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oewn-01912661-s,light,a light lilting voice like a silver bell,(of sound or color) free from anything that dulls or dims
oewn-00429823-v,maximize,He maximized his role,make the most of
oewn-00465195-s,coastwise,coastwise winds contributed to the storm,along or following a coast
oewn-00017858-v,turn in,I usually turn in at midnight,prepare for sleep
oewn-07154024-n,talk,his poetry contains much talk about love and anger,discussion; (`talk about' is a less formal alternative for `discussion of')
oewn-02538401-s,throwaway,throwaway children living on the streets,thrown away
oewn-00251832-r,enduringly,Roman culture was enduringly fertilized,in an enduring manner
oewn-92445789-n,travel literature,"The first wave of travel literature in the century following Columbus recounted heroic tales of crusades, conquests and pilgrimages.","a broad genre consisting of descriptive accounts, also known as travelogues or itineraries, telling about an individual or a group's encounter with a new place, peoples and cultures."
oewn-14461885-n,black eye,his behavior gave the whole family a black eye,a bad reputation
oewn-02558087-a,wet,wet sidewalks,covered or soaked with a liquid such as water
oewn-02869905-a,personal,personal magnetism,of or arising from personality
oewn-08642231-n,pitch,he was employed to see that his paper's news pitches were not trespassed upon by rival vendors,a vendor's position (especially on the sidewalk)
oewn-00041285-v,rouge,she rouged her cheeks,redden by applying rouge to
oewn-92462178-n,asigmatic aorist,"Over time, the asigmatic aorist became increasingly marked as an archaic language feature and was eventually replaced by the other two aorist formations.",an aorist that lacks the sigma or -s phoneme.
oewn-02288794-v,advance,Can you advance me some money?,pay in advance
oewn-02470192-s,actual,her actual motive,being or reflecting the essential or genuine character of something
oewn-01356830-s,projected,massive projected buttresses,extending out above or beyond a surface or boundary
oewn-05397576-n,papillary muscle,the papillary muscles contract during systole to prevent regurgitation of blood into the atria,any of several muscles associated with the atrioventricular valves
oewn-00285266-s,subdued,subdued lighting,not brilliant or glaring
oewn-02269898-v,overbalance,It is not desirable to overbalance the budget,cause to be off balance
oewn-02854103-a,linguistic,linguistic theory,of or relating to the scientific study of language
oewn-04630470-n,nature,it is his nature to help others,the complex of emotional and intellectual attributes that determine a person's characteristic actions and reactions
oewn-02727313-v,provide,This procedure provides for lots of leeway,make a possibility or provide opportunity for; permit to be attainable or cause to remain
oewn-00115118-n,elbowing,elbowing is a foul in basketball,jostling with the elbows
oewn-01439307-s,abbreviated,an abbreviated swimsuit,(of clothing) very short
oewn-00200706-s,directional,the directional role of science on industrial progress,showing the way by conducting or leading; imposing direction on
oewn-00220541-v,engage,make sure the gear is engaged,get caught
oewn-07245162-n,naming,the part he failed was the naming of state capitals,the verbal act of naming
oewn-01022712-n,playback,he was allowed to hear the playback of his testimony,the act of reproducing recorded sound
oewn-00512962-s,workmanlike,the book is a workmanlike job with chronology and bibliography and index,worthy of a good workman
oewn-01935537-v,cruise,She cruised the neighborhood in her new convertible,drive around aimlessly but ostentatiously and at leisure
oewn-02851951-a,spatial,spatial awareness,pertaining to or involving or having the nature of space
oewn-01662338-v,tie,The fishermen tied their flies,make by tying pieces together
oewn-00041802-r,off the beaten path,"in order to experience something different, you need to go off the beaten path",not along the usual route
oewn-01884969-s,comely,comely behavior,according with custom or propriety
oewn-03069354-a,cyclonic,cyclonic destruction,of or relating to or characteristic of a violent tropical storm
oewn-01051916-n,cover,her new name and passport are cover for her next assignment,a false identity and background (especially one created for an undercover agent)
oewn-00823788-s,Old,Old English is also called Anglo Saxon,of a very early stage in development
oewn-05089429-n,guard,keep your guard up,a posture of defence in boxing or fencing
oewn-01454277-a,saved,a saved soul,rescued; especially from the power and consequences of sin
oewn-02047456-a,frail,an invalid's frail body,physically weak
oewn-01404858-a,illegal,an illegal chess move,prohibited by law or by official or accepted rules
oewn-01560125-a,most,made the most money he could,the superlative of `much' that can be used with mass nouns and is usually preceded by `the'; a quantifier meaning the greatest in amount or extent or degree
oewn-01623870-s,transparent,a transparent lie,easily understood or seen through (because of a lack of subtlety)
oewn-01170802-v,eat,What did you eat for dinner last night?,take in solid food
oewn-07513853-n,weakness,he has a weakness for chocolate,a penchant for something even though it might not be good for you
oewn-13946812-n,health,in poor health,the general condition of body and mind
oewn-01638538-a,confirmed,confirmed reservations,having been established or made firm or received the rite of confirmation
oewn-00108713-v,pack,The nurse packed gauze in the wound,"treat the body or any part of it by wrapping it, as with blankets or sheets, and applying compresses to it, or stuffing it to provide cover, containment, or therapy, or to absorb blood"
oewn-02906296-a,pastoral,pastoral land,relating to shepherds or herdsmen or devoted to raising sheep or cattle
oewn-14710347-n,fire,barbecue over an open fire,fuel that is burning and is used as a means for cooking
oewn-02721030-a,deductive,deductive reasoning,relating to logical deduction
oewn-00684511-v,reappraise,Homes in our town are reappraised every five years and taxes are increased accordingly,appraise anew
oewn-00143485-n,comparison,they made a comparison of noise levels,the act of examining resemblances
oewn-05556154-n,shunt,an arteriovenus shunt,a passage by which a bodily fluid (especially blood) is diverted from one channel to another
oewn-01895886-s,chesty,chesty as a peacock,having or showing feelings of unwarranted importance out of overbearing pride
oewn-02075578-s,several,three several times,distinct and individual
oewn-00073433-r,almost,we're almost finished,(of actions or states) slightly short of or not quite accomplished; all but
oewn-00848000-s,plastic,plastic substances such as wax or clay,capable of being molded or modeled (especially of earth or clay or other soft material)
oewn-00200606-v,debug,debug this program,locate and correct errors in a computer program code
oewn-01573759-s,supranational,a supranational economy,transcending established national boundaries or spheres of interest
oewn-01315031-v,scoop,scoop the sugar out of the container,take out or up with or as if with a scoop
oewn-01879374-a,superficial,only superficial differences,concerned with or comprehending only what is apparent or obvious; not deep or penetrating emotionally or intellectually
oewn-02129688-v,nose,The dog nosed out the drugs,catch the scent of; get wind of
oewn-02045267-v,billow,smoke billowed up into the sky,rise up as if in waves
oewn-01238732-a,erect,"for a dog, an erect tail indicates aggression",upright in position or posture
oewn-02263424-v,substitute,The skim milk substitutes for cream--we are on a strict diet,be a substitute
oewn-08231965-n,platoon,the defensive platoon of the football team,a group of persons who are engaged in a common activity
oewn-02206915-v,fee,fee the steward,"give a tip or gratuity to in return for a service, beyond the compensation agreed on"
oewn-01604915-a,north,artists like north light,situated in or facing or moving toward or coming from the north
oewn-01414308-a,likely,these services are likely to be available to us all before long,has a good chance of being the case or of coming about
oewn-01053161-a,unfortunate,unfortunate investments,not favored by fortune; marked or accompanied by or resulting in ill fortune
oewn-04688415-n,blaze,they chipped off bark to mark the trail with blazes,a light-colored marking
oewn-07198809-n,quarrel,they had a quarrel,an angry dispute
oewn-00212949-r,sharply,the new style of Minoan pottery was sharply defined,in a well delineated manner
oewn-92430218-n,squeakiness,The former nasal squeakiness and strangulated vowels of the upper classes now only emerge when he gets excited.,the state of tending to produce a high-pitched sound or squeak.
oewn-01499136-v,dispose,the dots are unevenly disposed,place or put in a particular order
oewn-01289097-s,palatial,a palatial yacht,suitable for or like a palace
oewn-05112565-n,spaciousness,his new office lacked the spaciousness that he had become accustomed to,spatial largeness and extensiveness (especially inside a building)
oewn-00043179-r,unfortunately,unfortunately it rained all day,by bad luck
oewn-92411205-n,raspberry liqueur,Homemade raspberry liqueur is a good remedy for common cold.,"a liqueur infused with raspberries, rasberry juice, or raspberry flavoring."
oewn-00007012-v,blow,blow on the soup to cool it down,exhale hard
oewn-01060446-v,comment,he commented the paper of his colleague,make or write a comment on
oewn-01271304-s,witty,his sermons were unpredictably witty and satirical as well as eloquent,combining clever conception and facetious expression
oewn-02513350-s,senseless,senseless violence,serving no useful purpose; having no excuse for being
oewn-00259981-r,inwards,move the needle further inwards!,toward the center or interior
oewn-14060493-n,inflammation,he tried to calm those who were in a state of extreme inflammation,the state of being emotionally aroused and worked up
oewn-03348406-n,fire,they sat by the fire and talked,a fireplace in which a relatively small fire is burning
oewn-02106067-v,drag,drag this icon to the lower right hand corner of the screen,"use an input device to move objects on the screen, or to select items (such as commands from a menu); drag the slider to increase or decrease rate; drag the handles on the image to resize it"
oewn-13614268-n,sperm count,the sperm count is used as an indicator of male fertility,the number of sperm in an ejaculate
oewn-00966128-s,traitorous,a lying traitorous insurrectionist,"having the character of, or characteristic of, a traitor"
oewn-02936052-a,Shinto,Shinto temples,relating to or characteristic of Shintoism
oewn-00812701-v,evade,The con man always evades,use cunning or deceit to escape or avoid
oewn-00366155-r,impartially,he smiled at them both impartially,in an impartial manner
oewn-03102791-n,board,suddenly the board lit up like a Christmas tree,electrical device consisting of a flat insulated surface that contains switches and dials and meters for controlling other electrical devices
oewn-01232540-v,jab,he jabbed his finger into her ribs,poke or thrust abruptly
oewn-09844921-n,automaton,only an automaton wouldn't have noticed,someone who acts or responds in a mechanical or apathetic way
oewn-01853713-v,approach,approaching old age,come near in time
oewn-04694468-n,sultriness,the sultriness of her look was unmistakable,the quality of expressing or arousing sexual desire
oewn-00971905-v,spread,the rumor spread,become widely known and passed on
oewn-00809380-s,sparkly,a row of sparkly cheerleaders,marked by high spirits or excitement
oewn-00507330-r,homogeneously,the students at this college are homogeneously middle-class,all similarly
oewn-00476578-v,purge,purge your mind,rid of impurities
oewn-02743751-v,belong,Let's put health care where it belongs--under the control of the government,be in the right place or situation
oewn-07316161-n,collision,the collision of the two ships resulted in a serious oil spill,an accident resulting from violent impact of a moving object
oewn-00891621-v,vouch,I vouch for the quality of my products,give surety or assume responsibility
oewn-02008366-v,retrace,we retraced the route we took last summer,to go back over again
oewn-02876597-a,meteoric,meteoric impacts,pertaining to or consisting of meteors or meteoroids
oewn-92447434-n,Bergsonism,"Given that there was a Bergsonism of the political right and left, a Bergsonism of the aesthetic establishment and the avant-garde, and even a Bergsonism for French pioneers in advertising psychology and cellular theory, it is not so strange that there might be a Bergsonism for financiers, especially those of a utopian persuasion.","the philosophy of Bergson, emphasizing duration as the central fact of experience and asserting the existence of the élan vital as an original life force essentially governing all organic processes."
oewn-00860420-n,zizz,Arthur's taking a short zizz,a nap
oewn-00426521-s,blasphemous,foul-mouthed and blasphemous,characterized by profanity or cursing
oewn-00604030-v,apprentice,She apprenticed with the great master,be or work as an apprentice
oewn-02160589-s,single,single occupancy,characteristic of or meant for a single person or thing
oewn-92462177-n,sigmatic aorist,"The sigmatic aorist has disappeared in Baltic, so our information on this category is limited to the Slavic data.",an aorist formed by adding sigma or -s to the stem.
