stringlengths 1
| non_english
stringlengths 1
Come on. | Kom |
Not embedded | Nie ingebed nie |
A file named %1 already exists. | 'n lêer genaamd% 1 alreeds bestaan. |
Press this button to toggle the incidence details display. | @ action: button |
Import Into: | Voer in na: |
Inversed Subtract | Abstrak |
Window One Desktop to the Right | Vesnter Een Werkskerm na Regs |
MIPS Assembler | MIPS AssemblerLanguage |
Save Training Lecture | Stooring oefening lêer |
Mexican Peso | Mexikaanse peso |
Same people who want us dead. | Dieselfde mense wat ons wil doodmaak. |
Jazz | JazzGenericName |
Toggle selective view on printer list | Toggle uitkiesing vertoon op drukker lys. |
ten _BAR_ 10 | tien _BAR_ 10 |
Split one cell into two or more cells | Skei een sel binnein twee of meer selle. |
_Keep Current Location | _Hou huidige ligging |
Open Lecture File | Maak oop 'n onlangse gebruik word lêer |
You did not tell me that Ludwig is married and has a child. | Jy het my nie vertel dat Ludwig getroud is, en 'n kind het nie |
Unable to Generate Sorting Number | Nie moontlik na Genereer Besig om te sorteer Nommer |
This problem was already reported in the bug report displayed in the web browser. Please check if you can add any further information that might be helpful for the developers. | Hierdie probleem was reeds gerapporteer in die foutverslag vertoon in die webblaaier. Gaan na of enige verdere informasie bygevoeg kan word wat tot hulp van die ontwikkelaars kan wees. |
Developer (AdBlock filter) | ontwikkelaar (AdBlock filter) |
Smartcard Authentication | Slimkaartverifiëring |
Terraform Green | Terravorming groen |
eight | agt |
Multiply [*] | Vermenigvuldig [*] |
Configure ... | @ action: inmenu Amor |
Unknown charset . Default charset is used instead . | Onbekende karakterstel ! Verstek karakterstel is gebruik word in plaas van . |
English (Great Britain) | Engels (Groot Brittanje) |
End of document reached . | Einde van dokument bereik . |
Reset | herverwerk |
minutes | minute |
There he is! | Daar is hy! |
I do! | Ek luister! |
You'll be able to read in two days. And look out the window. | Jy sal binne 2 dae kan lees en by die venster uitkyk |
Print | Druk |
At the macro-economic level, we will continue to maintain a fiscal posture that supports continued economic growth and development and reducing our external vulnerability. | Op makro-ekonomiese vlak sal ons voortgaan om 'n fiskale beleid vol te hou wat voortdurende ekonomiese groei en ontwikkeling ondersteun en ons eksterne kwesbaarheid verminder. |
DeskJet 560C | Deskjet 560c |
Reply to All | Antwoord aan almal |
Central European | Sentraal Europees |
White queen at %1$s takes the black pawn at %2$s | Wit dame op %1$s neem swart pion op %2$s |
Paused | Tydelik gestop |
Letterlike Symbols | Letteragtige SimboleQFont |
Kubrick | Kubrick |
Google (I'm Feeling Lucky) | Google (Vat 'n kaans) Query |
simulation of the ancient calculator (Motif version) | Nabootsing van die antieke rekenaar (Motif weergawe) |
His Majesty's rule is known throughout the land | en huldig tesame, die Koning van alle wyn! |
red joker | rooi nar |
(8) The recommendations contemplated in subsection (7) must be tabled in the | (8) Die aanbevelings in subartikel (7) beoog, moet deur die Minister in die Nasionale |
Do you think he still loves me? | Dink jy hy het my nog lief? |
Print this task | Druk die taaklys |
Paused | Tydelik gestop |
Sort Rows | Bladsy uitleg |
Stay with them. | Bly saam met hulle. |
_Categories | _Kategorieë |
You see, aging is cumbersome to others. | Verstaan jy? Oudword is moeilik vir baie mense, |
_Repeat the reminder | He_rhaal die alarm |
There was an error deleting “%s”. | Daar was 'n fout met die vertoon van die hulp |
Followup to Newsgroup ... | Opvolg na Nuusgroep ... |
_Copy | _Kopieer |
Black knight at %1$s takes the white rook at %2$s | Swart ruiter op %1$s neem wit toring op %2$s |
R4 | R4R5" is the abbreviation for "Register 5 |
Clock Format | Horlosieformaat |
Number of holes | Nommer van gate: |
Rebuild Local IMAP Cache | Vervris plaaslike IMAP Kas |
Right ring finger | Regterwysvinger |
Best _Fit | Beste _passing |
New only | Nuwe slegs |
Reference | herverwerk |
Could not find '%s' pixmap file | Kon nie '%s' pixmap lêer vind nie |
Do you really want to empty the current project? | Wil u definitief die huidige projek leegmaak? |
PGP Key: %s | PGP-sleutel: %s |
Repeat, civilian aircraft has exploded. | Ek herhaal, burgervliegtuig is ontplof. |
File '%s' is not a regular file or directory. | Lêer '%s' is nie 'n gewone lêer of gids nie. |
_Save game for later | _Stoor spel vir later |
Widget Configuration | Gui- element Opstelling |
"I've wanted to talk to you about Karin". | "Ek wou met jou praat oor Karin" |
Once a & week | As eers 'n week |
ace of clubs | klaweraas |
Corbin | AdaCity name (optional, probably does not need a translation) |
Display atomic mass in the PSE | Hoe is die periodieke tabel van elemente gerangskik ? |
Disable arbitrary disk access | Versper willekeurige skyf toegang |
Memo List Properties | Memolys-eienskappe |
Failed to open file '%s': %s | Kon nie lêer '%s' oopmaak nie: %s |
Rabi` al-Awal | Rabi` al- Awal |
Details: %s | Detail: %s |
Domain Component | Domeinkomponent |
Retrieving from %1 ... | Onttrek data vanaf % 1 ... |
Appointments and Meetings | Afsprake en vergaderings |
Madam Secretary? | Mev die sekretaris? |
Writing | Skryf tans |
Done! | Klaar!Could you not access "Digital Persona U.are.U 4000/4000B |
Sound Mixer | Klank Menger |
Save selected contacts as a vCard | Stoor die gekose kontakte as 'n VCard |
Systems checked out normally. | Alle stelsels het gewerk normaal. |
You just throw yourself under a train? | Jy spring voor 'n trein in? |
No such function "%1" | Geen kieslys item: '% 1'. |
Autosave interval : | Verwyder Opskrif |
It will be good for you. Really. Not so aggressive next time. | Dit sal jou goeddoen Jy sal nie meer so agressief wees nie |
Delete & Remove From Project | Verwyder van projek |
Subsets and Splits