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Charania serves as principal advisor to NASA\u2019s administrator on technology policy and programs. He also leads technology innovation at the agency and aligns NASA\u2019s agency-wide technology investments with mission needs across the six mission directorates. Charania oversees technology collaboration with other federal agencies and the private sector while coordinating with external stakeholders. Charania is an experienced leader in entrepreneurial space and aviation ventures, whose private sector work also includes projects under contract for NASA, the Air Force, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). His breadth of experience spans multiple areas, including launch vehicles, hypersonics, human/robotic exploration, lunar landers, planetary defense, small satellites, and aviation autonomy. Before joining NASA, he served as vice president of product strategy at Reliable Robotics."], "rectangle": [418, 445, 1858, 617], "automation_id": ""}, "children": []}, {"properties": {"friendly_class_name": "Hyperlink", "texts": ["View bio of A.C. Charania"], "rectangle": [418, 641, 514, 695], "automation_id": ""}, "children": []}, {"properties": {"friendly_class_name": "Static", "texts": ["A.C.'s Sessions"], "rectangle": [418, 734, 1869, 762], "automation_id": ""}, "children": []}, {"properties": {"friendly_class_name": "Static", "texts": ["Cislunar: The Next Frontier"], "rectangle": [418, 818, 1128, 847], "automation_id": ""}, "children": []}, {"properties": {"friendly_class_name": "Static", "texts": ["Cislunar space \u2013 the region from Earth out to the Moon \u2013 is quickly becoming the next frontier for commercial space activity and a gateway for future space exploration. 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Industry leaders will discuss the opportunities and challenges of building a thriving lunar ecosystem and how the commercial sector is positioning itself at the heart of this new era of exploration."], "rectangle": [418, 864, 1116, 1017], "automation_id": ""}, "children": []}, {"properties": {"friendly_class_name": "Static", "texts": [""], "rectangle": [1159, 818, 1869, 835], "automation_id": ""}, "children": [{"properties": {"friendly_class_name": "Static", "texts": ["October 28"], "rectangle": [1179, 817, 1250, 834], "automation_id": ""}, "children": []}, {"properties": {"friendly_class_name": "Static", "texts": ["11:00AM \u2013 11:20AM GMT-08"], "rectangle": [1281, 817, 1453, 834], "automation_id": ""}, "children": []}]}, {"properties": {"friendly_class_name": "Static", "texts": ["Presented by"], "rectangle": [1159, 867, 1243, 884], "automation_id": ""}, "children": []}]}]}]}]}]}, {"properties": {"friendly_class_name": "GroupBox", "texts": ["reCAPTCHA"], "rectangle": [1846, 962, 2102, 1022], "automation_id": ""}, "children": []}, {"properties": {"friendly_class_name": "GroupBox", "texts": [""], "rectangle": [4, 72, 1936, 1046], "automation_id": "hs-interactives-modal-overlay"}, "children": []}]}]}]}]}]}, {"properties": {"friendly_class_name": "Edit", "texts": [""], "rectangle": [0, 0, 0, 0], "automation_id": ""}, "children": []}]}]}]}, {"properties": {"friendly_class_name": "Pane", "texts": [""], "rectangle": [0, 0, 0, 0], "automation_id": ""}, "children": []}, {"properties": {"friendly_class_name": "Pane", "texts": [""], "rectangle": [0, 0, 0, 0], "automation_id": ""}, "children": []}]}]}, {"properties": {"friendly_class_name": "Pane", "texts": [""], "rectangle": [0, 0, 1920, 1040], "automation_id": ""}, "children": []}]}]}]}