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"type": [ "Click", "rightClick" ], "depth": "1-49" }, { "name": "Bilige Yang, a graduate researcher at Yale, holds a self-amputating robot.", "rectangle": [ 901, 337, 1103, 397 ], "class_name": "Static", "type": [ "Click", "rightClick" ], "depth": "1-50" } ], [ { "name": "Bilige Yang/Faboratory/Yale University", "rectangle": [ 901, 397, 1079, 437 ], "class_name": "Static", "type": [ "Click", "rightClick" ], "depth": "1-51" } ], [ { "name": "She added that she hopes to see the joint used with robots made with biodegradable materials, for minimum impact in the environment where an amputated part is left.", "rectangle": [ 444, 665, 1077, 715 ], "class_name": "Static", "type": [ "Click", "rightClick" ], "depth": "1-52" } ], [ { "name": "According to Yang, nature has developed its own solutions “And we can really take inspiration instead of starting from scratch.”", "rectangle": [ 444, 733, 1056, 783 ], "class_name": "Static", "type": [ "Click", "rightClick" ], "depth": "1-53" } ], [ { "name": "A soft robot that can leave a limb behind could be helpful in search and rescue missions in dangerous rubble, and planetary exploration on treacherous terrain, said Yang.", "rectangle": [ 444, 801, 1114, 851 ], "class_name": "Static", "type": [ "Click", "rightClick" ], "depth": "1-54" } ], [ { "name": "“What if a soft robot is just minding its own business walking in the wild, but then some part of it is trapped under a rock?” he questioned. “How does the rest of the robot continue on to finish its mission?”", "rectangle": [ 444, 869, 1090, 945 ], "class_name": "Static", "type": [ "Click", "rightClick" ], "depth": "1-55" } ], [ { "name": "Advertisement", "rectangle": [ 1340, 972, 1641, 1040 ], "class_name": "Document", "type": [ "Click", "rightClick" ], "depth": "1-56" } ] ] } ] }