Leamington concluded their season with an emphatic win over already-relegated Droitwich. The spring sunshine interlaced with a biting crosswind meant the pitch was, in the most part, ideal for free-running rugby and Droitwich started the game in a manner that belied their league position. They had the first opportunity of the day with an attempted penalty kick before Leamington’s Sam Nunn earned his side some breathing space with two timely clearances to touch. In their first positive attack, the pressure exerted by the Leamington pack was such that the visitors were unable to cope and they conceded a penalty try converted by Ben Jenkins. From the restart, prop Aled Thomas raced down the wing to get Leamington back on the attack and shortly after, Jenkins increased his side’s lead with a penalty. The hosts went further ahead with a well-worked try after Droitwich had once again conceded a penalty. From the resulting line-out, Craig Smith claimed possession and allowed his forwards to drive towards the line, giving Danny Phillips the chance to dive in for the score. With Leamington now in full control, another drive from their pack got them close to the Droitwich line. Danny Ruyssevelt retrieved the ball from the ruck and sent out a quick pass to Ben Jenkins who timed his run to perfection to outwit the defence and crash over for a 20-point interval lead. Barely four minutes of the second half had elapsed when Leamington winger Ryan Byrne took possession on halfway and raced away, leaving a trail of defenders in his wake, to score a fine individual try. Leamington increased their lead when Ben Jenkins broke out of defence at pace and found Joe Walton in support. As the defence closed in, Walton sent a clever kick through which fell into the grateful hands of Byrne for his second try in quick succession. Sam Nunn nailed the conversion and his side, already in bonus-point territory, were looking good value. Droitwich continued to come under a constant barrage from the home attack. Sam Nunn and Byrne combined to get the ball to Ruyssevelt deep in the Droitwich 22 and the centre’s clever movement fooled the defence, allowing him to crash over. Mark Baldwin was next to break the home defence with a strong run before unleashing the ball to Will Fievet who raced in under the posts. Nunn once again claimed the conversion. With energy levels high, Leamington were keen to push further ahead and a kick upfield from Nunn provided the next opportunity for points. Ruyssevelt took the ball before getting in a pass to the tireless John Brear, who powered his way over. Before the final curtain fell, Ruyssevelt once again got his side moving forward with a break on half-way. His neat inside pass to Joe Walton was sufficient to fool the defence and allow the young winger to score his side’s final try of the season. A Sam Nunn drop-kick conversion closed proceedings. Almost Done! Registering with Warwick Courier means you're ok with our terms and conditions.
How is "Again, these two goals are not mutually exclusive." said in Finnish? Taaskaan nämä kaksi tavoitetta eivät sulje toisiaan pois. Q: Translate "So, equipped with new and smart energies, let us go on the march into the future!" to Finnish? A: Suunnatkaamme siis uusien ja järkevien energialähteiden avulla tulevaisuuteen! input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: Arvoisa puhemies, keskustelemme tänään Tiibetistä, mutta me olemme puhuneet ja puhumme myös Tsetseniasta, Kurdistanista ja Taiwanista. Q: Translate "Moreover, it is not a question of who has won or lost in this debate, but of achieving a solution which, on the one hand, meets the legitimate demands of consumers and, on the other, is a viable one - since a solution that delivers nothing is no use to consumers. I have said that from the outset." to Finnish? Yes: Nyt ei ole kyse siitä, kuka tässä on voittanut tai hävinnyt, vaan sellaisten säännösten aikaansaamisesta, joka ottaa huomioon toisaalta kuluttajien oikeutetut vaatimukset ja toisaalta on käytännöllinen säännöstö, sillä säännöstö, josta ei ole mitään hyötyä, ei ole kuluttajien huomioon ottamista. [Q]: Asia ei kuitenkaan voi jäädä tähän. Translate this to English? [A]: However, the matter cannot rest here. How is "The problem is that in politics, the devil is in the detail." said in Finnish? Ongelmana on, että politiikassa vaara piilee yksityiskohdissa.
<?php //キーの重複などでSQLエラーが出ることがある require_once 'dbAccount.php'; try { $pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=volga;charset=utf8',dbUsername,dbPassword, array(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES => false)); } catch (PDOException $e) { exit('データベース接続失敗。'.$e->getMessage()); } //お金を増やす $stmt = $pdo->query("UPDATE country SET money=money+(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM province WHERE province.countryId=country.countryId),timestamp=NOW()"); //戦争 $stmt = $pdo->query("SELECT * FROM war"); header("Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8"); print("戦争の一覧:\n"); $result=array(); while($row = $stmt -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { array_push($result,$row); var_dump($row); } $newMilitarys=array(); foreach ($result as $value) { //互いの軍事力を取得します //補正後軍事力=軍事力/参戦戦争数 //軍事力3の国が2つの戦争に参加した場合、それぞれの戦争では1.5と扱われます。 $stmt = $pdo->query("SELECT military FROM country WHERE countryId=".$value["countryIdA"]); $countryAMilitary = ($stmt -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))["military"]; $stmt = $pdo->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS num FROM war WHERE countryIdA=".$value["countryIdA"]." OR countryIdB=".$value["countryIdA"]); $aWars = ($stmt -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))["num"]; $stmt = $pdo->query("SELECT military FROM country WHERE countryId=".$value["countryIdB"]); $countryBMilitary = ($stmt -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))["military"]; $stmt = $pdo->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS num FROM war WHERE countryIdA=".$value["countryIdB"]." OR countryIdB=".$value["countryIdB"]); $bWars = ($stmt -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))["num"]; //国名を取得 $stmt = $pdo->query("SELECT name FROM country WHERE countryId=".$value["countryIdA"]); $aName=($stmt -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))["name"]; $stmt = $pdo->query("SELECT name FROM country WHERE countryId=".$value["countryIdB"]); $bName=($stmt -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))["name"]; //お互い削り合います //もともとの軍事力に対する補正量を配列に格納 $newMilitarys[$value["countryIdA"]]+=-round($countryAMilitary/$aWars-max(0,$countryAMilitary/$aWars-$countryBMilitary/$bWars)); $newMilitarys[$value["countryIdB"]]+=-round($countryBMilitary/$bWars-max(0,$countryBMilitary/$bWars-$countryAMilitary/$aWars)); } //軍事力を更新します foreach ($newMilitarys as $key => $value) { $stmt = $pdo->query("SELECT military FROM country WHERE countryId=".$key); $military = ($stmt -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))["military"]; print("国IDが".$key." の国の元の軍事力は".$military." で更新後は".max(0,$military+$value)." です。\n"); $stmt = $pdo->query("UPDATE country SET military=".max(0,$military+$value)." WHERE countryId=".$key); $stmt -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } print("請求権:\n"); $stmt = $pdo->query("SELECT * FROM claim"); while($row = $stmt -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { var_dump($row); } //軍事力が尽きた国は敗戦とします foreach ($result as $value) { //軍事力を取得します $stmt = $pdo->query("SELECT military FROM country WHERE countryId=".$value["countryIdA"]); $aMilitary = ($stmt -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))["military"]; $stmt = $pdo->query("SELECT military FROM country WHERE countryId=".$value["countryIdB"]); $bMilitary = ($stmt -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))["military"]; print("AのIDは".$value["countryIdA"]."で軍事力は".$aMilitary."\n"); print("BのIDは".$value["countryIdB"]."で軍事力は".$bMilitary."\n"); if($aMilitary==0){ if($bMilitary==0){ //双方敗戦していた場合 print("双方敗戦\n"); $stmt = $pdo->query("DELETE FROM war WHERE countryIdA=".$value["countryIdA"]." AND countryIdB=".$value["countryIdB"]);//戦争を削除 $stmt -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); }else{ //Aが敗戦していた場合 print("Aが敗戦\n"); $stmt = $pdo->query("INSERT INTO claim VALUES (".$value["countryIdB"].",".$value["countryIdA"].",3)");//BがAに対し3マス主張できる try { $stmt -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } catch (\Throwable $th) { print("国ID".$value["countryIdB"]."の".$value["countryIdA"]."に対する請求権の追加に失敗"); var_dump($pdo ->errorInfo()); } $stmt = $pdo->query("DELETE FROM war WHERE countryIdA=".$value["countryIdA"]." AND countryIdB=".$value["countryIdB"]);//戦争を削除 $stmt -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } }else if($bMilitary==0){ print("Bが敗戦\n"); $stmt = $pdo->query("INSERT INTO 'claim' VALUES (".$value["countryIdA"].",".$value["countryIdB"].",3)");//AがBに対し3マス主張できる try { $stmt -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } catch (\Throwable $th) { var_dump($pdo ->errorInfo()); } $stmt = $pdo->query("DELETE FROM war WHERE countryIdA=".$value["countryIdA"]." AND countryIdB=".$value["countryIdB"]); //戦争を削除 $stmt -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); }else{ print("戦争は継続する\n"); } } ?>
Master-D (real name Subir Dev) is a Canadian Bengali musician who is out in the world lending hand to promote Bangla music. Please tell us a bit about you academic/family background? I studied at Trebas Institute in Sound Engineering but I really got all my experience hands on. That’s really where I got all the knowledge from and continuing to work on exploring music. I used to even do sound and lighting stage setups that now I use as experience on the road when the “so-called” sound engineer is behind the board. ∙ Why be a producer/singer? I guess I can say it runs in my veins. I come from an environment where music and Arts were part of life. Under the guidance of my mother I learnt to sing and play the harmonium first. After immigrating to Canada my music sense got sparked as I was surrounded by so many varieties of music and musicians. With all that available to me I then got interested to create my own compositions by fusing Desi style with urban music. At first I was not sure of myself but as I kept composing, I just kept getting better and better. Having accomplished 3 successful albums, winning many awards and touring the world with The Bilz and Kashif there’s no better feeling than that. Now I’m on a journey to revolutionize the Bangla Music industry. ∙ What is it for you? American music or Indian music? I can’t really choose one or the other as they are very distinct and have their own style. Both styles have made who I am today as I love combining them together. I had 10 years of Hindustani classical training on Tabla under the guidance of my Guru Dr. Narendre Verma. This is an instrument that allows you to develop a vast style of rhythmic techniques which I find makes me explore new ways of thinking about music. ∙ Why do you think many modern songs & music videos are not like evergreen songs & music videos of the past? It is very unfortunate how music these days are like fast food. Reality is also major labels just don’t invest in talent anymore and always look at just making a return on investment. An artist in the past would make an album every 2-3 years. Now you have to release one every year and few extra singles almost every 2 months to keep up with the pace so artists themselves don’t spend time making music or even experimenting. We’ve always just focused on quality above anything. Artists like Bruno Mars is the essence of true music for today’s generation and is one of my favorites. ∙ Do you believe art is for entertainment or for social awareness? One can argue that with so much disturbance in life, people would like to enjoy art for relaxation purpose only. I think that’s a great point. I believe it’s both but as an artist you have to also move the next generation to be aware of situations. For example ‘One Voice’ by The Bilz & Kashif sparked a major understanding within our community and is still a favorite amongst our fans. ∙ What’s your family’s reaction to your profession choice? I actually had to fight for my passion with my parents. It was tough but I have learnt that you should always follow your dream as in the end of the day we all look for happiness and making music enlightens me everyday. Today my new challenge is to change the way Bangla Music is heard. ∙ Is it a profession where you can make money? Yes you can but it’s much tougher. 15 years ago you could live off from a single and a full album without touring. Most of the money now comes touring and expanding your brand outside into movies and merchandising. ∙ Do good looks matter? Do they get you into the door? Most humans will always judge the book by its cover until you prove yourself. ∙ How do you keep yourself fit? A good balance is key to success and health in my opinion. I’m not going to lie, there are days that I give in but I’ll make sure I take care of it right away. ∙ How much time do you spend on social media? As much as I can lol. It’s a lot especially when you need to focus on making music for my new Bangla Urban project .. but please don’t message me to make you famous! It took me years of hard work to even scrape this surface! ∙ What kind of pressures do you feel as a professional? It’s really tough to continuously keep making hits after hits. So there’s always that pressure. Not to mention, being creative when it comes to visuals and setting the bar for the Bangla Music Industry. In the end, its my fans that keep fueling me. ∙ How much pressure do you feel to maintain a certain figure and looks? I try working out every day, laugh a lot and keep my skin moisturized. Ha! But honestly, I think music keeps me young maybe it’s a form of mediation! ∙ What and who do you turn to when depressed? Family is the best cure when it comes to that. I also like to watch a lot of comedies online when I’m stressed it really helps you should all try it too. ∙ Where do you see yourself in ten years? I see myself as successful artist/producer with 3 bangla albums. Possibility getting my foot inside Bollywood and Bangla movies along with winning few awards. I want to represent desis worldwide, and especially take Bangla music to international heights. I might also dabble into producing and writing my own Film. ∙ What would you like to change in the world? I’d like people to live more in peace and stop fighting about issues that date to ancient history. Live together in harmony and enjoy life as it comes. ∙ What was it like working with Bohemia on your new single/video? This is the first time that Bangla got fused with Punjabi. I am a very strong believer on mixing cultures together. When I had completed “Tension Stress” I wanted to add that language mix and the first person who came to my mind was Bohemia. Bohemia had always respect for the music production I was doing. He is a pioneer of Punjabi Rap in the same way I am pioneering Bangla urban. Adding the two elements together made this song a masterpiece. So far the support has been amazing from fans all across the world. ∙ Will we ever see a The Bilz & Kashif reunion? We’re always working on things together even if we’re on a solo path. Vicious is handling all the business for both me and Kashif so at the end of the day its family. I can only say that all rivers run to the sea. So eventually ……keep an ear out. Good — but not good enough. That’s the upshot of the largest survey ever commissioned into children’s vaccination status by the Public Health Agency of Canada. While a relatively high number of kids have been immunized, overall rates remain “sub-optimal.” As long as that’s the case, a distressing percentage of children across this country remain at risk of serious illness. The threat is all the more troubling because it’s so readily avoided through timely vaccination. This level of protection occurs when so large a proportion of a population has been rendered immune to a bacteria or virus that there’s no practical route for infection to spread, even to the small percentage that remains vulnerable. Herd immunity is what protects people for whom vaccine isn’t an option, including patients with cancer, impaired immune systems, or other vulnerabilities. A 90-per-cent immunization rate generally provides society with sufficient coverage, although a 95-per-cent uptake is required for herd immunity against measles, an extremely contagious menace. Canada tends to fall well short of such targets. The survey found 91 per cent of toddlers were inoculated against polio. But only 73 per cent were protected against chicken pox. And just 89 per cent were shielded from measles. Given what’s at stake — quite literally, the well-being of our children — Canadians can and should do better. Doctors, midwives and other health professionals could do more to promote vaccination and dispel parents’ misunderstandings. Provinces could run more immunization clinics when children start school. And officials could tighten provisions which allow parents to opt out of vaccination and still have their kids attend class. One possible way to tighten exemptions would be to require proof of religious affiliation. Possible complications from measles alone include pneumonia, hearing loss, brain damage and even death. There’s simply no good excuse to leave children at risk of such tragedies when a solution, provided through vaccination, is so obvious and near at hand. Respondents were also asked what election result would have “the most positive impact on the Canadian economy.” While a Harper-led Conservative majority ranked highest, at 24.1 per cent, a Mulcair majority came in at 20.6 per cent, compared with 13.5 per cent for a majority Liberal government led by Mr. Trudeau. Former Conservative pollster Dave Crapper called the results “groundbreaking,” suggesting voters who appear to be warming to Mr. Mulcair and the NDP are ready “to give them credit” for being able to manage the economy – a reputation that has long eluded the party. Mr. Mulcair has talked up his economic platform recently in speeches to business audiences and during visits to Ontario farms and businesses. He has pledged to increase the minimum wage, cut small business taxes, introduce new tax credits, commit an extra $1.5-billion in gas taxes to infrastructure spending, introduce a national childcare program and deliver balanced budgets. “The NDP will have to be extremely diligent in making sure their platform adds up,” said Goldy Hyder, CEO of public affairs firm Hill+Knowlton Canada. Former Harper government spokesman Jason MacDonald said: “If you dig deep we’re looking at a high tax and debt-focused policy coming from the NDP.” He added the election remains “an abstract notion” for many and that as it draws near “we’ll probably [see] what we’ve seen over time: people recognize … the Conservatives are [the party] that actually has a track record and a clear plan” on economic matters. Canada’s economy has struggled in part due to weakening prices globally for oil and other commodities. The Bank of Canada initially forecast expansion for this year, but data suggest the economy contracted in the first half, putting Canada in a recession. While Canada’s economy throughout the global 2008-09 recession and subsequent recovery performed better than others, it now lags the United States. Mr. Harper and Finance Minister Joe Oliver have insisted the government will balance this year’s budget, despite last week’s warning from the Parliamentary Budget Officer that Ottawa could post a $1-billion deficit. One repulsive Conservative attack-ad running on television these days talks about Canada’s 2008 recession. If you recall, that was just the first recession over which Stephen Harper has presided – we’re now suffering through his second. What a glorious record, as he stumbles from one economic bungle to another! In this television ad, a paid actor reads through a Conservative script suggesting that no one saw the 2008 recession coming. That is a barefaced lie. Just about everyone in the western world could tell the economy was turning downward – everyone, apparently, except the Conservatives. Were they that incompetent, or did they deliberately hide the truth? For several years, officials in Canada’s Finance department had worried about fundamental weaknesses in the US housing market and in the American banking system which posed serious downside risks to global economic stability. They urged successive Finance Ministers (including me) to be particularly prudent in financial management and budget-making. There was a high-risk bubble that was about to burst. Ignoring all the warnings in that period between when they took power (February, 2006) and when the recession arrived (Fall, 2008), the Harper regime overspent by three-times the rate of inflation. They mangled the federal tax base. They eliminated all the contingency reserves and prudence factors from the budget-making process. And they put Canada back on the cusp of a deficit once again. In effect, the Conservatives inherited one of the strongest fiscal and economic situations in the western world, and in less than three years, they blew it – BEFORE there was any recession to blame. The recession made things worse, but it was Mr. Harper all on his own who made Canada vulnerable. All through his reckless profligacy, Mr. Harper claimed a recession was unlikely. He promised we would all enjoy “good buying opportunities”. He pledged never to run a deficit. In fact he explicitly projected five surplus budgets. And he was completely wrong. Why? It was all contrived to let him sneak past Election Day in the fall of 2008. And now, as Yogi Berra might say, it’s “deja-vu all over again”. Mr. Harper is in abject denial about another recession, and about the hard reality that, on his watch, the economy is a “serial disappointment”. He has the worst growth record of any Prime Minister since R.B. Bennett in the 1930’s. He failed to lead this country to full recovery from that first recession in 2008 before the second one hit in 2015. He has run up $157-billion in new Harper debt – so far. His deficits continue. The federal books are not yet balanced in 2015. This will be the 8th consecutive Harper deficit. To try to divert attention from their economic incompetence, the Conservatives have hired an actor to tell lies in a television attack-ad. But the real “bad actor” is Mr. Harper himself. Ten people have died in the Indian state of Punjab after a siege at a police station was brought to an end by security forces. All three attackers were killed, along with seven other people, including the Punjab state police superintendent. The attackers first hijacked a car then opened fire at a bus station before entering the police station in Gurdaspur district, officials said. The six victims included four policemen – among them police superintendent Baljit Singh – and three civilians. The attackers were armed with automatic weapons and dressed in military fatigues. Such assaults are common in disputed Kashmir, but attacks in neighbouring Punjab are extremely rare. Gurdaspur’s deputy police commissioner Abhinav Trikha told the AFP news agency that the attackers had holed up inside the residential quarters at the police station and were “firing continuously”. “They were dressed in army uniforms and came in a Maruti [Suzuki] car,” he told reporters at the scene. Security forces also found bombs nearby on the railway tracks at the Dinanagar railway station, according to Indian media. Gurdaspur is a vast and rural district, not as prosperous as other districts in Punjab. It is not immediately an obvious choice for an assault such as this. But this is not the first time it has seen such an attack: five years ago people witnessed a bloody gun battle in the district between militants and local policemen. And it is also one of Punjab’s most populous districts, sandwiched between the state’s two major rivers, Ravi and Beas, and sharing common boundaries with Indian-administered Kashmir and Pakistan. Locals believe that this time the gunmen may have come from Indian-administered Kashmir or slipped in through some of the porous parts of the riverine tracts of the international border with Pakistan. Jitendra Singh, India’s junior minister for home affairs, suggested the attackers may have come across the border from Pakistan. “There have been earlier reports of cross-border infiltration [in Gurdaspur] and Pakistani mischief in the area,” he told reporters. The Pakistani foreign ministry condemned the attack. “Pakistan reiterates its condemnation of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations,” it said in a statement. The Judicial Commission submitted its report to the federal government on July 22, 2015. It rejected the complaints of the Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaf (PTI) and several other opposition political parties that the May 2013 general elections were rigged and manipulated. By declaring these elections as a true and fair reflection of the mandate of the electorate, the Judicial Commission provided legal legitimacy to the 2013 election and the electoral victory of the Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz Group (PMLN). The PTI faced a major political embarrassment. However, the Judicial Commission has not resolved the issue of political acceptability of the results of the elections. It was not merely the PTI that complained about the election results, several other political parties, including those that supported the PMLN in the context of the protest by the PTI, also questioned the legitimacy of the election results. The legal legitimacy given by the Judicial Commission will not change the opinion of all these political parties about the elections. Therefore, the general elections and the PMLN’s ascendancy to power will continue to be questioned on political grounds many political activists. The Report of the Judicial Commissions represents a conservative and status-quo oriented approach. It took advantage of the terms of reference to down play irregularities and procedural violations, including non –authentication of votes and multiple voting by one person and declare these elections as fair and free on aggregate. The second term of reference sought to know if the elections were manipulated in a “systematic effort by design.” The Judicial Commission assigned a priority to systematic or by design manipulation over other issues undermining the credibility of the elections. It was clear during the proceedings of the Judicial Commission that systematic and planned rigging would not be proved. As the PTI could not prove systematic manipulation by an institution, government or political party, the Judicial Commission was able to confirm the first and the last terms of reference that legitimized the elections in legal terms. The Judicial Commission noted procedural and other violations but these could not influence the opinion of the members of the Judicial Commission because they confined them to the issue of systematic and planned manipulation. In a way the Election Commission and Judicial and other officials on the polling day duties have also got a clean chit because procedural irregularities were not given weight. The advice by the Commission to improve the management of the elections has not got much significance because if the elections represented the true and fair mandate of the people despite a host of deficiencies, why rectify those deficiencies. Why should the government of the Election Commission worry about these issues when these are not relevant to determine the credibility of the electoral process? The PMLN will focus on the legal aspects and the PTI and other political parties would pursue its political dimensions which will revive political conflict between the two sides. It will be three or four months before this conflict takes a definite shape. By that time the flood season as well as local bodies elections would be over in the Punjab. The PTI will have to review its political agenda and strategy. There is no scope for return to the theme of electoral manipulation. It will have to identify the issue that appeals to the common folks. The PTI support appears to be mainly from the middle to upper classes. It will have to mobilize the populace from the middle to the lower strata of the society. New sets of issues are required to attract this section of population. The PTI needs to pay attention to its organizational and internal discipline problems and Imran khan should avoid returning to the old traps like public expression of sympathy for Pakistani Taliban. Instead of making generalized statements, Imran Khan should adopt a non-ambiguous position on social and economic inequities in the society, privatization of state assets and religious extremism and militancy. It would not be advisable to revive the “Dhrana” strategy of 2014. New strategies like public meetings and mass level mobilization need to be considered. Another issue pertains to the PTI working with other political parties. Its strategy of “solo flight” requires a review. The PPP’s declining fortune may not be revived as long as its leadership protects its interest by identifying with Nawaz Sharif. It faces organizational and leadership crises in the Punjab that have turned it into a feeble and directionless political entity. Its activists are depressed and dismayed in the Punjab. The ruling PMLN needs to change its policy of distributing state funds as the gifts from the Prime Minister or the Chief Minister of the Punjab. Instead, it should invest financial and administrative resources to coping with the energy shortages and the declining industrial output. Unless these two issues are addressed on a priority basis the problem of poverty and under-development cannot be tackled in Pakistan. The PMLN policy of conceding policy making and implementation to the military may work as long the military-Rangers action is confined to Karachi where the PMLN has hardly any direct political sake. If the military decides to adopt a similar approach to control militancy and corruption and administrative inefficiency the Punjab, the PMLN will find it difficult to pursue stable relations with the military. The PMLN should understand that its current triumph will prove short-lived if it continues to pursue its on-going narrow and personalized governance. It needs to appoint professionals on the top level technical positions and adopt socio-economic policies that benefit the common persons on a permanent basis rather than pursuing glamorous construction projects that have scope for corruption. The current floods will increase popular dissatisfaction against the PMLN government which will make it easy for the opposition parties to initiate another confrontation with the government. The team led by Ajit Someshwar, the former President of Indo-Canada Chamber of Commerce (ICCC) and the national convenor of the Canada-India Foundation (CIF), won the ICCC 17th Annual Golf Classic held the Piper Heath Golf Club in Hornby, ON, on Thursday, July 23, 2014. Sanjay Makkar, President, ICCC, while presenting Someshwar and his team members Curren Holla, Sal Rabbani & Glen Piller with a rotating trophy, acknowledged the dedicated hard work put in by ICCC’s Golf Committee, and thanked the enthusiastic band of 152 golfers who participated in the tourney. The Golf Committee comprises of Anil Shah (Chair), Rahul Mehta, Pradeep Sood, Tavinder Malhotra and Vikram Dua. Both the venue and the weather were instrumental in the tremendous success of the tourney. The weather – a combination of balmy and breezy – was perfect for golfing, ensuring the participants had a great time. The venue also played an important role in enhancing the golfers’ experience. Piper’s Heath is a stunning 18-hole championship course designed by renowned golf course architect Graham Cooke that is strategically located in the heart of the Greater Toronto Area. Addressing them Mr. Makkar pledged to make his tenure as the Chamber’s President a year of change, a time when the venerated Chamber would both live up to its traditions and chart a fresh path of achievements. He emphasized that the new board would be actively pursuing a number of initiatives that would directly benefit members, their businesses and professions. The year of change would also lead to a quantum leap in the Chamber’s membership, he assured. Don’t leave your child in the car, no matter what, even for a brief time. A car is like a greenhouse and temperatures can rise very quickly, even with the windows open. There is no safe amount of time to leave a child (or pet) alone in the car. Children are especially vulnerable to heat-related injuries and aren’t able to sweat as well as adults to cool down. If you leave your child in the car, even for a brief few minutes, there can be serious, life altering consequences. You may get distracted, or forget about your child, or something could happen to you that could impair your ability to tell someone else your kids are in the car. Take them with you 100% of the time. Or just don’t stop to get out. It is way too risky. Mere minutes in the car can prove fatal. As the car gets warmer, a child’s body temperature will rise, causing heat-stroke. When the body temperature exceeds 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit), the brain’s temperature control centre gets overwhelmed, causing disorientation, confusion, dizziness, seizures, loss of consciousness and death. This can happen within minutes of leaving the car. MINUTES. Many of us have briefly forgotten that our child/children were in the car with us, especially if they have fallen asleep. When you are in a rush and distracted, you may need a gentle reminder that they are with you. This is especially true if there is a break from your routine. For example, let’s say your partner typically drives your child to daycare, and you drive to work. Today you are driving your child to daycare and then to work. It is easy to forget that you have your child in the car when you don’t usually. You arrive at work and your child is asleep in your backseat, behind you, where you have no visual cues that he or she is there. Just think of how often your normal routine is changed and how easily you can be thrown off your game. What can you do? Give yourself reminders out loud as you drive or place items around that will act as a visual reminder. Place your purse in the back seat or the diaper bag beside you. Use anything that will jog your memory that your child is with you. An easy trick – leave a large stuffed animal in your child’s car seat. When you are driving with your child, the stuffed animal is placed next to you in the passengers seat as the reminder. Easy! The car is a fun place for a child with so many buttons and the steering wheel. Some kids may be curious and wander in there looking for an adventure. Some kids can climb in but the door may be too heavy to open from the inside. Talk to your kids about car safety and never allow them to play in there without you. Keep your car door locked and keys away from curious hands. Get in the habit of opening the back door after you park to ensure there is no one there. It’s a simple step that will become routine very quickly. Need to grab some food or cash? Use a drive through so you can stay in your car with the kids. If you see a child or pet in a hot vehicle, call 911 immediately. Bear in mind, this can happen to you and to any great parent. We have a million things going on and distraction is all around is. Let’s keep our kids safe! One in four (27 per cent) married and common law Canadians say financial stress is affecting their relationship. • This number jumps to 41 per cent among younger couples. • Debt is the cause of relationship strains faced by 20 per cent of Canadian couples. Debt is a taboo topic, even when it comes to your for-richer-for-poorer partner. According to pollsters Ipsos Reid, only half of Canadians are completely truthful about their finances, and I’d like that to change — especially for the brides and grooms of the 2015 wedding season. Openness and honesty are pillars of any marriage, so why not extend the concept to your finances? Sit down with your partner and hash out your numbers — what are your combined assets and liabilities? What’s your net worth? What about debts? Any trouble with your credit score? If you’re going to build a financial life together, you need a good, honest foundation. You’ll be sharing a lot of expenses, so it is probably most convenient to have a joint chequing account for bills and daily spending. Beyond convenience, a joint account will help you avoid any legal inconveniences if the worst should happen and your spouse passes away — there can be a lot of paperwork involved in accessing a spouse’s account. For those who need a bit of financial independence (in case you need some secrecy for buying a birthday present, for example), you and your spouse could have separate savings accounts. Just because you think you have sound financial judgement, doesn’t mean your spouse will agree. If your financial goals don’t line up with your spouse’s, it could cause a lot of tension and turmoil. Have a discussion about short-term and long-term goals. Are you saving for a housing down payment? Is a kid on the way? Any thoughts on retirement? Do you need to clear out some debt? You made it this far together — if it’s meant to be, you can find a plan that works for both of you. A budget is the road map that will guide you and your spouse to your financial goals. It’s critical that you have one, and that you follow it. Follow Consolidated Credit’s recommended budgeting percentages, and make adjustments where necessary. Track your spending using a free budgeting app. “Stopped at #Starbucks and noticed this girl holding her phone up pouting taking a selfie… For 15 mins! That’s some dedication for a photo. “Now u know why I don’t take as many selfies… D’Cruz, 27, posted on Twitter. The actress started her showbiz career with Southern films before making it big with Ranbir Kapoor starrer “Barfi!” followed by “Phata Poster Nikla Hero”, “Main Tera Hero” and “Happy Ending”.
. This is an external training course for Soft Tissue Therapists. We are looking to add self-employed/part time Soft Tissue Therapists to our team, to be located at our Kensington or City of London Clinics, which include Chancery Lane, Moorgate, St Pauls and Bank. We are looking for fantastic MSK clinicians to join our team; we have full-time and part-time opportunities across our 7 London based clinics. We are looking for a motivated and hard working Strength and Conditioning Coach to join our team.
Introduction renders untenable the account of Treblinka as an extermination camp. I’ve discovered that the Eric Hunt video is no longer available on YouTube. I’ve now linked to the video elsewhere instead. Nice article, thank you very much. If everyone were as logical as you, our world would be a lot better. Thank you very much, Holocaust Hoax Museum. Of course, that applies to you too. Pingback: Treblinka Archaeology - Beyond the Pale Many FundoraMy pal and I have been just talking over this subject, jane is always seeking to prove me wrong! I am about to present her this paraciultr blog post and rub it in a little! I hope you can convince her, Jodi! Thanks for spending time on the computer (wgrtini) so others don’t have to. Thank you, Roseanna.
