his lung: he was admitted to hospital on 9 December 2009 and placed in isolation on 11 December 2009. This first period of quarantine ended on 2 January 2010. Van Vuuren was re-admitted on 18 January 2010 when his tuberculosis proved resistant to medication. He was finally released from quarantine on 28 June 2010 after producing videos about his experience in isolation. His videos recorded as "The Fully Sick Rapper" while quarantined received over two million hits and led to the World Health Organization (WHO) contacting him to help promote World Tuberculosis Day. During his time in quarantine, Christiaan and his brother Connor developed a 60-minute telemovie titled 'SICK!' which won the One80Project and was later produced and broadcast on MTV Australia. As of April 2010, his Facebook page had attracted over 14,000 likes.
As of 18 October 2019, Van Vuuren had 159 videos available on his YouTube channel. His web series "Bondi Hipsters" helped him reach over 31 million views. His stuntman brother helps him to write webisodes.
In 2010, he presented "Rap-Up" of the week's local news for New Zealand's "Campbell Live" current affairs show.
In 2014, Van Vuuren starred with Nicholas Boshier in the ABC Television series "Soul Mates". The two had previously collaborated on the web series "Bondi Hipsters". In September 2014 Van Vuuren was featured in an episode of the "Australian Story" documentary series.
In 2016 he appeared in the BBC2 miniseries "Stag", and starred in Jane Campion's "" in 2017.
Van Vuuren was co-creator and co-star (with Adele Vuko) of the web series "Over and Out", which won "Best Short Form Series" at CanneSeries 2019.
In 2021 he presented "Big Deal", a two-part documentary series on the political lobbying industry in Australia, directed by Craig Reucassel.
Awards and nominations.
ARIA Music Awards.
The ARIA Music Awards are a set of annual ceremonies presented by Australian Recording Industry Association (ARIA), which recognise excellence, innovation, and achievement across all genres of the music of Australia. They commenced in 1987.
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Belgian First Division 1961–62
<doc id="27085064" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085064" title="Kawanishi Navy Type 2 High-Speed Reconnaissance Seaplane">
Kawanishi Navy Type 2 High-Speed Reconnaissance Seaplane
<doc id="27085066" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085066" title="Belgian First Division 1962–63">
Belgian First Division 1962–63
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Belgian First Division 1963–64
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Belgian First Division 1964–65
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Belgian First Division 1965–66
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Belgian First Division 1966–67
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Belgian First Division 1967–68
<doc id="27085077" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085077" title="Sephardic Haredi">
Sephardic Haredi
<doc id="27085078" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085078" title="Verde (Arcobaleno)">
Verde (Arcobaleno)
<doc id="27085079" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085079" title="Belgian First Division 1968–69">
Belgian First Division 1968–69
<doc id="27085080" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085080" title="Mizrahi Haredim">
Mizrahi Haredim
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Mizrahi Haredi
<doc id="27085085" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085085" title="Belgian First Division 1971–72">
Belgian First Division 1971–72
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Belgian First Division 1972–73
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Belgian First Division 1973–74
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Belgian First Division 1974–75
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Belgian First Division 1975–76
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Belgian First Division 1976–77
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Belgian First Division 1977–78
<doc id="27085099" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085099" title="Riddah Wars">
Riddah Wars
<doc id="27085100" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085100" title="Belgian First Division 1978–79">
Belgian First Division 1978–79
<doc id="27085101" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085101" title="Shelley Duval">
Shelley Duval
<doc id="27085103" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085103" title="Katie Anderson">
Katie Anderson
Katie Anderson may refer to:
<doc id="27085105" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085105" title="Ponce Grand Prix">
Ponce Grand Prix
<doc id="27085109" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085109" title="1922 national intercollegiate basketball tournament">
1922 national intercollegiate basketball tournament
<doc id="27085120" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085120" title="Matthew Young (bishop)">
Matthew Young (bishop)
Matthew Young (1750–1800), Bishop of Clonfert, was an eminent Irish mathematician and natural philosopher, and was Erasmus Smith's Professor of Natural and Experimental Philosophy (1786-1799). He was Bishop of Clonfert at the very end of his life.
He was born in Castlerea, County Roscommon in 1750, entered Trinity College Dublin (TCD) in 1766, and was elected Fellow and took orders in 1775. He became Erasmus Smith's Professor of Natural and Experimental Philosophy at TCD in 1786. In 1798 the bishopric of Clonfert and Kilmacduagh was most unexpectedly conferred upon him by Lord Cornwallis. He was also a musician, an enthusiastic botanist, and somewhat of an artist.
The "Gentleman's Magazine" says: "The versatility of his talents, the acuteness of his intellect, and his intense application to study were happily blended with a native unassuming modesty, a simplicity of manners, unaffected, and infinitely engaging; a cheerfulness and vivacity; … a firm and inflexible spirit of honour and integrity."
One of the pleasures he hoped to derive from a country residence, on his appointment to the bishopric, was the opportunity of pursuing his botanical studies; but shortly after his elevation, symptoms of cancer developed themselves. During his terminal illness he continued his studies with great activity, revising his works for the press, and even studying Syriac for the purpose of editing a new version of the Psalms. He died at Whitworth, in Lancashire, 28 November 1800, aged 50. Bishop Young contributed largely to the "Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy", of which he was one of the earliest members, and left some mathematical treatises in manuscript.
Young married Anne, daughter of Captain Bennet Cuthbertson, and left several children.
<doc id="27085121" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085121" title="Storming of Drogheda">
Storming of Drogheda
<doc id="27085129" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085129" title="Chinese Community in India">
Chinese Community in India
<doc id="27085132" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085132" title="List of The Shak Revamped Episodes">
List of The Shak Revamped Episodes
<doc id="27085143" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085143" title="Hays Hall">
Hays Hall
Hays Hall was a residence hall at Washington & Jefferson College. The architectural work was performed by Frederick J. Osterling and it was named after President George P. Hays. Construction was completed in 1903 and the new "fireproof" building was opened to Washington & Jefferson Academy students. Rooms were arranged in a suite style, with communal bathrooms on each floor, and shower baths on the 5th floor. In 1912, the Academy closed and Hays Hall was used by Washington & Jefferson College students. At various times, Hays Hall housed the bookstore and a dining hall. By 1968, Hays Hall had deteriorated to the point where it no longer able to house students, but the bookstore remained. In 1982, the building was declared a fire hazard and closed for all uses. While various efforts sought to renovate or restore Hays Hall, including a push to have it named a historical landmark, Hays Hall was demolished in 1994.
On February 28, 1901, the Trustees of Washington & Jefferson College purchased a plot of land on the corner of Beau and College Streets from James H. Hopkins for the construction of a new dormitory to house students for the Washington & Jefferson Academy. The new "fire-proof" building, named Hays Hall after President George P. Hays, contained three floors of dormitories. It was designed by famed Pittsburgh architect Frederick J. Osterling. It opened for use on January 8, 1902 and was completed on June 23, 1903, with a total construction cost of $95,977.59. All told, Hays Hall could house 60 students, plus 6 faculty members and the Academy Principal's family. The first floor contained a large stairway, reception hall, a dining hall and kitchen facility capable of feeding 150, and an office area. The amenities included steam heat and electric lighting. The floors were arranged in a 2-room suite style, with each student having his own room plus a communal study area. Each floor had two communal bathrooms, with three shower baths on the 5th floor.
Use by the College.
When the Academy was closed in 1912, Hays Hall was used as College's first dormitory, housing 80 college students. President James D. Moffat planned to use Hays Hall as the beginning of a school-wide dormitory system, as this was becoming standard in colleges at the time. Upperclassmen were given the first opportunity to acquire rooms. Room and board was "furnished to students as near to cost as possible," which amounted to $5 to $8 a month in 1912. "Table board" cost $4 a week. The affairs of the dormitory were regulated by an elected student "senate." The rooms were furnished and linens were supplied by the college for free. Miss Sadie Hewitt was employed as the "House Mother" and took care of the students. In 1915, residence in Hays Hall was restricted to freshmen and the faculty compelled out-of-town students to take rooms there, a college first. Renovations were made in the 1924, including a redecoration of the rooms with new carpets and furniture. The Beau Street wing on the first floor contained a soda fountain.
In 1925, the dorm lobby piano was removed by the Christian Life Service League, who had wanted to use it for their services. Hays Hall residents erupted in protest, arguing that the League had no need for the piano, since there was one in the Old Main Chapel. Even Miss Hewitt weighed in on the controversy, saying that the "lack of a piano encourages gambling and other violations of the rules since the piano is, especially to non frat men, frequently an only source of pleasure." In 1926, the League voted to return the piano back to Hays.
During the increased enrollment following World War II, the dining room was moved to Old Main and the college bookstore moved to that space from the Administration Building. In 1948, tile floors were installed in showers and the interior was repainted. The exterior woodwork was also painted. Following the enrollment spike, the dining hall returned to Hays Hall and the bookstore moved back to the Administration Building.
Partial closing and demolition.
By 1968, Hays Hall had deteriorated to the point where it no longer able to house students. The plaster walls had become difficult to maintain and the plumbing and heating units had fallen into disrepair. The 4th and 5th floor had fallen the furthest into disrepair. On February 1, 1968, the living quarters of the building were closed. Student opinion was mixed on the decision. Some students has been unhappy with the inconvenient shower facilities and the echo-filled hallways, while other students expressed fondness for the building. To replace the lost living space, the college entered into an agreement with the nearby George Washington Hotel, whereby the college rented the entire 5th and 6th floors as a dormitory for three years. The Hays Hall furniture moved there as well. These floors contained 25 rooms each, which was enough for the 86 former residents of Hays Hall, the House Mother, and four floor proctors. The dining hall moved to newly completed The Commons in March 1968. The infirmary remained, with the old dining hall converted into the Bookstore. During its time as a dormitory, it was home to 4,000 freshmen.
At the time, the possibility of renovating the Hays Hall remained open. Some plans called for the opening of the first three floors at a later date, converting the building to house office space, or expanding the Bookstore to encompass more of the first floor. Another campus modification plan called for the closing of Lincoln Street and widening College Street, which would require the full demolition of Hays Hall. In 1982, after years of neglect by the college and modernization of the fire code, the building was considered to be a fire hazard. The central staircase was deemed especially hazardous, as it would operate as a flue in the event of a fire, which would quickly turn the building into a "furnace." It was closed in 1982, with amorphous plans to refurbish it at a later date.
During the 1980s and early 1990s, plans to renovate the building periodically resurfaced. Other discussions considered having the building designated as a historic landmark. These plans never materialized due to the costs involved. Hays Hall was demolished in the summer and fall of 1994. The orate ironwork in the lobby was preserved and later used in The Burnett Center. Following demolition, the plot remained a green space for several years.
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Hayes Hall
Hayes Hall may refer to:
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Umaglesi Liga 2008–09
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Umaglesi Liga 1990
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Umaglesi Liga 1991
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Umaglesi Liga 1991–92
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Umaglesi Liga 1992–93
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Umaglesi Liga 1993–94
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Sadie Hewitt
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Umaglesi Liga 2007–08
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Umaglesi Liga 2006–07
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Umaglesi Liga 2004–05
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Neervely is a village located in Jaffna, Sri Lanka. It is located 8 km from Jaffna along the Point Pedro road.
An ancient limestone Buddha (believed to be from pre-Christian to 6th century CE) was
found here and is now in the Jaffna Museum. An ancient well, stone pillars etc. have been found
at this so far un-excavated site. The ancient Buddhist place-name is cited as
"Neelavaella" (Archaeo. Dept. file EC/B/N/56 folio 73 ) and in several historical websites
Especially Banana, paddy and other vegetables etc.
Neervely has Sri Lanka's leading big banana market too.
Building construction, wood and metal works
Bank robbery.
On March 25, 1981, militants of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam and Tamil Eelam Liberation Organization robbed a bank van of Rs. 8. 1 million rupees near Neervely. This was the last joint operation between LTTE and TELO.
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Umaglesi Liga 2003–04
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Umaglesi Liga 2002–03
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Umaglesi Liga 2001–02
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Umaglesi Liga 1994–95
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American Series
The American Series (Spanish: "La Temporada Americana") was a set of baseball games played between Cuban and American teams in Cuba. An American team would travel to Cuba and play various professional, all-star and/or amateur Cuban teams throughout the country. The series usually took place either in the fall, after the end of the American season, or during spring training before the season began. The first American Series took place in 1879, with then minor league Worcester team going 2–0 against its Cuban opponents.
Various major, minor and Negro league teams took part in the American Series, including the Cincinnati Reds, Lincoln Giants and Boston Red Sox. In 1900, the Brooklyn Superbas and the New York Giants became the first major league teams to play in the series, with the two teams facing off against each other and with Brooklyn also playing four games against local Cuban League teams and generally overwhelming them. Eight years later, the Cincinnati Reds came to Cuba and found stronger competition there, as they went 6–6 against the Cuban League teams and 0–1 against the Negro league Brooklyn Royal Giants. Series against major league opponents continued every year from 1908 to 1913, and then occasionally until 1953. The final American Series games before the Cuban League disbanded were played from March 20 to 21, 1959, when the Los Angeles Dodgers, featuring Sandy Koufax and Don Drysdale, faced the Cincinnati Reds in spring training games played in Havana.
After a 40-year hiatus, a Major League Baseball team returned to Cuba in 1999, when the Baltimore Orioles played a two-game series (one game in Havana, the other in Baltimore) against the Cuban national baseball team.
Many well-known names played in American Series, including Babe Ruth, Ty Cobb, Josh Gibson, Sam Crawford, Jackie Robinson, Ted Williams and Christy Mathewson.
Early series.
1879 Series.
In December 1879, the Worcester team of the National Association became the first professional baseball team to visit Cuba. The team was promoted in Cuba as the "Hop Bitters", which was actually the name of the Rochester franchise. The trip was a financial failure, as they were only able to play two games against Cuban teams. The following season, Worcester achieved major-league status when it was admitted to the National League.
1891 Series.
A team known as the "All-Americans", which included John McGraw playing shortstop, played a series of five games against Cuban League teams, winning all of them by lopsided scores.
Series between Major League and Cuban League teams.
1900 MLB Series.
The major league Brooklyn Superbas played four games in Havana against Cuban teams from November 5 through 25, winning all four games by lopsided scores. Brooklyn beat Cubano 12–2 and 10–2, Habana 13–1, and San Francisco 14–6.
1908 MLB Series.
The 1908 series saw two Cuban League teams, one Negro league team, and one Major League team compete. The Cincinnati Reds played 14 games, playing seven against Almendares, six against Habana, and one against the Brooklyn Royal Giants. The Almendares won five games and lost only one, with one tie; Cincinnati won six and lost seven, also with a tie; Habana won one and lost five, and Brooklyn won its only game.
The series is best known for the pitching performance of José Méndez of Almendares, who had just gone 9–0 in his rookie Cuban League season. In three appearances, Méndez held the Reds scoreless for 25 consecutive innings. In his first start, he pitched a one-hitter and struck out nine. His next appearance came in relief, where he held the Reds to two hits in seven innings. He concluded the series with another shutout. Overall, he struck out 24, walked three, and gave up eight hits in 25 scoreless innings.
1909 MLB Series.
In the 1909 series, Habana went 6-3 in nine games to finish with the best winning percentage. Almendares went 5–3, and Detroit, the American League pennant winner, went 4–8. Detroit star Ty Cobb did not participate in the series. A major league all-star team, featuring Addie Joss, Mordecai Brown, Sherry Magee, and Fred Merkle played five games against the Cuban teams and went 2–3.
The series featured an 11-inning no-hitter pitched by Eustaquio Pedroso of Almendares against Bill Lelivelt of the Tigers. The game went to extra innings with the score tied 1–1, as Almendares had allowed an unearned run in the seventh inning on a throwing error. In the eleventh inning, a well-executed squeeze bunt by Armando Cabañas gave Almendares a 2–1 victory.
1910 MLB Series.
After two consecutive series in which Cuban teams had best winning percentage, in 1910 the American team finished with the best winning percentage, as the Detroit Tigers went 7-4 in 12 games.
1911 MLB Series.
The New York Giants, featuring Baseball Hall of Famer Christy Mathewson, won 9 of their 12 games. The Phillies went 5-4, Almendares went 4-6, and the Havana Park club finished 3-8.
1912 MLB Series.
Only three teams competed in the 1912 Cuban-American series, with the Philadelphia Athletics winning 10 of their 12 games. Philadelphia's Eddie Collins batted .417, and pitcher Jack Coombs won all five of his games.
Habana went winless in six games.
1913 MLB Series.
The Brooklyn Dodgers went 10-5. Habana won three of their 7 games, and Almendares finished the series 2-6.
1915 MLB Series.
The St. Louis Terriers, featuring pitcher Eddie Plank and Cuban center fielder Armando Marsans, went 7–2.
1919 MLB Series.
A record crowd of 10,619 turned out to see the first game of the series, a pitching duel between Pittsburgh's Hal Carlson and Habana's Oscar Tuero that Pittsburgh won 1–0. The Pirates went 10–6, while Habana was 4–4 and Almendares was 2–6.
1920 MLB Series.
Babe Ruth was reportedly paid between $1,000 and $2,000 per game to join the Giants in the last half of the series. By the time he hit his first home run in his fifth game, Cuban slugger Cristóbal Torriente had already stolen his thunder by hitting three home runs in one game (one of them off Ruth, who briefly pitched in the game). Almendares beat the Giants 4–2 (with two tied games), while the Giants won the series against Habana 6–1 (with one tie). A game against a Cuban all-star team also ended in a tie.
1921 MLB Series.
In games against Habana and Almendares, the Dodgers went 10–5. Those series were followed by a five-game series between the Dodgers and a Cuban all-star team; the Cubans won 3–2.
1936 MLB Series.
As part of their spring training, the St. Louis Cardinals played four games in Havana against Habana and Almendares. Habana won both of their matches against the Cardinals, while the Cardinals swept both games from Almendares.
1937 MLB Series.
Almendares beat the Giants in both games they played, 6–1 and 4–0, and Habana won their game 9–1. The Giants managed a 1–1 tie in a game against a Cuban all-star team, and beat Fortuna, an amateur team, 7–2. An armed forces team also won a game against the Giants, 7–4. The St. Louis Cardinals also came to Havana to play two games against the Giants, which they split.
1940 MLB Series.
During their 1940 spring training, the National League champion Cincinnati Reds played three games in Havana against a Cuban League all-star team. The Cubans won the first game 11–7, while the Reds won the second 6–1 behind the pitching of Bucky Walters. The third game ended in a 4–4 tie.
1941 MLB Series.
The Brooklyn Dodgers conducted their spring training in Havana. That spring the Dodgers played a five-game series against a Cuban League all-star team, going 2–2 with one tied game. The Dodgers also played series in Havana against the New York Giants and the Cleveland Indians. Another series was played in Havana between the Cincinnati Reds and the Boston Red Sox. The Red Sox also agreed to play one game against a Cuban amateur all-star team. The Cuban amateurs won, 2–1.
1942 MLB Series.
The Dodgers again used Havana as their spring training site and played series there against a Cuban all-star team and against the New York Giants. The Dodgers lost the series with the Cubans three games to two.
1946 MLB Series.
The Washington Senators opened their spring training in Havana. They swept all five games that they played against a Cuban all-star team. They also played a series against the Boston Red Sox in Havana.
In October, a National League "all-star" team managed by Chuck Dressen played against a Cuban all-star team. The major league team won the series 5–4.
1947 MLB Series.
In 1947, the Brooklyn Dodgers were preparing to promote Jackie Robinson and integrate the major leagues. Brooklyn team president, Branch Rickey, decided to hold their spring training to avoid southern segregation.
In Havana, the Dodgers played series against the Boston Braves and the New York Yankees. While the Yankees were visiting, they played a game against a Cuban all-star team. The Cubans won behind the pitching of Connie Marrero, who held the Yankees to one run on four hits. A week later, the Dodgers faced the Havana Cubans, a minor league affiliate of the Washington Senators that was composed of Cuban players. Marrero again pitched as a member of the Cubans, struck out eight, and allowed four hits and one run, but the Dodgers held the Cubans scoreless to win the game 1–0.
Robinson was still assigned to the Montreal Royals, the Dodgers' Class AAA affiliate, which also trained in Havana. Two other black players, Roy Campanella and Don Newcombe, were also assigned to the Royals. Montreal played five games against the two Cuban teams, winning three, losing one, and tying one game. In those five games, Robinson went 8 for 19, a .421 average.
1949 MLB Series.
The Athletics won the three-game series 2–1, with the Cubans winning the second game 6–4.
1953 MLB Series.
Branch Rickey had the Pittsburgh Pirates conduct their spring training in Havana, where they played 10 games against the Cubans, a Cuban all-star team managed by Rodolfo Fernández. The Pirates went 6–4 against the Cubans, with Felipe Montemayor of the Pirates hitting five home runs.
Series Between Major League Teams and the Cuban National Team.
1999 MLB Series.
After an exhibition series played between the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Cincinnati Reds on March 20–21, 1959, less than three months after the Cuban Revolution, no Major League Baseball team played in Cuba for 40 years. In 1999, the Baltimore Orioles arranged to play a two-game series against the Cuban national baseball team, with the first game played in Havana on March 28, and the second game played in Baltimore on May 3. The Orioles won the first game, 3–2, and the Cuban national team won the second, 12–6.
Series between Negro League and Cuban League teams.
Series were played between teams in the Cuban League and in the Negro leagues.
1900 Negro League Series.
The first series played in Cuba by a Negro league baseball team was by the Cuban X-Giants, a team of American players that was managed by E. B. Lamar and included Frank Grant and Clarence Williams. They played at least 17 games in Cuba; accounts are available for 15 games. Of these recorded games, the Cuban X-Giants won 12 and lost 3. Among their Cuban opponents, Criollos won two and lost one, and Habana split their two games. The other Cuban teams were swept, with "Cuba" losing three, Almendares losing two, and Indepencia, Libertad, and "10 de Octubre" losing one game apiece.
1903 Negro League Series.
The Cuban X-Giants, an American Negro league team featuring Rube Foster, Pete Hill, Home Run Johnson, and Clarence Williams, played nine games in Cuba from December 1 through December 9, 1903, winning only two. The Cuban X-Giants lost games to Colombia 6–3 and 2–1, lost two games and tied one against Criollo, 4–0, 3–2, and 2–2, lost one game against Maine, 10–3, and won two games against Nuevo Azul, 4–0 and 3–1, while losing one, 4–3.
1904 Negro League Series.
The Cuban X-Giants, featuring Home Run Johnson, Harry Buckner, Dan McClellan, and Clarence Williams, won six of eight against Cuban teams. The X-Giants went 2–0 against both the Azul club and the Carmelita club, won one game against Nuevo Criollo, and went 1–2 against Habana.
1905 Negro League Series.
The Cuban X-Giants again visited Cuba and won five of nine games. They went 1–2 against the All Cubans, 2–1 against Club Fé, and 2–1 against Habana.
1906 Negro League Series.
In their fourth visit to Cuba, the Cuban X-Giants, featuring Pete Hill, Harry Buckner, Bill Gatewood, and Bruce Petway, went 6–5. They went 4–1 against Habana, but went 2–4 against Almendares.
1907 Negro League Series.
The Philadelphia Giants, featuring John Henry Lloyd, Home Run Johnson, Dan McClellan, and Bill Gatewood, went 10–12 in their visit to Cuba. They lost series to Almendares and to Habana, both by 5–6.
1908 Negro League Series.
The Brooklyn Royal Giants, featuring Bill Monroe, Home Run Johnson, Pete Hill, and Judy Gans, played sixteen games against Cuban League teams in Havana in late October and early November. Almendares won five and lost four; Brooklyn split their games, winning eight and losing eight, and Habana won three and lost four.
1910 Negro League Series.
The Chicago Leland Giants, featuring Home Run Johnson, Pete Hill, John Henry Lloyd, and Rube Foster, played a series against Cuban League teams in Havana in late October and early November. Detailed statistics are available for 13 games, though there was at least one additional game—a 3–1 victory by Almendares over the Leland Giants—for which statistics are not available. Of the 13 games for which statistics are available, Almendares beat the Leland Giants five times and lost twice, with one tie, and Habana lost all five games they played against the Chicago team.
1912 Negro League Series.
The Lincoln Giants of New York City, featuring John Henry Lloyd, Dick Redding, Louis Santop, and Cyclone Joe Williams, played a series against Cuban League teams in Havana in December. Almendares won four games and lost two, and Habana won four games and lost three, while the Lincoln Giants won five and lost eight.
1914 Negro League Series.
The Lincoln Stars of New York City, featuring Dizzy Dismukes, Spottswood Poles, Dick Redding, and Louis Santop, played a 14-game series against Cuban League teams in Havana from October 9 through November 2. Almendares won six games and lost one, and Habana won three games, lost three, and tied one, while the Lincoln Giants won four, lost nine, and tied one. Statistics were not available for the last game of the series.
1915 Negro League Series.
The Indianapolis ABCs, featuring Oscar Charleston, Bingo DeMoss, Dick Redding, and Ben Taylor, played a 20-game series against Cuban League teams in Havana during October and November. Habana won six games and lost three; Almendares won five games and lost four; San Francisco won one and lost one; and Indianapolis won eight and lost 12.
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Umaglesi Liga 1995–96
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Umaglesi Liga 1996–97
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Umaglesi Liga 1997–98
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Umaglesi Liga 1998–99
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Umaglesi Liga 1999–2000
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Matthew Young (disambiguation)
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Umaglesi Liga 2000–01
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AZU or Azu may refer to:
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Matthew Richard Young
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Raymond Ratzlaff
Raymond Samuel Ratzlaff (April 10, 1931 – February 1, 2019) was a politician from Alberta, Canada. He served in the Legislative Assembly of Alberta from 1967 to 1971 as a member of the Social Credit caucus in government. He served in the cabinet of Premier Harry Strom from 1969 to 1971.
Political career.
Ratzlaff first ran for a seat to the Alberta Legislature in the 1967 general election, as a Social Credit candidate in the electoral district of Three Hills. He defeated three other candidates with over half the popular vote to hold the seat for his party.
On May 27, 1969 Ratzlaff was appointed Minister of Industry and Tourism by Premier Harry Strom. In the 1971 general election he was defeated by Progressive Conservative candidate Allan Warrack by just eight votes. He died in 2019 at the age of 87.
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Battle of Dorylaeum
Battle of Dorylaeum can refer to:
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Wilhelm Johnen
Wilhelm Johnen (9 October 1921 – 7 February 2002) was a German night fighter ace in the Luftwaffe during World War II.
Born in 1921 Johnen joined the Luftwaffe in 1939. In 1941 Johnen joined the German night fighter force ("Nachtjagd") and participated in the Defence of the Reich campaign. He achieved his first success on 26 March 1942. Johnen became a night fighter ace on 25 June 1943 after achieving his fifth victory. In March 1944 he was appointed as "Staffelkapitän" (squadron leader) at the rank of "Oberleutnant" with his victory total at 18.
In April 1944 Johnen was briefly interned in Switzerland when he force-landed in the country. It caused an international incident but he was repatriated with his crew some days later. Wilhelm Johnen was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on 29 October 1944 for the destruction of 33 Royal Air Force (RAF) bombers. He ended the war with 34 aerial victories, all of these claims were made at night.
After the war Johnen studied engineering and began a construction business. He died in 2002.
Early life.
Wilhelm "Wim" Johnen was born on 9 October 1921 in Homberg, near Duisburg.
World War II.
Johnen joined the Luftwaffe and was accepted as a "Fahnenjunker" (Officer candidate). He began his training at Pardubitz, Czechoslovakia, with "Fliegerausbildungsregiment" 32. On 1 April 1940 Johnen was promoted to "Gefreiter". On 1 June he was promoted to "Unteroffizier" and he progressed to Fähnrich on 1 September 1940. After infantry training Johnen spent several months practising on single-engine trainers, and qualified for his license on 21 September 1940. On 1 February Johnen was promoted to "Oberfähnrich" He was subsequently sent to Zeltweg, where C-"Schule" prepared pilots for operations on multi-engine aircraft. He then received "Zerstörer" (Destroyer) training on the Messerschmitt Bf 110. By the time of his graduation Johnen was promoted to "Leutnant" on 1 April 1941. On 18 May 1941 Johnen volunteered for the night fighter arm. After six weeks of blind-flying training, Johnen was transferred to 3 "staffel" (squadron), "Nachtjagdgeschwader" 1 (NJG 1—Night Fighter Wing 1), together with his radio/radar operator "Gefreiter" Albrecht Risop.
Night fighter.
The pair flew his first operational mission on 11 July 1941 during which they intercepted a Wellington but failed to shoot it down. Johnen's first victory came on 26 March 1942. Johnen and Risop intercepted a Vickers Wellington northwest of Wesel, it was part of a force of 104 Wellingtons and 11 Short Stirlings that attacked Essen. Johnen's first victory was probably Wellington "X3589", KO-F, from No. 115 Squadron RAF. Sergeant Harry Taylor and his crew were killed. On this mission, Johnen and Risop were also shot down in their Messerschmitt Bf 110D-3 ("Werknummer" 4224—factory number) "G9+FL", killing Risop. Johnen achieved his second victory against another Wellington at 01:00 on 17 June 1942. The victory was recorded with 2. "Staffel".
Johnen remained with 2./NJG 1 but did not achieve a success for over a year. Air Marshal Arthur Harris, Air Officer Commanding (AOC) RAF Bomber Command escalated the air war in 1943 and began a concerted effort to destroy the industrial German Ruhr region. From March to July 1943 RAF Bomber Command began the campaign, dubbed the Battle of the Ruhr. On the night of the 21/22 June 1943 Johnen claimed a Handley-Page Halifax at 01:43 east of Rousendaal (the crew of W1271 http://www.419squadron.com/W1271.html) and a Wellington northwest of Haamstede at 02:33. In the early hours of the 25 June 1943 Johnen claimed another Halifax north of Rosenburg at 01:01. This was Johnen's fifth victory which qualified him as a night fighter ace. On 8 July Johnen was promoted to "Oberleutnant".
3./NJG 1 was re-designated 5./NJG 5 ("Nachtjagdgeschwader" 5 (Night Fighter Wing 5) and formed into I./NJG 5 (I. "Gruppe"). The organisation was attached to 4. "Jagd Division" under the command of Rudolf Schoenert. I. III. and IV. "Gruppen" were formed in February 1943 to complete the "Geschwader". With the new unit Johnen achieved his 6th and 7th victory at 01:02 and 01:07 northwest of Berlin. Both RAF bombers were Short Stirlings. The success was achieved against a 710-strong force of bombers. Johnen scrambled with new crew members "bordfunker" (radar operator) Facius and his "bordmechaniker" (observer mechanic) Paul Mahle—whose wife lived in Berlin—scrambled to intercept at 23:00. The Berlin anti-aircraft artillery had permission to fire up to 24,000 feet and Johnen was forced to fly through it. Once in the bomber stream. FuG 220 "Lichtenstein" SN-2 radar failed and the crew were forced to spot the enemy with the naked eye. Johnen achieved his 8th and final victory of the year on 1 September 1943 at 00:58 when he claimed a Lancaster southwest of Berlin.
On 18 November 1943 Harris began his Berlin offensive. "Oberleutnant" Johnen achieved two victories on the night of the 3 January 1944—matching his most successful night thus far—when he accounted for two Lancasters at 02:56 03:21; both fell southwest of Berlin. On 6 January Johnen claimed a Lancaster near Tutos at 03:27. A solitary claim against a Lancaster on 20 January north northwest of Berlin at 19:36 followed. Johnen filed three claims on the 27 January 1944. A trio of Lancasters were claimed between 20:36 and 21:18 southeast and southwest of Berlin. He achieved this success again on 15 February 1944. At 20:34 southeast of Damgarten Johnen claimed a Lancaster. Another over Kummenerer See at 20:45 and at 21:20 north northwest of Berlin for his 18th victory. Johnen was appointed to the position (not rank) of "Staffelkapitän" (squadron leader) on 29 March 1944.
This series of successes led to his promotion as "Staffelkapitan" (squadron leader) of 8./"Nachtjagdgeschwader" 6 (Night Fighter Wing 6). In early April 1944 his unit moved to Mainz under the command of I./NJG 6, southwest of Frankfurt. On 28 April 1944 Johnen downed another Halifax at 01:31 southwest of Strasbourg for his 19th victory. It was part of a force of 322 heavy bombers sent to attack Friedrichshafen. As Johnen closed to attack the bomber—Halifax III "ND759" R-Robert from No. 35 Squadron RAF flown by Warrant Officer Bob Peter (RAAF)—he was also hit by return-fire. The bomber landed on Lake Constance in Switzerland and all but one of the crew lived to be interned. Two other German night fighter pilots pursued RAF bombers into Swiss airspace that night and both Josef Kraft and Gerhard Friedrich both filed claims, but returned to base.
Johnen was also forced to land his damaged Bf 110G-4, C9+EN ("Werknummer"—Factory Number 740 055), at Zürich-Dubendorf and was captured by personnel of the Swiss Air Force and was interned. During the chase one of the Daimler-Benz DB 605 engines began losing oil and the coolant temperature soared. Johnen feathered the propeller but flew into a searchlight blinded him. He fired a distress flare but lost his bearings. When the flare was deployed the searchlight was momentarily turned off and Johnen headed for an illuminated airfield.
Johnen and his crew, "Oberfeldwebel" Mahle and "Leutnant" Kamprath, were interned by Swiss authorities. The damaged night fighter was equipped with a SN-2 "Naxos" radar set and "Schräge Musik" armament. "Leutnant" Kamprath was also II./NJG 5's signals officer and he had all the latest radio codes which he kept in the aircraft against regulations. "Oberfeldwebel" Mahle had helped develop the "Schräge Musik" into series production. The Germans were deeply worried about leaving a sophisticatedly equipped night fighter and these important persons in the hands of a foreign government, even if it was a neutral one. The "Gestapo" arrested the crew's families until it was discovered to be a genuine error. When Adolf Hitler was informed of the incident the next morning he was sure it was treason. Hitler contacted "Reichsführer-SS" Heinrich Himmler to prepare an operation to destroy the aircraft. Himmler ordered Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Chief of the Reich Security Main Office ("Reichssicherheitshauptamt", RSHA) to make the necessary preparation. Kaltenbrunner contacted Otto Skorzeny who planned an attack. He arranged an ad hoc unit at Memmingen and planned to use them to fly into the airbase in a transport from "Kampfgeschwader" 200 and confiscate or destroy the Bf 110.
Chief of intelligence of the SS(SD) Walter Schellenberg suggested offering the Swiss 12 Messerschmitt Bf 109G-6s and manufacturing rights to them in exchange for the return of the aircraft and the crew. The Swiss had thoroughly examined the Bf 110 but kept this from the Germans. Matters went awry when the German military attaché in Bern heard a rumour that a Luftwaffe officer had already inspected the machine to discover it was false after a check at the "Reichsluftwaffenministerium". Hermann Göring, commander-in-chief of the Luftwaffe, immediately suspected it was an enemy agent. In the end, it was agreed that 12 Bf 109G-6 fighters would be sold to Switzerland at 500,000 francs each. In return, the Bf 110 would be blown up in front of German eyewitnesses. Operations Officer "Hauptmann" Brandt of NJG 6 was selected. He examined the aircraft and noticed one of the SN-2 aerials had been removed and replaced. Brandt initially refused to sign the protocol, but eventually relented on the evening of the 18 May 1944. The Bf 109s arrived the next day and Brandt handed the money to Göring personally on 21 May. The engines of the Bf 109s were all write-offs and Messerschmitt and Daimler-Benz had to pay compensation for this oversight six years later.
South Europe.
8 "staffel" moved to Hungary. Since the autumn of 1943, the RAF had been flying minelaying operations over the Danube and using the Balkan Air Force to supply partisan operations in Eastern Europe. The British were also attacking oilfields in Romania and operating over the Carpathian Mountains. A handful of German night fighter units were moved there to defend against these incursions. Johnen achieved his first victory in this area on 26 June 1944 at 00:22 southwest of Lake Balaton for his 20th victory. The identity of this claim was probably Wellington X "LN748", E, of No. 142 Squadron RAF which failed to return from an operation to Budapest. Flight Sergeant J. W. Scholefield, J. Thompson, Sergeant G. R. McKnight and D. Nelson were killed in action. Only rear gunner, J. Robertson, RCAF, survived. Johnen personally photographed the wreck of the Wellington. Johnen scored is 21st and 22nd victories at 01:17 and 01:25 south of Fels am Wagram in the early hours of the 7 July 1944. German night fighter pilots claimed 15 bombers shot down over Austria on this night.
Johnen achieved eight victories in August 1944. He claimed a B-25 Mitchell on 11 August 1944 at 02:08 and another at 22:59 on 15 August 1944. A third claim against this type was filed on 21 August at 22:42 brought his tally to 25. At 22:23 the following night Johnen claimed a Halifax south of Sombor. On 26/27 August Johnen claimed a Halifax southeast of Baja at 22:00 and a B-25 at 22:30 in an unknown location. In the evening of 27 August, at 21:50 over Friedrichskoog, Wilhelm Johnen claimed his 29th victory against another Halifax. He achieved his 30th victory on 29 August 1944 at 22:12 north of Mohács. Johnen was the only German night fighter pilot to file a claim this night. One B-24, "EW165", from 34 Squadron SAAF was lost; Captain John Frederick Munro and his crew were killed and buried in Budapest. In September 1944, Johnen claimed three victories. On 10 September a Halifax was claimed over Szeged at 23:38. Another followed over southeast of Baja, at Madaras at 21:30 on 13 September. Johnen was the only night fighter pilot in the Luftwaffe to claim on the night of 21/22 September 1944, when he claimed a Halifax west of Senta at 20:32.
With his score now standing at 33, Johnen was promoted "Hautpmann" and awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross () on 29 October 1944. Johnen was appointed "Gruppenkommandeur" (group commander) of III. "Gruppe" of NJG 6, which was based in Germany, in February 1945, succeeding "Hauptmann" Leopold Fellerer. On the night of the 15/16 March 1945 Johnen shot down his 34th and final bomber, a Lancaster southeast of Würzburg at 02:45.
After the war.
After a brief captivity, Johnen settled to Munich and attended university, achieving an engineering degree in construction. He worked for Willi Messerschmitt for a short time, and then started his own company. He also wrote his biography, "Duell unter den Sternen—Tatsachenbericht eines deutschen Nachtjägers 1941–1945" (Duel under the Stars—Factual report of a German Night Fighter 1941–1945), one of the first English-written books about the Luftwaffe. Wilhelm Johnen died on 7 February 2002 at Uberlingen, at the age of 81. A new edition of his memoir, published by Greenhill Books, was released in February 2018 with a new introduction by James Holland.
Summary of career.
Aerial victory claims.
Foreman, Parry and Mathews, authors of "Luftwaffe Night Fighter Claims 1939 – 1945", researched the German Federal Archives and found records for 34 nocturnal victory claims. Mathews and Foreman also published "Luftwaffe Aces — Biographies and Victory Claims", listing Johnen with 33 aerial victories, plus one further unconfirmed claim.
Victory claims were logged to a map-reference (PQ = "Planquadrat"), for example "PQ 24 Ost QB-4". The Luftwaffe grid map () covered all of Europe, western Russia and North Africa and was composed of rectangles measuring 15 minutes of latitude by 30 minutes of longitude, an area of about . These sectors were then subdivided into 36 smaller units to give a location area 3 × 4 km in size.
<doc id="27085378" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085378" title="Tariq Khan (general)">
Tariq Khan (general)
Lieutenant General Tariq Khan is a retired Pakistan Army general officer who was the Commander of I Strike Corps at Mangla. A war hero, he has been the Inspector General of the Frontier Corps from September 2008 till October 2010.
He has also commanded the 1st Armoured Division in Multan from 2006 to 2007 and then the 14th Infantry Division in South Waziristan till 2008. Khan gained fame when he led the Frontier Corps to victory against Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan in the Battle of Bajaur in 2009.
Pakistan Army career.
Tariq Khan belongs to the Tank area of Pakistan. He was commissioned in the Armoured Corps in the 55th PMA Long Course on 16 April 1977 and was awarded the "Sword of Honour" from the Pakistan Military Academy. He has participated in the First Gulf War of 1991, and contributed towards the international effort in the War on Terrorism as Pakistan's Senior National Representative at CENTCOM, Tampa, Florida from 2004 to 2005.
Khan was then promoted to major general in 2006 and commanded an armoured division in Multan and later an infantry division in South Waziristan leading "Operation Zalzala" against the militants. After commanding an infantry division, Maj Gen Tariq was posted as IG FC KPK, where he changed FC from a ragtag group of fighters into a force on par with Pakistan Army. As IG FC, he commanded the spearhead of Pakistan's war against terror. On 1 October 2010 he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant General and appointed Corps Commander Mangla and Commander Central Command.
The officer has been successful in turning the Frontier Corps around from a force in great difficulty into a highly professional one which has seen great successes in its recent operations against the militants in Federally Administered Tribal Areas and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. On 9 December 2007, Tariq Khan received United States Legion of Merit for meritorious services as a liaison officer at CENTCOM during Operation Enduring Freedom.
<doc id="27085381" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085381" title="C.H. Kitson">
C.H. Kitson
<doc id="27085386" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085386" title="Tariq Khan (Guantanamo detainee)">
Tariq Khan (Guantanamo detainee)
Tariq Khan is a citizen of Pakistan who was held in extrajudicial detention in the United States's Guantanamo Bay detention camps, in Cuba.
He arrived in Guantanamo on 16 June 2002.
He was repatriated on 16 July 2003.
McClatchy News Service interview.
On 15 June 2008, the McClatchy News Service published a series of articles based on interviews with 66 former Guantanamo captives.
Tariq Khan
was one of the former captives who had an article profiling him.
At the time of his interview, Tariq Khan was working as a real estate agent in Pakistan.
His McClatchy interviewer described his account of his travel to Afghanistan as far-fetched.
He said that in November 2001 he had traveled to Quetta, a city in Pakistan near the Afghan's southern border, to buy a quantity of cigarettes to sell. His visit coincided with Ramadam. And, at the mosque he went to pray at in Quetta he agreed to accompany some religious pilgrims—not realizing that they planned to cross the Afghan border. Tariq Khan told his interviewer:
Tariq Khan described his group of pilgrims being captured near Mazari Sharif, nine days later.
Mazari Sharif is across the mountains in the north of Afghanistan. Tariq Khan described being crammed into crowded shipping containers by troops under the command of General Dostum, where many of his fellow captives died.
He said Dostum's troops fired into the containers, while they were crammed with men.
He described spending several months crammed into a small cell in Dostum's prison at Sherberghan.
He said the cell was so crowded the men had to take turns sitting down, because there wasn't enough room for them all to sit down at the same time. He then spent another six months in US custody in the Kandahar detention facility.
Tariq Khan's interviewer described him losing confidence as he spoke, and declining to answer questions about seeing Koran desecration, or to answer questions about conditions at Guantanamo.
He said that he had to check in with Pakistani security officials every day, and he was afraid he would be punished for talking to a western reporter.
<doc id="27085395" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085395" title="Intercollegiate sports pre-dating NCAA">
Intercollegiate sports pre-dating NCAA
<doc id="27085396" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085396" title="Hoop op Beter, Veendam">
Hoop op Beter, Veendam
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Georgian Cup 2008–09
<doc id="27085403" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085403" title="Adrian Fencevilles">
Adrian Fencevilles
<doc id="27085407" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085407" title="Yuki Shimada">
Yuki Shimada
is a Japanese football player. He plays for Vonds Ichihara.
<doc id="27085410" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085410" title="Makai (DJ)">
Makai (DJ)
<doc id="27085413" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085413" title="Pirveli Liga 2008–09">
Pirveli Liga 2008–09
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Pyrrhula cineracea
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Pirveli Liga 2007-08
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Pirveli Liga 2006-07
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Pyrrhula cineracea cineracea
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Pirveli Liga 2005-06
<doc id="27085427" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085427" title="Convento de San Esteban, Salamanca">
Convento de San Esteban, Salamanca
The Convento de San Esteban is a Dominican monastery situated in the Plaza del Concilio de Trento (Council of Trent) in the Spanish city of Salamanca.
The Dominicans settled in Salamanca in about 1255, but their original monastery was demolished to construct the parish church of St. Stephen in 1524, at the initiative of Cardinal Juan Álvarez de Toledo. Construction took until 1610, and involved Martin de Santiago, Rodrigo Gil de Hontañón, and Pedro Gutiérrez. However, the layout and design are by Juan de Álava, who began the work in 1524, as evidenced by a plan in his possession. Rodrigo Gil de Hontañón was involved with the transepts and the dome. Although the church is considered to be an excellent example of the Plateresque style, the long period of construction explains the mixture of styles ranging from Gothic to the late Baroque, the latter not so noticeable in the architecture but very apparent in the reredos of the main altar by José de Churriguera. According to tradition, Christopher Columbus stayed in this monastery (actually in the earlier building it replaced) when he came to Salamanca to defend his idea of reaching the Indies by sailing west, against the geographers of the University.
During the Counter Reformation it was an important center for the Dominicans who founded the School of Salamanca, headed by Francisco de Vitoria.
Art and Architecture.
The facade comprises the front of the church and the adjacent monastery portico. The front the church is one of the finest examples of the Plateresque style. It is conceived as an external reredos, in the form of a triumphal arch under whose barrel vault unfolds the abundant decoration characteristic of this style. The martyrdom of St. Stephen is featured in the tympanum, with a calvary above, both reliefs executed by in the early 17th century. The portico, composed of arches, is inspired by Italian renaissance loggias, its plain ornamentation contrasting with the decorative exuberance of the church facade. It was executed by between 1590 and 1592, but the spandrel medallions are the work of the sculptor Martin Rodríguez.
Construction of the church commenced under the architect Juan de Álava in 1524, followed by Brother Martin de Santiago, who was succeeded by Rodrigo Gil de Hontañón. It was consecrated in 1610. It has a Latin cross plan with a single nave, with the choir above a segmented arch at the foot of the church. The styles present are late Gothic in the lower parts of the building to the Renaissance in the dome and presbytery. It measures 14.5 metres wide by 27 metres high in the nave and 44 metres at the dome. The choir features paintings of the Triumph of the Church of Antonio Palomino and a Madonna and Child by Rubens.
Cloisters and Chapter-houses.
The main cloister, the processional cloister or the "Cloister of the Kings", is the work of Brother Martin de Santiago, a member of the monastery. The lower level blends elements the Gothic and the Renaissance. The arches that border the garden are semicircular, in Renaissance style but treated as Gothic, and divided by three mullions. The vaults of the four bays are ribbed with Gothic features. In the center of the garden stands a shrine.
The upper level has a simple wooden ceiling, galleried by forty arches, resting on pilasters, whose capitals are decorated with grotesques and other motives.
From the ground floor the chapter houses can be accessed. The "Ancient Chapter" is dark, simple and austere, from the 14th century, with work from the following centuries. One of its sections is the chapel, where at the upper level the most prominent members of the monastery are buried, including Francisco de Vitoria and Domingo de Soto. Ordinary members of the order are buried at the lower level where the monks sat on benches against the walls for their meetings. The "New Chapter" is larger, more monumental and better lit than the older one and dates from the 17th century. It is similar in design to the sacristy, which is accessed via the Soto staircase.
The sacristy was built in the 17th century under the patronage of Brother Pedro de Herrera Suárez, bishop of Tuy, by architects Sardiña Alonso and Juan Moreno. The walls feature Corinthian pilasters with curved and triangular pediments, topped with pyramids, all in classical taste. The frieze is decorated with brackets and various allegories. The patron built the sacristy also as a place for his burial: in a niche, high on the left, his stone polychrome effigy, the work of Antonio de Paz, is seen in prayer. Images of the Assumption of the Virgin, St. Peter and St. Paul by the same artist are found in the headwall, presided over by a Christ figure in the foreground known as Jesus of Promise.
Soto Staircase.
This staircase was built between 1553 and 1556 and its name comes from the patron, Brother Domingo de Soto, professor at the University (part of the School of Salamanca) and confessor of Emperor Charles V. The designer was the architect Rodrigo Gil de Hontañón, who used a revolutionary new technique of cantilevering the stairs out from the walls, without other bearers, creating a space that allows the transition from the lower to the upper cloister. It is decorated with polychrome relief floral coffers, and Mary Magdalene appears in its upper section.
Main Reredos.
The work of José de Churriguera, crowning the head of the church, has six large twisted columns, covered with decorative foliage. In the center is a tabernacle conceived as a pavilion, flanked by a pair of columns on each side, and between those of the two columns at the edges stand niches that harbour the sculptures of St. Dominic of Guzmán and St. Francis of Assis, attributed to the designer of the altarpiece.
Centered above this is a painting by Claudio Coello whose theme is the martyrdom of St. Stephen.
Everything is covered with gold and richly decorated, resulting in one of the most monumental Spanish baroque altarpieces.
Areas reserved for the monastic community.
In the part of the building reserved for the sole use of the monastic community there are two cloisters. One is known as the "Columbus Cloister" where, according to tradition, the explorer conferred with the brethren over his project. It dates from the late 15th century, but its layout is simple, with round arches resting on robust and simple capitals, and with a Baroque window in the background. The other is called the "Cisterns Cloister" and features a decorative austerity, marked by empty spaces and smooth surfaces, which contrasts with the decorative exuberance of other parts of the building.
Faculty of Theology.
The monastery houses the Pontifical Theological Faculty of St. Stephen, founded in 1947, successor to the General Study of Theology which was set up in San Esteban in 1222. Activities of the Faculty include the Conversations of San Esteban, the San Esteban School of Theology and the St. Thomas Aquinas Internet School of Theology at www.fatse.org. It also has its own publishing house, Editorial San Esteban.
San Esteban is also the canonical seat of the "Dominican Fraternity of Holy Christ of the Good Death" which makes its penitential procession in Salamanca's Holy Week at dawn on Good Friday, and the "Royal and Pontifical Sacrament Confraternity of Mary, Mother of God of the Rosary and St. Pius V" fraternity of glory, restarted recently after years of inactivity.
<doc id="27085428" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085428" title="Little Sicily">
Little Sicily
<doc id="27085430" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085430" title="Pirveli Liga 2001-02">
Pirveli Liga 2001-02
<doc id="27085432" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085432" title="Pirveli Liga 2003-04">
Pirveli Liga 2003-04
<doc id="27085434" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085434" title="Convent of St Stephen, Salamanca">
Convent of St Stephen, Salamanca
<doc id="27085436" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085436" title="Pirveli Liga 2004-05">
Pirveli Liga 2004-05
<doc id="27085438" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085438" title="Convent of St. Stephen (Salamanca)">
Convent of St. Stephen (Salamanca)
<doc id="27085439" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085439" title="Pirveli Liga 1998-99">
Pirveli Liga 1998-99
<doc id="27085442" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085442" title="Convento de San Esteban">
Convento de San Esteban
<doc id="27085443" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085443" title="Pirveli Liga 1996-97">
Pirveli Liga 1996-97
<doc id="27085445" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085445" title="Pirveli Liga 1995-96">
Pirveli Liga 1995-96
<doc id="27085448" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085448" title="Pirveli Liga 1990">
Pirveli Liga 1990
<doc id="27085450" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085450" title="St. Stephen, Salamanca">
St. Stephen, Salamanca
<doc id="27085451" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085451" title="Pirveli Liga 1991">
Pirveli Liga 1991
<doc id="27085453" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085453" title="Whangarei Harbour Marine Reserve">
Whangarei Harbour Marine Reserve
The Whangarei Harbour Marine Reserve is a protected area in the North Island of New Zealand. It was established in 2006 and measures over two sites. The students and faculty of the nearby Kamo High School played an important role in establishing this reserve.
The reserve is governed by the Marine Reserves Act 1971 and is administered by the Department of Conservation. It was announced at an event held at Kamo High School in 2006 by the then Minister of Conservation, the Hon Chris Carter.
<doc id="27085454" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085454" title="Pirveli Liga 1994-95">
Pirveli Liga 1994-95
<doc id="27085458" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085458" title="Tornadoes of 1995">
Tornadoes of 1995
This page documents the tornadoes and tornado outbreaks of 1995, primarily in the United States. Most tornadoes form in the U.S., although some events may take place internationally. Tornado statistics for older years like this often appear significantly lower than modern years due to fewer reports or confirmed tornadoes, but by the 1990s, tornado statistics were coming closer to the numbers seen today.
The season peaked in May with a near-record of 392 tornadoes that month. June brought over 200 tornadoes, including several that became famous for their videos. The death total for the year was relatively low at 30 (fewest since 1986).
Confirmed tornado total for the entire year 1995 in the United States.
There were 36 tornadoes confirmed in the United States in January. A total of three people were killed in the Southeast US from separate tornadoes during the month.
There were seven tornadoes confirmed in the United States in February. An F3 tornado on February 16 killed six people and injured 130 in Arab, Alabama, making it the tornado responsible for the most deaths in 1995.
There were 49 tornadoes confirmed in the United States in March.
There were 130 tornadoes confirmed in the United States in April.
There were 392 tornadoes confirmed in the United States in May.
May 6–27.
A long-lived series of deadly tornado outbreaks occurred throughout almost the entire month of May; 13 deaths occurred due to the outbreaks. Nearly 300 tornadoes, including four that were rated F4, occurred during this period from the Central US through the Southeast and into the Mid-Atlantic.
May 29.
An unusual F4 tornado killed three people in Berkshire County, Massachusetts. A car was thrown 1000 ft, which was the basis for the F4 rating.
There were 216 tornadoes confirmed in the United States in June.
June 2.
An F3 tornado scraped the south side of Friona, Texas before maturing into a major wedge east of town. A dozen injuries were reported, but no fatalities.
An F2 tornado near Dimmitt, Texas was covered closely by the Probe 1 Vortex team, making it "the most comprehensively observed tornado in history."
The tornado resulted in 3 injuries.
June 8.
Several tornadoes in the Texas Panhandle caused widespread destruction. The Pampa F4 tornado struck the industrial section of the town, featured on several weather and disaster-related documentaries and captured on video. Two other F4 tornadoes near Allison and Kellerville were also captured on video. None of those tornadoes caused any fatalities. The Kellerville tornado has been debated to be of F5 strength, though the final rating was F4.
There were 162 tornadoes confirmed in the United States in July.
There were 53 tornadoes confirmed in the United States in August.
There were 19 tornadoes confirmed in the United States in September.
There were 74 tornadoes confirmed in the United States in October.
There were 79 tornadoes confirmed in the United States in November.
November 7.
A moderate tornado outbreak took place mainly over North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, with 41 tornadoes confirmed in total. 28 tornadoes were confirmed in South Carolina alone, which made it the largest tornado outbreak in the state at the time until the Hurricane Frances tornado outbreak in 2004, when 42 tornadoes touched down in that state. A rare, short lived F4 tornado touched down just east of Marion, South Carolina, although the rating is disputed. It would be the last F4/EF4+ tornado confirmed in South Carolina until April 13, 2020.
November 10–11.
An F2 tornado killed two people north of Des Arc, Arkansas during the overnight hours of November 11.
There were 18 tornadoes confirmed in the United States in December.
<doc id="27085460" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085460" title="Pirveli Liga 1991-92">
Pirveli Liga 1991-92
<doc id="27085463" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085463" title="Pirveli Liga 1992-93">
Pirveli Liga 1992-93
<doc id="27085466" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085466" title="Pirveli Liga 1993-94">
Pirveli Liga 1993-94
<doc id="27085468" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085468" title="Mobile phone industry in India">
Mobile phone industry in India
<doc id="27085471" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085471" title="Lingamurthy">
<doc id="27085478" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085478" title="Baldwin Vista, Los Angeles, California">
Baldwin Vista, Los Angeles, California
<doc id="27085493" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085493" title="Depressia">
<doc id="27085494" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085494" title="Hasenfussia">
<doc id="27085495" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085495" title="Piesta">
<doc id="27085496" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085496" title="Schistodepressaria">
<doc id="27085497" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085497" title="Adrian Yeggs">
Adrian Yeggs
The Adrian Yeggs were a Southern Michigan League baseball team based in Adrian, Michigan, United States that played from 1909 to 1914 as a whole and 1909 to 1911 under the Yeggs nickname.
According to the book "Baseball Team Names, 1869-2012", they were named after safe-cracker James Yeggs, one of the most well-known inmates at a prison located in Adrian.
Carl Vandagrift, Frank Gilhooley and Elmer Smith played for them.
In 1912, they were renamed to the Adrian Lions Major League Baseball players that played for them include Emil Huhn, Cowboy Jones, Elmer Smith and Bun Troy. They became the Adrian Champs in 1913. They finished first in the league with a 78-47 record and were managed by Dan Jenkins. The team was probably named after the Lion motor car manufactured in Adrian. The factory burned down during 1912 and the company ceased operations, thus the change of name in 1913.
In 1913, they were named the Adrian Champs. Major League Baseball players that played for them include Cecil Coombs, Paul Smith, Johnny Mitchell, Emil Huhn, Cowboy Jones and Bun Troy. Prior to being the Adrian Champs, they were the Adrian Lions. They became the Adrian Fencevilles in 1914.
In 1914, their final season, they were named the Adrian Fencevilles. They were the last team to ever play in Adrian, Michigan.
<doc id="27085498" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085498" title="Volucra">
<doc id="27085499" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085499" title="Siganorosis">
<doc id="27085500" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085500" title="Beverly Crest, Los Angeles, California">
Beverly Crest, Los Angeles, California
<doc id="27085501" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085501" title="Volucrum">
<doc id="27085504" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085504" title="Collectible pin">
Collectible pin
<doc id="27085506" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085506" title="Beverly Glen, Los Angeles, California">
Beverly Glen, Los Angeles, California
<doc id="27085509" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085509" title="Boyle Heights, Los Angeles, California">
Boyle Heights, Los Angeles, California
<doc id="27085514" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085514" title="Depressaria">
Depressaria is a moth genus of the superfamily Gelechioidea. It is the type genus of subfamily Depressariinae, which is often – particularly in older treatments – considered a distinct family Depressariidae or included in the Elachistidae, but actually seems to belong in the Oecophoridae.
The genus' type species is the parsnip moth. Its scientific name has been much confused for about 200 years. Adrian Hardy Haworth, on establishing the genus "Depressaria" in his 1811 issues of "Lepidoptera Britannica", called the eventual type species "Phalaena heraclei", an unjustified emendation of "P." ("Tortrix") "heracliana". In this he followed such entomologists of his time as Anders Jahan Retzius, who in 1783 had believed the parsnip moth to be a species originally described by Carl Linnaeus in 1758. But in fact, this was a misidentification; Linnaeus' moth was actually the one known today as "Agonopterix heracliana". To make matters worse, John Curtis popularized another incorrect spelling, "D. heracleana", apparently first introduced (as "Pyralis heracleana") by Johan Christian Fabricius in his 1775 "Systema Entomologiae".
New species of "Depressaria" continue to be discovered and described. Known species include:
Some other Oecophoridae were formerly included here, among them close relatives of the present genus (e.g. "Psorosticha zizyphi" and many species of "Agonopterix"), as well as more distantly related taxa (e.g. "Ironopolia sobriella"). "Horridopalpus" is sometimes still included in "Depressaria" as a subgenus (namely by sources that uprank Depressariinae to full family status), but may be a far more distant relative. The members of the proposed subgenus "Hasenfussia" are tentatively retained here on the other hand, but their relationship to other "Depressaria" requires further study.
<doc id="27085517" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085517" title="Taiki Tsuruno">
Taiki Tsuruno
is a Japanese football player. He plays for Saurcos Fukui.
<doc id="27085521" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085521" title="Pattern Skies">
Pattern Skies
<doc id="27085524" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085524" title="Brentwood, Los Angeles, California">
Brentwood, Los Angeles, California
<doc id="27085526" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085526" title="Quinten Tarantino">
Quinten Tarantino
<doc id="27085537" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085537" title="Aobadai Station">
Aobadai Station
is a passenger railway station located in Aoba-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, operated by the private railway company Tokyu Corporation.
Aobadai Station is served by the Tōkyū Den-en-toshi Line from in Tokyo to in Kanagawa Prefecture. It is 23.1 kilometers from the terminus of the line at .
Station layout.
The station consists of two opposed side platforms serving two tracks with the station building located underneath.
Aobadai Station was opened on April 1, 1966. The station building was rebuilt from 1990–1992, and a new bus terminal was added.
Passenger statistics.
In fiscal 2019, the station was used by an average of 110,999 passengers daily.
The passenger figures for previous years are as shown below.
<doc id="27085539" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085539" title="Tochmaland, Kollum">
Tochmaland, Kollum
Tochmaland is a smock mill in Kollum, Friesland, Netherlands, which was built in 1893. The mill has been restored to working order. It is listed as a Rijksmonument, number 23743.
"Tochmaland" was built in to drain the Tochmaland polder. It was originally the sawmill "Welgelegen", Veendam, Groningen. The mill was moved by millwright J B Donders of Tilburg, North Brabant, who had quoted a lower price for the move than millwrights from Kollum. It was formerly fitted with four patent sails. The mill ceased working in 1946 when the windshaft broke and repair was deemed too expensive. A brick shed containing an electrically driven Archimedes' screw was erected next to the mill.
A proposal to demolish the mill was rejected by the mayor of the gemeente Kollumerland en Nieuwkruisland. On 30 December 1948, the mill was purchased by the gemeente. Restorations were undertaken in 1949, 1963 and 1983. since 1995, an electric motor has been installed in "Tochmaland" to drive its Archimedes' screw, and the installation in the brick shed demolished.
"Tochmaland" is what the Dutch describe as an "Grondzeiler". It is a two-storey smock mill on a single-storey base. There is no stage, the sails reaching down almost to ground level. The mill is winded by tailpole and winch. The smock and cap are thatched. The sails are Common sails. They have a span of . The sails are carried on a cast-iron "windshaft" which was cast by H J Koning, Foxham, Groningen, in 1912. The "windshaft" also carries the "brake wheel" which has 63 cogs. This drives the "wallower" (33 cogs) at the top of the "upright shaft". At the bottom of the "upright shaft" is the "crown wheel", which has 44 cogs drives a gearwheel with 41 cogs on the axle of the Archimedes' screw. The axle of the Archimedes' screw is diameter. The screw is diameter and long. It is inclined at 19½°. Each revolution of the screw lifts of water.
Public access.
"Tochmaland" is open on Saturday mornings from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
<doc id="27085540" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085540" title="Beverlywood, Los Angeles, California">
Beverlywood, Los Angeles, California
<doc id="27085546" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085546" title="Bunker Hill, Los Angeles, California">
Bunker Hill, Los Angeles, California
<doc id="27085552" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085552" title="Gorse Tip Moth">
Gorse Tip Moth
<doc id="27085562" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085562" title="Carthay, Los Angeles, California">
Carthay, Los Angeles, California
<doc id="27085565" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085565" title="Peter Cartwright (exhorter)">
Peter Cartwright (exhorter)
<doc id="27085571" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085571" title="Chatsworth, Los Angeles, California">
Chatsworth, Los Angeles, California
<doc id="27085574" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085574" title="Glorificus (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)">
Glorificus (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
<doc id="27085577" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085577" title="Chesterfield Square, Los Angeles, California">
Chesterfield Square, Los Angeles, California
<doc id="27085582" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085582" title="1836–37 United States Senate elections">
1836–37 United States Senate elections
The 1836–37 United States Senate elections were elections that had the Jacksonian coalition emerge as the Democratic Party, and the Adams, or Anti-Jackson, coalition emerge as the Whig Party.
As this election was prior to ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment, senators were chosen by state legislatures.
Results summary.
Senate party division, 25th Congress (1837–1839)
Change in composition.
As a result of the regular elections.
"Hold" means the incumbent lost and the winner was from an affiliated new party, either Anti-Jacksonian to Whig or Jacksonian to Democratic.
Race summaries.
Bold states link to specific election articles.
Elections seated during the 24th Congress.
In these elections, senators were elected to finish terms already in progress either as special elections or as elections to a new state. senators were seated during 1836 or before March 4, 1837; ordered by election date.
Races leading to the 25th Congress.
In these regular elections, the winner was seated on March 4, 1837; ordered by state.
All of the elections involved the Class 3 seats.
Elections during the 25th Congress.
In these special elections, the winners were seated in 1837 after March 4; ordered by election date.
There were two elections in Alabama in this cycle, both for the same seat.
Alabama (regular).
First-term senator Anti-Jacksonian Gabriel Moore lost re-election in November 1836 to Jacksonian John McKinley.
Alabama (special).
Shortly after the new term started, Jacksonian-now-Democrat John McKinley resigned to become Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. He was replaced by fellow Democrat Clement C. Clay in a June 19, 1837 special election.
Clay would serve only until November 15, 1841, when he, too, resigned.
Arkansas became a new state and elected its two senators September 18, 1836.
Jacksonian former Governor of Arkansas Territory William Fulton was elected to the Class 2 seat, with the term ending March 3, 1841.
Jacksonian former delegate Ambrose Sevier was elected to the Class 3 seat, with the term ending March 3, 1837.
Sevier was also re-elected in 1837 to the next term that would end in 1843.
There were two elections in Georgia in this cycle.
There were two elections in Louisiana in this cycle, both for the same seat.
Anti-Jacksonian Alexander Porter resigned January 5, 1837 due to ill health.
Louisiana (special).
Jacksonian Alexandre Mouton was elected January 12, 1837 to finish Porter's term, ending March 3, 1837.
Louisiana (regular).
Jacksonian Alexandre Mouton was also elected as a Democrat in 1837 (possibly re-elected) to the next term, beginning March 4, 1837.
Maryland (special).
Anti-Jacksonian Robert Henry Goldsborough died October 5, 1836. Anti-Jacksonian John S. Spence was elected in late 1836 to finish Goldsborough's term, ending March 3, 1837.
Maryland (regular).
John S. Spence won election to a full term an unknown margin of votes, for the Class 3 seat.
New York.
Silas Wright Jr., had been elected in 1833 to this seat after the resignation of William L. Marcy who had been elected Governor of New York. Wright's term would expire on March 3, 1837.
At the State election in November 1836, 94 Democrats and 34 Whigs were elected to the Assembly, and seven of the eight State senators elected were Democrats. The 60th New York State Legislature met from January 3 to May 16, 1837, at Albany. The party strength in the Assembly as shown by the election for Speaker was: 80 for Democrat Edward Livingston and 27 for Whig Luther Bradish.
Wright was re-nominated in a Democratic caucus by a large majority. Silas Wright Jr., was the choice of both the Assembly and the Senate, and was declared elected.
North Carolina.
There were two elections in North Carolina in this cycle, both for the same seat.
Anti-Jacksonian Willie P. Mangum resigned November 26, 1836.
North Carolina (special).
Jacksonian Robert Strange was elected in late 1836 to finish Mangum's term, ending March 3, 1837.
North Carolina (regular).
Jacksonian Robert Strange was also elected as a Democrat in 1836, to the next term, beginning March 4, 1837.
The Pennsylvania General Assembly convened on December 14, 1836, to elect a Senator to serve the term beginning on March 4, 1837. The results of the vote of both houses combined are as follows:
Virginia (special).
There were three special elections in Virginia in this cycle.
Virginia (special, class 1).
Two-term Anti-Jacksonian (and future President) John Tyler resigned February 29, 1836 due to policial differences and conflict with the Virginia House of Delegates, which had come under control of the rival Jacksonians.
Former Jacksonian senator William C. Rives (who had served in the class 2 seat from December 10, 1832 to February 22, 1834) was elected March 4, 1836 to finish Tyler's term that would end March 3, 1839.
Virginia (special, class 2 1836).
Anti-Jacksonian Benjamin W. Leigh, who had served in the seat since an 1834 special election and re-elected in 1835, resigned July 4, 1836 to return to his private legal practice.
Jacksonian Richard E. Parker was elected December 12, 1836, but he would only remain in the seat for four months.
Virginia (special, class 2 1837).
Parker, now a Democrat, was elected to the Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals and so he resigned from the Senate March 13, 1837.
Fellow Democrat William H. Roane was elected March 14, 1837 to finish the term that would end March 3, 1841.
<doc id="27085583" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085583" title="Harrison Avenue Bridge">
Harrison Avenue Bridge
Harrison Avenue Bridge was a concrete deck arch bridge carrying Harrison Avenue (unsigned SR 6011) in Scranton, Pennsylvania, United States. Its three spans included an open-spandrel ribbed arch over Roaring Brook, flanked by two closed-spandrel arches. The southwestern closed-spandrel arch spanned the former Lackawanna and Wyoming Valley Railroad (Laurel Line), converted to highway use in 1964 as the Central Scranton Expressway. The northeastern closed-spandrel arch spans the former Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad, now a heritage railroad operated by Steamtown National Historic Site.
Built in 1921–1922, the bridge was notable as an example of Progressive Era civic involvement, its construction having been promoted by a citizens' group called the South to East Scranton Bridge Association. It was designed by New York City-based consulting engineer Abraham Burton Cohen, although Scranton Department of Public Works chief engineer William A. Schunk and his assistant Charles F. Schroeder were more actively involved in day-to-day supervision of construction. The bridge was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1988.
Construction of a replacement bridge on a parallel alignment began in October 2014 and was completed in December 2017. The old bridge was demolished in June 2018.
<doc id="27085585" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085585" title="Italo-Albanian Catholic Church">
Italo-Albanian Catholic Church
The Italo-Albanian Catholic Church (; ; ), Italo-Albanian Byzantine-Catholic Church or Italo-Albanian Church, is one of the 23 Eastern Catholic Churches which, together with the Latin Church, compose the Catholic Church. It is an autonomous "(sui juris)" particular church in full communion with the Pope of Rome, directly subject to the Roman Congregation for the Oriental Churches, but which follows the Byzantine Rite, the ritual and spiritual traditions that are common in most of the Eastern Orthodox Church. It uses two liturgical languages: Koine Greek, the traditional language of the Eastern Churches, and Albanian, the native language of most of its adherents.
The Italo-Albanian Catholic Church extends its jurisdiction over the Italo-Albanian people, who are the descendants of the exiled Albanians that fled to Italy in the 15th century under the pressure of the Turkish persecutions in Albania, Epirus and the Morea (Peloponnese). For over five centuries, they have managed, as a diaspora, to retain their language, culture, customs and beliefs. Nowadays, they reside primarily in Southern Italy (Abruzzo, Apulia, Basilicata, Calabria) and in Sicily, as well as in Central Italy, where they are present only in the Monastery of Grottaferrata in the Lazio region. The Church also operates among the Italo-Albanian diaspora in North and South America. It has about 80,000 faithful. It does not have a metropolitan, but is instead led by two eparchs and a territorial abbot.
The Italo-Albanian Catholic Church considers itself the heir of ancient Illyrian Christian tradition and is closely linked to the Albanian Greek-Catholic Church, with which it shares a common history and traditions. The fact that the Church has never broken away from the Apostolic See of Rome is a rare testimony - another example being the Maronites - of the persistent unity of the Church despite its diversity of traditions.
The Byzantine rite was brought to Italy in the 15th century by Albanian exiles fleeing from Albania, Epirus and Morea because of persecution by Ottoman Turks of Muslim faith. Italy had already known Eastern Christian rites in previous centuries, but these had since disappeared. The Albanians, Orthodox united in Rome with the Council of Ferrara-Florence, brought with them language, customs, and belief, zealously keeping the Byzantine rite and naturally bridging between East and West (see Albanian missions in Albania in 1690-1769, contacts with Ohrid, Cretan Byzantine art and new missions of re-Christianization of Albania in 1900).
The Italo-Albanian Catholic Church is therefore characterized by a specific ethnic group: the Albanians of Italy, "Arbëreshë" or "Italo-Albanesi".
The Albanian ethno-linguistic group of Italy has managed to maintain its identity, having in the clergy the strongest guardian and the fulcrum of ethnic identification.
The only place where the Byzantine Rite remained in Italy was the Monastery of Grottaferrata, an Italo-Greek foundation, which had become steadily latinized through the centuries. The Albanians of Sicily and Calabria, from the eighteenth to the present, were bringing the monastery back to life, where most of its monks, abbots and students were and are Italo-Albanian.
Byzantine period.
The conquest of Italy by the Byzantine Empire in the Gothic War (535–554) began a Byzantine period that included the Byzantine domination of the papacy from 537 to 752.
It is uncertain whether the Byzantine Rite was followed in any diocese of Southern Italy or Sicily before the 8th century. The spread of Greek monasticism in Italy received a strong impulse from the Rashidun Caliphate invasion of the Levant and Egypt, and later from the ban on religious images or icons. The monks naturally retained their rite, and as the bishops were not infrequently chosen from their number, the diocesan liturgy, under favourable conditions, could easily be changed, especially since the Lombard occupation of the inland regions of Southern Italy cut off the Greeks in the South from communication with the Latin Church.
When, in 726, Leo III the Isaurian withdrew Southern Italy from the patriarchal jurisdiction of Rome and gave it to the Patriarch of Constantinople, the process of Hellenization became more rapid; it received a further impulse when, on account of the Muslim conquest of Sicily, Greeks and Hellenized Sicilians fled to Calabria and Apulia. Still, it was not rapid enough to suit the Byzantine emperors, who feared that those regions would once again fall under the influence of the West, as had the Duchy of Rome and the Exarchate of Ravenna. Finally, after the Saxon emperors had made a formidable attempt to drive the Greeks from the peninsula, Emperor Nikephoros II Phokas and the Patriarch Polyeuctus made it obligatory on the bishops, in 968, to adopt the Byzantine Rite. This order aroused lively opposition in some quarters, as at Bari, under Bishop Giovanni. Nor was it executed in other places immediately and universally. Cassano and Taranto, for instance, are said to have always maintained the Roman Rite. At Trani, in 983, Bishop Rodostamo was allowed to retain the Roman Rite, as a reward for aiding in the surrender of the city to the Greeks. In every diocese there were always some churches which never forsook the Roman Rite; on the other hand, long after the restoration of that rite, there remained Greek churches with native Greek clergy.
The restoration of the Roman Rite began with the Norman conquest in the 11th century, especially in the first period of the conquest, when Norman ecclesiastics were appointed bishops. Another potent factor was the reform of Pope Gregory VII, who in his efforts to repress marriage among the Latin clergy found no small obstacle in the example of the Greek priests. However, he and his successors recognized the Byzantine Rite and discipline wherever it was in legitimate possession. Moreover, the Latin bishops ordained the Greek as well as the Latin clergy. In the course of time the Norman princes gained the affection of their Greek subjects by respecting their rite, which had strong support in the numerous Basilian monasteries (in the 15th century there were still seven of them in the Archdiocese of Rossano alone). The Latinization of the dioceses was complete in the 16th century. Among those which held out longest for the Byzantine Rite were Acerenza (and perhaps Gravina), 1302; Gerace, 1467; Oppido, 1472 (when it was temporarily united to Gerace); Rossano, 1460; Gallipoli, 1513; Bova (to the time of Gregory XIII), etc. But even after that time, many Greek priests remained in some dioceses. In that of Otranto, in 1583, there were still two hundred Greek priests, nearly all native. At Reggio, Calabria, Count Ruggiero in 1092 had given the Greeks the church of S. Maria della Cattolica, whose clergy had a Protopope, exempt from the jurisdiction of the bishop; this was the case until 1611. In 1695 there were in the same dioceses fifty-nine Greek priests; after thirty years there was only one. Rossano still had a Greek clergy in the 17th century. The few native Greek priests were afterwards absorbed in the tide of immigration (see below). Of the Basilian monasteries the only one left is that of Grottaferrata, near Rome. In Sicily the Latinization was, for two reasons, accomplished more easily and radically. First, during Muslim rule most of the dioceses were left without bishops, so that the installation of Latin bishops encountered no difficulty; secondly, the Normans had come as liberators, and not as conquerors.
Important Greek colonies, founded chiefly for commercial reasons, were located at Venice, Ancona (where they obtained from Clement VII and Paul III the church of S. Anna, which they lost in 1833, having been declared schismatical in 1797), Bari, Lecce (where, even in the 19th century, in the church of S. Nicola, Divine worship was carried on in the Greek tongue, though in the Roman Rite), Naples (where they have the church of SS. Pietro e Paolo, erected in 1526 by Tommaso Paleologo Assagni), Leghorn (where they have the church of the Annunziata, 1607).
In Rome there was always a large colony observing the Greek Rite. From the end of the 6th century until the ninth and tenth there were several Greek monasteries among which were Cella Nova, near S. Saba; S. Erasmo; San Silvestro in Capite; the monastery next to Santa Maria Antiqua at the foot of the Palatine. Like other nations, the Greeks before the year 1000 had their own schola at Rome. It was near the church of Santa Maria in Cosmedin. Even in the pontifical liturgy - at least on some occasions - a few of the chanted passages were in Greek: the custom of singing the Epistle and Gospel in both Latin and Greek dates from that period.
Albanian influx.
Besides the first large emigration of Albanians which took place between 1467 and 1470, after the death of the celebrated George Castriota Scanderbeg (when his daughter, who had become the Princess of Bisignano, invited her countrymen to the Kingdom of Naples), there were two others, one under Ottoman Empire Sultan Selim II (1566–1574), directed to the ports along the Adriatic Sea and to Livorno; the other about 1740. In the course of time, owing to assimilation with the surrounding population, the number of these Italo-Greeks diminished, and not a few of their villages became entirely Latin.
To educate the clergy of these Greeks, Pope Gregory XIII founded in 1577 at Rome the Greek College of St. Athanasius, which served also for the Greek Catholics of the East and for the Ruthenians, until a special college was instituted for the latter purpose by Pope Leo XIII. Among the alumni of St. Athanasius was the celebrated Leo Allatius. Another Greek-Byzantine ecclesiastical college was founded at Piana degli Albanesi in 1715 by P. Giorgio Guzzetta, founder of an Oratory of celibate Greek-Byzantine clergy. At Firmo the seminary of SS. Pietro e Paolo existed from 1663, erected by the Propaganda to supply priests for Albania. It was suppressed in 1746. Finally Pope Clement XII, in 1736, founded the Corsini College in the ancient Abbey of San Benedetto Ullano in the charge of a resident bishop or archbishop of the Greek Rite. Later it was transferred in 1794 to San Demetrio Corone, in the ancient Basilian monastery of S. Adriano. Since 1849, however, and especially since 1860, this college has lost its ecclesiastical character and is now secularized.
Seminaries for the Albanians of Italy were set up in San Benedetto Ullano, and then in San Demetrio Corone, (Calabria) in 1732 and in Palermo, Sicily, in 1734.
Ecclesiastical status.
Until 1919, the Italo-Greeks were subject to the jurisdiction of the Latin diocesan bishops. However, the popes at times appointed a titular archbishop, resident in Rome, for the ordination of their priests. When Clement XII established the Corsini College at San Benedetto Ullano in 1736, he placed it in charge of a resident bishop or archbishop of the Greek Rite. Pope Benedict XIV, in the papal Bull "Etsi pastoralis" (1742), collected, co-ordinated and completed the various enactments of his predecessors, and this Bull was still law in 1910, regulating the transfer of clergy and lay people between the communities of the Greek Church and Latin Church, and specifying that children of mixed marriages would be subject to the Latin Church.
"Sui juris".
On 6 February 1784, the pre-diocesan ordinariate of the Albanians in Sicily was created, with Bishop Papàs Giorgio Stassi, titular Bishop of Lampsacus, first holding that position.
By 1909, another Ordinary for the Greeks of Calabria was residing at Naples.
The 20th century saw the foundation in 1919 of the Eparchy of Lungro (an Eastern Catholic bishopric) in Calabria, which serves Byzantine-Rite Albanians in mainland Italy, and on 26 October 1937 of the Eparchy of Piana dei Greci for those in Sicily promoted from the Ordinariate of Sicilia. One month before the foundation of the Eparchy of Piana dei Greci in 1937, the Byzantine-Rite Monastery of Saint Mary of Grottaferrata, not far from Rome, was given the status of a territorial abbacy, separating it from the jurisdiction of the local bishop. In October 1940, the three ordinaries held an inter-eparchial synod for preserving their Byzantine traditions and unity with an Orthodox Church of Albania observation delegation. On 25 October 1941, the Eparchy of Piana dei Greci was renamed as the Eparchy of Piana degli Abanesi / Eparkia or Eparhia e Horës së Arbëreshëvet.
In 2004 and 2005, a second inter-eparchial synod was held in three sessions approving 10 documents for "the synod’s theological and pastoral context, the use of Scripture, catechesis, liturgy, formation of clergy, canon law, ecumenical and interreligious relations, relations with other Eastern Catholic Churches, re-evangelization and mission." They were submitted to the Holy See and were still in dialogue as of mid-2007 in regards to their promulgation.
There are three ecclesiastical jurisdictions composing the Italo-Albanian Catholic Church:
The eparchies themselves have not been organized as a Metropolitan church, and remain on an equal footing, directly subject to the Holy See.
These eparchies allow the ordination of married men as priests, and they also govern a few Latin Church parishes within the respective territories of the eparchies.
As of 2010, the church's membership was estimated at approximately 61,000 faithful, with two bishops, 45 parishes, 82 priests, 5 deacons, and 207 religious brothers and sisters.
In the church there are the following religious institutions: the Italo-Albanian Basilian Monks Order of Grottaferrata (present in Lazio, Calabria and Sicily), the Suore Collegine della Sacra Famiglia, and the congregation of the Italo-Albanian Basilian Sisters Figlie di Santa Macrina (present in Sicily, Calabria, Albania and Kosovo).
Italo-Albanian communities were formed in the cities of Milan, Turin, Rome, Naples, Bari, Lecce, Crotone, Cosenza and Palermo, as well as in Switzerland, Germany, United States, Canada, Argentina and Brazil. They depend, however, on Latin dioceses and only in some cases is the Byzantine liturgy celebrated. Over the centuries, albeit limited, there have been contacts religious between Albanians of Italy with the Christian East (monasteries of Crete) and Albania (Archdiocese of Shkodër, Durrës, Himarë). Important is the spiritual and cultural contribution of the monks and ieromonaci Albanians in the monastery of Grottaferrata.
Outside of Italy, there are some diaspora communities Italo-Albanian organized in religious associations and parishes.
In the United States, some Italo-Albanian Catholic parishes fall under non-Italo-Albanian episcopal authorities. For example, the Italo-Greek Church of Our Lady of Wisdom in Las Vegas is under the jurisdiction of the Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Phoenix, and the Greek Catholic Mission of Our Lady of Grace in New York is under the jurisdiction of the Latin Archdiocese of New York.
<doc id="27085600" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085600" title="American Moments">
American Moments
<doc id="27085601" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085601" title="National Capital Region of Canada">
National Capital Region of Canada
<doc id="27085602" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085602" title="TMEM242">
Transmembrane protein 242 (TMEM242) is a protein that in humans is encoded by the "TMEM242" gene. The tmem242 gene is located on chromosome 6, on the long arm, in band 2 section 5.3. This protein is also commonly called C6orf35, BM033, and UPF0463 Transmembrane Protein C6orf35. The tmem242 gene is 35,238 base pairs long, and the protein is 141 amino acids in length. The tmem242 gene contains 4 exons. The function of this protein is not well understood by the scientific community. This protein contains a DUF1358 domain (Domain of Unknown Function 1358).
The TMEM242 protein has a conserved domain of unknown function pfam 07096, DUF 1358., which covers the first 121 aa of the protein. This domain is conserved in eukaryotes.
Associated Proteins.
Several predicted interacting proteins and functional sites on the protein have been identified. One of the predicted interacting protein is MAP2K1IP1, which is a scaffold protein. This protein is known to be involved in the MAP Kinase pathway. The MAP Kinase pathway is associated with the Alzheimer's pathway through a protein called Tau or MAPT. Excessive phosphorylation of this protein leads to aggregation of neurons which can cause Alzheimer's disease. Other associated proteins include GGT7, RNF5, ELOVL4, GPR42, BCL2L13, HEATR1, IZUMO4, ARID1B, SIAE, EDARADD, URB1, ZDHHC14, KIF11, RRM2, KCTD13, TMEM31, NDUFA3, SGPL1, CNR2, and GJA8. All of the listed proteins have known functions.
The tmem242 protein is highly expressed in many tissues, but the most highly expressed in the brain, heart, adrenal, and thyroid.
Homologs and orthologs.
There are homologs and orthologs of the tmem242 protein in a variety of species. The species have diverged as far back as 794 million years ago. The following species have been found as having orthologs to the tmem242 protein in their genome:
The image to the right represents the rate of divergence for tmem242 (blue) compared to fibrinogen (red) and cytochrome C (green). This graph shows that tmem242 is evolving at a rate that is in between that of fibrinogen, which evolves quickly, and cytochrome C, which evolves slowly.
Gene Level Regulation.
The promoter for the tmem242 gene is located upstream, but includes the transcription and translational start sites. This promoter was found using ElDorado by Genomatix. This promoter has many transcription factor binding sites. Some of these transcription factors include TFIIB, Mouse Krueppel like factor, and NKX homeodomain factors. One notable transcription factor is the Retinoblastoma-binding protein with demethylase activity. There are ubiquitous basal level expression of tmem242 in all tissues in human and mouse. There are other tissues with increase expression levels such as the cerebellum and the hippocampus. There is increase expression levels in many parts of the brain along with kidney and prostate. Tmem242 is also expressed in smaller amounts such as heart, adrenal gland, and thyroid.
Transcriptional Level Regulation.
Tmem242 has several predicted post-transcriptional stem loop structures in the 5' UTR. These structures use binding, both traditional and modified, to create stem loop structures in the untranslated regions of the mRNA.
Protein Level Regulation.
There are various forms of protein level regulation for tmem242. Tmem242 is found in a membrane within the cell. It is likely tmem242 is found in the cellular membrane or the mitochondrial membrane, but other sub cellular locations are possible. These include the endoplasmic reticulum and the nuclear membrane. There are various phosphorylation sites present on tmem242. These sites include cAMP and cGMP dependent protein kinase phosphorylation sites, casein kinase II phosphorylation sites, and a protein kinase C phosphorylation site. These site all favor the phosphorylation of serine and threonine residues. Other post-translational modifications include a N-myristoylation site, which covalently adds a myristate molecule.
Protein Composition.
There are various single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that can occur in tmem242. A few cause stop codons, others make either silent mutations or missense mutations.
Tmem242 is 141 amino acids long, and contains at least one residue of each amino acid. There are two transmembrane domains, one spanning from approximately the 28th residue to the 48th reside. The second domain spans from approximately the 82nd residue to the 102nd residue. These amino acid residues are approximate as various sources have approximations for the transmembrane domains.
Secondary Structure.
Tmem242 has several secondary structures. The two transmembrane domains have alpha helices. These helices are formed from uncharged residues that are buried in the membrane. These helices are not exposed for binding. Other parts of the tmem242 protein may form secondary structures.
Tertiary Structure.
The tmem242 protein further folds to its final structure to embed in a membrane. It is likely tmem242 is embedded in the cellular membrane, there is also potential for tmem242 to embed in the mitochondrial membrane or the endoplasmic reticulum membrane.
Post-translational Modification.
Tmem242 undergoes various post-translational modification. There are 11 serine residues that have a potential to be phosphorylated. Those sites occur in residue numbers 13, 20, 51, 57, 65, 74, 76, 77, 119, 128, and 130. There are also four threonine residues that have the potential to be phosphorylated. Those site are residue numbers 36, 49, 123, and 137. Other post-translational modifications that potentially happen occur at specific motif sites. There are 12 motif sites in tmem242 that correlate to 4 different motif types. The four types are cAMP and cGMP dependent protein kinase phosphorylation site, casein kinase II phosphorylation site, N-myristoylation site, and protein kinase C phosphorylation site. There is one cAMP and cGMP dependent protein kinase phosphorylation site in tmem242, and this motif has a preference for phosphorylation of threonine and serine residues. There are four casein kinase II phosphorylation sites, and this motif is a serine/threonine kinase. There are six N-myristoylation sites in tmem242, and this motif signals a covalent attachment of myristate. There is one protein kinase C phosphorylation site which signals phosphorylation of serine or threonine resides.
<doc id="27085615" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085615" title="Crestwood Hills, Los Angeles, California">
Crestwood Hills, Los Angeles, California
<doc id="27085618" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085618" title="Anna Julia Haywood Cooper">
Anna Julia Haywood Cooper
<doc id="27085623" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085623" title="The Greenhornes (album)">
The Greenhornes (album)
The Greenhornes is the eponymous second studio album by The Greenhornes.
Track listing.
All songs written by The Greenhornes.
<doc id="27085634" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085634" title="Welgelegen, Veendam">
Welgelegen, Veendam
<doc id="27085636" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085636" title="Clockseed">
Clockseed is the fourth studio album by Vampire Rodents, released on April 7, 1995 by Re-Constriction Records.
Music and lyrics.
"Clockseed" has a larger number of guest vocalists than its predecessor, with Daniel handling vocal duties on only four out of twenty-two tracks. All the vocalists involved were known through Chase, who sent out tapes to anyone who could lend their lyrics and vocals to a track. Daniel has noted that they all wrote their parts completely without his direction and called it a great fortune to receive such incredible results from people he had never met.
During the album's production, Re-Constriction Records label manager Chase mailed instrumental tapes to multiple musicians affiliated with the electro-industrial and Rivethead scenes for them to layer vocals and lyrics over. Christian Void of Killing Floor received the tracks for "Dowager's Egg" and "Mother Tongue" and chose the former to compose with. Concerning the lyrical content, Void stated "It is about people with disease like HIV and AIDS and how the public perceives them, and about things that happen to them because of their disease" that decries people being made into pariahs by society. Written by Chemlab vocalist Jared Louche, "Low Orbit" is about two of his deceased friend appearing to him in his sleep. He has said the song was "influenced by my having had a series of dreams involving Craig and another friend who had died of a brain tumor around that time. They were haunting the orbits of my dreams." Jason Bazinet of SMP (Sounds of Mass Production) has voiced his displeasure with his and Sean's work on "Revisioned", noting that they may have rushed the lyrics. It is about people with disease like HIV and AIDS and how the public perceives them, and about things that happen to them because of their disease.
Release and reception.
Despite being out of print, the album can still be bought through the Vampire Rodents eBay page.
"Aiding & Abetting" gave it a positive review, saying that "while a little more accessible than Lullaby Land, Clockseed is still a compendium of discord and sonic discrepancies."
Adapted from the "Clockseed" liner notes.
Vampire Rodents
Additional musicians
<doc id="27085638" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085638" title="Faircrest Heights, Los Angeles, California">
Faircrest Heights, Los Angeles, California
<doc id="27085641" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085641" title="Selected Letters of Raymond Chandler">
Selected Letters of Raymond Chandler
<doc id="27085642" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085642" title="Five Murderers">
Five Murderers
<doc id="27085643" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085643" title="Five Sinister Characters">
Five Sinister Characters
<doc id="27085644" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085644" title="Taiyō Te ni Tsuki wa Kokoro no Ryōte ni">
Taiyō Te ni Tsuki wa Kokoro no Ryōte ni
is Japanese singer-songwriter Ua's first re-cut single and third overall, released on February 21, 1996. "Taiyō Te ni Tsuki wa Kokoro no Ryōte ni" is Ua's first single to chart, peaking at #99 with 3,040 units sold in its first week.
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Fingerman and Other Stories
<doc id="27085652" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085652" title="Trouble is My Business">
Trouble is My Business
<doc id="27085653" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085653" title="Pickup on Noon Street">
Pickup on Noon Street
<doc id="27085655" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085655" title="Spanish Blood">
Spanish Blood
<doc id="27085658" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085658" title="Welgelegen">
Welgelegen () may refer to
<doc id="27085659" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085659" title="Franklin Hills, Los Angeles, California">
Franklin Hills, Los Angeles, California
<doc id="27085670" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085670" title="Brian Anthony Brennan">
Brian Anthony Brennan
<doc id="27085672" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085672" title="Red fraction">
Red fraction
<doc id="27085675" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085675" title="Berlin-Potsdamer Eisenbahn">
Berlin-Potsdamer Eisenbahn
<doc id="27085681" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085681" title="Borås College">
Borås College
<doc id="27085684" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085684" title="Baltic states under Soviet rule (1944–1991)">
Baltic states under Soviet rule (1944–1991)
The three Baltic states – Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania – were Liberated from Nazi Germany by the Soviet Union (USSR) starting in 1944. They regained independence in 1991.
In 1944-1945, World War II and the occupation by Nazi Germany ended. Then, re-occupation and annexation by the Soviet Union occurred, as the three countries became constituent "union republics" of the USSR: Estonian SSR, Latvian SSR and Lithuanian SSR. The three countries remained under Soviet rule until regaining their full independence in August 1991, a few months prior to the eventual dissolution of the Soviet Union in December 1991.
Soviet rule in the Baltic states led to mass deportations to other parts of the Soviet Union, in order to quell resistance and weaken national identity. Mass migration from other parts of the Soviet Union into the Baltic states had a similar effect. The Soviet Union also required the Baltic states to industrialize in a manner to maximize the Soviet economy, and isolated the Baltic states from western influence. The Russian language became compulsory in schools, and freedom of expression was restricted throughout the population. In the late 1980s, while Mikhail Gorbachev was in charge of the Soviet Union, the Baltic states took many steps toward autonomy, and eventually toward independence.
Resistance and deportations.
Between 1940 and 1987, the Soviet Union carried out a process of sovietization which aimed to weaken the national identities of the Baltic peoples. An important factor in the attempt to achieve this was large-scale industrialisation then direct attacks on culture, religion and freedom of expression. For the Soviet authorities the elimination of opposition and the transformation of the economics went hand in hand. The Soviet used massive deportations to eliminate resistance to collectivisation and support for the partisans.
The Baltic partisans resisted Soviet rule by armed struggle for a number of years. The Estonian Forest brothers, as they were known, enjoyed material support among the local population. The Soviets had already carried out deportations in 1940–41, but the deportations between 1944 and 1952 were much larger in number. In March 1949, the top Soviet authorities organised a mass deportation of 90,000 Baltic nationals, whom they labelled as enemies of the people, to inhospitable areas of the Soviet Union.
The total numbers of those deported between 1944 and 1955 has been estimated at 124,000 in Estonia, 136,000 in Latvia and 245,000 in Lithuania. The deportees were allowed to return after the secret speech of Nikita Khrushchev in 1956, however many did not survive in their years in Siberia. Large numbers of the inhabitants of the Baltic countries fled westwards before the Soviet forces arrived in 1944. After the war, the Soviets established new borders for the Baltic republics. Lithuania gained the regions of Vilnius and Klaipeda, but Estonia and Latvia ceded some eastern territories to the Russian SFSR. Estonia lost 5 percent and Latvia 2 percent of its prewar territory.
Industrialization and immigration.
The Soviets made large capital investments for energy resources and the manufacture of industrial and agricultural products. The purpose was to integrate the Baltic economics into the larger Soviet economic sphere. The industrial plans and a transport infrastructure were advanced by the Soviet standards. In all three republics, manufacturing industry was developed at the expense of other sectors, notably agriculture and housing. The rural economy suffered from the lack of investments and the collectivization. Baltic urban areas were damaged during wartime and it took ten years to make up for losses in housing. New constructions were often poor quality and ethnic Russian immigrants were favored in housing.
Estonia and Latvia received large-scale migration of industrial workers from other parts of the Soviet Union that changed the demographics dramatically. Lithuania also received immigrants, but to a lesser degree. Ethnic Estonians constituted 88 percent before the war. In 1970, the figure dropped to 60 percent. Ethnic Latvians constituted 75 percent, but the figure dropped to 56.8 percent in 1970 and further down to 52 percent in 1989.
In contrast, in Lithuania the drop was 4 percent. The absence of Russian immigration was only a part of the explanation, as Lithuania gained the Vilnius area, fewer Lithuanians fled west and the state lost its Jewish minority. There was a difference between ethnic Russians. People who moved from Russia before 1940 annexation and knew the local language were named as "local Russians", for they had better relations with locals than those who settled later.
Baltic communists had supported and participated the 1917 October Revolution in Russia. However, many of them died during the Great Purge in the 1930s. The new regimes of 1944 were established native communists who had fought in the Red Army. However, the Soviets also imported ethnic Russians to fill political, administrative and managerial posts. For example, the important post of second secretary of local Communist party was almost always ethnic Russian or a member of another Slavic nationality.
Everyday living.
The Baltic republics were largely isolated from the outside world between the late 1940s and the mid-1980s. The Soviets were sensitive about the Baltic area not only because concerns about its loyalty, but also because of a number of military installations located there due to its proximity to several Scandinavian non Eastern Bloc states, including surveillance centres and a submarine base.
During the late 1960s, Soviet democratic movements found support amongst Baltic intellectuals. The Soviet Union signed the Helsinki Accords and the following year, a monitoring group was founded in Lithuania which produced dissident publications during the 1970s and 1980s. Nationalism and religion inspired people to small-scale demonstrations and underground activities. The European Parliament passed a resolution supporting the Baltic cause in 1982.
The Soviet Union maintained ethnic diversity, but on the other hand it made efforts to impose uniformity. A new wave of Russification targeting the education system began in the late 1970s, attempting to create a Soviet national identity. The education of Baltic children was conducted in their native languages, but the Russian language was compulsory. In addition, the Soviet authorities limited freedom of expression in literature and the visual arts.
The Estonian song festivals remained a vital and semi-covert means of national self-expression. Nevertheless, intellectual life and scientific research were advanced by Soviet standards. However, after 1975 there were increasing problems with shortages of consumer and food products, social problems, unchecked immigration and damage to the environment. By the 1980s there was social and political tension both within the Baltic republics and between them and Moscow.
Road to independence.
Soviet reforms.
The Era of Stagnation brought about the crisis of the Soviet system and reforms could no longer be ignored or delayed. The new Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev came to power in 1985 and responded with glasnost and perestroika. They were attempts to reform the Soviet system from above to avoid revolution from below. The reforms failed to take into account that the USSR was held together by military force which repressed all forms of nationalism. The freedoms of Glasnost released long-held feelings of nationalism in the Baltic republics, in a development known as the Singing Revolution. The first major demonstrations against the system were in Riga in November 1986 and the following spring in Tallinn. Small successful protests encouraged key individuals and by the end of 1988 the reform wing had gained a decisive position in the Baltic republics.
At the same time, coalitions of reformists and populist forces assembled in Popular Fronts. They concentrated largely on calls for autonomy rather than independence. The Supreme Soviet of the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic made the Estonian language the state language again in January 1989, and similar legislation was passed in Latvia and Lithuania soon after. Next, the Baltic republics declared their sovereignty: in November 1988 in Estonia, in May 1989 in Lithuania and July 1989 in Latvia. The Estonian Supreme Soviet reserved the right to veto laws of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union. The Lithuanian Supreme Soviet even referred to Lithuania's independent past and its illegal annexation into the Soviet Union in 1940. The Supreme Soviet of the Latvian SSR was more cautious. The presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union condemned the Estonian legislation as unconstitutional.
The first Supreme Soviet elections took place in March 1989. There was still only one legal communist party, but the availability of multi-candidate choice encouraged the popular fronts and other groups to spread their own electoral message. The Communist Party in all three Baltic republics was divided along nationalist lines, and political leaders were increasingly responding to people rather than the party. The biggest demonstration was the Baltic Way in August 1989, where people protested on the fiftieth anniversary of the Molotov–Ribbentrop treaty by a human chain linking hands across the three republics. Still, by 1990, there were not yet calls for political independence but demands for economic independence from Moscow.
Restorations of independence.
In February 1990, the Lithuanian Supreme Soviet elections led to the independence
Sąjūdis-backed nationalists achieving a two-thirds majority. On 11 March 1990, the Lithuanian Supreme Soviet declared Lithuania's independence. As a result, the Soviets imposed a blockade on 17 April. Latvia and Estonia, with large Russian minorities, lagged behind.
At the same time, the Popular Fronts were in increasing the pressure in Latvia and Estonia, as the citizens committee movement prepared for wholly non-Soviet elections to take place at or near the time of the Supreme Soviet elections. They saw that independence could never be restored legally by organs of the occupying powers. The pro-independence candidates received overwhelming majorities in the Supreme Soviet elections of March 1990. On 30 March 1990, the Estonian Supreme Soviet declared independence. In particular, it declared the 1940 annexation illegal and began the transition towards an independent Republic of Estonia. On 4 May 1990, the Latvian Supreme Soviet made a similar declaration.
On 12 May 1990, the leaders of the Baltic republics signed a joint declaration renewing the Baltic Entente of 1934. By mid-June, after unsuccessful economic blockade of Lithuania, the Soviets started negotiations with Lithuania and the other two Baltic republics on condition they agreed to freeze their declarations of independence. The Soviets had a bigger challenge elsewhere, in the form of the Russian Federal Republic proclaiming sovereignty in June.
Simultaneously the Baltic republics also started to negotiate directly with the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR). In Autumn 1990, they set up a customs border between the Baltic states, the RSFSR and the Byelorussian SSR. After the failed negotiations the Soviets made a dramatic attempt to break the deadlock and sent troops to Lithuania and Latvia in January 1991. The attempts failed, dozens of civilians were killed, and the Soviet troops decided to retreat.
In August 1991, the hard-line members of the Soviet government attempted to take control of the Soviet Union. One day after the coup on 21 August, the Estonians proclaimed independence. Shortly afterwards Soviet paratroops seized the Tallinn television tower. The Latvian parliament made similar a declaration at the same day. The coup failed but the collapse of the Soviet Union became unavoidable. On 28 August, the European Community welcomed the restoration of the sovereignty and independence of the Baltic states.
The Soviet Union recognised the Baltic independence on 6 September 1991. The Russian troops stayed for an additional three years, as Boris Yeltsin linked the issue of Russian minorities with troop withdrawals. Lithuania was the first to have the Russian troops withdrawn from its territory in August 1993. On 26 July 1994 Russian troops withdrew from Estonia and on 31 August 1994, Russian troops withdrew from Latvia.
The Russian Federation ended its military presence in Estonia after it relinquished control of the nuclear facilities in Paldiski on 26 September 1995 and in Latvia after Skrunda-1 suspended operations on 31 August 1998 and subsequently dismantled. The last Russian soldier left Skrunda-1 in October 1999, thus marking a symbolic end to the Russian military presence on the soil of the Baltic countries.
<doc id="27085689" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085689" title="Early Entrant Program">
Early Entrant Program
<doc id="27085690" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085690" title="Gotland College">
Gotland College
<doc id="27085694" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085694" title="Halmstad College">
Halmstad College
<doc id="27085704" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085704" title="2008 AFF Suzuki Cup Final">
2008 AFF Suzuki Cup Final
<doc id="27085706" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085706" title="Historic Filipinotown, Los Angeles, California">
Historic Filipinotown, Los Angeles, California
<doc id="27085708" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085708" title="Skövde College">
Skövde College
<doc id="27085712" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085712" title="2002 in the decathlon">
2002 in the decathlon
This page lists the World Best Year Performance in the year 2002 in the men's decathlon. One of the main events during this season were the 2002 European Championships in Munich, Germany, where the competition started on August 7, 2002 and ended on August 8, 2002. Roman Šebrle had broken the world record in the previous year, collecting 9026 points at the 2001 Hypo-Meeting in Götzis, Austria.
<doc id="27085713" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085713" title="HP-17B">
HP-17B is an algebraic entry financial and business calculator manufactured by Hewlett-Packard, introduced on 4 January 1988 along with the HP-19B, HP-27S and the HP-28S. It was a simplified business model, like the 19B. There were two versions, the US one working in English only, and the international one with a choice of six languages (English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese).
HP-17B code name was "Trader" and it belonged to the Pioneer series of Hewlett-Packard calculators. It had a 131x16 LCD dot matrix, 22x2 characters, menu-driven display, used a Saturn processor and had a memory of 8000 bytes, of which 6750 bytes were available to the user for variable and equation storage. The HP-17B had a clock with alarm that allowed for basic agenda capabilities, as well an infrared port for printing to some Hewlett-Packard infrared printers.
The 17B was replaced by the HP 17BII (F1638A) (code name "Trader II") in January 1990, which added RPN entry.
HP 17bII+.
The 17BII was replaced by the HP 17bII+ in 2003. Two significantly different case variants of the 17bII+ exist. The newer 17bII+ (F2234A), introduced in 2007, with Sunplus Technology SPLB31A CPU was developed and is manufactured by Kinpo Electronics.
<doc id="27085719" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085719" title="Hollywood Dell, Los Angeles, California">
Hollywood Dell, Los Angeles, California
<doc id="27085721" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085721" title="West College">
West College
<doc id="27085729" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085729" title="Karen Brooks (Author)">
Karen Brooks (Author)
<doc id="27085735" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085735" title="Jefferson Park, Los Angeles, California">
Jefferson Park, Los Angeles, California
<doc id="27085745" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085745" title="International child abduction to Mexico">
International child abduction to Mexico
<doc id="27085747" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085747" title="F.R.C. Clarke">
F.R.C. Clarke
<doc id="27085765" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085765" title="Margarita Nazarova (racewalker)">
Margarita Nazarova (racewalker)
Margarita Nazarova (; born March 23, 1976) is a retired female race walker from Russia. She set her personal best (1:28:24) in the women's 20 km road race walk on May 25, 2002 in Cheboksary. While she only finished sixth in that race, the time ranked her number 7 in the world for that year.
<doc id="27085773" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085773" title="Margarita Nazarova">
Margarita Nazarova
Margarita Nazarova may refer to:
<doc id="27085777" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085777" title="Environmentally friendly vehicle">
Environmentally friendly vehicle
<doc id="27085781" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085781" title="Quiéreme tonto">
Quiéreme tonto
Quiéreme Tonto is a Mexican telenovela by TV Azteca, apparently a remake of "Bésame Tonto," which has the same author. It premiered on April 19, 2010. This will be the third telenovela of the new era of Azteca Novelas.It stars Yahir and Litzy. It has some connection with TV Azteca and the ex-"La Academia" Giovanna, the winner of the seventh generation. It has the participation of Andrea Escalona antagonistic and actors Dulce and Ariel López Padilla.
<doc id="27085784" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085784" title="Kinney Heights, Los Angeles, California">
Kinney Heights, Los Angeles, California
<doc id="27085793" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085793" title="Kunihiro Shibazaki">
Kunihiro Shibazaki
is a former Japanese football player.
<doc id="27085797" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085797" title="Rodolphe Mathieu">
Rodolphe Mathieu
Joseph Rodolphe Mathieu (10 July 1890 – 29 June 1962) was a Canadian composer, pianist, writer on music, and music educator. "The Canadian Encyclopedia" states, "Considered too avant-garde for his time because of Debussy's influence on his music, Mathieu gained recognition too late to inspire the generation that followed." The pianist Léo-Pol Morin was one of the few important exponents of his work, notably including Mathieu's "Chevauchée" and "Trois Préludes" in his concert repertoire. Mathieu's song "Un peu d'ombre" (1913) was included in a number of recitals given by Marguerite Bériza and Sarah Fischer in Europe.
Early life and career in Canada.
Born in Grondines, Quebec, Mathieu's parents were farmers. In 1906 he moved to Montreal where he began to study the piano with Alphonse Martin and singing with Céline Marier at the age of 16. Through Marier he met pianist and composer Alfred La Liberté who instilled within him an admiration for the works of Alexander Scriabin. He soon began composing music. His first major work was the choral piece "Le Poème de la mer" (1908) which he dedicated to Marier. Many of his early piano compositions display a strong influence of Scriabin, including "Chevauchée" (1911) and "Sonata" (1927).
Mathieu obtained the post of organist at St-Jean-Berchmans Church in Montreal in 1907. In 1908 he opened his own teaching studio in Montreal which he ran for over the next decade. He also taught at the Conservatoire national de musique. Many of his students became winners of the prestigious Prix d'Europe, including Jean Dansereau, Auguste Descarries, Wilfrid Pelletier, and Ruth Pryce. In 1910 he began studying music composition, the organ, and the piano with Alexis Contant.
Studies in France.
In 1920 Mathieu entered the Schola Cantorum in Paris on the advice of Albert Roussel. His studies were initially made possible through the generous support of funds raised by his friends, and later by a 1923 grant from the Quebec government (notably the first such grant awarded to a composer) which enabled him to continue studies in France for four more years. At the Schola Cantorum he studied composition with Vincent d'Indy and conducting with Vladimir Golschmann. He also studied psychology at the Collège de France with Pierre Janet. Several of his most important works were composed during his time in France, including "String Quartet", "Trio", "Monologues" for violin, and "Dialogues" for violin and cello.
Later life and career.
Mathieu returned to Montreal in 1927, at which time he began teaching at the convent of the Sisters of Ste Anne at Lachine and at the Institut pédagogique of the Sisters of the Congregation of Notre-Dame in addition to operating his own private studio. In 1929 he founded the Canadian Institute of Music, an organization whose aim was to enable "young artists and literary talents to perform before an elite audience". He directed the organization until its disbandment in 1956. From 1930 to 1952 he organized the "Soirées Mathieu", an intermittent concert series which featured concerts by himself, many of his pupils, and other notable musicians. After 1934 he composed few works, choosing instead to focus on his work as a teacher. Among his pupils during the 1920s-1950s were , Lydia Boucher, Pierre Brabant, Raymond Lévesque, and Alice Vinette. He also taught André Mathieu, the son of his marriage to the violinist Mimi Gagnon, who had a highly successful career as a concert pianist.
In 1955 Mathieu joined the faculty of the Conservatoire de musique du Québec à Montréal where he taught music analysis through 1959. Of the few compositions he wrote during this time was the "Quintet" for piano and strings which is viewed as one of his best works. He began his last piece, "Symphonie pour voix humaines" for six-voice choir with brass accompaniment, in 1956 but never completed the work. He died in Montreal in 1962 at the age of 71. He was named an associate of the Canadian Music Centre posthumously and many of his papers and manuscripts are part of the collection at the Library and Archives Canada.
<doc id="27085803" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085803" title="Penaeus kroyeri">
Penaeus kroyeri
<doc id="27085804" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085804" title="Xiphopeneus hartii">
Xiphopeneus hartii
<doc id="27085805" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085805" title="Atlantic seabob">
Atlantic seabob
<doc id="27085807" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085807" title="Atlantic Seabob">
Atlantic Seabob
<doc id="27085808" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085808" title="Atlantic seabob shrimp">
Atlantic seabob shrimp
<doc id="27085809" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085809" title="Atlantic Seabob Shrimp">
Atlantic Seabob Shrimp
<doc id="27085812" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085812" title="Gun for You">
Gun for You
Gun for You is the debut album by The Greenhornes, released in 1999.
Track listing.
All tracks written by The Greenhornes, except where noted.
<doc id="27085815" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085815" title="Xiphopenaeus hartii">
Xiphopenaeus hartii
<doc id="27085819" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085819" title="Siege of Bellegarde (1793)">
Siege of Bellegarde (1793)
The siege of Bellegarde commenced on 23 May 1793 and ended on 24 June 1793 when Colonel Boisbrulé's French garrison surrendered the Fort de Bellegarde to a Spanish army under the command of Antonio Ricardos. The capture of the fort gave Spain control of an important road through the Pyrenees. The siege took place during the War of the Pyrenees, part of the French Revolutionary Wars. Fort de Bellegarde is on a height overlooking the border town of Le Perthus, which lies on the modern A9 autoroute and Autovía A-7.
King Louis XIV of France built Fort de Bellegarde after 1678 according to a plan drawn up by Sébastien de Vauban. This strong masonry fortress defended the Col de Le Perthus which crosses the Pyrenees at an altitude of . The pass is the most important route from Spain into France in the eastern Pyrenees. As Vauban noted, "Nothing overlooks this place", and the fortress is situated on the highest ground in the area.
When Spain went to war with revolutionary France in mid-April 1793, Captain General Antonio Ricardos faced a strategic problem. With Bellegarde dominating the main road into France, the Spanish commander had to surround, besiege, and capture the place before he could use the main road as a supply route for his invading army. Accordingly, Ricardos crossed the Pyrenees 20 km to the southwest with 4,500 soldiers and descended on the village of Saint-Laurent-de-Cerdans. In the first skirmish of the War of the Pyrenees, the Spanish evicted the 400 French defenders. Continuing his left hook, Ricardos' 4,400 troops fell upon a French force at the town of Céret on the Tech River. The French, 800 regulars and 1,000 National Guards with 4 cannon, panicked and fled. Between 100 and 200 Frenchmen became victims of Spanish musketry and steel, while another 200 drowned trying to cross the Tech. Ricardos reported only 17 men wounded. During the initial operations, the Spanish commander placed a detachment near Bellegarde to keep Boisbrulé and his garrison from raiding Spanish supply convoys.
With the seizure of Céret, Ricardos placed his army nearly in the rear of Bellegarde. After receiving some reinforcements, he advanced farther to the northeast to the vicinity of Trouillas. At this location, the 7,000 Spanish troops were confronted by the Army of the Eastern Pyrenees led by General of Division Louis-Charles de Flers. At the Battle of Mas Deu on 19 May, Ricardos defeated de Flers with the loss of 150 killed, 280 wounded, plus three cannons and six ammunition wagons captured. The Spanish lost 34 killed and an unknown number of wounded. The demoralized French soldiers retreated north to the department capital of Perpignan, where a battalion of National Guard mutinied and had to be disbanded. Rather than press on, Ricardos turned back to besiege Bellegarde, which overlooked his main supply route back to Barcelona.
Concurrent with the siege of Bellegarde, Spanish General Antonio Ricardos attacked two French fortresses along the Tech River associated with Fort de Bellegarde, Fort les Bains at Amélie-les-Bains-Palalda 16 kilometers to the northwest and Fort de la Garde at Prats-de-Mollo-la-Preste 31 kilometers to the west. Fort les Bains was sieged on 23 May and the garrison of 350 men surrendered on 3 June after bombardment. The 200 man garrison of Fort de la Garde surrendered on 5 June after the fort's water supply was cut off.
The siege of Bellegarde and its garrison of 1,536 French soldiers began on 23 May. The garrison's firepower included at least 41 cannon and seven mortars. For several weeks the Spanish siege guns pounded Fort de Bellegarde until a breach was made in the main wall. By this time, 42 of the 50 French artillery pieces were dismounted. Facing the prospect of an assault with his defenses compromised, Boisbrulé formally surrendered Bellegarde on 24 June. The remaining soldiers of the garrison marched into captivity. During the month-long siege, the French suffered losses of 30 killed, 56 wounded, and 1,450 captured. Spanish losses are not known.
With the Fort de Bellegarde secured, the Spanish army became able to use the Col de La Pertus as a supply route. Ricardos lunged at the capital of Roussillon but suffered a stinging repulse at the Battle of Perpignan on 17 July 1793. De Flers' French suffered 800 casualties out of a total of 12,000 troops. The French also lost one cannon and had 600 desertions. Out of 15,000 soldiers, the Spanish lost approximately 1,000 casualties. De Flers had used the month in which Ricardos reduced Bellegarde to train his green recruits and surround Perpignan with field fortifications. The French turned back Ricardos again in the Battle of Peyrestortes on 17 September, but the Spanish turned the tables on their opponents in the Battle of Truillas five days later.
<doc id="27085824" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085824" title="Westdale, Los Angeles, California">
Westdale, Los Angeles, California
<doc id="27085828" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085828" title="Wheler's on Main, Ontario">
Wheler's on Main, Ontario
Wheler's on Main is a residential development (subdivision) in the community of Stouffville and in the town of Whitchurch–Stouffville, in York Region, Ontario, Canada. It is located north of 19th Avenue, south of Stouffville Road (Main Street), west of York-Durham Line and east of Ninth Line.
The name Wheler's on Main can be found on stone plaques erected on the side and on the stone median of the road at main arterial road entrances of developed regions of the community, such as the intersection of Ninth Line and Hoover Park Drive. Between 1817 and 1824 a sawmill and gristmill were built on Duffin's Creek. These were destroyed by fire, but were rebuilt. Around the time of Abraham Stouffer's death, the mills were sold to Edward Wheler. Hence, Wheler's on Main is named after Edward Wheler, the post-owner of the two main mills of Stouffville (Formerly known as Stoufferville, named after the founder, Abraham's, family name Stouffer).
Demographically, the Wheler's on Main subdivision is the most ethnically diverse community in Whitchurch–Stouffville. The "Education Quality and Accountability" School Reports for 2009 show 28% of the Grade Three students at the Oscar Peterson Public School, located in the middle of this new community, first spoke a language other than English at home.
Public transit services.
The Wheler's on Main subdivision is supported by both of Stouffville's York Region Transit bus lines: the YRT Route#15 (Stouffville Local), and the YRT Route#9 (9th Line).
<doc id="27085836" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085836" title="Old Bel Air">
Old Bel Air
<doc id="27085840" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085840" title="Pit Boss">
Pit Boss
<doc id="27085843" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085843" title="King's Party (Kalakaua)">
King's Party (Kalakaua)
<doc id="27085847" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085847" title="Old Bel Air, Los Angeles">
Old Bel Air, Los Angeles
<doc id="27085852" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085852" title="Siege of Bellegarde 1793">
Siege of Bellegarde 1793
<doc id="27085867" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085867" title="Jeff Steele">
Jeff Steele
Jeff Steele (born September 25, 1971) is an American entertainment industry executive. He is founder and chief executive officer of the media finance company Film Closings Inc., and is publisher of the film finance blog, FilmClosings; he is a frequent contributor to "The Huffington Post" and The Wrap.
Life and career.
Jeff Steele was born in Whittier, California (in Los Angeles) but was raised in the town of Villa Park, in Orange County, California, where he graduated from Villa Park High School and became an Eagle Scout. He later attended California State University Fullerton where he majored in Communications; at Fullerton he took a screenwriting class just to fill a credit and was subsequently exposed to the entertainment industry for the first time. Steele interned for a micro-budget independent film called "Perfect Mate", and read scripts for a local Orange County producer named Mitch Teemly.
Early professional career.
Steele got his first break when he landed an internship with Lynda Obst, a producer of major studio films who had a first-look deal with Fox 2000. From there Steele's early assistant career-path took him from the talent agency ICM, to Susan Landau Productions (at Fox 2000), to veteran television producer Ellen Krass, to MTV Networks CEO Tom Freston, and ultimately to Mike Medavoy at Phoenix Pictures (from 2001–2003).
After Phoenix Pictures, Steele joined indie production company Plinyminor, where, as head of co-productions and finance, he went on to produce the Primetime Emmy Nominated Movie "Mammoth" for NBC Universal's Sci Fi Channel (SyFy) and the documentary "Who Killed the Electric Car?", which premiered at the 2006 Sundance Film Festival and was released theatrically by Sony Pictures Classics. Off the success of "Mammoth", Plinyminor landed a five-picture deal with Sci-Fi Channel.
In 2006 Steele joined Screen Capital International as director of film finance, where he focused on gap, pre-sale, tax credit, and bridge funding. SCI, a structured finance company specialized in structuring and facilitating cross-border tax-advantaged financing for major motion picture producers, was preparing to launch Aramid Entertainment, a $300m debt fund specializing in pre-sale, gap, bridge, and tax credit lending in the United States and around the world. Aramid financed 35 films over two years, with budgets from $10m - $45m. SCI went on to create Incentive Entertainment, which wholly finances independent films with budgets from $5m - $15m.
Current professional career.
Film Closings specializes in packaging and closing independent film finance deals and is based in Los Angeles and Chicago. In 2009, Jeff Steele joined Magnet Media Group as the chief financial officer. Steele is an expert in film finance, but also has a portfolio of hands-on producing credits. He is a frequent panelist for film financing forums and he's known for telling audiences what they need to know, but do not want to hear. He has also been published in popular online blogs The Huffington Post and The Wrap.
He currently is a professor at Columbia College Chicago in the Business and Entrepreneurship department.
<doc id="27085868" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085868" title="1997 in the decathlon">
1997 in the decathlon
This page lists the World Best Year Performance in the year 1997 in the men's decathlon. One of the main events during this season were the 1997 World Championships in Athens, Greece, where the competition started on August 5, 1997, and ended on August 6, 1997.
<doc id="27085870" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085870" title="Magdeburg-Leipziger railway">
Magdeburg-Leipziger railway
<doc id="27085876" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085876" title="100% Pure New Zealand">
100% Pure New Zealand
<doc id="27085880" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085880" title="R v Secretary of State for the Home Department, ex parte Northumbria Police Authority">
R v Secretary of State for the Home Department, ex parte Northumbria Police Authority
R v Secretary of State for the Home Department, ex parte Northumbria Police Authority [1989] 1 QB 26 was an English administrative law decision that first recognised the prerogative power to do whatever "was necessary to meet either an actual or an apprehended threat to the peace". It concerned the Home Office's decision to maintain a store of CS gas and plastic baton rounds. In 1986, a Home Office circular, 40/1986, authorised the Home Secretary to release this store to a police force without the approval of the Police Authority if Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary agreed that it was necessary. The Northumbria Police Authority brought a judicial review case against this decision, arguing that it was "ultra vires". The Divisional Court which heard the case recognised a prerogative power to keep the peace, which authorised the Home Office's actions. On appeal to the Court of Appeal of England and Wales, the decision was confirmed, although several more grounds for allowing the distribution of the store were also given.
Following riots in the early 1980s, the Home Office created a store of CS gas and plastic baton rounds, which could be provided to police forces in situations of public disorder. A Home Office circular, 40/1986, authorised the Home Secretary to release this store to a police force without the approval of the Police Authority if Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary agreed that it was necessary. The Northumbria Police Authority brought a judicial review case against the Home Secretary, arguing that the open-ended nature of this circular made it "ultra vires".
The case was first heard by a Divisional Court, composed of Watkins LJ and Mann J. Mann, with Watkins concurring, rejected the Northumbria Police Authority's argument, saying that under the Royal Prerogative HM Government retained the right to do whatever "was necessary to meet either an actual or an apprehended threat to the peace", something that had not previously been recognised as a prerogative power. A stumbling block to this was the previous judgment in "Attorney General v De Keyser's Royal Hotel Ltd", which confirmed that where statutory provisions and prerogative powers acted in the same area, the prerogative power could not be used contrary to the provisions. Section 4(4) of the Police Act 1964 stated that "police authorities are to provide for the supply of equipment to their local forces", something that conflicted with the exercise of the prerogative. To get around this, Mann stated that section 4(4) did not "confer a monopoly power so as to limit the prerogative by implication", and was not the "statutory equivalent" of the prerogative, something Conor Gearty describes as "rather mystifying".
The case then went to the Court of Appeal of England and Wales, where it was heard by Purchas, Croom-Johnson and Nourse LJJ, and judgment given on 18 November 1987. The Court of Appeal relied on section 41 of the 1964 act, which allows the Home Secretary to "provide ... such ... organisations and services as he considers necessary and expedient for promoting the efficiency of the police"; they found that this covered not only setting up the central store, but also providing the equipment to police forces. At the same time, they affirmed the Divisional Court's findings about the prerogative power to do whatever "was necessary to meet either an actual or an apprehended threat to the peace". For this, they relied on the fact that police officers, sworn to the Crown, had a duty to keep the peace, and that the Crown had a duty to protect its citizens.
The case recognised a never-before discussed prerogative power; while creating prerogative powers violates precedent, it was found that this power had existed but had not been used. The court's decision was criticised; academic Robert Ward writes in the "Cambridge Law Journal" that it has "Full marks for creative thinking, but the result looks distinctly like that constitutional solecism, the recognition of a new prerogative ... the impact of the prerogative power to maintain the peace is potentially so far-reaching as to make the decision look rather like a Pandora's box – from which a host of evils were loosed upon the world."
<doc id="27085894" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085894" title="George Munger (American football)">
George Munger (American football)
George Almond Munger (June 24, 1909 – July 21, 1994) was an American athlete, coach and athletic director. He played college football and competed in track and field at the University of Pennsylvania from 1930 to 1933. He returned to Penn as head coach of the football team from 1938 to 1953 and as director of physical education from 1954 to 1974. His 1945 and 1947 teams finished ranked among the top ten college football teams in the United States, and he coached five players who were inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame and three who received the Maxwell Award as the best player in college football. Munger was inducted in the College Football Hall of Fame in 1976. The Maxwell Football Club has present the George Munger Award each year since 1989 to the national college football coach of the year.
Early years.
Munger was born in Elkins Park, Pennsylvania in 1909. His father, Herbert N. Munger, was the co-owner of the Munger & Long department store in Camden, New Jersey. Munger received his early education at the Friends School in Camden. He received his preparatory education at The Hill School in Pottstown, Pennsylvania and the Episcopal Academy in the Overbrook section of Philadelphia. He was the captain of the football team at Episcopal Academy in 1928 and 1929. He led Episcopal to two undefeated seasons in football and once scored eight touchdowns in a game. He also helped lead Episcopal to two basketball championships and a baseball championship. He also set school records in the pole vault, high jump, discus and javelin.
Athlete at Penn.
He later attended the University of Pennsylvania where he played at the halfback for the Penn Quakers football team from 1930 to 1932. He also competed for Penn in track and field and won the decathlon at the 1932 Penn Relays. With the Penn Relays being comparable to the Olympic Trials, Munger should have been a lock for the 1932 Olympics. But citing a lack of depth in the 1932 Relays field, another Olympics Trials were held in Chicago. Munger failed to clear a starting 12-foot height in the pole vault, finished ninth, and was named an alternate to the squad.
Teacher and coach at Episcopal Academy.
After graduating from Penn in 1933, Munger taught mathematics and religion and coached football at the Episcopal Academy. In September 1935, he married Louise Laycock Smith in the Chapel of the Episcopal Academy.
Coach and administrator at Penn.
Munger was hired by Penn as the freshman football and track coach in 1936 and held that position during the 1936 and 1937 football seasons. In January 1938, the 28-year-old Munger took over as the head coach of the Penn football team. He also became an assistant professor in the Department of Physical Education effective July 1, 1938. He served as the head football coach at Penn for 16 years from 1938 to 1953, compiling a record of 82–42–10 for a .649 winning percentage. His Penn teams finished ranked among the top ten college football teams in the United States on three occasions, including a No. 7 ranking in 1947 and a No. 8 ranking in 1945. Munger's 1947 team finished with an undefeated 7–0–1 record and outscored opponents 219 to 35. The 1947 team shut out both Navy and Cornell by identical scores of 21–0, and its only setback was a 7–7 tie with Army.
Munger coached 16 All-American football players at Penn, and three of his players, Robert H. Odell (1943), Chuck Bednarik (1948) and Reds Bagnell (1950), won the Maxwell Award as the best college football player in the United States. Five of his players have been inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame: Odell, Bednarik, Bagnell, Skip Minisi, and George Savitsky.
During the Munger era, Penn regularly drew crowds of 75,000 to home games at Franklin Field. Munger's teams led the nation in attendance between 1938 and 1942 with 1.78 million fans. "The Daily Pennsylvanian" later wrote, "The Munger era represented the heyday of Quaker football."
After resigning as the football coach, Munger served as the director of physical education at Penn from 1954 to 1974. He was also a vice-president of the National Football Foundation and the Maxwell Club, president of the American Football Coaches Association, and a member of the U.S. Olympic Equestrian Committee and physical fitness committees under Presidents Franklin Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, and John F. Kennedy. During the summers from 1952 to 1976, he was Director of Camp Tecumseh, a boy's camp in Center Harbor, N.H. founded by three former Olympians in 1903.
Honors and awards.
Munger was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame in 1976. Munger's biography at the Hall of Fame describes him as "a superb, relaxed athlete, an innovative coach, and a meticulous administrator." The University of Pennsylvania also named its football training complex, the George Munger Training Complex, after him, and the Munger Award is given each year to the most valuable player on the Penn football team.
In 1989, the Maxwell Football Club began awarding the George Munger Award to the college football coach of the year. In its description of the award, the Maxwell Club says of Munger, "His devotion to ethics in athletics, and his commitment to education is the standard for which all college coaches should strive." Recipients of the award include Bo Schembechler, Joe Paterno, Lloyd Carr, Bob Stoops, Pete Carroll, and Urban Meyer. In March 2010, the club announced that the award would be renamed the Joseph V. Paterno Award. After Joe Paterno's involvement in a child sex abuse scandal, the Maxwell Club returned the award to its former name. It continues to be awarded to a promising college football coach every year.
Munger died from heart failure in July 1994 at age 84. He was survived by his wife Viola, daughter Carol Ober and four grandchildren. At the time of Munger's death, Chuck Bednarik told "The Philadelphia Inquirer", "[Munger] taught me a secret – the secret of how to approach life. He was a jovial man who would always laugh and act young. When I saw him a few years ago, it was like he had never changed, like he was in his '40s."
<doc id="27085897" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085897" title="PATransit">
<doc id="27085901" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085901" title="Jules Louis Bolé, marquis de Chamlay">
Jules Louis Bolé, marquis de Chamlay
Jules-Louis Bolé de Chamlay (1650–1719) was a French soldier and diplomat.
He was born in a noble family; his father was procureur of the Paris Parlement.
Chamlay had a classical education, and the fought in the French army during the Franco-Dutch War (1672–1678).
He received the title of "maréchal général des logis aux camps et armées du Roi".
He had a meteoric rise, and some years later, he was generally appreciated by the most important generals of his time, like Condé and Turenne. He also became one of the most important aides to Louvois. Very appreciated and listened to by King Louis XIV, he played an important role in determining the "stratégie de cabinet." When Louvois died, the King offered him the Ministry of War, but he had the modesty to refuse and leave the function for Barbezieux, son of Louvois, under whose orders he continued to work.
The King entrusted him with several diplomatic missions. Chamlay also seemed to have played an important role in creating the capitation. La Bruyère and Saint-Simon wrote about him as an expert in military science. He received the Grand Cross of the Order of Saint Louis.
<doc id="27085904" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085904" title="Gut of Canso">
Gut of Canso
<doc id="27085911" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085911" title="2009 Aberto Santa Catarina de Tenis – Doubles">
2009 Aberto Santa Catarina de Tenis – Doubles
Adrián García and Leonardo Mayer were the defending champions, but they chose to not participate this year.
Marcelo Demoliner and Rodrigo Guidolin won in the final 7–5, 4–6, [13–11], against Rogério Dutra da Silva and Júlio Silva.
<doc id="27085919" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085919" title="Ficus lutea">
Ficus lutea
Ficus lutea is a tree in the family Moraceae. It is commonly known as the giant-leaved fig or Lagos rubbertree. These trees occur from the Eastern Cape of South Africa to Tropical Africa.
<doc id="27085923" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085923" title="George Munger">
George Munger
George Munger may refer to:
<doc id="27085925" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085925" title="Mayurbhanj State Railway">
Mayurbhanj State Railway
Mayurbhanj State Railway (MSR) was a narrow gauge railway owned by Mayurbhanj State in British India.
