Title,Score,URL,Comments "It's fucking awful seeing the ""Silver"" misinformation campaign everywhere I look",102244,https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/la34bh/its_fucking_awful_seeing_the_silver/,"~~Just a small correction~~, FYI you can short SQUEEZE silver, especially silver futures, which will impact the price of silver ETFs and stocks dependent on the price of silver. Shorts on silver futures is arguably more transparent and can be seen on CBOE, CME, and other futures exchange websites. Some forex & economic calender's will provide CFTC's report on net positions for gold, oil, and s&p 500 futures which can be used as a general market sentiment for a wide range of stock sectors not just commodities. **update** obviously you can short squeeze silver, what are hedgers & speculators supposed to do when their shorts are nearing margin calls? lol **update2** yeah I'll admit there's **probably a coordinated effort into manipulating traders into buying silver thinking there will be a squeeze, don't believe it and probably the worst squeeze strategy** edit thanks for the gold! So they went from saying redditors are bad for manipulating the market o praising silver?? Many of the misinformation lies on the fact that media outlets saying that retailers are moving the price, like seriously wtf. Along with the fact that all this shit happened starting from friday. Fucking cnbc, never trust those paid scums. Full of lies and misinformation. Owning a physical silver bar would be pretty cool, but I have zero interest in $SLV Ape no like silver. Ape like movies and games. Ape take GME and AMC Ape go to moon! Silver is such a huge market, retail didn't even do gamestop on our own so how the hell do we do silver I got in with silver on April 1, 2020 at around $13. Didn't expect it to double, just wanted a hedge, but now I'm dumping it in my ira accounts. I'm mind of boned in my cash account if I sell, though, because of taxes :( Don't buy silver, imo, and if you have it sell into the spike. Meanwhile REAL Redditors don’t give two shits about silver... Edit: freaking silver awards...lol Edit 2: Please stop Absolutely incredible what they can get away with. Just straight up lying at this point. Funny how when they see us squeezing GME they say we are reckless and gambling but when we're supposedly buying silver it's cool and everyone should get in while they can Lol when silver crashes back to 22 people are going to be pissed af I mean, if you're born in this country you know how corrupt it is, but to see it so blatant. It's really something to behold. They're assuming correctly that most people have no fucking clue what they're doing lol. It's scummy but I understand the tactic Lmao such a boomer pick So many lies in the media right now it’s a bit unnerving and scary how much control they can impose. Sad part is some people will listen to them and lose. Buy physical silver to drain the supply. That will move the price of silver. Massive run on physical silver this weekend is already moving silver up. See how badly many people were duped by media into voting for politicians that favor them This is what ACTUAL fake news looks like. Like there’s nothing wrong with investing in silver or metals. Might even be a good idea with the push for EVs increasing demand. But, agreed. How many $SLV memes have you seen today?... None, no one’s buying this shit. Me who invested in silver about a year ago: *laughs evilly* Don’t buy precious metals as a hedge against inflation so my pump and dump can pump and I can not hold the bag! Guys. The media has been saying a ton of stocks are ""Reddit Stocks"" since last week. I won't mention the tickers. SLV seems to be a big concern because Citadel owns some. It's does. Between 0.5% and 0.93%. It's nothing. SLV is owned and operated by Black Rock. Guess who owns 13.2% of GME? Black Rock. If this stock gets hyped it matters zero fucks. At worst, it puts more $ in Black Rock's hands and they are currently out side of the GME equation. Or, the pump and dump fails, people stop having faith in the media when it comes to Reddit. Or the stop having faith in Reddit and leave us alone. You can absolutely squeeze silver. How do you think wire is made? Q - Has Robinhood put a limit on Silver? A - No. There you go, not a squeeze. Not a financial advisor. Too late, I bought Silver and a shit ton of Miners last year. Jokes on them. I already owned and it drove me to sell I saw a post on THIS SUB I believe about how silver is the “most shorted commodity” and everyone was praising him. Yall inconsistent as fuck. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/l7o7sj/the_opportunity_for_a_massive_silver_rally_one_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Agreed, look how much it's dominating the tickers of CNBC. Every type of silver commodity is on the ticker this morning. Financial reporters are not journalists. They just write up whatever the financial industry tells them. No proper due diligence or disclaimers of no corroboration. Need some Washington guys to expose the industry. Amazing reddit squeezing silver! In other news, disgusting barbarian redditors manipulating gamestop The floodgates have been opened. From now on, expect any advice related to investing online to be paid for by billionaires about to bend you over. I guess it's not that different from before, most financial advice is awful. is this market manipulation? If you are buying a stock just because people are saying its being squeezed, **you are probably catching a falling knife** Take a little time, look into what you are investing in. I honestly know nothing about silver, so I will not be investing in it. If you think you're smarter than OP and me, and you did research and found that silver is incredibly important in some growing industry, maybe its a good idea to invest then. This applies to way more than just silver btw. If you are buying GME at 300 expecting it to hit 1000$ because someone on reddit told you it would you are wasting money. Freedom of the press is for those who own the presses. And the billionaires own the media. Six media giants own 90% of media outlets in the US. We have the illusion of choice but the truth is all the media toe the corporate line. And that line is that a bunch of internet trolls are manipulating the sacred and fair stock market. So expect a lot more of the same. Silver is a distraction IB hasn't had GME shares to borrow since last Wednesday (1/27) [https://iborrowdesk.com/report/GME](https://iborrowdesk.com/report/GME) I am glad this is on the front page. This is blatant manipulation that we are being blamed for - but we aren’t doing it at all! Is there some way we can report this to law enforcement to get them to stop, or reveal who is misleading them? Like, ask what their sources are? If you’re buying anything because “Reddit is doing it” you are being manipulated and deserve to lose everything. Whether that’s silver or GME it’s equally true and it doesn’t actually matter whether the media is lying here you’re just brainlessly giving your money away. what ever you said though. If you do not have 4 ounces of silver go buy 4 ounces of silver. >>> secure your freedom. You know it's a hoax because Robinhood hasn't even banned people from buying it Ignore all SILVER news! They’re stacking fake news right into the Monday open to dilute the fact that GME is stronger than ever. These are lies being spoon fed by the HFs. This is a coordinated media campaign to try and divert our attention from GME. DO NOT FALL FOR IT! It's all over twitter. They're FOMOing at the mouth like fucking sheep Thanks for bringing attention to this Even Emigrant bank is pushing it. Received an email from them a few minutes ago advertising their Precious Metals Direct. What about buying physical silver bars and stashing away for long term? Yeah, the amount of fake accounts on twitter is CRAZY. I reported a ton this morning (created in January and Feb 2021) legit only posting the silver hahstag. What I'm hearing is everyone should sell silver. Shut up about Silver I’m holding my $800 shares of AMC and I’m lonely What? I just read a huge ass DD post on reddit here last week why Silver is the most shorted / manipulated thing ever. How the hell is that the medias fault reporting about all these 'squeeze Silver' posts here by redditors? I mean sometimes people just don't even look at where info came from. Then they are pissed if media doesn't report about something and now they are pissed that they are reporting about it. It’s not a trap. And Wallstreetbets was a huge campaign against it because NOW along with there ego has huge manufacturing giants and elites attached to it. They couldn’t stop GME but they can stop silver. It will effect them. Buying physical silver is the only way. This will bring to light the manipulation, the corruption, the false power certificates that are traded. And you think the shorts on stocks are a crime of collusion. Shorts on silver have been manipulated by the likes of JP Morgan and the rest. Controlling the ups and downs to profit billions of the shorts. Even fined 900 million for it last year but that’s nothing. They will take the fine happily. They call this a distraction. How is it a distraction. No one said sell GME. No one said don’t hold GME. This is just the second and last play. On a commodity that is undervalued illegally. And they are scared. Scared of there money, scared of real change. Scared of attention being brought away from there precious GME. Has nothing to do with them. Just figured if you are about taking down the elites. Exposing what’s been happing in the banking industry for decades. This is the way. You read the information then it clear. The smear against this is all fear. And that is good. We won’t stop. I like this metal. And I like this metal now. And it’s such common sense that if you claim to not see it. Then there are alternative motives to speak against it. Yeah this is the dumbest thing ever. Haven't seen any non bot talking about squeezing silver. I bought some last friday, because I started to see some bullshit about it and sold this morning. >Media outlets OPENLY AND PROVABLY LYING about online movement GamerGate knows that feel. https://imgur.com/a/nrlta https://imgur.com/a/owehS Where the hell are they finding these “silver recommendation” threads 🤣. “There is currently no evidence on who is posting these silver threads...” well no shit CNBC Silver is still a good buy right now. Don't buy it expecting a short squeeze and the price of silver to triple...next monday. Yo amc. Let's fuckin do this. I just bought more physical metal Think of it as an education on how the markets **really** work. Its the kind of thing you won't read in any of the textbooks Silly me, I’m over here with a 15% gain because I liked the chart when I bought a few weeks ago. Silver could easily rise to $50 like it came close to way back in 2011. I’ll hold until $40ish. It’s only 10% of my holdings so I can weather the volatility just fine. Don't care, still like it. I'm going to stare at this 40k worth of silver every day of my life and never sell it, may even leave it my grandchildren End of the day silver is more valuable than fiat currency with no backing. In fact, thanks for reminding me to order more! Buy physical gold and silver if you want something to legit HOLD on to. This is 2 day old account telling you not to buy silver. Not suspect at all... You lost me at $SLV. I thought you were talking about silver. The argument has to do with how paper silver is bullshit. They issue 250 paper silver ounces per 1 real silver ounce. They artificially manipulate the price of silver. First of all it is possible to squeeze silver. If you have a look at the positions they have open right now you will see that some big banks are short silver. If you don't trust me check the market movements and you will see the manipulation going on there. It's absolutely a fucking joke that you retards think silver is a bad investment. Even if there is no Squeeze silver will be a good investment during high inflation times. Investing is just flavor of the month atm. Once all these retards burn themselves when the meme stocks crash, its no fun anymore and things will get back to normal I saw that this morning! Was looking to put a little more money in the market and they’re talking about “Silver! Silver! Silver!” My first thought was “I think I read about this on Reddit”. Sure shit everyone is ringing the alarm to stay away from silver as much as possible. Lmao its not a trap at all i can finally get out of my slv postion to buy more gME Thx melvin hahahaha I've been watching the WSB all weekend and I didn't see any hype of silver. And silver is not a WSB thing, no growth in that. It just goes to show how corrupt the people at the top are. So trump was right about fake news? Finance media lying *Surprise* Fuck silver. Palladium is where the money is It is depressing being reminded how dumb so many people are. This is why institutions look down on retail traders. > They're talking on CNBC Enough to know that it's bullshit then. In addition, if you buy via ETF, the demand has driven the price way beyond NAV and you’re paying a 10% premium over assets. That’s not normal and not smart. It’s gotten so apparent during the past week how the mainstream media is not a friend of the retail trader. Shit is sickening to see what if I bought silver bars and coins? Lmao what? Thought I was in WSB for a sec with this paranoid nonsense. Silver is not a hedge fund trap, there just happen to be a lot of people excited about it. The supply for silver is low and the demand is skyrocketing from green energy, ev and tech. Demand was already set to outpace supply within a year. Thos isnt a short squeeze in silver unless you're buying AG. The play in silver is a supply squeeze and is very real. Maybe they misinterpreted reddit silvers Damn these motherfuckers really think we the people are that fucking stupid CNN international is also pushing the story right now. The worst part of that propaganda is that it's taking momentum... There is no such thing as bad advertising. It's amusing how many news publications posted an article very similar to each other. It's almost like they were told what to write... I came in from the gym. My wife asked if I'm buying silver ffs Trying to sell SLV stocks I’ve had for months and they won’t let me touch it- they’re such bullshit artists maybe you can purchase more SLV but don’t be fooled everyone you literally cannot touch it to sell I’ve been holding SLV for 5+ months and now all of a sudden for the last two hours they won’t allow sales I’m still so confused about what to invest in. I know GME is the thing now, but wouldn’t we want this to be a constant thing? Where does someone get educated on smart investing? There's no silver on the moon. Just diamonds and soon to be a few million retards landing on the worlds biggest rocket > not advice I love glue! Red pill for the masses. All propaganda. There's a lot of money in misinformation If you google ""gamestop"", you'll actually see newsarticles about ""redditors are mass leaving GME and investing it in silver hurr durr"". Smh It’s even being touted on the BBC. Market manipulation on a global scale, with a branch of the UK government towing the line. Full disclosure: I have not touched silver like many redditors. Screw these big news. Just sold all my shit and went full retard with AMC 🌝 🚀 Hedge funds are trying to work reddit like reddit worked them. Don’t fall for it! How about buying the actual metal? Same question applies to gold. Is it bad to buy and collect precious metals? GME changed the game. This whole situation is something we've never seen the likes of before. Wall Street thinks they can use our own tactics against us. They're trying to use Reddit, use YOU, to manipulate the market in their favor. So what I’m hearing is that instead we all need to short silver? It's not working: https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=now%207-d&geo=US&q=gme,slv,amc,%2Fm%2F03xlfx Wannabe bubble is coming. People get nothing about what is going on at GameStop, try to jump in, doesnt work, they start looking other ""things"" to buy and play with the hype... How stupid it gets when you publish an article in the morning about WSB pushing silver but then all ppl need to do is go on Reddit to see that the sub's all against buying silver? lol The MSM is just digging themselves deeper in the mud. Did these guys still not understand open source? Citadel is the fourth largest owner. They’re trying to recoup losses using your money to do it Yea, it is ridiculous. u/Ahriman27 has a good [list](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/la3ddb/we_should_be_compiling_links_of_sources_claiming/glm17kw/) The only thing I want to squeeze is my hog with my diamond hands SLV is not silver. Is a paper shell game and obviously tool of control. SLV game is so rigged you are better off going to a casino. $AG or stonk like that might be a little more troublesome for Cantillonaires I'm just waiting for the START BUYING AAPL. Yeah IMO don't ever invest in silver unless it's literally your job. If you're disagreeing with me, you're probably the exception to the rule and would at least agree that most people shouldn't be doing this OR you're the kind of idiot who would run off a cliff because I told you not to just to spite me. > It's not shorted at all. It is shorted, but there's so much of it it can't be squeezed, and the people who need to be squeezed are the banks, the ones giving bailouts, so they can just bail themselves out and ride it out. And none of thise cnbc et al shills are crying how squeezing silver will somehow crash the market or how it's bad, no billionaires crying that reddit is gambling his stimmy on silver. Can any of you americans write your congresspeople? Please? I have seen so many spam accounts pumping silver this week. I’m the Lorax of silver and I speak for everyone on behalf of the “silver state” Nevada, when I say... even we aren’t hyped about silver anymore. They took it off the license plates. GME digital Diamond right now! If there's one thing Donald Trump and the republicans have taught us these last five years it's all about projection. That's what they'd do if they were you or were planning on do already. REJECT PROJECTION! Take note of every publication pushing it. Every investor “tip” site. Every professional online investor on social media. Remember them all and then never trust or use their information again, because they clearly are not on your side. We know fake news is pretty common these days. I must admit though, I have never seen anything on this scale before. Every single big news media is on it. This is on a different level. I mean, it will be useful against werewolves, so maybe there's something in it. IT'S A TARP!!! Luckily I can’t read. All I do is HOLD. [deleted] I feel like these HFs took the word ""retard"" thrown around at WSB too literally. Now they are trying to pack shit in Tiffany bags and sell it to us. But we ain't buying it! Its sickening really, how cocky they have become praying on the ignorance of others When are you gonna realize the media does not have your best interest in mind on either end of the spectrum. I bought shares of actor/activist Ron Silva. Honestly, I’m cooling off of Reddit stocks because of this. GME has shown that Reddit can be weaponized unfortunately, and I feel as though people are trying to lure new investors/mod mentality into terrible plays for pump and dumps - because it isn’t “the illegal pump and dump” Funny how silver, which benefits Citadel, isn't being restricted by Robinhood despite media claims that there's a ""Social media frenzy"" turning the market volatile. Its almost like stopping consumers from buying the stock had *NOTHING* to do with protecting them. It literally made me a “no mainstreammedia guy” I’m a center-left guy, I sided with most of Reuters, AP, sometimes Bloomberg, sometimes CNN and mostly CNBC ... now? I literally have to get the news from 10 sources from now on, and average the findings for reliant information. Superdisgusting how it popped up EVERYWHERE around the world, the same fucking SLV story, sometimes even word for word! (Germany, France, Asia, even in my small eastern-EU country!) Also, funniest shit! These motherfucking boomers are so out of touch, they don’t even realise all we think is that boomer investment, we like and embrace the risk! It’s literally “oh no, I have to eat ramen for one more weeks sadtimes! Let’s go!” I don’t bend for 10-15%s on S&P index following funds, my net worth is literally 1000 usd, I have to do the risky shit! Ps.: they could do the MINIMAL effort, of what a millennial or gen z likes and boost that “fake” honeypot ... not fucking silver, we’re literally holding a cinema chain store stock and a gaming store stock, the most millennial shit you can buy on the stockmarket. It’s because of some guy on tiktok. Literally just some old guy saying it and everyone believed it with doing no research Edit: it’s not reddit but they’re saying it is because of the hype, but who’s really surprised that the news is out of touch and has no idea what’s happening I’m buying into the theory I saw on a WSB post that this is deliberate. They have lost all regard for secrecy in market manipulation and are going full tilt on a pump-and-dump with us as the scapegoat, buying into silver and getting anyone who doesn’t know enough to look up the trends themselves to follow them. The price rises, they sell the stock and get back the money they lost on WSB meme shorts while blaming the pump and dump on Reddit. (serious) contact any relative over 50. Five zero and tell them not to fall for the silver. The hedgies are going after the most vulnerable whatever the truth is, Drudge fell for the silver thing You know who happens to make money on silver rising? The same shitadel that's losing their shirts on gme... don't bail them out I keep yelling ""IT'S NOT REDDIT, ASSHOLES!"" at my screen every time I see the ""hurr durr Reddit sez buy silver"" nonsense. I lurk here and WSB and a few other related subs and all I have seen is Redditors telling people to avoid the silver trap at all costs. Clearly, I am more capable of fact gathering than the average ""journalist."" I made 80% profit going long in silver from last Thursday until around Monday afternoon European time. Wtf are you talking about!? Even in Greek apps of all places they've been hyping up silver. What is going on lmao It's dark af. I'll never trust financial news again. I learned the hard way in football.. in college you are playing against other players for their pride.. in the NFL you are playing against other people's paychecks.. Money is war..fuck wit people's money all bets are off Reddit just had an advertisement telling Reddit investors to diversify their portfolio and buy silver now... about 5 posts after this article. They are shameless. My favorite is them claiming that r/wallstreetbets will target gold next. Afterwards it'll be the S&P 500, followed by treasuries, then real-estate and beanie babies(?), coming full circle to GME. They make it seem as if r/wallstreetbets is trying to destabilize and overtake the entire economy. Weird how they've suddenly become such a threat to the economy because some greedy dudes in corporate are losing billions that they don't even own (20 billion as of January 29th). [sauce.](https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2021-02-01/gamestop-gme-is-old-news-after-reddit-discovers-silver-futures) That disclaimer at the end had me laughing good. Let me explain this in really simple layman's terms: The hedge funds are scared and they think the ""poors"" are all as easily manipulated as Facebook boomers that think memes are factual news. So that's what they're doing. Mass misinformation/disinformation campaigns. They're using bots, probably paying real people to go around proclaiming ""hello fellow youths"" and whatever else. They're that dumb that they're using tactics that pretty much only boomers and Karens would ever fall for and it's hilarious. I've always thought buying metal *stocks* is kind of silly. Metals won't make you rich; they are a hedge against going broke. They provide a nice cushion for when the market takes a downturn, they are a store of value, and if the worst happens, they can be your only wealth. Owning silver is a great long term investments - if you physically possess the metal. Owning stocks in metal just doesn't make a lot.of sense literally no one on reddit was talking about silver, at least nothing past the usual. what a joke the silver hype is, it’s completely astroturfed So, I just lost a family friend because of this. I saw he posted an article that was sponsored by [J](https://www.jmbullion.com/?utm_source=tfmetals&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=TFMetals%20Report)M Bullion, saying that reddit is going to squeeze silver. I came back to reddit, gathered a couple of good posts (like this one) and commented on his FB post, showing that reddit is not the ones responsible for this squeeze... Unfortunately, his response was something like ""Your article is bias, so I'm not reading it and you always act like you're smarter than everyone else"" I was pretty shocked, so I recapped what he said and what I had said to make sure we were on the same page on what we were arguing about, and by the time he read my response (or possible not read and just simply) he blocked me. They’re even advertising it. It’s insane. This needs to be upvoted. Reddit is NOT after silver. We want and will hold GME! Diamond hands peeps! We like the stock! Upvote! 💎 🙌 I've had silver since 2000. Never got to shoot one fucking werewolf. I knew they were all lying cheating fucks But it's still weird seeing the media, the rich, the gov come together and fuck the retail investor live on TV It's like we all exist just to feed them. Fuckin vampires Ive seen it everywhere, hope they catch them. I love you all. Its awful that the media manipulate people into losing money when they could be educating, informing, or in any other way being helpful to society. Good work seeing through their BS, keep it up diamond hands! Also, not saying someone should DDOS them...but someone should definitely DDOS them I have learned something about the media in the last days. nearly every mainstream media site and commercial tv channels talks shit about Reddit users and what’s it all about. They do know nothing or they simply want to tell a different story. i am not a conspiracy person, but this experience will change how I will look at there content in the future. Go and get a good broker, a broker who will charge you for its service. Otherwise you are not the customer, you are the product. Do not use Robinhood or eTorro! do your DD by having a look at the sources and data. do not get hyped by someone telling you he is an expert. GME to the moon, peace I got silver for a comment once. Made my whole day. As a person who owns silver etfs, I think it's laughable that media would try to pin a ""silver squeeze"" on Reddit. It's such a boomer investment. I always get negative comments whenever I mentioned it. This make me sad that I have been buying silver coins for years. Main stream media is really showing its true colors for everyone to see. Now ask yourself this, what other BS have they shoveled for years and gotten away with because we may have agreed with it? There’s an associated press article claiming users on WSB are squeezing it. They quote users of Reddit and Reddit itself but don’t name any users. I bought a hundred ounces of silver couple years ago and sold it already...long before the jump, fuck Welcome to how I feel about AMC BB and NOK Yes they are good stock NO THEY ARE NOT FUCKING GME BY ANY MEANS SO PLEASE shut Up About Them We Are Trying To Make The World Change Thanks 💎🖖🚀🌕🙏🇺🇸🖖 Pretty sure they just scraped wsb for stock mentions and got a bunch of returns for “silver” not understanding it was for “Reddit silver” and they’ve now played themselves. If all of us on Reddit bought silver and then we all requested physical silver that would put a huge squeeze on that stock correct? I was really let down by Andrew Ross-Sorkin Monday. Really shabby journalism. Shotty really. In fact, shitty. Looking back, it was actually fucked the way he handled his hearsay interview. Then began the FUD campaign all week with a Cramer “you won” (sell your GME) cherry on top Friday. I find the whole media angle very rich, reporting on market manipulation while actively manipulating the market. CNBC kept telling us to sell because the fundamentals don’t support the valuation, thus trying to stifle the buying and protect hedgies. I shit you not; in the same episode, Cramer told the audience to both sell GME based on fundamentals, and to buy Snowflake???????????????? UNNNNNGGGGGGGKKKAAAYYYYY!!! Fuck off CNBC ps. Still a fan of Fast Money who had the most even coverage imo. h/t to Melissa Lee and the traders. If you try to do that all you do is pay miners to start mining because currently right now it is not that profitable to mine silver. As the price of silver goes up so does production there's millions upon millions of tons of silver sitting in the ground and no one is mining it because it's not profitable right now. If we were smart we would all buy mines stocks for silver mines. Once the mind start going in production they are going to have stocks jump out of the ceiling. You can't squeeze silver you just create more jobs and more production. The increase of silver will directly cause jewelry makers headaches places like Tiffany's that do tons of business and silver will have to raise their prices of their already expensive trash silver bracelets Go AMC hedgies eat a dick!!!!! Silver miners are a great buy. As is silver in general. It will be a much needed commodity in the new super cycle. Squeeze or not , silver is undervalued and a great investment for the next few years. So is physical silver still good to buy right now? I saw the spot price of silver is pretty low compared to what it’s been the last few months. How can you loose money by trading your paper for real money? You probably work for the fed. Trying to push us in to paper WTF do you know. Shit comments. Yes the Fking banks are shorting and prob on behalf of the Govt/Fed CNBC is garbage in general It's part of the game dude. Disinformation, rumors and news have been around since prices are quoted on markets. We did not need redditors or Cnbc for this to happen. I ve been trading for 40 years, actually 38, and since the very first day I had to deal with rumors and integrate them in the decisional process. Don t buy SLV. Simple. Because you re not buying silver . You re buying worhtless paper. Buy physical silver, or PSLV. Do some research and open your eyes. The #silversqueeze is on!!!!! \>> It's not shorted at all. Silver is the most heavily shorted commodity in history. Silver is actually not a bad asset. Precious metals are great to have. This is all just another mis information campaign Don’t buy slv buy physical or PSLV I bought physical Silver 1 year ago and sold at 150% profit. Just buy the real thing. Goldmoney.com Physical silver is a sound investment IMO, outside of the media shilling. I have no knowledge about a squeeze or anything like that, but I see a lot of inflation incoming and the price of the asset will go up with that inflation. There's also an unprecedented demand going on right now, and commodities are much more heavily influenced by S&D than stocks. I'd think of it as an insurance investment. SLV is a complete fucking scam though, don't touch it. Bias: I have 8.5 pounds of money This post reminds me of every one telling me not to buy gme and amc I ignored them, thank goodness I don’t listen to posts like this that have no dd whatsoever! Silver is a swing trade opportunity, I’ve cashed in 20% profits 3 times this year What if you hold physical silver and gold for a long play? Is that a good idea? I inherited some and I don’t even know how to sell it. I’m not going to a pawn shop but I’ve heard banks will buy bullion. Will they still if I have no record of purchase? Of course this user deleted his account, because he's a patsy for the big banks and hedgefunds. I was looking at the news this morning under GME and every single story was about silver. WTF! MSM can rot in hell! It amazing that people don't get that you can't squeeze silver. It's a 1.4 TRILLION USD commodity. GME only works because, after it's more than 10x growth, it's still only 17 Billion USD. Early this month it was 0.4 Billion. Retail investors can increase the price of half a billion. No one can move 1.4 Trillion. GME>Physical Silver>$PSLV. Don’t buy $SLV Silver, even without all the hype and speculation and whatnot, is still a great investment when playing an ETF like SIL or SILJ or miners like WPM, PAAS, HL and AG. We are entering a commodities bull market and are in the middle of a precious metals one. The idea that commodities and commodity related equities will outperform other investment asset classes like tech and healthcare the coming years is new and perhaps odd to some, but it is very real. Dunno im in both GME and silver, if some hedge pump gonna give me tendies i will take it all. Bagholding silver miners etf since 2017 for 15k eur, hoping that big boys get scared, engage fight or boomers think its time to digg themselves into underground punkers. Seems its going just fine, with silver its big boys time, they can actually stay solvent to payout my money. Melvin is fucked and some other retard gonna try luck with shorts again, so i think both will produce decent gains. Praising Reddit for purchasing silver so they can distract us from purchasing other stuff. MSM is ass. Silver squeeze is about as credible as Doge squeeze. Headline-chasing newb investors are going to get eaten up, really a shame And in the meanwhile all the dimwits on r/silverbugs think this is real and are celebrating. I'm not suprised, most silver ""stackers"" are literally the worst investors I know and will gladly pay thrice market value for a ""limited mint"" or whatever else they believe will make them rich. On the other hand tbh, I do buy bullion, as a hedge and market failsafe for the fun, having something real is just cool. And both silver and gold bullion have made me good money the last year. Silver stocks on the other hand are just retarded. Why buy stock if you can buy the real thing? Also that market is completely inflated and controlled by the assholes we're fighting. There's almost double the silver stock than there is silver, which makes it even more logical to buy bullion instead. Yes, please don't buy silver. This event could ruin my parents' small business, which sells a product made of silver. My dad is trying to do a regular resupply and can't even get his suppliers on the phone to order more. And even if he can, he will probably have to sell product at a loss just to stay afloat. Y'all people involved in these short squeeze campaigns are laughing and thinking you're sticking it to the hedge fund billionaires, but there are plenty of regular people harmed by this shit. Silver is known as a widow maker because of how highly manipulated it is.. the metal is practically useless.. all around. Save ur hard earned money guys.. don’t trade silver.. But everything the media used to say about Trump was completely 100% true. Redditors are actually retarded. So it's illegal when we do it but legal when they do it? [removed] Even national sources in Europe are saying this. Never thought I would see Fake News so blatantly with my own eyes. Disgusting! Apparently Chinese investors are all in on silver so this could be interesting. I'm dumb and bought a share Friday. RH actually sent my dumb butt an email saying hey! this is volatile! RH linked a disclosure that SLV would be issuing new shares for less than I bought in. Sold it ASAP for almost 10% profit. Silver's up 10+% since Friday, and I'm seeing it on mainstream news. Either it's a trap from the hedge funds, people desperately want to get in on the ground floor of the next GME, or both. It's kind of annoying to be honest, I actually wanted to buy some physical silver, because I have a small holding of precious metals that I like to DCA into, but now I have to wait until this blows over. yeah #silversqueeze is OBVIOUS astroturfing To the spies. $GTFO is the next buy after $GME. I mean seriously the market manipulation at this point is atrocious It’s everywhere, why would we buy fucking silver it’s like 3 times as expensive as GME and it won’t fuck over the hedgefunds. So they went from saying redditors are bad for manipulating the market o praising silver?? Blue Horseshoe Loves Anacott Steel Rules of WSB [https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/wiki/contentguide...](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/wiki/contentguide#wiki_wsb_content_guide) Commodities trading is discussed [https://www.reddit.com/r/Commodities/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Commodities/) A campaign attempting to pump silver made it to WSB, they did not meet the requirements to post, where deleted. Then of course, this begins. All you have to do is google ""Silver"". Citidels interest in Silver exchange.[https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EtFtIRpW4AUPZVi?format=png...](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EtFtIRpW4AUPZVi?format=png&name=large) Also, you can watch fake accounts on twitter[https://twitter.com/wsbmod\_](https://twitter.com/wsbmod_?fbclid=IwAR1Reks6G6g8weHWwVA9scmYD8q1MdONo4pm8m_6T_NfoeUVQgJ73Vq_WHo) Bloomberg - Anna Kitanaka - Citadel Silver Holding Exposes Rifts in WallStreetBets Army[https://www.bloomberg.com/.../citadel-s-silver-bet...](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-02-01/citadel-s-silver-bet-exposes-rifts-in-the-wallstreetbets-army?fbclid=IwAR1eEXWdPVrAAcQaUfGrzXTCJ_-6KTTV2peos5TboN_3bJmbOH7B8xtv9M0) chicagotribune - No author[https://www.chicagotribune.com/.../ct-biz-gamestop-reddit...](https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.chicagotribune.com%2Fbusiness%2Fct-biz-gamestop-reddit-silver-prices-20210201-sppdhbsuvbeuxkoutdfbcaimfq-story.html%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2GlD-htBE_i35Phlksu_ue4X88q87ZtsSwOJSevvc9vHy5QRCROScA8b4&h=AT1bnyx-55k_y-rR220xoEAJWd90sev__zuciCioEAXUTJoibXCKHZj22BNbWre07_8womk6X7bnWDT9mmmXY_wXttjD4Z6d_59tvTB4nl4ALUXCGjYMHsEYw-_-L8z5ZfybrSZWTpItWhYo_SWl&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT2Y6BR3meWmP0yap9735R6POFbobfQMvUWzc9Z6gnNqIB1uyCYoh08e2PpJy8zLQ7VvaEOPH2jn_XghQiYMKpyMTC3KCpyqajIh1xykbF7Ya839wylNpZalxFD6sB0JxwQZu-zMfP5PqRYq0SZrIqXJZw) Associated Press - No Author [https://bangordailynews.com/.../online-movement-boosts.../](https://bangordailynews.com/2021/02/01/national-business/online-movement-boosts-silver-futures-to-8-year-high/?fbclid=IwAR2Po7HOmRBrsH0En0gao0So8HpyMr52id2krR-lnSXR8eraNNTMxwhpOb4) [Kare11.com](https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2FKare11.com%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3GsGMBRbo4dr3zbyQaBKJWRhPJ_jn5awU52DCVa1jMQiacyvy5YYPPNd0&h=AT0-HbbSHDRfAss50ZtH4deRVEUO7sH59XUbxSE8Up6Rf5JzwJZ4w1JtqjW5ZLfxUvMTFOxTi8IqtYIfHstuCss__DgsGXYLLkSrg02JVibpKN9BhT9uI35v6ijLx3navIyBHboqgqNDyDEFVUf7&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT2Y6BR3meWmP0yap9735R6POFbobfQMvUWzc9Z6gnNqIB1uyCYoh08e2PpJy8zLQ7VvaEOPH2jn_XghQiYMKpyMTC3KCpyqajIh1xykbF7Ya839wylNpZalxFD6sB0JxwQZu-zMfP5PqRYq0SZrIqXJZw) \- No Author[https://www.kare11.com/.../507-12eaa03c-20c8-4bca-b530...](https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.kare11.com%2Farticle%2Fnews%2Fnation-world%2Fsilver-price-boosted-online-movement%2F507-12eaa03c-20c8-4bca-b530-1b4485af413d%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1DSUMAlTl_5kW31IfAmRxOzoBW9GA0jKk3lGF3Ap41Egs64RqOHhTQQA8&h=AT22O1IgT7NfT607C7fLXfetOdvMimfKwTZtg-ihUPlNJDz2J5IITn7zePJXZB1cXwLg6vYUHmrd_OZfsfZgGAB1XoE0CWrbLCPgYi5gPJ4Oahs8Uaj6yF9TmPvhWQBjLKXueRPZwk9FBJ4u74R4&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT2Y6BR3meWmP0yap9735R6POFbobfQMvUWzc9Z6gnNqIB1uyCYoh08e2PpJy8zLQ7VvaEOPH2jn_XghQiYMKpyMTC3KCpyqajIh1xykbF7Ya839wylNpZalxFD6sB0JxwQZu-zMfP5PqRYq0SZrIqXJZw) CNN Buisness - Matt Egan - Silver surges as Reddit army targets precious metals[https://www.cnn.com/.../silver-price-squeeze.../index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/31/investing/silver-price-squeeze-reddit-wallstreetbets/index.html?fbclid=IwAR2Po7HOmRBrsH0En0gao0So8HpyMr52id2krR-lnSXR8eraNNTMxwhpOb4) Yahoo Finance - Yvonne Yue Li - Ref Bloomberg - [https://finance.yahoo.com/.../silver-retail-sites-grind...](https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Ffinance.yahoo.com%2Fnews%2Fsilver-retail-sites-grind-halt-190456039.html&h=AT2S81cLeaztRVpV0tDTSkDeuLCTDMDmzNFWY6F5Q-b_ZpXT4PzoElNQGIqrixcsBJjrK33MQcN8AOUzSz2B5-daY6ouzhjTS2BLbwhfFa3gxGqCP4QOWRczPXdPI06Gtiwn5aGyb5p8ISFZU4xi&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT2Y6BR3meWmP0yap9735R6POFbobfQMvUWzc9Z6gnNqIB1uyCYoh08e2PpJy8zLQ7VvaEOPH2jn_XghQiYMKpyMTC3KCpyqajIh1xykbF7Ya839wylNpZalxFD6sB0JxwQZu-zMfP5PqRYq0SZrIqXJZw) CNBC Jesse Pount - MARKETS Silver jumps 11%, the most in 11 years as Reddit traders try their squeeze play with the metal [https://www.cnbc.com/.../silver-futures-jump-7percent-as...](https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnbc.com%2F2021%2F01%2F31%2Fsilver-futures-jump-7percent-as-reddit-traders-try-their-squeeze-play-with-the-metal.html%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR0lzWETUqdysi8UfMmjuhGTHPgMILeFe45LIdb2fLXjrC-B-a3l32O-jFk&h=AT3lRpYli3uaqzpa5V5iveCFi7a-iQo78Z5gTCCPLkUIHsqDgAx-JG5aatmaMvYXOqHIch0nZ7llpcgGNufL-UTNKRNJnniICU6Rv0ATTXi6ZEw_TqR2BaR8kGikEXw57WNk5zyFkouR8WZtq2x2&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT2Y6BR3meWmP0yap9735R6POFbobfQMvUWzc9Z6gnNqIB1uyCYoh08e2PpJy8zLQ7VvaEOPH2jn_XghQiYMKpyMTC3KCpyqajIh1xykbF7Ya839wylNpZalxFD6sB0JxwQZu-zMfP5PqRYq0SZrIqXJZw) USA Today - Jessica Menton - Move over Gamestop Reddit Traders are targeting silver now[https://www.usatoday.com/.../silver-squeeze.../4335713001/](https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.usatoday.com%2Fstory%2Fmoney%2Fmarkets%2F2021%2F02%2F01%2Fsilver-squeeze-gamestop-stock-reddit-traders-amc%2F4335713001%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR294GEykUZx6-gdoas9UxngdG8S5NyXFV2VMbRshaCTpwO4UQ20vVj6Gqo&h=AT06dKfKPY4eDN9gMrVmBCH1KjoBC4Nx5HxG86ZH88A82-YGzZZSk5VWb_ugU1aygeLOGke76OK0AxlBySjrqvNBOYrkQedjmL2-slpcecYQ7jJ6_rzfvun6s4G_Cj-IE3ulFhghNET_FYW_1Ne2&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT2Y6BR3meWmP0yap9735R6POFbobfQMvUWzc9Z6gnNqIB1uyCYoh08e2PpJy8zLQ7VvaEOPH2jn_XghQiYMKpyMTC3KCpyqajIh1xykbF7Ya839wylNpZalxFD6sB0JxwQZu-zMfP5PqRYq0SZrIqXJZw) Market Watch - Jack Denton - WallStreetbets has Silver in its sights but here's why this is speculative rush may be 'short-lived' analyst say [Barrons.com](https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2FBarrons.com%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3GfJ9WXgCm8f5oFdkdR2Swyj7eQD4WT8CTaZZE8xH9E7EdbiiCX_7Q9BE&h=AT3CkaW-ezTuNGAzuwnjuCaB24B2Gwus7Wgh4fLUAOEElzVF2WerzodZX0h1ipuo3alY5uBWofv9ugFyX58WL2fu1uSIRHGS-jPFTPFDP9gP9RQ0qZ29KVSv44ISUyloJoJmL4ZiGUa0S6evjYAn&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT2Y6BR3meWmP0yap9735R6POFbobfQMvUWzc9Z6gnNqIB1uyCYoh08e2PpJy8zLQ7VvaEOPH2jn_XghQiYMKpyMTC3KCpyqajIh1xykbF7Ya839wylNpZalxFD6sB0JxwQZu-zMfP5PqRYq0SZrIqXJZw) Callum Keown - Retail Traders Are Taking Aim at Silver. These Mining Stocks Are Surging.[https://www.barrons.com/.../retail-traders-are-taking-aim...](https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.barrons.com%2Farticles%2Fretail-traders-are-taking-aim-at-silver-these-mining-stocks-are-surging-51612182970%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2ftXx-uIkhsAnFHPB6MgjvAivEBiCnFO5suZn_O6FaH4KsDP9Nc34vb6U&h=AT3i4QqIwfNfMbn3fGn-zewlXGsoRAkutXIiiIWHEG3RxKPQfXNvCHYVotWyp9VMn3PxkVoYKjdcWVLbq8T7Mi0Aisc1JLW1KJkrtAo2G_oNgglfaCaMuMYjv3H1YdZIHvd8BzBcGoeO5Z6IiWEF&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT2Y6BR3meWmP0yap9735R6POFbobfQMvUWzc9Z6gnNqIB1uyCYoh08e2PpJy8zLQ7VvaEOPH2jn_XghQiYMKpyMTC3KCpyqajIh1xykbF7Ya839wylNpZalxFD6sB0JxwQZu-zMfP5PqRYq0SZrIqXJZw) FoxBusiness - No Author - Silver prices reach five-month high[https://www.foxbusiness.com/.../silver-prices-reach-five...](https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.foxbusiness.com%2Fmoney%2Fsilver-prices-reach-five-month-high-monday%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1j9wNXC1GPgVcWho-ku3muxS-F0Qb1xuCzFosLWnII4nVsagsdp-pcJA8&h=AT30bp1CmODkbCTU1HLeJj1LQTvbhyMLnoUvc6xXWQyfF3TOW1O0nKp6ydSwEkIB040VZtzE1NyUps9aU5uWxzeXKDpVhXhPZOu0m4ojZiLPZVHZZvSTdq6_D6vqN08Ne7rE3HSKIS7ydVpHmDaN&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT2Y6BR3meWmP0yap9735R6POFbobfQMvUWzc9Z6gnNqIB1uyCYoh08e2PpJy8zLQ7VvaEOPH2jn_XghQiYMKpyMTC3KCpyqajIh1xykbF7Ya839wylNpZalxFD6sB0JxwQZu-zMfP5PqRYq0SZrIqXJZw) Yahoo Finance - Citadel Silver Holding Exposes Rifts in WallStreetBets Army[https://finance.yahoo.com/.../citadel-silver-bet-exposes...](https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Ffinance.yahoo.com%2Fnews%2Fcitadel-silver-bet-exposes-rifts-082912706.html&h=AT3A85FWMfzCYTaNCMUqZe7b4mp-3DvTINHCTzcu9UUWxZ8CD7pJbFI_OIG6BhmdCrnOYD9Pi8yxx06dXvZLRqhNQdvMD11huX5m4iN7oIwU8J_kiFpxfg4pbRI1-DZx4Xr9dgsbW3QhL-v7Hl2Y&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT2Y6BR3meWmP0yap9735R6POFbobfQMvUWzc9Z6gnNqIB1uyCYoh08e2PpJy8zLQ7VvaEOPH2jn_XghQiYMKpyMTC3KCpyqajIh1xykbF7Ya839wylNpZalxFD6sB0JxwQZu-zMfP5PqRYq0SZrIqXJZw) Maybe it’s time to start using #dontbuysilver on everything... I said it before and I’ll say it again. SLV is a gofundme for Citadel to protect against bankruptcy Another piece of misinformation is the fact that people are saying “let’s run hedge funds out of business” when in reality there will maybe be a few that fail but there are many that are making shit loads of money off of this https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/l7o7sj/the_opportunity_for_a_massive_silver_rally_one_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Meh I just made 120% on my SLV contract because I’m already in heavy on GME, I’m not opposed to taking idiots money What’s wrong with silver? god, did those fucking apes from wsb with their constant GME/anti-citadel/anti-silver trash infiltrate every sub now? stop trying to pump gme so you can dump on others Ah Ha, so the orange kool aid man was kinda right with the whole fake news thing. I don't get it. If you go to r/WallStreetBets and search for the word silver, you will find quite new posts encouraging buying silver. Why does everyone act like it isn't happening at all? I got a bit of silver (SLV) a couple days ago. I made like 10% on it. Sold today. Silver is going to increase in value whether or not WSB is behind it. If you like money, buy silver. They’re literally using their control over the media to trick people into buying $SLV so they can lose money. That’s fucking evil. And even more disgusting on CNBC part. Knowing most people are just watching TV are following the trend and now they’re going throw whatever into $SLV, ignorant to the fact that you can’t squeeze it because it’s not shorted like these asshats did $GME Genuine question.... was silver not undervalued? I bought into silver companies and made a nice amount this morning. Citadel owns a hefty amount of silver as well sooo everyone pumping that up is just giving money to hedges in order for them to buy back GME & AMC The thing is is that paper silver is much more plentiful than physical silver, but people don't know that. I haven't seen a good silver DD on wsb or anywhere believing in slv in in several months. Media is manipulating things to institutions can dump positions again. Too bad I already bought silver...... at 14 dollars a ounce a few years ago CNBC targets boomers who know nothing about Reddit. (or the stock market) They are shilling it right now on CNBC. And they have these idiots on toeing the company line. ""Easy money ($600 stimulus checks) and bored people at home are driving speculation and prices lower"" NPR even said y'all were apparently setting your sights on silver. I read this post earlier and thought to myself ""get your shit straight NPR, you're supposed to be better than this."" Disgusting tactics [deleted] Wait your meaning to tell me CNN is fake news 😱 The big media outlets are in wallstreets fucking pocket. It’s the big institutions vs us individuals Is there a bot that can take any post with 'silver' or 'slv' and replace it with a dog turd? $GME is going down the shitter. Loaded 3/19 $100/$80 put debit spreads today. Join r/StonkTrader if you want to see actual worthwhile memes rather than nearly BK meme stocks Actually, silver has been shorted for fucking YEARS and JPMorgan was fined almost a BILLION over it. Silver should be worth way more. I LIKE THE STONK. But and hold folks. Silver is shorted as fuck for decades. PeriodT. Prolly bigger than GME. Seriously. I don’t post in here cause I got no dog in the hunt, but like. Do you think they just saw folk talking abt Reddit Silver and thought “Ah yes. Their next master plan.” incidentally i bought some silver this morning, not to be a part of any squeeze but simply because those metals just seem to always be in demand so why not have a little in my portfolio? seems like conventional wisdom to have a diverse set of investments Silver is sold out everywhere. Local hobby shops re pushing heavily on facebook to buy it. There is definitely something going on with silver it seems, not that it isnt being hyped hard. This is to get money from those that think they missed the GME bus. Are people using stock market apps to purchase the Silver? If so, what is everyone using as we've seen with GME that SOME apps are only going to screw over the users and sell stocks out from under them. Iv been sitting on silver quarters for 10 years so...I wouldn't be upset. Can I buy actual silver metal? Except there is a literal run on silver right now, which began before GME took off on Tuesday. PHYSICAL SILVER is all sold everywhere I look and call. Regarding shares, $SLV is trash and $AG/$PSLV (small position) is better Why all the hate for silver! It's not bad, just go and buy a little, it's better to diversify and be safe. Silver has great technical indicators, it's a much safer market and better for all involved... What's this taste in my mouth?... Is.. is that blood? Oh God, my stomach, I'm nauseous, oh God, I'm throwing up pools of blood... But yeh silver definitely buy it guys! You can crush Comex if you buy silver and ask for delivery. If enough silver is bought then the contracts are turned in for actual physical silver the demand would exceed what is actually available. Thus causing a real crisis. The price moving exponentially upwards afterwards. I filed an SEC complaint. This is blatant manipulation. The illegal kind. As in, they're inventing lies in order to pump up the price. With GME, we were just saying that we liked the stock, accurately disclosed that we were holding it, and accurately pointed out that if we all held it, the shorts would be forced to cover at a higher price. Here, the media is just straight-up inventing lies from whole cloth. I remember a pretty prominent person (who was recently banned from social media) who said for several years how dishonest and corrupt our media is. Just saying. Sorry, but you're the ones who are scum. You managed to make an entire post saying not to buy silver yet you never gave a real reason why except “hedge fund bad.” Hedge funds own everything from BB to AMC to NOK and yes even commodities like SLV. Citadel literally straddles all of those but the only difference is instead of puts and calls they have puts and shares on SLV. Double standard much? It’s also pretty stupid to call out SLV when it’s actually a reasonable play when you think about: inflation (40% of all USD in circulation was printed in the last year), low output from silver mines, silver is used heavily in solar panels and EVs. Idc if any of you buy silver I’m just pointing out your blatant double standard and lack of research. It’s easy to scream “hedge fund bot” and then shill your AMC which Citadel is straddling. No lie. My mom was like ""buy silver"" and I had to explain to her that was a bad idea. But also she only gets her news from the tv so of course she'd think that. I posted this and it was removed. It's my opinion on it: Listen up, new kids. So you monkeys are the new AntiFa. Every bullshit move or pump and dump or commodity run is currently being promoted as “ReDdiT rEtAiL InVeStOrS” breaking the market. Boomer investors are clutching their pearls and no doubt writing their congressional representatives begging them to do something before the “domestic financial terrorists” crash their IRAs. I mean....there is actually a subreddit doing just that... r/totsnotwallstreetbets So... time to short silver? You have zero knowledge I don’t know who you are listening to? The media is saying that the squeeze is over and failed. [deleted] Fake news from the mainstream media? funny i knew a guy who used to say this.. I think this thread is misinformation or just plain ignorance. Read this and think about what’s going on world wide now: https://twitter.com/zerohedge/status/1356256151046926337?s=21 >Buying silver will make you likely lose money and absolutely give it to the hedge funds. Idiotic. Historic low and has always been a safe bet at these levels. Even if none of this drama ever existed. $40 was pretty much a garuntee. I mean, I'm making money on silver. But, ok. Just got some huge news from a buddy. Apple is releasing news this afternoon about their new car and something that will blow everyone’s mind regarding the vaccine...I’ll remember that this post will be trending tomorrow. Remember me....LOOK AT THE VOLUME BUILD UP Lol, all of you guys are about to get stomped. This is how new traders learn though. These are the people who blasted trump bad for the last four years. Please consider that. [deleted] Maybe, just maybe you have been spoon fed a steady diet of shit for the last 4 years and you just elected the very thing that has been behind this entire system of grift. We like SILVER. Individually. Together monkey strong. Hold. I repeat HOLD. Don't let redditors trick you into not buying silver. 🦍💎✋🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈 Buy silver silver up 10% today. GME down 25%. GME is a TRAP now, hold the empty bag if you want lol It’s not wrong to have silver, but yes it is wrong they are spreading miss information. Welcome to Biden’s America. Not really that awful, it’s just the first time you have experienced it. Conservatives are used to it. President Biden needs to put an end to CNBC. They need to be boycotted. Same for Robinhood Two shares since March 2020 and don’t care what happens to them. I agree. But at the same time I’m happy people are distracted by this nonsense, so that they’ll be late to the game on stocks I already own that aren’t just memes (BB in particular) [removed] Damn i bought an options contract for SLV thats upsetting I was also disappointed to see it mentioned in the Morning Brew newsletter, which I was enjoying until now. The silver investors are paying for their shorts against the meme investors. Yeah when I saw silver being pumped here and on WSB that immediately raised some eyebrows from me... Nothing signals boomer more than putting money in precious metals when meme stocks are skyrocketing haha. That said, the boomers WILL put money in silver/gold until the volatility calms down so it's not necessarily a bad play. SILV and SIVR are both up quite a bit this morning. Would've been nice to have bought some calls late last week but it might be too late at this point. I’m just worried the boomers watching tv and not on Reddit will fall for it There’s multiple wsb knockoff subreddits every new investor is gonna get robbed blindly following online people like sheep What about if you previously owned silver, I have a q anon crazy uncle who bought 100k worth 2 months ago, what should I do to help? Know what I do when I see SLV misinformation post? I buy more GME. Its soothing. It's going to happen more and more. Now that the market is aware of the potential of reddit - and other social media - in moving the market I'm afraid we'll see more and more of these attempts to lead the sheeps to the slaughter. If this is the best they could come up with all weekend is silver and Ladder attacks I feel bad for them [deleted] Its not just CNBC. Its everywhere. Even NPR had a segment this morning about silver. I hate American news media outlets, and seem to find more realistic information thru BBC and other foreign news broadcasting. I work in finance writing (sort of) and it’s insane to see how much of “integrated marketing” is about scamming people into buying silver. Most of the big online edgy traders you see are snake oil salesmen trying to get you to invest in gold or silver. Really depressing. SLV on TD has an alert that says “retail sees this as another short squeeze, use caution.” There getting retail to pull there money out of the derivatives market. 😆 Yes, their pimps are getting the media stooges to try to use the crowdsource against itself. Which is actually illegal market manipulation. They should be reported to the SEC... the more complaints they get, the higher the chances they'll eventually have no choice but to get off their asses and respond in some way. Any time you read “short squeeze” outside of GME just replace it with “get rich quick.” We’ve seen it the last week with dozens of stocks and now precious metals. You really think a once-in-a-decade occurrence is going to happen twice in the same month? If you own silver today is a great day to sell. I legit walked into my parents sitting room just now and they turn to me and said ""NoW tHat GaMeStOp iS oVeR dID yOu mAnAge tO GeT in On ThE SIlVeR... aParaRanTlY it's the NexT biG tHinG on SocIaL MedIa"" Only the idiots would leave GME, AMC, BB and go for fucking silver. They are gonna burn, make some money for the hedges, that own a lot of silver, and then come here and cry. Lesson.....when you hear about it in mainstream media its already too late! Disclosure.....bought my SLV holds at 14 in April of last year based on actual research not some BS, definitely selling at 30$ to dumb fucks citadel. Cheers MOFOs see you in the next episode! They were even talking about it on NPR this morning. Firepower upgrades don’t use awful metallic paint I saw that, I am no longer watching CNBC. You can, of course, do what you want ~ however, ALWAYS do your research! Do rich people stuff to be rich, & do poor people stuff to be poor. Gold & silver has barely kept up with inflation. I’m guessing that you don’t want to break even ~ you want to make $. Also ~ don’t bet the rent $! 🙏 I mean silver is used a lot in electronics and metals have been doing really well > A corner in the silver market has been tried before - and let's be clear, that is what is being attempted now. In 1980, a rule change by the government destroyed the corner. #silverthursday. https://twitter.com/michaeljburry/status/1356111612759789568 The hedgefunds have money and friends in high places but we have numbers. If you see one of these articles on social media comment on how much a lie this is. Post screenshots of the subreddit if you can as proof. I know this is a stock subreddit but we can't let them convince the average joe that silver is the new gme throwing their savings at it thinking we're supporting it. WSB has been pumping Silver since 2020 began. There was even the Silver Surfer gang but of course no one made money. Ah the old FOMO. As ignorant new traders pour money into SLV hoping for a GME reaction that will never happen. Reminder that China and Russia are 3rd and 4th respectively for silver production. Tons of threads being filled with election season-esque conspiracy posts about silver and other aspects of the market. Lol it’s ridiculous to think that people can pump or short squeeze silver I’m thinkin silver puts at the open. So I can make money when they dump this pump. Im also long GE. I bought slv last week. Selling today for a nice gain. What's the problem? Silver is such a tool. It's actually disgusting how corrupt this shit is, and even worse is that nothing will come from all these blatant manipulation efforts to keep big money on top dicking everyone down. I don't like it either, let's not buy any right now and keep the silver manipulation going. Would be sad if my accumulation is already over. I don't like paying 100$ for silver, I hear you. Fuck silver. Silver is rediculous manipulated and reddit should stay away always Pure trash, and several news agencies are in on it. Disappointment in America seems to be the theme. #firstworldproblems I like 1oz silver rounds because they make me feel like a pirate. I'm gonna stop buying them for a few months because of this. If you say anything enough times from enough people and places it becomes truth. I will never trust any financial news (Fox or CNBC) again. I would say that the hedge funds are basically trying to run a pump and dump on silver now...someone correct me if I am wrong Reminds me of those scummy commercials they run fox news all day. Don't invest in gold invest in silver!! Almost everything going around is a pump and dump.GME AND MAYBE AMC have legitimate short position squeeze potential which have now been mitigated by most short covering. Last I saw GME short % was way under 100%. Making future squeezes less likely and more funds likely to slowly creep out of their positions. It’s exactly like the alt coin pump and dumps from 4-5 years ago. They just figured out they can do it to stocks and now commodities. Even the BBC are pushing the story It's really eerie hearing them talk like it's a reddit rally It's Citadel: [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/citadel-silver-bet-exposes-rifts-082912706.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/citadel-silver-bet-exposes-rifts-082912706.html) I usually like Reuters but they have been spewing some bullllllshit! Melvin Capital is one of the largest shareholders of silver so there’s no doubt they’re trying to regain their losses I bought Friday and dumped after reading this for a decent profit, thanks for the heads up OP! I owned a lot of silver before this thing Spread the word! $SLV is a trap! Does this include AMC Sadly I have seen too many TikToks (I know TikTok bad) that seriously thinks this silver thing is real and will never see this because they think the posts they see are directly coming from reddit New Slv subs have been created by days old accounts to push the narrative. I won’t list them. I don't have any individual stock ownership but isn't investing in precious metals like one of the worst investments that is basically guaranteed to never grow beyond inflation long term? Isn't that why fox news ads are constantly trying to scam old people into buying it? Somehow ""Kitco NEWS"" showed up on my YouTube and they're saying the same thing, hyping the hell out of the ""silver squeeze"" saying it was like GME last week. Fucking pathetic. After reading all these posts about the media and the billionaires trying to manipulate and put down common people, I simply don't believe anything. This shows that they really got kicked in the balls because of this and want to spread as much misinformation as they can before they try to make this illegal. Sounds like they are trying to get the common folk who does not use Reddit to buy silver to make them money. See Cramers recently leaked video. Corrupt disgusting assholes Etrade has a feed of news articles about how reddit is dumping GME for silver, and actual-reddit is just looking at their 💎🙌. Ain't no paper-silver-hands around here. Diamonds are forever, bb. I just bought some shares in slv to protect against inflation. Pretty nee to all this, but this is long me very anxious. I will probably sell it off today Bro silver ain’t even that shiny, BUT IF YOU GOT CHROME NOW WE ARE GOING TO VALHALLA ! Selling my little slice of SLV today I guess, lol Any real hope for AMC tho? So let's mass short it, fuck em. Literally no shame in blatantly lying and being a bunch of hypocrites and yet somehow people actually believe them. We can’t and we are not squeezing silver. we’re not a unified group of any kind, nor collective. the prepper people were talking a lot about silver this weekend Yep, even my local news in Dallas was saying that Silver was the next GME I don’t understand the stock market at all. I downloaded FreeTrade app. I don’t understand how it works. I bought shares in M&S because I like the shop. Can someone explain how it works? How do you know what you should buy? How do you make money from it? I’m confused. Silver can’t be squeezed easily, only with an hydraulic press. If you want to squeeze commodities, try hay or something more squishy. Why buy silver when diamonds are stronger??? This is the type of post that end up getting subs banned. Short opportunity, SLV into the dirt!!! 🎢🎢🎢 I think actually kind of nice. Easy identifier on who’s paying who and who not to trust. 🇺🇸👍 It’s probably r/technicallythetruth that Reddit is manipulating silver, as CNBC probably has a Reddit account But silver kills covid /s Even Bloomberg is. I believed it because I don't know too much about the silver situation, but I'm glad people on here know more. Well, unfortunately CNBC seems to say what hedge funds want them to. You have to find the irony in the fact they’re trying to distract a bunch of “retarded apes” with shiny metal Everywhere I look this morning they are talking about silver and how those same GME redditors are buying it up. Guess who owns the most SLV stock. CITADEL, the fucking hedge funds. They really think people are stupid enough to just hop a fake bandwagon and help buy them out of their own mistake Why do they keep reporting that wallstreetbets is done with GME and pushing silver? I've literally not seen more than one barely-upvoted post about silver on here. Every post is about buying and holding more GME. It's so blatantly false I am shocked. Even CBC is reporting on it: I looked at futures when I first saw the news and was like, it's up 10% what's the big fucking deal? Interesting that on CNBC on SiriusXM all I've heard is buy silver commercials for the last few months... It's almost like one of their advertisers has an in and is paying for publishing misleading articles... I mean it makes sense, seeing as how this scenario has just allowed all of the corrupt hedgefunds and money managers a brand new way to manipulate the market and to do a better job and make more money than any of us could in the process. They can act like they are the reddit community and then pump more money into these stocks than any of us have ever seen before. This Media is the enemy of the people, which is a shame since a good media is a cornerstone of a healthy society, but when these jokers do this BS, it ruins trust in the journalistic institutions. I've been in the PHYSICAL silver market for awhile and I've never seen KITCO have bid/ask separation of $1.00. It has always been $0.10 bid/ask... Why did this all of the sudden change right when the media started pushing for a 'silver squeeze?' i couldnt buy silver using ampex this weekend. all the dealers ganged up like a monopoly and didnt sell all weekend and uped the spot price by over 300%. we aint the bad guys, wtf Sometimes it feels like reddit is the only source for real news because it is user moderated and you can come to your own conclusion instead of the media making up your mind for you. Same as abc. Putting on a show to make it look worthwhile. Taking about chinese investors.... All bullshit. Buy Physical Silver. Demand Delivery. Simple as that How happy they are about the ""silver squeeze"" vs the GME/AMC squeezes tells the whole story. If cnbc speaks positively of any stock they have a motive Glad this was the first thing I saw, fucking unbelievable they are just using our own platform against us What Stop spreading fud we’re making money go back to your gme shit. Either buy now or tomorrow or dont cry why its $1000 It’s on the front page of CNN as well hmmm today i will beat the oldest, most entrenched banking families and their literal dragon hoards <-------------- clueless I put all my money into Ron Silver. We should push Blackberry for this reason I think they spelt GME/AMC wrong The enemy is and has always been the media who try to control the narrative and control people while snuffing out free discourse. NPR just said Silver is the next target too When reddit is giving stock advice you know we're due for another correction. Romanian national news too NPR this morning ""Retail and reddit investors take aim at silver to target big banks in short squeeze, can it happen? No. Also it'll probably benefit the banks because they're huge stake holders in silver as well."" I'm paraphrasing, but I do like NPR Yep and according to shitty news sources we are “Greedy” I don't really get all this stuff.. I've purchased a whole lot of socks recently but I don't understand how it is going to make me money... And my drawer is getting full. And it's too cold out where I live for shorts to even make sense buying now! gOldMaN sAcHs sAyS sILvEr wILl bE hUgE I mean I have a chunk of my long term savings in silver and gold bullion, the actual metal. I’d love if the value of that got squeezed up lol Buy all the silver you want and can afford to. But dont buy SLV shit, but physical silver Anyone else buying more GME today to fuck these guys over even more? Hmmm Fake News? Being posted on Australia news pages as well. Wtf is going on ? I haven’t heard any talk about silver at all. Who are they trying to fool? almost bought silver... Luckily I dont have any money :) I guess it’s true what they say: ask that glitters isn’t gold What if we're Maxwell's silver hammer, then would you by it? BlackRock capital runs the $SLV Fund. Maybe those people who buys meme billboards should instead buy anti-silver billboards and other ads saying it's a lie? Covered Calls with the gainz from today...its all gone be fine either way 🙏💎 SCARE TACTICS FROM THE MM’S HOLD THE LINE!!! HOLD THE LINE!! BTFD!!! BTFD!!! BTFD!!! DO NOT BE AFRAID!!!! NPR also shilling silver this morning who the fuck buys paper silver???? that’s like putting oil futures in your cars gas tank. I don’t think they know that we have da internet. This is so dumb. Anyone who follows commodities know Silver was gonna make a move up in 2021 because of the dollar sliding. This is. It a squeeze. All the retards on Reddit need to get educated.... And all these silver bots and paid accounts promoting it all over TikTok and twitter, even on [investing.com](https://investing.com) too. It is fucking insane but new people and boomers still fall for it in hope of making a fortune out of 4 ounces. NPR is even repeating this. They like the silver. Reading the business news from South China Morning news and there is no mention of Chinese investors buying silver, yet Emily Chow, the China Commodities Correspondent at Reuters is writing about Chinese investors piling into silver. [https://www.reuters.com/article/us-retail-trading-silver-china/buying-into-poor-mans-gold-chinese-investors-jump-on-silver-idUSKBN2A122Y](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-retail-trading-silver-china/buying-into-poor-mans-gold-chinese-investors-jump-on-silver-idUSKBN2A122Y) ## For anyone who doesn’t know silver is a long term play. By that I mean years and decades. Silver like gold acts as a hedge to volatility and uncertainty in the market. IT IS NOT A STOCK TO PUMP/SQUEEZE. You hold it to safe guard against a fucked up market like 2008. That’s why silver dropped and was cheap as fuck from 2011 since the market was in a bull run. And it’s long term specifically for this reason- silver is used in all kinds of electronics, specially batteries because it’s the best conductor of electricity. With the increase of green policies around the world and a move towards electric cars and other battery storage systems the use of silver is going to increase and the quantity being produced is reducing. Reducing but not by a lot to cause a long term shortage or a squeeze. So if you wanna get into silver get ready to hold for years and maybe decades. The only silver we need is Reddit silver I'm a proud new owner of 2 shares of GME! 🚀🚀💎👐 Silver price going up just screws over small scale jewelers. The squeeze for silver is different. If people start demanding the physical from their contracts, it explodes. Nothing to do with ""shorting"" it at all. Also, I’ve literally seen zero actual encouragement for this from any Subreddits at all. Clear disinformation campaign. No silver, only #AMC No one on media is going to be on Reddit's side right now, someone needs to make enough noise to show the world the iligal acts they practiced for years, and emphasis the acts they took to stop people from buying Gamestop and Blackberry's stocks I tweeted 1A on NPR to tell them to stop being lazy and pushing this story without research. GME is starting to look scary to my wallet....still HOLDING When you feel like the Hunt Brothers. :)' I thought the same thing. I’ve been seeing so many advertisements that says “resistors are flocking to silver stocks” Bullshit. This is ""Gamers are dead"" all over again I think if anyone really learned anything from this whole fiasco is that if you have disposable income, instead of going to a casino - short the nearest dumpster fire stock after you hype millions of idiots into helping inflate it's price first. Bought into SLV futures & lost 15 cents. It’s a trap! Shill nation, what you expect? It’s so fucking blatant. Real or fake , ride the momentum Can someone tell me what is the best app to use? I have some money I can throw into AMC. I'm in Canada. Am I the only one seeing the cup & handle breakout here? 52 week high? Third Green Day? The pivot was on Thursday. Perfectly held the base trend line to a new high. Follow the technicals folks. They want to distract people from GME Can you even squeeze a commodity? We i signed up for Webull, i was given shares in AG(silver). Now i see it was all a plan to pump the silver game and it was being pumped perhaps for a short later on. The manipulation game is strong with these stock people on tv so be careful. FUCK CNBC. thats all i have to say buy that dip baby lets get rich reddit Apes together stronger together!! 🚀🚀🚀🦍🦍🦍 #Remember guys, the media is the #1 enemy of the people. Remindme! 2 weeks Remember last week when these people pretended to be concerned that retail traders would get hurt by jumping on this hype train with their whole life savings, and now they're trying to encourage those same retail traders to just throw their money away literally anywhere except GME? It was never about protecting retail traders. It's about protecting the rich, always. You do realize that not everyone is interested in your video game store...lost of investment opportunities exist. You should see the fools at r/silverbugs You can't even short commodities unless you flippin' own physical amounts of silver. It's stupid Even if you somehow managed to convince yourself everyone is in cahoots against poor little Reddit investor, could you even blame them? You effectively messaged that your goal wasn’t profits, but to bring their entire system down. And now they are potentially fighting back and you’re pissed? Don’t be surprised when you lose money listening to Reddit instead of doing real work and research. Maybe listen to some of these big bad funds and you might make some money sitting on your ass too. Thank you for this post. The misinfo and distraction techniques are bumming me out. Yes it's true. I bought myself silver earings It's like they want to distract from GME! And leverage it to fuck both us and help themselves. don't buy silver and 💎 hold GME! fuck you Wall Street https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VMuEis3byY4 Selling my Silver, pity it's just a miniscule amount FREE MARKET IS ONLY FREE UNTIL THE RICH START LOSING MONEY!! So silver is actually not what to buy or is it? what if the misinformation is the other way around? idk what to believe anymore. NO ONE IS BUYING SILVER Lol I bought SLV puts today, too, after their attempted pump. It should be like the little after dinner mint immediately after a feast with GME It was on Good morning america as well. > By Silver, I mean $SLV. For anybody confused. Is AG or actual physical silver also a bad idea? This misinformation campaign tells me that WSB are on the right track. The sheer amount of silver adds out there tells me they are in full blown panic mode I think platinum is a good investment. It hasn't seen the same rise that gold and silver has, and it is generally correlated with industrial use, which should go up as we get further from the pandemic. I should probably look into copper too. I heard it on the news radio this morning and I was like ""uh huh, nice try rich enemy."" Silver is more worthless, financially, than my morning turd. It does have great practical uses though, but I won’t be buying. Whoever's making the silver play is referencing Judas - only on wallstreet you will find people this clichè with the ego to think of themselves as fucking Jesus yet still be rich GME and AMC people!!! I bought some silver ten years ago and it's still done Jack shit. Silver stock is poop💩 SLV =/= physical silver Shorting silver will hurt actual people and not hedge funds The misinformation of this fake Silver squeeze needs to be spread all over every social media platform. Resist their lies and bullshit. Fuck you CNBC. You're next. Diamonds are forever, bitches. 💎🙌 Who the fuck buys silver? I have a feeling that this post will be removed I actually saw it on WSB first to be fair. The post had some traction on it too. Yes i agree dont buy ""silver"" but do buy actual real silver in hand it is a good metal to own and the benefit of it is leta say you want to buy something with actual siver you can instead of having to dhave a gram of gold. Yeah, watching it go from 28-26 this morning more than proved they were just raising capital to short-wall $GME, YET AGAIN 😒 Physical silver. This is the way. Really bummed to hear NPR report this as well So the media first tries to ""protect"" retail investors to prevent them from losing money on GME only to scam them 3 days later. Silver doesn't have to squeeze for it to go up. It can also just go up normally. Today, is another day that the corporate legacy media lies to people on purpose. But this time there are more people witnessing this. Never forget this, and reflect on the last 5 years of media and their ethics. I just went and looked at SLV after seeing some stuff and I was like “Who the FUCK would believe this.” The trend alone made me back out from giving it another look. The Hunt brothers gave it a good try.... Honestly as a long term investment though i like it, Gold to silver ratio isn't out of whack and silver has more industrial demand with all the stimulus for renewables. You wont make 50x or anything but good addition to a portfolio and vs gold for your allocation to that. The tone alone gives away their duplicity Cope harder More manipulation. They are trying to use the Reddit people to make money for themselves. That video circulating with [Cramer](https://youtu.be/VMuEis3byY4) even admitting he'd use $5mil for driving a price down during a short, you bet your monke ass they'll spam TF out of a free forum with fake accounts. Inexpensive and only effective if we fall for it. Don't. Looks like they are doing that because they are short on cash then. There's something really fishy with its current price, too. If you look at the volume of trades, there was like zero demand before the sudden spike to ~$27. Looks like just a bunch of after-hours price manipulation, followed by this morning's media blitz. It's a great time to get *out* of silver. You can probably thank Tiktok for this one If you don't physically hold $SLV, you don't own it. Having the Physical commodity is worth more than the ticker ever would be. Made 11 percent and sold. Im happy. Would want to invest in silver but not on this manipulation... Stay away as funds have longs and want to escape gme. This proves that financial news are garbage manipulating news being funded by big money on wall street. The time to buy silver was 2 years ago. I don’t understand. Why do they want us to buy silver? Yeah well silver opened at $30.25. I made 5$ per Oz in a week Lol what's worse is that it's such a clearly coordinated attack. Saw memes about it and investigated it on RH. Currently they are limiting purchases of that to 1 stock per person. No announcement. Logged in this morning to find an announcement about position limitations due to volatility. It's not on the list. They think they're slick. They think someone is going to notice and say to themselves ""oh! It's a conspiracy! it's a coverup! Must find a way to buy!"" They really don't realize how many of us are checking back in to see what the deal is and know that it's bullshit. Eat the rich. Not financial advice. I just like the taste. I remember my marketing teacher in high school saying silver was a bad investment. For some reason it stuck with me. so many articles about SLV damn Also seen in CBC I don’t watch stock news on TV anymore. Reddit and other websites definitely more reliable.. will cut my cable too.. As a poor struggling silversmith,this might be a hurty..... So time to buy puts on all the silver ETFs since it's gotten tossed higher for no reason. Ez money Why isn't this like on headlines new? Why isn't every person out there giving that network shit? So is r/wallstreetbets and/or redditors in general going to be blamed for inexplicable market or stock fluctuations going forward? Its so blatantly obvious its a scam. I hope no noobs fall for it. It’s a ploy, read the [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Silverbugs/comments/l7399y/theory_if_we_go_into_rwallstreetbets_and_start/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) What are the prospects of a class action lawsuit for disinformation? Ive been seeing it all over the webull comments as well. Its disgusting. Fuckers on CNBC were saying they were in the reddit threads all weekend seeing talk of squeezing SLV. Where the fuck are they reading that shit? Physical silver you fucking smoothbrain I think you're in the wrong sub... I just don’t like silver tbh I can't believe how quickly this scam spread across almost every news media. Like it's kind of shocking to think how far big money goes... Crazy how A meme coin is worth more than sliver lololololol (well at least how I value it ;) ) shit is changing SLV gang was a thing last year. Ask me how I know 🤧 With the ginormous stimulus package pending, gold appreciation and currency devaluation, it made sense. If my options didn't expire January I would've been OK. I don't like silver. Litmus test to see if they can manipulate reddit community behavior it seems... Akin to how others have used social media platforms such as Facebook to manipulate people's political leanings. This sounds like something a Banker would tell me if I *should* buy silver but they didn't want me to U dumb shit, do u have any idea how undervalues silver is atm. If u knew anything about precious metals u wouldnt have posted this Guys........CNBC and other sources have been doing these spotlights on various investment trades for years. Don't get all paranoid thinking EVERYTHING is manipulated and corrupt just because of the recent events. Do your own DD, if you think it's a good play, take it, if not, move onto the next one. Like what's the matter? None of you likely have big enough accounts to worry about not being able to get in or out of a trade. If you wanna take silver long, take it, if it works it works if it doesn't then get out for a minor loss and move into the next idea? Hey fuckface who came up with this idea, fuck you and fuck your dumb fuck face, this isnt going to work. We r not gonna ""squeeze"" silver but the price will likely break 50$/ oz in the near future I saw this. I was at such a loss for words. The only advertising and encouragement for silver I saw happening was over in tiktok by weird scrawny looking teens and older men USA Today is in on the misinformation train as well....... “Move over GameStop. Reddit traders are targeting silver now.” https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/markets/2021/02/01/silver-squeeze-gamestop-stock-reddit-traders-amc/4335713001/ I am only allowed 10 shares of AMC on Robinhood Sucks to be one who owns a bunch of bullion right now! :p Ah fuck. Robinhood removed trading limits BUY UP BOYS This is an obvious false flag to get people to leave their position in GameStop and jump into silver. And the sad thing is they didn’t even need to bother because this “movement” was never going to last long enough to kill those short options anyway. I just went and sold the silver I bought a while ago. I don't see anywhere on reddit where silver is actually being pushed, except by clear bots. All this infusion of money into silver is doing is giving the hedge funds more money to fight the GME/AMC/etc squeezes. Its a distraction sure but silver is still a great long term investment I've had silver bullion for ages. I might use this opportunity to unload. Forex and metals are for cranks. The market cap on silver is so large that retail investors couldn't move it anywhere even if it was coordinated. If you’re buying stock in silver yes it’s probably risky. Buying silver coins however is different. Let’s say though all that’s happening the US dollar becomes worthless. What could you use to barter with to get groceries....... silver. It’s value is around the right amount for coins to be used, not to heavy to carry, can be used to purify water. It’s value won’t go down cause of all the industrial applications it has like computers and phones. And gold is to costly to be useful on a day to day basis. I literally just saw a guardian article saying ""thousands of redditors are buying silver"" and the first thing I thought was how I've seen ZERO mention of silver anywhere on reddit except that it's a scam. I may be high but I remember seeing a few posts praising silver last week My StockMaster app sent me an alert this morning saying that Reddit was buying silver. I dont know anything about this yet but Linus tech tips mentioned silver on the WAN show so i was going to lool into it. Considering he just brought it up in ramdom conversation unrelated to stocks i was going to check it out. I dont get them, they were mad at us for the way we are doing the $GME but encourage us to go for silver?? Can't have it both ways sweetie Heard this on the commute to work, was on Bloomberg sirius xm, knew they were full of shit. Talking about the amateurs on Reddit moving to new stocks of silver. Who the fuck that kind of manipulation will work? It's not the shorts it the paper silver that's the problem. When you have between 200-500 paper ounces to every 1 oz of physical it makes it real hard for the paper to continue at the same price when everyone asks for delivery. It will distinguish between what is real and not. The banks don't own real silver they own paper for the most part. When they haven't any silver to deliver because of demand these banks will be screwed they will have to buy physical to cover their paper and lets not forget that there isn't enough silver in the world to cover their paper. Isn't that the whole idea to stop the manipulation? The only way to do that is to buy and demand delivery. Sure some people on the wrong side will make money but the people above them will lose and everyone that buys actual silver and not paper will come out ahead. Silver is going to the moon whether this happens or not. They are literally trying to get hedge finders back there money, sellout pieces of shit As an long term investor in silver- you may be right on some points ( hedge fund etc) but not that people will lose money. I have made a considerable amount of money on silver and gold. It is a tangible asset that is not tracked by the banks or government ( if you are smart about it). I think it is irresponsible to try and talk people put of it. Even NPR, which I usually respect as being real news was talking about Redditors buying silver... you guys are really scaring the big boys... I was dumb and bought in to the SLV hype, it was up this morning so I sold it and bought the GME dip. I thought it was always good to invest in commodity? Also pointless to tell people not to buy it since most people can't get it anyway lol. I have a small collection of silver dimes. They are cheap and something tangible that I keep in my safe with my small gold bars. That’s as far as I’d go and it’s also supported by our CFP. I only have about $700 invested in this way and other stocks and securities are very diversified. It’s fun to play a bit in stocks, but if you’re looking for long term planning I’d recommend a CFP. I’d also recommend starting ASAP! We started in our late 20s and it’s already accumulated quite a bit of value. We also have a whole life policy on our daughter and if we keep paying $53/mo it ends up being about $600,000 for our grandchildren some day. If we end up needing additional cash later for something we can take some of it out. Just want to reiterate -- Citadel owns something like the fifth most shares of SLV. This is the same people ratfucking us on Robinhood because they have a stake against GME. They are literally profiting off this SLV bullshit. I literally just heard about this on my local NPR, cue me laughing at the radio. here, take my silver award Does this mean we need to short silver now??? My friggin Mom texted me and woke me up this morning asking if we should buy silver.... I flipped my shit! Stopped her, but damn we live in a hive of scum and villainy don't we? This is some shit they are playing this on TV. [Silver be like ](https://youtu.be/1Yunh9dRjdA) [removed] Just checked out a channel to see what they were saying. Seemed to have a positive view on RH limiting purchasing of stocks. Talked how GME was dropping today. And had a positive take on how silver was now part of the short squeeze. They were against all of the squeezes last week but this silver squeeze just makes a lot of sense to them And here I sit on a physical 2kg of silver...bought 4 years ago :-). Still bought at 16.50/ounce :p Precious metals are terrible trades regardless. They work better as market liquidity indicators than a commodity to make money on. All reddit news on mainstream media is absolutely 100% unreliable. In fact, whatever you're hearing CNBC saying reddit is doing, best to assume ""reddit"" (whatever that means) is doing the opposite Yeah right. 39 silvers present. Wasn’t Reddit pushing AG last week? Yup. No matter how much silver you buy the bottom's still going to fall out of it. After all of this nonsense it'll fall even worse than it was originally going to. Even I may buy some when the dust settles. IT'S A TRAP. I have some shares of SLV that I bought months ago, you saying I should sell it? Npr this morning had two guests saying Wall St Bets is pushing silver. It’s crazy how effective the campaign is. So, I was awarded with a stock in hecla earlier last week, and so I decided to buy 9 other shares because why not? At about 5 bucks or so. Hecla jumped to 8 bucks today. It was incredible lol. Squeezing silver will only result in tired hands - it will not, ever, under any circumstances, turn into a diamond. It’s so funny that not one mention of silver here over the last many weeks and yet the media reports it as truth. Ha. Heard this same BS parroted on NPR this morning and wanted to scream. Hey look... a pump and dump... Should slv be sold then? I did buy silver unrelated to the posts but sold it today for a 15% win after reading about the fake squeeze and manipulation in threads like this Check play or apple store I haven't even seen a post about people buying silver. Only the continous posts about GME and to now buy silver. According to news outlets however buying silver is all over reddit. Lol when my wife turned to me on the weekend and said ""apparently the next thing that reddit is shorting is silver"" I didn't even flinch before saying ""no they're not"". I'm sitting on about 35 oz physical though so if any of you sandwich artists still wanna buy it, hmu U.K. media really pushing these stories too and pushing the Redditor angle. Seeking alpha's daily newsletter had WSB is BUYING SILVER as the top story. Nice username, OP. Appropriately angry for the times we are in 😂 Jokes on them all my stock money is tied up in amc and nokia lol NPR too. Like AMC? Oh I thought this was talking about Reddit silver. Shit had me confused for a second If they were honestly worried that reddit was ""squeezing"" silver, these companies wouldnt fucking tell us. The only reason they want you to know is because they want to shift you to something they own a fuck tonne of so they can sell it and offset losses they gonna endure, dont fall for it Wow how manipulative Don't buy silver for a short squeeze, but if you want a place to keep your money and protect it from inflation then go ahead. Just donated $70 to the AMC cause, and dont plan on selling for a while. If I lose it, I at least voted with my money. It feels like a donation to Elizabeth Warren. I have only seen this called out as misinformation/disinformation. Is CNBC really acting like reddit is pushing this? Yeah, I’ll agree it’s awful, but it’s not surprising in the least. Everything the OP has stated is false. There are two rumors going on simultaneously by bad actors on silver. 1. You can't squeeze silver 1. This is false. Silver was up =12% at the high today before rejection the August 2020 high, which is pretty standard for profit taking along the way. The total ounces of registered on COMEX is about 90 million, the eligible is 300 million ounces. Registered ounces are those that are subject to delivery if an individual is long a futures contract at expiration and meets the requirements. Many times these bars of silver are just kept at COMEX on the east coast for safe keeping at a low interest storage cost. JPM, HSBC, CITI, Brinks, Scotia are short between 100-200 oz of silver via CME contracts for every ounce they own. A short squeeze HAS been generated because people bought large amounts of call options AND all the physical in the entire world ran out. There is literally a shortage. If every man, woman, and child in the USA bought 3 oz of silver it would break the banks because they are leveraged short 100:1 against their physical ownership. 2. JPM benefits from an increased silver price 1. Also false, and for the last sentences of the above reason. They are short via CME futures somewhere between 100:1 and 200:1. Its all about the net position. Owning 1 million ounces of silver in a shed under your house but being short 100 million ounces via 20,000 SI futures contracts (each contract controls 5000 oz of silver) is a 99:1 net short. You are fucked if silver goes higher, to the tune of a net loss of -99 million every dollar silver moves up. The thing people need to understand is since the bullion banks own a huge amount of physical, and quadrupled their holdings at the March bottom, they can short contracts against it all day long with special permissions from the exchanges to leverage up to astronomical levels not afforded to the common man. This is equivalent to selling covered calls against your open stock position, 1 covered call for each 100 shares. That is what they have been doing for years to suppress the price, and pocket the premium. It is a huge money maker. The difference is they are not short 1 call option for each 100 shares, they are short 100 calls for each 100 shares, creating a huge net short position. It all seems back to the ""normal"" of last Friday/Thursday. This indeed looks like this morning opening stunt was just a stunt with the only effet of lowering the value of GME & AMC Stocks by roughly 100. talk about market manipulation. that's what all of the ""stock market"" shows have been getting paid to do the whole time by wall street hedge funds. the shows say BUY THIS, when the hedge funds are methodically unloading. FYI, JP Morgan holds billions in short positions against the silver market. [$SLV price soars to 8-year high](https://coinstats.app/news/fSbf8JWorH_SilverSLV-Price-Soars-to-8year-High-Spot-ETF-and-Microcaps-all-Rise-in-the-Wake-of-Silver-Squeeze-Calls) Buying silver is a hobby, not a way of making profit. Plain and simple. It's not surprising. Everyone fell hook line and sinker for 'reddit boosting GME' when they don't have the capital to do so. If everyone believes that, why not believe something nearly as ridiculous? Yeah it sucks that wallstreet started this rumor and everyone will attack the media outlets for ""fake news"" not realizing they've been lied to lol. This country is fucked. These shills are everywhere they got me banned last night. Manipulating the [Stock Market](https://youtu.be/QFfjX8dW-QQ) [https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l71rdv/silver\_biggest\_short\_squeeze\_in\_the\_world\_slv\_25/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l71rdv/silver_biggest_short_squeeze_in_the_world_slv_25/) Naw, physical precious metal bullion in times of hyperinflationary quantitative easing is one of the safer bets right now, regardless of the Wall Street bets position on buying it. It's really weird so many people are shilling anti silver or precious metal views right now on Reddit, really makes you wonder. Money supply is going to at least double in the US, no amount of shilling will convince me silver or gold isn't a good buy right now They want to scare people into selling GME by making them think people behind GME squeeze moved to silver. Brilliant plan These silver, gold commodities are fucking crooks to the bone. More so than other commodities. They're willfully spreading misinformation to drive up the price due to the current climate of stock market and retail investors. DO NOT BUY INTO THIS!!!!!!! Silver is being targeted because of its lower cost which would be attractive to retail investors. Most retail investors can't afford gold so they choose to push silver instead. Silver isn't over shorted, you're only HELPING crooks by buying silver. STOP BUYING SILVER DAMNIT. I won't lie I saw a post about last Thursday and bought a little bit. Read the news about the misinfo and sold asap. I'm sorry guys. Just do the opposite of whatever CNBC seems to be promoting. Now you may think: *""But BeneathWatchfulEyes, then they simply need to encourage behavior that would harm the brokers on CNBC to get me to do the opposite""* That's true. But if they do that then: A: They'll get in trouble with their masters for seeming to encourage the exact kind of behavior they exist to prevent. B: The normies who don't know to do the opposite of what CNBC says will do what they say and they'll be driving their own squeeze. TLDR: If CNBC likes it, it's bad. Every major news corporation I subscribed to has ran this garbage story - it's wild, I've lost respect for journalism completley now - sources I used to trust pumping out this rubbish is a twist in the tale I did not expect It's fake news. Just bought more gme I had put money in to SLV about a month back thinking it could be a decent longer term play. The price hasn't move that much since. Is this a sell at today's 27$ price? funny how simple the world can be sometimes. literal billionaires trying out a strategy a bunch of self proclaimed ""r*tards"" used. All the ‘unbiased news’ outlets showing their true colours. I’ve never seen such a quick coordinated response from them. They are obviously panicking. It’s so annoying, it’s like Wall Street is like we can play that game too, let’s buy it and then hype it It's insane. If you want to talk about? 4 years of people calling Trump a dumbass for using the term fake news, one month in dividends presidency everybody sees how to fake the news really is. The irony. I bought silver. What else am I'm supposed to do with the free coins from getting gilded? They didn't understand that it was reddit silver Isn't rolls royce supposed to be a good stock to buy? The conversation and confusion about $SLV online and in the media is already driving algos. Stop posting about it. Ironically, from someone who is posting about it. [deleted] My husband told me yesterday that we should buy silver. I told him “fuck that, let’s double down on AMC!” Props to the 59 people who bought silver awards for this thread. I saw those articles, looked sus. Learn what Reddit is buying on Reddit, don’t buy silver. I fucking hate it man So buy silver puts? So there’s no way to benefit from this with tangible silver? (I got some bars I’ve been holding for a run up haha) It's taking ""The rich get richer and the poor get poorer"" to another level. It's more evident than ever that the rich are able to puppeteer the system a bit. They're trying to lay down that Uno Reverse on you. ❗️❗️DON’T BUY SILVER ❗️❗️📉📉👎🏼👎🏼🚫🚫 Yeah I started downvoting all the articles promoting silver on my news apps. Read in a lot of credible places its a scam being ran by some rich folks to try and rip people off. Glad to see everyone calling them out on their BS! Not surprised. I feel like fake news / hedgefunds will have a counter strategy by simply making fake news articles regarding WSB buy plans.. I think getting memes made stating the truth as soon as false news articles come out will be helpful. And possibly deciding other moves to make in the market. Can't let them use WSB / Redditt as a pawn at getting the prices up that they want by influencing investors to buy. I watch reddit like a smooth-brained hawk, and I haven't seen a single legitimate piece promoting slv. Is this evidence of an intentional and maliciously fabricated news possibly reported to the news channels by the HF cunts themselves? I think then that the people buying up SLV are the older TV news watching investors fresh of the GME news giving them hope are about to guaranteed get burned by SLV. They likely have no idea what Reddit is. I’m getting Reddit mobile app promotions for investing in silver lol The media truly is the enemy of the people. As someone that’s owns 8 pounds of pure silver, by all means inflate it It’s naive to think the media would ever ever ever promote information that can harm their “owners” I heard 20 GME shares is the new limit on robinhood. BUY IT UP MEN LIFTOFF TIME IS ALMOST HERE Shills are evil people. They never want you to prosper. Careful from consuming media this week. For example USAToday has been updating this article nonstop today so it stays sticky in news aggregator feeds. [Move over GameStop. Reddit traders are targeting silver now.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/markets/2021/02/01/silver-squeeze-gamestop-stock-reddit-traders-amc/4335713001/) And for fucks sake SLV? Really? Don’t fall for it. This is not a financial advice but SLV is a no bueno. The media convinced the majority of African Americans that a brutal cop and an ancient racist had better intentions for them than a man who marched with MLK jr so this is not so suprising. It's not a misinformation campaign. The idea that it is one is misinformation. It's just another dumb speculative rally like all these others. you are shouting in a pump forum. if you haven't noticed there isn't a single master here, everyone can make their own bets. FYI the initial SLV thread had 3k comments. This really is disturbing, I don't have a dog in this race but I do visit BBC news for my world news. Always had a high opinion of their work and felt it wasn't as biased as other news outlets since it's funded by public money. But seeing this copy-paste coordinated silver nonsense today I won't be back. Are there any large news agencies calling the others out for this? I need to find a new news source and I figure this is one way to find a better one. I love diamond better BBC are being careful to note that a lot of the ""Silver"" talk doesn't seem to stem from WSB or other forums and therefore are suggesting it may be artificial and by others seeking to manipulate the market. The first broadcaster I've seen do this. RIDE THE WAVE! 🌊 #SQUEEZE AMC AND FORGET THE REST —this is not financial advice— Basically what OP said is right. https://youtu.be/2CGaUsvUpc0 This video/essay came out in a particularly timely fashion, I believe. I think it’s helped me gain a very basic understanding of the precious metals market and banking system, and how it relates to and differs from standard banking and money markets. The short of it is that the bullion banks who trade in precious metals have a key liability in the form of their promises for future delivery of silver bullion. This paper bullion can(and I think does) exist in excess of the actual physical bullion. And the misinformation needs to be fixed. Media being as trustworthy as ever. SMH ya, here comes the fake grassroots campaigns. saw the same shit with political subs in the years before. so of course it's the next things they try here. trying to corrupt it for their own gain. Its even on the Dutch newspage... They're using you guys to pump prices so they can dump all the silver they bought earlier this year when they thought we were facing the end of times. did you hear how they’ve hired mfs to monitor wsb reddit page? They are trying to shift the focus from GME It literally started at 9am today. Nothing about buying sliver. Now everything about buying silver There is so much FUD here. There are some redittors that are buying silver, me among them and we are not bots nor shills. We even have created our own subreddit because we don't feel welcomed anymore at WSB. There is much FUD there, you are only allowed to pump GME or shut up. It is disgusting. My rant here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Wallstreetsilver/comments/la2xkj/wsb\_is\_starting\_to\_become\_a\_really\_disgusting/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wallstreetsilver/comments/la2xkj/wsb_is_starting_to_become_a_really_disgusting/) First thing I saw logging in this morning was an advertisement for silver. Some press idiot must’ve seen it and not realized it was an ad. Good god... Made 89% on a 4/16 call for $40 and got the fuck out as soon as markets opened today doge is probably worse as far as scams go... I always understood that it was a pretty well known fact that JPMorgan Chase had been artificially depressing the price of silver for years, and I believe they even paid a penalty for price manipulation. I don't know what the end game would be from that, but I wouldn't put it past them to manufacture this situation, just to profit off it. The whole stock market based on fiat is a scam. We all know it, but only some have the brain to do some research on Bi-tco-in and the balls to be a early adopter. HFSP Since we can't trust the short interest % anymore, I'd say the best indicator if the squeeze has been squoze is when these misinformation campaigns disappear *I thought I’d never see the day on Reddit when a liberal news outlet would be criticized* The people who would want to try and short precious metals (lol) just go do currency exchanges instead. W-eva sold a lot of my silver i bought at like $9 an ounce There’s a coin exchange next to the coffee shop I’m sitting at and there is a line of 15+ people out the door. Can someone explain this to me? I hope they’re making the right choices but idk what that even would be Now you’ll hear all the “analysts “ saying how they predicted silver would go up. Tbh I was already in some silver before all this and it popped this morning and gave me +$300 on the trade. I'm not going to complain that I made money, but it is just another way the rich and powerful can abuse their riches to fend off the current battle over highly shorted stocks. Anyone saying silver is a scam or bait or a distraction is absolutely fucking retarded and I look forward to them crying about missing the boat in 3 years ""omg why didnt i buy silver when it was soooo cheap and everyone said to buy it waaaahhhhh."" Silver was going to triple digits before reddit even caught wind of it - Reddit just ruined my swing trading of the sector. In fact it actually completely screwed up the Hedge Funds plans. They beat those miners and Silver stocks down to the floor over the course of years, all the while inflating equities. Then they pull all their money out of equities when they reach their absolute peak, and throw them in miners to hedge against their inflation and debasement of currency and then the market crashes after they bought shit tons of put options on equities and call options on miners.. Yet the hedge funds make shit tons because THEY move the market. They are always first to the move because they control the flow of liquidity with their counter-liquidity. They have more money than the retail market so they can control the price movement of entire sectors. They have algorithms and bots trading precious metal miners in correlation to the spot and futures prices. Its absolutely manipulated and corrupted and the antithesis of a ""Free Market"". But I still buy it because its limited supply and extremely undervalued. All the attempts to cheapen it make it more valueable to me because I see through the cheapening bullshit. They want it cheap so they can buy it and you wont want it. Squeezing silver is like collecting jars of beach sand. I agree but how did this subreddit also not deduce the same thing about GME in regards to wall street as a whole? GME was a squeeze yes but it like silver ended up making wall street billions while people claimed to be hurting wall street.... The thing that I took away from the whole GME thing was how robinhood gamified trading through their app as it exposed how the majority of people had no clue how robinhood worked fundamentally Edit: If this subreddit did deduce that then lmk and ill delete this lol Msm is 98% fake news. If this is surprising to you you must have been living under a rock for the last 5 years Robinhood just gave me free stock in a silver mining company. I'm not one for conspiracies, but that's quite a coincidence. Btw I sold immediately. Great post. Take my free silver. Silver conducts electricity better than any other metal Boomers love silver. 🦍love GME! Some of us have been living in this world for the past 5 years. YOU START AN ANONYMOUS REDDIT ARMY AND TELL EVERYONE TO FOLLOW, DON'T BE SURPRISED THAT AN INDUSTRY OF FAKE LEADERS WILL TRY AND PROFIT FROM FOOLING EVERYONE W PUMP AND DUMP. IT WAS DUMB ANYWAY TO BELIEVE STRANGERS ON THE INTERNET AND TRUST THEM W YOUR LIFE SAVINGS I saw a video on TikTok about this. The whole thing hinges on who owns it and who doesn’t own it. If it starts to spike, hedge funds may buy it quick. My dad helped me buy into silver about 8 months ago give it take. I put in 7k and made about 3.5k. i remember the commercials on TV from Rosland Capital that say silver will increase in value. YOU GUYS HAVE BEEN TRICKED! I HAVE PROOF! THE [$SLV](https://twitter.com/search?q=%24SLV&src=cashtag_click) IS A DISINFORMATION CAMPAIGN \*IS\* THE DISINFORMATION CAMPAIGN!!!!! YOU GUYS HATE [\#CITADEL](https://twitter.com/hashtag/CITADEL?src=hashtag_click) RIGHT?! THEY OWN FAR FAR MORE SLV PUTS THEN SHARES! [\#Silver](https://twitter.com/hashtag/Silver?src=hashtag_click) [\#silversqueeze](https://twitter.com/hashtag/silversqueeze?src=hashtag_click) https://twitter.com/DesoGames/status/1356323940197670915?s=20 Should I sell actual silver bars now or hang onto them. I inherited both silver and gold bars and coins from my brother I have a couple Troy ounces of pure silver I got as a gift a couple years ago. Are they worth anything? When media retards don't know the difference between Reddit silver awards and Silver stock. Why would you not buy silver right now? It’s fundamentals are strong. If SLV or silver miners go up and you profit, how is that benefitting the hedge funds. Im honestly confused here. Ive been long silver since spring FYI >hedge funds own a ton of it Unlike gme which totally isn't majority owned by hedges atm ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) The media has literally done nothing but spread false information since operation mockingbird This should most likely go on r/ABoringDystopia It just boggles the mind. A small Reddit group has torn a hole in the charade and this is what they're doing to patch it back up. Bought 5k AMC this morning lets goo from Canada BANG BANG he shot me down He tried we going to the moon BB buyinggg AMC  buyyingg NOK Buyiinggg GMC HOLDing Nothing to do with silver so buy SLV puts? Hi I'm new to trading and this will get buried but because of all the media around stuff and stuff I bought some gme stocks today and holding woo. Fuck $SLV. It sucks. Physical silver is good though. Good price rn, and good investment. JPM and other banks are manipulating the price and keeping it low in order to scare people and buy more for themselves, but once they stop silver is gonna shoot way up. If you are referring to $SLV then you shouldnt title the post silver. The short move is about silver the physical asset. My momma sent me this link: [Goldman Sachs Issues Rare Sunday Warning; Markets Will Collapse if Squeeze Continues (Banks too)](https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/goldman-sachs-issues-rare-sunday-warning-markets-will-collapse-if-squeeze-continues-bankers-too). > Since Friday, the folks who follow WallStreetBets, announced they intended to engage in another squeeze, involving physical silver bullion. My favorite part of the article is the screenshot of u/Space-peanut ""This is for you, Dad"" post, which is about $GME and doesn't mention silver at all. NPR fell for it today too :( Can I and How do I sell my 34 oz worth of junk silver coins when this goes higher? Might as well take advantage. Go to a gold and silver shop? Can someone explain to me why the price is going down if we are all buying and holding??? Am I missing something here or are the hedge funds that good at manipulating the market in their favor? If so, how do we stand a chance against the machine? Incase we end up getting fucked in the end, here is how I think we should take action, peacefully: https://np.reddit.com/r/TheSolutions/comments/l8xqae/incase_of_what_i_fear_is_the_inevitable/ We don't like silver, WE LIKE THE STOCK I bought slv...puts I now can’t distinguish if I’m on r/stocks r/investing or r/wallstreetbets If the last week has shown anything, it's that the share market advice on just about every platform is total BS. Or at very least it's extremely easy to manipulate the information used by the media. Not financial advice, just a retard wanting more money from my wife's boyfriend. well i made money on it, idc what the hedge funds do Its fake news! Its actually a short-squeeze on arabian myrrh!! There'll be plenty if people who fall for it. These evil scumbags haven't controlled society for thousands of years without getting good at it. ""By Silver, I mean $SLV, I know nothing about phisical silver. ..... There is a physical silver crowd (Community) on reddit: r/silverbugs whom actually post photos of their accumulations. I think that is very dangerous to do, especially this day and age. B-b-but I like the color! SILVER 🪙 HANDS 🖐🏻 SILVER SURFING 🏄🏻‍♂️🏄🏻‍♂️🏄🏻‍♂️🏄🏻‍♂️🏄🏻‍♂️🏄🏻‍♂️🏄🏻‍♂️🏄🏻‍♂️🏄🏻‍♂️🏄🏻‍♂️🏄🏻‍♂️🏄🏻‍♂️ NEVA EVA SELL I bought gold in the april 2020 recovery as a way to counter weight tech and retail stock, you mnow just to diversify, cause intil then the trend of precious metal were slowly but steadily increasing...welp now its dragging down my portfolio (it was like 15% of my total investment) tell me how stupid I am please. >It’s everywhere underground Lol, couldn't buy $SLV in the first place because it isn't on Trading 212. A friend of mine told me he was about to buy silver because of the hype about it. Luckily, I saved him an explained the situation. This is the kind of shit that drives people towards the conspiracy rabbit-hole. People on reddit know this silver narrative isn't true, and that the media is either incompetent or malicious. Once people realise that the media is lying about *them*, that opens the door to question whether anything the media is saying is true. It's warfare, and they are manipulating the media *gestalt* against you. Get better at it yourselves and fight back. Silver is hard metal. Ape cannot squeeze it. TIL a failing retail chain is a better investment than a precious metal? Literally nothing in this post is correct. Thank you for saying $SLV I am new to investing and was confused if it was physical silver as I am researching buying precious metals. The mainstream media is openly colluding with Wall Street and the Government to fuck the citizens. Fuck then instead. Get in your parents face about why they’re watching CNN, MSNBC, etc. Literally turn the TV off and become a pain in the ass. Demand to know why they’re watching this trash when it openly lies to them. I like how many silver awards there are on tis post.... If you wanna go mine some silver, get your tools and I’ll go with ya. Don’t fucking buy $SLV. That’s too retarded even for apes. Fake news? On CNBC? Shocked. Shocked I tell you. STONKS? Buy ~~silver~~ GME You’re right on that one! They’re doing exactly what they tried to say we did and how it was all kinds of wrong what we’re doing, but it’s fine when they do more and worse. They’re flat out LYING MF’rs. It’s disgusting how many lies they’re blatantly spewing. Seriously, is there a single person in this sub or may just be lurking, that are buying silver right now?! If anything, I’d do what the OP said, but physical silver. Something tangible but I sure as shit ain’t spending money on precious metals right now. I have other accounts to be safe in and my liquidity is to make money on, not Hope I don’t lose anything with. Just so people know, Citadel, one of the major companies that lost a ton of money thanks to GME, just happens to be the 4th largest owner of the silver stock. Puts on SLV OMG this is the best they can do spread DISINFORMATION about SILVER to make $. NOONE HERE IS ADVOCATING TO BUY SILVER. I haven't seen anyone actually pushing this. It's all reddit ads and mainstream news. Buy SLVR puts. Got it. Its WAR Their plan is to buy loads of silver to drive the price of physical silver up and buy JPM’s $SLV which is basically papers given out saying you own silver, but they give out too many (around 1oz silver pr. 250-500 oz paper). This will force JPM to buying silver at prices higher than they currently are. Always own the physical metal. ETFs are not the same thing Buy puts on Silver instead, beat them at their own game! I guess the wallstreet assholes want their cars keyed everyday by a bunch of pissed off kids My dumbass bought one SLV call last week on the misinformation campaign. But I sold this morning with 200% gain. Rolled it all into BB shares. Position: 14 shares GME and holding. 15 shares BB. Citadel has massive options positions in SLV Getting people to buy silver is a great way to give the over-shorted funds the liquidity they need to cover their shorts elsewhere. I would honestly love to buy silver. It’s a neat and interesting metal, one of my favourite elements. And at like half a dollar per gram it’s not toooo expensive either. They're fucking dumb. It's just that obvious of a scam. There's no way anyone from Reddit or WSB would recommend something like silver. Like seriously. They are making popo in their boxers, we can break the market one more time if we want, they know it , and we know it we need to make another move, and it’s not silver. 🙃 So puts on silver? Not financial advice just me memeing, silver is for plebs im (non-professional) o Blame the new people on wsb for posting without any DD/research and believing everything can be SQUEEZED these days. > By Silver, I mean $SLV, I know nothing about *phisical* silver. For anybody confused You can trade in a commodity that holds its value in rarity, even when the commodity doesn't directly connect to the share price? Stocks are fucking stupid. Remember, ZSL is the inverse silver ETF. Should we all be shorting $SLV? I had 59 shares of silver a year ago hahaha [News for the people](https://youtu.be/_fHfgU8oMSo) I just go around to those post and drop this bad boo: https://pin.it/2Y9CiYN Who the hell on Reddit is actually saying to buy SLV? What trip are all these new platforms on... I'm actively on dozens of fin subreddits and only seeing post about people not buying SLV. I'm all for calling GME a hype train (one I'm happily enjoying), but this SLV thing feels like people trying to run with the WSB momentum to push some other non-GME narrative. ​ Also I'm all in PHYS, why couldn't ""Reddit"" be pumping GLD instead of SLV? Are any of the stocks correlated with SLV going up as well (miners and such)? The media has been doing this for decades. You've just been on their side on every other issue. I think the only people who might fall for this is the doddering grandpa types. Just seeing the news and the cringey bot posts here you're gonna have to be a little slow to not see how manufactured the silver squeeze is. Here's hoping at some point reddit admins can finally get a handle on when outside marketing companies mass invade reddit to affect a narrative at some point. *Such a crock of steaming horse sh1t.* **This was predicted by wallstreetbats. Guess we're going in for gold now too.** Cheaper GME shares though. That's a plus If hedgies want it to go up (which they seem to), it will probably go up. Riding that train is a little risky, but betting on hedge funds getting what they want really isn’t that insane. Book readers: aahhhhhhh, OMG...It’s everywhere underground Did you hear the shit they were saying on NPR today?? “Buy silver” “ get on Robinhood “ If the media stays buy a stock they are not helping YOU get rich. They are making others get rich at YOU expense. Fuck the media! Fuck hedges! Fuck big tech! And its funny all that misinformation, news and media articles and the $SLV stock BARELY moved!!!!! ROFL... They better find a way to pay up that $70 billion It isn't awful, it sad. Can even afford to take one loss without trying to stop the little guy. We really are worthless numbers. People already fell for it, sucks. Would love to see a whistleblower pop out from on the digital hacker agencies promoting this crap. Actually insane Silver Edit: my first gold! Holy shit it is the bots spreading this. How does this have 77K upvotes in 9 hours? Jesus christ Reposting because I’m too retarded to write this myself: PSA: do not worry about the dip in today’s price because It’s a short ladder attack and this is what it looks like behind the scenes https://mobile.twitter.com/Kephrii/status/1356293164580155396?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet But it’s literally not working because everyone is holding. It’s a ticking time 💣 that will go off once they are unable to afford the interest payments and margin calls. And the more shares that get scooped up by 🦍🦍 the closer GME is to 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 Patience!!! 🦍🦍💪🏼💎🙌🏼💣📈🚀🪐🍗 But this is not financial advice. Silver is such a tool. SLV isn't silver, and under there terms they can refuse to convert paper silver to real silver. Like the last theoretical silver crash in Feb. Only paper silver crashed, real silver was still around 20 and on high demand. Even all miners and mints are angry of the paper market. If the miners say that paper silver isn't backed by the quantites sold. Paper silver forcing prices without real supply and demand. Edit :Silver isn't a stock or currency. It's a rare industrial metal with limited supply. It can be a store of value since the tech, ev industry is booming. Silver can be shorted, miners only use easy to find silver to reduce cost or as byproduct of other metals. So with let's say steady demand from tech ev industry + plus retail, the price can increase. Since it requires 3 to 5 years for a new mine to come online and start producing and increase supply. Am not an adviser, never was never well. Risk money your willing to lose. Lmao “I am mentally challenged”. Good ape They're deliberately trying to misinform the markets away from GME. It's a sign that they're afraid of continued purchases of GME. It's really depressing to see the lengths theyd go to. It's like you live with this idea in the back of your head that the system is rigged and then you brush it off by trying to be ""rational"". Only to realize that your rationality was only a form of cognitive dissonance all along. Silver is up 20%, maybe, and all this hype as if its similar to GMEs 2000+? If you know anything about conspiracy in general sivler and gold are hotbeds forever of disinformation. Its a tale as old as money It's unfortunately them taking advantage of the large number of non-investors who got involved with GME. People who literally have no idea what they are doing. I assumed at first that they would create a ""strength in numbers"" type of thing, but apparently not. Plus those are the types of people who see the price dip and instantly sell. How do you squeeze a commodity, don't they like, just mine more of it? The moral of the story is never believe anything written by the media. Let the markets speak for themself. Just saw usa today saying redditors are buying silver, which is great, since I've been seeing reddit say otherwise All morning. Payback is a Bitch. Misinformation and rigging of the internet and social media by those richer than you is just one form of giving you the big middle finger. The BBC are also reporting this. Concerning if it's misinformation I usually trust the BBC as a relatively unbiased media source. Just look at all this fresh new accounts talking about amc, doge and shit. Most of them dont even talk about GME That's everywhere on Europa. We need to accept as common knowledge the fact that mainstream media is not credible, and mainstream media/fake news is fact and common sense. I’ve been seeing ads telling me to buy silver today too. REALLY makes you think As much as I detest trump. He was right about the media. They are scum that works for the elite and push so much fake shit. Especially now that people are realizing how much power the people can actually have when we work together. Stay strong! With all the misinformation out there right now what would one think about the amount of shares for purchase on apps like Robin Hood being limited. Gme to 1 share I get that but BB and NOK both to have previously been tapped for a squeeze of their own only being limited to 700 shares and 2000 shares respectively, while AMC is at 10 Should one buy the concept of more shares available = less likely to squeeze? Asking for a friend, not for financial advise. I understand that comments responding to this are not financial advise. Meh CBC said it wasnt likelyy reddit causing the increase To add to your second edit, the MSM is saying *Reddit* is driving the price of the silver stock. When in reality, everyone here on Reddit was like, ""the fu..? No, 💎👐 ONLY"" Kinda funny too since last week MSM was all like, ""people from Reddit are pouring their *life savings* into $GME"" and at the same time we have enough money to *also* put into silver? I’m staying in GME ONLY until the day heralded by true reddit angels. Just sitting here, thumb in ass holding the GME to zero or to Valhalla. I like this stock. That's funny cause I've been reading the ""Don't by SLV,"" \*AS\* the misinformation campaign itself. Everyone I saw parroting this was like a day-old account. Everyone defending SLV here was an OG.... My AG option calls I bought last July 😍 Also they are still mining it last I checked. its so b.s and the big guys manipulating the market after losing billiows ​ all these news outlets and media congrelmaltes are b.s and all for the almighty dollar for the rich man Someone should post a pic of a silver piece between two fingers and post it on reddit. Only then, could we prove that we can squeeze silver 🤓 I’ve seen this lie on every major news outlet from NPR to Fox News, it’s obvious that they are all run by elites. There is no news source that doesn’t have an agenda that’s being funded by the ultra wealthy. I honestly feel they will use “Reddit” as something to pump their stock. I can totally see them saying in the future: “There is talk on Reddit about buying XOM (or insert stock here)”. TLDR: CNBC will continue to use “Reddit” to pump their stocks by saying there are mentions... con artists. I heard it on Marketplace on NPR just now. Fucking disgusting. Im fucking holding!!! Physical silver =/= $SLV Love the shiny, f*ck that weird stock stuff Its 4chan not reddit. They're buying gold and silver because they want currency for after the apocalypse once it comes. Obscenely wealthy people that are absolute dicks need to be evicerated from their wealth. I just heard this on tv from the different room a couple seconds ago. So what your saying is that reddit should start shorting silver so the we do the opposite of what the banks are doing? 👀 Been trying to tell people this, but you know how the cult can be. Hedge funds buy precious metals to hedge. Don’t want to hear it though. Meanwhile, $FUBO sitting over here with 70% short, just had a 23% day and has legit potential. Aching to fuck some shorts up. If you think that is awful, wait till you hear what we've been doing to civilians in the middle east in the name of enriching the wealth of the people that own weapons manufacturing corporations. I lodged a complaint with the Australian Broadcasting Commission this morning for spreading this misinformation, I also gave them links to help them along & advised that they had a requirement to out some verification into their stories, even if it's a syndication deal with Reuters. well i made 170% on my call option of silver thinking it was gonna be squeezed. took my profit today. thanks for the free 3K hedge funds its everywhere and in every country..... i feel so sad and angry... [deleted] I have about 30 lbs of physical silver. Is now a good time to try to sell it? The fact is that the media is just a tool for the rich to control the masses. It’s very clear that lies and manipulations are their primary strategy. We must reject all this archaic corporations that only serves themselves. Don’t watch them, don’t give them any time. The sweet sweet smell of desperation. They know they are fucked I don't think any one over 25 cares for metals RemindMe! 1 year I’m dumb. Not financial advice. Words. More words. More GME. More hold. More apes. More diamonds. More hands. More rockets. More moons. NRG: 💯$GME🤌🏼🦍💎🤲🏼🚀🌕 Not financial advice. Physical, always physical... Don't stop buying and never sell! It started for me with collecting pennies when I was 8ish, then coins.. Then Silver!! I can't get enough of the shiny stuff!! this whole silver thing reminds me of those shitty gold commercials that say how safe and amazing it was during 08. [deleted] AMC hold and buy Silver has been one of the most manipulated precious metals in history. You absolutely can short squeeze it. Although it'd take a lot of capital. I was already holding and sold most of mine this morning for +25%. I don't see it going much higher Definition of ""sell signal"". Its funny drudge top story is about silver. And you know what its ok. Let them buy silver. We are already hurting them as long as we hold. If you go to a website and read without doing the research and buy silver thats on you. [the OG reddit post about squeezing silver. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l6novm/the_real_dd_on_slv_the_worlds_biggest_short/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Honestly after all the bark there was no bite in today market. Fuck Murdoch media. [https://www.news.com.au/finance/markets/world-markets/silver-shares-gamestop-investor-army-on-reddit-turns-to-new-target/news-story/2abd1604328d797152acfc114cf7498b](https://www.news.com.au/finance/markets/world-markets/silver-shares-gamestop-investor-army-on-reddit-turns-to-new-target/news-story/2abd1604328d797152acfc114cf7498b) Enemies of the people. And now I think it unironically. Here’s another example https://www.reddit.com/r/GoldInvestor/comments/laeu10/hello_fellow_real_people/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Shit I already got some silver. Only $120 worth but still. What do I do now fellas? Little do they know Reddit hands out free silver now! What’s even funnier is that CNBC is like “wow how cool” to the silver long, but “horrible kids manipulating the market” for GME This is the top fucking story on drudge right now wtf. And there's a paid ad right below this post that is selling silver stocks!! WTF?!! Congrats for reaching r/all/top/ (of the day, top 25) with your post!   ***** *^I ^am ^a ^bot, ^probably ^quite ^annoying, ^I ^mean ^no ^harm ^though* *^Message ^me ^to ^add ^your ^account ^or ^subreddit ^to ^my ^blacklist* https://www.reddit.com/r/SLVTakeOver/comments/laexbu/solid_explanation_of_the_slv_call_options_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf stay strong and hold the shine I was so confused when I first saw the articles... Haven't seen a single post actually pushing silver but somehow the news media is out there selling a reddit lead push. This type of misinformation and manipulation really should be illegal. I was listening to NPR today and they straight up said that the reddit movement is over Gamestop and is now in Silver. I think they are trying to explain why silver popped 10%, which was primarily a similar reason to why GME went up, retail short seller thesis. It actually has some legs but it’s nearly impossible unless there is a TON of demand, similar to $GME. I think GME was one of the best short squeezes of all time but it’s definitely played out Saw the same on Fox News. Fuckin crazy So TikTok is hyping up silver. As it’s heavily shorted Anyone notice random TikTokers pushing silver? Started a day ago. 🦍🦍🦍🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀GME!!! So no to Silver features? Yeah, should've bought in Feb 2020, would've made like 3.5x approximately by now! I already sold my silver just shy of $29 and I'm happy. No way I'm buying now. I'll buy again if it dips under 20ish and wait 8 more years all over again. Silver pays off but never, ever, ever, ever does it fast. It's still always a good savings account. A decorative and dynamic savings account. Haha Read about Bunker Hunt 1979. My first week working in stock market just out of college. Client had accounts with Hunt Brothers. They were trying to buy up silver market. Don't remember the catalyst that started the slide but I remember having to call and ask for 1 million dollars in certified funds every day for 5 days to cover margin calls. 15 years later I retired saying it was all fun and games till people started going to prison. Although I was told white collar prison is not bad. Make friends with like minded people. Stock market is Vegas without the air fare. IMHO I’ve been on Twitter all day retweeting the posts while roasting them simultaneously. CBC is the only one I’ve seen that didn’t directly say Reddit was involved. We like $CBC up here eh. Ottawa citizen just got roasted by me too. I wonder if the SEC will investigate them for starting rumors to plump the price of silver? Is that a thing? Newly mentally challenged here. The thing that is scary is how there are so many people agreeing with you. Two squeezes can occur at once for different reasons Why is nobody talking about silver being needed to make solar panels I wish I was this mentally challenged. Maybe I'd be able to make some money. So I just learned that the silver thing is actually a Qanon thing. They think that notes will be worthless soon and so they are buying silver When we squeeze GME, we are criminals. When ""we squeeze"" silver, we're geniuses and everyone should follow. OP you are not getting it, it's not that Silver is shorted or not, it's that there a is 1:200 on physical vs reserves to back those stocks. Meaning YOU buy physical and tank paper. This screws up the entire system because those folks selling silver backed stocks are lying they don't have it. It's in sense a naked short. So yeah buy up lol, It's in a 50 year cup and handle, government spending in usa is going up. Expect silver to rise regardless of the ""squeeze"" and you can short silver just so you know, that's what futures contracts allow you to do. For this, you get the Silver Award. I was up 106% on silver and cashed out most of it, it still looks like the bull flag is going to break out and get to 30 Where is a good place to seek financial advice and also learn more about stocks Stonks https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/lalucf/i_suspect_the_hedgies_are_illegally_covering/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf So it's only taken a week for them to work it out: you do dodgy stuff and just blame people at large. Industrial companies do it all the time: this is the financial equivalent of when they dump tonnes of toxic chemicals into a river but then turn around and say Jeff has to stop mixing his bins to stop climate change Literally trying to distract you by dangling a shiny object As someone who bought a literal ton of physical silver over a decade ago, don't you ever scare me like that again. CNBC: redditors pumping GME and AMC, stay away, its not going to end well. Also CNBC: redditors pumping Silver, buy silver before it rockets. They would say anything for money from their masters! Why does the media not care about their own reputation? Isn’t this easily verifiable that they’re spreading misinformation? You can literally just check WSB when they claim it’s from WSB? Do they want people to not trust them for news anymore? I don’t get it? Not to mention Citadel is a HUGE holder of it. Silver in most cases is a by product of copper production, producers dont sell short they sell future production and they always have it to deliver. It's a joke This whole fake media campaign thing makes me feel bad for telling my girl not to think everything's a conspiracy... Fuck $SLV. Go to a local dealer and buy out their stock of coins. I feel like that the least of our problems when it comes to misinformation campaigns. Silver is a joke. It was joke 10 years ago and it's a joke now. Seriously, people are treating it like it's the last element left on this planet when there are in fact 530,000 million tons of the stuff still unmined. [https://www.bullionbypost.co.uk/index/silver/amount-of-silver-in-the-world/](https://www.bullionbypost.co.uk/index/silver/amount-of-silver-in-the-world/) Not even kidding when it's admitted on a bullion site. >One retail investor, Randi Mailloux of Westfield, Mass., said she believed that Wall Street firms were behind the push into silver. A self-described Wall Street Bets lurker, she said big hedge funds “are trying to get people to lose interest in GameStop, sell their shares and move on to something else.” ... >The price of silver, on the other hand, had been rising even before the recent interest. It climbed nearly 50 percent last year, and some institutional investors expected silver to outperform gold this year. >Silver is a much bigger market, so it is harder for a relatively small group of traders to influence. And then there’s a logistical hurdle of commodities trading: Retail investors hoping to drive up the price of silver would have to take delivery of the metal, instead of buying up shares in online accounts or purchasing options contracts. >The silver market has had restrictions on overly speculative behavior since the early 1980s, after the failed attempt by Nelson and William Hunt — brothers who were heirs to an oil fortune — to corner it. They amassed roughly half the world’s tradable supply of silver before the gambit imploded on March 27, 1980, after market regulators stepped in and restricted further purchases. The metal fell from a recent high of $50.35 to $10.80 an ounce, costing the Hunts $1 billion in losses, according to estimates. >But the online skepticism that greeted Monday’s rally didn’t help. >“It’s sketchy,” Ms. Mailloux said. “Someone created a story about silver at the moment that the Wall Street Bets guys were about to pull this short squeeze.” This seems completely clear-eyed. I don't think this is a massive conspiracy. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/01/business/gamestop-silver-trading.html lol! ""Tragic tumble $Silver falls 9.0%"" -Etoro Meanwhile I'm witting here with about 5 ounces of silver stockpiled and looking at the value of it stay about the same since I got them when I was a kid... $SLV follows the price of physical silver. moves that make or lose money in one, do the same for the other. its more difficult to physically trade silver. a lot of pawn shops have silver and gold coins / bars and when i bought i was given a price really really close to the spot price. (think i paid 22.40 when it was 22? or 22.10? ) I haven't sold , but i think the process is basically the same. you see a great number on the market, and you get slightly less. Love physical silver. Fuck this slv fund shit. Bought 2 shares cause fomo. yup, imagine that same feeling but with politics/opinion/narrative/angle/talk points. CNBC, CNN, MSNBC, FOX, etc etc i dont know why anyone listens to these guys. ever. its literally all just narrative manipulation. all the time. Jim Cramer is in the pockets of Wall Street, like so many nickels and dimes. Shame. What if i own silver should i sell it. If your losing when you buy? Im doing silversmithing and every one in these groups are freaking out Seriously making the cost of silver rise is just going to hurt artists It’s actually really good news for us cuz when they are obviously lying we know something is amiss and they haven’t covered their shorts It’s pretty easy to ignore tbh I saw Trevor Noah talking about redditors switching from GME to silver on the daily show. :/ Try buying silver in online dealerships it is sold out lol Fuck man silver is heavily manipulated. We can hold gme and silver. We can do both. Stfu My boss told me to buy silver on Thursday. He moved all his money to silver because he ""heard"" it was going to go up. I have never worked at NYMEX as a trade input screen clerk in the gold ring or anything like that. OP is correct however. r/diamondhedge I like precious metal miners and physical gold/silver as long term investments but I would agree that even if wallstreetbets were to try squeezing silver they don't have enough capital to do so. Now owning physical silver, isn't the worse investment choice.... Is anyone else getting promoted silver bull ads in their feed? The game is so rigged 😤 Hey, if silver went 🚀🚀🚀, I’d rejoice, because I already microinvested in it long before the $GME saga. But my $20 investment from a few months ago is up to $22 and change. So I’m not exactly going to hold my breath waiting for those numbers to make a sudden huge increase. the meme is about favoring physical to paper. I agree. paper silver is worthless. trade it for physical. I'm not an investment advisor. I've been buying physical silver long before any of this was going on, so... I already has silver and was able to sell it. Thanks to whomever bumped it. They are trying to use WSB to make some silver sales 🤣, we dont want your silver, we WANT IT ALL, ALL IN💎👐💎👐💎 Why do you care? If you think you have better information than most then you should use it to your advantage. Why do you care what advice others are following? If you are right, you will be proven right. Otherwise you’ll be wrong. There is no right or wrong in the market. There is only the price. right.. BUY DIAMONDS Citadel wants to liquidate their silver holdings worth close to $1B I have a slv call still from the last fake pump that I made money on lol Holding it to see if they let price get to 27 or so again just to trap more unwary buyers Physical* I have heard that crawdads are next. Get your hands on as many crawdads as you can. **You definitely can short Silver in the futures market** Silver however is much more complicated of a thing than a simple stock because there's a physical form that undergoes massive consumption in manufacturing and also hoarding/hedging. Outside of the technicals of the synthetic paper market, the physical form carries its own real supply/demand balancing situation. At times, the real world supply and demand situation puts enormous price pressure on Silver, but normally the price is dictated by the technicals of the synthetic paper side of Silver. The various ETFs for Silver further complicate the topic. Some are more synthetic than others because some directly allocate physical Silver, at JP Morgan for example, to your ETF investment. With others, its not so simple. Because JP Morgan holds significant physical Silver reserves, they're in a position where they can play the Strong Hand on the Silver market. They've been fined by regulators in the past for price manipulation. Other large financial institutions do have positions on Silver, some are long and some are short, like with anything, but in the case of Silver, some hold the physical form and others don't. I have not dug into or crunched the numbers myself but I've seen reports that say the available Silver reserves are nearly empty. There’s only so much Silver in vaults that's available to be reserved to an ETF. Once that's all been allocated, and all of what can be reordered has been reordered, well... then what? What happens when your local Silver dealer can't order more Silver in a timely fashion? The world-wide COVID lock downs have dramatically impacted the production levels for all kinds of mines. Silver has been impacted especially hard because Mexico, the world's #1 Silver producer completely shut down mining for part of last year. Meanwhile a lot of manufacturing has continued but the retail demand for the physical form of Silver has surged significantly. Unlike Gold, while still being a precious metal, Silver predominantly is an industrial metal. It’s used heavily in Semiconductors, for which there's a global shortage, and companies are scaling production as fast as possible. Silver is used in basically all tech. The point is the consumption for Silver has been dramatically increasing and even as of 2019, Industrial demand consumed more than half of all Silver produced in the world. On top of that, we have growing Solar usage now, which consumes 12+ ounces of Silver per residential home. So then if the surge in demand at the ETFs and also the surge in the retail market for physical Silver Bullion eats up all of the remaining Silver, then what? Well, someone somewhere is always willing to sell theirs at a higher price. Even if ETFs and Retail won't pay the higher price, if you're a Semiconductor manufacturer, a Solar Panel manufacturer, or even a Jewelry maker, and you need Silver in order to make your expensive product, you'll buy it, whatever the price. The unique properties of Silver make it irreplaceable in industry and technology. When the price of Silver moves up, obviously anyone with a short position will be in a bad spot. The last thing the world needs right now is a sharp dramatic spike in Silver prices. Those additional manufacturing costs will ripple through the supply chain, and will ultimately be passed on to the end user in the price of the final product. A large increase in Silver prices, at this point, seems inevitable. I don't know who could be foolish enough to short Silver, however the people who invest in the stocks of Silver mines, for a long time have been complaining about it and also complaining about price manipulation. We definitely don't need the synthetic side of a short squeeze to further compound inevitable price increases due to supply and demand imbalances of physical Silver. It does not help our mining investments if the price spikes to an unnatural level and then crashes thereafter. I read the word silver so many times within this post that I’m starting to think the word *silver* isn’t a real word anymore. I bought some more silver. It’s easy. Log into your broker and look for the GME ticker and buy more silver God, even a rank amateur like myself could see through the blatant pandering from the media on many fronts. Pathetic. Not sure about the stock but actual silver is a good investment , I have over 40 oz @16$ an oz. I’m trying to understand why some people think hedge funds want to manipulate redditers to pump SLV. The entire Industry as a whole wants the price of SLV to stay down so tech manufacturing cost stay down. This is a shared sentiment for a lot of big money. Plus if SLV price goes up the dollar will be destroyed. Dollar stability/manipulation benefits all the banks (I.e JP Morgan). The majority of retailers are holding physical silver which is the reason why there is shortage. That shortage means that JP Morgan will have to give up their Silver reserves to “the people” and takes away control of the assets. Maybe iPhones at a higher price will suck. But what’s another reason why you think big money actually wants SLV prices to rise? Silver has been used for trade for 1000s of years. I’m sorry but I don’t think there is much price discovery left to figure out. Its all fucking noise...I saw the silver crap the one day and just put my head down and ignored it. Looking forward to when these people all lose their money and cant trade anymore. Maybe they want to collect it in physical form to trade once the USD hyperinflates I was one of the idiots that fucking knee jerked like an absolute idiot and dumped money into silver. It didn’t necessarily lose me any money but didn’t make me any either. Regardless I dumped that shit for NDOY and SPCE, you know - stock I actually like. I buy physical silver and mining stocks. That doesn’t make me a bad person. I’m still holding Lode if silver goes like a rocket im getting silver grills on my teeth We have data now that BUYING SLV actually contributes to the shorting of silver on comex. Theory is They are using funds and silver from SLV to short silver on comex. Notice changes to prospectus and they are admitting this on tv. Stop your buying of slv/gld. You causing price of silver to drop. instead best thing is to go on comex and buy it directly if you wanna play this. buying slv and dealers does nothing for physical price. Silver has been bullish way before you Reddit raiders talked about pumping. No way you have the funds so cause a squeeze on somthing with such a big market cap. As long as 50 day ma and 200 in an uptrend. Buy the dips it will hit all time high in the next 12 months SLV isn’t silver, SLV is an ETF that only needs to have 51% in silver and JPMORGAN is the caretaker for that “silver” True some Hedgefund are long on silver but JPMORGAN is massively short, they have sold the same silver 200-300 times. In case any of you didn’t notice, silver eagles and maple leaves are sold out almost all across the US. There is a massive demand. And that is also why major ETF like SLV and Aberdeen are ammending their prospectus. But don’t just take my word for it go to a coin shop and ask to buy silver bars or coins and see what premium your going to pay. Premiums are at an all time high. we have our own Redit group, check in if you’re feeling interested and want to learn more: https://www.reddit.com/r/Wallstreetsilver/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Wallstreetsilver/comments/l9ijq6/silver_25_to_1000_silversqueeze/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Silver $25 to $1000 #silversqueeze $SLV $25 to $1,000 #silversqueeze of the century. TLDR: buy silver calls. $SLV June strikes for 30, 35, 40 Or your comfort zone. Why #silversqueeze? Because we lost confidence. Because we want fair inflation measures. #silver adjusted for inflation, is $1000 It’s now $25. that is a 40x unleveraged It’s the biggest short squeeze of the century. this article only takes 10 minutes. I want to explain this simply. I write from the gut: straightforward There are a lot of complex explanations. There are lot of experts. What I want to explain, is the most compelling story of manipulation in the whole world. Let’s keep it simple WHY silver is the short squeeze of the century. This is what the Wallstreetbet community is looking for. Governments want to mask inflation. Why? Because wages stay low: screw workers and benefit the rich owning companies Social security would be unaffordable for governments with real inflation numbers. Did you know inflation doesn’t include food ! How much are you paying for food these days? Exactly. Why do they need #silver & #gold for this? Big banks are manipulating metals. Gold and silver have been money for 5000 years. when you loose confidence: you have gold, silver. I prefer silver and gold, because i can touch it and can buy real companies. When they can keep the prices surpressed, the world is not aware of inflation. Inflation means you are loosing buying power. Instead of $1 for a bread you pay $2 Inflation? ask Turkey The Dollar. the Euro. the Pound. We are in a spiral of debt created by politicians. the only way out is printing more new money. Printing new money kills confidence. We are seeing cracks appear everywhere. The end games have started. Inflation is coming for the whole world. pension funds, bonds: traditional savings will all be wiped out. By manipulating gold and silver prices, they try to hide this. As gold and silver are real money. they are a measure for how much inflation there is. They don’t want YOU to see it. The dollar has lost 99% of it’s value against gold in the last 100 years. Why do we attack #silver? Because it’s a very small market. Because gold will follow silver. for each 70 ounces of Silver, you can buy 1 ounce of Gold. Silver is very, very cheap. We are going back to 15 to 1 this decade. For each 15 ounces of silver you will be able to trade them for 1 ounce of gold later on. This is a the trade of the century, based on fundamentals. This is end of MANIPULATION BY BIG BANKS. Banks are creating paper contracts. Paper contracts to trade silver. There are 250 times more contracts than there is silver. This is epic. When the squeeze starts, we don’t know where it ends. The price of silver adjusted for inflation is 1000 dollars. We are at 27 dollars. The easiest way to tackle is to buy physical silver coins, bars. You are sure you will be able to sell them at much much much higher prices. always. Another way is to buy shares that are 100% allocated to real silver. $PSLV and in Europe PHAG.v Another way is to buy paper silver $SLV I would only buy paper silver $SLV with call options as this can squeeze it HARDER First Majestic $AG is a heavily shorted silver miner with 26% of the shares shorted. This is a fundamental trade, The next thing that will happen is that heavily shorted SILVER companies will revalue I have listed my favourites here. THIS IS NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE i am an amateur How am i trading this myself? I have been hoarding silver for years. holding thousands of silver coins. I am at 35600 ounces now. That’s a little bit more as 1 ton. 80% I am investing in small, real silver companies, listed on Canada. I prefer small companies 100% focused on SILVER In the small silversqueeze in 2010 they went as much as 40x This time, 50x to 150x is possible. I prefer these over New York listed companies where hedge funds are playing also. The whole silverspace will revalue. showing the world there is INFLATION. It starts with physical. Slowly it goes to the top. when the bank manipulation blows, all bets are off. Join us on this wild ride GV perhaps you are asking why not target one stock? This is the beauty of the silversqueeze. it’s not a 1 week event. It’s an 18 month ride. It’s impossible to regulate. We start from the bottom, owning physical, $PSLV and PHAG.L I have no clue man. SILVER the linchpin for finance. Pull that out and the banks will tumble. I follow a couple local online auctions oftentimes buying or at least watching items. They frequently have coins on the auction. Usually they sell for some premium over scrap spot price because of numismatic value. The week after the GME news was big and rumors started flying about silver an auction closed and coins were up A LOT! Like 10 - 20 dollars more each. Certainly some of those may have been more valuable due to the aforementioned reason however I suspect it’s people hearing things about silver and the trend seems to have continued into more recent auctions. You know there is plenty of misinformation but something is going on with silver. SLV bought 100mil+ Oz and the price went down. An ETF should buy silver and it just sits there. So any buying on that scale must push the price up. Clearly somewhere there was an offsetting transaction to knock the price down. Reading the prospectus Which seem deliberately unclear, the Custodian’s obligations seem not to have been locked down. This mean they can be regarded as “holding” for the trust and still use the silver to create a short elsewhere. This be a joke. Do real research on silver. Are there media stonks or conglomerates that own lying news that are publicly traded? Silver was technically squeezed from 40-50 in 2011...it’s not only possible...it has happened before. 🧐 If you know nothing about physical silver then why are you even talking here? Why buy silver when you can buy $G(old)ME I like🐕 Am I retarded? Silver is going up. I'm making money. . Lo j9 l Buying silver is a trap. Go far enough back and you'll see it was originally a distraction from GME, but guess what.....I'm stl holding my GME 💎✋ Wow. What assholes (as if we didn't know that already). Ya pretty much every mention of everything is awful Break the banking cabal, end the global generational debt based fiat Ponzi scheme. BE ANGRY sin not AND SQUEEZE SILVER. BUY PHYSICAL. 🥈💎🦍💎🦍💎🥈 #makesilvermoneyagain #freesilver r/wallstreetsilver 28 trillion reasons to buy physical silver friends! Its funny because there WAS a DD on Silver picking up steam before GME was declared the ""focus"" by a few of the million un-unified random members of WSB. [https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l68ill/the_biggest_short_squeeze_in_the_world_slv_silver/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l68ill/the_biggest_short_squeeze_in_the_world_slv_silver/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) OP is right about one thing... do not buy $SLV... you need to buy $PSLV. Sprott actually buys/holds the silver, whereas $SLV is a paper scam Oh, there’s a lot here Buy uranium instead! UUUU, URG, UEC! Here’s the deal. Real estate is THE only good investment at this stage. There is only so much land to be had. But, as prices continue to soar, it is not a viable option for many people. The other way to fuck these big investors is to simply: 1.) small investors sell their shares in a company’s stock, then 2.) EVERYBODY boycott the products or services and force a real drop in the companies’ stocks. As with other failing companies, the small investor may take a little hit, but the big ones can die for all I care. Only a fool would try to capitalize on this nearly foolproof plan. “If it isn’t necessary, learn to live without it.” The proof is in the pudding, no matter how they try to spin it. Is there a trustworthy Reddit group who is pooling their money to invest in real estate? Having limited disposable capital, I might be very interested in that. Any one else get ads for it too? Shiny good. Actually JP Morgan does not own a lot of or he owns a lot of silver on paper. If you deplete the physical silver supply, and manufacturers look for fulfillment on their paper orders and they can’t be filled you can possibly squeeze a selfie. But the real profit is in the physical Silver will win! This is why you have to look at things and not react immediately but use that info and fact check it before reacting. I’m happy with my silver. It’ll come back around. All those trying to make SLV or KGC or whatever the next GME, was the issue. Silver is the most conductive substance known to man. And used extensively in solar panels. When you’re dumb enough to fall for buying silver you end up having to wait until you are 70 to trick some other dumb fuckwit into buying it. Only a poor attempt to buy back into the system! 🤔🤔🤔 I have 100 shares of silver that I bought in November and have made a %13 profit so far. I plan kn holding it for quite a while. What if this is misinformation? I use Webull and it works wonderfully for me. (also, DM me if you'd like, the referral bonus is pretty nice) you guys are missing the opportunity of a lifetime. this post will not age well. Literally the only $SLVR posts I’ve seen on Reddit are fellow apes calling out this bullshit. Gotta love a false narrative by CNBC. i warned about that when people were selling gme and amc. those billionaires were using the media to break the line! not me 💎🙌🏻 Physical Silver is the only interesting Silver. And holding a lot of it is a misallocation of resources for most people, as it creates an opportunity loss for investment going elsewhere. But holding a few ounces of physical is a good idea as a currency crash buffer (doomsday stash) Regarding the media- there hasn’t been objective news reporting for decades, it’s all opinion, and few facts. Mass media is useless. They are shittting up r/silver bugs shit posting on /biz/ too. Fucking assholes About a month or 2 ago Someone on wsb posted a long dd post about silver so at that time it wasn’t popular but at some point it gained traction. Also this was before the GameStop mania Fake news!!! No buy !!! You are indeed mentally challenged. People should not be buying silver stocks that maintains the manipulation problem, the problem is manipulation in the silver market, far more paper contracts/etfs than there is physical silver, you expose the govts/banks fraud by buying physical silver Physical silver is lit tho for sure. Fuck any “stock” or etf that is silver based tho. Silver as a precious metal I definitely would buy though. But what do I know? I’m a fucking retard I am also mentally challenged, I am not making any recommendations but do not buy silver right now unless you want your wife’s boyfriend to set you straight🦍 Its fucking awful seeing a disinformation campaign like this because you are scared what will happen when the world realizes we are out of silver and they cant get another phone because Samsung cant source enough to produce their finished product. The problem comes with the amount of paper silver out there vs the physical . The demand for silver is about to go way up because of the evs and solar production that is coming. The paper that is out there does not represent actual silver so no company can use the paper in their product. It is for investment only. Physical silver is and will always be a good investment. but it is volatile and the investor must watch the markets closely. If you look at the amount of paper that is being dumped into the system and that includes dollars we can only conclude that there will be a flight from those dollars into things of value like silver. which has stood the test of time. There is a limited amount of silver and there is a unlimited amount of dollars the fed can print. It is all about purchasing power and value. Go to Ebay and you can buy a Roman coin after the gold was removed for about $30. Then look at the Roman coins that are true gold , more like $5-6ooo They are both 2000 years old. My thoughts It’s a tarp The mentally challenged part is obvious. You need to research this one before you post absolute nonsense. Because of your lack of holding you obviously don’t support it. That’s fine but you shouldn’t try to talk shit about something others may be heavily invested in because you don’t understand it. But the news man said silver was good so I yoloed my wife's boyfriends mortgage on 420 metric fuck tons of the metal. This was a bad idea? What am I going to do with all this silver now? Can someone let Melvin know I have a 50 lb bar that I'm willing to trade for his yacht keys? https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/lnzeho/the_silver_short_squeeze_is_glaringly_obvious_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Well, I guess I'm a complete fool for falling into the trap lmao, I own lots of silver. And the people on the tv are retarded Please do not buy silver because I am still buying at these low prices. Supply is completely wiped out. Once the COMEX catches up and the price doubles, I think you all will inevitably jump on. Just wait a hot minute, please! I want to purchase several homes with silver once equities and real estate take a shit and I am holding real value. Not investing advice. This man is *swimming* in karma right now So, buy silver? In fact if you actually read the DD on Wallstreetsilver, buying SLV is the LAST thing you should do. Physical is disappearing worldwide. For a reason. Our reason. And if you can’t buy physical you get in on PSLV which is backed by real silver and not fake paper certificates from JP Morgan. This is “The way” We will expose it all. We will break the manipulation and corruption that is and has been going on that is being allowed to continue by the feds. Convicted of manipulating the silver market 1000’s of times and just fined(bribe) 900 million to the SEC. and they are still allowed to run the silver market and audit themselves? WSB showed the way. We will finish it. Billboards all around the world. This movement is now. Won’t get another chance. As censorship increases. They will try every trick to drop the price. Dropping false paper Certificates to manipulate it down. To try to get us to give up. But we won’t give up. it’s already happening and you can either get on now, Or sit and watch us and the world do it Wallstreetsilver. Not sure why you can’t come just read the facts. Help return a free market. I don’t care to hear anything except data, facts, and truth. So unless you have that. You can come in over to wallstreetsilver and read all the data, information, and criminal records of JP Morgan and the bunch, and what us and the rest of the world will do about it. So..nice talk. I’ll see you over there. And you sir. Probably work for JP Morgan. this post is a JPM Dump!! I bought physical silver Ezra Cohen says to buy physical silver. It’s cheap right now but could go into the thousands eventually. I'm not sure if I've ever disagreed with anything more than I do this post. Silver is the most undervalued asset on the planet, which is entirely due to decades of price suppression. It's the most asymmetrical investment opportunity of any of our lifetimes. Virtually scant risk at these levels with mind boggling upside virtually guaranteed in the coming years. Honestly if the majority of retail traders saw things as i do though, the price would be much much higher and the opportunity would no longer be there. The point being the most asymmetrical investment opportunity of our lifetime has to by it's very nature be an unpopular one. All the naysayers are future buyers, whereas if everyone/most was/were bullish, there wouldn't be enough future buyers to support the price explosion. 15 years of doing this gig full time to an obsessive degree at times. There is nothing I can state with any more certainty than this: silver is an opportunity of a lifetime. It will hurt your brain to realize badly you effed up if you don't buy and get silver exposure before it's too late. PS - Don't believe me it's the most undervalued asset on the planet? Name any asset you can buy today that is anywhere near the same price as it was back in 1980. Then realize that silver's peak in 1980 was nearly $50. Even gold, which is heavily suppressed as it is, is trading well above it's 1980 peak. silver is absolutely a buy for long term as it's used in industry take it from someone who bought and held Freeport mcmaron for the last 7 months copper will hit $5 and silver will go to $31 this year stay away from gold but your right there is no way in hell to short silver PHYSICAL SILVER IS THE PLAY!!! The news is trying to scam you. OWN YOUR ASSET!! and yes...value is going to go through the roof. Federal Reserve will be gone soon. Be prepared!!! I’m sorry, but this is a little much for me! You speak like a so called smaart guy! My head hurts! I thought you were retarded like the rest of us! Did you get on the chromosome list? You are indeed retarded. Fuck the short squeeze story. There is literally a supply/demand imbalance and demand will only continue to increase while supplies remained constrained. What the fuck do you think happens to prices in this situation? I already upvoted, might as well leave a comment. The amount of brainwashing is crazy. I was wondering who the hell actually is buying silver. It's all over the news, but I'm all about investing yet I'm staying clear of that stuff. Silver been ripping yo! 1.5% in 6 months! Wow!!!! I personally do buy silver. And I absolutely love it. Hence, physical silver. ETFs and all this bs is literally selling people silver that are not available. Just like they did to gold, there are more silver “owners” than actual physical silver. Unbelievable. On the other hand, there is a community here on this platform that is actually named something in the lines of squeezing silver. So I do believe there are people attempting to squeeze it. In all honesty though, what it seems to me, and I’m a retard, is that they are actually attempting to get physical silver and crash the system by this mean. These funds will never be able to fulfill their promises. Silver is something that you only buy if you can hold it, otherwise it’s nothing but a bad stock to hold. Not financial advice. Simple humble opinion. I love commodities, I buy 10-20 CPER a month. Always have. Paper IS the problem. Physical silver IS the answer I'd like to bring something to light: [https://silver.bestgoldmines.com/](https://silver.bestgoldmines.com/). This is a spotprice for SILVER which is derived from the leading online bullion dealers. It takes the 1kg bars and calculates the average price of all those dealers. Without VAT. so you could say THIS is the real silver price! Silver is a huge loser. Never do it. The buttfuck you coming and going. u/profanitycounter Question: DDD & CHWY Keep or sell? Thank you. Oh, when a youtuber runs a pump and dump he’s an asshole, but when CNBC does it nobody notices. lmao this guy just isn’t the smartest As in ""a retard""? Most undervalued asset in the world. As we enter a period of hyperinflation.... not much downside to silver. PSLV. Have you looked at the charts?? They are very bullish. I think the push is for actual physical silver not $SLV You can definitely squeeze silver. Step 1: buy physical silver, step 2: put silver in hand, step 3: SQUEEZE!!!. Silver squeeze accomplished. Will update with photos Why anyone would do this is beyond me Reddit people* not people on Reddit This is the mainstream news. If anybody reads into this and doesn’t believe the media is corrupt and working with the rich then they are a dumbfuck Finally somebody said it. I've been reading those articles, where they always mention GME and AMC being squeezed... then they mention silver, and I'm just like what the fuck??? Reminds me back in the day when some billionaires corned the market on silver. Can you not talk about things you know nothing about? Buy PSLV. It’s fucking stupid you guys promote stocks based on how you can ” stick it” to the man instead of promoting businesses that are sound and who’s stocks have a chance of legitimately increasing in value. Such a waste. Silver can’t be squeezed TBoon Pickens tried to corner it once I don’t squeeze my silver but I do fondle it occasionally. We are retaarded as one! We { the people), are King Kong when we put our diamond 💎 🖐’s together!Buy and hold my ape friends Lol silver is real money because its also a commodity it has value already but when you look into the reasons why r/wallstreetsilver is doing this is to force banks to stop supressing the price they use gold and fake naked shorted ETFs. They have been hammering the paper money yet have les supply each time! That says that they are using fake money to buy real money that is owned by all other countries as well. They can manipulate markets in the economy but not the global markets unless all the countries in the world work together for the dollar. We all know russia, china or both would love to take this opportunity to break the dollar. thats why you can squeeze silver. Its possible because at a certain point the paper price doesnt reflect the demand. Well I'm still gonna put 50$ in....if i lose it all who cares, if I profit I'll use it as a symbolic victory to further my ego! I'm a genius! Why is a 24 day old post on the top of the page? If you are mentally challenged then have I got the sub for you. r/wallstreetbets It's not about a squeeze. And nobody is buying SLV. We're buying PHYSICAL. In our own hands. The debt crisis is coming. Hyperinflation. Weimer Republic style. Only Gold and silver are real money. We want to end the fed and collapse the dollar. Return back to 100% gold and silver backed money. No more fiat. The working class deserves an economy where 1 income can support a family again. Inflation is theft of our labour. PSLV and $AG Do your DD and you will change your mind Have fun staying poor I noticed that, few times heard them talk about it, and then I’ve come to checkout if we’re actually upping the damn stock, and there’s nothing😡 why in the hell are they doing that? Using the same tactics as the GME? Posts like this stay up. DD gets removed.. what the hunt brothers did was real and will happen again. But better this time. Not a short term ""squeeze"" but a currency reclamation. #wss #fuckwsbandthissubtoo Owning physical silver copper palladium gold zinc in physical form ... SILVER has almost gone up almost 100% over last year $14.78 to $27.26 today ... What stocks are doing this well do you recommend as safe as this to buy...I want to get in stock but afraid You had me at “I’m mentally challenged.” I, too, am retarded. The dollar is worthless, people are just henging their bets. US is on its way to hyperinflation all the shit the US has pulled to just be printing money for goods and services will come to an end... I took a put on SLV today that turned a nice profit Physical Silver will be a great asset. They are 149 days out a few weeks ago. The demand is going to kill those that have suppressed it for so many decades to keep everyone trading on paper. Physical Gold will also be a nice asset to have as its suppression may soon be over. I have a small amount of silver metal, so I really was wishing the prices were going up Buy SLV at 25, sell at 60, or don't, doesn't matter I did, I like money tho I think they are mixing terms up. There is a physical silver shortage at the moment. It's not a squeeze. It's lack of supply. And yeah..slv sucks...but sv is not silver. The longer they manipulate, the more we stack. They are doing us a favor. We are stronger than they think Literally the stupidest post on the silver short squeeze obviously miss informed just like most of you.. HAVE FUN STAYING POOR #SilverSqueeze Time to buy gold, silver, and guns- when the economy is booming. Time to sell gold and silver- when the recession gets real. I think houses, stocks raw materials have already been squeezed. Wheat and basic foods are damn important..when you don't have it. Just buy Silver and be happy - look at the direction of the country, fiscal policy, but manipulation exists in Silver - put an end to it. [WHY SILVER, WHY NOW!!!!!!!! WHY NOT!!! : TheRealSilverSqueeze (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRealSilverSqueeze/comments/lnu10h/why_silver_why_now_why_not/) Never check the cot daten? There is a big short on the price..... Yup, I saw them talking about how these funds were buying slv... So I bought puts. If it's a war they want... Lol https://www.reddit.com/r/StockDesiGroup/comments/lu80cq/if_anyone_interested_in_penny_stock/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Next week penny stocks Those looking to squeeze silver are buying PHYSICAL silver. Have any of you that are speaking negatively on this topic even called up local bullion dealers to see how crazy their business has been the past few weeks? There are dealers that are literally finding it impossible to track down physical silver. Have you check the US Mint? The Royal Canadian Mint? The Perth Mint? These mints are all but sold out, and of the items you can get they're almost exclusively available in tiny denominations like 1/4 oz and 1/2 oz coins if at all. Pricing of a US silver eagle on the US Mint site is now USD $73/oz on their website. It wasn't long ago it was under $30...and its sold out last time I looked. Have any of you even explored this? Because I have and our local bullion dealers in a number of backwaters communities way up north on the left coast of Canada are sold out...so if its going crazy here I can promise you that its going crazy in larger US market centers like the silver squeezers are saying. I buy silver coins as a looonnnngg term investment. I get them to give to my kids to give to their kids if they choose to have kids. Metals are always a good investment. Hard tangible currency will always have value. Silver unexpectedly got added value by being needed in the solar energy space. Who would short silver after that news, is beyond me. But whatever. I’ll continue to buy it anyway and she’ll it away. Buy General Electric now check it out Yep I'm a fucking silversmith, silver prices are killing me rn. My overhead has gone up 200-300% from last year but I am sitting on a silver egg. A lot better than those beans I got for the cow Well now I just want silver jewelry! Thank my husband is going to be pissed! If they doing this on live television wouldn't you call this manipulation? Not to mention they are trying to bait innocent people with their money to fall for this trap. If someone should to go to jail it should be these television guy. Motherfucker basically selling snake oil Don't buy silver but please buy into Cherrys Ponzi Scheme MLM Pyramid Scheme negative ions stock market silverTM This is why pslv and physical silver (even better) are the only way $WTRH I'm glad nobody here is falling for that shit. Who in their right mind would invest in something so stupid. It's obviously a ploy to bring down retail traders. Captain Obvious promoting that campaign. Honestly it's hilarious how they're trying to shill dead weight. Lmao boomers how do you squeeze a precious metal? Fake news is the only type of news whether the news is run by capitalist market forces or government filter. I knew we couldn’t short silver in the way GME was, but decided it was still a good short term move to follow the media hype until I made other moves. Silver(SLV) is pretty stable and only really seems to move up or down by like $4-5/share. There was a week it was up and I sold half of it to put into riskier plays. I don’t like the idea that anything should be off limits(whatever the opposite of hyping is). Just do your own research and diversify your portfolio(or don’t) It’s the greed machine baiting newbs into inflating the value of silver so the economy can claim gains based on falsehoods :/ Ape no have television, will never hear CNBC push silver If you can squeeze a turd, you can squeeze ANYTHING. Lol umm silver is a good buy since it is used to make solar panels Don’t buy silver period !!!!!!!!! I had 1 contract for the last 2 months and this shit didn’t move a single penny, lost $120 on it and sold it at $6 the entire contract on a lost. DO NOT BUY SILVER !!!!!! They always lie! Silver will have its day but I believe your right..... MSM LIES!!! 💎🙌 MSM bich as liars working for the HF and 1% slag oligarch devils always trying to keep us down!im holdin this shit cuz I like the stock Even bubba for kitco too! The establishment does not want your money to leave the finnancial tyranny. It's dependent on our money being spent on shit! I know right! So pathetic! I’ll squeeze my balls before I squeeze silver. I already owned a ton of silver but I bought it way before the pandemic, I bought it For a jewellery class, I planned on making much more jewellery and now I have a stupid amount of silver. Forgive me for having diamond hands I shorted silver n made a profit. I knew it was artificially high so knew it would come down. Which it did. Bunch of fucking Yukon Cornelius going around yelling Silver! Another problem is on the Q believers forums that’s what all the grifters are pushing. They’re convincing people the sky is falling so gold and silver is all that’s left. So, yes, silver is largely political. I go look for funny Biden falling memes and there are silver ads galore. https://www.reddit.com/r/Wallstreetsilver/comments/mhc7s5/ishares_slv_trust_is_toxic_to_all_silver/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf SOS tomorrow Thoughts on gold right now? Thinking about buying some shares near $20. Physical silver is a waste of time and money too. You’ll see better returns just putting your money in an index fund I have lots of comment karma. Why can’t I comment?!? Aye, Buy and you may die. Sell, and you'll live... at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the Shares, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell the Shorts that they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM! Let’s goooo Free i n o LOL I remember in ‘79 when the Hunts (“A billion isn’t worth what it used to be”) went long in the Silver futures market and got crushed when my mom and her friends melted down their silver tea sets. 🚀🚀🚀 Whatever the media says do the opposite! Lmao it’s a trick they know we already gearing up for the moon MAXD UP 9% . New player I sold silver and bought MAXD. NEW PLAYER New player maxd New gold mine might open in Colorado. Not advice Do you guys think MAXD will really take off? It is not a trap and you will see very soon. Can you give me a proof that CNBC is talking, cause I haven't seen anything yet. Besides, in two days wallstretsilver will have bilboards all over USA and it will be their job to report the news. Posted by [deleted] ok dude, I believe you. I will keep my worthless $ now. Obviously a post by a werewolf. All the news media is working for big banks and big banks ARE the hedge fund guys! Squeezing silver, fake news…. It's called market manipulation and done all the time. NTLA$$$ If the media is like wsb then I’ll do the opposite. There’s only a small few of you who know what your talking about, and you know who you are. Appreciate the warning mr cpu man. HFs raising cash for that margin call. Bullish AF I was wondering why XME was down today while gold is way UP. HF fuckery in the etfs again. Bullish for that stock I like. Jp morgan owns a shit load of silver from 08 when they got the pass to own more than allowed... seems similar to their other monopolies. Have you not seen r/wallstreetsilver They sound crazy over there Up over 100% on my physical. 5 years of a supply deficit, ore grades dropping, not much exploration in the sector (no new supply, on top of new mines takes decades to start producing), supply chain disruptions, a push for bs EV’s (to replace the 1billion cars on earth it’ll take 40years of annual silver mining supply), COMEX AND LBMA suppressing silver price via 10am eastern spoofing (Bart chilton admitted it’s happening, and Rosten Bennum admitted to “tamping dow the price”). Lol at OP for being weak af. Must be a progressive! LOL. But yes buy over valued stocks with p/e multiples over 25, unlike the mining sector where you can still find value! More for me, less for you bahahahahahaha If you want to invest in silver make sure you are buying the real deal physical silver to have literally with you. The rest is fake and manipulated Silver is extremely undervalued. This guy or gal is clueless. This guy need medical help asap WSS have already taken down the comex We should go away from derivatives and buy real assets, that's where the interesting game is. During the almost silver squeeze that happened ~6 months ago I started going down then rabbit hole and didn’t like what I found. I came away with the impression that gold and silver prices/stocks/etf’s are heavily manipulated. Does the metal actually exist? Does the spot price reflect reality? Idk and idc because what I read was murky enough and I’ll never touch those assets ever again Damn silver! I can’t quit you! Funny how most commodities follow each other, EVER NOTICE THAT?! WTF would silver follow oil or anything else but other precious metals. Certainly digital assets are HUGE GAMBLE. If you want to get an investment, buy a home, buy a collectible car, buy physical silver, gold, etc. Why buy silver with these 20 percent plus premiums? Jerkey has far less mark up and has fewer middlemen. And remember, you can’t eat silver. I stack beef jerky . I hope they don’t come after me. Notice the price of Jerkey these days. It’s nearly doubled in past year. The news is in the entertainment biz. Truth? Oh you mean like theWWWF????Ratings rule the news. Always will. r/Intrinsic_Investments I agree I could be wrong but couldn’t silver be shorted because the stock market & or FED says the government has more then we do, Then apes buy it out of the market it means the value of silver is higher then they say Any comments correct me if I’m wrong PSLV and SLVO are great ways to hold silver. WPM is also a great way to have some silver in your portfolio. SLV is “paper” silver, not good. I’m in WSS and buying stocks of SLV and even PSLV are widely discouraged and downvoted. Lately we have these new accounts posting long winded arguments saying we are doing it wrong and should be buying SLV. Mostly everyone in WSS knows how manipulated the silver/gold stocks are so we steer very clear, physical only. It is strange as this seems like a coordinated campaign to get people into SLV. Not sure what they are trying to cover for but it’s strange I bought a bunch of physical silver at 24.00 hoping it would hold value against inflation. Now I just have a bunch of metal bricks worth substantially less so I am cheering for HF’s this round 😂👍 Silver is bottoming in preparation for a strong bull market. [deleted] Yeah, let's not focus on the fact that the biggest media corporations are obviously using PROPAGANDA to cover for a disgrace of a system which leeches on the people of United States. Instead, let's set the semantics straight for the ones calling it out.. I think you're leaving out the implied accusation of his thought, that you can't squeeze silver. Yes you can short it, but his worry is valid. Should have acknowledged that it cannot be squeezed, as many people now on Reddit seem to think short and squeeze go hand in hand. Silver is highly regulated, the Fed wont let you squeeze it. The Fed has stepped in many times in the past to keep silver stable. Sure play silver if you want, but don't jump on the wagon like $GME. You can get burned on $GME, but you WILL get burned on $SLV if you think you are gonna keep buying at its peek and ""squeeze"" it. Best thing to do with SLV is probably short it. But what do I know, I don't know anything, and this is not financial advice. It doesn't make sense to ""squeeze"" commodities. People are either being baited into this crap or just plain confused. I wouldn't recommend it... You can't short squeeze a market structure that is long haha. COT has funds 44k contracts long and reduced shorts last week. No squeeze; you're buying the sell-off. Yes, I know that you can *short* Silver, but right now it's largely not shorted. I didn't say you can't short silver, you can, but right now it's not. Without a very large short position, Silver cannot be squeezed. Everything the OP has stated is false. There are two rumors going on simultaneously by bad actors on silver. 1. You can't squeeze silver 1. This is false. Silver was up =12% at the high today before rejection the August 2020 high, which is pretty standard for profit taking along the way. The total ounces of registered on COMEX is about 90 million, the eligible is 300 million ounces. Registered ounces are those that are subject to delivery if an individual is long a futures contract at expiration and meets the requirements. Many times these bars of silver are just kept at COMEX on the east coast for safe keeping at a low interest storage cost. JPM, HSBC, CITI, Brinks, Scotia are short between 100-200 oz of silver via CME contracts for every ounce they own. A short squeeze HAS been generated because people bought large amounts of call options AND all the physical in the entire world ran out. There is literally a shortage. If every man, woman, and child in the USA bought 3 oz of silver it would break the banks because they are leveraged short 100:1 against their physical ownership. 2. JPM benefits from an increased silver price 1. Also false, and for the last sentences of the above reason. They are short via CME futures somewhere between 100:1 and 200:1. Its all about the net position. Owning 1 million ounces of silver in a shed under your house but being short 100 million ounces via 20,000 SI futures contracts (each contract controls 5000 oz of silver) is a 99:1 net short. You are fucked if silver goes higher, to the tune of a net loss of -99 million every dollar silver moves up. The thing people need to understand is since the bullion banks own a huge amount of physical, and quadrupled their holdings at the March bottom, they can short contracts against it all day long with special permissions from the exchanges to leverage up to astronomical levels not afforded to the common man. This is equivalent to selling covered calls against your open stock position, 1 covered call for each 100 shares. That is what they have been doing for years to suppress the price, and pocket the premium. It is a huge money maker. The difference is they are not short 1 call option for each 100 shares, they are short 100 calls for each 100 shares, creating a huge net short position. [removed] The only way to squeeze silver is if the physical market gets a good run for it. Short the etf’s. Only physical and miners are worth it. Or futures contracts but to actually take delivery of the metal. Maybe this time the world is waking up and this paper scam can be over finally. There are groups of people beyond reddit that understand it and want to participate in this. It’s a difficult squeeze but possible. Paper metals are garbage, fiat currencies are garbage to ( USD dilution 25% in 2020) vs silver price up almost 200% Buying physical silver is the way to go! If anyone wants some tips on which silver coins are best to buy, feel free to PM me anytime :) Silver miners up today. Even if the rumor isn’t true, false rumors can drive markets some anyway He didn't say you can't short silver, he said you can't short squeeze silver. I support this sentiment 100% There is next to no short interest on /SI or /SIL btw. You can find the volume and open interest on the CME website, it's not hard like you said. Silver futures from 1975 - 2020 for the month of February generate an average market return of +1.27% and as of me typing this it's at +7.90%, which is over 6x the normal February market return on silver. Not a good thing when in March gold and silver usually decline hard and we're on the H (March) expiration. Imo This is actually a really good opportunity to short silver, not squeeze it. This isn't a squeeze either, Why? Because short interest is only 4,585 short put contracts, opposed to 20,615 longs/calls on silver futures, in 202,463 volume. Don't have my calculator handy but that is diddly squat lol. Maybe around 2.2% short interest, which tells me this is not a squeeze, nowhere even close. Looks like the hedgies recouping losses and planning to leave retail GME buyers bag holding for eternity. Based on all the price action and momentum today anyway. Very odd for silver to jump 10x it's yearly return in a day. Incredibly irregular momentum. Why are all physical stores out of silver? Seems like that could affect the price Silver is a joke will never work. First citadel has over 800 million in calls on $SLV and second you don’t know how much silver is in the world. You drive the price out people start finding silver in the couch, grandmas garage, in old dimes, etc. price falls. You can’t short squeeze a commodity because you don’t know how much there is. Stocks is finite. It’s a know quantitative. > Edit: If you're interested in grammar, [please post to one of these fine communities.](https://www.reddit.com/subreddits/search?q=grammar Did someone complain about the Grammer on this comment or post? Lol Post data Lmao nice try Shit shill How much is citadel paying you [removed] Explains the silver ads I’ve been seeing on Reddit We had a squeeze, a 12% jump in the price and a global silver shortage. It's ongoing. God... Honestly the stock market makes no sense. It's crazy how our economy is just a bunch of bullshit rules people made up and not like... An actual method for resource allocation like economics should be It is virtually impossible for retail to squeeze silver. Banks and hedges? Sure. Retail? No way. https://www.reddit.com/r/SLVTakeOver/comments/laexbu/solid_explanation_of_the_slv_call_options_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf this is some solid DR bundled into one video But not a terrible shorting strategy. Namely to short silver specifically when the market corrects. Just stop Ban Literally yes. They were all like, ""Wow that's incredible that they can squeeze silver"" I'm here internally screaming, WE CAN'T, WE AREN'T EVEN TRYING TO. And lieing about reddit ""squeezing silver"". Like seriously, WTF? Hey, hey its only manipulation if its against their interests ;) [deleted] because they control the market and are invested in silver. they want retail investors to buy silver so they can divest from it and profit, leaving people holding the bag. they know they can't leave people holding the bag for GME because they've shorted it. You spelled it wrong. It’s Shillver yes because they are trying to encourage it to get people away from GME and help their hedge fund buddies out. CNBC is a channel funded by the elite to manipulate you into doing things that benefit them at your expense. Plenty of people were predicting that we were going to eventually see astroturfing trying to manipulate reddit / retail buyers into swinging the market how they want now that the hedge fundies know what our weight can do but... wow... that was fucking fast. They want silver to go up so they are using this reddit buzz to manipulate the market. They haven't learned anything. They will just continue to run their games Things to keep in mind while you people go on your little journey: 1. The lazy and ambiguous language of ""they"" will be thrown about. ""They,"" basically just means anything on TV or news articles. Anyone. A guest. A host. A video they play. A tweet they quote. 2. Anyone part of ""they"" condemns the whole lot rather than there being multiple voices and perspectives. There are going to be people on TV who come out for or against or neutral on SLV. Same deal with GME: note that many of you just view people on TV people pumping GME as ""good guys"" though. 3. Neutral objective reporting will be interpreted as positive or negative depending on what the viewer wants to get out of it. 4. Similarly, some of you are saying ""reddit is not pumping SLV"" and some of you have cherry-picked some media saying ""reddit is pumping SLV."" There are large subsets of redditors doing both and you can't refer to one to characterize the group just as with media. 5. The counter to this is: Anyone on reddit doing something you don't like is fake and paid disinformation. In reality, some missed GME and don't see the potential upside as worth the risk, so they are looking for the next GME to pump. 6. Many are emotionally and financially invested in GME and so this disloyalty is a danger to them. They're going to uncritically believe any negative claim about the other pumps and spread their own disinformation because it benefits them. You’d almost think they were republicans... Maybe they are pushing retails to slv to lose money >> start panicking and sell GME for the gains they have All I'm hearing on CNBC this morning is how ""It's amazing these retail investors are able to squeeze silver!"" like they're a commercial for it or something, lol. reddit buy stonk bad reddit buy silber gut Good thing they can't meme silver for shit. They're only bad when they're pushing shit they don't have, are shorting. The WSB crowd showed that you can massively manipulate the stock market with memes and social media while remaining immune to the SEC. That sub will be entirely astroturf by the end of the month (if it isn't already). Sure. They're manipulative bastards trying to get boomers to buy silver and don't mind lying about Reddit. Citadel owns literally tons of silver. Blatant market manipulation, pump and dump - with the new twist of lying to use Reddit as cover. SEC is worthless - they refuse to actually enforce the rules on big hedge funds. What they does not matter. Only read their behaviors to determine their goal. Its pretty clear that after they found out how reddit users and internet individuals found out about GME, they woulf likely to try to manipulate us. Did CNBC themselves ever say retail was manipulating the market? Or just random guest? Yes. Greed being the common denominator. Basically the suits said, if we can’t beat them, *use them!* Bunch o hypocrites. CNBC saw a complaint post about silver awards, thought it was the commodity and ran with it. I mean how is it not obvious what that means? They tried to demonize the plebs for revolting with GME, that didn't work, so now they've been instructed to try to get back at the plebs and run damage control on their Hedge Fund owners, by making the plebs lose the money they've gained on GME, by encouraging them into bad buys. It's fucking transparent. They’re manipulating the market and blaming Reddit. I wonder who’s actually behind this Citadel owns a metric shit ton of silver They're weaponizing the GME craze for profit off gullible and inexperienced investors. They're expecting a bunch of people who heard about GME and Reddit from traditional news sources to say ""Reddit says it's good? Okay!"" and buy silver when FOMO hits. ""They"" Wall Street is huge and you saw only a small handful of people complaining about the GME situation. It's not necessarily the same people happy now that were unhappy before. Citadel, the guys who picked up Melvin's debt, own significant SLV whatevers, so every dollar you give SLV you take away from GME retail investors. They need silver to go to raise enough money to fuel their short positions on GME. They're trying not to get squeezed out of GME. That’s because the media is 100% propaganda They figured out they can weaponize reddit by just saying whatever they want and just 'redditors are...' to the front of it apparently. Same as Trump would say 'a lot of people...' The fucking media are also bad. No young person or anyone I know is buying silver. In fact it’s not even in their fucking radar Article title ""SLV is the new GME"" wtf They went from saying redditors are bad for manipulating the market to manipulating the market for silver. I’ve seen/heard from 3 silver experts on the tv/npr radio today. Who lined all these silver experts up?!! *Cough* citadel If they can't beat us.. There is a physical silver crowd (Community) on reddit: r/silverbugs whom are stressing for people to purchase physical silver only; none of this $SLV garbage. Every last one of them are ""Stackers for life!"" They actually post photos of their accumulations, which - I think that is very dangerous to do, especially this day and age. A bit off topic but felt eerily relevant. >Eco reduces the qualities of what he calls “Ur-Fascism, or Eternal Fascism” down to 14 “typical” features. >8. The enemy is both strong and weak By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak. They're very skilled in the ways of market manipulation. ...as they should be after having done it for so long. They're also claiming that reddit is moving onto that now too, and that they're gonna do what happened with gamestop to silver. Which on the news that means drive the prices of silver up some quant analyzed all the award data in WSB, saw how popular reddit SILVER is... We all have a contract. They still own us. They have owners to begin with They are trying to condition ppl to think slv is how you buy actual silver. No one wants you to actually buy physical. That way comex doesn't blow the fuck up when everyone demands to settle in physical. SmithRune sure looks that way, doesn’t it? How is this reporting legal?? It is a legit pump n dump Misinformation is by accident. This is coordinated disinformation. It’s the same across Canada, they talk about gme as if it was a one day attack. They must have been paid to air the story because zero work was put into it. Embarrassing really, ya I’m talking about u “global tv” ya sell outs! Its almost like the news creates fake news to control narratives. I’m sure this is a new thing 😂🥜🥜. Hopefully more people step back and realize they’ve been getting hand fed misinformation for a long time. CNN and thestreet all in on the BS Dont forget cnn. If you read a lot of news almost no other outlet is as weaponized as cnn. What's funny about this is they're assuming everyone is getting their information from the news, rather than a subreddit. But yeah. This is sick manipulation from the news outlets, especially right after having to deal with the previous White House staff continuously attacking them for ""fake news."" Here: uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/silver-prices-soar-reddit-retail-investors-gamestop-wallstreet-bets-094457591.html The author mentions ""There have been thousands of Reddit posts with multiple mentions of the hashtag #silversqueeze"". Can you imagine? A hashtag. On Reddit. [deleted] > Fucking cnbc, never trust those paid scums. Full of lies and misinformation. Reddit subs are all like r/the_donald now. That's pretty sad. Yes, and people don't understand how incredibly hard is for retail investors to move markets with such huge market caps such as gold and silver. Unrelated sort of but CNBC also clearly has ties to freelancing sites like UpWork and Fiverr. They’re constantly pumping “freelance lyfe!” Articles when the only person who wins on those sites is the corporation who just pushed your wages down through the floor and the middle Man who skimmed off the top Also, if you look at a trend in news stories over the last year, they've been touting silver being the next big thing for some time... I'm guessing a number of investors are trying to skyrocket it using reddits media momentum right now to bring non-redditors into the mix... Honestly I went to school for journalism. I worked in media for a number of years I know how the game is played, but between the last four years of presidency and this fiasco peeling back the curtain a little bit more, I'm convinced that people are just fed up with the idea that the rich give a shit about everyone else. Trump was a symptom of a much bigger issue and I'm very worried how this is going to play out since it would be so easy to buy off a foreign organization or wag the dog into something to keep the average person's mind off of what might be happening in the stock market or deep politics. I'm not a conspiracy theorist by any means but to say that billionaires don't have a direct influence into what the media portrays is just being naive. Not even just cnbc, I heard npr pushing the same narrative on my drive to work, it's infuriating Yeah I never thought I'd see blatant misinformation like this. Folks at WSB warned weeks ago, I was like ""lol no way MSM gonna do this kind of thing this blatantly"". But look at where we are right now. I thought WSB was a meme subreddit but what folks have been saying there is spot on. Short attacks causing artifical dips - check. Short attacks targeting naive trader like me (e.g. stop loss) - check. MSM media disinformation - check. Circuit braker only on retail - check. I don't think I'll ever touch CNBC ever again. Basically, if CNBC say to do something, it's probably a safe bet looking into doing the opposite. I even saw it reported on my local news. It’s ALL the media. The only correct use for silver would be to trade it for opium. I think gold is more useful... it doesn't tarnish and has superior physical properties in conductance. Check out r/bullion or r/silverbugs. Although I think silverbugs went private. Yeah I thought the whole point of the silver thing was to buy *actual, physical* silver metal. Physical silver is cool, as a coin collector since a kiddo.My gramps got me started with junk silver coins, basically back from when us coins had silver in them. I've bought silver coins randomly over the years, but as any sort of short term investment? Not for me. I love the idea of owning a silverbar, making it look fake as fuck and then use it as a door stopper - just like those cheap silver painted plastic bars with some cement in them you can buy for a few bucks Serious question here; my grandpa left me a large box full of pure silver bars and coins. He spent tens of thousands of dollars on all of it, I can hardly lift the box it’s so heavy. Would now be a good time to sell it? Everywhere I look says the price of silver is the highest it’s been in a decade. That would be cool, to squeeze a bar! I just looked at the news sites... ya'll ain't kidding about the silver propaganda. Holi-crap-a-cola batman! I want the little silver lego bricks. Would be fun to stack them. I think silver has potential, but I don’t want to saueeze it. After all, silver is used for EV and Solar panels. But analysts only predict like a 20-60% increase. 25-30 or 25-40. Which is possible. But 1000$? Nah man that’s retarded. Should be worth mentioning that the places I’ve read this, could be biased or owned by hedge funds wanting to earn more I have a silver bar. I saved scrap sterling, torched it, poured and polished. It’s fucking awesome I have silver in my mouth. Long holding physical silver is the way. Historical currency. If the dollar fails, silver will catch you. I'll sell you a silver bar for 420gp, West Bank Varrock. You can get your SLV delivered you just need to own a lot. I bought some silver melt from SilverTowne last year as a cool thing to give my kids one day. Not gonna be any/much more valuable than it is now. For sure Physical Silver is more fun to buy, but for investing they both work just fine. I have physical silver and SLV. SLV also is real silver, you can cash out your shares for physical silver. And it's so much easier to buy and sell and you don't have to pay for shipping or premiums which makes physical silver expensive sometimes A friend showed me his stash of 25 silver coins a couple days ago. 'Twas pretty cool. Anyway, all in GME 🦍🦍🦍 I own some silver bars, and coins. One of the best savings accounts you can have. You won't make money on it but you will save up a nice nest egg Give this man more awards. I havent sold so I cant, yet! Ape get many awards. Ape happy. Ape eat banana and think of space! 🦍 🍌 🚀 Good spacemonkey So when is AMC (and BB) going to the moon, cuz buying it has only fucked me, LMAO Reject $SLV, embrace $GME Reddit is crazy gave me free silver. For bravery you deserve it. Ape also like phone with keyboard. [removed] [removed] I’m seeing lots of people say the same about AMC though? I bought into amc cuz I can’t afford GME. Hope it works out. To the moooooon! The point isn't to get us out of gamestop. The point is to get your grandma to call her broker as surely silver is safer than GME but she can still make money, right? You want to know where the GME bag holders are? They're distributed. Exactly. There is no way a bunch of retarded apes could move even GME by themselves. Some whales saw what was happening, and jumped in for the ride. And what a ride! 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 its 20 billion when it comes to physical, boomers on board, undervalued, scarce and in demand. SLV should be a long anyways considering they’re going to try to pass a huge stimulus bill in the States eventually. Commodities are your typical inflationary hedge, besides you can’t really “make” more of it so no matter what it’s eventually going to up long term. Combine that with the fact that it has huge industrial applications you can’t really lose by adding silver to your portfolio. TLDR: We ain’t gotta move it just hold it, also: long lithium futures Silver is a tiny market actually. At this point anything vaguely associated with reddit or wsb is getting a boost. This is sadly the thing most of the people that jumped on the train don't understand. The vast majority of the stocks of Gamestop are owned by institutions (IIRC it was like 80-90% due to the massive possitions), this thing ends when they decide. We just gave a push that snowballed. I do not think Silver could be the same as GME, but it could be a much better long term investment, and it could go up a good amount in the shorter term because of people getting into it as a hedge against hyperinflation, and because it has a lot of uses for emerging technology products like electric cars and such Hey man, if you made money, you made money. No shame in that. *Buying it now* is the stupid shit. Same boat you are— got in around $14, so you’ll do slightly better than me, but yeah, I saw that gold:silver price ratio in April of over 100:1 and thought it would correct itself. If it goes back to the historical 50:1 ratio, that puts a target of $36-37. Recently it’s been more like 60-70:1, so it’s accurately priced today at that valuation. Not a buy or a sell for me, but compulsory not an advisor, I have a smooth brain, do what you want, etc. Buy puts to protect yourself until anniversary I have a feeling it's going to pump to $50 then dump back to $20 before the real rally. Absolutely I'm out this morning. No logical reason for it to run. I'm holding a small piece just in case it pops the top but otherwise I'll sell it all the next few days. I bought a cheap long straddle on the possibility that silver will be volatile and I stand to make a few bucks on both sides. Gotta back hoe that hedge fund. I want to know where’s the golds at. Give me the gold https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/la1xhf/guess_who_owns_tonnes_of_slv_options_fuck_citadel/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share It's citadel again lol [deleted] I think its important that silver is actually a really good play but this wasn't us, next they'll start pining everything on us lol [deleted] Fuck $SLV. All my homies hate $SLV. Put me on TV CNBC you fucking pussies. When this is all done we need to short whoever owns CNBC. SHILLVER that's how worthless silver is - they're dumping it on *you* 😛 If you're paying attention to long stock, silver is going to be important for the electric vehicle market growing. But silver is definitely not being squeezed. I love how this sounds like gatekeeping, but is the goddamn truth. One post by a shill with a hand full of awards from other shills doesn't make it true. Only in relation to witchers. With /u/spez at the helm, stability seems like a concept from another universe. Now imagine what they've lied about in the past that no one's picked up on. Literally scamming the savings out of people who come for financial advice, because they can't live with 1 week of losing profits to the peasantry I had to talk my elderly parents out of buying silver this morning. They are 73 and 75 y/o respectively. It was not easy to convince them that what is happening is a completely artificial pump with no value and that Citadel was one of the biggest firms stand to profit off of it. It took me reasoning fundamentals with my Dad to get them to back off. They've done well over the years playing the game as best they could and I basically put it to my Dad, would you chase the ladder on any other stock at any time? Between that and slapping him back into reality that they should have their money in increasingly safe positions I was able to get them to back off. That said, I don't control their accounts and there is no way for me to know for sure that they didn't chase this. For real. I mean Gold and Silver sellers have been running ads constantly on cable TV channels for well over a decade or more. If anyone is to blame for manipulating the price of silver it's obviously those guys, not reddit where practically no one is saying to buy Silver. Is this a post trumpian trend? This is nothing man. They havent even killed anyone yet. Because they're trying to get you to sell gme. Brought to you by the people who air infomercials on fox news about how you should invest in silver. Funny how a 2 day old account made this post. If physical goes down that much I'll be so happy and load up more. There are still a lot of pissed people from 2011, who bought silver in the $30 to $50 range. I'm not sure what planet you live on where -20% is a crash and where GME isn't going to crash way more than 20% before even half of retail investors sell for a profit My $25.5 and $24 puts won't be mad. It will probably feel like GME hodlers do now. Perhaps it’s a post Trump effect Doubt many people realize how corrupt it truly is. I know media trust is at an all-time low, but a huge portion still believes what they read at face value. And it's hard to make sense of what the truth is when you're constantly bombarded with lies. Sadly there are many who will be duped by this So many people won’t even go to WSB to see what they’re saying too. They’ll just look at Twitter and TV, see “redditors buying $LSV” and go buy it, despite the hundred of posts on WSB exposing this. *cries in oil* [removed] yea very boomer/trumper. those guys get scammed into buying silver all the fucking time When I'm at my dad's house and he's watching Fox. Those buy silver and gold ads run at least every commercial break. My mom keeps asking me about the price jump because a Trumper told her to buy silver months ago. God only knows what that media ecosystem is pumping into their brains. Media has been a weapon of the elites for a long time now. I remember when a certain orange person was talking about how vile and dishonest our media is, and he got vilified for it It has always been like this. Manufactured Consent. I hope you include reddit in that media. I watch cnbc occasionally and I can see I've seen maybe 10 minutes worth about reddit. People come on here and make a bigger deal than it is. Yeah look at the last 2 presidential elections. The media controls both groups. We need to accept as common knowledge the fact that mainstream media is not credible , and fake news is common sense. [deleted] I bought a couple of penny stocks for mineral/mining companies due to the silver prices going up. I'm not the only one, since the price per share jumped 20% today. People are sheep for the most part And every news agency; Conservative, Liberal, whoever, are united around the single false narrative. EV demand AND the fact that solar is now the cheapest energy form and growing at double digit %. And yes, they clearly are buying, but people should be buying physical silver not SLV, and you can't find physical silver anywhere now because buying volume was x10 at the end of last week Apparently no ones buying GME lmao Me who divested and then reinvested after the $50 spike... 🥳 That's good, if you bought it before and made a profit, that's good. Buying now is a bad thing to do. Sad I had to scroll down this far to see this - this sub inching closer to a WSB clone. Fucking thank you. Spot on 90 % of this subs comments real talk This needs more upvotes but it won’t happen because of logical fallacies happening right and left on any stock sub related to GME. [deleted] This fucking guy I assume some on the list were planted too just to hype them and help create liquidity for them How many days did it take Robinhood to put a limit on GME? Only on PSLV from what I’m hearing. I use Tos so no firsthand verification. Thought that kind of thing was made illegal back in 1863 That's good shit I was considering selling CDE... but I'm long on it. It was my first double bagger ever too. Tough to let it go. I hope the bull market is here to stay. Thats the boat I'm in too lol Haven't sold yet though, actually sold some covered calls on my shares because the insane premiums. Sometimes you're at the devils side when you didn't even mean to be. Whatever poor sap I sold those calls to, I'm sorry, I had to. Could be a fake account, but even if not you do realize that not every member of a sub will agree in lockstep? Calling them inconsistent is a bit ridiculous It's not shorted at all, that post was bullshit and should be removed. With enough money on the line, I’m sure reddit seems ripe to manipulate. Be careful folks [deleted] I’ve seen the same thing in WSB One post about short squeezing silver with lots of awards and upvotes: https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l6novm/the_real_dd_on_slv_the_worlds_biggest_short/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 Another post, again lots of awards, denying it and saying it’s all bullshit: https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/laclyu/finally_a_news_article_has_the_right_info/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 Do you realize how easy it is for power players to buy enough reddit accounts to influence posts and comments? One post with 2500 upvotes is litteraly nothing on this subreddit. [deleted] [removed] Shit. They literally did last week but removed it for today >Monday open to dilute the fact that GME is stronger than ever Sorry I have to just laugh at this statement. Its 2 minutes until market opens when writting this. I will expect it to be either equal or $100 lower in an hour.... there is zero chance in hell that stock is going to finish up today. How do you actually sell those though? Lol like all I can think of is the jewelry places that will buy them at like 35% their actual value. There's a lot of disinfo going on. Actors on all sides are pushing their agenda to either short or buy silver. A lot of commenters seem to have very low post histories. For those saying Silver isn't manipulated I invite you to look at the price of weed. How many ounces of silver does it take to buy an ounce of weed ? more than 1 ? stupid ape cannot count. 1, more than 1 /r/Wallstreetsilver is probably where they're finding it. They cancelled my purchase, fuckers. Haha. Good point It's not investing that is flavor of the moment, it's trying to get some of that central banks money. People are realizing fuckloads of money are made on the markets while the real economy situation is globally shitty. No reason they would not want their part. [deleted] I think this is wrong on some level. This whole thing has just blown up. I never invested before this week, and now I'm hooked. Learning how to do DD, how to read balance sheets and charts, looking at different stocks, building watch lists. This will encourage a whole swathe of people to get into investing. Sure, many will get burned and go back to living paycheck to paycheck. But quite a few will be galvanized into investing, whether that be stocks or ETFs or saving up to purchase real estate or flipping things on Amazon. On an optimistic outlook, I hope this situation births a whole generation of entrepreneurs. Pretty much this. How would you use this situation to turn a profit? Very short sighted. This past week has woken a great deal of people up the the realities of the market. A whole generation and growing are now paying attn. And who tf doesn’t get burned! Everyone does Ok Cramer It will have to stop after they lose money since they'll have less to invest for lolz. Never said WSB, Just ""redditors"". Check out r/totallynotabot for the redditors supporting $SLV. Yes. He was. People just hated him more than they hated being controlled. He was at the beginning. But it turned to whenever the news didn’t suit him, he called it fake news. But when it did and the facts didn’t line up, he’d praise it if it held him in a positive light. So yes and no. Potassium! Real shit right here I'm heavy into unobtainium. [deleted] Better to use that money to buy more $GME This is how Gamergate started too. Expect a lot of malicious articles on how evil the traders behind it are for the next 6 months or so. Like the MSM is just one giant propaganda organization, rather than a news reporting service. Ask your wife's bf if he has money [deleted] Its not investing at this point. Investopedia is an amazing resource on learning the basics of the market and the lingo used. I'm just talking about $SLV Never said that You should make a proper post about this later after market close when wsb isn't being flooded by so many posts Yes It’s a sale coming up? More like there was a big upvoted post 5 days ago calling people to short silver A short squeeze is not the same as a pump and dump. Full blown meltdown pulling out no stops haha it’s glorious Ignorance is bliss! Enjoy As I said in the post, I mean $SLV, *I know nothing about physical silver* 12 bucks, to 24.50 today is a nice return. Inflation heating up and there’s literally very little you can find in terms of value. Precious metals and miners are crushing it. Inflation correct you were Yes, it’s a good idea. Join r/WallStreetSilver. There are also ways to sell on Reddit (such as r/PMsForSale). I just got into holding physical silver. Just keep holding what you’ve got [or sell it to me ;-)]. If you have silver just know that ore grades have been dropping, and there’s been a supply deficit for the last 5 years (consuming more than we are producing). The gold to silver ratio has historically been 1:40ish, and what they are digging up today is more like 1:8. I love gold but putting my bias aside silver is the better value atm. A year or two ago it was at 1:124 briefly (I should’ve sold all my gold and bought silver) them shapely reversed back to 1:75. As far as selling, easy, go to a local coin dealer or sell online. Where did you find those numbers? Silver is a tiny tiny market And so they can dump it after you've helped pump it. Bot Source? The Chinese own the media so the story adds up This is the time to add to stocks with fundamentals Their position in SLV is incredibly small out of their whole portfolio. All large financial firms like theirs have positions in gold and silver. [deleted] It's like the Trump tards who's been posting about can't wait to storm capitol 1766 style on the days leading up to Jan 6th, then blames ANTIFAs for framing them and that Patriots all went home after the rally. I thought precious metals more held value than gained it. Hasn't it been the general rule that, throughout history, an ounce of gold will buy a man a good suit? It has been manipulated for decades That’s cause they keep deleting them [deleted] People are finally starting to see how fake the news is. It somehow wasn't fake before Apmex, provident metals, Gainesville coins, sdbullion, jmbullion From the guy who said something around 30,000 Lies Over a four-year. He also said you could cure COVID by injecting bleach and shining UV in your veins, sooooo....... Citadel has hundreds of millions in SLV call options. Look for yourself. [https://whalewisdom.com/filer/citadel-advisors-llc#tabholdings\_tab\_link](https://whalewisdom.com/filer/citadel-advisors-llc#tabholdings_tab_link) Perhaps I was talking about what the media was saying 22 days ago when I posted this. ? It was the bold letters that really drove your point home. Thanks dude why don’t you join r/conservative and you can all bitch together? [deleted] Thanks for the help. Trump deserved all the blasting he got. Now, let’s get back on topic. It's more like Biden got elected by Trump being such a reprehensible shitstain that people would prefer he not be president anymore. Trump has been the president for the last 4 years and the hedge funds have been running amuck . Shut the fuck up you loser. They both support the elite but I trust Biden way more than I trust an actual “billionaire”. It might be in Biden’s friends best interest for market manipulation but it’s in trumps best interest personally to manipulate the market. I’ll take the first guy Bruh. This GME thing isn’t the same as conservatives starting a coup because they felt their privilege threatened. Um.. Thats he main supporting media outlet. You serious think he would kill off his own proaganda machine? Seems counterprocutive to your happiness to post and tell then It’s not too crazy. Silver is a good hedge during market volatility, a lot of old heads flock to it when there’s rumblings of a crash. Dump it all and buy gme. They're pumping silver to fund the war on gme, there is no silver squeeze. Things were better when reddit silver was nothing but a meme. I love when stonks go on sale. BOGO! Yeah, you bought it earlier and sell today, you've done great. Don't buy more today, that's retarded. Let me guess. You have boomer parents that believe everything they’re told? The point is, there is not going to be a GME level squeeze on SLV, but that's what they're trying to make you believe. There's no problem with that, you made a profit that's cool. Buying more today is the issue, that's only to their benefit. For the ""investors"" to profit? No. But you did help them pay some debt and stay in business for another year or two. All these rich thats see from this are the stonks memes and shit like that. Imagine the fury in them after losing millions and all the people responsible ate just having a laugh at your expense. because silver is owned by the hedge funds, theyre trying to convince people to take up silver to recoop their costs. It literally can't be squeezed, that's the thing. It's not shorted, so it literally *cannot* be squeezed up. Doesn't seem like it. Price has been tanking all day. Plus 500 HL Oddly, that's the same message every totalitarian regime has pushed. There's no way to tell who upvoted that post. bots? because when wsb buys into something they go all in and yolo. these are the one's who put their money where their mouth is. If there was just 1 post then it was rejected. The govt changed the rules on them and fked them up. It would make sense that they are trying to short silver then. ""Retail investors fuck us, so let's fuck everyone else who holds longs in silver."" Hedge funds own whit loads of stock on it. The want us to pump it up for them. Voice gets drowned out and you're made out to look evil and/or dumb. Take it from a Republican and a gamer that had to watch the information over the last decade. The media coordinates very well. Bots Who will you barter with for groceries in that doomsday scenario, the minimum wage high school age cashier at the grocery store? Where do you think NPR gets their funding? Or you know, probably just a misinformed person on how stocks work. Not everything is a conspiracy. How did you arrive at that 98% figure? That's wonderful, I'm talking about buying $SLV *right now*. It's not worth it. If you bought it months ago and made money, that's great. This isn't a pawnshop sir lol that’s all that should be bought... puts Humans fight over the worth of things nonstop so this shouldn’t come as a big surprise to you. I bought puts:) FCOJ can be squeezed right? (Slight hat tip to Trading Places) > Who the hell on Reddit is actually saying to buy SLV? U/CitadelShill, U/MelvinEmployee, and a couple of junior reporters in CNBC's newsroom who have posted to Reddit once or twice. (Edit: The capital U's are intentional in case there are actually accounts named that, I am only using the names in a metaphorical sense.) There’s a lot of factual information regarding hold and silver price suppression and manipulation. Remember the FRN (USD) once was backed and was exchangeable with gold snd silver. After Nixon took us off hold standard and Kissinger crafted the petrodollar with. OPEC, gold and silver have been manipulated. Where’s the conspiracy again? Silver is mostly (mostly) a tailing metal. They extract it from gold and other mine operations. Look at the ratio of gold to silver. The price ratio is way off. Used to be 15/1 I believe. That being said - you are obviously a real human being. Commodities are only wise if you're expecting mass inflation or currency devaluation but thats pretty rare to be on such a scale that transitioning out of a currency is a good idea You know you'll just buy more silver with the money Its been wild to watch the market manipulation occuring and how it works these last two weeks. Everything from blatant ladder attacks, market lockouts after successes, fear mongering, misinformation and investor defrauding through CNBC..... Its so blatant and wild. So a bunch of 60 year olds are going to spend millions on silver. What are you waiting for. Front run it. Gold hit $2,000/oz a few months ago, so I don't think those commercials were wrong. Owning physical silver/gold is never a bad idea. I've been researching this. What I don't understand is if the dollar collapses then you're just stuck with a bunch of metal that can't feed you. How would you use the silver (or gold) to get food in the apocalypse? Sell! Lol, you're shilling so hard, even though it's been explained that the price decrease can't be squared with the lack of trading volume, the absurd proposition that shorts covered(without a corresponding rally), & nevermind all the other shady shit they're throwing at retail investors to induce us to sell - media disinformation campaigns, conveniently-timed unofficial short-interest data (that no one else is confirming), ladder attacks. I don't know if you're doing this deliberately, but I find it hard to believe that you're unable to understand the simple explains above for why the squeeze has not occurred. What is it, tetrahedrite that has silver and copper iirc? it's pretty tragic for a commodity tbh How’s that working ? Was thinking of buying gold It's not about being right or wrong in the market. It's about properly participating in a stock protest. You don't order from the menu when you're participating in a sit in, and that is essentially what's going on here. The wealthy elite climbed to the top using the stock market and tried to kick the ladders out from behind them to keep out the ""working class"". Well now, we're proving that we can have a direct and intentional impact and that the ladders can be rebuilt. We don't send that message if we're taking financial advice they are giving us in the hopes that they can direct our behavior in a way that directly benefits them. That's why we care which advice people follow. [shrimp](https://thumbs.gfycat.com/CarefulSilkyArrowana.webp) Real estate is only good until it’s not. In case the current bubble pops, be prepared to hold for 10 years until the market recovers. Many landlords are being screwed over by not being able to evict due to Covid. It’s easy to look at something that has gone up in value and claim it will keep going up in value. I think silver is undervalued and try to invest in undervalued sectors. UH OH! Someone has been using stinky language and u/BunnieWasTaken decided to check u/Primordial_Hatred's bad word usage. I have gone back one thousand posts and comments and reviewed their potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |bitch|1 |bullshit|2 |cock|1 |damn|4 |fucking|12 |fuck|7 |hell|2 |lmao|11 |porn|3 |re**rded|1 |shit|6 ^(Request time: 2.7. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.) ^(This is profanitycounter version 3, view update notes) ^[here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/profanitycounter/comments/i6pql7/introducing_profanitycounter_version_3/) ^(Please consider supporting my development) ^([through my creator's PayPal.](https://www.paypal.me/aidanginise1)) u/profanitycounter And it’s still at the top Easy dump 1-3 years worth of global output on the SLV (it’s called spoofing and stop loss hunting). They smash it and gold at 10am eastern like clock work, especially on option expiry dates. The head of the cftc said they “tamped down the price” ie manipulated the price down. The registered silver to allocated silver on their balance sheet (SLV) is highly leveraged. That’s how they squeeze investors out of the market. How to investors squeeze the comex and LBMA? Buy physical. It makes their allocated to registered even more levered and once the big industrials start coming in to lock in low prices but are told “we don’t have the physical right now” that’s when the squeeze happens for the retail investor. And Tesla’s (about 30 oz per Tesla). And clothing. And hospital equipment. And computers. And phones (kind of redundant with computers). “This one time I had a silver contract and it lost everything…worthless” Great job being an idiot Barrick has a aisc of about 1k/oz, gold itself is 1850. That’s a nice margin imo. Inflation is picking up, oil tends to be a big cost input (which will be offset by higher gold price). Oil tends to lead gold in bill runs, and oil has gone from - to 75. Probably another 3-5 years of a secular bull market left, ie good for barrick Not fake news. The head of the cftc said they “tamped down the price”Lol… you must be Jeff Christian. Reddit mods get a lot of shit but the finance specific subreddit mods have been killing it with the huge influx of events of the past few weeks. Right? Why is this a pinned comment? Who cares if you can or can’t do it. That’s not the point of this post at all. Personally I think silver is a reasonable investment right now on its own merit since demand is likely to go up for industrial uses due to increasing green technology demand in the US. [deleted] Yeah you're right, sorry, I guess after reading your post I thought you said that you couldn't short what so ever. I updated my comment to say that you can short squeeze silver as in possible. Perhaps you should update the post with what you said in your comment that it is possible to squeeze just requiring a large short position. Either way, the message in your post is important, don't believe everything you read or see on CNBC, it sounds like a trap to buy silver. Thanks for posting btw Silver is largely shorted. You said “it’s impossible to short silver”. Just stocked up on some silver shares, have fun bagholding GME Why isn’t this comment HIGHLIGHTED!!! I can’t believe people are so misinformed about silver. We can absolutely massively short squeeze the central banks by buying PHYSICAL silver because these banks DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH SILVER to cover their futures contracts especially pertaining to SLV - which is a paper scam. r/silversqueeze r/wallstreetsilver Keep digging and learning y’all. r/investing r/options Squeeze requires significant short interest per available float. Right now everyone seems to think that only investment or trading strategy “Reddit users” know is to squeeze shorts. And everyone does whatever they want but my own position is that I don’t touch silver even with a long stick. [removed] I just made a comment above about JPM coming off their short position about 10 months ago, the spot price has doubled since then. Why coins? Isn't there a better and cheaper alternative? This is the way If you're trying to be accurate, don't lie. It's not what he said but your interpretation of what you think he meant. Actual quote: > it's literally fucking impossible to squeeze silver. It's not shorted at all. He said silver isn't shorted at all which isn't true It has literally happened in the past it's blatant misinformation Because of derivatives, there are 100 paper ounces for every physical ounce. If you take the physical off of the market by buying bars rounds and PSLV there will be a scenario where true price discovery will take place and SLV will be screwed. This is more like a run on the banks than a short squeeze. They are using fractional reserve banking in the commodities markets and it is being exposed. Truth. Generally agree but I think with perishable commodities you should be able to estimate how much there is. Even with silver you can track where all the silver mined for the year is being used. I.e. 60% for industries, 20% jewellery, 20% bullion and coins. And stocks are not necessarily finite. More can be added out of thin air. You cannot realistically do that with a commodity. I was going to reply earlier but stocks can not be changed without it being public information. Such as doing a split or a reverse split. The public is informed. If they want to do a stock offering public must be informed. Stock buy back, informed. Stocks can not go from today only have 100 million outstanding to magically 200 million tomorrow. That’s why it’s a know quantitive. If they offer 20 million shares. You know it goes up by 20 million. If it’s a 7 - 1 split you know it’s going to be 7 times less shares. You always know exactly how many there is. This is exactly how they change the prices, less stock generally more value because less supply. It’s how companies try to save themselves with reverse splits. Commodities such as silver, yes you know how much was mined this year, however you don’t really know how much was mined in 300 years. So at a certain price someone might trade in a family heirlooms etc and flood the market. Economics says if there is less of something (supply) and more want of it (demand) the price goes up. However if there is more of it, less will want it price goes down. Yes perishable goods you gauge an estimate and it won’t be carried over for years. Just like the story of Thales and the Olive presses. That is a perishable commodity. > the Grammer No, the grammar. Honestly knew the traffic and media attention would lead to this. Most regular Americans do even go to see the Reddit and read and just assume the media will tell them what’s going on. Problem is they will ruin people in the process. They have been using media to shit information and lead the populace forever. The only posts I have seen about this are redditors saying no, we are not doing this. Don't do this. How do they even come up with this bullshit? Disinformation campaign with potential political purposes. Squeezing silver is a scary concept for a lot of people, because so much of the world is caught up in it's value. If ""WSB squeezes silver"" becomes the headline, it's going to turn heads. It is IMPERATIVE that we do not pile into silver. There is no squeeze. If you want longs positions, the price is overinflated right now anyways. DON'T buy SLV right now. But I can't make anyone do anything so, be your own boss. I've been going around trying to find news agencies that aren't simply spreading blatant lies about this right now. It's a short list. NPR and a few others. Even Reuters and AP are bouncing on the hedge fund dick over this. The real insidious side to this is that when the silver short squeeze inevitably fails, they will use it for the next 18 months as a cautionary tale against following the Reddit investment communities. You should probably stop referring to it as “we” if you want to pretend this isn’t coordinated. > WE CAN'T, WE AREN'T EVEN TRYING TO. Wait, you know all redditors? There are actually lots of redditors who believe that the price of silver is heavily manipulated, and that if enough people buy silver the banks will no longer be able to do that. Now, those people might be clueless and wrong. But let me _also_ add, that everyone currently pumping GME might be clueless and wrong. For all we know, the hedge funds have completely gotten out of their short positions and everyone currently buying GME is going to be left with a massive loss. But it is definitely true that a lot of people on reddit are currently salivating over buying GME, and a lot of people on reddit are currently salivating over buying SLV The GME story is running its final legs How long have you been interested in stocks or how they move? I've already saw a lot of posts encouraging buying silver so I'm not sure if there aren't people here trying to do it Yes, and people don't understand how incredibly hard is for retail investors to move markets with such huge market caps such as gold and silver. It is almost impossible. You may not be trying to.. but investors who have been in this game for decades are. Investors with experience and money. This silver push is coming from a group of people who have been doing what WSB is trying to do for decades. It's not a psyop or some misinformation. Buying physical silver is smart especially rn. The reason this is getting pushed is because squeezing silver will rock the entire market.. GME will eventually fade away. Maybe you should Yeah man, didn't you know retail investors can just add $100 billion to a market on a monday morning with 0 posts on WSB about it? Woke up with a notification about this from CNBC through Google... ""OMG SHUT DOWN REDDIT, THEY ARE MAKING GAMESTOP RISE WITHOUT FUNDAMENTALS CHANGING!!!!"" ""OMG REDDIT HAS MOVED ONTO SILVER BUY NOW HURRY!!!!"" I saw a little bit on how silver is a fed trap and they’ll sprint in to regulate it the second it gets too shaky. How true is that and what’s the strategy behind this press rush? God I wish these media weren't so blatantly corrupt. It's been so disgusting these past few weeks. So fake news? Srsly that's the crap I woke up to this morning. MSM are just like in They live! Maybe it was [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Silverbugs/comments/l7399y/theory_if_we_go_into_rwallstreetbets_and_start/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) guy... This is just so that when silver doesn’t move, they can turn to their audience and claim that they always knew better. Think options has the potential to lose a lot of money for people not familiar with it - futures contracts can lose most much more if people don’t know what they are doing and just going with hype. 😵 So are they basically trying to get people to buy silver so they can make the money back from GME? I also saw an article in the morning on the BBC news app where they were naming the reddit usernames of people making comments which I thought was a bit suspect when most other BBC news articles usually say “a commenter”. Tell that to r/silverbugs LIKE ACTUALLY I WANT SILVER TO GO DOWN BECAUSE CITADEL OWNS IT WHAT ARE THEY TALKING ABOUT Yeah, I'm just going to say this: We don't truly know who is pumping all these assets. Could be Putin, Musk or Donald Jr. for all we know. Except there are literally thousands of redditors and morons on WSB screaming at the moment (r at least up until recently were) posting rocket ships, emoji, ""Let's goooo!"" and thousands of other insanely dumb things praising ""squeezing"" silver. Because a large portion of WSB people are genuinely moronic children who have no idea what they are doing or talking about. There are literally ads for silver in WSB. If you have reddit premium then you won't see them: [https://imgur.com/a/xSQYLJX](https://imgur.com/a/xSQYLJX) “Misdirection will get a few of the lemmings to jump... wait for it... wait for it...” <- ***the media*** dont scream. Just like stocks that you like, even more. It is possible to squeeze silver lol Sorry to be a complete tard, but can someone explain to me like I'm 5, why silver can't be squeezed? Use of crayons is prohibited. Thanks Isn't that the plan? The hedgeys haven't shorted silver so if they can get people to invest they'll make a profit, Better yet when they pull out and it crashes they probably expect us to pull our GME stocks to not go into the red. Jokes on you fuckers, I'm never selling my GME silver can't compare to Diamond hands motherfuckers. GME till the end GME TO THE FUCKIN MOON. Ps this isn't financial advice, I am infact a potato 😘 😘 Imagine being so stupid that you actually believe this lol. To be fair we did tell them that we are retards /s Tbh if I were the hedge funds, my first act would be to hire troll farms to disseminate disinformation and chaos on reddit. That's just no brainer stuff. Well, enjoy the volatility wsb brings to the markets. Sentiment news headlines are popping up on my brokerage if a stock I'm looking at is in the top xx mentioned by wsb. Unintended consequences and all that. All the meme crap in wsb are now adding volatility to random stocks, screwing peoples thesis and positions. To be fair, many like me bought SLV last year. There is a bull case to be made, whether it benefits the hedge funds or not. Also, people are flooding into physical supplies as shortages are being reported. https://mb.ntd.com/major-dealers-websites-report-silver-shortages_560839.html Just saying, dont assume this is all driven by hedge funds. These fuckers are honestly trying to distract us from GME. Who's this ""we"" kemosabe? Your account is 2 days old. Are you shorting silver? Why would you even care otherwise? Riiiight ...I feel so violated!!! Speak for yourself and have fun staying poor with GME tool We are squeezing physical silver over at r/wallstreetsilver Citadel's position is long on Silver. That's all you need to know, look it up yourself. I’ve seen SLY mentioned, but it’s the hedges in shady inactive Reddit accounts that haven’t posted in years. Yeah Reddit army alright, with the hedges performing the pump. They're praying on ignorance and fomo I thought it was the kids new slang for huffing silver paint fumes. Well to be fair, after what we did with GME and AMC, all’s fair in love and war ;) The unfortunate part about mob movements is that they can easily be stolen like this There's no official authority to prove CNBC wrong, so they can just publish whatever they want lying* can someone file a SEC complaint for this? What lie? They reported truth ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l6novm/the\_real\_dd\_on\_slv\_the\_worlds\_biggest\_short/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l6novm/the_real_dd_on_slv_the_worlds_biggest_short/) Applies to WSB as much as it does the hedge funds getting squeezed. >then moron boomers who watch the idiot box will buy silver thinking they are going to get rich It's no different than people on Reddit buying GME thinking they are going to get rich. GME has turned into nothing more than a pump and dump. And if they can make enough money off of silver in a short enough time it allows them to not get squeezed out of their GME position. Yup, there are still true retards here that know nothing of the metals markets. Retards speak in memes. As long as you're not registered you can promote pump and dumps [deleted] [deleted] network news in a nutshell. This has happened many times. We only notice now because more retail investors/traders are actively involved and focused on the same thing. Usually we're the bag holders of a pump and dumb, right now, many still are. But this time at least the Hedgies got to taste their own shit my a mass of people who like a stock. Listen to what Cramer said about short attacks and media manipulation, all these investment banks and Hedgies have ""friends"" in the Media and insiders. That is what GME is at this point too... Read up on “boiler room schemes” and understand that while CNBC doesn’t fit the definition, WSB now does. Because there are multiple posts on WSB in the last few weeks that are top of the karma list promoting silver. [deleted] This is how it's always been. You only know now because you're involved. As long as its the right people making money its all Gucci. Rumor spreading is one of the most common aspects of trading. Just look how much trade related ""news"" there is. Do you really think it's all accurate? Even when someone is almost certain it's still technically speculation. Even if you are convinced it's nefarious, the existance of reddit accounts reporting they are buying silver could be reported on. There is no accidental misinformation. It’s all coordinated. Unless you see an immediate redaction it had a purpose. Yup and it's happening here on Reddit. I know because I bought $20 worth just to see wtf was going on, due to what I saw here. So CNBC ain't wrong, there was a significant amount of people pushing silver last Thursday at least. Yup it's all over the place. ""‘Absolute guarantee this ends in tears:’ Silver soars to 8-year peak as Reddit army storms into metal"" Oh so not only are we not actively perusing silver we are also an army now. I guess add that to the list of things they have called us as of late. https://financialpost.com/commodities/mining/silver-soars-to-8-year-peak-as-investors-keep-up-feverish-buying?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook#Echobox=1612178749 Globe and Mail right in bed with them: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/article-silver-precious-metal-mining-shares-the-latest-hit-by-reddit-fuelled/ Disgusting. In Finland bunch of newspapers are also reporting ""silverr rush"". Thanks to modern ""copy news from others"", you don't even need to get everyone onboard, all you need the big names onboard and smaller ones will repeat the lie. The ""local"" report in Idaho bungled it so badly I cant help but feel they did it on purpose. At one point they were literally suggesting people were buying GME high to sell low & realized what came out of their mouths. They went from it being just short of a comedic script into the ""this could cause a market crash"" conversation so quickly it literally made me yell at the TV. Albertas 660 News is doing it too. Fuckers. Yup, watching BNN Bloomberg and they are pushing the reddit silver narrative hard. Saying that redditors have lost interest in GME and saying not much movement in it while showing a graphic of GME rising like the mountain climber on The Price Is Right. It’s so blatant. [deleted] [deleted] >Hopefully more people step back and realize they’ve been getting hand fed misinformation for a long time. They wont. This is all part of the game. If you cant handle dirty tactics stay the hell out of the stock market The comment sections give me a little bit of hope. There's people in there who clearly know what is going on and are calling them out on it. People need to speak the truth on there. I heard it on NPR this morning which was disappointing as I tend to defend them over most other media outlets. I still have no clue what it is exactly y'all are doing but I'm rooting for you guys. I'd say Fox is on the same level if not worse, but they both suck balls and can't be trusted They are fake news and have been for a while. Their job is to report the news they want to report and assist the public in making their mind up for them. Ok so CNBC good? [removed] Nah, make bullets. [deleted] >and has superior physical properties in conductance. Both yes and no. Silver conducts better, but gold reacts less. Meaning gold is good for certain areas where corrosiveness is a concern. Bro what are you talking about? Silver has huge industries use, even more than gold. Silver is antibacterial Silver conducts electricity better than any other metal Pure silver doesn't tarnish very much at all, it's the copper in sterling silver that makes it tarnish. I believe silver is a better conductor Gold is great for connectors. Silver is a better conductor. Gold is very important but silver is more versatile, reactive, and useful. Gold is useful for he opposite reasons, because it’s very non reactive and a great heat conductor. If it was uglier it would be used *everywhere.* It's like lead, minus the poison. Common misconception You have no clue what youre talking about do you? Silver's best use is fighting monsters. Lelelelelelelelelele. You can eat it too! Well, you can eat silver too, but it is poisonous :( Can you put a bar of gold in a sock and hit people with it? lol, no, dumbarse China is buying a shit load of Gold. I hope a meteor full of pure gold lands far away from Chinese reach lmao Silver is better than gold for electronics wiring. I don’t know why, but it’s true. No. Silver is both the most conductive and most reflective element. Gold is the most ductile, but it is not the most tarnish resistant, I believe platinum is. I did invest heavily in some Gold mines. Love me some NGD and GORO. I also already owned AG and was VERY surprised if it’s spike on the “squeeze” What? No it isn't more conductive than silver. A minted Oz. gold coin is very cool. You go out and buy it for $1500 or whatever it's worth at that moment and you walk away with a gold coin that is worth what you paid for it. It's a different experience than buying retail consumer goods that basically lose their value the second you walk out of the store with them. It's like buying something that doesn't reduce how much money you have. tl;dr I'm easily fascinated The purpose of gold is to preserve wealth in inflationary or turbulent times, not make money. [deleted] Buying/selling physical silver is inconvenient, inflexible, and expensive I have physical silver and SLV. Physical silver is cool to have, but SLV also is real silver, you can cash out your shares for physical silver. And it's so much easier to buy and sell and you don't have to pay for shipping or premiums which makes physical silver expensive sometimes I'm no expert, but I expect it will go higher. I bought 25 1oz bars a week or two ago at ~$26 per. Before that, a lot of the places(that I know of) were out of stock so it was almost impossible to find any. Absolutely not Lol, bought 7 shares of AMC this morning. Let's goooooo Nah, dont give awards... you could buy some gme with that money (not financial advice) #🪐 Go even further than the moon Google around for Michael Burry's investments, that's where the real gold is at. Ape like the shiny! I am very happy with my Blackberry. Screw virtual keyboards. *THROWS FECES* One ape stupid, but APES TOGETHER STRONG! 🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍💪 Aww, do you need da zippo? Yes, but if many ape attack one elephant ape win. Many ape attack many elephant, ape get squished. Doge is ape best friend [deleted] ""Those dumb internet kids are going to drive up the price of silver so I better buy it up! But only in silver coins so the government can't confiscate it!!"" Not only that, they're using the reddit name for manipulation to get silver up. ""Oh, the reddits said they will attack silver next? Better buy before they get it to +10000%! I'm gonna be rich!"" No, you will just make those who hold silver a bit money, that is all. At first glance i read ""They're disturbed"" Because that definitely works too 🤣 Nah, the point is to get people out of GME and buy SLV so Citadel can close it's $800M position in SLV and cover its losses in GME. Oh god that's actually more diabolical than I could've thought. Get all the people who aren't paying attention to get in on silver, they lose out and the hedge funds recoup some of their GME losses. This shit should be illegal, I'm so angry right now. No the point is there are other plays than GME Hard truth right here. I was listening to a prominent podcast recently and the guy (who supposedly was a financial reporter...how?) said ""this proved that if 10,000 people online get together with $50 each and want to move a stock, they can"". Like....you seriously think $5M in buys would make a stock go x15-20? Literally 0.025% of GME's market cap right now and this guy was acting like that's significant enough to do anything. It had an average volume in the range of \~100 million dollars before any of this happened 194 billion is small It's not actually. Silver is in a perfect storm situation. Long term cup and handle formation. Loose monetory policies, endless stimulus and a tanking usd. Buying physical silver is great. Buying $slv might not be. Yet you're over here telling people that buying GME at $300+ is a good idea. It’s not stupid now. What’s stupid is basing your buy on the fact that hedge funds own a lot of it. At that point you might as well not buy any stock. Totally agree. I'm going to have to do a little research. I thought I remember reading that silver shares don't benefit from waiting a year to sell for a lowert tax rate since its a commodity or collectivle? If that's the case, I'm dumping all my silver today and rolling it into some mid cap etfs. It's not even at an ATH. I get it seems high now but doesn't seem like a bad buy to me. Damn that leprechaun in the hood reference is OG. I feel like there should be a hall of fame for early days internet clips. The Alabama trifecta would be Leprechaun in the hood, strut that ass and Anton Dodson. Could be a crack head who got hold of the wrong stuff You spelled 💎 wrong Did that work? I want to know where the plat is at. Give me the plat Citadel owns 0.93% Lol. The paranoia about this shit is getting so stupid. Look up who owns GME or AMC genius. Fucking influx of new retards has been staggering Lol. Started stacking around $14 - $16 Oz in like 2015. I’m basically DFV of silver /s But honestly major institutions have been artificially keeping the silver market down based on inflation and historical prices. And yeah the “retail investors” ie physical holders have absolutely no power move it. All that said, to the moon. I read about the SLV play on Reddit last week. Does seem like the media is blowing Reddit’s role in today’s trading out of proportion though. Oh for sure, I'll be putting some of my GME winnings into that once the squeeze is over [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manufacturing\_Consent](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manufacturing_Consent) This! well . . . no one who is currently unable to have a subreddit with his name on it who used to be President. *Some* people have been crying about fake news for a long time. Just a bunch of Wall Street babies. Can't take the L fair and square after shitting all over regular investors the last 30-40 years. Yeah, you hate to see it. I'm new to investing, very new, and I'm glad I had my eyes on this sub the last few days to navigate all the bs that's been going on. Understandable for people who missed the original GME/Meme stock wave, seeing this mainstream news coming out that's saying, ""it could happen again with silver"" and want to throw a bunch of their money at it. Edit: I'm not new to journalism though, I'm a journalism major, been studying for four years, can't believe that mainstream media companies have such little interest and direction based on the ethics I've learned about (may sound naive of me). Like who goes to school with an itch for journalism and ends up bootlicking the rich by lying for them so blatantly.. Welcome to the real world ig. I have not seen one person on any of the investing subs I'm on say a damn thing about silver. Maybe some bots down in the comments, nothing I've taken seriously. I mean, I don't think it's on them if you only have enough money to invest in one or the other. Anyone who is legitimately all-in GME needs gambling addiction help, and that's not at all hyperbole Maybe.. but, just type ""goldman sachs silver "" into google and see what results come up. Just sayin'. moreso. ""we know you guys want to go buy GME but thats over, dont buy that, the real thing is Silver"" But who wants you to buy GME? The OTHER hedge funds... can't even get physical atm. seems sold out everywhere. Yeah, premiums are still well over pre-COVID times and I doubt they'll go down anytime soon. No shit then they should have looked at the gold silver ratio and saw silver was way overvalued at that point. There are so many reasons why silver is a good choice do your own DD but don't dismiss everything as hype. Silver has wide use in a lot of tech yet the price is close to what it was 50 years ago. That doesn't make sense. It legitimately is undervalued. And then they'll have the media try to point the finger at reddit. ""see? Look what they did to you! They screwed you over! We told you they're the bad guys!"" They want to try and turn the public's opinion against us. There were 5,000 upvotes on the original post, and when I last checked the post that warned not to invest in Silver had 80,000 upvotes. Yet the media including the fucking BBC ran a story for most of the day claiming that this was next on the target for wallstreetbets. The BBC used to be something I respected despite its flaws, but the journalism effort here is shockingly bad. I'm sure it won't be long before someone has the proof that this was a very successful paid promotion. Silver the metal? Because you don't want to invest into things where the price can drastically drop because more of it was discovered in the ground somewhere. You also don't want to invest into things, from a moral perspective, where raising the price of it helps fund brutal dictatorships around the world. Why are you trying to cause a political divide in this? People from the left and right are involved with GME and its actually uniting us!!! Politicians and the media cause enough divide in us. We don't need to keep that mentality. They have more to gain to keep is divided because united we are something to fear. And I think that is the whole point of GME as a whole. While not all of us are involved with it but we all want them to win! So drop the political hate and join the fellowship of GME regardless of political alignment. This is very true. I think it’s just becoming more apparent with our limited ability to communicate with each other...too bad not everyone is woke yet. Its the pot calling the kettle black though. And not all news is fake news. Just calling all information fake news isn't good either I guess the truth hurts.. and they don’t want us to hear it. [deleted] ...by the media he was vilifying Always so obvious though? That’s what seems unique to me. Maybe my eyes are just finally open... Reddit is not media. At best it’s social media. Don’t be dumb, we know that Reddit isn’t showing us a balanced picture, we don’t expect it to. That they do. That is not the way in my book. One of the many reasons I don’t do live TV. I’m also realizing they don’t seem to give af about anything, they’ll do what they want. Right lol? I’ll buy silver bars the same day I stash my GME spoils in my fucking mattress Why is buying SLV a no go? It’s backed by the physical commodity right? Still has room to run. Dunno why American retards always make it us vs them. SLV is one market, GME is another one. Both can go up and down independent of each other. Tons of regular people own silver. There are adds targeting regular people all the time on tv to buy it. You're lovely. Would love to see your source indicating Citadel's concurrent holdings and shorts on SLV. Look forward to it! I love learning. Great Reset guys are the best. Usually, flat-earth adjacent with a sprinkle of doomsday prepper and a pinch of anarchist. Chef's kiss. Speaking of research... Go look up these tickers: PLSV SLV Silver for the common man starting at $10 per share. Oh, wait. You're a Great Reset guy. The stock market is the worst (which begs the question why you're on a stocks forum). And those are shares in a company. That's not silver! I get it. You probably want to stockpile shit and don't believe money exists so you don't have any. [Here. Silver starting at less than $5](https://www.jmbullion.com/silver/silver-bars/all-silver-bars/) It's like $29 an oz. right now. Perfect regular people price, IMO. Even an uninformed dink could buy it. It's almost like we're a group of autistic apes or something. 