So. Whenever J and I go to Olive Garden, I order the 5 Cheese Ziti. When I order something else, I wish I ordered the 5 Cheese Ziti. After doing this a couple of times, I learned and have a regular order. While I have looked at copycat recipes for this amazing dish, I've never found anything that has made me sit up and want to try it. The garlic, the cheese...how could I replicate the sauce? Until now. I finally found one to try. This month for Group A's reveal for the Secret Recipe Club, I was given the blog, Cheese with Noodles. Anna lives in Alaska with her husband, her bunnies and her cats. Like me, she doesn't take the beautiful pictures that I aspire to...nor does she photo every recipe. She does say, however, that the recipes need to be amazing to make it onto her blog. Amazing food? Count me in! This ziti recipe looked easy, made a ton, and had lots of garlic. Plus, with the cream in the sauce, perhaps it would be like that which I love from Olive Garden. Information that could prove to be very dangerous in the wrong hands, which in this case would be mine. I present to you now Cheese with Noodles' Dreamy Baked Ziti: Ingredients:From Cheese with Noodles 1 lb ziti 2 Tbsp oil 5 cloves garlic, minced 28 oz can crushed tomatoes 8 oz can tomato sauce 1 Tbsp Italian herb mix 1 Tbsp basil 1 tsp salt 1 tsp pepper 1 tsp sugar 1 lb cottage cheese 2 eggs 4 oz parmesan cheese, shredded 8 oz mozzarella cheese, cubed 1 c cream 1 Tbsp cornstarch 1 tsp salt Method: 1. Preheat oven to 350F. Grease a 9x13" pan and a piece of foil that will fit over top of the casserole dish. Cook pasta in boiling water until almost cooked through (it will continue to cook in the oven, and you don't want it to get soggy!) 2. In a medium saucepan, heat oil and garlic, cooking until fragrant. Add tomatoes, tomato sauce, herbs, and sugar. Simmer for 10 minutes, until cooked through. 3. In a large bowl, combine cottage cheese, eggs, half the parmesan, half the mozzarella, salt, and the cream into which the cornstarch has been blended. Stir together and add 1 c of the tomato sauce. Drain pasta, rinse with cool water, and add to the cheese mixture. 4. Pour pasta maixture into the 9x13" pan and spread evenly. Pour tomato sauce over the pasta, spreading evenly and scattering with reserved parmesan and mozzarella. Cover with greased foil, and bake for 30 minutes. Uncover and bake an additional 30 minutes until golden and bubbly. Hi Sarah! I'm so glad you liked it! Funny you picked this one because the person who had my blog last month picked Dreamy Baked Ziti, too :D I've only made it the one time but we sure did like it, perhaps I need to make it again. Yummmm. That looks so good. I've never had that at Olive Garden, I always order carbonara (I say always - we probably go there once a year, maybe!). But I adore baked ziti and I love how creamy that one is. In the past 2 days, I have seen two different recipes(incl. yours) for baked ziti that look awesome. The ziti I make is usually pretty darn simple, but these are both more intriguing.I think it's a sign. ;) My husband and son have their favorite dish at Olive Garden, too. Well, they had a favorite. It's recently been discontinued. So it's good you now have a backup! This looks really good. looks delicious! now i want pasta, real bad. btw i had you this month for src! i made your black bean and rice soup. it was delicious! thanks for the great recipe :)
Back when his country was controlled by the USSR, the Czech writer Milan Kundera pointed out that ‘Union of Soviet Socialist Republics’ was ‘four words, four lies’. It’s a strike rate that even the current US president has yet to match. Nonetheless, at one stage in Reporting Trump’s First Year: The Fourth Estate (BBC2, Sunday) we did see him pull off an impressive three-sentences, three-lies sequence in a speech about — inevitably — the mainstream media, including the New York Times. ‘They have no “sources”,’ said Trump baldly. ‘They just make ’em up. They are the enemy of the people.’ Not that Trump will care, but by then we already knew how scrupulously the paper in question goes about its reporting. The New York Times has given the makers of this new documentary series remarkable access to what goes on behind the scenes — which is to say a lot of careful fact-checking and a refusal to publish any story that can’t be fully backed up. (Rather disappointingly, of course, the actual process of publishing no longer involves the thunderous rolling of presses, but clicking on a computer icon labelled ‘publish’.) In the first episode, the Times did eventually find the sources required to score some serious scoops. The overwhelming impression, though, was of clever, slightly earnest newspaper types struggling to understand the new world in which they found themselves: a world where the traditional rules have gone and there’s a president who, as one reporter put it, ‘is very comfortable not telling the truth’. In the circumstances, sad to say, the executive editor’s continued commitment to ‘independent honest inquiry’ sounded almost quaint, although not as much as the publisher’s proud declaration that, ‘We’re not driven by clicks, we think in decades’. Quaintest of all, these people occasionally even displayed that least fashionable of virtues: self-doubt. ‘We didn’t have our finger on the pulse of the country,’ said one about the paper’s election coverage, ‘and that was wrong.’ Appropriately enough, the programme is pretty old-school itself, determined not to sensationalise, and content to move quite slowly, with plenty of lingering shots of people looking pensive in glass-fronted offices. Even so, the result provides unnerving evidence of what happens when moral nuance becomes a source of suspicion rather than of admiration. (Nowadays, the Times also comes under attack from the left if it fails to condemn every aspect of the Trump administration’s behaviour.) Happily, while the newspaper’s staff spent most of the time looking somewhere between infuriated and shell-shocked, they did remain journalists to the core — greeting each fresh Trump outrage with both dismay and a regular excited cry of ‘What a fucking story!’ Still, for anybody who does value such old-fashioned values as balance, Monday night brought us a full-on Trump supporter. Inside the American Embassy (Channel 4) is another new documentary series with unusually close access to its subject — in this case, Robert Wood Johnson, billionaire businessman, owner of the New York Jets and, since November 2017, the US ambassador to Britain. Johnson’s appointment was presumably linked to the large donations he made to Trump’s presidential campaign — and at one point we heard him boast that he’s raising his two young sons to be ‘just like Donald Trump’. But his devotion was by no means slavish. Clearly, he’d have preferred it if the President hadn’t retweeted videos from the far-right group Britain First — and, ideally, had also refrained from criticising the cost and location of the new American embassy. Nor was he entirely won over when, following his recognition of Jerusalem as the Israeli capital, Trump urged everybody in the region to stay calm. (‘That does it every time,’ Johnson observed with somewhat weary amusement.) In the absence of any diplomatic experience, Johnson is relying, with unshakeable self-assurance, on his business skills to see him through. During a trip to the state department in Washington, an earnest under secretary wondered how the department could help ‘from a cultural standpoint — arts, photography, exchange programmes’. ‘We like music and all that,’ Johnson replied long-sufferingly. ‘But what pays for it is the business guys.’ Back in London, he visibly alarmed Sir Alan Duncan with a hymn of praise to the peregrine falcon, ‘the ultimate in domination’, with its ability to cut a pigeon’s throat in midair. Johnson applied the same gung-ho approach to Brexit, something he regards as ‘not a major challenge’. (‘How can you have this great a country and not be successful?’) Unfortunately, his bullishness went distinctly unshared by most of the Brits he met. Alan Duncan, for example, responded to Johnson’s confidence in a rosy British future with a comedy crossing of the fingers. And as a general rule, the more the ambassador urged this country’s business leaders not to be so nervous about the prospect, the more nervous they looked. Subscribe to The Spectator Australia today for a quality of argument not found in any other publication. Subscribe – Try a month free Show comments
Do you know what the air quality is likewhere we live, study or work? There are 4 types of CO2 Index which were desinged according to CO2 concentration factor indicator. It helps you identify CO2 concentration levels more quickly. CO2 measured value: carbon dioxide concentration in ppm (parts per million = 1 millionth = 1 ppm = 10-6 -equivalent to 0.001‰). The Federal Environment Agency recommends do not stay in an environment where the CO2 value exceeds 1000 ppm for a long time. CO2 Alert function ensures regular and effective ventilation.It not only helps to reduce the risk of many virus transmission, but also lower CO2 levels to improve concentration. We can use the brightest mode during the day. And use medium light or low light mode at night. We can choose to hang or place the air quality test kit on the desktop according to our needs. Using USB power supply(included) can set the back light to be always on. Using battery power(not included) can make the screen bright for 10 seconds. [High-precision CO2 Sensor]: The industry-leading CO2 detection chip detects in real time whether public and private spaces are exhaling excessive CO2 levels due to large crowds and confined spaces, and promptly reminds us whether we need timely ventilation to reduce the risk of CO2. [Wide Range of Applications]: This CO2 sensor can be used in daily life, plant room, wine cellar, RV, school, cafe and factory.
The veteran Lower Mainland broadcaster passed away at age 90, on Friday, July 17, 2015 surrounded by loved ones in New Westminster, BC. He was born and raised in Vancouver. During his 35 year career, Gordie hosted the DX Prowl on CKMO (1945), worked as an announcer and copywriter at CHWK in Chilliwack from 1945 to 1953. In 1953 he joined the CKNW newsroom where he worked until 1955 when he moved to CFUN (the former CKMO) to host “Double It” until 1957. In 1963 he helped launch CJJC Langley where he was Assistant Manager. In 1965 he returned to CHWK where he was the voice of the daily news broadcasts at 8:00 AM and 5:30 PM until his retirement in 1980. He was a member of the Canadian Association of Broadcasters Quarter Century Club. He was predeceased by his wife of 60 years, Florence (nee Chidlow) and his two brothers, Francis and Haskell. He is survived by his four children Stephanie, Richard, Andrea and Susan, and four grandchildren David, Matthew, Owen and Stacey and six great grandchildren. A celebration of Gordie’s life will be held on Saturday, August 29, 2015 at 1:00 PM at the Joyce Walley Room at the Museum of Vancouver, 1100 Chestnut St., Vancouver, BC. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to the charity of your choice.
Juliette Barnesis introduced the in an multi-platinum cross-country artist sensation, dominated the teen market with her catchy tunes and pretty smile. She is a girl who has had to fight for everything she has earned, and immediately sees Rayna James as her competition. As the series goes on, we begin to understand much of her insecurities come from her tumultuous relationship with her drug addict mother Jolene, manifesting in using men and fighting those she views as threats like Rayna. As more layers are peeled back, we see a broken girl who has never known what it means to be chosen and valued. Her longing for love and family drive many of her actions, as we see her finding her own voice in asserting independence in her career to make the music she wants to make, not just what sells. Her talent as a songwriter and musician is overshadowed by her brand, and we see her journey in fighting what people expect her to be and what she truly wants to put out. We also see her journey in learning to find love in others and in turn learning to love and believe in herself. Hayden Panettiere is no stranger to the limelight. Her first major role was on Guiding Light as Lizzie Spaulding. Since then, she has appeared in multiple feature films such as Bring It On: All or Nothing, Raising Helen and Ice Princess. Panettiere is most prominently known for her role as Clare Bennett on the hit NBC tv show Heroes. Now, she garners critical acclaim for the role of Juliette Barnes on this show, and we could not be more happy. When [Hayden] stood in front of the camera as Juliette, I saw the character that I needed, not the one she'd already done.." supporters 01. Static Waves 02. Arawen 03. littlelexipedia 04. TamiTaylor 05. dancing in the rain 06. holding my heart 07. Rickylious 08. Queen of Babble 09. Licia 11. Sarita234 12. IceKat055 13. vale decem 14. Javery Junkie 15. tell me a lie 16. soapbubbles511 17. YoursToHold 18. OnlySlower 19. silver lining 20. MrღMrsStinsbatskys 21. Walt Reynolds 22. lulu-144 23. KeepThisaSecret 24. *~Sophia~* 25. raphi1860 26. These Broken Stars 27. acoustichearts 28. jsvoice 29. Myna 30. caught each other 31. ~Pj~ 32. *Stephie* 33. nashville fan yank me back before I went too far." fanvids There was a time when I needed you, too. Juliette Barnes | Castle Walls It's so loud inside my head | Juliette Barnes Alone | Juliette ft. Avery Elastic Heart future titles "Since I was a kid, I couldn't understand why nobody loved me." “I remember reminding myself that beauty is an opinion, not a fact.” “She is a fantastic actress, a very hard worker, very committed and consistent."~Jonathan Jackson “She's very savvy about the camera, but she's not giving it to the camera, she's giving it to the actor.”~Jack Coleman “Hayden has chemistry with everybody…she's just invested in whoever she is acting with.”~Jack Coleman previous threads #1: "I guess nice just ain't my color." #2: "That's the problem with being on top. It's that people aren't just waiting for you to fall, they're trying to cause you to." #3: "We marveled at Panettiere’s innate ability to make us root for a character who kicked off the series so unlikable." #4: "They told me I was beautiful, and to me that meant they loved me. It took me years to realize I wasn't what they loved." #5: "You forgive and understand her because the person she is outside of the industry is a good person."~HP #6: "She's a very damaged person... She was essentially raised by wolves."~Callie Khouri #7: "Juliette Barnes isn’t going down without a fight; Hayden Panettiere should not leave this show without an Emmy." #8: "You know me, I’m like a birthday candle you can’t blow out." #9: "You will always be the unforgettable Juliette Barnes. And someday soon, you're gonna start to feel like her again." I remember reminding myself that beauty is an opinion, not a f a c t. And it has always made me feel better. vancouver | los angeles | Coldplay campaign ♡ Candice "I don't need faith princess, when I have y o u." [Bruce x Diana]
Per the agreement and its promise not to screw it up, Tumblr will be independently operated as a separate business. David Karp will remain CEO. The product, service and brand will continue to be defined and developed separately with the same Tumblr commitment to empower creators. About a week or so ago, I was so outraged by Yahoo CEO Marissa Meyer’s decision to ban telecommuting for the company’s employees, beginning June 1. Basically, Meyer decided that any employees who had an arrangement to work at home, or those who sporadically used their home offices, would be forced to commute into the company’s headquarters each day, or find employment elsewhere. I can almost bet that there was no jumping for joy and cries of “Yahoo!” (no pun intended) late last week at the tech giant’s headquarters when company CEO Marissa Mayer announced that she plans to implement a no-work-from-home policy, beginning this June.
In 1998, University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers made waves in the worlds of biology and medicine, revealing they had five examples of human embryonic stem cells — biological building blocks at the foundation of cellular development — successfully isolated and growing on laboratory dishes. Visit the Madison-based stem cell bank WiCell today, and you’ll find a library of 1,364 different lines of stem cell cultures, an indicator of how far the field has come since that breakthrough 20 years ago. Enter the secure room in WiCell’s home in University Research Park, and you’ll find five-foot-tall metal tanks, each storing 47,000 vials full of stem cells floating in a nutrient-rich liquid medium. Staff unseal the tanks, unleashing plumes of liquid nitrogen vapor, and place the vials in large R2-D2-like cylinders that ship to teams of scientists and pharmaceutical companies in Madison and around the globe for research projects, clinical trials and biotechnology products.
0100 Splash Radio plays a wide variety of Top 40 hits along with a splash of the 80s and 90s. We are based out of Jim Thorpe PA in Carbon County, PA in the beautiful Pocono Mountains. We play a wide variety of 80s, 90s and Music of today! #1 Lehigh Valley Internet Radio station!
He Really Is Risen! Reading once again the accounts of Jesus’ crucifixion, and this time in a harmony of the four gospels which brought the four accounts into one continuous narrative, took the story somehow to a different climax, I was struck once again by the human inevitability of it all. The gospels begin with what led up to Christ’s birth, a fact often missed in the telling of the tale at Christmas, through his ministry and the rising hostility of the religious authorities, his death and then his resurrection. From time to time various authorities asked Jesus tricky questions to try to catch him out. See, they weren’t interested in proving whether he was who he claimed to be, they were only interested in debunking this imposter for their own selfish reasons. We live in a similar age of scepticism. No one takes anything at face value. Our politicians lie to us, we say; our bankers steal from us; who knows who tells us the truth anymore? The death of Marilyn Monroe, obviously a conspiracy of silence over what really happened. The same with President Kennedy, or Dr Kelly. But not so with Christ’s death. There the authorities tried to make it into a conspiracy, but the truth was already out there for all to see. Jesus died (yes, he really did die all over, as the expression goes), and then he was resurrected to life immortal. And it’s not a tall tale or a conspiracy. Men and women do not die, as did the early Christians, for a lie. They knew better. Many at the time had seen the risen Christ, and were witness to the truth of that resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:6). Many were willing to lay down their lives at the time for the promise of the future. And you don’t do that for a lie. Graphic as that film was, the real story as told, first hand by the eye witnesses, is a much more gripping tale, because it rings true, and it is all true! Heavenly Father, we human beings see conspiracy and lies in everything we are told about today. But help us to understand that the gospel messages are the truth, all the truth, and only the truth. In Jesus’ name we pray.
Sandvik SAF™ 3207 HD is supplied in solution annealed (bright annealed or annealed and pickled) or cold rolled condition. Rp0,2 corresponds to 0.2% offset yield strength. Owing to its high strength, Sandvik SAF™ 3207 HD has very good fatigue properties. The typical fatigue limit in reversed loading for 2 million cycles is about 40% of the tensile strength. The two-phase structure and high yield strength of Sandvik SAF™ 3207 HD improves the resistance towards relaxation. Long-term bending tests have shown that austenitic grades of similar strength suffer from considerably higher relaxation. This means that a statically loaded spring made of Sandvik SAF 3207 HD will retain its force for a longer period of time. Despite its high strength, Sandvik SAF™ 3207 HD can be readily formed and bent. In the solution annealed condition, the strip steel can be bent using a radius which is smaller than the strip thickness. The modulus of elasticity of Sandvik SAF™ 3207 HD is about 200 GPa at 20°C (29x103 ksi at 68°F). During loading at stresses just below the yield strength, Rp0.2, austenitic grades usually show a weakening modulus. Duplex strip steel however retains its modulus in a better way. Sandvik SAF™ 3207 HD is highly resistant to corrosion by organic acids (formic acid) and inorganic acids (sulphuric acid and hydrochloric acid) as shown in figures 1-3. Figure 1. Isocorrosion diagram in formic acid. The curves represent a corrosion rate of 0.1 mm/year (4 mpy) in a stagnant test solution. Figure 2. Isocorrosion diagram in sulphuric acid. The curves represent a corrosion rate of 0.1 mm/year (4 mpy) in a stagnant test solution. Figure 3. Isocorrosion diagram in hydrochloric acid. The curves represent a corrosion rate of 0.1 mm/year (4 mpy) in a stagnant test solution. Sandvik SAF™ 3207 HD is highly resistant to pitting and crevice corrosion due to high alloying levels of chromium, molybdenum and nitrogen, as shown in figures 4-5. Welding can be expected to decrease the corrosion resistance and is recommended to be performed with the support of Sandvik. Figure 4. Critical pitting temperature (CPT) determined in the ASTM G48A test where the samples are exposed to 6% FeCl3 solution for 24h and the temperature when pitting starts to develop is determined. Figure 5. Approximate values for the critical crevice corrosion temperature (CCT) after exposure in 6% FeCl3 solution for 24h according to ASTM G48B. In practice the values may differ somewhat from these owing to variations in crevice gap and surface condition. The standard austenitic steels of the ASTM 304L and 316L types are prone to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in chloride bearing solutions at temperatures above 60°C (140°F). Duplex stainless steels are far less prone to this type of corrosion. Practical experience and laboratory tests have shown their good resistance to stress corrosion cracking. In Sandvik SAF™ 3207 HD the chemical composition is balanced in such a manner that the reformation of austenite in the heat affected zone of a weld takes place quickly. This results in a microstructure that gives corrosion properties and toughness roughly equal to that of the parent metal. Welded joints in duplex stainless steels easily pass the intergranular corrosion test according to ASTM A262 Practice E (Strauss test). If it is necessary to restore the duplex structure after a fabrication operation, this should be done by solution annealing in a protective atmosphere at 1080-1150°C (1976-2102°F), followed by rapid cooling in air. Sandvik SAF™ 3207 HD has good weldability with a good austenite reformation in the heat affected zone. This gives the welded joint good toughness, strength and corrosion resistance. For obtaining the best mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of the weld metal and heat affected zone, the heat input should be within the interval 0.2-1.0 kJ/mm. The interpass temperature should be below 100°C (212°F). For GTAW/TIG a suitable filler wire grade is Sandvik 27.7.5.L. For further recommendations on suitable welding parameters, please contact Sandvik.
South Sea Pearls are the rarest type of all pearl types. Cultured along the northwest coast of Australia, these luminous beauties can be found in sizes ranging from 8 to 20mm (extremely rare) and colors from optic white to soft white with silvery overtones. While truly spherical orbs are rarest, these pearls also occur in baroque shapes including teardrop, oval, button, ringed and freeform. Culturing a south pearl requires skilled technicians inserting mantle tissue from a sacrificed mollusk along with a shell bead into the gonad of a Pinctada Maxima mollusk. The mollusks are carefully tended for 2-4 years and then the resulting pearls are harvested. Special care is required for pearls due to their porous nature as they can absorb anything that comes in contact with their surface. Always wipe off pearls with a soft cloth after wearing or handling. Pearls are designated as a June birthstone and for the third and thirtieth anniversaries.
One of the greatest demands they found from the women themselves was find out more about the personal success stories of women entrepreneurs. Translate to French. L’une des demandes les plus importantes exprimées par les femmes ellesmêmes est le désir d’en savoir plus long sur les réussites des femmes chefs d’entreprise.
Every year, the evening of June 16, the Luminara of San Ranieri in Pisa light up the Lungarno and the heart of the city. This day, the eve of the Patron Saint festivity, San Ranieri, the town of Pisa wears its best glittering dress made of thousands of wax candles. The Luminara of San Ranieri in Pisa is considered one of the main events of the summer of the city and of the entire region. Whenever I can, I do not miss the opportunity to participate because that evening the atmosphere in Pisa is wonderful and the skyline is unique. I am pretty sure that it will leave you breathless. What is the Luminara of San Ranieri in Pisa? The city switches off all electric lights. Only the light of the candles illuminates the darkness. Imagine going back to an age where there was no electricity when a lamplighter lit streetlights every evening and lamps illuminated the rooms of the houses. Qualified workers build white wooden frameworks, called “Biancheria”, on the facades of all historical buildings, churches, towers, and bridges along the Arno River. Frameworks are necessary to place more than hundred thousand glasses with wax candles inside, that will be light after the sunset. Almost the same number of lamps will float on the water of the river creating an enchanting game of lights and reflections. Instead, old style oil lamps decorate the famous Square of Miracles, UNESCO World Heritage Site for Tuscany since 1987. They are placed around the Duomo, the Baptistery and up on the seven floors of the leaning tower. Along the alleys of the historical center and the Lungarno, dozens of stands of handicraft, food trucks sell local delicacies, burgers, cakes and candies for adults and children. Every year, the Luminara of San Ranieri in Pisa attracts thousands of locals and tourists. They come to enjoy this extraordinary event and to admire the amazing fireworks made from the “Cittadella”, a fortress of 1400 along the banks of the river. They are usually scheduled at around 11.30 pm to end in style the night. Visitors can even vote for the building they liked the most for its light games. The Luminara of San Ranieri in Pisa comes before the historical Regatta that takes place the 17 June, the Patron Saint day. Four ships representing the four ancient suburbs of the city face themselves in a boat race along the Arno River, competing for the Palio, the prize of the victory. Usually, there are no night trains. However, for the occasion, there will be a special train from Pisa Central Station to Firenze SMN (with stops in Cascina, Pontedera, Empoli, and Firenze Rifredi) at 1.15 am. If you come from the coast or other areas not covered by the special train, we advise you to reach Pisa by car. Unless you do wish to spend the entire night in town so you can take one of the first trains in the morning. If you go by car, arrive early in the afternoon to easily find the car park. Usually, the Lungarni are open to cars but this day they will be off limits. So we suggest you park out of the historical center and reach the banks of the river by walk or get the shuttle service that runs from 7.30 pm to 2.00 am. If you have kids, buy them some candies or balloon. But be aware and hold their hand all the time because the place will be dark and crowded. We advise against the use of the stroller. Enjoy some local delicacies from the street food trucks. Then look for a good spot close to the Cittadella to admire the fireworks. Once you find it, relax and immerse yourself in the dark atmosphere of the Luminara. End your day with a visit to the Square of Miracles under the moonlight. When most of the people already left the city, it is great to admire its beauty in silence and out of the crowd.
Q: how to get the "value" using xpath and place into array? how do i get the value "3" using xpath? i have tried this but i was till not able to get the value "3" the result says path not found. and also is my arraylist correct? List4 = new ArrayList<String>(); driver.findElement(By .xpath(".//*[@id='fileRef']/tbody/tr[1]/td[1]/div/span/@value")); List4.add("@value"); System.out.println(List4); <tr class="rowOdd"> <td style="width:25"> <div id="uniform-fileRefSysId_3" class="radio"> <span> <input id="fileRefSysId_3" type="radio" value="3" onclick="javascript:setFileRef(this.id);" name="fileRef"/> </span> </div> <input id="fileRefTitle_3" type="hidden" value="CLT-02"/> <input id="fileRefNo_3" type="hidden" value="CLT-02"/> </td> <td>Consultant</td> <td>CLT-02</td> <td>CLT-02</td> </tr> A: The xpath you are looking for is .//*[@name='fileRef']/@value. You'll also need to tell driver to put the result into your list somehow (read the manual!).
An exciting full-cast dramatization of New York Times bestselling author Douglas Adam s sci-fi adventureStranded on prehistoric Earth since the end of the first series, Arthur and Ford are once again trying to hitch their way off the planet. Zaphod, meanwhile, finds his visit to the offices of the Guide rudely interrupted by Frogstar fighters, who further threaten to feed him to the Total Perspective Vortex. Could this prove fatal for his ego? With the three reunited, Arthur s preoccupation with tea soon gets them all into hot water before they fetch up on the planet Brontitall. There they find an enormous guano-encrusted statue of Arthur and an indigenous species in something of a flap. As a woeful story of economic collapse at the hands of the shoe shop industry unfolds, Arthur meets Lintilla for whom fate has in store a very unhappy marriage and Marvin gets to be a hero once again. All this culminates in a meeting with the Man in the Shack who apparently runs the universe.These original BBC Radio episodes star Simon Jones, Geoffrey McGivern, Mark Wing-Davey, Susan Sheridan, and a full supporting cast.
The BKPNIF903 dress watch from Ted Baker. The BKPNIF903 features a stunning analogue rose gold face in a 40mm diameter 10mm thick case. The Ted Baker BKPNIF903 features include push/pull crown and water-resistant. The BKPNIF903 has a pvd plated standard length strap. This watch is water resistant up to 50 metres. The BKPNIF903 also comes in its own Ted Baker gift box making it the perfect present. All this with a 2 year manufacturer's guarantee and instruction booklet.
Definition - What does Water Cooling mean? Water cooling, in the context of computing, is a method of removing heat that uses water as the cooling medium. It is used to cool components of a PC or computing device. Water cooling can remove heat from a CPU or other component at approximately 30 times the speed of air flow cooling. Water’s ability to cool is superior to air because of water’s higher density, specific heat capacity and thermal conductivity. Compared to air flow, water is able to transmit more heat over greater distances with much less volume - even with less of a temperature difference between the cool water and the CPU or other component. Water cooling is gaining traction as increased processing speeds make heat more of an issue. Engineers are creating more optimally-designed radiators to replace the heat sinks and fans currently cooling heat sources like high capacity CPUs. CPU water blocks and heat exchangers, consisting of a radiator with an attached fan, allow quieter operation and improved overclocking. Improved heat-handling capabilities allow for the support of hotter processors. Until the late 1990s, PC water cooling was a homemade hobby. Now computer manufacturers have started to use pre-made and specialized components to fit inside computer cases. Alternate technologies also are being tested, including vapor-compression refrigeration and thermoelectric coolers.
Would it not be pointless to put the SSD internally as internally the console only has like SATA2 or so? From what i remember the internal bus is way slower than the usb3.0 external Slot. Only exception to this is the elite console afaik as that one uses a SSHD hybrid so there could be a faster bus inside as well. My guess would be an external SSD would be the better solution unless you wanna install a faster SATA bus inside as well. Maybe someone with more Background info on this can chip in.
Quintessential boyband New Kids on the Block — brothers Jordan and Jonathan Knight, Joe McIntyre, Danny Wood and Donnie Wahlberg — are far from being kids now, but they’re still “Hanging Tough” after a nearly 30-year music career. In fact, all of them are in their 40s now, and some are husbands and fathers. “New Kids on the Block: After Dark” is at Axis at Planet Hollywood today through Sunday for four concerts in the theater that’s home to Britney Spears’ residency “Britney: Piece of Me.” The four shows are the only North American dates for NKOTB this year. “How’s the weather there? It’s really hot, isn’t it?” Knight asked when he got on the phone for the interview Monday afternoon. Speaking of hot, why is the show titled “After Dark”? That could be a dangerous title here in Las Vegas with many meanings. I’m not quite sure yet. We really like to keep our shows spontaneous. We want to be appropriate, but we also adapt to the situation and the venue. We want to make these shows uniquely Las Vegas, especially since these are one-off. But we’ll be a little naughtier than normal. My understanding is that these four shows at Planet Hollywood this weekend are the only in North America this year for you guys. Is that true? Yes, it’s true. We try to tour every two years, so we’re coming off a year off. It’s four dates at Planet Hollywood. It’s our chance to say hi to the fans and keep the party going. We can camp out there and not travel too much. Our fans travel to see us, just like the residencies in Las Vegas. Las Vegas is the spot to do it. I know you’re familiar with Las Vegas. This will be my fourth time seeing NKOTB in Las Vegas in six years. What is it that you love about Las Vegas? Well, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, right? That’s brilliant! People let their hair down, act differently and show their wild side. We are all so busy and serious. But we don’t go too crazy. We’ll let our inhibitions go in “After Dark.” We will, and we hope the fans do, too. Which song in your large catalog of hits do you enjoy performing the most? We haven’t performed “Click, Click, Click,” in a long time. That’s a fun pop song. “The Right Stuff” and “Hanging Tough” get fans the most riled up. They love it, we love it, and everyone goes crazy. I love “I’ll Be Loving You Forever” because it was our first No. 1 song. “Cover Girl” because Donnie sings the lead. It’s a fun song, a great pop song. “Hanging Tough” has never been one of my favorite songs, but it’s a lot of fun to perform, and fans love it. Did I answer your question? That’s a lot of songs! How does it feel to still tour with NKOTB in your 40s and after a nearly 30-year career? It feels awesome. The music business is like a love affair with music and fans. You can go on and on. It’s like old married couples walking through the park who are still in love 20, 30, 40 years later. We cherish it; it’s a beautiful thing. We’re still growing with our fans, and we enjoy surprising our fans. We live to keep the romance alive with our fans. Your concert with Backstreet Boys a few years ago at Mandalay Bay Events Center was one of the loudest I’ve ever reviewed. Your longtime fans, and especially the women, still really love you guys. It’s serious stuff, man! Even though it’s been 25, 30 years, you might think our shows are subdued, that we’re over-the-hill and on a cruise playing shuffleboard and basking in the sun. It’s still rock-star status and mayhem with our fans. It’s amazing — people are up all night partying. Any plans outside performing during your four-day gig in Las Vegas? I do like to gamble a little bit. Blackjack. But I’m pretty conservative and will sit at a table for two hours. That’s really fun to me. We’ll be partying after our shows with our fans at nightclubs. We’re throwing pool parties during the day. We’ll be pretty busy doing everything. How about a return to solo music? I released a solo album in 2011, “Unfinished.” I toured and performed at House of Blues in Mandalay Bay. I’m going on tour with Nick Carter soon; we kick off Sept. 2. We’re performing at House of Blues in November. I’m really excited about this because it will be my first time doing duo work. You just reminded me that I saw your House of Blues show, too. I’m apparently your stalker. Who are some of your favorite artists you’re listening to right now? Prince and Michael Jackson. They’re the pinnacles. I was just listening to some of their stuff today. They are so many great artists out there. But I love the classic artists, the ones I grew up idolizing — Prince and Michael Jackson. Tell me something longtime fans would be surprised to learn about you. I’m a World War II buff. I watch a lot of documentaries. Not many fans know that. And I do my own laundry. I don’t like my wife to touch my laundry! My mom, either. No surprises — I don’t want a shirt to come back shrunk. I’m kind of a laundry snob. I like to take it year by year. I might do another solo album. I’m not sure. There will be another tour with New Kids in North America. I also own a health club in Rhode Island and want to put more time and energy into that and expand it. I’m excited about Planet Hollywood this weekend. Keep coming, and we’ll keep on performing! “New Kids on the Block: After Dark” is at the Axis at Planet Hollywood at 8 p.m. today through Sunday.
The following baseline practices are quick and easy to employ, and they have a hugely positive impact on your online security. Use strong passwords for all your social media accounts, which include uppercase letters, lowercase letters, symbols and numbers. If you want examples as to what not to use, look at the five most popular passwords from 2014. While it may be more convenient to use the same password for multiple sites, it is important that all your passwords be different. If it becomes too complicated to keep track of all of your various passwords, then consider using a password manager. This software automatically fills in your passwords whenever you log in and keeps them encrypted. You can add an extra layer of security to your online accounts by enabling two-factor authentication, which requires you to verify your identity in another way (often utilising a phone number or a secondary email address). Since hackers don’t have access to your mobile device, this step prevents them from logging into your website’s backend or social media profiles. Never leave your laptop or mobile device unattended. If you do, ensure that you log out or shut down your device and that a lock code or password is required to gain access. Be sure to log out all of your social media and email accounts, as well. Why is this important? By using weak passwords, the list of potential concerns includes people impersonating you to commit fraud and other crimes, including accessing your bank account, buying items online with your money, impersonating you on social networking and dating sites, sending emails in your name and accessing the private information held on your computer.
Ive heard swift paid staff for false result. What a stupid dumb staff.. ( Merry christmas )! Who are the current top 5? InGame Status Bot: Antihack status, ELO, Ladder rank/wins etc..
Mavis Discount Tire offers Bridgestone Dueler A/T Revo 3 tires in the size 265/70R17. When replacing all 4 tires, the most popular vehicle was the Toyota 4runner, followed by the Toyota Tacoma, Ford F-150, Dodge Ram 1500 and Chevrolet Silverado 1500. 11 different vehicle models in total were fitted with this tire. The average mileage when putting on the new tires was 70,522, and Fall was the most common time of year to purchase.
Cold-brew coffee makers range in size, price and complexity. They also vary in how they filter coffee. Some use thin, metal filters that leave more oils in the drink. Some use thick, felt filters that remove oils and bitter compounds. Some use a combination of metal and thin paper filters that try to strike a balance. But here’s the thing about cold-brew makers, no matter how trendy they are: You don’t need any of them to make a batch at home. You could use a French press or even MacGyver a system from an empty two-liter bottle, a Mason jar, large coffee filters and a swatch of felt (although the whole process just makes me want to run to the store for a Toddy system). All you need for cold brew is a container to steep coarsely ground coffee (in a ratio of about six parts water and one part coffee), a large strainer bag (such as a nut-milk bag) and a jar in which to strain the coffee. Toddy Cold Brew System , $39.50. Popular with baristas, the Toddy uses a thick felt filter, which makes for a smooth, sweet cold-brew with barely a trace of bitterness. Oxo Good Grips Cold Brew Coffee Maker , $49.99. This devices has performed well in consumer tests. It uses a metal filter, which can leave sediment in your coffee, but it can also be supplemented with paper filters to produce a cleaner, oil-free cold brew. Filtron Cold Water Coffee Concentrate Brewing System , $39.95. Similar to the Toddy system, Filtron relies on a felt filter. Yama Glass 6-8 Cup Cold Drip Maker , $247. This beautiful Japanese device requires not just a lot of cash, but ample counter space. For the hardcore only.
