I find it interesting how seemingly no one mentions the other reason why there is a housing shortage. People only wanting to live in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane and government's refusing to invest money outside those areas into new infrastructure. I bet if the government bought in a policy that you pay more income tax if you live in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, and you pay a lower rate if you live outside those areas, people might choose to move away. All this talk of government paying to build houses is not a solution. That is not the role of government.
I came from Sydney to Melbourne and it was much more prominent in Melbourne. In Sydney no one cares, mostly people just recognise Melbourne as a cool place to be
The cheapest toilet paper is a bidet. Then you'll only use two squares to pat yourself dry and it won't matter where you buy your TP from.
Las Vegas is not a fair comparison, you as an American should know of the great journey west that your country had in its early days trying to reach the west coast by rail. You wouldn’t be living in half the inhospitable states you live in if it wasn’t for the infrastructure of the rail system, and once you’ve got that spread happening the movement supplies lends to pockets of towns in hospitable locations, places like Las Vegas. Secondly Las Vegas didn’t just appear it came from the distinct need for gambling and prostitution and filled its niche run by gangsters willing to reap its benefits, same as your unions of yesteryear. You got a strange government that doesn’t protect its citizens and the criminal underworld rose up and provided protection or availability until it became the snake that eats itself exploding with collateral deaths. Thirdly Las Vegas is built in a fairly flat spot and pretty tiny compared to our cities and in a thoroughfare, where as our uninhabited country is very hilly and very tropical and without thoroughfare, a real shit to develop.
More examples of Australian whistleblower protection laws f Just do fuck all to actually protect whistleblowers
Our council didn't send us a notice for a year and each of us thought the other had paid it. No late fees and no reminder (although they weren't sending anything. Once I got them to manually delete and re-enter us as the landowners we started getting the mail again ). But no fees.
Groping will live in the mind of the victim for the rest of their life, I understand you’re defending harsh punishments on deepfake abuse but that’s an awful take.
Noone should ever listen to that abusive gnome.
Yep I was going to recommend this when I saw the post at first but figured CBD criteria was probably strict. I was there on the weekend and had their white-choc macadamia cookie. OMG it was amazing
Victoria seriously needs a competent opposition. The flagrant fiscal mismanagement of state labor is ridiculous eg accepting comm games. Yet the majority of the public give them a pass
Victoria strongest gdp growth in the nation 2022 - 2023 - In the most recent cba report, SA and Vic have swapped places so now SA is 1st and Vic 2nd But hey, never miss a chance to bash the commie state
People still watch commercial TV? ABC or sbs. Yes sbs has adds but not like the other stations. Otherwise some sort of streaming service. OH and gosh is anyone else sick of hearing the news? It's damn depressing.
It looks like two rotten lemons in a small silk like material bag
Just drive out to Broken Hill and Silverton
So where all this is headed is that gas is OK but any other fossil fuel is not. Biggest bait and switch since Qantas selling seats on cancelled flights.
There is not a single developed economy on the planet that has ever acheived anything other than very temporary bounces in the fertility rate. You're selling a pipe dream. 50k immigration isn't based on anything other than being a number you've plucked out of the air and feel would be attractive. To put it into perspective, there are currently 57.500 'spouse' visas available each year. Your immigration policy is going to stop Australians marrying the people they choose, all without even remotely coming close to addressing skills issues. You've also just crashed the entire higher education system. You have an interesting idea of 'utopia'.
ive saved a lot of money by not shopping at colesworth and instead eating the rich.
Fantastic Furniture and IKEA
I think, even as an Australian, working the drive through would be traumatic. Ask to work in the kitchen. Explain to the manager that you need time to adjust to understanding the Australian accent.
I thought they dumped stuff there in protest of terrible traffic. You'd have to be stationary to be able to throw stuff there.
Because I drive home on country roads, getting tailgated by some idiot in a vehicle 3x heavier than mine is putting everyone’s life at risk unnecessarily, I think I’m entitled to dislike them..