🍌🍌🍌 Probably not. Dude has been posting well before this gamestop fiasco. Also, people were going apeshit for anything that could possibly short squeeze a few days ago. It’s not shorted at all? Bruh you need to back your talk. You can say you’re not interested but saying it’s not shorted is straight up dumb. It’s wayyyyyyy more shorted than gme I agree everyone was praising his dumb ass though. I was talking shit. It was about SLV. But the point is, the post was there. And there are a _ton_ of silver bugs shilling silver on reddit. Always have been. Thus, the news you saw is _correct_. Silver jumped to over $30/oz, the highest its been in a decade. And this GME craze, with reddit pumps, is a huge reason why. The news is accurate, so what is your beef? So who the fuck is right then everyone on this sub is a fucking head ass dude You could say the same thing about this post. Good choice, anyone still holding GME is going to lose a lot of money this week. >The deal with silver is simple: I don't look for simple answers when I invest and I hope that the people who read your comment don't either and actually look into this before assuming you're correct. Here’s one: https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l6novm/the_real_dd_on_slv_the_worlds_biggest_short/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 Explain further please? Seems to me that your speaking out of your arse Yup its basically a direct repeat of what happened around the first dot com bubble 1998-00 or so... Then a whole pile of people got burned big time and went back to their 9-5 jobs which offers some security. Day-to-day volatility will be a little higher thanks to hordes of day trading retail investors. Overall the market will be pretty much the same, gradually climbing year over year with various ups and downs due to the business cycle and major newsworthy events. Short GME. lmao. Brb investing in banana futures Kys But I'm the boyfriend 😅 Well, I’m sure not, but where does one learn this stuff? Ah read the edit just now. Either way you aren’t a financial advisor and I appreciate your input on the subject regardless. Cheers! I def will [deleted] I realize this, but people are missing short squeeze and for the uninformed it could be very misleading. People are saying there will be short squeezes on companies that have less than 40% short thanks, was writing this just cause of how angry I was. Glad someone read it Haha thanks! I’m gonna put it towards some GME! I know, but the amount of physical silver being bought and sold impacts silver futures. The trade volume is low, sure. But a lot of people would be willing to sell it if the price spikes. https://companiesmarketcap.com/silver/marketcap/#:~:text=Silver's%20Market%20Cap&text=The%20Market%20Capitalization%20of%20Silver,have%20been%20mined%20so%20far. I don't know how these specific indexes work, but some ETFs buy the underlying commodity to keep the price indexed correctly. Soooo, the same thing as GME. People seem to get that major players are long a double digit % of GME. This isn't some grassroots movement There is no source, thats the point lol Shit aint crash yet. I know. No one can time the market, but I doubt it's taken full affect. It can only be explained if you have sub third grade math skills I think the theory is that Biden is going to spend us into inflation (arguably already starting) Pretty sure you can still buy a good suit with an ounce of gold. What’s it $1700? Pretty sure you can get a good suit To undervaluation or overvaluation based on supply/demand? [deleted] The GameStop rebellion is giving me optimism I never knew I could feel Good call. I didn’t realize this was from 22 days ago. Have you been looking at the charts recently??? All bullish. I have a feeling that the silver bashing isn’t going to age well. If a lot of physical is taken out of the market from retail buyers and PSLV, and there are shortages on the industrial side, there will be too many dollars chasing too few ounces of silver and prices will have to rise. Let the downvotes begin. Lol I'm a dumbass for making money? I guess I'm a dumbass then. Wym? Am I supposed to help? You think the Hedge Funds will cover at the stock’s ATH? Hell no, this is now a long game for them. New traders will leave when they aren’t making $3000/share within the next two weeks. It’s obvious. [deleted] But is he behind the coordinated campaign from the social media companies telling you to sell? CNBC? MSNBC? Late night TV hosts? All the same talking heads telling you trump was the axis of evil are now telling you that you are possibly a terrorist for participating in the GME gang. You can’t blame the Cheeto anymore and it might be time for you to look at who is telling you what now. Because it looks to me like those same forces are now aligned against you. You should use this whole situation to take a look at what these companies are telling you and why. I’m not talking about trump supporters lmfao, i’m talking about conservatives in general and how fake news tries so hard to make them look bad and make liberals look like gods. But he can’t have huge losses on the silver as of now right? And buy GME I mean you're right about the squeeze but they're also saying that because most people ""investing"" now know literally nothing about the markets and the world squeeze is a buzz word. Haha yeah ik, governments hate when people try to prick around with the value of silver and gold, to push it up or down How quickly does it verify your? Oddly enough, it depends on the perspective of the person you choose. Greedy bastards Farmers markets and people who own things I need. And your plan is what ? The government will take care of you ? From listeners like me....🙂 I took the last 100 headlines and determined that 98 were misleading or plain wrong Oh ok. Had me worried for a moment there. Thanks for the response! Come on can’t you at least get a buddy in to check it out? Smart thinking. I’ve been staring at the charts for the past 15 minutes wondering wtf they’re talking about... the price went up like $2 in the past week. That’s it. How is that impressive????? I must be missing the secret info they’re getting because none of this makes any sense to me. At all. [deleted] [deleted] Damn, really? Not wait it out I’m really not doing this on purpose? I do not have positions in the stock. I not shilling, I guess I don’t know what that means. Im just someone who understand that when people cover a short it doesn’t have to be a squeeze every time someone covers Dude the squeeze played out and it was amazing! wsb did an awesome job, the party has to end at some point. I’m not trying to shit on you, I’m trying to post on here to help give another side because everyone on here is just making up shit about how the market works. It’s not manipulation, some of you on here are selling. It’s funny to say diamond hands but people don’t want to lose a shit ton of money I just like to collect silver and other metals in neat shapes like bullets or pretty coins. Maybe it'll be worth a lot someday, maybe not. Gold is very, very expensive, with a single pure gold, one ounce coin often costing more than a thousand dollars. The US dollar used to be backed by gold to secure its value and is basically just government approved Monopoly money right now so it could be a good idea. Gold coins and things could technically be a way of banking money at home, since it's worth so much money, but is much smaller and easier to store and hide than an equivalent amount of cash. In the case of some sort of apocalyptic event however, my guess is that ammo, cigarettes and coffee would have more value to ordinary people than precious metals XD Dunno if my reply helped or if I just typed a bunch of useless paragraphs still half asleep after just rolling out of bed. Having worked extensively in real estate and mortgage banking, I’ve studied the trends for decades. Having witnessed the biggest manipulation of the market in the early- to mid-2000s, I can say—without a doubt—that we’ll never see such a fluctuation again. The current spike in real estate is directly related to the stock market BECAUSE with diminished returns to the small investor, the Federal Open Market Committee pushes down the federal funds rate, which ultimately sets the prime rate. COVID-19 Is the latest (and foreseeably last large-scale tactic) to manipulate the real estate market. While much of the middle class is struggling to stay afloat financially, they have limited resources to purchase properties. Hence, the wealthy (including many foreign entities) are swooping in and taking full advantage of these rates. Ultimately, they are gobbling up a lot of land along with residential and commercial structures. Hence, supply is continuously being squeezed out, which will stabilize the market so that we don’t experience a bubble burst like that of the mid- 2000s. Of course, since these values will remain steady while prime (and other rates) will soon increase, fewer people will be able to afford to buy desirable (if any) properties. If you’re ever looking for answers, just follow the money. The rich get richer. The working class falls deeper into indentured servitude. Eventually, the poor will be neglected because there will not be enough government funding to support the already excessive welfare programs. Crime will rise, but mostly will be seen within the poverty stricken communities (as policing will be vastly restricted to the wealthy). The United States will takes its place along with the many other third-world countries and will be officially recognized as such. I’m grateful to have lived the majority of my life in a better era and I feel very sorry for the coming generations. By 2060, if I’m still alive at age 96, I have no doubt I will greet people by saying, “Welcome to the New World Order.” UH OH! Someone has been using stinky language and u/BunnieWasTaken decided to check u/BunnieWasTaken's bad word usage. I have gone back one thousand posts and comments and reviewed their potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |ass|3 |bitch|4 |cum|1 |dick|2 |fucking|3 |fuck|9 |lmao|51 |pissed|1 |pussy|1 |re**rded|6 |shit|6 ^(Request time: 12.1. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.) ^(This is profanitycounter version 3, view update notes) ^[here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/profanitycounter/comments/i6pql7/introducing_profanitycounter_version_3/) ^(Please consider supporting my development) ^([through my creator's PayPal.](https://www.paypal.me/aidanginise1)) Hahahahaha best comment I’ve seen today Financial specific subreddit mods definitely the smarter and more impartial/unbiased ones from what I've seen Sure but there is a misconception that there will be a squeeze of silver shorts. I agree, silver is about to break out, this post is correct about slv, but everyone on Reddit says not to buy slv! Also major investment firms are holding a long position, those firms have a track record of big profit. When looking at precious metals as a whole it is clear that silver is manipulated, as is every other metal. Palladium is a perfect example. Silver has a lot going for it and some major shorts that will likely be very expensive to cover. The whole Reddit silver movement is about buying physical to expose the leased silver and companies like slv claim to have it in the vault, I doubt lbma will be the last. Also if these companies mentioned above have long positions and control CNBC then it would make sense that they are trying to push people away from gme and amc and into silver. Also the fed can only keep prices low while there is supply, silver demand is outpacing supply! Silver is shorted and has seen big gains! Most Reddit silver folks buy physical, or pslv with 401k. I don’t think I have heard anyone talking about slv as a buy. Been thinking about this, where can I actually buy real silver ingots? Or gold for that matter? no he didn't. learn to read. You mistyped. OP said “it’s literally impossible to squeeze silver. It’s not shorted at all”. Buy BB so you don’t get caught holding slv for citadel. If you are interested, I want to recommend a good read (ebook) on semi-numismatic silver coins: [https://gumroad.com/a/467539059](https://gumroad.com/a/467539059) (The code ""silversqueeze"" even offers a 25% discount this week.) Why semi-numismatic coins? It may seem good to buy bullion because they are cheaper then numismatic or semi-numismatic coins. This is not the best choice, though. On the other hand, you pay too much premium for numismatic coins. But there are lots of semi-numismatic coins with like 3% premium that cash out multiple times those 3% ON TOP of the silver gains after some months or years. Just look at coin traders prices: some of these semi-numismatic coins have huge gains over the years compared to let's say Maple Leafs. Just google it. Also, there are lots of examples about this in the book. The opportunity cost of just a few percent is tiny while the potential is big. It is a more diverse, hybrid investment with gains in silver value AND collection value. It's all explained in the book in further detail with lots of practical examples for coins that performed well so far. I hope this was of help to you :) Feel free to ask if you have any questions! It's not a lie but an accurate synopsis. You are being pedantic. Yeah, it's definitely happened. Orange Pill podcast talked about squeezing it and running the spot price up to $50. JPM settled a lawsuit over it in 2020. I also read that JPM came off their short position about 10 months ago yet it's still very much shorted. I guess other firms haven't followed suit? It sets up JPM to have massive gains if the other shorts give up their position and I can definitely see that scenario playing out. JPM has been convicted of fraud and manipulating the silver markets twice by the feds. It's nothing new. Sources: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/jpmorgan-chase-co-agrees-pay-920-million-connection-schemes-defraud-precious-metals-and-us https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-09-28/inside-the-jpm-precious-metals-desk-called-a-crime-ring-by-prosecutors Can shares be created without consideration for existing share holders? How does that work if a company can simply issue more shares? Don't those shares have to come out of someone's ownership? Dammit The best thing about this whole GME story is that it's opened many eyes to how full of shit the media is. They're essentially nothing more than a propaganda arm of the elite. Now if only people had noticed that over the last four years, but I digress. I trust comments more than the news outlet because y'all debate and post sources. The world sickens me Jim Cramer is a pimp. This. Exactly. At this point, we should be front running silver to book some profits. If the media wants to build a SLV frenzy, then fine — we’ll take advantage. Ride the momentum up and then buy puts on the way down. The biggest issue I have with all of this is the Media are purposefully misleading viewers into a false narrative of the GME fiasco while Redditors who have been paying attention knows it's all bullshit. Media outlets are creating a division and sowing mistrust in the media itself. There are ramifications once a populace no longer trusts media outlets. Learned this when Chaz was going on in Seattle. It was actually a really chill place. All media is fucked. > Most regular Americans do even go to see the Reddit and read a WSB is nearly illegible for most people. It's been wall-to-wall memes and ableist slurs for a week without decent explanations of what their investing plans are besides ""hold GME forever"". Wouldn't it be a good idea to do the opposite then? Media for four years: ORANGE MAN BAD Reddit left: OMG YES ORANGE MAN BAD MEDIA GOOD Media bad mouths reddit: pikachu meme I have never really knew fake news is this fake till GME. The amount of misinformation and the rate they are all posting at just seems too much of a coincidence. Literally had a family member tell me they were going into SLV and reddit is pumping it... Hell, even other redditors are sticking their heads in the sands. r/politics and r/askreddit both are deep on the ""oh your just a conspiracy theorist!"" Bandwagon. [deleted] People need critical thinking to understand what is going on, the whole 180 from bad redittors to buy silver was obvious. It's kinda funny though, using media to try and spin a lie about users on a platform, who are notorious for not paying attention to media that isn't posted specifically on that platform to influence said users. I know Redditors aren't the only ones holding these stocks but for the average retail investor Reddit definitely has the lion's share of both GME and AMC. Do they think Reddit just won't talk to each other and point out that, hey there's almost zero positive chatter about silver, where's this coming from? The silver lining is that people who are reading this story don't understand and don't care about what's going on here. The 8 million subscribers (and probably 20 million lurkers) of /r/wallstreetbets are the ones doing everything. Trying to manipulate those who don't frequent reddit into following the actions of redditors is desperation at its finest. Boomers don't give a fuck about ANY of this. They care about COVID. They don't give a fuck about some hipster niche movement. They all think it's just another occupy wall street and don't even listen to the news about it. They're trying to manipulate people who aren't even playing this game! It's pathetic and idiotic. There has to be some sort of liability, no? I mean, it just seems crazy that one day ""We're trying to protect you!"" to ""Squeeze this commodity that is regulated!"". They not people will lose their money here, yet, they are pushing it. The media is the enemy of the people Exactly right, they need to be burned. I can't stand journalists, writers, or news ppl. They are basically the scum of the earth. TIME TO BOYCOTT MEDIA PERSONELL It's worked for AMC and BB. Didn't really work for NOK. I expect the first two *were* undervalued at first, but not after this much astroturfing. They're desperate to do anything to distract and disinform, so they're playing into the naive notion that wsb is now ""pump and dump central"". Framing it that way also helps them deflect from their awful mistake that started all this in the first place. They do the same shit on 4chan. They write a few posts on the sub, maybe populate the comments with a few alt accounts, newbies who are confused and then they screenshot it and then write an article about what they wrote saying it was actual users [deleted] It's litteraly deflection. They're trying to convince the world we're done with GME and have moved onto silver in order to drive the price down. Just more market manipulation from the media, no surprises there... [deleted] If you're looking for volatility and action as a trader, why would you buy Silver, when you can buy the gold standard, GME? To traders, **volatility means everything**, and GME is the best thing you can trade at this point. I have no idea why you think this. Historically, gold and silver perform extremely well in times of uncertainty, in economic recessions, and especially when massive money printing happens. Historically, the gold to silver ratio has been somewhat consistent, and by that measure, silver is low. So why do you think it is ""overinflated"" ? Exactly. CNBC and the Hedge Funds are literally trying weapons WSB. Can we short silver as an individual investor? Assuming the media has more influence than wsb. Is there not any potential to ride out some earnings? Regardless i’d expect a big dip after it doesn’t pan out for these guys. Might buy into it then. Silver is the cheapest asset on the planet right now. There is less physical silver available above ground than gold. It is mined at a ratio of 10:1 to gold but the manipulated price is 65:1 - give this 3 months and you will see true price discovery. I wonder what else the media lies about/ controls public perception on Sadly often media parrot each other. Many of these sources just see that others are talking about it and report that ""according to X, Y is happening"". Cross npr off that list. They had a shill shillin’ for silver, and pretending y’all hiked the price. sorry to break it to you. NPR is just upper middle class propaganda It's easy to understand why. Media companies aren't tuned into what's going on with Reddit as much as the users are. They are pliable for scoops - if big companies come to them with a scoop they'll run with it. I'm not sure how malicious it is on the media's part, they're just pawns in the bigger attempts at market manipulation. > NPR 'Here And Now' this morning was talking about Reddit and the silver shit. I don't even trade stocks, just keep aware of what's going on and was fucking floored. Not 'NPR' proper, but definitely some of their affiliate's programs are in on it. What do you think is the blatant lie? The silver play had posts that trended to the front page. That wasn't a lie. [https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l6novm/the\_real\_dd\_on\_slv\_the\_worlds\_biggest\_short/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l6novm/the_real_dd_on_slv_the_worlds_biggest_short/) anyone who's bought GME sees themselves as part of some huge movement, it's becoming cult-like Yeah, hold on while we all check forex and go from there. Dude... nobody here gives a fuck about silver and gold unless it’s physical and in our hands. [deleted] Look at the inflows to PSLV.... [deleted] Tbf though don’t almost all large banks and funds have some sort of “long position” in precious metals? I mean hell actual countries have millions of tons of it stockpiled. It’s just one of the best long term hedges against inflation there is. Now that said what’s going on right now with silver is blatantly a pump and dump. Isn't being Long on a stock or future just normal investing? Like all of the shit people complain about with hedge funds is short term investing, right? Being long on a stock is just assuming their value goes up over years, right? So that’s the play. They are pumping silver in preparation for the short. I found a lot of the bots are using the subreddit /r/FreeKarma4U to rack up comment/post karma before posting to seem more legit lately. Wait what about that post? [https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l71rdv/silver\_biggest\_short\_squeeze\_in\_the\_world\_slv\_25/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l71rdv/silver_biggest_short_squeeze_in_the_world_slv_25/) it's got a fuckton of upvotes and rewards? >praying :) You really don't understand the mechanics of what's going on here, do you? Familiarize yourself with a short, then a short squeeze. Spend some time to learn what the fuck you're talking about before you blow it out your ass onto our forum. Apes word not good. Meme better. Apes best together. 💎🍌 registered as a what For now Fully disclose positions Since Citadel is one of the top 5 owners of SLV, I guess we would have to prove people at Citadel told CNBC and Fox to promote SLV? Ding ding ding!!! Correctomundo! Nice. I like your description. Ah yes I do recall that lawsuit. When they got into crap for reporting literal lies as facts. I believe that was NBC with Rachel Maddow... if anyone classifies themselves as an entertainment network then they shouldn't be allowed to promote themselves as news. No its not. The value is not inflating based on false reports. It is going up because of 131% short interest and shorts being caught with their pants down. Institutions shorted a company by 61m shares when the float is only 45m. No there isnt. The vast majority are promoting against it The guy posting that is in silver subs and he does not mention that Citadel owns over 1bn in options for SLV. I found this in 30 seconds. don't fall for shilling [deleted] Im not stupid or naive, so please step down from the high horse. I am asking how is this still done without any change in litigation. Especially now when market activity has become a pop culture topic of discussion. People who do not even trade are talking about GME. ""Misinformation"" is “false information that is spread, regardless of intent to mislead.” ""Disinformation"" is used to mean “deliberately misleading or biased information; manipulated narrative or facts; propaganda.” [Source](https://www.dictionary.com/e/misinformation-vs-disinformation-get-informed-on-the-difference/) Yeah, what gives OP the idea misinformation is accidental, I wonder? A significant amount of dumb money buying into silver possibly. Or a small amount of financially secure people. Could be a lot but FIIK I’m just as dumb. Any group that likes anything the mainstream media doesn’t like is an army. An army of kpop fans, an army of pewdiepie fans, an army of Reddit investors. It’s their go to move [https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l6novm/the\_real\_dd\_on\_slv\_the\_worlds\_biggest\_short/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l6novm/the_real_dd_on_slv_the_worlds_biggest_short/) Globe and Mail is the worst newspaper in all of Canada, so that's not surprising. How was their reporting inaccurate? [https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l6novm/the\_real\_dd\_on\_slv\_the\_worlds\_biggest\_short/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l6novm/the_real_dd_on_slv_the_worlds_biggest_short/) I just saw it here in Argentina. At this point they're just too used to regurgitating each other's stories to even notice the manipulation. Any conspiracy that will make someone money is true. They dont even call it a conspiracy, its just called a job Orange man can be bad and media can be bad, they aren't mutually exclusive. Trump may have been right about fake news, but that doesn't make all the other bullshit he spewed suddenly correct. They both suck. People got tired of electing puppets of the 1% but they ended up directly voting for someone who is part of the 1% and cut out the middle men. But the teeth market is huge Gold is used everywhere in electronics. What industrious advantages does silver have? Not only is gold Superior for electronics, but it's also used in biomechanical industries because of its completely non-toxic interactions with the human body, whereas silver is quite toxic for the human body (source am materials engineer Edit: I'm aware silver is better for conductivity but considering except for niche situations it's not as versatile as gold due to tarnishing, and as I said gold's biocompatibility is HUGE. Biomechanical therapies are the future and gold is one of basic building blocks for it. Platinum has a good balance of both. You're all still on time to buy long on Lithium. Even when there are new battery technologies being developed Li will still be used and even when at a smaller scale, it is about to scale up now that automotive manufacturers have finally bought into switching to electric. Don't say I didn't tell you. Yes, but I’m nearly every one of those applications, gold would be better to use than silver, but gold is significantly more expensive so they usually just use silver due to cost. Gold is a much better store of value, due to supply. Also medicinal properties that’s not what I want in a monetary asset. I want my assets to represent scarcity and the market’s demand for that scarcity without also having additional demand from industrial uses, which distorts the price discovery of the monetary demand. Gold is great for semi conductor industry, optical coatings and high end electrical components. I use gold far more often than silver in my designs... Exactly. In RF systems, such as broadcasting transmission lines carrying thousands of Watts, connectors are often in silver instead of copper/gold for that reason. If they are left to the elements they will oxidize quickly, though. Gold is used in consumer electronics because they will not corrode but are quite resistive. Using it in high power applications is not as inefficient. Copper is inbetween. Also, silver is a natural antibacterial agent. And it’s mined at 1/10th the rate So is lead Copper, too. But junkies keep stealing that, so high ho silver lol. Just another disinformation campaign used to smear Copper's good name. -Paid for by the Council for Copper Konductivity (C.O.C.K.) Not if there's oxygen around You sure about that? I'm pretty sure diamond fiber-optic is best, or something like that. I haven't played that Minecraft mod in years though. Aluminium is the best conductor. If you go by mass, that is, not volume: At the same weight aluminium has about half the resistance as copper. With equal volume (or, well, rather, cross-section) copper has about 2/3rd of the resistance of aluminium. Which is why aluminium is used in places where weight matters, such as aviation but also overland wires (plus a steel mantle for stability, which copper would also need). You'll also see aluminium in some places used in home installations or even telephony wire, the reason generally being copper shortages. Silver is generally out of the question because of price, also, it's barely better (by volume) than copper. Gold, or gold alloys, is used to plate contacts, which, without distracting from bashing hi-fi coolaid peddlers, does make sense in a lot of circumstances, you never want your contacts to corrode and in humid conditions that happens quite easily. There's also other specialised applications, such as [wire bonding](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvZ1dJuvenw). Oh, and all this is considering pure elements in erm ""traditional"" configurations. Practical superconductors tend to be ceramics, and then there's fancy carbon stuff. Yes, including graphene. Found the bug Same here. I think if you're following the sub it'll still show Thats dumb Get out of SLV and buy PSLV instead. SLV is a paper contract. Really, do some research. Yeah I hate virtual keyboard. The spell check never works one mine . Apes together strong! Still stupid, but strong! 🦍🦍🦍 All power to you. My personal strategy is to reduce my risks, diversify and simply put: make money. Fox ads always pump presious metals. > ""they're saying it's never been lower, Uh, go to kitco or something and actually look at the 5yr/10yr/all-time graphs? Silver is so fucking inflated due to the pandemic that I'm thinking of *selling* all my silver to make a profit right now. This silver crap is everywhere. I asked my mom what she wanted for her birthday and she literally told me, ""I don't want anything but please buy yourself some silver coins from a pawnshop. Make sure they're older than 1965"" She really thinks silver will save me if the economy collapses Well commercials are doing it constantly not necessarily the show. Similar thing here. Boomer's girlfriend's brother is looking to buy 40K in silver. It's not just Fox this time. Yup. Not just Fox, any old person station like TV Land or whatever will have a million ads about investing in some commemorative coin bullshit I mean, to be fair. If all the grandpas are running out and buying g silver, they shit will go up. It's kind of shitty, but it is what it is. They've been on the silver thing for the last decade > they're saying it's never been lower, what do you think I think they're lying, because about three years ago I bought two 100oz bars for silverworking that would cost twice as much today. its good that he asked your input at least? :/ I was talking to my 78 yr old father yesterday and I asked him if he has been following what was going on. He said he was too late to get on $GME but he bought $5K worth of silver. I tried to tell him he was being played by the media. But Boomers gonna boom. Well if you were to buy silver I believe buying physical would be the way to go, but I'm heavily retarded and also stick to GME. 1. Definitely 2. Your name is gold. But silver is DEFINITELY not a squeeze play. that's um, $500k or0.5 million Yes. About 5B is avg daily vol, which is like 20% of APPL. I've been a holder since 2011. The fundamentals of physical are incredible but the paper silver (SLV) is garbage. Slv track silver spot very well. The scenario where you can't get physical when world war 3 happens or world is doomed inc is who gives a shit for most people. I'm holding 2% of my portfolio in SILJ. Gonna buy more in but AFTER the squeeze [deleted] Physical silver is a huge buy right now. Edit: it will dip down again but where it is headed in the next 5 years is a good reason to buy today We're still in the middle of a crisis where consumer spending is at rock bottom. There is simply no way inflation shoots up before the end of the year. Meaning: silver may be a long/midterm play... But here is no way inflation causes a shortqueeze. What iver heard is its not bad, but its not the play GME is making which will be exponential growth Yeah seriously . It will be funny to be on reddit when GME go back to 15 20$ and everybody lose theirs minds. It will be the silver age of loss porn. No one needs to buy more GME, just hold 2010 is early internet? Wait til this guy finds out about All Your Base, and Bjork explaining her TV. Everybody who seen the leprechaun say yeahhhh I’m gonna rent a backhoe and uproot that tree! Who cares how much Silver Citadel owns? The point is, why is CNBC saying that redditors are buying silver on **national fucking TV**? Seems a bit odd to me. [deleted] Yes every stock subreddit has gone downhill so fast the last few weeks. It started out stupid. Shhhh. How ***dare*** you question WSB's empirically researched narrative. There's no room for your *""individual ideas""* in this echo chamber. “OMG guys, they are totally doxing the guy who gave them an interview!” How many Redditors even know how to trade commodities over the weekend? No someone said they are then5th largest owner of slv They have 1.5 billions in options for slv.... edit: source: https://whalewisdom.com/stock/slv https://www.holdingschannel.com/bystock/?symbol=slv But the posts about other stocks are getting a ton of awards. That means it's bots shilling! -said in thread with a ton of awards Even if they are bots who cares. People are making money off AMC so something is working. You don't need to dump your entire life savings into Gamestop Citadel don't give no fucks on silver. They want people out of gamestop [deleted] Which is hundreds of millions of dollars. They stand to gain money by people trying to short silver, which is what all these media outlets are suggesting. And yet, Citadel is one of the top five... [deleted] Nice guitar! Always wanted a 7-string. I think the answer is that when your job is on the line, you convey the message the people in control want you to convey. I don't think it's any more complicated than that. To top it off, say you take a moral stance and refuse. I imagine the repercussions of that decision will follow you to any media company you apply to. The misinformation we're seeing is everywhere. BBC, CNN, CNBC, etc. This isn't a single organization spreading lies, it's all of them. That's one way to divert from the actual conversation.. These people should in jail for rigging the financial market.. it is and this sub is acting like its not happening. I’ll sell you mine at 100% over spot This is what is actually going on and why silver is going up. It’s basic supply and demand plus silver is undervalued. It has high use in tech as a commodity and is a great choice for long calls. The current hype coming from uneducated WSB’s have no understanding of this except anything that isn’t GME is bad. It was hard enough finding monster boxes this year due to COVID... now it feels next to impossible. It is sold out everywhere, cme etc not taking orders. ​ it seems real :P Yup a demand is greater than supply this is a pretty basic thing. Sure, but I don't think a surge here will be from a bunch of people suddenly doing their DDs [removed] [deleted] He is an annoying retard, but the media had a meltdown over everything he did. Acting like the media wasn't being manipulative the entire time is just dumb as hell. of course not :) media would misrepresent absolutely everything except the orange man, i mean thats just an outlandish assumption There are plenty of reasons to dislike and disagree with him. But make no mistake, the media was running a hostile and dishonest smear campaign 24/7, 365x5. In fact! The media is part of the reason we got trump as president to begin with. The media pushed him hard thinking he would sabotage the Republicans chances. Remember colbert and John Oliver were so supportive of him running. He won because people thought Hillary was a shoe-in and didn't show up to vote. I remember even back in 2008 the media fawned over John McCain until he was nominated. Then they turned on him. At the same time making Barack Obama, who had virtually no political experience or popularity into a Rockstar. The man couldn't survive without a teleprompter but they had the country believing he was a smooth talker. Everything he did was a scripted PR move but at least he could sell it. They had the country believe that if we elected a black president, racism would be over. Look how far we've come since then; racial tensions at an all-time high... Largely because of the dishonest media that cherrypicks police shootings even though statistically they are negligible. You've never seen this? By Noam Chomsky wrote this ages ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34LGPIXvU5M Watch it in its entirety. It's a very old concept. Yes, it has always been obvious to me and many other. I'm glad your eyes are open. I will say it's definitely more brazen now. They used to at least try to hide it. Now they know we're too sheepish to do anything about it, so why bother? It's only obvious if you can see what is being lied about. [Otherwise, seems like everything is fine all the time!](https://www.epsilontheory.com/gell-mann-amnesia/) I am in no way an expert but the impression I am getting is there is an active campaign to pump up the value of $SLV in particular with the goal of dumping it and leaving smaller investors holding the bag. Another thing that makes it weird is $SLV is one of many funds that trades in silver futures that you could invest in. Nothing wrong with holding metals in your portfolio I have some platinum and a little in a silver mine that is looking profitable but the whole $SLV thing is fishy. Slv is selling as much paper silver contracts as they want. SLV is a scam. PSLV on the other hand is physically backed. A significant amount of it is just paper. Unlike PSLV they aren't required to keep 100 percent backing on hand. So it's the least effective tactic to do a squeeze as they can just issue more shares without having to fully back them. No one is making it us vs them in this situation. If you are buying silver based off good reason that leads you to believe it has room to grow that's fine. If the only reason why you think it has room to grow is because of this CNBC short squeeze BS they are pushing on it, you are literally buying into a pump and dump. [deleted] Return to Monke The bot count here is bonkers, you gotta check account age and shit. They move in droves So? [removed] I’m not that dude but it’s not crazy to think that obviously other hedge funds are holding gme too. The giant volumes aren’t just from retail. [deleted] Concise example: Blackrock has a 13% stake in GME. Institutional investors have a lot more to win from the trade, and absolutely will get out way before retail investors Buy GME? You got it. Hedgefunds making millions by shorting gme. People literally handing them money, when they “try to get back at them”, all because of some ultimative shilling happening on WSB, so hilarious to watch. Also: get burned retards That’s what you think [https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l6novm/the\_real\_dd\_on\_slv\_the\_worlds\_biggest\_short/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l6novm/the_real_dd_on_slv_the_worlds_biggest_short/) and then in response to that, there was this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l9gv98/citadel\_is\_the\_5th\_largest\_owner\_of\_slv\_its](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l9gv98/citadel_is_the_5th_largest_owner_of_slv_its) Thats the risk of being in the market. Thats why there are, ""You may lose your investment"" warning labels everywhere and why you agree to invest at your own risk when you sign up. Yea it sucks man, but some people just think they're right no matter what. No different from GME, you know not everyone on there is not selling. I am sure a bunch of people sold and made millions I don't have the faith in this one that I did in GME, but if it works out, great. Make it sting the hedge funders. I've really been enjoying the memes lately. That's what I'm saying. Metals don't really gain value so much as they hold it. 100 years ago an ounce of gold would buy you a good suit, 500 years ago it would buy you a good suit, and today it'll buy you a good suit. The value of metal is (fairly) consistent. You'll never get rich off of it, but you won't lose your shirt either. [deleted] [deleted] No srsly thanks for the help. Dunno where we would be without you Absolutely *butchered* the Covid response indirectly killing over 400,000 people. In the beginning calling it a hoax to the public, while behind the scenes, admitting to Bob Woodward he knowingly downplays the virus and understands its severity and how transmissible it is. Bans transgender individuals from serving in the military for no good reason. His corrupt cabinet includes Ajit Pai and Betsy DeVos, two reprehensible human beings. Voting Trump out removed them as well. His White House press briefings were a joke with him constantly spreading lies about the election, hydroxychloroquine. Is horribly racist telling the proud boys, a far right racist hate organization akin to the KKK to ""Stand back and stand by"". Constantly calling the Covid-19 virus the ""China Virus"" even though China handled it significantly better than he did. After the election, constantly lied about the election being stolen. And finally, his final act, his legacy, inciting an Insurrection on the US capitol, directly killing 5 people and indirectly killing 2. Edit: Also that call to the Georgia Secretary of State just begging for him to ""find"" the perfect amount of votes to win the state. I think some people will never get it. It's hard to overcome confirmation bias. I don't think trump was that great but it was blatantly obvious the media was constantly lying about him or leaving out important context and constantly ignoring anything that might make him look good. You would think things like this silver BS would be a wake up call for some people that the mainstream media has an agenda. The media has already started on the Russia angle too https://clarion.causeaction.com/2021/02/02/watch-jimmy-kimmel-says-wallstreetbets-might-be-russian-disruptors/ I know where I stand. The elite are our enemy, trump was an enemy of a different breed and most likely a foreign agent. I’ll take the evil I know rather than the evil I don’t I didn’t need MSM to tell me the damage trump was causing a daily basis. All you have to do is watch the apprentice to know what a fucking fool that guy is HL fast and reliable but they charge a small fee. I rather pay a small fee then get fucked up the ass by Robin Hood or trading 212 Right-wing pundits spent decades brainwashing its followers that the media could not be trusted and that they should follow propaganda sites like RT and OANN instead. That's how the U.S. ended up with Trump. I bet Goldman Sachs has a warehouse full of tote bags and coffee mugs. “The last 100 headlines?” What does that even mean? And how did you determine their veracity or lack of same? Explain your methodology, please. So how would I use it to buy things though? Dang is it my cake day? I don't even keep track lol. So you are predicting real estate and land are not in a bubble and will continue to appreciate? I will admit, I am not an expert, my intuition says that we are due for a correction in the housing market though. Lmao Can you link me some financial subreddits? Yeah, I do agree with that I just think its silly to act like there is no merit to buying silver in general. Around 500 million oz leased at 17/18 current price 28 You seem angry, did you buy in at $400? Same thing. The meaning behind it is the same. OP lied, have fun bagholding GME Squeezes have happened in the past, stop shilling for GME I agree it isn’t new. It is just being exposed. If a company wants/needs to raise funds they will do an offering. This is where they create X amount of stock and sell it on the market. It is normally unpopular with shareholders because it will lead to a reduction in share price. Manufactured consent And your username is the shit It boggles the mind. People think of media companies as some benevolent non-profits hoisting the light of knowledge and truth above a dark world. People think that these media companies “product” is the news, because they occasionally have to pay for access. Except, they generate far more revenue selling advertising, which put another way, is selling access to our eyeballs. It’s no small irony it’s called a “newsfeed” we are ingesting the content they prepare for us. One must always be aware of that, and consider the bigger picture behind the story. Yeah mate, I was already on the ""they don't play fair"" bandwagon but I didn't know HOW they didn't play fair. Watching CNBC, the talking heads aren't educated experts, they just talk about key phrases they keep hearing. It's clear with the Silver thing, that ""wall street"" thinks that Reddit is something they can leverage now. We haven't shown them how we're gonna fuck them up and scare them. They see us an a marketing arm of their bullshit now. And how many of the 4 MILLION new WSB users are like most of us.....this method might work for the newbs. Evil, but not stupid, it's super important to remember. A lot did. The people directly effected mostly unfortunately. > Now if only people had noticed that over the last four years, but I digress. Over the last 4 years we had an administration that did nothing but lie. Hurricane maps drawn on with sharpies. Inauguration crowd sizes that were completely lied about, repeatedly. Election lies. Etc. The media was fucking bulletproof compared to that shit show. Its why its such a important event in history to educate each other on and talk about I feel like we all knew how shit the media was since at least 2016 Well ... I think you need to realize what money does. It lets any entity regardless of affiliation fall to greed. So take everything from a media outlet with a grain of salt and ALWAYS follow the money. The ""money"" typically indicated true intentions. I think this is really going to ruin the trust a lot of people will have in the markets. Ya I never really had faith in the media because I understand their profit motive but never new it was so blatant till this Yes, yes, yes. Right or left, doesn't matter. It's the 1% and the rest of us. People just realising that the media can’t be trusted and here’s us old ‘conspiracy theorists’ being saying this for decades. 4 years? Fuck I wish it were only. The media has been nothing more than a bullhorn for the elite since at least desert storm. The pentagon vets all pieces about the military and has the power to refuse any journalism they don't like. That's been going on since 01 at least. Before that and still, if you don't report the way they want you to they just revoke your press access. They aren't outright banning you so they can argue it's not suppression of dissent but it's just the same thing by a different name. The american empire is very good at using soft language and soft barriers to achieve the same goals of a hardcore dictatorship and because they aren't technically forcing anyone to do something, they can sit back and claim they're not doing authoritarianism even though the net result is the same. This isn't even touching on the media monopolies, the influence of lobbying and corporate money, and a 'journalist' class that makes millions a year and regularly rubs elbows with the elite. CNBC is the voice of the billionaire bitch boy club.. The media is there to facilitate these goons.. Dont buy into there bullshit.. They couldn't accept people voted for Trump in 2016. They never let it go. They did everything in their power to achieve a win in 2020. And yes, Reddit is part of the media I'm talking about if you haven't noticed. Sorry I mean orange man bad, identity politics define our every breath, support the fourth estate and its partnerships. The fact that people noticed that is what gave us the last 4 years. Trump's election was unquestionably an anti establishment reaction. Anyone whose eyes haven’t been thoroughly open to this for years are blind >>Now if only people had noticed that over the last ~~four~~ forty years, but I digress. Fixed that for ya. :) This really has opened my eyes to the fact that there was some truth among the ""fake news"" accusations by the Trump camp. Rush was great! R.I.P, Neil Boomer here: My eyes were opened to the dishonesty and crap the media has been pulling for a while now. Especially in this past year. We are literally being fed exactly what the elite *want* us to know. There may be a “right” and “left” wing news channel, but simple research shows they’re ultimately owned by the same moneybags. We’re puppets. And, it’s eating their lunch that retards are showing them the door. I’ve personally been along for this ride in my own small way and am enjoying we retailers having a long deserved place at the free market dinner table. Pass the gravy, please. Well put This, but much, much louder. “We've taken care of everything The words you read The songs you sing The pictures that give pleasure to your eyes It's one for all and all for one We work together, common sons Never need to wonder how or why” Rush was singing about this shit 45 years ago. Whoever hasn’t noticed by now has been fully indoctrination by the Priests of the Temples of Syrinx. Yeah I mean, I knew the media was full of shit. But seeing the silver ads and seeing the news talk about it like it's real? It's bizarre. They are literally manipulating stocks with fake news and advertising. Last forty years is more like it Many many many people have known this forever- news media is an enforcement arm of capitalism.I It’s just populations no one listens to. This is the ""broken clock"" with regards to the Trumpers. They may have been tragicomically wrong on almost every other issue, but they were always right about the problem of the ""Fake News"". I mean people noticed this a hundred years ago. It’s been going on much longer than that. That’s essentially been the media’s purpose damn near as long as I been around. Trump is right about fake news > The best thing about this whole GME story is that it's opened many eyes to how full of shit the media is. How was this not obvious before. :-/ This is the same thing the media did to e-cigs for the tobacco industry and the public ate that shit up. One of the reasons I don't watch the news. I like to form my own opinions, by reading/listening to the facts. >Now if only people had noticed that over the last four years, but I digress. Was it different before? Yeah I can’t believe how utterly widespread the misinformation is. Really verified the whole “6 corps own 95%” figure for me If you think it just started in the last 4 years I have some shares of GME I'd like to short you. People have been noticing. It's almost an open secret at this point. But it doesn't really feel like a problem until their coverage cuts against your personal views on something that truly matters to you. “The media” encompasses a huge number of information outlets. Many if not most have at least some clear ties to wealthy and elite interests and their bias... so you’re not totally off the mark. What “the media,” meaning print and tv news outlets, has that lends more credibility than reddit is easy to follow information trails and real people with their names attached to editorials and opinions making themselves open for criticism. Traditional media is on the whole more reliable than reddit because if they started lying blatantly it would be easy for anyone who cares to check them and call them on it. There is an erosion of trust because so many small outlets are **known to be unreliable** but keep pumping out shit despite being called on it. It is a fallacy to say that every news outlet is prone to blatant lies to protect their elite partners, although it is fair to try to identify biases and take them into account. On reddit I have no idea how many accounts in a comment section are just ordinary individual users versus advertisers or partisans promoting a particular viewpoint. The most reliable information on reddit comes from traditional news outlets. It's also the most worrisome part, tbh. Why is this worth expending so many shills over? I've been preaching this for years, I'm glad people are finally waking up I learned that in 2008 with Larry Kudlow and his attempt to pump a few companies that went eventually went bankrupt. Lol you weird trump apologist last year. ""If you don't read the newspaper your uninformed, if you read the newspaper, you're misinformed."" - Mark Twain. 9 million users in wsb now. I think a lot of people are seeing this. Wsb has grown a ton since I joined last year and that was a surge of users already. [removed] What's the alternative? Its good more people are realizing it. I mean if you were a fan of Bernie Sanders back in 2016, you already know how full of shit the media is. And its something Trump picked up on and then ran with the whole fake news thing. Lol. I got banned from r/conservative because I pointed out how there really isn’t a “liberal” news source. When the main ones are owned by Comcast and AT&T. They dump money onto both sides politically. Its all just awful corporate news and the only real color to them is green. And who will do what for them for that color. And helping keep that status quo. Stir the anger, stir the fear, distract while their buddies rob us blind. 100% this. Are they also full of shit politically? THIS so much. Everything has a hidden motive and agenda. Media is no longer fact based. The whole revenue model of news needs to be changed or this ad model will just continue force publishers to pump out more nonsense for clicks it’s cool how everyone has their own moment when this happens. mine was sometime in 2003 during the run up to the second iraqi war. you can’t take anything at face value with MSM, back in the day the CIA would secretly plant stories and articles in the papers. now CNN and FOX straight up invite these fuckers on the show to report the news with no shame This time we’re getting applicable proof! We can actually take specific actions and watch them respond with bullshit in real time! Until now, only “terrorists” got the insight we’re all getting. This is a special time indeed. Man, where were these people over the last four years :') Media has always been full of shit.. Saw it over 2 election cycles of them steam rolling Bernie because he can't actually be bribed. They will do the same during the upcomjng primaries to try and tank any progressive left candidates. Here I was thinking the people knew this about the media since at least Bill Hicks maybe before. Netflix is actually already making a film on Gamestop but there is a far larger story going to still emerge - too soon. The theme should include the awakening/enlightenment of retail investors, the far reach of the elite witnessed during desperation (including extensive fake news, ladder attacks), the other phenomenons (gamma squeeze, Gamestonk and the impact from Congress, SEC and larger market/economy. Maybe it’ll be a series. This is not an insult, I'm honestly curious. Did you really believe msm was telling you mostly truths before this? I ask because it's just been obvious that the news was propoganda since I've been watching it. This isn't a brag, but more of a revelation, because I've been operating on the assumption that every body knew not to trust the news, for anything more than weather, and random events. *40 years, but I digress. It’s been done since day one. I’d say 90% of news is propaganda and small truths sprinkled in. I really don't know how this is what brought it to light for so many people. Like you actually believed all the lies they spewed, not just the past 4 years, but at least the last 20. They were completely on board the WMD lie during Bush years, I don't even know what they were saying during Obama years, but I'm sure there was a ton of garbage. Then the last 4 years the Russia shit, that turned out to be nothing after over a year of saying it, then doing the same Russia thing to Tulsi Gabbard when she became a threat in the democratic run, and 4 years before promoted Hillary over Bernie. They just want their elitists in the positions they need to be, so they can monopolize more power and money. Off-track, I know, but relatable to the current situation with the media BSing again to help their elite friends. I remember one of the most shocking things I learned while building my (now-defunct) startup was that you can just _purchase stories_ (within reason) on newspapers and media if you have enough money to do it. I could not get over how obvious this was on CNBC the last week and a half. media yeah... and the whole stock market, actually. I appreciate ICOs so much more now—just knowing that the shares in circulation can't be fucked with, that there's no brokers that can block your buys & only let you sell.. huge advantages I didn't appreciate a week ago. No. Trumps a moron. They did get that correct. Yea most media is extremely bias, if I were to guess a percentage I would say 80% ! I just want the facts I don’t want assuming, over hype , under hype , just the FUCKING FACTS! Arm of the democrats nothing elite about them all crooks!!! 100% Media bias? You don't say; https://youtu.be/D9rbHpA_6W4 Bingo Did the last 4 years not open those eyes enough? That is basically how critical thinking works. Gathering information to make an informed decision while remaining open to any new information applied. Remain skeptically informed. You mean simp Here's him enthusiastically confessing to it for 10 minutes: https://youtu.be/VMuEis3byY4 When he mentions a stock, I sell it. But, I do agree with him when he said ""Obama was responsible for the greatest wealth destruction I have seen by a president"" He durty Well, if this is all manipulation, how long out would a good put option be, since it invariably going to actually fall? That’s up to the individual but I just don’t like silver. It’s not flashy enough for me. For real. It may not be a squeeze, but it’s still a nice bump. I had some slv as a hedge against inflation, and just cashed out my initial investment with plenty of shares left over to see where this goes. Yeah I just loaded up on puts at the bottom I'm that confident this shit tanking Honestly I just shrugged and sold a few otm weekly CSPs. After the Trump administration or rather during and after the media might be reformed. That is a very big might though. Gonna have to wait and see what time tells. Well yeah. This isn’t an investment advice sub. Unless I’m mistaken. IDK, I’m not an moneyologist. That’s the wrong thought about it though. It’s more like a zombie herd and they are using a meat truck to kite it as needs be. Nok is the undervalued one. Amc and bb on paper are shit. There’s also no shorts for a pump like gme. Are you guys all retarded on here? Or am I? Am I even allowed to call people retarded on this sub?? LOL & wsb wasn’t and never will be pump and dump central. The people telling you to buy amc shares bought at the absolute dip, or once again, are just retarded and have no idea what they’re doing. GME was possibly a once in a life time event. I mean, WSB is just pump and dump central, just not on silver. [deleted] There are no accounts on 4chan, just IP assigned hashes on boards that elect to use that identifier. If you got in a few weeks ago, you're fine. Just don't buy it right now, it's being artificially inflated at the same time as a media spree. You're free to gamble on whether you can profit off the artificial inflation of the stock, but a long term hold from a few weeks ago shouldn't be at risk. Silver is and has been undervalued for a long time, but I do think this type of stuff has temporarily inflated the prices a bit, but in the grand scheme of things its still under valued. Edit: or you can buy stocks that are extremly over valued to try to stick it ""hedge"" funds who ppl seem to think only short stocks and would never ""hedge"" their risks with call options. Look at the long term trends for silver and it’s obvious that we’re in a bubble right now. There might be some minor upswing because of the shilling but if you buy physical you’re going to end up holding the bag when the hedgies exit. The fact is people are buying physical silver and it's sold out around the globe for retail going for 33 - 42 an oz. Demand is up supply hasn't moved the price will go up. They just printed a shit ton of and money precious metals are classic hedge against inflation. I'd rather go long on silver that could be what over valued by 7% at worst than stocks that are over valued by 1000% I thought I was supposed to holdl GME? As soon as the Gamestop squeeze is over, it'll crash. Look at the week long graph. We've been in a recession for a while now, why is SLV suddenly jumping so much in the middle of the Gamestop squeeze? Citadel owns a significant portion of SLV. If they wanted to push people towards a non-GME stock, they would push them towards something that *offsets their losses*. Spam media with ""Buy SLV"" and they turn a portion of our momentum for their own gain. Yeah. Just remember that it will never go back to 15/share. Melvin Capital is about to inject a tsunami of money into the stock. Some will run with their profits, but many are refusing to sell on principle (also, it's not like dumb money can't make more dumb money). I honestly have no idea what the price will stabilize at. Could be $50, could even be $100. This is literally unprecedented. Everything. It drives me wild when I research a story, click on a news article, and the ""article"" is just a poorly paraphrased blip with a link to the ACTUAL article. Lazier content than youtube reaction videos. When I first heard this Reddit, Silver thing I cracked up. Been on many stock oriented subreddits for years. Sorry, nobody’s pushing fucking Silver. Haha. Learn how to shill and get a real stonk. Source? There's NPR and then there's NPR affiliate stations and programs. Even then though, as someone put it pretty aptly: >Sadly often media parrot each other. Sometimes NPR/affiliates will interview some pundit/analyst from a larger news company. So if one news company is spewing bullshit, it wouldn't be surprising if someone from that company was interviewed and asked questions in regards to said bullshit. Okay dude Yes, that is EXACTLY what they are doing. Fucking bitches. My strategy is to wait for fellow retards to post the relevant information for me. It works. More seriously, just lurk on /r/wallstreetbets. There were around 5 posts all screenshotting the same thing: Citadel is ranked #5 or so in ""holds shares of silver."" [example](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/la1xhf/guess_who_owns_tonnes_of_slv_options_fuck_citadel/) The rest are all big companies too. Morgan Stanley and yada-yada. In terms of finding the info yourself, well, some helpful person will be along soon with a link, probably. But is it useful to know who owns shares in X type of stock? This is kind of a unique situation. [deleted] On the internet all you have to do is emphatically state the opposite and people will give you all the answer you want. So in this case you say: ""Citadel is definitely NOT long ^^(john) silver, in fact they are shorting it"". In a few minutes you'll have all the sources. This from today, I'd speculate they are long on Silver what with their extensive holdings of Silver and numerous other companies related to it: ""Citadel Advisors LLC owned about 6 million shares of the iShares Silver Trust (NYSE:SLV) as of Sept. 30, equivalent to a 0.93% stake, data compiled by Bloomberg show. The firm also held shares in at least 17 other silver companies and ETFs."" https://www.investing.com/news/commodities-news/citadels-silver-bet-exposes-rifts-in-the-wallstreetbets-army-2404767 Mob, army...whatever!? [deleted] Yup banks and hedges own a lot of stuff. They have a tiny stake in SLV as a hedge. It's like people are looking at the largest shareholders info for the first time with SLV. They should go look at every stock and you'll see huge funds and banks listed as large shareholders. That's my observation for the dumber bot accounts. Smarter bots repost old high-performing posts and sometimes even the most upvoted comments. Don't have an example because the one I saw last got nuked. Subreddits should configure their automod or whatever to remove submissions from anyone who has positive karma in FreeKarma4U. No one is questioning the strategic validity of a short squeeze. Short squeezes happen all the time. It’s the “the stock price can go to infinity!!! We are taking down the big guys and destroying the system!!!” that is the pump and dump. If you could become crazy rich by sucking all the money from the big market players, you don’t think someone would have tried it by now? Those awful, stop-at-nothing, greedy unethical bastards are forgoing unlimited money and power to team up and share resources that could be theirs alone.... to take on smaller retail investors for no reason at all? You can absolutely be successful with a short squeeze, and for the people who understand what they're doing here, more power to them. However all this doesn't change the fact that based on the fundamentals GameStop is a shit company with an outdated business model and will probably be bankrupt within a few years at most. I take no issue with people making a few bucks along the way. Have fun. As long as you know it's all a game and you're bidding up a shit stock for the short term only. Broker dealer with FINRA This proves you’re fine. GME TO THE MOON A pedo guy A pumper or a dumper HIS MOM Initially you are correct. Now the shorts are higher or out and its retailers against retailers. At the end of the day GME will be worth 20 again, and private investors are going to take the brunt of it going forward. At some point it has to turn to a pump & dump doesnt it? There were multiple silver DD posts and the media ran with it. Then WSB started saying there were never silver DD posts. This is a lie. https://old.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l6novm/the_real_dd_on_slv_the_worlds_biggest_short/ 14k upvotes You are lying. Why? Maybe he likes Silver Your mom Okay, I can get behind that. Being definitively correct. Still seems like apples and apples though. They are closely related. There are specifically two words used to delineate a difference. Misinformation is wrong, but not necessarily in bad faith. Disinformation is to purposefully mislead. I think the National Post is worse because they pretend to be objective What an absurd statement. It's the most respected paper in the country. [deleted] But silver kills vampires and werewolves better People use silver on teeth fillings. Exactly, that's why I don't keep silver or gold bars. I just keep buckets and buckets of human teeth. The price on these babies is gunna sky rocket any day now! Thats what Big Tooth wants you to think. But where can you even buy and sell teeth these days? ""Everywhere"" Its used for contacts in critical circuitry mainly RF. So no not everywhere. And the amounts used are micro grams. Yes, no one ever said it wasnt.. Silver is cheaper and conduct better in closed environment. As a materials engineer im sure you know silvers conductance value is greater than gold so there is an advantage if you really need one... I know yes it tarnishes I understand that will be your rebuttal but you simply asked for what advantage it has... but to the cost of gold it very well could be undervalued and idk how you can argue that. gold is over 60x more valuable than silver. Not saying its better than gold but for use cases gold isnt 60x better for every application. Actually I have recently quit buying Lithium only because Ive been long on Lithum since early last year, and its hard to justify putting money into things im up about 300% on in such a short period of time. I just think on the gold to silver ratio silver is probably at least a bit undervalued. Is that a fancy way of saying you don't like to invest in commodities? Copper is also cheap Mate did you just respond to a year old comment Because it’s currently not worth as much. Silver’s industrial use will be increasing in the coming years and as the value increases, so too will the mining. Silver mine investments are the volatile cousins of straight up physical silver fluctuations Plata o plomo You heard it here first, boys, buy $LEAD. So is bleach, lemme up in them chlorine futures I heal my cuts with lead. Can I buy shares on (C.O.C.K)? I'd like to increase my portfolio. Pfft, like oxygen is a common thing! Elaborate I believe they are the same thing. You can trade SLV shares for physical Silver People should learn to keep WSB in WSB and not affect any other market related sub with its memes or jokes [deleted] So that's why my dad was saying he was looking into investing in metals interesting... I have some silver and gold, mainly because it's just fun to have a big heavy box filled with money I can fondle. But I've been really perplexed about the price lately. I mean, it peaked at like $50, I think, during the 2011 cycle and I figured it would probably do well this go around, what with all the money printing. either the lunatic caucus was right, and the price is being suppressed or all the money that would have gone into PMs is going into crypto or they're just mining a lot more silver now to offset the demand and devaluation of fiat currencies. I've never understood people who want to hold ""paper"" silver in their portfolio, that just seems offensive to me. I get that it's easier, lazier, can have it easily in the IRA. But investing in precious metals is supposed to be about nurturing your inner lunatic and preparing for a financial armageddon, not part of some boring square retirement plan. Make sure to buy GME.... if you like it that is Silver has long long been a tool of choice to money grab the casual conspiracy theorist into believing it's a good idea. The SEC wouldn't even look at the secondary and tertiary group media who carry that water. Print print print 😂 Precious metals can save one in an economic collapse though 🤔 Problem is, the commercials are sound like breaking news... And when you're already detached from reality enough, that was definitely a ""holy crap, the news says i have to buy silver now!"" Kind of thing. And they accomplished their goal.. Also, if you don't act right NOW!!! You'll miss out on your very own donald trump commemorative coin. And once they're gone, they will never be made again........ My ass. Yes! That's the best part. And he listened to me. That's the even more shocking part 🤣🤣🤣 If you haven't noticed usually they don't just ask gullible people to buy precious metals, instead they have them buy ""special coins"" from them, because there's the myth that the government can confiscate all precious metals unless they're in coin form. That way these companies can charge a little bit more than the price of gold because they're making coins out of it. That's not how you Judge how large a market is lol Agreed PSLV and literally holding silver is fine SLV is a little too opaque RemindMe! 1 month Why not? RemindMe! 2 month Causing a short squeeze in the paper market is next to impossible but making a run on physical will trickle into the paper markets causing the price to rise. This past weekend saw a crazy buying spree on physical which gives me hope. I'm not sure if this new crowd realizes most of them will go back down with the stock or they've deluded themselves into thinking they can actually break the system. I’m 43, I remember dancing baby before YouTube existed and that crazy bitch Bjork But the leprechaun thing is from 2006, so yeah it qualifies for me. Yeahhhh (gives goofy smile) Because people are missing the actual message. The real message is drop gme and buy silver. It has nothing to do with silver really at all its get people sell gme. I've been lurking around through literally every stock reddit at this point, and I've never heard a fucking word about silver My bet is that they're tying anything that goes up to reddit, so that when the market crashes, they can blame it on them, as the hedge funds get away with it It’s not. It’s literally the same reason hype builds around anything. People are glued to CNBC for the next big thing right now. If they say “redditors are pumping SLV now,” it generates more views. After SLV, it’ll be something else. Reddit should start giving away silver instead of wholesomes or whatever for the next 8 weeks. Unlimited silver awards. > why is CNBC saying that redditors are buying silver on **national fucking TV**? Because it's a disinformation campaign. Have you been seeing the bull being spouted by them? Now other networks are jumping on and spreading this crap. Let them know on the comment section of their social media accounts. Truth of the day. So early to call it “of the day” but correct. I do It's paranoia when there at 50 posts about how Citadel owns SLV and it's going to ruin GME'S chances, blah, blah, blah. If nobody gives a fuck about silver than people should stop giving a fuck about ailevr and choking this sub with conspiracy posts and shit. This is hilarious to me as I bought silver completely unrelated in December as a collectors thing - not as an investment. Don't waste your money pumping it though (you can't). Its paranoia big time. So many posts OH NOOO citadel is no 5 at silver. Well guess what, if they really wanted to help themselves they'd pump something in top 50 or below holding. Right, because having an interest in deflationary assets with industrial uses, and which is very useful in solar and batteries which are on track to have an insane decade, is a bad idea. I'm sorry that many of y'all are stupid enough to go all-in GME, but some of us have diversified portfolios look at wsb man especially new in the discussion threads, tons of post about buying silver. Tons of conspiracies about the price of silver about to rise. /r/silverbugs has been a thing for years, so technically not nobody, but until yesterday it was virtually all hobbyists, so not really relevant to the current conversation. And most of them wouldn't be caught dead dealing with paper silver contracts, lol. It's insane. If you don't own $gme you are immediately cast aside. I'm happy about a lot of things. But I'll be happy when this all calms down. The noise in all the subs now is a annoying. Definitive analysis of a stock by a guy with a 4 day old account or a guy with 4,700 minecraft posts. Upvoted to the sky. And there's so much echo chamber going on. Points made without information given. DD, discussion and research posts gone from the top of the sub. Oy. But good stupid. 6 million new voices here. Emphasis on the new. ""Uh. Just because they interviewed him at his house and he told them who he was, where he works and all about his family DOES NOT PROVE that they didn't dox him. You people are all sheep. THE TRUTH IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU."" Not sure what your point is. ""someone said"" is not a source. Google it. Citadel owns between 0.5% and 0.93% of SLV. People are acting like they have 80% ownership. The fund is owned by Black Rock who owns 13.2% of GME. Because silver is a common hedge against market volatility. I may be wrong, but then having a diverse portfolio doesn’t surprise me Source? Also, you may have noticed that they have a gaping hole in their ass where tens of billions of dollars should be. They will need to liquidate assets to pay for that loss. That means selling stock, not buying it. They don't need to distract people here. People here are already distracting themselves, excited about stocks that aren't even shorted or have no validity long term. I don't know how long you've been here, but there are about 12-15 that are hyped way harder here and in the media than SLV is. If they were out to fuck with people, they'd just hype those harder because Redditors already believe in them. So here's the question. If the goal is distraction and Citadel is behind it, then would it be easier to create a massive media campaign as quickly as possible to pump a brand new stock? Or would it be easier to spam subreddits with bots that post multiple names of popular stock tickers and some rockets over and over? WSB alone just got 6 million new members. Ah. I see the issue. You have no fucking idea what you're talking about. No. Citadel's position is nothing to them. Like $60M. Do the math. Google. Calculator. And you get the number. Citadel is shitting billions daily. You think they're going to spend time and energy orchestrating a SLV short squeeze? And, if you'd been following like you preach, you would have seen a top post in WSB where someone on Reddit made a lengthy post with DD/research on SLV and why it's a good play. There have been numerous posts in multiple investing/trading forums. Search SLV. Boom. Done. Now you know what you're talking about. Media, in a frenzy, looking for the next big story and always looking for the next fad stock, echoed the post's message. People did this last week with a dozen stocks. No one bitched about that. This one is getting attention bc of Citadel. So people hear the story. Invest in SLV. It goes up, ratifying the story. Price goes up. Funny thing is, SLV's prospects we're good months ago. Boomer analyists were saying target of $50 long. Recession looms, commodities and metals do well in recessions (they have intrinsic value unlik say a stock in Amazon). Plus all the future tech that everyone has boners for? Drones, robots, EVs, windmills, solar panels? Silver is needed to make them. So now we have people on Reddit slamming one of the only investments that has made sense to buy. Also, SLV is owned by Black Rock. Black Rock owns 13.2% of GME. Black Rock does well $, they can sit in GME longer. This is a bunch of people without context, drawing a line from one thing to another and making a conclusion. In part, because a lot of people here are so fucking green that they don't know what a limit order is vs. a market order. They don't even know there's a pre-market. Research shit if you want to trade and invest. Otherwise, you're inevitably going to fuck yourself. No. It's around $60M. Do the math. The company is shitting billions of dollars. Do you think they give any fucks about trying to orchestrate a short squeeze for 1/100th of that? Or would they put their resources into doing what they're doing today by making a fake drop in price for GME all day. Also, the fund SLV is owned by Black Rock. Black Rock owns 13.2% of GME. If SLV goes up, Black Rock gets more $ and can justify supporting their position in GME to their investors. It's one of the top ten. As of last reporting, it holds 0.5% to 0.93% of the total share, which represents around 60M. A pittance compared to what they're losing on GME. The idea that they would put muscle and capital behind a short squeeze of a commodity ETF instead of the GME situation is silly. Expend effort building your $60M position? Or spend effort mitigating a position that is costing you billions a day? And Black Rock owns SLV. A competitor. A competitor who owns 13.2% of Gamestop. Unlikely they're going to use their capital and labor to pump up a competitor who stands to earn far more than them. Look, people were posting about SLV and silver weeks ago in multiple forums. Search for it. You'll see. The media is looking for the next big story out of Reddit. They read the articulate silver post (that I read - has good research) and talk about it. Talk gets echoed. Shares go up. More people buy, shares go up - now the real or fake theory that SLV is being pumped looks true. The conspiracy shit is just silly. Especially the part about ""distracting retail investors"". People are already distracting themselves over multiple stocks (some of which have also been pump in the media). So the theory is: In an emergency to raise finances, they decided to embark upon a media blitz (I guess by paying people? Using their power over the media) to create a buying frenzy (targeted at a very tiny part of the stock buying market) that will pump an ETF up (that a competitor - Black Rock - owns - and BR is also invested in 13.2% of GME) or, in a long amount of time, they're going to create a short squeeze which they will then exploit. And they chose to pump SLV over all their other holdings (and chose to pump only one holding), despite the fact that they only have $60M invested in SLV - well, maybe $63.5M after the ""frenzy"" today (and again, it's owned by Black Rock). My theory: If they needed money, especially in an emergency, they sell shares in one of the many companies they own, use cash or borrow money. Right, that's exactly why I'm so shocked. It's every single mainstream media company. I knew they were crooked, ig I just didn't think they'd blatantly turn their back on average citizens like that and feed them the wrong info. No wonder the national trust in them is at all time lows. Your theory about the being blacklisted is probably also correct, I'm sure that happens almost daily. Writers have probably learned not to ask questions and just publish what they're told, otherwise they won't be publishing anything. This sub is saying it’s not the sub squeezing silver lol, not that it isn’t going up yeah strange I'm just annoyed at my timing. Been wanting physical silver for years; finally had extra money for it back a few months ago and got a little bit. Plan was to wait until after xmas bills were paid, wait for another paycheck and get some more. So I went on over the weekend - and there's nothing. I didn't know anything about SLV or any of this crap going on, I just wanted a few more eagles. Dammit. Not in the short term, but most people with a brain don't make short-term investments (aka gambles) Maybe not, but I still think even an artificial increase in demand will push it closer to its fair value The point is that it's hugely a gamble and pumping it (which is the natural result of advocating for investing in it) results in unsavory people gaining more power. If you don't care about the morality of the situation or have arguments against it, your only concern is about whether new mines will be discovered. It's a big world with lots of hands involved, just look at the ups and downs in price it's seen in the past two decades. [deleted] Manipulative maybe, but likely not in the way you're thinking. Unless you're going to assume literal video evidence is just deep fakes and that sort of thing, in which case there's no point in arguing because anything could be anything. I haven’t seen that vid...I will watch. Thanks!!!! Yeah as I’ve been reading more a similar thing happened back in 2012. I took my 30% gain and got out while I could. Something is wrong. Don’t know what but I don’t like uneasy feelings in my investments. Oh. I'm sorry you misunderstood! I'll explain what I meant. What I'm saying is that if you put a paranoid, off the grid survivalist, conspiracy theorist Venn diagram over folks who are all about preaching to the gospel of the Great Rest, you'll find a significant overlap. They're the kind of kooky people who talk about ""sheep"". Admittedly, this is anecdotal evidence. And just an opinion. I must have misunderstood what you mean when you said regular people can't buy silver. I thought you meant regular people can't buy silver. You must already know that. Who wouldn't know that! When you said Citadel holds shorts and stock simultaneously in SLV, I assumed you were talking about short selling but you meant owning puts. Silly me! Of course you know that a [put is not the same thing as short selling.](https://www.google.com/search?q=is+a+put+a+short&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS931US931&oq=is+a+put+a+short&aqs=chrome..69i57.1702j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) I don't know what PLSC is. But can you tell me how PSLV and SLV work? I thought PSLV let you buy shares in a trust that was wholly invested in precious metals that allows you to redeem if for metals. [I guess their company has it wrong.](https://sprott.com/media/1057/pslv.pdf) You should tell them. And I thought SLV gives investors direct exposure to silver by physically holding the metal in vaults in London. I say that based on silly information like[ this.](https://www.etf.com/SLV#overview) Thanks for all your help. Gosh. There really is so much to learn. I wish I knew everything you do. Maybe one day. So is investing in SLV some sort of ploy? > it’s a finite resource with a growing demand across many sectors of technology. what technology? You do realise Robinhood isn't the only trading platform right? And most people selling GME on that app are moving their funds to a different trading platform, because I dont know if you've been hiding underneath a rock or something, but they stopped people from trading... on a FREE market; not suspicious at all. Enjoy your 4% yearly earnings my friend. I’m genuinely interested in your point of view since I’ve only heard the opposite on wsb, which tbh can kind of be an echo chamber and why I also frequent other investing subreddits. Is the 50/50 buy sell INCLUDING the days that most brokerages shut down buying capabilities and only allowed selling? Seems like the buying is still limited on RH and a lot of investors are migrating to Fidelity. Wouldn’t restricting the buying cause the net activity to seem 50/50? Also, how are hedge funds able to exit their positions if they’ve been naked shorting this whole time? Wouldnt they have to buy back 140% of shares (impossible?) and retail investors hold the vast majority of GME shares? Buy physical silver. I get that, but you have to admit some people are abusing that. They go “warning - once at what you can risk.... BUT GO BUY OPTIONS ON XXXX TICKER BC ITLL MOON FOR SURE, GOTTA GET ON BEFORE THIS SHORT SQUEEZES 🚀🚀🚀” (despite the fact that the shorts are nowhere near the levels we saw on GME or VW). Sure there are smaller squeezes here and there, but I think they are using the hype around GME and AMC to pump their own tickers. That is the reason why I’m laying off reading from WSB now. It’s attracted a lot of unwanted attention and most likely bad actors. I was in it (as you can see my post history) for GME a month ago, it made sense. All these other posts about others squeezing which isn’t true since their shorts are low lol GME was half a billion before. Now it's 70billion-ish. Silver is 2000 times what GME is now. How is it no different? [deleted] Lmao I don't even know how to respond to this because I literally made money. Are you trying to shame me for making a good investment? I'm literally laughing to the bank. By the end of the week anyone associated with r/wallstreetbets and the squeeze will be branded a racist, right wing extremist and a Russian agent. I didn’t care for trump, I think he had some policies I liked but he just didn’t have the delivery skills and was born out of touch. I root for this market bitchslap because watching hedge fund crooks cry on TV makes me smile. What I can’t understand is why people can’t put 2 and 2 together to realize there is a concerted media blitz driving normies like lane assist in a car demonizing anyone who stands up to them. Look at it this way, by the end of the week we will all be racist nazi Russian agents on an FBI list so live it up. It's ok to use in Canada? Left-wing pundits spent decades brainwashing its followers that Black people are victims and Whites are the only supremacists in the world and that they should follow propaganda sites like Twitter and CNN instead. That's how the U.S. ended up with Trump. Well, actually, it was China. Even when Trump tried to ban countries from flying to the USA, people didn't listen. They simply despised the man because he wasn't their shade of blue. I used my rough brain. Any more of an explanation would send your smooth brain into a coma Go troll someone else :) blocked There will be a smaller decline in the market, but this will be a more feeble attempt to put people under water and try to force them to sell their homes. As with Black Monday back in October, 1987, all following events will be viewed more discerningly (by educated people, though there is a new class of young, slightly more naive investors that might be vulnerable). Hence, people will be more hesitant before panicking and making a huge mistake. As you stated, a 10-year hold is pretty much a given. 100 or more is ideal. I say, “Accept your life as you know it. Make a few sacrifices now so that your children have hope for a better future.” I never believed in children inheriting a lot from their parents. I’ve told my (now octogenarian) mom to spend her money and enjoy her retirement. SHE earned it. I believe parents should provide a solid foundation so that their children can grow with a strong moral compass and forge their own identity and choose their own direction in life. “There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One of these is roots; the other, wings.”—Hodding Carter I am the beneficiary of these bequests. I was fortunate enough to (modestly) establish myself in a favorable economy. NOW, I believe there is limited hope for our posterity. I suggest that anyone who has young children should start saving for them yesterday. If a homeowner (preferably multiple properties) or market investor, I would suggest establishing a trust fund, if only to provide enough money to cover taxes and insurance for as long as possible. Upon death, a majority of life insurance benefits should also go into this trust—distributed over time to prevent misappropriation. As for my prediction? I’d bet the farm (by NOT selling on “the establishment’s” terms) that this is how it will play out. Well... farms aren’t always the best bet, either, as corporate farming has decimated the small farmers and often forced them into short selling or struggling to keep their property amidst tax liens, then ultimately losing it anyway. The deck is stacked. One can only keep an ace up one’s sleeve and hope to play it at the most strategic moment. So, yeah...with all the world’s wonders and all life’s glory, there is the major flaw known as the human element. Take care of your family’s future. Grasp only that which you can control and ignore the rest. Save yourself a lot of stress. Carpe diem! Check the sidebar for related communities. I seem angry by telling you you're wrong? nice try. have a good one. Just letting you know why you were being downvoted. Because you were spreading false information, just like OP is. > It's not shorted at all. Present tense, as in it currently isn't being shorted like GME was English isn't that hard. But can this happen if shares already exist without giving a portion of the new shares to existing investors? That doesn't sound right. And hell yeah investors wouldn't like that, it makes it so their shares are basically worthless if a company can always just print more (which again I'm pretty sure isn't how it works). For those previously unaware: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manufacturing_Consent https://youtu.be/Rwh1HCb_xnk 2112 has the best A side of any recorded album. The B side though... Bleh A Farewell to Kings is better. [Ironically, this has been referenced on Billions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mA8lZmJNg0c&feature=emb_title). Second the username love ..and the meek shall inheeeerrriiiiittt the earth Neil Peart stands alone. *Modern globalization Coupled with condemnations* *Unnecessary death* *Matador corporations* *Puppeting your frustrations with a blinded flag* ***Manufacturing consent** is the name of the game* *The bottom line is money nobody gives a fuck* We love Chomsky. All hail Brother Noam! [deleted] They used to be legally bound to be like that... It has just gotten worse since Reagan. > It’s no small irony it’s called a “newsfeed” we are ingesting the content they prepare for us. One must always be aware of that, and consider the bigger picture behind the story. I live with my parents currently and my mom called me to watch something on the news. She mentioned the general idea it was about. China, blahbah, bad things. My parents are both reactionaries and I try to get through to them, but it's basically a wasted effort. Anyway, I had that moment on my mind and realized how I think of things and what I wanted to explain. My mom telling me that title was all I needed to know. When I go in /r/politics and see ***their*** designated news feed and ""acceptable news"" sites, I also just read titles. ***Everyone*** should only read titles, then frame that information as ""this is what the government-corporate conglomerate wants me/people to think about."" Rather than anything of value, it is *always* division or outright *diversion* from what should actually matter. Diversion and division. Your spot on with the concept of it's all about money BUT way off on 'how' that occurs. Doesn't matter if it's paid content, free to everyone, front page, magizine, tv, news, whatever - do some looking into WHO OWNS them. Boils down to like maybe a dozen folks own it all, are either married, family of, sucking, fucking, or in some way balls deep in bed with each other. Check it out, it will blow your mind. AND those folks HAVE AN AGENDA. THE END. Media used to be honorable, and when they weren't they were black balled, fired, even prosecuted. Ethics in media, and some pride. Why would there be a 180 degree turn? Why, the same thing that always makes a human dump ethics, pride, and honor. MONEY. Lots and lots of it. Oh and the news is no longer a product. Now 'News' is a tool, WE are the product. <<< Think about that. > People think of media companies as some benevolent non-profits hoisting the light of knowledge and truth above a dark world. Who thinks this? I love when John Oliver shows the scripted content over 10 different news stations all saying the exact same thing word for word. He's gonna a field day with this shit when he comes back on in 2 weeks. I believe there are about 5 companies that own all of the media. There has been a lot of consolidation over the years. This means the news can be controlled easier. If you were to look into the CIA handbook, you would find the first thing they say to do to take over a country is to gain control of their media How dare you say such things about OUR MEDIA! Haha. Thats why I trust Reddit© for all my media needs. Ha. Do your work and investigate for yourself. We have all the tools at our fingertips and yet the media still has power. Boggles the mind. Yeah that’s another thing. Most “journalists” today don’t actually investigate. They see a story and jump on to get their ratings. If it weren’t for money being directly related to journalism it might actually have some merit. That’s not to say every journalist is lazy reposting cunt. There are some real hard working do it for the love of finding that bandannas story journalists out there. However, they are rare and most are just going through the motions and following the group to get that easy money. Just like managers in every business you work at. There is a method they are taught and they don’t deviate from that formula unless they are a “from the ground up new company.” Eventually they fall in line too if they get big enough to acquire the business comes first playbook. This is all my opinion though. > Watching CNBC, the talking heads aren't educated experts, they just talk about key phrases they keep hearing. > > It's clear with the Silver thing, that ""wall street"" thinks that Reddit is something they can leverage now. Doesn't even need to be CNBC/financial news. First I heard of this silver thing was this morning listening to local news radio on 1010 WINS in NYC. But they are leveraging you. They have digested you and made you part of the system. Now whatever is hot on wsb, they will front run and ride the momentum. They don't need to bet against you, they got the order flows and they can scrape the sentiment with algos, so.. What are you gonna do?? You should have seen the amount of bots they released this monday on the reddit and on the discord. They spammed for us to sell GME and buy SLV and AMC. It’s disgusting they went this low to try to play a game where they will lose. As only 'a few month old newbie' to the site myself ~ I second that experienced traders should 'cut off misinformation' for the sake of Reddit Boards. When I first started buying stock some 30 years ago~ I learned the hard way not to trust, be thankful for ""tips"" but DO MY OWN DUE DILLIGENCE before ANY purchase ! [deleted] It’s been going on for a lot longer than four years but yeah. Lets be honest, it wasn't cnbc, and lying about crowd sizes doesn't take billions out of the pockets of retail investors. Obviously both bad, but if i had to choose between the two... And that shit made the media seem more honest and reliable A presidential administration that lies is not exactly front page news. If you think that if the white house is blue, then it is telling the truth, and if it's red it's lying, or vice versa, your just another sheep. So, Obama didn’t lie? Bush II didn’t lie? Clinton didn’t lie? Bush I didn’t lie? Shit, compared to them Trump is literally a fucking saint. GTFOH you fucking bot. Even your username screamed “I’m a bot” But hey we gotta be bipartisan now! Only the last 4 years??? Forgot about the fucking sharpie. [deleted] The reason I believe that is because the media told you that! You did exactly what they wanted you to do believe their bullshit to get them back in power.. sad really look at the dumb idiot we have now. Completely clueless even gave China access to our power grid now. Opened the border to pedos to transport kids again and has already caused the cost of living to go up 30 percent for most people in just a month. Hell my local grocery stores already look like Venezuela 🤬 Now who's buying the lies of the MSM hook line and sinker? Tool I’d saw around the OWS protests when it started I saw this horrible use to drown out a real problem and shit on hurting people. It felt horrible like they were these rich cunts telling hard working resilient people that they are fucked no matter what and no one cares about you because of circumstances they created and forced you. Then they get handed money when they fail while you and your family fall apart. As a guy who learned to shoot and maintain firearms when he was 12, let me say on behalf of the gun nuts we’re so happy you guys have seen the light on media bullshit. Welcome to a land before walked only by us for many a moon. Please enjoy this survivalist concoction of berries and grain alcohol served in a deer hoof. May your financial wizardry ensure we don’t have to serve drinks in deer hooves any more. Nah, much earlier. Like when they couldn't get off Obama's nutz and he could do no wrong. What a perfect reference! Trump is a propagator of fake news It's gotten a lot more blatant in recent years, from my perspective, but yes the underlying principle has always been the case. Haha, I'm not sure how to feel about that. Repealing the Telecommunications Act of 1996 would be a good start. Of course. No, and as many people have noted, the WMD lie during the Bush years was a clear case of media carrying water for political elites, and there are numerous other examples one could cite from any era of mass media. I do think the pervasiveness of the propaganda has increased notably since the 2016 election cycle, though. Yup. They’re not there to inform you; they’re there to tell you how to feel. Fuck em. Yes. They lie to you about everything else, but they decided to take up the common man's cause and protect you from the bad man in this one very specific case. Not because he was fighting against the entrenched elites that run banking/academia/media/Hollywood/big tech, or that he opposed the globalist trade agreements that ship jobs overseas so that multinational corporations can increase their share price. Oh heavens no! Just out of the goodness of their hearts. Totally. and buy gme based on anonymous comments on a forum owned by one of the oldest and largest media companies in the world, conde nast. and claiming that this will hurt the status quo and keep pushing this message over and over and over again? none of this crap is going to help the working class. it's clearly a scam to disrupt the working class communities. Psimp A two pump simp chump I doubt puts would be profitable, at least not to any reasonable extent, since IV is probably very high right now. front running is the domain of high frequency trading that the hedgefund managers invented. this could all be a scam to help the very people whom everybody here think they are attacking. > It’s not flashy enough for me It's literaly a reflective metal tho? How much flashier can an innert object be? I don’t like silver. I like GME. Good stock. Best stock. With all the stimulus talk I was looking for a hedge and my typical one is silver but now it's so inflated I'll have to look elsewhere. [removed] Why are all your comments on silver puts getting downvoted so heavily so quickly? Hold on I'm going to go get a moneyology degree. I tried to buy some AMC when it dipped to $8 because it was at the peak of all this hype and i was positive itd shoot up the next day. Unfortunately dealing with my credit union held it up and i wasnt able transfer money til the next day, and didnt feel as comfortable since it shot to a little over $13 by then. I knew the hype would pump it up a bit but thats aboot it. Not relying on a big short squeeze happening, especially considering it wouldnt be difficult at all for them to cover their shorts Bro wsb pumped one mismanaged stock. Some of the people telling you to buy amc shares bought them months ago and just want to unload. It’s talking advantage of retards, not actually sending stocks to the moon. A month from now the sub will just be losses on options lol. NOK absolutely. They were pushing it hard. I suspect the other two as well. You’re right, I mean their IDs by accounts lol, using a VPN or dynamic IP to reassign themselves an ID as to astroturf So what you're saying is... Short $SLV? I bought in last week and sold today. Make a couple hundred and flip the bird to the media for trying to make everyone else lose money. So, short silver? So true 13F filing only disclose long positions. They very well could be shorting silver futures for a net short position. You don’t know the full picture. I'm brand new, and even I knew it was trash even before I looked it up and found out, SURPRISE! Guess who owns the silver? I'm really disappointed in NPR. They lied to me, about being good journalists. I mean, y'all eat crayons, but no one is falling for this. Mostly old people watch liberal media and that is their target audience. Old people have been targeted for the silver trap for decades. They are just using this opportunity to more fervently push that agenda. The thing about squeezing silver is they only exist on paper. If silver prices go up, companies with paper silver (banks) get squeezed as they can't deliver / keep prices artificially low. No, I dont think thats going to happen. It’s not hedge funds vs retail investors, it’s hedge funds vs hedge funds. Those not short GME smell blood in the water and are just as interested in squeezing their competition as we are. It’s still awful, stop at nothing unethical bastards but just some of their interests line up with retail. Bingo There are more kinds of NRA?! I love this comment Why are you pumping and dumping gme? $PDO ? The only people who are terrified of calling GME what it is at the moment (a painfully obvious pump and dump) are WSB. You’ll get downvoted to hell in there for FUD, they’ll be in denial even when they’re holding the bag at $2, saying that any minute now the shorts will cover. So one highly upvoted post proves that wsb is pushing silver? Are you some sort of idiot? I scrolled through the most upvoted posts recently about silver and 90% of them are against it. You are lying. Why? I don't understand your continued criticism. Apples to apples, two similar things that can be properly compared, with note-worthy differences. Like a honeycrisp apple compared to a bitter cider/cooking apple. It's not though. They are quite different. National Post is the worst. And they employ Rex Murphy, who is both a terrible person and has an annoying writing style where he forces metaphors for no practical purpose. That might be the real reason, but the news specifically says ""driven by reddit"" But all my dictator friends will laugh at my silver ak-47 Nah fam imma stick to my garlic bread strat This is the only reason redditors would buy a shit ton of silver https://www.apmex.com/product/24291/1-in-silver-shot-nuggets-7734-oz-silver-certificate-exchange For all your anti-werewolf shotgun shell needs... Its used for contacts in almost all circuitry and semiconductors, not just RF specific. So, yes everywhere, and micrograms per device when the devices produced are in the billions. Ok but its basically unusable compared to gold when it comes to bio-compatibility which is huge. Electronics are only a fraction of the entire market precious metals cover. Do they make silver clad in gold? Sounds like that would be the best of both. When I make profits from commodities trading, I’m not gonna keep commodities on hand for exchange value. I’ll sell them for a monetary asset. Which again, I’d prefer that monetary asset to not have any non-monetary uses. Do you hold hundreds of tons of corn in a personal vault? or do you buy and sell commodities for money? lol Didn’t realize it until afterwards! 😄 Yes, it is worth less, and far less than historical parity would dictate. Based on raw amounts available in the earths crust, 17/1. That’s right around historical parity. The reason we’re seeing lower silver pricing is because of the way it’s currently being mined, which is as runoff with no cost. As demand rises, the price has potential to get back to that historical parity. Here’s a good article on it: https://www.valuewalk.com/2016/07/silver-vs-gold-mining/?amp=1 Plata o pluma* oh i took advantage and ate up as much C.O.C.K as i could yesterday. It's always good to increase the spread. Just send over your details, and you can get some C.O.C.K. in your hands today! There are pills for that You’re buying silver, backed by a piece of paper. I think thats dumb as it gets in my opinion. If you’re into that good for you. Again. Do some research . It is not a good idea to buy SLV. PSLV is set up to battle against endless paper silver contracts coming SLV. There is plenty of information about that subject. It is needless for me to explain all that. If you buy SLV, 1 bar of silver is promised to 10 people. If demand goes higher, 1 bar is promised to 15 people. If one person demands delivery, no problem. If all 15 people demand delivery all at once. There is only 1 bar for all of them. So if you buy SLV, you have serious counterpart risk. And, more importantly, you help diluting the price of the metal you re invested in. So you are shooting yourself in the foot. If you buy PSLV, you are literally getting bars of the market, contributing to the scarsity and therefore higher price of the underlying metal. And your counterparty risk is low, since the metal is actually in the vault. There , I ve explained it anyway 😀 You should ask your grandparents what 1932 was like. you know boomers don't know what 1932 was like, right? ""Boomer"" as in 'baby boom' as in happened after WWII which was 1945. You're talking about the Silent Generation, who are the ones getting ripped off by Fox ads and email scams. Not that it really matters but Boomers are all born after 1945 for some rather specific and historically significant reasons. Bro I’m waking up 😢😢😢 fuck a car, I wanna fill my stomach Do people really think the precious metals market is just jewelry or people buying shiny things? There's a way higher demand for these metals now than in 1932 that has little to do with frivolous spending and everything to do with their industrial uses. Oh I agree, I only hold physical PMs. I bought 60 ounces of silver or so back when it was $14-$16 an ounce in 2017/2018. Thinking of selling all the extra stuff I don't have any sentimental value to cause I'd be making a good profit. I would never buy iShares or paper PMs. But that's just me. im glad he listened at least <3 Yup, I have zero desire to buy silver but I would never buy those bologna commemorative coins. They are such a scam and honestly just gentrified/legal elderly people scams imo. I think if I was really interested in silver I'd ""buy"" up rolls of coins from the bank and sift for silver heavy coins. Or start a laundromat lol. It's one way you judge how large a market is, especially if your question is how much retail traders will impact short term prices. However the ratio of total market cap against APPL makes it look even smaller anyways. More like 10% I have a large physical position (100oz bars), a little PSLV, and some AGQ sprinkled in for the rally. I will be messaging you in 1 month on [**2021-03-01 15:31:22 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2021-03-01%2015:31:22%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://np.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/la34bh/its_fucking_awful_seeing_the_silver/gllxlai/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fstocks%2Fcomments%2Fla34bh%2Fits_fucking_awful_seeing_the_silver%2Fgllxlai%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202021-03-01%2015%3A31%3A22%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20la34bh) ***** |[^(Info)](https://np.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-| They'll convince themselves that it's the evil hedge funds that did something to make it crash back down. The real end game should be a mass sell off by retail? No way coordinating that would be legal, right? The hedges might not lose as bad, but if its about sticking it to the billionaires, then why does anyone give a shit about hedges over asset management groups? Donald Foss walked away with over a billion dollars from this and that guy is everything the average reddit user hates. Yes, that too! People would think it's a Guardians of the Galaxy reference now, because of the song. Actually, that gave me an idea. I wonder if dancing Groot is mirroring the movements of the baby from way back then. Yes, that message is backed by citadel who stands to profit if people invest in silver and drop GME. [deleted] With /u/spez at the helm, we're always navigating through uncharted corporate waters. https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l6novm/the_real_dd_on_slv_the_worlds_biggest_short/ its dangerous to mention anything other than gme right now lmao. i own silver because its a good investment when theres economic uncertainty, not for a short squeeze. [deleted] You realize automod is removing thousands of posts an hour about silver, right? You don't have to give a fuck about silver to find it strange what is going on. I don't want to claim that it is a conspiracy, but it is definitely out of the ordinary. I mean this silver bullshit is all over the media. And all they had to do, to verify whether the claim that Reddit is somehow pushing silver is true or false, is come here (or maybe to WSB) and see for themselves. It's not like Reddit was some secret dark net hacker cult that only meets once a month at full moon in the middle of a forest. Every journalist could check within 5 min's if the claim was right. As we've seen in the tumult of the last four years of American politics (and reinforced throughout reddit), truth has very little bearing. There's a difference between not giving a fuck about silver as a stock, which you know is what he meant, and not giving a fuck about the fact that people are saying reddit is pushing silver when they aren't. Giving a fuck about people lying about you to manipulate the market in your name is not the same thing as giving a fuck about silver. Obviously we give a fuck about the lying. As you should be - the days of DCA and ETFs are dead. It's companies with no futures or bust. I mean, just wait for the $GME surge of hype to go away and things will be back to a relative normal. Its a bunch of redditors memeing anyway, try to not take it so personally. GME is just the big story right now. In a month this place and WSB will probably be back to normal. The sub isn't ruined. Yes and any even slight hint you are not buying in you will be downvoted. Even just asking questions. If you don't believe that every hedgefund is in a room together talking about what post they can make on reddit to get retail money then you are naive. The reality is they don't need misinformation to take retail money. Most of these people have traded less than a year which is the crazy part as you mentioned with the 4 day old accounts. It's giving me bad echoes of what happened to /v/ during gamergate. Just went to complete shit - hopefully this all clears up once the storm passes. No. It's a pump and dump. [deleted] Am I misunderstanding this or is it impossible for someone to own 80% of silver? A stock of a company is one thing but the natural resource silver used to produce lots of stuff? Like the <1% ownership of Citadel is still worth 1,5B$. lol hedge against market volatility? it rose 15% just today all of a sudden before the media hype. And I highly doubt it was retail investors that drove up the price 15!!!!! percent when you look at the MASSIVE VOLUME of paper silver LOL you'd be a complete ignoramus to think retail could push slv prices. Do you know jp morgan chase was facing criminal investigation for metals and settled a lawsuit JUST THIS DECEMBER? no.... that means putting out news articles to further put volatility in a stock so that they can reap profits off of their option positions.... Do you know how options work? I mean when you have every MSM promoting SLV as the ""next Reddit-led short squeeze!"" I think you have to put some faith in the fact someone is pushing it whether from a financial social or political background. I mean literally every channel site and even all over reddit. I don't know who but *someone*(or *something*) is influencing these decisions. And I've been a longtime lurker and never really invested much. I didn't really have much money i was comfortable ""gambling."" But a few weeke ago I actually put a few thousand up in Stash and Fidelity and one of the stocks I invested in was AMC, as this pandemic end is in sight and people are going to flood entertainment venues when they reopened. So that was a happy accident. Cashed out half, caught a little in GME in the low 100s. Now I'm pouring through these, and a few other finance related subs. Speaking of which I have seen quite a few 2 or 3 day old redditorscommenting on silver. I have no doubt this has intrigued many fresh investors(myself being one of them,) but you're just naive if you don't believe there are big money bots and shills pushing silver narratives. ... and Citadel's call options? https://fintel.io/so/us/slv/citadel-advisors-llc 37,753,700 there are places on reddit where people have been trying to squeeze physical silver for months. [deleted] I agree. All mainstream media is money first everything last and all is manipulative I'm just saying the media took anything that wasn't saintly good and blew it up like it was murder, and took anything without any evidence backing it and ran it like totally accepted truth. He is a shitty person that deserves shit attention, but that doesn't excuse the media and their manipulation. Definitely do. It's 101 on the topic of media manipulation and propaganda. Re: the Qatari notice - the original content is by Noam Chomsky and I guess Al Jazeera decided to turn his writing on the topic into a production for more visibility. [deleted] I have no way to tell. [deleted] If youre talking about things like silver then you're right, there's a lot of bot accounts because its cheaper to divert attention with bots than to pay the squeeze prices for these stocks and Melvin and Citadel know this. Its also why they're paying news groups like CNBC to run false articles like where they said Melvin closed all of their shorts because, likely, the ramifications for defrauding investors will take years to see and will be of a price tag infinitely less than $70,000,000,000.00 [deleted] [deleted] Ur nuts Check play or apple store > should follow propaganda sites like Twitter Why did Trump use Twitter if it was a left-wing propaganda site? > Even when Trump tried to ban countries from flying to the USA, people didn't listen Trump's initial travel ban only applied to Chinese citizens. How does the virus know what citizenship you have? He literally allowed tens of thousands of U.S. and other citizens to travel to and from China during the beginning of the pandemic: https://apnews.com/article/d227b34b168e576bf5068b92a03c003d Trump literally lost the election because of his mishandling of the pandemic. The U.S. has 440,000 confirmed fatalities and one of the highest death rates in the world because of it. All because of anti-science conspiracy nuts like you. Thankfully your ilk has been excised from policymaking now and we're back to an administration that believes in science. Not trolling at all; just trying to learn from someone who must be Very Smart indeed. Also very thoughtful – thanks for not inducing a coma with your superior intellect. Its not false information, its incomplete though. You cant short squeeze silver *at the moment* This is literally how it works Book should be required reading. So many Americans think we have no propaganda in this country. Throw in some Adam Curtis as well... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_Curtis The Century of Self Part 2 The Engineering of Consent: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEsPOt8MG7E It's weird enough I see masked people everywhere I go\* and now Chomsky on r/stocks? The surrealism is going into hyperdrive. ^(\*(not an antimasker. shit's just surreal)) Also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverted_totalitarianism Also for those unaware: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEuOoMprDqg What was it that Noam Chomsky said about eating pussy? I hate to be a 'this' guy but so much THIS Actually Inventing Reality by Michael Parenti came first and is better imo. Communication theory is lit I thought you was my bro's account. Checked out your profile and damn, you're seriously into shrooms and psychodelics. Whats up my man? 👌 Goddamn. Someone turn the brightness down on Wiki. Going from dark mode on here to that site always kills me. I feel like I'm looking at the sun. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=34LGPIXvU5M this is a good little intro/music vid that might appeal to some people just starting out. the book in pdf. [https://focalizalaatencion.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/herman-chomsky-2002-manufacturingconsent.pdf](https://focalizalaatencion.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/herman-chomsky-2002-manufacturingconsent.pdf) Passage to Bangkok slaps, but ya it's not in the same league Noam Chomsky on drums Are you intentionally trying to trigger me? Because it's working Not to defend Reagan on literally anything but there were about 3 news channels in Reagan's time. The fairness doctrine would have been useless against cable news and internet misinformation even if he hadn't killed it I suppose that is a rather non-specific and arbitrary statement. Thanks for challenging me on it. I queried DuckDuckGo for “Can we trust the media?” I found [this](https://news.gallup.com/poll/321116/americans-remain-distrustful-mass-media.aspx) article from Gallup. Gallup has polled the American population every year since 1972 on their level for rust in the media. Some things I found interesting: “9% in U.S. trust mass media ""a great deal"" and 31% ""a fair amount” “Democrats' trust over the past four years has been among the highest Gallup has measured for any party in the past two decades. “ So, to answer your question, 4 of 10 Americans have a great deal or fair amount of trust in the media. With the demo screwing more left. While my claim is a bit of hyperbole, it is not too far from the truth. Boomers who grew up in a world where there were actually regulations on the broadcast news. The people who believe that ""Democracy Dies in the Darkness"" bullshit. Boomers Yes and I would add that the CIA has always been the playground and favorite instrument of the american aristocracy. The elites drafted that handbook. Agree 50000%. For some reason when it comes to say...food...the more mass market the more side eyeball. McDonalds v.s. Organic Local Green Farm Co. But when it comes to something as information about the world it's the largest and most mass market institutions we trust most? Everything is the same. McDonalds v.s.GoodBurder Kia V.s. Bentley Cnn V.s. Vice maybe? Fuck McNews. That’s why I like Andrew Yang so much. The man kept screaming about journalism and UBI. He’s right. I rant into a younger person in high school who wants to be a journalist. We need more of those people and a way for them to make a living. Most don't even refer to themselves as journalists anymore, now they're ""announcers"" it seems like journalism actually had A LOT more merit 60 years or so ago as far as mainstream goes.. Now only journalists that seem bent on telling facts work for outlets like Mother Jones or other publications that rely on subscription rather than access thru tv. I wonder if PBS news is any blatently under control of elites. Investigative journalism and journalism aren’t the same things I agree 100% with this statement!! Random thought : I JUST now realized you can move the scroll down arrow on mobile lmao I had mine so close to reply/save button It was pissing me off. Very few of these so called journalist are real journalist. Their stories are written for them by their bosses. The people that run the democrat party whoever that is. Besides 5 people own 94 percent of every news outlet in America. I feel like every news and media outlet is slowly turning into buzzfeed. I heard about it from the CBC radio in a short snippet. My guess is lazy parroting since they don't run ads. Because CNBC has been pumping it out. This is an active disinformation campaign. Look no further than their facebook feed. I saw it on suggested headlines watching the stock tickers on the Apple Stocks app. It was funny, because I was bouncing back and forth between that and WSB thinking how sick it was that they were reporting literally the opposite of what was happening there. Follow their recommendations? [removed] Where can I buy the pilko pump pants? I think it was the sure volume of lies, and the stupidity of ,many of them that got most people. Trump lied about literally everything. You expect presidents to lie about big stuff (you may not want it or think it's right but you probably expect it). Like ling about crowd sizes, who TF really cares how big the crowd size was? Didn't he tell more lies in his first year in office than Obama did in 8 years? [removed] Oh ok, you're still in the cult. Don't worry, the election was stolen so he'll totally ""win"" any day now. You are a sucker my friend. I hope you eventually realize that. There has never been a presidential administration that is anything like this. Not even remotely close. Were you in a coma the last few months when he lied over and over and over again claiming he won an election that he clearly lost? He basically told you the sky was green and don't believe your eyes, and you kept believing that idiot. My dude, if you think Obama and Trump are the same thing, your brain is long gone. From day fucking one he said he had the biggest inaugural crowd of all time. And when confronted with photographic evidence, he said the evidence was a lie. Then he continued to double down on that lie, over and over. There has NEVER been a president in the history of the country that has lied that blatantly. And he ended it with the dumbest, most obvious lie any president has ever committed. Claiming over and over and over again that he won the election ""by a lot"" when any idiot could clearly see he lost. You are a sucker, my friend. You are one of the suckers he counted on. I hope you eventually realize that. You need to grow up and start seeing shades of gray - Media is manipulated, media is untrustworthy, media is about profit. Yes. - But just because that is true, it does NOT mean that your facebook forwards from grandma are all true. Mainstream news is still by FAR the most reliable source of information about the world that you have. - Most of the stories of manipulation and disinformation that you read about are delusional fantasies. Like that ""big tobacco"" nonsense. Because you know that some things are fake, you are willing to swallow any conspiracy story that confirms your opinion. - Trump's lies have been worse than any president in history, and far more blatant and appalling than any lies in the media. 40% of the US population was ready to ignore PHOTOGRAPHIC evidence from hundreds of thousands of people, and just accept anything that moron said. That is a huge problem. Many of them still believe he won the election. Many of them believe COVID was entirely a hoax. Many of them believe Bill Gates will microchip them with the vaccine. Many of them believe the goddamn earth is flat. - There is a huge race problem in america, and the fact that the media is finally reporting on it is a good thing. The media didn't create that. Oh so y’all don’t remember in 2001-2003 when they were putting up simulations of bunker buster bombs and basically showing how we’d kill Sadam like it was Call of Duty? Or how they embedded journalists and then those journalists refused to report on the awful behavior of soldiers. It’s been shit tier forever. I saw your name, and had to comment. Your post and username go hand in hand. 2112 is probably my favorite song/album of all time. Last year, almost every day for two or three months, I would blast it while driving home from taking my son to school in the mornings. The two are not mutually exclusive What would that help accomplish? What are you talking about? A chimp The name silver is bland. If it was named like SBDG Silver Balled Gorrilla? Now that name makes you want to go all in. Can we buy Chrome instead? How's bout FYPM True Shills I mean there's a lot more reason to like BB than GME as a long term play lol I got in NOK at like 5 bucks a share, just swept up in it, and I think I'm just gonna hold it for a long time. I legit like the stock and like NOK. Nok is the only company that actually looks good on paper. Amc took because kids are retarded and don’t even know nok is still a thing. Shitcoin shilling is an age old art. Sure, why not. Just make sure you're at the peak of the pump. Your risk is infinite though~ NFA Shorting is a dogshit play. Your upside is crap and shorting always has that infinite downside risk. Go with mid-long dated puts if anything. I'm personally not touching it. I don't view the risk as worth it and I don't want to be involved with whatever media/market manipulation bullshit they're pulling on it. Same, I cashed out and bought extra groceries. Thanks Citadel! I'm so glad you're helping out the little guy now! True, but that's futures for you sometimes. Safer to trade with cash than IOU's anyways >liberal media You'll find far more 'buy precious metals' ads on Fox and Newsmax than you will on CNN. Also, old people are far more likely to be conservative than liberal. It makes you wonder exactly who's been brainwashed … Flip a coin with sliver, How ever People do need to do their own research, How ever, With sliver be Some thing you can own, it might be worth it, but at the current price is a little high in my book, if the stock market were to crash it will go through the roof how ever. If you’ll believe it this one is *even worse* Someone asking a serious question, trying to educate themselves, gets a meme response. I get it, making fun of the newbie investor is fun, but why not transfer knowledge? This was 23 days ago. Today, I’m just diamond handsing straight to the moon Many people are still holding stock and they'll fight tooth and nail to try and get out of this situation in the positive. Some of them are themselves still confused, others are spreading confusion on purpose, latching on their Ponzi scheme to every possible social and political cause they can to give it more traction. Many of their enclaves look like a literal cult at this point and are surprisingly effective at sucking gullible people in. This is going to be seen as a disaster of massive proportions once those left with devalued stocks begin to understand that they are never getting their money back. The push against silver happened after the media picked up on it and then those were upvoted like crazy. You literally said there were no top posts promoting silver and I showed you one... WSB is basically downvoting anything that isn't HOLD GME, and anything against silver is immediately brought to the top. Oh don’t get me wrong I wasn’t attacking you. I’m agreeing. Just wanted to add they are similar so the misunderstanding without proper definition is an easy mistake to make. The only difference is the intent by definition that I see. They are similar. https://www.dictionary.com/browse/similar If you're my family he just ""tells it like it is"". Apparently I dont understand. Was Rex always like this? He used to host cross country checkup on CBC and I dont remember him being a right wing trumpet then. It's like don cherry all over again. As they age they get worse and more ""old man yells at cloud."" Oh…nothing more unnerving then the thought that the pretentious one deploying extemporaneous metaphors trying to impress the reader to believe he is so wise? In actuality it has the opposite effect on the reader. Why not both? Gold plated body/magazine/compass-in-the-stock, silver bullets What are you gonna do with that, hit the werewolf with the stock? No its not used in all circuitry and semiconductors. Most of circuits dont need gold contacts. Honestly dude im too stupid to make smart decisions.. But If I had room to hold corn or if corns were a bit smaller like i could fit 100k dollars worth in my closet and I thought ppl were hoarding it and manipulating the price then why would that be a bad Idea? Yeah. All the silver mines im currently invested in are bolstered by their gold and other minerals. Gobbling ass and C.O.C.K. now eh? Save some for the rest of us retarded ass gobbling apes please! Yeah, I'm not a doomsday prepper or anything This is reddit, where commenters have grandparents who were born in the 70's. Not to disrespect those living in 1932 but one could argue that the playing field was more fair in 1932. We also don’t generally starve anymore in the U.S. unless it’s just gross negligence. 1930s had way more potent manufacturing and agricultural sectors. You can't really compare the labor market today to the labor market then. fight after i ask my grandma for some tendies You mean they didnt have $1000 iphones and an internet forum to rant about how tough their life is? [deleted] that's a pretty good profit. If you sell half of them, you can reclaim your initial investment and have a bunch of ""free"" silver. But yeah, if you think it is overpriced, sell that shit. The price action over the last 10 years has been painfully boring. Yea we can impact short term prices but if daily volume is normal low then we should be able to move it much since we trade in small quantities, so yea we can impact the price but mabye Make it go 1% ineitger direction at best [deleted] sweet just looked em up. $3400 at jm bullion Consider they chose silver to drive up the price, to sell their assets, to cover the debt truck about to flatten them. So uh, where do we sign up to let them pay us to push different stocks on troll accounts? Cause like, that sounds super easy money to me. Not like these Reddit apes are gonna listen to the advice anyways. They’re all too stupid to sell GME.... I never understood people who took wsb stock shilling seriously anyway [deleted] I can't imagine the flood of posts that are being removed in this sub. It would be pretty interesting to see what posts are getting auto removed. I don’t doubt it’s a lot, but it would be interesting to see what it getting spammed now that there are definitely motivated parties who want to game the subreddit. Bro how could you see this and not claim conspiracy? Have they made this word that scary to most people? This is textbook conspiracy. Get together a publish a fake story about online people buying silver so old people will buy it. All the media is in on it. Textbook conspiracy. This has been happening for a week with a bunch of stocks. Everyone is freaking out over this one for some reason. And, to be fair, there was a long ass post on WBS about how SLV is going to be a big short squeeze. They found it and reported it. What's the mystery? Reddit hype just reached its apex. We're a fad. Pretty soon, people will get bored. Everyone is freaking out over SLV because of its ties to Citadel. The whole fund is owned by Black Rock. They own 13.2% of GME. Everyone needs to calm down and make money. Being alarmist/paranoid makes people anxious. That turns diamond hands to paper. The problem is that people **won't** come here to read it. They like their news and headlines fed to them like fast foot. Agreed. Which is why it's annoying that people are clutching their pearls in shock at the SLV story. There is news. It's based on facts. There is media. It's based on power and money calling the shots. CNBC is media. I wish I could understand this to reply. Not being a dink. I legit don't get your point. If you want to cry about market manipulation like this, why single out SLV. That shit was going on all last week with at least a dozen tickers. Analysts and media and dicks on Twitter lied about what Reddit was into. People bought a lot of pump 'n dump stocks that literally could not be mentioned on WSB because of posting guidelines. The chief post here about SLV was coherent and had research to back it. Media would assume it had validity over the rest of the posts here that just say a stock ticker name and have ten rockets. Retire next week or not at all You had me on the first half ngl but see. Like whats going on is bigger than us its ok to lose our precious stock subreddits for a month while this plays out. Secondly. GME has a fucking huge future. It'll hit $500 naturally in 3-5 years down the road with the turnaround going on through Cohen. By the same vein, any newbie investor who's interest has been piqued because of all this, attempting to educate themselves, gets meme answers and sarcastic responses to serious questions and gets belittled for not having a five year post history in any type of investment sub. It's pretty sad. R/thetagang is still sane, probably cus they’re selling options to all the wsb artists 😂 Wasn't around for that. Hear it was a shit show though. The stocks will drop eventually - short squeeze or not - people who got in late will get fucked. Media and hedge funds will take much joy in saying Reddit is dead. Then, hopefully, it will be business as usual. Worst case scenario though - they realize this is a place to advertise to retail investors basically. Post some decent research that supports their arguments and sway people. Basically, using this forum as a way to market manipulate - just like the media and ""research"" companies like Citron. I think new subreddits will have to be formed. Possibly private. I meant WSB. That's wut I wrote if articulate. Thanks 😊 No one was talking about a ton of shit last week. No one knew Reddit existed last week. There was a flood of stocks touted by the media. Lists of them. Look it up. I was getting stock reports with lists of them too. All those stocks popped. And there were people pushing stocks that literally could not be posted about on WSB. Using anonymity and the fact that there is no spokesperson to pump and dump bullshit stocks. Now throw 5 million new users in, add a media blitz on the stock. Everyone shows up and starts watching. SLV is one of about 15. It's the most recent one. Research it. All it takes is googling news stories about Reddit last week. You know what is more believable? 3 million bots flooding Reddit posting stock tickers and rockets for stocks that aren't GME that they already love. Way easier and more likely than a huge media campaign which, by the way, was based on the fact that there were posts on Reddit - some very articulate and researched by veteran members - that endorsed silver and SLV as a play. Sorry. No. Not saying someone can own 80% of all silver. I mean, it's possible, look at diamonds. Anyway, Citadel owns 0.5%-0.9% of the shares of the company SLV. That's around 3M shares, I believe. Shares are about $25. So $76M. Sounds like a lot. They lost $50BN in Gamestop.so far. It's nothing. No where in my comment did I say retail was doing that. I literally said it just makes sense that they have a lot invested in silver because it’s a common volatility hedge like gold Ohhhhh. Citadel is forcing CNBC and news media outlets to run stories about SLV so they can make their $70M position in SLV reach new highs while they're losing $50BN in another stock. Got it. Makes total sense. Yes. Someone is pushing it. Sure it's happening. Obviously. The question is who and why? Emotional responses to a stock based on a series of knee jerk assumption is naive. The fund is owned by Black Rock. They could be pushing it. The fund has investors who are larger than Capital. They could be pushing it. The silver industry could be pushing it - individual companies like mining companies. People holding big stores of silver could be pushing it. A group of investors could be. An analyst. A journalist who wanted a big story which is then echoed by a bunch of others. We've all seen that shit before on a variety of subjects. Killer bees. Giant hornets. Satanistic music. There was a very intelligent post about SLV on here recently. Of course, it was picked up by the media. SLV and Silver posts aren't brand new. The people here are - 5M more in a couple of days. Do a search for SLV and silver posts. You'll see a ton. There was also a ton of bullshit spouted online by journalists and on Twitter last week about a variety of stocks. I posted about it. No one gave a shit. This week, everyone is all over silver because of a 0.5% - 0.93% share owned by Capital (around $60M - which is nothing to them - especially when shitting billions of cash in their hedge fund pants). And then there's just the complexity of it. Capital has lots of holdings, but they're choosing SLV? The motivation is to create a distraction according to people. What's easier? Creating a media blitz across multiple platforms for a stock that hasn't gotten much attention? Or using one of the 15 popular stocks that are always mentioned on here and creating interest on those. A groupthink pile of people (most of whom don't even know how stocks work) have decided, with no evidence, and conclusively, exclusive of any other possibility, that Capital is pushing SLV to distract Reddit and/or profit off of the companies tiny amount of shares. Based on what? Seriously. Why is that theory the one that is winning? Because of confirmation bias. That's as naive as it gets. It's one thing to turn a blind eye to what is obvious. It's way worse to decide you know exactly what's going on without proof because you're anxious about a big bet you made on a single stock. Capital didn't need to distract Reddit. Reddit did it to itself with this shit. So they'll what? Take a bigger position in SLV based on some plan to pump and dump it instead of trying to mitigate their massive loss on GME? They're liquidating assets to cover their gaping mistake right now. Using money and labor to orchestrate documented short ladders to drop GME price. Is all this possible, sure. Occam's razor. It's not the simplest explanation. It's not their simplest solution to the problem. But it’s not this sub, which is what the media is saying or implying. “Reddit users switch from gme to silver” is fake news and garbage. No one is “switching”. Different more braindead bot (and smaller in number) Redditors are probably pushing silver, but not this smoothbrained group at WSB. I'm not sure what you're saying here but I never owned any GME if you're addressed me, and regardless of any outcome on silver the metal, it doesn't change anything about how increasing the value of certain materials can empower certain people we don't necessarily want empowered, like brutal dictators. He's way more than just a shitty person dude. I wasn't aware sarcasm is challenging to navigate. I'll keep it simpler. ""regular people can't buy silver"" was what you said. I can purchase silver and have it delivered to myself right now. It's not expensive. It's $29/oz. A shorted stock is not a put - literally, all you have to do is just click the link I gave you. It's not a debate. You're just wrong. You have no source to show that Citadel holds shorts and shares. Quit typing, you silly silly man. You don't make any sense. Wow you're so misinformed. Probably a boomer that still thinks a savings account is a viable option, with your 0.001% interest. To think that they halted trading purely based off of that is pure stupidity; do you not realise that the hedge funds shorted the stock (the most shorted stock in history), stonks only go up, and now they're fucked trying to cover their arses. I'm sorry but if you can't see that, you are either heavily misinformed, or just cannot comprehend what's going on. Boomers, can't change em. Lol I'm crying into my money. You live up to your name >Trump's initial travel ban only applied to Chinese citizens. I wasn't talking about only China. I was talking about the wall he was building and banning people from the middle east. Start somewhere. Then people won't come here and spread their diseases. Agreed. Sounds like they did hours of research into those 100 headlines... Show me one example where a company simply issued more shares without first taking care of the existing shareholders? > So many Americans think we have no propoganda in this country. So the propaganda has worked! Toss ""A People's history of the United States"" by Howard Zinn In there. Has issues? Sure. Read it then dive deeper and make your own decisions. I've been posting both sources here for 14 years, hopefully some freaks read them and are voting every. single. time. It's the least you can do. Americans are so fucking stupid that we elected a dip shit who found the world ""propaganda"" too complex and opted to coin the term ""fake news."" Freedom to facism....documentary will blow your minds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's called MSM. is Cramer screaming buy, buy, buy today? I don't think anyone has applied the term ***oeuvre*** to Chomsky ;) Lol right, but Chomsky is still a bit of a shill, read Parenti and Chomsky for a bit of balance. Yeah this is more important than that other crap they're talking about. My man You've piqued my interest ""dark background and light text"" add-on for firefox. no others work that don't slow it down. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/dark-background-light-text/ It's on chrome also but who uses that spyware. No, it would have acted as a foundation and an expectation that grew with the medium. What we have now is a result of abandoning standards, not in spite of it. Nah. There would have been a place for real honest news instead of a bunch of local Fox affiliates all heading the exact same story. But boomers are the ones saying that “MSM lies!!!” and all that right-wing conspiracy nonsense. It does though... We’re in the dark PBS is still basically required to follow the fairness doctrine, same as NPR as far as I'm aware Source. The ironic thing is that the *BuzzFeed News* side of BuzzFeed actually does some good, in-depth reporting. I was surprised given their general penchant for fluffy listicles. Nah the media has always lied to the masses. But thanks to the information age giving us the ability to see information happen in real time, we can see their bullshit spin and outright lies... At least when they contradict our beliefs. The past political season has shown people will believe anything if it confirms their own beliefs. Oh hey, antisemitic bullshit. Whaddaya know. Who runs the banks, media and Hollywood? [deleted] That’s media saturation to help hide any valuable information the masses might receive. It was the only 4 years in my lifetime, that a president was constantly fact checked in real-time. Obama was just as full of shit but the media loved him so.... No... bad dannyEL. >Ignore these people that died after taking it btw, you want to go back to work right? Ironic that you eat up this kind of fake news on a comment criticizing how the media lies... I think you clearly missed the point of what I was saying, and I don't argue with people who like to argue. Have a nice day. [deleted] Keep in mind not everyone here was alive for that or old enough to pay attention. But yes that is also a good example. Information manipulation and religious devotion have been the top manipulators in human history. I was in 3rd grade for 9/11 lmao You are one helluva dad, I can tell already! Break up the oligopoly in U.S. media God damnit that’s sexy [removed] not really. BB is shifting. GME is shifting one into EV one into PC parts Fuck silver, only idiots are buying silver thinking they can short squeeze something that is mined daily Because I actually didn’t know the answer, but I do KNOW that as someone who is not registered as a financial broker of any kind, me and this guy can comment however we like about whatever stock we like, and we don’t even have to say “this is not financial advice”. LEGALLY MOON GME EAT THE RICH Somebody else also answered with the correct answer as well this one just got more points because it’s funny Go read, the knowledge is literally all around you. He isn't giving you a PHD based on a comment/ question.... I didn't say literally say that, i said the vast majority are against it. You said there were multiple with high upvotes and awards. There isn't. Theres only one which you showed. You're wrong. Get over it Which makes them very different. By calling disinformation misinformation, it adds the possibility that their actions lack intent. It's like calling a square a rectangle, it's technically correct but leaves out some critically important information. First of all, intent to goes along way. Secondly, intent isn't the only difference. A person can be misinformed by coming to the wrong conclusions based on their own deductions. Another person need not misinform them. There's a huge difference between the two, you're just being stubborn. Because gold is too malleable Yes, and both are shiny which = a good investment in my books But I'm literally shitting crayon fragments as I type this so what the fuck do I know. [deleted] Right. So there’s really nowhere for silver to go but up. The question is just “when”. I don’t buy short term volatility. I’m in this as a lifelong small gains investment and will likely cash out for retirement. That might be 500% or it might be 5000%. Either way I’m good. Well I thought the whole point of buying precious metals was for that reason GME volume is now up to ~20B daily, or 4x the total silver market volume. We do not trade in small quantities when a significant portion of our focus turns in one direction. You are heavily overestimating the stability of the silver market. Today's silver volume is going to skyrocket on retail buying the news hype. Not easy to cash in pslv you need like 25k shares minimum but they do back up each share with silver in their vault unlike slv I think it requires a *huge* order (10,000 oz minimum) to [redeem PSLV](https://sprott.com/investment-strategies/physical-bullion-trusts/how-to-redeem/#) for physical, but all Sprott shares are actually backed by the real thing unlike SLV. My bars are in storage but you can see a lot of silver porn at /r/silverbugs. THIS IS WHAT'S HAPPENING!!! Robinhood? > Not being a dink. I legit don't get your point. I legit don't believe you. It was pretty clear. He said ""nobody gives a fuck about silver"", we all know he meant ""nobody is suggesting to get SLV"" but then you posted a reply saying (effectively) ""then people should stop posting about it"". But the posts are about the fact people are lying about silver, not silver itself. He didn't mean that nobody gives a fuck that people are lying about reddit wanting silver, of course they give a fuck about that, as they should. If you can't understand that difference then I can't help you. That's my point, if you can't understand that you aren't worth talking to. That is still a vast improvement over just retire not at all, which is what I had going for me before! I see! Thanks for clearing it up. I was countering your position on you saying silver was a hedge against market volatility.... You're still basing your entire argument on the idea that they're pushing silver *to profit off silver.* Which is irrelevant. Citadel doesn't actually care about the price of silver, that is irrelevant. What they do care about is the 6 million new subscribers/investors jumping on the GME bandwagon with🧻🙏. The point is to get people out of GME and tank the price. What easier way then advertise SLV, one of the most widely traded commodities the world over, as the ""next short squeeze"" or the new ""Reddit stock."" Pull out your gains, invest in the next https://youtu.be/r07Gg92YjOI This is the video of Cramer describing HF tactics. If you don't believe they are using every avenue available to help themselves, including ""fake news"" and Social media influences, then I have a house to sell you. He flat out says they lie to the media. It's not a conspiracy when everyone knows you do it. Honestly, it's kind of suspect that you would believe Citadel and **every GME short** *isn't* doing this and using whatever other channel available. A HF'S entire point of being is to make money. Not doing so would be antithetical to their entire existence. While the same tactic may be being used by other entities, it is downright silly to believe these aren't targeted towards the 6 million(plus) new members/new investors since this madness begin. How many people know of GME as the Reddit stock? And honestly the only people on WSB pushing silver are new users and accounts that have been inactive for a few months. Pretty much across the board the posters with extensive WSB history are saying ""Fuck silver, GME/AMC to the MOON!"" So no, wsb is not tricking itself into buying silver. But all the new, inexperienced investors who hear Reddit are. Personally I've been long silver since 2016(I'm in possession of around 140oz, but my father, a commodities and eventually stock broker in the 80s, has been gifting his kids silver for Christmas for *years.*) i think silver might eventually break 08 highs. I do not believe it will be a result of any make believe squeeze. And as I told you, I'm not gambling on anything. I lucked into my position and will hold just to see whats up. But without a doubt these people are flinging shit at a wall to see what sticks. Distraction is easy, Americans don't have long attention spans and too many are confused by causation and correlation. But again believing these people aren't manipulating every aspect they can control is naive and ridiculous > But it’s not this sub >but not this smoothbrained group at WSB. Do you even know where you are Do you expect me to sit here saying everything wrong with him to satisfy you? He sucks, but that doesn't excuse shit that the media does. [deleted] [deleted] [removed] Post history reveals you're a complete troll, who also hasn't even owned a house before, yet is making condescending comments about finances and investing and bragging about their success. Maybe develop some awareness about your baseless self-assuredness. It's completely transparent. Lmao, I just got to the part with your portfolio, you're seriously getting cocky about having 3k invested that's worth what, $10k now it looks like? And all in meme stocks...no ETFs or index funds, smart. Just...lmao. Get some humility dude, you have no experience whatsoever and are rolling all over Reddit treating people like shit because you bought into euphoria and it hasn't yet spilled over into disillusionment and bargaining. You haven't even been in the market long enough to experience loss of individual plays turning bad, or in long bear markets. And then you're posting shit like: >If you saw my bank account, you'd be jealous, trust me🥰🥰🥰 Thanks for the laugh. People who are successful don't behave like this, because their success is self-evident and fulfilling enough. If you require insulting other people, basically as your personality if your post history is any indication, it's a sign of someone's life being significantly lacking. I know many people worth 7 figures, some worth 8, I've literally *never* heard them be douchey about their success or insult other people like this. I am talking about the critical phase in the beginning of the pandemic, when he instituted a travel ban that only applied to Chinese citizens but allowed everyone else to travel back and forth to China. It was after that disastrous travel ""ban"" that the pandemic really took hold in the U.S. > I was talking about the wall he was building He built 47 miles of wall. That's it. And, no, Mexico did not pay for it. He declared a fake national emergency and stole money from the military to pay for it. If Trump was so fucking effective at stopping the virus, why did 440,000 Americans die? Yeah, that’s a huge data set. Must have taken tens of minutes (even for a Big Brain like him). Just Google stock dilution my friend Propaganda is the ultimate weapon of any large society. WWII really highlighted this on both sides of the conflict. Every single world power was built on propaganda. I remember being like 18ish and watching good will hunting and being like “I’m totally gonna buy those books will said are the right books” kinda cringe but hey I ended up reading both manufacturing consent and people’s history. Would recommend Zinn is a mega idiot propagandist. Yeah....USA sucks ass....worst racism....white supremacy....no chance for advancement....and yet look at who’s sayinf this. Nuff said. Do your research as suggested. We can’t hold the dimbasses hands. Y’all gotta learn on your own. You’ll never see things the same again.....especially politics and msm. Doing the good work I didn't vote this time because I was genuinely afraid of what bkth sides would do. Biden/Harris are both super pro war and ""tough on crime"" which are 2 huge issues for me as a voter/citizen. It seems like its become a hyper partisan game along liberal/conservative lines. But everyone has forgotten about the authoritarian/libertarian part of the political compass. Zinn was great! You should read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winners_Take_All:_The_Elite_Charade_of_Changing_the_World Wilson Bryon Key: Age of Manipulation While we’re at it, Paul Joseph Goebbels Shit book. Deceptive title. Its because we don't believe in propaganda. But obviously fake news is real. Right? Also the book, Debt It was an old Zach galifianakis stand up routine... between after he did “out cold” but well before “the hangover”... clearly no men of culture are on Reddit tonight. So much this. Instead of trying to innovate a system that would continue the spirit on into newer technologies and mediums, the spirit behind that law was entirely abandoned. This sends a message regardless of how effective the policy itself actually was. Boomers also aren't a cohesive group. Broken clocks are right twice a day. The MSM does lie. They lie a lot. Go look it up it’s not hard to find out who owns all these news organizations. They try to umbrella them under corporations but they all lead back to 5 people. And why your at looking up who those 5 are look into who the managers are of most of these major so called news outlets and their ties to government. Almost everyone of these news outlets like cnn msnbc abc nbc New York post New York Times on and on have top management people that are married to high level people inside the government and mainly tied to the Clinton bush and Obama administrations.. these really are not so called news organizations but government propaganda arms. [removed] [removed] He's a genius GTFO with this ""both sides are the same"" shit. Many critiques of Obama are valid but acting like he told blatant lies at the same rate as Trump is completely false. Its not like the entire media loved Obama, Fox News exists and they were more than happy to point out when he lied Nah, man. It's different. All politicians lie, we know this. But Trump lied habitually. He lied even when it didn't make sense to lie. The real-time fact-checking was a necessity. Which media? Because they don't move as one in America, contrary to what you seem to think lol. You really think that's where they draw the line? Who verifies it's fake? Until reports like those come out, the narrative is completely opposite and even when it does, it never dominates the headlines. Ask yourself who stands to lose if it did and you'll be less of a sheep. I'll explain it to you more clearly, since you need a slower discussion: blue or red have nothing to do with the last 4 years. If Trump was a democrat, I would have made the exact same comment. This is not ""an administration that lied"". This is a level of lying that has never existed in the history of the country, by miles and miles and miles. Telling the world he had the biggest inaugural crowd size of all time. Then when confronted with photographic evidence, claiming the evidence was fake. Then doubling down on more lies to back the original lie that clearly was dead wrong. Then drawing on a fucking hurricane map with a sharpie. Lying about a damn hurricane trajectory because he refused to admit his original error. Just lies, lies lies. And finally, the last 4 months of blatant lies about the election. You have to be a Trump supporter that fell for all of these lies, to call this ""just another administration"". You are one of the suckers. And I truly do hope you eventually realize that. Cite your source, brother. Happy to show you how your claim turned into a conspiracy theory. Shit the entire run up to the Iraq war. Not sure that's an lmao kinda thing, but okay. Well, Zeppelin is his favorite band at 8 years old. So, at least I’m doing one thing right. Your username makes me uncomfortable. Lol PC part stores are doing so well. Please. One is moving to the future one is a desperate attempt to persist. “Both are shifting” doesn’t mean both are shifting equally The correct answer is higher up now. u/Western-Kangaroos TO THE MOON 🤠🦘 Me: ""Because there are multiple posts on WSB in the last few weeks that are top of the karma list promoting silver."" Your reply to that specific comment. ""**No there isnt.** The vast majority are promoting against it"" The second part of your comment is correct. The first part is a lie. [deleted] Okay, you are right. So we can end it there. I used the wrong word in my reply to you. I apologize guy. You just plate it in gold, but that’s more of a show piece because the plating will wear quickly. You use titanium nitride which looks exactly like gold and is extremely tough. No, you're just a dumbarse. It has virtually no uses outside of contacts, which the vast majority of circuits don't need. Pipe down, dipshit, stop talking like you know anything Yeah I agree Nope Again we do buy in small quantities, if everyone on wsb bought with 1000(which is a vast overstatement) then we have a buying power of 7 billion, that is nothing to 194 billion dollar market What’s that? ( /s because someone WILL miss the sarcasm) You're right. I'm not worth talking to. Take care. You're the best. I’m saying when the market is volatile or scared, silver and gold go up. What did you say that disputes that? It always has been though. You can’t take the asset class’s movements over the last 7 days as an indicator of its broader market use. Great response. For real. And I respect you even mentioning that you hold silver. That's honest AF when it could be used against you in an argument. The couple problems I see with your conceit. Why the fuck would Citadel pick some random new stock to pump when there are like 15 that everyone is foaming at the mouth here daily? Way easier/faster to push one of those. Or all of them. Shit, if they bought 2M shares of NOK, everyone would forget GME exists, race to NOK. It would moon and they'd sell. Distraction and profit. And why pick the one stock owned by Black Rock, a competitor who owns 13.2% of GME? You pump their stock, they make money and use it to stop your GME short sell. You're donating to the competition. It's a weird choice. Plus there were 5-10 stocks last week that were fake hyped and attributed to Reddit. No one was up in arms then. They're up in arms now when the stock ins't going to the moon. It's anxiety. And I get people think we're a big deal. But believing your own hype is suicide. We hold a FRACTION of the shares that institutions have. The top ten alone have 40M shares. They could sell and end the squeeze tomorrow (if they haven't already). You think Citadel is worried about some kid buying 12 shares of SLV instead of GME? To your other point, SLV is a good investment right now. It's used in fabricating almost every green/5G tech. It's a commodity when we're looking at a lot of inflation and a depression. Boomer, conservative stock reports were saying to invest at $25 long to get to $50. That was a year ago. So when it got hyped, it was the first actual hype that makes sense. Hyping a stock worth $20 to $500 doesn't make sense like buying silver at $25 does. And SLV and silver were talked about here all the time. Obviously, you're aware it makes sense as an investment (and yes, your silver will at least double on the next year or two, IMO). So the press picks up a smart bit or research that was posted, sees other posts (there were a bunch, search SLV or silver - you'll see them all). They broadcast it. Others follow suit. It makes actual sense as a play unlike half the nonsense that keeps getting pumped here bc people think rockets are neat-o and big data is cool. Easy echo chamber. You don't need Machiavelli pulling the strings. This shit is naturally occurring. I’m literally saying the people at wsb are not pushing/switching to silver like the media is saying. Idc where I am. Truth is truth in this sub or that sub Honestly can’t believe I posted here. Ban me pls :( He sucked in a way that sold them views, No, but the way you presented things is such that it comes off defending him and his actions. He didn't just suck, he's an absolutely corrupt egotistical fuck who would rather throw our country into chaos with his cult-like following than step down from power he lost fairly. Oh boy. You want to do some semantic funsies? Ok. Here's what you said. > Every major financial player owns silver. Guess who doesn’t? Regular people. Shorts aren't listed on that link you sent. [Fintel doesn't provdie up to date short information.](https://fintel.io/ss/us/slv) K. Thanks. Bye. I love how you say that there's 'nothing to be learned' from older generations; but do you remember what happened in 2008? Please inform yourself and know what you're actually talking about before commenting on something, trust me, you'll feel a lot smarter after it! Say that to my portfolio mate😂😂. Good argument as well, you must be extremely knowledgeable to come up with such an astounding argument, please continue and explain please. You're literally the spitting image of someone who reads the title of a Facebook post, and then confirms that as your argument, fucking spaz. Keep being jealous. I love how you base everything around my post history, some people live a life outside of Reddit you know? Also, the fact you did, shows just how much of a sad life you must have. You're saying I'm dumb for owning these stocks, yet all I've seen is green, green and green; I'd love to see your positions. Also, imagine bragging about owning index funds and ETF's... 'Oh look at me I know what I'm doing because I got shares in SLVR and S&P 500, and have a 4% yearly gain, WHOOPY'. Go invest your life savings in a savings account you fucking boomer. I will admit, I am a rookie, but I saw a potential in rising stocks and now it's trending worldwide (GME). Also, I invested in BB not because of 'the memes', but because I believe they are a heavily undervalued company, with lots of potential for the future. They have done deals to work with Amazon, 100's, possibly 1000's of mobile phone patents (intangible assests) to be sold, already sold some to Huawei, and they are working with over 70% of the top 25 electric car manufacturers to develop the software included in these cars; oh an cyber security. I don't think the women illegal aliens raped and killed were fake. There are criminals that are sent away and return to cause more harm. >If Trump was so fucking effective at stopping the virus, why did 440,000 Americans die? I didn't know Trump was in control of your frontal lobe. Individuals need to learn to make decisions for their own good. Stop waiting for daddy Trump to control your life for you, loser. >Chinese citizens but allowed everyone else to travel back and forth to China. That's because the virus came from Wuhan China. Is the president suppose to be God and predict where it's coming from next? Holy crap. You're a disaster of an abomination mate. An absolute travesty. I really hope you're not an American. Holy crap, thanks for that. Just another example of stock market being a giant government sanctioned pyramid scheme that our entire economy somehow depends on. Why is this comment propaganda? >The accolade belongs instead to the unreconstructed, anti-American Marxist Howard Zinn, whose cartoon anti-history of the United States is still selling 128,000 copies a year twenty years after its... My god. you're right. I mean actually right! Yes Howard zinn is garbage and basically unanimously denounced by actual historians. No see you have to look it up because you need to prove your claim. Telling me to go look it up is suspect. Shows you have no credible evidence to support what you say. [removed] no need to feel threatened It is both sides for fucks sake. It's more than just simple divide and conquer, they divide using different tactics to divide us even more. This whole ""well this side is better"" bullshit is the actual thing fucking this country. No, ""your"" side all are equal pieces of shit That's my point. Nobody has real-time fact checked a president until Trump and it was stupid shit he lied about mostly like more agrandizing than lying. He'd say something in every speech like, ""look it the best thing or biggest thing ever been done"" and everyone with a brain knew it wasn't the biggest or best in our time, so it was a lie but I'm making the point that before and even after him, the media chose to NOT real-time fact check any president. Remember you have premium Healthcare you can keep your plan? Remember mission accomplished? Presidents were never fact checked before... I’m saying the line is faded. 300 something out of millions or more vaccinated is not what you are implying. IDK a the actual totals as of today. From what I do know though is that any deaths in proximity to being vaccinated are not directly related to the vaccine in its entirety. Some people shouldn’t get vaccines because of health concerns for one. If you don’t know you will likely have adverse effects. You could say the same about every drug or pill out there. I’m not saying it is right I’m not saying it is wrong. However based on what information I’ve seen it is a normality. Not some massive population control or whatever other conspiracy theory people have concocted. In all honesty though you have a choice to or not to take it. If you are immunocompromised you shouldn’t get vaccinated. I could go on but I really don’t feel like debating the issue. You can prove to yourself that that news is fake. Or at least it’s implication. Did people die after taking the vaccine? Yeah Did people die even after *not* taking the vaccine? Yeah Please give me a quantitative analysis of the increased risk of mortality from taking the vaccine. Then maybe I’ll believe you. Until then, I’m going to trust the PhDs based on the fact that mankind has produced literally hundreds of safe vaccines. Monica lewinsky, Iran, Watergate, Teapot Dome, Whiskey ring, and Andrew Johnson. Insulting my intelligence does not make you right. ""This is not ""an administration that lied"". This is a level of lying that has never existed in the history of the country, by miles and miles and miles."" I'm going to go out on a limb and say lying about crowd sizes is bad, but it's not miles and miles out. What do you say we stop showing off our intellectual cocks just so we can feel smart, ya? I would be willing to put any of those 6 against what trump did. I think he makes the list but it's not something that blows history out of the water. It's just a part of it. [removed] Even the History channel stopped with it's nevur forgat!11!!!!1 nonsense 10 years ago. Move on with your life are you dumb? microcenter 25 stores 2.5 Billion... Jeez you're actually stupid looked through your history. Show me the multiple posts promoting silver with high upvotes and awards Only one of those posts is 14k all the others are sub 10. Thats not a huge amount of upvotes. Wrong again That was my very first comment in this thread. Yeah I know, I just read gold rather than gold-plated as it turns out I must be dyslexic. One of my teachers had an almost pure gold ring (I think it was 22 carat or something insanely high). She caught it during a chemistry lesson and it literally ripped Prices do not move equal to the % addition to the market cap, and people would be buying leveraged positions primarily. A 7 billion influx into silver, and let's say a decent chunk of that is in options and futures, would absolutely cause a large increase in price. gold, yeah it's more reliable. Silver? not so much. It's way more volatile than gold. [deleted] [deleted] I'll check in on you in a month. We'll talk about portfolios then. Race to the bottom is on. > I don't think the women illegal aliens raped and killed were fake. Gawd, you really have your head up the OANN ass pretty deep. Don't look underneath your bed now, there might be a scary Mexican rapist hiding there. Fun fact. U.S. citizens are 2.5 times more likely to commit crimes than illegal immigrants: https://news.wisc.edu/undocumented-immigrants-far-less-likely-to-commit-crimes-in-u-s-than-citizens/ > That's because the virus came from Wuhan China Are you braindead? Trump allowed tens of thousands of Americans and other citizens to freely travel to and from China. Are you claiming the virus only travels in Chinese bodies? It is literally because of people like you that Trump supporters have become the laughing stock of the world. You are so fucking stupid, which explains why you are living with your parents or stuck in dead end careers. Then you get angry and frustrated and have to blame it on someone instead of taking responsibility for your own personal failures. Who to blame it on? tHE ScaRy cHInEsE anD mExicANs. For claiming to be members of a superior race, you guys sure are imbeciles. It's pop history, not r/askhistorians are ***you*** an actual historian? Oh no, leftists infiltrating the DNC? Damn son, It'll always be Burma to me also. I still use Burma Shave!https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burma-Shave Bring back mccarthyism you say? Fuck that why not go full on fill up Madison square gardens with Nazis and beat a Jew on stage? Again. MAFA! No half measures! https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/images/US/new-york-nazis-1938-long-island-german-american-bund-2.jpg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2-E5DHQMbY Not at all Do your DD and stop Relying on everyone else to show you the facts [removed] > Remember you have premium Healthcare you can keep your plan? Remember mission accomplished? Presidents were never fact checked before... If you can’t see the difference between these standard political white lies and the deranged type of lies that Trump pushed, then I don’t know what else to say. Trump pushed baseless conspiracies, calling for his rivals to be locked up. That shit was dangerous. He also made it his mission to insult and undermine trust in the media. Of course they were going to fact check him. He created this environment. This wasn’t some kind of grand liberal conspiracy to besmirch Trump. Anyone who wasn’t part of the cult knew he was a narcissistic compulsive liar, the exact type of person that becomes an authoritarian demagogue. I mean, it’s quite telling that even after leaving office, Trump is still going around pushing election fraud lies. So yeah, fact check the fuck out of him. Christ. Nobody had to fact check a president in real time before Trump! It's funny because I didn't ask you to believe anything, just question. You can declare your undying trust for them, doesn't matter to me. Whether or not you do is completely up to you. Ok, great. Let's take the first one. Monica Lewinsky. Clinton lied about it right? Now that's a lot like Trump lying about Stormy Daniels or the dozens of other girls he lied about. But is it ANYTHING like his lie about the inaugural crowd size? Nope, not even close. Clinton asked for the definition of sexual relations. When the definition did not include oral sex, he said that he did not have sexual relations with her. But I'll give it to you as a lie. This was a story between two people, neither of whom were admitting it. The only evidence was a third hand report from Linda Tripp. The inauguration crowd size was a huge public spectacle recorded by THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE and EVERY SINGLE MEDIA OUTLET. And Trump blatantly lied about that and told you to accept his word instead of the reality before your eyes. Do you see how fucking different that is? And how you would need to be a complete moron to accept his word? And how he turned much of the public, including you, into that kind of complete moron? Now if you want to talk about damaging, there has been no greater lie to threaten the integrity of the nation, than his election lies. He obviously lost that election, by a lot, to any SANE observer. But he continued to blatantly lie, over and over and over and over and claim to have won by a landslide. Now if you all believe that the election was stolen, what the hell would you do? You would take over the country, it only makes sense. That is sedition. It is far worse than any lies told by any president, in the history of the country. The fact that you cannot see any of this is quite scary. You just proved my point very well, thank you. Your only evidence for a vast and pervasive conspiracy theory involving a large industry paying every news organization to shill for it (involving thousands of journalists) is this: ""It's not something I even have to prove"". Ok. You went full conspiretard. Never go full conspiretard. If ""big tobacco"" controls the press, why is tobacco so regulated and so taxed? Why are there a million negative articles about tobacco in the press? Hmmmm. Um, seems like you're really not getting the point. It's not that 9/11 was sacred. It's the the media covered it in a way that was essentially a disinformation campaign used by string pullers to create an outcome that they wanted, it continued with the entire Bush Regime and Iraq war. Then throughout the 2008 financial crisis. And once again without the Trump punching bag, they have moved back towards attacking actual progressives and normal people for wanting to be more than wage slaves. Explain to me why GameStop moving into an already crowded market is a good strategy versus Blackberry trying to became the power player in a new market. Or, continue with ad hominem and parrot the shit you read without critically thinking To be honest I didn’t realize until I went back single comment thread and re read it. Yes but it follows gold. Small increase in gold, large increase in silver, but the inverse is also true. Silver is used for short term hedging. Gold is the long term. Look what happened when the market crashed in March. Silver took a hard dip because it was unprecedented but when people got their wits it shot up again, then steady decline while the markets got stronger Lol. You're adorable. Bye bye now. Not to boot lick by stoking your ego but you like a good source of perspective. I see similar trends as you have described in regards to hedge funds intending to exit the bubble and leave retail “holding the bags.” I’m at an earlier point in my investment strategy than I imagine you are so I don’t mind taking additional risk. What do you see, from your perspective, as some ways to take advantage of the surplus of under-informed and speculative/easily manipulated by groupthink retail investors. I'm not going for 0, my goal is to get -80% by the end of the year! >Fun fact. U.S. citizens are 2.5 times more likely to commit crimes than illegal immigrants Ignoring the Americans that died to illegal aliens is precisely what I expected. I'm not going to even read the rest of your shit. You're a piece of garbage and would sooner defend a hostile extraterrestrial alien race than our own innocent people. You're scum. McCarthyism 2.0 would be amazing because you see my man that the Nazi’s were socialists and the fascists are a type of........ socialists. And don’t you know it, shit always begins and ends with mass murder and economic collapse with those people. Did Howard Zinn talk about that in the book? “🤡Pop history” 😂😂😂 GTFOOH. I’m not doing your work. I don’t believe what you’re saying. Cause it’s bullshit. And so too are you. Don’t want to prove what you claim is true? Fuck off then, this world doesn’t need shit birds mucking up the knowledge pool with another, “I heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend who heard it from another that your full of shit.” [removed] TDS still has a heavy hold on the masses I see... he's gone, you can look at the good things and the bad things he did now. He can't hurt you anymore. He did do some good work for the nation. It's okay to admit it. Lol, ok Q. Thanks for getting me to “question” things. Mission accomplished. Great job. This my friend is why I don't bother. I think you may have read the first word of my response and then blew your load. You missed the other 5 very ground breaking lies from presidents. I would have gone for Iran myself, little harder to crack but more impactful. Would have landed better. But we can't all be ambitious. Take care. Ah yeah I misread your comment, we agree that the media is utter bullshit. Crowded by who? The only retail store that sells PC parts and has anywhere near good reach is Best Buy. ornamental gourd futures again? Translation = ""I have no factual counterarguments."" Have you ever considered getting help for your mental health problems? Then maybe you can do something useful with your life. Wowsers. I don’t give a fuck if you believe it or not. I’m Not gonna dig into all the research I did 3 years ago to prove what you can do if you actually want truth. I would have to search through gobs of information to find the stories on all the people in government ties to these news organizations. Don’t have time for that shit especially to prove to 1 person who doesn’t want truth anyways and has cnn stuck up his ass! Maybe you should change your name because truth about these media companies isn’t that hard to find. I did my research do yours! Don’t rely on me for your facts actually do Some research! [removed] I'm not sure how this addresses the content of my comment... Yes TDS is very real and afflicts millions of Trump Supporters. You know you sound deranged, right? You sound like you are personally insulted by criticism of Trump, pretty much exactly the same way a stupid child would act around his beloved daddy. You didn’t even address a single thing the other guy said. You know all of us here look at that and think either “this guy realizes that he’s wrong and can’t figure out what to say” or “this Trump cultist is so fucking stupid that he literally can’t even read”. Which one do you think we should go with? > Ok, great. Let's take the first one. I'm not going to meticulously go through dozens of examples, it wouldn't be required if you weren't indoctrinated by a cult. You used that example, if you can't defend it don't bring it up. It’s not just retail sellers that crowd a market in 2021. They are in direct competition with e-commerce Buy high and sell a few weeks before Halloween, perfect Labeling someone mentally ill over the internet is lazy. Holy shit you are just checking every box in the fallacy book aren't ya? Pathetic. I’m sorry, I must have misinterpreted the antifa like dogwhistle “mafa” and mentioning that you like Howard zinn... LOL “it’s not hard to find” “I’d have to search through gobs of information to find these (stories).” You are absolute garbage. The only truth I see is you are bullshit. Years ago you did “research” and now you felt the need to reply to me insisting you knew something. And tell ME to find YOUR “truth.” Your weak sauce cause you got no source. You got nothing and want to attack me cause you know you’ve got nothing. See I know because I’ve dealt with shitbirds like you before. All opinion, no fact. [removed] It doesn't. He has no rebuttal so he refers to a made up ""disease"" I'd go with... not gaslighting and projecting your leftie hate on me. You weren't involved originally and I was done with the discussion but sometimes people have to jump into a conversation hours later like a senile, old geriatric that doesn't understand how time or other basic things work. Kind of like the new president. Thanks for playing and goodnight. You literally believe in conspiracy theories. The facts clearly show that U.S. citizens are 2.5 times more likely to commit crimes than illegal immigrants, yet you are afraid of illegal immigrants raping you. That is a form of paranoid delusional behavior. Stating this is factual not ""labeling."" Get help, then you can have a real career and won't have to blame your failures and frustrations on the scary Mexicans and Chinese. Wait what do you think mafa means? It's Maga mega Mafia. Gets you .05% off a stay at trump resorts. notice the 88 M's maek a Q? get with the new platferm. Zinn added up then divided iq newQ (34534#) Were; bioling out of mara largo soon. .Trump News Network line ahead It’s not my truth. Do some damn research like I did. I have thousands of pictures and articles from different things I’m not gonna dig fir hours and hours to find the articles I saved 3 years ago 🤦‍♀️. Fact is you don’t want to look for truth. You want to spew cnn garbage and pretend it’s truth she’ll you probably still believe trump was colluding with Russia 🤣🤣🤣 Sorry buddy, you forfeited your right to bitch about gaslighting when you spent the last four years supporting the biggest gaslighter on the planet. I don't hate you, I just think you have very little capacity for rational thought. I'd be happy to watch you prove me wrong but I won't hold my breath. Fuck everything you do politically, and fuck you for doing it. This number means nothing. The 2.5 times number is made up to paint a picture in your head and treat foreigners like victims. Be my guest and trust illegals all you want. Let them sleep in your bed room for all I care. Ok so absolutely not like 0.0% but I respect those jokes, definitely funny lol It’s official you are a deflecting idiot. I DON’T BELIEVE WHAT YOU CLAIM IT’S FAKE IT’S BULLSHIT HIVE MIND REVERIES YOU ABSOLUTELY DELUSIONAL CONSPIRACY NUT. Maybe I should talk to you like a child so your infantile mind can understand the words I am typing into this post? I’m not going to look for something that doesn’t exist. Not to mention it’s not on me to prove your point you mind fucked imbecile. Russia has even SAID that Trump was an asset BTW one they groomed for years. https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/29/trump-russia-asset-claims-former-kgb-spy-new-book See that? That’s a fucking source you phallic shit stopper. Get your head out of your brothers ass and do YOUR due diligence. Instead of regurgitating Facebook propaganda like a damn zombie being kited by those who don’t have your best interest in mind. You are a rube. Wake up. That's hilarious 😆🤣 Fuck everything I do politically and fuck me for doing it? What am I doing beyond trying to reach a middle ground with the opposition? I am trying to posit an idea that was plain to see but you don't want to visualize. I'm trying to show the similarities between our politicians and it seems that it's just more ""pearl clutching"" and shocked gasps. This hedge fund moment has opened up the possibility of a unification of the divide that's been festering. It involves realizing that ""Bailout Obama"" and ""Orange man"" are all bad and beholden to big banks and the rich getting richer to stay in power over the rest of us. Unfortunately, old habits die hard and folks can't stop singing the same old song... it's sad really. And just like that, you're done. TDS... This how you argue: You: ""Illegal immigrants are rapists. I don't have any sources at all to back this up, but I said so, so it must be true."" Me: ""Here is a scientific study published by the National Academies of Sciences that reviewed all Texas Department of Public Safety Computerized Criminal History records for the period 2012-2018. The review clearly shows that U.S. citizens were 2.5 more times likely to commit crimes."" You: ""Facts mean nothing. I am right. I said so."" I know four-year old children who can debate more maturely than you do. Have you ever asked yourself why it is your career prospects are so miserable? The answer might just be that this is because of your failures, and not the fault of the evil Mexicans. I don't really understand Trump supporters. Don't you ever get tired of being a perpetual target for ridicule and mockery? You don't !@@! ***know*** $%$ tha man. He's longed shorts cash divs on GMD $TRUMP go long finger! Or flinger flinging yor stoncks shit Made no money on WSD (Urs not WSB GF) so salty now The newly released notes from Brennan, who now is a fiery anti-Trump commentator, indicate that Brennan briefed Obama on “alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on July 28 of a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services.” Ratcliffe’s initial disclosure said that, according to Brennan’s notes, Clinton allegedly approved the scheme on July 26. The minor inaccuracy shortens the window of time between Clinton’s alleged approval of the plot and the FBI opening its investigation of possible Trump-Russia collusion on July 31, 2016. That’s from New York post. Plenty of evidence they found in notes that hillary concocted the whole story. Yes liberal media is saying that a bipartisan group dismissed these notes. But who were these so called people that dismissed the notes? Most likely democrats hiding in the Republican Party wanting trump out. Fact is cia chief wrote the notes stating it was hillary who concocted the story and told Obama. But believe what you want. Your a typical liberal Loon that will believe anything the democrats and state run media feed you. >What am I doing beyond trying to reach a middle ground with the opposition? Your false equivalency and your complete ignorance of what's been happening over the last 4 years. >I'm trying to show the similarities between our politicians No, you're trying to excuse one politician because you like him. You're trying to call anything anyone says about him ""TDS"" and ""orange man bad"" because you literally can't think of anything else. You're even too dumb to figure out that we can see that you're this dumb. You fell for a con man and you're still falling for him even though he's out of power and can't ever be in power again. You were duped and even now when you literally can't gain anything from it but derision, you continue to hold on to your messiah. You keep referring to ""scientific studies"". The simple fact is that no one is talking about WHO IS MURDERING THE MOST. Focus on the illegal immigrants murdering Americans. You know, the ones we keep catching and releasing. Stop deflecting. *frantically googles how to tell if someone is having a stroke * https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/29/us/politics/john-ratcliffe-russian-disinformation.amp.html This is old news and all speculation with zero definitive proof. Try again. Not to mention that the KGB information is current and damning. What that says is that there was Russian collusion and Clinton threw out the idea of using that during her campaign which was four fucking years ago. It’s a buttery males old news and doesn’t say anything about what you claimed before. What news organizations are in their pocket if you are showing me articles that are fair and balanced? You just disproved your own claim with a link to the NYpost. Here ya go another source to shoot that down. https://www.factcheck.org/2020/10/partisan-claims-of-russia-hoax-revived-ahead-of-2020-election/ You don’t know all the information only context to support a narrative. Fail. Well, I guess if we can't have a common ground, we'll end up in civil war. That's better right??? Instead of beating people over the head, and using derision, you could find middle ground. When keyboards and cellphone screens aren't between us, people will wish that they had tried to make an effort to find common ground then. If they push people into a corner with derision and call them names like ""racist, nazi, and fascist"" or to shove them to ""deprogram"" or disarm them with unconstitutional laws; they'll eventually find the mantle they're given happily and rid themselves of the derision and baiting with justified fury. This is the path being tread and no one wants to see it become reality. Maybe you just don't want to accept it but it's reality. Silly me, believing in the actual data that shows that U.S. citizens commit 2.5 times as many crimes when I could believe in racist conspiracy theories instead. What was I thinking? Lol u post a fact check . Org bs sight that spreads nothing but lies. Nothing factual about any of their crap I mean, maybe don't be or support racists and Nazis? Literal NAZIS. Okay, let’s find a path to unity. It starts with both sides acknowledging reality. Are you prepared to admit that Trump lost the election? Are you prepared to admit that Trump is a habitual liar? Imagine calling my points racist just because you don't want to talk about them. Not once did you acknowledge the fact that PEOPLE DIED because of illegal immigration, specifically at the hands of criminals that have been freed to roam the southern border states. You're just another horrible person that can't help but throw around the R word. Congratulations, you're not that smart. And posting ONE DAMN STUDY is BIASED. Go take your meds. You are a lost cause. Done with ya mate. > Not once did you acknowledge the fact that PEOPLE DIED because of illegal immigration, specifically at the hands of criminals that have been freed to roam the southern border states. Illegal immigrants commit crimes. I have never claimed they don't. U.S. citizens commit 2.5 times as many crimes. Are you saying it is only bad when illegal immigants commit murder, but perfectly fine when U.S. citizens do it? Also, you seemed very concerned about rape. The rate of sexual assault committed by U.S. citizens was 18.2 per 100,000, compared to 11.3 per 100,000 for illegal immigrants. > And posting ONE DAMN STUDY is BIASED. The methodology is described in the section titled ""Materials and Methods"". You are certainly welcome to point out any flaws. Alternatively, feel free to cite a study that proves that you are right. Oddly, you have not posted a single source to back up any of your claims. Now I wonder why that might be... I'm not the dude you've been arguing with. But here is some info from a hopefully trustworthy source. https://www.pbs.org/independentlens/democracyondeadline/mediaownership.html >U.S. citizens commit 2.5 times as many crimes. I never mentioned U.S. citizens. The conversation was about illegal immigration and aliens murdering our people. By deflecting from that point, you are revealing your bias. You're either not American, or you simply want to say that illegals are less of a threat than we are. The problem is that aliens shouldn't be a threat at all. >You are certainly welcome to point out any flaws. Yes, the empirical flaw is that you searched for one study just to deflect. Show me 4 more. > U.S. citizens commit 2.5 times as many crimes. This is correct. I did. To drive home the hypocrisy of your argument, given the fact that U.S. citizens are 2.5 times more likely to commit crimes than illegal immigrants. > The conversation was about illegal immigration and aliens murdering our people In other words, you don't really care about Americans being murdered and raped, since U.S. citizens are far more likely to commit these crimes. What you care about is finding a way to express your hatred for immigrants through faux outrage over murder and rape. You are literally using rape and murder victims to make a cheap political point. Let me guess, you also consider yourself Christian? > Show me 4 more. I don't think you understand how a debate works. It is ****your**** burden to prove your point. Not mine. As we say in my line of work (see, unlike you, I have a successful career because I didn't piss off my chance a getting a good education), that which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. You have not provided a single source to back up any of your claims. Your sole argument consists of ""I am right, even though the data shows that I am wrong."" These illogical fallacies are blowing my mind. You simply cannot stay on the main topic. Translation = ""I have no factual counterarguments, I have no sources, and I cannot cite any studies or data that back up my claims."" Thank you for playing. the game" Companies try to prevent people from trading GME and AMC,88849,https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/l6uva1/companies_try_to_prevent_people_from_trading_gme/,"They'll let you put your entire account value into options, but they won't let you buy GME? I don't think they are really looking out for you. It's not that GME is too risky, because they don't mind you taking risk at other times. They are all doing it. It isn’t for our safety. It never has been for our safety in the past. Huh, interesting. So some platforms, coincidentally including some of the easiest to use right now, are making it so that you can only sell shares you own and not buy. But...who are you selling them to if all these platforms are blocking users from buying? Could it possibly be....the people that have put themselves in a morally corrupt short position that are allowed to buy these shares when no one else can? Interesting, that. I forgot during the market crash of 08 when they stopped everything so retail investors could save themselves...oh wait Oh cool, more manipulation. Haven't seen that a whole 2 hours. Imagine rigging a game, basically writing its rules to your advantage and still manage to start losing. Of course you'd try and find any and all means to end the success of anyone else. This is utter bs and arguably market manipulation. What rule is being broken? As if the tables were turned they wouldn't allow the hedge fund to double down and buy at every dip to ""mitigate their risk."" Really the violation was allowing 40% more shrts than stocks exist. If you or I did that, are we getting protected too with market halts and bailouts? Edit: a word was spelled wrong, and since I'm here I guess some 🚀🚀🚀 For the time being you can still buy GME shares under the German Exchange ticker (GS2C) on T212. Not sure how long it will last but it's an option for anyone still looking to buy I've been ranting about this all fucking morning. I'm furious they've done this to us. We can sell but we can't fucking buy. Assisting with the manipulation of the markets to help their buddies out. Market manipulation is so strong in this game. After GME the whole market will change - and im afraid not in our favor. Just change your broker if they are corrupt and manipulate the ""free stock market"". Looks like every single company that we trade with (+ brokers) are doing the same thing to us. I am just an ordinary peasant but I think when we people win battles like these, we should build our own platform where we will all be treated equally. The institutions that we pay are against us. What a sad world we live in. Hold your positions and fuck them. I wish you good luck and I feel sad I cannot invest I tried to post about this on wallstreet bets. Woke up this morning to the message from Trading 212. Tried to open an EToro and Freetrade account. EToro isn't verifying me and Freetrade isn't processing my deposit of funds into the account. And they have the audacity to say that it's for the protection of the retail investor. Im really pissed off. [deleted] Wow I wish I was rich like those Wall Street guys so I could become rich by being rich and staying rich because I don't let anyone have my well earned money that I got, on account of, my being born rich. Fidelity is still trading GME, BB, and AMC. All are unavailable on Robinhood. I'm in the process of transferring my Robinhood assets to Fidelity over the last week, but this just adds one more reason to dump Robinhood. Let this be the catalyst to bankrupt these crooked online ""brokers"" next. Lets see how well they do going public with no customers. Just for spite I'm going to put another $5k into GME in my new Fidelity account. Crooked bastards... Use webull or revoult I just bought 1 more share on Questrade, no problem. It just cost me $463 to test this for you guys so I hope you appreciate it lol! I highly doubt they’re worried for customers. They could just put a warning and not the take the option to buy away. It seems like they’ve been paid quite a bit to block out regular people from the market which sucks. Don’t have any positions in GME/AMC They're disabling stocks when we all know exactly what is happening, why it's going up, and that the very nature of a short squeeze is that it will suddenly evaporate. They disable that. Yet they have no problem letting people throw all their money at penny stocks that are at the brink of delisting. This is 100% market manipulation via hedge funds lobbying and bullying retail brokers. It’s kind of exactly like when you’re on a really hot streak at the casino. They see you winning too much they kick you out. But when you lose your house and more that’s when the free drinks, vip service, and hotel rooms start coming They didn't halt stocks during March crash for our"" safety"" Any word on Fidelity or Vanguard? Edit: Am I the only boomer in here using these platforms? it is all systemic corruption. it is blatant market manipulation at its best. in germany / europe, trading apps are still somewhat new and this surely does scare loads of people away from ever using those apps ever again. I am already looking to switch my provider because of this. too bad that hedge funds, market makers and trade gateway providers are all members of the same establishment. no matter what provider you chose, you are more or less at their whim when it comes to actually being able to trade. apps suddenly do not work, networks suddenly cannot be reached or orders suddenly cannot be placed. they cannot beat us, thats why they block us. I am 100% sure this is illegal, but almost impossible to prove. most have clauses in their TOS and agreements stating something like ""mistrades"" which negates trades under ""suspiscious circumstances"". extraordinary market fluctuation could very well be called suspicious, hence their right do deny any trade in sitations like this. and since no private user might ever take them to court for something like this (an courts / judges probably wouldnt understand what the issue was at all) they get away with it. Absolute gobshites. I have a pending buy order which i placed at 8am UK time this morning on 212 for amc. This will most likely be cancelled wont it? Unbelievable. Got an email from robinhood saying the samething Hi im with T212 also, i only have 5 shares with AMC. Pitiful! i know, but what does this now mean ? I am new to trading only 3 weeks in and have a hell of a lot to learn. Do i have to sell them? will the price rise and fall as normal or stay where i bought in at? Any help will be wonderful. Thanks This, folks, is what a class action lawsuit looks like. This is 100% illegal, is 100% corruption. If anyone had any doubt that the rich play by their own rules, we now have irrefutable proof. Schwab is allowing trades Same. E*TRADE raised margin requirements on GME to the point I started getting margin calls intraday and these cunts forced me out of a covered call which then forced me to sell the underlying common for a small loss, as ridiculous as that sounds. Luckily they couldn’t stop me from selling a metric fuckton of puts in the 10-25 strike range for stupid premiums going out to March. Fuck these institutions. I hope we can just keep shifting targets so they can’t keep up. I’m leaving Robinhood today I cant even search gamestop or amc on robinhood... keeps giving me an error. Edit*** does look like you can buy amc on cashapp though. **The hedge fund CITADEL pays Robinhood for their order flows, about 40% of CITADEL revenue is from Robinhood. CITADEL has HUGE short positions on GME. This is collusion and manipulation on a massive scale. Lawsuit incoming** So can we get a class action lawsuit against the sec and all trading platforms? What would happen if everyone liquidated their portfolio and 401k? Purchase by amount not shares! Might help. I hope WSB takes these fuckers for everything. Revenge for ‘08. Lady on CNN just called all of the community buying GME and AMC amateurs and the hedge funds sophisticated. We are scared this may crash and you’ll lose your money. So we have opted to get rid of that uncertainty by forcing a crash by disabling the literal thing that prevents any stock from crashing. Same with my broker Oooooo I smell class action lawsuit in the works! So far I know of the following platforms that have stopped trading: TD Ameritrade, Charles Schwab, and Robinhood Apparently you can still buy on Fidelity and that’s where I’m going to be moving my funds. Not so I can continue buying YOLO stocks like mad, but because they proved to not be shills. Additional Shills (updating): Etoro, Webull, and Viewtrade AOC saying all freezes should be looked into. Ted Cruz actually agreeing with her on another tweet. https://imgur.com/a/VpiCPyR/ SIMPLE if we can’t buy then someone’s obviously buying. Who’s buying? Shorts to cover. Just don’t fucking sell. CFDs come with the warning, “75% (I forget the exact number) lose money trading CFDs”. Why not just post a similar warning here against volatile stocks if they were genuinely interested in mitigating risk? This should tell you everything you need to know; they know there is PLENTY more money to be made in this, as people flock to other ‘GME-like’ stocks. We’re seeing exactly the same situation as we’ve seen with TSLA and anything EV related. BB, NOK, AMC are all perfect examples of that. Whether they are good investments or not, the hysteria to ride the next rocket is real. Big money is scared about volatility when it isn’t them controlling it and retail investors are taking the blame. How about you look to what started this problem in the first place, as to how a stock is allowed to be shorted 138% and wipe out a perfectly decent company, employing thousands? But no, instead, it’s “those damn kids on Reddit manipulating the market.” Heaven forbid hedge funds actually face the consequences for their own actions and greed. I use Freetrade in the U.K. - you can buy both without problems. MAIL THE PRESIDENT. CONTACT YOUR SENATORS. DO NOT STOP UNTIL THESE HEDGE FUNDS AND ROBINHOOD ARE HELD ACCOUNTABLE. THE NASDAQ CEO SHOULD BE INVESTIGATED FOR MARKET MANIPULATION AND FRAUD. THIS IS THE OPPORTUNITY FOR THE DEMS AND BIDEN TO STEP UP AND SHOW THEY REPRESENT THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE. WE DEMAND ACTION. Mitigating risk??? It’s the fucking stock market. It’s 100% risk. is it even legal? People are posting gains of 400%. This is for your ""safety""... Is this legal? I’m appalled. I’ll be switching brokerages. There needs to be an investigation. It's completely insane. I've been in Nokia for two years. The second it gains traction you can't trade it. It's blatant manipulation, with the price now lower than it was last week. DO NOT SELL! Robinhood has blocked the buying of more shares. If you try to sell you will get fucked because who are you going to sell it to if nobody can buy it? They are trying to make you flood the market with sales offers and bring the price down. Dont fall for it! Robinhood is still allowing AMC buys [deleted] I'd imagine AMC could file a lawsuit. I love AMC and we have them in our neighborhood. I would love to buy some to help them out. THis is a sham and wallstreet is dirty. First, you give retail investors tools to make trading easier and more convenient. And now all of a sudden, they are trying to ""protect"" them. What about retail investors who lost money BEFORE GME? They didn't need protecting? I hope people don’t think a company like RobinHood, or TD cares about an individuals safety. This is market manipulation in its purest form. Same happening in Europe. My broker is from the Netherlands (DEGIRO) and I got the message, that I can only trade with a limit, not at market price anymore. Because they want to protect us. Read below. How fucking powerful are those hedge fund geezers? Due to the current market conditions, in order to protect our customers from unwanted order execution, our risk department made the decision to temporarily restrict market orders to US00165C1045 AMC Entertainment Holdings and US36467W1099 GameStop Corp. Unlimited timeouts for the home team. The game is rigged. It’s all a lie. Marijuana was a public safety issue for the last century until it became profitable...for them. This is truly censorship Yesterday almost all apps were down for a good portion of the first couple of hours a opening (I'm in Europe and use Revolut). It truly is disgusting. Question though: is it just for options or also for shares? Real question, can this behavior be reported to the SEC? If it is a brokerage firm do they have the right to deny you access to a US market at will? AMC, GameStop, BB, and Wall Street Bets should all sue. They can't block people from investing in what they want. Citadel is Robinhoods largest client. Citadel bought a company that is billions short GME. Robinhood closes all purchasing of stocks Citadel is short... Like wtf This is why neoliberalism is so flawed. I highly recommend that everyone here read a book called '23 things they dont tell you about capitalism'. Rich people: I love the free market! Also rich people: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you can't do that redditors! You know what this means right? #We were 100% fucking them on GME. We were 100% right on the play and they were getting fucking wrecked. The only way they can ""win"" is to cheat. But we're gonna hold and run them into the fucking ground. AMC is up on Cashapp Edit: wtf my purchase last night didnt go through. Can't cancel either, claiming high volume. Anybody else having issues? u/alphazed ""Shooting for visibility - as of 10:51am EST I am told I am the only person who has contacted the House Financial Services Committee to demand a hearing on market manipulation from online brokers. PLEASE CALL THEM AND VOICE YOUR CONVICTIONS: (202) 225-4247 **EDIT** KEEP CALLING YOU ARE ALL KINGS You should also reach out to your members of congress, and specifically to your state attorney general's office. There is precedent for consumer advocacy in this space: https://corporate.findlaw.com/law-library/online-brokerages-under-siege-for-trading-outages-and-delays.html **""[t]he public knows that there are always risks involved in investing in the stock market. But part of the risk should not include questions about whether trades will be executed promptly or whether online brokerage firms can deliver the services that they've promised.""** HELP THEM FIGHT FOR US; CALL CALL CALL & HOLD HOLD HOLD **SECOND EDIT (THANK YOU DOTathlethesfoot!) USE [THIS LINK](https://www.naag.org/find-my-ag/) TO FIND YOUR STATE AG, SAY THE SHIT IN BOLD IF YOU DONT KNOW WHAT TO SAY"" How is this fucking shit legal?? So much for Capitalism. Did someone put Stalin in charge? We are now a Communist nation. WealthSimple allows for GME. I would write terrible reviews and stop using a platform that prevents GME purchases. Geez that makes me mad. There needs to be lawsuits, investigations, and penalties. ~~Free~~Rigged market DO NOT SELL. 💎🤲🏽 AMC is getting slammed. I only put a grand down and I have no idea if it even went through Is there any broker out there that’s not restricting access? Edit: also. It is 100% to protect the hedge funds, not the retails traders. They’re not fooling anyone. Edit 2: Aw thank you for my first ever award Could this be grounds for a lawsuit? Can’t traders band together and create a class action lawsuit against these brokerages? ie. Robinhood and Webull. I don’t have a position either. It just seems illegal of them to let people buy up to an amount then have no choice but to sell at a loss. This was taken from a top comment on a recent r/videos post. I did not say this/own this comment, just wanted to add more info. - - - - - *edit: List of brokers that have banned opening new positions in GME, AMC, and others:* * Robinhood * Interactive Brokers * Fidelity * Webull * TD Ameritrade * Merrill Lynch (Bank of America) * Trading 212 *Let me know if there are more that ought to be added to the list.* *edit 2: There's too many names in that last. It's a coordinated effort to stop these companies from trading. Isn't it funny how THAT isn't considered market manipulation?* Hey manipulating the stock market is just for rich people. Who the hell do these guys think they are? They are not concerned about their normal users. This is just very very rich wanting to get even richer. They just want to save them. They would never do anything, if we normal people were losing that much money but when the billionaires lose money they suddenly “get concerned about their customers”. They’re just lying and manipulating the market. Webull just tweeted that they got rid of GME,AMC, and KOSS. We can’t have anything in this country can we? F*ck the poor I guess. Smh 🤦🏽‍♀️ If I deposited $100,000 and spent it on a TSLA weekly, would they stop me? No. We are smart enough to handle our own risk! [deleted] Fuck Robinhood if they’re going to prevent us from buying we should pivot stocks from Nokia/amc to something similar This is absolutely “illegal”! We need to file suit against RH on this crap! Yeah TradeRepublik a German Robinhood Like Broker writes they have ""Problems"". But you just cant trade amc BB or GME, even Limit-orders are ignored. That cant be a world wide Problem, that is market Manipulation! Dumping Robinhood as soon as this is done. Such a joke. If this doesn’t open people’s eyes that the market is for a select few and doesn’t lead to outrage and change than what the fuck is the point Fuck those biased morons.. I wasn't going to invest and just watch from as I've come into this late, but as soon as I can buy stock I'm buying because fuck those assholes. This is unacceptable. This is unAmerican. This is a clear lawsuit, people are losing thousand of dollars. Vanguard still allows GME buying! Lol. I don’t ever want to hear a ‘free market’ argument against progressive policies ever again. EVER Ain't no war but class war. Carlin: It's a big club and you ain't in it. You know you done fucked up when Trump and AOC agree on something. We coming back for our boys lost in space at the 490 mark 👨‍🚀💎 They don't care about our safety, they are helping their hedge fund buddies. It is disgusting how the big money machine is trying to crush the ordinary people. Everyone give 1star rating to trading 212 Robinhood no longer supports Nokia...bitches be trippin. Guys please be sure to post about this on social media.. no company in the world has the right to tell you how to use your money and on what. A warning is fair play in a dirty world but removing the option to buy all together is a scum bag move even bum chum would shudder at. Is this legal for them to stop people buying stock? Does this count as market manipulation? Robinhood down (and colluding with Wall Street). Sadly, no surprises here. This is definitely not the way... Keep your 💎✊ ... hold the line. Fidelity is allowing trades This is the last straw robinhood. I’ve stuck by you from app bugs, to glitches, failed launches of half way thought out savings accounts. But when you don’t allow trades cause the big guys don’t want it. That’s it. which brokers are allowing people to freely trade ? Boomers protecting their own. Elitism can go away with this generation. Boycott ROBINHOOD Yep. Robinhood won't let me trade certain stocks. They should change their name because this is the opposite of what robinhood does. Wall street, corporations and the wealthy for years have been railing against government intervention. Let the free market be free of regulation! We promise if the market is free anyone can be rich! The little guy can get his share too! Well the curtain has been pulled. That was never the idea.the idea was to keep the wealth concentrated at the top and keep government regulation from interfering with their shady money grabs. If anyone can't see that now then there is no hope for you. I want a list of companies and people shorting these stocks. We should lobby against them. This is not the free market capitalism promised us This is insane — the option traders at hedge funds should be regulated!! Not retail traders. No one in the US should be betting for companies to fail!! Especially the investor class!! Free market for me, not for thee TRIED OF MARKET MANIPULATION OF A SO-CALLED FREE ECONOMY? CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES AND SENATORS! Follow these links to find your Representatives and Senators contact information. https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative https://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm COPY AND PASTE THE FOLLOWING TO SEND YOUR CONGRESSMEMBERS: Dear Honorable Representative/Senator, I am writing to you today because of the recent events that occurred in the stock market. Specifically, the surge of Gamestops’ stock price. As an average U.S. citizen, it is inherently corrupt to restrict my ability to make decisions regarding stocks while large financial institutions and investors can operate without the exact same restrictions I face. Action must be taken to provide power to the players, who work minimum wage jobs, those in college loan defaults, and simply want to change the market to benefit the average person. It is not okay to protect these large financial institutions and brokerages who place profits over people. I would like to see you act on the topic of market manipulation by these large financial institutions. Please stand up for your constituents, those who elected you to protect and serve our democracy. Do not let donations from these institutions and big money steer your own moral compass. I look forward to your response and how you choose to act in this situation. Thank you. To Whom It May Concern At Robinhood Financial, LLC, CRD#165998/ SEC#8-69188: Effective immediately I demand you permanently close my account and immediately initiate a transfer of all available brokerage cash to my bank account on file in a timely manner. I rescind all authorization for Robinhood Financial LLC or any of its subsidiaries to sell, trade, or utilize any and all of my personal and or financial information they have gathered from my use of their service heretofore and henceforth. You have lost my business and likely the business of millions of customers. Sincerely, no more robinhood Nope you're not allowed to make money. Only billionaires ""reduce-only mode"" HO LEE fucking shit. They're saying the quiet part out loud. AOC AND TED CRUZ ARE AGREEING THIS IS BULLSHIT. INVESTIGATE THIS PLEASE So how is it legal for hedge funds with huge bank to buy up large positions but as soon as me and 2 million of my friends do it then it’s a no no? They tried to reduce volatility in GME for the users. Then guess what? There was the biggest volatility in the stock we’ve seen all week. The lack of buying excluded people from buying at dips if they saw fit. And people are still locked out now! This is fucking SEC enabled corruption. They're keeping their boots on the necks of the working class so we can't use their own weapons of greed against them. Millionaires are fine. But wall street billionaires should not exist. They're nothing but leeches grown bloated on the lifeblood of our economy. Everyone is missing the point. It’s to risky for THEM to let us keep trading. This seems like collusion and market manipulation by brokerage firms. These hedge funds are trying to gaslight the public by saying redditors are manipulating the market, when in reality the hedge funds are ones influencing their stock broker buddies to cut off our trades. Just called my congressman to blast them about this ILLEGAL bs. They’re apparently already getting traction on the matter. **HOLD GME OR BUY MORE IF YOU CAN.** First of all, **FUCK ROBINHOOD**. Second of all, this is a classic short ladder attack used by naked short sellers (illegal by the way) to drive the stock price down and soften the blow. Think about, if most traders can't buy then who are you selling it too? **HEDGE FUNDS THAT'S WHO**. Don't let these billionaires screw you out of your hard earned money. **DO NOT SELL** Robinhood is concerned about customer risk, but let's you trade options on margin with zero experience. Literally you can tell them you have NO IDEA what you are doing and they will approve your account. They are not for the people, they are solely to serve the 1%. I contacted a lawyer I lost 100k today because RH would not let me exercise options or close my positions and I had them on the phone. Then they margin called me for 66k when I wasn't even in margin and now I can no longer do any trades. Anyone stupid enough to be lulled by these words should stop and think. You honestly believe they care about ordinary people? They care about money. That's it. The billionaires are losing it and therefore THEY are losing it (they're owned by bigger companies obviously). If you have no other option in broker, just simply hold. DO NOT SELL. This is what they're hoping for. They block all the people buying and start selling between themselves at lower prices so that they can ""tank"" it. As you can see it went hard down at 155 but bounced right back up. WHy? They don't have enough volume to trade to make a REAL impact unless people actually start selling. This is easy manipulation from them. They're scared and they're pulling out all the stops now. Stay strong, hold and wait for this to shoot up so when they're FORCED to buy back, WE dictate the price. This is historically on par for what happens when poor people come together to empty the pockets of the rich. [deleted] My dutch based broker Degiro was also limiting the trades. Oppression is always for the benefit of the oppressed. This needs to be illegal. Honest question , if Robinhood only allows you to sell who was buying ? There better not be a hedge fund bailout tucked into some 3000 page COVID relief omnibus bill. Mr. Beast can help millions of people around the world by purchasing $40 million of GME. SPREAD THIS This is disgusting >New positions cannot be open. Existing ones can be reduced. Sounds like they are dying for puts. This is bullshit the people of the market are meant to stay low ig exactly why we want to stick it to the big dogs Real brokers let people trade, if only there were some sort of way to create one of those mythical free accounts at a REAL brokerage instead of whining about a terrible brokerage being terrible. Also the paranoia is a bit out of hand. I’ve heard many wealthy people publicly speak in favor of retail investors ESPECIALLY with this GME play in the last week. Stop reading into comments and start listening to what people are actually saying and doing. Cheddar published this from NASDAQ — Nasdaq says it will halt trading in stocks if they find unusual activity linked to social media. Really so if ordinary people communicate in any way their investing strategies trading will be halted? Never mind the big boys/ good ole boys do this all the time and have been since the inception of the stock market. Robinhood has blocked buying of more BB shares, they still allow me to sell them....which I won’t!! should people sue them?that’s not fair Mitigating risk for clients is some BS. Every individual who buys a stock knows the inherent risk. Not allowing people to buy stock is market manipulation. Plain and simple. >In the interest of mitigating risk for our clients Our 'important' clients not you, we do not care about anyone with less than $100M in their personal account. Anyone below this line is not allowed to join our big boy club because we are ~~terrified~~ institutionalized I was able to buy on TD. It's making my blood boil. NOK, bb, amc, GME. So many stocks. Blatant and illegal market manipulation. Oh, it's for their clients alright. Just not you. Class action lawsuit? This is censorship https://chapmanalbin.com/investor-alerts/robinhood-class-action/ Robinhood class action suit?!? [deleted] Robinhood sold me stock without my permission. What can I do? Just bought more AMC on ETRADE! Robinhood won't let me delete my account. Can anyone help me with this? Much appreciated guys :) Market manipulation. Thier clients being the hedge funds that shorted them to oblivion. Just remember do not spend what you can’t lose. Why would they stop us from trading when the media says they already moved from their short positions at a loss...or have they? You know what? The funny thing is that now that AMC GME and BB are down, media will say this is why you should listen to wallstreet! Wealthsimple Trade here in Canada has two huge warnings at the top of my portfolio page: >**AMC is considered risky. Traders should expect high volatility. If you do choose to place an order, use a limit order with a set price.** > >**NOK is considered risky. Traders should expect high volatility. If you do choose to place an order, use a limit order with a set price.** They also sent out an email last night telling us that they don't recommend that we buy any GME, AMC or NOK. they cant hold these stocks forever, what happens when theyre available again on RH? ITS criminal. The shorts Carson Block , Duren, Muddy Waters have been destroying small investors for years. I remember calling Citadel every name in the book in the 2000 crash. THE GOP Destroyed INSTITUTIONAL leverages,,, SEE WHERE WE ARE NO LIMITING TRADING on the long side? CRIMINAL hedge funds and GOP> I've called my representatives and senators about this. It's outrageous. $GME was shorted at $20, if they don’t halt trading then hedge funds will lose billions more, on top of the billions they have already lost. It’s only fair to stop trading on tickers that could cause rich people to lose money. I mean, how were they supposed to know that shorting stock is risky? When you have the $$$ you make the rules. Waaaaaaaaaaaait so I can exit but not enter. That's ludicrous. That can only drive the price down. There is no other way it can travel: if (the majority of) retail investors cannot buy then the only people ft are instutional investors. That's litteraly rigging the game. So is now the time we eat the rich? Fuck them! I’m in Europe, and I also can’t open new positions! Free market my ass! Act like this wasn't planned? ALL GME, NOK, and AMC suddenly can't be traded cuz big money was losing big time! This will continue to happen over and over again. Capitalism has officially been compromised by big money/ big interests. Even if you never had a position in these, you should be pissed off! In case we have to provide proof we were wronged to be part of the inevitable class action suit: I would like to buy GME, AMC, NOK, and BB and cannot because of this arbitrary action by my broker. Just bought on Etrade, no issues Expose them all. This is insane. They don’t give a fuck about us any other time. This is ONLY about them. They hate the fact that we are sticking together. They are trying to break us apart. Shouldn't that be illegal!? I hate to say it, but the fact that the immediate reflexive reaction of the media-elite class to the GameStop stonks thing was ""White supremacists! Shut it down!"" confirms everything right-wingers have been saying about discourse and power. I’d like to correct something here. They are not preventing people from trading. They’re only preventing people from buying. You can sell just fine. Thats why the stock is dropping, and that’s a big difference. Will there be lawsuits against trade212 Robinhood etc. These all seems to be highly illegal. Not letting people trade on the most important stock on the planet on the most important day. not just trying, they're illegally actively doing it Complete fucking garbage. I sold off all of my positions in Robinhood except for GameStop and am transferring over to my Vanguard brokerage account as soon as the money is settled. Fucking Robinhood is DONE It’s literally insane, majority of companies are halting the trade of shares within GME,AMC. This is RIDICULOUS. Everybody is stuck on Robin hood but we need to hold all these company’s liable for what they are doing. They do realize this will just make the internet more determined.... right? I'm also pretty sure that they're stopping people from opening accounts in certain stock trading apps as well. I've tried three because I definitely need to get in on this and they all have issues opening an account WE WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS. IT IS UNFAIR! LET PEOPLE DO WHAT THEY WANT WITH THEIR MONEY! LET US SPEND OUR MONEY LIKE YOU ALL DO! If we still hold we win correct? Do we still have a shot? >Warning! In the interest of mitigating risk for our clients Their client is Citadel, who is short GME. Not you. You are the product on RobinHood. Robinhood as well. Does Robinhood really deserve a 4.8/5.0, for an app that prevents their users from trading freely? Don’t think so. #DropTheRatings Yep, I have no skin in this game as I missed the GME gravy train, but I've been watching this situation unfold with glee. Seeing this news this morning is boiling my blood. Sold everything I had in Robinhood, just waiting for the funds to settle so I can close my account. These bastards unplugged the controller because they were still losing while playing with cheat codes. Guess we know who the important clients are TD bank of Canada is in on this shit. Driving me nuts. The dip was so low I just wanted to get some of those tasty GME stocks. I love gamestop my bank won't let me buy amc because of high risk. Steals from the poor and gives to the rich, ironically the app is named Robin Hood. Just started the transfer of brokerages. Moving my 85K out of ""Robin-us-folk-in-the-hood"" to Fidelity! It seems yall have a misunderstanding of how this all works. First, in your Robinhood agreement there is a clause allowing them to restrict trades for basically any reason at all. Second, they, and other trading platforms, are not market makers and dont have a seat on the NYSE. This means they send your trade to a market maker to fulfill. They do this because they make money off of order flow. Who do the orders go through? Two Sigma, Citadel, and Virtu, amongst others. Those market makers decide what order flow they will accept. They can tell any ""Broker"" (which is what Robin Hood is) that they will not accept any type of order they choose. Thats not technically manipulation. If you have a seat on the NYSE or you are a market maker, you can still buy or sell GME whenever you want. Complain all youd like, this is 100% legal, and Ive been telling people how dangerous this is for days and everyone downvotes me to the grave. I think its fucked and shady 100%. I want to stick it to the man. But you need to know how to play the game to win it, and too many of you are inexperienced traders to play it right. If you all wanted to start a WSB market maker with a seat on the NYSE you could pay the roughly $100,000 to get the seat and pay the respective compliance costs, then build the trading platform to do it. Its actually not even that hard to do. Edit: I 100% think this behavior is immoral and shitty, I am just trying to help people understand what is going on. Fuck these guys. Edit 2: Turns out they couldnt send orders through the intermediaries bc they were requiring excess capital to continue transacting. Robin hood drew all their credit lines down and lacked the liquidity to pony up dough to the intermediaries to transact. Sounds like Robin Hood isnt well funded enough and Citadel et all knew they could cut them off by forcing them to add excess capital. "" They always go against the poor individuals and let the billionaires save their asses. No one saves us when we go bankrupt by them."" Well said! Yup it's a coordinated action/attack against retail investors by the brokerage firms. This is market manipulation and these platforms are looking at class action lawsuits with actual merit. Coming from a developing country, thought this kind of broad day light manipulation and corruption does not happen in America. God, I stand corrected. Guess we're no different after all. Funny thing is if the roles were reversed and it was the people who shorted over 130% of the float the hedge funds would be on cnbc talking about what geniuses they are and how short selling is wrong while they pump the price to 1,000 plus. Do you guys ever wonder why the market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent? It's because these scumbags control the market and will always push it a little further to squeeze every last fucking bit of you on the way up or down. Fuck em all. This is history. Goddamn. What a year... and it’s only January. I’m but a wee child now (I mean, not really, I’m just a minor) so I can’t contribute much. But damn. That’s all I can say. Their ""client"" that they are minimizing risk for is Citadel. stash app canceled pre market trade after emailing confirmation of trade execution It is abysmal - a slap in the face of free speech, free economy and democracy. Midgating risk?? What about all those people you let lose thousands on naked options?? The fuck outta here, leaving RH for good and 1 star review on the way out. Webull & Robinhood (along with others) have wrongfully pulled stocks (GME, AMC, BB, NOK etc.) from the market to manipulate gains & losses with interest for billionaires losing on shorts. We have the right to exercise our financial freedoms just as much as large investors/hedge funds. What has been done today by these large investment firms IS criminal! They have knowingly stolen money from MANY, MANY people through their actions. Even worse, and even more illegal :they are wrongfully & criminally infringing on our rights. It is the SEC's RESPONSIBILITY to right this wrong. Flood them with complaints! https://www.sec.gov/oiea/Complaint.html Edit : Webull is back in the game! 🚀^🚀 🚀^🚀 A.M.C CAN BE BOUGHT ON CASHAPP!!! SPREAD THE WORD AND #HOLDTHELINE #DONTSELLYET Buying more $NOK and saying ""fuck you"" to all the hedge fund stock manipulating assholes!! Lets go boys!!! 🚀 👩‍🚀 👨‍🚀 🚀 if you own it, fucking HOLD!!! If they really were trying to protect everyone's investment, they would stop trading both ways, not just one direction. Feels like we’re past market manipulation at this point...this is fraud, coercion, corruption, and theft Anyone with a Robinhood account should be finding a new broker. This is straight up market manipulation. When wallstreet makes a killing off the backs of retail, it’s ok. It’s ok for wallstreet to take massive risks with over leveraged plays and then get bailed out by the common folk when shit hits the fans. But as soon as retail starts making money off the backs of wallstreet, suddenly we need more regulations! Fucking disgusting. Schwab can still trade GME ! Everyone hold the line until restrictions are lifted...this is a battle and right now we dont have the ability to attack, but we can defend. Anyone who can buy do it and nobody sell! Lots of posts from Peeps outside of U.S. doing their part! HOLD!!!! 💎🙌💎🙌💎🙌 HOLD YOUR POSITIONS. DO NOT SELL. I REPEAT DO NOT SELL. NO REASON TO SELL SOMETHING IF THERE ARE NO BUYERS. It's not a trading app's responsibility to reduce risk to clients, it's to facilitate their orders. This is market manipulation. Fidelity Investments is still allowing buy orders If you have ever been the victim of shorting. Now is the time for revenge. Cancel Culture, please unite and take these brokerages down. The bourgeoisie do away with ""muh free market"" once capital is threatened? Colour me shocked. Hold!!! ""Robinhood - We implode your investments because we love you"" Even if Robinhood doesn't get sued into oblivion, they are done. No one is going to use their platform now. Hold the heck out of your GME stock but move all your cash elsewhere. BB TSE Suspended! SOMEONE'S HAD THERE CAGE'S RATTLED. It's worth every penny to make a point. A consumer driven economy is controlled by the consumers, not a handfull of Fat Cats. I love you crazy fuckers. S'do this shit!! Elon Musk is with us ❤️ u can’t sell houses u don’t own u can’t sell cars u don’t own but u *can* sell stock u don’t own!? this is bs – shorting is a scam legal only for vestigial reasons https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1354890601649610753?s=21 Just tried to purchase from my E-Trade and got this: ""Opening orders for this security cannot be accepted online at this time"" Industry controllers are literally ensuring the price moves in only one direction. The difference between now and 2008 is we all have Twitter, we all have market data, and we all know what’s going on. Keep fighting the good fight, hold your shares, the revolution has just begun and they are sweating There is nothing more American than what is happening with the stock market, power to the people. Time to March on Wall Street and pull these people out of their offices As of now you can still buy AMC stock on cashapp Should we keep holding AMC? It’s not about profit anymore. Shit got really fucking personal [deleted] I find it very funny that an app named after someone famous for stealing from the rich and giving it to the poor is illegally doing everything in its power to prevent just that. I tried to get GME but they said no :/ A broker I use in the UK still letting us buy GME and AMC: [DEGIRO](https://www.degiro.co.uk/member-get-member/start-trading.html?id=806C54C6&utm_source=mgm) Any chance for AMC to recover? I didn't sink much in but I'll be sad for the movement if we have officially been blocked. It's like saying ""Because war can be dangerous to soldiers, we're not allowing you to send supplies to your troops.. It's for their safety...."" And RH just now comes out with a statement that they'll be allowing limited buys of these securities tomorrow. They did it for our safety, they say. I lost money today. That's called damages. I don't need a financial father figure. It's so ironic too, considering Robinhood is literally named that... smh Do not kid yourself. What they did here was highly illegal. This is once again an example of our massive financial institutions assuming way too much risk on the backs of the people. This time the people came and beat them at their own game and they are crying for a way out. TDAmeritrade did as well! Crooks! Cost me a couple grand with AMC! Does anyone know of a platform that did not stop trading! I'd like to take my money over to one that did not restrict anyone from trading! @tdameritrade locked me out of my account just long enough for ut to start dropping! AMC that is! Very shady stuff! The reality is that anyone coming in at these levels of GME is likely going to lose a ton of money. robinhood will let you put every dime you have into weekly options, they don't give a FUCK about your risk, they're protecting shorting hedge funds. this is the most blatantly naked class warfare we've witnessed in decades. I don't see how apps like Trading 212, Robinhood, Citadel etc. think that this will solve their real big problem. GME and AMC stock is not the war, it's only a battle. The cat is out of the bag, and people up and down the globe are starting to realise that with a co-ordinated effort with a community of enough small-time investors through zero commission apps, they can they drive the price of a stock upwards or downwards. Of course, there is an argument that this is market manipulation, but this is an unprecedented situation in more ways than one: 1. The trading apps that brokers like Robinhood, Trading 212 have given power to small time investors. Anyone can purchase options on their phone at their own discretion. 2. It was never considered by Wall Street and the stock market investment firms that internet communities like WSB could co-ordinate in such a way. If investment firms did this, then it would be 100% illegal, but the stocks are being held by ordinary people owning between thousands of shares to a single share, themselves, there's no illegality about this at all. 3. At present there are no regulations/laws that say that this isn't legal. No doubt the fat cats and hedge funders will be calling for some, but it could also be argued that hedge funds shorting stocks are no different, or worse. The aggressive shorting they participate in drives stock markets down. With enough capital they to borrow and sell stocks for shorting, they are manipulating stocks themselves. Do they really want to throw stones in a glass house. It has to be a fair game. If WSB can't do it, then the hedge funders shouldn't be allowed to either. 4. To make things even more controversial, there is an obvious conflict of interest with apps like Robinhood and Trading 212. The fact they've decided to stop allowing people to buy meme stock like Gamestop, Nokia, American Airlines etc. today was a blatant effort to stop small time investors from buying more stock whilst the hedge funders were still allowed to drive the stock down. It's obvious market manipulation, but again, this is unprecedented. These apps that have removed barriers for small investors are a relatively young concept, so it could be argued that current option buying regulations/laws are not suitable for the concept of apps like Robinhood. To make matters more interesting, companies like Citadel have an interest in making them work. So at what point does someone discuss that trading apps should be banned? 5. Now politicians and public figures have openly come out and spoken against the behaviour of the decision to prohibit small investors buying more stock. Lawsuits are being filed. The white house is monitoring the situation. Something has to crack. What side will the government take and will they intervene? Personally I can't see Biden's administration taking a stance either way, because either they piss of the fat cats, or they take the side of Wall Street (which I doubt would be a popular move). Yet, I don't see how the government can't get involved. This is unprecedented, and judges and regulatory bodies are going to need guidance on how to act on this. 6. WSB are going to be targeting other stocks like GME in future. Today it is GME, next year, it could be Papa Johns or something. Are the trading apps just going to keep stopping people from buying stock when it doesn't suit them? This will be might interesting to see how it unfolds. You can still buy AMC on cash app What happened today was highly criminal and cannot be justified in anyway possible. They think we're all fucking idiots and need them to stop us from making poor trades. What the holey flying bullshit is that. No one is buying that, and I'm Soo pissed that they were able to do that, they literally manipulated the market worth billions of dollars to fuck you and me with no recourse and lied to our fucking faces. Fuck all of these institutions. Brokers, MMs, Hedge Funds, and the fucking SEC, for letting this shit happen live. This is a fuck you to equality, democracy, and the american way. Fuck all of this. Such high volumes of AMC but yet the price barely moves [deleted] The reality is productivity has skyrocketed so much in just 30 years that no one would be working more than 10 hours a week and be debt free. And it completely destroys the ruling corporate enslavement class and their unjust laws of corruption. It's time to either really finally wake up or never wake up at all. IT'S the NYSE! Sell your stocks that are listed on the NYSE, this will be a huge corruption scandal in the future. I am only keeping NASDAQ listed stocks, the rest of my assets are moving to EU and CH. I sent my complaint [https://www.reddit.com/r/trading212/comments/l6s3ux/more\_exclusive\_excuses\_to\_lock\_you\_all\_before/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/trading212/comments/l6s3ux/more_exclusive_excuses_to_lock_you_all_before/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) What are the restrictions? Is it only for margin accounts or are they restricting people buying and selling with cash that’s already in account. Don’t have any positions but just curious. Which ones are still open and will allow you to.open new positions? I'm new and want to open an account. Same in Germany. I really hope there will be a vulnerable target and a fund to go into a big lawsuit. I am about to throw up. I’m going to lose money not because of my fuck up, but because someone is manipulating the price Usually when an unelected unaccountable authority says they’re preventing you from doing what you want with your money for your “safety” it’s them shielding their own agenda. I literally JUST bought AMC shares a few minutes before seeing this post Nok for the next move eToro working Are you guys trying to make these trades on margin? I can buy and sell stocks on Robinhood. Ik im a noob, im new to trading. I bought into amc with all i could NEVERMIND YOU CANT. GME IS NO LONGER SUPPORTED AND YOU CAN ONLY SELL AMC AND CANT BUY IT Wtf robinhood too now. Tdameritrade was giving issues yesterday but it seems like u can buy it there now. I think the way forward is to diversify your online brokers so then when one or some are being crazy at least you might have others to fall back on. Funny though that despite this the stock has gone up a lot today. Maybe the bull case for GME is truly that strong that even when ppl are only allowed to sell it, it goes up EDIT: although might crash at open who knows. Rlly sucks that they can manipulate the market like this I'm hoping T212 will change this back today! Planning on increasing my position in GME. This Is absurd and manipulative and I want all in, out of spite at this point. REVOLT! You can still get in on BBBY!!! Robinhood is now preventing buying more NAKD and AMC. Says I can close out my position but not buy more. Economic/market stability has always trumped individual rights. I can “sort of” argue it both ways when tested like a public health issue, but what I really want to know is how a hedge betting against a company is any different than a Reddit group betting on a company. This is definitely something you can't let them get away with. Once all this is over, you should find another app and rate them low on the app store. A low rated app will put people off in future. RH is also preventing purchase (but not sales) of the big WSB stocks. AMC, BB, BBBY, NAKD, NOK are all sale only and don’t come up when in search. Yeah, I finally got approved and my account linked only to have GME blocked from purchasing. Sorry I couldn’t join you guys. I’m here rooting for you on this side of history. [We need decentralised finance, and we need it now](https://www.argent.xyz/learn/what-is-defi/) This is outrageous, how dare they tell me what I can and I cannot do with my money? They won't even let me leave a bad review on Trustpilot, they are automatically deleted: https://i.ibb.co/DVxnxj4/Screenshot-2021-01-28-at-13-46-46.png Disclaimer: I own NO positions in GME and AMC and I have no intention to open any EDIT: spelling ETrade is still allowing GME, NOK and other stocks CAN STILL BOOST GME BY BUYING $XRT THE RETAIL ETF!!! IT’S THE #1 LARGEST HOLDING! GME TO $1K!!! So Robin Hood just said “fuck you” to retail investors? No support for AMC and I can’t buy anymore EXPR stock. RH doing the most anti-Robinhood thing imaginable. _This_ is the actual market manipulation [removed] [removed] Your post is the reason why HOLD THE LINE was trending on twitter yesterday. It's no longer about just gains but what you just said Use CASHAPP to buy STOCKS! So who made enough money from this to start their own trading platform?? Robinhood.. the fucking irony. THIS IS THE DEFINITION OF MARKET MANIPULATION Switch to Webull. 1000 instant deposit. Let them know we won't take it lying down Everyone file SEC complaints Robinhood literally will only let you sell GME at the moment. Hold brothers!!!!! Diamond hands! everyone DO NOT SELL YOUR $GME (IF YOU LIKE THE STOCK. I LIKE THE STOCK) 💎🙌 💎🙌 💎🙌 💎🙌 💎🙌 💎🙌 💎🙌 💎🙌 Vanguard is allowing it “mitigating risk for our clients” = mitigating losses for our overlords. They’re afraid, but they haven’t seen anything yet. Buy and HOLD! Cant find it on Robinhood. Straight up gone. Just had my AMC orders canceled, can't buy more. Can't load up BB or GME in the search. Disgusting manipulation at work here lads. Lets get the hashtag going #fucktheSuits the elites have declared war. Cashapp lets you buy AMC but GME doesn’t even show up. Idk if they just don’t offer GME or if it’s due to what’s going on but I tried this morning and AMC works fine but not GME I can’t open my Schwab account They’re going to hide behind their ToS after this. The thing is, your consumers are competent and able to make their own decisions. We’re not children, and I definitely didn’t ask to have my hand held while crossing the street. I’m coming from RobinHood. They removed the stocks until further notice, but you can still sell your current position. America will always cater to the rich and leave the lower class behind. I can bet some of the suits will say that events like this will disrupt the “balance” that of the class distribution. ally dngaf, I've been able to trade whatever I want people should compile a list of platforms that didn't cave, boycott the rest No blocks on Fidelity! Its telling by how they use the term ""unprecedented market environment"" which clearly leans in the favour of ""the rich people are mad the ball isn't in their court"" Robinhood just cancelled my order for BB with no reason at all Robinhood says GME is no longer supported delete Robinhood. We need a class action lawsuit over this. If you can afford to lose 1 share then it will be worth it to stick it to the man!! They were BETTING on a company to go BANKRUPT in a pandemic!!! Just so they can line up their wallets.. enough is enough.. Eat the rich!! I own the stock and like the stock. I am no financial advisor and advise you to DD. This is straight up market manipulation. Document the incident with screenshots and full trade data, and file a complaint to the SEC. Stay factual, state the facts in a dry language and your complaint in factual (boring) tone. Not joking here, we have to start doing it. Fidelity app is broken. Only fidelity website worked for me today. Fuck these guys. Interactive Brokers now banning trading to liquidation only on GME, BB, AMC & KOSS among others. This is market manipulation because they're all in cahoots! This should warrant a massive government investigation I added 1000 more GME shares at $338 just to say FUCK YOU to the forces workin against us. FUCK ROBINHOOD. Edit: we at $400!!!!!! ""They always go against the poor individuals and let the billionaires save their asses. No one saves us when we go bankrupt by them."" saying that for 10 years FWIW E*TRADE is allowing full buy/sell without any bs. Letting people exploit the free money cheat code that is GME/AMC could legitimately help the economy. People are paying off debt and getting rich off of this. Sad that the media and many brokers are more concerned about protecting a few fat cat hedge fund managers. Didn't even realize, I placed another small order (25$) of gme yesterday and today I got a notification that ""you canceled your order of gme"" just a few mins ago [removed] I can no longer see the AMC Webull chat. They are trying so hard ! Hold long and strong boys! Do not sell! Make them pay! I bought $50k of NOK yesterday and I want to buy more because it’s on sale and I can’t. I’m losing money and can’t make money due to exchanges saying what I can buy and sell. This is criminal Lawsuits! They don’t care about their “clients” if they cared we’d still be able to trade freely. They care about order and you staying poor and subservient. Streisand Effect. Apes Strong Together. Robinhood is doing it as well, this is the message they are showing https://i.imgur.com/On1LO6x.jpg I can’t even log in to my TD Ameritrade app Rate the app a one star this is not cool, it's our money we should be able to use it how we want. The funny thing here is the government would benefit more from our success than the hedge funds'. We will pay taxes on our gains and spend our money in the system, paying more taxes. Hedge funds and millionaires make every effort (and successfully) to minimize the taxes they pay. Go give robinhood a shot review, get them off the fucking marketplace Robinhood being not so robinhood >I don't care about GME and AMC, I have no position, but now I am angry for this decision. This is the only reason I bought a couple of shares this morning. This is absolutely disgusting. Every platform I tried has stopped the ability to do anything with those stocks. [removed] Gamestop looks like its fully removed from robinhood. Any brokerages not pulling this shit? [removed] When anyone says they are doing something for your safety...rest assured its for their gain not yours. Rules for thee, not for meeeee!!! This is single handedly one of the dirtiest fuckin things I’ve seen happen in a long time. How can you restrict people’s ability to buy stock? First to mitigate risk you cut out being able to short, which I understand in a way but now you want to stop people from BUYING shares with their own money? class action lawsuit coming I guarantee this. Fk the hedge funds and institutional investor dickheads It’s making me a bit nervous. AMC Keeps dropping, because the price keeps freezing, discouraging people from buying. Pretty telling which “clients” they’re worried about. how is this legal???? this is literally market manipulation!! someone please ELI5 I’ve never been a riot in the fucking streets type of person but this is getting me there. \>> Not sure if they are really concerned about their customers, or they've been lobbied by hedge funds to prevent ordinary people from destroying them. It's pretty clear that it's the latter of the two. The rich doesn't care about the little man until he starts making money and WallStreet starts losing. We literally used their strategy against them. They thought they could score big by screwing over companies. Seriously? 140% short on GME? That's naked shorting, my guy, and they deserve to to burn Stop panic selling 😂 Just a little reminder of who's in control folks. Are there other apps rather than Robinhood? At this point I don’t want to be on their platform because they definitely aren’t a steal from the rich to give to the poor type. Definitely collision with HF’s. I have a GME position, as well as a BB position. IBKR has disallowed purchasing GME positions at all, and disallowed BB options. It’s unbelievable. I’ve never been so happy that Biden is president. There’s a slight possibility something will come of this when the dust settles. How do we get the people that don’t care about stocks to realize the severity of this? Isn’t that illegal? Now you understand that we are just their tool, it never been a place for the retail investors make money Leave one star reviews on their app, let them know how we feel and damage their products' reputation. Schwab is still up for amc Kleptocracy. Trickle up economics. Is class action a possibility? isnt this straight up market manipulation Ironic how a company named “Robinhood” that was made to take from the rich and give to the poor is now taking from the poor to feed the rich. Absolutely disgusting READ THE DD'S! People went to a lot of trouble to make them! https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/search?sort=top&q=flair%3ADD&restrict_sr=on&t=week Then read these posts. The more you know, the less their scare tactics can rattle you. https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l642ms/updated_jan_27th_short_interest_data_posted_by_s3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf They are STILL borrowing shares to short. See how the number is decreasing! That means Short Float IS INCREASING (250% now)! https://iborrowdesk.com/report/GME They can only even borrow 75,000 more shares to short. THEY WILL HAVE TO COVER! The battle is almost won! Don't sell until at least 2/12! Isn't it interesting that no one on CNBC is talking about the Gamma Squeeze? I haven't heard a SINGLE mention of it. Yet... that pops off again on Friday! Numbers/Math ain’t capable of lies but PEOPLE and MEDIA certainly are. Hold your nerve! Make sure you know the Short Squeeze hasn't even begun! Another Gamma Squeeze still coming on Friday. SHORTS HAVE NOT CLOSED! NOTE: THE SUPPLY OF SHORT SHARES AVAILABLE IS GOING UP BECAUSE YOU'RE SELLING, YOU SHOULD DO THE OPPOSITE OF THAT For those of you who are new and scared, we raised the floor of this stock by 100% today, which is OBSCENE, just stay the course. I'm not an advisor but I LOVE this STONK! 💎🙌🏻 ( This is copied from a fellow redditor. I did not write this. This is not financial advice. Just do your research and make the best decisions for you.) EDIT: This is a once in a lifetime event that they will never risk happening ever again. Melvin has unlimited loss potential on GME. Their shorts don't expire, naked shorting, 140$ short interest, their weekly and monthly expire on friday and all we need to do is hold onto our shares so that they can't have them and INFINITE SQUEEZE JUST FUCKING HOLD. They got themselves into an infinite loss scenario doing illegal things because they got greedy and now all we have to do to LITERALLY NAME OUR PRICE is hold shares and not sell and they are forced to give us money infinitely, government bailout and all. HOLDING UNTIL $69420.00 PER SHARE. Fuck you Wall Street. We're taking our fucking money back EDIT2: I don't know a day. I don't know how long it will go. I do know that there's nothing they can do, nowhere for them to go if we hold. Then we're gonna see the stock multiply suddenly by 5, by 10, by 100 and that's the moment we're going to be making some new money millionaires all over the country. Godspeed everyone. This is not mine. Any betting pools on the SEC and congress letting this marker manipulation slide? you right bro!! Since I can't buy any of these stocks removed from sites, what can I invest in? Stake app still has GME but beware, they have had app issues all week. Looks like it's buckling under the pressure Just bought AMC and NOK on Interactive brokers in EU, worked fine. Sorry, too poor for the GME train. Cheering for you guys! HOLD Gamestop and AMC should sue. Having your companies trade haulted is hurting them while benefiting the hedge funds who shortered them. From what I understand, people simply bought a lot of those stocks legally which drove up the value. Blackberry and Nokia are also sell only on Robinhood. It’s bullshit that this is fine but people making $500 is heresy Mitigate risk??? None of us gave a fuck if we lost all the money we jammed in. We were in it for the message. Mitigate risk my ass. First political party to speak out against this shit, an protect my money, in a major way gets my allegiance. I campaigned for Warren an donated thousands to Biden, Georgia senators, and Stacy Abrams “fairfight”. AOC or Donald Jr is not enough I will switch parties srs I had placed an after hours buy on amc and they fucking cancelled it Ally Invest just put a message up saying it deleted all GTC orders placed prior to yesterday. Wtf. Luckily doesn't impact me but wow AMC working on cashapp now This is literally market manipulation. If you can't open a new position, and people can only close, who are they going to sell it to? This is artificially tanking the price of these stocks. Merrill is also restricting trades of GME and AMC!!! Speaking truth to power Talk about market manipulation. All those that they are blocking are tanking. Fuck Wall Street, lock them up and bankrupt them. Nowhere else ideal to post this question, so I’m trying here: is it a good idea right now to short sell GameStop? Like, their shares are probably going to tank after this fiasco, right? Just wondering. I’m pretty amateur when it comes to investing so be nice haha. Any idea when they will allow us to buy GME? At some point they have to stop this bullshit TDAmeritrade seems to be allowing buys on both GME and AMC. This corona thing is showing how the world really works, fuck Literally market manipulation. To quote New Vegas, ""the game was rigged from the start"" Robinhood should change their company name to reflect their values...I'm sayin it goes from Robinhood, to Nottingham. This is criminal activity and showing that if they don’t like us playing by their rules. They will again take the free market away from us. Don’t forget who has the power! We are showing our strength and it’s more than they can handle. Don’t quit yet! Continue to Hold. I have been nothing but proud of you guys! Time to abandon Robinhood en masse. Webull has a promo to transfer all of your positions and will cover Robinhoods bullshit fee. Plus it is a better platform, so there's that. Uber busy right now, as you can imagine. After all the QC and bug finding we've done for Robinhood they treat us like this... This is outrageous. Can we Sue Webull and Robin Hood? They control for sell only but not allow to buy? Once again big tech and rich elites control what you can do...WTF they all deserve to be brought down to our level of poor for once! What broker can i use It's a boys club but were not one of the boys. I have tried to open accounts with several different trading platforms (fidelity, chase, and etrade). All of them said you cannot open and account at this time. Vanguard allowed me to trade GME if anyone is trying to buy more. It allows some instant deposit too. it doesnt matter if some firms havent blocked. but the fact that some are blocked means there's not an open market. they are literally letting big money win this. unbelievable If we lost our shirts yesterday, they'd have happily let us keep pumping in endless money. But gains? Naw, shut it down. Blatant market manipulation. Time to ditch the middle man and implement infrastructure to let people trade directly in the market. Fuck brokers This is such bullshit. Time to call you congressman or congresswomen Wow I was wondering why my AMC buy order got cancelled by IBKR. .           ✦             ˚              *                        .              .            ✦              ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍                  ,       .             .   ゚      .           ☀️  . ,       .                                                                                           .           .             .                                                                                        ✦        ,               🚀        ,    ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍               .            .                                             ˚            ,                                       .                      .             .               *            ✦                                               .                  .           .        .     🌑              .           .               ˚                     ゚     .               .      🌎 ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ,                * .                    .           ✦             ˚              *                        .              . Can we get a class action case on them? Any lawyer here want to take the case? We can get a million signatures leave them a 1 star review and transfer everything Need to close an account with those companies and use a new one. You are not their top priority. Class action lawsuit. I’m actually moving all funds away from RH due to this. I’m completely turned off of them bc of this. Burn it all to the fucking ground, then piss on the ashes. I don't know why any of you are surprised. The rich have worked hard to siphon wealth for from the working class over the past 40 years. They will do whatever it takes to make sure that wealth doesn't transfer back to working class people. Wealth simple just rejected my buy order for BB in Canada as well, which is interesting as I figured the TSX wouldn't be ***as*** pressured by Wall Street I completely understand the frenzy over GME AMC and other similar stocks. Considering their business models and the fact that they’re bleeding money makes sense why they would be shorted and why our fellow redditors would take advantage of the fact that these greedy, yellow belly no good hedge funds MUST buy back the stock eventually. How does NOK fit into this category? They’re company actually has a lot of upside considering the contracts they have globally for building 5G infrastructure AND NASA contracted them to build the first company ever cellular infrastructure on the moon. With all that being said, investing in NOK is not a baseless investment. Yet certain trading platforms have blatantly manipulated the market by throttling the purchase of NOK stock. Wouldnt the average Main Street investor and possibly even Nokia have a legitimate SEC complaint? To be transparent i do have position in NOK. Remove your stop losses for God's sake. This is war. This is absolutely absurd. This is the death of Robinhood, the death of Trading212, and the stock price is just going to immediately rebound. These companies protected hedge funds and they couldn't even cover with the entire system rigged. Has anybody tried Chase Brokerage account ? first they banned donald, by i didn't say anything, then they came for the free market. RobinHood will burn for this. RobinHood will burn for this. Trading halted 7-8 times in just a couple hours. And of course it’s ONLY WHEN THE STOCK SURGES UP after the bots initiate sell of to themselves to drive the price down. Hold the line! For our freedom, for our legacy, history will write about us! If you can't buy then you should not be able to sell. MARKET MANIPULATION!!! GME - I can buy, I am with Fidelity. I am in already for 221 shares. Some APE smarter then me should find a way to buy shares and donate all profits for others. Gen X here and HOLDING THE FUCKING LINE wow, that's outrageous You guys are getting a taste of capitalism in the land of the ""free"" Time to riot lads Im down $900 on BB, cant buy more. I only had 2k in RH but this is devastating for me rn. Wealth simple has frozen my account and won't let me add money to it. They know I have autism and want that GME I have a very simple question that I could not find an answer for. If I sell a share, somebody else buys it. If nobody can buy GME anymore, who is buying the stock that I'm selling? Are only people who are short allowed to close their short positions now? Who else is allowed to buy? Someone should tell them stock values can go up and down, and they're trading at their own risk. Or is that just for poor people. This is ridiculous they are manipulating the market The SEC is definitely forcing them to if I had to guess. Robinhood knows that with 50% of their users holding gamestop this is a death sentence for the company. This is such horse crap! Mitigating the risk would be stopping shorts not buys! I left a review in their app I think we should let them know how we feel. Good thing we have a way to put reviews Just contacted my representative about this... At this point, this is blatant manipulation of the market. The restrictions and throttling is insane!! The deflated numbers are making this DIP real!! Transfer & HOLD or GRAB while you can!! This will be WORLD wide Publicity!! #AMC #NOK NOK Etoro keep stalling GME but they are claiming it’s the upstream NYSE shutting them market off stopping etoro from trading Free market is only free till the rich lose. Get on the app store and bomb Robinhood to hell. A million 1star reviews might help them see the light. With some of the people I know on facebook posting about it, yes, it's definitely in the best interest to do this. As someone who owns some shares though, I can't say I'm not bummed, but I took profit from it already, so whatever happens I'm walking out the door with a win and don't mind holding the rest long term because I *gasp* actually believe in the company, unlike the dicks who were betting on it going out of business. Is this even legal??? Any other good investing services other than Robinhood? Them blocking GME is complete bullshit and I wanna know if there are other good easy to use services But it's okay for a wealthy person to dump millions into a stock and make millions more. The land of opportunity is not open for everyone, just for the wealthy. This is collusion with Wall Street plain and simple Just looked in my portfolio and AAL is sell only as well I can’t buy anywhere. I tried at 3am and woke up to my orders being cancelled Take the L E*TRADE is good. That’s crazy. I wonder if it’ll result in a huge rush once they reopen That’s crazy. I wonder if it’ll result in a huge rush once they reopen It’s so ridiculous because I couldn’t even get into TD for a while to just check my regular holdings. Wtf man What’s the motive behind them closing these? Are the paid by hedge funders? Free market isn't so free, at least not for you and me. So what these companies are saying is ""We will protect you from risk."" If I lose my money, will they now refund me? Name and shame them. I’ll start: TD Ameritrade (who are currently being purchased by Charles Schwab). Fuck the suits! AMC & NOK TOO THE MOON 🚀🚀🚀🚀 Robinhood has let me loose all my money multiple times. They don’t give a fuck about my money. This is protecting wallstreet We should rally and retaliate when the markets are forced open by legislators We need to all gather in on that class action lawsuit. Robinhood and some of these other trading platforms basically shot themselves in the face in order to protect their overlords. Degiro also placed limitations but to be fare, they give you many many hoops to jump through in order to be allowed to trade options. They are very aware of consumer risk so i think that with a highly volitile share it sort of makes sense. Go to Fidelity, they aren't limiting anything and they're a great company too. If you’re in the USA Please call and email your congressmen and congresswomen to make a stand for our freedom! Also not a secret robinhood makes its money selling trading data to hedge funds. Leave robinhood! If your brokerage is doing this to you leave this brokerage and move your assets to one that allows you to trade. Most big brokerages cover transfer fees too. I’m pretty sure Fidelity, Schwab, and Vanguard are still allowing purchases Now also Etoro disabled the possibility to buy GME. This is just crazy Dropped my first investments in AMC and Nokia. I really like the stock. YOU ARE FREE TO TRADE THE STOCKS WE TELL YOU TO TRADE THAT’S THE BEAUTY OF THE FREE MARKET Sad there should be massive fines to these brokerages and a massive class action I can’t wait to watch the movie! Even if you don't have a position because you don't think you'll make money, you should take a position as a rebellious stance to this not even veiled fuckery Free market for the rich. Where can UK investors purchase GME I just got forced out of my position on the new that they blocked people from buying. I want back in, this is clearly manipulation, I’m furious. I don’t understand how it’s going up? I thought if they’d blocked people from buying there’s no way it can go up. Are we still pretty certain the prices go Up again? All these brokers process orders through citadel securities. Thats why. Citadel securities is the parent company of Melvin’s hedge fund. You're right, that's one of the greatest challenges. You can't do this without the proper back-end and low latency, security protocols in place. However, those can be done by competent people with relevant experience. It's not a tinder app. That is why you need a crowd funding. How very convenient that they are protecting us by stopping the buying but somehow we can sell? Who exactly would we be selling to I wonder U can still buy with cashapp for amc and Nokia If this incident leads to nothing else, it has at least given me the perfect thing to point to as a rebuttal to people justifying the ridiculous amounts of money the rich can generate for themselves with ""well, they're the ones taking the risk so they of course should get the most reward"". #WHAT FUCKING RISK?!?! There is no risk for the rich. There never has been and there might never be. The Great Robbinghood Rape of 2021 Merril lynch is locking gme buys too. I am waiting for the market to drop and I am putting my 40k I made on GameStop and AMC in Tesla or some other bluechip shit. Can buy them on cashapp People are going to jail. This country is in for a reckoning RH now auto selling people’s GME This is so fucked Stash stopped GME and AMC as well ive been trying to get in on the hype this morning and I can't get anything done through etrade or my bank. I say keep going. Take your money out move to the next thing. They aren’t going to say no to our money. Let them keep thinking they can swindle us all. - Citadel bails out Melvin Shorts, idiot thats part of the 140% short interest - Citadel get the majority of order flow from Robin hood - Robinhood stop GME buy order flow but not sell - GME tanks from $400 to $120 within hours Nothing to see here....just free and fair markets #[hey so wtf Robinhood](https://ibb.co/BNG7Nkt) Turns out trickle down economics works if you squeeze hard enough. Buy and hold GameStonk! For anyone who doesn't know whats going on with GME then watch this short video. Dude does a good job of explaining. [here](https://youtu.be/enLiJfijWBI) Looks and sounds like market manipulation. I'm holding State the facts. The media has run wild with all this conspiracy on how Reddit is masterminding some form of illegal revolt against Wall Street. Nothing done by the retail traders are illegal. The hedge funds blew themselves up with extremely risky bets and now calling foul when they are caught on the losing end of the trade. edit: To those who argue ""who see GameStop valued at $xx"". Does it matter? If there is a buyer at that price who is to judge what something is worth. WILL ONE OF YOU 💎💎HANDS PLEASE CREATE A WSB TRADING APP?!? We will follow you to the 🌚WSB - TRADING FOR THE PEOPLE 🚀 It's 1000% bullshit. If you can sell someone is buying. Who is it and why can't it be me if I'm the highest bidder? The only reason to do this is so somebody can cherry pick the sell orders. THE ONLY REASON. ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT. Let's move to another stock and keep doing it over and over again until all the stocks are banned ;p I think they are being bought off to stop retail trading. Even Stash, the ultimate hand-holding, baby-sitter like investment platform for the little guys, is blocking shares and has an article right on their home page encouraging people to avoid them. For someone who doesn't know much about investment...this still smells like bullshit. Way to care for the little guy. Fidelity is still working but I think the app is overloaded. So what should we really be investing in while we have their attention elsewhere? I refuse to fucking sell. I’m holding After trying to buy in a dip all day STASH just gave me a similar message as soon as I was able to finally get through! Pretty much anything that uses Apex Clearing shouldn't be used anymore. Also goes for Schwab and TD Ameritrade even though they use their own clearing, they decided to fuck people over too. Find an app that works and FUCKING HOLD!! AMC GME NOK whatever you're invested in already, just hold it! Once everyone switches from Robincrook it will be game on. Most brokerage apps take a couple days to transfer funds into so we may see a short dip. I heard Cash app, webull and a couple others are instant. Fuck the Hedges! You can buy amc on cashapp buy before it closes With our large community we can be quicker and more nimble. We need our experts to continue to research companies that have most “shorts” hedged on them and move to each 1 by 1. Stay one step ahead. Need subtle covert action word that we all will understand when to buy. Like start a post w emoji or symbol etc. Cmon Reddit let’s do this!! I bought GME last night on Robinhood. When I logged on this morning I had no position in GME and the dollar amount was refunded to my general Robinhood account. This is an obvious play against the little guy in favor of hedge funds. So there us a pending lawsuit against Robinhood as we speak. I’m a Florida attorney and was wondering if anyone had a problem today with Ally Bank like myself. I was unable to trade all day today. Anyone else have a problem and interested in seeking reparations? Can we talk about DOGE coin and bringing that up? I want it to happen so bad 😭 For those of you in a position to fight this, please do everything you can. This is the time to show the rich they have to play like the rest of us do. 🚀🚀🚀AMC GME 🚀🚀🚀 Phone call from Joe Biden's staff? They are mitigating risk for their clients, exactly as they state in the disclaimer. They're just doing it for the clients that matter more. The big boys they're in bed with. Robinhood company and its financing “model”will die over this. Guaranteed. The hypocrisy and disgrace are shocking. We do live in the worst of times. People, it is time to get together and come up with a plan. Do not give up. This has to be illegal. I have 10 shares averaged up to $144. I was happy there. But this level of manipulation, with what I assume will be no consequences, had me ready to throw 5k in for the cause. And I CAN'T. I can't purchase GME anywhere. And I'm FURIOUS. It’s truly insane time to be alive rn, when ben Shapiro and AOC are on the same side Tracking a list of the stocks that are blocked by each brokerage at [https://canitradeit.com](https://canitradeit.com) Big if true... collusion from the top. https://i.imgur.com/TPNsi8u.jpg But somehow, when major investors were shorting 130%+ of the stock, they didn't feel the need to warn their customers something odd was happening. That was perfectly fine. It's not that people were making money, or losing money. It's that it was the wrong people. Morgan Stanley just let me buy some GME stock. They absolutely will not buy Blockbuster, so I need to find a way to stock pile that. Any recommendations?? FREE MARKET, BITCH, OR GO TO JAIL First thing to do is file a SEC complaint on market manipulation. After that we are going to sue them to hell. F this https://www.sec.gov/oiea/Complaint.html Join in and bury them. Webull following Robinhood all the way to court. So are there any mobile apps where I can invest in GME besides E-trade? since they just shut down opening orders Yeah Robinhood doesn’t let you buy anymore of GME stock, I heard it’s the same with TDAmeritrade but I don’t have an account with them so can’t confirm. You can still buy more on fidelity though. Really weird that as soon as we go into after market trading hours where most retail traders can’t access trades, both AMC both start moving in positive direction? Is the level of corruption visible to even the most blind yet? Fuck these 🤡🤡 💎💎💎🙌🚀🚀 Just bought AMC on Cash App 👍🏻 Merrill Edge blocked GME and AMC, spent 2 hours on hold... finally talked to a rep & he had “no idea” they did this and they reserve the right to stop trading on any stock they deem fit. Free market 🤔 Wall Street exploits economy at the expense of others. Wall Street: ""Life is good."" Reddit exploits economy at the expense of Wall Street. Wall Street: ""Mommy, no fair, regulate this."" The only way forward is to HOLD THE LINE. Not give in. Class action lawsuit. Most importantly. MAKE THE HEDGE FUNDS AND RH PAY FOR THIS . Market manipulated Stake (an app for overseas investors to invest in the US stock markets) is blocking also. Created a new account last night, it wouldn't allow me to deposit- saying the US conversation rate couldn't be found. Now my account is locked and I can't even login or change the password. Fuckers. So I am sending a email to my senator, Sherrod brown, which happens to be the new chairmen of try senate banking committee, any links to article that accurately portrays the illegal/blatant manipulation events of today to clearly state my case Trying to make Fidelity account which account type do I do Blackberry too... How can I get in on this? https://twitter.com/sindap/status/1354465573426622465?s=21 How does Silver Lake’s convertible affect this? FlatEx, Trade Republic and Consors Bank in Germany did also Block customers from buying GME My brokerage sent out an email that claimed **Apex Clearing** was no longer accepting opens and we could only close ""indefinitely"". Half a day later, they said they would accept opens again. My brokerage also said all this publicly on their webcast a few times today and they have pretty good support, I don't feel like they're cheating us. They've been honest and interested in GME this entire time it's been going up too. I have no stake in either company, but do use Cash App to make small trades here in there. I have less than $5k invested, but this shit infuriates me. THE RICH ARE THE ONLY ENEMY, BURN THEM DOWN!!!!!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Owner of IG admitting why they halted buying https://youtu.be/ycPwzSTt0g8 Can someone please explain to me how we know this wasn't a ""circuit breaker""? From my understanding a ton of companies blocked purchases today. Was that a regulatory requirement and if it wasn't how do we know? I gather it isnt considering many people here are enraged, I just want to understand why. If I want to join now as someone who has never invested, how can I do that, and which stock? Lawsuit filed against Robinhood This is the fact, They NEED GME under 115 asap, BB needs to be under 15 asap. HI MELVIN I use Schwab and had no problem buying in AMC yesterday, and bought some more today. Sounds like people should get off Robinhood. Wealth simple trade fucked me. It took them 30mins + to complete a simple market order on gmc. Since the price changes every sec this fucked me hard... wasn't able to buy it for hours later again This is clear market manipulation and they should be thrown in jail. 2 times I was on hold for an hour with Schwab just to get some person personal phone line that has a full mailbox. Also did reset my password and they won't send me my email to reset. Don't stop there contact your house of rep and senate to ensure these criminals go unnoticed https://www.senate.gov/senators/index.htm https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative From the desk of my gf. Big Wallstreet is who is in charge of the world now. Has been for a while. Wars are fought through money and power. We just saw what physical violence adds up to. Nothing. People coming together to take down these big hedgefunds TERRIFIES them. Congress is responding faster than they did for the insurrection. This is where the people's power will come from. From the desk of my gf. Big Wallstreet is who is in charge of the world now. Has been for a while. Wars are fought through money and power. We just saw what physical violence adds up to. Nothing. People coming together to take down these big hedgefunds TERRIFIES them. Congress is responding faster than they did for the insurrection. This is where the people's power will come from. Robin hood stopped all trading for nokie and amc I just bought 9 shares of AMC at $10.61. I’m happy to join this train. Fuck the billionaires lol Imagine if you went to a Casino, saw a fucking idiot bitchass faced billionaire making a huge stupid bet and so you bet against him the Casino was like ""You can place your bet, but if the billionaire starts losing we're going to cancel all of your bets and let him take his money off the table before he loses to much to your bets"" That's literally what's happening. They are changing the rules of the game during the middle of it because the wrong people started winning. Ohh and that bitchass faced billionaire also happens to have some ownership in the Casino. Don’t forget BB Robinhood restricted my friend from buying NOK this morning *sigh* These companies are about to learn to blow it out their ass. Fucking BOYCOTT ROBINHOOD # stealfromthepoor I hope this backfires and the squeeze still occurs. To the moon! I find it ironic that the ""reallocation"" of wealth from the rich hedge funds to the poor common folk is being hampered in part by a company that calls itself Robinhood. This is like when you’re in Vegas and your bank shuts down your ATM card and calls after a few withdrawals. Yeah, I know the risk. Now turn my card back on and give me MY MONEY. Pig fuckers. All of them. [deleted] Hey RH users, if you want to come with me to the island and chill while our attorneys annihilate the fuck out of some shit, let’s go, I’ll drive!! Hope all those who made a ton of cash this week trading $GME , actually spend a little bit of that cash at GameStop...buy a PS5 or XBOX, maybe even a giftcard for a child you know, who likes video games. #itsgoodtopayitforward Allowing sales only during a short squeeze is the definition of criminal market manipulation. What sucks is that there will be no consequences for any of this. People should be going to jail for this shit, but they'll get a slap on the wrist fine, if even that. It has to do with Apex Clearing. I keep hearing so many people go after the actual brokerage firms, but nobody is referencing that clearing houses that allow the securities to be bought/sold. TastyWorks, RobinHood, etc.. use Apex Clearing. Can't buy on Ally, anyone else? My wife's boyfriend said that millions of WSB chimpanzees have enough tendies to buy ourselves the VIP version of the political process. Like any good financial institution, WSB needs lobbyists. https://www.crowdpac.com/campaigns/400266/lobbying-and-coordination-for-small-investors r/retailinvestmentlobby at this point, i just hope enough people understand why holding is so important right now and how its affects the short sellers and why squeezing them is so integral at this point. over the course of this week, we've seen them pull so much shady shit and today was really the surfacing of how corrupt and one-way (rigged) shit is among the 1% they cannot and they will not get away with this, this has gone on too long, we need justice for the 2008 crash in which taxpayers bailed them out, not a single one of them went to jail for similar circumstances. we flipped the tables on them here, we are winning, and they are pulling every string possible to not make it happen, #WE KNOW ITS TEMPTING TO SELL, BUT STAY STRONG AND HOLD, IT IS SO CRUCIAL AND IMPORTANT. the best summation video out there for beginners wondering why this is all happening, my man Louis Rossmann. it's a must watch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EUbJcGoYQ4&t=1549s You know what that means? That's like a bank realizing they lent out more money than they have and now they are facing a run on the banks, except it's reversed because they've financed short positions with their cash and they can't get the liquidity back fast enough if people cash out later when the stocks go up. Remember, they had no problem taking the other side of losses when we had red days or got muscled out of positions by short sellers driving down stocks. There's a word for this whole situation: comeuppance. That message is going to fuck them. If instead they had just disabled the buttons they could have called it a glitch or automated action that triggered improperly due to the unusual behavior. Robinhood needs to give my money back. 100% crooked thief's This is bullshit. People are allowed to do whatever the hell they want with thier money. Where are these people who stop you from placing bets at a Casino?? What? They don't exist? Strange... I wonder why not? I call bullshit, and the ones who limit trade are siding with Wallstreets billion dollar hedge funds in an attempt to limit thier loses. Disgusting. It's time for more lawsuits, it seems. [deleted] Ok then... what's the next stock? There must be a solar panel company somewhere that got shit kicked during Trump I just signed up for Fidelity and it refuses me to put my username in No matter what platform am I use either phone or computer ""This isn't how you're supposed to play the game"" - Wall Street, probably. AMC will live on they are legit killing their business “All animals are equal but some are more equal than others” - the pigs, Animal Farm by George Orwell 1945 Geeze! Apple has now removed so many of the 1 stars that Robinhood is back to a 4.7 rating. That is kind of BS. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/robinhood-investing-for-all/id938003185 >>Not sure if they're really concerned about their customers Their customers aren't traders, their customers are Market Makers Just bought some AMC and Nokia stocks through cashapp it wasn’t much but it’s a start hopefully I can get more before it goes up Robinhood experienced a mass exodus today, most people chose Fidelity. Fidelity and Vanguard are your best bet. They own large shares of GME and will continue to let people buy it unrestricted. They also don’t have the liquidity issue that RH has. Very happy with Fidelity they haven’t restricted anything Market Manipulation: ""transactions which create an artificial price or maintain an artificial price for a tradable security"" It's not market manipulation, it's ""protecting the consumer"". Hey every trading company, ""protecting"" your consumer IS market manipulation. The entire point of a stock market is to allow a company to fail or succeed due to the perceived future growth if that company. Once I heard about it, I purchased a single share in protest. I plan on showing it to my grandchildren some day when we watch the movie together. Then we stay on em... unfortunately, I just found this community 2 weeks ago. But if things go south, maybe we look like dumbasses, or at least guys like me who got in late. As for the future, a million dipshits on the same page can compete with a large firm, as has been proven already. I called AMC customer support and they told me to HOLD Why do articles like this even mention AMC? It’s currently sitting at like $5 a share. The US Government fined the Hunt Brothers in Texas during the 70’s from cornering the silver market. The SEC only seems to intervene when a high ranking politician voices a “consumer concern.” So whenever a housing or banking crisis occurs, the Wall Street or white collar crowd seems to always walk free? End results, the consumer (we), always pay for others sins. RH sent an email saying be careful the market is volatile right now. Currently they are restricted for gme bb AMC Nd other 10/10 don't recommend. Companies got to help each other. They will fight us any way they can. We have to hit them where it hurts most. Buy and hold, dont give in. Robinhood has locked Nokia, Gamestop, and AMC. Be on the right side of history 💎🙌💎 class warfare. jesus christ. there's enough gold to go around. greedy MFers at the top the same is with Degiro- AMC and GME trades are blocked Clearly the MSM are playing with the big hedge funds. They are all connected against the ordinary citizen that is trying to make some money. They are banning us, demonizing us, calling us alt right, dumb money and so on. We are all against the big machine and they are trying to win the game with dirty tricks. [deleted] So much for the free market. What are we, CHINA??? File a FINRA complaint Everyone please file FINRA complaints. [deleted] This is my first time playing stocks, and I tried to buy $50 of AMC, just because that's what was in my pocket. But I'm not allowed to buy AMC because some random dude buying 3.8 shares of his first stock is somehow the problem. Ok, makes perfect sense. I'll just stick it in a weed stock and see what happens I guess Which broker is not participating in manipulation? I would immediately take my money out and got them where it hurts. The brokers know they’re fucked and that the shorts have to cover 20 million shares in the next 2-5 business days. Huge demand with little supply Market manipulation at its finest. There should be an investigation. This is bullshit and blatant market manipulation all to protect their buddies at the hedge funds. I feel like it’s for the safety of the brokers. If you short it and it goes up and then you can’t pay, the broker is left holding the bag They are probably holding shorts. Seems a bit fraudy if thats the case Fuck them. Fuck anyone who does this hard. If your broker is doing this, stop using them. They will do it again. I have wrote them a complaint message and encourage everyone to do the same. I basically wrote that this is bs, why must they limit and tell us ""it's not safe to buy"" like we are some 5yr old children that can't make their own decisions and take risk. I'm litterally wiling to loose 100% - it will be my fault entirely, I don't see why they have to hold my hand. Fuck'em I think what alot of people dont understand if these hedge funds go a trillion under, they will have to sell their longs to cover....could trigger a huge stock market correction which MSM cares alot about.....just saying. This is so fucking shady im amazed, they will not win Meanwhile penny stocks are fully available. If I were to hazard a guess that: Trading 212 & RobinHood both routes their trades through Citadel. What would you make of this? Idk... I dont really think theres some big conspiracy here. NORMAL PEOPLE are putting their LIFE SAVINGS into gamestop at $250. It will NOT be at $250 in a month. A lot of normal people are going to loose a TON of money wen the price corrects. Everyone that cried out about the CCP stopping the ANT IPO, are you still so sure that the US market is any better? [deleted] The house always wins. You guys just realized this was a Casino all along, always has been. Alright, time to move to Interactive Brokers! I can wait for the documentary about this I'm getting the same thing on Robinhood for GameStop, AMC, Express, and Blackberry ""In the interest of mitigating risk for our clients"" roughly translates to: ""so that you poor and middle class folks don't make too much money."" Is this even legal for a companies to not let ppl trade ..🤷‍♂️ Can we leave GME talk in WSB? We don’t need every single subreddit talking about it. I’m a singer songwriter by profession. What’s happening right now seems so corrupt and wrong I wrote a [song](https://youtu.be/dzC9qVqCAdA) about it. Good luck today everyone YOU CAN STILL BUY GME / GS2C with trading 212. SEARCH GS2C IN SEARCHBAR, PRESS BUY, WHERE IT SAYS 'NUMBER OF SHARES' CHNAGE THAT TO 'VALUE'. ENJOYYY BOYS You can buy GME stocks through Chase Bank You're allowed to sell but not buy? Sounds like your institution is directly or indirectly funded by the jack-offs who's funds are going bankrupt. Tweet storm those fuckers What about etoro? Doesn't that just put their customers are a larger risk? They create the risk of the stock going down which causes their valued customers to lose money. Are there any brokerages that HAVEN'T interfered with trading? I want to know where I should set up my next account. Big boys can still buy, but we can't. So, who does it benefit? Fuck billionaires. All I have to say is, do Bank of America and Wells Fargo next. Show em who's boss. Just bought GME, AMC, NOK, BB on SoFi. $50 free when you deposit 1k. Hope you don’t mind here is my link. www.sofi.com/share/invest/3289157 Robinhood & Fidelity are stalling new accounts too, for over a week in application status... To plays devils advocate: The rise of AMC and GME are bubbles getting Ready to pop regardless of who’s investing. So stopping people who cannot afford to lose 10,000 dollars because of that pop isn’t a negative. Just for a few hours was the last day the same.. dont worry buy a bit later 🚀🚀🚀 $NOK $AMC ⭕️⭕️guys move to webull they want to play the way let go then ⭕️⭕️⭕️ Why can't I handle risks myself? I'm of a legal age to trade and any misstep from my side shouldn't be of any concern to others. Can you buy on ThinkorSwim? Need to know before I sell some of my long term stonks for GME I got an email from Robinhood talking about risks and gave a link to Investing101 They scared of us. Great job motherfuckers What the fuck is this bullshit? This is manipulative as fuck. I hope to god no one sells I do not like that they are limiting trading with GME and AMC. But another thing to understand versus the class warfare wording being used is that these brokers are doing this to protect themselves from liability or being sued if the price falls from here (which is very likely statistically). Buy blackberry now instead! You won’t regret it. Buy ASAP I hear a lot of good things about WeBull Ugh when I got this message I was so pissed it’s sketchy af I had a message chat on TD Ameritrade yesterday and told them it was a bunch of bullshit. I couldn’t log on for 45 minutes yesterday Mitigating risk for our clients my ass Interactive brokers seems to be allowing purchases from what I can see Careful about talking shit about these companies on Reddit. They’ll get your account suspended or banned. When ques-trad-e, the Canadian broker, screwed people over just like Robinhood did buy crashing, I made a sub to complain about them. Then I got suspended for posting/commenting inappropriate things on the live feed subreddit. I’ve never even purposefully clicked on a video there or commented. They tried to get me to shut up about them screwing people over by screwing me over. Can we all start shorting and selling the companies doing this? TD should be an easy one. I don’t see how it’s a free market if the hedge funds are slowed to buy sell and short these, and the retail traders are locked out from buying just because the hedges are losing money! What!!! How is that even legal. “Why can’t I purchase more I planned on buying more today and I have every right to purchase what’s being sold “ this is the email I sent RH support Robinhood just posted alert on GME that you can’t purchase more Whole system is rigged against us. Fuck the system. We will change everything from climate to the Wall Street. The whole system needs overhaul. It needs to be more fair and transparent. ""You can sell your shares while we create an artificial dip, but you're not allowed to buy anymore until we offload all our shorts"" How the fuck is this not illegal? It's okay when they fuck over the people but we're not allowed to do it back. >I don't care about GME and AMC, I have no position here is where you can be part of the change, grab a position, even if it a single AMC stock since a single GME stock is over $400 mow ""You can't buy these stocks! They're too dangerous for inexperienced novice traders. We are only trying to protect you! Look, buy some of this $TSLA and $AAPL though , they are hip and cool and only down 9% today but it will go up! Before you retire"" So I purchased game stop pre-market. Hopefully it opens lower and raises again cause I purchased it at $470 but I'm pretty sure RobinHood buys at market price when opened. Now since they stopped allowing purchases of GME, should I just cancel the share purchase? It's not gonna go up now is it? Fuck them We're worried about retail investors getting hurt and losing faith in the markets. You know what, Bob? Let's just prevent them from trading certain securities to make sure they lose faith... Well... someone its going to buy on the top and ride it all the way down to who knows what value. The risk right now is very real for people entering the gme game this late. Time will tell. This user has deleted all comments and posts in response to the Reddit API changes. Well..It looks like Robin Hood has ceased purchases of Nokia, AMC and GameStop this morning. more firms will ban trading in these names. The risk of customer and firm blowout is enormous now. Purely a casino. Is there some sort of legal action that could taken? This is complete BS and opposite what the title of Robinhood is intended for. Take from the rich give to the poor. The future manipulation this could lead to is scary. BB too which is insane. It's not a short squeeze option it's just a generally good investment The gamma squeeze is dead because we can't buy options for Friday. Robinhood will sell our calls if the stock gets too high because we ""can't afford to exercise"" Robinhood won't let us buy shares to trigger the squeeze. This is market manipulation. This is disgusting behavior I hope you guys all got out in the 400s. I'm a complete amateur when it comes to stocks. I invested in AMC when it was low and the it took off... now its plunged hard, I was locked out of my investment App as well. What is going on?. [deleted] GO for AMC! I bought 2k in German AMC Stock! It's called AH9 and it's on a dip right now but will go up. I've already done it yesterday and it was extremely profitable. American markets got kinda regulated but tomorrow both AMC stock will probably rise extremely! No advice but check it out Lets pick another stock, buy the shit out of it. Webull lets me buy stocks! Everyone should leave Robinhood and go to webull! Trump was right It's all rigged. GME getting hammered post market. Down 40% Really fucking hope it goes back to 18... not trying to troll can someone explain like I'm an idiot how what WSB is doing isn't illegal market manipulation? I get that they're sending a message to people who do this stuff all the time, but aren't these guys just risking the same charges/investigations that the hedge fund guys they're targeting are? This is the beginning of COMMUNISM Hi everyone. I know this isn't exactly the best way to communicate the message but I hope you'll take the time to read it.  Gamestop stock or GME isn't something we're just buying for the meme, not anymore, it's not even about the money anymore. It's honestly about sending a message. I'm sure many of you remember 2008, how risky plays ultimately lead to economic collapse that we are still paying for today, think about those who lost their jobs, their homes and their families. And then think about those who caused the incident, not a single wall street exec went to prison. We've been stomped on, treated like second class traders, and even if you don't understand the stock market this involved you, because when these massive corporations shit themselves and lose billions it's your tax dollars that bail them out. No more. We aren't standing for it any more, this is war. This is all of us who have been fucked over saying we don't want this any more, that's what buying GME is about, it's our trojan horse a way to make these fuckers bleed and suffer for everything they've done to us, it's all the repercussions they should have faced but didn't.  So please with any money you can spare to lose (even 50 dollars), if you like the stock and or hate the massive fucking hedges, buy GME (at your own risk this isn't financial advice). This is more than money, this is war this is standing up for what's right and creating a revolution like you've never seen before, if you want to be part of history join us and help us make these so called wall street gods, bleed. Please put this in as many subs as possible, we need all the help we can getm together we can bring them down, besides 120% short interest still exists so stock going up is very very likely Class over party. Say it in a language they understand....... $$$$$$$USD$$$$$$$$ If people can do this, they can also stop buying from corrupt companies that meddle in politics and treat their employees poorly. WE are the PEOPLE as long as the people value the WE. (ugh phrasing) The very fabric of our society was torn apart today. The ramifications of this will be huge when people wake up to it. We don’t have innovation, progress, discovery etc. etc. that our society enjoys without credit - and trust in credit. Everything we’ve built up to now is based on this trust. If society can’t trust credit because the system is colluding and manipulating then our society will stagnate. It goes beyond us and them, David vs. Goliath. If the ramification of today is that people pull out of the market because they can’t trust it then capitalism is fucked and so is our society. BUY DOGE SERIOUSLY ITS SPIKING WILL BE AT .25 tomo Quick question: i don't think it's far fetched to say GME's share price is way overvalued, and at some point, the bubble may burst. Won't the hedge funds who are shorting at its current levels then make tons of money at the expense of the retail traders? How is the ""end"" likely to play out? This is such bullshit. Only rich people get to manipulate the market I guess. I'm not normally pro-Robinhood but they've chosen to show warnings instead of disabling trading and for that they've won my business. EDIT: Robhinhood has indeed imposed some restrictions I wasn't aware of. Yep, just seen this. I offloaded most of my holding earlier because of the bullshit they were pulling and that message about how: ""the unprecedented market activity in Gamestop is causing extreme strain on the entire trade execution system worldwide. We want to warn you of potential disruptions due to the excessive market risk of trading extremely volatile share"". Translation = we're doing this for your own good you stupid little retail trader. Like, you don't have a problem running a CFD platform where ~75% OF USERS LOSE MONEY YOU ABSOLUTE LYING SCUMBAGS. The only reason they’re allowing people to close positions is because they’re required to and they didn’t allow this yesterday and received a load of fca complaints (rightfully so). I think they’re doing it to limit traffic so they don’t crash from people logging in all at once to buy, so I think there’s an argument there that it isn’t to help out their friends at Melvin capital but it will definitely have an effect. A company that boasts its hundreds of thousands of new users should be able to accommodate for all of those users using the platform at once. Companies like TDA , and we bull , are all FOR PROFIT. Just like food and beverage giants with their soft drinks and snacks , they are out to get your money and put them in their pocket. For every soft drink you purchased, money goes from your pocket to the distributor, retailer, manufacturer and you pay so much in this capitalistic world... it’s time that we fight back capitalism We should rocket NAKD! No restrictions on it.. Open a fucking brokerage account with a real broker: TD, Fidelity, Schwab, or Etrade. This is what you idiots get for using mobile app brokers. Every Trumper crying about cOmMuNisM: “Fuck Communism.” Also them: “We are using Communism to stop these peasants from making money because we’re pRoTeCtInG tHe SmAlL gUy.” same with the cancel culture that the left displays through social media...censoring twitter, welcome to the club [removed] Nok 🚀 $CHS and $FOSL are the best risk-reward distressed shorted retailers rn. Also for the options market because IV has not reached 400 like the others. Guys you can still buy fractional shares on most platforms I think . They just dont allow full shares for some reason . Tediously putting in 30 dollar orders ... [removed] Did you all just sit there and think that the rich were just gonna let their money go without a fight? lol. I think now you all are understanding what Bernie is talking about. The rich are too rich and too powerful. What do we do now? Sell everything? Just tried to sell my AMC on Robinhood; 8 times this morning and keep getting an error message; Now I am getting the message you can close out your AMC position (but can't) but you can't buy. I have positions in GME almost 1200k in loss, and RH is not supporting this stock. WTF I was planning on selling my GME options to close out today (exp 1/29) but now I Schwab will not let me. I do not know what to do now.. Id throw all chips into 🐕Coin just to say F U they can manipulate everything but immediately we come together as people they want to shut us down but these people can get bailed out... sick of the system You Invest is setting the price at 5k for each GME stock. Only GME, not AMC etc. Pure BS. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSckb3rIy968ev4Rap2GCrF_edMc-MN6b7G5gj7h2FjsyW6cRA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&usp=mail_form_link Class Action Signup A political viewpoint Warning! In the interest of mitigating risk for our democracy, we have temporarily placed Parler and Twitter in reduce-only mode as highly unusual comments have led to an unprecedented hostile environment. New accounts cannot be opened, existing ones can be reduced or closed. - Tried to sell those manipulative hedge funds some more puts on GME for tomorrow, because I know they will fail. TDAmeritrade rejected the transaction. Yup, this is a contrived short-selling version of a pump-and-dump. Hedges and brokerages coerce people to sell (instead of buy) so they can make a pretty penny. Fucking scum. [deleted] I tried to short GME last night on Ameritrade and was unable. Sad! Would have made bank. For the average joe who knows nothing about stocks like me, would it be worth it to put some money into AMC or BB? I don't have enough for GME, but if I can make any gains, even just turning $20 to $100, I'll take it, but I wouldn't even know where to start. WEBULL is still letting you buy. They prevented purchases for a bit but now they are available again Shit like this is why I'll never touch the stock market. It's corrupt top to bottom. Everything about it is a scam weighted to only benefit the already rich. [deleted] With world wide retail investors we will win today 🎉. January 29 - 2021 will be a day to remember. You expect some tricks from the 🤡 and the masses will get their 💵. BlackBerry is still undervalued. Do not sell. You only loose money when you sell. BB & GME are going to the moon en beyond 🚀🚀🚀 But won't the majority of the retail investors involved in this pump be unable to sell the shares for more than they purchased them for when this is all over? Somebody has to be left holding the bag when everybody begins exiting their positions and that will probably be the majority of people involved in the runnup. I sold all my stocks today. It's clear the market is a bubble, and this will pop it. I advise everyone to get out while they can. To be fair, there was actual pump and dumps going on by people feeding off of the GME mania. Every investing forum was botted to shit pushing useless stocks like NOKIA and KOSS and NAKED. Hell even AMC was a pump. People deserved to get burned for chasing free money. I’ve refrained from commenting on everything going on with the meme stocks so far but the level of stupidity or maybe malfeasance I’ve been seeing is at an all time high. If you’ve never heard of a Denial of Service attack and connected the dots with the fact that it can happen to brokerage companies ofcourse they are going to protect their systems from the onslaught in order to keep operating normally for all the other users. And I find it disgusting that people in this sub and the one I will not mention refuse to acknowledge that it’s not just institutions buying at these high prices, it’s average joes, people’s mother and fathers, grandpas and grandmas. It’s fucking sad, like a dirty pump and dump scheme mixed with elder abuse. I’m ashamed of the mods of all the stock and finance subreddits for allowing it. Do you guys no longer think private companies should be able to refuse service to whoever they want for whatever reason? Lol They're doing it so morons don't dump their life savings into GME at the very top before the squeeze pops. But sure, ignore the obvious concern for their clients and insert conspiracies about being paid off by ""Big Hedge Fund"". Buy up BB! It’s the next GME They are stopping people getting fucked by buying a pump and dump. HOLD BB Bwahahaha told good! Where can I buy shares of GameStop? GME trading has been resumed on brokerages!!! After pelosi comments on investigation and raised potential for class action lawsuits on robinhood... LETS GOOOO So, i tried to make a Robinhood account last night but it requires a cell phone number (which i dont use). Now robinhood is anti-consumer... :( Is there anything i can do to quit being broke here? Maybe half my broke? Just sold my AMC stock that I bought 2 days ago. Nightshift worker, work up to panic. *complete amateur here* but I don't think this is right. I don't want to lose any money! Let’s start buying Siri, TRVN and CPRX #letsgetthesehedgefunds I don't think it has to anything to do with lobbying by hedge funds. It's Robinhood and other brokers trying to avoid too much regulatory scrutiny. When something is happening in the market that seems very detached from the underlying valuation of the company, regulators start to get interested. Robinhood has already received a lot of criticism for making it too easy for people to bet away their savings with options. The whole people are sticking it to Wall Street narrative surrounding this is bizarre. Wall Street includes the brokers and exchanges that are taking all the transaction fees from this kerfuffle to the bank. Also people are supposed to dislike short sellers because of a concern about them creating a self-fulfilling prophecy tanking a company, but GME was a brick and mortar store selling something that everybody downloads now. It wasn't exactly a mystery why they weren't doing well. Eat the rich. [deleted] Let's do the same thing to DOGE coin!!! Don’t invest in bullshit companies, problem solved. They prevented people from buying certain stocks that they want to drive down. If people try to sell they will flood the market with sales offers and bring the price down because no one is able to buy them. Pure manipulation. Hey WSB, normally I think you guys are a group of toxic, garbage, bastard people but this thing you're doing right now... this thing is pretty good. If any of you make it out of this with profit, I assume none of you will be using any of it to help those in need in a meaningful way will you? [deleted] You create all this racket and expect nobody to fucking notice? WSB loves instigating. And now they're getting fucked. Not fucking surprises one bit. Here again to humbly remind the good people that violence is an option. There if you need it :) Cynical people have gamed /r/WSB (probably committing securities fraud in the process) based on pure avarice but in the false name of anti-capitalist principle. They are now spreading throughout other subs desperate to offload their (largely) worthless stocks onto other, more naive redditors, and they are now angry that Robinhood and similar platforms are hindering their ability to do so. Do not be one of the fools standing up when the music stops. Omg shut the fuck up about gamestop wall street bets no one gives a fuck Is the whole country insane? You do know that GME is now a Ponzi scheme, right? It was at a high of $470 today and now it's at $240. Do you think it's Wall Street that is paying that $230 loss? No, it's people who thought they could get rich quick by joining the scheme. [removed] I just sold all my GME and BB. Party is over and the ones trying to ""continue the fight"" are idiots. I’m ok with this. This sort of brigadiering by day-traders has lead to extreme volatility in the markets. Professionals and experts have determined this to be a threat to the nation’s financial stability and have rightly shut it down. And for what it’s worth, I’ve detected an uncomfortable amount of anti-semitic rhetoric emanating from from 4chan throughout this ordeal. Here’s to hoping Wall Street ends this harmful and hateful behavior by day traders completely. Is this just for options? Can we still buy shares? What do you feel Companies, Media or governmental Agencies are gonna try to do to limit what's happening on GME, AMC, BB, NOK... what tool do they have? any word for etoro? Wait you can’t close positions? I though hedge funds want you to sell? On the short side too. Sahara group has entered the chat Similar situation here, from canada I’m taking my money out of TD. This is unforgivable I as an investor can and should be able to do what I want with my money and take on whatever risk I deem appropriate. This is clearly corporate relationships coming together to try and deflate the market because the shorts are going to lose big. I for one am fine with this. Any platform that is trying to control my freedom to use my money is not one I would continue to invest with. Just my opinion. These are the dangers of neoliberalism and pure capitalism with little to no regulations. I hope you all had a first hand experience why economic regulation is so important. If it's my money, it's my risk. We aren't selling until we hit 5k to 10k per share. Shares are still ok on RH 👍🏼 I’m still able to trade by Tiger Trade app Open a US account using Firstrade. Had no problem trading GME. I had problems with IB yesterday tho. This makes me appreciate Firstrade a lot more now 🤣🤣🤣🤣 trying to stop 💰💰💰🚄 Robinhood was being a bitch too yesterday, hope they’re not today Very nicely stated! No one would care if we went lost everything. 👍 I’m pretty sure TDA “restricted” margin purchases of GME and AMC. I called them asking how in the world could I sell or buy more if they “restrict trading” like the messages said. They responded oh that’s just for margin we no longer offer margin to purchase - but you can buy and sell all you want for the “foreseeable” future. We are the ones getting the money there not protecting us . It’s the big fish there protecting What else is knew . Etoro is allowing trades bit has removed leverage. I didn't find this out until I closed a leverage position to lock in profits and rebuy. In now back in at 1x leverage but I brought more out of spite. Fuck those guys. What can we do about it? Stash deployed a “volatility warning” on AMC but, still allows you to purchase. Yup. Just got that same alert from Robinhood. Can’t buy any additional GME. This is bananas. Robinhood gave me an alert saying, ""You can close out your position in this stock, but you cannot purchase additional shares."" Robinhood is now saying the same thing I was able to set an order for AMC in TDA Still able to buy on Tastyworks and Merril Agree. they’re bum licking pricks!! they absolutely do not care about regular retail customers T212 confirmed Cash app Allows AMC and Nok trading fucking daylight market manipulation Yea how is this not collusion? It’s mainly free commission brokers. IG seems to be fine for now Robinhood just blocked trading of GME AMC BB NAKD and NOK This is much bigger thab GME which is what people have been saying on wsb for ages but obb drowned out as ppl think its just memes and emojis This precedent this is setting is monumental I'm disappointed, but the money kings are in control. They have always been, just with the internet we see the writing on the wall. Things need to change this is ridiculous. Tried buying a share of GME yesterday. Got cancelled by Robinhood. Yup this is fucked. Can someone help me out? Now that this restriction has happened do we need to sell or are we holding?!?! This is crazy but I love the movement and noise it’s making!!! Buy doge Let that sink in? Is this QAnon Central now? [deleted] They’ve taken Robinhood as well. Can’t buy anymore GME, and have taken NOK, BB, and NAKD completely off the platform. On RobinHood it says this stock is not supported after I purchase one share pre-market today. Schwab seems to be allowing buys. Not sure on margin though. Anyone know about E*TRADE? Robinhood is doing the same shady stuff. I cant buy GME or BB. Im trying to see what else. Even if cold cash buying shares. Wtf. Which companies are people on the UK using? If you use AJ Bell, there are higher dealing fees as it is not a day trading account; however, I have never had a problem with them removing GME or any other stock, and still haven’t. This is fkn DISGUSTING, AFTER THIS IS OVER BOYCOTT THEM ALL AMC may still be available on cash app Am I brainlet or are we taking about AMCX on Robinhood? Rh is not letting either Today Robinhood display that BB is not supported by it. Anyone knows what is going on? Any helps would be appreciated. Oh I love their trading tutorial on technical analysis on YouTube. But won’t consider opening an account there in the future. I would think by now the hedge funds have flipped sides to hedge their risk. I put in an order overnight for AMC now robinhood took it off so I guess I’m fuckin beat now huh. Unreal Webull isn’t. I can’t understand why people stick with RH when they charge extra fees for you to trade and are being sued right now for it. WeBull still allowing $GME buys They posted that there is a queue to buy and once they process it they will allow people to buy again which they should be prepared for but still there are millions of people buying in and downloading the brokers just to buy the stock im cool tho 67.29 avg not bothering me lol You’re right in principle, but what if our entire system is fragile? It’s not like brokerages carry a ton of extra cash for when hedge funds go bankrupt and can’t cover. Your contract is with the brokerage so aren’t they responsible for the remainder? Brokerages going bankrupt could cause a panic that takes the whole market down. THEY WILL BURN JUST AFTER WALL STREET👿👿 How is robinhood allowed to prevent us from buying more stocks? Robinhood stopped trading amc,bb,baby,&nok! Fucking bullshit!!!! Don’t let the big banks win! Webull is still trading the stocks I am on RH , Can close my GME, but can’t purchase more( not that i was planning on it) EAT THE RICH!! I don't think webull has if you want the invite dm me. Stockpile charges a small fee but you can still buy any of those three. I had to buy with them instead of Robinhood. Fuck the hedge I don’t think brokerage firms want to blow out. If these stocks collapse for whatever reason everyone can’t get out. Robin Hood as shit down purchases on GME AND AMC ... this is fuckin bullshit Everyone set high aF sell limits! If they want us to close we close rich! So this is not market manipulation? Is there any way someone living in Dubai can invest in those? None of the apps here have that option I wouldn't put it past the brokerages to collude together and plan several ""technical outages"" on purpose so they can exit their positions and leave everyone else holding the bags. Even TD had a surprise ""system update"" last night. RobinHood! Come to the light. Trade republic did the same in Germany. Not sure if it was a technical problem or agenda... So this will only drive the prices down as no one will be able to buy. A lot of people will lose their $$$. Class Action Lawsuit anyone ? I was just about to fucking open more positions this is FRAUD DON'T SELL! THEY MADE IT EVEN EASIER TO DIAMOND HAND!!!! n00b question, Freetrade says it will place my order at 3pm GMT, but markets open at 230pm GMT. Is this something to worry about when trying to buy AMC??? I have a message that Robinhood has removed Gamestop and AMC They blocked GME, NOK, BB & AMC on Robinhood!!!!!! The app Stash still allows purchases of all of them. Flatex in Germany still seems to work. Sporadically there are some error messages though, but I think they are just because of low volume. But I can still update my stop limit order no problem. Vote with your money and move to a different broker. Edit: And make sure you let them know why. Message and call non stop to every platform that does this. Flood them. They are manipulating the market for a group of people. Can confirm that GameStop is no longer on RobinHood. This is ridiculous. Robinhood has stopped You can buy on cash app still “Built your own market!” WTF Robinhood says $AMC is not supported! How are brokerages allowed to block certain tickers? Hold for ever now. I’d rather lose everything I actually bought AMC a few weeks ago thinking they might weather COVID and real a ton of people coming back, so I was happy to cash out yesterday. lol. Bought it for long-term, but it was hard not to take a 500% profit. Might re-invest when sanity returns. Robinhood canceled one of my market orders I placed before the market opened yesterday. We should spam their apps, twitter accounts, etc. with negative reviews for what they have done. They have shown their true colors - they don't care about us, just themselves and were never there to provide us a place to grow. [removed] Why can’t I buy amc ?! You can buy AMC shares on cashapp still it seems but GME I can't find to buy anywhere WeBull might still support GME. I can’t tell for sure until I sell other stocks to free up cash. I can’t help much (I am cash poor!) but I will exit my other positions to buy in today. I have been using their manipulations to buy the dip they are artificially creating by ladder trading after hours or halting the stock etc. Fidelity lets you trade after hours. Loaded up on some more AMC yesterday, can't afford GME anymore. Checked my AMC. I bought into them when they were $2.82/share. they do this before market opens and before options expire friday. This is shady as hell. They are attempting to control the individual investors. If we were losing money everything would be fine! When we make money they shut us down to protect us! These control mechanisms are falling apart. They had no issues with me purchasing a small stock like INPX, however when I attempted to purchase GME a “system error” appeared! What happens if I want to exercise call options on those stocks? Let’s go amc! Even better. Now they can't borrow on margins to short. NAKD AMC LEGOOO If a stock fluxs more than 70% in a day, does the market close trading on it for a bit? Vanguard still allows GameStonk trades From what I hear eToro is shady as fuck as well, I bought through my banks boomer broker system Anyone knows where can I buy the stocks now? I am using Chase YouInvest and have not had problems I personally use etrade and fidelity and there was a several day waiting period when initially transferring funds. Not sure if that is still the case. Robin Hood allows 1k in immediate access, so that’s why most people are using it instead to get on the quickly moving GME train. And if that is the case, Robin Hood must have seen a surge in downloads and they turn around and restrict buys? That’s kinda low. In the UK try Freetrade app They don’t allow us to trade, and we can only sell our positions. This is SECURITY MANIPULATION. We should class action against them! Free market, my ass. I have AMC and they will only let me sell all my shares nothing else, no other option. This is not cool! so only the big guys can mess with this while the retail investors are put in the dark. etrade and robin are still letting you in... let’s go Webull hasn’t done this. Hold the line. M1 Finance just let me buy some AMC. Haven't tried Gamestop though. Robinhood too You know how society works right? For years they have been colluding and manipulating the markets. Look they are still at it. Are will still buying as much as possible in gme anc today? Ameritrade did the same thing,and I believe there were a few other trading platforms. Can someone tell me what exactly they are doing to trigger these messages? I'm using ToS with a TD Ameritrade account, and I just tried putting in a GME limit buy order at a low price and then canceling just to see if I would get a message, but it seemed to work fine. I really want to know if they are pulling this shit with me as well. The only action you can take is the one they want you to take. Except HOLD. Can we still use stash? Nokia got taken off of robinhood, you cant trade it anymore. Such bs! They can’t hold us back. Just time to buy other stocks like CHICOS AND NAKD Robinhood are restricting as well. This not right at all I just woke up to I can sell but not buy AssHoles “In the interest of mitigating risks for our clients.” Uh-huh, suuuuure. I took the [screen shot](https://imgur.com/gallery/r1m34CI) Cannot purchase GME Censorship and corruption. Talk about hypocrisy They are doing the something with Nokia (NOK). Can't buy more shares. https://imgur.com/a/uq5Ao4V It’s to allow hedge funds the opportunity to close their positions. I guarantee you hedge funds aren’t prevented from buying GME. I am deleting Robinhood after this. 1 star. I wish I had more hands, cause I would give them 4 thumbs down. FOR EU PEOPLE: This has worked for a lot of people so here you go: Buy GS2C if you are in an EU based app. It is GME but in the German market. That allows you to trade at different times because of the change in time zone and the only difference is the currency (EUR not USD). If using TRADING212, buy using VALUE not SHARE. This is the key loophole. it still works. I only bought 10£ worth to do my part but hopefully Trading212 will get their shit together and allow us to buy GME in the US exchange market again soon. (Not a financial advisor just a retard that joined the train too late :( - still kicking myself for stoping myself from buying GME shares when they were down to a ridiculous price a couple of days ago) I hope AMC and GME sue Trading212. They're essentially making a unilateral decision to control the stock price by not letting people purchase shares. Individuals trade at their own risk, we don't get nor do we expect bail-outs when we lose, and we lose more often than we win. To put a cap on a stock's ability to go up ""to protect our customers"" is almost definitely illegal. (Not legal advice, or financial advice, or relationship advice, but if you want spiritual advice consult your local bartender.) Ally Bank still allowing purchases. I havent trued actual stock but td Ameritrade wont allow me to purchase GME calls anymore Edit: i cant buy stock either. Cannot buy on RH plus I now cannot even search for stocks in the app or web. They're really shutting the whole thing down for some reason. BOYCOTT ROBINHOOD!!!! We need to create our own hedge fund against Wall Street shorts It’s all an act to steal our freedoms once again. It’s the big money big tech working against us all. Robinhood just did this with GME, AMC, BB and maybe a few more Fuckk Robinhood Wake up early as fk and be balls deep invested only to find out Robinhood doesn’t allow trading those names 🤬🤬🤬 I received an alert this morning that TD Ameritrade was restricting GME and AMC, but that may just be margin accounts. also you cant trade BB, NAKD, or NOK on robinhood. says its not supported We should all march to Robinhood headquarters and politely request answers!!! THESE CNBC FUCKS I bought GME on Robinhood last night and it’s queued for 9:30am, will it still process if they’ve halted trading? [removed] Just with to another broker, they'll understand that we don't joke around. IB doesn't have restrictions. Protecting us? Regular people throw their money away at casinos, on alcohol, shopping, etc... they don’t give a shit about us. They just don’t want us to make money Clearly they want to limit our opportunity to sell high and buy low. Its a bid by Wallstreet to stop us. FYI reading reports of users on here being able to purchase GME etc on their own banks websites. Like Chase, etc. If they don’t let you trade, you can’t sell your shares. It’s not in interest of the brokers, no? I haven't had any sort of warning on Questrade. Albeit, I'm up it Canada. Hi, I am proposing a solution to this here: [Can't Trade? Show them the WSB way : wallstreetbetsoptions (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbetsoptions/comments/l6x2cw/cant_trade_show_them_the_wsb_way/) Please repost so we can reach a big audience. Question? Are companies like RH allowed to ""short""? Just hold and hold and hold till the buy button is working again they can prevent the free market just cause we like the stock Corruption at the highest level. Sing a new song, Wall St. Someone write a change.org NOK as well. This reminds me of when Apple said they were slowing down phones to ""protect and increase battery life."" Robinhood is doing the same thing. And this is a especially bad because just look at the name, ‘Robinhood’ who supposedly stole from the rich to give to the poor. Or at least that’s how the legend goes. So the investing platform name seems off. Edit: word Wall street keeps coming up with new ways to shut us down. Robinhood is a shit broker- switch to Fidelity. Fidelity doesnt crash every other day either... Has anyone checked with the broker ‘Freetrade’? There’s also manipulation by media outlets. Articles are posting quotes out of context and trying to spread fear. The SEC needs to look into that. Cashapp giving me errors trying to buy more AMC It's complete and utter bullshit. Part of the cancel culture where they are trying to control every aspect of everything. Why in the hell do they care if I choose to risk $1,000? I'm almost 100% positive these hedge funds are paying off the brokerage accounts like TD Ameritrade to limit their losses. Let's file massive complaints and have an investigation. They are sore losers. This is something I hope the SEC investigates. Probably not though as SEC workers tend to leave and take high paying jobs in the industry. PAC money will ensure that congress does not investigate, or that it just results in a finger wag. Im leaving them a bad review on the app store This is dirty. They are not looking out for our best interest. And all of these brokers implementing the same rule at the same time? Coordinated manipulation with the big dogs to protect them. Not us. Having said that, as someone who is long GME, this is actually great. Ask yourself, why would they do this? The only answer is, they KNOW what is about to happen. And they are trying to save themselves in any way possible, because the hammer is coming down on them and they can do nothing to stop it. They are in to deep and there is no real way out. I will continue to hold, which costs me nothing. Scare tactics will not work here, and this is a short term setback. If you believe, hold. If you believe, get with one of the many non-cowardly brokers that will allow you to buy more. Everybody need to leave robinhood to ibkr to teach these assholes a lesson right now I bought 5800 amc on the dip using Quest. This is my broker: If you need a new broker https://www.roboforex.com/?a=fgtd Anyone having issues with Robinhood? Webull lets you trade i think. All this does is make me want to increase my positions in GME and AMC. I agree with your anger but more than willing to dissent with my dollars I'm just gonna keep investing like normal and stay out of this whole mess. Am a bit salty I missed the timing on AMC. But eh. I'll live. Now if they did this with something like Ford or GE, companies not on a bit of shaky ground. Maybe I'd be in. This is market manipulation and bullshit. How can they just decide we aren’t allowed to buy the stocks we want? If we want to take the risk, they should have no power to stop us. Move to Tastyworks. They don’t block you. They are true to respecting the nature of the free markets. The other firms blocked trading on the stocks because they had huge losses yesterday. How do they have losses? From customers who blow out from the last day’s moves, and they can’t cover the margin. (Generally from having naked options) And bb too I’m already pulling all my money from any service that applies such restrictions, they are owned by the blood sucking leaches anyways. If they are going to take side I’ll take sides too! Watch me menage my 401k too. This is sickning.. so you can sell and help those hedge funds but cant buy and hold... what a disgusting world live in ""For our safety"" Fuck that shit. I can see if you dont want us trading on margin, but if i transfer 10k into your app and want to YOLO on GME fuck you if you wont let me Trade Republic is not working for hours We need to band together and file a class action lawsuit. This is market manipulation. Only the big OG platforms seem to be supporting GameStonk now. These platforms are also telling their holders to sell. Expect massive dips. Fidelity has not placed restrictions as of yet. Im paying attention to what brokerages fuck this up and staying away from them for all time! NOBODY SELL HOLD THE LINE FUCK THESE CROOKED BASTARDS What can we do man? I'm furious by this they have so much fucking power. Oh this is so wrong! These companies took the risk, they should have to face the consequences. Webull is still trading our stocks We got a similar ""warning"" on Robinhood. It was only for GME though. Last night both my wife and I decided to invest the last $500 in AMC and NOK. Neither of those two are available right now. Wall Street has never done anything in the interest of the retail trader. Hell, even Citadel is profiting like crazy from Robinhood. Fuck man they canceled by Nok order Robinhood will not let you buy shares of AMC, only sell. If people were losing money and hedge funds cashing in, this would never be a problem for them. It’s funny that RH didn’t block AA which CNBC is fluffing up pretty hard. RH is a bunch of assholes. Moving my accounts to webull The charitable interpretation is that they fear being blamed when the price goes back down and a bunch of credulous retail investors who bought GME at $200+ lose massively because they sold too late. This is fucking bull shit!!!! Why is it the large corps and hedge funds can’t get a taste of their own medicine. March on Wall Street!!! The german robinhood equivalent Trade Republic is down since more then 3h. It is not possible to do any orders. It will be a software issue on their side, not a big conspiracy but it still sucks. How long until every platform that sells order flow to Citadel restricts buying? we need to read the fine print to see if they allowed that there If you honestly think this is done to protect customers you lack a brain. One word [synthetix](https://synthetix.io/) Here’s a formal complaint I’ve sent, feel free to copy. Trading 212, I wish to make a formal complaint about the services you failed to provide on a very important day for trading, thousands of customers have been affected by your lack of contingency plan as I am aware your intermediary (IB) has halted sell and buy orders. Under section SYSC 3.1 Systems and controls of the FCA handbook ( https://www.handbook.fca.org.uk/handbook/SYSC/3/1.html ) I believe you have terribly failed your responsibility. Who knows if this manipulation in the stock market was conspired between yourself and other brokers but i’m sure it will soon be investigated by the proper authorities. In the mean time honest consumers such as myself are left with our money held up in stocks that can plummet and rise by (15%+) every few minutes without a way to exit our positions. Due to the volatility you claim your intermediary was ‘looking out’ for the owners of these stocks by implementing these restrictions but I don’t believe that. If your response is unsatisfactory I will be escalating this complaint further to the financial ombudsmen. Regards, I can’t buy AMC or GME on Robinhood This is all I can imagine going on at the Melvin capital headquarters: https://youtu.be/T200b1EquG0 . Mr. Meeseeks: ""Oooooo he's trrrryinngggg"" What the fuck - is that even legal?? Robinhood my ass. The second the little guy gets a win all the rules start changing. We must hold what we have as long as possible. Ditto Robinhood. It’s a criminal act. I think that there will be a massive civil lawsuit for barring trading due to it supposedly being a “free market” which this shows it’s not. We don’t live in communist China. They should allow trades to happen regardless of the ticker. I'm done with Robinhood, they are total scum for what they are doing.You can't even look up the AMC ticker right now. There was a great dip at open too I was ready to pull the trigger around $11. Until there is a revolution in this nation, the elite and the government will always control us. That is the core of this issue. Robinhood is also blocking trades I'm going to keep my shares and move to another platform Is there any platform allowing purchase for AMC this morning? Robinhood won’t let me buy anymore, just sell it. Any idea when’s a good time to pull out? Stay in them! They can’t continue to stop the purchasing It looks like you can still buy $AMC and $GME on Public and Webull! Fucking sickening sitting there this morning watching the AMSEE price plummet with nothing we can do before open. Their forcing us to take losses. I remember when they increased the margin to 1:2 from 1:5 and all of us had to pump in more money to cover our positions. Apparently, it is legal because they said it in the T&C. This is still unfair. Got an alert saying that robinhood stopped trading nokia. Outrageous Are we selling now or still holding?? [removed] I bought yesterday at the dip. Will a squeeze still happen if I hold? Don’t let Wall Street win. We United our voices and sent a message that they couldn’t ignore. Don’t stop now! Don’t forget NOK. Robinhood also removed them... WeBull is still allowing trading of GME and AMC.... time to take on these bulshit trading platforms siding with the hedge funds As far as I know, Fidelity still works. Me and my buddy lost thousands of euros, because we cant even trade at ALL. Imagine. It’s blatant manipulation. Crazy. You won’t let people by a publicly traded stock. TIME TO SUE RH FOR MARKET MANIPULATION AND INVESTOR DAMAGES? say what, stock markets are fake bullshit servicing solely to enrich the already wealthy? what a shock! I have a weird feeling that this might be a revolution beginning. The stock market has become weaponized by big players and their fancy software. They have been stripping our wealth for years and this may be the next bubble. They were protected in every other bubble by government regulators like the 2008 crash and bailout. Problem is these fat cats can't stop and when the shit hits the fan the people are left with the debt plus interest. Our debt is already unsustainable, something has to give. you’ve seen what the power of the people can do when we band together. Let’s boycott Robinhood! Share this everywhere and let’s move our money to brokers who want us to succeed! #boycottrobinhood Robinhood took from the wealthy and gave to the poor. They should change their app name because they are trying to give everything back to the rich! Robinhood has started claiming that certain stocks ($NOK, $GME, $AMC) ""aren't supported on their platform"". What a bunch of horseshit They won’t show up on robinhood I do have one question, I bought AMC stocks yesterday when market closed, will it still go through when market reopens today? Schwab isn’t doing this This is absolute insanity. I always knew the market is rigged to fuck us, but holy shit I didn’t think they would just straight up collude and manipulate prices to this extent when the fucking casino doesn’t roll in their favor. This is beyond fucked. I really hope the SEC and Congress get their head out of their asses and take action against this shit (they won’t) No one saves us when we go bankrupt by them. AND WE ARE HELPING GME'S EMPLOYEES TO STAY EMPLOYED!!! HELPING REATRDS TO PAY LOANS, GET FED AND SAVING OURSELVES FUK EM I was going to open a second account to spread my funds on two platforms in case one goes down. Any company that is participating in this market manipulation is off the list. I’m seeing the WeBull might be a good candidate for this second account. # FIDELITY STILL ALLOWS YOU TO TRADE. CREATE AN ACCOUNT ASAP Doge I honestly felt the media is blowing stuff out of portions as always. Yes shorters are bleeding but this isn’t anything new. The only thing new here is that a bunch of vocal retail is on the other side of the trade. This media coverage has created an falsehood that somehow what people are doing to GME is illegal. The amount of misinformation on what is going on is getting out of hand. Let’s all come together and formally report them with the SEC. honestly it feels as if there really is nothing we can do here against this...besides move to a different brokerage. They won't care they got the other large firms that book orders from them. What else can we the little people do? We need to March after we win we gotta spread this Sell all of your PSEC. It's the free stock RH gave you when you signed up. Make that shit tank You can still buy on eTrade, but your deposit has to go through first. I think fidelity is still good, too. I hate myself for not buying more options of AMC earlier on RH, but now I’m done with the app altogether BB is gone from robinhood, too How is chase Uinvest? Or Schwab cause F..K RH How can they do that? 🤨 The big wigs are afraid 😂😜 Okay I put in an after market order for the stocks last night should I cancel them before 8:30? Yeah this is total bullshit. We need to develop other alternatives and independent systems already. This is just illustrating how bad it really is. This is really concerning, how do they even have the guts to do they think this is gonna go unnoticed? Are we living in communist China? Ironic that Robinhood would be siding with the rich over the poor... needless to say, disappointed This is straight crime syndicate shenanigans. Look at this and 08. Same thing on IBKR and Robinhood If your trading platform has blocked off these stocks, you should consider switching. They can quote the risk and protecting their customers against it, but as an investor its up to you to determine your risk threshold, not the platform you use. any recommendations for trading platforms that support fractional shares? Im done with robinhood , this is the last straw Robinhood no longer able to buy or sell Blackberry. Bastards This should be fucking illegal. I am having all the same issues and I only use RH. What other platforms or ways can I invest? Great safety! Now i cant average down to reduce my loss! Totally helping me wow! Im literally losing money because of this They’re letting the shorts unwind Thinkorswim still allows AMC/BB/NOK shares! In my opinion they a protecting the broader market. Robinhood just canceled my AMC order DONT SELL! LET THE SHORTS SQUEEZE! I could also guess this was a chess move advised to them by their attorney network. A ""CYA"" move if you will. Hedge fund managers with their billions can get together at Nobu and discuss their gameplan and that’s capitalism. But when WE do it with transparency it’s market manipulation. MmmMmmkk. RH just canceled my GME order from last night. This is absolute bullshit and we need to reach out to lawmakers If this is in the best interest of hedge funds, thats messed up. However, if hesge funds having to liquidate their assets to cover their short losses leads to a massive market selloff, that hurts a lot of people. I can see both reasons being true. The hedge funds should still pay a massive fine for taking such a stupid risk. The retail investors shouldnt be the only ones to pay Use Fidelity. Fidelity and webull? I can close out but not buy. How is this not blatant manipulation on behalf of these hedge funds?? Robinhood also locked in all of my Stop Loss Limits and wont allow me to cancel. I imagine they are giving the shorts an opportunity to cover at a lower price. Once they start to do so, they will drive the price up. Total BS though Hedge fund managers with their billions can get together at Nobu and discuss their gameplan and that’s capitalism. But when WE do it with transparency it’s market manipulation. MmmMmmkk. [removed] FUCK THEM! GOING TO CRYPT. I can't even see the price right now, it's not being shown. [removed] So I invested in a stock to sell it later for more money but now people aren’t allowed to buy it from me? Isn’t this manipulation of the demand for my stock? Schwab is still allowing purchase orders as of this writing! Pretty sure it's free to open an account. Been awhile since I opened mine. No or very low fees on most purchases and sales. Wow. Now we see the real face of wall street... fuck them. This is what it called market manipulation, preventing certain people to join the ""free"" market. [removed] When is the protest? Occupy DC? Robinhood is allowing users to sell their shares to closeout their position, but is not allowing purchase of shares. Straight up market manipulation. Bullshit!! Seems like they are all in on it. All my buys were canceled. Anything the avg Joe supports looks like they will block it. My order for gme was canceled and robinhood won't let me buy KILL THE DINOSAURS, BURN THEM FOR PROFIT! HOLD MEN! That's so lame THEYRE HALTING THE STOCKS AGAIN EVEN AFTER BLOCKING BUYS ON ROBINHOOD AND TD You can buy AMC and NOKIA on cashapp! Robinhood not allowing a search for GME this morning Wow Schwab just completely fucked me out of exiting my position ... and people here called chinese stocks risky because of the CCP. RH canceled my amc stock order Just tried to buy NOK and Robinhood won’t let me buy in whole shares been pending since last night NOK and BB as well! Interactive brokers have stopped allowing buys as well! [deleted] Robinhood literally cancelled my orders for GME I placed pre-market. This is insane! Those fuckers! Robinhood is blocking gme and other stocks as well So what do we do now?? Was hoping for more fun today Pulling my IRA out of Fidelity. Etrade works I can still buy with Capital in the EU and its rising Public is pretty good right now And there are rumors about AMC making another offering is a complete FAKE NEWS, buy the dip and hold is what you should do TD Webbroker a complete trading fukkery right now - cannot trade...this is evil! It is making my diamond hands even stronger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t even close out my stocks on robinhood right now... wtf is going on here?! Not a lot of people use it but the investment section on Cash App isn’t allowing purchase of AMC or NOK due to a “connection error” Are there more companies who are likely to rise this much? Looking to invest Robinhood is doing the same. My bf bought shares earlier in the day, and I tried to buy shares last night. Wouldn't let it go through. Yay market manipulation! When have they ever cared about the little guy losing money? Can't even think up nice sounding bullshit. Unplug the computer and say the servers are down or some shit. Then just hold. If we sell now, the big players get exactly what they want. They cannot block out trades forever. Also: 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 really thankful I was able to get my very first stock ever this morning at open, GME at 289. Vanguard doing the work. Stock market and bankers are a cancer on this world. Politicians are their bag men! I'm using Firstrade, here you can trade GME and AMC with no trouble at all. Although the interface isn't very appealing tho, but at least you can buy the stocks I just means we sell everything at GME and buy someone else like apple or some shit. fuck em in the money This is personal, i don't even care about the money anymore. How do I move my portfolio from rh to webull? RH sold out, fuck em they forsake their own names for the hedgefund asshats. LONG $GME! Just bought some $AMC on TD .. let’s see what happens But wait...listen..If we hold and focus on AMC even after today...that literally creates a revolution because they cant hold private investors off forever, that would make the world question everything. No kidding.. Banking apps are down again this morning. Nothing fishy there... And they wonder why people are pissed? They’re trying for stop the bleeding from all sides. 😙 It’s not letting me buy GME,AMC,NOK ... it only let me buy NAKD I tried to buy shares of AMC the end of last week when it was still under $4 a share, but it kept rejecting me. Couldn't get any until it was damn near $14. Yep. All my orders were canceled :( Robinhood not putting my order in for NOK from last night. Bullshit. I am so pissed I had my instant deposit on Robinhood restricted yesterday when I wanted to buy and now not only do I have to wait for the bank transfer, now the stock I wanted is not buyable I'm pretty poor I have to trade sparingly this was that chance and robin fucked it If you have pending orders they're getting cancelled I can't even log into my RBC direct investing. I think their server is overloaded. Robinhood has blocked me from buying today... what to do? I don't know anything about stocks but could someone short the stock or is everything cut off? ROBIN HOOD also won't let anyone buy stock. Can’t buy on Robinhood Market manipulation is only allowed for the rich, if you are poor the IRS is coming for you full force. I hope this is the start of a revolution. Utter scum. This is what a rigged game looks like. Eat the rich! Guys, ranting here won't change anything. Spread the news of this. It needs to be massively public for any sort of relevance. Share the news wherever you can and keep a list of every app/company who clearly demonstrated their existence is meant to serve the establishment. I got amc on Fidelity!! Because of this shit I can't even trade other things, of course they'd block AMC and GME because of the sheer number of trades, the volume is insane for any infrastructure Robinhood and TD Ameritrade arent letting me buy them. I was going to sell my Disney shares to buy GameStop. If this is the case across many platforms how on earth can we continue to raise prices, no new buyers will be allowed right? When you’re getting killed after some hedge fund manipulates the market next year I’m sure TD will come in and save us like they are doing right now. Can’t have Steve Cohen lose money. Can't buy on revolut too.... Lmao at the thought of rich people playing fair. Never have never will People will go to jail for this Yeah that’s fair /s Buy AMC, NOK! Umm I bought $BB because it's a great long term play. I don't get why they'd hault it Fuck RH. Transferring my account now We don’t need more of these shill posts. It’s already crazy spam. I made an AMC order after hrs to be completed by 830 which didn't go through. AMC has gone up slightly since then. Am I just to swallow the higher price and invest through another system or what would be the best move? Edit: never mind for 2 reasons. 1) cuz it started to go down almost below what I originally paid for and 2) it just opened back up. Wonder if it's cuz complains and reports against RH started being submitted. Where can I find Gstonks gabby town? Anyplace THAT IS still trade GME STOCK My paycheck just hit robinhood but since it's hiding GME how am I supposed to buy more?? Doesn't even show on my list. What can the average person do about this? Run up USMJ It is wild to think how quickly this has happened on a holistic front and we can’t even get out stimulus checks. I can’t believe they took it away on search wtf.. Got 2 emails from wealthsimple app telling me not to trade .. warning of the rish. Then today 2 banners in the app warning of bb and gme .. wtf Woke up this morning was going to trade a lot of my portfolio into gamestop. And robinhood will only let me sell not buy gamestop Artificially keeping prices low by only allowing selling and not buying. Hope there is a lawsuit I can sign up for. I see options are impacted drastically by margin, I bought out some contracts pretty cheap sad for those who bought at 2.5 times price yesterday. I just got a Nokia order canceled too and they taken it off Robinhood. Ally Invest is pretty much ddos'd to hell at this point. They've been doing this every day for a couple of hours each day... Been waiting 10 minutes for WealthSimple to put my order through for AMC and NOK. This is complete BS. I just signed up for Stash last night, and now its broken as well. What the heck is going on!?!? lol Until they all do it, use the only power we have and dump any platform claiming to ""protect"" you. I havent used RH in years but after this im taking out my measly $300 that's been sitting there and finally closing my account. They want to play this game let them know we can play too and take your business elsewhere BB and NOK too I can’t even log in nevermind buy I was able to lock in this morning with Vanguard. The transaction is still pending a transfer of funds, but otherwise my price isn't moving. EToro, webull and robinHood as well Robinhood and TD Ameritrade seem to also have halted purchase I admit I don't know shit about trading but I bought a GME stock after hours last night and it was mysteriously canceled by ""me"" today. Is that because of the shenanigans or did I do something wrong? Not only is robinhood not letting you buy GME, but now they also won’t let me withdraw the money I had waiting to buy GME this morning so I can transfer it to another trading platform. What's going on? This is all crazy new to me. Ally and Chase investment are shutdown and I'm hearing that other apps are down. Not able to sell my AMC. The entire market is manipulating. Sale is allowed. No buy. That means they want you to stop loss out and not be able to buy in. Today we learned just how rigged it really is. Right in our faces and they don't care. Not cool. Hope this ends poorly for them but I'm not going to hold my breath Who else is super upset that Robinhood is betraying it's. Namesake?!?! They will have to rename the platform after this!!😡😡😡 I'm on Robinhood and it won't let me buy. Says I can only close out my positions. BRUH This shit needs to be sued ffs I bought AMC stock on RH a year ago just for the heck of it. Can someone ELI5. There’s all this noise surrounding this and idk what it all means HALLLLPPP lol Intel flyyyying So what’s the plan? I think a good analogy is a casino kicking out a blackjack player that is counting cards. Or shutting down blackjack entirely. How’s this legal? IBKR has disabled buying as well. Buy amcx! Used some money I had hanging out in E*TRADE to grab 2 shares of GME this morning. Solidarity.✊ What can regular people even do about this? I can still trade them on Tastyworks, but not on RH. Switch to Firstrade Charles Schwab won't let me transfer money into my account at all now. They're total trash at this point. I'm losing my trust in Trading212, as I guess many other people feel the same about Robinhood etc. (I don't have access to Robinhood since I'm in Europe) I don't they're concerned about their customers, this is probably some bullshit strategy to protect funds. And I may not even want to buy GME at this point, BUT... how can you pretend to be a serious broker by doing shit like this? Restricting people's ability to trade? Where are we in kindergarten? I was able to buy AMC on Vanguard What’s the Discord link? Can’t say certain things cuz it gets removed as spam but you knkw what I’m referring too #2DAMOON CashApp seems to be working but yeah I don’t see how that’s legal for them to be doing across the board, when it’s clear market manipulation. I'll be closing my TD Ameritrade account over my current inability to trade AMC, GME... I can't even get a chart to show for NOK right now. Is there a ""brokerage good guy"" I can trust and should look into opening an account with? Tired of the bad guys. Nokia and AMC purchases were just made on cash app Chamath should start a trading platform called ""Free"". I see TD is allowing buying of shares. All have failed us: ESSO!!! ESSO!!! ESSO!! Make sure to let them know what you think on their App Store reviews There needs to be a decentralized trading app after this - one that isn't beholden to wallstreet. Was able to get some GME this morning, wow! Should I sell my AMC, BB, NOK stocks? I'm new to this and I have 1 stock each it's working... gamestop is dropping fast TD Ameritrade down at open here i am, still 5 figures in debt from school, unable to buy a house from the massive spike increases in the last generation, and forced to move to the middle of no where to work. This was my time to finally get a chance, to maybe get out of debt and finally start living my life. But instead, just another negative day because a bunch of billionaires wasn't winning so they had to resort to shady tactics You can still buy on Fidelity. Guys: “The Street always wins.” That’s been a saying for decades because everyone involved understands that every fucking bit of this is a rigged ass casino, with absolutely no bearing in science, facts or reality. That’s why the whole thing runs on feelings. And the only feelings that have ever mattered are those of the rich. If you don’t like this, the only actual solution is to end “Wall Street” as an entity. And there is no will for that because everyone is such a fucking dunce that they think they’ll be the next lucky winner. Honest question from an uneducated person: Isn't doing this a form of market manipulation? They're closing off trading on 2 specific stocks to consumers while other people can still buy and sell them. I don't know squat about the day to day function of the markets, but this just feels slimy to me. Similar situation on ikbr. I still could buy some at 280 at open though - it just won't let me 'buy' or 'sell' any of the associated options or spreads - only 'close' Rules for thee, but not for me Is there *anywhere* I can buy GME right now? I know my money won't transfer in time but I'm getting out and closing my accounts of all these bullshit brokerages that are manipulating the market. Fidelity allowed me to purchase 5 additional shares. Lets buy first majestic silver Yeah, this has really upset me this morning, and I have no vested interest in AMC, GME, BB, or NOK doing well. Just absurd to me to do this, as it seems like it is pretty much text book market manipulation. $Paymeboii33 can someone help me out ? If you trade on platforms doing this I’d suggest you liquidate and move ASAP Wealth simple trade can still buy both. In Canada anyway Next we need to fuck up these trading platforms that are complicit in the censorship and rigging. Can't wait to short RH. Okay. That's bullshit Robinhood as well. Even if I didn’t own BB on my robinhood account I’d be beyond pissed off. I got an account through them for access to the free market, it’s unacceptable that they restrict it Schwab let me buy GME...but I wanted to in RH, oh well I'll take it. Vanguard master brokerage. This should really be illegal. They are literally stopping retail from moving the price up or buying and all these stocks are plummeting. Anyone who is on one of these platforms like Robinhood should move their accounts elsewhere at the first chance - that'll put an end to them. Where can you still buy gme? BlackBerry is also not allowed now... What brokers do you guys recommend? After the shit they pulled today, I completely moving over from robinhoRobinhoodod and I wanna figure out what is the best choice. So when are we expecting a AMC spike? I'm moving to WeBull. Perhaps they eventually follow suit, but fuck any broker that limits what people can buy (I have no current holdings in anything limit). Wow, they really fucked my AMC 1/29 $5c. Was up 2000% at market close yesterday, not so hot rn. They moved them to complex stocks... tried to buy more, had to take a test... passed it and bought more. BUT still, wtf is this shit? Aren’t they stopping a coordinated effort to manipulate the market? People are only buying these stocks to “beat the hedge funds!”. I've been using TD thinkorswim without issue today Can there be a lawsuit? I don't really do stocks actively at all, but I find it really lame that the idea is to ""mitigate risk"". It's like half the deal with stocks seems to be the risk, and now people are complaining because ""I took this risky ""sure thing"" and the risk part happened, waaa waaa, I am losing money, the risk wasn't supposed to be real."" Sorry mate, that's literally how this whole thing is supposed to work when you are playing these high level games. cashapp isnt fulfilling my scheduled order and wont let me cancel, my $400 is just in limbo now I can't even log into TD. Stops are dropping, but don't freak out! It's because no one is able to log in and purchase!! Leaving a one star review on RH for not allowing me to buy more of my favorite stock 😡 This shit should be illegal It’s been a one-sided fucking game way too long. Theyre retarded. Not in the good way. Shits going to go $1000 now I'm convinced. There's total normals dropping a grand on this now because of the news coverage. Buy more if you can. I'm a believer. This is not financial advice. This truly is manipulation. Of course the stocks will go down if all of the people buying them are totally removed from the ability to do so. It’s utter bullshit and we should be able to sue Robinhood for damages. DeGIRO and interactive brokers are only allowing people to sell GME Bought fractional shares with fidelity no problem. Gme up 50% and I want out. All of a sudden the ticker isn't available for fractional shares trading and I cannot sell I thought it was a free market??? Only when it impacts the big guys, not the little guys... I have some famous words for you... the game was rigged from the start. Disgusting - no free market. It’s a shame Complain to the SEC. Send it to your local news. Write your reps. This is class warfare, we are being shut out of our slice of freedom. Interactive brokers just banned half my stocks. This is fucking thievery. This is my money and I will buy what I want! [deleted] What risks are they referring to? Everyone takes a risk buying and selling everyday. OMG. Not on Fidelity ""This has the risk to being highly profitable to small-time investors, so we aren't going to let you take part."" Go eToro, that's commission free too and no restrictions! I already updated my review to 1 star for robinhood after several trading apps have made this decision as well. This feels like complete oppression and manipulation. I cannot logon on Ameritrade With any mobile device So what can we do? Do we have to call SEC or anywhere else for clarification? Or what? Greece supports buy nakd amc and nok In need of a good Investing app for Europe. After the war is over, I’m leaving T212. Tried eToro - it’s a laggy mess well i guess imma just sit with my stocks from BB that i bought at 23bucks, fuck Robinhood I am upset I'm furious I am disgusted and absolutely pissed by the abhorrent and asinine business practices that I am witnessing but I am not shocked. But we need to do is find another stock because GameStop has done all it can in the time being we are being stopped by corporations and powers that are much higher. we need to find another stock to invest into that cannot be blocked. Because this is absolutely ridiculous. I've never in all of my days been so volatile angry and saddened. Bought more AMC looks like chase is still letting me buy Leave bad reviews for the apps. Pull out money if you can. I bought more on your behalf 🚀🚀 The game has always been rigged Yes this times 1000. We CANNOT let this continue. I think WeBull is still allowing trades. ETrade acceoting orders but the fills are horrible. cashapp is allowing trades on AMC and NOK How can these trading companies and apps selectively choose which stocks can't be traded? Who is deciding which stocks are affected and how much pressure is being applied to then to make those choices? Seems like a criminal conspiracy. Isn't that what the SEC is supposed to prevent? O Add AAL this is pure bullshit. has this even happened before? they are forcing people to sell but not buy. how can you sell if nobody can buy? this some kind of manipulation. You can still buy on Wells Fargo’s app. In support of everyone on wsb I bought this morning. Stick it to the man. Try F RAD and PLUG. Good trades . Totally agree. MG In the interest of mitigation risk for clients? What about all your clients who already have a huge position in those stocks that you’re fucking over you POS company? Pretty interesting to see what you can do a share price when you block people from buying stock and calls, and only allow selling. And this story is being written up in the UK media like its the forums manipulating the prices. My purchase on Robinhood was denied this morning. Thanks for saving me from myself. I’ll keep that in mind next time one of my other stocks tanks, I’ll make sure to ask “why did you stop me?” I can confirm. Firstrade app told me:"" due to recent market volatility, liquidation only."" Looks like we have to burn down Wall Street So I did decide to buy and put about $350 down and I am losing about $150 of that now. I am debating though Should i just lose the money and sell off? Like are they ever going to open trading agan so we can recoup our money? I lost money because of them. They need to be sued for this. I thought this was a free market. You can still buy on Tastyworks, shares and options. [deleted] This is the SWAMP !! [https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/](https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/) LET THEM KNOW WE'RE ANGRY TELL YOUR SENATORS TOO!!! This is like a kid overturning the chess board when he's steps away from checkmate. Ridiculous! Got into BB yesterday and they fucked me over, selectively banning wsb's trending stocks. guys try Degiro. It’s not let me down once. They are mooning in my books❤️ Its as if we were all tricked into believing you could only purchase cars at a dealership when you could buy them direct the whole time. Then once people started buying them direct, they blocked access to the roads leading to the company HQ where you can buy the cars. I raised a complaint to trading 212 about this ... Not sure if they will do anything but if you want to raise It to FCA I believe you need a response from your broker first. Isn't It? Robin Hood is doing the same! Yeah this is pretty fucking depressing. Man I’m moderate right and was really disappointed in previous politicians actions but based on what’s being read here, what’s being done in robinhood and ameritrade (that’s my platform) it’s amazing to see how much the media and these platforms control what we can do I bought 6 AMC last night, not much but it’s a start I bought GME in the post-market for $292 on impulse to join the hype- when I woke up it they were trading at over $400. My order, from Robinhood was cancelled- I would have been up on a lot of money. Not a good day today in the markets today- I'm getting very annoyed. And can someone please give me hope that AMC will rebound- WTF is going on today? Wooooooowwwww I have worked for advisory organizations that limited purchases of securities that they deemed too risky to be held in their portfolios, but those were in managed accounts where they had a responsibility to advise the client. Doing this in a client-directed brokerage account seems unethical to me, as it could have the effect of manipulating the market by increasing supply and cutting off demand. (Which I assume is why they are doing this). Deleting my account. I just started using Robin hood, what's a good app to use ? So dose then explain why black berry crashed along with Nokia and pltr? Does anyone know if Robinhood will refund buying power? I also have more money that is to be withdrawn that I want to halt because no longer will use robinhood after this greedy move. I emailed but takes minimum of 3 days to hear back. I unlinked my bank account in the mean time Change the name ROBINHOOD. They don't deserve it. Fuck ‘em! 🦾💎 Schwab won’t even let me search AMC or GME now Stash app says they found a “bug” so I can’t look at my GME investments since yesterday night ... They let you sell, but prevent buying. Look how they change volume that way. How does this protect retail from volatility? It doesn’t. It’s engineering to protect the big guys from losing. Most blatant market manipulation I’ve seen at this scale in all my years. Fidelity still allows it, I bought some BB and NOK, not for meme reasons but for AI/machine learning/cyber security and 4g-5g/huawei transition, respectively. I am holding my GME and short plays (Robinhood) Can't buy GME, and DOGE is taking forever to buy (will probably need to abandon this order) As someone with a huge position In GME I agree. Fucking horse shit and we know damn well if it was the other way around they would not protect ordinary people from these losses. Interactive Brokers isn't allowing new positions in GME anymore. Stake in Aus is down and not letting us trade at all. Wtf Tyler DURDEN, Carson Block , Zero hedge, Griffin, Citadel, Elliot, Millennion, Bridgewater all rearranged positions.Major hedge funds woke up. THIS IS GOOD! OTHERS because of DODD FRANK leverages were as high as ever. FUNDS borrowed billions to stay afloat till FRIDAY TO cover margins. FRIDAY anything GOES! REDDITS changed more than you know! They are not to blame but a re-action of years of hedge funds using the small investors. SOME made money if you had ten thousand to invest in hedge funds up front. OTHER were taken to the woodshed by sites like ZEROHEDGE designed to destroy companies . Do not do transfers from Robinhood if you have any partial stock, especially partial GME. They will do an automatic liquidation of partials when transferring! Probably when it is most beneficial to them too. It is in Elon Musk and his own influence that we must place our hope It's never about our safety it's about their safety. Why would a random money driven entity suddenly care about your safety?! People mad at WSB bc it accidentally exposes collusion of old money/banks and media [deleted] [Let the sink in](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.lolpix.com%2Fpictures%2F2014_11%2FLet_That_Sink_In.jpg&f=1&nofb=1) I can understand gme amc bb bbby nked etc but Why stop aal? You can buy same day as account creation on fidelity Public app just warns those are “high risk” was still able to get on some GameStop this morning. Any platforms that hadn’t done this? I’m interested in transferring. Cashapp is allowing AMC purchases, if any of yall want to buy that way Allegedly they're doing the same for BB and NOK. It's crazy what's happening right now. Robin Hood wont let me buy Merrill with the hammer ""Due to recent volatility in certain securities and to reduce risk of market volatility, we will be placing restrictions on certain securities, including increased margin requirements and/or limiting transactions. Game Stop (GME) and AMC Entertainment Holdings (AMC) are now blocked for opening transactions and they have also been moved to a 100% margin requirement for existing positions."" Can anybody give me a hand? I made an Ameritrade account and bought one share of GME, now I don’t know what to do or how to do it Robinhood kicked mine back saying I cancelled it, which I didn't, and Webull isn't letting me in. Nunica, MI How about fidelity ? Is it still trading AMC and NOK? etoro will still let us buy gme, bb and nok this is the epitome of market manipulation. it’s insane So true deleting robinhood and etrade moving to fidelity they are not for the little guy FSLY needs to get hit next so i can pay off these damn loans “All they wanted was a GME...” YOU’RE NOT MY MOM. I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT WITH MY MONEY CUS THIS IS A FREE MARKET. FUUUUKKK YOUUU Can confirm that stash is doing this. I even received a ""you do not have permission to access this account "" on my ENTIRE account. As of now, Nokia and AMC are blocked. GameStop is open, but they have a disclaimer up to try to keep us out. Holy fuck I've looked on several apps and both GME and AMC are suspended or hidden. I'm relatively new to investing and and try to do extensive research before putting money into things. If I somehow am able to find and trade AMC on one of the apps I use would any of you recommend investing? I'm getting so many mixed opinions on putting money into AMC. Isn’t this illegal? Stopping the voice I'm trying to help even though Robinhood killed us. I've got 180 shares through my 401k to help the buying continue. It's dumb but so is shorting a company 140%. If they were concerned about their customers they wouldn’t have taken an action that would very obviously tank a stock many of their customers were holding. This is so dumb ""this stock is too volatile, no trading allowed"" *stock becomes more volatile than ever before* SIRI is next guys, apes unite! Lol, their not concerned about us. Have you seen their CFD accounts? They manipulate the hell out of them. This latest restriction with GME, BB and AMC has resulted in the stocks all tanking today. They've done this knowing it would, and knowing it would force retail traders into losses. They care about the institutions. They do not care about us. So my AMC order went through 1st thing this morning to find it’s now at a 60% dump. 🤦‍♂️ Anyone think the price will recover or am I well & truly f**ked because of this manipulation? Td is still allowing AMC trading This is illegal i don't currently trade in stocks, was hoping to be able to in a couple of years though, is there any complete list that has been built of places that did this bs? would like to make a note of which companies to avoid in the future Im loving this. I posted earlier that Tastyworks still allowed trading in GME, AMC etc. They have just been forced to suspend buying by Apex clearing. Selling only now This is pretty amazing manipulation of retail traders. Just bought AMC before suspended, send help! You can buy GME through Revolut What platforms are not restricting? Just earlier this morning I discussed this with some friends and said they're going to restrict the day trader apps. I just didn't think they'd do it within the day lol If you can only close a position, who is on the other side???? So you can only sell to the big boys who will name their price??? How is this protecting anyone. This isn't a conspiracy. There are stops in place to prevent wall street from doing these short squeezes, why shouldn't retail investors be held to the same standard? Where can I set up a new brokerage account and trade ASAP? Due to Robinhood fucking us all I need to a place I can trade right away. I applied for WeBull but I'm hearing it will take multiple days to get approved. Please help I closed my RH account after they canceled my orders this morning. This is unacceptable and blatant manipulation by RH, Citadel, and others, trying to bail out these reckless hedge funds and their incredibly *stupid* gambit with GME and other heavily overshorted stocks. BOYCOTT WALL STREET, cash out and close your trading accounts if they cancelled you today. Fuck the oligarchs and their fraudulent ouroboros of a system that just makes them rich and robs real working people blind and kills their businesses. These people are absolute parasites and a cancer on society. Transfer your portfolio to Fidelity, they never blocked people during this. Nobody needs their trading platform to decide what they are allowed to buy - that's just ridiculous. Fidelity hasn't blocked it. Vanguard won’t let me buy AMC at market price Even the shitbags at Wells Fargo, still allow buying of these stocks. I really like AMC and was able to buy some this morning. I wonder if anyone else likes this stock as well? Any Advice? Ally as well is not allowing us to BUY THE DIP!!! Just left 1 star review for Robinhood So anyone know how long this ""ban"" is gonna be on robinhood and webull? I've got a ton of cash in there and these fucks might have just screwed me. Sitting here shitting my pants. WTF Ally.com, interactive brokers, and Robinhood I'm your client you half wit, now let me trade stonks! Update: I have no position in GME, but I want to buy into AMC This is some fucked up shit. Anybody just selling their gme stock on Robinhood? Or is it better to just keep it at this point? And NOK ""You're making us loose money so we're just going to take away your right to spend your money"" Stash App sells most stocks still, it's running slow though for obvious reasons Stash will still let you trade GME, AMC, BB, etc. Use my link and you can get a bonus $20 to buy anything https://get.stash.com/avonna_xwh57hk So is anyone keeping a running list for future reference during this/after the dust settles of which sites and brokers have done shady, manipulative, and outright dangerous shit like this to users? Would be great to later pin in a sticky or something so people know to avoid them for the rest of time. I just wanted to see what would happen, and I can't even open my vanguard or stash apps without it crashing in seconds. I love watching as this unfolds. Is webull down for anyone else Yeah just flip the table when you lose Revolut is blocking AMC, GME I wanted to pay off my moms student loans... this is so bad AMC is available for purchase on CashApp Sell 200 April at 142! Hedge funds make millions worth of transactions everyday, that directly translates to fees, trading platforms’ primary source of income. Bankrupting hedge funds means cutting off their biggest clients. I object their actions, but I can see where they’re coming from: greed. For the next time this happens, what app should I use to get involved? I am miffed that I missed out on this considering how long GME was $3-$5 during the summer. i wonder if they can provide a point of contact so that next time my portfolio is dipping I can just call in and they can stop certain stocks from being sold since i would be losing money. it would be nice, i mean why would I have to accept that volatility? They could have limited the daily amount. To go directly to ""no buying"" is an affront to every American value we hold dear. Td Ameritrade still lets me 🙃 Please read, if you are on the sidelines and cannot buy or if your hands are diamond and you aren’t selling but can’t buy more: https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l70dsp/mods_please_let_this_pass_through_some_short/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Is bb also included in this? Isn't this a fantastic indicator that it's time to buy? BUY GME AND FUCK THEM HEDGE FUNDS HARD Can’t someone with more money than me sue them for us? Tom Hanks? Idk I already had a roth IRA with fidelity and I cant even open up a brokerage account now. Just says unavailable. Does anyone have any general idea when these blocks might get lifted? This was always going to end this way -- not necessarily with brokerages stopping trading to protect markets/market players, but certainly with a whole bunch of retail bagholders at the end. Ostensibly, markets are there to connect capital with people who need it and can make better use of it than the capital holders can. Businesses are invested in because of fundamentals, and the future cash flow they generate is the bedrock on which the price rests. It can go up or down, but *somebody* is willing to pay *something* for that very real cashflow. Here, however, we had a set of hedge funds bet that there were no sustainable future cashflows, and then got greedy and overshorted a stock. We then had another set of investors (the retail guys on reddit) who colluded/banded together to punish those hedge funds for this greed. And you won, in the short term, making it incredibly expensive for those hedge funds to buy the shares they needed. Maybe you would have put them out of business. But at the end of the day, there wasn't an infinite amount of money to buy those shares, and naive retail investors continued to pile in thinking there would always be someone else willing to buy from them at a higher price. The hedge funds HAD to...until they didn't. Either they would run out of cash or, like happened now, market makers would step in to stop the issue from rippling outward. It's not fair. But either way, there were going to be a lot of retail holders who got in 3x-10x+ above what the stock had been trading at, and now it's not tethered to its fundamentals, and without the speculative driving force (which was always going to end, somehow), nobody can find buyers at those prices. I know everybody is saying ""fundamentals don't matter anymore!"" and they can be right over the very short term. But in the end, you need to find buyers for what you have, and if buyers have stopped buying just to sell to someone in the short term and start buying because they want to own cash flows...the bubble pops. Stonks don't always go up, guys. This is sad, because people have gotten hurt (and some very rich people have had their asses saved); too bad about the latter, but the former was *always* going to happen, whether the hedge funds went bankrupt or not, because there wasn't an infinite pool of money to pull from. The lesson is this: don't buy because you think someone else will pay something more. Buy because you want to own the underlying cash flows discounted at the rate you want. Over the long-term buy and hold, you will, on average, win. I was able to get some AMC when it went down via E*TRADE. Hoping to help it back up for everyone out there like me that hates how Robinhood is taking from the poor! Tried to get GME at its big dip but it shot up a little more than I had ready at that time. I still believe these will go up. They have good upside this year! I'm in boys!! Cash app let me buy on AMC... I'm doing my part lol https://imgur.com/Uhf1db0.jpg This would propably be a good time for a short Where can I buy AMC stock right now that isnt blocked? Even gbm, a mexican broker, has issued a warning about this. Fuck em u/wautin Webull.com allows trading... never mind Apex Clearing Firm is another Are they preventing you from buying shares or buying shares on margin? Two very different things. The later is risk mitigation because you are playing with their money. We can still buy from Revolut See you on r/all Free Market unless you like #gme or #amc Yep. Tried buying AMC yesterday via Robinhood and got some goofy message this morning about several stocks that are not able to be bought. Bought AMC on Fidelity this morning. I like the stock. HOLD. I’ve been wary about investing without a steady income to back it up but I really like what’s going on here. This is probably the most creative idea in the class war that people have come up with, and I’m glad there’s no partisan politics involved, just people comin together on the internet with a genius idea in order to get a piece of the white collar pie, and highlight what’s wrong with the stock market and how all of the sudden these criminal financial fucks (not all but many of them) are crying because they got outsmarted by a bunch of average people. Switch to a real brokerage like E*TRADE, I’ve been trading there for 3 years and watched as friends lose due to manipulation and technical issues, Robinhood is garbage!!! https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l720lv/do_you_believe_the_robinhood_halt_had_negative/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Report issues to the SEC. Welcome new investors. Levers are normal during times of extreme volatility. More than so please stop freaking out. Government let this happen. Ban K-Street Lobbying in full. No politician should take a bribe before holding office, while holding office, or after. Obviously there’s no laws to protect the individual. Why Charles Schwab can still trade GME so if i bought amc should i sell now? I really wanna make a short burst of cash during this but don't have like a ton of money what should I buy? Thank you for this post! So we cant short it now??? Traderepublic blocked the buys too. I lost $250k overnight on $AMC, $bb, $EXPR, and $NOK... Will these stocks go back up with more shorts needing to cover? This sucks... ;( Chase bank let me buy GME. Webull has been suspending GME all day. https://www.sec.gov/oiea/Complaint.html Is it me or should Short Ladder trading be illegal? It’s just another form of manipulation intended to drive a price down. I see no legit reason for it. Can someone smarter than me explain why it is allowed? We are just trying to fuck over the short sellers, nothing more nothing less I think because it's borderline Securities fraud. Let's be real it's not but wall street bankers can afford the best lawyers so they will make it seem that way Wealth simple is still allowing it for now This is collusion with Wall Street plain and simple $EXPR is also banned from trading. IBKR too I worked in a different industry, but would see loads of client data and decisions in our platform. There were situations like this where I could see a customer make a bad decision. Our MO became ""pretend you never saw it."" If you advised someone to change course and ended up being wrong, it would be on you. And not everything that looked like a bad decision actually ended up working out like one. Yesterday Trading 212 blocked GME and some more stocks. Today I stopped trying because the site wasn't fully functioning. I took a nap instead. Whats the word on Webull? Anyone know? This is the American “free market”. Call your congressperson This trading options applied to lots of trading apps. I lost $3k+ from that. I didnt sell anything too wtf What brokerage apps do you guy recommend so far? I bought 3,160 shares of AMC this morning on E*TRADE. These market manipulating cock suckers make me want to double down!! To the fucking 🌝 Is there a list of platforms that have enforced this ban? I am planning on closing RH soon and don't want to open an account at another one of these hedge fund cronies. Robbin' the hood Hell, my Shwabb account won't even let me deposit money to buy anything [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enLiJfijWBI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enLiJfijWBI) a summary by louis rossman. a correct dude. Sogotrade, RH, and Stash all blocking buying of GME & AMC. E*TRADE is still chillin though hopefully they don’t turn too I wonder if these short bursts of gains are all low volume traders such as myself jumping from RobinHood to WeBull, etc. and buying the dip. And again the suits cheated and won ... Yeah, I’m pissed. I put purchase orders in for all these stocks and they went through, but then buys got blocked so of course they’re all falling. Feel cheated. ridiculous, let’s sue them🔥🔥🔥 We are making our own trading platform. AOC is on the case: https://twitter.com/AOC/status/1354830697459032066?s=20 Oh, and they've succeeded. Trading volume is down and stock price didn't recover yet. AdmiralMarkets prevent that too for GME and AMC Isn't it crazy that a multi billion hedge funds existence totally depends on a price of a single stock? It is now almost bankrupt just because of one stock price increase... Call me crazy but where is hedging? Where is insurance? Call options? Anything? Robinhood be Robbin’ the people 🚀 Okay, you’re right. Bullshit. Especially restricting buying during the short ladder they executed. People could have picked up shares in <$200 range and lowered their average purchase price. Should I buy more GME or just hold em? Hold Schwab and Chase YouInvest were working for me Check their rule 606 documents for Payment for Order Flow conflict of interest Will the price climb up today or do we have to wait for tomorrow ameritrade still letting me buy AMC The Sheriff of Nottingham has arrived TradeRepublic, the german equivalent to Robinhood also manipulates the market. Can‘t buy, only sell. Meanwhile the stock is free falling.... This kind of obvious, global crime can‘t be tolerated It's such bullshit. [Robin Hood ](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l6wu59/upvote_so_everyone_sees_we_got_support/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) In the interest of mitigating risk for our clients They don't say that you are their client. Their client is the hedge fund and they are trying to mitigate the hedge funds risk you are just their revenue stream and not an actual client. I'm curious if this will open these brokers for liability they are preventing their customers making trades and I wonder if Reddit and Discord will also be held liable for infringing on free speech. This social experiment has showed the people the true colours of regulatory agencies keep the rich rich and the poor broke. Money controls the free market to make it less free and give a competitive advantage to the rich. They get no sympathy from me. Tax the rich. Class-action suit to punish the platforms helping the hedge funds by not allowing consumers to gauge the risk themselves. When they steal ten billion, it's business. When we take ten thousand, it's a fucking crime. Fuck them. Cut them deep, get your pound of flesh. After blocking GameStop and AMC stocks, Robinhood app should change their name to Sheriff of Nottingham!!!😒😒 E*TRADE is still in play! Doubled down on AMC, holding on GME! E*TRADE still in play! Doubled down on AMC, holding on GME This is bullshit. Not only today, but yesterday they froze all my orders as well. Some of my orders even got canceled without my asking. If it works against trump's supporters it can work against stock traders too. Wait so I use Robinhood for buying stocks and have a good amount on there- if I now want to boycott them should I sell all my stocks on there before changing apps? 🥴 (idk how any of this works ngl y’all) Market manipulation is the name, yes we do need regulations but why does regulations affect only retail investors like you and me?? They want us Poot so they can get richer, “the richer gets richer and the poorer gets poorer” don’t let them fool!! For those concerned, consider switching to Fidelity. No games from them. 2021 is delivering. Trading 212 is using a custody account with Interactive Brokers, so they don't decide anything themselves. Wow Trying to buy the dip and RH locked me out. Leaving RH when this is over. This post has a comment with the boarder with phone number to call and report this too. I encourage you to call both. What they are doing is illegal https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l6z7rx/the_hedge_fund_citadel_pays_robinhood_for_their/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share I cant even open a new account on trading apps. Interesting coincidence. If you still want to buy. CashApp is still unrestricted. I just got some from them Just bought more on TD Ameritrade! Its been confirmed you can buy shares of the current trend movie theater A.M.C on CASHAPP!!! Spread the word! #HOLDTHELINE #DONTSELLYET Question: Is it possible to open up an account in a different country to purchase the GME stock anyway? For example, can one use a company based on the Tokyo, Toronto, Amsterdam or Frankfurt to trade the GME shares internationally? Melvin might have less leverage on foreign companies than domestic. I don't know anything about international stock trading though so there's that. So let’s go onto the next one ? We can do this to any stock we want if we coordinate better I'm definitely joining the class action lawsuit against robinhood, screw these people for thinking they can control how we spend our money and protect their rich corporate daddies. I'd rather be in prison than be a ""free"" slave to these corporations. this needs the FBI involved... tap all their connections communcations Can’t sign into stockpile rn, coincidence? If they do not allow people to buy GME again will the shorters be on the all clear other than the fines? Trade Republic (germanys main broker) stopped trading GME etc as well DEGIRO still allows me to buy AMC🚀 Robinhood: Madman...you’re a madman WSB: GME and BB, oh you’ll find plenty of both down there Robinhood: No man...no man, Redditor or Moderator threatens a trading platform! WSB: You bring the crowns and heads of conquered stocks to my internet steps, you insult my team, you threaten my trades with slavery and death. Oh, I have chosen my actions carefully Robinhood, perhaps you should have done the same. Robinhood: This is blasphemy! This is madness! WSB: Madness?......THIS IS STONKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why do I feel like the stock market only caters to people with lots of money...oh wait. That’s exactly what it seems like the market is trying to do here. It’s one thing when THEY short stocks...another story if WE do it. Double standards much? You mean it sucks when you lose? Isn’t that how casinos work???? Did they really think millions of little people would lay down and just roll over???? NO! [deleted] Is it just me or is stopping the buying of GME and other stocks legally kinda similar to using riot police to force peaceful protests to disperse. I know one is alot safer because your not getting beaten or tazed or pepper sprayed or shot at, but this feels like a an illegal response to people who are just playing by the rules. I could be ignorant and wrong and they are completely different. Just food for thought. Deliberately popping the bubble your clients are riding on is a funny kind of ""concern."" What I don't understand is, why? Ameritrade, okay, Schwab and Plotkin probably play golf together. But given Robinhood's target demographic, won't this only hurt them? (If they were public, I'd short them.) Would they have been under some kind of legal exposure if this continued? Nordnet in Denmark is refusing to let me buy GME. What the fuck is going on?!?!? Everyone jump on Tmbr! It’s really cheap at the moment buy buy buy I really hope this brings some actual scrutiny to the methods that Wall Street uses, albeit “legally”, to make billions if not more. I don’t think regulations alone will do it. If there was an easy button, I know many would be pushing it but it just isn’t that way. I’m still shocked at the tactics used to try to tip the scales and the sad part is, they’re not restricted like we are. I haven’t been vocal about anything on here much until now. I’m done being quiet. It’s time to stand up for everyone of the little guys! Should I hold my AMC? Fucking boomer corpo golden parachute asshats. They fucking love the free market until they lose, then its all ""more money please daddy"". [removed] Same bs from Ally Invest >We are not currently accepting opening orders for this security. Closing orders for existing positions may be placed online. I strongly suggest everyone to involve their representatives. You can also call the offices of Congresswoman *Maxine Waters* (D-CA), Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee Phone: (323) 757-8900 Fax: (323) 757-9506 Phone: (202) 225-2201 Fax: (202) 225-7854 Same BS from Stash too, but they are hiding it as connection issues ""due to market activity"" >In the interest of mitigating risk for our clients Which clients would these be? The hedge funds and institutional investors or the little guys? What app instead of robinhood should we use to invest in gme? Btw Cashapp you can still do AMC NOK and BB I hope they crash and burn. This whole GME thing needs to be investigated, HOW where they allowed to NAKED Short a stock for 30+ days and skirt SEC rules? Now its time to pay the piper they halt all buying of shares/derivatives/etc. But wait... if you want to open a bearish derivative position on GME go ahead, or better yet sell your shares. ​ My IBKR literally blocked all bullish positions. [According to the CEO of Webull](https://finance.yahoo.com/video/heres-why-robinhood-restricting-users-173049721.html) they blocked buying the stock because the ""clearing house fees"" skyrocketed. So who runs the clearing house and how are their fees set? rules for thee but not for me Didn’t the Powers that Be also used to restrict the freedoms of PoC... fOr THeiR oWn pROtEcTiOn? ML also won’t let you buy AMC or GME. Still was able to buy bb, nok and bbby though. You think someone could use a VPN to Buy more?? Of course this is a ploy. What else does logic state it could be? This is naked market manipulation. The entire system needs to be burned to the ground. I need some advice. I’m holding gme bb and Nokia shares, should I just keep holding and wait??, Also I’m on Robinhood, and want to move to another brokerage, any recommendations??. Thanks Just moved my money out of TD into eTrade wonder what sort of trades after the announcement...or even before by the hedge funds. bet they were not going long... looks awful fishy to me So where should i be putting my money? If everyone takes their money out of Robinhood we can hurt the bottom line. Fuck them STASH is doing it too They’re not wrong, they’re mitigating risk for Ken Griffin. Robinhood and TD Ameriprise did the same. Wouldn’t this have the opposite effect on share price than desired by the risk mitigators? Supply and demand says without the supply, the demand goes up. Should I buy more GME now or too risky? Boycott Robinhood. Don’t transfer your accounts to other platforms, it takes time to process Create new accounts. Translation: “it seems the free and open market isn’t predictable and controllable at this time. Stop everything.” Ally invest isn't accepting orders on them. Securities and options are frozen. Rbii now And Nokia. the stock market is what capitalism truly is... a dark fucking nightmare that is entirely not on your side or in your interests. it is greed incarnate. Td Ameritrade is still trading I’m new to this, but this morning I decided I wanted to invest in AMC, NOK, and a couple others. I’ve screen recorded my entire transaction, RH blocking my attempts at fairly purchasing public stock. Let’s open a class action suit, any good attorney will have a hay day. Get up boys!!! We can win this time we have internet! This is completely fucking illegal bro. [🔥 SIGN THIS PETITION 🔥](http://chng.it/mFsgz92zvx) Let’s stick together and hold everything, this is a damn revolution! I bought amc stock last week. Should I hold onto it ? Will it go back up? Where can I, an uneducated stock purchaser, go to buy GME right now? https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/l6uur7/payne_sounds_off_on_wall_st_over_gamestop_all_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf I certainly hope the SEC is being inundated with complaints against those that did the hedge funds bidding. https://www.sec.gov/oiea/Complaint.html?fbclid=IwAR2vLG-HFe_7JZ5LTEpHXbxYCq9SGbYDMoKqhup_Lep7QK3j_FbAeN4qiWw Please file a complaint against these investing broker firms This is textbook market manipulation AMC and NOK flattening. Did they cover? Merrill edge as well For what it is worth, Bank of America’s “Merrill Edge” self directed broker platform has also prevented any purchases of GME or AMC. Wouldn’t let me purchase even a single share at market... TD was also restricted for a while, but isn’t preventing equity purchases as of about an hour ago 1pET. I was able to make a purchase on GME. Source - my own accounts They own the Judge, they wrote the rules, they control all the money, all the media, and they STILL lost! They are not concerned about anybody but themselves and their hedge fund friends. What they are doing is immoral and illegal. That is why there will be class action lawsuits taken against them and Robinhood. On Cashapp and my AMC and NOK stocks have been pending all day >Not sure if they are really concerned about their customers, or they've been lobbied by hedge funds to prevent ordinary people from destroying them. I think pretty much everyone knows the answer to that particular question. I don’t know why people haven’t done this in the past. We have the numbers in everything. Also various brokers around the world use viewtrade and they also prevent us from buying >News Media: ""WBE are Russians, or Russian stooges."" >Big Tech: ""WBE are white supremacists posting hate speech."" >Corporate: ""You played by the rules and are winning, so we're changing the rules."" Sobering, ain't it? https://i.redd.it/o0hpei8ic2e61.jpg Ah i remember retail investors being protected in 2008! Oh shit.... They didn’t! Time for these hedges to eat their own shit Screw RH. I can't even open a fidelity account right now because their servers are overloaded. Guess what? Robin Hood just start selling on people's behalf! How insane! How does one invest in those companies? I wanna learn and make some money [Tastyworks and Apex Clearing](https://i.gyazo.com/6c0c4c5f8538ca326beb03a14fcc2ada.png) As simplistic as vanguards platform is, they allowed trades on the stocks avoiding a class action lawsuit. Robinhood not so much. >Not sure if they are really concerned about their customers, or they've been lobbied by hedge funds to prevent ordinary people from destroying them. They are availed concerned about their customers. The thing is that retail investors are not their customers. With trade being free, retail investors are not customers. The cousins are the hedge funds that pay them for market data. Which is who the are obviously concerned about. Stash is doing it too. Halted AMC and GME. Schwab let’s you buy all those 💎 They should get sued from getting protected by their own! It’s my understanding that retail investors were able to bring about all this chaos and expose the heavy hitters that are usually responsible for all the shady manipulation of the market (to the detriment of us little guys). What else can we do to try to level the playing field? Switch brokerages? Pull all our money out? Honestly I have no idea. All I know is that collectively, we have the power to make changes in the market, as seen by all this crap. I just don’t know how we should wield that power. Aren't these markets mostly automated anyway? Even the bot traders that bought up all the shorts as GME and AMC went rogue? Because I have the sneaking suspicion that these hedge funds are running around panicking at least partially because they don't know how to change their trading bots' behavior to stop this. And the guy they usually call to fiddle with their AI trading bots is out sick with a sudden case of 'member-of-wallstreetbets'-itis. Interactive Brokers gave me the message ""Transactions in this instrument are limited to closing-only trades"" when I tried to purchase a share of GME. I have an pro account with them. I think it's official now, you can not trade these stocks, unless you have a direct line to the exchange, like a bloomberg terminal or something. Where can I buy GME? Would it make sense to buy via Stockpile? How do you free market capitalist proselytizers feel about this? Ally invest has blocked trading too. Add them to the list. Does anyone have a good summary of which brokers allow trading of gme and for the ones that don’t, have they indicated when it will be allowed again? Surely they need to give that Info Thanks What's the most easily accessible place to buy DOGE? Please file a complaint to SEC and FINRA if this affects you. Fidelity suspended AMC for maybe a good 15 minutes... then they we relike... ""meh, it's on you"" lol I love Fidelity. The big guys don’t want the little guys making money. I don't know much about stock market stuff, but I did look up Gamestop stocks through Charles Schwab, and they still seem to allow you to buy/sell it via them. Cash app!!!! You can trade amc. Bbby. Nokia.. Always good to have one additional account with one reputable brokerage firm Let’s do it again, but these time even more. Hey so what are the brokers that allow trading GME and AMC? I need to buy Trade Republic, Trading 212, Robinhood, and a lot more. Let it be know who those are. doesn't Robinhood sell retail investor data to these hedge funds in order to buck ""dumb"" money? Isn't the whole point of Robinhood market manipulation in the first place? That's what makes the app free right? GME to 10000€ EOW, hold the line retards we are going to Alpha Centauri And NOK. No chance of my options hitting strike now. Just remember, when they say “clients” they’re not talking about you. Ally Invest (Ally Bank) has prevented people from trading GME and AMC as well. I’ve been on hold with support for 5 hours. This is a prime example of when Wallstreet gets burnt bad enough that they change the rules in their favor to not get burnt as bad. This is absolutely ridiculous. http://chng.it/R4g2bWkk Use TD Ameritrade, we can still buy on there... My trading broker here in Canada (CMC markets) hasn’t prevented it but they increased margin rates for GME in a tiered system. From 40% up to 75% They are scared !!! Finally the big wigs of Wall Street know that we can shake and manipulate the market !!! We need to hold our pos and maybe yolo another market that NEEDS it ! People are going bankrupt amc isn’t anymore ! We did good ! https://i.imgur.com/UneI8yt.jpg This is coming from WAY UP THE CHAIN. At least that's what Ally is saying This is market manipulation. Feels like you can't have it both ways. If they as a company feel it's their responsibility to ""mitigating risk for our clients"" doesn't that mean they open themselves up to liability for a bunch of other obvious bad trades people have made through their system because they didn't attempt to mitigate risk when they had knowledge and ability to do so? Not sure if this is breaking news, but I was able to buy AMC on the cash app just now [https://youtu.be/B8y1H3IMt6I](https://youtu.be/B8y1H3IMt6I) What about GBR? no restriction on that? I hate wallstreet. TD Ameritrade did not execute my orders for GME, AMC. NAKD, KOSS and others. I will take my business to another broker. I am thinking of Interactive Brokers. Any thoughts? DOGE In Canada using Questrade and BMO, we can buy l think. Not sure what this freeze will do so not making any moves (have small amounts in GME, BB and AMC) 100% with you. This is absolutely outrageous!!!! I have no stake in gme or amc yet I can clearly see the ""free market"" being under attack right now. I've been hearing that they are shutting down any stock that gets too much discussion. I came to start rabidly discussing stocks and get trading of them shut down, anyone else interested? Does the word ""Free Market Economy"" not make any sense to them? PENN is going to have a huge surge in growth due to them defending the customers of RH. It’s just such bullshit cause right now while GME is low would be perfect for people who missed the first wave of buying. They fucking us boys. HOLD THE LINE PEOPLE THAT JUST MADE OUT BIG TIME ON GME ARE DUMPING THEIR PROFITS INTO DOGE. IM ALREADY UP 250%! Any platform that uses Apex Clearing was blocked from purchasing. This includes Webull, who has just now opened it back up. What platforms are you all able to use right now?? Are they any open that allow gme, etc that don't have fees/waiting for verification?? I tried ameritrade but they gave me a 4 day verification wait. Merrill and e trade won’t let me open a new account for day trading. Pretty sus... So did Robin Hood rob from the rich to give to the poor, only until the rich got robin hood on the payroll? Bryan Adams would be rolling over in his grave if he knew everything he did was put on pause. You can use cash app to get amc stock still Tdameritrade will let you buy Apex Holdings decided to halt the buying of GME and AMC. Stash used them for their clearing firm. They’re based out of Bangladesh? Mannn, I’m thinking about starting a claims company just to deal with all the requests of compensation they’re gonna be ordered to pay(not) they’re gonna get away with it looking like they’re the good guys saving everyone from “bankrupting themselves”. I guess they’re just trying to keep the rich, rich and the poor, poor... Same for merrill lynch. Only sell and celled all day and good til cancelled open orders. Sec her I come (when the website stops crashing) I got an email from Wealthsimple telling me it's risky to go with what's happening but didn't stop me from doing it in any way. financial censorship pure and simple. there's no explanation to justify the decision to restrict individuals rights to buy and sell stocks as they see fit, especially when it's not on margin. that level of control and ""protection"" is an empty promise and not balanced when juxtaposed against the lack of oversight for hedge funds to short a stock beyond the amount of shares available. this is an historic and incredibly negative move by these brokerages. the downward pressure from regulators and government to stifle momentum trading from the retail investor, something they seem to have no problem allowing institutional investors and money managers to do with relative freedom and lack of accountability, has created a chasm i'm not sure can be repaired. and the irony is by doing what we're seeing this week, the markets have potentially lost trillions of dollars of new money that would have come in over the next decade as this reddit crowd grows, ages, prospers. will they continue to take disposable income and invest in the markets after what many of them experienced this week? i wouldn't. Chamath says it way better than i can but it's reprehensible the way the markets have disrespected this trade on the retail side and their collective intelligence. [https://digg.com/video/chamath-palihapitiya-roasts-cnbc-anchor-gamestop-stocks](https://digg.com/video/chamath-palihapitiya-roasts-cnbc-anchor-gamestop-stocks) Without free money from you how else is Gabe Plotkin supposed to buy the adjacent homes worth 44Mil to his Miami mansion to put in a tennis court? (Not satire unfortunately) I seriously suspect that they're concerned about consumers. They should actually place a notice on them and not take the option of buying out. It seems like they have been paid quite a bit to obstruct the competition that drains out ordinary individuals. where can I buy gme right now? OCCUPY WALL ST 2.0!!! Not sure if it’s been posted but Merrill Edge has also blocked it’s users from buying these stocks. I know the games rigged, but the fact that they don’t even try to hide it now is infuriating. It's funny, a few weeks ago I got AMC as my free stock from Robinhood. And now they're telling me it's not supported and I'm not allowed to buy it. What a joke Bankruptcy is literally a form of saving an individuals ass lol E*Trade latest to stop purchases on GME and AMC And to think that Nokia (NOK) had just announced the world’s first 1T deployment. https://www.google.com/amp/s/finance.yahoo.com/amphtml/news/nokia-elisa-push-network-boundaries-070000048.html *’Nokia today announced it has achieved a major network capacity milestone with its long-standing partner Elisa while preparing the operator’s network for the future. Through a live commercial trial, the companies are proving the world’s first 1T (terabit) clear-channel interface deployment to efficiently scale Elisa’s network to support new applications and access technologies.’* I had a market order in to buy NOK at open and Robinhood cancelled my order (as well as my GME, AMC, and BB orders). If this isn’t illegal, I don’t know what the fuck is. Nokia stock is no longer supported on Robinhood and I’m tempted to take all my money off the platform ASAP. The market had GME short sellers by the fucking balls and they paid off Robinhood to shut it down so they could buy back shares at cheap to cover their shorts before we kept driving the price higher on them. So sickening. We had them at check-mate and they flipped the whole board on us in a childish rage, so unfair. I wanted to buy Nokia stock based on actual news in the industry and I am being restricted from making any purchase orders. We must bring light to this to the play makers out there. Wall Street hedge fund managers cannot keep winning like this! It’s a cheat! I'm not sure what's going on with the whole WSB thing, always disliked the idea of stock, but if this is hurting rich people, I'm for it. Vanguard allowing trades. Should I buy more GME? So real question here.... The brokers have prevented all retail traders from participating in GME buying, ultimately driving the price of the stock WAYYYYYY down and a selloff. That reprieve in price allowed short sellers to exit a lot of their positions and mitigate their losses (probably even making money in the process since they doubled down). The question is how much damage was done to the squeeze? Allowing them to exit their positions (or cover their shorts by being the only people allowed to buy the stock) alleviates a lot of the squeeze pressure. When this all opens back up to the public, it might spike from retailers jumping back in but is the short squeeze still there? On a related note, it's complete BS. If retail investors were locked out then Wall Street should also be locked out. You can't lock out one demographic without applying the same rules to everyone. It was a complete slap to the face of retail investors and blatant manipulation. SET IT OFF What is the next target? Sad day This is complete crap and anyone who is locked out should file a formal complaint with the SEC Its happening! E*TRADE just started this with GME and AMC. Earlier in the day you could still buy them. Yeah, etoro did the same. Only close allowed. No new opens Cash App just cancelled \ blocked my order of shares from AMC. I don't see how this can be legal. The suits didn't like not having the full power of how the show runs. This speaks volumes to the contradiction and greed of the elite players of Wall Street and how when they see an opportunity to exploit for profit it is all fine and dandy but when the public finds an opportunity that jeopardizes their interest it is not okay and stopped ASAP. I hope that the public sees this and realizes how powerless we really are in a country that claims we have ""freedom"". Webull just reopened buying options for ALL STONKS!!! Go get em!! 🚀 The market makers are selling directly to the funds who are massively underwater on GME, which is why you can't buy on a bunch of apps (but you still can buy if you use a \*real\* broker). I think someone's done the maths and realised that the results of any class action, and the results of any (unlikely!) criminal charges are nothing in comparison to the billions these firms are on the hook for. Make no mistake - manipulating the stock down is a conscious choice, and a legitimate conspiracy between a bunch of market participants. This is not a good VS bad situation. Wsb has exposed the entire system with GameStop. Two wrongs don’t make a right. There is nothing immoral about shorting a stock. The problem is the brokers/ market makers allowing the over 💯 % of short float on this. But there is nothing moral and just by participating in a pump and dump scheme. I’m certain there are large hedge funds on the buy side of this that will clean up. Then it’ll collapse and the new shorts will clean up. In the end a lot of people are going to be completely ruined. And it won’t be just hedge funds. Some bald guy on CNBC says GME is worth $17 but Yahoo says it's worth a lot more than that in something called a ""Market price"" who do i listen yahoo or some bald guy on CNBC? He didn't say ""I think it's $17"" he said ""It's worth $17."" SO HE MUST KNOW IT AS A FACT. Who is offering to sell to him at $17? I WANT TO BUY FROM THEM e: the bald guy repeated it's $17 why does yahoo say such a higher number? So manipulating the market by pretending we are the ones manipulating the market? We need to get in and get out quicker before wallstreet dipshits can respond. Takes average of 3-4 days for them to get their head out of their ass. We buy Monday sell wednesday or something like that in and out like a quick 2 minute bank robbery except this is legal!! You would think Robinhood would take from the rich and help the poor but nah. They are only interested in their pockets. Total market manipulation It’s still open to trade on SoFi app. Just checked it. You’re welcome This sucks. They will let you sell but not buy in RH. Feels yeah take your lost and sell but you can't buy. So you are screwed. I am holding on and not getting of the wagon. Let's buy a bunch of penny stocks in Disney and Amazon and show them what free market really means Stock market shenanigans are nothing new. Rich investors did it in the 20's: \> Small groups of wealthy men “painted the tape,” driving up prices artificially by buying themselves, only to sell at high profits after other “suckers” bought into the rally. Such *pool operators* could make money virtually at will in [pump and dumps](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pump_and_dump), to use the modern phrase for manipulating small-cap stocks by hyping them and selling before the price drops back down. [http://sites.austincc.edu/caddis/stock-market-crash-great-depression/](http://sites.austincc.edu/caddis/stock-market-crash-great-depression/) Ally was ""down""... I had the option to trade but couldn't execute trades. Seemed like a convenient server issue. If not, they are not fit to have this service. I’m gonna see them hedge funds get trimmed back like a lot. Ha. Ha. HAHA I sold because you fakas tricked me! I didn’t want to hold the bags so I dipped out. I've had a small RH account for a while, but I'm done with them...Where should I go? Fidelity? Remember the horrible equifax data breach? No one gave a shit about the victims of that when an actual being crime (negligence) was committed. People were left out on the cold with no information for weeks, and they even tried to trick people into giving up legal rights for retaliation. Now a bunch of people caught these greedy rich assholes making bad financial decisions, and they get to whine their way out of problems again. It's so disgusting. Send an email to trading212, then complaint here too: https://help.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/help Revolut still trading ""~~Lobbied~~ Bribed heavily by hedge funds"" Agreed. What app/company should I use to get in on the whole GME thing since Robinhood and others have made it difficult? Webull is back!!!!!! Im currently using cashapp to trade stocks (not sure if its the best option but it was easy for me to start as a beginner). Yesterday i purchased amc stocks but they havent confirmed the transaction, i checked my bank account and noticed the app did take the correct amount of money. Im not too sure to just cancel my purchase or just wait it out. I dont want my money held away from me so i dont know what to do. Maybe i should use a different app?? anyone else's margin call line just inching up and up? Like I'm up 5% today back off lmao So what happens when I go to sell the shares of GME I have with robinhood tomorrow? Are they going to prevent me from doing so or something? Can somebody help me understand how these shorts work? I get the basics of it but my question is do these hedge funds have deadlines to buy back shares? Can't they just wait this out and wait for the price to come back down? In the UK you can buy GME on Revolut. This sucks. I have a couples shares (I’m not as rich as many people here lol), but AMC and NAKD were really helping me out :\ Someone should start an open source stocks tool/app so that we can't just be shut down because it displeases some company crook. Robinhood sent out basically the same exact notification an hour or two after Reddit blew up about the whole situation. Pretty wack. And pretty illegal. Risk mitigation my ass. Etrade let me buy AMC Whatever little money I have to lose just to say fuck you to the establishment is money well lost Sadge ;( I want to change brokers. Im not trading with alot of money since im fairly new, what are the best commission free brokerages you guys would recomend? Edit, currently using robinhood. Fidelity had issues but hasn't restricted anything for me. Td ameritrade had issues yesterday. I still recommend you out d1 in there because think or swim is the most powerful trading all I have found for technicals. I'll watch a stock in thinkorswim then buy it on Fidelity. But they dont know that. Robinhood restricted access. Tasty works restricted access. I believe webull had no interruptions. I didn't experience any in first trade. First trade has a partnership with morningstar so while the trading platform isn't great, imo the research capability is awesome. M1 had login issues but I don't believe I encountered any restrictions. I just bought 1 more on Ameritrade, they letyou buy so far and... tomorrow is pay day 😉 Sounds like I’m holding my GME, and when the push back is just too much and they cave to the masses, I’m taking an even bigger position. Next beat up realty companies, and etfs so that all the idle real estate in the country is forced back onto the market so the average person can afford a house/condo without being financially ruined for life. Mortgage literally means ""Death Grip"" in latin. Where can I get amc and nokia stock right now to stick it to them? TD? Cash app is saying no for me right now. [removed] How can u buys stocks as non-us citizen or U dont have an International Bank!! This thing confusing!! I'm terrible at stocks, but I love watching the elitists squirm. Burn it all down. I hope you put every one of them out on the street and make gamestop worth more than apple. Is it in their TOS? If so then we’re SOL Been trying all day with TD Direct investments. Keeps telling me I have to have a registered person look at it and that I have to call in. No one answers. Could be in just a noob. You can still buy AMC through CashApp by the by Playing the odd man out here. Its probably for both. They want to mess with the little guy and protect the ""little"" guy. I heard if the hedges goes bankrupt, it'll lead to many other stocks crashing, defaulting on 401Ks and retirement and stuff. Its part of a longer chain of effects. I'm just saying. I don't know if its true. Stash is also restricting these stocks ELI5 How is this robinhoods fault, or any other trading platform. Can’t any of them choose not to have a stock, I have three platforms, some have stocks that the others don’t have. I've been following this all day and I just want to know if it is at all smart to invest in AMC and GME today. Vanguard is still allowing purchases of these stocks. Should I buy some? Mitigating risk to their customers is right, but not the ones who aren't allowed to buy. Cashapp sent me a notification about my AMC stock, I had totally forgotten about it, and it said that investing right now is risky so they were notifying me to ""protect my money"". That's a very elaborate way of saying ""we're protecting our interests"" They fooled us all this time I’m a complete noob at this stuff, but if all these people agreed to buy up a ton of random stock can’t we all just target a different company to buy up to have the same effect as the GME stocks? Can someone please post a list of companies allowing you to purchase GME, currently being booty blasted by robinhood. I heard e*trade and maybe fidelity? Such bs Is there anyway to get around the fidelity sell limit of 50% above last price? A few hundred of them with less money and power than a few hundred MILLIONS OF US combined Why are we bending over for them? Since we are going to hear a lot about regulating the markets soon from politicians, I think its important to DYOR on actual market mechanics so you don't fall for the narratives that are going to be shilled. **TLDR: Brokers don't have control over the liquidity and transfer of securities** \>What is the DTCC? The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) is an American post-trade financial services company providing clearing and settlement services to the financial markets. They are a private company that holds many subsidiaries, including the DTC. \>What is the DTC? Depository Trust Company (DTC), founded in 1973, is a New York corporation that performs the functions of a Central Securities Depository as part of the US National Market System. Basically they handle the bookkeeping of the market while keeping custody of the actual assets by registering them as owned by their subsidiary: Cede & Company. \>What is Cede & Company? Cede & Co. is a specialist United States financial institution that processes transfers of stock certificates on behalf of Depository Trust Company. Cede technically owns substantially all of the publicly issued stock in the United States. Thus, investors do not themselves hold direct property rights in stock, but rather have contractual rights that are part of a chain of contractual rights involving Cede. \>When a Biz wants to issue stocks, bonds, any securities, they have to issue them to Cede & Co. [https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1450922/000093041309002195/c55995\_ex10-3.htm](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1450922/000093041309002195/c55995_ex10-3.htm) \>The DTC can restrict book-entry movement of securities [https://www.dtcc.com/settlement-and-asset-services/issuer-services/how-issuers-work-with-dtc](https://www.dtcc.com/settlement-and-asset-services/issuer-services/how-issuers-work-with-dtc) I can provide more sauce if there is interest. TLDR 2: Learn who controls the rules of the game and use it for context in what you're about to hear in MSM. Merrill lynch has done the same no one saves you because you buy gamestop stock. stop being stupid Etoro stopped people for a solid 3 hours. FULL HEARTS, DIAMOND HANDS🙌💎CAN’T LOSE💎🙌💎👐👐🚀💎 So at this point my question is how can we the people get back at RH and continue to make our money and fuck with theirs? Just like they do to us... Only we'll pay debt, spend on loved ones, build... You know do good in the world. I was ready to start burning 1%er homes but this is just as satisfying. Robinhood even has my AAL stock in reduce only and cancelled my order of NOK this morning. For a while you couldn't even search GME, AMC, BB, NOK, etc on the app EAT THE RICH! Proud of you boys!!!✊ Can we have a list of every broker that wouldn't allow trading of these stocks? I'm trying to find a new one. These girls have found a couple sites that are still selling GME and AMC as of this afternoon anyway. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOUEHfTpuDU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOUEHfTpuDU) Is this not a clear example of that ""moral hazard"" that banks and such keep going on about? What incentive is their for large financial institutions to invest in a rational and efficient manner if they can cheat/bailout their way out of major losses, thereby socialising their risk? **Public risk, private profit.** It's the same thing we saw in 08. They make money, only they get money. They loose money, we all cover their looses, even if they lost money trying to get away with illegal/immoral actions. The game is rigged. Personally I don't mind if I take a risk and loose so long as the game is fair. I cannot abide by losi9ng out due to cheating. That what this whole situation is: **cheating**. Robin hood? More like the corrupt sherriff of Naughtinham!!! Fuck them, I hope they go under from this!! Target acquired? Can someone give me the sub of the dude that’s been posting his gains from GME every day I’m 34 and instal windows is it stupid of me to buy a couple hundred bucks worth of amc stock? Trade Republic (a Berlin online broker) is doing the same! Got the massage a few hours ago Hang them This is a petition to have Robinhood taken down from the App Store do to fraudulent practices. http://chng.it/XgjRsdPC6k This is blatant class warfare and they’re fighting dirty I'm curious what AMC and Gamestop think about all of this. If we move together we win together. The People literally redistributing the wealth. What a beautiful thing. I'm new to investing, but what I've read before any of this even happened is that the SEC (IIRC) prevents shares from being traded after they've been shorted by x amount in a day or something like that. Could this be the reason? Could it have nothing to do with the actual brokerages? I actually came to reddit today to ask how you guys feel about this and this was one of the first 2 posts that I saw in my feed LOL. On one hand, I can see them looking out for our best interest. It's wildly volatile and not only are they (possibly) looking out for us, they're looking out for their own money that margin acct holders are buying the stock with. I don't know if anyone else here uses stockpile. I tried to buy $30 of GME last night and today I'm suspiciously getting a ""Something went wrong while trying to log you in. Please try again later"" error all day. Stockpile isn't the main brokerage i like to trade on but fuck them for this. Its not a lot of money, but still. What risk are they mitigating? Doesn't Robin Hood just go off commissions? How does Robin Hood have any risk? Get out of GME before the rug pull tomorrow afternoon Robin Hood should be renamed Sheriff of Nottingham for trying to keep the status quo of the hedge funds. Can't even believe the irony. What Brokerages are NOT rigging the game? ""Interactive Brokers also limited options trading in AMC, BlackBerry, Express, GameStop and Koss. Clients can close out positions, but not buy more options, a move the company said was due to extraordinary volatility in the markets. It also tightened margin requirements indefinitely on “short stock positions."" Charles Schwab and TD Ameritrade took similar steps to restrict trading on their platforms Wednesday."" Funny...I don't recall anybody being up in arms, when the former President issued an Executive Order, preventing Americans from trading shares in Chinese Telecom stocks, last year... Silly plebs. Companies only want their billionaire buddies to win in their self-feeding Wall Street casinos. You little people only exist to toil in low wage jobs, “invest” in 401ks, and pay taxes so that billionaires can get taxpayer bailouts from their millionaire politician buddies when things go sideways... Realistically this is a lose lose for all hedge funds no? What outcome would be in their favor? Seems like they are just trying to swing dicks but are fucked - it’s too late So, this is probably legal due to fine print... right? Because this seems SUPER fucked up. The rich elite can do it all they want to us? We swing back and we get fucking locked out? That’s how they’re gonna phrase this and get away with it. By saying they are protecting people’s interests by not allowing them to buy the stocks they want. “We didn’t want people to accidentally put their money in a very risky stock! We did it for them, not rich people!” Its always the same with these schemes. Everyone puts money in. The people at the top pulling the strings sell at the opportune time and become rich. Everyone else loses everything. Today has been crazy 🥴 It's bs cause it kept changing from that message to, we are under heavy load so trades are limited. Funnily it was only limited for AMC and GME before they just put this one up instead. I hope a lawsuit is filed in the UK against them. Merril Edge is doing it now It’s not your risk they are mitigating, gotta protect the overlords /s not really ""people"", just retail investors, you know, the ""little people."" I am just blown away how all of this manipulation is blatantly right in everyones faces and the market makers dont care. The situation must be really bad for them Remember: You have the right to vote those put of positions of power that do not act. Trade with Schwab. Had not problem buying GME @$140 this AM. Been happy with them over all The time is now for us to wake up They say it right there: ""In the interest of mitigating risk for our clients..."" You are not their clients. The corrupt manipulative billionaires are their clients. need to sue Citadel too!!! FREE TRADERS Trading Apps: “\*OUR* shares” CANT STOP. WONT STOP. GAMESTOP Robinhood is back: https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l7cgty/robinhood_allowing_trading_of_gme_again/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf More and more reason to eat the rich, starting asshole first. They are starting to cave. I think it was my 1 star review. Or possibly the class action. Or maybe congress about to investigate? Hard to say. Probably my review. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/28/robinhood-will-allow-limited-buying-of-restricted-securities-friday-gamestop-jumps-after-hours.html Imagine being surprised by this lmao Just leaving this here: https://i.imgur.com/OOtrvRw.png I’m a dummy about this stuff, and I have always thought that our 401ks are basically us giving our retirement to these hedge fund Wall Street companies to have their way with.. am I wrong in being suspicious about 401ks?? During the first two years of the Obama administration, one of his first tasks in January 2009 was to deal with the 2008 financial melt-down. Remember how the big banks were ""too big to fail""? They all got a huge bailout. Did the banks take that money and refinance underwater home mortgages that were hurting the economy by being forced to go bankrupt? No. They took the bailout money, paid the executives huge bonuses, and bought out smaller banks to make themselves even bigger. >I am angry for this decision. They always go against the poor individuals and let the billionaires save their asses. No one saves us when we go bankrupt by them. Yup, that's why I'm pissed at Robinhood. Does anyone have a broker that didn't halt trading on these stocks today? I'm looking at M1 Finance. Was this for options or common stock? I bought more shares in AMC common today just to see if I could, and had no problems When they say they’re mitigating risk for their clients they’re not talking about you. #fuckthesuits Rh should be renamed robinpoor. Boycott after this battle is won! But don't do a transfer in the middle of this squeeze...it'll fuck with your numbers I admittedly don’t understand much about the stock market or what exactly is going on. But if it is pissing off the wealthy 1% and such here in the USA, I hope it never ends. Time to make them hurt. Time for the common guy to rise up and cause them pain and suffering. Make them hurt They're even manipulating media and reviews for investor apps. Let them try and stop it; the world has its eyes wide open and everyone is watching their manipulative bold faced corruption as it unfolds. Protecting the rich during coronavirus isn't going to get sympathy anymore. Well they aren’t lying-protecting their billionaires who are also clients, I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️ Got the same notification from Trading212 today too Is it too late to jump on this bandwagon? How wring this is Revolution is not swift it often roots itself in the peoples hearts long before they pull out their pitchforks. When they say their clients, they mean the hedge funds It's there a Crayola explanation of what's going on? How all of this is fucking over the rich? Is there a list of which brokerage apps didn’t pull stocks from trading? I’m getting off robinhood and I need somewhere to go. I think I heard TradeZero & Fidelity didn’t stop it. Who else? Alright i'm buying amc stock right now. Edit: The deed is done (via cash app). Which platforms are not doing this? I haven't bought GME nor AMC but I highly support those that did. I want to move my stuff from Robinhood. I heard TD and others have also done the same bs RH did. [removed] [deleted] Maybe try loved? It’s kinda meant for children but still works Have accounts with TD Ameritrade and RobinHood. They won’t exist a month from now. It’s the first time I’ve broken up publicly over the Internet :-) Not trading _buying_ - it’s engineer to cause people to sell I think WSB should be disbanded. Money belongs in the hands of the rich. Not plebs. Etrade!!! They did suspend trading but only this afternoon, they will resume in the AM. They allowed trading all AM today I grabbed a lot of AMC, let’s ride this shit to the moon it’s totally undervalued due to the hedge funds that have shorted it, realistically it should be somewhere between 20-40 by the time covid ends especially with Washington talking shorting now, it’s bound to be more regulated, it’s a buy dammit especially with all the blockbusters Hollywood had held release until post covid, people going to movies and concerts that’s what’s gonna happen. I'm with Schwab, I hear they are trying to stop people from trading GME. Suggestions for where I should move to? I'm not going to let that go. These companies that are saying they are not allowing trading to “mitigate the losses of the clients” are not lying; we’re just not the clients they’re talking about. Capitalism my ass, this is just capitalism which benefits the richest. Fuck the system. Robinhood denies claims that it sold GameStop shares out from under its traders Traders say they intended to keep holding Just saw this headline.... Lol fxcking coward. Embrace becoming the poor like me. Repost: I have a bit of play money. Where should I put it? For the most impact. I mean :) Congratulations to everyone on board. If you have spotify then join the party AND REMEMBER, WE AINT SELLIN 🚀🚀🚀 PLAYLIST HERE https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4maep0DVtmcI3obHTiCEFH?si=K5pZQoIORemBIX9A5plTUQ Its only fair and free so long as the rich arent targeted. Heaven forbid people follow in their footsteps and play the same game. E-Trade was still offering it this afternoon. TD is preventing me from setting limit sell orders on GME now. All of my GTC sell orders for like 1000+ are getting rejected for being “outside of range”. I had no problem placing these yesterday. Could anyone give me an unbiased opinion on what would be the best app to download (available in Australia) that don't inhibit trading of these stocks? Bane: 'Do you feel in charge?' Daggett: 'I've paid you a small fortune.' Bane: 'And this gives you power over me?' What happens if GameStop does a reverse split? I’m still learning. Can they create new shares? Let them eat cake, GME 🚀, 💎 👐 , HOLD THE LINE!!!! Didn't they also blocked Buys for BB and Nok? Trying to join the ranks and just signed up on EToro, deposited money but keep getting an error message ""unable to set order"" for a market buy of GME upon open, even though trading has apparently been reenabled due to change of liquidity provider. Anyone got any clue about this? Are they just trying to keep up appearances that trading is active when it actually isn't? Any of the main brokerage firms doing this? Schwab, td, ib, etc? Their clients aren’t the average Joe user. It’s the hedge fund giants. There is some irony in the fact that I cannot post to r/WallStreetbets while they cannot trade on some platforms. I guess I am just not a big enough fish to matter. IBKR is just as guilty. Bought puts on the company before close today. Just in case media steam picks up and WSB shorts it. This is fucking ridiculous Are people mistaken about AMC? The short float isn’t anywhere close to GameStop. Do you guys think that it’s likely to continue fizzling out tomorrow? There will surely be blood at the end of this BMO as well Can’t stop won’t stop 🛑🚀 K że jhhhbbhbhbhbhbbhbhbhbhbhhhhhhbbhbbhhbbbhbhbbbbbbbhbbbhbhh Stocks closed significantly down from yesterday’s prices mainly due to short sellers, trade halting and some panic selling giving hedge funds and market makers to make their moves during market hours. At close when it was announced trading for retail investors will resume the stock price goes up giving these Wall Street elites the opportunity buy and drive up the stock price after hours only to sell it to us retail investors now that trading for us is allowed. Freetrade here in UK🇬🇧 I won’t let it in Been paper trading on 212 for a while now. Tried to go real seeing as I made a fat wad on GME. They aren’t taking new people. Even if your account is old they won’t let anyone new trade real. It’s absolute bollocks. They can’t tell us to be prepared for loss every time we trade and refuse to put that on themselves either. The stock market is a gamble for everyone including the brokers, and they’re just not understanding it. Nothing to see here folks. No manipulation. Just vote every 4 years and be quiet/s. Yeah and remember if they can stop us form purchasing, they can also stop us from selling. They might be pumping money in themselves to to drive up the price to ATH, then stop us from selling and they take back the money from their own shorts. Be really careful when throwing your life saving in, yes it might reach high numbers, but unlike the VW squeeze, this time the hedge funds are all working together to cover their loses. Don’t let the dips, tweets and hollow threats scare you today. Just remember that Toto song “Hold the line”, it’s one of my favourite stonks I mean songs. This is history and many corrupt people will try to slow down the take off. It’s the same tactics they used when people started getting interested in the other headline worthy investment of the last few years, you know the bitty one. A lot of people got scared and didn’t trust their gut, losing out on the investment of a lifetime. Some saw through the deception from media and governments and invested and held, those people did very well for themselves. My point is, GME has become not just a meme stonk, but one with a strong support team and a real message. I have no doubt this thing hasn’t even started to take off. United we all stand, h0ld the line we will make history and a lot of people will do very will. If we all succumb to fear and panic this will crash. Diamond hands unite. Across the globe let’s all push our positive energy and positivity into this movement. Love and blessings to all my Diamond handed apes out there. About to roll up a big doink and watch this day play out. I’m so proud to stand with you guys, got me damn near teary eyed over here. Diamond mother fucking hands 💎🙌🔥 - Not financial advice, I just love sharing positivity with my fellow Diamond Handed Apes For Europeans concerned Freetrade banned all US stock on US market open today Trading 212 buy orders going through in seconds You can still buy GME shorts here... :) https://www.cafepress.ca/moonmerch SHORT LADDER ATTACK INCOMING HOLD HOLD HOLD BUY BUY BUY UPVOTE AND SHARE In the last hour of trading some of us are predicting they will launch a short ladder attack to make it look like it’s selling off to trick you into selling your shares. Their goal is to go under $115 to get out of their expiring contracts. This will be a major victory for them. Hedge funds sell back and forth with one another at lower and lower bids in rapid succession, tricking algorithms into thinking there is a mass sell off when there actually isn’t. (They do this to scare off retail investors to engineer a sell off). Once the attack is over, the stock will normally go back up due to its demand. Then they will rinse and repeat their attack, each time hoping to chip away more and more retail investors. Most people in here know this, so if retail investors are selling, it’s unlikely that it’s anyone at all. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS HOLD HOLD HOLD! DONT GET PAPER HANDS DURING THE LAST HOUR, ITS WHAT THEY WANT! GUYS DO NOT SELL. IF STOCK PRICE STAYS ABOVE CALL PRICES THIS WILL GAMMA SQUEEZE TO 500+ EASILY It’s so crazy how msm thinks it’s only redditors buying these stocks and not big companies and other hedge funds Hedge funds are the customers they referring. Oh yes, because during 07-08 financial crisis they were so concerned about uneducated people taking risks in subprime mortgages. No, they fucking took advantage of it, underwrote MBS, took the bonuses, saw the world fall apart, and gave zero fuck. Fuck these scumbags and this is coming from someone who works in finance. [removed] If RH does get charged by the SEC for market manipulation, would all accounts get frozen? What happens if RH goes bankrupt and you still have assets there? I know it’s time to stop trading there but what side effects are we looking at? What apps are still allowing fractional share purchases of GME now? Unsure where to go. I also like that this exact bullshit could expose the sec for the corrupt self serving bullshit entity they are. Pretty sure they won’t step up against these hedge funds behavior even tho they should One toke over the line, sweet Jesus One toke over the line Sitting downtown in a railway station One toke over the line Waiting for the train that goes home, sweet Mary Hoping that the train is on time Sitting downtown in a railway station One toke over the line Who do you love, I hope it's me I've been changing, as you can plainly see I felt the joy and I learned about the pain That my momma said If I should choose to make a part of me Would surely strike me dead And now I'm one toke over the line, sweet Jesus One toke over the line Sitting downtown in a railway station One toke over the line Waiting for the train that goes home, sweet Mary Hoping that the train is on time Sitting downtown in a railway station One toke over the line I sail away a country mile And now I'm returning and showing off my smile I met all the girls and I loved myself a few And to my surprise Like everything else I've been through It opened up my eyes And now I'm one toke over the line, sweet Jesus One toke over the line Sitting downtown in a railway station One toke over the line Don't you know I'm just waiting for the train that goes home, sweet Mary Hoping that the train is on time Sitting downtown in a railway station One toke over the line Don't you know I'm just waiting for the train that goes home, sweet Mary Hoping that the train is on time (Sitting downtown) Sitting in a railway station One toke over the line I want to be one toke over the line, sweet Jesus One toke over the line (Sitting downtown) Sitting in a railway station One toke over the line Waiting for the train that goes home Hoping that the train is on time (Sitting downtown) Sitting in a railway station One toke over the line Sitting downtown in a railway station One toke over line One toke, one toke over the line This is a pretty common occurrence across the industry amongst broker dealers. Thank the SEC and congress for pushing heavy handed regulations and shifting decision making responsibility from the investor to the broker dealer after 2008. If you can't buy GME or AMC, both BB and Nok are good options. They will be slower but still, the associated hype will raise them. Obviously buy GME and AMC if you can, but if not there are more options. BB in particular has a good future ahead of it, considering the partnership with Baidu and their future EV enterprise. And BB, we lost the most! BUY THE DIP! 💎✋🚀 Robinhood 💀 We are millions strong. They can push. But we can push harder. If they think it’s going to stop at just GME and AMC...it won’t. They are a island and we are a tsunami...🏝🌊💎 Robinhood never wanted your business. They want your data. Why doesn't anyone use Fidelity to purchase stocks? They don't restrict GME or AMC and you can purchase fractions of a share. I'm just looking at the silver lining as all of this unravels. And that is... we have pulled the curtain and showed what scumbags are running this country and those hedge funds, this is illegal on multiple levels, my hope is that the people... us, the populous... rise up and use our capital to wage financial warfare. Or completely remove ourselves from the market and see where those hedge funds are going to find retail traders to keep pillaging from. Rise up! All of this is complete BS. On Schwab and I'm ready to buy AMC and GME tomorrow on the morning dip🙂 Fuck ‘em all! 💎🤲🏽 It’s pretty crazy they are doing this, but they can only do it for so long. Just hold out and don’t sell! You can still buy AMC and GME just limited quantities Not only does no one save us, but Wall Street has for decades let private equity firms buy up companies where real people work, saddle them with debt that benefits the owners, then forces them into bankruptcy, leaving the workers out on the streets. Here's a good case study on it, from a few years back. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/10/business/dealbook/how-the-twinkie-made-the-super-rich-even-richer.html ""How the Twinkie Made the Superrich Even Richer - Behind the financial maneuvering at Hostess, an investigation by The New York Times found a blueprint for how private equity executives have amassed some of the greatest fortunes of the modern era."" Someone needs to do something. This is why I was hoping Elizabeth Warren would be president. ...and they call themselves ""Robin Hood?"" The audacity. The bald-faced audacity. And doge! Haven't been able to buy in 2 days! Robinhood now limiting customers to a single fucking share, 1 share, of GME. The term ""Free Market"" kinda loses its luster Fidelity is allowing all free trade Robinhood was essentially a data-mining company disguised as a “stock” company for the little guy. You are their product. That’s why there’s no commission charge. Me personally, I don’t trust any of these apps, that’s why I go through a regular broker. Robinhood is in bed with Citadel/Wall Street (and i’m sure most of these apps are). Robinhood gives them your stock-betting data, and those other guys then know who to bet on and against. They should all be in jail. This is the time to set up your Fidelity account because the market is closed Robinhood is dead to me Will you channel that anger and buy some gme or amc? Protest stock goes up How long will this situation be going on until resolution, do you think?? Will us little people manage to win somehow? Is there a way for us to win? M1 Finance is doing the same thing. Is there a suit going out for them yet? It's sad is what it is and market manipulation, the ones restricting all have the same clearing houses. If an app like cash app ( that's well known for tinder ho's and internet cam girls begging for money) can allow trades and not restrict them, than there is no reason RH and their kind should be restricting sells of stock. Schwab is blocking $AMC entirely Same IG in England The biggest pile of bullshit here is that they're allowing traders to close out their positions but not buy. Are you fucking kidding me? It's like they know every AMC/GME investor is a newbie who will eat that explanation up. ""Unprecedented volume"", yeah people like the stock. Fucking deal with it. If I ever made a stupid trade in the past, where was my broker limiting my investment? Robinhood is a piece of shit along with any other broker limiting or blocking trades. That's not the free market. Where were these brokers at when hedge funds were shorting 140% on GME? Robinhood did the same thing except they made sure to state they weren't helping the hedge funds. ""To help explain what happened and why we had to take action, we wrote a letter to our customers and captured the key understandings for you below: For Robinhood to operate, we must meet clearinghouse deposit requirements to support customer trades. Deposit requirements are determined in part by how much stock a firm’s customers hold. If a firm’s customers’ holdings are volatile, a broker (in this instance Robinhood) is obligated to meet higher deposit requirements. Last week, in part due to volatility in some popular stocks, Robinhood’s deposit requirements rose tenfold. The combination of the deposit increase and the extraordinary increase in volume on these particular symbols led us to put temporary buying restrictions in place on a small number of those stocks.  We had to take steps to limit buying in those volatile stocks to ensure we could comfortably meet our deposit obligations. We didn’t want to stop people from buying stocks and we certainly weren’t trying to help hedge funds."" Tldr:RH - ""We didn’t want to stop people from buying stocks and we certainly weren’t trying to help hedge funds"" I can’t find anywhere that’ll let me buy more. 1 share allowed of each for GME, BB, AMC, NOK. I have a few of a couple, but I can’t buy more (they didn’t force me to sell what I had) It’s super fucked up and insanely illegal, yet seems like no one is actually going to get in trouble for it. 🦍WE🚀LIKE💎GME🙌STOCK💪 we ain’t leaving I have 406 buying power and can not afford a whole share on Robinhood apparently. That is our truth. Anyone else having this problem? If companies are restricting buying of GME now, wouldn’t those same companies be a risk for limiting your ability to SELL your GME/AMC during the crucial short squeeze moments??? Very concerned here 😟 Full blown collusion. Volume has been LOW during these times. Only short ladder attacks Still happy with Stash! Bought GME and AMC this weekend on principle. Load up on AMC and NOK 🚀 Cashapp (Axos) seems to be back online as of 11:30am for AMC purchases. Revolut have also stopped me from buying GME shares only selling Hey there. I just tried setting up a limit sell order through TDAmeritrade, to sell my GME stocks for a ridiculously high price, and it won't allow me! I get an error that says ""Your trade was rejected. Try again. Your limit was significantly higher than the last traded price. Confirm you are trading the right security."" I have never gotten a limit order rejected before! Isn't this also market manipulation?? Why do apps/companies that support a Free Market even have an option to limit and control access to various shares? ""In the interest of the client"" isn't a free market saying. A free market is literally built on the premise of you win some, you lose some. Diamond Hands. HOLDING. Will continue to buy on dips until the nipples are sucked dry baby. Same happened with Blockbuster. I was checking today on etrade. Is this the thread we are keeping track of this, or shall we start a new one for the class action lawsuits, etc. Etrade initially pulled issues the same as robinhood. Not sure now what the limits are beyond two at a time, however. FREE THE FREE MARKET!!! Fidelity let me order both. Cashapp, Robinhood and a few others wouldn’t let me. The more you think about it the more it sucks. They keep mansplaining. But they are doing 2 things to try to fuck us over 1- limit buying power for retailers like us 2- institutional investors are definitely unloading stock to help their hedge fund buddies. Think about it... they sell when it’s overvalued so they make money and drive the price down at the same time. Fuuuccckkkk r/descentintotyrrany Just bought 5 shares GME on TD Ameritrade. No problems. I don't know if this applies to this particular case, but I would imagine it does. Robinhood stopped trading of certain stocks because they went negative over them. They literally ran out of money. They have now raised over $5 billion in venture capital, and that's why they have lifted restrictions. I would have to imagine it is probably similar for other companies. Just look at their balance sheets and see. To avoid this, use brokers with trillion dollar balance sheets, not billion dollar ones. Does it make it okay? No. Does it make it right or legal? No. But I do now see how this happened, and why it happened. I don't support them doing this, but I equate the situation to a website on a server. If all of a sudden tons of unexpected traffic enters your website, and you don't have enough server ability to handle it, your server and website crash. Once again, use a broker with more money behind them, and fuck Robinhood, they should have known better. Is it possible the broker can’t cover it and that’s why they aren’t allowing it? AMC Family today is the day! Today is the day we start to hold the line. This is about love ❤️ This is about our families! This is about our future! This is about showing wallstreet we make the prices! We dictate what is valuable and what is not! AMC is a treasury! A nostalgia of I forgettable memories with our loved ones we must keep it alive and keep it going! I hear hedge funds have torn down our home and the place we love! We must fight buy and hold like no other! Please for everyone here we all want the dream! We all want to be happy! Have the curtesy to just hold for a certain amount of time! I just use cashapp for AMC stock r/diamondhedge Not everyone will get to stay. Fkn liars, corrupt to save their own a$$ here is the link to the lawsuit filed against Robinhood, Ameritrade and others committing fraud by preventing traders from trading stocks. FYI I am simply a litigant in the case and filed after being prevented from buying and selling GME, I am not affiliated in any other way with this firm. https://www.blaisenitschkelaw.com/robinhood-class-action-lawsuit/ https://www.blaisenitschkelaw.com/news-media/ Free share has it locked behind a paywall You can’t buy shares unless you pay for their premium package anyone know how.long TD takes to get wired funds? not ACH funds​ Forget gme and amc. Jump onboard Hyliion train. Fucking let’s go I like 🐕 I'm still holding 💎✋ They dont want us poor slobs to make money We are the 69% What times were the markets actually STOPPED - put on hold for trading of GME and AMC during the last days of January? They blew up our rocket ship! I vote ""protecting hedge funds"" by pretending to protect public from Reddit They don’t want Redditors buying AMC because then AMC can’t be bought by Amazon which most career stock holders own. This is real reason they are terrified of gamestock, we found the way to stop publicly traded companies forming monopolies If you're in Canada I recommend Questrade! Just bought more on Fidelity babyyyyy They were also giving away free tiddies and beer. YMMV Not financial or relationship advice I have no issue trading GME just sold a lot of options into the rally into close been waiting for that dead cat bounce for a week or 2.... I have 100 shares because I LIKE this stock and I LIKE AMC and....hmmm... I LIKE movies in theaters also! Know what? I’d REALLY LIKE to see this stock go to Pluto ALSO! I would LIKE THAT! 📈🚀📈🚀📈🚀📈🚀📈🚀📈🚀📈🚀 Short squeeze on $WKHS Buy more. Price up. Me not financial advise. Me retard Use dough Wealthsimple cancelled my order today with no reason given. The hedge funds are their clients. Silver???? This is not for 🦍 🦍🦍🦍🦍 don’t be a distraction!!!! switch to Ameritrade....y u fucktards still hanging there? Go now, o\w u wl miss the golden chance MFK , and the real💎💎💎 FINALY NEWS TO THE MOON 🌝 https://america.cgtn.com/2021/02/27/american-spa-company-opens-covid-19-testing-in-airport-amid-pandemic On etoro there is no amc just gme and you can only buy gme and not sell. [removed] Apparently General Electric is another heavily shorted stock. You’d think with what’s going on these days people would learn their lesson and STOP shorting. But I guess they only ever learn once they lose millions of dollars. I’ll be watching this one with interest. It would be hilarious to see another explosion like GME. If the community can divest from brokers that are being completely unfair, we can show power by deleting their apps and moving our money to newer, outside-the-hedge-grip brokers. I think Fidelity is good though for an older one. not angelic for their actions, but they do not halt trades like Robinhood. Now the Reddit communities are wising up and got pic ID’s, new bank accounts and bills with their names on them to get to the next level of buying ability. The end of March is going to be economically historical. I have been using the “Public” app with no issues 👍🤘🚀🚀🦍🦍🌖🌖💎💎👏👏 I wish I could see inside the boardrooms of Melvin and Citadel during this GME debacle. I imagine a lot of fists pounding tables and shouting. I'm so happy to see our side winning! Stash gives a warning on the company being volatile. However, I was able to buy more shares today. Parental Control in trading apps 🤣 SoFi app will let you buy shares, but they don’t trade options. There are people who share their actions for others to see. A dude just scheduled a limit order on GME at $1.75M/share? Ok, whatever. Sounds like there are not enough shares for them to easily obtain to fill an order. Hold what you have and buy more from another company. My deposits have been taking longer to show cleared status in ameritrade even though it’s gone from my bank account a couple days. It prevents me from buying options when I want. I use power E*TRADE, I dont mind paying the commissions once in a while for the uninhibited trades. Still waiting for my account transfer from Robinhood to my new brokerage account... this process takes forever I bought 5 $GME at $207.14, that’s all I could afford. I’m holding till retirement. Nothing new to me, lol. Trading is taking a risk. They have no right to do that! Can't wait when gme Flys to 1 mil a share and makes history Probably because shares bought are actually just credited to you and they know they can't pay out holders of the stock they ""own"" Sounds illegal! We must notify our elected congressman/ woman about this and demand to look into this... it should not continue unnoticed. Bump SOS SOS tomorrow I own amc. I truly believe it a good investment bc the theaters are now opening. From where I bought in, The stock can only go up. Granted it could come back down but I truly believe it’s a much better play than gamestock which is becoming a Dinosaur. Most gamers download games they don’t necessarily go to a brick n mortar store They are paid sure from the hedgies, because the huge squeeze is coming soon. Time to leave that piece of shit and get a real broker!!! Not an advertisement for TD but you can still buy there but they won’t let you buy on GME on margin, same excuse It’s because they probably do shady dealings with MM’s and sell their clients naked shares in all kinds of stocks. As the broker, you don’t want to be in the hook for obtaining millions of shares during a squeeze. Look how it worked out for robinhood Not on TDAMERITRADE Get a real stock brokerage house! Re: SCHWAB!!!! Is there any way you or someone else that is getting that message can schedule it & post it???? It needs to be spread!! Never doubted you glorious apes for a second! Green baby! Stronger, better, together. They have to clear them, also many brokerages have stopped trading these on margin Find a platform that will allow you to do what you want. I took everything out of Robin Hood and started a new one on E*TRADE They have not stopped me from anything Everyday I think... How much longer can this go on? I’m 60 and I’ve been saying these exact things my entire life. It makes you absolutely infuriated to the point of having a damn stroke. These rich pigs at the top always trying to control us little guys and gals in the trenches busting our asses to make nickel while they rake it in with 3 hands. Pigs who never have enough and will manipulate us anyway they can to stop us from having a little extra. Hold tough apes, doges and the whole family of us down here. Don’t ever quit, don’t ever give up. Let’s show these pigs they can’t break us no matter how hard they try. We can beat them regardless of their wealth and power. We just have to stick together and believe. If they can’t break us they can’t beat us. Great to know - now I’ll never use Trader212 or others I hear about limiting us, especially during a squeeze. Crashing or maintenance or any of that crap will make me not participate with those companies. How unbelievable. Big money really does want to protect big money and continually screw the little guy out of his. I just read an article that the SEC was gonna look into retail investors in AMC and GME. Does this mean they are gonna send their IRS agents after retail investors to bully us out of participating in the market? I have had enough audits to know the IRS doesn’t give a fuck about us as citizens they just want our money. They don’t care if your kids get Christmas presents or a thanksgiving dinner they will jack your bank account on the holidays to send you a message It’s always about the hedges. I own (and hodl) AMC stock and everything I hear, see and read about these bastards it’s how they come up with something new to get people off meme stocks so they can cover their positions and recoup the losses. If they manage to convince enough people then the poor stays poor and the rich get richer, as always. That’s the way it goes. Or a sub trying to prevent you from talking about it Time to start buying Macy’s stock!!! In the UK iwebsharedealing and they don’t loan your shares out Nothing says “im protecting my over leveraged criminal friends” like manipulating what stocks can and cant be purchased on a free and open market place. Don’t worry guys, its for your protection. Does anyone think Ford will hit the 100 dollar mark this year? Guys why don’t you move to DKNG, fuck squeezers and make some money https://youtu.be/ViEKPjkjEWI https://www.autoexpress.co.uk/fisker/356280/fisker-could-be-new-tesla?amp Move to oil BTE BTEGF Just more meme stock nonsense. ROKU dove $20/25% the other day. Grow a set and buy a couple shares for a small swing trade profit. Then shut up about meme stocks. I buy and sell them AT WILL anytime the Market is open. We have to be honest. They can do all the crime they want Trade $CVNA! Is the next shortsqueezer ! Lemmy.whynotdrs.org We together make the difference ✊💪they are stopping Robinhood not to let us bet on AMC 😤🤬 We together make the difference. They are stopping Robinhood not to let us bet on AMC Put my two cents on AMC now they don't let me buy more,...why? [deleted] Robinhood will let you sink your life savings into options hours before they expire worthless. But buying shares of a rising stock it too risky to allow? 🤔 If you read ""A People's History of The United States"" by Howard Zinn, you will learn about the steps preceding the American Revolutionary War. The rich wanted to no longer pay taxes to Britain and begin taxing the people living in America. They had a very dangerous game to play, they needed to get the lower class riled up enough against Britain so they would fight (and die) in a war where they really had no stake. But, not so riled up that they attacked the upper class in America too. To the lower class, they would either be paying taxes to Britain, or the rich in America. That game is played out over and over throughout history, and is playing out now as we speak. The rich don't give a shit if Democrats or Republicans are in power, just that they aren't the targets and can keep fucking the lower class every chance they get. I'm on Trading212. I can short Tesla. A very wise financial decision. Yet I'm *protected* from buying GME. “Apex Clearing, who acts as the custodian of all tastyworks accounts, has informed us that the following symbols (AMC, GME, & KOSS) will be set to closing only order status immediately.” So when are we getting a mass lawsuit? You're exactly right. They have absolutely no problem with people losing money left and right normally, but because this particular move is killing their business partner they're nerfing the system for a more favorable outcome. How this isn't overt market manipulation I have no fucking clue, because a halt is one thing while allowing sells and not buys is fucking bullshit. It isn't right that brokers can tell us what we can and can not buy, its borderline manipulation! I understand there is a lot volatility in certain securities but as long as investors are not buying on margin who are they to tell us how much rick we take on? How is it even legal? The difference here is they’re “concerned” that if the squeeze gets too squozed, they can’t guarantee there will be any money to pay out the retail traders. The problem about this “risk to the customers” compared to letting people load up on leveraged options is that they’re legally on the hook if a customer is not payed for their sale. TD Ameritrade did this as well It isn't right that brokers can tell us what we can and can not buy, its borderline manipulation! I understand there is a lot volatility in certain securities but as long as investors are not buying on margin who are they to tell us how much rick we take on? How is it even legal? They're mitigating the risk to their ""clients"", aka the big boys in the market who are making small profits off of dealing with regular people. Stash conveniently went offline this morning and gme conveniently disappeared from their search bar. I cant even sell my stock if I wanted to. The german traderepublic app is ridiculous, you can spend all your money with like 2 clicks on knockout options that are going to go to zero in like 5 minutes and delete all your money, but apparently trading in GME, BB, NOK etc is too risky (but only buying!) I hope this will kill some of those bad apps and let the good ones shine more. Maybe the low order cost brokers are not the way because the customers become the product too quickly when stakes are higher. 100% I find it might coincidental that RobinHood will become an IPO soon... they care about the 1% We must organize a real strike now. Truly hit them hard. I suggest starting on January 30th we begin a general strike paired with real protest. Their allegiances have been further revealed as they try and freeze the market to hurt the poor man. We can show them a freeze. ORGANIZE! JANUARY 30th!! Yeah, and let be blow money in Chinese fintech... which I did do. They will let you piss away money in doge coin or whatever other cypto you want, but somehow GME is too risky. And BB and NOK. I even received an email from WealthSimple encouraging me to stay clear from GME, BB, NOK, and AMC. This is insane, DON'T SELL! HOLD THE LINE And by shutting down trading in turn they lost all their customers 30% of their portfolio value, irony on another level by robinhood. Only now they are scared of what the rest of the world can do Robinhoods the same app that made ""personal risk tolerance"" a meme. Them talking about caring about peoples risk is a fuckin joke Tried to buy GME on E*TRADE and it’s blocked It's too risky for THEM Very true, Robinhood errors cause people to lose money all the time and they couldn't care less, this has to be coordination with hedge funds or SEC It’s not just GME though. They AMC, NOK, etc. If they can do this, what stops them from doing it to other stocks? Why has the sec and the executive branch been so quiet about this so far? You would think if the SEC really gave a shit about retail investors they would of come out and confirmed facts/details tried to help people make informed decisions? The whole thing is fucked all I know is I haven't lossed shit if I don't sell! Right? The whole thing is so obvious. You can literally go right now and waste ur money away in minutes on that app and they won’t do a thing to stop it but not on those stocks? Gimme a break David and Goliath is happening!.... So true, Alexander Kearns was allowed to trade crazy YOLO options on Robinhood and ended up killing himself. Every app that blocked trades to let the shorts cover without competition should be reported as ransomware. Redistribution of wealth to The People. They don't mind other risks because they know they can profit off of them. In this case, they know there's nothing they can do. The short squeeze is coming whether they like it or not. Ya didn’t some dude kill himself losing hundreds of thousands in RH with options? Where were they to mitigate his risk? #boycottrobinhood # stealfromthepoor Lol It’s because you’re not increasing your risk, you’re increasing their risk. Criminal behavior on their part isn't it. > In the interest of mitigating risk for our clients Oh it is in the best interests. They even say it - for their clients. Unfortunately for normal people though, some ""clients"" are bigger than others. A CEO of one of these brokerages admitted it on Bloomberg TV. They stopped trading because **the brokerage becomes liable to cover the shorts if they cannot collect**. That is right. The people who allowed a short sell to go through without ensuring their client has capital to back it up, are realizing they might be on the hook for billions of dollars. - If the hedge funds go belly up, the brokerage agent owes the money. - If the agent can't afford it, the brokerage has to cover for it. - If the brokerage/clearing house can't cover the losses... I think the exchange is the next one on the hook? And they are looking at losses probably into the $10-$15+ _billion_ range with how things are going. That is enough to completely wipe out entire brokerages. They would rather throw RH and lower-tier exchanges under the bus and lose them, than let the short contracts be executed. They don't want you taking risks, they want you to *gamble*. GME is risky. A bunch of ppl are gonna lose their money as soon as the speculation bubble pops. I still don’t agree with robinhood though. As an investor you’re responsible for your money. ""You are free to buy, but only what we tell you to buy."" I think the laws genuinely have not accounted for this situation. Back then, laws to prevent market manipulation were created to prevent the public from losing out on stocks. Though what is happening now might be considered a form of market manipulation, I would argue that it is no less manipulative than short-selling (which is what the big-time traders are doing), because short-selling can depress the price of an equity way below its fair value. Market manipulation is performed by a few individuals who are driven by the profit motive... but the problem here is that the individual investors don't give a fuck about profit. They're doing it for the lulz. How are you supposed to accuse a person of market manipulation if he buys a share with the belief (however mistaken) that it will keep rising, or that even if that belief turns out to be false, that the returns are well worth the risk? The traders who short stocks to make a fast buck deserve their comeuppance. Buy Gamestop! **Hold** **The** **Line** Trading 212 allow CFD trading but not options, like many other brokers in EU. It's their intermediary who disallowed it so not exactly their fault (or at least we can't assume). Either way lot of us EU traders have migrated over to Revolut instead :) How does Robin Hood makes money again? It’s not from trade execution services like a traditional broker where it’s a client and vendor relationship. So....what’s their business model? You're right. It's not that they're trying to protect customers. They don't have the capital to cover the cash requirements for trading multiple rounds trips for each of their clients when trades take 2-4 days to clear. Brilliantly put. Trading 212 doesn't want to be the app that looks the bad guy when it all goes tits up, has anyone in this thread invested in a company called MGC Pharmaceuticals? What happened to the ""free market"", ""invisible hands"", blah blah blah? These people are capitalists right? I mean, for Melvin Capital it's literally in their name. So wtf... I'm seeing people saying, ""I'm going to pay off my debt,"" ""I'm going to send my mom a check,"" ""I am going to pay for my kid's college,"" THESE are the reasons hedge funds are fuming. The people with GME stock are going to take their money and put it towards something, not just toss it into a giant pile with the rest of their money. Hedge funds don't want you taking their money away. WSB just won big on their first hand and they're going to cash out right away and that pisses off the 1% to no end. Good Clearly the MSM are playing with the big hedge funds. They are all connected against the ordinary citizen that is trying to make some money. They are banning us, demonizing us, calling us alt right, dumb money and so on. We are all against the big machine and they are trying to win the game with dirty tricks. [deleted] Merrill hasn't blocked either. It’s not for our safety, it’s for big hedge funds safety, they fear us. Webull is not limiting buys. Why doesn’t anyone use Webull? Everyone pull your money out of Robbin hood. There’s many more ways to trade. If they aren’t allowing trading to what we want then they shouldn’t be allowed a platform. [removed] UK and Germanny as well ""suddenly"" Trade Republic doesn't work BUNCHA CUNTS [removed] With Flatex (Germany) you are still able to buy. I know, because I just did. I like the stock! Scary, how in the ""land of the free"", where the free market dictates everything, this is even possible. Maybe there are foreign powers involved (China? Russia?), but on the ""free market"" side. Schwab isn’t doing this I was able to buy another share of GME on TD just now. Will be deleting my RH today. TD as well if they start pulling the same BS. Bullshit, I just placed an order on TD. This rhetoric is not organic or about the little guy. This is a massive pump and dump. If you apply this line of thinking to the coronavirus lockdowns you're a Nazi. Degiro works for me Fine. This seems like stock exchange looting to me. Brokers' app servers can't handle this volume either. The “we’re doing this for your own good” rationale is running thin. For what it's worth it, I'm using Interactive Brokers and I can place buy orders. **Update:** Just tried again and I get this error: ""Order Rejected: Transactions in this instrument are limited to closing-only trades."" WTF! not ALL, no limits on trading gme and amc with TastyWorks We need to hit these bastards with so many lawsuits they don’t ever dream of this type of market manipulation again As far as I can tell ETrade will still let you buy. I don't have any extra capitol to invest as I already put the last of my fun money in yesterday. I was able search it and set up a purchase for it though. If anyone else has it are are able to confirm that would be great. Just checked, Schwab has a restricted purchases on margin, but otherwise can still be purchased normally. That seems reasonable though. They could just make a pop up saying “risky” or something but to straight up ban from buying ? But, playing devils advocate here, isn't this attracting scammers like sharks to chum?! How do I avoid them? Stash (the app I've always used for investing via fractional shares) seems to be having such severe traffic that buying *any* stock is ""effectively"" blocked via an unintentional DDOS mechanism of sorts. This is for their friends safety. Welcome to the Republican party. Lol. Can they take a look at the rest of my portfolio to make sure I’m being “protected?” /s Pure manipulation. Are there any trading apps that aren’t doing it? E*TRADE? Acorn? Casinos exist, we as a society do not care about people losing money by gambling. Pretending this is about safety is asinine. Where was all this ""risk reduction"" the week after the massive sell off in March? Super weird. Schwab still allows buying of GME. Also SOFI invest. It’s how bullies respond. They run to mommy. https://i.imgur.com/UotvjJI.jpg Who are the competitors of these companies that stopped allowing trading, and is their company on the market to invest in? Why not invest in those companies that are still allowing trading? Just a thought.. :) Webull is still allowing it, you just have to get through the network issues being caused by the influx of users. I put very little money into both Robinhood and Ameritrade to put in on AMC. Neither app let’s you buy. It’s crazy. How can we fight back against such things? There IS a way but none of us can do it alone. What can we do together to stop them or at least fight back to some extent? Chase is letting you buy $GME confirmed Not all, M1 allowed buy orders this morning. The worst example is RobinHood. They're actually owned by one of the big hedge funds that got caught with their dick in the cookie jar short selling past 100% of the available stock for GME. Of course it's also coordinated across the other retail brokerage houses but RobinHood in particular is the most obvious conflict of interest in this whole mess. This is *massively* illegal and apparently lawsuits are already in the planning stages. For what it’s worth, I was able to buy a share of GameStop on Schwab this morning. In light of the news of basically every trading platform preventing it, I thought I’d give it a go, even if I lost $400... Fidelity didn't. yo what tf are they even keeping us safe from? using our own money? It's probably for their own safety. If and when things blow up to either a huge short squeeze and the ensuing collapse, the brokerage can be left on the hook if you can't pay up. Their risk management teams have to be all over this. They can't just stock up on options to balance out the risk either so you are seeing this. If the risk management systems determine the brokerage is currently too risky they halt orders until they can correct it. we are worried about your safety, in the interest of your safety we are raising insulin prices 500% this is to ensure a quality product for our clients those of you who can't afford our prices are not our clients and we don't care if you die. Correct. I can't buy on Vanguard either. I know, where were they when a fellow WSB user lost 90K at the beginning of the year!? He was able to take his last 20K and enter the GME game. He got out with the 90K and BAILED HIMSELF OUT. No one was concerned about his safety until he made his money back??? They are manipulating the market. E*TRADE can still trade GME theyre not all doing it. Vanguard is allowing it They're all available on Fidelity still. It’s so offensive. A massive number of people are investing in failing companies — and the billionaire tyrants betting that they’ll fail *won’t allow it*. Do you know how sick this is? Everything is a lie. It’s all a sick joke. They halt buying, GME tanks, they make billions by shorting the stock. And they tell you Reddit is manipulating the stock... Not Vanguard. Vanguard still let’s you trade like a big boy. By “minimizing risk” and preventing free market buying of stocks, depressing options pricing, and preventing me from rolling over my positions, they just created an infinite higher risk of me losing money this week. So who’s risks are they really concerned about? Not their customers’, that’s for damn sure. whenever someone claims something is for your safety you should be suspicious “Our clients.” “It’s a big club and you ain’t in it.” -George Carlin Stash is still letting you buy GME and AMC Robinhood is back, same with Webull: https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l7cgty/robinhood_allowing_trading_of_gme_again/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Transfer your funds to fidelity or Schwab as of today they were still executing orders Schwab, Ameritrade and E*Trade all halted trading. I’m considering pulling everything out of Schwab over this bullshit. Hopefully this is going to cause some kind of financial Streisand effect. Can someone tell me how I as an Australian can buy GME stocks? I have a few hundred to spare, why not [deleted] It's too risky for the brokerages and their business partners, who they value more than the people. We are unexpectedly standing up for ourselves in the middle of a situation the hedge funds created. The hedge funds, facing massive losses, have doubled down to create an even more dangerous situation by continuing to short while facing a gamma squeeze and inevitable short squeeze. They have been pulling out all of the stops to flatten the curve and slow price growth that would embolden the squeeze, in the hopes that investors lose faith and allow them to exit reasonably or even profit from the new shorts they've entered. Yes, there are new entrants but you can see the segment isn't thinking of bringing an end to this situation by just taking their lumps but surviving. The risk they're willing to take on is imploding the system with impossible levels of unresolved liabilities if they're unable to service the interest, return the shares to the original lender or deliver on the calls they've written. The brokers are on the hook for whatever the counterparties are short. This is a heads I win, tails everybody loses game and needs to be curtailed. And the blame needs to lie at the feet of those who created the conditions for this to occur, not those who set out to disincentivize this behaviour. \-- You are selling to the hedge funds that are *desperately* trying to cover 30,000,000 shorted shares. The groups that ultimately own these apps (or own the company that makes the app) are the same people that just loaned the hedge funds $3billion. They have a huge interest in seeing those shorts covered. So they're simply not allowing anyone else access to buy. Interesting how much power Citidel holds here. I wonder if someone will investigate. AND they canceled outstanding buy orders that were put in beforehand. This is 100% exactly whats happening... For today when the market run happened and the price was driven down to $125 there were almost no popular etrade apps that allowed buying. Robinhood, Etrade, WeBull etc. all pulled GME or put it on liquidation only giving hedge funds time to play with the market without ""the peasants"" running the price up any more. This is only the US. I’m from Canada and can still buy shares. Pretty sure shares can also be bought globally. This. Blow this comment up. Sketchy as fuck I bet you hedge funds are shorting this. Just get into LGND, its the next stock that will be squeezed. Seems like this here is the real market manipulation. They are selling them to other hedges to make it look like everyone is. Can I just ask a quick question here. Stake App is apparently ‘down’ today... Seems like a strange coincidence... Even my fucking bank ~~won't let me invest by myself anymore~~ is 'suddenly encountering errors only on the investment webpages' I didn’t even realize this. They’re manipulating the market right back into how it’s “supposed” to work. Place sell orders!!!!! They can't but what's not there. Boosting, their reasoning is shit This is the way. Nah it’s all positions. No new positions can be opened short or long. I was short GME and couldn’t do anything but buy it. My thought exactly! Fucking bullshit. How is a short position morally corrupt? Wall Street better start investing in industrial lube. Absolutely! If you watched the volume while they restricted it, it absolutely did not match the steep decline in price. They wanted to ladder attack and drive the price down without so many people capitalizing on the cheaper share price and those selling went straight to these hedge funds to help dig themselves out. Luckily the short position only changed about 3% during this time. It is also really important to note that Fidelity did not do this to its customers. Why's that? Because Fidelity owns 13.67% of GME shares and Vanguard owns 6.27% of GME shares, collectively about 20% of GME shares. Fidelity has 3.3 trillion assets under management and Vanguard has 8.8 trillion. These guys want to see GME come to fruition. What RH and Citadel did was deplorable and earned an instant delete from me as well as an SEC complaint and a 1 star review, which google promptly removed 120,000 of. Very interesting Worst yet, people have their money tied up in those apps with no way of transferring stocks over to another platform. Need to switch those funds to another platform It's the shorts covering their positions ""buying"" those shares. And probably just saying it back and forth to each other at a loss in order to lower the price. They have x number of days to cover, based on trade volume. I’m sorry but if you guys have more than like 300$ in these things like RH get out now! Yes fidelity and td aren’t as intuitive but that’s not a bad thing. Do your research before you buy! Nobody is doing this. Why lie? Good point, put this ot there! OH nO 08 WAs toTALlY dIffERENT it was iMmORaL BUt nOT ilLegAL And tHE ReSpoNSIbILiTy WAs diFFUSEd With No OnE tO BLAmE Bull. Fucking. Shit. They sure as fuck banned short selling. Oh. The irony Dont let them fool you with talks of neoliberalism and capitalism. Just like any other part of life, such as road laws and marriage laws, the economy needs regulations! When people argue that the economy should be allowed to sort itself out and that regulations are regressive, its basically like arguing that no one should go to prison for criminal charges like rape and murder. Instead we should just let society sort it out because since that guy is a murderer people will stop hanging around with him and giving him jobs. All we have to do at this point is wait for a suspiciously convenient Stock Market crash. What about when the government bailed out banks with money that largely still hasn't been paid back? Fuckem So it was a false flag OP to get more taxpayer money after all. Remember when General Motors was bailed out? How did the federal government bail them out? They took all common stocks from the owners and replaced them with a zero.... BUT EVERY PREFERRED STOCK WAS LEFT IN PLACE!! Cheaters gonna cheat. [deleted] They rigged the game, abused the game, then cried fowl when others did the same. Reminder that 8 out of 10 millionaires are born into and 95% of millionaires attribute their wealth to hard work. The ones that have been loaded since birth all think they're hard working geniuses. They exist in a different reality. I mean that's the point. It was never about ""free markets"", freedom, the economy or bootstraps, it was always about power; chiefly the power to dictate the economy. Now that it's slipping out of their hands they'll do everything to get back their power. ""Its a big club and you ain't in it"" It’s like a club, once there’s too many people in you run the risk of 2008 again.. but hope you all have fun with it! Sounds strangely familiar. The last time that happened, the White House was stormed once they realized they were still losing. Any and all means to end the success of those who won despite the rules favoring you I think what should happen is that people shouldn't be allowed to buy individual stocks. Only into funds. They just aren't responsible enough. I get it, I do it in Madden 21 all the time. Sliders up, still throw an INT, quit game try again > Imagine rigging a game, basically writing its rules to your advantage and still manage to start losing. Happened a few years ago. Some dudes called Bernie & Donald can explain. https://i.redd.it/o0hpei8ic2e61.jpg Nice to know nothing has changed. Not to talk politics but...I just couldn't help but notice this sounds like an almost impeccable description of our modern day Republican Party... the trump of wallstreet Just waiting for them to stop the internet and launch the missiles when they really start their tantrum. What I noticed also is that yesterday they hid the stocks from the 'Winning' category (most profitable stocks). That brought suspicions because it was a cover-up. And now we cannot trade. But the big boys can trade for sure. They want to let us panic and sell everything This is BS. I emailed saying I would forward on to the financial ombudsman. Not sure what else to do. Deliberately stopping retail investors buying so causing price to dip to force people to sell and save the rich. I am fed up of these fake excuses. May as well say the unprecedented environment is that poor people are making money. Painful thing is nothing will happen to them and we will be forced to pay the bill. My friend wanted to invest and can’t even set up an account at the moment. Hopefully they take this down in the next day but might have achieved it’s purpose by then. I’m not selling regardless 🚀🚀🚀 Edit: Thank you for the award. First one ever, long time lurker [deleted] This is absolutely manipulation. They can’t tell me what I can and can’t buy. What’s next? “We think TSLA is too high so now you can’t buy”? Hedgies have access to the most qualified lawyers and lobbyists and are probably calling and sending letters to everyone to shut down the trading. Without all the media attention they would probably already be successful now they need to be more careful. I don't have a position but i am enjoying the show anyway. I expect a regulatory backlash for the hedge funds after this blows over. It’s 100% manipulation by them. 💎🙌 > This is utter bs and arguably market manipulation. _Arguably_ lol if this isn't completely utterly and blatantly manipulation then the word has lost all meaning. I mean, I know the idea of the free market has always been an illusion, but this is another level. And I haven't even got any skin in this game. Kinda wish I did just because fuck them. Perhaps too many of their customers shorted Gamestop and they fear that they have to back those shorts up if the customers can't pay? Why should a platform HAVE to lend you money, or back your call to buy anything? If it’s your cash sure, I get it, but not with my money. The rule being broken is securities fraud and it’s very obvious but let’s not let that get in the way of a good time I guess The rule that is being broken is taking away access to a ""free"" market which is my and large against the laws. This was talked about on Bloomburg not even an hour ago. I've already seen a bunch of people reporting them to the SEC for limiting retail trades but not hedge fund trades..... It's very clear manipulation of the market if I've ever seen it. What I love is how these jackasses keep parroting ""FuNdAmEnTaLs!"", but they conveniently skip over how shorting 40% more stock than exists is not exactly what I'd call fundamental. If anything buying because of the low price, over extension, and inevitable squeeze from supply and demand seems much more fundamental. These dipshits are just so used to swinging the big dick that they got absurdly complacent while /r/WSB caught them slipping. Market manipulation is only market manipulation when the little guy does it. Remember Insider trading after finding out covid is going to wreck the economy isn't... Manipulating the market is inevitable when interacting with one. The only question is who its being leveraged against. The rule being broken is the ""rich white people aren't allowed to lose money"" rule. So they have to shut it down. Sadly no rule. I rang the FCS and they can halt purchases if any stock at any time for any reason It isn't arguably market manipulation, it IS market manipulation Maybe it’s because of so many people logging into the app at one time causing the servers to go down, I couldn’t get in trading212 for over an hour yesterday morning and in the late afternoon CDF still works and you can trade just not on ISA or invest accounts That’s not what market manipulation is, people really need to google these terms >What rule is being broken? You don't take from people richer than you. That's the unfortunate and depressing truth. Should I sell or hold - Citadel bails out Melvin Shorts, idiot thats part of the 140% short interest - Citadel get the majority of order flow from Robin hood - Robinhood stop GME buy order flow but not sell - GME tanks from $400 to $120 within hours Nothing to see here....just free and fair markets Is the percentage of profits the same or? Never understood these They've taken that down too :( Not anymore, GS2C is on reduce-only on T212 now as well. Will GS2C follow the same trend as GME? Will the short squeeze affect it equally? Holy shit. That ticker didn’t exist on T212 until a week ago?! No buying anymore What’s t212? Trying to do this Why the fuck would anyone want to BUY this stock? Any sensible person understand that it is only going to go down. You're gotta be a fucking moron to buy now. I understand that people bought it last week to drive its price up to fuck these short sellers, but you don't keep buying now - now you sell. You're not outlasting the short sellers - get out while the getting's good - don't get it now. Now we've reversed roles, where the day-traders on reddit are trying to fuck other redditors by getting the plebs to buy in on this stock. The time to buy was last week, not now. Change from [shares] to [value] it will probably work like that. A lot of people had the same issue and fixed it like that I've been buying this morning with Fidelity, filled immediately. Cannot create new acc. Here or anywhere else... The german ticker is also available only in closed-mode. You can buy GME shares with cash right now in td ameritrade. Why would you buy the German listing though? That one doesn't have the short interest and so isn't really likely to squeeze as much. Please but 2 million shares in this dip. And hold 💎🤚🏻 I just bought GME through TD Ameritrade [deleted] Trading212 was down whole day anyway for me. They did this shit yesterday and tried to blame market uncertainty on the dips. But in reality it was them cutting off access to apps that made it happen. The hypocrisy is fucking ridiculous right now... Schwab still allows trading as of this morning Still them on your shitty platform, and re-buy them on a real brokerage account like Fidelity, Vanguard, or Schwab. Don't give those other businesses your money. I am so mad about this even though I don't own gme stock but I was going to buy a share just to see where it goes and now I am blocked from doing this. The game was rigged all along. If you can sell but no one can buy, then that would mean the price is going to tank at some point. Unless they locked out all the regular folks from buying and only the institutional folks can buy. I wonder if that's their play here. I put it my buys last night and RB cancelled them today. Sent me notifications saying ""you have cancelled you purchase for gme"" and same with amc Someday, somebody has to make a movie about this. It'll make all those on the other end look like true assholes and that'll still not be accurate. [deleted] I can’t even sell! Trading 212 If you can sell it but not buy then who is going to be able to buy it when you sell? We ~~can sell~~ they allow us to sell at a loss, so they are fine if we lose money, but we can't buy? You really thought you could do whatever you wanted in the stock market? Of course they're gonna help their buddies out. It's a big rich club, and you aren't in it. [deleted] In the end, they'll probably be fined some amount but it will still be less than how much Citadel is losing. I hope im wrong tho. Is there actually nowhere to buy? I put in for GME and AMC last night and it looked like it went through, this morning it had been cancelled. Fidelity will let you buy We need a list stuck to the top of this post of trade platforms in the US that allow trade of GME. Everyone move their accounts over to those platforms. This BS can’t be tolerated! Vote with your actions... [removed] The only thing that should change is to burn it to the ground and start over. I guess the rig is in and the dice are loaded. They'll (hedge funds) with manipulate prices until Friday so it's bottomed out then cover shorts while retail cannot buy or sell while they do. They will just change the rules to require brokers/funds for certain stocks. And then for all stocks. It sounds like we should not trust this market and, once we're done with this episode, everyone getting fucked today should exit the market entirely and take their money elsewhere We will see a massive amount of people pull everything they have out of the market after this. Retail investing is dead. Fidelity seems to still be trading properly. Using the app. Which broker though. Seems like they are all blocking AMC and GME, some are also blocking BB and NOK. I tried Merrill, Robinhood and heard Schwab was also blocking them. I’m trying to figure out how to move my stock assets from Robinhood now and I have no clue where to begin. I also have no idea who’s legit anymore with all these blocks on buying stock. [deleted] You can still buy on Vanguard, just got 500 shares. If you can’t trade right now! Ditch the fuck who is trying to manipulation you! I’m just glad at how blatant the manipulation is and right in front of the eyes of millions of people at this point - it’s undeniable. r/Trading212ActionGroup I can dream that the SEC looks at this and is like ""you know what hedge funds you were right, there is manipulation. You, you are manipulating it and not even sly about it. "" Td ameritrade is running. Allowing all purchases. Thinkorswim on desktop is legit too Fidelity let buy GME this morning and I initiated a transfer of all my other holdings to Fidelity. I will close my RH soon as the transfer is complete. I'm moving everything I have in Charles out after this. Fuck these platorms I'm not sure about that. They're pissing off politicians on the left *and* the right this time. And not just small fries, but major fucking names across the board are angry about this one. They may have finally gone too far and things will actually settle on a more even playing field for a change. Fidelity still open for business on those stocks. DeFi platforms will solve this problem Mate, whoever you put in charge of your new platform will get rich and that’ll cloud their judgement. It’s a dog eat dog world out there, and nobody is altruistic. Create a cooperative trading platform. All of those who work for it share equal ownership. The no commission trading trend resulted in hedge funds being the actual paying costumers for a lot of trading platforms. [deleted] This is complete nonsense. TD and IBKR are both allowing me to place orders. Others have pointed out Fidelity and Merrill are working as usual. Stop spreading this dangerous rhetoric. Yep tried yesterday to buy on Robinhood and was denied. Just gonna try again today. Total BS Update: and cancelled again! Wtf This was supposed to be ROB.IN.HOOD. Still there in Vanguard Robinhood is still open for business. Never once shutdown, just has an FYI that your assets are volatile at the moment and could pose additional risk. Free market supporters I guess. Screw TD and all the other firms. Submit an SEC complaint so they have to do something. Edit: I know it’s shit down now...someone made a phone call on the bat phone and shut us degenerates out of the fun party. My bad. At the time is was open but for about an hour this morning. Robinhood is still allowing buying of GME Demand derivatives is a crowdfunded trading platform if you are interested in being a stake owner in a trading platform. Webull allows you to buy I'm not worried. I'm sure this will just cause the price to go up even more. I couldn’t agree more with you statement!!!! Check out this derivatives trading platform on the blockchain that intended to solve this exact issue! [Synthetix ](https://synthetix.io/) Hi, I am proposing a solution to this here: [Can't Trade? Show them the WSB way : wallstreetbetsoptions (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbetsoptions/comments/l6x2cw/cant_trade_show_them_the_wsb_way/) Please repost so we can reach a big audience. No dice on Webull either. Schwab still has all the stocks up for trading. I just placed orders for pre-market Check out FTX exchange. Wealthsimple Trade app still allows you to buy I can't even log in to my Questrade or TD brokerage accounts. I'll bet that the hedge funds are having no problem making trades right now. Wasn't there something like that in the past that was in the process of being built?? I swear I saw an app developer on this sub explaining it. I bet RobinHood aint blocking those trades lol. im using the chase app and i can trade just fine you will need to either be sponsored by donations or make a profit. We should do fucking Defi, thats the whole fucking point With all of some people at wsb made, they can create a new platform easy to the common folk. A retard anywhere in the world want some GME? Let them have it easily. Lol. Socialize Capitalism! For once in my life I was glad to be with a major bank (rbc) and bought 10 more at the 141 dip. They are shutting people out of opportunities and it's disgusting. I was going to open a wealthsimpel account before this but now I'm unsure. > we should build our own platform where we will all be treated equally Yeah, and with black jack and hookers! Blockchain can do this, it’s unstoppable. If you’ll indulge: https://youtu.be/3mUcpsbnhGE Schwab had some glitches but is not actively blocking particular stocks Charles Schwab is allowing buys. Doesn't vanguard do something similar already? merrill lynch also allowed trading these stocks all Week. So did fidelity. I’m with TDA and they blocked me. I’m moving my money when this shit settles down. Td hasn't given me problems. Bought some NOK today Yes. It's easy to bully the weak guy, isn't it. Now we see them in true light Wait is Freetrade restricting activity? Hi mate, freetrade is terrible for processing bank transfers. If you use apple pay it is instant :) Try webull It has a great interface, did not go down at any point yesterday, and can get credited funds before your money transfers You should be! They’re controlling your money. If I were you I’d transfer to a different trading platform. This is ludicrous I couldn’t use my instant Apple Pay yesterday on Freetrade, where as the day before it went through just fine. It takes hours to send through a bank transfer instead. Funny how this didn't matter when the millions of people blew up their account with options in the past. FYI you can process instant deposits with Freetrade if you use Apple Pay or Google Pay. I believe it’s up to £1000 I wonder if a class action lawsuit against the app companies is possible for losses incurred due to them shutting down. Sure, it will be tough to show that you actually meant to buy the stock, but maybe showing that you had the money to buy and had the app would be sufficient. It would probably be better if GameStop itself sued them since they are the ones also incurring losses due to being taken off all these platforms. Just as a word of warning, $GME is locked behind their premium ""plus"" account, which costs £9.99 a month Tried to set up an account through chase and they think my zip code isn't right and they also don't allow me to write out my entire address so I can't even continue the process of making an account Great system here Do fidelity, they let me invest I actually saw that last night too. Not from you but another folk on WSB. I didn’t think much of it, then came the big explosion. worth trying revolut. I managed to input a buy order on GME Dont be sorry Etoro is a bunch of garbage that did the same as RH. They stoppt the buying and let it dip. Also they ""went"" offline everytime the price was going up [deleted] Only a matter of days til “This order will exceed the meximim number total shares allowed to be sold at this time” I woke up to ""you have canceled your order."" Fucking no I didn't. Best part...they money is still missing and not listed as available funds. They’re going to have to rename their app to Prince John. Cant even find GMO or GameStop with Robinhood search function now. They won't allow any stock purchases they can't make money on. This isn't new. Their offerings are always limited based on this act of greed. Ironic, that Robin hood is protecting the rich Gonna be a lot of people taking their money out of Robinhood, I think. If I want to hop on now, what's a good alternative to RH? Wealth privileged is a real thing. ❤️ Haha like seriously. Next time don't be so *poor* With the hiccups they've had over the last year (+), I'm surprised so many are still there. (disclaimer - 100% happy Fidelity customer) SoFi is still allowing trades as well. Is it easy to transfer to Fidelity from RH? I already have a Fidelity brokerage acct but I use it for 403b and regular banking. I'm done with RH. I was able to buy AMC and NOK via Fidelity this morning. Robinhood fucked me out of 20 grand today. Now I'm moving to fidelity. Only downside is waiting for the cash to settle. Takes 48 hours in most trades and transfers.. just fyi so you don't end up trading on margin. CashAPP is still trading AMC but GME is not on their list anymore. I'm transferring over the last of my RH funds that aren't in GME to Fidelity as well. Fidelity's really proven their worth today, I won't forget how they stood by us. Vanguard is still trading them too. Hey there, how is Fidelity? I'm looking for an RH alternative that didn't participate in the blocking. Did Fidelity stay out of it? Just tried it, Webull is not allowed in Europe apparently. [deleted] Revolut? The bank? Webull suspended those too webull is now blocking trades for gme and amc Webull suspended them too just like robinhood WeBull will not let me trade GME at this moment [deleted] IG doing ok too How about an actual brokerage lmao Are you on revolut? It essentially crashed for the first 2 hours of trading yesterday. I needed new undies Webull not verifying new accounts Can’t buy AMC with Revolut right now It’s spelled revolt. How do you even deposit money into Webull, I'm not finding an option to do that anywhere I have revolut, I tried to buy AMC on market open, transaction has been pending ever since, cannot even cancel.. Webull appears to be overloaded with new accounts. I can't get through the sign up process. Webull stopped trading amc and gme and nok. Everyone sin bed with these fuck asses webull isn't trading either WeBull blocked GME purchases too. Still looking for an exchange. Webull just announced a couple hours ago that they are halting buys was looking for this lool not that i got money to buy more Thanks for the sacrifice haha Tell me, what island are you going to take your yacht to first when your one share goes to the moon? Or have you not decided yet. Questrade is kinda based I bought 1 share on TDA. Seems to work. IKBR straightup told me I can't buy this and can only sell. Ally investing won't even let me login on mobile or pc. >questrade Really? Iirc they were worst according to WSB from the the last WSB debacle. Do you work for questrade? Not all heroes wear capes, but retards do o7 We don't know how many utterly clueless people are seeing this on the news and trying to get in on it. Those are the ones that would soon be the bagholders. But these services could put such restrictions on new accounts rather than all of them. Exactly, these brokerage firms were paid off When were they ever worried about the customers, and more importantly, why should they be? People make retarded moves all the time, and if the platforms wanted to look out for their customers, they would have to shut themselves down, because like 80% of all transactions would have to be cancelled in that case. Honest question : what is their interest in taking this decision ? What do THEY have to win by doing this ? Why not let the machine go its merry way ? I don't get it... The retail investor isn't exactly their customer. We're more like their pawns for their kings, the HFT firms and other mega-institutions. If noone can buy what's even the point of selling?? just hold it! That’s what I explained to my friends. Sure they can argue they are “protecting” us. But what about the rest of the time when they say “investing has risks. We are not responsible for you blah blah blah. You’re on your own” But suddenly we have a chance at a run and now they come in all father like. Fuck you guys if you’re reading It's probably also trying to cover their own asses from shorts suffering from unlimited losses. What happens to the brokers if someone goes bankrupt shorting GME because it shots up so darn fast and they can't cover? The Broker gets stuck with the bill. Suing a bankrupt person doesn't do you any good. It's manipulating the market yes, but they're doing it for their own benefit, not their clients who are shorting it, or who are going long on it. [deleted] Still trying to get out from under a stock that they delisted; if I could have bought some at pennies on the dollar I could have lowered my $1.44 per share down to pennies and would have made my money back 3 times over since that since is now back up to $.80 a share If they’re really concerned about the little guy, then why do they allow everyday people to do puts that literally open them up to infinite risk? This is an absolute joke and I look forward to the class action lawsuit. I dont know what shady casinos you have visited(looks like they believe in luck rather than their own system lol), but with normal ones.. actually its the other way around. If you start winning they will do everything in their power for you to stick around for as long as you have winnings. Its when you lost they lose any interest in you. I understand why you are making the analogy, but it really doesn't work.. Casino's love winners. They are their favourite people. Winners bring more people into the casino, and you will \*always\* lose eventually. A casino will never, ever, ever, kick someone out for winning. That would mean all the money that person just won walks out with them, whereas if they keep the guy there, ply him with drinks and freebies, he will give all that money back by the end of the weekend. Because all that money went to the hedge funds Good point! They did pause trading, or close for the day early, several times. Just saying. What they're doing now is only half understandable. A stock is being memed, and most investors won't know that. Just checked Fidelity, they are still allowing AMC to be purchased EDIT: Older Millennial here and I use both of those platforms lol You can buy both on fidelity Vanguard is allowing just checked mine. Fidelity works I am a schwab millennial. Got some AMC shares yesterday, we'll see what happens! Just checked and Vanguard is working fine for GME Fidelity still allowing buys. I'm on TD and Etrade... cannot believe that the kids posting here literally do not know of any brokerages other than random mobile apps. I guess all the boomer platforms are working because they don't expect boomers to join in on the fun. Im a fidelity stan. Bad on mobile but who fucking cares. Do stonks on a comluter like a thicc king fidelity is a private company that for sure wont be swayed. IMO more people will shift over to them and vanguard after this chaos My workplace 401k is with fidelity and when I got hired earlier this year I switched over to there from Robinhood. Haven’t regretted it since, great platform. Not restricting trading at all yet and hopefully that continues No, I use Fidelity and Vanguard. I hate Vanguard, just haven't gotten around to moving funds. Any suggestions? I hate that I can't preview the trading platform before I open an account. [deleted] Interactive Brokers. All works as it should. Vanguard is allowing it >apps suddenly do not work, networks suddenly cannot be reached or orders suddenly cannot be placed. This perfectly describes IBKR. There's always some outage or other bs that stops you from logging into your account. And of course can't buy anything listen on wsb. I am 10.000% agree with you, but yet we are so hopeless. It's so shame and disgusting. It makes me sick. even though i put the order through before their announcements. Same boat here. I did mine last night about 10pm!! Now contemplating on free trade where you can still do it. But unsure. They only process pre orders by 3pm too and I want to get in at 230. I put buy orders on last night on 212 for GME, AMC and a number of others. All have gone through. EDIT: This was in ISA. I was waiting for funds on Revolut. Logged in and saw this: >Trading Update for GME and AMC Unfortunately, our broker-dealer in the US, DriveWealth, can no longer offer Buys on GameStop (NYSE: GME) and AMC Entertainment (NYSE: AMC) due to increased capital requirements set by the Depository Trust Company (DTC) in the US. >While we apologise for the inconvenience this may cause, this is not a decision Revolut has made. As DriveWealth is our broker-dealer, we can only reflect the stocks they make available. We will however keep you informed as and when this situation changes. [deleted] I got an email last night from Robinhood about not being able to open new option positions on GME and AMC that expire friday. But nothing about common shares. Or expirations after this week. They let you take out margin to buy options and then look at you with a straight face saying they don’t want to see you get screwed. Lmfao. On browser I currently can't look up ANY stock. As soon as I put a single letter in the search I get ""Sorry, we’ve encountered an error loading results for your search. Please try again later."" It only means that you can’t buy any more. You can hold on to them as long as you want or sell them when you want. The price will rise and fall with the market. Hi mate - AMC will mirror GME. If GME continues to rise through Friday then hold AMC into next week. Trust It (your stocks) will peak over the next few day so sell relatively soon before it drops >Do i have to sell them? Nope. You own stock of the company. It's yours to do what you want with. Sell it today? Sell it tomorrow? That's up to you. If T212 is restricting access to purchasing new stock, that's like someone saying you can't buy any more AMC from the market. Nothing else. > will the price rise and fall as normal or stay where i bought in at? If you paid a $1 for your stock, and it rose by $0.01 your stock is theoretically valued at $1.01 if you offered it up for sale. If it fell by $0.01 your stock is theoretically valued at $0.99. The perceived price will rise and fall, however what's going on in this discussion thread is not going to be normal. Stock price doesn't matter until you try and sell it to someone else. The stock market is what tells you the perceived price for your stock based on what others are purchasing and selling at. If you are concerned about what's going on with the limited buying restrictions, you should be. If you went looking at homes and your realtor refused to show you a house you liked, you'd be concerned and avoid that house. If you tried to buy it and the broker said they won't let you buy it, you'd be concerned. If they tell you that your only option is to sell, then you likely would think that's what you should do. Everything that happened above was a manipulation to try and get you away from the properties you were looking at and already had access to. It's shady and that's what this thread is talking about and why they feel this manipulation tanked GME's stock as well as AMC's right around noon today. What are the repercussions for them? Honestly what law is being broken? It says right in the Robin Hood TOS that they can restrict the buying and selling of any stock for any reason. I feel like if that was illegal they wouldn't have put it so blatantly in their TOS. I'm not arguing about how shitty of a move it is and how this is just a blatant showcase of the 1% making sure that they stay at the top at the expense of everyone else when usually those manipulations are much more subtle but as it stands right now, is this actually breaking any law? Confirmed here. [deleted] Schwab is the only broker I've seen so far that has held up perfectly. I just picked up 6 shares of GME and 160 AMD at the opening bell, Schwab still going strong. Can’t open an account right now, think they locked it down Schwab isn’t allowing me to transfer money into my account. Could just be an isolated incident but I can’t add funds to buy more stock right now. Just bought AMC shares to see if it works and it was able to go through. However it wouldn't allow me to buy more options on the stock despite having the cash equity to do so. Still sus but at least they're not delisted like they are on Robinhood. I wish you and the other GME traders the best, but be careful with selling those puts in the 10-25 range. When this trading in GME reverses, and it will sometime in the near future, the price will likely go back to the range it was before the recent theatrics. I did the same thing as you a few years back on some stocks (admittedly not to the extent GME has been) and got my butt handed to me. Best wishes, my friend. [deleted] I really dont know much about margin calls. Are u getting margin calls because you have call options? How the fuck can they force you out a covered call? [deleted] Lol I had the same problem, sold a shit tonnes of 30p when it was 60, IB raised the margin, so now I'm getting closed to margin call. [deleted] I don’t understand. How can they force you out of a covered call? As someone who trades on margin I'm going to side with them on this actually. Massive volatility is a perfectly valid reason to restrict margin. Same. Not invested in gme or amc at all but I am pulling out all my money. Remember, RH has messed up before with outages that cause people to lose money. So even then, it's just not as good as people think. It's a closed system with barriets for entry. Unfortunately, the whole idea of boycotting a financial service as if it was a mom & pop shop that will be hurt by losing your business won't fly. Yup- same. Also leave a bad review on the App Store. Use Schwab I put an order to buy AMC last night and it is still pending as of 3:55 pm central. Can’t buy more either. That might be the next thing to do to them! I was just thinking this but have no idea what direction it would take to get something like this rolling... [deleted] This Sue with the GameStop money That's how a depression happens. We don't want to organize a liquidation They’ve taken the buy button off completely Thanks! I want a class action lawsuit immediately. Robinhood isn't letting me sell my shit while hedge funds dump everything and make my stocks worthless. I've been advertising this whole debacle to friends and family as Occupy wallstreet '21. Spare cash (however little) will be thrown to boost this rocket 🚀 It takes a lot of sophistication to lose that hard They are arrogant... Are you surprised.. stop watching MSM and supporting their websites. Life goes on without listening to their propoganda bloomberg is better and Emily Chang is hot too [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxQHSq33MTo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxQHSq33MTo) Schwab stopped margin trading. You can still buy the stock. Etoro has as well. You can only close >We have made this change following a notification from our liquidity provider that they have set $GME to close only status - effective immediately. Viewtrade TD Ameritrade did not stop any buying they just increased margin requirements I don’t have a balance in E*TRADE to 100% confirm but it looks like it allows GME purchases as well. RBC direct investing too pretty sure cashapp was trying to restrict trading as well that day. Bipartisanship! Exactly, the hedge funds just entered a cheat code. All we have to do is nothing, and they will still be fucked. its free shorting for them.. free money I also wanted to create my CFD account and they tell me to confirm the form but after clicking confirm nothing happens which tells me that this bug is there on purpose. Very strange. I went on their practice demo and I cannot trade even one share > MAIL THE PRESIDENT. Reports since late this morning have consistently said that the White House was among the entities calling clearing firms and brokerages, pushing them to shut off trading on GME and others. Especially when you buy a stock that is clearly headed straight for bankruptcy. Illegal Congratulations, you are being rescued. Please do not resist. At least now you know how socialist states felt when they too were posting up record gains because collectivization works and woops - let's burn all your farms and fund fascists to give you our ""democracy"". Every time. Fidelity is 100% operational No, it is not. **It is 100% illegal.** [deleted] My app says “this stock is not supported on robinhood” for both GME and AMC Yep got another order in this morning. We shall see what happens in a couple hours. I can’t even find GME, BB, or AMC on robinhood anymore. Delisted Not anymore Not any more. Yea thats exactly what they want you to do, buy AMC instead of GME Wont allow me to buy NOK or AMC Killed amc on RH I sent an email because this is bullshit we should be allowed to buy whats being sold Bought 19 shares yesterday to the fooking moon mate My order was cancelled yesterday. It looked like I was able to buy then I received an email from robinhood that *i* cancelled my order for amc Robinhood has stopped me on AMC, BB, GME and EXPR. Only allowing me to close my position. I'm blocked, can't buy gse bb amc or nokia Hi, I am proposing a solution to this here: [Can't Trade? Show them the WSB way : wallstreetbetsoptions (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbetsoptions/comments/l6x2cw/cant_trade_show_them_the_wsb_way/) Please repost so we can reach a big audience. Not anymore Not anymore Nope not now Which means they still know a way to take a cut of it Not anymore, button is gone Restricted in the UK as well Both are blocked for me in the UK Can the Americans still by? If they all do this it’ll kill the run surely Just managed to put 20£ in xD wasn’t sure about the difference and didn’t want to risk too much in case there was a huge difference between GME and GS2C but apparently the only difference is that one is in USD and one is in EUR. Glad I at least managed to put something in. EToro doesn’t verify me and Trading212 is being a little bitch >_< GUYS try changing from “share” to “value” it still works for a lot of people like that/. Nope, T212 in Europe have halted sales I just tried to open an account on trading212. I got a message that said they are not allowing new accounts at this time. To be fair I think this is the right call. If you want to buy @350 and the order due to the large volatility gets executed at @450 it can cause you to not have enough funds. In the end DeGiro pays this out of their pocket. Allowing limit orders allows them to cover their risk while still allowing us to buy stocks. Not even allowing limit orders however would be bullshit. That's actually good for you. Never buy at market price It smells of bs I agree but this shit is so volatile that you could buy at 300 and it dip to 240 in a second and youd be pissed Censorship is the wrong word. It is called ""protecting the asses of billionaire hedge fund owners like Steve Cohen"", who are big political donors. Seriously, how do so few people understand the 1st amendment? **The 1st amendment only protects you from *government* censorship.** It doesn't prevent private individuals or pirvate companies from censoring anything happening on their private property or within their private platforms. You might not like it but it's not ""censorship"" any more than you kicking someone off your lawn yelling profanities at your kids is censorship. To give a broad example, say you go to the town square and start telling everyone passing by to buy AMC. If a representative of the government (say, a police officer) goes and stops you, that's violating your freedom of speech. But if I walk up to you and start yelling over you so no one can hear you? Your freedom of speech has not been violated at all. You spelled market manipulation wrong. It’s class solidarity. Wealth protects wealth. Looks like only for options afaik, but other brokers disable market order for eg for shares and allow only limit and stop limit Let's bankrupt Robinhood. Everyone get off Robinhood. Not just them. Nokia (NOK) had just announced the world’s first 1T deployment. https://www.google.com/amp/s/finance.yahoo.com/amphtml/news/nokia-elisa-push-network-boundaries-070000048.html *’Nokia today announced it has achieved a major network capacity milestone with its long-standing partner Elisa while preparing the operator’s network for the future. Through a live commercial trial, the companies are proving the world’s first 1T (terabit) clear-channel interface deployment to efficiently scale Elisa’s network to support new applications and access technologies.’