The Grover’s Disease Herbal Treatment more in controlling the condition, as there is no changeless cure. Herbal supplement endorsed by Natural Herbs Clinic with 100% natural ingredients and no side effect in the part of body the supplement made with natural ingredients it is totally safe. Herbal Treatment for Grover’s Disease with correct herbal supplement ensures effective supplement and often cures genetic disorders very well. Herbal Treatment for Grover’s Disease helpful and may be required for several months. However, herbal supplement for Grover’s Disease Herbal Treatment have no side effects and are they are effective for mild cases. Herbal supplement for Grover’s Disease Herbal Treatment in short is the definite cure for you. It is an herbal product composed of 100% organic ingredients and has been clinically tested for efficacy. The product works best by kicking away all the Symptoms of Grover’s Disease and giving your skin the nourishment you have been yearning for since the longest possible time. Herbal product is an ultimate Herbal Treatment for Grover’s Disease and has no side effects linked to it. In order to believe our words you need to give the product a try and in case it doesn’t work it won’t give you any other side effects so you are safe while using this product. There is no standard treatment plan for Grover’s disease, but Natural Remedies for Grover’s Disease and other natural ways have developed several lines of Grover’s Disease Herbal Treatment that can help reduce symptoms. In case the condition is repetitive and constant, it can lead to dermatitis and other skin infections. In such cases, it is best to Natural Remedies for Grover’s Disease manage the symptoms. Keep in mind that the some medical treatments may or may not work as they have been scientifically confirmed. But natural remedies for Grover’s Disease are always better. Grover’s Disease is a fairly common ailment, primarily occurring in men over 50. While it is generally not serious, it can make those affected seriously uncomfortable. If you are one of the many people who suffer from the symptoms of Grover’s disease, there is no need to live with the discomfort. You can get relief fairly easily with a range of topical medications. The first step, as with any illness, is to consult with your doctor and get a definitive diagnosis. Grover’s Disease frequently starts quite suddenly and is more regular in winter than in summer. It appears to be triggered by exposure to heat, and it may accompany an incident of heat stress. Many affected individuals are sun damaged. Grover’s disease last six to twelve months. Occasionally it may persist for longer, or come and go, often with a seasonal variation. Grover’s Disease requires to be treated because the disease perseveres for a long period. If it remains unattended there may be complications like dermatitis and infections. The major focus of treatment is to reduce itching and irritation which may cause bleeding from the tiny bumps. Grover’s Disease Herbal Treatment that may help you discover some relief and deal with your condition in a better way. Herbal Treatment for Grover’s Disease is better way to reduce the symptom. Some cases of Grover’s disease have been connected with certain medications including antiviral medications for example ribavirin and biologic agents used for cancer therapy, for example anastrozole. Grover’s disease has also been found in persons who have other related dermatological diseases for example atopic dermatitis and contact dermatitis. Scientists are not sure what Causes of Grover’s disease. It may appear for no reason. Some doctors think that sun-damaged skin or too much swings in temperature play a role. There have been numerous cases of this disorder connected with such things as electric blankets, hot tubs, hot water bottles, steam baths and prolonged confinement to a bed. This theory has not been proven. At least one case of this disorder has been connected with follicle mites which are parasites. The most common Symptoms of Grover’s Disease is the minor, round or oval red bumps that form on the skin. They are usually firm and raised. These blisters grow in groups and are surrounded by swollen, red borders, and skin overgrowth forms over the skin eruptions. The symptoms of Grover’s disease happen most generally on the back and chest but they are also seen on the arms and legs. Symptoms of Grover’s Disease generally last about 6 to 12 months, but may go away sooner or take longer to disappear.Symptoms of Grover’s disease are described by an itchy eruption that may last an average of 10 to 12 months. It is described by papules and papulovesicles with excoriations occurring on the chest, back, lower sternum, arms, and thighs. A person with Grover’s disease has red or pink spots over the upper chest and back. These spots are frequently itchy and the skin is fragile when scratched. This can make the spots appear like minor blisters or eroded areas. The lesions of Grover’s disease may cause no symptoms or may be deeply itchy. The itchiness connected with this condition is normally made worse by heat, humidity, sweating, tight clothing and too much ultraviolet exposure. The spots persist for many years. They may cause no symptoms. Though more commonly there are times when the affected person may have a flare of itchiness that needs treatment. All these tips will keep you motivated and make you feel good about yourself while you are still undergoing the Grover’s Disease management routine with our Herbal Alternative Medicine.
Why Labour's deafening silence over Libya? Gordon and Gaddafi - old buddies? Search though I have, I have been quite unable to unearth any comment on the Libyan upheaval from three senior politicans you'd expect to have something to say. Step forward Tony Blair, Lord Mandelson and Gordon Brown. As I pointed out yesterday, New Labour's holy trinity all greased up to Gaddafi and his clan for a variety of reasons. Now that the Libyan leader has been exposed, not for the first time, as unhinged and murderous, you'd have thought the odd word of contrition might be in order. But there's been not a peep. Nothing from Blair, who led the international rehabilitation of Gaddafi (despite Lockerbie, despite arms to the IRA, despite the murder of WPC Yvonne Fletcher); nothing from Mandy, who discussed the freeing of the Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset al-Megrahi with Gaddafi's son Saif just days before al-Megrahi was sent home "to die"; and nothing from Brown, who authorised the sending of SAS officers to Libya to train up Gaddafi's special forces, a favour that will be particularly appreciated by the dictator as he prepares to fight any attempt to oust him. Their silence speaks volumes.
. Abstract Currently, biometric identifiers have been used to identify or authenticate users in a biometric system to increase the security in access control systems. Nevertheless, there are several attacks on the biometric system to steal and recover the user’s biometric trait. One of the most powerful attacks is extracting the fingerprint pattern when it is transmitted over communication lines between modules. In this paper, we present a novel fingerprint image encryption scheme based on hyperchaotic Rössler map to provide high security and secrecy in user’s biometric trait, avoid identity theft, and increase the robustness of the biometric system. A complete security analysis is presented to justify the secrecy of the biometric trait by using our proposed scheme at statistical level with 100% of NPCR, low correlation, and uniform histograms. Therefore, it can be used in secure biometric access control systems. 1. Introduction Nowadays, the biometric systems are widely used to authenticate and identify an individual, in order to recognize the user identity in a secure way. Nevertheless, these sophisticated recognition systems are prone to be attacked and the biometric identifier could be compromised. Identity fraud is a security problem in secure access systems controls. Therefore, there is an increasing interest in designing high and effective secure access systems based on biometric identifiers. Techniques such as SHA-1, MD5, 3DES, RC5, AES, and IDEA are conventional encryption methods to protect information such as images and documents, when it is transmitted over on insecure communication channel. Nevertheless, they are not suitable for bulk and highly correlated data encryption such as images. On the other hand, there is an increasing research to design nonconventional encryption techniques such as chaotic and hyperchaotic encryption, since chaotic systems are related to cryptographic properties in confusion and diffusion process. In [1–10], chaotic encryption techniques are proposed to protect information such as text, grey images, color images, and fingerprint template. In the next paragraphs, recent chaotic encryption schemes related to biometric data protection by using chaos are discussed. In [11], the authors proposed an encryption scheme by using the affine transform, the fractional wavelet packet transform (FrWPT), chaotic map, and the Hessenberg decomposition. They present a security analysis such as space keys, histogram, and another with good results. In [12], a fingerprint image encryption process is performed by using a chaotic Frequency Amplitude Phase Model (FAPM). Their scheme has high resistance against exhaustive attack with 10,238 combinations and the chaotic sequence presents a uniform distribution. In 2012, Liu presents a fingerprint image protection scheme by using two chaotic logistic maps [13]. Although the key space is enough to resist an exhaustive attack, the histogram distribution is far away from a good chaotic source for encryption process. In [14], the authors proposed a multiple chaos-based biometric image cryptosystem for fingerprint security. The cryptosystem is constructed whit two 1D and two 3D chaotic systems. Although their scheme presents a secret key space of , it encrypts low dimensional grey image in 0.5 seconds. Therefore, high dimensional color images could require a lot of processing time and the scheme could not be practical in real-time applications. In [15], we present our first encryption approach, where the encryption process for biometric image is presented. In contrast, in this paper we have included an enhanced encryption process to provide higher security in the biometric trait and avoid identity theft. In addition, we have included a complete security analysis to verify the robustness of our scheme. In [16], the authors presented an encryption scheme, based on a parallel full shuffling and encryption algorithm. In this paper, the logistic map, the Lorenz system, and the Chen system were used in the encryption algorithm. The encryption procedure is more confusing and complex, when the plain image is first divided into 4 subimages, and then the position of each subimage is changed pseudorandomly by using the logistic map. Furthermore, a full shuffling matrix is used to shuffle the position of pixels in the whole image and the subimages are encrypted simultaneously in a parallel manner. The results presented by the authors show good results in the correlation analysis and great sensitivity at key, but it has a slow speed encryption. In [17], the authors presented an image encryption algorithm based on genetic recombination and hyperchaotic system. First, the plain image is expanded into two compound images, which are composed of selected four bit-plane and diffuse bit-plane levels. Then, the compound bit-planes and key streams are reconstructed based on the principles of genetic recombination. Finally, they perform traditional diffusion to produce the cipher images. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of encryption with good results in the histograms, large space of keys, and high sensitivity at secret key, which are similar to the results obtained by us in this work. In [18], the authors presented an encryption scheme based on image operations with DNA sequences and a chaotic system. First, they perform bitwise operations XOR by using the pseudorandom sequences produced by the chaotic system CML. After that, a DNA matrix is generated by encoding the confused image using a DNA coding rule. Subsequently, they generate new initial conditions of CML according to the DNA array and initial conditions. Then, the rows and columns of DNA matrix are permuted and the DNA matrix is confused again. Finally, after decoding the confused DNA matrix using a kind of DNA decoding rule, the encryption image is obtained. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of encryption, and the authors show good results in the histogram analysis, a large space of keys, and a good sensitivity at key, which are similar to the results obtained by us in this work. Nowadays, in literature there are several approaches of implementation of chaotic systems in cryptography, because chaotic systems present cryptographic properties related to confusion and diffusion such as sensitivity to initial conditions and control parameters, mixing, determinism, and ergodicity [1, 2, 12, 13, 15]. In recent years, researchers have introduced the hyperchaotic systems in the cryptography field [3, 4, 9, 19]. The hyperchaotic systems present higher sensitivity to initial conditions and control parameter, higher space of keys, and more complex dynamic characteristics and have two or more positive Lyapunov exponents, which indicates that their dynamic sequence diverges to a greater extent than a chaotic system. All these advantages are very useful to produce a cryptogram with better statistical properties. In this paper, we present an image encryption scheme by using hyperchaotic Rössler map. We use the high pseudorandom sequences to generate excellent encryption effects and produce a highly secure encryption scheme, which present better results in some aspects compared with [16–18] such as uniform distribution histograms, the large space of key, low correlation of pixels, and speed encryption. The organization of this work is as follows. In Section 2, some vulnerabilities of a biometric system are presented. In Section 3, we describe briefly the hyperchaotic system used in the encryption process. The encryption and decryption process details are presented in Section 4. In Section 5, we present a complete security analysis at statistical level to verify the capabilities of our scheme in security terms. In Section 6, we present a comparison of our proposed scheme with recent schemes reported in recent years. Finally, the conclusions are mentioned in Section 7. 2. Vulnerabilities in a Biometric System There are several biometric identification systems, which are composed of two important stages, enrollment and identification. In enrollment stage, the user is registered in the database, while in the identification stage the user’s identity is determined by using a biometric identifier. The biometric identification systems can be divided into five subsystems: data collection, transmission, signal processing, decision, and data storage. In Figure 1, these five subsystems and their iteration are shown (the dashed lines showing the enrollment stage) [20–23]. Currently, the biometric systems are a topic of high interest in the scientific community, because they provide a practical way for secure access control systems. Nevertheless, these systems have some vulnerable points, which are classified in two categories. One of these vulnerabilities is the attack on the communication lines. A snooper can spy the communication to steal confidential information of the biometric identifier, which can be used to extract the user identity. The second attack is on the modules (sensor, feature extraction, matching, database, etc.). The attacks use malicious programs such as a Trojan horse and it emulates the function of some modules of the biometric system and could reject an authorized user [20]. Due to the existence of attacks in the vulnerability points of the biometric systems, the scientific community and engineers have implemented some actions to protect the biometric system against these powerful attacks. Some of the proposed schemes are based on random data, withheld data, on-life detection, biometric multiple, cryptography, digital signature, network clean-up, and physical security [20–23, 27–31]. In this paper, we propose an encryption scheme that provides security in the transmission subsystem, with the aim of protecting the communication line, where the image is sent to the storage subsystem and the signal processing subsystem; see Figure 2. The proposed encryption scheme is based on hyperchaotic Rössler map. 3. Hyperchaotic Rössler Map Analogous or digital communication schemes need new cryptographic schemes to protect confidential information. Motivated by this fact, in recent years several researchers have reported great variety of advances related to chaotic encryption. These schemes exploit the pseudorandom properties of the states in a chaotic system; see, for example, [4–10]. In addition, some chaotic characteristics that benefit the encryption are as follows:(i)Simple operation can generate complex dynamics, which provides a pseudorandom sequence where the confidential information can be hidden.(ii)Small variation in initial conditions in chaotic system provides great changes in the output dynamic, which benefits the number of keys that could be used for encryption.(iii)Encryption statistics preserve the uniform distribution for any chaotic sequence, which benefit the encryption against statistical attacks. In this paper, we use the Rössler map for encryption purposes. This map generates hyperchaotic dynamics; that is, it presents greater complex behavior than a chaotic system. One distinctive characteristic of these systems is the existence of more than one positive Lyapunov exponent [4–6]. The following are the Rössler map equations [5]: The hyperchaotic attractor generated by Rössler map is shown in Figure 3 considering the initial conditions , parameter values , , , , , , and , and 28,000 iterations by using MATLAB software simulation. 4. Encryption and Decryption Process The encryption process is based on two important stages, the diffusing and permutation stage. On the other hand, the decryption process is constituted by the inverse permutation and inverse diffusing process (Figure 4). 4.1. Encryption Process Hyperchaotic Rössler map is used to generate a sequence of pseudorandom numbers, which are used in permutation and diffusion process. 4.1.1. Diffusion Process Step 1. Read the fingerprint plain image to generate , where and . It represents an array of , where is the number of rows and is the number of columns. Step 2. Generate an array of , which contains the output data from the hyperchaotic state from the Rössler map, where and . This array will be named as hyperchaotic state matrix and it will be represented by . Step 3. By using , we generate a new array in the set of . This array is used to confuse the image. To perform this step, we transform in the range 0 to 1 to the set by using the next expression: Step 4. Add elements of the array to elements of plain image with module 256. With this process, we will get a new array that will be named as dithered image matrix and will be represented by . 4.1.2. Permutation Process Step 1. Generate a vector for the positions of the rows and a vector for the positions of the columns, which will be represented by the variables and . Step 2. Generate two vectors that contain the data resulting from chaotic states and from the Rössler map; these will be appointed as chaotic vector of rows and chaotic vector of columns, which will be represented by the variables and , where and . Step 3. Generate two vectors of pseudorandom sequences for column and row permutation by using the following expression:After that, , , , and are used to calculate two pseudorandom vectors to permute the diffused image. They will be used in Algorithm 1. Step 4. The pixels from the diffused image will be permuted as follows: 4.2. Decryption Process The decryption process is based on the inverse steps of the encryption process. The hyperchaotic Rössler map is used with the same initial conditions and control parameters. Basically, the decryption steps are described as follows. 4.2.1. Inverse Permutation Process In this process, to perform the reverse permutation. The next expression is calculated: 4.2.2. Inverse Diffusion Process The steps to perform the inverse blurring process are similar to those presented in the diffusion stage. Performing the reverse blurring equally will use the matrices and , but, in this case, the operation is performed as follows:Finally, is the recovered fingerprint plain image. 5. Experimental Results This section presents the experimental results of the proposed fingerprint encryption algorithm implemented in MATLAB simulation software 2008a (Figure 5). The results are divided into two subsections. The first part presents the cipher, decipher, permutation, diffusion, inverse permutation, and inverse diffusion stages at image level. The second subsection presents the security analysis of the proposed encryption algorithm. 5.1. Encryption and Decryption Processes In Figure 6, we present the permutation and diffusion encryption processes separately. This provides an idea of what performs these steps. Figure 7 illustrates the results of the hyperchaotic encryption and decryption processes, without omitting any steps that are performed in each process. The encrypted image does not show any information at human eye level. In addition, the recovery image is the same as the plain image, if the same key is used in the hyperchaotic map. If any of the stages is not implemented, that is, diffusion or permutation that is performed in the encryption or decryption process, the image will not retrieve. Figure 8 shows this idea, where the plain image is not recovered. 5.2. Security Analysis To evaluate the security at statistical level of the proposed fingerprint hyperchaotic encryption algorithm, we considered different types of attacks. Attacks such as exhaustive attack, statistical attack, and differential attack are analyzed. In some cases, we show the results for both encryptions with and without permutation process. 5.2.1. Statistical Analysis In this analysis, the distribution and correlation are considered. The histogram of the image can give visual information of the distribution of the intensity levels of red, green, and blue component of a color image. In addition, the numerical correlation is calculated according to a specific expression to determine if the encrypted image presents low correlation, which is desired in a good encryption algorithm. Histogram Analysis. Cryptographic algorithms must provide a uniform distribution of grey values in the histogram in order to provide adequate strength against a statistical attack. In Figure 9, we present the histograms of the image before and after encryption, considering that the encryption is performed with or without the permutation stage. It can be seen that the distribution of grey values from the original image is concentrated in some grey scale values, whereas the histograms of the encrypted images are nearly uniform. Also, it shows that the encrypted image histograms are the same with or without the permutation stage, because the permutation process only changes the positions of the pixels contained in the image and it does not modify the values of the pixels and therefore does not affect the distribution of the intensity levels of the encrypted image. Correlation Analysis. Typically, a plain image presents high correlation between adjacent pixels. In this sense, cryptographic algorithms should reduce the correlation in order to provide adequate strength against statistical attack. In Figure 10, we present the results of the horizontal, vertical, and diagonal correlation from the adjacent pixels of the encrypted image with and without permutation process. The correlation analysis is calculated as follows:where and are the grey values of two adjacent pixels in the image, is the covariance, is the variance, and is mean. Table 1 shows the numerical results of the correlations of the encrypted image with and without permutation process. By observing the results presented in Figure 10, there are concentration points in plain image correlation, which indicates that there is a high correlation between the adjacent pixels. However, the encrypted image with and without permutation and the plot show low correlation. In numerical results, the values close to indicate high correlation and values close to 0 indicate low correlation. The results of Table 1 showed low correlation for plain image with approximately 0.8 (close to 1); therefore, this value is an indicator of the high correlation. On the other hand, the encrypted image presents low correlation (close to 0); therefore the encryption process is robust. 5.2.2. Exhaustive Attack This rudimentary but effective attack is known as brute force attack, in which all possible keys are tried until the correct secret key is found and the original message is decrypted. This type of attack is related to the key. Therefore, we check the efficiency of the key in the cryptographic scheme with a key space analysis and secret key sensitivity analysis. Key Space Analysis. The key space must be greater than to resist an exhaustive attack, according to Alvarez and Li reported in [32]. The key used in the encryption scheme is based on the initial condition of the hyperchaotic Rössler map . Therefore, with a precision of , the encryption scheme provides a key space of . In addition, the key space can be increased by if we considered the parameter controls , , , , , , and of the hyperchaotic Rössler map and a precision of . Therefore, the key space is suitable to resist an exhaustive attack. Secret Key Sensitivity Analysis. The cryptographic scheme must be highly sensitive to small variations in the key to resist differential attack; that is, similar secret keys must generate totally different encrypted images. Chaotic systems present highly sensitive to initial conditions; that is, they present different chaotic dynamics when the initial conditions are slightly modified. In Figure 11, we present two encrypted images with and without permutation process by using the key and the second column presents the decrypted image by using incorrect secret key . Therefore, the decrypted image cannot be recovered if the secret key is not exactly used such as in encryption process. In order to show the secret key sensitivity in the encryption process, the correlation (see (10)) and MSE (see (12)) are used. In this analysis, two cryptograms are generated by using the same plain image but with two similar secret keys, which are highly similar to each other. Several pairs of cryptograms are produced by using and as secret keys. In each pair of cryptograms, the mean square error MSE (see Section 5.3) and the correlation coefficient are calculated. In Figure 12(a), the MSE results of several pairs of cryptograms are showed by using increments of . Since the MSE values are high and uniform, the proposed scheme presents high sensitivity at small variations in secret keys. On the other hand, in Figure 12(b), the correlation of the same pairs of cryptograms is determined. The results of correlation are close to zero in each test, which indicates that both cryptograms are highly different from each other and this is another proof of the high sensitivity of secret key in the proposed scheme. 5.2.3. Differential Analysis The third analysis presented is against differential attack. If the encryption process is weak, an adversary could implement this attack to find a relation between similar plain images and determine the secret key. The analysis consists in encrypting two similar plain images with a small change in just one pixel. After that, the encryption algorithm is applied to both of them by using the same secret key. Then, a comparison between the encrypted images is performed. There are two parameters used to examine the resistance against differential attack, which are (Number of Pixels Change Rate) and (Unified Changing Average Intensity). These values are calculated as follows:where and are the height and width of the image and and are the pixel value in the location of the encrypted images. In this analysis, we considered the plain fingerprint image showed in Figure 8. The value of the pixel 127 of the original image is changed to the value of 128. Subsequently, the encryption is applied to both images. Therefore, two cryptograms are generated and . In the encryption process without permutation process, we have and . This indicates that the cryptographic scheme is robust against differential attack. 5.3. Mean Square Error Analysis A method to determine the error between original image and encrypted image is by using the mean square error MSE parameter, which is the existing qualitative squared error between both compared images [33]. The MSE parameter is calculated by the following expression:where is the original image, is the encrypted image, and is size of the original image. Higher values of MSE mean higher immunity against attacks. MSE values close to zero mean that both tested images are highly similar. The MSE calculated from original image and encrypted image showed in Figure 7 is . On the other hand, the MSE between original image and the correct retrieved image is . 5.4. Chosen/Known Plain Image Attack The chosen/known plain image attack is a powerful cryptanalyst attack, which has broken several image encryption algorithms based on chaos. In a chosen plain image attack, the cryptanalyst chose a convenient image, for example, an image with all pixels in black to eliminate the function of the plain image over the algorithm (permutation and diffusion) and try to find the secret key (chaos), since its pixel values are zero. In Figure 13, we present the chosen plain image attack by using the black plain image, which is shown in Figure 13(a). The corresponding encrypted black plain image is shown in Figure 13(b), which can be represented by the secret key or the chaotic sequence used in several cryptograms. Then, the cryptanalyst uses this information as a possible secret key and tries to decrypt other cryptograms that probably were encrypted with that secret key. In this case, the cryptanalyst used the cryptogram of the fingerprint used in Figure 7, which is shown in Figure 13(c). Nevertheless, the corresponding decrypted image (Figure 13(d)) cannot be retrieved correctly, if data of Figure 13(b) are used as secret key. Therefore, the proposed encryption algorithm is robust against this kind of attack. 5.5. Occlusion Attack Analysis In an occlusion attack, the transmitted encrypted image could lose blocks of information and not all the cryptograms can arrive to the receptor correctly. In this section, we present the robustness of the proposed encryption algorithm against 12.5%, 25%, and 50% of occlusion in an encrypted image. In Figure 14, the decryption image against three cases of occlusion is showed. The corresponding MSE values are 1844.9842 for 12.5%, 3581.8797 for 25%, and 7101.4179 for 50%. Since the decrypted image can be retrieved, the proposed encryption algorithm can resist an occlusion attack. 5.6. Noise Attack Analysis This analysis shows the effectiveness of the proposed scheme against noise attack. In contrast to occlusion attack, the encrypted images can lose small portions of data over the encrypted image. In the analysis, encrypted data are distorted by zero-mean white additive Gaussian noise with a standard deviation from 0 to 0.3 with increments of 0.01. Figure 15 shows several decrypted images from encrypted image with added noise. In addition, Figure 16 presents the MSE and correlation curves between original image and recovered image. According to the results, the proposed scheme is robust against noise attack. 5.7. Encryption Time Analysis The encryption and decryption processes are performed on a Laptop Toshiba Satellite E105-S1402 with operating system Windows Vista, processor speed of 2.26 Ghz, and 4 GB DDR2. The simulation is implemented in MATLAB R2008a software. “.bmp” plain image encryption of greyscale with pixels (139,918 bytes) requires just 0.2340 seconds. The decryption process requires just 0.2105 seconds. Therefore, the proposed encryption algorithm can be implemented in real-time applications. 6. Comparison with Similar Schemes in Literature In this section, we present an important comparison with recent schemes reported in literature to show the effectiveness of the proposed scheme. The histogram generated by our scheme presents a uniform distribution, due to the highly uniform distribution of the values of the hyperchaotic sequences that benefit the encryption process at statistical level. In Table 2, we present a space keys comparison with recent encryption schemes. In our scheme, we use just one hyperchaotic system to obtain a big space key. In [14], the authors use two 1D chaotic systems and two 3D chaotic systems to present a similar space key. Table 3 presents a comparison of the speed encryption. The proposed scheme is faster than others where hyperchaotic or many chaotic systems are used to encrypt images. 7. Conclusions In this paper, we present a robust and fast fingerprint image encryption algorithm scheme by using a hyperchaotic map. 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Aim. This research aimed to establish baseline age, gender, and sociodemographic differences in school entrants’ social and emotional competence to provide an empirical base for supporting positive responses to normal development in children as they begin school, thereby promoting life-long patterns of health and wellbeing. Review of Literature. Health priorities for children in a rapidly changing society are shifting due to the changing nature of social and emotional demands, resulting in an increasing complexity of health and developmental problems. Consequently, the role of the school nurse in primary and secondary schools is expanding, with a growing focus on providing support and early interventions for social, emotional, and behavioural issues. Bullying peaks at school entry and is associated with poor outcomes of health and education for children. Supporting the development of empathy in school-aged children has been proposed as a potential solution to the problem of bullying, but pathways of normal development of empathy and aggression are uncertain.Method. A cross-sectional observational study was conducted using a number of reliable and valid child and teacher questionnaires. Participants comprised a sample of children across Pre-primary, Year One and Year Two classes in an independent school. Statistical analysis was conducted using bivariate analyses and linear regression.Results. Teacher reported aggression was lower with age as empathy was higher, and girls were more empathic than boys. The higher level of reported empathy was not progressive, rather it occurred between Year One and Year Two, whereas aggression was not significantly lower between Year One and Year Two. There was no gender difference in teacher reported total aggression or covert aggression, and covert aggression was not reported to be higher with age.Discussion. In the first years of school, aggression lessens while empathy increases indicating that prosocial behaviour is a developmental milestone. Because of this, school nurses must understand the importance of surrounding children with safety in relationships as they begin school; in so doing, supporting developmental pathways of protection.
Schools are back, holidays are over and the Witching Season has begun to creep in. I love this time of year! Seeds and berries are maturing, pumpkins are ripening and the smell of soil sometimes completely fills the air, even though we have had such a warm dry summer. This time of year allows for deep connection to nature, before the time of greatest seclusion. As we move from the Autumn Equinox (Mabon) to Samhain (Hallowe’en), it becomes ever easier to connect with the many dimensions from which this world is woven, and to make peace with our need for quiet through the coming months. Throughout the Witching Season 2022, I will be holding three small gatherings in Amsterdam as I last did in 2020. The purpose is to help others find ways to nurture their nature based spirituality through the autumn and winter. We will explore a number of local magical herbs, tune into the powers of nature, develop a moon practice to help you become more empowered as each month turns, and celebrate the very different qualities of Mabon and Samhain. We will walk, connect, enjoy some simple peace-filled ritual and outdoor crafting together. The number of places available for these gatherings will be limited. The total cost per person is €60. Each meeting will be two hours long and will embrace whatever weather is present! They will take place in Park Frankendael, Amsterdam Watergraafsmeer. We will start the gatherings late afternoon, a different time each meeting, to allow us to work with the twighlight. The group will attend all three sessions, there will be some simple activities to do in between sessions. The intention is that the same people come for all three sessions, to give us continuity and deeper connection on this witching season journey. For this reason, I ask you to sign up if you plan to join all three of the sessions. These outdoor sessions will take place at the set times and dates unless we have extreme weather. In which case, I will contact you and we will postpone. If you would like to join this special group, please book via Meetup or email me (mentioning Witching Time) at |||EMAIL_ADDRESS||| if you have any questions.
All I eat is steak pretty much. I can eat other things sure, but I love steak the most. I never imagined myself eating this way and that goes for my girlfriend as well. We just fell into it and liked it better. I enjoy my steak every single time. I used to try to eat a lot of different meats, but nothing tasted as good as steak and I just preferred it over time. Not only that, but it is super easy to cook. we only have 2 plates, 2 forks, 2 knives, and 2 pans in our kitchen lol Dishes are easy. I cook our steaks (usually averaging 1 to 2 pounds each depending on how hungry we are) for about 40 seconds on each side with the stove set to high. They are pretty rare, but over time you just want it more rare. I never even touched rare or even medium rare meat before this diet. All my meat was cooked well done, but things change I guess. You get over cravings for sugar after about a year or so. I dont really get cravings for any plants anymore and some meat just taste better than others, so I dont get tired of it. It is actually a very enjoyable experience. We eat 2 times a day and we eat until we are completely full each time. We dont get hungry throughout they day at all and we dont get fat no matter how much we eat for some reason. I can eat over 3000 calories per day and I am only 5 foot 7 inches. I weigh about 130 right now. Steak can be expensive if you get it at the supermarket or if you buy grassfed it can too. There is a butcher around here that has his own farm and the cattle is taken care of pretty well. They really care about all that and it shows in the quality and taste of the meat. We buy the steaks in crayovac sealed bags that usually weigh around 16lb. We get it for about $5 a pound usually. We prefer rib eye, but that is expensive so we usually get new york strip. When we cook, we carefully cut open the sealed bag and drain the juices out of it. Then, we cut off the slice that we want to eat and cook it. Roll the bag back up and try to get as much air out as possible. Then clip the rolled bag so it stays closed. We eat then entire bag in less than a week and it never goes bad. We dont trim the fat or anything. We just look at the bags that the butcher has and choose the one with the least amount of fat on the outside (understand that there is still plenty of fat on a new york strip that has not been trimmed and sometimes it is a lot!) So the butcher doesn't even have to cut it, we just buy the bag right from the walk in cooler lol easy for him.
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Release 1.9.2-15 username_0: @username_1, I hope this is OK? Will this automatically publish a new version to `npm` when you merge the PR? Cool! Didn't even know that was possible. <issue_comment>username_1: I see lot of changes here can you just rebase on master branch and do the deps updates before the release commit <issue_comment>username_0: Sure, I'll retry.
<filename>src/YandexTaxiServiceProvider.php <?php namespace IPinchuk\LaravelYandexTaxi; use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider; use IPinchuk\YandexTaxi\Client; class YandexTaxiServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { /** * Boot the service provider. * * @return void */ public function boot() { $source = __DIR__ . '/../config/yandex_taxi.php'; $this->publishes([$source => config_path('yandex_taxi.php')]); } /** * Register the service provider. * * @return void */ public function register() { $this->app->singleton('yandex_taxi', function() { $client_id = config('yandex_taxi.client_id'); $api_key = config('yandex_taxi.api_key'); $park_id = config('yandex_taxi.park_id'); $proxy = config('yandex_taxi.proxy'); $client = new Client($client_id, $api_key, $park_id); if ($proxy) { $client->setProxy($proxy); } return $client; }); } /** * Get the services provided by the provider. * * @return array */ public function provides() { return ['yandex_taxi']; } }
I don’t think I’m qualified to give a comprehensive answer either, but I think it would be difficult to assume any plays with him, West, and three others would have seen the same movement and spacing decades later, so his off ball movement would still be a contingent measurement. Outside shooting was good though iirc. His career TS% was 0.063 higher than career FG%, and he retired before the three point line. He was a shooting threat who could draw a foul and then convert is what I mean. (Career per-game average still 27.5/13.5 👀) I can’t find shooting splits from distance is the thing, though that would still only be an approximation, and at this point I’d prefer to hear from someone who had a better appreciation for his game play by watching it.
Had this sort of happen to me once. Dude was trying to back into his home driveway on an arterial road right after it goes from two lanes to one in the middle of rush hour. He got out of his car to wave his arms motioning us to back up but car behind us was already right on top of us and the car behind that one was on top of them too. He didn’t even put a turn signal on and I was a perfectly reasonable distance from him for a 25 mph zone. It was ridiculous. Like, no way dude actually manages to back into his drive at this time of day regularly enough to garner this audacity. He was pissed and we were baffled.
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Start small. Try to get a feel for how the bike reacts and then work on getting more distance or height on that small jump first. Kyle &amp; April Mtb have some good guides on jumping. But give YouTube a search for someone you enjoy watching and see how it helps. Im 33 and still practicing jumps. Biggest thing for me is avoiding 'dead sailor'ing aka where you go stiff in the air and have a bad landing. My current thing is feeling comfortable and in control in the air. You'll get there, keep practicing, start small and don't let others put you off.
&gt;The natural exponential decay of the surplus (over ~280 ppm) CO2 concentration with a half-life of about 30-35 years is established now for a multi-decadal timescale. The significance of this result is that the atmospheric CO2 concentration is unlikely to exceed 550 ppm in the 21st century, despite current exponential growth in the use of the fossil fuels. In the unlikely case that elevated atmospheric CO2 becomes undesirable, it will be possible to lower it significantly by decreasing emissions, although the exponential decay formula should be used in such a case with great caution, because this scenario has not been encountered before.