oewn-02118058-s,distinct,on two distinct occasions,constituting a separate entity or part
oewn-01282138-s,historic,the historic first voyage to outer space,important in history
oewn-06355341-n,head,the heading seemed to have little to do with the text,a line of text serving to indicate what the passage below it is about
oewn-00192349-r,finely,the surfaces were finely granular,in tiny pieces
oewn-01512398-a,mild,a mild fever,moderate in type or degree or effect or force; far from extreme
oewn-08390976-n,colony,the American colony in Paris,a body of people who settle far from home but maintain ties with their homeland; inhabitants remain nationals of their home state but are not literally under the home state's system of government
oewn-05065731-n,pace,he lived at a fast pace,the relative speed of progress or change
oewn-07097164-n,roundness,there is a musky roundness to his wordiness,the fullness of a tone of voice
oewn-00166484-r,in due course,we'll get to this question in due course,at the appropriate time
oewn-01145325-n,preparation,preparations for the ceremony had begun,the activity of putting or setting in order in advance of some act or purpose
oewn-00467557-r,starkly,the black walls rose starkly from the snow,in sharp outline or contrast
oewn-02337347-a,subordinate,a subordinate kingdom,subject or submissive to authority or the control of another
oewn-00058790-v,bear,She is bearing his child,be pregnant with
oewn-02571278-a,wide,wide roads,having great (or a certain) extent from one side to the other
oewn-00460731-v,delay,she delayed the work that she didn't want to perform,cause to be slowed down or delayed
oewn-00702806-v,determine,experience often determines ability,shape or influence; give direction to
oewn-05676759-n,protocol,safety protocols,code of correct conduct
oewn-01572768-a,international,an international agreement,concerning or belonging to all or at least two or more nations
oewn-02995166-n,cell,the cells of a honeycomb,any small compartment
oewn-01158153-v,play,She played all her money on the dark horse,stake on the outcome of an issue
oewn-02649043-a,archaeological,a dramatic archaeological discovery,related to or dealing with or devoted to archaeology
oewn-02112831-v,undergo,The chemical undergoes a sudden change,go through
oewn-13808960-n,identity,the identity under numerical multiplication is 1,an operator that leaves unchanged the element on which it operates
oewn-02615474-v,set in,Laziness set in,enter a particular state
oewn-00763096-a,conciliatory,a conciliatory visit,intended to placate
oewn-01812341-v,sicken,The pornographic pictures sickened us,cause aversion in; offend the moral sense of
oewn-02151851-s,pliant,pliant molten glass,capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out
oewn-00884975-n,education,he received no formal education,the activities of educating or instructing; activities that impart knowledge or skill
oewn-02524601-s,sinful,he said it was sinful to wear lipstick,characterized by iniquity; wicked because it is believed to be a sin
oewn-02874529-a,mystic,mystical religion,relating to or characteristic of mysticism
oewn-00381801-r,interchangeably,these terms can be used interchangeably,in an interchangeable manner
oewn-02840123-a,lapidary,lapidary art,of or relating to precious stones or the art of working with them
oewn-01147629-v,tree,the hunters treed the bear with dogs and killed it,chase an animal up a tree
oewn-15192396-n,night,he watched television every night,the time between sunset and midnight
oewn-00075475-s,unselfconscious,she grew up with him in unselfconscious friendship,not self-conscious
oewn-00395623-a,colored,amber-colored heads of grain,having color or a certain color; sometimes used in combination
oewn-00757914-s,assiduous,assiduous research,marked by care and persistent effort
oewn-06597728-n,trojan horse,when he downloaded the free game it turned out to be a trojan horse,a program that appears desirable but actually contains something harmful
oewn-01337350-a,intelligent,is there intelligent life in the universe?,having the capacity for thought and reason especially to a high degree
oewn-00736491-a,desirable,a desirable job,worth having or seeking or achieving
oewn-13921338-n,spheroid,it looked like a sphere but on closer examination I saw it was really a spheroid,a shape that is generated by rotating an ellipse around one of its axes
oewn-01892288-v,slip,The ship slipped away in the darkness,move stealthily
oewn-01097871-n,operation,they had to consolidate their operations,a business especially one run on a large scale
oewn-92445466-n,multilinear evolution,"In response, Steward's methodological approach to multilinear evolution called for a detailed comparison of a small number of cultures that were at the same level of sociocultural integration and in similar environments, yet vastly separated geographically.",neo-evolutionary theory conceptualizing cultural evolution as a process consisting of a number of forward paths of different styles and lengths.
oewn-00034685-s,sedentary,forced by illness to lead a sedentary life,requiring sitting or little activity
oewn-02809193-a,societal,societal forces,relating to human society and its members
oewn-02492689-s,torn,torn between love and hate,disrupted by the pull of contrary forces
oewn-00780790-v,break,break a circuit,interrupt the flow of current in
oewn-04413042-n,tv set,the British call a tv set a telly,an electronic device that receives television signals and displays them on a screen
oewn-00100425-s,living,carved into the living stone,(used of minerals or stone) in its natural state and place; not mined or quarried
oewn-00790040-s,referenced,a carefully referenced biography,supported with written references or citations
oewn-01587371-v,turn,turn the legs of the table,shape by rotating on a lathe or cutting device or a wheel
oewn-01903854-n,style,a cartilaginous style,a slender bristlelike or tubular process
oewn-00403922-s,brilliant,brilliant tapestries,having strong or striking color
oewn-01818468-s,rough,a rough draft,not perfected
oewn-01242183-v,bump,My car bumped into the tree,knock against with force or violence
oewn-01752186-s,palpable,a palpable tumor,(medicine) can be felt by palpation
oewn-07438160-n,development,recent developments in Iraq,a recent event that has some relevance for the present situation
oewn-01762706-s,working,a working draft,adopted as a temporary basis for further work
oewn-04869467-n,nerves,this kind of tension is not good for my nerves,control of your emotions
oewn-14846311-n,coolant,he added more coolant to the car's radiator,a fluid agent (gas or liquid) that produces cooling; especially one used to cool a system by transferring heat away from one part to another
oewn-02513350-s,otiose,otiose lines in a play,serving no useful purpose; having no excuse for being
oewn-00726986-s,suggestive,artifacts suggestive of an ancient society,tending to suggest or imply
oewn-00038116-n,action,there were stories of murders and other unnatural actions,something done (usually as opposed to something said)
oewn-02341968-s,thwarted,disappointed expectations and thwarted ambitions,disappointingly unsuccessful
oewn-03123845-a,Romany,Romany folk songs,of or relating to the Romani or their language or culture
oewn-00406038-s,faded,faded jeans,having lost freshness or brilliance of color
oewn-92434863-n,feverishness,That amid the turmoil of the time and the feverishness of our days it is always easy I do not pretend.,A state of wildly excited activity or emotion.
oewn-00965558-n,intifada,the first intifada ended when Israel granted limited autonomy to the Palestine National Authority in 1993,an uprising by Palestinian Arabs (in both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank) against Israel in the late 1980s and again in 2000
oewn-00715884-a,imperative,"as nuclear weapons proliferate, preventing war becomes imperative",requiring attention or action
oewn-11518861-n,reaction,every action has an equal and opposite reaction,(mechanics) the equal and opposite force that is produced when any force is applied to a body
oewn-02073716-s,diametric,diametrical (or opposite) points of view,characterized by opposite extremes; completely opposed
oewn-01128566-s,decent,a decent wage,meeting requirements
oewn-01106367-s,universal,the play opened to universal acclaim,applicable to or common to all members of a group or set
oewn-00029976-n,process,events now in process,a sustained phenomenon or one marked by gradual changes through a series of states
oewn-02581808-v,trick,We tricked the teacher into thinking that class would be cancelled next week,deceive somebody
oewn-01365877-v,repaint,He repainted the wall after the child smeared it with tomato sauce,to apply another layer of paint
oewn-10103295-n,fellow,he was elected a fellow of the American Physiological Association,a member of a learned society
oewn-00097333-n,salvation,the salvation of his party was the president's major concern,saving someone or something from harm or from an unpleasant situation
oewn-02023568-v,intrude on,The neighbors intrude on your privacy,"to intrude upon, infringe, encroach on, violate"
oewn-00098930-r,home,his comments hit home,to the fullest extent; to the heart
oewn-00993672-s,shriveled,the old woman's shriveled skin,lean and wrinkled by shrinkage as from age or illness
oewn-01558587-s,such,such grief,"of so extreme a degree or extent; demonstrative, other pronoun; demonstrative determiner, kind"
oewn-00424139-s,muddy,muddy boots,dirty and messy; covered with mud or muck
oewn-01561306-s,less,no less than 50 people attended,(nonstandard in some uses but often idiomatic with measure phrases) fewer
oewn-13867120-n,antecedent,phrenology was an antecedent of modern neuroscience,anything that precedes something similar in time
oewn-02594469-s,thumbed,well-thumbed pages of the dictionary,(of pages) worn or soiled by thumb and fingers by frequent handling or turning
oewn-00786127-s,faint,haven't the faintest idea,indistinctly understood or felt or perceived
oewn-01766383-a,admissible,admissible evidence,deserving to be admitted
oewn-00132764-s,back,back (or hind) legs,located at or near the back of an animal
oewn-00932684-s,dead,Latin is a dead language,not surviving in active use
oewn-09898025-n,builder,empire builder,a person who creates a business or who organizes and develops a country
oewn-02800851-n,base,the base of the lamp,a support or foundation
oewn-01931700-v,run,the heifers run with the bulls to produce offspring,keep company
oewn-00821577-s,young,young corn,(of crops) harvested at an early stage of development; before complete maturity
oewn-07319716-n,pity,it's a pity he couldn't do it,an unfortunate development
oewn-01577367-s,substitute,substitute coffee,artificial and inferior
oewn-01024736-s,worthy,a fact worthy of attention,having qualities or abilities that merit recognition in some way
oewn-01773481-s,personalized,unnecessarily personalized remarks,pointedly referring to or concerning a person's individual personality or intimate affairs especially offensively
oewn-02568127-a,wholesome,wholesome attitude,conducive to or characteristic of physical or moral well-being
oewn-02671359-v,resemble,She resembles her mother very much,appear like; be similar or bear a likeness to
oewn-00876925-v,propose,the senator proposed to abolish the sales tax,"make a proposal, declare a plan for something"
oewn-02233368-a,skilled,a skilled surgeon has many years of training and experience,having or showing or requiring special skill
oewn-01484820-a,unbranded,unbranded cattle,not marked with a brand
oewn-02103662-s,unlocked,an unlocked room,not firmly fastened or secured
oewn-04329525-n,stock,they will cut round stock to 1-inch diameter,lumber used in the construction of something
oewn-01728957-s,navigable,navigable waters,able to be sailed on or through safely
oewn-00383282-n,reunification,monetary unification precipitated the reunification of the German state in October 1990,the act of coming together again
oewn-02466219-s,disturbed,lapsed into disturbed sleep,afflicted with or marked by anxious uneasiness or trouble or grief
oewn-09828372-n,armorer,a sword made by a famous English armorer,a worker skilled in making armor or arms
oewn-01900825-a,provident,a provident father plans for his children's education,providing carefully for the future
oewn-02606252-v,follow,Let's follow our great helmsman!,accept and follow the leadership or command or guidance of
oewn-02175766-v,incline,He inclined his ear to the wise old man,bend or turn (one's ear) towards a speaker in order to listen well
oewn-01710108-a,covert,covert actions by the CIA,secret or hidden; not openly practiced or engaged in or shown or avowed
oewn-00093345-v,languish,The prisoner has been languishing for years in the dungeon,become feeble
oewn-00853305-v,raise,raise a mutiny,activate or stir up
oewn-00174035-s,attributive genitive,an example of the attributive genitive is `John's' in `John's mother',a word in the genitive case used as an attributive adjective
oewn-03073167-a,Djiboutian,Djiboutian landscape,of or relating to Djibouti or its people or culture
oewn-05036303-n,momentum,the momentum of the particles was deduced from meteoritic velocities,the product of a body's mass and its velocity
oewn-01128308-v,countermine,We countermined the banks of the river,destroy enemy mines with one's own mines
oewn-00751523-s,rocky,the rocky road to success,full of hardship or trials
oewn-02809715-n,bath,she soaked the etching in an acid bath,a vessel containing liquid in which something is immersed (as to process it or to maintain it at a constant temperature or to lubricate it)
oewn-00238581-a,unilateral,unilateral paralysis,involving only one part or side
oewn-02433993-s,disheveled,her clothing was disheveled,in disarray; extremely disorderly
oewn-01472854-v,receive,The community warmly received the refugees,express willingness to have in one's home or environs
oewn-02265357-s,clubbable,a clubbable man,inclined to club together
oewn-04237155-n,skin,the skin of an airplane,an outer surface (usually thin)
oewn-02255433-v,repair,One can never fully repair the suffering and losses of the Jews in the Third Reich,make amends for; pay compensation for
oewn-02456852-s,hardened,hardened fishermen,made tough by habitual exposure
oewn-08453769-n,vegetation,Pleistocene vegetation,all the plant life in a particular region or period
oewn-02727159-v,run,the story or argument runs as follows,have a particular form
oewn-01867145-a,public,the public good,not private; open to or concerning the people as a whole
oewn-15292202-n,deep,in the deep of winter,the central and most intense or profound part
oewn-01213186-v,stub out,stub out your cigarette now,extinguish by crushing
oewn-00832422-v,talk,She will talk at Rutgers next week,deliver a lecture or talk
oewn-01736131-s,immediate,the immediate revisions,of the present time and place
oewn-00237747-r,inefficiently,he dealt inefficiently with the crisis,in an inefficient manner
oewn-02727313-v,allow,The evidence allows only one conclusion,make a possibility or provide opportunity for; permit to be attainable or cause to remain
oewn-92462411-n,fly press,The wheel of a fly press can either be cranked by hand or driven by a motor using a friction coupling.,a type of screw press in which the screw shaft is driven by a flywheel or a pair of fly weights at the ends of a bar.