* I had a market order in to buy NOK at open and Robinhood cancelled my order (as well as my GME, AMC, and BB orders). If this isn’t illegal, I don’t know what the fuck is. Nokia stock is no longer supported on Robinhood and I’m tempted to take all my money off the platform ASAP. The market had GME short sellers by the fucking balls and they paid off Robinhood to shut it down so they could buy back shares at cheap to cover their shorts before we kept driving the price higher on them. So sickening. We had them at check-mate and they flipped the whole board on us in a childish rage, so unfair. I wanted to buy Nokia stock based on actual news in the industry and I am being restricted from making any purchase orders. We must bring light to this to bigger players out there. Wall Street hedge fund managers cannot keep winning like this! Send them all to prison for real. This is madness. Cheating? Wall Street? 😂 I mean this is capitalism at work. The people richer than you use their power to keep you down. System working as intended. Its goddamn wallstreet for fucks sake lmao. This is literally capitalism please wake up, when capitalists don't like the poorz making money they put the kibosh on that shit. This is literally capitalism running normally. > Capitalists collude to manipulate the capitalist market in a capitalist society > Communists are to blame, actually. Cmon man, you are so close to the point. What could possibly demonstrate the flaws of capitalism if, even when it's flaws slap you in the face, you still blame communism? You have to see the problem with that line of reasoning... You are absolutely right to be mad, and I don't mean to single you out at all, but please recognise the real cause. This is called crony capitalism, not communism. and its been this way for quite some time. Stalin wasn't 'in charge'. That's not really how their system worked. If you care, [heres a video on soviet government structure - it's very close to ours but with less executive power](https://youtu.be/6emmgC6rsGA) Also Stalin used to actually literally rob banks to fund the peoples revolution against a corrupt monarchy, the guy was an actual real life Robin Hood. Worth reading his writings, he was a hardliner for legitimate democracy. If he were alive he'd appreciate this whole hedge fund fucking. I got an email last night from WealthSimple telling me that individual stock trading is risky, and to diversify. That FOMO isn't a reason to trade, but I dont think think it's restricting me from buy right now. I have a GME stocks that I'm holding onto now, won't be buying more. Exactly. Yup... absolutely closing my account with them after this bs... lol - ORRRrrrrr... and hear me out... use a better broker? People aren't losing thousands of dollars. They are just not gaining thousands of dollars. Vanguard #1 You still buying? I was told that it was highly illegal and we knowing that they are doing it for the very rich makes it even shittier. And knowing that they will probably get away with this really makes me sad. It is legal for them to put a halt on trading of a stock if they think something fishy is going on with it. In short term yea. Long term no. I think it will have to go through the SEC or one fo their task forces first I use Schwab and really like it. Stable, reliable, easy. Amazing! Well done! Wtf?! That’s NUTS! Sue the fuck out of them. You say it well! They could care LESS about us. They want to crush is like ants but they will not win. They don’t always get to win... isn’t that how games are played??? 🚀 Robinhood is force closing GME already. Saw on twitter Zieke naaierds Nobody. Thats the point. Either actual brokerages can or they force the price down with unfulfilled sales in order to help cover short losses for hedge funds who overplayed their hand and miscalculated serious risk. TLDR : The rest of the market. When you buy/sell on RobinHood (or any individual trading platform) you are not doing that just among its userbase. You do that with anyone on the same stock exhange (NYSE, NASDAQ,...).In fact, that's the point of a stock exhange : a place where you exchange (buy/sell) stocks. Trading platform are just intermediaries that ease the process of buying and selling and give you access to the exchange. So, technically, the price could go up even if RobinHood only allow you to sell. Obvisously, the price is more likely to go down because that prevent part of the public to buy and also send a signal. Also, the stock exchange itself could prevent from buying/selling a stock. But this would obviously prevent both at the same time. You can’t sue. You agreed to their terms and conditions. They can delist a stock whenever they want They didn't save me when 3 different businesses I bought into went under but now they have a conscience. I’m not afraid to lose anything lmao. That’s why we do this. Risk=reward. Bunch of fucking cunts man Are they actually putting restrictions on trading though? If not, that just sounds like ass-covering in case hedge funds decide to sue the brokers that still allowed trading. Absolutely, my son cuz homie. That's an over-correction and that's part of the problem. It confirms SOME things that non- right wingers also believed. Listen to the non-extreme reasonable people who said things like, ""These people helped lie us into Iraq you have to confirm every single thing they say."" (THAT GOES FOR WHAT YOU READ ON REDDIT TOO, NO MATTER HOW POPULAR) Yup. Artificially (illegally?) suppressed demand. Can't sell now. Tried opening one with Fidelity and it keeps giving me errors. Stop being stupid [deleted] I sold everything I had with Robinhood today. Fuck them. As soon as it all clears I’m closing the account > I missed the GME gravy train GME dip today that people want to buy, that's why GME is gone, people have been planning on buying today and they knew it. Thinking of doing the same. Do you know how do I go about that? > But you need to know how to play the game to win it You aren't sticking it to the man then, you are becoming ""the man"". wouldn't the cross platform collusion with a very clear motive, indicate this is indeed market manipulation? Isn't motive and results of ""technically"" legal behavior, be a consideration in these sort of things? Seems like it ought to be... seems like a buncha lawyers are going to get paid to argue about it. These are liquid symbols, why would they be going to a market maker? I admit to not having checked the venue listing... That's all you can say because you're prolly.still too young to say fuck . Lol Do they really care about the little peeps? Probably not. Are there any other brokers that do commission free options? I'm working on it, but acorns is gonna take it's sweet time. They’ve rigged the game against us. The only option available is to sell your stock and the only ones allowed to buy are the short sellers who need to close their positions. It’s total b.s. and somehow all brokerages are in on it. They must have been directed to do this. I'm super new to stocks. Should I buy a GME stock right now and hold it? Or is the value gonna tank? How does one move to other platform without selling securities? do i have to initiate transfer in new platform don't take my word for it but that's what they want us to do. we're able to sell but not buy??? wtf is this shit. i would hold but don't take this as advice, so what you think is best TastyWorks just sent an email saying they are allowing trading on GME, AMC, etc. I've also heard good things about it. I have an account with them but haven't deposited/traded yet. edit: by just, I mean a couple hours ago (before trading closed) Talk about some Big Brother nanny shit. Same with HL. You better bet I’m not going to forget this. I hope others don’t either. Slowly but surely closing out positions... I think Cash App has AMC still But NASDAQ are saying they’re going to halt trading, which is ironic because it’s on NYSE.. they’re all as bent as the others! You can only sell. No buys Try Fidelity or Robinhood Sounds like my entire fucking life. Same on my account. I can pull up the ticker on GME and others that ran yesterday, but can’t buy. This is mad. What did you use to buy? they are so full of shit. still pending for me Yeah it definitely was pulled... 1 doge = 1 doge Only when we do it They just stole 3 months of gains from this poor THEYRE STILL FUCKING SHORTING?!?! I have some apple shares but I'm trying to get something big Elizabeth Warren spoke about it yesterday! Edit: added a link. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/elizabeth-warren-weighs-in-on-the-gamestop-stock-surge/ar-BB1d9kHS Float % is still 122 They’re trying to tank it by brute force so they get some back So I'd say, there's millions of peeps out there incl myself who are asking themselves the same question. But at the same time, once trading resumes, those people again would be interested in continuing where they left off. So even if we go to rock bottom today, this doesn't have to be the end. As always: never invest more than you can afford to loose. Literally taking the ball and going home. Using quest trade and buying like a boss. WeBull is restricting now too I heard This deserves to be the top comment Eat them stfu Retail buyers aren't allowed to buy. Big investment houses--like those who, just as a random example, are short tons of GME shares and need to buy some to cover those shorts--can still buy. ...welcome to the free market? More like Citadel is steering the ship at RH from what I’m hearing. I’ve read that 40% of RH revenue comes from Citadel. Etoro Investing is LITERALLY A RISK IN ITSELF. WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO TAKE RISKS IF WE LIKE. Fucking corporate cronies. Don't use robinhood Really?? I would be down This is a great question! What will be bottlenecked next (ha ha?)? *although thank god I could sell the small amount of GME I had today. Me too. First stock purchase ever. I know nothing than what I've read here and Twitter.. Should I hold my $60 worth? Are they allowing to buy gme? Well, they are a private company and choose to business with certain people or not...../S [deleted] It isn't just them it's a lot of platforms doing this and it is illegal on its face Is AMC expected to go up, in your opinion? I don't think this is a good place to argue that people involved in market manipulation should be thrown in jail. That would include everyone in here. No they aren't. The AI can't outsmart a mob because mobs don't operate on rational behavior, they operate on feelings. Computers don't understand feelings and algorithms won't understand why someone will decide to EAT THEIR LOSS just to watch someone else die. I'm waiting until the gleeful end when someone out there will kindly r/dothemath for me and put a dollar figure on the anger. It's billions of dollars already; this is language they understand: Wall Street Firms: How angry do you think they are? GME squeeze: xx billion dollars worth! ***Only one side of this is strictly in it for the money. We like the stock.*** Ally blocked me as well, and I told them they now lost me for invest AND banking - pulling all of my accounts as soon as I can. My fidelity works fine and I bought gme no problem today [deleted] Delete or edit this jeez And BB Are they overall good like T212 and their app just as useful as T212? Because I do like the user experience and I wouldn't want to downgrade with options and usefulness. But I feel like I have to I've had 0 issues with fidelity. I got in on GME early December. Not disclosing my position at this time. Lets keep the hedge funds in the dark. “Why can’t I purchase more I planned on buying more today and I have every right to purchase what’s being sold” Make sure to keep a cash account. If you buy on margin they can loan your share out to other buyers. Some services even let you opt out of margin lending, but RH doesn’t. Cash app has AMC People are using other subs to try and get stupid people to buy these worthless stocks. Good shit. Keep on trucking sailor moon. Capital app still working properly. Its in EU though I got my account approved in a couple days but I applied last week as soon as Robinhood started on their bullshit. People should be able to make that decision themselves. That’s what freedom is. to devils advocate your devils advocate, its adults trading, sure maybe put up an advisory warning but let people do what they want to with their money. Casinos dont shut down because people are losing to much money. If that was the case, they should've stopped them when AMC went up 300% and GME went up to $450. Not when they have crashed and the average retail investors can buy at lower risk. As if they ever gave a shit about people losing money in the past. RH did this because of pressure from the big firms leading up to an IPO. Which, ironically, will likely destroy them since their potential customers are all now on the warpath after this shit. Sound logic. Who stepped in when banks and hedge funds decided to buy toxic assets or give mortgages to people who cant afford them leading to the housing bubble? These companies have demonstrated they’re not opposes to people losing money going into debt or even losing their homes. They’re ok with the little people digging a hole they cant get out of - what they’re afraid of is the hole they dug for themselves. Its hard to prove intent but their history sets a precedent. this would be true of they temp stopped all trading and have people a cool of period to reconsider their decisions. This is just pure manipulation, an attempt to get people to sell off. Who are people selling to , if no one can buy??? its just manipulation That’s their choice though. If RH was seriously worried about people’s financials, they would have instead opted to give a warning to people looking to buy and information to why the stock is ready to bubble. If they were concerned about regulation and SEC oversight then they should have limited trading of ALL securities on their platform AFTER giving users an ample warning that they were going to do that days in advance, So it’s not a free market? [deleted] i’ve been able to save some orders for buy/sell for both gne and amc on thinkorswim. not sending them though yet. wanted a comparison with TDA app which showed buy/sell at ZERO DOLLARS when i saved the orders. didn’t seem right. bottom line: im trusting thinkorswim more > I hope to god no one sells I’ll bet you do. You want someone else to offload your trash to. How did they find out who you are? That's horrible! https://www.etf.com/stock/GME Can still buy ETF’s that have GME inside!! The purchase won’t go through Couldn't Robin Hood just argue it's a free market and they can choose which assets you can buy? Market manipulation. Crazy that ur app locked u out and wouldn’t even let you sell. Lot of these apps have backing from big hedge funds and corporations, think someone on here said that Robinhood does their transfers thru a subsidiary of Melvin Capital which is the firm that is losing billions from their shorts on GME and AMC, it’s actually crazy illegal what they’re doing to people right now locking them out. You’ve been cheated by people on reddit. > Laws don't exist You seem to be the one who can't understand laws existing, since there are laws against market manipulation, there's no law against banning someone from social media for being a shithead. AMC entertainment holdings right? How do you buy on foreign markets through say....Merrill Yes this might mean the end of short selling. Please find another over shorted stock and it should be fair game to buy and hold. Individually they don't have the ""power"" (money) to move the market and they are not conspiring (no secrecy) do to it as a group. So nothing illegal at the moment. Maybe a new law could cover this, but it will be hard to define it clearly without killing every stock forums and investor clubs. I want to...what is the easiest way for someone, such as myself who has never bought stock- to buy? Not Rh. Webull account is awaiting approval. Cash app doesn't work. Locked out of my Fidelty account - didn't even know I had one - because I cannot tell them what dates I started and quit working for Verizon 15+ years ago....help please Right. Someone will be losing out here. However, the hedge funds that shorted the stock still haven't all covered their shorts. When will they cut their losses and buy back the stocks? The longer they wait, the more the stock will go up (theoretically). Once they do actually decide to buy back, the price will shoot up even more, the ""final"" squeeze happens, and that's when you want to dump your stock, hoping you're selling at the peak. Whoever shorted it while at the peak wins. Whoever sells for a profit when it's at the peak also wins. Anyone who sells after the price plummets will be losing out. Also, I have no idea what I'm talking about. This is just what I know from reading about this over the past week so feel free to take it with a grain of salt. It had ONE JOB No what you're describing is cronyism and socialism. Capitalism is what allows us to have a stock market to begin with. We want more to options to participate in the markets and that requires profit. We want to profit, it's not wrong for them to want to profit too. We just need to have a way to have unfettered access to the markets. Shut down on Robin Hood. They all seem to work on Schwab though TD also joined RH in banning the tickers. As far as I know Fidelity and Schwab are the only two that haven't. Psa: stop using feeless brokers! They sell your data so that institutional investors can bet against you. Half of those did the exact same as Robinhood. The other two were down this morning. How much did Trump pay for the real estate in your head. This has nothing to do with Trump or Trump supporters. Get some fresh air. We're united on this. Don't divide us. lmao this has literally 0 involvement with Trump. You are so deranged it’s hilarious Trumpers are a blight on this country Best to just fucking ignore them. It's not like they listen to anything anyway. Would you people learn that twitter/facebook/google are not goverment entities nor do they have to allow you to do jack shit on their platform. Nice try. The right started cancel culture when they wanted to boycott Starbucks for ""Seasons Greetings"" cups in their 'war on christmas.' Trump is a disgrace, a stain on america, and belongs in prison So you believe private social networks should be government regulated and controlled? Yikes. So you don't care about free market. Cancel culture is the antithesis of free market. Is someone doesn't like what someone's doing, don't use them. getting banned from a website because you violated their terms of service isn't cancel culture. you sound like a child with his feelings hurt [deleted] Why what’s going on with 🐶coin? Wym? My TD Ameritrade did that as well when trading was halted. It came back to normal once trading resumed. fr tho, they are more than a luxury car brand, that's the tip of the iceberg. They are a major manufacturer for the British military no? AMC when it dips my friend. Buy 5-10 shares and watch where it is by next Wednesday. We have the power of the internet behind us I dont believe so you can either make a profit and cash out or you can make a loss.. From my understanding if you put in 120 and you profit 20 you can cash out 140 (120+20) if you make a loss of -60$ you can sell and go home with 60$(120-60) or it can go -120 which means you can sell at $0 and make nothing but if you don't sell the stock can go back up if you don't sell You obviously have no idea what's happening Found him I’m starting to think these people are all kids. They are not chasing freee money, they are making the hedgefund going bankrupt, the prices going ultra high is just some part of this specific process. so leave then. Bye! The point of buying it ti kill the hedgfund. Its like hitting a person with a basedball bat once, if you are not ok with the baseball bat maybe breaking itself, dont hit someone else with it. Being ok with the baseball bat maybe breaking itself is part of the plan, because the plan is to hit the person.. I mean as this refers to an illegal activity, ie market manipulation, that’s not really the case here is it? > refuse service to whoever they want for whatever reason That's literally never been the case or the argument. If this is the case, which it may well be although I'm not convinced, but IF so - there are better ways to do this. Implement a max buy of $x,xxx or based on a % of investor income. Or even create an ad hoc waiver or something for the tickers you deem high risk. Just stopping everyone from buying is asinine. Do you not realize they are artificially fucking people who didn't buy in at the top? People get fucked at the top all the time, this isn't any different other than they are lying through their teeth about this protecting us, it's about protecting billionaires. First off if I want to waste my money I should be able to. Second they can put a warning without limiting access to buy. Third if they really cared they wouldn't allow people to put massive amounts of money into clearly terrible positions at any time. Even with these limited I could still take terrible positions on other stocks and still lose all of my money. Fourth I don't use Robinhood to have my hand held. Unless the government is limiting it then I should be able to do what I want, which is how it's always been. Half of these people pushing this infantile idea are naive and the other half are trying to exploit them. At this point if you get a position in $GME and don't understand the risks you are an idiot and deserve what happens to you. I also don't think brokerage houses have an obligation to stop people from being stupid anymore than they have an obligation to protect institutional investors. The brokers are manipulating markets to save a hedge fund here and that is unalloyed bullshit. How naïve are you anyway? I grabbed a few shares at $120 on TD Ameritrade about ten minutes ago [deleted] No it isn't. It's not supported on RH, you can only close positions. [deleted] Get a cell phone. The only way to lose money is to sell. there's no one to sell to because no one can buy. its all a bullshit They would need to get their hands on 60m stocks. So, no. They did not cover their shorts. Not even a fraction. Where do you see that? [deleted] I volunteer and donate to homeless shelters in my area regularly. In some countries businesses can't make unusual demands in their deals with consumers, without very explicitly warning the consumer. The law in those countries assume that consumers can't be held to the same standards of scrutiny as businesses can. I like those laws in those countries. I don't think their TOS allow blatant market manipulation which would seem to pre-empt whatever claim they can make about restricting your trades. It is clearly in bad faith. > and they are now angry that Robinhood and similar platforms are hindering their ability to do so. By doing so they are forcing the stock to stay low you dumbass. Lol the people losing money are the billionaire idiots who are shorting TWO HUNDRED FORTY PERCENT of GME stock. When GME comes knocking and they have to give back those 240% shares back they're going to ***have*** to buy from the (as they call themselves over at WSB) retards that will have the prices at over 1k absolutely bankrupting a few billionaires Not sure that’s who is selling right now... I don’t see this as a Ponzi at all. There’s no promise or guarantee. We know this. We like the stock. Saw the writing on the wall??? On what wall was it written that brokerages would block buying shares of specific stocks (GME,AMC)? Right now only short sellers can buy and holders are only allowed to sell. That’s not a free market, it’s being manipulated. Shorts bought in at like $5 and it's still over $200, stop pretending you know what you're talking about 😂 Squeeze hasn't even happened yet, giving in just gives more strength to the hedgefunds. They tried to push the price down as far as they could and the lowest they got was 120 before it went back up, when they cover tomorrow we should see an increase. (Not a financial advisor tho). Fuck off moron. You're only hurting average people and siding with billionaires who are changing the rules because they're losing. There should be a 30 day mandatory hold on all stock purchases regardless of who / what owns it. Bootlicker. The nation's financial stability? More like a hedge funds financial stability. These few stocks are not affecting the nation. This sounds like a CNBC talking point. Did they stop retail investors from trading during the 2008 meltdown or any other time that they are manipulating the markets? I don't think so. It's rather convenient that they ""care"" right as their wallets are getting a little lighter. I hope that's sarcasm. The issue here is cronyism not capitalism. Regulation makes things worse, see the PDT rule for example. Government is controlled by big money anyway so the idea that they'll make things better is a ridiculous notion. No we need a broker who guarantees access but may change for it. That's the balance. Their investing section is now down as “they implement improvements” so I’m curious what that means. Holding! What company is that? Yah, just noticed I could not buy more Nokia either. Illegal!!! Nok amc and the others don’t either Nope giving me errors to buy, but NOK worked. Nakd is blocked also It’s in their terms that they can do whatever they want. Centralisation. Depends how much they are being paid to do so! Check out Webull they still have NAKD available I agree that's the reason... but they could just put a HUGE DISCLAIMER saying not to buy because of that instead of downright prohibiting orders Fidelity and Webull both working but take some time to get an account and money in Use cashapp You are suposed to buy gme not AMC Are you the melvin intern? Can purchase AMC and Nokia on cashapp My order for amc is still pending. Fingers crossed! This is amount GME and GME only, not those bullshits stuff. Mine just went through. Waiting for amc to go through though. Fingers crossed... Wtf its blocked for me Switch to Fidelity Same for NOK and AMC. PISSED! The shenanigans. They did the same to me. SheriffOfNottingham.com is available. So it was discovered a bunch of Hedge Funds was trying to short gamestop by a crazy volume something like 2x the amount of stocks even available at the time. And then shortly after financial advisors were making public statements about gamestop failing and being a dead company basically trying to scare people into selling and crashing the stock so the short is more profitable. Reddit found out and decided to bet against them by buying, inflating the price, and holding their stocks. The pricr basically went from $20 to $300+ in a few months. The hedge funds realized they are getting fucked and sold to get out of gamestop and lost billions yesterday. Now mysteriously there are new regulations against normal folks from doing what they brand ""unusual"" activity when big money has done this daily since the inception of the stock market. AMC was just another meme buy from reddit like gamestop and if enough people support it will also skyrocket. I don't know enough about stocks to know what will happen though but that's the story. I am sorry to hear that. Don't worry just keep yourself updated, I'm in the stock market for half a year and I saw plenty of opportunities so it is a matter of time until you find a couple of chances which will take you out of this mud. It is possible, just don't gamble Charles Schwab Fidelity, just opened up an acct in less than 5min Hold. They want you to sell. They depend on it. just relax and hold They know. This was Elizabeth Warren *yesterday*. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/elizabeth-warren-weighs-in-on-the-gamestop-stock-surge/ar-BB1d9kHS The hedge funds lied about covering their positions the shorts are still out there they want to scare the little ppl into selling back to them. Don’t Do nothing. Just hold steady. The people who reply with 'do nothing' are correct. It sounds silly, but right now the best thing you can do is hold on to your share. There will be a lot of chatter that you can follow to make informed decisions in the coming days, but today just sit on it. I'm not any kind of financial advisor, and this is not advice. I just like the stock. Yes I bought more on the dip. I think it will recover. Maybe not today but soon. People are mad. Revolut, quest trade, and wealthsimple Fidelity is letting me set up an order. Let's see if it goes through. Sofi approved me within a couple hours. From other comments fidelity isn't blocking That's what they want you to do. They want to get rid of retail trading. I closed my Robinhood account today- I was newly signed up yesterday and was going to dip my toe in the pool today, but nope- with what Robinhood is doing I sent them a note that I will be spreading the word with everyone I know to avoid Robinhood, and I closed my account. F them. doing this today Hold Keep till tomorrow. Then make your own decision. People keep saying it’s going to space sometime tomorrow Keep it, this is not the time to sell who are you selling to if no one can buy. its just manipulation at this point It’s running slow, but working. However, they have also restricted any purchase of GME. Can only exit positions. Obligatory: I’M NOT SELLING! Suspended If you've ever done a rollover, ESPP, or a distribution you may already have a brokerage account with little to no $ in it. That would prevent you from opening a new one....or it could just be the site is slammed right now. Fidelity just allowed it. Cant buy on Webull now either — I have TD, RH and Webull, cant do shit on any of them. You mean like how they let you use money till they take it out of your bank? Buying shares period. Yep, I’m on cash at RH and haven’t been able to buy all day. That’s what you get for not knowing what the fuck your doing and being a mob of fools. That was a stupid move man only use play money Is the daily thread down? Please don’t sell it will only help the rich. You can transfer to another broker without selling. How much do they cost after the 30 day guest account? The institutions that hold 130% of stock; in short positions. They are trying to exit but want to exit at a lower price. This is a short squeeze. It is 100% illegal, but no one will do anything about it unless we force the issue. They claim to be doing this to limit their users risk and protect them, but they're really just making them lose money by their crooked ass manipulation of the market. Just hold it my man I’m holding at $15.95. I ain’t going nowhere This, no retail investor is going in now, it's too high, hell even at 100 unless you dumped some to use the profit to increase your position was too late. wealthsimple. td ameritrade Someone needs to write up a set of instructions on each step to get into this game. Seems many people are asking for help and dont know how to support this or get involved. Best I can do is post a link to NBC and their piece on it. https://www.nbcnews.com/business/business-news/gamestop-reddit-explainer-what-s-happening-stock-market-n1255922 I think WeBull and E\*Trade USA - ETRADE, FIDELITY, TDAMERITRADE, VANGUARD, SCHWAB, SoFi, MORGAN STANLEY, VANGUARD Fidelity Interactive shut down trades on all those too. Then go buy and hold, and block out the noise! AMC, NOK, BB No they want you to sell. Hold. I’m not a financial advisor and I don’t know what I’m doing I like the stock. It got taken off the list on robinhood. Can't buy or sell as far as I'm hearing. They have deadlines to buy it back but if the stock price rises then the people who they got the stocks from want it back so they can sell the stock They pay daily interest on their positions. Yes I am on stash and had my order canceled Only invest what you can afford to lose, it’s a gamble, that’s for sure. I was able to purchase it earlier with no problem. You think AMC will move back up? the plan is based around the shorting of GME, which isn't the case with random stocks There's a post in wsb that lists available. Webull opened it back up about an hour or so ago. Etrade. Some larger firms too. They are celebrating, they made huge amount of money. How does one buy 30 bucks of GME when its trading above 200? Once the shorts are paid, tommorow, the value of gme shares will go back around 20-30$, maybe lower. . Ordinary people will lose tons of money and it will be a major news. Had they done nothing, RH and the other would take the blame in the media. Now they can say: we tried to stop it as much as possible. Am executive order is a legal document and enforceable under U.S. law. Like it or not, you have to live with the law. Tell me what law required robinhood to stop allowing trades? You mean the common clay? I made an account on Fidelity today, linked my bank account, and had no problem buying any stocks Did it go through or did it say it was scheduled for tomorrow morning? I just bought amc on cash app a few minutes ago..it’s scheduled to buy it tomorrow morning I can’t wait to see how “mitigating the losses” plays out in civil and federal court. (That statement wasn’t run by the legal team, I’m guessing.) All of them They just wiped away 600 million in debt, I think they are in a much better place than just a week ago. On top of that if they tell us what we can buy and when, tomorrow they can decide when we can sell and that's even scarier. We might not be able to sell stocks until the whales pull their positions first When the dust clears we’ll all be surprised who was in on the 🚀. Fidelity I'm buying AMC in morning. And if you have less than a share, you can’t buy up to a share...because no fractional shares -_- This. LOL......both will be $1-2 Will they limit selling as well if it moons? And at the beginning they were allowing it. If they define the client as the hedge funds and clearing houses that handle the transactions and buy the market data, and if those hedge funds are shorting GME; then they definitely are protecting the client. It was right at the time when I published this post I realize they limited it to selling only, but were the markets paused everywhere for buying too? I'm also in RKT think I should get out of that too...big losses.. Conflict Of Interest Citadel's website won't pull up for me. Or it's taking a very long time > which evaporated almost instantly. No one actually know this. In fact, there's a very strong argument to be made that this GME foolishness has been a massive gift to the shorts with the deepest pockets, since they likely have the financial backing to close out their positions and re-short at higher levels (this is pretty clearly what's happening based on the short amounts still out there for GME). In a few weeks -- when GME returns to semi-sane valuation -- I predict we'll learn about how Citadel and Melvin made more money from this than they could have ever have dreamed possible, and a shitton of people on WSB will have been left holding the bag. WSB's hearts were in the right place, but in the end, I suspect they'll accomplish exactly the opposite of what they think they're accomplishing. Whatever the case, we'll know before April, and likely by mid-March. If this is true... wow Report it to SEC https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l720lv/do_you_believe_the_robinhood_halt_had_negative/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Save this comment for the class action suit Exactly!!! https://finance.yahoo.com/news/gamestop-short-seller-melvin-gets-030105922.html Oh, man. It didn't take very long for people to realize that they've been mad at the establishment the whole time and not Trump per se lol Occupy Wallstreet was a uniting force up until the race baiters made it about identity politics and the progressive stack. Citadel can afford to let RH die for this and they won’t even lose sleep over it Citadel receives 40% of revenue FROM ROBINHOOD. I think pretty much every brokerage is doing same now. It feels so wrong Ben Bernanke (former chair of the Fed) is also a senior advisor at Citadel. Surely this GME stuff is actually great for robinhood, getting more retail traders involved and they generate money that way. Shutting traders down is exactly how you get your business ""cancelled"". Excuse me for being new here and hijacking to get an answer, but did this fucker Melvin really lose out 2.75 BILLION?!?!?!? In stock value???? What the fuck???? I dont understand the market, but if WSB has actually managed to make wall street piss itself a little bit... fuck i wonder if i can afford to throw a rack into GME. Fellas??? Hey SEC whatchu doing later? I want to upvote this. But I find the number 2008 poetic so ill just leave a comment instead. Wow. That is so messed up, literally preventing people from a buying a stock that you have a short interest in . This better blow up . I'm surprised people's don't buy on the apps they can for this movement Facts. Yea I just googled it you're right there is a fortune article from this past july that shows they made 100 mil a quarter from them.... Robinhood is back: https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l7cgty/robinhood_allowing_trading_of_gme_again/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Just to add to this, it looks like they’re removing reviews from their app in the App Store. Somehow the most recent reviews are from Wednesday RobbingHood? That might be a different citadel. Not sure they're the same company. r/UsernameChecksOut Well I have robinhood and they canceled both my AMC and NOKIA buys I put in last night. What alternative do I use to buy stocks that hasn’t been corrupted? Disgusting! This 1000%. With knowing the history of their behavior; I can't see them doing anything like this unless a major financier was involved and demand that they take actions. It seems like pure mafia action and I wonder if the SEC can take action. I wonder who executes transactions for Ally then, because they are only accepting sell orders for AMC. I couldn't even get into my account yesterday and most of today without a lot of gymnastics. I had to transfer money from my savings account to my investment accounts to to be able to see them. I believe it is Apex Clearing. Citadel makes money from volume so this is making them money. They don’t care. This Move to Fidelity...they haven’t put any restrictions in place I closed my Robinhood account over this and I will verify any stock company I move forward with has NO affiliation with any company that stopped trading on stocks this last week. TD Ameritrade is going next! Too risky for the right people. Take from the rich and give to the more rich. Fucking Friar Tuck needs to come back and polearm some sense into those fuckers. People who have been trading with them for years and who want to put a small fraction of their entire account into a meme stock are treated the same as 3-day old yolo accounts. They literally just recently opened up expiration day options trading and NOW is when they are going to say buying a stock is too risky?? At lease GME won't expire literally worthless in a couple hours. Hell, I bet at the end of all this $GME will actually settle somewhere around $80+. That's a way better deal than 90% of the options contracts that you can buy rn. Who do they think they are fooling? They are really comfortable with this move because they rigged the game for decades and think the average joe is too stupid to see through it. Well the average redditor is tech savvy and smart. So they are in for a surprise. It will backfire spectacularly. RH will lose customers left and right, and their connection to Citadel will be investigated. You know the hedge funds never learn right? They are going to position themselves the same way very soon and we will be with real brokerage firms not RH. Round 2 prepared for lift off Rising stock? [deleted] Fun fact! Congress has never been more than 2% of the working class at any moment of time. “We the People” was for the rich and remains for the rich Funnily I had this thought while watching Hamilton, during ""farmer Refuted"". That guy was just saying how it would be for the normal people. Why should they risk everything for something that doesn't really affect the average person's life that much? well there is more nuance to why we didn't want to pay taxes to Britain (no representation). ​ The easy answer is that people do not participate in democracy. They vote for president every 4 years but who attends gov meetings at the local/state level? Cmon. We elect these people we don't know and hardly follow. ​ We live in a representative republic. We just don't have the time and energy to fully participate. [removed] I remember one of my history teachers in high-school paraphrasing it: ""The Declaration of Independence was written to start a revolution. The Constitution was written to stop one."" Just look at how fast the government moved to [shut down the Whiskey Rebellion](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whiskey_Rebellion). Fuck the 1 percent rich >The rich don't give a shit if Democrats or Republicans are in power Truly evidenced by the way bougie white girls will say ""I'm apolitical"" like it's a good thing. Or ""both parties are just the same"" - as in, they're the same to *you*, and fuck the folks who have died from hate crimes enabled by the right. Fuck Howard Zinn and the boat he rowed in on. But yes, there are obviously class issues at stake here. People don't stop being greedy douchey people because they're rich or poor. is this true? There's plenty of reasons why taxes to Britain would be wasted while taxes to a state government and federal government would go toward fixing bridges, roads, etc. Should be called ""An Idiots History of the United States"" Britain was the dominating world power and America didn't even have a proper military. Every single person who signed the Declaration of Independence was basically signing themselves up to be hanged for treason, and many of the revolutionary figureheads fought in the war themselves. Most of them were middle class, not wealthy. How do people even believe this garbage? Is it that easy to sell a book? I can just skew a historical event as some kind of deeper class warfare struggle and a bunch of commies will actually believe it? It's also the first time the internet has existed for people to read your message on this. Let's all take part tomorrow on this good Friday and buy one for the revolutionaries. THe whole “both parties are to blame” fallacy falls apart upon any examination. They’re both flawed but one of them added trillions to the deficit to give tax cuts to billionaires and the other one taxed the rich to give healthcare to the poor. I’ll let you figure out which is which. Such an interesting book!!! This is so much more a part of this than anyone is willing to say. Pretending that one represents fundamental equity while the other is merely a momentum trade. One is foundational and the other blue sky. Which is which? Already filed I thought It's free market when they win, it's dictator ship when you win. When you lose your job and your kids school gets shot up it's the land of the free When hedge funds lose money it's *UwU we don't want the widdle wetail inwestor to get hurt UwU* It hasn't been a free market for about 70 years. Its crony capitalism. Right now you're seeing the crony way more than the capitalism. > What happened to the ""free market"", ""invisible hands"", blah blah blah? What was it MLK said? ""Unlimited socialism for the rich and rugged capitalism for the poor""? Seems like thats still where we are at. Exactly this. Isn't capitalism supposed to allow businesses to fail. Nah let's bail the banks out. Government doesnt like that. And they dont get their under the table payday without over regulation The ""free market"" is and always has been a giant casino we all work and play in, with the ""invisible hand"" of the dealers and slots ensuring the odds are ever in the owners' favor, i.e., stacked against us. It's literally in the name: capitalism is a system for stacking up capital. Big money is scared of the free market, always was. Thats why they suppress us and get bailed out when they make mistakes. If we'd champion the free market more, most of these guys like Melvin Capital wouldn't survive bc they would get yeeted by retail investors far more often It never actually existed, it was just propaganda and lies they used to justify their financial and legal rule over us untermenschen Webull is blocking now as well A free market is exactly the kind where they just stop service to you when they want to. This is free market. Always has been. If you have money, you have influence. This is the invisible hand. Always has been. Boy, have I got an ideology for you! [deleted] The vast majority of capitalists that people hate are not capitalist at all. They were only larping as free market capitalists, in reality they are as authoritarian as all the other power structures throughout the world Free market for the poor, socialism for the rich. It is almost like they don't actually have those principles. The only principle they have is to maintain the status quo. The more plebs they can trick into their ""ideology"" the better. Nonono, you don't understand. It is because they are the embodiment of the market, every market manipulation shit they do are part of the free market. You could not buy stock in American Airlines today. Free market? **Privatizing profits** and **socializing losses** Capitalism for the poor, socialism for the rich! \> ""I'm going to pay off my debt,"" Some of these guys probably make money off that debt, so this is a double whammy :) > I'm seeing people saying, ""I'm going to pay off my debt,"" ""I'm going to send my mom a check,"" ""I am going to pay for my kid's college,"" THESE are the reasons hedge funds are fuming. That describes the people who got in early. Whether that statement applies to everyone or even most of the 99% (especially the ones who bought on the hype yesterday) remains to be seen. I'm not going to lie, I got out at the high a few days ago, sold my shares and my options, after taxes walking away with 140k. By next week my wife and I will only have our mortgage left. No car payments, no student loans, no second mortgage on our house, and we're putting half of it away for long term retirement planning. We'll have an extra 1800/month take home that was going to bills before. That said, I'm still holding NOK/BB/AMC :p I love seeing it being stuck to the man, but (and correct me if I'm wrong) aren't those hedge funds playing with funds for pensions and shit ? What happens to the people who's unions have given their money to hedge funds to grow ? I know this is a somewhat unpopular position, but it’s hard to imagine that there won’t be some regular people who are “losers” at the end of this as well. Sticking it to Wall Street for the lolz is amazing, and I’ve been giddily watching this bubble up over the past month, but I’m a little concerned for some of the average Joe’s who might end up as collateral damage. I don’t believe for an instant that RH gives a shit about them though. If they HAVE to buy back 140% of the total shares. why doesn't everyone just put their shares up for 10k? irony is these WSB ppl are becoming the 1% I made my mom $14,000 for her upcoming back surgery It's not even the 1%, it's the .01%... so much worse! Just paid off my 15k car loan thanks to gamestop! Good luck to them, but it’s more likely that the hedgefunds bust and no one wins. I’m on your side about this btw. Buy and hold. I’m just realistic > I'm seeing people saying, ""I'm going to pay off my debt,"" ""I'm going to send my mom a check,"" ""I am going to pay for my kid's college,"" Brokers shouldn't be putting their thumb on the scale for anyone, but these comments are incredibly sad because this is as close to a ponzi scheme as it gets. The moment any of them tries to cash out in order to do anything with that money, the whole thing is going to crash and they'll be wiped out. Wall Street stock exchange has a value of $50trillion dollars, GME is only a $23billion dollar company. That’s 0.00046 of the money 0.046% Less that half of 1/10th or a percent of the money on wall street, and they don’t want to loose on it. This is how greedy wall street is. The would rather illegally bankrupt millions of individuals than lose less that a fraction of the wealth. How many will lose still when it crashes? It’s a crazy short position and we’re trusting that’s still there Dan Bilzerian said almost that same idea in one of his interviews (with Joe Rogan?). If I remember correctly, he mentioned that he hated losing money to people for whom it would be life changing or at least really meaningful. That apparently was the worst kind of loss. Maybe call it the ""Rich-Mad effect"", the pain of losing money to less wealthy people who will then put it to practical use instead of hoarding it like a dragon. That's insane... this is insane... GME was the first and only stock I ever bought and You can bet your ass after the moonshot passes I'm deleting my TD account. Don’t forget the guy paying for his dogs surgery! If GME goes to 500 I’ll be able to pay off all my debt except for my mortgage, but I reduce that to half. If GME goes to 1000 I’m debt free and set for life. But were they going to do it safely? WSB veteran here, my profits are paying for school books this week Those people can't all sell and do all of that. When you sell, you exert downward pressure. If they all sell, they all exert that pressure. Do you see why this can't work? they are gonna pay off debts, which the same 1% fucks own too, so they lose money on mortgages and credit cards and all that shit where they have been squeezing the bottom for years. The thing is, once it is spent, it will still end up sitting in vehicles. Mom pays off debt. Debt servicer.... invests it. This isn’t about the state of the money. It’s about control. They don’t think the poor deserve agency. Using their own HARD EARNED money! It’s a shame when money changes hands and doesn’t stay in the same place anymore. It actually gets used, people benefit from it, and many lives are better than ever! > and put it towards something, not just toss it into a giant pile with the rest of their money You are extremely short sighted about how the stock market has made the world a happier and more prosperous place. Any group or population segment will have some that are good and honest and others that are bad and thieves and most in-between. While there is truth to this you have to also remember the reality that when we close positions we are not making a profit directly from short sellers or the hedge funds. We’re actually profiting off of each other’s greed. The people who sold at $485 or whatever were selling to other people like me and you who were just trying to buy in on the rocket ride. Many had no idea what news just broke. I agree w your sentiment 100% but we have to realize we’re not really different than the other side other than we’re saying we don’t want to reinvest and make more but spend the money we make and no longer make more money w that money... That guy saving his dog hit me right in the feels. I agree ! The 1% saves their money while us, commoners, actually use them towards a greater good Don't forget. WE'RE IN A FUCKING PANDEMIC WITH STIMULUS CHECKS THAT WOULDN'T PAY RENT IN ANY OF THE 50 STATES AND THE DISTRICT OF COLOMBIA! Of course people are going to gamble their cash on the market. I know people who literally managed to pay for rent and to feed their families just on stocks alone. Why shouldn't we support them not starving? I certainly hope you're right and this doesn't dump more fuel on the dumpster fire our economy currently is. I see these people continuing what they've been doing, making bets. Much like Wall street's behavior. Could sound ignorant but truly I don’t understand what compels people to share/post those things [assuming it’s not sarcastic or just joking]. Maybe it’s the introvert in me but yeah it’s beyond me understanding. Paid off my car. These people are not *supposed* to be winners. It's not *fair* if they can pay for college, or a house, or medical care. That's illegal because Revolutions - you feel me? “WSB just won big on their first hand” Lol When will we all get this big pay off back in our hands? GME has to get off and get flying I just want to buy a SUV for my first kid and second in the near future haha Robinhood seems to be business as usual. Just a warning notification about high volitlity. I'll update later if I see that change. Edit:. Yea. NOK, NAKD, GME, AMC can't be searched on RH. I put in orders for NOK, NAKD, & AMC early this morning, waiting to see if they will actually go through. On cash app I was able to put in an order for NOK and AMC. GME and NAKD did not come up in search RH canceled my NOK and AMC order Cash app oder in limbo. Didn't execute and does nothing when hit cancel Pretty amazing. Especially when CNN and the other liberal outlets hate wall street. Well. They say they do. Apparently wall street runs deeper than it seems. Even the ones who hate on them defend them. Now back to your usual programming. I mean, program. Edit: so that people stfu. I don’t like either side left or right. It’s all political bullshit. I said liberal media it isn’t only them. I was pointing on CNN and other “liberal” media in the sense the “liberal” networks seem to like to paint wall street as bad when in actuality them and all media will defend them to fuck the little people. MSM needs to be broken up and removed forever from being owned by corporations this is the inevitable result. This is what they do to gun owners. Welcome to the party [deleted] They want to control everything. Welcome to Biden's America. If I can't sell my stocks once it hits $1,000 I'm suing the shit out of them. Hedge fund companies are paying off brokerage accounts to keep people from buying more. THEY ARE PART OF THE BIG HEDGE FUNDS! Hey as a former “Bernie Bro” seeing the term “Wall Street Bros” start to gain some traction felt VERY familiar. Is this just the standard playbook when Wall Street’s profits get threatened? It would be pathetic if the tactic didn’t, you know, work a lot of time. I’m not selling. GME to the moon. 😡 >calling us alt right I hope that when people hear media pundits speculate about this being a Nazi/white supremacist ruse that people recognize how meaningless those accusations have become... it really is astonishing how little these fucking people contribute. CNN had an article published yesterday saying basically saying that ""Trumpism was deeply rooted into the GME situation."" Their point was that anti-elitism was *Trumpist rhetoric* and that being anti elite was somehow bad. Not by any means a Trump supporter here, but I don't think I've ever met a pro-elite working class person ever unless they're a teen Elon bootlicker or something. Absolutely insane cnn thinks people want to read that garbage. https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/27/politics/gamestop-stock-surge-trumpism/index.html This will probably prevent congress to give out stimulus checks. The corporations are afraid what this could do to the new style investors. The game is rigged. It’s a big club, and you are not in it. This is going to be a significant turning point in this country in a very strange way. People are starting to wake up to the fact that the country has been duped into a manufactured ""right vs left"" war. They're starting to realize that the true war is ""top vs bottom"" > They are banning us, demonizing us, calling us alt right, dumb money and so on. We are all against the big machine and they are trying to win the game with dirty tricks. Trump Supporters: First time? [BBC](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-55837519) has been giving it pretty balanced coverage IMO Big media companies are owned by greedy neoliberals. Big financial companies are owned by greedy neoliberals. Most political power is held by greedy neoliberals. Any disagreement between them is theatre. But the solution to the problem isn't ""ordinary citizens making some money"" through the same disgusting, immoral acts. Robinhood uses Citadel as the market maker, and Citadel is the one who is loaning money out to all the hedgefunds... I've been watching Bloomberg surveillance on Apple TV app (I think it's free?) and they have been very good in their coverage. Basically, let them play. This is as left wing as you can go, this is taking money from the one percent and giving it to the people, this is one step away from seizing the means of prosecution how the fuck are we alt right? > Clearly the MSM are playing with the big hedge funds. Could you explain how the media is somehow responsible for this? Because this seems like some grade A paranoia right here. This seems like a pretty clear issue with the SEC and regulatory capture than anything. u/dannydale account deleted due to Admins supporting harassment by the account below. Thanks Admins! https://old.reddit.com/user/PrincessPeachesCake/comments/ Even in Norway they’re against the regular guy. NRK (our state owned news outlet) just interviewed a guy on this. He started by saying some WSB users ganged up to attack Wall Street. The second he turned and said how this was a good thing and started explaining why the squeeze happened they cut the interview. The MSM is really manipulating the hell out of this shit. Ive no dog in this race because I dont have any understanding of trading at all but I did see that youre all white supremacists soooooooo good luck, I dunno? Alt left is getting fucked too. Literally they call alt right/left to distract and divide people on what this so clearly exemplifies (and has always been true) and that’s that it has always been the rich vs the poor. And yet enough people believed the MSM when they blasted Trump and praised Biden. Or do you believe that was different? It’s called Class solidarity and Class warfare. Millions of people are seeing this in action right before them on their phone and computer screens. Main stream media calling you alt right for standing against “the system” in some way? “I didn’t think they would do that to ME!!!” Leopards ate your face. Conservatives are used to this treatment from the media. Good to see others are opening their eyes. ​ >Clearly the MSM are playing with the big hedge funds. If this is the first time you are realizing the MSM is bought and paid for by the elite, welcome to the club. >They are banning us, demonizing us, calling us alt right, dumb money and so on. They have been doing this to anyone right of center for YEARS, you racist retarded nazi. Citadel, who owns part of Melvin capital, contributes 40% of Robinhoods revenue Those hedge funds are funded by rich people like them who invest in it. On a free market... we can't invest freely. Sounds fucked up doesn't it? Good thing big hedge funds arent constrained by this move, only regular poors. >invest [Can't Trade? Show them the WSB way : wallstreetbetsoptions (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbetsoptions/comments/l6x2cw/cant_trade_show_them_the_wsb_way/) It's so your only move is the move that would drop the price so others can buy cheaper. Plus someone creates a steep drop-off, people panic-sell, and then they can't get back in at a discount. They're locked out from re-entering. B-b-b-but acredited investors are about protecting poor people!! You can invest... Just so long as it isn't in a popular stock that's making retail investors too much money. GME is still on fidelity as well. For now that is. [deleted] Merrill just blocked GME and AMC That’s good. Not all have but more seem to limit or stop trades all together. They did now Doesn't seem to be blocked on Stash Invest either, though I can't seem to actually navigate through to an actual purchase of *any* stock because of constant timeouts. Seems like an influx of users fleeing RH and other smaller platforms might be causing a DDOS of sorts. I can't log in to the desktop app at all. ​ **Edit:** Can't get back into mobile app either now. Seems that either the powers that be have gotten Stash to turn off their own services or it's simply an accidental DDOS. actually they just started blocking Merrill is blocking GME and AMC now. At least for me. I feel like Merrill is also much more legit than all these apps though too, so it would highly surprise me if they halted. I used to work there. Blocked now I tried buying on Merrill and they said I can't open new positions, i.e. buy more stock. Merrill has blocked They have now It doesn't matter. An outsized portion of the people driving the price up were buying fractional shares. More than half of robinhood users had $gme when they did this. I've got accounts at Vanguard and they're not blocking anything. I bought in on some $GME today during the dip. - and that makes my pants tighten. A lot of people on wallstreetbets are talking about moving there. I just tried to order GME form Wellbull and was denied. ""Webull does not support trading OTC Ballentine board or Pink Sheets stocks, warrants, rights or units. This security is not tradable on Webull. You can close out your existing positions, but you cannot open new positions for this security' ETA: It also won't let me buy AMC They just did the same thing on Webull .. different verbiage, but blocking buys. they are now I use Schwab for my main account, and used robinhood for just fun plays. I am officially done with robinhood now though. I'm looking at webull for my new fun account. Just signed up. Once my funds settle I'm deleting Robinhood. Fuck them. Apprently you can still buy GME by going to the top 100 stocks in robin hood!!! Spread the word it wont work if you get there searching for the ticker!!!! Edit: tried to confirm but didnt find it? They just suspended it. A lot of people don't trust webull because it's owned by alibaba a Chinese company. So people assume it's not safe in the long run. just signed up. shame it says its takes a few days to start a new account. If I remember correctly when I signed up for Webull I was trading in less than in hour because they have instant bank verification. webull doesn't allow buys anymore ​ atleast not for me, not sure if its anyone else Cash app reports back there is an error Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[Robin Hood](https://snewd.com/ebooks/the-merry-adventures-of-robin-hood/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/) From taking their money I started transfering my td to fidelity and robinhood I would like to but then it will take days. I don’t want to sell either so I will hold for now then transfer robbin the hood to fidelity. I am short robinhood I really hope they open up investigations on why buy was closed so that these entities get slammed with collusion and market manipulation Nobody is missing it [deleted] Just hold , no selling Kinda insane how one private company holds such a large sway over the financial market. So much for a supposedly free market. I've had 3 orders cancelled today. Fuck this fucking country. Robinhood has my money, but I can't buy the stocks I want. Yep :( I thought I was in the clear, but they cancelled my order I've seen a screenshot of RobinHood selling a user's GME stock without permission for under market price. They were blocked on some platforms in Germany too. I'm in the UK and I'm blocked from buying here on trading 212 Yes, the market needs regulation. But we need to point out that politicians and hedge funds don't call for regulation when Wall Street loots billions, only when regular people loot billions from Wall Street. Which means the regulation would likely prevent GME from ever happening again, while not doing shit about hedge funds except for making their gambling even safer Capitalism is a system based on free trade and the circulation of capital, where government must have a minimal influence on the free market, except when the free market buys lawmakers for the purpose of increasing their profits, in that case government influence is good. The one amazing thing about capitalism is that it is a dog eat dog world where everyone can succeed. Regulation is important not to stifle competition, not to protect those that made crass mistakes and are deservedly being exploited. Fuck neoliberals Of course markets need some kind of regulation, that's SEC's job, not robinhoods and definitely not individual market makers. These boomers can talk whatever the fuck the want but if people don't feel safe to invest in stocks, they will keep the money and Wall Street will have to cannibalize without investors money. There is no economy without trust, so let's get that trust back. Ah yes earning and losing money on stocks is just like commiting murder and rape. What a stupid comparison. I say we start sorting out like they used to for those crimes. Yeah is like the comunism in theory it could work in real life, not so much taylor swift sung about this That's the secret to becoming rich. Everyone is told not to cheat, but the truth is that cheaters who don't get caught end up making the rules. They will only allow someone else to make it through if they're subservient enough. If someone else below them tries to cheat, they'll just say it's against the rules which they created. Nah, it's time for some payback this is like a server admin kicking players when he starts to lose. Literal cry-baby. It's more like the New York Yankees getting beat by a little league team then the umpires giving the Yankees 10 strikes instead of 3 in the bottom of the ninth No, others didn’t really do the same lol, it’s just them. Are you blaming retail investors for 08?? Ok boomer Nice fake profile retard. STONKS GO UP🚀🚀🚀 I guess hedge fund managers are all knowing beings then and not people I can appreciate expressing caution to the influx of investers to getting into something very volatile that may not have a large time window to get out alive. At the same time, once I've been warned, what I do is on me, just like you treat every other corporation. You can't change the rules to favor one side. That defines manipulation and collision. RH has an exclamation point and will only allow me to sell my position but not buy any new shares. What BS. IM HOLDING. Giving a warning in the ""winning"" category for stocks thar are in a bubble are good from a company. Restricting buying is not. They are trading tons in off hours and want to freeze the market until they can readjust their positions. I was having trouble searching yesterday to but did not expect this. This is total bs. There is no way that they are restricting hedge funds If I can legally buy a gun and shoot myself while jumping off of a dunkin donuts due to my own shitty trades then I should be able to buy a fucking share of GME The thing is, they can't *force* you to sell, it's a largely engineered price movement to make you *want* to sell. These people have a ""volume"" problem, that they can only solve if they can unlock all these retail shares. If retail doesn't sell during this massive dip, the price is still going to revert to previous levels, because the institutions still have the problem of having shorted 140% of the outstanding shares, and they actually *need* to buy those shares to cover their short positions and stop the interest costs and margin calls, unlike retail, which can hold indefinitely, at no cost. This is just what it looks like when an institution that is friends with the Market Makers (Citadel owns a piece of Melvin, and also pays Robinhood for its order flow), tries to bend the rules to avoid a short squeeze. Change broker, we people have the power,without us no corporation can do shet. We need to start a boycott movement on robinhood. Hit up the CFPB as well Same and I’ll be moving broker end of FY You could stop using Robinhood and switch to a real brokerage. Fidelity, Merrill Lynch, etc. Vote with your feet. You can file a complaint on FINRA and SEC websites. I’ve already filed my complaint here: https://help.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/help What are unwritten rules :1 and :2? Ahh, good old plot armor. Stronger than vibranium, adamantium, valerian steel, and beskar combined. [deleted] It’ll be a slap on the wrist compared to what they could lose with infinite short liability, though. I expect absolutely nothing. And I'll probably still get disappointed They cannot regulate us without our consent! Lobbyists and lawyers can't protect you from an angry mob though... > I expect a regulatory backlash for the hedge funds after this blows over. you can't be serious They're not sending letters...they're sending cash...to politicians..and judges...wait..judges are politicians. Nobody wants to hear this, but the only way to win is to not play the game. Stocks have been a way for the rich to suck more money out of the working class and this move shows that they intend to keep it that way. Then they would ban shorts, like other brokers did. But they blocked Buy orders too? From what I’m hearing RH is blocking cash buy orders as well the armchair lawyers are about to sue you into the dirt, friend. if the past 4 years have taught us anything it's that you can commit any crime you want as long as you do it out in the open. This is beyond race. The only categories that matter here are rich and poor. # Après moi, le déluge motherfuckers. https://imgur.com/a/auhfv0q That's their problem for having shitty service that can't handle the load They should do then what every decent broker does. Keep up a waitinglist for new owners. Not receiving money and then fucking over things. They did it first with the CFD system. Blocking out good stocks and letting open the bad stocks, which is highly criminal in my opinion, since they make a shitload of money due to hedging and spread. They also don't sell shares but OTC fractional shares. So it's not a real broker. Of course. The price is adjusted for forex differences, but it's almost the same. same stock different currency. but the volume is worse and thus the spreads are bigger FUCK! Just checked. Can’t believe it. I got 1 share just in the nick of time It said that but I just bought some Doesn't seem to be. You can usually mail your broker and ask them to include foreign tickers, perhaps that's what has happened. I am met with such a warning message on many of the smaller american stocks that are mentioned on reddit since I'm from Europe. Trading 212 a UK broker. Not sure if it's still accessible this way Not a financial advisor or anything but: if enough people collectively hold the stock, people can still make money, even buying now. This isn't just a boiler room hype and crash scenario. The short sellers \*must\* buy the stock when the short comes due, and their short position is greater than 100%. If the holders have the shares the short sellers need to buy, the holders basically get to decide the price. It's like buying up a bunch of water in a desert and selling it; you KNOW people are going to need it at some point. The short sellers created a situation in which people KNOW they'll need GME stock. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Short\_squeeze](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Short_squeeze) Ie. There are still ways to make money with this stock, you just have to be ready to sell it once the real peak comes. Can you lose a lot of money if you're stupid? Sure. GME will eventually return to a more natural stock price. Can you also make money buying now if you're careful and sell your shares when the short sellers need to buy? Sure. Was gonna do robinhood but remembered I have fidelity through employer. How was ur experience? Was gonna 1 or 2. Is Fidelity international or Filedity.co.uk the one you are using? How are the fees? Not that I’m aware of The weirdest thing is that it basically happened simultaneously on all platforms. The only uncertainty is just ~how~ much the shorts were going to lose. Can't let slaves be anything but slaves 'free market' “Robinhood” Whatever happened to taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor? Fidelity as well. I'm holding my 600 NOK shares in NOK and doubling down in Fidelity. 💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎 So I have contacted them with a well mannered email. I will post their response in due course. Exactly. Sell orders don't seem to be executing either from what I've seen. Yeah they use the fact they're free as a selling point. I didn't say it was illegal but it is immoral and will lose them a fuck ton of users in the process along with earning themselves a poor reputation. None of that is good for their business model if you ask me. [deleted] TD Ameritrade never stopped working for me even though some others reported it stopped for them momentarily yesterday. Schwab is open - they did limit margin So far Ameritrade is allowing you to buy but I think they are restricting margin. Just bought a share at 266 this morning in liquid cash. I’ve heard Webull and Etrade seem like they allow it with no restrictions or things that say “oh this is volatile!!” on it, they seem like the best platforms to use. Robinhood even restricted fucking Blackberry tho Thinkorswim by ameritrade is up and running and allowing trades. It’s an advanced platform so not as straightforward as Robinhood. TDAmeritrade has been my platform for years. I have traded GME, AMC and BB just fine today. Fidelity still works. Fidelity IB seems to still work, at least I can place orders. DON'T MOVE!!! HOLD EVERYTHING WHERE IT IS! OPEN NEW ACCOUNTS!!!! Fidelity and Schwab supposedly allow it still. Haven’t checked. TDAmeritrade allowed a buy in the premarket dip Not just the US I just signed up for stockpile, it seems functionally nearly identical to Robin Hood but the stocks I bought an hour ago are still listed as ""pending""... Vanguard is still good. Schwab I doubled in 4 months I don't want to start over It's called defi, and it's already here and uncensorable. Where? SoFi is still allowing purchases on GME and AMC These professional hedges are all short so they'd just make a killing. That's what they're doing. Manipulating the market to save big money at the expense of normal people This is the way. Pull everything No. Might need to switch. How's their app? I LOVE fidelity, been using it for years. thank god i dont have ot deal with these other ones. ibkr too EDIT: NVM TRIED TO BUY< SAME SHIT SHITTY INSTITUTIONS> Can confirm. Fidelity is open for business. I've been trying to make a fidelity account for a few hours and it's completely busted, makes me sad. Good to know, the squeeze continues! Doesn’t matter at this point cause the damage is done. GME is still going up for now but AMC tanked NONE of my options are updating on Fidelity!!! They've all been exactly the same since open! Fidelity is not letting me sell fractional shares. I guess my money is just atuck there forever then? Yep bought AMC with fidelity this morning It takes days to switch. The play has been made- the movement has been quelled. At least we got a peak at the reality for a moment. Reality is, unless you’re lucky enough to be in the right situation at the exact right time, your place is exactly where they want it to be. Vanguard, too. Every time I see shit like this or place an order ""after hours"" I'm like ""fuck the stock market"". Like, people really live like this? Regular people can only trade for 8 hours a day for 5 days a week, but the rich can trade 24/7? Fucking baffling. [deleted] This year has basically been a masterclass for why blockchain and decentralization are crucial technology in multiple areas. I would give you gold if I had it. Defi will change the way the world works. It will give power back to the people and make things equal. The banks and every other centralized institution that havebeen rigging the game will soon collapse in favour for this emerging tech. And this shit that’s happening now will be a catalyst for change. By turning against the retail investors, RH is going to cause there own demise. They have proven the the name “Robin Hood” is just a cleaver marketing ploy. You couldn’t write this shit. I don’t know if I should laugh or cry. 24/7 global markets where no one can change the rules. [deleted] >and nobody is altruistic. Bullshit. Lots of people are altruistic, they just don't get rich. Then we need decentralized exchanges That’s why it shouldn’t have one owner. The users should be the owners. But we are autistic. Let’s run that B as a non profit. All employees get 50k a year CEO among them. Donate any earnings. Where would one start to begin something like building said platform? What about papa Elon Musk? u/deepfuckingvalue could manage it for all I care What if every user pays $100 to buy a share of the company, and every user is an equal owner. I am altruistic, if you guys are onboard, we can change this. With a new platform, decentralized, open, and transparent. WSB has 4 million followers that is not negligible. Show me that you like this idea. Yep..and watch them regulate it right out of existence. Or shut it down all together. Hire me on as a senior dev. I’m in. Is that what Vanguard is? What is the saying? If you are not paying for a service, you are not the customer, you are the product. How would this behavior spread in actual society? Just because it has not happened to you does not mean it has not happened to others. Nah they rob YOU by selling your data to hedge funds. Take off your sell limits! Not true. Robinhood will not allow purchase It’s not the same across the board for sure. Some platforms are just restricting calls and margin trading on GME. Some blocked everything but sells. Some have not done anything. I can understand not letting you use their money for positions, that seems more than reasonable. But if it’s your cash and there are free shares someone better give me a good reason why I’m not allowed to buy them up. Robinhood says I cannot purchase stock in GME bb or amc. Likely others. Anyone else? Holding my shares I already have for fear life RH has disabled purchasing of GME unfortunately Robinhood just blocked out GME NOK AMC and BB This is (now) inaccurate - RH has shut down purchasing of the shorted stocks. Absolute bullshit. I got robinhood and it says i can sell but not buy any more Go check again. My calls for NOK just got canceled because “this share is not supported on this app” same with GME and AMC negative https://i.redd.it/02xxmmi3o2e61.jpg ~~I can still place buy orders for $GME shares in Fidelity.~~ Fidelity is now blocking purchases of $GME stock using “Price entered is too far from last traded price block” even if you enter the same price as the last traded price as your bid This stock trading embargo or blockade appears to be a class-based blockade against lower-income, younger retail stock traders “Stock trading platforms form a class-based barrier toward young, lower net assets traders in to defend hedge fund shorts” [deleted] Not anymor On my app it says this: ""You can close out your position in this stock, nut you cannot purchase additional share"". I was able to buy from Webull [Somebody called the FCA](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l6mqoq/we_look_now_across_the_vast_ocean_between_us_to/gl2f3ge?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) They also drafted a letter to send to the exchange as a formal complaint. This looks illegal, what they are doing. Freetrade won't let me buy GME, keeps either buffering not letting me order, or cancels the order immediately if I manage to get it through. Edit: finally.managed to buy on freetrade. Sounds like the pit boss at a Casino when you’re taking the house. Now it just straight up says ""this stock is not supported on Robinhood"" Nope. Shorts are at about 140% of outstanding shares. Those are the people causing this, and they want people to sell as much as possible to bring the price down. They'll always let you sell everything you want because it only helps their position. I doubt it, they're not going to protect the little man on the way down Bought some GME and AMC last night, got the same emails this morning. Fucking outrageous. Fuck sake, beat me to it. The irony is palpable Maybe we should seriously consider actually eating the rich now 😋 Go to best high schools, buy their way to Ivy league, daddy/mommy connections buy you internships at top firms, Internships, connections and Ivy league degree get you permanent positions in top firms, finally find a position in federal government make policies to benefit you ans your friends. Rinse and repeat for your kids. It is. Those with large enough account sizes on ToS or TDA could call the private account manager line and trade blocked companies. The rules literally didn’t apply if you were rich enough. Should let the guys on wsb know. So you’re saying if I opened a fidelity account right now I wouldn’t be able to buy during tomorrow’s dip? Fuck I want to get on this train but don’t know how I’ve never invested in stonks before. [deleted] DeGiro works fine for me Try eToro.. not pretty, but a quick signup and you can instantly add funds with PayPal. [deleted] Cash app! Buying is free and they aren’t restricting! Try degiro Fidelity or somthing is one I’ve seen for the uk Try Degiro in Europe degiro still works for me Freetrade still going strong. Chinese owned company. They too removed $GME and $AMC... Yeah. You can set up a Fidelity account in about 3 minutes and instantly get credited to spend money on a bank transfer before it finalizes. What about those of us who don't have the £1k minimum to start an account? SoFi is also working, but is sluggish today. Fidelity’s Active Trader Pro is half decent too. That’s pretty much all I use anymore. Yeah you can trade using it Yeah it allows you to trade shares, it is nice. It's ok for a trading platform. Very buggy but good for beginners and small amounts of money. Still check the rules and be wary not to get flagged as a day trader, since other rules apply. Revolut isn’t a bank. It’s a prepaid card. [deleted] I just opened a account today I was using T212 They are. I was verified in less than 24 hours on Thursday. It was in addition to my 1051 shares so now I have 1052. Lol we don't work for questrade, we are just Canadians with limited options. when 10-20% of frontpage posts are about this, you have millions of people being sold a get rich quick scheme. This thing started out as a squeeze on institutional market manipulation, but what's going on on this website is market meme manipulation. Both are concerning. Double standards to the tune of 10:1 leverage for the hedges, and putting a complete muzzle on retailers once things tip just a little too far in our favor. Which is unethical to say the least. It's not our fault they allowed a random person to short a stock that was borrowed 140% of float. Here you are saying i don't know how exactly it is because of my observed experiences on a sub, yet in the same paragraph posting a tweet screenshot that has absolutely nothing to do with the subject at hand as support for your point of view. How about we agree that we both don't know jack shit about the deeper issue and that what's very obvious is the public information that hedgers leveraged themselves 10:1 into a 140% borrowed stock, and retailers are capitalizing. Plain and simple, that's the free market at work. Why is it Robinhoods responsibility? People are going to get fucked regardless in this situation. We need a decentralized platform, if you want an actual free market then that is the only way. > I've seen multiple, long, highly upvoted posts in which people say that the underlying stock is worth up to $1000 per share the greed and idiocy. It's hilarious that they squeezed a massive short like that, but fundamentally gamestop is not worth that much and has only been declining in revenue. What we're seeing is a battle between institutional market manipulation and grassroots meme market manipulation. Both of which preclude market efficiency. The broker delisted? or it was delisted from an exchange? what stock? I’m not sure why you’re downvoted. If you win more than a million at a casino you’ll have to take the rest in an annuity. This isn’t Oceans 11 where they kick you out because they can’t tell how you’re winning I understand completely. According to specific rules though. The stock isn’t just being memed. If I told you someone has to buy more stock than exists for that company, that’s a pretty attractive investment. It's one thing when you pause the whole session, another when you start picking and choosing stocks to; not to mention they didn't stop trades on amd/gme, they just want to stop you from buying. I will be moving all my money from TD to fidelity I’m on Fidelity. I’m not getting snowballed there - it seems RH, CS, and TD are getting screwed, though. All the /r/bogleheads on vanguard make them less worried about their consumers and undue risk. Plus, vanguard is owned by its customers, so there’s that. and Questrade in Canada! Schwab owns TD now, and I just got an alert that AmC and GME are restricted on margin accounts. Which may be fair from the point of view of protecting their risk. I'm on schwab as an expat, can't buy GME or many others. Same, my employer limits what brokerages I can use and I never got the RH hype tbh. Fellow schwab millennial here This morning, Schwab blocked GME entirely but I could still search for AMC. TBH it looks almost like technical problems did you buy it for the memes or do you actually think AMC is going to make some money, improve their fundamentals, and grow their business? I use Merrill Lynch :\ I might be the only one What do you guys recommend? Fidelity? Etrade? TD? Vanguard? Well TD has suspended trades on GME. Not sure about AMC and others Fidelity is taking GME orders though TD banned GME too I just saw I don't think that's it. I think it's that some people just don't realize that some of these apps aren't real financial institutions in the same way something like Schwab is. Yeah they’re allowing it but yest half the major brokerage sites were not functioning at one point. Vanguard wouldn’t work for me all morning yest. Vanguard is owned by its customers, so I'm betting other large corporations hold much less sway over Vanguard than they can over mobile trading apps that likely have stock hedgefunds can buy up to exert influence. Millennial here with an IRA in Vanguard. I have some of that money tied to these stocks. They were really struggling to keep up yesterday and I imagine lots of people are using Vanguard for this squeeze as well. What's bad about it? I don't really think it's good on mobile but I can do everything I've needed with the app or in a mobile web browser. I've had a Vanguard account my entire adult life and they've treated me very well. I have about 160k worth of VTSAX with them, so I don't know what their user experience is for trading individual stocks, but I'm sure if you have an account with them and call, an employee would be happy to walk you through anything you need to get used to their setup. [deleted] My order went though! Now -40% though probably due to panic sell offs and apps not letting people buy. Ah well. [deleted] Citadel is strong arming them. Got the message in RH that I can only close or reduce position on GME, not purchase. I cant even FIND AMC or GME on Robinhood [removed] What about if I have something queued up on Robinhood for when things open in just a bit? I put in some last minute life savings last night. This is going to sound stupid but I'm completely new to this but I'm sick of livin' month to month basis and have been holding onto money specifically for these moments, I can't find AMC on eToro and I was wondering if you can help with this. Thank you They probably get bailed out, and everyone else loses their money. The rich control the world and we may soon find out just how badly it is. TOS doesn’t trump the law They are going to absorb TD Ameritrade in 2 years or so as well It's fun to say. Schwab Not the case for me. They blocked gme buying during the big dip Same here friend It looks like technical problems. I got BB and NAKD no problem. AMC is searchable, but GME doesn't even appear when searched. The service is spotty af. I don't thing they're actively blocking us tho For me you can transfer money next day, but isn't usable for like 4 business days Thanks - I appreciate the caution and agree in general, but these are short dated so I feel like there wont be an issue hedging with higher puts on the way down I hear that and agree, but if this mf'er hits 25 by 2/12, and I have to buy at 22.5, I'll have long since shorted on the way down to hedge or bought higher puts No - I was long the GME common at like 60, short a call for this Friday that was way ITM (Im embarassed to say how much) but because they raised the margin to probably 100%, it triggered the call Because they are in a margin position that they're not clearly understanding. A covered call is still absolutely at risk for a market downturn. If you have 50k in an account and you buy 75000$ worth of GME @ 350 on margin and sell covered calls for $100 per contract against the position at 400, if the stock drops below $250.00 then your account will be losing money and your account absolutely has the potential to go negative. [removed] ""highly volatile stocks not being marginable is something as old as time"" Which isn't what I said, is it? They upped the requirement mid day, which triggered a margin call, which allowed them to forcibly cover my call, which forced me to sell my common so as not to be at undue risk. Thanks for reading though. Im just aggravated because they did it not even without my consent, but AGAINST my direct instructions not to since the position was closing friday anyhow. They did this to me once before in TLRY and fucked me but good. It's not. It's like borrowing a ton of money, going to a casino, and the person you borrowed from going ""wait this guy is doing WHAT with my money!?"" Brokerages letting you use margin make it *very clear* they can force you out of a position if they feel things are too risky I figured we should take all the captial and sink it into gamestop and just not give it up. No selling ANY of it until those hedge funds are forced to close up 75 dollar fee to transfer. If you have less than 300 dollars it makes more sense to liquidate since the tax penalty is less than the transfer fee. That's how a revolution starts. I thought the stock market and the economy were two different things. Well I guess the economy and business has to go down to funnel money into the lower class pockets. The elite might have to sell a yacht or two. I wish they would stop doing this. I would join the suit Robinhood is blatantly illegal It’s unfair but won’t be deemed illegal. e-occupy Not during the big dip. Blocked for me They just sent out a notice saying margin buying at all is closed, I believe this means also the quick availability on a deposit. Cash buying still working for all of the stocks. Wrong they blocked it late in day I tested it Freedom Incoming! On RobinHood it says this stock is not supported after I purchased one share pre-market today. Neither stock even shows up on search for me anymore. No option to buy at all or even look at the price chart. Finally the short squeeze? Same, but I can still close out my position with AMC Just noticed this as well. I’m guessing my order will be cancelled from this morning. Fucking RH “protecting” their investors. Bullshit The options aren't loading for me. They canceled my order. They took NOK too Same here All my orders were canceled thru Robinhood. Assholes [deleted] You guys are 100% right and I hardly do markt orders. It just smells funny that so many brokers around the world start limiting our trade options for specific stocks.. is this just coincidence or Wall Street power??? Maybe I just read to many conspiracy stories in the last couple of month because of Covid-19. I get paranoid.. Centsorship, maybe? Maybe not actually. Freedom of speech as an idea, and the concept of censorship, are not only defined by the American constitution. They exist in many contexts. The first amendment is only one legally enforced protection against it, in one country. Fucking ridiculous! Saw this and thought it'll be good to copy paste it in case: \------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I’ve just been on the phone to the FCA (UK FINANCIAL AUTHORITY) They advised me to open a official complaint with Trading 212 by emailing them here: [Compliance@trading212.co.uk](mailto:Compliance@trading212.co.uk) If you are unhappy with their reply you then escalate it to the FINANCIAL OMBUDSMAN who then charges the company for processing a complaint. 0800 0234567 Financial ombudsman If T212 hasn’t replied within 8 weeks you can go straight to the ombudsman! I will create a draft email in which you may copy. Trading 212, I wish to make a formal complaint about the services you failed to provide on a very important day for trading, thousands of customers have been affected by your lack of contingency plan as I am aware your intermediary (IB) has halted sell and buy orders. Under section SYSC 3.1 Systems and controls of the FCA handbook ( [https://www.handbook.fca.org.uk/handbook/SYSC/3/1.html](https://www.handbook.fca.org.uk/handbook/SYSC/3/1.html) ) I believe you have terribly failed your responsibility. Who knows if this manipulation in the stock market was conspired between yourself and other brokers but i’m sure it will soon be investigated by the proper authorities. In the meantime honest consumers such as myself are left with our money held up in stocks that can plummet and rise by (15%+) every few minutes without a way to exit our positions. Due to the volatility you claim your intermediary was ‘looking out’ for the owners of these stocks by implementing these restrictions but I don’t believe that. If your response is unsatisfactory I will be escalating this complaint further to the financial ombudsmen. Regards, Yup! They said they were going to make trading more accessible for the layman. This just proves the opposite. Dump Robinhood and leave a negative review. I dumped Robinhood about a year back. I love how many people are going to realize from this that that capitalism was never going to treat them fairly. When you step across the class line you get shot Exactly. Free market capitalism = wealth is power, and wealth makes the rules. I got that too. Seemed like a reasonable email. Fair enough in my opinion, there must be a of new users that get talked into doing something they might regret I CANT DO THAT RIGHT NOW, DUMB SHIT. AMC, GME, BB, etc are down by a lot. I could not sell some stocks in the morning because trading was blocked, I lost money. I am losing thousands of dollars. I believe, AMC, GME, BB would not be down a lot if trading was normal. It's at a relative dip, good time to I bought the dip when it got down to $200. Now I'm back to being out of cash :/ They blocked GME before anyone else, so I wouldn't say they're allowing people to trade freely. Going to try Yes! Btw, just an FYI it's ""they couldn't care less"". Cause if they actually could care less, they do care a little as they have some left to go even lower, right? ;) Thank you But, does that mean they can just put an unfair condition in a contract? Regardless, should not stop people from trading. And this will affect stock prices, it’s manipulation You can sue this is obvious manipulation Exactly! These institutions are openly trying to save the hedge funds but spinning it like they're on the average Joe's side. Melvin and Citron obviously knew the inherent risk in short stock but they never anticipated retail investors to be savvy and smart. Fuck em! Definitely illegal. Also likely front running the purchases purchases do that Citadel can make their buys to settle their positions. Excuse me?! I am upset with the billionaires! Are we still looking good? > I sold everything I had with Robinhood today. That's literally what they wanted you to do, they want people to sell cause they're mad. If you sold any of the stocks they delisted from their site, you did exactly what they wanted you to do. Good move. Drop a low rating while you are at it to hopefully save some other good people some time, and money. Just open a new account and hit the change brokerage button . They say it's going to take 4 to 5 days. But what else do we do? Edited: misunderstood you. Yes, become the man! There is most certainly going to be lawsuits and a bunch of lawyers getting paid over this. I dont know how they structured their contracts, but FINRA is a self governing body and generally believes that the legal standard is simply disclosure of conflicts. This has fueled the recent battle of the fiduciary rule for advisors - rather than force them to be a fiduciary, instead they force them to disclose their conflicts. Id bet my bottom dollar that the Market Makers disclosed their conflicts of interest to brokers (like Robinhood) in contracts for pay for order flow. They are also not fiduciaries under a legal standard, so disclosure is technically legal. Id also bet that Robinhood did am adequate job of disclosing their conflicts of interest and lack of fiduciary standing to their customers. I hate to say it, but I really think that this may all be legal for them. It shouldnt be, but it is. Obama wanted to change the financial industry to require Fiduciary financial advisors, it might be needed for brokers too. Unfortunately, that may also get rid of free trading, because pay for order flow is how they make their money now. Bc most trading platforms use market makers these days bc of payment for order flow and RH specifically is beholden to them. Fido and TD didnt have problems bc they are market makers and have seats in every major exchange. RH doesnt want to do that bc of how they are compesated. Also adding RH's shitty customer contract they make people sign disclosing their shittiness: Relevant: F. Purchases. All orders for the purchase of securities given for My Account will be authorized by Me and executed in reliance on My promise that an actual purchase is intended. It is My obligation to pay for purchases immediately or on Robinhood's demand. I understand Robinhood may at any time, in its sole discretion and without prior notice to Me, prohibit or restrict My ability to trade securities. I further agree not to allow any person to trade for My Account unless a trading authorization for that person has been received and approved by Robinhood. Robinhood reserve the right to require full payment in cleared funds prior to the acceptance of any order. In the event that I fail to provide sufficient funds, Robinhood may, at its option and without notice to Me, i) charge a reasonable rate of interest, ii) liquidate the Property subject of the buy order, or iii) sell other Property owned by Me and held in any of My Accounts. Robinhood may also charge any consequential Loss to My Account. For purposes of this Agreement, ""Property"" shall mean all monies, contracts, investments and options, whether for present or future delivery, and all related distributions, proceeds, products and accessions. 13. Market Volatility; Market Orders; Limit Orders; and Queued Orders. I understand that, whether I place a market or limit order, I will receive the price at which My order is executed in the marketplace, subject to any clarification stated below. Particularly during periods of high volume, illiquidity, fast movement or volatility in the marketplace, the execution price received may differ from the quote provided on entry of an order, and I may receive partial executions of an order at different prices. I understand that Robinhood Financial is not liable for any price fluctuations. I also understand that price quotes generally are for only a small number of shares as specified by the marketplace, and larger orders are relatively more likely to receive executions at prices that vary from the quotes or in multiple lots at different prices. I understand that Robinhood Financial does not currently support sending traditional market buy orders and that Robinhood Financial collars all market buy orders (other than dollar-based buy orders executed during market hours) by using limit orders priced up to 5% above the last trade price. This is not the case for market sell orders. I further understand that when I send a market buy order through Robinhood Financial's trading system, the trading system generates a limit order up to 5% above the last trade price, and then Robinhood Financial sends the order to an executing broker. I understand that Robinhood Financial's implementation of market buy orders may vary depending on prices of instruments, market conditions, and other factors. 16. Restrictions on Trading. I understand that Robinhood may, in its discretion, prohibit or restrict the trading of securities, or the substitution of securities, in any of My Accounts. I understand that Robinhood may execute all orders by Me on any exchange or market, unless I specifically instruct Robinhood to the contrary. In the event of a breach or default by Me under this Agreement, Robinhood shall have all rights and remedies available to a secured creditor under all applicable laws and in addition to the rights and remedies provided herein. I understand that Robinhood may at any time, at its sole discretion and without prior notice to Me: (i) prohibit or restrict My access to the use of the App or the Website or related services and My ability to trade, (ii) refuse to accept any of My transactions, (iii) refuse to execute any of My transactions, or (iv) terminate My Account. The closing of My Account will not affect the rights or obligations of either party incurred prior to the date My Account is closed. 23. Equity Orders and Payment For Order Flow. SEC rules require all registered broker-dealers to disclose their policies regarding any ""payment for order flow"" arrangement in connection with the routing of customer orders. ""Payment for order flow"" includes, among other things, any monetary payment, service, property, or other benefit that results in remuneration, compensation, or consideration to a broker-dealer from any broker-dealer in return for directing orders. I understand that Robinhood transmits customer orders for execution to various exchanges or market centers based on a number of factors. These include: size of order, trading characteristics of the security, favorable execution prices (including the opportunity for price improvement), access to reliable market data, availability of efficient automated transaction processing and reduced execution costs through price concessions from the market centers. I further understand that certain of the exchanges or market centers may execute orders at prices superior to the publicly quoted market in accordance with their rules or practices and that while a customer may specify that an order be directed to a particular market center for execution, the order-routing policies, taking into consideration all of the factors listed above, are designed to result in favorable transaction processing for customers. The nature and source of any payments or credits received by Robinhood in connection with any specific transactions will be furnished upon written request. Hahah good one. I think td ameritrade doesn't charge a commission, but charges a 0.65 fee for options. But im not 100%. We are doing this for more than money. If money is the only thing that matters, then this is not for you I'm literally only in for $60 at $9.80/share. You think it has a chance to go back up to $20? I find HL takes too long to execute and is more expensive per trade. Do you find the execution time to take ages? Same. I'll never forget this. I've moved to fidelity and opened another account with chase. I truly didn't see this coming but hey... F the little guy has always been the game for them. It does. [deleted] That seems wrong Thank you any thoughts on Revolut and Interactive Brokers? Looks like RH now has a message that “This stock is not supported on Robinhood” and ‘buy’ is greyed out for GME, AMC, and NOK Cant buy GME on Robinhood anymore. Thats why we are gonna win this She need to speak about it today because of th manipulation. Yesterday was a different story Do you have a source for this? I think something similar but I doubt they can make it this obvious. Well there are plenty of brokers that cut off buying shares that aren't related to Citadel lol Just got set to close only, these emother fuckers. Yup 👍 https://mobile.twitter.com/555sunny/status/1354854993946406917 Hope it goes to the moon. But I’m having my doubts. It’s bullshit cause when I made my account they gave me a free stock of amc worth 1.18 and I was like they probably gave me this cause it’s never gonna recover. Wish I had know I would have bought so much Sorry I have no idea. I’m just gonna wait and see what happens tomorrow Why is everyone freaking out about Robin Hood when a ton of companies are doing the same? I'm not supporting it, I'm just trying to see whar makes RH different in this. I don’t disagree with you, I’m just saying I’ve used Schwab for years and they aren’t blocking me. IF they stop blocking people from investing, or people use other platforms, yes I believe it will go up, It really wouldn't though... This is just people sharing totally valid legal information... This is not owners of companies making insider deals to control the market... It's a completely different thing in every possible way.. none of these individuals are hiding in the shadows pulling the strings and lying about their intent or methods. They bought at the right time. That's it. The hedge fund idiots took the risk of short trading and lost. That's it. End of story. But here they are trying to blame their gamble on the other players out smarting them. This is just the masses suddenly deciding not to let those with money manipulate them... And doing what's best for themselves not what's best for the corporations and billionaires. It's like a casino claiming that winning means you're cheating... Nope, they just lost at their own game. [deleted] I'm trying to buy some AMC where can I go? Markets closed right now. Damn didn't see that. I figured they sent the email to appease the higher ups. And cover their ass Done thought I had earlier. Are you still able to purchase GME on fidelity? I have no issue jumping ship after this mess. [deleted] This 1000% why aren’t casinos shut down to “Mitigate client risk” For real. I can choose to get hep C from my ~~stepbrother~~ (cough), I mean stepsister, why can’t I choose what stock to buy? Well I was the creator of the sub mocking them so it was easy to target my account. For the most part Reddit accounts are a dime a dozen but don’t think these companies won’t stoop to low levels. I did it before they had it restricted. Literally 15 minutes before the app started displaying the message. But let's imagine it would go, is it worth it? Or because they stopped allowing purchases it's probably going to go down back to where it was? I was actually remembering a clause they had written in the user agreement somewhere that says they reserve the right to prevent users from making bad investment decisions, or something of that nature. Yeah that's the one Yes Are you going for it >How do you buy on foreign markets through say....Merril I'm german and for me it's possible to buy both thank you. i have a buddy who swears this is against section 10B of the 1934 Act but as far as I can tell if they made this illegal like you said, it would kill just about any investor club or forum out theree. I'm not sure what you think socialism is, but it's not that. Cronyism and capitalism are not mutually exclusive terms, though. In fact, I don't think there has ever been capitalism without cronyism. Oh wow, is that true? That makes a lot of sense actually. It has everything to do with the Trumpers. They’ve been crying evil government for four years and now the government is LITERALLY being fascist in the open and they are twirling on their thumbs crying about Parlor and lizard people eating babies. Does that apply to Robinhood too? I’m more relating to legit eliminating things that aren’t convenient for them, like getting rid of trumps account & not letting us trade GME/AMC...if you were investing during the crash there were many days RH was down all day so that big institutions could buy the dip because we were buying puts and pushing prices down in regards to what is happening with brokerage accounts today, you can’t just stop using them if you have money invested...it’s more the power dynamic, how big corporations were able to pay off RH & how twitter is able to censor. not saying the govt should control that It will continue to keep you afloat Its jumping i dont know why but it is and if it went higher at the low cost it is right now people would probably become millionaires overnight I was just about to tweet Elon like put them in checkmate because they are trying to freeze it right now its strange somethings up. I cant show a picture but RH is saying if you try to get it it might not execute. Seems pretty sus to me. How are people investing? I only knew of robinhood and that's pretty out of the question You probably weren't even alive in 1999. I had 350k in the market. The shoe is about to drop, and only the smart will survive this. Me too. Kids with $1000 from their summer jobs. Yay we wrecked the stock market! Next step, make money worthless! Yeah, they’re all altruists. ^/s Thanks for your opinion and open discussion, I will gladly leave. Have fun. TD ameritrade just put out the update I know I said other brokers.. should have been more clear. Just now.. there was an update put on TD Ameritrade. I thought about it, planned it today. But now Robinhood seems pointless, like your comment. Is that like a receipts in hand type deal? Because I know a former one term president that said he have HUYYGE amounts to charity as well and his family is no longer able to own or operate a non profit in some states now because that was very far from a true statement. What got you started in that practice? [deleted] “Stay low”? Oh, yeah, to Mars, right ... The short interest is now [below 20%](https://fintel.io/ss/us/gme). Wall Street is out on GME. You now have something worth maybe $5 selling for $240. What happens now? We are far beyond WSB right now. The price is where it is because people who've never heard of Reddit are now hearing about it all over the news. They are not spending their savings to troll WS. They are doing it to make money. What exactly do you like about the stock? The hedge funds were shorting GME because the fundamentals are really bad. More and more gamers are buying digital games, especially with the new consoles having versions that have no physical media. Same thing with AMC: the only thing that was holding back direct-to-home movies were theaters threatening studios if they even hinted at it. Covid broke that and studios now have another year to experiment. Theaters will be nowhere near as profitable in the future as they had been. But they won't be able to keep gambling with people's money if they lose! Yea because the government is corrupted by those with money/influence we should just dismantle the govt and hand the power straight to those who corrupted the government in the first place. Just because your bicycle doesnt work, it doesnt mean all bicycles are ineffective. Time and time again its been proven that government regulations are a good thing. Minimum wage, child labour, SLaVERY. What the fuck are you talking about? No one that isnt retarded or corrupt has made an argument for capitalism since the second phase of the industrial revolution. Youre literally stuck in the past. BET I was lucky enough to purchase AMC so I still show it on my account. CHICOS FOREVER!!! Can't but that either What market you using? Free trades? Any sign up bonuses? Thanks! 🙏🏽 Lmk approved for a margin account also? I need that instant deposit They literally just turned off stocks that were hurting them, clearly they can get rid of retailers anytime they want already. Fighting them on their turf isn't going to get the job done. Normal people need an entirely new financial system that actually serves us. Oligarch dickheads own the FED, the banks, the trading desks, the multi-Trillion Dollar funds that are fed by 0% interest loans and corporate shenanigans like buybacks. It's all a heinous fraud. This is the way Reminder to keep holding!!!!!! Thanks for the input! I haven’t done much with stocks, and just happened to buy shares of gme months ago. Learning as quick as I can but a little out of my depth haha Thanks for the input! That makes sense. Seeing as RH gave me the option, I just assumed it had something in place for buying. I’ve never sold stock before. Same, NOT SELLING. HOLD FRIENDS I think it's slammed. I tried from desktop without being logged in and after I select that I'm an individual the site just says unavailable. On down detector seems like every investment site is slammed. That's the thing. When you are trading on margin the broker has no guarantee you have the money. Get off any platform that flat out restricts you from buying share. That is what I get? I did not think they would halt trading of the stock... Who could predict that?! Name me one person who said yday they would halt the purchase of stocks. If you think these stocks move because of ""play money"", you are not thinking. The GME play is moving other stocks as well because they have to cover their shorts to pay you. Ok thank you Ok I bought $600 worth around $10 I’m gonna hold it for now I heard WeBull just blocked it too I don't have money to gamble away based on Reddit. But good on you. I dont actually plan on selling, but if they prevent people from selling I dont see how they wont crumble under all the lawsuits Hmm. The app says I can close out my position but cant purchase more shares. I'm worried if I click sell just to see they'll dump all my shares or something. Thanks But is AMC a good bet? maybe By random I mean target another short stock. Something stupid like Kmart, if they are even still around. How did people realize GME was going to be shorted so much? Blind luck, or is there a way to tell? You can buy fractional shares. If I'm picking up what you're putting down, the stock was soaring/stable until they suspended trading, so the shorts would not have been paid had it continued on its projected path or even held around it's current value. If the stock had tanked before they suspended trading then I can see that, but that's incredibly condescending and Robin Hood doesn't give a shit about that frankly. We know why this was done. Murphy's Law. Sooner or later, Robinhood clients were going to get burned. Robinhood is a private platform, and you agreed to their TOS...they can do what they want. Portnoy doesn't want to appear before any Congressional committees, and is covering his own ass: You do you. . . . you know, mo-rons! [deleted] Walk street is using individuals to bet for them. They’re just forcing us to do what they want in order for them to get money. Right bollocks this Not now they just sent me an email saying I cannot buy GME or AMC Many trading apps blocked buying because of liquidity but some bigger broker companies didn't because they had the needed liquidity imo. Only GME and AMC were blocked from buying back then Class. Action. Lawsuit. WE NEED TO FILE A CLAW ASAP (CL)ASS (A)CTION LA(W)SUIT And there it is folks....... I knew there had to be a connection somewhere. Always follow the money. Always. Yep. Finally switching over to Charles Schwab in full. This is the last straw with Robinhood they pull shit like this far too often Shorts can buy all they want at the lowest price tho. Agreed. BUT.... Where are all the people who were defending Twitter and Facebook a couple weeks ago for “there a private company can do what they want“? No one gives a shit about anything until it affects them. We 👏 Are 👏 Farmers But I like this stock? I want to make sure my kids can buy ps2 games in person. Why can’t I buy more. I like this stock. We're all in there filing complaints. I made sure to establish the links between Citadel, Melvin, and Robinhood in mine lol [deleted] That could be true but if they believe that then why force Robinhood to stop letting people buy stock? Not before we exit the market leaving them still high and dry That could be true but if they believe that then why force Robinhood to stop letting people buy stock? [deleted] Nah, people weren't mad at Trump for supporting a handful of rich elites, including the republicans who made money trading off covid info before it was public. People were mad at Trump for being a massive racist piece of shit accused of rape by two dozen people including a thirteen year old, and whose endless stupidity and traitorous acts tore apart the country. The piss tape was kinda funny though. Naked shorts on a 130% short interest that came due. It’s a “hedge” fund in name only. — Starfox [deleted] > Warning! In the interest of mitigating risk for our clients People need to stop reading this and thinking we are the ""clients"" they're talking about. The clients that are being put at risk are the hedge funds, they're at risk of losing the massive gamble they took on this insane level of shorting. It's supposed to be a win-win for them. Either they win on their own or they cheat and win. [removed] In this case, they're not on the ""right"" though sheriff of nottingham needs to carve their heart out with a spoon Boomers: ""All Millennials do is complain. They'll never change the world"" Millennials: *Bankrupt a $13B hedge fund in less than a week and get the head of the NASDAQ to beg for more regulation from the SEC* Totally, that's precisely my point. We should be remembering this for more than just a particular stock bubble. It's called [Wedge Politics](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wedge_issue). It's a great political discourse for common man to fight each other while the elites banks their tax dollars. This is the way Yes! Americans are united? Lol, I recall the election result couple days ago was half-half. And neither of the candidate has made any comments on the recent incidents. The rich has always successfully split the average people and no matter who wins, always be their puppet. >Congress has never been more than 2% of the working class at any moment of time. “ I don't understand what you are saying here. Civil War was no different, poor boy Johnny Reb went off to fight for the rights of the wealthy plantation owners to be able to own slaves. Most of the wealthy didnt go to war. They were exempt and sat on their verandas sipping mint juleps watching their free labor toil in the fields, and when the South lost, they let what was left of Johnny Reb into their secret society to wear white robes and keep the freed slaves poor and scared, because if Johnny Reb ever realized they gave up a leg or arm for the rich folks it wouldn't be pretty. Which is exactly how they want it. Force people to have to work themselves so hard to survive that they don't have capacity to pay attention to how they're being fucked We don’t live in a democracy - we live in an oligarchy. That’s why voting doesn’t matter despite all the campaign ads telling you it is. It’s considered politically incorrect to say voting doesn’t matter and that you’re “discouraging” democracy. The fact that the establishment encourages voting is just a veil. They want people to FEEL like they made a difference by dropping in a vote in the ballot box. Even though they know it won’t make a difference. Democrat, Republican...doesn’t matter, they all have the same boss. Wall Street. If voting actually worked, the establishment wouldn’t encourage it. Our whole federal system is based on dysfunction - that’s why basically no one else in the world wants to copy our system and why a parliamentary system makes more sense. Someone in one branch can always stop or start something in another branch. The chaos and gridlock just creates frustration, disenchantment, and hopelessness. That’s what the elite are banking on - once people have adjusted to “learned helplessness”, the attention on the rich is gone and they can do whatever they want and at best get a slap on the wrist and maybe like a year in jail. I never saw a Wall Street banker go to prison for life for white collar crime. . It might not happen in our lifetime, but I'd like to see technology used to put politics fully in the hands of the people. Like an American Idol style vote from your cell phone to determine what your state's position on the death penalty is or something like that. [deleted] Nothing like some casual anti-semitism on a Thursday afternoon Yeah, more taxes! They're not the same, you're right. But it's still all misdirection at every level. Republicans scare lower middle class people into hating lower class people and immigrants. Democrats scare urban residents into hating rural America. Etc etc etc. It's all the same shit. Straw men at every turn. Scare people about X so they don't notice Y. Yeah that’s true, but look, we can barely contain corruption in an age where information flows so freely - it must have been 100x worse back then. Both the public and private motives for the rich wanting their piece of taxation were very real. Don’t discount the private motives by assuming altruism. Most of the big figures in the American Revolution signed the ""Declaration of Independence"" which was an illegal document basically telling the King of England ""F U you're not our king anymore"" Everyone who signed that Document was signing themselves up to be drawn and quartered by the worlds largest imperial power. They were betting that a bunch of untrained, drunk farmers led by a washed up former British Officer could oust an empire that went on to conquer 1/5 of the world's land mass. So to answer your question, no, it's not true. People revolted because they realized that Monarchies are a stupid form of government and wanted liberalism and democracy. George Washington would have been worth $525 million in today's money. If that's middle class, sign me up. Oh they definitely aren't the same by any stretch of imagination, that wasn't what I intended to convey. One party clearly only cares about getting their base riled up and giving handouts to corporations and big spenders. It rhymes with Dumbasspublicans. Centrist democrats are terrible too though, never having enough spine to stand up to the bag of cinder blocks that is the GOP. Peasants BTFO fam Can’t have a free market when money is power in the capitalist market and 8 people own more wealth than 3+ billion combined. Tale as old as time: socialize the costs, privatize the profits. So then, a dictatorship Anyone paying attention just realized without a doubt that the game was rigged this whole time. [deleted] Couldn’t have said it better myself. This money could bring some people above the poverty line and change their lives. But Melvin Capital et. Al can’t have their margins slip, so fuck the little guy. [deleted] A free market doesn't have gatekeepers determining what you can or can't buy. I'm not saying you're wrong, and I'm not against regulation. I'm saying that the double standard is what's fucked about the whole situation. Once regular people start benefiting from the same practices that these Wall St types have benefited from for decades, oh now it's a problem. The financial press wasn't crying foul when GME was shorted 140% of amount of stock in circulation. But now that regular people are making money, oh it's a problem we have to do something. Fuck outta here with that. They made their bed now they can lie in it. They dont want you to pay off you debt quickly, they make money through you constantly paying interest The huge part of the market exists by having people trapped in a debt cycle. Bro straight up! I made more money than I could ever dream and it's not like I'm tryna get rich I just want my parents to stop working and Finally retire! Which is something you'd logically assume they'd be ok with. Paying back a debt. But it's not getting them ALL the money, so it's utter garbage and should go with the rest of the trash. What with their philosophy being Infinite Growth and all that. You need to sell at some point to make money Man I just want to go back to school and do my master's without asking for a loan. Europoor. Their entire identity depends on the fact that they have a shitload more money than working class people. That’s why they will break any and all laws to prevent it. They didn’t become wealthy by being fair and following the rules. Great Point! Indeed. Also, everyone, don't forget that the money ""you make"" is virtual ""money"" until you sell. That is, the stocks you own have a value but it is not money you can use. And as soon as a larger amount of people start selling, the value of the stocks and your ""win"" turn to ashes. You have to keep them. At least for several months. And then sell very slowly. Otherwise only the first few sellers will make a win. Well the price went from 350 to 469 before they stopped letting you buy it - so even the people who got in yesterday wouod have been up. anybody entering yesterday deserves whatever they get IMO. The upper limit is whatever the NPV is for the interest being charged to keep the short positions open, divided by the number of shares. Any more, and it's worth keeping the positions open indefinitely. Yeah I have to assume that most people were inevitably going to get fucked either way. Obviously not everybody can cash out at $500 or whatever, and the only way it would stay so high is if people actually believed it to have that value, not to sell it to pay debts. Fuck the hedgefunds, but big losers on all sides were inevitable aside from the few who timed it perfectly. For the past 5 weeks you could have bought at literally anytime and made money. Wtf are you on dude, it was easy to make money on and then pull out the principle plus 50%. I did that and I'm just a young dumbass. I already pulled out SO MUCH That’s awesome — congratulations! I only learned about this whole thing yesterday. I so wish I’d been paying attention earlier — the amount you’re walking away with is the amount I had available to put *in.* I could have made some *serious* chowder. That's amazing. To buy into a hedge fund you need greater than x amount of money, and need to be able to gamble at least a million without it ruining you. Hedge funds are not the same as 401k or even index funds. They lose it, I guess? Isn't that what happened with Bernie Madoff? They'll probably get bailed out because it's all a big joke anymore. The big boys get to play with our money however they want, because there are never any consequences for them Yeah it’s gotten out of hand into an audience of people who are surely going to be fucked, it’s literally impossible for everyone to win here. Also aren’t there hedge funds on the squeeze side too now? And those are good? Makes no sense Yes, there are going to be people who put more money than they could afford to lose in this thing. And when the bottom falls out, it's gonna fall fast. It absolutely will be the retail investors that buy in at these prices and don’t exit early enough that will end up holding the bag. There seems to be a widespread misconception that there is some hedge fund that is obligated to buy your GME when it simply isn’t the case. The stock has been trading at incredibly high volume this week and most of the hedge funds that shorted have already closed their positions at huge loses. The current short volume is from people shorting at the atmospheric prices we are currently at. That worries me how confident is that short amount? That's just it, the people like yourself who are getting this huge influx of money are going to have changed lives because of it, whereas it's a rounding error for a hedge fund. It just drives home the ridiculous wealth inequality we're facing more and more That's a nice chunk of change! Best of luck to your mom. Hopefully it's a big life improvement for her. Nice, I'm glad stuff like this are happening. Right, someone is going to get screwed. The conspiracy theorist in me thinks somehow this is 4D chess that was all started by a competing hedge fund who will then walk away with not only their competition's money, but WSB's as well I have a message right on the stock on RH saying i cannot buy more positions only sell. You bet I'm holding mine. 🚀🚀🚀 Robinhood is telling me AMC and GME are no longer supported My Robinhood account says that GME is not supported. [deleted] [deleted] Robinhood removed all. Bb. Nokia. Naked. Amc. Gme. Everything. RH is closing 1/29 calls for our own safety. Some stocks on my RH were removed altogether and some i can't buy anymore, only sell. I'm new to all this stuff but if what they say we are doing is market manipulation or whatever, then what the hell do you call this stunt? Can buy any of the stocks we like Nokia game stock or bb that’s illegal! There tying are hands while hedge funds rob our accounts! Robinhood shut NOK, AMC and GME trades down RH has now delisted several tickers including GME and AMC Amc ""is no supported by robinhood"" [deleted] Just received a notice for AMC on Robinhood “you can close out your position in this stock, but you cannot purchase additional shares” Wtf is this Robinhood stopped supporting several stocks, including naked, GameStop, and AMC BB, NOK, GME, AMC All say not supported in Robinhood now. Guess they decided to let us only buy stocks that go down to protect us from ourselves I too bought AMC early this morning and they are pending. They had better go through. Can’t order more # FIDELITY STILL ALLOWS YOU TO TRADE. CREATE AN ACCOUNT ASAP Fidelity still loves me. My NAKD order hasn't been filled though. Only options are restricted on RH Edit: guess shares too that’s fucked Robinhood is only allowing me to sell gme, and has removed bb, amc, nok (not sure what else) from the platform saying they are not supported. RH is not supporting AMC, GME, BB now. Robinhood no longer allows me to buy GME. Only sell. Can’t buy GME, AMC, BB etc... Robinhood states that some stocks are no longer “supported” by the app... 💢 I placed an order for AMC last night and this morning have a message that states, ""This stock is not supported on Robinhood."" My app is showing that I can only sell shares not buy. I tried to place a limit order and RH told me I can't buy more, I can only sell. They removed NAKD this morning. I was able to purchase shares at 4am but now it says it isn’t supported Robinhood shows ""You can close out your position on this stock but cannot purchase additional shares"" for GME I can see something coming out to shut down Robinhood, like a rule that you're not allowed to buy partial shares or something like that, that's not aimed at Robinhood by name, but will destroy them GME no longer supported. I can close my positions in amc and bb but can’t buy. Guess it was only a matter of time before they just outright shut us out. I'm seeing problems with searching for any symbols this morning on RH. Anyone else? I noticed my search functionality wasn’t working for other tickers too. Robinhood doesn’t allow trades of gme anymore Nope it’s not working for anyone of my friends I signed up or family that’s over 20 people. They haven’t updated it at all. I had AMC rejected on RH a couple of days ago. Wouldn't let me buy. >Edit:. Yea. NOK, NAKD, GME, AMC can't be searched on RH. I put in orders for NOK, NAKD, & AMC early this morning, waiting to see if they will actually go through. I put in orders for AMC yesterday around 9pm and today on robinhood it says AMC can no longer be traded. So my money is stuck in limbo. Edit: just got an email saying my order has been canceled. Wow GME doesn’t show up on my cashapp My order for BB said I canceled it...but I didn't... I ordered last night around 2am and now I got a msg sayint they cancelled my AMC order... RH just cancelled my buys of BB from earlier this am. Fuckers. Well the company why owns Robinhood is shorting AMC stock and so by stopping trading action due to “volatility” is essentially just trying to save their position in the market and is not just business as usual We're all of those stocks wsb meme stocks? Missed what triggered this to happen I ordered some nokstok last night and it just filled, but it's telling me I can only sell now. Wish would've bought more. Will be leaving rh for a new app if op or anyone has any suggestions My AMC order was cancelled but my NAKD went through. I'm losing big right now. This is the way? > I put in orders for NOK, NAKD, & AMC early this morning, waiting to see if they will actually go through. Robinhood order for AMC was cancelled for me. I had an order in for 10 shares of NOK lastnight before I went to bed & woke up to an ""order cancelled"" notification this morning. They're straight up blocking the purchase of shares, but still allowing options trades. Nothing to see here.... Ok so that's why GME fell out of my watch list. Get your money out of RH if you don't like their locking out the small people. You can see now “how much they hate Wall Street”. It’s all a joke. They put us against each other politically, but THEY ARE ALL THE SAME. In the same club and if we get a glimpse inside, they block us out. AOC kinda backed us up yesterday and called out Wall Street for accusing us of gambling. So that was nice. Hardly anyone else on the political spectrum though. They want you to vote a certain way and get you riled up about small shit while never actually doing anything about the big shit. I'm surprised so many people fall for their fake pandering. Back when the OWS protests were going on, CNN had this whole segment making fun of the protesters. Pretty much all the MSM in the US works for the corporations. They hate Wall Street and other things until they actually have to take a stand that effects them and then they back off role over. [deleted] >Especially when CNN and the other liberal outlets hate wall street. ?????? You think TimeWarner and Comcast News hates wall street? You got played if you actually ever believed that. What's orange man doing? Why do people on the right think CNN is liberal. It hasnt been for years. Why do you think Bernie Sanders is so popular? Why do you think people watch The Hill or the Young turks? CNN and MSNBC have been corporate for a long time. So much of the left HATE how the democratic party have been hijacked by the corporate lobbyists. Boomers are really the only group keeping them afloat. If only they werent such a large voting block. not for much longer though. If you bought in that CNN is ""liberal"" or ""left"", then you have to define what it means to be left or liberal. CNN is not in any way liberal LOL none of the TV news media hates Wall St. They are owned by billionaires who look out for their billionaire friends. Damn so this is just a thief trump loon sub too? Go back to parlor. Do they really hate them, or is this just another enemy to pit voters against? All the rich liberal elites would be connected to Wall Street. Like you say, they don’t hate wall street, they only say they do. Similar to how Disney pushes pc and identity politics in their products, but funds conservative political campaigns. It’s all about making as much money as possible Liberal?! Pffft. Corporatist neoliberal stooge-speak is all that channel shits out. The veneer of being ‘liberal’ is just cover. If you think those news networks are on the left you need to reexamine your views. I feel like CNN was never this liberal bastion that people have made it out to be... If you thought CNN and MSNBC hated Wall Street you fell for republican propaganda. They represent the “Third Way” neoliberal shit the Clintons succeeded under. What is love and what is hate. The liberal media never hated Trump, they loved him. Michelle Wolf called it. And you know what. Platforms restricting trading affects MY MONEY and everyone's money, whether you even use that platform or not. Lawsuits incoming. This even affects big money investors that aren't the psycho hedge fund shorts. There is no difference between CNN, MSNBC, and FOX. They are all beholden to their advertisers. If given the choice between honest reporting and cowtowing for those sweet dollars you already know what they're going to pick. Corporate news is not news, it's a TV show meant to keep you hooked and sell your time to these companies. CNN has only said positive things about the movement.... Little people bad [deleted] > Especially when CNN and the other liberal outlets hate wall street Liberals love wall street. There are like three ""left wing"" people in politics who don't. As someone outside the US, it's hilarious that Americans consider CNN a ""leftist"" network. Like seriously? All they did when I watched them was bash the progressive wing of the Democratic party and keep talking about how ""America is a moderate country,"" and bash universal healthcare and shit. Your entire country, on the corporate level, is nothing but conservatives. Your ""left"" media is squarely conservative on financial issues and only moderately ""left"" on social issues. Like straight up, your working class is being destroyed while people argue about social issues instead of focusing on the economics of class warfare like they should be. CNN has only ever been ""liberal"" in the sense that it's not a GOP propaganda outlet So when's the new French revolution but this time everyone in the world? Doesn't seem like it would take but a few people taking actual action for the billionaires to get scared enough to stop fucking people over. > CNN and the other liberal outlets I can't imagine how far right a network has to be before you'll beleive it's moderate. Even NPR is talking shit on GME holders. Fuck them There's a band called Havok. The have a song called hang em high from an album a few years ago. This made me think of it. I checked the lyrics and it's just perfect. Even if you don't like metal, I think in light of the situation, more people might enjoy it. When has CNN said it hates Wall Street? Theres been like three NYT pieces already about how this is some great populist revolution against the hedge funds, david vs. goliath. Most are jumping on that train because it's very easy, but i don't give a fuck what you tweet. I care about action. [This is the only skit ever censored by GE.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nh6Hf5_ZYPI&ab_channel=MetaphysicalMakaveli) [removed] Yeah that's why I don't get. They pump up the stock to $300+ and then what? The everyman investor rides into the sunset having made a healthy profit off the backs of the evil hedge funds? What happens to the people who bought at $300? How did Joe biden get involved with this exactly “Free market” teh hee He thinks this is a free market lol. Free market for them It’s more like a “free market” that has different terms and conditions based on wealth. [removed] Someone once told me, ""Nothing is free in this world!"" Give ye money to thy lords and you shall have it I don't think they'll fuck around with it. I have a few friends who work for Fidelity (not in their 'finances' dept - stuff like app development, market research, etc), and their descriptions of the working environment are all positive - that the company has a ton of integrity and realizes that: 1. They are handling a ***significant*** amount of money 2. This money represents the life savings and retirement plans of ***a lot*** of people. 'Regular' people. I don't they would ever block a purchase of a security unless they actually believed that fraud was taking place - and then it would be targeted at the people committing the fraud, not a blanket ban on an entire symbol. As a side note, I wonder if Game Stop, AMC, Black Berry, and the rest will sue? What gives brokerages the right to effectively 'de-list' their symbols at-will? Can confirm. I cancelled a bunch of orders on RH and cashed out on others. Moving it to my Fidelity account. Fidelity has allowed to buy many of those barred from RH. Hoping to cash out anything remaining in RH next week. Also filed a complaint with the SEC. Fuck these clowns. AMC as well, you can close what you have but you can no longer open new positions. Nope, just bought Merrill Lynch the company that folded due to key involvement in the 2008 crisis only to be bought by BofA, known manipulators? They are awful people. Nobody should trust them with money. Source: I’ve been a wealth management client of theirs for two years watching them bungle this and that as I transfer my money away. Well they halted *expanding to there. and TastyWorks Why not just use TD ameritrade? Try now. Trading is going through GME keeps getting blocked on Webull [deleted] I put in orders to buy it last night and woke up to notifications they cancelled my orders and suddenly the money I put in there which wasnt pending last night is suddenly pending from my bank. No it’s not It’s working @ 368 There is way to transfer stocks without selling AOC is already calling for Investigations. They were when I posted it. The comment I replied to had me as the only upvote, and no one else on reddit saying it. In 11 hours a lot has changed. It's certainly a lot more than there actually are. The hedge funders short sold, basically gambling. And they did this by well over 100% of actual shares. [deleted] Somewhere a libertarian just glitched and then said ""Doesn't look like anything to me"". It's almost like they rigged it to work that way through exorbitant contributions to lobbyists and politicians. Happened overseas too, brother. They are fucking us globally. Honestly it’s pretty terrifying and enraging. Holy fucking wow would love to see that screenshot. >Yes, the market needs regulation. The market need decentralisation and consistent rule enforcement. Blockchain trading FTW. So stop voting for shit capitalist politicianss So what you're saying is raid the Capitol bad, raid the capital good? As you're seeing right now, this is how capitalism is sold but it isn't really true. The ruling class inevitably use their money and influence to rig the system under capitalism. Most people have no real chance to succeed. In an open economy most competition gets bought out by wealthier competitors and then you end up with a few large companies owning everything. Unregulated capitalism inherently leads to oligopoly if not monopoly, as the companies with the most capital will always have an inherent advantage over any startup. In our current system, the best way to get into the market is to already be rich. Many of their beliefs completely contradict one another. They basically stand for nothing. They present themselves as progressive but are the opposite. Neoliberalism has caused so much human suffering. I have more respect for basically any other ideology, besides fascism. The big hedge funds are manipulating the market right now (so *they* can profit and stem their losses) by *disallowing* retail investors from buying certain stocks that are surging. Retail investors (little guys) *should* be allowed to just buy and sell stock, that's literally how the system is *supposed* to work. But the big hedge fund operators are wrongfully stopping that from happening because it *isn't benefiting them.* That should be allowed? You think that shouldn't be illegal? A crime is a crime. So people that rob houses shouldnt be charged because its not as bad as rape? Bakers gonna bake What? This is exactly the sort of thing hedge funds have been doing for decades upon decades to influence the market. If you think hedge funds only invest based on fundamentals, you have no idea what's going on. No, I did not blame retail investors for 08, you misread. I just don’t see this going well in general, and I don’t think the retail investors can see much passed “rich people can do this, I can do this” Incorrect! Addition: and obviously don’t mean to offend, I just feel everyone that’s been talking about this for weeks on end is coming from the side of being angry that rich people can do this. They don’t see any consequence happening, but they do know how to short. Can’t see it going to well, but we will let y’all figure that out! And after going through your comments a little, this is exactly why there should be concern. Just enough knowledge to get a short, probably don’t think about much else.. like I said, we will see what happens.. [deleted] They could have just shown a big and bold warning with a ""trade this at your own risk"" button if the main goal was to protect traders. This is exactly how i wanted to word it? If they really cared why wouldn’t they limit acess to ALL newbs across ALL STOCKS. Nope.. you just cant buy these two stocks Hit the nail on the head right there. Unfortunately however we all know that they are not truly expressing caution to us regulars, rather shutting the floodgates to save their buddies. Investigate that SEC🤷‍♂️ Bingo, give the warning, hey this stock is risky and then let it be. Although also aren’t all stocks inherently risky to begin with, obviously not on this scale, but you’re told to not invest more then you’re willing to lose That isn't their job. Their job is to provide a trading platform. My job is to evaluate whether or not I buy. The risk is on me. Those risk questions at the beginning when you sign up - that's their CYA. They're already covered, they're just fucking with us now. If they gave a ""Warning - this stock has been extremely volatile over a short amount of time. Do you want to proceed?"" popup, there would have been memes. But overall nobody would have cared. But the fact that they prevented buying, *but didn't prevent selling*, means it can very likely be considered market manipulation, even if it wasn't intentional. My broker has blocked market buy and sell orders due to the volatility, but I can still set limit or stoplimit orders for buying and selling. I can agree to a measure such as that due to volatility, but stopping buying all together is absolute bullshit. Part of the problem is that if you're doing anything requiring margin it's not just on you. It'd be like saying that your credit card company should give you an unlimited credit limit because it's on you to deal with the consequences. You have no idea how many people out there are seeing the memes and dumping money in that have never invested in anything before. I know 3. Yup, if you accidentally try to do something stupid like pay $900 for a $9.00 stock Robinhood pops up a big warning saying ""Are you sure you want to do that, it'd be dumb as fuck"" but then is willing to let you do it anyway. That's exactly what they should have done here. This is why the PDT rule needs to be outlawed 100% happy to see the news that senator ted Cruz will be taking them to a hearing. Hopefully that puts some fear in to them and they allow us to buy again. I will look at changing broker for sure and if we make a big enough noise maybe brokers will put it’s customers first in the future Well, I imagine this guy was on some margin but you might be wrong. [https://twitter.com/3halflings/status/1354869658843820033/photo/1](https://twitter.com/3halflings/status/1354869658843820033/photo/1) Well they absolutely can manipulate the price down and trigger stop losses if retail traders cannot buy I just transferred out all my assets in rh to fidelity. Should have done that a long time ago. Not with robinhood. With trading 212 in the UK. We have crappy options here so chose one with no commission and now being punished for it. I will start looking elsewhere but stuck with them atm as I am not selling 👌🚀 1. First vaginal sex, only then anal. 2. Never have sex with a family member. ToS isn't legally binding, this is 100% market manipulation. Perhaps you need to learn how to read and think for yourself. are you fucking stupid? use your brain for once! this is manipulation while pissing right into ur face Probably true. It's almost like it should be illegal to short that much stock... Oh, wait. Exactly. If breaking the law means a lawsuit and fine but following the law means bankruptcy, then the choice is easy. I expect a short squeeze. That will be way juicier than any legal slap on the wrist. HOLD I might have been a bit optimistic but don't underestimate the political implications of a lot of people left, right, working class, educated, etc. all being angry at a few rich guys who already pissed off a lot of people in the past.. They can try all they want.... it’s 💎🙌 for a reason. Watch as that ticker goes higher and higher. You hold, we hold, we moon. Don’t fall for the blatant market manipulation. Stay strong. that doesn't help the open short-positions - I guess they want to try damage-control by stopping the Stock from climbing even higher as much as they can They blocked 5 stocks completely, can’t even view them in Rhood. GME, Express, Ross, BB and one more I can’t think of. Yeah I doubt there will be any legal action taken, but brokers are just saving their ass so they can tell the SEC they did their part to curb the fraud This guy gets it In fairness, race and class have been intertwined since capitalism day dot. Feels wrong to take it out of the picture. Is it? Doesn't the price follow the supply&demand on that specific exchange in an indipendent way? Are those frankfurt stocks even undert the short squeeze? Thanks, it’s not unfortunately Vanguard is still allowing trading of these stocks. Is it a bad idea to buy today? Filled immediately. Sold some AMC earlier today, sold within 15 seconds. Bought some GME, filled immediately. Fidelity.com stateside, no fees this is the reason world will never be able to eliminate poverty. The rich will always design a system in a way that gives them ultimate power and a system that can never be used against them. That’s because it wasn’t the platforms it was the exchange. It’s an automated process that stops trading for five minutes to give time to check the situation and resume in case of extremely unusual price movements. It exists to prevent flash crashes and to correct problems and prevent weird shit. If a serious issue were discovered it would have stayed halted for a couple hours or all day. Literally the whole market can be halted and it happened a few times this year during the covid crash. The halting was being triggered by the 15+/-% drops in price happening in literally seconds. Notice that earlier today it happened both up and down between 10:30 and noon. what they are basically accomplishing by doing all this app shenanigans is that they are spreading out the *volume* of all these stocks so the price wont get exponentially high and that impediment is creating a lot of bag holders (new people coming into the stocks realm dont quite know how it works) which inturn burns them nice and good so they dont comeback. So it is working out for them so far and giving them an escape route to cover. God I hope this thing rockets. im in at 7.30 and I'm down 3k due to these manipulating fucks Yes. There may be a fee. It may be significant. Yes, it is possible though they like to hide it on the site somewhere unobvious. Wealthsimple will waive fees if your portfolio is over $5000. Something to look into if you're Canadian and only have shares I’m with Questrade and I can still trade all of these stocks. To avoid a huge fee you sell your stocks in Robinhood and transfer your funds to Webull or Fidelity and then rebuy your stock positions Td ameritrade allows all stocks right now. Thinkorswim on desktop is legit too. I realize I'm spamming this but people need to know what brokers aren't screwing them.... I wouldn't mess with asset transfers at this point. It often takes days and it may be locked in the interim. Just leave the stocks where you have them and open a new account elsewhere. Close the RH account when the volatility has passed and/or your assets are fully liquid. I don’t think that was an intentional disruption. Things like that happen when trade activity is absolutely at its highest level. Fidelity, Vanguard, Schwab all had the same interruptions in trading on 1/27. Those firms care more about their investors as a whole than preventing people from entering a hot, formally small cap stock. They take those disruptions very, very seriously. That seems more fair given that margins include risk for the firm. I just bought some more shares on Etrade Etrade worked for me as of 11am central. For clarity - DO NOT LIQUIDATE GME OR OTHER HOLDINGS CURRENTLY LISTED AS SELL ONLY! Other holdings may be worth transferring though. Stockpile is cancelling too. [deleted] Most people's investments are in 401ks or other withdrawl-discouraging accounts so itd likely be a shuffle to cash rather than a pullout App is solid used it for years never had an issue. You do have to call them to enable AH trading and options I believe. AMC seems to be whole shares only as of yesterday, no fractions. PS - their CC has 2% cash back on everything... Can speak for the app itself but I used to work for a benefits company and Fidelity 401k management is the best in the game. Love it. Same. Their desktop suite is amazing. I don't understand why anyone would use robinhood. Fidelity is just vastly superior imo.. Yup, same here. Their servers keep timing out. Webull 16hrs/5days Which is totally ass backwards because working class people WORK during the day while the fund managers are trading. Yet working class people can't trade outside of normal working hours when they actually have time to, but the professional traders can??? What the fuck is the point of after hours or pre market? Like it makes no fucking sense to be able to trade when trading is... Over? ~~baffling~~ Capitalism. Most brokers you can trade after hours E*TRADE tdameritrade etc I like the way you think bruv [removed] We need open source decentralized platforms for everything - as a programmer I'd love to contribute to some projects if they're out there? ELI5 DeFi? Smart contracts cannot be modified after they are deployed. They are immutable and their code can be reviewed and verified. This, for sure - automation isn't a substitute for regulation [deleted] Especially not in trading. Trading itself relies on passing of bags. If I felt bad I wouldn’t be selling at the top. There’s always someone at the top that just got handed bags. Or once they get rich, they suddenly aren't altruistic anymore. [deleted] [deleted] Absolute power corrupts absolutely I’d do it and don’t care if it’s profitable. Just sustainable. Don’t care about the money. Chamath? Altruistic people don't care about getting rich; they can get rich, but they don't care to play that greedy game. [deleted] Came here to say this. A decentralised exchange would solve this issue. Wonder if you could use smart contracts for stocks Open 24hrs. None of this after market/opening bell nonsense. Boycott Tradin212 and shift to a new platform for now. They already have multiple owners and a board of directors and regulators. It's very rare to see a single person to control multi billion dollar companies. So, I am not sure what you mean by more owners, as they usually are. Why would anyone work there then though? In a capitalist society, 50k a year isn’t a lot of money. That means your office will be in the boonies. Nobody wants to live in the boonies so you’ll have close to no talent. [removed] You think Elon musk cares about you? Oh boy It’s infuriating. I’m a Senior Technical Product Manager in app development, My expertise is building strategy, roadmaps and product vision. With a developer on my side we can have an app out very soon. I’d be willing to dip into some winnings to get this off the ground. If enough interested, I have some small capital I have been waiting for the perfect time to invest! Federate it our itll disappear like a discord server How do we move forward with your propose plan? A single ant will be crushed by a lion but a colony of ants can kill EVERY SINGLE animal that exists including us. We need this now more than ever, with more people waking up due to unemployment(no pond intended) Tell us how to get on board. Im pretty sure just making an OP post would be a good rallying place I’m an engineering student that would love to help in any way he can. Me too. Have experience building things and doing R&D. I love the idea and would be 100% in. > WSB has 4 million followers that is not negligible. You're assuming 4 million members of WSB would trust random WSBers with their money. I'm in Nope me too about 10 seconds after this. Someone made a phone call on the bat phone. Yea, about 35 seconds after I posted that I looked and I was getting lubed up by them. Such BS. I just emailed Robinhood asking why I can’t buy GME. It’ll be interesting to see what they say. That’s so crazy. I just bought a share when I posted this like 5 minutes ago. Now it’s saying I can’t buy more. Make sur to use the red crawon to let them no ur serius 🦍 strong together > This looks illegal, what they are doing. *IF* (and this is a big *if*), anyone goes to prison over it, they'll just be pardoned by the next republican president. That's because it is **100% illegal.** I don't know why people are tip toeing around it or keep saying ""it sounds like..."" or ""this has to be..."" or ""isn't this....?"". **This is 100% market manipulation.** They are committing a **CRIME.** But, you know, these assholes are used to getting away with this kind of shit for so long they are brazen enough to do it. Yeah when you look at it that way me selling at 10000 is better than holding out for 42069 That wouldn't be protecting the little man. That would be a way to leave the little man holding the bag There are other ways to quickly transfer funds, but I haven't explored those avenues with Fidelity. I opened a new account a while back for this type of trading and the bank transfer took a couple days. Also sold one of my positions to drop more into GME.. took 48 hours to settle the funds from that sale. I could have traded on margin, but that requires another application and a significant amount of funds to get approved. They have some pretty clear instructions on their website about how that works. Overall, very happy with them. Revolut also doesn't sell stocks where I am (Belgium) because of Brexit. Bah Revolut is trash, especially if you're in the UK you get fucked by exchange rates Revolut keeps bugging out when I try to top off Degiro told me to wait 10 working days to get my account validated Etoro blocks buying GME as well I don't know, yesterday I had to wait for 45 minutes after market open to buy GME. Also they have extremely low ratings on trustpilot. I'm going to switch from them after this event. After uk left, revollut is UK only. I have been trying to transfer money from my checking into my brokerage account and it's only giving me the option to put it in my Roth IRA [deleted] That's amazing! Didn't know that! I use n26 Can you trade options with revolut? Are there trading fees? They have potatoes servers tho. The app was unreachable for one hour ystday afternoon. [deleted] Jesus dude. Leave some yachts for the rest of us. Delisted from Robin hood, It's now called CannTrust, cant remember off the top of my head what it was called before. It's probably because gambling is illegal in most of America, but reddit's concept of how casinos work literally comes from Oceans 11 and card counting movies. That’s exactly what i did last year, best decision i made Agreed > Plus, vanguard is owned by its customers, so there’s that. This is the big point. No shareholders means other big companies can't put undue influence onto Vanguard. Vanguard owes his allegiance to its customers and no one else. Can we buy gme via Schwab? Wth RH Same I tried to buy N*** this morning and order was refused. Just left them a nasty feedback on the app. Chill brah...I used my Biden bucks. Soon I will have 2 subzero fridges like big knockers Nancy. I don't do individual stock trading, but I've had a Vanguard account my entire adult life and hold about 160k worth of VTSAX. Vanguard has always been good to me, so I can recommend them. They're owned by their customers too, so they treat their customers extremely well compared to other companies in my experience. I'm not sure what their user experience is like for individual stock trading, but I'm sure once you open an account an employee will be happy to talk you through it. I use ETrade, bought AMC and NOK with it - AMC still trading fine. Not really bad, just less easy. Same here. Got a note this morning say *I* cancelled it. Same with Nokia. [deleted] You think Melvin uses RH? Yeah about 5 minutes after I posted that comment they removed opening new positions on GME, AMC, and NOK. I imagine the plan is that they’ve stopped the buying to stop the share price increasing any more. People will start to sell and this will increase the float and the price will start coming down. When the price gets low enough they’ll start getting bought up by people covering short positions. I’d hope that if your buy order was already in it would go through. Who knows though. Dirty tricks being played here. Not stupid at all mate - don’t worry about it. So some trading platforms have blocked buying AMC and GME stocks! I use Interactive Investor which is a U.K. broker so can’t advise you any further. Okay, I never said it did. However I've had like four people respond to me and still nobody is able to articulate which law is being broken. Seems to me like this isn't actually illegal and as per usual Reddit has whipped itself into a frenzy about something that people are largely ignorant about. [deleted] August 2021 That's also how people starve. Holding our assets is our best bet. And on top of that, WeBull has not restricted trading of these stocks. We can always switch platforms That’s odd. I purchased $100 worth of it this morning at 7:00am EST and it was accepted. I wonder if they will cancel it any minute now me too and i'm confused what that means! it's not showing me as owning the stock yet but still has GME in my portfolio Robinhood is down for me 1/29 options can't be bought on RH but they added new options for next Friday, they just won't load until market opens. What options are you looking at for AMC? You ever notice they don't even have stocks up if they can't get a discount? Seems like a lost opportunity for them to get paid in other ways it's so stupid It's fucking bullshit. It's my god damn money to YOLO not theirs to block. Wish id known about GS2C this morning or I'd have bought the dip Well im a conspiracy maxi so you already can guess what I think. How fucking coincedental and convenient that the extent they wish to save us from risk is TWO SPECIFIC STOCKS >Freedom of speech as an idea, and the concept of censorship, are not only defined by the American constitution. They exist in many contexts. I understand that but the vast majority of the time when people call ""censorship"" it's pretty clear they believe that their legal rights are being violated. >The first amendment is only one legally enforced protection against it, in one country. FWIW, speech laws - in pretty much every other nation that have them - fairly closely resemble the US version. I can't think of any country that would count what Robinhood or 212 is doing as genuine, legally-prohibited censorship. Google deleted 100,000 negative reviews of Robinhood yesterday! Can you believe that shit?!! I just don't understand what fairyland people live in that wallstreet of all things would let this shit happen without being scummy fuckheads. Welcome to reality, the rich don't give a fuck and have a completely different set of rules than the average person. They'll just say it's communism and plug their ears Yea thats true. To be honest, I'm completely new to stocks right now, still learning alot. I bought a few stocks of GME but would never put my life saving into it. Sure you can 'DUMB SHIT'. [Here's a nice article](https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/investing/switch-brokers-move-investments) on how! :D I thought that comment was referring to them not being able to ""buy"" stocks thus them missing out on the opportunity to gain money. I'm sorry to hear you are losing money. I don't know enough about the whole story to talk about what's going on with your current situation. The whole thing sounds dodgy but private companies probably wrote into the terms and conditions that they can do this..... Are the mechanics still there? I want to hold Hell yea, stay strong you legend. 💪 Only time will tell. I had a little BB. Maybe 2% of my total with them. This is more about them protecting the hedge funds. Screw em The only items worth holding at this point are the stocks everyone is trying to squeeze. Defiant hold onto those. If it’s just a common stock like $APPL and so on, I would liquidate and move to another broker. Copy that! That for the quick reply!Cheers this is gonna get into some real legal weirdness isn't it... I keep thinking about the the potential overlap with Citizens United and money as protected political speech... Let me clarify the question. If I place an order with robinhood on a symbol, would I see that in the exchange order book or is an intermediary handling it in their own pool? Sorry, do you mind clarifying further. Do you mean an official venue market maker or an intermediary acting in that capacity? Don’t get me wrong, I’m sick of the Wallstreet and the scummy business practices from places like Robinhood too, but I don’t have much money and wanted to know if buying and holding was a good idea. That’s all I mean honestly? the market will reopen tomorrow and they've said they'll open buying back up again. i'm planning to buy as soon as it's opened back up but like i said, don't listen to me. i could be making a mistake too. but i think it'd be dumb to cash out too early, let's see next week what happens You’re right about the fees but I haven’t had any worries with putting orders in. Although I think that’s just down to luck Not anymore Robinhood isn't even available in my location What source do you expect to find? Of course they're letting their big partners buy. If they weren't, they'd stop trading in that stock entirely, rather than only allowing retail customers to sell. Fuck.. sorry man.. i guess some class action lawsuits going their way now too This can’t be real...how is that legal? > pic.twitter.com/o9XCdL9ND1 Looks like someone was on margin and RH just liquidity it. Might be the reason why the SP dropped to 120 today. A lot of automatic liquidation. It really is good reasoning though - what else should we look at in light of/in spite of all the hoopla? What’s up your sleeve at the moment? I have no clue either. I only put in what I could afford to lose so I'm not worried. I'm trying to get some insight from people who know more than me. It sounds like the wall street insiders arw just using eveey tool they have to illegally effect the market then. I doubt they were fans of schwab and the others who democratised stock ownership and put a whole lot of shadyass brokers and seathokders out of business. These guys probably just dont have tbe clout to reach tbat high I fully expect the sec and .gov in general to rescue them and screw you guys Twitter people reporting webull has opened it back up. Yahoo shows AH price over $12. I know absolutely nothing about stock market, but after reading all that's going on my I out $60 in AMC on CashApp today. Other have told me to hold til close tomorrow and some have said wait til Monday. Do you think it has a shot of getting back to $20 if it's opened back up fully? Could it go higher than that? Wow. You're copypasta. Didn't recognize you in your mask. You take care now. Imwas able to on my Charles Schwabb account You can use eTrade and Fidelity from my understanding. [deleted] [deleted] Wurd [deleted] Super delayed, but I get what you’re saying and think option players getting screened a little harder isn’t the worst thing that could happen. In general though, if no one bats an eye when I blow my life savings on a ton of lottery tickets then their pearl clutching at YOLOs seems disingenuous. I’m pretty sure they’re going to cancel the order when the market opens. But if it goes through then I have no idea if it’s worth it, I’m keeping my shares but not buying more. My point was that they are 100% allowed to do this. Everyone agreed to let them hold the bar. Just buying like 4 stocks just in case Blows my mind how many people use ""free services"" then get outraged when they discover how much of their data is being collected and monetized. What are you even talking about? Yes, it's a private company rigth? What? I'm talking about cancel culture in general. It is a part of free market I put 12 into it lmao but it pending smh Are you kidding? WeBull, CashApp, Vanguard, etc There are so many brokers out there. Find one that will let you get in. I can buy on WeBull. Im poor as fuck but went ahead and got 10 shares of AMC at around 12 a pop. Not saying it will go up, but not saying it’ll go down either. Hold till next week I agree most people trying to get in / a lot of people on WSB use robinhood. If they can’t buy, and assuming they switch platforms, it’ll take like two days for them to pump the stock back up (best case scenario?) but people are gonna sell and with less people to buy its time to hop ship at least for now if you want to be smart about it. Dude you're a 100 karma account that needs to go to karma farming reddits because you're such a racist troll. Try and understand the internet before you try and manipulate it you shill The problem is that 95% of this is due to activity from RH due to the commission-less trading, so until that's lifted, everything is in a major state of flux. Number generator? Just something I like to do. I make ok money at work, no kids so have some free time, and empathy for my fellow man. Not much else to it. Agreed. I hate it. Well clearly it's worth 240$ if it's selling for 240$ you knob head. Free trades, it’s great. No problems Just bought one share through Fidelity. I know she is a polarizing figure, but I see AOC is aware of this and is tweeting about being willing to start an investigation into Robinhood and other platforms doing this. Her quote being, ""As a member of the Financial Services Committee, I'd support a hearing if necessary"". I got into stocks back in December and I’m still learning. I wish I had invested in GME months ago too hahaha Fair enough. But I’m assuming people that have had their money taken out are having the same problem however. That what happens when you become a member of a “mob of morons” that have no clue about what they are actually doing. webull just unblock it It wouldn't necessarily work just because a stock is shorted. GME was an extreme example and that's why the hedge fund is on the hook to make good on it. It's like they left the ledge and went out on a tightrope. The squeeze is that wsb is standing on the ledge making them pay an entrance fee to get back to safety. Without that incentive, we all could go pile on nextGreatStock and have a great party with the price but there's no deep pockets to empty out. We'd just be gambling against each other ... like playing a normal lottery. That's why it sucks that they halted trading of the shares. They wouldn't halt trading if a normal investor walked off a ledge onto a tightrope, they told you not to do that, silly! But, when they do it... Over a year ago u /deepfuckingvalue saw an opportunity on it and put 50k or something nuts in it. About a month ago things really started going. That's about the time I started lurking on wsb I'm not bought in on gme but I have big interest in bb and nok. I have huge interest in gme because I hate wealthy people in the club that actively keep common folk down. Interesting To trade any stock you must agree to some broker's terms and conditions. Notice it wasn't just robinhood, but almost all major retail-focused brokers stopped trading GME, AMC, NOK all at once. If I have to agree to terms and conditions I can't negotiate on that give any broker full rights to do whatever they want with my money and stock (robinhood also FORCIBLY sold people's stock [bought in cash] today)... Then idiots like you tell me I'm a fool for agreeing to terms and conditions?? Okay sure, it's definitely not rigged against retail then Edit: not to mention that market manipulation, which is exactly what was done by preventing an entire segment of the market from trading, is explicitly illegal (and US law generally supercedes terms and conditions if you weren't aware) I just signed up too...it declined my first try through my bank, which my bank sent me a text message to approve or deny transaction. I hit accept and I went back in and did it again and it went through i want more than a $50 check but this will set precedent for these rich pieces of shit who have been dicking the rest of us since the dawn of civilization probably lol why the fuck is that level of greed idolized and promoted? it fucks me up that during an art auction, which is ridiculous in itself for old paintings that should be available to everyone who wants to see them, not that i even give a fuck about art or paintings like that, but when do people clap during the auction? not when it’s brought out but when it’s sold for a ghastly amount of money. like good job for being rich, money is so cool isn’t it? lmao fuck that shit EAT THAT RICH ASS Look at all the one star reviews RH is getting now. Fuck them. I hope the people responsible for fucking us over pay for it, but I really doubt that will happen. We must organize a real strike now. Truly hit them hard. I suggest starting on January 30th we begin a general strike paired with real protest. Their allegiances have been further revealed as they try and freeze the market to hurt the poor man. We can show them a freeze. ORGANIZE! JANUARY 30th!! [deleted] J A I L The lawyer's fees, fines, and settlements that they will pay will be less than what they would lose from letting the price rise. ex act ly F U B A R? I. Can't. Wait! Would it be a good idea for people to attempt yo sell (knowing they can’t). So if there is a class action you have proof that they caused you harm? If you didn’t try to sell, they can say their actions didn’t cause you any damage. We. Are. Farmers. Class. Warfare. WW3. Fuck that, all that will do is give everyone a little bit of money and then they'll go back to doing the same shit. I want these chucklefucks JAILED for this shit. I'm creating a robinhood account today just so I can be denied that trade Already at least one filed! Wouldn’t mind if anonymous stepped in and started leveling the playing field on these fucks. This is criminal and we have no way to fight back! Jail Time It’s already been filed. Reddit people move quick lol Nah I’m lawyering up solo. Have fun with $5 prize money. I want to get paid on a class action lawsuit for just witnessing this hypocrisy. They'd rather deal with the class action lawsuit. Rich people love the courts. Even *if* they lose, the punishment will be far less than the amounts that would have been lost I’m looking for a source, but I keep seeing people saying one has been filed. Terms Of Service Indemnity. Clause. A N A L R A P I S T Boom goes the dynamite Can. Not. Wait! Filing my SEC complaints tomorrow, bc I need something fun to do on a Friday nowadays. Just like always nothing will be done. CAL wont happen and if it does nothing will come of it. Welcome to the Justice System, brought to you by corrupt capitalism. Always has been. A lawsuit has been made. How can I join it? This. Is. The. Way. Suck. A. Fatman.... Robinhood. It will never go through, remember that user agreement you signed? I know my smooth my brain wants this to be the first comment I’ve ever awarded. I just wish I could read :/ i.e. ergo ipsum cum laude, shiv them in the Ken doll where it hurts. 🦀💎🦀 No lawsuit. It’ll get thrown out. It’s in Robinhoods terms and conditions. By using the app you agree to waive any class action and agree to arbitration. This is the kind of stuff that legitimately capitol storming worthy. They stole our money and from my purview they’re getting away with it. One has been filed in New York. Facebook and Twitter blocking and de-platforming people and groups =/= illegal. Citadel intentionally manipulating the market == illegal. Private companies aren't bound by the first amendment but they're still bound to the law. This is kind of different, because the stock market PER SE is not a private company but private companies allow you to access it, this is like your internet provider saying you can't access x site because they get money if x site doesn't get traffic Edit: also Twitter wasn't in a conflict of interest situation, they technically lost revenue by banning trump and his followers One is a time out on a social media account after several warnings and inciting violence. The other is manipulating markets, and are going against their industry regulations. Big difference Apples and oranges here. Facebook and Twitter are private platforms, not free press. Robinhood is a brokerage to the free market. Wow how people can draw comparisons between intel event things amazes me. How about you just argue in good faith? Facebook gives you access to Facebook not some generic online forum. You don’t need Facebook to accomplish anything. I cannot trade without a brokerage account. Robinhood gives you access to the stock market, the same one for everyone. The stock market itself is regulated and they are breaking those regulations. Those two things aren’t the same at all Doesn't mean people can't complain about it and point it out so that they and others realize that they should all move on to another option. But also, the financial industry is regulated a little bit differently from other industries, so I feel like they aren't afforded the same freedoms other companies in other industries are FinTech is hiiighly fucking regulated relative to Social Media—totally different playing field Fighting the good fight brother..respect Wikipedia already did that They would have to wait to issue more shares until after the squeeze right? Its very true, the main reason to prevent the common joe doe from buying out is two folds, to prevent joe doe from attaining a healthy wealth status by keeping him as a struggling working bee and the later is to prevent joe doe from scavenging therefore preventing competition's of a buy out. The Rothschilds and their affiliates are well known to buy out shares in these types of scenarios and currently own close to nearly 70% of industires globally, let that sink in for a bit. or eat them. 🥰 You can’t tax the rich without removing incentive to be rich. >FINRA Thanks just submitted. Probably end up in the trash bin. That's exactly as I read it. Mitigate the risk to our clients who have shorted the stock... If you’re not paying for a service, you’re the product not the client. RH traders are just automatons that generate flow for the HFs. The HFs are the clients, since RH earns money from them. Robinhood mitigated it's dick into your ass, that's all you need to understand. Sounds like the election This is such a good point. I hadn’t thought of it like that. It’s almost like you just laid out their case in court if they were to be sued or something. They get to claim “ we told you we were protecting our clients! Our clients the hfs!” Please keep antisemitism, racism, and sexism out. Giving them an easy way to suggest criminality is definitely not smart. Especially given that the media is already aligning WSB with alt-right (at least trying) groups. The only problem is the billionaires who profiteered off of all of us suffering the past year, and so many years before that. Ru row Is that the dullest thing you can think of? [deleted] I sense a major media spin being worked on for Friday. These billionaires will try to band together. ​ We the APES control our own destiny... TO MARS with ELON There are Plenty of X’s in here right alongside you...whippersnapper Got anything true to report? [deleted] This is the way! [deleted] I think they meant congress is mainly made up of millionaires aka there's hardly ever any working class people ""representing"" us. Edit: added words I mean, most wars are this You’re probably going to get shit for this comment, but unfortunately I agree wholeheartedly. There is no chance the establishment would encourage something that actually works, and the current circus that is American politics serves only as a distraction from the fact that the left and the right are both wings on the same corrupt, shitty bird. When we remove identity politics, the truth becomes clearer, but it seems the more access to knowledge we gain, the less collective interest there is in the truth. I don’t pretend to have the solutions to the problems we now face, but I do know one irrefutable truth: the same politics and people who made this mess, are not going to be the ones to get us out of it. We are on our own. Idk man that’s a real slippery slope into some crazy fucking shit. Sounds like an episode of black mirror. About 3% of the population is capable of acting on principle when it directly conflicts with their ability to survive by the rules the ruling class makes for us. Propaganda works extremely well on everyone else. Oh shit, you noticed a pattern behind the people doing criminal manipulation. Better slander the person who got you to think wrongly about this! That's a fair point. If you think wealth and greed had nothing to do with it you're extremely naive. George Washington didn't sign the Declaration of Independence, he was a retired British Officer at the time and they had no idea he would volunteer to lead the army. But whatever, feel free to live in ignorance. Oh and not to mention he was rich before. Sorry you are reading a work of fiction I guess in this case retard WSB ape’s took down Gulliver in his travels 😂 Why did I read this to the melody of Beauty and the Beast? A dictatorship of capital perhaps? I could have sworn a beardy German man said the exact same thing one time...... No, that's for when other people start working together. > Idk why people think markets are magically going to stop doing the things they've always done. Decades of propaganda The perpetual cycle of grifting. High-interest rates on credit for those without cash + our credit score system that locks you out of everything from finding a job to getting into a basic apartment if you don't play the game their way. Think about this - the more long term debt you have, the higher your score. Pay off a loan and your score plummets. Slavery has been perfected. No more chains or whips or plantations. It's cheaper AND more profitable to let people be 'free' and desperate. Right. I learned this when I used a lump sum from a fender bender to pay off my first credit card in my early 20s. I soon learned that your credit score tanks when you pay off debt in one go. Such bullshit. That's what the person said, why repeat? Worst case, they might turn into a bunch of damned [deadbeats](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/deadbeat.asp)! Yyyyyyyyup. What good does 20k in a lump sum do when you can bleed them for 60k over the next 4 years. I'm not wealthy at all, but at least I'm out of debt finally. I'd never go back to that hell for anything. I'll live in my Honda and shit in a bucket before I go back to working three jobs just to pay my credit cards and overpriced mortgage. The fucking thousands of dollars I had to pay to close my first house mortgage “early” just so I could pick up another mortgage from the same bank. The chance of success of a company doing that with a person is called the person's ""credit rating"" 😋 Not just the interest, they package debt into securities and sell those off as well. Lots of money to be made! They don’t want you to pay back your debt. They want you keep paying the interest forever. Lenders tend to try to create a revolving door of new customers or rig the game so that the loans people need to borrow have to be ever bigger (bigger loan principal = more interest $). That's why we have a small number of huge megabanks who lend trillions in mortgages every year. There's only so much land, and as more people compete for buying homes, the price of homes going up means the amount buyers need to borrow (and thus interest payments) also keeps going up. That's why the best way to fuck over the greedy realtors, mortgage banks, and hedge funds is to nationalize the land value growth instead of letting the vultures keep profiteering off of it. We need a land value tax, and we need it *now*. I dunno about holding onto GameStop for months. I feel like this is going to go pear-shaped soon All of this doesn't change how openly manipulative these moves are. This is some of the shadiest shit I've ever seen and I just went through 4 years of our past administration. [deleted] I bought about a third of a share yesterday when they were priced at $350. When I woke up this morning I was up $66. $66 on $110 isn't bad at all. Then robinhood intervened and the stock price started to fall. My point is, even those who got on late had (have?) an opportunity to make money. > For the past 5 weeks you could have bought at literally anytime and made money. 5 weeks ago is the definition of ""early"". Also, it's paper gains until they cash out, and when they cash out, it's often on the backs of other ordinary people. So Melvin isn't playing with my mom's retirement as a gov employee ? That's good to hear, thanks. (I don't know shiiiiiit about any of this) I know, I fucking hate that, I'm so glad to see what WSB is doing and that's it freaking out the old boys. But if that money is from actual workers and people, and the company loses it, then the gov bails them out ... we the people are still the losers. I guess we just have to prevent them from spinning the story against us to help them more control in the future ? shit i didn't make anything myself just for my mom lol but yeah I feel ya jelly tho, wish I made some myself glad I made a good amount for my mom though :) I have the same message. Do you know any trading platforms with instant deposit that is still allowing purchase of $GME? Cant seem to close positions either. Getting “something went wrong” errors. My orders were just cancelled I just bought Nokia and amc on cashapp >You bet I'm holding mine. What if they just sell them for you tomorrow? I mean at this point why wouldn't they? I have like 2 shares of AMC & 1 share of gme... Obviously I don't have a huge amount of money tied up in all of this, but I'm out over $50 right now, so what's the point in selling? yup. can’t purchase additional shares atm [removed] [removed] Is there another app I can use besides RH? https://imgur.com/eOaGBdN.jpg yup. The billionaire club is saying fuck you to us plebs. I bought mine yesterday but had to try about 30 times before it actually went through. Currently not making much money. Do they have a desktop version you can access? Ok so what about those of us who have stock in AMC & GME? Same Yup they unsupported our darling GameStonk this morning. Vanguard still allows it! I bought some GME yesterday, and today it says I can’t buy anymore, just sell it. Same Same with koss it’s supposed to shoot up today WHY are anybody stil on RH???Tranfer to CHARLS SHWAB...much much better Changing stocks bought to value bought seemed to work for others.. rH has a 25k share limit in extended hours I purchased 1 share of GME at 5am (central time) yesterday and got an email at 4pm just after markets closed that my order was cancelled. I sent them a nice email laying out how disgusting they are for standing behind billionaires at the expense of average citizens. These people have been manipulating the markets and fleecing people for decades, now that the shoes on the other foot all of a sudden it's a problem? FUCK you Robin Hood and any other platform that does this. This is fucking bullshit. “Robinhood” but in reverse. Robinhood got no GaME. Wow! 'Our Own Safety'!! Like we are children!?! My BB calls were cancelled yesterday. I did not cancel them. It's infuriating. ""stop hitting yourself"" They better value the closing at closing hours previous day. I won't be a happy camper otherwise, since they hit us with this ""good morning, you can't trade"" crap Yes but it’s not called market manipulation when it’s done by those with the power to pull the strings. [removed] Exactly. The only ones who can buy now are those who are short —> hedge funds. Mega market manipulation Is it me or is Robinhood the new Sheriff of Nottingham Sell to hedge funds who are short. This is pure manipulation. All brokers have forbidden new trades on GME Mine won't even let me buy shares currently. You can't buy shares either now. You can only ""trade"" them. Holy cow! Mine says “this stock is not supported on robinhood” at the bottom of the screen for gme Even that is fucked. I did the Same and literally one minute ago I got an email notification saying my order has been canceled. Bs I can’t wait to make lawyers rich and get a $6 check from the class action lawsuit that will occur. By 2000, six corporations had ownership of over 90% of our media, and today five dominate the industry: Time Warner, Disney, Murdoch's News Corporation, Bertelsmann of Germany and Viacom This has only consolidated since Our “news” is billionaire propaganda, and has been for over a decade [deleted] GME 🚀 Things are changing and I can see where these liars fail. They'd be better off letting it play out because sentiment is shifting toward truth and the next generation of truth-tellers will get all the love. Just watch. The liars are missing the massive movement and they'll lose loyalty en masse it's coming. Robin Hood is done. How do you fail at your basic job, who would pay. This will go down in history as the “I can’t breathe” of the US Economy. I remember back when the We Are The 99% protests were going on and it seemed like we were all on the same page, and then shortly after that you saw a big push in the media to divide us politically on everything (not that certain conversations didn't need to happen). I think it's funny that things have swung back around again to money. You want to unite the common man on an issue? Fuck with theur wallet. 2020 cancel culture, 2021 Expose culture! I'm having fun in 2021! Oh that sounded catchy! I like that! It is definitely a club, but is it wrong-think to talk about exactly which club? Gabe Plotkin - Melvin Capital CIO & Founder Andrew Left - Short seller at Citron Research Adena Friedman - NASDAQ CEO who halted trading to protect short sellers Jacob Frenkel - Former SEC Lawyer on CNBC backing the short sellers Steve Cohen - Owner of Point72 who is bailing out Melvin with $750m What do we do? Who do we vote for? Bernie was our best shot, sad he didn’t get the support. Both sides suck. Its like two brothers fighting and we're the new guy trying to pick on one brother. So now they gang up to beat us up. Always has been and always will be. Yeah, that’s what this is. People on reddit are trying to spin this as “evil corporashun”. Fox News as “muh free speech, evil big tech”. They’re all retards, just like WSB. Everyone is trying to turn this into a political event to bait clicks on their channel/ website/Twitter/Instagram page. They want people to be all pissed off at each other because pissed off people generate Ad revenue. This isn’t something to get pissed off about. This is a triumph of ingenuity, technology, and motivation coming together to overcome staid, ossifying institutions. Please don’t buy into all the people here who are trying to turn this into another flash mob. They’re tearing us apart to serve their short term benefit. Both wings belong to the same bird, my friend. Warren did as well Almost as if someone bordering on a leftist cares about the common people while the two main ""sides"", both pro-corporate/pro-capitalist, don't give a shit about the working man. Maybe we should start listening to those ""annoying progressives"". They may sometimes get annoying and wokescoldy, but ffs at least they actually back up normal non-corporate people when push comes to shove. I'll take that any day. Because I legit feel like she's the only one that cares. I hope she doesn't get jaded I think it’s a perfect opportunity for AOC and her crew to show how progressive they really are, call for an investigation into how all these trading apps colluded with Wall Street to block the average Joe from the free market. Sending out a tweet shouldn’t get politicians as many brownie points as it does. Rep. Ted Lieu was positive about Reddit on Twitter this morning. I saw the libertarian candidates (Spike Cohen) backing you guys up or more accurately cheering you all on! Warren and Robert Reich Never thought i would be on the same side of an issue as AOC, but here I am. I do not own GME, but they absolutely need to investigate these funds not allowing people to purchase. Blatent market manipulation. Ben Shapiro saw AOC's feet were involved and backed us as well, and even Trump Jr. was tweeting #GMEtotheMoon. I think with this Robinhood bullshit today could be crazy. We're already back to 280 after dipping to 125...and I'm hoping more people with reach chime in and shit gets climbing. Even Ben Shapiro is backing us up. Ted Cruz just called on the SEC to look into what Robinhood did along with AOC AOC 2028 Not a fan of her overall. But, she went up a few notches. If you think AOC is on ""our"" side you aren't listening. Politicians say what they need to say to get your attention for votes/support. Talk is fucking cheap, she won't do shit. Rashida Tlaib called out Feinstein for making undisclosed trades via her husband and then just saying ""oopsie guess I'll pay the fine"" yesterday too. Multiple People on Twitter are literally crying about it because she is attacking another democrat. As long as the 80 year old corrupt politician is part of the right tribe who cares if they game the market!? AOC and Bernie are two of the very few actual progressives your country has. Over here, even our most conservative politicians wouldn't dare speak ill of universal healthcare. They'd be ostracized from their own party. [https://twitter.com/AOC/status/1354830697459032066?s=20](https://twitter.com/AOC/status/1354830697459032066?s=20) Ted Cruz, AOC, and Ben Shapiro (and Ja Rule) all agree this is fucked. Trump jr and Ted Cruz did as well. Ted Cruz and Ben Sharpo lol! Exactly. Mainstream Media: ""Hey that black dude is stealing your cookie!"" Also MSM: *ignores the financial elite slowly backing away with entire tray of cookies* > Pretty much all the MSM in the US works for the corporations. Because all of mainstream media is owned by huge corporations. They are the corporations mouthpiece, no ours. We don't have one. All MSM in the US ARE corporations. All the MSM *are owned by* the corporations. FTFY. Agreed. It’s truly shocking how many people can’t see right through their pandering. It’s so obvious. Of course they work for the corporations; the corporations are their customers. Us consumers are what they sell. This shouldn't be news to anyone, it's been true since the dawn of the advertising age. Yup, anyone who thinks media companies like CNN or MSNBC aren't remarkably biased by corporate interests and don't only pay lip service to supporting ""the people"" haven't been paying attention. OWS they interviewed every incoherent idiot to make the movement look bad. Not once was anyone articulate enough to present cogent points interviewed. This was entirely on purpose. Last time I watched CNN, all they did was bash the progressive wing of the Democratic party and talk about how ""The US is a moderate country"" and ""universal healthcare just isn't right for our country,"" and other nonsense. They're so clearly conservative on everything that isn't a social issue, it's ridiculous. They're just conservatives that don't hate black, brown, and gay people. Why does your country refuse to talk about actual economic policies and instead just argue about social issues all day?? [deleted] The same thing they always say: Anything we don't like is nazis/trump/q/terrorism/russian/incels. Little do they know, gamers have heard worse insults from 11 year olds over a headset. It wasn't very effective. Yeah, it's funny to see people complain about ""liberal CNN"" and then go off on how obviously not-liberal they are. Nah, it's that they're liberals, not leftists. You can't just throw all that shit together and expect an intelligible result. CNN never where even slightly leftist. Center right is exactly what American liberals are... Yeah open carry is more comfortable but you’re making yourself a target. My point is the media will demonize anyone that is a threat. We are a threat to Wall Street right now so you’ll see articles calling us white supremacists and saying Melvin is innocent and a victim [deleted] This isn’t a free market. This sir, is a casino AMC dropped 64% because of these trading platforms today. We should sue tbh. r/stopRottenlongcucmber r/stopRottenlongcucmber [deleted] [deleted] While I would love to believe it, these hedge funds have so much money some of them could basically go to a company and say ""do this, there will be a class action but we will cover all the costs and give you this on top"" And they would do it because they could lose even more money if what they are trying to prevent were to happen. We need completely decentralized trading. Which is fucking trash because they are artificially limiting the buying pool, thus the stock drops, but then saying ""oh you can close your position"" Weird... I just tried to buy AMC, market order, and get this message when clicking confirm - Opening orders are currently blocked for this security. Your order has not been placed. (RES_AER_0846) I meant in terms of trading. Robinhood is an app for ‘beginners’. TD Ameritrade, E*TRADE, they’re both okay but they’re not as institutionalized as Merrill is even now. I’d be surprised if Fidelity put a halt on trades. [deleted] [This](https://i.imgur.com/X5H3PHV.jpg) may be a reason. Well shit Thanks Also fuck them Now it is. Sucks that I can't buy since I just opened the account. Yes. But it takes almost a week to process it. People don't want investigations, they want money. Investigations take time. Rescue checks/stimulus takes time. All this time goes by and everyone is told to do the best that they can to make it and be patient while they sort it out. Then, when we figure out a way to claw some of that money back from the rich cats ... just a small fraction of what they keep taking ... we need to back off again and wait for another investigation? I'm seriously tired of this shit. ETA: I'm not even in this fight because I came too late and the one share I 'bought' somehow got unwound then everyone got locked out. It's not about the money (cash) for me, it's about the stolen value of the country that's in some macabre game of keep away while the people are dying. I think it was 140% of the total amount of share existing to the GME cap? I think it's this one https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l73giz/first_of_many_lawsuits_i_hope_out_of_this/gl4s4o5?context=3 Long live the blockchain! I will die for the blockchain! No shit. I don't. that’s literally all there is So you're saying we only vote for communists and socialists, that will solve this problem? It’s not true capitalism tho, it’s broken capitalism we have never had true capitalism in the west and that’s why things are how they are look at all the big companies that regulations have saved and bailed out using our tax dollars and yet we saw nothing in return, if you had a truly free market then it would be controlled by the mass of people “consumers” not the hedge funds because in a true capitalist environment if a company can’t please the consumer then it dies, so the retail investors sure while we don’t have the individual wealth we would make up the majority as it should but it’s all the neo liberal regulations that save the asses of the big banks and hedge funds that allow us to be put down, it’s not that you should stop voting for the capitalist politisions it’s that you need to vote for the right ones that are completely libertarian and want to remove the regulations because otherwise your other options include socialist who want to steal your money and raise your taxes even more as well as remove your right to enter the market on free will There are no capitalist politicians. Just varying degrees of neolibs and nationalists They stand for profits Neoliberalism according to [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neoliberalism): > Neoliberalism or neo-liberalism is the 20th-century resurgence of 19th-century ideas associated with economic liberalism and free-market capitalism. It is generally associated with policies of economic liberalization, including privatization, deregulation, globalization, free trade, austerity and reductions in government spending in order to increase the role of the private sector in the economy and society Progressivism, according to [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progressivism): > Progressivism is a political philosophy in support of social reform. Based on the idea of progress in which advancements in science, technology, economic development and social organization are vital to the improvement of the human condition, ... progressives take the view that progress is being stifled by vast economic inequality between the rich and the poor; minimally regulated laissez-faire capitalism with monopolistic corporations; and the intense and often violent conflict between capitalists and workers, arguing that measures were needed to address these problems. Indeed, these value systems seem very much at odds with each other. Hey silly dum dum, read your earlier comment and then read mine again, I will give that it’s a little confusing but you can put it together. We’re saying the same thing. They do treat penny's different, and I can understand some of it to be honest. What they should do is once you've reached a certain level of activity or portfolio size, back off on the amount of authorization for things like that. That's basically what happens with the pros in a suit. They hit a button and they buy/sell/bet immediately without any roadblocks. I'm sure their limit orders are the first to process ahead of ours too. Also, with the penny stocks, that's all penny stocks and it's something that is in place that you can plan for. People didn't go to bed last night thinking ""Oh yeah I'm comfortable knowing that there will be arbitrary one-way restrictions on stock trades for this specific security tomorrow"" For many of us, the hype is the investment strategy, the sustained demand is central to that. We know it won't last forever but now we're being punished because robinhood has arbitrarily decided what is best for everyone. [removed] Idk how to explain that but they are glitching alot today due to users [removed] Y'all giving them the benefit of the doubt that they mean *you* when they say ""clients""... no clue why you'd be so nice to them. They mean the companies that own them are losing money when you buy. Ya I had to check off so many liability disclaimers and terms & conditions just to install the app lol. Agreed. Changing the margin requirement is a totally fine device to protect the trading desk, but this reads like they are saying ""YOU CAN'T BUY"" which is preposterous. Why would they be afraid? They know who owns Congress and it's not the people This is why it's a contest of wills. If the retails traders banded together and go for blood, then cancel your stop-loss orders and if they insist you can only sell .. then fuck 'em. Put in your sell order at $42,069 a share. Yes, we need to spam social medias until the cnn picks it up, let's see if they can ipo with 80% of their customers gone Yeah I always recommend Fidelity or Etrade to anyone asking - I never trusted Robinhood not to pull stunts like this but I never thought it would be this egregious From the UK so we don’t have as many options. Most you have to pay to just keep open but that’s better than this situation [deleted] [deleted] I’m watching from the sidelines cheering you guys on. I hope for the best, but I don’t have a ton of confidence. Aaaand thats stock manipulation. A short is a risky bet. They lost that bet. If they bought regular stock, the most they'd ever lose was what they put in. Dumb games earn dumb rewards. Over-shorting is a reeeeeally dumb game. No, otherwise you could profit from arbitrage positions. Of course it follows supply&demand, but why would you buy in one exchange if another one was cheaper? HFT would use that as arbitrage and simply buy the cheaper exchange stocks and sell it on the expensive exchange for some free money and balancing out the price I'm not going to pretend I'm super knowledgeable about this. Don't risk money you're not willing to lose. Unless we rise up and kill them all.... 75 bucks to transfer from Robin Hood Edit: ask your new broker for a refund for this fee. [deleted] C.R.E.A.M. homey, or did you forget? Always has been I enabled after hours trading online a week ago, no need to call. Also, I was able to buy a fraction of a share of AMC a couple days ago, but now I can't sell it online. I have to call them, and their wait times are insane. You can now sign up for AH trading in a matter of seconds, on their site. Fractions for other things though? I may be pretty dumb. I just opened an account with them today. I bought 6 shares of GME. I can’t, for the life of me, figure out where I need to be to see my position. I can click on GME stock and see the movement, but not my position. Any advice? I’m signed up now. Waiting out the hiding period. Can you buy GME through webull? Think bittorrents, yet run exchanges on them. Be unstoppable. Remember the pirate bay where they can shut off the frontend website, but not the network hosting the files, resulting in new websites as a proxy to the files? Now take that principle and use it for exchanges and other financial instruments. Everybody can use it because it is hosted on a decentralized network which nobody can shut down. If they take down the frontend, 5 new ones will come online. https://blog.coinbase.com/a-beginners-guide-to-decentralized-finance-defi-574c68ff43c4 If one had bought at the very top right before every recession since the 70’s and HELD, they would still be profitable. Don’t feel bad for selling at the top We are selling at the top to the overleveraged shorts (big hedgefunds) who cares. Yeah it does. The fact that you think that says more about you than anyone else. It absolutely does, plenty of people have willingly sacrificed their lives for the good of others. That's true selflessness. It's rare, but it exists. JOEY DOESN'T SHARE Right, you need to have some centralizing for settlement, dividends, registration, etc. Can’t have proxy statements sent, accurate pricing, etc without some centralizing that can mitigate manipulation and pure arbitrage plays (using price discrepancies to trade and profit). The us government just provided guidance for us banks to tokenize real world assets on the blockchain. This is closer than you imagine. Edit:. Can't post new comments for some reason... A centralized blockchain is no different than a database. You asked for it: [https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/gamestop-tokenized-stock-ftx/](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/gamestop-tokenized-stock-ftx/) Some people are willing to work for something they care about look at all the badasses in here sworn to hold GME through the crash just to watch the hedge funds burn. Not saying my rec is perfect just pulled it out my ass Ahhh, so that's the platform to swap to once it's time to cash out. Thank you No. What I mean is that he is using his money to bring newer technologies to the world rather than just making money and sitting on it. Whether Elon wants it or not there others who have also money out of it. I have no experience or cash to bring to the table but if ya get it up and running I'll use it over these other fucks. I lead the growth team for a major tech company. Happy to help out here with data science, optimization, ux, etc. You can count me in too. This community sticks together if nothing else. You would have thousands of customers without a single penny of advertising once word gets out around here. I would also use your app. RH always seemed to hype-scammy for me to even want to try. I'm willing to invest in this to help yall get off the ground. I'm a product manager in the insurance industry, I have no idea if that could be useful to you but insurance is pretty adjacent to the finance industry and I'd be willing to help if in some way I can. That's what some didn't understand. The app itself wouldn't take that long to develop. The only hurdles (time and resource consuming aspects are getting regulatory approval). You may want to have a chat with the people of Synthetix - [https://synthetix.io/](https://synthetix.io/) If it ever gets made, can you give a thought about offering it to your Nordic Neighbor as well? I’m in too if this ever happens I have some basic programming experience, not enough that I would trust it to handle money transactions, but if you get a team together, let me know and I will be glad to help where I can. I'm a Jr Software Engineer (1.5 YOE). I would be down for this. I’m a (not senior) Technical PM, and while I don’t have much skin in the game stock wise, this level of “rich v poor” is shocking and infuriating. I’d be glad to help out, if you want to connect. Okay guys, replying to myself to say that I have noted the points of contact of folks who are interested. I’d like to call out that so far we have user experience, solution architecture and project management, several developers (need to identify if front end / backend), a couple product managers and i believe someone in data science and marketing. The skill set represented and people willingness to coop this type of endeavor is exactly the right energy that we need! I do work for a major tech company and I’m about to start my meeting day, I’ll gather all the names of folks who have reached out and find a way to move us to a different place where we can begin some initial discussions. Please PM me if you’re interested with your background and skillset or if you are a willing investor! Talk soon! PMd you Crowd fundraising. Need to work out the needs in terms of required expertise. This has proven that the little guy can make a big impact. We have the skill set coming up here. I’ve PMd all who expressed interest. We have the makings of an agile team, and some folks have mentioned they want to invest. Over the next couple of days I’m going to put together a survey to further vet the skill set and viability then will set up an initial session to “poke holes” and discuss feasibility. Things can start moving very quickly if we crowdsource but I need to secure the right talent first. To be clear, I am very serious about getting this off the ground and I am exceptionally good at product strategy and collaboration, most of all I believe in why we’re doing this. Good idea! Let's see the response. I will make an OP post as soon as it’s a bit more tangible and defined. I’d like to be prepared for the hole poking that’s sure to come. As prepared as We can be anyway! PMd you Nah the conversion rate would be a fraction of those 4M but it's a defined user group to begin with. M O N K E Oh good point. At least it seems their no more buyers plan is not working for gme Bunch of brokers available in the Netherlands and presumably Belgium (disclaimer: I haven't tried any of these yet) * https://www.mexem.com/ * https://www.lynx.nl/ (apparently these two are IBKR resellers) * https://www.flatex.nl/ * ~~https://etoro.com/~~ [not anymore](https://etoro.tw/39plUHO) * https://capital.com/ [deleted] Degiro has GME Frankfurt but takes time to register. [deleted] Wow that's insane. They usually take 48 hours max from my experience. Fuck! Waiting for market open to spend some USD. Right now the button is still enabled. They do look a bit sketchy, but I always thought they are to big to scam their users. I would assume their infrastructure cant handle the load, but we wills see later. [deleted] I'm in Ireland and have bought all my GME on Revolut False you have to link the bank to the brokerage account. Google how to do it. Link Bank, select account, select the bank already linked to your roth, and youre good to go OK maybe I'm doing it wrong. I tried to start a 'stocks and shares ISA'. Im a total noob here just looking to make billionaires cry Does N26 work? Is it reliable does it allow GME? No, and the selection of markets is pretty limited but I can see them putting more focus on the trading service in future as they are constantly sending out surveys to customers asking how they can improve the trading. No, just shares. And it’s very limited. 1usd each if you don’t have a premium plan Trading212 was also unreachable at some point which never happened before [deleted] You don't even know the name of this company you've risked your capital on, and you think it deserves to be discussed here in any capacity? Are you touched in the head lad? Fidelity is the best in my opinion as well. I have just about all their product offerings. TD is going away anyway....slowly. They are just starting a 36-month project to roll it all into Schwab. Not saying not-to-hate TD. But for long-term decisions, maybe judge Schwab. Do they suck too? I have no idea. Yes, Schwab is allowing me to purchase on cash. Someone else reported that you could in a cash account. You can't use margin for it. Apparently change it to buying value vs stocks and it should work I placed an order during aftermarket trading last night and received a message stating I had ""cancelled"" my order this morning. Blackberry and Bed bath and beyond too. Right lol, I realized after I asked that it's kinda unprecedented times. Guess we will find out in 3, 2, 1.. Edit: just got the email from RH that order was canceled. Time to cancel RH. I'm in the UK too so i'll give it a look! thank you! I only bought 5 shares of AMC (just testing the waters for the first time), and it's down so much right now, I've lost $40, not a huge deal by any means but I'm scared of holding onto it and double the losses because no one can but them at the moment. What do you think? When they absorb TD there should be more and they might even allow you to use their ATM to deposit cash in the future. Isn’t TDA accounts going to become Schwab accounts later than that though? It went through for me. [deleted] Is anyone complaining that it violates the first amendment? Looks to me like people are just pissed about censorship and changing the rules for themselves and not everyone. Money talks. So if they didn’t think the money wasn’t gonna come for these apps, discord and Reddit than they’re all naive. Well, what is happening today could not really be forseen, all kinds of trading apps limiting the ability to buy, just to safe some big companies, feels very wrong Mechanics? And yes hold Did they stop the website again? Stop the Reddit thread? Yup, this is going to get super funky. I hope that RH and Citadel get fucked for all this but the gov is usually not that strict with financial firms Specifically intermediaries: [“When you buy or sell stocks on Robinhood, like many other brokerages, we send your order to market makers like Two Sigma, Citadel [Securities], and Virtu, instead of exchanges like NYSE](https://www.tradersmagazine.com/am/the-hidden-costs-of-robinhood) Editing to add: Citadel may place an order on NYSE if they need to, but they book some of it as well internally and also in [dark pools](https://www.reuters.com/article/citadel-darkpool-idUSL2N0LQ17H20140221) (Sorry for the old source but still relevant) 👌🏼 I just can't see any way how this can not be market manipulation. Only certain people can buy a stock? Seems too obvious. I hope that I’m still able to claim compensation due to the manipulation when the law suit goes through. My plan was to hold for ever, but I had no idea they could literally stop us from buying the stock, all the while allowing institutional investors to stay in.. I figured that if no one can buy, then how the hell will this keep going, but it appears to have rallied. Thank you I think I’m onto something. I looked into the lithium market. And it’s steady going up. And it makes sense. Check out romeo power and Piedmont lithium. I might buy whichever. Lithium is a key material for batteries for electric vehicles. And they way things are heading it wouldn’t be bad to buy low before it’s too late. That’s just my thoughts tho. Take a look and tell me what you think. Not sure yet. I’m still a new investor. I’m just looking to see what tanked hard because of this and how well it usually does before all this. I have to apply to open an account and start trading. Gotcha. Sorry wasn’t sure, I use a different broker. I got something similar a few days ago, but I think it was during a halt. Rumor has it they have a limit on total after hours shares for a company. I get that. The price could go stupid if they sold a million shares they had no way of knowing if they could fill. I like the only allow limit orders approach more though. Yea this is fkd. Atleast theres bigger guys that are behind the equality Thanks. Will jump ship after this is all done. I should've known in that case, but damn selling to institutional investors. Probably so they can build their algorithm and become even more wealthy. Oof I think he's alluding to companies being able to dictate what their users are allowed to do. See i told you this whole system is shady and needs to be dismantled or we just have to move smarter and help the people they deem little people. Id rather do that then kiss major corporations A**. People who lose arguments look through history. OMG imagine if I posted in /r/gonewild, you would have for sure won it then! Roasted! TD is commission free I intended to go activate my phone this morning but i woke up seeing all this Robinhood crud, them halting trading etc. So it seems moot, i dont know though lol Did you just randomly seek out options one day or were you somehow introduced to the place(s) you volunteer at through work / school / family? Always excited about how people get started. Do you have a code for a bonus? Like most apps have a sign up bonus. I'm not sure I understand what you are saying. You mean they had a margin call and the broker liquidated assets to cover? So RobinHood reversed course and is allowing these stocks to be traded again tomorrow morning. Is it still worth investing in GME tomorrow morning? Yeah I just saw deep bought 50,000 shares at $750,000 dollars. It's now worth $47 million. That's insane. Millennials think everything is a game, and that it should be free & fair. It's *always* been rigged against retail...didn't anyone tell you that? [deleted] All of the above. Suits, organizing, political action, memes, complaining, shoving the issue into the face of everyone for ever and ever until we all dine on the finest, richest ass. Hold $GME and you will make more than $50, a class action is about ending Melvin and Citadel while setting legal precedents against market manipulators. I’m willing to hold my bag and was always willing to hold 25% to prevent an idiot from catching a meteor. I got my initial out on day 2. I’ll hold this one as it plummets from orbit if it makes these hedge funds dissappear Why stop at the stock market, Can we just spawn a Reddit political party or maybe a Reddit lobbying group? GME today, the White House in 4 years? We can change everything for the people. I've heard that art is often leveraged for laundering money. The value of art is subjective and can be appraised at any ridiculous amount when in reality, it's just a canvas and some paint, which is cheap af. Apparently the network of art appraisers is a tighter knit group than you'd initially suspect, so they basically have a monopoly over appraising art. > EAT THAT RICH ASS 🤔 They probably already know they are going to get sued for millions and don't care, why would you when your saving yourself from eating it on billions? That $50 check ain't much but it puts them out of business. No it doesn't set any precedent. They will get bbailed out and nobody will lose everything like they want you to lose. They are picking a very bad time to be pissing people off. Millions are out of work with nothing but time on their hands. If the Biden administration allows this to happen he will be gone in 4 years and dems will lose the house and senate in 2022. Voter turnout will drop for dems and they will have nobody to blame but themselves. I lost thousands of dollars due to this blatant manipulation. I want much more than a $50 check but if $50 is what it takes to dick down some hedge funds I'll gladly take the $50 and throw it into GME and AMC all over again Unfortunately they will pay at fine as reprimand which most of us won’t see a cent of. They will just account it as a cost of doing business. And the cycle will go on. #stealfromthepoor #boycottrobinhood I missed when ""Eat the Rich"" became ""Eat Out the Rich"" They're fucking morons. They stoked a class war, not a left vs right one like trump incited but a real honest to god poor and middle vs obscenely rich. To work at robinhood is to work at a job more hated than American Police. They've pissed off the crazy protest heavy left wingers AND the loonie bin pipe bomb makers from the right. Fucking AOC & BEN Shapiro of all ppl saying the same fuckin thing. Theyre gonna get mass shorted out of spite when their IPO opens and the stock will be trash. The founders and their families are gonna get death threats if they aren't already. What the fuck were thinking? Zero regard given for any consideration other than the money of a few 1%ers. There really is two Americas, one for the super rich and one for everyone else on a scale of progressively shittier experiences. It ain’t about the check we cash, it’s about the check they write. Make fat tendies from gme THEN we eat that rich ass 🐻 I'm over here just waiting for this to all blow over I want Citadel to be separated from Robinhood otherwise anything short of this isn't going to stop this next time it happens. Yes, these people are despicable assholes. But let's not forget the millions of fuckwits that vote for their stooges just so they can feel superior to people with different skin colours. Im all for eating ass, but these rich fucks don't deserve an ass eating after this. Yo seriously! Take all their art from their vaults, put them in the Smithsonian or make new museums with all the empty office buildings. Fuck Also may i add philanthropist, those in the know see them as it actually is and those who dont idolulise them. > i want more than a $50 check but this will set precedent for these rich pieces of shit who have been dicking the rest of us since the dawn of civilization probably lol Yeah, only put your money into GameStop if you understand that you run huge risks. Don't go around saying 'we're trying to fuck the speculators over' - that's market manipulation. Put on your straightest poker face and say, as politely and smoothly as you can, 'we believe that despite GameStop's seemingly lackluster financial position, it has the potential to be another Amazon, and that's why we are buying it' (Amazon paid zero taxes in some years, because although they have been making a killing recently, they have only done so after taking huge losses in the past, and pumping the money into R&D. What's to say that Gamestop can't and won't do the same?). With that out of the way, you can proceed to chip in your several hundred dollars for GameStop... not because you want to watch the speculators squeal and scurry about, of course... Phrasing? You gotta be kidding me! Everything that you just said is my favorite thing to be pissed off about! Every. Day. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-7aH2orAzts You’ll have to turn down the class action suit and launch your own suit. Fuck the 1 percent rich Stolen from Fran Lebowitz. I watched “Pretend It’s a City”, too It'll be less than 10 dollars Buying, not selling. Don't bring Brock Turner the Rapist into this. How long does the squeeze last? How long does the squeeze last? Right. People won't want to be millionaires anymore because billionaires would be taxed more. I respect your concern, however, anti-semitism is not a crime, and I reject the suggestion that what I posted was anti-semitic in the first place. I stated an empirical, quantitive fact - the people and interests exposed to losses in this squeeze are Jewish. I also respect the concern that reddit is under surveillance at the moment, and the losers here will use any excuse to morally impune and slander the nobility of this protest, but what you need to understand is that you are going to be impuned and slandered *anyway* regardless of the content of these discussions. The fact that the HODLers are *already* being labeled as alt-right and anti-semitic, when the substantial portion of us redditors frankly are not, is all the proof you need that what you are doing is adversely affecting Jewish power and wealth, whether the people who are doing it know it or not. I do not and am not promoting vulgar -isms or cartoonish canards here, I am simply pointing out that the market manipulation, and backlash, we are witnessing is naked Jewish power being wielded in real-time. And it goes all the way up to **Janet Yellin** who took +$800k cash from Citidel, prior to her confirmation as chief regulator of situations like these. [yes, you twit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhfuuKiTcYQ) Thank you. We are all about this as much as the millenials Yup here’s what people don’t realize on r/politics They think we are so polarized and SOOO different from each other that there’s no way we can find common ground. 99% of people in this country have 99% of the same problems. Most people have to work a job or operate a small business, pay out the ass for healthcare or not have it, go into debt for college that should be free and publicly funded, pay income taxes and just work till they’re dead. Doesn’t matter if it’s a Trump supporter, a BLM, a feminist, a libertarian etc. we all have the same needs and same problems. People think working class means poor people but if you think about it, pretty much all of us are working class because if we don’t work, we don’t make money. The only people who don’t have to work are those that own the companies, the stocks, etc and can just sit on their ass and have passive income all day. They can make more money in a minute than some people can make in a month. Or even a year probably. We are being torn apart by the media and these differences are just manufactured. Different groups of people are fed different narratives and thus that’s why it’s impossible to work together. How can you agree on anything if you’re operating in two different realities? No wonder nothing can be done. In dog training there’s something called learned helplessness. Where if a dog keeps trying to escape but cannot, the dog, once full of energy and fight, is reduced to a mere shell and just lies there because it knows nothing it does will change the situation. The American people are the dog. Ryan Seacrest: ""Alright viewers you've heard the arguments, should we nuke North Korea? Place your votes now!"" So you think a group of small farmers, tea salesmen, and authors got together to declare total war on the largest military power in the world at the time for wealth and greed? Do you realize what Great Britain did to traitors at the time? They didn't even have an army. Washington didn't volunteer to lead until after. Sorry those are the facts, to say that they weren't idealists trying to free themselves from colonial rule is just living in a fantasy land. All by investing in a dying chicken that somehow was still producing eggs. Now that chicken is gaining life and their eggs are going to be worth so much Be a pest, be a pest Put our patience to the test. Then we'll throw you out the window and let gravity do the rest. > Slavery has been perfected. No more chains or whips or plantations. It's cheaper AND more profitable to let people be 'free' and desperate. Boy, you got that right! We've spent the last 40 years voting ourselves right back into indentured servitude, and fly the flags to show our pride in fucking ourselves over. It's actually worse. The only thing worse than being owned as a slave? Being rented as a slave. Plus, when you complain about slavery, people tend to take you seriously. When you complain about capitalism, they smugly tell you to go work for a different master. That’s not always true. I have a 800+ credit rating and the only debt I’m carrying is the ~$7200 remaining balance on my auto loan. I also have about $65K credit available across three CCs, but I only use one of them and I pay off the entire balance every month. TBH, I’m surprised the issuers of the two cards I never use haven’t closed the accounts by now due to non-use. Well fucking wrote Jesus Fuck put me back in the matrix. Debt is the new slavery. You are so right. I love this. You should write a book on it. It's evil. Usury is evil. Next time you do yourself a favor like this, leave the account open and just don’t use the card again. I made this mistake twice before it got through to me that closing an account reduced my available credit and tanked my score. Read again Man if i could go back to 17 when i was debt free. That would be great. But we already have property taxes, why do we need more :( Yah isn't the entire reason behind the stock increase a short squeeze? Price isn't going to be that high for months, it's going to be very high for a relatively brief moment because you have a group that *has* to purchase eventually no matter what. \*nod\* could happen in days, maybe a few weeks. As soon as the big players get their feet on the ground *and* the (common?) people stop buying *more*. On gme, but all the other stocks that got pumped (which is more of the problem I'm assuming) are actual trash and people fell for it. Down under $200 already, and it will keep dropping. No, early was over 1 year ago. We have had DD about GME for over 1 full year, with all of this Short info. You're just late I think a lot of hedge funds get their money from endowments and foundations. ​ Like a college endowment maybe, or like those foundations you hear mentioned on NPR. I'm not entirely confident in that though. [https://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-biz-reddit-wall-street-bets-gamestop-melvin-capital-20210127-qk6uwmw5bze35dmvpx7xbgsyf4-story.html](https://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-biz-reddit-wall-street-bets-gamestop-melvin-capital-20210127-qk6uwmw5bze35dmvpx7xbgsyf4-story.html) [deleted] Webull didn’t give me any error That’s absolutely ridiculous Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/StockMarket/comments/l6ykq2/boycott_robinhood/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf I was able to put in purchase last night. Not sure if it's gonna go through once markets open. Edit- Cancelled So which one is next? Nokia? The battle has only begun All the meme stonks are dead on rh Vanguard still supports GameStonk Cashapp [deleted] Same. I just filed a report with the FTC. Fuck them. [deleted] [deleted] > this is fucking bullshit. No, THIS is market manipulation. I was able to buy 50 shares of NOK on Webull. But AMC has a suspended sign on it. Unbelievable. Those motherfuckers have absolutely no fucking shame. yah, very criminal Seems like they've decided the look the SEC might give them is worth it considering the amount of bleeding they figure they can stop. It's the old adage ""It's better to ask for forgiveness than permission"". The ol' Dave Chappelle ""I'm sorry SEC; I...didn't know I couldn't do that."" Is TD Ameritrade still allowing these [removed] Damn Then don't consume corporate news. Listen to NPR and watch PBS. (Edit for clarity) Its top down warfare, always has been Anything they can do to keep the plebs distracted while they pick their pockets Carlin had it right ! Same club they use to beat u over the head with! Carlin Exactly. You'll have me with my Bernie mittens next to someone with a MAGA hat, both fighting the man! The Democrats will make things better, either slowly and dragging their feet the whole way like Obama and his changes to credit card rules and capital gains, or quickly if we elect people like Bernie and AOC. But slow progress is still progress. The Republicans keep trying to fuck us without lube, and they move a hell of a lot faster than the Dems. People who live on paychecks should not be taxed *more* than capital gains are taxed. Well AoC and Warren both came out in support of the traders, I am interested to see if any high profile republicans do. [deleted] What are you talking about. Warren called out Wall Street Bets. Cruz did back AoC though. Exactly, there's two actual political arguments, one that wants to minimize the government so the people have the individual liberty to increase their quality of life, and one that wants to utilize the government to help people increase their quality of life. That's what the political argument should be about. Instead we have two ""sides"" who just want the exact same thing, to help big corporations so they can enrich themselves. I believe its because she's a young millennial (early 30's) so she is more in-tune with issues that affect the population thats coming up. Unlike these old boomers in congress (Pelosi, etc..) who are totally disconnected from the world we live in. It's time to introduce term limits and get these politicians out of congress who have been there for 40+ years serving their self interest and those of their corporate handlers, and not ours the hard working tax paying citizens. A number of people are chiming in, even Ben Shapiro and Trump Jr., and this is literally breaking news that happened about 2 hours ago. This thing has cross party appeal, and that can be a powerful thing if it unfolds properly. I mean theres only so much she can do. She's just a Rep. As an individual she doesn't have much power Who would've thought that basically memeing a stock price to the moon would unite people after all the division. Not really sure why this is surprising to you. He's all for free market and free trading of the market, as well as anti-corruption. Fuck that. We don't need a giant government that will eventually be used to oppress the people. It always happens. 100% Huge fan of her, every aspect of her. She will be like Clinton and Pelosi in a few years. Everyone will dislike her but not be able to articulate why, and refuse to admit that maybe the nonstop vitriol thrown at her by the right actually succeeded in ruining her reputation. [deleted] > As long as the 80 year old corrupt politician is part of the right tribe Reddit users lap that shit up. /r/politics is the epitome of ""our shit doesn't stink."" Have an opinion, get ostracized! Sounds like a fun place to live 🤡 They're starting to say we're alt right. They're pulling out all the stops. Theyre also the US security apparatus' mouth piece. US capitalists and our security state are entwined. Bernie PBS is as close as it gets, they do a damn good job, but there should be 5-10 PBS instead of 5-10 Faux/CNN meaningless stations Gab.com is where you can freely speak We do now. It’s called WSB. MSM does 1 thing: It sells advertising space. That's it. Everything is broadcast on their networks in the name of that 1 thing. There is no real news, except maybe PBS. [deleted] Jeff Bezos owns the washington post. Got a link? Closest I can find is people referring to WSB as 'channers' whatever that is. You’d have to start by defining ‘liberal’ I guess. [removed] Lol those hedge funds managers aren't liberals ""sir, this is a wendys"" ""Welcome to Wallstreet, where the rules are made up and the points don't matter to us because we're too big to fail and we'll be bailed out if we get too greedy. That's for us - Not you, Pleb. We feed on your dreams and savings."" It’s not a casino; in a casino, you can gamble, and if you win you get to take those winnings home. This is significantly worse than a casino. a rigged casino at that And the rules are the house wins Yep Fidelity is having some server-side problems right now, because there’s a mass exodus happening from Robinhood. Their trading platform is still up and firing on all cylinders though, so I’m opening an account as soon as it’s possible lol I would assume so? At the very least, a removal of buying, but not selling, strikes me as market manipulation. Now, had they paused *all* transactions, then maybe they could argue it had nothing to do with the stock, but by pausing buys only, only for the price to start tanking minutes later, it seems like it was designed to trigger sell-off to the Hedge Funds while they played their game of 'pass the shares', without needing to worry about retail buy orders jumping in at the bottom. Blockchain-based stocks it is Yeah I don't understand how that is blatantly manipulation. If you want to end all trading of the equity on your platform then I can maybe see the argument about risk management but just zeroing out all buy side pressure? How is that not the definition of manipulation? I just tried again, and now it's saying they suspended. I feel like that part of the message will get lost and too many retards will sell out of their robinhood positions, which is the objective of the hedge funds. you can transfer your stocks over. E-trade? Once you set up a deposit they give you provisional buying power within like 15 mins Thank you. Thats way worse than i thought if its true. If they did it to one it has to have happened to others. To preserve fairness and transparency, as well as spread of information amongst consumers, and having those consumers make informed decisions is a fool hardy errand. Even putting aside all the lobbying, hiding, etc. The case of Nestle alone should make it obvious consumers cannot regulate companies. And I choose Nestle just because it's the most publicly well known ""bad"" company. Plenty of other corporations have scandal after scandal, destroying lives, communities, the planet. But in the end, how many are going out of their way to consume differently? Not many, if these companies revenues keep increasing. [deleted] True, at any cost, even murdering civilians. > others didn’t really do the same lol, it’s just them. I didn't take that to mean you're being oblivious about what's happening at the moment. My bad. They kept canceling my stuff yesterday. I had already gotten BB and AMC really low but wanted to put more in. The stupid part is they (the funds) took a position with unlimited risk (by shorting) and if you buy you only risk what you put in. Personally i believe people should have the right to do stupid things (if it doesn't hurt others) but i have nothing against warnings. I think limitations are dishonest right now since it benefits one party only and i don't see how it is in the interest of the average trader. [deleted] IG free if making 3 trader + per month Wtf. What did reddit do wrong? Since this started about a month ago I've seen one thing consistently- THEY LIKE THE STOCK. So why the fuck should some fat cats get saved when trying and failing to artificially push a company to bankruptcy? I think it's not them that lost the bet - it's their clients - and they fear that they have to cover for them. I think we're going to see brokers be A LOT more careful about giving out Options to retail investors in the future because of this... Are coordinated buys on a message board “market manipulation”? I bought just under $30. I could afford to lose it but I hope I double it instead! easy there satan The thing is, they can ever step down peacefully or wait for the Pitchforks. There are no other outcomes. The System is broken and needs to be replaced. The problem is it takes 4-8 business days to transfer WeBull covers up to $100 for your first transfer I think The process is called a transfer of assets, other brokerages will often cover the closeout fee. Call another broker's sales group and they will be eager to assist. Make sure you have a statement for your account ready. They take 3-10+ business days but I suspect most fintechs would be on the shorter end but I'm not sure about that. Edit: oh and yes, you can transfer ""in-kind"" meaning you don't sell your stocks, they just transfer over. [deleted] Not anymore. [https://twitter.com/WebullGlobal/status/1354828730674372610](https://twitter.com/WebullGlobal/status/1354828730674372610) yeah depends what your investing strategy is. (Dont) Try doing that as a swingtrader. Plenty of retail are buying right now on what possibly is the top, possibly not. Kinda just playing Devil’s advocate, but the act of doing good deeds makes these people happy. That’s their end of the deal. If making sacrifices made them feel like shit, then would they keep doing it? If so, THEN you have your altruists. He’s innovating to make money faster than sitting on it. i got no skin in the game but if its to buck the system thats been pulling the rug over the masses then fuck im in too Second I’d love to connect! I can... uuuh... archive it. For historical documentation. PMd you PMd you You would have to do many things that people don’t realize. If you don’t lend out shares, that’s a loss of revenue stream. If you don’t do a bunch of the scummy things these big firms do, you need to make the revenue up somehow. That means either charging for things that are free from the big guys, or picking and choosing which scummy thing most people will be ok with. No free lunch after all. :-/ I’ll reach out to folks who have indicated interest. Let me do some research, gather some assumptions, feasibility etc and reach out with more info! I’ll PM you I am potential willing (small) investor, PM me if able! Ok. We our funds from GME we can do this. utter trash and the worst of the lot > Trading212 prevents people now from buying shares. from thread OP... Maybe it just a default message. I did it yesterday so maybe I can finally get access on Monday Not for new users https://www.revolut.com/help/wealth/stocks/getting-started-with-trading/how-do-i-open-a-trading-account >We currently offer trading to legal residents of the UK. As you know, the UK left the EU on 31 December 2020. As a result, our trading company, Revolut Trading Limited (RTL) is no longer able to passport its services across the EEA, from 1 January 2021, as an appointed representative of its UK principal firm which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. This means that RTL is no longer authorised on behalf of its principal firm to advertise, promote or otherwise provide the trading service to you under EU law after that date. >We currently offer trading to legal residents of the UK. As you know, the UK left the EU on 31 December 2020. As a result, our trading company, Revolut Trading Limited (RTL) is no longer able to passport its services across the EEA, from 1 January 2021, as an appointed representative of its UK principal firm which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. This means that RTL is no longer authorised on behalf of its principal firm to advertise, promote or otherwise provide the trading service to you under EU law after that date. Thank you, that did it. Unfortunately I have $1000 more on the way to WeBull that isn't accessible but also can't be cancelled. I have to wait like a week to transfer it back. Oh well. No, I use it as a bank but they don't have trading. I use Trading212 for that, that's why I am surprised by Revolut At least it's still working. It worked for me ytday ... except for the constant trade haltings. gonna say there is opportunity for a new fintech player to create a better broker than what we have currently in Europe. Fwiw, you can still buy GME on Fidelity It was months ago, and I've actively tried to forget it. Also, let's not joke, I didn't risk much, we're talking $250 on a penny stock, but that $250 could easily be $2-3000 right now based on the current prices and what I could have bought for literally fractions of pennies. So please, continue to shame me. It was CTST and it went to CNTTQ. Had a bad experience with customer service a while back but I’m giving them another try because of all this They suck too. Saw on Twitter that someone can't buy or sell on Schwab. Seriously wtf. [deleted] That's how I get around market order liquidity issues. Just hold. It’ll mirror whatever GME does. We’re good so long as it’s good ya know 🤙 Hold onto them. I’m down $900 from today’s dip, but as long as we don’t panic sell it will go back up. Hang on to your shares! [deleted] Yes in August 2021 Fidelity is the way to go just checked, yup it finally went through. Omg that's awesome. Thank you so much! I just tried it and its says that it only sells in shares, and when i go to buy a share: 'Quantity must be equal or less than 0' Absolute bullshit what is interesting is how many people have legit standing... the government does not really need to do much for people to take multiple funds/entities to court Of course it's obvious market manipulation. Nothing's going to happen, though, because it's in favor of the people who are 'supposed' to be manipulating the market. ETORO back open for GME my man Grateful for this, thank you. I keep hearing platinum and prec. metals in general, but this is insightful. Best of luck! Unfortunately I can’t really help - those are the only two I’ve specifically heard that I can trust. WeBull blocked GME, Ally and Robinhood also both blocked GME today. Now the fact that RobinHood is getting flack from other brokers for saying they’ll allow trades tomorrow is weird and suspicious but I got nothing else to go on currently. Here’s to hoping politicians / government entities do get involved, I may forgive them. [deleted] You are talking about oof? I'm not well versed on that topic I get that, just not sure what the left has to do with companies blocking people from trading stocks. Agreed. I feel like the big corps are monitoring Reddit rn. We need a discord. I’m gonna switch from Robinhood after this is over I've got friends and family that do the same, and some family in medicine too so we do volunteer in hospitals as well. Just something that has always been something we do. I looked, no bonus. But transferring any all investments is really easy. Takes about 5-14 days it says, depending how how much your current broker drags their feet It depends on why you're in it. This is not financial advice, I don't know anything. It looks like the 'market' is not going to run by its own set of rules as evidenced by them halting buying to try to let the hedge funds scramble to cover their position. My prediction - based on nothing but reading news all day like everyone else - is that the *market* will have to allow some of the littles to make money but has put the infinite rise risk to bed. The early folks have the advantage! If you're in it for the money, buy low and sell high. If you're in it for the mood, don't spend what you can't afford. Peace. Check out what Ryan Cohen bought and what it's worth now. That was really the point things went nuts when you had the guy behind Chewy join the board and go big on investing. I read somewhere he's helping facilitate the online move to turn gme into the Amazon of gaming. Supposedly there's a partnership to put the microsoft byo pc kiosks in gamestop stores too. Yes. I've always known this. The question is... Why the fuck are you ok with that? That's what this fight is about Good luck!! i’m really fucking feeling an Occupy WSB type of mood, fuck all the bodies of society allowing this to happen and let MILLIONS of people lose so much goddamn money with only allowing them to sell or buy options, NOT LOOK IN OUR INTEREST LIKE THEY SAY LOL THEY’ll SELL US THE RISK AT ANY TIME fuck i really hate and love money why do i need you so?! :/ For RH and the rest, it's cheaper for them to pay us out a few peanuts in a class action lawsuit rather than just let us win at the market for once. A lawsuit is just the cost of doing business for them. And not a single one of these fuckers will see so much as a day in jail. Where tf can I buy gme tho Your probably more than half joking, but isn't that basically how a political party should form, the collective will of the people, not the few whispers of the deep pocketed Punctuation makes a _huge_ difference, people! > EAT THAT RICH ASS is very different from > EAT THAT, RICH ASS Is ""Melvin fucked up"" not an adequate reason? Serious question. You can look at the average days to call for the abort positions for end of month tomorrow, will be based around that Yikers buddy [removed] I’d watch the hell out of that Black Mirror episode. Don’t think I’d want to live it though. No these people are just cynical nihilists who think everyone is out to fuck everyone, so why give a shit, fuck everyone... right. Notice no call to action? Just a lot of blaming “them” or “the establishment.” Pointing out problems with greed and corruption like it’s not a byproduct of just about every last human system is beyond me. These are the same probleMs every system we make has because human make them. They’re all meant to curtail those instincts as best as possible, but they’re all flawed with our flawsz Poetry This isn't Capitalism though. Like, it's obviously a closed system, the cornerstone of Capitalistic Ideas is a Free Market, the amount of Governmental Over-reach and the combination of market monopolies coupled with poor generalized education for the masses has created this situation, to boil it down to 'Muh Capitalism' misses the mark so hard it's using it as a buzzword. I don't think they do that often. I have a Military Star Card still showing as active and I haven't used it since I left the service over 10 years ago. But it's still there. Is that...right? Why does ""wrote"" bother me so much? Boy I can't wait until y'all awaken to the Federal Reserve Bank levels of usury. You think you're using ""United States Currency"" when in fact you're trading in US _Debt Notes_. Every. Single. Dollar in the American Economy is _LOANED TO YOU, THE PEOPLE_ and paid back in interest, it's LITERALLY an unpayable debt. How can you pay back a loan on money that is printed from thin air and creates its own interest tacked on. Amen, brother. I work a job I hate that keeps my anxiety sky high because of my student loan debt. Once this debt is paid down, I’m out. Just want to have the freedom of knowing I don’t owe anyone anything. Property taxes are better than sales/income taxes by far. Land value tax is a property tax that actually *reduces* the tax on the structures built on land, and increases the tax on the value of the land itself. The reason for inflated home prices is inflated land values, and since people don't create land, its value does not rightfully belong to the property owner. > Yah isn't the entire reason behind the stock increase a short squeeze? Price isn't going to be that high for months, it's going to be very high **for a relatively brief moment** And there's the problem, y'all. Even if everybody sells at the point when price reaches the moon, you will sell more than the hedge funds need, so the price will drop to near zero and then the hedge funds (who will have made huge losses) will start buying a very undervalued stock. And everybody else loses, Game Stop included. You don't seriously think that y'all collectively can be *faster* than the professionals with their programs and algorithms that decide in milliseconds whether to buy and sell and at which point to buy or to sell, do you? You can make them loose large amounts of money but in the end, most of y'all will loose their money, too. The worst is that Game Stop will be going down as well.   Unpopular ""opinion"", I know, but nevertheless true.   Edit, about half an hour later: Since you can't possibly be fast enough, holding is the only strategy that can work. If the *vast* majority does **NOT** sell when the price hits the moon, there's a good chance for this vast majority to get out with a win. Not the maximally possible win, but a nice win. Or just keep 'em and own a large amount of virtual money :-) From my understanding wall street short ends friday and they have to buy a bunch of stocks to replace their own. That will drive the cost up and is when you dump your stock. That's why wallstreet is manipulating everything. To keep the prices down so they can buy cheap on friday and mitigate their loss. People remember that WSB was known for YOLOing their money on almost entirely bad bets right? Lots of recency bias going on. Graph is the same basic shape it has been for each day this week, just getting more drastic on both directions every day. If the trend holds it will claw back through the day and finish with a jump. Overnight will have a similar shape. Is been fairly steady ~230ish for the last 90 minutes or so. I keep waiting for another drastic jump one way or the other, fully clenched the entire time That sounds like a juicy lawsuit waiting to happen if that's indeed what they did. Yes. They’re blatantly engaging in illegal manipulation and no one will do anything about it They take a day or two to review your account application. I’m fucked. I sold my $GME shares on RH and can’t buy back in now. I can’t find a platform that’ll let me instantly go on and buy in. How this isn’t clearly market manipulation by altering the ability to purchase stocks in a publicly traded company is beyond me.. fuck Robinhood. What now? Fidelity pulled them all up and allows purchases. Yeah, that was my take, too, since there are a lot fewer people able to buy it now. Robin hood sells you 'free' trades to Citadel. Citadel funded Melvin the shorter for several billion a few days ago.... They are the same group, no need for lobbying here, just one question: what can we get away with? Or its Robinhood and its broken Yeah, it's unacceptable. Someone has showed how to complain in the UK and how to escalate. I can't comment on the US process. https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l6mqoq/we_look_now_across_the_vast_ocean_between_us_to/gl2yaxk?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 The people who own the game aren't going to let the players take over. In the long run, the only real choice is whether you play in their game or not. I'm getting ""This stock is not supported on Robinhood"" I couldn't buy as of yesterday morning on TD. I've been a long time listener to NPR, and don't give them that much credit. Relatively speaking, they're way better than cable news but all the talking points and guests come from NYT, WashPost, etc. Their coverage of the 2020 primary especially was awful. I remeber a pundit on (it might have been Fresh Air or On Point I forget) literally ask the guest to 'defend Joe Biden' on some completely valid criticisms by progressives. I wish I could remember the details but it was awfully biased. They also uncritically report stste department narratives like the Russian bounties in Afganistan which had zero evidence outside of hersay from intel community sources who have a vested interest of continuing the occupation. A lot of moderates were saying precisely this during the blm “protests”. It’s all part of the plan on dividing us. Top down warfare. Us moderates were called “alt right” nazis for such opinions. Say, isnt wsb being called “alt right”? Leopards ate your face. The best example I can think in recent history were the blm protests/riots. Dominated the news while the rich got MICH richer during the pandemic. You could say Don Jr is...? Was...? Could be considered...? A high ranking conservative now. So you got him in support of this. Just saw her tweet. It is a weird day when AOC, Tlaib and Donald Trump Jr are all tweeting in agreement. I suppose the one thing left that can unite America is raising a big middle finger to hedgefunds This is wrong Government is the only check we have on corporations. Without regulation these problems would be much worse. Well there is more than a single axis. That is *way* oversimplifying it. *How* limiting government or increasing government is implemented matters more than the limiting or increasing itself does. That though process also creates the dangerous binary that allows the actual goals and consequences of those decisions to be obfuscated behind that binary debate. They differ massively on social issues, but I agree on economics. Democrats aren't going to fuck you over for being gay or non-Christian. Government works. If you're rich your quality of life increases no matter who is in power. I am loving that they are getting taken down in a complete brute-force manner too, they cant stop what has started by any reasonable means so they go ahead and start making their own rules. They may have more money per capita, but when its a sea of investors vs them they arent winning that fight fairly, and thus here we are Not to mention she is the true American dream - working as a waitress minimum wage, pull yourself up by your bootstraps kinda thing. She's doesn't come from a family that's been wealthy for generations. Term limits on congress is probably the best step we can take toward fixing this country. I don’t think it has anything to do with generations, many probably started out with ideals like AOC and the other new ones, but when that money comes they all get corrupted. She’s one of the few in congress who really believes in everything she says and won’t take money from corporate America to compromise her positions. Even if you hate her policy ideas, you gotta respect her integrity. Yup things will definitely change after this. Companies are realizing more and more that the people have more control than they think. When has it happened? Integrity? AOC presents herself as the champion for the working class and you guys eat that shit up. She isn't the first fake ""Champion of the people"" and she won't be the last. She is no different from any other politician. She is the Democrat version of George Bush Jr, in the sense people vote for her because she is the type of person you would, ""Want to have a beer with"". ""She talks just like we do"", say the young ignorant 20 year old kids. Whatever happened to her slush fund scandal from her chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabarti. Campaign fraud has a way of presenting it's ugly head and then disappearing just as fast. No politician wants to seriously get anyone in trouble for that, as pretty much all of them do it if they accept money from a PAC. This is the same lady that swore off PAC money just to create her own PAC! In case you aren't aware, PAC's are basically slush funds for politicians. Integrity? Don't make me laugh. /r/politics is so fucking cringe. It's so aggressively homogenous that it's hard to believe that sub isn't filled with a ton of bots. Being against the only thing guaranteeing access to healthcare for our lower and middle classes? Yeah, those people deserve to get ostracized. In case you haven't noticed, people like you are why your country can't have a modern, functioning healthcare system. And why your rich can walk all over your poor, such as what's happening right now with hedge funds preventing normal people from buying more GME. I don't even have a dog in this fight as I'm not in a great spot to invest in anything (just getting back on my feet after being unemployed most of the year due to COVID etc) I'm just so pissed off at how childish the hedges are being right now. Honestly I hope more and more of them get fucked. Probably because what they refer to as the alt-right (such an amorphous term, really) and the help the small-people left are all in agreement on this one. Fuck big corps controlling everything. Shocking, isn't it? [deleted] This is a giant wall of text that could’ve have been condensed to “I’m stupid” They will ban u from coming back but not force u to not be able to call on a game of 21 Just want to say that RH was the same yesterday. I spent over 3 hours just trying to sign up and make an account. I checked their main Twitter page and Twitter Customer help page and even sent them messages, no response, no pinned tweets NOTHING! Then I was finally able to finish my account setup after giving them ALL my personal details, name, D.O.B. address, phones, email, SS# and bank. Wake up this morning just to get a message on their app saying I can't get GME? I honestly feel violated. Hopefully other apps won't pull this too. Took me 30 min of refreshing and clicking. If it says you need to restart your browser, that's a lie. I just refreshed the page a few times after the message loads and the form will pop up again. It was painful but it eventually worked Stash is down too. 