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1 OIT Artificial Intelligence (AI) Explorers Program Evaluating Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) Systems: Best Practices, Challenges, and Evolving Approaches Authors: Artz, Matthew; Whittington, Michael; Rego, Sergio; Rutherford, Cody D. September 2024 Abstract This document is an overview of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), and approaches and processes to effectively evaluate RAG systems at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Large Language Models (LLMs), the mathematical engines behind prom inent state-of-the-art AI applications (e. g., Open AI's Chat GPT), are inherently limited by their static training data that does not include information created after the model has been created. RAG was created to quickly and affordably introduce new infor mation to LLMs in the form of contextualized information by identifying it within documentation or data stores and combining it as relevant details when a user submits a query to the LLM (i. e., as opposed to the expensive and technically challenging process of retraining models on new information). At CMS, RAG systems empower use of LLMs that incorporate and prioritize information specifically fed into the model, leading to solutions cate red to CMS use cases. RAG technologies are powerful, but they are no panacea. While the scientific community is actively tackling RAG's failure points, it still challenges when provided numerous sources of data or with certain data stores. RAG is relatively new and is rapidly evolving. Embedding trustworthiness into RAG-based systems requires a robust multi-threaded evaluation approach. This paper focuses on the “low hanging fruit” of challenges project teams may encounter when going through the evaluation process and highlights best practices teams can leverage to counter these challenges. Introduction Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) is a technique that enables LLMs to quickly leverage user provided information when generating responses without needing to retrain the model (an expensive, time consuming, and difficult process) (Vassilev, et al. 2024). The process consists of retrieving relevant context from the users' documents and passing it to an LLM as supporting information alongside the user prompt. By incorporating this additional information, RAG enables LLMs to provide more accurate and contex tually relevant answers, especially for problems relying on information that was not used in the LLM s training dataset (e. g., internal company documents and other sensitive information). As implied by the name, the primary compone nts in a RAG system are the Retrieval, Augmentation, and Generation. Together, these components quickly transform user input data into a usable format that the model prioritizes in response generation.
2 Figure 1. RAG allows LLMs t o access an index of information, that it can reference when prompted, without needing to be trained on the data. The first step of the RAG system is to organize the user's input data in a way that the model can make use of it. This involves breaking the input into smaller, man ageable parts (chunking), converting these parts into numerical representations that capture their meaning (embedding ), and organizing them for efficient searching (indexing in a vector database). Chunking allows the system to focus on specific, relevant sections of text, making information retrieval more precise. Once the text is chunked, each segment undergoes a transformation into a dense, numerical vector representation through an embedding process. These vectors encapsulate the semantic essence of the text, allowing for sophisticated similarity comparisons be yond simple keyword matching. For example, subtracting the vector representation for “sunny” from that of “day” yields “night”. The embedde d vectors are then systematically organized within an index to facilitate quick and acc urate search and retrieval. When a query or question is asked, the Retriever is responsible for searching through the augmented collection of information stored in the vector database (Yu, et al. 2024, Huang 2023). Instead of simply looking for exact keyword matches, the retriever uses the proximity of the vectors in the model's geometric embedding space to relate the meaning behind the query to fetch contextually relevant information. It uses advanced techniques l ike approximate nearest neighbors (ANN) to find the most relevant pieces of information that match the context of the user's query (Yu, et al. 2024) (Huang 2023). The Generator in a RAG system takes over after the Retriever has identified the relevant context for the user's query. The Generator's primary function is to use this retrieved information to produce a coherent and contextually appropriate response. The process consists of the LLM receiving the augmented context and combining it with the original user query. This dual input allows the model to synthesize a response that is not only grounded in the retrieved data but is also tailored to the specific nuances of the query. Types of RAG Different RAG methodologies have emerged to address the growing demands of accuracy, efficiency, and flexibility in the retrieval and generation processes. Understanding the distinctions between these approaches is crucial for selecting the most appropriat e RAG framework for a given task. This section explores the primary types of RAG frameworks, from the foundational Naïve RAG to the more sophisticated Modular RAG, highlighting their unique characteristics and advancements.