oewn-06375556-n,rewrite,the rewrite was much better,something that has been written again
oewn-00582390-s,gross,gross ineptitude,conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible
oewn-01814093-v,stagger,She was staggered with bills after she tried to rebuild her house following the earthquake,"astound or overwhelm, as with shock"
oewn-00894463-s,even,even amounts of butter and sugar,equal in degree or extent or amount; or equally matched or balanced
oewn-01853170-s,here,is everyone here?,being here now
oewn-00362450-v,bloat,The dead man's stomach was bloated,become bloated or swollen or puff up
oewn-01017440-s,sunset,a program with a sunset provision,providing for termination
oewn-03541528-n,level,park the car on the level,a flat surface at right angles to a plumb line
oewn-01854898-a,unostentatious,unostentatious elegance,not ostentatious
oewn-00820811-s,posthumous,a posthumous award,occurring or coming into existence after a person's death
oewn-13306996-n,way,they split the loot three ways,a portion of something divided into shares
oewn-03670692-n,light,he stopped the car and turned off the lights,any device serving as a source of illumination
oewn-02271738-a,hollow,a hollow tree,not solid; having a space or gap or cavity
oewn-00220032-s,bonny,my bonny lass,very pleasing to the eye
oewn-00284671-v,colorize,colorize black and white film,add color to
oewn-00762345-s,smooth,the manager pacified the customer with a smooth apology for the error,smoothly agreeable and courteous with a degree of sophistication
oewn-03584960-n,interlock,car theives know how to bypass the ignition interlock,a device that prevents an automotive engine from starting
oewn-02343397-s,unfulfilled,unfulfilled and uneasy men,of persons; marked by failure to realize full potentialities
oewn-00808721-v,visa,The list of speakers must be visaed,approve officially
oewn-00202768-r,spitefully,he answered his accusers spitefully,with spite; in a spiteful manner
oewn-00576797-v,evaporate,The water evaporated in front of our eyes,change into a vapor
oewn-00114003-r,otherwise,she thought otherwise,in another and different manner
oewn-13829390-n,future perfect,`I will have finished' is an example of the future perfect,a perfective tense used to describe action that will be completed in the future
oewn-02461453-v,guard,there would be men guarding the horses,to keep watch over
oewn-02496610-a,rising,a rising trend,advancing or becoming higher or greater in degree or value or status
oewn-01524775-s,blinking,what a bally (or blinking) nuisance,informal intensifiers
oewn-00372967-r,inconspicuously,he had entered the room inconspicuously,in a manner intended to avoid attracting attention
oewn-10070069-n,elevator man,in England they call an elevator man a liftman,a man employed to operate an elevator
oewn-01752333-s,perceivable,perceivable through the mist,capable of being perceived especially by sight or hearing
oewn-02370095-s,subject,the time is fixed by the director and players and therefore subject to much variation,possibly accepting or permitting
oewn-00130348-a,perinatal,perinatal mortality,occurring during the period around birth (5 months before and 1 month after)
oewn-01300082-s,illative,an illative conclusion,resembling or dependent on or arrived at by inference
oewn-01273285-a,hurried,the hurried life of a city,moving rapidly or performed quickly or in great haste
oewn-00262662-r,esthetically,this building is aesthetically very pleasing,in a tasteful way
oewn-02850390-a,professional,professional equipment for his new office,of or relating to a profession
oewn-92423095-n,importunateness,"This situation might explain why Lilburne, in spite of his harsh language and challenges to the court's authority, not to mention his importunateness, was not cited for contempt.","Quality of a person who is given to making importunate demands, being greedily or thoughtlessly demanding."
oewn-01663092-s,encircled,the encircled pioneers,confined on all sides
oewn-09385213-n,mouth,New York is at the mouth of the Hudson,the point where a stream issues into a larger body of water
oewn-00978685-v,push,The salesman is aggressively pushing the new computer model,make publicity for; try to sell (a product)
oewn-03010069-a,rotary,rotary dial,relating to or characterized by rotation
oewn-00517795-s,intact,fought to keep the union intact,constituting the undiminished entirety; lacking nothing essential especially not damaged
oewn-01301832-s,epicurean,epicurean pleasures,devoted to pleasure
oewn-02155824-v,visualize,The radiologist can visualize the cancerous liver,view the outline of by means of an X-ray
oewn-00820339-n,custody,the mother was awarded custody of the children,(with `in') guardianship over; in divorce cases it is the right to house and care for and discipline a child
oewn-05796034-n,retrospect,in retrospect,contemplation of things past
oewn-00918670-s,strict,a strict vegetarian,rigidly accurate; allowing no deviation from a standard
oewn-15292365-n,stopping point,the stopping point of each round was signaled by a bell,the temporal end; the concluding time
oewn-05807220-n,trial,a sample for ten days free trial,trying something to find out about it
oewn-00785775-s,vague,saw a vague outline of a building through the fog,lacking clarity or distinctness
oewn-00209244-v,decay,The unoccupied house started to decay,fall into decay or ruin
oewn-02618269-v,run,Musical talent runs in the family,occur persistently
oewn-00038078-v,comb,comb the wool,smoothen and neaten with or as with a comb
oewn-01594891-s,blue,the blue-blooded aristocracy,belonging to or characteristic of the nobility or aristocracy
oewn-00063395-r,accordingly,continued to have severe headaches and accordingly returned to the doctor,(sentence connectors) because of the reason given
oewn-02583630-s,woodsy,violets in woodsy shady spots,abounding in trees
oewn-02486112-s,amalgamated,the amalgamated colleges constituted a university,joined together into a whole
oewn-05925333-n,feeling,I had a feeling that she was lying,a vague idea in which some confidence is placed
oewn-02377696-v,go,go about the world in a certain manner,follow a procedure or take a course
oewn-01207229-a,high,high ceilings,(literal meaning) being at or having a relatively great or specific elevation or upward extension (sometimes used in combinations like `knee-high')
oewn-00023283-r,practically,practically everything in Hinduism is the manifestation of a god,(degree adverb used before a noun phrase) for all practical purposes but not completely
oewn-00168718-v,resurrect,He resurrected the tango in this remote part of Argentina,"restore from a depressed, inactive, or unused state"
oewn-00967719-v,report,I report to work every day at 9 o'clock,announce one's presence
oewn-07148021-n,tongue twister,`rubber baby buggy bumper' is a tongue twister,an expression that is difficult to articulate clearly
oewn-01930715-a,random,bombs fell at random,lacking any definite plan or order or purpose; governed by or depending on chance
oewn-00122826-v,suburbanize,the city suburbanized,take on suburban character
oewn-06265658-n,vehicle,the play was just a vehicle to display her talents,a medium for the expression or achievement of something
oewn-08206141-n,circus,he ran away from home to join the circus,a travelling company of entertainers; including trained animals
oewn-02097374-s,sneaking,a sneaking suspicion,not openly expressed
oewn-04461181-n,top,he removed the top of the carton,covering for a hole (especially a hole in the top of a container)
oewn-00179426-s,ominous,a dead and ominous silence prevailed,presaging ill fortune
oewn-00735762-a,descriptive,descriptive grammar,"of or relating to an approach to linguistic analysis that aims at the description of a language's forms, structures and usage"
oewn-01288228-s,gallant,a gallant pageant,having or displaying great dignity or nobility
oewn-00838954-n,yawn,the yawning in the audience told him it was time to stop,an involuntary intake of breath through a wide open mouth; usually triggered by fatigue or boredom
oewn-00491482-s,accustomed,his accustomed thoroughness,commonly used or practiced; usual
oewn-00336210-n,inclination,an inclination of his head indicated his agreement,the act of inclining; bending forward
oewn-03071371-a,departmental,departmental policy,of or relating to a department
oewn-05958470-n,eyes,in the eyes of the law,opinion or judgment
oewn-00584498-n,specialization,his specialization is gastroenterology,the special line of work you have adopted as your career
oewn-02748357-v,mean,My ex-husband means nothing to me,have a specified degree of importance
oewn-02685037-v,begin,A terrible murder begins the novel,"be the first item or point, constitute the beginning or start, come first in a series"
oewn-00467212-s,scattered,scattered thoughts,lacking orderly continuity
oewn-01616581-a,obedient,a little man obedient to his wife,dutifully complying with the commands or instructions of those in authority
oewn-04540494-n,vibrator,a reed is the vibrator that produces the sound,a mechanical device that vibrates
oewn-07511603-n,distress,the death of his wife caused him great distress,psychological suffering
oewn-00834520-s,ignorant,she is ignorant of quantum mechanics,uneducated in the fundamentals of a given art or branch of learning; lacking knowledge of a specific field
oewn-10344679-n,hero,RAF pilots were the heroes of the Battle of Britain,a person distinguished by exceptional courage and nobility and strength
oewn-02124214-a,germy,the water in New York harbor is oily and dirty and germy,full of germs or pathological microorganisms
oewn-02565433-s,milkless,milkless breasts,having no milk
oewn-01324555-v,grave,engrave a pen,"carve, cut, or etch into a material or surface"
oewn-01940178-s,actual,the actual things that produced the emotion you experienced,existing in act or fact
oewn-00673871-s,damnable,her damnable pride,deserving to be execrated
oewn-13756956-n,aliquant,5 is an aliquant part of 12,an integer that is not an exact divisor of some quantity
oewn-01805299-a,pleasant,a pleasant scene,affording pleasure; being in harmony with your taste or likings
oewn-02885586-a,choral,choral ensemble,related to or written for or performed by a chorus or choir
oewn-00116004-s,mad,she gets mad when you wake her up so early,roused to anger
oewn-08561850-n,corner,the corners of a rectangle,the point where two lines meet or intersect
oewn-00188931-s,unsleeping,the unsleeping city,fully awake
oewn-05861118-n,side,he is on the purchasing side of the business,an aspect of something (as contrasted with some other implied aspect)
oewn-00096726-s,deceased,he is deceased,dead
oewn-00257103-s,thrown,thrown silk is raw silk that has been twisted and doubled into yarn,twisted together; as of filaments spun into a thread
oewn-02483852-s,closed,a closed shop,requiring union membership
oewn-00540190-v,run,run through your presentation before the meeting,progress by being changed
oewn-00146749-r,enough,"Have I eaten enough?""; (`plenty' is nonstandard) ""I've had plenty, thanks",as much as necessary
oewn-00216642-v,souse,souse water on his hot face,cover with liquid; pour liquid onto
oewn-01886163-v,walk,We like to walk every Sunday,take a walk; go for a walk; walk for pleasure
oewn-01136015-s,diabolic,diabolical sorcerers under the influence of devils,extremely evil or cruel; expressive of cruelty or befitting hell
oewn-01379820-a,unknown,an unknown source,not known
oewn-04387051-n,table,I reserved a table at my favorite restaurant,a piece of furniture with tableware for a meal laid out on it
oewn-07233664-n,stuff,there's good stuff in that book,information in some unspecified form
oewn-02837108-a,volcanic,a volcanic cone is a conical mountain or hill built up of material from volcanic eruptions,relating to or produced by or consisting of volcanoes
oewn-00189129-r,lavishly,lavishly decorated,in a rich and lavish manner
oewn-03952601-n,pipeline,a pipeline runs from the wells to the seaport,a pipe used to transport liquids or gases
oewn-01895085-v,whip,The tall grass whipped in the wind,thrash about flexibly in the manner of a whiplash
oewn-08137599-n,corrections,for a career in corrections turn to the web site of the New Jersey Department of Corrections,the department of local government that is responsible for managing the treatment of convicted offenders
oewn-05021283-n,boil,they brought the water to a boil,the temperature at which a liquid boils at sea level
oewn-03138455-a,trophoblastic,trophoblastic cancer,of or relating to the trophoblast
oewn-01857451-a,unpretentious,her quiet unpretentious demeanor,lacking pretension or affectation
oewn-01698676-a,covered,women with covered faces,overlaid or spread or topped with or enclosed within something; sometimes used as a combining form
oewn-92448728-n,bolero hat,Your look like Zorro in this bolero hat.,"A spanish hat with wide, flat brim and flat top, usually made of black felt."