🙄 Can confirm Fidelity is still 100% operational Prohibiting buys but not sells is the literal definition of market manipulation in this context. The exchanges don’t have the balls to margin call the hedge funds who took these crazy short positions so the only way they can fight back is by artificially forcing an excess supply of the stock onto the market while limiting demand. This coincidentally is the exact move that the funds need to make their short positions profitable (although that ship has already sailed and they’re just trying to minimize the loss at this point). There’s not a single literate person on the face of this planet who doesn’t see this as blatant market manipulation. They are knowingly committing a crime that they’re prepared to deal with later. A few years in a white collar prison is nothing compared to the billions they stand to lose if they did nothing. I can’t even sell!! I tried with 3 out of 38 to cover my investment but neither limit nor market orders go through. It’s been 2-3h now. I really don’t get this, it makes me feel so powerless. Can’t even close my position. Trading 212 No, you can ask to transfer your stock. So you can keep all your original positions. There's a nominal fee for the process but it's nothing crazy. That's what I did after switching from RH to Webull. The only little hassle is you have to wait a few days for the transfer to go through. I forgot how long. But it's no more than a week. Can't deposit. I think they're overloaded. It definitely happened with platform ‘Freetrade’ in the U.K. - when they mooned. GME & Amc were restricted- you could sell your shares only. But that’s the thing is there a better option I’m sure we all know how socialism has turned out as least with capitalism you can live a relatively normal life and yes the consumers can Cus if no one purchases a companies product then what happens to it No we just never had true capitalism in the first place and the real reason behind the regulations is to keep all the banks and hedge funds alive in the first place sadly we get screwed over because of it but by keeping as many profit points alive the government is able to make as much money as possible and that’s why the regulations are truly designed to stop them from killing eachother but remove those regulations and there’s nothing they can do, leave societies regular interventions in and any company that does not have presence in the consumer market will die because profit matters and without secured bailouts and tactless bubble wrapped enterprise so many of those companies would vanish it’s inevitable as then consumers would have full power for the market balance so you think that people buying gamestop are committing market manipulation on par with what hedge fund managers do every day? hot take but it’s yours I guess. [removed] I love how he tried to tag along on AOCs comment and she shut his ass down Short answer no. The long answer, definitely no. Liking a stock and buying it is not, no. We like this stock. Lol it's hyperbole.... But not really... /s Maybe not right now then. They told me 10 days today, been waiting since friday to transfer. They're holding onto it intentionally Webull has suspended GME so FK them too Does portfolio size count ? For example if you own .1 share of GME vs 50 million like Dfv Aside from meme stocks: Do they do fractions? Much more likely to be the top now that a bunch of brokers have gone into full market manipulation mode. I'd say sacrificing your life is an exception, and undeniable proof that you place other people's needs above your own. And I doubt they spend their last minutes thinking of themselves. They think about the people they're saving. Exactly. Honestly the fact that they made it where we cant buy any more GME and they intentionally slowed down deposits going into your account to limit your ability to trade us such bullshit. You're right. Any venture needs revenue streams. The scummy things users are ok with can be addressed by letting them choose beforehand. Takes out some time consuming iterations. I think millennials, and most of the folks in the GME fight against Big Wall Street (I got skin in the game myself) really value privacy and freedom of choice, in this day and age it comes at a cost unfortunately. I’m a software engineer as well. More than happy to throw my hat in the ring. Another software dev here, happy to help out. Sounds good! Just opened an ISA with them can I ask you why? I am from Lithuania and I have no problems trading Fyi Revolut was also down for almost 2 hours yesterday. I was shitting myself just about, took 2 hours for me to be able to buy GME lol So then sell it as CNTTQ I like them because they do try and look out for you from a wealth management standpoint. When I wanted to trade options I had to call just so they could talk about the risks and making sure I knew how it worked. I did already but they were willing to answer any questions I had which I appreciated. Best point they didn’t restrict anything this week unless lol Good luck out there! [deleted] The buy button is disabled now. I'll hold, thanks :) That happened to me yesterday, but it eventually went thru after trying several times and wait a minute or so. The website is a bit better though. I'm losing money though! Should I sell?! I'm panicking lmao. You too man haha All the stocks that were on the short list are off Robin Hood It means you are a bootlicking hypocrite. Well whoever sets that up send me a link. Honestly i am so sick of seeing us all struggle at the bottom during a pandemic while they get richer. Its sick and I want it destroyed they think our lives are cheap and easy to be wasted. Message me if you get a discord going. I would rather put my money into helping people just like me not some suit and tie with a multi million dollar annual salary. I feel too late lol I'd be buying GME and BB right now if Robinhood didnt cheddar bob themselves. Do you know of a good alternative you'd like to suggest? Great demonstration of how volunteering can become a healthy habit with early exposure to how accessible it is. I hope you'll pass it on should you have a family of your own. Thanks At least it's commission free and you can buy fractional shares, now...and even teenagers can trade options, on margin: what's not to like about that? This is past occupy wallstreet now. This is for the 2019 breach. This is for Alex. This is about taking wallstreet into the wallsewers. This. The only way to describe this situation is financial civil disobedience on a cosmic scale. Fuck occupy wallstreet. What did that do? Nothing. We’ve already done more and the battle hasn’t even begun. You sound like you might be in an unhealthy relationship with a piece of green paper my friend. I wish you the best of luck. That's why we take the most expensive way, everyone exit robinhood at mass, they won't survive in a month. The truth is rich people has the power because we allow them, without people, rich, politicians, funds or even the emperor is nobody and powerless. We gotta start a movements so some shit like this won't happen. We outnumber and out fund them together. Only the lawyers get paid in a CA, it's a scam. - a lawyer We really need courts to impose punitive damages for corporate crimes in the very least. I think the law allows up to 13x the monetary damages. But its up to the jury and judge, though prosecutors far too often just settle. Otherwise, companies have incentive to commit crimes if they are only fined the value of damages. TD Ameritrade seems to work for GME still. I also heard Fidelity, but I haven't tried personally Made a fidelity account and did it Stash has let me buy so far Stop adding fuel to the fire 😂. Yes definitely /s, but one day we will have a proper party system If we're talking Mackenzie Bezos, I prefer the former. Privately, yes. Publicly, nope. ""Yikers"" indeed buddy No, actually, the free market has nothing to do with capitalism. Capitalism is when the means of production are privately owned: when the profits of production go to owners and not workers, who are instead paid a wage representing a fraction of the value of the goods they make. Market economics are not exclusive to capitalism, and almost no capitalist nation in history has actually had a free market. Protectionism and central planning of key industries are almost always present. Or to put that another way ""that's not real capitalism, that's crony capitalism! Real capitalism has never been tried!"" We live under Corporatism, where big business uses their money to lobby the government into fixing the game to their advantage. Nah the laissez-faire shit is just the card they pull when shit is stacked in favor of the rich and they don't wanna fix it. Capitalism started because of government action, and only exists because the government protects private property rights. Hell, our understanding of it came from Adam Smith's observations of the British East India company which was about as enmeshed with government interests as it gets. I agree that they don't, which is why I find it so curious. For the record, I've had all three of my cards for at least ten years. Who cares the squeeze has not squoze yet! Ive been saying the same. I went to school for engineering, but in reality its a lot of paperwork and politics. When student debt is done, i want something else. Bro....maybe I’m a deadbeat for this...but I stopped paying my student loans. And it felt great. They want $200/month for 20 years. I just can’t do that. >and since people don't create land *China has entered the chat* But they shorted more than 100% of Gamestop's stock right? I think it's more than that. They're trying to force calls to expire OTM, so people don't exercise them. I think these calls are worth exercising at any price because of the inability to buy otherwise. Ofc, I am not a smart person and you shouldn't listen to me. That is not true. It’s propaganda to try and get people to tell by Friday so they can pick shares up Monday cheap or not have to cover at all if it drops low enough. They have been continuously shorting the stock at higher levels, doubling down, rather than paying up. So this is going to go on until the herd sells, as the hedge funds are not giving up. People do not. They only see the gains porn from DFV and the like and none of the heroes who sacrificed it all. wall street BETS, people. No guarantees , ever. Fidelity will allow you to buy any of these stocks as far as I can tell. There is a wait time on transferring money I think but it isnt long Potato ass fuck them. Stock Market is a misnomer. Markets are “free and fair”. This is a casino - because the “house” controls the rules. It is. But they've now deemed they'll lose less money in a lawsuit than continuing to allow millions of people to buy this stock. They're literally manipulating the market in an effort to make retail investors go broke instead of their butt buddy business partners boyfriend named Melvin. now if you have some shares we fucking hold that bitch brotha. if you don’t wish us luck (: [deleted] Like a shitty DM that decided to fuck you over because you rolled a couple timely Nat 20's that derailed the ""epic"" plotline they had in store. Same same, RH unsupported our darling GameStonk this morning. They're all anti-elitists, they just have different views of how to achieve the ""swamp drain."" You're right. I just reread her comment and misunderstood it. My bad. Our two parties, the DNC and GOP are literally corporations. Literally. If you think regulations are meant to help average people, you're daft. Regulations exist so that the situation doesn't break down for rich people making themselves richer while forcing everyone else to be poorer. Regulations exist so that the market doesn't tank and rich people lose money. It's not to make it better for ""us."" > How limiting government or increasing government is implemented matters more than the limiting or increasing itself does. Of course it does, but you have to settle the one before you can even discuss the other. Confining the argument to axes at all is limiting in another way. How we should be governed is a complex, multivariate nightmare which ultimately books down to some deep philosophical differences. The fact folks argue over immigration and budgets introduces so much emotion that while we don't even understand why we're emotional. [deleted] You saying it just has never been properly implemented? Seems I heard that somewhere before... Why the need to lie to get your point across? If you believe everyone should have free healthcare great state the reasons why, instead you go off the deep end with America doesn’t have a modern healthcare system. Yes we do, probably the best in the world, if you think more people should have access to it great argue that and not dumb propaganda that shows how uninformed you are. Chris Cillizza, I should have known. Thanks for sharing. I really do appreciate the effort. [Here's a picture of some bulbasaur](https://i.imgur.com/igxuVP2.jpg) [deleted] Wouldnt be surprised if they were getting DDOSed I kept getting that too but gave up after refreshing. Gonna try again later. Maybe you can't sell it there isn't a buyer? With buys disabled for so many people, it's just the funds buying. If they aren't executing a bit program at the time of your sale, I don't think it would go through? And keeping holding with diamond hands so a week is nothing? A lot of brokers will also refund your transfer fees. Try the desktop app. If that doesn’t work just be patient and try before the market closes. This was a targeted attempt at market manipulation and should clearly show you how valuable these GME stocks are. Who's living the relatively normal life you talk about? The slaves across the world? The sweat shop workers? The children making our shirts? The people poisoned by their water source? The people starving? The babies who Nestle made dependent on their baby formula? Even in the good ol' USA, What about those currently in massive debt? Those killing themselves because they see no way out? Or those struggling pay check to pay check? I worked alongside some very nice and hard working people. People who struggled through shit jobs, making barely enough to get by and support their family. These people didn't have the luck I did to have a support system, go to college without worries, and take the risks to get into the position I am. And here I am, working a comfortable entry level job, making 5 times what they make, yet I'm sure they could perform equally to me if they had the chances I did. I'm living this ""relatively normal life"" you talk about, and it's awful you think it's something everyone gets access to. They don't. These people need to worry about how they'll afford food, before they can worry about which company they're buying from. Exactly. It will have to be after this is all said and done. I personally will never use robinhood again after this. Probably gonna short their ipo when that happens 100% this. I won’t be transferring till im comfortable with all the positions I plan to hold for that long Damn. When I posted I don't think it had. Fractional shares and penny stocks are actually a potential exception. I've seen some that won't transfer partial shares out and some brokerages won't accept penny stocks. The penny stocks are an issue with money laundering so it may not apply to all penny stocks. Yes they do What do you mean by letting them choose? Like a column of radio boxes or check boxes and told to select 3? If something like that is what you mean, then that would be more layers of convolution and difficult to enforce or audit to ensure conformity with customer’s consent. I think it’s not impossible, but the backend or infrastructure to start cutting up potential revenue streams makes it less likely to be successful. But if I’m misunderstanding your sentiment, please elaborate so I can better follow. Thanks. I’m a little confused here. Privacy and freedom of choice in what way? All stock transactions are recorded. The amount of regulations (“know your customer” rules, for example) have the firms access to a great amount of personal information. Then, your ownership is recorded in multiple places including with stock registrar (so they can mail you proxy stuff, lawyers can reach out to you for class action cases against companies since it’s opt-in automatically for much of those types of suits). Do you mean freedom of choice as in which exchange to use? Because that may cause pricing issues and delays in execution. If I’m misunderstanding, please correct me where I’m not following so I can gain more knowledge about this. Same. Interested But for how long? Same with most of the other brokerages I think. What a coincidence! I reckon it’ll crash again today, setting sell limits before trading opens is probably the best way to cash out in case of another crash Are you touched in the head? CNTTQ was selling at it's highest point ever, at $.91 yesterday; my average cost is $1.44; 3 months ago the stock was worth $.05 a share, had I been able to buy it when it was pennies, I could have sold them all back now for a profit; BUT since CTST is a sell only position, I can only wait and hope the stock goes back up to atleast $1.44 or more; hoping to not take a loss on it. That’s good to know. Thanks for the info! Seems like Schwab fixed their problems yesterday at some point. It won't even let me search GME to even see how it's doing. if you need the money then ya sell, but tbh i'm holding out of spite now Explain I was gonna try fidelity cause someone said they’re still able to buy and sell on there but too many people are making accounts and it broke it Thanks Phil! The part where they stop letting us trade when things get too profitable!! > everyone exit robinhood at mass, they won't survive in a month This. They will get this. Agree. It's hard to tell them apart, though, because they pretend they're on your side right up until they screw you over. ""Robinhood"" was the trading app for little guys like us! Turns out it had a hedge fund behind it after all, I guess. Change the currency and devalue gold prices to prevent loop holes. All their savings will be as good as toilet paper. Yeah tbh people that are still on robinhood are just working against this whole movement. And their money with be trapped in limbo while the court shit gets settled. Better get it out now! people are the currency of the rich, fuck the elite...my brain is also smoother than a baby’s ass: all I know is these Diamond hands are sticking it to those crooked fucks... Start a movement where you convince everyone to move their 401k to cash. Dont show them by putting your money in the market. Show them by taking all of it out. Yes, the fines that these companies pay now is nothing to them. Literally just a cost of doing business that's figured into their budgets already, anyway. When a company is caught committing fraud, of any kind, they should have to pay back, say, five or ten or hell even 15 TIMES the amount they stole. That would be a genuine incentive to not rob from people. Arguably you live under an Informational Tyranny, but you're firing in the right direction, sorta. Yup, went for data science. Ended up doing bullshit customer analytics so we can help our clients improve targeted advertising. I think I want to teach afterwards, but I’m not sure. If you're into the creative problem solving and are interested in learning drawing or 3d programs, try looking into industrial design. It's like fun creative problem solving but with drawing and building stuff. We are seeing in real time how we have the power in numbers and also how stacked everything is against poor people. Also just the whole contempt from this ""It's for your own good, you stupid poor."" Imagine if poor people just boycotted debts and also refused to serve the rich? Idk, wouldn't that put them in deep shit no matter what, no helping of WSB needed?   Edit, a day later: Meanwhile I learned how this was planned to work: If they bankrupt the company in question, they don't need to give back anything. My issue was with the time wait. I didn’t want to wait too long. Turns out TD Ameritrade started allowing buying again and has an instant deposit You make me feel sad with your true words. They unsupport the stock you want you unsupport them. NO PROBLEM [deleted] Uh, no? They are intrinsically linked. Limiting or increasing governmental control isn't a goal, it's a *method* of achieving a goal. Even anarchists who understood their own theories would agree with this. Their goal is maximum freedom for all people, getting rid of the state is their method of doing that. Why can't you people understand that? Limiting government doesn't stand as a goal itself in a vacuum, but something like increasing freedoms for people does. The difference is that once you define what the goal is *then* you can debate on whether or not limiting government would achieve that. You can't debate on limiting government or not until you know what the actual goal of it is supposed to be. You *need* the metrics for deciding if something is good or bad, aka the ""goal"", to be decided before you can debate which would be the best method for achieving that. You don't decide on the method before deciding on the goal/problem you are trying to solve. Fuck, cmon. This isn't complex to understand people. Well some people understand. And numbers don’t lie. But the *fear* from one side in the US in particular is capable of obliterating any discussion based on in-depth and detailed analysis of problems and solutions. if it always happens i legitimately want some examples. ""It always happens"" implies a lot so 3 examples should be very easy to just list real quick. Don't transfer. Fund fidelity, it'll take a day or two but you can buy stock immediately as long as you don't sell. You can cash out or transfer from RH after the big squeeze. Or don't, I ain't your mamma I just like the stock Doesn't even have to be malicious, just the classic Reddit hug of death would do it, what with people leaving Robinhood. It’s been 3h tho! Not even market order..1 share! Insane. But the concept of what you say makes sense Yea it actually would work out since you holding anyway lol I salute you fellow autisti 💎🙌🚀 Yes lol we can make robinhood a meme short same. I'll take my money to paper stocks if I have to but I am never using robinhood again. getting out as soon as I figure out how. I sold everything in dec last year and have just been sitting on cash in my robinhood account. (wont have to file special tax's this year lol)... wasn't going to play while the pandemic was going - figured it be to volatile while the world in chaos atm That being said... Sounds like I will be moving away from robinhood when i do come back.. I can't stand a company that only allows the free market to be free till the rich lose Yeah, if it wasn’t for the 4-8 business days I would’ve already switched to fidelity. But what can ya do. After all this said and done, count me in for never using RH again I asked support and they said only Germany, Belgium and don’t rememeber which other country were impcted by Brexit. Anyway, Revolut has a Lithuanian banking license so they can offer at least some services in the EU I’m using revolut for gme but I can’t figure out how to set sell limits? Only price alerts but that won’t help if it crashes then make a post about it. I don't give a shit here. It has nothing to do with the market manipulation going on right now I sold, lost $80. For the memes! Lmao. It was fun to see. Wish I bought it last year in March but I though for sure Gamestop would close all their stores. Ok Boomer Technically, Robinhood is an investing platform, not a gambling platform, although people are treating it like one. When people try to ""game"" *real* financial markets, intervention becomes necessary, or it can bankrupt good-faith brokers and crash entire markets...like the collapse of [Lehman Brothers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lehman_Brothers), in 08, which triggered a global recession. This could be the straw that breaks the camel's back, and the whole market could suffer...not just Robinhood users. We are over-due for a market correction, in any case, IMO. I see why people become teachers after a few years experience now. I need to do something with my hands. I do surveying from time to time here when needed, but a fulltime switch would be nice. But im also interested in a trade as im trained in building technology all around for designing. So i can read plans. We'll see, i dont need a big house, nor do i want kids so a pay cut to restart after student debt is done could be possible. People will eventually want their money back in their bank accounts with the profit they made. The only way to do that is to sell the stock, which lowers the price. This could end in a very catostrophic cascade as people pull out to cut loss, or keep gain sending the price back down. The only people who will have made it out unscathed would be those that bought in under $20/share or less probably. Those that bought in at $300+ a share (if they dont sell in time) will go tits up Oh good! Did you end up buying back into GME? Im considering buying Nokia at the moment but I'm still new to this. Luckily I also use Vanguard What the shit do local regulations on small businesses have to do with financial market regulations? Did you read what I wrote? At no point did I say anything whatever about the goal; I'm talking about the methods. I'm just going to try my post again. I'll use more words, if you'll promise to actually read them, this time. --- > How limiting government or increasing government is implemented matters more than the limiting or increasing itself does. This is certainly true. ""Limiting government"" randomly will not produce the desired effect, i.e. a better life for the citizens. The same for ""more government."" But one cannot meaningfully discuss the specific ways to limit (or grow) government in order to achieve those ends, without reaching some sort of agreement of which of the two main options you are going to peruse, or agreeing to consider all options on their own merits, on the basis that some limits and some growth might be the best policy. But in the US system, we cannot achieve that agreement. One party blocks anything that might grow government, and the other is opposed to limiting government. [deleted] You're likely right, just given the current events, I wouldn't be surprised the lengths these institutions will go. You can transfer to another broker but wait till after the GME squeeze because it take like 4-8 business days Banking services yeah, I'm still using it in Canada too, but no dice on the trade part. Click on the button to sell GME, In blue writing there’ll be “market order”. Click on that and you’ll be able to set a sell limit ? A short squeeze is a technical market strategy. Blue Apron, KBIO, VW... And none of those were even close to as heavily shorted as gamestop. It's not like this is some brand new event, it's just the first time a significant number of small time investors are in on it. Curious that when billionaires do this none of them suffer consequences, but the one time retail gets in on the action they shut it down immediately. This was always a risk in the game that short sellers played. Shorting shares that don't exist absolutely constitutes ""treating an investment platform like a gambling platform"" as you say, and also illegal market manipulation - they did it anyway because they thought they were invincible, and are now trying to change the rules once it's been shown that they are not **[Lehman Brothers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lehman Brothers)** Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. () was a global financial services firm founded in 1847. Before filing for bankruptcy in 2008, Lehman was the fourth-largest investment bank in the United States (behind Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and Merrill Lynch), with about 25,000 employees worldwide. It was doing business in investment banking, equity and fixed-income sales and trading (especially U.S. [^(About Me)](https://np.reddit.com/user/wikipedia_text_bot/comments/jrn2mj/about_me/) ^- [^(Opt out)](https://np.reddit.com/user/wikipedia_text_bot/comments/jrti43/opt_out_here/) ^(- OP can reply !delete to delete) ^- [^(Article of the day)](https://np.reddit.com/comments/k9hx22) **This bot will soon be transitioning to an opt-in system. Click [here](https://np.reddit.com/user/wikipedia_text_bot/comments/ka4icp/opt_in_for_the_new_system/) to learn more and opt in. Moderators: [click here](https://np.reddit.com/user/wikipedia_text_bot/comments/ka4icp/opt_in_for_the_new_system/) to opt in a subreddit.** It’s funny how those realizations hit as you work and get older. When I was in HS and college, I had this plan to get my degree, hit the work force, climb the ladder, get the swanky apartment in the city, and a Porsche. 6 years into working...I want health insurance, not to live paycheck to paycheck, a small house with enough space to pursue my hobbies, and time to spend with friends and loved ones. The toll that chasing a paycheck and promotions, brutal hours of high pay jobs can take on your mental well being, not worth it to me anyway. Anyway, best of luck with your goals. Hope you’re able to get the debt down quickly and find peace doing something you enjoy. Well I don't disagree in general with the first part. But: > The only people who will have made it out unscathed would be those that bought in under $20/share or less probably. Those that bought in at $300+ a share (if they dont sell in time) will go tits up. Nobody of ""us"" can ""sell in time"" - if you try you go tits up, as you put it. The only chance to make no total loss is to prevent GME from going bankrupt. And how can we do that? ***HOLD!!!*** No matter what! As long as the value of the GME stocks don't fall to zero, the hedge funds have to give back more shares than exist. If GME goes bankrupt, the have to give back nothing. You see? I bought back into GME lower than what I paper handed at. I think you can not buy it before the market opens. Once it does you can place the order. When I connected it to my bank I could do a transfer which gave me immediate cash to trade but the money doesn't leave my bank for a few days. You might have 0 settled cash but that doesn't matter if you're just buying stock and not selling until the transfer fully completes $75 is what Robinhood charges to transfer, not Fidelity. Yeah, it could be both too. And you think the squeeze will happen within 4-8 business days? Are you a Canadian citizen? Likewise my friend. I'm aware it's robinhood. That's not the issue. I'm just going to take a chance and hope robinhood allows closing in the next few days. I couldn't get to Fidelity's customer service in time on Friday and I don't want to wait in limbo. The squeeze will last several days, I’m not sure when the ultimate peak is but I’m not willing to risk it Yes Were you able to trade on Revolut even before Brexit?" Today is a dark day for traders,45563,https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/l7awnp/today_is_a_dark_day_for_traders/,"This should scare all investors. These brokerage firms have just as much control over the market as social media does when choosing who to allow to post on their site. Not many people even knew they could legally stop a stock from being traded. This should cause fear and outrage for any investor, even if they don’t support the GME movement. What if one day they chose to remove the sell option when your position is tanking? This is so much bigger than GameStop, Blackberry, or any other stock banned today. It was dark indeed. Tomorrow will be better considering they made GME, BB, NOK, and AMC the hottest stocks to buy right now. The amount of publicity those got today was mind blowing. Stay calm. The market is a mechanism to transfer wealth from the impatient to the patient. Edit: hold the line. See you in Valhalla 💃 Imagine if George Soros is in the middle of a fucking risky billionaire trade and his broker call him and say: ""well you're only allowed to sell now, sorry George but tomorrow after your strategy is absolutely fucked we'll resume the trading normally."" Guys this is the brightest day in a long time. The entire country is openly talking about blatant market manipulation and major players are talking about how to better regulate the stock market. You have a congressperson on twitch at this very second talking about how great retail traders are and how they need more power. This could be the beginning of real change if we play our cards right I put the following on the other sub, but I can share it here, too. - - - - - - I'm glad this place has quieted down enough for some actual DD written by a monkey with a keyboard and Adderall. Disclaimer: I am that monkey. Let me explain to you what happened, play by play. I will give you illiterates who hate reading a spoiler up front: **We were within approximately 30 seconds of triggering a nuclear bomb that would have blown up the market.** Do I have your attention? Here goes: 1. Yesterday, new call option strike prices were added all the way up to $570. Do I have to go over gamma squeezes again? Really? We've been over this: when deep out-of-the-money call options start being gobbled up and the price starts moving towards being in-the-money, the call writers have to hedge their risk of having their sold calls exercised, typically by buying stock. This creates upwards pressure on the market. We've been seeing these movements all week. 2. Yesterday after market, you probably saw that coordinated effort to drive the price down and spook retail investors into a mass sell-off. It didn't work. 3. Last night, Robinhood sent out a message to users: you could no longer enter into new options. You could exercise them if you had the collateral (money in the account) to do so. Very interesting and the first sign of pants-shitting fear. 4. Today, the market opened very strong. It opened so strong that we were looking at a self-perpetuating gamma squeeze all the way up way past $570. 5. At approximately 9:58 am, the stock had reached $468 in a parabolic move. 6. Two minutes earlier, at 9:56 am, Robinhood tweeted that they were not allowing users to buy GME stock, but they would allow selling. 7. The trend instantly halted and started a collapse downwards, before picking up a bit, especially after some retail was allowed back in. Okay, now that you are clear on the facts, understand this: **The market ran out of liquidity today, or was threatening to get close enough that they killed it.** What does that mean? It means they ran out of shares and/or capital. They wouldn't let you buy new shares because we were burning through all the shares on the market. I saw an unsubstantiated post from a user who said **a small sell limit order executed at $2600 for him.** Do you get the severity of the situation, if that's true? It means the buying was getting to the point where it was just about to put INFINITE pressure on the price of the shares. It means virtually any ask was getting bid. How do you get infinite upwards pressure? A gamma squeeze triggering the mother of all short squeezes, just like we predicted. The call writers need shares to hedge. Retail is still buying more. The short sellers need over 100% of the float back. Add these together. There were more shares needed than existed on the open market. That's what a liquidity crisis is. Listen to [this remarkable (if infuriating) interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RH4XKP55fM) where the chairman of Interactive Brokers admits that they didn't have the capital to pay out the winners (us), so they took their ball and went home. **DO YOU GRASP HOW INSANE IT IS THAT HE SAID THEY NEEDED TO SHUT DOWN BUY ORDERS TO ""PROTECT THE MARKET""?** Hello! He's not talking about the market for GME shares. He's talking about the entire market! The New York Stock Exchange. The NASDAQ. All that. Remember the movie *Snowpiercer*? Do you remember that scene where the lower class people realize the soldiers who oppress them have no bullets? Go to the 1:00 minute mark of this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EH1EtiOhr6o It kick starts a full blown rebellion. They have no bullets. It's the exact same in this market: No capital. No shares. Infinite losses inbound. **TL;DR: For all you who will just skip to the bottom to ask, ""Do I get my tendies now?"" the answer is this: they NEED NEED NEED your shares. Do you get that? HOLD. Like the guy in the movie, scream, ""They're out of bullets!"" and create a stampede. That's how we win.** They needed your shares so badly that they literally risked PRISON TIME to get them. They tried robbing you, and I'm not even exaggerating. They were within 30 seconds of all being wiped out today. The really sad thing it is that the media is posing it as a philosophical question of whether brokers should protect uninformed investors against themselves, rather than protect billionaires from the reality of getting caught in bad trades. Even where the media recognizes the outrage as legitimate they absolutely mischaracterize it. Today is the day to be MAD. BE ANGRY. Write to your representatives. Tweet at Congress. Demand accountability. So here is some food for thought. This feature where stocks can be placed into “sell only” mode had to have been built in advance. This is the kind of feature that doesn’t just get pushed to production on a live and trading stock market on a whim, this feature had to have been built and properly tested long before it was used. It makes me wonder what sorts of back room discussions have had to happen to even make this an option, let alone the circumstances that would lead up to it being used. It clearly affected the market, it was clear manipulation of an active situation. It was a pure power move to leverage the Stocks and it had only one, clear beneficiary: those who shorted the stock. At a minimum any customers of those brokerz need to leave them for a broker who didn’t pull this shit. Optimally they should be punished by the SEC and the judicial system, hard. I am happy my (European) broker did not do anything but feel monumentally pissed on behalf of those affected. [deleted] **Sign the petition here: https://www.change.org/p/u-s-securities-and-exchange-commission-sec-retail-investors-demand-market-transparency-please-sec-amend-form-13f-requirements** Retail Investors demand more visibility into institutional trading and borrowing. Anyone investing over 1 billion dollars (i.e. hedge funds and other investment institutions) is required to disclose their holdings to promote transparency in our markets - it's called Form 13-F. **But did you know that they only need to disclose it 4 times a year? And did you know that they don't need to disclose all of their positions?** We the people are asking for a re-evaluation of transparency requirements for Institutional Investors. We have access to technology and data gives us new sophistication - and are beginning to understand there is a tremendous disparity in access between retail and institutional investors, and are concerned that this access is being used against us, in ways that we genuinely worry could be in flagrant violation of Securities Laws. We believe that with better access to institutional trading data, retail investors can better participate in the market when making buying and selling decisions. **According to Form 13F (https://www.sec.gov/files/form13f.pdf), Institutional Investors only need to disclose their positions 4 times a year. Why?** *Filing of Form 13F. A Manager must file a Form 13F report with the Commission within 45 days after the end of each calendar year and each of the first three calendar quarters of each calendar year. As required by Section 13(f)(5) of the Exchange Act, a Manager which is a bank, the deposits of which are insured in accordance with the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, must file with the appropriate regulatory agency for the bank a copy of every Form 13F report filed with the Commission pursuant to this subsection by or with respect to such bank. Filers who file Form 13F electronically can satisfy their obligation to file with other regulatory agencies by sending (a) a paper copy of the EDGAR filing (provided the Manager removes or blanks out the confidential access codes); (b) the filing in electronic format, if the regulatory agency with which the filing is being made has made provisions to receive filings in electronic format;* **In your FAQ (https://www.sec.gov/divisions/investment/13ffaq.htm), it is clear Institutional Investors are not required to disclose short positions. Why?** *Question 41 Q: What about short positions? A: You should not include short positions on Form 13F. You also should not subtract your short position(s) in a security from your long position(s) in that same security; report only the long position.* **Contact the SEC and let them know retail investors demand increased transparency (https://www.sec.gov/contact-information/sec-directory)** Who's gonna play DFV in the movie? [Google](https://www.google.com/finance/quote/GME:NYSE) shows that GME went to 490$ at 2pm EST. But I don't see on other platforms. Is that glitch or what? can someone confirm if they saw what google is showing? This is progress!! No generation prior to this would have been as aware or engaged as we are. We are taking ownership of this space and we will not be stopped by this. They will not beat us. Even though they're trying to take their ball and go home, we're all still holding out here on the court and ready to dunk on them tomorrow. Robinhood was considered unique and democratic for its time. Its time has passed. Our entire generation and future generations will remember this moment. We will move forward from this with heads held high and new clarity. The next democratic finance iteration will have more clarity and will be even more of a level playing field. The system will continue to improve because we are engaged and calling bullshit when we see it. From us on reddit to the guys like Chamath and Elon and Justin Kan and Mark Cuban. There's still short to cover, and we still like the stock It is indeed one of the darkest day ever...I just cannot phantom the fact that brokerages won't let retail investors buy stocks which they think are too speculative and volatile.. the whole market is overpriced and as an investor I have a right to buy what I want and at whichever price...if it falls onus is on investor. Clearly it's a tactic to save the hedge funds. The Wall Street curruption must end.. Tomorrow opening we dine in hell, let’s lunch GME AMC NOK BB on the moon This isn't over by any stretch... they played their hands yesterday and today - blatant craven market manipulation... but it's not enough to save the shorts at this point. GME is still shorted well over 100%... if you've got the money to lose I suggest you get in the fight and buy tomorrow in the AM when markets open. The REAL short squeeze has yet to happen. IF DFV IS STILL IN, I'M STILL IN... GME to the moon or bust. Fuck the hedge funds - this isn't about making some money on a position to me or to hundreds of thousands of us... this is about making a point now. Diamon hands brethren... the hedge funds have played all their cards - all we have to do is HOLD and wait for them to cave. THIS IS THE WAY Google Play is also helping robinhood by erasing nearly 100K negative reviews. A bunch of crooks. SMH Anyone still having stop losses is stupid at this point. How can people ever trust the stock market again after this unless sweeping reform happen? Hey guys... lets stand strong. If you can financially afford a GME stock.... buy 1. We're going to prove a point. THIS IS NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE :) Indeed it should be written down in history, the battle is not lost is just a little obstacle i say FOR THE PEOPLE! It’s disgusting and they should pay.... no matter what you use your money to invest in. I stayed out of the GME mania this whole time but tomorrow I am buying what I can for $1k and not selling untill I'm either dead or homeless. This is personal now and I don't care about the money at all. If this helps the retail investors to fuck over these crooked bastard I am more than happy to donate to the cause. I will keep the shares as memorabilia the whole financial services industry is now going to be put under a microscope. It's been an old boys club for a long time and now the scales have begun to tip the other way. A lot of very rich and powerful people are going to pull out all the stops to prevent their buddies from being bankrupt and I just hope that the ""regulators"" hold the correct people accountable. We've all been conditioned to expect NOTHING from them so far, so we'll see if anything changes. Can someone explain to me why bb and nok are caught up in this hype when they are not shorted companies like gme amc and bbby? Don't get me wrong I got all of these and I am HOLDING 💎 🙌 but just trying to understand why these two stocks are involved I watched Robinhood CEO interview on Bloomberg and it was just straight garbage out of his mouth. He was just spinning the answers in circle and interview was just shaking her head. Whether or not it was a dark day depends on what happens next. And I don’t mean whether GME goes to the moon or not, but whether we actually see consequences and change as a result of this lifting the veil of this fraud. It is naked to the public eye now - and for that we must thank the investors Brokers like Robinhood have been selling user data and manipulating the market for a long time. Today was just the first time they made it blatantly obvious that they were doing it. Chinese looking at us saying “and you think our business practices are fucked up?” Stocks closed significantly down from yesterday’s prices mainly due to short sellers, trade halting and some panic selling giving hedge funds and market makers to make their moves during market hours. At close when it was announced trading for retail investors will resume the stock price goes up giving these Wall Street elites the opportunity buy and drive up the stock price after hours only to sell it to us retail investors now that trading for us is allowed. My aunt worked at pg from the age of 18. Proctor and gamble. She’s like 70ish now. She took stock instead of Christmas bonus every year. In 2005 she had a million dollars in shares. In 2008 she had 30 grand in shares and my uncle convinced her to sell the shares before they went even lower. He died of cancer and the shares recovered a few years later. I always think of the hedge fund or banker who made her million dollars. She was a simple person who made a big mistake. She worked the line and management for 47 years at the same company and saw them grow into a huge company. She drinks a bottle of wine every night. Fuck them all🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾‼️‼️‼️ We the People ‼️🤬🤬🤬🤬 Remember how Black Friday in 1929 influenced an entire generation to not trust banks? Well, this is the exact same reason we’ll have an entire generation not trust the stock market The fight is far from over. The chickens will come to roost. Apes strong together! I didn't get involved in this but Robinhood users need to abandon that shithole of a company. Do you know what brokerages never stopped people buying? Edit: seems to be a mic if at least fidelity and schwab. Td ameritrade too as they only stopped margin calls. This is the problem with free brokerages. They're beholden to the big guys. I didn’t believe the market was so rigged before today. Fuck those cocksuckers #SHORT STOCK DOESN'T HAVE AN EXPIRATION DATE Hedgefund whales are spreading disinfo saying Friday is make-or-break for $GME. Call options expiring ITM on Friday will drive the price up if levels are maintained, but *may not trigger the short squeeze*. It may be Friday, but it could be next week the we see the real squeeze. #DON'T PANIC IF THE SQUEEZE DOESN'T HAPPEN FRIDAY. It's not guaranteed to. The only thing that is *guaranteed* mathematically is that the shorts *will have to cover* at *some* point in the future. They are trying to get enough people hooked on the **false expectation** of Friday so that if/when it doesn't happen, enough will sell out of panic/despair. **DON'T BE THAT PERSON.** #WE LIKE THE STOCK #KEEP HOLDING UNTIL THEY FEEL THE PAIN, WHETHER THAT'S FRIDAY OR NEXT WEEK #5,000+💎🙌🏻🚀 .           ✦             ˚              \*                        .              .            ✦              ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍                  ,       .             .   ゚      .           ☀️  . ,       .                                                                                           .           .             .                                                                                        ✦        ,               🚀        ,    ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍               .            .                                             ˚            ,                                       .                      .             .               \*            ✦                                               .                  .           .        .     🌑              .           .               ˚                     ゚     .               .      🌎 ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ,                \* .                    .           ✦             ˚              \*                        .              . Fucking pieces of shit, it's time for another revolution. Worst part, that even if they get fined or see a class action, how will anyone be able to show harm? Because of their manipulation, I saw my stock value drop $30K. No one will reimburse us for that. Insane What happened today was blatant market manipulation against the retail investor. But the war is far from over...they are scared. DO NOT SELL! On one hand it's infuriating to see just how much power the 1% has and showcasing that there are almost no depths they won't sink to in order to protect their own unbridled greed at the expense of everyone else. On the other hand, it's also fascinating because usually the control systems that they implement to rig the game in their favor aren't quite so visible. Usually it's like this: there is a $20 bill for you. You have to run a complicated obstacle course in order to get it. There's a bunch of arbitrary rules that you don't really understand and you get penalized for breaking. Oh, you wor e shoes with green shoelaces that day? That's minus a $1.50. you finished the obstacle course in less than 11 minutes and 43 seconds? That's minus $3 right there. You break a couple more rules that you didn't know were there and you grab the $20 bill. After the deductions for breaking these rules and after taxes, you're left with $7. You feel like you kind of got ripped off but at least you got your $7 at the end of the day and you're happy about that. Today it was like this: there's a $20 bill sitting on the table for you. You walk over and grab it. You immediately get dog piled by a half dozen men who rip the $20 bill out of your hand, beat you half to death with baseball bats, and then throw you off of the balcony. Overall it's just really disheartening because I think we all know how this is going to play out: there's going to be some kind of kangaroo court investigation by some kind of governing body, citadel is going to admit no wrongdoing and they're going to pay a couple million dollar fine and yet walk away with hundreds of millions of dollars of profit. To them, fines like the one that is going to No doubt inevitably come of this are simply a business expenditure. In order to make x amount of profits, they need to spend y amount of money. It's no different to them than corporate offices or the monthly electric bill. And we just bailed out wall street for the second time in 10 years , just a couple months ago . Remember when big biz got all that stimulus money and the people did not get squat? Well they had planned on taking most of it back with thier market manipulation. I dont see how people can be so calm about them litterally always ripping us off ,while taking all the stimulus while we are made to sleep in cars with our familys because rent was due but prayer didnt make the stock option print . What happened today was completely unacceptable. It just confirms that there is no such thing as a free market and that the stock market is manipulated. If I over-leverage/make a bad call, brokerages aren't going to come save my ass. The shorts need take responsibility for their choices. Take the bad with the good like any other investor..... supposed to be a free trade market but just like freedom of speech, that shit gone right out the damn window. lets continue, whats next on the short list? You only lose money if you sell. This is very dark, very interesting, today we have all seen some true colours... I’m in for 10 more GME. Fuck them tomorrow We are just serfs to them, fuck them revolt This is why DeFi is so important. If we don't forget what happened here brokers will all be replaced by DeFi in 10 to 20 years. Edit: DeFi = Decentralized Finance You can protest by HOLDING there are still tons of shorts needed to be returned. It's truly fucked up, they must have really been in deep shit if they pulled something as obvious as this in order to get the price back down. This is one step away from just going into the system and changing the price to $100, or sending out an email notifying every that due to a glitch in the system we sold all your shares. You realize these ideas were probably brought up at some point. What would be the full impact if they didn't slam the brakes? I know everyone wants to say 'a few hedge fund billionaires would lose money' but that's being a bit dismissive. We saw what happened in the market yesterday and, well, it wasn't good. We need to realize there may be a larger consequence to this than rich people losing money, it could crash the entire market. As much as I want the little guy to win, if it means bringing down the house and wiping out my entire portfolio I am not so sure. I think no matter how this ends a lot of people will be very hesitant before they shoot off a lowball target price so they can short a company. Edit; to add to the shady list E*TRADE won’t give ah price on GME. Is E*TRADE next to refuse to allow buys? I agree it’s a dark day but nothing new. Read anything about bucket shops and how markers used to work even 40 or 60 years ago and today comes as no surprise at all People shouldn’t forget this. A lot of it *is* young kids who yolo’d their stimulus money, which is all good, but we need to have a broader attention span if we want actual change. The war has always been against Wall Street; we did NOTHING in 08 when they raped the country. People mobilized over a dumb ass conspiracy that was completely false, how do we convince people to take (peace yet drastic) action on legitimately corrupt investors? It’s gonna seem reductive, lol, but it’s accurate: Of fucking course they did exactly that. The markets are literally designed and regulated, thanks to Citizens United v US, to be preferential to wealth. The rich choose/lobby their odds in the stock market, and have increasing choice of odds with increasing wealth. The only thing that happened differently today is that they were less abstract in controlling markets At 8am RH locks trading for 13 tickers popular among retail investors, for **no reason at all**. They only issue a confirmation **45 minutes later** **10 hours later** on CNBC its casually chalked up to liquidity requirements and swept under the rug #SAD 💎THEY TRIPLED DOWN ON AMC SHORTING 💎 Why the AMC squeeze hasn't happened yet: Take a look at this link ( https://iborrowdesk.com/report/AMC )and scroll down to recent data for AMC. Borrowing fees (meaning the rate at which the hedge funds have to pay to short the stock) have risen from 3.2% to 21.9% in the past day. This is a dramatic increase. However, that's only the beginning. This is GME's borrowing rates and available shares to short: https://iborrowdesk.com/report/gme If you look at GME's borrowing rates, the last time they were at 22% was 1/21/21 (6 days ago). 5 days later, the borrowing rates SPIKED up to 83%. This was also the same day the GME squeeze went crazy from 90 -> 300. As Martin Shkreli said, keep your eye on the borrowing rates, not the short interest. The borrowing rates make the hedge funds nervous and is ultimately a huge factor for them having to cover. Covering leads to squeezing. I predict a similar, though not as significant squeeze as GME for AMC. This is something to keep an eye on. Shares available to short for AMC has also decreased from 10,000,000 6 days ago on 1/21 to <200,000 as of close, meaning the hedge funds are getting greedy as fuck trying to make us lose!!! Additionally AMC is better off than it was during the pandemic. Their bankruptcy concerns are completely off the table with a billion in funding. They are also a very low market cap at 4B, meaning there is much bigger potential for their price to increase. Movies are not fucking dead, mark my words. AMC is due for a HUGE rally. There's room for both squeezes, lets fucking go boys. 🚀🚀🚀 THEY WANNA SHUT US DOWN ON ROBINHOOD, WE AINT BACKING DOWN. WERE OPENING OTHER BROKERAGES. I LOVE THE MOVIE THEATERS!!!! 🍿🍿🍿 I really need help my buying power went from 33000 to suddenly having an account deficit? Where did my money go? It looked as if my transfers went through already and I haven't received any help on this... lol it will go down in the history books as ""never actually happened, everything was way over-hyped"" move along folks we'll take our multi-trillion dollar bailout and be on our way. I got in 4 shares of gme and 10 of amc today. Fuck the fucking fucks, apes hold the line, apes have 💎🙌🏽, 🦍 rule shit right now This week must change things, and I’m throwing in what I can to be part of history. The 🚀 is but frosting on the cake. Vlad, the CEO of Robinhood went on CNBC today to boast about how their app is #1 in the app store. Let's pissed him off by taking it off the ranking. You guys know what to do. > In the last generation most of the people thought about the stock market as something abstract and only reserved to the richest getting richer, only having a clue about what Wall Street is thanks to movies. I don't know if that's entirely true, I've been playing the markets since the 1990s, probably my mid-30s. I was in software development and a lot of us started getting into it because that was when you first were able to trade stocks online. But then you did say ""most people"", so you could still be right. Before the 1990s, you had to have a broker, like an actual person, and one person with a business card, not an interchangeable call center contact. You could only buy in 100 unit blocks, and you had to have your money all set up, and there were fairly high minimums just to be allowed to trade, it was a big hassle. Most people were in the market anyway, with mutual funds in their 401K plans. You couldn't really trade, but you could at least participate in the market, so most people in that situation would follow the stock market. I remember when a real estate bubble popped in 1987, a sell off started and I just ignored it, but my co-worker lamented that he spent the whole day trying to get through to his broker. He was lucky he didn't! He would have lost a lot selling in a panic, but he cooled down and just held onto it after that, and came out ok. What you kiddoes are doing is pretty cool though, and it's true that y'all are deep into stocks at a much earlier age than was even possible before. I've been following wsb for a while, and even made some money off of their tips. One thing I love about what you're doing is that you aren't afraid of losing money. The only way to really learn is to put money into it. Before you do that, it's just all to abstract to care about, but once your own money is at stake, you become hyper aware, your brain becomes far more able to absorb knowledge and data, and to achieve some understanding of what's going on. One thing I find funny is that the local news stations are all treating this as one of their lite, smiley stories. It's great to see these GenX newscasters cheerily talking about ""Wall Street Bets"", subreddits, Robinhood, short selling, and hedge funds like ""Oh those cute l'il Zoomers!"" They have interviews with local investors (I'm in Dallas), and they're all ""Well, it's great to see young people getting so involved in investing. I just hope they don't lose too much money at it ."" I guess what I'm saying is, the underlying attitude is ""Yeah, fuck those hedge fund managers!"" Nobody is calling wsb ""financial terrorists"" or anything like you might expect. Today we learned America does not have a free market. We learned as soon as the regular guys participate in the market the way wall street does everyday the off switch will be flipped for millions of us! It’s ok if we take home pennies. No one cares about that as long as Wall Street takes in their billions. It’s only a free market for the rich Pretty disappointing. I'm young and relatively new to investing, but this whole debacle has made me extremely pessimistic about the entire market, volatile stock or not. Why should I invest in the market if some rich prick or a collection of them can literally do whatever they want with my money? Why aren't there better regulations to make sure these guys have to play with the same rule book as me? Fuck this, I'm buying golden dubloons and storing them in a wooden chest. Thanks for this OP. Their action was not cool, and we will remember. [deleted] This is disgusting. And it's not over. If/when Redditors organize to counter this, I want in on it. I genuinely believe the lack of faith in wall street this has caused will result in the bursting of the bubble. Who knows. Either way... it was f\*cked. Guaranteed it will be known as the big squeeze, at least until another one comes around Will they now do this to any stock that makes an unexpected jump? How do they reintroduce these stocks at some point? Do they wait until they drop all the way back down? Do they do it quietly or come up with some excuse? Them trying to “protect us” by preventing us from buying is what lost us retail investors money? I dont get the BS fake logic at all. Soooooo do we buy gme and AMC tomorrow once Robinhood allows limited trading? The people’s hedge fund will be a thing .... just a matter of time . Imagine owning a publicly traded company and this happens to you. What’s your recourse? Sue? 'we did this to protect you' Oh you offer protection? let me get a refund on all my losses then. This was truly something else. I’ve made some risky plays and lost a lot. At the end of the day, I had myself to blame. Don’t get me wrong, I know buying GME was risky, but to lose like this? I’ve never felt anger like this towards the market. Totally agree. Not letting regular people buy those shares, while still allowing to sell? Sounds very suspicious to me. Even though I think that GME and whatnot are like gambling nowadays... but it's now a matter of rights. They've been exposed as the casinos they are. It's disgusting and I want to see people jailed for it. Clearly money comes easily to these people- so let them sweat it out behind bars. Oh this shit is worse than most know. My broker who I use to use told me flat out that no amount of money is being allowed to buy any of the ""listed"" stocks. If you had them it was a sell ONLY option! Like wtf is this...it is my money so get fucked! So I told him he just lost my entire portfolio. Now the best part...douche account manager gets on the phone telling me ""it would be a mistake moving at such a volatile time"". ""Doing so will put your portfolio in a position of great loss"" Me: ""You just signed your own SEC complaint and lawsuit sweet cheeks! I tell you what I want and where I want it. Not the other way around. With that said, draft the closure of my account ready to move and close out any and all transactions we had scheduled!"" I'll never forget the only time my job was threatened. I worked in a financial data provider. We provided many investment firms, funds, banks, etc with their data. Currencies trade constantly. The close price for a currency is the last reported trade for the day, within a specific timezone. The year end close - i.e. the last trade of the year - is especially important as it is used in a lot of different calculations and valuations for offshore funds. One new years day I received a call telling me that the year end close for one currency was wrong. WTF does that even mean? I logged on, and had a look at the logs and timeseries. Everything looked mostly normal. There was a bit of volatility, which was unusual to happen leading up to midnight, but not unheard of. I checked our competitors and other sources and saw the exact same figure. I replied back saying that the data was correct, provided trades leading up to and after the trade used for the end-of-year close. There was like a percent spread over a time period. Nothing worry some at all. Except to the fund manager. Their fee was based on their fund's performance. And their fund had underperformed to a point that the 1% difference in the close they wanted versus were given meant that they couldn't pay themselves that fee (and also had to explain to their investors). I couldn't care about their issues. The data was correct and I closed the issue. An hour later I received a call from my boss. I explained the situation. I could have changed the data (I was one of 3 who had the rights), but correcting data was done rarely. A half hour after that, I received a call from my boss and his boss. We spoke about it. I was asked how quickly I could change the data. I lied and said it would take many hours, but it took me a few seconds. If we changed the end of year close, we'd have to notify all customers of the change. And explain why we had to do it. And get them to redo all of their calculations on their models, valuations, etc. The third phone call included the c-level. And I was flat out given a choice: Change the data or change my job. That fund manager bitched and whined and moaned to our company owners enough that the execs got shat on, and of course we know in which direction shit flows. So I changed it. And I let all our account managers know. And they spent weeks apologizing for all the additional work that the change that created a load of work for all our other clients who used that data. So that's how I learned to hate fund managers. When they said “we had to stop the losses” in this case it 100% means they had to stop the winnings. The money was just going to the wrong people and that is it. Dave Portnoy made a great point about this. He said that obviously Vlad tenev had to know that this would cause Robinhood to blow up in his face and that would be the end of Robin Hood as we know it. Now I am concerned with who’s got his back, how much money did he make off this deal, etc. there’s so many backdoor possibilities on this and I’m so excited to see what the outcome is. hopefully like Portnoy said people will be jailed for this. Just fyi, CNBC is now running a campaign to try to save their buddies asses. They are claiming this all happened in concert because of ""liquidity concerns."" Do not fall for this. Do not let anyone who is not in the market fall for this. This is literal class warfare and needs to be treated as such. These people need to go to prison and be bled dry or else they win. I had positions in Black Berry and Nokia that I took and risked with my own money. On Wednesday these positions became very valuable. On Thursday they colluded to crash the market and likely all of these hedge funds modified their positions to exit shorts and buy calls... Today I have recovered 15% of what I lost yesterday, showing the magnitude of the theft. We finally get an advantage and THEY CAN'T PAY because they are leveraged 15x... Meanwhile the small retailer trader gets liquidated OR forbidden to participate in the market so their positions are made worth less through other means. I am sick to my stomach and they will get away with this because we are SO SOFT on financial crime and NO ONE GOES TO JAIL. This was my post to my fb community (and in the FB post i had to take out the stock names...I think fb was blocking GME and AMC traffic too...): How is it that no one is posting about $GME $AMC did all you armchair activists all get up to take a shit at the same time?? This is likely to be the only actual redistribution of wealth in your lifetime (in anyone's) so I will explain: A market analyst who'd been tracking GME (gamestop) since 2018 started buying long everytime he noticed hedge funds going short and ended up exposing the most significant bit of publicly available wall street corruption since 2007. Wall street fund managers had been colluding using a market vehicle called a short which is a bet against a company. But with the billions available to a hedge fund they can actually devalue the company with such a technique, and with each penny change in stock price they made millions (or more) and then passed it off to another fund that made millions in the next penny decline. The result of this being so successful that wall street actually had more short positions outstanding than GME had shares outstanding...enter the analyst who'd been buying the shares and over 2 years following the stock who calls out this illegal collusion AND the precarious position the hedge funds created for themselves. Due to their short positions, at some point the hedge funds legally have to (literally) buy the stock at a later date. If you or I or Jenny from the block all hold the shares of stock, they have to buy it from us. If you hold it and wait, the price will go up because demand is increasing and with time their positions get more precarious, and ultimately they will stop waiting us out and start competing with other hedge funds to buy out these shorts as quickly as possible. And they spend the millions they made devaluing the stocks to pay you at the higher prices the market now demands for stocks like GME and AMC, and the result is that prices go up and then the next fund buys before it's too late and instead of our 401ks getting ruined it is their I'll gotten hedge fund gains being depleted. Caveats apply and guaranteed they are trying to avoid this with nefarious and political/regulatory means but: In short (get it??) they are stuck having to pay you with the money they've been scamming from you since they crashed the economy and got bailed out for in 2007-2009. And they will do this by selling the ""reliable"" long stocks that are too popular to easily manipulate like APPL or AMZN and when they take billions out of those stocks to pay you for your shares of GME to cover the positions they are legally bound to cover. As a result the prices of stocks AAPL and most other stocks will artificially decline. And since you have all that money they just paid you for GME or AMC you can then buy AAPL or AMZN at a deep discount, locking in your position there the same way wall street had previously locked you out. So in the end, you own a piece of the stack market that previously had only been accessible to wall street. At least in theory. Markets are volatile and this will be a financial battleground individuals always get screwed by the institutions somehow. This isn't financial advice, I'm not a financial advisor, and I can't give you financial advice. What I will say is this: Pundits, politicians, and propagandists (and stock brokers) love a dose of modern activism because it means donations and click throughs and campaign funds which means revenue which means job security which means their hedge funds get filled and their hedge fund managers collect fees and nothing changes for the people your intention or donation was intended to help. It's a system that the elite use to keep themselves elite and there is no trickle down except for the occasional feint they use to placate the masses like the affordable care act which still makes ""them"" more money than it benefits anyone else. But if the system breaks and we end up owning a larger piece of wall street than the general population has ever owned in history, they will reevaluate and change the system that caused them losses. and this moment in history represents a chance to have a voice and a share in that change because we can own it. It's quite literally taking the power back. not for a week or a month or an election cycle but for generations. Don't occupy wall street. Democratize wall street. TLDR? Smh. (Still not giving any advice...I'm not a financial advisor and I'm not giving you advice. These might not even be the author's own opinions or beliefs for all we know my account got hacked I'm never on fb anyway after all and why would I spend all this time writing what is definitely not financial advice to a bunch of people who think a meaningful change happens when they switch the color of their Facebook profile picture) If you're just a buy & hold forever ETF & blue chip investor enjoying the 10% average annual gains, are you still a victim of market manipulation? I'm still so pissed they did this. I really cannot believe it. It's not over yet. History will talk about this week and next, not just today. Fuck these pricks. We're taking then down. We were *seconds* away today. They're out of ammo. ""The Great Shart of 2022"" Is there a class action lawsuit? Who exactly gets to make a lawsuit against them bc i got affected by this (as well as many many others obviously) I sold today. I hate it. I’m angry. They knew if they put us in a place of uncertainty we’d have to choose. I chose to cash out money that will help my family in a time when we need it. No shame. I should be proud of my earnings and success. Instead though I feel angry. I feel let down. I’m having a difficult time expressing what I feel. An institution took away our ability to buy. Only left us with the option to sell, and then proceeded to yank the stock. As I watched my earning dwindle into uncertainty I did what many other surely did: sold. I’m angry. indeed, today it was broadcast to the world that the US stock market is rigged entirely for the 1%. the yog have been reminded of their place. You lost me at “partecipate” dark day for the auditors, clearly nobody reads gme s financial statements and just decide to yolo lol but yea market manipulation should be illegal Boycottt the stock market The crash of 2021 it’s due and this is the perfect spark 💣💣💣💣💣💣🌡🌡💭💭💭💭💭 Do not forget Covid 19 crash of 2020. Can someone explain to me in Layman’s terms what happened? I don’t really understand stocks and stuff. Is it that normal people were getting a lot of money and the rich were taking heavy losses, so the people up top stopped trading to cater to the rich? If so, the system again proves to be rigged! Crash of 20 was nice enough let me remortgage my house if the market crashes again I learned of this one earlier this year. But story of The Scam 1992 around Harshad Mehta in India and how he screwed over the entire Indian market using the same tactics the big banks use is worth taking a look at. Much closely ties in with what is currently happening than The Big Short does. There is a book and a mini series that came out fall last year. The show was pretty good. This is unfair. If retail investors were losing their asses on short sales they couldn't cover, Robinhood would step up and intervene... Right?....... right? Great day for gamers. This is unreal. People need to be locked up for this. You can’t say it’s a free market then block people from trading, manipulate the market, change the rules with bases loaded. Under the pretense that they’re trying to “protect” us. Don’t piss on our backs and tell us it’s raining. Wait? When exactly did you come to realise that the most cherished and famous ""American Dream"" and ""American Freedom"" is for the financial elite only. Ordinary guys are not worth a dry decomposed piece of shit, except when it's time for elections. This wasn't a dark day for traders, it was a ""fuck you and stay in your fucking limits"" day. Dislike my comment all you want but we all know it's the truth. With world wide retail investors we will win today 🎉. January 29 - 2021 will be a day to remember. You expect some tricks from the 🤡 and the masses will get their 💵. BlackBerry is still undervalued. Do not sell. You only loose money when you sell. BB & GME are going to the moon en beyond 🚀🚀🚀 Time to yeet the rich Pretty crazy that Apple has removed the 1 star reviews for RH. It is now back to a 4.7 after Apple removed them. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/robinhood-investing-for-all/id938003185 Really do not think Apple should be removing them. Are they not valid? Fuck Robinhood! Everyone should look for a new broker. Saying that I have to acknowledge that it is a rigged game after all. It’s their turf, their referees, their rules, even half of the spectators are cheering them on and they can change the rules while the game is on and no one can do anything about it!! Sad day indeed! SUE THE BASTERDS Let’s do it for $AMC also. If my math is correct, every $1 increase in GME will cost the shorts $98M. STICK IT TO THESE COCKSUCKERS!!!!! “I feel bad for the hedge fund guys” - **No One EVER** \#ICYMI, these hedge funds and their large banking and brokerage partners (which proliferate shorts by lending out the shares to enable such scams) are *bigly* funding politicians, and I'm not just talking Citizens United or your garden variety super PACs. There's the board seats, the lobbying positions, the speaking fees, the consultant gigs and [Bob's your uncle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob%27s_your_uncle) careers for the public servant's spouse, partner, mistress, toy-boy, child, or relative, and the list goes on. In return, there's little regulation, and if somebody gets caught, it'll be a slap on the wrist, *usually with no admission of wrongdoing*. They're basically cutting the government an extra check for a small share of the take when they get too greedy and get caught. Here's a trivia question for you: Do you know how many bankers went to prison for their part in the 2008 market crash? In Iceland: 25. In the US: 1 (one), and that [fall guy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kareem_Serageldin) was an Egyptian immigrant working for a Swiss bank. He pled guilty in 2013 to *conspiracy to falsify books and records* and received 30 months quality time in federal housing. The SDNY prosecutors had asked for 45 years. Oh, and one year later in 2014, same fall guy [settled with the SEC](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2014-01-21/ex-credit-suisse-cdo-chief-must-pay-more-than-1-million) to the tune of $1M. His salary in 2007 alone was $7.1M. The damages on the other hand came in at appr. $540M. In other words, the aforementioned slap on the wrist. To paraphrase Louis Rossmann, that's the equivalent of parking meters on your street charging 10 bucks per hour, but the parking ticket's just a quarter and the meter maid shows up maybe once a year. Normal people feed the meters, hedge funds wait for the ticket in the mail. So don't be surprised that Robinhood, who *allegedly* makes 40% of their revenue lending their customers stocks out to Melvin Capital, and who yesterday banned retail investors from buying volatile stocks right around the time when Citadel (who had just [injected $2B](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-01-25/citadel-point72-to-invest-275-billion-in-melvin-capital) into Melvin) *allegedly* doubled down on shorts, will end up with a slap on the wrist, some sourpuss faces during congressional hearings, and maybe a new CEO for Robinhood, Melvin Capital, and Citadel. Fun fact: Gabriel Plotkin, the founder and CIO of Melvin Capital, had already been [investigated by the SEC back in 2013](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUS310089300120130403) for insider trading, left the crime scene at SAC Capital unscathed, and started his own Wall Street shakedown operation back in 2014. Bonus fun fact: Janet Yellen, the former Federal Reserve vice-chair, who just got confirmed with 84-15 votes in the US Senate as the next treasury secretary, received [$810K from Citadel](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/yellen-robinhood-citadel-gamestop-speaking-fees) during 2018 to 2020. Oh, and according to a whistleblower, *allegedly* somebody from the White House had called Robinhood before the barred their customers from buying stocks *allegedly* still shorted by Melvin Capital and *allegedly* now also Citadel. IMHO, if you want to revert a nation back from an [Oligarchy](https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-echochambers-27074746) to a functioning democracy, elections must be, above and beyond limited private donations, government-funded (meaning limited funds, reimbursed based on election results) with *no exceptions* for corporations, campaign windows limited, TV airtime balanced, guaranteed, and *fact-checked*. Oh, and if you're not the guy running for office, you can't buy an ad for that guy on social media. Make it a law; I dare you, I *double-dare* you, Mo... Bonus IMHO: Stop this bullshit to register for a party during voter registration. You want to be a member of a political party, join the party, let that party run their primaries on their own dime and time, but stop registering your affiliation with the government, it's none of their fucking business. Once that's out of the way, automatic voter registration is a no-brainer - as it is in most other developed countries on this planet. ​ **TL;DR:** When you're a hedge fund, you can sell more houses which you don't own than there are actual houses on the market. That's apparently legal. But when private Investors ~~use publicly available information (aka DD)~~ HaCk WaLl StReEt and ~~buy actual houses~~ MaNiPuLaTe ThE mArKeT, that's somehow illegal. Cuz money talks and bullshit walks. Kirk out. PS: Wear a f#cking mask. Vaccines work. Climate change is real. And no, the earth's not a disk, that was [settled 2.200 years ago](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eratosthenes#Measurement_of_the_Earth's_circumference). My biggest concern? Absolutely nothing is going to happen. This is going to be swept under the rug because the billionaires are going to shove money in politicians faces so that they look the other way. I do think now a ton of new reddit accounts are going to pop up and there will be thousands of fake users that will try and manipulate reddit or give a heads up to any elite that something is brewing. Anyone else remember RH/Brokerage Firms halting trading when people were losing hand over fist in early March/April during the early stages of the pandemic? Me neither. I know one thing, I'm never using Robinhood again after I reap my GME tendies. They changed the rules of the game in the middle of the game. Why? Because fuck em' that's why. Can I ask how this is comparable to complete economic collapses? Are thousands of people going to lose their jobs and homes? Or did some billionaire just lose some wealth? You guys need to class action those pissheads The solution is clear. Block-chain based FX market. No manipulation by design. \#FUCK WALL STREET I don’t know nothing about stocks but I’ve seen what all you crazy bastards are doing and it’s great! A wise man once said to me on YouTube “stay hard”, so all you crazy motherfuckers stay the fuck hard! Call me paper handed, but after seeing the fuckery and all the trading halts. That to me means I lost control over my shares so I got out. When the game is rigged I’m not fucking interested in playing. Cash app let's you buy AMC NOK instantly. Just remember, when its white collar theft its never called theft. Its just chalked up as accounting discrepancies or adjustments. AOC too the moon right row 🚀 🚀 🚀 It made me sick to watch. I was still able to trade Nokia and blackberry and it felt like cheating being able to buy and such low prices. Everyone is angry because this has been a rigged market for some time and nothing has been done about it. It's also the day millions in losses were averted by new retail traders with fomo not understanding that what does go up will come down as they attempted to leverage themselves to hell while asking, ""wait, what's 'margin'?"" I hate to tell you all this but today was not a dark day. Today was a revolution. If you take GME for example only 50 million shares traded. That volume was getting done in one hour prior to today. If you think the shorts are out now you are insane. Tonight the brokers are reloading and getting funding to enable US, YOU AND I to trade tomorrow. I know you don't want to hear this but they had to save themselves to save you and I. If Robinhood, ETrade, Webull became insolvent due to the settlement period reserves they had to carry THEN we would truly be fucked. This didn't happen. I was here in 2000, I was here in 2008. NONE of those controls were in place and us boomers or whatever insulting term you want to call us watched as the world imploded around us and our retirement turned to dust. **That did not happen today.** Tonight they are getting funded, tonight they are readying for the storm, tonight I believe they are striving to fulfill their promise to us all. **LET THEM TRADE.** If I'm wrong flame me into oblivion. If I'm right please donate at least a portion of your tendies to St. Jude. Some people made money and I am happy but alot more will loose much more than money. Which is why I dont like this craziness because it makes people, who knows nothing about investing, believe stocks only go up. Anyways good luck to whoever is stuck into this mess. I only hope that market, overall, stays healthy and all kinds of investors enjoy growth. Is this the death of capitalism as we know it ? I just need a nice run up like this on SQ so I can afford the $23,000 to go through IVF again with my girl. Then I'll be less angry at those clown shoes. Can we do the same with AMC ? We shall call it. Traitorous Thursday NOK NOK NOK I don't think people realize how this trading works. You don't actually have to pay for a stock for 2 or 3 days after you buy it. If someone doesn't pay up at settlement, the broker has to do it. Brokers are worried that this stock price isn't going to sustain and in two days, they could have a boatload of buyers that are backing out of trades which leaves them on the hook to pay the sellers. So with the billions in market cap that has been added to GME, can you blame brokerages for refusing to broker a trade that they might end up holding the bag for? My question is how will this impact the future of the stock market. People will have to go to jail Yes dark day for trading, for each and every one of us. If they are not punished, tomorrow they can do it to any ticker or company they feel they wanna go against. Nobody is safe. That's my primary concern. I remember throwing quite a bit of puts before the first presidential debate knowing it would be a really stupid affair that would hopefully make some people decide to pull some money back in reserve. Whilst I was losing all of my money I asked Robinhood to stop allowing people to buy so that I wouldn’t go broke. Spoiler alert: they did not. I actually am optimistic about it. It has opened the eyes of so many. We need to revolt Burn Wall Street down, ""Eat the rich"" has never been more appropriate than this very moment... I can image that the market will be harsh on retail traders by banning them from trading meme stocks/surging stocks, by simply saying we protect you from volatility. Screw them. They are going to ban any stock from trading as they think fits. The listing companies and SEC should not allow this to happen. Or what if; hey bro it's your broker! Looks like your shorts need to get covered now! We can't have you risking over 100% of this trade anymore cause it cost you your whole portfolio. Better luck next time! You were a billionaire🏨, you can earn it back like everyone else; in the stock market game. United we stand! Divided we fall! Borrowing stock is basically a cluster fuck waiting to happen Can we find another stock to hop on it’s not even just people who are interested or are trading on the stock market, it’s the general public my 401k dropped $600 today because of the fuckery robinhood pulled that caused mass selling of shares in everything. that fucking BLOWS and imagine what can happen to others because of it ""I will make it legal"" Cant believe I am apart of this. So proud of how far we've gone. We just like the stock. We're not done. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to forgive myself. I panic sold bc I thought Robinhood would permanently ban GME. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I ran to Reddit to see if any news had been posted. Nothing. It was spam and stupid bots pumping amc. I sold. My 344 shares. I can’t move my money, I can’t buy them back. I tried to cancel the order literally seconds later to no avail. I don’t know what to do. Fuck Robinhood and I hope the company goes bankrupt paying for the losses they caused millions of people. Trust in the stock market needs to be restored for the next generation or it's done. Meaning NOT to allow hedge fund manipulation or only allowing to sell like on Robin hood and others, wtf. Every good Bond movie needs that last minute turnaround by the villain where the hero then needs to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. It is remarkable that we were outwitting and outmuscling them. Then they tried to outcheat us. We will see. The most absurd about this whole event is seeing politicans from all different political spectrums and who hate each other agreeing that this was a horrible move by robinhood and other brokers. It was thought as abstract and for only the wealthy because they kept it that way. Now is the time that it is for the people. The problem is, is it might come with a price. Are you willing to bet on that like you are a company? This was a new type of disenfranchisement Looks like we need to keep talking and making moves as a conglomerate. If they want to play games lets make it hard for them. EAT THE RICH. The darkest hour is just before the dawn comrades! fight, hold, never surrender! 🚀🚀🚀 I wonder (read:hope) if I'm mistaking 'robinhood finacial llc supporting citron' is actually having to do with RH sitting on less money than we realize, thusly affecting their IPO success. The ceo guy mentioned 'clearinghouse', and I'm hypothesizing Robinhood either Did what daddy Citron told them to do, or if they simply did not have the liquidation to get the orders filled, therefore throwing their own kill switch. I dunno but short that IPO ASAP! ""He who sells what isn't his'n, must pay the price or go to prison."" The system was not broken. People lose money all the time in the stock market. Whole life saving as a matter of fact. Companies go under. It's life in capitalism. No one steps up to help the 'small investors'. Free market until the big fish start losing? Too big to fail? Selling 140% should be criminal for both the Hedge fund, the brokers, and the clearing houses. But it's legal... It was a stupid position for the Hedge fund(s) to put themselves in. People took advantage of it. Basic capitalism. Manipulation to stop those legal transaction appears to be collusion and highly illegal. Why broker can I buy GME from the UK? Trading 212 stopped buys and Revolut left my buy order pending with no way to cancel for over eight hours yesterday missing the days trade completely. They act like we don’t know what RISK is. Nobody loses money buying shares. They only lose money when they sell below their cost price. What the brokers have done is force people to perhaps lose money (no protection) as they potentially panic sold. And all for the benefit of Wall Street companies who have been pillaging the market forever. Could you imagine what Trump would be saying if he was still in the Whitehouse ? He'd say ""Hey Joe wake your old sleepy ass up and say something "" Fuck Robinhood, Fuck Hedge Funds, Fuck CNBC, Fuck them all and hope they go straight to hell. Trading212 is allowing you to buy gme again! ive held nokia for over 3 years waiting for it to get it's day in the sun. and when people finally take notice that maybe it's undervalued, they halt trading 6 times, block it from being bought the next day, and then block anyone with more than 110 shares / 100 options from buying more. it's so blatant they didnt stop my losses when i was losing money on stocks. bastards! It's called, take your money out of the retail game. I'm not getting bullied. I'd rather sell crack to their kids with that money. I was having fun on Robinhood before this happened. Now I'm out. We should do it again and wait for them to shut another stock down. Further evidence to what we have all been witnessing. We consumers invest, they shut it down for the short seller to take advantage. We expose that these hedge funders own the trading apps and have also been using them to mine our buy data to determine shorting actions. Make them whack-a-mole and force them to further expose themselves. for real though, people keep talking like the investors were idiots. Blaming the retail investors is akin to saying Nancy Kerrigan ignored the risks of ice skating when Tanya Harding kneecapped her I know I’m screaming into the abyss here but the reason RH stopped trading was because they are under capitalized and couldn’t cover the buy orders. Use a better broker and you won’t have these problems. That was brutal. I finally felt like I had invested in something good and was ahead and I basically watched it get ripped away. It reminded me of the year I made 40k and didn’t have health insurance I got penalized. I did my taxes and had like 900$ in the bank and owed the government 2k$. I remember thinking to myself “ how the fuck is this possible I am barely surviving” what happened in stocks the past few days was obvious that we can’t allow the billionaires to lose a few bucks so let’s keep fucking the little guy. I pulled everything out of Robinhood and I’d appreciate some advice on a less corrupt one to use. I’m with Ameritrade. I own GME. I tried to set a sell limit order and they decided my limit was too high and wouldn’t accept the trade. Since when does the broker get to decide what price is too high? So now I have to sit in front of a terminal all day watching prices to execute on my strategy? Who makes up the difference between my optimal price and what I get with a manual trade? It is bullshit and somewhere there will be class actions because this crap is not protecting me from my own stupidity, this crap is ensuring that when I do sell, I’ll sell for less than I could have otherwise got. That means some hedge fund will lose less than they would have otherwise lost, some hedge fund manager will get to keep his second yacht, and I’ll have to settle for a damn rowboat. Yeet the rich! Whack a Mole! 🦫 Shorts will get greedy elsewhere and more opportunities will emerge. Timing is everything in this Thunderdome! This is why I don't trust my 401(k) as a retirement plan. I've known other's that were about to retire in 2008 that had their valuation slashed up to 50% so they had to stay much longer in the workforce than planned. Wall Street doesn't represent a free capital market. Change is coming. Investors have become aware of an issue that has plaqued the individual for a long time. if the billionaire class wanted to avoid the wealth tax that the progessives have been puttin gout there for years... this was not the right move. Sounds like a case of paper hands What scares me is that they know they're committing fraud. They know they're breaking the law. They just don't care. They know the legal fees and fines from the government will be peanuts compared to the money they would have lost in comparison. This is the easiest business decision they've ever had to make. I think it shows what lies behind all the talk of the free market serving everyone. It’s simply not the case and on the few occasions that it does serve the people the owning class scramble to make sure it doesn’t happen again. This is class warfare in an age where the concept of class struggle has been defamed and made into an abstraction. This is beyond fucked up but also predictable. Can't let the plebs have a good time Freetrade app has blocked US stocks on market open, Trading 212 still let's you buy GS2C and GME, dipping into my food money this month just out of spite, +£200 in. Let this shitshow end in peasant triumph well..at least it's nice to live in a country where this is causing some people to lose sleep :) What? Were you assuming that free markets are fair? Please do not tell me you sold. Some people have pointed this out in other subs but it's most likely the clearing houses that put GME and others on sell only. I'm sure the clearing houses will be happy to let somebody else take the blame though. What's done in the dark will be brought to the light. The rich know exactly how to keep wealth all to themselves. Fuck the system they killed so many, not even GME. AMC, NOK, BB all took hard hits because people could only sell and it just drove the price down I will participrate in as many stocks as possible and hope its the same as gme It may be hard to understand, but a good amount of money in the stock market is in regular peoples 401k plans. I don't disagree with your statement overall, but to say it only benefits billionaires until now is largely false. Everyone I know who works a shitty corporate job puts $ into their 401K like crazy because they want to retire asap. Aren't there already class actions against robinhood? Honestly if this happens we should just start getting mass groups to not buy from specific companies when their stocks rise Fuck this doom and gloom shit. BUY THE DIP KEEP BUYING WHAT THEY DONT WANT YOU TO BUY. DOWNLOAD FIDELITY APP AND CREATE AN ACCOUNT I feel bad for my fiancé. He studies so hard and looks at his charts all day, is up at the crack of dawn for the market, etc...and he missed out on GME...but tbf, I’ve been telling him about WSB for years and he refuses to use Reddit...so...I can’t feel TOO bad. Except I have family who used to be anti-stockmarket but was able to buy into GME beginning of the week cause they had the money, whereas we don’t. So you got newbs making money on Reddit but some people who really care about their stocks missed out. Idk. I don’t do stocks, but they’re still an every day part of my life, living with him It should be a day of enlightenment. The measures reddit is making is a way to protect against over shorting. And the measures either side takes will eventually even out and become more stable. SHORT LADDER ATTACK INCOMING HOLD HOLD HOLD UPVOTE AND SHARE In the last hour of trading some of us are predicting they will launch a short ladder attack to make it look like it’s selling off to trick you into selling your shares. Their goal is to go under $115 to get out of their expiring contracts. This will be a major victory for them. Hedge funds sell back and forth with one another at lower and lower bids in rapid succession, tricking algorithms into thinking there is a mass sell off when there actually isn’t. (They do this to scare off retail investors to engineer a sell off). Once the attack is over, the stock will normally go back up due to its demand. Then they will rinse and repeat their attack, each time hoping to chip away more and more retail investors. Most people in here know this, so if retail investors are selling, it’s unlikely that it’s anyone at all. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS HOLD HOLD HOLD! DONT GET PAPER HANDS DURING THE LAST HOUR, ITS WHAT THEY WANT! Credits to [u/Riin\_Satoshi](https://www.reddit.com/u/Riin_Satoshi/) There were 5000 trades of 1000 shares. Those were not Redditors. The big boys are cannibals. I may be the odd one out, but seems like people are raking the weekend to setup new accounts on more credible exchanges like fidelity. Hedge funds are still probably shorting, but amazingly GME is still at 325$ I see one more final push come next week. The media wants you to believe that we are the bad guys. We are dangerous. We are going to upend the stock market. Nah. You know what will: when none of the little guys trust the market to give them a fair shot anymore. If these buy restrictions continue I think that will do more damage than we ever could. Well this shit is going to start revolt against the stock market I guarentee that. They couldn't stop me from winning or losing my savings ape wanted banana ape got banana. 33 shares of AMC and more of NOK and carnival cruise tommorow. I'm holding my one share of gme for dear life this is my share there is no other share like it but its mine. Something I’ve learned in this world. If it seems to complicated, it’s because someone is trying to hide the simplicity from you. But on the bright side, think of the unity that could become now that millions more have lived and witnessed first hand the rigged game. We all knew it was rigged, but for most of us it never touched close to home. Well, now it’s right on our doorstep. The next trendy string of riots aren’t going to be about social justice or counting ballots if they fumble this one... Everyday since hedge funds are manipulating the price on all wsb stocks down. Isn’t it illegals to manipulate stock prices with ladder selling? How is this post ranked top 10 all time on my feed? From the grammar to the content, idk wtf homie trynna say. Maybe I’m just sleepy n dumb, idk. Wait?!?!?! What did i miss? We will hold the line, nobody sell GME please. This isn't something new. They've been doing this for some time. Robinhood and Webull halt rising stocks and prevent you from doing anything until the price dips. Likely controlled by corrupt individuals. Seriously how hard is it to fucking get off ROBINHOOD and go to a real brokerage like Fidelity where this wasn't a problem at all? Use a shitty broker, have shitty issues. I'm surprised you guys were even able to log in honestly Of course Robinhood cut you out, after all your NOT their customer, you pay zero fees. Any service (google, Facebook, etc) that you use for free, you ARE the product being sold. Any savvy investor knows Robinhood makes their money by selling retail investor trade info to hedge funds and other players so they can take advantage of it. You really think they are going to piss for their real customers? Don’t act so shocked, you wanted something for nothing...you got what you paid for. [deleted] Y’all listening to a teenager Futures are crashing. Markets going tits up but no let’s do more gme talk You realize people are going to crash actual indexes for the lols You think your gambling money and your investment money don’t touch? They will get what’s coming. Fucking criminals. As an economist, what’s so infuriating is a large group of retail investors shouldn’t be able to potentially make a greater impact on the entire stock market. This is completely ridiculous what happen here today, people HAVE to go to prison this time. WE LIKE THE STOCK! Hold retards ""Normal"" investors are being used as a battering ram by a select few. Most normal investors don't understand what they're actually doing and are just participating for the memes. WSB are using bottom rung traders to make it out of this with a lot of money, and will leave all the ""normies"" hanging in the wind. The truth hurts. and it aint over! What the fuck, this typo piece of dung is the upvoted choice of this sub? God damn, I hope no one who matters reads this. Embarrassing. Seriously, how the F is this at 15k upvotes? Is this satire? ThE rulling class has ben putt on nowtice Let's be a little more clear. The issue isn't that they stopped people from 'participating.' The stock was being manipulated. They were right to shut down trading on it. The issue is they only stopped SOME people from manipulating the stock, and didn't shut it ALL down. Let's not pretend Reddit wasn't pumping and dumping the stock through manipulation. No one's out here thinking GameStop has a great future. So tired of this propaganda bullshit. I’m really sad today. I got on the hype train about unfair practices and evil billionaires, and then I read like three articles. Liquidity and clearing houses are actual things that have to be considered. Places like RobinHood and That bull app are not made of infinite amounts of money, nor can they directly use cash transactions to open more positions. There are regulations on trading companies and how they use their money. Does RobinHood have to go bankrupt so jack the mechanic can use his 3000 nest egg on the gamble that his coworkers swear by? Does free market really mean pushing platforms like Rh out of existence? I wish there wasn’t such a stupid hive mind on this website. I’m down on NOK..... The stock marker crash of 2020 comes to mind This brought to light how rigged the system is. When the big guys who are SUPPOSED to win, finally lose to us retailers THEY CHANGE THE RULES!! FUCK THOSE CHEATERS, NOW IT'S ABOUT REVENGE🐍🐍 🚀🚀🚀 Do you not have spell check or autocorrect on your phone/computer??? >>partecipate You did it twice... OP got PAPER HANDS. ​ HOLD THE FUCKIN LINE!!! ​ I LIKE THE STOCK. > lost money having no idea what they were doing Example I like to use - the kid from Philly who at 12-13 years old, using his little allowance, managed to kick off his own clothing brand by basically peddeling and using social media until it caught the right eyes. Kid isn't even 16 and is a millionaire. Kid without any prior capital nor some expensive, higher education. If a kid can figure something like this out, so can lots and lots of others instead of moaning how hedge funds fuck them over by manipulating stocks they nor own nor ever even heard of. ​ And if we're referring to the same poor people who are, poor, because buying lottery tickets or sitting through a paycheck in a casino is their idea of investment or hopeful fun, well..... This has to be a plant. Worst spelling ever wtf. I made a [meme video about what happened today:](https://youtu.be/Ri1Spr3sWw8) ""Alexa play Rage against the machine sleep now in the fire"" 🔥. ""Would you also like to buy 10 more shares of gme""? ""Yes that would be great"". How did you spell participate ""partecipate"" not once, but twice? Do you actually think the word is partecipate? [deleted] idk man I think once this happened and prices started falling, the move was to just cut your losses and buy back the stock when it hits the floor and they unlock it these guys this is starting to piss me off okay, reddit, it turns out you can only fuck with the big boys, but you can kill one if you want to back off, don't turn this armed robbery into a murder now that you know you can do it, and if you're serious about fighting the good fight– or hell, just making a bigger profit *in the future*– you need to take today's money, run, and learn from what happened so that next time you can actually do some serious damage while profiting *immensely* off of it. This week has been a tremendous proof of concept, don't waste it by losing all of your money, discouraging everyone from trying again, and forcing the Wall Street-owned Congress to prevent something like this from ever happening again by regulating services like Robinhood. Something to think about. and buy AMC when it hits the floor and hold it until movies *actually* start coming out, you fucking idiots quit selling it all because while it's probably not going to hit $20 in November, it could get to somewhere between $10 and $15 and that's a good payoff for $5 or even $8 come on man think long-term what are you even doing I'd say the opposite, media outlets are finally picking up on it, and get the attention of decision-makers in DC Haha speak for yourself, today was an awesome day in the market for me. Remember when France had a revolution? Look where they are now. History repeats. Don’t get your hopes up. Are you all genuinely surprised? Welcome to capitalism tweeted at AOC. I WONDER IF HER REACTION WAS BECAUSE OD ME THO It's always been known who controls the market. Why y'all crying about it now? Profits over people abolish ameriKKKa In the end this will bring about massive government regulations on everyone. The biggest thing they will and should do will be rules on naked shorts and blocking naked call selling without underlying shares. lots of fucking emotional trading going on DONT TRADE WITH YOUR EMOTIONS wasnt that a rule in this game?? Ok Cut their fucking heads off! BUY BUY BUY WE ARE ABOUT TO HIT OPEN ON GME Let's call it POWER TO THE PLAYERS. Drop your amc positions idiots. short interest wasn't even close to high enough and that was before the covering. AMC IS A DISTRACTION. Check the short interest from Ortex (week free subscription) if you don't believe me. It's nothing like GME!! Use your heads and don't follow the crowd or you will be bagholding.... [deleted] Dark Day? The cut you out? You think they want you to stop trading? My goodness, you fucks need to really get over yourselves. Wall Street, RH, etc are not out to get you people. The needed stability on the platform and to mitigate risk. Sucks when a FREE platform tries to make risk management decisions and gets blasted by clueless people. Is it actually that’s serious? I didn’t gamble in any of those pump and dump stocks since that’s not how I like to invest but I was glad to here some people made money off of them. President Biden is for the little people not the 1%. [removed] Lets call this event. GAMESTONK. funny how Wednesday trading was halted, what, 3 -4 times on the way up... but not halted Thursday on the way down ,, then again I eat crayons is this everyone's first time in the market? do you have any idea how stocks are cleared? that's rhetorical you don't. there is no conspiracy. if you want to get paid for all your paper gains at some point then shutting down trading in these names is necessary. look up depository trust company. they clear most transactions and set collateral requirements. the collateral requirements usually are low(2-3%) for most names, it's 100% for the WSB names. there is financial risk for you guys holding these names in that you may sell but in 3 days when the cash is supposed to go to you, you may get nothing. why do you think the banks got bailed out in 2008-2009? they took the other side of the trade to enable stocks to clear. The DTC isn't capitalized enough to take the risk on these names so they make it impossible to trade them in large amounts. [deleted] I hope that it finally becomes clear to more people that this is what Capitalism is. The game is and always was rigged, with the state and legislation, usually controlled by the biggest players, being an integral part of it. [removed] [removed] They also put an end to a pump and dump scheme which could have cost their users a ton of money. I'd rather trade with a broker that's willing to protect it's users. 2011 gold and silver bugs would like a word with you RED THURSDAY Is that statistic on retail investors losing money accurate? Sort of unrelated but, could one live off of pure investments till they die? Assuming it was done “correctly” like Roth IRA, Stocks, Assets?, I’m a noob if you couldn’t tell but yeah.. It serious bullshit. We go to war on a completely uneven battle field with the pretense of equality. We then beat them with the game and that’s an issue. 🤬 Sucks. My dumbass only ever used Robinhood, and though I've been working to get WeBull set up, it seems that they manually verify accounts, so I am sitting her missing out on the fun. My 1k ain't much, but I want to add it to the cause. So many people got to pay off their student loans because of this gamble. Now, they want to take it away from them. So what can we do about this? Would it make sense for all retail users to completely pull out of the stock market cause we can get boned like this? I doubt that’s the answer but what can we do (besides buy GME) to prevent this from happening? r/theunityproject HOOLLLLDDD BUY MORE GME FUCK WALLSTREET It’s not about the money anymore, make a stand! Question: Fidelity ""Pending cancel""'ed my $200 market order for GME that I placed just after open this morning for a partial share. Is this fishy or is it just because of price fluctuation? Should I be concerned? I'm calling it the Gamestop Rebellion! there major collusion for sure and likely, but don't discount there was also serious potential issues of liquidity and complete market meltdown. one or both of these is true. a clearing house and DTC funds your trade. the trade doesn't actually go into the clearing house and DTC until 3 days later. so when you buy a $100 stock you pay the clearing house or DTC $100. they in turn pay the seller $100 immediately, but have to wait 3 days to cash your $100. they have to have funds to funds the transaction. they are claiming they ran out of funds or were afraid of the risk that they wouldn't eventually get your $100. DTC began requiring 100% funds to back up trades for certain stocks because of how volatile the tradng has been and were worried about a co-party crash (Melvin > Citadel > DTC). clearing houses couldn't fund it 100% (or claimed they couldn't) so they cut off trade completely. Vladimir can go eat a donkey dick! Utter bs. Unfortunately I don’t anything will come from this and that’s just based on my trust of the system in place. But I do think and hope we the people might have an opportunity to punish them ourselves. Not using their apps/platforms and such. Such a small thing that could carry some weight. $GME and $AMC will rally for 1 more day. Tomorrow. Get in if you can. By taking away the option to trade stock, brokers have effectively cut back on supply (or let’s say, availability) tremendously. The stock market, like any other economic principle, works on supply and demand. If supply outweighs demand, prices go down and if demand is greater than supply, there’s money to be made. Robinhood has 13 million users alone, and they are not the only ones who have barred trading. This is 13+ million people who cannot access these stocks, and they are quite upset about it, which means they bloody well want it. GME and AMC will rally tomorrow. Monday’s tell all factor will be whether brokers lift the ban or not. Until they do, I’m holding AMC with nearly my entire portfolio. Why? Because demand will increase and supply cannot until these bans are lifted. Even if the price doesn’t jump much tomorrow because of this, as long as these brokers keep bans on, they will lose users. Once they’ve had enough of that, they will lift the ban and send GME and AMC to the moon once again. You heard it here first. I honestly understand how the capital raider felt. Just a little bit now.I want action, there needs to be consequences but there won’t be. Learn a thing or two about order routing. The brokers down today had no where to clear new buy orders How much they cut us out? I’m in BB 972 shares @23.50 a share and holding It was the beginning of the short squeeze. They were covering their ass because they don't have enough shares to cover positions. So they had to halt buying because if you already don't have enough, selling more is illegal. So when are we going to new york to take a stand ? I've never been so angry, like I made some money on all this, but I've never been so angry about making money in my life and I'm not sure I ever will be to this level again. It's really not about the money anymore it's about sending a message. Wall street is worse than the mafia and both are run by criminals who cheat. Just an awful awful day and I'm so bitter I hope the fallout isn’t no option trading for normal nonrich people. That’s almost the takeaway I get from Warren despite her in theory being against hedge funds. Well we don't have free markets and we never have. While left leaning folks like to point to our system to showcase the failures of free markets the reality is our capitalism has nothing to do with free markets and this is yet another example. It is a system owned and rigged by the elite for the elite. in other news, $doge is up 700% but if we buy and hold they and just keep selling and fourth to eachother, plus people will buy tmrw americans will find a new robin hood It's another dark day for the U.S. citizens, I would say. I just wanna know if I buy some gme stock will I make money? Lol I downloaded robin hood earlier in the month and bought a few cheap stocks, figured I'd get in on this hype before its too too late. [removed] How were ""normal people"" making money on GME? I know it's a meme but...if you've ever read A Random Walk Down Wall Street, he does an incredible job exposing all the hacks and manipulation done by Wall Street over the past 100 years. It's basically the whole first 1/3 of the book nothing has changed we were running the fields // they held their hand down :: the record skreeched $$ full stop ¡¡ Nottingham 2021 Made money on nok? Lol lost 500 bucks on it yesterday Anyone know if Questrade blocked any trades? No it wont go down as anything. Books and history will be rewritten, the goal post moved and truth bend. Thats what is going to happen. These is just the end of a new begging... I’ve never seen something like that. The democracy end with these black day on history. Yes! TDA and WeBull for me. WB’s communications have been lacking to the point I was contemplating moving out. But their CEO’s stance and comments will have me moving more money that way. And OUT of RH. The manipulation of '21 Cant wait to see how these lawsuits play out What app would be better to use than Robinhood? They are supposed to be fiduciaries for their clients. ""the market should regulate itself but only when I'm the one regulating it in my favor!"" -old rich white guys They’ve united the people. Lets take our money back. They cheat, but we still got this.. GME 🚀🚀 I propose this event be referred to as The Reckoning Wait, what happened to my currency? - Norwegian Guy I lost 5k because Trading212 didn’t tell me that I was using CFDs, other than a little label in the corner of the screen How is this legal? ​ I mean in the stock market you can lose, and it looks like it protected a particular team from losing. Sounds like a rigged game. ​ I play stocks often and am successful, but this seems illegal to say the least. Can someone ELI5 wtf happens to the value of the share when the billionaires covering shorts, calls, etc no longer have the solvency to sell you the share or call? Like for real.. I'm terrified, not so much for myself as I only have enough skin in this that I can afford to lose, but the millions of peasants like myself that have gone yolo all in.. Wtf happens to the value of the shares you own when the guys selling them to you go bust?? This is also an opportinuty: we need to have a decentralized exchanhe available to us. No one to stop trades when things go against billionaires and hedge funds, no overseeing power to change things if needed. It is not a dark- it is a Day of Reckoning!!!!!!!!!!! No memeing, I got a robinhood account yesterday. If I buy a single share of GME what are the chances I make anything off it now? isn't gamestop the company where you can trade in 10games for 10$ rebate? They can't cut us out. I told a fellow friend who was in GME when it wss tanking that this trade lock wpn't last. They will be forced to remove it or get sued and eventually, the stock will rise again. Not even a full day later and the stock is already back to $400. Just a few days ago, it was $25 when I first brought GME and now it's $400. This is the power of the market and it will not be held back by little bitch hedge funds. I am not a stock trader or even interested in this. But if I hear about this in my local news and economists here are worried about this (I live in Sweden btw), then something is going on. Those of us using Trading 212 actually had a whole 1/2 trading day where we were PROHIBITED from buying OR EVEN SELLING our shares in GME. They tell us it's because they use Interactive Brokers as an Intermediary and they stopped it. so not only screwing the whole strategy, but they actually proved they can stop us from even selling our shares. Hey man, im here to welcome you all to Decentralized finance. Time to put the power back to our hands #Billionaires Lives Matter Yup, bought BB and the next day the stock crashed because they barred people from buying more shares. Down over 85% in a single day cuz of this I honestly don’t grasp exactly what is going on. I do know billionaires are getting screwed. Will it effect others stocks as well, like those who have retirement investments ? I do not want to screw over grandma, I do want to screw over people with 9 yachts that don’t pay taxes... Interactive Brokers still restricting trades on these tickers. I know robinhood has a class action lawsuit but what about one for Interactive Brokers? What are the odds of shorting some of the stocks people will be liquidating to cover their losses? China does this. Are we China now? Agree in principle, but I think they did it to protect themselves. Any hedge fund declaring bankruptcy means that the broker is now on the hook for any short that hedge fund did through them. Trade halting means that this is a real risk now. They were fucked whatever they did, so they chose to kill their brand rather than the entire company. Write to your congressperson. It should be called Market’s closed (idea from Pool’s closed) When Abbie Hoffman and his group of yippies threw hundreds of one dollar bills to the floor of the exchange, the greedy traders couldn’t help themselves. Trading was halted because everyone was scrounging the floor, trying grab the money. Shortly after the exchange put glass barriers between the gallery and the floor, because they realized next time the people wouldn’t be throwing money at them, but rather, taking it from them. They protected the rich from the poor, this has been going on for generations in some form or fashion. They are scared because there are more of us, and this time we hit where it hurts, their wallets. Don't stop here. This is the real revolution. The curtain has been pulled aside and were seeing who is running this machine. The time has come my brothers and sisters, The enemy they must pay with their dollars, Let our sons and daughters chant our valour, For losses and wealth we are soldiers, We shall win, Or fall with pride with a gleeful grin, Let them not forget what we've done today, Let them weep and run in dismay, Stand your ground children of now, Till the end we shall never bow. I just wish all this happened before an election. #DE-FI So I'm coming in late with a partial understanding of what has been occuring. I am pretty simple with respect to investing (401, Roth, 529, and some individual stocks) I.e. no options/shorting etc. What can I do to help stick it to these assholes today and tomorrow with my fidelity brokerage account? Anything? I don't k owe anything about stocks and what he means. Can someone please explain? That letter from Robinhood was garbage. “Today was a tough day...”. Halting trading due to volatility is within their rights. Halting ONLY buying? That’s shady. They were choosing between bankruptcy and risking prison... They chose to risk prison rather than give up their tendies and it didn't even work... APES TOGETHER STRONG https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l7bpf5/30_seconds_from_triggering_market_nuclear_bomb/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Disenfranchisement is the word of 2021. We're. Not. Done. https://www.reddit.com/r/badeconomics/comments/l7gi70/financial_econ_101_or_link_this_in_bad_reddit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Be sure to tell everyone about what's happening too. Many outside of the internet or away from News wont know what's going on. This needs to be widely known by everyone! The people found a way to Hurt the elites and the government is blatantly showing us they are not on the side of the people! Lest not forget the amount of people that are mad about GME. If it was only 1 billionaire the others would have laughed because they only care about themselves. But I'm starting to think a whole fuck ton of them are loosing. Maybe upwards of half a trillion. Maybe even more I hope. With world wide retail investors we will win some ground today 🎉. January 29 - 2021 will be a day to remember, be it either winning al back or the first day on way back up. You expect some tricks from the 🤡 and the masses will get their 💵. **BlackBerry is still undervalued**. Do not sell. You only loose money when you sell. BB & GME are going to the moon en beyond 🚀🚀🚀 ​ It is unfair that the he who pays the Piper gets to chose the tune. As those who use Robin Hood have discovered there is no 'free' lunch. The established players have big fat accounts which pay the Pipers. The little guys can go after the the platforms for consequential losses. Just remember how the smart money laughed at the Hertz affair a few months ago.... This is how the wealth inequality gap moves further apart This is the beginning of the end of centralised finance. Will take some years, but good fucking riddance Make no mistake someone did the math and calculated that even after all the lawsuits and class actions they are still saving money by stopping the markets. That's how big this thing is. RobinHood is fucked. Close to 80% of their customers originated from Reddit or friends of Reddit. They are going to lose a huge class action lawsuit that will destroy any profits they made. There is a chance they will be shut down by the FTC. This company is going to disappear with this one illegal decision to protect some billionaire buddies. They tell us to stay in and work from home. Once we do, they do everything to make us stop. These old fucks are on there way out, and all us autistic apes can take charge Today is the day America stopped supporting a free market. For a quick profit. Wise to buy some GME now and sell later today? Predictions? It's time we moved to decentralized, permissionless platforms. These already exist and move millions of dollars of volume and also generate millions in fees. \*participate Good thing the ancient Malians didn't do this. Lol Brokers have always been scammy. That's why trading is hard. You are trying to beat other traders/ the market as well as the brokers. Don't have much to play with but I used Public to grab $100 worth of GME this a.m. Even losing that would be worth it. I'll help where I can even if it amounts to very little. Lmfaooooooooo Can someone please explain this in plain English, for someone who doesn't know squat about investing? It’s surprising and saddenig that what robinhood did is a thing. I hope that a scandal like this shreds their brand permanently and leads to them being crushed by their competitors. I can't trust any of the brokerages that limited my trading any more. The only apps I had that stayed 100% open were Grifin and Cash app 💎👐 💎👐 Hi new to all this I have $$$ and time. I wanna help hold these billionaires accountable. I'm looking to find what platform I can use to buy stock if any right now. I've heard so much about trades being blocked on platforms like robinhood. I have enough for maybe a few AMC and one GME. I'm terrified to throw money at all this and every forum I've been on has been like ""Don't ask these kind of questions."" Wondering if anyone would be willing to reach out to me and explain how to get on this train. Here's hoping this doesn't get deleted and someone see's it. I really just need to know what app or platform I should be using during this sh\*t storm. My ROBINHOOD account was “throttled”‘after it crashed. I was unable to trade all day or access any human being at ROBINHOOD. I’m not comfortable trading with a brokerage company that has no licensed brokers or anyone to take a damn phone call or email!!! I hate Andrew Left and what he’s allowed to do. This action by traders to send a message to short traders definitely worked but WSB don’t want us in the club folks!!! This marks history 🚀🚀🚀 I’m a Gen X and looking to retire in 15 years. Despite what this might do to my lifeline pension I stand up and applaud the filthy animals that are showing the institution that the times they are a changin’. Kudos, it has put a smile on my face and I hope it works. Just remember they have a knack of working out how to get more money out of a situation and morals mean nothing to them just money. Don’t just make today’s play to cost them billions think about their responses and how to respond to those too, that’s how you’ll beat them. Going forward what brokers should be blacklisted? lol imagen If nothing else theres a new narrative now so this will end up being a new day for the little guys and you can bet the fat cats are very aware of this. How did they shut us out? Hold. Yet people still don’t realize how the system is rigged towards Wall St and not retailers. Even if it crash Wall St get bailouts and retailers don’t. A way to stop them is simply to stop playing the game. We’re going to make them pay for all of this greatly. The day may be dark now but when this squeeze kicks in it’s going to be brighter than the receiving end of the Death Stars laser To be fair, now that they explained why, I understand. Why they kept us in the dark? I’ll never know. That was an extremely short sighted idea that will destroy their company. Stop-gaps were put in place after the 2008 crash to shut down not only individual stocks but the whole market if things get too crazy. It was triggered a couple times in March last year when the pandemic really took off. Its a way to prevent 2008 from happening again or worse: a really real Great Depression part 2 where everyones unemployed, not because of laziness or lack of skill/education, but because there are no businesses left to provide jobs to people and no capital to invest because the capital evaporated. It can always be worse. But it needs to get better; for everyone not just a few. FROM THIS DAY FORTH THE EVENT WILL NAMED 'THE GME EVENT' The Wall Street Clash of 2021 Anyone knows about the time that RATM out on a concert in wall street and managed to shut it off mid-day? Yeah. Let's do that. If it dips this afternoon should I buy some? I’m late to the game. Shouldnt those robinhood fucks get punished for what they did? They got buthurt and packed up their shit and left F7 Anyone know how to transfer an entire portfolio from Robinhood to another brokerage? I am considering pulling out of my 401ks and taking the tax hit. I already didn't trust the market and feel uneasy about my savings being tied to something volatile. I'd kind of rather just not participate at all. All the enthusiasm on reddit to buy and hold is not making me feel any better about it. Why people are not talking about buying SPCE (81.53% shorted) which is #2 on the most shorted list.? They are mostly talking about GME (138% shorted) and AMC (68.93% shorted) which are #1and #3 resp. Wipeout Wednesday? Retail Thursday? How about we call it what it is...Oppression! All I know is that they have awoken a beast. After the dust settles here, we wait for them to try it again. Try betting against an American business hurting because of a downed economy. We will be waiting. 5million strong...and we all like the same stocks 🥴 I know first hand a small group of brokers meet annually to decide what to pump n dump Cry me a river [removed] >In the last generation most of the people thought about the stock market as something abstract and only reserved to the richest getting richer, only having a clue about what Wall Street is thanks to movies. I'm going to make an assumption and say this was written by a Millennial. That ""last generation"" would be Gen X and we didn't come from some archaic era. The stock market was never ""abstract"". Heck I remember learning to read stock prices from newspapers. Yes newspapers used to publish the prior day prices. Many of us grew up during the 80s and saw the stock market discussed every day on the nightly news. We SAW the rise of wealth under Reagan. We DO know what ""trickle down economics"" actually implies because we lived thru the context of it. Yes the stock market was rather reserved for those who were ""rich"" because it took money to get an account at a brokerage firm. If you didn't have $40K or more, firms wouldn't even let you in the door. With technology advances and Wall St greed, those barriers were broken down by the 90s, allowing your average person to enter the stock market. But make no mistake, Boomers, Gen X weren't some ignorant uneducated group sitting on the sidelines and getting their info from the movies. [deleted] Games are a huge industry, but gamestop is worthless; now this. 😂 I think you'd need to be a complete piece of shit to support these hedgefund managers and it's clear as day that the impetus for the trading platform freezes was quid pro quo and not consumer protection, but I am \*genuinely\* concerned about what this will do to the average retail investor. I'm worried this will turn into a pyrrhic ""victory"", where retail investors will get to bloodlet hedgefunds with a penchant for market manipulation and shorting but also suffer crippling losses. I love people-watching on reddit, and it's heart-breaking to see how many people are joining into this frenzy as a type of ideological warfare against wallstreet, without any target price or end in sight. I think the issue isn't what redditors are doing per se, but what hedgefunds can legally perform and the anger retail investors feel over the asymmetry. Hedge funds already have every advantage possible in the book, and it's \*still\* not enough for them when the retail world bites back. And if upwards circuit breakers or mandatory holding periods were established beforehand by regulation meant to curb bubbles then it would be a different story instead of this clear, arm's length bullshit between trading apps and wallstreet, so I get the fury... But ultimately, we have the modern-day equivalent to late-2000s blockbuster stock and the mother fucker was about to pierce 500USD until it was derailed by bad-faith trading platforms. I'm not for paternalism, especially when applied asymmetrically, but I am sad for a lot of retail investors that are refusing to sell no matter what and since retail investors cannot coordinate their exit in the same way colluding hedgefunds can, you can be sure there'll be a bloodbath \*at some point\*. I just think too many redittors take it literally when people say a stock is worth whatever it's being sold for... Don't forget about Black Wall Street in Tulsa in the 1920's too. It’s almost like the foundational system is inherently flawed. Like it will always do this? Like it’s unstable inherently? Like it’s designed to be corrupted and for hegemonic power groups to form? Hmm... We can also buy GameStop products to boost their revenue Insurrect Wall Street. Screenshot me in the history books I'm still trying to understand why they disabled the buy button, as in like a good explanation . Like all these broker are just beating around the punch with the same format of an excuse. They were better of just disabling the buy and sell rather than having one option in the hedge favour. How is it ""protecting"" the client when they can only sale. Like when I lost 7k in CFD, I didn't see no broker holding my hand telling me, I'm here to protect you, don't buy this, don't sell that! None all of a sudden, they taken matter into their hands, cause the house is not winning. That's not a free market! That's manipulation! I wasnt going to buy but after seeing that I bought some. Its pretty much about principle at this point. I think that this is going to open a lot of eyes to the realization that capitalism is, indeed, nothing else but the exploitation of normal day people through the upper class. I am aware that a lot of people basically were always aware of that fact, but there has also always been a general denial for the sake of our own mental health in that regard... but no longer. People are starting to realize that they are just pawns and second class citizens to some f\*cked up billionaires and their hedge funds. Yes, chronologically is usually how history books are sorted. It’s not over... when I buy GME, hold, and *SQUEEEZE* then they have to answer to *ME* the retail investor. Question. How do you invest as foreigner? I can't seem to find any international brokerage online. Question of the day: What do you put the true value of AMC at? I've got a valuation of around 3$, previously lower of course, but they did just wipe around 600m of their debt. Debt is still huge of course (5.2 billion approx), and cashflow is increasingly negative in these covid times. Streaming trend is against them as well. Seems an obvious candidate to place a negative delta spread on. Am I missing something? Shorting should be illegal, i just learned what that is now cuz i dont own stocks, always wanted but seemed to complicated to trade To clarify: they didn't stop all activity on the stocks ($GME and $AMC); they ONLY stopped users from being able to buy. They were more than happy to allow selling, because that's what benefits the hedge funds. https://stonktshirt.com/products/we-like-the-stock-t-shirt [removed] WE HELD THE LINE TIL THE END BOYS 🚀 🚀 🚀 Lost about 1000 from bb but u know , lessons were learnt They own the domain, we own the business. Crony capitalism at its finest. Imagine how much better the decisions by these companies might be if they were allowed to fail. They take big risks & screw the rest of us if it goes south. I'm a huge fan of capitalism, but this isn't it.... Retail investing was around way before robinhood. What exactly was new about them? A snazzy mobile app? I don't use Robin Hood, so I gotta ask....Are any of you who do use it moving your accounts? If you don't, it's kind of an all-talk-no-action situation. I'm not connected to media much so I'm not sure of what happened here in the recent days regarding all of this and what I'm seeing headlines about. Can someone give me a brief synopsis and the significance of the event (aside from what was pointed out in the OP's post)? Thanks! How do I join the group of redditors that drove GME up. black Friday 2020 It’s not over yet While I might not agree that there was no potential out there for retail, I do agree that this was 110% an inside job. F ROBUNHOOD and their downpayment issue with the clearing house. If that’s truly their issue then they need to admit they are a subpar trading site meant for novice investors with $5g or less liquid cap to invest. Robinhood was super-beneficial for the average retail investor.... until it wasn’t. Go figure. No really RH, go figure it out. Or Billions are going to quickly transition to sites you forced into free trades, that can actually handle VOLATILITY without shitting themselves. [deleted] Thinking of creating a broker app? Nows a great time! I wonder what warren buffets thoughts are on all of this? Hi. My jcpenney stock is now listed as 679535104 and I can’t sell anymore. Is this related to what’s going on? Or did they finally go bankrupt even though I’m in the green. Do I lose all this money? ... how? :( Thanks for any help Probably need to recall all the senator who turned a blind eyes on this, regardless the party. Yes, and GME doesn’t have the fundamentals to back the price. Without the short squeeze possibility, it just doesn’t make sense. [removed] I traded for the first time mere weeks ago. And sure, I lost a little money (about $60) but I didn’t put much in either. Nothing that I absolutely needed. But I’m still glad I did it. It has got my foot In the door and I’ve been learning a lot of new things. It’s crazy to me that people have used up their savings or take out mortgages. I’d love to get rich sure but I realize it isn’t going to happen over night. If I got an extra $20 now I might throw it in a stock I like. I’d really like to buy so pot stock, Coinbase and roblox when they join the market and solar. If I make an extra hundo at some point I’ll be happy. Just putting random thoughts here. Thanks for reading. They should be in prison,if it were us we would be. I was wondering why the market was mostly red today,it was weird. And continue losing my money!! For all lines and here hold and hold !!! And more one HOLD!!!!! What is nok? Like i Know it is Norwegain kroner, but is it some Company too? Hold bitchezzzz [removed] Yes, I heard of this already I bought 86 CGEN, for price around 10$ for each. Hoping that they rebound, to 13$ for each (price was 13$ at 8th February, and it falled to 10$ just in 1 day). And around 2-3 days after way to the sky started... Not for a long, tho. That shit catched poor CGEN in middle of flight, at 11.2$ and bring down to 8.5-9.5$ price. $WTRH 🚀🚀🚀 Is this pertaining to rh and other companies restricting trading Just saw this is over a month ago It's a rigged game friend, buy some phsical silver and gold! Stack on! Who was restricted? Christ, do a spell check. And you forgot to add “this is not financial advice, I have loads of spare chromosomes”, cause you fuckin’ spell like you do. ""We're not fucking leaving"". The thing is, your money means more to you than it does to me. SOS limited stock Damn what is everything being shorted? Zyne has been hammered by shorts This is all called market manipulation and it is illegal I can confirm that you can still buy GME on TD. I just bought 1 more for $149.28 or market at the time. I now have 3011 shares🦍🚀 I am in the same boat..I am looking for AMC to hit $60 Stock dip, many sell off 😭😭 me loses money The brokerage firms own the casino...they can do what they please, the idea of a free market is false. y’all niggas look stupid looking back. every trading platform does what robinhood did. When it gets really bad, the governments close all the world’s markets. They did on me for ten days in 1969. I was long gold at $35 an ounce on 95% margin through shares in marginal gold mines. They had a G10 meeting in Stockholm for ten days and announced gold would be $35 an ounce forever. When the markets opened Monday week, I lost five years trading profits. My friend, who had less leverage, held on and retired in 1975. My money my choice... or is it? Agreed My dark day is near [when it feel like giving up but,…](https://www.redgifs.com/watch/humbleilliteratesapsucker) I figured it must have been illegal, its weird they can offer a service like this with no regulations. Can a payday lender stop you from paying back your loan so they can keep charging interest? No sell option? Well that was a 5 min glitch, sorry. Oh the market tanked. Sorry. At the same time? Yeah, we know. I hate msm for twisting this bc it is fucking huge. Happened to me with Enron. Watched it go down day after day and couldn’t sell... They also canceled people's orders and SOLD people's stocks without their consent when the price peaked at 460. From a legal standpoint had these brokers not gotten involved the stock price could be at 600-700 right now. So people who bought in at 300, 400 lost their money as well as any potential gains. So there is no way to fully calculate the damage that they caused to retail investors and you could argue their loses are technically infinite Maybe. But as the post above pointed out this may not have been at the behest of brokerages, it could be from the clearing houses and it could be because they breached an internal risk metric that prevents them from failing to execute the contracts as written. There might be some regulatory actions at play here. I'm not from the US, wanted to get into stocks but then this happened. I've watched so many videos on it but I can't make sense of it and I'm fine with that. I have food, water, warmth and soon a small garden. I don't even care anymore Has the legality of Robin Hood's move been determined? As far as I know that is still an open question, and looking bad for the company. I think people are getting spooked and it’s pretty ridiculous they can just keep bringing down the market instead of just letting these few funds implode. Thing is it's not legal how they did it. Trading halts all the time from volatility, but it's usually to let thing die down and make sure there's no foul play. I've never ever seen trading only be allowed to go one way. That is MASSIVELY ILLEGAL. Robin hood And the others are gonna face a reckoning for that one. Yeah it did scare me and I started to invest this year. I'll probably pull off every investment from the american markets and put it elsewhere. Wallstreet obviously has too much influence on who wins and losses with these stocks. Its sad that now you have to find an honest brokage firm. What firms are doing this. Its time to change where you do business. Stop drawing this comparison. It’s nothing alike. You can go post your hate speech anywhere you want on the internet. You can only trade securities in brokerages that have to follow basic rules like not blatantly manipulate the market. Stop using this opportunity to spread your propaganda. I guess the future is decentralized Stock Market (or Brokerage firm). Idk if that makes sense, i am pretty new to this. Agreed. I think I’ll get into european stocks from now on. Why should I/would I ever consider a managed fund again? They aren't there to make us money, they give us just enough of a cut to keep us docile. If we try to take care of ourselves they fuck us through collusion with brokers... The stock market is the facade of a fake building and behind that is a house of cards held together by illegal practices, shadow pools, and enough accounting tricks to make sure we stay in the shit. watch the ""cancel culture"" enter the stock world you heard it hear first! They can't legally stop a stock from being traded. But the cost of breaking the law is nothing to them. fuck it, if these were pitchfork days i'd be sharpening mine. they're all a bunch of bandits we're getting off of the shitty brokers that stopped trades. this was mostly on RobinHood. other brokers restricted trades by requiring higher requirements on margin purchases (100%) etc. RobinHood just blatantly held us hostage and let Citadel cover their shorts. ​ Robinhood is dead. anybody staying in the platform after this event is done is just enabling them. This does indeed appear like a lose-lose situation for Wall Street. They temporarily defused the bomb, yet defusing it activated another, bigger bomb. The core good thing that has come out of this, is that we can see which firms have NOT stopped selling GME. The snakes are all out in the open, just avoid them now. After this fiasco, only a complete idiot will use anything but those that didn't block. **FYI: Trading 212 is still blocking, but they make it look like they aren't.** **You can reach the buy menu, drag to a single share, and then it will tell you 0 is the maximum allowed.** Not saying I would have sold GME if I could have... but I was blocked from selling my GME when it hit $420 because ALLY wouldn’t let me even see my account to buy or sell anything.... now instead of profiting about 20k and paying off about 1/5 of my student loans I’m holding just a little in the red. Use Fidelity, not Robinhood. I'm not in GME, but I do have a nice position in BB. I've already transferred the funds to buy the fucking dip in the morning! You don't shave 40% off of one of my positions with no underlying fundamental changes to the company and think I'm not going to BUY THE FUCKING DIP!!! I hope tomorrow is better. I got positions in all those and didn’t sell today. My account went from 27k premarket to 14k quick. Bro wtf happens if GME issues more stock? Is It game over for us retails? The shorts can cover their positions underwater with those? Hot but unfortunately unavailable for me at least. Rakuten is the most popular platform in Japan and it has stopped buys of GME. AMC is barely breathing. My advice is to cut and run. I too shall see you in Valhalla brother >When the dust settles, the people WILL rise. We are the legion that HF managers hate. We do not tire, we will not rest and we shall drink to victory in Valhalla. Im 3 days late, you hit the nail on the head. More people need to read that last sentence. HOLD THE LINE!!!! 💎👐💎👐💎👐💎👐 I hope so as well, but what's to stop then from doing the old ladder trick forever until the share price is $5 and they cut their losses? No one is stopping them from pushing the price down and not allowing us to buy... 🖐️💎 🖐️ But I can't keep the price from going down. Or after the Fimbulwinter, at Ragnarok. also many brokers are saying 'we did this to protect you from volatility' like the wtf man, it's not like when we lose money you say 'oh little child, you are not making tendies... here, take 1k$ as a bonus' This is literally how ive felt all day [removed] Here is my question.... What happens if a lot of very large hedgefunds go bankrupt tomorrow? What does this cause across the market? We know a lot of funds and the game is rigged, it was proved today. We know a lot of this is corrupt beyond measure and that these people are the shittest humans ever that only play when the game is unfair and take the ball and go home when they can't control the outcome. But here is the big problem, all that money they control isn't just those individuals, it is money from pension funds, it is money from massive amounts of families.... What could potentially happen here? This could be completely out of the normal and be both amazing and beyond horrible. If you think this is limited to GME and a few other equities and the shocks are limited there you have no idea. This. Why do they need to take such drastic measures if Melvin Capital and Co. said they covered their short positions? Weren't they trying to brag about that 2 days ago? LOL the hypocrisy in what they say and do. Now I feel more certain they lied about closing most/all of their short positions. George Soros is tied to all these Hedge Fund asshats. Ken Griffin, Steve Cohen, Andrew Left, Mike Bloomberg. They all decided that we are too stupid. Here is the king daddy of Resource Investor who has the former SEC Director on his board telling all of us he did it for our benefit. https://youtu.be/7RH4XKP55fM [Limited buys on stock tomorrow](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.marketwatch.com/amp/story/robinhood-to-allow-limited-buys-of-gamestop-amc-others-on-friday-2021-01-28). There still going to try and fuck every one of us [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BKdBGv6L\_s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BKdBGv6L_s) Apes can be smart sometimes That did happen to him; that’s why he conspired to make the frogs gay. Saw that on Twitter today about imagine just halting trading in 2008 on bad days while the big guys ""figured things out"" I honestly believe they're going to raise regulations on day traders and retail traders. There will be some type of license or subscription fees you need to pay to participate in a larger scale. They will mitigate the chances of this happening again. At his scale, I wouldn't be surprised if something like that hasn't happened to Soros at some point. Retail traders almost never get exposed to it, but counterparty risk and failure to deliver is a real thing. Doesn't happen often but failure to deliver can happen, and the clearing house is on the hook to make good. The clearing house was willing to let retail accounts sell, because there was practically an absolute certainty that the retail account actually had the shares and would deliver them to the buyer, as brokers tightly control what retail can do (no naked shorting, strict margin enforcement, for example). On the other hand, if a retail account tried to buy stock, the seller might have been offering something they didn't actually have to deliver (even if the seller in good faith thought they had the shsres, the party that they bought them from might fail to deliver and so on up the chain). Sellers could be hedge funds, market makers, etc who operate under much different (and in a lot of cases more lax) rules than retail. Higher margin limits, uncovered shorting, etc. Given it takes 1-3 days for a transaction to actually clear, and GME was the highest share volume traded stock over the past couple of of days, there could have been (and possibly were) massive cascades of delivery failure, most of which the clearing houses are on the hook to make good. Delivery failure ocurs when there's a transaction that takes place, but during the clearing process, it turns out that one party can't meet their obligation (the buyer can't produce the agreed upon cash or the seller can't produce the agreed upon shares, for example). Clearing houses evaluated the risk and made the call to suspend retail buys to mitigate their exposure. That's part of their business model and how they make money, they guarantee the normally trivial risk that counterparties won't deliver to close the deal. If that happens, they step in to either produce the cash or shares to close the deal, then go after the failed party later to recoup. Mitigating the delivery risk the way they did it solves an immediate problem, but it is going to expose them to an entirely different set of risks from regulatory enforcement (I suspect they actually didn't do anything wrong, given their fiduciary obligations), and political. I'm not an apologist for the financial industry, just a retail investor who took a wild ride today. We aren’t happy, make our voices heard. Oh are we doing some dumb QANON shit in this thread? Or like with what Icahn did to akman. Difference with this story is Carl had more friends in the administration's at the time. Man how am I meant to get my SorosBux for my protesting now? Smh, those pesky GME traders We appreciate you guys 💎🤚🏼🚀 you are not George Soros They do this all the time. It's called circuit breakers. Look it up. This is fake news you guys are so stupid thinking this is some crusade and everyone is out to get you. It’s such a simple view of the world and it’s really like Qanon. Please stop pushing this fake narrative, people are doing an a old fashioned stock pump, it’s manipulation, the brokers platforms broke down because of the demand from the pump and dump, don’t worry you degenerates will get a chance to buy again Is not even normal today! You can only buy whole stocks, no fractions and there are obscenely low holding limits so you can't buy more if you're above that imaginary line! RH has restricted $GME to FIVE (5) shares Please note that these are aggregate limits for each security and not per-order limits, and include shares and options contracts that you already hold. These limits may be subject to change throughout the day.     Symbol Shares. Options contracts AAL 55 50 AMC 115 100 BB 65 100 BBBY 30 50 CTRM 16 50 N/AEXPR 200 100 GME 5 10 KOSS 2 5 N/ANAKD 7 50 N/ANOK 110 100 SNDL 1200 100 TR 25 50 TRVG 400 100 I can't wait until some right wingers lose money on GME and blame this whole situation on Soros. You know what this NOK GME AMC did, it gave the little People hope. And people just need a little bit of hope, what happens when you give hundreds of millions of people a little ray of hope it becomes an unstoppable force. In time these stock will come back to normalcy but people won’t forget the week or weeks they smashed Goliath Soros has an ISDA. Source: wathcehd TBS I personally think the majority of Americans are going to get honey potted on the next big stock Not to burst this bubble but we've all been through this dance before. Let's stay outraged and keep being loud about it, but... don't pile all your hopes on there. Hedge fund bailout is likely inbound. Meh, we will be squawking about race or gender in a week's time exactly like they want us to, exactly like they have wanted us to like before. Today was really crazy, and a great insult for all online investors. Fortunately there were many, even with greater visibility than us, who pointed out the problem. I hope that in the next days it will not reappear. Anyway if they wanted to scare us, it didn't work at all: with this trick they have created more buyers than sellers of gme. A few questions on this 1. Can you explain a bit more how this would have spread to the rest of the market? (I ask this because these hedge funds and massive institutions on both sides of this trade, because let's face it, there are whales on both sides, have hundreds of billions in cash available, or if push came to shove, some of those positions that have gone up 10X in the last 12 months, close some of those out to raise the cash therefore giving companies who are not short, the opportunity to buy those shares. GME isn't going to a trillion dollars Market Cap) 2. Can't Gamestop themselves issue or dilute and therefore drive the price down while raising capital? 3. Can't the firm(s) who are deep in shorts, decide to close up shop and declare bankruptcy? 4. Couldn't they repeat today's action to continue to depress the price in a slow methodical manner, while closing out their shorts? Thanks for taking the time to type all that. Can you explain some words in this more in detail please, I am very unfamiliar. “a small sell limit order executed at $2600” what exactly does that mean? [deleted] **\*\*\*SAVE SOME AMMO FOR THE END, IMO\*\*\*** On Thursday, they manipulated the price under the magical $200 level in the final 30 seconds (as a test run for Friday?) Remember: if the price moves too much within 5 minutes, there is a *mandatory 5 minute halt*. Strategy, troops. It's a financial battle they know they can not afford to lose. Let's outsmart 'em. Make sure you log into your accounts extra early in case the login pages magically go down again. **\*\*\*WATCH OUT AT 3:56 PM EST\*\*\*** TL;DR 🚀 at the end If GME goes to the moon I will get a large poster of this printed framed and hung on my wall From a layman perspective (me) it looks very suspicious that rh is enacting on a policy change that resulted massive benefit to a client that its getting 40% of revenue from (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25946480) which is a clear conflict of interest But at the same time Anthony Denier, CEO of Webull https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RS4JIEVyXM&feature=youtu.be is claiming that the clearing house (DTC) is increasing the fund requirement to prevent market crash like 2008 I am trying to find if that claim is true, can someone that is more knowledgeable than me provide some insight? (preferably with source) Thanks Maybe they shouldn’t of shorted the stock 130% and try to bankrupt GameStop. I said this once and I’ll say it again. Fuck them! Fuck them today. Fuck them for 2008! so with what happened today what do you think will happen tomorrow? rh is already saying they'll allowed limited trades of gme. So if GME goes to infinity the market collapses? Will this wipe out just hedge funds or will all other stocks plummet too? This doesn't sound very positive. dude this comment is insane! sharing this everywhere Sounds like those sophisticated investors, ivy league graduates, market makers, titian's of industry, Gordon Gekko wanna be's need to revisit their series 7 exam notes and spend about 30 seconds re-reading the part where is says ""unlimited loss"" when selling shorts. > DO YOU GRASP HOW INSANE IT IS THAT HE SAID THEY NEEDED TO SHUT DOWN BUY ORDERS TO ""PROTECT THE MARKET""? Hello! He's not talking about the market for GME shares. He's talking about the entire market! The New York Stock Exchange. The NASDAQ. All that. I mean, he's not wrong. Edit: You are being a bit dramatic. This isn't threatening to bring down the entire system. It's much larger than a few meme stocks, even if funds are highly leveraged in their shorts against them. It reached 470 today, triggering some calls ITM that will Spike up the price AH. It's the first time in days it ended lower than previous close. This might run out of fuel to climb higher tomorrow. There are too many unknowns to gather a picture of where things stand with the hedges. They shorted more while blocking people from buying, creating massive sell off and could continue tomorrow. DFV is still in it, how high can it go? I have a question why do we want to crash the market. Even if the rich get fucked over for their corruption doesn't that hurt us like how the 08 market crash was one of the things that caused the recession. Thank goodness there are circuit breakers to contain the spread of an infinity blowout on the CME. THANK you for this explanation!!! here is proof from the user that saw that ridiculous sell price https://imgur.com/gallery/MwkIoSu > **We were within approximately 30 seconds of triggering a nuclear bomb that would have blown up the market.** and this is the key to *my* whole point: if you guys want to go full Joker and actually do some damage while making a shit ton of money, learn from today, back off, regroup, and do it *on purpose* next time. Come on! This is armed robbery, you're going to turn it into a murder because you don't know how to use that fucking gun. This is like taking a swing at your dad when you're 16. You're only talking about GME. NOK for instance they completely crashed it and the HF's modified their positions so today it's DED. The GME story is a scapegoat while they stole from MANY SECURITIES on the same day. [deleted] The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent. You know, unless you rig the market. until they bankrupt Melvin, when there are no longer any assets to cover shares and the entire GME scheme implodes because they have worthless contracts. do people think they have infinite $$? the harder they press the hedge the closer it pushes them to bankruptcy and they all loose and create a new set of rich pricks. On top of which they are going to bone the rest of the market when Melvin is forced to push all there assets back on the open market to pay for these share, ultimately still screwing over retail investors. Tulip mania. Every stock is a different coloured tulip. And everyone wants tulips. This may help explain why around 11:30EST ask was $214 but bid was $5000 on TD.... Dude you need to post this on wsb If it isn't getting traction dm it to some famous user This absolutely needs to reach everyone. This was an incredible write up thanks for it and I totally agree, there is a huge level of scarcity right now, thankfully people are communicating it, but there are many that seem to just be buying for the sake of buying, at insanely high valuations, the emotions going to get very real for many, the biggest thing to hope for is if the internet is enough to give voice to convince people to continue holding, which seems to thankfully be swaying that way right now, we can hopefully all ride it holding hands together. I don’t know if holding is actually the right call here. At some point there’s a chance that this ends up like a old time bank run. Where everyone goes to collect their money only to find it’s all gone. What do you do then? Every shareholder, some of which may have had their shares shorted from underneath them, will have paid a lot of money, astronomical amounts in some cases, but the shorts and their backers simply can’t pay and are bankrupt. That’s not including the options that are about to expire tomorrow. WTF does any of this mean? Whatever I'll just hold.. Agree with all of this except: Prison time was never on the table for them, never is on the table for them. The concept of ""illegal"" literally does not exist for the elite and they know it. I want to read this later. I know you want your short squeeze but Thomas Peterffy summed it up well. The initial shit that got this rolling was foolish by Melvin, but right now it is simply manipulation and dangerous to both brokers and customers. so when do we sell? INFINITY SQUEEZE!!!! [deleted] How do the shares of this stock possibly impact the greater market. That seems far fetched. Generally curious and don’t know the answer. Goddamn, what a post. Huh. Sounds like GME should do a 10:1 split. Hold the line. 🚀 Excellent write up! I’m more fired up than ever. They have no bullets!!!! This monkey say smart words, this monkey should be in charge of our bananas. Yeah, because that totally explains it for us illiterates. The front of the train had bullets though haha Lol, in the next scene of Snowpiercer, don't they all get mowed down by security in the next carriage, and they have bullets? How can WSB be driving this? No way they hold enough stock to influence the market this much, right? Isn't this other billionaire funds fucking with each other? Thank you for this. Awesome scene in snowpiercer! If the market crashes, don’t we end up back in a 2008 scenario? Financial system loses liquidity, credit crunch, bank failures, business failure, redundancies etc.? Crashing the entire market is not a good thing - many people have worked and diligently saved/put money into their retirement funds and 401ks. If that's what stopping trading prevented, I hope they stop it again. Guillotine or riot motherfuckers > Go to the 1:00 minute mark of this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EH1EtiOhr6o There’s a query string syntax for this: Currently this URL has one query string parameter: v=EH1EtiOhr6o (the QS is everything after the ?) You need to add t=60s or t=1m, and the parameters are separated by &, so it becomes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EH1EtiOhr6o&t=60s I’ve already bailed them out before, let me bankrupt them and then maybe keep them dead this time? Media like that is controlled by billionaires This is the stupidest argument by far. Where is the protection for people getting mortgages they cant afford, student loans theyll be butt fucked for life to pay back, 30% credit card interest, predatory car loans etc Write your Congress members and senators! Working people should not continue to pay for the follies of billionaires who exploit them. The media is owned by billionaires... So it's in line with their interests to misinform about the situation. MGS2 but instead of the AIs, it's r8ch people controlling information Which is exactly why it will fail. And exactly why nothing will change after this. The general public has no fucking clue what's happening with GME etc. right now, and they'll likely never be the wiser. A month from now, we'll be paying these hedge funds back with taxpayer dollars. Hell, they'll likely get their bailout with the next stimulus omnibus... the irony will be incredible. That surprises you about the media? Yeah, why arent brokers protecting americans from the financial industry's pillaging? We broke the market man, they have no money. Wouldn’t happen on a blockchain tho This is intentional [deleted] I hit up both house reps and the senator. Need to file complaint to SEC next Lmao The beautiful thing is that can really be a bipartisan thing I wouldn't count on it. Watch the movie ""The Big Short"". The government \*knows\* this is going on but are complicit as they are in bed with the wealthy campaign donors. Why? Doing it this way seems to work better. This post should be higher up. That's simple - who the hell funded the company in the first place? That's exactly who made them put in a few safety measures in. That's quite a common feature tbh. Noticed it happening alot with certain Canadian stocks I was trying to buy these last few months. Seems that the last hour of the day is when it happen most. Sorry mate this is actually normal. They're still fuckers, but this is a reasonable feature I think, like if a stock is delisted As a software developer, I would backup your built-in-advance theory, however, I would contest the backroom discussion part. I imagine that the SEC, and possibly other regulatory organizations, requires all trading software to be able to stop sells/buys in case something crazy happened where they needed to halt stock exchange business. Or for software reasons... they build it in if something gets hacked or if their software ends up with an unforeseen bug. Don't they already do that for stocks transitioning? Splits/reverse splits, buyouts and the like. [deleted] I think they weighed the possible SEC retribution and the loss of a chunk of their user base (maybe a quarter?) against the pressure from the big shorters to act NOW and they ended up siding with the billionaires. And who knows what form that pressure took, but you can bet losing enormous sums of money creates some incredible pressure. They use their power to never lose. Robinhood blocked GME, AMC, EXPR, etc for the same reason they block penny stocks. The people who invest in them probably aren't well informed and they are likely to lose money. What country are you in? I'm just curious, as my Swedish broker (avanza) put a 15% cap on pre market prices on both buy/sell. They put it on all American stocks though, and removed it after a while. I have no idea why this happened. Could be completely correct and something applied to stop extreme volatility. But since I've never seen it happen before, and it happened exactly when the Americans got locked out, I wonder if people over the world faced similar weird stuff. Which broker? My European broker IBKR also blocked buy orders but Robinhood's getting way more attention What broker do u use im also in europe Moving to Fidelity from Robinhood myself. I do and that was some bs. I’m done with them. Been with them since the tk days Is fidelity the best platform? Did they restrict anything, I don’t own GME but it seems I’m in a rather hurry to switch from robinhood now as they think it’s ok to restrict certain parts of the market because they are “volatile” Yup. I’m with you. Moving my shares as soon as the dust settles. I have a fidelity account as well and it is great. Been at ally since it was zecco. My first broker, but fuck this Nobody takes change.org petitions seriously. The website is a joke. This should be top comment This should be its own thread 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 we're strongest when we stand up to them together This should be a post [deleted] Skip the change.org petition and blow up your representative's phone lines and email. Much better use of your time. I signed [deleted] What kind of fucking retard typed this shit out? This doesn’t change shit dumb cunt Ryan Gosling... or maybe Charlie Day The charming mf can play himself. Else, Jesse Eisenberg I think Roaring Kitty should play DFV. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S\_JUlXh7sP8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_JUlXh7sP8) Luke Wilson Fassbender Scarlett Johansson I was watching it the whole day, it hit 492 in the morning but never again, might be a glitch It was, the moment we saw numbers over $500 they announced they wouldn’t allow sales and cut the legs out from under it. So it might be a glitch but there are instances where you will see this happen. There are times where there is a transaction that doesn't clear correctly so it doesnt show up on the tape. Usually they clear these at the transaction price after hours so it doesnt have an impact. So this one hit right on close, so that explanation kinda makes sense. But I dont have it on my feed either so I am not sure. [deleted] I'm not seeing that on TOS either. It hit 490 at 2 or so for seconds. I believe there was very low volume and someone was trying to sell at 490 at the time. I saw that jump too and was curious about it, sincerely wonder if someone were to set a sell limit order if it would've activated, especially since sell was essentially the only thing most of us could've done today, aside from hold, preaching that most of us held of course. It went down quick and mist places uses an avarage. It did go up to 490 It was500 premarket That’s exactly when they put out the fuse on the nuke > No generation prior to this would have been as aware or engaged as we are. I really don’t know what to say. It’s the most childlike and ignorant generation I can think of. Jesus Chris. Google nortel. We can only go up from here. But GME and HOLD! Lets prove them wrong Fathom, not phantom WE LIKE THOSE STOCKS! Pay for my entire goddamn high limit credit card you snobbish rich fucks! ... How do you know it’s shorted over 100 percent [deleted] >Anyone still having stop losses ~~is stupid~~ deserves what they get at this point. They can't. At least not unless the govt does something about this. I won't Who ever trusted the stock market? Or politicians? Should I really buy one? What would the benefit be? I’m still very lost trying to follow what’s going on Can I do anything with $30? I bought one right before closing yesterday...100% out of spite. Power to The People. When DeFi matures, which I don't think is going to be very long from now, all this will change and the centralized old boy clubs will go to the same trash heap as buggy whips. There is talk that NOK was being pumped as a distraction to draw funds off of GME BB was getting buzz on Reddit late last week because they sold patents and made the move into autonomy software. It was and is a good buy under $20 in my opinion. That just happened hundreds of thousands flooded WSB. They saw “buy BB” and assumed it was the next GME. They were at the right place at the right time NOK is a diversion tactic by the shorts to relieve the pressure on the GME squeeze I like BB stock. They gooooood. He's not even a good CEO. A good CEO will bullshit you while being consistent with his answers. That guy first said something like the clearinghouse required a higher volume of whatnot than they had, then next said they didn't have any liquidity problem, and followed it up by saying they had to prohibit (ONLY) the sell orders of 13 stocks... huh? If you didn't have a liquidity problem why did you need to throttle stocks? Yes, I hate the fact that my European broker first blocked the buy trades of GME for most of the day and then, after all the hate it was receiving re-allowed us to buy when the market was closed. But I am gonna buy anyway as soon as the market open, when RH will open again GME is gonna skyrocket Damn that's tragic man. The problem was that your aunt took advice from a dummy who knows nothing about the stock market. It would be like your aunt taking car repair advice from the burger flipper at McDonald's. I have no idea why anyone acts on ""investing advice"" from the uninformed. Can you explain how that math works? In 2005 PG stock was in the mid 50/share range. In late 2008 (the year you cited when ""she had 30 grand in shares"") PG was in the low 60. The absolute low point was in March 2009 (not in 2008) at ~45/share, and it quickly bounced back to the 50s. At no point would any of that price movement turn a million dollars into 30k. [PG Stock History](https://i.imgur.com/9pHYmcN.jpg). It’s not the stock market that’s the problem, it’s the hedge funds who supposedly paid the brokerages to halt trading. Those are not interchangeable terms. I use Fidelity and I was able to buy/sell with no restrictions Fidelity, from what I've heard. That's where I'll be moving to after all this crap plays out. Robin Hood is done after today. I haven’t had trouble with Schwab but apparently others did. Also have Schwab, mobile app was acting flaky but the webpage let me buy without issue Fidelity. Bought more today at the dip Ameritrade still let you trade stocks. No trouble with TD at all today. They just put on a 100% margin requirement if you’re using margin, but share buy/sell and straight call/puts action working just fine. I was able to place limit buys all day on etrade. In fact right when shit started tanking I scooped up some GME Not fidelity. Doesn’t sell their user data to market makers and funds. For now at least I have set one stock to sell at 100k just in case ha ha CCL https://www.highshortinterest.com/ Or you are balls deep in worthless NOK calls that expire Do you, own your own business that they, the rich, constantly find ways to outsource and thus literally fuck your profit margin or do you, for example, choose to work at Walmart and blame them for not paying you more? Because there's a difference. What does defi mean? Then there should be some sort of settlement and structured unwinding of these positions. Freeze the market, pick a number (higher than the all-time high by some multiple), and start liquidating things in an orderly way, ensuring the shareholders get paid. If it's that bad, then somebody should also be facing jail time. Any time the market is so broken that it cannot be trusted to fix itself, that's a screw-up that the powerful elite need to pay for. Oh, and I want to add this: not only did hedge funds escape today, they made BILLIONS. They didn't pay a cent. They were undoubtedly shorting this at the very top. I get the impression that hedge funds have still not been able to clear their positions because so many people are stubbornly holding. Brokers can't unilaterally block purchasing forever, and as soon as it's back I don't understand why things won't pick up where they left off. The losers today are the investors who could not afford to hold their positions, or who were too scared to hold their positions. But AMC, despite all of this, is still 300% of the pre-squeeze price and GME is 10x the pre-squeeze price... seems like shortsellers are still fucked.If anyone has seen DD on short interest after market close on 1/28, can you please link it in a reply? Edit: Hedge funds ADDED AMC shorts - [https://www.reddit.com/r/WallStreetbetsELITE/comments/l7cy7w/during\_todays\_buying\_freeze\_hedge\_funds\_shorted/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WallStreetbetsELITE/comments/l7cy7w/during_todays_buying_freeze_hedge_funds_shorted/) > we sold all your shares There are rumors that exactly that happened. Robinhood forcibly sold many people's shares, and some claim that those shares weren't bought with margin. You can see the current ask/bid on E*TRADE if you go to the page where you make a trade (at least before 8pm EST you can). But you’re right, E*TRADE restricted buying early this afternoon and hasn’t said anything about allowing unrestricted trade again. Could it actually crash the entire market though? The entire market is worth trillions The market could crash, but Tesla and Coca-cola are still the same company as before. > We need to realize there may be a larger consequence to this than rich people losing money, it could crash the entire market This is what I have been saying. All this makes me very anxious as our economy is all tied up like spaghetti. Few hedge funds falling could become a Domino. Unfortunately, the people they beleive they are helping could be the same people that will hurt from deeply a crash. I am not feeling positive about all this. Did you buy on margin? I’m using Robin Hood as well, I transferred 1k into them before all these shenanigans happened and after one 20$ payment was rejected it now says I have a account deficit of a thousand after the money has already been taken from my account and I can’t get a hold of any representative, I’m worried about what’s going to happen to 1k of my earnings after I eventually sell my stock You need more up votes for this explanation. Do not understimate this as something about America (I know that the majority of this happened there), broker all over the world did the same thing. It's not about Wall Street vs RobinHood users, it's about hedge funds and billionaires vs the 99.9% [deleted] /r/wallstreetbets I would just use a diff broker cuz fuck RH These hedge funds control the media. That's the narrative they want but corruption is *actually* the true story. They need to be punished. They took away our rights and intentionally manipulated the system and cost us our hard earned money and completely violated the idea of a free market. You’re fine with being told when you can buy and sell or when options are afforded to you or who actually controls your money? There are plenty of places to go to be a eternal bootlicker, we’re trying to make The West not one of them. I mean, the fact you even ask this is kind of sad, but GameStop has been a member of the SP500 for over 10 years, so yeah. It does affect you. I'm holding 5 CME and I'm too old to need to sell it. I'll take with me to my grave before I give it up to cover Marvin's shorts and I'll be doing it in your honor. Your family is lucky to have you. I did the same, gradually sold on the way up so I still have a small profit but I’m out. The fuckery is running so deep in this trade I just don’t want to be involved. That one was honestly rather easy to see since Europe tanked well ahead of NA and sensibly speaking, there was 0 chance that huge corps like Tesla, M$, Uber, etc would fall just based on 1 day stock dip. If that, literally one day, was orchestrated to facilitate some rich farts shorting or just dumping their shares to other rich farts since no one else could really afford it back then..... well, it still didn't really touch smart, long term investors. Hedge fund greatly overextends themselves betting that GameStop (GME) will go down. Deepfuckingvalue let's people know and people start buying stock. Stock price goes up Hedge fund is basically on the hook for buying those stock at the inflated price until their bet is fulfilled (as I understand it, buying the same number of stocks they bet on going under the percentage, which was over 100% of the actual stocks available by GameStop.) Because people are actively buying AND not selling, the hedge fund cannot buy the stocks at a beneficial price. Robinhood(app broker company, alongside apparently others) prevented ALL purchasing of GME and some other stocks, depressing the price so that the hedge fund could at least have some of a break, likely breaking the law and DEFINITELY fucking over their customers who used their service to purchase the stocks. Basically, and always has been rigged, but I'm dead-positive that there shortings are NEVER really aimed at your average Joe who might consider buying like, 10 shares of a downhill burning company because it seems like such a great investment. I think CNBC was saying that. I understand your decision, as I said in a previous post this got political and many are holding for 'revenge' against Wall Street. I will HOLD and HOLD, but at this point I have no idea what can happen...it's not like we can just say: 'We want 1milion per share', at some point even the people who lended the shares will say: ok keep them and let's find a deal Not anymore This Dude RH is limiting trades tomw on GME to 5, how is that helping after what they did today. It’s helping their backers, not their clients >boomers or whatever insulting term you want to call us That's literally just the name of the generation. If it feels like an insult, maybe that says something about your generation. One of the biggest entertainment on WSB is the massive “loss porn” that’s frequently posted. They may joke about it but no one who spends more than a day in that sub believes stocks only go up. [deleted] Oh cmon man stop thinking everyone is a victim, maybe they liked the research and decided the risk was worth it. The stock market is inherently risky on speculative plays but its not your business or mine to take that opportunity away from people. You’re just mad because you lost three out of your four summer beach houses, if you ask me they deserve the fucking loss I don't think you get it. Redditors aren't buying because they want big bucks or they really believe in GameStop (tbh, the store sucks). They're buying because they know they might be out a couple hundred dollars by the end of this. But the ""elites"" will be out billions ($70B currently). And a LOT of people would happily sacrifice $200 to stick it to the man. No one believes only stocks go up. High horse much? [deleted] Oooo I like this I don't see how this applies to cash accounts. Margin yes, in which case just disallow margin trading on volatile stocks. But if you buy stock with cash, there is no backing out or risk to the broker to hold your bag because you bought it with your money. Just look for stocks that are shorted by a large amount. Well, perhaps 401 isn't such a sweet deal to use as primary tank for retirement since it sits on volatile stocks. You can try to buy back in when markets open, as RH is unlocking the stocks tomorrow. But quantities may be limited. Sorry to hear you got burned like that. I hope you came out ahead in real dollars, even though you got swindled out of serious potential gains. It's not your fault. Your choice was not stupid, anything could happen at this point. After yesterday I wouldn’t be surprised if they delisted GME at this point it’s crazy. They also closed stone accounts positions without their say so. This was a coordinated attack to protect the rich. Agreed. What other stocks do you like? GME from an investing standpoint is tapped (though I’m still in favor of holding cuz fuck em). They didn’t shut it down because of 401ks. They don’t give a fuck about regular peoples 401k plans, they care about their own bottom line. short % went up today not down, float wasn't enough for them to cover. misinformation If that happens, it will be a wonderful opportunity to buy! If you really doubt me Then ask yourself this. Of the 300,000 worldwide people that have access to Bloomberg terminals, how did the people at WSB have access to them? How did WSB find out that GME was shorted to the hills? WSB is playing both sides against the middle and everyone in the middle thinks they're going to get rich and they're not. [deleted] The point here is that no one went to jail and no one lost their bonus in 2008 though many ordinary folks lost their life's savings. So I understand where you are coming from but basically I still say eg them. Consider this a long overdue punishment for 2008 This morning I had a CME market buy order paid for with cash on RH that they accepted and confirmed and put in the open market queue. Two minutes into market open they sent me a message telling me that I had cancelled my order which is BS. Liars lie what a surprise. Can you link me said articles I’m interested In hearing the other side Well said. Lol why would they go bankrupt from that?! The alleged issue was they didn't have the immedate capital to cover buys as required by regulations, it was never going to result in them being insolvent. We down big over here you talkin bout last march or the gme thing? When someone makes errors like this I can't take whatever they are saying seriously at all. Particularly when someone writes ""loose"" instead of ""lose"". I see that a lot on reddit, and it always sort of depresses me. Damn, that was always weird but you made it 10x weird Now playing: [Rage Against The Machine - Sleep Now in the Fire (Official Music Video)](https://youtube.com/watch?v=kl4wkIPiTcY). ^^[ stop messaging me](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=AlexaPlayBot&subject=Blacklist+me&message=!blacklist) | [programmer](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=bspammer) | [source](https://gist.github.com/bspammer/97f1dc8c676ca93af9289a77a0d4e93a) | [banlist](https://reddit.com/r/AlexaPlayBot/comments/92euyo/subs_the_bot_has_been_banned_from/) ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: [Rage Against The Machine - S](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kl4wkIPiTcY) ─────────⚪───── ◄◄⠀[▶](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kl4wkIPiTcY)⠀►►⠀ 2:36 / 3:54 ⠀ ───○ 🔊 ᴴᴰ ⚙️ Thank you! I couldn’t think of a better anthem right now for how I feel about this. So shorting a stock 140% isn't a coordinated attack to crush the value of said stock and profit? Sounds like they screwed up big-time and now they are begging big daddy to bail them out. [https://www.foxnews.com/politics/yellen-robinhood-citadel-gamestop-speaking-fees](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/yellen-robinhood-citadel-gamestop-speaking-fees) Get a clue, man. Their campaign donations and speaking fees don't come from retail traders. [deleted] Yes, but that would’ve been on their own trade/accord...today they were cut out as OP said. Today was scary. Large part of the shorts expire tomorrow eod you know so there are still chances for the squeeze to happen Go lick their 20k boots then. It is, it showed that if your ""stock of choice"" is all of a sudden doing well ""we"" will make it so you can't buy any more of it and manipulate it into poverty and at most all ""we"" will get is a smack on the hand for it while ""we"" ruin your holdings and life. ​ There is no free market, the free market is controlled and a joke now. Corruption is everywhere and your 401k's are only allowed because some rich people said so. It's hypocrisy. I lost $10,000 today others lost over $100,000 to million today yeah it was serious and they should go to jail. I mean yea its market manipulation by the top 1 percent Lol Yeet the rich! want to bet? I am thinking long term, if in 5 years they will talk about this when they talk about this period in books you will own me your wife. Now tell me what you want if you win, but consider that i am pretty broke and that my future wife will have at least two boyfriends Yes. It’s literally market manipulation by the top 1 percent. It’s all over the news. I don’t see how it wouldn’t These morons are definitely a lot richer than your ass. Barred from investing? Sounds pretty unconstitutional. You don’t like their decisions of what they do with THEIR money so they are dumb and you’re a genius. Got it. It's already up 3,500%... no thanks. CCL is the stock to target. Reddit is so fucked. Freezing trades and allowing hedge funds to ladder trade the price down via minimal volume protects the users. OK. Oh yes, a broker that only allows you to sell during a panic sell, and prevents you from buying the bottom! What an AMAZING trade! You must be a buy high sell low kinda guy! Their favorite! Yes. Absolutely, in theory. The common number I've always heard thrown out is a million dollars assuming an 8% annual return in something like an index fund would give you $80k a year to live off of. Some years the market would be shit and you may only get 3% (30k) and others it may be booming and you'll get 11% (110%). You'd probably need more when you consider things like healthcare, if you have children, etc. Chamath mentioned CashApp, Public, and Sofi as alternatives. WeBull also blocked out GME today - am culling them as well after GME moons. Eh, it's actually the other way around. By banning purchases, they've cut back demand. As demand falls, so does the stock price. It's really terrible because everyone can sell but fewer can buy, so you get this great deluge of selling action to drive the price down. But I think your general point stands. It's not like Robinhood is the only broker. People will move funds and find a way to purchase GME again. Could just take a few days. My concern is that they say they'll allow ""limited purchasing"". Like, wtf does that mean? It sounds to me like they'll allow the price to move up but not enough that it'll actually hurt the shorts any further. It's totally illegal and complete bullshit. And most of their fuckery is also amongst themselves. The working class, let's use a great example of a good few disgruntled GS ex-employees who have been uprooting all the malpractices going on in the burning-down company - do you honestly think THEY were the ones who gladly bought those shorts? Who were the imaginary numbers of stock were sold to? Who was actually losing money on this one? Sadly it isn't just a RH thing, I use an European broker (eToro) and they fukd up as well Fidelity never closed trading. I don't think Schwab closed trading either. [deleted] I am putting another 1.5k in GME as soon as the market open, my prevision is that this got out of hand and RH and other brokers will reabilitate users to buy soon. That's when we will fly to the moon. They want us to sell though right? How do they benefit from restricting GME sales? Keep it, I have BB also and gonna buy even more. BB Will go to the moon🚀🚀 Yup. Election wasn’t real. Stocks don’t help businesses. Rich vs the normies. few days ago I would have said to buy and hold shares (no CFD or options) but at this point I am also afraid that they are going to find a way to save the hedge funds anyway, so I am not sure... I will still buy some more today at market open, but those are money that I am ready to lose in that case, btw I am not a financial consultant, blablabla, I just like this stock I liquidated BB to get even more in GME, but you are right, wish you the best tendies On the flip side, that means you couldn’t sell while you were down either tho lol You meant hodl, I guess. Please do that. https://youtu.be/kl4wkIPiTcY The video is over 20 years old and there is even a flash of a “Trump for president” sign at 1:05. Yeah, lots of people are cheering now. There will be many fewer who feel it was worth it when they get wiped out. To put it bluntly, there are probably better ways of dealing with market manipulation than by willful dumbassery. thats fucked [deleted] Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[Robin Hood](https://snewd.com/ebooks/the-merry-adventures-of-robin-hood/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/) That’s because it’s not capitalism. The only time in history that we’ve seen free-market capitalism was the first 150 or so years of America. You know, when America went from being a barren wilderness to the greatest superpower on earth—and its’ free citizens gave the world electricity, the power of flight, and a myriad of other brilliant advances. Now we’re yoked under the burden of a government Mafia bleeding us dry and blaming the extinct notion of capitalism for the harm they’re doing. Nokia What we seen here today is a great example of how these guys get to do whatever they want to make a buck. These hedge funds and their brokers would have went bankrupt today if it wasn’t for buying being halted. I had something similar happen to me: my mortgage escrow went up $20 while I was out of the country and I didn't notice, so my auto payment was $20 short each month. My auto payment was being *received* by PNC, and they were depositing it while issuing me a refund check for the *full amount*. After 4 months of this they put my house in preforeclosure and when I returned in month 5 I only had 2 weeks left or I would've lost my house to foreclosure from underpaying them a total of $80. From my view of my bank account, it looked to me all along that I was paid up and my brother in law who was checking my mail never told me I had scores of notices from PNC, but it's still crazy that they can make this happen over such a small amount. Cost many thousands of dollars to get it out of preforeclosure. [deleted] The problem was their losses were in the billions, and the legal penalties for what they did will likely be measured in the hundred thousands or millions. Well... considering how many contracts have fine print saying that paying a loan off early means you get penalized, it's not that far fetched. Everything about the financial system sucks. I stay as far away from anything to do with it as I have to, other than the 13% my company has to put in my 401k, and my health insurance portfolios. I truly have become the ""money under the mattress"" type as I get older. Don't have any faith in any aspect of the markets, or financial contracts, or anything. Been straight up lied to and then ""lol should have been a finance lawyer and read all 250 pages of that loan agreement in excruciating detail"" when I pointed out the terms weren't what they said, months later. Everything is a scam. It's legal robbery. Capitalism's a joke. Edit: I am -somewhat- pleased to see there's at least an actual backlash going on, but having seen enough financial debacles and how not a single one has ever resulted in meaningful change, not holding my breath. This is a really good analogy of what's happening! Thanks for that! Another question, maybe bigger than just this singular event, is how many times has this happened in the past? Has this short a stock and then manipulate the market to force the stock to sink been done before? When it comes to making or loosing billions, you can be guaranteed they have been doing this for a long time! They stopped it because what happened with GME is market manipulation. https://www.reddit.com/r/badeconomics/comments/l7gi70/financial_econ_101_or_link_this_in_bad_reddit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf The fines and even prison sentences they could get are a fraction of the punishment that losing tens of billions of dollars will be. They don't care anymore, and are increasingly desperate. This needs some legislation, this isn’t very cash money/laissez fair of these brokers... Actually.... yes. They can. If you sign a loan to payback a loan 1 year out at 30% and you want to pay it off early, they do not have to take it, if they want their 30% return. These people have homes in the US. I say we go ahead and just start occupying their houses. Did we just time travel back to March again?... RobinHood has been doing this crap forever. Fucking rigged game. I'm one those people who lost as OP described. Look at what’s happening today. No one is selling at these prices. This is the hedge funds manipulating the price. I would really like to believe this is true, but I’m sure there’s something somewhere that says they are allowed to. All these users probably agreed to it when they accepted the terms of use. I want to have have the confidence that people will be held accountable, but I doubt it. Cohen has been fined $1.8b before for illegal activity. They’ll get some fine, pay it, and be back to their same ole’ shenanigans is how it’ll probably go. Expect next time, they’ll make sure the average American has absolutely no chance of beating them. Yeah, I wouldn’t say I’m spewing hate speech or propaganda by any means. Propaganda is biased and meant to mislead...these are facts. They are manipulating the market, it is undeniable. Whether or not they are found guilty is another topic. It is just very concerning. This has been going on for a long time, but not at this level. Yeah. I would defend the argument that they will never be bailed out again. The American people are not going to allow it to happen in the future. They arguably destroyed market confidence as well. They are having to use all the tricks in the book to try to minimize loses. Just look at what they’ve done all week and today. > I hope tomorrow is better Narrator: It wasn't. The 🚀 launched bud. That how so many ppl got rich. All the people buying at 380.. they are literally pissing their money away. You missed the moon launch and now there's a buncha dumb 🐒 holdin the bag thinkin another ones coming. BUT. I think once wall st covers their shorts. (And they will btw, thats what all the manipulation and cheating is for) the stock should shoot up again just on sheer volume of ppl buyin and holding. A handful of ppl will bail as soon as they break even. But this cult of 💎 ✋ will miss that boat too. There are alot of ppl losing their life savings on this. And they are too dumb to get out. I predict an uptick of suicides in the next few weeks. Im just a retard. This isn't financial advise. Full disclosure:I still hold 4 shares. Someome on WSB mentioned they could only issue a maximum of 1 million new shares (something with a contract of the new board person). Anyways, 1 m shares is NOTHING. They need 15mil TODAY. They are super giga fucked and doubled down on it, using scare tactics, short ladders and even shutting down trade platforms. Price is showing 340 aftermarket :) it didnt work and they know it. Payday is coming. These crooks should be in jail already. Why would they Had GameStop reacted in any way yet? Not sure how prudent that'd be on their part. Wondering why they didn't protected funds from shorting more than 100% of a stock. Watch this [video](https://youtu.be/4RS4JIEVyXM) of webull exec explaining why they had to stop allowing trades. Essentially the clearing houses told them they had to stop because of huge liquidity issues Total fucking bullshit. I am an option seller and volatility is how I make money. Today I am literally staring at GME option chains and their juicy premiums but sitting there and can’t do jackshit Wondering why they dont protect my dumbass with 0 investing experience when i buy a NIO option that drops by hundreds in an instant. Where was my protection then? we did this to protect ... our friends from losing money exactly! where was the 'protection from volatility' back in March when lockdowns were announced... I couldn’t believe it when I seen the word protect. It’s been about my only holding that’s been green since Friday. If I want to buy GameStop at 4, 40, or 400, that’s my problem. But go ahead, you can buy doge at .07 cents currently a 500% increase today alone, 1500% on the month as well, and it could go back to .0025 in an hour and nobody would be the slightest surprised and it certainly won’t be stopped, it’s moved half a penny in the time of writing that. Go buy tons of crap penny stocks, or nikola. Fuck that. They don’t need to “protect” our money, or in other words, dictate how we spend our money. If this were true why only impose limits on specific securities and not all? 💎🤲🏽 THEY DONT GET TO MAKE DECISIONS ON OUR MONEY 🚀 Hi guys. I am seeing a lot of information flying around accusing brokerages of blocking retail traders from buying with the express intent of screwing retail investors. Here's another, more rational take, coming from an associate of mine who works on Wall Street: * In the US, there is one central securities depository called the Depository Trust Company (DTC). * When you buy a stock on Robinhood, they take the order to DTC. DTC fills the order by finding a seller. The same thing happens when a hedge fund wants to buy securities, or a bank. * However, there is risk associated with matching a buyer to a seller. To mitigate this risk, there is something called the ""settlement cycle"" * The settlement cycle is a 2-day holding period where the buyer (in this case, your broker) puts down a clearing fund deposit to collateralize the transaction. After the two days, they get the deposit back. So what's happening here? The clearing fund deposit that buyers have to submit is adjusted based on market volatility. Because of the volatility surrounding $GME, $AMC, and these other stocks, the clearinghouses/DTC are requiring firms to front excessively high collateral in order to buy shares of these companies. Many of these brokers like Robinhood simply just may not have the cash on to front the collateral to fulfill the massive influx of buy orders incoming for these stocks. So they suspended accepting buy orders for the stocks. They kept the option of selling open, because they have a fiduciary duty towards their customers. Their actions are a byproduct of not having enough money to fulfill the orders. Why can hedge funds and big banks buy then? Because they have plenty of cash lying around! And if they don't, they can borrow it from each other. Because of this, they don't have to worry about being locked out of the markets due to volatility. In summary: please don't jump to conclusions and assume bad faith before it is proven. There are lots of people here and on /r/wallstreetbets who have been ""investors"" for less than 2 weeks and don't understand how everything works. Let's keep a cool head and not make accusations which we can't prove. That goes for everyone, including those in the media. Thanks. To protect us, bull. Not a single person that had bought GameStop had lost money, or was going to lose money (unless they chose not to sell). EVERYONE that bought in at any price was up until they pulled their stunt. The only people they are protecting is themselves. I'm trading with a small percentage of my portfolio on gamestop. Why protect me when Im Already doing that There's so much irony here. Their attempt to protect us ended up hurting us. Look at Deepfuckingvalue. Are you trying to fucking protect him by making him lose fucking 14 million? Fuck you robinhood fuck you greedy wall street fucks Robinhood didn't step in as you lost your retirement and livelihood last March. They'll let you wipe your whole account with options. But if you dare to buy GME then they'll ""protect"" you from volatility? I’ve gotten my ass handed to me on stocks that were shorted and manipulated into oblivion by the MM. I feel no sympathy. Where’s the broker when I’m losing my tendies then? Yeah I should ask them why they were cool with me blowing $140,000 on a single options trade but when I’m suddenly getting filthy rich they have to “protect” me. What fucking joker pieces of shit. Fuck those guys and I pray to whatever fucking god is out there that all of them rot in jail. I don't know how all of them handled it, but Robinhood stopped buyers. Anyone that has already bought GME could still sell and keep their profits. They were protecting users from buying the stock right before it got dumped. “It’s for your own good,” is a really popular statement among abusers.... Wait - did you get a 1k bonus too? My account got one for about an hour and then they took it away. They let people buy bankrupt companies and now they are concerned. If anything they increased volatility letting short ladder attacks to beat down the stock while retail could not provide buying pressure. What a joke today was. Or like over shorting a stock doesn’t fucking increase volatility The brokerage is not our fucking dad. They provide a service, end of. That shouldn't be allowed to change on a whim.... ESPECIALLY when the stakes are so high On Robinhood they had an outage during the COVID madness in late February. The outage cost me 8500 and almost cost me a full 16000. A nice portion of money I used to trade. They said I couldn’t prove I was going to sell it and offered me a 50$ gift card for their mistake. (They forgot to program the leap year) Right?? And you can get throw your entire portfolio into an option expiring tomorrow if you wanted to but they’re “protecting us?” I just hope this isn’t resolved by paying a measly fine. I’d like to see prison time Wonder why they let me waste money on options if they're so concerned Rh closing users positions on their own is the craziest part. The recent reduction in short interest is rather revealing and damning. 13% reduction in short interest shares. I expect it to be much higher tomorrow morning prior to open when all trading resumes apparently. Tomorrow it’ll be “Hey everyone, it’s all fine and well. Come on back and give your money to us since we’ve closed our positions! It’s okay little guy, we forgive you and were not going to bite you...but try that again and we’ll just have to see” https://shortsqueeze.com/?symbol=GME&submit=Short+Quote™ Maybe we now have an argument to be able to sue them whenever we incur any loss. Now they’ll say “look, the stock dropped, so we were right to protect you from it”. But it’s like a self-fulfilling prophecy. The only reason it dropped was because they decided to “protect” people. You already have to sign off on a bunch of agreements to invest saying you know that the stock market is risky can lose a lot of money blah blah blah, and they have no problem letting you invest in trash stocks most of the time. Exactly! They never cared when the “dumb money” pissed away a few hundred dollars here or there (and paying through the nose for the privilege), but suddenly they’re the guardians of the simpletons...? This stinks to high heaven and beyond Yeah did you protect me when I was losing money? Or are you only trying to protect me from gains now? where was IBKR when I lost close to 100K shorting in March-April... Why didnt they stop me! in buying PUTS! lol Exactly, when I was hemorrhaging out my ass a few back because Twitter banned Trump, nobody turned the system off to save me from volatility. Assholes. It's also in the TOS that if you lose everything, they're not liable. They said they were only trying to protect the buyers and the firm. Vlad is a lying pos. It’s a donation. $390 DIAMOND HANDS Mill said paternity is for children only ""protecting you from volatility"" Jesus Christ that's the biggest bullshit I've ever heard. During AOC's livestream today, she had a guest say something that really stuck with me. He said (and I'm paraphrasing), ""So I can get denied buying stock in the name of 'being protected from volatility', but I can walk into a casino and bet all my money on red without repercussions?"" What about 3x levered oil or gold? I can do a market buy right now on 3x oil etf and no one is going to save me. https://www.reddit.com/r/badeconomics/comments/l7gi70/financial_econ_101_or_link_this_in_bad_reddit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf That pisses me off immeasurably. They are not at all considering my own risk profile. Why does retail have to be restricted so often? Like from making day trades? I listened a bit on the AOC stream when she was talking to Alexis Ohanian and they mentioned to good point, brokers were protecting us for volatility but we can go use those same funds and put it all on red 19 at the roulette table. It's our money, as retarded adults we should be free to gauge our own risk. They didn't care much about protecting retail investors when they are the victims. The difference between this and 08 is ordinary people didn't get a say in what happened when the economy tanked in 08. Now we do get a say. If people want to risk blowing their savings to send a giant ""fuck you"" to wall street then that is their right to do so. They robbed me of money actually Freetrade app said they were blocked by US firms. Trading 212 lets you buy now both GME and GS2C (european GameStop stock), just dipped in £100 on GME, had £300 in FT but that was blocked I keep reminding people, but brokers are actually fully within their rights to cancel a trade to protect the user from volatility *if the trade is being made on margin*, like a short sell. It's *very common* for brokers to pre-emptively call in short sell options if the seller is too far under water. They didn't do that. They took the unprecedented step of preventing the numerous buyers from buying, to protect the very few hedge fund managers whose careers were on the line over this. It's textbook manipulation. They'll stop you from buying stock to ""protect you"", but if you wanna go tits deep in selling naked calls they shut the fuck up. Its wild The “we did this to protect you” line is such bullshit. They wanted to protect potential buyers from volatility and losses, so the forced volatility and losses on previous buyers??? Fuck that. I hope there are real prison sentences for the way this happened so blatantly and so proudly. It’s so obvious too - GameStop closed Tuesday at 146, closed Wednesday at 345, dipped to 264 on open on Thursday at 9:30 am before exploding to 469 at 10 am. Guess when the shit show with restrictions started lol. Tell me the hedge funds weren’t shitting themselves when they saw that and immediately shut it down. I used Soros because he is famous by his risky trades. I dunno any other trader that would fit lol Same. I was like, ""oh no where is this going?"" [removed] This is what happens when you are a brokerage and don’t charge for trades. The broker becomes the market maker and it is they who take the risk for trades. CNBC today reported that Robinhood had to tap all their emergency lines of credit today to avoid bankruptcy. Who do you think loses? It was Lehman in 2009 that was the market for mortgage backed bonds that initiated the waterfall of losses that caused the banking collapse in 2008. Tomorrow and over the weekend everything will have to settle from the options expiration. Then we will see who wins and who loses, and what the blowback will be. I wouldn’t doubt that. I’m just saying for the first time since Occupy Wall Street people are standing up to these major hedge funds. This is our first chance in a long time to make some real change Just been watching this from the sidelines. RH fucking everyone over today does not sit well. I'm buying gme shares on vanguard at open and deleting RH. Question, how do we know it didn’t work? Could a large percentage of people sold and those stocks be bought up by the fund? yea, this didn't help them at all. not trying to scare you dude - trying to stay in business I agree, this dip has created a better buy in point for traders and we’re unstoppable now, GME to $4206.9 1. It had already spread to the rest of the market the past few days. Notice how red the market was as GME was surging and how green it was as they were falling? These funds with theoretically uncapped losses have to liquidate other stuff to stay solvent and keep enough cash in their accounts. 2. They could, that's always a risk, but things are so volatile right now that I don't even know what that share offering would look like. 3. Not before liquidating everything and using it to cover positions. Then, whoever was backstopping them on these terrible deals assumes the liability. This is why firms typically get margin-called BEFORE it gets this ugly, but they weren't. They were bailed out by their buddies. 4. Also yes, but how will they sell shares they don't have? They run out of ammo at some point. If the price goes up higher, they could find themselves underwater no matter where their current short positions are. 1. The entire market is aware of GameStop. Its on the news 24/7. Its trending on Twitter and Reddit. Google Trends predicts interest will continue to grow via search results. 2. The share offering is capped at 100 M. That's less shares @ $300 than @ $15. We just need to hold those shares. They can only offer once every 3 months. The stock price and time is on our side. 3. No, because Citadel is their backstop. Citadel is worth 38 B. They can pay up. Melvin Capital will get sued. 4. They can try to take away the buy button again on robinhood, but millions of people are aware now and have shifted funds/ prepared to use Fidelity or Vanguard or TD Ameritrade. 5. You're welcome. Join the battle and hold the line. Obligatory 🚀🚀🚀 and fuck CNBC. You know that ""Bid"" and ""Ask"" thing you see? Bidders are those who are willing to buy and askers are those willing to sell. They each have a price. If the minimum ask price is 2600 and all the shares are being gobbled up, it might reach up and very briefly touch some weird number. It doesn't necessarily get reflected in the live price you see on Yahoo or Google; those sites are aggregating all these orders from different sources. Your brokerage may be a little different than the next guy's. Typically, a huge bid/ask spread is reflective of massive volatility (or really low volume). TD Ameritrade did indeed have a buy price of $5,000 and if hovered there pretty much the entire time GME was selling for under $200. I saw that 5000 ask, too when trading was halted. Bid was 196. I think that just means the spread was huge, not that the order went through. Maybe due to illiquidity or just an artifact of the halt? Can second this, I saw muiltple thousand dollar price points during the day. I was one of them at 1k before i retracted my order. I assumed the market was just halted again since the bid was like 200 and the sell was 1k-2.6k So, if I want to buy some shares tomorrow, when would the best time be in your opinion? Not asking for financial advice. Can you explain what happens “at the end?” Do they have to pay whatever price it ends on tomorrow to exit their positions, whether they want to or not? [deleted] You have 5 grammar mistakes in your first sentence but think you're qualified to comment on the stock market? That short started in Sept 2007, imo. Agree on the rest GME and AMC have both popped up for me tonight and I've been able to put in orders. From the looks of it they're only going to allow people to buy whole shares. That is going to block out a lot of people I’m wondering what that means too. I really don't think there is enough at stake to wipe out the market here. But, for certain players, they stood to lose tens of billions. Nah, there's not enough money at stake for that. We are talking about a couple of hedge funs losing a few billion and maybe declaring bankruptcy or getting a bailout. I think the US stock market is worth something like 50trillion by market cap, drop in the bucket. It's very positive if your entire portfolio is GME. i'm not a stocks guy, but i've seen a few videos explaining parts of this. the ending explanation is a big grandiose. when you short a stock, these are the literal steps: - you borrow the stock now and sell it for $20 - you buy it later for $5 - you keep the profit of $15 if the time between borrow, sell, and buy is quick then it doesn't matter. but if it takes a long time between and buy, the actual end of it, you have to pay an interest payment on it. like you would any loan thing. BUUUUUUT, what if you try to do a short and this happens - borrow the stock and sell it at $20 - wait and............stock goes to $500?!??!?!? fuck what? - ok so do i sell it now or try to wait more and see if it goes down to 5 like i thought it would? so if you sell NOW, you lock in that you lose $480 per share. OR, you keep the share AND you have to pay interest on this ""loaned"" out share that you got in the first place. so all these hedge funds that shorted the GME stock, and have not sold the share yet, still have the loan, and are getting charged an interest on this loaned share. so reddit users just sitting here owning this piece of stock, doing nothing the fuck else, is costing wall street tons of fucking money. so as we saw this single bad overreach that brought down this one hedgefund already, it could have lasting affects on other funds too. that's the big ripple effect he's talking about. No, because eventually Gamestop will issue more shares and dilute the float. I mean... this is like someone smashed all 4 of your windows, and you put trash bags on each one so you could drive around. What you own is a ""car"" in name only. And it deserves to be tossed to the curb. Nobody knows how high it could go, and that's why they literally shut it down. They got spooked by the prospect of zero liquidity in the market and all these obligations coming due (shorts covering, calls executing, etc). Yay meme amounts... A ton of people had their limit sells at $420.69 For change so this never happens again. This is now more than making money, its a full on movement against hedge funds shorting more stock than exists and banks letting funds get away with it. I feel like they would have a better shot at halting the stock and paying everyone $1,000 a share. It will cost tens of billions but compared to losses in the ENTIRE market it will be a drop in the bucket. Shorts are betting on a company's demise. They accelerate things like Toys 'r Us going under, costing jobs, and all the additional fallout from that. A lot of the ""bad stuff"" that Wall Street causes is a result of their practices, and so even if the market were to crash, it could still be beneficial to the average joe in the long run. (I'm not smart and don't understand all the details about the causation of such things, this is just what I've contextually learn from other people asking the same questions. I could also be just plain wrong in my understanding, so take with a grain of salt.) Yeah I really don't feel like losing my retirement savings because the entire market crashed. Few side bucks would be nice though. Good question. I'd like to know that also. We’re already in a recession, the market just doesn’t reflect that. Absolutely. If we get this thing over $400 tomorrow, it's blast off again. And it is the reckless, manipulative, arrogant hedge funds who should pay the price (literally, financially) for causing that danger. I'm perfectly comfortable with a, say, $100B settlement distributed out to all shareholders. I’d say 1-2,000. I think they will halt trading on it indefinitely if it goes beyond that You're good. It's a small part of the plot and happens early. Watch it anyway. Nice. Thanks! Sure. But it's the same story of them bailing out people who should be pushed out of the industry and perhaps put in jail. You will get it back and more if you hold. I say it goes at least to a 1000. Did you hold like everyone said? Check aftermarket prices. Not that aftermarket matters much but play it out. If you couldn’t lose it, you frankly shouldn’t have invested it. It can prevent this from happening in the future Make sure the 10k wasn’t lost in vain. Hit the brokerages where it hurts You only lose if you sell. The hands you had: 📄 The hands you needed: 💎 You played the game and lost... no one will do anything for you, just like no one should have done anything for the hedge funds. That’s literally how the free market works. Did u expect to earn money from this? The people involved are ready to loose EVERYTHING they put in. Its the whole point. Some people will never sell because are actually trying to stop this. was down $100k bought more at 121 Yeah mine was jumping back and forth between 180 and 255 at one point for like 5 minutes. Never seen that before [deleted] The options just may have been rolled forward causing the same effect on price. I never heard the options market was stopped from trading, only the NYSE. That's good though. They sold at 120-140 and now the price is $400. More squeeze. This is why people need to go to jail. They weighed the cost of SEC fines and customers to peoples livelihoods. The only real punishment that will start making them think twice is sending them to jail when they do things like this. Not like they have to worry about jail time. Column A is how much they will make after tanking the stocks. Column B is how much business they will lose + possible SEC fines. Column A is probably a lot larger than B so fuck everyone else. A couple million fine from the SEC is nothing compared to billions in losses Gun to one temple (retail) bazooka to the other (shorters) they could avoid one. I don't think professional traders were Robinhoods targeted customer base, were they? I would assume a large chunk of their users do lose money, but I guess it wasn't a problem until today Ok but why American Airlines and Blackberry? If they want to protect themselves legally from reckless investors, all they had to do was put up a warning like many other brokerages. Blocking the ability to buy shares and only allowing selling shares, especially when you own a position is extremely manipulative. I don’t own any GME nor do I use RH, but this is kind of power and manipulation should not be allowed in any brokerages. It’s well known that shares in stock markets can go up and down and can even go to $0. Put up warnings and educate investors about volatility and that’s all you need. The hedge funds who shorted GME lost a lot of money. Does that mean that they were not well informed and should be blocked also? Blocking buying but not selling? Forced everyone to sell lol. How kind of them to protect us Nordnet This is the way.. I use Fidelity exclusively and did not have any issues today. Keep in mind Fidelity and Vanguard have large positions in GME and were the two larger platforms that did not halt GME buying From what the hive mind at wsb says fidelity did not put any kind of restrictions in place today. Fidelity is #1, period. Rock solid, been with em 10+ years, no complaints other than their UI is 10 years behind the competition :) I invest traditionally though fidelity. Didn’t check my portfolio once through 2020 and made 15% gains and never lost sleep. I fucked with options on Rh for fun and would be up 4K from where I started then down 2k swing dramatically before losing massive sleep and taking a break. Generates publicity if nothing else Defeated attitude is actually the enemy, not Change.org change.org is meant to soften outrage about the rela issues. People go there, sign, and think their outrage has done something positive. change.org is a pacifier for the masses. For a change.org petition? The only thing change.org does is mislead people into thinking they have done something useful for a cause. In my opinion it is actually damaging because people might actually do something useful if they didn't feel they had already ""done their part"" by signing a petition that will have no effect. https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/l7l2xj/sign_the_petition_retail_investors_demand_market/? https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/l7l2xj/sign_the_petition_retail_investors_demand_market/? Convince me that sheltered overseas companies should be allowed to write naked puts. Those sound like bad actors I wouldn't want participating in my public market. Here is there contact directory: https://www.sec.gov/contact-information/sec-directory You can use it to reach out to the acting SEC chairman, any of their departments, and their regional offices. Give them a call or email! Feel free to use the petition as a template for your email! Let them earn their money trading intraday. Buy and hold is not worth 2 and 20. Let them leave the market, change their fee structure, increase their accessibility to retailers, or pivot to selling research. I stand on the side of the people. Which side are you standing on? Ryan Gosling voiced by Charlie Day Already played Vennett. Christian Bale will reprise his role as Dr. Burry Found his YouTube video. Such a cute enthusiastic guy Haha, perfect choice for all that energy. :D Margot Robie It hit 492 in pre hours trading and then a minute later Robinhood suspended buying and it crashed. It was 420 euro(yes) in europe mine got sold at 410 so it was not a gltich I guess. It was up there for a minute before halving I saw it hit an even 500 for a moment, before a massive sell triggered. He means a 500 bump at 2pm, not in the morning when everything shut down. HOW IS THAT FUCKING LEGAL thats not a conspiracy, that literally how theyre trying to stay alive Well maybe you're out of touch gramps It's the most educated generation in history You must be thinking of the boomers. If you can afford it you should, they all have good potential. AMC and GME the most. I think this starting week will be very crucial as of this evening, it would appear it's 121%... https://finviz.com/quote.ashx?t=gme&ty=c&ta=1&p=d There’s 65 million shares shorted, only 50 million outstanding (in the market) They should be making an exception here as it's not brigading. Everyone, myself included, probably thought pretty highly of Robinhood until today. Pity reddit doesn’t ... What are people going to do? Not invest? You think I trust the health care system? No. It’s broken and in desperate need of reform. And I’m still forced to play their game by their rules. Same goes for the stock market Do you want to screw over arrogant hedge funds who think it's ok to cheat to get out of the big red dildo of defeat rather than take it like everyone else who makes a bad call? If yes, buy GME. The higher that stock goes, the more money the shorts lose. Pro: You could potentially make an obscene amount of money, or even just a few bucks. Con: You could lose only the dollars you put in. This is not an attempt to sway you one way or another, nor is it financial advice. This is just how my brain breaks it down when I’m considering buying a stock. Sorry buddy. I can't give any financial advice. You'll learn more and have more fun if you buy a share of any stock. There's a chance you lose it all if the company goes bankrupt though. And there's a chance you can sell for gains in the future. If you have a 401k you pretty much already own some stock more or less. You would be able to go to the moon Honestly, just don’t. 1 stock isn’t going to do anything for you. But try and follow and read and learn as much as you can from this whole thing. This isn’t about The returns, none of what’s going on is about financial advice or strategy to monetarily benefit directly, this is all about giving Wall Street a taste of their medicine. they need cheap shares of GME and if we love the stock and buy them all up they can’t get cheap shares. it is like if we all buy and hold, hedge funds would need to pay us very high prices in the future to cover their shorts and to cover the loss they would need to increase the price even higher. but if we sell it to hedge funds they will have lesser losses. it's all about the fight and our profit, stay strong! The thought is there’s more shorted stock than shares even exist. When hedge funds short, they sell shares they borrow with the expectation that it will go down in price and they can buy it back for cheaper to cover their loan. If everyone buys shares and holds them, the price is driven up and the hedge funds must either buy them back at exorbitant cost (1000s% loss) or atrophy billions per day under the exorbitant fee they pay for the loaned shares (26%+). At the start of this week Melvin Capitol lost 3billion in a day or 30% of their entire value. In theory they can lose infinite amounts and traders will gain infinite amounts if they buy and hold. In practice as more and more inexperienced traders are drawn to this stock, they are more prone to panicking and selling when they see the wild price dips. Furthermore many people are hopping on under the temptation of getting rich quick rather than sticking it to hedge fund billionaires. Ultimately many hedge funds are facing massive financial and reputational damage (fuck en imo), and many small retail investors (us) are indeed gaining 1000% of what we put in, but many more will ultimately lose everything we put in and the wealthy have far more resources to fight this war, demonize WSB, and potentially litigate restrictions towards traders (citadel hedge provides 40% of Robinhood’s $$$ so Rh blocked buyers to protect them). At this point major institutional finance firms are playing both sides, so this could potentially be ongoing for some time. Hedge funds have released false news that they covered their positions to trick people into thinking the squeeze is over but the evidence was strongly to the contrary so people doubled down. Buy some popcorn and a soda while you sit back and watch it all go down Let’s give them hell!!! POWER TO THE PLAYERS🚀🚀🚀 I am no expert on the memes, but I think NOK started as a joke after GME BB and AMC as part of the 90s ticker resurgence. Then it popped a little on some good news and it was off to the races. I think it also helps that NOK was/is cheap and hadn’t had a crazy run up yet, everyone was looking for the next GME BB AMC and wanted in on the ground floor TLDR. I don’t think NoK meme was nefarious That's interesting if that's true. The QNX system thats in the EV cars and spacex is what got me interested. The reddit hype definitely put me over the edge. I went from being up 200, to being down 196. I think it was an organic joke that came from BB success (90s haha) and everyone was looking for affordable next big mover You son of a bitch... I'm in Literally the same way people blame the rich for their own lack of knowledge as to how to become so themselves. Aunt was a dummy too. That’s why she worked the line at a manufacturing firm for 50 years. Still doesn’t give me sympathy for bigfinancial institutions to flash crash the whole market, trigger every stop loss and then recover the whole market by eod But the fact that that is allowed to happen completely mitigates any form of a free stock market and thus the trust people have within it. No it’s the whole market, the system itself not just the hedge funds. The stock market was the entire issue in 2008. Rating agencies, hedge funds, banks, government. It showed that EVERYONE that makes up the market and the system are full of shit. How bad is your memory? Bad take on multiple levels. There's no evidence they paid anything. Where are you getting that information from? Robinhood is backed by Citadel. It's kind of like you don't want to piss off your dad when you're a little kid. And yes, the stock market is very much the problem. If you don't think so read Dark Pools. Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[Robin Hood](https://snewd.com/ebooks/the-merry-adventures-of-robin-hood/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/) Okay.there was information floating around that they outright stopped trading gme. Guess ppl got it confused That's good, but I had thought E-Trade limited buying gme. I'm seeing so many murmurs around twitter etc blaming margin accounts, being able to trade before settlement etc, the stimulus (what a joke), greed, etc. Nobody would really complain about shutting off margin for small-time retail in the face of extreme volatility although they do get paid for it- but this is about the shorts. **He literally said it should be $17.** Why didn't the shorts cover earlier, they could have done so for far less $. Why did they short beyond reason. No risk apparently. It isn't even halfway bright. ""I shorted irrationally because I felt like it."" ""I didn't cover because I didn't want to, it would have cost money."" Nice, I'm using those. Rationality is imposed on longs but a free for all for shorts. It isn't even a market for them, it's a bank account. How did hedge funds make billions today? You want to unwind millions of transactions? Manually? 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤔🤪🤪🤪 My thinking is this isn’t an exact science, the other side is throwing everything they can think of at the wall to see what sticks. Stopping trading and stopping people from buying shakes out enough investors to at least lessen the blow. And if there’s one thing the angry mob is, it’s ADD. They are desperately hoping enough people lose interest and wander away. Ah, sure enough they are listing the real-time price there. Apperantly it works if you use the website and not the app. I'll find out tomorrow morning I did but had way more of my own funds transferred in than I was using margin so it's freaking me out. Find a broker that allows in-kind transfers too! That way you can transfer securities instead of buying/selling and creating a taxable event. I went to go look up reviews for other brokers' mobile apps so I could do just that but Schwab's was bombarded with 1 stars for restricting trades as well. So was TD's app. Reviewers were saying they did it after robinhood started restricting. amen Thank you. ✊ Exactly. I am under no illusions of the media being honest. I hate the media as a rule. I don't trust either side, and your goddamn right they need to be punished. This shines a light on the inequality gap in this country for starters, but also on the different sets of rules that we play by vs the blue bloods. They need to be made into an example. That’s so nice of you. I’m likely to buy back in tomorrow, obviously not in high of volume. I’ll do what I can to freeze some shares. This is evil. Cant wait for melvin to release his trade timestamps to SEC after this bubble pops showing he exited before CNBC announcement lol (why would you want to ruin your career and relationships over retail traders) there will be many resulting suicides from avg joes doing allornothing on their sustinance money /WSB SHARKS vs News Led FOMO bagholding ""normies"" who end up turning on DFV the stats wsb is feeding you with are nonsense, the HOLD spam also reeks of a pump and dump go and read r/securityanalysis Yeah they are part of the same clearing house I don't recommend it tho if your trying to buy low and sell right away as the scheduled sales are iffy as fuck. The only thing funnier than the loss porn is the fact that you will be held to your promises and the community will expect video proof and ban you if you don't follow through. WSB has gained over 3 million people in the last week. I'm pretty sure those people know nothibg The shorts who put themselves in the position hold the bag - as it should be. Then they fuck off out of business. I dont know much but I have easily learned that shorting stock can potentially lead to infinite losses. If it was easy for me to learn that then they knew that as well. So basically they were being greedy fucks shorting a stock into oblivion and lost how is that anybody issue other than theirs? Dont worry. I am not crazy enough to bet houses on mania 😅 Hope you realize that the CEO will still make their money. Analysts are the ones that will get screwed by this, and they are the ones listening to their bosses. Many of them make less than Silicon Valley guys. Not sure where you got that everyone in a hedge fund is rich. Why not get a bull Fostering takes years to get approved, cost just as much if not more and since we are not married yet im pretty sure we would not get approved (Or maybe I am thinking of adoption), but that is the back up plan if this round does not work. If SQ pulls a tesla and doubles, splits and doubles again in the next 100 days we will do both. The issue is shorts can't keep their commitment to buy back shares because of the 140% short interest. The broker will liquidate their positions, but the broker is still on the hook for buying back these shares. So, if they continue to allow a short squeeze to occur by allowing people to place share and options positions (even with cash accounts), the share price would continue to increase, which they or clearing houses are on the hook for. This would go on until the brokers fold or the clearing houses fold unless they stop the increase in the share price. A continued short squeeze worsens the losses for retails as well, as people will be bag holding at a higher price when this eventually ends. The only realistic options now is to liquidate the shorts at a reasonable price. Yes, but this activity over and over again would continue to drive the price up, which they don’t want obviously. And you think much of that is going to remain after another day or so? Especially for broke folk who just spent their last $600 silly on 2 shares of GME that they'll possibly miss selling and end up taking a loss from? they aren’t volatile stocks, robinhood affected much more than just meme stocks today The market sell off fucked pretty much every fund, only survivor I have is BRK B 5 shares Homie isn’t going to get far. And that is a total limit, so if you already hold 5 shares you cannot buy more. It looks to most anyone like fragrant, blatant collusion to manipulate the market. Any stock with more than 100% of the float shorted is a candidate. Shorters are now being watched and system vulnerabilities are being exposed. System vulnerabilities that hedge funds took advantage off are now publicly known and can be used against them. I see this situation spawning Congressional Hearings for years to come. There eventually will be system changes. But the topic needs to be debated to death. A word of advice to all, try not to be holding the bag when the music 🎶 stops! >In the last generation most of the people thought about the stock market as something abstract and only reserved to the richest getting richer, only having a clue about what Wall Street is thanks to movies. I know I was kinda gearing my comment towards this comment. I consider 401K to be retail money, but I could be mistaken. short went up because its easy to borrow shares to short. IBKR lending rate not even that high. Old shorts gone, it's new shorts now. People shorting an obvious bubble. Yes, I've seen all the 'we like this stock. This is not financial advice,' bullshit that people are using to cover their ass so when they're accused of market manipulation they can say, 'Oh who, us? We're just some idiots on Reddit who love gamestop.' [deleted] https://techcrunch.com/2021/01/28/the-somewhat-boring-reason-it-appears-that-robinhood-yanked-trading-on-some-securities/ https://www.cfainstitute.org/en/advocacy/issues/central-clearing-houses Here are two to start. There’s a third one that is really boring describing liquidity and how long stock trades take to actually settle in comparison to the immediate response we get on platforms like RH, but I can’t find it for some reason. Here is a well articulated explanation from the Webull CEO of what goes on behind the scenes of trading a stock that caused brokers like them (and potentially something similar for Robinhood) to have to halt buying those specific stocks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RS4JIEVyXM&t=100 https://youtu.be/inRkH-e5CSk?t=4h23m11s This is a great conversation. If you hear a term you don’t understand, pause the video and read up on it. Evil billionaires are mostly a meme and everyone should be more informed than the Reddit hive is allowing people to be. Last March No need to loose your shit about it ;) so what is your exit strategy :) 👍 There never was a free market. It’s always been this way. Hopefully this sparks some change...the cynic in me thinks no and things will only get worse for the average person. Hope I am wrong 🤷🏻‍♀️ rich people always tend to find a way since the beginning of time 😞 “Doing well” in the context of investing is typically defined as 15 or 20% gains in a year, not 300+% in a single day. Do you complain about the free market if you’re not allowed to drive 300 MPH? hope it was money you could afford to lose You make it sound like this is over.. you do realize tomorrow / Monday, shit is going to hit the fan? [deleted] You really think the idiots buying meme stocks today, have amassed more wealth than I have over the corse of the last 15 years investing in emerging markets aimed at long term growth. Right. And your SURE of that? It’s almost funny to see you entitled teenagers pretend to know a single thing about legitimate investing. Lol. Yeah arrest me for being ‘unconstitutional’. Dipshit. I can’t trade GME on Cashapp. 5 total shares in GME and if you already have 5 you can’t buy more. It’s disgraceful Hmmm I wonder what the fallout from this will be then. Its getting a lot of publicity so they definitely cant just ignore it Wouldnt that be worse than 2008 then? So you're thinking it's gonna spike up again? Yeah that's very true. We have since been allowed to sell again but not buy. I'm not sure what benefit they would get from stopping us from selling, still pretty scary when it happened though. So by some GameStop today and sell when? I genuinely am not not worried about the profit. That’s funny? Trading is not just about buying. It’s selling and often when it’s necessary to prevent a loss. Apple tanked as institutions tried to cover their losses when the brokerage companies crashed. You ever hear about the Great Depression?!! Losing money is NOT funny. I own Apple in my Robinhood account and it’s down now much more because I was not able to get out of it before it tanked. The war between WSB and ROBINHOOD and Reddit did not just hurt WSB or hedge fund traders. Grow up It’s got some problems right now for sure... Ty This just proves once and for all that the rich people truly are our fucking enemy. And then any American whose retirement account was held in one of those brokerages would have been fucked like they were in 2008. Don’t you see taking down those companies doesn’t just hurt them, it hurts our parents and grandparents. Absofuckinglutely!!! These fucking hedgehog fucktards deserve to get bent da fuck over! The rich have convinced us to be poor for over 20 thousand years when they created the first empires. Never escrow the TAXES AND INSURANCE. Pay them both quarterly! This will always save you in the long run. In 17 years of having a mortgage my home and windstorm insurance WERE NEVER EVER renewed on time! So glad to be mortgage free. Hey CHASE FU! Rant over. I feel better. Thanks for listening. In Austria we have a law that states ""Willingness to pay"" so if you pay any amount for a contract, you do not break it, even if it is to little. The reason is that you can say: ""Yeah you did provide some services but we need to talk"" and that cannot be held against you in court. Is there something similar in your country? Similar situation with Wells Fargo morgage. Three payments worth of money sitting in the mortgage account. They are refusing to apply it to the payment. Showing the account as delinquent And this is exactly why when I bought my house I refused escrow. This just confirms it Those are the sorts of things that appear in terms that you agree upon up front right? Ya I think even artificially slowing trades would have the same effect, especially if multiple brokers are in on it. No. Halting the trades was the manipulation that shouldn't have happened. “When things I don’t like happen, it’s manipulation” Hey would someone whose losses are capped at criminal penalties of a certain size be desperate? I can’t tell you how many times on RH my limit buys were crossed and the price dipped lower than my limit buy by often $5 or so and went back up past it and the order never executed. Their support tried to feed me some bullshit like “the price is the midpoint between the lowest bid and the highest”. Yeah, I KNOW so how in the hell could the mid point be BELOW my bid? They closed the ticket saying that’s our explanation, oh, and “limit buys aren’t guaranteed to execute”. Uh, they are if the price dips to your bid, that’s how exchanges and order books work. R.i.p. I hate to be pessimistic, but if nothing happens I really think shit will turn violent soon. People across the globe are fed up with the lack of repercussions for Institutions, and they felt left behind and taken advantage of. After the capitol assault, I really don't see things staying the same, and remaining peaceful if nothing changes. People are reaching breaking points. People are literally calling to eat the rich. It's the French revolution and let them eat cake all over. Income inequality historically has always either resulted in a police state with an authoritarian regime or complete revolution. If there was any doubt they were manipulating the market, there isn't any now. They're just playing and are willing to do whatever it gives them profit. Even if it means destroying people's lives. If holding means fucking over wallstreet, so we do it, but I'd hope President Biden and his friends to do something, just so foreigners don't keep the impression that their ""free market"" it's just free when they're winning. 😂😂😅. I’m doing better than yesterday and we still got some time to go.🤞Lol. Thanks for clarifying, I really was clueless to what would happen in that given scenario To raise capital. Yeah their customer base isn't the billionaires so issuing new shares to help them would only piss off their customer base. exactly. Some asshole on Bloomberg saying they had to stop trading to ""stop the losses"" - of course they don't mention that by stopping someones losses they also stopped someone elses GAINS. Like oh how convenient, you dont intervene when they're shorting over 100% of a stock but you will when regular people start buying the shares and holding them? This is such a blatant crime that it's ludicrous. Edit - and of course they don’t actually specify WHO was suffering the losses. Imagine if he had said “we had to do this to stop the short selling hedge funds losses”. They wanted to make it seem like they were protecting losses from the retail investors. They should have gotten called on it, they didn't want to play by the rules. Also, the supply (sell) and demand (buy) determination of price per share only goes one direction if you remove the demand. It's price-fixing. RH didn't halt trading, they halted buying. And in some cases illegally executed selling. Fucking facts. Then they are bring up how hedge funds are using retirement accounts to over short this stock and it will hurt retail. Mfers. Dont look at us, look at the mfers gambling with retirement accounts. Or better yet why didn’t they halt the stock completely this was market manipulation to drive the stock in one direction 👇 I assume that shorting limit and transparency will be the long term conclusion and regulation coming after the 28th Jan 21 At least the one we deserve Because whatever the rich does is A-OK. FFFFFUCKING THIIIIISSSS!!! OMFG. And no one talking about how shorting the stock to crush gamestop during a pandemic would have cost employees of gamestop to lose jobs, or wages. But fuck the little guy amirite bloomberg? Exactly. The volatility didn’t come from us. It came from lack of risk management by the hedgies. ok, but who accepted the shorts at 138%? Did they not think this could happen? These companies bare the risk because their business involves ACCEPTING risk. How is it our fault when they failed to analyze risk and properly prepare for consequences? also, just because he explained how it worked, it doesn't mean it wasn't just intentionally steered that way to trigger that ""response"". This is the most important video you will watch. You did it you glorious bastards, you broke wall st. Now you need to stay strong and get your pay day. This is complete validation that youve got the hedge funds by the balls. This was a great listen. This is also what the robinhood ceo interview on CNBC should have been. I can understand that, but I think that they should cover the high point of stock (i.e $500), this is just billions we're talking about, not trillions. Somewhat informational video, worth watching, but the Webull guy keeps referencing not being able to cover a sell, when many of us wanted to buy the dip but could not, as many of us had no intentions of selling. If you can only sell the last day or so and not buy, that disputes his whole argument. If at all, they should have stopped both selling and buying, to stop the panic selling that obviously happened anyways! Good, then they should go out of business for their idiocy. If the entire system collapses then it was going to happen eventually anyways. by liquidity you mean there simply weren't any more GME stocks to buy? so very few sellers? I'm more curious why Benzinga, a supposed big name in trading news, have a boomer holding his phone up to his computer mic so people can hear his guest? Do you think it is a fair takeaway from this interview that one of the final results of this whole situation may be the increased value of blockchain as a potential answer for the future? Holy fuq Indeed, most people interpreted it as them protecting us, but NO, they wwre protecting the whole system (which might still crash tomorrow, or the day after, etc) Huge liquidity issues = we don't want to pay fair market value for stocks we're trying to short sell. These assholes really just want a lower launchpad. That's it. I wouldn't be so mad if they stopped everyone from trading it. But the hedge funds and big investors kept going So how is it that the liquidity issue was only a one way street? They had no problem processing selling the sales of GME shares (which were all bought by hedge funds). Again, no problem of liquidity for the hedge funds when they were buying thousands of shares for $150 after crashing the stock. This excuse is BS. If you have liquidity issues, you stop selling and buying, and for everyone. Not just buying for retail investors. TD Ameritrade locked me out from selling GME contracts yesterday. I tried to call - 3 hour wait time. Sent an email, and then tried their in-account messaging. No response whatsoever, even the next day. I still have three 2/5 40p I wrote a week ago, not selling those til they expire worthless. I could have easily made 10% of my account value yesterday. TD Ameritrade is festooned with assholes, BTW. In case anyone asks for your thoughts. Please, by all means, quote me. As an options seller, can i ask if you know any other stock prices that have shown this kind of volatility in 3 days? Where was my protection when I put 90% of my portfolio into options and then lost it all? Not volatile enough! What I don't understand is this is basically manipulating the market to stop Gamestop's share price from going up. A struggling company is improving its financial health and investors are blocking it to make more money of their demise. Doesn't GameStop and their legal team have something to say about that? There were a fuckton of outages and stops. RH the worst offender Didn’t robinhood shut down during that time too? Get the DOG TO THE MOON If reddit comes together to make doge go nuts I will be the happiest motherfucker of all time [deleted] So it's manipulation with a decent cover story. The fiduciary duty can't be brought up to excuse allowing sales only. I was on Robinhood this morning and had 25k in BB call contracts. Where was their fiduciary responsibility to me when they allowed the underlying that I had long interest in only be sold, only allowing the stock to go one direction? And why was BB even included in their sweeping blocks? There isn't a short selling issue with BB. No, they went too far and used the wrong tools. You should not have the option of running out of clearing funds and the solution to that is only allow one way trading on stocks that you pick and choose. Insanity. Halt all trading on the stock if you cannot process the transactions. And then you should be thoroughly investigated and need to change your risk management to be allowed to continue to be a broker. All of these crazy special rules and scenarios are all popping out of the woodwork today. I've never heard of a hedge fund having to jump through any of these hoops or have any such restrictions put on them. We wouldn't be here if they had. It is their UNLIMITED losses that they exposed themselves to, and were allowed to expose themselves to, which has put us in the position that clearing houses might run out of money trying to pay off their mistakes. And they are still allowed to trade? How has Melvin Capital not been completely frozen from the market at this point. If they have put one single penny back into GME in any shape, form, or fashion, they should all be arrested immediately. Firstly, thank you for attempting to bring reason amidst chaos. What you explained is perfectly reasonable and very likely that the likes of Melvin were aware of this and as a result, have been stepping up their attacks to drive the price down. That said, do you sincerely believe buy action will resume in 2 days time, since absolutely _none_ of the brokers communicated anything even remotely alike to what you wrote? The rhetoric is ""This is for your own protection."" So then what? I two days' time, they'll send emails to all their customers saying, congratulations, you no longer need protection? Really curious to hear your thoughts, given your level-headedness. Dude, the very definition of short squeeze is making the shorters going broke by having to honor the buyback/margin requirement Do you see any big broken company here? I don't because they changed the rules to prevent it Just because this makes perfect sense doesn't mean I'm not still salty about it happening. But ya I guess not having enough money in the brokerage to back these trades is a pretty big issue. I still need to redirect this unbridled anger somewhere though. This is explained in the interview with the Webull CEO also. It is a little bit of comfort, what’s going to happen tomorrow though? Open up again now that there has been a breather? Same. Was like “oh god please don’t drag us into this” Other way around, mon ami. The (racist) tin-foil loons hound the guy so much and use his name as a dog whistle, that as a Jew, I can't help but wonder ""why do they hate us today?"" when George Soros is even mentioned, let alone criticized. Can't bang on about lunatic conspiracies without people looking at you like you're a lunatic. Coincidence? Why does Robinhood need to tap credit lines? All they have to do is not allow margin buying or shorting. They choose to offer margin and then they want to use it as a BS cover to manipulate the market. There's no SEC rule that forces RH or other brokerages to offer margin or allow their customers to borrow stock. It will at least spread some *class consciousness✨* **\*\*\*SAVE SOME AMMO FOR THE END, IMO\*\*\*** On Thursday, they manipulated the price under the magical $200 level in the final 30 seconds (as a test run for Friday?) Remember: if the price moves too much within 5 minutes, there is a *mandatory 5 minute halt*. Strategy, troops. It's a financial battle they know they can not afford to lose. Let's outsmart 'em. Make sure you log into your accounts extra early in case the login pages magically go down again. **\*\*\*WATCH OUT AT 3:56 PM EST\*\*\*** TL;DR 🚀 at the end Go ahead. Any firm with that much GME exposure would likely do something similar. Part of being a broker is managing risk and protecting clients assets. Don’t have enough free cash for gme so bought some amc. I wonder if everyone selling their positions on robinhood will drop the market There was basically no volume. If people were selling, the volume would have been very high. $1000 and then $5000, you probably wanted to say What I don’t understand is if all this is so dangerous and close to wiping out the market, why is short interest on GME still so high even today? >It had already spread to the rest of the market the past few days. Notice how red the market was as GME was surging and how green it was as they were falling? These funds with theoretically uncapped losses have to liquidate other stuff to stay solvent and keep enough cash in their accounts. I think the correlation here isn't causaution. Early in trading on Wednesday stocks were up while GME was at 300. We only saw the sell-off (only 2% which is ./shrug) after the Fed released disappointing news. There is certainly some profit-taking to cover but I don't think it is a -10%, -20% bomb waiting to hit the entire marketplace right now from this debacle/drama/awesome. Thanks for your quick reply. On Point 4, I'm finding it hard to believe that WSB and other retail ~~degenerate gamblers~~ investors hold enough stock now to really block them and set a price. Don't institutions have enough stock to to sell to these shortsellers (albeit at a higher price) to get them out of this hole they've dug themselves in? Holy shit #1 just clicked for me and that’s fucking wild. I’m just a boring vanguard investor and I would have seen a huge portfolio devaluation. I kinda wanna see it happen, but I kinda don’t. Why would Gamestop want to drive down their price? I'm quite new to all this, trying to understand all this linguo when English is not even my first language. Your contributions are appreciated and have helped clear the situation. It's passionating. Now, I have a question that might speak of how noobish I am but, if all those investors are selling their long term held position because they shorted too much on GME, is it a good time to buy those other positions? We would hold more shares, and if they need money this bad, maybe they sell for less? Again color me ignorant, are you saying someone executed a trade of GameStop stock at $2,600 a share today? So, question. I was trying to buy on TD Ameritrade today when the buy was ~$155 and the ask was $1500. When I went to submit, it was wanting me to *pay* $1500 - not the $155. BUT WHYYYYY. > or really low volume You mean liquidity? I'm unaware of the effect low volume has on spread. Can you still execute other orders with the stock if you have a minimum ask price? Or do you have to cancel your minimum ask before you do anything with that same ticker? Someone could have accidentally sent an order for that 5000. Might be how we saw the 2600 While it was halted a massive order could had come in on the offer and thrown off the COP making it appear the offer was much higher than it actually was. Most systems mask the book with the COP when stocks are halted Oof... I plan on buying some in the morning and playing the trading game if it keeps going up and down. If it goes down, I'll just be holding then probably buying a few more right at the end (if they don't shut it down 1st) Brokerages may also restrict trading later in the day, so I'd lean towards buying *some* earlier, IMO. Not financial advice; just strategy. yeah Anthony sounds convincing, but these days convincing argument needs real scrutiny by the public, so I just want to know if this guy is not giving us bs, sounds like he is probably speaking half truth? >You have 5 grammar mistakes in your first sentence but think you're qualified to comment on the stock market? I never claim I am an expert, in fact I admitted I am a layman, thats why I was hoping people can provide some more insight since its always good to fact check Feel free to correct my english also, I am always trying to learn new things and correct my mistakes !!! better than not being able to buy at all though They all ready lost 10s of billions man. If this shit would hit like 10k$, they are looking at losses close to 1T$. It’s not about wiping the market, it’s about a domino effect of people not having the funds to actually pay up. [deleted] Man you are wrong, we aren’t looking at a couple billions. They already lost 10s of billions. A price in the 2-5k would mean 100s of billions of theoretically losses. Coming in 10-15k the losses would be close to 1T. They shorted that stupid stock at like 12$/share man [deleted] Would hedge funds going bankrupt affect ETFs or Mutuals? Only the active shares are relevant when the war starts Based on.... Not gonna happen, 250% float currently. Also adding stock volume will just increase the stock value further from their price point for their short positions. Also GameStop prolly wants nothing to do with this firestorm. They them selves have a dog in this game why would they help the people trying to bankrupt them The global community needs to just accept that WSB owns all the money in the world now and deal with it with a little grace. This is exactly it. They legit didn’t have the money if this thing really rocketed high enough After market level 2 shoes a bunch of people had more 420.69 sells haha **That's not how any of this works.** If the market crashes the big corporations will be bailed out. Then big corporations will buy the assets of those who didn't receive bailouts, and this will all start over. Except they'll regulate the market to prevent this from happening again. Retail traders will win/lose depending on where they bought in and when they sell. Retirements will be wiped out. Cascading effects felt in every sector. . . whose fight is this tho? i don't get why trader joes would really care about such a technical issue as short floats etc. seriously! now, i can see professional traders caring greatly, but have trouble seeing how wsb seems to have inspired a bunch of literal amateur traders to go to war over a very technical issues that shouldn't affect their amateur buy/hold strategy anyway. buy/hold good companies fucking works. always has. its true what happened in 07-08 was criminal, but not really buying the 'it happened to my parents but no more!' narrative. Shorts give people an incentive to unearth malfeasance. People will do a bunch of research and digging on a company and if they find out the fundamentals are worse than they appear or that they are straight up doing fraud, those people take out a bunch of short positions and then publish their research. Shorters are basically the neo-liberal privatization of business regulation. It’ll always bounce back unless we head for apocalypse. If you’re farther than 6 years out from retirement you’re fine and if you’re less than 3 years out from retirement and still mostly in stocks you’re financially illiterate and maybe don’t deserve retirement You are right, I meant depression. What is reckless? Shorting GME? Ughhh I think already are paying the price for a bad trade. What danger? I just don't get what you think should happen here. Not trying to be a dick, but they were not even close to imploding brother. 30 seconds? No. I’ll cry about that later or never. We had a good option in 2016 and we chose an orange billionaire over a lifetime public servant that owns 3 houses. We don’t deserve justice as a society. But I deserve the 800% gains I made on gme today and the infinity squeeze I will ride from tomorrow into next week. The amount of shits I took today was insane. I say this because the only time this happens to me is in extreme fucking stress and anxiety. Happened ONCE before. Didn’t sell tho fuck em 💎🙌 I had BB contracts expiring today. What about me? There's no holding for me. I wasn't even a part of this GME stuff today. Why did they lump BB in there too? There's excessive short interest in BB right now. But they fucked me good anyway. What's my recourse? [deleted] I was watching this guy MeetKevin livestream, a bunch of news and stock updates on Bloomberg. At some point the stock tracker went nuts, it looked like it dropped really low and was going between red/green. No idea what happened, but you know there is some shady shit going on. They blocked our access, then initiated a bunch of tactics to drive the price lower. They all need to answer to congress and be restricted from trading. [deleted] Is that what this is?? https://twitter.com/rageagainstcake/status/1354909794461569024?s=21 We need to go Iceland on them ultimately. Jail them and restructure the system so they can never have that sort of power and influence again. Its funny because what ur describing is literally what china did to jack ma months ago Robinhood has a history of removing trading features that they deem too risky. This isn't anything new. The app appeals to entry level investors and they've probably saved a lot of uninformed investors from throwing away their life savings by limiting what they can and can't do. American airlines and blackberry were being pumped in the same way. If they weren't actually being pumped then their value will return to what it was before buying was cut off. The hedge funds that did naked short selling of GME should absolutely be prosecuted. But they knew exactly what they were doing. They weren't uninformed, unlike the mob of first time investors that were throwing their life savings on a stock that was up 20x in a week. Do u have to pay for any stock? Like stock fee >Generates publicity **and** nothing else [deleted] It could actually be hurting these causes. People sign these petitions and then think they have ""done their part,"" when they might have otherwise actually done something useful. Defeated attitude? I have nothing for or against GME or any other stocks being traded this week. I have not been playing them because I'm not a FOMO sheep. I'm a shit trader, but at lease I'm not buying GME at 500 Already signed I mean someone should make a post with a list of all petitions related to this so we can advocate for transparency [deleted] I vote for charlie day. I missed this whole chance but Im intrigued how this person showed people how much power they have. What?! There’s a face to the user? Holy shit. I thought it was someone who would forever remain anonymous. I wonder if they have guts to do it again before the day ends on Friday with everyone watching. Perhaps they will do it after market closes at end of day. there's no way in hell thats legal. I see, got exposed for skim reading If you measure it by high school completion and degrees, yes. If you measure it by what those things are actually worth (hint: not much), your couldn’t be further from the truth. An eighth-grade education in 1940 > a high school diploma in 1980 > a degree in grievance studies now. No: they’re selfish and entitled, not ignorant. Interesting. Look at AMC. Float 107.7 and outstanding is 106.6, but float percent is like 41. How does that add up? I just looked this up, I’m not sure you’re right. 