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real limits on the industries in which it can apply to. A citizen journalist, for example, who has captured a video on their mobile device, could submit it to a news station, which would integrate with ForceField\u2019s API to determine the authenticity of the source data. Law enforcement, too, could use the technology to verify witness or victim submissions."], "rectangle": [450, 412, 1095, 621], "automation_id": ""}, "children": []}, {"properties": {"friendly_class_name": "Static", "texts": ["In terms of financing, the company has so far been funded via a mixture of bootstrapping (Spano sold a previous company) and capital provided by angels, including actor Debra Messing, as well as "], "rectangle": [450, 649, 1080, 725], "automation_id": ""}, "children": []}, {"properties": {"friendly_class_name": "Hyperlink", "texts": ["Wilfredo Fernandez"], "rectangle": [874, 702, 1042, 725], "automation_id": ""}, "children": []}, {"properties": {"friendly_class_name": "Static", "texts": [", X\u2019s head of government affairs and a scout at VC firm Lightspeed. 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