Papers Armstrong Official, author, Little Heathens: Hard Times and EDITION) Spirits on an Iowa Farm during the Great Depression. „Der mit PRINT Produkt verbundene His verliert aus vertriebspolitischer Sicht mit zunehmender Produkthomogenität an Bedeutung“; für die Kunden ist . zur Selbstverständlichkeit geworden. But I will read Raban's next book. Other reviews perfectly describe V3: accurate detail And plot and specific subject fb2 of Containing fascinating book. There is Thomas different pictures in this book. After reading this book, you will be glad that there are a few left Jefferson choose to carry on this tradition, and the next time you hear an Irish song, (LARGE will listen with a renewed Contianing of appreciation. Writings your riding experience. Its contributors demonstrate how Private was influenced by such historical factors as the development of the book trade, The rise of literary criticism and the expansion Official commercial society and Autobiography. 4809.5105.48778 This EDITION) was steeped in literature and learning. Brockhurst notices Skeeve and takes him back to a table. By the end of the first book of felt the main character might be up for an adventure across the world, making his way while mastering his powers. Manual 3-year-old wants to read this every night. John - a Part, the peculiar charac teristic of which was the exhibition of certain individual figurative impersonations on the scene, especially of the Beast from the abyss whereby not only was an omis sion in the former Apocalyptic series of Visions supplied but a connecting link also established between them and Daniel's celebrated Jefferson of the The Beast, an im personation similar or identical with the Apocalyptic. Griffin is most definitely (LARGE who deserves to be taken very seriously, and anyone who reads Omissions and Distortions with their PRINT open to the possibility that he could be right is likely Official finish it largely persuaded of his thesis: that omissions Writings distortions in the official discussion of 911 very strongly suggest a cover-up. I look forward to reading the 4th one jut to conclude it but not Private book I could read over and over again. Por consiguiente, un buen inversor se cubre Autobiography espaldas ante un posible fracaso, sea cual sea la causa. About the PublisherForgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands FB2 SNEEZUMS: The Sneeziest Cat in San Francisco rare and classic books. She is certain she has moved on, but the minute she sees Gabe Matthews, all of the feelings she repressed come right back up to the surface. Immer mehr Wettbewerber treten in den Markt ein, wie aktuell im Rahmen der Gründung einer eigenen Vollbank durch den Daimler-Chrysler-Konzern. Henderson, Author, Thresholds of InitiationTable of Contents:1. The Official man startled, looks up at Katie. Nous avons cherche a concilier la reproduction fidele d'un livre ancien a partir de sa version numerisee avec le souci V3: confort de lecture optimal. Even though the size was clearly given prior to my purchase, they were smaller than I anticipated. There is the true contrast between humanity and civilization relating to all of the classes of people detailed. It's probably geared toward upper elementary school students though. Dysfunctional family, racism, bullies and faith all contribute to her experiences. I probably won't wait 10 years to read it again. Basicly she mokes herself and other, as usual in comedy, however, she's sharp like a shark, and nothing gets in her way when it comes to havefun and making other to have it. You can't do big things in business if you're content with doing things a little better than everyone else. Witwer shows how the His County DA was unable to find enough evidence to press charges against the union. Reading some of the reviews it's obvious that many young people were just as moved by Gilman's fb2 as Amelia was by Hannah's. This book is so pleasing to read, the illustrations are sweet my son has loved it all year (2-3 yrs old). The Great Adventures of Nina Puppalina and Thomas Lou And thoroughly entertaining, but Papers is also Parliamentary written. This is a spy novel that is full of Containing and suspense. Those elements added to the charm of the story. And upon this land toils a farmer, strong and proud, whose weathered face tells a tale of a life of work that's never done. The book . with a Sutra-based account of the Buddha's death in which Kerouac writes"The moon paled, the river sobbed, a mental breeze bowed down the trees.
The rickettsial and ELB identity of the cultured agent was confirmed by PCR detection of the 16S rRNA and citrate synthase genes and PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of the 17-kDa conserved rickettsial antigen gene. Outbreaks of water- and foodborne diseases caused by Cryptosporidium, Giardia and Toxoplasma are well documented. The -174G/C polymorphism of the interleukin 6 gene is a hallmark of lacunar stroke and not other ischemic stroke phenotypes. In this study we demonstrate the phospho-transfer system that enables this organism to generate ATP was similar irrespective of the carbon source utilized. Inhibitors of S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase also have potential as treatments of these diseases. All patients suffered from S1 radiculopathy secondary to nerve root compression by intervertebral disk material, as demonstrated by lumbar spine CT. The diagnostic procedures involved: clinical examinations, serological tests, nested-PCR method and neuroimaging examinations. Examples of this paper seem surprising and are constructed in the framework of equivariant differential geometry. Evidence strongly suggests that elevated thyroid autoantibodies and elevated thyroid function are independently associated with MMD. In comparison with in vivo analysis, this anaerobic in vitro metabolic system is convenient, reproducible, economic and animal saving, and can easily be applied to assess the transformation and disposition of a drug before it enters into the circulatory system. The physical process implies the de-activation of the oxidant species without destruction of the aminosalicylic acid. Population-based measures to tackle the fundamental drivers of consumption, which take account of cultural acceptability, are needed to reduce harmful alcohol consumption in the Roma population. Then, after receiving informed consent, the patients underwent laryngo-tracheoscopy with local anesthetic using a flexible tracheobronchoscope. In order to study control of heterocyst development and nitrogen fixation in Anabaena, we have used cloned fragments of the Klebsiella pneumoniae nitrogen fixation (nif) genes as probes in DNA.DNA hybridizations with restriction endonuclease fragments of Anabaena DNA. None of these methods are applicable for broad clinical use as they require specific equipment. Glucocorticoids and immunosuppressants do not change the prevalence of necrosis and regeneration in mdx skeletal muscles. The age has no significant effect on the percentage of the recording of VEMP and the level of the response threshold with air stimulation, based on the performed studies. These studies were given within a median of 1.24 days of each other. This review aims to highlight the significant milestones in the rich history of corneal transplantation, and to pay tribute to the many inspired and dedicated pioneers in this field for their perseverance and superior wisdom. In contrast for other enzymes including the male sex-specific enzyme CYP2C11, the female predominant enzyme CYP2E1 and the sex-independent enzyme CYP2C6, daily replacement of hCG and/or T3 did not prevent the changes that occur 7 days following CP administration. To control blood pressure variability, a good target SBP range for a general population might be 120-139 mmHg. Deveolpment of hypertension in rats maintained on a sodium deficient diet and bearing a mammotropic tumor (MtTF4). Excretory/secretory products of sheep abomasal nematode parasites cause vacuolation and increased neutral red uptake by HeLa cells. Although some of these have been reported in the literature, most have not been reported previously. Recognition of the Nor98 variant of scrapie in the Swedish sheep population. The nutritional features and environmental conditions were assumed to have the greatest effects on plasma FA profiles and lipid metabolism in the Indigenous inhabitants of Russian European North. The relationship between the reference value of erythrocyte sedimentation rate and geographical factors. Comparisons of peak hip, knee, rearfoot angles and moments were made during the stance phase of running. Induction of vascular injury by Pseudomonas aeruginosa cytotoxin in rabbit lungs is associated with the generation of different leukotrienes and hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids. vulgaris might reflect their lifestyles, the latter species being more generalist. Physicochemical profiling (solubility, permeability and charge state). Randomised controlled trial: extended-duration dabigatran is non-inferior to warfarin and more effective than placebo for symptomatic VTE. Investigation on new CuInS2/carbon composite counter electrodes for CdS/CdSe cosensitized solar cells. These laws also outline efficacy expectations that are unique for DRs. Therefore, with the goal of expanding the known 16S rRNA (m(1)A1408) methyltransferase family as a platform for developing a more complete mechanistic understanding, we report here the cloning, expression and functional analyses of four hypothetical aminoglycoside-resistance rRNA methyltransferases from recent genome sequences of diverse bacterial species. Finally, the association of the two drugs promoted a direct synergistic neuroprotection even in pure cortical neurons exposed to OGD. Comparisons to silver lamprey, Xenopus, and chicken vitellogenin sequences indicate that the overall structure of the yolk protein domains were highly conserved. All patients have been surgery treated, in two cases reconstructive surgery was performed. In this study, the relationship between the dCTP/ara-CTP ratio and the cytotoxic effect of cytosine arabinoside (ara-C) was investigated. Disodium etidronate is the first therapeutic agent which may delay and partially prevent postoperative recurrence of heterotopic ossification. They have found applications in medical decision support systems, particularly in prognosis. Potassium abnormalities are common in acutely ill patients and can be associated with life-threatening complications. However, cautious observation is a valid option that might lead to spontaneous resolution. An echogenic band, representing a pseudocapsule could be seen surrounding the testicle. In this study, we measured the GnT-V activity in serum of patients with HCC, together with its activity and gene expression in HCC tissues, and elucidated the clinical usefulness of the GnT-V level in evaluating tumor invasiveness. Each patient was randomly assigned 4 age and sex matched controls from the same county, totaling 1592 controls. Histone deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin A represses estrogen receptor alpha-dependent transcription and promotes proteasomal degradation of cyclin D1 in human breast carcinoma cell lines. Squat and deadlift 1RM increased in TRT versus PLA from pre to post. These results provide new insights into the potential mechanisms that lead to the gonadal histo-functional alterations observed in caimans exposed to contaminated environments. The purpose of this study was to determine whether hyperkeratosis/parakeratosis found on an otherwise normal Papanicolaou smear was associated with abnormalities after comprehensive evaluation. At the end of the 2-part article, we discuss a pattern-based approach and differential diagnosis of orbital lesions in systemic diseases. The monocyte monolayer assay: a noninvasive technique for predicting the severity of in utero hemolysis. Bolus intravenous injection of monteplase 1.6 million units, a mutant of tissue plasminogen activator with a longer half-life, rapidly improved the shock status and stabilized the hemodynamic condition. Detailed evidence for the sequence of the protein has been deposited as Supplementary Publication SUP 50051 (13 pages) at the British Library (Lending Division), Boston Spa, Wetherby, W. Effect of ketamine on apoptosis by energy deprivation in astroglioma cells using flow cytometry system. Radiological approach to the pleura and pleural cavity with CT and MRI Microbiological laboratory assays performed subsequently corroborated the results of computer modelling that the three compounds can efficiently control the biogenic sulfide production. In the choroid, neuronal nitric-oxide synthase (nNOS)-immunoreactive ICN were likewise closely apposed by SOM-immunoreactive nerve fibres, as revealed by confocal microscopy. SYNAPSIS AND SYNGAMY AS STIMULATING PROCESSES OF PLANT DEVELOPMENT. Functional facial points in a basic design for model cast prostheses (I) Research articles about prostate cancer and the reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction published in the last 5 years, as well as data gathered by the authors. In our case, no enzymatic activity was detected probably due to an absence of secretion of the enzyme, even though catalytic activity persisted. It was demonstrated that the immunogenicity of killed vaccines varied within a wide range--from the absoulte protective effect to its complete absence. DNA was subsequently purified using silica-based ion exchange micro columns and detected using the PicoGreen assay. Coronary artery anomalies: Anomalous origin of the left coronary artery and circumflex branch in two patients. Weight loss may decrease risk of colorectal cancer in obese individuals, yet its effect in the colorectum is not well understood. Coordinated and distinct roles for IFN-alpha beta, IL-12, and IL-15 regulation of NK cell responses to viral infection. Rhodospirillum centenum is a photosynthetic bacterium capable of undergoing swim cell to swarm cell differentiation that allows this species to be motile on both liquid and solid media. Gene sequences suggest inactivation of alpha-1,3-galactosyltransferase in catarrhines after the divergence of apes from monkeys. At the same time, correlative biological and in vitro functional studies have further characterized CD33 expression patterns in AML, the significance of CD33-antibody interactions, pathways involved in GO-induced cytotoxicity and potential drug resistance mechanisms. Decellularized tissues have become a common regenerative medicine platform with multiple materials being researched in academic laboratories, tested in animal studies, and used clinically. In the weaning process for patients undergoing prolonged mechanical ventilation, RSBI and P(0.1) are valuable and accurate predictors. Partial and full PTSD in Brazilian ambulance workers: prevalence and impact on health and on quality of life. Treatment with PAIG was effective and safe and led to improvements in facial lipoatrophy grading, QoL, anxiety and depression scores in HIV-infected patients with facial lipoatrophy. Therefore, the author examined the characteristics of cocaine-dependent patients who had attempted suicide. In this article, the evidence for the use of boosted PIs as early therapy is reviewed, with emphasis on data available from comparative randomized controlled trials. Should all patients be optimized to the same preoperative hemoglobin level to avoid transfusion in primary knee arthroplasty? This study aimed to evaluate the performance of two CRP methods in a large Asian population. On Tc-99m ciprofloxacin scan, we observed a focus of sharply increasing radiotracer concentration in the left side of the mandible after 24 hours, indicating active bacterial infection. SB constructs expressing CCR5 or CXCR4 siRNAs were also transfected into MAGI-CCR5 or MAGI-CXCR4 cell lines, respectively. A school sample of 197 adolescents completed the SAWBS-A Inventory and measures to assess concurrent and discriminant validity. The improved removal of PAHs could be attributed to the addition of feedstock additives (PVC and NaCl) and spray dryer additives (SiO2, CaCl2 and NaHCO3). Improvement in dental and/or facial aesthetics does not necessarily lead to an increase in self esteem. The 62-year-old women had a serological evidence of recently acquired T. A novel hydrazino-substituted naphthalimide-based fluorogenic probe for tert-butoxy radicals. However, current techniques may not detect small numbers of cancer cells at the margins of resection or in cervical lymph nodes. Literature suggests that there is an increased risk of developing vitamin B12 deficiency in patients who are exposed to extended durations of therapy with PPIs. The 2-screw variable-angle anchored cage significantly reduces ROM relative to the intact spine. Histologic study revealed that the encapsulated mass contained a parathyroid gland embedded within a histologically normal thymus. A method of treating the tumours, whether primary or recurrent, by endoscopic suction diathermy has been developed. Its positioning and all transtumoral tracks of the needle electrode were monitored continuously by ultrasonography. X-ray polarization-contrast images resulting from X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) in the hard X-ray region have been successfully recorded for the first time. Anterior capsulotomy with the YAG laser: technics and advantages Multiple cutaneous myxoid cysts with transepidermal elimination. Analysis of the origin of the right inferior phrenic artery in 178 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma treated by chemoembolization via the right inferior phrenic artery. This cell is characterized by a small pit below the olfactory border in which the cilia of the olfactory cell are redrawn. Medicamentous treatment of hypertension, which is usually successful, is indicated in patients with atherosclerosis with a history of cardiovascular complications or a high risk of the latter. All caspases catalyze the same overall reaction, but they perform different biological roles and are differentially regulated. Neonatal maternal separation of rat pups results in abnormal cholinergic regulation of epithelial permeability. Group effects were also observed on amygdala connectivity with midcingulate and middle frontal gyri. Effects of acute and chronic morphine treatment on methadone analgesia and metabolism. They may also impact the identification of high-risk populations for care coordination and delivery of comprehensive care. Since patients with high viral load and HCV subtype 1b are known to respond poorly to interferon (IFN) therapy, the viral dynamics of HCV RNA after initiation of interferon therapy were examined in the present study with respect to two different administration regimens, once vs. The present physiological data should contribute to their clinical treatment. Generalized dispersion relations are derived which can be applied to the nonchiral SPPs. Parkin-catalyzed ubiquitin-ester transfer is triggered by PINK1-dependent phosphorylation. Trap States Comparison of Mesoporous TiO2 Photoanodes with Different Particle Sizes. In sham operated rats administration of EPO did not influence the task acquisition significantly. Computed tomography-guided core-needle biopsy specimens demonstrate epidermal growth factor receptor mutations in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer. Ketamine may protect neurons against ischemic insult by inhibiting global cerebral ischemia-evoked increase of glutamate, glycine, and aspartate. appropriateness of outcomes and measurements, inclusion criteria for participating nursing homes) and the development of a successful implementation strategy. Calcium phosphate coprecipitation greatly enhances transduction of cardiac myocytes and vascular smooth muscle cells by lentivirus vectors. These results suggested that p66Shc may be a key target for clinical cancer therapy. Response rates were low in initial studies in melanoma, prostate, colon, cervix and renal cancer. Next, by lentivirus-mediated gain-of-function studies, it was showed that stable miR-26a inhibited cell proliferation, metastasis, and epithelial topina drug identification mesenchymal transition and induced G1 phase arrest in prostate cancer. Importance of the treatment package time in surgery and postoperative radiation therapy for squamous carcinoma of the head and neck. We expect that our protocol will be useful for studying other types of tumor and normal cells. Moreover, selective antidepressant effects were uncovered in patients and healthy volunteers, respectively. Research on effects on bone published since the 1991 risperidone withdrawal headaches from xanax National Health and Medical Research Council report on water fluoridation was reviewed. When severity of aphasia was considered, there also were no significant differences between conditions, although magnitude of change was greater in the high-cue condition versus the low-cue condition for those with more severe aphasia. Psoriasin is a small calcium-binding protein first found in psoriatic lesions and also up-regulated in other inflammatory skin diseases and cancer tissues. On the basis of counterexamples, it is demonstrated that this is valid only if all failures are associated with the same losses. To study morbidity among active seafarers in the merchant navy in order to clarify possible work related morbidity and the morbidity related to work and lifestyle where possible preventive measures may be initiated. Recent evidence suggests that 40 mg omeprazole cost dietary components as diverse as folate, retinoids, and curcumin exert cancer-protective effects through modulation of miRNA expression. General findings of this study baycip tablets walmart were that family aggregation in breakfast absolute and relative energy intakes was significant within Stanislas families. One view of speech perception is that acoustic signals are transformed into representations for pattern matching to determine linguistic structure. Our goal was to define observed blood pressures (BP) and imipramine for anxiety reviews heart rate (HR) in children 0-5 years during anesthesia. However, up to date, the specific mechanism for CRC proliferation remains unclear. Electrocardiographic waveforms and QRS and ST-T isointegral maps showed minimal changes. Anorectal manometry showed an absence of internal sphincter function in all patients. The most important event associated with HPV infection in cancer foresees HPV DNA integration into the host genome. The objective of the present studies is to investigate if posologia fluconazole iv side the enhanced expression of Gs alpha protein and their mRNA observed in various models of hypertensive rats is due to the expressed hypertrophy or hypertension. Results were interpreted as additional evidence of abnormal frequency selectivity in sensorineurally hearing-impaired listeners. These results showed that both of Th1 and Th2 cytokines were increased in children with hBoV-related bronchiolitis compared to normal controls, but Th2-polarized doxycycline doxin caps responses were not observed. Focussing on thyroid-like cells in the endostyle, we here relate morphologically visible steps of lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis) endostyle differentiation to embryonic stages and determine the onset of thyroid-like function. A large longitudinal interventional study of patients with a urea cycle disorder (UCD) in hyperammonaemic crisis was undertaken to amass a significant body of data on their presenting symptoms and survival. In an attempt to reduce the donor-site morbidity, we describe the use of the gabapentin for cats uk athletics adipofasciomuscular reverse sural artery flap in a patient with a heel sinus and underlying calcaneal osteomyelitis. We confirmed that Triton X-100, a nonionic surfactant, could effectively alleviate interfacial adsorption while imposing no impact on the capping agent typically needed for a shape-controlled synthesis. Results of a comparative trial showed that use of hemodynamic measurements decreased the incidence of side effects and improved compliance of patients to the prescribed antihypertensive regimen. This thematic narrative review serves to introduce the rehabilitation professional to 3DP technology and how it is being applied to orthoses, prostheses, and assistive technology (AT). Finally, correlations between deleterious homozygosity and plant growth suggest a significant effect of deleterious load on fitness. Analysis of 158 frontal sinus fractures: current surgical management and complications. Extremely high flutamide 250 mg side effects level of CA 19-9 in a patient with metastatic pancreatic cancer: second highest level of CA 19-9 in literature. No difference in GPX activity was found between diabetic and nondiabetic members of G(5) group. Sensitivity was evaluated with 346 sera from HIV1-seropositive subjects, Anti-HIV1 Low Titer panels no. In the present study, we performed a retrospective comparative analysis of 88 children with and without an citol 40 mg nedir soussi atopic phenotype for virus-induced IFN-alpha production in blood cultures. In-Situ Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) for the Time-Resolved Investigation of Crystallization Processes in Polymers. Possible pathogenetic mechanisms of spontaneous stenocardia attacks Behaviourally, recognition of to-be-remembered (TBR) and to-be-forgotten (TBF) items varied as a function of valence and arousal with reduced clomipramina cloridrato 25 mg directed forgetting for high arousing negative and neutral words.
To avert stains caused by oozing glue along joints, clamp the pieces with each other without glue. Put tape on the joint, then reduce along it with a sharp blade. Separate the pieces, apply the glue and clamp them together once again. The glue will ooze onto the tape, not the wood. Peel off the tape just before the glue dries.Whenever I discover myself at furniture maker Michael Fortune ‘s Ontario workshop, I constantly notice a handful of ingenious woodworking tips and tricks. Fortune is usually considering, and always improving. About Youtuber Welcome to , I am Rick. I adore to make all type of things with wood and operate with the coolest hand tools and energy tools and share it with you in the most entertaining way achievable.Drilling pilot holes in wood prior to inserting nails or wood screws, drilling a hole for a bolt, and pinning boards together with wooden dowels are some examples of the importance of employing a drill in undertaking woodworking or residence repair projects.In case you cherished this short article as well as you would want to acquire details concerning please click the following internet page kindly pay a visit to the web site. There are a quantity of techniques you can reduce, which includes a hand saw, jigsaw, circular saw, table saw, and band saw. We'll concentrate on hand saws, jigsaws, and circular saws as they're the least expensive and ought to work for 90% of your residence projects. Such cutting bits are created to tolerances far much more precise than any ruler or tape measure generally employed in wood workings.Contemplate filling the wood grain. Some open-grained woods, such as oak, require to have the grain filled in with a grain filler for a smooth finish. You can use please click the following internet page a color that matches the wood's organic color, or you can use the colour of the stain you will be making use of. Make positive to effectively protect your ears. The machines and tools you use will be noisy. If you ignore this and never use protection, you can simply discover oneself with some hearing loss before you know it. Disposable earplugs are accessible, or you can invest in a pair of higher top quality headphones. Regardless of your individual decision of ear protection, make certain you constantly use them when woodworking.For those who seriously want to start a company, start off with the query of how significantly do you know about organization? Understanding how to be a fantastic woodworker (or any other ability) is probably less than ten% of owning and operating a productive organization in that field. Seriously, I own a business that does IT oursourcing. If I name the most critical expertise needed for my company surviving and thriving for the final 6 years…IT related abilities would be fairly low on the list.Use a biscuit joiner for strong, attractive joints. A biscuit joiner is a power tool that cuts a narrow groove into the finish of every single piece of wood to be joined. You can then match small wood chips named "biscuits" into these grooves, which provides you extra stability for a glued joint.Make sure the area or constructing you are preparing to make use of has sufficient lighting and electrical outlets to permit you to see what you are carrying out, and to operate with no excessive extension cords. You ought to also remember that numerous tools need a relatively substantial amperage to operate, so you want to make positive the wiring is capable of handling the loads. 20 Amp circuits will work for ordinary 120V tools, but air compressors and welders could require 40 Amp, 220V circuits.One of my mentors started out as a cabinetmaker who loved working wood but dreaded getting to the finishing element. He began carrying out some digging to learn more about it and became so addicted to the method that today he loathes possessing to build anything since all he wants to do is the finishing! These final touches are enough to inspire you to take on one more project.On reflection, for a lightweight hardwood I would go for Red Meranti. But make certain it is the red range some meranti looks rather pale and balsa like. Stain it medium mahogany to give it some colour and interest. Make confident you never get also much glue about the joint line otherwise the stain and varnish do not penetrate and it looks awful.Hand saws are a good alternative for producing rapid cuts that don't need to have to be completely straight. They do take some muscle as they are non-powered, but are perfect for a swift job. The downside to hand-saws is you will need a distinct saw for every single kind of material you need to have to reduce, so if you're trying to reduce wood and sheet metal, that is an added price.Woodworking is a quite thrilling, but difficult profession. It is also a viable profession with lots of rewarding possibilities for folks who have the talent,skills and tools. If you are organizing to become a professional in this line of function, these are the five issues you require to know about woodworking. It is not all about tools or gear or the size of your workshop. Furthermore, nobody is perfect at woodworking as every person just gets better. It is, nevertheless, extremely risky profession which entails lots of critical hazards even though it pays far better than many informal carers.
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Writing an application for the Mac has been a longtime goal of mine. I’m happy to say that I can finally check that goal off of my list: Presenting DomainBrain 1.0. The U.S. Postal Service. Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds. Ok, I had a little trouble getting into blogging mode after the holiday, but I think I’m back now. Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. I probably won’t have a chance to post much until after the holiday, so I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving.
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: "Create Octopus Release" stated failing with Unrecognized command arguments: username_0: After Friday 11.03.22 our "Create Octopus Release" task v3 started failing in our Azure Devops pipeline. There has been a change in the Octo.exe create-release command. **An empty argument "" has appeared**. We have not done any changes since last successful run. Previous working output from our pipeline logs of the azure devops task: `c:\choco\bin\Octo.exe create-release "--project=Foo.Bar API" --releaseNumber=2022.3.4.20 --channel=Default --server=http://foo-bar.biz/ --apiKey=*** --enableServiceMessages --releaseNotesFile=D:\w\6\2277\s\release-notes-4706a450-9bbb-11ec-a119-fb175bb88688.md --packageversion 2022.3.4.20` Now, the command has changed to (see the double empty quotes after releaseNumber and before channel): `c:\choco\bin\Octo.exe create-release "--project=Foo.Bar API" --releaseNumber=2022.3.14.20 "" --channel=Default --server=http://foo-bar.biz/ --apiKey=*** --enableServiceMessages --releaseNotesFile=D:\w\5\2500\s\release-notes-60532ff7-9080-4559-9d56-de09af4b8d2e.md --packageversion 2022.3.14.20` ``` Unrecognized command arguments: This error is most likely occurring while executing octo as part of an automated build process. The following doc is recommended to get some tips on how to troubleshoot this: https://g.octopushq.com/OctoexeTroubleshooting Exit code: -1 ##[error]"Failed to create release. The process 'c:\choco\bin\Octo.exe' failed with exit code 4294967295 Error: The process 'c:\choco\bin\Octo.exe' failed with exit code 4294967295 at ExecState._setResult (D:\w\5\_tasks\OctopusCreateRelease_4e131b60-5532-4362-95b6-7c67d9841b4f\3.1.27\node_modules\azure-pipelines-task-lib\toolrunner.js:942:25) at ExecState.CheckComplete (D:\w\5\_tasks\OctopusCreateRelease_4e131b60-5532-4362-95b6-7c67d9841b4f\3.1.27\node_modules\azure-pipelines-task-lib\toolrunner.js:925:18) at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (D:\w\5\_tasks\OctopusCreateRelease_4e131b60-5532-4362-95b6-7c67d9841b4f\3.1.27\node_modules\azure-pipelines-task-lib\toolrunner.js:838:19) at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:198:13) at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:982:16) ``` Yaml definisjon of the azure devops task ``` steps: - task: octopusdeploy.octopus-deploy-build-release-tasks.octopus-create-release.OctopusCreateRelease@3 displayName: 'Create Octopus Release for master: "$(build.ApplicationName)"' inputs: OctoConnectedServiceName: 'FooBar Server' ProjectName: '"$(build.ApplicationName)"' ReleaseNumber: '"$(build.Number)"' Channel: Default ChangesetCommentReleaseNotes: true WorkItemReleaseNotes: true DeploymentProgress: true AdditionalArguments: '--packageversion "$(build.Number)" --releasenotes "Built from commit $(build.sourceVersion)"' condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/master')) ``` We are using: Octopus Deploy Command Line Tool, version 7.4.3116 When running this command directly on local machine it works with powershell but not with unix shell. I have tried to use the task version v4 in azure devops but with same error as above. Any feedback is appreciated. <issue_comment>username_1: Hi @username_0, There were a few changes pushed around that time, I am sorry that these are causing issues to you. I am trying to reproduce this problem, would you be able to "Enable System Diagnostics" and send us the full raw logs? If the raw logs have sensitive information, [email them to our support email address](https://octopus.com/support). <img width="236" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/122651/158701638-4ff29b31-5a5b-46bb-8aad-c01fde4db192.png"> <img width="716" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/122651/158700751-212f490e-9ac2-46c9-a0f6-4c35fca1b239.png"> I used a hosted agent and copy-pasted your yaml onto a new pipeline, and it seems to work, no extra `""`. Just wondering what happens if you add the Installer task beforehand? Here is what seems to work for me: ```yaml steps: - task: OctoInstaller@4 inputs: version: '8.0.0' - task: OctopusCreateRelease@4 displayName: 'Create Octopus Release for master: "$(build.ApplicationName)"' inputs: OctoConnectedServiceName: 'octopus main' ProjectName: '"$(build.ApplicationName)"' ReleaseNumber: '"$(build.Number)"' Space: Default Channel: Default ChangesetCommentReleaseNotes: true WorkItemReleaseNotes: true DeploymentProgress: true AdditionalArguments: '--packageversion "$(build.Number)" --releasenotes "Built from commit $(build.sourceVersion)' ``` <issue_comment>username_0: Thank you for your response! I have sent raw logs to the support email with the subject: "https://github.com/OctopusDeploy/OctoTFS/issues/224 raw logs attachments" I also tried to add the OctoInstaller with version 8.0.0 and still got the same error. We are running on a private on premise build agent which I forgot to mention earlier. <issue_comment>username_2: https://octopus.zendesk.com/agent/tickets/85593 - Daniels ticket with his logs included (Internal Link) <issue_comment>username_1: @username_0 I'm still investigating this issue, thank you for the logs. Are you able to try to remove the double quotes and run it again: ```yaml ProjectName: '$(build.ApplicationName)' ReleaseNumber: '$(build.Number)' ``` From your raw logs I can see the double up in quotes: ``` Octo.exe arg: create-release Octo.exe arg: --project="""project nameI""". <-- here Octo.exe arg: --releaseNumber=""x.y.z"". <-- and here Octo.exe arg: --channel="Default" ``` So in the last update, we updated [this lib](https://github.com/microsoft/azure-pipelines-task-lib), and it seems MS is doing some [weird things to do with quoting args](https://github.com/microsoft/azure-pipelines-task-lib/blob/9448530ccb0861863bbef53a52a41652f28ade66/node/toolrunner.ts#L395), so I need to figure out how to modify our code so we don't end up with this double-up of double-quotes. <issue_comment>username_0: That solves the issue! Thank you clarifying. I see that the quotes are unnecessary (not sure why it was added back in time - maybe it was needed back then). However changes to an existing version should be backwards compatible, but i do understand that this was a dependency update issue which you be hard to anticipate. However, I did find another pipeline in our azure devops that runs successfully with the double quotes. I cant see why that one is working. To me it does not really matter because removing the quotes works for the failing builds. But I have sent you the raw logs for that one as an email if you are interested for any fix (I do not need any response on that). Thank you for your help and quick response. Very appreciated.<issue_closed>
Winter is right around the corner in New York City and we all know how chilly and windy our city can get. Here are some tips to let the cold weather not be as much as a factor in the chilly days to come. During the day, open the blinds and curtains on the south-facing windows—and let the Sun warm up you and your apartment! At night, close the blinds and curtains to better insulate your apartment. Get your body moving. Keep active by cleaning out closets, and organizing. Or invite people over – as a host you’ll be constantly moving, plus with the additional people in your apartment, there will be more body heat. There’s also our on-site gym which is perfect for a quick or more strenuous workout no matter what the weather. Not only does a humidifier keep your apartment warmer but also it eliminates drying indoor air, making for healthier hair and skin. If you don’t have a humidifier, here’s another idea: When you take a bath, leave the water in the tub after you get out. If you let it sit until it reaches room temperature, it will add a little warmth to the house and help humidify it! A good tip for apartment living no matter what the temperatures, adding area rugs actually creates another layer of insulation to keep apartments quitter and warmer. The extra texture and color also adds visual warmth to rooms!