You missed the bit from the determination - not reported (are you surprised?) - that RCWV also accepted he DID NOT satisfy the FIRST LEG of the tripartite test?
get a free credit report done and check you arent a target of identity theft, my father had 40k worth of debt racket under his name from it that he had to spend weeks fighting. its best to do it with all three of the agencies as they dont have consistent information: * [Experian]( * [illion]( * [Equifax]( if you do find ur identity has been stolen, suggest using idcare to getting free support: [
The funny thing is that if the Teals actually did form a party, they'd get a lot of centre right voters supporting them.
Catalogues are very effective at getting people to buy stuff they otherwise wouldn't. People are open to it because, "I only get it for the specials", but they are very effective at exposing people to products they werent even considered, and weaving those products into peoples long term buying habits. This is why Aldi repeat products on a regular cycle. Their catalogue may not sell this time around, but each time around it becomes more and more likely. Eventually they train people to keep an eye out for that special. And this is despite the fact they would never have considered that product 12 months ago. But people only get the catalogue for the specials .. . . .
shout out you yangs i love that place
Fresh chilli Laverton/Wyndham Vale
Peace Lily do latex 
Albanese is such a fucking disappointment. Can you please just limit migration, its not about divisiveness its about making sure the people already here can afford to have a roof over their heads and stop having to compete against a global pool of labour in a race to the bottom in terms of pay and conditions
You can make your own really easily. Just cut up strawberries, add some orange or apple juice (just enough to cover the strawberries) and brown sugar (about a dessert spoon per cup of strawberries) and simmer slowly. Should only take 6-7 minutes.
So I have an interest in politics, cool? You haven't said anything about the content of my writeup. It starts with interviewing a scammer who is avoiding returning home to face court on charges of fraud because of exchange rate scam.
Is there a competition you can enter that into?
But if the gas industry is 'made sustainable ' then civilized life' won't survive. Ask science. So you are a human survivor of a long line of humans so far, either we innovate and adapt or die out as another also ran. This year the average has broken 1.5 deg and accelerating. Forget about party politics and consider what can be done quickly - with or without the support of the freemarket practioners - because they have done us so well so far - the desperate circumstance of no new gas will stimulate the directed research that will develop substitute feed stocks and the chemistry to go with it. We are human and able to adapt if we follow the science , not the personal interests of todays gas investors.
That daily puzzle page got me through the long train ride home during my uni days.
My best mate tested positive Easter weekend. 6 months no licence. What info are you looking for exactly?
Anyone know if the bathrooms at the Sofitel are still accessible? Haven’t been in years but recall they limited access during the COVID years.
They’ed be using it in a rhetorical sense to describe the perception of the voter they’re concerned about. I think it’s a smart political move. Labor does itself the biggest disservice when it is perceived as being out of touch with its core demographic of voters (ie the voice referendum). In the age of a cost of living crisis, having a minister for the republic is done deaf not required.
They can withhold the value of whatever is specified in your contract/the relevant award. However, they can't withhold more. For example: if you have three weeks accrued annual and personal leave and they are allowed to claim two weeks in lieu of the two weeks you didn't give them, they have to pay you out the third week's value.
Yeah they’re just people like anyone else. It would be weird to assume someone’s a bad person because of their financial circumstances. People can be lovely and they can be huge pieces of shit.
God you sound like a pain
If there were to be another round of baby bonuses, it would be spent on large TV'S and other goods just like last time. Apert from the fact it's a bad idea from an environmental perspective, it simply doesn't work.
I’m on two medications I can’t drive with one for mental health and one for chronic kidney stone pain. Both are highly addictive and closely watched medications. I’m also have been prescribed cannabis, which help mitigate the effects of my other issues so reduces my need for these meds. I could, if the law changed, be able to drive by choosing not to take the other meds, depending on my symptoms.
Of course, had we taken Finland's approach, it may have turned out like it did in Georgia USA where their new reactor cost US$35 billion to build (AU$52 billion), was 7 years late, and is going to cost consumers an extra US$170+ per year on their electricity bills (AU$250+).