65 million shares outstanding are all shares. 50.65 million shares float are shares not “closely held” At least according to definitions of these terms https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/062315/what-difference-between-shares-outstanding-and-floating-stock.asp I had just written a handful of blogs praising them. I loved RH until today. Webull abut to get so many new investors. Yeah. Gave they a 5 star two years ago. Changed to one star today. It was brigading though. There were threads telling people to go give them 1-star with some copy-pasted message. Sure, I'm not saying they won't invest. We don't have much choice. I'm just saying they can't trust it. We all knew it was rigged but not to what extent. Now we've seen a glimpse behind the curtain. Tbh at best, we **possibly** might get some tighter regulation on this sort of manipulation, but I highly doubt it'll change the game. Still, with people on their guard coupled with more information-sharing (like what happened with this stock), MMs will hopefully have slightly less power. Gotcha, thanks for the response. People were looking for the next GME but also one that has some Fundamentals. NOK have won a bunch of 5G contracts and a NASA deal to put phone towers on the moon, so there is some basis for investing as well as being a meme-stock. No, the problem is that billionaires are able to illegally manipulate the market without major repercussions. Nope. They restricted naked calls and put the margin requirements at 100% but that’s it. Buy and sell just fine They had eliminated market orders entirely. I had no problems buying with limit orders though This is a great point. Margin calls exist to limit risk, yet the very people who should have been margin called when the problem was manageable doubled-down again and again. And they were backstopped by the SAME PEOPLE WHO CRASHED THE MARKET today. Robinhood and Citadel go hand-in-hand. How is this legal? I don't know. Everyone should ask his or her Senator or Congress-critter. By shorting on the way up and selling on the way down. Some are suggesting that they actively colluded to short at the top, then kneecap the retail trading apps. No, I want this to play out naturally with 100+ billion in wealth transferred to the shareholders from the shorts. That's my first preference. However, if the argument is that what happened today was acceptable because ""Think of the markets!"", then fine, I would accept some sort of structured exit that sees everyone getting paid peak value. That's a less worse outcome than allowing hedge funds to escape by using their clout to rig the game (and even profit from the rigging, as they surely did). There is a $75 fee for transferring assets out of Robinhood. Honestly, I don't have that much, so I'll probably just liquidate. [deleted] I totally agree. Yes they are and I have no idea why they do that. Do you know? Perhaps it's just not built to be live? It is good for the slow and steady. So you mean more accountability than Wallstreet. [deleted] Don’t care as long as wallsreet suffers We only have about a 0.25 acres and you need more land than that for livestock. But on a more serious note; I got my side chicks knocked up a couple of times so it's doubtful that after that and all the testing they have done on my swimmers it has anything to do with me, that's it's probably some issue with her eggs. Other than that, my girl is pretty perfect so maybe she deservers a bull on the side. Fostering you can get approved for in like 6 months max. It may take some time to get a placement, but ultimately it’ll be cheaper to adopt through foster if you wish. It’ll also not be much of a gamble/waste like with IVF, since foster system needs quality parents badly. Bullshit. They should have froze all trading and forced short sellers to close positions if that's what they were worried about. Force a such and reasonably small squeeze, resume trading and watch it all fall down as they buy back market orders Yeah, the *5 total shares* limit is a real kick in the privates to pretty much everyone interested in this entire situation. RH put out a deceptive statement to cool people down so they would think, ""oh, they changed, it's OK now,"" but it was really another lie. Yep some very normal people are going to get stuck holding the bag. I found a few I’d like to make a bet on (because make no mistake, it is gambling -and you should only bet what you can lose). Can you recommend a platform? Obviously in and Robin Hood are out. (I’m American and in america so that should help). Thank you. not enough volume to cover old position Youre one of the first people ive seen to also see that what they are doing is markey manipulation in itself. I also dont get their hypocrisy with eat the rich as they themselves are trying to become what they say they are destroying Yes Why didn't they just restrict all trading? Thank you ill watch That was, for a good most part, 1 day-1 week or so at most after which everything started to steadily bounce right back. That's definitely not a proper crash. looks like they won't be able to afford them since you guys took 'em down. You must have not dabbled in penny stocks. People constantly pump and dump these for over 1100% gains all the fucking time. Lol hedge funds make that shit daily. You think they’re making 15-20% a year you’re naive as hell So you're arbitrarily setting limits on how much profit an investor can make? This is a bullshit argument and a false equivalency. You should delete this and feel ashamed for being an idiot. So what percentage of daily gains do you feel people should be allowed earn? I do if the speed limit is based on how nice your car is. Sure, the 40 I'm allowed to drive at is probably more sensible. But letting hedge fund managers drive at 300 while plebs have to stay at 40 is actually even *worse* than just letting everyone go at 300. And prentending there's no speed limit until you fine the poors for speeding is just bullshit. It was but hoping to make some of that back since Robinhood is allowing those certain stocks to be traded again tomorrow Oh I know this isn’t over, I expect everything to go parabolic tomorrow and back fire on them suits. I'd bet you some GME stock but I'm not allowed to buy it Why do you sound so salty? I wish I was still a teenager. Let them have their fun. I don’t understand the animosity towards them. I thought like you and missed out on the run. But I’m not bitter about it. ""They won't make in a day what I made in 15 years"" is an awkward argument. And barring people from investing isn't even an argument an at all Insecure douche First Happy cake day! Second: it is impossible to make an exact exit strategy, if you want to see people that are making 6 figure per year working for Melvin Capital start looking for a job at McDonald or GME you can just hold until that happen (most of WSB, including me is doing this), another thing, a little bit smarter, is to keep an eye all day on the price and try to sell after the peak, but once again, we will not know when the peak is until things go back to normal. Good luck Of course they are! It's only called 'class warfare' when the lower classes do it but in truth the war is constantly being waged by the rich. Yeet the rich. Yup makes ape buy more shares! The fact that I cannot up like this post makes me even more pissed! Maybe the funds shouldn’t have played with those accounts like casino chips then, throwaway shill And if you were actually confident about your opinion you wouldn’t be using a throwaway account, it’s almost like investing in stocks is risky. You want to fuck around and short a hedge fund, you don’t get to change the rules in your favour. If your grandparents retirement fund was being YOLOd in GME stock, they were already being scammed for everything they’re worth. That’s why you invest your retirement primarily in stocks when you’re young and bonds when you’re older, because the stock market is risky. If this system allows your family’s financial future to fall apart over a fucking WSB meme, why in the smooth brain fuck would you be defending that system? Can 401Ks invest into option trading? Also, what you're saying is that these companies are now beyond reproach. That because we are tethered to them with our retirement funds that they don't have to abide by the same financial standards we all must follow which is to never over leverage yourself or suffer the consequences? Uhm yeah retirement funds can only invest up to a small percentage of their worth, so no. Sorry that happened to both of you, that's ridiculous. I have a mortgage escrow acct in the US for property taxes and home insurance. They have always been paid on time. And at the end of the year if there's a balance left over they send me a check (more than $50?). If the estimation for the next year changes, they up the monthly payment amount accordingly - I also have auto-payment from a bank account setup. So far, in over 10yrs, it's all worked flawlessly (knock on wood fingers crossed), even when the loan was bought/sold to different banks. I just re-setup the auto-payment the next month for the new bank. I highly suggest it. I have friends who have this and they all love it too. But trust me, I do get where you're coming from, if the system doesn't work then don't use it. lol And if your bank sucks, then don't trust them, agreed. What's weird too is I swear the same bank company is OK in some areas of the country and not as good in other areas, I can't explain why. Yep. SO TRUE. And most people, like I did making my first home purchase, will do whatever is put in front of them from the lender. Sadly mine was the perfect storm of timing, no one really checking my mail like I was counting on, and even the people renting my home not letting me know they were also getting notices (a navy guy who actually checked with navy ""legal"" who said not to talk to me at all during this... What?). Just a crazy situation. If I just had my notices on email alert I would've known. Live and learn. I’m 27 and all of this is completely foreign to me. When do I grow up? Wells Fargo almost caused us to lose our house. When they bought walkalloverya. They messed up the account. We were paying every month at the bank. They kept taking our money. When 2 guys posing as working for the insurance company was caught by me taking pictures of the house, I asked them what they were doing. They lied l, we called the cops and the truth came out, saying our house was in foreclosure. Luckily we paid by check and had all the evidence that we paid. They were posting to the wrong account. Then they tried to make us pay the interest on past due payment. Fuck wells fargo Sounds worth looking into. I've been told recently by another lender that I should fight it being on my credit history, so I may look into it. Thanks for the thought! Sorry friend. :/ Seriously screw these idiotic companies. A little different but same premise- my dad got a medical bill from the same group my mom works for, he made payments every month on time usually $50-$100, $31.41 left & they sent him to collections because he didn’t call & set up payment arrangements. 🤦🏻‍♀️ smh they refuse to pull it back from collections-he refuses to deal with collections & keeps sending any money to them. Lol That's not the point. The point is that it's bullshit for lenders to be able to FORCE someone into paying interest even if they can afford not to. I hate to say it, because I’m attempting to have faith in America, but I am siding with you on this. Peacefulness has gotten us no where, year after year. Look at 2008 and what came of it...twelve years later, and we’re in the same exact situation. People are starting to get violent. BLM, capitol raid, etc. People are getting more and more irritated *I am not supporting this occurring, I am merely stating it may. Yeah, it puts a sour taste in my mouth because other media outlets in other countries are reporting the story (from what I’ve seen) and it puts the United States of America in bad light. Stupid narrator. That “asshole on Bloomberg” was the chairman of interactive stockbrokers. He’s not just an asshole, he’s a crook. These are the gatekeepers folks. Remember that. it's absolutely fucking criminal. I could certainly use the money but I'm buying in more GME in RH at premarket. (moving my portfolio asap too) I'm so disillusioned and angry. I'll ride GME into the fifth pit of hell and fight Reagon mono e mono before I sell my gamestonks. They directly caused me to lose money. I bought in at a higher price of around $350 to lend my support with a very reasonable stop loss at $140. Trading apps closed and the stock obviously tanked. Insanely low volume allowed institutions (market manipulators) to create a short ladder down below that and it sold off. This whole thing honestly just feels criminal. Prevent losses my ass. STOP THE COUNT Unmitigated losses is fine if the hedge fund can't pay, but is really bad if the brokerage can't pay. It's technically not their fault either - the SEC allows for shorting over 100%. What happens next if nobody can pay, a bunch of positions get liquidated and the whole stock market begins to crash. Every brokerage today was trying to cover their own ass. The real issue here is that the SEC put everyone in a bad position with allowing an unlimited downside risk to exist. You couple this in a hyper connected world and bad shit will happen. Hmmmm and whose gain was it???? 🤔 “Massive hedge funds are making money, this is ok” “Normal people are making money, meaning massive hedge funds aren’t making money?? This is not ok” Shit BBBY was only shorted like 65 or 70% and they still stopped the buying for that. I had both on Tuesday. I'm fucking furious for the people like me getting boned because they wanted to hold for more gains. ESPECIALLY after all the bs talk of US manipulating the market. They said the last part out loud on the financial times podcast. We are not reckless. We stand strong together like a colony of motherfucking 🐜🐜🐜🐜 building a 🚀 bridge to Valhalla. Don’t fuck with us. Apes all in. Apes have 💎🤲🏼. I am very free market and I normally cringe when people say eat the rich. But after this? EAT. THE. FUCKING. RICH. This is the most blatant aggressive theft of market and free trade I have ever seen. I hope they all go to prison for the rest of their lives How are hedge funds and clearinghouses not monopolies? Maybe there should be an antitrust case with nyse. You can't even buy AMC stock right now. Try to. Whoever has any will make big gains. Stop the losses? The stock was going up? So if the whole stock market comes crashing down 75% in a single day that would be a good thing? President should brag look how low the stock market got today! It's literally a zero sum game. Economists don't like to use that to describe an economy but the stock market absolutely is a zero sum game. Bruh robinhood, webull, and td were suffering the losses. They have to pay for every transaction and the gme volume +volatility was simply too high. They had to get a cash infusion just to be able to offer shares tomorrow... https://youtu.be/7RH4XKP55fM And you don’t stop losses by banning only the purchases of the stock like RH did - but what do I know, I don’t own a hedge fund. https://youtu.be/7RH4XKP55fM FrEe MaRkEt Everything this country is built on is a sham. They end up in prison. There will be many class actions, some sharks will go even after their houses and secret funds. No fucking way they will leave from this for cheap. Next step is create block-chain based market 2.0 where we trade and fuck them. There're a lot of retail on the short side, it's how the squeeze is inevitable. The vw situation was only 30%. At 140, with retail piling on over 200 at one point. Alot of you people on reddit need to either go back to law school or start reading the fine print, because there was nothing illegal about what they did and they will face 0 legal ramifications despite being unethical and immoral bastards that choose to side with their venture interests They are gambling with someone else's money...they usually get paid handsomely anyway Up until now, the scale of the risk has been absolutely hypothetical for them. An individual trader might fuck up and cop losses on a position or they have been taken down to a point by a competitor, but they have not faced a concerted effort from large numbers of people from outside the game. It is fucking with their perception of reality. It would seem other parts of the world are taking enough interest to get on board. Apparently Europeans have getting into to this for a couple of days and now Asians are bringing war chests. You Seppos seem like you are ready to break shit and everyone wants in I mean that’s like saying they saying it’s their fault they’re getting raped by the gang of serial rapists cuz they were dressed like a slut and didn’t hedge their position with a pimp. Now it's time to make lists of the talking heads on cnn and msnbc who went out of their way to be snide and dismissive and figure out what they're short on. Maybe, maybe not...? I'm not an expert or anything, but it looks like they stopped buys but they didn't stop sells so they were giving the hedge funds the opportunity to get out of their short positions. It’s a required listening. Amazing overview how it all works. In the end you understand why things did get shut down. There was no cash left to settle stocks. At least my take on it. Yeah, he keeps saying people can't sell, then proceeds to explain why the clearing firm can still take sells. A sell doesn't need a collateral, 'cause the clearing firm just gets the stock. There is no need for a collateral on something you have. So the clearing floor just needs to hold the stock. Well, okay then. So why does he keep saying clearing floors can't take sells and that the clearing house can't pay the sellers for them, yet retailer apps are still allowing sells? Edit: And for that matter, how is it decided who the sold stock goes to once it has cleared? Whether it gets sold to someone who needs to payback a short or a new guy buying in? From what l understood though the sell isn’t a problem because it doesn’t require the broker, such as Webull, to ‘put up’ the money for 2 days while the transaction takes place in this DTC clearinghouse, the buy does, and they don’t have the cash with the high volume. In my extremely amateur understanding of this, it should mean once they open it up again the pressure continues on the squeeze right? Thoughts? No. There was a real risk of running out of money to cover all the sale transactions. This is a circumstance no one ever predicted. You need cash to clear trades Absolutely! Switch to fidelity with me son. Fuck TD they can eat a dick. The interface is not as bad as I thought. That sucks. I sold some $5 to $20P expiring Feb 5th yesterday before Interactive Brokers locked me out as well. Those contracts have an annualized return of more than 450% to 1000%. Insane premiums but we are not allowed to open any new positions. Free market my ass I haven’t had any problems at Schwab. Totally free and great customer service. It’s IMPOSSIBLE to reach them by phone which is how many of their transactions have to be completed (setting up regular MF purchases for example). If you want to stop or change a transaction good luck. They suck. SEC has charged Robinhood; Congressman has demanded the Dept of Justice investigate the hedge funds and Robinhood; NY Attorney General is investigating Robinhood. Excrement is hitting the whirligig. Did they shut down selling only? Because that would be what happened here. Could you imagine not allowing any hedges or other funds to sell during a market crash to protect the little guy, only buy is available while the market is in turmoil, we don't want these retail investors to go broke! That's what they sound like except in reverse in this situation. You don't halt one side of trading. They don't have volatility halts that only allow the other side to trade so the stock goes the other way. They just halt all trading and let everybody catch their breath. Today was unprecedented. ya I think that was from an ""outage"" per this [article](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/09/robinhood-app-down-again-during-another-historic-trading-day.html) I already feel like it was nuts. Got a screenshot of being up 2100%, my whole 35 cents of doge may just be the best return I get in my life. I'm no math major, but I can see what the volume on GME is, and I can read 3-digit numbers and do some basic multiplication. GME volume is in the hundreds of millions, and the stock is in the low hundreds. So we are talking tens or even hundreds of billions of dollars going both ways throughout a trading day. Even if all of that was in one direction, the market moves trillions of dollars back and forth every day. I don't understand how this one stock can cause such an issue. It's trumped up and this is their excuse for participating in coordinated and public market manipulation. I don't know what will happen as I'm not sitting in the boardrooms. I think that clearinghouses will continue to demand high amounts of collateral until the price stabilizes. Brokers cannot use customer funds to pay this collateral so the money has to come from their own funds. As a result, while the collateral requirements are high, brokers will either i. decide they can't meet the collateral requirements and bar purchases and/or ii. brokerages will borrow money so that they can meet the collateral amounts demanded for the trades. For instance, Robinhood has just tapped its credit line. In short, everything depends on how much the parties involved are willing to compromise. Given that politicians are starting to get involved and poke their heads in things, I think the clearinghouses, brokers, and banks will try to find a mutually agreeable solution to resume purchases as soon as possible to avoid negative pressure from Washington. The CEO of RH said they had plenty of liquidity. [removed] No, what actually happened is that Robinhood couldn’t afford the deposits it has to give to the clearing houses that actually process everyone’s stock orders. This is a Dodd Frank regulation. Search NSCC stock clearance if you wanna learn more How does the company make money? Explain I’m stupid what happens in those last 5 minutes. I got to buy at 205 the last minute but didn’t get what what happening at all Because backing out now is suicide so they might as well double down and pray for a hail Mary. Maybe the SEC shuts down trading, maybe every single WSB person spontaneously dies, maybe a meteor hits Japan. They don't care about the market, they care about themselves. In the current situation, they go bankrupt If they make it worse, they still go bankrupt > What I don’t understand is if all this is so dangerous and close to wiping out the market, why is short interest on GME still so high even today? The market will be fine. The NYSE's size is something like $30 TRILLION, the nasdaq is $17 Trillion. Back in 2019, when the market lost 33%...something like $12-15 trillion of value disappeared...and it came back. A handful of fund managers losing Billions? It's a rounding error. >why is short interest on GME still so high even today? As others have said...they are all in now. If they get out now, they're done. Their fund, their career, everything. At this point they have nothing to left to lose. Either they fold now and lose everything, or they stay in the game long enough to mess with the rules and maybe salvage this. The fact that they traded those stock down so efficiently, means they likely will do it again. Do it 2-3 more times, they may be able to unload their position, breakeven/make some money...then watch as all the diamond hands money evaporates when the stock eventually craters. I'm obviously not DFV, but he should seriously consider walking away at some point. $13 million is great, but $50-60 million is still private jet and house in the Hamptons money. Yeah, he might make $100-200 million if he holds, but wallstreet just showed how far they will sink to rig the game and prevent that. Because it’s now the safest bet on wall st - the higher the price goes the biggest upside for the short. it will eventually crash. We don’t know who has what shorts or when they will need to be covered. But if it’s new guys getting in to replace the old shorts, it becomes a war of attrition. Can the momentum from retail outlast the bleeding on short interest? Who knows. Check Chamath's twitter, he has a 12 part breakdown of why the market was blood red. Tl;dr hedge funds sold out of their long positions in the broader market to rescue their short positions. https://twitter.com/chamath/status/1354883147523997697 Everyone should read this. A large prime broker claimed this was the largest de-grossing he had ever seen. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Es2ABlnVoAQ3OTB?format=png&name=900x900 It’s just a matter of who owns what and how much they’re selling, if the guys who own a large amount of shares sell the demand and therefore price for those stocks drop as they flood the market. If you think that its just retail that drives everything around GME then you are wrong. Do you really think other funds just sit there doing nothing letting retail earn $$? They're probably more into all this than anyone else, well maybe except DFV - he's the god. So to answer your question whether us, degenerate gamblers, hold enough stock, well I guess it is enough to keep price above 300 after hours! P.S. 100% agree on ""the hole they dig themselves""! For a normal short, the broker will have shares on hand to complete the transaction. But because the shorts of GME called for more shares then existed, it was impossible to quickly and easily satisfy the demand. Doesn’t matter they’re 140% short. They have to buy the entire market then again 40ish%. At whatever we’re charging. Everyone’s stock will have to change hands several times before they can close everything out. Game stop spent the last year or so buying up their stock at rock bottom prices and cancelling it, reducing the supply. The shorters didn’t care because they thought like so many others that it was going to die so it was all going to be worth 0 anyways. And no one, of authority, stopped them. Vanguard owns 7.43% of game stop shares right now, you'd be fine. It was a very small amount. A fractional share. The total paid was $180-something, but at price per share of $2600. [deleted] Because the only seller available was asking $1500. The answer to that is the type of order you submitted. If you submit a market order, then it looks to pair you with the lowest seller - being 1500 because no one was willing to sell at the time. If you place a limit order you set a price, say $155, and your broker will only fill it if they find you a seller at $155 or less. No, the 2600 went trough Dodd-Frank requires volatility scaled deposits by brokerages for clearing. It's very likely that the massive volatility on heavily traded stocks like GME was pushing some brokers to insolvency. Robinhood is going public soon. I would think that admitting they are poorly capitalized is harmful to that goal and is a good explanation for why they didn't come out and say this directly. To be blunt...is English your first language, or are you young enough that you're still learning proper writing in school? Why would they take losses that high when they can just declare bankruptcy? I can take other stocks as payment if that helps... Yup. I'm gonna pissed if I see that. 600 dollar stimulus checks is too much, but hedge funds that go balls deep into stupid ass positions with no pull outs get saved. That's when we storm the Capitol. I guess I’m confused, what stops them from just declaring bankruptcy? Their losses would be capped at the size of their fund. Lol it's way more than that dude, apple alone is worth 2.3T (market cap) Look at me. I'm the hedge fund now. I want to upvote but you're at 69 Oh no. It'll be gone in days. > Except they'll regulate the market to prevent this from happening again. Kind of the point of the movement? Seriously. It’s starting to feel like a bunch of people found a nuclear bomb and are excited to set it off to kill the rich who all have nice bunkers. Blowing out a large load-bearing pillar of the stock market can’t end well. And zero institutional fund managers will see the inside of a cell, that’s a certain. What? People did due dillegence on this stock, look up Roaring Kitty on YouTube where is explaining in extreme detail on why this is a incredible buying opportunity and strategic trade, that was nearly a year ago. This is just the works for people recognizing the strategy and jumping on board. Yes - it has reached meme status but dont down play the fact that this was strategic on the part of many, many investors who called this a long time before then. Investment firms look for and take advantage of ideal situations all the time. Retail investors are not all stupid like people try and paint them as. Shorting GME well above the float is absolutely reckless for this exact reason. It is insane that we allow so much short-selling, let alone for the same share to be shorted more than once. It is absurd that anyone should want to defend hedge funds and their predatory practices. News flash: the only reason they can beat the market is because they can control the market, a privilege the rest of us don't have. Name checks out Please take care of yourself and mental health! I’ll see you on the moon 🙌💎🙌 So, uh... are you gonna tell us how many? Same. I though I was going to have to lie in order to ditch my part time job in food service. Nope. My anxiety has given me diarrhea. Free pass. You should have sold when you had profit, somebody has to be left holding the bag, and its usually the people still holding You have option contracts that expire in Thursday? Tons of people got shaken out. Damage was done. Only thing to do now is to buy again and hold. Shares this time. Well if you bought a 1/29 call instead of shares i think it screams that you don’t know how calls work. Even if gme rocketed theta would have eaten you alive. Lol it’s at 312 right now, why would you sell at a 10k loss? I mean, that's your fault for not knowing what is going on Lol it’s at 312 right now, why would you sell at a 10k loss? You’re fucking enormously stupid then. Hey retard the stocks at $312 is after-hours and tomorrow is 1/29. You don't think the stock is going to raise 3% one what will be the most astronomical gamma squeeze? No it’s not. This absolutely did not happen to Jack Ma. So you think they did what they did today to protect their user base? Has nothing to do with the hedge funds losing their asses? It's cause they're ""morally sound""? Lol come on, their actions today literally caused their users to lose a shitload of money Maybe a bit but I didn’t see them rising like GME or even AMC. What stick isn’t being pumped right now? On YouTube, discords, websites, emails etc. American Airlines?? I’m sorta sketched out on even adding to my LT portfolio now if they can just do that. The stock dives when people can no longer buy. Why don’t they do it to ARKK or ICLN or Ford on Monday? Seriously. I’m sorta worried and want to hear the some rational reason why I shouldn’t be. What about TSLA? One of the biggest meme pumps of all time.... Uninformed or not, it kinda goes against the ""open market"" ideals we proclaim to have How do you know that? There's a one-off buy fee when you trade stock of 7-10 dollars, otherwise it's all free. Harsh, but true. I wouldn't call change.org ""the media"", and no the media has not unilaterally picked a side at all. And even if they had, what are you saying? The comment isn’t about you I’m taking about petitions Defeatist* attitude, talking* about petitions There are indeed some movements that gained awareness and traction through Change.org Not even talking about stocks here, just about how petitions work. I’m sure some on there are not taken seriously, but not all. It’s better than sitting around literally doing nothing but bitch on Reddit. Their are suitable investment strategies for pension plans that don't require hedge-fund middlemen. A lot of people do well enough with managing their own retirement/pension wealth in passive strategies. The status quo is negatively impacting retail investors (see current investment climate), who could do a better job managing their own finances, without fees, if hedge funds weren't actively working against them (buying order flow, enabling and brokering a gray and sometimes black customer data market) or didn't exist. There needs to be a force that balances the scales of economic justice more fairly between the 99% retail investor class and the 1% hedge fund class. Is it hurting the ETF industry to list their daily holdings? Both the passive and the active ones? He's been keeping people up to date with livestreams. :) It's not, it pretty clearly falls under the SEC rules about manipulation the volume of stocks, in this case allowing sells but not allowing buys (and only applying this restriction to peasants on Robinhood and similar platforms) but not the hedge funds should absolutely be both class actioned by anyone invested in the stocks they suspended (not just those who use the platform) and also charged by the SEC. People should be in jail for this. Fun fact, Citadel, the company that likely gave the order to RobMeHood to delist GME and others, is the same company that bailed out Melvin Financial (one of the hedge funds balls deep in GME shorts) earlier this week. Heads need to roll over this one if the SEC even wants to try to pretend they care about the average investor getting screwed by the big players hwo call the shots. Couldn't tell you - I'm still learning a lot every day here and in other subs. That's probably be a great question for r/investing - some of those folks are much more advanced in their understanding of these types of things and could illuminate the math Yeah you’re the one who’s right. It occurred to me in an epiphany while at work today that I was definitely wrong, but got too busy to go delete it haha. Thanks for the correction, I knew I had no business trying to recall the meaning of undergrad finance vocab at 5am lmao Webull also suspended GME. They arent any better. Gave em a 1 star today as well. I'm sure it was deleted. no worries :) I bought into NOK last year because of the whole Huawei ban leaving only Nokia, Ericsson and Samsung to build 5G infrastructure. Sold half of my position on Wednesday when it went up 50% so I could plow it into GME. Ha yeah, but where's my money. Isn't that the way. [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-01-28/robinhood-is-said-to-draw-on-credit-lines-from-banks-amid-tumult?srnd=premium](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-01-28/robinhood-is-said-to-draw-on-credit-lines-from-banks-amid-tumult?srnd=premium) Amazing hypocrisy. Taxes would cost you about as much if not more. Quite a few brokerages will cover that fee as well, though it isn't a sure thing. I have heard that both Fidelity and Etrade have covered it in the past. Ah, I guess that still pissed a bunch of people off. That's good to know though, appreciate the info. Been scrambling to find a RH replacement ASAP. in the morning they blocked us Some shit is happening I been trying to sell my scheduled sell and rebuy for like 45mins it still stuck. These people arent letting you sell when I was negative it would sell right away So I found out cashapp is the same clearing house as robinhood and all the other ones. I changed to fidelity it clears its self. Basically The sooner you grow up and realize that every industry is evil, the better you will be. Tech companies are selling our data, medical companies are jacking up the prices. No industry is holy, and you will not change anything by pumping DOGE and GME. You do not realize the capital that is takes to crash these markets. Change needs to come, but it is not done by these actions. Black rock will definitely suffer, considering they and other hedge funds made a fortune of being long on GameStop already. You are clueless if you think hedge funds are only playing one side of this, and are not profiting from the run up. When the hedge funds were covering, it showed up in their favorite long stocks. GVIP indexes that. It outperformed the market 3x today, yesterday it was way down, they finished the covering they were going to do: [https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GVIP/](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GVIP/) ​ Lots of shorts now, but they are other entities. Shorting a bubble that has reached maximum reach is a pretty good strategy if you can hedge, and they can with $500 c It’s a strict numbers game. More stocks exist to be traded on RobinHood than just GME, AMC and others. Imagine, you have 1000 customers a day. And 900 of them want nothing to do with this crazy sale you are being forced to reckon with, but the sale causes all of your supplies to be wiped out. Would you close your store so the 100 people going nuts over the sale that’s no fault of your own can still participate? Yes, and it should be called “cheating”, “manipulating the market”, “stealing” or “exploiting other investors”, not “doing well”. Crazy the jealously of the ones that missed the trade. Math is not arbitrary, it’s exact. At daily 300% gains you can get from $1 to $1 billion in 19 trading days. At some point things will cease to function. If that is the goal that’s fine but it should not be presented in terms of a right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness which is more idiotic than anything I said. I’m not going to bitch about it if someone cuts me off at 300%. > But letting hedge fund managers drive at 300 while plebs have to stay at 40 is actually even worse than just letting everyone go at 300. It’s not worse if you want to drive on that road in the morning to go to work. That’s kind of my perspective here. I am in favor of the hedge funds getting their own medicine for once but I am also in favor of halting trading on out of control stocks to keep the market functioning. GME afterhours is up 61%... tomorrow is a whole new day But did you hold the line? 💎 🙌 I just wish I had the balls to buy more, but I don’t have that much expendable money. Life sucks sometimes. Best of luck The dipshit I was replying to said the children buying meme stocks were ‘richer’ than I was. Do you have a problem with reading comprehension or are you just dumb? [deleted] Thanks! I also had no idea it was my cake day so thanks for the reminder. Yup. And the reality is, we lost the class war prior to 2008. America is a plantation, now. Only the extremely wealthy should ever be proud to be American. ""There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war … and we’re winning"" -Warren Buffett Launch them hundreds of feet into the air. I've used this, my only reddit account, for years. It's throwaway because I believe reddit is throwaway social media. Most people come here to share memes and argue anonymously. Hence it's full of throwaway relationships. Don't worry, I'm 33. We don't get homes. If you ended up with kids somehow, they also won't. Maybe their kids tho. That would be bullshit if they could force people to pay that interest. But these are terms of consensual agreements, so there is no forcing. Specially in leftist countries like me with anti capitalist tendencies... There will be massive class action lawsuits after today He sounded so bad. Corrupt, sure. But also fundamentally not understanding how ILLEGAL his statements were. he was being honest, just his loses Lock him up. That interview screams ""someone is going to go bankrupt if the gamma squeeze happens and we don't want to lose our ass along with them."" For anyone broadly in the market, when you hear the words ""we are concerned about the financial viability of intermediaries and clearing houses"" sit tight on your cash for a few days because you might have a helluva dip to buy. Let’s hope he has figured out a better explanation on what happened than he said on TV today, or he’s going to prison. I dont wish death on many people but thia fuck deserves at least influence death, go live in a shitty social security paid old person's home for the rest of your life. That guy wears kneepads when he goes to work. I still remember his ad during the 2012 elections about leaving socialist Hungary and fear of the US becoming the same, and he was voting republican because socialism forces the poor to become poorer. When this is all over I’m hopeful that his company and the sherif of Nottingham both go the way of Enron Genuinely curious as a Canadian holding that is appalled after IBKR's actions today who in Canada can I trade with that doesn't have absurd commissions but isn't absolutely corrupt The next asshole was the ex-founder of this sub, community over profits! He said on CNBC while live ""We are doing that to protect ourself"". That's said a lot 100% that guy annoyed me so much. Are there any trading apps still allowing the purchase of those stocks? I just heard him on my morning news round up. ""Its really stupid to buy a stock at 300 when you know that the company is not worth that.""   Well shit its not illegal is it? So why ze phuck do you interfere? ""A lot of our customers are on the short side... "" zere ze fuck it is; you are manipulating the stock market to protect your rich customers from further losses.  Sigh... [Here it is, absolutely ridiculous.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RH4XKP55fM) [deleted] the most sickening thing is them saying they did it to ""protect"" people - yeah protect them from making money off of greedy short sellers. And the old fart that said ""we had to stop the LOSSES"" - no, they had to stop the gains that the stock holders were seeing. It really is so blatant and so deplorable that I can't even process. YOU GO BROTHER. I only have 20k in my investment account. I could have made 8k yesterday. I can still pull out now for a 100% gain. Am I selling? FUCK NO. this is my fund to bleed the fat cats dry. Should move away from Robin Hood, they let It happen. RH was supposed to be retail’s champion. It’s literally in their name. They were fake, sell outs. That's if you can. RH said they would allow limited purchase of GME tomorrow. I'm hoping this just means you can't buy on margin but I wouldn't put it past them to limit shares per a user. Man, I wasn’t in but was watching the ride (bought AMC already), but watching this unfold I am committed to buying tomorrow even if it makes these assholes sweat just a little bit more. Fuck them, fuck wallstreet, let’s take it back. Fuckers cucked my bb Nokia and pltr it felt awesome getting to tell my sister I told you so I WILL FUCKING DIE ON THIS HILL YOU WALL STREET CUNTS...IRON MAIDEN BLASTING AND ALL Be mad then. You clearly have the money to afford it. As do all the other fucks involved. I absolutely cannot stand how this entire story is being portrayed in the light that “anyone can get involved”. So far from the truth but who cares amiright I know they did. I’m really sorry, and you’re right, it’s f’ing criminal, but keep in mind the squeeze hasn’t happened yet, so you could potentially get back in tomorrow - especially if there’s a dip - whether it’s to try and recoup some of yours losses, or to just stick it to the shorts and help the squeeze overall. But if you do decide to don’t put a limit sell Lol exactly !!! Stop counting in the states where we are up!!! But not the other ones... lol the similarities are actually uncanny Oops hehe, we didn’t know you guys would actually call us on our bullshit. Have to put the rules in place now. Give me a fucking break. I understand the sentiment is reductionist and overall damaging - but it’s where a lot of people are at right now. I along with countless other people in this country are begging for the ship blown up, cuz it’s not taking us where we thought it was. And that is why I personally don’t give a fuck about their losses. It’s called fucking Capitalism and it doesn’t guarantee you a fucking win every time just because you’re rich off others hard won earnings. It’s means sometimes you gamble and win but most of the time you lose. I don't understand what you're saying. Are brokers forced to put their own money in play when their customers buy or sell stock? No. Brokers can, but are not required, to offer margin or let customers borrow stock to short. So the brokers ""losses"" are completely within their control. [deleted] The CEO from RH said they didn’t have liquidity issues. The whole stock market crashes until the fucking people who just made money buy it back for a steal cause they’re still valuable. Just cause they’re about to lose everything cause of their greed doesn’t mean they can just stop it. This was an mutually agreed upon bet, it happens to regular traders all the time. Derivatives always have and always will be a zero sum game when left uncovered The real issue is that they closed CASH positions and arbitrarily let margin positions stay in the game. They didn’t want to close on the people making them interest, they closed on the people who they won’t have to pay this week. So it wasn’t even designed to reduce risk. It was designed to buy at a half off sale, give the shorts a hand job, and get a free float on the money until next week. REGULAR people are making money??? STOP THE MARKETS!!! SHUT IT DOWN!! SHUT THEM ALL DOWN Here’s what I’ll say - IMO, the idea that many of the capitalists that run this country want a “free” market is bunk. They want a free market when it’s convenient for them, so basically as far as it allows them to make money, then they’re totally on board with a free market, but when they LOSE money, that’s when they want regulations and rules (but not for them obviously, for us). So, basically it’s kind of a myth. They all say they support it but it’s bunk, they don’t, they just don’t want to have to play by the same rules. Yep. Of course the other shitty thing is that when they say ""losses"" they imply it's like everyday retail traders, instead of greedy short selling hedge-fund douchebags We've spent the last year trying to break shit, and we've finally found something we can all agree on. Except rape is a crime and what we're doing is completely legal. Don't pull a muscle from all that reaching. Let's be honest. Its mostly CNBC. If half the people on WSB actually understood the Webull CEO's take they'd be very upset. They said this just happened in 2008 so it’s not a complete surprise Does this imply a preference of buy over sell, or vice versa, or is the only thing implied is volatility? Lmao I put in 6 dollars at like 0.003 or something absurd I'm at +96 or something now. I want to be a millionaire on a meme dog though let's get it to 10 hahah Looks like that's exactly what happened. :) I received an ""all restrictions have been lifted"" email from my broker here in Germany (Trade Republic). It's shaping out to be a history making day for the markets, GME and society as a whole. I'm sure your mom thinks your ""6 million wasn't enough"" shirt is real edgy, you antisemitic fucking troglodyte. yawn r/jesuschristreddit selling trading data to hedge funds and bundling partial stock orders with their own orders on top to get a slice of that sweet, sweet arbitrage. The sell order flow to a clearinghouse- citadel They'll probably try and manipulate the price under $200 in the final minutes. Thursday it went from $237 to $193 within 5 minutes, and it closed under $200. If they can drop it enough and get it under $200, trading could halt and we couldn't be able to get above $200 closing price, which would mean they would win. They could be saving some short selling for the final minutes to push the price down, or they could also dump a ton of shares on the market to double drive the price down. We need a few more bullets to outsmart their game and buy into any price decrease right at the end. If we win, people can exercise their options to force the market makers to purchase up to 20 million shares, which would push this to the stratosphere. Not financial advise; all IMO To add to what the other guy said. The 200$ mark is important cause it would mean all new options release till Monday are In The Money. This could trigger a gamma squeeze (forced buy from people exercising calls) that would make the price skyrocket even more. They are trying to suppress a gamma squeeze by closing Friday low [deleted] Wait sorry how would it be suicide for them to back out? Can they still even ""back out""? How would that even happen? [removed] I am in Japan. Please don't wish for the last one. At least until I see Papa Musk take over the world. This is correct. They are doubling or quadrupling down Oh no! Anyway What happens to the stock people are holding when they go bankrupt? If Tesla can be worth what it is then I do have faith that it will keep going up. Publicity means people will buy it without thinking, people who would have never considered it otherwise are now in the pile. So we actually need more people buying. Every citizen needs to buy a share. So is this implying the degrossing that happened due to this stock is almost on par with March 2020? Can someone ELI5 what de-grossing mean? It’s a wild ass theory that a short squeeze on one stock is going to break the entire stock market like a twig. Thank you! Chamath explains things so well! Twitter is great but frustrating. Great cos less anonymous, frustrating cos so many more dumbass tweets Keep in mind that even DFV's options are controlling a tiny amount of shares compared to the bigger picture. He is just mooning because he got in so early. You can check the biggest owners of current stock quite easily. Yahoo names the top 10 investors in the shares, it currently includes blackrock, vanguard and morgan stanley > DFV So I just googled this and the Wikipedia disambiguation page says that DFV is [""A man on a rocketship to the moon.""](https://imgur.com/a/g5baplm) This is hilarious. Ya you are right, I actually saw that watching roaring kitty’s stream from last week. That was me who posted that. I tried twice uploading a picture of proof to wsb and i can go see the post with my one upvote if i click the link the automod sent me but i don't see it on the subreddit or on my profile. But yeah, it was .07 of a share for $181.87 at an average price of $2598.14. I still dont believe it. I tried to sell a whole share immediately after but it sold for regular market value at like $230 at the time. Any idea why your post got taken down? What are your thoughts on my thought on this. This situation seems like a feedback loop with an increasing chance of infinity. Just wanna say I’ve been following your posts for a minute now. With the huge influx of members it’s been harder to find people who actually know what they’re talking about. Thanks for providing some really useful info ... oh. thanks. Speaks volumes Yes but that still doesn't answer why they didn't halt ALL trading...rules for thee not for me Thinking about this you can’t inherently base someone’s intelligence off of language, writing, or grammar abilities. When you short you tell your broker, that you can pay up, if you can't than your broker must pay instead. If they go bankrupt, than their brokers must pick the tab and buy the shares instead and if broker goes bankrupt, than the bank behind it must pick the tab. This is why normally broker will Margin Call you. Margin call is broker going: ""I think you will run out of money so pay up now or get more money to your account as a guarantee."" But then what happens to the shares they HAVE to buy back? That’s the thing here. The shorts have to be covered, that’s how the market works. They should have been force to close their position days ago Lmao. Just learned a ton reading through your comments bro. You the man! Gotta start somewhere on the way to 420. Y'all are so dramatic. A stock offering would quench this whole thing. Again, proving a point. The system is rigged. If it blows up because everyone has been betting against the retail investors maybe blowing it up is not a bad thing? I think you’re giving a handful of shitty hedge funds too much credit. A pillar? A handful of hedge funds also made a fuckton on this stock exiting this week. Part of the fame Please remember that if the stock market does blow up, it is 100% the rich people's fault. They got richer off the risky and illegal shorts, just like in 2008 crash. And now they want to blow up the bomb so they don't suffer the consequences of the risks that made them richer. They will try to paint the retail traders as the villains, but this is not true. Half those cocksuckers don't even beat the market, but they take advantage of whats in front of them. I agree it's dumb/advantageous, and these idiots still fucked it up. I am not defending them. They are grown ass men, and they're getting their shit pushed in. I will argue that we allow too much short selling. Just because of some blowup doesn't mean we be done with shorting. You close deep ITM options on Thursdays as a rule? I am now supposed to modify my risk assessment of a position to include being removed from buying by multiple brokerage apps but to still be allowed to sell because another stock that was criminally overshorted is causing losses to hedge funds? That's the new model you are saying I should have to be a savvy investor like you? You do realize that a new day starts at midnight every night? I posted that at 1 am. If I had said tomorrow, your dumb ass would probably say ""You have options that expire on Saturday?"" What happens if GME issues new shares? The whole fucking short squeeze is over ?!!! How did people lose money because of what robinhood did today? If someone sold their shares at a time when no one could buy then they're probably too dumb to be investing in the stock market anyway. Someone being stupid and selling their stock at the worst possible time isn't robinhoods fault. And if the price never returns to where it was before the sell off then, again, it's not robinhoods fault. That just means that the stock was overvalued. Which it was, because this has become a massive pump and dump. I legit did not expect him to be so well read and studied...I mean just based on the culture of WSB. his GME YOLO updates are my daily beacons to hold harder Whelp looks like it’s all fucked then. Wait till all the furor is over. Then you'll probably be able to change it without it being deleted. This is a risky business to be in without the revenue for Robinhood of charging for trading. According to the article they may now not be in a position to go public. ""it's a numbers game"" is a meaningless statement, you shouldn't use it. It's not a matter of what I would do, if they are running low on cash and can't cover trades like they promised, simply restricting all trading is the correct thing to do, especially when your largest customer (no, app users are not RH's customers) holds a short position in the stock you just restricted buying of If you think they're getting in trouble for this other than a paltry $10 million dollar fine I've got a bridge to sell you. I'm sure you've seen the Cramer video where he explains how hedge funds actually work. There's a reason he calls long position holders ""moron longs"" THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH GOING FROM $1 TO $1 BILLION IN 19 TRADING DAYS, AS LONG AS EVERYONE IS PLAYING BY THE SAME RULES. You seem to be under the illusion that you get to decide what is fair and what isn't. A free market allows for anyone within that market to have a profitable day. You would probably block the Lakers from playing game 4 of the NBA Finals, if they were up 3-0 in the series. Sometimes you just fucking lose. You don't get to ban the other players. Get with it. OK, so what about the people that bought some right before the INTENTIONALLY tanked the price? Is that worth bitching about to you? I have no skin in this game, but they screwed some people over today. I don't see why anyone would defend that Yes it is. I'm driving at 40, someone else on the same road, in the same lane is going 300? And their car won't get damaged if it hits me? Actually hitting me will improve their situation because the first person to get to work gets the job? And nobody willl even really punish them for getting my splashed remains across their windshield because I 'should have been more careful'? That's *terrifying*. And it appears to be the situation here. The out of control stock *wasn't* halted. Certain people were prevented from buying (but not selling) it. This gives those who could still buy it with the sudden downward pressure on price (from lowered demand) a competitive advantage in what is, ultimately, going to end up as zero sum game. In other words, it allows those who can trade, and can be confident they won't be stopped, to extract value from those who cannot. I'd have assumed they were wrong if it were not for the rage it sent you into Wow imagine being you. I’m not genZ you fat single retard The US is a slave colony. It’s staggering the volume of unjust predatory laws that only affect the poor and middle class or communities of color. Even if you have money, look at what we’ve let our major cities become! Los Angeles probably has more homeless people living in tents on the sidewalk than are actually renting or owning their own home. Not to mention that you can’t get anywhere because of the insane traffic. It’s a prime example of big business coming in first priority at all times and fuck everyone and everything else. The Good Year Tire company and Standard Oil worked together in the 20’s or 30’s to scrap all the EXTENSIVE train and trolly lines and cars that ran throughout the entire city. You could get anywhere in the whole city riding a trolly that likely had a local stop close by to where you live so you can easily walk there There are epic photos online of the trolly cars stacked up 20-30 high being junked and they look brand new. The LA transit system would actually work for everyone in the community that doesn’t have the luxury to purchase a private helicopter to beat the traffic on the 405 or 101, or any of them a good chunk of the time. Well I’m glad you decided to enlighten us and truly work to make this world better with your throwaway take. Tight! Nah our grandkids will just end up in the ocean How is the lender not requiring you to pay interest on a loan in this scenario? The only harm that comes from being able to pay that loan off earlier is in the form of the lender's profits if anything. Am I missing something? I think these are the things that really need be brought up when these lawsuits go down. It’s not just the citizens of the US that get affected, but it also causes people in other countries to lose faith in our economy. It’s a much bigger issue than what they play it out to be. If the economy crashed due to COVID, that’s unfortunate. However, when the economy almost crashed Thursday due to these hedge funds doubling up while attempting to call the bluff of WSB...that’s a different story. They caused it in 08’ and nearly caused it again. It’s time for some serious regulations to be put in place. Both to protect the economy, and to protect the retail investor. Something like this should NEVER happen again (and not because Wall Street figures out a loop hole to protect themselves again). We’ll just have to see what changes occur, if any. I'm now wondering what kind of regulations exist for brokers, can they halt all trading like this on specific stocks they want to make money on? Surely there must be some regulation in place to protect people from this? They are the rich...do first ask for forgiveness later. The first was filed today but really the lawyers will make the lions share I suppose stopping the trading saved them more than they'll ever have to pay out. Apparently, Wall Street hates being punked by the cool kids. His arguments are laughably stupid. ""Protecting the market""... This is a tiny fraction of total market volume. He doesn't like where the money is flowing. This is unbelievable. my firm filed a bunch of them. let me know if youre interested What will come from this? I was gonna sell my PLUG this morning to buy into GameStop and got fucked over by it. I understand that something may be made illegal or something, but will us commoners who bet on this and lost today receive any kind of reimbursement or anything? A few were filed already today Class action lawsuits that will be held up in court by the best lawyers in the biz until a time which the hedge funds have made their cash and are already knee deep into their next irresponsible play. You think itll matter in ten years? can we actually do something about that ? they kinda own us from the open account agreement doesnt they ? I have nok from about 3 years ago and would have began selling it off but now I'll never be able to calculate what my losses are from this. I know it wasn't gme but I think it would've gone up a lot I fkn hope so yes the same billionaires that manipulate the market and also lobby politicians and own media conglomerates will certainly suffer consequences just like they did in 2008 The class action will probably cost them less. But first they'll promote some poor schmuck as a scapegoat There should be mob violence I’m counting on it. I’m sure “consequences” isn’t a word in his lexicon. Money does something to a person, I can’t imagine what billions of dollars does. These guys aren’t like you and I. They think they know what’s best and they have the power and influence to exert that will. Of course it’s only convenient that what’s “best”, is best for them. Let me put this in no uncertain terms. THESE PEOPLE ARE MAKING THE RULES WE ALL PLAY BY. This is where we find out the Republican policies of gutting regulations on the financial industry made what they did totally legal. Just a thought. Someone with more time can find out whether this is fact or not. He? He is not a lone wolf making decisions. He was ordered. He discussed it with advisors, mentors, stakeholders. He is one, but many have caused this!!! These are not shadowy figures, a simple google search will provide you with that information. I won’t be participating in that sort of behavior and suggest folks be weary of what they post online, but do what you wish. It’s such a fucking cop out. Them acting as if we don’t understand the risks of trading. It’s like stopping a hockey match in the third period while our team is up because maybe the other team will score a couple goals and we’ll end up losing. We’re not god damn children and we know exactly what game we’re playing here, but clearly the game is rigged. And during a pandemic where a little money to us little guys might not be a bad thing. seriously, it is so transparent too. where was this protection when people were literally buying worthless Hertz stock from a company in the midst of going bankrupt which was issuing more shares to dilute the already worthless shares. Thank you. We will win this war and be rewarded. This is literally the same angle michael burry came at refusing to sell until the last minute I lost 2k csuse of their bullshit yesterday an it really should have been 5k. Luckily i made some good moves and recovered some. And they still didnt scare me off i loaded gme right back up and more of it yesterday just to try to get back at these fucks for messing with the free market I opened three new broker accounts I just don’t know who will verify me first... Steve Cohen and Ken Griffin literally established the NYC charity organization “Robin Hood” off of the money stolen from Robinhood investors. Fuck Them. It’s like when Miramax film studio was created and billed as “more indie, for the people!” but if you actually looked into it, it was Harvey Weinstein’s creation and was sold to Disney. Everything that is done is done for money. Marketing manipulates many people who don’t take the time to question anything. They are a form of controlled opposition. A honey-pot to lure in people who wanted to trade freely and take their shot in the market with a greater sense of control, once so many are there they can shut down so many of the retail traders in one move. Are people really moving out of RH? Sold my stocks and starting over at fidelity I withdrew my funds from Robinhood this morning. Moving to Fidelity ASAP. Agree!!! I’ll do whatever I can. It appears that you are able to purchase the stock again on RH. Just checked my account and the buy button is back. No partial share purchasing though, only whole stocks. RH does have the buy button and options button back right now. From what I've read on other threads, they are limiting the amount of shares you can buy. Someone posted something about the limit being a five share limit. Have a backup plan incase RH changes it’s mind again suddenly right as the stock prices start to recover. So they can see the lines! It’s literally giving away our position to the enemy. I’ve seen comments that they’ll have a share limit. And if you already own past that limit you still can’t buy. I jumped on the band wagon late and with small money and the buy button is back for me. ETA: only whole share purchasing. I just tried to order another couple for opening but was limited to 2 shares. Nowhere enough money to even think about options. They will be down when the markets open tomorrow. How convenient.. Wha? Thanks. Yeah that was my mistake. I thought I was being responsible with that since I knew I would be working and couldn’t have fathomed that they would go to these extents. But that’s my own fault I suppose. Regardless of what you believe here, please avoid this comparison. It will be used to discredit retail traders. [deleted] I'm just explaining the situation to you. You can be pissed at whoever, doesn't matter to me. There’s only capitalism for the poor. Socialism for the rich. Socialism of the loss and privatization of the profit. Your taxes save their asses and your savings line their pockets. Buy YOU aren't a RH exec with a bunch of important big red buttons on your desk. :( If the person/fund can't cover their losses then the brokerage at the time has to and sue later. Except that shorts have an unlimited downside. And with the sheer volume of shorts that would come due as hedge funds closed up shop, brokers had no way to know where the line would be drawn. Along this line. I believe the brokers who were continuing to take orders this morning were the ones who reviewed their clients’ positions and were not worried about their stock’s solvency in the event of an upside collapse. Your words are Speaking to my soul Government prioritizes max employment because our social safety nets are too thin to afford any truly major shocks. I mean honestly we are in a boiling frog scenario. A million things can happen to between now and when you turn 70 that will drop you destitute. Disease, car accident, wrongful conviction, splitting the seam of your pants in full view of a preschool, misunderstanding a roided up cop's contradictory instructions, buying a house in the wrong neighborhood, having a ridiculously autistic kid, etc. Where I was born in North Africa the village left no one behind. Whether you worked or didn't you got tea in the morning and loaf of bread. For lunch you got bean water and bread. And we were content. My family was rich and my cousins weren't and I elected to spend all my time living with them. Everyone was invited to every wedding, funeral, and naming. We all prayed silk shoulder to tattered shoulder. This capitalist rat race is a fucking construct. This ""land of opportunity"" comes at such a sinister hidden cost... I honestly didn't understand what suicide even was until I came to the US. A girl killed herself in my hometown once over a singer spurning her and it was the talk of the town for years. We have to reevaluate this economic system that literally puts price tags on absolutely everything. If it weren't for the fact that existence cost money we wouldn't be working meaningless jobs to begin with. Go read this post, he explains it https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l7fw0x/i_used_to_work_merrill_heres_what_likely_happened/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share They need to understand it. His explanation is valid. This is potentially an infinite loss outcome for the hedge funds and it could wreck the system and a lot of people won’t get paid what they’re owed. I’m not defending it but no one predicted a trading scenario where the losing side can’t escape. That’s where we’re at and in essence that’s what he’s admitting. Volatility. In essence the institutions that keep the wheels oiled were worried that the sheer volume of potential money that may move in these trades could collapse the system. They had to let it breathe and catch up which involved taking a day or two to let trades settle. That has now happened and things should open back up. It could easily happen again in this environment.. So everyone knows what retail is doing but retailers do not know what hedge funds are doing except quarterly, in retrospect. The price of free trading. I can’t wait for a documentary on this in the future... Some economist: so these id&@ts and ret***s on Wall Street bet, or thats what they call themselves....found a “dying” game company known as GameStop was being shorted at 140%... So what you’re saying is... wait until the final minutes of trading on Friday, and if/when it dips down under $200, buy more shares? Might be a beginner question, but how exactly would they try to keep the prices low? I assume if everyone is exercising their call options and buying, especially after today, it could lead the prices to skyrocket and shoot even higher. What would cause such a dramatic change of direction? Yeah I'll gladly take $69420.69 a piece for my shares! And we love the stock! I keep seeing boomers talking about the fundamentals, and all I know is that my hands are fundamentally composed of diamonds. I mean why would you. You like the stock. Best stock on earth. I cherish each of mine in the 6digit range. ""Backing out"" of a short position means buying the stock back to cover and close it. It's suicide because that makes the price go up, which isn't good when you are trying to buy stocks back. Why, if they want to lose a ton of money thats their right. High risk, high reward and all that. The people halting others from buying on the other hand should probably go to jail, that is definite market manipulation.. Yes according to the data Hedge funds collectively selling long positions across the board to cover their massive short losses. The intensity and volume of this was so big M-W this week it tanked the market for 3 days. Gross means margin. They closed a bunch of margin positions en masse. It's not going to break the stock market but it can certainly produce quite a dip as we saw. I think this exposed how over leveraged the funds are And Norway, which has (or had) more shares than vanguard. I love that little funfact. WSB has helped save my pension. Oooh that's the real reason why Vanguard didn't shut down buying orders of GME like TD, RH, and CS. They want the share price to remain high because it's what's best for their bottom Yahoo provides the data from Sep 2020. On FT, the data is from 31 Dec 2020 to 12 Jan 2020, where it says that 63% of the shares were in hands of top 10 holders, of course all institutionals. can you link us some proof on imgur? [deleted] Same thing happened with other people who set their sell order at $5000 and it was half a share sold automatically . I think they’re piecing shares together yikes HOLD Sounds like someone tried to buy fractional GME and messed up the price they’re willing to pay by inputting their anticipated price for the stock and instead of buying $187 worth they put an order for .07 for $187. I have it up in other places as a comment. I dunno, the mods there are dealing with so much spam now. Absolutely, and one feedback loop was about to trigger the second, bigger feedback loop today. Until it didn't. Because criminals. Nice wordplay. [deleted] That's the comment I was searching for. Thank you for highlighting that. So yesterday came probably very close to a worldwide crash caused by the domino effect you mentioned? Why do they have to be covered? Are they not allowed to declare bankruptcy? The shares they have to buy back don’t get bought, and the person who borrowed them money, doesn’t get there money. Yes, the system is rigged. But this is like poisoning your own water supply, because the bad guy owns it. We all lose. Do you think some glorious new fair system will emerge? I think it’s more likely a ton of people will lose their life savings, the gov will give bailout money to the big boys, and the system will start back up with new tighter restrictions on retail investors to prevent this from happening again. Close at least half when you are in profit, I did and I'm still green Hey I'm a retard. what do you want. ​ If they expire today you'll be in the money Not really. Without advance notice, I believe they can only sell 500k shares right now. That's not enough to make a real dent in the squeeze. Because robinhood (and others) directly caused the price to plummet. Who's fault is it then? I don't see how you could possibly even be arguing this It was a massive pump and dump, yes. Pump and dumps happen all the time. Usually it's the hedge fund managers doing it, and those never get stopped. However, the retail investor finally starts making money on a measly 3 of them and suddenly it's a problem? I know what you mean. I only joined wsb a month or two ago. On the outside it all looks crazy, but I've been reading their stuff, and there's some amazing knowledge and smart people on there. That plus the fact they don't take themselves seriously, support each other and have genuine fun with stocks makes it a really great sub. Hopefully all this attention doesn't ruin it. The powers-that-be will want to be undermining or overthrowing them after this. What do you mean “culture of the WSB”? We are pretty culturists From what I hear Vanguard and Fidelity did not pull any shenanigans. I'm getting an account with Vanguard next week if Fidelity can't recover my already existing account that was somehow set up by a job I had like 10 years ago (don't have the email, phone number or password) if they won't let me sign up a completely new one, vanguard it is. Cramer says “Own Apple, don’t trade it” just about [every day](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/12/cramers-lightning-round-i-would-own-apple-not-trade-it.html). I think “moron longs” refers to people holding the stocks being aggressively shorted, like holding Macy’s as I moronically did for awhile. Hoping for 300% gains is why people hold stocks like that. Better just to hold Apple. I don’t see how nobody retail investors like ourselves are the NBA players in that analogy. They wouldn’t allow the Wall Street Stonks team to jump into the playoffs out of nowhere to challenge the Lakers in the first place. We’re on the outside. It’s not a free market for us because we’re not even allowed in. If the stock market were as strictly regulated as the NBA the current scenario wouldn’t be happening. In that context I’m not “under the illusion that I get to decide”. I am in fact under no illusions that I will ever get to decide anything. I have some opinions and that’s all. Don’t let them bother you. I don’t agree with how it was done because it was a move to protect big money. Ideally there should be more concern about protecting the money of people who have less. I was just objecting to the free market framing above. I think bad rules should be replaced with good rules, not no rules, and not my rules. At what point did I display rage by explaining my investing technique? Shit you redditors are dumb. Are you bitter because I share truths you aren't ready to accept, or is this just your personality? I don't think government will do anything. The american government have too many interference from companies. Heck, americans call them liberals and sh** and they let companies fool around with their government. This isn't liberalism it's something else entirely. Biden must be doing something or he will be just like Trump letting the US just die. No financial expert but it's my understanding that they *can* stop all trading for a specific stock but in order for that not to be illegal it must be all trading (buying/selling) and for everyone (not just retail traders). This is why what is happening here is blatant market manipulation by only preventing purchasing for retail traders. They aren’t legally allowed to do that. Only the SEC can legally do that. Surely you jest. “They’re a private company, they shouldn’t have to provide a platform for ...” is the typical argument for such things these days. We really need to have a conversation about companies that are acting as marketplaces, and what that means for individuals’ access to markets. The clearing house that ordered it will essentially get fucked. The brokerages were just doing what they were told. The problem is they weren’t transparent about it and they look like weasels. The halts were in clear violation of the RH terms of service. Vanguard has done it several times to me Pay a $300k fine after making $300m this time, no forgiveness. During 2008 most people didn't even know what happened. This time we ALL know what is happening The fine will be less than potential losses, as always. Jailtime or revocation of corporate charters are the only penalties that will actually make a difference There are already class action lawsuits filed. In a couple of years, you will get a postcard notifying you that you are a member of the class and need to go to some website to certify your claim. A year later, you will get a check for $8.56 after attorneys fees and splitting the $46 million pool with 5 million WSB retards. That'll teach them! There will probably be some settlement out of this, but how much is anyone’s guess. They make the rules for us, then ignore them when they please. This whole strategy was just playing to the rules, but of course the rules don't matter if they're losing. Reminds me of Gilead; ""what's best isnt always best for everyone."" Okay, you scared me more than I should be. I asked for who they are. I didn't suggest anything more than knowing who are these people that make these decisions. But I will delete the post since now I'm concerned. Yep, absolutely. I do take at least some pleasure in knowing that RH is fukt after this. Bye bye IPO its a lie, everyone knows when you invest you can lose every fucking dollar you invested. bullshit. Breh, Wall Street gets hammered by a ""totally unforeseeable Black Swan"" once every 10-12 years like clockwork and this could have been it. Someone is short all those GME calls. I haven't seen anyone here or WSB saying ""Look at me, I just went long 1,000 shares and wrote covered calls"" or ""hey, what color of lead paint chips taste the best and oh by the way I just wrote 100 naked calls on GME."" Some institution's computer wrote most of those calls and the algorithm missed the price by a country mile and someone is going down if GME moons. This is way beyond the shorts. Opened three here too, just gotta wait for the funds to fully deposit before I can play Which three did you open with? I hear Fidelity, Schwab and Wealthsimple were all mostly smooth during this. I hope so. Your vote counts! ""Ugh, okay fine, we'll just limit it to whole shares to keep the *really* poor people out..."" Don’t be hard on yourself Same exact thing happened to me. Kinda forgot about the stop loss since I watch the markets often and have always said “if it triggers, no big deal, I can just buy right back in depending on sentiment”. Imagine the horror of it triggering at $150 and watching as you can do absolutely nothing. I’m seething. huh?? This guy societies. Liberty, equality, fraternity! 5 sociopaths pissed they got beat once! That’s 1 time of the 1000s of time they’ve successfully robbed retail users. Psychopaths should be locked up Wasn’t attacking you, was also just explaining the position. :) The brokerage is financially incentivized to make sure people don’t take on positions that are too deep. That’s what margin is for, and when you get margin-called you have to pay to lower your risk. That should have been happening when GME started rising and instead they continued to short. People think this has only gone on for a week, when the signs were clear to a good portion of WSB three weeks ago. The fact is people got greedy and bet that it wouldn’t last this long. Well here we are. Pay me my fucking money. Brokerages have the power to restrict trades/options strictly to what cash the user has in their account. They dont have to offer margin, or allow users to short/borrow stock. I can picture that Weasel rolling his greedy little hands together every time his short pressure works. “Haha fucked over another million people”. Yes. They need better risk management. And the brokers that didn't have it should fail declare bankruptcy work out the debts so we can all be their new owners and put in better managers. That's how it works for the cafe down the street that is how it should work here. But the losing side COULD escape and they DIDN'T because they have never lost to retail in their lives and they're greedy fucking pigs. If it break, then it breaks. Put these fucks in JAIL. There have to be consequences. I would rather the government have to bail out payments to retail investors than infusing cash into these oligarchs like they did in 2008. At the end of the day, it's GME. The market has trillions of dollars flowing through it every day. GME is a large drop but in a very big bucket. Liquidate every short in GME right now, halt all options trading on the stock, let the squeeze happen and get everybody who held paid. Then charge everybody who tried to manipulate the stock instead of get out of their losing positions. Burn every fund to the ground who jumped in on this thing even after it was obviously a loser. Fuck them all. I don't believe their doomsday scenario anyway. It's all scare tactics to let them win as they hold a gun to the head of the entire economy and stock market. Their gun is shooting blanks. Take it away from them and lock them up. Let the next batch of wannabe billionaire hedge funders take heed and proceed with more caution. They could have escaped at any time by covering their shorts. They would lost a lot of money but they could escape. Just like owners of any stock can escape when the stock is tanking. Who's still short this thing? I mean if today wasnt an olive branch for shorts to exit positions and regulators to get their shit together what was it? The Webull guy was the only common sense I've heard all day and to.me it didnt sound like he was predicting a monstrous liquidity issue it just sounded like a response to the limitations of clearing firms. I could he entirely wrong and this could be the tip of the iceberg but hell at some point the selling is going to start when the constant speculation stops This isn't quite the case. The losing side can always escape by closing the short positions. They are choosing not to in hopes of minimising losses if the price goes down. They are still trying to play it, and prohibiting buys in this case helps the shorts and hampers the long. If that was the case, why not suspend all trading in the shares, buy and sell? It was to protect the big guys instead of the retail players, plain and simple. Exactly, if you're a retail trader, you're trading blind against someone with perfect 20/20 vision. In the future this entire process could be handled by software. You get a certain number of people to pledge that they’re in an when sufficient market strength for maneuvers is achieved the system recognizes that, tells everyone it’s starting, and just runs this same scheme. My guess a institutional investor or whale might be convinced to sell enough stock at the very last moment to drive the price down sub 200. I don’t know if people need special permission or a heads up to sell that kind of volume unexpectedly since that’s definitely sounds like market manipulation. A lot of calls are naked calls, AKA people who sells calls that don’t actually have the shares. They are hoping the calls will never be in the money and that the people won’t exercise them. Now at 200$+, all the calls would be in the money and a lot of people would be exercising they calls. If that happens, everyone who sold naked calls HAVE to buy the stock no matter the price. This create a gamma squeeze They would try to keep the price down by any means lol. Stopping people from trading on Robinhood. Ladder sales of stock after halts. Extra shorting of the stock. What happened to ""there is no free meal""? This sounds way too good to be true. I mean I still bought 10 shares to say I participated but since everyone is being greedy right now, shouldn't we be fearful? I'm so confused this is against everything we're taught. Maybe that's how they want it? Shit.. Sure, if they weren't the same people that halted buying. But they are. Citadel owns robinhood (who canceled buying) and also a big portion of Melvin Capital, the hedge fund with all the shorts. They claim to have a wall between subsidiaries of their company such that they don't collude, but that's pretty hard to believe. [deleted] Thanks! That's wild. Don't forget who will get the money. We do. And what do we do with them? Invest so we might as well just buy the dip. Hell, shorters could exchange their shares with ours. I'll take 10 TSLAs for mine or 20 MSFT. https://imgur.com/gallery/MwkIoSu Good idea thanks Maybe someone messed up some mundane detail, like putting the decimal point in the wrong place. From what I have seen it seems like a glitch. Other sell order from 750 to 2000 were never executed for whole shares Gotta put in limit orders for fractional shares wsb gets some 60k threads per day and 300k comments. 1 mil people are actively scrolling that subreddit right now. Second highest is 36k. It's absolutely understandable. Also I'm gonna use this comment as pin for your 2.6k sell order, don't mind me [https://imgur.com/gallery/MwkIoSu](https://imgur.com/gallery/MwkIoSu) Yeah I get that they were having liquidity issues and to stay within regulations they had to freeze trading. I work in finance. What we bull ceo and that explanation doesn't cover is why this wasn't like previous trading halts where the entire order is halted rather. By doing this shorts were still allowed to ""buy"" which they did right before the option to buy was killed creating a false drop in demand even while large order were placed under market value driving the stock price down concurrently. Then if people panic sold those shorts bought right before at high 400s are covered beneath 200. Pure and simple market manipulation using the liquidity issue as ""cause"" Well something like that. Melvin is fucked. They don't have the money. They would go broke at about 170 and we are now around 400. The problem is that no one Margin Call them in time. If you believe news articles than the Shorts on GME already lost more than 70B. If you liquidate Melvin you might get something like 13B and the price is still rising. If people hold than it can skyrocket to over 1000. If it gets over 1000 it will cost 100s of billions. At that point brokers are also fuck, because they don't have the money to cover that. And if the price gets to something like 10000 it will cost about trilion and the interest alone would be staggering number. Wall Street panicked, because they don't want to see that shit train get to them thrown the chain of interdependency. And the shit train starts moving, when the first line folds. When Melvin and other big shorters can no longer afford to pay interest and go broke. There is a chain of liability in the stock market that means when one institution can't cover the next one in line is obligated to. When the Hedge Funds fail to make good on their short, their Broker is on the hook, when the Broker fails, the next man up the chain is on the hook. The shorted shares BELONG to someone else, and when that someone wants to do something with them the Broker must oblige. The shorts are in so deep now that the stock has risen from $15 to $300+, that various long positions (like massive amounts of everyday stocks and ETFs) in the hedge portfolio's are at risk of being liquidated by their brokers to come up with sufficient collateral to cover the potentially infinite losses on the still not covered short position. The rest of the market's value is currently being tugged on by the *insanely* buried short positions some various hedge funds have. It's more like burning down a skyscraper or 10 with no one it because the bad guys own them. Some good guys will be inconvenienced, my parents and myself included, but fuck it, YOLO 🚀🚀🚀. If nothing changes then nothing changes, homie. The financial collapse in '08 really happened, so fuck them and your and my retirement. The elite have us by the balls and so we do nothing out of fear for ourselves? No sacrifice no victory. They can clench my balls hard and ill gladly jump off a cliff, taking them with me. [deleted] Robinhood didn't cause the price to plummet. People dumping their shares that they had pumped caused the price to plummet. Why would someone sell their shares for less than 200 if they thought it was worth more than that? Did robinhood do anything to actually change the intrinsic value of their customers' shares? I heard the same. Vanguard has always been solid, and fidelity is great. Sofi, too Yeah that’s the bullshit he pushes out on his show to feed the masses. He literally says in the video he would and I quote: “I would never say this on television”. https://youtu.be/gMShFx5rThI Gotcha, agree with you there I hope your week improves Alright I’ll bite, What truths are you sharing? Because all I’ve seen so far is someone who thinks they are above everyone else without even explaining their point or backing up their claims. Oh wait, who could of guessed. The throwaway account is just a troll. 🤔 A year ago, I would’ve disagreed with you, but I agree now. It’s not a liberal/democrat vs republican stance. This is just right vs wrong. What these people are doing is illegal and it’s affecting America. Maybe all countries are like this, who knows? Either way, America has just shown that they are DEFINITELY corrupt. The guy literally admitted that his brokerage helped “premium” members close out their positions, many of whom were in a short position. Literally manipulation on live TV. They had to halt it so they [stopped losing money](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/secfee.asp) IBKR blocked all Pullush Positions, Buying stocks or Bullish Options plays. Although you could Sell or do any Bearish Plays. IBKR CEO deserves to go to jail Prison time if they even get it, or whatever slap on the wrist they get later, was worth the price of covering themselves. Not to mention the SEC is more likely to crucify WSB than HFs. And a week later, absolutely nothing has been done about it. Just like 2008, the regulators wrong wrong their hangs and wail about the unfairness after the little guys are hurt and the hot shots cart away the money. More like pay the fine to avoid losing $3 billion+..... Can you ELI5 on the 2008 protests? I know that there were protests against corruption among the wealthy, but I couldn't get downtown to the protests before they were just booted off. No time to ask questions. ​ I've had this month explained to me a few times, got a good handle... But 2008? I'm retarded on 2008. How will they find out who is part of it? I signed up today because I’ve had Robinhood for quite some time... went to buy GME today and couldn’t. So I found the lawsuit and joined. I have my screen shot proof Why do you think the lawsuit will win? What if they end up coming up with a non market manipulative answer as to why they halted the stock? I sure hope so. Though I think Citadel is their underwriter? Either way, a message needs to be sent that this shit is just blatant market manipulation and we’re not going to stand for it. Lawsuits are flowing in against RH. They are toast. Fidelity has been wonderful to me. They were fast and did every trade. At one point I called customer service for help they were great. Go with Schwab. If anyone has Ally they approved me pretty quick. Commission free too This is currently a bipartisan issue, in fact it's the most bipartisan issue in like 10 years. If you compare it to the vote, the retail traders' plight will be dismissed by one side. [deleted] I'll be over here with my knitting.... This is the correct answer. But there is no limit on the potential loss in a short squeeze. The stock can just keep going up. The signs were there a year and a half ago. Prolly gonna downvote but remember to get some money out of this when it's all said and done. Not what you want to hear but there are going to be plenty of bag holders eventually Exactly. Give us our bailout if the brokers can't cover. We learned the system is corrupt and tilted in the rich's favor! They'll get bailed out to cover they're losses while we have to hope we don't get left holding empty bags! Because it was actually to let hedge funds cover Because suspending selling would be way way worse than just suspending buys. I think that's what HFT algorithms manage to pull off at the present moment... for the hedgefunds who own them that is Thank you for the explanation. It makes sense to me now. Nice sounds like it, the Robinhood story happened yesterday and looks like they'll be lots of lawsuits, not sure they'll do that again. I supposed the ladder sales and extra shorting is going to potentially add even more risk to even greater debt, since it'll pump the price 1st before dropping in value, so that's probably more a timing thing now. This is a once in a lifetime situation. This almost never happens. There's a reason we are seeing unprecedented corrupt, cheating behavior from the hedge funds right now. They are more scared than they've ever been. 99.9% of the time I would say this is a pump and dump scheme and you're missing some piece of the puzzle. But short of really illegal shit or being completely bailed out by the government these funds are *fucked* if people keep buying and holding Gamestop. Since the funds are the ones short *they* are the ones obligated to buy back shares. *They* will be the ones left holding the bag this time. Their risk is literally infinite loss. They are fucking terrified. This just shows how right we are. markets don't make any sense once there's manipulations. sure be fearful when others are greedy, but with 140% shares shorted means that if we get the prices high enough, they will get margin called and liquidated and will have to buy back GME at any price no matter what even if that means selling out all of their other good investments. this is no joke an infinite money glitch. espeiclaly if they double down. There is never a free meal. This meal is getting paid for by the hedges. Theyre the greedy ones because they shorted more stocks than actually exist, which is illegal. If they back out of their positions now then they go bankrupt trying to cover. So remaining in is their only choice. The rub lies in 10-15x margin ability of hedge funds. So every dollar they have is $10-15 of buying power in a position. When the risk model blows up and these funds get margin called, we get massive degrossing. Over leveraging has been a problem since the beginning of the stock market, and no rules from the debacle in 08 have ever been implemented to combat this. OverLeverage leads to overexposure ala the MBS market. Lehman wasn’t trading on a cash account, they got margin called and went bankrupt because of massive leverage on positions that lost 80% in a day. I like how you explain things. What would happen if the ""folks"" in a short position cant cover the cost of their position? Would a bankrupt hedge fund just go ""lol sorry bro, no money"" and the retail guys be stuck and not get paid? DEPLOY THE UPVOTES FOR VISIBILITY Jesus they truly are royally fucked. My position at 15 for 188 per is looking really nice rn. ARE WE BLIND? DEPLOY THE UPVOTES I gotta admin, this $GME moon mission beats those Eve Online mega battles that go down in history, the $$$ are slightly more real here but with all the plotting and drama. Holy fuck this needs to be on the front page. Options boys.....take some time to learn about them Holy snap when did this happen!? I'm looking at the graph and nowhere does it show $2,600 per share as a price of the stock today, unless there's another graph I should be looking at. Edit: Added an Extra 0 to the end of $2,600 lol *”OH...well this is not a mundane detail, Michael!”* The price is about right for a full share Because this isn't an exchange driven halt. It's literally an individual broker running out of money to conduct their business because of a select few high volume, high volatility stocks. Sorry, but why are they obligated to do that? They stopped people from buying it so the price could only go down! Are you trolling me right now? Lmao Whatever helps you sleep at night. You ready to throwaway this relationship yet? Or would you like to scratch that itch to have the last word? Yeah all countries are just like this, but the US is the beacon of the free world and when you beacon it's fucked up, the entire world is going to suffer. This WSB thing it's much bigger than someone ever imagined, every side of the political sides are agreeing: Wallstreet must pay for all the wrong they're doing and they've done. Getting away with 2008 was too much already. He even said that he's protecting themselves by not letting people buy. That's straight up market manipulation. Not them but shitadel TLDR of 2008 Crisis: 1. Fat Pigs were very greedy and caused the housing market to crash by giving out 0 Rate loans and mixing them in with Iron Clad AAA+ loans. 2. The main protests happened because no one involved in the crisis was punished. So people revolted that no one was held accountable. But the Government didn't care and brushed it away lol The 2008 Crisis is a lot deeper than that, but in essence people were fed up They'll just pull a list of account owners. In the case of RH specifically, anyone with an open account was technically impacted. A wider net would be to include people with closed positions in GME that took a bad beat today through the market manipulation and collusion. I don't really expect that to happen, but it would be nice. They screwed a lot of us today, not just RH account holders. There isn't one though, they stopped trading except for selling. Basically meaning they absolved any possible claim that they had motives beyond trying to help hedge funds and fuck retail investors. WE LIKE THE TOAST I tried Fidelity, but every time I tried to purchase it said I wasn't allowed to on an account that has an employer based retirement account, which mine does, so that's fun. E-Trade seems to be working best for me so far, I just need to wait on the funds which I'm hoping happens before the main squeeze. I agree this is a bipartisan issue, but what I'm saying is the way the HF's and short sellers said ""stop the losses!!"" is akin to you know who saying ""stop the counting!!"" - the HF's 'losses' are someone else's wins, just like the non- Trump votes were someone else's wins. How is it bipartisan when AOC basically told Ted Cruz to fuck off when he agreed with her about it being wrong for RH to stop trading? If there were any rules at all criminals like citron and melvin would have been forced to start covering shorts when their losses lost the first 200%. Instead they were allowed to double down. And when that lost multiples, they doubles down again. These fucks ARE STILL SELLING GME SHORT There is a limit. It's whatever the share price is. Its not a single person. It's millions. I have sells in palace at $1k. They can pay me or they can declare bankruptcy and work it out with us as a debt class. Such is life. What they can't do is cheat. I cashed out all of my GME positions on Monday. I don't have the stomach for that rollercoaster. But I am buying back in 100 shares today just out of spite at this point. I don't even care if they go to zero. I want these people to bleed. I'm up 400k since Jan 1st. 30k in protest is acceptable to me. Regardless, they still got me. I had call options in BB that were deep ITM expiring today, 50k worth. And they are going to expire worthless or I'm going to close them for a huge loss today because they decided to lump every single popular ticker into this GME thing as their great chance to tank specific stocks that most benefited them, even as the market surged as a whole. BB didn't have any outrageous short interest that was going to cause problems. It was just a popular stock on WSB, so they lumped it in under their blanket GME crimes. The audacity on display yesterday was stunning to me. No problem man, this shit is prime lockdown entertainment lol Yeah, there is also the possibility that they massively covered their worst assets yesterday when it crashed to 150$ ish next up, claims of financial terrorism/foreign/antifa interference by retail market access being too accessible. >infinite loss I guess the limiting factor is how fast the selling is when it starts. If it were really slow people could literally sell for a million dollars a share, right?? What's the physical gate on this ""infinite loss"" disclaimer I have to dismiss in my broker app every time I buy an option? At what price are all calls in the money? They’re fucking terrified that they might have to get jobs? But they cannot remain forever. At one point they must return what they borrow. [deleted] First it drains the broker then the clearing house then some insurance then the banks then it hits the fed. There’s several hundreds of billions, possible a trillion or more, to plow through before we hit the fed. Ayyy brother 15 at 212 checking in here. Diamond hands holding from here I had an avg. of 80 on my first 10 orders, and I picked up 2 more at 380. I think a lot of people are taking profit, but the smart ones will be patient. I can always sell the 2 when it jumps to 500+, and hang on to the rest. All that to say, yeah you're in a solid position imo. They're sweating. There is a lot of money involved in EVE too, but of course nowhere near this scale. This tiny sale didn't affect the market as a whole like that, methinks. its kindof like a future i tihnk He is from the future me thinks They signed contract saying they would. Foundation of the market is built on confidence your transaction will be honored. Without the obligations and liabilities, no one would put big money up and the market wouldn't be what it is. Any time market confidence is shaken the whole thing tanks. Why would someone sell their shares for less than 200 if they thought it was worth more than that? Did robinhood do anything to actually change the intrinsic value of their customers' shares? WhAt EvEr HeLpS yOu SlEeP aT nIgHt lmao. What a joke. Your username does fit. All your comments are throw away echos of this sites exact culture you little piece of a big joke What does “eat my fuck mean” Lee Ving? If Wall Street would have just taken their loses and allowed the squeeze to occur whenever the stock hit $60/s, none of this would be happening. They wouldn’t of had to show their illegal tendencies, politicians wouldn’t of had to get involved, and all the other stuff that has come out such as counterfeit shares would have never been discovered. However, they tried to battle the underdog and got themselves in a bad position. Now they are trying everything, no matter how illegal or wrong to win. This is arguably one of the last times Wall Street will allow themselves to get caught like this. This is the government’s one chance to finally fix what is broken in this country. Hopefully they do so. [removed] Anyone who was holding GME or any of the other stocks or bought them early in the morning was also affected, though. I bought GME early in the morning (on Schwab) only to have the price crashed when Robinhood got locked out from buying. It recovered somewhat pretty quickly but I still ended up cashing out at a loss. I’m not expecting any compensation, though. YEAH! This is Reddit! People don't understand sarcasm and irony here! I understand that. What I am saying is that the more you make that exact comparison that you just typed, people who are unfamiliar with the issue will tune it out as 'not real'. pick your battles. Why is it a crime to bet GME stock will fall? 1k? rookie numbers It's not the speed it's the availability. If the shares they need to buy are all held by people who refuse to sell those shares until it reaches X price, then that's what they need to pay. The limit is infinite. We could all ask $999999999999999999999999999 per share. Buying options is always a capped risk so I don't know what you're seeing. The max risk when you buy an option is the premium you spent on that option when the option expires out of the money. Max gain on a put option you buy is if the stock goes to 0. So that's capped. Max gain for call option is again infinite because there's no limit on how high a share price can go. Any price. But the higher the price the *more* calls that are in the money. Call strikes range from like 1 to 570? now I think. If the price ends at 400 today everything 400 and below is ITM. If it ends at 600, every single fucking call will be ITM. When you have the Treasury and SEC run by alumni of wall st, plus the millions of dollars of donations towards Congress from banks and hedge funds, I simply don't see it. If the worst recession in decades didn't result in regulation against this, I fail to see how the current situation could. Well we put in Dodd-Frank after the 08 crash, but over the years that got eroded away, and the fuckers went back on their manipulative bullshit anyway with (unrelated) CDSs and their other shitty white collar criminal tools. Yeah probably, my guess is it probably hit that number, but since almost everyone's account trading was halted, it only executed for the few that actually opened an order and had their account free to execute. Do you have an example of such a contract and where it says they need to cover it? You know exactly what the situation is and what I mean and you're being intentionally obtuse about it. Anytime the markets are intentionally being manipulated the intrinsic value doesn't mean anything I knew you wanted the last word. :) Have a cheery day. Let's all believe they will. For now I'm just thinking of pulling out every investment from the american market. They'll have to regain my trust again. The fuck? Naked shorts are illegal, regardless of if they happen all the time anyway. 140% of float is the barest definition of a naked short. It's literally impossible to cover There you have an explanation: https://speedtrader.com/stock-borrows/ TLDR: The hedge funds borrowed stocks from they broker to short them, but that broker doesn't have this stock, so they have to borrow them from someone else, who has them. If they want to borrow that share from someone, they had to promise they will return it with interested. And now that broker is at risk. Even if the hedge funds don't return the shares they borrowed. The broker still has to return them to the one he borrowed them from himself. This chain of borrowing shares can be pretty long. And everyone in that chain is now shitting their pants hopping someone in the chain before them will pay up, before it gets to them. I'm a different person, dummy. Edit: But we both have gun references in our user name, so maybe that was too much?? Oof that’s pretty awkward, and that my friends is why you don’t take financial advice from someone who can’t even proofread the first line of a comment. Tell you what, I’ll still humour you since I like having the last word. ;) Trust me. Poor old granny isn’t spending her life savings on GAMESTOP, you clearly know nothing about financial portfolios and it’s obvious because you still haven’t come up with any evidence or proof to support your claims. Hell I’ll even take anecdotal at this point, because guess what. It doesn’t exist. It saddens me that you want to throwaway our ‘relationship’ that easy, maybe you weren’t actually invested to begin with. It’s almost like you are disingenuously arguing a point with the intent to cause discourse. Aka trolling. Either that or you are as stupid as you make yourself to be. Imagine creating a self fulfilling prophecy and still failing, good thing you’re using a throwaway account. I have friends that are doing the same. They’d rather lose the gains for the year than risk what could potentially go down as this year proceeds. Who knows what could end up happening by the end of 2021? I don’t blame you for leaving for a bit. Lol. Where did that come from? K Yeah better leave while you winning I guess. Just gonna see how this GME situation plays out since we gotta old but then I'll just switch to the other side of the coin if you know what I mean (the bot would remove if I said the name for some stupid reason)." BREAKING: Dow falls 240 points as Trump calls off coronavirus stimulus talks until after election,43995,https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/j6b8k8/breaking_dow_falls_240_points_as_trump_calls_off/,"A reminder to everyone, please focus on how this is going to affect a specific stock or the stock market in general. If your comment is pushing political agendas, memes, insults, trolling, etc then your comment is going to get removed and/or get you banned. If you *have* to discuss just the politics, then post this topic to r/PoliticalDiscussion without linking back to r/stocks, thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/stocks) if you have any questions or concerns.* I saw all my stocks taking a nosedive and I thought trump died lmfao Pretty sad state of affairs when I see the market drop 3% and my first reaction is to go check the president's twitter WHAT? He JUST said he wanted them soon, now this reversal? He got out of the hospital and people were buying shares and calls, expecting some recovery. This is like an investor assassination. What the fuck is the GOP thinking?!? [removed] Seriously this does nothing to help his re election. For the people who are “on the fence” of voting for him, $1200 in their pocket would possibly encourage them to give him their vote. Now you fuck the market this afternoon and literally leverage a stimulus on your re election.... not a good look Donny IMO the message he is trying to portray is simple. Vote me back in and you'll get your stimulus. Now, why the fuck he thinks that would work is beyond me. The democrats are the ones who have been pushing for more stimulus this whole time. The Art of the Deal. “Vote for me or wait until the end of January for any assistance.” Who does he think will be in office the day after the election? Not the people currently preventing him from passing his stimulus now? This is just pure spite for the American people. At 32 years old I just registered to vote for the first time... Taking the stimulus hostage. Who didn't see that coming? On the other hand, time to buy? Lol first it’s “vote for me for another check!” Now it’s “vote for me or there will be no more checks!” I’ve officially decided to move my vote from third party to Biden. There’s nothing to gain from anti-intellectualism, conspiracy theorists, and inconsistent baboons. Lol is he holding poor peoples money hostage unless they elect him? If you support this man after this I might advise you to heavily invest in NKLA Went from up $400 to down $800 in 20 mins, Trumps not gonna win and he’ll crash the economy on his way out, goodbye 2020 gains. Aaaand this fucker just hit my final nerve. Fuck him this is so blatant and he fucking knows what he is doing. What a fucking prick and somehow people will still say it isn't exactly what it is, blackmailing 300 million Americans. I literally bought like 2 Amazon stock too before the tweet. Damnit.... So he’s pretty much saying if you want a stimulus you have to re-elect him? This feels like blackmail The markets were so good today.. f*ck!! [removed] [removed] [removed] ROID RAGE I feel like this just sealed the election HOLY SHIT. And then they have the audacity to suggest that a Biden presidency would be bad for the markets. This is insane [removed] [removed] [removed] [removed] [removed] [deleted] ""Will you just shut up man?"" Just watching the big red line get longer and longer. Why not at least PRETEND to have negotiations until after the election? What's the value in cutting off all talks when individuals and businesses are legitimately struggling? Fucking idiot. Just that. Fucking idiot. Just...what a fucking idiot. Now that that’s out of the way, time to pull out and put the market if he’s serious. This shit is going to tank. Trump has the singular ability to make the wrong decision on almost everything he decides to do. It's almost uncanny. [removed] [removed] [removed] A presidential temper tantrum. Like a 2-year-old swinging around a baseball bat. how is this shit not at the top? hes literally screwed millions of americans and now we're looking at yet another fucking crash. covid can't kill this fucker fast enough [removed] 🤣 his supporters with nothing, not even good will still vote for him. He could have easily won this election, but instead he decided to try to extort votes from the American ppl. The USA is a pathetic joke. He's trying to buy your vote for $1,200. This President is nothing more than a Clown 🤡 this dude amazes me. each day he lowers the bar.. I didn't think he could get any dumber and then he does this and totally fucks his chances of winning in November. I watched it live on my Portfolio. I thought one of my stocks just got shit on but just everything lost what they gained today (and maybe more in the next hour) And people STILL think Republicans are good for the Economy... A few hours later he tweeted the airlines and small businesses need to be bailed out with billions. He's gotta be high. my portfolio got shit on, Boeing already had terrible news and got screwed even more, BAC which was finally recovering got shit on, and AAPL who was also recovering after a correction got pooped on, I think I lost like 1 percent of my whole portfolio in 10 minutes At this point based on the polls, the markets should be salivating at the thought of a fully controlled Dem House/Senate/Presidency. We will see stimulus like we've never seen before. Hopefully this will be good in the long run He’s clearly trying to make a huge mess to make Biden look bad, but passing a huge stimulus off the bat fixes a lot right away. It’ll make him look like the better choice on day 1 of his term. fuck this clown. My stock was down a bit, but still fine. I am angry because this stimulus will help small business & normal working-class people, Why can't he just understand that and give these people a break?? Nobody care whether these people are dems or rep, Stop using stimulus as politics to make people vote for him. what an evil, where's Jesus when we need him. This is typical Trump brinksmanship/chaos. He wants to appear like he's in control. There'll be a deal soon, and he'll claim that thanks to his mediation, he beat the 'libs' at their own game to get a win for the american people Fuck Donald Trump, Fucking Dummy. Lol this idiot is trying to strongarm people into voting for him.... Unreal Not even joking, I go take a shit to check my portfolio and see everything fall down. Locked in the profits, will buy back later. Edit: Of all the stocks I'm still holding, only cruise lines are still green. Unbelievable. Edit 2: Just moved heavy into renewables: SPWR, CSIQ, PLUG, FSLR, ENPH. We've reached ""Cutting off one's nose to spite one's face"" territory. Dexamethasone is a hell of a drug. Ok I know this is all political and I shouldn't apply logic here, but what's his plan? Democrats are likely to hold the House in 2021. His stimulus bill still isn't going to pass. The only way he passes a bill is if Democrats approve, before or after the election does not matter. What does matter is the politics of not passing stimulus. Democrats have nothing to lose. They aren't in the WH right now and they aren't being blamed for the stalling. Trump/GOP have everything to lose with this move right before the election. I don't understand their thinking here? This is scary. He might just tank the market even more if he loses the election So Trump is doing things in reverse? He wants to handle stimulus aid AFTER election while instructing Mitch to focus on SC NOW. Trump really said fk you RBG. Get this guy out for the sake of this country So he tweets about passing a stimulus check. And now he shuts it down. What a fool. Yes the drugs he's on making him more crazy! This is gonna be good. Can't wait for the next episode of ""how to fuck up a country"" the best of trash tv . It's been 193 days since the first stimulus package was signed on March 27th. If the next package is passed on December 1st, it'll be 249 days since the signing. For just $4.81 per day you, too, can sponsor an American. Please, please sponsor us. Our government is a pathetic piece of shit. Fucking asshole. Probably shorted the market before this and made millions. The only positive I can think of here that angry investors who are on the fence may finally waking up to which candidate would be better for the economy. I'll give you a hint. Its not the one holding the country hostage over stimulus talks until he gets what he wants, a 2nd term. lol how is this clown so bad at politics? After all this, he wants to drive the final nail into his coffin by not only outright rejecting a negotiation that will boost his reputation among voters but also causing a dip in the stock market, which isn't good for him either. Donnie's gonna Donnie like the idiot he is. I'm just surprised to see so many ppl on here say that he just lost their vote after his tweet. Really?? Like the shit he pulled off in the last 4 years was not enough for you to dump him? In a way, you're no different than him cuz you're invested in this election for selfish financial gains only. Does morality, social justice, environmental justice and common decency means nothing to you? The market will bounce back regardless of the Orange monkey. It always does. But your vote should be beyond selfish financial gains. Its about restoring some sort of sanity and decency to the American society. I'd be happy to take a short term hit on my finances if it means getting rid of this clown. I will recover my money in the long term - as always. Trump is a tool I'm somehow still positive on the day. Very angry though. If Mr. Clown in charge think he is going to win why the rush to confirm Amy. Anyway stimulus will be higher with dems but many people will suffer for 2-3 months. Fking blood sucking landlords are increasing rent even in these tough times I voted for the first time in 2016. I looked at Trump and thought ""hmm... so this is what civic duty feels like?"" Here we go again. Biden 2020. this drop is absurd Good let it fall then he will reverse course in 2 hours because the markets down. This guy is a clown. 400 pts now. i’m putting my money into a company that makes pitchforks and torches because they’re gonna be the hot item for the next couple months. We the American people are being extorted by the president. Honestly, I'm surprised markets haven't tanked. Yeah, everything dipped, but it all bounced back right away; everything only closed 1-3% in the red. Futures are barely pointing lower. From the rise we were seeing this whole week, it seemed like the market priced in stimulus getting passed. Trump even tweeted his support for stimulus. But Trump ending stimulus talks? That's a black swan event. This move just threw millions of unemployed, along with businesses barely hanging on, into the void. What are markets looking forward to? A contested election? Rising case numbers around the world? Large businesses like Disney and the airlines announcing tens of thousands of job cuts? This reminds me of when he first came to office and invited all the ceos to the white house, then the covid press conference with the ceos of wallgreens etc... then he bailed out ceos with the first stimulus, and leaves common people hanging till hes back for a second term... he literally paid $0 in taxes for a decade and people believe some politician is gonna help them with their bills... expecially a former slum lord And now says he will immediately sign and ""stand alone"" $1200 stimulus check to go out immediately. This is futures market and not actual DOW. Trump could tweet 20 more times before market opens Wednesday. Guys, the stimulus will be back on the table within a week. It's all just media attention. Trump: ""managed to solve that problem \*I created\*"" and then he gains all of the dumbasses that think he's actually making the economy better. For stocks/investing/wsb, you guys are all way too reactionary. Especially if -2% phases you Cool. Just another crash. Thats only the 4th time its crashed in my lifetime. Super chill. During quarentine it fell faster than on Black Monday in 1929 when it caused the Great Depression, but whatevs dawg. This is normal at this point. If you keep bailing out billionaires when the market crashes, theyll probs keep crashing it. Jokes on them tho, cuz when you're as poor as me, the stock market doesnt mean jack shit. In a consumer driven economy like America where the people’s spending power is the thing that keeps it going....giving Americans money they can spend makes no sense. /s He's almost making it too easy for Biden Tank the dollar, pocket 500 billion of fiscal stimulus money, deny much needed stimulus from others... This clown has robbed americans clean. He needs to go. He is out of control. Someone needs to give him a fake phone, like they gave his father fake papers to sign. This didn't age well... ALL GREEN FOR ME today. Vote democrat This dude is so stupid. A stimulus passing before the election was his only hope of winning and now he just nuked it. Fucking dumbass. One thing Trump knows is manipulation. He knows that his words/actions directly affect the market. Dude and friends are shorting the market intentionally. He doesn’t give a rats ass about the negotiations either way. All that matters is how he can benefit from it. Period. I thought for sure he wanted this rammed through to get fresh checks out to people and basically ""buy"" the election. Surprise, surprise, I guess not. More like over 600 points. (28,347 to 27,737) [deleted] That explains why my portfolio is bleeding nothing but red. Wtf what was his logical thinking process behind this?? Lol this guys 100% going to sabatoge everything on his way out isn't he? Closing all time sensitive options tomorrow and will be holding shares for a while - something tells me its going to take a long time to break even from what he's about to do them this month. How many people do you think he gave a heads-up to before posting that tweet? Bet some people made a ton of money on that plunge. He knew exactly what he was doing. When the market barely moved on Friday (upon him entering the hospital) and was actually green in Friday after hours I really think that was probably crushing for him. I think he expected the wheels to fall off only to recover when he did. He now knows he can't rely on threats that the markets will tank if he loses. I think this is the new 'plan'. Dangling the stimulus in return for a Trump vote. He's willing to tank the economy/market by withholding stimulus the Fed Chairman said was badly needed just hours earlier if it means the move could mean his reelection. I feel like trumps strategy is to make every one but his cult absolutely hate him Biden is just sitting back, legs up as Trump takes a proverbial dagger and slowly presses it further into his own chest. Market manipulation? “I used to be an investor like you, until I took a remdesivir to the bloodstream” He doesn't GAF because he and his peeps moved their money around before he headed off to the hospital last week. He admitted waiting until the market closed to check himself in. They very likely set up tens of millions in short sales and now they must manipulate the market further to cash in. Sure he’s racist and awful and dumb, but you can’t argue that he’s also not awful for the economy! Have we dismissed the possibility that it's his meds talking? They are reputed to cause mood disorders. Trying to leave Biden with a recession. Holding help for millions of Americans hostage should wake Republicans up but they will continue to eat his ass. I WANT TO GET OFF MR. TRUMP'S WILD RIDE Alot of people are already sick of the election messing with theirs lives content wise, the last thing people want is to learn one of the few lifelines they have is now being used as a weapon in that election. covid was caused because trump did nothing, things got mad so lockdowns happend and business went bust and people lost jobs, now trump is refusing to offer any aid to help the people he's has hurt, he pushed working Americans over and Is now kicking them while they are down saying ""hey vote for me and I will stop kicking you"", he's a bully, He saw the polls today and realized he needs to start lobbing some hailmarys. This isn’t it though. I wouldn’t be surprised if he started releasing some crazy shit at the end just to burn it all down. Like JFKs assassin or if aliens are real or not. It went back up anyways looool Anyone panic selling? Trump tweeted: “I have instructed my representatives to stop negotiating until after the election when, immediately after I win, we will pass a major Stimulus Bill that focuses on hardworking Americans and Small Business.” As someone who voted for trump in 2016, I’m just gonna sit this election out. A lack of stimulus payment isn’t going to break the bank, but I was planning on putting it towards my children’s college fund. Trump is NOT the problem with America, he is the reflection. I cant call this the average but many Americans: Relish instant gratification, obsess over their online identity and how others perceive them, live beyond their means then demand financial help, enjoy and even mimic reality TV, have no consideration for others...ect. Taking the mirror down will not change who we are. Bought more aapl to get DCA, avg down $1.20 so that's nice at least.. Logistically, how does this market drop work? How do all stocks everywhere drop in unison as soon as something like this is tweeted? Is it truly algorithms? Any place I can learn about this? I knew it. 240? If only... Come the fuck on... we need that second stimulus Does everyone in Here not realize when/if he loses it’s gonna be a colossal dump at some point ? Economic extortion I put $40k into QQQ before this... Remember, back in June, when Trump said we can expect another stimulus check in [a couple of weeks](https://youtu.be/2ZNW6DK5Mvs)? Pulled this from a story on CNBC: >Some Washington insiders have been baffled by the lack of pressure the public has put on individual members of Congress to get something done, Mills said. “What has been told to me is that they have not had that phone call, email or letter writing that they would have expected,” Mills said. Let em know And I believe tomorrow is going to be the start of Trump's second week of COVID, that's when things can get bad. I wonder if the market will crash more or recover if he gets sicker. Cant wait till he dies of covid. Fucking clown. It’s like Republicans aren’t even trying to get votes. It’s ominous All Biden has to do is talk about how much money he is going to shell out. He is choking the economy to get people to vote for him Wow the president is literally fucking your Economy to own the libs because when he loses he wants to leave as big a shit fight as possible, but yeah for sure he really cares about the country and it’s people Who wants to bet Trump and his cronies are all buying right now? Tomorrow he will back track and get a deal done and they will make a ton of money on this dip. I guess after paying nothing on his COVID medical bills he as decided people don't need the money... /s Dems can legit say, we will give you a bigger stimulus than the guy holding your stimulus hostage. Trump is actually retarded I fucking hate trump. He's caused me to lose so much money by fucking tweeting aaaaaaagh King Mierdas over here. Everything Trump touches turns to shit He made some good puts before the tweet. I want to believe that Trump's brain is pudding from all the drugs he's been taking, and not that he is that stupid. Or is he...hmm all he had to do was keep his mouth shut and his fingers away from Twitter. Could have held tough in negotiations without walking away. It's only going to get worse. Trump will sabotage things when he loses. Plus Trump and Republicans only funded the government until December 12th. They're going to shut it down after the election. Can’t wait for the r/conservative retards to invert their galaxy brains to explain to me the deep thought process on *this* one. Ah yes, after the election, when he has no incentive whatsoever to do anything to help anyone that isn't a crony or family member. This is clearly a move to try and pressure voters because he knows he’s going to lose. I’m just curious if any of the bootlickers in the House and Senate will jump ship or line up behind him knowing his days are numbered with this shit. Him and his buddies all sold and shorted bet Guarantee someone in his administration bought some juicy puts Delay, distract, dismiss. This has always been the plan. ""... Immediately after I win..."". The fucking delusions this guy has... The Dems will give a bigger stimulus anyway. He’s saving the airlines though! Thank you, Lord Trump. As an unemployed college student, I will definitely feel that stimulation from the airlines. He might as well call the talks off. The McConnell in Senate told Pelosi in the House that the Senate would not vote on a stimulus bill over $2 trillion. Out of spite she passed one at $2.2 trillion. Even some of the Democrats voted against it because they knew it didn't have a chance in the Senate and they knew Pelosi was playing the games that politicians play. I am sure there was $400 billion in pork that could have been cut out of that bill. Only $800 billion is direct payments to taxpayers. So fucking predictable. Now find which members of his family, GOP, and ""doner friends"" made puts and short sells and arrest them for insider trading. I'm up in 20 out of 23 stocks. Good day for me. Nice gains today, who are those that bailed again? Talk about political suicide. Trump is such a fucking idiot. McConnell is worse Lol here am I voting for Biden... easy choice at this point. I can’t wait for all the Trump flags and bumper stickers to eventually find their way to the garbage can come 2021 Whats the plan boys what we buying? Just pulled out and will be staying out until the election This clown thinks everyone is a prostitute, that will do anything for a buck. I am quite sure he used the same trick before. Dumb move by Trump. On the other hand, spending is out of control and I have very little faith that the 2 trillion would go to the right places. People like me should not be getting stimulus checks, airlines shouldn't be getting bailouts when it will be years before travel fully recovers, and on and on. I was team trump until he pull this shit. I know this is how he negotiate but to blackmail American come on man. People are suffering there is no reason to let them hurt for another month. I usually vote unanimously with my family. They were swinging for trump before this pandemic started. Now we’re definitely going Biden [deleted] This orange dipshit is just not fit for president. What are we expecting the rest of the week? Mild correction firesale? Here's Trump's thread of tweets. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1313551794623127552?s=19 I saw the stocks go up this morning after news of the weekend and him going back to the WH, sold off (a bit early but still decently) most of my individual stocks, kept a few safer options, going to just stick to DCA the S&P until this circus is over with. If it dips heavily or crashes I might get back in but I'm staying out until Trump is out. Still green, not as green but up still. My port is cannabis heavy Was about to turn on netflix but watching my portfolio somehow was more entertaining Shout out to the weekly WFC puts that I bought. Doubled my money and cashed them in 20 minutes. then flipped and bought calls One of the stocks I tinker around with to keep myself occupied while my other stocks grow (entirely so that I won't tinker with them I have one I do) was 10 cents from my limit to sell.... and within 2 hours dropped to 5% below open. It went from 8% up for the day to 5% down for the day in a span of 2 hours....jfc I've been hanging onto a bit of cash for a good buying opportunity. So what do I want to buy on sale? Maybe some Solar Edge, or more Enphase? To a lay person, is this situation comparable to the end of Trading Places? I panicked and sold of my best earner today, what u guys think was it the right thing? It went up a lot yesterday, went steady +-0 today. and suddenly it went down massively in 1 minute, felt like I panicked and sold off as I did not wanna lose the big gain ´yesterday But now its going below where I got out and it keeps bouncing up a little bit every now and then Usually I hold and I was planning to invest into this stock for a long time so this feels a little silly, but it had been almost bouncing up/down like 0.05 the whole day and looked so god dam stable 10/10 was short probably did not cover his shorts while at WR Medical Do you guys think the market will keep tanking after today? Damn bro I literally just sold all my stocks this morning so I could buy a dip again hahahaha nuts He said what ?!? Of course, as soon as I decide to buy some stocks this morning. And here I was worrying about my CC being tested. Looks like the only thing that'll get tested is my sanity. Win: me? does that mean that the euphoric semi-bull market is over? I dont know how to cross post but r/politics has a story that says Twitter locked 45s account Curious can the house get 2/3 majority needed to override the POTUS? ​ Oh the Senate has to be in cahoots too. lol doesn't seem likely at this point. Senator McTurtle won't go for that. bUy tHe DiP I just started investing in stocks today and yeah, i must have picked a really fucking bad day. Thought he was supposed to be ""great for the stock market""? He literally is holding the stimulus hostage until he gets his way. What moron thinks this is a good look? I think this should raise the Dow as Trump won't be the one negotiating the package 😂 Pretty funny considering the ones doing the sell off are rich bankers and hedge funds. Like they’re going to go broke with no stimulus. All they did is made it worse for the small struggling people that do invest. - unless they had puts. **Is anyone else reading this and wondering** what he is going to do in the period between possibly losing the election (because of stuff like this) and January? This guy is telling us he's going to let a portion of the country suffer unless we re-elect him... If he loses, he's going to burn everything down on the way out. Shares of Amazon.com Inc. (AMZN), Google parent Alphabet Inc. (GOOGL)[GOOG], Facebook Inc. (FB), and Apple Inc. (AAPL) were down Tuesday amid reports (http://www.marketwatch.com/story/house-democrats-proposing-to-split-big-technology-firms-reports-say-11601974327) that a House subcommittee that has investigated anticompetitive business practices for more than a year is set to recommend splitting them up and limiting the scope of their future acquisitions. Amazon's stock so far has taken the biggest hit, dropping 2.6%. Apple was down 2.2%, while Google slid 1.7%, and Facebook declined 1.5%. The subcommittee's report making those recommendations is expected any day. Correct. “Vote for me or no stimulus until February” I cant believe this guy. I hope all you people that are still thinking about voting for him see that he doesnt have Americas best interest at heart. Hes a clown at worst and a puppet at best. He needs to go. Holding the whole country hostage So much winning!!! I just can't imagine him using it to his advantage. Does anyone know if he holds FD's or something that makes him profit off of the market dropping since he knows be basically can swing it with his tweets? I feel like i'd be more inclined to go out and vote if i had a nice fat stimulus check before hand. Mails been sketchy in my area the last few weeks, and im sure as hell not taking a day off my wage slave job to go out. im a vital employee! /s The knives are out now. Don’t worry tomorrow he’ll back off that position like everything else he says and does. Honestly this man has no principled position on anything It fell 600 pts He's holding people's money hostage. The trashy cunt needs to be dragged out by his wispy strand of hair Lol why is anyone listening to this lunatic? Twitter should ban his Twitter and the news needs to stop covering him. Let him be a delusional idoit in the corner by himself The Dow will suck it up and move on. I wonder if this is side effects of the steroid. I saw 600... Subliminal message from Donald Trump...I will give you what you need ***AFTER*** I am reelected. Trump sure knows how to phrase a Quid Pro Quo doesn't he?! 240 points is not a lot. Why the sensational headline? Who upvotes this shit? Bots? If he was doing this for votes don’t you think he would push stimulus through so people get there money? What kind of bullshit are you on? Only the dems have put there votes up to the highest bidder. You literally had someone running for president and his whole policy was to just give away money every month. Asshole.. It’s like the bailouts and the stock market are somehow related. Stonks I love how the automoderator comment is about political comments will get removed, and every single comment is political. I was short a single NQ contract at the top when the news broke. Lucky, the stars aligned. My short entry was purely technical and I only anticipated a minor corrective scalp. Good God, the thrill of being short and watching wave after wave of red candles. It’s a roller coaster run by robots and fear. Ignore. Total bullshit Crazy that all of this could have been prevented had we taken the correct measures right off the bat. I like how they still think the whole world shut down just to spite Trump supporters. Prices of beef skyrocketed in AMERICA. That should have been enough for people to realize that some bad shit was about to happen. I seriously think he might be retarded it's he wants to calls our nation to crumble he's willing to throw everything on the fire to keep himself in power this isn't the actions of a president this is the actions of a would-be despot who wants to keep his throne. we can't allow this. This is what extortion looks like. It’ll be a fun four more years if he’s re-elected. Enjoy. What's so incredible is that he's making these decisions while on a cocktail of drugs and he's saying he doesn't want to do a deal that would help him in the election. Hippty hoppity out president is a piece of shiity. When the down drops 10k ill care. 240 is a dammed brokerage adjusting its in house holdings. Here Trump later tweeted, AH, that if sent a stand alone bill for a stimulus he will sign it. I think this will give good momentum in AM. Maybe this will stop those daily stimulus uodate videos Don't worry peeps he is having his own negotiations after hours with Pelosi once he realized he fucked up Imagine what'll happen when he loses 😬 hopefully not withdrawing from dexamethasone/other steroids again if politicians got paid like teachers, the stimulus would've passed a looooooooong time ago My concern is if the market will fall farther tomorrow. As he tweeted about 1.25 hrs before the market closed right? I suspect it didn’t have the full negative impact. Who knew that $1200 could hold so much influence. Seems pretty irrational One man should not have this much power over the market, he can basically manipulate it in any way he chooses with a single tweet and there’s nothing we can do about it. He’s doing the same thing when he led good business to bankruptcy. tomorrow he will agree to the stimulus and the entire trump administration will say he saved the dow. In Australia, if the prime minister doesn't work, the party ditches him with a vote of no confidence... How come this doesn't happen in America? Fucking garbage If Obama had pulled this shit and held the economy ransom you'd burn the Whitehouse down I would be voting him out even if I got the stimulus! Which he wasn't working on anyway! Trump: The US economy is more important that people's lives. Also Trump: My personal reelection campaign is more important than the US economy. So we're all on the same page here. While he was in the hospital, he was screaming for stimulus RIGHT NOW. Once he got out, suddenly it's ""nah that can wait."" Who cares???? Not a big deal at all. The Dow dropping 240 is nothing lol. Anyone who pays attention know that shit happens all the time Still up 8000 points since the inauguration 3.5 years ago 240 is just an average day - it’s up 377 this morning. Also Trumps fault? Articles like these being upvoted to the front page are why I'm convinced that there is a major left-wing astroturfing campaign on reddit. The best part is that the main points of the article have been nullified in less than 24 hours. Why are so many scared of a small drop like this? We already went through a roller coaster sized drop in March and this is pretty par for the course in coronavirus times. It's back up 450 points this morning. Don't panic sell, just stick with it and buy more on the way down if it goes there. DOW is up 434 points.. And it's up 400 today... people should calm down. And the stock market is back up. Investors need to stop being so reactionary to small news. Mine are all up. Not sure what everyone is talking about You know, for a president whose only metric for how the country is doing is how well Wall street is doing he sure does mess with it a lot. Dow falling 240 points is nothing. Why is this even news? Why was this pushed up in r/popular? This place is filled with trolls, shills, and bots. It’s back up boys how are things today? It's back up now I think his hope is to give it to Biden to deal with, and watch the GOP be uncooperative The amount of TDS in the thread is sad. Congress will get it done now that he’s against it. Reverse psychology works with children. Buy the dip Good buy the dip someone please explain to me what the presidential election has to do with stimulus, what possible reason (except for a self serving one) would tie those two together Well... Time to but stocks for my Roth IRA. I managed to get lucky to sell a chunk this morning. This dip aint shit though. We have to get this clown out of office If there is an uncontestable result by the end of November that disfavors Trump you can bet your bottom dollar he'll blow up as many things as he can in order to make Biden start on the worst possible foot. And, frankly, I dare him to. That'll definitely lock in any undecided dem-leaning votes... Real talk: when do I seriously consider dumping it all for cash for the inevitable crash? What taxes would I be paying to dump and buy back? and EDIT: seriously fuck this guy 1000% Could he just fucking stop already? Is it classy to wish for his death yet This makes zero sense, even for him. He knows he's losing the election. The only chance he has to stay out of prison is to steal it. Vote him and all of them out in a landslide. I'm voting the mangotan out BUt tHe rEpubLicaNs aRe GuD fEr tHe econuMee... But voting for a judge before the election, still all good. Dear right: They don't care about you. Yeah fuck this guy! Holding the country hostage. In other words, you all can eat dirt while my broke ass consume all of the privileges available for me you that gave to me, until you vote for me again, for me to continue living of these special privileges that you will never be getting in your sorry lifetime. this guy just gets worse and worse 2% drop isn't shit...goofballs. I wish Twitter would just lock his account with a month left to go. His base wouldn't know what to do. He's changed his mind already. [In late-night tweets, Trump changes course on coronavirus relief talks](https://www.yahoo.com/gma/trump-says-hes-calling-off-195300588.html) Someone take the drugs away from this man! Hahahaha and now the wealthy elite will abandon him too. He's pissed of the poor by denying stimulus and he's pissed off Wallstreet with the erratic market dives. What an absolute moron. Biden 2020. Not a smart move Trump. Making people lose money to vote for you.And give a small portion back? Hello president Biden WOW! Almost an entire 2%? Grow up idiot. You're post is bathing in political undertones and should be taken to r/politics instead. What a dunce, holy fuck [deleted] Fellow European here: How bad is this? Maybe I’m dumb but how is it blackmail? Wouldn’t it be smarter for him to pass the stimulus? The only thing Trump succeeds at is failing. what a fucktard. only reason that makes sense to me is he thinks that he can control the stimulus debate if he gets reelected. but he wont get reelected doing this shit. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU. he is all hopped on steroids You just lost the radical left. Trump crossed the line when he lost me money! Can this Trump guy just leave the office already... All you dumb greedy fucks who would vote for Trump because “MuH 4o1K” are getting exactly what you deserve. It is important to understand the message that is being spread to republicans. They are saying that Democrats are not negotiating in good faith and until that happens they can’t move forward. It is the Democrats fault that this has ended. BLAME THE DEMS!! Not us! We are just trying to help. We want to give you everything if they would just get off these issues! This is the messaging. Feel how you want to feel and be upset about Trumps actions but his apologist following will believe him. Long story short - VOTE! He knows he is going to lose, he just doesn’t want to give stimulus to the people who voted him out. If he loses in November he will hold the stimulus all the way to January. I’m going to be buying lots of puts because it is going to be one sad Christmas. :/ This didnt age well. Time to play politics Dems!! Wow Donald Trump fucking over his chances of re-election like a giant snowball tumbling, one drug-fueled statement after another. He offered 1.6 trillion but dems got greedy. Is this why a lot of materials industry dropped? If the index was up 5%, and dropped 4%, the headline would read ""Stock market crashed 4% in a single day."" Just threw the uncertainty and hope of coranavirus stimulus out the window and guaranteed nothing is happening until after the election ends -.- Markets aren't dropping *that* much and are recovering a bit. Either we have no stimulus until January priced in or markets are calling this bluff. Practically when can the stimulus be expected to be passed by the election winner? 1st week, 2nd , 3rd of November .... 2nd week of December, 2021? reduced all speculative holdings, just sticking to my etf's now, but man... what a weird way to do this So that's what happened today lol Right after I bought some VOO shares, rip Down by 15%. Rough day. These next coming weeks are gonna be an up-and-down ride! So I'm completely ignorant to stocks so can someone explain to me how Trump ending stimulus talks affects the stocks and made it drop? Pretend you're talking to a 4th grader lol... Why did this have an effect on the stocks? I’m new to stocks so I can’t see how this would effect it to drop to fast. He's giving up n ready to throw in the towel to cement a Biden victory. I pulled my account months ago to pay bills and today is the day I choose to start investing again. Fuck me I guess. Y’all are acting like this isn’t a clear bargaining ploy. Trump needs this stimulus to win the election. I'm torn if I should bail on my holdings and stop my losses tomorrow at open and switch to puts and keep my account cash instead of shares but it would be a sad loss of portfolio regardless dont get this at all.. how do the other members of senate even support this decision.. its in house and senates hand to have this go through not Trumps.. and if senate is supporting this do they not realize its their seats on the line as well.. Striplining - works great. I lost half my portfolio in 5 min ...... it wasn’t a lot but still fucking half! We're in a Bubble, right? It's going to pop soon, right? All the outrage, as I the only one buying the dip? Volatile markets are fantastic Think we will see a 2018 type market retreat until the new year? I can see that happening the next 90 days Why do people still talk about the Dow in points is beyond me... Your headline literally reads BREAKING: Dow falls... 0,86% lmao This is what happens when the market is built on hopium I definitely didn't miss the part where he fucking bribed all of the working class. I bought stocks today after several months of inactivity and triggered this. Now, what will tomorrow hold... It's like a soap opera. Cool so now he's holding our economy hostage. Par for the course. Raise cash. This is just the beginning of the Orange clowns extortion and strategy. He’s a even bigger asshole after his Covid scare. Captain ""I'll save the economy"" just diarrhea'd the bed. Have had hyillion since before the merger and held through the peak. I think this has finally scared me off the position just to lock in what small profits I have left so I don’t become a bag holder. Also, be prepared for Trump to basically stonewall any negotiations on a stimulus if he loses the election. We may be looking at January 2021 before anything else happens, and that's not a great sign for people and a lot of businesses. This is just ""punishment"" for not voting to re-elect him. For eff's sake. I was wondering what the hell happened. Is this like some fucked up quid pro quo or something? FUCK THE PRESIDENT WHAT EVER HIS NAME IS. IN 2020.HE IS TRYING TO BUY VOTES. DONT FALL FOR IT PEOPLE. Who gives a fuck? Not the majority of voters who could care less what a 20k dow means Damn I am shocked the rich people feelings graph dropped because trump said fuck the poor people? Downright flabbergasted Republicans crashing the economy again says what ? So, Trump is hurting the rich by not helping the poor. How ironic It's a bold move, Cotton. Let's just fucking do it and be legends, man. Roid Rage Donnie is even dumber and more impulsive. Our homegrown idiot The real welfare queens have been exposed to be big business. Trump bought puts The news story on the News tab of Reddit said it dropped 400...? I got so lucky and bought BA puts when the BA announced its neg news. And now Trump drives it home for me. Dude's on the DEX! Market gonna burn for him! No honey no money . The extorter and chief Think of the rich people donny. We need this stimulus for your precious stock market donny. Give me whatever drugs he is **NOT** on! Did the drop not also have to do with talks of increased Tech antitrust regulations? GOP can't win so they cheat. Gerrymandering, USPS sabotage, and now extorting the stock market. Article 25 please, he's obviously mentally unfit. https://i.redd.it/xqutvralbjr51.jpg I am neck deep into 10 to 45 days options. I was flying high with 75% of my options. Then it all dropped like a stone. This MF is so retarded it's beyond belief. So that’s why my stock fucking nose dived into the shitter How big of an impact will this have on the stock market? Are people mostly pissed because they won't get a stimulus cheque or just pissed at the loss of stock gains? Stonks Sounds like trump is a good deal maker. /s Trump got left out when he couldn't buy the March dip so he's gonna make the biggest dip he can for when he leaves office. It's called buying low selling high, folks. Is this his last attempts to damage America as much as possible? This sounds catastrophic, especially over Christmas. Trump is completely clueless if he thinks he has enough leverage to pull what he pulled this afternoon. Dude's trailing as it is if you go by polls (which I know don't always tell the truth, but still) and then he goes and pulls this mess, and this isn't even just market related, he's putting small businesses and poorer people that need money in danger. At least I hope so, because if he still ends up winning, good night... The political and financial genius just shot himself in the foot again. Love how trump tweeted “stock market to all time high” or whatever yesterday morning. Yeah we hit a nice new high before you sent it to shit. Thanks for the heads to buy the puts when you did Time to buy!! Time for him and his cronies to buy up a lot of things then process the stimulus on Friday Thanks Obama Seems like a bonehead move for him if he wants to be re-elected... Trumpers tell me why I'm wrong and he's a genius. He's holding the economy hostage. Leaves hospital early so stocks rise Lowers them anyways by doing something stupid oh no not another round of discounts whatever will i do “I have instructed my representatives to stop negotiating until after the election when, immediately after I win, we will pass a major Stimulus Bill that focuses on hardworking Americans and Small Business,” Trump tweeted on Tuesday I can’t believe the president is blackmailing his own citizens. That’s a new low. If we don’t get stimulus to the people before the election. Dude just lost a ton of vote. Mango man bad! Fucking murderer is killing Americans. He also created 10 million jobs. After he lost 30 million buy hey, it is what it is Wonder how he dials this back. What a fucking idiot. And somehow my Uber puts have gone nowhere. The fact that Uber’s stock has held mostly firm speaks to the irrationality of this market. Great for young investors that can still afford to invest and buy on the cheap. Sorry for everyone else who was counting on the stimulus bill to survive. Investing feels anti-human sometimes. I really don't get his perspective, this doesn't seem like a winning strategy. What a cunt Political and economic suicide 401k! VOTE! Its not really a suprise at this point. Congress cant get shit done. We need more moderate people to be in there. It's he loses he won't pass it an blame it on Biden. He thinks extortion like this actually works because he's never been hopeless in his life. Good thing I bought puts for 10/9. pfft call me when we hit all 3 circuit breakers in a day. we're in for a crash with this insanity. What a d*ck, that’s why all my stock fell all the sudden? I was gaining all day until he annonce this Why was the 1.6 trillion rejected? Tiger blood! It's a negotiation tactic to get the house to create a stimulus more acceptable to him. I'd bet more on a stimulus being done before nov 3 than a DD from the investing sub that shall not be named. Litterally the line after calling someone else out for not negotiating in good faith he refuses to negotiate till after the elections... Not stonks Perfect time to buy! Spoiler alert, even after he “wins” he still has to work with Democrats. This wheezing fool can’t pass anything with just the Senate. The only people this bullshit reasoning is working on is the least educated group of people in the US. Oh look, his base. SEE ALL THE DAMAGE BIDEN IS DOING!!! Hmmm who thought that the idea that consumers may not have some extra spending money might make the economy quiver a little bit. I thought this was r/wallstreetbets and started to laugh at you guys. Than I saw the sub. I'm kind of scared Can someone explain how this affects the stock market? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wBp2VusRhE What are the chances right now enough republicans are sick or are out they won't be able to confirm Amy? Not going to lie...because of Trump's decision to force them to halt talks on a stimulus deal and to play with the American economy like it's his own personal lottery, I kind of want them to deny her as a giant fuck you. My in the money 340 spy call was not a fan of this. Y’all need to diversify your portfolios 240 points on the Dow is noise. The party knows he’s going to lose and just wants the pick. It's probably a negotiation tactic or a cheap attempt to encourage people to vote for him That'll help him in the polls Is 240 points even a lot? Damn it. My wife and I literally just started investing yesterday. We put about $20,000 in various Vanguard Index funds... Suspected he was trying to lose ever since he went full MSNBC-brainworms with his campaign strategy. Think he learned his lesson from 2016... That site is almost as had as the worst ones out there. Popups and ads and garbage. wtf... Anyone shocked by this? Show of hands please... Trump: If I go down, then I'm taking all of you with me... it’s so funny always seeing these social media posts about how Trump strategically acts to boost the market, but then you just see shit like this and get a good reality check lol It’s like a cranky 5 year old is running the country. Really wish he’d take a nap. ""You making it through Christmas doesn't matter to me. I have to make you feel as though if you don't vote for me you don't get your money."" The best thing for the stock market would be for pelosi and trump to be out of politics So how many American jobs is this decision going to cost?? Certainly a lot of companies were waiting on this money as a decision to let go of employees or not. Every time he touts the Dow, it seems as if it drops the next day. He bragged about 29,000 and the next day it dropped and hasn't been there again. Market is slowly buying into the idea that a total blue sweep is good for the market. It's almost like he doesn't even want to be president anymore ... To be honest. The president is literally holding the country hostage demanding that they re-elect him or else. You want your stimulus money? Reelect me then. What a douchebag. Pandemic T strikes again. Can't win the election? Time to sabotage the economy so you can blame it on the Democrats! What a dipshit. Well when the rich feel threatened of course the market will crash, everyday people are not impacted unless the rich try to “tax” them on their losses. Fucking idiot Highjacking the election... Yeah, **this** he puts off until after the election. The business of the people goes on, or it doesn't. What's it going to be Creep Throat? ???? https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1313615182535499779?s=21 Goddamnit! I just pulled the trigger on $500 worth of Zendikar Rising Expeditions. If I knew the economy was about to nosedive, I would have waited. /s ""you can wait a months to eat, but the stimulus will only pass if I win"" –Donald J. Trump ROID RAGE America deserves this. Nooo my stonks!! When he gets elected and the stimulus talks resume he will be like see what President Trump does for the Dow? hey welcome to the frontpage guys! good luck with your stocks! I fucking hate this simulation. I know you can fucking hear me. Can you just pick me up and place in another random as simulation please? Or just kill my real body. So tired of this reality 1.7% is this really news? This isn't much of a drop. I wouldn't be suprised if it is up 2% tomorrow ""If we don't vote for trump our economy is going to collapse!"" Every fucking day YouTube ad It's gonna be rebound in a few days. Remember it's illegal for US stocks to go down. I think it's actually kind of ridiculous that so many people had stimulus before the election already priced in. McConnell wasnt able to pass the 1 trillion bill, that was basically game over until after the election. What does this mean looking forward? Its a confirmation that this summers bull market is indeed over. The fed has burned off most of its resources in the past 6 months, they now own almost a 6th of the private sector(which is absurd). Massive layoffs have been announced across multiple industries, and consumer spending is steadily dropping again. My guess is the Dow bottoms out near 21k sometime next February. Can talks resume after he dies October 12? Where are all the Trump supporters now? They just sit in their cave and stew. Pretending their master really loves them when in fact it’s just to get re-elected and he can’t even do that. Happy holidays to you too you freakin prick And yet another reason to hate that bastard 240, is that a lot? ITT: people role playing that their vote changed due to this when in reality they either live in a deep blue state, can’t vote or won’t vote or were always voting Biden anyway. Damn right! I love losing money just to own those libtards We are all going to pass on into the one place or the other. I pick the place where we are all an example that we take care of each other rather than the one where we kill everyone slowly, or in wars. Gotta buy that dip I seriously spent like 5k this morning adding to my portfolio. Then around 3 or whatever, just watched everyhing take a dive. I'd play until dawn again. That game was just so much fun So what are we doing tomorrow? Declaring war on someone? For someone who refuses to say anything negative about anything, its strange for him to tweet out that negotiations have stopped until after the election. It would be a stupid move without some purpose behind it. As to what that purpose is, I really dont know. Either a negotiations tactic or mistake. Time will tell. President McConnell doesn’t want to allow anymore stimulus so his bitch trump is throwing a diversion. Jobs Jobs Jobs! Obstructing? Couldn’t be rock Trump 2020 In a weird way, doesn't he do EXACTLY what Elon Musk does with Tesla? Except Trump moves markets! The president of the United States is extorting all of us now, just like he’s been extorting other countries all along. I saw my portfolio dip right after. Got sick to my stomach. He was probably shorting the market Don’t know what you guys are talking about but I gained 0.03% today. #ballin Nah I think this is just a negotiation tactic So, a fall of less than 1%? Pardon me if I wait a few days before I slit my wrists. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL > Dow falls 240 points as Trump ~~calls off coronavirus stimulus talks until after election~~ **yanks away the stimulus talks stick and dangles an, ""I pinky-swear promise I'll throw you dumb rubes some pennies if you vote for me"", carrot in its place** Fixed. It dropped 600 actually. I instantly assumed this was /r/wallstreetbets on the front page again. I didn't even know this was an actual sub. The market actually doesn't need the stimulus. It's unpopular but true. The market didn't get what it wanted. In the end the market will return over the ensuing weeks. This is a pure hardball play to apply pressure to the dems, many of whom are in elections battles in states with budgets absolutely ravaged by reduced taxes during the pandemic. Trump may even give zero fucks at this point knowing that he'll lose, and the GOP wants to try to hold on to the Senate. meh, just political theater. Market no like taking away free money. Donnie, you’re out is your element! Why are they allowing him to make decisions for our country while in covid recovery hopped up on drugs galore? I'm not really sure how this makes sense as a strategy given that electing Biden and a democratic senate essentially guarantees a larger stimulus (and likely another round of checks for regular folk) than anything the GOP could get the votes for. I'm sure his supporters can do some mental gymnastics on it but they are already voting for him... Is this just an art of the deal thing? I bet Democrats decide to compromise Time to Buy! thats what, about 1.5% ? OH NO! TRUMP DOOMED US ALL!! Bought puts two weeks ago lets fucking go!!! LUV took a hit but it's strong financials helped it not fall as bad as other airlines. LUV can hold out at these levels until 2022 thanks to across the board pay cuts and no furloughs. Someone has optimal options prepared for this, follow the money. Energy stonks stayed solid and positive on my end. Nice try trump lol. I guess teet sucking traders are fucked. elect me and I will give you money. He came in like a wrecking ball I happened to buy 75 shares of apple an hour before this ... lol the day after I got my quarterly report If you're not a daytrader this shouldn't matter to you. But magastonks The safest most cynical move is to assume none of Trump's goons have COVID-19, unless/until someone dies. Up over 300 then down 240.... still sounds like a gain ijs Bro all you got is the inflated stock market. If I was sitting in office and wanted reelection I would do everything in my power to make this crisis as easy as possible for everyone that has to decide. You can't hold government assistance hostage from the democrats lol. Biden/Harris and blue house will probably double whatever crap he was gonna pass. That's why them big ass reds showed. Glad I was out. Would've lost. No Christmas presents this year and chicken only for Thanksgiving for the lucky 6 in my family. and because of his horrible photo op last night, dude looked like death ITT: people who were up money before orange man got us Fake news. But what would Peter Schiff do? \*insert heroin addict analogy here\* isn't there an old wall street adage about what happens when everyone knows why the stock market is doing what it is doing This finally convinced my wife to vote. Good. The Stock market shouldn't be propped up with Government spending where a tiny fraction goes to help Americans and the remainder goes to various corporate special interests. It's almost at a 3 day low. Panic sell? > I'll release the funds, but first I want your electoral votes. CB I dont no why people believe he would even follow through. Trump thinks he's Bobby Newport and is holding our country hostage to get his way. There's your reason to vote against him. Yea...it's been going up and down by several hundred every day of the week. Where have you been? ​ whatch this you cant do this to kids ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w50kEVgU6lk&t=7s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w50kEVgU6lk&t=7s) Hes a cheeseball Ooo we better vote for Trump, or he may delete the internet😑 I'm sorry to everyone who really needs this stimulus! Since they all caught the virus they claimed was no problem, this is blackmail. Unless there are a few Republicans who are willing to stand against the vote. Is there any chance this is one of those bullshit tweets that then get an about-face in a few day? Shocking Im only down $13 and its mostly AAPL and DIS. So normal day Oh no not 240 points This is not stonks. Dude had a shitton of money in shorts. Putin ain't paying himself back. 240 points is nothing. He’s deleting tweets and writing new tweets about stand alone stimulus checks and supporting airlines/businesses Serious questions: is now a good time to get into stocks? I’ve been wanting to for a while but I’m not sure what I’m doing. Is there a good one to invest in now? Well... guess the economy sucks again... Damnit, my stonks! I just bought up a bunch of RKT at the dip, hope this picks back up Why isn't this subreddit called r/stonks? I read trumps tweets. Can someone explain his reasoning for waiting until the day after he is elected? Like what he says his reasoning is The dow jones just feel down to zero STONKS. XD Trump calls off winning a second term. My measly $600 portfolio felt it Bonk🔨 Is it an obvious he wants his team to focus on filling in the Supreme Court seat My first thought was he gave up and is giving it to the democrats so market is re-correcting. But now he is reversing course. Either the dexamethasone kicking in bigly or Donnie’s real boss is always the market Coronabribe That broke my heart. I'm a very newbie trader, and I was about to go to lunch at work (office job so I can still check periodically). Then everything goes red. Held what was small and looks salvageable but escaped the cliff divers. Good day to sharpen one's senses I guess! Honestly if Biden wins we’ll probably get more than his measly 1200. This just helps me convince more people to vote him out lol Not till I know whether or not it’s up 112% in the past year and already up today 3.4% after hours. I don’t apply in my opinion. The indexes dropped like 1%. How is this even news? Thats noise My vxx calls are gunna print? ...well I'll be S&P dropped 1.4% idk why yall think its the end of the world. its literally higher than it was 4 days ago Trump farts and the Dow will fall Can someone please ELI5 for all of us from r/all who have no idea what this means? Mucho gracias! It seems like he does this once in a while when things are politically turbulent. He says something that tanks the market so that in a week or so, when he needs some good press, he does a 180, the market soars, and he brags about the economy again. Could I please get an ELI5 as to why stocks have fallen because of this? Thank you Da Fuq? You'd think he'd see the benefit of sending out bribes -i mean, ""stimulus checks"" right before the election but okay. Now I'm definitely not voting for him. I don't give a fuck about rich people's money. Honestly, that ain’t shit. Why would the democrats make him do this? /s Nice economy ya fuckin narcissist Time to buy. I'm hoping he comes to his senses and gets back to the negotiating table, i can't see how this is beneficial to him, the American people, or the markets. Fang doing fine over here, nobody believes in breakups I was expecting the exact opposite, thinking he would try to do his best to get another round of “Trump cheques” into people’s bank accounts before the election. I wonder if holding it over people’s heads when you’re up against a “socialist” who would be even more likely to provide stimulus cheques to small businesses and individuals is really going to do anything Bu..but trump said he’s good for the stock exchange! Never better! “Why is the world so interested in American politics?”, “you ain’t Americans. What’s it got to do with you?” Ummmmm.. Do you guys think the market is going to keep going down like in february? Future hella green, stocks only go up So basically you are holding American livelihood ransom? Yep you are indeed fit for president....... Futures green as fuck... All this for 1200...were all trash whatch this you cant do this to kids [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w50kEVgU6lk&t=7s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w50kEVgU6lk&t=7s) 240 points really isnt shit though. It's less than 1%, and a normal swing on any given day. It was already pushing up against a resistance point on daily and looking for any excuse to drop. It's already recovered a good portion of this relatively average drop in overnight futures going into the new day. How is this post so upvoted? ~300 points. That's below 1.5 %. The horror. And today, the dow has risen by ~200 points as compared to yesterday. Well, breaking news: The dow usually fluctuates some. As compared to 7 days ago, the dow has even risen AFAICS. I'm turning around and adjusting my blanket. I think I'll wake up when the monthly average has changed. Smooth move ex lax Forget your past stimulus either Shouldn't the Headline read: ""Broken""? Is this not direct bribery against the American people? Where are the attorneys at? This is ridiculous Stock portfolios aside, this is just more incredibly devestating news for people who are already truly suffering. why did he do this? does it put him in a stronger position politically? WHAT! I thought all the forecasts on future returns were updated for a 2% less valuation. That’s what I assumed since Trump keeps pointing to the magical market as an economic indicator. I didn’t realize the stock market is actually just a casino. Kind of seems like Trump is just giving up. does this not count as bribery?! nothing genius, smart etc about it Strange way to say ""trump holds nation of unemployed hostage unless he gets elected"" And people STILL think Republicans are good for the Economy... What’s up premature? Is it up? Oh Jeeze. Oh deer. Armageddon cancelled again? When will you learn. Suddenly the left cares about stocks again lmao What a dumb move, the drugs must be hitting hard cause he only cares about the market. Plot twist: we were never gonna get them I remain convinced that he’s intentionally dropping value from the stock market to immediately invest so when it bounces back he and his wealthy republican cronies can fiat grab more money they didn’t earn. Thanks, you baboon. The one thing you had going for you right now and you shoot yourself in the foot and me in the stonks. To shreds you say.... Still overvalued Wake me up when it plunges 30% Ok let’s be honest the lots of people need help is basically referring to the $1200 payments, which the last one was many months ago. If your survival was based on this you were dead and buried months ago. Most of this money goes to bail out companies and states who have massively over leveraged themselves. Does that mean both of them should just go bankrupt, no. But let’s just take a second to realize the level that both sides have politicized this to be an election center piece and neither side actually cares to get anything done because any compromise by either side would be seen as weakness during election season. Our system is awesome. Cool, my retirement dropped 15 points. I'm actually pretty confident in my investments, not gonna get worried until the entire market collapses. At least then I won't have to worry about retiring (: Lol get fucked AND ITS BACK UP NOW :) BTFD Anyone else notice the timing? Quarterly 401k reports went out this week with great numbers. Now most people won't see another report until January. SURPRISE Sold everything a week ago anticipating a lot of uncertainty before the election (and after if Trump loses) For a free market it really likes government help and money. It's almost as if he knows he's gonna lose the election and is trying to fuck the economy as much as possible before handing it over to Biden so he can later blame Biden for it. He blamed Obama when he inherited a recession and he later took credit for the booming economy he inherited. Because even poorer people can't get out to vote against me if they can't afford to travel 50 miles to the nearest polling station. Smdh. Sincerely, a Canadian neighbour. As if the stock market is actually reflective of the public financial health. Something like the top 1% owns 90% of the stocks That's fine. One $1200 stimulus check over 9 months is plenty generous, thanks so much Mr. President. ...is it dead yet? According to reddit the stock market doesn't matter For the people that sold off how are you Feeling today thank god for forex. you profit off the sell or buy haha. You know why he did that? It’s his abusive nature. He’s down in the polls so he’s saying - oh yeah? I’ll show all of them! No stimulus! Just like when his nephew tried to dispute his fathers will .... baby Donny said oh yeah I’ll show him! And took away the nephews baby’s insurance. ( the baby had MS). THIS is pure trump. A big ""fuck you"" to the American public. he is good for \*a small subset\* of the market. Remember the cycle of: \- trade talks with China go good \- stonks go up \- trade talks with China break down \- stonks go down \- repeat ​ and throughout it all, massive unknown trades going through the day before each bit of breaking news? ​ He's been insanely profitable for those in his network I really don't get this, wouldn't giving every american another $1,000 before election day just be an easy win for the trump administration? How is this not bigger news?? Goddamn. This move might even make his own party to turn on him. Good I’ll bet he shorted the market. The stock market has no bearing on reality anymore. Q2 numbers were the worst in history down 32% and stocks are all “meh” but one mention from Trump about anything at it falls. Think long term and carefully ride the dips and valleys for both now and into the next quarter. DOW up 400 points today... Trump is just to reckless and continues to make mistakes you wouldn't expect from a President. I don't mind Biden because he's so dosile and he reminds me of one of those old worn out dogs that are mostly blind with cloudy eyes. Jesus! More obvious market manipulation from the trump crime family. Why is no one talking about this? I don't know if it's through his kids, his friends, or an offshore shell company, but I guarantee you trump is illegally profiting from these market swings. Motive: a billion in debt coming due. Opportunity: he's the president and has twitter. During the entire China trade deal saga, the trump crime syndicate made several profitable market gyrations. Now with a month to go, they want to cash in a couple more times. Take that to the bank. #totallyundercontrol Anything less than a 3% drop or gain doesn't even phase me anymore. short squeezes have propelled the market since 2009. inflation worries, deflation worries, back and forth Called it off to get rid of the BS trying to be added to a bill. The ball is in Congress's (Nancy's) court. Well played Trump. Holy shit Stonks up 1.44% today when trump coughed lmao. Despite the very late fall yesterday in the NASDAQ, one of my tech funds was down whilst the other was up, go figure!! My portfolio is ATH!!!! So he walked back that statement, proposed a new deal, a d neither Democrats or GOP are on board .. So ..... time to sell in early pre-market? I'm convinced the market will continue going up, until after the elections Barely even a dip bruh Who cares The vol is awesome for making money. https://t.me/joinchat/SGZGlhxXda-80vLO-fe71Q This was eleven days ago. Why is Reddit alerting me to eleven day old news? I have my mother for that. I see red... red... This is a man who can't make up his mind not something a country needs! I’m barley surviving and HE CALLS OFF THE TALKS😡 That S.O.B. and the “B” doesn’t stand for baby😡 Which means we will not see another stimulus package until Biden is sworn in. And I'm not saying this because I believe Biden will win, but because the Trump Admin has declared the Coronavirus pandemic *essentially over.* You people think like such simpletons, it's truly incredible. The Democrats wouldn't budge one single bit, and threw in tons of absolute trash into their bill such as voting rights for ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. Hell no, I would say the same thing if I were in his position. If this were only about stimulus, a deal would have been done a long time ago, but Democrats made it about stimulus plus a bunch of bullshit that they wanted to pass to help them get more power. Gtfo with this simple thinking if you really can't see it's deeper than just ""holding money hostage until after the election."" 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Why is 29 day old news hitting my notifications? This is terribly misleading for anyone who doesn’t pay close attention to the market or ya know, read how old the post it. Why tf did I just get a notification for this? ITT: people claiming they are changing who they vote for in a presidential election based off a 1% momentary dip in the stock market Edit: or because he's blackmailing people who need a stimulus Trump knows that he's losing the election and wants to leave our economy in the worst condition possible Can one of you fine people explain why the president's condition has any bearing on the stock market? Lol the political astroturf here. 17 democrasts also defected to republican side on the Democrat relief bill. Sneaky dems want to pass Ballot harvesting nationally in a COVID HEROES Bill, that's the actual clown in all this. I think everybody needs to calm there tits down for a min. 1st The stimulus bill has been deadlocked for quite a while now and despite all the news/hope of a bill being pass, neither side budged its all political. 2nd with a breakneck change in the market we are likely going to hear some sort of bs after hours that the market can cling too. This really seems like an engineered catastrophe to me, i would REALLY like to think that the admin that is riding the back economy to reelection is smart enough not to tank it, which makes me think it was intentional and someone is profiting from it, but also will be corrected just at quickly Ok, so he is saying no stimulus until after the election, banking that people will see that a vote for him is a vote for a stimulus. Would this be considered a quid pro quo or has he just not been explicit enough This really isn't good for the economy or the market. Oh well, less than 30 days to go until this is all (hopefully) over That was fun to watch live as the prices just kept falling. Way to help those already hurting by your inaction. Great leadership There shouldn't be a second stimulus anyway, especially when there are tons of people like myself who never received the first check even though I am eligible. Trump to his friends: ""We're going to announce the positive COVID test result - time to go short!"" Market: Doesn't crash Trump to his friends: ""Hang tight, we'll get it done"" Market: Is still a ponzi scheme fueled by speculation. Russia: ""Hold my vodka"" Biden also just got some 40,000 airline employees who have been furloughed or laid off. He really wants out Who tf cares. In 40 years my portfolio won’t care what Trump tweeted. This liberal propaganda is getting ridiculous. On average the Dow moves 205 points each day. A tiny move of 240 to 380 points would never have made the headlines if it was due to something Pelosi said. This is an astroturfed thread in a small subreddit that never makes r/all. Shareblue shills, stay in your containment zones of r/pics r/politics pls. Has r/stocks become r/politics. Can't help but see a bunch of orange man bad living in mommas basement dwellers. True cases of TDS here. 240 points down on the DJIA (which is over 27,000) is barely a blip and just a normal day with a “sell-off”. Stop acting like Trump ruined the economy because of a small sell off that happened today. This will be irrelevant by next week. It’s so annoying that any sort of Trump related news makes it to the front pages of Reddit so children can circle-jerk about how he’s Hitler. oh noooooo a 1% drop how will the economy survive I can wait a month... Had my best day on the market yesterday and watched almost half of it evaporate because this dipshit thinks he can threaten people into voting for him It's like 2 unfit teen parents arguing over what to feed their starving child meanwhile not feeding their starving child He has bungled this entire tragedy so completely. I'm just totally at a loss for words. Even if we manage the impossible and get him out of office in November, we still can't ever let our fellow americans forget the damage that was done when we handed the reigns to a careless man. Seems like a bad plan just like everything he does. The saying goes ""Even a broken watch is right twice a day"" but not with this guy, his shit is always wrong. It's almost beautiful how wrong he is lol. Trump is also a disaster for your economy. - Trump - GOP rats belong in jail! looks like pelosi is getting her wish. she spent the last 2 weeks insisting that ""no stimulus is better than a stimulus that only deals with what both sides agree on"" and that ""something isn't necessarily better than nothing"". Is this even legal? Lots of people actually need assistance with a new stimulus and he said to wait because of an election? [deleted] After reading comments here it seems many forgot the last 3 years. trump didn't write those tweets. Just sayin'. Nothing like bribing the entire country. Piece of shit. [deleted] The terms of Pelosi's proposal were unacceptable, it's her fault for this. tomorrow the dotard will announce the talks are back on. [deleted] Poor stupid Democrats. Damn mods, this post needs to be locked. It’s basically a bitch fest about trump. Nothing of value to add other than complaints. Weak post Should've invested in salt... This thread is a good pickins. Almost posted this question in r/TooAfraidtoAsk, but that's too much work. At risk of sounding like a Dillard, I am wondering what the well-being of The President, has to do with the market? I understand how the stimulus talk may affect it, but why would Trump being in the hospital or not affect stocks? He can’t stop being a bully and that was the bully for the day, a big huge F you to the American people. Nobody knows...anything. Stonks are stonks. And you guys told me I was silly for cashing out three weeks ago. Here comes the landslide and boy am I cash heavy Nail in the coffin What a POS 🇱🇷 Trumf 2002 🇱🇷 Try 500 points now 240 Points! Will the rising futures be breaking news as well? Yea, he just doubled down though, tweeted he will sign a relief package today if it is stripped of all of it's BS ... only the checks. He tagged Pelosi on it, lets see where this goes? Thanks Obama Hmmmm, my stocks have never been higher this morning... [deleted] Ty for popping up on my news feed suggested 4 days later. Fucking idiots at reddit algorithms showing me shit 4 days old B i v w B i v w Fuck Nancy Pelosi if we are being honest Trump saved my ass on a RCL short that was going against me. I was able to close that trade for a small win after his tweet. MAGA 2020. Seeing the comments in this thread reminds me to keep away from reading reddit posts, has anyone here actually researched about WHY he called it off? The headline should read : Trump would pass stimulus bill 1200usd cheque if the bill is about 1200usd cheque alone, which is not what Democrat proposed. (He even tweeted about it) Seriously we are in an investment sub, read more and do research. Democrats tied the bill with the cheque, trump ain't against the cheque, he's against the other proposals. Let's see if democrats would be willing to serve the public interest and send a bill for just the cheque. I don't think they will I usually vote NDP in Canada but its time we get this clown out! In all fairness, Pelosi is trying to send stimulus checks to illegal immigrants. I mean, am I take crazy pills, or is it ridiculous that they would try to put this in, when taxpaying citizens aren’t even getting the help we need? A stimulus runs this country? Affects your mood? Lmfao, retail investors making <30k/year Who cares? Thanks Pelosi Donny Give and Donny Take Well, it seemed clear to me that stimulus deal won't happen. I wouldn't blame Trump for it. I had cashed out a part of my investment, yesterday when it was up. I think the stock market would dip a further in coming days, then it would be a time to buy. Relaxing: it does that every day. Back and forth. It finally broke 28k for a stretch today. Political headlines like this are for people who don’t pay attention. lol ""trump calls off"" Nancy left DC yesterday I hate trump. But anyone upset now about still not having the stimulus check hasn’t been paying attention to the negotiations over the past few months. Neither side cares about you it’s just a game to them. Everyone one panic sell so I can discount shop, thanks Good. I already planned on the stimulus not passing. The congressional plan was terrible and far too costly. It's the democrats that refused to budge on something more modest, not the other way around. Anyone who thinks the candidate matters or that either party cares about you is a sucker Hilarious how people who love stocks bash Trump. But then it makes sense because it's reddit. You guys are clueless. I guess he’s playing chicken but honestly the Dems had enough time to pass this. They are wasting our tax dollars stalling it so hopefully this is pressure to pass something. Good. If we’ve learned anything since 9/11 it’s that every time the government tries to fix anything they end up dragging out the bad times ten times longer than if they just let things run their course. Who cares?!? It was up 400+ before that though. Nice try libtards [deleted] Libs out here acting like it’s Black Tuesday lmfao Democrat libtards wont work with him, he’s been trying to get out the checks for 2 month. You can blame your LIBTARDS you voted in 240 points, wow. What a plummet. Wait to see the crash when Biden is declared the winner in this election. My prediction is minimum of 15%. They’re gonna have to halt trading multiple times. Trump has been the most “pro-business” and “pro-deregulation”president in history. Not saying what he has done is right for the common folk but the stock market is fucked if he loses. It’s common sense, rich people are overwhelmingly pro-Trump and rich people run the stock market. [removed] By tomorrow you’ll all be back to loving his market. Stop being like children and being emotional. Use that head for more than holding a hat. How is this news?! Dow goes down less than a 1%.... Breaking? GTFO. $YCBD https://investorshub.advfn.com/cbdMD-Industries-Inc-YCBD-33148/ This is an old thread [deleted] Holding your stimulus check hostage...classy. good bot You should reconsider your options. same lol That was my first thought, than I realized they'd be a lot lower if that happened. I was about 95% sure he got readmitted to the hospital. Same XD i was doing homework and I checked my account, everything was good, I was up about 1% overall, and I look at my other monitor for 2 minutes and I look back and everything is -1.5% This is just practice for that lol if that happened they would have gone up. For reals. As soon as I saw everything take a dive, I immediately went to check the news to see if COVID got him. Felt relived that wasn’t the case. If something happens to Trump, I would imagine the crash would be much bigger then what just happened today Ha, me too! I was like, ""what happened? Something massive just happened...what was it?"" I wasn't wrong, but at least no one died... Sameee Trump probably has puts lmao i thought it was just one of my stocks and that NIO is a scam which caused it I'm quite sure the opposite would happen if the Fanta Menace croaked. So did I! Things would most likely even out by end of week. No stimulus will take longer to even out. Puts printed nicely today Can we post this under r/blackmagicfuckery ? Because you guys are at a level of understanding stock that seems like magic to me. Black magic! Mine were doing great until right before close. He's making a K shaped recovery at our expense Same lol. After seeing my portfolio go from 2% to -2% in an instance, I immediately googled Trump. In a sense, he gave himself a self-inflicted wound. He doesn't understand that we can see exactly what he's doing. I work 3rds so I wake up periodically throughout the market day to check my stocks, I was real happy until I woke up and saw a sudden shit storm in my portfolio Prob would have only dropped like a half point in that case. Seriously. I was day trading AAPL bumps and was up 200 on a crap day to begin with so was pretty stoked! It dropped past my stop limit when this news came out and I lost half of my profits for the day. In two minutes. Oopsie doopsie. I mean they dropped by like 2%. It's hardly a blip considering the last few months You'd see a historic rally if that happened. What are the odds did this to make money in the markets? Damn it and I locked in my mortgage at 2.75, closing on the 19th, should have waited. Kidding , counting my blessing to be able.to afford a home and a mortgage. Good luck. Everyone I just bought a bunch of DXD yesterday so today turned out pretty well haha Nosedive? 0.76% drop on my portfolio. Everything dipped right at 12:40pm for me Nope, just premeditated insider training. Checked this morning, up like $940 on the year (granted I started investing right before COVID shut everything down) checked after reading this, down $140 from this morning. This is why I never invested prior. Lmao Would be a hell of a time to buy eh? The week is not over yet.... That kind of stability would send markets flying higher, Mike Pence is far more palatable for conservative-leaning independents which means the senate would probably also get saved even if Biden won by a small margin in a race against Pence. What’s amazing is that the GOP could have been rid of Trump back during impeachment, they were given a golden parachute and Pence would have been able to appoint a Ginsberg’s replacement and they fucking totally blew it lmao. Pretty sure it would go up if that were the case 😂 Stocks will go up if trump dies. It will be better for businesses. It is insane trump is throwing a baby fit and delaying help to his own hypocritical republican voters who are on unemployment and welfare. I hope these voters realize trump is bad for everyone. They might go up if he died If he died that would boost us into the next bear market. Probably would be skyrocketing, to be honest. If only We could be so lucky Lmao glad I'm not the only one with that reaction! Too bad he didn’t Wouldn't everything go UP if he died? Would think that would be a boost. Pretty sure the market would’ve gone in the opposite direction if the Great Gaspy kicked the bucket. Well his prognosis isn't the best... Maybe next loss will be a huge gain Give it two weeks, I don't see him making it past then. No he lived If only I do feel like sometimes he does this to help his friends get a cheap stock and then later when the stock goes up, they make tons of money. why would they fall Itd probably be more than that if he died. Not because he specifically is important to anything, but stocks **do not** like instability, and hoo boy that would stir up some shit. If only And the SEC nearly threw Elon Musk in jail for stock manipulation.... No worse, trump spoke. What a disappointment... It wasn’t fatal, he just shot himself in the foot. The markets would go up if he passed away. No such luck Nah, silly masochix, market would go rocketing up about him dying LmAoo Well there goes my retirement. Fuck Worse, he lived! Wouldn't stocks skyrocket if he would've died? I mean it can only mean more stability for the market and one less hurdle for the stimulus packs. Nah stocks might shoot up if he keeled over Would have been worth it pretty sure they’d go up, not dive. same haha I don’t think his death would have a major impact on the market; in fact, I think it would rally around the hope of stability. I'm looking at my Acorns account, and you can see the exact minute the tweet went out, and the subsequent drop. Hey conservatives how's that 401k looking today? Except his death would be a net positive on the global markets because him, alive, makes markets unstable. We aren’t that lucky. Yeah imagine my disappointment We can only hope If only it was that simple. Instead of him dead, we now have a president that could die or not die at any moment and possibly get steroid psychosis in the mean time. Not only could he die, but there's a tiny tiny chance that a bunch of people in the government could also die or act even more bizarre under meds. Death would be far simpler. That would drive the markets up. Only the Ruble would go down. That's what I did lol [deleted] It's absolutely embarrassing what this has come to. Any Mar-a-Lago members here have insider tips on what he'll tweet tomorrow? I've given up on fundamental analysis, TA, astrology, asking my dog, etc. There's no way to take a rational position in this market besides parking in cash and waiting until 2021. I did the same thing lol Sad this is how it is now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuPTbHyqfxw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8h8DR_PuAqA I thought this would have made him more empathic and realize what is needed for the economy and the over all american/north american situation. We are all intertwined and this lone wolf lunacy is just that. This dude needs to go. I wonder how many Republican senators knew of the tweets beforehand and sold. Imagine being able to control the stock market by typing things into a phone I did a presentation last year that showed the biggest economic mover in 2019 was trump Twitter. Fed would announce a rate cut and bond markets would move 2%. Trump would send a tweet an hour later and it would rank the market 4%. Jobs report would come on strong and Dow up 200 points. Trump would tweet and it would reverse course down 300. 3% drop. * sigh*. What did he tweet now? One of the side-effects of the drugs he's on to fight COVID is [delusions of grandeur.](https://www.newsweek.com/trump-covid-steroids-dexamethasone-side-effects-1536296) Well ... there it is. Same thing here. Yeah I felt like I was programmed to immediately check redditt when I saw what was happening. I went straight to the politics subreddit 😭😭 Well stocks are just gambling for rich people, and right now trump is fixing the bets. It's almost as if the market is manipulated... working as intended Lol, how sad and true... Hey I came from r/all and don't know shit about finance, so can someone explain please? Trump made me visit Twitter, I don't think I have ever used it before Trump now I find myself on there constantly, checking whether he _really_ said this stupid thing or another... Kinda makes investors look stupid Out of curiosity, and I’m not American, doesn’t Trump claim to have improved the economy beyond compare with any other president? How can he possibly claim this? america is straight up fecal tossing around anymore Just give his own site and call it twatter. I was so close to fully recovering from the nasdaq hit I love that he uses Twitter to communicate and I hope this tradition continues, but I hate what he tweets about and the general instability he causes What’s sad about it? It’s the fastest way to hear directly from the Prez of anything new and it’s just the way he likes to share info. And yeah ofc it’s gonna affect the market if it’s important, he’s the most powerful man in the world He wants to hold the stimulus over our head so we vote for him His buddies are insider trading (: Hey, someone had to know what he was about to do it before he tweeted it. Someone won big on puts. It’s unfathomable he lied to us! /s He’s high on steroids. he's probably zoinked out on steroids and feeling tough so he said fuck the talks lol He's mad the market went up while he was hospitalized lol I think he is gonna come out with a executive order for a big stimulus and declare the house is useless and can't do anything and he single handily saved the economy. Well uh the democrats won’t approve anything so🤷🏻‍♂️ Edit: he can only sign it if Congress actually sends it to him. None of those fuckers want to approve any new deal, cause it’ll have Trumps signature on it. This ain’t even on Trump. he's too sick to watch others negotiate. Putin told him to expose Pentagon chiefs to Covid, leave hospital high on steroids, and end stimulus talks or pee pee tape will go viral. He'd walk into his own fiery grave to not let the pee pee tape be published. Also pee pee tape. Anyone that puts any stock in anything he says or lends him even a shred of credibility has an intelligence on par with a door knob. He's extorting the American people in broad daylight. I bet his family and friends had some puts in place before the news broke he was going to hospital. He got out sooner than he should have and the market recovery messed up their plans so he had to tank it temporarily. This reeks of market manipulation. Elon musk was investigated for one tweet about his company- Trump can tweet and control the entire market. This was absolutely intentional. He lost a lot of votes today. Good. Real question: When is he going to tweet about the stimulus passing before elections? Anyone in the know? Bro is on toooo many drugs. That’s the problem. Trump is Tooo Fucking High. He's on the drop from the high he has been on from the steroids Roid rage twitter president He’s got puts My theory is that he knows what will turn the markets down and he’s profiting off of insider trading. He thought he could hold it hostage. His play is to say vote for me and you’ll get the stimulus. He’s try to extort the nation. If we want him to do the right thing, he’ll need a little favor first. Get it? That’s who Trump is. I wonder how many of his ""friends"" sold or shorted just before this announcement... Virus is weak and we don’t need a shutdown. Open everything up to full capacity Virus is weak and we don’t need a shutdown. Open everything up to full capacity. My guess at his strategy Virus is weak and we don’t need a shutdown. Open everything up to full capacity. My guess at his strategy I do actually wonder if these are due to the side effects of the drug cocktail he received at Walter Reed. But I wouldn’t doubt it if he was just being an idiot. Dude is high as fuck I think it was stupid of him to say he’d stop all together, I also don’t think that anything would have gotten through because whatever dems suggest the senate won’t vote for and whatever republicans suggest the house won’t vote for Maybe he was watching spy and knew that it couldn't break resistance, so he bought puts and sent the tweet out. He thinks holding stimulus hostage will help his tanking numbers. It wont. You still think he means/thinks about anything he says/tweets? You think he uses logic and reasoning to arrive at conclusions before he says/tweets things? You gotta catch up man. It’s the steroids that he’s on. He's roid raging from the dexamethasone. Basically everyone who has ever been on it or prescribed it said it makes you crazy. Trumps already nuts, so he's literally trump on steroids at this point He and his friends are likely shorting yeh fuck out of the market right now because pretty soon Donny is gonna have a lot of debts come to fruition he has to pay for without government sanctioned handjobs he can offer now. To be fair, if you're buying shares and calls based on your expectation of Trump making sense and not changing his mind whenever he feels like it you're probably better off going to the casino. Apparently he had just got done with a meeting where Mitch McConnel said some bullshit about Pelosi stringing him along about how close they were to a deal and of course Trump parrots the same thing anyone has told him within an hour... He probably shat something out of his mouth in a panic to generate voter approval, then his GOP strategist was like ""that wasn't part of the plan. We're trying to postpone the vote so that we can make promises that take place *after* the election. If we pass a bill now they'll see that our stimulus package is worth less than a book of coupons."" So in response he slammed on the brakes and blurted out the plan that they *just told him* because he's a complete moron. Also he's sick, so who the hell knows what kind of fever brain he's working with right now. These next few weeks are going to be a wild ride. He's roid ragin'. He's fucked up on steroids. He can say anything (as normal Trump) but now it's even worse. I mean holding the economy hostage worked when he shut the government down. I just love our giant wall in Mexico. Thanks Trump! /s He's a moron who doesn't know what the fuck he wants. Either way he just committed career suicide. NOBODY likes this outcome. Republicans won't like the direct hit to the economy and anybody on the fence (how the fuck could you be on the fence at this point though?) just went Dem because he's being a baby about the stimulus deal. He just destroyed his chances. Because there’s no chance he’s actually approve it You haven't figured out the pattern yet?! ""you guys better vote for me if you want your stimulus checks!"" - Trump. It's called an abusive relationship with someone is constantly manipulating you. if you mentioned this to him he would get upset at you for not understanding why he had to change his position because of what you did. He’s back in favor of it again tonight. Sounds like he's essentially trying to bribe voters There are a couple possible explanations: 1) He infected the Senate, now they have no time to pass anything anyway. So he is taking credit for the lack of action we'll see before the election, making it sound like it was all his idea anyway. ""Yeah, I meant to do that."" 2) He realizes he is getting evicted in a few weeks, and just like any other soon-to-be evicted tenant, he is trashing the place before he goes. > This is like an investor assassination Not for me. I bought some reeeeeal slutty puts last week. Couldn't believe the market was up Monday. Today feels much better. Well, they did put him on steroids. Roids cause impulsiveness and anger. Roid rage just tanked the market. Him and his buddies just sold a bunch of stock, announced this, then bought a bunch of stock. Guarantee it. 3 days ago he did. Experimental Steroids He’s on drugs honestly... I’m kind of glad he’s assasinating investors. Few invest in the needs of the people... most investors are as selfish as house flippers are...imo. fast, easy gains should never be praised or honored It’s blackmail and he still won’t do sh*t even if he does win 🤷🏻‍♀️ This is a ""no stimulus unless I win"" type deal. They never intended to pass a stimulus. It was all to pin the blame on Trump so Graham and McConnell can avoid voting ""no"" on the record. Must've been playing Uno in the hospital and forgot he left. Here’s a secret: the man is a dumbass hopped up on all kinds of drugs. Maybe he had SPY puts? /s And then a couple of hours later he retweeted a JPow quote saying Congress needs to do another stimulus. Literally three days ago lmao Welcome to the rice fields motherfucker People are assuming he’s in his right mind. I mean Trump is already delusional on a good day. But drs have been saying the meds he’s on probably make him pretty out of it. Mark my words. When he sees what his statement did to the market and his polls, he’ll backtrack again. Bruh you know he had puts about to expire. Because Pelosi has been stonewalling for four months. New reversal now...my head hurts No, silly, this is *retail* investor assassination. If you're one of a few dozen cronies, you just made out like a bandit from market manipulation. You're being farmed by the most callous mob to grab power. And now he’s back to asking for stimulus checks.... The roids are making him do irrational shit. He's high off steroids and many drugs. At this point him dying would cause the markets to soar up. In his defense, he *is* a lunatic... It’s the steroids talking. Your government is being run by steroids. 'roid rage on the stocks Investor assassination? Dow is at 28k months after a GLOBAL pandemic. He is the dream president for anyone invested in the market, and big money knows this. You are playing a game where they get to decide the rules The plan that was put forward was absurd: cashless bail mass prison release, including violent criminals nationwide ballot harvesting Voter ID ban stimulus checks to illegal immigrants He changes his opinion again lmao Then meds have him extra cookoo I could have sworn I saw him tweet out that he was willing to pass a stand alone stimulus with no other provisions included. But that’s probably just him playing politics with the Speaker I can see him completely reverse course in a couple days and say it was just a ploy to get the Democrats to come down off their $2.4t number. I wish he was more consistent and said what he means. We always have to read between the lines Sad how he feels the need to buy our votes :( Please cite your source that any thought was involved here. They know if the states and usps get money for administering the election, they will be blown out. [deleted] The ""GOP"" was clearly not involved in this decision made by one idiot. The real question is why is the GOP continuing to go down with this ship. Source that the GOP was thinking in the first place? Disaster Capitalism. They control when the stocks go down and back up and they know ahead of time. They are thinking they can use stimulus as a platform. Idiots who dont know any better will vote for him because he is promising stimulus and be ignorant to the fact that he should have already passed it. They aren’t.... it’s just flies in their brain [deleted] From reading conservative sites, it's considered a burn to Pelosi and the states and cities that support liberal agendas. Same old story. Politics over people. They are thinking of how to manipulate the market. They’re about to place a LOT of puts GOP has no control over him. Never have. Trump isn’t GOP, he’s not a Republican. He took over the Republican party and nobody should hate him more than actual Republicans. Republican’s, help us get rid of him *please* use 4 years of Biden to clean up your party and prep for 2024. Trump and GOP have been consistent in wanting to get small business and direct payments (i.e. no cashless bail and other liberal projects inserted into a clean bill). Dems blocked previous GOP approved plans Trump has already tried to press executive orders to get some relief to people as the House blocks every proposal to help. It is a strategy aimed at getting the media to focus back on the basics instead of the $1.6 vs $2.2 trillion plans where details are hidden. Basics being individuals most affected and not political agendas. He then proposes another round of $1200 direct payment. Dems will reject again, but this will be a clear second time the Pelosi blocks direct payments in a clean plan. Dems held up aid multiple times but yeah it’s the GOP’s fault because this is reddit I used to be a stock trader like you once. Then I took a policy disaster to the knee. I don’t get it. If he cares about votes, stimulus / stock market is way more important than getting a controversial Supreme Court pick (amongst non religious supporters). wheres that bicycle meme when you need it StickThroughTheBikeWheel.jpg Or he's just short selling the market based on his own insider information. IE ""hey friends of mine holding all my money, sell all my shares, I'm about to do something really stupid"". [removed] Honestly $1200 dollars is a slap in the face. Was the first time and would have been again. It's our fucking tax money. Stop holding it hostage in times of need. If he had done the opposite. Withhold the Supreme Court pick and hand out money he would be on easy street. But the ghouls donating to him wanted to get the SC packed before he had a chance to lose. They literally just wanted to get that in before the loss. I dont think anyone is 'on the fence', Trump has sabotaged his own popularity over the last 4 years. The only people still in support have been supporting since 2016 and would be okay with him murdering people. Yep just convinced someone close to me finally to not vote third party bc of this. I mean kind of - now he's holding the stock market ransom. It's like ""re-elect me and I'll make sure a stimulus passes and keeps your stocks afloat"". I guess the logic is understandable. Yeah reallly weird flex. Hard to understand how they think this is going to resolve itself. Stimulus is likely their best friend and only hope at this point Dance monkey dance. Holding the money hostage is exactly how he gets them to vote for him There is nobody on the fence, or at least the amount is negligible. Trumps goal is to appeal to his base so much there is extreme voter turnout. People who actually need the $1200 frankly dont care or pay attention to the market. Umm voting is already done for. Regardless of what he does, you can’t change your vote. The issue is Pelosi wouldn’t budge on her 2.6T stimulus package. And she also won’t budge on the idea of removing signature verification on mail in ballots (which she wants to send out millions across the US) ""vote me in and I'll pass the 1.6T stimulus, as opposed to the other party that wants a 2.4T stimulus"" Right? Biden will have a stimulus ready to go day 1 and look like a hero. Stock market will skyrocket and any talk of “Biden is bad for the economy” will immediately be disproven. He always tweets about the stock market. That's what he's been focused on and he just shit all over it. I can only assume the message he's sending is reelect me or the stimulus is toast. He's just the kind of asshole to go scorched earth. Its like he's trying to influence his already exceptionally stupid fan base. Sounds like no matter what if he loses he will veto any stimulus package until hes no longer president. Theres already been plenty of articles of anti trump states getting fucked over for medical supplies. Don't underestimate the right wing media. My family gets their news from Fox News and Facebook and they believe from the bottom of their hearts that it's been the Democrats stopping the green light of the stimulus checks at every turn. They must have him on some terrific steroids. It’s called, desperate He’s a terrible negotiator, and way overvalued his own leverage "" The democrats are the ones who have been pushing for more stimulus this whole time."" Both have been pushing for it with different priorities on where spending goes. Dems have more political focus on where the money goes. Take away cashless bail, voter ID ban, nationwide ballot harvesting, stimulus to illegal immigrants and you essentially have the GOP plan. I disagree. I genuinely believe he doesn’t want to capitulate to Pelosi and her demands, some of which are unreasonable (apparently) https://www.ibtimes.com/pelosi-demands-nearly-1-trillion-more-coronavirus-relief-package-3036733 The problem is on Pelosi’s stimulus package she wants to do away with signature verification on mail in ballots. In Trump’s twitter thread he said that Pelosi refuses to compromise on her $2.6T stimulus package. Blame can go to both sides however since we have a biased media, we will only hear how horrible the republicans are. That's how extortion works. I don't quite understand all this - is it that if Trump is re-elected he can enact stimulus legislation immediately in November, whereas there'd be a (painful) delay until Biden is sworn in and can organize a stimulus package? >“Vote for me or wait until the end of January for any assistance.” Even better when you realize Dems want to give us taxpayers more money now vs republicans wanting to give taxpayers less money later. The lame duck period is crazy. Why is it even a thing? In the UK, after a general election it's over that evening. As soon as the votes are counted and the result announced anyone voted out is finished, job done. MP's have a few days to clear out their offices. Even the exiting Prime Minister has about a week to move their stuff out of 10 Downing Street. Does anyone actually think there would be assistance incoming if he was elected? Just empty promises and toothless threats like always. You aren’t wearing the mindset of his supporters. To them, his victory is inevitable. So he is the tough guy refusing to bow to democrat demands, and once he blows away the election in November the dems will have no choice but to bargain his way. They may say, once Trump wins in nov I’ll wind up getting more money than those Democrats would have given me now anyway. They inhabit a universe in which the bullshit he says is true. ""Vote for me AND wait until the end of January for any assistance.” FTFY No honey no money We’ve all seen this before I think, he acts like he’s going to axe the stimulus but then at the last minute try to pass it through or Eo and get it done, coming out looking like a hero. >“Vote for me or wait until the end of January for any assistance.” > >""if you make it"" ; ) He's literally blackmailing the American voters. Literally. Absolutely, he will blame the American people for not voting for him... I mean... who's else fault could it possibly be!!???!??????? That book title had a typo. The Fart of the Deal “I’d like you to do me a favor, though.” January? It'll be months before there's stimulus. It's going to take ages to count the ballots and even determine who's actually won. That's literally how trump made his deals Nice economy you have there. Shame if something was to happen to it. >Who does he think will be in office the day after the election? Won't he still be in the office then even if he loses? Does the power change on election day or on inauguration day? > “Vote for me or wait until the end of January for any assistance.” He said until after the election, not inauguration: > I have instructed my representatives to stop negotiating until after the election when, immediately after I win, we will pass a major Stimulus Bill that focuses on hardworking Americans and Small Business. I'm not sure if it's dependent on him winning or not, though, and who knows what he means with anything, since half the time he says anything it's ambiguous bullshit anyways. Fuck em. Weve waited this long. We can wait 3 more months. It probably has more to do with re-opening. Stop the lockdown and let your people work or keep waiting for a stimulus and let them starve. COVID is real but the lockdowns are negatively affecting far more people than the virus would have. It shouldn't be a partisan issue to say ""hey, maybe taking away everyone's jobs, friends, and hobbies away from them isn't actually the high ground in this situation. Maybe we should stop pretending weight gain, depression, and anxiety are less detrimental to this country than COVID."" We won't know until it all blows over but I can't wait to see the studies about mental health issues and suicides skyrocketing due to these lockdowns. Ditto, 33 here. Fuck this, I can't be lazy about politics anymore. This man gotsta go. Good job. This man is the embodiment of the worst of America. Welcome. Spread the word. Nice! Talk to your friends, encourage them to register and vote too! Same age, never voted. Always been registered, but now, for the first time in my life, I'm going to vote. Embarrassed to say, 38 here, I voted this past Monday for the first time. Better late than never! 👍 Don't forget local issues also. Can study up on various websites but I find http://votersedge.org to be good Same, 31. Voting and volunteering at the polls in my small town this year. The little old ladies can't clean the booths very quick. Haha. THNAK YOU to you and all the following responses, with complete sincerity. I’m really proud of you all and happy to see some positive coming from the insane election year. Thank you for registering! Local elections are just, if not more, important. There are plenty of helpful websites to help keep you informed about your ballot. I use ballotopedia along with another site that I typically pick after googling the person/bill. Thanks for registering, now please also vote. 39. When he forced the peaceful protestors out (violating the FIRST amendment) just so he could take a picture holding a Bible, I registered online that moment. I’m sorry for thinking him and Hillary were the same. Who you gonna vote for? You just gave me hope for humanity❤️ 2016 didn’t do anything for ya ? I was told by my mom the first time I was old enough to vote: ""Use it or loose it"", meaning if you don't use your vote the people in charge will in the end do what they want (""no clear voice what the people want so I decide for them"") and in the long run stop asking people what they want (""no one seem to have an option that they care about anyway""). Finally you realize politics have a say in our life for the better or the worse,Welcome. Yay! Make sure you pay attention to local elections too. They're just as important. If you're going to the polls to vote, versus mail in voting, do your research before hand and have a list of candidates you want to vote for with you when you go. Also, see if there is a progressive voters guide in your area. I found it really helpful for the primary... But that's just me, all this stuff Trump has pulled and the republican party standing behind him means it will take a lot for me to ever vote for another republican ever. Same age, same thing. Even Bush didn't get such a reaction from me. And I was actually not paying attention until this year where we legitimately have a crazy man in the office. Right at the end of 33 here and I just checked yesterday to make sure my registration was received and is being processed by the county (it is, thankfully). I last registered back in 2008 to vote Obama, but then I didn't vote again after that. Changed states a few years ago. Not gonna make the mistake of not voting again, ever, ever, Tiffany, ever. Thank you! Make sure you get out there and vote on Election Day, your voice matters! Early voting opened up in our state yesterday and most people said they waited up to an hour to vote. Glad to see so many people standing in line to vote over a month before the election. Wow you don't care about politics at all until you're 32 years old. Not only voting for the president but for propositions as well. SMH You are like those ents in lord of the rings Lolol we need you. Edit: lots of negative upvotes I’m at 0 but got an award. Worth it Thank you stranger :3 Then you're part of the reason this fool is here in the first place. Thanks a lot. Liar, yesterday was the last voter registration day. Cancel his awards mods, and maybe suspend him Trump just tweeted: If I am sent a Stand Alone Bill for Stimulus Checks ($1,200), they will go out to our great people IMMEDIATELY. I am ready to sign right now. Are you listening Nancy? Don't fall for the lefties and their brainwashing forced acceptance of minorities and creeps After these last few green days i'd wait a bit for a bigger drop. I for one expect the gains from the last 2 weeks to bleed away in the next 2 weeks. I did not see this as the Oct surprise. I thought he was going to do a round of personally signed federal dollar checks to help the public followed up with a vaccine announcement in two weeks. Wait for trump to get readdmitted to Walter Reed in the next few days. The market will crash more than trump's vitals. I’d wait and see how at least the rest of the week plays out first. Next week Trump is rushed to the hospital from breathing issues. The roids are masking his pain and suffering. He is going to be an emotional wreck by Friday. I started buying, held cash waiting for these days to start DCA Give it a till Monday, stock will shoot up like a firework after a Sunday night tweet saying he is open to signing a bill. This is all a ploy so he can do some insider trading I'd wait until the election honestly. The markets are going to go crazy next month. If trump wants any shot of winning the election, the stock market will have to be ripping. So id say buy know for however he decides to pump it I went all cash after yesterday’s large rally. I assumed it was too good to be true. I couldn’t have played that better. not yet. we've not hit panic selling craziness by a long shot. hang on. the best time to buy is always now. Not yet, but soon. Stocks on sale again HE might get readmitted to the hospital. Buy then. trump won't accept anything and everything the dems throw at him in the stimulus so this means he is literally holding it hostage? you do know there is more to it than trump right? and that people are trying to shoehorn in shit we dont need? [deleted] It IS time to buy. Always when there's a drop. But as usual, you can't predict how far the drop will go, or how high it will recover. I bought stocks at FTSE 100 being at about 6900, around 7000 too. It peaked circa 7200 7300. Then PLUMMETTED with Covid to 5200 and I bought in again at around 5400-5500. It's now refusing to go over 6000 again. And I'm about to use my investments for a deposit for my first place. I stand to lose maybe a grand overall. Which sucks, but nobody could've predicted this happening. He’s been known to say thinks to tank the market and then renege a few days later and make it bounce... Sir, please don’t insult baboons. This was the breaking point??!!! Even if he does get re-elected, he can't pass anything until the end of January. And even then republicans must win the house and keep the senate. This is just a scare tactic to get people to vote for him. He thinks we are idiots. A lot of people voting for him are. The saga continues, now he's said he wants checks again and another tweet he said he wants to give airlines money. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1313664886648582144?s=20 >I’ve officially decided to move my vote from third party to Biden. I respect your choice to vote third party if you desire but thank you for not throwing your vote away in this election. [deleted] What the hell took so long?? All these undecided and 3rd party voters could have avoided this nightmare if they voted for Clinton in 2016. Buttery males Yay! This comment made me depressed and happy! Thank you HERO its ok, hes a compulsive liar. you wouldnt get that check after voting for him anyway Thank you. Sad it's taken you this long to officially make that decision. Thank you for doing that. Biden will at least bring some consistency back, instead of this serial incompetence Yeah, and his knowledge of economics is ""stonks always go up hurr durr"" I sent out my ballot last Friday. Should have voted for Biden. Yep the carrot in front of the nose, and then he prob won’t ok the stimulus anyway. It wasn't going to go to them anyway. [deleted] But Bloomberg paying fines for felons so that they can vote is bad. /s Bloomberg didn't even make it conditional, he just paid the fines and let the people vote for whomever they want. https://www.npr.org/2020/09/24/916625348/bloomberg-adds-16-million-to-a-fund-that-helps-florida-felons-get-chance-to-vote?t=1602066083324 To be fair, pandering to the poor/financially_illiterate with small amounts of money (that HUUUUGE to said group) is in every politicians' playbook. This thread has r/wallstreetbets vibes. I'm chuckling pretty good. This is great. Stocks are cheap now. I will make money from this. Sigh, I was having a nice Green Day too. just switch to renewables. they should be rather safe either way and in recent month have outperformed even compared to tech pshhhhhhhh thats nothing, i went from -200 with the very real possibilty of going green today, BAM -5000 5.2% total value Probably the stupidest move, but once Trump left the hospital, I sold my portfolio and waiting to buy back in a week or two before the election. At this rate, I’d be saving something and buying back cheaper. Am I being stupid? Maybe.. lol Are you me? Because I'm exactly the same LMAO. This train wreck keep getting better and better. The good news is that my paycheck comes tomorrow so I can buy some more. I think Trump knows that he can not win and if economy goes down then he will blame Biden You know you don't have to just buy and hold right? So much money there to be made during periods of high vol if you know what you are doing. Serious question, what was in your portfolio to result in that much of a shift? Mine suffered but not even close to that much (percentage wise). Correction. Trump has crashed the economy and killed our farmers. Why would farmers need subsidiaries when they could just sell their product. Especially when a country of almost a billion and a half is pushing a strong campaign of cleaning your plate to save food because a ton of their crop got fucked. i agree and the consumption of drugs wont make it better. i won’t buy any more calls until after the election [deleted] You mean Pelosi? Why should we pay for a trillion in debt to big cities that cane precovid? Do you want $5 gas, because that’s how you raise the price of everything you nit. [deleted] Vote! It's not. There's closer to 330m of us. Blackmailing on money most people don't think is even coming? Bro, you are in an investment reddit, no one here needs the stimulus check to get by. Amazon isn't going out of business lol i picked up 10 at 3,140 when i saw it trending upward, ouch.... i bought 75 aapl literally 2 min before it was announced This is great all stocks will be at a discount. Im loving this. If you guys aren't retiring this year, I dont understand why people are mad. Prime week is next week and then Christmas shopping season. Amazon will be printing money for the next couple months. Ugh and those are kind of expensive too. Lmao 😂 Just give it a week... Amazon is a great play I sold all but one share of Amazon today. I should have sold that one share. But at least my AMZN losses were under $100. and i placed a market order for bunch of TQQQ shares and the order was queued for over a minute while i was trying to cancel it because i thought it was a glitch. THEN i saw the nasdaq futures drop like 100 pts in a 1minute candle. timing the market or what? Buy and hold brotha. We supposed to not give Amazon money bro As long as you're cost averaging, it isn't a big deal. Are you planning to sell right now? If not then not s huge deal outside buying cheaper. Amazon stock will just go up. I don't follow his thinking here. Isn't a stimulus much more likely under dems? It's the republican senate that can't pass the current stim. Extortion, but yeah. It's not even smart blackmail because his threat of ""no stimulus unless you vote for me"" is an empty one because you can get an even better stimulus by voting for the democrat. He would have been better off doing it now so he could brag about saving america. Which is interesting because the Dems are begging him to pass an even bigger stimulus. He forgets that Biden would just give them an even better stimulus package. He was literally impeached for this same tactic. In 2020. This year. Art of the deal, it's all he knows. *extortion > This feels like blackmail I think the term you're looking for is ""bribery"". I was up 1.2k today and was about to sell some calls but decided to take a shower. Came back to sell those calls and shit is tits up.... He’s determined to burn everything Winning the election isn’t his plan. Stealing the election is his plan. How could he be so dumb to do this before election? his strategy has been really shitty, over the last couple months if he gave out a lot of stimulus then he would have easily beat Joe You think his supporters will stop supporting him now just because of this? They ignored everything else, this won't bother them one bit. [deleted] Stop saying things like this that create a false sense of security. How many times did he lose last election? No one ever thought he could win and here we are. What people should be saying is this is why we have to stop him from reelection. A hallmark of a maladaptive individual. If you think *this* is why he's going to lose the election, boy do I have some news for you. I am convinced most people voting for Biden don't *really* like him. It's more of a vote against trump than anything. At least that is how it is among my peers. It's so weird. He literally had the choice to ""buy"" the election by giving relief funds to his constituents and he was like ""naw dawg we're good"" U act like he gives a fuck abt u. He is absolutely going to crash and burn the economy and his rich friends will scoop up everything for cheap. I agree. I see this move as a threat to his current supporters who needed the stimulus. There goes 2020. On tbe contrary. Some people will believe his shit and vote for him. He will blame the lack.of stimulus on tbe Dems Yeah I don't see how this is strengthening his plan for re-election. A vote for Biden doesn't have to be *for* Biden, as long as it is *against* Trump. I’m not apologizing for being a dick here to whomever this may apply. If your only decider for this election is the stock market you are a shitty person. I think most people voting Biden dont like him lmao No he didn't. He's purposely just shitting in the bed now. Either that, or he’s convinced he’ll be able to steal the election either way. He's holding the stimulus until after Christmas. He is literally Ebenezer Scrooge. Were you one bit for Trump before this? If not that's kind of meaningless to say lol He'll reverse tomorrow. Election strategists are certainly trying to yell at him right now. Make sure you actually vote. I swear, half the people who are voting Biden/Harris can't stand them, they just recognize that the alternative is worse. yeah most of us don't like them... but.. gestures vaguely You don't have to like Biden or Harris to vote the opposite of Trump. I think he is hearing really bad poll numbers and when assholes like Trump are about to lose they pretend they don't care if they win or lose. That plus the steroids he is on. Bah. He can change his mind anytime, spin it and take credit for it. I can only hope that he *is* ultimately stupid enough to shoot himself in the foot in a way so poetic. I hope you still exercise your right to vote to end this madness (even if you don’t like Biden or Harris)!!! Lucky people with enough money in the bank to survive love this kind of volatility. They're basically gambling. This. Just in time for Christmas, too! I always wonder when he says stuff like this . . . Who’s everyone? Underappreciated funny right here DRUMPF SMASH PUNY ECONOMY!!! If this election were a football game, Trump just pulled the equivalent of taking a knee on 3rd and 20 on his own 25-yd line when he's down 10 points in the tail-end of the 4th quarter. It's not that big a deal. The market barely moved, and it looks like a nice little dip on the chart. It's in no way shape or form like what's going to happen when it turns into weekend at Trumpie's. Historically the stock market has performed better under Democratic presidents. So I'm not sure why it reacts negatively to the possibility of one They'll say anything it takes. Trump's army of retards would gladly tell you Biden murders babies as his Sunday hobby if it meant you might believe them and join their side. Could be possible that the market thinks this increases his chance of re-election and the market was already in “Binden wins territory.” I think Trump got himself into the worst rock and hard place he could be in... Him trying to win negatively effects the stock market. After giving the JCS COVID. Goldman Sachs told investors today a Dem sweep would lead to a faster recovery and a more stable market. Trump’s chaos market bullshit is only viable when there isn’t a massive anchor around the neck of the market. it absolutely will be bad for the markets (short term). corporate profits will not be as easily attained under a Biden presidency. long term, would be just fine. Extorting, really. Or ya know, the racism, the hate speech, the incompetence toward a deadly pandemic could also be reasons to vote him out lol More older people vote than younger people. And older people like Trump because old people want things to be as they were and young people want things to change. [removed] I'm in Missouri but Biden just got my vote. Wasn't gunna vote again this year but this changes my mind. Its like Trump is trying to lose now, or he already knows he's gunna lose. Either way, what a piece of shit. thank you People like you will make the difference! I'm In Ohio and this along with his entire Covid-19 response switched me right over to the Democrats. I have voted republican for the past two elections, but screw this he needs to go. How the fuck were you undecided up until now? Trump2020 Thank you! I wasn't gonna vote for trump anyway but don't fuck with my money Trump (excluding taxes owed) Honestly what was he thinking? Like even if I was a huge Trump fan or even Trump himself (and sorry to get into politics here) but what was he thinking? He could have taken lots of credit for ""getting it done"" and it would have helped him politically. Thank you so much Appreciate you, friend. Thank you. How brave of you!!! yeah, he's a dumbass, passing a stimulus before election would only gain him votes You were...going to vote for trump...? It took this for you to switch? Not the 500 other things? Good call. You are my hero Racist, sexism, disrespect for human life = I sleep My stonks go down a little = now it’s serious >:( Your stocks won't thank you if Biden wins and they drop by 50% [deleted] You da real MVP this was the impetus for you to vote against IMPOTUS? It's sad it took you this long. JFC as a non-American it's impossible to understand how Biden wouldn't have been the obvious choice for months. Like, thanks, I guess, but ffs Trump has been an obvious disaster for years and you're just seeing that now? Fucking hopeless down there. Since others are thanking you, allow me to be the one to ask WTF TOOK YOU SO LONG?! A whole bunch actually. [removed] Look. Here's the deal. (unzips) Biden’s been in politics for 47 years. The only good thing he has done is push for FDA approval of viagra. That being said, it was strictly self serving. He takes this drug nightly, to keep himself from rolling out of bed. And not even from someone under aged [deleted] More taxes for people making more than $400k, so basically anyone below the upper upper upper tip of middle class will not see an increase in taxes. They still have their propagandists convincing Jim Bob who makes $40k a year that Biden wants to tax him 52%. Only for people making over 400k per year. I think it's fair imo considering the massive wealth gap. We need to redistribute wealth around and implement a basic income. So weird, no changes in my income (maybe 5% higher income) or assets (owned the same house) and I went from getting about $2k back in taxes under Obama, but since Trump got his tax plan passed I no longer can deduct the interest on my mortgage payments and can't even itemize and owe $4k now. I'm going to call him a mango from now on. Thank you. I'm a registered Republican who's voting for Biden. Romney in 2012, Gary Johnson in 2016, Biden in 2020. i'm not proud of what the dems have become either brother. This system is f'ed. I was planning on going 3rd party again this time, but for this one I need to make sure Trump is gone. [removed] True Republicans are completely fine, but I'm not a fan of what the... ""Party"" has become under Trump. I personally think McCain is the ideal Republican in my eyes, and only reason he didn't land slide won his presidential race was Palin. When people are openly calling him a traitor, because he went against Trump... Fuck man, that's when I was like ""wtf""... You wouldn't be voting Republican even if you voted for the Republicans. If enough people change to Democrat for them to win by a landslide and the GOP clean house with napalm, it might be enough of a gesture to return the viability of the party at some not too distant point. If anything else happens, the Republicans will be tainted with a brutally toxic legacy for a long, long time to come, and the country will become effectively a one-party system. Even worse. The Democrats need legitimate opposition to keep them in check and Conservatives need a legitimate voice. It's all just completely collapsed. My point is, I think it's valid to vote Democrat so that you can vote Republican again in the future. And people should do so en masse. Yeah, nothing will be passed if he gets elected. It's been months since the last stimulus check, and he's had all the time in the world to influence a some sort of progress. He doesn't care, and he never will unless it direclty benefits himself. thank you. enough of this circus. So with you on this. Both parties have spiraled into ridiculousness. I am a lifelong conservative but this Republican Party makes me ashamed to be associated with them. They don't deserve my vote. Better late than never. The GOP has been trash for decades Even if he gets re-elected he will have the exact same situation. The Dems and Pelosi aren’t likely going to lose power in the house. Hey I would also just really reflect how the Republicans in congress and state wide are enabling what trump is doing. Trump is the symptom of modern conservatism, not the underlying cause. The old wives tale of repubs being better for the economy is just plain false with a simple internet search. They may be better for a very very select few but not you and I Don't know how old you are, but this has been the trajectory the GOP has been on for my entire life. Nothing here is surprising, just depressing. The only possible turning point for them was in the aftermath of the 2013 election report autopsy where they concluded that they would need to change course and appeal to a broader and changing electorate. Instead, they doubled down on complete opposition and appealing to a shrinking electorate through fear mongering. Regardless of policy, that path was always going to lead to demagogues and a party platform of ""party over country."" Power for power's sake. This is just the chickens coming home to roost. Still waiting for his heath care plan he said is coming on next week years sgo Lifelong conservative and Pennsylvania biden voter here to agree with you. The party is a death cult of dysfunctional government. Real conservatives should be voting for efficient government that operates smoothly with as little taxing as is possible for that to happen. You were never going to vote for him.. There isn't anything left that I identified with as a R in the 2000's that is going on now. it's heartbreaking that I'm rooting for D simply because R is not at all what they sold to me in the late 90's during Clinton's presidency and then with George W. More people need to vote for their own interests at the time. There too much tribalism currently. In the UK I've voted for 3 different parties in the last 3 elections for a range of reasons, including tactical voting. This is a lot more common here and there are very few people with a lifetime commitment to a single party. Even so, voters have the power to enact change in the party they support, and sometimes that involves voting against them. If you’re conservative, vote conservative, just don’t vote republican. They’re two very different things, and they haven’t been for a while. This just sounds like being a democrat with extra steps The thing is he’s president *now.* There’s nothing he can’t do now that he could do if he was re-elected. He’s making a threat. “Vote for me or get nothing till January.” Fuck this clown. Biden 2020. >You know what I dont even believe they will pass anything IF he is reelected, but I believe the dems will. Remember how right before the midterms, Trump announced that they were planning to pass a tax cut for the middle class after the election? Shockingly, it never materialized. This? This is the straw that broke the camel’s back for you? Your portfolio taking a dip? Yeah the repubs were so much better when they were killing brown people and fucking over the working class but doing so politely And a year from now, Fox will be calling it the Biden recession. “Genius” Typical republican move The Republican way! Market downturns are great for people with spare money to invest. As other people lose their homes or have to cash out on investments, people with money are there to buy them up on the cheap. While its probably spite and/or extortion tactics, it could be as 'innocent' as trying to force one last downturn to cash in on. I mean, it's pretty standard Republican tactics at this point That’s about as genius as a two year old shitting themselves in frustration. Honestly, doesn't surprise me. What I fear most is what might happen after the election if he loses. What if he starts screaming ""it's a rigged election! I refuse to give up my office because I would have won if the Democrats hadn't cheated and engaged in massive voter fraud!"" I wish I was kidding but I'm not, if he loses I think there's at least a 30% chance Trump refuses to accept the results. And if that happens who knows what will happen to the markets. He’s shitting the bed before he leaves it so his predecessor looks shittier in comparison. Bold move cotton. Let’s see if it pays off. [removed] Because he wants the focus to be on SCOUTS. He needs the SC to rule in his favor when he contests the elections. The implicit threat is that he'll veto any aid if he doesn't win. I mean how else do you read that tweet? He'll be back next week saying ""WE NEED STIMULUS NOW."" In fact like an hour ago he tweeted airlines and small businesses need billions in aid lol. He's completely inconsistent. I’m guessing he’s betting on that. Personally I wouldn’t be surprised if he has an intermediary doing that for him. It’s political and it’s calculated. He’s planning on using the fear of the market dropping to garner political capital. If he wins it goes up again. If he doesn’t, he lets it go and says *See??? As soon as Biden was elected the market crashed. Nobody ever got it as high as I did and no one ever will.* It will eventually bounce back, probably at a lower level. In the meantime, it will be ugly for the individual investor.... ...or a loss for him will trigger a recession. Who knows? Either way, it’s going to be rough for the next few weeks at least. Mierdas Touch ""He's just playing 3D chess!"" -some Q-anon loon, probably It's definitely not easy to loose that amount of money in casinos and real estates over extended period of time. And he doesn’t want your vote counted.... Welcome to the team, but it's pretty sad if today was the straw the broke the camel's back out of everything. Not the racist birther conspiracy against Obama for years, bashing immigrants and Latinos for years, bashing Muslims for years, tweeting like a 2nd grade bully for years, thousands of lies, foolhardy and unwinnable trade wars, mocking people with disabilities including disabled vets, and basking in glory as his supporters chant ""send her back"" about a U.S. Congresswoman born in America just because of her skin color... This was the nail in the coffin? Not the 500 other things? Same, voted for Romney and then Trump, I will be voting for Biden now. This is more important than party identity, this clown is extorting us now. Thank you. Thank you!! How had he not already lost your vote? Why? All stock are at a discount now. This is great. Okay I will. Trump is losing with voters over 65.. everyone hates him except that small group of 55-64 year olds Hello from Germany. I voted already! If I can get around to doing it from across the ocean, so can you all! It's actually the other way this time. You want to encourage older folks to vote against the one who just took a big old bite out of their retirement with one tweet... You got it, pappy! This is actually the last straw for me. I wasn’t going to vote but now I am Just turned 30 and voted for the first time yesterday. Feels pretty good, man. I did already. Easy as pie and dropped it off yesterday. [deleted] Assuming young people will vote for Biden... He's slipping massively with seniors now too thankfully. I guess the whole ""downplaying a pandemic that could easily kill someone like me"" has left a sour taste in their mouths. My ballot is in the mail, not that Biden actually represents any of my interests. Already voted by mail. Let's go La Riva! Agreed. Given this shit I bet markets explode once Biden wins by just having a somewhat sane president in the office. The danger of voting for a spiteful sociopath is that you might be _wrong_ in your beliefs, and now someone committed to moving in a direction regardless of results is in power ... Or, on a more personal level, that the spiteful sociopath might decide to target you next. See: faces eaten. Much safer bet to vote for the guy who isn't interested in throwing children in cages, because then your own children are much less likely to end up in a cage. Assuming we get a blue executive and Senate, I fully expect we get a stimulus passed January 21. Unfortunately this baseball bat has real world consequences. Happy cake day friend. I can't count how many times I've shaken my head and said the same thing today. It's unbelievable how much the actions of this asinine nincompoop will most likely fuck our country. I got banned from r/investing for being political for getting mad at trump for this same exact reason. Like bro he’s killing my stocks. They are all clowns, he just happens to be their king [deleted] Any incumbent with an ounce of intelligence could have won this election in a landslide. So many catalysts to achieve well on and he decides to stab the American people at every one instead. It’s insane He was not on track to have easily won. But this makes it even less likely. He will still try to steal it. Please don't disrespect the clowns. [deleted] [deleted] Same airlines that just laid off 40,000 workers even though they explicitly agreed to *NOT* do that when they accepted billions of government assistance last time? Yeah, fuck them He is. It’s his covid steroid... I'm so fucking tired of being nickel and dimed with my tax money while I watch companies that make millions or more in profit get bailed out to the tune of billions of dollars. Its fucking sickening. 600 a week was so low those cheap fucking Republicans approved it but Americans make so little now (at least without a degree) that for most people receiving aid it ended up being significantly more than they were making some almost made double. Its sad that none of them even are attempting to hide the fact that they couldn't give less of a fuck about any of us. [deleted] I had just gone positive on Citi too... [deleted] Don't sweat bluechips unless you planned to sell them in the next couple months. Those are stocks you buy and hold for decades. Here too. All of them. Boeing, apple, tesla, peloton, ... AAPL is probably more about the anti trust/is tech too big talk. Also the app store controversy. I also like BAC. 👍 Nah, all your shit is long term hold unless you’re here from WSB. I don’t give a shit about Donnie causing a 3 percent spike Seriously. He fucked up this economy by incompetence, then fucks it up more deliberately. Sure. At devaluing the dollar. No he's not. And this article doesn't contain all the info. The [yahoo article](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/stock-market-news-live-october-6-2020-222434352.html) explains it better. He feels Pelosi and the D's aren't negotiating in good faith with their bloated 2.4T offer, the R's present only a 1.6T deal. Realistically they both probably want something around 2T, but it doesn't seem the D's are willing to go that low and the R's aren't willing to go 2.4T high. So Trump is refusing to keep wasting time on proposals that both sides won't ever agree to. >Why can*\['t\]* he just understand that and give these people a break?? Not to be Captain Obvious or anything, but he's a narcissist who literally doesn't give a single shit about anyone except himself and maybe that one daughter he'd like to fuck. Nowhere because he doesn't exist lol if he did we would obviously not be in this situation. Except the democrats just need to run with “trump blocked the stimulus” all the way to the election. For the (republican) American people He's not a fucking dummy. He's a covidiot. To give into such tyranny is fundamentally un-American. Run the country like a mafia. Extort Ukraine, got caught and got away with it. Now last ditch effort to extort American public for their votes or no stimulus. Any idea why renewables are doing so well? When someone with existing delusions of grandeur takes a drug that causes delusions of grandeur, hoo boy. Can you elaborate? This is not the first comment saying he's on drugs... and I've not heard that before. Genuinely curious if you have a moment. I can alsogo google it... Once you accept that they're not thinking, everything makes more sense. Given a few days, fox news can have their entire viewership believing it is entirely the democrats fault. Assuming the message isn't ""I'll be a weak negotiator and offer Dems more money after I win for their vote""(Which makes no sense). The obvious point of this tweet is a threat that no aid is coming until January if he doesn't win. At best a moron, more likely extorting poor people. Lets be honest, it's both. He doesn't really care either way about rbg, that's just a side effect. He's pushing to pack the court in his favor for when he loses the election and he inevitably contests the result. He has until freaking early January to confirm his justice. The day after he loses the election aCB can still get confirmed. Good thing Trump paid $750 dollars in income tax and gets the world's best healthcare meanwhile, if the ACA goes, we get NO healthcare... Maybe cause he was a D list reality tv star that has no business being in the White House. He'll be broke and in prison a year from now anyway, so maybe he just wants to take everyone down with him. Because he's a selfish asshole like that. Remember. He doesn’t do things without thinking them though, despite the fact the media claims otherwise. This could be apart of his 4d chess moves. Because some of the people here lack empathy. Notice they didn't really care to vote against him until it was their stock gains he was affecting. Who gives a shit about kids getting locked up in cages or staring down the gun barrel of fascism? What about my TSLA calls? Ahh seems like you’ve finally discovered the meaning of “privilege” I was thinking the same thing! Like, of everything he’s done and said is this really where you draw the line???? I’ve lost faith in Americans. > why the rush to confirm Amy. Because it has become more likely that there will be an election case to come before the court. Right now, there are an even number of justices and a 4-4 split would not be good. that is a valid point lmao. ""I'm going to win, the stimulus will be bigger, better!"". Ok..so if you are goign to win...why does Amy need to be confirmed asap? Oh yea.. you need a right leaning deciding vote for the election in case it is close... Not really, any green for weeks has pretty much been from anticipation of stimulus injections, now that is instantly gone. I'm expecting red the rest of the week And he deleted the earlier tweet that tanked the stocks! Well shit I wrote that before I knew it happened. Not even a day. My 0 stocks don't seem to mind I almost half believe he's doing his best to do his worst. He's used this term to make things easier for himself business wise but he doesn't actually want to *be* president. If he did he'd actually do the job My favorite was ppl saying they were changing their vote because one trading day. Never change Reddit. Pass > Vote democrat no. 17 democrats sided with republicans in attempting to block house democrat's bill. They are trying to shove nationwide ballot harvesting through in the relief bill. HASI AES MAXR ATRA Renewable. Renewable. Space. Bio therapy. Was up a good amount today and Donny boy railed me..... WPC. The only one. Lol, logical and Trump don't go together. He is impulsive old man with a ego higher than Mr. Everest The only thing he’s good at apparently haha I can't really hate the guy. Anyone that's watched wrestling knows what a heel is. Just liquidate my entire position. We ll prob see a downtrend till the end of election I cant cause I cant have cash Im a recovering gambler. No. My portfolio only took a 2% hit with that drop. I suspect it'll have a negative trend throughout the month, but I'm still a ways off from needing this money. Going to keep putting funds into the market and let me nest egg grow through all of this. Temporarily, yes it's a hit, but there is no reason to think I won't win long term. took my profits, primarily out of zm/amzn/aapl as was up 20% anyways, left all my etf's alone though, and still holding DG It’s called blackmail. Vote for Trump if you want stimulus. If he loses you can bet your ass he won’t pass any stimulus as punishment. I'll pass a stimulus with the same Dem house that I just said weren't negotiating in good faith! Must be the steroids. Seriously?? Real tweet???!!! or vote for biden so you dont have to deal with these theatrics even if you hate biden or democrats. Do us all a favor and vote for Biden and help save us from this train wreck or a presidency Vote for Biden At least vote third party. It’s important when the two major parties put such garbage options forward, a larger third party vote shows that discontent with the status quo. That's not what a stimulus is for dude. Saving it. Why would you sit out the election. That's a vote for Trump. Get ta Steppin. You fucking caused this mess. You unpatriotic piece of shyit. [deleted] [deleted] It WILL break the bank for quite a few. My immediate family has been lucky to not be affected by COVID financially, but other parts of my family are in a world of hurt right now There's a lot of a lot more at stake with the stimulus than your children's college fund. There's a ton of businesses, cities and states depending on this as well. It's going to throw the entire country into a deeper depression / recession. Through this time of global chaos, a president who takes a measured and thoughtful approach (even one you might not agree with) is likely better than a shoot by the hip reactionary. Vote Biden for stability of decisions you can then rally against. Why would you not vote? I'm not American so it makes no difference to me but voting is one of the top forms of democracy. If you don't exercise it what's the point? Seriously? Get your ass out there and vote. WTF? Ok, don't vote for Trump then, and I guess you can't see yourself ever daring to vote for Biden, but there are a ton of other elections to vote for this year in your area. Come on... Given that you voted for Trump in 2016, please seriously consider never voting again. Ahh not participating in civic duty but I bet you are one of those people always shouting they hate politicians. Hypocrite. Why do people even have children? Theyre disgusting >focuses on hardworking Americans and Small Business.” That's a weird way to say ""almost all of the money will go to massive corporations, you peasants will be lucky to get $1200."" If you want to be sure he doesn't keep fucking up your life, a vote for Biden is the most efficacious move. >my representatives They're OUR fucking representatives. FUCK THIS ORANGE MUSSOLINI How high are you? Not an insult, serious question. It comes off as deep, but offers no helpful information. Of course taking down this embarrassing mirror would help. He reflects a lot more than that. I sold as much as I could (with taking nice profits) and then turned around and bought AAPL at $113.87 which looks like I should’ve waited another 15 minutes and I could’ve bought it at $112.96. Oh well... Probably some powerful well connected people were told to be prepared for Trump's tweet at a certain time and won a lot of money by selling faster than anyone. But additonally it is possible that an algorithm identifies news that alter the market and then some software buys and sells faster than human conventional players thus creating a simple and easy profit. If I were to study it I would start by looking at historical tweets with the keyword 'stimulus' all its metrics and correlations with market movements, as it is already been proven that stimulus news alter prices. I think there must be a lot of smart people with incredible resources finding these correlations and to beat the market you should do it better than them so don't get your hopes too high :) Nobody knows for certain what will happen - but the markets like *stability*. Trump has been a massively destabilizing force in the market. My bet is that once he's gone, money that has been on the sidelines will feel safe coming back in. Jesus man... Shares? Just hold. We're not getting a March level crash. Hell just two days ago he was telling them to come to an agreement. My bet is on left over puts from September that were close to expiring If you hate trump only for that then you deserve it It’s not deep thought it’s dems Loading this Bill with billions of bs that has nothing to do with covid “never waste a crisis goto waste “ Let's hope he loses then. He's definitely trying to get the Supreme court stacked to control the election if contested. Good day for all except those who bought puts. I sold casino, oil, and alcohol stocks right after he tweeted. I turned around and bought AAPL so I’m hoping the next iPhone is a big success. Airlines are gonna get shit on without stimulus. Following lol seriously, this guy is moving it with tweets ffs and if he doesnt like something he just goes scorched earth and everything goes to shit. Worst part is, he cares more about a fucking supreme court nominee than the millions of Americans who need a stimulus check and unemployment insurance really bad. My portfolio is now down the shitter because of him Also voting for the first time. Not a huge fan of Biden but he is infinitely better than Trump. Could be? Hard to say. There were a lot of allegations after the first big crash. You did good. I think I know what stock are you talking about. Anyways, I feel a lot of stocks are flooded by big money and some of these stocks are resistant to the dip. But, I think they may see a dip, tomorrow. [deleted] > Curious can the house get 2/3 majority needed to override the POTUS? the president isn't saying he wouldn't support a bill, he's saying pelosi is negotiating in bad faith and he's not going to continue to waste time with her. the partisan garbage she was pushing through the house previously under the guise of ""stimulus"" only had a little less than 51% of the house backing it (and would have even less support in the senate). until she's ready to drop the pretense that ""something isn't necessarily better than nothing"" and start agreeing to pass the stuff both sides agree on rather than trying to use a ""must pass"" bill as a way to ban voter id laws (something that the heroes act did), talks aren't going to go anywhere. The best day to start is always today. If you’re actually investing and not just speculating, you’re in it for the long term and you’re all good. [deleted] The thing is he'll have no motivation to do it if he wins because he can't have a third term. its a lot for an immediate drop due to a single announcement Ok then 2nd worse scenario, his supreme court nom is more important than the aid that MANY Americans desperately need. Whatever hill you want to die on Then he will tweet something stupid in the AM. He will then backtrack, and tweet something stupid again, and again, and again. And it feeds his ego more each time! Exactly what we want for an egotistical narcissistic pig... *facepalm* That is EXACTLY what just happened. We’re experiencing another Trump rollercoaster. Ugh it’s so stressful when he can move the stock market with a single tweet. I fucking hate how much power he has. Because America's Government isn't for ""the people"". It's a frontman for the military industrial complex, mega corps and wallstreet banksters. So as long as the guys on wallstreet and in mega corps and finance get money, Trump or whoever is playing make believe ""Commander in Chief"" can take off as many days of the week he wants. This pandemic has been great for the super rich. Billionaires have added more billions. It's been great business for wallstreet. Happy cake day, fellow reditor. Yes, after reversing his stance in light of the minor plunge. Of course it is. Text book example of Trump derangement syndrome demonstrated by r/stocks [removed] Most digital media platforms veer to the left. Pretty much the only ones that veer to the right are openly conservative whereas ""mainstream media"" often claims to be non-partisan but has a significant left-leaning bias. Youtube, Twitter, Facebook etc. In my experience Reddit seems to push farther left than any of them. It's back up because he reversed his stance after he saw the reaction hahahha I read this and immediately panicked and checked my portfolio. I was kid of shocked to see everything was full green. Kind of bummed when I saw the entire market was flying as well though :p. How the sentiment can change... Reddit's algo put this back at the top of all, bu tit was posted 20hrs ago after the drop yesterday. Buy when it's down, sell when it's up. Why is the market news? Because it focuses on something bad Trump may have done prior to the election... Pretty obvious. Stable geniuses posting trash. Trendies are back on the table 210,000 deaths and counting So I guess criticizing him for making one of the dumbest decision in American politics is considered a TDS, you Trumpers are a joke [deleted] Doubtful any republicans will cross him in the senate to override his veto. what dip it's a 1% move this is a daily fluctuation I don't understand what everybody is on about. I was thinking the same thing. That’s my thought exactly. Question is how much more down it’s gonna get to make max profit > Buy the dip 1% is dip now? Don’t they need senate to pass it? Would Republicans really let it happen now that Trump is vocally against it? Serious question. but Trump has to sign any legislation into law so I don’t get your argument. If he says he won’t sign anything until Nov 3 then Congress can’t go around him and accomplish a stimulus bill sooner because of checks and balances So you agree that McConnell and the rest of the gang are children. Noted. Doubtful. Dems will let him hang himself with this stunt. Remember the Trump Shutdown? Who flinched first there. Oh how quick we forget. [deleted] It doesn't really. If he gets re-elected , Dems control the House and Republicans get the Senate it'll still be deadlocked To be clear, I don't believe the actual facts or vote counts will matter at all: Trump will contest this election no matter what. There is no uncontestable, that would require any form of adherence to the facts. Honestly probably tomorrow morning when the market opens Way ahead of you bud. I’m voting him in. 17 democrats voted against the democrat plan because it has shady shit that doesn't have anything to do with COVID. The democrat COVID relief bill legalizes ballot harvesting. Shh. Let them pretend And half is recovered by now 17 democrats voted against it because it legalizes nationwide ballot harvesting.... [deleted] Stop looking at fake news and actually find out why Trump is doing this. Look at what Congress wants from the stimulus and ask yourself why Trump doesn't want to pass it. Been saying that all night. Their hate for Trump really has clouded any common sense. And now the open market has pretty much gained what little it lost. Egg on their face. >WOW! Almost an entire 2%? I assume you never interacted with this subreddit in your entire life. The Great Depression of 1929 dropped 13% in four days. Just keep that number in perspective. [deleted] 100% True. I just made a comment and instantly got replies and PM's from the shill's at CTR or whatever org is running this op. I've never seen this sub in r/all since I've been here, and the fact that the first time is a 1% dip in the market (which happens daily, btw) and this thread isn't full of ""regulars"" of this sub calling that out makes it completely obvious this entire platform is astroturfed to the moon & back. In the short term (meaning today's stock market): not that bad a drop. It's not fun, but it's well within the ""the market reacts to a piece of news"" normal reaction. The larger question is whether this is now the start of a multi-day (or week (or month)) trend now that the market *knows* that more stimulus isn't forthcoming. (And, it should go without saying, real tangible knock-on effects as people who are struggling have less money to buy goods, pay rent, and so on.) Depends... long term holders are fine. This is just a political stunt from the clown up top Not *that* bad. The election is a month away. Depending on how long it takes to count the piles of mail in votes that will likely come in and confirm they're not duplicates or dead people voting, it shouldn't be too long before a new Stim plan will come around. That is, again, depending on if the election becomes contested from either side. What you get on Reddit is the Liberal Democrat PoV mostly. You rarely to never see the other side's PoV. Not even from closer to the middle of the political spectrum. Just for your frame of reference. It's on par with every other decision he has made, bad. It’s blackmail because he is saying “re-elect me or else” essentially with the else being a worse economy as he is unwilling to pass a stimulus to help ease the strain on the economy from the pandemic. He is saying, elect me and I'll give you stimulus after the election. if you don't elect me, I'll make ur life hell and you need to wait \*AT LEAST\* until January. Isn’t always the dems fault tho? According to trump. democrats are trying to sneak in Nationwide ballot harvesting in their bill... That is not good faith and has nothing to do with what the american people need. 17 Democrats voted against the Democrat relief bill because of the poison it was sneaking in like ""No ID checks for voting"" and ""Ballot harvesting"" We could afford universal healthcare but pentagon got greedy. You realize biden doesn’t take office until mid January right? The stimulus is intended to help small businesses stay afloat and boost the economy. The stock market was working on the assumption that the stimulus talks were going forward and it would be passed soon. This creates huge uncertainty, particularly if case numbers begin to explode and places have to shut down again We has no monies to spend then companies makes no money. Stocks reflect companies reports of having monies. 