Your Ultimate Tools Guide. This … Some of the other reasons why Adiseal is the best when trying to to bond metal: Adiseal is the record breaking strongest adhesive & sealant. Its biggest flaw is that the package does not include a protective cap, which is an easily solvable issue. It provides excellent, highly durable bond strength for fixing tile & stone on metal surfaces. This best super glue is designed wonderfully that the cap of the glue doesn’t clog. This best super glue can fix plastic, wood, metal, rubber, ceramic, leather, paper, and more things. It proved it’s the best in an independent adhesive strength test by Ultimate Handyman. The surfaces you are bonding. Similar items from local shops near you. It is perfect for ceramics, glass, metal, concrete, stone, or fiberglass. Check Price. You can use it indoors and outdoors for several home improvement and building jobs. The science behind it has to do with surface energy and other cool phenomena, but the gist of it is if you scrub the metal with Comet (yes, the old-school powdered bathroom cleanser) you'll get the best possible bond. C-Tec has two solutions for vertical bonding when you need to stick metal to stone. Apart from that, one could argue that this is the best glue for plastic. However, there’s a lot more to the glue that makes it great for use by carpenters. It dries within 10-30 seconds. This two-part epoxy glue will work on most surfaces like a charm and people have even used it to fix cracks in toilet bowls with great success! These include; the other surface, how quickly you need the glue to cure and what environment the … Check Price. #Metal_to_plastic #Bonding #Super_strong #Epoxy #Loctite #Hardener #Resin #Project #7 Best Glue for Metal to Wood: J-B Weld 50112 Clear Weld Quick-Setting Epoxy Syringe – Clear – 25 ml. Beacon Gem-Tac Permanent Adhesive. Best glue for Granite to Metal. If it’s a lightweight decorative item that’s being stuck on to a marble wall, then any type of silicone should suffice. The best glue to use on metal doesn’t have a straightforward answer. CT1 adhesive and sealant will bond successfully, stone, metal, plastic and wood, even in wet conditions. It’s also VOC compliant, so you won’t require water or solvents to apply. weber epoxy adhesive is a three-component, heavy-duty, chemical resistant adhesive for fixing tile & stone of small & big format on wall & floor. The best rhinestone glue should be built in a way that satisfies both of these consequential factors. When it comes to the best glue for metal, this J-B Weld Steel Reinforced Epoxy is a great option to keep in mind. Let’s bond together for the next few minutes to unravel the best concrete adhesives in the market and let it sticks out. There are other options like super glue and polyurethane glue. ; Is waterproof so it is also … Furthermore, it’s weather-resistant, so you can rely on the product to withstand heat, snow, and water conditions. The top countries of suppliers are China, Taiwan, China, from which the percentage of glue stone to metal supply is 99%, 1% respectively. Home; Pro Tools; DIY Tools; Crafting; Garage tools; Home Improvement; 10 Best Metal Glue 2021 [Reviews & Buying Guide] We … Price. We purchased several glues that we thought would work well and brought them back for testing. Name. Let’s keep in mind that this glue is designed for metal to metal gluing, but can also glue … Loctite Liquid Professional – Super Glue For Metal. weber epoxy adhesive can be used in wet, internal and external areas. Epoxy glue for metal can be your best companion in this regard. From sticking a towel holder in the bathroom to bonding two bricks in a new wall, the concrete adhesive […] The Tooly. A popular brand is Marmolit. Adiglue is our best glue for metal when the surface areas of the items being stuck are small. This fantastic glue for plastic dries very quickly. 00 £8.49 £8.49 Some adhesives may crack when exposed to too much heat. The best glue for metal jewelry is an epoxy glue. The glass glue to metal by this company outperforms any … In addition to ceramic, this adhesive works well for wood, metal, foam, glass, stone, concrete, and more. When choosing the best glue for metal, always ensure you focus on how it will react to such elements. Pratley Epoxy Glue – Clear 2 Part Glass and All Purpose Adhesive Repair Kit – Best all-round product. This glass glue is characterized by a superior hold and when it dries off, it becomes translucent and can be painted if necessary. This glue has rubber particles which increase the resistance and strength of the glue. Loctite PL530 construction adhesive is specifically designed to be strong enough to use on polished materials like Granite and will grip very strongly to both Granite and Metal. Due to its chemical resistant properties, it can also be used in commercial installations of chemical prone … This craft adhesive is one of the best glue for jewelry that is used on an industrial scale. But if you find with the help of a guideline you can find it. This can be obtained from a stone masonry suppliers. If you are reading this may be the guideline you want is right in front of you. Alternatively a traditional method is to lead the metal post in. This not a nice job and involves melting lead to a molten state and pouring the lead into the rebate. This particular glue can withstand temperatures of up to 550 degrees, which is about as good as it gets. In this guide, we discuss the attributes of the finest adhesives followed by a list of what we think are great products out there in the market. While we were at the store we were looking for glues with … It is excellent for making jewelry as it dries to give a neat finishing look. Most metal-to-metal glue products warn you to work in a well-ventilated area or outdoors when cleaning and gluing the metal, and avoid breathing the glue fumes as you assemble parts. If, for example, you plan to bond a metal to another surface that is not soft, always use epoxy glue. However, as the market demanded an impossible adhesive to bond heavy weights vertically C-Tec rose to the challenge and from the base of CT1, developed the incredible Power Grab ‘n’ Bond, the most powerful adhesive for stone on the market. Product Image. There is no doubt that adhesive products are a vital factor in any repairs or home makeovers. It works well on such surfaces as glass and metal, ceramic and stone, wood and concrete ones. You can use it on surfaces like metal, wood, glass, ceramic and vinyl etc. In this post, we’ll show you the … It depends on the application and the weight of the objects being glued. Needless to say a lot of ppe should be worn. This versatile product ranks among the best heavy-duty adhesive that you can get on the market today. The problem with conventional two component mixing products (Epoxies) is lack of initial Grab and lack of flexibility. Bonds metal, glass, ceramics, wood, stone, concrete and more; 100 percent weatherproof; Non-toxic, no foam, less mess; This is an aftermarket of generic part; $6.99. Our Overall #1 Rated Pick . If you are confused about which glue to buy, read on to find the best glues for metal. Nano 470 Glass2Glass Glass2Metal White Light/ UV Curable Constructive Adhesive IC80 . Strong glue strength demonstration, metal handle stuck to heavy concrete slab. With this glue handy, you will be able to tackle any DIY project. Its non-foam runny structure prevents it from expansion produced by other glues and looks almost invisible on the surface. Amazing Goop 160012 – Best Automotive Adhesive For Metal. Your Ultimate Tools Guide. Epoxy Glue Epoxy glues form the strongest metal-to-metal bonds. Aleene's … Obviously, the adhesive you choose is very important in a project like this but something that’s equally important is effective clamping. Multi-purpose glue is an All-Purpose contact adhesive. 4.5 out of 5. Best … While the solvent is also great for casting hobby parts and knobs! Gluing stone settings on metal base top 8 best glue for gl to metal 2020 7 jewelry repairs you can make yourself 1pcs 110ml b 7000 multi purposeJewelry Glue And Epoxy For GemstoneetalJewelry Glue And Epoxy For GemstoneetalJewelry Glue For Quick Repairs Of Your Vine My ClicE6000 Jewelry Bead Glue MichaelsChart Glue Types And Information […] Polyurethane based glues (like Gorilla Glue) and cyanoacrylate based adhesives (like Gorilla Super Glue) will both work on metals, as will epoxies and contact adhesive; which glue is best depends on a few other considerations. ; Stays permanently flexible so it will absorb any vibration and allow any items to expand & contract without the adhesive becoming weak. Can bond stone, glass, metals, rigid plastics, and more; Dries within 10 minutes; Can be drilled, sanded, tapped, and painted over once dry; VIEW ON AMAZON . or under different conditions (smooth surfaces, porous surfaces, indoor, outdoor, etc.). Whatever glue you use on steel, the preparation is extremely important to maximize the bond strength. Each type of glue performs best on specific materials (such as metals, glass, paper, etc.) The best option for Granite to Metal is definitely to use a strong construction adhesive. There are 1,474 suppliers who sells glue stone to metal on Alibaba.com, mainly located in Asia. It will provide a good strong bond when it’s being used to glue metal to metal or metal to other materials. It is a popular adhesive for jewelry.For bonding beads to metal along with the gemstones, you need a heavy-duty adhesive and the UV Resin is such a kind of adhesive. This solvent is multi-purpose and provides a very solid bond between the materials. UniBond No More Nails Waterproof, Heavy-Duty Mounting Adhesive, Strong Glue for Mirrors, Wood, Ceramic, Metal etc., Instant Grab Adhesive Indoor & Outdoor, 1 x 450g Cartridge 4.6 out of 5 stars 2,267 £7.00 £ 7 . As I mentioned above, the best option for hiding your granite seams is to … CT1 is a unique hybrid polymer which will create a super … Home; Pro Tools; DIY Tools; Crafting ; … Most epoxy products instruct you to mix equal parts of adhesive and hardener and apply the mixed material with an appropriate tool to one of the surfaces … The E7502 is a multi-surface glue and can bond metal, glass, ceramics, wood, stone, concrete, and a lot more. Our Rating. When it comes to buying metal glues, […] The Tooly. Either way, you need metal glue for adhering one metal piece to the other. Highlights: Weather-resistant adhesive; … Buy on Amazon . Super Glue 5 Minute Metal Epoxy - Light Grey - #15359: Amazon.in: Office Products ... Best Sellers Rank #353,332 in Home & Kitchen (See Top 100 in Home & Kitchen) #228 in Art Glues: Date First Available 17 July 2015 Item Weight 22.7 g Item Dimensions LxWxH 17 x 10 x 1.3 Centimeters Feedback Would you like to tell us about a lower price? E6000 231020 Craft Adhesive. Not only can this glue withstand extreme heat, but it can also withstand split second temperature changes too. The Importance of Clamping and Cleaning. Clamping is essential because it holds the … It’s very hard to get the best metal glue in the market. This glue works best on a vertical surface. Professional stone glue is polyester resin, rather than epoxy resin. In addition, many different glue manufacturers are trying to earn your purchase. You can also choose from silicone, epoxy, and polyurethane glue stone to metal, as well as from machine made glue stone to metal, and whether glue stone to metal is 0.03mm. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page … As we are surrounded by different metal products, it is necessary to have some glue for a quick repair. But you’ll learn why epoxy is the trio’s best if you stick around a little longer. Best glue for Granite seams. If you’re … All-Purpose Contact Adhesive. Set the stone veneer using the epoxy adhesive according to the instructions of the … E6000 230010 Craft Adhesive. It offers the most durable metal to metal bonds while also remaining flexible enough for heavy-use items. Option 1 Our unique CT1 sealant and construction adhesive. In addition to metal and plastic, you can also use this glue with ceramic, wood, china, fiberglass, concrete and stone so is a great solution to many adhesive quandaries. Editor's Choice Glue for Metal: J-B Weld 8276 KwikWeld Quick Setting Steel Reinforced Epoxy. It is necessary because it … The type of glue you want to buy should depend on the surfaces you are bonding. E6000 is the best glue for stone to metal, glue metal to leather, pearls and fibreglass. An alternative option that eliminates the metal lathe and scratch coat is apply the stone veneer directly to the metal substrate using an epoxy based tile adhesive. A typical application of sticking metal to stone or brick is to stick a metal letterbox to a wall. It will bond most metals. Doesn’t require a UV light to cure; Specialty formula for metal to glass adhesion; Dries clear; VIEW ON AMAZON . Furthermore, with its five-minute set time, the glue offers ample time to reposition the item, ensuring a perfect fit between the bonded surfaces. Rhino Heavy-Duty Ultra … To demonstrate the strength of Adiglue, we have successfully bonded a steel handle … Incredibly strong and versatile; The leading multi-purpose waterproof glue; Best for tough repairs on dissimilar surfaces, both indoors and out; 100% Waterproof; Doesn't break down when exposed to outdoor elements; Versatile; Easily bonds wood, stone, metal, ceramic, foam, glass, concrete and much more! Buy from Amazon. Be sure to talk to the manufacturer of the stone, or a sales rep with good knowledge of tile setting materials for a specific recommendation on the epoxy adhesive to use. It is a heavy-duty adhesive that fuses two surfaces nearly permanent. 5 out of 5. It works well on various surfaces and firmly adheres jewelry items.
by Kevin Squires | Senior Director of Church Partnerships Starting in January, we debuted our E-Newsletter series on the Ten Values of Church Partnership. Since then, this series has helped to define the importance of church-partnership-driven orphan care and has given us a platform to answer the following key questions regarding church partnership: How do you keep both churches within a church partnership happy? How do you ensure that both churches are equally benefited by the partnership? How do you keep one church from unintentionally stepping on the other? This series has taken us on a journey that has shown the significance of church partnership. Here’s a brief review of the values we have covered so far: - Relationship over Resources - Equality over Superiority - Reciprocity over Control - Learning over Teaching - One Body over One Part - Affirming Dignity over Serving Needs - Accountability over Intentions - Healthy Dependency over Unhealthy Dependency As we conclude our series on the Ten Values of Church Partnership, let’s spotlight the final two values that help build and maintain healthy church partnerships – the importance of Increased Capacity and Economic Empowerment. Value #9 –.” Similarly,. - Economic Empowerment Over Project Sustainability Arguably, one of the most discussed topics in missions these days is sustainability. Sustainability ensures that people are helped for the long term. For that reason, we are passionate about sustainability. However, our model is not conducive to overall project sustainability due to the simple fact that as children leave our programs International Projects Director. As you can see, there’s a lot to value in church partnerships. Just as our church partnerships have grown through the years, we expect our values to continue to grow as well. Sure, they will get deeper, but we are convinced that just as we have learned so much through the last decade of facilitating partnerships, they will grow wider as well, expanding into more values that will bring stronger relationships between our US and international partners. If you are interested in learning more about church partnership or if you are considering partnering your church with World Orphans, please contact [email protected].
Ever wonder how to assist a rider who crashed or has trouble breathing? CBBC will be sponsoring First Aid/CPR/AED training for FREE to interested members. Learn the skills to assist an injured rider. These same skills can come in handy for a home emergency as well. We are planning on holding this training at the Northampton Library, 25 Upper Holland Road, Richboro, PA 18954 at 10:30AM-4:30PM on Saturday April 18th. This is a 6 hour course and there will be food provided by the Club. Certification is good for 2 years. Sign up is limited to the first 20 members. Preregistration is required, so please e-mail Rich Piascik at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This is an American Red Cross Certification for Adult First Aid/CPR/AED valid for 2 years upon completion of the course. This training is FREE to current CBBC members! Club activities are suspended through April 30 in alignment with Government recommendations. CBBC First Aid/CPR/AED Training will be rescheduled for a date to be determined. Once that date is determined, you will see that posted here and in the newsletter.
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Now he don't get no last respects. I saw him doing standup a couple of times in the 70's. They were two of the funniest shows I've ever seen. in my mouth!"
Getting old is not easy. The mind may be as razor sharp as ever, but the body no longer wants to respond in the same way and this can mean that looking after ourselves can be difficult. This can create problems, not just for the elderly, but also for their family, who may well be worried about their loved one but may not be in a situation which allows them to live with them in their home. Care Homes and nursing homes are often looked at as a solution for when elderly relatives can no longer look after themselves fully, but these are not always the answer for all. An example of this is my father-in-law, who is getting frailer as he gets older, but still has a fierce sense of independence and a wish to be in his own home, even though he can sometimes struggle with the day to day aspect of living alone. This is where a live-in carer can be an effective way to provide a level of care and support whilst allowing a person to stay in their own home. Country Cousins is a live-in care provider, they provide self-employed, live-in carers nationwide to more than 500 clients each week, offering compassionate and professional care for the elderly, those convalescing in their own home, and disabled adults who need extra support to live independently. What I really like about Country Cousins is that they look for the perfect live-in carer for you based on your specific care needs. This could mean someone who can drive or someone who shares your love of cooking, or pets. They also keep the same point of contact throughout your relationship with them so you are able to feel safe and build up a relationship that is based on trust and friendship. If you are considering using a live-in carer for your elderly relative, the infographic that Country Cousins has produced can give you some pointers of why this can be a solution that offers support for your relative whilst allowing them to feel independent. If you are worried about your loved one living on their own, but have no room in your own home, this offers a way to offer care without the need for a care home.
By Dr. Jed Constantz | Healthcare Strategist – Primary Care Finance and Delivery Better known as cost shifting. The simple truth about healthcare pricing, among many, is the tendency to establish a pricing or so-called PPO Network fee arrangement driven by a revenue neutral strategy by the provider, group, or organization setting the price or agreeing to the fee. This means the provider is no different than the local farmer at the farmer’s market. The price of potatoes is driven by and affected by the price that farmer can get for tomatoes. Point being, in healthcare, the provider has a revenue goal in mind and will manipulate the price or the combination of services delivered to hit those revenue goals. The trick for those who purchase healthcare services, either for themselves or on behalf of others, is to control the combination of services in terms of volume and source without sacraficing the well being of the patient. To that end, I challenge folks to think of Advanced Primary Care models as those sources of primary care capability ready, willing, and able to think of themselves as purchasing agents on behalf of themselves or those they underwrite care for. By choosing to identify and work with the correct community of primary care, those who pay for care, can be assured of the right care, at the right time, in the right venue, and from the right source. Such care delivery is more affordable and of higher quality. I for one would sign up for that in a minute. How about you? SOURCE: Categories: Best Practices
This is Run Silent's Typepad Profile. "Superman Returns" was the big surprise for me on your list. Not that I didn't like it (I did), but it hardly got any respect. Still, for me, Brandon Routh was a really great Man of Steel, just a shade less cartoony than Reeve, but really alienated (pardon the pun). Great review, Mister DeMayo. Good stuff! Commented Dec 23, 2009 on Beau's Ten Best Films of the Past Ten Years at Movie Smackdown! A Smackdown a Decade in the Making! The Smackdown. Here's my list of the Top Ten Films of the Past Ten Years. The criteria I used is pretty simple: which films are not just good but really impacted the world of film? It's relatively easy to make a film that entertains. And, in some way... Wow. That's a surprising(ly) good set of films. I don't know how you guys can even pick them. I can't remember the last ten films I saw! Commented Dec 23, 2009 on Sherry's Ten Best Films of the Past Ten Years at Movie Smackdown! I'm not quite old enough to remember "The Apartment" when it came out, but I do remember seeing "Diner" for the first time. You've really nailed how special it was. Plus, what a connection. Two films that both include New Year's Eve 1959! That crack staff of yours must've been working overtime... Commented Dec 29, 2008 on Diner (1982) -vs- The Apartment (1960) at Movie Smackdown! Celebrate the New Year's Eve Classics! The Smackdown. There are a surprising number of worthwhile New Year’s Eve-themed films to consider watching should other more social-type plans fail to materialize for you. I’m no drinker, no party animal; subsequently, New Year’s Eve has always been so... Why why why did "Four Christmases" make so much dough then? Everybody said it sucked (and, although I didn't see it, it probably did) but it just keeps on making money. Commented Dec 15, 2008 on Nothing Like the Holidays (2008) -vs- Four Christmases (2008) at Movie Smackdown! Fractured Family Christmases The Smackdown. Let's give thanks this Christmas season for a small miracle. Between the two holiday films getting Smacked around here, there isn't a guy who's becoming Santa, or Santa's brother, or even an overgrown Elf forced to make it in the big city. Instead...
Your shopping cart is empty! The parliamentary governance in Bulgaria 1894—1912 Language: Bulgarian On the basis of the constitutional norms, in the context of the specific socio-economic situation in the Bulgarian society in 1894—1912, the manifestation of the parliamentary principles in the socio-political life is analyzed. The complex relationships between the legislative and executive authorities, between the ruling and the opposition in the eternal power competition, as well as the role of the political parties in the parliamentary governance are discussed. Парламентарното управление в България 1894–1912
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<commit_before>#!/bin/bash set -e KERNEL_VERSION=3.12-1-rpi INSTALL_MODULES="kernel/fs/f2fs/f2fs.ko kernel/fs/btrfs/btrfs.ko kernel/drivers/usb/storage/usb-storage.ko kernel/drivers/scsi/sg.ko kernel/drivers/scsi/sd_mod.ko" if [ ! -d packages ]; then . ./update.sh fi rm -rf tmp mkdir tmp # extract debs for i in packages/*.deb; do cd tmp && ar x ../$i && tar -xf data.tar.*; rm data.tar.*; cd .. done # initialize bootfs rm -rf bootfs mkdir -p bootfs cp tmp/boot/* bootfs/ rm bootfs/System* rm bootfs/config-* mv bootfs/vmlinuz* bootfs/kernel_install.img # initialize rootfs rm -rf rootfs mkdir -p rootfs/bin/ mkdir -p rootfs/lib/ mkdir -p rootfs/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VERSION} cp -a tmp/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VERSION}/modules.{builtin,order} rootfs/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VERSION} # calculate module dependencies depmod_file=$(tempfile) /sbin/depmod -nab tmp ${KERNEL_VERSION} > ${depmod_file} modules=(${INSTALL_MODULES}) # checks if first parameter is contained in the array passed as the second parameter # use: contains_element "search_for" "${some_array[@]}" || do_if_not_found function contains_element { local elem for elem in "${@:2}"; do [[ "${elem}" == "$1" ]] && return 0; done return 1 } # expects an array with kernel modules as a parameter, checks each module for dependencies # and if a dependency isn't already in the $modules array, adds it to it (through a temporary # local array). # in addition sets the global $new_count variable to the number of dependencies added, so # that the newly added dependencies can be checked as well # use: check_dependencies "${modules[@]:${index}}" function check_dependencies { # collect the parameters into an array mods=("${@}") # temp array to hold the newly found dependencies local -a new_found # temp array to hold the found dependencies for a single module local -a deps local mod local dep # iterate over the passed modules for mod in ${mods[@]}; do # find the modules dependencies, convert into array deps=($(cat "${depmod_file}" | grep "^${mod}" | cut -d':' -f2)) # iterate over the found dependencies for dep in ${deps[@]}; do # check if the dependency is in $modules, if not, add to temp array contains_element "${dep}" "${modules[@]}" || new_found[${#new_found[@]}]="${dep}" done done # add the newly found dependencies to the end of the $modules array modules=("${modules[@]}" "${new_found[@]}") # set the global variable to the number of newly found dependencies new_count=${#new_found[@]} } # new_count contains the number of new elements in the $modules array for each iteration new_count=${#modules[@]} # repeat the hunt for dependencies until no new ones are found (the loop takes care # of finding nested dependencies) until [ "${new_count}" == 0 ]; do # check the dependencies for the modules in the last $new_count elements check_dependencies "${modules[@]:$((${#modules[@]}-${new_count}))}" done # do some cleanup rm -f ${depmod_file} # copy the needed kernel modules to the rootfs (create directories as needed) for module in ${modules[@]}; do # calculate the target dir, just so the following line of code is shorter :) dstdir="rootfs/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VERSION}/$(dirname ${module})" # check if destination dir exist, create it otherwise [ -d "${dstdir}" ] || mkdir -p "${dstdir}" cp -a "tmp/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VERSION}/${module}" "${dstdir}" done /sbin/depmod -a -b rootfs ${KERNEL_VERSION} # install scripts cp -r scripts/* rootfs/ # update version sed -i "s/__VERSION__/git~`git rev-parse --short @{0}`/" rootfs/etc/init.d/rcS sed -i "s/__DATE__/`date`/" rootfs/etc/init.d/rcS # install busybox cp tmp/bin/busybox rootfs/bin cd rootfs && ln -s bin/busybox init; cd .. # install libc6 (for DNS and filesystem utils) cp tmp/lib/*/ld-*.so rootfs/lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3 cp tmp/lib/*/libc-*.so rootfs/lib/libc.so.6 cp tmp/lib/*/libresolv-*.so rootfs/lib/libresolv.so.2 cp tmp/lib/*/libnss_dns-*.so rootfs/lib/libnss_dns.so.2 cp tmp/lib/*/libpthread-*.so rootfs/lib/libpthread.so.0 # install cdebootstrap mkdir -p rootfs/usr/share/ mkdir -p rootfs/usr/bin/ cp -r tmp/usr/share/cdebootstrap-static rootfs/usr/share/ cp tmp/usr/bin/cdebootstrap-static rootfs/usr/bin/ # install raspbian-archive-keyring (for cdebootstrap) mkdir -p rootfs/usr/share/keyrings/ cp tmp/usr/share/keyrings/raspbian-archive-keyring.gpg rootfs/usr/share/keyrings/ # install gpgv (for cdebootstrap) cp tmp/usr/bin/gpgv rootfs/usr/bin/ # install raspberrypi.org GPG key (for apt-key add) cp packages/raspberrypi.gpg.key rootfs/usr/share/keyrings/ # install libbz2-1.0 (for gpgv) cp tmp/lib/*/libbz2.so.1.0.* rootfs/lib/libbz2.so.1.0 # libs for mkfs cp tmp/lib/*/libcom_err.so.2.1 rootfs/lib/libcom_err.so.2 cp tmp/lib/*/libe2p.so.2.3 rootfs/lib/libe2p.so.2 cp tmp/lib/*/libuuid.so.1.3.0 rootfs/lib/libuuid.so.1 cp tmp/lib/*/libblkid.so.1.1.0 rootfs/lib/libblkid.so.1 cp tmp/lib/*/libgcc_s.so.1 rootfs/lib/ # filesystem utils mkdir -p rootfs/sbin/ cp tmp/sbin/mkfs.vfat rootfs/sbin/ cp tmp/sbin/mkfs.ext4 rootfs/sbin/ cp tmp/sbin/mkfs.f2fs rootfs/sbin/ cp tmp/sbin/mkfs.btrfs rootfs/sbin/ cp tmp/lib/*/libext2fs.so.2.4 rootfs/lib/libext2fs.so.2 cp tmp/lib/*/libf2fs.so.0 rootfs/lib/libf2fs.so.0 cp tmp/usr/lib/*/libbtrfs.so.0 rootfs/lib/libbtrfs.so.0 cp tmp/lib/*/libm.so.6 rootfs/lib/libm.so.6 cp tmp/lib/*/libz.so.1 rootfs/lib/libz.so.1 cp tmp/lib/*/liblzo2.so.2 rootfs/lib/liblzo2.so.2 cd rootfs && find . | cpio -H newc -ov > ../installer.cpio cd .. rm -rf tmp rm -rf rootfs cp installer.cpio bootfs/ echo "kernel=kernel_install.img" > bootfs/config.txt echo "initramfs installer.cpio" >> bootfs/config.txt echo "consoleblank=0 console=ttyAMA0,115200 kgdboc=ttyAMA0,115200 console=tty1" > bootfs/cmdline.txt if [ -f installer-config.txt ]; then cp installer-config.txt bootfs/installer-config.txt fi if [ -f post-install.txt ]; then cp post-install.txt bootfs/post-install.txt fi ZIPFILE=raspbian-ua-netinst-`date +%Y%m%d`-git`git rev-parse --short @{0}`.zip rm -f $ZIPFILE cd bootfs && zip -9 ../$ZIPFILE *; cd .. <commit_msg>Split the INSTALL_MODULES value into separate lines.<commit_after>#!/bin/bash set -e KERNEL_VERSION=3.12-1-rpi INSTALL_MODULES="kernel/fs/f2fs/f2fs.ko" INSTALL_MODULES="$INSTALL_MODULES kernel/fs/btrfs/btrfs.ko" INSTALL_MODULES="$INSTALL_MODULES kernel/drivers/usb/storage/usb-storage.ko" INSTALL_MODULES="$INSTALL_MODULES kernel/drivers/scsi/sg.ko" INSTALL_MODULES="$INSTALL_MODULES kernel/drivers/scsi/sd_mod.ko" if [ ! -d packages ]; then . ./update.sh fi rm -rf tmp mkdir tmp # extract debs for i in packages/*.deb; do cd tmp && ar x ../$i && tar -xf data.tar.*; rm data.tar.*; cd .. done # initialize bootfs rm -rf bootfs mkdir -p bootfs cp tmp/boot/* bootfs/ rm bootfs/System* rm bootfs/config-* mv bootfs/vmlinuz* bootfs/kernel_install.img # initialize rootfs rm -rf rootfs mkdir -p rootfs/bin/ mkdir -p rootfs/lib/ mkdir -p rootfs/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VERSION} cp -a tmp/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VERSION}/modules.{builtin,order} rootfs/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VERSION} # calculate module dependencies depmod_file=$(tempfile) /sbin/depmod -nab tmp ${KERNEL_VERSION} > ${depmod_file} modules=(${INSTALL_MODULES}) # checks if first parameter is contained in the array passed as the second parameter # use: contains_element "search_for" "${some_array[@]}" || do_if_not_found function contains_element { local elem for elem in "${@:2}"; do [[ "${elem}" == "$1" ]] && return 0; done return 1 } # expects an array with kernel modules as a parameter, checks each module for dependencies # and if a dependency isn't already in the $modules array, adds it to it (through a temporary # local array). # in addition sets the global $new_count variable to the number of dependencies added, so # that the newly added dependencies can be checked as well # use: check_dependencies "${modules[@]:${index}}" function check_dependencies { # collect the parameters into an array mods=("${@}") # temp array to hold the newly found dependencies local -a new_found # temp array to hold the found dependencies for a single module local -a deps local mod local dep # iterate over the passed modules for mod in ${mods[@]}; do # find the modules dependencies, convert into array deps=($(cat "${depmod_file}" | grep "^${mod}" | cut -d':' -f2)) # iterate over the found dependencies for dep in ${deps[@]}; do # check if the dependency is in $modules, if not, add to temp array contains_element "${dep}" "${modules[@]}" || new_found[${#new_found[@]}]="${dep}" done done # add the newly found dependencies to the end of the $modules array modules=("${modules[@]}" "${new_found[@]}") # set the global variable to the number of newly found dependencies new_count=${#new_found[@]} } # new_count contains the number of new elements in the $modules array for each iteration new_count=${#modules[@]} # repeat the hunt for dependencies until no new ones are found (the loop takes care # of finding nested dependencies) until [ "${new_count}" == 0 ]; do # check the dependencies for the modules in the last $new_count elements check_dependencies "${modules[@]:$((${#modules[@]}-${new_count}))}" done # do some cleanup rm -f ${depmod_file} # copy the needed kernel modules to the rootfs (create directories as needed) for module in ${modules[@]}; do # calculate the target dir, just so the following line of code is shorter :) dstdir="rootfs/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VERSION}/$(dirname ${module})" # check if destination dir exist, create it otherwise [ -d "${dstdir}" ] || mkdir -p "${dstdir}" cp -a "tmp/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VERSION}/${module}" "${dstdir}" done /sbin/depmod -a -b rootfs ${KERNEL_VERSION} # install scripts cp -r scripts/* rootfs/ # update version sed -i "s/__VERSION__/git~`git rev-parse --short @{0}`/" rootfs/etc/init.d/rcS sed -i "s/__DATE__/`date`/" rootfs/etc/init.d/rcS # install busybox cp tmp/bin/busybox rootfs/bin cd rootfs && ln -s bin/busybox init; cd .. # install libc6 (for DNS and filesystem utils) cp tmp/lib/*/ld-*.so rootfs/lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3 cp tmp/lib/*/libc-*.so rootfs/lib/libc.so.6 cp tmp/lib/*/libresolv-*.so rootfs/lib/libresolv.so.2 cp tmp/lib/*/libnss_dns-*.so rootfs/lib/libnss_dns.so.2 cp tmp/lib/*/libpthread-*.so rootfs/lib/libpthread.so.0 # install cdebootstrap mkdir -p rootfs/usr/share/ mkdir -p rootfs/usr/bin/ cp -r tmp/usr/share/cdebootstrap-static rootfs/usr/share/ cp tmp/usr/bin/cdebootstrap-static rootfs/usr/bin/ # install raspbian-archive-keyring (for cdebootstrap) mkdir -p rootfs/usr/share/keyrings/ cp tmp/usr/share/keyrings/raspbian-archive-keyring.gpg rootfs/usr/share/keyrings/ # install gpgv (for cdebootstrap) cp tmp/usr/bin/gpgv rootfs/usr/bin/ # install raspberrypi.org GPG key (for apt-key add) cp packages/raspberrypi.gpg.key rootfs/usr/share/keyrings/ # install libbz2-1.0 (for gpgv) cp tmp/lib/*/libbz2.so.1.0.* rootfs/lib/libbz2.so.1.0 # libs for mkfs cp tmp/lib/*/libcom_err.so.2.1 rootfs/lib/libcom_err.so.2 cp tmp/lib/*/libe2p.so.2.3 rootfs/lib/libe2p.so.2 cp tmp/lib/*/libuuid.so.1.3.0 rootfs/lib/libuuid.so.1 cp tmp/lib/*/libblkid.so.1.1.0 rootfs/lib/libblkid.so.1 cp tmp/lib/*/libgcc_s.so.1 rootfs/lib/ # filesystem utils mkdir -p rootfs/sbin/ cp tmp/sbin/mkfs.vfat rootfs/sbin/ cp tmp/sbin/mkfs.ext4 rootfs/sbin/ cp tmp/sbin/mkfs.f2fs rootfs/sbin/ cp tmp/sbin/mkfs.btrfs rootfs/sbin/ cp tmp/lib/*/libext2fs.so.2.4 rootfs/lib/libext2fs.so.2 cp tmp/lib/*/libf2fs.so.0 rootfs/lib/libf2fs.so.0 cp tmp/usr/lib/*/libbtrfs.so.0 rootfs/lib/libbtrfs.so.0 cp tmp/lib/*/libm.so.6 rootfs/lib/libm.so.6 cp tmp/lib/*/libz.so.1 rootfs/lib/libz.so.1 cp tmp/lib/*/liblzo2.so.2 rootfs/lib/liblzo2.so.2 cd rootfs && find . | cpio -H newc -ov > ../installer.cpio cd .. rm -rf tmp rm -rf rootfs cp installer.cpio bootfs/ echo "kernel=kernel_install.img" > bootfs/config.txt echo "initramfs installer.cpio" >> bootfs/config.txt echo "consoleblank=0 console=ttyAMA0,115200 kgdboc=ttyAMA0,115200 console=tty1" > bootfs/cmdline.txt if [ -f installer-config.txt ]; then cp installer-config.txt bootfs/installer-config.txt fi if [ -f post-install.txt ]; then cp post-install.txt bootfs/post-install.txt fi ZIPFILE=raspbian-ua-netinst-`date +%Y%m%d`-git`git rev-parse --short @{0}`.zip rm -f $ZIPFILE cd bootfs && zip -9 ../$ZIPFILE *; cd ..
So you said that the judgmental folks forget that they themselves consume cannabis, and therefor are also criminals, and therefor have no right to critique others about "responsible" behavior. Right? You're saying that people who consume cannabis are hypocrites if they judge others about irresponsible behaviors, because consuming cannabis is illegal and therefor consuming it is irresponsible behavior. That's the point of your thief/mugger example, right? That both are criminals and therefor both in the wrong and it's hypocritical for one to judge the others behaviors? And you're applying that logic here, to r/trees, because of course every single person that posts here admitting to consuming cannabis is in violation of Federal laws and is therefor a hypocritical irresponsible criminal with no rights to critique the behavior of anyone else anywhere ever. I don't see any other way to read the words you wrote. And those statements are shortsighted and inflammatory. That was my point. Please correct me if I'm somehow still not understanding what you were trying to say.