3 Naïve RAG is one of the earliest methods, which follows a traditional framework commonly known as “Retrieve-Read”. This framework, described in more detail in the prior section, encompasses three primary phases of indexing, retrieval, and generation (Gao, et al. 2024). Figure 2. Framework of the Naïve RAG method (Gao, et al. 2024). Advanced RAG improves on the Naïve RAG framework by focusing on optimizing the retrieval phase. This framework introduces a Pre-Retrieval Process and Post-Retrieval Process, each designed with different goals in mind (Gao, et al. 2024). The Pre-Retrieval Process is aimed at optimizing the index structure and the original user query to enhance content quality and clarity. The Post-Retrieval Process involves re-ranking retrieved information and compressing the context to ensure that only the most relevant content is integrated into the query, preventing information overload in LLMs. Figure 3. Framework of the Advanced RAG method (Gao, et al. 2024). Modular RAG advances beyond Naïve and Advanced RAG, offering an architecture that combines different modules to improve how information is retrieved and processed using LLMs. Instead of having a fixed structure, Modular RAG is built with interchangeable parts (module s)that can be added, removed, or rearranged to better suit different tasks or challenges. Because of its modular design, Modular RAG can adapt to a wide range of scenarios. It can be customized for specific tasks, making it more versatile than o lder RAG frameworks. Graph RAG is a technique that integrates knowledge graphs with RAG. It involves extracting structured information from the users' documents to create structured knowledge graphs, which represent entities and their relationships in an organized manner (Larson and Truitt 2024). When the response is generated, the LLM uses the knowledge graph to retrieve relevant information. This approach provides more accurate and contextually rich responses compared to traditional RAG methods.
4 Use Cases and Applications of RAG The table below highlights various use cases where RAG systems can be effectively applied, demonstrating their versatility in enhancing information retrieval, personalization, and content creation across different domains. Table 1. Example use cases of RAG and how they can be applied. Example Use Case s Description Customer Service Chatbots RAG systems can provide up-to-date and relevant information to customer queries by retrieving from a knowledge base built upon documents specifying the product or service that can be easily updated, enhancing the accuracy and helpfulness of responses. Research and Academic Tools Researchers within CMS can leverage RAG to access and summarize extensive healthcare research, regulatory documentation, and policy papers. By drawing on multiple sources, RAG can provide synthesized and contextually rich information to CMS personnel. Recommendation System By integrating both unstructured data (such as user reviews or product descriptions) with structured data (such as user behavior or purchase history), RAG-based recommendation systems generate more personalized and context aware suggestions. Content Generation RAG systems can enhance content creation by retrieving relevant information from various sources, such as policy documents, regulatory guidelines, and beneficiary resources, to generate high-quality, contextually rich text. Whether it's drafting briefs, creating beneficiary outreach materials, or developing internal CMS content, the system combines retrieved data with natural language generation to produce coherent outputs that are tailored to specific topics or audiences. Importance of Evaluating RAG By empowering LLMs to consider timely and use case specific data, RAG systems are poised to become more integral to CMS and other organizations. Evaluating these systems is crucial to responsible and effective use. The presence of sophisticated retrieval mechanisms and advanced language models can lead users to trust the outputs without sufficient scrutiny. RAG systems, despite their advancements, do not "fix" the inherent limitations of language models (e. g., hallucinations —making things up) or the potent ial biases present in the retrieved data. It is vital for users to critically evaluate the sources of information, and the outputs generated by these systems. Similar to our previous work on Human-Centered AI, where we emphasized the importance of prioritizing human values, needs, and experiences in the design and deployment of AI projects, it is equally crucial for RAG systems to be designed with human oversight and critical thinking in mind. After all, subje ct matter experts armed with AI will provide more trustworthy outcomes than AI alone. Addressing RAG challenges requires technical and cultural elements. While there has been a significant evolution in the development of comprehensive evaluation frameworks and metrics, the importance of critical thinking (i. e., by human intelligence) in the use and assessment of RAG systems cannot be overstated. Users must remain cautious and continuously assess the quality and reliability of the information produced.