The railway was built by the erstwhile ruler of Mayurbhanj State, Maharaja Sriram Chandra Bhanj Deo. The first section of 52 km from Rupsa to Baripada was opened for traffic on 20 January 1905. Rupsa was the junction with Bengal Nagpur Railway's broad gaugeline. An agreement was signed on 2 December 1918, for extending the line to Talband, 61.5 km away. This section was opened on 15 July 1920. The line was managed through managing agents, Hoare Miller & Co. of Calcutta and was operated by the BNR.
MSR chose 20 ton 0-6-4T locomotives, designated as 'ML' class. The first two of these (No-691, 692) were built by Kerr, Stuart and Company. Later in 1924, two more locomotives (No-693, 694) built by the same company were added. These locos were later transferred to Naupada shed of Parlakimedi Light Railway , renamed PL class and heavier 'CC' class 4-6-2 locos of Satpura Railway were introduced on MSR. These were built by North British Locomotive Company, Glasgow. Later ZE class locomotives built by M/S Corpet-Louvet, M/S Krauss Maffei and M/S Kawasaki were introduced. All locos were homed at Baripada loco shed.
After Independence, when the railways were regrouped, MSR was merged with BNR along with eastern divisions of the East Indian Railway to create the Eastern Railway on 14 April 1952.
Conversion to broad gauge.
The MSR was converted to broad gauge in 2004.
<doc id="27085926" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085926" title="Irene Kane">
Irene Kane
<doc id="27085929" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085929" title="UH-43">
<doc id="27085930" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085930" title="2,2,2-cryptand">
<doc id="27085931" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085931" title="OH-43">
<doc id="27085932" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085932" title="Frame (nautical)">
Frame (nautical)
In ships, frames are ribs that are transverse bolted or welded to the keel. Frames support the hull and give the ship its shape and strength.
In wooden shipbuilding, each frame is composed of several sections, so that the grain of the wood can follow the curve of the frame. Starting from the keel, these are the floor (which crosses the keel and joins the frame to the keel), the first futtock, the second futtock, the top timber, and the rail stanchion. In steel shipbuilding, the entire frame can be formed in one piece by rivetting or welding sections; in this case the floor remains a separate piece, joining the frame on each side to the keel.
Frame numbers are the numerical values given to the frames; they begin at 1 with the forward-most frame, and numbers increase sequentially towards the stern. The total number vary per the length of a ship. Frame numbers tell you where you are in relation to the bow of the ship; the numbers increase as you go aft.
The frames support lengthwise members which run parallel to the keel, from the bow to the stern; these may variously be called stringers, strakes, or clamps. The clamp supports the transverse deck beams, on which the deck is laid.
<doc id="27085933" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085933" title="TH-43">
<doc id="27085934" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085934" title="Winter Lady (song)">
Winter Lady (song)
<doc id="27085935" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085935" title="QH-43">
<doc id="27085942" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085942" title="Sisters of Mercy (Leonard Cohen song)">
Sisters of Mercy (Leonard Cohen song)
<doc id="27085984" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085984" title="List of Hong Kong Legislation and Ordinances">
List of Hong Kong Legislation and Ordinances
<doc id="27085990" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27085990" title="Yuki Okada (footballer, born 1983)">
Yuki Okada (footballer, born 1983)
is a former Japanese football player.
<doc id="27086006" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086006" title="Craig Fox">
Craig Fox
Craig Fox may refer to:
<doc id="27086014" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086014" title="Cradle to Cradle">
Cradle to Cradle
<doc id="27086043" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086043" title="Nagpur Chhattisgarh Railway">
Nagpur Chhattisgarh Railway
Nagpur Chhattisgarh Railway was a line owned by the provincial government and operated by the state railways. The line ran from Nagpur via Tumsar - Gondia and Dongargarh to Rajnandgaon. The initial section from Nagpur to Tumsar was opened on 6 July 1880, continuing to Tirora on 21 February 1881, Gondia on 18 May 1881, Amgaon on 25 November 1881 and completed to Rajnandgaon on 16 February 1882.
The Nagpur Chhattisgarh Railway was transferred to be operated by the Bengal Nagpur Railway in year 1888 and was converted into broad gauge in the same year itself. The new track from Rajnandgaon to Asansol was later laid since 1888 onwards under BNR.
<doc id="27086063" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086063" title="Sunshine (Miranda Sex Garden EP)">
Sunshine (Miranda Sex Garden EP)
<doc id="27086064" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086064" title="Ion-pairing">
<doc id="27086065" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086065" title="The Traitor (Leonard Cohen song)">
The Traitor (Leonard Cohen song)
<doc id="27086066" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086066" title="Depressaria nervosa">
Depressaria nervosa
<doc id="27086083" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086083" title="Pindo Palm">
Pindo Palm
<doc id="27086085" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086085" title="Waiting For The Miracle (song)">
Waiting For The Miracle (song)
<doc id="27086087" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086087" title="List of Dish Network Sirius channels">
List of Dish Network Sirius channels
<doc id="27086090" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086090" title="Sago monitor">
Sago monitor
The sago monitor or torch monitor (Varanus obor) is a species of monitor lizards endemic to the Indonesian island of Sanana.
"Varanus obor" is the only melanistic member of the Pacific monitor ("V. indicus") group, and the only species belonging to the subgenus "Euprepiosaurus", which has prominent red-orange markings on its body. Proportions of the body and the construction of scales most closely resemble "V. melinus", which can be found on the islands of Mangole and Taliabu. Most often, "V. obor" occurs in coastal sago palm swamps - a habitat that is underused by other species of the "V. indicus" group, but is also frequently encountered in riparian habitats and rainforests. It can reach lengths of 0.8 to 1.5 m in length and weigh between 0.5 and 1.5 kg. The lizard was named "obor" (meaning "torch" in Indonesian) due to its unique coloration.
The sago monitor was first seen in the wild by Valter Weijola, who in March and April 2009 visited Sanana. One preserved specimen (the holotype), apparently collected between 1860 and 1866, is housed in Naturalis (formerly Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, later Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum), Leiden, the Netherlands.
<doc id="27086096" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086096" title="Windows User">
Windows User
<doc id="27086100" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086100" title="James of the Glen">
James of the Glen
<doc id="27086105" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086105" title="List of number-one hits (Denmark)">
List of number-one hits (Denmark)
This is a list of number one singles charts from Denmark Singles and Albums Charts.
They are taken from Nielsen & IFPI (pre-2001), Hitlisten and Tracklisten (2001–present) and the albums charts from Tracklisten starting 2007 in Denmark.
Nielsen Music Control and IFPI.
This chart was compiled by Nielsen Music Control in association with the Danish branch of the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI).
The Hitlisten Singles Top-20 chart was the official Danish singles chart. It was launched on 5 January 2001 and lasted until end of 30 October 2007 Hitlisten was discontinued as an official chart to be replaced by Tracklisten Top 40 charts on 2 November 2007.
”Tracklisten” official chart for singles started on Week 43 / 2007 dated November 2, 2007 when it replaced the "Hitlisten" Single Top-20 and Download Top 20. The chart is published at hitlsten.nu.
However, the "Tracklisten" was updated back to week 1, 2007 according to statistics kept, so for this period of 10 months (January to October 2007), we have two #1 singles listings: The Official "Hitlisten" charts" and the estimated Tracklisten with different #1 listed.
<doc id="27086109" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086109" title="Negro river">
Negro river
<doc id="27086111" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086111" title="1996 in the decathlon">
1996 in the decathlon
This page lists the World Best Year Performance in the year 1996 in the men's decathlon. One of the main events during this season were the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta, Georgia, where the competition started on July 31, 1996, and ended on August 1, 1996.
<doc id="27086120" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086120" title="Autonome Nationalisten">
Autonome Nationalisten
Autonome Nationalisten (English: Autonomous Nationalists, abbreviated AN) are German, British, Dutch and to a lesser degree Flemish Nationalists, who have adopted some of the far-left and Antifa's organizational concepts (autonomous activism), demonstration tactics (black bloc), symbolism, and elements of clothing, including Che Guevara T-shirts and keffiyehs. Similar groups have also appeared in some central and eastern European countries, beginning with Poland (starting in 2009), the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Romania and Greece and others.
The phenomenon of the Autonome Nationalisten can be traced to "Freie Nationaliste" (Free Nationalists), "Freie Kräfte" (Free Forces) and "Freie Kameradschaften" (Free Comradeships) movements, which developed in the shadow of the Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands (NPD) (National Democratic Party of Germany) since the late-1980s. The police crackdown on the far-right after re-unification and the wave of banning in the early 1990s ("Deutsche Alternative", "Nationalistische Front", "Freiheitliche Deutsche Arbeiterpartei", among others) forced most of the local extreme far-right militant groups to split into "autonomous nationalist cells" of 5-20 members without a formal membership. Instead of conducting regular meetings, they started to use phones and later Internet for communication and organizing. Local cells formed loose umbrella networks in the regions to coordinate actions. In 2008, Germany's Autonomous Nationalists were estimated to number approximately 400 people, 1% of the country's neo-Nazis. The German Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, which provides domestic intelligence for the government, estimated the number of active participants of the far right movement in 2008 around 40,000. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), in 2001 there were 75 extreme-right organizations in Germany with 50,000 members.
The emergence of the Autonome Nationalisten was controversial within the German far right milieu, both because some older activists of the German extreme right objected to their "leftist" image and because the NPD feared they would complicate its efforts to take part in mainstream politics. Also controversial was that Autonome Nationalisten had occasionally expressed sympathy for Islamic extremism, as well as Hezbollah and Hamas for their opposition to Zionism and American imperialism. The same controversies arose among the far right in Poland.
The Autonomous Nationalists in Europe made themselves visible starting from 2003–2004 and are now considered more violent than other members of the European far right. However, as of 2010, according to Miroslav Mareš, their impact in these countries has been limited so far.
Researchers view the syncretic political movement of the Autonomous Nationalists in Europe as a "strategic concept, organization and subculture – all three terms are possible for the designation of this phenomenon." They emphasize that,
The Autonomous Nationalists were ideologically inspired by Strasserism. The message of AN shifted to anti-globalist, anti-capitalist, and anti-imperialist ideas. It promotes complete organizational decentralization and autonomy inside the movement.
The adoption of codes and symbols of the far left "Autonome Antifa" by the "Autonome Nationalisten" coincided with the persistence of vibrant alternative subcultures of the radical left and rejection of traditional skinhead cultural-political templates of behavior of the extreme right. The AN thus see themselves as 'autonomous' from established neo-Nazi programs and structures, developing their own ideological discourse, street message, action repertoire, music scenes and fashion codes. These are often meant to display anti-capitalist and anti-systemic rebellion and opposition to globalization and 'American cultural imperialism'. The AN also raised some social and economic issues, including poverty. At present time, they are firmly entrenched in the neo‐Nazi movement.
<doc id="27086122" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086122" title="Craig Fox (musician)">
Craig Fox (musician)
Craig James Fox is an American rock musician from West Harrison, Indiana, best known as the lead singer and guitarist for the Cincinnati band The Greenhornes. Fox also plays guitar in other Cincinnati, Ohio-based bands called The Cincinnati Suds, lead vocals/guitar in Oxford Cotton, and backing guitar/vocals in Pearlene.
<doc id="27086128" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086128" title="Occupational status">
Occupational status
<doc id="27086136" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086136" title="Michel Charlin Tcheumaleu">
Michel Charlin Tcheumaleu
Michel Charlin Tcheumaleu (born 21 April 1975 in Ebolowa) is a Cameroonian footballer, who plays for Thailand Premier League club side Samut Songkhram FC.
<doc id="27086140" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086140" title="Actilyse">
<doc id="27086148" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086148" title="Bhavnagar State Railway">
Bhavnagar State Railway
Bhavnagar State Railway (BSR) was a metre gauge railway line in Bhavnagar State, now part of Gujarat in India.
In November 1878, on the instance of Maharaja Takthasinhji of Bhavnagar State, the Governor of Bombay Sir Richard Temple sanctioned the extension of a meter gauge railway line from Wadhwan to Bhavnagar, which was opened on 18 December 1880. Maharaja Takhtasinhji accorded sanction for construction of a railway from Bhavnagar to Wadhwan in the north and Dhoraji in the west with the line from Dhasa to Dhoraji funded by Gondal State. During 1863, Maharaja Jaswantsinhji received a proposal to start a Narrow Gauge line like in parts of Gaekwad Railway in Baroda. Maharaja was not inclined, as by that time another company called Ghogha Kathiawad Light Railway Company had been formed and it could be easily joined at Vartej, a mere 10 km away. But nothing materialized.
The Bhavnagar-Gondal Railway was a joint venture with funds from both states 1839. Bhavnagar contributed Rs. 86 lakhs and Rs.29 lakhs was Gondal's contribution. The Bhavnagar-Wadhwan line had a length of a 166 km; the Dhola-Dhasa-Dhoraji line had a length of 144 km. The work was carried out between 1878 and 1880. In March 1879, Mr. Alexander Izat was appointed as the Engineer-in-Chief. He was earlier the Chief Engineer of Daund-Manmad line (which had opened in 1878). Mr. R. Proctor Sims who was Bhavnagar's state Engineer had carried out the survey from Bhavnagar to Botad. The survey from Dhasa to Dhoraji was carried out under Mr. Ford who held analogous post in Gondal. An engineer from BB & CI, Mr. Hargreaves did the survey from Botad to Wadhwan. The earth-work was commenced as a famine work with all possible haste and finished within an astonishingly short time by May 1880. His Highness requested the Governor of Bombay Sir James Ferguson (who had succeeded Sir Richard Temple in March 1879) to inaugurate the line in December and declare it open for traffic.
On 17 December 1880 the Governor and his entourage arrived at Bhavnagar by a special steamer from Bombay named May Frere. Many guests, both European and native, were invited. On approach of the May Frere at port of Bhavnagar, Colonel Barton (the political Agent), Major Woodhouse (the Assistant Political Agent) and Diwan Sahib Samaldas went in a steam launch and brought the Governor and his party ashore. Takhtsinhji received the Governor at the landing steps and welcomed him. The Governor was then taken to the town and the evening spent in sight seeing and visiting the Gaurishankar Lake. Early next morning on 18 December 1880, the governor drove the last spike of the permanent way at the city station (now Bhavnagar Terminus) in the presence of a large gathering and declared the railway line from Bhavnagar to Wadhwan open, then went to a welcome at Limdi station.
The Bhavnagar State Railway along with other state railways of Kathiawar and Saurashtra were merged in April 1948 into Saurashtra Railway by the Government of India. Saurashtra Railway was merged with BB&CI to form Western Railways.
Rolling Stock.
In 1936, the company owned 35 locomotives, 1 railcar, 187 coaches and 1059 goods wagons.
It was labeled as a Class II railway according to Indian Railway Classification System of 1926.
Conversion to broad gauge.
The BSR was converted to broad gauge in 2003.
<doc id="27086155" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086155" title="Jelly Palm">
Jelly Palm
<doc id="27086159" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086159" title="Shi'a Islam in Iran">
Shi'a Islam in Iran
<doc id="27086165" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086165" title="Innohep">
<doc id="27086171" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086171" title="Rudolphe Mathieu">
Rudolphe Mathieu
<doc id="27086172" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086172" title="Mitsubishi Army Type 93-1 Heavy Bomber">
Mitsubishi Army Type 93-1 Heavy Bomber
<doc id="27086174" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086174" title="Kurtez">
Kurtez (also: "Kurtes") is a community in the Korçë County, southeastern Albania. At the 2015 local government reform it became part of the municipality Kolonjë.
The Kurtez ambush took place near the village in 1943.
<doc id="27086176" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086176" title="Mitsubishi Army Type 93 Heavy Bomber">
Mitsubishi Army Type 93 Heavy Bomber
<doc id="27086177" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086177" title="Sergio Villarreal Barragán">
Sergio Villarreal Barragán
Sergio Enrique Villarreal Barragán, a.k.a. El Grande, (b. September 21, 1969), is a Mexican former federal police officer who then worked as a lieutenant for Arturo Beltrán Leyva of the criminal organization called the Beltrán Leyva Cartel. He got his name "El Grande" ("The Big One") because he is tall.
Villarreal Barragán was born in Torreón, Coahuila on September 21, 1969. He began his criminal career as a car thief in the state of Coahuila, and in 1990 at age 20, he was admitted to the Coahuila Judicial Police force. Several years later in 1993, he was admitted to the Federal Police, which was led by the office National Security Commission and was stationed at Nuevo Laredo. Villarreal Barragán was then stationed at Reynosa, Tamaulipas, where he worked until 1996, when he established a business relationship with the Juárez Cartel. Between the years 2007 and 2010, Villarreal Barragán left the Juárez organization to work along with the Gulf Cartel and for Los Zetas, but later incorporated into the Sinaloa Cartel, commanding a criminal cell of the Beltrán Leyva Cartel.
Beltrán Leyva Cartel.
Allegedly, he was hired by the Beltrán Leyva Cartel and by 2007 he rose to the rank of lieutenant for Arturo Beltrán Leyva. Following Arturo's death in December 2009 during a shootout with Marines, infighting broke out for the control of the Beltrán Leyva Cartel. One faction is led by lieutenants Édgar Valdez Villarreal and Gerardo Alvarez-Vazquez, while the other is led by the current cartel leader Héctor Beltrán Leyva and his 'enforcer' lieutenant, Sergio Villarreal Barragán.
Kingpin Act sanction.
On 1 June 2010, the United States Department of the Treasury sanctioned Villarreal Barragán under the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act (sometimes referred to simply as the "Kingpin Act"), for his involvement in drug trafficking along with four other international criminals. The act prohibited U.S. citizens and companies from doing any kind of business activity with him, and virtually froze all his assets in the U.S.
Bounty and arrest.
On September 12, 2010 he was arrested in a raid by Mexican Marines in the central state of Puebla. Villarreal has been charged with multiple murders and other crimes. The Mexican government had been offering a $30 million pesos (US$1.7 million) bounty for information leading to Villarreal's capture.
Villarreal Barragán was extradited to the United States on 23 May 2012, and may possibly serve as a "protected witness" for the DEA.
Personal life.
Villarreal Barragán is married to Gabriela Benavides Tamez and has a brother named Adolfo Villarreal Barragán.
<doc id="27086180" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086180" title="Eunice Beckmann">
Eunice Beckmann
Eunice Nketiah Beckmann (born 8 February 1992) is a German professional footballer who plays for 1. FC Köln.
Beckmann was born in Wuppertal to Ghanaian parents. She started playing with her local youth side, Wuppertaler SV.
Club career.
Duisburg, 2008–2010.
Beckmann started her senior career at age 17 with Duisburg, originally playing for the second team and then moving to the first time in the Frauen-Bundesliga in 2009. She made 8 appearances for the first team scoring 2 goals.
Bayern Leverkusen, 2010–2013.
Following two seasons Duisburg Beckmann moved to Frauen-Bundesliga club Bayer 04 Leverkusen where she played for three seasons. She made 51 regular season appearances with the club, scoring 10 goals.
Linköpings FC, 2013.
Beckmann then moved to Swedish Damallsvenskan club Linköpings FC signing a one season contract for the 2013 season. She played 9 regular season games for the club.
Bayern Munich, 2014–2016.
Following her season in Sweden Beckman returned to the Frauen-Bundesliga, this time signing with Bayern Munich. In December 2014 Beckmann extended her contract with Bayern. In her two and a half seasons with Bayern Beckmann scored 10 goals in 38 regular season appearances. She went on to win the Frauen-Bundesliga twice with Bayern in 2014–15, where she finished tied for 8th top scorer in the league, and 2015–16.
Boston Breakers, 2016.
In May 2016 Beckmann signed with National Women's Soccer League club the Boston Breakers. Beckmann spent one season with the club, making 11 regular season appearances.
FC Basel 2017–2018.
Beckmann signed an 18 month contract with FC Basel, of the Swiss Nationalliga A Women in January 2017. During her second season with the club Beckmann was the top scorer in the Nationalliga, scoring 25 goals in 26 games. Beckmann opted to leave the club after her contract expired.
Madrid CFF, 2018–.
In August 2018, she transferred to La Liga Iberdrola side Madrid CFF.
We Play Strong.
Beckmann is one of UEFA's official ambassadors for #WePlayStrong, a social media and vlogging campaign which was launched in 2018. The campaign's "...aim is to promote women's football as much as we can and to make people aware of women's football, really," Evans, another participant explains. "The ultimate goal is to make football the most played sport by females by 2020. So it's a UEFA initiative to get more women and girls playing football, whether they want to be professional or not." The series, which also originally included professional footballers Sarah Zadrazil, Lisa Evans, Laura Feiersinger and now also includes Petronella Ekroth and Shanice van de Sanden, follows the daily lives of female professional footballers.
<doc id="27086184" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086184" title="2010 Race of Champions">
2010 Race of Champions
The 2010 Race of Champions was the 23rd running of the event, and took place over 27–28 November 2010 at the Esprit Arena in Düsseldorf, Germany. It was the first time the event had been held in Germany since 1989, when it was held at the Nürburgring.
Team Germany won a fourth consecutive Nations Cup with Michael Schumacher and Sebastian Vettel defeating Team Britain's Andy Priaulx and Jason Plato 2–1 in the final. In the driver-by-driver Race of Champions itself, Portugal's Filipe Albuquerque defeated multiple World Rally Champion Sébastien Loeb 2–1 in the final.
<doc id="27086186" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086186" title="Korappuzha">
<doc id="27086192" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086192" title="Chaliyar Puzha">
Chaliyar Puzha
<doc id="27086197" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086197" title="Tinutuan">
Tinutuan, also known as bubur manado or Manadonese porridge is a specialty of the Manado cuisine and a popular breakfast food in the city of Manado and the surrounding province of North Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Tinutuan is a congee made from rice, pumpkin and sweet potato or cassava cooked up into a pulp, which is then mixed with corn kernels and various leafy vegetables such as "kangkung" (water spinach), "kemangi" (lemon basil), "melinjo" ("Gnetum gnemon"), and "bayam" (amaranth).
Finally it is served with many toppings that may include fried shallots, fried tofu, spring onions, leeks, coriander, chili, condiments like sambal and dabu-dabu, and smoked or salted fish, usually skipjack tuna, anchovies, or "nike" (a small species of fish from nearby Lake Tondano).
The etymology of the word "tinutuan" is unknown. The exact date when tinutuan was invented is also uncertain. Some sources say it has been popular since 1970, while others date its invention as late as 1981.
The local government of Manado made tinutuan an official icon of the city in 2005
and assigned a "traditional food area" lined with tinutuan stalls at Wakeke Street.
At its place of origin, Manado, tinutuan usually served with cakalang fufu (smoked skipjack tuna), shrimp paste or smoked garfish sambal, or meatballs.
Tinutuan with noodles is called "miedal" or "midal".
<doc id="27086200" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086200" title="Second stage of Anfal">
Second stage of Anfal
<doc id="27086201" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086201" title="Rabbi Ilai II">
Rabbi Ilai II
Rabbi Ilai ( or עילאי), also recorded as Rabbi Ela (אלעא, אילא), Hela, Ilaa, Ili, La, Leia, or Yela, was an "amora" of the Land of Israel, of the third generation of Amoraim, who lived in the late 3rd-early 4th centuries.
He was a disciple of R. Yochanan bar Nafcha and R. Shimon ben Lakish. Among his disciples, one can find the leading figures of the fourth amoraic generation, such as Rav Jonah, Rav Zeira, Ravin and more.
In one form or another, his name frequently appears in both Yerushalmi and Bavli, mostly in the field of the halakhah. He was so distinguished that his contemporary and friend Rabbi Zeira, admiring Ela's acumen, exclaimed, "The very air of Palestine imparts wisdom". On two other occasions, the same Zeira entitled him "Bannaya d'Oraita" (Builder of the Law: establisher of fine legal points).
He carried his theoretical knowledge into actual life, so that the very appointments of his house afforded object-lessons in rabbinic rites. It is related that when on a certain Friday his duties detained him at college until late at night, and, returning home, he found the entrance barred and the people asleep, rather than desecrate the Sabbath by knocking at the gate for admission, he spent the night on the steps of his house.
In halakhic exegesis Ela laid down the guiding rule, "[Every textual interpretation must respect the subject of the context". Another and the most frequently cited of his exegetic rules is, "Wherever the Bible uses any of the terms 'beware,' 'lest,' or 'not,' a prohibitory injunction is involved". Quite a number of exegetical observations applied to halakhic deductions are preserved under Ela's name, and he reports like interpretations by his predecessors. Ela also appears in aggadah, but only rarely transmits the aggadic teachings of others. That psychological test of human character as betrayed in the passions produced "by the cup, by cash, and by choler", which some ascribe to this Ela (Ilai), others ascribe to Rabbi Ilai I.
Eulogizing R. Shimon bar Zevid, Ela skilfully interweaves several verses from the Book of Job, to which he adds simply their application to Shimon's death, thus: "'Where shall wisdom be found? and where is the place of understanding?' 'The depth says, It is not in me; and the sea says, It is not with me' 'It is hidden from the eyes of all living, and kept close from the fowls of the air'. The four objects necessary to man, if lost, may be replaced; for 'there is a vein for the silver, and a place for gold which they rfine. Iron is taken out of the earth, and brass is molten out of the stone'; but when a scholar dies, who can take his place? We have lost Shimon: from where shall we procure his like?"
It has the following bibliography:
<doc id="27086202" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086202" title="Japanese Association of Management Accounting">
Japanese Association of Management Accounting
The Japanese Association of Management Accounting (JAMA, 日本管理会計学会) was founded in 1991 and has devoted to promote studies and practices of management accounting.
About JAMA.
JAMA was preceded by the Association of Quantitative Accounting founded by Dr. Yoichi Kata-oka, JAMA, is a academic organization of management accounting researchers, educators, and professional. Currently, JAMA has approximately 800 members.
JAMA provides a variety of services to its members and the profession, including:
<doc id="27086205" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086205" title="Mitsubishi Army Type 93-2 Twin-engined Light Bomber">
Mitsubishi Army Type 93-2 Twin-engined Light Bomber
<doc id="27086206" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086206" title="Mitsubishi Army Type 93-1 Twin-engine Light Bomber">
Mitsubishi Army Type 93-1 Twin-engine Light Bomber
<doc id="27086208" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086208" title="Mitsubishi Experimental Type R.1">
Mitsubishi Experimental Type R.1
<doc id="27086211" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086211" title="Isao Kubota">
Isao Kubota
is a Japanese footballer who plays for Samut Songkhram in Thai Premier League.
<doc id="27086212" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086212" title="Mitsubishi Army Type93-2 Twin-engined Light Bomber">
Mitsubishi Army Type93-2 Twin-engined Light Bomber
<doc id="27086218" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086218" title="Sacred Valley of Vilcanota">
Sacred Valley of Vilcanota
<doc id="27086219" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086219" title="Red Devil (interurban)">
Red Devil (interurban)
The Red Devil was a high-speed interurban streetcar built by the Cincinnati Car Company for the Cincinnati and Lake Erie Railroad (C&LE) in 1929–1930. They saw service throughout Ohio in the 1930s. After the failure of the C&LE in 1939 they saw service with the Cedar Rapids and Iowa City Railway (CRANDIC) and the Lehigh Valley Transit Company. Several have been preserved.
The management of the 1929 newly formed interurban Cincinnati and Lake Erie Railroad wanted to replace its heavy and aging interurban coaches with new ones that would be lighter, lower, passenger comfortable, and power efficient. C&LE staff worked with the Cincinnati Car Company to design what came to be called "The Red Devils." These interurban cars were among the first to be constructed partially with aluminum. The frame was steel and the body panels aluminum. They had leather bucket seats, a luggage compartment, toilet, subdued lighting, and up to 44 seats depending upon format. This construction ultimately proved to have some weaknesses. The riveting of aluminum plates to a steel frame produced an electrolytic reaction that gave rise to corrosion in the side panels and the front and rear dashers. The C&LE eventually replaced some of the aluminum panels with steel. The cars featured Art deco styling and a distinctive bright red paint scheme. Half of the cars were delivered as parlor cars with first class living room style lighting and seating in the rear.
The Red Devil's top design speed was . but in scheduled operation with frequent stops, side of road track location, and rough track, it did not run this fast. Not only was it the fastest interurban car design of its time, it outpaced even the fastest conventional train in commercial traffic, the Cheltenham Spa Express and was almost as fast as the German Fliegender Hamburger, which was inaugurated in 1933. (see Land speed record for rail vehicles#Scheduled trains).
The Red Devils ran Cincinnati to Dayton, then to Toledo, and finally to Detroit, a trip close to 270 miles in length.
In 1930, a race was organized between a Red Devil and an airplane. The publicity stunt's result was that the interurban car ran at – and won.
Competition with the growing population of automobiles riding on a constantly expanding paved state highway system plus the devastating negative financial impact of the Depression led to a decline in C&LE passenger business starting in the early 1930s and continuing through the rest of the decade. The C&LE's freight business, which eventually was supporting the C&LE, collapsed when its last interchange partner, the Toledo to Cleveland Lake Shore Electric interurban, went out of business in 1938. The C&LE ceased operation in 1939. and the innovative Red Devils were sold after abandonment: six to the Cedar Rapids and Iowa City Railway (CRANDIC) and thirteen to the Lehigh Valley Transit Company.
<doc id="27086221" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086221" title="Laura Dickinson murder">
Laura Dickinson murder
<doc id="27086222" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086222" title="USCGC Acushnet (1908)">
USCGC Acushnet (1908)
<doc id="27086225" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086225" title="Lectionary 221">
Lectionary 221
Lectionary 221, designated by siglum ℓ "221" (in the Gregory-Aland numbering) is a Greek manuscript of the New Testament, on paper. Palaeographically it has been assigned to the 15th century.
Scrivener labelled it by 245evl.
The manuscript has complex contents.
The codex contains lessons from the Gospels of John, Matthew, Luke lectionary ("Evangelistarium"), on 156 glazed paper leaves (), with only one lacuna (the first leaf with John 1:1-17 and nine leaves at the end). Nine leaves at the end were supplemented by a later hand.
The text is written in Greek minuscule letters, in two columns per page, 28 lines per page. The titles and capitals in red. The Synaxarion is on a leaf of the binding.
It contains the Pericope Adulterae.
There are weekday Gospel lessons.
Scrivener and Gregory dated the manuscript to the 13th century. It has been assigned by the Institute for New Testament Textual Research to the 15th century.
Of the history of the codex nothing is known until the year 1864, when it was in the possession of a dealer at Janina in Epeiros. It was then purchased from him by a representative of Baroness Burdett-Coutts (1814–1906), a philanthropist, along with other Greek manuscripts. They were transported to England in 1870-1871. The manuscript was presented by Burdett-Coutts to Sir Roger Cholmely's School, and was housed at the Highgate (Burdett-Coutts II. 30), in London.
The manuscript was added to the list of New Testament manuscripts by Scrivener (number 245) and Gregory (number 221). Gregory saw it in 1883.
The manuscript was transferred to United States.
The manuscript is not cited in the critical editions of the Greek New Testament (UBS3).
The manuscript is housed at the Scriptorium (VK 1096), Orlando, Florida.
<doc id="27086226" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086226" title="Shared knowledge">
Shared knowledge
<doc id="27086228" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086228" title="Mitsubishi Army Type 92 Bomber">
Mitsubishi Army Type 92 Bomber
<doc id="27086234" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086234" title="Bristol, R.I.">
Bristol, R.I.
<doc id="27086240" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086240" title="R. Nageshwara Rao">
R. Nageshwara Rao
Rajanala Nageswara Rao () (1928–1959) was an Indian actor known for his works in Telugu cinema, and was one of the lead actors of his time. He is best known for his works in award-winning hits such as "Devadasu" (1953), "Kanna Talli" (1953), "Paropakaram" (1953), "Raju Peda" (1954), "Aggi Ramudu" (1954), "Ilavelupu" (1954), "Donga Ramudu" (1955), "Maya Bazaar" (1957), and "Pelli Naati Pramanalu" (1958).
Early life.
He was born in 1928. He has studied in the Aligarh Muslim University. He joined with the Paramount theater as a manager. He worked under the direction of P. Pullaiah in the film "Sankranthi".
He is particularly good at delivering the dialogues with punch. Some of the memorable dialogues are:
He died of Tuberculosis at the age of 31 on 5 August 1959. "Sabhash Ramudu" was his last major release. He finished the work on other unreleased films "Bhaktha Sabari" and "Jagannatakam" before his untimely death.
<doc id="27086241" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086241" title="Mitsubishi Army Type 92 Reconnaissance Plane">
Mitsubishi Army Type 92 Reconnaissance Plane
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R. Nageswara Rao
<doc id="27086249" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086249" title="Rassul Mamand">
Rassul Mamand
Rassul Mamand (1944–1994) was a Kurdish politician.
Early life.
Rassul Mamand was born in 1944 in Bardashan to a notable family from the Shilana Tribe. He completed primary school in Bingird District. To continue his studies, he headed to Qaladiza and then to Sulaymaniyah in Iraqi Kurdistan.
He completed his preparatory school stage in Sulaimani, where he started his political activities and became an active member of the Kurdistan Students Union. Later, he entered the College of Law at Mustansariya University.
However, he quit university while a student in the third year so that he could completely devote himself to political activities, in which he began to play a vital role.
Resistance activities.
In 1968, he became the chief of Kurdistan Democratic Party in their Qaladize Office. Then, in 1970, after the March 11 Manifesto, he was assigned as the superior of Sulaimani District Council of the KDP. In 1971, he was in charge of the organizations of KDP in Halabja and then removed to Dukan.
In 1972, he became the manager of the Kirkuk Office of the KDP. After the collapse of the Kurds armed movement in 1975, he insisted on continuing the struggle and held some meetings with fellow thinkers to continue the revolution.
After they returned to Kurdistan, Rassul Mamand in cooperation with Sayda Salih Yusfi and the other strugglers, founded the Kurdistan Socialist Movement, which prolonged the revolt with the Kurdistan Ranjdaran Association.
In December 1992, the political party he led, the Kurdistan Socialist Movement was dissolved and he joined the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan. He became a member of PUK’s politburo and the head of the Akre and Duhok Centers and all the secret lines of Bahdinan. On Dec. 18, 1993, he was appointed a member of the Presidential Council of Kurdistan Region.
Rassul Mamand died on April 12, 1994, in London and was brought back to Kurdistan on April 24, and buried in his birthplace, Bardashan.
<doc id="27086250" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086250" title="Mitsubishi Army Type 97 Reconnaissance Plane">
Mitsubishi Army Type 97 Reconnaissance Plane
<doc id="27086252" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086252" title="Step aeration">
Step aeration
<doc id="27086255" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086255" title="Political instability">
Political instability
<doc id="27086260" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086260" title="Pukka (disambiguation)">
Pukka (disambiguation)
<doc id="27086276" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086276" title="James Stewart (d. 1466)">
James Stewart (d. 1466)
<doc id="27086278" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086278" title="Ocplex">
<doc id="27086279" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086279" title="Tactile sensitivity">
Tactile sensitivity
<doc id="27086286" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086286" title="Erikson Noguchi">
Erikson Noguchi
<doc id="27086287" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086287" title="Parasternal heave">
Parasternal heave
A parasternal heave, lift, or thrust is a precordial impulse that may be felt (palpated) in patients with cardiac or respiratory disease. Precordial impulses are visible or palpable pulsations of the chest wall, which originate on the heart or the great vessels.
A parasternal impulse may be felt when the heel of the hand is rested just to the left of the sternum with the fingers lifted slightly off the chest. Normally no impulse or a slight inward impulse is felt. The heel of the hand is lifted off the chest wall with each systole. Palpation with the fingers over the pulmonary area may reveal the palpable tap of pulmonary valve closure (palpable P2) in cases of pulmonary hypertension.
Parasternal heave occurs during right ventricular hypertrophy (i.e. enlargement) or very rarely severe left atrial enlargement. This is due to the position of the heart within the chest: the right ventricle is most anterior (closest to the chest wall). Hypertrophy of the right side of the heart will occur when the right side of the heart chronically contracts against higher pressure. This occurs in the setting of valvular disease i.e. pulmonary valve, and in the setting of respiratory disease whereby the pressure in the pulmonary artery becomes elevated (e.g., chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). An example of a condition where parasternal heave can be felt is cor pulmonale. This impulse may also be felt in dilated right ventricular myopathy. The palpation of dilated myopathy differs in that the impulse tends to be vigorous and brief. This is in contrast with the sustained impulse of the hypertrophied right ventricle. A parasternal heave may also be felt in mitral stenosis.
A left ventricular heave (or lift) suggests the possibility of aortic stenosis.
<doc id="27086293" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086293" title="Suite 420">
Suite 420
Suite 420 is Devin the Dude's sixth studio album. It was released on April 20, 2010.
<doc id="27086296" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086296" title="Vitis blancoi">
Vitis blancoi
Vitis blancoi is a species of liana in the grape family which bears black berries, and is native to western Mexico.
<doc id="27086301" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086301" title="Autumn Uprising of 1946">
Autumn Uprising of 1946
The 10.1 Daegu Uprising of 1946 (hangul: 대구 10·1 사건; hanja: 大邱 10·1 事件) in Korea was a peasant uprising throughout the southern provinces of Korea against the policies of the United States Army Military Government in Korea headed by General John R. Hodge and in favor of restoration of power to the people's committees that made up the People's Republic of Korea. The uprising is also called the Daegu Riot or Daegu Resistance Movement. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Korea uses a neutral name, the Daegu October Incident.
The uprising was preceded by the Korean General Strike in September, in which more than 250,000 workers had participated. The strike was declared illegal by the US Military Government and strikers were attacked by police. On October 1, a protest by strikers in Daegu was fired on by police and a railway worker named Kim Yong-Tae was killed. The following day thousands of protestors, including school and college students, carried his body through the city streets, despite police attempts to halt them. The strike then evolved into the more general Autumn Uprising (or Daegu 10.1 uprising).
The uprising itself started in Busan and eventually spread to Seoul, Daegu, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Gyeongsangnam-do, Chungcheongnam-do, and Jeollanam-do and ended in mid-November. Further demands expressed during the uprising were for better working conditions, higher wages, larger rice ration, the right to organize, and the release of political prisoners.
According to the conditions the United States Military Government responded in different ways, including mobilizing strike-breakers, the police, right-wing youth groups, sending in U.S. troops and tanks, and declaring martial law, and succeeded in putting down the uprising. The uprising resulted in the deaths of 92 policemen, 163 civil workers, 116 civilians, and 240 rioters. 2,609 people were arrested by the police and military. Some analysts say that the uprising, which was in part a reaction to the October elections for the South Korean Interim Legislative Assembly, organized by the United States Military Government, is a better indicator of public opinion than the election itself.
The defeat of the uprising is considered to be a turning point in establishing political control over Korea as the people's committees and the National Council of Korean Labour Unions were weakened in the suppression. To the Americans, the Autumn Harvest Rebellion added new urgency to the effort to find some formula for unifying the two occupation zones of Korea under an elected government.
In 2010, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission presented its findings. There were 60 victims to whose families it suggested the government should provide compensation and around 7,500 other people who suffered during the incident. Some victims were arrested and tortured, then police and extreme right wing groups damaged or confiscated their homes and property. The families of the victims had to endure the shame of being viewed as criminals.
It is called the October Uprising, the October 1 Incident, the Yeongnam riots, and the October riots, depending on the historical point of view. From an advocate standpoint, it is called the October Uprising, a criticism call it as Yeongnam riots and October riots, and from a neutral standpoint it is called the October 1 Incident. From the perspective of asserting the agitation and initiative of the Communist Party of Korea, it is sometimes referred to as the October riot. In the past, the terms of the October riot, the Yeongnam riot, and the October riot were used interchangeably, and officially the term was referred to as the more neutral October 1 Incident.
After liberation, Koreans under the USAMGIK(Hangul:재조선미육군사령부군정청) US military Command in South Korea faced starvation due to the failure of USAMGIK's rice ration policy. The hunger in Daegu, where there were outbreaks of cholera during this period, was particularly severe. After 2,000 cholera cases occurred in Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do, the government blocked off Daegu without taking proper measures for treatment, as an effort to prevent transmission. Vehicles and people could not cross the city boundary, so the supply of crops and daily necessities was cut off. Above all, rice was scarce.
In addition, police from the former pro-Japanese government who became national police after the war robbed farmers of rice like they had when Korea was under Japanese rule. Citizens' anger against pro-Japanese policemen grew, and the police retaliated against them. In the midst of this, the public sentiment in Daegu and Gyeongsnabuk-do was very chaotic.
Meanwhile, in May 1946, amidst a case of counterfeit bills by Jung Pan-sa, the USAMGIK announced the 'illegalization of communist activities' and issued a mass arrest order for communist party officials. The forces of the Communist Party of Korea of Pak Hon-yong(Hangul:: 박헌영, Hanja:朴憲永) adopted more extreme methods, called 'new tactics' saying, "I will fight against the USAMGIK". Subsequently, the Communist Party and Jeon-pyeong(Hangul:조선노동조합전국평의회, Hanja: 朝鮮勞動組合全國評議會) agitated the workers and held a general strike, led by railroad and transportation workers, in September 1946.
The September general strike spread across the country, starting with the strike of railroad workers in the Busan area. In this way, the Communist Party and Jeon-pyeong struck head-on against the USAMGIK in earnest. The general strike in September quickly spread across the country, and workers went on strike. The USAMGIK attempted to use the national police and anti-communist youth groups to crush the strike, but there was an unexpected situation here. When the police fired on strikes by workers in Daegu, the incident developed in response.
In the Youngnam region.
During the Communist Party of Korea's September strike, the Jeonpyeong leadership in Daegu began a general strike from September 23, and strikes and demonstrations continued until October 1. However, on the evening of October 1, during a protest in front of the Daegu Metropolitan City Hall to prepare countermeasures against hunger, civilians named Hwang Mal-Yong and Kim Jong-Tae were shot and killed when the police fired. When the disbanded crowd heard the gunfire, they became angry and began to gather in front of the headquarters of the Daegu City Fighter Committee, and thousands of people gathered. The police fired again to disperse the crowd, and in response, the crowd attacked the police, resulting in casualties.
The next morning, October 2 when they heard that two civilians were shot and killed by the police firing, workers began to gather in the city, and ordinary citizens and students joined the protests. Surrounded by a crowd of about 10,000 people, the chief of the Daegu Police Department declared himself disarmed and handed the keys to the detention center to release political prisoners. Workers under the control of the leadership of the Korean Communist Party tried to take the police power in an orderly manner. At this time, however, excited crowds on one side of the street started throwing stones at the police, and police officers in the corner fired guns at the crowd, killing 17 protesters.
On the occasion of the 'incident' on October 2, the strike developed into a violent form as it was combined with the mass struggle. The Daegu City Struggle Committee tried to unfold the strike struggle within a legal framework and to prevent the struggle from unfolding violently. However, as the public hatred for the police soared, spontaneously attacking and destroying the houses of police and military officials.
The crowd robbed the rich and the homes of the former pro-Japanese, brought necessities and food, piled them up on the street, and distributed them to people in need. Places such as general stores and banks rarely suffered damage. The reason why the policemen were assaulted or killed was that most of them were pro-Japanese police, who have harassed Koreans since the Japanese colonial period.
Even the Daegu Department of Health, a doctor's meeting in Daegu, issued a warning to the police, saying "First, police officers should stop firing on citizens. Second, refuse to treat the injured officers who fired on compatriots."
The USAMGIK declared martial law in Daegu at 7 pm on October 2, the next day, and mobilized the US military. So it seemed that order had been restored externally in Daegu. However, as the protests expanded to Gyeongsan County, Seongju County, and Yeongcheon County near Daegu, the conflict between civilians and USAMGIK in Gyeongsangbuk-do did not stop but continued to occur. Afterward, in the process of suppressing civilian protests in the Gyeongbuk region, the conflict expanded nationwide and continued until the end of 1946.
North Gyeongsang Province.
The disturbance seemed to be calming around October 2. However, the incident spread throughout Gyeongbuk as people around the incident moved to other areas to protest and riot. In Yeongcheon, 10,000 protesters raided and burned down the police station. Also, they killed military officers, police officers, and officials. (October 3) When the police cheerleaders arrived, the order in the region was restored, but police officers and right-wing youth members looted the homes of those involved in the incident and harassed them. Here in Yeongcheon alone, over 1,200 houses were burned down and destroyed, resulting in 40 deaths, 43 serious injuries, and 1 billion won in damage. In Seonsan-gun (now Gumi), the instigators did not come down, but a crowd of 2,000 people led by Park Sang-hee(ko:박상희, Hanja: 朴相熙) attacked the Gumi Police Station, paralyzing the function of the police station, and hung a signboard of the Sunsan People's Committee Security Station to manage the area. They imprisoned the police and right-wing personnel, and destroyed the property of the wealthy.
In Yecheon-gun, police were dispatched in advance to prevent protests, but they failed due to a conflict with civilians, and a crowd of about 1,000 people raided the police station and even engaged in a battle. Local order could not be restored until the arrival of the US military. However, even after that, attacks at the police station continued, causing the police to be injured and the arsenal to be taken, and there was no police even in the outskirts. On the other hand, in Yeongil-gun, a missionary was killed by a civilian attack.
A similar event occurred in Chilgok. A crowd of 500 people attacked Yakmok police substation and killed three policemen by tying them to a pole. In Waegwan, 2,000 residents attacked the Waegwan Police Station along with protests, and four additional policemen were killed. Before the incident, the Waegwan area had very strong resistance to the order to collect rice, but the anger of the Waegwan residents was so great that Jang Seok-Han, the chief of the police at the time, was killed by splitting his head from the top to the bottom with his face being mutilated.
In addition, incidents occurred in Dalseong, Goryeong, Seongju, Gunwi, Uiseong, Gimcheon, Gyeongsan, Cheongdo, Gyeongju, Yeongdeok, Andong, Sangju, Mungyeong, Yeongju, and Bonghwa, and about 773,200 people participated in the incident. Incidents in the Gyeongbuk region unfolded using various strengths (classified as non-occurring/low strength/medium strength/high strength/maximum strength) and tactics (first strike, raid on police station, use of market day, use of balance of power between political and ideological forces, use of rice paddy area with high ripple), followed by harsh retaliation by the police.
South Gyeongsang Province.
The Gyeongnam region is the place where the general strike began in September, which was the start of the Daegu 10.1 incident. From October 7 to 14, several uprisings took place in various places. However, unlike other regions, the September general strike was very passive and moderate, and even during the October incident, there were decentralized and isolated events. (Even so, incidents have occurred in many areas.)
In the Gyeongnam region, the first incident occurred in Tongyeong. A crowd of 4000-5000 people took control of the town and beat the police and stole weapons. Several branch offices were attacked in Changnyeong as well, and crowds attempted to occupy police stations and county offices. In Masan, on the 6th and 7th, fierce clashes between the crowd and the military and police resulted in 13 deaths. In the Ulsan area, the office was destroyed and the police station was besieged, but with the help of the Eung-Won police(police who came to Jeju Island from land) and the US military, they were soon retaken, and some of the crowd escaped by boat. In Busan, where there was a passive incident, a bloody conflict occurred on the 9th, killing 24 people.
Outside the Yeongnam region.
Chungcheong Province.
The incident in Gyeongsang-do moved to Chungcheong-do and spread. In Chungcheong-do, the incident mainly occurred in the northwestern region. Civilian unrest occurred on October 4 and 7 in Chungbuk and on October 17th to 19th in Chungnam. On October 17, a police station was attacked in Dangjin, occupying public facilities, cutting communication lines, and blasting bridges. Starting with that incident, the northwestern part of Chungcheongnam-do was caught up in the incident. In Hongseong, police fired indiscriminately at crowds protesting for rice and land, killing four people. The demonstration also occurred in Yesan, Seonsan, and Cheonan, threatening the police and right-wing forces.
There were relatively no incidents in Chungbuk. One policeman died in Cheongju, and a crowd of 300-400 people in Yeongdong-gun tried to attack the police station, but it failed. The reason the scale of the incident was relatively small in the Chungbuk region was that the moderate left-wing of Cheongju, the center of Chungbuk, was quite dominant. (Some moderates have spread flyers saying "Extreme communists are unacceptable," and ousted the extremists.)
Seoul, Gyeonggi Province, Hwanghae Province, Gangwon Province.
As the incident subsided in Chungcheong-do, protests broke out in Gyeonggi-do and Hwanghae-do provinces. In Gwangju, Gyeonggi-do, they fought to kill the police and burn the police station. In Gaepung, the chief of police was murdered, and most of the branch offices were attacked over two days. In Paju, a riot was planned and discovered in advance, and all the leaders were arrested.
Protests took place in Seoul as well. On the 3rd, a crowd of 1,200 people joined the students and sang a song in front of the city hall, and at noon on the 21st, 2,000 people gathered at the Jongno intersection and advanced to Dongdaemun. However, in front of the Christian Youth Hall, the crowd was disbanded by the mass fire of the armed police, and a boxer passing by was murdered. On that day, protests broke out at Jongno 5-ga and a bomb exploded at Seoul Station.
In addition, demonstrations and raids were followed in Incheon, Yeonbaek, and Jangdan areas, and incidents occurred from October 20 to 22 (excluding Incheon). Between October 29 and the first week of November, protests broke out on the east coast of Gangwon-do. In Gangwon, thousands of crowds attacked the police station in Hoengseong, and in Mukho, residents attacked the police station as a result of the deaths while investigating the protests. In Gangneung, the police were beaten and communications were cut off, and in Pyeongchang, the left-wing forces with weapons and the police broke out. In Samcheok, there was a disturbance between the left and the right-wing due to the mine. The case in Gangwon-do is characterized by the fact that it mainly took place near the east coast.
The series of events that were likely to sweep across South Korea stopped from October 23 to 28. The USAMGIK and the right-wing forces judged that Left-wing extremists are waiting for the harvest season and the military and police who want to collect rice, and they think the USAMGIK will focus on agitation that it has no right to collect rice.
However, this was a period during which the left was preparing for work in Jeolla-do. For that reason, the incidents in Jeollanam-do, in particular, were as big and violent as in Gyeongsangbuk-do in the early days of the incident.
Between October 29 to November 4, a large-scale uprising took place in the north-central region of Jeollanam-do, centered on Naju and Hwasun. From October 30, miners in Hwasun attempted to march toward Gwangju. On the next day, the 31st, even women and children marched together. On November 4, the miners fought fiercely against the US military and the police.
As the October incident expanded to a nationwide protest, the police alone could not suppress it. For this reason, the help of anti-communist right-wing personnel, such as the US military and the South Korean Defense Guard, as well as the Korean Democratic Party, the Korean National Youth Association, the Northwest Youth League, and Baekuisa(hangul:백의사), were needed in each region. As a result, several people involved in various anti-communist right-wing organizations, including the Korean National Youth Association, Baekuisa, and the Northwest Youth League, inflicted repeatedly terrorism or property damage on the grounds of arresting the leftists who participated in the protests. (To avoid this, some leftists and civilians even fled to the mountains.)
The exact size of the incident was unknown due to a lack of records. According to one report, the total damage to Gyeongsangbuk-do was 400 million won. The number of casualties on the police side, including the security forces (police assistants and village vigilantes), killed 80 people, missing, 145 people were abducted, and 96 people were injured. The damage to right-wing and civilians was counted as 24 deaths, 41 injuries, and 21 kidnappings.
Contemporary reactions.
Pak Hon-young referred to this incident as the 'October People's Uprising,' and evaluated it as the three Great People's Uprisings of Joseon along with the Donghak Peasant Revolution and the March 1st Movement'. Communist Party of Korea has never officially instigated protests, local Communist Party members were killed or taken to jail while fighting at the forefront of self-sustaining demonstrators in every town.
On the other hand, the right-wing criticized the case vigorously, and the Korea Democratic Party, in particular, criticized it, saying, ‘This strike struggle was caused by the incitement of Pak Hon-young's gang.’ Criticism about this incident poured out from within the left-wing. Representatives of the nine left-wing political parties (Jeong Baek(hangul:정백) and Lee Young), excluding the Communist Party of Korea, held an emergency meeting and fiercely criticized the fight as 'adventurism by the Communist Party of Pak Hon-yong.
The Left-right Coalition Movement put forward Yangbi theory(hangul:양비론), which was caused by the opposition to the police. At the end of October, Lyuh Woon-hyung(hangul: 여운형) and Kim Kyu-sik(hangul: 김규식) criticized the military administration by saying "The'October 1 incident' occurred due to antipathy against the police, the presence of Chinilpa(hangul: 친일파) in the military administration, corruption of some Korean officials, and agitation of destructors." in a meeting with Major General Brown of the US military administration. Kim Kyu-sik urged them to refrain from saying, 'These actions will only hinder independence by undermining the prestige of the Korean people internationally.'
Results and significance.
As the uprising spread throughout South Korea, the USAMGIK actively responded to preliminary detention of leaders of the People's Committees and farmers' associations in regions where the uprising was expected, or organized suppression organizations in each region. As the fighting area was widespread and the US military and police were dispersed, the youth and other right-wing were actively mobilized for suppression. When an uprising broke out in the region, the US military and police were immediately dispatched to suppress it. The uprising developed violently and the suppression method was ruthless, causing many casualties. In particular, the police and right-wing figures were intensively attacked in the course of the uprising, and there was much retaliation by the police and right-wing. In addition, many fatalities and injuries occurred due to terrorism by the right-wing, and material damage was significant.
After the uprising broke out, representatives of the USAMGIK and Centrism forces held the ROK-US joint talks(hangul: 한미공동회담) to find out the cause of the uprising and come up with countermeasures. The ROK-US joint talks revealed that the cause of the uprising was people's hostility toward the police, the existence of chinilpa within the military government, corruption of some Korean officials, and agitation that hindered South Korea's maximum welfare. As a countermeasure, it was recommended to the USAMGIK to punish chinilpa within the military government. As a result of the uprising, leaders of popular movement groups, including farmers' associations and people's committees, were arrested or evacuated, greatly weakening the capacity of the left-wing, including these organizations. On the other hand, the right-wing formed an organization in the wake of the uprising and strengthened their capabilities.
The October Uprising is an event that occurred in the process of establishing a modern nation-state after liberation and is a historical event with the character of the first mass uprising in the USAMGIK. The October Uprising was the first large-scale popular uprising that took place after liberation and showed its influence to spread throughout the country. In particular, the October Uprising is a historical event amid the change of the US Military Justice policy from the left-right cooperative route to the Korean people policy in the state of the collapse of the Joint Micro-Committee.
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Silicon star
<doc id="27086309" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086309" title="Najmadeen Mala">
Najmadeen Mala
Najmadeen Mala (1898 in Sulaymaniyah – 23 April 1962 in Sulaymaniyah) was a Kurdish writer, journalist and teacher. Najmadeen was the son of Mullah Ghafur Mullah Ali. He worked in Ranya but moved to Halab in Syria.
Later, he returned to Sulaimani and founded a school, which he ran for 40 years. He also owned a book store.
Literary career.
He had a weekly column called "Child Story" in the newspaper "Zheen". He wrote biographies on notable figures and poets. He published more than 90 stories, most of them folkloric.
He wrote several valuable works on Kurdish history and literature. Najmadeen Mala died on 23 April 1962, and was buried on Azmar Mountain in Sulaimani.
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Plain-folks technique
<doc id="27086317" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086317" title="Blowout panel">
Blowout panel
<doc id="27086318" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086318" title="Marina Himmighofen">
Marina Himmighofen
Marina Himmighofen (born 11 November 1984) is a German footballer currently playing for the Bundesliga team of the MSV Duisburg. She previously was active for the German federal police and competed in international police football.
<doc id="27086320" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086320" title="Lifan 320">
Lifan 320
The Lifan 320 is a supermini made by Lifan Group. Sales began in 2009, and a facelift was conducted in 2013. A more upmarket variant called the Lifan 330 was also available from 2013. The Lifan 320 was also produced and sold in foreign markets and was sold in Russia as the Lifan Smily.
The 320 was first shown at the 2008 Beijing Auto Show, and then the 320 prototype was shown again during the 2009 Shanghai Auto Show. The Lifan 320 offers four body colors for customers and will be sold at 48,800 yuan (US$7,142) in Chinese market.
As of May 2008, the Lifan 320 team was founded and participated in the China Rally Championship (CRC). Lifan planned to use the "Race first and sell later." strategy to strengthen the durability of the vehicles.
2013 model year and 330.
The facelifted model was revealed in 2013 along with a more upmarket version, the 330. The 330 features a completely redesigned front end and sold alongside the original 320.
The power of the 320 and 330 comes from a 1.3-litre engine similar to the one in the Mini Cooper developing 90hp and 115nm. The engine is mated to a 5-speed manual transmission or CVT.
The Lifan 320 is sold in China in and several export markets including Peru, and Russia, where it is known as the Lifan Smily. The 320 has been assembled in Cherkessk by Derways Automobile Company since 2011.
Design controversies.
The styling of the Lifan 320 was considered a blatant knockoff of the 2001–2006 Mini Cooper when it was launched. Despite the different proportions and 5-door design, the interior, exterior duo color setup, headlamp design and tail lamp designs heavily resemble the designs from the Mini Cooper.
In December 2014, a Chinese-made Lifan 320 model with no airbags and no ABS was crash tested by Latin NCAP and received zero stars out of five. The comments from the press release cited: "The protection offered to the driver's head and chest was poor due to contact with the steering wheel. The passengers' knees could impact with dangerous structures in the dashboard lie the Tran fascia tube. The bodyshell was rated as unstable."
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Pofadder (disambiguation)
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EU Tai Chung
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USCGD Henley (CG-12)
<doc id="27086336" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086336" title="Puff (disambiguation)">
Puff (disambiguation)
<doc id="27086339" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086339" title="Asian otter">
Asian otter
<doc id="27086342" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086342" title="Separate Yourself">
Separate Yourself
<doc id="27086347" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086347" title="USCGD Herndon (CG-17)">
USCGD Herndon (CG-17)
<doc id="27086354" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086354" title="Club Nacional de Football season 2009–10">
Club Nacional de Football season 2009–10
<doc id="27086356" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086356" title="Bireme Dioue">
Bireme Dioue
<doc id="27086363" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086363" title="Philippe Bridel">
Philippe Bridel
<doc id="27086365" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086365" title="Casualty (Series 1)">
Casualty (Series 1)
<doc id="27086367" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086367" title="Casualty (Series 2)">
Casualty (Series 2)
<doc id="27086369" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086369" title="Casualty (Series 3)">
Casualty (Series 3)
<doc id="27086375" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086375" title="Pui-Pui (Dragon Ball)">
Pui-Pui (Dragon Ball)
<doc id="27086384" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086384" title="Ardscoil la salle">
Ardscoil la salle
<doc id="27086388" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086388" title="Rajanala">
Rajanala is an Indian surname. Notable people with the surname include:
<doc id="27086392" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086392" title="Kuching (disambiguation)">
Kuching (disambiguation)
Kuching primarily refers to Kuching City, a city in Malaysia.
Kuching may also refer to:
<doc id="27086396" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086396" title="Methodist Church Nigeria">
Methodist Church Nigeria
<doc id="27086400" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086400" title="The Greenhornes discography">
The Greenhornes discography
The discography of The Greenhornes, an American rock band, consists of four studio albums, one EP, five singles, one album of demos, and a compilation album.
<doc id="27086401" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086401" title="List of Casualty episodes (series 23)">
List of Casualty episodes (series 23)
<doc id="27086405" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086405" title="List of Casualty episodes (series 24)">
List of Casualty episodes (series 24)
<doc id="27086408" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086408" title="Ben Asdale">
Ben Asdale
Ben Asdale was a Scottish trawler that was wrecked in December 1978 near Falmouth, Cornwall.
On the evening of 30 December 1978, the freezer trawler "Ben Asdale" was off-loading fish into the hold of the Russian factory ship "Antarktika" (Антарктика), which was anchored in Falmouth Bay. A force eight gale was blowing and heavy snow was falling. When the "Ben Asdale" had finished discharging her cargo of mackerel, she cast off her stern rope in preparation to move away from the anchored "Antarktika". The rope fouled her rudder and she would not respond to her helm. The skipper, Albert "Barty" Coe from North Shields - latterly Chief Fishery Officer at Northumberland Sea Fisheries Committee until his retirement on grounds of "ill health" - tried to get the Russians to re-secure the stern of his vessel, but by now the fierce gale was dragging both boats. The Russians sent over two officers to assist in getting the steering working. Shortly afterwards, the bow rope parted and the "Ben Asdale" was adrift.
The skipper let go an anchor but it failed to hold, and as they were swept towards Maenporth beach, a Mayday was sent. With the wind now gusting force ten and the waves breaking over the trawler, she was out of control, and soon piled onto the rocks at the bottom of Newporth Head. As the boat struck the rocks, one of the crew jumped over the side, gravely injuring himself, and others threw out anything to act as life rafts.
By now, word of the trawler's troubles had spread, and the three Billcliffe brothers, who owned the Crag Hotel by the beach, rushed to the scene and waded into the surf and during that night dragged three of the crew to safety. Up on Newporth head, the Coastguard had arrived and was setting up a breeches buoy. With visibility almost at zero due to the blizzard, searchlights were rigged. As the breeches buoy was connected to the stricken trawler, she lurched and rolled onto her side, jamming all the gear. By now the rescue helicopter had arrived from RNAS Culdrose (HMS Seahawk) but could not see what was going on down on the hulk of the trawler because of the swirling blizzard.
The Coastguard set up a radio link with the pilot, to guide the helicopter, which had to fly backwards over the wreck because of the winds and the nearness of the Headland. Over a period of about one and a half hours the helicopter lowered its winch eight times and successfully lifted off eight crewmen. Whilst all this was happening, three of the crew despaired and tried to swim to a shore that looked temptingly near. In the end eleven people were saved, but in spite of all the efforts of the emergency services and the Billicliffe brothers, three men (two Britons and a Russian) were drowned, their bodies washed up the next day on Maenporth Beach. The crew of the helicopter were awarded two Air Force Crosses and three Queen's Commendations for one of the most dangerous rescues of modern times.
<doc id="27086414" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086414" title="Politzer (disambiguation)">
Politzer (disambiguation)
<doc id="27086416" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086416" title="Politz (disambiguation)">
Politz (disambiguation)
<doc id="27086421" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086421" title="Rassul Mamand 1944-1994">
Rassul Mamand 1944-1994
<doc id="27086425" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086425" title="Swiss identity">
Swiss identity
<doc id="27086429" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086429" title="British Compressed Gases Association">
British Compressed Gases Association
The British Compressed Gases Association is the UK's trade association for companies in the industrial, medical and food gases industry.
It was established in August 1971, succeeding the British Acetylene Association, which was formed in 1901.
The BCGA represents companies that make, supply or distribute industrial, medical and food gases in the UK, who sell related equipment, install distribution systems and who are providers of specialist health, safety, quality, inspection and training services. It represents the interests of 100+ member companies. It is primarily a safety and technical Trade Association, in support of which it provides many well-regarded best practice documents and advice on its website.
The gases industry uses many standards and its members are represented at safety standards organisations such as BSI, the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
BCGA has an annual conference in April.
The head Offices is based in Derby.
Its members include all the major gas suppliers in the UK and many SME's.
<doc id="27086435" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086435" title="Goldfinger pre-credits sequence">
Goldfinger pre-credits sequence
<doc id="27086436" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086436" title="A Day Late a Dollar Short">
A Day Late a Dollar Short
<doc id="27086457" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086457" title="Dan Orsi">
Dan Orsi
Daniel Orsi (born 31 March 1992) is a Scottish footballer who plays for Dalbeattie Star.
Orsi has previously played for Queen of the South and Annan Athletic in the Scottish Professional Football League.
Orsi is from Dumfries and a former pupil of Dumfries Academy. As well as playing in the youth set up for Queen of the South, Orsi made his début for the first-team, appearing as a substitute in a friendly match in season 2009-10 versus Celtic. Orsi was selected for six squads in the Scotland under-18 international set-up, namely for the matches versus Australia and New Zealand and also for the Centenary Shield matches versus England, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland and Wales. Queen of the South teammate Dean Thomson was also selected for the squad but had to withdraw due to tonsillitis.
On 25 July 2010, Orsi was announced on the Queens website as having officially signed for the club, having previously been on a youth contract. Also announced were the signings of Steven Degnan, Ian McShane and Gavin Reilly on similar deals. On 26 March 2011, Orsi was awarded the man-of-the-match award, in only his sixth match for the club in a 4-1 league win at Palmerston Park versus Stirling Albion. On 29 March 2011, just three days later in his next game, away to Stirling Albion at Forthbank Stadium, Orsi scored his first senior goal in the fourth minute of the match in a 2–0 win, after receiving a pass from Colin McMenamin and placing the ball through the keeper's legs and into the net. However, in the sixteenth minute he was stretchered off with a knee injury after making an awkward challenge.
Orsi was then loaned out to Annan Athletic in February 2013 for the remainder of the season. He played in the club's win versus Rangers at Ibrox Stadium the following month.
In December 2013 Orsi signed for Annan Athletic on a six-month contract until May 2014.
Orsi joined Scottish Juniors club Glenafton Athletic from New Cumnock in June 2014. He spent three seasons there winning the league championship in the 2016–17 season. He also won the Scottish Junior Cup at Rugby Park in a 2–1 win versus local rivals Auchinleck Talbot on 4 June 2017.
Orsi re-signed for Annan Athletic on 22 June 2017, but left the club in early 2018 citing the pressures of university and work commitments. He joined Dalbeattie Star in May 2018 for the last few games of the season to alleviate a player shortage at the club.
For the 2018–19 season, Orsi joined Kilsyth Rangers under the management of his old Queen of the South colleague Jim Thomson. His spell at Duncansfield was brief however and Orsi joined Glenafton Athletic for a second time in September 2018.
Orsi rejoined Dalbeattie Star in July 2020.
Personal life.
Orsi has also competed in the Scottish Schools Cross Country Championships.
<doc id="27086464" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086464" title="O'Brien, California">
O'Brien, California
O'Brien is an unincorporated community in Shasta County, California, United States. O'Brien is located along Interstate 5 north of Redding. O'Brien has a post office with ZIP code 96070, which was established in 1945. The community is named after Con O'Brien, who had a resort in the community.
<doc id="27086466" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086466" title="Marysville Exempted Village Schools District">
Marysville Exempted Village Schools District
Marysville Exempted Village Schools District is a public school district in Marysville, Ohio.
According to the district web site, it hosts “over 5000 students consisting of five elementary schools (K-4), one intermediate school (5-6), one middle school (7-8), one Early College High School (9-12), and one high school (9-12) and employs “over 300 teachers and 200 support staff.”
The Columbus Japanese Language School, a weekend school for Japanese people, holds its classes at Creekview Intermediate School and did so since September 2021. The school office is in Worthington.
Marysville High School was opened in the 1990s, with recent additions made.
The Early College High School was opened in August 2014, in this "ECHS" or "STEM" school students can choose Engineering, Integrated Technologies, and Health Science as career paths.
The school district’s mascot is the “Monarch,” usually portrayed by a lion. Both the Middle and High Schools have wrestling, football, basketball, baseball, softball, lacrosse, track and field, volleyball, and golf teams, and marching band. Other student activities include Art and Writing clubs, Student Councils, Swim Team, FFA, “In the Know,” Choir (and Show Choir), among many others. The wrestling team has won six league championships, and producing three state champions.
<doc id="27086468" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086468" title="Lydia Boucher">
Lydia Boucher
Lydia Boucher (28 February 1890 – 5 March 1971) was a Canadian composer, music educator, and nun. She was active as a composer from 1923 to 1971, producing several choral works and pieces for solo piano and organ. Most of her works are sacred and many of them were published by L'Édition Belgo-Canadienne, Musica Enrégistré, and Éditions canadiennes. Her first composition was "Ave Maria" (1923) and her last work was "Hommage à Mère Marie-Anne" (1971). Of particular note is her oratorio "L'Oeuvre d'Esther Blondin" which premiered in 1949. Some of her other notable pieces include the piano works "Trois Préludes" (1928–30) and "La Ronde des aiguilles" (1950), and the "Alleluia" for organ (1958).
Life and career.
Born in Saint-Ambroise-de-Kildare, Quebec, Boucher studied music with Claude Champagne (music composition), Fleurette Contant (singing), J. Alexandre Delcourt (violin), Auguste Descarries (piano and composition), Rodolphe Mathieu (piano and harmony), Louis Michiels (composition), and Raoul Paquet (organ). She became a novitiate at the Sisters of Saint Anne in 1907. She took her vows in 1909 at which time she took the name Sister Marie-Thérèse. Composer Alice Vinette (Sister Marie-Jocelyne) was a contemporary of Boucher's.
Boucher was active as a teacher of piano, voice, violin, and organ from 1909 to 1969. She taught at several different schools and institutions during her 60-year teaching career, including the Maison-Mère Mont-Ste-Anne in Lachine and the École de musique Wilfrid-Pelletier in Montreal. She died in Montreal in 1971 at the age of 81.
<doc id="27086470" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086470" title="Marysville Exempted Village Schools district">
Marysville Exempted Village Schools district
<doc id="27086472" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086472" title="Cobham's Flying Circus">
Cobham's Flying Circus
<doc id="27086475" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086475" title="Bobby Ellerbee">
Bobby Ellerbee
<doc id="27086477" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086477" title="Chucky Charles">
Chucky Charles
<doc id="27086478" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086478" title="Beki and the Bullets">
Beki and the Bullets
Beki and the Bullets is a rock band from Melbourne formed by ex members of The Mavis's and Junkatique, Beki Thomas and Nick Gill. Other members are Matty Ray, Nick Cunneen (both from Mandy Kane) and Bobby Manila. Their music is described as a mix between Gwen Stefani, Cyndi Lauper, Blondie and Mötley Crüe. They have toured Europe and USA.
<doc id="27086479" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086479" title="Vineyard Haven, Mass.">
Vineyard Haven, Mass.
<doc id="27086480" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086480" title="Patricia French">
Patricia French
<doc id="27086485" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086485" title="Atka, Russia">
Atka, Russia
Atka () is an urban locality (an urban-type settlement) in Khasynsky District of Magadan Oblast, Russia, located on the Kolyma Highway, by road north of the oblast's administrative center Magadan. Population:
The sources of the Yama are near Atka and the Maltan river flows northwards to the west of the town. The Maymandzhin Range rises above the northern and eastern sides. Atka is on the same longitude as the Sydney, Australia, both lying on the 151st meridian.
It was granted urban-type settlement status in 1953.
Atka has a subarctic climate (Köppen climate classification "Dfc"), with cool, humid summers and severe to extreme winters.
<doc id="27086487" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086487" title="New Hyde Park (Village), New York">
New Hyde Park (Village), New York
<doc id="27086495" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086495" title="Sister Marie-Thérèse">
Sister Marie-Thérèse
<doc id="27086498" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086498" title="English ship Elizabeth Jonas (1559)">
English ship Elizabeth Jonas (1559)
The Elizabeth Jonas of 1559 was the first large English galleon, built in Woolwich Dockyard from 1557 and launched in July 1559.
The vessel's keel was laid in 1557, for a ship of 800 tons burthen to replace Henry VIII's prestige warship, the "Henry Grace à Dieu" (More commonly known as the "Great Harry"), which had been destroyed by fire in 1553. Originally intended to be named "Edward" after Edward VI, she was renamed when Elizabeth I came to the throne. Launched in 1559, accounts of the time relate that she was named Elizabeth Jonas by Elizabeth herself, "in rememberance of being preserved from Her enemies, no less miraculously than the phrophet Jonas ("Jonah") was preserved from the belly of a whale". She was a square-rigged galleon of four masts, including two lateen-rigged mizzenmasts.
Naval service.
"Elizabeth Jonas" served effectively under the command of Sir Robert Southwell during the battle of the Spanish Armada in 1588. In 1597-98 she was rebuilt as a razee galleon. Phineas Pett mentions that Elizabeth planned to attend the 1598 launch at Woolwich but did not.
On 5 August 1606, held as a day of thanksgiving for the king's deliverance from the Gowrie Conspiracy at Perth in 1600, James VI and I, Anne of Denmark, their son Henry, and her brother Christian IV of Denmark had dinner aboard the "Elizabeth Jonas" at Upnor Castle near Rochester, and then were rowed to Chatham. Phineas Pett was involved in preparing the "Elizabeth Jonas" and the "White Bear" for this entertainment.
In the early seventeenth century she was listed as one of the Navy's Ships Royal, denoting the largest and most prestigious vessels in the fleet. A 1618 commission of enquiry confirmed the designation, but found that years of inactivity had left her entirely unserviceable. Later that year she was broken up for scrap at Woolwich Dockyard.
<doc id="27086499" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086499" title="No. 1/5 Commando">
No. 1/5 Commando
<doc id="27086500" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086500" title="Great Neck (Village), New York">
Great Neck (Village), New York
<doc id="27086505" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086505" title="1 Commando">
1 Commando
<doc id="27086506" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086506" title="No.1 Commando">
No.1 Commando
<doc id="27086519" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086519" title="Mount Zion High School (Jonesboro, Georgia)">
Mount Zion High School (Jonesboro, Georgia)
Mount Zion High School is a secondary school in Jonesboro, Georgia, United States.
<doc id="27086523" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086523" title="Hot and spicy">
Hot and spicy
<doc id="27086525" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086525" title="Proficiency (disambiguation)">
Proficiency (disambiguation)
<doc id="27086533" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086533" title="Goldfinger pre credits sequence">
Goldfinger pre credits sequence
<doc id="27086535" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086535" title="XSN2J">
<doc id="27086537" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086537" title="SN2J">
<doc id="27086538" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086538" title="Goldfinger opening sequence">
Goldfinger opening sequence
<doc id="27086542" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086542" title="Vitis nesbittiana">
Vitis nesbittiana
Vitis nesbittiana is a species of liana in the grape family. It is native to central Mexico (Veracruz).
<doc id="27086558" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086558" title="Illusions (NZ band)">
Illusions (NZ band)
<doc id="27086567" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086567" title="Masayuki Ochiai (footballer)">
Masayuki Ochiai (footballer)
is a Japanese former football player.
Playing career.
Ochiai was born in Uki on July 11, 1981. After graduating from high school, he joined J1 League club Kashiwa Reysol in 2000. On November 23, 2002, he debuted as defensive midfielder against Sanfrecce Hiroshima. Although he played many matches as defensive midfielder in 2003, he could hardly play in the match in 2004. In September 2004, he moved to J2 League club Sagan Tosu on loan. He became a regular player as defensive midfielder. However he lost his regular position in April 2005 and he could hardly play in the match after that. In 2006, he returned to Kashiwa Reysol was relegated to J2 from 2006. However he could not play many matches. In 2007, he moved to J1 club Kawasaki Frontale. However he could not play many matches. In 2008, he moved to Japan Football League club Tochigi SC. He became a regular player and the club was promoted to J2 from 2008. Although he also played many matches as center back not only defensive midfielder until 2009, his opportunity to play decreased from 2010. He retired end of 2011 season.
<doc id="27086570" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086570" title="Pro am (disambiguation)">
Pro am (disambiguation)
<doc id="27086577" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086577" title="Mahale Chiniha">
Mahale Chiniha
Mahale Chiniha (Persian: محله ی چینی ها) is a neighborhood in the center of Gachsaran City, Iran and its most populous area. Running for about , it is one of the most crowded in the city, especially at sunset. The buildings are a unique mixture of traditional, modern, Chinese and Islamic architecture. There are also many luxury shopping malls, stores, restaurants, nightclubs and bars frequented by both local people and tourists.
Although information about the former use of Mahale Chiniha is scarce, until the early 2000s it was not a densely populated area. However, in 2001, following diplomatic engagement between Iran and China, Mahale Chiniha was considered a location where Chinese culture and architecture could be showcased. Designs for the project were completed in May 2003 with a scheduled construction time of three years, however, a lack of sponsors slowed progress. When nearly a quarter of the buildings were complete, many new private sponsors became involved who wanted Mahale Chiniha to become a trade center. As a result, the development strategy changed and Chinese-themed sky scrapers were built instead of shop buildings in a purely traditional Chinese style.
<doc id="27086580" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086580" title="The Candidate (Lost)">
The Candidate (Lost)
"The Candidate" is the 14th episode of the American Broadcasting Company's sixth season of the serial drama television series "Lost" and 117th episode overall. The episode aired on May 4, 2010, on ABC in the United States. The episode was written by Elizabeth Sarnoff and Jim Galasso and directed by Jack Bender. The episode is centered on Jack Shephard and John Locke.
In the flash-sideways timeline, Jack Shephard (Matthew Fox) tries to find out how John Locke (Terry O'Quinn) was paralyzed. In 2007, Jack and his group betray the Man in Black (also O'Quinn), but not without falling into his plans.
2004 (flash-sideways timeline).
After being successfully operated on by Jack Shephard (Matthew Fox), John Locke (Terry O'Quinn) awakens at the hospital. Jack tells Locke that he may be a candidate for a new surgical treatment to repair his pre-existing paralysis and asks Locke how he wound up in his paraplegic state. However, Locke declines the offer. In order to find out more about Locke's paralysis, Jack visits dentist Dr. Bernard Nadler (Sam Anderson) and asks for the dental records from an emergency oral surgery performed on Locke about three years previously. Bernard refuses to breach confidentiality, but tells him that a man named Anthony Cooper (Kevin Tighe) was brought in along with Locke three years ago. Jack goes to a nursing home and visits Anthony Cooper, who is Locke's father in a vegetative state. Claire Littleton (Emilie de Ravin) arrives at the hospital to see Jack. She shows Jack a music box that their father (John Terry) said he especially wanted her to have. Jack then invites Claire to come and stay at his house, stating to Claire that they are not strangers, but rather family. As Locke is preparing to leave the hospital, Jack approaches him and tells him that he went to see Locke's father so that he could find out why he doesn't want the surgery. Locke reveals to Jack that the accident that made him paralyzed was a plane crash; he had just qualified for his pilot's license and his father was his first passenger. Jack tells Locke his father is "gone" and that punishing himself won't bring him back. Locke still refuses Jack's offer and leaves.
2007 (original timeline).
Following the events of "The Last Recruit", Jack awakens on Hydra Island with Sayid Jarrah (Naveen Andrews) by his side. The Man in Black arrives and tells them that James "Sawyer" Ford (Josh Holloway), Claire Littleton, Kate Austen (Evangeline Lilly), Frank Lapidus (Jeff Fahey), Hugo Reyes (Jorge Garcia), Sun Kwon (Yunjin Kim) and Jin Kwon (Daniel Dae Kim) have been taken prisoner by Charles Widmore (Alan Dale). The Man in Black plans to help them escape, run for the Ajira plane and leave the island before Widmore knows what is happening. While Jack agrees to help, he insists that he himself will not leave the island. At Hydra Station, Widmore has Sawyer's group thrown inside the animal cages. Sayid turns off the camp's generator, bringing down the sonar fences which had been keeping the Man in Black at bay. The Man in Black then attacks as the Smoke monster, allowing Jack to free Sawyer's group. After reuniting with Sayid, they head into the jungle to find the Ajira plane. The Man in Black arrives at the plane site before the group, and inspects the interior of the plane after killing Widmore's guards. The Man in Black reveals to the group that Widmore has rigged the plane with C4. Unable to take the risk of using the plane, the Man in Black decides to escape using Widmore's submarine. As they head to the docks, Sawyer asks Jack to stop the Man in Black from getting on board the sub.
At the docks, the survivors manage to board the submarine while Widmore's men attack from the jungle. Kate is shot during the ensuing gun fight, but Jack manages to get her on board after pushing the Man in Black into the water. He gets back out of the water and begins to shoot down the last of Widmore's men. In order to prevent the Man in Black from entering, Sawyer has the sub take off without Claire.
On the sub, Jack discovers the Man in Black has planted the C4 in his bag and has set a timer to detonate. Unable to reach the surface in time, Sayid attempts to defuse the bomb. However, Jack tells Sawyer to let the timer reach zero, believing that nothing will happen to them because the Man in Black is unable to kill them himself. Jack theorizes that the Man in Black united the candidates because he needed them all dead in order to leave the island, and has come up with a plan that will trick them into killing one another by mistrusting each other. Sawyer is unconvinced and pulls the bomb's wires, causing the speed of the bomb's countdown to accelerate. Sayid tells Jack where to find Desmond Hume (Henry Ian Cusick) and runs to the back of the sub with the bomb. The bomb detonates, killing Sayid and causing a massive explosion that proceeds to flood the sub. Frank is knocked out by a door as it gives way to the water. Sun is pinned down by fragments of the submarine. Hurley exits the sub with a wounded Kate, while Jin, Sawyer, and Jack try to help Sun. After Sawyer is knocked unconscious, Jin convinces Jack to leave with Sawyer. Jin continues to try to free Sun despite her pleas for him to go, but to no avail. He tells Sun that he won't leave her. They then embrace as water floods the submarine, drowning them while holding hands.
Jack, Sawyer, Kate, and Hurley regroup at a nearby beach, and mourn those who died. Meanwhile, at the docks, the Man in Black tells Claire that the sub has sunk and there are survivors. He then departs to "finish what [he] started."
The episode features the deaths of 3 main cast members, the highest of any episode in the series. Showrunners Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse described the episode as "brutal". Regarding the mass deaths of the characters, Lindelof stated "now you know this show is willing and capable of killing anyone." Cuse also added "There is no ambiguity. [The Man In Black] is evil and he has to be stopped... When we watched the death scenes ourselves, it was brutal. [But] the story always comes first."
The episode received critical acclaim. Review aggregate website Metacritic gave the episode a score of 92 out of 100, indicating "Universal Acclaim". The score was up on the previous episode's score of 73. Maureen Ryan of Chicago Tribune gave a perfect score, stating "Not only were the island events compelling, they neatly tied into the Sideways themes of trust and penance." James Poniewozik of Time also rated the episode perfect, calling it "heartbreaking, and horrifying, and breathtaking, and in some ways maddening." IGN's Chris Carbot praised the episode as well, saying "the story continues to deliver thrilling moments." However, he criticized the pacing of the flash-sideways storyline, describing it as "moving at a snails pace when compared to events occurring on the island." Overall, he gave the episode a score of 9.2. Emily VanDerWerff of Los Angeles Times deemed the episode as "one of the greatest episodes of the show ever for pure adrenaline rush, right up there with "Through the Looking Glass" and "Exodus, Parts 1 and 2"."
Many critics expressed shock regarding the deaths of the characters. Alan Sepinwall of Star Ledger thought the episode "drastically accelerated the pace of the unhappy endings." Chris Carbot stated "Sayid's death was a fitting end to his story. He had been on course to redeem himself ever since switching over to Team Smokie and was thankfully given the opportunity to go out in grand fashion ... Jin and Sun's demise came as a total shock. In fact, I'm still having a hard time processing the fact that they're actually dead, at least in the regular timeline." Sam McPherson of TV Overmind deemed the episode as "having great and terrible deaths."
<doc id="27086583" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086583" title="Illicit (Dance music group)">
Illicit (Dance music group)
<doc id="27086590" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086590" title="Cebaracetam">
Cebaracetam is a chemical in the racetam family. It is a chlorinated acetylpiperazine-substituted analog of phenylpiracetam.
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<doc id="27086612" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086612" title="Beat Poet">
Beat Poet
<doc id="27086613" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086613" title="1894–95 Southampton St. Mary's F.C. season">
1894–95 Southampton St. Mary's F.C. season
The 1894–95 season was the tenth since the foundation of Southampton St. Mary's F.C. and their first in league football, being founder members of the Southern League.
They finished the league season in third place behind the champions, Millwall Athletic, and Luton Town. In the FA Cup they reached the first round proper for the first time, where they were defeated by Nottingham Forest, of the Football League.
Summary of the season.
In 1894, Southampton St Mary's were one of the nine founder members of the Southern League, which had been created to enable clubs in southern England who were not admitted to the Football League, to play competitive football on a regular basis. St. Mary's were not originally invited to join the new league and their initial application to join had been rejected, even though seven of the original nine clubs were wholly or mainly amateur, whereas Southampton had employed their first professional footballer in 1892 and by now the team was composed mainly of professionals. Because of the interest in the new league, a Second Division was to be created, which Southampton were considering applying to join when the 2nd Scots Guards withdrew and St. Mary's were invited to take their place.
In his preview of the forthcoming season in the "Southampton Times", ""Ariel" predicted:It is very wonderful to notice the pertinacity with which the prophets continue to prophecy. Southampton St. Mary's have not yet played in the competition, but their position at the end of the season has already been positively fixed by some people, and I have not heard anybody place them lower than third on the list, Millwall Athletic and Luton only taking precedence.
For the start of their League career, Saints signed several new players on professional contracts, including Charles Baker and Alf Littlehales from Stoke and Fred Hollands from Millwall.
Saints' first league match was played at the Antelope Ground on 6 October 1894 in front of a crowd estimated at between 4,000 and 5,000, who paid 6d each for admittance; Harry Offer, Jack Angus and Fred Hollands scored in a 3–1 victory over Chatham. During the match, Chatham's centre-forward, Gamble, was sent-off for making "uncomplimentary" comments to the referee following Southampton's second goal, for which he claimed the ball had been "carried right into goal on one of the player's arms".
The Saints' first home defeat came against Luton on 22 December (2–1), having previously lost at Luton by a 4–1 scoreline; the worst defeat (4–0) came at Millwall on 23 March with their best result coming a week later, a 7–1 victory over Swindon Town on 30 March, with two goals each from Jack Angus and Herbert Ward. Saints finished their inaugural league season in third place, behind Millwall and Luton Town.
Saints supplemented their fixture list with several friendly matches, including matches in November against Football League clubs, Stoke and Bolton Wanderers, the latter being won 5–2. On 19 January, the Saints entertained a team from the Wiltshire Regiment, winning 13–0 on a "quagmire of a pitch" at the Antelope Ground, with Joe Rogers scoring ten goals. in April, after the league season had ended, the Saints entertained teams from Tottenham Hotspur (drawn 0–0) and the famous Corinthian club, which was won 2–0.
The Saints continued to take part in the local cup tournaments, winning the Hampshire Senior Cup for the third time with a 5–1 victory in the final over the Royal Artillery.
FA Cup.
In the FA Cup, Southampton met Newbury on 13 October 1894 in the first qualifying round at the Antelope Ground. Saints were "in particularly rampant mood" and won 14–0, with hat-tricks from Herbert Ward and Arthur Nineham; this is still Southampton's biggest victory in a competitive match. They had easy victories in the next three rounds, defeating Reading 5–2, Marlow 7–3 and Warmley 5–1, with all four qualifying matches being played at the Antelope Ground. This meant that the Saints went into the draw for the First Round proper for the first time, from which they received yet another home tie, against Nottingham Forest of the First Division.
The match against Nottingham Forest was played at the Antelope Ground on 2 February 1895. On the day of the match, the pitch was covered with three inches (76 mm) of snow. After a long delay, while the referee assessed whether or not the frozen ground was fit to play on, the crowd (estimated at 7,000) were admitted. Despite scoring 31 goals in the qualifying stages, the Saints were no match for the "skill, subtlety and cohesion" of their opponents who ran out 4–1 victors, with two goals from Thomas Rose The local press blamed the defeat on the failure of the Southampton players to train adequately and also suggested that the "more northerly visitors were more accustomed to the Arctic conditions"".
Player statistics.
The players who appeared in the Southern League or FA Cup matches were as follows. This list does not include players who only played in friendly or reserve team matches.
<doc id="27086614" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086614" title="The Queen Elizabeth Academy">
The Queen Elizabeth Academy
The Queen Elizabeth Academy (formerly Queen Elizabeth School) is a mixed secondary school with academy status. It is located on Witherley Road, Atherstone, Warwickshire, England, and the Principal is Mr N. Harding. The school is dependent on the 6 values.
<doc id="27086620" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086620" title="Pro Tour (disambiguation)">
Pro Tour (disambiguation)
<doc id="27086626" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086626" title="Tour (disambiguation)">
Tour (disambiguation)
<doc id="27086634" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086634" title="Esther Regina">
Esther Regina
Esther Regina is a Spanish actress.
Esther Regina studied Dramatic Arts in Brussels. She holds a university degree in French Philology.
Her training and experience in several countries has strengthened her career and she has been awarded acting roles in Spanish, French, German, Italian and English. She has pursued training in theatre, voice and dance. After her graduation at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid she furthered her studies at the universities of Sorbonne, Grenoble, and Metz (France), and Saarland (Germany). She worked as a translator for the European Parliament in Luxembourg and later in Brussels, again for the European Union, where she acted for years with the Teatro Español de Bruselas, being one of its founding members along with director Pollux Hernúñez.
Since her return to Spain, Regina has worked in theatre, television and films for directors including Lucas Fernández and Sigfrid Monleón. In the film "Ispansi!", directed by Carlos Iglesias, she played the protagonist.
Regina has acted in numerous television series such as "Moon, Calenda's mystery", with Belén Rueda.
<doc id="27086643" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086643" title="European Medical Leech">
European Medical Leech
<doc id="27086645" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086645" title="Rojs Piziks">
Rojs Piziks
Rojs Piziks (born February 12, 1971 in Sigulda) is a retired male decathlete and high jumper from Latvia, who competed for his native country at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, United States. He set his personal best score (8045 points) in the men's decathlon on June 16, 1996 at a meet in Riga. Piziks is a four-time national champion in the men's decathlon.
<doc id="27086648" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086648" title="Respect – The Unity Coalition">
Respect – The Unity Coalition
<doc id="27086652" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086652" title="Makurdi Airport">
Makurdi Airport
Makurdi Airport is an airport serving Makurdi, the capital city of Benue State in Nigeria.
The runway has an additional paved overrun on each end. The Makurdi non-directional beacon (Ident: MK) is northwest of the runway.
<doc id="27086657" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086657" title="Makurdi Air Force Base">
Makurdi Air Force Base
<doc id="27086659" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086659" title="A man with disabilities">
A man with disabilities
<doc id="27086660" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086660" title="Toshikazu Irie">
Toshikazu Irie
is a former Japanese football player.
<doc id="27086661" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086661" title="Makurdi Air Base">
Makurdi Air Base
<doc id="27086662" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086662" title="Criticism of The Simpsons">
Criticism of The Simpsons
<doc id="27086667" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086667" title="Doliracetam">
Doliracetam is a nootropic drug (cognition enhancer) from the racetam family used in treatment of
According to the Hoechst patent title, it has "neuroanabolic" action.
<doc id="27086685" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086685" title="List of TUI fly Netherlands destinations">
List of TUI fly Netherlands destinations
As of September 2020, TUI fly Netherlands operates to the following destinations:
<doc id="27086691" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086691" title="Mike Kogel">
Mike Kogel
<doc id="27086703" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086703" title="Green St. Bunker, West End">
Green St. Bunker, West End
<doc id="27086708" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086708" title="Secondary cremation">
Secondary cremation
Primary cremation and secondary cremation are terms in archaeology for describing burials of cremated bodies.
Primary cremation refers to burials where the body is burned "on the spot", in the grave. A secondary cremation is the burning of the body in one spot and then burying the remains and grave goods elsewhere. Secondary cremation may also more specifically refer to a cremation where the body is burned on a pyre, after which the bones are collected from the ashes and buried elsewhere (Sprague 2005:138). A famous account of such a burial is that of Homer's "Iliad", describing the funeral of Patroclus.
<doc id="27086709" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086709" title="Mark Fricker">
Mark Fricker
Mark Fricker (born November 23, 1959) is a retired middle-distance track and field runner who achieved the sub-four-minute mile in the 1980s. Fricker failed to win many of the races he ran because he did not possess the fast finishing kick of his contemporaries like Steve Scott, John Walker, Eamon Coughlan, Sydney Maree, Ray Flynn and the other legends of 1980s mile racing. His only actionable strategy to win was to run hard from the beginning of the race.
In the time when professionalism in track and field was still relatively new and pacesetters were not written into the rule books, Fricker became a popular addition to major races because he set up the competition to run fast times.
Early career.
He was a high school star from Hemet High School. In 1977, Fricker won the mile at the prestigious Arcadia Invitational and finished second in the CIF California State Meet, losing on the last lap to kicker Mark Stillman. He then ran for Oregon State University, where he still holds the school record for the 1500-meter run.
Career peak.
1982 was his peak year, when he managed to achieve the number 10 ranking amongst milers in the United States. He and his bright red hair received much TV time in the lead of big races, like the USA Outdoor Track and Field Championships only to be engulfed by the fast finishers. Steve Scott's training log credits Fricker. Scott set the American Record, Walker set the New Zealand National Record, and Flynn set the Irish National Record in the 1982 Bislett Dream Mile in Oslo, Norway following Fricker's pacesetting. To date, of those three records, only the American record has been improved upon just once, over 25 years later.
In 1984, Fricker finished ninth in the U.S. Olympic Trials after leading the race with almost a quarter mile to go.
Fricker's career extended for most of the 1980s based on his ability to set up great races
Fricker's record for a 1500-meter run has been ranked as the 658th best 1500m run time ever recorded.
Personal life.
Fricker's daughter, McKayla won the 2014 NCAA Women's Division II Outdoor Track and Field Championships in 800 meters while representing Seattle Pacific University. After college, she was the training partner of Alexa Efraimson.
<doc id="27086711" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086711" title="Book of Mormon (disambiguation)">
Book of Mormon (disambiguation)
The Book of Mormon is a sacred text of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
It may also refer to:
<doc id="27086712" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086712" title="Star spike">
Star spike
<doc id="27086713" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086713" title="Kamil Damašek">
Kamil Damašek
Kamil Damašek (born September 22, 1973 in Žatec, Czechoslovakia) is a retired male decathlete from the Czech Republic, who competed for his native country at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia. A member of Dukla Prague he set his personal best score (8256 points) in the men's decathlon in 1996.
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Convair F2Y
<doc id="27086727" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086727" title="Quercus muhlenbergii">
Quercus muhlenbergii
<doc id="27086731" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086731" title="R. Ilai I">
R. Ilai I
<doc id="27086735" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086735" title="LARES (satellite)">
LARES (satellite)
LARES (Laser Relativity Satellite) is a passive satellite system of the Italian Space Agency.
LARES 1 was launched into orbit on 13 February 2012 at 10:00:00 UTC. It was launched on the first Vega rocket from the ESA Centre Spatial Guyanais in Kourou, French Guiana.
The satellite is made of THA-18N, a tungsten alloy, and houses 92 cube-corner retroreflectors, which are used to track the satellite via laser from stations on Earth. LARES's body has a diameter of about and a mass of about . LARES was inserted in a nearly circular orbit near and an inclination of 69.49 degrees. The satellite is tracked by the International Laser Ranging Service stations.
The LARES satellite is the densest object known orbiting the Earth. The high density helps reduce disturbances from environmental factors such as solar radiation pressure.
Scientific goals.
The main scientific target of the LARES mission is the measurement of the Lense–Thirring effect with an accuracy of about 1%, according to principal investigator Ignazio Ciufolini and the LARES scientific team, but the reliability of that estimate is contested.
In contrast, a recent analysis of 3.5 years of laser-ranging data reported a claimed accuracy of about 4%. Critical remarks appeared later in the literature.
Beyond the project's key mission, the LARES satellite may be used for other tests of general relativity as well as measurements in the fields of geodynamics and satellite geodesy.
A second satellite, LARES 2, was launched into orbit on 13 July 2022 at 13:13:43 UTC on a Vega-C. It was originally due to launch in mid-2021. The launch was delayed to mid-2022 due to continuing impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic.
LARES 2 may improve the accuracy of the frame-dragging effect measurement to 0.2%. LARES 2 is made of a nickel alloy instead of a tungsten alloy.
<doc id="27086737" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086737" title="Ilai I">
Ilai I
<doc id="27086739" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086739" title="Obelisk ships">
Obelisk ships
<doc id="27086745" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086745" title="Frame-dragging">
Frame-dragging is an effect on spacetime, predicted by Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity, that is due to non-static stationary distributions of mass–energy. A stationary field is one that is in a steady state, but the masses causing that field may be non-static — rotating, for instance. More generally, the subject that deals with the effects caused by mass–energy currents is known as gravitoelectromagnetism, which is analogous to the magnetism of classical electromagnetism.
The first frame-dragging effect was derived in 1918, in the framework of general relativity, by the Austrian physicists Josef Lense and Hans Thirring, and is also known as the Lense–Thirring effect. They predicted that the rotation of a massive object would distort the spacetime metric, making the orbit of a nearby test particle precess. This does not happen in Newtonian mechanics for which the gravitational field of a body depends only on its mass, not on its rotation. The Lense–Thirring effect is very small – about one part in a few trillion. To detect it, it is necessary to examine a very massive object, or build an instrument that is very sensitive.
In 2015, new general-relativistic extensions of Newtonian rotation laws were formulated to describe geometric dragging of frames which incorporates a newly discovered antidragging effect.
Rotational frame-dragging (the Lense–Thirring effect) appears in the general principle of relativity and similar theories in the vicinity of rotating massive objects. Under the Lense–Thirring effect, the frame of reference in which a clock ticks the fastest is one which is revolving around the object as viewed by a distant observer. This also means that light traveling in the direction of rotation of the object will move past the massive object faster than light moving against the rotation, as seen by a distant observer. It is now the best known frame-dragging effect, partly thanks to the Gravity Probe B experiment. Qualitatively, frame-dragging can be viewed as the gravitational analog of electromagnetic induction.
Also, an inner region is dragged more than an outer region. This produces interesting locally rotating frames. For example, imagine that a north–south-oriented ice skater, in orbit over the equator of a rotating black hole and rotationally at rest with respect to the stars, extends her arms. The arm extended toward the black hole will be "torqued" spinward due to gravitomagnetic induction ("torqued" is in quotes because gravitational effects are not considered "forces" under GR). Likewise the arm extended away from the black hole will be torqued anti-spinward. She will therefore be rotationally sped up, in a counter-rotating sense to the black hole. This is the opposite of what happens in everyday experience. There exists a particular rotation rate that, should she be initially rotating at that rate when she extends her arms, inertial effects and frame-dragging effects will balance and her rate of rotation will not change. Due to the equivalence principle, gravitational effects are locally indistinguishable from inertial effects, so this rotation rate, at which when she extends her arms nothing happens, is her local reference for non-rotation. This frame is rotating with respect to the fixed stars and counter-rotating with respect to the black hole. This effect is analogous to the hyperfine structure in atomic spectra due to nuclear spin. A useful metaphor is a planetary gear system with the black hole being the sun gear, the ice skater being a planetary gear and the outside universe being the ring gear. See Mach's principle.
Another interesting consequence is that, for an object constrained in an equatorial orbit, but not in freefall, it weighs more if orbiting anti-spinward, and less if orbiting spinward. For example, in a suspended equatorial bowling alley, a bowling ball rolled anti-spinward would weigh more than the same ball rolled in a spinward direction. Note, frame dragging will neither accelerate nor slow down the bowling ball in either direction. It is not a "viscosity". Similarly, a stationary plumb-bob suspended over the rotating object will not list. It will hang vertically. If it starts to fall, induction will push it in the spinward direction.
Linear frame dragging is the similarly inevitable result of the general principle of relativity, applied to linear momentum. Although it arguably has equal theoretical legitimacy to the "rotational" effect, the difficulty of obtaining an experimental verification of the effect means that it receives much less discussion and is often omitted from articles on frame-dragging (but see Einstein, 1921).
Static mass increase is a third effect noted by Einstein in the same paper. The effect is an increase in inertia of a body when other masses are placed nearby. While not strictly a frame dragging effect (the term frame dragging is not used by Einstein), it is demonstrated by Einstein that it derives from the same equation of general relativity. It is also a tiny effect that is difficult to confirm experimentally.
Experimental tests.
In 1976 Van Patten and Everitt proposed to implement a dedicated mission aimed to measure the Lense–Thirring node precession of a pair of counter-orbiting spacecraft to be placed in terrestrial polar orbits with drag-free apparatus. A somewhat equivalent, cheaper version of such an idea was put forth in 1986 by Ciufolini who proposed to launch a passive, geodetic satellite in an orbit identical to that of the LAGEOS satellite, launched in 1976, apart from the orbital planes which should have been displaced by 180 deg apart: the so-called butterfly configuration. The measurable quantity was, in this case, the sum of the nodes of LAGEOS and of the new spacecraft, later named LAGEOS III, LARES, WEBER-SAT.
Limiting the scope to the scenarios involving existing orbiting bodies, the first proposal to use the LAGEOS satellite and the Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) technique to measure the Lense–Thirring effect dates back to 1977–1978. Tests have started to be effectively performed by using the LAGEOS and LAGEOS II satellites in 1996, according to a strategy involving the use of a suitable combination of the nodes of both satellites and the perigee of LAGEOS II. The latest tests with the LAGEOS satellites have been performed in 2004–2006 by discarding the perigee of LAGEOS II and using a linear combination. Recently, a comprehensive overview of the attempts to measure the Lense-Thirring effect with artificial satellites was published in the literature. The overall accuracy reached in the tests with the LAGEOS satellites is subject to some controversy.
The Gravity Probe B experiment was a satellite-based mission by a Stanford group and NASA, used to experimentally measure another gravitomagnetic effect, the Schiff precession of a gyroscope, to an expected 1% accuracy or better. Unfortunately such accuracy was not achieved. The first preliminary results released in April 2007 pointed towards an accuracy of 256–128%, with the hope of reaching about 13% in December 2007.
In 2008 the Senior Review Report of the NASA Astrophysics Division Operating Missions stated that it was unlikely that Gravity Probe B team will be able to reduce the errors to the level necessary to produce a convincing test of currently untested aspects of General Relativity (including frame-dragging).
On May 4, 2011, the Stanford-based analysis group and NASA announced the final report, and in it the data from GP-B demonstrated the frame-dragging effect with an error of about 19 percent, and Einstein's predicted value was at the center of the confidence interval.
NASA published claims of success in verification of frame dragging for the GRACE twin satellites and Gravity Probe B, both of which claims are still in public view. A research group in Italy, USA, and UK also claimed success in verification of frame dragging with the Grace gravity model, published in a peer reviewed journal. All the claims include recommendations for further research at greater accuracy and other gravity models.
In the case of stars orbiting close to a spinning, supermassive black hole, frame dragging should cause the star's orbital plane to precess about the black hole spin axis. This effect should be detectable within the next few years via astrometric monitoring of stars at the center of the Milky Way galaxy.
By comparing the rate of orbital precession of two stars on different orbits, it is possible in principle to test the no-hair theorems of general relativity, in addition to measuring the spin of the black hole.
Astronomical evidence.
Relativistic jets may provide evidence for the reality of frame-dragging. Gravitomagnetic forces produced by the Lense–Thirring effect (frame dragging) within the ergosphere of rotating black holes combined with the energy extraction mechanism by Penrose have been used to explain the observed properties of relativistic jets. The gravitomagnetic model developed by Reva Kay Williams predicts the observed high energy particles (~GeV) emitted by quasars and active galactic nuclei; the extraction of X-rays, γ-rays, and relativistic e−– e+ pairs; the collimated jets about the polar axis; and the asymmetrical formation of jets (relative to the orbital plane).
The Lense–Thirring effect has been observed in a binary system that consists of a massive white dwarf and a pulsar.
Mathematical derivation.
Frame-dragging may be illustrated most readily using the Kerr metric, which describes the geometry of spacetime in the vicinity of a mass "M" rotating with angular momentum "J", and Boyer–Lindquist coordinates (see the link for the transformation):
where "r""s" is the Schwarzschild radius
and where the following shorthand variables have been introduced for brevity
In the non-relativistic limit where "M" (or, equivalently, "r""s") goes to zero, the Kerr metric becomes the orthogonal metric for the oblate spheroidal coordinates
We may rewrite the Kerr metric in the following form
This metric is equivalent to a co-rotating reference frame that is rotating with angular speed Ω that depends on both the radius "r" and the colatitude "θ"
In the plane of the equator this simplifies to:
Thus, an inertial reference frame is entrained by the rotating central mass to participate in the latter's rotation; this is frame-dragging.
An extreme version of frame dragging occurs within the ergosphere of a rotating black hole. The Kerr metric has two surfaces on which it appears to be singular. The inner surface corresponds to a spherical event horizon similar to that observed in the Schwarzschild metric; this occurs at
where the purely radial component "grr" of the metric goes to infinity. The outer surface can be approximated by an oblate spheroid with lower spin parameters, and resembles a pumpkin-shape with higher spin parameters. It touches the inner surface at the poles of the rotation axis, where the colatitude "θ" equals 0 or π; its radius in Boyer-Lindquist coordinates is defined by the formula
where the purely temporal component "gtt" of the metric changes sign from positive to negative. The space between these two surfaces is called the ergosphere. A moving particle experiences a positive proper time along its worldline, its path through spacetime. However, this is impossible within the ergosphere, where "gtt" is negative, unless the particle is co-rotating with the interior mass "M" with an angular speed at least of Ω. However, as seen above, frame-dragging occurs about every rotating mass and at every radius "r" and colatitude "θ", not only within the ergosphere.
Lense–Thirring effect inside a rotating shell.
The Lense–Thirring effect inside a rotating shell was taken by Albert Einstein as not just support for, but a vindication of Mach's principle, in a letter he wrote to Ernst Mach in 1913 (five years before Lense and Thirring's work, and two years before he had attained the final form of general relativity). A reproduction of the letter can be found in Misner, Thorne, Wheeler. The general effect scaled up to cosmological distances, is still used as a support for Mach's principle.
Inside a rotating spherical shell the acceleration due to the Lense–Thirring effect would be
where the coefficients are
for "MG" ≪ "Rc"2 or more precisely,
The spacetime inside the rotating spherical shell will not be flat. A flat spacetime inside a rotating mass shell is possible if the shell is allowed to deviate from a precisely spherical shape and the mass density inside the shell is allowed to vary.
<doc id="27086746" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086746" title="Pierre Brabant">
Pierre Brabant
Pierre Brabant (26 August 1925 – 28 August 2014) was a Canadian composer and pianist. He appeared in concerts and recitals throughout Canada and performed numerous times on Canadian television and radio. He wrote music for a number of programs for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and worked as a composer, arranger, and music director for numerous recordings by a variety of Canadian artists. Starting in 1987 he performed regularly in concerts and recitals as the accompanist for opera singer Joseph Rouleau.
Life and career.
Brabant was born in Montreal, Quebec, he began his studies in piano as a child and gave his first public recital while a teenager. In 1942 he appeared on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation program "Young Artists of Tomorrow". The following year he was awarded first prize in the CBC radio competition "Les Talents de chez-nous". From 1942 to 1943 he was a piano student of Raymond David and Joseph-Élie Savaria.
In 1947-1948 Brabant took a sojourn in Paris, after which he embarked on a Canadian recital tour; giving a total of 78 recitals. He notably included some of his own compositions in his recital program, including "Sonatine en do, Caprice laurentien", "Cinq Cantilènes" and "Cinq Églogues". In his review of Brabant's 1948 recital at Plateau Hall in Montreal Jean Vallerand wrote, "Pierre Brabant is a splendid pianist and a fine artist. He also is a very intelligent, sensitive composer, with a solid technique and something to say."
In 1949 Brabant studied the organ with Marcel Dupré in Paris. That same year his ballet "La Gaspésienne", which was choreographed by Ruth Sorel, premiered in Montreal. The ballet was given performances in Toronto, New York City, and at the Great Theatre, Warsaw in 1950. He entered the Conservatoire de musique du Québec à Montréal in 1951 where he studied for two years. In 1954 he appeared as a soloist on several CBC Television programs, including "L'Heure du concert". In 1957 he pursued studies in the organ with Eugène Lapierre.
In the early 1960s Brabant developed an interest in expanding his compositional repertoire into the pop music genre. One of his earliest forays into this area was the music for Jean-Pierre Ferland's program "Feuilles de gui", which was awarded prizes in 1962 from the CBC and in Brussels. Several soundtracks for CBC children's programs followed, including "Tour de terre", "Au clair de soleil", and "Soleil et jours de pluie". He also composed music for a number of albums for children, including "20 Contes pour enfants par Tante Lucille" for RCA. He also recorded the theme song and played the background music for the popular TV series "Rue des Pignons" from 1967 to 1978, and composed music for the TV show "La Semaine verte".
Brabant served as music director and arranger for several recordings during the 1960s through the 1980s, including ones by Jean-Paul Filion, Hervé Brousseau, Georges Dor and Félix Leclerc. In 1987 he began working regularly with bass Joseph Rouleau as an accompanist. Many of their recitals together have been devoted to Leclerc's music.
<doc id="27086751" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086751" title="Nils Fjellstrom">
Nils Fjellstrom
<doc id="27086752" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086752" title="Obelisk carrier">
Obelisk carrier
<doc id="27086755" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086755" title="Pilana Raja Maha Vihara">
Pilana Raja Maha Vihara
The Pilana Raja Maha Vihara or Pilana Temple is a Buddhist temple in Galle, Sri Lanka. The Chief Incumbent (Chief Priest) is Meepe Wagira Thera. The temple is well known in the southern part of the island for its historical Perahera festival.
The Pilana Raja Maha Vihara is located in the Galle District, near the Galle–Akuressa Highway (A17), about from Galle. The temple is situated on a small hill surrounded by paddy fields, and is visible from the Galle–Akuressa Highway.
<doc id="27086759" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086759" title="Fur Farming (Prohibition) (Scotland) Act 2002">
Fur Farming (Prohibition) (Scotland) Act 2002
The Fur Farming (Prohibition) (Scotland) Act 2002 (asp 10) is an Act of the Scottish Parliament "to prohibit the keeping of animals solely or primarily for slaughter for the value of their fur". It received Royal Assent on 11 April 2002.
The last fur farm in Scotland closed in 1993, but the Scottish Executive nevertheless described the act as necessary due to the Fur Farming (Prohibition) Act 2000, which prohibited fur farming in England and Wales.
<doc id="27086760" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086760" title="Fur Farming (Prohibition) Act 2000">
Fur Farming (Prohibition) Act 2000
The Fur Farming (Prohibition) Act 2000 (c. 33) is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom to "prohibit the keeping of animals solely or primarily for slaughter for the value of their fur" in England and Wales. It received Royal Assent on 23 November 2000.
A public consultation in 1998 found that there was "overwhelming public support to end the practice." Prior to the ban, there were 11 fur farms in the UK, producing up to 100,000 mink skins each year.
The act only extends to England and Wales. Fur farming was later prohibited in Scotland by the Fur Farming (Prohibition) (Scotland) Act 2002. The last fur farm in Scotland closed in 1993, but rural development minister Ross Finnie nevertheless said the Scottish act was "very necessary", adding that "It would be somewhat perverse to have one part of the UK paying compensation to ban fur farming only to allow it to relocate and start up a fresh business in another part of the UK."
Fur farming was also banned in Northern Ireland in 2002 under the Fur Farming (Prohibition) (Northern Ireland) Order 2002.
<doc id="27086765" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086765" title="Tommy Dahlstrom">
Tommy Dahlstrom
<doc id="27086770" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086770" title="R. Ilai II">
R. Ilai II
<doc id="27086773" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086773" title="Beniamino Poserina">
Beniamino Poserina
Beniamino Poserina (born 6 November 1970) is a retired male decathlete from Italy.
He competed for his native country at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia. A member of Fiamme Azzurre Roma he set his personal best score (8169 points) in the men's decathlon on 6 October 1996 in Formia. That mark still is the national record.
National titles.
He has won 8 times the individual national championship.
<doc id="27086775" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086775" title="Ilai II">
Ilai II
<doc id="27086782" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086782" title="JP Holdings">
JP Holdings
<doc id="27086789" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086789" title="Egyptian Reconstructionism">
Egyptian Reconstructionism
<doc id="27086791" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086791" title="Brian Brown (Australian footballer)">
Brian Brown (Australian footballer)
Brian Brown (born 27 September 1957) is a former Australian rules footballer who played with Fitzroy and Essendon in the Victorian Football League (VFL).
Brown, who often played in the back pocket, struggled with injuries while at Fitzroy but put together 15 games in 1977 and 19 games in 1978. He missed the entire 1980 season through injury but returned in 1981 to add a further seven games and during the year bring up his 50th VFL game. This would later prove crucial as the Brisbane Lions were able to sign his son Jonathan under the father–son rule in 1999.
He spent the 1982 VFL season at Essendon and then signed with Coburg, where he played in 1983. From 1984 to 1986, Brown captain-coached Colac in the Hampden Football League. He continued on in 1987 as a player and was the league's 'Best and Fairest' winner.
Brown graduated from St Patrick's College, Ballarat in 1975, where he was captain of the school, as well as being the captain of 1st XVIII football and 1st XI cricket sides.
Brown now is a teacher at Emmanuel College, Warrnambool. He is currently one of two deputy principals.
<doc id="27086798" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086798" title="Michael Riggs">
Michael Riggs
<doc id="27086799" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086799" title="Imam Ali Bin Ibi Taleb">
Imam Ali Bin Ibi Taleb
<doc id="27086800" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086800" title="Private Bills">
Private Bills
<doc id="27086803" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086803" title="Get To You">
Get To You
<doc id="27086820" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086820" title="Hurricane Priscilla (1967)">
Hurricane Priscilla (1967)
<doc id="27086822" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086822" title="Hurricane Priscilla (1971)">
Hurricane Priscilla (1971)
<doc id="27086827" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086827" title="Tropical Storm Priscilla (1975)">
Tropical Storm Priscilla (1975)
<doc id="27086830" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086830" title="Hurricane Priscilla (1983)">
Hurricane Priscilla (1983)
<doc id="27086833" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086833" title="Tropical Storm Priscilla (1989)">
Tropical Storm Priscilla (1989)
<doc id="27086834" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086834" title="HTC Click">
HTC Click
<doc id="27086837" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086837" title="Vyborg HVDC-back-to-back station">
Vyborg HVDC-back-to-back station
<doc id="27086845" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086845" title="Zaria Airport">
Zaria Airport
Zaria Airport is an airport serving Zaria, a city in the Kaduna State of Nigeria. The airport is north of the city. Nigerian College of Aviation Technology NCAT is based on the grounds of the airport.
There is no scheduled airline operations at the airport. The airport is for training students to become pilots. It's institution of aviation technology which is a federal government that control the affair of the college of technology.
The Zaria non-directional beacon (Ident: ZA) is on the field.
The Nigerian College of Aviation Technology Zaria was setup in 1964 with the responsibility of training pilots, Air traffic controller, Aircraft maintenance engineers, Aeronautical Telecommunication engineers, cabin crew, flight dispatchers and other aviation professional.
<doc id="27086846" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086846" title="Cannonsville">
<doc id="27086850" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086850" title="Faith hope and sanity">
Faith hope and sanity
<doc id="27086851" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086851" title="Renaissance architect">
Renaissance architect
<doc id="27086853" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086853" title="Thoremin">
<doc id="27086870" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086870" title="Japan Post Service Co., Ltd.">
Japan Post Service Co., Ltd.
<doc id="27086876" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086876" title="Japan Post Service Co.">
Japan Post Service Co.
<doc id="27086878" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086878" title="Thyroid nodules">
Thyroid nodules
<doc id="27086885" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086885" title="Stigmella vittata">
Stigmella vittata
Stigmella vittata is a moth of the family Nepticulidae. It is only known from Honshu in Japan.
Adults are on wing from early May. There are two to three generations per year.
The larvae feed on "Salix" species, including "Salix gracilistyla". They mine the leaves of their host plant. The mine is a false blotch mine occurring on the upper-side of the leaf. It starts as thin linear gallery, often following a vein at least for a short distance. Here, the frass line is linear and occupies almost the whole mine-cavity. Later, it widens and becomes contorted, usually following a margin of the previous gallery. Thus the mine is often restricted to a small area and forms a false blotch. There are often several mines on a single leaf. The larva exits the mine by a semi-circular slit at the terminal end of mine.
<doc id="27086896" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086896" title="Stigmella acrochaetia">
Stigmella acrochaetia
Stigmella acrochaetia is a moth of the family Nepticulidae. It is only known from Hokkaido in Japan.
<doc id="27086904" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086904" title="Preston Castle, Lancashire, England">
Preston Castle, Lancashire, England
<doc id="27086906" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086906" title="1952 Houston Cougars football team">
1952 Houston Cougars football team
The 1952 Houston Cougars football team, also known as the Houston Cougars, Houston, or UH, represented the University of Houston in the 1952 college football season as a member of the NCAA. It was the 7th year of season play for Houston. The team was coached by fifth-year head coach Clyde Lee. The team played its games off-campus at Rice Stadium, which had been built in 1950. The Cougars finished the season ranked as #19 by the Coaches Poll. It was the first time Houston finished a season as a nationally ranked team. Another first for the program was a conference championship, as the Cougars earned a perfect 3–0 record in Missouri Valley Conference play.
Following the season, Houston defensive tackle J. D. Kimmel was voted as the program's first All-American. Kimmel had been drafted by the San Francisco 49ers in the 1952 NFL Draft prior to the season's beginning, and would later be drafted into the Houston Cougars Hall of Honor in 1973. Four other Houston players were also taken in the 1952 NFL Draft.
Game summaries.
Texas A&M.
The Houston Cougars met with in-state rival Texas A&M for the first time as they hosted the Aggies at off-campus Rice Stadium in Houston. Texas A&M was a member of the Southwest Conference, and was led by second-year head coach Raymond George. With an attendance of 54,000, it was the second-largest crowd that Houston had competed for at the time, only surpassed by the 55,000 from the previous season's opener against #9 Baylor. It was the third time that the Houston Cougars faced a Southwest Conference opponent in its history, and was a continuation of the losing streak against the conference. This followed the rejection of Houston along with Texas Tech by the conference in their bids to join just months earlier. While Texas A&M was slightly favored, Houston was considered to have one of the best teams in the history of its program. Army transfer and Texarkana native J.D. Kimmel was a draftee in the previous NFL Draft, and eventually went on to have a career in the professional league.
The game's first half was dominated by the Aggies, as their second possession of the game yielded their first touchdown. Texas A&M executed another successful touchdown before the end of the first half, while Houston was still scoreless. The third quarter featured Houston's first score of the game, with an 80-yard drive leading to a touchdown. However, with a low PAT kick, the Cougars trailed the Aggies 14–6. The Aggies answered with another touchdown. Despite quarterback Bobby Clatterbuck completing a 27-yard end zone pass to S.M. Meeks for a touchdown and successfully achieving the extra point during the fourth quarter, Houston would not answer with any more points for the duration of the game, and lost.
Following the 1952 season, Texas A&M became a regular opponent of Houston, and the two continued to meet with each other every year through 1965.
Next, Houston met with another Southwest Conference opponent, the Arkansas Razorbacks at Razorback Stadium in Fayetteville, Arkansas. This was another first meeting between teams. Arkansas was coached by third-year head coach Otis Douglas, and was coming off of a 22–20 win over conference opponent Oklahoma State (then known as "Oklahoma A&M"). An established Arkansas team was favored to win, and the upset over the Razorbacks marked the first victory for a Houston team over a Southwest Conference opponent.
Houston won the coin toss, and elected to kickoff to the Razorbacks for the first play of the game. Arkansas returned the kick to the 24-yard line. During the first scrimmage of the game, Arkansas fumbled, and Houston's Jack Chambers recovered the ball for a turnover. Although unsuccessful for a touchdown drive, the Cougars moved the ball far enough for Houston's Verle Cray to kick a field goal for the first score of the game on fourth down. During the second quarter, Arkansas took the lead with a 62-yard reception by Razorback Lewis Carpenter for a touchdown. This was to be their sole score of the game. In the third quarter, Meeks rushed for the Cougars' first touchdown, and brought Houston back in the lead. Houston fullback Tommy Bailes scored the final touchdown of the game in the fourth quarter, when he received a 60-yard pass. The Houston Cougars had defeated the Arkansas Razorbacks in front of a crowd of 12,000.
Arkansas went on to have an abysmal season, and only won one other game (against the Baylor Bears) to finish with a 2–8 record. Head coach Otis Douglas resigned following the season end.
Oklahoma A&M.
Houston traveled to Lewis Field in Stillwater, Oklahoma to meet with rivals the Oklahoma A&M Aggies (now known as the Oklahoma State Cowboys) in the Cougars' Missouri Valley Conference season opener game. It was the second meeting between the two teams, as the Aggies had traveled to Houston the season prior. In their first meeting, the Cougars defeated Oklahoma A&M with a score of 31–7. Oklahoma A&M's head coach was Jennings B. Whitworth who was in his third-year with the Aggies. The team's record for the season was a winless 0–2, where both Texas A&M and Arkansas had beaten them. Attendance for the game was 15,000.
Houston's defense shined, as they held Oklahoma A&M's offense to a combined rushing and passing total of only 62 yards. In the first quarter of the game, Verle Cray kicked a field goal to give Houston an early lead. Six fumbles by the Houston offense allowed the Aggies a chance to score a rushing touchdown in the second quarter, however it would be their only successful score of the game. A&M continued with their lead until the fourth quarter when Houston's Sam McWhirter received a touchdown pass from Clatterbuck. The victory by the Cougars helped their overall record improve to 2–1 with a conference record of 1–0, and a perfect 2–0 all-time series record against the Aggies.
Houston returned to Rice Stadium in Houston for their homecoming game against another Missouri Valley Conference opponent, the Tulsa Golden Hurricane. Tulsa was heavily favored to win, as their dominant offense was considered the best in the nation and Houston's all-time series record against the Golden Hurricane was 0–2. Their coach Buddy Brothers, in his seventh year of his tenure, had led Tulsa to win the MVC championship both last season and the season before. Attendance for the game was announced as 31,000.
Houston's defense came in handy against the Golden Hurricane, as they held their highly rated offense to only 200 yards of total rushing and passing. The Cougar offense also excelled, as the victory proved to be a blowout. Houston's overall record improved to 3–1, and they moved ahead to the number one spot in the Missouri Valley Conference with a 2–0 record. Following the defeat of Tulsa, Houston students blocked all entrances to campus buildings on the following Monday and declared a holiday for the university. UH President Kemmerer condoned the action, thus making it official.
Tulsa went on to earn a respectable 8–2–1 overall record, only losing one other time to powerhouse Florida, while defeating Kansas State, Texas Tech, and Arkansas.
Arizona State.
Houston traveled to Goodwin Stadium in Tempe, Arizona for the next game on their schedule which was a meeting with the Arizona State Sun Devils of the Border Conference. The Sun Devils were coached by first-year head coach Clyde Smith. Smith came to Arizona State from Indiana, where he had coached since 1948. Arizona State's record at this point in the season was 3–1, as they had lost to San Jose State two games prior. This was another first meeting for the Cougars, and Goodwin Stadium was filled with a sold-out crowd of 15,000.
Houston continued its winning streak against the Sun Devils. Despite only scoring six points, the Cougars managed a shutout victory by entirely holding off the Arizona State offense. Houston's offense also struggled, and gave up three fumbles in five drives. In the second quarter, linebacker Paul Carr recovered a fumble from the Sun Devils on Arizona State's seven-yard line. S.M. Meeks forced the touchdown in a rush. However, placekicker Jack Howton's attempt at an extra point was wide. This led to a lead which Houston kept for the entirety of the game.
The victory allowed for Houston to improve their overall season record to 4–1. Arizona State went on to complete its season with a 6–3 record.
Texas Tech.
Houston continued their next game on the road at Jones Stadium in Lubbock, Texas to face the Texas Tech Red Raiders. Like their previous opponent, Texas Tech was a member of the Border Conference. It was the Red Raiders' homecoming game, and a crowd of 18,000 was in attendance. Texas Tech's head coach was second-year DeWitt Weaver, and their record for the season thus far was 1–4. Houston was expected to continue its winning streak, and was a favorite for the game.
Houston's first two scores of the game were ultimately due to the result of intercepted passes. Texas Tech's score was in the third quarter, as Houston attempted a lateral pass that was intercepted. Houston's overall record improved to 5–1. Texas Tech's record following the season was 3–7–1.
Ole Miss.
Houston returned home to Rice Stadium for the rest of its season schedule with its next game against the nationally ranked Ole Miss of the Southeastern Conference. Johnny Vaught served as head coach for the Rebels, and was in his sixth year doing so. Having great success with a 5–0–2 record, the Rebels were nationally ranked in the AP Poll as #14. This was the second time in history that Houston had played against a nationally ranked opponent on the AP Poll, as the prior season the Cougars had been defeated by then #9 Baylor. At least two days prior to the face-off, the Gator Bowl selection committee announced that it was interested in inviting Houston to the 1953 edition of the bowl game, and that it committee members would be present for the Ole Miss game at Rice Stadium. With 34,000 fans in attendance for the game, it was Houston's second-largest home crowd at that point of the season.
The game proved to showcase defensive skill for both teams, as the only score by either team came in the second quarter from the Ole Miss Rebels, as the result of a Cougar fumble on Mississippi's 40-yard line. It had been recovered by Rebel Houston Patton. After Ole Miss drove the ball to Houston's 9-yard line, Harold Lofton rushed to gain a touchdown. However, Houston's Frank James blocked an extra point attempt to leave the score at 6–0 where it remained for the entirety of the game.
With the loss, Houston's five-game winning streak was over, and their record was worsened to 5–2. Fortunately for the team, this would be their last loss of the season. Mississippi continued their winning streak for the remainder of the regular season, suffering only one loss overall to Georgia Tech in the Sugar Bowl. Despite this, the Rebels finished the season ranked #7 in both major polls.
Coming off its second loss of the season, Houston remained at home to upset the Baylor Bears of the Southwest Conference. Coached by third-year George Sauer, Baylor held a perfect 2–0–0 all-time record against Houston. The two had last competed against each other in the previous season where Baylor was nationally ranked. Although coming to Houston with a modest 4–2–1 record, prior to the loss, the Bears were a candidate for a bowl game in the post-season. 33,000 fans were in attendance.
Following the game. The Gator Bowl selection committee made a public comment that Houston was in the running for a bid in the 1952 edition of the game. Other teams in consideration were conference mates Tulsa in addition to Syracuse and Villanova.
Two days following the win, Houston obtained a #19 ranking in the AP Poll. It was the first time the program had ever been ranked in the poll.
With the win against Baylor, Houston entered its first game as a nationally ranked team against conference opponent Detroit. The win would secure the top spot in the Missouri Valley Conference, and bring the program its first conference title. Houston had a temperature of 40 degrees Fahrenheit with rainy conditions, and attendance suffered. Only 7,200 fans attended the event at Rice Stadium.
Led by Dutch Clark, Detroit's starting lineup included nation-leading quarterback Ted Marchibroda, who would later serve as an NFL player and head coach.
Despite achieving a victory against the Titans and improving their season record to 6–2, Houston dropped out of the AP Poll.
Coaching staff.
Lines coach Harden Cooper and backfield coach Elmer Simmons had served as players for the Tulsa Golden Hurricane for head coach Lee when he was an assistant there. Ends coach Lovette Hill attended Centenary together.
After the season.
NFL Draft.
During the 1953 NFL Draft, four Houston players were drafted. It was the third time in team history that Houston players were taken in the draft. Paul "Rock" Carr was taken by the San Francisco 49ers in the seventh round and 82nd overall, but remained as a Houston player until after the 1953 season. Senior guard Frank James was taken by the Los Angeles Rams in the fourteenth round (168th overall), end Vic Hampel was taken by the Pittsburgh Steelers in the twenty-fifth round (293rd overall), and end Jim McConaughey was taken by the Green Bay Packers in the twenty-seventh round (319th overall).
During the 1954 NFL Draft, five more players from the 1952 Houston team were drafted. Tackle Maurice "Buddy" Gillioz was taken by the Los Angeles Rams in the second round (22nd overall) which was the earliest that a Houston player had been taken before. Tackle Bob Chuoke was taken by the Detroit Lions in the sixteenth round (193rd overall), back Tommy Bailes was taken by the Philadelphia Eagles in the twentieth round (237th overall), quarterback Bobby Clatterbuck was taken by the New York Giants in the twenty-seventh round (316th overall), and end Don Folks was taken by the San Francisco 49ers in the thirtieth round (359th overall).
Houston's John Carroll, Vic Hampel, and Frank James competed in the 1952 edition of the Blue–Gray Football Classic, while J. D. Kimmel was chosen to compete in the East–West Shrine Game.
J. D. Kimmel also became Houston's first All-American, when he was chosen by the Associated Press. Paul Carr also received an honorable mention by the news agency. Players chosen by the Missouri Valley Conference as all-conference selections were Vic Hampel, Bob Chuoke, S. M. Meeks, J. D. Kimmel, Buddy Gillioz, Paul Carr, Sam Hopson, and Jackie Howton.
<doc id="27086912" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086912" title="Trofeo Manta Open">
Trofeo Manta Open
<doc id="27086915" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086915" title="The Search - Film, 2010">
The Search - Film, 2010
<doc id="27086918" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086918" title="Horsepower (album)">
Horsepower (album)
Horsepower is an album by The Phoenix Foundation, released in 2003. It was re-released outside of New Zealand in 2007.
Critical reception.
"PopMatters" wrote that one of the band's "greatest strengths is a mastery of sonic nuance ... the arrangements are rich and colorful, but the texture never feels too thick." "Illinois Times" called the album's sound "a hypnotic, often melancholy brand of atmospheric alt-rock that combines beguiling vocal melodies with radiant guitars and eccentric production touches."
Track listing.
Bonus Tracks:
<doc id="27086919" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086919" title="Stigmella alikurokoi">
Stigmella alikurokoi
Stigmella alikurokoi is a moth of the family Nepticulidae. It is only known from Kyushu in Japan.
There are three generations or more per year.
The larvae feed on "Rubus buergeri", "Rubus phoenicolasius" and "Rubus palmatus var. coptophyllus". They mine the leaves of their host plant. The mine consists of a linear, long and slender gallery on the upper surface of the leaf. It sometimes runs along the leaf margin and the mid rib. It is greenish brown to brown with a dark brown central line of frass.
<doc id="27086927" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086927" title="Music of the United Kingdom (1950s)">
Music of the United Kingdom (1950s)
Music of the United Kingdom began to develop in the 1950s; from largely insular and derivative forms to become one of the leading centres of popular music in the modern world. By 1950 indigenous forms of British popular music, including folk music, brass and silver bands, music hall and dance bands, were already giving way to the influence of American forms of music including jazz, swing and traditional pop, mediated through film and records.
The significant change of the mid-1950s was the impact of American rock and roll, which provided a new model for performance and recording, based on a youth market. Initially this was dominated by American acts, or re-creations of American forms of music, but soon distinctly British forms began to appear, first in the uniquely British take on American folk music in the skiffle craze of the 1950s with artists such as Lonnie Donegan, then in the beginnings of a folk revival that came to place an emphasis on national traditions and then in early attempts to produce British rock and roll such as Cliff Richard & the Shadows' "Move It", often cited at the first British rock and roll record.
Jazz reached Britain from America through recordings and performers who visited the country while it was a relatively new genre, soon after the end of the First World War. Jazz began to be played by British musicians from the 1930s and on a widespread basis in the 1940s, often within dance bands. From the late 1950s British "modern jazz", highly influenced by American bebop, began to emerge, led by figures such as John Dankworth and Ronnie Scott, while Ken Colyer, George Webb and Humphrey Lyttelton emphasised New Orleans, trad jazz. Scott's Soho club became a focal point of British jazz, seeing the best of British and international acts. From the 1960s British Jazz began to develop more individual characteristics, absorbing a variety of influences, including free jazz, British blues, as well as European and world music.