oewn-02973817-a,Romanian,Romanian folk music,of or relating to or characteristic of the country of Romania or its people or languages
oewn-02734299-a,ethical,ethical theories,of or relating to the philosophical study of ethics
oewn-00088404-r,permanently,he is permanently disabled,for a long time without essential change
oewn-02383482-a,sympathetic,a sympathetic observer,expressing or feeling or resulting from sympathy or compassion or friendly fellow feelings; disposed toward
oewn-01589983-v,enclose,Darkness enclosed him,surround completely
oewn-02538948-v,check,check into the rumor,make an examination or investigation
oewn-01279803-s,beta,"the candidate, considered a beta male, was perceived to be unable to lead his party to victory",second in order of importance
oewn-00010404-s,crapulous,a crapulous old reprobate,given to gross intemperance in eating or drinking
oewn-00036367-s,open,the stores are open,ready for business
oewn-06901224-n,array,it was a bewildering array of books,an impressive display
oewn-02801046-a,agricultural,agricultural engineering,relating to or used in or promoting agriculture or farming
oewn-10150206-n,girl,his girlfriend kicked him out,a girl or young woman with whom a man is romantically involved
oewn-01955211-s,finespun,the satire touches with finespun ridicule every kind of human pretense,developed with extreme delicacy and subtlety
oewn-02412229-s,tight,a tight rope,pulled or drawn tight
oewn-14790219-n,seal,a coat of seal,the pelt or fur (especially the underfur) of a seal
oewn-01397075-s,miniature,a miniature camera,being on a very small scale
oewn-00949535-n,abuse,alcohol abuse,improper or excessive use
oewn-04250855-n,slot,the PC had three slots for additional memory,(computer) a socket in a microcomputer that will accept a plug-in circuit board
oewn-01783117-s,carnal,carnal knowledge,marked by the appetites and passions of the body
oewn-00418551-a,unanalyzed,an unanalyzed compound,not analyzed or broken down for detailed examination
oewn-01114789-v,score,She scored high on the SAT,get a certain number or letter indicating quality or performance
oewn-01832293-s,mighty,the mighty logger Paul Bunyan,having or showing great strength or force or intensity
oewn-03506758-n,head,the head of the hammer,the striking part of a tool
oewn-01519166-v,ram,She rammed her mind into focus,"force into or from an action or state, either physically or metaphorically"
oewn-05167556-n,unsoundness,no one can be a poet without a certain unsoundness of mind,not mentally or physically healthy
oewn-00840623-s,dragging,it was a strange dragging approach,marked by a painfully slow and effortful manner
oewn-10646084-n,sort,what sort of person is he?,a person of a particular character or nature
oewn-01168307-a,healthful,healthful nutrition,conducive to good health of body or mind
oewn-01495274-s,autumnal,a serene autumnal mood,characteristic of late maturity verging on decline
oewn-00747047-a,sinistral,a sinistral flatfish lies with the left eye uppermost,of or on the left
oewn-09379977-n,Moho,the Mohorovicic discontinuity averages 5 miles down under oceans and 20 miles down under continents,the boundary between the Earth's crust and the underlying mantle
oewn-00230988-v,retouch,This photograph has been retouched!,alter so as to produce a more desirable appearance
oewn-00917218-v,vociferate,They vociferated their demands,utter in a very loud voice
oewn-06875252-n,space,the spaces are the notes F-A-C-E,one of the areas between or below or above the lines of a musical staff
oewn-02042636-v,list,The ship listed to starboard,tilt to one side
oewn-00025252-r,either,if you don't order dessert I won't either,after a negative statement used as an intensive meaning something like `likewise' or `also'
oewn-81484980-r,suddenly,he stopped suddenly,happening unexpectedly
oewn-00904886-v,bid,bid farewell,invoke upon
oewn-02383544-v,have,have a postdoc,have a personal or business relationship with someone
oewn-00309518-s,unattended,many casualties were lying unattended,lacking a caretaker
oewn-02327967-s,feminine,a feminine ending,(music or poetry) ending on an unaccented beat or syllable
oewn-02867743-a,pericardial,pericardial space,located around the heart or relating to or affecting the pericardium
oewn-07670276-n,slice,a slice of bread,a serving that has been cut from a larger portion
oewn-00561566-n,passing play,the coach sent in a passing play on third and long,(American football) a play that involves one player throwing the ball to a teammate
oewn-02771189-v,opalesce,Distant clouds opalesce like pale brocade,reflect light or colors like an opal
oewn-07960518-n,baffled,the children's faces clearly expressed the frustration of the baffled,people who are frustrated and perplexed
oewn-04278750-n,specific,quinine is a specific for malaria,a medicine that has a mitigating effect on a specific disease
oewn-13462560-n,bowel movement,he had a bowel movement,a euphemism for defecation
oewn-01225031-a,honest,honest reporting,not disposed to cheat or defraud; not deceptive or fraudulent
oewn-00456473-s,robed,crimson-robed Harvard professors,dressed or clothed especially in fine attire; often used in combination
oewn-92423994-n,matchlessness,"The negative opinions that the tenor received in the roles that turned him into a legend might come as a surprise, in view of all the claims of his matchlessness.","The state or condition of being matchless, of having no equal."
oewn-00055488-r,awful,I'm awful sorry,used as intensifiers
oewn-10454188-n,pioneer,they went west as pioneers with only the possessions they could carry with them,one of the first colonists or settlers in a new territory
oewn-01727865-s,dispassionate,a journalist should be a dispassionate reporter of fact,unaffected by strong emotion or prejudice
oewn-02786741-a,monetary,monetary rewards,relating to or involving money
oewn-00456164-r,sideways,leaning sideways,in a lateral direction
oewn-05841835-n,pill,his competitor's success was a bitter pill to take,something unpleasant or offensive that must be tolerated or endured
oewn-01695991-v,superscribe,superscribe one's name and address,write on the top or outside
oewn-02134540-s,drifting,a drifting double-dealer,continually changing especially as from one abode or occupation to another
oewn-06658594-n,retinal scanning,identification by retinal scanning is complicated by eye movements,biometric identification by scanning the retina of the eye
oewn-00464546-v,splat,The snowballs splatted on the trees,flatten on impact
oewn-01195306-v,go,The money had gone after a few days,to be spent or finished
oewn-00251950-v,evolve,Modern man evolved a long time ago,undergo development or evolution
oewn-01369193-s,sad,she doesn't like sad movies,of things that make you feel sad
oewn-02078543-s,opposite,they went in opposite directions,moving or facing away from each other
oewn-14018633-n,latitude,allowed his children considerable latitude in how they spent their money,freedom from normal restraints in conduct
oewn-01933202-s,reasonless,a reasonless brute,not endowed with the capacity to reason
oewn-01072013-s,good,the meat is still good,not left to spoil
oewn-02412046-v,push,We have to push a little to make the deadline!,strive and make an effort to reach a goal
oewn-01497734-a,seasonable,a hard but seasonable frost,in keeping with the season
oewn-07432005-n,emergency,he never knew what to do in an emergency,a sudden unforeseen crisis (usually involving danger) that requires immediate action
oewn-03095624-a,Mancunian,Mancunian merchants,of or relating to or characteristic of the English city of Manchester or its residents
oewn-00068783-v,stream,She was streaming with sweat,exude profusely
oewn-13307277-n,allowance,my weekly allowance of two eggs,an amount allowed or granted (as during a given period)
oewn-00865713-s,abstract,abstract science,dealing with a subject in the abstract without practical purpose or intention
oewn-13825370-n,active voice,`The boy threw the ball' uses the active voice,the voice used to indicate that the grammatical subject of the verb is performing the action or causing the happening denoted by the verb
oewn-01973223-v,go up,go up a ladder,travel up
oewn-00285042-r,chaotically,the room was chaotically disorganized,in a manner suggestive of chaos
oewn-01395201-s,petite,her petite figure,very small
oewn-00920458-n,plowing,he hired someone to do the plowing for him,tilling the land with a plow
oewn-02601909-a,unfaceted,an unfaceted gem,lacking facets
oewn-00858952-v,salute,I salute your courage!,express commendation of
oewn-01066320-s,available,he was not available for comment,not busy; not otherwise committed
oewn-00308302-r,offensively,he said so in one of his more offensively intellectually arrogant sentences,in an obnoxious manner
oewn-01265128-v,trim,trim lumber,remove the edges from and cut down to the desired size
oewn-01621562-s,tributary,a tributary colony,paying tribute
oewn-03010177-a,septic,the septic action occurs at the bottom of the septic tank,of or relating to or caused by putrefaction
oewn-01364482-v,roughcast,roughcast a wall,apply roughcast to
oewn-00826017-a,uneasy,an uneasy coalition government,lacking a sense of security or affording no ease or reassurance
oewn-00362294-v,demist,demist the car windows,free from mist
oewn-11517986-n,prevailing wind,the prevailing wind is from the southwest,the predominant wind direction
oewn-00210099-r,helplessly,the crowd watched him helplessly,in a helpless manner
oewn-00714030-s,exigent,became more exigent over his pronunciation,requiring precise accuracy
oewn-00627250-s,sizable,a sizable fortune,large in amount or extent or degree
oewn-00414699-a,classical,classical Marxism,"of or relating to the first significant period of a civilization, culture, area of study, etc."
oewn-02750332-a,hemopoietic,hemopoietic stem cells in bone marrow,pertaining to the formation of blood or blood cells
oewn-02078543-s,opposite,looking in opposite directions,moving or facing away from each other
oewn-05861118-n,side,it brought out his better side,an aspect of something (as contrasted with some other implied aspect)
oewn-00108905-r,grimly,he was grimly satisfied,in a grim implacable manner
oewn-01371864-s,au jus,roast beef au jus,served in its natural juices or gravy
oewn-00044018-r,therefrom,roads that lead therefrom,from that place or from there
oewn-00955955-v,crack,crack a joke,tell spontaneously
oewn-00329180-v,broil,broil fish,cook under a broiler
oewn-06181366-n,stemmatology,stemmatology also plays an important role in musicology,the humanistic discipline that attempts to reconstruct the transmission of a text (especially a text in manuscript form) on the basis of relations between the various surviving manuscripts (sometimes using cladistic analysis)
oewn-07353698-n,shock,all the jars and jolts were smoothed out by the shock absorbers,a sudden jarring impact
oewn-02453050-v,form,They formed a company,create (as an entity)
oewn-03112720-n,core,"each core has three wires passing through it, providing the means to select and detect the contents of each bit",(computer science) a tiny ferrite toroid formerly used in a random access memory to store one bit of data; now superseded by semiconductor memories
oewn-00545823-a,concerned,was concerned about the future,feeling or showing worry or solicitude
oewn-05805605-n,research,their pottery deserves more research than it has received,a search for knowledge
oewn-00078253-a,afraid,afraid to ask questions,filled with fear or apprehension
oewn-08005299-n,couple,a married couple from Chicago,a pair of people who live together
oewn-10797068-n,whistleblower,the law gives little protection to whistleblowers who feel the public has a right to know what is going on,an informant who exposes wrongdoing within an organization in the hope of stopping it
oewn-03009709-n,channel,the fields were crossed with irrigation channels,a passage for water (or other fluids) to flow through
oewn-02544431-v,intervene,Why did the U.S. not intervene earlier in WW II?,"get involved, so as to alter or hinder an action, or through force or threat of force"
oewn-08129368-n,bar,he was admitted to the bar in New Jersey,the body of individuals qualified to practice law in a particular jurisdiction
oewn-92467010-n,client program,"Your Web browser is a client program that has requested a service from a server; in fact, the service and resouce the server provided is the delivery of this Web page.",any software program that runs on a user's local computer and accesses data stored on a remote computer.