1. No more additional support for businesses and families meaning more jobs and businesses will fail until another stimulus can save whoever's left. Many could remain jobless with no stimulus funds to pay for essentials. 2. No more free money to inject into the stock market until the next stimulus comes around. Dems have nothing to lose though, he's in no position to strong arm it haha He stole the GOP base and now they believe he is the cornerstone to them maintaining their power. I don’t even know what a point even is? Mini S&P currently down 1.8%. Because it is. i do it and it is. ohh good they cut jobs more money for me. The Dow Jones is currently 27,772.76 So... less than 1% If you're investing in the stock market, you need to be in it for the long run. Having said that, you are investing near a peak and in a very uncertain time period. Did you get any professonal financial advice before this investment? Not as funny as Trump only taking credit for the stock market when it is doing well and then having complete amnesia when it isn't. How’s he gonna also that without penn, Wisconsin, Michigan, or Minnesota? You probably want to severely temper your expectations guy. [deleted] Wishful thinking. This week is going to be a slaughter. More than 230 You’re buying stocks when the president could die at any moment? 😂 This? Haha! I know, right? As if the past 4 years didn't fucking happen! Vote because the electoral college is corrupt so it needs to be a landslide. And now back up double. Is everyone still concerned? I can't be the only person thinking ""The President is as high as a kite right now."" This is pretty bad. Joke answer: **RUN SAVE YOURSELF** Real answer: the most conservative way to start would be to set up regular, periodic (small) deposits into a total stock market ETF. That way regardless of whether the market goes up or down, over time you'll get the average market return. If you're not already maxing out your IRA or 401(k) contributions, do that BEFORE investing in stocks in a taxable account, since the taxes you save on the retirement accounts will be significant. In the short term, nobody can tell you whether the market (or a particular stock) will go up or down, and anyone who claims they can is lying to you. Steroids are a hell of a drug. There's some guess work, especially since he's now back tracked his previous statement and sending tweets like he didn't just publicly announce he was walking away from negotiations a few hours ago. Most likely, the drugs he is on are heavily affecting he mental clarity, and making him more prone to irrational and sudden snap decisions. Some think its the Art of the deal, and a ""good business move"" except this isn't a business, it's a country and people are suffering. Others think, he believes he's going to lose this election so wants to leave things in as much of a confusing mess as he can before he's out of office, so that people can spin a narrative of Bidens Recession, even though it would have started here and now with Trump at the Captains seat. My vote though, it's the drugs. Because Democrats are pushing for a bill that is more than just 1200usd cheque which everyone cares about. They are pushing for a bill that serve their political interest, while taking it along side with the stimulus cheque. Essentially the democrats want the bill to be their achievement and getting more supports from the voters. And if Trump refused then we see how people react now in this thread. People here really need to understand the complaints about trump blackmailing voters or serving self political interest is more on democrats than anyone else. > Yeah, it was very annoying... I had great gains until that idiotic tweet. How/where did you learn what you should be looking for as a newbie trader? What is concerning is that was about 1 hr 15 mins until the markets closed. So it could have dropped further. Stock markets been rising due to hopes of a big stimulus that will help companies. trump saying that the stimulus won’t happen any time soon kills this hope. people don't seem to understand that entire nations economies are kinda reliant on the us economy just working. because they sell them goods or buy goods from them. I mean if Biden wins he'll give more money to people so not really. People just need to vote. Still waiting on the right to care about coronavirus. 200,000 dead and counting. The market reversed overnight and is now up 350. They don't care again. That's why we need to vote third party. Red and Blue are too busy in their pissing contest to get anything done that doesn't hurt the other side. 50 miles is 80.47 km It’s a bribe to the populous. Because 240 points is not a lot? The Dow has went down 1000+ points many times before and I never saw it make the front page... Do you have a link to media coverage of this? I googled it, but couldn't find anything. It’s now 14 days old and I just got a notification too 18 days just got the notification. The dip is not the fucking problem. Use your brain, think a little harder. The one you get when you have your high school degree. [deleted] Lmao, um is the president blackmailing people who lost their jobs due to a global pandemic......not something worth changing your vote on? Like what, does he need to show up on your doorstep and shoot your dog in the face to change your mind? People like you already talk about Biden and Harris like they do that all day long lol, weirdo. You can trust this 10 day old account to tell the truth! No stimulus = less chance of a full recovery and less money to invest After he said it, the market dropped sharply. It is still dropping and we don't know where bottom is for the comment he made. Welcome to the internet where people can visit whatever community they want. Especially checking stocks reaction to a dip November is going to be tough for you. Trump basically just said ""If Biden wins, there won't be a stimulus bill passed until next year."" It's very likely Trump doesn't win. Today's dip is not the end of this. Extremely accurate. Hmm, I think you are confused. Nothing about what you quoted suggests Pelosi wants to end stimulus talks. So far only one person has called for that [deleted] hEs PlAyInG 4dEe ChEs In reality, the only people who don't want stimulus are from his own fucking party. Lol. looks like the Republicans are getting exactly what they wanted. The house passed a second round way back in what? July? before the payments stopped? The senate refused to even negotiate for how many months? How do you know she's ""Negotiating in bad faith"" maybe they both have goals to meet, and they simply aren't budging on one or both sides, you don't know. Very little he does is legal. But who is stopping him? The Republicans? They’re a criminal syndicate masquerading as a political party. this but unironically Plugging ears to reasonable Criticism of Orangeman good? Yes. What did we forget good sir [deleted] so who wrote them? You don’t want any of your taxes back? I do, but I’m not eligible. Get your check and sign it over to me then. Congratulations, we are all very proud and impressed! Keep it up! I’ve literally paid 30x the stimulus in taxes. Good, send yours to me and I'll send you a boot to lick instead. It's not a handout, it's getting back some of the taxes that were stolen from you. Someone's gonna get it. Trump does when he catches covid though. [deleted] So completely stop all negotiations and only start them again if he wins the election? Yes this is Nancy Pelosi's fault and not the President who ordered this. ^/s It's acceptable after he wins though right? lol Was I right? The president just tanked the market and is holding money over the heads of people struggling in a shit economy. I would consider myself somewhere in the spectrum of libertarian and conservative. This is unprecedented sociopathic behavior, just like when he took his mask off last night, and walked into the room with his staff. He does not care about people. He's a nut job con artist. If you’re caught up in the liberal vs conservative identity battle, you’re a fucking loser. Tool. I’be got a 600K portfolio I manage myself... I’m not a conservative. What an ignorant thing to say. So why are you here still? Get the fuck out and go find a new platform you pleb. 8 years on reddit? Or 7 months? Lmao I have hundreds of thousands of dollars in the stock market you have no idea what you're talking about. You should take your last sentence as a self advise The market operates on the good faith and credit of the U.S. in many different ways. A leader potentially dying and opening the door for political turmoil due to an abnormal transfer of power (even to someone within the same party) is what stocks react to. *Moscow Mitch has entered the chat* ""I don't think I so"" net 200 He already reversed his stance after realizing everyone thought it was stupid [deleted] Imagine being a trump supporter who wants to short the market when Trump is all about how well the stock market is doing Dang, it's nice to see Trump caring about RCL investors. s/ Except Trump's concessions didn't include ""just the check"". Pelosi's bill included the check, small business help, airline help (because thousands just got laid off), a federal jobless weekly benefit, and more aid to school's and colleges since Trump insists school remains open. A $1200 check isn't going to do shit in this US economy, and you're stupid for thinking so. Illegal immigrants pay taxes too... More then certain presidents. Also the amount of money it would cost to weed out the illegals would greatly offset the amount of money spent. Additionally, the unemployment benefit was the equivalent of 16k + the base benefit. Seeing how the lowest paying jobs were hit the hardest, this probably covered upwards of 1 years income if not more. For example someone making 45k a year probably got 30k over the 6 months of unemployment....post tax. Imagine what would happen if tons of people have nothing to eat, nowhere to stay (and, under this covid circumstances, can't go back to their home country) .. and yes, they do pay taxes. VAT is tax. My portfolio. Umm what? Pretty sure it says TRUMP who will NOT NEGOTIATE Donny only take. Trump literally tweeted not to do a deal til after the election Rightists literally pretending reality isn’t real Keep telling yourself that, snowflake. By an odd coincidence, this is the most common talking point of Russian state-organized influencing operations. The dems did pass it, dumbass. The gop senate won't pass it. that is not how these things work Lmao the house already passed the stimulus bill moron. It's waiting in the senate. Probably the millions of unemployed, the 100's of thousands who may end up on unemployment. I'd say most of the USA cares. The Dow sure as fuck wasn’t up 400+ today before the tweet lmfao neither was the s&p500 Idk, ask all the most conservative states in the country tax negative. ...you realize the Republicans have the senate right? Mitch has already tabled and downvoted some of the plans sent from the house. Bro you’re straight blind lmfao > Democrat libtards wont work with him, he’s been trying to get out the checks for 2 month. Stay in school Lol the bill has literally been sitting in the turtle’s legislative graveyard for months. That is completely false, someone is lying to you. These haters are fools. The democrats had their chance over and over and just want us all to be dependent on the teet of the govt. 600 extra a week for someone at dominos is a joke (but probably the average job of people on Reddit so I understand the disconnect). In real corporate America, I have seen the extra 600 be a deterrent for people coming back who work in our production and warehouse areas which stalls shipping products. We need to incentivize people to work, not stay home. Stop being the problem. We are Americans there are no sides. Aah! The classic ""Stockmarket is doing great so the economy must be really booming"" argument. The economy goes far beyond just stock market speculation. And stick market speculation leading to insanely high and unsustainable stock valuations have nothing to with Donnie. Tesla would still be upsurdly valued at $300 billion even if the corpse of Jimmy Carter was in the office. Theres absolutely nothing Donnie did that led to the stock market going balls to the wall nuts. He inherited an economy on the rise and just benefited from it only to tank it when he failed to react to Covid. Only a select few have made money off this stock market. Before you label everyone a leftist who's out to get the selfish turd that you for some reason think has made you rich, think about the folks who don't have money to pay rent on their modest apartment or don't know where their next meal is coming from. Who needed the stimulus money cuz Donnie couldn't be arsed to implement a national strategy that would have allowed him to open up the country a lot more safely and put the economy (not just the stock market) back on track. The last 3 years? Since 2009, my son. When the Fed says we need stimulus, then Trump exits talks two hours later, people are gonna be mad. His? Nothing is his, he isn’t a fucking king. Fuck. Because it was the first and we wanted to limit the Trump spam that would come in after the tweet. Also the title says it all; it's pretty much perfect as you can tell from the highest voted post on r/stocks. Had the same though. Bad bot. [deleted] 🤞 And my axe! (Same) Instead it was Eddie Van Halen. 🙁 Same My heart skipped a beat, and I had a huge adrenaline rush They raised my hopes, and dashed them quite expertly Just wait until October 29th around midnight. well after this news if he died they’d prob go higher It was [called out](https://twitter.com/unusual_whales/status/1313557130897571840?s=21), too! Seems a pattern of Trump to try to stave off the inevitable. He never ""left"" the hospital. They moved all the extra gear and such they needed, that wasn't at the White House's medical facilities when he was admitted, to the White House to treat him there while he stayed at WR. He was transferred to another facility. It's all for show. That's coming in a few days After this move by him, he should be readmitted to the hospital. This clearly is not a move someone in good mental health would make... Market only went down 2-3% on Kennedy's assassination right? I don't know how much more unstable we could get just because Pence gets sworn in lol. He's one of the few actual politicians on the white house staff. Yep. I’m getting in the habit of keeping a news feed on for sudden crazy items like this. I guess they would go lower at first if he was to die, but surely the market would eventually warm to having a sane adult in charge again? I’m kinda new to this - how would his hospitalisation / death make stocks go down? Isn’t he just one person? [removed] [deleted] Are you a student and trying to be a day trader at the same time? That seems like a lot of stress to take on. So weird dude everyones saying there stocks all went to shit today but literally all of mine went up. Maybe he is a genius and he’s just prepping the market lol [deleted] I don't think you understand how much Trump's life insurance actually is. Just one Pence. In the medium run, yeah. There’d definitely be a buying opportunity if a sitting president suddenly kicked the bucket Doubt it. Political instability (even if it's a dunderhead like Trump) through death regardless of cause will negatively affect the market. And if he dies, Biden is almost guaranteed to become the next president, and say what you will of Trump, but he'll do almost anything to keep the markets green because that's his only thing he can hang his hat on to have a chance at getting re-elected. Most analysts believe that if Biden wins, the markets won't be as great under his term. Edit: Seems like I was wrong. At least in the short term, this would have been bad anyways. But med-long term, better. I’d be relieved to see 0 if that meant he was gone. There’d actually be a chance of stability again. > at least no one died... Eddie Van Halen. you act like Trump dying would be a bad thing > I wasn't wrong, but at least no one died... Other than a hundreds or thousands of people from Covid, but yeah... Goldman Sachs (not known for their support of Democratic candidates), came out today and said that a Democrat sweep of the elections would be very positive for the markets. My sense is that everyone in finance (including the Fed as Powell said today) sees the need for stimulus in the range that the House passed and it takes Biden and Democratic House and Senate to get that through What are the odds on him making money from shorting it? [THIS is the guy that writes Chump's twitter, not Chump.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Scavino) Me too Orange sus Apparently he's declared war on christmas. Unless he's hoping for some sort of Dr Seuss christmas where everyone's singing and happy despite losing their incomes, their homes and a portion of their family. It goes both ways... it was pumped on unrealistic stimulus hopes that we knew would never happen given our state of affairs between democrats and republicans. For the record it was actually still pumped significantly more than it dropped Such a good insult lol, orange. Didn’t trump going to the hospital indicate you you that the stock market will fall if Biden gets the election.... [deleted] Not for 41% of America, apparently. I remember when stocks were based off of Orange reports and Frozen Concentrate and now, well it’s still orange reports. [removed] Oh, like he didn't already have those. If Obama’s tweets impacted the market as much as Trump’s do, the Mitch McConnell himself would have investigated Obama for market manipulation > It’s the fastest way to hear directly from the Prez ...how he's going to completely fuck us over. Yay! [deleted] That's a back-assward strategy though, right? Won't Dems just be able to say, ""he's holding you hostage, while we want to give you a bigger stimulus now."" Is he already considering a loss and just wants to say fuck you peoples? How does this even work? ""Vote for me and I'll give you a paycheck"" - some dictator, probably. [deleted] Yep it really doesn't matter at this point. everyone has made up their minds. if you're naive enough to be a part of his cult and vote for him again I doubt anything can change your mind by this point. [deleted] He thinks he can get un(der)employed voters to cave. Fun fact hunger/extreme poverty is the leading cause of most of revolts in history. Even if his stunt works I doubt people will stop resenting him for it. He didn't just threaten the poor today, he threatened investors. The people who traditionally prop him up. EDIT: Too salty to proofread Honestly that could be the case, but it still seems moronic to do that. There’s no way that would poll well for him. That's unlikely. While Senate is maybe, Democracts will expectedly maintain House, so it still can't pass. Or intentionally tank the market, his buddies buy in the dip, then announce a change of heart on stimulus. Best part: a stimulus package doesn't even have to exist, he just has to tweet it. Rip my karma, but... The bill had Billions of dollars going to things remotely unrelated to coronavirus relief. It had bailouts for failing state budgets. It was an embarassing bill and it would have never ever made it past any Senate vote. But I bet no one here even read it. What's 2-3%? That's a normal dip. Take the opportunity to buy on discount and quit letting everything play to your emotions guys. [deleted] Which is crazy because we would probably get better checks with all Democrats. Good fucking luck, my calls expire on Friday. Yep and he will lose votes because of it cuz he so smart He just lost a lot of votes But electing Biden would almost certainly get us a larger stimulus, so that doesn't even make sense. That's exactly what my first thought was as well. He's talking in the poles and must have come up with this new strategy to gain support. What it means though is the market will continue to go down and there will be no stimulus. Trump has a bad habit of not keeping his word and the only ones who would believe him are already die hard supporters. It looks like he is going to lose and if he does there is no way he will sign a stimulus bill. If he wins there is only a small chance he signs one because there is nothing in it for him to do so. Ive tried to look at it from all angles and I think the market will be in turmoil for the next month. This move makes the market want a biden win, which will lead to a higher chance of stimulus. I voted early as a countermeasure. Complete bully tactic, how on earth would he think this will win him votes? Everyone knows the dems want the stimulus too, in fact they want more money for average taxpayers NOW than republicans do after the election. He sees that he's losing, and is trying to stack the deck so right out the gate it's ""look how bad it is under the Dems"" If he wins, he can pass the stimulus and claim success. If he loses, the Democrats have to pass it, and the he can blame them for wasting money. Nope, he just wants to gaslight his base further. Mark my words, within a weeks time his campaign will be running ads about how the ""radical left"" is holding another stimulus bill hostage and that only voting for Trump will break their blockade. That and this could be his back-up plan for when he loses. Bring the market down with 1 tweet then invest for his future unemployment. Well he just ensured I DON’T vote for him But he's already shown he's against it at least twice. The democrats have at least twice voted through stimulus bills that the repubs killed. We all know the repubs will never do another stimulus. If they had put one through this month people may have thought ""oh well, we got the stimulus, no economic harm to voting repub now"". And now, the only way to get a desperately needed stimulus is to vote democrat. Although I am fucking pissed my $10,000 hazard pay has disappeared from the new bill. He might be saving the stimulus for the last week prior to election day. He literally fucking **said that.** https://i.imgur.com/0ZloFgY.jpg Fuck anyone who supports this bullshit. Such a dumb move, if true. Does he think a dem led house, senate, and presidency wouldn’t pass a stimulus package? Probably one that is larger? Any sane president would take this opportunity to hand out money to the people to score extra votes. Leave it to Trump to not give the electorate something they want and need to try and use it to get votes. Nah, it’s exactly what they’re saying. They’re focusing on getting their justice onto the Supreme Court. Trump may be a fool but even he can see the writing on the wall. He’s very unlikely to win the election, he’s hoping to cause enough fuss and crazy shit to make sure the Supreme Court has to decide the outcome. The Republicans see controlling the court as their most important objective because the demographics of the nation are changing and their beliefs are becoming less popular. It’s becoming their best means to maintain some sort of rule as they become a minority. For Trump it’s his last ditch chance to stay relevant and out of New York prison. That or he wants to leave Biden an economy in shambles, which is why good ol’ Mitch agrees with him. Guess it’s to the porridge kitchen for me then, I’ll live on bread and water before I vote for treason. How does that work? The dems could just promise a stimulus then all he achieved is screwing people. I don't think he realizes that Biden will push through a better stimulus deal immediately after inauguration. Regrettably, Biden will have the best first 100 days since Washington. All he has to do is just undo everything Trump did. Nah he’s holding the stimulus hostage to pass Amy Psycho Barrett or whatever her name is. The one whose dad had conversations with Jesus in a made up language. That’s gonna be our new SCOTUS judge.. I think the GOP knows he’s done for, and probably so many of them are too. No sense in signing off on stimulus if the voters won’t take that to the polls in November. I think this is what he’s doing, but it doesn’t make any sense to me. Why not just approve it and literally pay Americans for votes with their own fucking money? Isn’t that going to get more votes than holding it over our heads? There has to be something more that I’m not seeing. That's what he said about the payroll tax cut too Except he forgets Biden will provide a much more helpful stimulus package Hilarious. Everyone, including Republicans, expect Biden to be more cooperative on stimulus. Why would he possibly imagine this to work in his favor? Now that he's fucked the investors, he's going to lose this election. You can fuck the poors, but never fuck people with money. The stimulus won't arrive for a few weeks because it's in a caravan. He wants despair and unrest in the cities. Not just to drum up votes but to suppress turnout and to create a chaotic election upon whose result he can cast doubt. Which makes 0 sense. It's been many, many months since the last stimulus package came out and they're still only talking about giving us the same thing as before. Basically half my rent for one month is what will be given. How am I supposed to believe that he'll follow through with this if he can't even manage to get this stimulus package through? This is exactly what happened. The crooked ass businessman in him wants to hold the country hostage and dangle a stimulus package above our heads. Not gonna work cos anyone with half a brain knows it's not gonna happen, although if you vote Biden there is a good chance you'll get one after waiting 2 months Doesn't work when the other guy is actually going to get a better stimulus passed. It's not the only step, but it is the FIRST step. If you're an American, make sure your voice is heard by voting on or before November 3rd 2020. [Register to vote](https://www.turbovote.org) here (2 mins) [Check registration status](https://www.headcount.org/verify-voter-registration/) here (60 secs) It's your vote. IT'S YOURS. Haha, he's trying to buy votes and it'll work. Some people are desperate, selfish one issue voters. He's the fall guy for the Republican senators to avoid being on record for voting ""no"" on the stimulus. He's just too tired to figure it out that his advisors are screwing him over. Yep. Last time it was a supreme court pick, this time its dollars I’ll just vote for the other guy, he wants to help businesses now. He's making the repubs focus on stealing the SCOTUS seat instead. Stim debate takes time away from that. That or he is pumping and dumping. LOL Remember,he shut down the government for border wall funding? he gives no fucks. He's doing the same thing to federal employees... Not taking Social Security out of our checks right now, with the suggestion that if we reelect republicans, they won't make us pay it back next year. He learned quid pro quo is legal now according to the Senate. Nobody in government can stop him. The Democrats will work on a stimulus package to. I am not sure how this would motivate people to vote for him because of this. It's probably a short term move to allow Senate Repubs to focus on the SCOTUS confirmation. Then Pelosi will offer something the Repubs like better than the current deal she's offering, they'll accept, and claim victory for saving the economy. Which is dumb anyways because a democrat president would make sure one passes so its really a lose-lose strategy for him. I'm starting to think he might not be that bright... That was my thought exactly. Ah, like a quid pro quo He’s also doing this to the military with forgiving income tax until December then making it double starting January. In a plan that can’t be opted out of but may be relived if he’s re-elected. In my mind more people would want to vote for Trump knowing that he provided a stimulus package to them. I'd argue if Biden was elected then the chance of a stimulus would go even higher compared to Trump so I think it only hurts him. So stupid. I'd expect Biden to be far more generous to the American people while I suspect Trump wants more money to go to corporations. As an individual I've gotten $1200 worth of help this year. I've also gone from 260 lb to 211(new record today!) because I can't afford food. Seems like it'd be way better for president Virus to give people help so they like him if his goal is more votes. Yup. As if he couldn't be any worse of a human. Not really. He wanted to give everyone another Trump check so they’d vote for him. But the dems loaded the bill in the house with a ton of unrelated funding that had nothing to do with COVID because they don’t want a stimulus package to go out before the election because it makes trump look bad (I.e. why aren’t you helping us and our businesses, trump!!) This is a major win for the dems. lol no the shit Nancy wants is absurd. We can do incremental bills. She knows people will think dumb shit like you. Politics as usual. It’s working.. That's actually what Nancy Pelosi is doing Holy fuck you clearly should not be trading stock if this is your actual thought process [deleted] Not news, but never fails to make me angry. This is probably the most obvious shit going on on this green Earth and yet his base still worships him. Likely Well he's not the only politician doing this, theres proof Nancy Pelosi's husband did that too with a solar stock. The manipulation is coming from inside the White House yea, his name is Stephen Miller. Obviously this is a negotiation tactic, stocks will creep back up, then a reversal of the reversal and they jump, talks stall, stocks fall. Invest in morgues. Both examples only show that you know nothing about finance I gave up interpreting Trump long ago. He's a big boy and can use his own words. When he says ""stand by"" he means it. He’s basically there right now on Twitter. I guess he felt the backlash. I see the comparison. But what he's suggesting is less like buying votes and more like electoral extortion. Remember that even if Trump loses, he's still president for almost two and a half months through January 20th; inauguration day. This is the so-called lame duck period. What Trump is saying is that the American people get no stimulus this year unless he wins. Meaning that if he loses, he will veto every stimulus bill that comes to his desk. He's a vitriolic piece of shit. We need to call his bluff, vote him out, and override any veto he threatens. Are you related to the scout leader? Buuuurn They don’t think, they just *react* and it’s always the most childish response. ""If we pay them they'll vote for us"" Well now they’ll get blown out because they ranked the economy. Oh look, cheap stocks. Really? Maybe not all but Mitch McConnell and the Senate Republicans had since May, and have purposely held it up. Trump is the leader of the gop. Such a terrible idea though, not Trumps MO mofo is high as a kite. That’s spin, this such a bad move, he’s already back tracked. 🤣 “Maybe you do not care much about the future of the Republican Party. You should. Conservatives will always be with us. If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.” I wish I shared your hope. Fuck that GOP is created and is complicit in their actions. Don’t vote Republican. He is the living embodiment of all their ideals They could've impeached him and chose not to? Just disband the whole party and start over. Yeah no. He is gop ss much as it can be So, we think a new stimulus gets passed then? We don't need Trump's involvement / approval. Your forgetting all the months of shitty proposals from the Senate and Mitch McConnell. They don’t give a shit about it small businesses, you can just look at the first round of stimulus and what happened with the majority of Pandemic loans. How are you so brainwashed?!? Stop being a fucking pawn neither party gives a shit about you. Trump literally said he is doing that? it must hurt to be that stupid It took 2 months just for the GOP controlled Senate to even put up their first counter offer and it wasn’t even close to a compromise, it was a joke. Sorry Chud your party sucks, don’t worry they both do. Never thought I'd see a Skyrim reference under stocks. [Trump: *why would the democrats do this?*](https://imgur.com/zDlP5Fd) I upvoted you haha. Gave me a good chuckle skyrim reference will never get old The Dragon-Born speaks. Nancy Kerrigan has entered the chat. gold. You’re using logic. That hasn’t been used in politics in a long time. Trump has had PR golden eggs handed to him on a silver platter. Had he even slightly managed COVID properly, things would be different. Could have gained political capital there. Had he responded to George Floyd and the subsequent BLM protests even with the slightest acknowledgement and denunciation of racial injustice, he could have gained political capital or popularity. Had he denounced white supremacy when directly asked about it at the debate, he would have not opened himself to attacks about it. It’s astounding. He doesn't care about votes. He's seen his poll numbers. He's going to use the Supreme Court to contest Bidens victory and steal the election. right?!? if he passed the stimulus right now it would be another wave of 'trump bucks' but a new SC judge has very little effect on like any normal person. Through this action there's implications of intention. Who needs votes if you jam through a third supreme court pick in order to accomplish a hard coup. In a contested election the SC will help him more than the stimulus. I don't think anyone around him thinks he can win by votes alone. Isn't his plan to just question the election results, then the supreme court votes that he won? Maybe he's realizing that he won't win the fair way. A supreme court justice has become his plan b. He doesn't care about votes, he cares about remaining President. He can do the latter without the former if he gets lucky. The strategy is to pick up a certain kind of voter in particular regions of the USA in order to solidify an electoral college victory. The voters he is targeting are not very involved in the stock market at all. Sure they are counting on the stimulus but they are already team Trump. They don't see this as a ""delay"" in stimulus payments, they see this as an imperative to vote Trump this election. The thought process is ""Now we definitely need to vote him in so he can provide us a good stimulus, democrats are the ones holding out stimulus hostage!"" Also the section of the population that Trump is targeting has a HUGE hard on for a conservative SC judge. As backwards as it sounds I think this is actually exactly the Trump play book and a sound strategy. Democrats and liberals will obviously see the hypocrisy but Trump supporters already hate democrats and liberals so the angrier they are the happier Trump supporters will be to vote for him. Donnie's strategy probably is this: He might either die from COVID or he might lose the election, so he might as well take everything down with him and his fan base blames the Dems. If he happens to live and win the re-election then he can release the stimulus and take all the credits. The weird thing about that thinking is that if Trump gets his Supreme Court nominee on the bench before the election, what motive will there be for religious people to vote for someone they feel uneasy about anyway? If he gets the supreme court pick, the election doesn't matter, voting will not matter. He'll win when they decide he did and it'll be over for democracy in America. This is gonna happen. I think right now he is accepting he is gonna lose and is banking on the Supreme Court to keep him in power. Hence why he wants to accelerate his nominee. Rushing ACB to the court isn’t about votes, it’s about making it to where no matter the vote count, SCOTUS can declare Trump the winner. He needs that crazy lady to let him cheat the election. Trump clearly doesn't just pander for votes which is neither a good nor bad thing.. but he isn't driven by appealing to the majority, thats for sure. He's just playing politics as any other politician does. If I had a nickel for every time that was used to describe him and his actions I'd be rich. Yet it's all setup to coddle him and protect him from consequences. Your parents are not informed if they think the stimulus is money from Trump. Trump doesn't pay his bills and stolen from cancer charity. He is the last one to give anybody any money, especially interest free or without a gotcha. He's probably just speculating on the market. Making it go up and down to pump up his cash flow. Soon he'll Change his mind. And the market will rise and he'll make money both ways. And his Trump check supporters will call it a genius negotiating tactic. This election is all just about turnout at this point. it was both houses that passed the 1200 stimulus, democrats and gop. the only difference is both sides want more added onto the act's that they fight and negotiate on. usually dems want more healthcare and better things for the people while gop keeps trying to pass shit like regulations for big biz so they can dump in our rivers and shit thats why you keep hearing shit like ""well the dems held up the act and thats why it didnt pass as soon as it couldve"" cause the republican people downright retarded and follow zero percent of what actually happens inside the gov besides what is spoon fed to them on the internet and the gop is downright scummy trying to save a penny any fucking way they can Me and my friends jokingly refer to it as our trump bucks, or our birthday checks from uncle donny He did send it with that baby-dick energy ""this is from your all loving president"" note attached His argument is that democrats/pelosi wanted to attach a bunch of other shit to it and were basically blackmailing him into passing legislation that he didnt approve of. I essentially blame the democrats a lot more than usual on this one. They knew Trump was drawing some random lines that shouldn't be drawn, but something is better than nothing. Pelosi disagreed saying that (political) opportunity cost matters - Americans still aren't getting the money though. Democrats held out and refused to lower the amount because they know Trump sending out more checks helps his re-election chance, and failing to do so hurts him. My friend group are NOT supporters but we called the stimulus ""daddy trump bucks"" as a joke. (Most of us didn't even get it anyway 🙃) Your parents were not the only ones. I called the check ""Trump bucks"" along with my coworkers. Your tax money was spent murdering Iraqi's. This is debt with trumps signature on it. I fully condone the handouts but he has always been using it as political leverage. The real question is if he loses will he bother with an more stimulus checks at all, or just not bother because America betrayed him. After all, it's not about you, it's all about him. It’s our tax money, but if Trump gives it to corporations, they’ll give back 0.001% of it to him in the form of campaign contributions or SuperPac money. Agreed, but it's... y'know, *something*. People are out there really hurting and this administration can't even pitch in to help them out... When I say on the fence, I’m more so referring to the people who are still deciding on voting for Biden or not at all. If trump gives that money the people who were going to vote for Biden just to fuck trump may consider not even voting Ah... no; Trump hasn't done anything to disillusion his base, and the U.S. is not the hellscape that everyone crowed about it becoming. Sit in delusion for another month if you like though. I mean, his COVID response is basically negligent homicide.... Bro are you on internet explorer or something? Signature verification on mail in ballots is patently absurd on its face. As [a recent lawsuit](https://apnews.com/article/pennsylvania-lawsuits-pittsburgh-elections-election-2020-29eec964b774534eefac408aad366860) put it: >Each time a county board of elections — comprised of laypersons with no expertise in handwriting analysis — subjectively believes there is a mismatch between the signature accompanying the voter’s mail-in ballot and the signature in the voter’s file, that ballot is not counted, notwithstanding the many benign factors that can cause signature variation It's literally just interjecting into the process a way for ""subjective comparison"" to be corrupted with the intent of arbitrary and discriminatory disenfranchisement. Are you a corrupt county board of elections member and want your candidate to win your district? ""Whoops! Here's X number of votes that ""can't be verified"" because the signatures ""definitely don't match"" based on my zero years of experience! The voter doesn't even have to be notified that their vote wasn't counted before the count is certified. And oh look, the disqualified ballots conveniently came from supporters of my opponent. Fancy that."" The fact that it's ""solving"" a problem that doesn't exist - the validity and legitimacy of mail-in voting - further proves that point. [deleted] We don’t know what the fuck the truth is but the fact is he’s the president of the country and he needs to do what he’s got to do to make shit happen You fuck face! She budged on the first 3.whatever trillion it was but your mind forgets this for some odd reason. It is fantastic to see trump cancel it bc he just threw any shot of reelection!! Yay for him and his silly supporters. “Ive also given you every reason to believe that I’m lying and I will in fact just give more money to big corporations!” -Trump 1.6T is the negotiation that isn't passing. So it's an implicit agreement to more than 1.6T to get Dem Support. He's tweet is saying ""Nov 4th I'll give you more than we've previously agreed to if you elect me. If you don't elect me then you are waiting till January"" What a fucking absurd tweet. Small loans agency but it's the government of the United States of America He will, but Day One isn't until well into January. That's another couple months that many Americans cannot afford to wait on further assistance. Biden wont become president until january Pretty sure every bill in congress has to start over again once Biden takes over. So there's no way they get it to him on day 1, unless the house and senate can both immediately vote on identical bills and pass them. >Biden will have a stimulus ready to go day 1 and look like a hero. I'd be surprised if Biden was conscious day one tbh [False.](https://excessofdemocracy.com/blog/2020/5/a-quick-look-at-the-draft-election-law-access-act-a-part-of-the-draft-heroes-act) It would ensure that if the state thinks your signature doesn't match on mail-in ballots, the state will have to give you 10 days to correct it. [Republicans hate it when everyone's vote is counted,](https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeBiden/comments/hb1i22/effortpost_3_of_15_how_republicans_are_trying_to/) so naturally they oppose this measure. You’re all over this thread with the same lies, do you ever get tired fellating someone who doesn’t give a shit about you? Hey buddy, hey *her package is the compromise* You and every other fox nutter in this thread keep talking about how it favors democratic states, but *that's where most of the dense population centers are* which might have something to do with the amount of funding needed in this *massively infectious airborne virus* Where the fuck are you seeing that? You better link some sources or get out lmao This is how used car salesmen work. Zero-sum bullshit. This! extortion only works if the alternative is worse. Isn’t this some real shitty extortion though, like if he loses wouldn’t there be a greater push for stimulus than with him as president? Extortion really seems to be his go-to. Didn't he learn his lesson over Ukraine? This isn't extortion, he has no say in the bill until it reaches his desk. This bill would have failed on arrival in the senate. The house democrats can pass a bill for 100 Trillion and it won't pass the senate. It's just filled with garbage. This entire subreddit is super emotional to be stock traders. [deleted] Correct. “Vote for me or no stimulus until February” The next presidential term starts January 20th, 2021, so Trump would remain in office until that time, if he loses the upcoming election. Since Trump is already the president, he can sign or veto legislation that makes it to his desk. There’s a pretty high chance that if a stimulus bill made it to his desk, it wouldn’t pass with a veto proof majority, so Trump would probably veto it and the stimulus bill would die. I believe that if he lost, he’d veto it at every opportunity it makes it to his desk, and since it’s very unlikely that a bill would pass the senate with a veto proof majority, everyone would probably just wait until the next congressional terms and next presidential term to try again with Joe Biden and whatever the new Senate and House of Representatives looks like. I think it goes beyond this bill though, I think that Trump would probably spike anything with Democratic support regardless of how the election plays out. Everyone blocking him from just doing want he wants to right now will still be in office after the election and until the end of their term. He won't be able to pass whatever stimulus he wants until the new congress comes into office anyways and even then he may not have the support to just pass what he wants. If he actually had the power to pass what he wants the day after the election that implies that he could just do it right now since it would have to be an executive order or something that bypasses congress. It implies that he either doesn't understand how the government works or he is holding the stimulus over the voters' heads and threatening them with total inaction if he loses. Comes off as a scorched-earth strategy, as in **\~well, if you don't elect me then I don't run this shambles (that I've made) of a country anyways!!\~** We havn't been able to get any Stimulus since April but somehow Trump thinks he can magically push through a new bill post-Novmeber 3rd if he wins. What's his plan if he wins and the Senate flips blue? Scream about impeachment and removal as they go through the process since he let 200,000+ people die? But they won't do shit in November either I don't know about that. He seems to think he's still the opposing challenger. ""Vote for me and I'll stop the riots, vote for me and I'll stimulate the economy, vote for me and I'll make America great again"". Don, you're already in charge, do it now. He still has to deal with the Democrats in the house regardless Ignoring the Senate Republicans turning on him to save themselves after a 2nd impeachment. i hope he dies from covid, i rly do. i hope his entire family die from it too It gets worse cause Trump forgets that the House is still dem controlled and likely will stay that way. So he can't even do anything at all really. The Lame Duck session was originally put in place because it took forever to travel. It also allowed time for the news to travel in what was a developing country with no real interstate infrastructure. We would be better served by a parliamentary system like there UK's/Canada's. He stated pretty clearly ""After I Win"". If we get a second the debate, one of the questions has to be what if he doesn't win? Not the contest I wanted to win, but I'm 53 and just registered for the first time. Seen a lot of people in our highest office, and liked some more than others, but never felt like the POTUS was absolutely unfit for the office until this one. [deleted] You can still be lazy, just go and vote. Do you just not vote in local elections too then? The national elections are the ones that get all the big headline news, but your local elections have much more impact on your family and neighbors than anything that this or the next president can do. Not meant to sound accusatory or combative, just genuinely curious why people don't vote when they are eligible. My town, for example, has elections where 3,000 people vote *total*, and this sets public policy that directly impacts my community more than anything that the president, our senators or congressional representatives do. Wish you registered 4 years ago... To prison for the rest of his pathetic life Hell yeah! Vote! [deleted] Great point. Thank you! He didn't just force peaceful protesters out with violence, *they gassed the priest of the church he took the photo op at*. Where were you when the Access Hollywood tape came out and when he just did not have any policies during his debate with HRC? I seriously am baffled when I come across people who thought HRC = trump Kinda agree, but better late than never right? If there ever was a time to start participating, it's now. Don't need to alienate these people. They're voting now and that's what matters. October 7th here in MO [deleted] [deleted] Drop 2 weeks prior to election imo depending on the stock He’s on lots of drugs and high AF. It’s possible or even likely he’ll flip flop on this a million times in the next week. RIP to my calls.. Lol you still have a lot of faith in this fuck show hes going to make his trump beat covid coins legal tender The real Oct surprise will be at the end of the month when he suddenly makes a deal and sends out the money after all. I thought it was going to be a check with trumps signature from edge to edge in gaudy gold foil. My new canon is that that was true and treasury told him no. (I get the election shenanigans, this is a joke, just in case anyone wants to galaxy brain me. Im here for it but its unneeded!) Everyone gets a Donald Trump Space Force $2 bill! $2,000 value! ive been telling my friends the big October news is gonna be epstein related. At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if the market views it as bullish. How is ""vote for me if you want the stimulus"" not taking it hostage? Why so angry, dude? ""amazon drops by 30%"" secspy772: ""WHAT YOURE GOING TO BUY IT NOW?! WHAT ABOUT WHEN IT WAS 5-10 DOLLARS A SHARE! thats when ill be buying!"" I would not want to be stuck in a room one thats for sure. Fucking things are mad. Honestly. As if Trump hasn't proven himself unfit for the office a thousand times over. I know, right? Im curious to see what trends would emerge if we were able to give every person on earth a value based on several objective factors and then graphed it in several formats. I really do believe that it would be possible to map out human minds with the correct technology and approach. Yes this is called backpedaling because some aide probably rushed into the room to say ""What in the actual fuck are you doing!? Are you trying to lose?"" Jesus Christ that was a toxic rabbit hole. I’ve never been on Twitter and now I’ll never go back. It's really obvious that this is about Democrats attaching their own agendas to a bill that everyone knows is politically necessary. Both parties pull this shit when they aren't in the presidency. Yeah Trump's dumb but I don't understand how nobody here is getting this. Yea, it’s merely a change of tone, which shows lack of tact by one of the most vital leaders of the world. Absolutely shameful, but it’s not surprising at all. Exactly. Sociopaths love torture people who are “dumb enough to fall for it.” It is their greatest source of glee in life. Lol. You think all of you would have learned from the 2016 election. Enjoy another 4 years of Trump. You may be able to show up to the polls and void your mail ballot. Some states allow that iirc How the hell are you this indecisive? We’re finding hella ways to laugh to mask the pain It really does. One guy basically said “I just bought Amazon.” Like it’s going to be down for ever. Lol Yessir!! Check out $PEIX Wake Me Up When ~~September~~ ~~October~~ 2020 Ends One of the best green weeks ive had in a long time. Ouch We all were. Me too! I was really looking forward to October. Lots of solid earnings coming, a few solid green days and then...YIKES! Events like these are when it’s time to turn off the computer and go outside or read a book or something. There’s nothing we can do, so there’s no point stressing the fuck out about it. Doing some low end day trading and I sell early in the day. I literally said to myself I can't trust this fool when I started. My 401k on the other hand took a hit. This is a Warning that we’re all tired of Trump’s Shenanigans. He is a Nimrod, a Dookie, and an American Idiot. > Sigh, I was having a nice Green Day too Can thank American Idiot I hope u had the time of your life That's what I did, I added to my position in BEP. Seemed like a good day to do it. From a bewildered Canadian, I'm so sorry you guys are going through this down south. What sort of renewables companies have you invested in, think i am going to head in that direction Not a terrible idea Which stocks out of interest? I'm trying to decide whether to invest in a few individual companies or the iShares Global Clean Energy ETF Good point. $TAN finished up 1% I've been cruising along Sunrun the last half year. Almost 200% up in the last 3 months QCLN has made me lots of money lately Holy hell, heavily invested in a specific sector? I’m getting real worried about my airline stocks tomorrow and this week, they were doing pretty well too. I like the stocks I’ve bought, I think they’re solid long term stocks and I don’t have the time to research active trading with my job. Just hate to see losses even if they’re short (hopefully) term. Split mostly into 1/3 of tech, finance and airline/retail. Him and his silent 46% “majority”. I’ll see you in a month though. Lol Biden is the most pro-wall street dem candidate you could've gotten... You’ve watched one too many hours of a Fox. People making over 400k will pay about 1% more. Doubt too many of those folks are talking investment strategy here. Biden’s going after people making 1m or more, if you’re in that category yeah he’s coming for ya. I know, but I could have gotten it at a better deal. 😅 Nobody likes to see a sale right after they made a purchase. Yeah but if hes a day trader this isint exactly good news Can you believe Amazon is kill? Might get split up tho Do you know how stocks work? RemindMe! 15 years I had just sold tsla 360p for nov 20 this morning. Could have gotten a lot better deal on that had I just waited few hours When it’s at 10k/share in a decade a few hundred bucks won’t matter. At least you’re not guy that bought it at 3500 Oh no! What service are you guys using to purchase amazon stocks? The GOP will pass a stimulus, but it has to be down around $650B. They want to keep money away from blue states and cities (which I disagree with) and don't want to bail out colleges (which I kind of agree with). Even Powell thinks that's not enough money and he's all about banks. It would take unlimited Federal Reserve money to keep the banks solvent if Main street goes under. Dems want a higher stimulus too. ""Biden wants to give you a lot of money! But I said fuck that. Vote for me, and I'll give you less money, and you'll have to wait longer for it."" Actual benefit to the American people is just the last thing on his mind. If Biden gets elected, they can't pass any legislation until January because Trump can just veto it. If Trump wins, he can pass something the very next day. If Trump loses then the dems won't be able to issue the stimulus until after Biden is sworn in. So you are talking February. If Trump wins he will be able to issue the stimulus immediately. So there is a threat of a 3 month delay. Whatever it is I don’t like it The x makes it sound cool If he wins he'll okay the stimulus in November. If he loses Biden won't be in power untill January and wouldn't be able to okay the stimulus untill then whos to say if we even get that stimulus after election trump has prolly lied more than any other president combined I made an Apple call 2min before his fucking tweet. If this shit goes belly up I will cry. Please oh please announce an iphone on 10/13 Always sell when you think it may be time. Everyone else is thinking it too Bruh I was up $200 and sold for $50 Like yeah at least I made a profit but fuck things were going good and I thought it was gonna be a good week Some of his talking points lately have not made sense. He's been talking about how if he wins he will take action against any riots that will happen and how he will do all sorts of things. But he is in charge now. He has power now. And he has taken little action on anything the last few months. He is acting like his hands are tied right now and it will take winning the election to unleash his power. All the things he has been saying make sense if he was running for President. But he is running to remain as President. Nero As someone who comes from the political subs, [this appears to apply to the situation.](https://youtu.be/jA580xJpPM8?t=1353) He's mad and lashing out in the only way he knows how, hurt others more. Just wait till Foxnews turns against him. Which they will when they realize there is no chance of stopping the blue tsunami. Trump will destroy everything on this path, just like he has done the past 4 years. Just more all at once this time. ^This. “Won’t win in November, so I’m trashing the joint.” Because in any functioning government he would have been serving lifetime in jail. Joker - it's not about money... it's about sending a message And who benefits and why? Romney was right and we should finish the job regarding Russia. He is or is it the democrats who are literally burning everything in the streets? even Pelosis hair? And the more overwhelming his loss, the easier it will be for him to say ""See! There's no way this is right! Clearly they cheated!"" It's really difficult to imagine him leaving peacefully and graciously like every president before him. Expect tons of conspiracies, misinformation, etc. Exactly. He's acting like he's already got it in the bag Was getting caught part of his plan? r/remindme 30 days Stealing the election when there's a 4 or 5 point difference in the polls is possible, but at this point we're seeing a double digit lead in some places. I know polls aren't always accurate, but it looks like Biden's lead might become too big to subtle be able to steal the election from. I wonder how him stealing the election would work out internationally. Like Putin and BoJo congratulating him but he EU not accepting the elections as legitimate... That would give quite the circus. Similar thing is happening in Belarus with Loekasjenko so it's not that far fetched. Cementing himself as the supreme leader. Get the electoral college to vote against the popular vote as designed Doesn’t him stealing it kind of rely on it being relatively close? > Winning the election isn’t his plan. Stealing the election is his plan. It has worked once before. Yea, this absolutely needs to be the narrative. He has already established that will contest the results. Its not even the first fucking time, he did the same thing in 2016 and HE WON! We should also take into consideration why they are trying to shove this SCOTUS pick through so fast. Found the conspiracy theorist ^ The problem is that he wants to win but also play the victim at the same time. Can't do both, Donny. I would think he has nothing to loose.... After election is done and Democrats taking powers, can we please start to indict him and put him to jail upon the investigation? Im from the country where all of democratically elected former presidents are exciled, dethroned by force, assisnated, jailed, suicided, impeached (and jailed), and etc. If we dont do this, another Trump will come out because there is no punishment and history didnt learn anything He's incredibly stupid AND high as shit. He either doesn’t think he’ll win and is doing this out of spite, knows he’ll win via cheating already, or is just really stupid. Smart moneys on stupid. It's almost like he is trying to lose He's on a host of drugs to treat his covid symptoms. One of them is dexamethasone, which is known to produce mood swings, cognitive impairment, combativeness and aggression. Puts you in the perfect state of mind to make stupid decisions. It's only dumb if you think his goal is to make America better, or to win a legitimate election. And if you still after all this time think either of those are his goal, well I've got some 1999 yahoo stocks to sell ya He & his friends could be making a shitton of money insider trading his tweets, so that each such surprise he pulls makes him bank in some way. He is planning on getting that Supreme Court pick in and then he will contest the results assuming the Supreme Court will give him the win. That's why it's his priority. He’s a full-blown narcissist. He doesn’t think like that He's been this dumb the whole time. Threats are his language. Do what I want, or I'll make you suffer. This is simply his latest sentence in that language. You’re thinking about it too dramatically, Trump got pushed over the edge in 2016 by low excitement for Hillary and an anti-globalist message that resonated with moderates in the Rust Belt. He has neither of those things anymore. His hardcore supporters helped but they’re not his only voters. With moves like this someone who is truly still on the fence (albeit not many people) is not going to vote for him. It’s doubly stupid because the economy is one of the only things voters still say they trust him on and he’s now holding it hostage. This is so boneheaded that it almost begs to be interpreted as throwing the election. Depending on the state, 5-10% of voters are still undecided. In some swing states, Trump needs the 100% of undecideds just to eek out a win. Trump just pushed away more undecideds as well as some of the ""lean"" republicans. It’s not about his supporters. Turn out among Dems and independents was very low in 2016. Assuming there’s even slightly better turn out (which is *very* likely, because Hillary was historically unpopular) he’s fucked Yikes Yep. Biden is a place holder. I don't like him. But fuck all he is fresh air compared to this nonsense. [removed] Not to mention that he just created a fire sale for some stocks. People who have capital at their disposal will come out of this shit show richer than ever before, regardless who wins the election “Who gives a fuck about Christmas stuff and decoration?” -Melania Trump The little pixies that only he can see and hear. lol What do you mean? It's them. They're everyone. Democrats like steady growth, Republicans want a stock market that looks like the EKG of someone having a heart attack so they can buy dips and make quick money when the market recovers. Of course, this catastrophically backfires every few decades, but if you’re one of the guys that sold right before the crash you can make even more money. It’s pretty simple. Wanton deregulation and tax cuts are the name of GOP’s game. Going into an election, the probability of a GOP victory is priced into the market; whenever that apparent probability changes, the markets react accordingly Because everyone predicts “profit killing” regulations even though Dems kowtow to big business all the time It's reacting negatively because it's been on an upward trend so far this week in hopes of new stimulus coming soon. It's basically reset back to Friday's levels. Look at the drop in white collar crime under Trump. Way down. Not because it's not happening, it's because they rolled back the Obama administrations regulations that were put in place after the recession to prevent it from happening again. I think investors are more conservative than the general population, so they're more likely to trade based on more conservative interpretations of the news. It's because the talk of increase in taxes. Especially capital gains taxes and corporate taxes. Most people don't read facts unfortunately Pretty simple, higher taxes and higher regulation = smaller bottom line = lower present value of cash flows = lower stock prices homie > So I'm not sure why it reacts negatively to the possibility of one Republican sabotage? Like now, if they lose they will sabotage the market so that they can say ""see, Democrats are bad for the market"". Democrats enact policies that will give slow steady growth. The GOP enacts policies that cause faster growth but inevitably followed by some kind of crash. I'm guessing a lot of traders want the latter because it's easier to make a lot of money in a volatile market. Do you have a source for this? It’s the possibility of prolonged stimulus fighting [deleted] Yes! Thank you! It was on the tip of my tongue I completely agree with you haha that wasn’t worded the best. I wasn’t trying to say only vote him out for that reason and in hindsight I could’ve worded that better lol Well, maybe this is the year a bunch of young people vote and change things. You never know until you try. Trump is losing the 65+ vote to Biden. Trump's strongest base is the white 40-60 y/o market tho He isn't even leading with the elderly. Oh how I dream for a boring president. Honestly, I'll take Biden just for him to do fucking nothing. Nothing good, but nothing bad. I'm just sick of an embarrassing president that splits the country up and pits them against each other. Honestly this is the thing. People can say how horrible Biden is with this or that, but in the end he won’t be acting like a motherfucking child all the time, and I’ll fucking take it. RIGHT?! I would love it if he just fell asleep and let the market's do their thing. Having Trumps Twitter as a quick link on my toolbar, for market news, has gotten old in the last 4 years. At this point a sleepy president who just does their duties then naps and chills out would be a huge improvement over Trump. I always wonder if anybody reviews these Tweets before he sends them out. I’d vote for a houseplant over Trump. Jesus fuck yes. I just want some stability. I’m 40 and I’ve been through 2 recessions that saw huge chunks of my peers unemployed in tech. Now we’re in a third. The first two wiped out many people’s retirements, and left bunches more homeless AND unemployed. Yeah met him rape more interns just as long as he isn't Trump! /s Biden is going to take a dirt nap within a month of being elected. You’re not voting for sleepy joe, you’re voting for token pick Harris. I mean remove the tweeting and what would be the difference between napping all day and watching fox all day. Lmao! That’s fucking retarded of you to say. I’d like a president that can stay awake more than a couple hours a day. Are you registered in MO? The deadline to register in MO is tomorrow, just in case you haven't yet. Thank you for voting! Please continue to do so Always make sure to vote for local stuff even if you hate national politics, though! It really affects you directly. I was going to vote Libertarian but fuck this guy. [deleted] Takes a ton of guts and self-awareness to make a change like that. Speaking as a lefty, most liberals I know wouldn't be capable of doing that. Serious respect for you. Sounds like disillusioned more than anything else. Probably wasn't planning on voting. Now it's pretty clear it's not a choice between two shitty candidates. It's a choice between a pretty traditional presidential candidate and then a guy with standing in a pool of gasoline with a bunch of nuns and orphans holding a lit match saying ""if you don't vote for me, I'm gonna drop this match."" [deleted] >what was he thinking? Bold of you to assume he was thinking. He runs purely on spite. He actually retweeted something that explained this. ""Next SCOTUS will likely pick the next president"". That's why he said focus on the supreme court confirmations instead. It's fucking scary. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1313641459082563584?s=20 Never look a gift horse in the mouth Right? People are praising this guy/gal when they're actually an amoral egotestical self serving ass. They only now decides that voting for the other guy is worth it because stocks dropped 3%? Apparently getting impeached, putting kids in cells, all but endorsing white supremacists and mishandling the outbreak didn't do it but god forbid the number in an excel doc somewhere is a little bit lower than it was yesterday. What a joke. Wow u/rural28 announces they plan to vote against a candidate you dislike and instead of showing appreciation and support you criticize them? Super helpful. Stonks are only supposed to go up Where? All I see is he’s an avid gun owner Quick search of your history would show us you’re a fucking single minded cunt. I went 4 pages into their history and I'm going to flat out call you a liar. Stop karma whoring dude, it's literally worthless fake internet points. It's really fucking pathetic honestly. edit: quoting the post I replied to in case they feel shame for the first time in their lives: >Quick search through your history and we can see you already were voting biden... stop karma whoring dude, its literally worthless fake internet points. Kind of pathetic honestly I was never voting for him. I vote libertarian but in this case my vote isn't as much for Biden as it is against the mango maniac Yeah Biden is a dumb jock. The only part of him that ever worked was his willy. Another Reason trump is jealous of him. Shit even Joe's fake hair looks better than Trump's. [deleted] ... or she just gets it from someone else. Wow, you were right, it is a great deal. That joke is old enough to fucking vote for biden, christ Wait, I thought we were talking about Biden? Not the dumbass currently in office? So funny when right-wingers say this dumbass shit lol like Trump actually has lawsuits against him for rape and sexual misconduct and is known to be in Epstein’s inner-circle while being a known sexual predator. He even paid off a fucking pornstar with campaign finances which his lawyer is currently serving time for. But oh no! Biden took some less than flattering photos! People who make like $37k/yr will still oppose it... Makes no sense. “Yea but if I ever make 400k in the near future then this will affect me! I am just an embarrassed millionaire who doesn’t understand tax-code after all!” -conservatives Right, and the GOP has people convinced it’ll affect the majority of Americans. The biggest thing I fear in terms of Democrats enacting policy is if they actually go through with “breaking up” big tech. This! kinda forgetting raising capital gains tax to 39% on a stocks subreddit... what you don't get is that if the rich gets taxed, the poor gets taxed more indirectly. jim bob will not have bigger taxes, but he will have a pay cut so that his rich boss can pay the bigger taxes and STILL get the same money in their pocket. Trumps tax changes were always designed to fuck the lower and middle class. Always. The fact they did it while changing the automatic deduction rate just fooled a lot of ignorant people. 2016 was hard. I went Clinton because I didn't want a reality TV star as President. Two party system sucks. D and R went Clinton/Trump, a lose/lose situation imo What happened to the never Trump people? There were a lot during the primaries in 2016, I feel like you hardly hear from them anymore. Good for you. Honestly this isnt just regular partisan politics anymore. A vote for Trump is just a vote against America and a vote for COVID. Are you me? Same here. I've had it. That’s why we need ranked choice voting in my opinion. This plurality bull shit has to go You dont have to be liberal to be anti-Trump. Hell you can be a red-blooded life-long Republican and still be anti-Trump. [deleted] Trump has shown that his voters are the most gullible and manipulatable people on earth. The North Koreans aren't even as dedicated to their Dear Leader the way Trump's cult is. They're forced to worship their dictator. Trump's base does it by choice. I'm pretty fucking left, not liberal. I'll stan Biden until my fingers bleed. I was ambivalent until this year since I hate both of their politics but whatever. We can't have what happened this year happen anytime again. Yeah I want to shoot the darn minorities with my full automatic rifle just as much as any other Republicans, but messing with my money is where I draw the line! Country over party. If it's any consolation the Democrats are openly courting the center right. I'm a Leftist so it's not exactly doing me any favors but I think this idea that Joe Biden is some far left extremist is fucking ridiculous Being anti-trump is no longer just political. It's patriotic and it's virtuous. Yea they are both buffoons, it's kinda like which ones are less buffoons and I dont think the dems can out buffoon trump at this point. Although all the idiots blocking traffic and messing with people are the only thing keeping me from automatically making the switch to D. Biden is fairly centrist and even conservative on some issues, it's GOP propaganda that he's far left lol. Trump makes Bush look like a Liberal ffs please vote against trump. i'm a libertarian so i don't think you should vote *for* either candidate (neither earned it) but you should still vote *against* trump. when he was told by multiple intelligence agencies, including his own CIA that russian bounties on US soldiers are resulting in taliban assassinations, he flat out denied it. he literally said the CIA and all our allies were wrong. more than just passively pretending he didn't hear them, he actively denounced the intelligence services of pretty much the entire free world. Said he trusted Putin's word and Putin said he didn't do it. Trump then asked the G7 to allow Russia to rejoin and make it the G8 again. why would he do that if the russians didn't have him by the balls? there's just no good explanation i've seen for asking the G7 that shit except for ""Putin wanted it and forced Trump to do it."" his leaked tax returns say he's close to $1,000,000,000 in debt and has $421,000,000 loans due within the next two years. That money isn't owed to americans because they stopped lending him money like 20 years ago. if those leaked tax returns are accurate, he's compromised by foreign money. that's also the simplest explanation that makes any sense for him ignoring his own intelligence agencies as often as he does. biden isn't good by any metric, but he's a far cry from that Im a bit confused, does democrat = liberal to a lot of people? Biden is not a liberal. It’s laughable to say so, he’d have been center right back in the day lol. I welcome you to the sensible center with me! Yeah this Trump shit has got to end. Voted nearly straight ticket red in ‘16 and ‘18. Time for this Orange turd to go. Yea, not all dems are “liberal”. I am anti free stuff. (Real) capitalism is needed to keep people off their lazy asses. Give them free shit and they have zero incentive to work. > The liberals are bafoons too At least Nancy Buffoon Pelosi keeps trying to pass a stimulus bill for the average American for the past six months. The democrats also tried to get Republican Senators to pass bills funding election security, but that was shot down in the last bill. So I would be wary of which party is in your interest. Amen to that Serious question though is it true the bailout Nancy Pelosi wants contains money from democratic states? If so that's not a wise decision either. Just focus on getting money to american people [deleted] RIP. He's truly in a better place now. Earth is hell and people suck. McCain’s loss was a result of the economy falling off a cliff in the months before the election. No Republican could have won in that environment. Right now I'd take McCain in the white house over Trump any day of the week. But if McCain is part of the 'true Republican' group, why tf would he pick a Trumpian vp? Honestly, before Trump I had assumed that we were headed towards a Democratic-Republicans/Federalist situation all over again (Republican party is edged out by poor electoral performance, the Democratic party getting huge before fracturing between it's more moderate/conservative and left wings). I was very wrong. I wouldn't hold your breath... For those of us who are fortunate enough to have retirement funds, our portfolio isn't about Lambos and mansions. It's about our livelihood and security. Yes? Dude have you not been paying attention for the last 4 years? That's all they were saying ""I'm voting for Trump because my taxes are low and the stock market is high"". Majority of his supporters that I spoke to about all the bad shit he was doing, they told me they don't give a fuck and that as long as he gets them the two things I mentioned above, they will vote for him no matter what. But today, with what is probably his dumbest move yet, it seems even those people can't tolerate him anymore. And this is the best case scenario It fucking hurts, stop, stop They're going to be calling it the Biden recession before he's even sworn in. I didn't even think of the bigger picture. Good call on this one. They will not wait that long More like a month from now. It’s honestly hilarious how both sides bitch about this topic in exactly the same way. Always. Sub Fox for CNN. Or the Obama recession part two: electric boogaloo They will be saying that the day after the election if Biden wins. [deleted] No one hates America as much as Republicans do. [deleted] If a teacher tells a bully which days they can beat the shit out of a kid that's not a peace deal. That's just looking the other way on an atrocity. A peace deal is telling them to stop beating the shit out of the kid and I'll stop calling you a fucking psychopath and recommending you for juvie. Please stop spreading the misinformation that Trump is getting ""so many drugs"". It's rather annoying. He received Remdesivir - which pretty much everyone with COVID gets, Regeneron, an expensive antibody cocktail available to anyone that can afford it, a steroid to calm inflammation, and oxygen. Basically everyone in America thinks he's getting these crazy unknown therapies not available to the normal person and its kind of annoying that his treatment is turning political for the ignorant. I was about to comment the same thing. I know most people are on this sub purely for the dollar signs but come on. This guy isn't some economic genius. He lucked into a booming economy and has been scraping by while being an absolute asshat the whole time until an actual problem came around and he has completely imploded. Open your fucking eyes and take them off the zeroes in your account. 100% All of the other unpresidential shit was acceptable until he started manipulating the stock market in a way that some ""conservatives"" thought was bad I guess Identity politics aside, you have to consider the blatant corruption, nepotism, disregard for science and his own advisors, collusion and extortion of foreign entities for his campaign, multiple high level campaign personnel in prison, disregard for the environment, complete failure of handling the pandemic, voter disenfranchisement and intimidation, not paying taxes and heavily in debt to unknown debtors, I can go on but I think he gets the point. THANK YOU Yea I honestly think that many people don't care about anything that does not personally affect themselves. People saying this is the straw that broke the camels back need to wonder why the fuck it is this straw and not any one of the other 300 lead-weighted straws. Don't attack a convert... And don’t forget the time he called dead US soldiers “Losers”. Voters who LITERALLY only care about their own money, even the death of their fellow countrymen and women don't matter to them. At this point the entire coffins is made out of nails. Like wtf...? It wasn't the children being taken from their mothers and raped in cages while the mothers undergo forced sterilization. No, that was just fine with them. What fucking stupid logic lol stocks going up = bad Stocks going down = good Id rather have an administration where I can consistently make money by simply being in the market rather than having to worry about what the dumbass may tweet next and having a stock market that look like an EKG. But of course you morons will spin anything to make it look good. I’ll have my sexy wife give you a blow job if you vote. Please Bro2017. Please. yeah I totally wasnt gunna but he won me over Thanks, bro2017 We did it Reddit! [deleted] I know several over 70 in that ""I'm the victim"" category, even though they have 100's thousands to lose in retirement funds, that would rather watch the US burn to the ground than allow Biden to win. Yep. The heavily racist / conspiracy theory nutjob demographic is ready to go down with the ship on this one. Basically the same people who said Obama was a muslim terrorist insurgent. I'm sure they'll be accusing Biden of something just as ridiculous when he takes office. White, non-college educated middle aged people are pretty much the only polling group he has an advantage in over Biden My mom (65 almost 66) is even feeling trumpgret due to his COVID response. She's in a vulnerable population and is not impressed. She even called him a narcissist tonight because she sees how much this will affect me. My mom literally thanked Jesus in election night 2016 when he won. Small group of white men that age. It's a *really* small group, because he's made sure to damage every other voting bloc Boomers correct? Id say 35+ are pretty in his favor or neutral in a lot of swing states. I'll tell ya right now, Wisconsin is gonna go Trump. Highly highly doubt we'll go Biden. Is genuinely be shocked if we did. All suburbs and rural areas are just filled to the brim with Trump signs. Never seen anything like it. Just out of curiosity, what takes you to Germany? I’ve been there a number of times, but never for more than a month, and I’m considering moving there for a graduate degree in comp-ling. How do you find living there as an American? Don't tell Donnie. He will take it to mean that actual Germans are voting in our election. Texas here, dropped off my ballot this afternoon! Wooooo You know that isn’t a vote against Trump, right? When the only sane option is to vote him out, voting third party just ensures your vote is wasted. Yeah, that was kind of dumb of them locking down that thread when this is a direct correlation on the market, weak mods. Dude, this is stupid. Taxes are still far below where even Regan raised them. Trickle down is belived by fairy tale trickle down. nah, good economic policy = long term rich [deleted] If you are making 400k per year income from investing you will be just fine. Short term that sucks. Long term it's good for everyone. Fair tax practices is good in the long run, will lead to a less volatile market, and more steady long term growth if taxes then go on to promote good economic activity, such as government provided health care (more people will become entrepreneurs) or more affordable college (more people investing and taking risks at jobs without being saddled with debt) Just the true colors of a shitty man and his shitty political party. The stupidity is astounding. I truly wonder if he thinks getting the justice in the seat is going to save his ass. It's pretty obvious the stock market is heavily inflated from the tax cuts plus virus relief money printer(Stock buybacks for days/Ultra Rich People having no where else to put their excess wealth). While the gains in stock look good on paper, they are backed by ownership of a company that isn't worth any more than it used to. If you time the market well you can dip out of the bleed into Mainstreet inflation. Otherwise your gains will be eaten by it. Then why is his approval among them so high? He represents republicans now. Old republicanism is gone. He's registered as a republican, therefore he's a real republican. And republicans voted for him, so he must be a representative of those republicans. So...... The 94% Republican Voter approval rating would like to have a word with you. ""Real Republicans"" are a heavy heavy minority to the degenerates that make up the bulk of it's voters. Oh youre one of the true 4-6 percent of the ""true republican"". You a true Christian too? You’re right! Whereas Trump just wants to sniff glue, piss on hookers, and jerk off in the mirror as he larps as an intellectual businessman, real Republicans care about passing draconian legislature to fuck over average citizens! If you think trump doesn't represent you, he absolutely does. Until you, and the rest of us vote him out [deleted] The art of the deal. Stocks on sale again! Want to be a moderator of r/wallstreetbets? God you're so lucky I rushed going into it, got in at 171, just broke even today and lost all my gains again, I was thinking about depositing more money for Sony but I may want to cost average down with another share of Boeing (I have 3 right now), do you think I should go with Sony or more Boeing I’m not so sure I would hold onto Boeing. There was a ton of news today about the 787-10 Dreamliner where they found an issue with the horizontal stabilizers on the rear tail of the aircraft. And it is currently affecting nearly 900 of the 1000 aircraft it has currently delivered. Also serious quality control issues from the aircraft being delivered from their South Carolina factory. https://www.wsj.com/articles/boeing-flags-additional-787-production-problem-11599577936 https://www.seattletimes.com/business/boeing-aerospace/boeing-admits-a-new-quality-issue-on-the-787-and-tallies-more-737-max-cancellations/ yeah there long term holds but I'm looking ro reduce my position in apple and open one ini Sony, thought by election time we could have at least hit 125, but this completely derailed it. Well a 3% spike would be an increase so.... Yeah it'd be a real shame if we we have to devalue the dollar to give *aid* to all the *crisis stricken people* What he said and what he thinks are normally 2 different things. If he can’t even negotiate a deal over a difference of 0.4T regarding a stimulus package that will help a lot of Americans, he’s not doing a good job and is showing his lack of skill as a negotiator. Which is retarded. The markets run on hope and he just dashed it instead of just letting talks go forever. 1.6T is the suggested compromise between GOP and Dems from the WH. The GOP controlled Senate have only had a call to move (drum roll) 300m up for a vote. > except himself and maybe that one daughter ~~he'd like to fuck~~ he's probably fucked. Let's be fucking honest with ourselves about the likelihood of the true depth of his depravity at this point. not if a deal is reached before election A moronavirus There's around 40% of the population lining up to give into it Biden 1T Elon musk, whether or not you like TSLA, really changed the energy scene. That, and oil spills and technology getting better. Remember, clean energy has been around since at least the 1950s - just never at scale. He's on dexamethasone, which is a steroid, because of Covid. Dexamethasone's side effects include mania and delusions, and he seems to be experiencing those even more than he usually does. You have to remember, COVID-19 *could* run its course in as little as two weeks, but some people struggle with it for longer. It can cause all sorts of problems in various organs, it isn't just a lung disease. There are different treatment approaches involved. Trump has returned to the White House when he must still be not just infected with the SAR-CoV-2 virus, but also capable of infecting others. He is still on the drugs they have treated him with, and one (dexamethasone) can have some mental side-effects. Also keep in mind that it could take until next Monday before physicians could tell if Trump is recovering well or not. There are some COVID-19 infections where a first-week rally seems to be the end, but just presages far worse health, and possibly death. I would not be surprised to hear that he died in his bed (unless they've rigged it up with monitors and such, but I don't even think he'd use a CPAP if he was told to), or to hear he's flying back to the hospital ""as a precaution"" for something unstated. But this back-and-forth stuff and the timing...either no one could get the phone away from him, or no one wanted to get that close. I just find it funny how he's doing things completely backwards ""bUt hE's A suCcEsSfUL bUsiNeSs mAn!!"" *--Some mouthbreather, somewhere* Tribalism is a helluva motivator. not sure if delusional or great at sarcasm Lol.. I never even thought about it from that angle. Thanks for sharing that perspective! i can understand like a steady drop or pull back but i dropped 5-6% overall in a matter of five to ten minutes. that is absurd to me Trump criticizes Trump record maybe? Oh good. I was really worried about you. Yeah, his inability to stop being a bully on Twitter speaks to this. The hive mind moves fast and erratically... Like a moth to a flame. Get ready for the blue wave and an undertow Crash the stock market, blame Biden then spend the next 4 years saying how Dems aren’t fixing a Republican Presidents mistakes fast enough. 2009 all over again. At this point, if he loses the market will rebound just on the belief that we'll get some actual stability. > If he loses you can bet your ass he won’t pass any stimulus as punishment. This would mean he's not president and then Biden would just pass a stimulus, no? I don't see how this is a winning strategy This is a dumb ass comment bro. #1 He won't have a say if he loses. #2 America has gone 10 months with one stimulus under trump. Time for the fucking scum bag to go regardless if he is dangling a measly $1,200 dollars in our faces. vote him out and get stimulus in february. i doubt trump is even healthy enough to do the job in a month anyways. once the roids where off and covid shreds his lungs he'll basically be dead. Yeah, go check out the whole thread and then watch as all your investments plummet. it's the mental derangement they said comes with dexamethasone, that made him think this was a good plan to win re-election can twitter just close this guy twitter. it brings harm more than good. Unfortunately https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1313551795646541824?s=19 [removed] I don’t like him either. Fuck off I don’t like the Democrats either. [deleted] It was mostly a comment out of exasperation. I’ll vote, but at this point I cannot support either the Republican Party or the Democratic Party. I’ll probably vote for an independent candidate. I’ll pass on taking the advice from a random internet retard. Hating politicians and not voting doesn't make you a hypocrite. You have the right to vote, not the obligation. If you hate all the options, why would you cast a vote? No the market fears in increase in corporate taxes like the fucking plague. The markets like money No, $40k. Edited. Yeah, I’m not worried. Just shit in hindsight cus I just put it this morning. 😂 I hate him for a lot more than that I don’t side with the Democrats either on this. It’s clear with this evidence alone that a two party system is *designed to fail* at crucial times like these. What does that even mean? I bought Plug I mean I do think this stock will be good long term, so I am hoping to jump in if it goes down, it will be interesting to see how tomorrow is for the general market. I honestly dont know why the Secret Service didnt take away his phone years ago. Even without the rumor etc saying hes up to his eyeballs in debt to foreigners- the President is using an unsecured line for social media. I'm sure every adversary and half whatever allies we have are all up in his phone like he was in Stormy Daniels. You're probably right. Both sides are to blame but optics are everything. Orange man just tweeted a blackmail attempt at votes and most will take it as such. >and start agreeing to pass the stuff both sides agree on Is that what the Senate is doing with their Scotus nomination? Looking for a nominee both sides can agree on? Why don't Republicans want marijuana companies to use banks? It’s called politicking friend. If corporations can get huge bailouts in the first stimulus, what’s the problem with small businesses getting the same? Always mad when small businesses and people get money No, its not. Its 1%. This literally happens daily: https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/%5EDJI/history?guccounter=1 A Supreme Court nomination is probably one of if not the most long lasting therefore most important things a president can do. I know you know this because that why 1 you mentioned it and 2 why the left is so angry. In the long run yes it is more important. But also a stimulus plan may be worse for the country economically in the long run. Either way no matter what happens no one is going to change there views or opinions. Nothing can be done at this point Trump bad and that’s all the left will think. Like you say. Whatever hill Trump wants to die on bc it’s a no win situation when viewed from the left Why thank you =) [removed] Noone uses it except millionaires, why does a one actually carey ^ TDS There is an ocean between reality and what you said. 17 democrats voted against it. It has nationwide ballot harvesting for god sake... What does ballot harvesting have to do with covid? He won’t veto it before the election. He’s working a deal. Sometimes walking away gets it done It wasn’t looking like a 1% dip. Ffs, posters here are wishing him dead over it. Total over reaction The senate and Trump will pass a feasible bill. But one with non Covid related stuff that adds an extra trillion will never get past fiscal hawks. They need to remove all the bloat. He didn’t say that. He said he’s ending negotiations. Also, if they approve a reasonable plan in the house and senate, he will sign it. But he drew a line at the 2.4t instead of 1.6t deal that bailed out states like mine (Illinois) that have gone bankrupt with state employee pensions and golden parachute plans. The rest of the country shouldn’t bail out the clown states that were in trouble long before the China flu. Lol... they are all children. But some of those kids see the problem with bailing out failing states that caused their own problems. Yes she will. Except the Dems won't have an election to rig in their favour by making an unpassable stimulus bill. Tru dat. And I can't wait. some people just want to watch the world burn as much as possible. You must be... Trump is pulling out of negotiations, killing all momentum. That's hilarious. Good luck with that reelection. [exhibit a](https://www.forbes.com/sites/michelatindera/2020/04/17/here-are-the-billionaires-backing-donald-trumps-campaign/) [exhibit b](https://www.forbes.com/sites/camilomaldonado/2019/10/10/trump-tax-cuts-helped-billionaires-pay-less-taxes-than-the-working-class-in-2018/) [exhibit c](https://www.foxbusiness.com/money/wealthy-estate-tax-trump-tax-benefit) [exhibit d](https://www.citizen.org/news/the-super-rich-people-backing-the-trump-agenda/) Not just the elites, everybody hates Trump. He was garbage before he was fucking elected. I was annoyed at the people saying “I’m a Republican but I’m voting Biden.” Ok, but my money is on that you never really planned on voting Trump anyway. Lol. Exactly. You won't ever hear them giving him any credit when there's a rally either, then it doesn't matter. What are you talking about? There were multiple days where it closed down more than 10% in a single session. Between October 28 and 29 it dropped a combined 23%. That's almost a quarter of the Dow gone. We've had a huge run up during the entire Trump presidency and anyone who denies that regardless of their political affiliation is just plain lying or extremely stupid. for starters, 17 democrats sided with republicans in attempting to block the house democrats plan, but that wasn't enough to block it. The democrats 'COVID reiief bill' legalizes Nationwide ballot harvesting and Nationwide NO ID checks for voting. Thanks. I thought he was just saying there will be no stimulus ever. I understand now Neither side looks good. The Democrats are not the hero’s in this story. Hmm. No I didn't. Why such delay after the election day? So this means no stimulus till mid January? I feel so stupid, thank you! But how many points tho It isn’t suppose to be. How is this breaking?. If it was like on March that'd be breaking I’ve invested before, but cashed out a few years ago to buy a house. We’ve built our savings back and are getting back into putting it into the stock market. It’s a long term investment, so I know it’ll recover, just the timing of it all. Okay lol. Stonks up 1.44% where is the news article? So stocks will go up? Nice More than 229! Everyone is watching the Steroids run through him.... Wait till the crash... It’s a train wreck you can’t unsee [deleted] Saw his new tweet. Seems like he realized how pissed people were and now wants Pelosi to seem like a bad guy. What are the Democrats pushing for beyond the $1200 check? You said a lot of words without saying anything useful. I made $12 just on Monday and lost $14 today. Bang on! That’s why markets look to change from the Greenback after he made office. US currency is like the English of money. The greenback became unstable (before as well) when he got in. Who wants their trading money to change value dramatically every day? Russia even talked about the Yen as an option for a bit. Plus I don’t think a lot of Americans seem to know this but Australia agreed after WW2 we’d come to battle when called. We’re the only nation that has. Even Korea and Vietnam. We’ve still got military in Afghanistan. He gets a head full of steroids and decide to go to war, my fear is we’ll honour it again. For an idiots ego. Ps if he crashes the biggest consumerism market in the world, everyone is screwed. this just feels like when you were a kid and wanted something and your parents said clean your room first and you knew damn well you were getting stiffed after. Completely agree but the wonderful stigma of if you don’t vote blue or red you are throwing it away isn’t going away anything soon. Hopefully with the farther the left and right push towards the end of each of their spectrums a lovely new party will emerge and actually gain some traction. Wishful thinking though. Good bot. Not about the stocks. About the fact that Trump is now holding the US ransom during a pandemic.... I realized it was stupid right after hitting post but goddamn did you roast me E: thanks for the gold You doing OK bud? He's not blackmailing anybody. Congress is attempting to blackmail him by adding a bunch of stuff that has no place in the plan. They're forcing his hand. He posted the Trump going to Walter Reed story 15 times. My god. You can trust this guy addicted to knives! Ah okay, thank you. I guess a genuine question warrants a downvote from some kind soul but what can ya do >the market dropped sharply That is factually inaccurate. The Dow moved slightly more than an average no-news day. You can see the YTD chart here: [https://markets.ft.com/data/indices/tearsheet/summary?s=DJI:DJI](https://markets.ft.com/data/indices/tearsheet/summary?s=DJI:DJI) Reaction to a non event, that happens daily. It only highlights how shallow and ignorant Democrats are that they think 1% is a dip. I wonder what the handlers will think when they realize what a blunder this op was. Uhhh, how out of the loop are you? Trump wants to give all citizens another flat stimulus check. Pelosi wants to fucking tack-on: 1. Undoing voter ID laws and 2. Bailing out major cities that have been damaged during riots, neither of which have anything to do with the fucking stimulus. > Hmm, I think you are confused. Nothing about what you quoted suggests Pelosi wants to end stimulus talks. it appears you are confused. talks mean nothing when pelosi is negotiating in bad faith and has no intention of actually compromising. it's a waste of time, and trump is putting her in timeout until she's ready to negotiate in good faith. until pelosi is ready to drop her unrelated partisan demands, there's no use negotiating. when she's ready to talk about a stimulus bill that doesn't ban voter id laws, talks can resume. until then, we'll find out if ""something isn't necessarily better than nothing"" as pelosi put it multiple times over the last few weeks. just be thankful hilary wasn't implicated > The house passed a second round way back in what? July? yeah, a round that passed with 51% of the chamber on party lines because it * banned state level voter id laws * released prisoners from jail (both ice, and regular non-immigration prisons) * had 40 pages of marijuanja policy * gave checks to illegal immigrants * gave a trillion dollars to states (an amount which vastly exceeds their tax revenue decline and was basically a bailout for reckless state-level spending) democrats tried using a ""must pass"" bill to shove through their own partisan wishlist and now the american people are paying the price when it blew up in their face. I made a few hundred K in the stock market... So, if Trump actually did anything but continue the same trend maybe, but folks act like he single handedly saved the economy like some wall St superhero First of all it was doing great to begin with, and he lied about it,all republicans did . Obama had seven Dow records and stocks rose [78.6% in his first 3 years](https://www.financial-planning.com/opinion/stock-market-performance-after-3-years-donald-trump-and-barack-obama). Trump saw, in the same time period, 52.2%. Long story short republicans exaggerate the shit out of Trump's economy, ignore the entire buildup to it in the last 10 years , and have a double standard for dismissing obama's tenure and it's effect. Even unemployment was lied about, with Trump literally 3 months in saying jobs numbers were ""real again"" after claiming Obama had nearly 90% unemployment.. a literal insane number. Investors aren't stupid and most are realistic about Trump's record of volitility and impulsive recklessness. Its a K shape. One of his helpers. The tweets use proper spelling, grammar and punctuation. trump isn’t as well educated as the person who composed those tweets. You're the one asking for government money. Shouldn't you keep that boot for your own licking pleasure? I don't want the policy of handouts, but I'll certainly take mine if that's the way it's going to be. I'll take a boot to lick too please and thanks. I should struggle too so I can relate? >The president just tanked the market 1% is tanked? Tanked the market? Lmfao Look at what she's trying to slip in with the stimulus bill and you'll see she knew it would never pass and just wanted to pull another political stunt I wasn't shorting the market. I was shorting a dog shit company that is currently out of business. Most of my positions are bullish. Do you you understand how trading works? Trump and Republicans aren't against another stimulus, theyre disagreeing with the amount and where to spend. Ouch. Why would you think the 1200usd is all there is and ever gonna be? You want to talk about stupidity? The 600$ bonus only lasted for 13 weeks - i think the max you couldve made (in CA at least) is around 22-24k (i cant remember how much the starting amount is for unemployment before it runs out) Fair enough. and Nancy Pelosi had left DC 30 hours before that tweet. You idiots are playing into his hand, he wants to appear tough, as though Nancy Pelosi didn't control him and the stimulus. People who pay attention know who to blame AND he gets to strip Pelosi of a moral victory and appear strong. He seriously plays the left and the media like a fiddle it's a thing to behold. Its one big club and your not part of it. Biden and teump are sipping bourbon giving each other handies and laughing at you Man you guys are not smart. That means nothing dude, they “passed” a bill that is one sided and won’t get approved. That’s literally the same as Kanye running for president - he can do whatever he wants but it’s not real. The bill must be bi partisan. Most people are pissed they are first time investors that won’t get a second $1,200 to lose on penny stocks. I get it, must suck to be so dependent on the government. Yeah pls review US government 101. Sure it is, it’s literally “take it or leave it” strategy. Yeah, me too. I was being a shit heel. My apologies. and the dems have the house. its an election year and neither side is going to let the other have a win, especially this close to election time. its fuckin stupid and further reason that the two party system needs to go. neither side cares about actually getting anything done for the people anymore You want to incentivize your workers? Pay them more so 600 extra a week isn't so attractive lol. [removed] [removed] [deleted] You are now a moderator on /r/wallstreetbets You sold *everything* this morning because of a 2-3% drop? And this qualifies as a smart decision? Not to mention taxes... I’m jealous, I was enjoying my gains then checked 3 minutes later and saw my portfolio shit itself sir i'm with the SEC, i'd like for you to come have a seat over here we have a few questions about some transactions you made. the fact that this gets upvoted shows the levels of this sub Enjoy filing and paying your taxes this year lmfao I got 20% into cash position this morning, thinking along the same lines. I should have sold more. Fortunately, the 20% were the 20% most volatile stocks and everything else is pretty solid. No ya didn’t Democrats will do something stupid* Lol and it's back up. You still smug about this? Haha I was in meetings, I was like it's his first day back. I'm a dumbass. God like move. Okay so since you’re clearly semi-omnipotent, when should I invest and what??? You sound like you really know what you're doing Stonks Oof, I plan on buying more tomorrow morning myself, hopefully that move doesn't bite you. I reduced a lot of mine after his bender tweet storms, could've dropped a few more, but I won't complain about what I've gained thus far stonks I bailed on all my large holdings in Friday. Saved myself 8 grand so far. You were the one that made it drop. I am gonna dump my US stocks in November before elections. Then short them and then rebuy at a low price. As long as timing is good I am expecting pretty good profits but we really got to see how things go No you didn’t. Nope don’t believe you stranger There is no safer bet than the one that Trump will do something stupid. I almost sold this morning thinking the same thing. disappointed I didn't I dont think selling everytbing was a good idea buut I guess it's a little late now. What was the spread? You bet and you won, good sir. Hope you have fun spending your well-earned gains. >I sold everything this morning. I was like, the markets up but I guarantee he'll do something stupid. Sell. Not giving away free money is not stupid though. Easy guarantee. Do you think trump is pumping and dumping over and over? Actually your reaction is why I'm pretty sure he said this in the first place. In 10 days when he comes out of the hospital like Jesus Christ you're going to wish you were buying and not selling. And today? How’s that working out today? Stocks only go up Kind of bad timing in retrospect Fuck I was gonna too but thought I’d get an extra couple dollars what a dumb ass I am. Lesson learned. [deleted] Timing the market.... Yeah good luck with that I honestly was too lazy to trade today so I sold everything yesterday. Laziness pays off! [deleted] They would probably halt trading let's be real here. Insanity would ensue but for the day they would stop trading They definitely would go higher. The markets aren’t getting spooked that Biden is ahead, if Trump dies, it’s pretty much the same outcome; unless they’re banking of Trump stealing the election regardless. If he died the market would at least stabilize Except Biden is *horrible for the market so everyone would sell before it gets much worse *You think capital gains taxes suck now? Wait til Old Joe is in office. No, no they wouldn’t. I'm very confused by it. Maybe I misunderstood his campaign, but isn't like half of his platform the strength of the economy? Either that or a high schooler pretty ahead. *F5 has left the chat* Nah. I just like to check in on my account. I was unlucky in picking the time that I chose to look at it. They know Biden and Pence. They won't rock the boat with tweets and stupid tariffs. that's not true. moodys and goldman have come out saying Biden would be better for the economy and the markets. Others have stated simply by having stability would be better for the markets. Literally every Democrat president in modern history has been better for markets than Repubs. They only try to tell everyone they’re pro business to gain votes from rubes who blindly hate taxes of any kind. Not true; most expect it'll actually be better under Biden. If Trump only cares about the stock market, why did he sabotage them today? Would've been much better if he just pushed 2.4 trillion (or more) than saying nothing will happen. He only cares about himself; wouldn't surprise me if he had some people selling puts for him right before this announcement. Trump is instability. His death would reduce market instability. I’ll take a hit to my portfolio if that’s what it takes. Trump being removed from this Earth is unquestionably a good thing. The questionable part is how his supporters would proceed from there if he'd been martyred, that's pretty scary. It would be a bad thing. I want to see him lose the election in a landslide. Refuting his belief that we all agree with him. I want to see them kick him out of the White House in January. I want to see him escorted to into court handcuffed. I want to see the government take down apart his company and leave him and his children with nothing but debt. And finally I want to see, with my last breath, a Donald Trump that is the worlds oldest man, still sitting behind bars. The name he was so proud of, now used as a term of ridicule. I wish Trump a long and healthy life. Dying is too good for him. true story It's bullish because it means Pence wins Thats fucked.. That's already priced into the market... [It's high...](https://i.redd.it/eg3eyajex7wz.jpg) Been saying this forever now. He's 100% the actual WSB god. This man is guaranteed to have proxies buying puts all over the place. I never knew he was Trump's golf club manager before becoming a POTUS advisor. That's some low life shit. Orange imposter af https://i.imgur.com/oMiT0am.png Pretty sure he's been faking tasks all along. Saw orange venting R/baseball is leaking they love him Where No, the market is just scared of Mike Pence becoming the President. pretty sure thats every day, perhaps even multiple times a day 41% of voters. [removed] Oh i hope you're wrong, but it might happen 😔 Have you uh ever listened to the lyrics of Fortunate Son? Probably investigated by SEC if it weren't for regulatory capture. no ones cares about Obama. this is TRUMP man. In misspelled sentence fragments no less Writing off the rest of his term and leaving it in shambles so they have more to use for 4 years of Biden. It is bass ackwards, but I think think it's simpler than what you said. ""My 401k took a hit, this president needs to go."" Trump only has one negotiation strategy, strong-arm typically from a position of power. What is notable is that he is allowed to do it with the stimulus but not with the supreme court seat. > Is he already considering a loss and just wants to say fuck you peoples? Well it is safe to assume that people in his circle have been getting early warning on his various tweets and other actions that have caused sudden market moves. So if nothing else it could be exit plan profiteering while they can still influence the markets. Short, make market tank, profit, buy low, announce some surprise stimulus and drive markets back up, sell, profit, lose election and who cares since your whole crew made billions. Seems a little early for him to be making assumptions on losing. He has a voter suppression plan, notionally a strong marketing campaign, and a month til election day. The majority of his supporters live in middle America and/or work blue collar jobs and prob have no idea what a stonk even is. Let alone will be personally effected by a down market lol Edit: didn’t mean to get political in this thread, it’s just my honest perspective. Trump often takes a nearly universally unpopular position and reverses it completely a few days later. See how they were against changing FDA guidelines for a COVID-19 vaccine and then approved it later. They play both sides in the hopes of getting support from people who start following the story halfway through. In a week, it’ll be “Trump picks up stimulus package despite House inactivity”. Blatant lie? Sure. But it’s worked a few times. He doesn't even need to say that. He's not holding anyone hostage, he's just actively refusing to change. ""I punched you in the face before, I am punching you in the face now. Keep me in the position where I have the ability to keep punching you in the face, and I might just stop"" >That's a back-assward strategy though, right? ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ He is currently on medication that causes erratic behavior, euphoria, and delusions of grandeur. He really should be resting in a hospital and let the VP handle the public face. But that's what a normal president would do. Well yes. But in his defense he's retarded He’s not known for particularly intelligent strategies.... He won the last election, those people are still alive and still dont care what he does, they will vote for him again. This is a last head count call telling those of his supporters who werent gonna go to the polls, that now they will get money for going and voting for him again. hes making sure all of his supporters are incentiviced to go. why do you think he said dont let COVID stop you from doing what you want? because those who werent gonna show up and vote because of Covid worry less about it. Yup, it's completely idiotic. He literally called it off because he offered 1.6 Trillion, while Dems negotiated for 2.4 trillion. Dems are literally promising more if elected. Giving stimulus checks 3 days before the election will work better for him. No? Exactly. ""Vote for me or else the democrats will give you an even bigger stimulus package!"" Trump's theory is that if you go with him, you get a stimulus after the election. If you go with Biden, he's going to take his ball and go home and you can get your stimulus after inauguration day. Hes desperate. Polls this week are showing Biden with a pretty much insurmountable lead It's bold of you to assume the Dems are that competent. It would be a really wise move, politically, but I've been let down by them many times so I wouldn't hold my breath at this point. If he’s looking at the polls, he probably is assuming a loss That’s the exact scenario we’ve been in. The House passed a stimulus in May and the Senate has refused to vote on it. Right? How does this move help out his campaign. If he's holding it up, and the GOP continues to hold it up, then the Dems have this in their pocket as they already passed the last stimulus.   Bleh, they're all lame AF though. He's a petty, air-gulping bitch... who even knows what runs through his mind when he decides to do dumb shit. Yes that is an accurate assessment of what he’s doing If you’re asking if this is an unforced error, yes it is. But that’s nothing new. The majority of likely voters in swing states believe that Trump would handle the economy better than Biden according to the Reuters/Ipsos poll I read this morning. My interpretation of this news is that Trump is trying to buoy that opinion into votes by not doing jack all for the economy until after the election. This is also probably an attempt to shift the news cycle away from Covid because if the election is a referendum on Covid then he loses without a doubt. Yeah it reads that way to me. ""Hey have a bigger reason to vote me out"". Almost like trump is a fucking moron who shouldn't be president. He's already banking on people's stupidity with the tax withholding until the new year. It's infuriatingly blatant. This is trump were talking about. Do you really think he thought that far ahead? He just thought he'd own the libs but instead its all backfiring. > Is he already considering a loss and just wants to say fuck you peoples? It's really the only thing that makes sense. It's a strategy that would have worked if he'd remembered not to say what the strategy was. I think what happened is that he painted himself into a corner by asking for the stimulus to be passed and somebody had to tap him on the shoulder and tell him that it was a very bad idea. The stimulus they're working on is probably straight-up garbage. You didn't finish that statement. ""He's holding you hostage, while we want to give you a bigger stimulus now. Vote for us and we'll give you one the end of January, maybe, some time in February, definitely."" He's treating this like his business. >""I'm not going to pay you what I said I would earlier, unless you keep doing more work for me."" Only he doesn't appreciate the contractors in this case have the option of kicking him out of office for holding their livelihood hostage instead of acquiescing. His base is too stupid to understand cause and effect, and they will blindly vote for him. They have had Stockholm syndrome for nearly 4 years. It's up to the small sliver of true undecideds to see the extortion happening to inform their vote. If the dems get the senate trump will be in trouble. This is a stupid move. Nothing Trump does is “logical” in the normal sense. Think back to the Access Hollywood tape. Trump doesn’t think he won in spite of the video, he thinks he won BECAUSE of it. He thinks it’ll work because it’s his idea. And he’s Trump, so by definition, he believes all his ideas are the best perfect ideas. His fan base thinks everything the Dems say is fake news. Donnie's strategy probably is this: He might either die from COVID or he might lose the election, so he might as well take everything down with him and his fan base blames the Dems. If he happens to live and win the re-election then he can release the stimulus and take all the credits. I think he may be euphoric from the steroids. It's a common side effect and would explain the 'I feel 20 years younger' comment and bounding up the stairs when returning to the white house only to be left gasping in apparent pain moments later. On a good day he doesn't seem to plan too far ahead - if he is experiencing euphoria it could be causing him to shoot from the hip even more so than normally. Given that he was hypoxic and the fact that covid often swings around for a second relapse so often in at risk patients, I'm expecting him to be re-admitted or otherwise incapacitated sometime Thur - Sun. You can't reason with some people, unfortunately. Thats not even paraphrasing. Thats literally what is happening. Absolutely it will backfire. Americans know for a fact democrats will shell out a massive stimulus for the poor and middle class and struggling businesses. He isn’t the smartest cookie “Is he already considering a loss and just wants to say fuck toy people” Yes, this is the very predictable response of someone with Narcissitic Personality Disorder. If he loses he will be unable to stop himself from burning down everything around him out of spite. Trump will be at his most dangerous and destructive points of his presidency should he clearly lose the election. It’s going to get much worse unfortunately Republicans will vote for him regardless so nothing is a “risk” for him No, he's counting on his media machine to say the dems are holding back relief until after the election. Obstruct lie project, as always. In a cult the leader cannot do any wrong. Trump never dropped below an average of 30 - 33% support. That means ~100 million loyalists are probably going to vote in person no matter what happens to the economy, or the country. Well, per the comments on the Facebook page for my central NY state local newspaper this is actually the Democrats’ fault for “not negotiating with republicans.” Because the democrats are “demanding” things and “refused to pass” the republican stimulus bill the president is not responsible for his words and actions. when he looses but refuses to step down because ""voter fraud"", he will smooth things out with a stimulus package Yea last time he did that Pelosi handed him his ass and they caved during the shutdown. His supporters won't care. Or believe that. He's been doing it since before his election. It's working. The middle class tax cut was postponed to after the 2020 election... And then unceremoniously abandoned entirely as a talking point. His believers completely forgot about it as expected. Why stop now? > Is he already considering a loss and just wants to say fuck you peoples? isn't that the entire Boomer zeitgeist ? no, because it the dems fault in trump land. This is crazy nancy pelosi dont giving you people what you need Maybe, but Republican are playing the card that they've been the ones getting all of their bills declined. And the damn liberals are stopping their future checks. With Biden as President you'll never get your checks! He’s been waiting for the Dems in Congress to work with republicans but they won’t budge and want 3 trillion dollars for things not even covid related like bailing out the cities that destroyed themselves with rioting over the last 6 months on purpose. So it sucks but this might be the only way He’s not playing n-dimensional chess. He’s flipping the board over, crying, and running away. Because it wasn't the point. The point was to not pass a stimulus bill, but not have any ""no""s recorded by senators. Trump is already a lost cause, but they can stem their losses in the Senate. The guy bankrupted a casino. He's not smart. Dems don’t know politics. SMH. I’m not republican by the way but I feel Democrats aren’t fit. They are all talk no action. Literally exactly what hes doing. He knows a loss is imminent, rn he’s just being annoying. To smart people yes, they'd vote someone else. You didn't account for how brain dead his vehement cult members are. Maybe his advisors secretly want him to lose Yes and no. Because he said as soon as I'm elected bla bla. So if he's elected, you get your help in November. If he isn't, Biden doesn't take office until January so no stimulus. It's literally taking hostage that ""if you don't elect me, you get nothing else for 3 months"" And wouldn’t people just feel inclined to vote for Biden? It’s not like Trump getting removed from office would mean they aren’t getting a stimulus check. Yes,yes he is. Dens would only be able to give a bigger stimulus once they're sworn in next year. Trump is probably hoping people cave to the idea of another three months before help comes instead of one month. How many times did they recess and hold back the vote already? Just wondering. This right here though is just another reason I'm skipping the whole president and vice President section on voting this year. but they really don't want to give it to us now. they want some mega bill that the majority has nothing to do with economic stimulus. a 500 billion bill was put on the table by republicans that gave 1200 checks and resumed the 500 extra unemployment benefits along with more small business funds. dems turned it down. it was more then enough to help families get through the end of the year and help stabilize the economy. do i think republicans should continue to negotiate? yes. do i think Pelosi is the main factor that's actually stopping a deal from being done also yes >Is he already considering a loss and just wants to say fuck you peoples? This is my guess. And with the whole ""don't be afraid of covid! look, I have it, I can hardly breathe, and I'm spreading it to everyone near me!"" he's just throwing out a giant fuck you to America at every opportunity Repubs will just say that they wanted to give people money, not state and local governments. Pelosi is refusing, and will only give the American people stimulus money if Democrat-held local governments are bailed out. She doesn't care about working Americans. It's not hard to frame this for your side, no matter what side you're on. He’s just on drugs lol he never was the best at being smart and planning ahead He's given up on winning the election and is focused entirely on stacking the bench to avoid prosecution when he leaves office. Judging from some of the the rumblings made by Trumpist acquaintances of mine, they will just blame all of it on the Dems. “It’s the Dema that shut down negotiations, Trump said so”. They literally believe that any money they have gotten thus far has come from Trump’s own pocket. They won’t turn on him over this. The election is in November. The president's term ends in January. The dems will say that, but he'll just as soon claim they're the one's holding it back and his base will lap it up. These people need to be shot by Trump himself before they'll even consider he's the problem. it’s only “fuck you” if we don’t vote for him. he promises to give us a great stimulus if we reelect him, kinda like that wonderful healthcare plan that he promised in 2016. he’s trying to extort us, as if we don’t know that he can’t send his goons to collect when we don’t pay up. he’s as dumb as he is corrupt. His idea of negotiation is pointing the gun at his own dick and telling you if you don’t give him what he wants he’ll shoot. If you elect me student body president I promise we'll have pizza every day in the cafeteria and coca-cola in every water fountain! From bloomberg “I have instructed my representatives to stop negotiating until after the election when, immediately after I win, we will pass a major Stimulus Bill that focuses on hardworking Americans and Small Business,” Trump said Tuesday in a tweet. He pretty much did this with the first stimulus by delaying it so he can send a letter and check with his signature saying that he's giving money to the people. He also tried to extort healthcare companies to send gift cards to seniors on his behalf but was turned down Work for bush jr. and all it took was like 400 bucks Not dictator, but acts more like a little kid with the bag of candies. Not far from the truth tbh It’s literally what the House of Saud does. It’s the same thing from the previous election. I have a plan, you don’t need to know specifics, but if I get elected, I’ll take care of you. It’s a confidence scheme. It’s how he got so powerful. He’s made his whole career about making people get into his side for as cheap as possible Basically. It’s why he told the treasury secretary to put his name on stimulus checks even though they came from congress and the fed. Andrew Yang is a dictator? Dems recently did same thing with unemployment $300 addition for months....thx to pelosi....so please don’t act as if dems are holier than thou......all assholes, lot of ‘em! But the other side have been desperately trying to give us one the whole time. If we give them a senate and the white house they will give us a massive stimulus, it's guaranteed. Hugo Chávez did it Before Orange did Apparently he gave the person who carries the Nuclear Football Covid. The man is a moron with no thought for anything but himself. At no point was he even remotely fit for the Office. There is a conspiracy that the nuclear football doesn’t actually do anything. After all, you only need your enemies to think you can push a button and wipe them off the map to prevent a preemptive strike. The reality is it wouldn’t do any good. Don’t really think it’s true, but it’s a nice thought Hes literally roided out of his fucking mind This 100% those steroids can mess you up quick i know from experience nuclear football!? well there's your problem right there america! Dudes not fit to run shit even when he isn't drugged up I really think that philosopher was onto something when he proposed that to launch nukes the president would have to kill a man that had the lunch codes/key for nuclear football (cant remember which exactly atm) surgically implanted inside him. Thst way he has to confront actually killing a person with his bare hands before condemning whoever many millions to die. Don't know if it would work for Trump tho. Wanna know an even more bold move? Killing off your votes by telling them covid is a hoax lol Yeah it just feels like he’s trying to punish the American people by trying to show them what will happen to the market if he’s not re-elected. This is obviously speculation- from someone who knows very little haha This won’t get the upvotes it deserves. ""bailouts for failing state budgets"" lol you mean the states like CA who have been literally propping up the federal govt and the rest of the country for YEARS and they need some help and suddenly we don't know who they are? Yea ok this is some bad faith shit We’ll see how this pans out over the next 30 days. Ppl are unemployed with no unemployment income end rents due. I bet it falls further than 2-3% unless he tweets something haha. But yeah man this is why I keep cash on standby I'm with you man. People need to understand losses aren't real unless you sell. LMAO. You are a big trump supporter and THIS is what pushes you over the edge? HAHAHAHAHA Already is. ​ [https://www.newsmax.com/politics/chamber-of-commerce-democrats-business/2020/08/27/id/984099/](https://www.newsmax.com/politics/chamber-of-commerce-democrats-business/2020/08/27/id/984099/) ​ The Chamber of Commerce has actively backed away from supporting any republicans. The idea is very obviously back the dems and make puppets of em all. ​ Lets see how Recession 2.0 Electric Slip'N'Slide works for Wall Sreet and Main Street this time. 2024 QAnnon is gonna be lit. Dropped from 240 to 185 since being laid off in March being left without unemployment or healthcare. I don’t even get hungry anymore...shit sucks. ??? He literally tweeted ""I have instructed my representatives to stop negotiating until after the election when, immediately after I win, we will pass a major stimulus bill..."" Democrat states pay for Republican states welfare en masse. Poor white people are the biggest receivers of welfare and the states that house them very rarely ever pay their fair share in taxes A state like New York pays for a state like Alabama and Mississippi by adding more in taxes than they receive Grandma who made you a reddit account? Not even in an insulting way, most of his voters (99%) aren’t going to have thought about stocks since someone mentioned the stock market on Fox. Most of those people will literally think that they cannot buy stocks. Why not? He's rich. That's literally the only characteristic that matters, right? And who doesn't love a good sugar daddy? That's nothing compared to the president knowing he can dramatically move the entire market up/down by tweeting or saying something on tv. Sure, but part of getting a good deal is knowing how to get a deal and spin it to one's advantage. Not deny one, get people to blame you for it not happening, then cave in to supplying it. But yeah, he has some pretty awesome powers to manipulate the market and win either way. Jesus what a fucking loser. I was pro trump before this whole pandemic thing happened. I’ve kinda changed my mine since. Not like Joe is much better tho. Sad we have to pick between these two. Thanks for the explanation. Fucking up the economy to own the libs. They know they’re going to lose. Now they’re just focused on one thing...dropping everything and ramming Barrett through at all costs for that 6-3 majority that would last a generation. Well, they really fucked themselves in the dick hole now, didn't they? They should have just passed something and claim it as a monumentous victory. An alternative option would be to just cram something through the Senate that would never pass the House so they could more convincingly attempt to blame it on the Dems. Instead they did nothing, let Trump's team try to negotiate with the House on their own. Why in the ever fucking hell would the House allow Trump to get this win just before the election without getting anything and everything they wanted in return? Hell, in 4 months they will be able to pass whatever the hell they want without ANY input from any Republicans. Why make concessions now for it? What an astoundingly huge victory for the Dems while Captain Clown can only Tweet from his virus infested bunker and the Senate swamp is being drained by covid for listening to him. You couldn't script this level of political ineptitude. He's just a one man show. The rest of the GOP is standing around mouth agape with their hands on their hips on this one. This was a missed dunk. >they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy well this is what has happened already He's not the disease, he's the symptom. Brainwashed? ""What is the GOP thinking?"" I guess your question was rhetorical. Yet Nancy wants to jam through her pet projects instead of focusing on the stimulus Then I take it you've not been to the Cloud district? Oh what am I thinking, of course you haven't. What about a Skyrim reference on Reddit? Hey, you. You're finally broke. Never should've come here! Or the markets [deleted] Had he just shut up and stayed in the hospital for a month he would have earned incredible sympathy since Americans have the memory of a goldfish. Yeah disasters and similar things are usually easy mode for PR, hes just doing everything else than what he is supposed to. Like the Australian dude, while his country was burning he was on vacation, all he had to do was cancel his vacation and show ""support"" for the people fighting the flames yet he didn't, tone deaf as fuck. ""never waste a good crisis"" as they say. I point to all this as evidence that he’s clearly just not fit for the job, and as evidence that there’s no innate grand conspiracy/liberal hatred for him that isn’t undeserved. It’s not like people decided to hate him because his name is Trump, people decided to hate him because he injected himself into our lives and is atrocious at his job, where his job heavily impacts all of us. Like if I’m a chicken farmer and my guard dog not only doesn’t alert me when a coyote is nearby but actually decides to go over and help the coyote dig its way into the coop then you’re damn right I’m going to want to replace my guard dog immediately. Exactly this, if Trump was smart enough to just play sympathetic and pretend to work for 'both sides', even without changing a damn thing about his policies, he'd be polling way higher right now because normal, everyday people don't dig any deeper than headlines or their nightly news channel. Luckily for us, he's a fucking imbecile and we can vote him out. He can't speak out against racial injustice and white supremacy when he supports both. Good ol' daddy was detained at KKK rally, has made comments about letting black people handling money within his businesses, the birther movement, Hitler's speeches the only things we can slightly confirm he has read in his life, even the way he keeps his appearance all these last years and thinks it looks appropriate to be bright orange shows he thinks he is better. For all we know, he thinks the makeup and fake tan looks good because he simply believes no matter what he looks better than any brown or black person by default. COVID could have been a different story, anything to do with race though, he is a racist plain and simple because he is a white supremacist plain and simple. Those were not freebies for him because he never could denounce them. Wow this is such a profound statement. I never really thought about it like this because he is such an ass clown. But if he acted just a hair against his own instincts he may have been re-elected in a landslide. All the fucker had to do was say that wearing a mask is patriotic, and then he would’ve made millions selling MAGA masks and we would’ve been done with this by now Gotta give him credit for one thing: when it comes to choosing the best solution, the neutral one, or the absolute worst one as a course of action he has an unbelievable ability of always choosing the worst one. yep this. It's pretty crazy that Biden wouldn't even have stood a chance, IMHO, if he had just covered a few basic bases in the last 4 years. Just fucking layups. You're basically saying, 'Had he not been Donald Trump'. None of those responses are remotely within his character as a person to enact. I don't think that there's any way that COVID could help a sitting president, no matter how well it's managed. It's like a recession, no matter how well you handle it bad things will happen and people will find a way to tie their negative feeling of those bad things to you. Responding to George Floyd could have been done better but an acknowledgement of grievances would harm the support of his base more than it would help. The people protesting for BLM right now would never come to his side so he really doesn't have anything to gain by trying to appeal to them but I agree he could have done more to not enflame the situation. The not denouncing white supremacy is just stupid on his part in every way, there's no getting around that. It's astounding? As a minority, I could have told you in 2015 that he was an unqualified white supremacist. He's stuck in reality tv land. He isn't a real person, let alone a real leader. Nothing he does is for the good of the country. If it's a side benefit, great. He's a criminal and business failure that has leaked into government failure. He's predictable and a con artist You're absolutely right. Look at George W's approval rating after 9/11. All he had to do was say we're going after the terrorists and his re-election was in the bag. Nah, doesn't matter what he does, the media will always frame it in the worst way possible. For your points, he did say what happened to George Floyd was a disgrace and soon after enacted police reforms, but the mainstream media never even mentioned it: https://www.npr.org/2020/06/15/877679101/trump-executive-order-to-focus-on-tracking-misconduct-nonviolent-interactions And then if you read the transcript of the debate, when asked to denounce White Supremecy he immediately said ""sure"" but that part's also glossed over by the media because orange man bad gets more clicks. At this point he could end world hunger and still get called a turd. You can't denounce your biggest voting bloc, that's just political suicide. Same with recognising BLM protests, recognising that black people have been unfairly targeted isn't good for his base. But I don't know who they'd move to at this point, if trump did say ""BLM are fighting for equality and white supremacists are bad"", who would the racists vote for? Surely not the Liberal left dems, so I guess in reality he wouldn't have lost many votes while gaining a few from the undecided (if they still exist). Yeah! Racial injustice!!! Like, if only we held poc to the same standards when it comes to education and hiring. They'd, they'd... wait, uh never mind. We need to NOT hold them to the same standard! Um, even *more* than we already do! It's not fair to them! And another thing, police need to harass violent criminals instead of poc! Jamie, pull up FBI crime stats... okay no, what I meant was police should *never* harrass violent criminals. You know, whatever, just whatever. Reality doesnt matter. All that matters is that a culture built on hard work and merit needs to step down and hand over power. Merit isnt fair. Every CEO should give their salary to a black man. Preferably a black man that dropped out of high school, sells drugs, carries a gun, and resists arrest. Now *that's* fair! That is not going to play out well. At a bare minimum, it will lead to a prolonged civil conflict. Unfortunately, that is consistent with the authoritarian playbook. Exactly. I don’t know why this is so difficult to understand. They’re pushing through the SCJ nom through so they can win it in the courts. He straight up said it during the debate. I honestly think he's not looking to win the election. I could see him saying that the election was rigged and he feels he won but for the good of the nation he's not going to drag it out. I think he's laying groundwork for excuses. He's being held responsible and he doesn't like it, so I think he won't be too broken up about leaving the White House. One positive is Biden is amassing a team of qualified lawyers in case of disputes. Trump's legal counsel is pretty bottom of the barrel. As if that would even work. Aside from maybe Thomas and Alito (and maaaybe Barret) the court isn't just going to hand him the election because he asks them to. It's meat for his base so they can ""own the libs"" tbf i think trump wants to pass the stimulus. Mitch doesnt. Im not a trump fan, but he's no enemy of being frivolous with money. They're certainly not informed, but he also delayed the implementation of the first round of checks so that the remainder could have his signature added. If they got one of those checks, the whole purpose was to make it look like they got money from Trump, and they could probably be forgiven for thinking that. Well, he did insist his name appear on every check so it’s not that much of a leap for them to think that. That may be what does him in, he went out of his way to make everyone this that the stimulus money was in fact money from trump when he put his name on the checks....now it’s gonna be very obvious that Trump is the one holding back the stimulus. He really is dumb as a brick wall. I’m glad though, this likely will cinch the election. Can he even pump it anymore with us so close to the election? Biden is leading everywhere and polls have adjusted to make sure a repeat of 2016 doesn't happen. I mean the republicans added huge corporate bailouts in the first one. Also, he could have said, people Nancy is not allowing to pass the bill and created public support instead of just halting it abruptly. There’s always politics involved and a good leader should know how to raise public support for his/her bill. You bet Dems would have folded if there was even a little bit of public pressure on them. Donnie did not even do that small bit. Lol that's a very blunt way to put it. I don't disagree with you tho Oh for sure he won't be doing anything but shouting rigged election if he loses. There's no way he will be giving any aid. The dude thinks it's his money and that we should be grateful that he's giving it to us. Do you think hellscape happens overnight? I live in a popular tourist area in Florida that relies very heavily on Canadian tourism to survive. Check back with us after the winter. Love it! America has been wracked by protests, both left wing and right wing, polarisation in society has gone up, wealth divide gone up, the US' international allies betrayed, a pandemic has swept the nation (which Trump first dismissed, then caught, lmao), the wall with Mexico seems to have been mainly a fraudulent money raising exercise, America is definitely not ""great again"", - and you have chumps like this who think everyone else is delusional. Though to be fair - I totally agree with your initial sentiment. Trump supporters are so out of touch with reality (not their fault! Blame unscrupulous ""preachers"" and news pundits) that yes, I totally, agree, Trump has done nothing to disillusion them. But that really, really isn't saying much. I like to think that Trump was nothing more than a dirty protest by the American lower classes. I genuinely think Bernie would have stomped home if he had been the alternative choice, and I do think corporate America will win again. But they won a hell of a lot harder under Trump than they will do with Biden. Because convincing Rednecks that socialism is their enemy... only in America, jah komrade? I mean, I was a Republican before Trump. In my circles, upper-middle class professionals, we were nearly all Republicans prior to Trump. I was shocked to hear so many people switching to support Biden in hopes that in 2024 we can elect a Fiscal/social conservative instead of Trump Gun grabbing Free Money Socialism. Would you group any governors in with him? You know, the people who he gave full authority to manage their states as they saw fit, or nah? All blame to Trump? I don't like Trump, but his response was to close the border AFTER it had already arrived in the United States. It was purely stupidity and caused economic collapse. He closed the border for a virus that kills less than 1% of people? He obviously doesnt understand statistics. I see, 53days ago. Damn!........I’ll see my way out. Also, they're *not even* removing signature verification. They're just giving voters a 10-day window to prove their identity after having a ballot rejected for signature mismatch. [Source](https://excessofdemocracy.com/blog/2020/5/a-quick-look-at-the-draft-election-law-access-act-a-part-of-the-draft-heroes-act) No doubt. All he had to do was draw attention to Pelosi’s insane demands and draw out the negotiations. However I’m just pointing out that yes, republicans could make a deal with Pelosi and it would be beneficial for their approval numbers. However, to strike a deal would mean they would agree to remove signature verification on mail in ballots this election. There’s really a no win situation for republicans. They take a deal with Pelosi and open the floodgates for cheating in this election. They refuse a deal and the Dems allies in media smear republicans for not taking a deal. Signing off on a deal that will open the floodgates of voters fraud this election isn’t a good option. That’s like signing off on a car loan with a 50% interest rate because you need a car. The fact of the matter is Pelosi has not budged on almost all of her ideas, meanwhile the republicans in the senate have moved around and even accepted some of the insane garbage (media won’t report this). Let’s see if mods will ban you I'm not sure if you're emulating trump, or a bad faith Democrat argument. The dem bill is public, at least there is money in it for citizens (another $1200 check, $600 unemployment increase through January). Whatever Republicans are pushing (well, whatever they are pushing now) isn't. Republicans last attempt didn't even pass the senate which they control, and that had nothing for citizens and lots of protections for corporations Dems do add stuff for corporations, but it's not as bad as the ""free market"" Republicans I mean, I hear ya but we trudged along this far. Biden is going to potentially get a democratic Senate and be able to pass just about whatever he wants. Not just from holding both congress and senate but also having the excuse of the usual ""new president spending bills"" which definitely has the potential to be larger than what is being asked for now. If he says in November that a stimulus comes day 1 of his presidency, the stock market will immediately reflect that. When did I say the stimulus would come before January? Ah right, I see you fell victim to the idea that Biden may have some sort of cognitive decline. It became glaringly obvious that was made up during the debate. You can highlight clips of anyone over the age of 70 to make it look like they’re not all there. There is more reason to believe Trump croaks between now and election day than there is that Biden would be unconscious by January lol are you blind or stupid? So you seriously think Trump did better than Biden during the debate if you have that mindset? I’m not even saying I was impressed but Biden...but Trump was a incoherent disaster and showed more “cognitive decline” vs Biden. Right...she wants to do away with signature verification. The fact all I gotta do is be moderate and state facts makes me right wing just goes to show you how little you know. Oooo point me to the other fucking retards. I’d love to interject. Never said he was good at it. >This isn't extortion, he has no say in the bill until it reaches his desk. This bill would have failed on arrival in the senate. If he said that he wanted the bill passed, Senate Republicans would fall in line and vote for it. Why do you think Pelosi is negotiating with Trump's Treasury Secretary instead of anyone else? What's Trump's colon taste like, shit weasel? Well typically extortion attempts lack the actual power or process to make them viable. Which is why is doesn't work most of the time... 'Do this thing or I will hurt you' is exactly how extortion works. >January AKA Vote me for 1.6 trillion or vote Dem and get a ton more realistic support and help. Yet another literal crime. “I have instructed my representatives to stop negotiating until after the election when, immediately after I win, we will pass a major Stimulus Bill that focuses on hardworking Americans and Small Business.” https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/600 > Whoever, directly **or indirectly,** promises any employment, position, compensation, contract, appointment, **or other benefit,** provided for or made possible in whole or in part by any Act of Congress, or any special consideration in obtaining any such benefit, to any person as consideration, favor, or reward for any political activity or for the support of or opposition to any candidate or any political party in connection with any general or special election to any political office, or in connection with any primary election or political convention or caucus held to select candidates for any political office, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both. But that would make me not vote for him just because fuck you. I still don’t understand. If Trump can just sign in stimulus why doesn’t he sign in the 1.6trillion. Pretty sure fiscal support has to be approved by Congress (house and senate), so he has no guarantee after election he’ll be able to. What If they lose the senate? They’re fucked. Trump is going all fucking in, at the expense of the American people and investors. What the fuck ... and then the Republicans in Congress realize the only way they'll get re-elected in 2022 is to join the Dems. on a veto-proof bill Risky play as no stimulus before election will significantly affect his chances. I think he cares more about staying president than people do about waiting a few more months to get a stimulus check. He'd have more leverage if it was, ""vote for me or you won't get a stimulus check, period."" But he can't make that call. Edit: this really only makes sense if he's convinced he's losing anyways. BTW, I don't give a shit about politics nor follow them; the psychology just interests me. Ignoring that he has had months to push further stimulus. Because why would Trump sweat details like that? [removed] He wouldn't have to himself. McTurtle already does that for him and supporters swallow it without thinking. All he qnd the turtle have to claim is that the bipartisan support is really all just democratic support and leave it in the legislative graveyard. Never even get to Drumpf. It sort of depends, there's at least a bit of a chance they turn on Trump if he loses the election. Still basically 0 chance, but a little bit higher perhaps. I not sure that a stimulus deal wouldn’t get veto proof majority though. If he lost, I can see republicans dropping him quickly and trying to regain popularity anyway possible. He wouldn't veto if they promise to pardon or no prosecute him. He's going to dangle trillions of $ meant for Americans for immunity He’s gonna be the lamest duck to have ever quacked. I can see repubs ( the ones who’s turn it is to go against Trump) vote it up to 69% (nice). Then we’ll have to wait until Biden is sworn in. This is extortion Impeachment AND removal will be on the table if he loses bigly. We really need to change the rules so that some crazy fucking president doesn't get the chance to blow shit up in the time between November to January 20th... How much do you want to bet he attempts to sign an executive order giving him unqualified immunity for all past and future crimes before leaving office? When you're asking whether he's vindictive or doesn't understand, the answer is always both. Or even when you're not asking tbh. Yup, the tweet is an implicit agreement on some number above 1.6T that haven't made it past negotiations.(Just FYI, the best GOP can come up with to pass without Dem Support is 300M OOF) You can get more than what we are currently negotiating on Nov 4th or I'll veto anything that hits my desk until January. There is no other way to read that tweet. Yup.....50 here first time also.....Trump is the reason why too like you said we seem to go along with bumps but we recover with either side leading. This guy though holy crap I don’t understand how it’s even close race. Hey, coming from a non-US citizen, why haven't you voted before? Do you feel like your vote has too little impact because the US is such a big country? I live in a MUCH smaller country, and people here take voting very seriously and sees it as their civic duty to vote. Thank you! I'm glad you registered & I hope you keep voting, even after this election. Local & state races are just as important & they have a big impact on you & your community. Thank you! Damn you guys are the reason we’re here to begin with. I guess better late than never. Bush? Clinton? And that’s in recent memory. America has had knobs for presidents before. At least this one hasn’t started any wars like the last few What's your job? A mortician? I love Biden...... Uh, no? Many people actually *care* about the 210,000 dead Americans in the ground, you actual psycho. There's profit opportunity, even in a pandemic, but Trump had proven he's actually the *worse* candidate for the economy. I’m sorry I mean I knew he wasn’t a good person, but I didn’t think he would be a terrible president. I don’t think much of the Democratic Party, even still, honesty. I have pretty strong feelings about the nature of the two-party system not being representative for average Americans. And I’ll stand by that view. Look how they treated Bernie. Look how they all treated Nader 20 years ago. Those are men who truly wanted to improve America, and the two party system is mostly interested in the status quo. I mean, Hillary did nothing to stop the invasion of Iraq and she supported President Bush’s war, and at the time I felt like that was an unethical decision. But the two party system deemed it good and just. Anyway. I was wrong about how bad trump could be. Turns out there is a difference between standard shitty partisan politics and Donald Trump. I was Very very wrong. ""forced acceptance of minorities"" I don't have anything else to add to what you said. I just want to highlight this insane take. What the actual fuck? Nice cat girl photos that got no likes LMAO bro just delete it. I am not surprised at all that the lefties have the onlyfans. October before an election typically is pretty bad as far as stocks go. This is 2020 so who fucking knows, but my bet is things are going to get worse before they get better. The bottom is still ahead of us on this dip is my hunch. Oh yeah. I dont have a boat load of money available to invest so its not like buying into any sort of dip is going to do me much if it stabilizes so Im not opposed to waiting closer to the election day to get a feel. Really only would make a few bucks more at the end of it all if speculation is true but Donald is more than likely going to have more market crashing tricks up his sleeve. Drop two weeks then increase after election results? It’ll stable out after the parties right? I have faith that politicians want votes. Money = votes The vaccine around 25-28 Oct is guaranteed, since it's organized by Putin (a good manager, healthy) and not by Trump (a bad manager, sick) So true Damn monopoly man Mnuchin spoiling all the fun [deleted] Flip flopping lmao weak What specifically are Democrat's adding that is politically motivated since it's so obvious? Even GOP said earlier that they had come to an agreement in negotiations with Democrats before Trump announced this. It's obvious that you're fucking retarded. This is about one person/group. That is Mitch McConnel. In like June he said ""there are 20 senate republicans that will never vote for any more stimulus."" A comment I made last night summarizes well. The funny thing is he FINALLY got it right on the final tweets, but he @ the wrong people. If Trump @ the GOP in the senate back in June and told them to do exactly this, and that once they got the bill through senate Trump would use public pressure to get it past the DEMONCRATS (fucking lol). It would have worked! The dems wanted to give people money, and they would be made to put their money where their mouth was without the other things they wanted. Instead the dems got to hide behind stupid fucking Mitch who said ""there are 20 republican senators that will not vote for ANY new stimulus."" This shit was so FREE for Trump. It fucking blows my mind that people who don’t want Trump vote third party Oh oh oh that would be sweet Well considering that the country is in shambles and I hate both candidates and I voted third party last election, I had no problem doing it again. But of course Trump spews out some serious bullshit at the last minute that would have locked in my vote for Biden. Not hard to think about. *Sticks finger in collar and swallows* *It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right. I hope you had the time of your life.* \*Sees my YTD performance\* Yes, I am having the time of my life. Still have 3 weeks of Trump Presidency in 2021. Last week was a blood bath though. You should have been roughly where you were two weeks ago. i'm northern german, we're scandinavians when it comes to social distancing. Covid hasn't been that big of a deal here as of yet. ICLN, TAN, FAN etf's with steady growth and return NIO competitor to TSLA PLUG Sunrun (RUN) ACES I mostly got european stocks in this area besides my clean energy etf: Nel, PCEL, Alfen, Ceres Power Holding, VOW Asa, Scatec Solar. American has good ones too but they're quite expensive atm imo (maybe Algonquin isn't as of yet). I have holdings in ICLN, TAN, and FAN while individual investments in NIO and PLUG. PLUG is included in ICLN. I've had nothing but great results > iShares Global Clean Energy ETF i have that one too and it outperformed the ishares tech etf easily. i bought both on the same day and clean energy is +45% while tech is +15%. edit: I listed some interesting stocks that did well for me in another comment in this thread. Boeing, it was already having a rough day before trump. Big boy money I'm not. Even if stocks drop more, I can just buy more when my next paycheck come. It's not a big deal at all. I believe in the companies that I invest in. Yeah I hear you. Fomo is real if you sell and watch them go up in value [deleted] And rightly so, honestly. The rich can afford to pay their fair share. The rubes who don’t realize that are voting against their best interests. That's true for almost every single trade ever done lol heh, should have spent your money reading ""Art of the Deal"" by yours truly. [deleted] Guess this just wasn’t the *Prime Day* for it. Sorry, man, had to do it. Can’t time the bottom bro. Come on DCA? Buy 2 more [deleted] Should have bought until 2016 then Too bad brokers don’t honor the sale price for 30 days like a lot of retailers will do. stonks\* Fidelity. $0 transaction fees I thought the GOP package was up to $1.6T now? If Biden wins presidency and Republicans keep the Senate, we are fucked This is the only rationale I can imagine... He's going to stop his ""representatives"" from negotiation. He is then going to pound the campaign trail telling his supporters the dems stopped it and are a threat to the country, and for his supporters, it will work. This is the move of a man building a coup not an election. This will not be a fair election. And his supporters are a real world threat. We're in for a ride. Yep. End of January too. By that point, we should probably already be talking about a 3rd round of stimulus. If we don't get anything before December, a lot of kids aren't having Christmas. Then, on December 31st, the eviction moratorium expires and all the past due payroll tax becomes due. A timebomb. If he's getting ousted, think he'll fight to keep those in place? He could literally completely demolish this country's economy before Biden's first day in office. All for the hope of maybe running again in 2024 by saying, ""look how badly Biden did at cleaning up my mess."" I see we've got a Bender fan. Take my upvote, my good man. If Trump wins there won't be a stimulus; don't fool yourself. He’s an incumbent running as an outsider. Sometimes I can’t decide what’s stupider, what he’s doing or that a significant portion of the country still supports him. > All the things he has been saying make sense if he was running for President nothing he says makes sense for any reason other than corruption I like how when he got out of the hospital, he said something along the lines of, ""we need to get back to making America great again."" I'm thinking to myself, what have you been doing for the past four years?! Your term is up buddy! >Some of his talking points lately have not made sense. Dude straight up said during the debate that we can easily prevent wildfires by simply raking the forests. Lol Even his ads are going that way. In polls, one of the things he's furthest behind on is healthcare. So now I get ads that say, ""President Trump has a plan to lower prescription drug prices"", and ""President Trump will ensure coverage to people with pre-existing conditions."" Like. What the fuck. You've been fucking that up or intentionally making it worse consistently for four years. I'm supposed to believe this plan that I've never heard of is gonna completely switch course? Fuck off. Lol, LATELY? I’ve been thinking recently that it’s really Moscow Mitch and the other gop leaders that are setting the agenda / direction. They want to get their Supreme Court pick through, and will be merciless to any “regular folk” looking for relief from the rona. Sure Trump is a good over-sized mouthpiece for them, but they’re clearly pulling the strings As for his voters, they’ll see “churchy lady on the SCOTUS and no money for the scumbags? Here’s my vote president drumpf >He is acting like his hands are tied right now and it will take winning the election to unleash his power. Well, he doesn't intend to remain constrained by democratic norms. He intends to rid of us democracy so that he can make autocratic tweets. it has some logic in it though. if he would do something about the rioters, the dems and the media would do everything to portray him as the enemy, more than they do now, thus hurting his chances. but if re-elected, it will be his last term anyway so he could go full apocalypse. idk what to think. and the dems are no better, all they did last 4 years instead of doing something for the people, they just went on full war against one single person. there were moments when i felt like if trump will would find the cure for cancer, the dems would defend cancer. everyone is nuts. but if you play your cards right, you can profit from everything. even yesterday was green for me (although i had to gamble a bit), so not complaining. [deleted] Putin I just realized that a CD burning software I used to use was actually had an extremely clever name. 🔥 Playing with Twitter as the country burns Patient Nero Tldr? [He literally tweeted a picture of himself fiddling right before covid blew up](https://www.bostonglobe.com/news/nation/2020/03/09/trump-tweets-meme-himself-fiddling-drawing-comparison-roman-emperor-nero/bCkfnT7xVWQAatSOVjozkL/story.html) Or, they will work with him, announce Trump the winner when he's not, sow confusion, and make people tune in to figure out what's going on. Fox News doesn't care about democracy. They would benefit from a fascist dictator that thinks they should be the only network available. He will claim the democrats cheated no matter what. He claimed the democrats cheated when he won in 2016. Then stood up a team to investigate election fraud, and they spent millions of taxpayer dollars finding no wrongdoing by the democrats. The pro tip is to realize he projects *everything*. If he says his opponents are doing something, it's because he's doing it and using the toddler-tier ""no you"" argument of redirection. Sadly, I believe this is accurate. No matter what the outcome he'll claim fraud and he'll attempt to go through the Supreme Court to claim victory. If this happens, the markets really won't matter - chaos will erupt. It's actually kind of a bell curve. Your interpretation at one end, and a close election where he can claim marginal voter fraud, enough to invalidate a couple close elections in swing states where Republicans control the legislature (i.e. all of them). I mean he would say it just as much if it were close. No matter what if he loses he's not going to accept the results he's already implied that and refused to say he will accept it if he loses. He doesn't even acknowledge numbers that don't favor him. When he lost the popular vote in 2016, but won the electoral vote, he called it fake news, despite his statement being a verifiable lie He got empowered as less and less people called him out on lies and now he's going even farther If that's the case American people need to be ready to throw him out physically. I mean that. he'll be the first president to skip the others inauguration As a newly appointed president, I’d lose sleep wondering what was now bugged and where. Well pissing off the Secret Service isn’t the best way to stay when uninvited He'll tear as much shit up as he can on the way out, then at the very last moment pretend to be dignified. The cult will ignore everything prior and focus on the single prepared ""polite"" speech he gives of tweet he makes and villainize the radical left democrats for attacking such a dignified old man. Even if it will be peaceful it won’t be graciously. I expect he’ll leave a soiled depends on the Oval Office carpet. You don’t have to expect it, it has already arrived Despite substantial lack of evidence (and the fact that he himself votes by mail), and repeated studies done by US intelligence stating the contrary, he’s lambasted mail in voting as wildly fraudulent He’s forcing through another SCOTUS pick that aligns with his own party - despite that same party losing their collective mind when similar circumstances occurred under the last guy (by the way, Obama tried to fill the seat with 8 months left in his term - Trumps doing it with 1 month left) He’s appointed an extremely controversial Postmaster General with clear and concerning financial conflicts of interest, who has counterintuitively ordered the dismantling of already-owned mail processing/sorting equipment to “save money” somehow He’s been actively setting this up for months. He knows he’s in trouble, and he’s been conspiring to set the table for himself so that he has the legal framework to spend November dragging his feet, kicking and screaming, demanding his loss to be appealed Fuck this guy Pray to god we don’t have a tie at 269 and pray to god things are decided officially before December 13, otherwise I believe it goes to the House which votes simple-majority by state. Republicans hold 26 states. Especially since he said he wouldn’t peacefully transfer power. We don’t have to guess. HE ALREADY SAID IT. He *plans* to incite violence and we already know that. Same, if Trump loses I honestly wouldn't be surprised at all if he refused to accept the results and starts tweeting that he might refuse to give up his office in January ""because democrats cheated"". I think there's a scary high chance we might see a lot of chaos after election day. I think we're going to see a very rough market post-election day. Polls had him losing in a landslide against Clinton. I hope the polls are right. Everyone needs to vote and not listen to these polls though. Loose is the opposite of tight. Lose is the opposite of win. since he lives in florida, how will NY get their hands on him? Loose or lose? That's what banana republics do - jail or excile their former leaders. We just need to move on if Trump loses. Its almost like he knows he can try and steal the election anyways. Ahem...SCOTUS anyone? 2016 election definitely was that, but not this one. Not voting helps nothing. Same as it ever was Yup. I think large institutions (see: Moody’s, Goldman) realize Trump is too much of a liability. They know his fiscal policies are so inherently unsustainable that it couldn’t last another 4 years. Normally Republicans have 8 years to run it into the ground, he did it in less than 4. Short term capital gains https://www.forbes.com/sites/sergeiklebnikov/2020/07/23/historical-stock-market-returns-under-every-us-president/#171789d5faaf https://www.forbes.com/sites/sergeiklebnikov/2020/07/23/historical-stock-market-returns-under-every-us-president/#171789d5faaf Haha I get ya man all good White Noise Machine 2020 Campaign Slogan: America needs some rest. I keep saying this Watched a replay of Obama and romney's debate. So fucking boring. I miss boring Sleepy Joe doesn't sound like an insult anymore Politics are supposed to be boring and mundane. They're broken here, so let's fix it. Yall remember when we could go weeks at a time without seeing news about the president? Along with the rest of the world, the news cycle is boring now. German here, we've been governed by a boring chancellor for the past..16(?) years. I'm glad we were if I look around ""May you live in interesting times"" Vote for me. I’m pretty boring. Heck, I’m bored as hell right now. You and the rest of the world. Of course an election loss doesn't mean Trump will shut up... Goddamn; honestly Biden is hardly my pick, but I’d like a return to not waking up to a new shitstorm every day. Vote counted This makes me sad. I said this back in 2016. America is a coma induced by the wealthy 1%. Trump is pulling the plug. Hilary(and now biden) are just being in a coma. Sanders is waking up It makes me sad that instead of waking up we're just going to go back to sleep and continue funneling wealth into the top 1% while they keep the bottom 99% starved enough to need to work for min wages while just fed enough to not realize they're being exploited. That’s exactly my thinking too. I want to never have to look at a trump tweet again. Yep. He could literally do nothing for 4 years and it would be a huge improvement. Its pathetic but thats where we are. That's why I liked Biden as VP. Never heard anything come from the man. Nothing catastrophic. Nothing newsworthy. I'm cool with that right now. [deleted] Not just the country; he honestly pits the world against us too, not that we didn’t do a share of that before. If Biden just smoked weed and jerked off all day in the Oval Office as president I think that would put the country in a significantly better position than it is today. Funny thing is Trump and the GOP could have literally done nothing for 4 years (no tax cuts or anything) and they would have probably been able to earn all themselves a seat in Congress until 2024 or longer. Not a terrible idea. America's number one export is stability. The dollar is something like 60-70% of the world's total currency, and a big part of our stock climb since 2015 has been that foreign investors like how sound our investment markets are. A man I admire once told me that the president's true job is to do nothing, to maintain status quo. While I can't agree nor disagree, I do remember so many people saying in 2016 ""a vote for her is a vote for status quo."" I mean, status quo saw a long recovered from a deep recession, a reasonably solid economy, myself graduating and getting a job in the more well-rewarded portions of that economy, having a nice life. Yeah man, I might prefer some reform and improvement, but I'll take ""keep having a nice life like in 2016, do whatever I want mostly"" any day over ""stay at home most days because chief dipshit tells people not to worry about infectious disease killing a quarter million people, leading more people outside infecting each other."" A great president might do a fair bit of good. A bad president can do a great deal of bad, for more than a good president can do good. Checks and balances exist to tamp down momentum, largely to prevent bad presidents from fucking everything up, but when the executive and corresponding legislature team up to steal the judicial so that they can get away with whatever they want, there's gonna be a lot of bad. This is why I might make fun of agent orange for golfing all the time, but by god, he's much better for us all when he's golfing than when he's """"""working."""""" If any president - Biden or whomever - wants to spend their time smiling, shaking hands, and leaving the actual work to everyone else, it'll be a massive improvement over the purposeful destruction of our discourse, morality, sanity, intelligence, and government. This is what berniebros failed to understand. They wanted radical change, but most of America is just burnt out someone wanting big political change. Biden didn't win the primary despite being boring, he won it by being boring. [deleted] Wtf are you talking about.. he didn’t rape any interns. Trumps been accused of over 20 women of rape on the other hand, including a minor This man just confused Bill Clinton with Joe Biden. The uneducated right, everybody. That’s projection. Trump is the one with covid on the Herman Cain trajectory. And fwiw Biden could die today and I’d still vote him over trump. Harris would be a better President than Trump Biden and Pence. Napping is better for the mind than Fox News Fox News makes its viewers dumber The country would be better off if trump died. Forget staying awake for a few hours. That’s the point we’re at today. Not that I’m wishing he dies. Just registered. Holding pandemic relief hostage with disregard for the economy he fought so hard to protect. Shameful. I appreciate your sharing, and thank you; it gives me a bit of hope, reading things like this. As a fellow libertarian I looked at it like this: we have the rest of our lives to stick it to the man, but this one time we need to put country over politics I respect your rational position on this. The livelihoods of the American people should not be a political football, especially at a time like this. [deleted] Thank you How do you, as a Libertarian, get comfortable with Federal government stimulus? I'm genuinely curious. I'm not throwing shade or trolling. Feel free to check my post history to verify. Yeah I was planning on voting third party as well, but this pushed me over the edge. I don't love Biden's positions, but during the debate I at least got the feeling he was coherent and likable. This extortion from Trump is the last straw Nobody is voting with their conscious this election. Its all spite votes. Are you registered in your state? Many of the deadlines are this week, just in case you're not! Exactly. Holy fuck dude, I’m glad you’re voting Biden, but god damn you took a while. Wait so do you support bailouts or not I’m still voting libertarian. I live in California where Biden is pretty much sure to win. If I were in a swing state I would definitely vote Biden. Vote libertarian down ballot, but please just help us get rid of trump. I'm so tired of thinking about him. I get you. I want third parties to be taken seriously as much as anyone, but this election strikes me as exactly the time not to make that happen. [deleted] I’m guessing you’re not actually a libertarian Fuck Pelosi for not accepting any sort of compromise with the Stimulus bill. But orange man bad right?! ""I was going to throw my vote in the trash but fuck this guy"" If you support more stimulus, i dont think you know what libertarians stand for. it took you this long to come to this realization? Oh you’re so brave and such an inspiration yes and I've also seen Trump destroy our country over the past 4 years. You are brainwashed if you still support him. And this is coming from someone who voted for him in 2016. Unlike the rest of the delusion Trump stans i realized how fucked up I was to do that By not acting like the stable genius he keeps braggin about being. I honestly don't agree with that. He does anything he thinks will help him politically. Hes just so stupid. Like the fact that he cant see the establishment GOP is using him to ram through the SC justice is hilarious. If someone smart was advising trump and ONLY had Trumps interests in mind they could hang the nomination over the election to drive turnout to help trump. Sorry, this is reddit. Not everyone follows your strict rules about who to criticize and when. I honestly couldn't care less who this guy votes for but just because he is voting for candidate A or specimen B doesn't guard him from criticism. After all just wait until stocks go up 4% and we'll see who they vote for. What was it about this tweet that finally changed your mind? How can you consider yourself a libertarian and complain that Trump is trying to stop the fed from giving money directly to state governments? Isn't that a good thing? Trump wants to hand the money directly to individual citizens (UBI, something some modern libertarians are starting to think is necessary) and he's forced through his own executive orders to do exactly that. What he doesn't want to do is give state and county governments 2 trillion dollars that will certainly bleed off at least a trillion dollars to kickbacks and bribes before citizens ever see it. He's said repeatedly that he wants to give money to the people as much as anybody, but congress won't pass a bill doing that. All they pass is massive handouts to government officials, not citizens. [removed] don't you talk about Grandma Jill like that! And there's a reason Biden doesn't need to pay for it. It's amazing how good things can be when you actually care about the person you're with. [removed] I think a lot more people than we think fuck OPP outside their marriage and we should be open about it Do you not know what happens to sexual drive after menopause, let alone after 70 years of age. I never said Trump wasn't also a shitbag [deleted] Temporarily embarrassed millionaires you mean [deleted] Stop the bleeding, then fix the system, then vote the third parties. I just don't understand why either party can't nominate someone who isnt 70+ years old and a normal person. It would be so easy for one side to sweep the other if they did that. I *was*. 4 tours, lifetime nra member, Arizonan, white, daddy’s money, dyed-in-the-wool republican. This Bitch, tho... I don't understand how politics became such an identity marker in the US. It seems so weird that people base their whole lives around the support of one party. Is that simply due to the 2 party system? Why do people just not vote for their preferred candidate? That’s because Trump isn’t Republican, he’s just all about Trump. He doesn’t give a shit about anyone but himself. Yeah I mean, it's not like his high government intervention anti trade pro protectionism attitude exactly screams ""Party of Reagan!"" People forget most democrat legislators are pretty moderate centrists. Please, Republicans, please make yourself a party again instead of a death cult. I miss having the ability to talk to someone across the aisle. > Hell you can be a red-blooded life-long Republican and still be anti-Trump. And now you know the origin behind the term “RINO”. You’re either with Trump or you’re against America. Reminds me of that dictator >On both sides, the reasonable people don’t screech as loudly. Yup, I guess we just sit here weeping in silence as we watch everything built by previous generations crumble (literally, infra is crumbling as we speak). [removed] All the reasonable people are liberals unfortunately. At that drive by he did from the hospital, one dude was screaming ""I'd die for that man!""... Good point. > I'm pretty fucking left, not liberal. I'll stan Biden until my fingers bleed. Same I don't like Biden but Trump is worse I'll go to bat for Biden right up until he wins the election and then I'll have 4 years to roast him for not being far enough left Not ideal but significantly better than 4 more years of Trump appointed judges, climate denial, vaccine skepticism, QAnon conspiracies, etc. Seriously curious, how do you differentiate left from liberal? Is this even satire anymore Most of the people blocking traffic are not voters or register Democrats lol. Funny, the idiots with tiki torches chanting ""blood and soil"" are keeping me from voting R Generally speaking and if only considering two major parties, I think so. Uhhh where do you think that money usually comes from?? They look kind of similar too, actually There's no way in hell that I could have supported the Palin contingent. She was part of the movement that led to Trump. Modern US political parties are really 4-5 parties all under a collective name of Dem or Rep. The growth of the nationalists signaled the end of what most people here think of as the Republican party. That's why the parties seem to switch their views every couple of generations. That's just one of the subparties gaining enough support to gain leadership of the party. Cause he doesn't choose, nor was she at the time. I prefer your version. They’re already calling trumps America, bidens america No, he legit thinks he can strong arm the election. If he loses he will end up in jail. The dude is literally out of his mind Regeron is not available to anyone who can afford it. It’s not even fully approved yet. Quit ur bullshit Look at his taxes lol! The dudes been running on credit and the name recognition he literally only got by being born rich for decades. He has never won. They’re all fucking egoists, but I’ll gladly accept their votes in this case The amount of lobbyists in charge of regulatory bodies really sealed the deal for me, at least in terms of how much of a smash and grab this presidency was. Thats not my logic, bozo. Stocks down omly for a short period is good. Buy this massive dip and cash in after the election. Go back to /r/investing I actually haven't heard that many people say ""my vote doesn't matter"" this time around... After 2016 I think people are starting to wake up to the fact that who we elect does actually matter. friendly reminder that scolding voters doesn't actually convince people to vote it just makes you feel better My vote doesn't matter. I'm in Utah and there's no fucking way we're blue. Nah I'm good on this... ""Democracy"" shit. This is an oligarchy. Stop deluding yourselves with thoughts of this country being democratic. Its not truly a democracy and hasn't been for a very long time. Now watch the US burn like Rome or move to another enlightened region of this planet. He is a narcissist and we’ve all been abused by him for 5 years I've said it once and I'll say it 100 more. The number of signs and bumper stickers don't tell you anything about a candidates popularity with the general population. It does however show you how popular a given candidate is with morons. And Trump's got the moron vote locked up. Signs don't equal votes. Trump won't win WI again. He barely won it last time because there was 3rd party candidates plus Hilary was extremely unpopular. Biden is more popular than Hilary was in WI, and 2018 they saw Dems win in that state. Trump has stopped running ads in WI because of how poor he is polling there. the 2020 map is gonna look more like 2008. I was writing a reply and realized it was getting really long so I'll just send you a DM. I was about to say, now you gotta clarify that with ""I'm a citizen, currently living abroad / serving at a base, voting absentee like people have been since the civil war"" or some shit I'm not voting for a conservative with dementia, so that rules out D and R Dude is just parroting what’s been parroted for what seems like forever now. It's crazy that people still believe trickle down even when there are a number of examples proving that it doesn't work. One of the most famous and recent examples being the failure of Sam Brownback's [Kansas experiment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kansas_experiment) >It was one of the largest income tax cuts in the state's history, which Brownback believed would be a ""shot of adrenaline into the heart of the Kansas economy"". >The cuts were based on model legislation published by the conservative American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), supported by supply-side economist Arthur Laffer, and anti-tax leader Grover Norquist. The law cut taxes by US$231 million in its first year, and cuts were projected to total US$934 million after six years, by eliminating taxes on business income for the owners of almost 200,000 businesses and cutting individual income tax rates. Brownback compared his tax policies with those of Ronald Reagan, but also described them as ""a real live experiment"", and had predicted that by 2020 they would have created an additional 23,000 jobs. >However, by 2017 state revenues had fallen by hundreds of millions of dollars, causing spending on roads, bridges, and education to be slashed. With economic growth remaining consistently below average, the Republican Legislature of Kansas voted to roll back the cuts; although Brownback vetoed the repeal, the legislature succeeded in overriding his veto. Even after his failure, the GOP figured out a way to pass it again on a Federal level. 2017 Federal tax cuts by Trump were inspired by the Kansas experiment. The Kansas bill cut the taxes of ""the wealthiest 1% of Kansans by 2.2%,"" while it projected that the poorest 20% of Kansans would see ""their taxes increase by 1.3%"". [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] He probably does, and there is a chance it could. Hopefully we blow him out so badly at the polls it doesn’t matter. Stable genius [deleted] What's has you looking to buy Sony over Apple? I’m talking like volleyball you're dense....devaluing a nations currency will lead to extreme inflation and levels of poverty that will effect WAY more people. smh. Are you the one to ascertain what he thinks is different from what he says? Surely not. The same could be said about Pelosi if she's unwilling to budge from her place to bring relief to all those poor down and out Americans she likes to reference. The problem isn't one side but both sides are unwilling to budge. We have a stalemate. Most people here seem to think govt cares about their robinhood account first most. Yet the purpose of the stim bill is primarily meant to get money to struggling people, not inflate the stonk market valuation to line the pockets of those who have extra money to blow on it. Which they have no reason to do now. Trump just handed them the election. Fucking idiot. Trump has got to be the dumbest and most evil person to ever runnthis country. Just voted blue today for the first time. All the way down the ballot. Fuck this cocksucker. Fox News is a cancer to society. So if Biden were to lose do you think they would likely drop? His biggest success in life was convincing morons a game show was real What, you've never lost so much money you were still able to write them off your taxes 20 years later LIKE A SMART BUSINESS MAN? All I’m saying is. How many times has Trump done something idiotic and 4 days later it turned out to benefit Trump. I mean it sucks but this is exactly the outcome I expected at some point. I sold everything in Sept because I didn't think stimulus would happen. It's just bad luck that Trumpito decided to murder the negotiations on Twitter with a single paragraph. I agree, my main investment had been going 0+ today, just stable after a good day yesterday and suddenly it dropped over 5% in 5 minutes. It felt quite absurd. You should be. I have zero stocks. At this rate I'll never retire. It's why progressives want to break this cycle by fixing the economic fallout that will inevitably happen with a better healthcare system and more social safety nets Goldman Sachs predicts better market performance if Dems win [deleted] Not till feburary, at the earliest. That's the joke He is saying you either wait until January when Biden becomes president or vote for him and he will do it the next day. How he is going to do that is anybody’s guess because the people blocking him now will still be in office until the end of term after the election. If he could do it by executive order and bypass all those people, why doesn’t he do it now? Exactly. That's why it's hilariously stupid. Even for Trump, this is idiotic. Dems quite literally want a BIGGER stimulus — thus the disagreement — so if Trump loses, we get an even bigger stimulus. We can debate whether that's a good policy outcome or not, but we can all agree that any blackmail that says, ""Vote for me because if you don't you'll have an even better upside and less downside"" is unbelievably ineffective and dense. You have two more months until inauguration. Dumb comment. Stupid logic. Under trump one stimulus in 10 months. Obviously voting for him is not the right choice. congress makes legislation not biden. it's up to the senate to ignore trump. my theory is that the GOP wants trump to take blame for the lack of stimulus and so they can push ACB through before Dems take the senate and presidency. there's a handshake deal after nov 3 to push stimulus thru in exchange for trump getting clemency from prosecutors that will send his ass to prison (because his tax returns are being held over his head) then they disassociate from Trump on November 3 besides do the typical lame duck garbage where every moron crook gets pardoned. I see now. Fuck!! Just lost $13,941.... Wish he gained some humility instead. Wow.....just wow. It is real folks. Jesus Christ. Hope your pet rock is an asteroid. I would happily vote for your pet rock over Trump, even if it's a piece of schist. you think we're voting biden because we *like* him?? who taught you how to vote? Are you equally fine with either option? That’s what not voting says It’s not about who you like. It’s who you hate less [deleted] But he's better than trump You fuck off ya trump voting stimulus saving fuckin dick squeeze. Biden doesn’t want to be President. He’ll be inaugurated and resign leaving Kamala to be the first woman President. She may be the first President to serve 12 years. No thanks chinese spy [deleted] So basically you are voting knowing that your choice makes no difference. Like it or not, we are dealing with a 2 party system at the moment. And you are throwing your vote away. Honestly almost worse than not voting at all. You should consider it. You and I both know stocks were climbing at a higher and steadier rate under Obama. [removed] OK, well, I answered your question. I'm fine with you not liking the correct answer. I totally agree they sure came together to keep the govt from shutting down ( securing their paychecks ) bastards The hypothesis is that republicans vote more in person and democrats will mail in more ballots... so if he is ahead on election day, he will try to block all the mail in ballots for getting counted. If that gets contested, he will bring the election results to the Supreme court and they will vote in his favor since the lady he nominated will make it 6-3. I have a friend who works for plug. He told me they are about to announce a deal they made with Microsoft this month. Shit is about to go even higher. I'm basically all in on plug. >> and start agreeing to pass the stuff both sides agree on > > > > Is that what the Senate is doing with their Scotus nomination? Looking for a nominee both sides can agree on? nice strawman, but that's irrelevant. a stimulus bill NEEDS the support of both parties to pass while a supreme court confirmation doesn't. the nominee was chosen, and the votes are present to confirm. if republicans controlled the house still we'd already have a stimulus bill passed. pelosi can ram through all the 51% party line bills she wants, but they are a waste of time. [deleted] One may be more important for his parties future, but the other does more for his legacy. They've been printing money for years but only when it comes to helping ppl survive this period does it suddenly become a central thought. Any other year and any other issue, the money gets printed [removed] You people are gutter trash. 210,000 deaths and counting >There is an ocean between reality and what you said. I suppose so. On one side you have reality, and then an ocean away from reality you have the, what, 35% of Americans who will support Trump no matter what he does? I mean, he just came out of the hospital because he caught the Democratic hoax flu that was going to disappear in April with the warm weather. You think a guy hopped up on steroids has a plan? Ah yes, the art of the deal. This coming from a man whose ran how many businesses into bankruptcy? Some people are and they are absolutely insane. That being said, most people here aren't saying that from my perspective. Which ones are the failing states? Nope trump literally just tweeted negotiations genius.... [deleted] well, maybe no stimulus too if both can't reach any deal & keep delaying.. by next year vaccine is out and the economy slowly back to normal thus whoever survives don't need stimulus anymore. Trump is definitely the villain, which is why I'm voting dem. What if Trump win? He will come into power earlier ? When? I'd revise it a little bit: it isn't that investing is anti-human. It's anti-working class. It just happens that, for me, that's a meaningless distinction. Because our economic model is supposed to be that of constant growth. As unrealistic and unsustainable as it sounds. And the markets are suppose to reflect that. [deleted] Vanguard is good for index funds, though. I wish I had gone with them instead of Fidelity. hey man its only a few weeks away ill check in with ya no worries :) Who knows really. American enthusiasm for America regardless of the state of society is full retard status. But with the news today, no stimulus and anti trust lawsuits, plus the likelihood that Trump will be dead within 2-3 weeks, I'd say the second crash is incoming. Huh? I don't understand your question. The market reacts to new information. Trump's subsequent tweets backpedaling were taken as an admission that he realized he screwed up, and the market recovered. That's the market working as expected. I would assume anyone who have been following the news to know the bills aren't just the 1200usd cheque: Reinstate the $600 per week enhanced unemployment benefit through January Send a second $1,200 direct payment to most Americans  Give $436 billion in relief over one year to state and local governments  Authorize more money for a second round of Paycheck Protection Program loans for the hardest-hit businesses and industries  Send $25 billion to airlines to cover payroll costs  Inject $75 billion into Covid-19 testing and contact tracing efforts Put $225 billion into education and $57 billion into child care  Set aside billions for rental and mortgage assistance This is what the Democrat controlled house passed which Republicans have complained about the huge amount (2.2 trillions usd) HODL Yeah but it's more like your mom saying clean your room and you get stiffed from her but your dad ends up getting you something for cleaning your room. Biden is your dad. [deleted] We admire growth here. Respect What are they trying to add? Please turn off Fox News. Lol, so adding provisions to allow private and charter schools to make money during the pandemic, and allowing corporations to have immunity from Covid related lawsuits is necessary for a Covid relief bill? Stop acting so high and mighty, republicans have been trying to sneak shit into these bills on purpose so when the democrats don’t pass it, idiots like you only see “HUR DUR DEMOCRATS BLOCK COVID RELIEF AID” Meanwhile no one actually reads the proposed bill, or you would see that republicans are consistently prioritizing big corporations and extremely rich people while minimizing the relief actual working class people would get. And Democrat’s issues with the bills usually center around the lack of actual relief for those working class Americans. Take a political science class, Jesus. Holy shit everyone look at this guys post history. I hope someone is paying you for that level of commitment. What a waste of time. Of course when you zoom out 6 months, you don't see the sharp drop that was like 1 hour and 15 minutes. The market dropped at 2:45pm and it is still dropping. You have to wait to see the true bottom from the comment. If the comment only dropped 240 points (ie market goes up tomorrow), yes, it is not much. >stimulus bill that doesn't ban voter id laws, WTF, why should voter ID laws be in a stimulus? I mean, I'll take no voter disenfranchisement over a bogus fake issue for $500 Alex. Seriously, the fact that people still argue for voter ID laws tells me just how effective fox news and the like are at brainwashing Trump supporters. Republican lawyers in court have NEVER been able to cite a single example where voter ID laws would have prevented... anything. They've openly admitted it was all about disenfranchising voters, repeatedly. They're out in the open with it! And yet... here you are. lol r/selfawarewolves >talks mean nothing when pelosi is negotiating in bad faith and has no intention of actually compromising. Thats true. She should have supported the deal both sides made. But you should also blame moscow mitch. He is pushing the SC nominee faster than the next stimulus package. ""negotiating In bad faith"" Do you have any of your own talking points or do you just regurgitate whatever trump word vomits to you? Your logical flaw here is assuming that giving the people the right to vote is a partisan issue. Its an American issue. Get out the cult friend How many months did it take for the Senate to take that bill up? They could, and should have been negotiating this **months** before the Senate put forth a half ass bill that had zero chance of passing the house, just like the Democrats did, but months later when the deadline was very near of ending for millions. But hey, blame it all on the Democrats, not the procrastinating Republicans who put forth a half ass bill months later. Must be nice living in a completely made up space inside your thick ass skull. Don’t bitch about “party line voting” it’s the single reason Trump wasn’t removed from office already. If you invested at the start of Obama's term just imagine how much you could have made! And you wouldn't have under a Democrat? Obama's first term took the stock market **far** higher than Trump's first term. [deleted] [deleted] It’s him, his staffers wouldn’t spend an hour peddling conspiracy theories on Twitter The left: ""Look at the right-wing! They're all bootlickers!"" Also the left: ""Please sir, can I have some more?"" Where are all those people getting free boots from??? It happened toward the end of the day, this isn't the end of this shit show. The stimulus should have been passed months ago. If he stands his ground on not passing a stimulus, things are going to get much worse. A lot of companies were relying on that passing before the election. With the prospect of stimulus not coming until next year(if Biden wins), I don't see things getting better tomorrow. Lol worker protections. [deleted] Make America great again by making the market crash by tweeting out idiocy. [deleted] Yes, but if both opposing sides are using that same strategy how do you figure that will work itself out?? 75k a year to stock shelves at target, makes sense Generally about saying this to anyone that pushes to create a further divide in our people. Dont be an asshole to people you meet its that simple Fuck the recession. My stonks were still going up. Yeah you're right, so this is an obvious exception, again, to avoid Trump spam. [deleted] Lets be honest - this man has more market sense than all the ~~mods~~ users at WSB combined. Nah he wasn't sucking trump off Nah he made a smart move, pretty sure they would ban him Nah, for that he would have had to put all of his life savings on short term puts, become a millionaire and then lose every single penny less than a day after. I feel like making a smart decision disqualifies them. SEC has entered chat For playing it safe? Na rofl Lol he had 1 stonk I mean, he could be a swing trader. I am hesitant to place and swing trades right now due to the market's tendency to do exactly what it did this afternoon. The S&P500 was also approaching a resistance level today, which it just so happened to hit exactly when that news came out! I think it was a bit of a double whammy honestly, and I would not be surprised if the selloff continues tomorrow. If he liquidated his 401k then yeah, ridiculous. But I do not blame him for selling out of any short term holds. I think they were saying they got lucky and sold before the drop Taxes is probably the worst argument against taking a profit. Oh, you sold because you knew a dip was coming that you could later buy back? Thats the same as saying Oh, you took a bonus? Don't you know they'll tax it? I have a hard time imagining things are going to improve from here. Trump isn't out of the woods yet and the White House has the potential to turn into a COVID-19 plague den. Not to mention this election is going to be shit show not seen since before the civil war. Maybe stocks will rise again in the short term, but things are looking bad for the foreseeable future. Let's revisit this in a week or two. Pretty solid chance that it ends up being a good decision. I'm not sure how stocks work but aren't most drops small percentages like that? But it's still a big deal since the overall increases are also small, and also because they represent an entire market worth billions. That would be why they use ""points"", so instead of saying ""1% drop"" that sounds insignificant, they say ""100 points drop"" that better represents the severity of such a drop. Lastly when people trade stocks personally don't they buy and sell options or something like that? I understood them as pretty much bets on how certain stock will develop, then when something drops 1% when your bet was for it to increase 1% you could lose thousands depending on your bet, maybe this dude just sold that. $750 taxes for all!!! He sold his 50 dollars worth of stock on Robinhood. Calm down everyone. Don't judge this man for selling everything. What he chooses to do with $25 is up to him Yeah it’s easy to distinguish the redditors who stonk for fun and the actual investors who Reddit for fun You realise the stock market was on a downward trend from a Tech selloff until trump announced he will get stimulus to americans, it wasn't until after that it started to climb again. Now trump postponing that until after the election continues the downward trend where the markets left off since he is behind in the polls. Don't expect stocks to reach what it did yesterday until 2021. That’s not what happened. At all. I guarantee it. to be fair, we can probably expect another 2-5% wobble before the elections just from small businesses waiting on that stimulus money feeling the covid pinch and cashing out to carry themselves over till after the election; it was probably as good a time as any. Tbh I don't blame him if he DID sell everything, more than one ""stonk"" or not. This system is the biggest farce of an existence I could ever imagine. What makes your decisions any smarter than someone else's decisions, especially the one's that they make in what they feel is in their best interest? [deleted] I bet that's him milking me through the man straw from behind while singing ""why can't this be love"" too Stonks aren't about today they are about tomorrow. I’m sure it wasn’t everything and you are only taxed on earnings. What about taxes ? Hey, sorry new investor here - can you clarify why this would be worse from the taxes perspective? If I am frequently flipping a stock vs holding and selling much later, what is the disadvantage? Bro, we're all autistic. We don't know what we're doing. Idk I decided to lower my delta yesterday to get closer to neutral in my portfolio. The market just seems too inflated especially with all the uncertainty of having a clean election and Trump's health. I wouldn't criticize someone for moving more to cash at this moment. Being a permanent bull doesn't always work out It qualifies as good timing (direct quote) Taxes? We don't have to pay those anymore. Dude is an amateur and so is everyone upvoting him. I’d be surprised if he had more than $1500 in his Robinhood account. He probably holds options not actual stocks. Or sHe could have sold covered calls on everything that were in the money that aren’t anymore then bought them back after. A BTFD-er will gladly take the shares. He sold everything this morning because of a hunch. The drop came later. He might be going leveraged, options, CFDs, where a 2% move is significant. And he may have opted to do it now vs wait till EOW. No one holding stocks is going to worry about 2%. > Not to mention taxes... Wash sale. Day 1 sell, day 2 drop 3%, day 3 buy back in. The entire world of money is a zero sum game. All you're trying to do is beat everyone else a little bit at a time. Avoiding a 3% loss here and there helps. Verbatim holds the overseer to the sun. 240 points is 1% No he said he sold while the market was up, he sold before the drop this post found its way on to the front page so expect alot of morons to posting in this thread All $245 of it baby. Honestly given the upcoming election season and boiler plate that is the political system, anyone not ok with volatility should be looking for an exit. He had like $50 in Robinhood Your average ""InVeStOR"" 2-3% drop right now. I will bet you the 35 cents in my bank account that Trump will do another stupid thing that'll affect the stock market Well, no. He sold everything on a hunch, before the 2-3% drop I mean if he's trading and not investing a 2-3% drop is massive. The taxes are party of the reason he did sell. It takes more sense to report the loss against the test of your trading Woah there retard, you're from r/wllstreetbets aren't you? No taxes if he lost money I sold everything too. I've been making investments for the last decade, slowly building up my initial 25,000 seed into a portfolio worth nearly 500,000 So I cashed out. Turns out I've been playing a fantasy stock market game this whole time. I have no idea where my investment money went... timing the market its for puts and calls. general investing buy and hold and hold and hold and if the market drops buy and hold some more. People like you need to stfu about taxes. Who cares lock in profits imagine thinking holding this market is smart. A disease thst is destroying the world, an economic recession and a retard as president. And if that person has low income under 40k, they pay 12% short term capital gains. This is a traders market and not a holders. yet today it went back up even higher................lol He'll only pay taxes if the profits are realized. Also, he can buy back everything at the start of trading tomorrow and save the losses from today (losing just the trading commissions). For real.. I can get behind people patting him on the back because he called Trump doing something dumb. That's cool and all. Actually backing that up by selling ""everything"" is even dumber. His name? Albert Einstein clap clap You don't understand, orange man bad. Let the updoots commence [deleted] Do you remember the stock? Hahaha, they deleted their comment. Overreaction to the correction will burn you [deleted] [deleted] I did the same thing [deleted] What will happen until the election? I'm here from all. I know almost nothing about the stock market. Does this actually happen? Who makes that kind of decision? When has it happened in the past? Has there been precedent of exchange halting trade due to death of sitting President? Should sell everything from now 🤭 ... and then it would rise modestly the next day, as if nothing happened. It would halt for maybe a day. Then explode. markets biggest thing is stability. or a middle schooler REALLY ahead Yup. At this point people just want stability. Interesting, your second point is very valid and one that I did not consider. I guess my fault for not looking up the most up to date information. At least when I was looking into it, my comment was the general sentiment regarding Biden. a president dying in office, weeks before an election is the opposite of stability. But go ahead, keep letting your hate for one candidate over the other influence your thinking. To be fair its usually because nothing gets done with a GOP senate and people can live as they used to. One thing Trump is good at is bragging. When he says he has the best stock market of any president that is true, but almost every other president could have said it too. All it really means is that they didn't completely fuck things up, so it's not really an accomplishment. It’ll bounce back. What is wrong with people wishing death on others smh Take it all.... You're turning me on... [deleted] the amount of people dying in America from covid is fucked trust me, it would be a good thing for him to die a martyr now than to get ass fucked in the courts next year It is what it is. I'm voting orange out. I watched him vent on live tv. Orange throwing sus on Blue. I fucking love this. He's venting on twitter 24/7 it's obv Where Where So you wanna make a better that market jumps if trump is re-elected and drops if Biden is elected ? How much do you wanna put on it ? Yeah that might realistically be 25% of the population. Still way too many. And 56% of eligible voters didn't vote at all, which means they're pretty much okay with Trump. [removed] Yes and doesn’t Trump like to bring Obama into every conversation? “My economy is the best compared to Obama” “Obama left us unprepared for a pandemic” “We have the best unemployment since Obama” I thought bringing up Obama was a common theme with this administration. In all caps. [deleted] [deleted] I mean Biden has already been 2nd in command during a recession and helped pull us out >Writing off the rest of his term and leaving it in shambles so they have more to use for 4 years of Biden Writing off is his Special Trait. Trump lvl 45 Agility: 1/99 Stamina: 3/99 Magic: 98/99 Intelligence: 0/99 Strength: 99/99 Actual Strength: 3/99 Special Traits: - Write-offs - High Grip Strength for grabbing objects - Orange Camo - Fire creation out of thin air. That’s a bingo The deeper the hole, the longer it takes Biden to dig out of it. So basically the Bush-Obama transition? Great, certainly the next cycle won't be crazier. Right? right???????????????? Bingo He wants to take the election no matter what it takes. In his mind, and therefore the whole party at this point, there is t going to BE a loss. They’re going to take the election in whatever way that looks legal. Judges, sabotaging the mail, holding the stimulus hostage, he’s not going away. When someone tells you who they really are, believe them, and right now he is TELLING us that he won’t accept any loss no matter how we vote. *Not saying don’t vote because yes, it WILL matter because that’s all in their heads. That’s the only thing keeping this shit show together atm, the vote.* He’s going to try to coup no matter what. It’s going to look like Black Monday in this bitch all over again. he thinks he can just talk shit about how great things would have been if we had just reelected him, but he doesn’t seem to realize that he can’t call into fox and friends from prison. I am lost people what’s going on this is the last year article why are we quoting this now? I have never seen someone torpedo their own campaign the way he did today with one tweet. Vote that sucker out. ICE starving Mexicans and selling their infant children to Jeffrey Epstein: i sleep All Presidents since 2000 carpet bombing innocent Middle Eastern civilians while giving away billions to Israel and Saudi: i sleep Police murdering blacks for fun and getting away with no repercussions and often a promotion or retirement: i sleep Social security payments decreased by $3 per month: __REAL SHIT__ Pretty sure he can’t announce any surprise stimulus without a deal from congress It’s not just the market; stimulus is needed to keep our whole economy afloat, and withholding it does affect small businesses and jobs. Which will hit even those people. > Let alone will be personally effected by a down market lol They don't care about how it effects them, they're the same people who will suck the dick of the rich because they think they're going to win the lottery any day now and ""don't want the gubment to to take my money"" [deleted] [removed] he already reversed course in the last hour saying to send him a stimulus bill for checks and airline bailouts to sign right now And those were all already descriptors of his normal state of mind in the first place, lol. But... all they have to do is tell the truth. The Dem proposed stimulus is far greater than the Rep one. Not making this a political discussion. It's not as much Democrats or Republicans (in the classic sense). Market thrive and go bearish under both. It's the instability and uncertainty of what Trump is going to say or do next (whether it's his personality, the steroids raging through his system or whatever) that freaks out the market. Something something a casino But the reason the Dems won't pass it is that there is no stimulus for individuals in the Republican bill. And trump has also shown support for more stimulus in the past but the Republicans aren't having it. So his gambit doesn't even make sense since the same senate will just say no again after the election. >They are all talk no action. Versus all talk *about* no action? This is the first school election reference I’ve seen, and it’s on the money. This makes me sad Craziest fucking thing in this whole disaster is that Trump thinks he owns the representatives of Congress, and can instruct them. Congress should be a check on the executive branch and should shoot this shit down immediately. His signature was in the memo. He couldn't authorize (endorse?) it by law. The guy feebly attempts to own everything except the consequences of his actions. His words are a virus. That's because they are a Monarchy, not a representative republic... Give their friends* We get the change. But election results don't take effect immediately. Whereas re-election guarantees a quicker stimulus. I guess that's his threat/plan. The nuclear football *is* just launch codes and things that are necessary to facilitate such a situation, there's no magic button in the case. Yeah it basically just alerts people that the president wants to send a nuke and then the commanders decide if it’s a go or not. They wouldn’t give control of that to someone with no tactical knowledge of anything really. All nuclear weapons rely on a 2 person control system in which a decision is made to use these weapons both parties agree to release the codes. There are stipulations built within the system that predicate person who are determined to be unstable for any reason, the second party will not release the codes. I believe this also is true of the CIC, Donald Trump and the designated second party. Yea, in my America we call it nuclear soccer. California doesn't ""prop up"" the federal govt. Congress decides how much debt they want to take out from the reserve known as the budget. Taxes help to pay off that debt. California's own budget was squandered and wasted on failed housing projects and unrealized magnet trains, where maybe it should have gone to forest management. Enjoy your red skies bud. You take losses the moment you buy. Gains are only real when you sell. FOH with your newsmax nonsense [deleted] It would help if he was a good sugar daddy, they're sucking him off for nothing. Yea this actually affect a lot more people. [deleted] Trump isn't doing any more extortion than Pelosi. Democrats are holding up giving stimulus to the American people that are in need because they want to bail out cities run by Democrats so they can remain in power and continue to waste tax payer money. It's insane that they are even considering these two things in the same time. Providing economic relief to the general population is entirely different from giving money to poorly run cities who have mishandled their finances. Those same cities are frequently steeped in corruption and in many cases are broke due to the misappropriation of funds and overpaying for things to preferred vendors. Fucking up the economy to ~~own~~ blame the libs for the next 4 years. if they can’t steal the legislative branch again, they’ll steal the judicial branch. hopefully the lackeys they’ve appointed over the last 4 years will help them rig the system enough to steal some more elections in the future. I don't know if anyone has told you, but, Donald is a master negotiator, he said so himself. Numerous times. Were it so easy to pass the bill and be done with it, they would. Have you seen what the Dems included in their portion? The rest of the gop has been in lockstep with trump since he got the nomination. You gave excuses then blamed Pelosi.🤣 Wanted real answers not GOP talking points. Brah Nancy Polosi sucks, so do Trump and Mitch McConnell. Trump just took responsibility when he said he was done with negotiations. Learn to criticize yo leaders. Nazeem seems like the type of person who would fuck around on the stock market not knowing what they're doing while constantly bragging about how rich they're supposedly getting off of it. Wanna buy some death sticks? Aye, I could upvote that in /r/all. The potential error in your judgement here is that this isn't somehow *exactly the plan.* Handed 400 million, somehow dug 400 million dollar hole. I can't help but admire how he's kept it all together for so long while failing constantly. I mean I'd be a wreck after one or two bankruptcies and failed marriages. If you're ""going to be dumb you gotta be tough"" I guess. ""No, no! Dig UP, stupid"" He can't climb out so now he's just digging to get to the other side. ""Man handed a ladder, digs deeper anyway"" Seriously. As someone who hates the guy, when I heard his diagnosis I was like, shit, this is the worst possible thing. All he has to do is survive and act somewhat humbled and the people will eat that shit up. Nope. Instead his ego makes him pull all these stunts. Good job Donny, don’t ever change. Not sure on that. Terrible optics since he's been so anti-mask, the longer he's in the hospital and acknowledging it, the worse it looks for him. ""Man who repeatedly ignored medical advice and made fun of mask users catches severe case of virus"" isn't exactly pity inducing. >Yeah disasters and similar things are usually easy mode for PR For reference, look at how much W.'s approval ratings shot up immediately after 9/11. The speech that night won over just about everyone, and considering how contested the election was barely a year before, and how much non-Republicans hated him, that spike to 92% was impressive (highest ever since Truman first took office). And all that it took was him addressing the country when we desperately needed a leader to. Trump could have had this election in the bag if he even made the smallest of efforts during this pandemic, but that's never been his style. >I don't think that there's any way that COVID could help a sitting president, no matter how well it's managed. It's like a recession, no matter how well you handle it bad things will happen and people will find a way to tie their negative feeling of those bad things to you.> Maybe there is some American special sauce at work but I think you are way off base here. In Canada covid gave our PM a big boost. Doug Ford premiere of Ontario who is very divisive (His brother was mayor of Toronto and a crack addict, remember that?) has gotten lots of respect from his detractors due to his response. Same in Quebec, many who were unhappy with premiere Legault prior to covid and did not vote for him have been happy with how he handled the crisis. That's not to say none of these leaders have faced criticism for there response. But they have more support because of how they responded to covid than they otherwise would have. A lot of people on Reddit have said something like ""I don't agree with Doug Ford's and I think he is a clown. But he is doing a really good job with covid. I didn't expect that"" > it will lead to a prolonged civil conflict Yeah... he seems to be prepping his base for that. I actually don't think that will work. Gorsuch has shown a willingness to support the literal letter of the law and appears less political than expected. >but for the good of the nation he's not going to drag it out. This goes against every action he has shown us over the last four years. Classic TDS - the supreme court isn't some magical entity that just says 'Trump wins' and that's that. The only way they even come into play is if the election is at a razor thin margin, which as I said elsewhere in this thread is increasingly unlikely as Biden is starting to put some distance between them. >Biden is leading everywhere Just to give you guys an example of how bad it’s gotten A state like Georgia, which was pretty comfortably a red state, is now up in the air. Fucking Georgia. Donnie and his crew are in way over their heads. Mobsters are not usually operating in the light of day like this. The American people in each state gave the Governor's full authority to run their states. The President didn't ""give"" them shit, couldn't even sack up and be a leader to put out something as simple as a national mask mandate (that would have saved tens of thousands of lives) and hid in his bunker like a little bitch when a few protesters gathered outside of the White House. I swear, you Trump ass kissers are more pathetic than he could ever be. You'd let him shit in your mouth if it meant a ""Librul"" had to smell your breath. ""I don't take responsibility at all!"" - Donald Trump. [deleted] >They take a deal with Pelosi and open the floodgates for cheating in this election. Bro are you ok, is your helmet on tight enough? > There’s really a no win situation for republicans. Weird, maybe they should have done fucking anything about election security when they had the house, the senate, and the presidency. Sounds like they fucked themselves over because they lack foresight. > Signing off on a deal that will open the floodgates of voters fraud this election isn’t a good option. Either one of two things is happening here. 1. You're actually stupid enough to believe this. 2. You know it's bullshit, but feel the need to twist and turn anything your political side does into a positive light. Either way it's obvious no one should take you seriously. Yikes dawg > Signing off on a deal that will open the floodgates of voters fraud this election isn’t a good option. If they're worried about election fraud why was every election security bill shot down by Republicans? Post evidence of voter fraud Bro electronic voting is 1000x more dangerous to democracy then mail voting fraud. Mail voting fraud takes a lot of work to get a result of 1 vote. Meanwhile if you hack an electronic voting machine you could change an entire districts That’s a cope Let's see you punk! Idgaf lol such a baby. Keep those blinders on and try to get ppl who call your bs out banned hahahahaha loser!! Ban me please. This place is terrible, full of ppl like you. Also, its golden you ignore the facts!! I guess they are sleeping. My comment was meant to be taken as Trump speaking. Sorry if that wasn’t clear. >So you seriously think Trump did better than Biden Trump is an incoherent moron, he has no idea what he's talking about so he rambles about nonsense that his base is too stupid to discern from anything meaningful. Biden routinely forgets things like ""what is the name of the President that I served under as VP"". They're both incomprehensible, but Trump is that way because he's a blustering idiot, Biden is that way because his brain is melting out of his ears Can you...not...read? People's signatures change over time, especially as they get old. This would ensure that if yours doesn't match, you still get the chance to prove that you are who you said you were. Why do you have a problem with that? Edit so I don’t get banned. Oh gee golly. I’d imagine you have a different view point that I don’t agree with. I think that Trump is unstable and there’s no way that his policies are good for the country or the stock market. I would recommend reading a book. There is a zero percent chance that my signature on my ballot will match whatever the state has on file, is a retarded failsafe that doesn't protect against fraud, but makes the morons feel like it does, and it's likely to throw out far more legitimate ballots than fraudulent ones. You're not stating facts. You're giving shitty half-truths mixed with your own analysis. Another cope 🥱 This is 99% of the time a pretty level headed bunch of folk here - just look for the massively downvoted people to find the Murdochaholics Did you get that one from Funny Late Night Talk Show Man? Except not until February The best GOP Senate could come up with was 300M to move to a vote(Dems were like lol no). That 1.6T is a WH compromise to win Democratic support to move it out of Senate Committee to be voted on. If by realistic support you mean bailing out california, yes It sounds like you understand. But the bill does have to originate in the House so the democrats have leverage on the size and scope. It’s mostly all moot until the senate returns on the 16th though. There’a also the factor that multiple Republican senators (Cruz, Rubio, Cotton, etc.) are already planning their 2024 presidential campaign. They want to run on being a hard nosed deficit hawk and so it benefits them to fight any stimulus. He makes up a majority of their base. The latest was something crazy like 94% approval rating with GOP voters. They've gone off the rails. luckily I don't think it is. I know we are all scared because of what happened in 2016 but that truly was a fluke. Nobody is taking the third party candidate seriously, voter registration is through the roof, more republican voters than ever before have announced their vote for biden even if they were ""party line voters"" in 2016, mail in ballots are at historic levels and all of this is definitely NOT because more people want to vote for Trump. And if you look at voting turnouts in state and midterms, We are going to sweep in a couple of weeks. This isn’t even Democrat vs republican anymore. It’s voting the mad king out of office. He’s one sneeze away from being a dictator Thank you! We are psychopaths. Unless there is a clear short term benefit, people don’t bother. What they don’t get is that decades of political apathy gives birth to Trump. My parents immigrated, and you truly don’t have any idea how selfish American society can seem compared to other cultures. Also non-US here, and also shocked when I read things like this. Can't speak for him. But some states lean right or left by such a large majority, it's really almost not necessary to vote. Now, obviously if everyone thought that way, it would be a problem. But we have a winner take all system. So in each state, if your party gets the majority vote, then your party will get ALL the electoral college votes allotted for that particular state. Some other countries do proportional voting and have many parties so your vote has more of a direct impact I live in Kentucky and Trump won with 66% of the votes in the state. Since the election is based on the electoral college and not the popular vote my presidential vote is pretty much meaningless. I do vote for local elections through since I live in a left leaning portion of the state. I didn't feel like the outcome of the elections made much difference in my personal life. I used to say 'It doesn't matter who wins, I've still got to get up and go to work in the morning'. I guess this is the first time I feel like it really matters who wins. That's a good point. I'm researching all the races on the ballot, and plan on voting on all of them. If I'm going to vote, I'm going to at least try to be responsible about it. I wasn't a fan of Hillary in the last presidential election, so I can't say for sure that I wouldn't have voted for Trump then. I'm not sure which I would have regretted more, voting for him or not voting at all. I don't remember thinking that he was *so* out of it back then, but that may have been because I didn't pay as much attention to it. Hindsight being 20/20 I'd absolutely go back in time and vote for Hillary. Point well taken. I can't ever remember thinking they were so unfit for office as I do with our current POTUS. But I've never paid as much attention to it as I do now. I'm certainly not suggesting all of the past president's I've known were great or even good. Maybe more like 'good enough' to keep me from being motivated enough to vote? Fracking probably. Except Trump hasn’t don’t anything for big oil either Beat it, kook Edit: nice comment edit you Q dork k Lmao, so, no to all of the dumb shit you just 2 finger typed up. Stop watching Infowars you ding dong Lmao Their posting history would seem to indicate they are either from New Zealand or read a ton of NZ news... [deleted] Vaccine end of 2021 news should do wonders lol They can't think that far ahead And what reason do you have to believe we in the US will get anything around then? Even if Putin does have a working vaccine there is A LOT to consider. First of all Russia has been playing us. They've specifically instigated tensions surrounding race while influence our politics/elections/officals at a variety of levels. Russian has known our weak points for years and the last ten have just been them finally working each and every American against one another so they can beat us without a war, we'll do it ourselves! So with that in mind, and Russia's major geopolitical goals, I'm VERY VERY hesitant to believe ""good manager"" Putin wouldn't use it to his advantage and have it be another way to pit American's against one another. Even if he is super cool about it we still have to go through a process here to get it, and then manufacturing enough. Again, looking at our ""bad manager"" there's a whole ton of stuff that could go wrong there. So a guarantee of a vaccine later this month, to me, seems kind of insane. Take a break, man. This is just the internet. It can't hurt you. And it's not like they even have good serious third parties like UK's Lib Dems to vote for, they only have raving lunatics like the Libertarians or the Greens I could at least tell you a 3rd party candidate in 2016. Definitely couldn't now. Don't just go in and vote again though. Make sure that's how it works in your state first. If not, it's possible voting twice could constitute voter fraud and have you thrown in prison. My portfolio has probably too much green energy to be honest. I’m not upset that I’ve been so outrageously optimistic about that sector. Yeah airlines got fucked. He got 46% of the vote in 2016. But no one waits forever for a trade. It’s trades in the moment. That’s like saying “you should’ve waited till next year to buy the iPhone 11. It’ll be cheaper” I'm not a native English speaker, but unless you, /u/BoopBeeBoppe143 are actually Trump, you shouldn't use ""yours truly"" here. ""Yours truly"" refers to yourself. Amazon is over $3000 per share... buying more is not so easy to do for most people A 240 point drop ain't close to the bottom lol. I like these advice. You just spent 6k of your free cash, just spend another 6k, it's that easy. How much cash do you guys hold? Was it? I can see why people were getting hopeful [538 has Dems slightly favored](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2020-election-forecast/senate/), but it's way too close. Hopefully this is enough to flip one or two more seats. Executive orders are a hell of a drug [deleted] Did his base really need any extra motivation? They already hate the Dems and blame them for everything. Trump just tweeted: If I am sent a Stand Alone Bill for Stimulus Checks ($1,200), they will go out to our great people IMMEDIATELY. I am ready to sign right now. Are you listening Nancy? Why don't the left just fucking sign it, I can't believe worldnews, politics and MSM won't talk about this. It's disgusting. A ""Stand Alone Bill"" literally means JUST the Stimulus Checks. Why the fuck wouldn't they sign it? There are no strings attached. They're sabotaging his re-election as they know the MSM will take their side regardless of how much people riot. My good chum * You're right that is very possible. I feel like his ego would just love to put out another round of checks with his name on them though [deleted] Lets be real, over 85%+ of the country would vote for literally anyone who has a D or R next to their name no matter who they run against. There's very few actual persuadable voters. Because of this, unless society shifts in a major way we're **never** seeing someone win the Whitehouse with over a 10% lead in the popular vote. The funny thing is most historians don't even think Nero did this since the fiddle was only invented in the 11th century (edit for clarity: they also don't think he played a lyre either like both ancient Roman Historians Suetonius and Cassius Dio wrote that he did in their history accounts ""Life of Nero"" and ""History of Rome LXII"" respectively) and Nero was 35 miles away in his villa when Rome burned. Nero also had plenty of enemies who could have easily made this sort of claim up to discredit him further. In other words, the fact that Trump is actually trying to hold any sort of stimulus hostage in the hopes of getting people to vote for him is actually worse since its reality vs mere fiction. That’s funny because during the riots he posted a photoshopped picture on Twitter of himself fiddling in front of that famous Rome burning painting and he said something like I don’t know what this means but I like it. Look it up on Twitter. I was literally saying that Trump’s behavior the past week is very similar to Caligula when he went crazy. the election fraud committee wouldn't share the findings with the Democrats, when a judge ruled they must share the findings they disbanded And it's the second time since the year 2000 that the Republicans have made a major effort to prove voter fraud, and it didn't work the first time either. Pizza gate In a landslide loss, on what grounds does anyone have to go to the supreme court? I mean his base will eat it up either way, but a resounding loss like we've never seen I think makes it more believable that hijinx ensued. At least to some people. I think there would be a LOT of unrest and violence, but I don't think we'd necessarily go full-on civil war until/unless he tries a third term. Barring second term elections and swearing ins after death, that's still not true. John Adams did not go to Jefferson's, John Quincy Adams did not go to Jackson's, and Johnson did not go to Grant's. Jackson was also too sick to stay at Van Buren's but did make the trip over. Also notable to mention that Nixon did not attend Ford's but that was a unique situation. Hopefully because he's in custody. Kennedy didn't attend Johnson's. I would lose a lot more sleep worrying about the nation of people that just got told to ""stand by"" and have been getting told for weeks/months that the election is rigged and that he wont accept the outcome of an election he doesn't win. There's absolutely some heavily armed people out there who now feel very legitimized by the president and feel it is their duty to ""defend"" the country from an illegitimate president. Having my microwave spying on me is small potatoes compared to that. I'd imagine the secret service or nsa would be tasked with securing the White House after the new furnishings are brought in. Do you really think any of those government officials are going to go easy on that sweep after all this horse shit? He just made them take a car ride with covid for press. He's going to pee on all of the beds Correct me if I'm wrong, but, IIRC, the polls showing Clinton winning didn't have as anywhere near as big of a lead as Biden does. Additionally, today's drop in the market and his ongoing case of corona are only hurting his chances that much more. It's clear he didn't fully recover and is still undergoing treatment, and with him refusing to stay at the hospital and traveling, cases are gonna spread and his condition is going to get much worse. I wasn't convince Trump was going to walk away without lasting medical complications x but now I'm sure it'll happen. Either way though, with Trump going into the first debate with a backfoot and not doing well, I don't think he's winning at this rate, especially with how he's handled thing lately. But, you're right. Voting is how he loses, however I'm worried about not only the lasting impacts he leaves, but the social and economic conditions that allowed him to get elected in the first place. An elected official always says more about the society that voted them in than they do about themselves. Every state in the US has extradition agreements. Sorry, it is lose. I was on my cell phone and it auto filled. [deleted] This is like ""we just move on if Hitler or Mao loses an election"". The difference between Germany and China lies in that, where Germans did meticulous work to deny everything Hitler did while Chinese didn't. Now look at the two countries and which one has higher life standard? If the Democrats controlled the Senate there would be no Justice Barrett. It is naive to think that the Democrats in the same circumstance wouldn’t do the exact same thing. Elections have consequences and to all the millennials who didn’t vote in 2016 because “Hillary and Trump” are just the same. How many fucking times did ai hear that in 2016?? Congrats. Now we have a Supreme Court that will overturn Roe, restrict gay marriage and allow for more corporate greed in our election process. You want to get angry. Get angry at anyone who throws their Biden vote “because he’s not Bernie” to the Green Party candidate. Ain't that the truth [deleted] Hahahaha. Don’t do that. Don’t give me hope. Blissful, peaceful hope. Pie and Beer 2020 Slogan: *Fuck It* This is perfect. ""No Malarkey"" isn't sounding so bad right about now Lmao, yeah so the corrupt politicians can sneak through more horrible policies but no one will notice. Great idea to vote emotionally!! I will proudly wear my ""Will you shit up, man?"" Lincoln Project shirt every day win/lose in 2021 Confession: I’m not a liberal & don’t like liberals in general but god damn!? We’re scraping the bottom of the barrel rn Biden is the direction, not the destination. If you're a hitchhiker, do you pick the ride that's going halfway to your destination or do you pick the car that's going in the opposite direction and is also on fire. Nice analogy. You know what sucks about that? The Democratic Party is not a monolith, it’s a Coalition of many groups who vote together, just like the Republican Party. Progressives are just a small part of the dem party. If you keep thinking in absolutist terms like that no one will invite you to be part of the coalition, and you will get nothing instead of concessions. Now ask yourself honestly, which is really better for working class people? Do you care more about that than party purity? Trump passed massive tax cuts for the wealthy. Don't know how average people believe he's working for them. Let's be real though. If trump loses, he's fleeing the country for Russia.... where he'll tweet non-stop to ""his base"" about the dem-state stealing the election and that they need to ""rise up."" I can't imagine Trump losing and going away quietly. I mean, he'll be back to where you don't have to pay any attention to him, because he's not in a position of authority, but he's still going to talk his shit and stir the right wing pot. It may even be worse if all he does is bitch and bellyache about how he lost the ""illegitimate"" election thanks to ""fake mail in ballots"". I mean he's still playing the same Clinton greatest hits, and that was 4 years ago. Yup, fucking yup He did say he's for decriminalization of weed. Not as good as legalization, but it's better than what we've got now. Well put If you really think status quo is working, you aren’t paying attention. The country is broken and needs to be fixed. Trump didn’t break it all by himself. Would kill less Americans than Trumps lack of movement on the Covid Pandemic. I respectfully disagree and will accept the echo chamber’s scrutiny. Kamala became Biden’s running mate because he was pressured to choose a black female. I’d rather go with trump than elect a puppet who made a token pick for the sake of pseudo-equality I wouldn’t be upset if he did though Nice!! I'm originally from MO myself, so I do truly, sincerely appreciate you taking a stand against trump in my home state. Thank you. Buzzer beater, nice. As someone who can’t vote this year, I thank you. Thank you for helping end this shit show. Like you said politics should be boring not fucking soap opera What a fuckin' BAMF. Consider telling people around you that you're voting Biden. Check that young people in your friends and family are registered too. Taking 20 minutes to do that could multiply the power of your vote 10 fold. Fuck yes >>disregard for the stock market* Trump doesn’t really give two shits about the economy. If he actually cared about the economy, he would have gone full lockdown mode in the beginning, go batshit hype on testing and contact tracing from the get-go, all steps to aggressively control the pandemic for a more sustainable economy today. But because we never really got the virus under control, people are still way too scared to go out and spend their cash - knowing full well this country is still filled with hotspots and anti-maskers. Then again, he’s historically been a terrible businessman, so maybe he does care but just doesn’t know how to NOT fuck up the economics. We can’t ignore the fact the a stimulus agreement takes both parties to agree upon...which they haven’t been able to do in the last couple of months. So while it’s fun to bash trump for it...the house and senate definitely aren’t innocent. Edit: lol downvotes cuz I didn’t join the angry Trump bashing circlejerk echo chamber. Jesus you guys are immature. Can’t even consider a different point of view without absolutely losing your shit. Bunch of children. Edit #2: btw I’m still green today, what kind of shit balanced portfolios and hedging strategies do y’all have? Edit #3: Remember a week ago when you guys were freaking out about the stock market and saying Trump was trying to ruin everyone? But then within 7 days everything turned around and even CNN is criticizing Pelosi for withholding funds just like I said? Did you learn that making brash emotional decisions is pretty much never the right thing to do? I’m a mixed view independent that leans libertarian (especially in regards to social policy). I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 but will be voting for Biden this time around. I wholeheartedly agree that this is way beyond politics now. the two party system is fucked. As much as i would love for a libertarian candidate to get some traction, we're not at that point yet. It's going to be the lesser of two evils unfortunately for a very long time The most libertarian thing you could do right now is making sure that the guy threatening us with authoritarian bullshit doesn’t win. Same. Voted libertarian in ‘16 for president then mostly red. “But my tongue” a bit this afternoon and voted for Biden. Yeah, I would generally hazard a guess that a time like this isn’t exactly when you want someone in office whose ideals align with the government doing nothing to aid in stopping the pandemic. Third parties can't win the Presidency. It's just mathematically impossible with how the game is rigged. Fight to get the third party people you want into the primaries and try for them to win that. They also can win more local elections, so pay attention to those. To get a 3rd party in the white house, we need to make it a main party, and the only way to do that is to start the fight from the bottom, not the top. Have you registered in your state? Many states' registration deadlines are literally tomorrow! Missouri, Florida and Ohio, all potential swing states have this deadline, as well as some others I can't remember. Country is a political entity first and foremost Thank you I really appreciate your perspective. Thank you. Just fyi, it’s “might as well”. It would be libertarian if Trump just refused to hand out stimulus at all. Problem is he said he will hand them out after he wins the election. I'm sure for a lot of people it's not about the stimulus, but that fact that a sitting president is effectively blackmailing the entire country into voting for him. At this point there really is something to lose by sticking to your moral stance instead of taking one for the team. Everyone seems to forget that the president doesn't have the power to write laws, that's Congresses' job, and as long as Mitch is still in charge there will still be a check to what Biden can accomplish. What Libertarians can do is help vote out the arguably most corrupt and narcissistic president this country as ever seen and help put the country back on track. She already compromised down from 3.4 to 2.2 trillion. The idea that she’s at fault here is silly. Saying “it took you this long” isn’t helping anyone, some issues affect people differently, let’s just hope that this is a wake-up call for Trump supporters that Trump doesn’t give a fuck about them. [deleted] Definitely doesn’t guard him from criticism. I’m just pointing out that if we want to support change in the right direction then being condescending towards people who demonstrate a willingness to change their minds is unhelpful. Most people would be reluctant to have these important discussions and to open themselves up to other view points if they are criticized and looked down on in the process. This tweet shows that now he is out to hurt people and businesses just for the sake of hurting them. Delaying this is just cruel and hurts a lot of people who have stood by him. Im not even eligible for stimulus but the idea of him trying to blackmail people into voting for him when they clearly need help was the last straw. I was never going to vote for him but now I'll vote against him. [deleted] That literally doesn't mean anything. They could have an open marriage and still be happy. umm I guess I'll find out if I reach that age. But, apparently old people still have wild sex lives. Thank you, I've been trying to remember what you call these people for the last few weeks. I’m not saying I necessarily disagree with the sentiment but it would still cause rich people to lock in gains and dunk the SPY, having a large impact on the rest of us who arent rich It'll take a long time for any 3rd party candidates to gather up enough steam to really garner national attention. I dont think we've had anyone outside of a couple of independents in congress since the 40s. The systems become too partisan. We'd need the worlds most charismatic third party member to pop up in the right state at the right time to even begin to move things forward. [deleted] > I just don't understand why either party can't nominate someone who isnt 70+ years old and a normal person. Ask the voters. Biden and Trump won their primaries (Biden in 2020, Trump in 2016) fair and square. Because old people have a disproportionate impact on politics. Until young folks start showing up to the polls in old folks numbers we're going to stay in this predicament. Every year its the lesser of two evils. Its getting really old. Older voters vote, and they do not trust younger candidates unless they’re incredibly charismatic. What do you think is more likely, that these billion dollar organizations who spend literally every waking second analyzing how to win elections don't know what they're doing, or that you don't? If you ever look at someone else's job and think ""it would just be so *easy* if they just XYZ"" then you're either a genius, or you're the ignorant one. There's a reason they put up old people, because old people vote. The only people bothered by the older candidates are young people, and young people *don't* vote. I think Swallwell has a good chance in 2024. Because old people vote and the Boomer generation is old now. We need term limits and an age limit. Age isnt the issue. Age was just made the issue And all of the complicit Senators and Congressmen who go along with him. Besides being white with money, you and Trump don't seem to have much in common based on that list. For one, your four tours is a lifetime more of public service then Trump has ever done. You are principled as to what your country means to you and how you served it. He is an opportunist and sees our country as his opportunity. Congratulations on escaping the cult. Seriously I'm a lefty vet way over on the other side of the aisle (*waves*), but congrats on being strong enough to reach that point brother/sister. Thank you for your service! My retired ex-Marines neighbor was as well. He flies the American flag and the Marines flag just under it on the tallest pole I've ever seen. If society collapses, I go to him for spare ammo because he has a massive cache. His veteran brother barely survived Covid and now he's worried about medical bills and pre-existing conditions. He's done with this un-American bullshit. I don't know why this made me laugh so hard Liberal leaner here. Conservative ideas hold weight in their own right. Discussion is necessary because no side is right 100% of the time. It sucks so much that these buffoons ""support"" your ideas, making the sane ones like you look crazy. Just like with me and the sector of liberal people who think dying their armpits a weird color will make a real change happen in this world. The extremes are tearing us apart, and its gotta fucking stop. Trump is not, and never has been a Republican. He is the definition of a RINO...he’s using the Religious right & empty promises to stay afloat. He’s a charlatan...send him & his cronies packing. The GOP will recover in due time...there’s a reason Paul Ryan has gone dark for the last few years. The problem for Republicans is Trump is saying the quiet part out loud. There is a nonsignificant portion of the population that love him for that. If it means anything, Trump isn't a republican either. He's just greedy. I dont get it either. Do other countries have yard signs and bumper stickers for politicians?? I could never basecmy identity on a fucking politician. There hasnt been anyone worth voting for in the past few decades anyway. 1. FPTP electoral system (polarization) 2. Religion (single issue voting) 3. MSM propaganda (polarization) 4. Disenfranchisement + credulity + ""populism"" (cult-like thinking) fee like that was the goal of syndicates like Fox News , to achieve what you’ve described, bc once accomplished you have a base that won’t challenge you I mean, once we saw a dude get elected who constantly lies an embarrasses the position and country,.. It's easy to be either for or against that. And since the installed GOP seems to be okay with that,.. It's easy to be either for or against it. Because there are key issues (and both parties want it this way) that one party is for and the other is against. Anti gun control? Republican. Women’s choice to abort? Democrat. Christian? Republican. Climate Change? Democrat. I could go on but you get the idea. No elected Democrat is going to come out and say “you know, we should really lax up on the whole climate change thing. Let’s just let it be.” No elected Republican is going to say “if a woman chooses not to have a baby after she has become pregnant then that is between her and her partner.” The issues divide the parties, and a lot of these issues are part of people’s core beliefs, like every American should be able to own as many guns as they want because it’s a free country and the point of gun ownership is to keep it that way. Or that we all need to work together to do what we can to make the planet live-able and healthy for as long as possible. And the thing is, there’s a lot of issues that most people agree on that cross over the party lines. I’m a Democrat but I think that guns are a right to own in this country, and if we’re meant to have guns as a means to overthrow a tyrannical government, then the guns we have access to need to be as effective as what they have. I also know a few republicans who are pro-choice and pro-BLM. It comes down to one or two issues for most voters, and that’s the way both parties want it. Republican Newt Gingrich in the 90s came up with the idea to oppose literally everything that democrats proposed, no matter what it was. It worked well for the republican party, and the country has been increasingly polarized ever since. We Americans start our conditioning young with extremely competitive little league sports that grow into ridiculously unnecessary high school pride. That high school pride turns into Nationalism. I’m American and I’m not proud of my country at all. I’m proud of a few places in the country, but year after year those places also get polarized and cease to hold the history they once did. Some people would rather vote for a party that has *some* of their beliefs if it means that it will stop a party with *none* of their beliefs What's ironic about this is that liberal means free market capitalism, free trade, smaller government, consent of the governed, equality before the law, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, etc. All the things the US used to stand for has now become a slur word for almost half the population. Out of every subreddit on here, /r/stocks has to have the biggest group of liberals that don't think they're liberals. That’s valid, and I totally understand how you feel. I’m a relatively moderate liberal with a hard libertarian/individual freedoms lean, but I go to Columbia, whose campus and surrounding city are some of the most liberal in the entire country. Relative to my surroundings and classmates, I’m practically a neo-con. However, I think it’s important to keep in mind that we live in hyper progressive bubbles. The Bay Area and college campuses in NYC are far left of the median, even for liberals. And if you work in tech, Bay Area tech is it’s own entire category of performative wokeness. Things are superheated right now. Labels and stereotypes being taken to new extremes. It's hard for any of us to escape. Let's get past this (also read as vote that fucker out!) and hopefully things will cool down again. I’m a liberal and some west coast extreme liberalism is really fucking abusive. I lived in Portland for 7 years and left the second I had a good opportunity. I’m southern and was constantly misunderstood and verbally assaulted for it. My accent doesn’t mean I’m racist. It doesn’t mean I’m sexist. It doesn’t mean I’m inbred. Or pro gun. Or uneducated. Me saying “thanks love” is NOT my way of sexually harassing you as a woman or a confession of love if you are a man(oh god dating...this happened at least three times). It is literally a common cultural phrase. Anyway. People just need to learn to not be assholes, regardless of beliefs or political alignment. If Democrats ever want to sway Republican voters, they have to treat them like they are people. Because they are. I could rant all day about this, but people are the product of their environment and in some environments it’s downright dangerous to confess you are a liberal. My mother secretly votes democratic but everyone thinks she’s a Trump fangirl because she puts on a show or else her life is hell (small Appalachian town, I got called liberal scum for just wearing a damn face mask in Walmart). Ok, I’m going to end this rant while I still can. Tl;dr: extremists do nothing but scare people away even more and it’s the antithesis of what they actually want to accomplish. Respect people you dicks. Customer stories never end! I am in Customer Success upper management. People are assholes absolutely everywhere. That’s amazing you’ve never seen a MAGA hat in person. It even feels unbelievable, haha. I’m living on Long Island, NY now, but I’m only about 30min from NYC. It’s like a different world up here. There are so many trump hats. Bumper stickers. BOATS. Everyone flies a trump flag from their boat! That or the blue lives matter flag. I even live 4 blocks from this person who only took down their decorations for two weeks during the height of protests. https://patch.com/new-york/bellmore/meet-owner-long-islands-trump-house-see-her-newest-decorations Just this past weekend i had a woman give me a death stare and make her date move to the other side of the bar because I’m clearly a “crazy liberal.” I was actually talking about the science of COVID. I feel out of place here but I’m trying to relax. There’s a lot of good people, even if Republican, that accept me as their neighbor and friend and love the hell out of me. That's simply not true. I used to feel the same way before I joined the Army and got stationed in rural Texas, but the truth is that most conservatives are people just like you and me who want what they think is best for themselves, their families, and their country. >I'll go to bat for Biden right up until he wins the election and then I'll have 4 years to roast him for not being far enough left. This, I can't wait to bash Biden for 4 years and I know liberals will hate me for it but whatever. Better than this shit. Let's try to keep the political rhetoric more civil next time, otherwise we'll end up in the same situation - completely divided, angry, and with our country falling to shit. Constructive criticism needs to make a return. Civil behavior, etiquette, kindness despite disagreeing about things. Two main things I think Leftism I think has a critical view of capitalism (to varying degrees). I'm left, I still believe in markets but generally think that we need to have greater bargaining power for labor and more redistributive policies. The second thing is foreign policies where Leftists are generally anti-Militiary Industrial Complex and anti-foreign engagements. Probably can find common cause with libertarians on this Yeah mostly Facebook followers looking for a cause to be mad. That's fair, although I dont see them anymore, I still see people blocking roads and interrupting peoples meals everyday though. But you're right, antifa/BLM is to dems what alt right is to repubs. No one's ever seen them in the same room together ? Of course he chose. Maybe she was hyped by the party for some reason, but he could have said no. Given everything that's happened in the last 4 years, I no longer think it's a possibility (or at least for the foreseeable future). I know it's a lot of people's fantasy but he's never going to jail. Maybe I'm too cynical but I think the Democrats won't even pursue jail for anything he's done unless we find some non-financial criminal activity that is really plain as day. It is, anyone who needs it. THANK YOU. God all anyone wants to do is talk about how he didn't do anything technically illegal, overlooking the fact that he is clearly not a good businessman, supposedly the whole reason people voted for him in the first place. Get him out. [deleted] [deleted] That was actually my take away after 2016. It was the one bright spot about the Trump victory. It proved that the votes actually did matter since the establishment clearly did not want him winning. If their fingers were going to have been put on the scale, it would have been for Hillary, not Trump. It only takes like 100k rep voters to swing. And more than 800k people didn't even vote lol. It's not that impossible after the last disastrous 4 years.. Just vote. Florida. 