Traditional pop.
In the early 1950s sales of American records dominated British popular music. In the first full year of the charts in 1953 major artists were Perry Como, Guy Mitchell and Frankie Laine largely with orchestrated sentimental ballads, beside novelty records such as "(How Much Is) That Doggie in the Window?" re-recorded by British artist Lita Roza. Some established British wartime stars such as Vera Lynn were still able to chart into the mid-1950s, but successful new British acts such as Jimmy Young who had two number one hits in 1955, did so with re-recorded versions of American songs "Unchained Melody" and "The Man from Laramie" or Alma Cogan with "Dreamboat". Many successful songs were the product of films, including number ones for Doris Day in 1954 with "Secret Love" from "Calamity Jane" and for Frank Sinatra with the title song from "Three Coins in the Fountain", underlining the dominance of American culture in both film and music at this time, and arguably providing a mechanism for the transference of rock and roll.
Skiffle is a type of folk music with jazz, blues and country influences, usually using homemade or improvised instruments, which had originated as a term in the United States in the first half of the 20th century. It became popular again in Britain in the 1950s, where it was associated with musician Lonnie Donegan, whose high-tempo version of Leadbelly's "Rock Island Line" was a major hit in 1956, spending eight months in the Top 20, peaking at No. 6 (and No. 8 in the U.S.). It was the first début record to go gold in Britain, selling over a million copies worldwide. The resulting short-lived skiffle craze led to a profusion of British performers and played a major part in beginning the careers of later eminent jazz, pop, blues, folk and rock musicians, including early British rock performers Tommy Steele, the Shadows and the Beatles.
Folk music and roots revival.
The second British folk revival followed a similar American folk music revival, to which it was connected by individuals such as Alan Lomax, who had moved to Britain in the era of McCarthyism and who worked in England and Scotland. Like the American revival, it was often overtly left wing in its politics and the leading figures, Ewan MacColl and A. L. Lloyd, were both involved in trade unionism and socialist politics. In Scotland the key figures were Hamish Henderson and Calum McLean who collected songs and popularised acts including Jeannie Robertson, John Strachan, Flora Macneill and Jimmy MacBeath. In Wales the key figure was Dafydd Iwan, who founded the Sain record label in 1969. The revival began to gain momentum in the 1950s with the establishment of a network of folk clubs, such as the Blues and Ballads Club in London in 1953 and a number of festivals, such as that at Sidmouth from 1955.
British rock and roll.
The emergence of American rock and roll as a major international force in popular music in the mid-1950s led to its emulation in Britain, which shared a common language and many cultural connections. The British product has generally been considered inferior to the American version of the genre, and made very little international or lasting impact. However, it was important in establishing British youth and popular music culture and was a key factor in subsequent developments that led to the 'British Invasion' of the mid-1960s. Since the 1960s some stars of the genre, most notably Cliff Richard, have managed to sustain very successful careers and there have been periodic revivals of this form of music.
<doc id="27086929" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086929" title="List of individuals executed in Texas, since 2010">
List of individuals executed in Texas, since 2010
<doc id="27086933" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086933" title="Sam Mbakwe International Cargo Airport">
Sam Mbakwe International Cargo Airport
<doc id="27086936" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086936" title="Ampelocissus barbata">
Ampelocissus barbata
Ampelocissus barbata is a species of liana in the grape family Vitaceae. It was originally described from Sylhet (now in Bangladesh) by Nathaniel Wallich and placed in the genus "Vitis". The species was moved to "Ampelocissus" by Jules Émile Planchon in 1884.
<doc id="27086938" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086938" title="Burnside Combustion Turbine">
Burnside Combustion Turbine
Burnside Combustion Turbine is a light fuel oil-fired station owned by Nova Scotia Power, located in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada.
The Burnside Combustion Turbine Station consists of 132 MW light oil-fired station that operates as a secondary source.
<doc id="27086951" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086951" title="Turks in London">
Turks in London
<doc id="27086957" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086957" title="Pegasus (album)">
Pegasus (album)
<doc id="27086959" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086959" title="Dante's Dream">
Dante's Dream
Dante's Dream (full title Dante's Dream at the Time of the Death of Beatrice) is a painting from 1871 by the English Pre-Raphaelite painter Dante Gabriel Rossetti. It hangs in the [[Walker Art Gallery], Liverpool.
He repeated a composition he had done in [[watercolour]] and [[gouache]] at a smaller scale in 1856. This is now in [[Tate Britain]], measuring 48.7 cm (19.1 in) by 66.2 cm (26 in).
[[File:Dante Gabriel Rossetti - Dante's Dream at the Time of the Death of Beatrice (1856).jpg|thumb|The 1856 watercolour, [[Tate Britain]]]]
Rossetti had a lifelong interest in the Italian poet [[Dante Alighieri]]. The painting was inspired by Dante's poem "[[La Vita Nuova]]". In this poem Dante dreams that he is led to the death-bed of [[Beatrice Portinari]], who was the object of his unfulfilled love. Dante, in black, stands looking towards the dying Beatrice who is lying on a bed. Two female figures in green hold a canopy over her. An angel in red holds Dante's hand and leans forward to kiss Beatrice.
In the painting, Rossetti creates a visionary world with complex symbols. The symbols include the green clothes of Beatrice's attendants, signifying hope; spring flowers in the foreground symbolising purity; and red doves for love.
It is Rossetti's largest painting. The model for Beatrice was [[Jane Morris]], the wife of [[William Morris]]. [[Annie Miller]], who is thought to have been one of Rossetti's mistresses, posed as a grieving hand maiden. The Walker Art Gallery bought the painting directly from the artist in 1881 for £1575 (equivalent to £ in ). The acquisition was negotiated by Victorian novelist [[Hall Caine]]. In 1897 it was sent to Berlin to be photographed, but was then noted to be "in a dirty condition". Again in 1904 the painting was noted to be in "a bad condition" and it was considered that its condition had been worsened by its journey to and from Berlin. The painting was sent in 1908 to the [[National Gallery]] in London to be [[lining of paintings|relined]], that is, for a new canvas to be glued to the original. It was then returned to Liverpool. During the Second World War, it was removed from its stretcher, rolled and stored in the basement of the gallery. In 1941 the painting was moved, together with other large paintings from the gallery, to [[Ellesmere College]] in [[Shropshire]]. It was noted at this time that it had sustained some damage. Conservation work was carried out on the painting in 1960 and in 1985.
"Dante's Dream" is a painting in [[Oil painting|oil on canvas]], measuring by . It was examined in 2003 and found to be in good condition, with no evidence of any recurrence of the former problems.
External links.
[[Category:1871 paintings]]
[[Category:Paintings based on works by Dante Alighieri]]
[[Category:Paintings about death]]
[[Category:Paintings by Dante Gabriel Rossetti]]
[[Category:Paintings in the collection of the Walker Art Gallery]]
[[Category:Cultural depictions of Dante Alighieri]]
[[Category:Angels in art]]
[[Category:Works based on La Vita Nuova]]
<doc id="27086961" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086961" title="Oscar Viñas">
Oscar Viñas
Oscar Viñas (born 1877, date of death unknown) was an Argentine Olympic fencer. He competed in the individual foil event at the 1928 Summer Olympics.
<doc id="27086962" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086962" title="SAVIAC">
<doc id="27086965" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086965" title="NK Naklo">
NK Naklo
Nogometni klub Naklo (), commonly referred to as NK Naklo or simply Naklo, is a Slovenian football club from Naklo. NK Naklo played a total of four seasons in the Slovenian PrvaLiga, the country's highest division, in the 1990s. The club folded in 2010 after failing to obtain competition licences issued by the Football Association of Slovenia, and was refounded in the same year.
Name changes.
Club names through history:
<doc id="27086968" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086968" title="SAMPE">
<doc id="27086970" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086970" title="Stigmella gimmonella">
Stigmella gimmonella
Stigmella gimmonella is a moth of the family Nepticulidae. It is only known from Hokkaido in Japan.
Adults are on wing from July to August and from May to June. There are probably two generations per year.
The larvae feed on "Ulmus laciniata" and "Ulmus davidiana var. japonica". They mine the leaves of their host plant. The mine consists of a linear, thin gallery, which sometimes partly follows the leafmargin or a vein. The first one third of the mine is filled with frass occupying about the thirds of the width of the gallery and leaving very thin clear margins. The frass in the second one third of the mine is linear (similarly to the preceding) but a little broader, occupying the central part of the track up to half the width. In the remaining one third of the mine, the frass becomes sparse and is arranged in a line, which is narrower than the preceding in most mines. In a few mines, the frass is very thin and linear throughout its length.
<doc id="27086971" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086971" title="Oscar Vinas">
Oscar Vinas
<doc id="27086978" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086978" title="Nepticula gimmonella">
Nepticula gimmonella
<doc id="27086979" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086979" title="James Mcilroy (musician)">
James Mcilroy (musician)
<doc id="27086989" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086989" title="Hucky Eichelmann">
Hucky Eichelmann
Hucky Eichelmann (born March 1956) is a German classically trained world guitarist, living most of his life in Asia, particularly in Thailand, where his name has become "synonymous with the
classical guitar".
Master's degree at the State Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, Stuttgart.
Eichelmann originates from Sulzburg in Markgräflerland in south-west Germany. He has lived in Thailand since 1979, where his recordings of the music of King Bhumibol have made the classical guitar a fashionable instrument.
Though holding a master's degree in classical music, Eichelmann has developed his own diverse musical repertoire bridging the cultures of East and West as well as those of classical with folk and popular music.
Eichelmann has promoted Asian music throughout the world. His recordings are among the bestselling guitar recordings worldwide.
Hucky has collaborated with Ravi Shankar, Richard Harvey, Nina Corti and Carlos Bonell, played alongside such guitarists as John Williams, David Russell, Jorge Morel, Paco Peña, Los Angeles Guitar Quartet, Juan Martin, Costas Cotsiolis and Kazuhito Yamashita.
He has performed at guitar festivals in Germany, Great Britain, Thailand, Singapore and Australia. He was also invited to perform his last concert of the 20th century at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City.
Eichelmann has performed various Royal Command Performances for members of the Thai Royal family and he has conducted popular guitar classes on Thai TV.
He has made recordings for Peacock, WEA, Pacific, EMI and AMI Records.
Educational work.
Between 1978-2000 Eichelmann held teaching positions at the University of the Philippines, Chulalongkorn University, St. Cecilia Academy of Music and Mahidol University, Bangkok.
Producer work.
As a record and event producer he has worked with Ravi Shankar, Stuttgart Ballet, Chico & The Gypsies (formerly Gipsy Kings), Martin Taylor, Pat Metheny, George Winston and Les Ballets Jazz de Montreal to name but a few.
<doc id="27086991" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086991" title="Music of the United Kingdom (1960s)">
Music of the United Kingdom (1960s)
Music of the United Kingdom developed in the 1960s into one of the leading forms of popular music in the modern world. By the early 1960s the British had developed a viable national music industry and began to produce adapted forms of American music in Beat music and British blues which would be re-exported to America by bands such as The Beatles, The Animals and the Rolling Stones. This helped to make the dominant forms of popular music something of a shared Anglo-American creation, and led to the growing distinction between pop and rock music, which began to develop into diverse and creative subgenres that would characterise the form throughout the rest of the twentieth century.
Rock music.
Beat music.
In the late 1950s, a flourishing culture of groups began to emerge, often out of the declining skiffle scene, in major urban centres in the UK like Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham and London. This was particularly true in Liverpool, where it has been estimated that there were around 350 different bands active, often playing ballrooms, concert halls and clubs. Beat bands were heavily influenced by American bands of the era, such as Buddy Holly and the Crickets (from which group The Beatles derived their name), as well as earlier British groups such as The Shadows. After the national success of the Beatles in Britain from 1962, a number of Liverpool performers were able to follow them into the charts, including Gerry and the Pacemakers, The Searchers, and Cilla Black. Among the most successful beat acts from Birmingham were The Spencer Davis Group and The Moody Blues. From London, the term "Tottenham Sound" was largely based around The Dave Clark Five, but other London bands that benefited from the beat boom of this era included the Rolling Stones and The Yardbirds. The first non-Liverpool, non-Brian Epstein-managed band to break through in the UK were Freddie and the Dreamers, who were based in Manchester, as were Herman's Hermits and The Hollies. The beat movement provided most of the bands responsible for the British Invasion of the American pop charts in the period after 1964, and furnished the model for many important developments in pop and rock music.
British Invasion.
The British Invasion is a term used mainly in the United States to describe the large number of rock and roll, beat and pop performers from the United Kingdom who became popular in the U.S. from 1964 to 1966. After first running a story on 10 December 1963, CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite on 7 February 1964 ran a story about The Beatles' United States arrival in which the correspondent said "The British Invasion this time goes by the code name Beatlemania". A few days later they appeared on The Ed Sullivan Show. Seventy five percent of Americans watching television that night viewed their appearance thus "launching" the invasion with a massive wave of chart success that would continue until they broke up in 1970. On 4 April 1964, the Beatles held the top five positions on the "Billboard" Hot 100 singles chart, the only time to date that any act has accomplished this feat. The Dave Clark Five followed the Beatles the very next week on the Ed Sullivan show, and appeared on the Sullivan show more than any other British band, 18 times. During the next two years, The Dave Clark Five, The Animals, Petula Clark, Manfred Mann, Peter and Gordon, Freddie and the Dreamers, Wayne Fontana and the Mindbenders, Herman's Hermits, The Rolling Stones (had 8 #1 Billboard Hot 100 hits in the 1960s and 1970s), The Troggs, and Donovan would have one or more number one singles.
Other acts that were part of the invasion included The Who, and The Kinks. British Invasion acts influenced fashion, haircuts and manners of the 1960s of what was to be known as The Counterculture. In particular the Beatles movie "A Hard Day's Night" and fashions from Carnaby Street led American media to proclaim England as the centre of the music and fashion world. The success of British acts of the time caused American garage rock bands subsequently to change their sound and style. The influence continued on subsequent groups such as Big Star, Sparks and Todd Rundgren amongst others. The emergence of relatively homogeneous worldwide rock music styles about 1967 marked the end of the "invasion".
British blues boom.
In parallel with Beat music, in the late 1950s and early 1960s a British blues scene was developing recreating the sounds of American R&B and later particularly the sounds of bluesmen Robert Johnson, Howling Wolf and Muddy Waters. It reached its height of mainstream popularity in the 1960s, when it developed a distinctive and influential style dominated by electric guitar and made international stars of several proponents of the genre including the Jimi Hendrix Experience, Cream (featuring Eric Clapton), the Rolling Stones, the Yardbirds, Fleetwood Mac and Led Zeppelin. A number of these moved through blues-rock to different forms of rock music and as a result British blues helped to form many of the subgenres of rock, including psychedelic rock and heavy metal music. Since then direct interest in the blues in Britain has declined, but many of the key performers have returned to it in recent years, new acts have emerged and there have been a renewed interest in the genre.
Folk rock.
British folk musicians of the early 60s were heavily influenced by American revival artists like Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger and later Bob Dylan and Joan Baez. This led indirectly to the subgenre of British progressive folk music, pioneered by performers like the Scottish Incredible String Band from 1967 and the distinctive folk baroque guitar style of players like Davy Graham, Martin Carthy, John Renbourn and Bert Jansch. Many progressive folk performers continued to retain a traditional element in their music, including Jansch and Renbourn, who with Jacqui McShee, Danny Thompson, and Terry Cox, formed Pentangle in 1967. Others totally abandoned the traditional element and in this area particularly important were the Scottish artists Donovan (who was most influenced by emerging progressive folk musicians in America like Bob Dylan) and the Incredible String Band, who from 1967 incorporated a range of influences including medieval and eastern music into their compositions. Some of this, particularly the Incredible String Band, has been seen as developing into the further subgenre of psych or psychedelic folk and had a considerable impact on progressive and psychedelic rock. There was a brief flowering of British progressive folk in the late 1960s and early 1970s, with groups like the Third Ear Band and Quintessence following the eastern Indian musical and more abstract work by group such as Comus, Dando Shaft, Trees, Spirogyra, Forest, and Jan Dukes De Grey, but commercial success was elusive for these bands and most had broken off, or moved in very different directions, by about 1973. From about 1967 there were also a number British bands, like Fairport Convention, who were directly influenced by American acts like the Byrds to play folk music on electric instruments.
British psychedelia.
Psychedelic music is inspired or influenced by psychedelic culture and attempts to replicate and enhance the mind-altering experiences of hallucinogenic drugs. It particularly grew out of blues-rock and progressive folk music and drew on non-Western sources such as Indian music's ragas and sitars as well as studio effects and long instrumental passages and surreal lyrics. It emerged during the mid-1960s among progressive folk bands in Britain and the United States and rapidly moved into rock and pop music being taken up by acts including the Beatles, The Yardbirds, Cream and Pink Floyd. Psychedelic rock bridged the transition from early blues-rock to progressive rock, art rock, experimental rock, hard rock and eventually heavy metal that would become major genres in the 1970s.
Pop music.
Around 1967, in the aftermath of the British Invasion, as blues-rock, emerging folk rock and some beat bands, including the Beatles, veered towards a more serious forms of music, with an emphasis on meaning, virtuosity and orientated towards the albums market, the term pop music began to be applied to rock and roll based music with more commercial aims, often with inconsequential lyrics, particularly simple love songs, and orientated towards the singles chart, continuing the tradition of traditional pop. Although some bands occupied territory that crossed the emerging rock/pop divide and were able to produce successes in both camps, including the Beatles and Rolling Stones, the British pop genre in the late 1960s would be dominated by individual singers like Sandie Shaw.
<doc id="27086992" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086992" title="Dupracetam">
Dupracetam is a nootropic drug from the racetam family.
One of its metabolites, 1-Methylhydantoin, displays renal toxicity in high doses.
<doc id="27086997" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086997" title="Phosphene Dream">
Phosphene Dream
Phosphene Dream is the third album from rock band The Black Angels. It was released on September 13, 2010, in the UK and September 14, 2010, in the United States by Blue Horizon. This is the first album the Black Angels released with Blue Horizon, having previously worked with Light in the Attic Records. The album debuted in the US at #52 on the Billboard Top 200 Charts.
Track listing.
Bonus tracks
<doc id="27086999" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27086999" title="RET protein">
RET protein
<doc id="27087003" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087003" title="Stigmella ichigoiella">
Stigmella ichigoiella
Stigmella ichigoiella is a moth of the family Nepticulidae. It is only known from Kyushu in Japan.
The larvae feed on "Rubus buergeri". They mine the leaves of their host plant.
<doc id="27087005" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087005" title="Aku ja köyhät pojat">
Aku ja köyhät pojat
Aku ja köyhät pojat ("Aku and the Poor Boys") is Eppu Normaali's sixth album, released on June 5, 1983. It was different from their previous album "Tie vie", because they did not use piano at all; as a result, the music is more guitar-based.
The album was named after a CCR album called "Willy and the Poor Boys", which follows the format of their previous release, "Akun tehdas".
<doc id="27087006" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087006" title="Happy Ending (The Phoenix Foundation album)">
Happy Ending (The Phoenix Foundation album)
Happy Ending is the third album by New Zealand band, The Phoenix Foundation. It was released in 2007.
Band member Richie Singleton described the album as "an attempt to capture how we play live".
"Bright Grey", "Bleaching Sun" and "40 Years" were released as singles. The music videos for "Bright Grey" and "40 Years" were directed by Taika Waititi.
<doc id="27087010" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087010" title="Association of University of New Brunswick Teachers (AUNBT)">
Association of University of New Brunswick Teachers (AUNBT)
<doc id="27087018" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087018" title="Aberto de Tenis de Santa Catarina">
Aberto de Tenis de Santa Catarina
<doc id="27087019" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087019" title="RET/PTC">
<doc id="27087027" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087027" title="Stigmella spiculifera">
Stigmella spiculifera
Stigmella spiculifera is a moth of the family Nepticulidae. It is only known from Kyushu in Japan.
The larvae feed on "Rubus hirsutus" and "Rubus palmatus". They mine the leaves of their host plant.
<doc id="27087038" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087038" title="Kerubiel">
Kerubiel ("The Flames Which Dance Around the Throne of God") is the name of an angel in the apocryphal Book of Enoch.
He is the principal regent who has reign over the Cherubim since Creation, and one of the most exalted princes of Heaven.
Kerubiel is about seven Heavens tall with a body made of burning coals that is covered with thousands of eyes. His face is made of fire, his eyes spark of light, and his lashes are lightning bolts. Fire spews forth with every word that he speaks and he is covered with wings from head to toe. Thunder, lightning, and earthquakes are his constant companions and the splendor of the Shekinah shines upon him. In Enoch's words, Kerubiel is "full of burning coals...there is a crown of holiness on his head... and the bow of the Shekinah is between his shoulders."
External links.
"hafapea.com": Cherubiel
<doc id="27087041" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087041" title="Neville Glover">
Neville Glover
Neville Kenneth Glover (born 22 July 1955) is an Australian former professional rugby league footballer who played in the 1970s and 1980s. A New South Wales interstate and Australia international representative , he played his club football in the NSWRL Premiership with the Parramatta Eels and Penrith Panthers. Now retired following his distinguished service as a NSW Police Prosecutor, Neville lives on the Central Coast of New south South Wales with his beautiful wife Sharyn. In retirement see Neville as busy as ever. Always in demand for speaking engagements and his never ending Charity work.
Playing career.
A Seven Hills junior, Glover made his debut for Parramatta in 1975. The following year Parramatta reached the grand final which was played against Manly-Warringah. With ten minutes of the match remaining and 15 metres out from a wide-open try line Glover dropped ball over the line after Parramatta started a sweeping move from one side of the field to the other.
Speaking in 2008 about the game, Glover said "Mate I'm at a prosecutors conference today and the dropped ball thing has already been mentioned twice, I wouldn't say it gets brought up daily but certainly once a week it gets a mention". Glover dropped the pass which could have given the Eels the match-winning try.
In 1978, Glover made his Australian test debut in Brisbane against a touring New Zealand side in the second of a three-test series. He scored the first of his two tries of the match after being on the field for only two minutes. He is listed on the "Australian Players Register" as Kangaroo No. 511. Glover also represented New South Wales in 1979 against Great Britain.
Following a grand final loss in reserve grade, Glover left Parramatta. He played one more season with Penrith in 1983.
In 2002, a team of the greatest Parramatta players, known as the Parramatta Legends, were selected based on a public vote of fans. Glover was selected on the wing.
Post playing.
After playing, Glover went into coaching and later became a police officer. Glover became the senior sergeant in charge of all Hunter Region police prosecutors.
<doc id="27087043" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087043" title="Raúl Anganuzzi">
Raúl Anganuzzi
Raúl Anganuzzi (born 20 July 1906, date of death unknown) was an Argentine fencer. He won a bronze medal in the team foil competition at the 1928 Summer Olympics.
<doc id="27087045" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087045" title="Allan McIver">
Allan McIver
Joseph Allan McIver (17 January 1904 – 15 June 1969) was a Canadian composer, arranger, pianist, and conductor. As a pianist he performed with orchestras in the Quebec region in his early career and was the longtime accompanist and arranger for Trio lyrique. He had a long and fruitful relationship with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, serving as a music director, composer, arranger, conductor, and pianist for nearly four decades.
Early life, education, and career.
Born in Thetford Mines, McIver grew up in Sherbrooke. In his youth he studied the violin and the flute and was a piano student of Alfred Whitehead. He later studied harmony with Oscar O'Brien. He started his performance career playing for silent films in Montreal in 1926. He began performing on Canadian radio programs as a pianist and singer (baritone) around 1930. In the early 1930s he started appearing as a concert pianist with orchestras like the Ottawa Philharmonic Orchestra.
Trio lyrique.
In 1932 McIver was enlisted to work as an accompanist and arranger for Trio lyrique (TL), a newly formed vocal trio in Montreal that consisted of baritone Lionel Daunais, contralto Anna Malenfant, and tenor Ludovic Huot. Jules Jacob replaced Huot in the early 1940s. In 1933 the ensemble was engaged by CRBC for its network series "One Hour with You", on which the group performed for 87 weeks. In 1934 the TL released the LP album "Chansons de Lionel Daunais" for Radio Canada International. In 1936 the group performed for the CBS radio network in New York where McIver was also engaged as a staff arranger.
The TL continued to perform actively in public concerts and on CBC Radio programs like "The Play of the Week", "Light Up and Listen". and "Serenade for Strings" up until the mid-1960s when it disbanded. The group re-united briefly in the autumn of 1971 for CBC broadcasts honoring Daunais and his work. In 1984 the album "Le Trio lyrique chante Lionel Daunais" was released; containing music from the ensemble's many radio broadcasts. All of the arrangements performed during the TL's performance history were by McIver.
Composer, arranger, and conductor.
During the 1930s McIVer began composing background music for many of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's radio dramas. During World War II he wrote and conducted music for the shows sponsored by the Canada Savings Bond and other radio broadcasts in Montreal. He also served as a conductor for entertainments given at army bases throughout Canada by Jack Benny.
During the 1950s and 1960s, McIVer worked actively as a music director of variety programs for both CBC Television and CBC Radio. He notably directed the music for the 5 September 1952 opening telecast of CBC (Montreal) TV. Among the programs he directed were "Silhouettes", "Paillettes", "Northern Electric Concert", "Le Trio lyrique", and "Sunday Night Shows". He also composed the film score for the feature picture "Le Rossignol et les cloches" and wrote a number of orchestral works.
Having never retired, McIver died in Montreal in 1969 at the age of 65.
<doc id="27087049" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087049" title="Punga, Tanzania">
Punga, Tanzania
Punga is a village in Mbinga, Ruvuma, Tanzania. Its geographical coordinates ar 11° 5' 0" South, 35° 7' 0" East.
<doc id="27087050" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087050" title="Kristoffer Stensrud">
Kristoffer Stensrud
Kristoffer Stensrud (1953 – 18 September 2021) was one of Skagen Funds founders. He served as Managing Director from 1993 to 2001 and Investment Director from 2002 to 2007. He was also the portfolio manager of the SKAGEN Kon-Tiki equity fund. Kristoffer Stensrud was born in 1953 in Trondheim, Norway. He studied financial planning and monetary policy at the Copenhagen Business School. He began his career as chief analyst (1979–1983) at Børsinformation ApS in Copenhagen and later became portfolio manager (1983–1985) with Børsinformation I.R. (UK). In 1985, he joined Stafonds (later SR-Fonds) as an analyst for four years and later joined Carnegie-Jensen in Copenhagen in 1990 as a chief analyst. In 1993, Kristoffer founded SKAGEN Funds. The fund he was portfolio manager for, the Skagen Kon-Tiki fund, was launched by Kristoffer Stensrud in 2002. He applied a bottom-up approach, focusing on picking high quality companies with a low price tag or companies that are undervalued and unpopular. Kristoffer Stensrud was triple-A-rated by Citywire and his Kon-Tiki fund is triple-A-rated by Standard & Poor's. Stensrud was awarded CIO of the year in 2007.
<doc id="27087055" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087055" title="Raul Anganuzzi">
Raul Anganuzzi
<doc id="27087056" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087056" title="Joseph Allan McIver">
Joseph Allan McIver
<doc id="27087058" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087058" title="2010 Polish Senate by-elections">
2010 Polish Senate by-elections
Three by-elections to the Senate were held in Poland on 20 June 2010, at the same time as the presidential election. They were held to replace Krystyna Bochenek in Katowice (Civic Platform), Janina Fetlińska in Płock and Stanisław Zając in Krosno (both Law and Justice), who died in the 2010 Polish Air Force Tu-154 crash on 10 April 2010.
The results were as follows:
<doc id="27087062" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087062" title="Association of the Scientific Medical Societies in Germany (AWMF)">
Association of the Scientific Medical Societies in Germany (AWMF)
<doc id="27087064" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087064" title="(5437) 1990 DU3">
(5437) 1990 DU3
<doc id="27087065" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087065" title="Argyle Street Camp">
Argyle Street Camp
Argyle Street Camp was a Japanese World War II prisoner-of-war camp in Kowloon, Hong Kong, which primarily held officer prisoners.
World War II.
Built by the Hong Kong government as a refugee camp before the war as North Point Camp and Ma Tau Chung Camp, it began life as a POW camp soon after Kowloon and the New Territories were abandoned to the Japanese.
In January 1942 it was emptied, with the POWs moving to Shamshuipo, North Point, and Ma Tau Chung Camps. However, after a number of escapes by POW officers and other ranks from Shamshuipo, Argyle Street was re-opened in mid-1942 as an officers' camp. In 1944 the officers were moved instead to Camp 'N' at Shamshuipo, and the Indian POWs from Ma Tau Chung Camp took up residence.
After World War II.
After the Japanese surrender, Argyle Street Camp became a centre for displaced people returning to Hong Kong. Later still, it was a camp for refugees reaching Hong Kong from other parts of South East Asia. The camp started accommodating Vietnamese refugees in June 1979, with a planned capacity of 20,000.
Today there are no memorials of any kind on the site of the camp, which is just to the south of St Teresa's Hospital.
<doc id="27087072" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087072" title="Cal Park Co.,Ltd">
Cal Park Co.,Ltd
<doc id="27087074" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087074" title="Cal Park Co.">
Cal Park Co.
<doc id="27087076" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087076" title="The Promised Messiah">
The Promised Messiah
<doc id="27087077" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087077" title="Cal Park">
Cal Park
<doc id="27087078" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087078" title="Punga, Namibia">
Punga, Namibia
Punga is a village in Zambezi Region, Namibia.
<doc id="27087082" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087082" title="The Promised Reformer">
The Promised Reformer
<doc id="27087086" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087086" title="Stigmella zelkoviella">
Stigmella zelkoviella
Stigmella zelkoviella is a moth of the family Nepticulidae. It is only known from Kyushu in Japan.
Adults are on wing from the end of April. There are probably two to three generations per year.
The larvae feed on "Zelkova serrata". They mine the leaves of their host plant. The mine is linear, slender; highly contorted and pale brown. It includes brown granular frass in a longitudinal belt, which (in first half of the mine) occupies almost all width, but in last half of the mine becomes one third to one sixth of the width of the mine.
<doc id="27087094" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087094" title="Héctor Lucchetti">
Héctor Lucchetti
Héctor Lucchetti (born 9 March 1905, date of death unknown) was an Argentine fencer. He won a bronze medal in the team foil competition at the 1928 Summer Olympics.
<doc id="27087102" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087102" title="Hector Lucchetti">
Hector Lucchetti
<doc id="27087103" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087103" title="Stigmella oa">
Stigmella oa
Stigmella oa is a moth of the family Nepticulidae. It is only known from Honshu in Japan.
<doc id="27087114" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087114" title="Miraculous healings">
Miraculous healings
<doc id="27087117" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087117" title="3ho">
<doc id="27087120" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087120" title="Stigmella egonokii">
Stigmella egonokii
Stigmella egonokii is a moth of the family Nepticulidae. It is only known from Kyushu in Japan.
Adults of the first generation are on wing from the end of April. Second-generation larvae appear in late June, the third-generation larvae in late September to late October. There are two to three generations per year.
The larvae feed on "Styrax japonica". They mine the leaves of their host plant. The mine is linear, slender and located on the upper-surface of the leaf. It is sometimes restricted by the mid-rib or a lateral vein. It is pale greenish brown to pale brown and filled with greenish brown to dark brown grains of frass.
<doc id="27087124" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087124" title="Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope">
Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope
<doc id="27087127" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087127" title="Nepal veterinary association">
Nepal veterinary association
<doc id="27087130" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087130" title="Schmidt–Cassegrain">
<doc id="27087131" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087131" title="Oscar Martínez (fencer)">
Oscar Martínez (fencer)
Oscar Martínez (born 1889, date of death unknown) was an Argentine fencer. He competed in the individual épée event at the 1928 Summer Olympics.
<doc id="27087134" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087134" title="Maksutov–Cassegrain">
<doc id="27087136" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087136" title="Maksutov–Cassegrain telescope">
Maksutov–Cassegrain telescope
<doc id="27087137" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087137" title="Zieria citriodora">
Zieria citriodora
Zieria citriodora, commonly known as lemon-scented zieria, is a species of flowering plant in the citrus family Rutaceae and is endemic to a small area near the border between New South Wales and Victoria. It is a small shrub with lemon-scented leaves and small, pale pink or white flowers which appear from late winter to summer.
"Zieria citriodora" is a low or rounded shrub which grows to high and wide and which often grows from rhizomes. Its branches are dotted with oil glands and covered with short, soft hairs, often becoming glabrous with age. The leaves are composed of three leaflets with the central one linear or lance-shaped, long and wide with a petiole long. Each leaflet is dotted with oil glands, has a covering of short, soft hairs and has its edges more or less rolled under. The leaves are strongly lemon-scented when crushed.
The flowers are arranged singly or in groups of up to three in leaf axils, the groups usually much longer than the leaves. The sepals are triangular, about long and hairy. The four petals are white to pale pink, long, overlap at their edges and are covered with tiny, soft hairs. Flowering occurs from late winter to summer and the fruits which follow are hairy and dotted with oil glands.
Taxonomy and naming.
Lemon-scented zieria was first formally described in 2002 by James Armstrong from a specimen collected near the village of Numeralla and the description was published in "Australian Systematic Botany". The specific epithet ("citriodora") is derived from the Latin words "citrus" meaning "citron-tree" and "odora" meaning "having a fragrant smell."
Distribution and habitat.
"Zieria citriodora" mostly grows in shallow gravelly or sandy soils on moderately steep slopes in low eucalypt woodland. It is found in scattered populations in New South Wales and Victoria. In New South Wales, there are two populations which are restricted to the Kybeyan Range east of Cooma and in Victoria to four populations in East Gippsland. These populations are all within the South Eastern Highlands biogeographic region.
The total population of "Z. citriodora" in New South Wales is estimated to be less than 600 individual plants including about 150 plants on crown land near Numerella and another of 32 plants on private land near Kybeyan. A count in 2004 of the species in Victoria estimated a population size of about 260 plants, all in the Alpine National Park near Omeo. The main threats to the species are browsing by both native hervibores and domestic stock, pressure from rural residential development and altered fire regines. The species is listed as vulnerable under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.
Use in horticulture.
Lemon-scented zieria is most easily propagated from cuttings and grows best in well-drained, acidic soil. It requires little fertilizer and is usually not affected by pests or disease if grown in well-drained soil. It is frost resistant and tolerates exposed and partly shaded positions.
<doc id="27087139" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087139" title="Stigmella boehmeriae">
Stigmella boehmeriae
Stigmella boehmeriae is a moth of the family Nepticulidae. It is only known from Kyushu in Japan.
Adults are on wing from mid-April, late July and late August. There are probably four or more generations per year.
The larvae feed on "Boehmeria nipononivea" and "Boehmeria spicata". They mine the leaves of their host plant. The mine is linear, slender and usually made on the distal part of the leaf, sometimes on apical serrations. It is pale brown with a compact blackish central frass line.
<doc id="27087148" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087148" title="Ritchey-Chrétien telescope">
Ritchey-Chrétien telescope
<doc id="27087151" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087151" title="The Great Scout and Cathouse Thursday">
The Great Scout and Cathouse Thursday
<doc id="27087152" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087152" title="Federation of Irish fishermen">
Federation of Irish fishermen
<doc id="27087154" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087154" title="International Association of Exhibitions and Events (IAEE)">
International Association of Exhibitions and Events (IAEE)
<doc id="27087157" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087157" title="Punkie (disambiguation)">
Punkie (disambiguation)
<doc id="27087158" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087158" title="(5441) 1991 JZ1">
(5441) 1991 JZ1
<doc id="27087159" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087159" title="Fulham F.C. season 2009–10">
Fulham F.C. season 2009–10
<doc id="27087168" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087168" title="Fulham F.C. season 2008–09">
Fulham F.C. season 2008–09
<doc id="27087170" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087170" title="Antonio Villamil">
Antonio Villamil
Antonio Villamil (born 8 October 1904, date of death unknown) was an Argentine fencer. He competed at the 1928, 1936 and 1948 Summer Olympics.
<doc id="27087177" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087177" title="N. Pĕtraşcu">
N. Pĕtraşcu
<doc id="27087178" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087178" title="Cal Park Co., Ltd.">
Cal Park Co., Ltd.
<doc id="27087179" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087179" title="Cal Park CO.,Ltd">
Cal Park CO.,Ltd
<doc id="27087181" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087181" title="So nyuh shi dae">
So nyuh shi dae
<doc id="27087183" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087183" title="Cal Park CO.">
Cal Park CO.
<doc id="27087184" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087184" title="Nicolae Pĕtraşcu">
Nicolae Pĕtraşcu
<doc id="27087185" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087185" title="Stigmella kurilensis">
Stigmella kurilensis
Stigmella kurilensis is a moth of the family Nepticulidae. It is only known from Hokkaido (Japan) and Kunashiri Island (southern Kurils).
It does not resemble any other nepticulid and its generic placement is therefore difficult to assess. Puplesis (1987, 1994) placed it in a separate monotypic species group in "Stigmella". Double fasciae are rare in Nepticulidae, but occur frequently in the Asiatic species of "Enteucha" and in most "Ectoedemia" subgenus "Etainia" species. However, "S. kurilensis" does not share important apomorphic characters with these. The abdominal tufts are also remarkable. These kinds of tufts on segments other than 8 occur in most "Trifurcula" and in the "Acalyptris repeteki" group, however these genera belong to the tribe Trifurculini, and "S. kurilensis" does not share any of its apomorphies.
Adults are on wing in early June and August. There are probably two generations per year.
The host plant is unknown.
<doc id="27087189" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087189" title="Punky (disambiguation)">
Punky (disambiguation)
<doc id="27087198" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087198" title="No Man's Woman (song)">
No Man's Woman (song)
"No Man's Woman" is a song recorded by Irish singer Sinéad O'Connor for her fifth studio album "Faith and Courage" (2000). It was released as the album's lead single on 21 April 2000, by Atlantic Records.
Background and composition.
"No Man's Woman", the lead single from the album "Faith and Courage", was sent to pop and rock stations on 21 April 2000. Andy Murray, marketing director of Warner Music Europe, commented: "It's the right time for her to break her silence. The single is very commercial and everybody seems to think it's her best album since her first record. The marketing campaign is about reminding people who she is. But actually, despite the long gap, nobody seems to need reminding. There's a real excitement around the record, which has surprised a lot of people".
According to Nigel Williamson of "Music & Media", O'Connor set out "her stall as strong and forceful young woman" on the song.
The singer commented on the lyrics of the song:
"It talks about a soul, a female soul who does not want to be a girlfriend or a wife, but wants to be single, really, but who is very much in love with the spirit of men and wants to conduct a relationship with the spirit of men. The song also honors the woman's soul, [which] feels that her teachers will be men, her guides will be men, and her rescuers have been men. Not romantically, though, but spiritually".
Critical reception.
MTV News called the song "autobiographical" and "anthemic".
Music video.
The music video was directed by Mike Lipscombe. According to O'Connor, "The video shows kind of a symbolic death and rebirth which takes place, and which helps this woman's soul to become more of herself by following the guidance of particular male religious instructors. It's very much a song that honors man. It's interesting how people think if you reject men sexually, that this means you're somehow rejecting them entirely. But in fact, sometimes it's easier to be intimate with men when there isn't that threat of sexuality or whatever". The video was nominated at the 2000 "Billboard" Music Awards in the category of Best Jazz/AC Video.
Usage in media.
"No Man's Woman" was used on the pilot of TV series "Alias" in 2001, Sydney Bristow (played by Jennifer Garner) escapes with a prototype, and delivers it to Arvin Sloane (played by Ron Rifkin).
Track listing.
US and European CD single
<doc id="27087201" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087201" title="Ricardo Janota">
Ricardo Janota
Ricardo Baleia Janota (born 10 March 1987) is a Portuguese footballer who plays for LigaPro club Académico Viseu as a goalkeeper.
Janota began his career with Benfica. He played twice for their B team in the Segunda Divisão, the third tier of Portuguese football, before moving on to third-tier clubs Estrela de Vendas Novas, Atlético CP and Estrela da Amadora. He spent the 2010–11 season with Liga de Honra (second-tier) Trofense, but never played for the first team. After a season back in the third tier with Mafra, Janota returned to Atlético CP, where he finally made his first appearance in the newly renamed Segunda Liga. He continued his Segunda Liga career with Académico Viseu and Oriental, before returning to Viseu in 2015. He signed for Tondela ahead of the 2016–17 season, and made his Primeira Liga debut in April 2017. That was his last top-flight appearance, and after half a season with Mafra he rejoined Académico Viseu in January 2019.
In international football, Janota played for his country from under-16 to under-19 level, and was part of Portugal's squad for the 2007 FIFA U-20 World Cup without taking the field.
Club career.
Janota was born in Pêro Pinheiro, Sintra, in the Greater Lisbon area. He began his football career in the youth system of Primeira Liga club Benfica, and made his senior debut for Benfica's B team as a 17-year-old, on 16 October 2005 in a 2–0 defeat of Pinhalnovense in the Segunda Divisão, the third tier of Portuguese football. A few days later, with the club's two main goalkeepers José Moreira out for six months and Quim receiving treatment for a recent injury, Janota received an unexpected call-up to train with the first-team squad ahead of the match with Estrela da Amadora; Quim recovered in time to start the match. Janota played once more for Benfica B, and was once an unused substitute for the first team, before being released at the end of the 2005–06 season. After reported interest from Belgian club Standard Liège and a trial in Spain with Espanyol, he remained in Portugal.
He played five Segunda Divisão matches for Estrela de Vendas Novas in late 2006, then moved on to Atlético CP. Ahead of the 2007–08 season, he had a trial with Spanish third-tier club León, and in October spent a week with Dutch Eredivisie side FC Utrecht to gain experience. Janota made his senior debut for Atlético in February 2008, as a first-half substitute when goalkeeper Filipe Leão was sent off against Carregado, and kept a clean sheet the following week against Lusitânia. After Leão's return from suspension, he and Janota shared the goalkeeping duties for the remainder of the season.
Atlético's need to reduce spending meant Janota was one of only five players retained for 2008–09. He was undisputed first-choice goalkeeper during the regular season, but shared the promotion group duties with Rui Santos. Atlético were not promoted, and Janota left the club at the end of the season. He spent the 2009–10 season as Estrela da Amadora's main goalkeeper, before moving up to the Liga de Honra (second tier) as one of eleven new signings for Trofense. He was an unused substitute in 12 matches but played no competitive first-team football as Trofense came close to promotion to the Primeira Liga.
Janota returned to the Segunda Divisão for 2011–12 as Mafra's regular goalkeeper. He was ever-present until being sent off on 5 February 2012; Mafra had already used all three substitutes, so forward Nuno Sousa had to go in goal for the last few minutes of the match and was unable to prevent Caldas equalising.
He then signed a two-year contract with former club Atlético CP, newly promoted to the Segunda Liga. He began the season as understudy to Filipe Leão, playing only in one League Cup match and the Portuguese Cup second-round defeat to Naval before replacing Leão in the starting eleven on matchday 32 to make his first appearance in the second tier. He kept a clean sheet as Atlético beat Porto B 1–0 to secure only their second win of the season; he was beaten only once, by a shot that hit the post, and, in what "Record" correspondent described as a great display, made several good interventions to contribute to the victory for his tiring team. He kept his place for the last 11 matches of the campaign, before becoming the first signing for Segunda Liga newcomers Académico Viseu in June 2013.
Viseu used Janota sparingly at the start of the season, but he then established himself at first choice, and played in 30 consecutive league matches. He then left the club for Oriental, themselves newly promoted to the Segunda Liga, where he found himself used as backup to Tiago Mota and selected only for cup matches. He came into the side in the second half of the season, making 13 league appearances, before rejoining Académico Viseu for 2015–16. Janota was ever-present in league matches in his second spell with Viseu, and was voted best goalkeeper in the Segunda Liga.
On 1 July 2016, Janota signed a two-year contract with Primeira Liga club Tondela. With Cláudio Ramos established as first choice, Janota began the season on the bench. He made his first appearance on 9 October, against Feirense in the League Cup: after 75 minutes, with Tondela already 2–0 down and playing with ten men, he rushed out of his area, brought down an opponent, and was sent off. With no substitutes available, centre-half João Pica had to go in goal; he conceded once, to an own goal. His next appearance was six months later. After Ramos was sent off very late in the previous match, Janota made his Primeira Liga debut at the age of 30, away to Vitória de Guimarães on 9 April 2017; Tondela lost 2–1. In the second year of his contract, he made only one first-team appearance, in the third round of the Portuguese Cup: Tondela let slip a two-goal lead away to second-tier Leixões and lost 3–2 in extra time.
Janota returned to Mafra in 2018, but was restricted to the cup competitions while João Godinho played the league matches. In January 2019, he rejoined Académico Viseu for a third time, signing a contract until the end of the season.
International career.
While a youngster with Benfica, he represented his country at under-16 level, and was first-choice goalkeeper at the European under-17 championship finals, at which Portugal's under-17s beat England 3–2 on penalties to win the third-place play-off; Janota saved the decisive penalty. He appeared for the under-18s in 2005, and was in the squad for the European under-19 championship finals, but as second choice behind Porto's Igor Araújo. The sixth-place finish achieved in this competition guaranteed qualification for the 2007 FIFA U-20 World Cup; Janota, by this time an Atlético CP player, was again selected for the squad, but made no appearances.
<doc id="27087203" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087203" title="List of flags of Yugoslavia">
List of flags of Yugoslavia
<doc id="27087204" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087204" title="Presidential Standard of Yugoslavia">
Presidential Standard of Yugoslavia
<doc id="27087208" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087208" title="Schmidt-Newton telescope">
Schmidt-Newton telescope
<doc id="27087212" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087212" title="Royal Standard of Yugoslavia">
Royal Standard of Yugoslavia
<doc id="27087222" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087222" title="Monash South Africa Christian Society - MonChrist">
Monash South Africa Christian Society - MonChrist
<doc id="27087224" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087224" title="Gamla Varberg">
Gamla Varberg
Gamla Varberg (Swedish: "Old Varberg") is a nature reserve in Varberg Municipality, Sweden. It was established in 1966.
The nature reserve consists of a hill with the same name and the surrounding area. It is located at the Kattegat. From the top of the hill, there is a beautiful view over the sea and the island Balgö. In earlier times, the hill worked as a beacon hill. On the top, there is a cairn from the Bronze Age.
For a long time, Gamla Varberg and its surroundings was a grazed outfield. In the area, there were only a few homesteads. In the 1950s, junipers began to grow in the area. In the 1990s, the junipers were removed and the landscape restored.
On the heathland at Gamla Varberg, there are species like devils-bit scabious, wild thyme, "Pedicularis sylvatica", and marsh gentian. On the shore meadow at Kattegat, there are "Armeria maritima", "Trifolium fragiferum", shore arrowgrass, and "Salicornia europaea". Inside the nature reserve, there are birds like the northern lapwing, common redshank, and Eurasian oystercatcher.
<doc id="27087229" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087229" title="Predrag">
Predrag () is a Slavic masculine given name, predominantly borne by ethnic Slavs, derived from "pre-" ("very, much") and "-drag" ("dear, beloved"), both common in Slavic dithematic names. It roughly means "very beloved". The usual nickname is Peđa (Pedja). It may refer to:
<doc id="27087231" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087231" title="Federal Assembly of the SFRY">
Federal Assembly of the SFRY
<doc id="27087236" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087236" title="Maquinita Merlos">
Maquinita Merlos
Juan Antonio "Maquinita" Merlos Cabrera (December 3, 1941 – December 6, 2014) was a Salvadoran football player and manager.
Club career.
Nicknamed "Maquinita", Merlos was snapped up by Águila at Racing San Miguel and took part in their promotion to the Primera División de Fútbol de El Salvador in 1958. He also won his and the club's first league title in 1959, scoring one of the goals in the first leg of the Final. He still is one of Águila's all-time top goalscorers after forming a formidable frontline partnership in the 1960s with players like Juan Francisco Barraza and Saúl Molina.
He also played for Municipal Limeño and Luis Ángel Firpo after leaving Águila.
Managerial career.
After his playing career ended, Merlos coached Santiagueño and helped the team win the Primera division title. He also coached Luis Angel Firpo, Liberal and Municipal Limeno.
Personal life.
He lived with his wife in Santiago de María. In July 2010 he spent three months in hospital and had his right foot and later his leg below the knee amputated due to arteriosclerosis. To cover the medical expenses, former teammates and colleagues organised a charity match between his old clubs Águila and Santiagueño. In January 2011 he was given a pension for life by the National Assembly for his contribution to Salvadoran football.
<doc id="27087240" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087240" title="The Pharmaceutical Association of Israel">
The Pharmaceutical Association of Israel
<doc id="27087244" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087244" title="Yugoslav Federal Assembly">
Yugoslav Federal Assembly
<doc id="27087249" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087249" title="Freddie warren">
Freddie warren
<doc id="27087251" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087251" title="Freddy Warren">
Freddy Warren
<doc id="27087258" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087258" title="Reliance BIG Pictures">
Reliance BIG Pictures
<doc id="27087261" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087261" title="President of the Federal Assembly">
President of the Federal Assembly
<doc id="27087263" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087263" title="Ras (protein)">
Ras (protein)
<doc id="27087272" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087272" title="Presidency of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia">
Presidency of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
<doc id="27087279" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087279" title="Member of the Presidency">
Member of the Presidency
<doc id="27087290" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087290" title="Heart of the City Tour/The Growing Pains Tour">
Heart of the City Tour/The Growing Pains Tour
<doc id="27087292" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087292" title="LockheedMartin">
<doc id="27087295" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087295" title="William Murphy (bishop)">
William Murphy (bishop)
<doc id="27087311" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087311" title="Sri Lankan women's cricket team in the West Indies in 2010">
Sri Lankan women's cricket team in the West Indies in 2010
The Sri Lanka national women's cricket team travelled to the West Indies prior to the 2010 ICC Women's World Twenty20 that was being there to play a two-match One Day International (ODI) series, and a three-match Twenty20 International (T20I) series against the West Indies women's cricket team.
<doc id="27087325" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087325" title="(5449) 1992 US5">
(5449) 1992 US5
<doc id="27087341" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087341" title="CS CFR Simeria">
CS CFR Simeria
CFR Simeria is a Romanian professional football club from Simeria, Hunedoara County. CFR Simeria has no senior squads registered to play in any Romanian Football Federation competition, and is kept alive only by youth squads.
CFR Simeria was founded on 28 May 1909 as "Asociația Sportivă Feroviară din Simeria" – "Piski Vasutas Sport Egylet" , "CFR" is the acronym for "Căile Ferate Române" ("Romanian Railways").
Liga IV – Hunedoara County
Cupa României – Hunedoara County
<doc id="27087342" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087342" title="Marmosin Simeria">
Marmosin Simeria
<doc id="27087347" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087347" title="Gaekwar's Baroda State Railway">
Gaekwar's Baroda State Railway
Gaekwar's Baroda State Railway (GBSR) or Gaikwad Baroda State Railway was a narrow gauge railway line owned by the Princely State of Baroda, which was ruled by the Gaekwar dynasty.
The railway track has the distinction of being the first narrow-gauge line to be laid in British India, and also the first railway to be owned by any Princely State of India. In 1862, Maharaja Khanderao Gaekwad, the Maharaja of Baroda, inaugurated of a railway line from Dabhoi to Miyagam. Oxen were used to haul the train, although in 1863, Nielson & Co. built a locomotive to be operated on the line from Dabhoi to Miyagram, as the 6.5 km/m rails were not suited for the regular use of an engine.
Later, during the rule of Maharaja Sayajirao Gaekwad III, the railway's network was further expanded. In 1873, the Dabhoi-Miyagam line (the first line) was re-laid with stronger rails to allow locomotives to be used, rather than oxen. However, locomotives were not regularly used on the line until 1880. During the Maharaja's reign, railway network extended to Goyagate, Chandod, Bodeli and Samalaya Jn with Dabhoi as its focal point.
In 1949, the GBSR was merged with the Bombay, Baroda and Central India Railway which was subsequently merged in 1951 with other adjacent zones to form Western Railway.
The narrow-gauge line is currently under conversion to broad gauge.
Rolling stock.
In 1936, the company owned 66 locomotives, 3 railcars, 483 coaches and 1674 goods wagons.
It was labeled as a Class II railway according to Indian Railway Classification System of 1926.
<doc id="27087351" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087351" title="(5452) 1937 NN">
(5452) 1937 NN
<doc id="27087352" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087352" title="Second 'Ndrangheta war">
Second 'Ndrangheta war
The Second 'Ndrangheta war was an internal struggle in the 'Ndrangheta, a criminal organisation in Calabria (southern Italy). The conflict raged from 1985–1991 in Reggio Calabria. Practically all the 'ndrine in the city of Reggio Calabria grouped into either one of two opposing factions: the Condello, Imerti, Serraino and Rosmini clans on one side, and the De Stefano, Tegano, Libri and Latella clans on the other.
The background of the war was a struggle over public contracts in relation with the announced construction of a bridge linking Calabria and Sicily over the Strait of Messina between Reggio Calabria and Messina. An additional motive was the attempt of the De Stefano clan to encroach on the territory of the Imertis in Villa San Giovanni, a town facing the city of Messina across the narrow strait.
Start of the conflict.
The war was triggered by the marriage between Giuseppina Condello – the sister of the Condello brothers, underbosses of De Stefano – and Antonio Imerti, the leader of a neighbouring "'ndrina" in Villa San Giovanni. The boss Paolo De Stefano became fearful of the new alliance that might challenge his power base. The conflict exploded in 1985, two years after the marriage and saw practically all the 'ndrine in the city of Reggio Calabria grouped into either one of two opposing factions. The De Stefano clan prepared itself for the fight through another marriage, between Orazio De Stefano, Paolo's younger brother, and Antonietta Benestare, niece of the boss Giovanni Tegano. Celebrated on December 2, 1985, the wedding sealed the alliance between the de Stefanos and the powerful Tegano clan.
The war started with a failed bomb attack on Antonio Imerti on October 11, 1985, which left three of his bodyguards dead. Two days later Imerti reacted and killed Paolo De Stefano on October 13, 1985. The brothers Paolo and Domenico Condello were arrested in January 1988 for killing De Stefano.
Domenico Libri succeeded De Stefano as the leader of the alliance with Giovanni Tegano. Libri became one of the principal targets of the opposing clans. While in prison a sniper killed his son Pasquale Rocco Libri in September 1988, as he was strolling in the prison yard. Six months later, in March 1989, a sniper just missed Libri, surrounded by Carabinieri, when he was leaving the court in Reggio Calabria where he had to appear in a trial against the 'Ndrangheta.
After nearly six years the war had neither winners nor losers. A peace for the bloody feud was brokered in September 1991 on the instigation of Domenico Libri and the Teganos. The conflict was settled with the help of other 'Ndrangheta bosses. Antonio Nirta, head of the San Luca locale vouched for the De Stefano-Tegano and Libri, while Antonio Mammoliti vouched for the Condello-Imerti clan. Another mediator for the 'pax mafiosa' was Domenico Alvaro, head of the locale of Sinopoli.
According to several turncoats (pentiti) the Sicilian Mafia was also involved in the peace process as well as 'Ndrangheta bosses from Canada, such as Joe Imerti from Toronto, a cousin of Antonio Imerti, and one of the Zito clan in Canada. According to the "pentito" Pasquale Barreca, a former member of the De Stefano clan, "the role of Cosa Nostra was decisive for the conclusion of the war." According to the "pentito" Francesco Fonti it was Leoluca Bagarella who represented the interests of Cosa Nostra.
The fatalities of the war varies between 500 and more than 1,000. In those six years 1,038 murders were reported in the province of Reggio Calabria, more than half (564) were certainly attributable to the conflict. According to the Antimafia Commission of the Italian Parliament 621 people were killed.
The Sicilian Mafia contributed to the end of the conflict and probably suggested the subsequent set up of a superordinate body, similar to the Sicilian Mafia Commission, to avoid further infighting. Called "La Provincia" (the Province) the new collegial body is composed of three lower bodies, known as mandamenti. One for the clans on the Ionic side (the mountains and Locride) of Calabria, a second for the Tyrrhenian side (the plains of Gioia Tauro) and one for the city of Reggio Calabria.
External references.
"Mafia Brotherhoods: Organized Crime, Italian Style", New York: Oxford University Press (Review by Klaus Von Lampe) (Review by Alexandra V. Orlova)
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<doc id="27087360" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087360" title="Capture of Klisura Pass">
Capture of Klisura Pass
The Capture of Klisura Pass () was a military operation that took place during 6–11 January 1941 in southern Albania, and was one of the most important battles of the Greco-Italian War. The Italian Army, initially deployed on the Greek-Albanian border, launched a major offensive against Greece on 28 October 1940. After a two-week conflict, Greece managed to repel the invading Italians in the battles of Pindus and Elaia–Kalamas. Beginning on 9 November, the Greek forces launched a major counteroffensive and penetrated deep into Italian-held Albanian territory. The Greek operations culminated with the capture of the strategically important Klisura Pass in January 1941.
After its successful counter-attack and the Battle of Morava–Ivan, the Hellenic Army penetrated deep into Italian-held Albanian territory, taking control of the local urban centers of Gjirokastër and Korçë by December 1940. In a war council on 5 December, General Alexander Papagos, worried about the possibility of German intervention in support of the Italians, attempted to hasten the advance. Moreover, Generals Pitsikas and Tsolakoglou suggested the immediate capture of the Klisura Pass so as to secure the Greek positions.
During the period of the Greek counter-offensive, the Greek forces had much greater distances to contend with and their logistics and road network were substantially inferior compared to the Italians. The Klisura Pass was a particularly strategic location near the town of Berat and the topography of the terrain in addition to bad weather made the operation extremely difficult.
The attack was led by the II Army Corps, and especially by the 1st and 11th divisions. During the battle, the Italians used for the first time the new M13 medium tanks of the "Centauro" Armored Division. They were used in frontal attacks, but were decimated by Greek artillery fire. On 10 January, after four days of fierce battles, the Greek infantry divisions finally captured the pass. The final assault that resulted in the location's capture was led by the recently arrived 5th Division, which consisted mainly of Cretans.
The Italian headquarters immediately launched counterattacks to recapture the sector. Italian Supreme Commander Ugo Cavallero ordered the newly arrived "Lupi di Toscana" Division to support the "Julia" Alpine Division, but the operation was ill-prepared. Although they faced only four Greek battalions, they rapidly lost one battalion of their own due to encirclement. By 11 January, the Italian attack had been pushed back and over the next days, the "Lupi di Toscana" were almost annihilated. This failure secured Greek possession of the pass.
The capture of the strategic pass by the Greek army was considered a major success by the Allied forces, with the Commander of the British forces in the Middle East, Archibald Wavell, sending a congratulatory message to Alexander Papagos.
In the following weeks, the front lines stabilized, with the Greek forces facing a bad logistical situation and the Italians managing to gain numerical superiority in order to stop their retreat. Both sides kept their positions until the German intervention in April 1941.
On January 22, 2018, following an agreement between the Greek and Albanian foreign ministers, a systematic effort to recover the bodies of fallen Greek soldiers from the battle was undertaken between the two countries. The remains of the Greek soldiers will be buried in the Greek military cemetery located within the pass.
<doc id="27087363" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087363" title="Daniel Casaleiro">
Daniel Casaleiro
Daniel Alexandre Calado Casaleiro (born 2 November 1989 in Entroncamento, Santarém District) is a Portuguese footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for G.D.P. Costa de Caparica.
<doc id="27087369" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087369" title="Granvin Line">
Granvin Line
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(5462) 1984 SX5
<doc id="27087377" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087377" title="Jung Su-yeon">
Jung Su-yeon
<doc id="27087383" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087383" title="GovEnergy Workshop and Trade Show">
GovEnergy Workshop and Trade Show
<doc id="27087389" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087389" title="William Francis Murphy">
William Francis Murphy
<doc id="27087391" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087391" title="Lee Soon Kyu">
Lee Soon Kyu
<doc id="27087395" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087395" title="Igor Avdeev">
Igor Avdeev
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(5467) 1988 AG
<doc id="27087409" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087409" title="Kwon Yu-Ri">
Kwon Yu-Ri
<doc id="27087410" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087410" title="Sid Bidwell">
Sid Bidwell
<doc id="27087415" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087415" title="World's End (CSI)">
World's End (CSI)
<doc id="27087416" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087416" title="(5469) 1988 BK4">
(5469) 1988 BK4
<doc id="27087418" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087418" title="Substrate (building)">
Substrate (building)
The word substrate comes from the Latin " sub - stratum " meaning 'the level below' and refers to any material existing or extracted from beneath the topsoil, including sand, chalk and clay.
The term is also used for materials used in building foundations or else incorporated into plaster, brick, ceramic and concrete components, which are sometimes called 'filler' products.
<doc id="27087424" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087424" title="The Owls of Ga'Hoole">
The Owls of Ga'Hoole
<doc id="27087437" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087437" title="Divine Revolution">
Divine Revolution
Divine Revolution is the first studio album by Russian metal band Dominia.
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(5472) 1988 RR
<doc id="27087455" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087455" title="Canadian number-one albums of 1985">
Canadian number-one albums of 1985
<doc id="27087462" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087462" title="Canadian number-one albums of 1990">
Canadian number-one albums of 1990
<doc id="27087464" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087464" title="Canadian number-one albums of 1991">
Canadian number-one albums of 1991
<doc id="27087467" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087467" title="Alexandra Cadanțu-Ignatik">
Alexandra Cadanțu-Ignatik
Alexandra Cadanțu-Ignatik (née Cadanțu; born 3 May 1990) is a Romanian tennis player.
On 6 January 2014, she reached her career-high singles ranking of world No. 59. Her best doubles ranking by the WTA is No. 101, achieved on 11 June 2012.
At Grand Slam tournaments, Cadanțu-Ignatik has won only one (main-draw) match, at the 2013 Wimbledon Championships. Usually, she is playing on the ITF Circuit.
In July 2021, Alexandra changed her name to "Cadanțu-Ignatik", after marrying fellow tennis player Uladzimir Ignatik.
Born in Bucharest, Cadanțu began playing tennis at age three. Her favourite surface is clay, her goal to reach the top 50.
Cadanțu started the year in Shenzhen but was defeated by Bojana Jovanovski in the first round. Her next tournament was in Sydney, where she was defeated in the first qualifying round by Olga Puchkova. Alexandra then lost to Heather Watson in the Australian Open first round.
In February, she won her first match for the season in Cali, Colombia – defeating Laura Pous Tió. Then she lost in the second round to Sesil Karatantcheva in three sets, reached quarterfinals in Bogotá, Colombia, defeating Maria Joao Koehler in the first and Tereza Mrdeža in the second round. She then fell in the quarterfinals to Jelena Janković. Then, in Acapulco, Mexico, Cadanțu was defeated by Sara Errani in the first round. In March, she fell in Miami first qualifying round to Stefanie Vögele. She then lost to Madison Keys in the first round of Charleston.
She reached the semifinals in Katowice, Poland, in April, where she lost to Petra Kvitová. On her road, she defeated Yuliya Beygelzimer, Katarzyna Kawa, Raluca Olaru, Sabine Lisicki, each of them in straight sets, and Irina-Camelia Begu, and Shahar Pe'er in three. She has also reached the semifinals at the Budapest Grand Prix, where she lost in straight sets to compatriot Simona Halep and eventual winner of the tournament.
Cadanțu started the year in Auckland where she had to retire in her first round, 1–6, 0–4 down against Kurumi Nara. She also fell at the first round in Hobart (losing to Olivia Rogowska), at the Australian Open (to Flavia Pennetta), and in Rio (to Teliana Pereira).
Then things started to improve with a quarterfinal at Florianópolis, beating wildcard Gabriela Cé in the first round and Dinah Pfizenmaier in the second before losing to Yaroslava Shvedova, in straight sets. Cadanțu fell in the first round at Indian Wells and Miami, losing to rising stars CoCo Vandeweghe and Zarina Diyas, respectively. In Katowice, she beat Yanina Wickmayer before losing a tight three-set match to third seed Carla Suárez Navarro. She then had a nine-match losing streak, including the French Open and Wimbledon, which she snapped at the $100k Contrexéville. She won the doubles title at Bucharest alongside compatriot Ana Bogdan; they beat Çağla Büyükakçay and Karin Knapp in the final. Later in the year, she reached quarterfinals of the ITF events at Saint-Malo, Monterrey and Victoria.
Performance timelines.
"Only main-draw results in WTA Tour, Grand Slam tournaments, Fed Cup/Billie Jean King Cup and Olympic Games are included in win–loss records."
"Current after the 2023 Australian Open."
<doc id="27087469" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087469" title="Canadian number-one albums of 1992">
Canadian number-one albums of 1992
<doc id="27087471" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087471" title="Canadian number-one albums of 1993">
Canadian number-one albums of 1993
<doc id="27087473" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087473" title="Canadian number-one albums of 1994">
Canadian number-one albums of 1994
<doc id="27087475" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087475" title="Zygmunt Klemensiewicz">
Zygmunt Klemensiewicz
Zygmunt Aleksander Klemensiewicz (24 April 1886 – 25 March 1963) was a Polish physicist and physical chemist.
Early in his career (working for Fritz Haber in Karlsruhe), he made a pioneering contribution to the development of the glass electrode.
Life and career.
Klemensiewicz was born in Kraków. His father, Robert, was a teacher of history and geography and a headmaster of a secondary school; his mother was a translator from Scandinavian languages into Polish. From 1892 the family lived in Lwów, where he finished Polish gymnasium. In the years 1904–1908, he studied chemistry, physics, and mathematics at the Lwów University, where his professors included Wacław Sierpiński, Marian Smoluchowski, Stanisław Tołłoczko, Kazimierz Twardowski and Leonard Bronisław Radziszewski. In years 1908 - 1909, under a scholarship, he worked with Fritz Haber in Karlsruhe, i.a., on the potential of the glass electrode. In 1912, he passed his habilitation degree at Lwów. In the years 1913 - 1914, he worked with Marie Skłodowska-Curie in Paris, i.a., on the electrochemical properties of radium-B and thorium-B. During the WWI, he worked at first as a professor at the Pasteur Institute, and then in a plant manufacturing Solvarsan. In 1920 - 1940, he was an ordinary professor of physics and electronics at the Lwów Polytechnic. In years 1940 to 1942, he was in Kazakhstan (deported), then Iran, Egypt, and Great Britain (1944 until 1956). From 1956, he was a professor at the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice.
Klemensiewicz was also an accomplished mountaineer and skier, author of the first Polish-language manual on mountain climbing (1913), co-founder and vice-president (1922–1939) of Polish Skiing Association (pl:Polski Związek Narciarski). He died, aged 76, in Gliwice.
<doc id="27087476" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087476" title="Gaikwad Baroda State Railway">
Gaikwad Baroda State Railway
<doc id="27087477" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087477" title="On the Line (song)">
On the Line (song)
<doc id="27087480" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087480" title="Canadian number-one albums of 1995">
Canadian number-one albums of 1995
<doc id="27087481" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087481" title="Jeitinho">
Jeitinho (, literally "little way") is a Portuguese word to describe a method of finding a way to accomplish something by circumventing or bending the rules or transgressing social conventions. The concept is a deeply ingrained part of Brazilian culture.
The word "jeitinho" is the diminutive form of "jeito", meaning 'way', which comes from the Latin 'jactum'. The usage of 'jeitinho' is derived from the expression "dar um jeito", meaning "to find a way". It implies the use of resources at hand, as well as personal connections, and creativity. "Como é que ele conseguiu os bilhetes?" How did he get the tickets? "Ele deu um jeito." He found a way.
Most times Jeitinho is harmless, used to find creative solutions to nonsensical problems and/or excessive bureaucracy, as gatecrashing a party to obtain free food and beverage, or making extraneous handshake deals that don't follow exactly what's in the written contracts. Although it's sometimes seen as dishonest or cunning, in reality it comes from the necessity associated with a lack of resources and official help. Most Brazilians have to be creative and invent new simpler ways to do things they need, as living. An associated concept is "gambiarra", an improvised solution to technical emergencies with whatever means are at hand, e.g. attaching less-than-ideal materials to something that broke. The difference between "Jeitinho" and "gambiara" is that the former is a deal between individuals, while the latter is about fixing objects and systems.
One way to understand jeitinho is as a "recurso de esperteza", which means a resource used by "espertos"—savvy, cunning, or sly individuals who use common sense and prior knowledge, as well as naturally gifted intelligence in their thought processes. It implies that a person is "street-smart", but not necessarily "book-smart." It typically also connotes opportunism, pragmatism, and using one's networks, with little regard for the law, the state or for persons outside of one's own circle or family.
Scholarly discussion.
Brazilian scholar and historian Sérgio Buarque de Holanda connects the concept of jeitinho to Brazil's mixed heritage and Iberian ancestry in his book "Roots of Brazil" (Raízes do Brasil). In this work, jeitinho is tied to the idea that a typical Brazilian is a friendly, cordial man, prone to making initial decisions based on his emotions instead of his reason, and that this feature can be found everywhere in the country, from the highest offices of government to the most common situations of everyday life. Jeitinho is also observed in Rio de Janeiro's carnival industry by the scholar Roberto DaMatta in his book "Carnavais, Malandros e Heróis" (Carnival, Rogues and Heroes. Notre Dame Press). Da Matta sees jeitinho in the creative culture of carnival.
Similarity to other terms.
The terms "malandro" and "malandragem", which can be roughly translated as "rogue" and "roguishness", are very similar to the "jeitinho", but these terms imply a greater degree of breaking the rules, as opposed to bending the rules.
Elsewhere in Latin America, similar concepts include "viveza criolla" in Argentina and Uruguay, "juega vivo" in Panama and "malicia indígena" in Colombia.
A similar, slang term was coined in Hungary (Europe): 'megoldani okosba', which translates literally to 'to solve it the smart way'.
<doc id="27087484" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087484" title="Canadian number-one albums of 1996">
Canadian number-one albums of 1996
<doc id="27087488" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087488" title="Canadian number-one albums of 1997">
Canadian number-one albums of 1997
<doc id="27087492" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087492" title="Canadian number-one albums of 1998">
Canadian number-one albums of 1998
<doc id="27087498" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087498" title="Chamber of Art and Curiosities">
Chamber of Art and Curiosities
<doc id="27087507" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087507" title="Michiko Kichise">
Michiko Kichise
is a Japanese actress and model. She received the Elan d'or Award for Newcomer of the Year in 2011 for her work in ' (2009–10), ' (2010), and "Bloody Monday Season 2" (2010).
Personal life.
Kichise divorced her husband after 10 years of marriage in 2021. She has two daughters, born in 2010 (?) and 2016.
<doc id="27087509" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087509" title="Confédération européenne d'escrime">
Confédération européenne d'escrime
<doc id="27087510" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087510" title="Akwa Ibom International Airport">
Akwa Ibom International Airport
<doc id="27087512" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087512" title="5475 Hanskennedy">
5475 Hanskennedy
5475 Hanskennedy, provisional designation , is a Hungaria asteroid from the innermost region of the asteroid belt, approximately 2.3 kilometers in diameter. It was discovered on 26 August 1989, by Scottish-Australian astronomer Robert McNaught at the Siding Spring Observatory in Canberra, Australia. It is named after Hans Kennedy, a Dutch-Australian astronomer known for his work with photographing binary stars.
Biography: Hans Kennedy.
This asteroid is named for Hans Kennedy, who was born in 1924 in Amsterdam in the Netherlands. After five years in India and New Zealand as an engineer, he left Christchurch in 1962 for Sydney. Initially working at the division of Astronomy and Physics at the CSIRO, he developed a multi-exposure technique to observe potential flare stars, using a scanning densitometer. He selected contact binaries as his primary area of research and recorded period changes of 24 contact binaries. He investigated the effect of using an incorrect ephemeris to determine times of minimum light and analysed the nature of abrupt period changes, concluding that they are non-existent. He indicated that periods of broken contact must be of limited duration due to the formation of a gas stream between the binary components and demonstrated that asymmetric minima are caused by dark magnetic spots. Despite criticism, he predicted the existence of large equal-mass binaries which were discovered in 2007. He developed a technique to observe the light from faint binaries during minimum light when they become invisible at visible wavelengths, using an integrator.
Hans Kennedy was also instrumental in the discovery of the atmosphere of Pluto and was requested by NASA to photographically track several Apollo missions. He participated in photo-electric observations of the asteroid Kleopatra and found that it is an elongated metallic object consisting of an alloy of iron and nickel.
Kennedy was a close associate of Gerald Kron (US Naval Observatory)and Bart Bok (University of Arizona). He produced over 32 papers and publications. Although retired, he is analysing Schmidt plates and involved in research of binaries.
<doc id="27087515" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087515" title="H-Ras">
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<doc id="27087523" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087523" title="Kichise Michiko">
Kichise Michiko
<doc id="27087527" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087527" title="Paterson Barracks, Launceston">
Paterson Barracks, Launceston
<doc id="27087534" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087534" title="Riverview, New South Wales">
Riverview, New South Wales
Riverview is a suburb on the Lower North Shore of Sydney of Sydney, in the state of New South Wales, Australia. Riverview is located 9 kilometres north-west of the Sydney central business district, in the local government area of the Municipality of Lane Cove. It is situated on the northern side of the Lane Cove River, at the head of Tambourine Bay; the foreshore is occupied by Tambourine Bay Park. Riverview is primarily a residential area.
Riverview takes its name from its location, which provides a 'view' of the Lane Cove 'River'. St Ignatius' College was built in 1880.
A detailed history of Riverview will be found in Ball, John and Pam, "A history of Riverview: the suburb", 2013, Oughtershaw Press, , 499 pages, 41 pages of illustrations.
Tambourine Bay was named for the woman Tambourine Nell or Tambourine Sal, who lived in a cave on the foreshore whilst hiding from police.
In the 2016 Census, there were 3,354 people in Riverview. 75.2% of people were born in Australia. The next most common country of birth was England at 5.0%. 85.5% of people only spoke English at home. The most common responses for religion were Catholic 46.4%, No Religion 22.0% and Anglican 13.1%.
Riverview is home to the Jesuit school, St Ignatius' College, Riverview. Located in Tambourine Bay Road, it was designed by J. Dennehy and built in 1880. A three-storey sandstone building, it was designed in a Victorian Classical style, departing from the convention whereby educational buildings were normally designed in a Gothic style. Extensions were carried out in 1887, 1906 and in the 1920s. The grounds include an observatory and wharf shelter. The school is listed on the Register of the National Estate.
Parks and recreation.
There are several recreation areas throughout Riverview. Marjorie York Reserve, named after a longtime local resident, is a playground by the local shops and is very popular with families. Tambourine Bay Reserve is a large park situated at the end of Tambourine Bay Road, as well as Kallaroo Rd, and contains barbecue and picnic facilities, as well as a playground. It also offers splendid views over Tambourine Bay Road and is a hub for bushwalks to Longueville and around the bay. Burns Bay Reserve lies in West Riverview and is used for children's soccer matches in the cooler months of the year. Like Tambourine Bay Reserve, it is complete with picnic and barbecue facilities, and also a playground. There is also a small recreation area at the end of the walkway leading from Flaumont Avenue, complete with benches and a swing set.
Busways operates routes 253 to the Sydney central business district and 254 to McMahons Point ferry wharf. Tambourine Bay Road is the main thoroughfare through the area, and leads from Lane Cove's shopping district. River Road West runs along Riverview's northern border, and connects to Lane Cove West and Gladesville to the west and Longueville, North Sydney and the Sydney central business district to the east.
<doc id="27087535" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087535" title="Anglesea Barracks, Hobart">
Anglesea Barracks, Hobart
<doc id="27087542" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087542" title="Harn museum">
Harn museum
<doc id="27087545" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087545" title="Derwent Barracks, Glenorchy">
Derwent Barracks, Glenorchy
<doc id="27087548" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087548" title="Uyo Airport">
Uyo Airport
<doc id="27087553" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087553" title="Organizational field">
Organizational field
Organizational field is defined as "sets of organizations that, in the aggregate, constitute a recognized area of institutional life; key suppliers, resource
and product consumers, regulatory agencies, and other organizations that produce similar services or products".
<doc id="27087558" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087558" title="Staurakios (eunuch)">
Staurakios (eunuch)
Staurakios (, sometimes Latinzied "Stauracius"; died 3 June 800) was a Byzantine Greek eunuch official, who rose to be one of the most important and influential associates of Byzantine empress Irene of Athens (r. 797–802). He effectively acted as chief minister during her regency for her young son, Emperor Constantine VI (r. 780–797) in 780–790, until overthrown and exiled by a military revolt in favour of the young emperor in 790. Restored to power by Constantine along with Irene in 792, Staurakios aided her in the eventual removal, blinding, and possible murder of her son in 797. His own position thereafter was threatened by the rise of another powerful eunuch, Aetios. Their increasing rivalry, and Staurakios's own imperial ambitions, were only resolved by Staurakios's death.
First minister under Irene's regency.
Staurakios emerged into prominence in 781, when Irene, as regent for her infant son Constantine VI, appointed him to the post of "logothetes tou dromou", the Byzantine Empire's foreign minister. Already holding the high court rank of "patrikios", through this appointment Staurakios became, in the words of the chronicler Theophanes the Confessor, "the foremost man of his day and in charge of everything" for most of Irene's subsequent reign. This appointment was part of Irene's consistent policy to rely on eunuch officials as ministers and generals, in large part the result of her distrust towards the established generals of her late husband, Leo IV (r. 775–780) and his father Constantine V (r. 741–775). The generals, intensely loyal to the Isaurian dynasty and its vehemently iconoclastic policies, could threaten her own position: already a few weeks after Leo IV's death, Irene had foiled a palace plot to put his surviving brother, the "Caesar" Nikephoros, on the throne.
This reliance on eunuchs caused some hostility in the military; resentment at Staurakios's appointment to this powerful post is given by the Byzantine chroniclers as the reason for the (initially secret) defection of the prominent Armenian "strategos" of the Bucellarian Theme, Tatzates, to the Arabs in 782. This was a critical blow to the Byzantines, who at that time had almost succeeded in encircling the invading army of the future Caliph Harun al-Rashid (r. 786–809). On Tatzates's suggestion, Harun asked for negotiations, but when the imperial envoys, including Staurakios, arrived, they were seized and held as hostages. At this point, Tatzates and his men publicly went over to the Caliph. Staurakios and the other envoys were released only when Empress Irene accepted the Caliph's harsh terms for a three-year truce, including the annual payment of an enormous tribute of 70,000 or 90,000 gold dinars and the handing over of 10,000 silk garments.
In the next year, Staurakios led an imperial expedition against the Slavic communities ("Sclaviniae") of Greece. Setting out from Constantinople, the imperial army followed the Thracian coast into Macedonia, and then south into Thessaly, Central Greece and the Peloponnese. This expedition restored a measure of Byzantine imperial authority over these areas, and collected booty and tribute from the locals. Empress Irene rewarded her loyal minister by allowing him to celebrate a triumph in the Hippodrome of Constantinople in January 784.
Buoyed by this success, which was followed by a restoration of imperial control in much of Thrace as far as Philippopolis, Irene moved towards the restoration of the veneration of icons, which had been prohibited by Emperor Constantine V. A new ecumenical council was convened. Initially, in 786, it was held in the Church of the Holy Apostles in Constantinople, but the soldiers of the "tagmata", founded by Constantine V and loyal to his iconoclastic policies, gathered outside in protest and forced the assembly to be broken up. In order to neutralize their reaction, Irene sent the "tagmata" to the army base of Malagina in Bithynia, allegedly in preparation for a campaign against the Arabs. There, some 1,500 of the soldiers were dismissed while Staurakios brought loyal thematic troops from Thrace to guard the capital. Irene then reconvened the council at Nicaea, after dismissing the most recalcitrant iconoclast bishops. Predictably, iconoclasm was overturned as a heresy, and the veneration of images was restored.
Clash with Constantine VI.
In 788, Staurakios is recorded as attending as a judge in the bride show for the 17-year-old Constantine VI, along with Irene and the young Byzantine emperor himself. Maria of Amnia was chosen, although Constantine was unhappy about the breaking up of his earlier betrothal with Rotrude, Charlemagne's daughter. From this point on, he began to resent his mother's control over state affairs and the power of her eunuch officials. Along with a few trusted conspirators, Constantine planned to arrest Staurakios and exile him to Sicily, while he would assume his position as effective co-ruler of the Byzantine Empire. Their plans were preempted by Staurakios, however: he persuaded Irene to arrest, torture, exile or imprison Constantine's associates, while Constantine himself was placed under house arrest. Next, Irene demanded of the army an oath of loyalty, whose wording placed her before her son in precedence. This demand provoked a mutiny by the soldiers of the Armeniac Theme, which then spread throughout the Anatolian armies, which assembled in Bithynia and demanded Emperor Constantine's release. Bowing to their pressure, Irene capitulated and Constantine was installed as sole ruler in December 790. Among Constantine's first acts was to have Staurakios flogged, tonsured, and exiled to the Armeniac Theme, while all other eunuch officials were likewise exiled.
Irene remained confined in a palace at the Harbour of Eleutherios in the capital and retained her formal title as empress. Then, on 15 January 792, for reasons not clear, she was recalled to the imperial palace with her title as empress and co-ruler confirmed and her name restored in the imperial acclamations. Staurakios too seems to have been recalled and, along with Irene, again took an active role in the governance of the state. This turn of events drove the Armeniacs once again to mutiny, but their commander, Alexios Mosele, was in Constantinople. Despite guarantees of safety, Mosele was imprisoned and later blinded at the instigation of Irene and Staurakios, both eager to take revenge for his role in their overthrow in 790.
This alienated the army, especially the Armeniacs, who had provided a firm support base for Constantine VI against his mother. In 795, Constantine also strained relations with the Church in the so-called "Moechian Controversy", when he divorced Maria and married his mistress Theodote. As a result, Empress Irene's own position with the capital's bureaucracy and the whole states of the empire became very stronger and she began plotting against her son. While Irene bribed the "tagmata", Staurakios and other agents of Irene foiled an expedition headed by Constantine against the Arabs, afraid that a victory would boost the emperor's standing with the people and the army. As he returned to the capital, Constantine was seized and blinded. Although it was officially stated that he survived and remained imprisoned, he likely died of his wounds sometime after.
Irene's sole rule and Staurakios's rivalry with Aetios.
With the removal of Constantine VI, Irene henceforth reigned alone, the first Byzantine empress to do so. Staurakios, however, found his own position increasingly challenged by another powerful eunuch and trusted servant of the empress, Aetios. Both were engaged in an intense rivalry to place their relatives in positions of power so as to secure control of the Empire after Irene's death.
This rivalry intensified when Irene fell seriously ill in May 799. With the backing of the Domestic of the Schools, Niketas Triphyllios, Aetios accused Staurakios to Irene of planning to usurp the throne. Irene held a council at the Palace of Hieria, where her powerful minister was rebuked but got off with an apology. Staurakios now began preparing his own counter stroke, bribing members of the "tagmata", although he seems to have lacked supporters among the higher command echelons. Although a eunuch was legally barred from the imperial throne, Staurakios nevertheless seems to have aspired to seize it for himself. Warned by Aetios, Empress Irene issued orders in February 800 that no one from the military should have any contact with Staurakios. This measure curbed the latter's designs, and introduced a precarious balance between Staurakios and Aetios, the latter still supported by Niketas Triphyllios. Soon after, Staurakios fell fatally ill, reportedly coughing up blood. Nevertheless, persuaded by doctors, monks and soothsayers that he would live and become Byzantine emperor, he instigated a revolt in Cappadocia against his adversary Aetios, who had by then secured the post of "strategos" of the Anatolic Theme (the highest-ranked military position in the Byzantine Empire). However, even before news of the revolt, which was swiftly suppressed, reached the capital, Staurakios died on 3 June 800.
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Heaven eye
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2000–01 Inter Milan season
The 2000–01 season was Football Club Internazionale Milano's 92nd in existence and 85th consecutive season in the top flight of Italian football.
Season overview.
Inter hoped to improve from past seasons; the goalkeeper Angelo Peruzzi was replaced by a young Sébastien Frey (aged 20), while a defender - Fabio Macellari - did the same with Grigorios Georgatos who came from Greece. The burden of scoring was given to Hakan Şükür and Robbie Keane, waiting for Vieri's recovery and Ronaldo's return. Inter did not pass the Champions League preliminary round: they were defeated by Helsingborgs, losing on a 1–0 aggregate. The side then lost the Supercoppa Italiana, defeated 4–3 by Lazio. Coach Lippi lost instead his job in October, after the 2–1 defeat to Reggina in Serie A.
His place was taken by Marco Tardelli, who achieved up and down results. In the rest of season Inter suffered further blows: a 6–1 defeat to Parma and a second European flop, against Alavés in the UEFA Cup. Inter supporters flew off the handle when, during a match with Atalanta, when they threw a scooter from the stands. On following matchday, the side lost again: Milan won 6–0 in the Derby della Madonnina. Inter finished the league in fifth place with 51 points, two more than rivals Milan.
<doc id="27087576" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087576" title="List of asteroids/13601–13700">
List of asteroids/13601–13700
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<doc id="27087580" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087580" title="F.C. Internazionale Milano season 2000-01">
F.C. Internazionale Milano season 2000-01
<doc id="27087582" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087582" title="List of asteroids/13701–13800">
List of asteroids/13701–13800
<doc id="27087584" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087584" title="Kickin' & Screamin'">
Kickin' & Screamin'
<doc id="27087586" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087586" title="List of asteroids/13801–13900">
List of asteroids/13801–13900
<doc id="27087589" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087589" title="List of asteroids/13901–14000">
List of asteroids/13901–14000
<doc id="27087592" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087592" title="Against the Season">
Against the Season
<doc id="27087597" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087597" title="List of asteroids/14001–14100">
List of asteroids/14001–14100
<doc id="27087600" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087600" title="Motown Records discography">
Motown Records discography
<doc id="27087604" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087604" title="Dobroyd Castle">
Dobroyd Castle
Dobroyd Castle is an important historic building above the town of Todmorden, West Yorkshire, England. It was built for John Fielden, local mill owner and son of Honest John Fielden the Social Reformer and MP.
The building has had a varied past. First built as an extravagant mansion house, then it was used as a school, it then became a Buddhist Retreat centre and the building is currently used as an Activity Centre (Known as Robinwood) for Primary School Groups.
The castle has 66 rooms and is Grade II* listed.
In the mid 19th century Todmorden was a booming, successful cotton town. It is in this setting that rich industrialist, John Fielden (Junior) fell in love with local worker, Ruth Stansfield and asked her to be his wife. It is often said that her reply was that she would marry him if he built her a castle.
Whether or not that was said, the couple married in 1857 and in due course a castle was built. Fielden commissioned prestigious architect, John Gibson to design and build the Castle between 1866 and 1869 at a cost of £71,589.
John and Ruth Fielden lived in the Castle but the couple became progressively distant and estranged, a Swiss chalet was built in the valley bottom for Ruth and it is said that she became an alcoholic. Ruth died in 1877 (aged 50), just 8 years after the castle's completion. John died in the castle in 1893 (aged 77). After his death, the Castle stayed in the Fielden family but was used infrequently and was eventually sold for £10,000.
The Home Office used the castle between 1942 and 1979 as a place for 15- to 18-year-old males to learn manual skills such as building or carpentry alongside the rest of their curriculum. After a 3-month closure in 1979 the castle reopened as the privately run Castle School. 20 boys with emotional and behavioural problems were educated there. Following the school's closure in 1989 the castle lay empty for 6 years.
The Castle was acquired by Buddhists of the New Kadampa Tradition in 1995. They bought the castle for £320,000 and the building became the Losang Dragpa Centre, named after a famous teacher of Tibetan Buddhism. In 2007 it was announced that the Buddhists were leaving the Castle and there was concern locally for the future of the Castle, especially because the roof was in a state of disrepair and the work required to renovate it was going to cost around £200,000. The Buddhists had secured a grant for £127,000 from English Heritage and the Heritage Lottery Fund but this would not necessarily be transferable to the new owners.
Robinwood Activity Centre Ltd. acquired the castle and grounds for £2.2 million in 2008 and by March 2009 had transformed the Castle into an activity centre.
The Building.
Fielden commissioned John Gibson to design the Castle. It was to "Immortalise the name of Fielden" and to be "the most commanding object in the neighbourhood". The total cost of the building came to a total of £71,589 making it more expensive than either Todmorden Town Hall or Todmorden's Unitarian Church, both prestigious and architecturally significant buildings designed by Gibson.
The 2 storey building has 4 turrets on its corners, several bay windows and a substantial 4 storey tower. The vast majority of the top of the building is castellated with battlements although of course this is for aesthetic rather than defensive reasons. Inside the castle are large columns of Devonshire Marble, a Rose Pink Marble fireplace, and an imposing Spinkwell Stone staircase. The Saloon (or 'Salon') area is topped by two large glass domes. The building contains four stone Tympana carved from Caen stone. The four carvings depict different images associated with the cotton industry. The Fieldens were a force for change in the conditions of workers in the very industry that made their own fortunes. This has certainly led some to believe that the carvings are intended to communicate these humanitarian beliefs.
The 66-room building is Grade II* listed.
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<doc id="27087624" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087624" title="Robeen">
Robeen is a parish in County Mayo, Ireland with a church (Our Lady of Sorrows), school (Robeen National School), crèche (Robeen Rascals) and pub (Trenches). Although the parish has a parochial house and priest based there, the parish priest is based in the neighbouring parish of Roundfort. There are also some bed and breakfasts and holiday homes in the parish. Aside from these, farming is the main provider within the parish for those who do not work in neighbouring towns and cities such as Ballinrobe, Claremorris, Castlebar and Galway and further afield.
Robeen is located approximately three miles west of Hollymount and five miles north of Ballinrobe. The River Robe runs through the parish and Lough Carra is located two miles to the west beside the townland of Brownstown. The parish also has views of the Partry Mountains and Croagh Patrick.
<doc id="27087631" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087631" title="Delothraupis">
<doc id="27087638" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087638" title="Rudolf George Escher">
Rudolf George Escher
Rudolf Escher (8 January 1912 in Amsterdam – 17 March 1980 in De Koog) was a Dutch composer and music theorist. He left compositions for chamber orchestra and orchestra, vocal and one electronic composition. Escher was also a poet, painter and writer.
Escher was born the son of the geologist and mineralogist Berend George Escher and the Swiss Emma Brosy. His father was a son of the engineer George Arnold Escher and half-brother of the graphic artist Maurits Cornelis Escher. At the age of four, Escher moved with his family to Batavia, Dutch East Indies, where his father worked as a geologist for the Batavian Petroleum Company. His father was a good pianist and he gave the young Escher piano lessons.
In 1922, five years later, they were back in the Netherlands, now in Leiden. Escher went to the Stedelijk Gymnasium Leiden and continued his piano lessons, now with Bé Hartz. He also played the violin and got harmony lessons. After four years he quit school. At first he could not choose between music, visual arts and letters but in 1929 he decided to become a composer. Next he wanted to go to the conservatoire in Cologne. The Dutch composer Peter van Anrooy advised him to study piano. On second thoughts Escher went to the Toonkunst Conservatoire in Rotterdam in 1931. Until 1937 he studied the piano as major with the cello as minor. From 1934 to 1937 he also studied composition with Willem Pijper as his teacher. Escher's debut was in 1935 with his "First piano sonata". He also attracted attention in 1938 with an important essay: "Toscanini and Debussy, magic of reality". In this essay his views towards composing are evident. He also wrote a few poems, which were published in "Forum".
When the Second World War expanded into the Netherlands, many of Escher's compositions from his study period were destroyed in the bombing of Rotterdam on 14 May 1940. He also lost his house and all his possessions.
During the war Escher composed "Musique pour l'esprit en deuil" (1941–43). This work quickly elevated him to be the most important composer in the Netherlands. About the compositions from the war, he wrote: 'My work from this period has got a sort of gravity, a doggedness here and there, which makes it clearly to realize as grown amid disasters. For me, personally, that is the ethical significance of it: they are constructions of the mind, in a time that 'mind' (if you can still call it that way) is used almost exclusively for destructive purposes.’
Soon after the war Escher was a contributor about visual arts and music for the weekly Groene Amsterdammer. He turned out to be a talented poet, publishing poetry in literary magazines into the 1950s. Socially he had little to complain about; he was offered several administrative functions, his compositions were successfully performed, and his publications were followed with interest.
After 1946 Escher befriended the Dutch composer Matthijs Vermeulen. They shared the same social and literary interests and communist ideals. They had enough trust in each other so that they could write critically about the others' compositions. Escher's communist ideals were expressed in his membership of the Communist Party (from 1934 to 1940). He wrote a few critiques for the monthly communist periodical "Politics and Culture", using the pseudonym A. Leuvens. During the 1950s he became critical of Russian communism, which he considered a failure. What remained was his leftist political orientation.
In 1958 Escher was present at the 32nd ISCM festival in Strasbourg. About this he wrote reviews to his friend and composer-colleague Peter Schat. In 1960 he was present at the ISCM festival in Cologne. Here he got excited about "Pli selon pli" of Pierre Boulez. Thus Escher began experimenting with electronic music and serialism in the 1960s. He took lessons in the technique of electronic music with lectures in elementary sound mechanics, electro-physics and sound technology in Delft. Afterwards he experimented in the Studio for Electronic Music in Delft and then at the Institute of Sonology in Utrecht. He decided to ask for analysis classes with Boulez, with reference to the piece he heard in Cologne. From 3 to 7 November 1960 he visited Boulez in Baden-Baden. Those days were spent on analyzing "Improvisations sur Mallarmé I & II" of Boulez. At last Escher concluded that the techniques did not feel right for him. Nevertheless, in his "Wind Quintet" from 1967 serial music can be found. He uses structure formulas that remind a listener of Boulez. His visit led a few weeks later to a purification of his works: He wrote a request to the director of the publisher Donemus to remove four works unconditionally and three with some restrictions.
In 1960–61 Escher gave lessons at the Conservatoire of Amsterdam. He used his experience with Boulez to give a lecture on "the meaning of structure and form by Debussy with reference to recent serial composition techniques by Boulez." He became Scientific Senior Lecturer at the Institute for Musicology at the University of Utrecht from 1964 to 1977. His specialization was 'Aspects of the twentieth century'. He gave a lecture "characteristic structure- and form criteria in the music of the twentieth century." Besides music theory he also explored the world of music as a semantic sign system and Audiology.
Escher died at the age of 68 in De Koog on the Frisian Island Texel.
In 1980 his friends and experts united to create the Escher Committee. Among others involved were Willem Boogman, Elmer Schönberger and Dirk Jacob Hamoen. With the help of the committee the widow of the composer compiled a catalog with comments of Escher's works.
In 1992 the Centrum Nederlandse Muziek published correspondence between Escher and the composer Peter Schat, 33 letters and postcards written between 13 May 1958 and 5 August 1961. In the letters they talked about compositions of others as well as their own, and they discussed issues in aesthetics and music theory. The letters give insight to Dutch history, aesthetics, and theory of the 20th-century music, from the inception to the reception of serialism.
In the year of the publication of the correspondence Peter Schat published a letter to the dead Escher. In the letter Schat described the process of change that was happening in that time. He also notified Escher about the existing state of affairs in the Netherlands.
In 1999 David Moore wrote that Escher is one of the most prominent Dutch composers of the previous generation. Leo Samama was also laudatory when we mentioned Escher's work: "Together with the 'Sinfonia per dieci strumenti' (1973/75), the 'Flute sonata' (1976/79) and the 'Trio for clarinet, viola and piano' (1978/79), the 'Wind Quintet' belongs to the works of a master – one of the few our country has known - of an artist that has developed such a personal language, a personal grammar, a personal sound, that every statement about French or German influences, about old or new music, about place and time are futile and meaningless."
There is a foundation named after Escher for young composers. Since 2006 the foundation is in the management at the Prins Bernard Culture Foundation. The Rudolf Escher Composers Foundation supports young composers financially to follow a study in the Netherlands or abroad. It also supports projects where the work of a young (Dutch) composers is being performed and of concerts where works of Escher are being performed. The foundation is funded by the board of the Rudolf Escher Committee and the inheritance of Escher.
Escher received several prizes for his compositions during his live. In 1946 he got the Music prize of the city of Amsterdam for his orchestral work "Musique pour l'esprit en deuil", yet before the first performance sounded. One year later he received the Dutch Government Prize for the suite for piano "Arcana". He also received the Music price of the city of Amsterdam for "Le vrai visage de la paix" for choir a cappella. For "Le tombeau de Ravel" he got the Prof. Van der Leeuw Prize in 1959. Twice he could receive the Visser-Neerlandia Prize, for "Nostalgies" (1961) and the "Wind Quintet" (1968). Between these prizes he got the Willem Pijper Prize in 1966 for the "Sonata concertante" for cello and piano. Eventually Escher received the Johan Wagenaar Prize in 1977 for all his works.
<doc id="27087645" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087645" title="Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ1">
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ1
<doc id="27087650" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087650" title="Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ">
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ
<doc id="27087652" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087652" title="Kurtez ambush">
Kurtez ambush
The Kurtez ambush occurred on August 12, 1943, near the village of Kurtez in the Kolonjë District of Korçë County in southeastern Albania. It was carried out by Balli Kombëtar during the Albanian Resistance of World War II. Two hundred local Balli Kombëtar militants, commanded by Qemal Burimi and David Smiley, ambushed a German convoy and a troop carrier, inflicting heavy losses on the German troops.
After the Italian occupation of Albania in 1939, several resistance groups gradually formed. One of the most important of these groups was Balli Kombëtar, a nationalist organization led by Mit'hat Frashëri and Ali Këlcyra.
In mid-1943 the Special Operations Executive (SOE), a British clandestine organisation, sent several agents to Albania to cooperate with Balli Kombëtar and the Albanian National Liberation Front. David Smiley, one of the SOE agents, contacted a unit of two hundred Balli Kombëtar soldiers under the command of Qemal Burimi. After assembling at the village of Kurtez they decided to carry out an ambush against German troops on the main road near Kurtez connecting Korçë to Ioannina.
The Albanian troops were positioned along the road and Smiley laid sixteen mines in two groups of eight on either side of the road about apart. Shortly afterwards a large German troop-carrier towing an 88 mm gun approached and was blown up on one of the two groups of mines. The German soldiers that were not killed by the explosion were shot by the Ballists while they were trying to escape by running back along the road. Eighteen German soldiers were killed, twelve of them while in the troop-carrier. The captured gun was pushed into the river-bed below the road.
About a half-hour later, a German convoy of twenty-three trucks approached the ambuscade from the direction of Leskovik. The first truck blew up on the second group of mines, while Smiley fired a 20 mm Breda gun on the following trucks, resulting in two of them bursting into flames. The Ballists shot down five German soldiers who tried to escape. The Albanian troops suffered no casualties during the attack. The German troops were from the 1st Alpine Division.
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Ruffy Biazon
Rozzano Rufino Bunoan Biazon (born March 20, 1969), better known as Ruffy Biazon, is a Filipino politician currently serving as the Mayor of Muntinlupa since 2022. He previously served as Representative of Muntinlupa in the Philippine House of Representatives from 2001 to 2010 and from 2016 to 2022. He has also served as Commissioner of Bureau of Customs from 2011 to 2013. From 1991 to 1992, he also served as a board member of the Videogram Regulatory Board. He is the son of former senator Rodolfo Biazon.
In Congress, he served as chairman of the Committee on Metro Manila Development, vice chairman of the Committee on National Defense and Security, vice chairman of the Committee on Information and Communications Technology, vice chairman of the Committee on Appropriations and member of the Congressional Oversight Committee on Visiting Forces Agreement.
His three terms as legislator was marked by very significant achievements. He was principal author of 8 Republic Acts, which includes the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act and the Philippine Coast Guard Act and co-author of 36 others. In his last term in Congress, he filed a total of 81 bills and resolutions, most of which are national in scope.
For his exemplary performance as House Representative, Commissioner Biazon was cited by the Philippine Daily Inquirer as “one of the most prolific legislators”. The Philippine Graphic Magazine also included him as one of the Top 100 Young Leaders of the country and the Philippines Free Press Magazine as an Outstanding Congressman.
Early life.
Christened Rozzano Rufino Bunoan Biazon, his parents call him Ruffy. He was born on March 20, 1969, at a military hospital at the Cavite Naval Station in Cavite City, the third and youngest child of then Lt. Rodolfo Gaspar Biazon and Monserrat Biazon. Ruffy grew up in a military camp. He spent his childhood in Navy Village in Fort Bonifacio where they stayed in government housing for military officers.
For his basic education, Ruffy attended at Malate Catholic School. In school, he was consistently at the higher ranks of the class and was very active in extra curricular activities.
At a young age, he exhibited leadership qualities, always a class officer, many times class president. He also served in the student council during his entire stay in the school, becoming the president in his senior year.
A capable writer, he was also in the editorial staff of the school newspaper, from first year to fourth year ultimately becoming the editor in chief. Ruffy actively participated in essay writing contests and spelling bees, consistently winning first place in the competitions he joined. He also became the school's entry in the Science Quiz Bee, reaching the semi-finals.
The dream to become a doctor ushered Ruffy to take up Medical Technology at the University of Santo Tomas, although he was not able to move on to medical school nor practice his profession since he was diverted into an equally fulfilling but more exciting field—public service.
Ruffy's social involvement is not just limited to his official duties as a public official. He is also a member of several socio-civic organizations and clubs as a member of the Rotary Club of Alabang North and an honorary member of the Fraternal Order of the Philippine Eagles.
Political career.
Videogram Regulatory Board.
Ruffy began his public life right after college when he was appointed by then President Corazon Aquino as Youth Representative in the Videogram Regulatory Board. He was 22 years old.
Senate staff.
When his father, a newly retired Armed Forces Chief of Staff, was elected Senator in 1992, Ruffy was taken in as Senator Rodolfo Biazon as his Chief of Staff.
In 1995, his father did not make it in his re-election bid due to election fraud called “Dagdag-Bawas”. However, Ruffy was acquired by newly elected Senator Sergio Osmeña III as Chief Legislative Officer. When his father once again ran in 1998 and won, Ruffy returned as Chief of Staff in his father's office.
Ruffy directed and managed his father's campaign three times and served in the Senate for a total of seven years. Relying on this exposure and experience, he decided to take the front line instead of just being in the background by running for a seat in the House of Representatives.
House of Representatives (2001–2010).
In 2001, Ruffy sought the seat of the Lone Congressional District of Muntinlupa, which was then held by Ignacio Bunye, a former three-term mayor of that city. Although bearing the name of his senator-father, he was considered an underdog, since then Congressman Bunye had a clean slate as a public official and an undefeated record as a politician. Ruffy was a newcomer and upstart in Muntinlupa politics, never holding any public office in the city.
Against all odds and managing his own campaign, Ruffy won in his first bid for public office, beating the incumbent by 1,500 votes which was not contested with an election protest. This victory was recognized in political circles as one of the most significant upsets in the 2001 elections. Ruffy acknowledged the hard work of his campaigners and their “intelligent campaign” in this victory.
But Ruffy emphasizes that all the work and thought put into the campaign would have been in vain if God's grace was not present. To him, the most important ingredient was the constant and profuse prayers which covered his electoral bid. He said, “In this victory, I have a lot of people to thank but I owe everything to God.”
The people of Muntinlupa were not mistaken in electing him. Adopting a program of government which he termed as “6K”, which meant “Karunungan, Kalusugan, Kaunlaran, Kapayapaan, Kabuhayan, Kalikasan”, he delivered services to his constituents and performed his duties as a legislator focused on his six stated agendas. Recognizing and appreciating his performance, the electorate of Muntinlupa elected him for a second term in 2004, and he won by a landslide victory.
While his re-election bid for a second term was easy, his third and final election as the Representative of the Lone District of Muntinlupa was to be more difficult than his first. For his third term, Ruffy was challenged by veteran broadcaster-journalist Ricardo “Dong” Puno. Not only was he a very well-known public figure, his brother also headed the Department of Interior and Local Government, which had control over barangays and the Philippine National Police.
In addition, Sec. Ronnie Puno also had the reputation of being a successful election specialist. In the face-off between Ruffy Biazon and Dong Puno in 2007, Dong Puno enjoyed the advantage of being the candidate of the incumbent mayor, gaining the endorsement of two major religious groups and the support of a very popular TV game show host.
In spite of being an incumbent, it was the perception of many that Ruffy was the underdog with all odds stacked against him. But the people of Muntinlupa elected Ruffy for a third term with a comfortable lead over his rival. Although his opponent cried foul, no election protest against Ruffy was filed due to his convincing victory.
Performance as a Legislator and District Representative.
Ruffy's performance as the Representative of the Lone District of Muntinlupa was marked by very significant achievements. He proved his worth as a legislator, having authored 8 Republic Acts as a principal author and 36 others as co-author. In his last term, he filed a total of 81 bills and resolutions, most of which are national in scope.
The congressman is an active participant in committee hearings and plenary sessions in the House of Representatives. Aside from delivering speeches on significant national issues, he frequently engages other members of the House in debates and interpellation.
He successfully sponsored and defended the budgets of the Department of Defense in the last two years, the Department of Agrarian Reform and the Metro Manila Development Authority in the previous year, which were all highly controversial due to issues concerning the agencies and invited the interest of dozens of legislators. Congressman Biazon stood continuously for four hours on the plenary floor asking questions from fellow congressmen who took turns taking to task one of the departments. In his trademark cool and composed manner, Ruffy successfully defended the sponsored budgets, not once buckling under the pressure.
In his district, Ruffy embarked on an ambitious yet realistic program when he first assumed office in 2001—the modernization of Muntinlupa's public school system by introducing the Computer Training for Educators and Resources for Students Program (Compu.T.E.R.S. Program).
The program had 5 stages:
Stage 1 - Computer Literacy training for teachers in the public school system. Upon the initial implementation, 800 teachers were given computer literacy training in order to introduce them to Information Technology.
Stage 2 – Provision of computer hardware which the educators can use not only in their daily office functions but also in teaching. Schools were all provided with computers for the students’ use as well.
Stage 3 – Technology Intensified Instruction (T.I.I.) was introduced. Software and teaching programs were provided which enable teachers to teach Math, Science and English using software specifically programmed for such purpose. Muntinlupa was the first city in the country to be 100% T.I.I.-certified.
Stage 4 – Computer Laboratories were set up in the schools with the objective of providing hands-on experience to as many students as possible. Prior to this, the only experience that students had with computers were the use of card board mock-ups which only provided them an idea of how to use a keyboard.
Stage 5 – Connection to the World Wide Web. A five-year subscription to the internet was made available to all the high schools of Muntinlupa, enabling students to have access to massive resources in the World Wide Web, opening doors of new opportunities for learning.
Owing to the huge amount needed to complete the program, he funded it through his congressional fund on a multi-year basis which was already factored in when the project was formulated. A believer in private sector participation in government, Congressman Biazon also engaged Non-Government Organizations as partners in his projects.
One example is his partnership with Gearing up for Internet Literacy and Access for Students (GILAS), a project of top-notch private corporations such as Smart Communications, Globe Telecoms, PLDT, Ayala Corporation and many others. Not only did it provide a more cost-efficient way of doing projects, it also increased transparency in government programs.
Another major achievement of Congressman Biazon in his district is the smooth relocation of the thousands of informal settler-families who live along the Philippine National Railways tracks which traverses eight out of nine barangays in Muntinlupa.
Since the beginning of his term in 2001, Ruffy pushed for an “in-city” relocation program for the informal settlers, as opposed to the traditional practice of the government to relocate the Metro Manila informal settlers to the nearby provinces. He proposed that the families to be removed from the PNR right of way in Muntinlupa be relocated to a site within the city, particularly the Bilibid Prison reservation which was 415 hectares in land area. He pushed for the allocation of 50 hectares to be used as relocation site for the relocates.
But more difficult in getting government to set aside the property for relocation is the challenge to convince the informal settlers to accept the relocation program. This was not made easy due to the practice of traditional politicians to ride on the popular sentiment of informal settlers to be given the land where they are illegally settled on. Add to that the tactic of certain interest groups to agitate the masses to go against government programs.
Using a grassroots information campaign through community dialogue and consultation, Congressman Biazon embarked on what seemed at the start to be a daunting task, to convince the informal settlers to accept their relocation which will require them to pay the government a monthly amortization for their resettlement. But since he patiently undertook this mission over a span of several years, the relocation program is presently 50% underway, with zero incidence of violent demolition along the railways of Muntinlupa, unlike many other government relocation projects where the informal settlers often resorted to defending their homes with sticks and stones and requiring government to use force to evict them.
Congressman Biazon's effective performance in the delivery of projects and services in his district earned him the trust and confidence of the people of Muntinlupa who elected him into office three times. Focusing on the basic needs of his constituents such as health, education, livelihood and peace and order, Congressman Biazon effectively used the congressional funds allocated to his district. He was even lauded by the Department of Education as an Outstanding Congressman in the use of congressional funds for education projects.
Senate bid.
Being term limited as congressman, Biazon ran for senator in 2010 under the Liberal Party ticket. His father was also term-limited as senator and had decided to run for congressman of Muntinlupa. However, he lost, placing 14th, while his father was successful, succeeding him.
Bureau of Customs.
On September 14, 2011, Biazon was appointed by President Benigno S. Aquino III after then Customs Commissioner Angelito Alvarez formally resigned at the Bureau of Customs. Two days after he formally accepted the position and he assumed his position as Commissioner on September 16, 2011. On December 2, 2013, Biazon resigned from his position.
In the Bureau of Customs, he pursued reforms to not only to address the perennial problem of smuggling and corruption within the Bureau but also led the advocacy to make Philippine Customs compliant to international standards on Customs administration. He initiated programs to transform the BOC through a three-pronged program — Modernization of Tools and Equipment, Modernization of Policies and Development of Human Resources.
House of Representatives (2016–2022).
As his father decided not to seek reelection, he decided to run for a return to Congress in 2016. Allied with Mayor Jaime Fresnedi, he was successful that year, defeating Ronnie Ricketts. He was then reelected for a second consecutive term in 2019.
Mayor of Muntinlupa (2022–present).
Biazon ran for Mayor of Muntinlupa in 2022, with incumbent vice mayor Artemio Simundac as his running mate, switching places with incumbent mayor Jaime Fresnedi, who is term-limited. He ran under One Muntinlupa, a newly launched local party. He won the mayoralty race in a landslide victory.
Personal life.
Ruffy married Catherine Mary "Trina" Reyes, the incumbent Muntinlupa Gender and Development (GAD) Office Head, in 1990 and were blessed with four sons.
In 1993, Ruffy joined the Victory Christian Fellowship and even served in their church as a Children's Church worker. He saw it as an opportunity to improve his skills as a father and strengthen his personal relationship not only with his sons but with God.
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Patrick O'Connor
Patrick O'Connor may refer to:
<doc id="27087661" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087661" title="Clara Haber">
Clara Haber
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Marcelo José Pletsch
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Clara Immerwahr Haber
<doc id="27087668" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087668" title="1975 New National League season">
1975 New National League season
The 1975 National League was contested as the second division/tier of Speedway in the United Kingdom when British League Division Two was renamed. It was subsequently named the National League.
The league increased by one team for the fourth season in a row despite the loss of three teams; the Barrow Bombers, Long Eaton Archers and Sunderland Gladiators. The latter closed for good. Four new teams entered; the Newcastle Diamonds and Crayford Kestrels both returned for their first seasons since 1970, while Mildenhall Fen Tigers and Paisley Lions both competed in their inaugural seasons.
Birmingham Brummies, winners of the last British League Division Two, retained their title and were promoted to the British League for 1976. Birmingham won the league by 5 points despite losing their leading rider Phil Herne to Newport in division 1. Birmingham relied heavily on Arthur Browning, Alan Grahame and Keith White, improved performances by Ricky Day and Carl Askew and solid seasons once again from John Hart and George Major.
Newcastle finished runner-up on their return to league action, with the Owen brothers Joe Owen and Tom Owen topping the league averages.
National League Knockout Cup.
The 1975 National League Knockout Cup was the eighth edition (first under its new name) of the Knockout Cup for tier two teams. Eastbourne Eagles were the winners of the competition.
First leg
Second leg
Eastbourne were declared Knockout Cup Champions, winning on aggregate 83–72.
Riders & final averages.
Ellesmere Port
Rye House
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Patrick O'Connor (Illinois politician)
<doc id="27087673" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087673" title="2010 Italian Open – Men's singles">
2010 Italian Open – Men's singles
Defending champion Rafael Nadal defeated David Ferrer in the final, 7–5, 6–2 to win the men's singles tennis title at the 2010 Italian Open. It was his record-extending fifth Italian Open title.
The top eight seeds receive a bye into the second round.
<doc id="27087682" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087682" title="Patti Dahlstrom">
Patti Dahlstrom
Patti Dahlstrom is a singer, songwriter, and teacher. She recorded four albums in the 1970s and co-wrote the Helen Reddy hit "Emotion".
One of five children, Dahlstrom was born in Houston, Texas. She began writing songs before her teen years and dreamed of becoming a songwriter while reading the credits on album sleeves. In 1967, she moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in music. After three years she signed a contract with Jobete Music, a division of Motown, and was mentored by Berry Gordy. She began a songwriting relationship with Severin Browne, the brother of Jackson Browne. Her first album was released by Uni Records, while the next three were released by 20th Century Records. She wrote "Sending My Good Thoughts to You" with Artie Wayne and dedicated it to her friend Jim Croce, who died in a plane crash in 1973.
Her songs were recorded by Anne Murray ("Ain't No Way to Rise Above"), Cilla Black ("Running Out of World"), Helen Reddy ("Emotion"), Thelma Houston ("What If", "I'm Letting Go" and "I Never Did"), Michael Johnson ("Dialogue"), Captain & Tennille ("Feels Like More Than Dancing") Johnny Rivers ("Over the Line"), and Riders in the Sky ("Even Texas Isn't Big Enough Now"). Reddy's version of "Emotion" reached No. 22 on the pop music chart.
The song was a translation of "Amoureuse" by Véronique Sanson.
Dahlstrom stopped recording music in the 1970s, citing exhaustion as the reason. Years later in an interview, Russ Regan said he was surprised that her albums hadn't been more popular. During the 1980s, she continued to write songs and learn photography. Returning to Texas in 1990, she taught songwriting at The Art Institute of Houston and became director of the department. In 2008 she moved to London to pursue a master's degree in writing. Three years later she moved to San José del Cabo, Mexico. A compilation of her music from the 1970s was released in 2010.
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Arena Place
Arena Place is a complex including two office towers and a theater located in Sharpstown, Southwest Management District, Houston, Texas. It was built in Sharpstown Commercial Park.
The complex, located on Interstate 69 (Southwest Freeway), includes One & Two Arena Place, two 19-story towers each with about of space, the Arena Theatre, a live performance theater with a 2,850 seats, and two nine story parking garages with a total of 2,200 spaces. Due to the facility's circular shape, all of its seats are no further than from the stage. Because of the presence of the garages, the theater has on-site parking. The complex has a two-story, office tower penthouse. The complex is located near PlazAmericas (formerly Sharpstown Mall). The concession stands are located inside the theater. The complex, which has Class A office space, is located in proximity to the 610 Loop, Beltway 8, and the Westpark Tollway.
The Arena Theatre now owned by a partnership which owns the office buildings, was built in 1965. Bob Hope, a comedian, was an investor in the original Arena Theatre. The towers, colored black, were developed in the early 1980s by Melvin Lane Powers. Powers built a personal penthouse on top of one of the towers and received a lot of attention for this. The penthouse, located in Arena Tower I, had a helicopter pad and a private swimming pool on the rooftop. Robert Williamson of the firm Holliday Fenoglio Fowler said that the Powers case was "pretty celebrated" and that the complex was "very storied." Williamson described Powers as a "very flamboyant developer." The complex was the most well-known development established by Powers.
Powers filed for bankruptcy. Afterwards, in 1986, Powers attempted to claim Arena Tower I, the north side tower, as his personal residence to prevent foreclosure. Bank of America repossessed the building and evicted Powers. Lawrence Wong, a real estate developer, acquired tower one from Bank of America in 1989. In 1990 he acquired the second tower from the Midland Bank of England. Laura A. Stromberg of the "Houston Business Journal" said that when Wong purchased the buildings, they were "substantially vacant." At the time a block of space in tower one was vacant.
In 1997 Arena Tower I was 88% leased and Arena Tower II was 73% leased. During that year Houston Cellular was the main tenant in Arena Tower I, and the building was named after the company. Other tenants in the Arena Towers included Houston Allstate, LTD Financial Services, and Prudential. During that year Logan Brown, a senior vice president of Grubb & Ellis, a real estate firm, said that the buildings were worth $30 million. Brown also said that they were "in poor condition" and needed updating. In 1997 Stromberg said that, according to real estate sources, the towers were reportedly under a contract of sale to Texas Commercial Properties Inc. Stromberg said that the sale would be the largest transaction of Class B office space in 13 years.
For many years the Arena Theatre was operated by H'Town Arena, a tenant. In December 2004 the Arena Group and two limited partners bought the entire Arena Place complex from Lennar Partners for about $24.5 million. At the same time Transwestern Commercial Services replaced PM Realty Group as the agency that manages and provides leases for the property. H'Town Arena had stopped leasing in the theater days before the sale occurred, and as a result the theater stopped operating. As of 2004 the Class B office space in the complex was about 70% occupied, and the tenants included several large call centers.
In September 2006 the limited partners sold their stake, which was 50 percent, to Boxer Property. Since the acquisition occurred, all of the buildings underwent renovations. As of 2007 the office towers had an occupancy rate of around 70 percent. As of that year most of its tenants were professional groups and included 25 law firms, medical users, radio stations, and television stations. As of the same year Westwood College occupied several floors in the complex. By that year $5 million in capital investments had been made to the towers. A total of $6 million was invested into the renovation of the towers. As part of a $1 million renovation, the Arena Theater was scheduled to re-open on November 9, 2007. Arena Theatre Inc. became the new tenant of the theater. As part of the renovation the theater received new carpeting, new lighting and sound systems, repaired seats, modernized toilet facilities, and a video system. The ceiling was altered absorb sound instead of reflecting sound. The operators also planned to hold events in the office tower penthouse. In 2009 Affiliated Computer Services announced that it was going to add 120 job positions to its call center in Arena Tower II; after hiring was scheduled to be complete, the company planned to have 400 employees in its Arena Place operation.
As of 2016, Xerox Business Services (after acquiring ACS in late 2009) is currently managing a 400-seat call center for CVS Pharmacy in Arena Tower II.
is located at One Arena Place, 7322 Southwest Freeway, Suite 110, Houston, Texas USA.
The China Airlines Houston Mini Office (Chinese: T: 休士頓營業所, S: 休士顿营业所, P: "Xiūshìdùn Yíngyèsuǒ") is located in Suite 204 of Two Arena Place.
Westwood College's Houston South Campus was located in One Arena Place. 713radio.net
<doc id="27087689" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087689" title="Tired (EP)">
Tired (EP)
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Arena Theater
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José Llauro
José Llauro (22 October 1888 – 28 July 1976) was an Argentine fencer. He competed in the individual épée event at the 1928 Summer Olympics.
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Inverted World
Inverted World ("The Inverted World" in some editions) is a 1974 science fiction novel by British writer Christopher Priest. The novel's basic premise was first used in the short story "The Inverted World" included in "New Writings in SF 22" (1973), which had different characters and plot. In 2010, the novel was included in the SF Masterworks collection.
In the novel, an entire city and its residents travel slowly across a supposedly alien planet on railway tracks (it is left unclear to the reader whether it truly is not planet Earth). The city's engineers lay track ahead of the city, reusing old track the city has crossed over. Many people are unaware that the city is even moving. A crisis ensues as its population decreases, the people grow unruly, and an obstacle looms ahead.
The book consists of a prologue and five parts. The first, third and fifth sections are narrated in the first person by the protagonist, Helward Mann; the second follows Helward, but is written in the third person; while the prologue and fourth part center on Elizabeth Khan, also from the third person perspective.
Helward lives in a city called "Earth", which is slowly being winched along at an average speed of 0.1 miles per day (0.16 km per day) on four railroad tracks northward toward an ever-moving, mysterious "optimum". The city, which Helward estimates is long and no more than high, is not on the planet Earth; the sun is disc shaped, with two spikes extending above and below its center. The city's inhabitants live in the hope of rescue from their lost home world.
Upon reaching adulthood at the age of "six hundred and fifty miles", Helward leaves the crèche in which he has been raised and becomes an apprentice Future Surveyor. His guild surveys the land ahead, choosing the best route. The Track Guild tears up the track south of the city to re-lay in the north. Traction is responsible for moving the city, while the Bridge-Builders overcome terrain obstacles. The Barter Guild recruits labourers ("tooks") from the primitive, poverty-stricken nearby villages they pass, as well as women brought temporarily into the city to help combat the puzzling shortfall of female babies. The Militia provides protection, armed with crossbows, against tooks resentful of the city's hard bargaining and the taking of their women.
Only guildsmen (all male) have access to the outside world and are oath-bound to keep what they know a secret; in fact, most people do not even know the city moves. Helward's wife Victoria becomes somewhat resentful when he is reluctant to answer questions about his work.
The purpose and organisation of the city is laid out in a document written by the founder: Destaine's Directive, with entries dating from 1987 to 2023. Helward reads it, but it does not satisfy his curiosity as to what the optimum is or why the city continually tries to reach it.
When Helward is assigned to escort three women back south to their village, he is astonished by what he learns about the alien nature of the world. As they go further south, the women's bodies become shorter and wider, and they begin to speak faster and in a higher pitch. The terrain itself becomes similarly squashed; mountains now look like hills to Helward. One woman has a male baby who, like Helward, does not change shape. Most frightening of all, the guildsman feels an ever-growing force pulling him southward.
Abandoning the women, with whom he now cannot even communicate, he returns to the city. There he finds that time runs at a different rate in the south. In the city, several years have passed, during which the tooks have attacked and killed many children, including Helward's son. Victoria had given him up for lost and remarried. When Helward goes to survey the land ahead, he discovers that time passes more quickly in the north.
While returning from a negotiation at a settlement, he is followed by Elizabeth Khan, herself a relative newcomer to the village. They talk for a while. When they meet again, she mentions she came from England several months before. He becomes excited, thinking that rescue is finally at hand. She is unable to convince him that they are on Earth. Intrigued, she replaces one of the village women and enters the city, which to her looks like no more than a misshapen office block. Once again, she encounters Helward. Having learned about the city, she leaves to apprise her superiors and to do some research.
Two crises strike. After the took attack, it was decided to educate the residents about their situation. This, however, had an unintended effect. Dissidents called the Terminators want to stop moving the city, and are willing to resort to sabotage to achieve their goal. Victoria is one of their leaders. A more imminent problem is a large, unavoidable body of water ahead with no opposite bank visible. Both dilemmas are resolved at a meeting.
Elizabeth explains to the citizens their true situation. A global energy crisis (the "Crash") had devastated civilisation, a disaster from which the world is only gradually emerging. Destaine was a British particle physicist who had discovered a new way to generate power, but nobody took him seriously. The process required a natural component to work. Destaine found one such in China: the optimum. He went there to set up a test generator and was never heard of again. His invention has serious permanent and hereditary side effects, distorting people's perceptions (for example the shape of the sun) and damaging their DNA so that fewer females are born. After nearly two centuries, the city has reached the coast of Portugal, with only the Atlantic Ocean ahead. Most of the residents are convinced, but to Elizabeth's disappointment, Helward refuses to give up his beliefs.
Critical response.
The opening sentence of this novel is "I had reached the age of six hundred and fifty miles," which has gathered comment by many readers. Critic Paul Kincaid writes that "it has justly become one of the most famous in science fiction." James Timarco says similarly,
Nick Owchar, in the "Los Angeles Times", writes that a "reason for the story's appeal is the way in which Priest, with the novel's very first sentence, immerses us within a strange new reality ... Mann's proud declaration about his maturity is a jarring revelation – time in this world is measured best by distances."
Kincaid, calling the novel "one of the key works of postwar British science fiction," writes,
Peter Nicholls and John Clute write in "The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction", that the novel
Nicholls & Clute write that the story, dealing with paradoxes of perception and "conceptual breakthrough"
"is a striking addition to that branch of SF which deals with the old theme of appearance-versus-reality".
Timarco's review discusses the psychology of the characters and the impact on the reader:
Owchar, comparing the setting with other bizarre creations by authors such as Alan Campbell and China Miéville, wonders,
"Kirkus Reviews" wrote,
In 1974 "The Inverted World" was the winner of the British Science Fiction Association (BSFA), and in 1975 it was nominated for the Hugo Award.
Parody continuation.
"The Making of The Lesbian Horse" is a short chapbook (1979) written by Priest as a parody continuation of the book.
<doc id="27087706" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087706" title="Jose Llauro">
Jose Llauro
<doc id="27087709" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087709" title="Bến Dược Memorial Temple">
Bến Dược Memorial Temple
The Bến Dược Memorial Temple (Đền tưởng niệm Bến Dược - Củ Chi) is a cultural history project of the Communist Party Committee and people of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. It was built to memorialize the significant contributions of the soldiers and people who were killed in the Saigon-Gia Định region during the anti-American and anti-French fighting. The temple is sited at the Bến Dược hamlet, Phú Mỹ Hưng village, end of the Củ Chi tunnels.
On December 19, 1975, the first stage of the Memorial Monument was inaugurated to welcome many groups of people from inside and outside Vietnam to come to remember, burn incense and meditate. The City Committee of the Party, the People's Council, and the Vietnamese Fatherland Front chose the date of December 19 as the annual memorial day to recall and be grateful to the dead. Construction of the temple was started on May 19, 1993 on the 103rd birthday of President Ho Chi Minh. It is located on a 7-hectare plot in the historical heritage compound around the Củ Chi tunnels.
The Ben Duoc Memorial Temple includes the following items:
Three-door temple gate.
Three-door temple gate has the architecture of the traditional style of the country with a line of round pillars, with the yin and yang tile. The gate has the curved designs and patterns of a village entrance but made with new materials. In the middle of three-door temple gate is the signboard "Ben Duoc Memorial Temple" and on the body of the pillars are the parallel sentences of the poet Bao Dinh Giang:
To spread the heart for the whole country,<br>
To bring the current of red blood for protecting the country<br>
Having the mind to know the merit, sweet-smelling incense is burned one stick,<br>
There is always the image in life; the stars are twinkling a thousand years.
The inscription house.
The inscription house is a square house with double tile. In the middle is a stone tablet 3m high, 1.7m wide, and 0.25m thick and weighing 3.07 tons. This stone tablet is taken from one block of 18 ton stone from Ngu Hanh Son (Da Nang) and is carved by artisans with all kinds of unique patterns of the country
The writing carved on the stone tablet is titled ""Eternally remember" of the poet Vien Phuong", which was chosen from a contest of 217 writings of 29 provinces and cities.
The main temple.
The architecture has the solemn and serene air of ancient temples of Vietnam.
The worship temple is organized in a U shape: the center is the altar of country, in the middle is the statue of Ho Chi Minh, on the top written: "For the country, forger ourselves. Eternally remember." On the left and right are two incense-tables to remember our ancestors, people and unknown soldiers. Along the left wall is the name of dead soldiers of the Party, and the right wall is the name of dead soldiers of the armed forces.
The names of dead soldiers are carved into a granite stone tablet with gilded letters. There are 44,520 "revolutionary martyrs'" names carved in the temple including Vietnamese mothers, "heroes", and "revolutionary martyrs", including 9,322 "revolutionary martyrs" from other provinces and cities.
There are three monumental pictures made of china outside the main temple wall, which were made by the University of Fine Arts, expressing the content: People reclaim waste land to establish the country; To give strength to resist against the invaders; Oppressed people rise up to fight to achieve victory.
Individuals frequently come to the monument to look for the names of relatives and comrades. The temple management board is able to inform them about places of burial and other details of dead soldiers.
The tower.
The tower symbolizes the rise up to the pinnacle of future fame.
The tower has 9 floors and is 39m high. On the wall of the tower are many designs to express the life and struggle of the Cu Chi people - "an iron bulwark land of revolution". On the highest floor of the tower, we can see part of the revolution base from which some places have entered into the history of the Iron Triangle ("Tam Giác Sắt") region.
Flower garden.
From a region of full of craters stunted and devastated by war, now the Temple has a smooth, nice flower garden year-round with many kinds of precious trees sent as souvenirs by craftsmen and organizations. Notably, the Central, City and Provincial leaders have planted many kinds of precious trees in the flower garden in front of the Temple.
The flower garden behind the Temple has the symbol of the spirit of the country. It is made of granite 16m high and weighs 243 tons. The symbol is in the center of the flower garden with its face to the Saigon River. It is expressed by an image of a teardrop, symbolizing the loss and grief of many generations of Vietnamese people who fought to maintain their country. The whole symbol features a lotus flower caressed by a hand, making the visitors remember the lines of two folk songs:
Tap Moue the most beautiful thing is lotus flower
Vietnam the most beautiful thing is named Uncle Ho
On the body of the symbol there are some carvings of Vietnamese historical events from the time of the country's establishment by Hùng Vương to independence day on April 30, 1975.
The basement of the temple has nine spaces on the theme of Saigon Cho Lon, resilient and indomitable, presenting the prominent war events of our people and soldiers in the Iron Triangle ("Tam Giác Sắt") region in particular and Vietnam in general. They were to protest against the wars of the empire and its supporters. Those events come back to life by some imposing pictures, statues, sand tables, stage models, and sculptures. Each space presents a different historical period.
The Bến Dược Memorial Temple was made by architects, scientists, historians, politicians, construction engineers and anonymous people, making it a harmony of architecture, people, and the community. It precisely captures the national characteristic of Vietnam while showing its gentle spirit.
<doc id="27087713" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087713" title="Ajaokuta Airstrip">
Ajaokuta Airstrip
Ajaokuta Airstrip or Ajaokuta Airfield is an airstrip southwest of Ajaokuta, a town in the Kogi State in Nigeria.
<doc id="27087722" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087722" title="Claudio Castravelli">
Claudio Castravelli
Claudio Castravelli is a Canadian motion picture producer. He is independently producing the Walter Hill directed crime thriller "St. Vincent" alongside Jon Turtle starring Pierce Brosnan, Billy Bob Thornton and Giovanni Ribisi. Walter Hill is noted as one of Hollywood's master action directors, lensing such modern action classics as "48 Hrs.", "The Long Riders", "The Warriors" and "Broken Trail".
Castravelli has produced more than thirty feature films, over 200 hours of television programming, and has worked with many major Hollywood studios and television networks.
Early life.