oewn-00712660-s,fragile,fragile old bones,easily broken or damaged or destroyed
oewn-01825196-s,positive,positive numbers,greater than zero
oewn-01880728-v,cradle,He cradled the infant in his arms,hold or place in or as if in a cradle
oewn-04613716-n,wreckage,they searched the wreckage for signs of survivors,the remaining parts of something that has been wrecked
oewn-04255717-n,snap,my snapshots haven't been developed yet,an informal photograph; usually made with a small hand-held camera
oewn-00279958-s,gleaming,the gleaming brass on the altar,bright with a steady but subdued shining
oewn-02137894-a,unsettled,an unsettled issue,still in doubt
oewn-01539804-a,modern,modern furniture,belonging to the modern era; since the Middle Ages
oewn-05626390-n,roominess,his unselfishness gave him great intellectual roominess,intellectual breadth
oewn-02085283-s,jaded,"the amoral, jaded, bored upper classes",dulled by surfeit
oewn-00235417-r,aside,started setting aside money to buy a car,in reserve; not for immediate use
oewn-02275064-a,some,some paper,(quantifier) used with either mass nouns or plural count nouns to indicate an unspecified number or quantity
oewn-02757496-a,immunotherapeutic,various immunotherapeutic techniques have been employed with AIDS patients,of or relating to immunotherapy
oewn-00155214-v,soar,The stock market soared after the cease-fire was announced,go or move upward
oewn-01791138-v,steam,her indifference to his amorous advances really steamed the young man,get very agitated or angry
oewn-00191991-n,change,the change of government had no impact on the economy,the action of changing something
oewn-00654061-s,severe,a severe case of pneumonia,causing fear or anxiety by threatening great harm
oewn-00318378-s,graven,graven images,cut into a desired shape
oewn-04793991-n,spontaneity,the spontaneity of his laughter,the quality of being spontaneous and coming from natural feelings without constraint
oewn-00872998-s,loaded down,found himself loaded down with responsibilities,heavily burdened with work or cares
oewn-02104107-v,run,She runs around telling everyone of her troubles,"move about freely and without restraint, or act as if running around in an uncontrolled way"
oewn-09235267-n,backwater,the bayous and backwaters are breeding grounds for mosquitos,a body of water that was created by a flood or tide or by being held or forced back by a dam
oewn-05225115-n,body,they found the body in the lake,a natural object consisting of a dead animal or person
oewn-01127641-s,great,had a great time at the party,excellent
oewn-00825715-n,inoculating,doctors examined the recruits but nurses did the inoculating,the act of protecting against disease by introducing a vaccine into the body to induce immunity
oewn-00903562-v,precede,She always precedes her lectures with a joke,furnish with a preface or introduction
oewn-01655514-v,lay,lay a fire,prepare or position for action or operation
oewn-02941396-a,irrational,irrational numbers,real but not expressible as the quotient of two integers
oewn-01056310-s,odorous,the odorous air of the orchard,having a natural fragrance
oewn-06195690-n,teaching,the teachings of religion,a doctrine that is taught
oewn-03087536-a,Jacobean,Jacobean writers,of or relating to James I or his reign or times
oewn-01356830-s,protruding,his protruding ribs,extending out above or beyond a surface or boundary
oewn-02234838-v,accrue,The house accrued to the oldest son,come into the possession of
oewn-02320505-v,inherit,I inherited a castle from my French grandparents,obtain from someone after their death
oewn-09252316-n,creek,the creek dried up every summer,a natural stream of water smaller than a river (and often a tributary of a river)
oewn-92422347-n,wittiness,And the result would be that he would kill the wittiness of the lines by burlesque.,"The quality of being clever, amusingly ingenious."
oewn-01880985-s,looking,severe-looking policemen on noble horses,appearing to be as specified; usually used as combining forms
oewn-00603650-v,absorb,he absorbed the knowledge or beliefs of his tribe,take up mentally
oewn-04384144-n,system,the system consists of a motor and a small computer,instrumentality that combines interrelated interacting artifacts designed to work as a coherent entity
oewn-92423551-n,farcicality,"Like all of my designs, it's a glorified warning, an ode to the farcicality of the fashion industry and the obsessives that surround it.","The property of resembling a farce; of being ludicrous, absurd."
oewn-07433422-n,head,matters came to a head yesterday,a difficult juncture
oewn-00497961-s,anecdotic,he was at his anecdotic best,characterized by or given to telling anecdotes
oewn-00609579-s,irregular,she led a somewhat irregular private life,independent in behavior or thought
oewn-00400039-s,piebald,a piebald horse,having sections or patches colored differently and usually brightly
oewn-02272374-v,spend,I spend my pocket money in two days,spend completely
oewn-00390398-r,lento,"Play this lento, please",in music
oewn-92449689-n,cotangent curve,"Note that the cotangent curve, like all trigonometric graphs, is periodic.",a curve whose equation in Cartesian coordinates is of the form y = a cot x.
oewn-02382855-v,deal,He deals fairly with his employees,behave in a certain way towards others
oewn-00584836-v,smut,This line in the play smuts the entire act,make obscene
oewn-00750839-s,fractious,fractious components of a communication system,unpredictably difficult in operation; likely to be troublesome
oewn-00068789-s,considered,a considered opinion,carefully weighed
oewn-10070520-n,Elizabethan,William Shakespeare was an Elizabethan,a person who lived during the reign of Elizabeth I
oewn-01458000-s,euphonious,her euphonious Southern speech,(of speech or dialect) pleasing in sound; not harsh or strident
oewn-02553283-v,help,Can you help me carry this table?,give help or assistance; be of service
oewn-00216053-s,hispid,plants with hispid stems,(of animals or plants) having stiff coarse hairs or bristles
oewn-01371380-s,sepulchral,hollow sepulchral tones,suited to or suggestive of a grave or burial
oewn-02904232-a,juvenile,juvenile diabetes,of or relating to or characteristic of or appropriate for children or young people
oewn-02467919-s,struggling,struggling artists,engaged in a struggle to overcome especially poverty or obscurity
oewn-03131702-a,spondaic,spondaic hexameter,of or consisting of spondees
oewn-13618390-n,compound number,compound number such as 'one hour and ten minutes',a quantity expressed in two different units
oewn-00075230-r,back,we paid back everything we had borrowed,in repayment or retaliation
oewn-00084549-n,procurement,he was responsible for the procurement of materials and supplies,the act of getting possession of something
oewn-00136377-r,regionally,regionally governed,in a regional manner
oewn-00928193-s,criminatory,incriminatory testimony,charging or suggestive of guilt or blame
oewn-05151700-n,worse,accused of cheating and lying and worse,something inferior in quality or condition or effect
oewn-10693569-n,suer,a suer for the hand of the princess,a man who courts a woman
oewn-01098150-v,staff,The two men staff the reception desk,serve on the staff of
oewn-00779976-v,importune,I importune you to help them,beg persistently and urgently
oewn-00170189-v,attemper,attemper the air,modify the temperature of
oewn-09834065-n,asserter,a bold asserter,someone who claims to speak the truth
oewn-00130565-r,magically,it disappeared magically,in a magical manner
oewn-13458354-n,backup,he discovered a backup in the toilet,an accumulation caused by clogging or a stoppage
oewn-92449449-n,Horatianism,"The fountain of Horatianism in Spain was the imitation of _Epode II_, _Beatus Ille_, by the Marquis de Santillana, one of Castile's two first sonneteers, in the first half of the fifteenth century.","A style of satire coined by Horace, a Roman poet who lived during the 1st century BCE."
oewn-02976960-a,paradigmatic,paradigmatic learning,of or relating to a typical example
oewn-00942415-v,express,She expressed her anger,"articulate; either verbally or with a cry, shout, or noise"
oewn-01818468-s,rough,a few rough sketches,not perfected
oewn-00586061-s,staunch,a staunch defender of free speech,firm and dependable especially in loyalty
oewn-02921561-a,typographic,the typographic art,relating to or occurring or used in typography
oewn-00297385-r,probably,he will probably win the election,easy to believe on the basis of available evidence
oewn-00680812-a,cyclic,cyclic petals,forming a whorl or having parts arranged in a whorl
oewn-02401221-a,intangible,intangible assets such as good will,(of especially business assets) not having physical substance or intrinsic productive value
oewn-02096119-s,sneak,a sneak attack,marked by quiet and caution and secrecy; taking pains to avoid being observed
oewn-01911069-v,walk,I'll walk you to your car,accompany or escort
oewn-00140318-r,properly,"If you don't behave properly, you'll have to leave!",in accordance with what is appropriate or suitable for the circumstances
oewn-01850600-v,sail,We sailed the Atlantic,traverse or travel on (a body of water)
oewn-02536770-s,sheltered,a sheltered harbor,protected from danger or bad weather
oewn-02681517-a,brimless,a brimless hat,without a brim
oewn-92428665-n,antiphospholipid antibody,"The presence an antiphospholipid antibody in blood, such as the lupus anticoagulant, may lead to blood clotting.",any of the group of common autoantibodies present in blood.
oewn-02835999-a,vitreous,vitreous rocks,relating to or resembling or derived from or containing glass
oewn-01953825-v,raft,raft wood down a river,transport on a raft
oewn-02313332-s,uneven,an uneven gait,variable and recurring at irregular intervals
oewn-00044980-a,acute,the acute phase of the illness,having or experiencing a rapid onset and short but severe course
oewn-00444111-r,respectably,the film ends with the middle-aged romancers respectably married,in a decent and morally reputable manner
oewn-09804483-n,ally,he's a good ally in fight,an associate who provides cooperation or assistance
oewn-00302637-v,tame,The wolf was tamed and evolved into the house dog,"make fit for cultivation, domestic life, and service to humans"
oewn-92462964-n,Reuters dispatch,A Reuters dispatch the next day left the clear impression that the attack might have something to do with opponents of embryonic stem cell research.,a news dispatch from the international news agency Reuters.
oewn-07106112-n,initialism,HTML is an initialism for HyperText Markup Language,an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of the several words in the name and pronounced separately
oewn-92426915-n,invasiveness,Surgeons have traditionally performed this surgery using a conventional open incision into the chest wall or abdomen but today are increasingly offering the operation as a laparoscopic procedure that lessens the invasiveness of the surgery.,The quality of involving entry into the living body (as by incision or by insertion of an instrument).