2000. Gore vs Bush. **EVERY VOTE MATTERS!** I will say, at work we still listen to the radio (still...) And there are a ton of politicians ads, I have not heard any Trump ads which I found weird, but I hear Biden ads. So if what you say is true, that's a relief. Schade. Always interesting to hear what foreigners think about your country. You have the right to do whatever you want, but it’s wrong to act like you’re contributing anything of worth when you know for a fact that we have a two party system and voting third party has the same effect as not voting. Makes you wonder how our country would have turned out had Bush Senior won the 1980 election. He sure as hell wasn't wrong about voodoo economics. What if the taxes actually did something? i dont love biden at all but fuck off with that. i know you wont read a source, b/c it sounds like youre simping for trump but https://www.investopedia.com/comparing-the-economic-plans-of-trump-and-biden-4843240 Thanks for embodying what’s wrong with this country in two sentences. Okay, well atleast you admit you're selfish and a loser. Show some compassion as a human because otherwise you're just an animal. Found the republican. I’m sorry for you man. Is that you, Donald? Go ahead and do it. Favorable tax law is not the reason why American companies are successful. Innovation is. Not tying your health care to corporations, unsaddling young people from enormous debt, and widening the playing field will increase innovation thus increasing economic growth. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I’m in a strange situation currently, but if I were not, I’d be out of the country already. Iv just got a gut feeling. Yeah I'll try to but another share this week but it takes like a day for my money to transfer so thats a problem. My position in Apple is already my biggest and I'm looking to reduce it because I think it's still slightly overvalued if it goes back to the 130-140 levels. You're dense if you think a stimulus package will result in anything close to ""extreme inflation"". I’m confused - Pelosi wants more money to give more, trump said no, he could just approve it if he wants to actually help. He knows this is going to make his already massive uphill climb for reelection even more difficult. He was given an easy layup and threw the ball into the stands Yes exactly. And what better way to do that then not wipe billions of dollars off the market while simultaneously telling all this poor struggling Americans that becuase some of them are democrats then no one is getting even a chance at help til after he’s elected. Exactly. He gave away the one thing he had which is the economy booming despite the pandemic. Green energy, yeah. He won't lose by votes though. This chess games got about 30 turns left and his last 10 have been clear sacrifices. He’s either upgraded to 5d or he’s just eating his pieces... >How many times has Trump done something idiotic and 4 days later it turned out to benefit Trump. This part I can agree with. Everything he does is meant to benefit him personally. Does 200,000 dead Americans, and being down 15 points in the polls benefit Trump? fucking Trump man, I thought he was supposed to help my portfolio But in the 80's they told me society was for commies! This is historically true. Typically the year after a Democrat victory the market does about 0.1% better than a Republican victory. as did moodys Well they actually have a plan. [deleted] That won’t be until February though. They will. Unlike when Trump was elected and the GOP controlled senate and the house. Shit bro. LOL Lol why is schist a low standard rock seems like a typical rock to me after I looked on google Primary is for who you want. General is for the lesser of two evils. Same tune every 4. [deleted] [deleted] I suppose you haven't heard of the 22nd Amendment? Ah. QANON reporting for duty i see. FDR served just shy of 12 years. March 3rd 1933 to April 12 1945. For Kamala to beat FDR's record Biden would basically have to die a few days after his inauguration and she's have to win her own presidential re-elections twice. And even then it wouldn't be a full 12 years. You tell em Ivan! Nah. I like John James. fake news /s [removed] Lol “Nobody knows for certain” Except you?? Why would the market like stability when they just got the quickest run up of all time Yeah these people don’t care about us, they just want us to keep running the wheel. Especially the Conservatives, they aren’t even being discreet about it anymore. Does he want a civil war? WTF, how is that legal and I doubt conservative judges would even rule in favor of him on this. I only invest 25$ cuz I got no money, but time to get more somehow!! >Who gives a fuck it has no business in Covid stimulus Well I think it's there because a lot of marijuana businesses are stuck dealing in cash instead of doing contactless payments because they can't get normal payment services. It doesn't seem like it should poison the well if Republicans don't actually have any objections to this. Pro-business anti-regulation party, right? Handing people money works just as well as feeding the animals at the zoo. [removed] Ohhhh, you seem really smart Thanks for your amazing contribution. Dude, this post is like peak TDS. If you think he made the call himself, you’re not paying attention Illinois for one. Cali, New York and I’m sure Michigan. Illinois is damn near junk bond status over hyper inflated .gov pension costs. Over spending and just straight up mismanagement of tax dollars. Disclosure: I live and own a business in Illinois. [deleted] And he's erratic as fuck, you think that's good and the Rollercoaster won't further spook the markets? Looool https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-calling-off-pandemic-stimulus-talks-election/story?id=73457680 Flip Flop Flip Flop You cling to that erratic geriatric. By all means. Likely due to Trump's erratic behavior tanking the stock market Trump is the villain and I am doing the same. But do not think the fight is over. Because the election always takes place on November 4th, to decide who will be president NEXT term, starting January. Trumps term isn’t up until January, so if trump wins, he will finish his term and start a new term in January. That period of time is called the “lame duck” when a new President is taking over. Unfortunately, if a president knows he lost, he tries to jam out as much legislation as he can before the new president takes over. Also, this election will be much different. Usually we have a fair idea of who will be president after November 4th. This time though, it will be ugly. It’s turning out potential to be the highest voting in history, and many of those votes are mail-in ballots, which have to be counted, and often recounted. Read on google about the “Florida recounts during the bush and gore election.” Those weren’t all mail-ins, And it was still very ugly. This election has the potential to far exceed that ugliness. This president has promised to stall and not accept election results if he loses. Going to be wild, and probably an embarrassment to our country. The stock market is not the economy. The correlation in growth between the two is close to random: https://fredblog.stlouisfed.org/2019/08/the-stock-market-is-not-the-economy/ Are we expecting the market to continue falling? Yeah, all our investments are in various Vanguard funds. Once I have a solid nest egg, I’m thinking of opening a Robinhood accout or something to “play” with investing in individual stocks and other options, but I don’t have any delusions that I actually know what I’m doing just yet. Don’t worry though, I’m sure that once I deviate from my index funds in a couple of years, I’m going to end up penniless searching for tips on r/WallStreetBets... Wasn’t the first stimulus bill also around 2.2 billion, around a 350 billion as small business loans and 500 billion to large businesses? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/CARES_Act Those all sound like *good* things that are needed right now - the last stimulus mostly benefitted large businesses that didn’t really need it except to maintain their profit margins during the shutdowns, even though they’re the ones who could have done without and still be fine Dohl? You Fool, you made me look of the stuck hodl Well, that is your terrible opinion. Another $1200 of *our* money would help. It's not dire, but many industries, mine included, are still suffering from this shutdown. Please move on with your condescending bs. Sometimes I see something that gives me a little hope. How can I short someones personal growth? I don't watch Fox News and get my news from multiple sources, including the released stimulus bill that Pelosi put forward. >takes the time to creep on profiles >gets mad when someone creeps your profile hmm.... okies Don't worry. Reading this, I can see who the weirdo here is (not you). You really do like knifes lol Well I do get paid well, so thanks. Most of my net worth is in real estate and not knives, so that's nice too. Market is now up 430 points. Higher than it was on Monday. Will you now agree that the liberal propaganda of 'market crash, sharp decline, BREAKING, etc.' is ridiculous. The guy you're responding to is arguing in bad faith. Ready to completely ignore horrible additions made to the stimulus bill (with no justification as to why it should be there) all to justify that ""the left"" is that bad guy. > Republican lawyers in court have NEVER been able to cite a single example where voter ID laws would have prevented... anything. Exactly. The Heritage Foundation has been searching far and wide for any proof to bolster their racism for **decades** and they haven’t found anything. >WTF, why should voter ID laws be in a stimulus? The guy you're responding to is saying they shouldn't be. That's one of the things Pelosi currently refuses to remove from the stimulus. [removed] Good rebuttal > How many months did it take for the Senate to take that bill up? imagine that, wanting to see if the first stimulus bill actually DID anything and seeing what the situation with the virus was before committing to another round. what a crazy idea. What lol dude what Gave billions to the 1%, they sure as shit better like him. Are you suggesting the rocket that was 2009 wasn't significant? > While also steering away from the fact that it’s his party that crashed the economy in the first place LMAO Republicans take power destroy the economy Democrats take power and rebuild. It's happening again. Trump just following in Bush's footsteps. You are not average for saying shit this dense. Bootmaker go brrrrr? Cashless bail, mass prison releases, nationwide ballot harvesting, a national ban on voter ID, and stimulus checks to those in the country illegally. Bad faith deal by Pelosi's side. Yes I'm happy to see that republicans are putting their foot down. We've spent enough on stimulus. I'd like the gains I'm making to actually be worth something. Learn about finance. Do you actually invest in stocks and capitalism or are you just a troll? Because they arnt. They literally agree on the same stuff except a few hundred million dollars between people getting extra 400 vs 600 It’s politics and will resolve itself. The market isn’t dependent on this stimulus deal because it’s short term thinking, corporations are printing their own money so the market is just looking for ways to create opportunities for the rich People used to be able to afford a house and kids with a single job like that so yeah, why not? [removed] [removed] [removed] With high tech lube designed for the harsh martian environment. By that standard you should make my dog a moderator of WSB Question if you don't mind, how do I get into stocks? Not like Wall Street bets but a direction forward? its not that hard tbh [deleted] What does sodium have to do with that? And it was a free one from Robinhood. Zynga ftw! It was a penny stock in HEMP 3 googles Goya, bois. Goya. The one you get free from robinhood What if it was a single share of Berkshire Hathaway stock? What or who is a stonk? S t o n k y *she But how many stocks did he have [deleted] > White House has the potential to turn into a COVID-19 plague den The Division, huh? Also he could still easily croak. Took Herman Cain 4-5 weeks after simping for Trump at the rally for plague rats. I think it's crazy that Americans have to pay taxes on capital gains. There is aways that one person that claims they sold right before a tiny drop. Then the next day everything is back to normal [deleted] I know, i read that. And i know the drop happened 2:30 ish but prior to that everything was slightly red already anyway. I don't see how selling *everything* is a good decision at a knee jerk decision and pure luck like that. Just brings unnecessary risk if he wants to buy it all back and a dump of taxes... People pay commissions in 2020? Whether they pay taxes depends if it's a qualified account. However, selling a stock does count as realized profits/losses even if the money isn't withdrawn. >A gain or loss becomes realized when the investment is actually sold. [~Investopedia](https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/04/021204.asp#:~:text=Gains%20or%20losses%20are%20said%20to%20be%20%22realized%22,buys%20it%2C%20but%20has%20yet%20to%20sell%20it.) What will you do if the stocks open tomorrow and continue to free fall? Who are you talking to? Did you forget to switch accounts? Lol learnt an important lesson in trying to time the market there Ah thats not too bad. Nice. C’mon baby the water is warm!!! Haha Odd timing for you to sell due to validity. There are circuit breakers in place to try to smooth out serious crashes. If the market drops 7% since the prior closing, trading stops for 15 minutes. If it drops 13%, another 15 minute halt. If it drops 20%, trading is halted for the rest of the day. https://www.nytimes.com/1981/03/31/business/stocks-close-off-a-bit-in-session-cut-short-by-reagan-shooting.html Reagan shooting made it stop. It stopped on 9/11. There is a process for it. I mean when jfk was assassinated the stock market dropped 2% but recovered in 2 days lol. Can only imagine it going up if dumbo croaked. I dunno but like, this is essentially Trump extorting America. Damn! Vote is smelly, disgusting ass out! About 6 months ago It's happened a few times by accident due to exchange software bugs... See Tokyo a few days ago. [deleted] https://www.nytimes.com/1981/03/31/business/stocks-close-off-a-bit-in-session-cut-short-by-reagan-shooting.html Not death but Reagan was shot and they stopped. They stopped on 9/11. anytime there's a big country shaking event they shut it down. It would likely only shut down trading for a day/the rest of the day. When JFK was assisinated trading was halted at 1:55pm. Back then, it was much more manual and trading commenced for a while after JFK was shot. It took a manual unusual process to stop trading. The world's most prescient 5th grader 🤣 He’s going nuts on twitter tonight yeah look it up it's come out recently. Biden is a centrist who doesn't wanna rock the boat. they like that. We can objectively look at what the market did when the news came out that he contracted COVID. It barely dropped for a day and was back to normal. Trump dying may cause some very short term fallout, but then it would just continue going up even faster I imagine. It’s the truth. Donald Trump is the definition of instability. it's hate for someone who hates democracy. the sooner he goes the better. idc what you think What? Democrats fix economies that Republicans crash I'm sure your mother is very proud of the fact you can string four words together in a sentence. Okay sheep. [deleted] The stock market jumped when Biden cleaned up on Super Tuesday. You *sure* you want to put money down on this? I'll throw in $10 that it jumps if either of them wins. The market likes stability and certainty. Well, it was 40% of voters who actually voted for him. A helluva lot of _elligible voters_ never voted last election. I wanna say like over 30% didn’t vote, but don’t quote me on that. Or they were disenfranchised by the fact that voting is made difficult, and on a single work day. lol imagine being this cringey and actually thinking you were being clever > Basement-hidin’ Joe Biden, Imagine using this insult when your guy hid in a bunker like a bitch. LOL yeah, ok. Bunch of people investing in stocks are ready to move on from the Trump Reality Presidency exactly for reasons like today. Boring Basement Biden and stability all of a sudden look more attractive to many voters [removed] I'll take basement joe over fucking steroided up COVID Trump having manic fits. For chrissakes. The dude was literally winded after climbing stairs lol never mind the fact he is morbidly obese and only a couple years younger than Joe. You realize Trump literally hid in a bunker when there were protestors outside the White House and saying Biden is hiding in the basement is a projection to deflect criticisms towards actual bunker boy? The Trump White House is a glass house throwing asteroid rocks at the rest of us while trying to make the whole world a literal green house. Why do you think it’s a good thing that Trump is setting the precedent of intentionally flouting quarantine and mask protocols when he knows he has the virus, thereby endangering others around him and continuing the spread of the virus? Actually what am I saying of course you don’t care. Lmao such a try hard nickname... And projection none the less. Add in your username and that's a triple strike of cringe!! Hot damn. Facebook is that way -> It's cause Trumptards literally have a memory capacity of 1 past election. Obama is irrelevant. ""Always has been"" I think you're on the money. He's been making it clear his win condition is forcing a win-by-court and was preaching the importance of knowing the night of the third as vastly more important than a proper count. He's trying to create the impression that any delay after election night is a direct jab into people's wallets so they lean on their legislatures to act fast and rash in his favor. He's between 14-16 points down according to latest polls, and this ain't gonna help him. Especially among blue collar workers. Lol he's literally holding Christmas hostage. Anyone with a brain should know not to trust a Trump to follow through on this though right? Except the massive amount of votes coming by mail means we won't know the results until late November. He'll say all those extra votes are invalid though. I didn't even think about the vengeful bullshit he'll pull before january. He's just gonna talk about pardoning himself for very specific crimes that he isn't admitting to committing, but wants to pardon himself to ""get ahead of the unfair liberals before the deep state frames him."" Except there will not be a winner on Nov. 4. It will take at best two weeks but more likely a month to count all the mailed ballots. But if the blue wave happens, the Dems can just pass the full package and do need to negotiate anything. All the more reason to vote blue and just be patient I know we're short of that, but what rational person would think democrats would go along and give him a win like that. Peeps been saying that since April. No, I mean the impeachment. Nono, it was when they stopped the fed bonus benefits I mean. Or was it when... Good thing i can wait 2 months ""us to consider""? He blatantly stated that the stimulus will come after the election IF HE IS REELECTED. Those are his words. Wow...that makes sense...I guess that’s smart and awful of him Yep, he is losing so this is salting the earth. Its a bold strategy Cotton. Lets see how it plays out when articles of impeachment (or the 25th) introduced immideatly after the election is called for the dems and Biden. That's a *bingo* How FUCKING stupid and short-sighted, then. I take a few more months of clown show, its kinda funny at this point. Yep. This looks like a shakedown. Also, he and McConnell are more intent on ramming through a replacement for the SCOTUS to be able to see at least one of the judicial challenges he’s going to make if Biden wins, regardless of the margin. Stimulus now for tens of millions of people = bad. SCOTUS so we can screw the next generation of US politics = totally cool. Oh my bday is Jan 23rd Deserves an award Thing is, we know for sure that we wont know election results 2/3+ days after election because of the overflow of ballots this year, and the poor capability of the USPS atm. So it's gonna be November 6+. But that's all the same right? 😂 I could really use that money BUT I’ll sacrifice it if it means we don’t have to deal with his crazy ass anymore. If that's his strategy, it's bunker-down time for three months. All it takes is listening to experts instead of lifetime corporate lobbyists Why wouldn’t we want the #2 guy who was in charge of turning this country around when bush left? He not only has seen the plays that made Obama’s economy successful, he was *involved* in making the plays. Republicans still blamed him for it for 8 years. Which is really all they want in life. That was a long recession with a very limited stimulus package being the major factor. I worry Biden is gonna be all about austerity Bush also got on board with fiscal stimulus before the handover. Not giving him credit for the eventual recovery but I don't remember it being partisan or political, it was more ""the strategy going forward is going to be spending money, spending money sooner is better than later, so we're going to move forward with spending money now"". Is Biden really in the same league as Obama though? The fed has fucked over its own ability to react to a recession. It’s not gonna be nearly as smooth. You and I have different definitions of ""crushed it."" Sure, he stopped us from becoming Zimbabwe and limited some predatory practices, but the same fundamental problems with the banking system are still there. There's a TCF commercial I see a lot where the message is literally [""more loans = more homes = more jobs = super awesome economy bro.""](https://www.ispot.tv/ad/nQnO/tcf-bank-homeowners-communities) You could not distill the fantastical, predatory mindset that caused the 2008 crash any more elegantly than that. Nothing has fundamentally changed and it's all going to happen again. crushed it... interesting word for that. 5 trillion tax hike? Pandemic? Poverty off the charts and Biden’s going to kill it? Glad you ain’t my Financial advisor. Just sayin. Hardly. If anything obamas decisions held the economy hostage until Trump set it free. Obama did not crush it. The only thing Obama did was change the way he counted jobs. He claimed new jobs plus saved jobs. The latter being the chincy part. I guess the one thing he did do was spy on the trump campaign illegally and oversee the fake Russia impeachment hoax The Bush-Obama transition actually went pretty well. Bush responded pretty well to the crash but it happened in late October 2008 and the fallout takes months to unfurl so not much time for him to actually do much. Obama just continued pretty much all of what Bush was doing I don't get why this particular one is worse than any of the previous ones. Weren't oil corp futures negative price less than 4 months ago? My thought was that he didn’t want dems getting credit for voting for the plan, garnering them favor with voters. Idk Fair enough, it has to start with the House but if in 10 days he just decides to tweet (obviously in less salient terms and misspelled) ""circumstances have changed, I would like to work on a package with Congress"", he just has to announce that and the market moves. The Senate could pass the bill that the House already passed and pretend it's theirs. I don't think this would happen, though. If anything negative happens to the demographic mentioned above. Trump will blame dems. And they will eat it up. At this point nothing he can say or do will change thier minds Which dude flipped on in a few hours. He’s ready to sign a $1200 relief bill now apparently. But socialism is bad... https://youtu.be/K_LvRPX0rGY The TPP is our best and most powerful lever for limiting China’s influence in Asia. TPP is a check against China - how will it fuck working people in America? The trade wars haven’t been a good alternative You have no idea how brainwashed you are. So meanwhile in ""Biden's America"" we just drop all that since, you know, we should be more worried about the vacancy in the SC than* the actual people. Neither are right for the job. Yet here we are Doesn’t matter if trump supporters either don’t hear this or don’t believe it. If his ~35-40% only get their news from fox, Facebook, or further right groups then they won’t get this information. All they’ll see is trumps line that the dems are negotiating in “bad faith.” When in the last 4 years has truth mattered? Far greater at giving money to non regular folk. Also I'm confused why there's more ppp money when it hasn't even been used up The truth doesn’t matter to his base. It never has. Nothing he does ""makes sense"" 🤣 that doesn't matter much to his base. Republicans hold Senate majority and fall in step with him, so he does control them. The Gop will suck his dong just so they can pack the courts with conservative judges. well you see, at least his taxes paid for half of someones stimulus check. so his name could be on a single one for the memo. half of it anyways. pres trumpf No, the democrats have stuff in there for normal people too. The launch code is useless if it’s pointing no where. Is there a default destination? As long as it’s pointing “away” I’m good. He is Commander in Chief, he is the head of our military, his words are literally law to them. As in if anyone doesn't follow orders they could get Court marshaled or worse. Nope. This is not true at the authorization level. Two people authenticate that the codes and orders are real before launching from each delivery vehicle (sub, ICBM, bomber) and possibly at other stages of relaying the orders. The actual authority to order a strike, however, rests with the president alone. Whether the people with the ability to execute such orders would go along with a clearly illegal strike during relative peacetime is a different question. https://warontherocks.com/2019/04/pressing-the-button-how-nuclear-armed-countries-plan-to-launch-armageddon-and-what-to-do-about-the-u-s/ Aye. Yesterday was the time to take the L to buy Ok. What about yahoo? [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/chamber-commerce-backs-freshmen-house-172346136.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/chamber-commerce-backs-freshmen-house-172346136.html) Or politico [https://www.politico.com/news/2020/08/27/chamber-of-commerce-turmoil-402837](https://www.politico.com/news/2020/08/27/chamber-of-commerce-turmoil-402837) ​ Wall Street has done well under Trump and the GOP but needs a 'steady hand' over erratic narcissism. They exactly want Puppet Biden. And, tbf, I'd rather Puppet Biden. I'm just agreeing with u/ascendEvil that the decision to have a Puppet Bidet is basically the hope of the upper class and financial elites. Don't fight the money printers or the titans of industry, be aware of where they make wakes. ​ And I think we'll get Obama '09 like centrism for the COVID recovery which will only serve to further escalate the populist disconnect that allowed for a Trumpian surge. 24 QAnnon/Trump2.0 is VERY likely if Trump loses in Nov. https://www.osc.state.ny.us/press/releases/2020/01/new-york-continues-send-more-federal-tax-dollars-washington-it-gets-return >For every dollar New York generates in tax receipts it receives 90 cents back in federal spending, compared to the national average of $1.21,” DiNapoli said. “We’re already getting less from Washington than what we give, which makes the upcoming 2020 Census so critical. New York must do all it can to ensure a complete and accurate count of its residents to maximize our population count, which impacts our federal aid and representation in Congress.” >The biggest givers in our latest report, based on 2018 data, were [New York](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/new-york), which paid in US$22 billion more than it received; [New Jersey](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/new-jersey), which paid $12 billion more; [Massachusetts](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/massachusetts), which paid $9 billion more; and [Connecticut](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/connecticut), which paid $8 billion more than it received. >The low-income states that receive a lot of federal spending per person are primarily in the Southeast and include Kentucky, [West Virginia](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/west-virginia), [Mississippi](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/mississippi) and [Alabama](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/alabama). Here is the actual report with real numbers: https://rockinst.org/issue-areas/fiscal-analysis/balance-of-payments-portal/ Well, being a young voter not voting in 2016, I’ve stayed pretty apolitical. Grew up in a conservative home and poof a trump supporter without thinking anything of it. I’ve just recently started learning more about politics and watching what Trump is actually doing. Ignorance is bliss my friend. Edit: still working on my personal bias Damn, that's a lot of fake news. I don't think what you've said is entirely true. Small town corruption is some of the scariest you can meet. Also trump just said a flat out 'no' which is differnt from negotiations. # TheArtOfTheDeal Again, the Dems are including everything under the sun because they will have the WH, Senate and House after the election and can create a package that includes everything they want and nothing the Cons want. Why would they just hand the GOP a win with 20 something days until the election. Why buy the cow when you get the milk for free in January. Again, they could have rammed a bill the president supports through the Senate easily for optics if you're playing the optics game, which we are in October of an election year. The Senate has been sitting on their hands over another bill for months. Lol. The backpedaling has already begun. The GOP is a joke. They were steamrolled by Trump. Now he's driving the car over the cliff and they have their seatbelts on tight. Just [scan twitter for responses yesterday](https://twitter.com/zacharybasu/status/1313562275626745856?s=19). ""The GOP"" was not in lock step with this move. His own administration wasn't even in lock step. He’d still be a better president than Trump. And a better business man. You don't want to sell me death sticks. There are definitely accelerationist elements who support Trump because he creates instability, but I don’t think Trump has the intelligence to do what he’s done on purpose. The simplest explanation of everything we’ve seen from him is that he’s a narcissistic and self centered buffoon who has gotten in way over his head. ""Gotta do this photoshoot in the hospital"" ""Okay now I gotta do a drive by"" ""I want to leave the hospital and return to the White House"" ""Don't be afraid of COVID"" ""Fuck your stimulus checks"" Nobody is judging the virus based on his experience when you can look at the number dead and the extreme measures all countries are taking during the pandemic. He’s been a dumbass on this topic since day 1. ""You, you, you, and you. You've worked with various white houses and written a lot of good speeches. Want to write some speeches? I'll read them verbatim, maybe throw in a couple key ideas I want you to make sound good, then during questioning from reporters I'll basically re-iterate and re-state whatever I just read."" People be like, ooooh so presidential, so impressive. And really, it works. The most simple-minded person can help a country come together by sticking to simple, straightforward, and 95%+ citizen agreed upon and approved messages, as long as they let experienced professionals write the speed and just fucking read it. Bush, known for stumbling over words, or sounding kinda dumb, or just folksy, knew all he had to do was read what better writers wrote, and stick to it without injecting his own ego during the reading. But this guy, on the rare occasion he can actually read a prepared statement - which for someone functionally illiterate is admittedly a challenge, but he doesn't get pity from me, that's his own fault for not fucking reading - on the rare occasion he can actually read a prepared statement, he injects his own ego every sentence of half-sentence. It'll be like, ""Today, I was asked simply to reject white supremacism. _I mean, right folks? Can you believe it? Me?_ As has been made obvious by my many actions, there can be no doubt that I absolutely reject it. _I mean, that's ridiculous, right? Nobody's been better for blacks than Trump._ In fact, it was such a foregone conclusion that I could not understand anyone questioning my commitment. _Actually I can understand everything, remember, I don't miss anything. You know it, I know it_"" Imagine Trump trying to give a 9/11 speech. Or a Sandy Hook one (no guarantee he'd even do one to be honest). ""Stabd back, and stand by"" were his exact words, i know it was for proud boys or whatever, but his base only hesrs what they want. Luckily they are mostly fat pathetic cowards and civil war is just their fantasy. In reality they will just meme and rage. Yeah unless we are missing something I don't think Gorsuch, Roberts, or even Kavanaugh are going to side with Trump on this. > Gorsuch has shown a willingness to support the literal letter of the law and appears less political than expected. No one expected Gorsuch to be too political. The problem with Gorsuch wasn't Gorsuch himself, it was what happened to Garland. Kavanaugh on the other hand... Trump is pretty familiar with quid pro quo though. Biden could win the popular vote 5x as much as HC did in 2016 & still lose due to the electoral college. Our entire country is held hostage by voters from a small number of states. Dude, I live in rural Georgia, and there is a huge Biden sign on a highway. I've never seen a huge democrat sign out here in my life. Trump messed up big time. Lol give me a break. You mad. Foaming at the mouth mad. Smh. Relax dude. Breathe. Look at what you said and then the timeline of covid. And what everyone was saying. Pour some grace out all around. Stop with the extremism. Responses like yours are part of the problem. Breathe my guy. Be reasonable. Aye aye ayyye. No no no even though Trump told them to flat out stop negotiating its clearly Pelosi’s fault for wanting *more* stimulus. Cant possibly be Senate Republicans negotiating in bad faith! So you think accepting ballots even though signatures don’t match won’t lead to cheating? Are you really that dense? Agreed. Then again how could have they expected a pandemic in 2020 and mail in voting? There’s a lot of foresight needed. Edit: I really wish they had passed section 230 reform Go look it up. Also I never said voter fraud. I said inaccuracies. They are. Your comment was not the worst I’ve gotten. I’ve been belittled for my national origin, sexuality, and called extremely vulgar things on this sub. I don’t know where the mods are. I can't write my name the same twice in a row, and i sign like 5 things a day. Which is just another reason why universal mail in voting absolutely shouldn’t be allowed. But hey!!! Let’s send out millions of untracked ballots to everyone on notoriously inaccurate voter roles and turn off signature verification and hope for the best; right? Why haven’t the mods banned you for violating the rules. And they know that it won’t match 100%. They leave room for error. You should look up the process. Jesus. Y’all are acting like if you’re signature isn’t 100% exact they’ll block it which isn’t the case. Trump's out here talking about how he wants to screw over his countrymen simply because their governors or legislatures are blue, and you think he's the one being reasonable. Refusing to even take coronavirus seriously - fighting health agencies and eschewing a coherent national strategy with support for states. You're a shitty excuse for a person and certainly not a patriot. Except it will take slightly longer then February because now it is part of the 'socialist commie agenda' that must be stopped! The senate is sworn in in the beginning of January, so if the democrats win that and get some Republicans on board they could pass it with a veto proof majority before inauguration. Still, it shows what kind of man Trump is, he doesn't care about anyone but himself. Of 2030. “Bailing out California”? When historically it’s always the red states that have to be bailed out? When historically red states have always been takers? Gotta bail out that state that has a larger economy than nearly every red state combined, right? Lmao, come on. What do these people have to do to prove they’re shit to you? Strangle your dog? Um, what are you talking about? I'm from California, and we're doing fine lol. we still have over 10 billion dollars left in our rainy day fund, we're fine lmfao Isn't California the one that funds parasitic red states? It’s crazy I voted Trump 2016 but have slowly gotten sick of his arrogance. Disgusts me now how just cause Trump says “no deal” that senate throws their hands up. Like they could pass the 2.2 trillion if they gave a fuck about the people but I guess They’re just Trumps puppets I guess. Plus the fact that Trump said Saturday we NEED a stimulus, now it’s not a priority? As much as I hate Democrat’s, I’d love to see Trump lose. Fuck this guy [deleted] > Unless there is a clear short term benefit, people don’t bother. I wish I could say you're wrong. But if everyone who thought that way actually went out to vote might KY be competitive? Or at least vote McConnell out? You felt like it made no difference to your life but what about other people's lives? Did you feel like it made no difference to anyone who won, or just didn't care unless it affected you personally? The media is definitely out to get him, he’s faced far more ridicule an lies. Why I don’t know, he’s no worse than any other republican I can remember, or my leader. The guys actually really peaceful for a US president as well. I won’t argue with an idiot coz those watching often don’t know the difference...... Literally look at my first comment then at yours. Cry baby. You're the one who started seething and complaining. Trump literally told Biden during the debate that vaccine will go live very soon and before the election. Now what he says is irrelevant at this point, but Russia really started this whole rapid vaccine development precisely to distribute Trump-signed vaccines before the election to carry him through it. Yeah, it will have fatal side effects, but that's all after 03 Nov Do they _actually_ imprison for this? Or do they just cancel your vote, fine you and maybe slap you on the wrist Honestly fuck it. Renewables are the future. They will explode because they have to. Humanity has no choice. These gains are a certainty so no risk is present to require diversity. I know this is a middle finger to fundamentals but it is what it is. tl:;Dr: TSLA Yes but people wait minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, etc... I've done all the former. Also the analogy isn't remotely comparable because you can't call your friends with stocks lol. ""Why don't they eat cake lolz?"" Lots of brokers have fractional shares now I don't have shit left I only know the theory Nah that was the White House stimulus proposal. GOP senators were not very keen on the 1.6T number. www.thehill.com/homenews/senate/519217-gop-cool-to-white-houses-16t-coronavirus-price-tag Exec orders do not have power over purse He knows he’s lost already... he isn’t grabbing moderates, he‘s radicalizing his idiotic base. He's activating them. There is still a certain amount of theatre he has to perform for his base, even cult leaders require maintenance of the manipulation. They expect the hits, and he does need to deliver. [Cults maintain their power by promoting an “us vs. them” mentality. ](https://www.onlinepsychologydegree.info/what-to-know-about-the-psychology-of-cults/) That's fucking a joke, dude. The last round of stimulus checks paid out a total of [153 million people for a total cost of about $267 billion](https://www.pgpf.org/blog/2020/09/how-many-coronavirus-stimulus-checks-have-been-sent-out-so-far). Even the ""cheap"" stimulus bill put up by the Republicans is $1.6 trillion. That means there's 5x more money in that than would be allocated for stimulus checks. All of that shit is important. Plus a ton of the shit in the Democratic bill is important. Those checks will only go so far. They do nothing to support small businesses or offer sustainable protection for unemployed people or those without insurance. It doesn't offer anything to improve public health or prevent more infection hotspots. That Tweet is the political ploy. If they did it, there would be *zero* political will to pass a real stimulus bill which would lead to lasting damage to the economy. He's literally advocating for putting a piecemeal, stopgap measure in favor of actually passing a reasonable stimulus. Probably because he realized how much backlash his Tweet about cancelling negotiations caused. Haha, fair edit (I was going for a Marge vs the Monorail quote.) I should have followed up with a Futurama quote that was [appropriate for today.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qd_zs8AwoTQ) My aunt in a Chicago suburb told me that she's voting for him because he talks about Christianity and he's building a wall. Funny thing is she hopped the border herself when she was younger and is a shopaholic. you have to admit, it makes for funny rants in the yahoo finance comments section So genius why are you supporting Biden? What has he done......in 50 years? Your rural friends may be smarter than u think....do not underestimate the working man. Pelosi, schiff, waters, aoc........a circus, and u guys laugh at the orange man as if he is an anomaly. What a joke... I mean ""played with his fiddle"" may have been roman for ""jerkin it"" and now that is the only report we have to go by. I always took it as a more figurative statement than literal: ""While Rome burned, this guy didn't give a shit and was off having his own luxury fun times."" Is it considered a literal claim? Whoops. Dog it was never literal His enemies claimed he was playing an instrument from the future? i thought it was a mashup of 3 different things... Yup. Dan Scavino tweeted the photo and Trump quote tweeted it: https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1236778368533700609?s=21 Probably found evidence of Russia meddling instead and just shit themselves when asked to turn everything over. Were you referring to the 2000 election? The very same election where Republican nominee George Bush and Republican Governor of Florida conspired to steal the election from Al Gore? The very same Republican Governor of Florida that was Jeb Bush, George Bush's brother? The very same election where George Bush petitioned the Supreme court to stop a vote recount, leveraging the power of the Federal Government to squash State's Rights? The very same supreme court that had two Supreme Court Justices nominated and confirmed by Former President George Bush Senior? The very same George Bush Senior that was then Republican Nominee George Bush's and Republican Governor of Florida Jeb Bush's father? That very same election? Trump's regularly pictured with Epstein and Maxwell, personally hosted underage beauty contests and bragged about walking in on them while changing, and sexually fantasizes about his own daughter. Who needs pizza gate when you got the entire Trump administration? I think he moves to electorate vote for each state, ignoring popular vote and then moves to Supreme Court for confirmation? I dunno, something like this. If he loses in a landslide though I don’t think the Supreme Court could support the move based on evidence, but it seems laws and rational thought no longer matters in this country. Alleged voter fraud of course. He claimed (without evidence) that Democrat's voter fraud was the only reason he didn't win the popular vote last time. He's going to get all mail ballots thrown out. He would basically need to convince his supporters to boycott the election to get into unprecedented route territory. Even the worst polls for him don't have him losing the popular vote as bad as Mondale in '84 obviously referring to the modern era, not horse and buggie times My money is on Russia. Nixon didn't attend Ford's They've been told the election is rigged since 2012 when Obama beat Romney. This is long time in the making. > There's absolutely some heavily armed people out there who now feel very legitimized by the president and feel it is their duty to ""defend"" the country from an illegitimate president. Having my microwave spying on me is small potatoes compared to that. How is it that the US has the world's largest prison population yet so many vocal terrorists are walking free? [deleted] So another reason to keep the Canadian border closed? I love seeing those headlines about Trump being so far behind, I really do. My fear is that would-be voters see headlines like that and think that their vote isn’t necessary because he’s so far behind. That type of mentality could see him win important swing states. Agree, that's why we have all those Southern racists statue, which should have been all destroyed in the first place and banned, and we are still not sure what to do with it. No, he's right. It would set a precedent of prosecuting your political opponents. Think about how the GOP would wield that power, e.g., Hillary Clinton - 15 years in prison for ""emails."" Provable criminality wouldn't matter, only public opinion and who's in power. Look, we elected this asshole to be the most powerful man in the country. Maybe you and I didn't but this country as a whole did. Nothing was surprising. He is and was a liar and a cheater. If we start prosecuting every president yes we will be a banana republic. Not satire. I am not a fan of Trump. I just voted for Biden. But I want my country that I love to heal. To try to come together after 4 years of this man trying his best to rip us apart. So how do we do that? So let’s look at some facts. Trump is likely under the most optimistic Biden scenario to receive 45 percent of the popular vote. That means almost half of Americans are going to vote for him. You want to indict him for some crime. He is a terrible person. He did terrible things as president. But precisely what crime - a crime that can stand up to judicial scrutiny - did he commit. Being a shitty president that you hate is not a crime. The only thing he is being investigated for is tax fraud before he became president. If you can cite another crime, I would like to hear it articulated. And if I am right that his only crime might be tax fraud - what is more important. Convicting him of a highly technical white collar crime (assuming he can get a fair and impartial jury) or letting him go back to the hole he crawled out of and give Biden a chance to heal the country. Try to bring us together. Not a country where almost half the citizens feel aggrieved because we are trying to put the president they voted for in jail. Now. Should he commit a serious crime like trying to steal the election - sure my opinion will change. But if he walks away after losing. Let him go. Let heal our so divided country. Look. As much as I am Not a fan of Trump and think he is the biggest threat to our democracy since the civil war, we are talking about indicting him on tax fraud. As bad as he is, he is not Hitler or Mao - the analogy is actually silly. So sure, if he committed a crime - and I emphasize a crime - of mass murder - then we should indict, try and convict him. As bad as his COVID policy is, he has not committed a crime. The **only** thing he is seriously being investigated for is - as I noted - tax fraud. So, in that instance, let him lose, go away and let us begin to heal our country. They did not count the entire year of 2009 as a bush year. What are you talking about? You don't know what happened late 2008? I lived it also it had nothing to do with a Democrats coming in it had everything to with the housing bubble bursting. Every year besides 2009 Obama had economic growth. The stock market crash because of the housing bubble in 2008 it had nothing to do with Democrats. And Obama is just one president look at all the other Democratic president. You are a joke. Considering the great recession started in 2008 under the Bush administration and partially resulted in the election of Barack Obama I completely disagree with you and think you are arguing in bad faith or that you're just ignorant. As opposed to a brazenly corrupt politician who benefits personally, but also yells most of it out into the open while 40% of voters defend him for it anyway ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ In terms of presidential choice for the leader of the free world That's not the sentiment people are expressing though. I'm excited to head in a new direction. Is much different then I dream for a boring president. >If you keep thinking in absolutist terms like that I can think in terms like that and still ""play the game out"" hoping for the best. The only chance of winning would be act like things will work out even though I know they likely wont. If he is alive.. yeah. He will. Just like the former president of Ukraine fled to Russia. Trump and all the traitors will too, cuz they know when the good guys get back in power they are fuckkkkkkkkked Twitter will ban him when he loses. Guaranteed twitter bans him when he’s no longer president. If he’s even still alive. I still think he’ll go out like his pal Herman Cain It's working great for me, but even if it wasn't I'd much rather have status quo than a descent into clowndom. I thought this was clear from what I wrote. Would you prefer the shite we've seen over the past four years over the relative normalcy of before? Other people in the world matter too, don't they? That’s because you’ve fallen for right wing identity politics that last part was just CYOA lol I agree, I don’t like getting political on reddit (too many angry people), so I was being brief. There is no way to ignore the hundreds of thousands of people who paid the price of a “recovery” with their safety, jobs, and lives. “Recovery” meaning, we all know the stock market is rebounding, but the pandemic is still rampant, people are unemployed, and business are at risk. Every investor must feel some level of uncertainty/fear of the current growth and the possibility a bubble. Fortunately, things do seem to be getting better, albeit slowly, but the highs being set during this kind of situation leave me wondering if we’re going to see the biggest crash the stock market has ever seen. All it takes is an unfortunate series of events, a dysfunctional government maybe. The House passed a bill. Mitch McConnell won't even bring it to the floor for a vote. ""Compromise"" in his version of English is ""give me everything I want."" The House has had legislation ready months prior and keeps getting shut down or ignored by Mitch's Senate. Don't think it's fair to lump them in on the blame. Fuck off, the senate has refused to negotiate after the House dropped the price by a third. Dems proposed some 3.2t bill, the reps suggested 1.6t. Dems have moved halfway to 2.4t and the reps still won't work with it. This has always been the case. Basically this https://i.redd.it/yjjpp2pefb131.jpg [deleted] Exactly my thoughts. Pelosi won’t budge on giving democrat states an extra trillion dollars along with extra stuff like mail in voting, ect ect. Mitch won’t budge on a stimulus package bigger than $1.8T and some other stuff too. Ditto. Johnson in ‘16. Biden this afternoon. Good ‘ol Sleepy Joe will be a nice break from this. I’m kind of in the same belief view wise, and voted for Gary last election. 100% Biden for now. We can figure out the rest after we get the Cheeto in Chief out of here. Our stocks will hurt for a little bit, but we’ll get the virus solved and other issues solved quicker to bring it back up. Same here, but I wrote in Ron Paul for the 3rd election in a row. As much as I hate Biden, trump had a 40% popular vote in my area (western Massachusetts) in 2016. I'm going Biden 2020 to make it just a tiny bit lower. The sad reality is that there are no libertarian voting options right now. There is one option to keep the country under halfway sane management and one to destroy it with batshit crazy science denying democracy destroying shitbags. And this is not just a Trump problem, the entire party is complicit in this. Can't vote for a party that behaves like congressional Republicans if you expect that the seperation of power and even remotely democratic elections will persist. Vote to switch to rank choice system if it ever shows up on your ballot. That is the only way we'll ever have viable 3rd parties+ Last time around I thought if Trump just missed out on the Republican nomination then both Trump and Bernie would run independently. I figured as long as both were running there would be less concern about splitting the D/R votes. It could have went any way in a true 4-horse race. And of course maybe more votes for Libertarian / Greens etc. Might have finished the two party system. The point of voting Lib isn't really to have your candidate win. It's to cross the 5% threshold so the party gets access to the federal campaign fund and get a third party into the debates for the future. If you're in a battleground state it's hard to justify that choice this election for a lot of people and I wouldn't blame anyone for compromising on Biden. But my state is going red 100% of the time--there's absolutely no question about that. So Jo all the way for me. twould be a fools errand to listen to you lol things arent ao easily measures nor are they black and white. just cause he did one good thing, which doesnt mean shit btw we arent leaving that region lmao if you think that you would probably vote for trump too lol Biden will start wars but trump won't? Lmao > Trump at least deescalated wars He is starting a trade war with China and friction is increasing by the day. > Honestly, I would not vote in these elections. Voting Biden in just to get Trump out is fool’s errand. I don't disagree with the first part, but I'm voting Biden cause he's lesser of 2 evils. When Trump is gone i'll probably vote republican again, but this election i can't do that. Way too much is at stake to have 4 more years of him fucking our environment and country Right, but none of that is new. >the idea of him trying to blackmail people into voting for him when they clearly need help Is not at all new. Like, I'm happy that you eventually got to the right place, but you should probably take a step and and figure out what kept you from identifying this man for what he so obviously is and always has been: hopelessly corrupt, incompetent, and cruel. There will be another Trump. A smarter, more palatable Trump. We will need you to be quicker on the draw next time. [removed] Weird projection of Trump/Melania here. Desperate and sad. I love seeing people complain about billionaires and then they turned around and didn't vote for the one guy that would do something about it. Actually. I don't love it. That's why voting reform needs to be the priority rather than voting for third parties and hoping they luck onto a large percentage. Third parties are only possible at a local level (or remote races like Maine or Alaska)at this point. Reforming the system to allow for diversity needs to be one of the first steps if that's your goal. The rules of all primaries are written by parties that meet a certain popularity threshold. The states don’t run the primaries. And the rules are written to favor the candidates the two major parties prefer, and to disfavor any minor parties catching up to them. And all the while the media mostly supports these two parties and their chosen candidates. It’s not exactly rigged, but it’s also not any kind of fair and square situation. They two parties have every incentive against fair and square—and both parties operate this way. Both will always rail against Ranked Choice Voting, for instance, because it curbs their power. It doesn’t matter what the citizens want on an issue like that. Allegedly. The parties pick their candidates. The voting is just an illusion. I mean, the party practically decides the outcome of the nomination. Buttigieg was a strong contender when he just dropped out, alongside every other candidate but Sanders, Warren and Gabbard, to honor their delegates to Biden. That does not seem like choices made by themselves. Media. It's all about how the media portrays everything. Look at who owns the media and what their agenda is and you'll see why they do the things they do (encourage people to vote against their own interests). This doesn't work when you're reasonably educated and don't take any one source at face value, but that's why the GOP have been eroding education and public services for decades. agreed Never heard of him before and honestly I thought your comment was a ""Swallwell my nuts"" joke. It's not the first and foremost issue, but neither one of these guys have experienced the daily life that normal citizens, whom they represent, go through. Both of these dudes live so far out of life and likely fail to understand anything relative to the normal person. It's moronic that either party claims to be looking out for the little guy or just the middle class when both parties are just filled with rich career politicians. [deleted] You mean the Human Slug McConnell? Trump is orange with Monopoly money. No joke. I would give a lot for my immediate family to have this realization. (*waves back*) Glad I could make it, Thanks for letting me join! Just read survey results that showed ~85% of republicans believe Trump is actively trying to protect pre-existing conditions and that he will do a better job at it than dems. All while Trump is battling it in the Supreme Court. [link](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2020/10/01/upshot/trump-pre-existing-conditions-polls.amp.html) Happy to help with a chuckle. The Republican party as we know it is dead. I'm never coming back, all that's left are those that stand for ideals that would have been foreign to the Republican platform 30-40 years back. It's not the deference to the executive, while I dislike it, I expect it to an extent. But the absolute denial of reality is something that I can never accept. It runs counter to my core beliefs as an American. Paul Ryan and the rest of them aren't any better. They're just as big of liars and swindlers as Trump is. Trump is just them without the mask on. He's exposed the true Republican party [removed] there's nothing left about performative wokeness Leftism is (or rather SHOULD BE) against identity politics because it atrophies class solidarity People act like only the left has performative wokeness. Look at fucking Trump holding a bible up in a photo op to see what performative wokeness looks like from a conservative angle. It's too bad that what they think is best is insane bullshit. Hmmm, that definition of Leftism aligns generally with my understanding. Historically, it’s about undermining/overthrowing capitalism, right? It’s reasonable to summarize it that way, I guess. Let’s call it an economically-oriented ideology. In the interest of differentiating it from liberalism, would you agree that when folks refer to the latter, they’re taking about a more socially-oriented ideology? There’s a lot of population overlap between the two in any Venn diagram, no? But I do see the difference you’re calling out. My dad, for instance, a 75 year-old surgeon and life-long Republican, loves the idea of a flat tax, an idea antithetical to leftist ideology, but he’s an ardent supporter of “liberal” ideas like the right to marry whomever one loves, regardless of gender. My confusion has to do with how anyone would have trouble with liberal ideas if that’s how we’re defining them. I mean it’s not like extending marriage rights to gays takes anything away from anyone else, right? I honestly don’t mean to sound confrontational, but are you saying that you’re into taxing the rich (leftism, in this discussion), but not spending that money to help the disenfranchised (liberalism)? Apologies if I’ve made presumptions here, just trying to follow the logic... Most antifa members probably don't consider themselves as democrats. Didn't Richard Spencer recently come out supporting Biden? *document shredding noises* on the day Trump leaves office Saving this comment “Although Regeneron’s product has not been authorized for emergency use by the Food and Drug Administration, companies can grant access to their experimental treatments through compassionate use, for example, if all other options have failed and a patient might die without trying the drug.” “A spokeswoman for Regeneron, Hala Mirza, said that for its coronavirus treatment, “our first priority is to maintain a sufficient supply in order to conduct rigorous clinical trials,” adding, “there is limited product available for compassionate use requests that are approved under certain exceptional circumstances on a case-by-case basis” https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2020/10/02/health/trump-antibody-treatment.amp.html so yeah ur wrong sorry student doctor It had only been tested on 275 people before he got it. Regardless, people are referring to the steroids he's on. I've just been following it enough to get angry at it. Don't have an ironclad source off the top of my head but the really big bad ones are ajit pai, former Verizon lawyer in charge of the fcc, betsy DeVos, major billionaire investor in student loan debt in charge of the department of education (ever wonder why so many student loan debt relief programs have had single digit acceptance rates?). The epa is headed by a coal lobbyist. The weather service heads brother is in charge of the largest private weather platform (or something equally ridiculous. John Oliver covers this one). We're talking like 1800s oil baron levels of regulatory capture. It's fucking insane and *of course no one believes capitalism is working right now, it isn't because the capitalists are ""policing"" themselves* Tldr: I don't have a good source but paying very little attention these four years was bad enough an indictment for anyone i hope Well then I'm even more confused cause im in CA... lol I'm not saying I won't vote, I'll just do it knowing it doesn't matter. Same as 4 years ago. Never in Utah. We voted for a policy and the Mormon church swung their dick around and made the government change it. Even when we win we lose. he's basically going all in on PA and FL. He technically doesn't need WI this time. He's even pulled ads in IA and OH despite basically being tied/trailing in polls there.. because he needs FL and PA that bad.. it's very grim for him electorally right now. 2016 he was lucky to have the Wikileaks DNC dump, and then the Comey letter basically seal Hillary's fate. Biden doesn't have that baggage. The tldr is that I love Germany, the language, and the culture but it's been very, very difficult for me to get settled here. [deleted] [deleted] Weird way to spell “total piece of shit” Sadly, if he still manages to five finger this election and get away with it, history is more than enough of an outlier to know that it might finally be time to officially get the fuck out of dodge. Especially with the degree and toxicity of partisan vitriol stemming from the entire administration and GOP. Gets tiring hearing that it's the left's job to be tolerant of such grotesque intolerance. Proud Boys get to stand by, while the non-existent physical manifestation of anti fascist beliefs is verbally attacked crucified ad nauseum? There's a pretty horrifying reason for that and where they hope it leads. Okay -- Pelosi wants to give more money to Liberal interests, Conservatives of course aren't on board with that. [This dude](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acriQpxmAC4) went through it and explains all of whats in it and the sticking points of the funding. Obviously if your party supports the opposite of what the other party is trying to add funding for in this bill, they won't just go along with that. This is exactly why Pelosi is doing this, because she knows she won't get funding for these things outside of this. Both sides mostly agree on the bulk of funding, but Pelosi won't just sign stimulus without her special interests. Downvote me all you want but it's true. If the shoe were on the other foot I'd be calling the R's out. But it doesn't seem to be the case this time. That said, on second thought you could be right on Trump using this just as a ploy to get her and D's to drop some of the sticking points and pass out a bill that both sides can agree to. But the stock market isn't the economy. Again both the D's and R's are playing the same game. But reddit just wants to point the finger at the R's and specifically the pres because they're too playing political games and biases. R's and D's have been 'negotiating' for months now with only impasse to show for it. Pres just said fine you don't want to come off your figure D's then no deal. I mean takes two to tango. But it could very well be an actual negotiating tactic... we'll see. Both sides agree to the stim checks and amounts as well as the funding for small businesses and childcare/schools, its a few of the other extras that the D's added to their bill (such as funding specifically for illegal immigrants and weed businesses) that is likely the sticking point. Economy “booming” lol What crazy times these are. Cheers mate. Who knows. I think of the quote that goes like “the actions of a genius will seem idiotic to the average person.” I’m interested to see how the media will respond. Something this crazy in the past usually had an intent behind it to manipulate the left and the media and worked. Also something to look out for, see what laws or orders he passes while the hysteria is going around about Trump’s tweet. Trump has used crazy tweets to do things under the radar of the media in the past. Which is sad knowing the media will prioritize a tweet over massive foreign/domestic policy changes. Finally someone else with reason and doesn’t have a blinding case of TDS. Everything he does is designed to benefit nobody else but Trump...at least this is what I see plastered all over reddit until Trump seemingly makes a mistake. Well considering the number of deaths was supposed to be over 3 million in the US....I’d say so yes. However people don’t care about that. They just want 0 deaths which is just idiotic. Literally all progressive economic policies when both parties don't block it are some of the most popular policies ever. Medicare, social security, etc etc Sure, but is this because dems cause the market to do better that year, or because the conditions that make the market do better also bring dems in to power? Edit: why downvotes? Parroting the same old tired right wing BS. It's a pun because ""piece of schist"" sounds kind of like ""piece of shit."" In truth, schist is a perfectly ordinary and acceptable rock. The main problem here is that you aren't smart enough to have any idea what's going on. You are completely brainwashed. It is stunning that any mammal, let alone a supposed human being, can follow the phrase ""no more lies"" with ""Trump 2020"" with a straight face. Same goes for ""no more swamp,"" for that matter, given that Trump's is obviously the most corrupt administration in history and half his former associates are in prison already. I literally have no idea how a brain can malfunction as badly as yours without massive physical damage to the prefrontal cortex. It is so easy to find accurate information, and yet you have somehow let yourself be led into a world of pure delusion about Trump, about Biden, about everything. Why don't you go back and look at your old report cards, let it sink in that you're not the brightest bulb in the box, and then look to more intelligent people--for example, practically every newspaper editorial board in the country--to tell you who to vote for? Is too! The 22nd amendment only addresses being elected President. Upon Biden’s resignation Kamala would be elevated to the Presidency to serve out the remainder of Biden’s term then she could run as President herself for up to two additional terms. What if Biden resigns immediately after his and Kamala’s inauguration? These people are so pissed off at you just because you don't like Biden even though you don't like Trump either. Then when you do say you're going to vote but for an independent they're still mad lol It’s verifiable fact you knuckle dragged Because it leads to the biggest sell off of all time. You’re very short-sighted to not understand why markets like stability. Yup we need term limits they basically think their the kings and queens and we’re the servants. Now here’s where weel disagree lol this is why the establishment hates trump he’s making them work and ruining their money making schemes trumps an ass but he’s kinda a bull busting their ivory tower I doubt he cares... the big issue is he has so many lawsuits and debts going on, that he can't leave office or else he lands in hot water... so he will try everything to stay president. [deleted] [removed] That's more than Trump did for Covid lol Get fucked traitor. [deleted] > you’re not paying attention Lol ok Fox News, please let me know how much your state contributes to the federal pot Thanks for the information. I am able to realize the complexity and uncertainty now. Correction: Many people assume that the markets are supposed to reflect that, or that stocks only go up. Especially with large indexes i.e. the dow I would assume yes. Both parties are in the right here, a stimulus bill is essential, but Democrats want to pump a lot more than Republicans. So the concern here is that if you pump so much in, for a long extended period of time, you are growing a list of zombie companies which can trigger another huge issues. www.bloomberg.com/amp/news/articles/2020-05-19/america-s-zombie-companies-are-multiplying-and-fueling-new-risks There's also a risk that the public would take it for granted and expecting a third bill that is just as big. Well yes, this is all just a political stunt. Democrats pushing for a bill that has been told many times over budget and Republicans counter offering. Both sides have their reasons and too brain dead to agree on anything, especially because it's election year. Hopefully trump is playing a little game to scare the hell out of both parties and settle down with a deal. After all he is used to striking deals, i would assume this is his negotiation tricks. (He handled china for trade war, and led to middle east peace talk) HOLD forever. Active secondary market, doubles as art and cutting tool, high resale value, whats not to love? Of course market is up because Trump went back on his words. [removed] | when she's ready to talk about a stimulus bill that doesn't ban voter id laws No he's saying that she's trying to ban voter ID laws... which I'm all for. I consider it patriotic to encourage more people to vote, unlike the current republicans. I havent had an i.d. for 5 years. This really fucks with police, since having an i.d. on you isnt a law. I found out that they can get every bit of information from your name or social. Demanding i.d. is a power move, nothing more. They type in your name and your picture comes up. Even when you've never been booked. I wouldn't be against voter ID laws if we could ensure everyone had easy access to get them, that the IDs allowed weren't arbitrarily chosen as to advantage republicans, and if you know... there was any evidence voter fraud was a real issue. As is, the states that have tried to implement voter ID laws have done so with a blatantly obvious goal of voter disenfranchisement and nothing else. The facts still show that in person voter fraud isn't even a real issue and never has been. As has happened dozens of times in history, the claims of ""voter fraud"" in regards to voter ID laws are just a blatant voter disenfranchisement attempt. It's that simple. No they do not. There are plenty of people who don't drive a car or own a car and thus do not have an ID. Or old people who have lost their ability to drive and had their license revoked. Those are just two reasons a citizen wouldn't have an ID but I'm sure we can think of more if we try. Maybe you shouldn't call someone a chode when you are the one completely wrong? I mean you have A. Millions of Americans unemployed. B. A housing crisis looming to rival the Great Depression, one that will make the 2007 bubble look small. C. A virus killing hundreds of thousands running rampant. D. A market on the verge of a recession. The experts can tell you exactly how this will play out, they already are, almost like we have data on just how badly letting tens of millions of people default on their rent, letting tens of millions not have a paycheck. Nah, that's crazy talk! What can’t you grasp there? [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] Wait what? What do you think destroyed the economy? [deleted] [deleted] My Chia Pet has more brain cells upstairs than you do. lEarN aBoUt fInAnCe Jesus I bet things fall into a descending orbit around the density of that black hole you call a brain. The Fed chair is out there this very morning begging for more congressional relief allocation and all you care about is your couple hundred dollars in options. [deleted] It's not. $600 is necessary You’re on a stocks subreddit and you’re saying people at target should be making 75k a year. Clearly you don’t care about stocks or corporate earnings and are legit here to troll. An employee stocking shelves at target is not worth 75k and would be a drag on economics, corporate profits, R&D, and growth. If you wanna make money, become a monetarily valuable asset to a company or yourself. I would love 250k a year but I’m not a financial advisor on Wall Street so I accept it and work as hard as I can to not stock shelves at target I dont really care to argue within the small section of people you have isolated to make a point to. And if you think being a dick to everyone who opposes you is the way to further your goals, im not too sure you are going to end up in a nice place in life. But the thing is I doubt your an asshole to people you meet in real life and thats the problem. Yo, my guy. It was like you said, shooting fish in a barrel. [deleted] Hartian Plus lotion is the best around for harsh Martian environments. When I need lotion to trust on harsh Martian environments for my family and I? We trust Hartian Plus. Tungsten disulfide reaching further consumer commercialization isn’t a bad thing to look at The dog shit market theory has traction. You set a string down the yard and base your trades on which side of the string the dog shits on. There are some real market movers that are actually dogs. There's a bear faction there, so maybe puts on $SPY. It's all going down the drain any second! Papa Elon faction is ascendant due to the gains though, but the bears will have their revenge, in this life or the next. I got Go Pro and siriusxm. you don't sell your free Robinhood stock though it's like a good luck charm. Mines Hecla mining. I love Zynga What? Slang for stock, used in a buffoon-like way *it Name clearly states it's a salad. Yes. 0.4 shares of Amazon About equal to his stonks Correct, timing the market always works everyone knows trying to time the market is a great idea! Haven't actually played that game, but it's weird how life is imitating art these days. Which country doesn't? Unless it's a tax haven, I just assumed you'd have to pay it in most if not all. Oh ok. I’ll just take your word for it then lmao i’m with you, dude. seems a little extreme “Fuck them taxes”- Trump I said it really just incase someone chimed in to mention there are sometimes fees for trading. I know it's generally nothing to extremely little. This is correct, but if I invested 100 dollars and I gained 15 dollars I'm not paying taxes on 115 dollars. I'm paying the taxes on the gains I made. I'm only paying taxes on the 15 dollars I got in profit, not the full 115. I've ran into people that think that you pay 15% on ALL 115 dollars, which would completely negate your 15 dollar gain. It wouldn't change my strategy, meaning I wouldn't do anything I hadn't planned to do prior to any of this short term event. Trying to react to the stock market on the whim of one of the biggest idiots at the helm of our country is foolishness. I know everyone on Reddit hates Trump, but don't let that dictate idiotic and reactionary moves. Yeah cause most likely democrats will not pass a stand alone airline bill so tomorrow will be interesting. Haven't we all been there. I tried ""timing"" Fastly and sold at 230 shares at $20. Lol Well damn, they’re literally saving economy from nosediving by a push of a button?? What the hell except in the last 15 mins. market could crash 100% in the last 15 mins of trading. Woah, I didn't know that This has already happened in this administration. This year. I lost thousands in a few days due to this idiot. But this is the *best economy we've ever had!* This sounds like a really good system that we should definitely keep doing indefinitely until climate change kills us all. It stopped for coronavirus. I mean, it stopped for the coronavirus, so we really don't need to go that far back for a precedent. *stock market trading music stops* [deleted] LBJ getting sworn in right away was probably a stabilizing force. The way he's looking lately he might not even make it to the election. Fingers crossed! The price represents the last transaction price. It won’t automatically go down if no one sells or buys. Kindergarten: 5th period is stonks You joke, but my father gave me a bunch of money in fifth grade and let me loose on the stock market. This is back in like 1999. I decided to invest heavily in Abercrombie and Fitch instead of Apple because I could get more A&F stock than I could of Apple for the same money. I’ve done some loose math and if I had just invested it all in Apple, I would be a millionaire. So, that’s kewl. [deleted] My point was that having the most valuable stock market is a pointless thing to brag about because even George W Bush could have said he had the most valuable stock market up to the 2007 crash. Democrats need to do a better job of bragging about their economic results the way Trump does if they want to kill this myth that republicans are better for the economy. You know someone is a stable genius when their best attempt at an argument is to call someone a sheep. A sheep would be someone who believes a pathological liar yea, totally an acceptable amount of people dying from covid /s You sheep-callers have totally twisted the meaning of ""sheep"", and now you just throw out it against anybody who disagrees with you. Red also sus Yes no shiet the stock market didn’t want Bernie to win. ... you’re really gonna sit here and argue that the stock market will go up if Biden wins? I’ll put my entire life earnings on this bet with you Does the market like an immediate 6% increase in corporate taxes ? If they refused to spend 2 hours to vote against Trump being president for the next 4 years then they surely don't care about Trump being president for the next 4 years. Voting is not that difficult. Choosing the name “FortunateSon” and not recognizing the irony in supporting trump Losing elections is cringe. I’ll be back to rub your face in it ;) Its hypocrisy...its hypocrisy all the way down. Nah. [deleted] [removed] You might be a moron. That sounds almost like it would make some sense. That's definitely not his reasoning. So extortion. Well at least it’s something he has experience doing. You think? Look at his history of promises for a tax cut for the middle class, it's always after a specific date. Then delayed. Why the night of? There’s no constitutional requirement to know the results the SAME DAY as everyone votes. I mean, he doesn’t leave office for months if he loses, seems retarded to me. Predatory mobile game monetization, but instead of a mobile game it's the United States of America Yep, he told the senate to push through his supreme court pick instead of the stimulus before the election. This place is turning into fucking /r/wallstreetbets with you psychos political theories. He said he wanted to remove the stimulus from the shit both sides are trying to package into the bill and have it be a standalone bill ONLY about the stimulus, so it wouldn't be weaponized. Democrats are actively refusing to sign any ""piecemeal"" legislature addressing the stimulus package directly, and are attempting to force local funding requirements into the bill, which is insane. Every place is different, and the federal government shouldn't tell you what to do when you can locally respond much better. >“If I am sent a Stand Alone Bill for Stimulus Checks ($1,200), they will go out to our great people IMMEDIATELY. I am ready to sign right now,” Mr. Trump tweeted. And people in here thinking that a trillion dollar stimulus will help their stonks shows a hilarious misunderstanding of how money works on a fundamental level. And also stopping negotiations makes time to, I dunno, mebbe put a justice on the Supreme court. Is that the court you're talking about.../s I believe nothing until the ballots are in. Really standing up for good old-fashioned conservative values, huh? /s Funnily enough Trump is setting Biden up for success. Honestly lifetime corporate lobbyists *are* experts, they just don't care about you and do nothing that isn't in their self-interest to do ""How do we focus on rigging the system to make ourselves rich, but everyone else poor?"" <-- Republican strategy. Obligatory ""Obama bailed out and was in the pockets of corporations as much as anyone else"". You know Obama was also in bed with corporate lobbyists too, right? Trust us, Biden will listen to the lifetime corporate lobbyists. All this effort by the GOP to associate Biden with Bernie Sanders is pathetic. Actual left-leaning individuals are well aware that Biden does not support our politics. The ""experts"" are the lobbyists lol There hasn't been a single human being to run for office in the last 50 years who'd stand up to the Banking/PE vultures Yes even Bernie You have a different take? Have you seen the national debt? Are presidents supposed to address that or, like, nah? Free falling is still technically “free.” So I get where you’re coming from even if you’re clueless. [deleted] But I don't think the narrative is going to be on his side. Both rich and poor want this to pass. Rich donors do not like it when politicians fuck with their money. It's like when he forced the shutdown and took all the credit and therefore the blame. That month was also his lowest polling average. [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] This is just really sad we are at this point in time. Present day looks like some really bad episode in Black Mirror. Objectively though if you want to get the economy up and running giving money to regular folk is the best way to boost things... After all it's not so much trickle down so much as constantly flow up. Which illustrates the terrible problem. Trump has said he'd gladly sign and approve of stimulus checks for people. He's said that before, not the other trillions of pork barrel spending. I'm sure there are soft targets that are preprogrammed on some equivalent to a speed dial, but I doubt they have specific missles already pre-targeting locations outside of ""max possible range"" parameters. There’s a lot the president probably doesn’t know, those black site programs and stuff have things even top clearance won’t let you in on. I don’t think they’d let him fire a nuke if he wanted to. This is absolutely not true. You should read the UCMJ, and not whatever it is you’re getting this from. Orders are not immutable “law” in any stretch of the word. You are *obligated by the UCMJ* to staunchly refuse unlawful orders. It’s not literally “you do what I say or else.” I'll go along with a ""mostly true"" agreement to your response based upon the article that you cited: *Even in presidential systems, it is too simplistic to claim that one single person’s orders are enough to launch a nuclear strike. This is often true legally but of course an entire chain of command is needed to execute such an order. From the officer holding the “football” to the officers in launch units with keys or combinations to safes, the chain of command and process of authentication always requires the positive participation of a number of human decision-makers.* While there is no legal authority that would prevent him from releasing the launch codes, there certainly are those in the chain who could feasibly prevent a mad man scenario, such as the officer carrying the ""football"". Trumps a pussycat. What happens if the next populist is a tiger? [deleted] What a fucking wild time to start developing your political worldview. I thought it was a lot to do it in the year following 9/11 but you might have an even bigger challenge ahead of you. How so? The house bill among other insane things, is going to instruct the fed to purchase municipal bonds from cities who aren't able to sell them on the open market. That means any irresponsible city that's on the brink of insolvency and doesn't care about their finances has a virtually unlimited supply of cash. While cities that are not irresponsible and only issue bonds which they can realistically pay off will continually to be fiscally responsible and not use this program. It will punish the responsible cities as they will not be able to compete with salaries and contracts for as long as the fed is buying those bonds. Sure, I'm not making any statements about small town corruption. I'm sure that it is prevalent. The House bill is just outrageous though. It would require mail-in balloting, (different from absentee) for all elections this year, raise the minimum wage to $15, require companies to cut carbon emissions by 50%, forgive 10k of student debt per borrower, stop mortgage payments for 360 days and a force the federal reserve to purchase bonds from cities with terrible ratings. Essentially an endless money supply for any corrupt and poorly run city that doesn't care about their finances, but no something that responsible cities will will use as they have no trouble issuing bonds. It basically punishes municipal governments that have been fiscally responsible and is a huge reward for those that have driven their cities to insolvency. There's also a lot more in the bill as it is 1400 pages. It's not even really a serious bill that has any chance of passing. If it did pass it would set the stage for an extreme economic depression which is already looming anyway this would just make much worse. The Republican bill is much more simple, direct payments to people, increased and extended unemployment benefits, and a $500 billion dollar reserve for low interest loans to corporations and cities. The senate bill is completely logical and essentially an extension of the stimulus we have already seen and doesn't try to force through other unrelated political ambitions. I think the unreasonableness of the House bill is why the President felt compelled to take such a hard line as they are holding up economic relief to people who need it for an unrealistic wishlist of the Democratic party. So you admit that its less about the American people and more about what each party respectively wants. Why are you using such disparaging language about the President when you admitted yourself that the Democrats are being just as selfish and repugnant? Very confusing line of thinking on your behalf. Ya you don't get to jump ship after its already sunk tho. They deserve to go down with the trump ship theyve been on for the last 4 years. Saying you don't agree with him 3 weeks before the election is meaningless That bar is so low an empty chair would pass it You want to go home and rethink your life That and there’s strategy in a chaotic way in creating more chaos. Don’t underestimate them. You're not, people are being hysterical (as usual) about this. Biden wins clean on Nov 3 anyway, the SS Daddy capsized today. The thing is Georgia and Texas were likely going to eventually happen, but we were talking a timetable of a decade or so from now. Trump is speed running the party's decline. You just gave me a some hope. Yeah, notice how you didn't respond with anything of substance? Just made it crystal clear that you had none to begin with, dumbass. This is a lie. All they're doing is making it so that if the election worker thinks your signature doesn't match, you have the opportunity to prove you are who you said you were. Lmao you’re the one spouting conspiracy theories and you’re calling other people dense? We really need to increase spending to address mental illness in this country. I have, which is how I know it doesn’t exist. Just like you know. Still won't comment on the comment eh? Lol. So sensitive. You act like she hasn't lowered the number already. Maybe the mods don't agree with you? Why won't you acknowledge my point? So odd.... maybe its bc you have nothing to come back with bc the Republicans are screwing everyone over rofl. Ye wtf, I just turned 18 and had to renew my ID, when the guy told me ""is this your signature? Do an exact same one here""... Sure I hope that's good enough because I ain't no robot Ok so you have no reading comprehension then. I sometimes wish I was as stupid as people like you, life must be bliss I'm gonna say the r word. Bitch, you're straight up retarded. And y'all (maybe not you specially) actings like millions of fraudulent ballots are going to be cast with no evidence of large scale voter fraud in US history. It just so happens that all the states refusing help have blue governor. That's proven when looking at Oregon. I think hes taking Coronavirus completely seriously. Remember the saying the ""cure cant be worse than the virus"" well shutting down entire economies is exactly that. The Federal govt hasn't shut down anything besides federal employees traveling domestically. Meanwhile the states use unconstitutional powers to force people from working or participating in the economy. You all are so mad at the ""billionaires"" but the actions most of the states have taken have only made them richer while making us poorer. ​ But..... OraNgE MaN BaD. See you on Nov 3rd. Straight facts right here. Which shouldn't be a surprise to anyone at this point. Red states are truly the biggest welfare queens. It is what it is, didn’t like that dog anyways! Its not about size but about how shit its doing relative to itself lol, take an economic class 101 at least The senate and house could easily pass a veto proof bill and bypass Trump but the senate republicans are terrified of him and would never do it. People over party right now. I’m a lifelong democrat, and if Trump was a democrat running against a slightly sane republican, I would absolutely vote R this year- without question. Trump is holding the country hostage for his own gain- it’s just sick. Also, I'd be much more scared about Trumps administration trying to do everything they can to delegitimize votes etc. Trump and Co. know that they can't win a fair election (as fair as the US system could potentially be right now). why is what I am saying risky? I am saying our GOTV efforts are working from what I am seeing by the numbers. Of course we need to vote - then nothing I say would be valid if that were the case. I'm not telling everyone to relax and it will be fine, I'm saying that the margin is so insanely wide past the error mark that I am feeling much more confident than I did 3 weeks ago. It’d probably just be even more red votes. Yeah I don't understand this reasoning either. Having an opinion and acting on it isn't exactly taxing so the reason why some people don't vote bewilders me I think the best way to put it would be to say that I didn't realize how much of an effect it would have on other people. That, and feeling like 'it's only one vote, it doesn't matter'. That started changing for me earlier this year. I do wish I had been more active in the past, but you can't go back. Serious question, how old are you? When you grow up you’re going to look back and be sad that you thought like this I feel like we're getting into conspiracy territory now, but it's certainly possible. I would be incredibly surprised if we got one that soon. Didn't fauci just say late next year possible for a vaccine? it is a federal crime, you probably will go on trial but itll prolly just get thrown out and seen as an honest mistake and change of mind. not like hes trying to send hundreds out. slap on the wrist and told to make sure you know who youre voting for next time Dahoy. If you buy a stock (say at £1) and you keep it for 1 year. It will nearly 100% of the time go down and up, and not only up. Also, don’t take the comparison literally This. I loved the retweet about the “crazy voter fraud in Florida” where the guy registered his dead wife so that he could vote twice. It was supposed to prove the oncoming voter fraud except that: 1) the man was caught – so the system worked 2) the man was voting for Trump. Literally following Trump’s orders to vote twice, which Trump then used as evidence of an incoming fraudulent election. Wait, you mean she literally snuck over the border and she's STILL voting for the guy because he's building a wall? ...wat 0_0 we can just tell you sound stupid bro. stop posting. [deleted] It is figurative mythos, apparently metaphors are hard. I bet he doesn't like the bible much either if he's not a fan of allegory Horrifyingly enough, the Australian Prime Minister jetted off to Hawaii on a personal holiday while Australia actually burned Fuck I want off this ride I'm with you, but I think they were actually trying to gin something up about various 2004/2006 races. It's implicated in the dismissal of various US Attorneys for, in some cases, not prosecuting ""voter fraud cases"" than didn't actually pan out. Some details here: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dismissal\_of\_U.S.\_attorneys\_controversy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dismissal_of_U.S._attorneys_controversy) And Truman didn't go to LBJ's, and [called](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1V0rDiBKRA) to tell him so He will have a permanent Secret Service detail, at least for a few years. A detail that was just put harms way and told not to wear masks to drive the contagious president around the block so he could wave at people that weren't there. He won't get out of their sight, and when New York prosecutors come calling they will happily turn him over to their custody. Lincoln didn't attend Johnson's Because those vocal terrorists are white. Because our prison system is really just a replacement for slavery and has nothing to do with crime. I really hope you are a troll, because you sound as nuts as the people you described. Please get help > So happy half the country is dumber than a fucking rock and I for one am looking forward to being able to kill them with immunity in the future sectarian violence. Unironically this is exactly the type of edgy & democratically destructive garbage I’d expect to read on /r/topmindsofreddit or /r/the_donald. A-men brother, I'm ready to die fighting these cultist fucks. pump the brakes there chief. nothing is going to happen. people freak out like this every single election. nothing is going to change and on nov 6 we will all move on regardless of who is elected. south park even did an episode about it becasue everyone thought the world would end back in the 2008 election. it's fine, we'll be fine, nothing is going to happen either way. .... prosecuting the law has never been a bad precedent to set... I don't know what sort of backwards dumb shit I'm hearing right now, but the fact that more than one of you are suggesting it is a fucking problem. Again, if we let him go, it only means to this great Republic that ""Hey, make big and big lies and just dont get caught"". Please note that Trump still has 41% concrete suppprting polls beginning of his presidency, meaning that they will never back down their support to Trump and meaning that Trump version 2.0 will show up and do this same thing again. This 41% approval rate to Trump has been sustained during Russian special investigation, Impeachment, and this Covid19 fiasco and this will put Democrats very vulnerable, let alone Republicans party has been already hijacked by this 41% approval rate with extremist such as Trump. You are talking about healing when there still is 41% ""no-matter-what-Trump-do-he-is-right"" meaning that effectively this great Republic will never heal until this 41% concrete polls are shattered. It simply wont happen. Perhaps, they should have sent Nixon to jail time and this is another historical repeat. I would say if you make one mistake, it's one unfortunate event, but if you repeat the same mistake again, it means you just dont deserve it. With due respect, there are many grounds to charge him, including impeachment offense (that was politically denied in Senate) such as abuse of powers (talking to President of Ukraine for initiating investigation over Biden's son), obstructions of Congress investigation (he obstructed witness to testify in front of Congress), and bribery as pro-bono in diplomacy with Ukraine. This is only tip of ice berg. (Maybe we can add his special pardon to his former advisor Roger Stone as part of investigation) In democracy, they don't end biological life of their opponent (at least by their own hands), but they can terminate opponent's social and political life if that makes sense. If he and his political allies are not jailed and punished, what else children will learn from it? make a big lie, and don't get caught! If we give this kind of lesson, meaning that we dont learn it from History, it will only be repeated. [deleted] Sure, but there's no sense getting sad about might have been. There's nothing we can do about that right now. We need to get excited about the possibility of not having to wake up everyday and doom scroll reddit to keep on top of whatever fresh mind numbing disaster trumps caused. Who are the good guys? Nobody is looking out for us Downvote me if you wish but you’re missing MY point. America wasn’t fantastic before Trump. Status quo wasn’t working for the average American. I’m happy that you seem to have a good life but there are SO many Americans who don’t. That’s my point. Trump didn’t fuck them, America did. Trump just piled on. Absolutely I'm not pro war by any means, just pointing out that we have lost less Americans to our last two than Covid this year. No, I literally agree with trump’s policies more than I agree with Biden’s. I don’t like either of them, and I don’t respect either of them. isidewith.com Agreed! Times like this right now is just showing me the average American isn’t being adequately helped, while CEOs in some of the biggest companies of this country are getting richer every passing day. As a democratic nation that should be grounded upon helping its people, this is beyond upsetting. Remember a week ago when you guys were freaking out about the stock market and saying Trump was trying to ruin everyone? But then within 7 days everything turned around and even CNN is criticizing Pelosi for withholding funds just like I said? Did you learn that making brash emotional decisions is pretty much never the right thing to do? The last stimulus bill took so long to get passed because there were things in the bill that had absolutely nothing to do with the coronavirus or relief like funding for PBS and other social programs. It’s naive to think that BOTH sides aren’t trying to take advantage of the situation to slip in things they’ve wanted for a long time. That’s where the problem lies. This is accurate. So if you start twice as high as it should be then drop it a third...you’re still too high. Listen, I’m a business owner and want SBA and PPP loans as much as anyone else but try to stop being so hostile and one sided in your approach to rationalizing this. Our leaders on both sides are being absurd at the expense of the American people. This isn’t a football game you can see faults in both sides. [deleted] Yeah I agree it’s not right at all to just call it off, immature move. But it’s always a circle jerk bashing Trump on Reddit and people need to remember there is more to it than that He didn’t have to call it off, they were still negotiating. >It's not about giving democratic state an extra trillion, they want small municipal governments funded, regardless of party, to make sure there isn't a bunch of towns and cities declaring bankruptcy. > >There will likely be more money going to places that are currently guided by democrats, but that is because there are a lot more people living there, so those budgets are correctly larger. > >Without funding for local government many believe the country is in serious trouble. I desperately want to not think about the president for weeks at a time again, and that will never happen with Trump. [deleted] That’s something progressive Democrats largely support. It gets all of us more representation. I’m even fine with fascists getting a representative here and there if it means conservative parties don’t have to kowtow to them anymore. RCV is on the this year's ballot for my city. It's happening. I agree with you but chastising them now does no good. Appreciate their vote right now, criticize all you want after the election. All we need right now is people willing to vote Trump out. Just a word of advice from someone who’s family is heavily conservative and/or undecided. Criticizing people for taking time to make up their mind about political candidates is unhelpful and if anything harmful to your own political interests. It just pushes people away and makes them feel judged. Ive never swayed my friends and family one way or the other by being condescending to them. You can eat a dick. I don't have to do anything for you. Editing my comment so I don't get banned. Probably could've gone without the name calling in retrospect umm I wasn't the one who started talking about Joe Biden's phallus You shaming open marriages, is desperate and sad. idk that sounds pretty rigged.. lol The gop also only ran trump on the ballot in many states If they dropped out in exchange for a high level advisory/cabinet position in the Biden’s government, that’s not the DNC being unfair, that’s building a smart coalition. He did pretty well during the various House investigations. It’s the primaries then, I wonder the about age demographics of voters in the primaries versus the general election. Even if a ""normal"" person becomes president, one book deal later they are multi-millionaires. Money in their bank shouldn't be what decides how well they look out for the little guy, the bills they pass and vote on should It's like Fox News took human form. I'm pretty leftist nowadays but I used to be a bush supporter. I think Trump will be the death of the GOP like the GOP was the death of the Whigs. Something new will have to come along to appeal to the conservative population. >Almost everybody who didn’t fall in line with Trump’s bullshit got replaced by somebody who would. Sounds like something that Xi Jinping would do..... It's been said before but the moment they announced plans top rip kids away from families and stick them in cages is the moment the GOP went from people i disliked to actually evil. It's hasn't been about politics since then. classical liberals are the biggest loons If someone genuinely supports leftist/liberal ideas and policies and also virtue signals and does performative activism, then you have, by definition, leftist/liberal performative wokeness. \>In the interest of differentiating it from liberalism, would you agree that when folks refer to the latter, they’re taking about a more socially-oriented ideology? I think thats fair, but in the united states liberalism has been associated with the democratic party and ""third way"" neoliberal economic ideology which leftists are against (again to varying degrees, some people want a Danish style welfare state others want full overthrow of the state). So i think when leftists call out ""liberals"" its a criticism of the aforementioned neoliberal economic ideology, but also a criticism of what some leftists (usually loud ones on twitter) perceive as a superficial focus on identity politics without any real effort to materially improve peoples lives through welfare/labor rights etc. At least in the united states, i don't think there is a socially conservative economically leftist movement so most leftists are on board with liberal social policies. \> honestly don’t mean to sound confrontational, but are you saying that you’re into taxing the rich (leftism, in this discussion), but not spending that money to help the disenfranchised (liberalism)? I do not believe liberals in the united states have done either of those things since FDR probably, and even in those times it was heavily targeted towards poor white people. [deleted] I'm glad that you're voting. And I understand that it's frustrating to be the underdog party in your state. But look at Texas right now, it's actually in play for Biden. If even Texas doesn't go blue in 2020, just the threat that it could should give everyone like you hope. [https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/texas/](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/texas/) German Beaurocracy? Only by those who need it or can profit. What’s good for everyone is also good for you, presuming you enjoy living in a safe, stable country. Nazi America is happening right in front of us all. I think the problem here is the idea of his that winning the election is the only thing standing in the way of getting what he wants. Instead of negotiating, he's threatening. Not a good look from a leader. He could have come out and made his case, but he just walked. This isn't real estate, that doesn't work. Okay let’s say your house is on fire. It’s burning down along with evreything you own and hold dear. The D’s want to send 4 fire trucks to ensure your house gets put out. The R’s want to send 1 fire truck becuase they say that if they send 4 then there won’t be enough fire trucks to put out fires 10 years from now (pay back the stimulus funds). The Ds say okay fine 2 fire trucks and they discuss. Then the sheriff comes in and says no fire trucks til I I win my reelection. But when I do win I’ll give you all the fire trucks you want! Well, too late for you cuz your house has burnt down. LMAO. How delusional do you have to be to think that glue sniffer is a genius? At this point, it's reflecting badly on your own intelligence dude. So you guys are just grasping for straws now huh Brother, it's really time to pull your head out of the sand and just call a spade a spade. The guy is just astoundingly unintelligent and narcissistic. People like you will defend any action/thing he says to no end and for what reason?? It's quite embarrassing really. delusional, got it It would be nice if the U.S didn't account for 25% of the world's deaths, despite less than 5% of the world's population. Why do you think a death 500% higher than our population upsets people? Is it the evil media making people unfairly value American lives more than they should? No clue. It’s just the data. If you look, Democrats tend inherit failing economies, they build them back up, then Republicans come in, push the market to record highs, and then they'll bring it all down before leaving office, and thus the cycle repeats itself In 2028 a young Republican is going to come in and win based off of being a smarter Trump who isn't as malicious and will push the markets to insane highs, which will come crashing down when the first major climate change event happens, signaling the end of this relatively peaceful era Investors in general like stability The first one. Republicans don't understand economics, or the ones that do, lie about it. Eg. Trickle Down economics. Because the two options you offer are both wrong: stability is important, and Republicans offer the opposite. When Democrats get elected stability and sanity reins (in the last 80-100 years). The democrats don't result in a better market or come from a better market, they simply offer stability, and that results in the better market. Down votes because your question is misinformed. Lmao I’m a dumdum [deleted] > No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once. 2 + 4 + 4 = 10. With a conservative Supreme Court? I mean, aside from that being 100% out of the question and would obviously never happen, you do understand how our elections work, how a calender year works and can do basic arithmetic, yes? Leap years are only +1 day in a year every 4 years. Even if Joe Biden quit in the first few days, she would still only be able to serve a maximum of like 11 years, 360ish days. And we're talking about him literally being inaugurated and then quitting immediately lol. Such a stupid scenario that would never happen. What big sell off?? It’s only big because the rise was astronomical, it has barely dipped since March. Crash is coming pretty obvious, if he loses we will get the true correction when corporate profits take a huge hit Yes, that's why they need to change the banking rules. Why is it important to Republicans to prevent this so people have to use cash and spread germs? What makes the suggestion that we avoid this ""outrageous"" to you? I'm just not getting why you are so pissed off here. [removed] Whew, really great stuff right there. Ohhhh, you seem really smart I don't like Trump one bit, but don't try and pretend your screed was ""legitimate criticism"". There might have been some mixed in there but aside from that it reads like the rantings of a crazy relative about Obama. >Because if you actually believe someone can do no wrong then it would be more appropriate to label that as derangement. The fact that you even posit that might be my position say a lot about you honestly. Have you ever considered that not all criticism of your position comes from cartoon enemies? Thanks for sharing that article about the zombie companies! Oh, I wasn't knocking you just impressed. [deleted] /u/fuuuuck_it_all said: > It’s literally irrelevant. Presenting your ID when you vote should be the norm you fucking idiot. Who the fuck does this negatively impact? Everyone has a fucking ID [11% of Americans do not have ID](https://www.aclu.org/other/oppose-voter-id-legislation-fact-sheet ) so your statement is fundamentally incorrect. And your instant jump to being a condescending prick (especially when you’re **wrong**) is ridiculous. [removed] [removed] Doesn't make my statement less accurate. Fair. I read your comment as implying that Wall Street likes Trump better than Obama (which is clearly false) but on second look I realize I was reading into it too much. Apologies. They took care of people in a pandemic? The monsters. Oh fuck off with this bullshit. They didn't shut down business for 6 months. It was 2 months at best, and very little was actually shut down. Second of all, why hasn't the economy recovered yet dingbat, despite the fact that shelter in place ended in May? Oh that's right, there's a global fucking pandemic ravaging the economy of every country on earth! Oh, except for the ones with competent leaders who took it seriously from the beginning, and a population of people who aren't complete morons calling masks tyranny. The idea that the shut downs are exclusively the problem, not the pandemic, is the lamest talking point ever. Why aren't people going to the movies, out to eat, flying on vacation all over? Why isn't everyone commuting to work in their offices? Nothing is stopping them anymore. Sure, it's a few governors who are the problem. Get real. Republican ""leadership"" Shit tons of deregulation. Both sides are to blame but republicans still pushing supply side just make it worse. Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[The Bible](https://snewd.com/ebooks/the-king-james-bible/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/) The vaccine may come before the end of the year, as Pence stated in the VP debate. Expected arrivals are pushed back al the time. Birtherism was not an issue started by Trump, and has not been referenced by him in quite some time. The Durham report's lateness is an issue with the Attorney General. The wall is being built. Mexico negotiated a less favorable trade agreement than NAFTA was so, yes, in a sense they are paying. The coupon is a good idea, just because it happens before an election does not mean it's a stunt. Announcing the return of troops is not a political stunt. He is the President. Is he supposed to remain silent on all topics just because it's prior to an election? Having his name on checks, yes, is political, but when that stimulus came from executive order the people deserve to know who sent them that money. Locking her up should happen. Hillary Clinton deserves to be in jail. The stimulus ended because the Democrats poisoned the bill with things like a nationwide ban on voter registration and bailouts for cities to repair themselves after the violence that Democrats caused themselves. Trump has said on numerous occasions that he would sign a stand alone stimulus bill, but the house refuses to present him with one. > While the majority of Americans suffer and can't pay their rent/mortgages. Fuck assholes like you with your entitled attitudes. The majority of Americans are doing fine. They either never lost their jobs or they did but started receiving unemployment plus $600 weekly enhanced unemployment. People were making more not working. The people that lost their jobs got an extra $600 per week on top of state unemployment. Save your crying for someone who will buy it. We are crashing our economy and you don't even fucking understand that. Trillions and trillions of additional spending that wasn't planned for. This is fucking insane. But you go right ahead a be a typical liberal loser who just wants free money. Get a fucking job. No, a troll because you clearly don’t support capitalism and corporate earnings to make money and how the markets might be impacted. Trump can send 1,200 on his own and doesn’t need the democrat float for support that is against the republican agenda but is on dem agenda. The democrats will pass a 3T bill and tax any of your capital gains on Wall Street for it instead of being realistic to what is actually needed in stimulus If you were actually making more then that, it should be income based not flat rate unemployment. [removed] Well it's basically a random number generator which means it's automatically better than 95% of technical trading strategies. When my wife signed up I gor Sirius and she got Facebook. Mines HAL, no idea what it is I literally sold mine a week later. I love you. Just kidding 💔 Goya. White hot from the white house. Buy. Woah there Richy Rich. [Get on my level](https://i.imgur.com/aDXx7na.jpg) Lol Art is great in that game, the gameplay itself nope In Switzerland you only have to pay if you are a professional trader. Right that's why it's called the capital GAINZ tax, baby The stock market does seem to ignore Trump unless it deals directly with money and the future of more piles of money. > It wouldn't change my strategy Ah the old ""house is on fire, this is fine"" mindset. Can I have the stuff that doesn't burn or do you want it buried with you, as is customary for those of your persuasion? Nope, it's entirely automated because humans aren't fast enough. There are essentially trading robots who have programs to dump stocks if certain criteria are met. But that panic can become infectious so all the other trading bots can create a cascade effect, causing a massive stock market crash in a matter of minutes. In 2012 a company lost $440M dollars in 45 minutes because of a software glitch. They're not saving the economy, they're saving stock prices. There's a very large and important distinction that has been purposefully obfuscated courtesy the totally above board propagandists at the likes of Fox News. It happened a couple of times in Mid March where trading was halted It actually happened during the march nosedive 4 times at 7% but it never hit the 15% marker [The S&P 500 triggered level 1 market wide circuit breakers during the opening hour on March 9, 12 and 16 based on drops of 7% from the previous close, and tripped later in the day on the 18th. Trading also halts on both the Dow and the Nasdaq when a circuit-breaker is triggered on the S&P 500.](https://graphics.reuters.com/USA-MARKETS/0100B5L144C/index.html) stock prices are unrelated to the economy or short term economic outlook People say stock market as if it's a measure of the economy. They are not the same. Stock market Hella high and people out of jobs also high. People not hiring, businesses closing, stagnant wages, but how bout that stock market! A good economy is all about the flow of money. If the jobs aren't there and the money isn't moving your economy isn't great. It halted, but I don't ever remember trading stopping for the day this year. Correct me if I'm wrong. *Kane's music starts* BAH GAWD KING THAT'S GOTTA BE KANE They paused after plane 1, resumed and canceled for the day after plane 2. Literally one of the reasons he was sworn in so quick. Found the spook Not in the long term. And I’d rather have stability than know instability; which will come upon his death/voted out. I’m dying of laughter u/dissyv Never claimed to be a stable genius, literally anywhere..? But thats okay the other sheep will die of laughter from this response from you. Looks like ive hit a nerve with the sheep comment. Blue good, I saw him do masks. Lol I'm not going to take you up on *that* bet. I'm not someone who enjoys bankrupting reckless idiots. And I'm not the guy you challenged to the bet anyway. What are you talking about? And the market probably doesn't care that much about corporate taxes, there are so many ways to avoid them. Through gerrymandering and other methods it can be made that way tho. I.e. There's a governer trying to limit drop in ballots to one per county , even with county populations 100 000 - 1 000 000, not to mention the attacks on the postal service and blatant corruption taking place there. Plus believe it or not, some people are to poor to afford the time needed to spend half a day or so to get to the voting center and wait to vote. Like shit I remember times where if my parents missed a day/shift of work that meant less food in the house come next pay day. So that also comes into play possibly making it more ""difficult"" for some to vote. [deleted] Remindme! 29 days [deleted] How’s that rubbing, brother? Looks like your cringe president lost the election. So, you lost the election, you cringy, whiney little baby. I'm back to rub your face in it. Yea. You must be 10 years old lol Yeah. Imagine thinking that the stock market inherited from Obama is thanks to Trump, but our massive covid failure is thanks to other people (China, the Democrat cities as he said today, or Fauci or whoever), the protests and riots and tear-gassing of a church are 'Biden's America,' and that Trump is literally responsible for nothing except good news. That's totally a view based in reality right there. The stock market has looked like a meth addicts ECG readout for the last 4 years...all for a grand total % increase identical to Obama's. Oh and that identical % increase cost $2T in corporate handouts so they could buy back their own shares and inflate the indexes. Enough already. Let's get a functioning adult like Biden back into the WH and save whatever tattered shreds of America's international reputation are left to save. I don't really want to be castaways on Retard Island with Putin, Bolnosaro, Kim Jong, and the Crown Prince. Edit: lol I looked it up, not even CLOSE to Obama's market growth. 8 years of Obama, Dow Jones +254%. 4 years of Trump, Dow Jones +27%. And Obama wasn't even running on some dumbshit platform where somehow because he plays a cartoon businessman on TV, he'll be the best ever for American business. [removed] [removed] Lol 😂 ok Maybe in your free time you can look up what that song means No might be about it. That’s just full fledged stupid right there! I am a mechanical engineer that designs medical devices. What i design will be used inside your body if you ever get a heart attack and will save your life if it works. How much does that scare you? LOL! The alternative is he's treating you like a contractor who has done work for them. Dangling payment for past work for more work. Try to leverage you into accepting pennies on the dollar or just free work after his subsidiary declares bankruptcy. That's what his tweet says though. He mentions when he wins that he will immediately pass a large stimulus check. I'm still unsure whether he truly plans to do that or is just saying it. Leaning more towards something he may want to do but can't accomplish any more than he can now. The fact he's willing to take people's money hostage like that is actively a reason to not vote for him though I think it's more ""I know I'm losing so I'm gonna try and take you all down with me"" Yeah, I would bet his actual thought process was: “Low poll numbers? *I’ll show them!*” He's probably just being an asshole who is holding us hostage out of spite. Which is why we got a late night reversal tweet He's been banging on about getting the results day-of because in-person voting is expected to skew red (since his supporters live in less populated areas with less difficulty voting (for example Texas has one ballot drop per county, whether that county is 150 or 4.7 million), less concern about voting in person ('rona be a hoax to them), or just traditionally have more voting flexibility (being retired, etc.)). Its expected that an uptick win mail-in votes will skew blue, even in traditionally red areas since Republican tactic has leaned more towards invalidating and suppressing votes they don't like over, say, getting more votes. Even the President Quiet-Part-Loud said if everyone votes, no Republicans will ever win again. Now states have no obligation to follow any particular metric for selecting their Electoral College electors (the people who physically vote for President). They have the right to just throw out voting results in a state and just pick their own if they want. They just never do because making a show of disregarding the popular vote would be political suicide for the ruling party in the state. But if people were demanding a result fast.... maybe because they thought they were gonna get a fat check.... So lets say the Statesota is 60% Democrat and 40% Republican. Her legislature is mostly Republican. She has 5 electoral college votes and an all-or-nothing style where whoever wins local popular voting gets all 5 electors. This year half the Democrats vote by mail (so 30% of the population). All the Republicans vote in person. Election night rolls in and the in-person votes come up 30% Dem/40% Rep/30% Uncounted. Normally: votes are counted, result is 60% dem/ 40% rep. Statesota goes blue and sends 5 electoral votes for Biden. Trump Aim: votes are being counted, but republicans are demanding and raising hell because they think all this delay counting up votes is delaying their new stimulus check. Up top the White House is leaning on Statesota to hurry up and just pick electors because the president is out there bullying them on twitter. The Statesota legislature decides this is unprecedented times and the votes aren't going how they want anyway, so the throw out all the votes and just declare the state red, send 5 electoral votes for Trump. Thus a state that is, by 20% blue, flips red. Polls usually aren't wrong for elections though. Even Hillary still won the popular vote. Some conservatives will call that cheating. They'll say ""Of course Democrats keep succeeding, they're always handed disasters to fix"" without once actually thinking about the words they just said. Well, we're all on the same team, it's supposed to be good for America to succeed, it's too bad the republicans only want republicans to succeed. Exactly lol. The bar is so damn low now. There will be absolutely no change among any current republicans, so there's literally nothing to gain by doing a good job for Biden. Totally, those 8 years of obama were the exact same as trump, good what about, you've convinced me. > Actual left-leaning individuals are well aware that Biden does not support our politics. Nah, as an actual left-leaning individual I'm not falling for that fear-mongering from the alt-left. I agree with you. I'm voting for him for sure, but not going to pretend his policies aren't center at best. ""Us"" is really ominous. Every presidential election we hear this fear about the Dem nominee being a ""socialist"" LOL. Same playbook they've been using for decades. And they're all losers! Not a single one ""crushed it,"" much less Obama. Solely on the principle that everyone who caused the crash got away with it yes Society is always 3 square meals away from no longer being society. Also the same people who say welfare bad. And? The fact that it’s not popular with unions somehow changes what I wrote? Half the arguments in this are that jobs will be going to Vietnam instead of China - guess which country is bigger and has greater capacity for American jobs? By your logic then, a bunch of peoples lives have gotten a lot better (especially blue collar workers) since the stock markets been at an all time high? Thats what Trumps been saying right? Stock market means “good economy”! Yeah! I mean... Biden still looks really strong to win the election, not that he was my first choice either. [deleted] I doubt our forefathers thought there's be absolutely no integrity left in our politicans lol. Damn, I'm sad now That's not how it works. What good does cash do me when my kids daycare has shut down and I am homeless? My understanding is that there are lists of targets, continuously updated based on military intelligence, that amount to ""hit these to cripple Russia, hit these to cripple Canada,"" etc. Upon activation, the President and his advisors would designate the target country and then any specific adjustments to the list for that country. Priority goes to targets immediately critical to continued attack and/or counterattack, of course: attacking their ability to make more weapons can be done after launch and storage sites are destroyed. We feast on what remains. Frankly, the powers that be/status quo have yet to prove to me that I'm better off following the system than preying on its demise. I'll probably lose either way. >Does it also have something to red states not having state tax thereby requiring less federal assistance? No >https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/articles/2020-03-26/red-states-get-better-return-on-taxpayer-dollars-study-says This isn't about federal tax dollars or even tax money at all, other than if people believe the taxes they paid led to a better quality of life: >**States were ranked according to the quality of the government services they provide, based on outcomes related to education, health, safety, economics, and infrastructure and pollution. ** It isn't about if they receive or pay more taxes >https://thehill.com/opinion/finance/502321-no-blue-states-do-not-bailout-red-states This is an opinion piece by a Republican >https://www.thecentersquare.com/new_york/comparing-red-blue-state-federal-bailout-money-is-a-false-comparison-economists-analysts-argue/article_2cf5be9e-909f-11ea-8ba8-6be4f7f0a376.html Your last article only talks about how if Dems want more money because they pay more money, then switch the way taxes work by making it so the state receives the majority of the money >Blue state politicians who feel they are being short-changed “should be pressing for a less progressive federal income tax and for devolution of government activities back to the states,” Edwards suggests. Instead, they demand more federal money. Your last article essentially says yeah its shitty Republicans pay less, instead of getting federal money, keep the taxes in house and in state Admit.... ? Ok, let's handle this part fitst... This is politics man. If you haven't admitted to yourself that BOTH parties do EVERYTHING for political power and their respective party's best interest (ESPECIALLY A MONTH UNTIL AN ELECTION) the only person lying here is you, to yourself. I didn't make it this way, it's always been this way and if you can't see that, it's not my problem. I'm just telling you what's happening. That being said... There are two things here. An actual deal and the optics of appearing that you negotiated in good faith for a deal. The Republicans shit both beds. What I'm saying is there were ways to handle this package many months ago and the GOP didn't want to. The House actually passed 2 bills the Senate never looked at. The Senate never passed a bill or attempted to. They never even discussed one or submitted a single draft to any committee. The GOP owns the Senate and WH, they could have easily put the pressure on the Dems and made it look as if they were the ones holding it up if they actually we're trying to pass something. The Senate never had any intentions to discuss any further bills. They were totally out. The President was looking for a big pre-election win so he sent Steve Mnuchin to the House to try to iron something out with the Democrats. Trump knew that if he were able to do that he could get the GOP controlled Senate to swallow his load. The House has ZERO, I mean goddamn fucking ZEEERRROOO interest in handing the president this win unless they were getting the moon, stars and the kitchen sink in return. Mnuchin was trying to sell them a car at a high price and interest rate that the Dems will be repo'ing in 27 days for free. It would be absolutely dumb for the Dems to agree to any Republican terms at this point. They can put together a package they believe truly helps Americans instead of corporations and the wealthy, and have it signed by President Biden by the end of January without ANY Republican input. There's no need to sacrifice anything and hand Trump a win. These aren't the most virtuous and honest people. You would think more of them would be backpedaling and distancing themselves before the election so they could later be on record as saying they denounced Trump while he was in office. The current group of GOP congressman is about to be wiped the hell out of office for the next few elections because of this. It's not gonna be pretty for either side. People that even remotely enjoy the relatively peaceful world we live in should think twice before advocating for a war on our own soil, let alone with our own people. Our country will never recover. China will likely take our place as the foremost global superpower. Don't overestimate them either, they are a disorganized group of hate that find reasons to hate each other as often as they find ways to hate others. Not concerned in the least Well, I found out later on that someone destroyed it. I hope the owners had cameras on it. Right and all that’s gonna do is go and drag out the election so Pelosi becomes president. Edit: And you really trust the USPS to not only do the ballots in the proper time but now also send them **back** out and **back** in the proper time for the second time? It was over a million ballots were delivered late in NY. That was just for the primary. Ok whatever. I have some time. https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/20/politics/paterson-new-jersey-city-council-voter-fraud/index.html https://abc6onyourside.com/news/local/testing-the-mail-aug-14-2020-update https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/rejected-mail-ballots/2020/08/23/397fbe92-db3d-11ea-809e-b8be57ba616e_story.html https://www.npr.org/2020/07/13/889751095/signed-sealed-undelivered-thousands-of-mail-in-ballots-rejected-for-tardiness https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/01/us/politics/postal-service-late-ballots.html https://www.tampabay.com/florida-politics/buzz/2020/09/08/in-swing-states-like-florida-mail-ballot-rejection-rates-could-triple/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/08/06/mail-in-voting-could-accidentally-disenfranchise-millions-voters/ http://www.louisianaweekly.com/minorities-face-disenfranchisement-if-in-person-voting-isnt-preserved/ There ya go. Enjoy. Added some that already happened and some warnings in there. These are just the instances that I know of. I could find more if I cared to. I don’t acknowledge your point because I’m not going to add validity when you’re being so rude. This is hilarious. He’s like a broken record. The ones that are this consistent and persistent with the arguing are usually employed by troll farms. Don’t feed into it. When I'm really sad i do like him and ignore everything for a day... Man life's good when nothing else exists Yeah. Some people claim that but not me. So why bring it up? I’m claiming mail in ballots increase the margin of error. >I think hes taking Coronavirus completely seriously No one could possibly be this fucking stupid. Dogs are welfare queens. Who needs 'em. Imagine ignoring the amount of tax revenue Cali produces in order to boost some shit heel talking point and telling someone to take en eco 101 class lmao Do you think most red states are doing well 'relative to themselves' if they need Cali's tax money even outside of an economy shuttering pandemic? I'm not suggesting that my attitude toward voting in the past is a good attitude to have. I do believe I should have been more active in the past. All you can do is move forward, and hope that what you're saying has an effect on someone else who is younger and may be in the same situation. The world could only hope. Instead they continue through life being vile, spiteful, anti truth, anti science. Apparently there was some truth about how ignorance breeds ignorance- literally. And they outbreed intellectuals in leaps (damn near litters). Welcome to Idiocracy, buckle in. Just like all the Trump Russia conspiracy theories, this one is also right there in the public domain from both sides, but the media will only report it after it happens ""If you buy a stock (say at £1) and you keep it for 1 year. It will nearly 100% of the time go down and up, and not only up"" That was actually my point lol, also that's another reason why your iPhone analogy doesn't work btw. ​ ""Also, don’t take the comparison literally"" I was joking but at the same time it wasn't a literal interpretation. I was pointing out that some commodities have immediate utility whereas stocks have no practical value for most retail investors, beyond the ability to sell them at some point. Yup. Its disgusting. Pretty much ""I got mine, fuck everyone else"". She's the worst. Experts and not donors ....really? Joe has been in bed with donors for 50 years, he is a true politician, knows all the scams. Women’s productive rights...is a personal opinion, tax payer funded abortions etc.........many don’t agree Corporate tax rate ....lower a corporate tax rate, the more it attracts corporations to a country. Look at Ireland, lowest rate in Europe....google, yahoo etc set up huge hq there. read and learn my friend. Healthcare, I’ll give u that.....orange man needs a more defined plan, but seems to have changed on pre existing...which is good. No, no, it was supposed to be very literal in the case of Nero, as Nero was hated for doing things like putting on performances in public, as that was considered far beneath his station. It was not a metaphor, nor figurative. Me too. Wtf did we do to get to this plane of existence!? Were the circles of hell from Dante here on earth? I’m starting to believe so Yeah... I'm in complete agreement with you. I don't know what to tell you if you legitimately can't see the difference between the situation we're in now and the 2008 election. Just because something was true once doesn't mean it always will be. [deleted] The above commenter is a clown, but this is absolutely not the same election & situation as before. Trump has repeatedly undermined the integrity & public trust of our elections, the effectiveness of our elections, & the institutions in place to call out election fraud & tampering. Trump has continually subverted important democratic norms, & his behavior is truly unprecedented. Wake up, & please don’t take democracy for granted. You have no scope of reference. I'm guessing you're young. Nixon deserved prosecution even more and we didn't do it because he would have dragged us all down to his level. I hate Trump, but I don't support throwing him in jail. Try to remember that the extremes of both sides of the political spectrum are being manipulated, including the left, and possibly yourself. The framers of our Constitution put a process in place to deal with despots (read the Federalist Papers). That process is impeachment in the house and conviction in the Senate. We tried that - how did that go? How would you have liked it if the Justice Department indicted Hillary for her alleged email server violations of the law. Or argued that she committed a crime in Benghazi and hyped up some charges? Reagan approved illegal payments in the Iran Contra Affair. Bill Clinton likely committed perjury. George W Bush arguably committed genocide like crimes with our post -911 response (torturing people). My point is that you can always manufacture a criminal indictment for things you don’t like about a former president. But again- that’s not what civilized democracies do. It’s what totalitarian countries do after coups. It’s a true banana republic mentality. And it is mind boggling to me that giving Biden a shot to heal this country - this country that is so divided right now - is not way more important then the vengeance you want. And that you can’t see that wasting one more breath on this piece of shit President is one too many. If he loses and goes away. No they didn't. George Bush was president from January 20th 2001-January 20th 2009. It's literally on every graph! They did not account the entire year of 2009 for George Bush. Just the 20 days of 2009 he's administration was apart of. That is literally the only thing they counted as! You can't read. The idea was that trump in 2016(pulling the plug) would either kill the coma(facism/civil war) or wake them up(unite the left). I am hopeful that we're going towards unite the left. My fear is that we learn nothing from this. The ones who didn’t sell the country out and abandon democracy I'm not missing your point. I'm saying the obvious. Status quo didn't work for many people but now many people have it even worse. Would you prefer people have it not great, or worse? Trump literally talks out of both sides of his mouth. He’s for whatever gets him the best return. He has no conviction and is a liar who always changes his stance. It’s impossible to side with someone who is on both sides It's truly astonishing how bad trickle-down economics really is. If relief was put in the right places, and if we focused our response and research on COVID better, things would be a lot different, and I'd reckon that Trump would actually have more support right now. I think lots of people just realized how foolish he really is, and the lengths he's willing to go to. This was the last straw for many Republicans I've spoken to. America turned to shit once the rights of the individual became superseded by the rights of corporations. It's not a government of the people, it's a government of he who can afford the bid. Policy gets swayed by lobbying, and the people that representatives are elected to, well, fucking represent, are disregarded. Corporate personhood combined with lobbying has propelled the power and leverage of these corporations to galaxies beyond 99.999% of the population. The average person doesn't stand a chance. That's why we need to vote, and if voting doesn't work, protest is also a part of the civic process, and we have the right to exercise it. Following that is civil unrest and eventually revolution, paths which we obviously have not taken in a long time—let's hope it stays that way. There's a clear path to better times ahead of us already, we just can't fall off now. I'm feeling optimistic, hopefully not wrongly so. Yup, boy howdy, its both sides fault that Trump threw a temper tantrum and called off negotiations. Both parties are somewhat to blame.. but Mitch the bitch won’t even negotiate for a new bill.. Pelosi came down 1 trillion to 2.4T to try and meet in the middle and Mitch is still deadlocked on a 1.5T bill. Because now they are worried about the debt after tax breaks for cooperations. Who gives a shit about the people that fund 70 percent of the economy. We are in for a world of hurt if we aren’t getting one til next year. I’m disappointed that they are making this political. Powell and the FED have been very clear that without stimulus our economies recovery will be a long and more drawn out recovery than what it would be if we got generous stimulus. Have you thought about why that is though? There are so many house bills that have died at Mitch McConnell’s desk without being put to vote in the senate that this might have been the only way to consider *anything*. The senate is literally not voting on house bills that have been passed. >It’s naive to think that BOTH sides aren’t trying to take advantage of the situation to slip in things they’ve wanted for a long time. It's naive to think that this is how compromise has to work. It's not always 'everything that everyone agrees upon.' Sometimes compromise includes hard pills to swallow. [deleted] >The last stimulus bill took so long to get passed because there were things in the bill that had absolutely nothing to do with the coronavirus or relief That's called politics and it's how our government has always operated. No one should expect any different. lol you're an uninformed idiot. The senate hasn't even passed their own proposal, the house has passed a bill that met in the middle. Pelosi and Mnuchin have been in daily contact. As always, one side negotiates in good faith and the other side is deliberately obstructive. And the GOP walking all over the Dems the last few years has led to one of the largest explosions in the stock market that we’ve seen. You clearly very biased. Like I said...just trying to steer away from the echo chamber of Reddit that bashes the GOP for every single little thing. Like you said...it takes two sides to compromise...if you can’t produce a bill that both sides can agree upon...you too are not compromising... Did you ever think you could be the one in the echo chamber. If everywhere you go people are bashing trump, maybe it is because the majority do not believe he is a good leader. Had he pushed infrastructure, I would have liked him more, but he didn't do anything, as far as I am concerned. Many people believe this. Look around, he is going down For months they’ve been negotiating. Pelosi won’t budge on mail in voting, and the proposal to remove signature verification on mail in voting. She also won’t budge on it being a multi trillion dollar package. There’s been no headway in the negotiations and there won’t be any. It’s a waste of time. Both sides want to use it to push things. Lol same. I think a lot of us miss boring. The days when we weren’t embarrassed on an international stage multiples times each month. Same. I keep telling people that I miss the before times when I would go days, even weeks, where I wouldn’t even think about who is President. This made me laugh. The idea of a president just using excel to make policy decisions is still an improvement. There are plenty of folks in this thread giving out lollipops. I'm trying to figure out how to reach these guys sooner next time around. Yeah cool but I'm done tiptoeing around this shit. Trump is not just any politician. I think shame and brutal honesty have a necessary role to play in all this. I'm starting to understand what took you so long. >I fucking love it when Trump hounds the media > The Russia stuff was nothing. > There's plenty of reasonable leftists out there who don't believe Trump is a Nazi sympathizer nor admitted to sexual assault I see you. [removed] Yep, check how Hillary took the nomination in 2016, dems played themselves in the shitshow we all saw that year. In 2016? Not true at all. Yea I agree, but it's not like either parties truly give a shit about the little guy when the economy is nearing a recession and both parties can't agree on a much needed 2nd stimulus package for individuals because it's a total game of both parties fighting to see who can come out on top by packaging in other random bullshit into the deals that has nothing to do with Covid. This country desperately needs some kind of ranked choice or runoff voting so we can have more than two parties. It’s ridiculous that we’re essentially forcing traditional fiscal conservatives, libertarians, and Midwest family values folks to all unite under the same umbrella; or for democratic socialists, neo-libs, and Green Party leftists to all be in the same party on the other side. No one gets to vote for who they want, the government ends up being representative of nobody, and all we’re left with is big party infighting, widening partisan gaps, and increasingly disillusioned voters who feel like the system is inherently broken, which pushes them either into political apathy or radical reformation, neither of which are healthy for our country. I genuinely believe that if we can’t split into smaller parties that are more unified and representative of their constituents we will tear ourselves apart. What’s a “whig”? if i put words together in a salad i can sometimes make sense but most of the time i wont I feel you. Clearly, the two party system is flawed. Any ideas about how to fix that? Could be I'm in LA. Genau. [deleted] [deleted] Over the weekend he tweeted that the Senate and House need to work _together_ to get something done. They didn't. Now hes making some noise to get Congress to work out their differences and pass something. And he just tweeted that if he was sent a standalone bill for the 1200 bucks stim he'd sign it immediately. As well as payroll protection for small businesses and another for airlines using unused money from previous CARES act to get around the impasse. That's leadership. For all his faults he is at least trying to do _something_. But D's won't approve that. No, they want their special interests padded bill that they know R's won't agree to. Sorry but that's the reality we're facing and few here will admit it. Instead they recite what the media pipes out that hes just an unreasonable bully. But if you look at the facts that's not the case here. He's been pleading with both sides to come together and pass a stim bill. I'm not a materialist and the example of fire trucks and houses burning down doesn't fit the scenario, so your hypothetical doesn't blend to the actual situation. But playing along, Let's say your house is on fire. You are in fact a materialist so all your material possessions are your value and purpose in life. Having them threatened with destruction is the highest level of terrifying. The R's want to send 1 fire truck because they realize 1 fire truck can effectively put out the fire. The D's agree and want to send 1 fire truck to your house too, but also (for the same call to your house) send another 3 more out to their special interest houses that have nothing to do with anything being on fire. When the extra 3 fire trucks arrive at the special interest houses, they will see nothing is on fire, but will offer each of the households a bag of cash to the owners. The owners of these houses will love the D's for their special interest money and feel motivated to keep voting for them in upcoming elections. The R's say no, we agreed to just 1 fire truck for the person with the house on fire. The D's respond back well either you allow us to send the extra 3 to the special interest houses or we won't send the 1 to the house on fire. The R's respond back no that's not the agreement. deadlock. The Sheriff comes in and says we're tabling firetruck negotiations until after the election as we see the D's aren't willing to back off their unnecessary demands. Now it's in the D's court to say either... ok we're sorry, we will just send 1 firetruck to the house on fire if you let us send 1 firetruck to one special interest. For the extra firetruck we'll let you send 1 firetruck to one of your special interests. The R's agree. The Sheriff approves it. The day is saved. or The D's respond with no, 3 extra firetrucks or no 1 firetruck that's needed. Then the D's point the finger at the R's and claim they're the roadblock (when in reality the D's are). This causes the Sheriff to really wait until after election, and provided he wins again (very plausible) and takes more seats in the firehouses (not as plausible but possible), he will no longer have to deal with the roadblock of the D's blocking the way. Eh not really. You have me confused with other people. I was a Tulsi supporter until she quit and then a Biden supporter until he picked Harris as VP. And then a Trump supporter as the riots broke out. No. Because Trump has 0 authority over the states and how they lock down. I remember back when Trump shutdown travel from China and he was smear as racist by most notably, Biden; Pelosi even tried to block Trump’s action by passing legislation. I remember when Trump’s administration issued guidelines on social distancing and limiting non-necessary shopping. People like Pelosi, Cuomo and DeBlasio came out and said to ignore social distancing. So no. I think we would be much better off if the democrats put aside their petty ways and accepted Trump’s leadership rather than trying to counter everything Trump did. But hey. That’s my opinion though. I look at Trump and yes, he has stuff I can criticize, like him being fast and loose with reopening. However to say the democrats were perfect is beyond far from the truth. In fact in my own opinion, I think Trump nailed the Covid response perfectly, but he’s failing at reopening. Edit: The problem is I remember these things. I remember the democrats mocking Trump and republicans for being scared of Covid. I remember articles like this. (They added the “for now” part so it wouldn’t look as bad looking back). https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/time-for-a-reality-check-america-the-flu-is-a-much-bigger-threat-than-coronavirus-for-now/2020/01/31/46a15166-4444-11ea-b5fc-eefa848cde99_story.html nice fan fiction We are already having major climate change events... did you miss the massive fires and a whole alphabet's worth of hurricanes? Good luck seeing 2025 without Something Bad™ tipping our ship. Doesn't have to be in the US. India and China have been fighty lately, and they share that dwindling river. But wherever, once something big enough goes bad the whole world is gonna have (more) problems. Maybe someone will profit off that but it doesn't look good. How is your answer not the same as ""the democrats cause the market to do better""? Creating conditions under which the market thrives is what that is. Nah, here's the thing: I'm a successful and happily married scientist. You're advocating an incoherent sex offender and racist conspiracy theorist with a serious personality disorder for the Presidency of the United States. There is no question who's right and who's stupidly wrong. It's just weird that you aren't embarrassed about it. [removed] RemindMe! 105 days Interesting theory. Do you have any economical data to back up that a democratic nominee will tank the market? Stability is predictable, and markets like predictability. Then you don’t feel like you’re in a casino. [deleted] [removed] [deleted] Don't worry I get asked that a lot, I'm used to it. How am I delusional? The market dropped sharply after said his comment. Then market went up when he went back on his his comment. Wow you really have a way with words. I’m sure you will convince others to see that what you are saying is right with that silver tongue of yours. Removed, off topic. If you want to continue this debate, post to r/PoliticalDiscussion or DM me, thanks. Not anymore dipshit, and $1k is incredibly high, I know people who were getting around $750. $3k/mo in a higher CoL area doesnt even **cover a months worth of rent** you dumbass jackass. [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] What happened to we are in this together. Objectively covid lockdown hurt the economy. Remember republicans are heatless because they care more about money than lives? [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] Why are you trump snowflakes such fucking idiots. Seriously. I’ve got a salaried job and three independent consulting clients - you’re just a loser with an E Trade account confusing your gambling problem with being a productive member of society. [deleted] [deleted] When I signed up I got Sirius and my wife got a boyfriend. I got GE and Marathon Oil Dave? ??? You actually think we're currently in a ""house on fire"" situation? If you think everything's going to burn show me screenshots of you selling everything you've got. Please. If you're gonna talk, back it up. > meaning I wouldn't do anything I hadn't planned to do prior to any of this short term event. Trying to react to the stock market on the whim of one of the biggest idiots at the helm of our country is foolishness. Or learn to read more than the first sentence of a post. That was the Knight Capital. The story of the cause is quite interesting (possibly only if you're involved in IT) https://dougseven.com/2014/04/17/knightmare-a-devops-cautionary-tale/ Yep, most network traffic is measured in milliseconds. Stock trading platforms are dedicated and operate in microseconds. > Nope, it's entirely automated because humans aren't fast enough. I think they meant ""push of a button"" as in something than can be done artificially. Important takeaway from this is that an ever-growing portion of stock trading is done so by computers, automatically, based almost purely algorithms that read trend data. The trend data ultimately ties through to some form of human-based decision making and likely trading in other areas of the market still done by people. If there is a large enough current event (like the death of the U.S. President), it could result in a domino-effect of sell-offs triggered by the automated trading algorithms. Net result is a massive drop in value on the market in very short time that, if not paused, could result in continued snowball of sell-offs that in turn would trigger more automatic algorithms to take action. That would go on until we see a natural correction or straight up crash. >In 2012 a company lost $440M dollars in 45 minutes because of a software glitch. Wow thanks for the link and all the details you provided! Really appreciate you sharing also the 2010 flash crash on may 6 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0X3UFmhlyuE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0X3UFmhlyuE) That company didn't lose $440m dollars. Those stocks were sold long before. If anyone ""lost"" $440m, it was owners of the stock losing $440m in perceived value. A corporation doesn't make or lose money on the value of its stock. They sell stock in their company to make money, once. (or multiple times on follow up offerings) They are then generally beholden to the stock holders for obvious reasons, but their actual financials are completely independent of any stock valuation. Rather, stock valuations are ""mostly"" dependent on a company's actual financials... Although in modern times it tends to be more dependent on what people ""think"" a company's financials will look like. Obviously it becomes much more complicated when a company uses their profits to buy back and manipulate the value of their stocks, but that's a whole other topic. Tl;didn't care, the stock market is not the economy. Bot attacks. The software is designed for speed. That means that it’s usually fairly simple and so when the right conditions happen they all sell at the same time. Stocks have lost 80 percent of their value in less than a second and bounced back again like 15 seconds later. Jesus, we are fucked > n 2012 a company lost $440M dollars in 45 minutes because of a software glitch The invisible hand of the market is rational and intelligent :) I know earlier this year there was a day with 2 circuit breakers but I forget if it hit 3. Spooky? Nah, you just kind of look retarded 5D chess. 200k bodies in med bay, saw orange fake taking in admin. The day Trump got elected what happened to the market ? I will be messaging you in 29 days on [**2020-11-04 23:23:55 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2020-11-04%2023:23:55%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://np.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/j6b8k8/breaking_dow_falls_240_points_as_trump_calls_off/g7y6ue5/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fstocks%2Fcomments%2Fj6b8k8%2Fbreaking_dow_falls_240_points_as_trump_calls_off%2Fg7y6ue5%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202020-11-04%2023%3A23%3A55%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20j6b8k8) ***** |[^(Info)](https://np.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-| Unfortunately it's pretty unlikely there will be a firm outcome on election day and this dude will likely go to his grave thinking Trump won no matter what happens. You're just wasting your time. Kminder 5 weeks 😘 Premature celebration is the most delicious appetizer This dunking is going to be all the sweeter because you actually think you’re going to win 😌 >Imagine how fucking pissed you’re going to be when the Supreme Court Al Gore in 2000’s you 😘 He’s a son of liberty so probably older Edit: i forgot he is also fortunate They literally have to cherry pick info to make this administration look remotely good. The reality is Trump has done nothing for this country. [deleted] > Let's get a functioning adult like Biden .....save tattered shreds of international rep... r/Hmmm [deleted] [removed] Yeah, I'm a electromech technician who works with engineers. Being an engineer means you have very specific knowledge on one topic, it doesn't mean you have a deeper understanding of politics. Being able to use a Smith chart doesn't give me political intelligence. Typical engineer, zero understanding of how the world actually works source: am engineer, met dozens of arrogant fucks like this guy in my life It's almost like he has experience with this >he will immediately pass a large stimulus check. For those of you scoring at home President Art of the Deal hasn’t been able to get any meaningful legislation agreed upon by his own party so getting a deal done in a House that’s likely to remain in Democratic control sounds pretty far fetched. This is all assuming he wins in November and I don’t think anyone should assume that. >money *lives You mean their fucking lives Like it's our fault he got the 'rona and can't breathe like he used to. This was my first thought honestly, he's in pain and lashing out Yeah, I'm extra surprised. I can't think of anything off the top of my head that he has changed his mind on because of other people. Dude is twerking or something . I had to read that 5 times.... Still can't understand it [deleted] > it's too bad the republicans only want republicans to succeed. Real shame is these malicious fucks are aggressively dumb. They make a great case for letting natural selection run its course, if there weren't enough of them in power that they cause problems for the rest of us. That's why Obama could win a Nobel prize, for just not being as awful as Bush the world thanked him There is everything to gain by doing a good job. The only thing Biden won't get is the approval of conservatives, but considering that they approve of Trump, that lack of approval should be a badge of honor. Yeah, thank you for quoting me verbatim with “those 8 years were exactly the same as Trump.” I wasn’t trying to get snarky or fight with you, but I understand it’s the internet and your first inclination is to defend yourself with a tone you’d never use if you were face to face with someone. I’m just saying, all politicians are in bed with corporate lobbyists, that’s how they get elected. You do know what campaign donations are right? Obama came into the presidency making a state senators salary and now he’s a multimillionaire. Becoming president is a business deal for everyone. I mean, I’m voting for Biden (because any sane person would at this moment) but I certainly don’t think he represents my politics. He doesn’t need to, to be frank. He just needs to be slightly sane and stable. Biden doesn't support the Green New Deal. Biden doesn't support Medicare for All. You calling Bernie Sanders alt-left? To everyone else reading -- look at how this troll immediately goes for an emotional attack: ""Fear-mongering."" When in reality, they want nothing else but to deny [basic rights that are given to people all around the world in developed nations.](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2019/jun/21/mark-pocan/universal-health-care-diagnosis-mark/) EDIT: Obviously you should vote for Biden. Just don't pretend he's a socialist, that's what liars like Trump do. He was the first black president, not Teddy Roosevelt. He only had so much political capital to spend, and he used it trying to get affordable healthcare for Americans that were left out. ? [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] Exactly. Our system is perfect if every politician was actually a servant of the people and took their oath seriously. Trump and the reps tried a 1+ trillion response to th Dems 3+ trillion bill. Both had PPP and small business payroll funds. The rep one likely had pork Barrel spending too, but not nearly as much as the dem version. Both included $1200 checks as well. Also, more reason to start opening up again, take precautions, but open. The devastation of a 7+ month shutdown in many states is to many, irreperable. Ny had stabilized and flattened at like 500-800 cases per day since like June. Same with Jersey. Yet they remained closed up until September in NJ where eat in and bars finally allowed some patrons inside. I’m not reading past your first line break. That’s way too much finger-diarrhea for you to write in response to what I wrote. I’m pointing out your blatant hypocrisy, partisanship and ignorance by highlighting your lack of criticism on the Democrats involvement in this deal. They want 2 trillion+ dollars to be spent on Stimulus, GOP wants 1.3 and went as high as 1.6 in negotiations. Any criticism you level at the President should also be leveled at the Democrats. Goodbye. Because the republican party is a party of racists and pieces of shit now. They cant denounce him because theyll lose their election this round or they will be primaries next time by a shitty trump republican if they are still in the racist area. China took that position the second donald was elected Welp, I knew that was going to happen. Can't really blame them, I wanna destroy all the Trump flags and signs I see. Another lie. It would only drag it out 10 days after the ballot is received. States never have finalized totals within 10 days of the election anyway. The deadlines for selecting electors is much later than 10 days after the election. If a voter fails to verify their identity within 10 days, their vote wouldn't be counted. Who's to blame for the shambles that the USPS is in? Washington has had mail in ballots for years. Maybe 20 or more. In King County, voters can appeal a signature challenge. They have three days to do it. I believe they go to the elections office. The ballot isn't going to USPS twice. If Washington can do it, so can other states. Literally only one of those stories alleges voter fraud. So I’m glad we agree that there is pretty much no evidence of widespread voter fraud, except one instance in the entire country where the people got caught. And stop editing your posts to make shit up. You clearly said “opening up the floodgates to voter fraud” ... stop moving the goal posts. It's the Trump debate technique. It just doesn't work as well if you can't drown out the other person. Real ""Yeah but it's got what plants crave"" energy. You're right, I'll stand down. Mmmmm calling me stupid instead of a real rebuttal. Love the seethe. Why is texas doing so much better than california in your view? I'm not really placing judgement on it (after all, it's not like I can know you won't vote for someone I hate.) It's just that I don't understand not doing it. I think mostly I'm interested in sources for ""it will have fatal side effects"". I follow up up until that, what makes you believe this? Again, I think it's possible but the fact that Russia might intentionally make the vaccine fatal to me seems it could be a bit much. I don't think they'd have to do that much to cause this cluster fuck to continue. Ah ok cheers. I guess my interpretation was half right 😅😅 [deleted] The law.... the law is the standard... I'm blocking you because ""the president is above the law"" is not a reasonable position and I have no desire to continue allowing you to believe this is a debate about that. It's not a debate. You're just wrong. String up the fucking fascist clown. True, I have to agree with you in that you can manufacture indictment for things they don't like a former president. This is pretty much everytime it happens in S. Korea, when a new president is elected, and then using attorney general/FBI, find anything that can politically death sentence, and socially embarrasing to the former president (whether it's the same party or different party doesn't matter because whatever president has done in the term, there is always good and bad). If attorney general/FBI can't find anything on president himself (or herself), go after first lady, and if both are still completely clean, then go after their friends/cousins/cousins in laws/ until you find anything. The chance is they will find something illegal and fishy, and attorney general/FBI are moving (and that's why one former S. Korean president committed suicide in 2009, asking the incumbent president that he would take everything, so please just leave everyone else except me alone. Now that president in 2009 is in jail with multiple charges orcharastered by current president, who was Chief of Staff during the suicided presidency and personal attorney during 2009's investigation). I have to say this is live political drama we can see in House of Card in netflix, but here, the point is if you really want to be running for president, or any elected position, you should be able to sacrifice everything you have accomplished society. Do your best since the public expect nothing less than the finest of your best capabilities, and once your presidency is done, please be ready that your post-presidency will be dooms day. If minded, please just stay where you're comfortable at (whether that's first lady for Hillary, whether that is former presidency for Biden, or just sham businessman for Trump). Only if you are absolutely resolved to take this huge risks, your loyalty to the country can be evidenced when you take this wheel, and you can serve the country by becoming a leader. You can always say you love the country, but how do we know? We don't know until they give this kind of collateral, right? I know culture is different in USA, and perhaps, democracy is a little bit more fine tuned in USA as opposed to Koreans', but basically, this has been working, at least, for Korean story. Shared trauma is a great unifier Eh I don’t see any good guys around. Maybe blatant evil vs hidden evil, but there are no good guys. Why can’t we aim for something better? That’s my point. We don’t HAVE to have status quo. We can have better. Can you actually name 3 policies he’s flipped on during the past 4 years? I know he’s a liar and a shitty public speaker and his Twitter needs to be muted, but his inconsistencies don’t really extend into his policy as far as I know. Thanks for being one of the only ones here who could at least fathom that both sides aren’t doing their part. Also for not whirling insults right out of the gate like a bunch of angry children. Seriously...the rest of this comment thread is just sad. The election is in 3 weeks everyone needs to calm down, we just have to wait another month or so to get a stimulus. It will come. Remember a week ago when you guys were freaking out about the stock market and saying Trump was trying to ruin everyone? But then within 7 days everything turned around and even CNN is criticizing Pelosi for withholding funds just like I said? Did you learn that making brash emotional decisions is pretty much never the right thing to do? Like not allowing mail in voting and giving democratic states an extra trillion dollars? Because that’s what the house refused to budge on. At least call both sides fair...that’s just straight up hypocrisy. Yep. The both sides narrative is weaker than ever before but people still buy it :/ Remember a week ago when you guys were freaking out about the stock market and saying Trump was trying to ruin everyone? But then within 7 days everything turned around and even CNN is criticizing Pelosi for withholding funds just like I said? Did you learn that making brash emotional decisions is pretty much never the right thing to do? An angry, insulting liberal from San Diego who loves Magic the Gathering. Please tell me more so I can be more like you. Dems have already compromised on the second stimulus bill you dummy Reddit is hardly indicative of the entire voting population of the United States, but alright. I miss the days when politics wasn’t on the headlines every single day. This will be a story to tell the grandkids in the future... just gotta make it to that day in one piece. In 2052 the Presidential race will be determined by who has the more successful Eve Online account I hear you but people are petty and too much rubbing their nose in it may have the opposite effect you’re intending condescending pricks like you makes it hard to vote for Biden. Congratulations, you almost cancel out Trump. Yeah, this guy is real slow. Just had pretty much the exact same convo about this user in another thread. What a dick lol Combing through someone's history. Sounds about right with someone like you. I'm bound to run into someone else just like you on reddit a year from now. I look forward to when they pull this conversation up so, just like with this one, I can say: ""And?"" guess he's a grower while trump is a shower I’m sure they mean for this election. We’re all used to that being the norm, but is it even remotely democratic to only push the incumbent? It’s not at all, as far as I can tell. I did indeed mean for this election, which is what we were talking about. The 2020 election. Essentially it was the precursor to the GOP as we know them today. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whig_Party_(United_States) It gets muddied from there as the GOP and Dems switched leanings post civil war era. I feel you. My girlfriend is also an expat and it’s been very difficult at times. Sorry to hear that, regardless, enjoy being taxed! What part of a safe, stable country is intrinsic to socialism? Are you saying that capitalism is incapable of creating a safe and stable country? Bro he bankrupted 6 businesses. This guy is not good at negotiating, however much you want to believe. Generating public support for his proposal - he should have done that instead of mass rallies and the whole Walter Reed drama. I like mine better Trump's lack of state authority is what caused him to keep holding rallies, not wearing a mask, calling the danger a democratic hoax, saying we should not lock down, that it would all go away by April, and that he demands the schools reopen? You have been violently brainwashed, seek help. I rounded up to simplify things but I guess I only ended up convoluting them. Here's the point I'm getting at. 1.99 + 4 + 4 = 9.99 Going to be the most anti-climatic remindMe bot of all time. No it’s based on my belief that the market trusts Trump to continue to put the interests of billionaires first and without him and his economic policies corporate profits can only go lower . >This literally has nothing to do with covid Credit card machines can do contactless payments now. Cash can't. Welcome to 2020! This is what it has to do with COVID, as I have already explained. But even if it had 100% absolutely nothing to do with COVID...what in the world makes it's inclusion something Republicans oppose? Medical Marijuana is LUDICROUSLY popular with everyone. Legalized marijuana is popular. Why is stopping this worth denying stimulus to every citizen and business in the entire nation? Is it really THAT ""outrageous"" to you? [removed] >I don't believe you for a second, because no one unironically uses TDS except for his followers, ""MY WORLDVIEW IS ACCURATE AND UNSHAKEABLE!!!!"" >but I am amused that even people who support Trump don't want to admit it anymore. ""I find comfort in my delusion"" >Sorry, what criticism? All you said was TDS,which is not a criticism. It's an attempt at dismissing an idea you don't like, without actually saying anything to legitimately discredit it. Wow, just wow. >Trump Literally said Covid was a hoax. He also literally said it would disappear in April. The fact that anyone supports him after how badly he screwed up handling this pandemic screams derangement. TDS >But go on, wave your hand and say something vague like ""You're clearly crazy"" as if that in any way addresses or disproves anything I said. Speaks for itself. You’re used to being asked often, or that those of us asking are impressed? Sidebar, ever forge-made a knife before? Oh wow, boo-fucking-hoo. The people living in high end neighborhoods above their means without any fucking savings can’t pay their rent! Are you fucking kidding me? Lol fuck off And 2 trillion for corporations and nearly 700 billion for those earning over $500,000... If you're talking about the stock market, [you're wrong](https://www.forbes.com/sites/sergeiklebnikov/2020/07/23/historical-stock-market-returns-under-every-us-president/#13c11754faaf) and it's really not close. You didn't bring up 2009 directly but you did indirectly by directly (and incorrectly) comparing the two presidents. Additionally, calling our current economy ""V-shaped"" while we're still in the midst of it is ridiculous; you really can't make statements like that without the benefit of hindsight. Don’t forget the genius handling of nursing homes and highest mortality rates... You do know that losing your business is generally preferable to dying, correct? All of your dumbass bad faith arguments like these people didn’t shut down their cities in an effort to save lives. You praise Trump for literally sacrificing your neighbors for your 401k. Classic Republican logic, idk if you are one but you sing the tune correctly if I’ve ever heard it. Let me guess pro life too right? Most the people I see calling for the complete disregard of human life are pro life republicans. Sweeden who's also at a like 6% mortality rate. Not sure why republicans keep talking as if they're doing well lmfao. COVID hurt the economy, not the lockdown. If we **actually** locked down then maybe we wouldn't be in this situation in the first place (e.g. most of the rest of the world). Yes, I do remember that about them. Is that what's happening here in Texas? Our entire service sector getting wiped out is Andrew Cuomo's fault? I worked in mortgages in 2008. I can break it down first hand if you want lol. Thank you for your time. You are a leftist creep who doesn't understand the damage that is being done with trillions and trillions in new spending. I just answered your question. Why are you trying to demean someone over the internet? If you don’t understand my response, that’s fine. Again...trump will pass his own stimulus for the people (1,200 so you can buy yourself a nice tv and my stocks go up) without support from pelosi who is holding it up over party line float. [removed] That's rough buddy. Daisy, daisy .... BEANS, MAN! BEANS!! > You actually think we're currently in a ""house on fire"" situation? I don't think anything about the stock market, I was just following the conversation and then I asked a facetious question. I sincerely don't care about the stock market or even money, really. Very interesting read. Thank you for sharing. I love how 97 people got emails saying something was wrong and nobody read them. I'd probably have the filtered into a ""somebody else's problem"" folder and then the irony would hit hard when I lose my job. Wow No need to be that snarky, this is reddit after all. Who said we need to have our sources laid out at all times ? No. The company *did* lose $440m. They *were* the owners. I get it, what you describe as a common misconception (that the traded company is the entity losing the money) is indeed a common misconception. But in this case, the OP was correct in saying the company (the owners of capital) lost $440m. Meh the biggest stock crash still happened in the 1930s (or perhaps the first crash in history in 1637 ) without many technologies enabling faster trading. Humanity have always been on the edge to doom. Would you rather there be no safety features to prevent software glitches from running awry? trade craft Yeah thats why 5 uninvolved people replied to that comment huh Its okay just scroll past and my comments wont hurt you anymore. That was four years ago, bud. A lot has changed since then. Trump has a record now, and it isn't exactly stellar. [deleted] *Reddit has a 2 hour delay to fetch comments, or you can manually create a reminder on Reminddit.* **azacarp716** , kminder in **1.1 months** on [**2020-11-11 02:00:06Z**](https://www.reminddit.com/time?dt=2020-11-11 02:00:06Z&reminder_id=db25ee42eca4443ca09ae4b0dc18a2e8&subreddit=stocks) > [**r/stocks: Breaking_dow_falls_240_points_as_trump_calls_off**](/r/stocks/comments/j6b8k8/breaking_dow_falls_240_points_as_trump_calls_off/g7ynbgk/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=remindditbot&subject=Reminder%20from%20Link&message=your_message%0Akminder%202020-11-11T02%3A00%3A06%0A%0A%0A%0A---Server%20settings%20below.%20Do%20not%20change---%0A%0Apermalink%21%20%2Fr%2Fstocks%2Fcomments%2Fj6b8k8%2Fbreaking_dow_falls_240_points_as_trump_calls_off%2Fg7ynbgk%2F) to also be reminded. Thread has 1 reminder. ^(OP can )[^(**Update remind time, Delete comment, and more options here**)](https://www.reminddit.com/time?dt=2020-11-11 02:00:06Z&reminder_id=db25ee42eca4443ca09ae4b0dc18a2e8&subreddit=stocks) **Protip!** You can use random remind time 1 to 30 days from now by typing `kminder surprise`. Cheers! ***** [**Reminddit**](https://www.reminddit.com) · [Create Reminder](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=remindditbot&subject=Reminder&message=your_message%0A%0Akminder%20time_or_time_from_now) · [Your Reminders](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=remindditbot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=listReminders%21) · [Donate](https://paypal.me/reminddit) Your president went on tv and whined some more because he LOST. [deleted] He has! He’s done some fine beautiful work in polarizing us even more and making displaced, rugged individualism more important than science. Those who hate adapting so much they would rather endanger loved ones now have a really good excuse: misplaced, abstract concepts that they can shake up like one of those little snow globes. So pretty 🥺 Explain https://reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/j6b8k8/_/g7yzpm4/?context=1 Ok yeah let's re-elect an embarrassing retard who delivered 27% Dow growth in 4 years. Rofl Oh and he stumbled ass backwards into office during one of the best American bull economies in history. Meanwhile... Obama: 254% in 8 years Clinton: 170% in 8 years [removed] Obama's first month in office: 8,650 Obama's final month in office: 22,000 Total: 254% growth in 8yrs Did you really just count the Republicans crashing the economy as a strike against Obama? Ayy lmao Also you apparently can't even read the chart you linked or maybe you just didn't know how Presidential terms work. Obama left office in Jan 2017 and you're listing the number from Jan 2016? But honestly it's hilarious you're linking this shit to me because it's actually nothing but a completely stunning endorsement of Democrat Presidencies. George H Bush had 37% Dow growth in 4 years. Clinton was a baller period of super stable and high Dow growth. 170% in 8 years GWB had very negative Dow growth over his 8yrs...and literally even if you picked his highest spot before the crash, all he had was 19% Dow growth in 8 years. Obama obviously baller as fuck...inheriting one of the worst crashes in history and turning out a record breaking 254% Dow growth in 8 years. Trump so far sitting at only 27% Dow growth in 4 years. Sad! And he piled up trillions in debt handed out to corporations to ""achieve"" that 27%. What a fucking loser. But does what I told you scare you? You going to trust a moron with a medical device used to save your life? I certainly wouldn’t. Seems risky Are you saying you have zero understanding of how the world works? That’s all I got from your response here LOL! por que no los dos Money is an acceptable word to use in that context since it's the most accurate... but I guess you can do that Its 100% the stock market going from doing great to being in the red in the following hours. He doesn't care if people he doesn't like hate him, but when his base and others he depends on for survival start to turn, he backtracks pretty quick. Just look at the delusional circle jerk that is r/conservative, even they were unhappy and scratching their heads about his first tweet. Not because of needy people suffering, mind you, but because they knew he was shooting himself in the foot and giving democrats more ammunition for the election. I'm saying they won't notice that their argument is based on the fact that republican presidents tend to crater the economy while arguing from the misconception that Democrats just get lucky. Actual Fact. The economy performs better when a Democrat is in the White House. https://www.jec.senate.gov/public/_cache/files/309cc8e1-b971-45c6-ab52-29ffb1da9bf5/jec-fact-sheet---the-economy-under-democratic-vs.-republican-presidents-june-2016.pdf A Netflix deal and a book deal can make you some money, but again, the exact same as charging secret service every weekend to stay at your property, another good one. Just to note, the Obama’s were quite well off before the presidency. If you’ve seen their house in Hyde Park you’d realize that’s not state senator income level housing. Of course they did earn much more following the presidency but just to correct the record. https://www.thelist.com/190288/how-much-barack-and-michelle-obama-were-worth-before-the-presidency/ Bernie Supports Biden, and all those things are at least in the conversation with the Dems and Biden, you're alt-left pushing a narrative that isn't relevant in the reality we're living in. r/cringe is that way [removed] Our choices are Biden or Trump at this point. There are only two with any possibility to win. Pick one. Biden’s not great, but trump is a fucking monster. Fuck off with the arguments, Biden must win or we are fucked. The reason Biden doesn't support the GND is because it's bad environmental policy. You can't have a climate bill worth a shit while it is anti-nuclear and anti-cap-and-trade. It's just a deluded anti-intellectual far-left wishlist of all the policies they want (good or bad, mostly bad) wrapped up as an environmental bill. EDIT: And M4A isn't the only path to universal healthcare, despite what you try to get others to believe. Yet somehow didn't lol Jail the bankers. American hegemony in Asia and anyone who says otherwise has comically underestimated China. What are you talking about? And how many blue collar workers have defined benefit plans? No. It was much closer between Hilary and Trump than it has been with Biden and Trump. Hilary and Trump were close to a toss up after the RNC. After the RNC this year Biden was up significantly. [Hilary vs Trump](https://i.imgur.com/Ez0TE8t.jpg) [Biden vs Trump](https://i.imgur.com/3f01MFh.jpg) Hilary vs Trump was much closer than people like to remember. It had ups and downs, but there were points it was very close. Biden vs Trump hasn’t had any of those. It’s been a solid lead for Biden the entire time. [deleted] Unfortunately many places don't have enough mask compliance to open up more. And this is why you don't understand what the fuck you're talking about. Because you don't take the time to read or learn how politics works... Keep living I n your pie in the sky world. Not my fucking problem buddy Right... Let’s take a normal contested election. The 2000 election was finally decided on December 13. We are already seeing states increase the deadline for collecting and receiving ballots. We’ve already been told that the “red mirage” will be a thing where it’ll appear Trump won and slowly fade to Biden. Thanks to the inaccuracies of mail in voting this will be a contested election. Biden has been told to concede under no circumstance by multiple democrat officials. Social media will allow biden to declare victory early, however they’ll block trump from doing so. All Biden has to do is get the election hung up in courts long enough for it to go to the house (January 6th) or outright win. It’s perfect for Biden really, if Biden loses, he can just bind up the process with lawsuits while he claims victory (and the media will block trump from claiming victory), wait until it’s too late and have it go to the house. If Biden wins, all Biden has to do is let Trump do whatever he wants. This is why democrat officials have told Biden to concede under no circumstance. Even if Biden loses the court battles, he’s out of politics so Biden doesn’t have to worry about political backlash on his career. It’s perfect. This is probably why democrats seem hell bent on changing rules so close to the election despite the fact both of our top doctors in our country said voting in person is safe. But hey, this is just my speculation. I like strategy games and I see this as a clear path Biden can take against Trump. It makes the most sense to me. And before you say “they wouldn’t do this,” they’re the ones considering packing the courts to gain power. Harris has been on camera saying she’s willing to entertain the idea of packing the courts, and Biden refuses to say he wouldn’t do it. UPS and FedEx. I know where you’re going with this. Obama was cutting back USPS during elections too. In fact many of the cuts Trump is making started under Obama and Trump kept with Obama’s plan. No. Not universal mail in ballots. No state has ever sent out a ballot to everyone on the voter list (which are notoriously inaccurate). Oh For F’s sake. For the last time: I AM NOT SAYING VOTER FRAUD!!!! I’m saying inaccuracies. You’re just being a troll or you’re willfully ignorant. Go read what I said and go away. I understand. I didn't take your comment as judgmental or unreasonable at all. It has been tested for like 5% of the amount of tests a vaccine has to successfully pass to go live. It's not intentionally dangerous, of course, but the process of drug development is such an uphill legal grind for a good reason. And there is exactly why we should let him go back to his hole. You don’t want to prosecute him for a crime - you want to find a crime and “string up the fucking racist clown.” And if you don’t get that you are no better than Trump for wanting that, you have some history to read my friend. I'm blocking you isn't even an argument son, you're just quitting The answer was specifically to people saying ""clinton is status quo so vote trump."" Prob can get 3 from the past month alone: 1. COVID-19 safety and protocol 2. Stimulus bill 3. Supporting hate groups? Wait that third one I don’t think he flip flopped on. I know reddit isn't the place for civil discussion sometimes so I do empathize with the insults bit, but I have to vehemently disagree with you over the ""both sides"" bit. People can't calm down or don't want to because a record number of citizens are desperate. We're here discussing stocks so it's likely that we'll be fine without another stimulus, but this really can't wait another few months. It should have been done in the summer. The democrat controlled house passed a bill, the only thing democrats in the senate want to do right now is talk coronavirus stimulus and prevention, and yet the Republicans are launching full speed into confirming a supreme court justice that the majority of Americans do not want. So please, at least acknowledge how lopsided this issue is right now. Republicans should be focused on stimulus for so many reasons but are pushing instead to fill a seat. Apparently it will only come after the election when Trump win. > Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump · 4h Nancy Pelosi is asking for $2.4 Trillion Dollars to bailout poorly run, high crime, Democrat States, money that is in no way related to COVID-19. / *Translation: The only poorly run, high crime states are democratic states, by the way. Those Blue states that Jared didn’t give medical supplies to, aren’t going to get money either to survive. If we can’t kill them with COVID, we’ll ruin them economically. We are still bailing out poorly run airlines and other huge corporations, but at least they aren’t democrats.* We made a very generous offer of $1.6 Trillion Dollars and, as usual, she is not negotiating in good faith. I am rejecting their...request, and looking to the future of our Country. I have instructed my representatives to stop negotiating until after the election when, immediately after I win, we will pass a major Stimulus Bill that focuses on hardworking Americans and Small Business. *Pelosi had already made an offer and tried to negotiate thing but was rejected because she asked for accountability to where the money was going. OOPS* I have asked...Mitch McConnell not to delay, but to instead focus full time on approving my outstanding nominee to the United States Supreme Court, Amy Coney Barrett. *She seriously is going to fuck over SCOTUS, but she is the most right ringer I can find that will “own the libs”, never mind it’s a lifetime appointment so shit can be fucked for decades.*. Our Economy is doing very well. The Stock Market is at record levels, JOBS and...also coming back in record numbers. *Considering 30 million lost, and 10 million gained, you’re still down -20 mil, and now no stimulus package to those businesses trying to stay afloat? Goodbye more jobs.* We are leading the World in Economic *Comic Relief* Recovery, and THE BEST IS YET TO COME! *Sarah McLachlan is filming a new advert for Americans right now. Lots of puppies and kittens included. * So many Americans are hanging on by a thread. It's been months already. And you say ""just have to wait another month or so""....... Ok........ It's not about giving democratic state an extra trillion, they want small municipal governments funded, regardless of party, to make sure there isn't a bunch of towns and cities declaring bankruptcy. There will likely be more money going to places that are currently guided by democrats, but that is because there are a lot more people living there, so those budgets are correctly larger. Without funding for local government many believe the country is in serious trouble. Lol literally none of what you just typed is accurate to any degree. You know you’re winning an argument when u search someone’s reddit history to discredit them rather than debating them on the veracity of the claims they made Lol u mad You do realize that Trump never won the popular vote in the 2016 election? That is also in spite of the fact that quite a sizeable portion of the Democrat voting base spite voted for Trump or didn’t vote at all, because Russia’s disinformation campaign on Hillary was so effective. So yeah. The actual reality IS that your views are in the minority. The majority of the voting populace do not consider him to be a good leader. [deleted] One can hope we survive to see the day.. A month ago you were talking about donating to Trump. And so it's clear you're a Trump stooge, which is to say you're not to be taken seriously. [removed] There is a lot about the party system and today's hyperpartisan era that is extremely undemocratic. Constitution should be rewritten from scratch. Read it again. The grandparent comment mentioned the primary for Biden in 2020, and Trump in 2016, as being when the voters chose septuagenarians. Certainly it is true that in 2020 Trump is the incumbent and there was not a competitive primary, to the extent that some states didn't even bother. But lack of choice in 2020 isn't anything to do with his age, just his incumbency. Thanks boobers! He deleted his comments. Was he one of those ‘taxation is theft’ retards? I hadn't made a claim on the effectiveness of his negotiating skills, simply that he is in fact attempting to negotiate (in response that he isnt). Once I show that the conversation turns to now he sucks at it. Always moving the goal posts... His bankruptcies weren't an issue of poor negotiating skills. At least three of those bankruptcies happened during a recession. Turns out people spend less money on gambling during recessions. And the bankruptcies allowed them to come out the other side leaner and more profitable. Trump has also negotiated countries in the Middle East to peace agreements and getting the US out of foreign wars. To the point he's been nominated for 3 Nobel peace prizes. He's also negotiated several trade deals that have been favorable for the country. So it really isn't all glum as you want to believe. > Trump's lack of state authority is what caused You mean the constitution? The president can’t rule by decree over the states. > him to keep holding rallies, not wearing a mask, Fair criticism. He’s played fast and loose with reopening and I don’t like it. However the opposition to Trump is just keep everything shut down which is not viable either. Joe Biden says he wants to institute another lockdown and issue a nationwide mask mandate, which are both unconstitutional acts the president can’t do. Side note: It’s hilarious to me. The media/democrat will screech all day and night about how Trump should’ve locked down the country....but when Trump says “ill reopen” the media/democrats screech he can’t do that and it’s unconstitutional!!! If trump said “Ima shut everything down now,” the left would’ve screamed he’s a dictator and a fascist; and they probably would’ve pushed another impeachment. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/trump-cant-unilaterally-reopen-state-economies-experts-say-2020-04-14 > calling the danger a democratic hoax, He didn’t. Look it up. Even Snopes (who often lies/misleads to smear trump) can’t even claim it’s true. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-coronavirus-rally-remark/ > saying we should not lock down, Dude XD Trump is the one who issued the lockdown guidelines which **democrats opposed in the first place.** It was Trump/CDC who pushed people towards social distancing, hand washing and restrict unnecessary travel which democrats at the time laughed at him for doing this. You had people like DeBlasio and Pelosi telling people to ignore Trump’s recommendation for social distancing and to stay home, so they told people to go out! https://www.cityandstateny.com/articles/politics/new-york-city/all-de-blasios-covid-19-missteps.html It was not until we flattened the curve when which he said we need to open back up. Because guess what. A president has to balance the economy and people’s lives. It’s a pandemic, people are going to die, what do you expect? There was reports saying there was going to be 3 million deaths in the US alone, and were only at 200k, I’d say that’s pretty good. > that it would all go away by April, How is this a negative? I’d rather have a president tell me it’ll be over soon if we socially distance and don’t gather in groups than a president saying “yeah y’all are doomed.” I’d rather have a surgeon tell me everything will go smoothly, than to tell me I’m doomed. Keep in mind the media/democrats MOCKED republicans for their fears of Covid in January/February. https://www.ccn.com/mainstream-media-downplayed-the-coronavirus-just-as-much-as-donald-trump/ Here’s a website with a list of some of the headlines of the media downplaying Covid. Meanwhile Trump put together a task force and shut down travel from China. Then Pelosi put forth a bill in the house to reverse Trump’s China Travel restriction (which Pelosi is now claiming she didn’t do) and Biden called Trump a racist and a xenophobe (which Biden is now claiming he didn’t do). https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/yes-biden-called-trumps-travel-restrictions-xenophobic/ https://thehill.com/homenews/house/486825-gop-leaders-call-on-pelosi-to-pull-travel-ban-bill-over-coronavirus > and that he demands the schools reopen? Because the statistically kids don’t die from Covid. They have a 99.99% survival rate. There’s also evidence to suggest kids can’t spread the virus either. However people seem to not research into this for whatever reason. https://healthblog.uofmhealth.org/childrens-health/why-relationship-between-kids-and-spread-of-covid-remains-unclear Even the CDC says it’s important for kids to go back to school. So why are you anti-science? https://healthblog.uofmhealth.org/childrens-health/why-relationship-between-kids-and-spread-of-covid-remains-unclear > You have been violently brainwashed, seek help. You’re over here just hating on Trump for no reason XD you’re the brainwashed one. It seems you don’t even know how our government works either. Trump can’t lock down states, Trump can’t mandate masks. Trump can only issue guidelines which he did. https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2020/05/05/850470436/u-n-warns-number-of-people-starving-to-death-could-double-amid-pandemic https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6932a1.htm You can’t magically have 0 deaths in a pandemic. It’s a pandemic and people are going to die, it’s just the hard truth. However what can be prevented is mass starvation, mass suicide, mass drug use and mass alcoholism. If you want to claim Trump did bad on Covid, you can do that, there’s a lot to criticize. However if you claim Trump did bad, then you have to claim the Democrats as a whole did worse because they couldn’t put aside their petty partisan ways and work with Trump. Oh well. I’m sure you’re still stuck in your ways and this is a waste of time. Hopefully someone will read this and come to the realization Trump didn’t actually do a terrible job. We shall see ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) You don’t think the economy was doing well before Trump? Do you think companies prefer to be overvalued and a financial ticking time bomb because of a fast run up? Companies prefer linear progression rather than high volatility. Ask any economic conservative. [removed] >> Literal, Provable Facts. >TDS I guess we agree that it speaks for itself. Lol Why do you love Trump so much? It's weird to defend a man so much when you barely even know him Im used to people asking why I'm interested, when someone finds out the cost involved they usually freak out. I design knives but I don't build them, never learned. Do you need me to break down my low CoL area to show your child ass how little a few grand goes? 3k is not a lot of money a month, especially now as that extra is gone. Let's break it down. It ran for 4 months, or ~$12-16k (March 27th to end of July, officially ended the 31st however states ended it July 25-27th.) We are 6 months in, or ~2k/mo My bills in a low CoL area, rounded **down** for ease of math so you can follow along, mind you this is actually higher. $850/mo rent. $500/mo health care ($125/wk) $100 car insurance. $200/mo electricity + internet $15 trash. $40 water. $200 car payment. $50 cell phone. That covered my bills, this doesnt include diapers, food, formula, gas, emergencies etc. Which will quickly drain everything else including my savings. This is in a **very low CoL area** but I know it's hard to wrap your child mind around that. These prices arent even ""Expensive"" they are very modest, most people have a much higher rent payment ($1100+/mo is very common) a much higher car payment ($300+) the winter months are coming so anyone not living in the south will have electricity cost of 300-400 easy. Welcome to the real world dumbass. [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] Look you can have what ever opinion on the lockdowns. But there is no way you dont think lockdowns had any effect of the economy. Just asinine Ok well that implies some people cared more about lives than money, the economy aka hurt the economy to save lives. [deleted] [deleted] You’re a middle aged failson who doesn’t understand what happens when tens of millions of mortgage payers and renters face eviction from their homes. And if you’re a COVID denying retard, you don’t understand what happens when a disease enters exponentially growth and people start seeing things become so bad that they are afraid to go outside for fear of killing great aunt Betsy you sentient enema. lol blue collar trash with no academic background lectures others on finances lmfao [deleted] Removed, you're trolling at this point. Please use the report button for comments or posts that break the rules. It wasn’t 97 people getting emails, it was 97 emails to a number of people who all ignored them. I’m in telecom and if we get even three email alerts without any action, someone is getting written up. The owners of the capital are NOT the company. So that will show up as a -$440m on the balance sheet at the end of the year then, yeah? ""Nah that O Ring looks fine"" https://youtu.be/rUqPMMgfJ4Q?t=251 Absolutely, I love market crashes. It's the best time to toss more money in. i would rather not be subjected to an almost entirely automated trading system where empty buildings in Manhattan are picked for servers so that you have to run 100 less feet of fiber to trade .00000001 second faster. At a certain point it becomes to fast for humans to process. The circuit breaker is needed because the system is too fast. if the system was slower we wouldn't need it. is it REALLY necessary to trade that fast? Says the guy getting super defensive because people called him out on his dipshit stupidity. Don’t forget to remind them that trump hates them as well Aren’t you just *praying* that’s the case See you soon boo https://i.imgur.com/SjISevY.jpg [deleted] [deleted] No they’re both shit, we don’t need to pander to guy. > Meanwhile... https://i.imgur.com/wYRAZpX.jpg [deleted] No, not really. I highly doubt you personally have the final say on whether a product goes to market. If you fuck it up then the product doesn't go to market and you get fired. Why would I be concerned? Sounds like you got more to worry about than me. Ahahahahahah you are so clever. Go read a book or take a real history class. You probably couldn't even pass. Oh for sure. Agree 100%. Like everyone else said. I saw my holdings drop suddenly and was like, ""okay, what did trump do now?"". He must be the most impulsive idiot we've ever seen. I wouldn't even be surprised if the original comment that made everything drop was intentional. And the /r/conservative thing is why I love reddit. There's certain groups/forums/etc that you can keep a pulse on and almost predict what's going to happen next. Conservative hating on him sure did make me go hmmmmmmm. Bernie had an honest record going back fifty-plus years on the right side of history. Biden has been a centrist and a career politician, going whatever way his support leads him. And his ""support"" is the 1%. Which, I guess, if you're ""left-leaning"" but post on /r/stocks, you're probably a pretty big fan of the 1%. Already deleted it hahahaha As a Michigander, I just cant vote Biden with the way Whitmer completely fucked our state up and just seized all the power she could to attempt to control her constituents. No thank you if this is the strategy of the rest of the party. Exactly. Why the fuck is the alt left so scared of Nuclear? Wish they kept quiet, and let the scientists decide. Yeah, I wonder what happened. If only we had public documents and hearings... ""jail people for not actually breaking the law but because it makes me feel good, legalism be damned!"" [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] Completely incorrect. Goodbye. m8 this still wouldn't be able to delay things later than they went in 2000, because it **wouldn't change the deadline for states to finalize their electors**. This isn't that complicated. You do realize that if there’s no certified winner and it goes to the House that this is likely to result in a win for Trump? Gaslight Obstruct Project You laid all three out perfectly in this dumbass comment. there's a big fucking difference between ""USPS reform to keep them making money since they started turning a profit and stopping Saturday deliveries,"" like Obama proposed - again, bear in mind, this was a proposal Obama and the USPS agreed on, and no changes were made outside of the USPS' own plan - and ""dismantling sorting facilities by smashing equipment and changing procedure so that trucks are sent out without daily mail."" one is a budget concern. the other is a blatant attempt to gut the postal service. Maybe I don't know what you're talking about. I get my ballot for every election in the mail. I don't have to request it for every election. It's been this way since I started voting in 2004. Edit: Mail in voting in Washington is the default. I know. I've lived in the state and have voted for years. Look at how Washington votes. And Oregon as well. There is no reason why other states can't do it like this. Republicans arguing against it are doing so in bad faith. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vote-by-mail\_in\_Oregon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vote-by-mail_in_Oregon) [https://www.foxnews.com/politics/oregon-mail-in-voting-what-to-know](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/oregon-mail-in-voting-what-to-know) Oregon has universal mail in voting. Everyone receives a ballot by mail except for a few small exceptions, there is no fraud or other election security issues. This has been going on for decades. You are just factually incorrect on this issue. >In 2011, the Washington legislature passed a law requiring all counties to conduct vote-by-mail elections.[51] Local governments in Washington had the option to do so since 1987, and statewide elections had permitted it since 1993.[52] By 2009, 38 of the state's 39 counties (all except Pierce County) had conducted all elections by mail.[53] Pierce County joined the rest of the state in all-mail balloting by 2014.[54] In Washington, ballots must be postmarked by election day, which helps to ensure all voters' votes are counted; ballot counting takes several days after election day to receive and process ballots.[53] Beginning in 2018 postage is prepaid so voters do not have to use a stamp.[55] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postal_voting_in_the_United_States So, what are you talking about? You're saying that Washington has had an inaccurate vote for 10 or more years? Edit: There are in-person options as well for those who can't vote by mail. The person in charge of elections in our state is a Republican. She says there's no fraud. She invited Trump to look at how Washington votes. > signing off on a deal that will open up the floodgates to voters fraud this election isn’t a good option. I totally see that you’re not talking about voter fraud despite only mentioning voter fraud in all of your comments. The truth is that ballots filled out wrong or failures to deliver arent reasons to not have mail in voting. They’re things we’d like to fix as much as possible, but ballots get rejected at the box all the time for errors. Ballots get lost, even with in person voting. It happens. It’s unfortunate but it doesn’t favor one party over the other so it creates no unfairness. It’s still a good idea to have mail in voting and to find the post office and make it as easy as possible. Given the circumstances, making mail in voting widely available ensures multiples more votes will be counted vs if we forced people to decide between risking the virus or not voting. Okay I gotcha now. Yeah once upon a time I would have said, O surely the CDC wouldn't allow that, SURELY the FDA wouldn't allow that! And well, now yeah they're part of the fascist regime soooooo yeah you could very well be correct. Either way lots of people will die. Mostly poor people. He never flipped on any of those things. He has always talked out of his ass on COVID, but left it up to local governments. He said he’ll stop talking about stimulus until the election. Not that he’s canceling stimulus. Never really supported hate groups, just fails to condemn them. Which is something people love to exaggerate about although he has previously condemned racism. https://youtu.be/0qD47QFFkTU Everyone took my initial comment saying that not all the blame is on trump and lynched me, backing me into a corner. no shit I want people to get the help they need. our leaders (senate, house, executive are all letting us down. Having a different view on the matter doesn’t make me a horrible person so quit with your cancel culture bullshit. Impossible to have civil discussion with you fuckwits. I’m all for giving municipal governments some assistance. A great way to do that is to open things back up so they can start collecting sales/state taxes again. The longer you keep that shut off, the slower and more painful the bleed. Cuomo and Newsom have absolutely castrated their states with their over reach of power and elongated shut downs while lying and exaggerating the death counts and incentivizing hospitals through federal aid dollars. Their plan was to milk the stimulus packages for everything they could and it backfired. Hahaha people that do that shit are so pathetic xD Remember a week ago when you guys were freaking out about the stock market and saying Trump was trying to ruin everyone? But then within 7 days everything turned around and even CNN is criticizing Pelosi for withholding funds just like I said? Did you learn that making brash emotional decisions is pretty much never the right thing to do? Just find it comical that it’s always either neckbeards or high school kids who come in acting like they have the world figured it out when it’s very, very apparent they do not. LMAO 😂 So? I'm probably still voting for Trump. Me calling you out as the condescending asshole that you are is a separate issue. You are almost as detestable as Trump. This does not change based on my election preferences. I'm sure you wish very hard for that to be true. Meanwhile, I suppose you, a person who bullies others because they ""should've known all along"", should be taken very seriously. Lmao risky click, and now I'm questioning my life choices Ew I’m not sure that the Constitution is the problem though. All of the ill effects of the parties are based on rules and laws outside the Constitution. A constitutional amendment could address these ill effects, but of course that would entail the two existing parties losing power, which is the main impediment to it happening. Not certain of the solution. But I support the Unity movement, which in short is a plan to consolidate all the dissenting attention in our country under one banner (my state has like 7 presidential candidates under various national and regional parties—all those fractured movements should unite). But the task of capturing everyone’s attention to demonstrate a better way is a hard one, which has many cultural factors working against it. No problem bud, thanks for the gold. Yep, he said he was fine with what I said. Selfish person/troll. > He didn’t. Look it up. Even Snopes (who often lies/misleads to smear trump) can’t even claim it’s true. No, dumb shit, I said he called the **danger** a democratic hoax, which he did. He bragged about doing nothing and having only 15 cases, claiming that all the people criticizing his shit, non-existent response were making mountains out of mole hills you brainwashed clown. You are *completely* broken. 200,000 and counting dead, on your parties hands, you will NEVER escape that. Your shit leadership, from your shit president has resulted in a monstrous number of deaths. Feed yourself as much propaganda and self-excuses as you want. You and your president are a cancer on this nation. He has taken ever opportunity he can to gut our ability to respond, fought every attempt to help, and used his influence to fight against quarantines and lock-downs while blathering non-scientific trash about any random drug mentioned to him. **NO ITS OKAY WE DIED AT A RATE 500% HIGHER THAN OUR POPULATION, TRUMP DID GUD!** The fucker is STILL not wearing a mask, tweeting its less dangerous than the flu. > Because the statistically kids don’t die from Covid. How the fuck do you think transmission works? You absolutely murderous dumbfuck. Is germ theory now a liberal conspiracy like global warming and evolution? > How is this a negative? Idiocy is always a negative. Good lord, Republicans are the most brainless cucks. > WAAAH BIDEN CALLED HIM XENOPHOBIC. Here is the quote. “We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency.” Looks like he was dead on the fucking money. It was fun watching my family members being unable to get their lupus medication thanks to Trump's fucking idiocy though. Wanna put money on it? I completely agree with you . I believe this market is inflated as fuck and will correct when he loses. (Maybe years after?) That’s all I’m saying. I don’t think that has happened at all yet and I do not think things will continue to rise if/when Biden is elected because the market knows they will let it fall without pumping it to shit and worried the economy will be temp closed You are ranting about things that I NEVER EVEN TALKED ABOUT and acting like you made some point I can't refute. I don't give a shit what trump said about fucking COVID, that was never the topic of the conversation. You can't derail, make some assertion, then act like the victor when I don't care to engage in your derailment. The fact that you derailed in the first place says a lot about your derangement TBH. Go ahead and get the literally provable quote where he called covid a hoax or said it would definitely disappear by April. Remember, they have to be ""Literal and Provable"". I've literally not said one positive thing about Trump. I’d highly recommend forging one. I enjoyed helping my bro-in-law. I’m likely going to do one my own at some point. Still expensive, unless you happen to have a forge, but a ton of fun. Any proof of that? The massive increase of stock buybacks in 2018 say otherwise. Proof then. Shut your dumbass mouth and prove that some completely nonessential business going under is more important than over 200k American lives. It’s not an experiment and it’s not like we are the only country that did it. Imprisonments? What a dumb strawman (your favorite word you heard on Fox News). Bad faith argument designed to detract. You’ll probably never understand why it’s even important as you clearly don’t know how it’s just about saving high risk people. The lockdowns did fuck all (cannot prove that btw) because they were not committed to. Like tapping your breaks once before rear ending somebody then saying braking is a dumb idea. I didn’t dodge the truth this is my first rebuttal. We aren’t killing ourselves over anything. You’re being held hostage by your government when they should’ve come through for you. This is a once in a lifetime event and many citizens have paid their due in taxes and lived honest lives just for Trump and his friends to suck up small business loans meant for them. You can have Stockholm syndrome all you want but don’t pretend you’re smart when you do it. Damn you should stop commenting 600 times a day on Reddit, maybe then you wouldn’t be so bitter >They did fuck all for saving lives and dipshits are still asking for them after COVID has ran through every nook and corner of the planet. 35,700,000 ÷ 7,800,000,000 = 0.0045% Not even one half of one percent of the global population has caught this disease, so if you think you are safe and this virus has somehow already infected everyone it could, then you are just as stupid as your bad faith arguments paint you out to be. Their estimated IFR is pretty high. Learn what you're talking about instead of spouting off no sense someone tells you is true. What, precisely, are you trying to say? [removed] Are you really arguing that lockdowns **increase** COVID infections? ...so it's not Cuomo's fault? What? > You’re a middle aged failson who doesn’t understand what happens when tens of millions of mortgage payers and renters face eviction from their homes. Except that isn't going to happen. The fear mongering is great though. Maybe it will work this election. “lol blue collar trash with no academic background lectures others on finances lmfao” Spoken like a true leftist. You creeps don’t even hide your hatred of the working class. You sound like such a democrat man...you literally challenge me and I respond. Then, you attack because you realize you’re caught in your opinion. > The owners of the capital are NOT the company. Seriously, research this case. Knight Capital Group was a publicly traded *trading* firm. *They were owners of capital*. In 2012 they implemented a new trading system, which caused all kinds of errors and unintended trades on the stock market. These errors lead to $440m of real losses. They were indeed the owners of capital. It wasn’t their stock (NYSE: KCG) that took the $440m hit. It was their own coffers, their own balance sheet that took the hit. They effectively went bankrupt for it. > So that will show up as a -$440m on the balance sheet at the end of the year then, yeah? Seriously, research this case. Knight Capital Group was a publicly traded *trading* firm. *They were owners of capital*. In 2012 they implemented a new trading system, which caused all kinds of errors and unintended trades on the stock market. These errors lead to $440m of real losses. So yeah, it would show up as $440m of losses on the balance sheet. And it did. And they effectively went out of business for it. The irony here is laughable. You are so incredibly pathetic. I pity you, really. > Lowered regulations, lower taxes, on and on and on You really think lower regulations and lower taxes are good for the economy. Wow. I bet you think no regulations and no taxes make the BEST economy. SMH > business people felt attacked > market's belief in him. Ah yes, the evidence is 'feelings' peddled to people by Fox News, billionaires, and old peoples' facebook memes. Great points. Can't argue with them. I’m good You know Trump has literally bragged about sexually assaulting women, yes? And been accused of exactly what he bragged about by over a dozen women spanning multiple decades. Barging in on naked teenage girls? Great friends with Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell? Yeah, I'll go with Biden who's awkward around kids...probably because his wife and his infant daughter fucking died in a car crash and his son died of brain cancer. Can't even imagine how much that would affect who you are. You're giving Trump credit here for numbers from before he even took office? I didn't realize he was so magical. Can you tell me some of the economic policies he put into place before Jan 2017? >You're spinning like crazy bro Yep that's me. Pulling crazy spin moves like looking at the actual period of time someone is President in order to judge economic performance. Hold up you dont even live in this country? HAHAHAHA! another foreigner angry at Trump. OH BOY! Its Make American Great Again dude. It doesn't include China. Sorry bud. ""Typical engineer, zero understanding of how the world actually works"" ""source: am engineer"" ​ LOL! Bro, what other possible conclusion could one reach from your statement. I get it we are typically not the best with writing, but damn dude. Cool, Bernie endorsed Biden, Biden is the dem nominee, vote for him because bernie is supporting and endorsing Biden, so if you want to vote Bernie it's just as good according to Bernie. Neat, my friends and family in MI are cool with her. Even the ones in conservative west MI. Obligatory fuck Lieberman Fraud is not illegal. Got it. ""I'm gonna rate these bundled assets highly because I'm friends with this guy and I'm corrupt, and he's gonna sell them pretending he doesn't know it's full of terrible sub-prime bullshit that's gonna collapse, but this definitely isn't and shouldn't be illegal despite the obvious, huge consequences and complete direct lying going on."" Yeah okay. How about at least making it so it's illegal in case they do it again? Commercial mortgage backed securities are a ticking time bomb with this pandemic and the death of retail What has trump done to improve peoples 401(k)’s in the long run, that another president wouldnt have? https://www.google.fi/amp/s/www.marketwatch.com/amp/story/trump-with-other-presidents-your-401-k-s-will-drop-down-to-nothing-11593712819 A year or two of a stock market in overdrive? The stock market is pure insanity at the moment. Dont take it from me. It would also be cool to know what stock market has ever survived being in overdrive like this. Im sure 10 years from now americans will all be talking about the two good years when trump made it easier for pension fund managers to invest... On retirement plans: https://www.google.fi/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/edwardsiedle/2020/06/26/donald-trump-the-prudent-man-managing-your-pension-401k-and-heath-care/amp/ https://protectpensions.org/2017/02/15/president-trump-retirement-know-far/ Only 32% are even saving in a 401k. And 59% would even have access to it. what about the rest? Im sure all those people you talk about are the ones contributing to their 401ks each month. https://www.google.fi/amp/s/www.personalcapital.com/blog/retirement-planning/average-401k-balance-age/amp/ So not exactly a high percent. Millions and millions of people are without jobs, but some people's retirement will be a little better, so who cares. [deleted] Enjoy all your anal leakage come Nov 4. Byeeeeeee Can't expect much critical thought out of Texans Thanks for pulling it out of context. Add the context and come back. You’re just a troll. During his Covid drug Twitter spree he said he was going to get stimulus done. He’s saying Covid is no big deal right now - are you saying he never said it was serious? Not once? Cool so in other words yes he flip flopped but here’s why you are giving him a pass. Asked and answered not going to convince you of anything here. There it goes, the facade comes away and all the fox news falls out We wouldnt be in a constant state of ""Bleed"" if Trump had been an actual leader and come out and asked everyone to wear a mask a social distance properly. Instead we have idiots walking around blatantly without a mask on throwing parties and spreading this shit everywhere shouting ""Mah freedom!"" Trump is an incompetent and selfish leader as are his followers. Change your username. There's nothing wise in what you just said. I mean... you more or less forfeited the argument when you went into his history to make fun of his location and hobbies, so if he doesn’t have anything figured out what does that say about you? Lmao Lol I'm a medical service engineer that became a millionaire before I turned 40... So you are not a person whose opinion I value in any way. No skin off my back if you don't take me seriously. But clearly you don't have a problem with bullies so that dog won't hunt. [removed] The constitution has no recognition of partisan politics whatsoever. I've heard it said that George Washington didn't like political parties and hoped that none would take hold in the new country. The constitution describes an executive and legislature that are co-equal branches. Checks and balances with each other. But our system as it currently works, the only check on a president can occur if the opposition party holds congress. It's utterly broken. To your point, an incumbent running unopposed is deeply undemocratic. Currently the primaries are run by the parties, and as private organizations they have the right to run them however they want. Luckily they have chosen to make them vaguely democratic, but it's not good enough. The party system should be written into the constitution, including guaranteeing a primary election is held with full support even when there's an incumbent. Additionally we need to abolish the Electoral College, raise the number of reps in the house, make the senate proportional, establish nonpartisan offices for districting, for appointment of judges, for handling the DOJ and the impeachment process, for running elections. We need to solve the problem of the corrupting influence of inlimited money in politics. We need proportional representation and ranked choice voting. Most or all of these would require a constitutional amendment. Some of them would be such fundamental changes that it may make more sense to rewrite the whole thing. Of course rewriting the constitution is an absolute fantasy in today's deadlocked political systems. So this is just political fanfic. > No, dumb shit, I said he called the danger a democratic hoax, which he did. He bragged about doing nothing and having only 15 cases, claiming that all the people criticizing his shit, non-existent response were making mountains out of mole hills you brainwashed clown. First paragraph in and you’re highly disrespectful and you make it apparent you didn’t even read the fact check I provided or make any effort to fact check yourself. So I won’t dignify your comment by reading further. I will however provide another source to hopefully have you realize that you’re wrong. https://apnews.com/article/election-2020-virus-outbreak-ap-fact-check-politics-joe-biden-1eea443cca46df5f18e61b7c34549da2 And this time I’ll even pull quotes out since you don’t bother to educate yourself by taking 2 seconds to read. > “Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus,” he said. “You know that, right? Coronavirus. They’re politicizing it.” He meandered briefly to the subject of the messy Democratic primary in Iowa, then the Russia investigation before returning to the pandemic. **”They tried the impeachment hoax. ... And this is their new hoax.”** > Asked at a news conference the next day to clarify his remarks, **Trump made clear he was not referring to the coronavirus itself as a hoax.** > **”No, no, no.” he said. ”‘Hoax’ referring to the action that they take to try and pin this on somebody, because we’ve done such a good job.** The hoax is on them, not -- I’m not talking about what’s happening here. I’m talking what they’re doing. That’s the hoax.” > He continued: **”Certainly not referring to this. How could anybody refer to this? This is very serious stuff.”** And the far left Snopes’ opinion on the matter: > During a Feb. 28, 2020, campaign rally in South Carolina, President **Donald Trump likened the Democrats' criticism of his administration's response to the new coronavirus outbreak to their efforts to impeach him, saying ""this is their new hoax.""** > What's False: Despite creating some confusion with his remarks, **Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax.** Trump obviously compared Democrat’s criticism of his administration as being a “hoax,” he never claimed the danger of Covid was a hoax or that Covid itself was a “hoax.” I think at this point you’re just being willfully ignorant. I come to this conclusion because you spend more time insulting me rather than providing substance, which just tells me you realize you’re wrong and you’re angry. I feel that. It’s hard knowing your world view is built off a lie. However it’s your duty to educate yourself and avoid the lies. Sure How about a $20 Starbucks gift card to the winner? The bet: If Joe Biden resigns at or before 11:59PM (Eastern) January 20, 2021 I win, if he doesn’t you win. These are all the things Trump and Fox has said to scare people into voting for him. Derailment from what exactly? All you've said is TDS, TDS, lol TDS. You haven't even tried to make a point this entire thread so what are you claiming I derailed from? Your post is peak TDS. [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] That the economy was hurt because of covid. [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] I am right wing you peasant [deleted] Not as funny as your self delusion. [deleted] Also trump had an actual case that was brought against him from a 13 year old girl he brutally raped. “they’re both shit” > Yeah, I'll go with Biden who's awkward around kids...probably because his wife and his infant daughter fucking died in a car crash and his son died of brain cancer. Lol can you imagine that, “my child passed away so I’m going to give your kid a shoulder massage and sniff their hair”. I mean at this point how many kids has he been over touchy with? > Can't even imagine how much that would affect who you are. Prob differently than [“can I get a picture with her alone Biden”](https://i.imgur.com/xg2d8X8.jpg) Thankfully dad stepped in midway. [deleted] What? Who the fuck said that? I'm not sure I've ever said anything alluding to being from China. Are you referring to the fact that I have mentioned south america in the past? What the actual fuck are you talking about? I assure you, I'm every bit as American as you, fucko. You're certainly not doing yourself an favors if your goal was to not look like a moron. [deleted] You don't even know that you are literally making my point for me. Maybe someone will explain the joke to you. I haven't got the time. Don't listen to the trolls trying to split the dem vote. Cool. Small business owners who lost everything due to her abuse of power, aren't cool with her. You know, the executive orders that turned out she had zero authority to make. Whoops. Hope her ass gets sued into oblivion. Sure now go try to prove securities fraud in a court of law and realize that maybe things are more complicated than The Big Short tried to sell you. Bubbles get inflated by everyone involved and trying to pin the bubble on specific people when they pop isn't really possible [deleted] Dude, what the fuck are you talking about??? You literally only ever mention voter fraud and how Pelosis stimulus package will lead to rampant voter fraud. There is no other context. I think the well documented correlation between low IQ and being a trump supporter is on full display here. Guy knows how to speak to the mentally deficient. Go tell your guardian you’ve had enough internet for the dayz I don’t count anything trump tweets as a policy change. He’s literally not changing the approach to COVID at all, despite the attitude. Lol did you seriously ask Reddit to r/rateme and for bumble advice 😂😂 The dude basically hit a scratcher big and tells redditors to suck his balls now, what a life lmao Eh started my own business at 24 which I still run now at 30. That business survived the pandemic unlike 1/6th of other small businesses in the US. I’ve saved 50% of my income the last 6 years which I deployed into the stock market after the crash and have made over 100% on my account since then. Oh and I vacation 2 months out of the year...but hey...I guess I could spend more time playing Magic the Gathering or arguing with bitter liberals on Reddit...perhaps that would be a better way to spend my time. And unsurprisingly neither is yours to anyone else, but here we are. You're very good at conflating things, I'll give you that. Must come with practice. I wish. Smokin trees in Belize when they find me You are right. I have very little disagreement on any of that. Jesus fucking christ you think he's going to resign.... before or on the date of his 1st day as POTUS.... or was that a typo? Ya I'll take that bet. What do you mean? You don’t think with increased tax rates and more government regulation in business will have a negative effect on the markets in the short term? I don’t know how fox has to do with anything, he has absolutely been in favor of more profit for corporations than any economic policy that Biden wants >“The virus that we’re talking about having to do, a lot of people think that goes away in April, with the heat, as the heat comes in, typically that will go away in April,” Now tell me where in that quote Trump *literally and provably* says the virus would go away in April. Yeah CARES is a totally different thing. And no, being childless and itemizing on 2 properties, it was largely a wash for me as a middle class earner. Mostly just dislike seeing trillions pumped into supply side economics that never have been proven to work. 😂😂 Yeah you're gonna need to source me on that. There are less than 8 million recorded cases in the country, and you're telling me that the organization that is recording that data believes they're so wrong that they estimate 20x the recorded number of people *actually* have it. It seems you are just willing to tell yourself whatever you need to to justify your own shitty arguments. Link a source then, nothing I've found says that. Here's a poll of Ivy league economics professors takes on the economic effects and need for a lockdown back in march. http://www.igmchicago.org/surveys/policy-for-the-covid-19-crisis/ Spoiler: not a single one of them disagrees that a lockdown is so economically beneficial that it effectively should be required. COVID continuing to ravage our nation’s economy 8 months later is precisely because we didn’t lock down. You’re arguing the opposite; correct? Oh, my bad I just assumed you meant Cuomo when you said Democrat governors. He seems to be the one people most often mean when they use that phrase? Which governor did you have in mind? Here in Texas we have Greg Abbot but it's mean to make fun of him, so I guess let's pretend he's blameless in this. Exactly my point lol. You do realize there are good regulations, right? And that Trump's presidency has removed a lot of _good_ regulations? Our goal is to decrease bad regulations and increase good regulations; whereas, you're just arguing, ""Lowered regulations = Good"" which is just incorrect [deleted] Well my dude, if this is a dealbreaker for you then like I said, I hope you just stay home from the polls this year...because your other option is literally a serial rapist and serial sexual assaulter who spends his time with child traffickers. Ok, let me make this real simple here for you I guess since you can't seem to figure out how to use the Dow graph site that you literally linked me to prove...something. I'm not exactly clear what, but it seemed to make sense to you at the time. Your boy Trump is the disappointing thick blue line here: https://i.imgur.com/INpOdIM.png Obama and Clinton are the dotted lines. This chart even attributes some of the 2008 crash to Obama since he just happened to have the misfortune of walking into office during the tail end of it. I tend to not look at the first few months of a Presidency when judging economic indicators, so really Obama's graph should look far better than it even does here...and it still looks great. >Yes, why would the market suddenly rise, continue to rise, and explode? Explode, lol. Show me this ""explosion"" on the graph I attached. I think we must have very different definitions of explosions. [https://www.reddit.com/r/guitarpedals/comments/gvzmo5/how\_to\_replace\_ocd\_with\_blm/](https://www.reddit.com/r/guitarpedals/comments/gvzmo5/how_to_replace_ocd_with_blm/) HAHAHAHA! Thanks for the laugh dude. How many cats do you have? ​ Holy shit you even Admit Joe Biden touches children!?! [https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/5neole/reddit\_has\_changed\_in\_just\_one\_day/](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/5neole/reddit_has_changed_in_just_one_day/) ​ Interesting. you also a Pedophile and support him for this reason? SICK! its so obvious and so pathetic given that Biden is not nearly as bad as the alt-right and alt-left make him out to be, but at the end of the day he's not supposed to be a king, and he's good at letting the right people do the right jobs, and that's been the dems push, vs the republican freshmen that seem intent on proving that the dems are lizard people and putting unqualified people in lifetime positions across the country instead of governing. > Small business owners who lost everything due to her abuse of power, Cool, so you're gonna go with Trump, who only helps out giant megacorps? Cool, cool cool cool. Do you remember when the government employed all those forensic accountants to uncover fraud and all those DAs went line by line over internal correspondence, and that time they set up all those sting operations, so the small guys turned over the big guys - and all those crooks who stole from the American people went to prison? No? Me neither. [deleted] False The stock market would say otherwise. You: > Prove it Also you: > No not like that Yeah like three years ago when I was insecure af! What's your point? https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/isn4av/joe_rogan_offers_to_moderate_trumpbiden_debate/g59dv61/?context=3 right... >...but hey...I guess I could spend more time playing Magic the Gathering or arguing with bitter liberals on Reddit...perhaps that would be a better way to spend my time. That's literally what you're doing lmao. You've spent the entire last hour arguing just in this thread Lmao listen to this incoherent rambling. You know you’re an intellectual giant when you have to recite your resumé to try and win online arguments America is a country where any idiot starts a pool supply company and thinks they're a fucking Economics phD >condescending pricks like you makes it hard to vote for Biden That's you saying you do care about my opinion. Don't hate, conflate, I always say. The census should also be undertaken by non-partisan actors. Forgot one. Honestly there's probably a wide array of governmental functions that should be guaranteed free of partisan influence. You responded to [this comment](https://reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/j6b8k8/_/g8040q5/?context=1) so .. yes? I didn't read all of this thread and im not sure who im replying to here, but the market made such a recovery because it was flooded with money. The money is about to run out so without more money to prop it up again, it will drop. Okay so you just admitted exactly what I said: you’re thinking short sighted. [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] Can’t, Biden promised a spot for Beto to be head of gun regulation, and that was AFTER “yes we’re going to take your AR’s” How do you think that’ll play investment wise? > because your other option is literally a serial rapist and serial sexual assaulter who spends his time with child traffickers. That’s interesting you say that, has there anything that’s actually stuck yet? Going through wikis sources I can see his first wife and stormy (although here is more sex affair), but nothing that’s actually been provided to close. Going over to r/epstein has enough documentation and it’s still clustered, what did you find? [deleted] [deleted] Sure, you go show where all those shadow cabal of rich and powerful people are orchestrating all the bad things are and where all those smoking guns are that reveal the culprits in this fantasy world you live in. In the end, it's just a bubble built on over-valued assets. An entire class of assets being over valued due to historic trends of housing appreciation and low foreclosure rates isn't illegal. It's not the first bubble and it won't be the last. [deleted] Go put your helmet on bro Hur dur texan say stupid shit. How surprising. A trump tweet isn’t equivalent a policy change and you know that, you’re just trying to discredit me. Hey, I’m on vacation, I have the time. And it’s amusing. And you have like 25 times as much karma as I do. I spend a fraction of the time on here while sipping Piña coladas at the resort. Suck my balls Remember a week ago when you guys were freaking out about the stock market and saying Trump was trying to ruin everyone? But then within 7 days everything turned around and even CNN is criticizing Pelosi for withholding funds just like I said? Did you learn that making brash emotional decisions is pretty much never the right thing to do? lol don’t you have a riot to attend? Oh yes I care about your opinion, and so do many other people! Do you feel better about your little life now? Apparently we are wrong, that’s just what Fox News wants u to think if you dont vote for trump (??) Yes, nothing wrong with that lol Now you're moving the goal posts. You said this virus has already been through every nook and cranny in the world. It very obviously has not. The CDC never estimated that half the country has had the virus. And because both of your claims are wrong, you move the goal posts to death rate, and link me to a page that has prepared a scenario model to help plan and prepare for the best and worst possible outcomes. The page very clearly states, if you even read through it, that these are projection models and nothing more. ""The scenarios are intended to advance public health preparedness and planning.  They are not predictions or estimates of the expected impact of COVID-19."" Your own source throws you under the bus, and you prove my point that you are willing to say and twist anything to justify your sadly misinformed worldview. Again, if you think you are safe from this virus, you are a fucking moron. And it's quite obvious that no one close to you has been infected otherwise you wouldn't speak with such fucking apathy about a deadly virus. People like you are the reason this virus is still here, but don't worry, your invincible superhero Dear Leader will save the day, right?? Right?! So you took the lowest estimate and then provided that as your proof you're right? Also do you see where it said it wasn't meant as an estimate? Where there is actual estimates elsewhere? > Who gives a fuck. They are not the arbiters of freedom. is in your mind a relevant response to > more drastic measures would have caused a faster, better recovery. "" One of the dumbest things I’ve read this week. Thanks for the laugh."" All this oblique majority this and I don't mean that just sounds like more of Trump's ""many smart people are saying"" at this point. Sorry, but you gotta back your assertions up. I found a great tape of him talking about how he grabs women by the pussy, and also how when he sees beautiful women, he can't help himself, he just starts kissing them. That squares very much with all the women over the years who have come forward saying things like ""Donald Trump groped and fondled me"" and ""Donald Trump forced himself on me and was kissing me"". It never started at 18K and it never hit 30K. Do you realize how little credibility you walk away with when you literally just pick out numbers to prop yourself up? Also here's the other problem with inventing narratives like you've done; at some point you have to come up with the rest of the story. So let's go with this tale of yours for fun. The entire US economy was so excited by the idea of reality TV character Donald Trump being the GOP front runner and eventually being declared the next POTUS by the Electoral College (my wealth management firm was extremely wary of all this btw), that based on literally no actionable policy or anything tangible whatsoever, every single investor in the country just had a gut feeling that it was stonks == up time. Ok. We've got the first part of the story that you've laid out here. Now I'd like to hear the rest of it. Why did the markets crash after that and completely stagnate for the rest of his Presidency? What's the lore? Because from the peak in Jan 2018 to the peak in Jan 2020, the Dow only went up 5%. I'd like to hear the tale of those two years. I even specifically left out everything Covid affected. >High before Obama: 18. After: 18. Oh hey this argument again. You tried this one already. It's still every bit as disingenuous as the first time you peddled it. If it were up to Obama, the Republicans wouldn't have crashed the economy in 2008 and destroyed the 17.3K Dow Jones score; he would have built from there. Bro it took 10 seconds come on By listening to what the experts said and agreeing to plans laid out for him. A lot less deaths and covid very well under control. He would have easily won had he done that. It wasn’t even hard it was all in place him and he just had to say “yes, let’s do what the experts say”. Lmao you’re a fucking dumbass. Don’t you have failed economic theories to shill? Can’t wait for you to start blaming your downvotes on the commie libruls of /r/Stocks I feel no different because, as I explained, you are not a person whose opinion I value in any way. He’s not agreeing with you bud. He’s saying that the cash propping up the market because of trump is just a facade. Businesses don’t like being overvalued because of cocaine economics to make himself seem good for the market. That’s why markets like sustainable growth not ridiculous high get rich quick schemes. Just ask the dotcoms. [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] Hey Mr. vote_you_shits, I will be voting > I found a great tape of him talking about how he grabs women by the pussy, and also how when he sees beautiful women, he can't help himself, he just starts kissing them. No that’s definitely shitty, but is there anyone that he’s done this to, or is he saying this? > That squares very much with all the women over the years who have come forward saying things like ""Donald Trump groped and fondled me"" and ""Donald Trump forced himself on me and was kissing me"". Which case are you talking about? [deleted] Ah still emotional I see. Such a little bitch wahhh 😂 Lol your Reddit history is riddle with Magic the Gathering, drug tests, and angry comments. You are a very sad, sad man. Spend more time working on yourself and less time on Reddit with your 45K karma and maybe one day you too won’t be a loser Oh no!!! Don’t take my fake internet points!!😭😭 Reread his comment. You are agreeing with us. If it’s just a facade how are you also saying it’s overvalued ? We are saying it’s overvalued and without trump it’s gonna get “unmasked” when the money boost is gone That's just too funny. > So nothing to say about the fact that there’s an army of doctors and economists (including Nobel prize winners) that disagree with your article? Still waiting on you to provide actual citations and evidence of an ""army of economists"" disagreeing with literally all 50+ ivy league economics professors surveyed ( are you aware how large a percentage of all ivy league economics professors this survey accounts for?) all independently coming to a consensus explicitly against that found in this survey. If you don't and your response is continuing to be disingenous and in bad-faith I'm just going to block you. Edit: nevermind I saw you are a still current trump supporter, you were clearly arguing in bad-faith the entire time. blocked. Good! Please don't tell me how. I prefer suspense Hey here's a brand new one even. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/amp/world-us-canada-54197250 Add it to the pile: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_sexual_misconduct_allegations#:~:text=Donald%20Trump%2C%20current%20president%20of,25%20women%20since%20the%201970s. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/women-accused-trump-sexual-misconduct-list-2017-12%3famp What do you mean , Is there anyone he’s done this to? It’s literally been reported by a lot of women where he’s inappropriately touched them. You aren’t interested though in anything about this, you’re not curious or concerned at all. So what’s the point in discussing it with someone like you who clearly does not care? > covid you knucklehead LOL >Jan 2020 Woops, you didn't comprehend. I specifically didn't include Covid because I don't cherry pick my stats. 5% growth from Jan 2018 to Jan 2020. Pre-Covid. Is that why you’re coming back to Reddit arguments you lost a week ago? Lmao Lmao ok loser Lmao you crosspost your shit to multiple subs to farm karma. Don’t try to pretend like you don’t care, it’s kinda sad tbh 😂😂😂 I’m not agreeing. You’re saying the market will crash if biden wins, and won’t if trump wins. This fake market won’t be sustainable for anybody at all. You think trump can keep up this “party” for four more years? Today proves it. The market isn’t sustainable. The minute he tweeted about not printing more money, the market instantly fell. How much more of that can either candidate give? Also, Biden will approve a much higher stimulus than Trump, so the argument that it’s Trumps stimulus keeping us afloat is absurd since the democrats wanted to put 2 billion more into the economic stimulus than Trump. [deleted] With all due respect to any of them being true, your first link has 0 evidence basis. This is the misinformation I’m not understanding, so far I’m still only seeing his wife and stormy. Which is still shitty like I said, but there’s an important distinction between allegations and actual case proceedings Provide a case closed, show me the evidence other than the two I mentioned, unless you’re disputing something about those..? > You aren’t interested though in anything about this, you’re not curious or concerned at all. What pushed you to push this idea in the middle of me asking a question to better understand? Better yet, help me understand how you can form that optimism above when I specifically said “I think they’re both shitty”. Your only push is to deface, not debate. > So what’s the point in discussing it with someone like you who clearly does not care? We weren’t discussing anything, you were reading and decided to throw your opinion in the end of the discussion. Do you control the other guy? [deleted] Is it farming karma when you know you’re gonna get downvoted? Has nothing to do with the stimulus it has to do with the expected policies each party will implement pertaining to business profitability and right now monopolies . I’m not saying it’s logical or that Trump will lead to an even higher market but to expect things to go up with Biden getting elected seems opposite to what I would think what a quick google search on those sources gave me: 1: https://www.wired.co.uk/article/great-barrington-declaration-herd-immunity-scientific-divide The direction of the declaration is exceedingly vague and can hardly be attributed to anything more specific than attempting to explore non-lockdown policies, not even making reference to the policies of the best covid managing nations: south Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, Czech Republik etc of wide scale mask usage and contact tracing. Also they do not list their signee's, most likely because it has the lowest bar to be signed to it possible, typing in your name. 6,000 unspecified online names of 0 authentication is absolutely worthless. I would like to introduce you to the latest health expert GBD signee: Dr Poopie Head of Your Nan University https://imgur.com/a/PTpu3aF The declaration's spearheaded by 3 signatories who have not done any research on covid or the declarations topics at all, apart from 1 hypothesis paper , of which they were later proven categorically wrong by multiple degrees. 2. your second source if you actually read it actively contradicts your 3rd and 4th source, and like the first source is largely arguing for the inclusion of more covid prevention methods than just lockdowns such as wide-scale screening. 3. An Economist's non-peer reviewed article* makes a cross country comparison. Meanwhile a similar google search on exact same title instantly came up with multiple studies , and actually peer reviewed and including multiple economists and epidemiologists, very explicitly contradicting it, and that delays to preventative measures could cost hundreds of thousands of lives across a few nations alone . https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10640-020-00466-5 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7268966/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666606520300043 https://www.bmj.com/content/370/bmj.m2743.long https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969720320520 https://www.imperial.ac.uk/media/imperial-college/medicine/mrc-gida/2020-03-16-COVID19-Report-9.pdf https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rspa.2020.0376?fbclid=IwAR05HP4V_kFcHr7z703wJguvZPK7jR3LjhM2fjUfVTYLVEw45jrFVCcCW90& https://www.bmj.com/content/370/bmj.m2728?fbclid=IwAR3-TdLvOm-zHc8Y778cQ1ZCfEqN07UWyQWb7iVdKAxyknKc3PyWMIPdReA https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/208354?fbclid=IwAR3TjGN_1Khtv05QlRUFLuxjqjF6KTO7diV8hI-hfQkzcz0n9XUevGeE5Qk and of course: the meme of using sweden as the be all with refusal to acknowledge it's state and shortcomings and the success of other nations instead such as singapore, south korea, vietnam, new zealand, czech republic etc etc is also regularly refuted , as directly seen in this cross country coparison of lockdown measures in the 3 nordic nations : https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3594014 ""Conclusion Our case study compares the effect on the health care system of the strict lockdown measures by Denmark and Norway with the more lenient approach of Sweden. We show that the stricter measures decrease the stress on the health care system. Compared to the more lenient approach of Sweden, the lockdown measures strongly reduce the number of hospitalizations and intensive care patients per capita. Our counterfactual analysis reveals that following the Swedish approach would have resulted in more than twice as many hospitalizations and intensive care patients at the peak, potentially bringing Denmark and Norway close to their maximum capacity"" Not arguing that extremely long term nation wide lockdowns wouldn't be economically harmful, and as shown by the nations performing the best such as south-korea, taiwan etc aren't neccessary if high levels of contact tracing, quarantining and mask usage are enforced but as the other user showed from nearly every ivy league economist and succesful nations, if the covid measures and economic retraction were enforced properly the resulting economic and social hit is far smaller than the otherwise resulting economic and social threat of the overwhelming of a nation's healthcare system. Hence why nearly every nation and peer reviewed study on the matter have enacted and pursued such measures. Donald Trump: ""I grab women by the pussy"" Donald Trump: ""I can't help myself from just kissing beautiful women without asking"" Two dozen+ women: ""Donald Trump grabbed me by the pussy and forced himself on me, and was kissing me."" You: ""Gee I just don't know, maybe they're all making it up!"" I specifically said: >Because from the peak in Jan 2018 to the peak in Jan 2020, the Dow only went up 5%. ___ >why did it start to explode exactly on the day Trump got elected, bro? You're grasping for straws on a micro level of the Dow graph. That's just not how market indexes work. The month he took office there was a negative Dow dip...I'm not about to draw conclusions from a single month of the Dow Jones though just because it fits my narrative. That's total nonsense. [deleted] > Two dozen+ women: ""Donald Trump grabbed me by the pussy and forced himself on me, and was kissing me."" Surely you can provide then, not sure why you’re dodging this hard for the 3rd time on the evidence factor > You: ""Gee I just don't know, maybe they're all making it up!"" I don’t think your reading my replies, that doesn’t make sense So you can post a ""wall of sources"", that you haven't read, and expect people to accept it. Then when I explain to you your own sources and provide my own you just throw your hands up and go: ""lol tldr *sticks head in sand*"" I'm interested in factual discourse, it's not my fault you rely on headlines and Gish Gallop and can't entertain intellectual discourse contrary to yourself, as shown by every single response of your's in this thread, when shown evidence for anything you're incapable of attempting to discuss it, yet have the audacity to unironically say ""One of the dumbest things I’ve read this week. Thanks for the laugh."" and shits a brick as soon as they get proven wrong. I agree we won't get anywhere though, but entirely because of your cognitive dissonance, intellectual dishonesty, and bad faith. Edit: also I like how you consider that short a comment to be a ""wall of text"", literally outing yourself that you didn't read a single thing you sourced because you're incapable of it. also can you link me what part of my entirely unemotive comment makes it inherently ""more interested in a fight"". I mean I know you can't, it's purely an excuse for your cognitive dissonance, I just want It pointed out that you see entirely unemotive discussion on your sources as wanting a fight. That's extremely concerning for your intellectual honesty and capacity, you're clearly not worthy to be going around saying ""One of the dumbest things I’ve read this week. Thanks for the laugh."" and have it hold any worth. > Surely you can provide then, not sure why you’re dodging this hard for the 3rd time on the evidence factor I sent you articles detailing all the various allegations of sexual assault over the years by many, many, many women. If it were just one or two accusations, I'm a fan of waiting until we learn more and try to dig for what the facts are. Once you're up to 10+, you're at Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey levels here. Did Cosby and Weinstein have to actually be convicted in court for you to know they're rapists at this point? Or was court simply a formality? Spacey hasn't even gone to court or had charges against him, but everyone still knows without a doubt that the allegations are true due to the sheer volume of them and the consistency of their reports. Trump is the same deal as these 3 men here. In fact it's even more damning for him because of his secretly recorded admissions to what most of these women have accused him of. The man is literally on record bragging about how he grabs women by the pussy and kisses them without consent. Nearly two dozen women have accused him of grabbing them by the pussy and/or kissing them without consent. Some have accused him of rape too, including a 13 year old girl. It really doesn't matter if this sees a trial or not. Most of these women's cases are beyond the statute of limitations by now anyway. This is who Trump is, it's what he's done, and he's so proud of it that he actually brags about his behavior and what he gets away with. You sent me an atricle with an allegation that provided 0 evidence all the while claiming as truth. It’s amazing you managed to write all that and YET still ignorantly provide nothing > Some have accused him of rape too, including a 13 year old girl. You keep digging without researching. Why? The amount of times this is been spun on Reddit is embrassing becaus but parrots keep parroting. > It really doesn't matter if this sees a trial or not. how about something more than he said she said? Give me a case that has evidence. Here, let me give you an example so we can follow your logic, I’m curious on your opinion. If this was your duaghter(s), what would you do? If you witnessed your 6 year old duaghter get a shoulder massage by a 78 year old man, how would you feel? Do you think it’s predatory that he’s done this multiple times? [Biden: Compilition of Innappropiate Touching](https://youtu.be/V4PLSPvJ9BY) I sent you this already: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_sexual_misconduct_allegations It contains all of the publicly made allegations along with court filings. Donald Trump's only defense so far has been to say that he has ""no idea who any of these women are."" I'm not sure how he wouldn't have any idea of who someone is when they were on The Apprentice with him as an example, but that's his entire defense. >he repeated his denials and stated ""all of these liars will be sued after the election is over."" To date, however, Trump has not filed suit against any of his accusers. > I sent you this already And before you even sent it the first time, I had already mentioned I looked at it. > It contains all of the publicly made allegations along with court filings. I can’t tell if you’re dodging the question or if I’m it being clear. Let me reiterate to make more sense. Is there any of them that ARENT just allegations BESIDES stormy and his first wife, the people I mentioned? And what’s your view on the vid?"