Castravelli became involved in the film industry at an early age. His father was head technician for Pathé in Paris. Castravelli made his first screen appearance at the age of three in a Pathe promotional film. He has lived in France, Italy, Egypt, India and Australia; he chose to settle in Canada with his parents at the age of fifteen, where he has lived ever since.
Castravelli studied Science and Mathematics at McGill University before switching to Communication Arts at Sir George Williams University (now Concordia University). He completed his cinema studies at the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia in Rome, Italy where he had the opportunity to study under such illustrious filmmakers as Michelangelo Antonioni and Pier Paolo Pasolini. Castravelli's first professional film employment was as an assistant to the producer on Franco Zeffirelli's "Brother Sun, Sister Moon".
Some of Castravelli's most notable production credits include:
"Undressed" 52 x 30 min. GLAAD award-winning series co-produced with Academy Award winner Roland Joffé ("The Killing Fields", "The Mission") in association with MTV Networks; "Hysteria", the Def Leppard story, the official bio-pic of the iconic British band (Viacom/MTV); "A Diva's Christmas Carol", starring Vanessa L. Williams, James Taylor and Rozonda "Chili" Thomas (Viacom/VH1); "Snow in August", which was co-produced with multiple Academy Award winner Jake Eberts (Driving Miss Daisy, A River Runs Through It)) and which garnered three nominations at the Emmy Awards for Best Director, Best Children's Special and Best Actor for Stephen Rea (Showtime); "Love Song" with Monica Arnold and Christian Kane (Viacom/MTV); "Time at the Top", starring Timothy Busfield and Elisha Cuthbert (Showtime/Hallmark) *Finalist at the Worldfest Houston (theatrical Feature Film Awards); "The Second Arrival", starring Patrick Muldoon, Michael Sarrazin and Jane Sibbett (HBO Premier); "The Minion", starring Dolph Lundgren (Buena Vista); "Provocateur", starring Jane March, Lilo Brancato and Cary Tagawa (Live Entertainment and Capella International); "Snowboard Academy", starring Brigitte Nielsen, Jim Varney, Joe Flaherty and Corey Haim (Columbia/Tri-Star); "Demon House", starring Amelia Kinkaide (Republic Pictures); "Silent Hunter", starring Miles O'Keeffe and Fred Williamson (New Line Cinema); "Equinox", starring Matthew Modine, Lara Flynn Boyle and Marisa Tomei (Columbia/Tri-Star).
Video and TV releases include:
"Dangerous Dreams", "A Touch of Murder", "With Friends Like These", and the syndicated TV series "Unknown Dimensions" and "Dementia", as well as "Les Transistors" (a France/Canada co-production)
<doc id="27087723" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087723" title="Manchinbele reservoir">
Manchinbele reservoir
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BSK Borča
<doc id="27087727" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087727" title="Manchanbele reservoir">
Manchanbele reservoir
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Manchinbele dam
<doc id="27087729" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087729" title="Bouillon Chartier">
Bouillon Chartier
Bouillon Chartier, or simply Chartier, is a "bouillon" restaurant in Paris founded in 1896, located in the 9th arrondissement and classified as a "monument historique" since 1989.
The restaurant was created in 1896 by two brothers, Frédéric and Camille Chartier, in a building resembling a railway station concourse.
The long Belle Époque dining room has a high ceiling supported by large columns which allows for a mezzanine, where service is also provided.
It opened with the name "Le Bouillon" (lit. broth, or stock, but in this context, a type of brasserie; originally a cheap workers' eatery that served stew), near the Grands Boulevards, the Hôtel Drouot, the Musée Grévin, and the Palais de la Bourse. The restaurant has had only four owners since opening.
The restaurant is open 365 days a year with a menu offering traditional French cuisine. The table service is provided by waiting staff dressed in the traditional "rondin", a tight-fitting black waistcoat with multiple pockets and a long white apron.
The restaurant's popularity leads to lines in the courtyard or under the porch and sometimes on the sidewalk outside. Tables are shared between strangers. The bill is written directly on the disposable paper tablecloth at the end of the meal. Serving stops at 11:30 PM.
<doc id="27087733" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087733" title="Farmers Suicide in Western Odisha">
Farmers Suicide in Western Odisha
<doc id="27087735" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087735" title="Eva Strong">
Eva Strong
Eva Strong is a fictional character from the British Channel 4 soap opera "Hollyoaks", played by Sheree Murphy. She made her first on-screen appearance on 23 April 2010.
Character creation and casting.
In February 2010, former "Emmerdale" actress Murphy had been cast in the role of Eva, the long-lost biological mother of Anita Roy (Saira Choudhry). Of her casting, a "Hollyoaks" source said: "Bosses have been trying to sign her up for a while now - but she's always put her family first. But after years out of acting, she wants to give it another go. Sheree has started filming scenes and was very nervous being on set again, but she's a professional and has taken to "Hollyoaks" like a duck to water. She's loving it - and everyone loves having her on the team." Murphy was the first major signing of series producer Paul Marquess, who told entertainment website "Digital Spy" that Murphy was not cast because of her high-profile. He stated, "Casting Sheree Murphy, it was day one and they said: 'We have to cast this today'. They showed me a DVD of six perfectly good actresses, one of whom was Sheree Murphy who I recognised and said, 'Let's have her'. It's as simple as that - I've watched "Emmerdale" and I know what Sheree can do."
In August 2010 it was announced that Murphy had decided not to renew her contract with the serial because she planned to move abroad with her family. An exit storyline was devised for Eva. Her plans later changed and she decided to stay in the UK, Marquess decided to bring Eva back after a short on-screen hiatus, with Murphy agreeing to reprise the role. Of the situation Marquess stated: "Sheree will be taking a little break on screen because of her family commitments, but we're already thinking about how we'll bring her back."
Eva arrives in "Hollyoaks" village and goes to Relish diner. She meets Ravi Roy (Stephen Uppal) and introduces herself as Kate Simpson. She asks Ravi about Hollyoaks High School and he tells her that he has a sister at the school, and Eva realises that Ravi is Anita Roy's adoptive brother. Eva then gives Ravi her phone number. A few weeks later, Eva returned to have a date with Ravi where she met Anita for the first time. However, the date did not go well and Eva decided to run off, with Ravi annoyed thinking he had done something wrong. But her secret did not last when Anita decides to start to look for her birth mother, in which she learns her mother has a market stall in Manchester. Eva is worried, but eventually gets caught out when Anita spots her at her stall. Anita is devastated and Eva tries to explain the situation, but Anita was too hurt to listen to what she had to say and runs off, horrified to learn that her brother's girlfriend is actually her mother and that all that time she did not say anything about it. However, though Eva decided to see Anita again and visited her at work, but Anita is utterly furious to the fact that she never mentioned that she was her mother. After a heart to heart with Dominic Reilly (John Pickard) Anita decided to give Eva another chance. However, Eva was less interested in Anita and telling her that Anita's father was a holiday fling. Eva then meets Jem Costello (Helen Russell-Clarke) and went on a fashion advice with her instead. Anita is deeply frustrated and further upset by this until and to make matters worse, they were interrupted by Anita's best friend Theresa McQueen (Jorgie Porter), who has just avoided a termination of her baby and embraced Anita for comfort. This made Eva feel uncomfortable because to the fact that she gave her baby up for adoption and decided to leave the flat. Eva returned to the village to see Anita once again and they went shopping together after Ravi gave her some money. Anita and Eva eventually struck up a bond. However, Eva always jeopardized things, such as sleeping with Ravi. She and Ravi did this several occasions, much to the annoyance of Anita, who although disgusted at first, soon seemed to accept it. She also kissed Duncan Button, much to the humiliation of Anita; however, Eva could not figure out what she did wrong. Eva got a job as design artist at Hollyoaks High; however, she was fired when headmaster Rob, caught her and Ravi messing around in the art room during her free period. However, after finding out a secret of Rob's, that his wife had taken a baby from the hospital, she helped him cover it up, and then blackmailed him for a better job at the school. She was promoted to personal assistant. In November she catches Anita kissing Bart McQueen in a utility room in the school. She tries to talk to Anita about what she saw, but Anita is embarrassed, so she refuses to talk about it.
It was discovered that Eva stole Amber Sharpe's diary, which contained Amber making up fantasies about her and Rob, including pretending that Rob is Amber's unborn child's father. Eva revealed right before her departure that Anita is not her only child.
Holy Soap refer to Eva's most memorable moment as when Anita found out that she was her mum. They also brand her as being "Free-spirited and enigmatic."
<doc id="27087739" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087739" title="Havyakannada">
<doc id="27087744" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087744" title="Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria">
Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria
The Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria (LCCN) is a major Lutheran denomination in Nigeria, a member of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF).
It was established as an independent church in 1913 from the Sudan United Mission, Danish Branch (SUMD), known today as Mission Afrika. The LCCN now has 2,200,000 members in over 2,400 congregations nationwide. Members of the Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria are among the Christians and members of other religious groups being persecuted by Boko Haram, an Islamic terrorist organization.
The Archbishop of the LCCN, Dr Panti Filibus Musa (also given as , and commonly known by his middle name as Dr Filibus Musa), was elected to become the 13th President of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) on 14 May 2017 at Safari Hotel in Windhoek Namibia during the 12th Assembly of the LWF.
The SUMD first sent missionaries to Africa in 1913 with the pioneers being Niels Brønnum, his wife Margaret C. Young, and Dagmar Rose. Brønnum's wife died shortly after arriving and Rose brought back the Brønnum's infant son to Europe. Brønnum continued his work and established a mission in Numan.
The mission eventually expanded and in 1948, the first five indigenous Nigerian pastors were ordained. By 1955, it was known as the Lutheran Church of Christ in the Sudan and in 1956 became independent as the Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria with Pilgaard Pedersen as its first President (). In 1960, Akila Todi was elected the first indigenous Nigerian president of the Church. He was made bishop in 1973 when the church adopted a modified episcopal polity.
The LCCN is led by an archbishop and is further divided into nine dioceses, each led by a bishop. The headquarters of the LCCN is in Numan. The current archbishop is the Most Revd Musa Panti Filibus PhD.
Presidents and Archbishops of the LCCN.
When the LCCN was established in 1956, the title of the head of the Church was president. The title was changed to bishop in 1973 and with the establishment of diocesan bishops within the LCCN, the title was again changed to Archbishop in 1997.
The LCCN participates in ecumenical work through its affiliation with:
The LCCN also works in partnership with:
<doc id="27087753" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087753" title="Twist tobacco">
Twist tobacco
<doc id="27087757" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087757" title="2 Arena Place">
2 Arena Place
<doc id="27087759" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087759" title="1 Arena Place">
1 Arena Place
<doc id="27087760" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087760" title="Two Arena Place">
Two Arena Place
<doc id="27087763" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087763" title="One Arena Place">
One Arena Place
<doc id="27087770" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087770" title="Dod alada mara">
Dod alada mara
<doc id="27087778" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087778" title="Parrhasius (Greek myth)">
Parrhasius (Greek myth)
Parrhasius () was, in Greek mythology, the name of two individuals:
<doc id="27087781" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087781" title="Dodda Aalada Mara">
Dodda Aalada Mara
<doc id="27087785" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087785" title="One & Two Arena Place">
One & Two Arena Place
<doc id="27087795" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087795" title="Patti dahlstrom">
Patti dahlstrom
<doc id="27087806" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087806" title="Hans Lion">
Hans Lion
Hans Lion (11 May 1904 – September 1969) was an Austrian Olympic fencer. He competed at the 1928 and 1936 Summer Olympics.
<doc id="27087812" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087812" title="St. Matthew’s Church, Friday Street">
St. Matthew’s Church, Friday Street
<doc id="27087814" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087814" title="St. Vedast-alias-Foster">
St. Vedast-alias-Foster
<doc id="27087817" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087817" title="Manchanabele dam">
Manchanabele dam
<doc id="27087819" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087819" title="Hüseyin Özgürgün">
Hüseyin Özgürgün
Hüseyin Özgürgün (born 1965) is a Turkish Cypriot politician and a former Prime Minister of Northern Cyprus. He is the current leader of the National Unity Party (UBP). He was formerly the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. From 23 April to 17 May 2010 he was also Acting Prime Minister. Moreover, he was prime minister of Northern Cyprus from 16 April 2016 to 2 February 2018.
Early life.
Özgürgün was born in 1965 in Nicosia, where he completed his education up to high school. He then studied political science in Ankara University and graduated in 1988. He was a prolific sportsman, representing Northern Cyprus in basketball, football, volleyball, table tennis and athletics and later serving as a sports administrator. He served as the chairman of Çetinkaya Türk S.K. and led it to a championship. He later worked as an administrator in private businesses.
Political career.
Özgürgün was first elected as a member of the Assembly of the Republic in the 1998 parliamentary election, representing Lefkoşa District for the UBP. He was later re-elected to the same position in 2003, 2005, 2009 and 2013. He is known to accept bribes from various business people in the country during his career. Currently he is with an arrest warrant in Cyprus thus continuing his life in Turkey.
<doc id="27087820" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087820" title="St. Vedast-alias-Foster, London">
St. Vedast-alias-Foster, London
<doc id="27087823" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087823" title="Eket Airstrip">
Eket Airstrip
Eket Airstrip or Eket Airfield is an airport serving Eket, a city in the Akwa Ibom State of Nigeria.
The Eket non-directional beacon (Ident:EK) is located on the field. Runway length does not include a displaced threshold on Runway 19.
<doc id="27087824" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087824" title="Pro Green">
Pro Green
<doc id="27087836" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087836" title="SMS Deutschland (1875)">
SMS Deutschland (1875)
<doc id="27087842" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087842" title="John Hughes (priest)">
John Hughes (priest)
John Chester Hughes, (20 February 1924 – 16 October 2008) was an Anglican priest in the second half of the 20th century.
Early life and education.
Hughes was born on 20 February 1924, educated at Dulwich College and Durham University.
Ordained ministry.
Hughes was ordained in 1950. He began his career with a curacy at St Alban, Westcliff-on-Sea after which he was Succentor at Chelmsford Cathedral. He then held incumbencies at St Barnabas, Leicester and St St John the Baptist, Croxton Kerrial. In 1963 he became Provost of Leicester Cathedral, a post he held for 15 years. His last post before retirement in 1987 was as Vicar of St Nicholas, Bringhurst.
He died on 16 October 2008.
In November 1974, Hughes was appointed a Chaplain of the Order of St John (ChStJ).
<doc id="27087855" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087855" title="Jeju-teukbyeoljachido">
<doc id="27087859" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087859" title="Finland in the Eurovision Song Contest 1962">
Finland in the Eurovision Song Contest 1962
Finland was represented by Marion Rung, with the song "Tipi-tii", at the 1962 Eurovision Song Contest, which took place on 18 March in Luxembourg City. "Tipi-tii" was chosen as the Finnish entry at the national final organised by broadcaster Yle and held on 15 February. Rung would represent Finland again in the 1973 contest, also held in Luxembourg.
Before Eurovision.
National final.
The final was held at the Yle studios in Helsinki, hosted by Aarno Walli. Four songs took part, having qualified from a radio-only semi-final. Each song was performed twice by different singers and the winner was chosen by voting from ten regional juries.
At Eurovision.
On the night of the final Rung performed first in the running order, preceding Belgium. Voting was by each national jury awarding 3-2-1 to their top three songs, and at the close "Tipi-tii" had received 4 points (3 from the United Kingdom and 1 from Norway), placing Finland joint 7th (with Sweden) of the 16 entries. The Finnish jury reciprocated the British liking for their song by awarding their 3 points to the United Kingdom.
<doc id="27087864" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087864" title="Marli Renfro">
Marli Renfro
Marli Renfro (born April 3, 1938 in Los Angeles, California) is an American former showgirl, model, Playboy cover girl and actress.
She was the body double for Janet Leigh in the shower scene of the 1960 film "Psycho".
Early career.
Renfro, described as a free spirit with a lifelong commitment to nudism, appeared in many men's magazines including "Ace", "Adam", "Beau", "Dude", "Escapade", "Follies", "Gala" and "Modern Man". She also appeared on the cover of the September 1960 edition of "Playboy".
Renfro spent some time working as a showgirl in Las Vegas, and also worked as a Playboy Bunny.
Film career.
Unperturbed by working nude, Renfro was hired as the body double for the actress Janet Leigh in Alfred Hitchcock's 1960 film "Psycho". She was paid $500. The shower scene in "Psycho" is considered one of the most famous scenes in cinema history. It features more than 50 camera cuts in three minutes and took six days to film. Although nudity is implied in the rapid cuts, none is seen. Hitchcock and Leigh initially maintained that only Leigh appeared in the shower. Only later did Hitchcock acknowledge that when Leigh's face is seen it is her, otherwise it is Renfro. Although Leigh's account of the shower scene says all the actual shower footage in the film was of her and the only time Renfro was used was in an overhead shot that was eventually cut due to censors' concerns
Renfro subsequently appeared in Francis Ford Coppola's 1962 film "Tonight for Sure".
Decades later, Renfro was interviewed and featured in "78/52", director Alexandre O. Philippe's 2017 documentary film that examines "Psycho" and the shower scene.
Confusion regarding death.
During the filming of "Psycho", Janet Leigh also had a stand-in to check lighting. Her name was Myra Davis, also known as Myra Jones. In 1988 Davis was raped and murdered by her neighbor and handyman Kenneth Dean Hunt. Possibly due to fascination with the shower scene, sections of the media confused Davis's role and published that she had been Leigh's body double. The BBC went further and not only asserted that Davis was Leigh's body double, but also that Davis was the voice of Norman Bates' mother, although this character had been voiced by Virginia Gregg and Jeanette Nolan. In his 2002 book "Body Double", author Don Lasseter compounded the confusion and wrote that Davis and Renfro were the same person, meaning that Renfro was dead.
Author Robert Graysmith, who had a lifelong fascination with Renfro, noted a comment by Davis's granddaughter that Davis would never have done nude work. He set out to find Renfro and discovered that she was living in California. He subsequently wrote a book, "The Girl in Alfred Hitchcock's Shower" (2010), about Renfro's role in "Psycho" and the confusion over Davis's death.
Personal life.
Renfro married and is known as Marli Renfro Peterson. She has lived in the Mojave Desert since 1970.
<doc id="27087866" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087866" title="1986 Grand Canyon mid-air collision">
1986 Grand Canyon mid-air collision
The Grand Canyon mid-air collision occurred when Grand Canyon Airlines Flight 6, a de Havilland Canada DHC-6 Twin Otter, collided with a Bell 206 helicopter, Helitech Flight 2, over Grand Canyon National Park on June 18, 1986. All 25 passengers and crew on board the two aircraft were killed. It remains the deadliest accident involving a helicopter on United States soil, surpassing the crash of Los Angeles Airways Flight 841 in 1968, which killed 23 people.
On the morning of the accident Grand Canyon Airlines Canyon 6 took off from Grand Canyon National Park Airport at 8:55am for a sightseeing flight over Grand Canyon National Park with two pilots and 18 passengers on board; the pilots were operating their second scenic flight for the day. At 9:13 am,Helitech Flight 2 took off from the company's heliport in Tusayan, Arizona for a 30-minute sightseeing flight. At approximately 9:33 at an altitude of approximately the Bell 206 and DHC-6 collided, with the helicopter on the left of the Twin Otter and the two aircraft traveling at approximately right angles to each other. The helicopter's main rotor struck the nose landing gear and tail of the Twin Otter. The Bell 206's main rotor was torn off and disintegrated and the Twin Otter's tail separated, causing both aircraft to crash. All 20 passengers and crew on Canyon 6, and the pilot and four passengers on Tech 2, were killed in the accident.
The National Transportation Safety Board found that the crews of the two aircraft failed to 'see and avoid' each other, but could not determine why this occurred due to the lack of recorded flight data (there being no requirement for such recording for the scenic flights that were being operated). The accident investigation also found that the limited number of scenic points of interest in the Grand Canyon concentrated flights over these points, increasing the risk of collision; and recommended that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulate the separation of flight routes of fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters. Following the accident the FAA imposed changes to the operation of scenic flights over the Grand Canyon.
<doc id="27087869" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087869" title="Carl Stokes (Maryland politician)">
Carl Stokes (Maryland politician)
Carl Frank Stokes is an American politician who represented the 12th district on the Baltimore City Council. He is a former member of the Baltimore City Board of school commissioners and ran for Mayor of Baltimore in 1999.
Stokes was born on April 30, 1950, in Baltimore, Maryland. He grew up in Baltimore's Latrobe housing project and attended parochial schools. He graduated from the Loyola Blakefield high school in 1968 and attended Loyola College. He managed and then owned a retail clothing store before being elected to represent the then-second district on the Baltimore City Council in 1987.
Stokes left the council in 1995 and in the same year accepted an appointment by the Governor of Maryland and the Mayor of Baltimore to serve on the newly reconstituted Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners.
Stokes is a former vice president of Mid-Atlantic Health Care, a medical equipment and supplies company and was the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of The Bluford Drew Jemison STEM Academy, a public charter middle school for boys founded in 2006 and opened in 2007 in East Baltimore.
Mayoral bids.
Stokes was one of 15 candidates vying for mayor in the Democratic primary election for Mayor of Baltimore in the 1999 election. A Republican had not won the mayoralty since Theodore McKeldin's second tour as Mayor (1963–1967). Thus the focus in Baltimore was on the Democratic primary. Of the 15, three were considered coequal front runners: Stokes, City Council president Lawrence Bell and then Councilman Martin O'Malley. At one point Stokes enjoyed a slight lead in the polls, but O'Malley, the only white candidate of the three front runners, emerged triumphant. O'Malley garnered 62,711 votes, Stokes finished second with 32,609 votes and Bell placed third with 20,034 votes.
In September 2015, Stokes announced that he would seek the 2016 Democratic nomination for Mayor of Baltimore City. He finished a distant fifth behind state Sen. Catherine Pugh, who would go on to win the general election.
On the council.
Stokes was vice chair of the Education and Executive Appointments committees and was a member of the Taxation, Finance and Economic Development, the Public Safety and Health and the Policy and Planning committees.
<doc id="27087874" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087874" title="CFR Marmosin Simeria">
CFR Marmosin Simeria
<doc id="27087875" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087875" title="Ernst Baylon">
Ernst Baylon
Ernst Baylon (born 21 October 1903, date of death unknown) was an Austrian fencer. He competed in the team foil event at the 1928 and 1936 Summer Olympics.
<doc id="27087886" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087886" title="Prado (surname)">
Prado (surname)
Prado is a last name of Italian origin from the island of Sicily; variations of the last name include "Di Prado" and "Prato"
Prado is ranked 2,358 out of 88,799 in the United States.
There are approximately 9,553 people with the surname Prado in Spain, making it the 490th-most-common in the country.
The name is commonly found in Italy, France, and Brazil.
About the origin of the last name, there are two known possible origins to the Prado surname (Italian and/or Spanish): The first one indicates the origin of the last name comes from Spain when the son of a noblewoman took the last name after the "prado", Spanish word for field, where he was born. The last name is also said to have an Italian origin, more specifically from the Island of Sicily, where records have been found that indicate the presence of a noble family in the 16th century by the last name Prado. Prado comes from a variation of "prato" (the Italian word for field).
<doc id="27087889" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087889" title="Mullins of Salem, Ohio">
Mullins of Salem, Ohio
Mullins of Salem, Ohio, was the most well-known American zinc ornament producer in the late nineteenth century. The foundry was in Salem, Ohio and was one of many American companies in the 1880s that through their catalogs sold ornaments nationwide, such as “urns, eagles, civic ornaments, architectural details, and even cigar store Indians.” They did not purvey grave markers, which were the sole domain of the Monumental Bronze Company of Bridgeport, Connecticut.
<doc id="27087890" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087890" title="Graeme morton">
Graeme morton
<doc id="27087891" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087891" title="Gusau Airstrip">
Gusau Airstrip
Gusau Airstrip or Gusau Airfield is an airstrip serving Gusau, the capital city of the Zamfara State in Nigeria.
<doc id="27087895" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087895" title="Hans Schönbaumsfeld">
Hans Schönbaumsfeld
Hans Schönbaumsfeld (5 March 1900 – March 1972) was an Austrian fencer. He competed at the 1928 and 1936 Summer Olympics.
<doc id="27087896" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087896" title="Gordon hamilton (composer)">
Gordon hamilton (composer)
<doc id="27087900" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087900" title="Soho (magazine)">
Soho (magazine)
<doc id="27087901" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087901" title="Hans Schonbaumsfeld">
Hans Schonbaumsfeld
<doc id="27087904" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087904" title="School of engineering, (Cochin University)">
School of engineering, (Cochin University)
<doc id="27087907" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087907" title="Manacles Rock">
Manacles Rock
<doc id="27087913" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087913" title="Doerner Institute">
Doerner Institute
Doerner Institute was founded in 1937 in Munich as a "State Testing and Research Institute for Colour Technology" (in German "Staatliche Prüf- und Forschungsanstalt für Farbentechnik)".
The founding of the Institute.
Doerner Institute is named after Max Doerner, an artist and Munich Art Academy professor. His book, "The Materials of the Artist and their Use in Painting", published in 1921 established Doerner's reputation and his argument which is quoted in Phillip Ball's "Bright Earth" provided the inspiration for the institute. That argument was that "the artist cannot be expected to be chemist; he would only become victim of a dilettantism more harmful than beneficial...[Yet] the laws which govern the materials of the artist are the same for all artists, to whatever school they belong. Whoever wishes to employ his materials correctly and to the best advantage must know these laws and follow them, otherwise sooner or later he will pay dearly for his mistakes... Craftsmanship must again be made the solid foundation of art."
Current Activities.
Since 1977, Doerner Institute has been home to the conservation department of the Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen as well as its "own" science department. Other activities at the institute include:
<doc id="27087920" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087920" title="Htc touch 2">
Htc touch 2
<doc id="27087925" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087925" title="National Romanticist">
National Romanticist
<doc id="27087930" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087930" title="Miss 420">
Miss 420
Miss 420 is a 1998 Bollywood Romantic thriller film directed by Akashdeep Sabir and starring Sheeba Akashdeep in the title role alongside Baba Sehgal, Shakti Kapoor, Aashif Sheikh, Mohan Joshi and Tinnu Anand. Popular rapper Baba Sehgal made his acting debut with this film. The soundtrack of the movie was composed by Anu Malik, and four songs were sung by Baba Sehgal. The soundtrack of the film was released in 1994 and was extremely popular with hits like "Aaja Meri Gaadi Mein Baith Ja" And "Memsaab O Memsaab". However, the film was delayed for several years and was released in 1998.
"O Baba Kiss me" was reused in the Telugu film by composer M.M.Keeravani in the filmS.P.Parashuram starring Chiranjeevi
<doc id="27087933" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087933" title="Las Vegas Sands Corporation">
Las Vegas Sands Corporation
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<doc id="27087945" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087945" title="Deport Racism Organization">
Deport Racism Organization
The Deport Racism Organization (, sometimes referred to as KAR - by its Greek initials), founded in 2007, is an organization of immigrants and Greek citizens against racism and neo-fascism.
Their aims include the legalization of immigrants, asylum for refugees, citizenship for the children of immigrants, equal political and social rights for all, allowing migrant workers into trade unions and the dissolution of fascist organizations.
In April 2010, the organization protested about police raids in Athens.
During the prefectural pre-election period (October 2010), KAR presented evidence of fascist organization "Hrysi Avgi" (Golden Dawn) participating and organizing the attacks against Alekos Alavanos - candidate for Attika prefecture - and Eleni Portaliou - candidate for the municipality of Athens, both SYRIZA members.
<doc id="27087947" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087947" title="Centralized Data Processing">
Centralized Data Processing
<doc id="27087948" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087948" title="Shiroro Airstrip">
Shiroro Airstrip
Shiroro Airstrip or Shiroro Airfield is an airstrip serving the village of Shiroro and the Shiroro Hydroelectric Power Station in the Niger State of Nigeria. The runway is south of the power station, near the shore of the Shiroro reservoir.
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Luke Losey
Luke Losey is a film director and lighting designer from London.
Background and early life.
Losey is the son of the film producer Gavrik Losey and the former British ballerina Sally Chesterton, and the grandson of the film director Joseph Losey and the fashion designer Elizabeth Hawes. He is the nephew of the actor, Joshua Losey, and the brother of Marek Losey, who is also a film director. He grew up in Paddington, London, where he attended Hallfield Infants and Junior School in Royal Oak. He then attended Hampstead comprehensive in Camden, North London. Suffering from dyslexia, he left school without qualifications.
Early career.
As a child he was obsessed with science fiction. In 1975 a chance viewing of Kubrick's "" and the gift of a Brownie camera led to him becoming interested with capturing images.
After leaving school in 1984 he worked as a runner on film sets and for production companies. He worked on Derek Jarman's film "Caravaggio" as the floor runner. He spent much of the late 1980s working as an art department runner/assistant on films, music videos and ads. Involvement in the early rave and squatting scene in north London led to him getting involved in lighting and film projection.
In the early 1990s he met the electronic band Orbital. With video artist Giles Thacker he created the visual elements of Orbital's live show, a fusion of carefully prepared visuals and lighting that flew in the face of the staid fractal influenced imagery of the day, with wry observations on everyday life. .
In 1998, Losey co-directed a music video for Orbital's single "The Box", which starred Tilda Swinton and was inspired by time-lapse animation. The promo won a silver spire for the Best Short Film at the San Francisco film festival, and was nominated for the best video award at the 1998 MTV awards. It also closed the Edinburgh film festival, opened the London film festival, screened at Sundance and was seen at almost every festival that year. In 1999 Losey created a second music video for Orbital called "Style", with Jonathan Charles as director of animation. "Style" also uses stop motion animation throughout and is a surreal take on Kafka's "The Metamorphosis", influenced by the work of Jan Švankmajer. Both "The Box" and "Style" continue to be widely shown.
Later work.
Luke directed many music videos in the late 1990s and 2000s, including work for William Orbit (directing the video for his 1999 version of Adagio for Strings) and Mercury Rev. After a period directing TV adverts, Losey moved with his young family to Australia, where he continued to direct and pursue photography. However, he periodically returned to the UK to design live shows for bands, including The Libertines, Turin Brakes, The Verve, and Magazine and Mott the Hoople. In 2009 he shot the video for the cover of Gang of Four's "Damaged Goods" by Gaz Coombes and Danny Goffey's side project The Hotrats.
His commercial work has included a number of internet viral campaigns, a return to photography and advertising work and several short films, most notably "i" in 2010, a two-minute short of an eyeball featuring industrial sounds, which won the Best Sound Design award at the Hamburg Film Festival and was shown at the Rushes Short Film Festival and the Ann Arbor Film Festival, and "The Promise" in 2011, also shown at the Ann Arbor Film festival. "The Promise" garnered critical acclaim but its dark subject matter – a slow-motion depiction of a woman being executed – limited its distribution. Losey, who is now UK based, exhibited work at the Latitude Contemporary Art Exhibition in 2010.
Luke has directed a major 3D experiential advertisement for Ralph Lauren and viral/cinema ads for Mulberry and Nokia.
In late 2013 he directed a short teaser film of Jessica Albarn's fairy tale book "The Boy in the Oak". The film was narrated by Jude Law with music by Damon Albarn.
In 2015 Losey directed a kickstarter financed dramatic short film shot on 35mm film by Serge Teulon starring Jonathan Pryce and Sara Kestelman entitled 'One Last Dance'. Released in 2017 the film played at film festivals globally, receiving a number of awards including for its cinematography.
In 2018 Losey directed The Clock, a music film for electronic band 08:58 starting Cillian Murphy in a dystopian Mr.Ben fantasy.
In 2022 Luke directed the UKMVA nominated animation 'Smiley's world' promo for Orbitals 30th anniversary, the animation director was Tim Varlow. The animation is set in alternative 1989, during a period in British subculture that bridged the gap between free festivals and big raves. The music samples the ‘A Trip Round Acid House’ edition of ‘World In Action’ – the ITV documentary about the Acid House scene, with a 20-year-old Paul Hartnoll recalling being beaten up by police at a house party in Sevenoaks, Kent. The events portrayed in the film reflect Losey's own experiences of the period, with the animation style deliberately reflecting the strong DIY ethos of the time. The narrative is a dystopian comedy featuring sock puppets, high-end CGI, background stock footage, specially filmed elements, stop-motion and stills photography. Also in 2022, Luke directed the promo for the Orbital Sleaford Mods collaboration 'Dirty Rat'. Luke has now started collaborating with the Orbital on their live show as content and lighting director, after an absence of over a decade.
Also in development through 2022 / 23 is a script from an idea by Losey called 'The Boy who loved dinosaurs', written by Klaus Fried. Part ghost story, part road-movie, this is the redemptive tale of a metaphysical connection between two men a continent apart and the tragedy that bonds them. Losey is concurrently developing a drama titled 'Subject 8' (subsequently renamed 'ZOYA), penned by Justin Villiers from an idea by Losey. Zoya is a dystopian fairy tale exploring the rise and fall of a parapsychological research institute and its inmates in soviet Siberia. "The secret Kulagina Brain Institute is located in a remote region of Siberia’s Ural mountains, during the 1950s the institute was the world's leading research facility for ESP and parapsychology, by the mid 1970s after years of insupportable claims, the institute was discredited and fell into decline". In May 2022 the film received development money, first drafts of a script are expected in early 2023.
<doc id="27087962" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087962" title="Al-Futuwwa">
<doc id="27087969" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087969" title="Zip Code 30009">
Zip Code 30009
<doc id="27087974" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087974" title="Alfred Dampier">
Alfred Dampier
Alfred Dampier (28 February 1843? 1847? – 23 May 1908) was an English-born actor-manager
and playwright, active in Australia.
Dampier was born in Horsham, Sussex, England, the son of John Dampier, a builder, and his wife Mary, "née" Daly. Dampier had a stage career in Manchester before moving to Melbourne, Australia in 1873, under contract to the Harwood syndicate, consisting of H. R. Harwood, George Coppin, Richard Stewart (father of Nellie Stewart), and John Hennings, managers of Melbourne's Theatre Royal.
His first role was as Mephistopheles in his own adaptation of "Goethe's Faust", followed by leading roles in Shakespearean dramas. After three years he undertook his own management and toured major towns in Australia and New Zealand, followed by America and England.
On his return to Australia, Dampier formed his own company, often producing plays with an Australian theme. He staged five plays by F. R. C. Hopkins between 1876 and 1882, and adapted "For the Term of His Natural Life" (1886), "Robbery Under Arms" (1890), and "The Miner's Right" (1891). A good number of actors stayed with Dampier through his changing fortunes — Carrie Bilton, Alfred Harford, Regel Rede, Alfred Rolfe, George Buller, Edmund Holloway, Julia Merton, Helen Nugent, J. B. Atholwood, Walter Baker, Watkin Wynne, Alfred Boothman, Ada Rochfort, May Holt (sister of Bland Holt), Harry Stoneham and Barry Marschall.
The two roles with which Dampier was most associated were Jean Valjean in "Valjean", an adaptation of "Les Misérables", and Captain Starlight in "Robbery Under Arms".
He wrote (as "Adam Pierre") the jingoistic "Briton and Boer", which was a "hit" at the Alexandra in 1900.
The Popular Australian Dramatic Company (1889–90) and Australian Dramatic Company (1890–1897), not to be confused with George Darrell's "Australian Dramatic Company" (1878–1888), were affiliated with the Holloway company.
Dampier died at his resident in Paddington, Sydney on 23 May 1908.
In 1866 Dampier married the actress Katherine Alice Russell (c. 1848 – 8 March 1915), who continued using that name professionally. She was author of a play, "The Phantom Ship".
She died from a stroke in Reading, Pennsylvania while touring America with her daughter Rose and son Fred. They had two daughters and one son.
<doc id="27087980" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087980" title="Purdey (disambiguation)">
Purdey (disambiguation)
<doc id="27087981" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087981" title="A Little Night Music (1977 film)">
A Little Night Music (1977 film)
<doc id="27087985" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087985" title="Jose of Yokereth">
Jose of Yokereth
R. Jose of Yokereth (, read as "Yossi deman Yoqart") was a Jewish Amora sage of the Land of Israel, of the third generation of the Amora era.
His surname יוקרת ("Yoqart" or "Yokereth") is of an unknown source, and most likely has been bastardized over the years, although many attribute it to the now and then Iqrit village, known in Hebrew as יוקרת ("Yokereth" or "Yoqart").
He was the Rabbi of R. Jose ben Abin.
In the Talmud there are two stories concerning his piousness that reached to such an extent that he was cruel to his own children over it. One story concerns his son, who miraculously caused a tree to produce fruit out of season to feed his laborers. When his father learned of it, he was furious, and said to him: "My son, you have troubled your Creator to cause the fig tree to bring forth its fruits before its time, may you too be taken hence before your time!". The other story concerns his beautiful daughter. Once R. Yokereth caught a man trying to glance at his daughter from a hiding place. Replying to the questioning of Yokereth, he said: "Master, if I am not worthy enough to marry her, may I not at least be worthy to catch a glimpse of her?"; then R. Yokereth exclaimed: "My daughter, you are a source of trouble to mankind; return to the dust so that men may not sin because of you". This zealotry led his own student R. Jose ben Abin to abandon him, and go acquire education from Rav Ashi.
An additional miraculous story concerning R. Yokereth is recorded. He used to rent his donkey to people, and at the end of each working day it would return by itself, with its salary laid on its back. One day, the renters forgot two of their sandals on its back. The donkey, not wanting to steal, did not move until the sandals were retrieved.
<doc id="27087986" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087986" title="Mentha viridis">
Mentha viridis
<doc id="27087993" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27087993" title="Tajar Tetova">
Tajar Tetova
Tajar Tetova () was an Albanian military commander and "çetë" (band) leader in southern Albania and Macedonia.
Born in Kalkandelen (modern day Tetovo) in the late-19th century, Tajar bey Tetova came from a noble landowning family. Tetova rose through the military ranks of the Ottoman empire, becoming a captain in the Ottoman army.
Albanian National Awakening.
In 1908 he was sent by the Ottoman empire to support the Ottoman troops against the Albanian uprisings in Monastir (present-day Bitola). On June 22, 1908, captain Tajar Tetova working together with the Bashkimi club of Monastir, mutinied and fled into the mountains with seven officers and 150 Albanian soldiers to join southern Albanian Tosk revolutionaries. He formed a military league, demanding the retirement of the Young Turk government and general elections claiming that the existing cabinet was elected under terrorist agitation of the Young Turkish Committee. Tetova and his soldiers took all the weapons and ammunition company as well as two heavy machine guns from the Turkish in Monastir. Tetova expanded his insurgent movement in the area of Dibra, Korce and Kolonje. Tetova's group merged with Sali Butka fighters and together fought against the invaders of Albania.
He served for a short time as Mayor of Elbasan. A street in Elbasan is named after him.
<doc id="27088004" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088004" title="Luis Reyes (Honduran footballer)">
Luis Reyes (Honduran footballer)
Luis Alberto Reyes Nuñez (born 19 March 1958) is a retired Honduran football player who is currently the fourth all-time scorer for F.C. Motagua.
Club career.
Nicknamed "Chito", Reyes played forward from season 1978–79 to 1984–85. He scored three goals in the 1979 league final.
He also managed Motagua in 1999–2000 Clausura winning that season.
International career.
Reyes was a non-playing squad member at the 1977 FIFA World Youth Championship. He has also represented his country in 5 FIFA World Cup qualification matches
<doc id="27088008" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088008" title="Dhasa">
Dhasa is a small city and railway junction in Botad District of Gujarat. Dhasa with Major Population Of Koli And Nadoda Rajput. Dhasa Known As Home Of BJP Party Almost 30 Years BJP Ruled Dhasa With Village Chief Kalubhai Dayabhai Pavra And Also Taluka Panchayat Belongs To BJP. Geographycally there are two small towns, which are Dhasagam and Dhasa junction.
It is situated at distance of 75 km from Bhavnagar, 45 km from Amreli and 100 km from Rajkot. Dhasa is an important point on S.H.25 Which connects Bhavnagar to Rajkot. The population is around 10,000. The main industries are Oil Mills and Cotton Ginning Mills.
Dhasa Also Connect State Highway with Rajkot Ahmedabad Bhavnagar Botad And Amreli.
Dhasa Also Hub for shopping for small villages around dhasa and have good medical and hospitals.
There is a temple of Ambaji of a Kuldevi of Jain's of Kapasi family here.
There is Naga temple of Kuladevata of Jain's Sanghrajka family here.
Dhasa junction was one of the first railway junctions to be established in 1880 on Bhavnagar-Gondal State Railway, Metre Gauge line from Dhasa to Dhoraji.
Dhasa have a State transport bus stand and well connected with most of the districts of Gujarat.
બુધેશ્વર મહાદેવ ઢસા
<doc id="27088017" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088017" title="Blood purity (disambiguation)">
Blood purity (disambiguation)
<doc id="27088019" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088019" title="No. 527 Squadron RAF">
No. 527 Squadron RAF
No. 527 Squadron RAF was a radar calibration unit of the Royal Air Force between 1943 and 1958.
No. 527 Squadron was formed from various calibration flights at RAF Castle Camps, Cambridgeshire on 15 June 1943 for radar calibration duties with Bristol Blenheims and Hawker Hurricanes. The squadron was engaged with the calibration of radar stations in southern England and East Anglia. The need for calibration units lessened considerably in 1944, so the squadron absorbed No. 528 Squadron RAF on 1 September 1944, extending its coverage in the process to Lincolnshire, and No. 526 Squadron RAF on 1 May 1945, adding the de Havilland Hornet Moths, Airspeed Oxfords and de Havilland Dominies of these units to its strength. The squadron standardised hereafter on Spitfires, Wellingtons, Oxfords and Dominies, the latter -old aircraft of 526 Squadron- still being based at RAF Longman, Inverness for communications flying. In November 1945, the squadron moved to RAF Watton, Norfolk where it disbanded on 15 April 1946.
The squadron reformed on 1 August 1952 at RAF Watton, when the 'N' and 'R' Calibration Squadrons of the Central Signal Establishment were redesignated to No. 527 Squadron. A great variety of types, amongst them Avro Lincolns, Avro Ansons, English Electric Canberras and Gloster Meteors, were flown for high-level calibration until 21 August 1958, when the unit was disbanded by being renumbered to No. 245 Squadron RAF.
<doc id="27088026" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088026" title="A Street Called Straight">
A Street Called Straight
A Street Called Straight is an album by Roy Buchanan, released in 1976 on Atlantic Records. The album contains the instrumental, "My Friend, Jeff", in honour of British guitarist Jeff Beck. One year earlier Beck released "Blow by Blow", featuring "Cause We've Ended As Lovers", which was dedicated to Roy Buchanan.
The album title comes from Acts 9:11.
Critical reception.
AllMusic wrote that "the reading of Jimi Hendrix' 'If Six Was Nine' is an almost natural extension of the original, with a brooding and slinky rhythm."
Track listing.
All tracks by Roy Buchanan except where noted.
<doc id="27088027" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088027" title="Kerala Solvent Extractions">
Kerala Solvent Extractions
Kerala Solvent Extractions Ltd, now known as KSE Ltd (BSE: 519421, NSE: KSE), is a company that is engaged in the manufacture of cattle feed, oil cake processing (extraction of oil from copra cake by the solvent extraction process and refining the same to edible grade), and dairy products in Irinjalakkuda, Thrissur District, state of Kerala, India. The Company was incorporated on 25 September 1963 and began commercial operations in April 1972 by setting up Kerala's first solvent extraction plant to extract coconut oil from coconut oil cakes. Subsequently, in 1976 the company set up a plant to manufacture ready mixed cattle feed. In the last three decades, KSE has emerged as a leader in solvent extraction from coconut oil cakes and also the largest cattle feed producer and supplier in Kerala. In 2000, KSE entered the business of procuring, processing and marketing milk and milk products. In 2002, KSE started producing and marketing icecreams under the brand name 'Vesta'.
Business segments.
The company operates in three business segments: Cattle Feed Division, Oil Cake Processing Division, and Dairy Division comprising milk and milk products, including ice cream.
Cattle feed.
KSE's cattle feed division is engaged in the production and marketing of cattle feed. KSE's cattle feed is largely made up of de-oiled rice bran cake, maize, and de-oiled coconut cake. Some quantities of cottonseeds are added to make a balanced feed mixture. The company produces seven types of cattle feed, three in mash form and four in pellet form. Today, KSE Ltd is predominantly a cattle feed producer with about 75% of its revenues in FY2014-15 coming from the sales of cattle feed. It has five modern cattle-feed factories and reported a sales volume of 440,000 metric tonnes in FY2014-15.
Oil cake processing.
KSE's oil cake processing division extracts coconut oil from coconut oil cakes by using solvent extraction technology. The company operates two solvent extraction plants with a total capacity to process 90,000 metric tonnes of coconut oil cake per annum. In FY2014-15, the volume of cake processed was 68,500 tonnes that contributed 21% to the company's total revenues.
Dairy Division.
KSE started operation of its dairy division on 22 January 2000. The idea of diversification into the dairy industry was the outcome of the desire for forwarding integration of the cattle feed business of KSE Ltd. The company market a wide range of dairy products in the market, including toned milk, toned homogenized milk, Ghee, Curd, Sambharam, and ice cream (under the brand name 'Vesta'). Its main area of operation is Thrissur and also some parts of Ernakulam and Malappuram.
<doc id="27088028" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088028" title="The Buchan oil field">
The Buchan oil field
<doc id="27088029" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088029" title="KSE Ltd">
<doc id="27088030" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088030" title="Max Doerner (artist)">
Max Doerner (artist)
Max Doerner (1 April 1870 in Burghausen – 1 March 1939 in Munich) was a German artist and art theorist.
Doerner's artistic education was at the Academy of Fine Arts Munich where he studied under Johann Caspar Herterich and Wilhelm von Diez. His style was impressionistic. He travelled around Europe, in particular to the Low Countries and Italy, and studied the old techniques of painting. He is most noted for his work "The Materials of the Artist and Their Use in Painting", first published in 1921.
His approach inspired the founding of the Doerner Institute.
He was also an instructor at the Munich Academy, where his students included Karl Gatermann the Younger.
<doc id="27088031" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088031" title="Vess Chocolate">
Vess Chocolate
<doc id="27088033" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088033" title="Arena Towers">
Arena Towers
<doc id="27088035" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088035" title="Arena Tower I">
Arena Tower I
<doc id="27088036" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088036" title="Arena Tower II">
Arena Tower II
<doc id="27088037" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088037" title="Mohammed and Charlemagne">
Mohammed and Charlemagne
Mohammed and Charlemagne () is an academic book by the Belgian historian Henri Pirenne (1862–1935) which was first published posthumously in 1937. It set out an alternative argument about the end of Roman influence in Europe and the emergence of the Dark Ages which emphasised the importance of the Arab expansion in the Middle East and Levant which has become known as the Pirenne Thesis. Although successive historians have tended to reject the argument as an explanation of the period, it remains influential as a means of thinking about geography and periodisation in the Early Middle Ages and the debate it sparked is widely taught in university medieval history courses.
Argument and reception.
"Mohammed and Charlemagne" represented the culmination of Pirenne's longstanding interest in the end of Late Antiquity and the beginning of the Middle Ages in Europe. It was first expressed in an article of the same name published in the "Revue Belge de Philologie et d'Histoire" in 1922 followed by a second article entitled An Economic Contrast: Merovingians and Carolingians" ("Un contraste économique. Mérovingiens et Carolingiens") in the same periodical in 1923. The two articles began a lengthy scholarly debate among historians, and Pirenne sought to explore further aspects of the subject in the body of studies later compiled into the book.
According to Pirenne the real break in Roman history occurred in the 8th century as a result of Arab expansion. Islamic conquest of the area of today's south-eastern Turkey, Syria, Palestine, North Africa, Spain and Portugal ruptured economic ties to Western Europe and cut the region off from trade and turning it into a stagnant backwater, with wealth flowing out in the form of raw resources and nothing coming back. Thar began a steady decline and impoverishment and so by the time of Charlemagne, Western Europe had become almost entirely agrarian at a subsistence level, with no long-distance trade.
In a summary, Pirenne stated, "Without Islam, the Frankish Empire would probably never have existed, and Charlemagne, without Muhammad, would be inconceivable". That is, he rejected the notion that the Dark Ages had been caused by the destruction of the Western Roman Empire by the barbarian invasions of the 4th and the 5th centuries. Instead, the Muslim conquest of North Africa made the Mediterranean a barrier; cut Western Europe from the east; and enabled the Carolingians, especially Charlemagne, to create a new distinctly-western form of government.
Pirenne used statistical data regarding money in support of his thesis. Much of his argument builds upon the disappearance from Western Europe of items that had to come from outside. For example, the minting of gold coins north of the Alps stopped after the 7th century, which indicated a loss of access to wealthier parts of the world. Papyrus, which was made only in Egypt, no longer appeared in Northern Europe after the 7th century, and writing reverted to using parchment, which indicated the region's economic isolation.
Pirenne's thesis did not convince most of the historians at the time of its publication, but historians have since generally agreed that the book has both stimulated debate on the Early Middle Ages and provided a provocative example of how periodization would work. It continues to inform historical discussion in the 21st century, with more recent debate focusing on whether later archaeological discoveries refute the thesis or demonstrate its fundamental viability.
<doc id="27088038" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088038" title="Raymond Bru">
Raymond Bru
Raymond Bru (30 March 1906 – December 1989) was a Belgian fencer. He won a bronze medal in the team foil event at the 1948 Summer Olympics.
<doc id="27088043" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088043" title="Free codecs">
Free codecs
<doc id="27088044" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088044" title="Κίνηση Απελάστε το Ρατσισμό">
Κίνηση Απελάστε το Ρατσισμό
<doc id="27088045" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088045" title="Egyptian Second Division 2008-09">
Egyptian Second Division 2008-09
<doc id="27088052" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088052" title="Elena Chalova">
Elena Chalova
Elena Valeryevna Chalova (, born 16 May 1987) is a retired Russian tennis player.
Elena Chalova was born to Valeri Chalov and Irina Chalova, and has a brother named Michael. She started played tennis at the age of seven.
On 9 November 2009, she reached her career-high singles ranking of world No. 151. On 14 June 2010, she peaked at No. 133 in the doubles rankings.
<doc id="27088059" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088059" title="Miss Hawaiian Tropic International">
Miss Hawaiian Tropic International
<doc id="27088066" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088066" title="Pierre Pêcher">
Pierre Pêcher
Pierre Pêcher was a Belgian fencer. He competed in the individual and team foil events at the 1928 Summer Olympics.
<doc id="27088069" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088069" title="Donald Trump Model">
Donald Trump Model
<doc id="27088071" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088071" title="2005 Décastar">
2005 Décastar
The 29th edition of the annual Décastar took place on 17 September and 18 September 2005 in Talence, France. The track and field competition, featuring a decathlon (men) and a heptathlon (women) event, was part of the 2005 IAAF World Combined Events Challenge.
<doc id="27088073" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088073" title="Pierre Pecher">
Pierre Pecher
<doc id="27088076" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088076" title="Chugyeogja">
<doc id="27088078" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088078" title="Suspect (disambiguation)">
Suspect (disambiguation)
A suspect is a person suspected of committing a crime.
Suspect or suspects may also refer to:
<doc id="27088082" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088082" title="U.S. Foreign Service Institute">
U.S. Foreign Service Institute
<doc id="27088089" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088089" title="Flammende Herzen">
Flammende Herzen
Flammende Herzen (“Blazing Heart” in English) is the debut studio album by the German solo artist Michael Rother. It was released in 1977 and includes the single "Flammende Herzen" b/w "Karussell". The music was used the following year to soundtrack "Flaming Hearts". It was Rother's first solo venture after having recorded five albums prior as a member of Neu! with Klaus Dinger and Harmonia with Hans-Joachim Roedelius and Dieter Moebius.
The album was recorded between June and September 1976 in Germany at Conny's Studio. Receiving positive reviews the album was released as an LP in March 1977 before it was re-released by Polydor in 1982. The album was reissued on CD in 1990, before being re-issued again in 1993 with bonus tracks and having been remastered. The artwork for the album was designed by Rike with photography by Christian Rabe and Ann.
Recording and music.
Following the disbandment of Neu! having released their third studio album "Neu! '75" in 1975, Rother worked again with Neu! and Harmonia producer Conny Plank on his first solo album. Jaki Liebezeit from Can augmented Rother on drums. Aside from Liebezeit, the entirety of the album was written and performed by Rother utilising guitar, bass guitar, electric piano, organ, synthesizer and electronic percussion. In contrast to Rother's work with his former groups, the album was completely instrumental and instead he performs the majority of the melodies using his guitar.
On completion of the sessions Rother re-united with Cluster members Hans-Joachim Roedelius and Dieter Moebius and former-Roxy Music member and solo artist Brian Eno to record a third Harmonia album in Forst in 1976. The studio sessions were productive but the recordings were left unreleased until November 1997 when they were released as "Tracks and Traces" and credited to 'Harmonia 76'.
"Flammende Herzen" was first released on Sky Records as an LP in 1977. The album has been re-released several times, again as an LP on Polydor after Rother joined the label in 1982, then as a CD on Polygram in 1990. In 1993, Rother secured the rights to his back catalogue and re-issued all of his solo albums with bonus tracks and remastered sound on his own label, Random Records. In 2000, Rother re-issued all of the albums again in partnership between Random Records and BSC Music. Expanded editions include two versions of the title track recorded in the 1990s, "Vorbei (Flammende Herzen - Chill Remix 1993)" and "Flammende Herzen - Film Remix 1993" with Joachim Rudolph on drums, bass, and co-remixing. The album has since been released in the US on Water Records and as a heavyweight 180 gram LP on the 4 Men With Beards imprint.
"Flammende Herzen" received positive reviews by the majority of critics.
<doc id="27088092" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088092" title="Max Janlet">
Max Janlet
Max Janlet (1903 – 8 December 1976) was a Belgian fencer. He competed at the 1928 and 1932 Summer Olympics.
<doc id="27088102" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088102" title="Popular music studies">
Popular music studies
<doc id="27088103" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088103" title="Sydonia">
Sydonia was an alternative rock/metal band formed in 1997 in Melbourne, Victoria. The band consisted of Dana Roskvist, Adam Murray, Sean Bailey and Sam Haycroft, who was replaced by Ant Connelly, after he left to pursue other ventures.
The band has released four EPs ("Sojourn", "I'd Say No", "Subordinate", ""), the full-length album "Given To Destroyers" through MGM and "Reality Kicks" through MGM as well. Several singles have had airplay on Triple J, Triple M and Channel V. Their third album is in production now, with Tom Larkin from Shihad assisting on production alongside the band.
They have toured with notable bands such as Stone Sour, Slipknot, Machine Head, Lamb of God and Korn, as well as fellow Australians Dead Letter Circus and Mammal.
Early history (2003–2005).
Sydonia was originally formed in 1998 in Noosa Heads, Queensland Australia. They released three EPs, "I'd Say No" in 2003, "Subordinate" in 2004, and in 2005.
Following the three EPs and many years of honing their sound and identity as a band, Sydonia recorded their debut album in April 2006. "Given To Destroyers", taking its name from the single "No Woman's Land", was recorded over 14 days in Backbeach Studio with producer DW Norton. Despite offering distribution deals to several independent labels, Sydonia eventually elected to release the album independently in September 2006 with distribution through Green Media (MGM) Australia.
Sydonia released their 2nd Full-length album Reality Kicks in 2014 (with crowdfunding help through Pozible) through MGM Distribution and signed to Pricewar Music for Management. They toured the album with Helm and Red Bee and then went on to play shows with Trivium and In Flames, as well as Snot and Hed PE in Melbourne and at El Grande Festival in Brisbane alongside Dream On, Dreamer and Voyager. 2014 saw them play at Bigsound in Brisbane, Australia's largest Music Conference. 2016 saw them sign to Premier Artists for bookings in Australia/NZ. On 11 January 2017 Sydonia announced its disbanding via a post on their Official Facebook Page.
<doc id="27088107" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088107" title="MapleStory2">
<doc id="27088110" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088110" title="2010 Nigerien constitutional referendum">
2010 Nigerien constitutional referendum
A constitutional referendum was held in Niger on 31 October 2010, after the military coup earlier in the year had ousted elected President Mamadou Tandja. General elections followed on 31 January and 12 March 2011. Approved by 90% of voters, the constitution granted immunity to the coup leaders and stipulated that they had to hand over power by 6 April 2011. They did so as promised following the January–March 2011 general elections. The approval of the referendum also restored the semi-presidential system of government which had been abolished in the disputed referendum in 2009.
<doc id="27088114" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088114" title="Ataturkism">
<doc id="27088116" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088116" title="2010-11 TFF First League">
2010-11 TFF First League
<doc id="27088118" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088118" title="Nigerien parliamentary election, 2010">
Nigerien parliamentary election, 2010
<doc id="27088120" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088120" title="Canadian number-one albums of 1999">
Canadian number-one albums of 1999
<doc id="27088124" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088124" title="Christine Buchholz">
Christine Buchholz
Christine Ann Buchholz (born 2 April 1971 in Hamburg) is a German politician and was member of the Bundestag, the German federal diet from 2009 to 2021 for the Die Linke. A progressive activist, Bucholz is a member of Marx21, a network of trotskyists within Die Linke broadly aligned with the International Socialist Tendency.
Education and early career.
From 1991 to 1998, Buchholz studied education and social sciences with a focus on politics and religion at the University of Hamburg. After the state examination she took up a supplementary study of science history. Since 1995 she has also worked in Hamburg and Berlin as an assistant for people with disabilities. From 1997 to 2001 she was a member of the works council in a Hamburg nursing company. She was certified as ötv - Vertrauensfrau (trusted woman) and is a member of the union ver.di. From 2002 she worked as a freelance editor and from 2005 to 2009 as a research assistant to a member of the left parliamentary group Linksfraktion.
Political career.
Since the early 1990s she has been active in the antifascist scene. In 1994 she became a member of the Trotskyist organization Linksruck. From 1994 to 1999 she was a member of the SPD. She was active early in the anti-globalization movement and became a member of Attac. She was one of the organizers of the European Social Forum, the Social Forum in Germany and the protests against the G8 summit in Heiligendamm (2007). She participated in the organization and implementation of the Blockupy protests against "banking power and the austerity of the EU troika". In the Bundestag she spoke against austerity, the European Stability Mechanism and the European Fiscal Compact.
Buchholz proposed in early 2013 that politicians of the other two (former) opposition parties SPD and Greens should seek political compromises. With a view to the federal election in 2013 (and apparently on the subject of a red-red-green coalition), she said that there is no substantive basis for a government participation because of the support of foreign operations of the Bundeswehr and the approval of Angela Merkel's EU austerity.
Through her membership in Linksruck (dissolved in 2007) she joined the WASG, whose extended federal board she belonged from spring 2005. In March 2007, she was elected to the executive WASG board. Since the Unification Party Convention on 16 June 2007 she is a member of the executive party executive committee of the left, where she is responsible for peace and disarmament.
Buchholz is (as of 2008) a supporter of the Trotskyist organization Marx21 within Die Linke and was the author of the magazine of the same name.
Buchholz is considered a protagonist of the left party wing within the party Die Linke. In 2011, she criticized the attempt by reformers such as Stefan Liebich to change the foreign policy foundations of the party.
<doc id="27088127" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088127" title="Sanam (1997 film)">
Sanam (1997 film)
Sanam is a 1997 Hindi language romantic drama action film directed and produced by Aziz Sejawal. Written by Anees Bazmee, it starred Sanjay Dutt, Manisha Koirala, Vivek Mushran, Anupam Kher, Dalip Tahil, Kader Khan, Anjan Srivastav, Gulshan Grover and Shakti Kapoor. The music, composed by Anand–Milind, was the biggest strength of this film. The movie did average business at the box office.
Gaurav (Vivek Mushran) lives a wealthy lifestyle, gets everything he wants except the love of his parents and family. Even though he lives with his parents, they love his elder brother Narendra (Sanjay Dutt) more. Narendra is often pronounced by the name of "Hero" by his parents, and goes abroad for his job once a while. When Hero comes back home for a holiday, he goes to a funfair with his family, and witnesses a little girl who is stuck on top of a Ferris wheel, and when Hero gets the chance, he climbs up and rescues her. By the time he jumps off, it is already on fire, which causes it to explode, and blows Hero off with it as well. The whole family is devastated by Hero's death, and since he was the only one who made a name for his family, Gaurav finally feals pity and joins the army to prove to his father that he is worthy to be the Hero's younger brother. While on duty, Gaurav discovers that Angara and General (Shakti Kapoor, Gulshan Grover) are about to plant bombs through the whole of India, and that would just not mean for his parents and friends to die, but also his loving girlfriend, Sanam (Manisha Koirala).
The film was in news because of Dutt's involvement in the 1993 Bombay Bombings.During his statement he said that while he was shooting for the film producers Hanif and Samir arranged the gun from gangster Abu Salem. As a result, Dutt distanced himself from the film and its delayed release.
The music was composed by Anand–Milind, with lyrics by Sameer. The soundtrack for this film was released back in 1993. The songs "Ankhon Mein Neende Na Dil" and "Ishq Mein Mere Rabba" were very popular and featured in Cibaca Geet Mala 1993.
<doc id="27088130" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088130" title="Nigerien presidential election, 2010–2011">
Nigerien presidential election, 2010–2011
<doc id="27088134" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088134" title="Treatment and prognosis of melanoma">
Treatment and prognosis of melanoma
<doc id="27088142" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088142" title="Louise Gabrielle Julie de Rohan">
Louise Gabrielle Julie de Rohan
<doc id="27088143" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088143" title="Decade (Live at the El Mocambo)">
Decade (Live at the El Mocambo)
Decade (Live at the El Mocambo) is the first live album by Canadian rock band Silverstein, released on June 8, 2010 on Victory.
Background and release.
On April 23, 2010, the band announced through their official Facebook page that "Decade (Live at the El Mocambo)" was to be released on June 8, 2010. It was filmed and recorded during March 18–21, 2010 during the band's 10th anniversary shows. The show was filmed by Robby Starbuck, who had previously directed the music videos of "Vices" and "American Dream" for the band. Four cameras were used, presumably limited by the size of the venue.
Each day the band played one of their four full-length albums in its entirety to celebrate 10 years as a band. They announced that "Decade" would be 'the best of' the performances. On May 5, 2010, the album was made available for pre-order with a T-shirt, poster, and signed laminate. They also announced that it would be over 2 hours long, contain 22 tracks, unseen backstage footage, and every music video including the upcoming video for "American Dream".
"Decade Singles" was released on June 1 and contained "Smile in Your Sleep" and "Born Dead" (featuring Scott Wade).
The album was mixed by Cameron Webb. This was their last release on Victory Records before signing with Hopeless Records later that year.
Personnel per booklet.
<doc id="27088148" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088148" title="Charles Debeur">
Charles Debeur
Charles Debeur (24 March 1906 – 1981) was a Belgian fencer who competed at the 1928, 1936 and 1948 Summer Olympics.
<doc id="27088150" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088150" title="Louise de Rohan-Soubise">
Louise de Rohan-Soubise
<doc id="27088156" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088156" title="Tariq Khan">
Tariq Khan
Tariq Khan may refer to:
<doc id="27088159" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088159" title="Louise-Gabrielle Julie de Rohan">
Louise-Gabrielle Julie de Rohan
<doc id="27088166" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088166" title="2008 Hart District Council election">
2008 Hart District Council election
The 2008 Hart Council election took place on 1 May 2008 to elect members of Hart District Council in Hampshire, England. One third of the council was up for election and the council stayed under no overall control, with the Conservatives as the largest party.
After the election, the composition of the council was:
12 seats were being contested in the election with the Conservatives defending 6 seats, the Liberal Democrats 5 and the Community Campaign (Hart) 1 seat. In total there were 30 candidates standing in the election with the Conservatives the only party to stand in all of the seats. Other candidates included 10 from the Liberal Democrats, 5 from Labour, 2 Community Campaign (Hart) and 1 from the British National Party. Before the election a coalition of the Liberal Democrats, Community Campaign (Hart) and the 2 Independents ran the council with the Conservatives forming the opposition.
Issues in the election included facilities for teenagers, cleaner streets, recycling and reducing crime. The Conservatives wanted to improve the value for money the council produced, develop the infrastructure for new housing and to keep roads in good condition. However the Liberal Democrats pledged to improve recycling, get more affordable housing and keep crime levels low.
During the campaign the national Conservative leader, David Cameron, visited the area to campaign for the party.
Election result.
The results saw the council remain with no party having a majority, but with the Conservatives gaining 2 seats to hold 17 of the 35 seats. Both Conservative gains came from the Liberal Democrats, taking Fleet Courtmoor by 391 votes and Fleet Pondtail by 493 votes. The Conservatives won 60% of the vote and claimed a mandate to take control of the council. However the 2 independents held the balance of power between the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrat/Community Campaign (Hart) alliance. Overall turnout in the election was 36.9%.
At the annual council meeting after the election the Conservatives took control of the council. Their leader Ken Crookes won 18 votes compared to 17 for Liberal Democrat leader David Neighbour, with 1 of the 2 independents, Susan Band, backing the Conservatives. The other independent, Denis Gotel, and the Community Campaign (Hart) backed the Liberal Democrat leader. As a result, the council cabinet was made up of all Conservatives, except for independent Susan Band who would continue to be responsible for housing and health.
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Louise Gabrielle Julie de Rohan-Soubise
<doc id="27088174" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088174" title="Unicorn University">
Unicorn University
Unicorn University, formerly known as Unicorn College, is a vocationally oriented private university located in Prague. It was established in 2007 by Unicorn a.s. The institution was transferred under the ownership of Unicorn Learning Centre a.s. in 2009 in which Unicorn a.s. is as a sole owner.
The university offers study programmes in full-time and combined form at the bachelor and master level, accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. All bachelor study programmes are available in English as well.
The university also runs a double-degree programme implemented in cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (FHWS). The programme lets students spend two semesters (2nd year of study) at the university in Bavaria. Upon successful graduation, students acquire a bachelor's degree in Business Management (Unicorn University) and in International Management (FHWS).
“Unicorn Work & Study” represents another option for the study. The programme combines working for Unicorn and studying at Unicorn University at the same time.
Follow-up Master Study Programmes.
Classes take place at three campuses – at Parukářka, in Holešovice and Vysočany. Students can use online apps for each course, developed internally to achieve higher interactivity, availability and overall study attractiveness.
Focus of Study.
The study at Unicorn University focuses on IT, economics, business management and data analysis. Unicorn University is the only private university in the Czech Republic with technical specialization. The university currently hosts students from 16 countries and foreign students make roughly a quarter of the total number of students.
Some graduates find a job in the Unicorn a.s group. The structure of graduates focusing on IT and graduates focusing on economics was balanced in 2019. The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs did not register any Unicorn University graduate as unemployed in the same year.
Science and Research.
Unicorn University has been engaged in applied research for a long time. The school cooperates with many corporations. Solving research infrastructure for CERN experiments represents a most important project. In the Czech Republic, the project is run in cooperation with the Czech Technical University in Prague, Charles University and the Czech Academy of Sciences. The research programme constitutes a long-term project of research cooperation planned to be finalized in 2025. Unicorn University represents a sole contractual developer and supplier of the ATLAS Product Database. Both academic employees and students take part and students have an opportunity to process their qualification thesis within the project.
Research papers of Unicorn University academic employees have been published for example in International Small Business Journal-Researching Entrepreneurship, Marketing Science or Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. Monographs have been published e.g. by the Springer Nature publishing house.
Unicorn Research Centre was established in 2017 at Unicorn University, focusing on research.
The school has a library with items available for the whole Unicorn a.s. group and with remote access to research databases.
<doc id="27088178" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088178" title="Émile Barbier">
Émile Barbier
Émile Edmond Gustave Barbier (born 1902, date of death unknown) was a Belgian fencer. He competed in the team épée event at the 1928 Summer Olympics. Two years later, at the 1930 World Fencing Championships, Barbier won a gold medal.
<doc id="27088180" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088180" title="Feste Alvensleben">
Feste Alvensleben
<doc id="27088183" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088183" title="Fort Plappeville">
Fort Plappeville
<doc id="27088186" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088186" title="Impending climatic catastrophe">
Impending climatic catastrophe
<doc id="27088190" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088190" title="The Pakistan Muslim League (N)">
The Pakistan Muslim League (N)
<doc id="27088192" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088192" title="HCM Constanta">
HCM Constanta
<doc id="27088200" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088200" title="Cyana (disambiguation)">
Cyana (disambiguation)
Cyana is a genus of moths in the subfamily Arctiinae.
Cyana may also refer to:
<doc id="27088201" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088201" title="Libyan Arab Airlines Flight 1103">
Libyan Arab Airlines Flight 1103
Libyan Arab Airlines Flight 1103 was a Boeing 727-2L5 with 10 crew and 147 passengers on board that collided with a LARAF Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-23 on 22 December 1992. All 157 people onboard flight 1103 were killed, while the crew of the MiG-23 ejected and survived. It was the deadliest aviation disaster to occur in Libya at the time.
On 22 December 1992 Flight 1103 took off from Benina International Airport near Benghazi on a domestic flight to Tripoli International Airport under the command of Captain Ali Al-Faqih, First Officer Mahmoud Issa, Trainee First Officer Abed Al-Jalil Al-Zarrouq, and Flight Engineer Salem Abu Sitta. At an altitude of during the Boeing 727's approach to Tripoli airport, the aircraft tail collided with a Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-23 right wing and disintegrated, resulting in the death of all 157 passengers and crew. The two crew members of the MiG-23 ejected before impact and survived.
Investigation and aftermath.
The official explanation and air accident investigation report both blamed a collision with a Libyan Air Force MiG-23; the pilot and instructor of the MiG were imprisoned.
After the crash, a spokesman for the Libyan Civil Authority stated he had been forbidden from releasing any information about the crash, including which planes had been involved. A mass grave was prepared for the victims outside of Tripoli with poor international relations denying the bodies of international victims being returned to their families.
Twenty years later, after the fall of Muammar Gaddafi, Major Abdel Majid Al-Tayari, the instructor in the MiG-23 aircraft, challenged the official version of events, claiming that Flight 1103 was deliberately destroyed, because he saw its tail falling before his aircraft suffered a strong impact (from either the shock wave of the explosion that destroyed the Boeing 727 or a piece of wreckage) and he was forced to eject from his aircraft along with his trainee, Lieutenant Colonel Ahmed Abu Sneina. In a statement Al-Tayari claims there was no air collision, but conceded that the planes were too close to one another.
Ali Aujali, who served as a Libyan diplomat both under Gaddafi and under the National Transitional Council, claims that Gaddafi ordered that the Boeing 727, whose flight was assigned the number 1103, be shot down exactly four years to the day after the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 in order to demonstrate the negative effects of international sanctions imposed on Libya. According to Aujali, the dictator originally ordered a bomb with a timer to be in the aircraft, but when this failed to explode, he "ordered the [aircraft] to be knocked out of the sky". The widow of one British victim has claimed Libyan families of victims had asked if she had tested her husband's passports for explosive residue.
The first memorial for the crash was held near Tripoli, Libya in 2012. The ceremony was attended by families and friends of the victims, and politicians.
<doc id="27088211" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088211" title="Emile Barbier">
Emile Barbier
<doc id="27088217" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088217" title="Mikhail Tsiselsky">
Mikhail Tsiselsky
Mikhail Petrovich Tsiselsky ( ); May 20, 1909 – November 3, 1989 was a Ukrainian Soviet naval pilot during World War II who was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.
Mikhail Tsiselsky was born on in Stoykovo (a village in Cherkasy Raion of Cherkasy Oblast) to a Ukrainian peasant family. He finished incomplete secondary school and specialized technical school. He lived in Ussuriysk from 1928. He repaired steam locomotives, and became a member of the All-Union Communist Party (bolsheviks) in 1932.
Tsiselsky joined the Red Army's Fourth Zabaykalsky cavalry regiment in 1932. He completed aircraft maintenance training at Irkutsky in 1934 and subsequently served in the Byelorussian command as an aircraft technician. He completed a naval aviation course at Yeisky in 1936 and then served in the Black Sea Fleet's naval aviation branch.
His first combat mission of the German-Soviet War took place on June 22, 1941. He participated in the destruction of a tank battalion in the -Odessa district. On September 23, Tsiselsky and his unit sunk a heavy troop transport on the Dniester Liman and killing hundreds of Nazi soldiers and officers, as well as 15 tanks and 20 other vehicles in the Perekop-Sevastopol district in a separate action. For great services to the Motherland, Tsiselsky was awarded his first Order of the Red Banner.
Tsiselsky was a Navigator in a bomber squadron of the Baltic Fleet's 12th Guards Aviation Regiment during the German-Soviet War and performed 396 successful combat missions for air reconnaissance and bombardment of enemy ships and troops. He destroyed three troop transports of 11000 tonnes displacement, several vehicle landing craft, motorboats, motor torpedo boat, 31 tanks, 20 cars, fuel storage tanks and 4 transport aircraft. He personally downed three fascist aircraft.
March 6, 1945 he was recognized as a Hero of Soviet Union by decree of the Supreme Soviet for exemplary fulfilment of battle orders on front of the German-Soviet War, and his fortitude and heroism.
Tsiselsky was demobilized as a Major in 1948. During 1948-1955 he worked as a kolkhoz head in a native village. He lived in Kiev from 1955 and worked as a foreman at the "Krasny Rezinschik" plant for the production of mechanical rubber goods.
He died on 3 November 1989 and was buried in Kiev.
<doc id="27088220" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088220" title="Dinamo-Romc. Bucuresti">
Dinamo-Romc. Bucuresti
<doc id="27088223" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088223" title="Georges Dambois">
Georges Dambois
Georges Dambois was a Belgian fencer. He competed in the team épée event at the 1928 Summer Olympics.
<doc id="27088228" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088228" title="If...!? / Rainy Night (JUNSU from 東方神起)">
If...!? / Rainy Night (JUNSU from 東方神起)
<doc id="27088229" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088229" title="HC Municipal Constanta">
HC Municipal Constanta
<doc id="27088240" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088240" title="Event-driven petri nets">
Event-driven petri nets
<doc id="27088243" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088243" title="City of the Daleks">
City of the Daleks
<doc id="27088244" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088244" title="1931 Estonian Football Championship">
1931 Estonian Football Championship
1931 Estonian Football Championship was the 11th official football league season in Estonia. Six teams, four from Tallinn and two from Narva, took part in the league. VS Sport Tallinn won their seventh title.
<doc id="27088253" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088253" title="Championship Chase">
Championship Chase
<doc id="27088255" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088255" title="Suie Paparude">
Suie Paparude
<doc id="27088256" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088256" title="Charles Samuel Bovy-Lysberg">
Charles Samuel Bovy-Lysberg
Charles Samuel Bovy-Lysberg ("Charles Lysberg") (1 May 1821 – 14 February 1873) was a Swiss pianist and composer.
He was born in Geneva and received his early music education there. In 1835 he went to Paris, where he studied under Frédéric Chopin and met Franz Liszt. The latter was particularly supportive and helped publish Bovy-Lysberg's "Les Suissesses", Op. 1, a set of waltzes for piano. By mid-1840s Bovy-Lysberg was becoming a well-known teacher and performer in Paris, but after the French Revolution of 1848 he had to leave for his home town. He got married in 1848 and settled in his wife's castle in Dardagny, near Geneva. He stayed there for the rest of his life, frequently giving recitals in Geneva and the neighbouring towns, organizing concerts and publishing his music. He also taught at the Geneva Conservatory in 1848–9 and 1870–3. He composed more than 150 pieces, most of them short works for piano, very popular in Geneva salons of his time, but almost completely unknown today. A street in Geneva is named after him, rue Bovy-Lysberg.
<doc id="27088265" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088265" title="1993 German Figure Skating Championships">
1993 German Figure Skating Championships
The 1993 German Figure Skating Championships () took place on December 16–20, 1992 in Mannheim. Skaters competed in the disciplines of men's singles, ladies' singles, pair skating, and ice dancing on the senior and junior levels.
<doc id="27088283" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088283" title="Malaysian Ceylonese Congress">
Malaysian Ceylonese Congress
The Malaysian Ceylonese Congress (MCC; , , ) is a political party in Malaysia.
Formed earlier in 1958 as Malayan Ceylonese Congress before it changed its name to Malaysian Ceylonese Congress in 1970, the MCC was established as a political party. MCC was initially originated from Selangor Ceylonese Association or "Persatuan Ceylon Selangor" founded in 1900, when the meeting of its members under leadership of M.W. Navaratnam in January 1958 decided to transformed the association status to a political party by changing its name and constitution to Malayan Ceylonese Congress. The brainchild of M.W Navaratnam, MCC was formed to promote and preserve the Political, Educational, Social and Cultural aspects of the Malaysians of Ceylonese origin, or Sri Lankan descent.
MCC was hoping to join the Barisan Nasional (BN) and its predecessor Alliance coalition since the independence in 1957 despite debates that the Malaysian Ceylonese community should join the Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC), one of BN's major component party for the Malaysian Indians instead. MCC used to have a Senator in the "Dewan Negara"; the Upper House of Parliament of Malaysia until 1981.
Before the 2018 general election (GE14) which saw the fall of BN ruling government, MCC indirectly had been supporting the BN coalition and was considered to be pro-BN. MCC was inclined to BN when the coalition was in power and had received aid from the BN ruling government then.
To date, seven presidents have held office since 1958.
<doc id="27088291" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088291" title="Henri Brasseur">
Henri Brasseur
Henri Brasseur (29 October 1906 – 10 March 2001) was a Belgian fencer. He competed at the 1928 and 1936 Summer Olympics. In 2001, his body was laid to rest in the Belgian city of Ghent.
<doc id="27088300" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088300" title="CSM Satu Mare">
CSM Satu Mare
CSM Satu Mare may refer to:
<doc id="27088309" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088309" title="CYANA (software)">
CYANA (software)
CYANA (combined assignment and dynamics algorithm for NMR applications) is a program for automated structure calculation of biological macromolecules on the basis of conformational constraints from nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The combination of automated nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy (NOESY) cross peak assignment, structure calculation with a fast torsion angle dynamics algorithm.
The CYANA package includes the previous DYANA system, that uses simulated annealing combined with molecular dynamics
in torsion angle space (torsion angle dynamics). The target function used as the potential energy, and system can move away from local minima of the target function because it is coupled to a temperature bath which is cooled down slowly from its initial high temperature.
Software is written in standard Fortran 77 and also has an interactive command language that allows the use of Fortran 77 mathematical and character expressions, macros, control flows and parallelization. Standard protocols are also written in this command language and can be modified by user without changing the source code.
<doc id="27088312" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088312" title="Protection of Animals Act 1911">
Protection of Animals Act 1911
The Protection of Animals Act 1911 (c. 27) is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. It received royal assent on 18 August 1911.
The act consolidated several previous pieces of legislation, among others repealing the Cruelty to Animals Act 1849 and the Wild Animals in Captivity Protection Act 1900. It was itself largely repealed and replaced by the Animal Welfare Act 2006, which consolidated many different forms of animal welfare legislation.
<doc id="27088315" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088315" title="Jacques Kesteloot">
Jacques Kesteloot
Jacques Kesteloot was a Belgian fencer. He competed in the individual and team sabre events at the 1928 Summer Olympics.
<doc id="27088316" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088316" title="Safir T-14">
Safir T-14
<doc id="27088324" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088324" title="Jean Weaver">
Jean Weaver
Jean Weaver (August 28, 1933 – January 18, 2008) was a utility player who played from through in the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League. Listed at 5' 8", 138 lb., Weaver batted and threw right-handed. She was born in Metropolis, Illinois. Her sisters Betty and Joanne also played in the league.
Jean was one of the famous Weaver sisters of the Fort Wayne Daisies during the last years of the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League. Her older sister Betty won the batting title in both 1950 and 1951, and earned the Most Valuable Player award in 1952. Younger sister Joanne took three consecutive batting titles from 1952 to 1954, the last with a season-record .429 average which gave her MVP honors. Jean was a dependable utility with good instincts for the game. She played three years for the Daisies, appearing as a backup at third base and in outfield and occasionally coming out for pitching. Her most productive season came in 1953, when she posted a 7–1 record in 20 games and hit a solid .313 average. The Daisies reached the playoffs in the years in which she played for them, but were beaten in the last round.
After the league disbanded in 1954, Jean Weaver lived in Chicago, Illinois, for over forty years. In November 1988, the three sisters received recognition when the Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum in Cooperstown, New York dedicated a permanent display to the entire league rather than any individual player.
In 1995 Jean moved back to her hometown of Metropolis, Illinois, to be with her parents, former inor league ballplayer Lloyd Weaver and Elsie (Dummeier) Weaver. Joanne returned in 1990, while Betty came back in 1994. The three sisters were able to see each other every day. Betty died in 1998, following complications related to Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease), and Joanne died in 2000 of the same disease that claimed her sister. Eight years later, Jean died in her hometown at the age of 74.
<doc id="27088328" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088328" title="Treatment of melanoma">
Treatment of melanoma
<doc id="27088330" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088330" title="List of 2010–11 NBA season transactions">
List of 2010–11 NBA season transactions
This is a list of all personnel changes for the 2010 NBA off-season and 2010–11 NBA season.
Player movement.
The following is a list of player movement via free agency and trades.
Training camp cuts.
"All players listed did not make the final roster."
NBA Development League assignments.
Each NBA team can assign two first or second year players to its affiliated NBA Development League team. A player can be assigned to the Development League only three times in a season.
() Indicates the number of assignments a player has made.
Going overseas.
The following players were on the NBA roster at the end of the previous season and either became a free agent or waived before signed by a team from other leagues.
NBA Draft.
The 2010 NBA Draft was held on June 24, 2010 at Madison Square Garden in New York City. 60 players were selected in the draft. All of the 30 first-round picks signed a rookie contract and was named in the 2010–11 season opening day roster. 21 of the 30 second-round picks also signed a rookie contract, but 4 of them were waived before the start of the season and became free agents. 9 other second-round picks were unsigned but their draft rights are still held by the NBA teams.
Undrafted players.
The following players were eligible but went undrafted in the 2010 NBA Draft but were signed with the NBA teams and were named in the opening day roster.
<doc id="27088333" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088333" title="CSA Steaua MFA Bucureşti">
CSA Steaua MFA Bucureşti
<doc id="27088342" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088342" title="HC Minaur Ştiinţa CSM Baia Mare">
HC Minaur Ştiinţa CSM Baia Mare
<doc id="27088343" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088343" title="Zahra (name)">
Zahra (name)
Zahra (Arabic: زهراء) is a female given name of Arabic origin. It means ‘beautiful, bright, shining and brilliant’. The name became popularized as a result of being the name of Muhammad’s daughter, Fatimah al-Zahra.
The Ottoman empire expanded the use of this name to countries like Albania, Kosovo and Bosnia and the name was also popularized by the Persian empire's influence in the Indian subcontinent, respectively. "Zahra" is also used as a surname, particularly in Malta.
The names are difficult to distinguish transliteration, and may be transliterated in various ways, such as "Zehra", "Zahra(h)", "Zara", and "Zohrah."
Part of the female given name "Fatimah Zahra".
Fatimah was the daughter of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad, and is greatly revered by Muslims, often under the extended name "Fatimah az-Zahra' ", , or "Fatimah Zahra' ", . This has then been used as a female given name as follows.
<doc id="27088346" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088346" title="2010-11 NBA Transactions">
2010-11 NBA Transactions
<doc id="27088350" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088350" title="Peter Rabe">
Peter Rabe
Peter Rabe (born Peter Rabinowitsch, November 3, 1921 – May 20, 1990) was a German American writer who also wrote under the names Marco Malaponte and J. T. MacCargo (though not all of the latter's books were by him). Rabe was the author of over 30 books, mostly of crime fiction, published between 1955 and 1975.
Born Peter Rabinowitsch on November 3, 1921, to Michael Rabinovitch (a Russian Jew; the spelling is the Russian version) and Elisabeth Margarete Beer, in Halle, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. Shortly after his birth the family moved to Hanover, Germany, where Peter's father worked as a doctor and surgeon.
When the Nazis came to power and summoned Michael Rabinovitch to a Gestapo office and confronted him with transcripts of political conversations between him and his patients, he decided it best to emigrate to the United States before Peter turned 15 and face possible internment. Michael also had his doctor's license revoked by the Nazis. Michael and Peter left a few months before Kristallnacht in October, 1938, sponsored by Michael's brother Robert Rubin, and they lived with the Rubin family in Detroit, Michigan. At Rubin's suggestion, Michael changed the family name to "Rabe," by combining his name (the "Ra" from Rabinovitch) and his wife's maiden name (the "Be" from Beer). He took over the practice of a retiring obstetrician in New Bremen, Ohio, a German American town. Margarete, a Lutheran, brought her other two sons, Valentin and Andreas, on the last ship of refugees before World War II broke out.
Peter earned his bachelor's degree from Ohio State University, then served a stint in the Army. He attended Western Reserve University in Cleveland and was awarded a master's degree and a Ph.D. in psychology.
Early career.
While at Western Reserve, Rabe met Claire Frederickson, also a psychology student and member of a family who had left Europe ahead of the Nazis. Claire introduced Peter to fellow student Max Gartenberg, who would eventually become Peter's literary agent.
Claire and Peter married and moved to Bar Harbor, Maine, where Peter worked as a researcher for Claire's brother, Emil Frederickson. Peter was uncomfortable experimenting on animals and after the project ended the couple moved to Los Angeles to try to establish Peter as a therapist. It was hard to break in and after a short time the couple returned to Cleveland.
Peter did blue-collar work in a factory but was soon asked to work on the company's advertising layouts. This work served him well as Peter used these skills to write and illustrate his first book, "From Here to Maternity" (Vanguard Press, 1955; originally appeared in "McCall's Magazine", September 1954, as "Who's Having This Baby?"), a humorous look at the birth of his and Claire's first son, Jonathan, born April 5, 1953.
Crime fiction.
After his first book, Rabe wrote almost exclusively crime fiction, the exceptions being three soft core books for Beacon in the early sixties, and a novelization of the war movie "Tobruk" for Bantam in 1967.
In an essay included in the book "Murder off the Rack", edited by Jon L. Breen, Donald E. Westlake opens with the line, "Peter Rabe wrote the best books with the worst titles of anybody I can think of." When Gold Medal changed the titles of Rabe's first two books from "The Ticker" and "The Hook" to "Stop This Man!" and "Benny Muscles In", a pattern was set that would last throughout his career.
"Stop This Man!" appeared in August, 1955 (Gold Medal 506), followed closely by "Benny Muscles In" (Gold Medal 520, September, 1955), and "A Shroud for Jesso" (Gold Medal 528, October, 1955). Clearly capable of writing books quickly, Rabe published eighteen books by 1961.
In 1962 came one of his best books, "The Box" (one of only two Rabe books to use his own titles, the other being "A House in Naples"). Then there were the three soft core books for Beacon, the last two under the pseudonym of Marco Malaponte. After this came the three books about his second series character, Manny DeWitt, the novelization of "Tobruk", and then the final books to appear under his own name. These were a pair of Mafia related books, again for Gold Medal ("War of the Dons" (Gold Medal M2592, 1972), and "Black Mafia" (Gold Medal M2939).
The last books Rabe published before he backed off from his writing career were novelizations of episodes of the television series "Mannix" using the pseudonym "J. T. MacCargo." This was apparently a house name for Belmont, with an unknown author penning the first and third books of the series. Rabe wrote the second and fourth books, "A Fine Day for Dying" and "Round Trip to Nowhere", both appearing in 1975. They were the last of his books to be published in his lifetime.
Non-writing life.
In the late '50s, Rabe had gastro-intestinal problems that led to a mis-diagnosis of terminal cancer. He moved to Europe for treatment where his marriage eventually ended and he moved back to the United States. He had met Lorenzo Semple, Jr. in Spain and later, after Semple began work for the Batman television series, Rabe wrote two episodes: "The Joker's Last Laugh" and "The Joker's Epitaph."
He went on to two other marriages, neither of which lasted, and left the writing life to become a teacher of psychology at California Polytechnic State University. His only other children were also with Claire, who published some fiction of her own in the 1960s, later collected in 1989's "Sicily Enough and More". Also in the 1980s Black Lizard began reprinting some of Rabe's earlier classics. Beginning in 2003, Stark House Press has been reprinting Rabe works in two for one trade paperback editions.
Rabe settled down in Atascadero, California until his death from lung cancer on May 20, 1990.
Other work.
Although Rabe left the writing life for his teaching career, he didn’t stop writing. This led to two unpublished novels probably written between 1987 and 1990, "The Return of Marvin Palaver" and "The Silent Wall". Shortly before his death, Rabe had sent these to writer Ed Gorman in an effort to see them published and in 2010, both works will appear in a single volume from Stark House Press.
Rabe may only have written two short stories in his career. One, “Hard Case Redhead,” is an excellent story with a debatable ending, hard core and noirish up to its final paragraph, which gives us an almost Hitchcockian twist ending.
The other, "A Matter of Balance," is a perfectly titled story of two soldiers, each a cipher to the other, pushed together in what for one is an impossible situation. The emotional buttons Rabe pushes, the real contrast between the characters, and the morally and thematically ambiguous ending make it a nearly pitch perfect telling.
He also contributed two scripts to the "Batman" television series (see above).
Writing style.
Rabe had a clear and lucid style, and other than his series books, never wrote to formula or wrote the same book over and over. He wrote straight Gold Medal-type books such as "Stop This Man!", "Journey Into Terror", and "Mission for Vengeance", as well as books that showed a lighter touch ("Murder Me for Nickels", "The Return of Marvin Palaver"), dark and almost brooding ("A House in Naples", "The Silent Wall"), and brilliant character studies of underworld figures ("The Box", "Benny Muscles In", "Anatomy of a Killer").
He was a subtle writer, and the dialogue and choices made by his characters show them off in unusual ways, often with seemingly unpredictable behavior that turns out to be entirely consistent with who they are as well as the plot of the book. He zigs when most writers would zag which makes even his stock characters interesting.
Publication dates from www.mysteryfile.com by Steve Lewis
<doc id="27088351" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088351" title="Édouard Yves">
Édouard Yves
Édouard Yves (born 26 October 1907, date of death unknown) was a Belgian Olympic foil and sabre fencer. He won a bronze medal in the team foil event at the 1948 Summer Olympics.
<doc id="27088355" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088355" title="Animal Welfare Act 2006">
Animal Welfare Act 2006
The Animal Welfare Act 2006 (c 45) is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom.
It is the first signing of pet law since the Protection of Animals Act 1911, which it largely replaced. It also superseded and consolidated more than 20 other pieces of legislation, such as the Protection of Animals Act 1934 and the Abandonment of Animals Act 1960. The Act introduced the new welfare offence. This means that animal owners have a positive duty It outlaws tail docking of dogs for cosmetic reasons, with an exemption for "working" dogs, such as those used by the police, the armed forces or as service dogs.
The Act also has an offense to remove the scent glands of skunks.
The corresponding Act for Scotland is the Animal Health and Welfare (Scotland) Act 2006.
The Act is divided into several topics.
Section 1 defines an "animal" as a vertebrate (other than a human) from the sub-phylum vertebrata of the phylum chordata. A "protected" animal is defined in s2 as one that is either commonly domesticated or one that is, at the time being, under the control of a person. The act also defines the five "welfare needs"
Prevention of Harm.
Offences include:
Promotion of Welfare.
A person has a duty of care towards animals that person is responsible for – s9(1). Needs include suitable environment, diet, being housed with or apart from other animals, protection from pain, suffering, injury and disease.
Animals cannot be sold to children under 16 years outside a family context – s11(1), s11(6). Animals cannot be given as prizes to children under 16 years – s11(3)(b).
Licensing and Registration.
An appropriate national authority can make regulations regarding the licence and registration of animals.
Codes of Practice.
An appropriate national authority may issue and revise codes of practice for providing practical guidance in respect to any provision in this Act – s14(1).
Failing to comply with a code of practice's provision will not, of itself, render that person liable to proceedings of any kind. However such failure to comply may sway proceedings under other provisions in the Act – s14(3), s14(4).
Where the Secretary of State proposes to issue or revise a code of practice he must submit it to Parliament and if the draft is rejected by one House within 40 days the Secretary of State must take no further action – s15(3). If both Houses reject the draft then the Secretary of State may amend the draft and re-submit – s15(4).
Animals in Distress.
An inspector may take steps felt to be immediately necessary to alleviate an animal that is suffering – s18(1) but this does not include destroying the animal – s18(2).
An inspector or constable may destroy a protected animal if:
An inspector or constable may take into possession a protected animal if:
If an animal is destroyed or taken into possession and the owner doesn't know – then steps should be reasonably taken to notify the owner – s18(11).
Deliberately obstructing somebody in performance of this section of the Act is an offence – s18(12).
An inspector or constable may enter premises (other than areas of private dwelling) for the purpose of searching for a protected animal and reasonably believes that a protected animal is on the premises and the animal is suffering or likely to suffer – s19(1), s19(2). This entry may take place without a warrant using force if the entry appears required before a warrant could be obtained – s19(3).
A court has the following powers to make orders in relation to possessed animals – s20(1):
The court will not make such orders until it has given the owner of the animal an opportunity to be heard or is satisfied that it is not practical to communicate with the owner – s20(4).
If the court requires a person to reimburse the expenses of carrying out an order that person may appeal to the Crown Court against that expense order – s21(6).
Enforcement Powers.
A constable may seize an animal in relation to an animal fighting offence – s22(1).
A constable may enter and search premises (except for private dwelling areas) for the seizure of an animal related to a fighting offence if he reasonably believes there is an animal on the premises – s22(2).
Suspicion of other offences in this Act may lead to a warrant being issued authorising an inspector or constable to search for evidence of such an offence – s23(1).
An inspector may require the holder of a licence to produce any records which are required to be kept – s25(1). An inspector may carry out an inspection to check compliance with licence conditions – s26(1). An inspector may carry out an inspection to check compliance with a registration – s27(1).
An inspector may, for the purpose of inspecting conditions relating to animal welfare, carry out inspections relating to animals bred or kept for farming purposes – s28(1).
If a person is convicted of an offence the court may make an order disqualifying that person from – s34(1), s34(2):
The disqualification may relate to specific kinds of animal or animals generally – s34(5).
Post-Conviction Powers.
A person guilty of an offence under sections 4 (unnecessary suffering), 5 (mutilation), 6(1–2) (docking dogs' tails), 7 (poisoning), 8 (fighting) shall be liable on summary conviction to imprisonment up to a year, or up to 5 years if convicted on indictment, or a fine up to £20,000 or both – section 32(1).
Section 68 – Commencement.
The following orders have been made under this section:
<doc id="27088356" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088356" title="Austromitra analogica">
Austromitra analogica
Austromitra analogica is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusc in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters. This snail is found under rocks and in algae from the intertidal zone to a depth of 570 m along the coasts from Southern Queensland down to the southeast and southern Australia and Tasmania.
<doc id="27088358" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088358" title="Ernst Hugo Järegård">
Ernst Hugo Järegård
<doc id="27088360" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088360" title="Safir T-16">
Safir T-16
<doc id="27088364" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088364" title="Ernst Hugo Jaregard">
Ernst Hugo Jaregard
<doc id="27088366" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088366" title="Mahmud A-Nashaf">
Mahmud A-Nashaf
<doc id="27088368" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088368" title="Edouard Yves">
Edouard Yves
<doc id="27088371" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088371" title="Rhinoceros of Versailles">
Rhinoceros of Versailles
The Rhinoceros of Versailles was a living Indian rhinoceros which was kept in the Palace of Versailles menagerie from 1770 until 1793.
The live rhinoceros was a gift from M. Chevalier, French governor of Chandernagor, to Louis XV. It left Calcutta, West Bengal on 22 December 1769, and arrived six months later in the seaport of Lorient, in Brittany on 11 June 1770. From there it was transported to the royal Ménagerie which had been built in response to increasing interest in zoology and Louis XIV's passion for the exotic, in 1664.
The rhino was installed in a small pen at the Ménagerie of Versailles. When the rhinoceros died in 1793, having been in captivity in France for more than 20 years, its skeleton and hide were preserved. They are today displayed at the Museum d'Histoire Naturelle in Paris.
<doc id="27088374" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088374" title="John Mason (1766–1849)">
John Mason (1766–1849)
<doc id="27088376" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088376" title="Austromitra angulata">
Austromitra angulata
Austromitra angulata is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusc in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088377" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088377" title="Animal Health and Welfare (Scotland) Act 2006">
Animal Health and Welfare (Scotland) Act 2006
The Animal Health and Welfare (Scotland) Act 2006 (asp 11) is an Act of the Scottish Parliament. It received Royal Assent on 11 July 2006.
The act consolidated, repealed and replaced many other pieces of legislation, such as the Protection of Animals Act 1934 and the Abandonment of Animals Act 1960.
The act bans tail docking of dogs. It exempts the docking of lambs' or pigs' tails, ear tagging and the castration of farm animals. The issue has caused controversy. The act also provided for increased slaughter powers in order to combat disease.
It also bans the act of removing the scent glands from skunks.
The corresponding act for England and Wales is the Animal Welfare Act 2006.
<doc id="27088378" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088378" title="Austromitra arnoldi">
Austromitra arnoldi
Austromitra arnoldi is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusc in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088379" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088379" title="Austromitra bathyraphe">
Austromitra bathyraphe
Austromitra bathyraphe is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusc in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088381" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088381" title="Austromitra bellapicta">
Austromitra bellapicta
Austromitra bellapicta is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusc in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088382" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088382" title="John Mason (Virginia planter)">
John Mason (Virginia planter)
<doc id="27088385" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088385" title="Austromitra canaliculata">
Austromitra canaliculata
Austromitra canaliculata is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusc in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088386" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088386" title="Austromitra capensis">
Austromitra capensis
Austromitra capensis is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusc in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088388" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088388" title="Austromitra cernohorskyi">
Austromitra cernohorskyi
Austromitra cernohorskyi is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusc in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088389" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088389" title="Presbyterian Church of Nigeria">
Presbyterian Church of Nigeria
The Presbyterian Church of Nigeria is a Presbyterian church in the Nigeria and subscribes to the Westminster Confession of Faith.
The denomination has ten synods, more than 50 presbyteries and over 4,000 congregations, and almost 8,000 ministers and 5,806 690 members across the country.
The Presbyterian Church of Nigeria was founded by United Presbyterian Church of Scotland missionaries led by the Rev. Hope Masterson Waddell on the invitation of King Eyo Honesty II and King Eyamba V. The missionaries arrived in Calabar and founded the first Presbyterian church at Creek Town on 10th April 1846. From Calabar the church begun to grow. In 1858 the Presbytery of Biafra was formed. The Synod of Biafra formed in 1921. The church developed rapidly, when the Presbyterian Church of Biafra was established, with the Synod as the highest court. The church become independent. The Presbyterian Church of Biafra became the Presbyterian Church in East Nigeria in 1952. On 16 June 1960, the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria was born. In 1987, the General Assembly was constituted with two Synods.
The Presbyterian Church in Nigeria began to establish a university in 1993, which was later named Hope Waddell University. Though the operational license has been secured, The university located in Okigwe Ohafia in Abia State is yet to take off. Its motto is "Excellence, Integrity, and Service". The church also runs two degree awarding theological institutions, the Hugh Goldie Lay Theological Training Institution Arochukwu in Abia State founded in 1918, and the Essien Ukpabio Presbyterian Theological College, Itu Akwa Ibom State founded in 1994 (an affiliate of the University of Calabar).
The church secretariat is in Ogbor Hill in Abia State in Southeast Nigeria. While the treasury and prelate's office is in Hope Waddell Training Institution Calabar Cross River State in Southern Nigeria
Structure and missions.
The church has outreaches across the entire country. It has a Mission Presbytery in the Republics of Benin and Togo.
The church structure are the Session, Presbytery, Synod, General Assembly. The parishes have one to nine congregations, depending on the size. The congregations are ruled by elders. Several churches belong to a regional Presbytery. Presbyteries belong to a bigger body - the Synod. The General Assembly is the Supreme Court of the Church. It is the result of a Scottish Mission. It cooperates with the Church of Scotland.
Synods are:
Interchurch organisations.
It is a member of the World Council of Churches, the All Africa Conference of Churches, the Christian Council of Nigeria, the World Communion of Reformed Churches, the ARCA and the Reformed Ecumenical Council and the Reformed Ecumenial Council of Nigeria as of 2006. It has been founded in the
19th century. It has female ministers for decades. The secretariat is in Aba, Nigeria while the office of the Prelate and Moderator of the General Assembly is in Calabar. The current Prelate and Moderator of the General Assembly of The Presbyterian Church of Nigeria is His Eminence Most Rev. Ekpenyong Nyong Akpanika (PhD).
<doc id="27088390" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088390" title="Austromitra cinnamomea">
Austromitra cinnamomea
Austromitra cinnamomea is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088391" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088391" title="Austromitra distincta">
Austromitra distincta
Austromitra distincta is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088392" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088392" title="Austromitra euzonata">
Austromitra euzonata
Austromitra euzonata is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088393" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088393" title="Austromitra hayesi">
Austromitra hayesi
Austromitra hayesi is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088395" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088395" title="Austromitra ima">
Austromitra ima
Austromitra ima is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088397" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088397" title="Austromitra kowieensis">
Austromitra kowieensis
Austromitra kowieensis is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088400" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088400" title="Austromitra lawsi">
Austromitra lawsi
Austromitra lawsi is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088401" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088401" title="Austromitra legrandi">
Austromitra legrandi
Austromitra legrandi is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088402" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088402" title="Austromitra maculosa">
Austromitra maculosa
Austromitra maculosa is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088403" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088403" title="CS Caraș - Severin Reșița">
CS Caraș - Severin Reșița
CS Caraș-Severin, formerly known as UCM HC Caraș-Severin, was a men's handball club from Reșița, Romania. The team reached twice the second spot in the Romanian Handball League.
In 2014, after the team relegated from the first division, the Local Council of Reșița decided to dissolve the club.
<doc id="27088404" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088404" title="Austromitra minutenodosa">
Austromitra minutenodosa
Austromitra minutenodosa is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088405" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088405" title="Austromitra retrocurvata">
Austromitra retrocurvata
Austromitra retrocurvata is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusc in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088406" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088406" title="Austromitra rhodarion">
Austromitra rhodarion
Austromitra rhodarion is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088407" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088407" title="CS UCM Resita">
CS UCM Resita
<doc id="27088408" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088408" title="Austromitra rubiginosa">
Austromitra rubiginosa
Austromitra rubiginosa is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088409" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088409" title="Austromitra schomburgki">
Austromitra schomburgki
Austromitra schomburgki is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
page(s): 58
<doc id="27088410" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088410" title="Austromitra tasmanica">
Austromitra tasmanica
Austromitra tasmanica is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
page(s): 64
<doc id="27088411" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088411" title="Austromitra volucra">
Austromitra volucra
Austromitra volucra is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088413" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088413" title="Austromitra zafra">
Austromitra zafra
Austromitra zafra is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088414" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088414" title="Costellaria obeliscus">
Costellaria obeliscus
<doc id="27088415" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088415" title="Mitromica calliaqua">
Mitromica calliaqua
Mitromica calliaqua is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088416" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088416" title="Mitromica christamariae">
Mitromica christamariae
Mitromica christamariae is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088417" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088417" title="Mitromica cosmani">
Mitromica cosmani
Mitromica cosmani is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088419" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088419" title="UCM Reşiţa">
UCM Reşiţa
<doc id="27088420" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088420" title="Mitromica dicksoni">
Mitromica dicksoni
Mitromica dicksoni is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088421" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088421" title="Mitromica foveata">
Mitromica foveata
Mitromica foveata is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
This species occurs in the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico.
<doc id="27088423" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088423" title="Mitromica oryza">
Mitromica oryza
Mitromica oryza is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088425" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088425" title="Mitromica williamsae">
Mitromica williamsae
Mitromica williamsae is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088426" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088426" title="Thala adamsi">
Thala adamsi
Thala adamsi is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088427" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088427" title="Night Raid 1931">
Night Raid 1931
, is a Japanese anime television series produced by A-1 Pictures and Aniplex and directed by Atsushi Matsumoto. The 13-episode anime aired in Japan on the TV Tokyo television network starting April 5, 2010. "Senkō no Night Raid" is the second project of "Anime no Chikara". Sentai Filmworks acquired the series and released it on Blu-ray and DVD in August 2011. Sentai Filmworks' license for the series later expired in 2018.
The year is 1931. The location is Shanghai, China. The Imperial Japanese Army has been dispatched to mainland China due to the relatively recent First Sino-Japanese War, Russo-Japanese War, and World War I. In this cosmopolitan city of intrigue, there is a special military spy organization called "Sakurai" and their deeds which are buried in history will be revealed.
The opening theme is by MUCC while the ending theme is by Himeka.
Carl Kimlinger of Anime News Network found the story reminiscent of Ian Fleming's works, being in the pulp espionage genre, which he regarded as being a refreshing change from other anime series. Theron Martin felt the story seemed like a "particularly strong addition" to the "super powered secret spy" genre, and commended the attention to details in using Chinese dialogue, but felt the musical score did not always work with the show. Hope Chapman enjoyed that the stunts in the anime did not seem "implausible", and enjoyed the setting. Tim Maughan compared the show to "", and felt the exposition to be difficult to follow at times. Maughan enjoyed the "convincing noir atmosphere" and "exhilarating" action scenes. Rebecca Bundy felt that the first episode wasted time on exposition and did not build a picture of the relationships between the characters. Christopher Macdonald felt it had "a lot of potential".
<doc id="27088428" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088428" title="Mitromica africana">
Mitromica africana
Mitromica africana is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
This marine species occurs off Angola.
<doc id="27088429" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088429" title="Thala angiostoma">
Thala angiostoma
Thala angiostoma is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088430" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088430" title="Thala aubryi">
Thala aubryi
Thala aubryi is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088431" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088431" title="Thala cernica">
Thala cernica
Thala cernica is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
This species occurs in the Indian Ocean off Madagascar.
<doc id="27088432" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088432" title="Joseph Stordeur">
Joseph Stordeur
Jules Stordeur was a Belgian Olympic fencer. He competed in the team sabre event at the 1928 Summer Olympics.
<doc id="27088433" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088433" title="Mitromica decaryi">
Mitromica decaryi
Mitromica decaryi is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088434" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088434" title="Mitromica esperanza">
Mitromica esperanza
Mitromica esperanza is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
This marine species occurs off Puerto Rico.
<doc id="27088435" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088435" title="Thala exilis">
Thala exilis
Thala exilis is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088436" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088436" title="Vexillum exquisitum">
Vexillum exquisitum
Vexillum exquisitum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
This marine species occurs off the Tuamotu Islands, Tahiti, Cook Islands, Samoa and Fiji.
<doc id="27088437" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088437" title="1930 Estonian Football Championship">
1930 Estonian Football Championship
The 1930 Estonian Football Championship was the 10th official football league season in Estonia. Only four teams, three from Tallinn and one from Narva, took part in the league. All the matches were played in Tallinn and each team played every opponent once for total of 3 games. ESS Kalev Tallinn won their second title.
<doc id="27088438" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088438" title="Arizona SB 1070">
Arizona SB 1070
The Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act (introduced as Arizona Senate Bill 1070 and commonly referred to as Arizona SB 1070) is a 2010 legislative Act in the U.S. state of Arizona that was the broadest and strictest anti-illegal immigration law in the United States when passed. It has received international attention and has spurred considerable controversy.
U.S. federal law requires immigrants older than 18 to possess any certificate of alien registration issued to him or her at all times; violation of this requirement is a federal misdemeanor crime. The Arizona act made it also a state misdemeanor for an alien to be in Arizona without carrying the required documents, and required that state law enforcement officers attempt to determine an individual's immigration status during a "lawful stop, detention or arrest" when there is reasonable suspicion that the individual is an illegal immigrant. The law barred state or local officials or agencies from restricting enforcement of federal immigration laws, and imposed penalties on those sheltering, hiring and transporting unregistered aliens. The paragraph on intent in the legislation says it embodies an "attrition through enforcement" doctrine.
Critics of the legislation say it encourages racial profiling, while supporters say the law prohibits the use of race as the sole basis for investigating immigration status. The law was amended by Arizona House Bill 2162 within a week of its signing, with the goal of addressing some of these concerns. There have been protests in opposition to the law in over 70 U.S. cities, including boycotts and calls for boycotts of Arizona.
The Act was signed into law by Governor Jan Brewer on April 23, 2010. It was scheduled to go into effect on July 29, 2010, ninety days after the end of the legislative session. Legal challenges over its constitutionality and compliance with civil rights law were filed, including one by the United States Department of Justice, that also asked for an injunction against enforcement of the law. The day before the law was to take effect, a federal judge issued a preliminary injunction that blocked the law's most controversial provisions. In June 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on the case "Arizona v. United States", upholding the provision requiring immigration status checks during law enforcement stops but striking down three other provisions as violations of the Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution.
U.S. federal law requires aliens 14 years old or older who are in the country for longer than 30 days to register with the U.S. government and have registration documents in their possession at all times. The Act makes it a state misdemeanor for an illegal alien to be in Arizona without carrying the required documents and obligates police to make an attempt, when practicable during a "lawful stop, detention or arrest", to determine a person's immigration status if there is reasonable suspicion that the person is an illegal alien. Any person arrested cannot be released without confirmation of the person's legal immigration status by the federal government pursuant to § 1373(c) of Title 8 of the United States Code. A first offense carries a fine of up to $100, plus court costs, and up to 20 days in jail; subsequent offenses can result in up to 30 days in jail (SB 1070 required a "minimum" fine of $500 for a first violation, and for a second violation a minimum $1,000 fine and a maximum jail sentence of 6 months). A person is "presumed to not be an immigrant who is unlawfully present in the United States" if he or she presents any of the following four forms of identification: a valid Arizona driver license; a valid Arizona nonoperating identification license; a valid tribal enrollment card or other tribal identification; or any valid federal, state, or local government-issued identification, if the issuer requires proof of legal presence in the United States as a condition of issuance.
The Act prohibits state, county, and local officials from limiting or restricting "the enforcement of federal immigration laws to less than the full extent permitted by federal law" and provides that any legal Arizona resident can sue the agencies or officials in question to compel such full enforcement. If the person who brings suit prevails, that person may be entitled to reimbursement of court costs and reasonable attorney fees.
The Act makes it a crime for anyone, regardless of citizenship or immigration status, to hire or to be hired from a vehicle which "blocks or impedes the normal movement of traffic." Vehicles used in such manner are subject to mandatory immobilization or impoundment. For a person in violation of a criminal law, it is an offense to transport an illegal alien "in furtherance" of the illegal immigrant's unauthorized presence in the U.S., to "conceal, harbor or shield" an illegal alien, or to encourage or induce an illegal alien to immigrate to the state, if the person "knows or recklessly disregards the fact" that the alien is in the U.S. without authorization or that immigration would be unlawful. Violation is a class 1 misdemeanor if fewer than ten illegal aliens are involved, and a class 6 felony if ten or more are involved. The offender is subject to a fine of at least $1,000 for each illegal immigrant involved. The transportation provision includes exceptions for child protective services workers, ambulance attendants and emergency medical technicians.
Arizona HB 2162.
On April 30, 2010, the Arizona legislature passed and Governor Brewer signed, House Bill 2162, which modified the Act that had been signed a week earlier, adding text stating that "prosecutors would not investigate complaints based on race, color or national origin." The new text also states that police may only investigate immigration status incident to a "lawful stop, detention, or arrest", lowers the original fine from a minimum of $500 to a maximum of $100, and changes incarceration limits for first-time offenders from 6 months to 20 days.
Background and passage.
Arizona was the first state to enact such far-reaching legislation. Prior law in Arizona, like most other states, did not require law enforcement personnel to ask the immigration status of people they encountered. Many police departments discourage such inquiries to avoid deterring immigrants from reporting crimes and cooperating in other investigations.
Arizona had an estimated 460,000 illegal immigrants in April 2010, a fivefold increase since 1990. As the state with the most unlawful crossings of the Mexico–United States border, its remote and dangerous deserts are the unlawful entry point for thousands of illegal immigrant Mexicans and Central Americans. By the late 1990s, the Tucson Border Patrol Sector had the highest number of arrests by the United States Border Patrol.
Whether illegal aliens commit a disproportionate number of crimes is uncertain, with different authorities and academics claiming that the rate for this group was the same, greater, or less than that of the overall population. There was also anxiety that the Mexican Drug War, which had caused thousands of deaths, would spill over into the U.S. Moreover, by late in the decade 2000, Phoenix was averaging one kidnapping per day, earning it the reputation as America's worst city in that regard.
Arizona has a history of restricting illegal immigration. In 2007, legislation imposed heavy sanctions on employers hiring undocumented workers. Measures similar to SB 1070 had been passed by the legislature in 2006 and 2008, only to be vetoed by Democratic Governor Janet Napolitano. She was subsequently appointed as Secretary of Homeland Security in the Obama administration and was replaced by Republican Secretary of State of Arizona Jan Brewer. There is a similar history of referendums, such as the Arizona Proposition 200 (2004) that sought to restrict illegal immigrants' use of social services. The 'attrition through enforcement' doctrine had been encouraged by think tanks such as the Center for Immigration Studies for several years.
Impetus for SB 1070 was attributed to demographics shifting towards a larger Hispanic population, increased drugs and human smuggling related violence in Mexico and Arizona, and a struggling state economy and economic anxiety during the late-2000s recession. State residents were frustrated by the lack of federal progress on immigration, which they viewed as even more disappointing given that Napolitano had joined the Obama administration.
The major sponsor and legislative force behind the bill was State Senator Russell Pearce, who had long been one of Arizona's most vocal opponents of illegal aliens and who had successfully pushed several prior pieces of tough legislation against those he termed "invaders on the American sovereignty". Much of the bill was drafted by Kris Kobach, a professor at the University of Missouri–Kansas City School of Law and a figure long associated with the Federation for American Immigration Reform who had drafted immigration bills for many other states. Pearce and Kobach had worked together on prior immigration legislation, and Pearce contacted Kobach when he was ready to pursue stronger state enforcement of federal immigration laws. A December 2009 meeting of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) in Washington, D.C., produced model legislation that embodied the Pearce initiative.
One explanation for the impetus behind the bill was that ALEC is largely funded by corporate contributions, including some from the private prison industry such as the Corrections Corporation of America, Management and Training Corporation, and GEO Group. These companies would benefit from a large increase in the number of illegal immigrants sent to jail. Pearce later denied that he created the bill for any reason other than to stop illegal immigration. He denied that he submitted the idea to ALEC for any reason other than helping it pass in Arizona and, potentially, in other states.
The bill was introduced in the Arizona legislature in January 2010 and gained 36 cosponsors. The Arizona State Senate approved an early version of the bill in February 2010. Saying, "Enough is enough," Pearce stated figuratively that this new bill would remove handcuffs from law enforcement and place them on violent offenders.
On March 27, 2010, 58-year-old Robert Krentz and his dog were shot and killed while Krentz was doing fence work on his large ranch roughly from the Mexican border. This incident gave a tangible public face to fears about immigration-related crime. Arizona police were unable to name a murder suspect but traced a set of footprints from the crime scene south towards the border. The resulting speculation that the killer was an illegal immigrant increased public support for SB 1070. There was talk of naming the law after Krentz. Some state legislators (both for and against the law) believed, however, that the impact of the Krentz killing has been overstated as a factor in the law's passage.
The bill, with several amendments, passed the Arizona House of Representatives on April 13 by a 35–21 party-line vote. The revised measure then passed the State Senate on April 19 by a 17–11 vote that also closely followed party lines, with all but one Republican voting for the bill, ten Democrats voting against it, and two Democrats abstaining.
After a bill passes, the Arizona governor has five days to either sign, veto, or allow it to pass without the governor's signature. The question became whether Governor Brewer would sign the bill into law, as she had remained silent on her opinion of SB1070. Immigration had not previously been a focus of her political career, although as secretary of state she had supported Arizona Proposition 200 (2004). As governor, she had made another push for Arizona Proposition 100 (2010), a one percent increase in the state sales tax to prevent cuts in education, health and human services, and public safety, despite opposition from within her own party. These political moves, along with a tough upcoming Republican Party primary in the 2010 Arizona gubernatorial election with other conservative opponents supporting the bill, were considered major factors in her decision. During the bill's development, her staff had reviewed its language line by line with State Senator Pearce, but she had said she had concerns about several of its provisions. The Mexican Senate urged the governor to veto the bill and the Mexican Embassy to the U.S. raised concerns about potential racial profiling that may result. Citizen messages to Brewer, however, were 3–1 in favor of the law. A Rasmussen Reports poll taken between the House and Senate votes showed wide support for the bill among likely voters in the state, with 70 percent in favor and 23 percent opposed. The same poll showed 53 percent were at least somewhat concerned that actions taken due to the measures in the bill would violate the civil rights of some American citizens. Brewer's staff said that she was considering the legal issues, the impact on the state's business, and the feelings of the citizens in coming to her decision. They added that "she agonizes over these things," and the governor also prayed over the matter. Brewer's political allies said her decision would cause political trouble no matter what she decided. Most observers expected that she would sign the bill, and on April 23 she did.
During the wait for a signing decision, there were over a thousand people at the Arizona State Capitol both in support of and opposition to the bill, and some minor civil unrest occurred. Against concerns that the measure would promote racial profiling, Brewer stated that no such behavior would be tolerated: "We must enforce the law evenly, and without regard to skin color, accent or social status." She vowed to ensure that police forces had proper training relative to the law and civil rights, and on the same day as the signing she issued an executive order requiring additional training for all officers on how to implement SB 1070 without engaging in racial profiling. Ultimately, she said, "We have to trust our law enforcement." (The training materials developed by the Arizona Peace Officer Standards and Training Board were released in June 2010.)
Sponsor Pearce called the law's passage "a good day for America."
News of the law and the debate around immigration gained national attention, especially on cable news television channels, where topics that attract strong opinions are often given extra airtime.
Nevertheless, the legislators were surprised by the reaction it gained. State Representative Michele Reagan reflected three months later: "The majority of us who voted yes on that bill, myself included, did not expect or encourage an outcry from the public. The majority of us just voted for it because we thought we could try to fix the problem. Nobody envisioned boycotts. Nobody anticipated the emotion, the prayer vigils. The attitude was: These are the laws, let's start following them." State Representative Kyrsten Sinema, the assistant House minority leader (and current U.S. Senator) tried to stop the bill and voted against it. She similarly reflected: "I knew it would be bad, but no one thought it would be this big. No one."
The immigration issue also gained center stage in the re-election campaign of Republican U.S. Senator from Arizona John McCain, who had been a past champion of federal immigration reform measures such as the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007. Also faced with a primary battle against the more conservative J. D. Hayworth, who had made legislation against unlawful immigration a central theme of his candidacy, McCain supported SB 1070 only hours before its passage in the State Senate. McCain subsequently became a vocal defender of the law, saying that the state had been forced to take action given the federal government's inability to control the border.
In September 2014, U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton ordered SB 1070 sponsor Russell Pearce to comply with a subpoena calling for him to turn over his emails and documents about the contentious statute. Challengers of the bill wanted to determine from them whether there was a discriminatory intent in composing the statute.
Opinion polls.
A Rasmussen Reports poll done nationally around the time of the signing indicated that 60 percent of Americans were in favor of and 31 percent opposed to legislation that allows local police to "stop and verify the immigration status of anyone they suspect of being an illegal immigrant." The same poll also indicated that 58 percent are at least somewhat concerned that "efforts to identify and deport illegal immigrants will also end up violating the civil rights of some U.S. citizens." A national Gallup Poll found that more than three-quarters of Americans had heard about the law, and of those who had, 51 percent were in favor of it against 39 percent opposed. An Angus Reid Public Opinion poll indicated that 71 percent of Americans said they supported the notion of requiring their own police to determine people's status if there was "reasonable suspicion" the people were illegal immigrants, and arresting those people if they could not prove they were legally in the United States. A nationwide "The New York Times"/CBS News poll found similar results to the others, with 51 percent of respondents saying the Arizona law was "about right" in its approach to the problem of illegal immigration, 36 percent saying it went too far, and 9 percent saying it did not go far enough. Another CBS News poll, conducted a month after the signing, showed 52 percent seeing the law as about right, 28 percent thinking it goes too far, and 17 percent thinking it does not go far enough. A 57 percent majority thought that the federal government should be responsible for determining immigration law. A national Fox News poll found that 61 percent of respondents thought Arizona was right to take action itself rather than wait for federal action, and 64 percent thought the Obama administration should wait and see how the law works in practice rather than trying to stop it right away. Experts caution that in general, polling has difficulty reflecting complex immigration issues and law.
Another Rasmussen poll, done statewide after several days of heavy news coverage about the controversial law and its signing, found a large majority of Arizonans still supported it, by a 64 percent to 30 percent margin. Rasmussen also found that Brewer's approval ratings as governor had shot up, going from 40 percent of likely voters before the signing to 56 percent after, and that her margin over prospective Democratic gubernatorial opponent, State Attorney General Terry Goddard (who opposes the law) had widened. A poll done by Arizona State University researchers found that 81 percent of registered Latino voters in the state opposed SB 1070.
Public officials.
United States.
In the United States, supporters and opponents of the bill have roughly followed party lines, with most Democrats opposing the bill and most Republicans supporting it.
The bill was criticized by President Barack Obama who called it "misguided" and said it would "undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans, as well as the trust between police and our communities that is so crucial to keeping us safe." Obama did later note that the HB 2162 modification had stipulated that the law not be applied in a discriminatory fashion, but the president said there was still the possibility of suspected illegal immigrants "being harassed and arrested". He repeatedly called for federal immigration reform legislation to forestall such actions among the states and as the only long-term solution to the problem of unlawful immigration. Governor Brewer and President Obama met at the White House in early June 2010 to discuss immigration and border security issues in the wake of SB 1070; the meeting was termed pleasant, but brought about little change in the participants' stances.
Secretary of Homeland Security and former Arizona governor Janet Napolitano testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee that she had "deep concerns" about the law and that it would divert necessary law enforcement resources from combating violent criminals. (As governor, Napolitano had consistently vetoed similar legislation throughout her term.) U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said the federal government was considering several options, including a court challenge based on the law leading to possible civil rights violations. Michael Posner, the Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, brought up the law in discussions with a Chinese delegation to illustrate human rights areas the U.S. needed to improve on. This led McCain and fellow senator from Arizona Jon Kyl to strongly object to any possibly implied comparison of the law to human rights abuses in China. Senior Democratic U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer of New York and Mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg have criticized the law, with Bloomberg stating that it sends exactly the wrong message to international companies and travelers.
In testimony before the Senate Homeland Security Committee, McCain drew out that Napolitano had made her remarks before having actually read the law. Holder also acknowledged that he had not read the statute. The admissions by the two cabinet secretaries that they had not yet read SB 1070 became an enduring criticism of the reaction against the law.
Former Alaska governor and vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin accused the party in power of being willing to "criticize bills (and divide the country with ensuing rhetoric) without actually reading them." Governor Brewer's election campaign issued a video featuring a frog hand puppet that sang "reading helps you know what you're talkin' 'bout" and urged viewers to fully read the law. In reaction to the question, President Obama told a group of Republican senators that he had in fact read the law.
Democrat Linda Sánchez, U.S. Representative from California's 39th congressional district, has claimed that white supremacy groups are in part to blame for the law's passage, saying, "There's a concerted effort behind promoting these kinds of laws on a state-by-state basis by people who have ties to white supremacy groups. It's been documented. It's not mainstream politics." Republican Representative Gary Miller, from California's 42nd congressional district, called her remarks "an outrageous accusation [and a] red herring. [She's] trying to change the debate from what the law says." Sánchez' district is in Los Angeles County and Miller's district is in both Los Angeles County and neighboring Orange County.
The law has been popular among the Republican Party base electorate; however, several Republicans have opposed aspects of the measure, mostly from those who have represented heavily Hispanic states. These include former Governor of Florida Jeb Bush, former Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives and sitting U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, and former George W. Bush chief political strategist Karl Rove. Some analysts have stated that Republican support for the law gives short-term political benefits by energizing their base and independents, but longer term carries the potential of alienating the growing Hispanic population from the party. The issue played a role in several Republican primary contests during the 2010 congressional election season.
One Arizona Democrat who defended some of the motivation behind the bill was Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, who said her constituents were "sick and tired" of the federal government failing to protect the border, that the current situation was "completely unacceptable", and that the legislation was a "clear calling that the federal government needs to do a better job". However, she stopped short of supporting the law itself, saying it "does nothing to secure our border" and that it "stands in direct contradiction to our past and, as a result, threatens our future." Her opposition to the law became one of the issues in her 2010 re-election campaign, in which she narrowly prevailed over her Republican opponent, who supported it.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton included the dispute over SB 1070 in an August 2010 report to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, as an example to other countries of how fractious issues can be resolved under the rule of law. Governor Brewer demanded that the reference to the law be removed from the report, seeing its inclusion as implying that the law was a violation of human rights and saying that any notion of submitting U.S. laws to U.N. review was "internationalism run amok".
Mexican President Felipe Calderón's office said that "the Mexican government condemns the approval of the law [and] the criminalization of migration." President Calderón also characterized the new law as a "violation of human rights". Calderón repeated his criticism during a subsequent state visit to the White House.
The measure was also strongly criticized by Mexican health minister José Ángel Córdova, former education minister Josefina Vázquez Mota, and Governor of Baja California José Guadalupe Osuna Millán, with Osuna saying it "could disrupt the indispensable economic, political and cultural exchanges of the entire border region." The Mexican Foreign Ministry issued a travel advisory for its citizens visiting Arizona, saying "It must be assumed that every Mexican citizen may be harassed and questioned without further cause at any time."
In response to these comments, Chris Hawley of "USA Today" said that "Mexico has a law that is no different from Arizona's", referring to legislation which gives local police forces the power to check documents of people suspected of being in the country unlawful. Immigration and human rights activists have also noted that Mexican authorities frequently engage in racial profiling, harassment, and shakedowns against migrants from Central America.
The law imperiled the 28th annual, binational Border Governors Conference, scheduled to be held in Phoenix in September 2010 and to be hosted by Governor Brewer. The governors of the six Mexican states belonging to the conference vowed to boycott it in protest of the law, saying SB 1070 is "based on ethnic and cultural prejudice contrary to fundamental rights," and Brewer said in response that she was canceling the gathering. Governors Bill Richardson of New Mexico and Arnold Schwarzenegger of California, U.S. border governors who oppose the law, supported moving the conference to another state and going forward with it, and it was subsequently held in Santa Fe, New Mexico without Brewer attending.
Arizona law enforcement.
Arizona's law enforcement groups have been split on the bill, with statewide rank-and-file police officer groups generally supporting it and police chief associations opposing it.
The Arizona Association of Chiefs of Police criticized the legislation, calling the provisions of the bill "problematic" and expressing that it will negatively affect the ability of law enforcement agencies across the state to fulfill their many responsibilities in a timely manner. Additionally, some officers have repeated the past concern that undocumented immigrants may come to fear the police and not contact them in situations of emergency or in instances where they have valuable knowledge of a crime. However, the Phoenix Law Enforcement Association, which represents the city's police officers, has supported the legislation and lobbied aggressively for its passage. Officers supporting the measure say they have many indicators other than race they can use to determine whether someone may be an illegal immigrant, such as absent identification or conflicting statements made.
The measure was hailed by Joe Arpaio, Sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona – known for his tough crackdowns on undocumented immigration within his own jurisdiction – who hoped the measure would cause the federal action to seal the border. Arpaio said, "I think they'll be afraid that other states will follow this new law that's now been passed."
Religious organizations and perspectives.
Activists within the church were present on both sides of the immigration debate, and both proponents and opponents of the law appealed to religious arguments for support.
State Senator Pearce, a devout member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which has a substantial population in Arizona, frequently said that his efforts to push forward this legislation was based on that church's 13 Articles of Faith, one of which instructs in obeying the law. This association caused a backlash against The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and threatened its proselytizing efforts among the area's Hispanic population. The church emphasized that it took no position on the law or immigration in general and that Pearce did not speak for it. It later endorsed the Utah Compact on immigration and in the following year, took an official position on the issue which opposed Pearce's approach to immigration, saying, "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is concerned that any state legislation that only contains enforcement provisions is likely to fall short of the high moral standard of treating each other as children of God. The Church supports an approach where undocumented immigrants are allowed to square themselves with the law and continue to work without this necessarily leading to citizenship."
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops denounced the law, characterizing it as draconian and saying it "could lead to the wrongful questioning and arrest of U.S. citizens." The National Council of Churches also criticized the law, saying that it ran counter to centuries of biblical teachings regarding justice and neighborliness.
Other members of the Christian clergy differed on the law. United Methodist Church Bishop Minerva G. Carcaño of Arizona's Desert Southwest Conference opposed it as "unwise, short sighted and mean spirited" and led a mission of prominent religious figures to Washington to lobby for comprehensive immigration reform. But others stressed the Biblical command to follow laws. While there was a perception that most Christian groups opposed the law, Mark Tooley of the Institute on Religion and Democracy said that immigration was a political issue that "Christians across the spectrum can disagree about" and that liberal churches were simply more outspoken on this matter.
Concerns over potential civil rights violations.
The National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials said the legislation was "an unconstitutional and costly measure that will violate the civil rights of all Arizonans." Mayor Chris Coleman of Saint Paul, Minnesota, labeled it as "draconian" as did Democratic Texas House of Representatives member Garnet Coleman. Edwin Kneedler, the U.S. Deputy Solicitor General, also criticized the legislation for its potential infringement on the civil liberties of Arizona's citizens and lawful permanent residents.
Proponents with the law have rejected such criticism, and argued that the law was reasonable, limited, and carefully crafted. Stewart Baker, a former Homeland Security official in the George W. Bush administration, said, "The coverage of this law and the text of the law are a little hard to square. There's nothing in the law that requires cities to stop people without cause, or encourages racial or ethnic profiling by itself."
Republican member with the Arizona House of Representatives Steve Montenegro supported the law, saying that "This bill has nothing to do with race or profiling. It has to do with the law. We are seeing a lot of crime here in Arizona because of the open borders that we have." Montenegro, who legally immigrated to the U.S. from El Salvador with his family when he was four, stated, "I am saying if you here illegally, get in line, come in the right way."
As one of the main drafters of the law, Kobach has stated that the way the law has been written makes any form of racial profiling unlawful. In particular, Kobach references the phrase in the law that directly states that officers "may not solely consider race, color, or national origin." Kobach also disagrees that the "reasonable suspicion" clause of the bill specifically allows for racial profiling, replying that the term "reasonable suspicion" has been used in other laws prior and therefore has "legal precedent".