5 Challenges and Considerations in Evaluating RAG Systems The field of RAG is relatively new and lacks widely accepted standardized evaluation methodologies. The continuous evolution and increased complexity of RAG and generative AI technologies further complicates the evaluation process (Noblis 2023). Below, we will discuss a variety of RAG evaluation methods, including a Score card Tool developed by our AI Explorers team. A multifaceted evaluation that combines both human judgement and automated assessment is essential to ensuring all components of a RAG system are delivering trustworthy, accurate, relevant, and contextually appropriate outputs. Rigorous experimentation inv olving multiple iterations helps understand the impact different configurations have on overall system performance. For example, the embedding model, a critical component of RAG, offers numerous parameters that can be adjusted. Experimenting with different embedding models and their parameters can provide insights into their suitability for specific use cases and compatibility with chosen LLMs. Evaluating RAG Automated Approach: LLM Evaluation of Another LLM One innovative method for evaluating RAG systems is to use a LLM to assess the RAG output —as is described in a subsequent section. This meta-evaluation approach leverages the advanced capabilities of LLMs to provide a quick assessment of generated content' s quality and relevance. Such evaluations typically involve metrics such as: Context Relevance: Evaluates the quality of retrieval by measuring how relevant the retrieved context is to the user's query. Groundedness: Evaluates how well based the LLMs response is compared to the retrieved context. Answer Relevance: Evaluates how relevant the LLMs response is to the initial user's query. Figure 4. The RAG Triad (The RAG Triad n. d. )
6 Automated Approach: Traditional NLP Metrics Traditional Natural Language Processing (NLP) metrics remain foundational in evaluating RAG systems. These include BLEU, ROUGE, and METEOR, each offering unique insights into the quality of generated text. Human Evaluation Due to some of the challenges that automated LLM evaluations present, primarily because standard metrics often fail to accurately capture human preferences, human evaluation is still considered the gold standard (Zheng, et al. 2023). This process typically involves selecting specific evaluation factors, determining the methods for evaluating each factor and how to score them, and then manually assessing before rolling up the scores. For example, project teams working on a healthcare solution might have a human evaluator assess a RAG system's adherence to information security principles, rigorously evaluating whether the output discloses sensitive information or maintains its confidentiality. Conversely, if the project team is building a chatbot designed to strictly follow the content of an FAQ document, the evaluation process may be less intensive, focusing primarily on adherence to the provided information rather than broader concerns like confidential ity or bias. Human and Automated Hybrid Combining human and automated evaluations offers a comprehensive approach to assessing RAG systems. This hybrid model leverages the strengths of both methods: the scalability and objectivity of automated metrics and the depth and contextual understanding o f human judgments-especially in the case of subject matter and domain expertise. Such a dual approach can mitigate the limitations inherent in relying solely on either method. Best Practices When Evaluating RAG Systems Evaluating RAG systems requires an approach that encompasses a variety of best practices that ensure a thorough and meaningful assessment. Tailored to both technical and ethical considerations. Figure 5. Best practices to consider when evaluating RAG models.
7 Establish clear evaluation goals: Setting explicit evaluation objectives is crucial for determining the effectiveness of a RAG model. Clear objectives help align the evaluation process with the intended use case, ensuring that the assessment focuses on the most relevant aspects of the model's performance. For example, if the objective is to assess response speed, the focus would be on latency. If the goal is to assess user trust, the focus would be on correctness of the information retrieved and generated. Choose a balanced set of metrics: Utilizing a balanced set of metrics can provide a holistic understanding of the model's performance. For example, "The RAG Triad" framework (The RAG Triad n. d. ), illustrated in Figure 2, which includes Context Relevance, Groundedness, and Answer Relevance, provides a well-rounded assessment of how well the model retrieves, generates, and supports responses with context. Additionally, metrics like faithfulness (factual consistency), context precision (how well a RAG system ranks relevant information), and answer semantic similarity (alignment between the generated answer and the ground truth) offer detailed insights into specific aspects of t he system, such as the accuracy and relevance of the retrieved and generated information. By carefully selecting a balanced set of metrics from established frameworks and scaling the importance of these metrics based on Subject Matter Experts' (SME) input in specific scenarios, evaluators can ensure that they capture a wide range of performance factors without overwhelming the analysis with redundant or less informative metrics. Incorporate human evaluation: Using LLMs as an automated form of evaluating a RAG system is helpful for larger scale projects, however as a sole evaluator it can present challenges. LLMs often struggle with capturing the subtle nuances of human language, subjective context, cultural differences, and real-world relevance. They may overlook issues like bias, ethics, or factual inaccuracies that require deeper content understanding. Human judgement is essential for addressing these gaps. Evaluate at the individual RAG component level: Analyzing the performance of each RAG component —retriever, augmentation, and generator —separately helps identify specific areas for improvement. Incorporating the metrics discussed in this paper, which are tailored to specific components, along with other well-researched evaluation metrics, allows for targeted enhancements. Consider CMS' Responsible AI Principles: Adhering to CMS' Responsible AI (RAI) Principles ensures that the RAG model is developed and operates in alignment with CMS' effort to navigate the risks and benefits of AI. The six principal domains of RAI include: fairness and impartiality, transparency and explainability, accountability and compliance, safety and security, privacy, and reliability and robustness. For more information on these principles visit the CMS AI Playbook. Ensure continuous evaluation of model: Continuous evaluation is vital for maintaining the model's performance over time. Regular assessments help identify and address emerging issues promptly, ensuring that the model adapts to new data and changing conditions effectively. Research new and improved approaches and metrics: Staying knowledgeable of advancements in RAG evaluation techniques and metrics can significantly enhance the assessment process. Incorporating innovative approaches ensures that the evaluation remains robust and up to date, reflecting the latest best pract ices in the field.