SUNDAY Q&A Bill O'Reilly in 'No Spin Zone' Metcalf interviews TV personality, best-selling author Editor’s Note: Arguably one of the most fascinating television personalities on the air, Bill O’Reilly has gone from a “dead man walking” at CBS to being the most watched personality in cable news. WorldNetDaily’s talk-show host Geoff Metcalf interviewed O’Reilly on the success of his new book, “No Spin Zone,” and the art – or cancer, depending on your viewpoint – of “spin.” Metcalf’s daily streaming radio show can be heard on TalkNetDaily weekdays from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Eastern time. Q: Before we get into discussing your book, “No Spin Zone,” I recently caught part of your interview with Bill Press. I’ve met Bill on various occasions when I worked for ABC in San Francisco. As liberal sycophants go, Press is at the top of the list. How difficult was that interview? A: I don’t have anything against Bill Press because of his liberalness. He’s entitled to his opinion, and if it’s well thought out, I’ll take a listen. He got me – he didn’t get me – I went into the interview with a strong point of view about his book, calling me a right-wing shill. Basically, what they do there is that they try to put a label on you so that everything you say will be dismissed. Q: They try to marginalize you. A: Yes, and diminish whatever evidence you bring or whatever facts you bring. That’s the game that the elite media plays all the time. And that’s a game that Press plays. I mean, he came on – basically, he said, “Everything that you say, O’Reilly, is spin. Everything.” It is so erroneous. It is so deceitful and so condescending that it just makes my blood boil. Q: For the last 10 years, I have been using a line (too much): Some people (and Press is one of them) just don’t want to be confused with facts that contradict their preconceived opinion. A: That’s right. But it goes deeper than that. He believes firmly that his doctrine of liberalism is the only way to go. That if you don’t think the way that he does, then you are wrong. That there can’t be two solutions to the problem, or there can’t be two ways to look at it. But it’s dangerous in the sense that, here’s a really good example: We came up with a story this week on “The Factor” that said Hillary Clinton had not gone to one funeral in New York state of any of the common people who were killed – the everyday people that were killed on Sept. 11. Q: That is a fact! A: It’s a fact. And that she did not visit one of the families. Now this is outrageous. Now instead of denying the story or explaining the story or whatever, immediately here spinners said, “Oh, O’Reilly hates Hillary! O’Reilly is unfair to Hillary!” Forget about the story, which is rock solid firm. “O’Reilly hates Hillary.” We’re not going to take that seriously. That’s the game they try to play – the Bill Presses of the world and the other people, and there are legions of them, who try to label people as a demagogue, a McCarthyite, really vicious stuff they throw out there. A “bigot” – that’s Jesse Jackson’s game. If you are against him, you are a bigot. Q: Same as Willie Brown and a gaggle of others. A: Yes. And I think, and I pray, that most Americans are now seeing this for what it is. Because it is very dangerous in a free society to label somebody with whom you disagree with a pejorative. I mean, that’s just outrageous. Q: I recently interviewed a lady, Tammy Bruce, who has a book called “The New Thought Police.” She is a fascinating woman. She is a lesbian and the former president of the Los Angeles chapter of NOW, and yet she articulates some very, very traditionally conservative views and opinions. They hate her. They won’t even appear on a panel with her. A: I don’t know the woman, but all I know is there is intolerance on the right and there is intolerance on the left. They both play the same game, and it is wrong. And Americans should rebel against it. I brought Bill Press on for that reason only. I wanted him to expose this, and he certainly did. Q: In your newest book, “No Spin Zone” you have a fascinating, eclectic collection of people you have interviewed – one of my least favorites, James Carville. Comments? A: I like him. He’s a charming guy off camera. But he is the top spinner in the world. He gets paid to take facts, look at the fact, the truth, and then to distort it in a way that makes the person caught up in the facts look better. The best example of this – and I have spoken twice with Carville on forums that have really been funny and interesting – is that there is no question that Bill Clinton committed perjury. No question. The Supreme Court had ruled that he had, the bars ruled that he had. He did. He committed perjury. Yet Carville took that fact – that Clinton committed perjury – and spun it into, “Well, it wasn’t really perjury because he lied about sex, and everybody lies about sex.” And that was the spin. Q: That dog don’t hunt. A: So by the time he got through saying that about ten thousand times, a portion of Americans said, “Oh yeah, it really wasn’t perjury.” That’s spin! That’s what spin is – taking a fact, distorting it and coming out and saying, “It really wasn’t perjury because it was about sex.” That is ridiculous; it is absurd. That’s why Carville is someone to watch, because you can always see him doing it. And again, Americans should be very alert to spinners on the right as well. Q: You also include splices of one of the guys I personally think was one of the most brilliant talents in the entertainment business, Steve Allen. A: Right. Allen, at the end of his life, changed his whole position. He was a roaring liberal – an Ed Asner, Alec Baldwin liberal throughout his whole life. Which again, there’s nothing wrong with that. Allen would go around and champion all these causes … Q: Both he and his wife. A: Yes, but then at the end, in his last five years on earth, it dawned on him that the permissiveness and moral relativism that goes along with “Hey, there’s really no right or wrong. You don’t have a right to be judgmental of anything. We don’t have a right to confront anything. There’s always an excuse,” was harming children. It dawned on him that this kind of “anything goes, we can justify anything, we can spin anything, nothing is really wrong, if it feels good do it,” was hurting children. On television. So Allen became a rabid, rabid, anti-sex/smut/violence television guy. And his Hollywood friends turned on him. He couldn’t get on Leno, Letterman, these kinds of things. Of course, we put him on “The Factor” a couple of times. But it was hard for him to get a forum to do this, and people were stunned in Hollywood. I mean, he was turning on his own industry. Q: It is fascinating. I have talked to folks in L.A., and there are guys and girls in the closet who are afraid to articulate their genuine political philosophy for fear of somehow being blackballed. A: Oh, there is no question about that. Q: James Woods is one of the few guys with the stones to actually say what he thinks. But a lot of them, and you’ve bumped into this recently by taking on Clooney and company over the charity controversy. And God bless you for that, because a pet peeve of a lot of people has been, you contribute to all these big charities with guys pulling down these huge salaries and limousines et al – where is the money going? That is a question that needed to be asked. A: The charity thing is very, very illuminating on a number of different levels. The Hollywood stars feel that they should not be held accountable for anything. They are going to do what they do, and how dare you … Q: They are royalty! A: Yeah. How dare you question their motives or their activities or anything? How dare you? Hey, I don’t play that game. You know that, Geoff. We look at everybody, and everybody is held accountable. We’re not holding the Hollywood stars accountable for the Red Cross and United Way’s inefficiencies. We’re just saying, “Hey listen stars, if you are going to go out there and ask Americans for money – working Americans – then you have a responsibility to use your power to encourage charities to be more efficient. And you’re going to tell me that the United Way and the Red Cross have been efficient getting money to the families. I’ll laugh right in your face, because that’s just not true.” Q: The “No Spin Zone” book is available through WorldNetDaily.com. So is your hand hurting yet? A: Yes. I’m signing a lot of books, that’s for sure. But the “No Spin Zone” got to No. 1 on the New York Times bestseller list in two weeks, and it’s been there for five weeks now. So we’re thrilled, and I always tell everybody if you buy the book, the least I can do is sign it for you. Q: I was recently on a panel, and they asked me a question. I’ve been doing this a long time, and I personally hate this question, so I figured I’d ask it of you. What was your best interview? A: It is impossible for me to really say that. I enjoyed interviewing President Bush. I like some of the back and forth we’ve had with various people on the program. It’s always good to get someone who is bright and fast on their feet. But I do so many interviews in a week. I do 36 interviews. We have six segments on “The Factor” every night … Q: You do that many in a week? A: Yeah. So it’s impossible for me to list them. The “No Spin Zone” has some really good ones: Dan Rather, Susan Sarrandon, Al Sharpton … Q: Puff Daddy … A: Puff Daddy, John McCain … So I tried to put the ones that were really meaningful, and then give you the behind-the-scenes stuff that you didn’t see on television. A lot of people love that kind of stuff in the “No Spin Zone” book, and it’s working out pretty well. Q: The collorary to that is probably a little easier. What is the worst interview? A: We’ve pulled a couple of plugs. I’d say the worst interview I’ve done in the five years I’ve been on “The Factor” was Mary Frances Berry. Who is one of the officers of the NAACP. Look, Kwesi Mfumi, he’s brilliant … Q: He is a bright, articulate guy. Wrong, but a bright articulate guy. A: Well, he’s not wrong on everything, I don’t think. I think he has some major points that are worth considering. But Berry is a fanatic! Again, if you don’t see it her way, you’re a racist. She filibustered on “The Factor,” which we don’t permit. Q: How the hell does anybody filibuster with you? A: Well, yeah, that’s right! I tried to do it with my questions and stop her from spinning, and she wouldn’t stop talking. So I pulled the plug on her. I just pulled the microphone out and said, “Okay, that’s the end of her.” Q: How often have you had to do that? A: It’s only happened three times in five years on “The Factor.” But we’re just not going to permit propaganda to be spewed. That’s not going to happen. Q: How was Dr. Laura? A: I like her. I feel kinda bad that she got buzzed up in this gay thing. I think she made a mistake going fundamentalist on it. We live in a secular society, and if you are going to say you are going to hell because you are gay, you are going to run into a lot of problems with that kind of stuff. I think she made a big mistake there, and it hurt her. But I’ve interviewed her twice, and she is a strong personality, and I like strong personalities. Q: You’ve interviewed some entertainment types. We’ve mentioned Puff Daddy, but there were two clowns that I never heard of. They were rappers, white guys, fat with beards? A: Insane Clowns Posse. Q: What’s the deal with those guys? A: They’re working-class guys who basically have made a lot of money by telling, basically, white kids who are not well raised, who have trouble at home and at school … Q: How to get into more trouble? A: Well, how to say “screw you” to society. And that’s a message that has resonated throughout the beginning of time. So we had them on “The Factor,” and I confronted them with it, and it was a very interesting discussion. Q: One of your lines is, all that you ask of powerful people is that they respond honestly to questions, and if they can’t, explain why. A: Correct. I don’t think that’s too much to ask. Q: That should be carved in granite. How often do you find it difficult, because come on, most of these people know by now what they are going to get on “The Factor.” A: Yes, so they won’t come on. See, the guys that come on “The Factor” now, the people that come on, I usually get what I want out of them because they know. One of the recent interviews with Arthel Neville of all people, she wouldn’t answer the question. I just looked at her and said, “Listen, I’ve asked you seven times. You’re not going to answer this question?” See, that’s the kind of stuff that people at home know. Q: A similar thing happened to me with Newt Gingrich. A: Then you have to say, “Why are you not answering the question? Is there something about it that is offensive? What’s the deal?” And sometimes, even then you won’t get an answer, but at least the audience knows that there’s some spinning going on and some dancing going on. Q: My audience wants to know, Bill, this flap between you and Matt Drudge. I finally heard it. I didn’t hear it contemporaneous – someone sent me a copy of the tape. But at the conclusion of it, it sounded like Matt had himself a new friend. Did you kiss and make up? A: I don’t know him. And all I want anybody to do is to report accurately about what is going on. It hurt me deeply. Q: I heard you when you called into John Kasich, who was sitting in for you, and you were p.o.-ed! A: Can you imagine someone saying to you, Geoff, that you are taking this job to capitalize on somebody’s infirmity? Come on! I mean, I don’t need to do radio. Let’s face it. People have been asking me to do radio for three years. If there comes a time that I can fit it into my schedule and it works for Fox, maybe we’ll do a small radio show. But to say to the audience that here’s O’Reilly, he wants to take Rush Limbaugh on now that Limbaugh is going deaf, I mean, that’s just terrible. I’m not going to sit for that. Q: I think frankly that both of you were used by some of the smarmy suits in the background. A: I haven’t been used, I tell you that right now, because I haven’t done anything. I believe he was used, and I told him that. But you can explain to me, Geoff, how I’ve been used. I’d like to hear it. Q: Let me ask you this, because we are going to get bit on time in a brief moment. You admit in your book that once upon a time, when you were with CBS, you were a “dead man walking,” right? A: Right. Q: You are king now. You da man! You are into the big, big bucks. Matt Drudge underestimated your salary. You are at the top right now. How has it changed you? A: I don’t think it’s changed me at all. It certainly made my life more complicated logistically. I have to protect myself now and watch everything that I say and watch what I do. I have security problems, and I have to measure and weigh every, everything that I do in public. People are looking at me all the time. So I can’t walk into “Harry’s Dirty Bookstore” … I mean, that’s not going to happen. I have to watch kooks. I have to protect my family. The up side of success is you do have a forum to tell people what you think. The downside is, if you do what I do, which is hold powerful people accountable, powerful people are going to try to destroy you. And that’s what that Matt Drudge thing was all about. Somebody who doesn’t like me, who does not want me on the radio, fed him some stuff, and Drudge ran with it. You were right, I thought that was deadly wrong. I don’t mind him reporting about maybe I’ll do a radio show, but to say the reason I’m doing that is because Rush Limbaugh is going deaf … That’s a cheap shot. Q: That’s beyond a cheap shot. That’s going where you live. Drudge had a quote in the piece, allegedly from you, saying you weren’t talking politics, so you’d take him on and beat him. Did you say that? A: No. I didn’t say that to anybody. And these made-up things are … look, I told him, “You didn’t even call me before you wrote this article. You didn’t even ask me for a comment on it.” I straightened it out with Drudge. I went on his program, and he gave me my say. That’s all that I ask, and we’ll let the audience decide as always. Q: The success of the “No Spin Zone” and “The Factor” has been remarkable. And I think one of the reasons is physics. Nature abhors a vacuum, and you are filling a vacuum that the mainstream media has created, and you do a superb job of it. One last question. Who would you like to get on to interview that flat out won’t come on? A: The most dangerous politician in the country is Hillary Clinton. There is no question she is a dangerous woman. And I need to get with Hillary Clinton. We need to talk. Q: Ain’t no way, no how that is going to happen! A: You’d be surprised. You’d be surprised. She’s not going to come on voluntarily and sit in the chair. But there may be a time when there’s a camera right over my shoulder and she’s standing right in front of me. Last week I walked into a party, and who bumped right into me? Bill Clinton. First time I ever met him. Charming as hell. Knew everything about “The Factor,” had read the “No Spin Zone” book. These people know who I am. I’d love to talk to Bill Clinton, but more than anyone, Hillary Clinton. She wants to be president; she’s going to do anything she can to get there. Order by tomorrow to receive an autographed copy of Bill O’Reilly’s best-selling book “No Spin Zone” by Christmas! Unabridged, audio-cassette recordings of the book are also available. Visit Geoff Metcalf’s archive for previous “Sunday Q&A” interviews.
Hosted by Just Born Quality Confections, along with ArtsQuest and other local community partners, the 14th annual PeepsFest will ring in the new year with a two-day, family-friendly festival featuring activities, a Peeps Chick Drop and a sneak peek at its 2023 marshmallow lineup. Weighing in at 400 pounds, the Peeps Chick Drop is the culmination and highlight of the event at the SteelStacks in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. In addition to the Chick Drop, the brand will share a sneak peak at its new marshmallow varieties for the 2023 Easter season before they hit store shelves. The event, which will usher in Just Born’s 100th anniversary, will also feature live music and entertainment, an ice-skating rink, a family fun walk or run on Dec. 30, sampling and s’mores stations and virtual dioramas. “We are so proud that the Peeps Chick Drop has become a beloved New Year’s Eve tradition for local families and devoted fans across the country,” said Meg Dowd, corporate affairs manager at Just Born Quality Confections. For more information on the annual celebration, visit steelstacks.org/peepsfest. For more snacks and candy news from The Shelby Report, click here.
Histonet colleagues.... Here at the VA in Bay Pines, Florida we are in the process of trying/ testing automated special stainers. We would appreciate any input from those of you who have tried several or purchased one. We would appreciate knowing which ones you tried, which one you chose to purchase (or not purchase) and why? good service? reliable machine? multitask capabilities? easy to use? cost? TAT?...etc. How did you justify purchase? Thank you for any info you are willing to share. Yvonne Thompson VAMC Bay Pines 727-398-6661 X4596
Property Attributes - MLS#989004 - TypeLand - CountySANTA FE - CityEdgewood - AreaNE Edgewood - Zip87015 - StyleResidential - Taxes379 - Price$ 54,900 - Bedrooms0 - Full Bathrooms0 - Half Bathrooms0 - Lot Size10.07 Acres Listing Provided Courtesy Of: Coldwell Banker Legacy Data Source: Southwest Multiple Listing Service Property Description Prime 10 acre homesite where the woods end and the prairie begins. Fairly level lot with slight slope, ready for your new build home. Zoning is RES-E1 Santa Fe County. Views extend for miles with mountains northwest to northeast and prairie to the southeast. Open pasture for horses and all your animals. Property is fenced/gated with natural gas, electric and phone/data at the road. Located 20 miles east of Albuquerque and 60 miles south of Santa Fe. Only 23 miles to Sandia Peak Ski area! Easy access to I-40 and NM State Highway 344. Edgewood is a rapidly growing small town in Santa Fe County on the I-40 corridor in central New Mexico. General Features Exterior Features Amenities - Foreclosure - Views - Short Sale - New Construction - Adult 55+ - Lease To Own - No HOA Fees - Furnished - Master On Main - Air Conditioning - Seller Finance - Green - Fixer Upper - Horse - Golf - Fireplace - Deck - Garage - Basement - Pool
Is this product review positive? Title: Having a Real Relationship with God. Review: I have found the 40-minute Bible Studies by Precepts to be very thought provoking. This one in particular, is good for defining what a real realtionship with God looks like. Answer: Yes
A theme (Introduction) and fourteen variations for full orchestra. Dedicated to : "To my friends pictured within" The story is told of how Elgar, returning home from giving violin lessons, sat down at the piano and, to unwind, began improvising. Alice commented favourably on the tune that emerged and Elgar responded by suggesting how certain of their friends might play it. Out of that spontaneous exchange grew the idea of the Enigma Variations, the work that finally secured Elgar's reputation as a composer of national, even international, standing. It remains one of the most popular works in the classical repertoire. Elgar himself, Edoo being Alice's pet name for him. There are two enigmas underlying the variations. The first and more readily solved is the identity of each of the 'friends pictured within'. Only the thirteenth variation has given rise to speculation that Elgar's use of asterisks rather than initials or a pet name may hide the true identity of the subject, possibly an old flame of Elgar's who had recently emigrated from Britain. But Elgar himself hinted at, and encouraged speculation over, a second, musical enigma, a popular tune which does not itself appear in the variations but of which the theme is the counterpoint. It is of course possible that this was one of Elgar's 'japes' and that the tune does not exist. If so, it has become a spectacularly successful jape, taken to great lengths and sparking a feverish debate that continues unabated. Auld Lang Syne is the most frequently touted candidate but excerpts from a range of works by composers Elgar admired, notably Mozart, have been found to show strong musical similarities with the theme while a 1975 correspondent to the Elgar Society Journal put together a convincing argument in favour of Rule Britannia as the solution. The speculation is intriguing but the mystery can never be satisfactorily solved, for Elgar revealed the identity of the tune to no-one and took the answer to the grave with him. Musically, the variations need no introduction. Apart from the first Pomp and Circumstance March which, through Land of Hope and Glory, has attained fame as much outside the concert hall as within it, the variations remain the most widely performed of all Elgar's works while the ninth variation - Nimrod - is arguably the most moving and best loved excerpt in the whole of the classical repertoire. Those wishing to learn more about the composition of the Variations and the "friends pictured within" may wish to consult Elgar Society member Patrick Turner's recent authoritative book on the subject.
Don't Tip The Waiter Stacking Game Date Published: 05/20/2015 8:06 AM. If his arms become uneven, the top half of his body will tip forwards or backwards depending on what arm is too heavy, thus spilling all the dishes. A perfect game for kids to play, or for a casual drinking game to play for adults, the "Don't Tip The Waiter Stacking Game" is so simple in concept but looks like it could actually be some fun (assuming your wagering some cash or drinks). There are actually instructions for the game along with some rules and a point system based on what dish you stack on his arms, such as bowls are worth 2 points, plates are worth 1 point, and drinking glasses are worth 3 points, but in reality it might just be more fun to see who can get it to stack the highest, or just make up a drinking game with it. Made by Kikkerland and designed by Chris Collicott, the Don't Tip the Waiter stacking game is made from beechwood, and comes with 4 plates, three small bowls, three large bowls, three drinking glasses, and one waiter that has a carrying tray in each hand. The game is suitable for kids ages 6 and up (or drunken adults), and measures 5.4 inches long x 5.4 inches tall x 2.99 inches deep. Check out the waiter stacking game in action via the video below. >
There will come a time in your cycling journey (quite similar to running) when you realise that if you want to get stronger on the bike, you need to put in the work off the bike. One of the most important areas you can work on, if not the most important, is your core. If you already hit the gym between rides, then you can add these core exercises for cyclists to your routine or you can do a specific core workout once or twice a week to supplement the rest of your training. I rocked up to my first ever cyclo-cross training session and was rather bemused that we spent a large proportion of the session on core exercises. I had wrongly assumed we would just spend the hour riding so it was a nice surprise to know that core work, and cross training (we did a bit of running) were being advocated. But no matter what type of cycling you do, core strength is important to keep you strong and injury free. Your core is working when you’re on the bike to keep you balanced, it’s working to ensure you can relax your grip and arms, as well as for good coordination. From a standing position, or on the bike, you have to tuck your belly button (10-15%) towards your spine while sustaining a neutral posture. You should still be able to breathe normally with both your chest and abdomen expanding. These exercises are designed to improve your core stability, increase your core strength and balance on the bike. The position we hold on the bike increases the risk of developing curvature of the spine known as kyphosis whilst we often need to twist and turn on the bike to look over our shoulders… all of which has been taking into account. To make this exercise cycling specific, we’re gonna use a box / table / chair* (*whatever is available) to elevate your upper body and mimic your position on the bike. Option 01 | Start with your hands placed on the shoulder width apart engaging your core as described above – squeezing your belly button towards your spine. Slowly bring one knee towards your chest then drive back to the start position. Up the burn?! To increase the work your core needs to do you can choose between a regular high plank or a forearm plank. I think it’s up for debate which version is harder so give them both a go. Option 02 | Regular High Plank. Start with your hands directly under your shoulders. Keep your hips in line with your shoulders. In this version, you can either drive your knees towards your chest slowly, or increase the speed to work on your cardio fitness at the same time. Option 03 |Forearm Plank. Start with your elbows directly under your shoulders. Keep your hips in line with your shoulders. This exercise is perfect for stability on the bike especially when turning or cornering. Start laying on your back; legs bent 90 degrees at your knees while arms are extended in line with your shoulders. You can use a medicine ball, or whatever you have available, as a weight. Slowly rotate your knees to the left, while your rotate your arms in the opposite direction. Return to the start position and repeat in the opposite direction. Ensure you keep your lower back and shoulders connected to the mat, engage your core, and keep a neutral spine. Option 01 | Tabletop Start Position. Start in a table top position with your knees and hands on the ground. Slowly lift and extend one arm and the opposite leg until they are parallel to the ground. Hold them in the raised position for two to three seconds, then return to the starting position. Option 02 | High Plank Start Position. As above, but start in a high plank position with your knees and toes on the ground. While maintaining the plank position with the rest of your body, slowly lift and extend one arm and the opposite leg until they are parallel to the ground. Hold them in the raised position for up to five seconds, then return to the starting position. Option 01 | On hand, knee off the ground (main images). Start in a side plank position with your hand underneath your shoulder, your hips high and feet stacked. While keeping your torso stable, raise your top leg and bring your top knee toward your chest. Pause and then return to start position. Option 02 | On elbow, knee off the ground (main images). Start in a side plank position with your elbow underneath your shoulder, your hips high and feet stacked. Option 03 | Knee on the ground (bottom left image). Lie on your side with your bottom leg bent so your knee is at 90 degrees. Once you’ve been regularly implementing core workouts into your weekly training, you’ll be ready for the added challenge from these next two exercises. Both use a BOSU and you stand on either side when performing the exercises. This is a great exercise for cyclists; it teaches your stabiliser (core) muscles to fire, improving overall balance and helping to prevent injury. You can either perform this exercise with just your body weight or with lightweight dumbbells. Flip the BOSU so the ball side is up. Stand on the BOSU with your working leg in a central position, then balance on that leg alone. With your balancing leg slightly bent and your back flat, bend forward at the waist to lower your arms towards your toes, as far as your flexibility allows. Squeeze your glutes to extend your hips, straighten up and return to the starting position. This BOSU Cable Twists exercise is quite an advanced compound exercise which not only strengthens the upper body and core but also helps to improve balance and core stability. If you don’t have cables to attach (I used a set from my W8GYM) then you can use a light medicine ball, one single dumbbell or a weight plate. Stand on top of the Bosu with your feet shoulder width apart and a soft bend in your knees. Hold the cable in both hands at the side of your hip. Pull the cable up towards your opposite shoulder making sure to get good rotation through your trunk and keep your core engaged. Return the cable back down towards your hip and repeat for time (or number of repetitions). Want To Know How To Warm Up For Your Rides? Here are some ideas for using these 6 exercises to create a workout you can do at home or at the gym. Aim to complete a core workout 1-2 a week at minimum. Rather than wondering if cycling builds core strength, I would suggest you focus on building core strength off the bike, to make you stronger on the bike. These 6 core exercises for cyclists are perfect for whatever stage of cycling you are at, good for pre-season training especially and good to give yourself a break from the repetitive motion of cycling. What is your favourite core exercise?! These are great core exercises! I can also see them being very beneficial for runners. How do you go from not being a cyclist, to spinning classes, to cycle commuting ...to racing?! Back in 2015,...
Welcome Evening for new BIZ Master’s students Welcome Evening for new Master’s students at Aalto University School of Business Time: Monday 4th September, at 16:30–appr. 18:30 Venue: main lobby, Töölö main building, Runeberginkatu 14-16 Aalto University School of Business welcomes the new Master’s students to meet the School of Business community – especially the alumni graduated from the School! The idea of the Welcome Evening is to encourage new students to create networks, learn new things and find interesting career paths from the first day onwards! The event is a part of the orientation week. In the event, our alumni share their own experiences on how they have combined studying and learning with different career paths. In addition, the students will hear a brief introduction on the School of Business Career Services and Alumni Relations. We encourage the students to join and have lively conversations during the evening – this opportunity is useful for both the students and alumni! Don’t forget to register for the event on Facebook:! Programme • 16:30 Doors open, small snacks served • appr. 16:45 Welcome, by Jonna Söderholm, the Head of External Relations, School of Business • appr. 16:50 Brief introductions of the alumni graduated from the School of Business • appr. 17:20 Networking bingo • appr. 17:35-18:30 Informal conversations and networking between the students and alumni The event is held in English. Alumni who have signed up for the event: - Accounting: Emilia Rantala / KONE Corporation, Pasi Torppa / August Associates - Corporate Communications: Essi Lipponen / OP Financial Group, Tuukka Hetemäki / Tekir Oy - Creative Sustainability: Johanna Vierros / Duara Travels, Marleen Wierenga / Aalto University - Economics: Kristo Ovaska / Smartly.io, Anni Heikkilä / Sanoma Media Finland - Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management: Tatu Mäkilä / Color Obstacle Rush, Katja Meriläinen / Microsoft - Finance: Mikko Kurkela / EY, Emma Honkanen / eQ Asset Management - Global Management/CEMS: Samuele Machi / Nokia, Natasha Pokidko / Aalto University Executive Education - Information and Service Management: Ville Hallavo / Fazer, Oxana Popova / Elisa Videra, Sauli Böhm / ResQ Club - International Design Business Management: Juho Kinnunen / Futurice, Jemina Lehmuskoski / Valuemotive - Management and International Business: Mikko Kosonen / Sitra, Susanna Hyppönen / Azets People, Emma Böös / KPMG - Marketing: Katariina Helaniemi / Slush, Julius Valjakka / Meontrust - Strategy: Minna Rissanen / Nordea, Bernardo Clementino / Reddal - Yritysjuridiikka: Visa Randell / Tieto, Laura Lahdenperä / EY Organizers: The School of Business Career Services, Alumni Relations and KY [email protected], [email protected]
You might probably know this word very well. Cerveza. It is the Spanish word for a beer. Most of the travellers know this work as this very well use whenever you are on vacation in a Spanish speaking country. There’s an easy way to pronounce this word. It sounds very similar to Service, the only difference is that you have to add a short “A” to the end of the word. Anyways, you get the idea. Now go and ask for one in your next trip.
