Title,Score,URL,Comments When you’ve spent the past 4 years carefully researching and building a solid crypto portfolio and then all your friends quintuple their money in 1 day off a DOGE meme on the Robinhood app,4813,https://i.imgur.com/g8Tzti4.jpg,"Few weeks ago, my brother had a bag of Doge. He called me asking for advice, I said: ""Doge has no plans, too risky."" The rest is history by now... :( I am happy with my portfolio and did not have to endure the stress all of them seem to have had this morning over this. If you were in early: great! I am happy for you 😊❤You made likely 1200% profit in the last 4-6 months but following pumps like this overnight one... I have been burned and will not be burned again. [deleted] Until RH stops all Doge transactions like they did earlier today and they want to sell but can’t. The market will remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent New markets are great. Whether you hold or sell, just be sure to participate. The old ways of building wealth: inheritance, private VC funding are being disrupted. Let’s continue changing the world economy In 2014 I took 2 BTC’s and got roughly 2 million Doge. I think I left them on Dogevault but I’m not sure. I have the computer in storage that I’m going to go retrieve. Back then, it was way more “Wild West”. I lost so much but I’m grateful for what I have. I’m sure many early adopters can relate. I hope I can find them. They will lose it just as fast because greed is a hell of drug. This is hilarious. I’ll die now Crypto is like playing the lottery but with way better odds 😃 Jokes on them Robin hood wont allow withdrawals. tell me more about this portfolio you've curated First crypto buy about 4 weeks Doge @ 0.058 35k coins for $2,000 Sold this AM @ 0.43 Almost $15,000 on its way from RH Still not sure if this is real life Still sticking to my original portfolio. Not into meme coins. Going heavy on DOT coins such as LKR right now✊ Don't sweat it brah. It's the beanie baby of coins it will have value over and over again. It will shoot back up in a couple months after this drop. But sooner or later someone will attach something to it because of the name being the selling point. Feels bad man Speak to eachother 5y from now “Looooos-errrrrrr.” Lol *solid* crypto portfolio. I’m up like 800% on doge lol I mined around a million DOGE back when it was first created because memes and SUCH WOW! Thought, at the time it was cool I could convert to other crypto and by silver with it... Don't recall exactly how much was bought from the DOGE proceeds but it's about $500 worth of silver now. ... Not sure why you can’t put 5% into shit coins just in case this happens and it does happen look at TROn I’ve hit on 2 shit Coins 2 weeks in arrow it’s not life changing but they are both a big boost They will lose big time. Watch all their unrealized gains go down the drain in the months to come. Dollar cost average into and out of positions! Especially in crypto, it's such a volatile market. That doesn't stop you from making risky bets or moonshots, but you do it slowly, and everytime you buy a little it makes you think about if it's worth it. I bought $50 of dodge 1000 coins a few weeks ago because my 18yo son was pumping it up. Mostly so I could tell him. ,""See it's not doing anything, don't waist your time with it."" Yesterday. I sent him a message, "" it's at $400, I'm gonna recover my cost basis and take some profit and put it in real crypto projects."". He responds, ""this is the way."". I'm raising that young man up right. I left in 424 doge coins just incase the goobs pump it more. Bought some ADA, ETH, DOT & BTC with the profits. Sold my Dodge profits today and I bought more ETH. 👀Baby Moon Wolf has just launched 🐺 Very big potential with this project. 🟡 150k Market cap, ATH WAS 710K 🟡 Renounced ownership, burnt liquidity pool. 🟡 Tokenomics which rewards holders, 5% proportionally. Contract: 0x5b5a3a45002736413613b8a4c46cc0d9d1d6f4ae [deleted] Don't be upset you didn't buy In at 5c. People will wish they bought in at 30c. mos, buy more doge. A solid crypto portfolio? Is there such a thing? i dont feel too bad knowing that all these people most likely didnt risk more than what, a few hundred to up to a grand or two on doge. Yeah, theyre probably up to 20-50k or maybe even 100k now, but short term gain tax and they take home close to half of what they made in gains. My portfolio that i've carefully been building over 4 years is over 7 figure now and I am certain of the rotation from doge into the other coins. We're not at the top yet. Yep. Thank Elon Musk. for this meme shitcoin pump n dump. Hope the SEC sues that billionnaire pos charlatan. Fuck Elon Musk. It will rise, it’s a powerful tool social power will drive it! why did it boost up is it because Bitcoin went up or because of the coinbase but coinbase doesnt allow DOGE trading yet.Why Why the fuck did it went all up when i had no money. Fuckkkkkkkkkk!!!! Damn! I'm so much related to this thread bro. Some normy friends actually bought a lot of it and here I am still aping on EBOX. well, I know that it's not too late for this platform. I can still consider it as a revolutionary platform. 🔥 Your portfolio wasn't as good as your thought then My joke of $5 doge turned into $40 and I was like wtf, I could have made hundreds. Ugh. After reading this it explains why everyone so butt hurt Oh well,one can't be perfect in all area but it's still gon hurt regardless so what i do basically is just to buy what i researched on and wait till whenever but patience is key,it could take some time. I saw this Polkamon talking about low supply and this idea of burning some token and they partnered with Matic just recently. Its crypto anyways,we just always hope for the best. but guess what. you one your crypto. they have an iou from rh. and all that they get is fiat they can withdraw to buy more crypto at higher prices. It’s bullshit Aww damn man, sucks. This is exactly why I got into cryptoping and have been following their signals lately. They offer a free, basic and a pro service. The team really knows what they're doing and specialize in finding low market cap cryptocurrencies before they explode (the likes of $grt and $dot). Please consider joining the SpaceDoge community! We've been working on this projects for months, and launched last month on the ETHEREUM blockchain. We had only about one hundred holders until today. We've more than doubled in the latest 24 hours, and anticipate this community growing to tens of thousands. Our info is below. Please note: We are ONLY on Ethereum blockchain. Any project that claims to be ours that is on BSC or anywhere is is not ours. Our info: https://etherscan.io/token/0xaa2409594dc0aef63c0f367e30f6b51149cbe613#balances If you can’t beat em, join them. DOGE TO THE MOON 🚀 no such thing as a solid crypto portfolio. it’s either you hold bitcoin and then you have shitcoins, or you have bitcoin. maybe bitcoin and eth. Truth Sucks to suck! It will all come out in the wash. I see duckets rolling in for you in the future. 🙊 Good afternoon good evening and goodnight Im going to throw my PC into the river and never use the internet again. This DOGE shit has me shook Alllllllrighty then! Fuck em, gonna cop some doge just in case tho........ You can only lose 100%, but you can gain so much more. To be honest, it was kind of inevitable, IMO. Sometimes the most obvious gains are found in the most *absurd* trends Hi all , love your stories , I was up to £10000 from my £384 investment so split the difference and took some cash , leaving the cash in my wallet so I can put it back into doge when there is a little drop - if Research for the red days, not the green. Presumably a lot of your friends bought yesterday and are crying this morning. I've sold all my doge, at loss, March 29th hope they sold I put $25 in it last July as a joke. I told all my friends “why not?” My friends made money :) I mined and traded my way to two million Doge back in 2013/14 in my college dorm room. Fun times seeing the valuation today.... So what’s the next Doge? Where can we all jump on early and avoid missing out in 3-5 years? Exept they were too busy not selling aha As long as you can afford to keep trying, you have not lost, is how I look at it Also I bought stellar when it was 13 cents So I’m a newbie with crypto investments and I hear of all these other crypto currency’s... where do I find them to invest? I'm still holding XRP and waiting for the huge pump. 482% return in 4 days baby! You can’t have regrets if you don’t sell [removed] The most real shit ever 😂 Doge helped me get into crypto. It’s the gateway crypto now. It got me into btt and vet. What else should I be looking at? me People win lotto scratchers every day, it only looks like your friends did something more advanced. Keep that in mind and it will help you out in moments like this. ARRR , NU and XMV..that's all I have to say If people stopped writing off possibilities they'd make some money. The market no matter what is unpredictable. And most likely it will shot up again when snl goes live. While back, I put $10 in every crypto under a dollar I could get my hands on in an offline wallet with a calendar reminder to open in 5 years. Yeah, if every single one went belly up, I lost a couple grand. But if even ONE of them BTC moons, $$$$$. TRIPLE cheese pizza, mf!... and this time, I want it delivered! Truth [removed] I put in $15k at .05, been buying dips so my average has since gone up but I’m quite happy with the investment. Letting it sit till at least $5. I’ve become quite comfortable with my account having $25k swings in a matter of days. Diamond hands!!! 🐕🌙🚀💎 I've just entered this game and bought $130 of ETH so all this talk of losing thousands has me terrified haha And in case you didn’t buy in; good afternoon, good evening, and good night. Hmm, just looks like a young Jim Carey to me. What am I missing? - Dogecoin Hodler I have like 2 or three doge coin, should I buy more? Is anyone paying any mind to Shiba? So true. Nothing makes sense with crypto markets 🤣 To be fair I'm still not a believer of doge 🤔 Nah Robinhood sucks! It didn’t let me buy when it was only 3c Profits is profits man War of Pups The year is 2058. All currencies have been denominated in doge for the last 30 years. As a result, the demand for physical doge and All other pups has skyrocketed their populations into the quintillions. Eventually taking over the human population and enslaving them all. In the new world, most pups are left homeless and cannot survive on their own, so they ban together to form large groups. Some of these pups have developed a way to become the much wealthiest pups in in the world. Others form scavenger groups that pump and dump in the streets, on lawns, or anywhere that there is enough room to pump each other and take massive dumps. These dump piles became a safe haven for some of the last human degenerate survivors that were never enslaved by the Doge overlord, Elon. Elon Musk become the first cyber human in 2028. On his first trip to Mars in 2026, he discovered core deposits that cointained rare fragments of super magnets. Tesla was able to take those magnets and create miniature fusion power cells that are used to power all robotics and electronics that exist today. The uprising of the pups was unexpected. Nobody thought teaching a dog to use Amazon to order treats would result in dogs gaining access to cyber human technology. Once the majority of Doge were connected to the Web 3.0. They were able to order their own food and take Uber’s to their local dog parks. Everything was normal until the Crypto kitties attacked. The humans lost 80% of their single fertile females in 2035 that year . This decimated their population and gave room for the Doge uprising. Many pups already lived a life of luxury. But there were few doge that were able to horde Elons’ Cyber human technology through Amazon Prime. Once enough doge were suited up. They attacked the humans. Bringing their populations down to the millions. The Doge overlords enslaved all humans that would sit and paw and took the rest that refused out the way of old yeller. Elon musk was spared as he was was the one human that the dogs needed to achieve their goal. To bury a bone on Mars. Fights between different species of pups continued for years. The War of Pups that continues to ravage the world today was started in 2040. 18 years. And in those 18 years, trillions of pups lives were lost and born. No doge ever got to sniff Mars. They were thwarted by the humans who were able to teach a bunch of old doge new tricks which sabotaged the launch. Elon Musks’ Cat-wife was then killed, and he went to the moon to go into hiding. This allowed the doge overlords to take complete control and force all humans and other pups to lay down. Humans today don’t own pups anymore. All they can do is watch them pump and dump while they try to survive in the underworld. There are stories of some humans are raising their own pups to fight. It’s said they have even have created cyber-pup hybrids to try to fight off the trillions of pups. But the doge overlords are too strong and in too big of numbers. Their effort is futile. But there remains a legend that there is a doge out there that was found or caught by the humans. This doge was victim of the terror that most pups lived with daily. Some say a samurai was responsible. Some say he was attacked by his own pack. It’s rumored the humans used his body parts to create a Cyber human doge hybrid. They named him $CyberD. This doge is much stronger than any pup that they have ever encountered. They developed him as their own doge and taught him how his species has caused the destruction of the world they once knew. They say he agreed to help end the uprising and free the humans. The war was almost over. But Cyber Doge mission has just begun. The one man that could put a stop to this all was not even on the planet anymore. Most pups have never made it to the moon, but Cyber technology was built to withstand Mars harsh conditions. With the help of the humans, CyberD could make it to the moon and save mankind 🚀 Woof Woof! This post is such BULLSHIT nobody is making money from doge. Deadass stop with the scamming bullshit. MANSION token just launched on dxsale! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 4877 www.mansiontoken. Com I hate seeing this post every day I bought $5 of doge back in 2018 for shits and cashed out /sent it all, look at me know! Doge is taking over Lol Just joined this community. Figured it was appropriate since 1 I'm reading this and going...right...happened to me as well. Doge helped alot of people come up, but there and will be other coins doing the same. Anyways I've been doing a little better at taking the time to research my coins before panic buying for a quick come up. Lost some on some pump and dumps a couple times. Now I got a solid portfolio, small one and hoping it will continue to show progress as the crypto market continues to bounce up a little more lately then it has been. Another sour puss post. Just get over it. If you've been playing crypto since the start than you've gone through a fuck ton of disappointments and some rewards. I bought Doge had a couple hundred thousand. Sold when I made SOME profit. And soon after it sky rocketed You mean Safemoon? Me! I dont know the exact details but I read there was a coinbase hack about a month ago. I also heard there is a fake coinbase app out so you might have gotten looped into one of those deals. Another pissibikity is you just need to wait for your funds to settle... Takes about 5 days [deleted] I bought for 1k @ 1 cent as kind of a yolo as I pretty much wrote it off. Sold at 4 cent for a 3k profit. Now I’m sitting here looking at what could have been 30-45k which would had paid all my debt and seriously changed my circumstances. Feels bad man, I feel you. Bought 1600 doge three years ago for my niece who was 14. Cost me $5.62. She has about 1k today and is losing her young mind. Lol. Glad I never sold. And glad she kept it all. Doge community is awesome. Yep. Sold my small bag a few weeks ago. FML. I mean neither of you believed in it much enough to hold it long and who can blame you Ask yourself how you'd feel putting everything into DOGE today because that's how it was five weeks ago. There were no indications it'd moon 500% in the next few weeks so if you feel bad just buy now It'd be making the same decision. You made the right decision not *investing* in DOGE. DOGE is gambling. Buy some and hold if you feel like it and be ready to lose everything Damn! I feel you. I pulled a couple hundred dollars of Doge out in the middle of last year when it randomly increased 180% due to some tictok fad. The $0.70 cents I left in went close to 100X Happened to me exactly like this, except the advice was somewhat less explicitly solicited .... And my brother apparently thinks im a fucking moron. He didn't listen, but then I found out the ""money"" he had in it wasnt much at all. Like, why even bother amounts. I think a lesson many can learn from recent events is to be more open minded. At least you admit it. Most of these ""vets"" are just salty little bitches. Please tell me he sold at a loss Totally they’re wild rides. I put in 1k @ 1 cent and sold at 4.... I know I made money but it’s really hard to see I missed out on a potential 30-45k, paid all my debts and really changed my circumstances. Feels bad man. Only thing to do now is say oh well and move on cuz spending to much time on what if’s is pointless, but it’s really tough.. That’s a major reason why I got out of doge. It served its purpose as an introduction for me to crypto in late January, like it did for many people, but I found it was too unpredictable, volatile, and stressful for me. Felt like I had to watch it constantly and that my money was at risk. (Note I had not yet diversified at that point). I may not have made the money I could’ve if I stayed in longer, but damn it’s a hell of a lot less stressful having money divided into a handful of cryptos/projects I believe in, rather than a meme coin that whales have a ton of control over and fueled by tweets from a billionaire who would be just fine even if it became worthless. That and some people in the doge community we’re a bit too cultish for my comfort. That being said, I’m glad for those who were brave enough to hold dogs through the last 2+ months. They deserve every cent of their gains for believing in it so much and being so diamond handed. Same here bro had 6050 Doges i wanted to sell it for 0.06 so i can buy possible dip.... There was no dip... So here i am stuck with 400$ and waiting.... I think you should attribute the quote. (John Maynard Keynes for those who don't know it.) >new markets >changing world >doge being almost as old as bitcoin and still useless pump and dump material That's funny Holy shitballs! Let us know. Fingers, toes, legs, eyes all crossed for you. Edit: what’re you doing on Reddit?! I’d be burning rubber to that storage location! Lol Update? You gotta update! Theres always more losers than winners. The whales pull out at the peaks and tank the price. Dopamine hits as well. 😉 I sold mine at 0.35 without any problems. Ever? Not true. I've had nothing but seamless transactions with rh BTC ETH XRP ALGO VET We made almost the exact same trade. My average was 0.0632. Sold at 0.42 right before it crashed everyone’s apps. Lol Congratulations! Edit: a zero It is solid if it ain’t going bust ;) keep the money off the banks and make a little better return on them too. (quasi-noob here)… I play around with shitcoins as well, but haven’t had much luck figuring out how to trade or cash them out when they start to pump, so I’m kind of forced to hold them and watch the value slowly decline. Any helpful suggestions? Thanks! Well... did he cash out? 😂 Exactly. I traded it from 0.0632 to 0.42 and looking to buy back in on the dip. Edit: a zero $BTC $ETH $ADA $LINK $DOT yw (I am not a financial advisor.) https://youtu.be/b0E_Y5LOFpw What is tax ? I am very close to being in the same boat as you on this as far as portfolio value and I have the same outlook on the circumstances 7 figures? what's your plan to cash out? So the price of doge stays low and they’re losers. The price goes up...and they’re losers? You sound bitter as fuck. Be happy for people. The hardest to find is plugnet lol but if we are honest, who else does what they do? Exchanges friendly means that at some point they will be listed everywhere. Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* I hate that I still get notifications from it Key disclaimer. Bro equivalent of “Not Financial Advice” I always end with, ""But who knows, I'm kinda retarded."" [removed] Hindsight is 20/20. Better to wish you bought more and held longer than to wish you’d bought less and sold sooner. You made $3,000! That’s amazing! You should be stoked! My friends bought 1.5 million doge like 5-6 years ago for like $1000. They failed to include me in this moonshot. Now they have $250 000 each. I have never felt so jealous, excluded and left behind. [deleted] Had that happen with my dad. He had lots of Doge, my mom would tease him, ""What, you gonna be a Doge millionaire?"" He had to sell a few months ago to help cover unforseen costs due to our whole family getting COVID Had he kept it, he would have paid his debt off I could tell it hurts him a little bit that he sold earlier, but he is still grateful that crypto was able to help us out of a bind earlier on. Luckily, he had a paper wallet I gave him for his birthday. With the recent boom, my dad was able to remake a decent profile (imo) I owned 10 bitcoins and sold them at 1000 a few years back. HODLLLLLL Youve got to hold. Its early crypto bro just watch it over the next 2 years My grandparents lost 500k in the 2008 crash. (Don’t worry they are more than fine financially) I’ve never really played with stocks because of that until now. It’s my goal to make that money back. Things will get better. Chin up my friend. Oof, hurts. I’ve encountered the ultimate hodl lesson as well. Bought a buuunch of btc @$2.10 circa ‘12. It gained sweetly and I spent it fairly quickly on a lot of whatever from Sweden (and didn’t get what I wanted). Prob wouldn’t have held it all, but damn... I’d at least be a millionaire. Feel yah too. Bought $450.00 doge back in 2017. Would of been worth 50-60k now. We live and learn. HODL!!!!! That’s a very white privileged kinda bad feeling. Same! I had 10k shares at .1 and sold for a decent profit and I’m kicking myself right now. I bought a small amount at .072, sold at .05 lol. Bought some later at .38 and sold at .38 to break even. Now I'm holding the bag at .325. Clearly I suck at this!!! 🤣🤣🤣 Get into Quant then man. It has the future-proof fundamentals and solid tokenomics to reach BTC/Yearn.Finance price levels. It is our second chance💯 Yeah well I think it’s safe to say we all had a chance to get rich but we were to chicken shit to do it. Hats off to those who held long and sold strong Me too. But made profits, and put it all into Ethereum. But selling at .07 versus .47 makes you want to throw up. Sold mine the day before the pump for a pretty insignificant profit so I could buy other coins instead lmao DOGE is crypto. It's not gambling, not more than any other coin or piece of equity. It's investing in technology and the future. I see this market as an investment and some sort of parallel with life: some you win, some you lose. No reason for not admitting, but I still have in my mind that doge us not an investment, but a game. Too risky for my objectives. He didn't buy it That's a x4 on your money, you did good anyway. DOGE is going to sink anyday once the meme dies off and thousands will lose their money on this coin. hands need more diamonds. You're confusing **fiat ($$) withdrawals** and **coin withdrawals**. RH does not allow coin deposit or withdrawals, they are a siloed ecosystem. Lol who knows! Maybe the boy from Bulgaria is trying to restart his homeland's economy with his RH profits 🤣😂🤣 steal from America and bring to Bulgaria. You're confusing **fiat ($$) withdrawals** and **coin withdrawals**. RH does not allow coin deposit or withdrawals, they are a siloed ecosystem. That's just because the hedge funds don't hold a position in DOGE. But the original comment WAS satire. Am I the only one believing in AAVE? Why xrp algo and vet .. but no XMR ?? Consider looking into TRTL this is the coin I mine to sell for other cryptocurrency but recently it exploded and my $30 became $460 It’s insane but I’m still gonna consider selling some for other really small coins to hopes of the same thing happening Relevant username or just a typo, this reads as selling at a $0.21 loss lol Always have an exit plan if you can buy them you can sell them not many will go to the moon so when it’s pumping and your up 10 times take out half and let the rest ride works for me After hours is always good for the apes too 🤙 wish you well 50/30/20÷3 But idk though lol My portfolio minus the dot That's how you get rekkt man, always check tax laws before spending that money lol check IRS website, it varies based on how long held, tax bracket, and how much made. Post long term gain tax including state, it’s 35% of that. I have price targets set, my account should be a minimum of $6 mill if my conservative targets are met. I’ll cash out possibly half of that and never sell my btc. So $3 mill after long term tax, I’ll be taking home $2 mill I think people are insane to try to buy into something without any limit on supply. it's like trying to make a dollar worth $45. it's beyond reasonable. sure, great, make money. I'm actually. not bitter. bitcoin made me a millionaire and made sure my family would be set for life. fuck you for thinking that me being critical is unwarranted when people are being fools. I think every exchange partners they agreed, they will automatically list plugnet on their exchange. I'm imagining Binance listing👀 That's what I'm thinking but it could take another 4 years though. The world is not ready yet for mass usage of those systems plugnet offers [removed] That's how gems look like to be honest. Just saw today that they are going to start a liquidity mining program in the following days with grand rewards imo Thank you for making me laugh the hardest I've laughed all week.🙌 Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Thank you. Yeah I know 4x is really really good. Just tough to not play what if rn. I’m working on it. I have a lot to be thankful for. Sometimes things are just a lil hard to swallow lol I agree with this guy that hindsight is so 2020 and has no place in 2021... Hey that really sucks, I’m sorry to hear it. It probably doesn’t help, but in my opinion, the most noble thing a person can do, is stand up straight and be thankful in spite of hardship or suffering. I wish you the best ""Have"" If its paper profit they have nothing, until they sell. Your friends don’t like you. [removed] Are you sure you wouldn't have sold it when you're up let's say $50k?. Remember hindsight is always 20/20. It's easy to say ""I would have been a millionaire now if only I just hodl"" but it's easier said than done. Most people would have sold when they make x10. Did your friends sell their doge? Hindsight is 20/20 it could have gone either way. But at least it help him at his time of needs and that's a win already. Hey thank you kind stranger! Best of luck to you too! How annoying r u? Hint...very. Your stereotyping is showing. You made profits though and that's a win. If everyone knows how the market is going to go in the future then everyone will invest and no one wins. Oh I made a shit ton of money, just not what was theoretically possible because the market makers basically colluded to stop it. If it makes you feel better, I sold my 440K of doge after RH screwed me with GME and quit RH. Sold them at 5 cents vs 40 cents, talk about puke there Same situation. Had 300k doge I bought like 6 years ago for next to nothing. Sold at $.07 and laughed at the idiots still buying at that price. Gotta love memes. Absolutely logical statement. DOGE is def a game unless it somehow becomes a utility. Thanks, yeah I know 4x is really good. Just tough to not play what if rn, I’m working on it. I’m often much to hard on myself. I feel like I've been saying this for 6 years now, but it just keeps coming back. I'm starting to have a change of heart, maybe we underestimate the power of memes These comments always age. Think most people in crypto, especially us newbies, don’t mind having their crypto held in exchanges like Robinhood or anchor. Personally, I’m a beginner, but I think the risk is overhyped. Better be safe than sorry and all that...but for most people that just got into the space and might only have a few hundred to a few thousand in crypto (and likely amongst different vendors), then dealing with withdrawing to a wallet isn’t worth the hassle or cost in many cases If you're just looking to profit off the movement, and not worried about owning the coin, would this be safer? Like from a scam/hacker/softwear bug standpoint? I'm not confused. I understand the difference between usd and crypto. I've had no issues with robinhood. Of course whenever your wrong, ""it was a joke"" No Which platform are you using for TRTL? When a coin has just had a big spike like you described is the last time you wanna jump into it. >TRTL What miner do you use? A little of both. Lol I get that, it’s actually what I planned to do as well, unfortunately when I try to trade the BEP20 coins that I have in Trust Wallet for, say, Binance-Peg Tether USD (BEP20), I get charged for the exchange, but the tokens stay right where they are. (I even tried a swap through MetaMask from my Trust Wallet and the exact same thing happened. It’s really weird!) So, I’m hoping to find out how others are able to swap or cash out. Do you think it’s not working because they are in the Trust Wallet? If so, is there an exchange that I can move my shitcoins to (that accepts them)? Then try to swap from there? P.S. All of my shitcoins were purchased with BNB through either Pancake Swap or MetaMask and all of them are being held in Trust Wallet. And thank you for responding by the way… That should have been the first thing I said to you!!!! Not everyone is from the US. Go fuck yourself, Boomer. i hope they will consider changing something when it comes to branding. it must be visible to the community. but on the other side, i think marketing activities haven't even started yet on their side. will be interested to see how that one will develop. 