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innovation which is happening in that particular smart switch and the features and functionalities which are coming out.", "rectangle": [ 138, 743, 1349, 858 ], "class_name": "Static", "type": [ "Click", "rightClick" ], "depth": "1-39" } ], [ { "name": "[Webinar] Optimise your infrastructure with Microsoft Azure by Simplex Services 1,151 views 3 months ago 37 minutes Simplex Services 1.1K views•3 months ago", "rectangle": [ 1579, 764, 1782, 844 ], "class_name": "Hyperlink", "type": [ "Click", "rightClick" ], "depth": "1-99" }, { "name": "[Webinar] Optimise your infrastructure with Microsoft Azure by Simplex Services 1,151 views 3 months ago 37 minutes", "rectangle": [ 1579, 764, 1782, 804 ], "class_name": "Static", "type": [ "Click", "rightClick" ], "depth": "1-100" }, { "name": "[Webinar] Optimise your infrastructure with Microsoft Azure by Simplex Services 1,151 views 3 months ago 37 minutes", "rectangle": [ 1579, 764, 1782, 804 ], "class_name": "GroupBox", "type": [ "Click", 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DXC can now offer a secure network fabric solution for its customers, as well as using it within their own large data centers. Tulsiani estimates this could bring their total cost of ownerships by about $65 million once the implementation is complete.", "rectangle": [ 111, 1008, 1369, 1040 ], "class_name": "Static", "type": [ "Click", "rightClick" ], "depth": "1-67" } ] ] } ] }