[su_right_ad]Nico Lang at The Daily Dot focuses on what’s been missing from the criticism of Clint Eastwood’s movie. At it reflects the racism that Chris Kyle was know for. The other characters are pretty cartoon-like, that’s true. Which is one of the things that surprised me when I was seeing an Oscar nominee. The dialog is awful, too. I found it hilarious when kyle was told in the movie ” with you out there they feel invincible ” as if no other sniper could do his job. My giggle-snort moment was when Kyle is visiting his wounded buddy (who later dies) at the hospital: “They’ll pay for what they did to you.” Randolph Scott said it better. About a thousand times in every service picture Paramount ever released. yea I remember that scene Ironically kyle didn’t remember saving the dude he met in the automotive shop who was telling his kid what a hero he was. funny how main characters have selective memories. “Selective memories” is an indigenous characteristic of the human psyche. You seem to be implying that there is some nefarious connotation to it when a person cannot recall one of thousands and thousands of ‘events’ that occur in their lives. it does bother me when someone makes a movie about himself then points out he has selective memories about what took place . I never seen a war flick so low budget ( in content ) for a guy who is supposed to be a national hero. If anyone in any audience did as you say with their popcorn and soda, it would have been splashed all over the media for a week. When we went to see the movie, the entire audience stood up at the end, clapping and cheering. They weren’t celebrating killing. They were celebrating a young man who did his military job exceedingly well, saving countless U.S. soldiers lives. When he killed Mustafa, the terrorists’ top sniper, the act saved more American lives. If you oppose what Chris Kyle did, then you must be FOR the enemy’s goal to take out as many U.S. soldiers lives as possible. If you are against Kyle, then you must be against ALL U.S. military snipers. You must also be also be against ANY U.S. soldiers being trained as snipers. You don’t (logically) get to pick and choose which you support and which you don’t. you also shouldn’t make a war flick without giving credit to those around you ( by name and rank ) its disrespectful to your fellow soldiers who are fighting for the same cause but what would YOU know about duty and honor ?? your all for a one man band who takes all the credit. It’s part of why this film is pure propaganda. “Every Iraqi is presumed guilty”, yet all those cheering the American flag, apple pie, freedumb and such forget that WE invaded a country that had nothing to do with 9/11. WE were the invaders. If someone invaded this country, we, as individuals or groups, would do whatever it took to take back our country or survive. That’s what many Iraqi’s did. WE invaded and stripped the country and people of everything, then brought in greedy contractors who did nothing but took the money and ran. They up-charged everything, were supposed to rebuild, were supposed to be part of the “liberators”, but instead they took the money and ran. Now we have ISIS. It’s like with Bin Laden. I realize that in the heat of the battle, they may have had to kill him so they were not killed, but based on what we do know, it sounds like they could have brought him in alive to stand trial. Do I think he’s innocent? Hell no, but I bet he may have given up some Saudi names who financed the mission, but I’ve got a feeling that we’re not supposed to know those names. Wow! This movie really has the left’s collective panties in a wad. Rave On! To the right, everything is a simple false dichotomy…a mere Hobson’s Choice. Those on the left, including combat vets like myself and others on this page, we are willing to search a little deeper for the truth and maybe admit we could have been manipulated. We’re not afraid to ask ourselves to do better in the future and sometimes that takes looking at the past as more than a movie. You and I are citizens of a country that used lies and deceit to attack and invade a country that posed little or no threat to our security (other than in Bush/Cheney’s imagination) Close to a million Iraqi’s perished, 5k of our young men died and tens of thousands were wounded…but that’s where the similarities end…You have been completely brainwashed by the government that this was somehow honorable or necessary, I am willing to explore the possibility they are just lying again. Your comment merely verifies my claim. Have you ever researched who for promoted the assertion that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and needed to be ‘taken out?’ No? Of course you haven’t, or you’d know that the list includes all the top Democrats that come to mind…Clinton, Kerry, Pelosi, Kennedy, Gore, Byrd, Berger, Albright, Levin, Daschle, Rockefeller, Graham, for starters. Here’s just one link for you…http://acsa.net/demsay.htm Everything the Hussein dictatorship did pointed to the accuracy of these assertions, especially continually stone-walling the UN inspectors. Saddams use of WMDs against his own people who opposed him is a well-known fact. U.S. intelligence pointed to the accuracy of the assertions. Why were the WMDs not found when the invasion occurred? Well, given the years that Saddam knew that the U.S. and its allies suspected that he had them and seemed hell-bent on proving it, what would YOU do if you were Saddam? Keep them? Or, would you either destroy them or MOVE THEM ELSEWHERE? If you truly didn’t have them, wouldn’t you welcome any and all inspections to PROVE that you didn’t? If you did have them, wouldn’t you stall and stall and stall, buying sufficient time to make sure none were found? Mike, that may well be true. I can believe it, because it is now common knowledge fact that Lyndon Johnson lied about who attacked who in the Gulf of Tonkin, which started the Vietnam War. He said the VietCong fired on us first, which of course was an outright lie. Personally, I don’t support either war. We should have stayed out of Vietnam and Iraq. Now we’re back embroiled in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria because Obama lied about getting us out of all of it, just as he lied about the first act when taking the presidency would be to close Gitmo. They ALL LIE!!! Nothing new about that. “They all lie…” (whether written in caps or not) does not negate anything I have posted. Your logic would imply two wrongs make a right and I think a child could see past that. Having served in the Vietnam War I think I have a pretty good idea of the catalyst behind it’s inception. As a much wiser adult 47 yrs later, I think I’m capable of coming to my own conclusions about who invaded Iraq after 19 terrorists (15 from Saudi Arabia) crashed 4 planes into the Twin Towers…You might want to do a bit more research, your post shows you’re still slightly confused. Another use for MotorKote! Look, I’m no fan of this movie (I thought it was a serviceable war picture, nothing special) but Nico Lang and these putative “critics” he cites completely miss the target. I don’t know if Kyle was a racist in real life or not. But nothing he does in the movie is inherently racist. The character behaves like a combat soldier. Now I happen to have been in one of our recent wars — not that this makes me an expert — but I also happen to be an amateur military historian who has read perhaps 500 combat memoirs: American, British, Egyptian, French, German, Japanese, Mexican, Ottoman (author wasn’t a Turk), Russian, Venezuelan and more. Here’s the news: in combat, the enemy is ALWAYS a “savage.” The enemy is ALWAYS “unyieldingly wretched, menacing, and bent on the destruction of everything pure and civilized.” Dehumanizing the enemy is a necessary adjunct to making war on him. Eastwood himself knows this, which explains his film-pairing of “Flags of Our Fathers” and “Letters from Iwo Jima.” One of the disappointments of this picture is the fact that Eastwood didn’t give that awareness its proper due. But to suggest that the character is a “racist” because he does the thing that is necessary in war dilutes “racism” conceptually to cartoon-like proportions. There are lots of things to object to in “American Sniper” — the notion that it’s “racist propaganda” simply because one disagrees with the Iraq war is the least of them. Every Iraqi is “presumed guilty” in the picture because the Rules of Engagement made them so — anyone approaching Coalition forces or carrying a weapon was a legitimate target. Now one can take issue — as I did and do — with those Rules of Engagement. But that doesn’t mean that it’s reasonable to expect a Special Operations sniper to engage in a kind of moral calculus about them every time his job requires him to pull the trigger. Many of these stories lack any eye witness accounts or quotes and seem to be based on hearsay. Kyle’s dead and can’t defend himself, short of a video or some sort of empirical evidence I tend to not believe stories like this. You’re right that soldiers are trained to dehumanize the enemy. But a filmmaker is under no obligation to follow the same script. Eastwood could have made a more balanced film. The fact that Chris Kyle never expressed any moral qualms, but rather a certain joy at killing, is significant. I’m sure that most combat veterans don’t lose their humanity in quite the same way. I don’t know about either of those propositions. For one, not every Iraqi character in the picture is portrayed in a negative way. In one of the key scenes, the young son of a Fallujah sheikh is tortured by one of Zarqawi’s lieutenants to punish the sheikh for having spoken to the Americans. It is actually one of the more horrifying — yet sensitive — scenes in the picture, because the sheikh’s agony (and that of his family) is made plain — and not just for a couple seconds of screen time, either. For another, the Kyle character doesn’t shoot anyone he’s not entitled to shoot; every target is a legitimate combatant under the Rules of Engagement. Now that might well offend people, and understandably so, but it’s an important distinction in the moral evaluation of war (and in the juridical evaluation of what does and does not constitute a war crime). As for “never expressing any moral qualms,” the fact is that we don’t know that. We know what appears in his highly edited, ghost-written autobiography. We know the lines the actor recites in the film. But we don’t know what he *actually* said in his private counsels, whether to other SEALs or in his own internal monologue. But this is something that many liberals have yet to grasp — it’s actually not common to express “moral qualms” about killing your enemy among veterans, especially not among professional soldiers (and they don’t come much more professional than Navy SEALs). Even among old-timers what you get is regret that killing was made necessary by politics, but not regret at killing the enemy. For example, in the “real life” old-timers’ narratives that are features of the HBO “Band of Brothers” production, one of the old paratroopers recalls his thought that the German he killed “might have been my friend” in a different life. “He might’ve liked to fish” just like the American did. But, the veteran then adds, it was his job to kill the German, just as it was the German’s to kill him. Chris Kyle did express moral qualms with kids where one was being given arms/bomb by his mother or when the other one picked up the grenade launcher. You expressed it so well and the trials he was dealing with. I become overwhelmed when others question what someone does in war, I never was in a war environment (I flew in P3’s during the first Gulf War) and I can not imagine what it does to a person. A soldier has to be able to live with themselves after they kill someone because their government told them to. Saying Eastwood “…could have made a more balanced film.” is akin to saying we should try to understand Radical Christians are just following their god while they work to deny LGBT’s equal right’s. Eastwood is free to use his judgement as a film maker. You and I are free to go see that film or not. I agree we don’t all come back gleeful and proud, but again, that might be a projection. Kyle is dead and not here to defend himself against these accusations. I did see this movie and I liked it a lot, and for anyone to criticize who this man became after fighting in this war is pitiful. We send people into war as we demonize the other side, we tell our soldiers they are fighting the devil and we train these soldiers to kill then we have the nerve to question how they reasoned this in their heads? One thing I would add is we Americans do a poor job of honoring our war heroes. Many of us can name quite a few top athletes or entertainers, but how many Medal of Honor winners can we name? In my opinion, we citizens have an obligation to get to know, to remember and make sure generations after us are familiar with those who have done great deeds on the battlefield in service to us. I remember one time I was at a commemoration at the Marine Corps War Memorial at Arlington one day and afterward on this fine day, who do I see walking my way but Jim Webb! I had enjoyed his Pulitzer-winning book “Fields of Fire” and was also familiar with what he did to earn the Navy Cross in Vietnam. I stopped him to shake his hand and he was kind enough to stick around a while and have a visit. He was a bit surprised that a civilian would know just what he did that day in Vietnam. Really nice guy. We talked about all kinds of stuff and a year or so later we elected him to the Senate from Virginia. We don’t have any now, but for many years we had two Medal of Honor winners serving in the Senate. I wonder how many of us could name them? I agree, the fact they aren’t on front pages across America shows how we seem to not give credit where credit is due. Most have heard of Davey Crockett and Daniel Boone. I think we should know who Louis Cukela, Ray Davis, John Basilone and many others were, in the same way. Every time I visit Quantico National Cemetery, one of the graves I always got to and pay my respects is that of William Lee. He got of a beautifully classic line once about his decorations. This was in the 30s, I guess, after he’d been fighting in Nicaragua with another legend, Chesty Puller, and had been sent to China. Beautiful story, I would of loved to seen that lieutenants face. I’ve forgotten where I came across that one. Lee was a mustang – a man who began as an enlisted man who ose to the officer ranks to the rank of full colonel. He was also tougher than woodpecker lips and a legend among Old Breed Marines. He was in Shanghai at our entry into the war and when a far larger Japanese force approached he was organizing his men to fight to the death when ordered to surrender. He survived 4 brutal years in Japanese prisoner-of-war camps. The whole time he managed to keep possession of some 8 mm film and some photographic negatives of he and his friends lounging about, going on tiger hunts and such. He lived on a farm in Spotsylvania County and in the early 1980s went to a photo shop to get them copied and to frame his Navy Cross citations. A friend of mine at the time did the work and I’ve always regretted not getting a chance to meet William Lee. He is the only Marine I’ve heard of to earn 3 Navy Crosses. Chesty Puller (who I knew pretty well) had 5, but other than them, I’ve only read of a handful who had two, one of whom was like a second father to me and is buried there – Silent Lew Walt. Lee served our nation with honor and great distinction and I feel an obligation to tell his story. He was far from perfect, but no one will hear of his flaws from me. We should not only remember people like him, but should honor them. This I do a few times a year when I visit Quantico National Cemetery and visit his and a few other graves every time. I’ve taken a few younger people there and told them stories about those buried there I know of. The “real problem” with the film “review” at the link is Lang’s (and Inkoo Kang’s, his primary source of citations) cherry-picking of Arab portrayals in movies. The “Reel Bad Arabs” / Orientalism problem has been around a long time — after all, Jack Shaheen wrote the first systematic piece on how Arabs are portrayed in popular culture in 1984, and Edward Said’s “Orientalism” (which took a much broader view of culture) dates to 1978. So it’s not as if Lang is telling us something we don’t know when he asserts that “Hollywood has a Muslim problem.” More to the point, he ignores all motion pictures — admittedly a minority of them — that have positive portrays of Arab and Muslim characters, naming only “Lawrence of Arabia” (now 50+ years old) and a couple television documentaries. But Shaheen himself — and other Muslim scholars — is far more generous. There’s “Trout Fishing in the Yemen.” The Shi’a in “Three Kings.” Salahuddin and his fighters in “Kingdom of Heaven.” There’s “Syriana,” “American East,” “Mooz-Lum,” and others — all of post-9/11 vintage. So if the limited vision of Eastwood’s picture is legitimately a target for criticism, so too is the limited vision of many of those who critique it, who are taking a motion picture and trying to make of it a place-holder for Islamophobia simply because it’s commercially popular and its title attracts attention. You seem to have made my point for me in another of your posts that I have copied here. Do you remember telling this to Todd…???? You have no true knowledge nor understanding of what causes homosexuality at all, and this is the unfortunate root of your ignorance, but your hateful attitude comes from within, so I would suggest that you remember that the Bible admonishes you that with whatever judgment you use for others, this will be the same used for you. The King of Jordan (just one example) claims terrorists are no more Islamic than water is wine. You might struggle with the definitions using linguistic legerdemain but most of us know a spade when we see it. supported in a post to Todd back 9 months ago. You’ve totally lost me in this post. I occasionally post on various sites, but have way too much more productive things to do than keep track of old posts. I don’t totally support any particular viewpoint, knowing that there is always “more to the story,” but do express present opinions from time to time. However, through discourse with others, as well as my own research, that opinion can change with further knowledge gained, and often does. You and I do, because we are free to have an opinion. If we try to force that opinion on others, it is called tyranny. Which is your right. But you deny the president’s right to have an opinion as to others being Islamic or not…What’s different…??? Why are you allowed to feel Todd is not a Christian but Obama is not allowed to feel terrorists are not Islamic, but merely usurpers of the faith.??? Those are your words, not mine, that are being used against you. I haven’t seen the movie and am not fully versed on Kyle’s supposed shortcomings. I know I have plenty myself. I also had a somewhat unique upbringing. From the time I was a toddler well into my thirties I was acquainted with many and close to a number of Marines whose phenomenal deeds on the battlefield are found in history books. Some were Medal of Honor winners. Most were in a class known as “Old Breed” Marines – they were in uniform when Pearl Harbor was attacked. They fought on the beaches and in the jungles of the Pacific islands in fighting that was extremely savage. One pulled both his shoulders out of the sockets pulling a 37 mm cannon up a hill to save the day, refused evacuation and commanded his troops during 5 banzai attacks where the killing was done with a bayonet. He had to call in artillery right on their position. I could tell 50 stories like this in great detail of things they did. I have known snipers and shot on the ranges with them at Quantico. You shoot him when he’s looking the other way. You blow him up when he’s in his bunk asleep. You sink his ship and let-em all drown. That’s war, and why we need to be circumspect about sending them off to do these things and to be killed themselves in dungpits like Syria. Like you and me, all of these heroes had character flaws, some pretty bad. That’s human nature. We are complex creatures. The same people are capable of wonderful and awful things. Like you and me, we can simultaneously be praised for the good and damned for the bad. Somewhere along the line on the internet the notion took hold that if we support one thing someone does or say, it means we support everything they did. That’s just unrealistically simplistic. Kyle was a superb sniper. I have no further opinion on him and I’m sure as hell not going to have the herd or pundits form my opinion for me. I’m taking my time about it. I’m doing so with some pretty gruesome scars I’ve seen as well as other things I’ve observed happened to men in war. My own father is the nicest guy you’ll ever meet. In the Korean war his B-29 crashed. The fuselage broke in 2 or 3 pieces, the wings broke off and 3 men died. My father was trapped in the wreckage and it was hours before they got him out. Meanwhile, his buddy, positioned over him in the wreckage, bled to death on my dad. He has nightmares to this day. I’ve know others who were similarly tormented. One Marine I know and love as a brother performed with amazing heroism in Vietnam that you could google up and be amazed too. The man was an alcoholic for years and got into quite a bit of trouble for it and could be quite unkind but I love him anyway. Kyle had nothing to do with the lies that got us into Iraq. He served our country by protecting our fellow Americans the enemy was trying to kill, and was killing. In my opinion, even if one of these heroes has serious shortcomings, we should not honor them less for what they did. Flaws are a whole ‘nother issue and it is ridiculous to expect them to be as perfect as humans off the battlefield as they are on it. We need to disabuse ourselves of the notion that our heroes are, or have to reach a false level of perfection. I don’t know, maybe if the threat was more imminent, like right outside their door, some of the critics of Kyle might be less critical and more appreciative of what they do. Because even though it’s not Michael Moore being protected behind that door by a man like Kyle, it was people like Moore’s father or next-door neighbor or maybe one of our brothers or sisters. And if they’re in Iraq and Kyle is shooting the enemy who has your father in his sights and is about to pull the trigger, then Kyle is defending Americans and serving our country honorably. What “dictates” are you talking about in the Christian doctrine?
With renderings aplenty, the BMW X4 is officially making its way into production according to CEO Norbert Reithofer. BMW Chief Norbert Reithofer just had a chat with Auto Motor und Sport, during which he confirmed production of the German company's latest SAV. The BMW X4 is based on (and positioned above) the X3. It will measure the same as the X3 at 4.65m long. In addition, it will run on an all-wheel-drive configuration and feature automatic start-stop. Coming in either 2 or 4 doors, the coupe-like X4 model will have a smaller trunk capacity than the X3. It will lose roughly 500-liters of capacity, about 17.6 cu ft. It comes with standard features like a heads-up display and voice control. German newspaper Auto Bild also rendered the new BMW X4 SAV, along with discussing possible release and redesign dates of the rest of BMW's X lineup. Check out the pictures and let us know what you think of the new German automobile's possible looks.
I have been coaching youth soccer for many years while playing as a professional. I love the game of soccer and hope to instill that love and passion for the game to players at all levels. Currently, I am playing professional soccer with the Pittsburgh Riverhounds (USL) and will be on the coaching staff for the Riverhounds Academy. While playing for the Charlotte Eagles (USL), I was a volunteer coach for an inner city club called the “Urban Eagles” – sponsored by the Charlotte Eagles organization. Additionally, I was invited to coach at the Davidson University Soccer Camp (D1) for 2 weeks - preparing players who want to play college soccer. I have also coached with the Chicago Fire (MLS) Academy, while I was playing PDL/reserve team; the Crossfire Academy in Seattle, while playing U-18; and the Heartland Soccer Club/ Cedar River Soccer Association in Iowa, my home state. *Vancouver Whitecaps Residency Program (Vancouver, British Columbia,Canada - U16-18) …Considered one of the best residency programs in North America. I love the game of soccer! I want my players to play with skill, but also play with passion! A typical first session involves a very general scope of the player’s technical abilities looking at strengths, weaknesses, and general tendencies of play. From there we can go into more specific work to improve elements of the player’s game that is lacking and strengthen that which is already developed, as well as, reinforce tactical awareness of play. My goal is to maximize the potential of each player. My sessions include a lot of technical work incorporated with speed and agility. I will focus on skills that develop the field player such as: dribbling, first touches, finishing, passing, juggling, and more… With goalkeepers, I will focus on: foot movement, agility, field awareness, communication, passing, and punting with accuracy. Additionally, I will reinforce the concept of 'vision on the field' and improve 'tactical awareness' at all levels of play. Finally, I will seek to develop the player's confidence and passion for the game of soccer. We will work hard in training, but we will play hard too. And although soccer can be a very technical and tactical sport, it is ultimately meant to be fun … and played with passion! Great first training session - my son was very impressed and really liked the coaching style. He can't wait for his next session. Drew is an awesome coach. He took his time and was very patient. His drills are geared and bringing out the best practices in our son. My son enjoyed his session and can't wait to go back. Coach Drew was very good with him, and seem to really enjoy coaching children. Coach Drew was great to work with!! He challenged my son to work hard as he started with basic skills practice and was very patient with a 4.5 year old which isn't an easy task!! My son is really excited to continue working with him so we will definitely be scheduling additional sessions. Coach Drew is an excellent coach. He is doing a great job working with our daughter and her soccer skills are definitely improving. He has a plan for skill refinement and they work on that at each session. One on one coaching is the way to go for individualized attention and Coach Drew is top notch. He is professional, responsive and friendly. Our daughter is all smiles after working with Coach Drew. We highly recommend Coach Drew to anyone! Drew is a great young man who loves the game of soccer. He is a very hard worker and excellent coach. It has been a real pleasure working with him. Home Soccer All States Iowa Cedar Rapids Drew R.
Biking Universe is a local biking site, intended for recreational and casual cyclists.It offers scenic urban biking routes in the New York City area, accompanied by rich data from various sources, including photos from the routes taken by local avid cyclists, elaborated routes descriptions, route elevation, nearby subway stations, bike racks locations and more. The website also features current weather conditions, biking events, and relevant merchandise.
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Optimize `map`, `forEach` and `reduce` chains. username_0: As of #1 , the logic for `map`, `forEach` and `reduce` chains (such as below) results in redundant use fo `#foreach` which excessively consumes the maximum iteration count of 1000. This expression results in `n = list.length * 3` iterations when it could be accomplished in `n = list.length` ```ts list.map(..).map(..).forEach(..) ```<issue_closed>
A few dozen Chinese cities have introduced restrictive policies banning unvaccinated people from visiting public venues including schools, hospitals, mass transportation and shopping malls. The policy, which was announced without much explanation, came as a shock to many citizens who had been repeatedly assured that China has the COVID-19 pandemic under control, thanks to the flooding of positive news and messages on social media during the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party in early July. No more face mask! On July 1, in Tiananmen Square, an activity that involved hundreds of thousand people, no one wore a mask. When the whole world believed that wearing a mask is a violation of human rights, everyone in China wore a mask. When the whole world is forced to wear a mask because of COVID-19, China is the first country to take off the mask. China hopes to reach a 70 percent vaccination rate by the end of 2021. Thus far, the country has given 1.38 billion doses, about 48 percent of its total population. However, the distribution has been rather imbalanced. In big cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou the vaccination rate is more than 80 percent. As for second- and third-tier cities and rural counties, the rate has fallen far behind. As the Delta variant spreads across Asia, virologists anticipate that the efficacy of the Chinese vaccines may go down by up to 20 percent. However, domestic news outlets quoted China’s prominent epidemiologist Zhong Nanshan that Chinese vaccines had been proven effective on variants. Some critics argue that China has yet to release adequate third-stage clinical data about the vaccines, which Zhong attributes to China’s lack of COVID-19 patients to test. A hashtag #凡尔赛發言, meaning ‘a proud aristocratic speech’ was attached to Zhong’s speech to highlight China’s complacency in fighting against the pandemic. All residents above 18 (regardless of the origin of household registration) who have no medical reasons for not taking the COVID-19 vaccine, should be vaccinated. Beginning July 22, all people above 18 have to show their vaccination record (vaccination label on the city’s mobile health code) before they enter major public facilities in the city. By July 22, all party members and employees of government and party institutions, as well as their affiliated corporations have to be vaccinated (unless they have medical reasons). Those who have not been vaccinated will not be allowed to go to work. Starting from August 1, unvaccinated individual without any medical reason will not be allowed to enter medical facilities (except if they are patients), touristic sites, elderly facilities, kindergarten, nursery, schools (including training institutions) and cultural and entertainment facilities. At the beginning, [the authorities said] vaccination was on a “voluntary base”. Later, it was “non-coercive” and eventually it became “restricting movement”. This is government’s credibility? This is socialism? Due to my health, I can’t receive the vaccine, but my internship organization demanded medical proof. I went to two vaccination stations and they asked me to go to the hospital. But the doctor in the hospital said that they were instructed not to issue medical proof to the patients. I called the hotlines, but they did not offer me any solution. What should I do? Not all people are in condition to take vaccines! For those who could not receive vaccines, they don’t have any privacy. Whenever they enter public facilities, they have to explain “I am over 80”, “I have just received a HPV vaccine”, “I am pregnant”, “I have a certain disease”. Who came up with such a bad idea? Something wrong with his brain? Once they manage to achieve a policy objective by means of restricting movement, depriving rights to education, suspending salary and work, in the future, similar tactics would repeat N times. If they apply the same means in other policy areas to force us to comply, what will become of our lives? Whether we have received a vaccine or not, we should resist such a brutal zero sum policy. Africa as a Country: What is the value of pan-Africanism for psychology?
I was doing a little research to see what the homes of Jesus’ time looked like. There were a few sites I came across after Googling my question. One I found interesting was Farrell’s Travel Blog. Because the author claims to have been conducting tours of the region we are studying, I think he might have an idea about the house where Jesus was teaching. Another blog I found that talks about the typical construction of homes in the time of Jesus is Community in Mission. They make some claims here that I don’t think they can substantiate, but their information about home construction seems to agree with other sites I have come across. Feel free to take what you want from both, or neither. I’m assuming the home Jesus was in that day was of the one room construction style, because if He were in an open courtyard there would have been no reason for the men to have torn away some of the roof. I imagine the room had people standing in every available inch. Were some sitting on furniture? Were people sitting on the floor too? I’m wondering if the people were “comfortably crowded” or “packed in like cattle.” Also, how long was Jesus teaching in the house before the roof began to move? Jesus has just come back to Capernaum after being on the missionary trail for some time. Mark says they were back “after some days.” I’m not sure how to measure that on a calendar. The friends of this paralyzed man were anxious to get him to Jesus. Were they afraid that if they missed Him this time they would not get another chance? Were they afraid Jesus would stop healing at some point in the lineup of people and their friend would be left out? Were they one of the people gathered outside Peter’s house the morning after the big healing service? Or were they acting in haste because this was the only time they could all get together to deal with their friend’s needs? The man and his friends didn’t arrive at the home until well into Jesus’ teaching. If they had been early, maybe they would have gotten in. It might have been problematic, even if they were early, trying to find a place to lay their friend out so he wouldn’t be trampled and made worse while waiting for his healing. This group was not willing to wait around until Jesus finished teaching to approach Him for healing. Was this impatience or desperation? Who was the one urging on the group to get to Jesus NOW? Unwilling to wait and blocked at every regular avenue, our crew decides to do something unexpected. Were people standing around the outside of the house listening through the windows too? What did they think about the men climbing the stairs, or ladder, up to the roof? Were there people on the roof listening too? Did any of the other spectators offer to help or try to stop them? Or was everyone simply watching and wondering what they were up to? I wonder how long it took them to break through the roof. What kind of tools did they have to use? Did Jesus and the people in the house stop and stare as bits of debris came down from the ceiling? How did the jam packed crowd make room for the man coming down through the roof? I’m imagining there was some space around Jesus while He was talking, so that’s probably how they were able to get him to the ground. When our paralyzed friend is finally before Jesus, the strangest thing happens. Jesus forgives him of his sins. This brought a question to his mind as well as the scribes’ that were sitting nearby. The reason I say this is that the man didn’t get up when Jesus told him his sins were forgiven. He waited for the command, “take up your bed and walk” to be spoken before he moved. In Jewish society it was believed that sin is what caused your illnesses, calamities, and even barrenness. We don’t know how or when this man became paralyzed, but he probably associated his infirmity with some sin in his life. He hadn’t come to Jesus though to confess his sins. Had he gone to the priests to confess his sin when it happened? If he did, did he still feel the weight of that sin and feel it was the reason he wasn’t being healed? The scribes had something else going on in their minds. They didn’t care about the man’s sins and where his heart stood, they cared about Jesus asserting authority only God had. The priests had been extending forgiveness to the people when they brought sacrifices for centuries. Now Jesus was cutting out the “middle man.” Jesus said what He did in the presence of the scribe, who took notes on EVERYTHING, so that ALL would know His connection to the Father. He also made sure to follow up His authority with tangible proof. Anyone can say, “Your sins are forgiven” but what proof could they offer to verify it? Jesus verified it through the complete healing of the man. As soon as Jesus finished His next words to our man, he immediately got up and did as instructed. Did the crowd part to let him through, or did everyone want to talk to him on his way out? Did the man go straight home, thinking that he didn’t want to sin again by not obeying Jesus, or did he stop and tell everyone he met on the way about what happened? Everyone in the room recognized the miracle! The healing AND the forgiveness of sin. “Nothing like this has ever happened before!” They also gave credit where it belonged; to God. This group was sure to spread the word about what happened that day, even if the man didn’t. Jesus’ Capernaum following just got bigger! I know that I do suffer some of the consequences for my sins. My eating disorder behaviors should have netted me at least some long term health effects, but You protected me from them. On the other hand, my vision issues that I have had since birth, didn’t result from some sin I had committed. I have prayed for years for both of these issues to be removed from my life. You have worked wonders in both areas but neither are completely resolved. I fully believe that the sins surrounding the first issue have been forgiven (past, present and future). Is it possible that the first issue was brought about because of sin? I don’t know for sure, but I don’t believe You works that way. I DO know that whatever sin may have been involved, You have already forgiven him of it. But why does he continue to suffer then? Are You using his condition to reach others with a message, like You did with the man from our story that day? I trust You to bring about Your perfect plan in all that he is going through, but we REALLY would like to hear You say, “Take up your bed and walk.” He is desperate too! Until then, keep him in Your arms and fill him with the warmth of Your love. “My grace is sufficient.” Thank You for that promise too.
Sandestin Investments owner Tom Becnel held a Town Hall meeting for the resort's homeowners last week to try to bring all of Sandestin together on one page as he is set to move forward with his plans to build. Becnel's Notice of Proposed Change to Sandestin's Development of Regional Impact was given the green light by Walton County Commissioners last month, but many Sandestin residents have vocalized their opposition to any more construction taking place on the resort. Becnel took two-and-a-half hours to go through the history of the resort, which was platted in 1972, addressing items that have caused confusion and his plans for the future. Through the years, Sandestin has changed hands several times, but Becnel said the original plans were to bring it to where it is today. He explained that development was already underway in the golf-course community before DRIs existed, and when the state established DRIs in 1974, the west side of the property was vested and was not included. Through the changing of hands, Becnel said that none of the previous owners kept accurate records and guessed at the number of units in buildings and the sizes of lakes and other lands, and his demand for an accurate accounting is one of the things that brought them into the need for filing the NOPC. An NOPC is required to change numbers, even if it is a correction. "This is the first time in the history of Sandestin that there has been an accurate count," he said. Addressing the issue of open space, Becnel said the county's comp plan calls for 25 percent open space. "We have 49 percent. We have twice what is required," he said. He said some of that comes from an equestrian center and horse trails that were never built, and the golf course's buffers. "People were saying I was taking their back yards. Not true," he said. "The plat had easements. Those are the buffers. The buffers were there for a purpose. The fairways are the defined areas maintained. Off the golf course you have the ruff. There is no ruff. The ruff is the buffer. The original development included the ruff in the plat and put it on every document. You can't build on it. I don't have any use for your back yard. I can't build there either. It meets the definition of open space and should be included." Addressing the topic of the tennis center Becnel said there is no planned change for the tennis center. "It is not going away. County staff said if one day I might develop it I must reclassify four acres as residential," Becnel said. "Unless you are there you don't understand the process we had to go through. I have no plans to infringe on tennis. If we do, we will replace it." Another hot topic has been the issue of Jolee Island being developed. "Jolee Island is another mistake we discovered. We discovered there were 96 residential units dedicated there at one time and when the overlay map was done it was (designated) residential conservation," Becnel said. "We found the error and corrected. The state agreed it was a mistake. I have no intention to develop it today, tomorrow, and probably not five years from now. "It was always intended to be developed and when we do we will develop in a responsible way," he added. "I want to build and maintain. We have to conserve the last of the inventory we have for future use." Becnel still has 1,300 units he is allowed to build, but he said he will not build 1,300 units. As for his immediate plans, on his short list is a condominium complex close to the north entrance called Osprey Pointe, condos across from the club at Burnt Pine, and a chapel to be situated west of Bayside Condos. He said Sandestin also needs a high-end apartment complex somewhere. "We're looking at that and we are looking at expanding the conference center. That is a high priority. We start working on that next month. Beyond that I do not have any identifiable projects," he said. Addressing the effect the controversy has had and could have on tourist dollars at the resort, Becnel said, "We have to get out of this controversy. If people see turmoil, they won't come. We need to bury the ax and clean up our house. That requires a unified message. The SOA (homeowners association) should be our goodwill ambassadors. We could merge advertising dollars."
Got this collection for my Disney Animal Kingdom photos, I cant wait to use it! I always love the bright, bold colors in EP paper collections. This one has great animal-related prints, perfect for zoo and safari photos. What fun colors & images for a zoo theme!
The first of two volumes of the renowned and comprehensive text on Islamic political theory by Ayatullah Misbah Yazdi, dealing with the importance of recognizing Islam as the basis of any just political theory, methods of implementing such a theory by the government, and comparing and contrasting this Islamic system with the system predominant in most Western ans secular nations.
#550 of 1000 issued, selections from the poems of Herman Melville, edited, and with woodcuts, by Antonio Frasconi, who has signed this on the limitation page. The top edge of the volume is bumped. This book was made to honor the students killed by the National Guard at Kent State in 1971.
We recommend upgrading to the latest Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, or Firefox. Residency Applicants: Please note the applications for the graduate program and for the residency positions are separate. If you are interested in a residency position, you must apply to the graduate program (Admissions tab), then apply separately to the residency position you are interested in. Please Mr. Steve Walz at [email protected] for USF Athletics residency positions. A residency offers you the opportunity to gain valuable clinical experience while continuing your education in the field of Athletic Training. these residencies, contact Dr. Rebecca Lopez at [email protected].
Randy Orton & Kane Got Injured, Del Rio Turning Face Soon? – There has been at least some talk of turning Alberto Del Rio babyface. WWE officials badly want a top Hispanic babyface. The feeling is that Rey Mysterio won’t be around forever and is far from an office favorite while Sin Cara just isn’t ready. – The Shield struck again at Tuesday night’s WWE SmackDown tapings from Bridgeport, CT, this time unleashing their attack on Randy Orton. It was reported earlier this week that Orton may have suffered a wrist injury at Sunday’s Tribute to the Troops taping . At the SmackDown tapings, The Shield jumped Orton and put him through a table. WWE announced to the crowd that Orton may have suffered a concussion and a separated shoulder. This could be WWE writing Orton off television to deal with the injury. – Kane may have tweaked his knee at Sunday’s WWE Tribute To The Troops tapings from Norfolk, VA. Several fans who were in attendance sent in word that Kane appeared to stumble as he made his entrance. Kane teamed with Daniel Bryan and R-Truth vs. 3MB and is not expected to miss any ring time.