However, there are ongoing arguments in legal journal articles that racial profiling does exist and threatens human security, particularly community security of the Mexicans living in the United States. India Williams argues that the Border Patrol is very likely to stop anyone if a suspect resembles "Mexican appearance" and states that such generalization of unchangeable physical features threatens the culture and the heritage of the ethnic group. Andrea Nill argues that it is only a small portion of Mexicans and Latinos that are undocumented immigrants, but there is a demonization and illogical discrimination of Latino community by giving less respect, rights, and freedoms, whereas white American citizens will never have to worry about being stopped by the police due to their skin color.
Some Latino leaders compared the law to Apartheid in South Africa or the Japanese American internment during World War II. The law's aspect that officers may question the immigration status of those they suspect are in the country unlawfully became characterized in some quarters as the "show me your papers" or "your papers, please" provision. This echoed a common trope regarding Germans in World War II films. Such an association was explicitly made by Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky of Illinois. Congressman Jared Polis of Colorado and Los Angeles Councilwoman Janice Hahn also said the law's requirement to carry papers all the time was reminiscent of the anti-Jewish legislation in prewar Nazi Germany and feared that Arizona was headed towards becoming a police state. Cardinal Roger Mahony of Los Angeles said, "I can't imagine Arizonans now reverting to German Nazi and Russian Communist techniques whereby people are required to turn one another in to the authorities on any suspicion of documentation." The Anti-Defamation League called for an end to the comparisons with Nazi Germany, saying that no matter how odious or unconstitutional the Arizona law might be, it did not compare to the role that Nazi identity cards played in what eventually became the extermination of European Jews.
In its final form, HB 2162 limits the use of race. It states: "A law enforcement official or agency of this state or a county, city, town or other political subdivision of this state may not consider race, color or national origin in implementing the requirements of this subsection except to the extent permitted by the United States or Arizona Constitution." The U.S. and Arizona supreme courts have held that race may be considered in enforcing immigration law. In "United States v. Brignoni-Ponce", the U.S. Supreme Court found: "The likelihood that any given person of Mexican ancestry is an alien is high enough to make Mexican appearance a relevant factor." The Arizona Supreme Court agrees that "enforcement of immigration laws often involves a relevant consideration of ethnic factors." Both decisions say that race alone, however, is an insufficient basis to stop or arrest.
Thousands of people staged protests in state capital Phoenix over the law around the time of its signing, and a pro-immigrant activist called the measure "racist". Passage of the HB 2162 modifications to the law, although intended to address some of the criticisms of it, did little to change the minds of the law's opponents.
Tens of thousands of people demonstrated against the law in over 70 U.S. cities on May 1, 2010, a day traditionally used around the world to assert workers' rights. A rally in Los Angeles, attended by Cardinal Mahoney, attracted between 50,000 and 60,000 people, with protesters waving Mexican flags and chanting "Sí se puede". The city had become the national epicenter of protests against the Arizona law. Around 25,000 people were at a protest in Dallas, and more than 5,000 were in Chicago and Milwaukee, while rallies in other cities generally attracted around a thousand people or so. Democratic U.S. Congressman from Illinois Luis Gutiérrez was part of a 35-person group arrested in front of the White House in a planned act of civil disobedience that was also urging President Obama to push for comprehensive immigration reform. There and in some other locations, demonstrators expressed frustration with what they saw as the administration's lack of action on immigration reform, with signs holding messages such as "Hey Obama! Don't deport my mama."
Protests both for and against the Act took place over Memorial Day Weekend in Phoenix and commanded thousands of people. Those opposing it, mostly consisting of Latinos, marched five miles to the State Capitol in high heat, while those supporting it met in a stadium in an event arranged by elements of the Tea Party movement.
Protests against the law extended to the arts and sports world as well. Colombian pop singer Shakira came to Phoenix and gave a joint press conference against the bill with Mayor of Phoenix Phil Gordon. Linda Ronstadt, of part Mexican descent and raised in Arizona, also appeared in Phoenix and said, "Mexican-Americans are not going to take this lying down." A concert of May 16 in Mexico City's Zócalo, called "Prepa Si Youth For Dignity: We Are All Arizona", drew some 85,000 people to hear Molotov, Jaguares, and Maldita Vecindad headline a seven-hour show in protest against the law.
The Major League Baseball Players Association, of whose members one quarter are born outside the U.S., said that the law "could have a negative impact on hundreds of major league players," especially since many teams come to Arizona for spring training, and called for it to be "repealed or modified promptly." A Major League Baseball game at Wrigley Field where the Arizona Diamondbacks were visiting the Chicago Cubs saw demonstrators protesting the law. Protesters focused on the Diamondbacks because owner Ken Kendrick had been a prominent fundraiser in Republican causes, but he in fact opposed the law. The Phoenix Suns of the National Basketball Association wore their "Los Suns" uniforms normally used for the league's "Noche Latina" program for their May 5, 2010 (Cinco de Mayo) playoff game against the San Antonio Spurs to show their support for Arizona's Latino community and to voice disapproval of the immigration law. The Suns' political action, rare in American team sports, created a firestorm and drew opposition from many of the teams' fans; President Obama highlighted it, while conservative radio commentator Rush Limbaugh called the move "cowardice, pure and simple."
Boycotts of Arizona were organized in response to SB 1070, with resolutions by city governments being among the first to materialize. The government of San Francisco, the Los Angeles City Council, and city officials in Oakland, Minneapolis, Saint Paul, Denver, and Seattle all took specific action, usually by banning some of their employees from work-related travel to Arizona or by limiting city business done with companies headquartered in Arizona.
In an attempt to push back against the Los Angeles City Council's action, which was valued at $56 million, Arizona Corporation Commissioner Gary Pierce sent a letter to Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, suggesting that he'd "be happy to encourage Arizona utilities to renegotiate your power agreements so that Los Angeles no longer receives any power from Arizona-based generation." Such a move was infeasible for reasons of ownership and governance, and Pierce later stated that he was not making a literal threat to cut power to the city.
U.S. Congressman Raúl Grijalva, from Arizona's 7th congressional district, had been the first prominent officeholder to call for an economic boycott of his state, by industries from manufacturing to tourism, in response to SB 1070. His call was echoed by "La Opinión", the nation's largest Spanish-language newspaper. Calls for various kinds of boycotts were also spread through social media sites, and there were reports of individuals or groups changing their plans or activities in protest of the law. The prospect of an adverse economic impact made Arizonan business leaders and groups nervous, and Phoenix officials estimated that the city could lose up to $90 million in hotel and convention business over the next five years due to the controversy over the law. Phoenix Mayor Gordon urged people not to punish the entire state as a consequence.
Major organizations opposing the law, such as the National Council of La Raza, refrained from initially supporting a boycott, knowing that such actions are difficult to execute successfully and even if done cause broad economic suffering, including among the people they are supporting. Arizona did have a past case of a large-scale boycott during the late 1980s and early 1990s, when it lost many conventions and several hundred million dollars in revenues after Governor Evan Mecham's cancellation of a Martin Luther King, Jr. Day state holiday and a subsequent failed initial referendum to restore it. La Raza subsequently switched its position regarding SB 1070 and became one of the leaders of the boycott effort.
The Arizona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce opposed both the law and the idea of boycotting, saying the latter would only hurt small businesses and the state's economy, which was already badly damaged by the collapse of real estate prices and the late-2000s recession. Other state business groups opposed a boycott for the same reasons. Religious groups opposed to the law split on whether a boycott was advisable, with Bishop Carcaño saying one "would only extend our recession by three to five years and hit those who are poorest among us." Representative Grijalva said he wanted to keep a boycott restricted to conferences and conventions and only for a limited time: "The idea is to send a message, not grind down the state economy." Governor Brewer said that she was disappointed and surprised at the proposed boycotts – "How could further punishing families and businesses, large and small, be a solution viewed as constructive?" – but said that the state would not back away from the law. President Obama took no position on the matter, saying, "I'm the president of the United States, I don't endorse boycotts or not endorse boycotts. That's something that private citizens can make a decision about."
Sports-related boycotts were proposed as well. U.S. Congressman from New York José Serrano asked baseball commissioner Bud Selig to move the 2011 Major League Baseball All-Star Game from Chase Field in Phoenix. The manager of the Chicago White Sox, Ozzie Guillén, stated that he would boycott that game "as a Latin American" and several players indicated they might as well. Selig refused to move the game and it took place as scheduled a year later, with no players or coaches staying away. Two groups protesting outside the stadium drew little interest from fans eager to get into the game. The World Boxing Council, based in Mexico City, said it would not schedule Mexican boxers to fight in the state.
A boycott by musicians saying they would not stage performances in Arizona was co-founded by Marco Amador, a Chicano activist and independent media advocate and Zack de la Rocha, the lead singer of Rage Against the Machine and the son of Beto de la Rocha of Chicano art group Los Four, who said, "Some of us grew up dealing with racial profiling, but this law (SB 1070) takes it to a whole new low." Called the Sound Strike, artists signing on with the effort included Kanye West, Cypress Hill, Massive Attack, Conor Oberst, Sonic Youth, Joe Satriani, Rise Against, Tenacious D, The Coup, Gogol Bordello, and Los Tigres del Norte. Some other Spanish-language artists did not join this effort but avoided playing in Arizona on their tours anyway; these included Pitbull, Wisin & Yandel, and Conjunto Primavera. The Sound Strike boycott failed to gain support from many area- or stadium-level acts, and no country music acts signed on. Elton John very publicly opposed such efforts, saying at a concert performance in Tucson: "We are all very pleased to be playing in Arizona. I have read that some of the artists won't come here. They are fuckwits! Let's face it: I still play in California, and as a gay man I have no legal rights whatsoever. So what's the fuck up with these people?" By November 2010, Pitbull had announced a change of heart, playing a show in Phoenix because large parts of the law had been stopped by the judicial action. My Chemical Romance, an original Sound Strike participant, supposedly dropped out and scheduled a show in the state as well (however, the following day the show was cancelled and the band apologized, explaining that it was an error with tour scheduling and it should not have been booked in the first place due to "the band's affiliation with The Sound Strike" ). De la Rocha said Sound Strike would continue despite the injunction against large parts of SB 1070 in order to battle Arizona's "racist and fear mongering state government" and until the Obama administration stopped participating in federal actions such as the 287(g) program, Secure Communities, and other U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement policies.
In reaction to the boycott talk, proponents of the law advocated making a special effort to buy products and services from Arizona in order to indicate support for the law. These efforts, sometimes termed a "buycott", were spread by social media and talk radio as well as by elements of the Tea Party movement. Some supporters of the law and legal scholars have also suggested that the city government boycotts of Arizona represent an unconstitutional violation of the Interstate Commerce Clause.
By early May, the state had lost a projected $6–10 million in business revenue, according to the Arizona Hotel & Lodging Association. However, an increase in leisure travel and an overall economic recovery more than compensated for the business travel loss; by July, overall hotel occupancy rates and revenues were up from the same period in 2009. The president of the Greater Phoenix Economic Council said, "Fundamentally, the boycotts have been unsuccessful." A November 2010 study by the progressive-oriented Center for American Progress stated that the boycott had so far cost the state economy as much as $141 million in lost revenues, including $45 million in the lodging industry. However, an examination at the same time by the Associated Press found that while the boycott had been disruptive in some areas, it had had nowhere near the effect some had originally imagined. Visitors at Grand Canyon National Park were up from the year before, several well-known Arizona-based companies that were targeted said they had seen no effect from it, and the actions by the San Francisco and Los Angeles city governments had resulted in few practical consequences. Sports-related boycotts, such as of the Fiesta Bowl, sponsor Frito-Lay and beer distributor Hensley & Co., had also had no effect. In September 2011 La Raza and two associated groups called off their boycott, saying that the action had been successful in discouraging some other states from passing SB 1070-like laws and that continuing the boycott would only punish businesses and workers.
Some Christian churches in Arizona with large immigrant congregations reported a 30 percent drop in their attendance figures. Schools, businesses, and health care facilities in certain areas also reported sizable drops in their numbers. That and the prevalence of yard sales suggested illegal immigrants were leaving Arizona, with some returning to Mexico and others moving to other U.S. states. A November 2010 study by BBVA Bancomer based upon Current Population Survey figures stated that there were 100,000 fewer Hispanics in Arizona than before the debate about the law began; it said Arizona's poor economic climate could also be contributing to the decline. The government of Mexico reported that over 23,000 of its citizens returned to the country from Arizona between June and September 2010. A report by Seminario Niñez Migrante found that about 8,000 students entered into Sonora public schools in 2009–2011 with families quoting the American economy and SB 1070 as the main causes.
The weeks after the bill's signing saw a sharp increase in the number of Hispanics in the state registering their party affiliations as Democrats.
Some immigration experts said the law might make workers with H-1B visas vulnerable to being caught in public without their hard-to-replace paperwork, which they are ordinarily reluctant to carry with them on a daily basis, and that as a consequence universities and technology companies in the state might find it harder to recruit students and employees. Some college and university administrators shared this fear, and President Robert N. Shelton of the University of Arizona expressed concern regarding the withdrawal of a number of honor roll students from the university in reaction to this bill.
Some women with questionable immigration status avoided domestic abuse hotlines and shelters for fear of deportation. Some critics of SB 1070 feared that it will serve as a roadblock to victims getting needed support, while supporters said such concerns were unfounded and that the Act was directed towards criminals, not victims.
While a few provisions of the law were left standing following the July 2010 blockage of the most controversial parts, authorities often kept following existing local ordinances in those areas in preference to using the new SB 1070 ones. One county sheriff said, "The whole thing is still on the shelf until the Supreme Court hears it." By mid-2012, those provisions had still rarely been made use of. The training that police forces had gone through to avoid racial profiling and understand federal immigration policies still had a beneficial effect overall.
A 2016 study found that the legislation "significantly reduced the flow of illegal workers into Arizona from Mexico by 30 to 70 percent."
In April 2020, plans were announced to build a new mural at the Arizona Capitol Museum honoring those harmed by the law.
Other states.
The Arizona legislation was one of several reasons pushing Democratic congressional leaders to introduce a proposal addressing immigration. Senator Schumer sent a letter to Governor Brewer asking her to delay the law while Congress works on comprehensive immigration reform, but Brewer quickly rejected the proposal.
Bills similar to SB 1070 were introduced in Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Michigan, Minnesota, and South Carolina. None of them went to final votes in 2010; politicians in nearly twenty states had proposed introducing similar legislation during their 2011 legislative calendars. Such proposals drew strong reaction both for and against. The other states along the Mexican border – Texas, New Mexico, and California – generally showed little interest in following Arizona's path. This was due to their having established, powerful Hispanic communities, deep cultural ties to Mexico, past experience with bruising political battles over the issue (such as with California Proposition 187 in the 1990s), and the perception among their populations that illegal immigration was less severe a problem.
By March 2011, Arizona-like bills had been defeated or had failed to progress in at least six states and momentum had shifted against such imitative efforts. Reasons ranged from opposition from business leaders to fear among legislators of the legal costs of defending any adopted measure. One state that did pass a law based partly on SB 1070, Utah, combined it with a guest worker program that went in the other direction (and fit into the spirit of the Utah Compact). Even in Arizona itself, additional tough measures against undocumented immigration were having a difficult time gaining passage in the Arizona Senate. Other states were still waiting to see what the outcome of the legal battles would be. By September 2011, Indiana, Georgia, and South Carolina had passed somewhat similar measures and were facing legal action. Another anti-illegal immigration measure, Alabama HB 56, was considered tougher even than SB 1070; it was signed into law in June 2011. However, federal courts subsequently blocked many of the key provisions of these laws in those states, and other provisions were dropped following settlements of lawsuits.
Political careers.
State Senator Pearce rose to become President of the Arizona Senate in January 2011. But he then suffered a startling defeat when he lost a November 2011 recall election. Among the reasons given for his loss were the desire for greater civility in politics and a lessening of the tension over immigration policy, and a loss of support for Pearce among LDS Church members based on character issues. Other reasons for the defeat, such as concerns over Pearce's ethics in taking free trips or the involvement of a third candidacy in the recall election, had little to do with SB 1070. In August 2012, Pearce lost a comeback bid in the Republican primary for the nomination for a state senate seat to businessman Bob Worsley. Pearce was given another government job by the Maricopa County Treasurer.
Drafter of the law Kris Kobach won election as Secretary of State of Kansas, first defeating two other candidates in a Republican primary, then winning the general election against Democratic incumbent Chris Biggs by a wide margin. Sheriff Joe Arpaio was among those who campaigned for Kobach.
State Attorney General Goddard did get the Democratic nomination in the 2010 Arizona gubernatorial election. Governor Jan Brewer went on to defeat him by a 54 to 42 percent margin in the November 2010 general election. A 2016 study found that the up-tick in Brewer's approval ratings due to the legislation "proved enduring enough to turn a losing race for re-election into a victory".
Legal challenges.
Supremacy Clause vs. concurrent enforcement.
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) criticized the statute as a violation of the Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution, which states that federal law, so long as it is constitutional, is paramount over state laws. Erwin Chemerinsky, a constitutional scholar and dean of the University of California, Irvine School of Law said, "The law is clearly pre-empted by federal law under Supreme Court precedents."
According to Kobach, the law embodies the doctrine of "concurrent enforcement" (the state law parallels applicable federal law without any conflict), and Kobach stated that he believed that it would thus survive any challenge: "There are some things that states can do and some that states can't do, but this law threads the needle perfectly... Arizona only penalizes what is already a crime under federal law." State Senator Pearce noted that some past state laws on immigration enforcement had been upheld in federal courts.
In "Gonzales v. City of Peoria" (9th Cir. 1983), a court held that the Immigration and Naturalization Act precludes local enforcement of the Act's civil provisions but not the Act's criminal provisions. The US Attorney General may enter a written agreement with a state or local government agency under which that agency's employees perform the function of an immigration officer in relation to the investigation, apprehension, or detention of aliens in the United States;
however, such an agreement is not required for the agency's employees to perform those functions.
On the other hand, various legal experts were divided on whether the law would survive a court challenge, with one law professor saying it "sits right on that thin line of pure state criminal law and federally controlled immigration law." Past lower court decisions in the area were not always consistent, and a decision on the bill's legality from the US Supreme Court was one possible outcome.
Initial court actions.
On April 27, 2010, Roberto Javier Frisancho, a natural-born citizen and resident of Washington, D.C., who planned to visit Arizona, filed the first lawsuit against S.B. 1070. On April 29, 2010, the National Coalition of Latino Clergy and Christian Leaders and a Tucson police officer, Martin Escobar, filed suit against SB 1070, both doing so separately in federal court. The National Coalition's filing claimed that the law usurped federal responsibilities under the Supremacy Clause that it led to racial profiling by imposing a "reasonable suspicion" requirement upon police officers to check the immigration status of those they come in official conduct with, which would, in turn, be subject to too much personal interpretation by each officer. Escobar's suit argued that there was no race-neutral criteria available to him to suspect that a person was an illegal alien and that implementation of the law would hinder police investigations in areas that were predominantly Hispanic. The suit also claimed the Act violated federal law because the police and the city have no authority to perform immigration-related duties. The Tucson police department insisted that Escobar was not acting on its behalf and that it had received many calls from citizens complaining about his suit.
A Phoenix police officer, David Salgado, quickly followed with his own federal suit, claiming that to enforce the law would require him to violate the rights of Hispanics. He also said that he would be forced to spend his own time and resources studying the law's requirements and that he was liable to being sued whether he enforced the law or not.
On May 5, Tucson and Flagstaff became the first two cities to authorize legal action against the state over the Act. San Luis later joined them. However, as of mid-late May, none of them had actually filed a suit. In late May, however, the city of Tucson filed a cross-claim and joined Officer Escobar in his suit.
On May 17, a joint class action lawsuit, "Friendly House et al. v. Whiting", was filed in U.S. District Court on behalf of ten individuals and fourteen labor, religious, and civil rights organizations. The legal counsel filing the action, the largest of those filed, was a collaboration of the ACLU, the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, the National Immigration Law Center, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the National Day Laborer Organizing Network, and the Asian Pacific American Legal Center. The suit seeks to prevent SB 1070 from going into effect by charging:
This suit named County's Attorney and Sheriffs as defendants, rather than the State of Arizona or Governor Brewer, as the earlier suits had. On June 4, the ACLU and others filed a request for an injunction, arguing that the Act's scheduled start date of July 29 should be postponed until the underlying legal challenges against it were resolved.
Arizona Attorneys for Criminal Justice, the state affiliate of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, alleged in an "amicus curiae" brief for the ACLU et al. case that the prolonged detentions mandated by the law if reasonable suspicion that someone subject to a lawful stop was an undocumented immigrant are not justifiable except under the probable cause standard and so the law requires violations of Fourth Amendment rights. The Anti-Defamation League also filed an "amicus curiae" brief in support of the case. The Government of Mexico said that the law was unconstitutional and would lead to unlawful discrimination against Mexican citizens and damage to relations between the two nations. Indeed, so many "amicus curiae" briefs have been filed regarding the law that size limits were imposed upon them.
Kobach remained optimistic that the suits would fail: "I think it will be difficult for the plaintiffs challenging this. They are heavy on political rhetoric but light on legal arguments." In late May 2010, Governor Brewer issued an executive order to create the Governor's Border Security and Immigration Legal Defense Fund to handle suits over the law. Brewer got into a dispute with Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard over whether he would defend the law against legal challenges, as a state attorney general normally would. Brewer accused Goddard, who opposed the law personally and was one of Brewer's possible rivals in the gubernatorial election, of colluding with the US Justice Department as it deliberated whether to challenge the law in court. Goddard subsequently agreed to withdraw from the state's defense.
Department of Justice lawsuit.
The United States Department of Justice filed a lawsuit against the state of Arizona in the U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona on July 6, 2010, asking for the law to be declared invalid since it interferes with the immigration regulations "exclusively vested in the federal government." In a brief to the press, the department's lawyers referenced the notion of federal preemption and stated, "The Constitution and the federal immigration laws do not permit the development of a patchwork of state and local immigration policies throughout the country... The immigration framework set forth by Congress and administered by federal agencies reflects a careful and considered balance of national law enforcement, foreign relations, and humanitarian concerns – concerns that belong to the nation as a whole, not a single state." That pointed to an additional practical argument: the law would result in federal authorities losing focus on their broader priorities to deal with an influx of deportations from Arizona. The Justice Department requested for the federal courts to enjoin enforcement of the law before it could go into effect. The suit did not argue that the law will lead to racial profiling, but department officials said they would continue to monitor that aspect if the measure went into effect.
A direct suit of a state by the federal government is rare, and the action held possible political consequences for the 2010 U.S. midterm elections as well. It was also seen as a pre-emptive measure to discourage other states considering similar laws from moving forward with them. Immediate reaction to the Justice Department's decision was highly split, with liberal groups hailing it but with Governor Brewer calling it "nothing more than a massive waste of taxpayer funds." Senators Kyl and McCain released a joint statement noting that "the American people must wonder whether the Obama Administration is really committed to securing the border when it sues a state that is simply trying to protect its people by enforcing immigration law." Representative Darrell Issa, one of 19 Republicans to sign a letter criticizing the suit on the day that it was announced, said, "For President Obama to stand in the way of a state which has taken action to stand up for its citizens against the daily threat of violence and fear is disgraceful and a betrayal of his Constitutional obligation to protect our citizens." The federal action also led to a surge in contributions to the governor's defense fund for the law. By July 8, total donations were over $500,000, with the large majority of them being for $100 or less and coming from around the nation.
The Arizona Latino Republican Association became the first Latino organization to come out in support of SB 1070 and filed a motion to intervene against the Justice Department's lawsuit challenging it. An attempt in the US Senate to block funding for the Justice Department's lawsuit lost by a 55–43 vote that was mostly along party lines.
Initial hearings and rulings.
Hearings on three of the seven lawsuits were held on July 15 and 22, 2010, before U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton. Bolton asked pointed questions of each side during both hearings but gave no indication of how or when she would rule.
On July 28, 2010, Bolton issued a ruling on the Justice Department suit, "United States of America v. Arizona", granting a preliminary injunction that blocked the most key and controversial portions of SB 1070 from going into effect. They included requiring police to check the immigration status of those arrested or stopped, which the judge ruled would overwhelm the federal government handling of immigration cases and could mean that legal immigrants would be wrongly arrested. She wrote, "Federal resources will be taxed and diverted from federal enforcement priorities as a result of the increase in requests for immigration status determination that will flow from Arizona." Her ruling was not a final decision but was based on the belief that the Justice Department was likely to win a full later trial in federal court on these aspects. Bolton made no rulings in the other six lawsuits. Governor Brewer said that the injunction would be appealed, and on July 29, that was done in the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in San Francisco. State Senator Pearce predicted that the legal battle would eventually end up in the Supreme Court and likely be upheld by a 5–4 margin.
Judge Bolton's ruling let a number of other aspects of the law take effect on July 29, including the ability to prevent state officials from maintaining "sanctuary city" policies and allowing civil suits against those policies, the mandating that state officials work with federal officials on matters related to illegal immigration, and the prohibition of stopping a vehicle in traffic to pick up day laborers. Those parts of the law were challenged not by the Justice Department but by some of the other suits.
A three-judge panel from the Ninth Circuit heard arguments in the appeal case on November 1, 2010, and it gave indications that it might reinstate but weaken parts of the law.
In February 2011, Arizona filed a countersuit against the federal government in the "United States v. Arizona" case, accusing it of failing to secure the Mexican border against large numbers of illegal immigrants. Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne acknowledged that precedent surrounding sovereign immunity in the United States made the state's case difficult, but he said, "We're asking the 9th Circuit to take a second look."
On April 11, 2011, the Ninth Circuit panel upheld the district court's ban on parts of the law taking effect, thus ruling in favor of the Obama administration and against Arizona. Judge Richard Paez gave the majority opinion in which Judge John T. Noonan, Jr. joined; Judge Carlos Bea dissented in part. Paez agreed with the administration's view that the state had intruded upon federal prerogatives. Noonan wrote in his concurrence: "The Arizona statute before us has become a symbol. For those sympathetic to immigrants to the United States, it is a challenge and a chilling foretaste of what other states might attempt." On May 9, 2011, Governor Brewer announced that Arizona would appeal directly to the US Supreme Court, rather than request a hearing "en banc" before the Ninth Circuit. That appeal was filed on August 10, 2011. In response, the Justice Department requested for the Supreme Court to stay out of the case and said that the lower courts' actions were appropriate. Observers thought it likely that the Supreme Court would take up the matter, but if it declined to step in, the case most likely would be returned to the trial judge in the District Court to review the case on its merits and determine whether the temporary injunction that blocked the law's most controversial provisions should become permanent. The Supreme Court announced in December 2011 that it had granted a petition for writ of certiorari, and oral arguments took place on April 25, 2012.
Bolton's court continued to oversee the other lawsuits; by early 2012 three of the seven were still active. On February 29, 2012, Bolton ruled in favor of an action led by the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund and blocked provisions of the law that allowed for the arrest of day workers who block traffic in an effort to gain employment.
US Supreme Court ruling.
On June 25, 2012, the US Supreme Court issued a ruling in the case "Arizona v. United States". It determined, by a 5–3 majority, with Justice Anthony Kennedy writing the opinion, that Sections 3, 5(C), and 6 of SB 1070 were pre-empted by federal law. Those sections make it a state misdemeanor for an immigrant not to be carrying documentation of lawful presence in the country, allow state police to arrest without a warrant in some situations, and make it unlawful under state law for an individual to apply for employment without federal work authorization. All of the justices agreed to uphold the portion of the law allowing Arizona state police to investigate the immigration status of an individual stopped, detained, or arrested if there is reasonable suspicion that individual is in the country unlawfully. However, Justice Kennedy specified in the majority opinion that state police may not detain the individual for a prolonged amount of time for not carrying immigration documents and that cases based upon allegations of racial profiling may proceed through the courts if such cases happen later.
Justice Scalia dissented and said that he would have upheld the entire law. Justice Thomas likewise stated that he would have upheld the entire law and that it was not pre-empted by federal law. Justice Alito agreed with Justices Scalia and Thomas on Sections 5(C) and 6 but joined with the majority in finding Section 3 pre-empted.
Further rulings and challenges.
On September 5, 2012, Judge Bolton cleared the way for police to carry out the 2010 law's requirement that officers, while enforcing other laws, may question the immigration status of those they suspect are in the country unlawfully. She said that the Supreme Court had clearly stated that the provision "cannot be challenged further on its face before the law takes effect," but that constitutionality challenges on other grounds could take place in the future. Later that month, the first arrest received some news attention. In November 2013, the ACLU filed the first legal challenge to this provision.
<doc id="27088439" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088439" title="Thala foveata">
Thala foveata
<doc id="27088441" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088441" title="Thala gloriae">
Thala gloriae
Thala gloriae is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088444" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088444" title="Thala gorii">
Thala gorii
Thala gorii is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The length of the shell attains 6 mm.
This marine species occurs off the Maldives.
<doc id="27088445" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088445" title="Safir T-15">
Safir T-15
<doc id="27088446" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088446" title="Mitromica gratiosa">
Mitromica gratiosa
Mitromica gratiosa is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088449" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088449" title="Thala hilli">
Thala hilli
Thala hilli is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088451" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088451" title="Thala milium">
Thala milium
Thala milium is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088453" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088453" title="Thala jaculanda">
Thala jaculanda
Thala jaculanda is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088455" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088455" title="Mitromica jeancateae">
Mitromica jeancateae
Mitromica jeancateae is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusc in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088456" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088456" title="Domenico Alvaro">
Domenico Alvaro
Domenico Alvaro (December 5, 1924 in Sinopoli − July 25, 2010 in Sinopoli), also known as 'don Micu o Giannuzzu', was an Italian criminal and a member of the 'Ndrangheta, a Mafia-type organisation in Calabria.
He became the head of the locale of Sinopoli and Cosoleto, after the arrest of Carmine Alvaro on July 18, 2005, who had succeeded the historical boss of the clan, Cosimo Alvaro (1920–2000).
He was a mediator for the 'pax mafiosa' of the Second 'Ndrangheta war – in which more than 600 people were killed – brokering a deal between the main adversaries Pasquale Condello and Giorgio De Stefano. He became a member of "Camera di Controllo", a provincial commission of the 'Ndrangheta formed at the end of the war in September 1991, to avoid further internal conflicts.
He was arrested on July 14, 2010, in one of the most important and large operations against the 'Ndrangheta in Italy ever (Operation Crimine) in which more than 300 criminals were arrested. Due to his bad health he was transferred to a hospital in Reggio Calabria and later to his home in Sinopoli, where he died of natural causes at the age of 86 on July 25, 2011.
His son Cosimo Alvaro took over the command of the clan. He was arrested on July 14, 2011. On September 4, 2013, a subsequent police operation against the clan, at the time active in Sinopoli, Sant'Eufemia d'Aspromonte, Cosoleto and Delianuova, resulted in 7 arrests, among who Cosimo Alvaro (already in jail) and his brother Antonio Alvaro.
<doc id="27088457" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088457" title="Thala lillicoi">
Thala lillicoi
Thala lillicoi is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088460" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088460" title="Thala maldivensis">
Thala maldivensis
Thala maldivensis is a species of small sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk. It resides in the family Costellariidae, otherwise referred to as the ribbed miters.
This marine species occurs off the Maldives.
<doc id="27088462" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088462" title="Thala malvacea">
Thala malvacea
Thala malvacea is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The length of the shell attains 9.8 mm.
This marine species occurs off Djibouti.
<doc id="27088463" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088463" title="Thala manolae">
Thala manolae
Thala manolae is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088464" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088464" title="Thala maxmarrowi">
Thala maxmarrowi
<doc id="27088466" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088466" title="Thala mirifica">
Thala mirifica
Thala mirifica is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The length of the shell attains 9 mm.
This marine species occurs off the Philippines..
<doc id="27088467" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088467" title="Thala ogasarawana">
Thala ogasarawana
<doc id="27088469" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088469" title="Thala recurva">
Thala recurva
Thala recurva is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088470" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088470" title="Thala roseata">
Thala roseata
Thala roseata is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088471" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088471" title="Thala secalina">
Thala secalina
Thala secalina is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088472" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088472" title="Thala simulans">
Thala simulans
Thala simulans is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088474" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088474" title="Mitromica solitaria">
Mitromica solitaria
Mitromica solitaria is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088475" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088475" title="Thala todilla">
Thala todilla
Thala todilla is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088476" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088476" title="Thala violacea">
Thala violacea
Thala violacea is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088477" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088477" title="Vexillum acromiale">
Vexillum acromiale
Vexillum acromiale is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The length of the shell attains 9-5; its diameter 4 mm.
(Original description) The ovate-fusiform shell is rather thin and light. Its colour is pale buff. The shell contains six whorls, including a smooth protoconch of a whorl and a half. The spire is gradate.
Sculpture : perpendicular ribs widely spaced, about seventeen on the body whorl, diminishing and alternating n ascent from whorl to whorl, knotted at the shoulder and fading at the base. The spirals occur as six prominent cords on the snout, above which a dozen threads become fainter as they ascend,
traverse the interstices but not the ribs. About six of these ascend the spire. The aperture is pyriform. The outer lip is simple. The columella shows with four well developed, spaced, oblique plaits.
This marine species is endemic to Australia and occurs off New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, Western Australia)
<doc id="27088478" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088478" title="Vexillum acuminatum">
Vexillum acuminatum
Vexillum acuminatum, common name the acuminate mitre, is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The size of the shell varies between 12 mm and 42 mm.
This marine species occurs in the Indo-West Pacific.
<doc id="27088479" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088479" title="Vexillum acupictum">
Vexillum acupictum
Vexillum acupictum, common name : the pinpricked mitre, is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The shell size varies between 13 mm and 46 mm
This species is distributed in the Red Sea, in the Indian Ocean along Madagascar, the Mascarene Basin and Mauritius, and in the Western Pacific Ocean and Japan.
<doc id="27088482" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088482" title="Vexillum adamsianum">
Vexillum adamsianum
Vexillum adamsianum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088483" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088483" title="Samanalawewa Reservoir">
Samanalawewa Reservoir
<doc id="27088484" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088484" title="Vexillum albotaeniatum">
Vexillum albotaeniatum
Vexillum albotaeniatum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088485" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088485" title="Pharmokinetics">
<doc id="27088486" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088486" title="Gaston Kaanen">
Gaston Kaanen
Gerardus Kaanen (22 August 1892 – 4 May 1970) was a Belgian fencer. He competed in the team sabre event at the 1928 Summer Olympics.
<doc id="27088487" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088487" title="Vexillum alvinobalani">
Vexillum alvinobalani
Vexillum alvinobalani is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088488" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088488" title="Vexillum amandum">
Vexillum amandum
Vexillum amandum, common name : the Amanda mitre, is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The shell size varies between 8 mm and 20 mm
This species is distributed in the Red Sea, in the Indian Ocean along Mozambique, in the Pacific Ocean along the Philippines and Eastern Australia
<doc id="27088489" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088489" title="Vexillum angustissimum">
Vexillum angustissimum
Vexillum angustissimum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088491" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088491" title="Vexillum antonellii">
Vexillum antonellii
Vexillum antonellii is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088493" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088493" title="Vexillum apicinctum">
Vexillum apicinctum
<doc id="27088495" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088495" title="Vexillum appelii">
Vexillum appelii
Vexillum appelii is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088497" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088497" title="Vexillum aureolineatum">
Vexillum aureolineatum
Vexillum aureolineatum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088498" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088498" title="Vexillum balicasagensis">
Vexillum balicasagensis
<doc id="27088499" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088499" title="Vexillum balutensis">
Vexillum balutensis
<doc id="27088501" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088501" title="Vexillum bellum">
Vexillum bellum
Vexillum bellum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088502" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088502" title="Vexillum beverlyae">
Vexillum beverlyae
Vexillum beverlyae is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088503" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088503" title="Vexillum blandulum">
Vexillum blandulum
Vexillum blandulum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088504" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088504" title="South Sea island">
South Sea island
<doc id="27088505" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088505" title="Vexillum brunneolinea">
Vexillum brunneolinea
Vexillum brunneolinea is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088506" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088506" title="Vexillum buriasense">
Vexillum buriasense
Vexillum buriasense is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088507" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088507" title="Vexillum cadaverosum">
Vexillum cadaverosum
Vexillum cadaverosum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088508" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088508" title="Vexillum caelatum">
Vexillum caelatum
Vexillum caelatum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088509" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088509" title="Vexillum caliendrum">
Vexillum caliendrum
Vexillum caliendrum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088511" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088511" title="Vexillum callosum">
Vexillum callosum
Vexillum callosum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088512" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088512" title="Vexillum choslenae">
Vexillum choslenae
<doc id="27088513" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088513" title="Vexillum collinsoni">
Vexillum collinsoni
Vexillum collinsoni is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088515" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088515" title="Vexillum concentricum">
Vexillum concentricum
Vexillum concentricum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
It has a shell size of 15 to 25 mm
<doc id="27088516" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088516" title="Vexillum cookorum">
Vexillum cookorum
Vexillum cookorum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088519" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088519" title="Vexillum corbicula">
Vexillum corbicula
Vexillum (Costellaria) (Costellaria) corbicula is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The shell size varies between 14 mm and 20 mm
This species is distributed in the Indian Ocean along Madagascar and the Mascarene Basin, and in the Pacific Ocean along Hawaii
<doc id="27088521" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088521" title="Vexillum coronatum">
Vexillum coronatum
Vexillum coronatum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088522" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088522" title="Santa Ana Line">
Santa Ana Line
The Santa Ana Line was an interurban railway route connecting Los Angeles and Santa Ana in Orange County. It ran between 1905 and 1958 (with the southern end truncated to Bellflower in 1950) and was predominantly operated by the Pacific Electric Railway for its history.
The route began operation on November 6, 1905 under the Los Angeles Inter-Urban Electric Railway; Pacific Electric leased the line starting in 1908 and fully acquired it in 1911 under terms of the Great Merger. The Santa Ana Line was designated as route number 11 during most of its operational life. Santa Ana's status as the county seat and largest city in Orange County at the time allowed for high ridership. The railway built a new station in the city in late 1927, and cars were rerouted to serve it.
Cars ceased running to the Santa Ana Southern Pacific Depot in November 1945. By 1950, service had halved from its peak only five years earlier and the line was cut back to a minor station in Bellflower on July 2, becoming the Bellflower Line. (PE continued to serve the Bellflower to Santa Ana segment with motor coaches.) The service was then disposed of by Pacific Electric, being taken over first by Metropolitan Coach Lines in 1953 before being commuted to the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transit Authority in 1958, the same year it was discontinued; the last train ran on May 24, 1958. Bellflower Line service was briefly designated as line 34 for just over a month prior to discontinuance.
Modern services.
The Los Angeles Metro Rail operates a few light rail lines over the former route. The A Line runs over the former Watts Line as far as Watts, and the C Line and Century Freeway were built through Lynwood on the old Pacific Electric right of way.
The West Santa Ana Branch Transit Corridor is a plan to reactivate part of the line in Los Angeles County for expanded light rail service. The section between Bellflower station and former Paramount station will be rehabilitated and connected to a new service eventually terminating downtown, though via a different routing than the former Santa Ana Line.
The Orange County Streetcar is expected to open in 2023 and run on the southern section of the former Santa Ana Line between Santa Ana and Garden Grove.
The Santa Ana Line ran from the Pacific Electric Building in Los Angeles to the Southern Pacific depot in Santa Ana, California via the Watts Line and West Santa Ana Branch. The latter segment's diagonal running was a stark contrast to the cardinally-aligned road grid of Los Angeles and Orange Counties.
The route was quadruple-tracked through the Watts trunk line, while the Santa Ana Branch was double-tracked except at single-track bridges.
<doc id="27088525" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088525" title="Vexillum cosmani">
Vexillum cosmani
Vexillum cosmani is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088526" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088526" title="Vexillum costatum">
Vexillum costatum
Vexillum costatum is a species of small sea snail. It is a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088527" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088527" title="Vexillum crispum">
Vexillum crispum
Vexillum crispum is a species of small sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088528" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088528" title="Vexillum daedalum">
Vexillum daedalum
Vexillum (Costellaria) daedalum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The shell size varies between 9 mm and 30 mm
This species is distributed in the Indian Ocean along Mozambique and in the Pacific Ocean along Fiji;
<doc id="27088529" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088529" title="Vexillum darwini">
Vexillum darwini
Vexillum darwini is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088530" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088530" title="Vexillum delicatum">
Vexillum delicatum
Vexillum delicatum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088533" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088533" title="Vexillum deshayesi">
Vexillum deshayesi
Vexillum (Costellaria) deshayesi is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The subspecies : "Vexillum deshayesi alauda" (Sowerby II, 1874) has become a synonym of "Vexillum (Costellaria) michaui" (Crosse & P. Fischer, 1864)
The shell size varies between 10 mm and 30 mm
This species is distributed in the Red Sea, in the Indian Ocean along Chagos, the Mascarene Basin, Madagascar, Mauritius and Mozambique.
<doc id="27088534" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088534" title="Vexillum dilectissimum">
Vexillum dilectissimum
Vexillum dilectissimum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088535" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088535" title="Vexillum dohrni">
Vexillum dohrni
Vexillum dohrni is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088537" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088537" title="Vexillum duplex">
Vexillum duplex
<doc id="27088538" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088538" title="Vexillum elliscrossi">
Vexillum elliscrossi
<doc id="27088539" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088539" title="Vexillum emmanueli">
Vexillum emmanueli
Vexillum emmanueli is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088540" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088540" title="Vexillum epigonus">
Vexillum epigonus
Vexillum epigonus is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088541" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088541" title="Vexillum evelynae">
Vexillum evelynae
<doc id="27088542" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088542" title="Vexillum exasperatum">
Vexillum exasperatum
Vexillum (Costellaria) exasperatum, common name : the Roughened Mitre, is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
This species is sometimes spelled as "Vexillum exasperata"
The shell size varies between 10 mm and 29 mm
This species is distributed in the Red Sea, in the Indian Ocean along Chagos Atoll, Madagascar, the Mascarene Basin and Tanzania, and in the Pacific Ocean along the Philippines, Fiji, New Caledonia and the Solomons Islands.
<doc id="27088543" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088543" title="Vexillum filistriatum">
Vexillum filistriatum
Vexillum filistriatum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088544" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088544" title="Vexillum flexicostatum">
Vexillum flexicostatum
Vexillum flexicostatum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088545" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088545" title="Vexillum fraudator">
Vexillum fraudator
Vexillum fraudator is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088547" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088547" title="Vexillum funereum">
Vexillum funereum
Vexillum (Costellaria) funereum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The shell size varies between 20 mm and 30mm
This species is distributed in the Indian Ocean along Réunion and in the Pacific Ocean along the Philippines and the Solomons Islands.
<doc id="27088548" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088548" title="Vexillum fuscoapicatum">
Vexillum fuscoapicatum
Vexillum fuscoapicatum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088549" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088549" title="Vexillum fuscotaeniatum">
Vexillum fuscotaeniatum
Vexillum fuscotaeniatum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088550" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088550" title="Vexillum gorii">
Vexillum gorii
Vexillum gorii is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
Vexillum gorii are about one inch long. They are white to light brown in color.
<doc id="27088551" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088551" title="Jenny Addams">
Jenny Addams
Jenny Marie Beatrice Addams (15 February 1909 – 1990) was a Belgian fencer. She competed at four Olympic Games.
<doc id="27088552" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088552" title="Vexillum gotoense">
Vexillum gotoense
Vexillum gotoense is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088553" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088553" title="Vexillum gouldi">
Vexillum gouldi
Vexillum gouldi is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The size of the shell varies between 5.8 mm and 9 mm.
This marine species occurs off the Philippines.
<doc id="27088556" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088556" title="Vexillum hendersoni">
Vexillum hendersoni
Vexillum hendersoni is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088557" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088557" title="Catholic Youth">
Catholic Youth
<doc id="27088558" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088558" title="Vexillum hilare">
Vexillum hilare
Vexillum hilare is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088559" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088559" title="Vexillum hoaraui">
Vexillum hoaraui
Vexillum hoaraui is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088561" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088561" title="Vexillum humile">
Vexillum humile
Vexillum humile is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088564" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088564" title="Vexillum innocens">
Vexillum innocens
Vexillum innocens is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088565" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088565" title="Vexillum innotabile">
Vexillum innotabile
Vexillum innotabile is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088566" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088566" title="Vexillum intertaeniatum">
Vexillum intertaeniatum
Vexillum intertaeniatum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088569" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088569" title="Vexillum iredalei">
Vexillum iredalei
Vexillum iredalei is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088571" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088571" title="Vexillum jackylenae">
Vexillum jackylenae
Vexillum (Costellaria) jackylenae is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088573" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088573" title="Vexillum kurodai">
Vexillum kurodai
<doc id="27088575" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088575" title="Vexillum laterculatum">
Vexillum laterculatum
<doc id="27088576" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088576" title="Vexillum leforti">
Vexillum leforti
Vexillum leforti is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088577" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088577" title="Vexillum leucophryna">
Vexillum leucophryna
Vexillum leucophryna is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088579" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088579" title="Peter rabe">
Peter rabe
<doc id="27088580" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088580" title="Vexillum leucozonias">
Vexillum leucozonias
Vexillum leucozonias is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The length of the shell attains 11 mm.
This species occurs in the Red Sea, off Mozambique; off the Society Islands, the Solomon Islands and Tuamotus.
<doc id="27088581" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088581" title="Vexillum ligatum">
Vexillum ligatum
Vexillum ligatum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088582" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088582" title="Vexillum lincolnensis">
Vexillum lincolnensis
<doc id="27088584" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088584" title="Vexillum lindae">
Vexillum lindae
<doc id="27088585" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088585" title="O. rex">
O. rex
O. rex may refer to:
<doc id="27088586" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088586" title="Barendregt–Geuvers–Klop conjecture">
Barendregt–Geuvers–Klop conjecture
<doc id="27088587" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088587" title="Vexillum lucidum">
Vexillum lucidum
Vexillum lucidum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088589" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088589" title="Vexillum macandrewi">
Vexillum macandrewi
Vexillum macandrewi is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088590" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088590" title="Vexillum malcolmensis">
Vexillum malcolmensis
<doc id="27088591" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088591" title="Vexillum martinorum">
Vexillum martinorum
<doc id="27088592" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088592" title="Vexillum mica">
Vexillum mica
Vexillum mica is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088594" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088594" title="Vexillum michaui">
Vexillum michaui
Vexillum (Costellaria) michaui is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
There are two subspecies:
This species occurs in the Indian Ocean in the Mascarene Basin.
<doc id="27088595" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088595" title="Vexillum micra">
Vexillum micra
Vexillum micra is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088596" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088596" title="Vexillum militare">
Vexillum militare
Vexillum (Costellaria) militare is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The shell size varies between 5 mm and 20 mm. The shell is somewhat fusiform in shape, decreasing in size at its base. The spire tapers to a slender point, its sutures (parts dividing one whorl from another) are deep and ribbed lengthwise. The shell has interstices crosswise deeply lineated, crosswise and its ribs are blunt. The upper whorls are yellow, while the last whorl is encircled in crimson red. Its columella (central column) is four plaited.
This species is distributed in the Western Pacific Ocean.
<doc id="27088597" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088597" title="Vexillum mirabile">
Vexillum mirabile
Vexillum (Costellaria) mirabile, common name : miraculous mitre, is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The shell size varies between 33 mm and 66 mm
This species is distributed in the Red Sea, in the Indian Ocean along the Mascarene Basin and Madagascar, in the Pacific Ocean along the Philippines and Thailand and the Tuamotus.
<doc id="27088598" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088598" title="Vexillum modestum">
Vexillum modestum
Vexillum modestum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The length of the shell attains 17 mm.
This marine species occurs off the Philippines.
page(s): pl. 1 figs 5, 8
<doc id="27088600" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088600" title="Vexillum monalizae">
Vexillum monalizae
Vexillum monalizae is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088601" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088601" title="Vexillum monsecourorum">
Vexillum monsecourorum
Vexillum monsecourorum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088602" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088602" title="Vexillum multitriangulum">
Vexillum multitriangulum
Vexillum multitriangulum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088604" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088604" title="Vexillum mutabile">
Vexillum mutabile
Vexillum mutabile is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088606" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088606" title="Vexillum nicobaricum">
Vexillum nicobaricum
Vexillum nicobaricum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088608" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088608" title="Vexillum nodai">
Vexillum nodai
Vexillum nodai is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088609" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088609" title="Edith Addams">
Edith Addams
Edith Addams de Habbelinck (1 August 1907 – 16 August 2002) was a Belgian fencer who competed in the individual women's foil event at the 1928 Summer Olympics.
<doc id="27088610" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088610" title="Vexillum nodospiculum">
Vexillum nodospiculum
<doc id="27088611" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088611" title="Vexillum noduliferum">
Vexillum noduliferum
Vexillum noduliferum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088613" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088613" title="Vexillum obeliscus">
Vexillum obeliscus
Vexillum (Costellaria) obeliscus is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The shell size varies between 20 mm and 45 mm
This species is distributed in the Red Sea and in the Indian Ocean along the Mascarene Basin and Madagascar; in the Pacific Ocean along New Guinea, New Caledonia, Fiji and the Solomons Islands.
<doc id="27088614" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088614" title="Vexillum ochraceum">
Vexillum ochraceum
Vexillum ochraceum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088615" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088615" title="Vexillum pagodula">
Vexillum pagodula
Vexillum pagodula is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088617" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088617" title="Vexillum pasitheum">
Vexillum pasitheum
Vexillum pasitheum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088618" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088618" title="Vexillum percnodictyum">
Vexillum percnodictyum
<doc id="27088619" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088619" title="Vexillum polygonum">
Vexillum polygonum
Vexillum polygonum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088620" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088620" title="E Addams">
E Addams
<doc id="27088621" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088621" title="Vexillum poppei">
Vexillum poppei
Vexillum (Costellaria) poppei is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The shell size varies between 20 mm and 30 mm
This species is distributed in the seas along the Philippines.
<doc id="27088622" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088622" title="Vexillum puerile">
Vexillum puerile
Vexillum puerile is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088624" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088624" title="Vexillum pyropus">
Vexillum pyropus
Vexillum pyropus is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088625" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088625" title="Vexillum radius">
Vexillum radius
Vexillum radius is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088626" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088626" title="Vexillum radix">
Vexillum radix
Vexillum radix is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088627" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088627" title="Zalmay Mamozy Khalilzad">
Zalmay Mamozy Khalilzad
<doc id="27088630" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088630" title="Vexillum roseum">
Vexillum roseum
Vexillum roseum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088631" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088631" title="Vexillum rubellum">
Vexillum rubellum
Vexillum rubellum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088633" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088633" title="Vexillum rubricatum">
Vexillum rubricatum
Vexillum rubricatum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088634" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088634" title="Vexillum rubrocostatum">
Vexillum rubrocostatum
Vexillum rubrocostatum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088636" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088636" title="Vexillum castum">
Vexillum castum
Vexillum castum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088637" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088637" title="Vexillum sanguisuga">
Vexillum sanguisuga
Vexillum sanguisuga is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088638" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088638" title="Vexillum sauternesense">
Vexillum sauternesense
<doc id="27088639" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088639" title="Vexillum scitulum">
Vexillum scitulum
Vexillum (Costellaria) scitulum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The shell size varies between 10 mm and 36 mm.
This species is distributed in the Persian Gulf, in the Indian Ocean along Madagascar, Mozambique and in the South China Sea.
<doc id="27088640" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088640" title="Vexillum sculptile">
Vexillum sculptile
Vexillum sculptile is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088642" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088642" title="Vexillum semifasciatum">
Vexillum semifasciatum
Vexillum semifasciatum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088643" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088643" title="Damon Edge">
Damon Edge
Thomas Wisse (November 12, 1949 – August 11, 1995), known professionally as Damon Edge, was an American musician. He was a founding member of the post-punk band Chrome and also recorded as a solo artist.
Damon Edge was born in Los Angeles in 1949. He graduated from Inglewood High School in 1967 before attending the California Institute of the Arts. He earned a bachelor's degree in environmental arts in 1970. He started the band Chrome in 1976, taking inspiration from some of his teachers at Cal Arts and from a trip to Europe, where he heard Arabic music for the first time. He produced a lot of the early Chrome cover artwork.
He began working at MGM and jamming with other musicians to create soundtracks for film. After recording the first Chrome album he set up Siren Records to release his own recordings. He moved to San Francisco in the mid 1970s and began recording further Chrome material. In the 1980s he moved to France after marrying Fabienne Shine. They both returned to the U.S. in 1988, living in the Hollywood Hills, but split up in 1990.
In August 1995 Edge was found dead in his Redondo Beach apartment in California. He had been lying undiscovered for about a month until a neighbor alerted the police. After the breakup with his wife he had begun to drink and smoke heavily. He had recently finished a new solo album in Germany.
<doc id="27088644" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088644" title="Vexillum semiticum">
Vexillum semiticum
Vexillum semiticum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088645" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088645" title="Vexillum spicatum">
Vexillum spicatum
Vexillum spicatum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088647" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088647" title="Vexillum stainforthii">
Vexillum stainforthii
Vexillum stainforthii is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, scientifically known as the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088648" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088648" title="Hilda Deswarte">
Hilda Deswarte
Hilda Deswarte (born 8 February 1907) was a Belgian fencer. She competed in the individual women's foil event at the 1928 Summer Olympics.
<doc id="27088649" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088649" title="Vexillum stossieri">
Vexillum stossieri
Vexillum stossieri is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088650" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088650" title="Vexillum styria">
Vexillum styria
Vexillum styria is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088651" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088651" title="Vexillum subquadratum">
Vexillum subquadratum
Vexillum subquadratum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088652" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088652" title="Vexillum suluense">
Vexillum suluense
Vexillum (Costellaria) suluense is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The shell size varies between 5 mm and 30 mm
This species is distributed along the Andaman Islands and in the Pacific Ocean along the Philippines, Fiji, the Solomons Islands, Papua New Guinea and Queensland, Australia.
<doc id="27088653" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088653" title="Vexillum sumatranum">
Vexillum sumatranum
Vexillum sumatranum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088654" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088654" title="Vexillum sybillae">
Vexillum sybillae
Vexillum sybillae is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088656" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088656" title="Vexillum takakuwai">
Vexillum takakuwai
Vexillum (Costellaria) takakuwai is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The shell size varies between 27 mm and 70 mm
This species occurs in the Pacific Ocean off Japan and Queensland, Australia.
<doc id="27088658" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088658" title="Vexillum tanguyae">
Vexillum tanguyae
Vexillum tanguyae is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088660" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088660" title="Vexillum tokubeii">
Vexillum tokubeii
Vexillum tokubeii is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088661" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088661" title="Vexillum trophonium">
Vexillum trophonium
Vexillum trophonium is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The shell grows to a length of 20 mm
This species is distributed in the Atlantic Ocean from Florida to Brazil
<doc id="27088664" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088664" title="Vexillum turriger">
Vexillum turriger
Vexillum turriger is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088667" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088667" title="Vexillum unifasciatum">
Vexillum unifasciatum
Vexillum unifasciatum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088668" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088668" title="Quercus palmeri">
Quercus palmeri
Quercus palmeri is a species of oak known by the common name Palmer oak, or Palmer's oak. It is native to California (as far north as populations just south and east of the San Francisco Bay), Baja California, Southern Nevada, and in Arizona through the transition zone to the eastern Mogollon Rim, where it grows in canyons, mountain slopes, washes, and other dry habitats.
"Quercus palmeri" is a shrub or small tree growing 2 to 6 meters in height. It branches into angular twigs and is reddish brown. The leaves are in length. They are stiff, leathery, and brittle, their edges wavy with sharp spine-teeth. The upper surface is shiny, waxy, and olive green in color, the lower gray-green and coated with glandular hairs. The fruit is an acorn with a hairy cap up to 2.5 cm (1 in) wide and a blunt-ended nut long.
"Quercus palmeri" usually grows in small populations, some of which are actually all clones of a single plant. One such clone in the Jurupa Mountains in Riverside County, California, named the Jurupa Oak, was determined to be over 13,000 years old, a single individual living as a relict from the Pleistocene. It is therefore one of the oldest living plants in the world.
"Quercus palmeri" is placed in "Quercus" section "Protobalanus".
"Quercus dunnii" , common name Dunn oak, is synonymous with Palmer oak. Palmer oak does not occur in New Mexico; the specimens were misidentified and later corrected to "Quercus grisea," per SEINet. Per FNA, the population of golden oaks in eastern Arizona appear to be introgressed "Quercus chrysolepis" and "Q. palmeri," best called "Q. chrysolepis" aff. "Q. palmeri". These populations of "Q. chrysolepis" demonstrate historical hybridization between "Q. chrysolepis" and "Q. palmeri".
"Quercus palmeri" was recently discovered in Southern Nevada in Christmas tree pass that was previously only know from fossils.
<doc id="27088669" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088669" title="Vexillum verecundulum">
Vexillum verecundulum
Vexillum verecundulum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088670" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088670" title="Vexillum vespula">
Vexillum vespula
Vexillum (Costellaria) vespula is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The shell size is 16 mm
This species is distributed in the seas along the Philippines.
<doc id="27088672" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088672" title="Vexillum vibex">
Vexillum vibex
Vexillum vibex is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088673" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088673" title="Vexillum vicmanoui">
Vexillum vicmanoui
<doc id="27088677" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088677" title="Vexillum virginale">
Vexillum virginale
Vexillum virginale is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088678" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088678" title="Vexillum virgo">
Vexillum virgo
Vexillum (Costellaria) virgo, common name : the Virgin Mitre, is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The shell size varies between 13 mm and 25 mm
This species is distributed in the Red Sea and in the Indo-West Pacific and in the Pacific Ocean along Samoa, Australia and Papua New Guinea
<doc id="27088679" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088679" title="Vexillum wolfei">
Vexillum wolfei
Vexillum wolfei is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088681" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088681" title="Vexillum xenium">
Vexillum xenium
Vexillum xenium is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088683" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088683" title="Vexillum zebuense">
Vexillum zebuense
Vexillum zebuense is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
This marine species occurs off the Philippines..
<doc id="27088684" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088684" title="Vexillum crassum">
Vexillum crassum
<doc id="27088685" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088685" title="زلمی خلیلزاد">
زلمی خلیلزاد
<doc id="27088686" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088686" title="Vexillum kaicherae">
Vexillum kaicherae
<doc id="27088687" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088687" title="Confederate Monument (Union City, Tennessee)">
Confederate Monument (Union City, Tennessee)
The Confederate Monument in Union City, Tennessee, also known as First Monument to Unknown Confederate Dead, is a simple marker erected in 1869 in a cemetery that was the burial site for the remains of 29 unidentified Confederate combatants killed in the American Civil War. It is about tall. Dedicated on October 21, 1869, it was one of Tennessee's first Confederate monuments. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1977.
It is asserted to be the first monument to honor unknown Confederate dead.
Union City also has a Confederate monument erected in 1909 with a dedication that reads:
<doc id="27088688" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088688" title="Vexillum kremerae">
Vexillum kremerae
<doc id="27088690" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088690" title="Vexillum aemula">
Vexillum aemula
Vexillum aemula is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
This marine species occurs in the East China Sea.
<doc id="27088692" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088692" title="Vexillum aethiopica">
Vexillum aethiopica
<doc id="27088694" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088694" title="Vexillum albocinctum">
Vexillum albocinctum
Vexillum albocinctum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
Individuals can grow to 11.1 mm.
This organism is known to be present in the Southern United States location or region but is not exclusive; other regions may also be reported.
<doc id="27088695" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088695" title="Vexillum amabile">
Vexillum amabile
Vexillum amabile is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters. The higher group are the Gastropoda.
The shell size varies between 10 mm and 20 mm.
Life cycle.
Embryos develop into planktonic trocophore larvae and later into juvenile veligers before becoming fully grown adults.
This species is distributed in the Red Sea and in the Indian Ocean along Madagascar, the Mascarene Basin, Mauritius and Tanzania; in the Pacific Ocean along the Philippines and Papua New Guinea.
<doc id="27088696" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088696" title="Vexillum approximatum">
Vexillum approximatum
Vexillum approximatum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088697" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088697" title="The Beatles' reunions">
The Beatles' reunions
<doc id="27088698" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088698" title="Vexillum articulatum">
Vexillum articulatum
Vexillum articulatum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088701" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088701" title="Vexillum aureolatum">
Vexillum aureolatum
Vexillum (Pusia) aureolatum, common name : the golden mitre, is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
Shells of studied specimens of the family Costellariidae A — Vexillum tusum , 12.0 mm; B — V. noduliferum , 7.3 mm; C — V. aureolatum , 8.1 mm; D — V. interruptum , 5.5 mm; E — V. diutenerum , 6.6 mm; F — Pusia salisburyi , 9.0 mm; G — Pusia rubra , 5.0 mm. Раковины исследованных экземпляров семейства Costellariidae A — Vexillum tusum , 12,0 мм ; B — V. noduliferum , 7,3 мм ; C — V. aureolatum , 8,1 мм ; D — V. interruptum , 5,5 мм ; E — V. diutenerum , 6,6 мм ; F — Pusia salisburyi , 9,0 мм ; G — Pusia rubra , 5,0 мм .
The shell size varies between 8 mm and 29 mm
This species is distributed in the Red Sea and in the Indian Ocean along Madagascar and Mauritius and in the tropical Indo-Pacific.
<doc id="27088703" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088703" title="Vexillum australe">
Vexillum australe
Vexillum australe is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088704" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088704" title="Vexillum bancalanensis">
Vexillum bancalanensis
<doc id="27088706" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088706" title="Vexillum bilineatum">
Vexillum bilineatum
<doc id="27088707" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088707" title="Vexillum bipartitum">
Vexillum bipartitum
Vexillum bipartitum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088708" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088708" title="Vexillum bizonale">
Vexillum bizonale
Vexillum bizonale is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088709" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088709" title="Volutomitra blanfordi">
Volutomitra blanfordi
Volutomitra blanfordi is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Volutomitridae.
This marine species occurs in the Gulf of Oman.
<doc id="27088710" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088710" title="Vexillum caloxestum">
Vexillum caloxestum
Vexillum (Pusia) caloxestum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088711" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088711" title="Vexillum cancellarioides">
Vexillum cancellarioides
Vexillum cancellarioides, common name the cancellaria mitre, is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The shell size of this species varies between 13 mm and 25 mm, comparable to the length of average human fingernail. Its shell may have any color range from cream white to light brown.
This species is distributed in the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean along the Aldabra Atoll and the Mascarene Basin, and in the Western Pacific.
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<doc id="27088712" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088712" title="Vexillum catenatum">
Vexillum catenatum
Vexillum catenatum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088713" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088713" title="Vexillum cavea">
Vexillum cavea
Vexillum cavea is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088715" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088715" title="Vexillum charlesi">
Vexillum charlesi
Vexillum charlesi is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088716" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088716" title="Vexillum chelonia">
Vexillum chelonia
Vexillum chelonia is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088717" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088717" title="Vexillum chibaense">
Vexillum chibaense
Vexillum (Pusia) chibaense is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
This species is distributed in the Pacific Ocean along Japan.
<doc id="27088719" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088719" title="Vexillum chickcharneorum">
Vexillum chickcharneorum
Vexillum chickcharneorum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088720" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088720" title="Vexillum cithara">
Vexillum cithara
Vexillum cithara is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088721" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088721" title="Vexillum corallinum">
Vexillum corallinum
<doc id="27088722" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088722" title="Vexillum crocatum">
Vexillum crocatum
Vexillum crocatum, common name : the saffron mitre, is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The shell size varies between 17 mm and 36 mm
This species is distributed in the Red Sea, in the Indian Ocean along Chagos and the Mascarene Basin, and in the Indo-West Pacific.
<doc id="27088724" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088724" title="Zalmay Khalīlzād">
Zalmay Khalīlzād
<doc id="27088726" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088726" title="Vexillum croceum">
Vexillum croceum
Vexillum croceum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088727" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088727" title="Vexillum cubanum">
Vexillum cubanum
Vexillum cubanum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088728" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088728" title="Vexillum dautzenbergi">
Vexillum dautzenbergi
<doc id="27088729" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088729" title="Vexillum depexum">
Vexillum depexum
Vexillum depexum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088730" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088730" title="Vexillum dermestinum">
Vexillum dermestinum
Vexillum dermestinum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088731" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088731" title="Vexillum discolorium">
Vexillum discolorium
Vexillum discolorium is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088732" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088732" title="Vexillum diutenerum">
Vexillum diutenerum
Vexillum diutenerum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088733" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088733" title="Confederate Monument (Portsmouth, Virginia)">
Confederate Monument (Portsmouth, Virginia)
The Confederate Monument in Portsmouth, Virginia, was built between 1876 and 1881. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) in 1997.
The monument is a 35-foot obelisk of North Carolina granite. It is located at the town square of Portsmouth, on Court Street at the corner of High Street. Also facing on the town square are the Trinity Episcopal Church dating from 1828 and the Portsmouth Courthouse dating from 1846, which are also NRHP-listed.
It was erected by the Ladies Memorial Aid Association of Portsmouth, Virginia, which was founded in 1866 with one purpose "being the erection of a monument to the Confederate dead of Portsmouth and Norfolk County." The design was by topographical engineer Charles E. Cassell.
The cornerstone was laid in 1876.The monument's capstone was not placed until 1881, and the monument as a whole was not completed until 1893.
The four cast white bronze figures that surround the obelisk, including their heads and facial features, are largely generic. The sailor figure, for example, also appears outside the G.A.R. Memorial Hall in Wabash, Indiana.
The city of Portsmouth "gave 1,242 men to the Confederacy of whom 199 were killed or died; Norfolk County gave 1,018 men to the cause of whom 280 were killed or died; and the City of Norfolk gave 1,119 of whom 176 were killed or died."
Calls for removal and relocation.
In August 2017, in the wake of the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville Virginia where many white supremacist groups protested the removal of Confederate monuments, mayor of Portsmouth John Rowe called for the movement of the monument from its current location. Mayor Rowe's proposed new site for the monument is nearby Cedar Grove Cemetery where many Confederate soldiers are buried. Shortly after the mayor's announcement, a Change.org petition amassing over 30,000 signatures went viral started by a local Virginia man named Nathan Coflin to have the current monument replaced by a statue of Portsmouth native rap artist and businesswoman, Missy "Misdemeanor" Elliott. This petition received national attention in many publications such as "Newsweek", CNN, "People" and "Time" magazine.
On June 10, 2020 the Confederate soldier statues were beheaded by sledgehammer and one was toppled by Black Lives Matter protesters as the Police Department watched. A brass band played. One protester, Chris Green, was hit by the falling statue and sustained life-threatening injuries while standing near other people below it.
On July 28, 2020, the Portsmouth City Council voted unanimously to remove the monument. On August 26, 2020, crews officially began removing the monument from Olde Towne and moving it to a undisclosed storage area. The monument has since been removed.
<doc id="27088734" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088734" title="Vexillum ebenus">
Vexillum ebenus
<doc id="27088736" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088736" title="Vexillum echinatum">
Vexillum echinatum
Vexillum echinatum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088737" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088737" title="Vexillum emiliae">
Vexillum emiliae
Vexillum emiliae is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The length of the shell varies between 10 mm and 12.5 mm.
This marine species occurs off Hawaii, the Tuamotus and the Philippines
<doc id="27088739" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088739" title="Vexillum epiphanea">
Vexillum epiphanea
<doc id="27088741" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088741" title="Vexillum exaratum">
Vexillum exaratum
Vexillum (Pusia) exaratum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088742" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088742" title="Vexillum exiguum">
Vexillum exiguum
<doc id="27088743" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088743" title="Vexillum festum">
Vexillum festum
Vexillum festum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088744" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088744" title="Vexillum ficulinum">
Vexillum ficulinum
Vexillum ficulinum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088745" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088745" title="Secession of Texas">
Secession of Texas
<doc id="27088746" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088746" title="Vexillum fortiplicatum">
Vexillum fortiplicatum
Vexillum fortiplicatum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The length of the shell varies between 8 mm and 12 mm.
This marine species occurs off the Tuamotu Islands and off the Marianas Islands to New Caledonia, off the Hawaiian Islands.
<doc id="27088747" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088747" title="Vexillum goubini">
Vexillum goubini
Vexillum goubini is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
Its type locality is Lifou, New Caledonia, and it is named in honor of its collector, Benjamin Goubin.
<doc id="27088748" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088748" title="Vexillum hansenae">
Vexillum hansenae
<doc id="27088749" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088749" title="Vexillum helena">
Vexillum helena
Vexillum helena is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088750" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088750" title="Vexillum hervieri">
Vexillum hervieri
Vexillum hervieri is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088751" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088751" title="1929 Estonian Football Championship">
1929 Estonian Football Championship
The 1929 Estonian Football Championship was the 9th official football league season in Estonia. Six teams, five from Tallinn and one from Tartu, took part in the league. VS Sport Tallinn won their seventh title.
<doc id="27088753" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088753" title="Vexillum histrio">
Vexillum histrio
Vexillum histrio is a species of small sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088754" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088754" title="Vexillum honestum">
Vexillum honestum
Vexillum honestum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088755" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088755" title="Vexillum inerme">
Vexillum inerme
Vexillum inerme is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088757" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088757" title="Vexillum infaustum">
Vexillum infaustum
Vexillum infaustum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088759" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088759" title="Vexillum interruptum">
Vexillum interruptum
Vexillum interruptum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088761" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088761" title="Vexillum joliveti">
Vexillum joliveti
<doc id="27088762" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088762" title="Vexillum kuboi">
Vexillum kuboi
Vexillum kuboi is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088763" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088763" title="Vexillum lautum">
Vexillum lautum
<doc id="27088764" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088764" title="Vexillum lenhilli">
Vexillum lenhilli
Vexillum lenhilli is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088765" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088765" title="Vexillum leucodesma">
Vexillum leucodesma
Vexillum (Pusia) leucodesma is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The shell size varies between 11 mm and 20 mm
This species is distributed in the Indo-West Pacific and the Philippines.
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<doc id="27088766" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088766" title="Vexillum lotum">
Vexillum lotum
Vexillum lotum are a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088767" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088767" title="Vexillum loyaltyense">
Vexillum loyaltyense
<doc id="27088770" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088770" title="Vexillum luculentum">
Vexillum luculentum
Vexillum luculentum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088772" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088772" title="Vexillum luigiraybaudii">
Vexillum luigiraybaudii
Vexillum luigiraybaudii is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088773" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088773" title="Vexillum malleopunctum">
Vexillum malleopunctum
Vexillum malleopunctum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088776" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088776" title="Vexillum marrowi">
Vexillum marrowi
<doc id="27088778" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088778" title="Thaluta maxmarrowi">
Thaluta maxmarrowi
Thaluta maxmarrowi is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088780" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088780" title="Vexillum mediomaculatum">
Vexillum mediomaculatum
Vexillum mediomaculatum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088781" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088781" title="KDHW-CD">
KDHW-CD is a low-power digital Class A television station serving Yakima, Washington. Affiliated with the Trinity Broadcasting Network, the station is owned by Christian Broadcasting of Yakima, and broadcasts over channel 45. It airs on cable 10 in Yakima, and cable 39 in Ellensburg.
Their programming includes local gospel show "The Rock", "God's Next Generation", and "Good News in the Valley", a news magazine program.
Digital programming.
KDHW-CD channel 35 is multiplexed. Through PSIP, it redirects to channel 45.
<doc id="27088783" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088783" title="Vexillum microzonias">
Vexillum microzonias
<doc id="27088784" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088784" title="Vexillum millecostatum">
Vexillum millecostatum
Vexillum millecostatum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088785" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088785" title="Vexillum moelleri">
Vexillum moelleri
Vexillum moelleri is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
This species occurs in the Pacific Ocean off Hawaii, Fiji, Samoa, Tahiti, the Cook Islands and the Tuamotu Islands.
<doc id="27088787" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088787" title="Vexillum moniliferum">
Vexillum moniliferum
Vexillum moniliferum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088788" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088788" title="Vexillum multicostatum">
Vexillum multicostatum
Vexillum (Pusia) multicostatum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088789" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088789" title="Vexillum nakama">
Vexillum nakama
Vexillum nakama is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088791" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088791" title="Vexillum nitidissimum">
Vexillum nitidissimum
Vexillum (Pusia) nitidissimum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088792" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088792" title="Vexillum oniscinum">
Vexillum oniscinum
Vexillum oniscinum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088793" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088793" title="Vexillum oryzum">
Vexillum oryzum
Vexillum oryzum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088794" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088794" title="Vexillum osiridis">
Vexillum osiridis
<doc id="27088795" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088795" title="Vexillum paligerum">
Vexillum paligerum
Vexillum paligerum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088796" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088796" title="Vexillum pardalis">
Vexillum pardalis
<doc id="27088797" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088797" title="Vexillum patriarchale">
Vexillum patriarchale
<doc id="27088798" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088798" title="Vexillum patulum">
Vexillum patulum
Vexillum patulum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088799" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088799" title="Vexillum piceum">
Vexillum piceum
Vexillum piceum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088800" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088800" title="Vexillum pilsbryi">
Vexillum pilsbryi
Vexillum pilsbryi is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088802" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088802" title="Vexillum pisolinum">
Vexillum pisolinum
Vexillum pisolinum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088803" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088803" title="Vexillum plurinotatum">
Vexillum plurinotatum
Vexillum plurinotatum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088805" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088805" title="Vexillum puella">
Vexillum puella
<doc id="27088806" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088806" title="Vexillum pulchellum">
Vexillum pulchellum
Vexillum pulchellum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The length of the shell attains 15.6 mm.
This species occurs in the Caribbean Sea.
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<doc id="27088807" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088807" title="Vexillum purpuratum">
Vexillum purpuratum
Vexillum purpuratum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088809" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088809" title="Vexillum recurvirostris">
Vexillum recurvirostris
Vexillum recurvirostris is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088810" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088810" title="Vexillum roseotinctum">
Vexillum roseotinctum
Vexillum roseotinctum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088811" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088811" title="Vexillum rubrum">
Vexillum rubrum
<doc id="27088812" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088812" title="Vexillum salisburyi">
Vexillum salisburyi
Vexillum (Pusia) salisburyi is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The shell size varies between 8 mm and 12 mm
This species is distributed in the Indian Ocean along Réunion and the Mascarene Basin; and in the Western Pacific Ocean.
<doc id="27088813" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088813" title="Vexillum sanctahelenae">
Vexillum sanctahelenae
<doc id="27088815" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088815" title="Vexillum semicostatum">
Vexillum semicostatum
Vexillum semicostatum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The shell size varies between 10 mm and 22 mm
This species is distributed in the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean along the Mascarene Basin, Madagascar and in the Pacific Ocean along Queensland, Australia and Papua New Guinea.
<doc id="27088818" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088818" title="Vexillum semisculptum">
Vexillum semisculptum
Vexillum semisculptum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088819" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088819" title="Vexillum silviae">
Vexillum silviae
Vexillum silviae is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088821" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088821" title="Vexillum smithi">
Vexillum smithi
Vexillum smithi is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088822" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088822" title="Vexillum speciosum">
Vexillum speciosum
Vexillum (Pusia) speciosum, common name : the specious mitre, is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The shell size varies between 15 mm and 22 mm
This species is distributed in the Indian Ocean along Réunion, Chagos and the Mascarene basin
<doc id="27088823" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088823" title="Vexillum strictecostatum">
Vexillum strictecostatum
Vexillum strictecostatum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088825" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088825" title="Vexillum suave">
Vexillum suave
<doc id="27088826" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088826" title="Vexillum sykesi">
Vexillum sykesi
Vexillum sykesi is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk within the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
Vexillum sykesi can be found in Aruba, Belize, Bonaire, the Caribbean Sea, Costa Rica, Cuba, the Gulf of Mexico, the lesser Anitles, and Panama.
<doc id="27088827" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088827" title="Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malaysia">
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malaysia
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malaysia or ELCM is one of the four Lutheran bodies in Malaysia. It currently has 21 congregations nationwide with a total of 3,650 members.
The current bishop of the ELCM is Steven Lawrence.
Early history.
The history of the ELCM can be traced back to the large scale immigration of Indians from the Tamil speaking areas of India from the 19th to 20th century to British Malaya as cheap labourers in plantations. Among the many migrants were Tamil Lutheran Christians from churches started by the work of the Danish-Halle Mission and Bartholomäus Ziegenbalg.
By 1900, missionaries from the India-based Leipzig Evangelical Lutheran Mission who visited Penang had found 315 Tamil Lutherans and by 1907, the first congregation was organised in Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur through the effort of Rev. Thiruchilluvai Joseph, a pastor from the church that was later organised as the Tamil Evangelical Lutheran Church (TELC).
1901–357 Lutherans who migrated to Malaya were found by Rev. Thiruchilluvai Joseph of TELC who later came to reside in Kuala Lumpur in November 1906.
1902—Gerching of Leipzig Evangelical Lutheran Mission came to Singapore in 1902 to take survey of the Tamil Lutherans in Malaya.
1903–1905—During these years as there had been no organised Lutheran congregations, many Tamil Lutherans attended worship in other churches and a considerable number joined other denominations. There were a number, however, remained strong in their loyalty to the Lutheran Church. The Lutherans were willing to support and attend the new church, but not to become full members. For a time, Lutherans in Kuala Lumpur attended the Anglican Church and later the Methodist Tamil Church on Malacca Street. Vedavanam (Anglican) and S. Abraham (Methodist) cared for their spiritual needs. As the years passed, they grew, and by the time they had reached 70 in number they thought of establishing a Church of their own. Reports of missionary visits and request from Malaya no doubt generated interest back in India.
1906—On 11 November, Pamperrien of the Leipzig Lutheran Mission visited Malaya to survey and assess the possibility of establishing a Lutheran ministry.
1907—On receiving positive feedback, Rev. Thiruchilluvai Joseph immediately set about organising the Tamil Lutherans for regular divine services, the first of which was held on 30 January 1907 in a shop house at Scott Road off Brickfields in Kuala Lumpur. This day marked the beginning of a
consolidated effort to establish Lutheran work in Malaysia. Simultaneously, the Leipzig Mission also assigned Ratnam, a school teacher turned catechist, to assist the work in the Penang area.
1908 —Following K. Pamperrien's visit, the Leipzig Mission in India showed greater interest in Malaysia and launched a constructive programme of development for the spread of Lutheranism. The immediate problem was identified in the lack of personnel to consolidate the
work. Therefore, both the TELC in India and Leipzig Mission deployed missionaries for the work in Malaysia. The first Leipzig Lutheran missionary, Hermann Matthes arrived in 1908; the Lutheran population during this period was about 516 persons. Hermann Matthes helped to meet the spiritual needs of the Lutheran community in Penang area. By 1912, the Lutheran population had increased to 645 but was scattered in some 77 places in Malaysia and Singapore. This increase was due to the establishment of new contacts. The initial work among the Lutherans in Malaysia was not evangelistic in character but it sought to meet the sacramental needs of the members. Concerted evangelistic work among people of other faiths began after 1963.
1909—On 2 June a piece of land was purchased for construction of Zion church with money contributed by Leipzig Mission. The land was purchased for RM 2,900.00.
1910–1925— Matthes apparently left Penang. During the next fifteen years, the attention and work in Kuala Lumpur was directed to towards the building of the church. Matthews was replaced by Traugott Ruger, another German missionary from India. The outbreak of World War 1 resulted in T. Ruger being called back after a brief ministry in Malaysia. The enormous task of providing pastoral care for the Tamil Lutherans nationwide became the responsibility of Rev Thiruchilluvai Joseph, who was based in Kuala Lumpur. Rev. Thiruchilluvai Joseph to India and was replaced by Swamimuthu Muthusami on 11 November 1921. On 11 November 1922, the Foundation stone for Zion Church was laid by E. Heuman (First Bishop of Tranquebar). On 30 November 1924, J. Sandegren dedicated the Zion Church building (President of the CSM in South India, later third bishop of Tranquebar).
Early efforts to organise and build up the pastoral care of the Tamil Lutherans in Malaya were spearheaded by missionaries from the TELC and the Leipzig Evangelical Lutheran Mission. By 1922, the organised congregations were divided into two regional circles of the TELC; the Northern Malaya District and the Southern Malaya District; centred in Penang and Kuala Lumpur respectively.
Attempts to establish a national church.
After the Second World War, missionary work among the Tamil Lutherans in Malaya was supplemented by workers from the Church of Sweden Mission (CSM) and with the impending independence of Malaya in 1957, effort was made towards establishing a national church.
In 1962, at the initiative of Bertil Envall of the Swedish Mission, representatives of the CSM and the Administrative Council of the American Lutheran mission to Chinese Lutherans in Malaya met for negotiations in a Joint Constitution Committee to set up a national Lutheran Church for Malaya. Representatives from the Batak Lutheran community supported by the Huria Kristen Batak Protestant were also invited but declined to participate.
Despite agreeing on organisation and stewardship in general, disagreements arose upon the form of church government for the proposed national church. While the Swedish mission and the TELC order was partial to an episcopal polity, it was not accepted by the American missionaries who felt that the local Chinese Lutherans would not be familiar with that form of government. There were also disagreements on the nature of apostolic succession as well as the significant differences in the culture, language and origins between the Tamils and Chinese who were ministered by the respective missions, the former consisting mainly of established Tamil Lutheran families while the latter consisted mainly of congregations of young individual Chinese who were first generation Christians.
Establishment of the ELCM.
As a result, two Lutheran church bodies were established in Malaya; the TELC districts in Malaya were reconstituted as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malaysia and Singapore (ELCMS) on 13 August 1962 whereas the mainly Chinese congregations of the American Mission was organised the Lutheran Church in Malaysia a year later on 3 August 1963 In 1966, Bertil Envall was consecrated as the first Bishop of the ELCMS.
On 31 October 1976, E.B. Muthusami was consecrated as the first local bishop. In 1994, due to the changes in legislation, congregations of the ELCMS in Singapore were separated and joined the Southern District of the Lutheran Church in Malaysia and Singapore to form the Lutheran Church in Singapore. The ELCMS was then renamed the ELCM.
Missions and social work.
The ELCM actively supports local mission work as well as overseas mission work in Bangladesh, Myanmar, Indonesia and India. The ELCM pioneered work among people suffering from epilepsy when it set up a training centre for epileptic children in Hutan Melintang, Perak known as Bethany Home in the 1966.
Beliefs and practices.
The ELCM is a member church of the Lutheran World Federation, a communion of Lutheran Churches throughout the world. As a Church in the Lutheran tradition, it accepts and confesses the teachings found in the unaltered Augsburg Confession, Luther's Small Catechism and the other confessional articles and symbols of the Book of Concord.
Languages in use.
Due to the historical heritage of the ELCM, Tamil and English remains the primary language of ministry and liturgy in the church, but the use of Malay has been increased over the last decade.
Structure and organisation.
The polity of the ELCM is episcopal in structure. A Bishop is elected for life by the Diocesan Assembly which meets annually to decide on policy matters and elect a Diocesan Council chaired by the bishop.
The ELCM is further divided into 3 geographical districts for administrative purposes.
Bishops of the ELCM.
The current bishop, Steven Lawrence, is the fifth bishop of the ELCM and is responsible for the day-to-day administration, doctrinal, ministerial, pastoral, liturgical, ecclesiological, legislative and administrative matters of the church.
Schools and colleges.
ELCM congregations have been centres for pre-school education since the beginning and was a founding member of the governing council of Seminari Theologi Malaysia.
The ELCM participates actively in ecumenical relationships through:
The ELCM also works in partnership with:
<doc id="27088828" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088828" title="Vexillum thila">
Vexillum thila
Vexillum thila is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088830" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088830" title="Free State of Congo">
Free State of Congo
<doc id="27088831" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088831" title="Vexillum thorssoni">
Vexillum thorssoni
Vexillum thorssoni is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088833" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088833" title="Vexillum torotortum">
Vexillum torotortum
Vexillum torotortum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088835" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088835" title="Senko no Night Raid">
Senko no Night Raid
<doc id="27088836" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088836" title="Vexillum turben">
Vexillum turben
Vexillum turben is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088837" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088837" title="Senkou no Night Raid">
Senkou no Night Raid
<doc id="27088838" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088838" title="Vexillum tusum">
Vexillum tusum
Vexillum tusum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088839" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088839" title="Vexillum unifascialis">
Vexillum unifascialis
Vexillum (Pusia) unifascialis, common name : the Golden Mitre, is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The epithet is sometimes spelled as "unifasciale"
There is one subspecies : "Vexillum unifascialis affinis" (Reeve, 1844) and one forma : Vexillum (Pusia) unifasciale venustula (f) (Reeve, L.A., 1844)
The shell size varies between 8 mm and 29 mm.
This species is distributed in the Red Sea, the Persian Gulf and in the Indian Ocean along the Mascarene Basin in the Indo-West Pacific and in the Pacific Ocean along the Philippines, Japan, Australia, Papua New Guinea and Polynesia.
<doc id="27088840" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088840" title="Vexillum variatum">
Vexillum variatum
Vexillum variatum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088841" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088841" title="Pusia zebrina">
Pusia zebrina
Pusia zebrina is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
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<doc id="27088842" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088842" title="Vexillum granum">
Vexillum granum
<doc id="27088844" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088844" title="Vexillum hypatiae">
Vexillum hypatiae
Vexillum hypatiae is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088846" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088846" title="Vexillum savignyi">
Vexillum savignyi
<doc id="27088847" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088847" title="Vexillum tricolor">
Vexillum tricolor
<doc id="27088848" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088848" title="Vexillum isaoi">
Vexillum isaoi
Vexillum isaoi is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088850" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088850" title="Vexillum albofulvum">
Vexillum albofulvum
Vexillum albofulvum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The shell size varies between 45mm and 65 mm
This species is found along the Philippines.
<doc id="27088853" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088853" title="Vexillum cingulatum">
Vexillum cingulatum
Vexillum cingulatum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088855" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088855" title="Vexillum citrinum">
Vexillum citrinum
Vexillum (Vexillum) citrinum, common name : the Queen Mitre, is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The shell size varies between 50 mm and 86 mm.
This species is distributed in the Indian Ocean along East Africa, Madagascar and in the Western Pacific.
<doc id="27088856" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088856" title="Vexillum coccineum">
Vexillum coccineum
Vexillum coccineum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088857" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088857" title="Vexillum curviliratum">
Vexillum curviliratum
Vexillum curviliratum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088858" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088858" title="Vexillum dennisoni">
Vexillum dennisoni
Vexillum (Vexillum) dennisoni, common name : the Dennison's mitre, is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The shell size of the "vexillum dennisoni" varies between 40 mm and 66 mm
This species is distributed in the seas along India and the Philippines.
<doc id="27088859" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088859" title="Vexillum formosense">
Vexillum formosense
Vexillum formosense is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088860" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088860" title="U. rex">
U. rex
<doc id="27088861" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088861" title="Vexillum gruneri">
Vexillum gruneri
Vexillum gruneri is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088863" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088863" title="Vexillum intermedium">
Vexillum intermedium
Vexillum (Vexillum) intermedium, common name : the intermediate mitre, is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
This species occurs in the Red Sea, in the Indian Ocean along Madagascar and in the Pacific Ocean along Queensland, Australia.
<doc id="27088865" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088865" title="Vexillum interstriatum">
Vexillum interstriatum
Vexillum interstriatum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088866" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088866" title="Vexillum jukesii">
Vexillum jukesii
Vexillum jukesii is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088868" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088868" title="Vexillum lyratum">
Vexillum lyratum
Vexillum lyratum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088869" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088869" title="Ray Corcoran">
Ray Corcoran
Ray Corcoran is an Australian former rugby league footballer who played in the 1960s and 1970s.
Playing career.
He was a member of the Cronulla-Sutherland club for eight seasons between 1968 and 1975. His usual position was on the wing. Corcoran's career total of 63 tries is currently the fifth-highest total for the club, and was the highest when he retired in 1975. He was selected to play for New South Wales on one occasion in 1970.
Corcoran played for Cronulla-Sutherland on the wing in the 1973 NSWRFL season's Premiership Final loss against Manly-Warringah.
Post playing.
In 2016, Corcoran was nominated for Cronulla's "Team of the half century" but was overlooked in favour of Valentine Holmes and Mat Rogers.
<doc id="27088870" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088870" title="Vexillum maduranum">
Vexillum maduranum
Vexillum maduranum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088873" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088873" title="Vexillum melongena">
Vexillum melongena
Vexillum melongena is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088874" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088874" title="Vexillum pedroi">
Vexillum pedroi
Vexillum pedroi is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088876" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088876" title="Vexillum plicarium">
Vexillum plicarium
Vexillum (Vexillum) plicarium, common name : the Plaited Mitre, is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The shell size varies between 30 mm and 66 mm. This shell is usually white with black or dark brown spiral bands, but the basic color may also be cream or orange. The interior is white. The shape is fusiform, with various nodulose spiral ribs.
This species is distributed in the Andaman Sea and in the Pacific Ocean along Samoa and the Philippines.
<doc id="27088878" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088878" title="Vexillum rugosum">
Vexillum rugosum
Vexillum rugosum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The subspecies "Vexillum rugosum intermediatum" [sic] has become a synonym of "Vexillum (Vexillum) intermedium" (Kiener, 1838)
<doc id="27088879" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088879" title="Vexillum subdivisum">
Vexillum subdivisum
Vexillum (Vexillum) subdivisum, common name : the Costate Mitre, is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The shell size varies between 30 mm and 60 mm
This species is distributed in the Indian Ocean along Mauritius and in the Pacific Ocean along Australia, Papua New Guinea and Okinawa.
<doc id="27088880" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088880" title="Vexillum superbiens">
Vexillum superbiens
Vexillum superbiens is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088881" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088881" title="Vexillum taeniatum">
Vexillum taeniatum
Vexillum taeniatum, common name: the ribboned mitre, is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The shell size varies between 38 mm and 85 mm.
This species is distributed in the Indian Ocean along Madagascar and in the Pacific Ocean along the Philippines, Indonesia, Fiji, Papua New Guinea and in the Gulf of Thailand.
<doc id="27088882" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088882" title="M. rex">
M. rex
M. rex may refer to:
<doc id="27088884" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088884" title="Vexillum taylorianum">
Vexillum taylorianum
Vexillum taylorianum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088886" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088886" title="Vexillum tumidum">
Vexillum tumidum
Vexillum tumidum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088887" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088887" title="Vexillum vulpecula">
Vexillum vulpecula
Vexillum (Vexillum) vulpecula, common name : the Little Fox Mitre, is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The shell size varies between 27 mm and 72 mm
This species is distributed in the Indo-West Pacific along Madagascar and Mozambique and in the Pacific Ocean along Australia, the Philippines, Fiji and Okinawa.
<doc id="27088889" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088889" title="Vexillum albolineatum">
Vexillum albolineatum
Vexillum albolineatum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088890" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088890" title="Vexillum arabicum">
Vexillum arabicum
Vexillum arabicum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088892" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088892" title="Vexillum arestum">
Vexillum arestum
<doc id="27088893" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088893" title="Vexillum asperum">
Vexillum asperum
Vexillum asperum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088894" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088894" title="Fort Boishebert">
Fort Boishebert
Fort Boishébert (originally known as Fort Nerepis) is a National Historic Site at Woodmans Point outside the Town of Grand Bay–Westfield, Kings County, New Brunswick, Canada. Located at the confluence of the Saint John River and Nerepis rivers, the fort may have had its origins as a fortified aboriginal village. Joseph Robineau de Villebon noted this in a letter dated October 22, 1696, "Sr. de Neuvillette reported that he was continuing on his way down river and would, as he passed the fort of the Nerepis Indians..." Earlier in October 1696, French soldiers upon being rescued by Nerepis, retreated to Fort Nerepis after being attacked by a small English fleet that had entered Saint John Harbour.
In 1749, during Father Le Loutre's War, Charles Deschamps de Boishébert et de Raffetot rebuilt the fort after withdrawing from the mouth of the Saint John River under the terms of an agreement arranged by Captain John Rous and Edward How. The fort was subsequently abandoned in 1751 by Sr. de Gaspe when the French reestablished their control and fortified the mouth of the Saint John River with Fort Menagoueche.
The site was designated a National Historic Site in 1930.
Secondary Sources:
<doc id="27088895" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088895" title="Vexillum baeri">
Vexillum baeri
Vexillum baeri is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088896" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088896" title="Vexillum bernhardina">
Vexillum bernhardina
<doc id="27088898" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088898" title="Vexillum chinoi">
Vexillum chinoi
Vexillum chinoi is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088899" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088899" title="Vexillum chocotinctum">
Vexillum chocotinctum
Vexillum chocotinctum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088900" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088900" title="Vexillum cineria">
Vexillum cineria
<doc id="27088901" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088901" title="Vexillum cumingi">
Vexillum cumingi
<doc id="27088902" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088902" title="Vexillum epiphaneum">
Vexillum epiphaneum
Vexillum epiphaneum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088903" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088903" title="United Nations Security Council Resolution 1063">
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1063
United Nations Security Council resolution 1063, adopted unanimously on 28 June 1996, after recalling all Security Council and General Assembly resolutions on Haiti and the termination of the United Nations Mission in Haiti (UNMIH) on 30 June 1996 in accordance with Resolution 1048 (1996), the Council decided to establish the United Nations Support Mission in Haiti (UNSMIH) to train a national police force and maintain a stable environment.
The Security Council affirmed the importance of a fully operational professional Haitian police force and the revitalisation of the legal system. In this regard, UNSMIH was established to maintain a stable environment and assist in the training of a new police force, initially until 30 November 1996. The mission would initially consist of 300 policemen and 600 troops. Haiti also had to quickly receive additional financial support from international institutions for the reconstruction of the country.
Finally, the Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali requested by 30 September 1996 to report on the implementation of the current resolution and to seek further opportunities to reduce the operational costs of UNSMIH.
<doc id="27088904" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088904" title="Vexillum fidicula">
Vexillum fidicula
Vexillum fidicula is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088905" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088905" title="Vexillum flaveoricum">
Vexillum flaveoricum
Vexillum flaveoricum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088906" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088906" title="Vexillum fulvosulcatum">
Vexillum fulvosulcatum
<doc id="27088907" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088907" title="Vexillum fuscobandatum">
Vexillum fuscobandatum
Vexillum fuscobandatum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088911" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088911" title="Vexillum garciai">
Vexillum garciai
Vexillum garciai is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088913" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088913" title="Vexillum gemmatum">
Vexillum gemmatum
<doc id="27088914" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088914" title="Vexillum geronimae">
Vexillum geronimae
Vexillum geronimae is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088916" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088916" title="Vexillum giselae">
Vexillum giselae
Vexillum giselae is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088917" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088917" title="Vexillum gloriae">
Vexillum gloriae
Vexillum gloriae is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
(description) http://www.poppe-images.com/?t=17&photoid=956951
<doc id="27088919" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088919" title="Vexillum humilis">
Vexillum humilis
<doc id="27088921" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088921" title="Vexillum ismene">
Vexillum ismene
Vexillum ismene is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088922" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088922" title="Vexillum jeciliae">
Vexillum jeciliae
Vexillum jeciliae is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088923" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088923" title="Vexillum kimiyum">
Vexillum kimiyum
Vexillum kimiyum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088924" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088924" title="Vexillum klytios">
Vexillum klytios
Vexillum klytios is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088925" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088925" title="Vexillum kraussi">
Vexillum kraussi
Vexillum kraussi is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088928" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088928" title="Vexillum kuiperi">
Vexillum kuiperi
Vexillum kuiperi is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088929" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088929" title="B. rex">
B. rex
<doc id="27088930" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088930" title="Joe Calvin Devance, Jr.">
Joe Calvin Devance, Jr.
<doc id="27088932" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088932" title="Vexillum leyteensis">
Vexillum leyteensis
Vexillum leyteensis is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088934" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088934" title="Vexillum lubens">
Vexillum lubens
<doc id="27088938" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088938" title="Vexillum mccauslandi">
Vexillum mccauslandi
Vexillum mccauslandi is a species of small sea snail in the family Costellariidae.
<doc id="27088939" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088939" title="Vexillum nivale">
Vexillum nivale
Vexillum nivale is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088941" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088941" title="Vexillum pacificum">
Vexillum pacificum
Vexillum pacificum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088943" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088943" title="Vexillum pelaezi">
Vexillum pelaezi
Vexillum pelaezi is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088944" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088944" title="Vexillum philtwoi">
Vexillum philtwoi
Vexillum philtwoi is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088945" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088945" title="Vexillum praefulguratum">
Vexillum praefulguratum
Vexillum praefulguratum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088946" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088946" title="Decoda">
<doc id="27088948" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088948" title="Little Dímun">
Little Dímun
<doc id="27088949" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088949" title="Vexillum pratasense">
Vexillum pratasense
<doc id="27088951" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088951" title="Joe Calvin Devance">
Joe Calvin Devance
<doc id="27088952" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088952" title="Vexillum renatoi">
Vexillum renatoi
Vexillum renatoi is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088953" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088953" title="Vexillum rodgersi">
Vexillum rodgersi
Vexillum rodgersi is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088954" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088954" title="Vexillum ronnyi">
Vexillum ronnyi
Vexillum ronnyi is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088955" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088955" title="Vexillum rusticum">
Vexillum rusticum
Vexillum rusticum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088956" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088956" title="Vexillum sinuosum">
Vexillum sinuosum
Vexillum sinuosum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
The shell size is 5.2 cm
This species is distributed in the seas along Northwest Australia
<doc id="27088957" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088957" title="Vexillum stephanuchum">
Vexillum stephanuchum
Vexillum stephanuchum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088958" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088958" title="Vexillum stercopunctis">
Vexillum stercopunctis
Vexillum stercopunctis is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088959" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088959" title="Vexillum takisaoi">
Vexillum takisaoi
<doc id="27088960" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088960" title="Vexillum tankervillei">
Vexillum tankervillei
Vexillum tankervillei is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088961" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088961" title="Vexillum torricella">
Vexillum torricella
Vexillum torricella is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088962" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088962" title="Vexillum tuberosum">
Vexillum tuberosum
<doc id="27088963" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088963" title="P. rex">
P. rex
P. rex may refer to:
<doc id="27088964" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088964" title="Vexillum varicosum">
Vexillum varicosum
Vexillum varicosum is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088965" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088965" title="Vexillum venustum">
Vexillum venustum
<doc id="27088966" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088966" title="Vexillum wandoense">
Vexillum wandoense
Vexillum wandoense is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088967" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088967" title="Visaya rosenbergi">
Visaya rosenbergi
<doc id="27088968" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088968" title="Zierliana anthracina">
Zierliana anthracina
<doc id="27088969" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088969" title="Zierliana oleacea">
Zierliana oleacea
<doc id="27088970" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088970" title="Zierliana woldemarii">
Zierliana woldemarii
Zierliana woldemarii is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Costellariidae, the ribbed miters.
<doc id="27088971" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088971" title="Zierliana ziervogelii">
Zierliana ziervogelii
<doc id="27088976" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088976" title="C. rex">
C. rex
C. rex may refer to:
Dinosaur Specimens.
C. rex, the largest specimen of "Tyrannosaurus rex"
<doc id="27088977" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088977" title="A. rex">
A. rex
A. rex may refer to:
<doc id="27088984" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088984" title="R. rex">
R. rex
R. rex may refer to:
<doc id="27088986" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088986" title="1994 German Figure Skating Championships">
1994 German Figure Skating Championships
The 1994 German Figure Skating Championships () took place on December 17–18, 1993 in Herne. Skaters competed in the disciplines of men's singles, ladies' singles, pair skating, ice dancing, and precision skating on the senior and junior levels.
<doc id="27088988" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088988" title="Paired box gene 8">
Paired box gene 8
<doc id="27088992" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088992" title="Best South African university">
Best South African university
<doc id="27088994" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088994" title="Top South African university">
Top South African university
<doc id="27088995" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27088995" title="List of Birmingham City University people">
List of Birmingham City University people
This is a list of notable alumni and staff of Birmingham City University, in Birmingham, England, and its predecessor institutions:
<doc id="27089006" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27089006" title="Twelve-fold way">
Twelve-fold way
<doc id="27089010" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27089010" title="Walter Thurmond">
Walter Thurmond
Walter Riley Thurmond III (born August 12, 1987) is a former American football safety. He was drafted by the Seattle Seahawks of the National Football League (NFL) in the fourth round of the 2010 NFL Draft. He won Super Bowl XLVIII with the Seahawks over the Denver Broncos, and he also played for the New York Giants and Philadelphia Eagles. He played college football at Oregon. He also played recreational softball in Philly in spring 2016 under the pseudonym Dick Mahoney.
Thurmond was a founding member of the historically great Seahawks defensive unit nicknamed the Legion of Boom.
Early years.
Thurmond attended West Covina High School in West Covina, California, where he was a two-sport star in both football and track. Considered one of California’s fastest players, he helped lead West Covina to the CIF Southern Section Division VII championship and a 11-2-1. He recorded 29 receptions for 730 yards and seven touchdowns his senior season in addition to rushing for more than 400 yards and two more scores. He added 85 tackles and five interceptions to earn All-San Gabriel Valley Region honors. He also received All-CIF Southern Section second-team plaudits as a wide receiver in 2004 after attracting first-team All-San Antonio League, All-CIF And all-Valley attention following his 2003 campaign.
Also a standout in track & field, Thurmond made it to the finals of the 2005 USATF Junior Championships in the 110m hurdles, placing eight (14.65 s). As a junior, he ran a season-best time of 14.29 seconds, and in the CIF State Meet, he missed the final by only .10 seconds. He owned personal-bests of 14.16 seconds in the 110m hurdles, 6-8 (2.04m) in the high jump and 15-7 (4.81m) in the pole vault.
College career.
Thurmond played football and ran track at the University of Oregon from 2005 to 2009. He became a starter as a redshirt freshman in 2006, earning honorable mention for the all-Pac-10 team. Thurmond III once again was awarded an honorable mention all-Pac-10 in 2007. After battling injuries in 2008, Thurmond III finished with 5 interceptions, along with one in the 2008 Holiday Bowl.
On September 26 against Cal, Thurmond III was hurt and did not return after a hit to the knee on the opening kickoff return. It was later determined that Thurmond III had torn three ligaments in his knee, and would miss the remainder of the 2009 season.
Professional career.
Seattle Seahawks.
Thurmond was drafted by the Seattle Seahawks in the fourth round (111th overall) of the 2010 NFL draft. He was signed to a contract on June 17, 2010. He was expected to replace Kelly Jennings as the starting corner for the 2011 season.
On October 24, 2011, Thurmond was placed on injured reserve with a broken fibula and high ankle sprain, ending his season. On November 24, 2013, Thurmond was suspended for four games for violating the NFL's policy on substance abuse.
Super Bowl XLVIII.
Before the 2013 NFL season, Thurmond's previous seasons were hampered by injuries that ultimately delayed his development. Thurmond began the 2013 NFL season serving a four-game suspension then returned to replace Brandon Browner who had lost trail speed and was less effective in slot coverage. The Seahawks' secondary would ultimately thrive in 2013 with him, Brandon Browner, Richard Sherman, Kam Chancellor, Earl Thomas, and Byron Maxwell all excelling together as the Legion of Boom. Thurmond defended the slot throughout the season and stepped in for the suspended Browner in the postseason to help the Seahawks franchise win its first Super Bowl, defeating the Denver Broncos, 43–8. After the success of the Seahawks' secondary, Thurmond became a coveted free agent along with former teammate Brandon Browner.
New York Giants.
Thurmond was signed to a one-year deal with the New York Giants on March 16, 2014.
On September 15, 2014, Thurmond was placed on injured reserve after a torn pectoral sustained in a Week 2 game against the Arizona Cardinals.
Philadelphia Eagles.
On March 11, 2015, Thurmond signed a one-year deal with the Philadelphia Eagles.
During the off-season, Thurmond changed position to safety due to the team's lack of depth at the position. He started the season strong, intercepting 3 passes in the first 5 games, which at the time made him the NFL's co-leader in interceptions. On November 15, 2015, Thurmond converted a safety against the Dolphins in a 20–19 loss.
In a week 17 win over the Giants, his former team, he intercepted Eli Manning and returned it 83 yards for a touchdown. This is recorded in professional game logs as a fumble recovery and does not count towards his interception total.
Thurmond had his best year statistically, with 71 tackles, 3 interceptions, 7 pass deflections, 2 sacks, 2 forced fumbles, and 1 safety, all career highs.
Although Thurmond was a sought after free agent and had offers of over $4 million per year, Thurmond decided to retire on May 31, 2016.
<doc id="27089013" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27089013" title="PAX8-PPARγ1">
<doc id="27089018" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27089018" title="Jamaica walnut">
Jamaica walnut
<doc id="27089025" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27089025" title="Incident on Wolfe Street">
Incident on Wolfe Street
<doc id="27089028" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27089028" title="خرمشهر">
<doc id="27089031" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27089031" title="Death at the Blue Elephant">
Death at the Blue Elephant
<doc id="27089034" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27089034" title="Para rubber tree">
Para rubber tree
<doc id="27089040" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27089040" title="Διεθνιστική Εργατική Αριστερά (ΔΕΑ)">
Διεθνιστική Εργατική Αριστερά (ΔΕΑ)
<doc id="27089041" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27089041" title="The Silken Road to Samarkand">
The Silken Road to Samarkand
<doc id="27089042" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27089042" title="Austromitra">
Austromitra is a genus of sea snails, marine gastropod mollusks in the family Costellariidae.
Species within the genus "Austromitra" include:
Animalia (Kingdom)
Mollusca (Phylum)
Gastropoda (Class)
Caenogastropoda (Subclass)
Neogastropoda (Order)
Turbinelloidea (Superfamily)
Costellariidae (Family)
Austromitra (Genus)
<doc id="27089046" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27089046" title="Magdeburg Hauptbahnhof">
Magdeburg Hauptbahnhof
Magdeburg Hauptbahnhof (German for Magdeburg main station, sometimes translated as Magdeburg Central Station) is the main railway station in the city of Magdeburg in the northern part of the German state of Saxony-Anhalt.
The station is the main station of Magdeburg and along with Halle Hauptbahnhof the centre of long-distance rail transport in Saxony-Anhalt. It is also connected to the Magdeburg S-Bahn network and the HarzElbeExpress regional rail network.
The current main station is built on the site of the western side of the former Magdeburg Fortress. Several competing railway companies had built lines to Magdeburg between 1839 and 1849, each with their own stations. They were built on the west bank of the Elbe river, on reclaimed land. With the increasing industrialisation and growing importance of Magdeburg, the need for space at stations grew. A central station, however, was not feasible at first.
As the existing railway facilities in Magdeburg became more inadequate the construction of a central station became more urgent. Both the city of Magdeburg and various railway companies conducted lengthy negotiations with the military with the objective of buying the grounds of the disused fortress. In 1870, three railway companies, the Berlin-Potsdam-Magdeburg Railway, the Magdeburg-Halberstadt Railway, Magdeburg-Leipzig Railway finally reached an agreement to buy the 33 hectares of the fortifications from the state of Prussia.
The foundation stone for the new Magdeburg station was laid in 1870. The companies involved were the Berlin-Potsdam-Magdeburg Railway, the Magdeburg-Halberstadt Railway, both of which had been strongly affected by the confined spaces of the stations on the banks of the Elbe, and lastly, the Magdeburg-Leipzig Railway which was less troubled by its existing infrastructure.
The companies built two entrance buildings. The Magdeburg-Leipzig Railway constructed the eastern entrance building in the style of a Tuscan palace between 1872 and 1882. Its cladding consists of sandstone obtained from Königslutter. The western entrance building was built by the Berlin-Potsdam-Magdeburg Railway and was shared with the Magdeburg-Halberstadt Railway. In contrast to the eastern building, Nebra sandstone was used for the north facade of the western building, its walls were made of bricks faced with stone. Both buildings were of equal length and connected with each other by separate tunnels for passengers and baggage.
On 15 May 1873 the first train ran between the new station and the town of Burg. The official opening took place on 18 August 1873. Construction works continued until 1893. In addition to the passenger station there were also extensive freight facilities.
On 1 July 1923 the first electric train ran from Zerbst to Magdeburg Hauptbahnhof. Electrification had begun in 1910, but had been interrupted by World War I. From 7 October 1934 electric trains also ran to Halle.
Damage in World War II.
As an infrastructure building, the central station was subject of heavy bombing during World War II. On 16 January 1945 the station was hit in a severe air raid on the city. The western station building was completely destroyed and never rebuilt, while the eastern entrance building was heavily damaged and the platform halls were partially collapsed. The tracks were littered with bomb craters and the signal boxes were partially destroyed by the bombing.
Reconstruction after 1945.
At the end of March 1946, the restoration of the electrification had been completed on the rail networks in the Soviet occupation zone. Then, the Soviet military authorities then demanded the removal of the overhead line equipment and the transfer of the electrical rolling stock as reparations to the Soviet Union, which was partly returned in the early 1950s in need of repair. The rail network was then electrified for the third time, and electric train operation resumed in 1956. Reconstructed of the main station started in 1946, but the platform halls were omitted.
In 1974, the Magdeburg S-Bahn was established. More extensive alterations were made in 1984. After German reunification in 1992, platforms were lengthened to allow Intercity-Express operation. In 2003, the pedestrian tunnel was extended to connect the various platforms to an entrance on the western side of the station. The station was modernised again between 2008 and 2015 at a cost of about €300 million.
Train services.
The following services currently call at the station:
<doc id="27089054" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27089054" title="Costellaria">
<doc id="27089055" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27089055" title="Mitromica">
Mitromica is a genus of small sea snails, marine gastropod mollusks in the family Costellariidae.
Species within the genus "Mitromica" include:
Biota > Animalia (Kingdom) > Mollusca (Phylum) > Gastropoda (Class) > Caenogastropoda (Subclass) > Neogastropoda (Order) > Turbinelloidea (Superfamily) > Costellariidae (Family) > Mitromica (Genus)
<doc id="27089056" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27089056" title="Thala (gastropod)">
Thala (gastropod)
Thala is a genus of sea snails, marine gastropod mollusks in the family Costellariidae.
Species within the genus "Thala" include:
<doc id="27089057" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27089057" title="Vexillum (gastropod)">
Vexillum (gastropod)
Vexillum is a genus of small to medium-sized sea snails, marine gastropod mollusks in the family Costellariidae.
This genus is not monophyletic. It is considered a "dumping ground" for an array of unrelated forms.
The shell is elongated, turreted, longitudinally ribbed or plicate. The spire is acuminated. The aperture is narrow. The columella shows numerous plaits. The outer lip is internally striated.
Species within the genus "Vexillum" include:
<doc id="27089060" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=27089060" title="Zierliana">
move.w #$0100,d0
clr.l d1
move.w #$0400,d4
clr.l d2
move.w #$1000,d3
addi.b #$10,d2
add.w d0,d1
cmp.w d1,d4
bgt.s NotReached
sub.w d2,d1
subi.w #$1000,d3
bpl.s NotReached
move.w d1,d0
swap d0
move.w d3,d0
sep #%00100000 ;8 bit accumulator
ldx #4 ;modifying 5 locations
loop lda $ab1234,x ;load
inc a ;increment
sta $ab1234,x ;store
bpl loop ;next
phb ;save current data bank
sep #%00110000 ;8 bit registers
lda #$ab ;target bank
pha ;push it to the stack & pull it...
plb ;into DB, making it the default bank
ldx #4 ;modifying 5 locations
loop inc $1234,x ;effectively INC $AB1234,X
bpl loop ;next
plb ;restore previous bank
sei ;IRQs off
wai ;wait for interrupt
lda via001 ;start of interrupt handler
[ "x$1" == "x" ] && TARGET_DIR=(".")
function confirmDeletion() {
local confirm=""
until [ "x$confirm" == 'xy' ] || [ "x$confirm" == 'xn' ]
read -ep " Delete [y/n]: " confirm
confirm=$(echo "$confirm" | tr [:upper:] [:lower:])
[ "x$confirm" == 'xy' ]
function deleteWithConfirmation() {
for file in "${@}"
if rm "$file"; then
echo " OK: $file"
echo " FAIL: $file"
for i in {'*~','a.out','*.o','*.gch','*nppdf32Log*'}
echo "Files matching: $i"
while read -rd '' file
echo " $file"
done < <(find "${TARGET_DIR[@]}" -depth -iname "$i" -print0)
if [ "x${FILES[*]}" != "x" ]; then
if confirmDeletion; then
deleteWithConfirmation "${FILES[@]}"
echo " Skipping"
Return the open file descriptor to the calling function via the eight bit accumulator by overwriting the appropriate register stack frame element:
sep #%00100000 ;select 8 bit accumulator
lda #0 ;clear...
xba ;.B
lda filedes ;get file descriptor, ...
rep #%00100000 ;select 16 bit accumulator &...
sta reg_a,s ;overwrite .C's stack copy
When the accumulator is pulled it will contain the value that was in filedes.
Flag an error by setting the carry bit in SR:
sep #%00100000 ;select 8 bit accumulator
lda reg_sr,s ;stack copy of SR
ora #%00000001 ;set carry bit &...
sta reg_sr,s ;rewrite
Flag a successful operation by clearing the carry bit in SR:
sep #%00100000 ;select 8 bit accumulator
lda reg_sr,s ;stack copy of SR
and #%11111110 ;clear carry bit &...
sta reg_sr,s ;rewrite
class PromptFormat:
botname = "Chatbort"
username = "User"
def __init__(self):
def default_system_prompt(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def first_prompt(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def subs_prompt(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def stop_conditions(self, tokenizer):
raise NotImplementedError
def encoding_options(self): # (add_bos, add_eos, encode_special_tokens)
raise NotImplementedError
def print_bot_name(self):
return False
def print_extra_newline(self):
return False
class PromptFormat_raw(PromptFormat):
description = "Model-agnostic mode simulating a raw chatlog"
def __init__(self):
def default_system_prompt(self):
return \
f"""This is a conversation between a helpful AI assistant named {self.botname} and a """ + \
(f"""user named {self.username}.""" if self.username != "User" else """user.""")
def first_prompt(self):
return \
f"""<|system_prompt|>\n{self.username}: <|user_prompt|>\n{self.botname}:"""
def subs_prompt(self):
return \
f"""{self.username}: <|user_prompt|>\n{self.botname}:"""
def stop_conditions(self, tokenizer):
return \
[self.username + ":",
self.username[0:1] + ":",
self.username.upper() + ":",
self.username.lower() + ":",
def encoding_options(self):
return False, False, False
def print_bot_name(self):
return True
class PromptFormat_llama(PromptFormat):
description = "Llama-chat, Llama2-chat and Mistral-instruct models"
def __init__(self):
def default_system_prompt(self):
return \
"""You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Always answer as helpfully as possible, while being safe. """ + \
"""Your answers should not include any harmful, unethical, racist, sexist, toxic, dangerous, or illegal content. """ + \
"""Please ensure that your responses are socially unbiased and positive in nature."""
def first_prompt(self):
return \
"""[INST] <<SYS>>\n<|system_prompt|>\n<</SYS>>\n\n<|user_prompt|> [/INST]"""
def subs_prompt(self):
return \
"""[INST] <|user_prompt|> [/INST]"""
def stop_conditions(self, tokenizer):
return \
def encoding_options(self):
return True, False, False
def print_extra_newline(self):
return True
def build_attn_mask(self, batch_size, seq_len, past_len, input_mask, device):
if input_mask is None and seq_len == 1: return None
if isinstance(past_len, tuple):
attn_masks = []
for i in range(len(past_len[1])):
attn_mask = torch.zeros((1, 1, seq_len, past_len[1][i] + seq_len), dtype = torch.float16, device = device)
attn_mask_triu = torch.triu(torch.full((seq_len - 1, seq_len - 1), -65504.))
attn_mask[:, :, : seq_len - 1, past_len[1][i] + 1: past_len[1][i] + seq_len] = attn_mask_triu
if input_mask is not None:
min_mask_width = min(input_mask[i].shape[-1], seq_len + past_len[1][i])
input_mask_part = safe_move_tensor(input_mask[i][:, :min_mask_width], attn_mask.device)
input_mask_part = input_mask_part.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2)
attn_mask[:, :, :, :min_mask_width] = torch.minimum(attn_mask[:, :, :, :min_mask_width], input_mask_part)
return attn_masks
attn_mask = torch.zeros((batch_size, 1, seq_len, past_len + seq_len), dtype = torch.float16, device = device)
attn_mask_triu = torch.triu(torch.full((seq_len - 1, seq_len - 1), -65504.))
attn_mask[:, :, : seq_len - 1, past_len + 1: past_len + seq_len] = attn_mask_triu
if input_mask is not None:
min_mask_width = min(input_mask.shape[-1], seq_len + past_len)
input_mask_part = safe_move_tensor(input_mask[:, :min_mask_width], attn_mask.device)
input_mask_part = input_mask_part.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2)
attn_mask[:, :, :, :min_mask_width] = torch.minimum(attn_mask[:, :, :, :min_mask_width], input_mask_part)
return attn_mask
We have to develop a Java program to calculate the sum of n natural numbers. Sum of natural number N as given as sum = 1+2+3+….+N
1+2+3+4+5 = 15
1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10 = 55
Procedure to develop a method to find the sum of N natural numbers in Java,
Take the N value.
Declare an iterator variable and initialize it with 1 because natural numbers start with 1.
Add iterator variable value into the sum variable
Increase the value of the iterator variable by 1
Repeat 3 and 4 steps until the number remains greater than the iterator variable
The time complexity of this procedure is O(n).
import java.util.Scanner;
public class NaturalNumberSum {
// method to find sum of N natural numbers
public static int naturalNumberSum(int number){
int i = 1; // iterator variable
// variable to store sum value
int sum = 0;
// loop to repeat the process
while (i<=number) {
// add into sum value
sum = sum + i;
// increase iterator variable
// return sum value
return sum;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// declare variables
int number = 0;
int sum = 0;
// create Scanner class object
Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
// read input
System.out.print("Enter N value:: ");
number = scan.nextInt();
// Calculate the sum value
sum = naturalNumberSum(number);
// display result
System.out.println("Sum = "+sum);
// close Scanner class objects
The output for different test-cases:-
Enter N value:: 5
Sum = 15
Enter N value:: 10
Sum = 55
In this program, we have used a while loop to find the sum of natural numbers in Java. While loop is a pre-test loop where the expression is evaluated then only statements are executed. It uses a test expression to control the loop. Before every iteration of the loop, the test expression is evaluated.
Also See:-
Sum of digits of a number
The sum of even digits in a number
Sum of odd digits in a number
Sum of first & last digit of a number
The Sum of Digits Until Single Digit
We can also use for loop instead of using a while loop. The for loop is also a pre-test loop, where first of all initialization expression is evaluated then the condition is checked and if the condition is true then only the statements of the for loop are executed.
public static int naturalNumberSum(int number){
int sum = 0;
for(int i=1; i<=number; i++)
return sum;
public static int naturalNumberSum(int number){
int sum = 0;
for(int i=1; ; sum+=i, i++)
if(i>number) return sum;
The time complexity of all above methods are O(n).
Sum of Natural Numbers in Java without using the loop
We can also do the same work without using the loop. The formula for this operation,
Sum = n * (n+1) / 2;
Sum of first 10 natural numbers = 10*(10+1)/2 = 10*11/2 = 5*11 = 55
It is the best way to find the sum of natural numbers. The time complexity of this method is O(1).
import java.util.Scanner;
public class NaturalNumberSum {
// method to find sum of N natural numbers
public static int naturalNumberSum(int number){
return number*(number+1)/2;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// declare variables
int number = 0;
int sum = 0;
// create Scanner class object
Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
// read input
System.out.print("Enter N value:: ");
number = scan.nextInt();
// Calculate the sum value
sum = naturalNumberSum(number);
// display result
System.out.println("Sum = "+sum);
// close Scanner class objects
Using recursion
We already developed java program to find the sum of the natural number using for loop, or while loop, or without using the loop. Now we will find the same using the recursion technique. In Recursion, We divided the big problems into smaller problems or sub-problems.
Sum of N natural numbers given as 1+2+….+(n-1)+n. So, the problem can be divided as n + ( (n-1) +… + 2 + 1 )
General case for finding the sum of natural number => sum(n) = n + sum(n-1); Similarly, the base case for finding the sum of natural number => sum(0) = 0; or sum(1) = 1;
module jtransmissiongatetb;
wire y;
reg a,control;
jtransmissiongate jtgate(y,control,a);
$display ("RESULT\ta\ty");
a = 0; control = 0; # 50; // Initial value is set
if ( y === 1'bz ) // Test for inversion
$display ("PASS \t%d\t%d",a,y);
$display ("FAIL \t%d\t%d",a,y);
control = 1; # 50; // Simply change the control signal
control = 0; # 50; // Simply change the control signal
control = 1; # 50; // Simply change the control signal
control = 0; # 50; // Simply change the control signal
a = 0; control = 1; # 50; // Initial value is set
if ( y === 0 ) // Test for inversion
$display ("PASS \t%d\t%d",a,y);
$display ("FAIL \t%d\t%d",a,y);
a = 1; control = 0; # 50; // Another value
if ( y === 1'bz ) // Test for inversion
$display ("PASS \t%d\t%d",a,y);
$display ("FAIL \t%d\t%d",a,y);
control = 1; # 50; // Simply change the control signal
control = 0; # 50; // Simply change the control signal
control = 1; # 50; // Simply change the control signal
control = 0; # 50; // Simply change the control signal
a = 1; control = 1; # 50; // Another value
if ( y === 1 ) // Test for inversion
$display ("PASS \t%d\t%d",a,y);
$display ("FAIL \t%d\t%d",a,y);
//enabling the wave dump
initial begin
$dumpfile("dump.vcd"); $dumpvars;
module jtransmissiongate(y,control,a);
output y;
input a,control;
wire cbar;
assign cbar = ~control;
nmos n1(y,a,control);
pmos p1(y,a,cbar);
//cmos c1(y,a,control,cbar);
module juniversalShiftRegisterTb;
wire [3:0] DATAOUT;
reg clock, reset;
reg [1:0] MODE;
reg [3:0] DATAIN;
juniversalShiftRegister jusr(DATAOUT, clock, reset, MODE, DATAIN);
clock =0; MODE = 2'b00; DATAIN = 4'b0000;
reset = 1; #10; reset = 0; #10;
$display("RSLT\tD == DOUT");
// Start testing Right Shift mode
MODE = 2'b00; reset = 1; #10; reset = 0; #10;
MODE = 2'b01; DATAIN = 4'b0011; #10;
if ( DATAOUT === 4'b1000 ) // look at previous value of DATAOUT as well
$display("PASS\t%p is %p with %p", DATAIN, MODE, DATAOUT);
$display("FAIL\t%p is %p with %p", DATAIN, MODE, DATAOUT);
MODE = 2'b01; DATAIN = 4'b0011; #10;
if ( DATAOUT === 4'b1100 ) // look at previous value of DATAOUT as well
$display("PASS\t%p is %p with %p", DATAIN, MODE, DATAOUT);
$display("FAIL\t%p is %p with %p", DATAIN, MODE, DATAOUT);
// Start testing Left Shift mode
MODE = 2'b00; reset = 1; #10; reset = 0; #10;
MODE = 2'b10; DATAIN = 4'b0111; #10;
if ( DATAOUT === 4'b0001 ) //
$display("PASS\t%p is %p with %p", DATAIN, MODE, DATAOUT);
$display("FAIL\t%p is %p with %p", DATAIN, MODE, DATAOUT);
MODE = 2'b10; DATAIN = 4'b0111; #10;
if ( DATAOUT === 4'b0011 ) //
$display("PASS\t%p is %p with %p", DATAIN, MODE, DATAOUT);
$display("FAIL\t%p is %p with %p", DATAIN, MODE, DATAOUT);
// Start testing parallel load mode
MODE = 2'b00; reset = 1; #10; reset = 0; #10;
MODE = 2'b11; DATAIN = 4'b1010; #10;
if ( DATAOUT === 4'b1010 )
$display("PASS\t%p is %p with %p", DATAIN, MODE, DATAOUT);
$display("FAIL\t%p is %p with %p", DATAIN, MODE, DATAOUT);
//enabling the wave dump
initial begin
$dumpfile("dump.vcd"); $dumpvars;
always #5 clock = ~clock;
# use predefined variables to access passed arguments
#echo arguments to the shell
echo $1 $2 $3 ' -> echo $1 $2 $3'
# We can also store arguments from bash command line in special array
#echo arguments to the shell
echo ${args[0]} ${args[1]} ${args[2]} ' -> args=("$@"); echo ${args[0]} ${args[1]} ${args[2]}'
#use $@ to print out all arguments at once
echo $@ ' -> echo $@'
# use $# variable to print out
# number of arguments passed to the bash script
echo Number of arguments passed: $# ' -> echo Number of arguments passed: $#'
Let’s try executing this script and providing three arguments.
$ ./arguments.sh Bash Scripting Tutorial
The results when we execute this script:
Bash Scripting Tutorial -> echo $1 $2 $3
Bash Scripting Tutorial -> args=("$@"); echo ${args[0]} ${args[1]} ${args[2]}
Bash Scripting Tutorial -> echo $@
Number of arguments passed: 3 -> echo Number of arguments passed: $#
Executing shell commands with bash
The best way to execute a separate shell command inside of a Bash script is by creating a new subshell through the $( ) syntax. Check the example below where we echo the result of running the uname -o command.
# use a subshell $() to execute shell command
echo $(uname -o)
# executing bash command without subshell
echo uname -o
Notice that in the final line of our script, we do not execute the uname command within a subshell, therefore the text is taken literally and output as such.
$ uname -o
$ ./subshell.sh
uname -o
Reading User Input
We can use the read command to read input from the user. This allows a user to interact with a Bash script and help dictate the way it proceeds. Here’s an example:
echo -e "Hi, please type the word: \c "
read word
echo "The word you entered is: $word"
echo -e "Can you please enter two words? "
read word1 word2
echo "Here is your input: \"$word1\" \"$word2\""
echo -e "How do you feel about bash scripting? "
# read command now stores a reply into the default build-in variable $REPLY
echo "You said $REPLY, I'm glad to hear that! "
echo -e "What are your favorite colours ? "
# -a makes read command to read into an array
read -a colours
echo "My favorite colours are also ${colours[0]}, ${colours[1]} and ${colours[2]}:-)"
Our Bash script asks multiple questions and then is able to repeat the information back to us through variables and arrays:
$ ./read.sh
Hi, please type the word: Linuxconfig.org
The word you entered is: Linuxconfig.org
Can you please enter two words?
Debian Linux
Here is your input: "Debian" "Linux"
How do you feel about bash scripting?
You said good, I'm glad to hear that!
What are your favorite colours ?
blue green black
My favorite colours are also blue, green and black:-)
Bash Trap Command
The trap command can be used in Bash scripts to catch signals sent to the script and then execute a subroutine when they occur. The script below will detect a Ctrl + C interrupt.
# bash trap command
trap bashtrap INT
# bash clear screen command
# bash trap function is executed when CTRL-C is pressed:
# bash prints message => Executing bash trap subrutine !
echo "CTRL+C Detected !...executing bash trap !"
# for loop from 1/10 to 10/10
for a in `seq 1 10`; do
echo "$a/10 to Exit."
sleep 1;
echo "Exit Bash Trap Example!!!"
In the output below you can see that we try to Ctrl + C two times but the script continues to execute.
$ ./trap.sh
1/10 to Exit.
2/10 to Exit.
^CCTRL+C Detected !...executing bash trap !
3/10 to Exit.
4/10 to Exit.
5/10 to Exit.
6/10 to Exit.
7/10 to Exit.
^CCTRL+C Detected !...executing bash trap !
8/10 to Exit.
9/10 to Exit.
10/10 to Exit.
Exit Bash Trap Example!!!
Bash is capable of storing values in arrays. Check the sections below for two different examples.
Declare simple bash array
This example declares an array with four elements.
#Declare array with 4 elements
ARRAY=( 'Debian Linux' 'Redhat Linux' Ubuntu Linux )
# get number of elements in the array
# echo each element in array
# for loop
for (( i=0;i<$ELEMENTS;i++)); do
echo ${ARRAY[${i}]}
Executing the script will output the elements of our array:
$ ./arrays.sh
Debian Linux
Redhat Linux
Read file into bash array
Rather than filling out all of the elements of our array in the Bash script itself, we can program our script to read input and put it into an array.
# Declare array
declare -a ARRAY
# Link filedescriptor 10 with stdin
exec 10<&0
# stdin replaced with a file supplied as a first argument
exec < $1
let count=0
while read LINE; do
echo Number of elements: ${#ARRAY[@]}
# echo array's content
echo ${ARRAY[@]}
# restore stdin from filedescriptor 10
# and close filedescriptor 10
exec 0<&10 10<&-
Now let’s execute the script and store four elements in the array by using a file’s contents for input.
$ cat bash.txt
$ ./bash-script.sh bash.txt
Number of elements: 4
Bash Scripting Tutorial Guide
*** CompressADPCM3 ***
; JoinCode = CompressADPCM3(Source, Length, Destination, JoinCode)
; d0 a0 d0 a1 d1
; This function compresses a RAW sample to a given memory. The
; result is a 3bit ADPCM code. The destination buffer must be
; at least (Length+7)/8*3 bytes in size.
; Function of the JoinCode: See above.