4x is literally the name of the game. Forex. You win [deleted] If it makes you feel any better, I mined several hundred thousand Doge the day it came out and sold it for like $200 once it was actually worth money. Every crypto starts somewhere and if nobody sold, crypto wouldn’t be anywhere at all. >Just tough to not play what if rn It gets easier after the 10,000th time lol If you can 4x over and over in your life it's better the getting the x1000, and then losing it all on the next meme. Turtle and the Hare. Long way to go :) I'm in the same boat but a little different. I bought 5 bucks worth in 2014, about 34,000 coin. Dogecointipbot sold out to block.io who convenientlyost everyone's password database. I keep reminding myself that it's not a million bucks. I could save the amount Im missing out on in 8-12 months. I think what hurts worse is me selling 15k worth of apple and tesla shares in 2013 in order to pay for my college apartment. I don't have much debt, but my education secretly was worth about about 400k in lost opportunity cost bc of that...fuck. Dude you think like that then don't buy cryptocurrency. Take what you can get and be happy! You made money doing nothing! Woop! GME is gonna squeeze soon. Get on the rocket. Don't feel bad, no one knows the future and 3k profits! For reference I was a doge miner and sold 3 million in October 2020 at 0.0024,.def played what if in my mind. Still have a decent stack left at least Lol Look fiat is worthless until you sell it for something that has value like crypto, or food... lol Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Lol, nope. I mean bro there are no market makers in crypto that’s a stock exchange thing Sucks man. Got screwed over GME as well, but only by a few hundred bucks, so thankful not catastrophic. I wish you luck! Holding Ethereum until retirement! Are there news about it? Focus on investing, let others gamble. Getting a 4x return is amazing. Good investing habits will stay with you. Risky investing burns you more often than not. That said, it's fine to set aside a small portion of a portfolio for those fun Yolo plays. Just keep to the limits you set. We underestimated the power of Elon Musk. When the hype slows down and people try to sell, DOGE will drop back under 10cts in a day. That could be true but some of us were around when exchanges got hacked and everyone lost their money. Those people don't trust exchanges because historically, they haven't been safe. Perhaps enough time has passed and there are better safeguards in place, or maybe not. You're right though. Its much easier to simply use RH. Otherwise you have to invest a lot of time figuring out how it all works. Your account is 20 days old, you're probably from RH. To trade I use tradeogre from there I convert them to LTC and then to some other alt coin or bitcoin Yeah true. My wallet reached $700 but now it’s chilling down at $450 not too bad for a $30 but I hope it does rise again I use violet miner. I average about 1500 coins a day with a RTX 2060 which is about $.90 right now I’m sitting on 810,000 coins so I’m pretty much done mining as I want to be able to use my computer again lol ok - if they aren’t i’m sure the same procedure would work with whatever government agency takes the IRS place. yah whatever. you fucking clown. [removed] Yep 100%. Here’s to more good returns to come! Same story with Link, I sold at $34 when $35 was the hard ceiling it couldn’t pass. I’ve watched it climb I’ve got a buy order now in the high 30s to get back in. I'm guessing you all didn't go through the last crash Hahahahah 😂 yeah I bet. Thanks Very true. There are many winners but there are just as many losers. There's always a seller. Someone's success could very easily be the precursor to their entire financial failure.... We never know on the interwebs Oh dear. What's there strategy now? Just Hodl? Its going back to 5c. Its situations like this can end friendships. Ohhh hahahahah lmao I thought this was from the GME thread oops. Yeah no kidding. Did not read close enough. With way of done very well on crypto over all. Just missing a moon shot was a bummer but oh well. I have zero cryptos and got screwed for GME by 60K profits because of the halts. Only netted 23K, got a downpayment for my townhome tho.. And as of now, completely 100% invested into Evogene lol, bagholding that Thanks, yeah I agree. I believe the lessons you learn in life are always worth the price you pay, even if it seems steep at times Totally understand, and personally I plan to invest the time and money into using a wallet once I’m up to like 10k total invested in crypto. But for now it’s just not a concern of mine, especially since I have my crypto in like 4 different exchanges. I mean it’d hurt if one got hacked....but not like I’d lose it all. . >To trade I use tradeogre from there I convert them to LTC and then to some other alt coin or bitcoin tradeogre? are they legit? i can see that they are started tweeting, which is good imo, to share the info about the project, recent news that may affect it, partnership news... there are also some medium articles as well, things are moving definitely [deleted] Nah, we are good. I stepped back. It's their decision. They are waiting for $1! Sorry to hear man, but at least some positives came from it! What’s the one you’re holding? Nobody ever went broke by taking profits... 4x is solid. It’s really just a degenerate gamblers mentality to win and be sour for not betting the entire farm on the big win. I like a middle path approach of scaling out profits as I hit targets, while keeping a runner position for when the markets get completely irrational and 100x a shitcoin from its bottom. Did you buy BTC with that profit? I use alt coins only to buy BTC at a cheaper price, once the alts pump and i made some profit i trade for BTC. This way you accumulate BTC at a cheaper price. It helped me not regretting keeping some alts once i realized the average price i got BTC is 8K$. The seem pretty legit I think it’s the only platform that supports TRTL I’ve been using it for the past few years and everyone recommended it when I asked where to sell them [removed] They really need to learn about DCA'n out. That's such a shame. They're throwing away life changing money. It’s called Evogene, I’m holding 9.1K shares at $4.8 average Thanks broseph!! I’ll check em out, sounds decent, you’ve never had any issues i think something may happen tomorrow. they said that the partnership alliance will be revealed on Friday. can't wait to see who is on their side already. Wish you luck, and positive quarterly reports friend. Yeah no problem but on the chance that you have any problems try asking on r/TRTL They are pretty helpful it's happened! they released more details about their partners and we will get to see more and more in the coming weeks. plugnet is that one that no one would miss but most will and then regret hits Thanks friend! Thanks again! I don’t know anything about turtle coin. Looks like a pretty good following. I think I’ll pick some up, it might be fate. What’s a good price? What’s it at now? And how many should I be aiming to stack? let's wait until monday to find out which one is the first name on their list after that we can speculate on how strong plugnet is or not Honestly I feel like it’s doge coin in terms of it price movements. It suddenly spiked in price but we don’t actually know why. It might have another spike or it might not But the coin will be upgraded later down the year to V2 where if you have 100,000 coins it will turn to 1 coin if you have less than 100,000 when the change happens you will have 0 coins Also if you have less than 100,000 coins when V2 is released don’t worry the devs said you will have a few months to convert them so don’t worry about having to constantly wait and watch for the confirmed released day Nobody knows what this will mean in terms of the coins price You can hold and see what happens but I will transfer all my coins and convert them to some LTC in the chance that the price stays the same and i lose 99% of my money I’d rather know I will have a complete certainty of cashing out with the money i know I will have Essentially what I’m trying to say it learn a bit more about V2 people claim it’ll be like monero in terms of privacy which might explain the sudden price increase because of the coverage But yeah in terms of mining I feel like you might’ve messed the golden times as right now I’m mining the same as I was a few years back when I had my RX580 but a few months ago I was able to mine about 700,000 coins in the span of 3 months now I will mine about 60,000 coins a month best case scenario [removed] I always wanted to mine Bitcoin when I first hear about it back in 2012. Never did. Still haven’t bought my first coin. I’m doing my homework to make sure I don’t fomo into anything today lol. So I appreciate your feedback. And will look seriously at getting into this. And cautiously. Mining sounds neat, would this be a good one just to try out without much expectation? Would my gtx680 get me anywhere today.. lol? I have a bunch of old work machines I could fit out with video cards and go nuts if I caught the bug. Or I’d probably be better off just buying a bunch. Can’t imagine if I had done that with btc back then. Never occurred to me. And here we are. Well, you seem like a smart dude, so thanks again for the advice! When I figure this out I will be dangerous.. they've announced the first partnership today. GSR is the first one. Yeah once you start mining mine2gether or something like that. That’s the one I mine on and is very user friendly and shows if you are actually mining or not Also check out the TRTL coin discord You have people in there tipping the entire server sometimes It’s mostly 10 coins but it varies on who does it it doesn’t sound like much but I have 5000 coins ready to be withdrawn and the second one is MXC. it means that through this partnership, MXC traders will be able to tap on PLUGnet’s expertise to reap the benefits of enhanced transparency, composability, and interoperability which are important to DeFi. PLUGnet will also provide support for MXC traders, ensuring assets are working in a safe space." Weak hands take notice,4312,https://i.imgflip.com/22sxl2.jpg,"If holdings fall in a portfolio and nobody's around to watch it, do they fall at all? Looked, cried for a minute, went on my laptop to buy more Right on! After I woke up with my portfolio 20% down I was like whaat the fuu and then I saw the histeria on Reddit. So I decided maybe it's best not to open it haha! In a week I will pretend that nothing happened 😅 EDIT: Thanks for the upvotes fam! You literally got me rid of my noob flair on r/CM! Any suggestions for a new flair? :) The only prices that matter are what you bought if for and what you sell it for. What happens in between is irrelevant. Thought I could improve my portfolio by buying more. Nope, still tanking. Stop losses hitting the wall while I buy more Bought the dip yesterday. Now it’s even dipper and I’d love to buy more but I can’t. I guess I’ll just wait to see if it lasts till the next paycheck or until the market goes up again even stronger and people start posting things like “B... but I thought crypto was dead!!”. EDIT: it’s always easier when you’ve been around for some time and your portfolio is still at 8x from your initial investment even when the whole market is going down. This is actually really good advice. In the last hour mine has gone from 260 -> 290 Itll go back up eventually, just HODL. HODL guys, Jesus and Obama are shaking out the weak hands of this market because... of no apparent reason that would make any sense If my portfolio was doing better I’d give you gold I keep looking to see when to buy! It’s like Black Friday, everything on sale! They ain’t losses till you sell Pretty much my mantra everytime this shit happens. Ignorance is bliss! See you in 2019! Schrodinger's Bitcoin. I wish I hadn't looked today I call it head in the sand hodl. Haven't looked for days, it's my special move. Weak hands getting shook Load up boys This is the tactic I’m using. Last time i opened blockfolio was last year, im waiting until this ends to open it again :D lol that feels. daily activity on mine. Looked, cried then rofl https://i.imgur.com/mOoybJS.jpg When everybody says HODL but nobody HODLs. Yeah I'm not looking either. I probably dipped down thousands and thousands. They are trying to shake all the weak handed people off the bus. It's going to get rough guys. Just hold on tight. It might go soooo low you'll feel hopeless but just hang in there. The rich and wealthy just want to make more money. ""portfolio"". It's literally gambling. Hey, I'm as deep in this as the next guy but please can we get real about what this is. facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored. This is accurate. Saw things were starting to dip pretty hard... went and saw Jumanji (it was surprisingly acceptable). By the time the movie was over, the worst of it was over. Plus the kids were ready(ish) for bed. I don't make moves much but now instead of being up triple I'm only up double. [Member this?](https://youtu.be/XbZ8zDpX2Mg) 💯 yah right! You don't loose if you don't sell Not looking anymore haha My eyes are burning. May the force be with us Just sell everything, buy USDT and buy back in dip. USDT will always stay 1 usd I made a fortune just last night. hmmmm I've stopped checking binance, but check coinbase. The limit on how much you can buy annoys me. I'm quite anal about round numbers, so can't buy more until tonight... Ohh damn haha Stay strong and tell ur friend about ur tactic aswell haha /) This has been my strategy for the past three days, I'm back to focusing on my job and going out at night to have a beer. I gotta admit I kinda like this vacation I'm having from the market. Exactly, you don't have a loss unless you actually sell and take the loss True, I am a very little investor, only put 50$ on it for learning and its disappearing so quick! Genius think.... I think I'm going to do this, focus on other things. Also works for credit scores I was lucky enough to get in around mid october-early november, so most of my portfolio is actually still doing better than my mutual fund portfolio i've had for 4 years. I love bear markets. My average is now lower than ever on BTC and LTC. [removed] Smart men, just change it from usd to jpy or audio etc. It make me feel even better crypto is here to stay people! switzerland, germany, usa, singapore, japan, all major countries embraced already crypto and collect taxes on them! that means crypto is already legalized basically! more regulation is good because it takes fears away! do not get fooled and panic sell for every negative news! crypto is like the internet, it will be always in our lifes! value can only go up if people believe in it, its just a small baby now, mass adoption is not even starting! imagine what happens when mass adoption arrives and all those great projects deliver on their roadmaps with working products! :) people are now just very uninformed and greedy with betting on some nonsense.coins without any githubs or development.... people will do more research and be informed, so that panicking will not be caused easily anymore! Buffett says: buy low! wherever lows, there are chances PS: yes, the CBOE/CME bitcoin futures shorting guys could try to short always, BUT if people to not let influence them by that and do abovementioned things like research, dont panic, etc. the futures should not be able to ""play"" with the market like they did yesterday! also dont forget: negative news hitting from kroea and china supported maybe the ""short"" players. but Alibaba is going into mining, blockstream got lightning ready, japanese biggest bank anounces crypto exchange.... many positives , too :) stay calm and inform yourselves:D [removed] True hodlers be like... https://ibb.co/ckKbCR when you open blockfolio https://imgur.com/gallery/DIZM9 God, i lost a lot last week If https://www.hbus.com and https://www.coinbase.com freeze my accounts and no one's around, does it still make me cry? I try to always look at my portfolio in terms of BTC. If it grew in BTC, then it's ok. Today, for example, it grew 33% in terms of BTC. So I'm more than fine. They' re in a quantum state of uncertainty Schrodinger's portfolio. [flawless logic by jaden smith aswell?] (http://media.gq.com/photos/5907c90af45919373c64e80d/3:2/w_580/jaden-smith-met-gala-2.jpg) This is the great mystery of life my son That’s the way! Bought myself some more too. Felt sad for the decrease especially as I initially bought on a higher price but I’m hoping that one day I’ll be happy about the cheap deal from today Should have stuck with marijuana LOL. me too Unless your on bitconnect.. gg I swear. $50 as a birthday present... Traded up to 72, it's down to fuckibf $20 right now... I feel bad for anyone with enough money invested to cause a Heartattack [roll safe brother](https://imgur.com/gallery/xYt7M) go for it dude [deleted] Just hang in there. If you’re here for the log run it doesn’t matter if your new additions drop a little at first [deleted] No way am I leaving so much on an exchange! All my holdings are my own, with my own keys safe and sound. ""dipper"" lol While I can bail out of my 8 figure USD stock portfolio to shovel more into cryptos, I won't, since discipline tells me that I should put a psychological .5% limit on cryptocurrencies. Only rebalance up to your limit to minimize risks. Thanks a lot, Jesus and Obama those Chinese billionaires have to take profit *eventually* One thing I have learnt is there seems to be a never ending supply of new weak hands. You never shake these guys out of the market. Bcc is at a good price.. 