>That's the standard setup when there's no dedicated left turn lane, and I've NEVER seen an intersection with a blinking orange light. They're quite common around my area
I’ve got more sympathy for animals that are helpless than people who have choices.
We did 3 bedrooms and a 3 walk in robes for $7k installed with old carpet thrown out, with the best underlay but probably not at as carpet as that, still...
Really surprised Coffs and Port Macquarie haven't taken off more. Good weather and between Brisbane and Sydney.
I mean if the reason is “give this place a wide berth” sure.
Wishful thinking from Adelaide. Melbourne is still growing and the majority of people leaving tend to go North. Dan’s long gone but his “why would you want to go there” comment lives rent free in OPs head.
Moved in earlier this year. Can't recommend it highly enough. They are always built near trains, trams and bike lanes and you get a free GoGet membership thrown in so if you need a car, you go get one and only pay for usage. Obviously some people need their car daily so obviously if that's a deal breaker then it's not for you (but as you say, looking to ditch your car so it's a good fit). Community is fantastic, everyone is conscientious, super supportive and really active in sharing things, giving away furniture etc. Build is high quality, excellent material choices, apartments are really quiet. Doors are heavy and use a gasket design to seal so the outside world disappears when they are shut. Very comfortable in here. Excellent amenities, green everything, good quality appliances. Every apartment has a planter with built in irrigation. There's storage cages on the roof, bike storage, lots of new washing machines, beautiful roof views and close to everything good. Obviously NG use a ballot system so you can't just roll up and put money down. I'll be here for a long time. If you were looking for a way to avoid the shitshow that is the real estate industry, this is a good way to go about it. NG are very open and communicative about the build process all the way through, nice people. You can do tours of the existing Nightingale buildings, so I would check out the site and message them about it.
I like what germany has They take it so serious Deutche telecom got fined,when they brought a defunct NON connected to the net server back online and got found to have just a few hundred customers details }They dont fuck around with privacy there It should be no more than,require ID to create a a unique hash ID for the customer,tie their account details to that ..then delete all original documents.. should be no personal details for anyone to peruse if ur 2FA matches the hash,it's you.
Plenty of businesses pay for their use of that space, and inconvenience far fewer people, and put fewer people in danger than the shitty scooter companies.
If you can’t get council pickup, you can arrange a charity pickup for the decent stuff.  For the rest, just run out at bin time and ask the guys to take some extra garbage bags, or place beside bin if you’re still there and willing to risk it not happening. They’re usually fine with it. 
australians dont really care about shit out in the desert.
It also makes sense they all flash at the same time from a practical sense, imagine how distracting it would be for pilots if they all flashed at random times?
Bruhhhh he's trying to grift This is the man who forced handshakes on firies hoping it would heal them
As I said if only we could reach the lofty ideals of people either address(ing) the post in question, or ignore(ing) it. I'd say ask questions also, but I'd be accused of sealioning or some stupid pop culture term similar.
As a niche-interest protest party, the Greens care little about the impact their hardline positions would have on ordinary Australians. The undergraduate and destructive stance taken by G[reens leader Adam Bandt]( on the October 7 terrorist attacks by[ Hamas against Israel]( is proof enough of the harm the far-left party poses to [Australia’s community cohesion]( The inflammatory detour into foreign policy is calculated to embarrass Anthony Albanese but, as outrageous as the anti-Israel stand is, it is only part of a bigger threat that the Greens represent to our national identity and good government. When allowed to get close to the levers of power – as they did in de facto coalition with the Gillard Labor government, and with a balance-of-power position in the federal Senate today – the [Greens are exposed]( for the wreckers they are. The Albanese government has yet to prove it has the substance to stand up to the Greens. Its record to date is one of being too eager to cut a deal or shy away from a fight. Good policy – most recently legislation to give certainty to the offshore gas industry and discourage unjustified lawfare attacks by protest groups – has been put on ice to appease the Greens. Changes to the nation’s environmental laws have been delayed because it is too difficult to find a sensible way to allow development and protect the natural world, something business supports. Labor already has said it will delay introducing legislation for its $13.7bn package of production credits for hydrogen producers and critical minerals processing announced in the federal budget to allow time to negotiate with the Greens. Whatever one may think about the Albanese government’s corporate subsidy agenda, the Greens will only make it worse. The Greens have pledged to use their balance-of-power position to frustrate the government’s wider agenda. This includes housing, where by focusing on renters the Greens have outflanked the federal government electorally in its inner-city seats. Voters must heed the lessons of the minor parties. For all the high ideals expressed before the last election, the teals have failed to make an impression. The Greens, once again, have shown by their actions they will only make our politics and economy poorer for their interventions.