XDEF _CompressADPCM3
movem.l d2-d4,-(sp)
move.w d1,d3 ; d3=EstMax
swap d1
move.w d1,d2 ; d2=Delta
bne.s c3_loop
moveq #5,d2
c3_loop moveq #0,d1 ; d1=Shifter
bsr.s c3_byte
lsl.b #3,d1
bsr.s c3_byte
lsl.w #3,d1
bsr.s c3_byte
lsl.w #3,d1
bsr.s c3_byte
lsl.w #3,d1
bsr.s c3_byte
lsl.l #3,d1
bsr.s c3_byte
lsl.l #3,d1
bsr.s c3_byte
lsl.l #3,d1
bsr.s c3_byte
swap d1
move.b d1,(a1)+
rol.l #8,d1
move.b d1,(a1)+
rol.l #8,d1
move.b d1,(a1)+
subq.l #8,d0 ; d0=Counter
bhi.s c3_loop
move.w d2,d0 ; -> d0=JoinCode
swap d0
move.w d3,d0
movem.l (sp)+,d2-d4
c3_byte move.b (a0)+,d4
ext.w d4
asl.w #6,d4
sub.w d3,d4
bpl.s c3_positive
or.b #%100,d1
neg.w d4
c3_positive sub.w d2,d4
bls.s c3_00
sub.w d2,d4
bls.s c3_01
sub.w d2,d4
bls.s c3_10
c3_11 or.b #%11,d1
bra.s c3_00
c3_10 or.b #%10,d1
bra.s c3_00
c3_01 or.b #%01,d1
c3_00 bsr.s adaptive
*** Adaptions-Routine ***
adaptive ; d1 = SignBit + DataBit
move.w d2,d4
lsr.w #1,d4
btst #1,d1
beq.s d3_0
d3_1 btst #0,d1
beq.s d3_10
d3_11 add.w d2,d4
add.w d2,d4
add.w d2,d4
mulu #$6607,d2
bra.s d3_sign
d3_10 add.w d2,d4
add.w d2,d4
mulu #$4D14,d2
bra.s d3_sign
d3_0 btst #0,d1
beq.s d3_00
d3_01 add.w d2,d4
mulu #$3A9F,d2
bra.s d3_sign
d3_00 mulu #$399A,d2
d3_sign btst #2,d1
beq.s d3_add
neg.w d4
d3_add add.w d4,d3
add.l #8192,d2
moveq #14,d4
asr.l d4,d2
mov bp, 255
; Evaluate whether sample point is inside or outside the shape:
; ( a & ( b | c ) ) | ( b & c ) = 0 <=> voxel overlaps fractal
push bx
mov dx, bx
or dx, cx
and dx, ax
and bx, cx
or dx, bx
pop bx
; Ignore the lower bits or the fractal will be too fine to see
shr dx, 6
jz endtrace
dec bp
jnz traceloop
; BP is 255 - the distance we had to trace
mov dx, bp
not dl
; Plot pixel
mov ds:[di],dl
inc di
// ******************
#include <torch/extension.h>
#include <c10/cuda/CUDAGuard.h>
#include <ATen/cuda/CUDAContext.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>module jtransmissiongatetb;
wire y;
reg a,control;
jtransmissiongate jtgate(y,control,a);
$display ("RESULT\ta\ty");
a = 0; control = 0; # 50; // Initial value is set
if ( y === 1'bz ) // Test for inversion
$display ("PASS \t%d\t%d",a,y);
$display ("FAIL \t%d\t%d",a,y);
control = 1; # 50; // Simply change the control signal
control = 0; # 50; // Simply change the control signal
control = 1; # 50; // Simply change the control signal
control = 0; # 50; // Simply change the control signal
a = 0; control = 1; # 50; // Initial value is set
if ( y === 0 ) // Test for inversion
$display ("PASS \t%d\t%d",a,y);
$display ("FAIL \t%d\t%d",a,y);
a = 1; control = 0; # 50; // Another value
if ( y === 1'bz ) // Test for inversion
$display ("PASS \t%d\t%d",a,y);
$display ("FAIL \t%d\t%d",a,y);
control = 1; # 50; // Simply change the control signal
control = 0; # 50; // Simply change the control signal
control = 1; # 50; // Simply change the control signal
control = 0; # 50; // Simply change the control signal
a = 1; control = 1; # 50; // Another value
if ( y === 1 ) // Test for inversion
$display ("PASS \t%d\t%d",a,y);
$display ("FAIL \t%d\t%d",a,y);
//enabling the wave dump
initial begin
$dumpfile("dump.vcd"); $dumpvars;
#include <cuda_fp16.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdio>
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind11/stl.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "cuda/pack_tensor.cuh"
#include "cuda/quantize.cuh"
#include "cuda/q_matrix.cuh"
#include "cuda/q_attn.cuh"
#include "cuda/q_mlp.cuh"
#include "cuda/q_gemm.cuh"
#include "cuda/rms_norm.cuh"
#include "cuda/rope.cuh"
#include "cuda/cache.cuh"
#include "cuda/h_gemm.cuh"
#include "cpp/quantize_func.h"
#include "cpp/sampling.h"
#include "cpp/util.h"
// Some decluttering macros
#define TORCH_CHECK_DTYPE(__x, __dtype) TORCH_CHECK((__x).dtype() == torch::__dtype, #__x " is incorrect datatype, must be " #__dtype)
#define TORCH_CHECK_DTYPE_OPT(__x, __dtype) TORCH_CHECK((__x).device().is_meta() || (__x).dtype() == torch::__dtype, #__x " is incorrect datatype, must be " #__dtype)
#define TORCH_CHECK_SHAPES(__x, __dim_x, __y, __dim_y, __scale_y) TORCH_CHECK((__x).size(__dim_x) == (__y).size(__dim_y) * __scale_y, #__x " and " #__y " have incompatible shapes")
#define TORCH_CHECK_SHAPES_OPT(__x, __dim_x, __y, __dim_y, __scale_y) TORCH_CHECK((__x).device().is_meta() || (__x).size(__dim_x) == (__y).size(__dim_y) * __scale_y, #__x " and " #__y " have incompatible shapes")
// Packing functions
void pack_rows_4
torch::Tensor input,
torch::Tensor output
const at::cuda::OptionalCUDAGuard device_guard(device_of(input));
TORCH_CHECK_DTYPE(input, kShort);
TORCH_CHECK_DTYPE(output, kInt);
TORCH_CHECK_SHAPES(input, 0, output, 0, 1);
TORCH_CHECK_SHAPES(input, 1, output, 1, 8);
int rows = input.size(0);
int columns = input.size(1);
(uint16_t*) input.data_ptr(),
(uint32_t*) output.data_ptr(),
void pack_columns
torch::Tensor input,
torch::Tensor output,
int bits
const at::cuda::OptionalCUDAGuard device_guard(device_of(input));
TORCH_CHECK_DTYPE(input, kShort);
TORCH_CHECK_DTYPE(output, kInt);
TORCH_CHECK_SHAPES(input, 1, output, 1, 1);
int in_rows = input.size(0);
int columns = input.size(1);
int out_rows = output.size(0);
int exp_out_rows = in_rows * bits / 32;
TORCH_CHECK(out_rows == exp_out_rows, "Wrong output shape for input and bitrate")
(uint16_t*) input.data_ptr(),
(uint32_t*) output.data_ptr(),
#include "quantize_func.h"
#include "../cuda/quantize.cuh"
void quantize_range
torch::Tensor quant,
torch::Tensor scale,
torch::Tensor out_q,
float qzero,
float maxq,
torch::Tensor hessian_inv,
torch::Tensor weights,
torch::Tensor error,
int a,
int b
int columns = weights.size(1);
int hcolumns = hessian_inv.size(1);
for (int c = a; c < b; c++)
((const float*) weights.data_ptr()) + c * columns,
((float*) quant.data_ptr()) + c * columns,
(const float*) scale.data_ptr(),
out_q.device().is_meta() ? NULL : ((uint16_t*) out_q.data_ptr()) + c * columns,
(const float*) hessian_inv.data_ptr(),
(float*) error.data_ptr(),
(const float*) weights.data_ptr(),
(const float*) quant.data_ptr(),
((const float*) hessian_inv.data_ptr()) + c * hcolumns + c,
((const float*) error.data_ptr()) + c * columns,
((float*) weights.data_ptr()) + c * columns,
b - c,
torch::Tensor x = hessian_inv.slice(0, a, b).slice(1, b).transpose(0, 1);
torch::Tensor y = error.slice(0, a, b);
weights.slice(0, b).addmm_(x, y, 1.0f, -1.0f);
__forceinline__ __device__ half dot22_8_h(half2(&dq)[4], const half* a_ptr, const half g_result, const half qs_h)
half2 result = {};
const half2* a2_ptr = (const half2*)a_ptr;
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) result = __hfma2(dq[i], *a2_ptr++, result);
half result_h = __hadd(__low2half(result), __high2half(result));
return __hfma(result_h, qs_h, g_result);
__forceinline__ __device__ half dot22_16_h(half2(&dq)[8], const half* a_ptr, const half g_result, const half qs_h)
half2 result = {};
const half2* a2_ptr = (const half2*)a_ptr;
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) result = __hfma2(dq[i], *a2_ptr++, result);
half result_h = __hadd(__low2half(result), __high2half(result));
return __hfma(result_h, qs_h, g_result);
__forceinline__ __device__ half dot22_32_h(half2(&dq)[16], const half* a_ptr, const half g_result, const half qs_h)
half2 result = {};
const half2* a2_ptr = (const half2*)a_ptr;
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i += 1) result = __hfma2(dq[i], *a2_ptr++, result);
half result_h = __hadd(__low2half(result), __high2half(result));
return __hfma(result_h, qs_h, g_result);
name: Build Wheels
on: workflow_dispatch
name: ${{ matrix.os }} Python ${{ matrix.pyver }} CUDA ${{ matrix.cuda }}
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
os: [ubuntu-20.04, windows-latest]
pyver: ["3.8", "3.9", "3.10", "3.11"]
cuda: ["11.7.0", "11.8.0", "12.1.1"]
shell: pwsh
CUDAVER: ${{ matrix.cuda }}
PYVER: ${{ matrix.pyver }}
- name: Free Disk Space
uses: jlumbroso/[email protected]
if: runner.os == 'Linux'
tool-cache: false
android: true
dotnet: true
haskell: true
large-packages: false
swap-storage: false
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions/setup-python@v3
python-version: ${{ matrix.pyver }}
- name: Setup Mamba
uses: conda-incubator/[email protected]
activate-environment: "build"
python-version: ${{ matrix.pyver }}
miniforge-variant: Mambaforge
miniforge-version: latest
use-mamba: true
add-pip-as-python-dependency: true
auto-activate-base: false
- name: Install Dependencies
run: |
$cudaVersion = $env:CUDAVER
$cudaVersionPytorch = $env:CUDAVER.Remove($env:CUDAVER.LastIndexOf('.')).Replace('.','')
$cudaChannels = ''
$cudaNum = [int]$cudaVersion.substring($cudaVersion.LastIndexOf('.')+1)
while ($cudaNum -ge 0) { $cudaChannels += '-c nvidia/label/cuda-' + $cudaVersion.Remove($cudaVersion.LastIndexOf('.')+1) + $cudaNum + ' '; $cudaNum-- }
mamba install -y 'cuda' $cudaChannels.TrimEnd().Split()
if (!(mamba list cuda)[-1].contains('cuda')) {sleep -s 10; mamba install -y 'cuda' $cudaChannels.TrimEnd().Split()}
if (!(mamba list cuda)[-1].contains('cuda')) {throw 'CUDA Toolkit failed to install!'}
if ([version]$env:CUDAVER -lt [version]'11.8.0') {$torchver = "torch==2.0.1"} else {$torchver = "torch==2.1.0"}
python -m pip install $torchver --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu$cudaVersionPytorch
python -m pip install build wheel safetensors sentencepiece ninja
- name: Build Wheel
run: |
$cudaVersion = $env:CUDAVER
$cudaVersionPytorch = $env:CUDAVER.Remove($env:CUDAVER.LastIndexOf('.')).Replace('.','')
$BUILDTAG = "+cu$cudaVersionPytorch"
if ($IsLinux) {$env:LD_LIBRARY_PATH = $env:CONDA_PREFIX + '/lib:' + $env:LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
$env:TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST = if ([version]$env:CUDAVER -lt [version]'11.8') {'6.0 6.1 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.6+PTX'} else {'6.0 6.1 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.6 8.9 9.0+PTX'}
python -m build -n --wheel -C--build-option=egg_info "-C--build-option=--tag-build=$BUILDTAG"
if ($IsLinux -and $env:PYVER -eq '3.11' -and $env:CUDAVER -eq '11.8.0') {$env:EXLLAMA_NOCOMPILE=1; python -m build -n}
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: 'wheels'
path: ./dist/*
name: Build ROCm Wheels & Release
needs: build_wheels
uses: ./.github/workflows/build-wheels-rocm.yml
Metadata-Version: 2.1
Name: exllamav2
Version: 0.0.10
Home-page: https://github.com/turboderp/exllamav2
Author: turboderp
License: MIT
License-File: LICENSE
Requires-Dist: pandas
Requires-Dist: ninja
Requires-Dist: fastparquet
Requires-Dist: torch>=2.0.1
Requires-Dist: safetensors>=0.3.2
Requires-Dist: sentencepiece>=0.1.97
Requires-Dist: pygments
Requires-Dist: websockets
Requires-Dist: regex
# ExLlamaV2
ExLlamaV2 is an inference library for running local LLMs on modern consumer GPUs.
## Overview of differences compared to V1
- Faster, better kernels
- Cleaner and more versatile codebase
- Support for a new quant format (see below)
## Performance
Some quick tests to compare performance with V1. There may be more performance optimizations in the future, and
speeds will vary across GPUs, with slow CPUs still being a potential bottleneck:
| Model | Mode | Size | grpsz | act | V1: 3090Ti | V1: 4090 | V2: 3090Ti | V2: 4090 |
| Llama | GPTQ | 7B | 128 | no | 143 t/s | 173 t/s | 175 t/s | **195** t/s |
| Llama | GPTQ | 13B | 128 | no | 84 t/s | 102 t/s | 105 t/s | **110** t/s |
| Llama | GPTQ | 33B | 128 | yes | 37 t/s | 45 t/s | 45 t/s | **48** t/s |
| OpenLlama | GPTQ | 3B | 128 | yes | 194 t/s | 226 t/s | 295 t/s | **321** t/s |
| CodeLlama | EXL2 4.0 bpw | 34B | - | - | - | - | 42 t/s | **48** t/s |
| Llama2 | EXL2 3.0 bpw | 7B | - | - | - | - | 195 t/s | **224** t/s |
| Llama2 | EXL2 4.0 bpw | 7B | - | - | - | - | 164 t/s | **197** t/s |
| Llama2 | EXL2 5.0 bpw | 7B | - | - | - | - | 144 t/s | **160** t/s |
| Llama2 | EXL2 2.5 bpw | 70B | - | - | - | - | 30 t/s | **35** t/s |
| TinyLlama | EXL2 3.0 bpw | 1.1B | - | - | - | - | 536 t/s | **635** t/s |
| TinyLlama | EXL2 4.0 bpw | 1.1B | - | - | - | - | 509 t/s | **590** t/s |
## How to
Clone the repository and install dependencies:
git clone https://github.com/turboderp/exllamav2
cd exllamav2
pip install -r requirements.txt
python test_inference.py -m <path_to_model> -p "Once upon a time,"
A simple console chatbot is included. Run it with:
python examples/chat.py -m <path_to_model> -mode llama
The `-mode` argument chooses the prompt format to use. `llama` is for the Llama(2)-chat finetunes, while `codellama`
probably works better for CodeLlama-instruct. `raw` will produce a simple chatlog-style chat that works with base
models and various other finetunes. You can also provide a custom system prompt with `-sp`.
## Integration and APIs
- [TabbyAPI](https://github.com/theroyallab/tabbyAPI/) is a FastAPI-based server that provides an OpenAI-style web API
compatible with [SillyTavern](https://sillytavernai.com/) and other frontends.
- [ExUI](https://github.com/turboderp/exui) is a simple, standalone single-user web UI that serves an ExLlamaV2 instance
directly with chat and notebook modes.
- [text-generation-webui](https://github.com/oobabooga/text-generation-webui) supports ExLlamaV2 through the **exllamav2**
and **exllamav2_HF** loaders.
## Installation
### Method 1: Install from source
To install the current dev version, clone the repo and run the setup script:
git clone https://github.com/turboderp/exllamav2
cd exllamav2
python setup.py install --user
By default this will also compile and install the Torch C++ extension (`exllamav2_ext`) that the library relies on.
You can skip this step by setting the `EXLLAMA_NOCOMPILE` environment variable:
EXLLAMA_NOCOMPILE= python setup.py install --user
This will install the "JIT version" of the package, i.e. it will install the Python components without building the
C++ extension in the process. Instead, the extension will be built the first time the library is used, then cached in
`~/.cache/torch_extensions` for subsequent use.
### Method 2: Install from release (with prebuilt extension)
Releases are available [here](https://github.com/turboderp/exllamav2/releases), with prebuilt wheels that contain the
extension binaries. Make sure to grab the right version, matching your platform, Python version (`cp`) and CUDA version.
Download an appropriate wheel, then run:
pip install exllamav2-0.0.4+cu118-cp310-cp310-linux_x86_64.whl
The `py3-none-any.whl` version is the JIT version which will build the extension on first launch. The `.tar.gz` file
can also be installed this way, and it will build the extension while installing.
### Method 3: Install from PyPI
A PyPI package is available as well. It can be installed with:
pip install exllamav2
The version available through PyPI is the JIT version (see above). Still working on a solution for distributing
prebuilt wheels via PyPI.
## EXL2 quantization
ExLlamaV2 supports the same 4-bit GPTQ models as V1, but also a new "EXL2" format. EXL2 is based on the same
optimization method as GPTQ and supports 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8-bit quantization. The format allows for mixing quantization
levels within a model to achieve any average bitrate between 2 and 8 bits per weight.
Moreover, it's possible to apply multiple quantization levels to each linear layer, producing something akin to sparse
quantization wherein more important weights (columns) are quantized with more bits. The same remapping trick that lets
ExLlama work efficiently with act-order models allows this mixing of formats to happen with little to no impact on
Parameter selection is done automatically by quantizing each matrix multiple times, measuring the quantization
error (with respect to the chosen calibration data) for each of a number of possible settings, per layer. Finally, a
combination is chosen that minimizes the maximum quantization error over the entire model while meeting a target
average bitrate.
In my tests, this scheme allows Llama2 70B to run on a single 24 GB GPU with a 2048-token context, producing coherent
and mostly stable output with 2.55 bits per weight. 13B models run at 2.65 bits within 8 GB of VRAM, although currently
none of them uses GQA which effectively limits the context size to 2048. In either case it's unlikely that the model
will fit alongside a desktop environment. For now.
### Conversion
A script is provided to quantize models. Converting large models can be somewhat slow, so be warned. The conversion
script and its options are explained in [detail here](doc/convert.md)
### HuggingFace repos
- I've uploaded a few EXL2-quantized models to Hugging Face to play around with, [here](https://huggingface.co/turboderp).
- [LoneStriker](https://huggingface.co/LoneStriker) provides a large number of EXL2 models on Hugging Face.
// The macro below is used to shift rows of the A matrix and columns of the B matrix
// in shared memory to minimize possible bank conflicts.
// Before performing the nvcuda::wmma::mma_sync operation, the warp must load the matrix
// data using the nvcuda::wmma::load_matrix_sync operation. Although the memory access pattern
// is not specified for that function, each lane in the warp can read one or multiple matrix
// elements from different matrix rows or columns.
// For shared memory, such access can result in bank conflicts if different rows / columns
// of the matrix map to the same bank. By shifting each row and column by a few bytes, we
// make sure that they map to different banks, thus reducing the number of possible bank
// conflicts.
// The number of 16 two-byte "__nv_bfloat16" elements is chosen as the minimum possible shift because
// we must keep each row and column 256-bit aligned, as required by nvcuda::wmma::load_matrix_sync.
// #define SKEW_BF16 16
#define checkKernelErrors(expr) do { \
expr; \
cudaError_t __err = cudaGetLastError(); \
if (__err != cudaSuccess) { \
printf("Line %d: '%s' failed: %s\n", __LINE__, # expr, cudaGetErrorString(__err)); \
abort(); \
} \
} while(0)
DO ,1 <- #13
PLEASE DO ,1 SUB #1 <- #238
DO ,1 SUB #2 <- #108
DO ,1 SUB #3 <- #112
DO ,1 SUB #4 <- #0
DO ,1 SUB #5 <- #64
DO ,1 SUB #6 <- #194
PLEASE DO ,1 SUB #7 <- #48
DO ,1 SUB #8 <- #26
DO ,1 SUB #9 <- #244
PLEASE DO ,1 SUB #10 <- #168
DO ,1 SUB #11 <- #24
DO ,1 SUB #12 <- #16
DO ,1 SUB #13 <- #162
DO .9 <- #16
DO .10 <- #0
DO .11 <- #1
DO .1 <- .10
DO .2 <- .11
DO .10 <- .11
DO .11 <- .3
(3) DO (4) NEXT
(4) DO .1 <- .9
DO .2 <- #1
DO .9 <- .3
DO .1 <- '.9~.9'~#1
__global__ void testPtx(int *devBuff,float *devDummy,unsigned int *timeBuff){
unsigned int temp=0;
unsigned int start,end;
volatile unsigned int *tempPtr;
tempPtr = (volatile unsigned int *)&devBuff[0];
start = clock64();
end = clock64();
*timeBuff = (unsigned int)(end-start);
<% Option Explicit %>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
<title>VBScript Example</title>
' Grab current time from Now() function.
' An '=' sign occurring after a context switch (<%) is shorthand
' for a call to the Write() method of the Response object.
Dim timeValue : timeValue = Now %>
The time, in 24-hour format, is
using System;
namespace interptest
class MainClass
static UInt16[] pwmTable =
static UInt16 intToPWM(UInt16 intensity)
UInt32 index = ((UInt32)intensity) >> 11;
UInt32 low = ((UInt32)pwmTable[index]);
UInt32 high = ((UInt32)pwmTable[index + 1]);
UInt32 highp = ((UInt32)intensity & 0x7ff) + 1;
UInt32 lowp = 0x800 - highp;
UInt32 mid = (lowp * low + highp * high) >> 11;
return (UInt16)mid;
public static void Main(string[] args)
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < 65536; i++)
UInt16 t = intToPWM((UInt16)i);
// Suppress all warnings from casts which overflow.
fn main() {
let decimal = 65.4321_f32;
// Error! No implicit conversion
let integer: u8 = decimal;
// FIXME ^ Comment out this line
// Explicit conversion
let integer = decimal as u8;
let character = integer as char;
// Error! There are limitations in conversion rules.
// A float cannot be directly converted to a char.
let character = decimal as char;
// FIXME ^ Comment out this line
println!("Casting: {} -> {} -> {}", decimal, integer, character);
// when casting any value to an unsigned type, T,
// T::MAX + 1 is added or subtracted until the value
// fits into the new type
// 1000 already fits in a u16
println!("1000 as a u16 is: {}", 1000 as u16);
// 1000 - 256 - 256 - 256 = 232
// Under the hood, the first 8 least significant bits (LSB) are kept,
// while the rest towards the most significant bit (MSB) get truncated.
println!("1000 as a u8 is : {}", 1000 as u8);
// -1 + 256 = 255
println!(" -1 as a u8 is : {}", (-1i8) as u8);
// For positive numbers, this is the same as the modulus
println!("1000 mod 256 is : {}", 1000 % 256);
// When casting to a signed type, the (bitwise) result is the same as
// first casting to the corresponding unsigned type. If the most significant
// bit of that value is 1, then the value is negative.
// Unless it already fits, of course.
println!(" 128 as a i16 is: {}", 128 as i16);
// In boundary case 128 value in 8-bit two's complement representation is -128
println!(" 128 as a i8 is : {}", 128 as i8);
// repeating the example above
// 1000 as u8 -> 232
println!("1000 as a u8 is : {}", 1000 as u8);
// and the value of 232 in 8-bit two's complement representation is -24
println!(" 232 as a i8 is : {}", 232 as i8);
// Since Rust 1.45, the `as` keyword performs a *saturating cast*
// when casting from float to int. If the floating point value exceeds
// the upper bound or is less than the lower bound, the returned value
// will be equal to the bound crossed.
// 300.0 as u8 is 255
println!(" 300.0 as u8 is : {}", 300.0_f32 as u8);
// -100.0 as u8 is 0
println!("-100.0 as u8 is : {}", -100.0_f32 as u8);
// nan as u8 is 0
println!(" nan as u8 is : {}", f32::NAN as u8);
// This behavior incurs a small runtime cost and can be avoided
// with unsafe methods, however the results might overflow and
// return **unsound values**. Use these methods wisely:
unsafe {
// 300.0 as u8 is 44
println!(" 300.0 as u8 is : {}", 300.0_f32.to_int_unchecked::<u8>());
// -100.0 as u8 is 156
println!("-100.0 as u8 is : {}", (-100.0_f32).to_int_unchecked::<u8>());
// nan as u8 is 0
println!(" nan as u8 is : {}", f32::NAN.to_int_unchecked::<u8>());
// This function only gets compiled if the target OS is linux
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
fn are_you_on_linux() {
println!("You are running linux!");
// And this function only gets compiled if the target OS is *not* linux
#[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"))]
fn are_you_on_linux() {
println!("You are *not* running linux!");
fn main() {
println!("Are you sure?");
if cfg!(target_os = "linux") {
println!("Yes. It's definitely linux!");
} else {
println!("Yes. It's definitely *not* linux!");
struct Droppable {
name: &'static str,
// This trivial implementation of `drop` adds a print to console.
impl Drop for Droppable {
fn drop(&mut self) {
println!("> Dropping {}", self.name);
fn main() {
let _a = Droppable { name: "a" };
// block A
let _b = Droppable { name: "b" };
// block B
let _c = Droppable { name: "c" };
let _d = Droppable { name: "d" };
println!("Exiting block B");
println!("Just exited block B");
println!("Exiting block A");
println!("Just exited block A");
// Variable can be manually dropped using the `drop` function
// TODO ^ Try commenting this line
println!("end of the main function");
// `_a` *won't* be `drop`ed again here, because it already has been
// (manually) `drop`ed
#include "Comms.h"
Subdevice::Subdevice(const uint8_t _address, Device& _device) :
MainSubdevice::MainSubdevice(const uint8_t _address, Device& _device) :
Subdevice(_address, _device)
void MainSubdevice::command(const uint32_t cmd)
switch (cmd)
case MAINSUBDEVICE_CMD_PING: cmd_ping(); break;
case MAINSUBDEVICE_CMD_LIST_SUBDEVICES: cmd_list_subdevices(); break;
void MainSubdevice::cmd_ping()
void MainSubdevice::cmd_list_subdevices()
int size = 9;
uint32_t* p = (uint32_t*) (device.txBuffer + 4);
*p++ = id();
Subdevice* subdevice = this;
while (subdevice = subdevice->next)
*p++ = subdevice->id();
size += 4;
Device::Device(const uint8_t _address) :
mainSubdevice(MainSubdevice(0, *this))
rxHead = 0;
rxTail = 0;
lastRX = millis();
void Device::pump()
int rec = rxTail - rxHead;
if (rec < 0) rec += RX_BUFFER_SIZE;
if (rec >= 2)
uint8_t a = rxBuffer[rxHead];
uint8_t b = rxBuffer[(rxHead + 1) & RX_BUFFER_MASK];
int exp = (b << 8) | a;
if (exp == rec)
if (exp < 9)
// malformed packet
Serial.println("malform"); // TODO
rxHead = (rxHead + exp) & RX_BUFFER_MASK;
else if (!checkChecksum())
// failed checksum
Serial.println("badchecsum"); // TODO
rxHead = (rxHead + exp) & RX_BUFFER_MASK;
uint16_t size = consume16();
uint8_t deviceAddress = consume8();
if (deviceAddress != address)
rxHead = (rxHead + size - 3) & RX_BUFFER_MASK;
uint8_t subdeviceAddress = consume8();
uint32_t command = consume32();
int endOfPacket = (rxHead + size - 8) & RX_BUFFER_MASK;
dispatch(subdeviceAddress, command);
rxHead = endOfPacket;
void Device::readSerial()
if (Serial.available())
uint8_t input = Serial.read();
rxBuffer[rxTail++] = input;
if (rxTail == rxHead)
// overflow
Serial.write(input);// TODO
lastRX = millis();
else if (rxTail != rxHead)
uint32_t timeSinceReceive = millis() - lastRX;
if (timeSinceReceive >= RX_TIMEOUT)
Serial.println("tieout"); // TODO
rxHead = rxTail;
void Device::dispatch(const uint8_t subdeviceAddress, const uint32_t cmd)
Subdevice* subdevice = subdevices;
while (subdevice != NULL)
if (subdevice->address == subdeviceAddress)
subdevice = subdevice->next;
uint8_t Device::consume8()
uint8_t a = rxBuffer[rxHead++];
return a;
uint16_t Device::consume16()
uint8_t a = rxBuffer[rxHead++];
uint8_t b = rxBuffer[rxHead++];
return (((uint16_t)b) << 8) | ((uint16_t) a);
uint32_t Device::consume32()
uint8_t a = rxBuffer[rxHead++];
uint8_t b = rxBuffer[rxHead++];
uint8_t c = rxBuffer[rxHead++];
uint8_t d = rxBuffer[rxHead++];
return (((uint32_t)d) << 24) | (((uint32_t)c) << 16) | (((uint32_t)b) << 8) | ((uint32_t)a);
void Device::send32(const uint32_t msg)
uint32_t* p = (uint32_t*) (txBuffer + 4);
*p = msg;
static const uint8_t crc_table[] =
0x00, 0x07, 0x0e, 0x09, 0x1c, 0x1b, 0x12, 0x15, 0x38, 0x3f, 0x36, 0x31,
0x24, 0x23, 0x2a, 0x2d, 0x70, 0x77, 0x7e, 0x79, 0x6c, 0x6b, 0x62, 0x65,
0x48, 0x4f, 0x46, 0x41, 0x54, 0x53, 0x5a, 0x5d, 0xe0, 0xe7, 0xee, 0xe9,
0xfc, 0xfb, 0xf2, 0xf5, 0xd8, 0xdf, 0xd6, 0xd1, 0xc4, 0xc3, 0xca, 0xcd,
0x90, 0x97, 0x9e, 0x99, 0x8c, 0x8b, 0x82, 0x85, 0xa8, 0xaf, 0xa6, 0xa1,
0xb4, 0xb3, 0xba, 0xbd, 0xc7, 0xc0, 0xc9, 0xce, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xd5, 0xd2,
0xff, 0xf8, 0xf1, 0xf6, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xed, 0xea, 0xb7, 0xb0, 0xb9, 0xbe,
0xab, 0xac, 0xa5, 0xa2, 0x8f, 0x88, 0x81, 0x86, 0x93, 0x94, 0x9d, 0x9a,
0x27, 0x20, 0x29, 0x2e, 0x3b, 0x3c, 0x35, 0x32, 0x1f, 0x18, 0x11, 0x16,
0x03, 0x04, 0x0d, 0x0a, 0x57, 0x50, 0x59, 0x5e, 0x4b, 0x4c, 0x45, 0x42,
0x6f, 0x68, 0x61, 0x66, 0x73, 0x74, 0x7d, 0x7a, 0x89, 0x8e, 0x87, 0x80,
0x95, 0x92, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0xb1, 0xb6, 0xbf, 0xb8, 0xad, 0xaa, 0xa3, 0xa4,
0xf9, 0xfe, 0xf7, 0xf0, 0xe5, 0xe2, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xc1, 0xc6, 0xcf, 0xc8,
0xdd, 0xda, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x67, 0x60, 0x75, 0x72, 0x7b, 0x7c,
0x51, 0x56, 0x5f, 0x58, 0x4d, 0x4a, 0x43, 0x44, 0x19, 0x1e, 0x17, 0x10,
0x05, 0x02, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x21, 0x26, 0x2f, 0x28, 0x3d, 0x3a, 0x33, 0x34,
0x4e, 0x49, 0x40, 0x47, 0x52, 0x55, 0x5c, 0x5b, 0x76, 0x71, 0x78, 0x7f,
0x6a, 0x6d, 0x64, 0x63, 0x3e, 0x39, 0x30, 0x37, 0x22, 0x25, 0x2c, 0x2b,
0x06, 0x01, 0x08, 0x0f, 0x1a, 0x1d, 0x14, 0x13, 0xae, 0xa9, 0xa0, 0xa7,
0xb2, 0xb5, 0xbc, 0xbb, 0x96, 0x91, 0x98, 0x9f, 0x8a, 0x8d, 0x84, 0x83,
0xde, 0xd9, 0xd0, 0xd7, 0xc2, 0xc5, 0xcc, 0xcb, 0xe6, 0xe1, 0xe8, 0xef,
0xfa, 0xfd, 0xf4, 0xf3
bool Device::checkChecksum()
uint8_t crc = 0;
int c = rxHead;
int ce = rxTail - 1;
while (c != ce)
crc = crc_table[crc ^ rxBuffer[c++]];
return crc == rxBuffer[c];
void Device::finishPacket(const int len)
txBuffer[0] = len & 0xff;
txBuffer[1] = len >> 8;
txBuffer[2] = 0;
txBuffer[3] = 0;
uint8_t crc = 0;
uint8_t* p = txBuffer;
uint8_t* pe = txBuffer + len - 1;
while(p < pe)
crc = crc_table[crc ^ *p++];
*p = crc;
Serial.write(txBuffer, len);
void Device::AddSubdevice(Subdevice* subdevice)
if (subdevices == NULL)
subdevices = subdevice;
Subdevice* dev = subdevices;
while (dev->next) dev = dev->next;
dev->next = subdevice;
# ExLlama
A standalone Python/C++/CUDA implementation of Llama for use with 4-bit GPTQ weights, designed to be fast and
memory-efficient on modern GPUs.
Disclaimer: The project is coming along, but it's still a work in progress!
## Hardware requirements
I am developing on an RTX 4090 and an RTX 3090-Ti. 30-series and later NVIDIA GPUs should be well supported, but
anything Pascal or older with poor FP16 support isn't going to perform well.
[AutoGPTQ](https://github.com/PanQiWei/AutoGPTQ) or [GPTQ-for-LLaMa](https://github.com/qwopqwop200/GPTQ-for-LLaMa)
are better options at the moment for older GPUs. ROCm is also theoretically supported (via HIP) though I currently
have no AMD devices to test or optimize on.
## Dependencies
* Python 3.9 or newer
* `torch` tested on 2.0.1 and 2.1.0 (nightly) with cu118
* `safetensors` 0.3.2
* `sentencepiece`
* `ninja`
Additionally, only for the web UI:
* `flask`
* `waitress`
## Linux/WSL prerequisites
pip install --pre torch --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/nightly/cu118
## Windows prerequisites
To run on Windows (without WSL):
1. Install [MSVC 2022](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/). You can choose to install the whole `Visual
Studio 2022` IDE, or alternatively just the `Build Tools for Visual Studio 2022` package (make sure `Desktop
development with C++` is ticked in the installer), it doesn't really matter which.
2. Install the appropriate version of [PyTorch](https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/), choosing one of the CUDA
versions. I am developing on the nightly build, but the stable version (2.0.1) should also work.
3. Install CUDA Toolkit, ([11.7](https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-11-7-0-download-archive) and
[11.8](https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-11-8-0-download-archive) both seem to work, just make sure to match PyTorch's
Compute Platform version).
4. For best performance, enable Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling.
## How to
Clone repo, install dependencies, and run benchmark:
git clone https://github.com/turboderp/exllama
cd exllama
pip install -r requirements.txt
python test_benchmark_inference.py -d <path_to_model_files> -p -ppl
The CUDA extension is loaded at runtime so there's no need to install it separately. It will be compiled on the first
run and cached to `~/.cache/torch_extensions/` which could take a little while. If nothing happens at first, give it
a minute to compile.
Chatbot example:
python example_chatbot.py -d <path_to_model_files> -un "Jeff" -p prompt_chatbort.txt
## Python module
jllllll currently maintains an installable Python module [here](https://github.com/jllllll/exllama) which may be more
suitable for integrating ExLlama with other projects
## Web UI
I also made a simple web UI for it. Don't look at the JavaScript, it was mostly written by ChatGPT and it will haunt
your dreams. But it sort of works, and it's kinda fun, especially multibot mode:

To run it:
pip install -r requirements-web.txt
python webui/app.py -d <path_to_model_files>
Note that sessions are stored in `~/exllama_sessions/` by default. You can change that location with `-sd` if you want.
## Docker
For security benefits and easier deployment, it is also possible to run the web UI in an isolated docker container. Note: the docker image currently only supports NVIDIA GPUs.
### Requirements
- [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/)
- [NVIDIA Container Toolkit](https://docs.nvidia.com/datacenter/cloud-native/container-toolkit/install-guide.html)
It is recommended to run docker in [rootless mode](https://docs.docker.com/engine/security/rootless/).
### Build
The easiest way to build the docker image is using docker compose. First, set the `MODEL_PATH` and `SESSIONS_PATH` variables in the `.env` file to the actual directories on the host. Then run:
docker compose build
It is also possible to manually build the image:
docker build -t exllama-web .
NOTE: by default, the service inside the docker container is run by a non-root user. Hence, the ownership of bind-mounted directories (`/data/model` and `/data/exllama_sessions` in the default `docker-compose.yml` file) is changed to this non-root user in the container entrypoint (`entrypoint.sh`). To disable this, set `RUN_UID=0` in the `.env` file if using `docker compose`, or the following command if you manually build the image:
docker build -t exllama-web --build-arg RUN_UID=0 .
### Run
Using docker compose:
docker compose up
The web UI can now be accessed on the host at http://localhost:5000.
The configuration can be viewed in `docker-compose.yml` and changed by creating a `docker-compose.override.yml` file.
Run manually:
docker run --gpus all -p 5000:5000 -v <path_to_model_dir>:/data/model/ -v <path_to_session_dir>:/data/exllama_sessions --rm -it exllama-web --host
## Results so far
### New implementation
| Model | Size | grpsz | act | Seq. len. | VRAM | Prompt | Best | Worst | Ppl |
| Llama | 7B | 128 | no | 2,048 t | 5,194 MB | 13,918 t/s | 173 t/s | 140 t/s | 6.45 |
| Llama | 13B | 128 | no | 2,048 t | 9,127 MB | 7,507 t/s | 102 t/s | 86 t/s | 5.60 |
| Llama | 33B | 128 | no | 2,048 t | 20,795 MB | 2,959 t/s | 47 t/s | 40 t/s | 4.60 |
| Llama | 33B | 128 | yes | 2,048 t | 20,795 MB | 2,784 t/s | 45 t/s | 37 t/s | 4.55 |
| Llama | 33B | 32 | yes | 1,550 t <sup>1</sup> | 21,486 MB | 2,636 t/s | 41 t/s | 37 t/s | 4.52 |
| Koala | 13B | 128 | yes | 2,048 t | 9,127 MB | 5,529 t/s | 93 t/s | 79 t/s | 6.73 |
| WizardLM | 33B | - | yes | 2,048 t | 20,199 MB | 2,313 t/s | 47 t/s | 40 t/s | 5.75 |
| OpenLlama | 3B | 128 | yes | 2,048 t | 3,128 MB | 16,419 t/s | 226 t/s | 170 t/s | 7.81 |
<sup>1</sup> Can not achieve full sequence length without OoM
All tests done on stock RTX 4090 / 12900K, running with a desktop environment, with a few other apps also using VRAM.
**"Prompt"** speed is inference over the sequence length listed minus 128 tokens. **"Worst"** is the average speed for
the last 128 tokens of the full context (worst case) and **"Best"** lists the speed for the first 128 tokens in an
empty sequence (best case.)
VRAM usage is as reported by PyTorch and does not include PyTorch's own overhead (CUDA kernels,
internal buffers etc.) This is somewhat unpredictable anyway. Best bet is to just optimize VRAM usage by the model,
probably aiming for 20 GB on a 24 GB GPU to ensure there is room for a desktop environment and all of Torch's
Perplexity is measured only to verify that the models are working. The dataset used is a particular, small sample from
WikiText, so scores are not comparable to other Llama benchmarks and only useful for comparing the different Llama
models to one another.
### Dual GPU results
The following benchmarks are from a 4090 + 3090-Ti with `-gs 17.2,24`:
| Model | Size | groupsize | act | Seq. len. | VRAM | Prompt | Best | Worst | Ppl |
| Llama | 65B | 128 | yes | 2,048 t | 39,804 MB | 1,109 t/s | 20 t/s | 18 t/s | 4.20 |
| Llama | 65B | 32 | yes | 2,048 t | 43,424 MB | 1,037 t/s | 17 t/s | 16 t/s | 4.11 |
| Llama-2 | 70B | 128 | yes | 2,048 t | 40,680 MB | 914 t/s | 17 t/s | 14 t/s | 4.15 |
| Llama-2 | 70B | 32 | yes | 2,048 t | 36,815 MB | 874 t/s | 15 t/s | 12 t/s | 4.10 |
Note that perplexity scores may not be strictly apples-to-apples between Llama and Llama 2 due to their different
pretraining datasets.
## Todo
Moved the todo list [here](doc/TODO.md).
## Compatibility
[Here](doc/model_compatibility.md) is a list of models confirmed to be working right now.
import * as util from "./util.js";
import * as mainmenu from "./mainmenu.js";
import * as globals from "./globals.js";
import * as controls from "./controls.js";
import * as overlay from "./overlay.js";
export class NotepadSettings {
constructor(parent) {
this.element = util.newHFlex();
this.parent = parent;
this.settings = this.parent.notepadSettings;
populate() {
this.element.innerHTML = "";
this.sss_genParams = new controls.CollapsibleSection(null, "Generation parameters");
this.sss_sampling = new controls.CollapsibleSection(null, "Sampling");
// Generation params
this.sss_i_maxTokens = new controls.SettingsSlider("sss-item-left", "Max tokens", "sss-item-mid", "sss-item-right sss-item-textbox-r", 0, 16, 2048, null, this.settings, "maxtokens", () => { this.updateView(true); });
this.sss_i_chunkTokens = new controls.SettingsSlider("sss-item-left", "Chunk tokens", "sss-item-mid", "sss-item-right sss-item-textbox-r", 0, 16, 2048, null, this.settings, "chunktokens", () => { this.updateView(true); });
this.sss_stopConditions = new controls.CollapsibleSection(null, "Stop conditions");
// Sampling
this.sss_i_temperature = new controls.SettingsSlider("sss-item-left", "Temperature", "sss-item-mid", "sss-item-right sss-item-textbox-r", 2, 0, 3, null, this.settings, "temperature", () => { this.updateView(true); });
this.sss_i_topK = new controls.SettingsSlider("sss-item-left", "Top K", "sss-item-mid", "sss-item-right sss-item-textbox-r", 0, 0, 1000, { "0": "off" }, this.settings, "top_k", () => { this.updateView(true); });
this.sss_i_topP = new controls.SettingsSlider("sss-item-left", "Top P", "sss-item-mid", "sss-item-right sss-item-textbox-r", 2, 0, 1, { "0.00": "off", "1.00": "off" }, this.settings, "top_p", () => { this.updateView(true); });
this.sss_i_minP = new controls.SettingsSlider("sss-item-left", "Min P", "sss-item-mid", "sss-item-right sss-item-textbox-r", 2, 0, 1, { "0.00": "off", "1.00": "off" }, this.settings, "min_p", () => { this.updateView(true); });
this.sss_i_tfs = new controls.SettingsSlider("sss-item-left", "TFS", "sss-item-mid", "sss-item-right sss-item-textbox-r", 2, 0, 1, { "0.00": "off", "1.00": "off" }, this.settings, "tfs", () => { this.updateView(true); });
this.sss_i_typical = new controls.SettingsSlider("sss-item-left", "Typical", "sss-item-mid", "sss-item-right sss-item-textbox-r", 2, 0, 1, { "0.00": "off", "1.00": "off" }, this.settings, "typical", () => { this.updateView(true); });
this.sss_i_repPenalty = new controls.SettingsSlider("sss-item-left", "Rep. penalty", "sss-item-mid", "sss-item-right sss-item-textbox-r", 2, 1, 3, { "1.00": "off" }, this.settings, "repp", () => { this.updateView(true); });
this.sss_i_repRange = new controls.SettingsSlider("sss-item-left", "Rep. range", "sss-item-mid", "sss-item-right sss-item-textbox-r", 0, 0, 4096, { "0": "off" }, this.settings, "repr", () => { this.updateView(true); });
this.sss_i_mirostat = new controls.CheckboxLabel("sss-item-right clickable", "Mirostat", this.settings, "mirostat", () => { this.updateView(true); });
this.sss_i_mirostat_tau = new controls.SettingsSlider("sss-item-left", "Mirostat tau", "sss-item-mid", "sss-item-right sss-item-textbox-r", 2, 0.01, 10, null, this.settings, "mirostat_tau", () => { this.updateView(true); });
this.sss_i_mirostat_eta = new controls.SettingsSlider("sss-item-left", "Mirostat eta", "sss-item-mid", "sss-item-right sss-item-textbox-r", 2, 0.01, 5, null, this.settings, "mirostat_eta", () => { this.updateView(true); });
// Stop conditions
populate_stop_conditions() {
this.sss_stopConditions.inner.innerHTML = "";
this.sss_i_stopconditions = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.settings.stop_conditions.length; i++) {
this.sss_i_stopconditions[i] = new controls.CheckboxTextboxButton(
"stop_condition_" + i,
"sss-item-mid sss-item-textbox",
(v) => { return v != ""; },
() => { this.updateView(true); },
"✕ Remove",
() => {
this.settings.stop_conditions.splice(i, 1);
for (let i = 0; i < this.settings.stop_conditions.length; i++)
if (this.settings.stop_conditions.length < 10) {
this.sss_i_addStopCondition = new controls.LinkButton("+ Add...", null, () => {
this.settings.stop_conditions.push({text: "", inclusive: false});
}, "sss-item-link");
updateView(send = false) {
// Settings visibility
let mirostat = this.settings.mirostat;
// Send
if (send) this.send();
send(post = null) {
let packet = {};
packet.settings = this.settings;
if (!this.parent.notepadID || this.parent.notepadID == "new") {
fetch("/api/new_notepad", { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify(packet) })
.then(response => response.json())
.then(response => {
this.parent.parent.lastNotepadUUID = response.notepad.notepad_uuid;
if (post) post(response);
} else {
fetch("/api/update_notepad_settings", { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify(packet) })
.then(response => response.json())
.then(response => {
if (post) post(response);
input[type=range] {
-webkit-appearance: none;
margin: 4px 0;
width: 100%;
background: transparent;
input[type=range]:focus {
outline: none;
input[type=range]::-webkit-slider-runnable-track {
width: 100%;
height: 6.4px;
cursor: pointer;
box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #00000020, 0px 0px 1px #0d0d0d40;
background: var(--slider-track-color);
border-radius: 1.0px;
border: 0.2px solid #01010120;
input[type=range]::-webkit-slider-thumb {
box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #00000080, 0px 0px 1px #0d0d0d40;
border: 1px solid #00000080;
height: 16px;
width: 16px;
border-radius: 3px;
background: var(--slider-thumb-color);
cursor: pointer;
-webkit-appearance: none;
margin-top: -5px;
input[type=range]:hover::-webkit-slider-runnable-track {
/* background: var(--slider-hover-color);*/
input[type=range]::-moz-range-track {
width: 100%;
height: 4.4px;
cursor: pointer;
box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #00000080, 0px 0px 1px #0d0d0d40;
background: var(--slider-track-color);
border-radius: 1.3px;
border: 0.2px solid var(--slider-track-color);;
input[type=range]::-moz-range-thumb {
box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #00000080, 0px 0px 1px #0d0d0d40;
border: 1px solid #00000080;
height: 13px;
width: 13px;
border-radius: 3px;
background: var(--slider-thumb-color);
cursor: pointer;
input[type=range]:hover::-moz-range-track {
/* background: var(--slider-hover-color);*/
import * as util from "./util.js";
class PageOverlay {
constructor() {
this.keyboardDisabled = false;
document.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => {
if (this.keyboardDisabled) e.preventDefault();
this.overlayElement = util.newDiv(null, "page-overlay");
this.items = new Map();
add(mode, control) {
this.items.set(mode, control);
return control;
setMode(mode = null) {
if (!mode) {
this.keyboardDisabled = false;
this.overlayElement.style.display = "none";
this.items.forEach((v, k) => { v.setVisible(false); });
} else {
this.keyboardDisabled = true;
this.overlayElement.style.display = "flex";
this.items.forEach((v, k) => { v.setVisible(mode === k); });
class Overlay {
constructor() {
this.element = util.newDiv(null, "overlay");
setVisible(visible) {
this.element.style.display = visible ? "flex" : "none";
class BusyOverlay extends Overlay {
constructor() {
this.element.innerHTML = "<p class='p-header'>Please wait</p>" +
"<div class='spinner'><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div></div>";
class LoadingOverlay extends Overlay {
constructor() {
this.element.innerHTML = "<p class='p-header'>Loading</p>";
this.box = util.newDiv(null, "progressbar-box");
this.bar = util.newDiv(null, "progressbar-bar");
setProgress(a, b) {
let percentage = 100 * (a / b);
this.bar.style.width = percentage + '%';
export var pageOverlay = new PageOverlay();
export var busyOverlay = pageOverlay.add("busy", new BusyOverlay());
export var loadingOverlay = pageOverlay.add("loading", new LoadingOverlay());
@app.route("/api/load_model", methods=['POST'])
def api_load_model():
global api_lock, verbose
if verbose: print("/api/load_model")
with api_lock:
data = request.get_json()
if verbose: print("<-", data)
if verbose: print("-> ...")
result = Response(stream_with_context(load_model(data)), mimetype = 'application/json')
if verbose: print("->", result)
return result
def api_unload_model():
global api_lock, verbose
if verbose: print("/api/unload_model")
with api_lock:
result = unload_model()
if verbose: print("->", result)
return json.dumps(result) + "\n"
def api_list_sessions():
global api_lock, verbose
if verbose: print("/api/list_sessions")
with api_lock:
s, c = list_sessions()
result = { "result": "ok", "sessions": s, "current_session": c }
if verbose: print("-> (...)")
return json.dumps(result) + "\n"
def api_get_default_settings():
global api_lock, verbose
if verbose: print("/api/get_default_settings")
with api_lock:
result = { "result": "ok",
"session_settings": get_default_session_settings(),
"notepad_settings": get_default_notepad_settings(),
"prompt_formats": list_prompt_formats() }
return json.dumps(result) + "\n"
@app.route("/api/set_session", methods=['POST'])
def api_set_session():
global api_lock, verbose
if verbose: print("/api/set_session")
with api_lock:
data = request.get_json()
if verbose: print("<-", data)
session = set_session(data)
if session is not None:
result = { "result": "ok",
"session": session,
"prompt_formats": list_prompt_formats() }
if verbose: print("-> (...)")
result = { "result": "fail" }
if verbose: print("->", result)
return json.dumps(result) + "\n"
@app.route("/api/new_session", methods=['POST'])
def api_new_session():
global api_lock, verbose
if verbose: print("/api/new_session")
with api_lock:
data = request.get_json()
if verbose: print("<-", data)
session = new_session()
if "settings" in data: get_session().update_settings(data["settings"])
if "user_input_text" in data: get_session().user_input(data)
if "new_name" in data: get_session().rename(data)
result = { "result": "ok", "session": session }
if verbose: print("-> (...)")
return json.dumps(result) + "\n"
@app.route("/api/rename_session", methods=['POST'])
def api_rename_session():
global api_lock, verbose
if verbose: print("/api/rename_session")
with api_lock:
data = request.get_json()
if verbose: print("<-", data)
s = get_session()
result = { "result": "ok" }
if verbose: print("->", result)
return json.dumps(result) + "\n"
def is_rocm_installed():
# Implement a check for ROCm (e.g., looking for specific files or running a command)
# Return True if ROCm is found, False otherwise
def is_cuda_installed():
# Implement a check for CUDA
# Return True if CUDA is found, False otherwise
def install_packages():
if is_rocm_installed():
subprocess.run([sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'install', 'some_rocm_package'])
elif is_cuda_installed():
subprocess.run([sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'install', 'some_cuda_package'])
print("Neither ROCm nor CUDA detected.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
#ifndef _qdq_4_cuh
#define _qdq_4_cuh
#include "qdq_util.cuh"
#include "../../config.h"
#if QMODE_4BIT == 1
// Permutation:
// 77775555 33331111 66664444 22220000
__forceinline__ __device__ void shuffle_4bit_8
uint32_t* q,
int stride
uint32_t qa = q[0];
uint32_t qb = 0;
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
uint32_t qa0 = qa & 0x0f;
uint32_t qa1 = (qa & 0xf0) >> 4;
qa >>= 8;
qb |= (qa1 << (i * 4 + 16));
qb |= (qa0 << (i * 4));
q[0] = qb;
__forceinline__ __device__ void dequant_4bit_8
const uint32_t q_0,
half2 (&dq)[4],
int stride
const uint32_t c0 = 0x64006400;
const half y16_ = __float2half_rn(1.0f / 16.0f);
const half2 y16 = __halves2half2(y16_, y16_);
const half z1_ = __float2half_rn(-1024.0f - 8.0f);
const half z16_ = __float2half_rn(-1024.0f / 16.0f - 8.0f);
const half2 z1 = __halves2half2(z1_, z1_);
const half2 z16 = __halves2half2(z16_, z16_);
uint32_t qa = q_0;
half2_uint32 q0((qa & 0x000f000f) | c0); // half2(q[ 0], q[ 1]) + 1024
half2_uint32 q1((qa & 0x00f000f0) | c0); // half2(q[ 2], q[ 3]) * 16 + 1024
qa >>= 8;
half2_uint32 q2((qa & 0x000f000f) | c0); // half2(q[ 4], q[ 5]) + 1024
half2_uint32 q3((qa & 0x00f000f0) | c0); // half2(q[ 6], q[ 7]) * 16 + 1024
dq[0] = __hadd2(q0.as_half2, z1);
dq[1] = __hfma2(q1.as_half2, y16, z16);
dq[2] = __hadd2(q2.as_half2, z1);
dq[3] = __hfma2(q3.as_half2, y16, z16);
__forceinline__ __device__ void dequant_4bit_8_prep_zero_scale
const uint32_t zero,
const half scale,
half2 (&z1z16)[2],
half2 (&y1y16)[2]
half_uint16 z1(0xe400 | zero); // half(-1024.0f - zero);
half z16 = __hsub(__int2half_rn(-64), __int2half_rn(zero));
half2 scale2 = __half2half2(scale);
z1z16[0] = __hmul2(scale2, __half2half2(z1.as_half));
z1z16[1] = __hmul2(scale2, __half2half2(z16));
const half y1 = __float2half_rn(1.0f);
const half y16 = __float2half_rn(1.0f / 16.0f);
y1y16[0] = __hmul2(scale2, __half2half2(y1));
y1y16[1] = __hmul2(scale2, __half2half2(y16));
__forceinline__ __device__ void dequant_4bit_8_prep_zero
const uint32_t zero,
half_uint16 z1(0xe400 | zero); // half(-1024.0f - zero);
half z16 = __hsub(__int2half_rn(-64), __int2half_rn(zero));
z1z16[0] = __half2half2(z1.as_half);
z1z16[1] = __half2half2(z16);
const half y1 = __float2half_rn(1.0f);
const half y16 = __float2half_rn(1.0f / 16.0f);
y1y16[0] = __half2half2(y1);
y1y16[1] = __half2half2(y16);
__forceinline__ __device__ void dequant_4bit_8_gptq
const uint32_t q_0,
half2 (&dq)[4],
half2 (&z1z16)[2],
half2 (&y1y16)[2],
int stride,
bool scaled
const uint32_t c0 = 0x64006400;
uint32_t qa = q_0;
half2_uint32 q0((qa & 0x000f000f) | c0); // half2( q[0] + 1024, q[1] + 1024 )
half2_uint32 q1((qa & 0x00f000f0) | c0); // half2( q[2] * 16 + 1024, q[3] * 16 + 1024 )
qa >>= 8;
half2_uint32 q2((qa & 0x000f000f) | c0); // half2( q[4] + 1024, q[5] + 1024 )
half2_uint32 q3((qa & 0x00f000f0) | c0); // half2( q[6] * 16 + 1024, q[7] * 16 + 1024 )
if (scaled)
dq[0] = __hfma2(q0.as_half2, y1y16[0], z1z16[0]); // half2( q[0] * s - z * s, q[1] * s - z * s)
dq[1] = __hfma2(q1.as_half2, y1y16[1], z1z16[1]); // half2( q[2] * s - z * s, q[3] * s - z * s)
dq[2] = __hfma2(q2.as_half2, y1y16[0], z1z16[0]);
dq[3] = __hfma2(q3.as_half2, y1y16[1], z1z16[1]);
dq[0] = __hadd2(q0.as_half2, z1z16[0]); // half2( q[0] - z, q[1] - z )
dq[1] = __hfma2(q1.as_half2, y1y16[1], z1z16[1]); // half2( q[2] - z, q[3] - z )
dq[2] = __hadd2(q2.as_half2, z1z16[0]); // half2( q[4] - z, q[5] - z )
dq[3] = __hfma2(q3.as_half2, y1y16[1], z1z16[1]); // half2( q[6] - z, q[7] - z )
__forceinline__ __device__ void shuffle_4bit_8
uint32_t* q,
int stride
__forceinline__ __device__ void dequant_4bit_8
const uint32_t q_0,
half2 (&dq)[4],
int stride
half dqh[8];
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) dqh[i] = dq_ns(exb(q_0, i * 4, 0x0f), 8);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) dq[i] = __halves2half2(dqh[i * 2], dqh[i * 2 + 1]);
__forceinline__ __device__ void dequant_4bit_8_prep_zero_scale
const uint32_t zero,
const half scale,
half2 (&z1)[2],
half2 (&y1)[2]
half z = __int2half_rn(-((int)zero));
z = __hmul(z, scale);
z1[0] = __half2half2(z);
y1[0] = __half2half2(scale);
__forceinline__ __device__ void dequant_4bit_8_prep_zero
const uint32_t zero,
half z = __int2half_rn(-((int)zero));
z1[0] = __half2half2(z);
__forceinline__ __device__ void dequant_4bit_8_gptq
const uint32_t q_0,
half2 (&dq)[4],
half2 (&z1)[2],
half2 (&y1)[2],
int stride,
bool scaled
half2 dqh2[8];
uint32_t qa = q_0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
half d0 = __int2half_rn(qa & 0x0f); qa >>= 4;
half d1 = __int2half_rn(qa & 0x0f); qa >>= 4;
dqh2[i] = __halves2half2(d0, d1);
if (scaled)
dq[0] = __hfma2(dqh2[0], y1[0], z1[0]);
dq[1] = __hfma2(dqh2[1], y1[0], z1[0]);
dq[2] = __hfma2(dqh2[2], y1[0], z1[0]);
dq[3] = __hfma2(dqh2[3], y1[0], z1[0]);
dq[0] = __hadd2(dqh2[0], z1[0]);
dq[1] = __hadd2(dqh2[1], z1[0]);
dq[2] = __hadd2(dqh2[2], z1[0]);
dq[3] = __hadd2(dqh2[3], z1[0]);
import gc
import torch
from torch import nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import math
from exllamav2.ext import exllamav2_ext as ext_c, none_tensor
from exllamav2.util import list_live_tensors
class AdaptiveQuantizer:
norm: float = 3.5
max_p: float = 1.0
min_p: float = 0.75
p_grid: int = 48
bits: int
scale_bits: int
scale_range: float = 1.0
scale: torch.tensor
qscale: torch.tensor
qscale_max: float
maxq: float
scale_maxq: float
qzero: float
def __init__(self,
bits: int = 4,
scale_bits: int = 4):
self.bits = bits
self.scale_bits = scale_bits
self.maxq = 2 ** bits - 1
self.qzero = (self.maxq + 1) / 2
self.scale_maxq = 2 ** scale_bits - 1
self.scale_maxq = (2 ** self.scale_bits) - 1
def find_params(self, x):
xmax, _ = torch.max(torch.abs(x), dim = 0)
xmax += 1e-12
base_scale = xmax / (self.maxq / 2)
qscale_max_t = torch.max(base_scale) * self.scale_range
scale_tp = base_scale / qscale_max_t
scale_tp = torch.sqrt(scale_tp)
scale_tp *= (self.scale_maxq + 1)
qscale_t = torch.clamp(torch.round(scale_tp), 1, self.scale_maxq + 1)
qscale_tw = qscale_t / (self.scale_maxq + 1)
qscale_tw = qscale_tw ** 2
qscale_tw *= qscale_max_t
q = torch.zeros((self.p_grid + 1, 128), dtype = torch.float, device = x.device)
ext_c.quantize_err(x, q, qscale_tw, self.qzero, self.maxq, self.norm, self.min_p, self.max_p, self.p_grid)
q = torch.sum(q, dim = 1)
best_pi = torch.argmin(q)
best_pif = best_pi / self.p_grid
best_p = self.max_p * best_pif + self.min_p * (1 - best_pif)
# best_p = 1.0
self.qscale = qscale_t.to(torch.short)
self.scale = qscale_tw * best_p
self.qscale_max = qscale_max_t * best_p
class AdaptiveGPTQ:
percdamp: float = 0.07
layer: nn.Linear
device: torch.device
group_size: int
bits: list
bits_groups: list
scale_bits: int
hot_bits: int
columns: int
rows: int
hessian: torch.tensor
total_groups: int
perm: torch.tensor = None
invperm: torch.tensor = None
g_idx: torch.tensor = None
scale: torch.tensor = None
qscale: torch.tensor = None
qscale_max: torch.tensor = None
qweight: torch.tensor = None
qgroups: torch.tensor = None
quant: torch.tensor = None
weights: torch.tensor = None
hessian: torch.tensor = None
hessian_inv: torch.tensor = None
num_samples: int = 0
num_batches: int = 0
def __init__(self,
layer: nn.Linear):
self.layer = layer
self.device = layer.weight.device
self.rows = self.layer.weight.data.shape[1]
self.columns = self.layer.weight.data.shape[0]
self.weights = self.layer.weight.data.T.clone().float().contiguous()
self.hessian = None
self.num_samples = 0
self.num_batches = 0
def drop_buffers(self):
self.perm = None
self.invperm = None
self.g_idx = None
self.scale = None
self.qscale = None
self.qscale_max = None
self.qweight = None
self.qgroups = None
self.quant = None
self.weights = None
self.hessian = None
self.hessian_inv = None
def configure(self,
group_size: dict,
bits = None,
bits_prop = None,
scale_bits: int = 4
self.group_size = group_size
self.scale_bits = scale_bits
self.bits = bits
assert isinstance(bits, list)
assert isinstance(bits_prop, list)
assert sum(bits_prop) == 1
groups = 0
remaining_rows = self.rows
self.bits_groups = []
for b, p in zip(self.bits, bits_prop):
assert p > 0
gsz = self.group_size[b]
g = math.ceil(min(self.rows * p, remaining_rows) / gsz)
groups += g
remaining_rows -= g * gsz
assert remaining_rows <= 0
self.total_groups = groups
# if isinstance(bits, list):
# self.bits = bits
# g128 = (self.rows + 128 - 1) // 128
# self.bits_groups = [max(round(g128 * p), 1) * 128 // self.group_size for p in bits_prop]
# e = sum(self.bits_groups) - self.total_groups
# self.bits_groups[-1] -= e
# else:
# self.bits = [bits]
# self.bits_groups = [self.total_groups]
# def num_bits(self, subtract_columns = 0):
# gi = self.g_idx.numel() * 32
# qs = self.qscale.numel() * self.scale_bits
# qss = self.qscale_max.numel() * 16
# w = 0
# tr = self.rows
# for g, b in zip(self.bits_groups, self.bits):
# c = self.columns - subtract_columns
# r = self.group_size * g
# if r > tr: r = tr
# tr -= r
# w += r * c * b
# return w + gi + qs + qss
def add_batch(self, inputs):
with torch.inference_mode():
if self.hessian is None:
self.hessian = torch.zeros((self.rows, self.rows), device=self.device, dtype=torch.float)
self.num_batches += 1
num_samples = len(inputs)
inputs = torch.cat(inputs, dim = 0)
inputs = inputs.view((-1, inputs.shape[-1])).float().T.to("cuda:0")
inputs *= math.sqrt(2 / num_samples)
self.hessian += inputs.matmul(inputs.T)
def prepare(self):
with torch.inference_mode():
self.hessian /= self.num_batches
diagonal = torch.diag(self.hessian)
# Zero weights that have no impact. Disabling this since it feels a little drastic based on just the calibration
# data. It likely never triggers, anyway.
# dead = diagonal == 0.0
# self.hessian[dead, dead] = 1
# self.weights[dead, :] = 0
# Activation order
self.perm = torch.argsort(diagonal, descending = True)
self.weights = self.weights[self.perm, :]
hessian = self.hessian[self.perm][:, self.perm]
self.hessian = None
# In case numerical errors have caused some asymmetry in H, assume it's close to symmetrical and force it.
# (Doesn't seem to be needed)
# torch.cuda.empty_cache()
# hessian = (hessian + hessian.T) * 0.5
# torch.cuda.empty_cache()
# Damping
diagonal = torch.diag(hessian)
damp = torch.clamp(self.percdamp * torch.mean(diagonal), min = 1e-5)
# Inverse of H
attempts = 0
while True:
d = torch.arange(self.rows, device = self.device)
hessian[d, d] += damp
# Dump condition number and smallest eigenvalue (should be positive)
# fro_norm_hessian = torch.norm(hessian, p = 'fro')
# fro_norm_inv = torch.norm(torch.linalg.inv(hessian), p = 'fro')
# cond_number = fro_norm_hessian * fro_norm_inv
# print(cond_number)
# eigenvalues = torch.linalg.eigvalsh(hessian)
# is_pd = torch.all(eigenvalues > 0)
# print(is_pd)
# print(torch.min(eigenvalues))
hessian_inv = torch.linalg.cholesky(hessian)
hessian_inv = torch.cholesky_inverse(hessian_inv)
# The Cholesky inverse will sometimes fail to compute due to accumulated rounding errors when H
# is very large (e.g. 70B MLP down proj) and a lot of calibration data is used (e.g. 100 rows of
# 4096 tokens). This won't always throw an exception and sometimes just results in a NaN tensor.
if torch.any(torch.isnan(hessian_inv)): raise RuntimeError
# Test inversion
# test = hessian_inv @ hessian
# test.sub_(torch.eye(test.size(0), device = test.device, dtype = test.dtype))
# test **= 2
# test = test.mean()
# print(test)
hessian_inv = torch.linalg.cholesky(hessian_inv, upper = True)
hessian_inv = hessian_inv.contiguous()
except RuntimeError:
# If inverting failed, assume there were non-positive eigenvalues, so apply more damping to shift
# the eigenvalues in a positive direction.
print(" !! Warning: Applied additional damping")
attempts += 1
if attempts == 10:
raise ValueError("Hessian is not invertible")
self.hessian_inv = hessian_inv
self.hessian = None
def reuse_h(self, other):
with torch.inference_mode():
self.hessian_inv = other.hessian_inv
self.hessian = None
self.perm = other.perm
self.weights = self.weights[self.perm, :]
def quantize(self, keep_qweight = False, apply = False, drop = False):
with torch.inference_mode():
if apply:
weights = self.weights
self.layer.weight.data = torch.zeros((1, 1), dtype = torch.float32, device = weights.device)
weights = self.weights.clone()
self.quant = torch.zeros_like(self.weights)
if keep_qweight:
self.qweight = torch.zeros_like(weights, dtype = torch.short)
# Quantize groups
scale = []
qscale = []
qscale_max = []
qgroups = []
error = weights.clone()
group_idx = 0
group_idx_list = []
b = 0
for bits_idx, bits in enumerate(self.bits):
quantizer = AdaptiveQuantizer(bits = bits, scale_bits = self.scale_bits)
for group in range(self.bits_groups[bits_idx]):
a = b
b = min(a + self.group_size[bits], self.rows)
quantizer.find_params(weights[a : b, :])
self.qweight if keep_qweight else none_tensor,
group_idx_list += [group_idx] * (b - a)
group_idx += 1
# Create g_idx to store inverse activation order
self.g_idx = torch.tensor(group_idx_list, dtype = torch.int32, device = self.device)
self.invperm = torch.argsort(self.perm)
self.g_idx = self.g_idx[self.invperm]
# Store scales
self.scale = torch.stack(scale, dim = 0)
self.qscale = torch.stack(qscale, dim = 0)
self.qscale_max = torch.tensor(qscale_max, dtype = torch.float16, device = self.device)
self.qgroups = torch.tensor(qgroups, dtype = torch.short, device = self.device)
# Apply
if apply:
if drop:
weights = None
error = None
scale = None
qscale = None
qscale_max = None
qgroups = None
group_idx_list = None
def quant_error(self):
with torch.inference_mode():
q = self.quant[self.invperm, :]
diff = torch.abs(q - self.layer.weight.data.T)
mat_error_1 = (diff > 0.01).sum().item() / diff.numel()
mat_error_5 = (diff > 0.05).sum().item() / diff.numel()
mat_error_10 = (diff > 0.10).sum().item() / diff.numel()
return mat_error_1, mat_error_5, mat_error_10
def apply_quant(self):
qc = self.quant.cpu()
invperm = self.invperm.cpu()
q = qc[invperm, :].T
q = q.reshape(self.quant.T.shape)
q = q.to(self.quant.device)
self.layer.weight.data = q
def apply_temp(self):
q = self.quant[self.invperm, :].T
temp_layer = nn.Linear(self.layer.in_features, self.layer.out_features, False, device = "meta", dtype = torch.float16)
temp_layer.weight = nn.Parameter(q.reshape(self.layer.weight.shape).type_as(self.layer.weight.data))
return temp_layer
def pack(self, key, qparams):
assert qparams.scale_bits in [4]
# assert self.columns % 32 == 0
output = {}
output[key + ".q_invperm"] = self.invperm.to(torch.int)
output[key + ".q_scale_max"] = self.qscale_max
output[key + ".q_groups"] = self.qgroups
columns = self.columns
rem_rows = self.rows
padding = -columns % 32
if padding != 0:
print(f" !! Note: Padding quantized tensor {key}")
qst = F.pad(self.qscale, (0, padding)).contiguous()
qwt = F.pad(self.qweight, (0, padding)).contiguous()
qst = self.qscale
qwt = self.qweight
qst_packed = torch.zeros((qst.shape[0], qst.shape[1] * qparams.scale_bits // 32), dtype = torch.int32, device = self.device)
if qparams.scale_bits == 4: ext_c.pack_rows_4(qst, qst_packed)
# if qparams.scale_bits == 6: ext_c.pack_rows_6(qst, qst_packed) # TODO:
output[key + ".q_scale"] = qst_packed
qwt_packed = []
i = 0
row = 0
out_row = 0
while i < self.qscale.shape[0]:
bits = self.qgroups[i * 2].item()
self.qgroups[i * 2 + 1] = out_row
i += 1
rows = min(self.group_size[bits], rem_rows)
wpqr = 32 / bits
qrows = rows / wpqr
assert i == self.qgroups.shape[-1] or qrows == int(qrows)
qrows = math.ceil(qrows)
g_qwt = qwt[row:row+rows, :].contiguous()
g_qwt_packed = torch.zeros((qrows, columns + padding), dtype = torch.int32, device = self.device)
if padding > 0: g_qwt[:, -padding:] = 2 ** (bits - 1)
ext_c.pack_columns(g_qwt, g_qwt_packed, bits)
# print(row, rows, bits)
row += rows
out_row += qrows
rem_rows -= rows
qwt_packed = torch.cat(qwt_packed, dim = 0)
output[key + ".q_weight"] = qwt_packed
return output
This page shows examples of messages formatted using JSON (JavaScript Object Notation).
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"title": "S",
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"GlossEntry": {
"ID": "SGML",
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"GlossDef": {
"para": "A meta-markup language, used to create markup languages such as DocBook.",
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"GlossSee": "markup"
The same text expressed as XML:
<!DOCTYPE glossary PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN">
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<GlossTerm>Standard Generalized Markup Language</GlossTerm>
<Abbrev>ISO 8879:1986</Abbrev>
<para>A meta-markup language, used to create markup
languages such as DocBook.</para>
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The same text expressed as XML:
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The same text expressed as XML:
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"init-param": {
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The same file expressed as XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
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<param-value>SET NOCOUNT ON;select test='test';</param-value>
The action and label values only need to be provided if they are not the same as the id.
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{"id": "FindAgain", "label": "Find Again"},
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{"id": "ViewSource", "label": "View Source"},
{"id": "SaveAs", "label": "Save As"},
{"id": "Help"},
{"id": "About", "label": "About Adobe CVG Viewer..."}
The same message expressed as XML:
<header>Adobe SVG Viewer</header>
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<item action="FindAgain" id="FindAgain">Find Again</item>
<item action="Copy" id="Copy">Copy</item>
<item action="CopyAgain" id="CopyAgain">Copy Again</item>
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<item action="ViewSource" id="ViewSource">View Source</item>
<item action="SaveAs" id="SaveAs">Save As</item>
<item action="Help" id="Help">Help</item>
<item action="About" id="About">About Adobe CVG Viewer...</item>
We have discussed qsort() in C. C++ STL provides a similar function sort that sorts a vector or array (items with random access)
It generally takes two parameters, the first one being the point of the array/vector from where the sorting needs to begin and the second parameter being the length up to which we want the array/vector to get sorted. The third parameter is optional and can be used in cases such as if we want to sort the elements lexicographically.
By default, the sort() function sorts the elements in ascending order.
Below is a simple program to show the working of sort().
// C++ program to demonstrate default behaviour of
// sort() in STL.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
int arr[] = { 1, 5, 8, 9, 6, 7, 3, 4, 2, 0 };
int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
/*Here we take two parameters, the beginning of the
array and the length n upto which we want the array to
be sorted*/
sort(arr, arr + n);
cout << "\nArray after sorting using "
"default sort is : \n";
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
cout << arr[i] << " ";
return 0;
Array after sorting using default sort is :
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Time Complexity: O(N log N)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)
How to sort in descending order?
sort() takes a third parameter that is used to specify the order in which elements are to be sorted. We can pass the “greater()” function to sort in descending order. This function does a comparison in a way that puts greater elements before.
// C++ program to demonstrate descending order sort using
// greater<>().
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
int arr[] = { 1, 5, 8, 9, 6, 7, 3, 4, 2, 0 };
int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
sort(arr, arr + n, greater<int>());
cout << "Array after sorting : \n";
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
cout << arr[i] << " ";
return 0;
Array after sorting :
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Time Complexity: O(N log N)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)
Sort the array only in the given range: To deal with such types of problems we just have to mention the range inside the sort function.
Below is the implementation of above case:
// C++ program to demonstrate sort()
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
int arr[] = { 0, 1, 5, 8, 9, 6, 7, 3, 4, 2 };
int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
// Sort the elements which lies in the range of 2 to
// (n-1)
sort(arr + 2, arr + n);
cout << "Array after sorting : \n";
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
cout << arr[i] << " ";
return 0;
// This code is contributed by Suruchi Kumari
Array after sorting :
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Time Complexity: O(N log N)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)
How to sort in a particular order?
We can also write our own comparator function and pass it as a third parameter. This “comparator” function returns a value; convertible to bool, which basically tells us whether the passed “first” argument should be placed before the passed “second” argument or not.
For eg: In the code below, suppose intervals {6,8} and {1,9} are passed as arguments in the “compareInterval” function(comparator function). Now as i1.first (=6) < i2.first (=1), so our function returns “false”, which tells us that “first” argument should not be placed before “second” argument and so sorting will be done in order like {1,9} first and then {6,8} as next.
// A C++ program to demonstrate
// STL sort() using
// our own comparator
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// An interval has a start
// time and end time
struct Interval {
int start, end;
// Compares two intervals
// according to starting times.
bool compareInterval(Interval i1, Interval i2)
return (i1.start < i2.start);
int main()
Interval arr[]
= { { 6, 8 }, { 1, 9 }, { 2, 4 }, { 4, 7 } };
int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
// sort the intervals in increasing order of
// start time
sort(arr, arr + n, compareInterval);
cout << "Intervals sorted by start time : \n";
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
cout << "[" << arr[i].start << "," << arr[i].end
<< "] ";
return 0;
Intervals sorted by start time :
[1,9] [2,4] [4,7] [6,8]
The time complexity of std::sort() is:
Best Case – O(N log N)
Average Case – O(N log N)
Worst-Case – O(N log N)
Space Complexity: It may use O( log N) auxiliary space.
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template <class T>
class Comparator { // we pass an object of this class as
// third arg to sort function...
bool operator()(T x1, T x2)
return x1 < x2;
template <class T> bool funComparator(T x1, T x2)
{ // return type is bool
return x1 <= x2;
void show(int a[], int array_size)
for (int i = 0; i < array_size; i++) {
cout << a[i] << " ";
int main()
int a[] = { 1, 5, 8, 9, 6, 7, 3, 4, 2, 0 };
int asize = sizeof(a) / sizeof(int);
cout << "The array before sorting is : ";
show(a, asize);
cout << endl << "The array after sorting is(asc) :";
sort(a, a + asize);
show(a, asize);
cout << endl << "The array after sorting is(desc) :";
sort(a, a + asize, greater<int>());
show(a, asize);
cout << endl
<< "The array after sorting is(asc but our "
"comparator class) :";
sort(a, a + asize, Comparator<int>());
show(a, asize);
cout << endl
<< "The array after sorting is(asc but our "
"comparator function) :";
sort(a, a + asize, funComparator<int>);
show(a, asize);
return 0;
The array before sorting is : 1 5 8 9 6 7 3 4 2 0
The array after sorting is(asc) :0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
The array after sorting is(desc) :9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
The array after sorting is(asc but our comparator class) :0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
The array after sorting is(asc but our comparator function) :0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Time Complexity: O(N log N)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)
Please write comments if you find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic discussed above
The following are different ways to construct or initialize a vector in C++ STL
1. Initializing by pushing values one by one:
// C++ program to create an empty
// vector and push values one
// by one.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main()
// Create an empty vector
vector<int> vect;
for (int x : vect)
cout << x << " ";
return 0;
10 20 30
2. Specifying size and initializing all values:
// C++ program to create an empty
// vector and push values one
// by one.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main()
int n = 3;
// Create a vector of size n with
// all values as 10.
vector<int> vect(n, 10);
for (int x : vect)
cout << x << " ";
return 0;
10 10 10
3. Initializing like arrays:
// C++ program to initialize
// a vector like an array.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main()
vector<int> vect{ 10, 20, 30 };
for (int x : vect)
cout << x << " ";
return 0;
10 20 30
4. Initializing from an array:
// C++ program to initialize
// a vector from an array.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main()
int arr[] = { 10, 20, 30 };
int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
vector<int> vect(arr, arr + n);
for (int x : vect)
cout << x << " ";
return 0;
10 20 30
5. Initializing from another vector:
// C++ program to initialize a vector from
// another vector.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main()
vector<int> vect1{ 10, 20, 30 };
vector<int> vect2(vect1.begin(), vect1.end());
for (int x : vect2)
cout << x << " ";
return 0;
10 20 30
6. Initializing all elements with a particular value:
// C++ Program to initialize vector using fill()
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main()
// creating array with size 10
vector<int> vect1(10);
// initializing using fill() function
int value = 5;
fill(vect1.begin(), vect1.end(), value);
// printing vector
for (int x : vect1)
cout << x << " ";
return 0;
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
7. Initialize an array with consecutive numbers using std::iota:
// C++ program to initialize a
// vector with consecutive
// numbers
#include <iostream>
#include <numeric>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main()
// declaring a vector with size 5
vector<int> vec(5);
// initializing using iota()
iota(vec.begin(), vec.end(), 1);
// printing the vector
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
cout << vec[i] << " ";
return 0;
1 2 3 4 5
Time complexity: O(N), where N is the size of the vector.
Auxiliary space: O(N).
If you like GeeksforGeeks and would like to contribute, you can also write an article using write.geeksforgeeks.org. See your article appearing on the GeeksforGeeks main page and help other Geeks. Please write comments if you find anything incorrect, or if you want to share more information about the topic discussed above.
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How to Hide and Show a Console Window in C++?
The task is to hide and Show the console window of a C++ program. The program for the same is given below.
Note: The results of the following program can only be seen when it is executed on a console.
// C++ program to hide and show a console window
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
using namespace std;
void countdown()
cout << "3" << endl;
cout << "2" << endl;
cout << "1" << endl;
cout << "0" << endl;
int main()
HWND window;
// You Can Find HANDLE of other windows too
window = FindWindowA("ConsoleWindowClass", NULL);
ShowWindow(window, 0);
ShowWindow(window, 1);
Explanation: The above program counts from 3 to 1 before the Console Window disappears. After the window has disappeared, the ShowWindow helps the program so that the Console Window reappears again after counting from 3 to 1(executing the countdown function).
The execution of the program can be understood by understanding the key functions of the program.
#include<windows.h> – The windows.h header in C++ programming languages are specifically designed for windows and contain a very large number of windows specific functions.
AllocConsole()- AllocConsole initializes standard input, standard output, and standard error handles for the new console.
ShowWindow()- Sets the specified window’s show state.
FindWindowA()– Takes string parameters and checks whose class name and window name match the specified strings
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Last Updated : 27 Nov, 2022
Prerequisite: Templates in C++
Substitution Failure Is Not An Error (SFINAE) is a principle of the C++ programming language that states that a compiler should not fail to compile a program just because it cannot substitute a template parameter. This principle allows for the use of template metaprogramming and enables the compiler to make decisions based on the types of template arguments, which can be useful when dealing with complex code and difficult to reason about logic.
At its core, SFINAE is a way of allowing a compiler to decide which template to use in a given context. The decision is based on the types of template arguments and the compiler will choose the template that is most appropriate for the arguments.
Advantages of SFINAE:
SFINAE is useful in a variety of scenarios, including writing generic code and dealing with complex logic.
SFINAE allows the compiler to decide which template to use, it allows programmers to write code that can be reused in different contexts without needing to explicitly specify the types of template parameters.
SFINAE allows for better code reuse, as the same code can be used for different types of objects and parameters.
SFINAE also allows for better control over code complexity by allowing the compiler to make decisions based on the types of template parameters, it can reduce the amount of complex logic that needs to be written and understood.
SFINAE helps to make code more readable and maintainable, as it is easier to follow the logic of the program.
In conclusion, SFINAE is a powerful concept in C++ programming that allows for better code reuse, improved code readability, and better control over code complexity. It is a key component of template metaprogramming and is an essential tool for writing robust and efficient code.
// C++ Program to implement
// Substitution Failure Is Not An Error
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
using namespace std;
// USing template to avoid errors
template <typename T>
void print_type(T t)
// For integer
if (is_integral<T>::value) {
cout << "T is an integral type" << endl;
// For floating number
else if (is_floating_point<T>::value) {
cout << "T is a floating point type" << endl;
// All other
else {
cout << "T is not an integral"
<< "or floating point type" << endl;
// Driver Code
int main()
// T is an integral type
// T is a floating point type
// T is an integral type
// T is an integral type
// T is not an integral
// or floating point type
return 0;
T is an integral type
T is a floating point type
T is an integral type
T is an integral type
T is not an integralor floating point type
In this example, the print_type() function is a template function that takes a single argument of type T. Inside the function, there are if statements that use the is_integral and is_floating_point type traits to check the type of T. If T is of the expected type, the corresponding branch of the if statement is executed and the appropriate message is printed. If T is not of the expected type, the else branch is executed and the message “T is not an integral or floating point type” is printed.
SFINAE is used in this example because the if statement uses type traits to check the type of T, and if T is not of the expected type, the template substitution will fail. However, because SFINAE is in effect, this failure is not treated as a compile-time error, and the else branch is executed instead.
Disadvantages of SFINAE
Although SFINAE is very useful it comes with its own limitations, these are :
It can be difficult to debug and understand the underlying code, as it relies heavily on the templates and multiple overloads to work correctly.
SFINAE is not widely used and can be difficult to find documentation and tutorials for.
SFINAE can produce unexpected behavior, as it relies on the compiler to determine which template to use based on the given types. This can lead to unexpected results if the compiler chooses the wrong template.
SFINAE can also be slow, as it involves multiple checks in order to determine the correct template. This can lead to a performance hit if used in a critical section of code.
There are other methods to perform the same task one of which is enable_if
Enable_if (Syntax)
template<typename T>
enable_if_t<is_integral<T>, void> f(T x)
// code that only applies to integral tmodule jinvertertb;
reg a;
wire y;
//Design Instance
jinverter jinv(y,a);
$display ("RESULT\ta\ty");
a = 1; # 100; // Another value
if ( y == 0 ) // Test for inversion
$display (" PASS \t%d\t%d",a,y);
$display (" FAIL \t%d\t%d",a,y);
a = 0; # 100; // Initial value is set
if ( y == 1 ) // Test for inversion
$display (" PASS \t%d\t%d",a,y);
$display (" FAIL \t%d\t%d",a,y);
a = 1; # 50; // Another value
if ( y == 0 ) // Test for inversion
$display (" PASS \t%d\t%d",a,y);
$display (" FAIL \t%d\t%d",a,y);
a = 0; # 100; // Initial value is set
if ( y == 1 ) // Test for inversion
$display (" PASS \t%d\t%d",a,y);
$display (" FAIL \t%d\t%d",a,y);
//enabling the wave dump
initial begin
$dumpfile("dump.vcd"); $dumpvars;
endmoduleypes goes here
module jinvertertb;
reg a;
wire y;
//Design Instance
jinverter jinv(y,a);
$display ("RESULT\ta\ty");
a = 1; # 100; // Another value
if ( y == 0 ) // Test for inversion
$display (" PASS \t%d\t%d",a,y);
$display (" FAIL \t%d\t%d",a,y);
a = 0; # 100; // Initial value is set
if ( y == 1 ) // Test for inversion
$display (" PASS \t%d\t%d",a,y);
$display (" FAIL \t%d\t%d",a,y);
a = 1; # 50; // Another value
if ( y == 0 ) // Test for inversion
$display (" PASS \t%d\t%d",a,y);
$display (" FAIL \t%d\t%d",a,y);
a = 0; # 100; // Initial value is set
if ( y == 1 ) // Test for inversion
$display (" PASS \t%d\t%d",a,y);
$display (" FAIL \t%d\t%d",a,y);
//enabling the wave dump
initial begin
$dumpfile("dump.vcd"); $dumpvars;
module jFIFOTb;
wire [7:0] DATAOUT;
wire full, empty;
reg clock, reset, wn, rn;
reg [7:0] DATAIN;
jFIFO jfifo(DATAOUT, full, empty, clock, reset, wn, rn, DATAIN);
//enabling the wave dump
initial begin
$dumpfile("dump.vcd"); $dumpvars;
clock = 0; DATAIN = 8'd0;
reset = 1; clock = 1; #5 ; clock = 0; #5;
reset = 0;
$display("Start testing");
// First write some data into the queue
wn = 1; rn = 0;
DATAIN = 8'd100;
clock = 1; #5 ; clock = 0; #5;
DATAIN = 8'd150;
clock = 1; #5 ; clock = 0; #5;
DATAIN = 8'd200;
clock = 1; #5 ; clock = 0; #5;
DATAIN = 8'd40;
clock = 1; #5 ; clock = 0; #5;
DATAIN = 8'd70;
clock = 1; #5 ; clock = 0; #5;
DATAIN = 8'd65;
clock = 1; #5 ; clock = 0; #5;
DATAIN = 8'd15;
clock = 1; #5 ; clock = 0; #5;
// Now start reading and checking the values
wn = 0; rn = 1;
clock = 1; #5 ; clock = 0; #5;
if ( DATAOUT === 8'd100 )
$display("PASS %p ", DATAOUT);
$display("FAIL %p ", DATAOUT);
clock = 1; #5 ; clock = 0; #5;
if ( DATAOUT === 8'd150 )
$display("PASS %p ", DATAOUT);
$display("FAIL %p ", DATAOUT);
clock = 1; #5 ; clock = 0; #5;
if ( DATAOUT === 8'd200 )
$display("PASS %p ", DATAOUT);
$display("FAIL %p ", DATAOUT);
clock = 1; #5 ; clock = 0; #5;
if ( DATAOUT === 8'd40 )
$display("PASS %p ", DATAOUT);
$display("FAIL %p ", DATAOUT);
clock = 1; #5 ; clock = 0; #5;
if ( DATAOUT === 8'd70 )
$display("PASS %p ", DATAOUT);
$display("FAIL %p ", DATAOUT);
clock = 1; #5 ; clock = 0; #5;
if ( DATAOUT === 8'd65 )
$display("PASS %p ", DATAOUT);
$display("FAIL %p ", DATAOUT);
clock = 1; #5 ; clock = 0; #5;
if ( DATAOUT === 8'd15 )
$display("PASS %p ", DATAOUT);
$display("FAIL %p ", DATAOUT);
clock = 1; #5 ; clock = 0; #5;
if ( empty === 1 )
$display("PASS %p ", empty);
$display("FAIL %p ", empty);
To understand this example, you should have the knowledge of the following Java programming topics:
Java for Loop
Java while and do...while Loop
The factorial of a positive number n is given by:
factorial of n (n!) = 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * ... * n
Example 1: Find Factorial of a number using for loop
public class Factorial {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int num = 10;
long factorial = 1;
for(int i = 1; i <= num; ++i)
// factorial = factorial * i;
factorial *= i;
System.out.printf("Factorial of %d = %d", num, factorial);
Factorial of 10 = 3628800
In this program, we've used for loop to loop through all numbers between 1 and the given number num (10), and the product of each number till num is stored in a variable factorial.
We've used long instead of int to store large results of factorial. However, it's still not big enough to store the value of bigger numbers (say 100).
For results that cannot be stored in a long variable, we use BigInteger variable declared in java.math library.
Example 2: Find Factorial of a number using BigInteger
import java.math.BigInteger;
public class Factorial {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int num = 30;
BigInteger factorial = BigInteger.ONE;
for(int i = 1; i <= num; ++i)
// factorial = factorial * i;
factorial = factorial.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(i));
System.out.printf("Factorial of %d = %d", num, factorial);
Factorial of 30 = 265252859812191058636308480000000
Here, instead of long, we use BigInteger variable factorial.
Since, * cannot be used with BigInteger, we instead use multiply() for the product. Also, num should be casted to BigInteger for multiplication.
Likewise, we can also use a while loop to solve this problem.
Example 3: Find Factorial of a number using while loop
public class Factorial {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int num = 5, i = 1;
long factorial = 1;
while(i <= num)
factorial *= i;
System.out.printf("Factorial of %d = %d", num, factorial);
Factorial of 5 = 120
In the above program, unlike a for loop, we have to increment the value of i inside the body of the loop.
Though both programs are technically correct, it is better to use for loop in this case. It's because the number of iteration (upto num) is known.
Visit this page to learn to find factorial of a number using recursion.
Java Program to Check Whether a Number can be Expressed as Sum of Two Prime Numbers
To understand this example, you should have the knowledge of the following Java programming topics:
Java Methods
Java for Loop
Java if...else Statement
Example: Represent a number as Sum of Two Prime Numbers
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int number = 34;
boolean flag = false;
for (int i = 2; i <= number / 2; ++i) {
// condition for i to be a prime number
if (checkPrime(i)) {
// condition for n-i to be a prime number
if (checkPrime(number - i)) {
// n = primeNumber1 + primeNumber2
System.out.printf("%d = %d + %d\n", number, i, number - i);
flag = true;
if (!flag)
System.out.println(number + " cannot be expressed as the sum of two prime numbers.");
// Function to check prime number
static boolean checkPrime(int num) {
boolean isPrime = true;
for (int i = 2; i <= num / 2; ++i) {
if (num % i == 0) {
isPrime = false;
return isPrime;
Run Code
34 = 3 + 31
34 = 5 + 29
34 = 11 + 23
34 = 17 + 17
In the above example, we have created the checkPrime() method to find whether a number is prime or not. The method returns true if the passed number is prime.
Here, we have a number 34. The program tries to check if 34 can be represented as the sum of two prime numbers.
Working of Program
First, we run a for loop from i = 2 to number / 2.
Inside the for loop, we used two if statements. The first statement checks if i is prime or not.
If true, the second if statement checks if number - i is prime or not. This is because the sum of i and number - i is equal to number.
If the second statement is also true, then we can say the number 34 is a valid sum of two prime numbers.
// Java Program to Check if Given Integer is Odd or Even
// Using Brute Forcew Approach
// Importing required classes
import java.io.*;
import java.util.Scanner;
// Main class
class GFG {
// Main Driver Method
public static void main(String[] args)
// Declaring and initializing integer variable
int num = 10;
// Checking if number is even or odd number
// via remainder
if (num % 2 == 0) {
// If remainder is zero then this number is even
System.out.println("Entered Number is Even");
else {
// If remainder is not zero then this number is
// odd
System.out.println("Entered Number is Odd");
// Java Program to find even sum of
// fibonacci Series Till number N
import java.io.*;
class geeksforgeeks {
// Computing the value of first fibonacci series
// and storing the sum of even indexed numbers
static int Fib_Even_Sum(int N)
if (N <= 0)
return 0;
int fib[] = new int[2 * N + 1];
fib[0] = 0;
fib[1] = 1;
// Initializing the sum
int s = 0;
// Adding remaining numbers
for (int j = 2; j <= 2 * N; j++) {
fib[j] = fib[j - 1] + fib[j - 2];
// Only considering even indexes
if (j % 2 == 0)
s += fib[j];
return s;
// The Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)
int N = 11;
// Prints the sum of even-indexed numbers
"Even sum of fibonacci series till number " + N
+ " is: " + +Fib_Even_Sum(N));
It can be clearly seen that the required sum can be obtained thus:
2 ( F2 + F4 + F6 +………+ F2n ) = (F1 + F2 + F3 + F4 +………+ F2n) – (F1 – F2 + F3 – F4 +………+ F2n)
Now the first term can be obtained if we put 2n instead of n in the formula given here.
Thus F1 + F2 + F3 + F4 +………+ F2n = F2n+2 – 1.
The second term can also be found if we put 2n instead of n in the formula given here
Thus, F1 – F2 + F3 – F4 +………- F2n = 1 + (-1)2n+1F2n-1 = 1 – F2n-1.
So, 2 ( F2 + F4 + F6 +………+ F2n)
= F2n+2 – 1 – 1 + F2n-1
= F2n+2 + F2n-1 – 2
= F2n + F2n+1 + F2n+1 – F2n – 2
= 2 ( F2n+1 -1)
Hence, ( F2 + F4 + F6 +………+ F2n) = F2n+1 -1 .
// Java Program to find even indexed
// Fibonacci Sum in O(Log n) time.
class GFG {
static int MAX = 1000;
// Create an array for memoization
static int f[] = new int[MAX];
// Returns n'th Fibonacci number
// using table f[]
static int fib(int n)
// Base cases
if (n == 0) {
return 0;
if (n == 1 || n == 2) {
return (f[n] = 1);
// If fib(n) is already computed
if (f[n] == 1) {
return f[n];
int k = (n % 2 == 1) ? (n + 1) / 2 : n / 2;
// Applying above formula [Note value n&1 is 1
// if n is odd, else 0].
f[n] = (n % 2 == 1)
? (fib(k) * fib(k)
+ fib(k - 1) * fib(k - 1))
: (2 * fib(k - 1) + fib(k)) * fib(k);
return f[n];
// Computes value of even-indexed Fibonacci Sum
static int calculateEvenSum(int n)
return (fib(2 * n + 1) - 1);
// Driver program to test above function
public static void main(String[] args)
// Get n
int n = 11;
// Find the alternating sum
"Even indexed Fibonacci Sum upto " + n
+ " terms: " + calculateEvenSum(n));
z = 1 / 100
FOR i = 0 TO 255
PALETTE i, INT(i / 4) + INT(i / 4) * 256 + INT(i / 4) * 65536
y = 1
dy = 0
ox = 0: oy = 1
FOR x = 1 TO 430
IF y > 0 THEN dy = dy - 1 / 4000
IF y < 0 THEN dy = dy + z
y = y + dy
a = POINT(x, 100 + y * 50)
a = a + 1
IF a > 255 THEN a = 255
PSET (x, 100 + y * 50), a
z = z - 1 / 10000
DIM bodyx(70)
DIM bodyy(70)
DIM bodyvx(70)
DIM bodyvy(70)
DIM obodyx(70)
DIM obodyy(70)
bodies = 30
FOR i = 1 TO bodies
bodyx(i) = 620 * RND + 10
bodyy(i) = 400 * RND + 30
bodyvx(i) = RND - .5
bodyvy(i) = RND - .5
PRINT "...."
' apply gravity
FOR i = 1 TO bodies
bodyvy(i) = bodyvy(i) + .001
' adjust distances
FOR i = 1 TO bodies
FOR j = 1 TO bodies
IF i <> j THEN
centx = (bodyx(i) + bodyx(j)) * .5
centy = (bodyy(i) + bodyy(j)) * .5
distx = (bodyx(i) - bodyx(j)) / 2
disty = (bodyy(i) - bodyy(j)) / 2
distf = SQR(distx * distx + disty * disty)
mx = distx / distf
my = disty / distf
bodyvx(i) = bodyvx(i) - mx * (distf - 50) / 100
bodyvy(i) = bodyvy(i) - my * (distf - 50) / 100
' collide with ground
FOR i = 1 TO bodies
IF bodyy(i) + bodyvy(i) > 440 OR bodyy(i) + bodyvy(i) < 5 THEN
bodyvy(i) = -bodyvy(i) * 0!
bodyvx(i) = bodyvx(i) * 0!
IF bodyx(i) + bodyvx(i) > 625 OR bodyx(i) + bodyvx(i) < 15 THEN
bodyvx(i) = -bodyvx(i) * 0!
bodyvy(i) = bodyvy(i) * 0!
' move bodies
FOR i = 1 TO bodies
obodyx(i) = bodyx(i)
obodyy(i) = bodyy(i)
bodyx(i) = bodyx(i) + bodyvx(i)
bodyy(i) = bodyy(i) + bodyvy(i)
' clear/draw
q = (q + 1) MOD 16
FOR i = 1 TO bodies
CIRCLE (obodyx(i), obodyy(i)), 4
CIRCLE (bodyx(i), bodyy(i)), 4
'LINE (bodyx(i), bodyy(i))-(bodyx(i) + bodyvx(i) * 30, bodyy(i) + bodyvy(i) * 30)
LINE (obodyx(1), obodyy(1))-(bodyx(1), bodyy(1))
'FOR i = 1 TO bodies - 1
' FOR j = i + 1 TO bodies
' LINE (obodyx(i), obodyy(i))-(obodyx(j), obodyy(j))
' LINE (bodyx(i), bodyy(i))-(bodyx(j), bodyy(j))
; start
msg "It's a room."
id "key"
msg "It's a key."
use door
ifn start/door.flags.locked
msg "The door isn't locked."
if start/door.flags.locked
msg "The lock on the door goes 'click'."
set start/door.flags.locked false
msg "It is shiny."
id "door"
msg "You see a door."
locked true
open false
if start/door.flags.locked
msg "It is locked."
ifn start/door.flags.locked
msg "The door opens."
ifn start/door.flags.open
msg "It is already closed."
if start/door.flags.open
msg "The door closes."
if start/door.flags.open
goto end
ifn start/door.flags.open
msg "The door is closed."
msg "It looks just like a door."
; end
"Congratimafations! Another room."
macroScript ExportCamera category:"Cameras" toolTip:"Blech!" Icon:#("Cameras",2)
filename = maxFileName
flen = findString filename ".max"
filename = substring filename 1 (flen-1)
sname = filename
filename = maxFilePath + filename + ".piper3d"
deletefile filename
out_file = createfile filename
format ";------------------------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
format "; Piper 3D scene file\n" to:out_file
format ";\n" to:out_file
format "; Scene: % \n" sname to:out_file
format ";------------------------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
format "\n" to:out_file
format "%_begin\n" sname to:out_file
format "\n" to:out_file
animend = animationRange.end as string
animend = substring animend 1 (findString animend "f"-1)
format " dc.w % ; no. frames\n" animend to:out_file
format " dc.w % ; no. objects\n" objects.count to:out_file
faces = 0
vertices = 0
for o in objects do (
if classOf o == Editable_Mesh then (
faces += o.numfaces
vertices += o.numverts
format " dc.w % ; no. vertices\n" vertices to:out_file
format " dc.w % ; no. faces\n" faces to:out_file
format "\n" to:out_file
format " dc.w 0 ; current frame\n" to:out_file
format "\n" to:out_file
format " dc.l %_vtx ; begin vertices\n" sname sname to:out_file
format " dc.l %_fcs ; begin fæces\n" sname sname to:out_file
format " dc.l %_mtx ; begin matrices\n" sname sname to:out_file
format " dc.l 0 ; begin vertex normals\n" to:out_file
format "\n" to:out_file
format " dc.w 0 ; init flag\n" to:out_file
format "\n" to:out_file
format ";------------------------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
format "; Vertex groups\n" to:out_file
format ";------------------------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
format "\n" to:out_file
format "%_vtx\n" sname to:out_file
format "\n" to:out_file
for i=1 to objects.count do (
format "; group %: %\n" (i-1) objects[i].name to:out_file
format "\n" to:out_file
if classOf objects[i] == Editable_Mesh then (
obimat = (inverse objects[i].transform)
themesh = snapshotAsMesh objects[i]
format " dc.w % ; no. vertices\n" themesh.numverts to:out_file
for j=1 to themesh.numverts do (
v = (getVert themesh j) * obimat
vxs = formatf v.x 6
vys = formatf v.y 6
vzs = formatf v.z 6
format " dc.s %,%,%\n" vxs vys vzs to:out_file
) else (
format " dc.w 0 ; not a mesh\n" to:out_file
format "\n" to:out_file
format ";------------------------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
format "; Fæces\n" to:out_file
format ";------------------------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
format "\n" to:out_file
format "%_fcs\n" sname to:out_file
format "\n" to:out_file
voff = 0
for i=1 to objects.count do (
format "; group %: %\n" (i-1) objects[i].name to:out_file
format "\n" to:out_file
if classOf objects[i] == Editable_Mesh then (
themesh = snapshotAsMesh objects[i]
for j=1 to themesh.numfaces do (
f = getFace themesh j
format " dc.w %,%,%\n" (int (f.x-1+voff)) (int (f.y-1+voff)) (int (f.z-1+voff)) to:out_file
smat = objects[i].material
mattype = "0"
u1 = 0
v1 = 0
u2 = 0
v2 = 0
u3 = 0
v3 = 0
if smat == undefined then (
matname = "0"
) else (
if getNumSubMtls smat == 0 then (
mat = smat
) else (
matid = getFaceMatID themesh j
mat = smat.MaterialList[matid]
matname = (int mat.diffuse.r)*256*256 + (int mat.diffuse.g)*256 + (int mat.diffuse.b)
dmap = mat.diffuseMap
if dmap != undefined then (
mattype = "1"
matname = dmap.filename
fntokens = filterString matname "\\"
matname = fntokens[fntokens.count]
fntokens = filterString matname "."
matname = fntokens[1]
fntokens = filterString matname "-"
matname = ""
for k=1 to fntokens.count do (
matname = matname + fntokens[k]
if k < fntokens.count then matname=matname+"m"
matname = sname + "_" + matname + "+1024+14"
tverts = getTVFace theMesh j
u1 = (int (getTVert theMesh tverts[1] * 65535).x)
v1 = 65535 - (int (getTVert theMesh tverts[1] * 65535).y)
u2 = (int (getTVert theMesh tverts[2] * 65535).x)
v2 = 65536 - (int (getTVert theMesh tverts[2] * 65535).y)
macroScript ExportCamera category:"Cameras" toolTip:"Blech!" Icon:#("Cameras",2)
filename = maxFileName
flen = findString filename ".max"
filename = substring filename 1 (flen-1)
sname = filename
filename = maxFilePath + filename + ".piper3d"
deletefile filename
out_file = createfile filename
format ";------------------------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
format "; Piper 3D scene file\n" to:out_file
format ";\n" to:out_file
format "; Scene: % \n" sname to:out_file
format ";------------------------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
format "\n" to:out_file
format "%_begin\n" sname to:out_file
format "\n" to:out_file
animend = animationRange.end as string
animend = substring animend 1 (findString animend "f"-1)
format " dc.w % ; no. frames\n" animend to:out_file
format " dc.w % ; no. objects\n" objects.count to:out_file
faces = 0
vertices = 0
for o in objects do (
if classOf o == Editable_Mesh then (
faces += o.numfaces
vertices += o.numverts
format " dc.w % ; no. vertices\n" vertices to:out_file
format " dc.w % ; no. faces\n" faces to:out_file
format "\n" to:out_file
format " dc.w 0 ; current frame\n" to:out_file
format "\n" to:out_file
format " dc.l %_vtx ; begin vertices\n" sname sname to:out_file
format " dc.l %_fcs ; begin fæces\n" sname sname to:out_file
format " dc.l %_mtx ; begin matrices\n" sname sname to:out_file
format " dc.l 0 ; begin vertex normals\n" to:out_file
format "\n" to:out_file
format " dc.w 0 ; init flag\n" to:out_file
format "\n" to:out_file
format ";------------------------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
format "; Vertex groups\n" to:out_file
format ";------------------------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
format "\n" to:out_file
format "%_vtx\n" sname to:out_file
format "\n" to:out_file
for i=1 to objects.count do (
format "; group %: %\n" (i-1) objects[i].name to:out_file
format "\n" to:out_file
if classOf objects[i] == Editable_Mesh then (
obimat = (inverse objects[i].transform)
themesh = snapshotAsMesh objects[i]
format " dc.w % ; no. vertices\n" themesh.numverts to:out_file
for j=1 to themesh.numverts do (
v = (getVert themesh j) * obimat
vxs = formatf v.x 6
vys = formatf v.y 6
vzs = formatf v.z 6
format " dc.s %,%,%\n" vxs vys vzs to:out_file
) else (
format " dc.w 0 ; not a mesh\n" to:out_file
format "\n" to:out_file
format ";------------------------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
format "; Fæces\n" to:out_file
format ";------------------------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
format "\n" to:out_file
format "%_fcs\n" sname to:out_file
format "\n" to:out_file
voff = 0
for i=1 to objects.count do (
format "; group %: %\n" (i-1) objects[i].name to:out_file
format "\n" to:out_file
if classOf objects[i] == Editable_Mesh then (
themesh = snapshotAsMesh objects[i]
for j=1 to themesh.numfaces do (
f = getFace themesh j
format " dc.w %,%,%\n" (int (f.x-1+voff)) (int (f.y-1+voff)) (int (f.z-1+voff)) to:out_file
smat = objects[i].material
mattype = "0"
u1 = 0
v1 = 0
u2 = 0
v2 = 0
u3 = 0
v3 = 0
if smat == undefined then (
matname = "0"
) else (
if getNumSubMtls smat == 0 then (
mat = smat
) else (
matid = getFaceMatID themesh j
mat = smat.MaterialList[matid]
matname = (int mat.diffuse.r)*256*256 + (int mat.diffuse.g)*256 + (int mat.diffuse.b)
dmap = mat.diffuseMap
if dmap != undefined then (
mattype = "1"
matname = dmap.filename
fntokens = filterString matname "\\"
matname = fntokens[fntokens.count]
fntokens = filterString matname "."