90% discount agree! You and me both Very good tactic, dont stress about something every second u cannot affect in any way. This is not true. Gambling has a net expected value less than the input (the house always takes a cut). Investing has a net expected value greater than the input (you produce something of value). You can gamble in crypto, but you can also invest. yeah! totally agree You and me both. I can finally get stuff done now that i'm at exactly -20% of my investment lol. I'm like ""Well, eff it I don't want to sell. See you in a few days or weeks."" Your post has been removed because discord links, referral links, and referral codes are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Rule II - No Spam * To mitigate abuse from throwaway accounts, a minimum of 20 comment karma & 10-days account age is required for participation. * No excessive advertising, referral links/codes, URL shorteners, or ads for commercial offerings. * No more than 3 memes on the top page. * No low-effort content typically characterized by low character count, all caps, & banal wording. Example: ""SELL SELL SELL!!!"", ""BUY!!"", or ""MOON!"" * Owners of websites or external accounts can only post their content once per day if it's relevant. --- See our [Expanded Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/wiki/expanded_rules#wiki_rule_iii) page for more details about this rule. That made sense while btc was ripping but what about the last month? You are now comparing it to an underperformer. When you compare it to the Zimbabwean dollar you made an even bigger profit! It’s like connecting bits and bytes with ATH and ATL. Bitconnect if you will. What if they're in the https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/quantum-resistant-ledger/ What then??!!! Schrodinger's Hodl Always buy the dips. I've grown 10,000% from buying in the dips selling to get my starter cash back when it is in a high then I wait for a dip again. I still only invest the same amount as day 1. I just pull out at the peaks wait and buy in the dips. I do have enough money in there now that 20% drops are an ungodly loss of value. I did the same too. BITCONEEEEEEEEEEE AYE AYE AYE #bitconrekt you mean the ponzi scam BEEEEKOONEEEEE^E^E^E^E^E^E hahaha.. MMM NO NO NO I'm not on that circus. Did it collapse? I just woke up. Have they crashed yet? BTC down 30% ""At least your currency went somewhere"", said a bitconnect hodler Well my way of dealing with it is who cares what that number says, it only matters when i cash out. I invest in the future so fuck this i aint giving wales non of my bags. Well I've seen better days. But I don't complain, patience is a virtue! Na, theres so many flash crashes which is why theyre used so much. Stop losses @ $1.50 Ripple will equal to a free 30% gain if they buy it back at $1 or even lower. For moments like this where this turns out the most profitable day while those who HODL are deep in red. For peace of mind. If you're in it for the quick money you don't want to drop 20% so you put on stop losses to ensure you sell when you want instead of waking up with a 50% loss. /r/atheisms btfo'd. im quite new, i need a tldr about this thing Exactly. I tend to avoid Facebook, twitter and any reddits dedicated to price over fundamentals too. Helps a lot. One problem, a friend recently started in crypto, I purposely didn't recommend it to him as I know he's a gambler at heart. He's messaging asking why things are going down, sending me prices - throwing off my mental game. BTC is deflationary. That's all. Zimbabwean dollars aren't deflationary like BTC, lol. It makes no sense. Beeeettcooooneeeeeeekkktttttt Schrodl What do you define as peak? Do you sell after a specific percentage of growth? Right with ya man BEEECONIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII*inaudible*. *weirdface* Oh yeah. It ded They ded This is the proper way to look at it. Pick whatever crypto(s) you think will be dominant in the future. Then hold them. If you want to trade, trade only to increase their stack sizes. You'll probably perform better if you ignore fiat values/treat fiat as an alt. [deleted] Doesn't that 30% gain basically just go straight to taxes? [removed] Did you see those insane downward spikes which went right back up? Stop losses get eaten up by whales who push through buy walls and put them back up after they took your sell order cheaply. I'm pretty sure it's a reference to BitConnect Coin which has shut down. https://techcrunch.com/2018/01/16/bitconnect-which-has-been-accused-of-running-a-ponzi-scheme-shuts-down/ You look for the patterns. Depending on what site you use to trade you can see when it's peaking. It will often flatten out after a sizeable gain. That's when I sell. After large gains always come a correction. But I don't sell all of it. Just my starting investment. Then I sit back and wait for it to drop and I reinvest. I've been doing this for 6 months now. I still have my original investment. But I've doubled it many times over. I would like to know this as well Sounds like you’ve got a case of the loose stops. You’ve gotta tighten up those stops brotha. Get yourself some gains. No, you only get taxed on your gains not your initial investment. So if you invested 100k and made 30K ( 100k+30k)- 100k = 30k so you get taxed on the 30 k gains. So if your tax rate is 10% then 30k*.1=3 k of tax Mostly USDT, but also BTC because it mostly dips less hard than altcoins and i don't care to sell with a loss if i know that i can buy back in much cheaper. Just buy and sell gradually. Set targets for yourself and cash out along the way. If you for example cash out 5% or 10% at a time, you won't miss out and you'll still have a position in it when the market rises further. I wish I had known this when I started, but whatever I guess I guess it's just me living in the most taxed part of Canada... where it will be ~30% tax projecting on everyone else. Sorry I need to clarify I'm from the US so it depends where you live I guess " I just keep hodling my bags…,3936,https://i.redd.it/tvdtmfeh25w61.jpg,"That's me and polygon this week +600% is more like ""coin you just sold at a few % gain to buy another coin"" in my case . Why is that happening all the times? A coin that’s up %35 in 6 months is a “bag” now….? Wow, this fucking bull market is truly out-of-hand. I did that with a coin called CumRocket and I sold early, turns out had I waited 2 weeks or so my $11 buy in would have been up to $1500. Big oof. Or selling a week before it takes off😭 So many; UNI, CAKE, DRC have all left me in the dust +1200% Coin you sold last week Same feelings, i chased and got burned, no more chasing , I’m holding my bags until their time come... Gets me every time Omg yes! This right here! [deleted] my life story in a meme STMX a few weeks ago smh Even worse is when you buy that coin....but only a itty bit of it, and now it’s booming. *cries in matic* Just sold some MATIC profits to buy ETH, I feel like this will be the signal for polygon to just moon again 🤷‍♂️ I should let you know when I buy. As soon as I buy they drop. I'm looking at you Safemoon and Bonfire! Eth is the future You're so strong and admirable. Lmaooo $Promt how do I miss this So true... For sure I’m still not buying Doge. I have that feeling with my PMON and MRCH bags when I look at SafeMars. I got shilled it super early and didn't buy and now I feel like it's too late lol. +3000% the one you've just sold... Dis why I buy all da coinz MATIC Yea! Monacoin ... saw it at .00000001 And passed. Now it is $2. I'm sick. SHIBA lol Oh the pain!!! Thought $28 SOL was too expensive… hate when this happens, and to be honest ot happens quite frequently [nethercoins.com](https://nethercoins.com) next gem. XRP and ETH are gonna be huge [removed] Diversify. Look at index funds and how they often outperform individual investments. Buying a mixed bag of crypto would work in a similar way, but bear in mind, they usually go up at the same time or at most cycle between btc and alts. God this seems to be my luck lately, but Polygon is killing it this week. So that helps. You would have never kept it and sold for 600% you would have sold atleast around 300% unless your a moron and are still holding the crypto The solution to this is to never not buy coin. Ah so I’m new to the crypto space and finding this pretty hard to deal with when you miss out on those gains you could probably retire on. How do people maintain their mental health? Lol, I was holding 200 ETC for more than 6 months. That piece of shit decided to move to $50 from $13 as soon as I sold it for LTC. 😭 This is me with Litecoin vs Ethereum Lol. I bought like $70 of MATIC earlier in the year and planned to buy more but forgot about it. That $70 is not worth ~$1k... I know I should be happy but... Always happens tht way ARMOR and BADGER are killing me. I think that everyone, without exception, lives under the same stars [removed] Back when I was tempted to put several hundred into doge as a meme when it was 2 cents Not gonna be me this time, I bought a bag of POND today ready for tomorrow's 600% pump Just happened to me with polygon. Was gonna load up but.... I didn't Relate much 😭😭😭 That me when i though about QUICK this weekend at 200$ Always... Since we are sharing. . .just getting into this I couldn't figure out how to get coinbase to allow me to buy crypto. By time I figured it out my crypto of choice jump 35%. I maxed the allowed amount but wanted to get in more but now coinbase held deposit for five days before I could move it into my crypto of choice, off coinbase. It began to run on day 3. Ran up 400% while the crypto I held temporarily tanked. I ended up FOMO on a loss, into a gain. My choice crypto didn't budge after I got in. It corrected about 15% less and remains there now. Lost my ass on that one. Learned a lot. I'm hodling for a year. THETA Still have a good opportunity for large gains with ALGO I'm thinking about GATE IO any other Hodlers on that one? I've got diamond hands with strong grips on my favorite UDO token despite the market movement Haha my bubblegum be like that Me, staking for a crypto.com card back in September for the 6 month period and watching every other coin blow up. Newbie mistakes. I did the same with cardano, back in the days Bought AVAX at $4. It dropped to $2. Sold it when it reached $4 again. 4 days later it hit $60. Haha I was lucky this week PopTown POP pumped 260 % Too accurate Just didn’t touch it after you see you missed out. Cause you’ll actually loose, not loose opportunity That was me and matic. LOL Or the 4500% doge coin I sold for a mere 300% few months ago! So essentially no one knows why one coin explodes versus another. Its basically a guessing game? Ive read the white papers. None of them ever say this is a shitcoin. They all sound like their about to take over the world. Smelling like a dot com bubble circa 2000. 1997-1999 though, those were fun. Thoughts about zilliqa? Still a gain bud. I was undecided between INJ and SRM. Went into SRM. Looks like INJ suddenly decided to go shoot up. Not ginna give in to chase it though. Haha this is so me. Thats why i keep my eye now with NFTTECH Launching, i dont want to miss again a 100x profit. They will have dual Launching of token and Marketplace in 3-5 weeks Fuck this memes too accurate Where’s the third train ramming both; doge coin that you bought as a joke I mean I hold a bag of doge and XDB and have been doing so for a long time. They never disappoint lol. And I expect so much more now that there's speculation that XDB might drop NFTS with a fortune 500 company. So TRUE!!!!! SPORE is the one right now! Get your bags! [removed] More reason to fill those SLT bags up before platform boom Haha yup story of my investments. I'll I use monero, so it's an actual utility for me, not a speculative asset. But c'mon! Throw me a bone here! The Monero community is real good about keeping it legit with form and function over number-go-up but c'mon! THAT thing pumped, THAT OTHER thing pumped, and they don't fuckin do nothin! What gives?!?!?!?! OK I feel better. I think I can keep my cool another year now. Thanks for letting me vent 😌 +5000% coin that you just sold last week. Sold 1000 ETC for under $10 only to see it shoot to the moon (close to $200) within weeks of having sold it. f it I’ll just get on another bus 🚌 I’m holding until money bag joe leave office now there say trade one coin for another is also taxable as capital gains Facts No shit, tell me about it MANSION token just launched on dxsale! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 4877 www.mansiontoken. Com CKB! Don’t miss it I feel seen Or, coin that you've never heard of in your entire life even though you do 4+ hours of crypto research every single day for the past 2 years. SOL and MANA for me. In fact, I bought MANA and sold the next day because it was an impulse buy. Shaking my head right about now. [deleted] I bought a $20 'tester' amount on binance for $0.02 back in January, was originally going to buy $500 worth, makes me cry when I see the profit from that $20 😭. Bitter sweet. Same. I held polygon for months and sold just before it took off. This is trading all the time. there's a reason it's called FOMO It's just getting started Aye I bought polygon a little over a month ago so I’m pretty happy Same!! I luckily got my polygon and quickswap bags in just before the pumps. Absolutely ecstatic about quickswap 😁 That’s inevitable I'm glad I'm not the only one I mean, I feel like we all do this. A lot... This is what I did... I still think its a sound strategy? Multiple irons in the fire? Maybe? It makes me feel better about Doge mooning after I had sold. Because you thought of buying every coin. Agreed. I've made a few comments and posts worried about the inevitable bear market and Ive been downvoted to oblivion. When all everyone sees is green they get swept up in it before they wake up and realize it's over Anyone happy with a 35% return in crypto over the past 6 months needs their head examined. This isn’t the CD bond your grandma told you about. A bag is just a way to say you have some. It's not a negative term. Source: months on crypto twitter. You have to make more than ever before because inflation is higher than it’s ever been before I remember people saying at the beginning of 2018: ""If Bitcoin only reaches 50k in 2018, I'd be disappointed."" Well at least you saved yourself from a awkward conversation with your accountant at the end of the year. Classic where do you find these when they first come out? This too What bags you got? I’m locked up in $BAND at $23 *cries* Welcome to crypto comrade its also incredible to see a coin you thought about buying go to shit Fr! I was waiting until tomorrow(paycheck and some incoming cashola) to put in a cool hundo, but then the market went brrrr. Much thanks Same lol, I bought ERN and PMON as they listed and sold both at like 2 or 3x, now I might buy again lol . People have been talking about XRP for years all they’ve managed to do is get sued. Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* I wouldn't have that frame of mind in this space, leads to bad paths. I have found that being genuinely interested in the tech behind 2 or 3 coins makes me sleep knowing that my investment can tick away for a couple of years. Perhaps on certain news I can see if the fundamental thesis is changing, but if not, no sweat. close the app and enjoy life. Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* [deleted] think of coins as stocks. the demand for coins is generally driven by market hype, but the purpose of nature of the coin will obviously alter the demand. most coins have a purpose, doge doesn’t really, but its becoming so popular that it could become a medium of exchange within crypto. Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Yes What did ur 20 turn into 😂 Haha same! Managed to buy a little more around 0.40, but still, the pain! I did the same with my DOGE in february. My monthly yield from mining was enough to offset my losses from missing the initial peak, and unless DOGE's market cap hits 7 quadrillion dollars, i will not be BTC levels of rich. How early did you sell? Ahah true Unless crypto becomes a hedge against the coming massive inflation but no one can say if it will do that or not. When will it be over? The exponential risks people are exposed to in crypto they are justified in expecting huge returns, given you can lose 20+ percent of your portfolio in 1 day. Given Bitcoin’s halving market cycles, don't we have at minimum a few more months? Inflation was in and around 35% so it’s like breaking even *guy with “months of Twitter experience” tries to educate an early adopter on what the definition of bags is* This is comical. What is the current rate of inflation LMAO Yep I thought about that as well lol. like how do I explain these trades Whatever's low market cap, say top 1000 but not top 100. And also NOT on r/CryptoMoonShots lol I have Ada, Vet (I’m 200% gains) , Stmx, Tron. I was too focused on putting almost every spare cent earned towards increasing my position my coins with more hype...(mana/vet/Enjin/ada ) ....and randomly threw only 20$ at matic after watching a Coin Bureau video on it...... that 20$ is now 50$. I should’ve known better not to doubt that guy. My experience is that payday is when the coins I'm eyeing or DCA in hit ATHs It only moons when you are taking a shit I am happy for you! :D But theres no reason it should. Its popular now, but as time goes on and true value creep starts coming in it will go down. No matter how exciting a stock was in the dot com bubble, they failed to return a value: profits. The coin argument is that they will function as an exchange, bit we’ve now created hundreds of exchanges, and the only path to profit is the growth of value by people buying the coins. Not that it will directly generate a profit by creating something. Theres a disconnect i cant mend together. Around $700 at the minutes Still hodling my xrp tho from before the lawsuit.... 😏 Bought in at 0.04, sold at 0.08. Had 1400 Doge so not tons anyway, but would be worth more than to 100 I just bought again at 0.35. Crypto can be a hedge against inflation, but personally I don't think alt coins are. If crypto as a whole starts to drop they're the first ones to see massive losses. I don't think that many people that even have money in crypto right now can afford a big influx of inflation. Unless you have more than a couple hundred thousand dollars in crypto, you're going to be hurt by inflation ""the coming massive inflation"" yep sounds like some1 caught up in crypto hype When the market drops 50% or more, you'll know it's probably over. Wait... when bitcoin drops below 40k, it's probably over. No one knows, and anyone that says they know is too confident about something they don't understand. Only time will tell Hopefully. But nobody really knows. We have created a market that we cannot control Exactly people are hella stupid. Happy with a 35% return in the last 6 months lol... hell just buying bitcoin alone 6 months ago would give you a 400% return. I actually can’t find any coins that have only went up 36%. That would likely require trading (very poorly). Fair enough. Can you help define it for me then? Accountant: Wow your portfolio did really well this year, what was your strategy? You: I hodl the CumRocket pretty hard. I got into vet shortly before the dip. I'm bouncing on profitable because I more than doubled down during the dip. It's a great project & is getting big companies on board so I'm holding that for a few years at min. I also got into dot just before the dip & that one hurts right now I wish I put more in Matic but I’m still happy with my other buys, Algo, ETH, cosmos. But yes wish I put just a little more in Matic Why would anybody downvote this?? It is facts! no, you misunderstand. dogecoin in particular could become an exchange, but thats not the purpose of every coin. almost all of the popular coins have a specific function, generally related to calculating/ producing algorithms. [deleted] You atill holding that when it went up today? Hah, awesome. May your gains be epic. Ah yes, that’s the worst thing I forgot to mention, if I buy in low and then sell, I invariably end up fomoing in at a much higher price!🥲 Agreed, unless it soars but not likely. Gold is also a great hedge and it increased 2300% in the 70s (69-79) so if one held even a small amount it was fantastic. There are no guarantees this time, of course. What does hyperinflation have to do with crypto hype? I say that because 25% of all the money that’s ever been printed in history has been printed in less than a year. Make sure to swap to ethereum before that Not sure about that. In the last bull run we had 2 dips of around 40%. We’ve barely seen a 30% dip so far. Haha good joke Yeah I started buying when it was at 5 cents and I believe it’s still undervalued, it’s one if a kind as a case use. It’s worth holding. Dot is good its time coming soon as well Well I did sell a bunch of dogecoin for a loss back in july last year, so, swings and roundabouts I guess 😂 Didn’t know it went up today - I know court began 15 min ago Nice - jumped as court began. Jumped a lot! Yup. However I diversified as well, adding some polkadot, cardano, and ethereum to my portfolio so not all bad. Completely agree. I always wanted to own gold as a kid, but with the inevitable expansion to mars and beyond, the idea that we find gold or other precious metals on comets or planets in our solar system is expectable. Digital gold, silver, oil, or what-have-you is going to be a store of value for the next generations Gold and silver. Can't go wrong. Someone caught up in crypto hype doesn't use much critical thinking. There is more to inflation than dollars in the system. Though it is concerning it is far from a guarantee This is the way You think eth is gonna hold it's value more than btc? Why? Everything sorta follows btc anyways you know what I mean? I mean, this isnt the normal market like in the past. The 30% is becoming the old 40%. Institutional holders inflow is just tipping the iceberg. But we will have to see. I dont think the drops will be bubble bursts like usual. A good joke is ""what did the 5 fingers say to face?"" #""sa-laaap!"" Just means you’re a seasoned pro lol Honestly. Fort Knox is a lie Fair points and yes, there is more to inflation but I think the feds changing the CPI basket items, the changes in the m1 indicator are very concerning. That being said, I most certainly am not an expert. By the way, I also completely agree that many in the crypto subs overhype potential vs current reality. I try to take that with a grain of salt.😃 EIP-1559, eth becomes deflationary. It may overtake btc after July. Sure is buddy What's everyone's opinion on making it deflationary. It seems like an artificial way to drive the price up... What's the value? Just to make it more rare and expensive right? No issue I guess just seems strange. That being said I don't ever see eth beating out btc, but that's just my opinion. Do you know if that’s no-turning-back deflationary, or for-now deflationary? I've just bought $130 of ETH as a starter..hope you're right haha A layer 1 blockchain needs nation-state level of resistance. 1559 increases price for the reason of increasing security. The more expensive Eth2.0's attack vectors are, the more secure it is. It also helps drive adoption, and is self-defense against competitors. Proof of stake decreases energy needs and allows the implementation of sharding which negates the benefit that Polygon provides now. Poly acts as a layer 2 on top of ETH that allows it to sidechain so ETH can communicate with other coins. Once sharding is in place in a few years ETH will be able to sideload its own transaction chains which decreases load on the network and lowers the GAS fees. Poly's pump is only a temporary technology solution. Once sharding is in ETH, Poly has no added benefit. ETH gains from becoming more energy efficient as well as smart contracts and intractability between blockchains. They may change it if it gets too out of hand. People would have to vote on it though. That makes sense, it increases security making a 51% attack harder is what you're saying? I see the clear economic incentive to make it deflationary but it felt weird to me doing that if it's strictly a tokenomics thing. Just convincing people to buy it cause it's similar to btc in that regard as a store of value. Kind of set off my bs detectors for some reason but it's not a strictly tokenomics thing which is good to me. No denying eth is better tech than btc, but btc isn't about the tech anymore. It's just digital gold and I have a hard time believing eth or any others are gonna beat this, arbitrary to be fair, gold standard btc we've made. Bitcoin is bitcoin pretty much, that's the value. It has a fire fucking name people recognize lmfao. Proof of stake is strange to me. Assuming that a hard cap on the ETH supply is placed (whenever that is), proof of stake gives a disproportionally large advantage to early movers. In that your balance grows much faster if you have a larger ETH balance compared to the small guy. I mean I get it, but it discriminates against late movers. An attacker would have to spend more money to do an attack than they could possibly gain by attacking basically." The 3 rules of the crypto club,3902,https://i.redd.it/1o1t0xc6gw171.jpg,"I’ve found a new system where I buy something, hodl it for months as it goes nowhere, and then trade it back for ETH right when it gets to the price I paid for it. Yeah, I’m pretty good. This is financial advice Never talk about Crypto Club. Laughed so hard I cried. Wait, I don’t remember laughing. First rule about Crypto Club is you DONT TAKE PROFIT. Bought at ATH and now wafting to sell when it hits rocks bottom. This is the way. 3 rules to become homeless Profit...? Never heard of her It’s nice to see graphs like this. Helps me confirm that I’m doing it right! I hope you're Shorting. this is the way... .... why people? whyy? I fucked up and bought too early, now I have to wait until it goes under :( I bought low and I sold high a month ago. Am I doing wrong lads? Buys bitcoin at ATH, it dives into the gutter. ""Fuck this, I'll buy shitcoins"". Buys shitcoins, they plummet to less than zero. Meanwhile, Bitcoin goes on a Run but you have no fiat. Scrapes together fiat as Bitcoin hits another ATH. Buys Bitcoin..... I’m about to fuck y’all up This has been my dads strategy for years I don't know shit about fuck. Im in europe and everytime i wake up in the morning the price as gone downhill, then as the day goes by, price goes up, and then when i wake up the next morning price is in the shitter again. God damn americans. Solid advice where can I learn more? If you had invested in Hex you would only down about 15% right now... compared to -30-50% for just about everything else Who the fuck copied my business plan? Buy mining equipment... never put actual money directly into that system. You’re welcome. Ya gonna sell on Monday should be really looking good by then 😆 So I should panic sell got it I actually ... for once ... in my life ... did good on something ... then fucked it up later. Bought 15$ worth of Doge at 0.04$, then it was worth like 170$ just before Lone Skum went on SNL, and instead of taking profits ... i said to myself ... bro ...i should buy 100 euro more now at 0.7 because it will definatelly hit 1$. And i did, and then it started crashing and completly canceled all my profits and i barely broke even, managed to get out with only a 2 euro loss. The Crypto Club has been driving me crazy lately. No matter what move I make - if I make any moves at all - is wrong! Sell/buy/hold - it doesn't matter - it's always at the wrong time! Gonna have to take a sabbatical for a couple years... 1st rule of Crypto Club: Don't talk about Crypto Club If anybody in here is such low IQ ... THIS IS A JOKE ! It's the other way around Im in europe and everytime i wake up in the morning the price as gone downhill, then as the day goes by, price goes up, and then when i wake up the next morning price is in the shitter again. God damn americans. thanks mates for the upvotes. if only my portfolio was running this smooth.. So y’all selling when it’s low? I’m trying to understand If you flip this upside down then it would make sense lol. buy the dip hold the rise as long as you can then after 10 dops go into panic and sell... the market suddenly recovers and you are left with nothing. Fourth step, start investing again thinking it will go up again and then watch it not. Buying at the peak would mean we take losses at the end. Lmao This is the way Your chart is upside down Looks exactly like my strategy! No selling though Lol. Wow! I was following those rules before I joined! Hahaha Lmfao Physical impossibility to take profit there. Take loss... Take loss... [removed] Buy even more Nailed it. You forgot the first buy at the very beginning of the chart. Stop telling everyone my super secret wealth strategy Wow, I’m better at this investing thing than I thought What is this paper hands bullshit??? yOu ArE WrOnG how did you know my strategy ...? 🤣🤣🤣 Wait their is profit? 😭😭😭😭👀😭😭 Best thing I’ve seen all week. Lol. Exactly. But many beginners can actually make this mistake. Buy high, sell low... looooooooooooool This is the plan I’ve been working. Makes sure I win with the tax man. Ohh. That’s how it works. I followed that spot on. Only if you’re a crypto hater and want to short everything... Lmao, isn't this a golden rule for crypto? haha Lucky I found [Privi Protocol](https://priviprotocol.io/), they will launch their FULL platform this June, you can earn money using your content cause this platform a decentralized social network, you can connect to whoever you want and create your own social token. the best strategy. Ahh man this is the Xlm/btc chart, I know it to well To the moon / \ \ ● Based off this graph I should make professional instructional videos. If this is accurate, I've clearly mastered this crypto thing. That’s how crypto investors be like cutting😂😂😂 “Alright, so the first lesson of trading is to buy high and sell low... wait...” \-20% and counting baby pic looks wrong lols, buy from the top? sell from bottom? Sell the dip! Sell the dip! The rule number 4: Read white paper before investing in crypto. Lol Can you stake in NY?? I know coinbase won’t let me I love this community I knew I was doing something wrong. Can crypto be shorted ? The first rule of Crypto Club is: You do not talk about Crypto Club. [removed] [removed] Truth Just flip the graph upside down Maybe upside down looks better Dude I was watching a movie but had to laugh my ass off Also you don’t lose until you sell. Lots of Titan hodlers are following that advice. Making the rich richer! If I turn my phone around it's not so bad You can buy more at the third step too if you farm crypto in good platforms like common pancakeswap and new Seleniumswap at the first step. These give you >Safety >High Apr >Having admins to communicate with all time >Constantly working team of developers and much more. Pancake is annoying with the fee sometimes but [Seleniumswap](https://seleniumswap.com) is going to be way better than that, farming will start 29June. The point is, this way you don't need extra funds as your initial crypto will get you more to invest. #facts Lmao 🤣 spot on I do the same thing.. Except I buy a shit coin, hold it until I see red. Then trade it for ETH. Pretty sweet deal I would say! Did we just become best friends!? Tax avoidance 101 Shitty financial advice, but yeah Especially to the wife... Quite the opposite! Only talk about cryptoclub! Yes. You are rewarded with wisdom and the friendships you made along the way. [removed] This is the way Hahaha lol that's what I said too... don't worry, you'll get there you had one job.. You're out of the club! My life in a nutshell Get em Slater! Us Americans would love to see Elon shut his pie hole! He’s screwing with everybody’s profits. Hey that’s the same thing that happens here. Someone is messing with the charts. They show you guys the crappy chart in the morning, they show us the same thing. You learn on the job. What are you talking about? I’m still green on everything Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Sounds like a win to me Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* When you lose money do they owe you tax rebates? I'm sure it's only fair But still financial advice. [removed] Just don’t show her the profits number one rule 👍 Or your sister in Alabama. You don't end up regretting it in 5 years Its all about the satisfaction really of knowing that you are part of the community. That is the ONLY reason we invest. 