Piercers aren't metalworkers, you're better off buying a new bar once it heals up. "Titanium is also a pain in the dick to try and bend" - my jeweller misso (who definitely wouldn't take this job)
I'd respond with, "As long as your house is next". The agent is flying red flags, you're better off with a different agent in a different property.
Combo units have two good points. They take up less room, and they are set and forget. You can chuck a load of washing into it in the morning, and when you get home from work, it will be clean and dry. ​ They take a LOT longer though, and there's no lint filter, so you either have to run the tub clean cycle or wipe the lint out somehow.
Tap water in Melbourne is some of the best in the world. You would struggle to pick between bottled water and tap water here. Perfectly safe to drink.
Shift worker here. I shower between waking up and going to work.
Don't open new gas wells, simple. There is plenty of gas in the market, if we need some gas for the energy transition it should reflect the cost of its pollution legacy, be expensive and if the investors can make money from it - in the market - then ok, otherwise competition policy rules ok! But what the LNP want is to lock in the gas subsidies and a period of gravy - a protected investment!
Do you think flying in on the same day is risky? Or the chances of a cancellation are pretty low?
How come this isn't happening in other states? Surely the same protection rackets are running all over the country?
What are people so desperate to say now that they won't be able to say if these laws pass? Can someone provide examples while such "free" speech remains (supposedly) legal?
Grand nephew loves it. But... We are a Wiggles house, primarily. The OG stuff, not the latest.
Higher taxes and licences for multiple home owners.Housing shouldnt be a buisness for people who are unqualified to be responsable landlords.
> Honestly they're not even trying to hide it anymore Who knows? These guys don't have real jobs for a reason...
The rich wear labels on the inside.
The helmets aren’t stopping ppl from cycling, it’s the car centric culture and terrible bike paths/lanes. I’ve seen a friend’s helmet after a bad fall, completely crushed. Maybe it can be up to the individual if they pay for their own insurance and health costs/disability in the event of an accident (like in Florida where they can motorbike without helmets).
To be blunt have you taken a shit? Are you constipated? Drinking Soy milk and eating no fibre or veg or protein is a sure way to wreck your gut. If you haven’t seen a gp why would you assume it’s for a specialist to look at. It’s approx $40 after medicare. Pay it, no brainer. *note* Not sure why people are suggesting for you to go to ER it’s not a solution to someone who doesn’t want to pay for a gp and who is saying they don’t eat for days and smoke (how can you afford to smoke then?)
For me it's the [National Rhododendron/Dandenong Garden]( Every season changes it up completely! Have been there with my partner so many times and it keeps on getting better
Stone the flamin crows You know I’m pissed if that comes out
‘86, cut. No idea why my parents made that decision for me and too embarrassed to ask. Wife likes it but I wish it was intact.
If you can, pay for a few lessons with a professional driving instructor and ask them where to book. Mine told me where to book and we did a few drives that follow the real test very closely. She had great advice sush as "Make sure you come to a full stop here cos it's an easy way to fail right at the start" or "They'll probably ask you to do X here so make sure you remember to do Y".
I swear 80% of the time I see one they're driving like maniacs. The quick acceleration makes them act foolish
Which closed economy of the last few decades do you think we should emulate?
Nourish'd. Youfoodz. Both offer meals that are fresh (not frozen). Reasonable prices and relatively easy to order.
