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These are not unlike those found in the wing bones of modern birds that flap their wings to fly, Rosenbach said.", "rectangle": [ 444, 914, 1113, 990 ], "class_name": "Static", "type": [ "Click", "rightClick" ], "depth": "1-46" } ], [ { "name": "Advertisement", "rectangle": [ 1340, 938, 1641, 1040 ], "class_name": "Document", "type": [ "Click", "rightClick" ], "depth": "1-48" } ], [ { "name": "In contrast, spiral ridges within Arambourgiania’s wing bones resembled the interiors of vulture wing bones, which are thought to resist the forces associated with soaring.", "rectangle": [ 444, 1008, 1090, 1040 ], "class_name": "Static", "type": [ "Click", "rightClick" ], "depth": "1-47" } ] ] } ] }