🤣 Nobody cares ##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475775** times. **2.** `u/GMEshares` **70700** times. **3.** `u/Competitive-Poem-533` **24624** times. .. **82623.** `u/VikingMasterXYZ` **2** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.) Are you lads still talking about crypto ? 🤣🤣🤣 A job? What’s the pay? Negative hourly wage? What coin are you holding? And I'm talking about down as in down from last ATH for the coin in the case of Hex it peaked at 7 cents and is sitting about 6ish Yes the IRS is very fair and good 🙏 we all know this Buy pump, sell dip. The secret recipe of successful trading. Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Don't you worry, neither of us will see the profits. I got that covered! yeah, im safe then. U can show the 1 day chart np 🥇 This is the way Only if your doing it right! Currently, you forgot the word currently. You could be only down 55% next week on Hex. Hell, maybe even tomorrow! Lol That was great take my free award. I'm VERY confident Hex will continue to out perform as we enter the bear market No lie though, those are the Famous last words of tons of people before a huge crash in the past. Lol Hex proved the haters wrong MULTIPLE times over since 2020 when literally every influencer in crypto shitted on the project and every single one of them has eaten their words over it lol" Elon Musk is becoming the most hated person in the crypto world,3541,https://blockcrunch.co/2021/06/04/elon-musk-is-becoming-the-most-hated-person-in-the-crypto-world/,"[deleted] [deleted] Sigh, people forget that this Man bashed Bitcoin every chance he could and only after years of this did he decide ""oh, hey I like Bitcoin now and maaaaybeeeee my company might accept it as payment..."" I like this one ... hey did you know Bitcoin imprint on the earth is hurting the environment but all my car plants, all my research for space exploration, and even all my satellite's floating around in space, yeah the amount of Carbon imprint Elon Musk's ""Good Work"" has caused or will cause, is so so much lower than Bitcoin..... Fookin Elon fanboys Bitcoin is not simple, Yes, Blockchain technology is awesome, Yes, the ability of full transparency is great, Yes, people can make money from hodling it, trading it, even lending it, But Bitcoin's greatest value is the freedom and the chance to change your lifestyle for the better, Bitcoin means Hope to a lot of people. People who live in places where their currency is worthless, or to help with a global pandemic, Bitcoin is a powerful tool to give them a chance He talks too much Why does the crypto market and people even pay attention to his tweets? If everyone would just ignore him, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other coins would thrive. He believes he can just manipulate the crypto market because he has the money to do whatever he wants and regardless of his tweets, it really doesn’t bother him. Everyone just needs to ignore him! Each time Elon makes a tweet https://i.imgur.com/Q7SctH6.png He manipulates his own company’s stock. So what did you expect he was gonna do with crypto? Elon just likes to see what he can getaway with in a tweet. Power tripping big time. He could care less if people lose money on his words. I think he's also kinda giving it to sec since they can't do anything about crypto market manipulation like that (yet). dont buy doge coin Remember when Elon spent $50k on a private investigator to get dirt on the man leading the Tham Luang cave rescue because he turned down Elons incompetent publicity stunt of a submarine that was incredibly useless? Pepperidge farm does. https://www.chiangraitimes.com/thailand-national-news/chiangrai-news/elon-musk-hired-detective-to-probe-cave-rescuers-background/ He called the man dedicating his time to saving the lives of children stuck in a cave ""pedo guy"" and hired a PI to dig up dirt on him. Elon is the living embodiment of a narsasicst ass. [deleted] Ahhhh the good ol’ 2017-18 John Mcaffee days!! Brings back such great memories as to why I left crypto world. Was excited to be back until this turd nugget started tweeting memes that apparently the entire world of crypto deems relevant 🙄🙄🙄 And second is the people that post his every move! I couldn't even complete his biography. he says bitcoin polutes to much, but their rockets fired to mars are clean, those launch powered by flowers and seeds also their cards have batteries made of sand and water instead of metals that become toxic to radioctive levels when the battery life ends It‘s because he is one of the richest person in the world and we give him the power because a lot of people follow his „advice“, because the think they will make a similar amount of money. Do you really think he has this much influence? I mean if it was just Bitcoin dropping then I could maybe see it but were talking about virtually every coin tanking at the same time..??? I find it hard to believe that Elon is doing it. I would agree that it would appear to be manipulation but come on seriously? think it’s Elon? I don’t think so It's a temporary problem. Soon his supporters will have sold their stakes and his rich trader buddies will have moped them up instead. Then we'll have longer term stability. Love and hate him. He definitely knows how much influence he has and abuses the fuck out of it. I heard he’s not to popular with the children he employs to work the mines. y’all are idiots to think elon is the reason for the dip lol 😂 and if you are selling in a dip you will forever regret what is about to happen 🤣😪🤦🏾‍♂️🤞🤫 This is due to the fact he tries to act way more technologically intelligent than he actually is. He’s an intelligent investor. He’s made some patents for tesla ((that aren’t rocket science things)) but important additions. Other than that this guy sells himself as a golden tech genius, when really he just knows what to shoot his money at. That’s a talent within itself, but when it comes to crypto currency that’s not how it is. This is a community that prides itself in technical advancements, not memes and mockery. We want innovation and actual answers to serious global trading issues. Not some moon babies trying to make a quick mockery. This guy also just does a bunch of weird cringe media shit. Along with the likes of Bill Gates I don’t know what to make of these rich tech personalities anymore. Most of them are over hyped creeps. Cryptomarkets behave strangely to his tweets. A recent example is he tweeted ""Shark do do"" nursery rhyme and prices of BabyShark (SHARK) got a +300% increase😅 If you’re stupid, you will listen to his crypto bullshit. He gets far too much respect. Do bots just trade on bad news and manipulate the market? Elon Musk is a plug I too am so pissed on elon. I have suffered some losses. But i think he is really making a point about how rigged the system is like how one high profile man/woman can influence such huge markets. He has manipulated the stock markets in the past (idk if it's intentional), and he is doing the same now. He is making a point. We should look at how pathetic our markets are that they can be manipulated. Because he influences these drops so he can buy more. He’s a grade A dick head. Elon’s one of the biggest assholes on the planet. Glad people are catching on GOOD. That dude is a chaos demon. Yah fuck this guy And being the 2nd richest man in the ENTIRE world, I doubt he gives a shit. Yesterday, when Elon fudded crypto, was also the same day Russia announced they were dropping their USD reserves. Just a hunch, but I think Elon maybe working in cahoots with the SEC to keep the USD propped up. Mind you, the SEC paid a visit to Michael Blurry after he went on a Twitter rant about U.S. markets collapsing. The very next day, Blurry deleted all his tweets and has gone radio silent. Go figure. Just a hunch. Relax people He’s giving us discounts!..... He’s a sociopath I swear Not just the crypto world Selling my Tesla stocks We should just boycott this idiot and the pedicures he created BTC tanking hard,it was dropping hour's before his tweet Use to look up to him until I watched a video shedding the truth about him and his past and now I very much dislike him. Everything he leads people to believe about him is a lie and it all makes sense. Just wish I knew from the start. He only cares about himself. That is all As I always say, FUCK MUSK. Or he might know some of the big whale going to pull out, and he just happen to tweet on time Fuck this guy He's a fraud. Litreally how many times is he gonna pump and dump before all the idiots ignore him Sell your Tesla’s. Boycott this idiot. **Elon Musk is** **~~becoming~~** **the most hated person in the crypto world** Finally an article about Elon I can upvote He’s not the most hated. You forget the FUN or FUM aspect of Dogecoin, and you doing, it’s possible you - or the haters - are stressing out unnecessarily. Soon, I will show an exam prof how to keep it fun, and of how to be cool in the face of ambiguities. He’s a fucking billionaire with a revolting backstory. Sick of his ilk! I don't give a shit about crypto and I think he is a dickweed. Its not his fault though. Its the morons that blindly belive him and think he is some sort of wizard. He is not as smart as people make him out to be, When you have billions and sit in a room full or PhDs and specialists all day getting them to explain thing to you in simple terms so you understand don't make you smart, onyl sppear smart. ​ Exactly why The Boring company is fucked and the super fast tunnels have failed, originally were meant to be 600MPH but when they opened they are at 30MPH. Next to fail will be the Hyperloop. This guy is the new Steve Jobs, all marketing. Good. He literally ruined his reputation. Yes money can not buy everything for you. This guy is the new Trump of Twitter He’s a douche is it still in progress? i thought everybody in crypto space has been hating him for a while. I can't even stand the sight of him anymore. Elon can just stfu Elon makes comments that make price go up - community calls him Jesus. Elon makes comments that make price go down - community calls him Satan -.- Just in the crypto world? I have to say one of the worst things he did was tweet saying Doge will be the people’s crypto and then go bash it and make fun of it after seeing tons of people buy it. Like people look up to you man He literally takes tax money to make Hollywood productions with green screens like Nasa lol Becoming? I thought he already was. C’mon guys, he is only a meme loving guy. It’s our fault to put too much on his tweets. He never said he’ll change the world to a better place, he never said he’ll make everyone rich. He is a guy who loves memes, wants to go Mars and rich. That’s all. Well, he may have said he wants to change world to be a better place but it does not mean we should follow him and give him such power. If there’s anyone to blame, it’s us. Elon Musk is becoming the most hated person in the world. Not just crypto. why? Imbecilic degens.. The markets go up and down andveryp e blames. Elon.. Trot on The only reason he has this power is because stupid fucking moonbois panic every time he tweets an emoji. Elon is a shithead, but maybe this shit has to keep going down to shake out these fucks first. Maybe then he won’t be as powerful. Agree! 👍🏻 omg fuck this guy We should be happy we have nice prices to buy more. Still. Fuck Elon. Most people don’t care. It’s the bots and AI that still do. With good fucking reason. This dude can not shut the fuck up. He’s a man-child and I don’t respect him. The poor “little rich” boy can’t operate in China as the poster boy for crypto It should be clear that this all is being done purposefully. Either to force regulation or to make cryptocurrency look unstable and make people stay away from it. We are already seeing lots of people crying for regulation, exactly what they want. You would be naive to think that Elon ever had good intentions with crypto. sheep in fog Eat a dick Elon Elon has sway over the market because there are too many lazy people investing in crypto who won't do their own research. This leaves them reacting to tweets from manipulators, running from one coin to the next like frightened lemmings. When he was manipulating it upwards, everybody cheered for him. Now that he manipulated it downwards, everybody hate him. Be consistent people. Fuck elon, he is an egotistical bitch Not becoming... he is. I can't stand that punchable face! He is a pathetic clown E̶l̶o̶n̶ Alon = Asshole + Elon Elon speaks his mind about Bitcoins massive power usage and speculators who previously loved him turn on him. Makes me like the guy even more for being honest, he experimented with Bitcoin but his focus is on making the earth greener not creating a perpetual paperclip optimizer, therefore Bitcoin never matched into his vision. Now if Proof of stake works out I’m sure he would be all over that. Why hated, Elon? Because of him I can buy more coins! Shouldn’t everyone of us take this opportunity to buy more? Hate those whales who fear that’s why they dump. Why Elon? This is what happens when you're an icon- you have influence... he was nice enough to bring the market down so the little guys could catch up. I don’t think peoples comparisons to elons footprint vs btc or what hes accomplishing makes sense. We should draw attention to his direct questionable decisions like pumping a shitcoin for his own personal amusement or pushing misinformation about btc after there would have been heavy research done to invest 1.5b. He doesn’t care Rightly so. He is totally responsible for this mess. I like him He causes a dip so he could buy more If Elon don't have FSD by the end of 2021 he would be in some trouble . He promised FSD in 2014. 