I’ve been to Paris and (some decades ago), Shanghai. The main takeaway I have, and I’d assume the same for Berlin is that we’re talking densely populated cities which actually have cycling infrastructure physically seperate from vehicular lanes, and certainly in Paris, the streets are narrow so cars are not travelling at speed. It’s the direct opposite of here where cars travel at speed on the same roads as bikes. I’d love to cycle more places, but bike helmets aren’t putting me off, it’s the lack of a safe cycling route that won’t leave me on a bike at the mercy of a dickhead in an unnecessary 4WD and potentially dead or brain damaged. Fix the infrastructure and maybe then we look at helmets.
It's honestly not a good time to be entering the Casino industry. There has been a lot of redundancies lately with rumours of more to come. That's assuming they're even hiring much. Enterprise agreement with conditions/pay is here: [
This is a Seinfeld episode.
Mmm yeah...i just completely avoid trams. They are a nightmare
The fun police have been here We should smoke some crack cocaine and smash this shit into bits
> continuing the Allan Labor Government’s priority to make Victoria a safer place for women and children and work to end the tragedy of deaths of Victorian women at the hands of men. How can domestic violence be a valid priority when more women and children die on the roads, if indeed death is the primary determinant of the program? I'm assuming they mean women in Victoria rather than Victorian women (from the Victorian era) none of whom are still alive. It's deceitful to blather on about number of deaths of women in domestic violence as justification, when more women die in other arenas, in order to support a program that aims to reduce domestic violence of a wide range of forms including raised voices. Surely the focus should be on the worst triaged objective outcomes, not subjective hurt feelings; and on men who kill, not profiling all men for the actions of a minority. Didn't we ban gay conversion therapy only to now implement a generic Men's Behaviour conversion therapy? Behaviour is in response to causative factors, it doesn't magically spring into being through immaculate conception. Perhaps we should be looking at causative factors in priority outcomes.
I think once a sport goes behind the paywall of a random streaming service hardly anyone has, it quickly slips out of the public mind It's crazy how hard rugby in Australia fell over the last 20yrs
And get in trouble if they’re caught not doing it. OP just needs to say no and move on.
I saw an article about a lady who was thrown by a tram slamming brakes and it shattered her kneecap and did a whole load of other injuries. Article said the tram driver was actually mad at the inconvenience and told her to get off the tram coz she was ‘causing delays’. I’d say PTV has changed their health&safety policies that if they have to do an emergency brake manoeuvre they have to check on passengers
If we could have that again, but with fewer of my neighbours throwing let's-get-infected parties on their front lawns at 3am, that'd be great
Hard to go wrong with the 20 pack of Quilton for 10 dollarydoos from Coles. Always a consistent price. Might be $11 now though.
He’s the last gasp of what LNP used to be, nothing to be feared about. No one that’s left leaning (which is clearly the majority now) is going to vote for him unless it’s a protest vote.
I’d say so. I was at school in the 80s to early 90s in Melbourne and there was only one word, which was ‘wagging’, which we learned from older kids.
In Banyule around the hospital zone it means that anyone can park there during those hours, but if you have a permit for that zone, there is no time limit. If you don’t have a permit and stay longer than 1 hour (or 2 if you’ve a disabled permit), then you could (and probably will) be fined.
You got that arse about - human rights were overridden by general stupidity, masquerading as public safety. Still, human rights ought to take precedence.
Are there still people who think our country is not racist? I mean, yes, so are many other countries, but to suggest that Australia, on balance, is not racist is a pretty big oversight. Ooof: and after a brief peruse of the comments here, I see it's full of right wingers. I guess I should be surprised, but, alas.....
I'v spent the last 5 years thinking this was normal, don't we all spend most of our days trying to find reasons to not do it? I hate when people ask, "are you thinking of ending it?" because yeh I am nearly all the time I just don't have the stomach to do it so I'm left sitting here wondering what to do. Grinds my gears when people with NO injuries and an ability to work most job talk like this though I would give anything I have a healthy body and options for work. People that say this just because of stress I feel like need to do more researching on just how good this period of time is to be alive, it's certainly got me through some dark times.
why did you go to reddit for this?