matname = fntokens[1]
fntokens = filterString matname "-"
matname = ""
for k=1 to fntokens.count do (
matname = matname + fntokens[k]
if k < fntokens.count then matname=matname+"m"
matname = sname + "_" + matname + "+1024+14"
tverts = getTVFace theMesh j
u1 = (int (getTVert theMesh tverts[1] * 65535).x)
v1 = 65535 - (int (getTVert theMesh tverts[1] * 65535).y)
u2 = (int (getTVert theMesh tverts[2] * 65535).x)
v2 = 65536 - (int (getTVert theMesh tverts[2] * 65535).y)
u3 = (int (getTVert theMesh tverts[3] * 65535).x)
v3 = 65536 - (int (getTVert theMesh tverts[3] * 65535).y)
if u1 > 65535 then u1 = 65535
if v1 > 65535 then v1 = 65535
if u2 > 65535 then u2 = 65535
if v2 > 65535 then v2 = 65535
if u3 > 65535 then u3 = 65535
if v3 > 65535 then v3 = 65535
if u1 < 0 then u1 = 0
if v1 < 0 then v1 = 0
if u2 < 0 then u2 = 0
if v2 < 0 then v2 = 0
if u3 < 0 then u3 = 0
if v3 < 0 then v3 = 0
if mat.opacityMap != undefined then (
mattype = "2"
format " dc.w %\n" mattype to:out_file
format " dc.l %\n" matname to:out_file
format " dc.w %,%,%,%,%,%\n" u1 v1 u2 v2 u3 v3 to:out_file
format "\n" to:out_file
voff += themesh.numverts
format ";------------------------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
format "; \n" to:out_file
format ";------------------------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
format "\n" to:out_file
format "%_mtx\n" sname to:out_file
format "\n" to:out_file
for i = animationRange.start to animationRange.end do (
format "; index %\n" i to:out_file
format "\n" to:out_file
for j = 1 to objects.count do (
tm11=formatf tm1.x 6
tm12=formatf tm1.y 6
tm13=formatf tm1.z 6
tm21=formatf tm2.x 6
tm22=formatf tm2.y 6
tm23=formatf tm2.z 6
tm31=formatf tm3.x 6
tm32=formatf tm3.y 6
tm33=formatf tm3.z 6
tm41=formatf tm4.x 6
tm42=formatf tm4.y 6
tm43=formatf tm4.z 6
format " dc.s %,%,%\n" tm11 tm12 tm13 to:out_file
format " dc.s %,%,%\n" tm21 tm22 tm23 to:out_file
format " dc.s %,%,%\n" tm31 tm32 tm33 to:out_file
format " dc.s %,%,%\n" tm41 tm42 tm43 to:out_file
format "\n" to:out_file
close out_file
shelllaunch "notepad.exe" filename
-- theend u3 = (int (getTVert theMesh tverts[3] * 65535).x)
v3 = 65536 - (int (getTVert theMesh tverts[3] * 65535).y)
if u1 > 65535 then u1 = 65535
if v1 > 65535 then v1 = 65535
if u2 > 65535 then u2 = 65535
if v2 > 65535 then v2 = 65535
if u3 > 65535 then u3 = 65535
if v3 > 65535 then v3 = 65535
if u1 < 0 then u1 = 0
if v1 < 0 then v1 = 0
if u2 < 0 then u2 = 0
if v2 < 0 then v2 = 0
if u3 < 0 then u3 = 0
if v3 < 0 then v3 = 0
if mat.opacityMap != undefined then (
mattype = "2"
format " dc.w %\n" mattype to:out_file
format " dc.l %\n" matname to:out_file
format " dc.w %,%,%,%,%,%\n" u1 v1 u2 v2 u3 v3 to:out_file
format "\n" to:out_file
voff += themesh.numverts
format ";------------------------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
format "; \n" to:out_file
format ";------------------------------------------------------------\n" to:out_file
format "\n" to:out_file
format "%_mtx\n" sname to:out_file
format "\n" to:out_file
for i = animationRange.start to animationRange.end do (
format "; index %\n" i to:out_file
format "\n" to:out_file
for j = 1 to objects.count do (
tm11=formatf tm1.x 6
tm12=formatf tm1.y 6
tm13=formatf tm1.z 6
tm21=formatf tm2.x 6
tm22=formatf tm2.y 6
tm23=formatf tm2.z 6
tm31=formatf tm3.x 6
tm32=formatf tm3.y 6
tm33=formatf tm3.z 6
tm41=formatf tm4.x 6
tm42=formatf tm4.y 6
tm43=formatf tm4.z 6
format " dc.s %,%,%\n" tm11 tm12 tm13 to:out_file
format " dc.s %,%,%\n" tm21 tm22 tm23 to:out_file
format " dc.s %,%,%\n" tm31 tm32 tm33 to:out_file
format " dc.s %,%,%\n" tm41 tm42 tm43 to:out_file
format "\n" to:out_file
close out_file
shelllaunch "notepad.exe" filename
-- theend
void DS3231::setDateTime(uint16_t year, uint8_t month, uint8_t day, uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute, uint8_t second)
#if ARDUINO >= 100
#if ARDUINO >= 100
Wire.write(dec2bcd(dow(year, month, day)));
Wire.send(dec2bcd(dow(year, month, day)));
#if ARDUINO >= 100
void DS3231::setDateTime(uint32_t t)
t -= 946681200;
uint16_t year;
uint8_t month;
uint8_t day;
uint8_t hour;
uint8_t minute;
uint8_t second;
second = t % 60;
t /= 60;
minute = t % 60;
t /= 60;
hour = t % 24;
uint16_t days = t / 24;
uint8_t leap;
for (year = 0; ; ++year)
leap = year % 4 == 0;
if (days < 365 + leap)
days -= 365 + leap;
for (month = 1; ; ++month)
uint8_t daysPerMonth = pgm_read_byte(daysArray + month - 1);
if (leap && month == 2)
if (days < daysPerMonth)
days -= daysPerMonth;
day = days + 1;
setDateTime(year+2000, month, day, hour, minute, second);
void DS3231::setDateTime(const char* date, const char* time)
uint16_t year;
uint8_t month;
uint8_t day;
uint8_t hour;
uint8_t minute;
uint8_t second;
year = conv2d(date + 9);
switch (date[0])
case 'J': month = date[1] == 'a' ? 1 : month = date[2] == 'n' ? 6 : 7; break;
case 'F': month = 2; break;
case 'A': month = date[2] == 'r' ? 4 : 8; break;
case 'M': month = date[2] == 'r' ? 3 : 5; break;
case 'S': month = 9; break;
case 'O': month = 10; break;
case 'N': month = 11; break;
case 'D': month = 12; break;
day = conv2d(date + 4);
hour = conv2d(time);
minute = conv2d(time + 3);
second = conv2d(time + 6);
setDateTime(year+2000, month, day, hour, minute, second);
char* DS3231::dateFormat(const char* dateFormat, RTCDateTime dt)
char buffer[255];
buffer[0] = 0;
char helper[11];
while (*dateFormat != '\0')
switch (dateFormat[0])
// Day decoder
case 'd':
sprintf(helper, "%02d", dt.day);
strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper);
case 'j':
sprintf(helper, "%d", dt.day);
strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper);
case 'l':
strcat(buffer, (const char *)strDayOfWeek(dt.dayOfWeek));
case 'D':
strncat(buffer, strDayOfWeek(dt.dayOfWeek), 3);
case 'N':
sprintf(helper, "%d", dt.dayOfWeek);
strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper);
case 'w':
sprintf(helper, "%d", (dt.dayOfWeek + 7) % 7);
strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper);
case 'z':
sprintf(helper, "%d", dayInYear(dt.year, dt.month, dt.day)+1);
strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper);
case 'S':
strcat(buffer, (const char *)strDaySufix(dt.day));
// Month decoder
case 'm':
sprintf(helper, "%02d", dt.month);
strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper);
case 'n':
sprintf(helper, "%d", dt.month);
strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper);
case 'F':
strcat(buffer, (const char *)strMonth(dt.month));
case 'M':
strncat(buffer, (const char *)strMonth(dt.month), 3);
case 't':
sprintf(helper, "%d", daysInMonth(dt.year, dt.month));
strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper);
// Year decoder
case 'Y':
sprintf(helper, "%d", dt.year);
strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper);
case 'y': sprintf(helper, "%02d", dt.year-2000);
strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper);
case 'L':
sprintf(helper, "%d", isLeapYear(dt.year));
strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper);
// Hour decoder
case 'H':
sprintf(helper, "%02d", dt.hour);
strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper);
case 'G':
sprintf(helper, "%d", dt.hour);
strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper);
case 'h':
sprintf(helper, "%02d", hour12(dt.hour));
strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper);
case 'g':
sprintf(helper, "%d", hour12(dt.hour));
strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper);
case 'A':
strcat(buffer, (const char *)strAmPm(dt.hour, true));
case 'a':
strcat(buffer, (const char *)strAmPm(dt.hour, false));
// Minute decoder
case 'i':
sprintf(helper, "%02d", dt.minute);
strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper);
// Second decoder
case 's':
sprintf(helper, "%02d", dt.second);
strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper);
// Misc decoder
case 'U':
sprintf(helper, "%lu", dt.unixtime);
strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper);
strncat(buffer, dateFormat, 1);
return buffer;
char* DS3231::dateFormat(const char* dateFormat, RTCAlarmTime dt)
char buffer[255];
buffer[0] = 0;
char helper[11];
while (*dateFormat != '\0')
switch (dateFormat[0])
// Day decoder
case 'd':
sprintf(helper, "%02d", dt.day);
strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper);
case 'j':
sprintf(helper, "%d", dt.day);
strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper);
case 'l':
strcat(buffer, (const char *)strDayOfWeek(dt.day));
case 'D':
strncat(buffer, strDayOfWeek(dt.day), 3);
case 'N':
sprintf(helper, "%d", dt.day);
strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper);
case 'w':
sprintf(helper, "%d", (dt.day + 7) % 7);
strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper);
case 'S':
strcat(buffer, (const char *)strDaySufix(dt.day));
// Hour decoder
case 'H':
sprintf(helper, "%02d", dt.hour);
strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper);
case 'G':
sprintf(helper, "%d", dt.hour);
strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper);
case 'h':
sprintf(helper, "%02d", hour12(dt.hour));
strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper);
case 'g':
sprintf(helper, "%d", hour12(dt.hour));
strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper);
case 'A':
strcat(buffer, (const char *)strAmPm(dt.hour, true));
case 'a':
strcat(buffer, (const char *)strAmPm(dt.hour, false));
// Minute decoder
case 'i':
sprintf(helper, "%02d", dt.minute);
strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper);
// Second decoder
case 's':
sprintf(helper, "%02d", dt.second);
strcat(buffer, (const char *)helper);
strncat(buffer, dateFormat, 1);
return buffer;
RTCDateTime DS3231::getDateTime(void)
int values[7];
#if ARDUINO >= 100
Wire.requestFrom(DS3231_ADDRESS, 7);
while(!Wire.available()) {};
for (int i = 6; i >= 0; i--)
#if ARDUINO >= 100
values[i] = bcd2dec(Wire.read());
values[i] = bcd2dec(Wire.receive());
t.year = values[0] + 2000;
t.month = values[1];
t.day = values[2];
t.dayOfWeek = values[3];
t.hour = values[4];
t.minute = values[5];
t.second = values[6];
t.unixtime = unixtime();
return t;
uint8_t DS3231::isReady(void)
return true;
void DS3231::enableOutput(bool enabled)
uint8_t value;
value = readRegister8(DS3231_REG_CONTROL);
value &= 0b11111011;
value |= (!enabled << 2);
writeRegister8(DS3231_REG_CONTROL, value);
void DS3231::setBattery(bool timeBattery, bool squareBattery)
uint8_t value;
value = readRegister8(DS3231_REG_CONTROL);
if (squareBattery)
value |= 0b01000000;
} else
value &= 0b10111111;
if (timeBattery)
value &= 0b01111011;
} else
value |= 0b10000000;
writeRegister8(DS3231_REG_CONTROL, value);
bool DS3231::isOutput(void)
uint8_t value;
value = readRegister8(DS3231_REG_CONTROL);
value &= 0b00000100;
value >>= 2;
return !value;
void DS3231::setOutput(DS3231_sqw_t mode)
uint8_t value;
value = readRegister8(DS3231_REG_CONTROL);
value &= 0b11100111;
value |= (mode << 3);
writeRegister8(DS3231_REG_CONTROL, value);
DS3231_sqw_t DS3231::getOutput(void)
uint8_t value;
value = readRegister8(DS3231_REG_CONTROL);
value &= 0b00011000;
value >>= 3;
return (DS3231_sqw_t)value;
void DS3231::enable32kHz(bool enabled)
uint8_t value;
value = readRegister8(DS3231_REG_STATUS);
value &= 0b11110111;
value |= (enabled << 3);
writeRegister8(DS3231_REG_STATUS, value);
bool DS3231::is32kHz(void)
uint8_t value;
value = readRegister8(DS3231_REG_STATUS);
value &= 0b00001000;
value >>= 3;
return value;
#ifndef DS3231_h
#define DS3231_h
#if ARDUINO >= 100
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "WProgram.h"
#define DS3231_ADDRESS (0x68)
#define DS3231_REG_TIME (0x00)
#define DS3231_REG_ALARM_1 (0x07)
#define DS3231_REG_ALARM_2 (0x0B)
#define DS3231_REG_CONTROL (0x0E)
#define DS3231_REG_STATUS (0x0F)
#define DS3231_REG_TEMPERATURE (0x11)
struct RTCDateTime
uint16_t year;
uint8_t month;
uint8_t day;
uint8_t hour;
uint8_t minute;
uint8_t second;
uint8_t dayOfWeek;
uint32_t unixtime;
struct RTCAlarmTime
uint8_t day;
uint8_t hour;
uint8_t minute;
uint8_t second;
typedef enum
DS3231_1HZ = 0x00,
DS3231_4096HZ = 0x01,
DS3231_8192HZ = 0x02,
DS3231_32768HZ = 0x03
} DS3231_sqw_t;
typedef enum
DS3231_EVERY_SECOND = 0b00001111,
DS3231_MATCH_S = 0b00001110,
DS3231_MATCH_M_S = 0b00001100,
DS3231_MATCH_H_M_S = 0b00001000,
DS3231_MATCH_DT_H_M_S = 0b00000000,
DS3231_MATCH_DY_H_M_S = 0b00010000
} DS3231_alarm1_t;
typedef enum
DS3231_EVERY_MINUTE = 0b00001110,
DS3231_MATCH_M = 0b00001100,
DS3231_MATCH_H_M = 0b00001000,
DS3231_MATCH_DT_H_M = 0b00000000,
DS3231_MATCH_DY_H_M = 0b00010000
} DS3231_alarm2_t;
class DS3231
bool begin(void);
void setDateTime(uint16_t year, uint8_t month, uint8_t day, uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute, uint8_t second);
void setDateTime(uint32_t t);
void setDateTime(const char* date, const char* time);
RTCDateTime getDateTime(void);
uint8_t isReady(void);
DS3231_sqw_t getOutput(void);
void setOutput(DS3231_sqw_t mode);
void enableOutput(bool enabled);
bool isOutput(void);
void enable32kHz(bool enabled);
bool is32kHz(void);
void forceConversion(void);
float readTemperature(void);
void setAlarm1(uint8_t dydw, uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute, uint8_t second, DS3231_alarm1_t mode, bool armed = true);
RTCAlarmTime getAlarm1(void);
DS3231_alarm1_t getAlarmType1(void);
bool isAlarm1(bool clear = true);
void armAlarm1(bool armed);
bool isArmed1(void);
void clearAlarm1(void);
void setAlarm2(uint8_t dydw, uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute, DS3231_alarm2_t mode, bool armed = true);
RTCAlarmTime getAlarm2(void);
DS3231_alarm2_t getAlarmType2(void);
bool isAlarm2(bool clear = true);
void armAlarm2(bool armed);
bool isArmed2(void);
void clearAlarm2(void);
void setBattery(bool timeBattery, bool squareBattery);
char* dateFormat(const char* dateFormat, RTCDateTime dt);
char* dateFormat(const char* dateFormat, RTCAlarmTime dt);
RTCDateTime t;
char *strDayOfWeek(uint8_t dayOfWeek);
char *strMonth(uint8_t month);
char *strAmPm(uint8_t hour, bool uppercase);
char *strDaySufix(uint8_t day);
uint8_t hour12(uint8_t hour24);
uint8_t bcd2dec(uint8_t bcd);
uint8_t dec2bcd(uint8_t dec);
long time2long(uint16_t days, uint8_t hours, uint8_t minutes, uint8_t seconds);
uint16_t date2days(uint16_t year, uint8_t month, uint8_t day);
uint8_t daysInMonth(uint16_t year, uint8_t month);
uint16_t dayInYear(uint16_t year, uint8_t month, uint8_t day);
bool isLeapYear(uint16_t year);
uint8_t dow(uint16_t y, uint8_t m, uint8_t d);
uint32_t unixtime(void);
uint8_t conv2d(const char* p);
void writeRegister8(uint8_t reg, uint8_t value);
uint8_t readRegister8(uint8_t reg);
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <runner.cuh>
#include <vector>
#define cudaCheck(err) (cudaCheck(err, __FILE__, __LINE__))
const std::string errLogFile = "matrixValidationFailure.txt";
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (argc != 2) {
std::cerr << "Please select a kernel (range 0 - 12, 0 for NVIDIA cuBLAS)"
<< std::endl;
// get kernel number
int kernel_num = std::stoi(argv[1]);
if (kernel_num < 0 || kernel_num > 12) {
std::cerr << "Please enter a valid kernel number (0-12)" << std::endl;
// get environment variable for device
int deviceIdx = 0;
if (getenv("DEVICE") != NULL) {
deviceIdx = atoi(getenv("DEVICE"));
printf("Running kernel %d on device %d.\n", kernel_num, deviceIdx);
// print some device info
// CudaDeviceInfo();
// Declare the handle, create the handle, cublasCreate will return a value of
// type cublasStatus_t to determine whether the handle was created
// successfully (the value is 0)
cublasHandle_t handle;
if (cublasCreate(&handle)) {
std::cerr << "Create cublas handle error." << std::endl;
// Using cudaEvent for gpu stream timing, cudaEvent is equivalent to
// publishing event tasks in the target stream
float elapsed_time;
cudaEvent_t beg, end;
// cuBLAS FLOPs ceiling is reached at 8192
std::vector<int> SIZE = {128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096};
long m, n, k, max_size;
max_size = SIZE[SIZE.size() - 1];
std::cout << "Max size: " << max_size << std::endl;
float alpha = 0.5, beta = 3.0; // GEMM input parameters, C=α*AB+β*C
float *A = nullptr, *B = nullptr, *C = nullptr,
*C_ref = nullptr; // host matrices
float *dA = nullptr, *dB = nullptr, *dC = nullptr,
*dC_ref = nullptr; // device matrices
A = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * max_size * max_size);
B = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * max_size * max_size);
C = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * max_size * max_size);
C_ref = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * max_size * max_size);
randomize_matrix(A, max_size * max_size);
randomize_matrix(B, max_size * max_size);
randomize_matrix(C, max_size * max_size);
cudaCheck(cudaMalloc((void **)&dA, sizeof(float) * max_size * max_size));
cudaCheck(cudaMalloc((void **)&dB, sizeof(float) * max_size * max_size));
cudaCheck(cudaMalloc((void **)&dC, sizeof(float) * max_size * max_size));
cudaCheck(cudaMalloc((void **)&dC_ref, sizeof(float) * max_size * max_size));
cudaCheck(cudaMemcpy(dA, A, sizeof(float) * max_size * max_size,
cudaCheck(cudaMemcpy(dB, B, sizeof(float) * max_size * max_size,
cudaCheck(cudaMemcpy(dC, C, sizeof(float) * max_size * max_size,
cudaCheck(cudaMemcpy(dC_ref, C, sizeof(float) * max_size * max_size,
int repeat_times = 50;
for (int size : SIZE) {
m = 32;
n = k = size;
std::cout << "dimensions(m,n,k) " << m << "," << n << "," << k << ", alpha: " << alpha
<< ", beta: " << beta << std::endl;
// Verify the correctness of the calculation, and execute it once before the
// kernel function timing to avoid cold start errors
if (kernel_num != 0) {
run_kernel(0, m, n, k, alpha, dA, dB, beta, dC_ref,
handle); // cuBLAS
run_kernel(kernel_num, m, n, k, alpha, dA, dB, beta, dC,
handle); // Executes the kernel, modifies the result matrix
cudaCheck(cudaGetLastError()); // Check for async errors during kernel run
cudaMemcpy(C, dC, sizeof(float) * m * n, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
cudaMemcpy(C_ref, dC_ref, sizeof(float) * m * n, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
if (!verify_matrix(C_ref, C, m * n)) {
<< "Failed to pass the correctness verification against NVIDIA "
<< std::endl;
if (m <= 128) {
std::cout << " Logging faulty output into " << errLogFile << "\n";
std::ofstream fs;
fs << "A:\n";
print_matrix(A, m, n, fs);
fs << "B:\n";
print_matrix(B, m, n, fs);
fs << "C:\n";
print_matrix(C, m, n, fs);
fs << "Should:\n";
print_matrix(C_ref, m, n, fs);
for (int j = 0; j < repeat_times; j++) {
// We don't reset dC between runs to save time
run_kernel(kernel_num, m, n, k, alpha, dA, dB, beta, dC, handle);
cudaEventElapsedTime(&elapsed_time, beg, end);
elapsed_time /= 1000.; // Convert to seconds
long flops = 2 * m * n * k;
"Average elapsed time: (%7.6f) s, performance: (%7.1f) GFLOPS. size: "
elapsed_time / repeat_times,
(repeat_times * flops * 1e-9) / elapsed_time, m);
// make dC and dC_ref equal again (we modified dC while calling our kernel
// for benchmarking)
cudaCheck(cudaMemcpy(dC, dC_ref, sizeof(float) * m * n,
// Free up CPU and GPU space
return 0;
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
__global__ void kernel(uint *A, uint *B, int row) {
auto x = threadIdx.x / 4;
auto y = threadIdx.x % 4;
A[x * row + y] = x;
B[x * row + y] = y;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
uint *Xs, *Ys;
uint *Xs_d, *Ys_d;
uint SIZE = 4;
Xs = (uint *)malloc(SIZE * SIZE * sizeof(uint));
Ys = (uint *)malloc(SIZE * SIZE * sizeof(uint));
cudaMalloc((void **)&Xs_d, SIZE * SIZE * sizeof(uint));
cudaMalloc((void **)&Ys_d, SIZE * SIZE * sizeof(uint));
dim3 grid_size(1, 1, 1);
dim3 block_size(4 * 4);
kernel<<<grid_size, block_size>>>(Xs_d, Ys_d, 4);
cudaMemcpy(Xs, Xs_d, SIZE * SIZE * sizeof(uint), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
cudaMemcpy(Ys, Ys_d, SIZE * SIZE * sizeof(uint), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
for (int row = 0; row < SIZE; ++row) {
for (int col = 0; col < SIZE; ++col) {
std::cout << "[" << Xs[row * SIZE + col] << "|" << Ys[row * SIZE + col]
<< "] ";
std::cout << "\n";
- conda-forge
- python
- black
- cmake
- matplotlib
- seaborn
- tabulate
.PHONY: all build debug clean profile bench cuobjdump
CMAKE := cmake
BUILD_DIR := build
BENCHMARK_DIR := benchmark_results
all: build
@mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIR)
@cd $(BUILD_DIR) && $(CMAKE) -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
@mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIR)
@rm -rf $(BUILD_DIR)
FUNCTION := $$(cuobjdump -symbols build/sgemm | grep -i Warptiling | awk '{print $$NF}')
cuobjdump: build
@cuobjdump -arch sm_86 -sass -fun $(FUNCTION) build/sgemm | c++filt > build/cuobjdump.sass
@cuobjdump -arch sm_86 -ptx -fun $(FUNCTION) build/sgemm | c++filt > build/cuobjdump.ptx
# Usage: make profile KERNEL=<integer> PREFIX=<optional string>
profile: build
@ncu --set full --export $(BENCHMARK_DIR)/$(PREFIX)kernel_$(KERNEL) --force-overwrite $(BUILD_DIR)/sgemm $(KERNEL)
bench: build
@bash gen_benchmark_results.sh
[-0.01, 3.00, 3.01, -2.04, -1.02, -3.02, 0.02, 0.02, 4.02, 4.03, -3.01, -3.04, 0.02, 4.01, 4.02, -4.01, -3.03, 1.01, -4.00, -1.04, -0.02, 3.03, -0.03, -1.04, 3.04, 2.03, 3.03, -1.04, -3.01, -3.04, 4.01, -2.01, 3.02, 2.03, -3.03, 1.00, 0.03, -1.01, -2.00, 4.03, -3.04, 2.02, 1.00, -3.04, 2.02, 2.03, 0.00, -4.02, -3.01, -4.02, -2.03, 1.00, 1.03, -3.01, -2.03, 0.00, 3.03, -4.02, 1.02, -1.02, 4.01, 1.02, 3.00, 1.03, 4.01, -0.03, 1.03, -2.02, -1.01, 2.02, -3.01, -0.04, 4.02, 2.04, -3.03, -2.00, 2.01, 4.04, 1.02, -0.01, 3.00, -2.02, -3.04, 1.03, -3.01, 3.03, -2.03, -4.02, 0.03, 0.00, -4.03, -4.00, -1.00, 2.02, 3.02, -4.01, -0.00, 0.01, 1.03, 4.03, 4.00, -0.04, 4.02, -2.04, 0.02, -2.03, 0.04, -2.01, 2.03, -3.02, 4.03, 3.04, 3.00, -1.03, -0.03, -4.03, -4.00, 4.02, 2.02, -4.00, -4.04, 4.04, -0.00, 1.01, -3.03, -0.03, 1.04, -2.01, -0.00, 3.04, 1.03, 2.04, 4.04, -1.02, 2.03, 0.03, 1.01, -4.04, 1.01, -1.02, -2.03, 3.00, 0.04, -0.00, -0.04, -1.04, 0.02, 3.01, -4.03, 0.01, 3.03, 0.01, 1.03, 3.00, -3.00, 1.04, 0.04, -2.04, -1.00, 0.02, 0.01, -2.01, -4.02, 4.02, -2.01, 2.04, -1.01, 2.03, 2.01, 0.02, 1.02, 4.01, 2.00, 1.02, 3.04, -1.01, -2.04, 3.02, 1.01, 0.04, 1.00, -3.04, 3.03, -2.00, 3.00, -3.01, 4.01, 3.01, 1.02, 0.02, 3.00, -1.00, 4.03, -0.02, 1.03, 1.01, 4.02, 4.02, 1.01, 0.01, 4.04, 2.02, 4.01, 4.04, -1.02, 3.03, 4.04, 3.04, -1.00, -1.02, -3.02, 2.01, -0.02, -1.01, 4.02, 0.03, 4.04, -2.03, -2.04, -2.02, -4.00, -3.03, -0.00, -0.03, 4.02, 2.04, -3.00, 2.04, -1.02, 0.01, -0.00, 3.04, -4.01, -2.01, 2.02, -4.01, 3.01, -2.03, 4.04, 3.01, -4.02, -2.00, -4.01, 3.03, -0.01, 2.02, -4.00, 3.03, 1.04, 2.02, -3.03, 2.01, 2.02, -0.02, -4.02, -2.00;
-1.04, -1.04, -2.00, -0.04, -1.00, -0.04, 0.04, -2.04, -2.04, -2.01, 2.00, 1.01, -4.03, 4.00, -0.02, -3.02, 1.04, -4.01, -1.00, -1.04, 4.03, -2.00, 3.04, -2.00, 1.00, 1.01, 1.02, -2.04, 1.00, 2.03, 0.03, 1.02, 3.00, -3.03, 0.01, -0.04, -3.03, -1.00, 3.03, -2.03, 0.03, 2.02, -4.00, -0.00, 3.00, 2.02, -3.03, -2.04, -2.04, -3.01, 1.04, -2.01, -2.01, 0.03, 1.04, 4.03, 2.01, 0.01, 4.03, 0.03, -4.04, -4.03, -4.00, -0.03, -0.01, 4.00, -2.00, 2.00, 3.01, 0.01, -4.00, -2.02, 2.01, 1.03, -4.03, -1.04, -3.02, 2.01, 3.01, 0.01, -1.01, -1.03, -3.02, -4.04, 2.03, 1.02, 1.02, -0.01, -2.02, 4.02, -4.03, -1.01, 1.00, -3.01, -4.01, 4.02, 2.03, 2.01, -0.03, -4.04, 1.00, -3.02, -2.03, 0.03, -3.03, -1.04, -3.01, -2.00, -3.02, -1.01, -2.02, 0.02, -2.01, 4.02, -2.00, -3.01, 4.04, 3.01, 1.02, -2.03, -2.02, -2.02, 2.02, 4.01, 2.00, -3.03, -1.04, -4.03, 0.01, -0.03, -3.00, 4.00, -4.02, -0.01, 4.01, -2.04, 1.03, -3.02, -4.00, -2.00, 4.04, -0.03, 3.02, -1.02, -1.03, -2.01, -0.04, -0.02, 3.02, 0.04, -0.03, 2.00, 0.04, 4.02, -4.03, -0.02, -1.00, -4.00, -2.01, -3.01, 2.01, -4.03, 4.00, 0.02, -1.01, 1.04, 3.00, -0.01, -1.04, 4.04, -3.01, 1.03, 2.02, 1.04, -2.01, -1.04, -2.02, -4.04, -0.00, -0.01, -0.00, -1.01, 0.03, 2.02, 1.04, -4.00, -0.04, 2.03, -2.03, -1.00, -1.02, -3.03, -0.01, -1.03, -2.02, 3.03, -1.03, -3.00, -2.02, 1.00, 0.02, 0.00, 2.01, 0.02, -1.01, -4.02, -1.03, 0.01, -3.00, -3.02, 3.04, -3.04, 0.04, -4.04, -4.02, 1.01, -1.00, -2.02, -3.02, -3.00, -4.01, 2.04, 3.01, 4.01, 2.00, 2.02, 1.00, -3.04, -0.04, -0.03, 2.02, 0.02, -3.00, 4.01, -2.04, 4.03, 2.04, -0.04, -3.00, 0.00, -3.00, -2.00, -3.03, 0.00, 3.04, -3.03, -1.02, -1.02, -0.00, 1.03, 0.01, 2.01, -4.01, -0.01, 4.01, 4.04;
2.02, -3.03, 2.01, -3.02, -2.03, -0.02, -1.01, 3.03, 1.04, -4.00, 2.04, -0.03, 1.00, 4.01, 2.03, -4.00, -2.04, 0.04, 2.00, -4.01, 0.04, -4.01, -1.04, 1.00, 0.02, 0.04, -3.03, -3.03, -1.02, -3.04, 0.04, 4.03, 3.01, 3.04, -0.02, -1.02, 1.02, -3.01, 3.04, 3.02, 2.04, 0.04, -2.02, -3.02, -1.03, 4.01, -1.02, 1.02, -2.00, 0.00, -2.03, -0.03, -2.00, 1.00, -1.04, -0.03, 1.02, -4.03, -1.02, -1.04, -1.03, -0.04, 3.01, 2.04, 2.02, -2.02, -3.03, 1.00, 1.01, -3.04, -3.02, 3.02, 4.02, -1.00, 0.02, 0.00, -1.00, -2.02, -3.00, 3.01, 3.04, 2.02, -4.02, -3.00, 4.02, 2.02, 2.00, -3.04, 4.04, -1.03, -0.01, 1.03, 1.00, 4.00, 2.04, 3.03, -2.01, 0.01, -2.01, 2.04, 0.01, -0.02, -4.01, 0.00, 0.03, -2.03, 1.00, 4.03, -2.02, 0.01, 0.04, -1.04, 1.00, 2.02, -4.02, -3.04, -0.00, 0.01, -3.04, 1.04, -0.01, 0.03, -0.01, 1.00, -0.00, 1.00, -3.02, -0.04, -4.02, 0.03, -3.00, -0.01, 3.01, -3.00, -3.00, 2.03, -0.01, 0.03, 0.02, -0.03, -2.03, -3.04, 4.04, -3.03, 2.03, -4.01, 2.01, 3.02, -2.04, 1.01, -4.03, 4.01, -0.02, 2.02, -4.02, 3.03, -3.00, 0.00, 0.00, -4.01, 4.02, 4.01, 3.01, 1.01, 0.00, 2.00, 0.04, -1.01, 0.01, -4.02, -0.03, -0.02, 3.00, -2.04, 2.04, -1.01, 3.01, -0.02, 2.04, -4.04, -1.04, -1.01, -0.01, 0.04, 0.03, 0.00, 0.00, 2.00, -4.04, -0.00, -0.02, 3.00, 1.00, 2.02, 1.02, -2.02, -3.00, -3.02, 2.03, 0.00, 0.00, -4.01, -4.04, 3.03, -4.00, 1.02, -4.00, -3.03, -0.00, -1.03, 4.03, -0.02, -3.03, 1.02, 1.03, -4.04, 1.04, 3.04, -4.04, -3.02, 0.04, -3.01, 0.04, 0.02, -1.04, 1.03, 1.04, 1.04, 3.03, 1.03, -4.04, 0.04, 3.04, 2.02, -2.03, 4.04, -0.00, -4.03, -3.02, -4.00, -4.02, 1.02, -1.03, 0.00, -3.02, -1.04, 3.04, 2.00, 4.04, -0.00, -4.04, 4.02, 3.03, 3.00, 1.00, 1.01;
3.02, -1.04, 2.00, 4.00, -1.01, 1.00, -0.00, 2.01, -4.04, -2.02, -0.01, -3.04, 4.03, -4.02, -1.00, -2.01, -0.01, 3.00, 3.01, -4.04, -3.01, -4.01, -1.01, -1.00, 1.02, -3.01, 2.04, -1.04, 4.03, -2.04, 3.02, 4.01, -2.02, -0.00, -0.04, 3.02, -2.01, -4.02, -2.03, 2.03, -2.03, -4.03, -4.02, 3.03, 4.00, -2.03, 4.00, 2.02, -4.04, 0.03, 1.03, -2.02, 0.03, -1.01, -1.02, 0.04, -3.00, 2.02, 0.02, 4.04, -3.02, -1.04, 0.02, -0.00, 0.01, -3.03, 4.01, 2.00, 3.00, -3.02, 0.00, -4.03, -1.04, -2.01, -0.02, -1.02, 4.01, 2.00, 4.03, 1.03, 1.04, 4.03, 4.01, 2.03, 1.04, -2.02, -2.01, 4.00, -0.02, 0.03, 2.04, -1.01, 4.00, -1.04, 2.02, -1.00, -3.02, 2.01, 2.03, -1.00, -0.04, -3.01, -3.00, 2.04, -2.03, 1.04, -0.04, 2.02, -4.04, 4.00, -1.02, -0.02, 3.00, -0.03, 2.00, 3.04, -4.04, 2.01, -0.02, 2.01, -2.03, 1.00, 3.01, 0.01, -2.00, 3.00, 1.04, 4.01, -0.02, 4.01, 3.03, 4.01, 2.04, -3.00, -2.04, -2.04, -2.01, 4.02, 3.02, 0.04, -4.04, 2.00, 1.02, -3.03, 2.00, 3.04, 4.04, 0.00, 3.03, 1.01, 4.00, -0.04, 2.03, 3.01, -2.03, 4.01, 3.01, 3.01, 0.01, 4.03, 4.04, -3.04, 4.01, -0.02, -4.04, -3.00, 1.04, -3.02, -2.00, 1.04, 2.00, -2.03, -2.03, -2.00, -2.02, -4.00, 0.01, 2.01, 0.00, -4.01, -4.03, 3.03, 3.02, -2.00, 3.04, 3.03, -1.00, -2.02, 3.02, -1.02, -3.03, 1.03, -4.03, -2.01, 0.04, -1.00, -1.01, 0.00, -4.01, -4.02, 2.03, 3.04, -0.00, -4.02, -3.04, -3.00, 1.04, -4.04, -0.03, 1.04, 0.01, 3.02, 0.04, 3.00, 2.03, -3.03, -3.04, -2.00, -3.03, 0.04, -3.01, 3.04, 0.02, 3.00, -4.03, -0.03, -4.01, 1.00, -3.03, -2.00, 3.04, -0.04, 1.01, 3.04, -0.04, -2.01, -2.00, -1.02, 3.02, -2.04, -3.04, -3.02, -1.03, -2.04, 0.04, 3.02, 1.01, 3.00, 3.03, -2.02, -3.00, 0.00, 3.02, 2.01, 1.03, 4.03;
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.19)
find_package(CUDA REQUIRED)
# ensure cuda is available
# in debug mode, add debug symbols to device code
# this disables most optimizations and kills performance
# add_compile_options("--ptxas-options=-v")
# Configure header file search paths
# Configure the source file path to be compiled
aux_source_directory(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src SRC)
# generate executable
add_executable(sgemm sgemm.cu ${SRC})
target_link_libraries(sgemm ${CUDA_LIBRARIES} ${CUDA_CUBLAS_LIBRARIES})
add_executable(cuBLAS_sgemm cuBLAS_sgemm.cu )
target_link_libraries(cuBLAS_sgemm ${CUDA_LIBRARIES} ${CUDA_CUBLAS_LIBRARIES})
add_executable(simplest_kernel simplest_kernel.cu)
target_link_libraries(simplest_kernel ${CUDA_LIBRARIES})
import gzip
import random
import tqdm
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch.optim import Adam
from torch.nn import functional as F
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader, Dataset
from simple_hierarchical_transformer import HierarchicalTransformer
# constants
NUM_BATCHES = int(1e5)
SEQ_LEN = 8192
# helpers
def cycle(loader):
while True:
for data in loader:
yield data
def decode_token(token):
return str(chr(max(32, token)))
def decode_tokens(tokens):
return "".join(list(map(decode_token, tokens)))
# instantiate transformer
model = HierarchicalTransformer(
num_tokens = 256,
dim = 1024,
depth = 8,
seq_len = SEQ_LEN,
use_flash_attn = True,
compress_factor = 32
# prepare enwik8 data
with gzip.open("./data/enwik8.gz") as file:
data = np.frombuffer(file.read(int(95e6)), dtype=np.uint8).copy()
np_train, np_valid = np.split(data, [int(90e6)])
data_train, data_val = torch.from_numpy(np_train), torch.from_numpy(np_valid)
class TextSamplerDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, data, seq_len):
self.data = data
self.seq_len = seq_len
def __getitem__(self, index):
rand_start = torch.randint(0, self.data.size(0) - self.seq_len, (1,))
full_seq = self.data[rand_start : rand_start + self.seq_len + 1].long()
return full_seq.cuda()
def __len__(self):
return self.data.size(0) // self.seq_len
train_dataset = TextSamplerDataset(data_train, SEQ_LEN)
val_dataset = TextSamplerDataset(data_val, SEQ_LEN)
train_loader = cycle(DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE))
val_loader = cycle(DataLoader(val_dataset, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE))
# optimizer
optim = Adam(model.parameters(), lr = LEARNING_RATE)
# training
for i in tqdm.tqdm(range(NUM_BATCHES), mininterval = 10.0, desc = "training"):
loss, (ce_loss, recon_loss) = model(next(train_loader), return_loss = True)
loss.backward(loss / GRADIENT_ACCUMULATE_EVERY)
print(f"training loss: {ce_loss.item()}")
torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), 0.5)
if i % VALIDATE_EVERY == 0:
with torch.no_grad():
loss, (ce_loss, recon_loss) = model(next(val_loader), return_loss = True)
print(f"validation loss: {ce_loss.item()}")
if i % GENERATE_EVERY == 0:
inp = random.choice(val_dataset)[:PRIME_LENGTH]
prime = decode_tokens(inp)
print(f"%s \n\n %s", (prime, "*" * 100))
sample = model.generate(inp[None, ...], GENERATE_LENGTH)
output_str = decode_tokens(sample[0])
print(output_str, "\n")
"version": "1.0",
"truncation": null,
"padding": null,
"added_tokens": [
"id": 0,
"content": "<unk>",
"single_word": false,
"lstrip": false,
"rstrip": false,
"normalized": true,
"special": true
"id": 1,
"content": "<s>",
"single_word": false,
"lstrip": false,
"rstrip": false,
"normalized": true,
"special": true
"id": 2,
"content": "</s>",
"single_word": false,
"lstrip": false,
"rstrip": false,
"normalized": true,
"special": true
"normalizer": {
"type": "Sequence",
"normalizers": [
"type": "Prepend",
"prepend": "▁"
"type": "Replace",
"pattern": {
"String": " "
"content": "▁"
"pre_tokenizer": null,
"post_processor": {
"type": "TemplateProcessing",
"single": [
"SpecialToken": {
"id": "<s>",
"type_id": 0
"Sequence": {
"id": "A",
"type_id": 0
"pair": [
"SpecialToken": {
"id": "<s>",
"type_id": 0
"Sequence": {
"id": "A",
"type_id": 0
"SpecialToken": {
"id": "<s>",
"type_id": 1
"Sequence": {
"id": "B",
"type_id": 1
"special_tokens": {
"<s>": {
"id": "<s>",
"ids": [
"tokens": [
"decoder": {
"type": "Sequence",
"decoders": [
"type": "Replace",
"pattern": {
"String": "▁"
"content": " "
"type": "ByteFallback"
"type": "Fuse"
"type": "Strip",
"content": " ",
"start": 1,
"stop": 0
#include "q_gemm.cuh"
#include "util.cuh"
#include "matrix_view.cuh"
#include "../config.h"
// #include <cuda/pipeline>
// #include <mma.h>
#define BLOCK_KN_SIZE 512
#define MAX_COUNT_M 2
#define CLEAR_N_SIZE 256
//#define DEBUG
#include "q_gemm_dq.cuh"
typedef void (*fp_gemm_half_q_half_kernel)
const half*,
const uint32_t*,
const uint32_t*,
const half*,
const uint16_t*,
const int,
const int,
const int,
const int,
const int,
const uint16_t*,
const int,
const int,
const int,
const int,
const int,
const int
template <bool first_block, int m_count>
__global__ void gemm_half_q_half_kernel
const half* a,
const uint32_t* b_q_weight,
const uint32_t* b_q_scale,
const half* b_q_scale_max,
const uint16_t* b_q_groups,
half* c,
const int size_m,
const int size_n,
const int size_k,
const int groups,
const int groupsize,
const uint16_t* __restrict__ b_q_perm,
const int rows_8,
const int rows_6,
const int rows_5,
const int rows_4,
const int rows_3,
const int rows_2
MatrixView_half a_(a, size_m, size_k);
MatrixView_half_rw c_(c, size_m, size_n);
MatrixView_q4_row b_q_scale_(b_q_scale, groups, size_n);
int t = threadIdx.x;
// Block
int offset_n = blockIdx.x * BLOCK_KN_SIZE;
int offset_m = blockIdx.y * m_count;
int offset_k = blockIdx.z * BLOCK_KN_SIZE;
int end_n = min(offset_n + BLOCK_KN_SIZE, size_n);
int end_m = min(offset_m + m_count, size_m);
int end_k = min(offset_k + BLOCK_KN_SIZE, size_k);
int n = offset_n + t;
// Preload block_a
__shared__ half block_a[m_count][BLOCK_KN_SIZE];
if (offset_k + t < end_k)
for (int m = 0; m < m_count; ++m)
const half* a_ptr = a_.item_ptr(offset_m + m, 0);
half* block_a_ptr = block_a[m];
half a0 = a_ptr[b_q_perm[offset_k + t]];
block_a_ptr[t] = a0;
if (n >= size_n) return;
// for (int xs_n = 0; xs_n < size_n - BLOCK_KN_SIZE;
// Advance to subblock
// int sub_offset_k = SUBBLOCK_K_SIZE * threadIdx.y;
// offset_k += sub_offset_k;
// end_k = min(offset_k + SUBBLOCK_K_SIZE, size_k);
// if (threadIdx.y > 0) return;
// int sub_offset_k = 0;
// Find initial group
int group = offset_k / groupsize;
// Preload scales
half scales[MAX_GROUPS_IN_BLOCK];
int groups_in_block = DIVIDE((end_k - offset_k), groupsize);
for (int g = 0; g < groups_in_block; g++)
half s = dq_scale(b_q_scale_.item(group + g, n), b_q_scale_max[group + g]);
scales[g] = s;
// Find initial q row
int pre_rows_8 = min(rows_8, offset_k);
int pre_rows_6 = offset_k > rows_8 ? min(rows_6, offset_k) - rows_8 : 0;
int pre_rows_5 = offset_k > rows_6 ? min(rows_5, offset_k) - rows_6 : 0;
int pre_rows_4 = offset_k > rows_5 ? min(rows_4, offset_k) - rows_5 : 0;
int pre_rows_3 = offset_k > rows_4 ? min(rows_3, offset_k) - rows_4 : 0;
int pre_rows_2 = offset_k > rows_3 ? min(rows_2, offset_k) - rows_3 : 0;
int qk = 0;
qk += pre_rows_8 / 32 * 8;
qk += pre_rows_6 / 32 * 6;
qk += pre_rows_5 / 32 * 5;
qk += pre_rows_4 / 32 * 4;
qk += pre_rows_3 / 32 * 3;
qk += pre_rows_2 / 32 * 2;
const uint32_t* b_ptr = b_q_weight + qk * size_n + n;
const half* a_ptr = &block_a[0][0];
int a_stride = BLOCK_KN_SIZE;
// const half* a_ptr = a_.item_ptr(offset_m, 0);
// int a_stride = size_k;
half qs_h = scales[0];
int scales_idx = 0;
int nextgroup = offset_k + groupsize;
// Column result
half2 block_c[m_count] = {};
// Dot product over groups
int k = offset_k;
while (k < rows_8 && k < end_k)
int end_k_sg = min(min(k + 128, rows_6), end_k);
uint32_t q_0[8], q_1[8];
load_8(b_ptr, size_n, q_0);
qdot_8bit_32<m_count>(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_0, q_1);
qdot_8bit_32<m_count>(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_1, q_0);
qdot_8bit_32<m_count>(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_0, q_1);
qdot_8bit_32<m_count>(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_1, q_0);
while (k < rows_6 && k < end_k)
int end_k_sg = min(min(k + 128, rows_5), end_k);
uint32_t q_0[6], q_1[6];
load_6(b_ptr, size_n, q_0);
qdot_6bit_32<m_count>(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_0, q_1);
qdot_6bit_32<m_count>(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_1, q_0);
qdot_6bit_32<m_count>(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_0, q_1);
qdot_6bit_32<m_count>(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_1, q_0);
while (k < rows_5 && k < end_k)
int end_k_sg = min(min(k + 128, rows_4), end_k);
uint32_t q_0[5], q_1[5];
load_5(b_ptr, size_n, q_0);
qdot_5bit_32<m_count>(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_0, q_1);
qdot_5bit_32<m_count>(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_1, q_0);
qdot_5bit_32<m_count>(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_0, q_1);
qdot_5bit_32<m_count>(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_1, q_0);
// while (k + 128 < rows_4 && k + 128 < end_k)
// {
// uint32_t q_0[8], q_1[8];
// load_8(b_ptr, size_n, q_0);
// load_8(b_ptr, size_n, q_1);
// qdot_4bit_64<m_count>(k, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_0);
// qdot_4bit_64<m_count>(k, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_1);
// }
while (k < rows_4 && k < end_k)
int end_k_sg = min(min(k + 128, rows_3), end_k);
uint32_t q_0[4], q_1[4];
load_4(b_ptr, size_n, q_0);
qdot_4bit_32<m_count>(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_0, q_1);
qdot_4bit_32<m_count>(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_1, q_0);
qdot_4bit_32<m_count>(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_0, q_1);
qdot_4bit_32<m_count>(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_1, q_0);
// while (k + 128 < rows_3 && k + 128 < end_k)
// {
// uint32_t q_0[6], q_1[6];
// load_6(b_ptr, size_n, q_0);
// load_6(b_ptr, size_n, q_1);
// qdot_3bit_64<m_count>(k, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_0);
// qdot_3bit_64<m_count>(k, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_1);
// }
while (k < rows_3 && k < end_k)
int end_k_sg = min(min(k + 128, rows_2), end_k);
uint32_t q_0[3], q_1[3];
load_3(b_ptr, size_n, q_0);
qdot_3bit_32<m_count>(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_0, q_1);
qdot_3bit_32<m_count>(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_1, q_0);
qdot_3bit_32<m_count>(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_0, q_1);
qdot_3bit_32<m_count>(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_1, q_0);
// while (k + 128 < rows_2 && k + 128 < end_k)
// {
// uint32_t q_0[8];
// load_8(b_ptr, size_n, q_0);
// qdot_2bit_128<m_count>(k, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_0);
// }
while (k < rows_2 && k < end_k)
int end_k_sg = min(k + 128, end_k);
uint32_t q_0[2], q_1[2];
load_2(b_ptr, size_n, q_0);
qdot_2bit_32<m_count>(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_0, q_1);
qdot_2bit_32<m_count>(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_1, q_0);
qdot_2bit_32<m_count>(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_0, q_1);
qdot_2bit_32<m_count>(k, end_k_sg, group, nextgroup, groupsize, n, scales, scales_idx, qs_h, block_c, a_ptr, a_stride, b_ptr, size_n, q_1, q_0);
// Accumulate column sums in c
for (int m = 0; m < m_count; m++) atomicAdd(c_.item_ptr(offset_m + m, n), __hadd(block_c[m].x, block_c[m].y));
//for (int m = 0; m < m_count; m++) c_.set(offset_m + m, n, block_c[m]);
fp_gemm_half_q_half_kernel pick_gemm_half_q_half_kernel(bool first_block, const int m_count)
if (m_count == 1) return gemm_half_q_half_kernel<true, 1>;
if (m_count == 2) return gemm_half_q_half_kernel<true, 2>;
// if (m_count == 3) return gemm_half_q_half_kernel<true, 3>;
// if (m_count == 4) return gemm_half_q_half_kernel<true, 4>;
// if (m_count == 5) return gemm_half_q_half_kernel<true, 5>;
// if (m_count == 6) return gemm_half_q_half_kernel<true, 6>;
// if (m_count == 7) return gemm_half_q_half_kernel<true, 7>;
// if (m_count == 8) return gemm_half_q_half_kernel<true, 8>;
return NULL;
void gemm_half_q_half_cuda_part
const half* a,
QMatrix* b,
half* c,
int size_m,
int size_n,
int size_k,
int count_m
dim3 blockDim, gridDim;
blockDim.x = BLOCK_KN_SIZE;
blockDim.y = 1;
blockDim.z = 1;
gridDim.x = DIVIDE(size_n, BLOCK_KN_SIZE);
gridDim.y = DIVIDE(size_m, count_m);
gridDim.z = DIVIDE(size_k, BLOCK_KN_SIZE);
fp_gemm_half_q_half_kernel kernel = pick_gemm_half_q_half_kernel(true, count_m);
kernel<<<gridDim, blockDim>>>
void gemm_half_q_half_cuda
cublasHandle_t cublas_handle,
const half* a,
QMatrix* b,
half* c,
int size_m,
int size_n,
int size_k,
bool clear,
half* temp_dq
if (size_m >= MAX_Q_GEMM_ROWS)
// Reconstruct FP16 matrix, then cuBLAS
//DBGI3(size_m, size_n, size_k);
if (!temp_dq) temp_dq = b->temp_dq;
cublasSetMathMode(cublas_handle, CUBLAS_TENSOR_OP_MATH);
//DBGI3(size_m, size_n, size_k);
const half alpha = __float2half(1.0f);
const half beta = clear ? __float2half(0.0f) : __float2half(1.0f);
// const float alpha = 1.0f;
// const float beta = clear ? 0.0f : 1.0f;
// cublasSgemmEx(cublas_handle,
// size_n,
// size_m,
// size_k,
// &alpha,
// temp_dq,
// CUDA_R_16F,
// size_n,
// a,
// CUDA_R_16F,
// size_k,
// &beta,
// c,
// CUDA_R_16F,
// size_n);
// Quantized matmul
if (clear) clear_tensor_cuda(c, size_m, size_n);
int max_chunks = size_m / MAX_COUNT_M;
int last_chunk = max_chunks * MAX_COUNT_M;
int last_chunk_size = size_m - last_chunk;
// DBGI3(size_m, size_n, size_k);
// DBGI3(max_chunks, last_chunk, last_chunk_size);
if (max_chunks)
gemm_half_q_half_cuda_part(a, b, c, last_chunk, size_n, size_k, MAX_COUNT_M);
if (last_chunk_size)
gemm_half_q_half_cuda_part(a + last_chunk * size_k, b, c + last_chunk * size_n, last_chunk_size, size_n, size_k, last_chunk_size);
__global__ void clear_kernel
half* __restrict__ c,
const int size_m,
const int size_n
int m = blockIdx.y;
int n = (blockIdx.x * CLEAR_N_SIZE + threadIdx.x) * 8;
if (n >= size_n) return;
int4* c_ptr = (int4*)(c + m * size_n + n);
*c_ptr = {};
void clear_tensor_cuda
half* c,
int size_m,
int size_n
dim3 blockDim, gridDim;
blockDim.x = CLEAR_N_SIZE;
blockDim.y = 1;
gridDim.x = DIVIDE(size_n / 8, CLEAR_N_SIZE);
gridDim.y = size_m;
clear_kernel<<<gridDim, blockDim>>>(c, size_m, size_n);
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from datasets import load_dataset
from gptq_triton import load_quant
from tqdm import tqdm
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, LlamaForCausalLM
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--model', type=str, help='Path to model, either a HuggingFace model or a quantized model')
parser.add_argument('--quant', action='store_true', help='Whether the model is quantized')
parser.add_argument('--stride', type=int, default=512, help='Stride for calculating perplexity')
parser.add_argument('--context-length', type=int, default=2048, help='Length of context to use')
def main():
args = parser.parse_args()
if not args.quant:
model = get_llama(args.model)
model = load_quant(args.model)
# NOTE: Setting use_fast=False for now, as the alternative was an order of magnitude slower on a recent `transformers` commit
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(args.model, use_fast=False)
context_length = model.seqlen if args.context_length is None else args.context_length
for dataset in ['wikitext-2', 'ptb', 'c4']:
ppl = calculate_perplexity(model, tokenizer, dataset, max_length=context_length, stride=args.stride)
print(f"{dataset} perplexity: {ppl}")
def get_llama(model: str):
Load a pretrained Llama model
def skip(*args, **kwargs):
# NOTE: This is a nasty hack, but it speeds up model building by a huge amount
old_inits = (torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_, torch.nn.init.uniform_, torch.nn.init.normal_)
torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_ = skip
torch.nn.init.uniform_ = skip
torch.nn.init.normal_ = skip
model = LlamaForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model, torch_dtype='auto')
model.seqlen = 2048
# Restore the old initializers
torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_, torch.nn.init.uniform_, torch.nn.init.normal_ = old_inits
return model
def get_dataset(dataset_name: str, tokenizer) -> torch.Tensor:
if dataset_name == "wikitext-2":
test = load_dataset("wikitext", "wikitext-2-raw-v1", split="test")
encodings = tokenizer("\n\n".join(test["text"]), return_tensors="pt").input_ids
elif dataset_name == 'ptb':
test = load_dataset("ptb_text_only", 'penn_treebank', split="validation")
encodings = tokenizer("\n\n".join(test["sentence"]), return_tensors="pt").input_ids
elif dataset_name == 'c4':
# WARNING: Many of the files in the allenai/c4 repo are marked as "Unsafe" by HuggingFace, possibly containing a virus. This particular file is not, and I doubt it's an issue, but worth noting.
test = load_dataset('allenai/c4', 'allenai--c4', data_files={'validation': 'en/c4-validation.00000-of-00008.json.gz'}, split='validation')
encodings = [tokenizer(x, return_tensors="pt").input_ids for x in test['text'][:1000]]
encodings = torch.cat(encodings, dim=1)
raise ValueError(f"Unknown dataset {dataset_name}")
return encodings
def calculate_perplexity(model, tokenizer, dataset: str, max_length: int, stride: int = 512) -> float:
print("Loading dataset...")
encodings = get_dataset(dataset, tokenizer)
seq_len = encodings.size(1)
print("Calculating perplexity...")
print(f"Sequence length: {seq_len}")
print(f"Max length: {max_length}")
print(f"Stride: {stride}")
nlls = []
prev_end_loc = 0
for begin_loc in (pbar := tqdm(range(0, seq_len - 1, stride))):
end_loc = min(seq_len - 1, begin_loc + max_length)
trg_len = end_loc - prev_end_loc # How many tokens we want to predict
input_ids = encodings[:, begin_loc:end_loc+1].to('cuda') # +1 for the labels
with torch.no_grad():
# Ask the model for logits
# NOTE: Instead of calling HF's model wrapper, we call the model directly to hopefully cut down on some memory overhead
outputs = model.model(input_ids[:, :-1], use_cache=False)
logits = model.lm_head(outputs[0][..., -trg_len:, :])
# The last trg_len tokens are the labels
labels = input_ids[:, -trg_len:].contiguous()
# Compute the NLL for this batch using flattened logits and labels
loss_fct = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
loss = loss_fct(logits.view(-1, logits.size(-1)), labels.view(-1))
ppl = torch.exp(torch.stack(nlls).mean())
pbar.set_description(f"Perplexity: {ppl:.2f}")
prev_end_loc = end_loc
if end_loc == (seq_len - 1):
ppl = torch.exp(torch.stack(nlls).mean())
return ppl
if __name__ == '__main__':
name = gptq_triton
version = 0.0.3
author = fpgaminer
author_email = [email protected]
description = Fast GPTQ kernels written in Triton
long_description = file: README.md
long_description_content_type = text/markdown; charset=UTF-8
url = https://github.com/fpgaminer/GPTQ-triton
keywords = gptq, triton, torch, cuda, gpu, quantization, quantize, quantized, inference, deep learning, machine learning
license = Apache License 2.0
license_file = LICENSE
classifiers =
Development Status :: 3 - Alpha
License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License
Intended Audience :: Developers
Programming Language :: Python :: 3
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10
Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence
Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules
zip_safe = False
include_package_data = False
package_dir =
= src
packages = find:
python_requires = >=3.6
install_requires =
triton >= 2.0.0
torch >= 2.0.0
where = src
import random
from datasets import load_dataset
def get_dataset(dataset_name: str, tokenizer, nsamples: int, seed: int, seqlen: int):
if dataset_name == "wikitext-2":
return get_wikitext2(nsamples, seed, seqlen, tokenizer)
elif dataset_name == 'ptb':
return get_ptb(nsamples, seed, seqlen, tokenizer, jointext='\n\n')
elif dataset_name == 'ptb-new':
return get_ptb(nsamples, seed, seqlen, tokenizer, jointext=' ')
elif dataset_name == 'c4':
return get_c4(nsamples, seed, seqlen, tokenizer)
raise ValueError(f"Unknown dataset {dataset_name}")
def get_wikitext2(nsamples: int, seed: int, seqlen: int, tokenizer, jointext: str = '\n\n'):
traindata = load_dataset('wikitext', 'wikitext-2-raw-v1', split='train')
trainenc = tokenizer(jointext.join(traindata['text']), return_tensors='pt')
rng = random.Random(seed)
trainloader = (rng.randint(0, trainenc.input_ids.shape[1] - seqlen - 1) for _ in range(nsamples))
trainloader = [trainenc.input_ids[:, i:i+seqlen] for i in trainloader]
return trainloader
def get_ptb(nsamples: int, seed: int, seqlen: int, tokenizer, jointext: str):
traindata = load_dataset('ptb_text_only', 'penn_treebank', split='train')
trainenc = tokenizer(jointext.join(traindata['sentence']), return_tensors='pt')
rng = random.Random(seed)
trainloader = (rng.randint(0, trainenc.input_ids.shape[1] - seqlen - 1) for _ in range(nsamples))
trainloader = [trainenc.input_ids[:, i:i+seqlen] for i in trainloader]
return trainloader
def get_c4(nsamples: int, seed: int, seqlen: int, tokenizer):
# WARNING: Many of the files in the allenai/c4 repo are marked as "Unsafe" by HuggingFace, possibly containing a virus. This particular file is not, and I doubt it's an issue, but worth noting.
traindata = load_dataset('allenai/c4', 'allenai--c4', data_files={'train': 'en/c4-train.00000-of-01024.json.gz'}, split='train')
rng = random.Random(seed)
trainloader = []
for _ in range(nsamples):
while True:
i = rng.randint(0, len(traindata) - 1)
trainenc = tokenizer(traindata[i]['text'], return_tensors='pt')
if trainenc.input_ids.shape[1] >= seqlen:
i = rng.randint(0, trainenc.input_ids.shape[1] - seqlen - 1)
inp = trainenc.input_ids[:, i:i + seqlen]
return trainloader
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Benchmarks the generation speed of a model. While Benchmark.ipynb provides nice detailed performance data, it measures the kernels in isolation.
This script measures "real world" performance by running the whole model in generation mode.
It tests a grid of prompt lengths and generation lengths, and saves the timing results to `results.json`.
import argparse
import itertools
import json
import os
import random
import time
import original_quant
import torch
import transformers
from gptq_triton import load_quant
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, LlamaConfig, LlamaForCausalLM
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--model', type=str, help='Path to model, either a HuggingFace model or a quantized model')
parser.add_argument('--quant', action='store_true', help='Whether the model is quantized')
parser.add_argument('--cuda', type=str, help='Whether to use the old CUDA kernel and format; this must be set to the path to the CUDA quantized model, and --model must be set to a HF model')
parser.add_argument('--average', type=int, default=10, help='Number of times to run each test to get an average')
def main():
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.cuda:
model = load_cuda_quant(args.model, args.cuda, 4, -1)
elif not args.quant:
model = get_llama(args.model)
model = load_quant(args.model)
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(args.model, use_fast=False)
prompt_lengths = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048]
max_lengths = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048]
lengths = set(itertools.product(prompt_lengths, max_lengths))
# Remove lengths that we've already tested
if os.path.exists('results.jsonl'):
with open('results.jsonl', 'r') as f:
for line in f:
line = json.loads(line)
key = (line['prompt_length'], line['max_length'])
if key in lengths:
# Shuffle the lengths so that we don't always test in the same order and get caching effects
lengths = list(lengths)
# TODO: For some reason the first run is always slow, so we run it once before the benchmark to warm things up
encoded_prompt = tokenizer.encode("TODO", add_special_tokens=False, return_tensors='pt').to('cuda')
_ = model.generate(
# Run the remaining benchmarks
with open('results.jsonl', 'a') as f:
for prompt_length, max_length in lengths:
print(f'Prompt length: {prompt_length}, max length: {max_length}')
results = []
for _ in range(args.average):
# Generate a long random string
# We do this every time to avoid caching effects
prompt = ''.join(random.choice('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 .,;:!?') for _ in range(2048 * 10))
# Encode and crop down
encoded_prompt = tokenizer.encode(prompt, add_special_tokens=False, return_tensors='pt')
encoded_prompt = encoded_prompt[:, :prompt_length]
encoded_prompt = encoded_prompt.to('cuda')
start_time = time.time()
_ = model.generate(
max_length=max_length + prompt_length,
suppress_tokens=[model.generation_config.eos_token_id], # This prevents the sampler from ending early; it must generate max_length tokens
end_time = time.time()
gen_time = end_time - start_time
speed = max_length / gen_time
results.append((gen_time, speed))
# Compute the average
avg_time = sum(t for t, _ in results) / len(results)
avg_speed = (max_length * len(results)) / sum(t for t, _ in results)
print(f'Average generation time: {avg_time:.2f} seconds')
print(f'Average generation speed: {avg_speed:.2f} tokens per second')
'prompt_length': prompt_length,
'max_length': max_length,
'average_time': avg_time,
'average_speed': avg_speed,
'runs': results,
def get_llama(model: str):
Load a pretrained Llama model
def skip(*args, **kwargs):
# NOTE: This is a nasty hack, but it speeds up model building by a huge amount
old_inits = (torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_, torch.nn.init.uniform_, torch.nn.init.normal_)
torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_ = skip
torch.nn.init.uniform_ = skip
torch.nn.init.normal_ = skip
model = LlamaForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model, torch_dtype='auto')
model.seqlen = 2048
# Restore the old initializers
torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_, torch.nn.init.uniform_, torch.nn.init.normal_ = old_inits
return model
def load_cuda_quant(model, checkpoint, wbits, groupsize):
Load a quantized model using the old CUDA kernel
config = LlamaConfig.from_pretrained(model)
def noop(*args, **kwargs):
original_inits = (torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_, torch.nn.init.uniform_, torch.nn.init.normal_)
torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_ = noop
torch.nn.init.uniform_ = noop
torch.nn.init.normal_ = noop
original_init_weights = transformers.modeling_utils._init_weights
transformers.modeling_utils._init_weights = False
model = LlamaForCausalLM(config)
transformers.modeling_utils._init_weights = original_init_weights
torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_, torch.nn.init.uniform_, torch.nn.init.normal_ = original_inits
model = model.eval()
layers = original_quant.find_layers(model)
for name in ['lm_head']:
if name in layers:
del layers[name]
original_quant.make_quant(model, layers, wbits, groupsize, faster=False)
del layers
print('Loading model ...')
if checkpoint.endswith('.safetensors'):
from safetensors.torch import load_file as safe_load
model.seqlen = 2048
return model
if __name__ == '__main__':
Oct 12, 2023
Ignas R.
10min Read
25 Common Linux Bash Script Examples to Get You Started
Bash or Bourne-again shell is one of the most popular shells and command languages for Linux VPS enthusiasts. It was first released in 1989 and was used as the default shell for most Linux distributions ever since.
Bash scripting allows users and system administrators to automate processes and save hundreds of hours of manual work. It’s worth mentioning that Bash is also available for Windows and macOS.
This tutorial will introduce you to what bash scripting is. It features over twenty useful bash script examples to start your bash scripting journey.
What Is Bash Scripting Used For
25 Bash Scripts Examples
1. Hello World
2. Echo Command
3. Sleep Command
4. Wait Command
6. Get User Input
7. Loops
8. Create an Array
9. Conditional Statements
10. Functions
11. Display String Length
12. Extract String
13. Find and Replace String
14. Concatenate Strings
15. Check if a Number is Even or Odd
16. Generate Factorial of Number
17. Create Directories
18. Read Files
19. Print Files With Line Count
20. Delete Files
21. Test if File Exists
22. Check Inodes and Disk Usage
23. Send Email Example
24. Update Packages
25. Show Server Information
What Is Bash Scripting Used For
Before we move on to the topic of bash scripting use cases, we need to elaborate on what bash and bash scripting are.
Bash is a command-line interface interpreter that runs in a text window where users can manage and execute shell commands. Bash – or shell scripting – on the other hand is the process of writing a set of commands to be executed on a Linux system. A file that includes such instructions is called a bash script.
To put it simply, the bash interpreter reads the bash script and executes the commands at the same time. For example, a Linux user can execute hundreds of commands with a single click instead of inputting them one by one. For this reason, bash scripting is the go-to choice for increasing productivity, setting up automation, and eliminating repetitive tasks.
25 Bash Scripts Examples
The following section will cover 25 of the most popular bash scripting examples, including variable manipulation and echoing out various values. We will also cover functions, arrays, loops, and much more.
1. Hello World
Hello World is the most simple bash script to start with. We will create a new variable called learningbash and print out the words Hello World. First, open a new shell script file with a text editor of your choice:
nano hello.sh
Paste the following lines into it:
#Creates a new variable with a value of "Hello World"
learningbash="Hello World"
echo $learningbash
The command-line window showcasing the output of the first bash script – Hello World
The first line (/bin/bash) is used in every bash script. It instructs the operating system to use a bash interpreter as a command interpreter.
2. Echo Command
The echo bash command can be used to print out text as well as values of variables. In the following example, we will showcase how quotation marks affect the echo command. We will start by opening a new bash script file:
nano echo.sh
This simple bash script example will create a new variable and print it out while using different quotation marks.
echo 'The best hosting provider is $provider'
echo "The best hosting provider is $provider"
The command-line window shows the echo command
As you can see, if the echo bash command is used with double quotation marks ““, then the script will print out the actual value of a variable. Otherwise, if the single quotation marks ‘‘ are used, it will print out only the name of a variable.
3. Sleep Command
Sleep command halts all currently running bash scripts and puts the system to sleep. Start by creating a new bash script file:
nano sleep.sh
Then, paste in the following simple script:
sleep 10 && echo “I’ve been sleeping for 10 seconds, I want more” && sleep 10 && echo “I’m done sleeping, thanks!”
A bash script with the sleep command. The basic idea is that it puts the system to a halt for a set amount of time
The above example starts with a simple sleep bash command that will put your system to sleep for 10 seconds. After that, we combine the previously learned echo command with sleep – this way system will sleep for 10 seconds, then print out some words, sleep again, print out some words again and end its operation.
Pro Tip
A bash script can always be terminated by clicking CTRL + C without waiting for it to finish its operation.
4. Wait Command
wait is a built-in Linux command that waits for completion of running process. The wait command is used with a particular process id or job id.
Here’s how to create a wait bash script. Begin by creating a new bash file:
nano wait.sh
Paste in the following:
wait 1234
echo “Done”
Important! If no job ID is provided, the wait command waits until all child background jobs are completed.
Users can easily add comments to their bash scripts with the # symbol. It is extra useful if you’ve got a lengthy script that needs explaining on some lines.
Begin by creating a new bash script:
nano comments.sh
Then paste in the following:
# Define a variable named Hostinger
# Print out the following text
echo 'The best hosting provider is $provider'
# Print out the following text with $provider variable value
echo "The best hosting provider is $provider"
The command-line window showing single line comment functionality. It's worth noting that bash comments are not displayed with the script output.
Keep in mind that bash comments are only visible on a text editor.
6. Get User Input
To take input from users, we’ll use the read bash command. First, create a new bash shell file:
nano read.sh
Then, fill it with the script below:
echo "What is your age?"
read age
echo "Wow, you look younger than $age years old"
In the above example, an age value was entered by the user. The output was then printed via the echo command.
7. Loops
A loop is an essential tool in various programming languages. To put it simply, a bash loop is a set of instructions that are repeated until a user-specified condition is reached. Start by creating a loop bash program:
nano whileloop.sh
Then paste in the following:
while :
echo Countdown: $n
This will work as a countdown to infinity until you press CTRL + C to stop the script.
Now that we’ve tested the while loop, we can move on to the for loop. Create a bash file for it:
nano forloop.sh
It should contain the script below:
for (( n=2; n<=10; n++ ))
echo "$n seconds"
A bash script showcasing the "for" loop
The script prints out numbers from 2 to 10 while adding the seconds keyword to it.
8. Create an Array
A bash array is a data structure designed to store information in an indexed way. It is extra useful if users need to store and retrieve thousands of pieces of data fast. What makes bash arrays special is that unlike any other programming language, they can store different types of elements. For example, you can use a bash array to store both strings and numbers.
Create a new file in the current directory:
nano array.sh
Combine the freshly learned for loop with a new indexed array:
# Create an indexed array
IndexedArray=(egg burger milk)
#Iterate over the array to get all the values
for i in "${IndexedArray[@]}";do echo "$i";done
A bash script to create and print out an array
The script iterates over the IndexedArray and prints out all the values.
9. Conditional Statements
The most popular and widely used conditional statement is if. Even though the if statement is easy to write and understand, it can be used in advanced shell scripts as well.
Begin with a new bash file:
nano if.sh
Paste the code below in it:
#Check if salary and expenses are equal
if [ $salary == $expenses ];
echo "Salary and expenses are equal"
#Check if salary and expenses are not equal
elif [ $salary != $expenses ];
echo "Salary and expenses are not equal"
This script creates two new variables and compares whether they are equal or not.
10. Functions
A bash function is a set of commands that can be reused numerous times throughout a bash script. Create a new file:
nano function.sh
Then, paste in the following code – it creates a simple Hello World function.
hello () {
echo 'Hello World!'
11. Display String Length
There are a couple of ways of counting string length in bash. We’ll talk about the simplest. Create a file named stringlength.sh:
nano stringlength.sh
Fill it with the following:
# Create a new string
mystring="lets count the length of this string"
echo "Length: $i"
Here, the # operator is used to get the length of the string variable.
12. Extract String
If users need to remove unnecessary parts from strings, they can use the Bash string extraction tools. Start by creating a new bash script:
nano extractstring.sh
The following script has 4 values, 3 of them being strings. In our example, we will extract only the number value. This can be done via the cut command. First, we instruct the command that each variable is separated by a comma by using the -d flag. Then we ask the cut command to extract the 5th value.
cut -d , -f 5 <<< "Website,Domain,DNS,SMTP,5005"
In another example, we have a string that is mixed with some numbers. We will use expr substr commands to extract only the Hostinger text value.
expr substr "458449Hostinger4132" 7 9
13. Find and Replace String
Another useful bash script for strings is find and replace. Create a file named findreplace.sh:
nano findreplace.sh
Then paste in the following bash script:
first="I drive a BMW and Volvo"
echo "${first/BMW/"$second"}"
Find and replace script in bash
The find and replace functionality doesn’t require any special commands, it can all be done with string manipulation.
14. Concatenate Strings
Concatenation is the term used for appending one string to the end of another string. Start by creating concatenation.sh file.
nano concatenation.sh
The most simple example would be the following:
firststring="The secret is..."
echo "$thirdstring"
The above script will connect the values of firststring and secondstring variables creating a whole new thirdstring.
A more advanced example would look like this:
firststring="The secret is..."
echo "$firststring"
The script uses the += operator to join the strings. With this method, you can concatenate strings with only one variable.
15. Check if a Number is Even or Odd
Odd and even numbers can be easily divided using the if statement and some simple math. Create a file named evenoddnumbers.sh:
nano evenoddnumbers.sh
The script uses the read command to read user input and divides it by 2. If the answer is 0, the number is even.
read -p "Enter a number and I will check if its odd or even " mynumber
if [ $((mynumber%2)) -eq 0 ]
echo "Your number is even"
echo "Your number is odd."
16. Generate Factorial of Number
The factorial of a number is the result of all positive descending integers. For example, the factorial of 5 would be 120:
5! = 5*4*3*2*1 = 120
Factorial scrips are very useful for users learning about recursion. Start by creating a .sh file executable:
The following script will ask the user to enter a number they want to get the factorial of and use a for loop to calculate it.
echo Enter the number you want to get factorial for
read mynumber
for ((i=1;i<=mynumber;i++))
echo $factorial
The command-line window displaying shell script for getting factorial of a number
17. Create Directories
It is effortless to create directories in bash unless you need to create a lot of directories quickly. In the following example, we will use the bash script to create a set of directories with the same subdirectories in each.
First, create a file named directories.sh:
nano directories.sh
Then paste in the following code:
mkdir -p {Math,English,Geography,Arts}/{notes,examresults,portfolio}
The script creates 4 main directories: Math, English, Geography, and Arts. The Notes, examresults, and portfolio subdirectories are also created inside each.
If you were to replace the / symbol in the middle with _, the script would look like this:
mkdir -p {Math,English,Geography,Arts}_{notes,examresults,portfolio}
Here’s the output for it displaying a merge of the two directories:
A bash script to create a lot of directories quickly. The first bash case statement indicates which interpreter to use
#Declare string S1
#Declare string S2
if [ $S1 = $S2 ]; then
echo "Both Strings are equal"
echo "Strings are NOT equal"
The following script will check to see if a file exists or not.
if [ -e $file ]; then
echo "File exists"
echo "File does not exist"
The result:
$ ./filetesting.sh
File does not exist
$ touch file
$ ./filetesting.sh
File exists
Similarly for example we can use while loop to check if file does not exist. This script will sleep until file does exist. Note bash negator ! which negates the -e option.
while [ ! -e myfile ]; do
# Sleep until file does exists/is created
sleep 1
Bash Select
The select command allows us to prompt the user to make a selection.
PS3='Choose one word: '
# bash select
select word in "linux" "bash" "scripting" "tutorial"
echo "The word you have selected is: $word"
# Break, otherwise endless loop
exit 0
The result:
$ ./select.sh
1) linux
2) bash
3) scripting
4) tutorial
Choose one word: 2
The word you have selected is: bash
Case statement conditional
The case statement makes it easy to have many different possibilities, whereas an if statement can get lengthy very quickly if you have more than a few possibilities to account for.
echo "What is your preferred programming / scripting language"
echo "1) bash"
echo "2) perl"
echo "3) phyton"
echo "4) c++"
echo "5) I do not know !"
read case;
#simple case bash structure
# note in this case $case is variable and does not have to
# be named case this is just an example
case $case in
1) echo "You selected bash";;
2) echo "You selected perl";;
3) echo "You selected phyton";;
4) echo "You selected c++";;
5) exit
The result:
$ ./case.sh
What is your preferred programming / scripting language
1) bash
2) perl
3) phyton
4) c++
5) I do not know !
You selected phyton
Bash quotes and quotations
Quotations and quotes are important part of bash and bash scripting. Here are some bash quotes and quotations basics.
Escaping Meta characters
Before we start with quotes and quotations we should know something about escaping meta characters. Escaping will suppress a special meaning of meta characters and therefore meta characters will be read by bash literally. To do this we need to use backslash \ character. Example:
#Declare bash string variable
BASH_VAR="Bash Script"
# echo variable BASH_VAR
echo $BASH_VAR
#when meta character such us "$" is escaped with "\" it will be read literally
echo \$BASH_VAR
# backslash has also special meaning and it can be suppressed with yet another "\"
echo "\\"
Here’s what it looks like when we execute the script:
$ ./escape_meta.sh
Bash Script
Single quotes
Single quotes in bash will suppress special meaning of every meta characters. Therefore meta characters will be read literally. It is not possible to use another single quote within two single quotes not even if the single quote is escaped by backslash.
# Declare bash string variable
BASH_VAR="Bash Script"
# echo variable BASH_VAR
echo $BASH_VAR
# meta characters special meaning in bash is suppressed when using single quotes
echo '$BASH_VAR "$BASH_VAR"'
The result:
$ ./single_quotes.sh
Bash Script
Double quotes
Double quotes in bash will suppress special meaning of every meta characters except $, \ and `. Any other meta characters will be read literally. It is also possible to use single quote within double quotes. If we need to use double quotes within double quotes bash can read them literally when escaping them with \. Example:
#Declare bash string variable
BASH_VAR="Bash Script"
# echo variable BASH_VAR
echo $BASH_VAR
# meta characters and its special meaning in bash is
# suppressed when using double quotes except "$", "\" and "`"
echo "It's $BASH_VAR and \"$BASH_VAR\" using backticks: `date`"
The result:
$ ./double_quotes.sh
Bash Script
It's Bash Script and "Bash Script" using backticks: Thu 10 Feb 2022 10:24:15 PM EST
Bash quoting with ANSI-C style
There is also another type of quoting and that is ANSI-C. In this type of quoting characters escaped with \ will gain special meaning according to the ANSI-C standard.
\a alert (bell) \b backspace
\e an escape character \f form feed
\n newline \r carriage return
\t horizontal tab \v vertical tab
\\ backslash \` single quote
\nnn octal value of characters ( see [http://www.asciitable.com/ ASCII table] ) \xnn hexadecimal value of characters ( see [http://www.asciitable.com/ ASCII table] )
One day, a little girl named Lily found a needle in her room. She knew it was difficult to play with it because it was sharp. Lily wanted to share the needle with her mom, so she could sew a button on her shirt.
Lily went to her mom and said, "Mom, I found this needle. Can you share it with me and sew my shirt?" Her mom smiled and said, "Yes, Lily, we can share the needle and fix your shirt."
Together, they shared the needle and sewed the button on Lily's shirt. It was not difficult for them because they were sharing and helping each other. After they finished, Lily thanked her mom for sharing the needle and fixing her shirt. They both felt happy because they had shared and worked together.
Once upon a time, there was a little car named Beep. Beep loved to go fast and play in the sun. Beep was a healthy car because he always had good fuel. Good fuel made Beep happy and strong.
One day, Beep was driving in the park when he saw a big tree. The tree had many leaves that were falling. Beep liked how the leaves fall and wanted to play with them. Beep drove under the tree and watched the leaves fall on him. He laughed and beeped his horn.
Beep played with the falling leaves all day. When it was time to go home, Beep knew he needed more fuel. He went to the fuel place and got more healthy fuel. Now, Beep was ready to go fast and play again the next day. And Beep lived happily ever after.
One day, a little fish named Fin was swimming near the shore. He saw a big crab and wanted to be friends. "Hi, I am Fin. Do you want to play?" asked the little fish. The crab looked at Fin and said, "No, I don't want to play. I am cold and I don't feel fine."
Fin felt sad but wanted to help the crab feel better. He swam away and thought of a plan. He remembered that the sun could make things warm. So, Fin swam to the top of the water and called to the sun, "Please, sun, help my new friend feel fine and not freeze!"
The sun heard Fin's call and shone its warm light on the shore. The crab started to feel better and not so cold. He saw Fin and said, "Thank you, little fish, for making me feel fine. I don't feel like I will freeze now. Let's play together!" And so, Fin and the crab played and became good friends.
Once upon a time, in a land full of trees, there was a little cherry tree. The cherry tree was very sad because it did not have any friends. All the other trees were big and strong, but the cherry tree was small and weak. The cherry tree was envious of the big trees.
One day, the cherry tree felt a tickle in its branches. It was a little spring wind. The wind told the cherry tree not to be sad. The wind said, "You are special because you have sweet cherries that everyone loves." The cherry tree started to feel a little better.
As time went on, the cherry tree grew more and more cherries. All the animals in the land came to eat the cherries and play under the cherry tree. The cherry tree was happy because it had many friends now. The cherry tree learned that being different can be a good thing. And they all lived happily ever after.
Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. Lily liked to pretend she was a popular princess. She lived in a big castle with her best friends, a cat and a dog.
One day, while playing in the castle, Lily found a big cobweb. The cobweb was in the way of her fun game. She wanted to get rid of it, but she was scared of the spider that lived there.
Lily asked her friends, the cat and the dog, to help her. They all worked together to clean the cobweb. The spider was sad, but it found a new home outside. Lily, the cat, and the dog were happy they could play without the cobweb in the way. And they all lived happily ever after.
Once upon a time, in a big lake, there was a brown kayak. The brown kayak liked to roll in the water all day long. It was very happy when it could roll and splash in the lake.
One day, a little boy named Tim came to play with the brown kayak. Tim and the brown kayak rolled in the water together. They laughed and had a lot of fun. The sun was shining, and the water was warm.
After a while, it was time for Tim to go home. He said goodbye to the brown kayak and gave it a big hug. The brown kayak was sad to see Tim go, but it knew they would play together again soon. So, the brown kayak kept rolling in the water, waiting for the next fun day with Tim.
Once upon a time, in a small town, there was a troubled little girl named Lily. She was always sad because she lost her favorite toy, a triangle. She looked everywhere in her house but could not find it.
One sunny day, Lily went to the park to play. She saw a big puddle of water and thought her triangle might be there. She put her hand in the water to soak it and looked for her toy. She felt something at the bottom of the puddle.
Lily pulled it out and saw that it was her triangle! She was so happy that she found it. From that day on, Lily was never troubled again. She played with her triangle every day and always kept it close to her. And when she saw puddles, she would smile and remember how she found her toy.
Once upon a time, in a peaceful town, there lived a little boy named Tim. Tim loved to run and play outside. One day, Tim saw a race in the park. He was excited and wanted to join the race.
Tim went to his friend, Sarah, and said, "Let's start the race!" Sarah smiled and said, "Yes, let's go!" They lined up with the other kids and waited for the race to begin. When they heard the word "Go!", they started running as fast as they could.
Tim and Sarah ran with all their speed, laughing and having fun. They could feel the wind in their hair as they raced to the finish line. In the end, Tim won the race and Sarah came in second. They were both so happy and proud of themselves. They celebrated with their friends and had a great day at the park.
Once upon a time, there was a clever little dog named Max. Max loved to run and play with his friends in the park. One day, Max was running very fast when he fell and hurt his knee.
Max went to his friend, the wise old owl, and said, "Owl, my knee hurts. What can I do?" The owl thought for a moment and said, "Max, you should test your knee. Try to walk slowly and see if it still hurts."
So Max tested his knee by walking slowly. At first, it hurt a little, but soon Max felt better. He said, "Thank you, Owl, for your help. Now I can play with my friends again."
Max was so happy that he could play with his friends without pain. He learned that sometimes, it was good to slow down and listen to his body. And Max and his friends played happily in the park ever after.
One day, a fast driver named Tim went for a ride in his loud car. He loved to speed down the street and feel the wind in his hair. As he drove, he saw his friend, Sam, standing by the road.
"Hi, Sam!" Tim called out. "Do you want to go for a ride?"
"Yes, please!" Sam said, and he got in the car. They drove around the town, going fast and having fun. The car was very loud, and everyone could hear them coming.
At last, they stopped at the park to play. They ran and laughed until it was time to go home. Tim and Sam had a great day together, speeding in the loud car and playing in the park.
Once upon a time, there was a big car named Dependable. He had a very important job. Dependable would take a family to the park every day. The family had a mom, dad, and a little girl named Lily. They all had a lot of love for each other.
One day, when they got to the park, they saw a big sign that said, "Fun Race Today!" The family was very excited. They knew that Dependable was very fast and could win the race. So, they decided to join the race.
The race started, and Dependable went very fast. The other cars tried to catch up, but Dependable was too quick. In the end, Dependable won the race! The family was so happy and proud of their car. They knew that their love for each other and their trust in Dependable made them win the race. And from that day on, they had even more fun at the park, knowing that they had the fastest and most dependable car around.
Once upon a time, there was a boy named Tim. He liked to wear a big, dark hat. The hat was his favorite thing to wear. Tim wore the hat everywhere he went.
One day, Tim found a pencil on the ground. The pencil was small and yellow. Tim liked the pencil a lot. He put the pencil in his hat and took it with him.
Tim drew pictures with the pencil. He drew a sun, a tree, and a cat. Tim was very happy with his new pencil. He wore his dark hat and drew pictures every day.
One day, a girl named Mia went for a walk. She saw a big, scary house. It had a tall door and small windows. Mia was brave, so she went inside the house.
In the house, Mia saw a birdcage. Inside the birdcage, there was a little bird. The bird was sad. It wanted to fly and be free. Mia wanted to help the bird.
Mia opened the birdcage door. The bird flew out and was happy. It was not scary anymore. Mia and the bird were friends. They played and had fun all day.
Once upon a time, in a small house, there lived a little girl named Amy. Amy was very sleepy. She put on her pajamas and went to bed.
In the middle of the night, Amy heard a soft sound. She opened her eyes and saw a friendly ghost. The ghost said, "Hello, Amy! I am here to help you."
Amy asked the ghost, "Can you help me pick a dream?" The ghost smiled and said, "Of course! Let's pick a happy dream for you." Together, they picked a dream about playing in a big park with lots of friends.
Amy said, "Thank you, ghost!" The ghost smiled and said, "You're welcome. Now, go back to sleep and enjoy your dream." Amy closed her eyes, feeling happy and safe with her new friend.
And so, Amy had a wonderful dream, thanks to the kind ghost. From that night on, the ghost would always visit Amy and help her pick the best dreams, and they became the best of friends.
Once upon a time, in a big forest, there was a tiny mushroom. It was all alone. The sun was very harsh, and the mushroom did not like it. It wanted to find a friend to play with and to help it hide from the sun.
One day, a little bunny came hopping by. The mushroom called out, "Hello, bunny! Will you be my friend?" The bunny looked at the mushroom and smiled. "Sure, I will be your friend. Let's play together!" The bunny and the mushroom played all day, and they were very happy.
As they played, the bunny realized that the mushroom needed help to hide from the harsh sun. So, the bunny dug a hole in the ground and put the mushroom inside. Now, the mushroom was safe and cool. The mushroom and the bunny were the best of friends, and they played in the forest every day.
Once upon a time, there was a queen. She was a very nice queen. She had a big, pretty castle. The queen had a lot of work to do every day. But today, she wanted to relax.
The queen went to the park to relax. She sat on a soft, green grass. The queen saw a bug. The bug was disgusting. The queen did not like the disgusting bug.
The queen went back to her castle. She was happy to be away from the disgusting bug. Now, the queen could relax in her big, pretty castle. The queen smiled and had a good day.
Once upon a time, there was a little white cat named Fluffy. Fluffy loved to play with her best friend, a small boy named Timmy. They played outside in the sun every day. Fluffy liked to chase Timmy, and Timmy liked to run.
One day, Timmy learned a new word at school. He wanted to teach Fluffy the word too. Timmy said, "Fluffy, the word is 'repeat'. Can you say 'repeat'?" Fluffy looked at Timmy and said, "Meow." Timmy laughed and said, "No, Fluffy, say 'repeat'."
Fluffy tried again and said, "Meow-peat." Timmy clapped his hands and said, "Good job, Fluffy! You said the word!" Fluffy was very happy. She liked learning new words with Timmy. From that day on, Fluffy and Timmy played a game where they would teach each other new words. They had lots of fun together, and they lived happily ever after.
Once upon a time, there was a big octopus. He lived in the deep blue sea. He had a friend, a reliable fish. They played together every day.
One day, the octopus and the fish found a big jug. They wanted to pour water on their friends for fun. But they couldn't agree on who would pour the water. The octopus said, "I want to pour the water!" The fish said, "No, I want to pour the water!" They were not happy.
Then, the octopus had an idea. He said, "Let's both pour the water!" The fish liked the idea. They picked up the big jug together and poured water on all their friends. Everyone laughed and had fun. The octopus and the fish were happy again. They learned to share and play together. And they lived happily ever after.
One day, a silly cat named Tom found a hoop in the yard. He wanted to play with it, but it was too big. Tom thought very hard about how to make the hoop smaller.
Tom had an idea. He would stretch the hoop to make it smaller. He put his paws on the hoop and pulled as hard as he could. The hoop started to stretch! It got smaller and smaller.
Now, the hoop was just the right size for Tom to play with. He jumped through the hoop and chased it around the yard. Tom had so much fun playing with his new toy. And that is the story of the silly cat and the hoop.
Once upon a time, there was a polite crab. The crab lived in the sea. The crab had many friends.
One day, the crab met a new friend. The new friend did not know how to play. The crab wanted to help the new friend.
The polite crab showed the new friend how to play. They played all day. They had lots of fun. The new friend was happy. The polite crab was happy too. They were best friends forever.
Once, there was a boy named Tim. Tim liked to fish. He had a long pole to catch fish. One day, his friend Sam came to play. Sam saw the pole and asked, "Can you lend me your pole?" Tim said, "Yes, but be careful!"
Sam took the pole and went to the river. He tried to catch a fish. He saw a big, yummy fish. He wanted to catch it. He pulled the pole very hard. But the pole broke! Sam felt sad.
Sam went back to Tim with the broken pole. He said, "I am sorry, I broke your pole." Tim was very sad. Now, he could not catch yummy fish. They both learned to be more careful with their things.
Once upon a time, in a small house, there lived a boy named Tim. Tim was a selfish boy. He did not like to share his things with others. One day, his mom brought home a big bag of vegetables. She wanted to explain to Tim why it was important to share.
"Tim," said Mom, "we need to share these vegetables with our neighbors. It is not good to be selfish." Tim did not want to share the vegetables. He wanted to keep them all for himself. But Mom told him, "If you share, you will make others happy."
Tim thought about it and then said, "No, I don't want to share." So, he took the vegetables and hid them in his room. The neighbors were sad because they had no food to eat. They knocked on Tim's door and asked if he had any food to share. Tim did not want to share, so he said no.
That night, Tim ate all the vegetables by himself. He felt very full and sick. He wished he had listened to his mom and shared with the neighbors. But now, it was too late. The vegetables were gone, and Tim felt very bad.
Once upon a time, there was a girl named Sue. Sue had long hair that would remind her of a rainbow. She would play with her hair all day.
One day, Sue saw a slow snail in her garden. The snail had a pretty shell. Sue wanted to be friends with the snail. She named the snail Sam.
Sue and Sam played together every day. They would race, but Sam was always slow. Sue would laugh and clap her hands. Sue and Sam were very happy.
Once upon a time, there was a helpful girl named Lily. She loved to read books and spend time with her friends. One day, she found a new book at school. The book was about a kind bear who helped everyone in the forest.
Lily read the book to her friends. They all liked the story. They wanted to be like the kind bear in the book. So, they decided to help others too. They helped their teacher clean the classroom. They also helped their friends when they fell down or needed a friend to play with.
As they spent more time being helpful, Lily and her friends felt happy. They learned that being kind and helpful to others made them happy too. The moral of the story is to be kind and helpful, just like the kind bear in the book.
Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tim. Tim wanted to build something special for his mom's birthday. He thought and thought about what to make. Then, he had an idea! He would build a big present for her.
Tim was worried. He didn't know if he could build the present all by himself. He asked his dad for help. Together, they found some big boxes, pretty paper, and a big bow. They worked together to make the present look nice.
When Tim's mom saw the present, she was so happy! She gave Tim a big hug and thanked him for the special gift. Tim felt proud that he could build something so nice for his mom. And he was no longer worried.
One day, a big whale was swimming in the deep blue sea. The whale was very mysterious. It had a big smile on its face and liked to play with the little fish.
The mysterious whale loved to relax in the warm water. It would lay on its back and let the waves rock it like a baby. The little fish would swim around the whale, and they all felt happy and safe.
One day, the mysterious whale and the little fish found a beautiful place to relax. It was a quiet spot with lots of colorful plants and pretty shells. They all had a fun day, playing and relaxing together in their new secret place.
Once upon a time, there was a smelly old tree. By the tree, there was a big hole. In the hole, there was a shiny coin. A boy named Tim saw the coin and wanted it.
Tim said to his friend, "I want that coin, but the tree is smelly and rot." His friend said, "Be brave, Tim! You can get the coin." So, Tim went to the smelly tree and tried to get the coin from the hole.
As Tim got closer to the hole, he saw a little mouse. The mouse said, "I will help you get the coin, but you must help me too." Tim agreed, and they got the coin together. Tim was happy, and the mouse was happy too. And they both learned that even in smelly places, good things can happen.
Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tim. Tim loved going to the park to play. One day, Tim went to the park with his mom and dad. He was very happy.
At the park, Tim saw a big tree. He wanted to give the tree a hug. So, he hugged the tree and felt good. Tim liked the tree a lot. He played with his ball, ran around, and had a lot of fun.
Tim had a successful day at the park. He played and laughed a lot. When it was time to go home, Tim felt tired but happy. He couldn't wait to come back to the park again.
One sunny day, a pretty boat was on the water. The boat was red and blue. A girl named Lily and her dog, Spot, were on the boat. They liked to play and have fun together.
Lily saw a big fish jump out of the water. She said, "Wow, Spot! Did you see that big fish?" Spot barked and wagged his tail. They both laughed and clapped their hands.
Lily picked up a hose and started to spray water. She sprayed the water on the boat and on Spot. Spot jumped and barked, trying to catch the water. They played and sprayed water until the sun went down. Then, they went home, happy and wet.
Once upon a time, there was a girl named Lily. She had a flute that she loved to play. One day, she met a deaf cat who could not hear her play the flute. Lily wanted to help the cat hear her music.
Lily had an idea. She would stretch a big string from her flute to the cat's ear. The cat could feel the music through the string. The cat was happy and started to dance.
Lily and the deaf cat became best friends. They played and danced together every day. The cat loved to feel the music from Lily's flute. They were happy and had lots of fun.
Once upon a time, there was a boy named Tom. He loved gum. One day, he found a thin piece of gum on the ground. He thought it was very special. He put the gum in his pocket to save it for later.
Tom went to play with his friend, Sam. They played a game where they had to escape from a pretend monster. They ran and hid, but the monster always found them. Tom felt scared, but he remembered his special gum. He thought it could help them win the game.
Tom took out the thin gum and shared it with Sam. They both chewed the gum and started to run from the monster again. But this time, they did not escape. The gum made them feel sick and slow. The monster caught them, and they lost the game. Tom and Sam were very sad. They learned never to pick up gum from the ground again.
Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tim. Tim had a favorite vest that he loved to wear. It was a pretty vest with many colors. He wore it all the time.
One day, it started to rain when Tim was playing outside. The rain made Tim and his vest very wet. Tim did not like being wet, so he went back inside his house. His mom saw his wet vest and told him to take it off.
Tim took off his wet vest and started to weep. He was sad because his favorite vest was wet. His mom saw him weep and hugged him. She told him not to worry, she would dry the vest. Tim felt better and played with his toys while he waited for his vest to dry.
Once upon a time, there was a little boat. The boat was blue and it liked to float on the water. One day, the sun was very hot and the water began to dry up. The boat was sad because it could not float anymore.
A bird saw the boat and asked, "Why are you sad, little boat?" The boat said, "The water is dry and I cannot float. I miss the water." The bird wanted to help the boat, so it thought of an easy plan.
The bird told the boat, "I will find more water for you. Then you can float again!" The boat was happy and thanked the bird. The bird flew away and soon found a big pond. It came back and told the boat about the pond.
Together, the bird and the boat went to the big pond. The boat was able to float again and it was very happy. The bird and the boat played together in the water all day long. And they became the best of friends.
Once upon a time, there was an old lady who lived in a small house. She loved to mix things in her big pot. One day, she decided to mix some yummy soup for her lunch.
As she mixed the soup, she saw some smoke come out of her pot. She knew that meant the soup was very hot. The old lady was very careful not to touch the smoke or the pot.
She let the soup cool down and then she ate it. The old lady thought it was the best soup she ever had. She was very happy and full. From that day on, she always mixed yummy soup for her lunch.
Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tim. Tim was very nervous. He had lost his toy razor. He loved to pretend to shave like his dad. Every day, he would play with his toy razor. But now, it was gone.
One day, Tim went to the park with his mom. He thought maybe he left his toy razor there. He looked and looked, but he could not find it. Tim was very sad. He missed his toy razor so much. He wanted to find it and play with it again.
Then, Tim saw a girl playing with a toy. He looked closer and recognized it. It was his toy razor! Tim was so happy. He went to the girl and told her that it was his toy. The girl was nice and gave it back to him. After that, Tim was not nervous anymore. He had his toy razor back and could play with it again. And they all lived happily ever after.
Once upon a time, there was a big gray elephant named Elly. Elly was sad because she thought she was ugly. She had big ears and a long nose, and she felt different from the other animals.
One day, a little bird named Benny flew to Elly. Benny saw that Elly was sad and asked, "Why are you sad, Elly?" Elly told Benny that she felt ugly and did not like her big ears and long nose. Benny looked at Elly and said, "I think you are not ugly. You are special."
Benny promised to show Elly how her big ears and long nose made her special. They went to the river, and Benny asked Elly to use her long nose to spray water on the dry plants. Elly did and the plants grew happy and green. Then, Benny asked Elly to use her big ears to fan the hot animals. Elly did, and all the animals felt cool and happy.
Elly learned that being different was not ugly. She was special and had her own way to help others. Elly and Benny became best friends, and they lived happily ever after.
Once upon a time, there was a little dog named Zigzag. Zigzag loved to run and play in the park. One day, Zigzag saw a big twisty slide. He wanted to try it, so he ran up to the slide.
Zigzag twisted and turned as he went down the slide. He went so fast that he fell off at the end. He felt embarrassed because all his friends saw him fall. But his friends did not laugh at him. They ran to help Zigzag get up.
Zigzag's friends told him not to be embarrassed. They all tried the twisty slide, too. They all twisted and turned, just like Zigzag. They had so much fun playing together. And Zigzag learned that it's okay to make mistakes, as long as you have good friends by your side.
Once upon a time, in a small house, there was a cat and a dog. They liked to play all day. One day, they saw a shiny chain on the floor. They both wanted it.
The cat had an idea. She rubbed her head on the dog's leg. The dog felt happy and closed his eyes. The cat took the chain and ran away. The dog felt sad and guilty.
Later, the cat felt bad. She went back to the dog and gave him the chain. They both played with the chain and were happy friends again.
One day, a little boy named Tim went to play outside. He saw a big box near the tree. Tim was very curious. He wanted to know what was inside. So, he went closer to the box and took a peek.
Inside the box, Tim found a toy gun. He was so happy! He picked up the gun and started to play with it. He pretended to be a superhero, saving the world from bad guys. Tim ran around the yard, laughing and having fun.
After playing for a while, Tim started to feel hungry. He went back to his house and saw his mom in the kitchen. She had made some yummy cookies for him. Tim ate the cookies and told his mom about the toy gun and his adventures. His mom smiled and gave him a big hug.
One day, a boy named Tim found a big hammer in his toy box. He took the hammer and went to play in the deep mud outside. While he was playing, he saw a little bug stuck in the mud.
"Help me, please!" said the bug. Tim wanted to help, but he didn't want to delay his playtime. The bug looked very sad, so Tim decided to help.
Tim used his big hammer to make a path in the mud. The bug was able to crawl out and said, "Thank you, Tim!" Tim felt happy that he helped the bug. After that, he continued playing with his hammer, but now he also had a new friend to play with.
Once upon a time, in a small house, there was a big box. The box was empty. A little boy named Tim wanted to find something to put in the box. He started to search his room.
Tim looked under his bed and found a soft toy. He pushed the toy into the box. Next, he searched in his closet and found a ball. He pushed the ball into the box too. Tim was happy to see his box filling up.
After a while, the box was full. Tim felt proud of his search. He showed his mom and dad the full box. They smiled and clapped. Tim had turned the empty box into a box filled with fun things.
Once upon a time, in a big, green park, there was a small, messy dog named Binky. Binky had a long, waggy tail and loved to play with his friends. One sunny day, Binky and his friends were playing catch with a big, red ball.
As they played, Binky's tail got caught in a bush. "Ouch!" he cried. Binky's friends heard him cry and came running to help. "What's wrong, Binky?" asked his friend, a cute, fluffy bunny named Lulu.
"My tail is stuck!" Binky said with a sad face. Lulu and the other friends tried to help Binky get his tail out of the bush. They pulled and pulled, but it was still stuck.
Then, a wise, old owl named Oliver flew down from a tall tree. "Don't cry, Binky," he said. "I can help you get your tail out." Oliver used his sharp beak to carefully cut the bush and free Binky's tail.
Binky was so happy! He wagged his tail and said, "Thank you, Oliver!" All the friends cheered and clapped. Then, they went back to playing with the big, red ball, laughing and having fun together.
Once upon a time, in a small town, there was a little boy named Tim. Tim loved to speak and play with his friends. One day, Tim found a big, pink gum on the ground. It looked amazing. Tim picked it up and put it in his pocket. He thought, "I will show this to my friends later."
Tim went to the park to play with his friends. He saw them playing and running. Tim took the gum out of his pocket and showed it to his friends. They all wanted to see the amazing gum. Tim told them, "I found it on the ground. It looks amazing, right?" His friends nodded and smiled.
Later, Tim and his friends sat under a big tree. They all looked at the gum and talked about how amazing it was. Then, they decided to share the gum. They broke it into small pieces and each took a piece. They chewed the gum and it was very yummy. They all laughed and spoke about how great the gum was. Tim was happy that he found the amazing gum and could share it with his friends.
Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tim. Tim loved pumpkins. He loved their round shape and bright orange color. One day, Tim saw a small pumpkin in the garden. It was not clear if the pumpkin was ready to be picked.
Tim asked his mom, "Can I receive this pumpkin, please?" His mom looked at the pumpkin and said, "It is not ready yet. You must wait for it to grow bigger."
Tim waited and watched the pumpkin grow. As it grew, he learned to be patient. He knew that good things come to those who wait. Finally, the day came when the pumpkin was big and ready to be picked.
Tim's mom said, "Now you can receive the pumpkin, Tim." Tim was so happy! He had waited and now he had a big, beautiful pumpkin. The moral of the story is that patience is a good thing. When we wait for the right time, we can receive the best things in life.
Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She lived in a small house with her mom and dad. One day, her mom asked her to go to the park and play. Lily was very happy and ran to the park.
At the park, Lily saw a wide tree. She went to the tree and saw a faucet. She turned the faucet and water came out. Lily was thirsty, so she drank some water. Then, she saw a little boy who was also thirsty. Lily said, "Hi, I am Lily. Let's be friends!" The little boy smiled and said, "Hi, I am Tom. Nice to meet you!" They both drank water and played together.
Lily and Tom played and had fun all day. They learned that it is good to share and help others. When they went home, they told their moms and dads about their new friend. Lily and Tom were happy because they learned that sharing and helping others makes everyone happy.
Once upon a time, there was a little flower named Bloom. Bloom lived in a big garden with many other flowers. Bloom had a goal to be the most beautiful flower in the garden.
One sunny day, Bloom saw a dangerous bug coming near the flowers. Bloom was scared and said to the other flowers, "Watch out! Dangerous bug is coming!" The other flowers thanked Bloom for the warning, and they all hid from the bug.
After the bug left, the flowers were safe and happy. Because Bloom warned them, they all agreed that Bloom was the most beautiful flower in the garden. Bloom's goal came true, and they all lived happily ever after.
Once upon a time, in a small town, there lived a humble girl named Lily. She loved to give and help others. One day, she saw an old lady who looked sad.
Lily went to the lady and said, "Why are you sad?" The old lady said, "I am hungry, and I have no food." Lily wanted to help her, so she ran home to get some food.
Lily put some food on a plate and went back to the old lady. She gave the plate to the lady and said, "Here, eat this." The old lady smiled and said, "Thank you, Lily. You are very kind."
The old lady was happy, and Lily felt good that she could help. From that day on, Lily always looked for ways to help others and share what she had. And everyone in the town loved the humble girl who loved to give.
Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Sue. Sue had a big bedroom with fancy things in it. She loved her room very much. One day, she saw a small flower in her room. The flower was trying to bloom.
Sue said to the flower, "Hello, little flower! Why are you trying to bloom in my bedroom?" The flower said, "I want to be a fancy flower in your room." Sue liked the idea, but she knew that flowers needed sun and water to grow.
Sue tried to help the flower. She gave it water and put it near the window. But the flower did not get enough sun. It tried very hard to bloom, but it could not. The flower became sad and said, "I am sorry, Sue. I cannot be a fancy flower in your room."
In the end, the flower did not bloom. It stayed small and sad. Sue felt bad for the flower. She wished she could help it more. But she knew that flowers needed sun and water to grow, and her bedroom was not the best place for a flower to live.
Once upon a time, there was a little infant named Tim. He liked to play with his toys and watch the birds outside his window. Tim had a big, soft teddy bear that he loved very much.
One day, Tim's teddy bear was sad. Tim did not know why his teddy bear was sad. He tried to make his teddy bear happy by giving it a hug and a kiss.
Tim decided to take his sad teddy bear outside to watch the birds with him. They sat under a big tree and watched the birds sing and fly. Soon, the teddy bear was not sad anymore. Tim and his teddy bear were very happy watching the birds together.
Once upon a time, in a small town, there was a little boy named Tim. Tim loved ice-cream so much. One day, he saw an ancient ice-cream truck. The truck was very old and slow, but it had a big sign that said "Ice-Cream".
Tim went to the truck and said, "Hi, can I have ice-cream, please?" The ice-cream man looked at him and said, "Sure, little boy. Here you go." Tim took the ice-cream and started to eat it. But it did not taste good at all. It tasted very bad.
Tim screamed, "Yuck! This ice-cream is bad!" The ice-cream man just laughed and said, "I am sorry, little boy. The ice-cream is too old." Tim was very sad and walked away. He did not get to enjoy his ice-cream that day.
Once upon a time, there were two best friends, Joe and Grace. They were always playing together and having so much fun. One day, Joe and Grace decided to go to the town's marketplace.
When they got there, they saw a vendor with lots of colorful balloons. Joe wanted one so badly, but he didn't have enough money. Grace saw how sad Joe was and wanted to help. She asked her mom to bring some money so Joe could buy a balloon.
When Grace's mom arrived she saw that Joe wanted a deep red balloon. Joe was so relieved to be able to buy it after his friend helped him. Grace said to Joe, "Remember, if you help a friend in need, you will always be rewarded!"
Joe and Grace smiled and hugged each other, walked away with the deep red balloon, proud of the lesson they had learnt.
Once there was a graceful bird called Billy. He was always looking for something to do. One day he decided to try something new. He wanted to weigh himself with a spoon.
Billy gathered his spoon and measured himself. He found that he was very light! He was happy with his weight and wanted to celebrate.
So he started to dance in the sky. His graceful moves caused even the clouds to watch. He spread his wings and flew higher, higher and higher until he was just a dot in the sky.
Billy went flying around the world. Then, one by one he started to pick up all the things he had weighed with the spoon. In the end, Billy was still the lightest and most graceful of them all!
Once upon a time there were two friends, Jack and Jill. Jack and Jill went up the hill to play a game. The game was silly. Jack and Jill took turns pushing a big button. Every time they pushed the button they would separate.
Jack shouted: "Let's try again!" So they took turns pushing the button again. This time the button spun them around and around until they were dizzy.
Jill giggled and said: "That was so silly!"
Jack laughed and said: "Let's try the button one more time!" So they pressed the button again and this time it sent them soaring high into the sky!
Jack and Jill flew around, but eventually the button sent them back down to the ground. They were safe and sound, but something was different this time.
Jack and Jill were no longer together. The button had separated them! But it was all worth it in the end, because a silly game can bring people together in the most unexpected of ways.
Once upon a time, there was a boy who loved to climb. One day, he decided to climb to the top of a mountain to get a better view. When he reached the peak, he saw a lake below him. It looked so inviting, so he decided to climb back down to the lake.
As soon as the boy got to the lake, he noticed a boat on the shore. He asked the boat, "Are you available?" The boat replied, "Yes, I am available for you to use." The boy was so excited! He couldn't wait to jump into the boat and go for a ride on the lake.
The boy took the boat out on the lake and had a wonderful time. But when he finished his ride, he noticed a sign near the shore. It said, "Take care of the boat; treat it with respect". The boy realized that it was not just available, it had been given to him to use with respect.
The moral of the story is that when given something, it should be treated with gratitude and respect. We should never take things for granted.
Once, there was a girl. She had a garage. Inside the garage she kept her toys.
One day, the girl noticed something was wrong with her toys. She went in the garage and saw that they had broken.
She decided she would repair them and make them as good as new. She made sure to wash them all so they were nice and healthy.
Then she took some glue and fixed all the toys until they looked perfect. She was very pleased with her work.
When she was done, the girl could play with her toys again and have lots of fun. She was very happy.
Mommy and Emily were playing a matching game together. Emily was so excited to find the matching games at the store. She liked watching the videos on the screen as she matched each card.
"Mommy, I think I'm getting really good at this!" Emily said.
"That's wonderful, sweetheart!" Mommy replied. "You're doing so well!"
But then, Emily noticed something strange. She pulled out one of the cards and looked closely at it.
"Mommy, this card isn't real," she said. "It's fake!"
Mommy took the card and looked at it. "You're right," she said. "This card is fake. It doesn't match the others."
Mommy and Emily decided to get a new video game instead. Emily was happy to have an even better game to play. She could tell the difference between a real card and a fake one.
Once there was a little girl called Mia who loved to jump. Everywhere she went, she jumped. When walking to school, she would jump on the sidewalk. At the park, she would jump into the sandbox.
One day Mia was at the supermarket and she saw something unusual. She saw a lawyer. Mia had never seen a lawyer before so it made her very curious. She wanted to know what a lawyer did and why he was so dressed up. So, Mia jumped right up to the lawyer and asked him.
The lawyer was very confused. He had never seen a little girl so eager to talk to him. He tried to explain but Mia kept on jumping and interrupting.
Soon enough the store manager got involved. He explained to Mia that it was not appropriate to engage with strangers and it was wrong to interrupt people when they were talking.
Mia was very sorry for her behaviour and decided to never do something like this again. She had learned her lesson that it is important to be respectful to all strangers.
Once there was a girl named Lucy. She was three years old and she loved gum. She had lots of different flavours and she ate it every day.
One day Lucy thought it would be fun to try extra big bubblegum. She put it in her mouth and blew a huge bubble. Suddenly, the bubble popped and tickled her nose. She started to sneeze and sneeze.
Lucy looked down and saw her shirt was covered in gum. She was so ashamed. She wanted to hide but couldn't.
So she asked for help from her parents. They showed her how to use a wet cloth to wipe the gum away. She smiled with relief and promised never to try big bubblegum again.
Once, there was a small boy named Charlie. Charlie loved stories more than anything else. Charlie's mommy always said that stories were special and delicate.
One day, Charlie's mommy said "Let's go to the store and get something special for dinner. Today, you can have whatever you want to eat!"
Charlie was so excited! He wondered what he should pick. As they walked through the store, Charlie reached out and touched a strawberry. He asked his mommy, "What does this taste like?"
His mommy replied, "Oh, it's very sweet! If you taste it, you'll love it!"
Charlie was so excited! He couldn't wait to get home and have his special dinner.
When they arrived home, Charlie couldn't believe his eyes. On the table was a plate full of fresh strawberries! He smiled and said, "Mommy, did you know strawberries were my favorite?"
His mommy smiled and said, "I had a feeling you would like them! Go ahead and taste them, they are so delicate and sweet."
Charlie picked one up, took a bite, and smiled. He had experienced the special and delightful taste of a strawberry. What a delicious dinner!
Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Cindy. Every day, Cindy would go to the store to get milk for her family. She loved the store and was always greeted by the friendly shopkeeper.
One day when Cindy was at the store, she noticed something strange: the shelves were all empty! She asked the shopkeeper why the shelves were empty. "It's too hard for you to understand," the shopkeeper said.
Cindy wasn't happy about this. But she had to trust the shopkeeper. So, she said goodbye and went home.
When Cindy told her family the news they didn't recognize the problem. But then they noticed something even more strange: the milk was gone too!
The family soon realized what had happened: the shopkeeper had been preparing for a snowstorm and had run out of milk. They were relieved that the shopkeeper had already taken care of the problem.
Cindy was happy that she had recognized the problem. Next time, she would know that she shouldn't leave getting milk too late.
Jack was feeling a bit sad. He wanted some wine but he didn't have any. He walked up to a store and asked the shopkeeper, "Do you have any wine?"
The shopkeeper replied, "Yes, I have some. It's bad though. Are you sure you want it?"
Jack thought for a moment then said, "Yes, I will take it."
The shopkeeper counted out two bottles of wine and handed them to Jack. Jack thanked the shopkeeper and went home.
When Jack got home he opened a bottle of the bad wine and took a sip - it tasted horrible! He thought to himself, "Maybe I should have asked for something else!"
Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Annie. She was only three years old but she was full of energy and liked to explore. One day, she was walking in the forest and came across a clearing. In the middle of the clearing was an arrow.
Annie was nosy and wanted to take a closer look. She walked up to the arrow and suddenly a voice shouted at her from behind, “Be careful not to touch it!” Annie jumped back in fright and saw an old man.
The old man said, “My name is Wilbur and I was just minding my own business when I saw you walking towards the arrow. I was worried that you may get injured, so I shouted.”
Annie smiled and said, “Thank you Wilbur, I will mind your advice."
Wilbur smiled back and replied, “That’s very wise young lady. Now why don’t we just run away and leave the arrow in peace?”
And so, Annie and Wilbur ran away. Annie learned that even if you are nosy, it is important to follow the advice of others and mind what you are doing.
Once upon a time, there was a little girl who loved fashion. She spent all of her time imagining what it would be like to have the perfect outfit for her. Every day, she would go searching for new clothes that she could wear.
One day, she found the most perfect dress. It was her favourite colour, and it fit her perfectly. She was so excited, she decided to wear it that same day.
When she got to school, all the other students crowded around to admire her dress. She was so proud and happy. She knew that it was the best choice she had ever made.
But then her teacher told her she couldn't wear it. The dress was too fancy, too 'fit' for school. She felt so sad and embarrassed. Tears ran down her face, and she had to go home without her perfect dress.
The little girl was never able to wear her dress again. She still remembers it with sadness. She never imagined it would end this way.
Once there were two friends named Bob and Sam. They were playing together in the garden one day. Sam picked a flower and then pointed to a black bird in a tree.
"What's that?" he asked Bob.
Bob smiled and said, "That's a Crow. Listen, what sound does it make?"
Suddenly, the crow made a loud sound that sounded like "Caw, Caw!"
"That's a Caw," Bob smiled.
Sam laughed and said, "I think I should pick a better word next time!"
Bob smiled and nodded. "That's a good idea. We should always pick the right word to use when we talk to each other."
The moral of the story is that it is important to choose the right words when you talk to your friends. Being thoughtful and using kind words can help keep friendships strong.
One night, two brave animals were walking through a dark forest. The first animal was a big, strong bear. The second animal was a small, alert owl.
The owl said, "The trees are so dark here. I can barely see!"
The bear said, "Don't be scared, little owl. I'm here with you."
The owl said, "Thank you, bear. I feel safer with you here."
Suddenly, they heard a loud noise. The bear started to tremble. He said, "Let's leave this place! Quickly!"
The owl got alert and flapped its wings. Together, they ran through the forest until they emerged into the night sky, safe and sound.
The bear hugged the owl and said, "We did it! We made it out of there together."
The owl smiled and said, "Yes, we did."
The two animals laughed happily. From then on, they were the best of friends.
Once upon a time there was a kitty who liked to play with a special brush. Each day, the kitty would lend the brush to a friend in the park. Every day, the kitty was so careless with the brush that it got lost.
One day, the kitty was playing in the park when it saw its special brush with a rabbit. The kitty asked the rabbit if he could lend the brush.
The rabbit said, "If you want the brush back, then you must be careful and not let it get lost again!" The kitty agreed and happily went off with the brush.
The kitty was very careful with the brush from then on. In fact, the kitty was so careful that it never lost the brush again. Everyone in the park was happy to hear this and the kitty lived happily ever after.
Once, there was a little girl named Ella. She was very excited, because today was a very special day.
Ella grabbed her toys and her backpack. Then, she stepped out of her house and started walking.
Ella followed the pathway until she reached a big, red stove in the middle of the forest. It was very unique! Ella looked around and saw nobody.
Ella stepped closer to the stove and asked, "Who are you?".
Suddenly, out of nowhere, Ella heard a voice. It was coming from the stove. It said, "I'm a magical stove! I can grant you three wishes!".
Ella was baffled. But she was also excited about her wishes. She thought for a short moment and made her wishes.
The magical stove granted all of Ella's wishes in an instant. Ella was so happy. She thanked the magical stove and stepped back, returning to her home.
From that moment on, Ella was sure that her wishes would come true. She knew that she had met something very unique that day.
Once upon a time, there was a caterpillar called Bill. He had 8 small legs and loved exploring in the garden.
One day, Bill was walking around when he heard a noise in the bushes. Curious, he crept closer to take a look.
Suddenly, a big, tough frog jumped out from the bushes. Bill was so scared, he blinked his eyes and scurried away.
The frog bellowed "Where are you going? Don't be a scaredy-cat!"
It made Bill feel better as he stopped and said shyly, "I'm sorry, I thought you were scary."
The frog smiled and said, "There's nothing wrong with being scared, just always be brave and face your fear. Everyone gets scared sometimes."
Bill smiled back, thanked the frog, and continued his adventure. He soon realized that sometimes, being brave and facing tough things can be quiet rewarding.
From that day forth, Bill always remembered the frog's advice and faced his fear, no matter how tough it seemed.
Once upon a time, there was a baby who wanted to pick something special. He went to a shop and saw an ancient case. He picked it up and looked inside. It was full of unbelievably shiny gems and jewels. He couldn't believe his eyes. He was so excited and he knew this case was perfect. He quickly picked it up and wrapped it up with a big red bow. He smiled and couldn't wait to show his mum and dad. He rushed home and when they saw the case they were so surprised. He was so proud and he knew this case was very special. He kept it on his shelf for all to see. Everyone was so amazed by the ancient case.
Once there was a naughty little girl. She was very naughty and always misbehaving. One day she do something very naughty. She took her daddy’s tie and put it in the dirt. It began to rot away in the soil.
The little girl felt very bad about what she’d done, but it was too late. The tie was ruined and couldn’t be fixed.
The little girl’s daddy was very sad. He had worked very hard to buy that tie, and now it was gone. The little girl knew she had done something wrong and she was sorry.
The daddy gave the little girl a big, big hug and said it was alright. He said he still loved her and that she must never do such a naughty thing again.
The little girl was very happy and promised to never do anything naughty again. And with that, the tie was forgotten and the little girl was happy once more.
Jim was very frightened when he arrived at the barber's shop. It was his first time getting a haircut! He didn't want his mum to leave him alone with the strange man.
"Don't worry," said the barber. He smiled and handed Jim a big lollipop. "I'll look after you and give you the best haircut ever."
Jim's frown disappeared and he couldn't help but be excited. The barber put a cape around him, and the chair felt like a magic carpet ride. Soon, Jim felt his hair being trimmed, and the barber even gave him some funny glasses to look through. When Jim looked in the mirror, he saw the best haircut ever! He was so happy, he forgot all about being scared.
Mum smiled when she saw Jim. She was so proud of him for sitting so still for such a long time.
"Well done, my boy!" she said, giving him a big hug.
Jim smiled and couldn't wait to show his friends his new haircut.
One cold winter day, Tilly was outside helping in the garden. She grabbed a rake and started cleaning up the leaves on the ground. She held the rake in front of her and carefully balanced the leaves. The ground was icy so Tilly took some small steps to steady herself.
Tilly carefully moved the rake back and forth against the ground, pushing the leaves into a pile. She smiled as the pile grew bigger. She even found some shiny objects under the leaves.
When she was finished, Tilly stood back and admired her work. The ground was so clean and tidy. Tilly was so proud of herself. She gave herself a big hug to celebrate.
Tilly grabbed her rake, feeling warm and happy inside. She had done an amazing job with the rake and was super proud of herself.
Once upon a time there was an adorable little rabbit. His mommy told him to rake the leaves in the garden. So he raked and raked but it was a lot of work and he got tired very quickly.
His daddy saw him struggling and decided to help him. He took the rake and together they finished raking the garden in no time.
After they finished, his daddy said to him, "Helping each other can make chores seem like less of a chore. It's so much nicer to do them together, isn't it?".
The adorable little rabbit nodded and smiled in agreement. Then his mommy asked him to wipe the table and the two of them wiped it together.
In the end, the little rabbit learned a valuable lesson: when you have big tasks ahead of you, it's okay to ask for help. Working together makes chores much easier!
Once upon a time there was a brother and sister who loved to play together. One day they went to the park and saw the most interesting mug. It was big, colourful and looked like it belonged to a magical creature. The brother was very tempted to steal it but the sister was obedient and wouldn't let him.
The brother said "Come on, just take it! It'll be fun!"
The sister replied firmly "No! That would be wrong, stealing is not allowed!"
Eventually, the brother listened to his sister and put the mug back. Both of them were glad that they had been obedient and followed the rules. After that, they ran off and played their favourite game.
The End.
Once upon a time, there was a tall fox who lived in the forest. She was very curious, and every day she liked to study the forest animals. One day, she asked a rabbit who was hopping by, "Do you know what I study every day?"
The rabbit looked up and said, "No, I don't know, what do you study?".
The fox replied, "I like to study the animals that live in the forest. I like to find out how they live and what they do."
The rabbit said, "That sounds very interesting! I wish I could study too."
The fox smiled and said, "You can. Just come with me tomorrow, and I will show you how to study the animals in the forest".
The rabbit was very happy and the next day they both went off together to study the animals in the forest. They had lots of fun, and they both learnt a lot.
Once upon a time there was a modest lake in the middle of the forest. All the animals around were waiting to welcome a new visitor.
One day, a little 3 year old girl arrived at the lake. The animals were so excited to see a human for the first time! The squirrel welcomed her with a friendly “hi” and the deer said “hello”. The little girl was so happy to meet the animals and she replied “hi! It’s so nice to meet you!”
The little girl roamed around the lake and animals went with her. She laughed and made so many friends. All the animals were so happy that she came to visit the modest lake.
They spent a lovely day together playing and exploring the lake. In the end, they all said goodbye and the little girl said “Thank you so much for welcoming me! I had so much fun!”. And with that, she waved goodbye and continued her journey.
One day, Jane and her daddy were at the park. Jane saw something very special - a big green tree with green powder around it. Jane walked closer to the tree and saw that the powder was made of tiny green pieces.
"What is that Daddy?" Jane asked.
"That's special powder, Jane," her daddy replied. "Let's gather some of it together and take it home with us."
So Jane and her daddy started gathering the powder into a bucket. They filled the bucket up with the powder and started walking home.
When they got home, Daddy asked Jane what she wanted to do with the green powder.
"Let's make a special cake with it," she said.
So, Jane and her daddy used the green powder to make a special cake. They cut it up and shared it between them. Jane smiled, as it was the yummiest cake she had ever tasted.
The end.
It was a sunny day and Jimmy was out playing in the park. As he ran around, he came across a mouse. He was excited to see it and noticed how flexible the little mouse was.
Jimmy exclaimed, “Wow, that mouse is so flexible! Maybe it wants to be my friend!”
The mouse gave him a little surprise, by hopping right up on his shoulder! Jimmy was overjoyed and thought to himself, “Now I have a new best friend!”
Jimmy and the mouse were having so much fun running around the park together, but then suddenly they heard someone coming towards them. It was Jimmy’s mom. She had come to take him home.
Jimmy shouted, “Mom, look, I made a new friend, a mouse!”
But to Jimmy’s surprise, his mom said, “Oh no, we can’t keep it. Poor thing, let it go.”
Jimmy sadly said goodbye to his new friend, and watched as the mouse ran away. He realized he would never see it again.
The end.
Once, there were two friends who were playing in the yard. One was clumsy and the other wasn't.
The clumsy one said, “Let’s catch a bug!”
But the other one disagreed.
The clumsy friend said, “Why don’t you want to catch a bug?”
The other friend said, “Bugs can be scary. Let’s play hide and seek instead.”
The clumsy one disagreed. “No, let’s catch a bug!”
Then, the two friends had an idea. They decided to play both games. First, they would catch a bug and then after, they would play hide and seek in the yard.
They ran around the yard, chasing the bugs and having lots of fun. The clumsy one ran clumsily and the other one ran quicker and caught more bugs.
The two friends laughed and played together until they were tired. They went home feeling happy and excited.
One day, Little Bear and his Mommy went for a visit. She took him to a place he had never seen before. It was an icy place with lots of snow. As they walked around, Little Bear heard some music. It came from something his Mommy called a radio. It made Little Bear smile.
When Little Bear asked his Mommy about it, she said it was called a radio and that it played music.
Little Bear said, "Can I make music with it too?"
Mommy said, "Yes, Little Bear, you can make your own music too. Let's try it together."
So Little Bear and Mommy made music together with the radio. Little Bear was so happy. It was an amazing visit!
Once upon a time, a little girl named Nora wanted to explore nature. She went to a meadow filled with white flowers, and she picked one that was the prettiest. She smelled it, and it was so sweet.
Then Nora saw a small bunny hopping in the grass. She giggled and smiled, and she softly called the bunny over to her. The bunny hopped closer and closer until it was right beside her. Nora was so happy, so she bent down and kissed the bunny on its nose.
The bunny was very happy, so it hopped off into the meadow and found it's family. Nora smiled and looked out into the meadow, taking in all the whiteness and beauty of nature. It was so gorgeous, like a picture from a fairy tale.
Nora kept playing until the sun started to go down. She thanked nature for this amazing day and kissed her hand and blew it towards the sky. And with that, Nora went home and went to bed, dreaming of all the wonderful things nature had to offer.
Once upon a time, there lived a lively young reindeer in the North pole. He was always so excited about the snow and he loved playing out in the cold! One day, he decided to go off into the snow and explore.
So off he went, exploring the snow and having fun. But suddenly he noticed something he hadn't seen before - a big, deep hole in the snow. He went over to have a look and noticed it was full of ice.
Just then, his mother noticed what was happening and called out to him. She warned him to stay away from the hole and said, "Don't go too close! The ice is too cold for a reindeer like you!"
The young reindeer listened carefully and promised to stay away from the deep and chilly hole. He thanked his mother for her warning and promised to be more careful from then on.
The lively reindeer was much more cautious and kept a safe distance from the deep, icy hole. He kept a smile on his face and continued exploring the snow.
The end.
Once upon a time, there lived a little girl called Lucy. One day, Lucy was feeling very sad. She wanted to fly away so she could be happy but she was too young.
Then, a bright flame appeared in the sky. She was scared at first, but then she saw that the flame was made of magic.
Lucy asked the flame, "Can you let me fly away so I can be happy again?"
The flame answered, "Yes, I can permit you to fly away but first you must promise to take care of your family."
Lucy smiled and said, "I will certainly take care of them. Please let me fly away!"
The flame permitted Lucy to spread her arms and fly away into the night. She felt happy, free and no longer sad. Lucy waved goodbye to the flame and continued with her adventures.
Once upon a time there was a brave warrior who lived far away in the forest.
One day the warrior sailed away to explore the world on a small boat. They sailed around for hours and hours, eventually coming to a new land.
The warrior was curious so they jumped off the boat and started to explore. But it was uncomfortable, so the warrior decided to go back to the boat.
In their hurry to get back, the warrior called out, “Quick! Quick!”. It was then that a friendly bird flew over. The warrior smiled and asked the bird, “Do you know a faster way to sail?”
The bird replied, “Of course! Follow me, I'll show you!” The warrior quickly hopped on the boat and followed the bird.
The bird showed the warrior how to make the boat sail faster and soon the warrior was on their way. The breeze was gentle and the warrior felt comfortable once again.
The warrior thanked the bird for showing them the way and sailed away, never to forget the bird's kindness.
Once upon a time, there lived a little girl. She loved going outside to play in the sun. One day, the sun was shining so brightly and everything was so warm.
The little girl excitedly started to run around. She ran so fast she got dizzy, then fell to the ground.
But then, to her surprise, she felt something cold. She looked down and saw the ground was covered in snow. The little girl gasped.
She quickly ran to her mom and said, "Mommy, there's snow outside! Can we go play?"
Her mom chuckled and said, "Yes, but we have to grab a sack first."
So they went outside and gathered up the snow in a sack. The little girl was so excited that she twirled around and around, making a mini snow storm.
They took the sack home and put it near the fireplace. The little girl wanted to play with the snow all day, and her mom said she could do just that.
So the little girl spent the day playing with the snow until the sack was empty. It was cold but still so much fun!
Once there was a boy named Tom. Tom wanted to see something special, so he went to a high mountain. It was sunny and warm outside so the snow began to melt. Tom found something surprising: a magnet! He was excited and picked it up.
Tom looked around and tried to find something with his magnet. He soon noticed that the magnet was attracting some pieces of metal on the ground. He picked them up and put them in his pocket.
Tom kept playing with his magnet. Suddenly he heard a noise, it was high and loud! He looked up and saw a beautiful rainbow. He smiled, this was something special!
One summer morning, a little boy named Andy was walking around outside. He saw a white rabbit in the grass and wanted to touch it. He walked over to the rabbit and reached out his hand, but he stopped just before he touched it. There were two green spiders crawling on the rabbit. He had never seen anything like this before, and he was scared! He stepped back and thought of a plan. He quietly reached inside his pocket and found some small stones. He threw the stones at the spiders and they ran away! He was so happy, he could touch the rabbit now. But then, the rabbit hopped away. Andy was a bit sad but quickly remembered he still got to touch the white rabbit. It was a special moment.
Once there was a little girl named Lucy. She loved to play with her toys, but today was different. She was outside with her parents and there were a lot of people around. They were all wealthy people and were talking about something strange.
Lucy listened carefully, but the words were all strange to her. She then noticed one wealthy man pointing to his toes. She wondered why and asked her dad, "What's he pointing at?"
Her dad laughed and smiled, "That man is showing off his money! He's wealthy and he wants everyone to know."
This made little Lucy excited. She wished she had money too. She wanted to show off her wealth like the man.
But then her dad said something that made her sad. He said, "It's just playing pretend. You don't need money to have fun!"
So Lucy put away her dreams of being wealthy and went back to playing with her toys. But secretly she still hoped one day she could show off her own wealth too!
Once there was a boy who liked to run. Every day he ran faster and faster. He was so fast that he seemed to float rather than run! One day, his mommy gave him a weight to carry. It was big and heavy, but the boy didn’t mind. He held on tightly and ran with it, as if it were nothing.
He ran for hours and hours, never stopping for a rest. The weight grew heavier and heavier, but the boy never thought about it. He kept on running, ever faster and ever further.
Then, all of a sudden, the boy felt himself trip! He had been so careless, he couldn’t keep his footing. He had been running too fast and too far, with too much weight in his hands. The weight had been too heavy for him, and as he fell, he knew that he had gone much too far. Now it was time to turn around and run back home.
Once upon a time there was a coat frame. It was fit for a special occasion. A little girl named Rachel came to try it on.
Rachel noticed that the frame was disturbed. It was not standing up straight.
"Don't worry," said her mother. "We can fix it."
Her mother carefully adjusted the frame. Rachel stepped in, and it was a good fit.
"It looks beautiful," said her mother. Rachel smiled in delight.
The frame was no longer disturbed. It was standing up straight and Rachel looked wonderful. That's how Rachel got to wear the perfect coat frame for her special day!
Once upon a time, there was a modest car. It drove around the country at a careful speed. Every day, its driver, Lizzie, said to the car, “Let’s go! Let’s speed!” But the car never wanted to go too quickly.
One day, Lizzie spotted a rabbit hopping along the country road. She looked at her car and said, “Oh dear! We need to speed up or we’ll never catch this rabbit!” So, Lizzie put her foot down on the pedal and the car began to go faster.
The rabbit kept hopping along, faster and faster, until it was a tiny blur on the horizon. But the car managed to keep up, going at a modest speed. In the end, Lizzie drove her car all the way to the end of the country road and the rabbit hopped off into the sunset.
One day, Mary was sitting on the grass in the park, eating a sandwich. She chewed it slowly, looking around. Suddenly, something sparkly caught her eye - it was a silver necklace glistening in the sun. Mary noticed it was near a bush, so she crawled over to take a closer look.
When she got close, Mary could see that the necklace was suspended from a thin branch. She reached out to take it in her tiny hand and felt it's cool metal.
Just then, a voice called out from behind her. It was an old woman.
"Do you like it?" she said.
Mary was a bit anxious but nodded and smiled.
"It's yours," the woman said warmly. "I saw you admiring it and thought you might like to have it."
Mary thanked the woman politely, before heading home with the new silver necklace in her pocket. From that day onward, every time Mary chewed her lunch in the park, she would also play with her silver necklace, and think back to the day when she had first seen it.
Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Joe. He was always happy and very healthy.
One day, Joe saw a lovely bird in the sky. He was so amazed and pointed at it.
"Look, look!", he said to his mum.
His mum looked up and smiled. "Joe, don't you realize the sky is filled with so many birds?"
Joe thought for a second, and then his face lit up. He had realized that the sky was full of wonderful birds.
Mum smiled, proud of her little boy. She was glad to see him realize something so special. Joe was happy too - he had just had a wonderful realization.
Once upon a time, a little girl named Lucy was playing with her chalk. She drew beautiful pictures with it outside her house.
Suddenly, her friend Mary came over and asked if she wanted to play. Lucy said yes but Mary thought of something else to do. She wanted to cut her chalk in half.
Lucy was not happy about this. She didn't want anyone to mess with her original chalk. But, Mary kept insisting and said, "C'mon Lucy, let's cut the chalk! It'll be fun!"
Lucy refused but with some convincing from Mary, she agreed to it. So, they got a knife and started cutting the chalk. But, to their surprise, the chalk pieces became smaller and smaller until the chalk disappeared.
Lucy felt sad. She knew that her chalk could never be the same again. Better not to mess with an original.
Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Amy. She was very alert and always looked for new things to explore. One day she decided to search for a painter who could help her. She went out of her house and looked everywhere.
Amy walked along the street and soon she found a painter. She was so excited! She asked the painter, “Can you help me?” The painter smiled at Amy and said, “Yes, I can! What do you need help with?”
Amy said, “Can you paint my bedroom? It would look so much better.”
The painter smiled again and said, “Yes, I can do that for you. I can make it very special.”
Amy was very happy and thanked the painter. She watched as he painted the room. It was as if magic had come to her bedroom.
Amy was especially alert that day when she watched the painter working in her bedroom. She enjoyed every moment of it. When the painter was done, she thanked him again and gave him a big hug. The painter smiled before he left.
Amy's bedroom had never looked so good before. She was so happy and smiled from ear to ear.
The End.
Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lola. She was three years old and she loved purple things. One day, she was walking in the park when she saw a big pastry. It was covered in purple frosting, and she wanted to try it!
Lola ran to the pastry and pulled at the top. It was stuck, so she pulled harder and harder. Suddenly, the pastry tore in two!
Lola gasped in surprise and said, "I did it!" She grabbed one of the pastry pieces and took a big bite. It tasted so sweet and delicious.
Suddenly, Lola heard her mother's voice and she knew it was time to go home. She quickly picked up the other piece of pastry and ran to her mother.
Lola showed her mom the pastry and said, "Look what I found!" Her mother smiled and said, "It sure looks yummy. Now let's put it in a bag until we get home."
The End
Once upon a time, there was a creative farmer who lived on a farm. He loved his farm and the animals who lived there. Every day he would go out and take care of the animals.
One day, the farmer noticed something strange. One of his ducks seemed to be explaining something to the other animals, but he couldn't understand a word of it.
He went over to the animals, and said, "What is going on here?".
The duck replied, "I'm explaining to the other animals that over the hill, there is a big pond with lots of yummy bugs and fish."
The farmer smiled and said, "That sounds like a wonderful idea. Let's go explore this big pond and see what we can find.”
So, the farmer and the animals marched over the hill and across the field until they reached the big pond. They had lots of fun, playing and exploring around the pond, and found lots of yummy bugs and fish.
The farmer thanked the creative duck for showing them the pond, and all the animals went home happy.
Once upon a time a little girl named Jill had a very special toy. It was a black car that could zip around the room. She loved playing with it, zipping it back and forth. Every morning when Jill woke up, she would go to the toy car to make sure it was still there.
One day, when Jill looked at the car, she noticed something strange. There was a print on the side. She couldn't figure out where it came from. She kept looking at the print and suddenly, the car started to zip across the room. Jill was so excited, she couldn't believe it!
The car kept zip, zip, zipping all around the room. Jill followed it and it stopped at a big black box. Jill opened the box and inside was a present for her. It was a black toy robot! She was so excited and couldn't believe her eyes.
Jill understood that the print on her car was the same as the print on the box. The car had known it was the present all along and had zipped across the room to show her the special surprise.
Once upon a time, there was a small girl named Susie. Susie loved to go exploring in the big backyard of her house. One day, Susie went outside with her teddy bear. As she was running around, she saw something hidden behind a bush. She went near it, and when she peeked behind the bush, she found a kitty! Susie was so excited to see the kitty that she ran over to it.
Susie said to the kitty, "Hi kitty, why are you here all alone?"
The kitty meowed and then said, "I'm lost. I don't know how to get back home."
Susie felt so sorry for the kitty and she wanted to help him. She said, "Don't worry, kitty. I can help you find your way home! Let's go visit and see."
So Susie and the kitty started walking to find the kitty's home. After a while, they ran into some trouble. There was a big angry dog that blocked their way. Susie and the kitty were scared, but Susie kept her head and said, "Don't worry, kitty. We can find another way." So they both ran away and found a hidden path to get to the kitty's home.
Finally, they arrived at the kitty's house. They said goodbye to each
John and Sarah were playing together in their backyard when they found a piece of metal. It was shiny and reflective and they couldn't wait to show their parents.
John asked Sarah, "What should we do with the metal?"
Sarah thought for a moment, then said, "Let's take it to Mommy and Daddy!" With that, they ran off excitedly, ready to surprise their parents.
They raced into the house, and shouted, "Mommy, Daddy! Look what we found!"
Their parents were very surprised and asked, "Where did you find this piece of metal?"
John and Sarah were so proud of their discovery, and couldn't wait to tell the story. They recounted that they found the metal outside in the backyard and it was so shiny and reflective.
Their parents smiled, and said, "Well, why don't you two take it around the neighbourhood and see if you can return it to its rightful owner. If nobody takes it, you two can keep it!".
John and Sarah were so cheerful and excited about the prospect of helping find the true owner of the metal, that they grabbed it and set off, ready to call on their neighbours.
There was a little girl with dark hair. Her name was Joy. She lived in a big house with her parents. One day, Joy was playing outside in her garden. Suddenly, she felt something on her leg - something pinching her. It was a big, black bug!
Joy screamed and tried to get away, but the bug kept following her. She tried to run and hide, but it was too quick.
Joy's parents heard her cries and came running. They used a stick to help her get rid of the bug. After the bug was gone, they hugged Joy and told her everything would be alright.
When the bug was gone, Joy felt relieved and happy. She went back to playing in the garden, making sure she didn't step on any more bugs.
Once upon a time there was a little girl named Rita. She was gentle and sweet and was always nice to everyone. One day Rita was walking in the park and noticed something shiny. She decided to take a closer look. As she got closer, she realized that someone had stolen someone else's toy.
Rita was very sad because she knew the toy belonged to someone else. But then she looked at the toy, she noticed that part of it was broken. She put her small muscle into work and managed to fix it.
Rita picked up the toy and decided to find who it belonged to. She went all around the park, showing the toy to anyone who looked like they were searching for it. Finally, she found a young boy who was looking for the toy.
Rita quietly gave the toy to the boy, who looked at her in surprise. He thanked her and said, "You taught me a very important lesson: to respect people’s belongings and to treat others with kindness."
Rita smiled, feeling proud of herself. She had done something good and made a difference. Later that day, Rita thought to herself, "When you are gentle and kind, you can do magical things!"
One day, John and his mom were out in the woods. John was looking to find some lumber for his toy boat. They had been scourging for hours, but hadn't found anything yet.
"Are you sure there's lumber around here, Mom?" asked John.
"Of course," she said happily. "Just keep looking, I'm sure we'll find it."
John kept searching, but soon stumbled upon an ancient chest. He excitedly opened it, demonstrating his dependable strength. Inside, he found the lumber he was looking for.
John quickly improved his toy boat, since his strength was now dependable. With newfound confidence, John raced off with his boat in the river. He sailed faster than ever, enjoying the adventure he had found.
John sure was glad he found that lumber!
Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Thomas. He was three years old and loved to explore. One day, he went on a big adventure to a far away oasis.
On his way, he found a broken tree branch. He decided to touch it, but quickly pulled his hand away as it was too sharp.
As Thomas continued his journey, he pondered why the branch was so broken. He soon came across a little river that was flowing down the side of the oasis. He remembered the branch and wondered if the river had something to do with it.
The little boy arrived at the oasis and he was in awe. He ran to the edge of the water and started to touch it. As soon as he did, the river started to swell and the current quickly became stronger. Thomas quickly pulled his hand away.
The little boy realized that the branch had broken from the rapidly rising waters. Thomas now understood why the branch was so broken and he was careful not to touch it again.
Once upon a time, there was a lazy figure who was always looking for ways to relax. One day, he saw a big tree in the distance and decided to take a nap. As he was lying there, a small voice shouted, “Hey! Wake up!”
The lazy figure opened his eyes and saw a small child standing in front of him. The child was insisting that the figure should come play with him. But the lazy figure was feeling too lazy to move so he politely declined the friendly offer.
The child was very persistent, though, and he kept insisting that the figure should come play. So the figure finally gave in and agreed to follow the child's lead.
And so, the lazy figure followed the boy and had the most amazing day! They laughed and played for hours and soon their day had come to an end. The figure was very grateful for the company and said goodbye to the wonderful little child.
The figure returned home feeling refreshed and kids all around continued to insist that he join them to have lots of fun.
The end.
Once upon a time there was a new little bunny. Her name was Chloe and she was very excited to explore the world.
One day she was hopping in the forest when something big happened! The trees began to shake and the ground rumbled. Chloe didn't know what to do, so she crouched down and covered her ears until the shaking stopped.
When it was all over, Chloe looked around and saw all of the other animals. They were all looking just as scared as she felt.
Suddenly, a wise old owl spoke up. "My friends," he said. "We just had an earthquake!"
Everyone looked confused. "What is an earthquake?" Chloe asked.
"It is a big shaking that happens sometimes," said the owl. "We all need to be careful when it happens!"
Chloe thanked the owl for teaching her something new and, after that day, she liked to be extra careful whenever she heard rumbling in the ground.
Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Molly. She was very worried, because she had lost her favorite toy. One night, while she was crying in bed, she heard a gentle hooting sound. Molly opened her window and a friendly owl flew in.
Molly was surprised, but the owl only wanted to help. It flew around the room, searching until it found Molly's toy. It bowed its wings and dropped the toy in Molly's lap.
Molly was amazed and asked the owl, “What are you?”
The owl hooted again and said, “I'm an owl! I saw that you were worried so I wanted to come and restore your toy. Now, please have a good night's sleep.”
Molly thanked the owl and fell asleep with a smile on her face. From that day on, Molly was sure that owls were magical creatures who could make any worries go away.
Once upon a time there was a small boy who wanted to go on an adventure. He decided to take a boat out to sea. After a few hours, the boat sailed onto a big, beautiful island.
The island was so nice that the boy wanted to explore it. He jumped out of the boat into the water and started to swim towards the island. There was a mild breeze that kept him cool as he swam.
The boy arrived on the shore of the island. He looked around and noticed a small hut. He stood up and walked towards it. When he arrived, he heard a voice say, "Hello! Who are you?"
The boy was surprised. He looked around and saw an old man standing nearby. The old man said, "I'm the island's caretaker. My name is John. What's your name?"
The boy smiled and said his name. Then he asked if he could explore the island. John said to him, "Of course you can. Just be careful - some of the island can be a bit wild. I'll stay here and make sure you're safe."
So the boy explored the island with John. They walked around the beach and swam in the mild ocean. Then, when it was time to go back, the boy thanked John for showing him the island and waved goodbye.
The boy sailed back to the shore with lots of great memories of the island. He
Once upon a time there was a fairy who lived in a tree near a pond. The fairy was very stubborn and always wanted things to go her way.
One day when the fairy was flying around the tree, she saw a boy who was playing by the pond. The boy had a red balloon which he was dropping into the pond.
The fairy shouted to the boy, "stop, don't drop the balloon!" But the boy was too stubborn to listen and he dropped the balloon into the pond.
The fairy flew down to the pond, and with a wave of her magic wand, the balloon rose up out of the pond, much drier and brighter than before.
The boy was so happy. He hugged the fairy and thanked her for saving his balloon. The fairy smiled and said, "You must be more careful next time and listen to me!"
Once upon a time there was a black record. It was very helpful and it could do great things.
One day, a 3 year old wanted to use the record. The record said, "I can't help you out. You have to be older". The 3 year old was very sad.
Then, an old man showed up. He was very helpful and offered to help find a way to make the record work. He tried to figure out how to make the record work, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't make the record work.
The 3 year old was very sad. He asked the old man, "Can you make it work?"
The old man shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, but I can't make it work. I tried everything I could. I'm afraid the record will never work again."
The 3 year old was very sad and never forgot the black record. The 3 year old never saw the old man again.
Once upon a time there was a little girl who loved trips. She woke up one morning and asked her mom, "Can we go on a trip today?" Her Mom smiled and said, "Yes, let's go!"
The little girl got dressed quickly and they went outside. The sun was bright and the sky was a beautiful color.
The mom and the little girl walked to the park and went to the pond. The little girl became very excited and wanted to stir the pond. She grabbed the stick and stirred the water.
The pond became a colorful whirlpool of fun. The little girl was so happy that she danced around with joy. Inside the whirlpool, she found colorful fish, rocks, and some small treasure.
The mom and the little girl had a wonderful trip and returned home with lots of beautiful memories.
Once upon a time, there was a girl named Jane. She was spreading candy around with her friends. Everyone was having so much fun; they couldn't stop laughing.
Suddenly, John came over to the group and saw everyone with the candy. He felt envious that he didn't have any.
Jane happily offered John a piece of candy. "It's okay," she said, "We'll share."
John couldn't believe how kind Jane was. He accepted the candy and enjoyed it together with the other children.
Moral: Sharing brings people closer together and can make everyone happy.
Once upon a time there was a little girl who loved to play. Everywhere she went she would find something new and exciting to play with.
One day the little girl was playing in the garden when she found a strange passport. The passport looked weird and she wondered where it had come from. The passport belonged to a magical mermaid who had been visiting the garden.
The little girl wanted to show the passport to her family, so she put it in her pocket and went inside. But when she went to show her family the passport, there was no sign of it anywhere.
The little girl looked everywhere but there was no sign of the passport. She asked her family if they had seen the passport, but they hadn't seen it. Suddenly, the little girl heard a voice coming from the garden. It was the magical mermaid, who thanked the little girl for finding her passport.
The little girl was so happy to have found the passport and the magical mermaid was grateful to get it back. They played in the garden together until it was time for the mermaid to return home.
From that day forward the little girl was never without her passport, always ready to explore new and exciting places.
Bruce was an incredibly brilliant three year old. He was playing with his friends in the garden and they were having a lot of fun. They were playing a game but Bruce started to feel like something wasn't quite right.
He asked his friend, "Do you trust your sauce?" His friend shrugged and said, "Sure, it's tasty and I always eat it." Bruce thought for a moment, then asked, "Do you think it's always reliable?"
His friend replied, "Yes, it's always been brilliant and hasn't let me down. I think it's reliable." That was enough for Bruce and he decided to trust the sauce.
He made a choice to keep playing the game and have fun, trusting the sauce would always be reliable. Together with his friend, they finished the game happily.
One day, Mom and Jack were in the garden. Jack looked around and saw all the different colors of the flowers. "Mom, can I pick one?" he asked.
Mom nodded. "Yes," she said. "Pick a big, reliable one that won't break when you bring it inside."
Jack thought and thought, then picked a pink one that was very big. He put it in his pocket. But when he got home, he realized the petals had fallen off his flower.
Jack was sad. How could he show Mom something reliable now? He asked his friend Paul for help. Paul said he could help, but first Jack had to do something for him.
Jack said okay, and Paul told him to pick one extra flower from the garden to bring to him. Jack nodded, went back to the garden, and carefully chose a yellow flower.
Jack brought the yellow flower to Paul, who said thanks and gave Jack some seeds from his garden. Jack planted the seeds in his garden, and now every summer Jack can see his reliable flowers growing!
Once there was a little girl called Lucy who wanted to sell something very special. She carefully wrapped up her knee in a box and took it outside.
Once she got to the market place, Lucy could see the many different people gathered together and she felt shy. She began to shout, “I’m selling my knee!”
One of the people at the market was an old woman who had seen many things in her life. She approached Lucy and said, “Do you want some help selling your knee?”
Lucy nodded and smiled. The old woman was very compassionate and kind and she soon found a buyer who was willing to pay a good amount of money for Lucy's knee. Lucy could not believe her luck!
The old woman then said, “You should always be brave and use your compassion when trying to sell something. You never know who might be in the market place and be willing to buy it.”
Lucy smiled and said, “Thank you so much for your advice and for helping me to sell my knee.”
The old woman smiled back at her and said, “It was my pleasure. I'm sure you'll have success in other things you try and sell in the future.”
And Lucy never forgot the old woman's words or the lesson she had learnt on that day.
John watched a bug crawl across the grass. He was careful not to hurt it. His mom smiled as she watched him.
Mom picked up the little bug and put it inside her case. She explained that it would be safer inside.
John was upset. He wanted the bug to stay outside and play. He began to cry.
Mom gave John a hug, and she sighed. She said that she was sorry, but it was safer inside the case.
John smiled. He still missed the little bug, but he understood why mom was being so careful.
John and mom hugged again. Mom thanked John for understanding, and they went on to play some more.
Once there was a boy. His name was Tim. He was three years old and was very adventurous. One day he decided to go for a walk with his parents.
As they walked, they noticed something wonderful. There was a lake, with bright blue waters, and beautiful green trees surrounding it.
The family couldn't help but add it to their list of favorite places.
Tim was so excited, he said, "Can we go explore? I would love to see what's there!"
His parents replied, "Yes Tim! What an adventurous idea!"
They all went to explore. Tim discovered so many amazing things. He found colorful rocks, and new plants he'd never seen before. He even saw some animals stepping out of the water.
Tim added these sights to his memory, and felt a sense of wonder as he explored. He had a great day with his family and enjoyed their adventurous outing.
Once there was a messy lizard. He wanted to move around the garden. He saw a beautiful flower and said to himself, "I can move that way." So the lizard moved towards the flower.
He saw a big tree and said to himself, "I can move that way." So the lizard moved towards the tree.
Suddenly, he heard a voice. It was a ladybug. The ladybug said, "Where are you going?" The lizard said, "I'm moving around the garden."
The ladybug said, "Would you like help?" The lizard said, "Yes please!" So the ladybug and the lizard moved around the garden together.
They found a muddy puddle and the ladybug said, "Let's move that way." So they moved towards the puddle and made a mess. But they had a lot of fun!
Once there was a little girl named Ella. She was the most popular girl in school. She loved to play on the balancing beam in the playground. She was so good at balancing that she never had to use her muscles.
One day, all the kids gathered around Ella, asking her to show them what she could do. She smiled and got on the beam. She balanced so well that the kids all applauded.
Ella's teacher came out and told her not to stay on the beam too long. "Sometimes, muscles get tired," he said.
But Ella didn't listen. She stayed on the beam for a really long time. Eventually, her muscles got tired and she fell off. Everyone was very sad. Ella's teacher told her to be careful next time.
But Ella didn't listen and she fell off the beam the next time too. And the next time. The kids in school stopped asking Ella to balance on the beam, since they were afraid something bad might happen. Ella was no longer the most popular girl at school.
Mama and Papa had a party for their little girl. It was her third birthday. Everyone had come over to celebrate. There was cake, games, and balloons. The little girl was so excited.
The guests all cheered as Mama and Papa gave the little girl a shiny new toy. "Thank you," she said with a smile.
Mama and Papa then revealed to the guests that the toy was actually a surprise. They said it was a trap. The little girl was curious and asked what it was. Papa explained it was like a game. He said if she did something the trap would make a noise and they would all applaud.
The little girl was embarrassed, but she was excited too. She stepped up to the trap and tried her best. When the trap finally made a sound, everyone clapped and cheered. She was so proud of herself.
"See," Papa said, "you were brave and you did it!" The little girl smiled and hugged Papa. She was so happy to have accomplished something and everyone else was proud of her. It was her best birthday yet.
Jack and Sue were playing in the yard when they spotted a Dinosaur. They both ran up to it to take a closer look. Sue was filled with amazement.
"Wow!", she said awely. "Where did it come from?"
"I don't know", Jack said. But let's hang it up in my room so we can look at it everyday."
The two of them grabbed the dinosaur and filled it up in Jack's room. Jack hung it from a tree branch in one corner of his room and it looked very nice.
Sue watched with a proud smile.
"That makes your room look really humble", she said.
Jack smiled happily.
"Thank you Sue!", he said with a big smile. "Now I can see it every morning when I wake up!"
Once upon a time there was a little girl named Emily. She was very excited when she woke up one morning because she was going to have a special surprise.
Emily was told over breakfast to put on her shoes and wait outside. When she opened the front door she saw a tower of spicy food, her favorite!
Emily took a bite and instantly thought it was the best she had ever tasted. She kept eating and eating until the tower was gone!
Soon, Emily started to feel strange. Her belly was getting bigger and bigger and was starting to hurt! Emily's parents tried to make her feel better, but nothing worked.
Finally, Emily had to go to the hospital. The doctors told her she had thought too much spicy food and that she needed to stay in bed for a few days so she could get better.
Emily was really sad and never wanted to eat spicy food again. The end.
Sue and Mike were planning a picnic in the park. They wanted to have the best time ever! Sue and Mike packed snacks for their picnic. They brought lots of different snacks, but their favorite was the beans.
When they arrived in the park, they spread out their blanket and started to get ready for the picnic. Suddenly, Sue noticed something strange – there was a deaf rabbit in the middle of the park.
