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Ashton has been investing in tech for nearly two decades and has co-founded two VC firms, A-Grade Investments in 2010 and Sound Ventures in 2015 alongside Guy Oseary. Ashton\u2019s overarching investment philosophy is to invest in \u201cenduring happiness,\u201d a strategy which has proven to be highly successful. With more than $1 billion under management and 300 portfolio companies, Ashton and his partners have been at the helm of six top quartile venture funds. A-Grade and Sound Ventures\u2019 investments include: Affirm (NASDAQ: AFRM), Airbnb (NASDAQ: ABNB), Airtable, Anthropic, Brex, Duolingo (NASDAQ: DUOL), Gitlab (NASDAQ: GTLB), Hugging Face, OpenAI, SentinelOne (NYSE: S) and Uber (NYSE: UBER). He is an active and sought-after technology investor with proven expertise in product and user experience. Ashton was named one of TIME Magazine\u2019s 100 Most Influential People in the World and was on the cover of Forbes\u2019 Midas List issue for Tech\u2019s Top Investors. He was also included in Vanity Fair\u2019s \u201cNew Establishment List\u201d, which identifies the top 50 of an innovative new breed of buccaneering visionaries, engineering prodigies and entrepreneurs. Ashton studied biochemical engineering at the University of Iowa."], "rectangle": [418, 445, 1868, 666], "automation_id": ""}, "children": []}, {"properties": {"friendly_class_name": "Hyperlink", "texts": ["View bio of Ashton Kutcher"], "rectangle": [418, 691, 514, 744], "automation_id": ""}, "children": []}, {"properties": {"friendly_class_name": "Static", "texts": ["Ashton's Sessions"], "rectangle": [418, 783, 1869, 812], "automation_id": ""}, "children": []}, {"properties": {"friendly_class_name": "Static", "texts": ["Making Sound Investments with Ashton Kutcher"], "rectangle": [418, 868, 1128, 896], "automation_id": ""}, "children": []}, {"properties": {"friendly_class_name": "Static", "texts": ["Join Sound Ventures partners Ashton Kutcher, Effie Epstein and Guy Oseary on their firm\u2019s big bet on AI, the influence of celebrity status, and the trends they are tracking right now."], "rectangle": [418, 913, 1117, 955], "automation_id": ""}, "children": []}, {"properties": {"friendly_class_name": "Static", "texts": [""], "rectangle": [1159, 868, 1869, 885], "automation_id": ""}, "children": [{"properties": {"friendly_class_name": "Static", "texts": ["October 29"], "rectangle": [1179, 867, 1250, 884], "automation_id": ""}, "children": []}, {"properties": {"friendly_class_name": "Static", "texts": ["13:30PM \u2013 14:00PM GMT-08"], "rectangle": [1281, 867, 1457, 884], "automation_id": ""}, "children": []}]}]}]}]}]}]}, {"properties": {"friendly_class_name": "GroupBox", "texts": ["reCAPTCHA"], "rectangle": [1846, 962, 2102, 1022], "automation_id": ""}, "children": []}, {"properties": {"friendly_class_name": "GroupBox", "texts": [""], "rectangle": [4, 72, 1936, 1046], "automation_id": "hs-interactives-modal-overlay"}, "children": []}]}]}]}]}]}, {"properties": {"friendly_class_name": "Edit", "texts": [""], "rectangle": [0, 0, 0, 0], "automation_id": ""}, "children": []}]}]}]}, {"properties": {"friendly_class_name": "Pane", "texts": [""], "rectangle": [0, 0, 0, 0], "automation_id": ""}, "children": []}, {"properties": {"friendly_class_name": "Pane", "texts": [""], "rectangle": [0, 0, 0, 0], "automation_id": ""}, "children": []}]}]}, {"properties": {"friendly_class_name": "Pane", "texts": [""], "rectangle": [0, 0, 1920, 1040], "automation_id": ""}, "children": []}]}]}]}