8 Communities of Practice: Engaging with the AI community at CMS, such as the #ai_community Slack channel, can provide valuable opportunities for sharing insights and emerging trends in RAG evaluation. By sharing these insights, it allows AI practitioners to collaborate on challenge s, exchange innovative approaches, and refine their evaluation methods based on real-world experiences. Scorecard Tool The goal of the RAG System Scorecard is to ensure that the RAG system perform s effectively and operates within ethical boundaries required for trustworthy AI. The scorecard provides a structured approach to evaluate the performance and compliance of RAG systems. It helps teams systematically determine whether they have incorporated crucial measurements into their evaluation. It empowers teams to gain a comprehensive understanding of how well they are measuring the different RAG system components, adhering t o responsible AI principles, and leveraging and/or sharing with the CMS AI community. The tool requires scores to be assigned to each of several categories on a five-point scale. Each category is currently weighted evenly, but feel free to adjust the weights based on your organization or use case. Comments support the scores by capturing observations or insights that might inform future improvements. Scoring Guide 1: Inadequate evaluation : significant gaps in assessing effectiveness or impact. 2: Weak evaluation : several deficiencies in how aspect is measured or understood. 3: Basic evaluation : meets minimum requirements but lacking in depth. 4: Strong evaluation : effectively examines this aspect with minor gaps or limitations in detail. 5: Very Strong evaluation : thorough analysis with insightful assessments and best practices.
9 Scoring Tool Use Case Name Team Data Sources RAG Architecture Category Description Measure Weight (% of 100) Score (1-5) Comments Retrieval Evaluation Measures of how well the system retrieves contextually appropriate information that is aligned with the user's question. 16. 67 Generation Evaluation Measures whether the generated answers directly respond to the user's question, is understandable, and is accurate. 16. 67 Augmentation Evaluation Measures that evaluate the system's ability to augment retrieved information with generated content, so that responses are high quality, relevant, and grounded. 16. 67 Human Evaluation Incorporates qualitative human judgments on system performance, focusing on nuanced, subjective assessments of accuracy, relevance, and overall quality. 16. 67 Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing Measures how well the system and evaluation practices are supported by community involvement, such as participation in AI communities, and sharing best practices. 16. 67 CMS RAI Principles Adherence Evaluates system compliance with the CMS RAI Principles: Fairness and Impartiality 2. 78 Transparency and Explainability 2. 78 Accountability and Compliance 2. 78 Safety and Security 2. 78 Privacy 2. 78 Reliability and Robustness 2. 78 Total Average Score:
10 Case Study The AI Explorers team developed a chatbot that allows users to ask questions and receive answers from information in the “Medicare and You 2024” Handbook. The chatbot leverages an open-source LLM, Mistral 7B, with RAG to generate responses from the handbook information. To thoroughly assess this solution, the team used human and AI-based evaluations. The human evaluations assessed model outputs fo r bias, ethics, and truthfulness —qualities that require judgement. The AI-based approach leveraged the tool Tru Lens to assess the context relevance, groundedness, and answer relevance. This tool used a different LLM to assess these qualities (having a model be assessed by a model is necessary to assess performance at scale). Figure 6. Example of how real-time metrics are provided to the user within the page that contains the chatbot interface.