oewn-00490198-r,ungrammatically,this child speaks ungrammatically,in an ungrammatical manner
oewn-08812218-n,Gaza,he is a Palestinian from Gaza,a coastal region at the southeastern corner of the Mediterranean bordering Israel and Egypt
oewn-00803980-v,permit,She permitted her son to visit her estranged husband,"consent to, give permission; permit"
oewn-01148907-s,sheer,a sheer descent of rock,very steep; having a prominent and almost vertical front
oewn-11433775-n,dent,it made a dent in my bank account,an appreciable consequence (especially a lessening)
oewn-00514694-s,agonistic,a dialectical and agonistic approach,striving to overcome in argument
oewn-07118958-n,litotes,saying `I was not a little upset' when you mean `I was very upset' is an example of litotes,understatement for rhetorical effect (especially when expressing an affirmative by negating its contrary)
oewn-08281504-n,machine,he was endorsed by the Democratic machine,a group that controls the activities of a political party
oewn-01081320-n,save,the goalie made a brilliant save,(sports) the act of preventing the opposition from scoring
oewn-00848188-v,defame,The journalists have defamed me!,charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone
oewn-01293670-s,unimproved,unimproved woodlands,(of land) not cleared of trees and brush; in the wild or natural state
oewn-01306233-s,contagious,a contagious grin,easily diffused or spread as from one person to another
oewn-01771470-s,stuck,this problem has me completely stuck,baffled
oewn-02443423-a,rested,came back rested from her vacation,not tired; refreshed as by sleeping or relaxing
oewn-02784673-a,paramedical,ambulance drivers are paramedical to give emergency medical aid,of or denoting a person who is trained to assist physicians and nurses in their activities
oewn-00482326-r,transiently,these three pions may actually be joined together transiently as a compound particle during the interchange process,for a very short time
oewn-00102579-r,far and wide,the news spread far and wide,over great areas or distances; everywhere
oewn-02509563-a,invalid,an invalid driver's license,having no cogency or legal force
oewn-04075373-n,refill,the prescription specified only one refill,a prescription drug that is provided again
oewn-00057728-v,cub,bears cub every year,give birth to cubs
oewn-00284193-s,silver,a land of silver (or silvern) rivers where the salmon leap,having the white lustrous sheen of silver
oewn-01994728-s,aloof,stood apart with aloof dignity,remote in manner
oewn-00770017-a,indirect,known as a shady indirect fellow,extended senses; not direct in manner or language or behavior or action
oewn-00356045-s,transformed,shocked to see the transformed landscape,given a completely different form or appearance
oewn-00313996-r,disagreeably,"`I took no harm from the journey, thank you,' she said disagreeably",in a disagreeable manner
oewn-01063610-s,geostationary,a geostationary satellite,of or having a geosynchronous orbit such that the position in such an orbit is fixed with respect to the earth
oewn-04989456-n,silence,he needed silence in order to sleep,the absence of sound
oewn-08503316-n,wing,they are the progressive wing of the Republican Party,a group within a political party or legislature or other organization that holds distinct views or has a particular function
oewn-13672353-n,yarder,the golfer hit a 300-yarder to the green,(used only in combinations) the height or length of something in yards
oewn-02552922-v,dishonor,he dishonored his family by committing a serious crime,bring shame or dishonor upon
oewn-02360248-s,suspended,droplets suspended in a gas,(of undissolved particles in a fluid) supported or kept from sinking or falling by buoyancy and without apparent attachment
oewn-00010321-r,pat,he has the lesson pat,completely or perfectly
oewn-00091039-r,vitally,this is vitally important,to a vital degree
oewn-00345603-s,adjustable,adjustable interest rates,capable of being regulated
oewn-03005210-a,humanitarian,humanitarian aid,of or relating to or characteristic of humanitarianism
oewn-02988070-a,neurotic,neurotic disorder,characteristic of or affected by neurosis
oewn-01630074-s,revolting,revolting food,highly offensive; arousing aversion or disgust
oewn-02098450-v,clap,the wings of the birds clapped loudly,strike the air in flight
oewn-08017323-n,locus,the locus of points equidistant from a given point is a circle,the set of all points or lines that satisfy or are determined by specific conditions
oewn-00461643-r,smugly,the bureaucrats explained smugly that the facts provided by their own experts show no cause for concern,in a smug manner
oewn-02485805-v,recall,The company recalled the product when it was found to be faulty,make unavailable; bar from sale or distribution
oewn-00277013-v,mess,He messed up his room,make a mess of or create disorder in
oewn-02288703-s,vibrant,a vibrant group that challenged the system,vigorous and animated
oewn-01239962-v,clap,clap two boards together,strike together so as to produce a sharp percussive noise
oewn-05756611-n,contradistinction,sculpture in contradistinction to painting,a distinction drawn on the basis of contrast
oewn-00170503-v,update,We updated the kitchen in the old house,modernize or bring up to date
oewn-03163882-a,pitched,high-pitched,(of sound) set to a certain pitch or key; usually used as a combining form
oewn-01777267-v,resent,She resents being paid less than her co-workers,feel bitter or indignant about
oewn-13780436-n,limitation,it is growing rapidly with no limitation in sight,the greatest amount of something that is possible or allowed
oewn-01187145-a,headed,a cool-headed fighter pilot,having a head of a specified kind or anything that serves as a head; often used in combination
oewn-00072443-r,around,I invited them around for supper,to a particular destination either specified or understood
oewn-00726459-s,referential,symbols are inherently referential,referring or pointing to something
oewn-01864034-a,private,private lessons,confined to particular persons or groups or providing privacy
oewn-10206569-n,hosteller,a youth hosteller,a traveler who lodges in hostels
oewn-00732690-s,individual,mark the individual pages,separate and distinct from others of the same kind
oewn-02522868-v,misbehave,The children misbehaved all morning,behave badly
oewn-00035878-r,curiously,had a curiously husky voice,in a manner differing from the usual or expected
oewn-07965104-n,initiate,it is very familiar to the initiate,people who have been introduced to the mysteries of some field or activity
oewn-00497961-s,anecdotal,anecdotal conversation,characterized by or given to telling anecdotes
oewn-02501834-v,trap,He was trapped in a difficult situation,place in a confining or embarrassing position
oewn-02112480-v,get,get an idea,go through (mental or physical states or experiences)
oewn-01884565-a,proper,proper manners,marked by suitability or rightness or appropriateness
oewn-01739437-v,reduplicate,The morpheme can be reduplicated to emphasize the meaning of the word,form by reduplication
oewn-00091073-s,harsh,the harsh facts of court delays,sharply disagreeable; rigorous
oewn-00579586-n,facility,a cell phone with internet facility,a service that an organization or a piece of equipment offers you
oewn-01576718-s,cardboard,cardboard caricatures of historical figures,without substance
oewn-00404056-v,pressurize,The captain will pressurize the cabin for the passengers' comfort,increase the pressure in or of
oewn-01986868-s,mimetic,the mimetic presentation of images,characterized by or of the nature of or using mimesis
oewn-13776433-n,addition,there was an addition to property taxes this year,a quantity that is added
oewn-01783480-s,corporeal,corporeal suffering,affecting or characteristic of the body as opposed to the mind or spirit
oewn-07612538-n,confectionery,the business decided to concentrate on confectionery and soft drinks,candy and other sweets considered collectively
oewn-02617408-v,stand,I stand corrected,be in some specified state or condition
oewn-02584919-s,sylvan,a shady sylvan glade,relating to or characteristic of wooded regions
oewn-04874361-n,sincerity,his sincerity inspired belief,the quality of being open and truthful; not deceitful or hypocritical
oewn-00880397-v,give,give an excuse,"submit for consideration, judgment, or use"
oewn-01309228-a,informed,the informed customer,having much knowledge or education
oewn-02420243-s,heavy,a heavy coat,made of fabric having considerable thickness
oewn-00565174-s,inappropriate,completely inappropriate behavior,not in keeping with what is correct or proper
oewn-04684871-n,cast,the delicate cast of his features,the visual appearance of something or someone
oewn-00032846-s,agile,sleek and agile as a gymnast,moving quickly and lightly
oewn-00312450-r,diametrically,"when two honest witnesses give accounts of the same event that differ diametrically, how can anyone prove that the evidence you gave was deliberately false?",as from opposite ends of a diameter
oewn-00967067-v,describe,Discreet Italian police described it in a manner typically continental,to give an account or representation of in words
oewn-05188605-n,open door,he maintained an open door for all employees,freedom of access
oewn-01041567-s,outside,developing nations need outside help,from or between other countries
oewn-10220150-n,import,they are descendants of indentured importees,an imported person brought from a foreign country
oewn-13868553-n,former,Tom and Dick were both heroes but only the former is remembered today,the first of two or the first mentioned of two
oewn-05798247-n,pick,he was my pick for mayor,the person or thing chosen or selected
oewn-00827233-s,easterly,the winds are easterly,from the east; used especially of winds
oewn-01599632-s,natural,a grandparent's natural affection for a grandchild,functioning or occurring in a normal way; lacking abnormalities or deficiencies
oewn-00336120-r,explosively,the population in Central America is growing explosively,suddenly and rapidly
oewn-01664300-a,untapped,an untapped sugar maple,not subjected to tapping
oewn-09477542-n,tangle,they carved their way through the tangle of vines,a twisted and tangled mass that is highly interwoven
oewn-02089757-s,disappointing,a disappointing performance from one who had seemed so promising,not up to expectations
oewn-01836121-s,important,an important official,having authority or ascendancy or influence
oewn-01937433-s,at the ready,students with pens and notebooks at the ready,ready for immediate use
oewn-01037919-v,whore,She whored herself to Hollywood,compromise oneself for money or other gains
oewn-00074073-s,stilted,a stilted letter of acknowledgment,artificially formal
oewn-00323100-r,domineeringly,his wife behaved domineeringly,in a domineering manner
oewn-09465742-n,sliver,it broke into slivers,a small thin sharp bit of wood or glass or metal
oewn-00156898-r,by hook or by crook,I'll pass this course by hook or by crook,in any way necessary; by any possible means
oewn-00704200-v,index,The government indexes wages and prices,adjust through indexation
oewn-04697291-n,showstopper,the brilliant orange flowers against the green foliage were a showstopper,something that is strikingly attractive or has great popular appeal
oewn-00074673-r,rearward,she looked rearward out the window of the car,at or to or toward the back or rear
oewn-02875447-a,monumental,monumental sculptures,relating or belonging to or serving as a monument
oewn-06689454-n,crash course,he took a crash course in Italian on his way to Italy,a rapid and intense course of training or research (usually undertaken in an emergency)
oewn-13417776-n,federal deficit,federal deficits can cause inflation,an excess of the federal government's spending over its revenue
oewn-02464331-a,troubled,troubled teenagers,characterized by or indicative of distress or affliction or danger or need
oewn-00029763-r,furthermore,"computer chess games are getting cheaper all the time; furthermore, their quality is improving",denoting additional information
oewn-05686141-n,waking,days of danger and nights of waking,the state of remaining awake
oewn-92448715-n,relativization,"The relativization of the concepts of length and intervals of time appears difficult to many, but probably only because it is strange.",the act or result of making relative or regarding as relative rather than absolute.
oewn-02245263-v,seek,seek a position,try to get or reach
oewn-01330323-s,separate,girls and boys in separate classes,"separated according to race, sex, class, or religion"
oewn-06304928-n,antigram,`restful' is the antigram of `fluster',an anagram that means the opposite of the original word or phrase
oewn-02334251-s,vulnerable,vulnerable parts of the body,capable of being wounded or hurt
oewn-00450348-s,impending,his impending retirement,close in time; about to occur
oewn-07192097-n,accommodation,they reached an accommodation with Japan,a settlement of differences
oewn-01326286-a,uninspiring,a villa of uninspiring design,depressing to the spirit
oewn-00655686-v,reconsider,Won't you reconsider your decision?,consider again; give new consideration to; usually with a view to changing
oewn-13845695-n,odds,he offered odds of two to one,the ratio by which one better's wager is greater than that of another
oewn-02970952-a,Soviet,Soviet leaders,of or relating to or characteristic of the former Soviet Union or its people
oewn-03018207-a,philanthropic,a philanthropic society,of or relating to or characterized by philanthropy
oewn-00426832-s,smutty,smutty jokes,characterized by obscenity
oewn-00268077-r,unassertively,"unassertively, she always follows her husband's suggestions",in an unassertive manner
oewn-00439906-a,clement,clement weather,(of weather or climate) physically mild
oewn-00353926-n,tax cut,the new administration's large tax cut was highly controversial,the act of reducing taxation
oewn-02887011-a,cutaneous,a cutaneous infection,relating to or existing on or affecting the skin
oewn-00193474-v,spirit,The company spirited him up,infuse with spirit
oewn-02317862-v,relieve,The thief relieved me of $100,take by stealing
oewn-02592267-s,eared,an old book with dog-eared pages,worn or shabby from overuse or (of pages) from having corners turned down
oewn-07196595-n,conflict,the familiar conflict between Republicans and Democrats,a disagreement or argument about something important
oewn-15228025-n,school,when the school day was done we would walk home together,the period of instruction in a school; the time period when school is in session
oewn-00234743-a,worsening,worried by the worsening storm,changing for the worse
oewn-01562966-v,splice,splice film,join the ends of
oewn-00023894-s,faulty,he submitted a faulty report,characterized by errors; not agreeing with a model or not following established rules
oewn-00273421-s,phosphorescent,the phosphorescent glow of decaying wood,emitting light without appreciable heat as by slow oxidation of phosphorous
oewn-04995727-n,color,the recording fails to capture the true color of the original music,the timbre of a musical sound
oewn-00130539-a,postnatal,postnatal development,occurring immediately after birth
oewn-02677068-v,admit,This ticket will admit one adult to the show,serve as a means of entrance
oewn-01006955-s,out of the way,I'm so relieved that my midterm is out of the way,dealt with; disposed of
oewn-06548844-n,bill,they held a public hearing on the bill,a statute in draft before it becomes law
oewn-01677162-a,ordinary,ordinary everyday objects,not exceptional in any way especially in quality or ability or size or degree
oewn-13460261-n,blaze,the blaze spread rapidly,a strong flame that burns brightly
oewn-00350040-s,inconvertible,the alchemists were unable to accept the inconvertible nature of elemental metals,not capable of being changed into something else
oewn-00852181-v,ride,Don't ride me so hard over my failure,harass with persistent criticism or carping
oewn-00770909-s,circuitous,the explanation was circuitous and puzzling,marked by obliqueness or indirection in speech or conduct
oewn-02255433-v,compensate,She was compensated for the loss of her arm in the accident,make amends for; pay compensation for
oewn-00306024-s,windy,a windy bluff,abounding in or exposed to the wind or breezes
oewn-01253649-s,thermal,thermal underwear,caused by or designed to retain heat
oewn-00019543-s,getatable,both oil and coal are there but not in getatable locations,capable of being reached or attained
oewn-01701878-s,smothered,smothered chicken is chicken cooked in a seasoned gravy,completely covered
oewn-00291450-r,in a nutshell,just tell me the story in a nutshell,summed up briefly
oewn-02332825-s,faint,faint resistance,lacking strength or vigor
oewn-00539403-v,pall,wine and beer can pall,lose sparkle or bouquet
oewn-00438931-v,overspecialize,She overspecialized when she concentrated on verbs in Fijian,become overly specialized
oewn-01342767-a,designed,well-designed houses,done or made or performed with purpose and intent
oewn-04885296-n,patriotism,they rode the same wave of popular patriotism,love of country and willingness to sacrifice for it
oewn-00827108-v,represent,our parents represented to us the need for more caution,point out or draw attention to in protest or remonstrance
oewn-00024040-v,revive,She revived after the doctor gave her an injection,return to consciousness
oewn-05104798-n,high,summer temperatures reached an all-time high,a lofty level or position or degree
oewn-00745216-s,racemose,lilies of the valley are racemose,having stalked flowers along an elongated stem that continue to open in succession from below as the stem continues to grow
oewn-05799772-n,way,if I had my way,doing as one pleases or chooses
oewn-01030878-a,adaptable,to succeed one must be adaptable,capable of adapting (of becoming or being made suitable) to a particular situation or use
oewn-00664100-v,mark off,mark off the units,put a check mark on or near or next to
oewn-00667804-v,support,The evidence supports the defendant,establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts
oewn-13601618-n,sufficiency,there is more than a sufficiency of lawyers in this country,an adequate quantity; a quantity that is large enough to achieve a purpose
oewn-00719845-v,flip,he flipped when he heard that he was accepted into Princeton University,"react in an excited, delighted, or surprised way"
oewn-00693335-a,deep,a deep dive,having great spatial extension or penetration downward or inward from an outer surface or backward or laterally or outward from a center; sometimes used in combination
oewn-03077397-a,Fijian,the Fijian population,of or relating to Fiji or its people or language or culture
oewn-02239333-v,reapportion,Congressional seats are reapportioned on the basis of census data,"allocate, distribute, or apportion anew"
oewn-00133851-r,optically,optically distorted,in an optical manner
oewn-10555831-n,rocket scientist,you do not have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out,a clever thinker
oewn-00896259-v,rationalize,rationalize the child's seemingly crazy behavior,"defend, explain, clear away, or make excuses for by reasoning"
oewn-00632621-n,practice,the practice of the law,the exercise of a profession
oewn-02693758-v,cover,This farm covers some 200 acres,"span an interval of distance, space or time"
oewn-07370866-n,sinking,after several hours of sinking an unexpected rally rescued the market,a slow fall or decline (as for lack of strength)
oewn-01305783-v,hoop,hoop vats,bind or fasten with a hoop
oewn-00197714-s,hairy,hairy moments in the mountains,hazardous and frightening
oewn-00161033-v,convert,convert centimeters into inches,"exchange or replace with another, usually of the same kind or category"
oewn-00436106-r,providentially,providentially the weather remained good,in a fortunately providential manner
oewn-01523288-v,key,His new Mercedes was keyed last night in the parking lot,vandalize a car by scratching the sides with a key
oewn-13386459-n,livelihood,he could no longer earn his own livelihood,the financial means whereby one lives
oewn-00922132-s,quick,a quick temper,easily aroused or excited
oewn-01083276-v,hook,hook the ball,secure with the foot
oewn-00326517-s,chary,chary of the risks involved,characterized by great caution and wariness
oewn-13580380-n,origin,the rumor had its origin in idle gossip,the source of something's existence or from which it derives or is derived
oewn-01677162-a,ordinary,an ordinary day,not exceptional in any way especially in quality or ability or size or degree
oewn-01087442-s,inundated,inundated farmlands,covered with water
oewn-00004948-r,unkindly,The teacher treats the children unkindly,in an unkind manner or with unkindness
oewn-00162435-s,cragfast,cragfast climbers,stranded on or as if on a crag
oewn-01197471-v,plump,We will plump out that poor starving child,make fat or plump
oewn-01339546-v,splash,The mountain was splashed with snow,mark or overlay with patches of contrasting color or texture; cause to appear splashed or spattered
oewn-00988799-a,fastidious,fastidious microorganisms,having complicated nutritional requirements; especially growing only in special artificial cultures
oewn-00031497-s,sordid,sordid avarice,meanly avaricious and mercenary
oewn-00803288-v,dismiss,This case is dismissed!,cease to consider; put out of judicial consideration
oewn-01635953-v,excogitate,excogitate a way to measure the speed of light,"come up with (an idea, plan, explanation, theory, or principle) after a mental effort"
oewn-04735141-n,vibration,that place gave me bad vibrations,a distinctive emotional aura experienced instinctively
oewn-02946081-a,hormonal,hormonal changes,of or relating to or caused by hormones
oewn-05675457-n,convention,the convention of not naming the main character,something regarded as a normative example
oewn-00472642-v,eliminate,Let's eliminate the course on Akkadian hieroglyphics,"terminate, end, or take out"
oewn-02395530-s,squat,a little church with a squat tower,short and thick; as e.g. having short legs and heavy musculature
oewn-01762294-s,shipboard,shipboard romances,casual or ephemeral as if taking place on board a ship
oewn-00124676-a,retrorse,leaves with retrorse barbs,bent or curved backward or downward
oewn-02056014-v,skirt,The boat skirted the coast,pass around or about; move along the border
oewn-92438761-n,adiaphoron,"For all of the wild-eyed (and completely sectarian) assertions floating around the LCMS that ordination is a mere adiaphoron, that ""laying on of hands"" does not mean ritual ordination but rather a democratic election, that ordination confers nothing - I have yet to ever read about anyone actually graduating seminary and taking a call to a congregation and choosing to forgo the rite of ordination.",a religious ceremonial or ritual observance that is held to be an affair of the individual conscience because it is neither forbidden nor enjoined by the scriptures.
oewn-00184353-a,available,available in many colors,obtainable or accessible and ready for use or service
oewn-02397489-s,domestic,domestic animals,converted or adapted to domestic use
oewn-00792627-v,telex,We telexed the information to our sister company,communicate by telex
oewn-02339254-a,successful,a successful business venture,having succeeded or being marked by a favorable outcome
oewn-02243265-s,slick,sidewalks slick with ice,made slick by e.g. ice or grease
oewn-01758545-v,cut,cut paper dolls,form or shape by cutting or incising
oewn-01964502-v,gallop,The horse was galloping along,go at galloping speed
oewn-01132864-s,severe,a severe worldwide depression,very bad in degree or extent
oewn-02015341-s,reflecting,a reflecting microscope,causing reflection or having a device that reflects
oewn-01431211-v,seduce,Harry finally seduced Sally,induce to have sex
oewn-00673178-s,blasted,he's a blasted idiot,expletives used informally as intensifiers
oewn-03016209-a,percussive,percussive music,involving percussion or featuring percussive instruments
oewn-02821821-a,temporal,temporal and spacial boundaries,of or relating to or limited by time
oewn-92462410-n,screw press,"The screw press was first invented and used by the Romans in the first century AD, primarily in wine and olive oil production.",a press in which pressure is exerted by means of a screw.
oewn-00050485-r,sharply,she was being sharply questioned,in an aggressive manner
oewn-00058568-n,amphibious landing,MacArthur staged a massive amphibious landing behind enemy lines,"a military action of coordinated land, sea, and air forces organized for an invasion"
oewn-00585590-a,constant,constant as the northern star,steadfast in purpose or devotion or affection
oewn-01647536-s,untried,an untried procedure,not yet proved or subjected to testing
oewn-09873287-n,big fish,the Qaeda commander is a very big fish,an important influential person
oewn-00303212-r,despairingly,"`Why can't you understand?,' she asked despairingly",with desperation
oewn-00244773-r,competitively,the companies should bid competitively,in competition
oewn-07976273-n,electron shell,the chemical properties of an atom are determined by the outermost electron shell,a grouping of electrons surrounding the nucleus of an atom
oewn-02320915-s,gnarled,gnarled and knotted hands,used of old persons or old trees; covered with knobs or knots
oewn-02603092-v,mingle,He was about to mingle in an unpleasant affair,get involved or mixed-up with
oewn-00095652-s,liveborn,a liveborn baby,(of newborn infant) showing signs of life after birth; not stillborn
oewn-00404149-s,changeable,changeable taffeta,varying in color when seen in different lights or from different angles
oewn-00512273-s,able,able teachers,have the skills and qualifications to do things well
oewn-05651861-n,tradecraft,instructional designers are trained in something that might be called tradecraft,skill acquired through experience in a trade; often used to discuss skill in espionage
oewn-00788089-a,divisible,even numbers are divisible by two,capable of being or liable to be divided or separated
oewn-13891966-n,crook,a crook in the path,a circular segment of a curve
oewn-00120942-a,unenlivened,a life unenlivened by romance,not made lively or brightened
oewn-00580119-n,shoeshine,he charged a dollar for a shoeshine,the act of shining shoes
oewn-03296154-n,entrant,a well publicized entrant is the pocket computer,a commodity that enters competition with established merchandise
oewn-01342187-v,uncover,uncover your belly,remove all or part of one's clothes to show one's body
oewn-00580182-v,sentimentalize,Too much poetry sentimentalizes the mind,make (someone or something) sentimental or imbue with sentimental qualities
oewn-01832546-s,muscular,the muscular and passionate Fifth Symphony,having or suggesting great physical power or force
oewn-00105348-r,at any rate,the influence of economists--or at any rate of economics--is far-reaching,if nothing else (`leastwise' is informal and `leastways' is colloquial)
oewn-14034398-n,stop,he spent the entire stop in his seat,the state of inactivity following an interruption
oewn-09370952-n,mass,a huge ice mass,a body of matter without definite shape
oewn-00161858-r,nearly,the person most nearly concerned,in a close manner
oewn-03039237-n,big top,they had the big top up in less than an hour,a canvas tent to house the audience at a circus performance
oewn-00476610-a,explosive,explosive violence,serving to explode or characterized by explosion or sudden outburst
oewn-00892058-s,covetous,jealous of his success and covetous of his possessions,showing extreme cupidity; painfully desirous of another's advantages
oewn-00091262-s,trying,a trying day at the office,extremely irritating to the nerves
oewn-01533286-s,tinny,an unpleasant tinny voice,thin and metallic in sound; lacking resonance
oewn-10545671-n,reveler,the clubs attract revelers as young as thirteen,a celebrant who shares in a noisy party
oewn-01182889-s,celestial,celestial peace,of heaven or the spirit
oewn-01223961-a,analogous,the wings of a bee and those of a hummingbird are analogous,corresponding in function but not in evolutionary origin
oewn-02532960-v,average,He averaged a C,achieve or reach on average
oewn-03123845-a,Romani,Romani nomads,of or relating to the Romani or their language or culture
oewn-00442167-v,slack,He slackened his pace as he got tired,make less active or fast
oewn-00359488-r,questioningly,"they turned their heads questioningly, as if awaiting further instructions",in a curious and questioning manner
oewn-05793316-n,exploration,he called for a careful exploration of the consequences,a systematic consideration
oewn-02398903-a,wild,wild talk,marked by extreme lack of restraint or control
oewn-02065783-s,off the hook,I let him off the hook with a mild reprimand,freed from danger or blame or obligation
oewn-01480871-s,priapic,priapic episodes,overly concerned with masculinity and male sexuality
oewn-01097871-n,operation,they paid taxes on every stage of the operation,a business especially one run on a large scale
oewn-00011691-v,vulgarize,The drunkard tends to vulgarize,act in a vulgar manner
oewn-02361206-a,supported,well-supported allegations,sustained or maintained by aid (as distinct from physical support)
oewn-00583905-n,occupation,he missed the bell in his occupation with the computer game,any activity that occupies a person's attention
oewn-11514476-n,evoked potential,he measured evoked potentials with an electroencephalogram,the electrical response of the central nervous system produced by an external stimulus
oewn-00583425-n,line,he's not in my line of business,the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money
oewn-01770155-a,perplexed,perplexed state of the world,full of difficulty or confusion or bewilderment
oewn-00844276-s,streamlined,short streamlined meetings,made efficient by stripping off nonessentials
oewn-02694636-v,overlap,The roofs of the houses overlap in this crowded city,extend over and cover a part of
oewn-01625605-s,deadlocked,the two factions are deadlocked over fringe benefits,at a complete standstill because of opposition of two unrelenting forces or factions
oewn-08069165-n,empire,the British created a great empire,a group of countries under a single authority
oewn-00051304-n,apparition,natives were amazed at the apparition of this white stranger,an act of appearing or becoming visible unexpectedly
oewn-02002464-v,follow,The ducklings followed their mother around the pond,"to travel behind, go after, come after"
oewn-09802571-n,alien absconder,"the government has categorized more than 320,000 foreigners as alien absconders",a fugitive remaining in the United States after an immigration judge has ordered them deported
oewn-00266358-r,accelerando,here you must play accelerando,with increasing speed
oewn-00836297-n,smoke,he went outside for a smoke,the act of smoking tobacco or other substances
oewn-00031700-r,still,it's still warm outside,"with reference to action or condition; without change, interruption, or cessation"
oewn-05928143-n,whimsy,he had a whimsy about flying to the moon,an odd or fanciful or capricious idea
oewn-08185877-n,nation,students who had come to the nation's capitol,a politically organized body of people under a single government
oewn-02848890-a,polar,Antarctica is the only polar continent,located at or near or coming from the earth's poles
oewn-00326129-v,fry,fry the pancakes,cook in hot fat or oil
oewn-08585406-n,finish,a crowd assembled at the finish,the place designated as the end (as of a race or journey)
oewn-00258995-v,leak,the roof leaks badly,have an opening that allows light or substances to enter or go out
oewn-00526673-s,half,gave me a half smile,partial
oewn-01606933-v,loft,loft a ball,kick or strike high in the air
oewn-00390371-s,gray,gray flannel suit,of an achromatic color of any lightness intermediate between the extremes of white and black
oewn-00105712-v,feel,My cold is gone--I feel fine today,"be conscious of a physical, mental, or emotional state"
oewn-00356323-r,headlong,the runner slid headlong into third base,with the head before the body
oewn-02883162-a,regional,regional flora,characteristic of a region
oewn-00624056-v,beat,This beats me!,be a mystery or bewildering to
oewn-01890275-s,potential,potential clients,expected to become or be; in prospect
oewn-08034367-n,Aum,in 1995 Aum members released deadly sarin gas on a Tokyo subway train,a terrorist organization whose goal is to take over Japan and then the world; based on a religion founded in 1987 that combines elements of Buddhism with Christianity
oewn-02454462-s,grazed,his grazed and bleeding arm proved he had been in the line of fire,scraped or touched lightly in passing
oewn-00213226-n,hibernation,he emerged from his hibernation to make his first appearance in several years,the act of retiring into inactivity
oewn-02116832-a,unsent,the letter remained unwritten and unsent,not dispatched or transmitted
oewn-02405819-s,robust,the robust flavor of fresh-brewed coffee,marked by richness and fullness of flavor
oewn-06852240-n,space,he said the space is the most important character in the alphabet,a blank character used to separate successive words in writing or printing
oewn-03401147-n,fret,there was a simple fret at the top of the walls,an ornamental pattern consisting of repeated vertical and horizontal lines (often in relief)
oewn-02563185-s,arid,an arid climate,lacking sufficient water or rainfall
oewn-00956403-s,inside,an inside wall,being or applying to the inside of a building
oewn-01184038-v,drive,The amplifier drives the tube,cause to function by supplying the force or power for or by controlling
oewn-01455529-v,tug,The prisoner tugged at the chains,pull hard
oewn-13814395-n,bond,their friendship constitutes a powerful bond between them,a connection based on kinship or marriage or common interest
oewn-01886807-v,wander,"sometimes, the gout wanders through the entire body","to move or cause to move in a sinuous, spiral, or circular course"
oewn-00842764-s,effective,a lotion that is effective in cases of prickly heat,works well as a means or remedy
oewn-00463703-r,dripping,dripping wet,extremely wet
oewn-14536419-n,context,the historical context,the set of facts or circumstances that surround a situation or event
oewn-01776419-v,pride,He prides himself on making it into law school,be proud of
oewn-01714134-s,square,my account with you is now all square,leaving no balance
oewn-02535217-s,unguarded,an unguarded gate,lacking protection or a guard
oewn-00942415-v,utter,He uttered a curse,"articulate; either verbally or with a cry, shout, or noise"
oewn-00744646-n,waste of money,the senator said that the project was a waste of money,money spent for inadequate return
oewn-00192383-v,blunt,Terror blunted her feelings,"make less lively, intense, or vigorous; impair in vigor, force, activity, or sensation"
oewn-00201821-r,hopelessly,he hung his head hopelessly,without hope; desperate because there seems no possibility of comfort or success
oewn-01437093-s,lengthened,lengthened skirts are fashionable this year,drawn out or made longer spatially
oewn-00231222-a,worst,the worst player on the team,(superlative of `bad') most wanting in quality or value or condition
oewn-00180532-n,voice,the voice of the law,a means or agency by which something is expressed or communicated
oewn-00479945-r,thin,the blood was flowing thin,without viscosity
oewn-02170349-s,fundamental,the book underwent fundamental changes,far-reaching and thoroughgoing in effect especially on the nature of something
oewn-00138993-a,due,due esteem,suitable to or expected in the circumstances
oewn-00195596-r,strikingly,this was strikingly demonstrated,in a striking manner
oewn-01294357-a,inboard,the inboard flaps on the wing,located within the hull or nearest the midline of a vessel or aircraft
oewn-15289537-n,accelerando,my ear will not accept such violent accelerandos,a gradually increasing tempo of music
oewn-01320916-a,injured,injured soldiers,harmed
oewn-02932882-a,Roman,Roman virtues,relating to or characteristic of people of Rome
oewn-92430063-n,objectivization,"Next, there is the state of verbal objectivization of consciousness, whereby the initially ordered consciousness is given rational expression.",the act or process of making or becoming objective.
