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chosen by Max's parents was a CTF Shares account, which has a different fee model. Subsequently the £25 plus VAT charge was for administering the account, not the underlying investment.", "rectangle": [ 591, 235, 1313, 309 ], "class_name": "Static", "type": [ "Click", "rightClick" ], "depth": "1-59" } ], [ { "name": "The company told the BBC it had tried to contact Max's parents when it put in place \"the current charging structure\" but that its letters were returned unopened.", "rectangle": [ 591, 329, 1288, 377 ], "class_name": "Static", "type": [ "Click", "rightClick" ], "depth": "1-60" } ], [ { "name": "Max's parents, who live in Cambridge, said they had moved house and did not receive the letters despite setting up a forwarding system. They said they knew the details of Max's fund and knew when it was due to mature but had not expected to be contacted before then.", "rectangle": [ 591, 397, 1308, 497 ], "class_name": "Static", "type": [ "Click", "rightClick" ], "depth": "1-61" } ], [ { "name": "Columbia Threadneedle said its Child Trusts Funds \"require customers to actively make their own investment decisions and without authorisation and communication from customers, we are unable to take action on their behalf\".", "rectangle": [ 591, 517, 1301, 591 ], "class_name": "Static", "type": [ "Click", "rightClick" ], "depth": "1-62" } ], [ { "name": "Matt Prince Max Prince as a toddler on the beach with his parents looking on", "rectangle": [ 591, 609, 1314, 1016 ], "class_name": "Image", "type": [ "Click", "rightClick" ], "depth": "1-63" } ], [ { "name": "Matt Prince", "rectangle": [ 1242, 997, 1306, 1012 ], "class_name": "Static", "type": [ "Click", "rightClick" ], "depth": "1-64" } ], [ { "name": "Max Prince as a toddler shortly after his government-backed Child Trust Fund was opened for him by his parents", "rectangle": [ 591, 1023, 1246, 1038 ], "class_name": "Static", "type": [ "Click", "rightClick" ], "depth": "1-65" } ] ] } ] }