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Those natural timekeepers have kept humans on schedule for millennia.", "rectangle": [ 614, 222, 1278, 324 ], "class_name": "Static", "type": [ "Click", "rightClick" ], "depth": "1-43" }, { "name": "stone formations,", "rectangle": [ 758, 222, 887, 246 ], "class_name": "Hyperlink", "type": [ "Click", "rightClick" ], "depth": "1-42" } ], [ { "name": "But perhaps since ", "rectangle": [ 614, 342, 757, 366 ], "class_name": "Static", "type": [ "Click", "rightClick" ], "depth": "1-44" }, { "name": ", clockmakers have grown ever more persnickety about precision.", "rectangle": [ 614, 342, 1204, 392 ], "class_name": "Static", "type": [ "Click", "rightClick" ], "depth": "1-48" }, { "name": "mechanical clocks", "rectangle": [ 756, 342, 895, 366 ], "class_name": "Hyperlink", "type": [ "Click", "rightClick" ], "depth": "1-45" }, { "name": " gained traction in the ", "rectangle": [ 894, 342, 1066, 366 ], "class_name": "Static", "type": [ "Click", "rightClick" ], "depth": "1-46" }, { "name": "early 14th century", "rectangle": [ 1065, 342, 1200, 366 ], "class_name": "Hyperlink", "type": [ "Click", "rightClick" ], "depth": "1-47" } ], [ { "name": "Exacting the measurement of seconds also grew more complicated in the early 1900s, thanks to Albert Einstein, the German-born physicist who rocked the scientific community with his theories of ", "rectangle": [ 614, 410, 1271, 486 ], "class_name": "Static", "type": [ "Click", "rightClick" ], "depth": "1-49" } ], [ { "name": "special and general relativity", "rectangle": [ 852, 462, 1064, 486 ], "class_name": "Hyperlink", "type": [ "Click", "rightClick" ], "depth": "1-50" }, { "name": ".", "rectangle": [ 1063, 462, 1068, 486 ], "class_name": "Static", "type": [ "Click", "rightClick" ], "depth": "1-51" } ], [ { "name": "Shown here is the old marble sundial at Palace Paco de Sao Miguel in Evora, Portugal. 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