oewn-00480862-s,wretched,spent a wretched night on the floor,characterized by physical misery
oewn-01267446-a,humorous,humorous stories,full of or characterized by humor
oewn-00203457-r,intelligently,she acted intelligently in this difficult situation,in an intelligent manner
oewn-04740092-n,saving grace,her sense of humor has to be a saving grace,a redeeming quality or characteristic
oewn-00175370-r,methodically,she worked methodically,in a methodical manner
oewn-01233601-s,insoluble,an insoluble problem,without hope of solution
oewn-00276839-r,aft,stow the luggage aft,at or near or toward the stern of a ship or tail of an airplane
oewn-00659399-v,grade,grade tests,"assign a grade or rank to, according to one's evaluation"
oewn-00166139-v,bulletproof,bulletproof the car,make bulletproof
oewn-01602901-a,normal,the most normal person I've ever met,being approximately average or within certain limits in e.g. intelligence and development
oewn-01094001-a,functional,functional architecture,designed for or capable of a particular function or use
oewn-00189224-a,asleep,were all asleep when the phone rang,in a state of sleep
oewn-01556612-s,many a,many another day will come,each of a large indefinite number
oewn-08256073-n,section,a graduate student taught sections for the professor's lecture course,a small class of students who are part of a larger course but are taught separately
oewn-00863314-s,experimental,an experimental drug,of the nature of or undergoing an experiment
oewn-00923033-s,agog,"I've been agog all afternoon, waiting for the next episode in your mystery story","highly excited by eagerness, curiosity, etc."
oewn-00464691-v,flatten,flatten your stomach with these exercises,make flat or flatter
oewn-00940610-s,naive,he took part in the experiment as a naive subject,not initiated; deficient in relevant experience
oewn-01279260-s,of the essence,in chess cool nerves are of the essence,of the greatest importance
oewn-02371574-v,lay out,lay out thousands on gold,spend or invest
oewn-02777955-v,char,"Without a drenching rain, the forest fire will char everything",burn to charcoal
oewn-01396483-s,minute,reduced to a minute scale,infinitely or immeasurably small
oewn-00853459-s,deluxe,a deluxe car,elegant and sumptuous
oewn-08230000-n,corps,diplomatic corps,a body of people associated together
oewn-08560197-n,confluence,Pittsburgh is located at the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers,a place where things merge or flow together (especially rivers)
oewn-01177521-v,mumble,the old man had no teeth left and mumbled his food,grind with the gums; chew without teeth and with great difficulty
oewn-00197466-v,defang,defang the poisonous snake,remove the fangs from
oewn-00333767-a,centripetal,centripetal force,tending to move toward a center
oewn-02368726-s,stunning,the strike came as a stunning protest against management,causing great astonishment and consternation
oewn-00259663-s,lined,tree lined streets,bordered by a line of things
oewn-06209437-n,set,the set of his mind was obvious,a relatively permanent inclination to react in a particular way
oewn-01229439-v,probe,probe an anthill,examine physically with or as if with a probe
oewn-05878206-n,whole,the whole of American literature,all of something including all its component elements or parts
oewn-92411180-n,dogwood vodka,I tried dogwood vodka on my trip to Armenia.,a strong liqueur prepared by infusing vodka with the fruit of Cornelian cherry.
oewn-00494366-r,vapidly,a vapidly smiling salesman,in a vapid manner
oewn-14710347-n,fire,put the kettle on the fire,fuel that is burning and is used as a means for cooking
oewn-05139167-n,level,the pictures were at the same level,height above ground
oewn-08649520-n,rifle range,the target was out of rifle range,the distance that a rifle bullet will carry
oewn-05112309-n,enormity,universities recognized the enormity of their task,vastness of size or extent
oewn-00653599-a,critical,a critical illness,being in or verging on a state of crisis or emergency
oewn-01960371-v,aquaplane,the car aquaplaned,rise up onto a thin film of water between the tires and road so that there is no more contact with the road
oewn-01442029-s,extended,an extended discussion,relatively long in duration; tediously protracted
oewn-02756729-v,consist,What does love consist in?,have its essential character; be comprised or contained in; be embodied in
oewn-10151183-n,giver,there are no greater givers than those who give themselves,someone who devotes himself completely
oewn-02452235-v,entitle,The Freedom of Information Act entitles you to request your FBI file,give the right to
oewn-10344517-n,role model,every child needs a role model,someone worthy of imitation
oewn-04880500-n,fatherliness,the gentleness and fatherliness of the strange old man eased her fears,the benignity and protectiveness of or befitting a father
oewn-01452245-s,open,the clarity and resonance of an open tone,without undue constriction as from e.g. tenseness or inhibition
oewn-09410115-n,path,the hurricane demolished houses in its path,a line or route along which something travels or moves
oewn-13352213-n,amount,the amount he had in cash was insufficient,a quantity of money
oewn-00693335-a,deep,deep pressure receptors in muscles,having great spatial extension or penetration downward or inward from an outer surface or backward or laterally or outward from a center; sometimes used in combination
oewn-04918150-n,gentleness,his fingers have learned gentleness,acting in a manner that is gentle and mild and even-tempered
oewn-02175483-v,hear,We must hear the expert before we make a decision,listen and pay attention
oewn-00195400-s,awful,an awful risk,causing fear or dread or terror
oewn-00917535-a,exact,hit the exact center of the target,marked by strict and particular and complete accordance with fact
oewn-01320407-n,feeder,a bark feeder,an animal that feeds on a particular source of food
oewn-92426900-n,active electrolocation,"In a process called active electrolocation, animals are able to detect and analyse objects in their environment, which allows them to perceive a detailed electrical picture of their surroundings even in complete darkness.",When an animal senses its surrounding environment by generating electric fields and detecting distortions in these fields using electroreceptor organs.
oewn-00306318-v,dilate,His pupils were dilated,become wider
oewn-00804397-a,sharp,a sharp knife,having or made by a thin edge or sharp point; suitable for cutting or piercing
oewn-00559920-n,running,the coach put great emphasis on running,(American football) a play in which a player attempts to carry the ball through or past the opposing team
oewn-00069341-v,water,His eyes watered,"secrete or form water, as tears or saliva"
oewn-00477739-a,unlighted,"the table was bare, the candles unlighted",not set afire or burning
oewn-00862104-a,empirical,an empirical basis for an ethical theory,derived from experiment and observation rather than theory
oewn-01652755-s,boyish,schoolboyish pranks,befitting or characteristic of a young boy
oewn-00465509-r,spasmodically,"the mouth was slightly open, and jerked violently and spasmodically at one corner",with spasms
oewn-00476610-a,explosive,explosive gas,serving to explode or characterized by explosion or sudden outburst
oewn-06429241-n,reference,he contributed articles to the basic reference work on that topic,a book to which you can refer for authoritative facts
oewn-01805877-s,dulcet,the most dulcet swimming on the most beautiful and remote beaches,extremely pleasant in a gentle way
oewn-01239589-s,orthostatic,orthostatic hypotension,pertaining to an upright standing posture
oewn-03139995-a,vehicular,vehicular traffic,of or relating to or intended for (motor) vehicles
oewn-00252542-r,ad nauseam,he played the song ad nauseam,to a sickening extent
oewn-02771088-a,biomedical,biomedical research laboratory,relating to the activities and applications of science to clinical medicine
oewn-01458319-s,subdued,a subdued whisper,in a softened tone
oewn-02749943-a,heliac,the heliacal or Sothic year is determined by the heliacal rising of Sothis (the Egyptian name for the Dog Star),pertaining to or near the sun; especially the first rising of a star after and last setting before its invisibility owing to its conjunction with the sun
oewn-00136124-r,locally,it was locally decided,by a particular locality
oewn-00184128-r,hilariously,hilariously funny,in a hilarious manner
oewn-00427844-a,clean,a clean fuel,not spreading pollution or contamination; especially radioactive contamination
oewn-04672135-n,weather eye,he keeps a weather eye open for trouble,vigilant attentiveness
oewn-00745450-a,developed,the developed qualities of the Hellenic outlook,being changed over time so as to be e.g. stronger or more complete or more useful
oewn-00495816-v,ghettoize,The Jews in Eastern Europe were ghettoized,put in a ghetto
oewn-00415245-s,classical,classical music,"of or relating to music in the European tradition, such as symphonies and operas"
oewn-00943377-s,unexplainable,an unexplainable fear,not to be accounted for or explained
oewn-01185870-v,meet,does this paper meet the requirements for the degree?,"fill, satisfy or meet a want or need or condition or restriction"
oewn-04778150-n,fluctuation,he kept a record of price fluctuations,the quality of being unsteady and subject to changes
oewn-09834065-n,asseverator,an asseverator of strong convictions,someone who claims to speak the truth
oewn-03100835-a,nebular,the nebular hypothesis of the origin of the solar system,of or relating to or resembling a nebula
oewn-02035866-a,handleless,sleek cabinets with apparently handleless doors,having no handle
oewn-01623725-v,destruct,The engineers had to destruct the rocket for safety reasons,destroy (one's own missile or rocket)