7 years later and nothing . There is a high chance we won't see FSD until after 2025 maybe he's hoping to be deported to Mars Crypto world should destroy his tesla 🤟🏼 good. now deport him to mars. It seems market analysts have predicted this crash, and it seems his traders knew about it and he’s just tweeting on key moments to look important. The ego of a troll is huge. Maybe that’s his wife is pushing him... It happened before with powerful people... Becoming? If you think Elon is the one manipulating the crypto market you're a tool. Becoming???! He is the most hated !!! Infact I hated this cocksucker right from the beginning! For the love of christ people delete this guys twitter and boycott any products this cunt produces Mr Musk is playing the wyckoff game like all other big traders. So everybody, get your own game together if you want to be profitable. And say thanks. It does not get easier then this. The trend is your friend. Go look for it on the daily or weekly chart. What do you see? The end of a distribution phase, which aims to spread doubt. Have patience. And do not buy the diamand hands HODL bs (unless your down this round) . Play the game like a composite man and be happy BTC is going down so you can buy low the coming years, like all other investors with patience, and sell high. Peace. Nope, not really. Dude likes to manipulate markets for his own profit, stock markets are mostly illegal so he probably settled for collectors markets with highly irrational and volatile values. That is what you get for trading pseudo-currency like it is stamps to make it a valid universal currency… Wolves eating wolves is always a pleasant watch #cancelelon is about to be trending on twitter People: ""Everyone hates Bill Gates. He's the worst."" Elon: ""What?! I won't be outdone! Hold my beer and watch this!"" r/EnoughMuskSpam/ [deleted] Why hate? They hate him cause they ain’t him . I don't get it. It's not Elons fault people are dumb? Shut the fuck up and enjoy the 5% discount. If you’re broke and wasting your time hating on people, you’re probably going to stay broke. Happy to read this! Who does he think he is? He should stick with cars and rockets. Not one of us Elon doesn’t hate bitcoin as much as he just wants to boost Doge up. If the Bitcoin people didn’t start a feud with the doge community we wouldn’t have this Hatfield vs mccoy feud going on. Live and let live, or learn to tolerate war I guess… Ruined a lot of lives in the last 24 hours and still doesn't give a F \*been the most hated This wanker is costing everyone a fortune Lol... just don’t fall for his lies... keep buying, holdl !! And don’t buy anything related to him... 😉 Debunking EM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-FGwDDc-s8 Haha keep talking about him it just gives him more power and we help others to panic sell lol It's pretty gross what he's doing. It's one thing to pump up crypto with tech behind it and an actual future. That's not what he's doing. He's pumping up something totally without utility for his own entertainment and gain. It's spawned a thousand copycat shit coins off its back. In may he tweeted his bs when he sat in a plane to berlin arguing with german burocracy during the flight. This time tesla stock broke through the 200 days Trend line. See a Pattern? Also doge is a crash indicator in the trading world. Yeah yeah hate me for telling you the truth, but people with money observe dogecoin on google trends. Does this put things in a different light for you ? Anyways, i am following him on twitter too but for different reasons. Wake up and realize it’s ALL one big game the BIG boys play and Elon is ONLY here to help the Average person like you and me. You hate him today but trust me will love him tomorrow!!! Why is everyone so mad? Doge and bitcoin are still up SIGNIFICANTLY from last years levels. Y'all greedy af. Things can't just keep going up forever. There will be pullbacks. Someone needs to link his private wallet movements with his tweets already and send it to the SEC / share it globally. I’d put my entire measly portfolio on him buying/selling as he goes, he knows full well the power his tweets have on the market. Complete gimp if you ask me, can’t even run his own company well as they rely on carbon credits to make any money, gunna be a real Shock when all other car manufacturers solely focus on electric vehicles too and people realise Tesla’s are jot well made it’s just the battery that’s good. I bet in 5-10 years Tesla’s stop making cars altogether and just sell their batteries to other manufacturers and make money that way Oh please. If doge hits $1 and Teslas can now dab when you say the konami code everyone will be lining up to suck his dick all over again Doges have no loyalty. Sellouts [removed] Who? Hes not doing this for you... hes doing this to send signals to other CEOS to show his power and his absolute ZFG and empathy to others. Hate him already! Gonna buy more fuel and don´t care about enviroment if we continue like this its just simple dont buy crypto controled by someone its not decentralzed We should all short Doge as a prorest Who wrote this editorial at blockcrunch?! I could mine it for random glitches... well deserved. And the fact that he is the richest man in the world, on paper at least, makes it even that much more absurd. I love the guy. He’s given so many boosts to my crypto positions...the good he’s done has far outweighed the bad. I feel like three people who hate him either bought in two months ago for the first time or else they have very short memories. Don’t tell r/wallstreetbets Elon is a massive net minus on society. Every rocket burned pollutes our air. Every NASA contract he gets WE FUCKING PAY FOR WITH OUR TAX DOLLARS! Every tweet that kills your crypto portfolio, every plant built in Texas to avoid paying taxes… Every single thing this man does is spun as “saving the world” when it could all be spent on education, infrastructure, UBI, coronavirus stimulus checks, feeding the 3million children that starve every day.. Fuck Elon, and if you wanna stan for a billionaire, then fuck you too What’s worse? A silly breakup meme orrrr the thousands of retweets, YouTube videos, Reddit posts, quora questions, Aim chat rooms, newspaper flyers, news broadcasts, msn messenger status updates, LinkedIn posts, carrier pigeon letters About Elon’s breakup tweet. Not totally his fault, but the people who follow him are making it worse for him. > ... most hated person in the ~~crypto~~ world Becoming? Soo they will say that he caused the winter 🙄 “Hate” is a pretty strong word that I reserve for other more severe usages. For example, I “hate” stepping in dog shit. In my opinion, Elon Musk is a douche, dork, dweeb, moron, ahole, POS, etc. haha. Dumb ass needs to shut his mouth he already is. \*underhated Yes, hes burned bridges with alot of people, including myself. He can fox off..... Take it from someone who knows....Elon is at war with the hedgefunds for the sake of all of us. The Hedgies would have dumped on us as soon as the markets opened to fund their next move on AMC and the meme stocks. Elon took this move away from them. Not everything is as it seems. Remember what Commissioner Gordon said to Batman at the end of The Dark Night before he ran into the shadows as the bad guy. Keep holding people...God bless you Elon. Notice Google financial headline: ""Bloomberg report calls Bitcoin refreshed and discounted at 36k""....and"" Ethereum:Has the run to 9k started"" and a fn pro Shiba Inu news article....3 puff peices on crypto pushed by corporate interests this morning to keep you distracted and unorganized and funding the war against your own self interest. Elon hit them in the wallet and their pisssed.. We wipe out the hedgefunds and we will win this and everything will go up. Believe me we are costing them. If there weren't so many delusional fanbois eating up anything he pumps'n'dumps, there wouldn't be any drama. Dudes if you think Elon Musk is the reason cryptocurrency markets jump up and down.... then you're not that smart lmao. The corporations who own your media are making you think whatever they want you to think.... whales are controlling your markets. [removed] Guys believe me he is kicking BTC and buying at the same time 💯 Hate him. Elon is a fraud. The dude did nothing but almost destroy PayPal, his ideas are are wonky (hyperloop anyone?) abs he regularly defrauds his investors with lies about tesla and his shady acquisition of solar city I love it! Ive been lurking in the shadows, waiting for the sentiment to finally turn on this POS. Looks like my time has come! FUCK ELON MUSK. He is not your friend. EM tweets (-) comment, BTC price down (ЕМ buys), EM tweets (+) comment, BTC price up (EM sells), pays for his flying space dildo… Because people see it as inherently dangerous that a single person has so much sway over millions of peoples finances simply by going on twitter and posting a meme. Children feed off attention, even if it's negative. Let's not give the man-child any more attention. Stop using his name. lol, he’s just a scapegoat while u nerds get pumped and dumped by big money. Fuck elon musk All this crypto hype is beneath him. Stick to solving big problems, and changing the world. Stopped reading at the third “Telsa”. All i can say on this topic is this: TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH. Do you better mean hedge funds? Muskrats are the worst. I hang out in /r/starlink because I did some installation and want to do more when it rolls out. They way people there shit on other companies and praise him like he him self came up with idea, built the rockets and whole infrastructure. He just have some good ideas and engineers do what engineers do, take challenges. If I have that kind of influence would have iPhone 10 years before Apple came out with. “Hey I have an idea....what if I piss off the tech loving, wealthy crypto crowd? Do you think that will help sell more Tesla’s???” But is it his fault? This is what happens when we make these smug rich folk icons of anything we love. good Well, someone had to catch on first. It may as well be you guys. Hell yeah i even got the ""Fuck Elon"" coin just to show how much i hate this guy. I hate the Morons who listen to him even more though…His words haven’t phased my diamond hands. Clown 🤡 market You accidentally put crypto in the title. Except for his massive cult like following who worship him. We're essentially in the infancy of crypto and unfortunately there's so many issues that with time will be sorted. The main issues now are open manipulation by Elon and others since crypto isn't regulated. Other issues are mining, absurd transfer fees (some places have 90$ fees to transfer ethereum to a different wallet), selling fees. A major point of crypto was to not be like the banks yet whales just openingly manipulate to their liking worse than stock at this point & the fees are astronomically higher at each step than banking. Some having buying fees, all have transfer fees then selling feels. Hypothetically you could be charged 3 or even 4 times on what was one purchase of crypto. Until these things improve crypto will be at what it is now, not taken as serious. If one dude’s opinion can tank your market, your market is mostly hype. Why do peoples have to hate peoples Good. He's a cunt that's trying to get ahead in the new solar system community that HE will build. Think about it. What do you need to power machines? Renewable energy. How can you get to and from planets? Reusable rockets. How can you take make homes on places with uninhabitable atmospheres? Live underground. How will you gain more wealth and take the power away from those with physical currency? Crypto. Anyone care to add more? Elon Musk cares about Elon Musk. Most of us saw it very quickly, while some folks it takes a little longer to see he doesn't have their best interest at heart after all. Like him or not he is an exceptionally intelligent man and I don't believe he does this for fun. I think there's a reason for every move he makes.. I predict Musk will end up living on his own island or heck maybe even on Mars and continue to be the control freak he is. Good Elon Musk is just a Muppet from Black Rock & Co (Back Rock is largest fund company in the world and owns plenty of Tesla shares: they probably wanted to get more BTC cheaply) Fuck Elon. He’s a moron who just manipulated markets en masse. Tesla’s suck too lol A manic narcissist gets hated on by society? Color me surprised Elon only hold the power you give him Same with these coins.... but who am I🙈 Suck him off one minute hate him the next, just stop going in about him like he’s your god, so pathetic. Fuck Elon Musk, all my homies unironically hate Elon Musk. Don't hate the player, hate the game All the crypto coins in the world could disappear overnight and most of us wouldn’t notice. Why should anyone care what or who the “crypto world” hates? Good. Fuck that subhuman piece of garbage Look at that face, that expression tells the tale lol FUCK THIS DUMB HEAD fuck elon musk Yeah, well, I hated Elon Musk before it was cool Some hate boys still look for someone else they can blame for their losses? That's not really representative. Don't know who coordinates this campaign against him, but they sure know how to turn tears into FUD and hate. i still like him hes a tool. Becoming? Good. Rich market manipulators should be eaten, not praised. I don't understand why everyone gets thier panties in a wad with this guy. He is but an ant in the world of crypto. Let's move on from this. What I hate is there are a ton of people that think he is some kind of savior. My dad acts like Musk has nothing to gain and only wants to help the poor. I don't get why he can't see the truth. That's a good video about elon musk life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-FGwDDc-s8 Elon's tweets are another man's treasure. Discounts, for now. Are we seriously talking about this douche again? What is it with all these dorky icons? So done with that fucktard Fuck that privacy hating pimp. Not just crypto. What he did now? Elon is paid by the central banks to make the crypto market fluctuate constantly, maintaining the current currencies value Edit: /s Asperger's boi can get fucked. Don’t cry so much. Professional Casino gamblers manipulating casino for profits and noobs cry Can't we unite and have Tesla dump? He came into crypto to sabotage it. Finally people are starting to understand Yes, fuck him. Can’t we just ignore him already? Shit will go up with or without his dumb ass. The only reason why this would matter is if you are holding for the short term. He’s a giant cock farm. To be honest... he was never really liked. [deleted] Yes he is. What n idiot. And he didn’t even have to get shit on by live in maids or go to prison Ever since the SNL “it’s a hustle” comment smh reddit needs an feature like ""not interested"" to filter out crap like Fuck Musk called this months ago fuck musk The problem isn't Elon, or any other character they (PTB) use as a puppet to manipulate anything they desire through tell lie vision and social media. The SOULution is for us to unite and grow up mentally and spirituality and reclaim our dominion and create a new free world without propped up dummies calling the shots...or, playing gatekeeper and sheep 🐕 dog(E). crypto douche ! The people who hate Elon for his cryptocurrency tweets are the same people who never learned marketable skills. As result, they get paid a shit wage for doing a shit job and they blame CEOs for their plight. The same people who hate cops because they have been arrested for driving drunk or breaking some other law, even something as minor being pulled over for speeding. But they vote for politicians who support those laws. Total disconnect. People who want student debt ""canceled"" because they chose a worthless major or choose to live in a very expensive big city and now can't afford to live comfortably and fulfill their obligations as a debtor. The people who hate Elon for his crypto tweets have zero accountability. They over-invested in a series of assets that are well known to be some of the most volatile and risky out there, bought high, sold low, and can't own their mistakes, so let's blame the rich guy. Folks, I'm no Elon fanboy, not by a long shot. I respect his accomplishments, but also can see he's somewhat of an overgrown child. But he's not the reason you lost money. The reason you lost money is because you invested in a risky asset and you didn't have the balls to hold the dips. That's it. That's your problem. Let's face it, love him or hate him, Elon is entertaining and he's not going anywhere. It's time to be in charge of your own finances and your own lives, and realize that you're holding the steering wheel of your own life. Tesla stock is over valued. Maybe it should be shorted. If you think Elon is singlehandedly manipulating the markets, you’re crazy, it makes A lot more sense that whales use him as an excuse to drive price down when he decides to post a meme, then release articles like these all over the internet. Speak for yourself blockcrunch. [removed] Didn’t I say! The guy is a puppet for the masons nothing more, ppl that listen to him are fucking morons. [removed] Every time he tweets and causes BTC dip I buy. But I do wish he would be quiet A true hero is always villanized by the ones in control remember this. Go against the establishment and fight the good fight Good. He should. He should be banned from Twitter like the former guy. Really??? How could this be? 