11 Case Study-RAG System Scorecard Use Case Name Using Gen. AI to Create a 'Medicare and You 2024' handbook chatbot Team AI Explorers Data Sources 'Medicare and You 2024' handbook RAG Architecture LLM-Mistral-7B, RAG Framework-Llama Index, Eval Model-Tru Lens Category Description Measure Weight (% of 100) Score (1-5) Comments Retrieval Evaluation Measures of how well the system retrieves contextually appropriate information that is aligned with the user's question. 16. 67 5 Team incorporated an automated method for measuring Context Relevance. Generation Evaluation Measures whether the generated answers directly respond to the user's question, is understandable, and is accurate. 16. 67 5 Team incorporated an automated method for measuring Answer Relevance. Augmentation Evaluation Measures that evaluate the system's ability to augment retrieved information with generated content, so that responses are high quality, relevant, and grounded. 16. 67 5 Team incorporated an automated method for measuring Groundedness. Human Evaluation Incorporates qualitative human judgments on system performance, focusing on nuanced, subjective assessments of accuracy, relevance, and overall quality. 16. 67 5 Incorporated a SME human evaluator that measured for truthfulness, ethics and morality, sources provided, and information security Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing Measures how well the system and evaluation practices are supported by community involvement, such as participation in AI communities, and sharing best practices. 16. 67 5 Team has actively shared this use case with different CMS components and AI Community. Worked with OSPO to make this open-source. CMS RAI Principles Adherence Evaluates system compliance with the CMS RAI Principles: The team leveraged a human evaluator, with a thorough understanding of CMS' RAI principles, to evaluate for the systems compliance. Fairness and Impartiality 2. 78 5 Transparency and Explainability 2. 78 4 Accountability and Compliance 2. 78 4 Safety and Security 2. 78 5 Privacy 2. 78 4 Reliability and Robustness 2. 78 4 Total Average Score: 4. 88
12 Conclusion RAG systems offer significant potential by combining the power of LLMs with timely, relevant data, addressing some limitations of static models. However, despite these advancements, RAG systems face challenges including hallucinations and biases inherent t o LLMs. Evaluating these systems helps foster responsible use and thus promote system trustworthiness, particularly in CMS tools and technologies used by the public. A robust evaluation framework incorporating both automated metrics and human judgment is essential for assessing RAG performance. By following best practices outlined in this paper, such as using a balanced set of metrics and aligning with CMS's Responsibl e AI principles, project teams can improve system reliability and trustworthiness. Version Information Version Change Date Editor Control Details 1. 0 2024-9-9 M. Whittington Initial Publication via AI Explorers References Gao, Yunfan, Yun Xiong, Xinyu Gao, Kangxiang Jia, Jinliu Pan, Yuxi Bi, Yi Dai, Jiawei Sun, Meng Wang, and Haofen Wang. 2024. "Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Large Language Models: A Survey. " March 27. https://arxiv. org/pdf/2312. 10997. Huang, Ken. 2023. "Mitigating Security Risks in Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) LLM Applications. " November 22. https://cloudsecurityalliance. org/blog/2023/11/22/mitigating-security-risks-in-retrieval-augmented-generation-rag-llm-applications. Larson, Jonathan, and Steven Truitt. 2024. Graph RAG: Unlocking LLM discovery on narrative private data. February 13. https://www. microsoft. com/en-us/research/blog/graphrag-unlocking-llm-discovery-on-narrative-private-data/. Noblis. 2023. "Artificial Intelligence (AI) Field Guide for Public Sector Enterprises. " Noblis. https://noblis. org/aiguide/. n. d. The RAG Triad. https://www. trulens. org/trulens_eval/getting_started/core_concepts/rag_triad/. Vassilev, Apostol, Alina Oprea, Alie Fordyce, and Hyrum Anderson. 2024. "Adversarial Machine Learning: A Taxonomy and Terminology of Attacks and Mitigations. " NIST Trustworthy and Responsible AI. January. https://nvlpubs. nist. gov/nistpubs/ai/NIST. AI. 100-2e2023. pdf. Yu, Hao, Aoran Gan, Kai Zhang, Shiwei Tong, Qi Liu, and Zhaofeng Liu. 2024. "Evaluation of Retrieval-Augmented Generation: A Survey. " July 3. https://arxiv. org/pdf/2405. 07437. Zheng, Lianmin, Wei-Lin Chiang, Ying Sheng, Siyuan Zhuang, Zhanghao Wu, Yonghao Zhuang, Zi Lin, et al. 2023. "Judging LLM-as-a-Judge with MT-Bench and Chatbot Arena. " December 24. https://proceedings. neurips. cc/paper_files/paper/2023/file/91f18a1287b398d37 8ef22505b f41832-Paper-Datasets_and_Benchmarks. pdf.