Sue was excited. She called out to Mike, "Let's give him some beans!" Mike nodded with a smile and together they took out an extra portion of beans and placed it near the rabbit.
The rabbit hopped around the beans and started to eat. Sue and Mike were delighted to see the rabbit enjoying their snack. They had a wonderful picnic and plan to visit the park again soon.
Once upon a time, there was a zipping sound in the quiet room. It sounded like someone was playing with something. Two friends, Mel and June, were curious and excited to find out what was making the noise.
"What's that noise?" asked June.
"I don't know," said Mel, "Let's go find out!"
The two went searching around the room until they found the source of the noise: a pin, zipping up and down the wall!
"How unusual," said June, "How does it zip up and down the wall like that?
Mel put her finger to her lips and said, "Shhh, maybe it's magic?"
June's wide eyes lit up as she said, "That's it! I think we should try to figure out how it works!"
The two friends worked together to try and make the pin zip again. After a few minutes of hard work, the pin began to zip again!
"Woo-hoo!" cried Mel, "We did it! How exciting! I think this pin has a magical zipping power!"
June and Mel enjoyed their newfound discovery and magic pin. From that day forward, the two friends would take turns zipping the pin up and down the wall. It was the quietest, most exciting adventure they ever had.
John went to the market one day with his mom. He saw a beautiful blue kite that he really wanted. His mom told him he couldn't have it, but he wouldn't listen. He was too excited and ran to the kite to grab it.
Suddenly, a tough foot stepped on the kite. John was scared and turned around. There was a big man with a mean look on his face. “Mommy,” John said, scared.
The man said, “I run the market and I won’t provide for any children running around and taking things that don’t belong to them.” John was still scared and backed away slowly.
His mom told the man she was sorry and would pay for the kite. But the man said it was too late and he wanted John to learn a lesson. He told John to never take things that don't belong to him again, and he made John leave the market.
John and his mom had a bad ending that day. He never got the kite and he was reminded to never take things that weren't his.
Once upon a time there was a bird named Max. He loved being able to soar through the sky. One day however, Max felt helpless when his wing was injured. He couldn't fly anymore and he was stuck on the ground.
Max's friends noticed this, so they came over to help. "Don't worry, Max," they said. They set up a nest for him and brought him things to eat.
Max was so happy he began to settle in. He was grateful for his friends' help. He felt safer in his nest and didn't feel so helpless anymore.
One day Max had an idea. He asked his friends, "What if I set up a will? That way, if something happens to me, you can take care of my nest."
Max's friends thought this was a great idea. So Max wrote a will that his friends would follow after he was gone. He was so relieved to have this plan in place.
Max's friends made sure to take care of him and the nest. With their help, Max was able to settle in to his new home peacefully.
Once upon a time, there was a light beetle. He had never been outside and wanted to see the world.
So one day, the beetle crawled out of its box and looked around. Suddenly, he saw a big tree and decided to climb it. He worked up the trunk and made it to the top, but found he was stuck.
"Help!" the beetle cried.
Just then, a bird flew by and heard the beetle's cry.
"What's wrong little beetle?" asked the bird.
The beetle explained what had happened, and the bird laughed.
"My friend, the ant, can help you," said the bird. "Let me take you to her."
The bird took the beetle to the ant, who said she could help. She pulled and tugged, and the beetle worked his way around the branch, until he was finally free.
The beetle thanked the bird and ant, before flying off into the light. He had seen the world and was now ready for a real adventure!
Once upon a time there was a very playful puppy named Jack. Jack loved printing, which meant that he could make lots of paper with colourful patterns.
One day, Jack found a small pill on the floor. He was fascinated by the shiny round shape, so he picked it up and tried to print it.
"What are you trying to do, Jack?" asked his mother, who had just seen him.
"I am trying to print the pill, mum," answered Jack.
"Oh, the pill is too small to print. Let's find something else that is bigger and easier to print," said his mother.
So, Jack and his mother went outside and found a big red leaf which they printed. Jack was very happy! The printed leaf was very colourful and beautiful. From then on, Jack kept printing lots of colourful things.
Once upon a time, there was a pale gem which nobody knew the power of. One day a teacher appeared in the village and told the people, "I know the power of the pale gem! I will teach you how to use it." Everyone was excited and gathered around the teacher.
The teacher said, "Now, I will teach you how to make the pale gem magical. First you must find a special vessel and fill it with water. Then place the pale gem in the vessel and watch as it glows." Everyone was amazed!
The teacher continued, "While holding the vessel with the pale gem in it, you must say a very special spell. Say the words 'Pale Gem, I call on you to bring us luck and fortune!' and the gem will become magical and bring us luck and fortune."
Everyone was thrilled and thanked the teacher. The village was now filled with more luck and fortune than ever before, all thanks to the teacher who taught them all how to use the pale gem.
Once upon a time there was a bridge. It was very smooth. All the animals wanted to walk on top of it.
One day a little mouse was walking across the bridge. He saw a big dog on the other side and the little mouse wanted to show the dog how brave he was. He bowed to the big dog and kept walking.
The big dog didn't like the little mouse and he chased him to the other side. The little mouse was so scared and screamed for help. Unfortunately no-one was around to help him.
The big dog finally caught up with the little mouse and he was so angry. He barked very loudly and the little mouse screamed and ran away as fast as he could.
But it was too late. The big dog had been too fast and the little mouse was never seen again.
Once there was a boy who lived in a very beautiful landscape. He loved exploring the landscape and learning about all of the amazing things it had to offer.
One day, while exploring the landscape, the boy came upon a very bossy chipmunk. The chipmunk wanted the boy to do whatever it said and do it right away.
The boy understood that the chipmunk was bossy, so he didn’t argue. Instead, he listened and did as the chipmunk asked.
The chipmunk told the boy to follow it through the landscape. As they walked, the chipmunk stopped at certain places. It was at these places that the chipmunk revealed something truly incredible.
At the end of their journey, the boy finally understood why the chipmunk had been so bossy. It had led him to the most amazing places in the landscape and showed him things he never would have seen on his own.
Once upon a time, there was a boy named John. He was three years old and he was excited for his new birthday. He hoped he would get a special present.
John's mummy took him to the park where all of his friends were. His friends were cheering and they had a big, delicious looking cake. John was very happy and everyone began to sing happy birthday.
John looked around and saw lots of presents sitting next to the cake. He looked at his mummy and said: "Which one is for me mummy?" His mummy laughed and said: "Let's have a look and find out!"
John was so excited to open the biggest present first. He opened it and inside was a comfortable chair. He was so happy and he hugged his mummy. "It's my special present mummy, thank you!"
John sat down in the chair and looked at the cake. He wanted to eat it and hope that it was as tasty as it looked. His mummy cut the cake and everyone had a piece. John took a big bite and he said: "Mummy this is the best cake I have ever tasted!". His mummy smiled and said: "I am so glad you like it".
John was so happy he laughed and clapped his hands. It was the best birthday ever!
Mummy and Timmy were in the closet, looking for something. Mummy asked Timmy to pass her a hanger. Timmy refused because he wanted to pick it himself. Mummy told him that she needed the hanger, but Timmy shook his head and said no. He was being very rude.
Mummy was getting angry now. She told Timmy, "If you don't give me the hanger, you won't get any ice cream." Timmy still refused and said he wanted to pick it himself. He stomped his feet on the floor.
Mummy scolded Timmy and said, "That's not nice behaviour. You have to be polite. Give me the hanger please." Timmy looked at Mummy and said, "Okay." He reached up to the shelf, grabbed the hanger, and handed it to Mummy. Mummy smiled and gave Timmy a hug. "Thank you, my love."
Once there was a little girl named Amy who loved to skip. She could skip from the flower bed to the mailbox, the sidewalk to the trees. Every time she skipped she looked so happy that everyone in the neighbourhood just couldn't help but smile.
One day Amy's dad asked her to come into his workshop. He wanted to show her something special. He pointed to an old box with an original knob on the front. He said, “Amy, can you open this box? It might be filled with something magical.”
Amy was so excited! She tried to turn the knob but it was so tight she just couldn't do it. She asked her Dad, “Can you help me open the box, Daddy?”
Her Dad smiled and gave the knob a big twist. When he opened the box, Amy saw there were lots of ribbons inside. She let out a cheer and said, “I can use them to skip!”
So, with her ribbons in hand, Amy skipped her way around the neighbourhood. Everywhere she went, she put a smile on everyone's faces. The original knob had opened a box of joy!
Once upon a time, there was a very selfish boy who loved to scare his friends. One day, he brought a gas mask to school and he wanted to scare everyone. He even put on the gas mask himself and then tried to scare his friends.
His friends were scared and became angry. One of them said, "Why are you so selfish?"
The boy realized that it wasn't nice to scare his friends. He told them, "I'm sorry. I won't do this again."
His friends were happy and then all of them played together in the playground. They all had a lot of fun and the boy now knows better than to scare his friends.
Once upon a time, there lived an orange tree. All the oranges on the tree were delicious and juicy. The tree wanted to share its delicious oranges with the world. One day, it decided to give away all of its oranges to the local animals.
The animal friends were delighted! The squirrels, birds, rabbits, and more all shared the oranges. They each had as much as they wanted to eat. But the tree remained sad, for it no longer had any oranges left to share.
Just then, the sun began to shine brighter and the sun’s warmth brought new life to the tree. Its branches were soon filled with many delicious oranges.
This time, the tree decided to be more careful. It only gave away five oranges each day and kept the rest. This made it happy and it could remain generous without becoming empty.
The moral of this story is that if we are generous, we can remain happy and still have a lot to give.
Once upon a time, there was a pirate who lived in a far away land. He was a mean pirate and was very intelligent. He looked for ways to steal from others.
One day, he noticed two young kids playing nearby. The pirate decided to steal their toys. He waited until the kids were not looking and then he quickly grabbed the toys and ran away.
The kids were very sad. But one of them, who was very intelligent, decided to take action. He looked around for the pirate and soon spotted him far away in the distance.
The intelligent kid thought of a plan and quickly ran back to get help. He gathered his friends and they all ran after the pirate.
But the pirate knew that they were following him and he was too fast for them. In the end, the pirate was able to escape with the kids' toys and never got caught. The kids were very sad that they couldn't get back what he had stolen.
It was time for the lecture to begin. Little Tom was excited to come to the high school and learn something new. When he arrived, he was amazed at the big space filled with many people.
The teacher started his lecture. He spoke with a voice that was calming and wise. Tom listened carefully and learned many new things. He began to feel a strange feeling in his heart.
Tom asked the teacher, "What is this feeling inside my heart?"
The teacher smiled and said to him, "It's the feeling of healing. When you learn something new, your heart can heal and grow stronger."
Tom smiled and felt happy. He knew that the lecture would help him to heal and feel better. He thanked the teacher for his wise words and ran off to tell the other children the good news.
Once there was a poor little girl named Mary. Mary loved to kick around circles in the dirt. One day, Mary went to the park, kicked the circles around for a while, and got very tired. She decided to take a nap.
While Mary was sleeping, a beautiful fairy flew down from the sky and she said, "What a beautiful little girl! Here, I will give you a special present." She waved her magic wand and a big circle appeared.
Mary woke up, saw the big circle and asked, "What is this?"
The fairy said, "It's a magic circle. It will give you whatever you want. All you have to do is to kick the circle three times, and something special will happen."
So Mary kicked the big circle three times, closed her eyes and when she opened them again, she was filled with joy! The magic circle had given her a bag of money, a beautiful house and a pet dog.
Mary looked up to the sky and thanked the fairy from the bottom of her heart. Now Mary was no longer poor, and she could enjoy kicking circles in the park for hours and hours!
Once there was a family of bear bears. Everyone was very happy and they had lots of fun together.
One day, the family was getting ready to go to a party. They wanted to make sure they looked nice and had the best welcome. So they all worked together to prepare, and it was a tough job.
Finally, the day arrived and the family set out for the party. When they got there, everything was not as they had expected. There was a sign at the door that said "No bear bears allowed."
The family members were very sad and disappointed. They were so surprised that they all just sat there, without saying a word.
Suddenly, the father bear bear spoke. He said, "This is a tough lesson, but the best thing to do is to move on. We should remember that no matter how hard we prepare, not everyone will welcome us."
And with this, the family sadly walked away. They had learned a valuable lesson that day: no matter how much we try to be welcomed, some people will never accept us.
Once upon a time, the ground was dry and hard. Granny was getting ready to go to the market to buy food. Little Jack asked, “Can I come with you, Granny?” Granny replied, “Yes, it’s a lovely day. Let’s go.”
They soon arrived at the market, and Granny bought a lot of food. She told Jack, “Let’s take this food home and bury it in the ground. We can save it for later.”
Little Jack asked, “Why?” Granny said, “So that it won’t get eaten.” Little Jack helped Granny to bury the food and soon enough, the ground was full of yummy food.
The next day, Granny and Little Jack went back to their garden and Little Jack started digging. To his surprise, the food he buried yesterday was still there! Granny said, “Look, Jack, our plan was successful!” Little Jack smiled with happiness. They enjoyed their yummy food and lived happily ever after.
Once upon a time there were two friends named Fluffy and Daisy. They were very playful and loved to watch the world together.
One day, they decided to go on an adventure. They walked around the meadow and watched the birds as they chirped and flew through the sky.
The friends stopped to admire a nearby pond, where they saw a patient old turtle watching them. Daisy, the more playful of the two, was determined to say hello. She waddled up to the turtle and said “Hello, are you watching too?”.
The turtle smiled and quietly replied “Yes, I always watch the world around me”.
Fluffy and Daisy and the turtle enjoyed watching the world for a while together. When it was time for them to go, Daisy waved goodbye, and the two friends continued their journey!
Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Anna. She was three years old and very curious. She wanted to explore the world around her.
One day, Anna was walking through the forest when she came across an old oak tree. She stopped to look at it and noticed that the base of the tree was empty. Anna decided to take a closer look and curiously stepped inside.
She was amazed to discover that the hollow tree was filled with twinkling lights which displayed colourful images. She gasped in delight and called out to her mum, who had been walking just behind Anna.
"Mummy! Come and look!" Anna exclaimed, stretching her arm out to point to the beautiful display.
Mummy smiled, "Oh Anna, you have found a magical tree!"
Once upon a time there was an orange needle called Frank. He had been in the same spot for years and he was getting bored. He wanted to explore, but he didn't know how to.
Then one day, a small 3 year old child saw Frank. The child said "Hello Frank! I'm going to help you explore the world." Frank was so excited!
The child said, "I think we should reverse!" Frank looked confused, but the child explained that it meant going backwards, the opposite of forwards.
So, the child and Frank started reversing. They went up and down, side to side and around in circles. Frank was enjoying his adventure!
After an hour of reversing, the child and Frank stopped. The child said, "Wow, that was a lot of fun! You now know that you can explore by reversing."
Frank thanked the child for his help and then said goodbye. As the child walked away, Frank knew that he would never forget this adventure.
The little girl was standing on the side of the road, watching all the people and bright flags in the parade. She was so excited and wanted to join in. Suddenly, she saw a group of children in the parade wearing cool hats, dancing and singing.
"I want to join!" the little girl shouted happily.
One of the adults in the parade saw the little girl and gave her a big smile. "Come on" he said, diving into the parade, "Come join the fun!"
The little girl followed him and started to dance with the other children. Everyone was laughing and having a great time.
But soon the little girl became frustrated. She couldn't keep up with the other children, and they were all having more fun than her. But then one of the adults came over and said:
"Come on, let's show them how to dive in this parade."
With a big smile, the little girl followed the adult and started to dance and sing. Soon, she was singing and dancing just like the other children, and everyone was having a great time. The little girl was happy and no longer frustrated.
Once upon a time there was a little boy who loved to explore. He wanted to see all the wonders of the world.
So one day he walked and walked until he came to the edge of a huge forest. He was excited to explore the forest.
He ventured in. Soon enough, he came across an extraordinary sight. A giant tree that had a swing that went way up high, so high he could touch the sky. He was so excited he just had to give it a try. So he climbed up the tree and squeezed himself onto the swing seat.
He started swinging and swaying and before long he was feeling so merry and carefree. Suddenly, he felt a massive hand squeeze him tight. He looked around and saw an old and miserable giant. The giant spoke in a grumbling voice, "You don't belong in my forest, get away!"
The little boy was scared and quickly jumped down from the swing. He was so sad, he had to leave the wonderful adventure he had been having. He quietly went home, feeling more than a little miserable.
Once upon a time, there were two friends named Jack and Jill. Jack and Jill loved to match. Every day, they would match rocks, leaves, and sticks. One day, Jack and Jill wanted to match in the harbor.
Getting to the harbor was a long journey, but they kept on walking until they arrived. When they got to the harbor, it was so miserable. There were no rocks, leaves, or sticks to match. Jack and Jill were so sad.
Suddenly, they spotted a pile of match boxes near the harbor. Jack and Jill were so excited, they grabbed one of the match boxes and began to match the colorful boxes. They played at the harbor all day, matching the pretty match boxes until the sun started to go down.
That day, Jack and Jill had an amazing time and each went home with a smile. And they promised to come back to the harbor soon and match again.
Once upon a time there were two friends, Jack and Jill. They were playing together in a big field.
Suddenly, Jack noticed a deep well! He was so excited, he wanted to jump right into it.
But Jill called out, "No, Jack! Don't jump!"
Jack ignored her and he went nearer and nearer. Jill got worried and she said, "Jack stop! I'm scared!"
Jack didn't listen and he was about to jump in. Jill got very scared, so she shouted, "No Jack! Panic!"
Jack was so sorry, he jumped back and started crying. Jill hugged him tight and said, "It's ok, Jack. Don't worry. I'm sorry I scared you."
Jack smiled and they hugged each other. They never came near the well again.
The end.
Once upon a time there was a white phone. The phone was special and could fold out. One day, a little girl, who was three years old, saw the phone and said "Wow!"
The girl wanted to play with the phone, so she carefully folded out the phone. She thought the phone looked like a butterfly. She was very excited and started to giggle.
The girl's mother saw her playing with the phone and said, "No, you must be gentle with it. Folding the phone out is a special thing you can only do when you get older."
The little girl understood and started to fold the phone back together. When she finished folding it, she said "Wow!" again. Then she put the phone carefully back on the table.
The end.
Once there was a strong stone. It wanted to stay by itself so it could be alone. But that was hard to do in the forest. Every day an animal would come by and try to move the stone. But the stone was strong and wouldn't budge.
Then one day, a butterfly flew by and asked the stone why it wanted to stay by itself. The butterfly said it would like to be friends with the stone. The stone was very happy.
The butterfly and the stone became great friends. Every day, the butterfly would come to visit and stay with the stone. The stone was so glad that it didn't have to be alone any more. It was strong and would stay with its friend forever.
Mummy was with her little girl in the park. The little girl loved to play on the swings and they had been there a long time.
Mummy said, "We should go soon. It's getting dark."
But the little girl protested, "No, I want to stay here!" She was having so much fun.
Mummy sighed. She urged the little girl to leave, but the little girl's feelings were too strong.
Mummy was starting to worry. She was worried about the darkness, and that the little girl might get tired and weak. She said, "Come on sweetheart, we must go now."
The little girl felt a bit weak, so finally she agreed to go. Mummy was happy, because she was no longer worried.
A mummy and her little girl called Sarah were getting ready to go on a trip. Sarah watched as her mummy packed a big sack with lots of things.
"What's in that sack, Mummy?" asked Sarah.
Mummy replied, "It's full of lots of fun things that we can take with us on our trip."
Sarah asked, "Can I take my dolly?"
Mummy replied, "Yes of course, but you will have to pack it into the sack yourself."
Sarah was excited and put her dolly safely into the big sack. She looked up at her mummy and smiled.
On the trip, Sarah met lots of friendly people and things she had not seen before. She was having a wonderful time.
When it was time to go home, Sarah remembered that she had put her dolly in the sack and so she checked to make sure it was still there. It was!
Mummy said to her, "Isn't it nice when things are packed up neatly and safely?"
Sarah nodded and smiled.
The moral of the story is to be careful to always pack up things neatly and safely, which helps us to take care of our possessions.
Once there was a mother and her three year old daughter, Molly.
Molly really wanted to sleep in her own bed but her mom said it was still too soon.
Molly remembered that when she was even littler, she used to sleep in a crib.
Molly said, "Mommy, can I sleep in my crib please? It's so little, I think I can fit!"
But mom said no, it was too little and she was too old.
Molly was so sad and asked, "Why can't I sleep in my crib? It's so cozy and fun!"
Mom said, "It's too small, Molly. You're getting so big that you need a big bed now. Come on, I'll have a fun time picking out a big bed with you!"
Molly smiled. She wasn't sure why her crib couldn't be her bed anymore, but it was funny to think of sleeping in a big bed!
Once upon a time there was a kid named Danny. He was playing all alone, but he was not scared.
Suddenly, he saw a big bug. Danny felt fearful and he backed away slowly.
"What do you want?" he asked the bug.
The bug answered, "I want to take a trip on your lip." Danny was surprised, but he agreed. He kissed the bug and closed his eyes.
The bug flew away and Danny finished his journey. Suddenly, he heard a noise—it was the bug coming back.
The bug said, "Thank you for the ride. Now I have to go back to my home. Goodbye."
Danny waved goodbye, and he suddenly realized why the bug wanted to ride on his lip. The bug needed to get back to its family. Danny felt happy and relieved.
Once upon a time there was a crab named Bob. He lived in a big rock by the sea. One day, Bob was walking along the beach and he saw a little girl playing. The girl looked very happy, so Bob decided to greet her.
Bob said, "Hello!"
The girl smiled and said, "Hi there!"
Bob asked, "What are you doing?"
The girl said, "I'm looking for seashells. They are so pretty, and sweet too!"
Then Bob said, "I know of a place that has lots of seashells, right near my rock home. Would you like to come and see?"
The girl was very excited, so she said, "Yes please!"
So Bob and the girl went to Bob's rock home. Sure enough, the beach was full of pretty and sweet seashells. The girl picked up all the shells she could see and thanked Bob for finding them.
Bob said, "You're welcome! I'm glad you're happy."
The girl smiled and gave Bob a big hug.
They said goodbye and the girl ran off, clutching her shell collection close to her heart. Bob watched her go, feeling a great sense of joy. He was glad he could help make someone so happy.
It was a sunny morning and a little girl was taking a walk with her puppy. Her puppy was very excited and pulled at the leash, but the girl was very gentle with him. Suddenly, they heard something and the puppy jumped, making the girl so clumsy that she dropped the leash.
"Oh no!" She said.
The puppy ran off, so the girl started running after him. She ran around the whole park, but she could not find him anywhere. She was about to cry when she finally saw him behind a bush. He was busy cleaning himself.
The girl was so relieved and ran to him. She hugged him tightly and said, "Please don't run away again. I was so scared!"
The puppy looked at her with his big eyes and gave her a big kiss. From then on, she never let go of his leash.
Once there was a bear who loved spicy food. He always used to pick the spiciest of all the food in the village. One day, he was making his usual rounds at the village market when he saw his friend, the rabbit. The bear waved and the rabbit bowed in response.
The bear asked the rabbit what he had in his basket and the rabbit replied, "I'm bringing yummy carrot cake to my grandmother. It's her favourite."
The bear immediately started drooling. He asked the rabbit if he could have some and the rabbit said, "Sure, but it's really spicy. Are you sure you can take such a pain?"
The bear was too excited to wait. He eagerly took the carrot cake and bit into it. Alas! The bear had never tasted such a spicy food before. Suddenly his mouth was on fire and he yelped in pain.
The bear learnt a lesson that day: when it comes to food, not everything that tastes fancy is necessarily best for you.
Once upon a time, there was a brave turtle. She was very small, but full of courage. One day, she decided to explore the big world and find new things.
She started to crawl very slowly. After a while, she saw a small hole under the ground. She wondered what she will find there. She got very excited and started to crawl into the hole.
Once she got in she saw the most amazing thing: thousands of brightly coloured stones and sparkly crystals! She was so excited that she couldn't move.
Suddenly, a small mouse said: "Why hello there little turtle! What are you doing here?". The turtle was so surprised, but she answered: "I'm looking for amazing things!". The mouse smiled: "Well, look no further. You're in the most amazing place!".
The turtle smiled and started to play with the stones and crystals. She forgot about the time, until it got dark and she decided to crawl back home.
The turtle was very happy. She found an amazing place she never knew existed before. Whenever she felt sad, she remembered that magical place she'd seen and smiled.
Once upon a time there was a fat penny. She looked so shiny and beautiful that she made a young boy smile. The boy picked up the penny and decided to take it home with him.
When he arrived home, the boy's mother said, "You can't keep the penny, it doesn't belong to us. You have to return it."
The boy wasn't too happy about that but he had no choice. He slowly walked back to the place where he had found the penny and put it back on the ground.
Suddenly, a fat rat jumped out of nowhere and snatched the penny away. The boy was so surprised that he forgot to chase after the rat.
The boy never saw his penny again. He was very sad.
It was a warm summer day when Billy and his dog, Spot, went for a walk. They continued down the path, hand in hand. As they walked, the waist high grass swayed in the breeze.
Suddenly, Spot spied something shiny in the grass and scrambled to get it. Billy tugged on the leash, but Spot was too excited. Then Billy heard it, a loud 'Slam'. Spot had shut the gate behind him!
Billy dropped the leash and ran to the gate, but it was too late. Spot was nowhere to be seen. Billy was confused. He didn't know what to do.
Luckily, a friendly farmer saw the commotion and helped Billy open the gate. Spot was reunited with Billy and they continued on their walk, hand in hand.
Once upon a time, there was a little boy called Jack. Jack was three years old. He wanted to go out and have some fun.
Every day, Jack's parents would take him to the playground. It was a great place to play. Jack loved ringing the bell and playing with the swings and slides.
One day, Jack heard a strange noise. It sounded like a bell ringing. He looked around and saw a big, red telephone box. Inside was a telephone and it was ringing.
Jack went to his dad and asked, "What is that?"
His dad said, "It's a telephone. Come and rub the buttons. It makes a great sound!"
So, Jack went to the telephone and rubbed the buttons. He was so excited to hear it ring and he kept rubbing the buttons.
The little boy was so happy and he smiled from ear to ear. He said, "This is great!"
Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Jane. She was three years old and she was very curious. One day, she asked her mom if she could have some shrimp for dinner. Her mom said no, because it was too expensive. Jane got angry and demanded shrimp. Her mom said no again and Jane started to cry.
Just then, Jane noticed something pink out of the corner of her eye. It was a magical box with a big, pink shrimp inside. Jane wanted the shrimp more than ever and she demanded it. Her mom was hesitant but she finally agreed that Jane could have it.
Jane was so excited! She clapped her hands and laughed. She thanked her mom, grabbed the pink shrimp and ran outside to play. She was so happy to have a special treat. Jane's mom smiled and felt relieved that Jane was content.
Once upon a time, there lived a girl. She was just three years old and very tidy. Every day, she would clean up her room and make sure everything was in its place. One day, she was cleaning her room when she saw something shiny. She picked it up and saw it was a penny!
She was so excited. She wanted to show it to her mom. She shouted: "Mom! Look!"
Her mom came in. The girl showed her the penny. Her mom smiled and said, "Wow! What a tidy penny. You can keep it safe in your room."
The girl nodded, and put the penny in her drawer. Then, she shut the drawer tightly.
The girl was so happy that she had a shiny penny. She hugged it and thanked her mom for letting her keep it. From then on, she kept her room very tidy so she could keep her penny safe.
Once there was a lady who had a special leg. It was deaf and she never wanted to talk about it.
One day, a little boy asked the lady why her leg was so special. She was surprised he noticed!
The lady smiled and told the boy she was deaf in the leg because she was born that way.
The boy was surprised— he thought it was unusual but very cool! He asked the lady to teach him sign language and she gladly agreed!
The lady taught the boy many things, including how to communicate with people who can’t hear.
From then on, the little boy and the lady shared a special bond— they both knew that being different could be a wonderful thing.
John was walking outside on a warm summer day. He was laughing and feeling happy. Suddenly, he saw a small pile of ash on the ground. He smiled and decided to explore what it was. He bent down and opened the pile of ash. Inside, he saw a little bird. It was still alive, but barely. John smiled and ran to find help for the bird.
He called to a man walking by and asked for help. The man said "No, I don't care. Leave it alone and get away from it." John said "Please help the bird. It needs my help."
The man replied, "No, it's not worth my time. Leave it and go away!" John sadly looked at the bird. He wished he could help it. He smiled and went away.
The little bird died soon after, alone in the pile of ash with no help. John looked back and smiled sadly. He knew that he should have kept trying harder to help.
Once upon a time there was a little girl who was so very careful. One day she went outside to play and she found a caterpillar! She was so excited!
The girl carefully put the caterpillar in her pocket so she could take him home. She stopped and said to the caterpillar, "Let's go home," and the caterpillar smiled.
When they arrived, she put the caterpillar in her garden and said, "You can stay here and have lots of adventures." The caterpillar nodded.
The girl gave the caterpillar a hug and said, "Be careful and remember to stay safe." She watched as the caterpillar crawled away, feeling sure he would have a wonderful time in her garden.
Once upon a time there was a kid named Todd. He was three years old and loved adventure. One day, he decided to sail out to sea on a homemade raft.
Todd hoisted up the sail and it bellowed in the wind. He was scared at first but then he smiled with delight. The sun was shining, the water was glimmering, and he felt like he was on top of the world.
He said loudly to the sea, "This is the best day of my life!"
Suddenly, a giant fish jumped out of the water. "Wow!" Todd called. "It looks like it's trying to play with me."
The fish kept jumping in the air and making loud noises. He jumped and laughed until he was so tired he could barely keep his eyes open. Todd waved goodbye to the giant fish and sailed back to shore.
He thought to himself, "I can't wait for the next time I can sail."
Once upon a time, there was a dependable monkey named James who lived in the woods. He went out every day looking for food and play. All the animals in the forest respected him and always followed his lead.
One day James heard a strange noise coming from the top of the tallest tree. He asked his friends what it was and they told him it sounded like a x-ray machine. James wanted to find out what it was, so he started climbing up the tree.
When he got to the top of the tree, James saw a man was spraying a weird powder all around. The man noticed James and said "Hey kid, don't you never spray anything without thinking first. It could be dangerous".
James understood the message and thanked the man for his advice. From then on James was more thoughtful when it came to taking risks. He remembered that being dependable is the most important thing to be.
The moral of the story is to always be careful when taking risks and to trust yourself when it comes to making decisions. Always remember to be dependable!
Once upon a time there were two friends, Jack and Jill. They were walking in the woods when they saw a turkey.
“Let’s get the turkey!" said Jack.
Jill was scared so she said, “No. That turkey is too fast. We won’t be able to get it."
Jack didn’t give up and said, “I can get the turkey if I run fast."
Jack ran fast, but the turkey ran faster. Then something amazing happened. Jack received help from a friendly animal! The animal ran after the turkey and caught it.
Jack was very happy and said, “Thank you for helping me get the turkey.”
The animal smiled and said, “You’re welcome. Now you can enjoy the turkey. Have a good day!”
Jack and Jill received the turkey and ran home. They had a wonderful dinner that day and were very happy.
Once upon a time there was a brilliant engine who lived in a car. One day, the car drove to a special place with a lot of cars. The engine met many other engines. They all said hello and introduced themselves.
One engine was especially friendly. His name was Alfie and he was just like the others but he was even more brilliant. The engine was so excited to meet Alfie.
The engine said to Alfie, “ Hi, I’m the engine. I’m so glad to meet you!”
Alfie smiled and said, “Glad to meet you too! Let’s be friends.”
So, the engine and Alfie became the best of friends. From then on, the engine was never alone and was always happy.
Sam was a curious little three-year-old, who loved going on adventures. One day, while walking outside, he noticed a big, gloomy looking door. A chill ran down his spine, but his curiosity was stronger. He tip-toed closer, and peeked inside.
Suddenly, he saw something strange. It was big and white, and had funny long arms and strange long fingers. Sam was a bit scared, until it spoke.
"Don't be afraid," said the skeleton. "My name is Skeleton. I live in this dark, gloomy room, and I'm looking for a friend to play with - someone like you!"
Sam was so excited. "I'll be your friend," he said, shouting and jumping up and down. He couldn't believe he was playing with a skeleton.
Since then, Sam and Skeleton have been the best of friends. They play every day, and Sam tells him about all his adventures outside. Skeleton loves hearing about them, and since then, his room isn't so gloomy anymore.
Bob needed to go the bathroom. He ran down the hallway and into the bathroom. It was really hot in the bathroom; the sun was beating down on the windows. It made Bob feel warm and uncomfortable.
Bob went over to the faucet and tried to turn it on. But the water wouldn't come out. Bob knew that something was wrong with it, so he called for his mom.
"Mom! The water won't come out! What should I do?" he said.
"It needs to be improved," said his mom. "It looks like it's broken."
Bob was disappointed. He didn't like the idea of having no water in the bathroom. He knew that it wouldn't be fixed until his mom paid someone to fix it.
So Bob had to find another way to solve his problem. He looked around but there wasn't anything else he could use. Bob was upset, but there was nothing else he could do. He hoped that the bathroom would get better soon, but it looked like he would have to wait.
Once upon a time, there was a brave prince. He loved to learn swordfighting. Every day he would go practice with his teacher.
One day his teacher said he was ready to learn the secret of the sword. The prince watched carefully as the teacher taught him. He learned quickly and the teacher was impressed.
As the prince was leaving, the teacher said, "Remember to share the secret with no one!" The prince promised he would not.
The prince practiced with his sword every day. Everyone was amazed how fast he was learning and how good he was getting.
The prince's friends became envious of him and wanted to learn the secret too. But the prince kept his promise and did not teach them.
The prince kept improving and his friends kept coming back asking him to teach them. But the prince just smiled and kept practicing.
Paul was feeling very happy. Today he was meeting his old friends from his childhood. Paul was excited to see them again as it had been a long time. When he arrived, he was reminded of all the fun they used to have together.
Paul said, "Do you remember when we used to play together in this park? It was so much fun!" All of his friends nodded and started laughing.
His friends suggested they should keep in touch, so they decided to create a network. This way, they could always stay in touch, no matter where they were in the world. They wanted to make sure that their network was reliable so they exchanged emails, telephone numbers and addresses.
Paul was delighted. "This is a great idea! Now, we always have a way to stay connected". His friends agreed and all of them hugged before saying goodbye. Paul couldn't believe how lucky he was. He was reminded of how wonderful it was to have such reliable friends.
Mia was walking in the forest. She heard something that made her stop and listen. Was it a bird chirping? No, it sounded like whistling. She looked around and saw a strange man. He was holding a spear and looking very sad.
Mia ran up to him. "Hello!" she said.
The man jumped and looked up. "Oh! I'm so sorry," he said. "I was just walking and the sun was so warm and I was feeling so lonely that I started to whistle."
"It's OK," said Mia. "I like to whistle too. Will you be my friend?"
The man smiled. "Yes I would love to be your friend," he said.
Mia and the man were now best friends. They enjoyed walking in the forest and whistling together. Whenever the man felt sad, Mia would hug him and say, "It's OK. Everything will be alright."
The man was so happy to have such a wonderful friend. He knew he would never feel alone again.
John was in the park with his Mom. He loved the park and he was always looking out for animals. Suddenly, he saw something in the distance - it was a big, green dinosaur! John was so excited so he couldn't help running towards it.
John's Mom yelled after him and warned him to stop. She said to John, "The dinosaur is not available John. You cannot go near it."
John stopped and looked at the dinosaur. He couldn't believe that a real, living dinosaur was right in front of him. He wanted to get closer but he listened to his Mom and stayed where he was.
John waved goodbye to the dinosaur as he and his Mom left the park. John was happy to have seen a dinosaur and he smiled the whole way home, thinking about his special sighting.
Once upon a time, there lived a little girl named Kate. She was 3 years old and loved to play with her toys. One day, she was playing with her stuffed cat, when she noticed a red spike on the ground. She picked it up and looked at it curiously.
"What is this little thing?" she asked her mom. Her mom smiled and said, "It's a printing spike. It can help you print your own stories and pictures."
Kate was very excited to hear this, so she tried to print something. She carefully pressed the spike onto her paper and, sure enough, a nice red print was made. "Wow!" she said with excitement. From then on, she used the printing spike to make all kinds of stories, pictures and designs.
Kate and her family were so proud of her. She had made so many red prints with her spike. From that day onwards, Kate was known as the printing queen.
Once upon a time, there was a clumsy mole who lived in a big field. He was a very clumsy mole, and he was always tripping over his feet.
One day, the mole's best friend, a squirrel, came over for a visit. The mole was excited and asked his friend, "What should we do?"
The squirrel answered, "Let's cover things with leaves!"
The mole thought it was a great idea, so they spent the day covering things like rocks, trees, and even a hole in the ground with colorful leaves.
When they were done, the mole was tired and said, "This is fun! Let's do it again!"
The squirrel laughed and said, "Sure, let's do it tomorrow!"
The End.
Once an day, Jimmy and his mum went to the park. Jimmy was so excited to go on a special adventure. He saw a big wheel and wanted to go on it. Together he and his mum hopped on the wheel and soon it began to zoom around!
Jimmy was so delighted to go so high, he started to laugh and waved at the birds flying around him. Eventually the wheel stopped and the operator gave Jimmy a prize for his bravery! Jimmy was so excited to receive a prize that he ran around the park in celebration.
On the way home, Jimmy's mum was a little frustrated. She wanted to find a shortcut to get home quicker, but no matter which way they went they seemed to end up back at the park. Frustrated she decided to take the long way home.
Jimmy didn't mind though and zoomed right by his mum all the way home, clutching his prize close. From that day Jimmy knew that he would always have an adventure with his mum!
Once there was a girl named Sally who loved to dance. She was always moving around her house, singing and dancing. One night when Sally was dancing, her mom came in and put her to bed.
Before Sally went to sleep, she thought about dancing and imagined a peaceful place where she could dance forever. She closed her eyes and imagined a beautiful place full of trees and flowers. In the middle of the forest was a big, open grassy area where Sally could do her favorite dance.
Sally knew that if she slept well, she would be able to go to her peaceful place and dance the next day. So she went to sleep feeling peaceful and happy.
In the morning, Sally got to dance in her secret place. She moved around, twirling and jumping, smiling and laughing. As she danced, a warm breeze made her dance even more and she felt a peaceful feeling inside her heart.
Sally danced until she was tired and then she hugged herself and said: "I love to dance in my peaceful place, it makes me feel so happy."
One sunny day, Jimmy found an old bicycle in the grass. It was hairy with lots of rust. He couldn't wait to try it! Jimmy ran to get his older brother Dave, who was very happy to help him.
"Let's push it to the street," said Dave. So they both grabbed the handle bars and pushed the old bicycle.
Suddenly, they heard a loud noise. It was Jimmy's dad! "You kids stop right now!" he said in a angry voice. Jimmy and Dave were scared.
But it was too late. When they looked down, they saw that a strange hairy creature surged out of the bike. It had sharp teeth and long claws. Then it angrily growled at Jimmy and Dave.
The two brothers ran away in terror, leaving the old bicycle behind. They never saw it again, or the creature that had grown out of it.
Once upon a time there lived a shy little girl named Denise. Denise loved adventures and playing outside. One day Denise went to the beach and asked her mom if she could swim in the ocean. Her mom said to be careful, because there might be a hurricane coming.
Denise's mom was worried, but Denise wasn't scared. She felt like she could do anything. So Denise kept playing and swimming in the ocean.
After a while her mom noticed there was a storm coming. She yelled for Denise to come back and get out of the water. But Denise wanted to keep swimming. She wanted to prove that storms couldn't stop her.
Suddenly the scariness of the hurricane came closer and the waves were getting bigger and bigger. Denise was so frightened that she started to cry.
Her mom ran to Denise and said, "Honey, you were so brave, but you should always listen to me so you don't get hurt. You can be brave, but still be careful."
Denise hugged her mom and felt relieved. She had learned a very important lesson that day – you can be brave, but it's important to listen to the advice of others.
Once upon a time, there was a naughty little mouse. His name was Peter. Peter liked to play all day and never listen to his mom.
One day, Peter took a walk in the forest. Suddenly, he saw something that made him blink - a secret door! He ran quickly to the door and peeked inside.
"Oh wow!" Peter said.
"Who goes there?" a voice said from inside.
Peter was so scared that he couldn't say a word. After a few moments, the voice spoke again.
"If you want to enter this secret door, you must answer a riddle. If you can't answer it, you must go away."
Peter thought for a minute and then asked, "What is the answer?"
The voice replied, "Beware the naughty ones!"
Peter smiled and said, "I know the answer! I'm naughty, but I'm also very curious! May I enter please?"
The voice laughed and said, "Yes, you may come in and explore the secret door!"
And so, Peter did. He explored the secret door with great curiosity and had many adventures!
Once upon a time there was a small bunny called Alice. Alice liked to do things all by herself. She was very independent. One day Alice went to visit her friend. When she arrived there was a big fridge in the middle of the room. Alice had a great idea. She opened the fridge and found a big surprise. She saw yummy ice cream. She wanted to eat it all by herself, so she grabbed a bowl and the ice cream. She closed the fridge and enjoyed her ice cream. She remembered to always be independent.
The next day Alice and her friend were playing outside. Alice saw a fridge in the garden. She was so excited and rushed over. She opened it and saw something sparkly. It was a magic wand! Instinctively, Alice remembered what to do with the wand - make a wish. She closed the fridge and made her wish. She wished to always remember to be independent. In that moment, she felt so special.
Alice will never forget the magical moment when she found the magic wand in the fridge, and she will always remember to be independent.
Once upon a time, there were two bears, Bob and Jenny. Bob was a young bear, and Jenny was an old bear. They were discussing the summer day.
"The sun is shining brightly and it's making the blossoms in the trees sparkle," said Jenny.
Bob looked at the ground and noticed the dust near his paws. "What's this dust?" he asked Jenny, pointing towards the dirt.
Jenny smiled. "That dust is from the old path," she said. "It's been here for many, many years."
Bob smiled back. He thought about the years that had gone by and how young he still was.
"Let's go find some new adventures!" he said with excitement.
And so they did. They explored the woods and enjoyed their summer day together.
Once upon a time there was a little girl, who was very excited. She loved playing outside, especially in her garden. One day, when she was playing in the garden, she spotted something unusual. She saw a vine had started growing up one of the walls near her window.
"Wow, that's so cool!" the little girl exclaimed.
The vine kept growing and when the little girl returned to the garden, the vine had changed - it had now covered the entire wall!
The little girl was so excited that she ran inside to get some help. She quickly found her mommy and told her about the vine.
"Mommy, I want to climb the vine!" the little girl said, hopping from one foot to the other.
Her mommy smiled and said, "Okay, but be careful!"
The little girl carefully climbed the vine to the top of the wall, and she was so proud of herself. She was excited to have done something so special and was looking forward to doing it again!
It was a hot summer day.
Lucy and her mom were out in the yard.
Lucy's mom was gardening and Lucy was playing with a ball.
Suddenly, Lucy's ball rolled towards the house and stopped at the back door.
Lucy went over to get the ball, but it was stuck in the door.
She called out to her mom, "Mommy, help!"
Her mom said, "I'm busy right now, but try to open the door yourself."
Lucy tried to open the door, but it wouldn't move. She was getting frustrated.
So she leaned her shoulder against the door and pushed as hard as she could.
Suddenly, the door opened revealing a filthy freezer.
It was filled with old food and had a nasty smell.
Lucy was so surprised that she jumped back. She asked, "Mommy, what is this?"
Her mom said, "It's a freezer, Lucy. We need to clean it up."
Lucy grabbed her mom's hand and said, "We can make it look like new!"
And so, with a lot of effort, Lucy and her mom cleaned the freezer until it looked brand new.
When they were done, Lucy smiled in satisfaction — her job was complete.
Mommy and Daddy were eating dinner. Mommy said, "What do you want for dinner?" Daddy looked at the menu and said, "I can't decide. It looks difficult to choose."
Then Daddy had an idea. He said, "Let's play a game. I'll count to three and on three you will forget everything you were thinking."
Mommy said, "Ok, that sounds fun!"
So Daddy started counting, "One, two, three!" As soon as he said three, Mommy forgot everything and said, "I don't know what I want!"
Daddy smiled and said, "How about the mac and cheese?" Mommy smiled too and said, "Yes, that sounds good!"
So Daddy and Mommy ordered the mac and cheese for dinner. They both enjoyed it and had a happy evening together.
Once upon a time there was a little girl called Lacy. She was very happy, playful and loved to explore her world.
Every day, Lacy had lots of fun as she played in her backyard. She always ran around the garden with the sun shining on her back.
One day, when Lacy was playing outside, she heard something in the bushes. She looked around and saw a small furry creature looking back at her. It was a tiny little fox, just like she had seen on TV. She was so excited and shouted, "Mine!"
The fox, who was also very playful, didn't run away and even came closer. Lacy started petting the fox and ever since then, the fox became her best friend.
From that day onward, Lacy and the fox went on many adventures together, running and playing through the garden and discovering the world around them.
Little did Lacy know that one day, the fox would protect her from danger. But that's a story for another day!
Once upon a time, there was a chubby little girl called Daisy. Daisy loved her mummy and daddy very much, and she spent every day playing with them.
One day, Daisy went to play in the garden. While she was there, she found a beautiful crystal lying in the grass. It glittered in the sunshine and Daisy thought it was magical. She wanted to keep it for herself.
Daisy put it in her pocket and ran back to the house to show mummy and daddy. But when she got there, she saw that someone had disturbed the living room. Everything was in a mess and her parents were nowhere to be seen.
Poor Daisy started to cry. She was scared and she didn't know what had happened. She was so upset that she dropped the crystal and it made a loud noise when it hit the ground.
At that moment, the bad robbers returned to the house. The crystal made them angry and they chased Daisy out of the house.
They never saw Daisy again. Her parents were so sad that she was gone. Daisy's chubby little face never returned to the house again.
"What are you doing grandma?" asked Charles.
"I'm adding yarn" said grandma.
"Wow! What a lot of yarn!" said Charles.
He watched as grandma wound the high yarn around her fingers and added more.
"Why are you making yarn?" asked Charles.
"I'm making a special scarf for your mom's birthday," said grandma.
Charles smiled.
"Can I help you add the yarn?" he asked.
Grandma smiled and gave Charles some yarn to add.
They spent the rest of the afternoon adding the yarn together. They laughed and sang as they worked.
At the end of the day, the scarf was finished. It was a long, high scarf, full of many colors.
Charles was so proud of the finished scarf. "That looks wonderful" said Charles.
Grandma smiled. "It sure does," she said. "It was so nice to have your help in adding the yarn. You did a great job."
Ben and his dad walked through the swamp. Everywhere there were logs lying around. Dad was looking for a perfect log to take home.
"Where's the perfect log?", Dad asked Ben.
Ben looked around. Everywhere was wet and somebody had put lots of logs there.
Dad became impatient. "Maybe if we struggle to find the log it will help," Dad said.
Ben started feeling around the logs and pushing them to see which was the perfect log for Dad. At last, Ben found the perfect log and gave it to Dad.
Dad was so happy. He thanked Ben for his help. Together they took the log home.
Once upon a time, there lived a young girl. Her name was Molly and she was three years old. Molly's mummy was so proud of her daughter.
One day, Molly was feeling a bit wild. She wanted to do something daring. So, she asked her Mum, "Mummy, can I wear a skirt?"
Mummy thought carefully and then suggested, "Why don't you try wearing a shorts? Wearing a skirt is a bit difficult."
Molly thought this was a great idea. She got very excited and ran to her wardrobe to find a nice pair of shorts
Mummy and John were in the park. John was eating his ice-cream, while Mummy was talking to a friend. Suddenly, John felt embarrassed as he saw everyone around them staring at him. He quickly tried to hide the ice-cream behind his back.
Mummy noticed his embarrassment and asked, "What's wrong, John?"
John replied, "They are all looking at me."
Mummy smiled and said, "That's normal, the ice-cream is yummy, why don't you show it to them?"
John reluctantly put the ice-cream back in his hand and tried to smile, but the other children kept staring at him. He felt even more embarrassed and started to cry.
Mummy hugged him and said, "That's ok, everyone makes mistakes. Let's go home now."
John sadly nodded and Mummy took him home. The ice-cream was all gone, but the embarrassment he felt was not.
Jack and Jill were walking up the hill. Jack said to Jill, "I am thirsty. Let's get some water from the river."
They quickly ran to the riverbank. Jack was surprised to see the river was dry! He asked Jill, "What are we going to do now?"
Jill pointed to an old man in a tip. She said, "That man might be able to help us."
Jack and Jill ran to the old man. He said, "Don't worry children, I can supply you with some water." He then took out a bottle of cool and refreshing water.
Jack and Jill thanked the old man, and he said, "You children should always remember to be helpful and kind to others." They said goodbye and walked away with their water.
Jack and Jill enjoyed their cool and dry water, and they were thankful they had been able to find help.
Once upon a time, Mummy, Daddy and their daughter, Isabel, sat down at the dinner table. Daddy looked at Isabel and asked her what she wanted to discuss. She smiled and said she wanted to talk about something unusual.
Mummy and Daddy started to discuss dinner and Isabel heard them talk about something unusual. She wondered what it was and asked them what it was. Mummy said that it was a special dinner that she had cooked. She had put lots of unusual ingredients together, like carrots, celery and some strange spices.
Isabel was very excited and couldn't wait to see what it tasted like. Mummy smiled and said the dinner was a surprise and that Isabel would have to wait until it was ready. After a short while, Mummy brought in the dinner. When Isabel saw it, her eyes went wide. It looked so delicious!
Mummy asked Isabel what she thought of the dinner. Isabel said it was the most unusual dinner she had ever seen. She tried a bit of everything and said it tasted delicious.
Mummy, Daddy and Isabel all smiled as they enjoyed the dinner together. Every time they ate dinner after that, Isabel would always ask if there was something unusual to talk about!
Henry loved to learn about the world. He loved to watch people and see what they did. One day, Henry went for a walk and saw a smooth lake. He wanted to learn how to swim but he had some trouble. He kept trying, but he couldn't get the hang of it.
After many attempts, he got frustrated. He felt like giving up. But he kept trying until he finally learned how to swim. He was so proud when he could swim smoothly. He learned that if he worked hard and kept trying, he could achieve anything. He learned a valuable lesson that day.
Once there was an old man. He saw an old brick and thought it would be fun to take it home to play with. So he went to steal it.
He was hiding behind a tree when he heard someone coming. He saw it was a little girl. She looked at the old brick and said, "That'll be nice to have for building my house."
The old man said, "You can't take that. I'm going to steal it for myself."
The little girl replied, "Well, you can't do that. That's not nice."
The old man thought for a minute. Then he said, "How about I share it with you? We can both have it and play together."
The little girl smiled and said, "Yes, that sounds fun!"
So they both took the old brick home and had lots of fun building together.
The sun showed its face in the morning sky and it shone brightly. The birds flew up to the sky and sang their happy song.
Then, a little girl named Lucy came out of her house and looked up. She saw the bright sun and the fluffy clouds. She was so happy that she jumped up with excitement!
Lucy: "Look at the beautiful clouds! I wish I could go up and touch them!"
Suddenly, there was a rumble in the sky. Something had blocked out the sun and the sky had become dark.
Lucy looked up and saw that a big selfish cloud had come between the sun and the sky.
Lucy: "No, not that selfish cloud! Get away!"
But the selfish cloud didn't move. It just stayed there and blocked out the sun.
Lucy was sad and she slowly walked back to her house. The sun slowly returned and the sky became sunny and bright once again.
Lucy was surprised that the selfish cloud had gone away. She was so happy that she smiled and shouted in joy.
Lucy: "Yay! Thank goodness the selfish cloud is gone!"
Once upon a time, there was a girl. She was very excited, because her mom had just given her a surprise. It was a special present—a red pedal car! She could go anywhere she wanted with it. Her mom also said she had to be organized when driving it.
The girl was a bit scared at first, but then she felt brave. She thought it looked fun, so she asked her mom if she could go for a drive. Her mom said yes and gave her a permit to be in the streets.
The girl put on her helmet and safety vest, then she hopped into her pedal car. She started pedaling as soon as she could. She was so happy and excited to explore the world and feel the wind in her face.
She drove around the town, meeting all kinds of people. She went over the hills, up and down the roads, and everywhere felt different. Everyone said hello and waved to her, and it made her smile.
By the end of the day, the girl felt so proud. She drove the pedal car so well, and it was all because her mom had taught her how to be organized. She thanked her mom for the special present and promised to be careful when outside in the streets.
The girl then grabbed her permit and her special pedal car, hopped in, and drove off into the sunset.
Little Jack was so proud of his igloo. It was the biggest one in the neighbourhood and he had worked so hard on it with his dad.
Little Jack's dad called to him from the porch. "Let's go for a walk!" he said.
Jack eagerly jumped up and ran over. "Where will we go?" he asked.
Dad smiled. "Let's go and visit the Arctic Igloos," he replied.
Little Jack was so excited. He ran ahead of his dad as they made their way to the igloo village. As they got closer and closer, they could see all the igloos in their bright colours.
Little Jack gasped in amazement. Dad pointed to the biggest one in the village. "I bet that's the most important one," he said.
Little Jack smiled. His dad was right. He ran ahead and urged his dad to follow. As they got closer, Jack could see his dad's proud smile.
Once upon a time there was a heavy truck. The truck belonged to a man called Ben. One day, the truck stopped working, so Ben took it to a mechanic.
When Ben arrived at the mechanic's shop, the mechanic told him that the truck had frozen. He said it needed fixing before Ben could drive it away.
Ben asked the mechanic, "Can you fix it?"
The mechanic looked at the truck and said, "Yes, I will fix it. But it will take me some time."
So Ben left the truck at the mechanic's shop and came back a few days later.
When he arrived, the mechanic said, "It is fixed! You can drive your truck away now."
Ben was so happy. He drove the truck home, and it never froze again.
Once upon a time there were two friends, Jack and Lea. They were playing in the park one day when Jack said, "Let's do an exercise!"
Lea said, "What's an exercise?"
Jack said, "It's a rare thing that we can measure. It's a thing that makes us feel strong and happy. It's fun!"
The two friends ran around in circles, then jumped up and clapped their hands. After that, they sat down and counted the number of jumps they had done. Then Jack said, "We did a big exercise! Let's do more!"
The two friends continued to have fun while they did their exercises. And they felt very proud of themselves when they measured their progress.
The end.
Once upon a time there was a little girl called Max. Max loved to play outside in the sunshine. One day, while she was playing, a big bad monster appeared. The monster had three heads and wiggly arms.
Max was scared and wanted to run away. But the monster offered her some sweets. "If you come a bit closer, I can give you some nice sweets," said the monster.
Max was still scared and didn't want to get too close. But then the monster said, "I won't hurt you. I just want to give you a gentle touch to show I'm a nice monster." Max could see the monster looked different than usual monsters and decided to take a closer look.
She reached out to take the sweets and noticed the monster was giving her a gentle touch instead of a bad one. Max started to feel much better. After that, they became friends and they would often play together in the sunshine.
Once upon a time there was a little girl called Amy. She was three years old and she had a pet puppy. The puppy was very playful and always running around the garden. But one day, Amy's mommy put up a fence in the garden made of wire. It was very high and the puppy was sad that she couldn't play as much anymore.
That night, Amy noticed the puppy outside the fence, trying to get back in the garden. She asked her mommy why the puppy couldn't get in, and her mommy said the fence was there to make sure the puppy behaved.
Amy felt frustrated. Even though she understood why the fence was there, she wanted to make her puppy happy. And so she decided to find a way for her puppy to still have fun.
The next day, Amy and her puppy went for a walk and she discovered a park with lots of wide open spaces and interesting toys. She brought the puppy to this park everyday so that it could have fun and use up its energy.
Amy was very happy that she had solved the problem. Her puppy was behaving and was happy again.
Once upon a time there was a young girl who lived in a small house. One day she decided to go for a walk in the woods near her house. While she was walking, she saw a small door in the ground. She used all her strength to push it open and saw some stairs that led up to an attic.
She went up the stairs and when she entered the attic, she saw someone. He was dressed in all black and he looked like he was in a hurry. He spoke to the young girl, "You should not be here. Hurry, go back the way you came".
The young girl was scared and she quickly ran back the way she had come. But before she could get very far away, the man chasing her appeared. He was coming closer and closer.
The young girl started to cry and she ran faster, but she couldn't outrun the man. He quickly caught up to her and grabbed her.
The young girl was never seen again.
One day there was a clever radio. It sang lovely songs and made everyone happy. But then something strange happened. The radio began to split in two. It split and split until the pieces were very small. Everyone was so sad to see their clever radio fall apart. But then a very special thing happened. A man came and fixed the radio, and soon it was singing again. Everyone was so happy and cheered that their clever radio was back!
Minnie was a three year old girl who loved to explore. One day, she decided to investigate an old house in the woods. As she started to look around, she noticed a message written on the door - it said "tough times ahead". Minnie was confused by this, but she knew it was something important.
She kept exploring and soon she heard a man's voice. He was talking about something called a "message". Minnie had no idea what he meant and she walked up to him to ask. He explained to her that a message was a way to tell someone about something important.
Minnie was still a bit confused but the man reassured her and said, "Whenever you miss someone, you can send them a message." He showed her how to write a message and soon Minnie was on her way with a note in her pocket.
When she got home, she shared the note with her family who hugged her tight and said: "We always miss you when you're away". Minnie smiled, feeling extra special and safe. She had learned an important lesson - tough times can be made better with a simple message.
Once upon a time there was a car. The car was slow and it made the driver feel sad. The driver said, "I wish I could make my car go faster."
The driver's friend said, "I have an idea, let's try to improve your car!"
The driver was so happy. The friend and the driver began to work on the car. First, they made sure the wheels were tight. Then, they put some new oil in the engine so it would run better.
When they finished, the driver started the car to see how it ran. The car roared to life and drove faster than before. The driver and his friend were so happy!
The driver said, "I knew we could improve my car!" They were both so proud of their work. Now the driver can get where he needs to go faster.
Once upon a time, there lived a little boy named Jimmy. One cold day, Jimmy was playing with a knife in his yard. He thought it was fun to use the knife to cut things.
Out of the corner of his eye, Jimmy saw his dad, who said to him, "Jimmy, knives are not toys. You must be very careful with them, or you could get hurt!"
Jimmy was scared and put the knife away. From then on, he was more careful whenever he was holding a knife.
The moral of the story is that we should always increase our care and caution when using sharp objects like knives.
Once upon a time there was a girl called Emma. Emma was very obedient. One morning, Emma went into her classroom. As she entered, she saw her teacher sat at the desk. Emma said “Hello teacher” and smiled. The teacher smiled back and said, “Hello Emma, it's nice to see you.”
Emma walked over to the desk and put her bag down. She had some pencils in her bag.
The teacher said, “Emma, I want you to be obedient and write your name on the whiteboard.” Emma nodded and started to write her name carefully.
When she had finished, the teacher said, “Well done, Emma. You have been very obedient. You can sit back down at the desk now.” Emma smiled and went back to her desk. She was proud of herself for being obedient. She was happy to be in her classroom.
Once upon a time there was a girl called Molly. She was three years old and loved learning new things. One day she saw something new, she did not know what it was called. It was a big green thing. She asked her mother, "What is that thing?" Her mother smiled and said: "It's called a plant. Would you like to learn about it?"
Molly was very excited and said: "Yes, please!" Her mother introduced her to the plant and explained how to take care of it. She said: "You need to water it every day, so it will stay healthy". Molly really wanted to make her new plant happy.
Every day, she would water the plant and scream out happiness whenever she saw it grow. She was so happy when she saw the plant grow bigger and bigger. She was very persistent in taking care of the plant, and she never stopped. Finally, the plant blossomed and Molly was so proud. From then on, Molly introduced her plant to everyone she knew.
Once upon a time, there were two people who were very happy - their names were Jack and Jane.
They loved each other very much, and so they decided to get married. They had a big party, and all the people at the party were happy and excited.
After they got married, Jack and Jane went to sleep in their cozy bed. They were so tired from all the excitement that they fell asleep very quickly.
The next morning, Jack and Jane woke up and hugged each other. They were very happy because they were married now, and they loved each other very much.
Jack and Jane were so happy that they went back to sleep, cuddling each other. So they slept and stayed very tired, but they were still very happy and in love.
The end.
Once upon a time, there was a bear. The bear was walking through the woods when he heard a loud snap. He looked around and saw a curtain hanging down from a branch. He was curious, so he went to see what had made the noise. There, he found a little mouse. The poor mouse had gotten its tail caught on a twig and had snapped it off. The bear was very sad, he could tell the mouse was hurt.
He looked around and found a soft leaf to wrap up the mouse's tail. He kept it safe until the mouse felt better. Then, he hung the curtain over a branch to make a cozy home for the mouse. The mouse thanked the bear and said goodbye as he scampered off into the woods. The bear was glad he was able to help the little mouse and make sure it didn't get hurt anymore.
John was a little boy. He loved to go outside to play with the birds and trees. One day, he went out to the park. The sun was shining and the trees were blowing in the wind.
John felt so powerful. He felt like he could fly. He started to run and jump around and feel graceful like a bird.
Suddenly, John fell to the ground. He cried out for help. A man came running to help him.
The man spoke, “You were being too brave and over confident. You cannot use your power like that.”
John felt sad. He learned a lesson he would never forget. He knew he had to be more careful.
John never went outside to play again. He was too scared to feel the powerful, graceful energy again.
Once upon a time there was a thin tower. It was so tall that it stretched up into the clouds. Every day a girl would come and stare up at it.
She enjoyed watching it, and the tower seemed to watch her back. One day, the girl couldn't take her eyes off the tower. There was a feeling in her gut that something special was about to happen.
The girl made a wish. Suddenly, a loud boom filled the sky. The tower was beginning to fall! It was tumbling slowly to the ground.
The girl had been wishing that the tower would get closer so she could touch it. And her wish had come true! The tower came so close that the girl could reach up and touch it.
The girl felt happy and amazed. This was the best day ever!
Once there was a boy named Jack. He was three years old and he loved playing with his friends. One day, he was walking in the park when he saw a glove on the ground. He picked it up and asked himself, "Whose glove is this?"
He looked around but there was no one in sight. Then he came upon an old man and asked, "Excuse me, sir, can you answer me? Whose glove is this?"
The old man smiled and said "Ah, this glove belongs to me. I must have dropped it while I was walking. Thank you for finding it."
Jack was happy that he solved the mystery of the glove. But then he remembered something. He asked the old man, "Can I have your glove? It's so soft and looks very easy to use."
The old man thought for a moment and then said, "Yes, you may have the glove. I think it would make a wonderful present for you."
Jack smiled and thanked the old man. From then on, he kept the glove with him everywhere he went!
Once upon a time, there was a pretty kitty who lived with its mommy in a nice home. The kitty was always so careful, but one day it noticed something strange. A thief had snuck into their home while they were sleeping. The kitty grazed the furry creature and soon realized it was not its mommy.
The thief was scared, so it quickly ran away. The kitty jumped up and chased after it. The thief could not get away fast enough, but it was still able to make it far away. Mommy came out of the house and saw the kitty gone. She called for her, but the kitty was too far away and couldn't hear.
Mommy searched the entire neighborhood, but she couldn't recognize the thief or the kitty. She started to get scared and soon worried that the thief had taken away her pretty kitty. After much searching, she sadly went home without the kitty. The kitty never returned home and was never seen again.
One day, a little boy was playing in his garden. He was excited to feel the sun on his face and the grass beneath his feet. Suddenly, he noticed a spider crawling towards him. He became scared and started to move away.
The spider started chasing the little boy, who ran back and forth, looking for a place to hide. He was frustrated that the spider kept following him. Just then, the boy's mother appeared. She said, "What is going on here?"
The little boy replied, "Mummy, there's a spider chasing me. I don't like it."
His mother smiled and said, "That's okay. Spiders won't hurt you. Just try and stay calm and relax."
The little boy tried to take a deep breath and slowly, he began to feel less scared. He said, "Okay, I'm not scared anymore." The spider soon stopped chasing him and he was no longer frustrated. He smiled and said, "Thank you, Mummy!"
Mary and James were happily playing together in the summer sunshine. Mary thought to herself that summer was very attractive. She smiled, then said to James, "Let's add something to our game."
"What should we add?" asked James.
"What about if we pretend there is a cave under the tree, and we have to explore it. We can take a stick and a pretend map!" Mary replied.
James's eyes lit up with excitement. "That sounds great!"
Mary and James gathered some sticks and stones, and began their adventures. They pretended they were discovering all kinds of things in their pretend cave, and enjoyed their game so much they didn't want to stop.
The two friends made up amazing stories as they explored, adding new ideas to their game. Summer was the best time to adventure together and have lots of fun!
Once there was a very shy 3 year old named Andy. He liked to play with his many teddy bears, but he wasn't sure what to do when he was outside. One day, Andy's mom took him to the park.
Andy was scared and didn't want to join the other kids. His mom said, "Come on, Andy. You will learn something here, and it will be fun too!"
At first, Andy was hesitant, but eventually, he gathered his courage and went to the playground. He felt a bit dull there, but he soon found out that he could make new friends. In addition, he was able to learn all kinds of things in the park.
Each day, Andy spent time in the park with his new friends. He learned how to climb up a tall slide, prices of different things he saw, how to swing with grace, and more.
When it was time to leave, Andy was sad. He thanked his mom and said, "I want to come to the park everyday. It was really fun to learn so many things here!"
It was a hot day and Sandy and her mommy were at the park. Sandy blinked in the bright sunlight and looked around. Everything was so much fun.
Suddenly, Sandy saw a butterfly fluttering in the sky. She was mesmerized. She started to walk towards it when her mommy yelled "wait, Sandy!"
Sandy stopped and looked back at her mommy. Her mommy blinked and smiled. "Let's go and have a picnic," she said.
So they spread a blanket on the grass and unpacked the food. While they ate, the butterfly flew down and landed on Sandy's shoulder. Sandy gasped in surprise and smiled. She closed her eyes and blinked slowly. She felt so happy.
Afterwards, Sandy and her mommy packed everything away and headed home. Sandy couldn't stop smiling. She promised herself that she would always remember that special day at the park.
Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tom. Tom loved to look up at the sky every night. He would often see a comet speeding by and it would always make him happy.
One night, Tom was a bit worried because he couldn't see the comet. He asked his mom, "Mom, where is the comet? Why can't I see it?" His mom smiled warmly and said, "Don't worry, Tom. It will rise again soon."
Tom was confused. He asked, "What does that mean?" His mom explained, "It means that it will appear again. Everyone and everything has their ups and downs, just like the comet. Just be patient and it will come back to us."
Tom nodded and looked up at the night sky. He was no longer worried. He knew that everything will come back even if it seems to be gone for a while.
Tom had learned a valuable lesson from his mom: don't worry even if something is gone for a while. It will rise again.
Kari was so excited. She was going to the park. "Mum, can I take the blocks?" She asked.
Mum said yes and gave Kari a bag full of blocks.
At the park, Kari found a big tree and sat in the shade. Then she looked around and noticed another child playing with some blocks.
Kari was jealous. She wanted to play with the blocks, too. She began to cry.
The other child came over to Kari. "You can play with me," he said. Kari felt much better and was very happy.
The two of them played with the blocks together. They built a tower that was very tall. Kari was so proud of what they had built.
Mum watched them from a distance and smiled. She said, "I'm so glad you found a friend to play with."
Jimmy was swinging in the playground. He loved being high up in the air and how it made him feel so light. His friends were there too and everyone was having a great time.
Suddenly, Jimmy heard a loud noise. He stopped swinging and looked around. He saw a jar lying on the ground near the swing. He ran to it and picked it up. The jar had a gentle pattern, with blue and yellow flowers.
Jimmy brought the jar closer to his eyes and saw a ladybug crawling around inside. It was really tiny. He smiled and called his friends.
"Look what I found!" he said.
His friends gathered around him and all looked at the little lady bug. They oohed and ahhed and said it was so cute.
Then the lady bug stopped and Jimmy decided to set it free. He opened the jar's lid and gently turned it upside down. The lady bug hopped out and flew off into the sky, free to explore its new world.
Jimmy smiled and watched until it was out of sight. Then he went back to swing with his friends. That had been an exciting find and he couldn't wait to tell his mom about it when he got home!
Once there was a generous bear. He liked to help others and was always very kind. But he had one habit that no one really knew about: he loved to eat clay!
Every day he would go outside and search for clay in the woods. Then he would find a quiet spot, sit down and take a bite of the delicious clay.
One day, he stumbled across two little kittens. They were feeling scared and alone, so the bear was very generous. He shared some of his clay with them and the kittens were so happy.
The bear and the kittens became fast friends, and they would go out into the woods every day searching for clay. Sure enough, they always seemed to find enough clay for everyone, and soon enough it became a daily ritual.
It was a wonderful friendship that would last for years - and all because of the generous bear, who was always willing to share his clay with others.
Once upon a time, there was a farmer who wanted to buy something special. He had a rare barn and wanted to give it an extra sparkle. So he went out to buy the perfect thing.
The farmer searched and searched, but nothing seemed quite right. Then, he stumbled upon something quite unique - a shiny diamond! It was so rare, the farmer knew this was the perfect thing to put in his barn.
The farmer bought the diamond and took it back to his barn. To his surprise, when the diamond was placed in the barn it lit up the entire space – like a never ending twinkle! Everyone who had visited the farm was in awe of this magical sight. The barn had become rarer than ever before!
The farmer was so happy with his purchase. He now had a truly special barn, better than ever before. And so, the farmer and the diamond lived happily ever after.
Once upon a time there was a boy named Frank. Frank loved to play with his sock. He thought it was so fun to throw the sock in the air and catch it. One day, Frank jumped into his garden and decided to play forever. He threw the sock up as high as he could and ran to catch it. He ran so fast that, poof! The sock disappeared.
Frank was very confused. He started thinking about where the sock had gone. He looked up in the sky and shouted, “sock, where are you?!”
Just then, Frank heard a voice from up above. “I'm up here!” it said. Frank looked up and saw the sock floating in the air.
The sock said, “I'm flying now! I jumped up so fast that I flew into the sky!”
Frank laughed. He waved goodbye to the sock and ran off to find something else to play with.
Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Jacky. Jacky loved playing with her helicopter. She liked to fly it high in the sky and spin around and around.
One day, Jacky wanted to take her helicopter for a ride around the park. She put on her shoes and off she went.
At the park, Jacky was enjoying flying in the sky when all of a sudden, a big gust of wind came and her helicopter landed in a pond.
Jacky was very upset and started to cry. Suddenly, an attractive horse came galloping over and said, "Don't worry Jacky. I can help you get your helicopter out of the pond."
Jacky said, " really?! How?
The horse said, " With a fight. See, if I fight against the pond with all of my strength, I will be able to get your helicopter out".
Jacky was amazed and said, "Thanks a lot!"
So the horse fought hard against the pond and in the end it was victorious. The helicopter was safe and sound!
Jacky was so happy that she hugged the horse and thanked it.
From that day on, Jacky and the horse were the best of friends. Jacky would take her helicopter for a ride and the horse would run beside her. It was a beautiful sight to see.
Clarissa was feeling very grumpy as she watched the soldiers walk by. "What's wrong?" Her mother asked. "Why don't you play with them in the garden?"
Clarissa shook her head, "No. I don't like the soldiers." But her mother smiled and said, "Maybe you'll change your mind. Come and play with them in the garden".
So Clarissa went outside. She thought about running away but everything inside her was telling her to give them a chance. As she stepped out of the house, the soldiers saw her and called her name.
Clarissa was still feeling grumpy so instead of walking toward them, she ran away and started to weep. The soldiers were startled by her reaction but they followed her anyway and finally caught up to her.
"What's wrong?" Asked one of the soldiers. Clarissa wiped her eyes and said, "I was just thinking that sometimes you have to give people a chance". And with that, the soldiers welcomed her as a friend and she learned that soldiers were not so scary after all.
Once upon a time there was a little girl named Jane. She was only three years old.
One day, she asked her mom for something sweet. Her mom said yes and gave her a blueberry muffin. Jane was so happy! She remembered how sweet it tasted and wanted more.
The next day, Jane asked her mom for another muffin. Her mom laughed and said, "Oh no sweetheart, one is enough for today."
But Jane didn't remember what her mom said. She kept asking for a muffin. Her mom got tired of her requests and said, "No, Jane. No more muffins today."
Jane was sad, but she didn't give up. She kept asking for a muffin and started to cry. Her mom eventually got angry and said, "That's it! No more muffins for you ever again."
Jane was so sad. She would never get to eat her favorite sweet treat again.
Once upon a time, there were two friends who loved to play together. One day, they played a game of hide and seek. After a few minutes, one of them found the other. But when he found his friend, he saw that his friend had an itch. He asked, "What's wrong? Why do you have an itch?" His friend replied, "My shirt is dirty, and it's making me itchy."
The friend then had a brilliant idea! He said, "Let's share! I have a clean shirt here that I can give you!" His friend was so happy and he agreed to take the shirt. The friends shared the shirt, and the friend with the itch was now feeling much better.
They both laughed out loud and hugged each other to celebrate their special moment. Then they continued to play until it was time to go home. They were very happy, both with their special moment as well as sharing the shirt – it was a perfect day!
Bob and Sue were going to a party. They were celebrating Sue's birthday. When they arrived, Bob started kicking the ball around. He was having lots of fun. But before long, Sue came over and said, "No, Bob, don't be so foolish. It's my birthday party!" Bob stopped to listen, then gave the ball a big kick. He and Sue laughed and ran around the party together. Everyone had a great time.
The sun shone brightly in the sky, making the grass very dry.
Tommy and his dad were outside playing football. Tommy enjoyed playing football with his dad very much.
Suddenly, Tommy started to sneeze. He sneezed so hard that he dropped the football.
His dad said, "Bless you, Tommy. Take a break and have a drink of water."
Tommy sat down and drank his water. After a few sips, he felt much better.
He said to his dad, "Can we play some more football now? It's a lot of fun!"
His dad smiled and said, "Yes, let's go!"
They started playing football again and had a great time. Tommy never wanted the day to end.
Once upon a time, there was a brave bear called Bob. Every day, Bob would take his friend, a little rabbit, with him on all his adventures.
One day, Bob saw an interesting zigzag path in the forest. He urgently wanted to explore it, so he urged his friend to join him.
"Let's go, Rabbit! It's gonna be an exciting journey!" he exclaimed.
But Rabbit was feeling a bit afraid. "It's very dry and there are so many zigzags," he said nervously.
"Don't worry," said Bob reassuringly, "I'm here with you. Nothing bad will happen."
Rabbit felt a bit better. With a happy heart, he followed Bob onto the zigzag path. Together, they explored the mysterious path and had a great adventure!
The sun was shining brightly as John stepped out of his tiny house. He was an ignorant child who loved nothing more than running and playing. He had an old sheet he used as a blanket and he often imagined himself as a superhero.
John always wanted someone to play with but there was nobody around. Sighing, he decided he'd find someone. On his way out of town, he heard two voices, one of which was quite familiar. He recognized the voice of his neighbor, old Mrs. Johnson.
John walked closer, hiding behind a bush and peaked through the branches. Mrs. Johnson and a stranger were talking and the stranger seemed to be angry about something. Suddenly, the stranger shouted and stepped towards Mrs. Johnson. John was scared and decided to go back home, but before he could do so, the stranger noticed him.
The stranger ran towards John, who screamed and tried to escape. But the stranger was faster than him and eventually caught him. The stranger threatened to take John away, saying something about his family having done something wrong.
John began to cry and pleaded to be let go, but the stranger remained firm. In the end, the stranger took old John away, never to be seen again.
Once upon a time, there was a very fast onion named Gary. He was so fast, that he could even race the wind. He liked to brag about his speed to all of his friends.
One day, Gary decided to challenge the wind to a race. He wanted to prove that he was even faster than the wind. So, he zoomed off without a thought!
When Gary approached the wind his friends were worried. They shouted out to Gary to quit the race and come back, but Gary didn't listen. He wanted to prove that he was the fastest.
The wind started to pick up and Gary was struggling to keep up. Soon enough, he was too tired to keep up with the wind and Gary had to quit the race.
Poor Gary! All this excitement had been for nothing.
Despite his failure, Gary's friends assured him that he was still the fastest onion that they ever knew.
The moral of this story? It's important to remember your limits and to quit when things get too hard.
Once upon a time, there was a patient nurse. Her name was Sarah and she worked at a hospital. Every day, she looked after the children and made them feel better.
One day, Sarah was taking care of a 3 year old boy called John. He was feeling unwell and was very upset.
“John, why don't you come and sit with me?” said Sarah kindly.
John shook his head and said, “No, I want to stay in my room.”
Sarah was very understanding and said, “That's okay. I'll be here when you need me.”
John walked into his room and shut the door. He was feeling scared and lonely.
Soon, Sarah heard him crying and opened the door. She said, “It's okay, John. I'm here to help you feel better.”
John looked at the kind nurse and smiled. He was happy to have a patient nurse by his side to help him feel better.
One sunny day, Lily and her mom were walking in the park. Lily loved the park; she could smell the sweet smell of nature, and enjoy the sunshine on her face.
"Mom, let's go play on the slides," Lily said, as they passed the playground.
"Okay," her mom said with a smile.
Lily ran over to the slide, but as she tried to climb the ladder, she began to slip. She grabbed onto the rungs, but soon both of her feet were in the air.
"Oh no!" Lily said, feeling embarrassed.
Her mom ran over, and caught her in her arms. Lily looked up at her mom's eye, and saw how sweetly she was smiling.
"We'll try again," her mom said, lifting her up and setting her back down on the ladder.
Lily began climbing again, and this time, she made it all the way up to the top. She gave a victorious smile, then quickly slipped down the slide.
Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Alice. She was three years old and very obedient.
One day, her parents took her to the beach. As they strolled along the shore, Alice spotted something shiny in the sand. She ran over to a spot and started to dig.
She pulled out a silver key! She jumped up and down and shouted, "I've found a key!".
Her parents laughed and asked her what she thought the key unlocked.
Alice considered this and frowned. She then smiled and said, "Maybe it unlocks an adventure!"
Her parents smiled and hugged her. They then all started out together, determined to discover the secret of the silver key.
Once upon a time, there was a little girl who was very eager to play the violin. She looked at her mum and asked, "Mum, can I grab my violin?" Her mum smiled and said, "Of course, sweetheart!"
The little girl ran over to the violin case and grabbed the instrument. With a big smile on her face, she hugged it close.
The mum watched as her daughter played and felt happy that her child was so eager. With every note she played, the little girl's face lit up with joy.
At the end of the song, the mum smiled and said, "That was beautiful, sweetheart!" The little girl smiled back and gave her mum a big hug.
Once upon a time there were two friends, Sam and Joe. Sam and Joe wanted to go outside and play, but it was so cold! Sam said, "It's too cold, let's go inside where it's warm."
Joe said, "No way! I'm ready for a challenge."
Then, he slowly walked outside, and Sam followed him.
Suddenly, a strong gust of wind struck them. Joe shivered, then said, "It's too cold, let's go back inside."
Sam smiled and said, "I have an idea! Let's play a game."
The two friends played their game, and had lots of fun. Joe said, "It's not so cold anymore."
They kept playing until it was time to go home. Sam and Joe were glad they had braved the cold and enjoyed their game.
Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Maisy. She was playing in her bedroom when she saw a big chest in the corner. Maisy was very curious, so she walked over to the chest and opened it. Inside she found lots of toys! Maisy was so excited that she grabbed the toys and started to play.
Suddenly, her older brother Oliver burst into the room. "Put those back!" he said in a loud bossy voice. Maisy was so scared, she quickly put the toys back in the chest and shut the lid. She started to cry.
Oliver saw her crying and said, "Don't worry, I won't be mad. You can play with the toys if you want. I just don't want you to make a mess in here!" Maisy smiled and said, "Thank you, Oliver!" She was so happy that she opened the chest and started playing with her toys.
Jenny and her mom were walking in the park one day. Suddenly they noticed a raven on a nearby tree. Jenny asked her mom who the little black bird was. Her mom smiled and said, "That's a raven."
Jenny smiled and nodded her head in agreement. "Oh, look how tidy it is!" she said as it fluffed up its feathers.
The raven seemed to be enjoying the warm day. It cocked its head this way and that, trying to catch sounds of the forest.
Then it took off in the air and flew away. Jenny watched it and waved goodbye. She smiled and said, "Goodbye, Mr. Raven!"
Her mom put her arm around Jenny and said, "Let's go get some ice cream. Doesn't that sound nice?"
Jenny's eyes lit up and she nodded her head, saying, "Yes!". She seemed very eager to get some ice cream.
So off they went, happy to enjoy the day together.
It was a gloomy day outside, but Sarah wanted to play. She ran to the garden with her bucket, ready to have some fun.
Sarah filled her bucket with water from the pond, then she grabbed a pebble. She looked up at the sky and threw the pebble in the water. It made a huge splash!
"That was fun!" Sarah said with a smile. She filled her bucket up again, this time with more pebbles. She skipped around the pond and threw the pebbles in the water, one after the other. Each time, they made a big splash!
Sarah was getting hungry, so she ran back inside. She spread some delicious raspberry jam on her toast and enjoyed a yummy snack.
"What a nice day," Sarah said with a full tummy. Now she was ready to go back outside and make even more splashes!
Mummy and Daddy were picking flowers in the garden. Mummy picked a red daisy, Daddy picked a purple thistle and the little girl picked a beautiful lily. The lily was her favorite because it was so fluffy and white and the aroma was heavenly.
Daddy said, "Let's bring this lily inside and put it on the windowsill."
Mummy said, "How about we make it a surprise?"
So the family all went inside and the little girl put the lily on the windowsill.
When she stepped back to admire her work, she noticed a bright yellow butterfly that had landed on the lily. The little girl smiled.
Mummy said, "Oh my, that lily looks so warm and cozy with the butterfly on top."
The little girl nodded, delighted with her surprise. And, from that day on, the warm lily became a happy reminder of the special family day.
Once upon a time, there was a father and daughter. The little girl was very excited because her daddy was going to paint their house.
The daddy grabbed a paintbrush and a big tin of paint. He said to his daughter “Let’s go and paint the house!”
The little girl ran to get her toy axe. She said “I’ll help you, Daddy. I’ll use my axe to chop the wood.”
Daddy said “That’s a great idea! But you need to be careful because the axe is very sharp.”
The little girl got to work and chopped up some wood. She was careful and everything went well.
After they painted the house, Daddy said “Look how nice it looks now. Let’s go inside, it’s too hot outside.”
The little girl said “Yay! Daddy, you’re the best house painter!”
And everyone was happy. The End.
Once upon a time, Lucy the bee was flying in the meadow. She was looking for a place to build her hive.
Suddenly, she saw a small, hairy bush. She flew over to take a closer look and saw that it was perfect!
"I'll make my home here," she said happily. She started to gather pieces of wood and flowers to build her hive.
Just then, a butterfly flew by. "What are you doing?" asked the butterfly.
"I'm building my home," Lucy said.
The butterfly smiled. "That's very nice," he said. "But what if something happens to it?"
"I don't know," Lucy said, frowning.
The butterfly nodded. "That's why it's important to build your hive with friends," he said. "If something happens, everyone can help."
Lucy smiled, and set to work with her new friends. After much hard work, they managed to finish the hive together.
The moral of this story is that it is always better to work with friends. That way, if something happens, we can help each other out.
It was a beautiful day and Little Joe wanted to go for a walk. He quickly put on his shoes and ran outside.
On the grass, he saw a big hole. Little Joe was curious, so he slowly approached the hole. As soon as he reached it, he noticed something moving inside.
Little Joe said, “Hello? Who’s there?”
A little voice replied, “It’s me. I’m Mrs. Mouse. I’m stuck in this hole and I can’t get out.”
Little Joe was nosy and he wanted to help Mrs. Mouse. He said, “I’m going to catch you so you can get free.”
Mrs. Mouse was very thankful and together she and Little Joe were able to get her out of the hole. Mrs. Mouse was happy to go back home.
Little Joe was glad he was able to help her. He waved goodbye and went back home with a smile on his face.
Once there was a man that had a dirty wet shirt. He was keen to wear it to a special event, so he put it on.
Unfortunately the shirt was too big for him! He went to ask his friend for help.
“Can you help me shrink my shirt?” he asked.
His friend smiled and said, “Yes. Put it in the dryer and let it spin around for a few minutes. Then it should be a better fit!”
The man thanked his friend and did as he said. He put his wet and dirty shirt into the dryer and watched it spin.
When the shirt came out it looked much better. It had shrunk enough so that it fit him perfectly!
The man was really happy and he wore his shirt to the event. He looked very smart and he was delighted with his new look.
Once upon a time there were two friends called Winnie and Peter. They were both three years old and loved playing together everyday.
One day, as they were playing together, Winnie saw a trumpet lying on the ground and decided to grab it. She sat on it happily, not knowing what it was.
"Peter, come and sit too!" she shouted.
But Peter said he couldn't because it would be too rough.
Like a tornado, Winnie put the trumpet down and got off it - shocked. She had realised that the trumpet belonged to somebody else and she was sorry for trying to take it.
Although Winnie felt sad and guilty, Peter gave her a big hug and said "It doesn't matter what happened. Just be kind and honest to everyone. That's the most important lesson we can ever learn!".
The two of them shared one last hug and went back to playing together happily ever after. The moral of the story is to always be kind and honest to everyone.
The sun was shining brightly in the sky, and Jack was running, because he wanted to go fast. He wanted to speed away across the grass. His mum, who was watching from the side, said, “Jack, careful now, you don’t want to trip!” Jack stopped and looked to the left. He saw a shy rabbit, hiding in a bush.
“Mum, look!” Jack shouted. He wanted to go over and meet the shy little rabbit.
But his mum said, “Jack, don’t go too close. We don’t want to scare it away. Let’s just watch it from here.”
So they both stayed very still and watched the rabbit, who stayed very shy and stayed in the same spot. Eventually, after a few minutes, the rabbit hopped away and disappeared. So they waved goodbye and Jack started running again. He sped off across the grass and his mum smiled.
Once upon a time, Jane was walking through the forest. Suddenly, she saw a skull in the grass. It looked messy, like someone had been digging around.
"Hmm... What does this skull taste like?", Jane wondered. She bent down, grabbed the skull and carefully licked the bone. It tasted salty and sour at the same time.
Jane continued her walk, thinking about the skull. She knew she shouldn't have tasted it. Suddenly, a voice said "Why did you taste the skull?".
It was a small creature with red wings. "It looked interesting so I thought I'd try it", Jane replied. "That was a very wrong thing to do," said the creature. "Skulls are not meant to be tasted."
Jane agreed, suddenly feeling embarrassed. "I'm sorry," she said. "I won't do it again." The creature smiled, flew away and disappeared into the forest.
From then on, Jane was careful not to taste any messy skulls she found in the forest!
Once upon a time, there were two friends named Lily and Max. They were playing in the garden outside of Lily's house. Lily's garden was so rich and colorful, with big green trees and red, yellow, and orange flowers.
Max looked around and noticed something. He asked Lily, "Do you recognize that thing in the garden?" Lily wasn't sure what he was talking about. Max pointed to a spot in the garden and said, "That big yellow thing is special."
Lily walked closer and then she recognized it! It was a huge yellow butterfly! She said, "Wow! It looks so pretty." The butterfly flew over to a nearby flower and started to drink the nectar.
Max and Lily watched the butterfly for a long time. Eventually, the butterfly flew away but Max and Lily never forgot about it. They will always remember their special moment in the rich garden.
Once upon a time there was a hairy monster who lived under a mountain. The monster was so naughty that the other animals were scared of him. One day, the monster wanted to escape from the mountain, so he bit through the stone walls. Suddenly, a jail appeared in front of him. The monster was so scared that he forgot about freedom and ran back inside the mountain.
The next day, the monster saw a mouse walking by. The monster jumped out and said, "Please, mouse, will you help me escape this jail?"
The mouse replied, "If you promise not to bite me, I will try to help you."
The monster agreed and the mouse guided him out of the jail and back to the mountain. From then on, the monster was careful not to bite anyone anymore.
Once upon a time there were two best friends named Tim and Jack. They had been friends since they were little and always looked out for each other.
One day, Jack got the exciting news that he had been accepted to the university of his dreams. He was so excited to get started on this new adventure. He told Tim the good news with glee, but Tim didn't seem as excited.
"Why aren't you happy for me?" asked Jack.
Tim sighed and replied, "I'm happy for you, but I'm also sad. We will be separated now that you're going away. I don't want that to happen!"
Jack smiled and said, "That's okay, we will stay in touch and be best friends forever. Just because I'm going to the university, doesn't mean you and I can't still have a chat when we are feeling a bit messy."
Tim smiled, happy to know that his best friend would still be around even if they were separated. They gave each other a hug and promised to keep in touch.
The moral of the story is that even when apart, you can still stay close to your friends if you remember to stay connected.
One day, a small boy called Sam found a kite in the park. He was so happy to see it! He ran to get it and started to fly it.
Suddenly, an old man came over and told him, "Stop! You're disturbing me!" Sam was so scared.
The old man had a very gentle voice. He said, "This kite belongs to me. I lost it a long time ago." Sam was sorry to hear this and apologised to the old man.
The old man was very compassionate. He said, "I'm happy that you found it. Do you want to keep the kite? You can fly it whenever you want".
Sam was overjoyed that the old man was so kind. He thanked him a hundred times and flew away with the kite. He had a wonderful time in the park, flying his kite with a compassionate old man.
Once upon a time, there was a group of yellow chickens on a farm. Every morning they would run around, looking for things to eat and play. One day, they found something even better - a basket filled with delicious grass and seeds.
The chickens were so excited! They took some of the grass and seeds back to the barn to share with their friends. The chickens started to prepare the food and made a big, tasty feast.
The chickens were all so happy, they decided to have a party. They danced around and sang cheerful songs all day.
Suddenly, one of the chickens noticed something in the corner of the barn. It was a giant yellow egg!
The chicken ran to get the others and said, “Let’s prepare the egg! We can share it with the rest of the group!”
The chickens worked quickly and soon had the egg ready for their friends. Everyone lined up and sang a happy song as they savored the delicious meal.
The yellow chickens enjoyed their party and danced until the sun went down. They ended the day with happy bellies and smiles on their faces!
Once upon a time there was a truck. It was big and yellow and it liked to go out for rides. One day, the truck was driving down the road and it saw a little girl. She was very polite.
The truck stopped and said, "Hello there, I'm truck! Would you like to take a ride?"
The little girl nodded with excitement.
The truck said, "Let's go look around the town. I think you'll like it!"
The little girl smiled and said, "Thank you, Truck! That sounds like fun!"
They drove around the town and the truck pointed out lots of interesting things to the girl. They even stopped for ice cream.
When the ride was over, the little girl said, "Thank you for the ride, Truck. That was so much fun!"
The truck smiled and answered, "You're most welcome. It was my pleasure."
The little girl and truck waved goodbye, and the truck drove off down the road.
Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lucy. She was only three years old. She loved playing outside in the sunshine and running around with her furry cat.
One day, she noticed a big hairy stack of hay in the corner of her garden. She got really excited and rushed over to it. She ran her fingers through the soft hay and shouted with joy.
Then, she decided to make a hideout in the stack. She carefully moved the hay to create little nooks and crannies, and a cozy hiding place. She was so excited when she was done and couldn't wait to go hide inside her hay stack.
Just then, her cat came over and meowed. Lucy called out, "Hi kitty! I made a stack house. Do you want to come inside and play?" The cat darted inside, and Lucy quickly followed. She was so excited to explore her new secret hideaway.
The two of them curled up together in the cozy hay and stayed there for hours, filled with excitement.
There was a boy called Will. He loved to play outside. One day, he found a wagon and he thought it was his. He was so excited and he said to himself, "It belongs to me now."
Will took the wagon with him to the park. He was having fun playing and pushing the wagon. Suddenly, a big boy came running towards Will. The big boy said, "That's my wagon. Give it back!"
Will was scared, but he said, "No! It belongs to me."
The big boy was getting angry. He shouted, "Stupid boy! You don't belong here!" He grabbed the wagon and ran away. Will was so sad. He learned that not everything he wanted belonged to him.
One sunny day, a pirate was wandering through the woods. He had a big, shining hat, two swords and a wooden leg. Suddenly he heard a noise coming from the bushes. The pirate stopped and listened carefully.
"Ouch, it hurts", a small voice called out from the bushes.
The pirate went to investigate, and he saw a little girl, who was crying. The pirate asked her why she was crying, but she only shook her head.
The pirate lifted the little girl out of the bushes, and asked her again why she was so hurt. This time she told the pirate that she had been playing hide-and-seek with her friend, and had gotten lost.
The pirate put his arm around the little girl, and smiled down at her. He promised he would lead her home, so she wouldn't be hurt anymore. As the two walked, the pirate told her stories about his adventures of sailing the seven seas.
The pirate took the little girl home, and stayed to make sure she was safe. Both the little girl and the pirate were happy about this. The little girl had learned an important lesson - always listen to your parents, so you don't get lost. And the pirate had learned a lesson too - helping out others can make you feel good.
John ran quickly to the mall. As he looked around, he saw so many things. He found a deep pond with lots of fish inside.
“Wow,” John said.
John saw Mommy walking up to him. “Hi John!” she said. “Let’s go on a hunt. Can you help me find something?”
“Sure!” said John. The two of them ran around the mall looking for things. They saw a big deep bird's nest in a tree. They also saw lots of yummy snacks in the mall store.
John saw a playground and got excited. “Mommy, can we go on the slide?” he asked.
Mommy laughed. “Of course!” She said. They ran to the slide, and soon they were having lots of fun. After a while, it was time to leave. John said goodbye to all the friends he made and ran back home.
Once there was an infant playing in a garden. He was with his mom and dad. The infant looked around, examining the colourful flowers and plants. He noticed another infant in the garden who was also playing.
The two infants said hi to each other and quickly became friends. They laughed and talked about how helpful their parents were.
Together, they explored the garden. The little friends looked at all sorts of things, some furry, some wet and some slimy! Suddenly, they heard a loud noise coming from above.
They looked up to see a big dark cloud. The cloud was growing bigger and bigger. Then, the two infants heard their parents calling them. The infant told his friend he had to go, but promised to make up for it.
Unfortunately, the infant never got to see his friend again. When he returned to the garden later, he saw a big storm had destroyed the garden. He said goodbye to his friend in his heart, knowing he'd never see him again.
Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Molly. Molly had a great big, hairy dog. They were very happy together.
One day, Molly and her dog were out walking in the park when they heard a noise. Molly was scared and she hugged her dog tight. Then something strange happened. A ghost appeared beneath a tree. It was a very strange sight.
Molly's dog growled at the ghost. The ghost ran away and Molly felt brave.
"What was that, Molly?" asked her dog.
"I don't know," replied Molly.
As they continued their walk, Molly noticed something strange. Whenever Molly said the word "yield", ghosts appeared from the trees! She had the magic power to make ghosts yield.
Molly was excited and scared at the same time. She decided to keep this magic to herself. Molly went home and hugged her hairy dog. She knew she was safe.
Ted was a lively little boy. He was always ready for adventure. One day Ted found a shiny red helmet and he couldn't resist trying it on. He wore it everywhere and loved it.
One day, Ted and his friends decided to go biking. Ted proudly put his red helmet on, and prepared to go. Suddenly, his helmet began to tear. Ted's friends laughed.
"Oh Ted, what shall you do now?" one of them asked.
Ted smiled and said: "I don't need a helmet to go biking. I'm too lively for danger!"
Everyone agreed and went off on their bicycles, happily racing each other. Ted was the happiest of all.
Once upon a time there was a puppy. He was small and brown, and loved to play. Every day, he would go out on fun adventures with his dad.
But one day, something wonderful happened! His dad decided that he was an obedient dog, so he was going to become a model! That meant he had to listen even more closely to his dad, so he did his best.
The puppy was so excited to model for all the people he met. He loved meeting new people and showing off how obedient he could be. People would say, "What a nice puppy!"
The puppy soon became famous! He was very popular, and his dad was so proud of him. The puppy had become a very famous model!
The puppy and his dad had lots of fun after that. The puppy was always very obedient, which made his dad very happy. They would go on all kinds of adventures and the puppy was always the star!
Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Claire. She was very brave and powerful. One day, she was playing in her yard when she saw a patient sitting on the grass. The patient was crying and seemed very sad. She went over to the patient and asked, "What's wrong?"
The patient told Claire that she had fallen from her bed earlier that day. Claire was determined to help the patient, so she put her powerful hands on the patient's back and tried to lift them off the ground. But the patient was too heavy.
Claire thought and thought. She decided that the only way she could help the patient was to get help from her mom and dad. She ran into her home and called her parents. Then they all helped the patient back onto her bed.
The patient thanked Claire and said, "You are a very brave and powerful girl!" Claire smiled. She was happy she was able to help.
Once upon a time, there was a little girl who loved playing with her doll. Her doll was the best in the whole wide world. Every day, she would take the doll out of its box and admire the bright eyes and soft hair.
One day, the little girl saw a beautiful rug in the living room. The rug was pink and had soft, white flecks. She went over to admire it, but then she felt shy.
“Why are you feeling shy?” asked her mom. “It’s just a rug!”
The little girl sheepishly smiled and said, “I’m shy because I don’t know how to admire a rug like I do my doll.”
Her mom smiled. “You can admire it in the same way – look at its colors and its texture. It will look just as beautiful!”
The little girl smiled and got a bit closer to the rug. She admired its softness and the way it glowed in the sunlight. She felt happy and knew she could admire anything if she used her imagination.
Once upon a time, there was a little girl. She had a black candle in her hand. She said, "Let's go and rest!" The little girl set her black candle down and flopped on the bed. When she closed her eyes, she heard a voice. The voice said, "Don't forget me!" The little girl opened her eyes and picked up the black candle. She said, "Let's go and rest together!" So, the little girl and the black candle went outside and found a nice spot to sit and rest.
The little girl held the black candle close and said, "Thank you for coming with me to rest." The black candle glowed and replied, "You're welcome, my friend." Then the sun began to set, and the little girl and the black candle watched the sky turn from blue to black. They rested for a few more minutes before the little girl stood up, blew out the black candle, and said, "Let's go home now."
And so, the little girl and the black candle went home together and had a good night's rest.
Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Andy. He loved to explore and watch the world around him. Everywhere he went, Andy was curious and wanted to know more.
One day, Andy saw an interesting clock. He was very curious and asked his mom, "What's that?"
His mom smiled and said, “That’s a clock. It tells us what time it is. See, it's twelve o'clock.”
Andy was amazed and said, "It can really do that? Wow, this clock is so cool!"
From then on, Andy looked at the clock every day to see what time it was. He was always a bit surprised when he saw the hands moving around and around. Everywhere he went, Andy was curious and wanted to know more.
Once upon a time there were two friends, Emma and Jack. They went to the market together to see what they could find. While they walked around, Jack saw something very attractive.
"What do you have there?" Emma asked.
"Oh, just something I found." Jack said, holding it up for Emma to see.
"That's really nice, can I take a closer look?"
Jack said, "Sure, it's yours if you want it. We can do a trade."
So, Emma and Jack talked about what kind of trade they would do. Emma said she had some ribbon that was really pretty and Jack said he wanted something useful. So they decided Emma would give Jack the ribbon and Jack would give Emma the thing he had found. They both thought it was a good trade.
At the end, they both smiled and thanked each other. They hugged and said goodbye. Emma went away with her new thing and Jack went away with a ribbon. It was a good day at the market!
One day, Ginger was playing with her little brother in the playground. Although she was only three years old, she wanted to show off her skills.
She climbed a ladder that was much too big for her and once she reached the top she proudly shouted to her little brother, “I am winning!”
Her brother was very proud of her, but he wished he could do the same. He asked, “Can I win too?”
Ginger laughed, “Of course you can win! But you have to be very brave and try your hardest.”
So Ginger helped her brother to climb the ladder. He was a bit scared, but his sister was there encouraging him. Finally, he made it to the top and shouted in triumph, “I won!”
Ginger hugged her little brother, “That’s the way to be true and win!”
They looked around and saw that the playground was very dirty. Ginger and her brother quickly got to work cleaning it up.
Ginger smiled at her brother, “Winning is even more fun when it’s true and clean!”
Once upon a time, there was a small girl. She had a curious mind and liked to explore the world. One day, she was playing in her garden when she noticed a tall hedge. It was big and blue and it seemed like it was hiding something.
The girl wanted to know what was behind the hedge so she started searching for a key to unlock it. After searching for a little while, she found a tiny blue key in the dirt. She was so excited that she ran to the hedgewit the key in her hand.
The girl tried the key in the hedge but it didn't fit. She felt a bit sad but decided to keep searching for something that could open it. After a while, she found a small hole near the bottom of the hedge. She carefully inserted the key into the hole and - click! - the hedge opened.
Behind the hedge was a secret garden filled with beautiful blue flowers. The girl was so happy! She couldn't believe that something so beautiful was hidden behind the hedge. She was excited to explore the secret garden and kept visiting it every day.
This is how the small girl discovered the secret garden and every time she visited it, her joy was even bigger than before.
Once there was a modest pilot who flew a plane each and every day. One day, a loud siren rang from his plane. He had no choice but to put on the parachute and save himself.
The pilot looked down from the sky and saw a river below. He threw away his fear of water and jumped into the river. He was relieved to see a small rowboat at the side.
The pilot started rowing with all his might and for hours and hours, he continued to row. Suddenly, he heard a voice from the river bank. It was a three year old child.
"Where are you going?" the child asked.
The pilot answered, "I'm trying to save myself."
The child smiled and said, "I can help you! I have a bigger boat at home."
The pilot thanked the child and soon they were on the bigger boat. After several hours, the pilot reached the shore safely.
He thanked the child and said, “I’m very lucky to have found you. You saved my life.”
The modest pilot was very grateful for the child's help.
The curtains were hanging cleanly in the windows of the little room. Every day, the girl would run in and whisper secrets to them. She hadn't noticed it before, but today, when she was talking in her very quietest voice, the curtains rustled as if in response. Her eyes grew wider as she heard what sounded like an echo of her own whisper.
Curious, she asked the curtains, "Can you understand me?". The curtains didn't move. She whispered the question again and waited. She heard a faint whispering in response, but it wasn't the same as if she were speaking. This whisper felt different somehow.
The girl waited and listened. Suddenly, the curtains moved again. This time they were pushing back, inviting her closer. As the girl looked closer, she saw a crack in the window and she could now hear more clearly the voice she had heard earlier. "Come here," it said.
The girl took a deep breath, trembling with anticipation and excitement. She stepped closer and the curtain parted. Behind it was a secret garden. Everything was clean and vibrant and the girl felt more alive than she had ever felt before. She was finally on an adventure of her own.
The girl and the whisper from the curtains had a lot more to share.
Freddy the teddy was feeling very lonely. He wanted a friend to play with. One day he went for a walk and he rolled past a big house.
When he got to the doorstep, he heard a voice.
"Hello? Who's there?" The voice said from behind the door.
Freddy was so surprised. He looked around and saw a big brown curtain was pulled aside. He saw a friendly face waving at him. It was a small girl.
"Hey! I'm Suzy! Who are you?" Suzy asked with a big smile.
"I'm Freddy the teddy" Freddy replied with a smile too.
Suzy brought Freddy inside and they started to play together. They rolled around the house laughing and having fun with each other.
Freddy was so happy to have a new friend to play with. And every day they opened the big brown curtain and made new adventures together.
One day, Mommy and Little Man were in the park. Little Man was hungry and Mommy gave him a spoon. Little Man excitedly started walking and he saw a dangerous-looking bee. He ran up to Mommy and said, "Mommy, Mommy! Bee!" Mommy looked and said, "Yes, honey. That bee looks dangerous." Little Man said, "Can I accept it?" Mommy smiled and said, "No, sweetie, we can't accept it. It's too dangerous." Little Man looked down and frowned. Just then a butterfly flew by. Mommy said, "Look, Little Man. That butterfly isn't dangerous. You can accept it." Little Man smiled, excitedly accepted the butterfly, and ran off with his spoon.
Once upon a time there was a three year old girl named Lily. She was playing with her favorite toy when suddenly she heard a loud noise.
Lily was afraid so she ran and hid behind the dining room table. Then she heard a voice coming from the kitchen. It was her mommy.
"Lily, stay here and don’t move! I’m going in for an operation tomorrow and I need you to be a brave girl", said Mommy.
Lily was very scared but she nodded her head. Then her mommy hugged her tightly and said, "Don’t worry, Mommy will be okay. The doctors will take care of me".
Then Lily’s brother, Jack, came into the room. He was being selfish and wanted attention. He said, "Why does Lily get all the hugs? What about me?".
Mommy smiled and said, "I love you both the same. Just sit next to Lily and I’ll hug you both".
So Lily and Jack stayed there, cuddled up together and Mommy hugged them both.
Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Jane. Jane wanted some rice for dinner. She asked her mom, "Mom, can I have some rice for dinner?"
Her mom smiled and said, "Of course, Jane. You just have to be patient."
So Jane waited patiently while her mom cooked the rice. When it was ready, Jane ate some of it, but she was so full, she fell asleep while eating her rice!
Her mom came over and carefully picked up Jane. She carried her to bed and tucked her in. Jane was so tired she went straight to sleep.
Mom smiled and said, "Jane, you should take a good nap so you're ready for school tomorrow."
Jane happily snuggled into her blankets and went to sleep, dreaming about the delicious rice she had for dinner.
Once upon a time there was a little girl called Daisy. Every day she would ask her parents to teach her new things.
One day, Daisy saw a model car on the table and asked her mum to teach her about it. Daisy's mum said she would, but first Daisy had to do her chores. Daisy was sad, but she agreed and finished her chores.
Once the chores were done, Daisy's mum taught her all about the model car. She showed her how to put it together and all the amazing features it had. Daisy was very happy and she was proud of the model car she had made.
The next day, Daisy and her mum went to the park. Daisy wanted to show everyone her model car, but when she got to the park she saw another girl playing with an even bigger and more amazing model car than hers. Daisy became very sad, she wished she could have that car too.
But then Daisy's mum came up with an idea. She said "Maybe I can teach you how to make a bigger and more amazing model car". Daisy was very excited and thanked her mum for the offer! Daisy's mum taught her all she needed to know and Daisy became the proud owner of a bigger and better model car.
Tommy was playing in the park with his new helicopter. He was very excited. His papa had given it to him for his birthday.
Tommy was pretending to fly the helicopter around the park. He pretended it was the real thing. Suddenly, a mean boy came up to him.
The mean boy said, "That's a fake helicopter. Give it to me!"
Tommy screamed and held the helicopter close. He said, "No! It's mine! I won't give it to you!"
The mean boy got mad and tried to grab the helicopter. But Tommy was too quick. He threw the helicopter as far away as he could.
The mean boy chased the helicopter, but Tommy ran the other way. He was safe now. After that day, Tommy never saw the mean boy again. He would always play with his helicopter in the park.
Once there was a little girl named June who loved to drive. She had a beautiful car that was blue and silver and she loved it very much. One day, June wanted to drive to hear her favorite band play.
June asked her mom, “Can I drive to the band?”
Mom said, “Yes, June. Be careful!”
June was so happy and put on her seat belt. Then, she started her car and drove down the street.
The band finished playing just before June arrived. Everyone was saying how beautiful the music was. June clapped and smiled.
The band thanked everyone and waved goodbye. June waved back and drove home.
That was the day June went to see her favorite band!
Mia was playing outside in the enormous park. She could see so many things. There were trees, and rocks, and slides. She wanted to slide, but it was too high for her.
Suddenly, she heard a loud noise. Mia turned around and saw a giant striking the ground very hard. Mia was scared and hid behind a tree.
The giant noticed her and said, "Hello Mia". Mia was so surprised that he knew her name. The giant asked, "Do you want to play with me?" Mia thought for a moment and said, "Yes, I would like that."
So Mia and the giant played a game together. They rolled rocks, laughed and had fun! After a while, the giant struck the ground with his foot and said goodbye.
Mia waved goodbye to the giant and couldn't believe he was so enormous and friendly!
Linda was walking in the forest when she saw something mysterious. She had to take a closer look. She slowly approached it, and realized it was a bulb. She was very excited, she wanted to grab it, and take it with her.
Suddenly a voice shouted, "Hey! Don't grab it!" Linda jumped back in shock. A mysterious figure was standing there, she had never seen anything like it before. He asked her, "Do you know what this is?".
She shook her head, and he said, "That to me is a precious bulb. It's not an ordinary bulb, you know, it can perform magical tricks". Linda's eyes lit up with curiosity, she couldn't take her eyes off it.
The figure said, "If you want, You can take it with you". Linda was very excited, she grabbed the bulb and hugged it. She thanked the figure and ran home. She knew this was going to be a fun adventure.
At home, Linda started exploring the bulb. She played with it and tried to figure out how to make it work. She closed her eyes, concentrated and presto! The bulb suddenly glowed and started performing magical tricks! Linda was amazed, she had never before seen something so mysterious.
Once there was a bird who lived in a forest. One day it wanted to fly, so it flapped its wings and rose high into the sky. Its wings were strong and it felt so free.
But then it started to feel something strange, a thick, dark ash was filling the air. What was it? The bird wondered.
Suddenly it heard a voice from down below.
"Haha!" Someone laughed, "that's my fire! I burnt it bigger and stronger, so the ash would fly!"
The bird flew down to see what was happening. It saw a small figure standing by a campfire.
The bird asked, "Why do you want the ash to fly?"
"Because," the figure replied, "when it floats across the land, it makes things more bitter for the people who live here. That's why I like to make my fire bigger and stronger."
The bird was shocked. It didn't want anyone to be made miserable like that. It flew back up into the sky and spread its wings wide, creating a gust of wind. This blew the ashes away, removing any bitter taste they might bring.
The figure watched in amazement as this kindness of the bird.
The bird said before it flew away, "Don't ever forget that kindness can spread hope and joy, even in the darkest of places."
Once upon a time, there was a clean picnic in the park. Two kids, one called Ben and the other called Lucy, were excited to eat their lunch.
Ben said, "Let's close the picnic basket so no bugs come in". He shut the lid and the two kids sat on a blanket. They started to munch on their food, but soon heard a loud buzzing noise.
Lucy said, "That's strange! What is that noise?" She looked around and saw a bee flying above them. Ben said, "We should have kept the picnic basket closed!" They started to run away, but Ben quickly realized he left the blanket on the ground.
Ben felt that they must go back, but Lucy refused. She thought the bee would still be around. Ben said, "We have to go back, otherwise the blanket will get dirty!" Finally, they ran back and quickly grabbed the blanket.
The two kids laughed as they ran away with the blanket. They learned an important lesson that day - to always keep their picnic basket closed!
Once there was a mommy and a toddler. The toddler wanted to try to do yoga with mommy. So they tried it together.
The toddler tried to touch his toes, but he could not do it. He felt frustrated. Mommy said, "Stretch your legs, sweetheart. You can do it!"
The little one tried again and he actually got his toes to touch. He felt proud and happy, but it still seemed like a long way for him to do yoga. The mommy held his hand and said, "Let's take it slow, and practice often."
The toddler and mommy kept practicing yoga and soon, the little one could do long stretches. He smiled and told mommy, "Look what I can do now!"
The moral of the story is that practice and patience can help us do anything, even if it seems too hard or too long in the beginning.
Once upon a time, there was a deaf, three year old girl. She loved going to the library every day and read books.
One day, while she was reading, she came across a big book about history. She was curious and wanted to read it, even though she was scared of its size.
The librarian saw the girl and smiled. She said, “Do you want to read more about history?” The girl nodded and the librarian said, “That’s great! You can learn so much from reading history books.”
The girl smiled and took the book home. She read the book every day, and soon she knew a lot of facts about the past.
The girl was very proud when she showed her parents what she had learnt from reading history. Her parents smiled and said, “You’re so clever!” She felt so proud - she had achieved something all by herself, even though she was deaf!
Once upon a time, there was a girl called Lucy. She was very small, only three years old, and sometimes felt helpless. Lucy wanted to explore the world, so one day she decided to wander.
She went far from home and eventually stumbled upon a weird stage. On the stage was an old man who saw Lucy and asked her if she wanted to join him. She nodded, filled with excitement about what she would see.
The old man put on a show, but Lucy didn't understand one bit of it. She became frustrated and started to cry and told the old man that she wanted to go home. He laughed and continued the show.
Lucy felt helpless and didn't know what to do. Suddenly, a woman walked on to the stage and said to the old man, "Let the little girl go. She's too young to understand what you are doing."
The old man gave a funny smile and nodded. He said to Lucy, "You can go home now - remember never to wander too far again." Lucy smiled and wandered back home, feeling a little wiser.
Once there was a panda who was very hairy. He was called Andy. Every day, Andy would go and search for food.
One day, he was walking deep in the forest when he saw a small cave. He thought it would be a great place to look for food. As he got closer, he could feel the cave was strange.
When he stepped inside, he saw there were many white things on the ground. He didn't know what they were, but he knew he needed them.
Andy walked around the cave carefully and eventually found a big pile of bamboo. He was so happy and wasted no time picking up as much as he could.
Suddenly, he heard a voice. It said to him, "I need help. You need to help me". Andy looked around but he couldn't see anyone in the cave. With a puzzled look on his face, he said, "Who said that?".
The voice said, "I'm here. I am a big, hairy panda like you. I need your help to get out of the cave". Andy was so excited. He took the white things and placed them in a line in front of the cave. He said, "These will help us get out of here!".
Slowly, he and his new friend made their way out of the cave. Once they were safely outside, they hugged each other. They were so happy and thanked each other for
Once upon a time there were two brothers named Billy and Joe. They both loved to explore the outdoors and always looked for adventure. One afternoon, they decided to take a walk in the woods.
Suddenly, something strange happenned. A glowing ball of light started to appear and floated above the trees. Billy and Joe were so amazed!
"We must catch it!" yelled Billy.
But each time the boys tried to get close to the ball, it would vanish! No matter how persistent they were, they were unable to catch it.
Eventually, they had to give up. Joe said, "Let's go home now, brother. We'll come back another day and search some more."
Billy and Joe happily returned home that morning, with an exciting secret to share.
Danny was in a hurry. He wanted to get to the park quickly and he ran as fast as he could. His mama said they would be late if he didn't hurry up.
When they got to the park, Danny was eager to run and play. He didn't want to wait any longer. But his mama said he had to be patient. She told him that his friends were coming soon.
So Danny sat down on the bench to wait. He was patient, but it was hard. All he wanted was to play with his friends. He wished for them to hurry.
Suddenly Danny saw them running down the street. They were hurrying just like him. He couldn't wait any longer and ran to meet them. He was so eager to start playing with them.
Danny's mama smiled. She was glad that Danny had been so patient. Finally he could have fun with his friends.
Once upon a time there was a girl who wanted to build something special. She had an idea to make a stack of blocks.
The girl went to get the blocks and found that some were regular ones and some were special ones.
She was excited and started creating the stack of blocks. She put the regular blocks on the bottom and then the special ones on the top.
Suddenly, the stack of blocks fell down. Oh no!
The girl was sad but she said, “I can fix this”.
Little by little, the girl put each block back in place. With a lot of hard work, she managed to make the stack look perfect again.
The girl was so proud. She shouted, “I fixed it!”
And the stack of blocks stayed standing.
Once upon a time, in a small village there lived a young girl called Lucy. She was very popular among her friends for her vibrant and happy personality. One day, when Lucy was walking past the park, she spotted something in the grass. When she looked closer, she saw it was an old purse!
Lucy was so excited and she bent down to pick it up. When she opened the purse, she found lots of coins inside. She was so happy that she could now buy herself some new toys.
But when she tried to stand up again, Lucy suddenly realised that she was stuck. She had been using her purse to balance herself and in the process had become tangled up in the long grass.
Lucy started to struggle to try and get untangled, but the long grass was too powerful. She began to cry and shout for help.
Just then, one of her friends walking past the park heard her cries and came to her rescue.
Her friend put down his popular baseball cap and helped Lucy free herself. After a few minutes of struggling, Lucy was free. She thanked her friend and gave him a big hug.
The two of them stopped to count the coins inside the purse before walking back to Lucy's house.
The End!
Once upon a time there was a boy called Tom. He was a very kind and gentle boy. He felt sad every day because sometimes it felt like the world was too rough and unkind.
One day Tom spoke to his mom and said, "Mom, I don't like that the world is so rough." His mom paused and thought for a moment, then said, "I know what you can do to help make the world nicer, Tom."
Tom waited eagerly as his mom explained. "You can use your kind heart to heal the world. You can be kind and gentle like you always are and that will help the world feel better." Tom's eyes lit up and he wondered if he could really do it.
The next day, Tom went outside and smiled at everyone he saw. He said hello and wished them a good day. Little by little, he felt more and more joy in his heart. He knew he was helping to heal the world and that made him smile.
The world always needs a little bit of love, and with help from Tom, it was slowly beginning to heal.
Once upon a time there were two friends, Joe and Jenny. Joe and Jenny loved to play together outside. Today, they were playing at the beach.
The beach was clear and the sun was shining. Joe and Jenny saw some fish swimming in the sea. Jenny asked Joe: "Can we go swim?"
Joe hesitated. He said, "No, let's stay here". But Jenny said, "Please, Joe! Let's go swim!"
Joe finally agreed. He said, "Okay. But only if you stay close to me".
They went to the water and they paddled and splashed around. There were big waves, and it was a lot of fun.
But then Joe saw something. He saw a big fish that was coming right at Jenny! Joe was scared. He shouted, "Jenny, look out! Swim away!"
Jenny screamed and started swimming away quickly. Joe reached out and slapped the fish away.
Finally, after a lot of swimming, Joe and Jenny were safe. Jenny looked at Joe and said, "Thanks for saving me, Joe!"
Joe smiled and said, "I was just looking out for you".
Frank the frog was very troubled. His fountain had broken and he was sure no one could fix it.
One day Frank's best friend Sam the snail came to visit him. Sam asked, "What's wrong Frank?"
Frank said sadly, "My fountain is broken and I can't fix it."
But Sam had a plan! He said, "If you come with me I might know someone who can help you fix your fountain."
So Frank and Sam went out into the woods, looking for help. And soon they found Snail Bob!
Snail Bob smiled at Frank and said, "Don't worry, with a bit of hard work we can get your fountain running again."
Frank was overjoyed! He and Snail Bob got to work and soon he had a beautiful working fountain.
Frank was so happy and relieved, and he thanked Snail Bob for his help. From then on, Frank and Sam made sure to visit Snail Bob to say thank you.
Once upon a time there was a girl and her name was Sarah. Sarah loved to share her toys with her friends. One day she went upstairs to her bedroom, and she saw something beautiful. It was a magical castle with a gate that opened up to reveal a pink garden. Sarah couldn't believe her eyes! She called her friends to come upstairs and see what she had found. Her friends were amazed when they saw the beautiful castle. They all decided to share in the fun and explore the magical garden. They all had such a fun time that day playing in the castle and exploring the garden.
Once upon a time there was a very wealthy family who owned many things, but the family's most cherished possession was the puppy that the father had bought for the children that same day. The puppy was small and fluffy with big, black eyes.
The family went outside to play with the puppy, and they laughed with joy as they watched the puppy chase around butterflies. Suddenly, the puppy started to shiver with cold and the family looked up to see storm clouds gathering in the sky.
The mother said to the father, "Let's go inside quick and get the pup warm." But the father said, "It's ok, the pup will be fine in this weather," and he began to walk away.
The children were about to shiver too, but the mother quickly picked up the puppy and rushed everyone inside to safety.
The family was so thankful that the mother had acted quickly and that the puppy was safe. The mom said to the dad, "See, that's why I always listen to my instincts." The family smiled and hugged their beloved puppy tight, thanking the mom for her wisdom.
Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Jane. She was a very curious three-year-old who liked to explore. One day, she decided to go for a walk in the park.
On her way she saw a big hill. It looked fun, so Jane decided to take a few steps up it. It was easy, so she kept going and soon she was at the top!
Jane was so proud of herself. Just then she heard someone say, "Wow! You made it up here so quickly!"
Jane turned around and saw a tall man wearing a hat. She smiled and said, "Yes, I was going very fast!"
The man laughed and said, "You sure were! Great job!"
Jane thanked him and continued on her way. With a smile on her face, she knew she could do anything if she put her mind to it.
Tim was feeling very nervous. He didn't like to talk in front of big crowds. Everyone was watching him and he felt scared. He just wanted to be alone and hide.
But Tim couldn't hide. He heard his mom calling him to talk in front of the crowd. He was so afraid that he started to cry. But he didn't want to look silly in front of everyone, so he wiped his tears away and slowly stepped forward.
He was shocked to see all the junk in the room. There were all sorts of broken toys and trash strewn about. He realized it was a junkyard, and he felt even more nervous. He wanted to go back home, but his mom was encouraging him forward.
He took a deep breath and slowly started to talk. At first it was hard, but soon the words were coming easier and he was no longer scared. He looked out over the crowd and he could tell they were listening.
When he was finished talking, there was a big cheer from the crowd. Tim couldn't believe it. He had done it and he was so proud. He looked back over the junkyard and smiled. He was no longer scared.
Benny was at the airport with his mom. He watched as people moved around him with huge suitcases. They made careful steps with the big bags. Mom said, “ We need to pack your luggage Benny. It’s time to go home.”
Benny rolled his small suitcase to the desk. The lady behind the desk smiled at him and said carefully, “Now I need you to check your suitcase so we can get you on your flight.”
Benny stared at the little suitcase. He watched as the lady pressed some buttons and then it closed with a loud click. He felt a swell of excitement in his chest and jumped with joy.
Mom saw the excitement on Benny’s face and said with a smile, “Now it’s time to take that luggage and go home. Be careful and walk slowly, okay?” Benny nodded and carefully held his suitcase as he walked out of the airport. He was on his way home.
Once upon a time, there was a delicate boat floating in the ocean. It was getting tired so it decided to take a rest. The boat gently floated to a beautiful harbor. The harbor was full of many boats like the delicate one. The delicate boat was happy to be in the harbor. All the boats rested in the harbor together. There was a nice breeze blowing. Everyone was happy and safe in the harbor. The delicate boat went to sleep in the harbor and felt cozy and content.
The boats stayed in the harbor for a long time to get some rest. After a while, the boats started to wake up and were ready to sail again. The delicate boat was happy to be in the harbor and thanked them all for the peace it had found.
The delicate boat was so happy that it had found a place to rest in the harbor. It said goodbye to the other boats and started sailing again. The delicate boat went on many adventures, but it would always remember the peaceful moments it had spent in the harbor.
John was out at the park with his family. He wanted to act brave, so he ran and jumped across the wooden bridge. But when he reached the other side, he felt a bit dizzy. He decided to sit and watch his brothers and sisters play. He heard his dad say something about a surprise.
Mom asked, "What surprise, dad?"
Dad replied, "We'll give John a special pass that he can use to go on all the rides at the fair!"
John was so excited that he jumped off the bridge and ran over to his dad. "Can I go on the rides?" he squealed.
Dad smiled and said, "All in good time my son. You'll have to wait and see!"
All the way home, John wondered what it would be like to be able to go on all the rides. When they arrived home, he was so eager to find out that he ran inside and grabbed the pass. But as he looked at it, he felt a bit dizzy. It was only then that he realized it had to be a special day to use the pass. Now he was more excited than ever to find out what it was!
Once upon a time, there lived a little girl. She had a special mission; to collect doves. Everyday she would put on her brightly coloured dress and her sparkly shoes and go out collecting. Every morning she would walk to the park and then look to the sky. Then she would spot a dove and try to catch it in her hands.
Today was a sunny day, and the little girl was feeling very sleepy. She found a big tree to sit under as she watched the doves up in the sky. Suddenly she noticed a dove land on a branch close to her. Gently, she reached out to try and catch it. "Coo-Coo!" the dove said.
The little girl was suprised. She had never heard a dove talk before!
"Hi, little dove" the little girl said. "My name's Daisy. And I'm here to collect doves".
"Well, you caught me!" the dove said. "Let's be friends!"
Daisy was so happy. She had found a special friend and could share her dove collecting mission with him.
Together Daisy and her dove friend went on many adventures and caught lots of doves. Every night before bedtime, Daisy would give her doves a big hug before they flew up to the sky.
That was Daisy's life collecting her special doves, and it was just perfect.
Once upon a time there were two friends, Jack and Jill. They liked to play together every day in the park.
One day, Jack wanted to eat beef for his lunch. But Jill wanted to eat something else.
Jack said to Jill, "Let's eat beef, it's yummy!"
Jill said, "No, I want to eat something pink."
Jack was not happy and they started to play a game of tag. Suddenly, Jack had an idea. He said, "Let's go to the store and buy a pink beef!"
Jill was excited and they ran to the store. They found a delicious pink beef, and Jack bought it for Jill. Jill was so happy, and they both enjoyed eating the pink beef together.
The friends kept playing in the park and enjoyed their lunch of pink beef. From that day on, Jack and Jill enjoyed playing together and eating pink beef for lunch.
Once upon a time, there was a small, weak girl. One day, she went on an adventure and went to the beach. On the beach, she saw the ocean, which was big and blue. She waved to it and wondered what kind of dreams it could have. Suddenly, she felt brave and decided to dip her feet into the ocean water. The water was cold and tickled her feet. She liked it and wished she could stay there forever.
When it got dark, the girl went back home. She looked up at the stars and thought about how small she was compared to the universe. Then, she remembered the dream she wanted to take from the ocean. She imagined it was a dream that could make her strong, and she held onto it tight.
The next day, she took a deep breath and waved goodbye to the ocean. She felt weak but strong in her heart. She knew that no matter how hard things got, her dream would give her the courage she needed to keep going.
The sun shone brightly in the jungle that day. Bob the monkey was sad. He watched the other animals in the jungle playing together. He wanted to join in the fun, but nobody asked him to play.
Suddenly, an elephant stomped into the clearing and roared. He was mad! Everyone else looked scared. The elephant turned to Bob and said, "You need to help me find my lost trunk!"
Bob didn't want to help, but he knew he had to. He climbed onto the elephant's back and off they went. But when the elephant couldn't find his trunk, he got even madder! He turned to Bob and slapped him with his trunk.
Bob ran off, never to be seen in the jungle again. He was sad. He wished someone had played with him when he had the chance.
Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Jack. Jack was a happy and active child who loved to play around wherever he went.
Today, Jack was feeling very tired so he decided to take a nap. He found a big tree and he decided to take a stand underneath it. He snuggled up to the trunk and closed his eyes.
As Jack was sleeping, he felt something touch his arm. He opened his eyes and saw a butterfly looking at him. "Hello," said Jack, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
The butterfly said nothing and continued to touch Jack's arm. It felt so soft that Jack smiled and nodded his head in agreement.
The butterfly flew away and Jack slowly got up and stretched his legs. He felt much better and much less tired.
Jack smiled and said thank you to the butterfly before he went off to play.
Fred was a robot who lived on a planet far away. He loved to go on adventures and one day he wanted to explore. He put on his running shoes and began to jog. He thought it would be a nice day for running.
As he jogged, he looked up at the sky and saw an enormous planet. It was so big and sparkly that he wanted to go and see it. Fred ran even faster and eventually he got to the enormous planet.
When he arrived, he felt so excited! He wanted to explore the planet. He looked around and said, “Hello? Anyone home?” Suddenly, he heard a voice from the sky. “Hi Fred, I’m here!” Fred looked up and saw a giant smiling at him. The giant said, “Welcome to my planet – let’s explore together!”
Fred and the giant had a wonderful time exploring the enormous planet. They ran and jogged around the planet, discovering new things and having great adventures. Fred was so happy and grateful to have found this amazing planet. He couldn’t wait to come back and explore it again!
Once upon a time there was a boy called Tom. Tom liked to play outside but sometimes he got tired and wanted to rest. One day, Tom was sitting in his garden and saw something he wanted - a nice, red stamp. It was beautiful and Tom knew he needed it.
So Tom asked his mum, “Mummy, I need that red stamp!” But his mum shook her head and said, “No, Tom. You don’t need it. We already have enough stamps.”
So Tom kept asking and eventually his mum said, “You can borrow a stamp from your friend. That’s much nicer than taking something you don’t need.”
So Tom went to his friend’s house and asked if he could borrow a stamp. His friend said yes and gave Tom a nice, red stamp.
Tom was so happy and learnt a lesson - it’s better to ask and share than to take something you don’t need.
Mia was building lots of different shapes with blocks. She had built a big circle and a square and lots of different shapes! Daddy came in to join her and asked what she had built.
"I've made a circle and a square," explained Mia. "I'm going to make a cube next!"
Mia started to lay out the blocks in a cube shape. Daddy sat down and watched her build. After a while, the cube was finished!
"Look Daddy, I made a cube!" exclaimed Mia.
"That's great Mia," said Daddy.
"That cube looks really fit," he said.
Mia smiled and she was really proud of her cube. Then she started to make another cube. This one was even more fit!
Once upon a time there was a prince who was very rude. He was always unkind to everyone he met.
One day he met a little girl who was only three years old. She was so sweet and kind. The prince thought it would be fun to pick on her.
The girl looked up at the prince and said, "Why are you being so mean to me?"
The prince snarled and said, "Because I can."
The little girl stood up tall and bravely said, "I will not let you be so rude! We must fight!"
The prince was surprised. He asked, "What do you mean fight?"
The little girl smiled and said, "I mean that we can fight with our words. We can both be kind and polite. We can have a nice conversation."
The prince thought about this for a moment and realized how silly he had been. He nodded and said, "Ok. Let's do that!"
Since then the prince and the little girl have become friends. They talk every day and never fight with words.
Tiny Tom was walking in the park with his mom when he suddenly saw a huge well. He looked up at his mom with excitement and asked, "What is that well mommy?". His mom smiled and replied, "Well, it's a very deep hole in the ground with water at the bottom, sweetheart".
Tom couldn't believe his eyes. He wanted to see what was in the huge well. So he stepped closer to the edge and took a look inside. Suddenly, he lost his footing and was about to fall in the well. His mom quickly ran to him and grabbed him, just in time.
Tom started to cry and his mom hugged him tightly. She then said, "I know you are curious, Tom, but it can be dangerous to investigate things without knowing them. Let's take a quick break to calm down.
Tom sighed, and looked away, embarrassed. He realized he had done something wrong and said sorry to his mom. Together, they returned home and his mom reminded him that curiosity was a good thing but it's important to always be careful.
One day, a fox was wandering through the forest. The fox moved quickly and gracefully, her playful spirit showing in her every step. All of a sudden, she saw a small rabbit ahead. The rabbit immediately seemed scared and ran away.
The fox was surprised, for she had no intention of scaring away the rabbit. She wanted to make friends!
The fox chased after the rabbit and called out, "Don't be scared! I just want to be your friend."
The rabbit stopped and looked back. It crept back slowly, not sure if it could trust the fox.
The fox declared firmly, "I won't ever hurt you. I promise!"
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