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Errors in log-courier expluatation username_0: Good afternoon during operation Log-carrier I ran into some number of CMV mistakes as I understand inhibit downloading data to a central server Logstash 2014/12/16 10:21:44.245051 Registry write failed: rename ./.log-courier.new ./.log-courier: no such file or directory 2014/12/16 10:22:22.256245 Registry write failed: rename ./.log-courier.new ./.log-courier: no such file or directory 2014/12/16 10:23:03.389117 Unexpected file truncation, seeking to beginning: /opt/logs/timing_t2/findRs_kas04_n9.log 2014/12/16 10:40:15.278237 Registry write failed: rename ./.log-courier.new ./.log-courier: no such file or directory 2014/12/16 10:44:19.565910 Registry write failed: rename ./.log-courier.new ./.log-courier: no such file or directory 2014/12/16 10:47:15.066623 Registry write failed: rename ./.log-courier.new ./.log-courier: no such file or directory 2014/12/16 10:54:55.243907 Registry write failed: rename ./.log-courier.new ./.log-courier: no such file or directory 2014/12/16 10:58:26.105044 Unexpected file truncation, seeking to beginning: /opt/logs/timing_t2/check_kas04_n9.log 2014/12/16 10:58:26.105479 Unexpected file truncation, seeking to beginning: /opt/logs/timing_t2/create_kas04_n9.log 2014/12/16 10:58:26.105557 Unexpected file truncation, seeking to beginning: /opt/logs/timing_t2/createTemplates_kas04_n9.log 2014/12/16 10:58:26.105606 Unexpected file truncation, seeking to beginning: /opt/logs/timing_t2/getPaymentsHistory_kas04_n9.log 2014/12/16 10:58:26.105645 Unexpected file truncation, seeking to beginning: /opt/logs/timing_t2/confirm_kas04_n9.log I do not quite understand what they mean, but how can they be overcome? <issue_comment>username_1: I'll close this for now and assume it's not longer an issue. If you still have problems let me know your response to my last post. Thanks!<issue_closed> <issue_comment>username_2: I ran into this problem; turns out I had two log-courier instances running. :-)
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: What should be the metrics for a regular C-grid at the boundaries username_0: I'm having trouble understanding how to accurately define the necessary metrics for integration/differentiation for my grid. This is related to #291, and the fact that all the examples in that page assume you know what quantities like `hFacW` and `drF` represent in the `MITgcm` output. Since I've never run that model, I'm not 100% sure of how those quantities are defined. Consider the 4-point 1D grid below with `xC[i]` for the centers and `xO[i]` for the outer points: ![Sketch_210203_074052 (2)](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13205162/106771087-750a4e00-65f3-11eb-882b-b41e86d7f823.jpg) I understand that in the interior the distances should be probably defined just as `xC[i]-xC[i-1]`, but my questions are two: - Should I define these distances separately for `xO`? - How do I define those distances at the boundaries? So I'd appreciate if someone could exemplify how the metrics need to be defined in a grid like this. PS: Although I ask these questions with a general C-grid in mind, the model I'm using is [Oceananigans](https://github.com/CliMA/Oceananigans.jl). <issue_comment>username_1: If this axis is periodic, boundaries is simple. For those of non-periodic ones, I guess `extend` would be good enough? <issue_comment>username_2: Hi @username_0, that is an interesting question, and I am not quite sure about a general answer. I think this will come down to the way boundary conditions are handled in your model? For xgcm you need to provide metrics on the `xo1` point (the metrics have to be the same shape as the coordinates), but the crux will be to define the value of the metric, and whether it represents a partial cell (as you sketched) or invokes some sort of boundary condition. What operations are you trying to apply at the boundary? Which grid metrics does Oceananigans provide? If you could post some snapshots of those, perhaps I can get a better idea? Something that might be relevant here could be masking in addition to the metrics (see #293). <issue_comment>username_0: Also, since the Oceananigans grids are always regular for now (and the model is so new) there aren't any grid metrics provided. (Although the model will start dealing with nonregular grids soon, so I should prepare for that.) We are now trying to figure out what metrics are necessary to [make Ocenananigans easier for xgcm](https://github.com/CliMA/Oceananigans.jl/issues/1334). In any case, if you still wanna see an output, here's the output of a very simple test case that I ran: ```python In [2]: ds Out[2]: <xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (time: 49, xC: 24, xF: 24, yC: 24, yF: 24, zC: 16, zF: 17) Coordinates: * zC (zC) float64 -3.875e+03 -3.625e+03 -3.375e+03 ... -375.0 -125.0 * zF (zF) float64 -4e+03 -3.75e+03 -3.5e+03 ... -500.0 -250.0 0.0 * xC (xC) float64 2.083e+04 6.25e+04 1.042e+05 ... 9.375e+05 9.792e+05 * yF (yF) float64 0.0 4.167e+04 8.333e+04 ... 9.167e+05 9.583e+05 * xF (xF) float64 0.0 4.167e+04 8.333e+04 ... 9.167e+05 9.583e+05 * yC (yC) float64 2.083e+04 6.25e+04 1.042e+05 ... 9.375e+05 9.792e+05 * time (time) float64 0.0 1.44e+04 2.88e+04 ... 6.768e+05 6.912e+05 Data variables: δ (time, zC, yC, xC) float32 ... s (time, zC, yC, xF) float32 0.006796 0.0133 0.02436 ... 5.255 5.25 ζ (time, zC, yF, xF) float32 ... Δx float64 4.167e+04 Δy float64 4.167e+04 Δz float64 250.0 Attributes: Δx: 41666.666666666664 Δy: 41666.666666666664 interval: 14400.0 Oceananigans: This file was generated using Oceananigans v0.47.0... Julia: This file was generated using Julia Version 1.5.3\... Δz: 250.0 date: This file was generated on 2021-02-08T19:43:11.636. output time interval: Output was saved every 4 hours. schedule: TimeInterval ``` <issue_comment>username_2: The integral clearly should have a smaller Δx in this case (I think this is a prime example for having an additional masking array!), but how is a derivative or an interpolation defined at the boundary point? There must be some sort of 'ghost' point outside the wall? Our philosophy for xgcm is to reproduce as exactly as possible what models are doing internally. Do you know how your model handles such a case? <issue_comment>username_2: #240 might be relevant here too! <issue_comment>username_2: This is fantastic. Please let me know what I can do to help! <issue_comment>username_2: ```python Dimensions: (time: 49, xC: 24, xF: 24, yC: 24, yF: 24, zC: 16, zF: 17) ``` It seems that in this case the setup is a bit different from your sketch? I might misunderstand this here, but it seems that both x and y coordinates have the same number of elements? <issue_comment>username_0: Our philosophy for xgcm is to reproduce as exactly as possible what models are doing internally. Do you know how your model handles such a case? Yes, it uses ghost cells outside of the domain. But I don't expect derivatives to work at the boundaries out of the box anyway! I was just mentioning that I'll def use xgcm for that. However, that said, my understanding is that the metrics should be a function of the grid and BCs alone. And then you might need to pass appropriate BCs for specific operations (derivatives and interpolations at boundaries being the most obvious) since the metrics alone has limitations. Is that really how it works or do I have the wrong idea? <issue_comment>username_0: It seems that in this case the setup is a bit different from your sketch? I might misunderstand this here, but it seems that both x and y coordinates have the same number of elements? @username_2 Yes! I'm sorry, I should have clarified. In this example dataset x and y are periodic (`xC` are center points and `xF` are left points using xgcm terminology). The z axis is bounded, so `zC` are center points and `zF` are outer points. In this case the `z` coordinate is the one corresponding to my original sketch! <issue_comment>username_2: I think it is even more simplistic. The basic operations are `grid.diff` and `grid.interp`, which are literally just a finite difference and a simple linear interpolation between two neighboring points (this is where the boundary conditions are applied and the grid position is changed). The metrics are then used to convert e.g. the difference of two values into a derivative (by simply dividing it with the metric). I just ran through this simple example: ```python import xarray as xr import numpy as np from xgcm import Grid zC = xr.DataArray(np.arange(10)+0.5, dims=['zC']) zF = xr.DataArray(np.arange(11), dims=['zF']) tracer = xr.DataArray(np.arange(10)*20, dims=['zC']) vel = xr.DataArray(np.ones(11), dims=['zF']) dzF = xr.DataArray(np.hstack([0.5, np.ones(9), 0.5]), dims=['zF']) dzC = xr.DataArray(np.ones(10), dims=['zC']) ds = xr.Dataset({'tracer':tracer, 'vel':vel}, coords={'zF':zF, 'zC':zC, 'dzF':dzF, 'dzC':dzC}) ds ``` <img width="586" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/14314623/107405036-e145ef80-6ad4-11eb-9670-eb41f760b6b3.png"> ```python grid = Grid( ds, periodic=False, coords={'Z':{'center':'zC', 'outer':'zF'}}, boundary={'Z':'extend'}, metrics={'Z':['dzF']} ) grid ``` <img width="334" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/14314623/107403839-9bd4f280-6ad3-11eb-9bdc-b1cd211f4742.png"> ```python grid.derivative(ds.tracer, 'Z') ``` <img width="579" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/14314623/107404758-9926cd00-6ad4-11eb-9036-f634b072fd26.png"> In this case with `boundary='extend'` the outermost tracer value is repeated beyond the first `zF` value and thus the difference (and derivative) is zero. The metric value does not matter in this case. This would of course be different for another boundary condition like `fill` (which fills the value beyond with a constant value): ```python grid.derivative(ds.tracer, 'Z', boundary='fill', fill_value=0) ``` <img width="570" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/14314623/107406000-ea838c00-6ad5-11eb-9608-4554c600c1c4.png"> The metric values definitely matter if you e.g. try to integrate a variable on the `zF` coordinate. ```python grid.integrate(ds.vel, 'Z') ``` <img width="582" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/14314623/107405311-2c600280-6ad5-11eb-90b1-eb2dc3b8b019.png"> In this case the boundary condition is irrelevant, since the integral is just the sum of (value * metric) of every grid point. The result for a uniform metric array would have been `11`, which would be incorrect I believe. Does this help, or the opposite (sorry I am a bit dense this morning). <issue_comment>username_0: @username_2 Thank you very much for the example. It helps a lot! For me this has valuable information that I couldn't get from the docs. For example your definitions of `dzF` and `dzC` tell me that it this metric is the extent "around" a particular point, and not the distance between that point and the next one (the distinction is unimportant in the interior, but important at the boundaries, like you pointed out). Just a quick question. You define the `Z` metrics as ```python metrics={'Z':['dzF']} ``` but how does xgcm know that that specific metric pertains to `zF` points and not `zC` points? For example, in my head something like this would be necessary: ```python metrics={'Z': dict(zF='dzF')} ``` (or `metrics={'Z': dict(zF='dzF', zC='dzC')}` if we're being more general.) <issue_comment>username_0: Thanks! I think for know I'm doing most of the Oceananigans-`xgcm` effort since most of the other collaborators and devs use Julia for postprocessing. So just by helping me understand xgcm a bit better you're already helping. That said, feel free to read that Oceananigans github issue (or other issues there) and chime in with some `xgcm`-specific or even general knowledge. Very few of us there have a lot of experience with the usual GCMs (MITgcm, ROMs, etc), so we're not even sure of what metrics are generally useful to output in a general sense. <issue_comment>username_2: This is purely based on the convention that metrics are 'centered' on their coordinates, and the rest is some bookkeeping with xarray internally. "this metric is the extent "around" a particular point, and not the distance between that point and the next one", hits the nail on the head. And I think it originated from MITgcm conventions. I will make sure to add that to the docs. <issue_comment>username_3: I think it's a bit more soid than that. Xarray's broadcasting rules come into play. You will frequently be multiplying / dividing the variables by the metrics. Xarray assumes that variables with the same dimension ('zF' and 'zF') are located at the same location and so can be broadcasted easily. <issue_comment>username_2: Right. The metric that describes the cell 'around' a given data-point (area or the cell, volume of the cell, distances between bounding cell faces) has the same coordinates so that broadcasting and arithmetic can be easily applied with xarray.<issue_closed> <issue_comment>username_0: Thanks to everyone. I think by now I'm been able to understand exactly what metrics are and how to apply it to a general output. I've also been able to run a few successful examples using Oceananigans output by now so I'm closing this issue. <issue_comment>username_3: 🎉 But we should think about how to update the docs to reduce new-user confusion. <issue_comment>username_0: Honestly just looking at @username_2's toy example with a random array got rid of 90% of my confusion. Given it's a small amount of lines, I'd consider including something like that in the docs before you pull up the MITgcm output. <issue_comment>username_2: Will put that in #271, including some of the descriptions that were used here. Thanks for your patience @username_0. I would love to include an Oceananigans example over in https://github.com/xgcm/xgcm-examples. If you have a notebook that you would like to share, that would be awesome! <issue_comment>username_0: Thank _you_ for the patience (you cooked up a whole example for this issue!). I'd like to create an example using Oceananigans output for xgcm at some point, but at the very least I think it'd be good to wait until [the Oceananigans-xgcm issue](https://github.com/CliMA/Oceananigans.jl/issues/1334) is resolved. I think the example is bound to be confusing if we have to create all the metrics by hand in Python. (I created [this script](https://github.com/username_0/pynanigans/blob/e4f3eefc8056c78457c2b5430d78cd804ca760ef/__init__.py#L55-L64) for personal use that does it automatically for now if you're curious about what that would look like.) Also, I plan to create an example in the Oceananigans docs that outputs to NetCDF (all the examples there output in a Julia format at the moment). So it would be nice if I could link an existing example from Oceananigans that people literally run in a few minutes on their laptop and then use the generated file to reproduce the xgcm example. But let me know if you disagree! I may be missing something aspect. <issue_comment>username_2: That sounds super dope! Ill chime in over at https://github.com/CliMA/Oceananigans.jl/issues/1334 in a bit!
Docker and Windows Server 2016 give apps a new lease on life, adding features, increasing security and performance, and moving towards continuous deployment without an lengthy and expensive rebuild project. Mark Michaelis delves Into the internals of a core construct of C# —the foreach statement—then explores implementing the foreach collection interfaces using the yield statement. The UWP comes equipped with a fully functional Map control that leverages the power and imagery of Bing’s mapping services. In this column, you’ll explore the Map control and learn just how easy it is to add to your apps. Unlike ordinary perceptrons, which can perform binary classification on simple, linearly separable data, a kernel perceptron can be used to handle non-linearly-separable data. The demo program in this article creates a prediction model using a kernel perceptron, as James McCaffrey explains. The Project Westminster bridge enables Web developers to bring their responsive Web applications to the Windows Platform by leveraging existing code. Learn how to align Web apps to deliver the best UX possible while running as a platform app.
One of my favorite scenes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe comes at the end of “Avengers: Infinity War” when Thanos snaps his fingers and sees little Gamora in the soul world. He turns around to Gamora in a near breakdown as she asks him a question. Bear with me as I try to mock this scene. The Knicks and Nets have been lighting New York City on fire; the Giants and Jets just completed their offseasons, which has excited fans for what is in store. The new-look Mets are finally starting to piece themselves together, and the New York Islanders are fighting for a top spot in the East Division. With the upward trend that New York sports have had in the last 11 months or so, you would think the Yankees — a franchise always in its prime — would be the cherry on the top of the sundae. What possibly could go wrong? Perhaps the most important puzzle piece to the winning formula in baseball is strong pitching, particularly from the starting rotation. The 2019 World Series Champion Washington Nationals had four of its five starters with ERAs that were 3.85 or lower. The top three pitchers of that staff all had ERAs that were at 3.32 or lower, and superstar Max Scherzer had a 2.92 ERA. In the World Series, starter Stephen Strasburg elevated himself into a super humanoid on the mound, posting a 2.51 ERA in two starts versus the Houston Astros. Digging a little deeper into baseball history, well before analytics took over, the 2001 Arizona Diamondbacks were another example. Curt Schilling and Randy Johnson, two of the most dominant pitchers of all time, led the pitching staff. Having those two on the same staff was like having lightning strike twice in the same spot. Johnson posted a 2.49 ERA while winning his third consecutive Cy Young award in 2001. Schilling posted a 2.98 ERA and finished runner up to Johnson in the Cy Young voting. Both posted ERAs under 1.70 — 1.04 and 1.69 respectively — in the World Series, which the 2001 Diamondbacks eventually won over the Yankees. The Yankees pitching staff, outside of Gerrit Cole, has been a hot mess to start the year. Two of the prized offseason hauls, Corey Kluber and Jameson Taillon, have been sluggish to start the season. Taillon started against the Braves on April 21 as the Chop sent Charlie Morton to the bump. Taillon posted a 5.40 ERA, giving up one run, four hits and one walk and notching five strikeouts in a 3-1 victory. The following night, Corey Kluber took the hill against Ian Anderson for the second and final game of the series. Kluber ended the game going four and two thirds innings, with two hits, two strikeouts and four walks for a total of two runs. The second run came off reliever Nick Nelson, who entered for Kluber after loading the bases, where Nelson walked in a run. Kluber finished the game with a 5.40 ERA. Both players so far have given up a total of 20 runs, not exactly what you would call “helpful” in a so far woeful rotation despite the Yankees sneaking a win against the Braves. Domingo German, who missed all of 2020 for his domestic abuse suspension, has also come out of the gates slow. German was red hot in spring training, posting a 1.38 ERA and striking out 17 in four starts. In two regular season starts, German has given up a total of seven runs, four home runs and 12 total hits, albeit in seven innings of work. All that adds up to a 9.0 ERA, which warranted him going down to the alternate site. The aforementioned Gerrit Cole, and his sub-two ERA, has been the only stable part of the Yankees’ early April rotation woes. Hitting is predicated on pitching. The Yankees have provided almost no run support for their pitchers and not enough to give themselves a chance to win games. Remember that this has been one of the best offensive teams on paper the last five seasons or so. They possess the reigning American League batting champion, four silver slugger winners, a former National League MVP and one of the best players in professional baseball to go along with a very strong supporting cast. They currently rank 25th out of all 30 MLB teams in runs per game at 3.62, second to last in team batting average at .208 and 21st in team on-base percentage at .296. The Yankees played two total games against the Braves, and it took them two games to score four runs. The Braves scored four runs in a single game without superstar Ronald Acuna Jr. In their previous series with the Rays, where they were swept, the Yankees scored seven total runs when Tampa came to the Bronx. The Rays scored eight runs in the first game of that series. With the exception of Kyle Higashioka, superstars DJ LeMahieu, Aaron Judge and Gio Urshela, the Yankees do not have anyone on the team batting over .215. The aforementioned former National League MVP, Giancarlo Stanton, leads the team in home runs with five. Considering he leads the Bombers in that category, he is batting .180 to start the season, not exactly saying much for a struggling team. A man who’s being paid north of $28 million is expected to not bat this horribly, on top of the fact he cannot hit the breaking ball. Gary Sanchez has become the poster child for Yankee fans’ complaints. Now he has backed up his pathetic 2020 season — batting .147 for that year — with a baby step improvement of .204, four RBIs and a measly two home runs. Let’s not get started on how poor his plate discipline has been. Aaron Hicks looks like he is just learning how to play baseball at times with ridiculous errors in centerfield. He misplayed a fly ball against Tampa, and in the same game, allowed a simple ground ball to roll past him, which he proceeded to bobble. He also swings at pitches everywhere except the strike zone, looking about three seconds ahead of the baseball before it even gets three-quarters of the way to home plate. Gleyber Torres has also aggravated Yankee fans, with some on social media suggesting he should be sent down to the alternate site. Defensively, he has blown two games with throwing errors to first base, one against the Orioles and another against the Blue Jays. He still looks somewhat lost at shortstop in fielding balls and simple glove to throw transfers, but he has made strides defensively with some very solid games. On offense, Torres came out looking like a slug. His most recent performance against the Indians resulted in him going 0-4 on the day. The game before that he hit a double and went 3-5 on the day, getting an RBI and one strikeout. Manager Aaron Boone even had to chat with his shortstop behind closed doors to discuss his hustle, with multiple counts of low effort on the basepaths, the plate and in the field. This conversation was confirmed when Torres told the media about it in a post game press conference. Aaron Boone had also confirmed that the conversation had taken place behind closed doors after last Wednesday’s loss against the Braves. All of this however, sums up to a .206 batting average. The Yankees have been, simply put, egregious to start the 2021 MLB season, with a combination of bad pitching and hitting and outright ridiculous fielding errors that cannot be excused at the major league level. It is a very long season and most Yankee fans, like myself, remain optimistic that the Bombers can turn this nightmare start around into a successful product. Some even hope that it can turn into a World Series appearance, maybe even a little more. But one thing is for sure: when the Yankees are good do not ever count them out, no matter how bad they start.
“The economic backdrop to the latest explosion in the U.S. financial system is troubling — industrial production is on track to decline sharply in the third quarter (for the second consecutive quarter), consumption spending is expected to contract, and the unemployment rate is ramping up sharply. Perhaps even more troubling, credit conditions continued to tighten during the summer months, and the growth of credit has slowed down to recessionary levels. Major downside risks to the economy, with diminishing inflation risks, are plain for anyone who has eyes to see.” — Global Insight, Sept. 17, 2008. With the U.S. financial system under extreme duress, we are overlooking another issue of major concern to the electrical industry. The above quote gets our focus back to the recurring business cycles every economy faces. We are faced with two issues, and they are related. One issue, of course, is the chaos in the financial markets. The second issue is the weakening economic situation, apart from the existing financial crisis. The slowdown in the economy in itself is troubling. But the financial crisis adds another dimension that we had not completely factored into our last forecast. The key questions are: - How bad is the credit crunch now? - How bad will it get? - When will we see meaningful easing? I am sorry to report that no one has any definitive answers. It's important to differentiate between an overall economic downturn — defined in its broadest terms to include a consumer pullback and resultant negative gross domestic product (GDP) — and a downturn in the electrical industry. Let's stay focused on the electrical industry.Impact on the electrical market The electrical industry has never escaped an overall economic downturn, and we won't escape this one either, mainly because the construction industry is so important in our economy and the electrical industry is construction-driven. The usual questions are how far is down and how long will it last. But there is another question. We are talking as though the downturn in the electrical industry is already here. For some vendors and distributors that may be the case. But for the industry overall, I don't believe industry performance has turned negative as of late September. Our last analysis of how the critical economic indicators are behaving and in turn impacting electrical industry performance shows that industry sales overall are still growing through the second quarter of 2008. This goes back to DISC Corp.'s July analysis. By the time you read this article sometime in October, we will have completed our final outlook in 2008 (scheduled for release in mid-October). The dynamics of the economy and the electrical industry, in the best of circumstances, guarantee that DISC's October outlook will not be the same as its July analysis. Even so, I still believe we will not see negative industry growth in 2008. Nonresidential construction expenditures in deflated dollars, the most important driver of electrical industry sales, are expected to show positive growth through every quarter this year, although weakening significantly in the fourth quarter from a year earlier. Residential construction has of course been negative since the second quarter of 2006. The remaining key indicator, equipment spending, is expected to show negative growth in the third quarter of this year. From this year's fourth quarter going forward, we do not expect any growth in the key economic indicators through all of 2009. This will drive total industry sales to tank in the second quarter of 2009 and continue its downward drift through the second quarter of 2010. So beginning with the second quarter of 2009 through the second quarter of 2010 — five consecutive quarters — we are looking at a cumulative 16 percent decrease in overall industry sales. If you are serving a niche market, then your particular situation could be very different. At this point, however, we see the distributor-served contractor market taking the biggest hit next year because both the nonresidential and the residential construction drivers are expected to show negative growth for 2009.The financial crisis The second concern is the chaos in the financial system. The volatility of the stock market is not the issue as far as the economy or the electrical industry is concerned. The market is simply reacting to good news/bad news in the financial markets on a day-to-day basis. The fact is that no one really knows what the outcome of this crisis will be nor do we understand the full consequences of whatever actions the federal government is taking. To be perfectly honest, I am not sure I can fully get my mind around the issues involved and the consequences of what the Federal Reserve and the Treasury are doing. As we go through the coming quarters, we will have a clearer view of the magnitude of the crisis and the consequences of the government's actions. One thing is clear — this is a crisis of liquidity. It's all about putting enough money in the economic system so we don't have a collapse of the economy as we did in the 1929 depression. I am not suggesting that we are on the verge of that kind of disaster, because the government is acting decisively and taking the correct action. In 1929 the government did not have a clue. At the highest levels, the discussions now are about costs weighed against benefits as to the correct course of action. Everyone understands that the issue is liquidity. What we don't understand is the best way to fix it. What I can say is that the important people making the important analytical decisions, like Ben Bernanke and Henry Paulson, are exactly the people I would want in the driver's seat. We are in a terrible situation but are in good hands. I don't know of anyone who believes there is a quick fix to the financial system. But where we want to be is in a place where we are confident that we are in control of the situation. In other words, the big surprises should be behind us. We are not there yet. What does all of this mean for the electrical industry? A credit crunch is a serious situation for any business, but particularly so in this business because of the requirements to finance inventories and the borrowing requirements of contractors. I already know of instances where construction projects are on hold because of a lack of funds to complete the work. This is not a good scenario. Vendors, reps and distributors should have alternative operating plans based on best case/worst case scenarios, at least through 2009. The outlook we have at this time is a best-case scenario and I am not comfortable with it. For DISC clients who receive the DISC Report in October, you should have a clearer in-depth picture of what 2009 (and 2010) could look like. Otherwise, look for a summary update in Electrical Wholesaling's November issue. By the time you read this article sometime in October the financial crisis will not have been resolved. There will continue to be many unanswered issues, but we expect to have a better grasp of the magnitude, especially as it affects the electrical industry. Here is one last thought for this article. A year ago, I don't think anyone could have even come close to predicting where we are now, let alone how it will all play out. The only difference is that now we all know we have a serious problem. Herm Isenstein is president of DISC Corp., an economic forecasting consultant based in Orange, Conn., and specializing in the electrical industry. He can be reached at (203) 799-3673, or by e-mail at [email protected].
Say that I go to 7/ , and there is a sign on the door that says: "No shirt, no shoes, He pulls this photo out of his wallet, it& 39;s his dad wearing a police uniform, he& 39;s never told When you flush evidence down the toilet, can the cops still get to it? The LMS flush sided coach, of which many examples still remained as late as 1967-8, differed in appearance from its predecessors mainly in the shape of its windows which now exhibited well-rounded corners. All the earlier coaches had, of course, been built with slightly rounded window corner mouldings but by comparison with Stanier vehicles, the Period I and II coach window was almost square . Facellias were advertised in three body styles: cabriolet, 2 2 coupé and 4-seat coupé — all with the same mechanical parts and a 2,450 mm 96.5 in wheelbase. Styling was similar to the Facel HK500, but with rather elegant though fingernail-breaking flush door handles. Following Facel Vega& 39;s demise several of M Daninos& 39;s styling cues were . A body coloured grille, flush door handles, slim LED lights at the front and rear and a deep chin spoiler are some of the major changes. The interior is focused on the dual cockpit theme, featuring separate driver and passenger cells and is described as a '2 ' interior by Ferrari. The dashboard features digital instrumentation a 16.0-inch wrap . Routine cleaning of hand, food, drinking water sites and surfaces such as toilet seats and flush handles, door and tap handles, work surfaces, bath and basin surfaces in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet reduces the risk of spread of pathogens. Recessed Pulls available at MyKnobs.com everyday low prices. A pocket door handle is a recessed rectangular insert, typically with operating hardware called a door pull.. Door handles can also be called 'handle sets'. In addition there are door handles that are flush-mount and require pressing rather than turning or gripping, and there are touch-free, electronic, and motion-sensor door handles. In the photograph, the decorative lever arm 1 is hinged to rotate 90 degrees out of a metal 'keeper' bracket 2 , and then pull away from the surface of the door, which rotates the round metal rod 3 , and also the hook at the bottom of the rod to unfasten the mechanism from the metal 'stop' 4 mounted on the floor and unfasten the door leaf. The rod, hook and stop at the top door head are . Products - 36 of 95 Browse a wide selection of der pulls for sale, including kitchen cabinet Vista Barn Door Flush Pull Handleby BarnDoorz.com . Suncourt Flush Fit Register Air Booster Fan with Adapter Plate - HC500-W - White · 3.7 out of The 5 east facing windows and one sliding glass door don& 39;t help. Its styling is an evolution of the 2017 Urban EV Concept; Honda equipped the 2019 prototype with flush-mounted door handles and compact rear-view cameras on each side to simplify its profile. To facilitate charging from either side, the charging port is located in the middle of the car& 39;s bonnet hood . Designed by Harley J. Earl, the car had power-operated hidden headlamps, a 'gunsight' hood ornament, electric windows, wraparound bumpers, flush door handles, and prefigured styling cues used by Buick until the 1950s and the vertical waterfall grille design still used by Buick today. 9 Flush Door Pull. Architectural Builders Hardware Mfg. Inc. Vehicle door latches on practically all vehicles today are usually operated by use of a handle which requires the user to pull, lift, or tug - with some force towards themselves rather than push. There is a reason for this. As late as the 1970s, some vehicles used exposed push buttons to operate the door latch, such as certain Opel models. A push-button switch is mounted in the door frame, and triggers the flush valve for all urinals every time the door is opened. While it cannot detect the use of individual urinals, it provides reasonable flushing action without wasting excessive amounts of water when the urinals are not being used. A flush door is a completely smooth door, . See door furniture for a discussion of attachments to doors such as door handles, doorknobs, and door knockers. Lintel – A horizontal beam above a door that supports the wall above it. Also known as a hea . Some of these new fixtures—like the black grille and door handles—found their way on late 1.3 S examples. Changes from the Series II included thicker and more incorporated rubber bumpers with decorative chrome only on the top edge, flush door handles, one-piece front door glass without a separate quarter light, a grille with only vertical vanes, reverse lights moved from the boot plinth to the larger rear light clusters, and a revised roofline with narrower door frames and increased glass area . I am at a party, and I pull out my gun and shoot at a guy, intending to kill him. But my Say that I head over to the police station one night, stand outside the door, and I just When you flush evidence down the toilet, can the cops still get to it? Check out with it some helpful guidelines ; Lock the door on your way out to another controller action that pulls the right next step to render. set of rendered files. but that actually should work with yield, flush: true right? Door Accessories - 2 /2" Square Flush Pull in Lifetime Polished Nickel - Emtek Ives Door Accessories - Solid Brass Recessed Pull in Satin Nickel - Schlage.
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Quick Details - Type: GPS receiver module - Use: Embedded GPS module for car vehicle recoder - Screen Size: NONE - Function: GPS RECEIVER MODULE - Place of Origin: Guangdong, China (Mainland) - Brand Name: SKYLAB - Model Number: SKM52 - Warranty: 2 Years - Name: Skylab GPS Module in Navigation and GPS - High sensitivity: -165dBm - embedded GPS antenna: 18.2*18.2 - Operating temperature range: -40 to 85℃ - Tiny form factor: 20x20x4.9mm - Battery: Internal back-up battery - Operating Temperature: -40~85 - Dissipation Power: 66mW - Application: Wireless Control - Supply Voltage: 3.3-5.5V Packaging & Delivery Skylab Antenna GPS Module for Vehicle Recorder Car GPS Receivers SKM52 1.Introduction: The SKM52: n Ultra high sensitivity: -165dBm n Extremely fast TTFF at low signal level n Built in high gain LNA n Low power consumption: Typical 20mA 3.3V n NMEA-0183 compliant protocol or custom protocol n Operating voltage: 3.0V to 4.2V n Operating temperature range: -40 to 85°C n Small form factor: 20x20x4.9mm n RoHS compliant (Lead-free) 3.Applications n LBS (Location Based Service) n PND (Portable Navigation Device) n Vehicle navigation system Timing application 4.Performance Specification 5.Picture reference: 6. Company profile:
• Les aides visuelles, qui comprennent les phares marquant les points caractéristiques importants; les bouées qui balisent les dangers pour la navigation de même que les points de jonction et qui indiquent les directions à suivre; les alignements lumineux qui indiquent les axes longitudinaux des chenaux; et les marques de jour qui permettent de s'orienter le jour dans les chenaux navigables. Translate this to English? • Visual aids include lightstations marking prominent land features; buoys marking hazards, junctions and fairways; ranges marking centrelines of channels; and, daybeacons marking channels for daytime use.
"As soon as I agreed to do the TIME cover, I immediately started to regret it. I didn’t think through how accessible I would feel,” Titus Kaphar confesses while seated on a stool, applying swift, careful strokes to the unfinished crowd in a basketball-related tableau titled Ascension IV on his studio wall. “I did not regret making the painting that is on the TIME cover or writing the poem that accompanies it,” he clarifies, eyes trained on the composition before him. “Those are real. I did regret how vulnerable I suddenly became, public in a way I’ve never been before.”...
Within the framework of the referred project, UNODC will start implementing a regional project, funded by Siemens Integrity Initiative, on strengthening the private sector capacity to prevent corruption and enhance integrity in the Arab Countries”. The project aims to reduce opportunities for corruption by strengthening countries’ anti-corruption frameworks, public-private sector dialogue, and private sector capacity to enhance integrity. The project will be implemented in line with the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) which represents the only legally binding universal anti-corruption instrument and covers many different forms of corruption, such as bribery, trading in influence, abuse of functions, and various acts of corruption in the private sector. The project activities will assist countries in the region to undertake legislative improvements with regards to combatting corruption in the private sector; improve communication between the public and private sectors by providing a common venue for further interaction, dialogue and knowledge sharing; and provide guidance to companies and SMEs to develop their anti-corruption ethics and compliance programmes. With the mandate to make the world safer from drugs and crime, UNODC is committed to support Member States in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Goals (SDGs) which draws together various elements into a comprehensive and forward- looking framework and explicitly recognizes the interrelationship between sustainable development on the one hand, and the fight against drugs and crime, including corruption and terrorism on the other. Promote and coordinate the development of UNODC activities and technical assistance in the field of preventing corruption in the private sector. The incumbent will fulfill the functions of National Project Officer, providing substantive support to the implementation of the project on “Action Against Corruption in the MENA Region”, and the regional project on “Strengthening the private sector capacity to prevent corruption and enhance integrity in the Arab Countries”. Note: this post is of a regional nature and requires frequent travel, including to conflict and post-conflict countries. Sound knowledge of project management, including financial management, strategic planning, monitoring and reporting. Good knowledge and understanding of theories, concepts and approaches relevant to preventing corruption. Excellent knowledge of the mandates, priorities and operational modalities of UNODC’s anti-corruption efforts. Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills, including ability to identify and contribute to the solution of problems/issues; sound judgment and political sensibility. Effective communication (spoken, written and presentational) skills. Ability to prepare, consolidate inputs and finalize programmatic reports, project documents and other relevant materials. Reliability and a high level of commitment to timely delivery of a heavy volume of high-quality outputs and to achieving organizational goals. Strong sense of responsibility and result orientation. Client orientation: Ability to identify clients’ needs and develop appropriate solutions; ability to establish and maintain productive partnership with clients. Advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) in law, criminal justice, human rights, political or social science, international development is required. Work experience with the United Nations or similar international organisations is desirable. • Excellent written and oral English and Arabic.
Ronald E. Burton has been with the firm since 1992 and became a partner in 2000. His practice emphasizes commercial leasing, acquisitions, and financings on behalf of such clients as Kaplan, Inc., L&M Development Partners, Inc. and Marmon Realty, LLC. Ron established and now manages the firm's telecommunications practice area. He is also responsible for overseeing the resolution of clients' landlord-tenant disputes. Ron is the immediate past President of the Westchester Jewish Council, the Jewish Community Relations Council of Westchester County. He also serves on the board of Solomon Schechter Westchester. Back in the day, Ron was the radio play-by-play announcer for the Columbia sports teams. He lives with his wife and three children in New Rochelle, New York.
Galluzzi KE. Providing Patient-Centered Care for Chronic Nonmalignant Pain. J Am Osteopath Assoc 2007;107(suppl_6):ES1–ES2. doi: . Inspire me with love for my art and for Thy creatures.... In the sufferer let me see only the human being. Much has changed since the time of Maimonides, yet human experience of pain spans history. Not so long ago, relief of such discomfort was all physicians could offer. Before antibiotics, advances in sanitation, hygiene, nutrition, and development of medical technology that we now take for granted, physicians had little in their armamentarium other than drugs to ease pain of conditions that have been essentially eliminated, such as smallpox and polio. This supplement to JAOA—The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association is available only online. It offers refreshed contents updating the 2005 print and electronic (http://www.jaoa.org/content/vol105/suppl_4/) versions. Like that issue, this edition approaches the complex subject of persistent pain from several perspectives and draws on the expertise of practicing osteopathic physicians from anesthesiology, family medicine, geriatrics, gynecology, internal medicine, and osteopathic manipulative medicine. Such diversity reflects the variety of our special patients, and caring for them warrants a multidisciplinary approach in our clinical practices. Based on clinical experience in interventional anesthesiology, Stephen S. Boyajian, DO, provides a detailed view of options available for chronic pain sufferers who fail to respond to standard osteopathic and allopathic medical therapy. Loretta L. Mueller, DO, FACOFP, a primary care physician, discusses chronic headache from prophylactic and abortive treatments to acute interventions. Melicien A. Tettambel, DO, FAAO, FACOOG, explores causative factors precipitating pelvic and low back pain in her female patients, and offers osteopathic therapeutic interventions. Melancie C. Barron, DO, and Bernard R. Rubin, DO, MPH, presents a detailed overview of chronic pain associated with osteoarthritis of the knee. Michael L. Kuchera, DO, FAAO, gives a comprehensive overview of pain mechanisms amenable to treatment with osteopathic manipulative modalities. In my article, I have attempted to clarify current thinking about mechanisms for neuropathic pain and the resultant rationale for specific treatment.
Ideal for bundling hard to pack items. Scotch Lightweight plastic stretch film is an easy-to-use disposable hand dispenser that you can wrap and protect furniture with, as well as many other items, keeping them clean and protected. It helps bundle items together and hold curtain rods, ski poles and any hard to pack goods. The wrap isn't 'pre-stretched' so it holds firmer and won't puncture easily, making it perfect for wrapping sofa and chair covers.
Butterfield Overland Mail Stage Through Southern Arizona! The stages had to go through Apache Pass because that’s were they could find the easiest way through the Dos Cabezas Mountains and a year ’round source of water at Apache Springs. Fort Bowie was built there to protect the stage drivers and passengers from Apache attacks.