🙃 This guy is a clow. How can the Cripto Market give him so much power to dictate ups or downs?. Besides he never trul6ly accepted Bitcoin as a mode of payment for teslas. Elon is shill. Look deeper. All his value comes from Govt. Contracts. He is being used like a disposable mask. I've never liked the guy, also Tesla is the most overvalued company on the planet Love Elon and have tons of crypto I put Elon and Telsa on blast months ago and no one listened before SNL so here I am to inform everyone again you don’t get rich off helping others. It’s exploits that the common folk don’t understand Wait, he's not just the most hated person, period? Within a few years this snake will fall from his tree, mark my words. participation on this thread should make it abundantly clear that WE (the community) give “celebrities” power ...go enjoy your summer and stop reading trash articles 😃🙌 It's the musketeers Opinions are like assholes everybody has one. I don’t think Elon looses sleep over if the public doesn’t like him. Lol. WoW some people shure are dumb If Elon does something and crypto goes up he's considered a god And if crypto goes down then he's the devil He's done way more good than bad if you want to blame someone look in the mirror if you happen to be one of the ones that freaked out and sold because the sky was falling Because he is a flip flopping shill [removed] Never liked this DOUCHEBAG. Such a conceited, greedy POS. [removed] MANSION token just launched on dxsale! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 4877 www.mansiontoken. Com [but his knowledge of crypto is so vast](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMarkets/comments/oev8jg/elon_gives_a_fascinating_analysis_of_the_crypto/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Chairman of the decentralized reserve and why wouldn't he be? [Elon's a normie](https://youtu.be/XPhRYv73jIg) Good, he’s a super wealthy attention seeking douchebag. I like the guy🤔 Just goes to show you how many people investing in crypto have no idea what their doing. I wonder what percentage is bots trading on sentiment? Is it his fault tho, it’s the people who give him that much power, like he’s one of the richest men because people buy shares from his companies. People believe in him so much that it also fucks over some people, with bitcoin for example It’s the newbies who his manipulating, they’ll learn too. It's the funds fading his tweets that have the the influence on price. Eventually it will stop working This is not accurate though, what about Craig? He really doesn’t, people just think he does because he has a large following and talks about crypto at all. It's not his fault that every idiot clings to his words like he's Jesus Christ jr. People gave him attention out of the blue, without thought or reason and he's fucking around with it. If I were him, I'd do a video session and call everyone out for gambling their savings away in such idiotic manner, remind everyone that ""investing"" isn't randomly throwing money at whatever fad goes around and unrelate my company (TESLA) with whatever nonsense I'm fucking around with. He's the richest man in the world and a pioneer in space exploration. People look up to him and he's playing like a fucking child while idiots lose life fortunes because they listen to him. **If the richest and one of the most powerful man on the planet behaves like that, then what example do you set Elon? That's its OK to prompt others to fuck themselves up as long as they do it themselves?** Rhetorical question. Yeah but... I enjoyed how my stonks used to jump up on his past tweets tho... How dare he, not being a whale! It's kind of expected from an unregulated market Blame the people for that one What does that tell you about it as currency? Dude the guy just shared a funny meme and everyone freak out. He doesn’t have that power paper hands have that power. People are idiots and this is the primary reason why capitalism succeeds He's just a pump and dump troll. The more attention we give him, the bigger his power gets. It's no fault of his. He has freedom of speech like the rest of us. It's not his fault so many idiots buy and sell based on the shit he says. It's just attention seeking to gravitate attention towards his companies Aka this dude has no validity in a world he has no mind in.. let him do his other shit. Crypto is OURS!!! He probably doesn't have that much influence. This just shows that a lot of crypto holders think he does. He should do what mcafee promised, eat a dick Elon [removed] Yes totally agreed I used to get so pissed when mcaffee used to tweet about every shitcoin under the sun, I hope Elon makes like John and fucks off Why do you assume everyone in the world cares about those things. Elon is one of the smartest man in the world and finds crypto interesting and is dabbling in it. Can he not talk about it? Can he not hold opinions or share thoughts? It’s so small minded to think Elon gives a single fuck about likes and retweets on Twitter Ppl in this thread mad at Elon for how everyone else is reacting to what he says. No one man can manipulate the market. Until Elon is tweeting buy now; sell now tweets, you can’t be mad at him. He apparently didn't get enough attention to satisfy him when calling heroes pedophiles for no reason. Absolutely. Talk about bashing Bitcoin for its carbon footprint...he launches rockets with Space X almost on a monthly basis. Nobody seems to question that carbon footprint.🙄🙄 All while you eat up the oil industries bullshit lol. Elon has said he tired to get governments on board with a greener plan but no one listened and he came to the conclusion I think from JRE he mentioned he has lost hope for this planet with the direction it has been going. He's playing the game now and sit back, relax and enjoy the ride. I would recommend the doc Revenge of the Electric Car. It may open your mind on how things are really controlled just through the oil industry, but their are plenty of other industries just like the oil industry Tbf, if people ignored him, then they'd also probably ignore those who got them to FOMO into the market and boosted the prices of cryptos to where they are. It could be argued that would be better for crypto in general, but the inflated prices have allowed for a lot of marketing for crypto that otherwise wouldn't exist. He's manipulating people, weak people I would like to see Elon's crypto buys lined up with his tweets. Because the way I think it goes is, Elon tweets, crypto plunges, Elon buys the dip, crypto recovers, Elon sells. Tell that to the doge shills, i used to be a fan until i saw how hypocrites they are, ""doge the people coin"" Meanwhile shits on other peoples coin including btc and makes fun of shitcoins while being a shitcoin itself, worse part they see elon as their idol even though hes using them and all of other cryptos to pump and dump them, but theyll defend him no matter what Not forgetting his “let me not the state decide if my staff work during COVID” stance. Don't tell that to people who think wealth = brains, usually it means you screwed a shit ton of people over. Why is it a problem his parents made money, isn’t that what we’re all trying to do? Regardless of how he started, he’s an incredibly hard worker now. Unfounded claims for the rest. What price did you sell at? $.05? haha best one. Sorry for my bad english, im german guy… But i think its more easier to make crypto carbon neutral cause of renewable energy than rockets. Maybe im wrong. They are developing new technologies but until now they are not strong enough You’ve got a point, but they’re not radioactive. He is correct degren. There is better tech to use for blockchain however a rocket is a rocket... Donkeys everywhere And people don't realize he inherited a massive amount of wealth. This , people just wanna point the finger Every coin is linked to the price of bitcoin. If the price of bitcoin drops, basically everything drops. You probably wrote that comment from a device that uses lithium batteries Are you aware that you spread false information? Did you write this comment from your cellphone? I have some bad news for you.. Truth Kills me how everyone in this thread is depicting him as a market manipulator for anything he tweets. He’s not doing shit. People are reacting to what he says in dumb ways. I’d love to see the tweets of him saying to buy or sell. The Samsung publishing company that made the shark do do video shares also jumped up. I bet Elon intended for that to happen to make money from it! /s He qualifies to be a good peddler also. So don't buy doge? I can live with that. No, my friend, I don't think so. Bots do affect the mart during the short sell and cause more dip. This Pretty sure he's said a few times that he literally cannot experience the emotional/feeling of caring if others like him or not. He's a high functioning savant, he literally has no attachment with those types of emotions Amber heard did If you invite me to a party I'll be more likely to like you. If you don't invite me to a party I'll feel indifferent. If you make a point of not inviting me then I'll be more likely to dislike you. If you invite me to a party and then turn me away at the door laughing then I'll go from liking you to hating your guts. By manipulating the market he basically gave everyone an open invite to an awesome party and then turned everyone away at the door. But he is just elon without the asshole If he is focused on making a greener earth, and he literally owns a solar company, a much better tweet would have been ""Working on ways to give Bitcoin and other crypto miners access to solar power so they can mine with renewable energy"". Instead he tweets the opposite and us normies lose between $500-$750 billion in lost market cap. It's completely irresponsible to destroy peoples finances is 140 characters less than a few months after tweeting the opposite. They all sold their doge at $.05 I like his vision. I don't like his capricious ego and callous disregard for crypto newbies same i think the amount of hate he’s getting is ridiculous we wont see it in 2025 I'm already 100% certain I'll be buying a Nissan Leaf 'Lose"" How so? How will his games help the little guy? Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* The big whales definitely control the market and we know little of them. Elon is also a whale and a very public one at that, he is a lightning rod for the private whales. Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* He is manipulating the limited supply with his word vomit-to buy up what we sell Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your post has been removed because you posted a banned URL. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete your post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* It's nothing to do with that. Most people understand that Elon's sentiments shouldn't affect the market. The problem is trust. No one trusts each other to hold when Elon tweets something negative so they sell. The problem is people thinking that *other people* think Elon has power over the market. I read a recent survey showing that 1/3 people investing in crypto have absolutely no clue about crypto or how it works. These people see a rich man say something bad and impulsively buy/sell. In the last few months over $3B worth of just bitcoin was sold at a loss that was only held for a few months. While it’s amazing to see millennials and future generations get into investing in the future, it’s painfully obvious we are our own cause of severe volatility. I was wondering the same thing. If you truly believe in your investments then Hodl the storm. The best water is rocky water! Institutions have taken over BTC as expected [removed] I find it very hard to believe that its panic sellers that impact the market after elon tweets. I have a much stronger hypotheses that these are a combination of targeted shorts, and algos dumping price. Panic selling comes after, once sentiment shifts. There are some powerful people timing these fud campaigns. Someone doesnt want prices to take off. We’re prob gonna range for a while. Dont get your hopes up. Somethings brewing. Either way, ive lost all respect for elon. Either hes a) a paid shill (pathetic) or b) a narcissist (yuck) who tries to manipulate the market for fun or c) both. At least the world knows what kind of character he is. This. Maybe I’m too dumb to not understand this but why do you even read into his tweets and whatever he says and after that, them people cry about his influence? Just don’t read it and don’t follow his words. That’s it. Hype is created by people, not him. It's not entirely his fault but he could stop being egotistical, emotional pain in the ass kind of guy tbh Maybe not his fault, but he's definitely taking advantage of it One solution involves most every person who ever praised him to turn on a dime and stop giving Elon power for it to stop. The other involves Elon shutting the fuck and responsibly using the power given to him. The first solution is much more difficult to implement, but the second seems a genuine impossibility… It isn't his fault. Elon doesn't move the market, investors do. If you want to hate someone, hate the people who sold because they saw some dude's comment on the neterwebs. [removed] Or eat shit, like Mcafee does, through a hammock I laughed a bit to hard at this one. So true tho.. miss McAfee. Good bot You're giving him waaay too much credit if you don't think he cares about fake internet points He shouldn’t. Don't get me wrong, I love space exploration, my father was a amateur astronomer,I was in School when the challenger exploded on live TV, I believe as a Race, we need to explore space and our Oceans, but I hate how Elon Musk, with all the Bullshit he has pulled over the years, seems to have become the defacto king of Cryptocurrency... There are women and men who are better qualified to be ""King/Queen"" of The Cryptocurrency Ecosystem, sorry I'm just a strong believer of Bitcoin and the communities of Cryptocurrency I don’t think the two are comprable in magnitude I'm not defending the car he launched but Space -X has done great things for space travel. Even if he only acts as a threat to others who don't want the guy who smoked a joint on the Joe Rogen podcast to be king of space. [This carbon footprint?](https://www.treehugger.com/spacex-launch-puts-out-much-co-flying-people-across-atlantic-4857958) Doesn’t seem that bad to me Did you know one busy airport produces just as much pollution per day over the yearly amount of 114 launches in 2018. The total in 2020 was 114 as well. So when considering space exploration I would say this is not as bad a one busy airport times all the other busy airports in the world wouldn't you agree? Sigh, I don't even know where to begin, ok here goes, As a American, we have a distorted view of the world, we see the world from the top of the stage, looking down will always look different from looking up, also as a American, our livelihoods are based on a society that consumes more then it produces, Sadly this has been happening since the early 80s, probably longer. Americans are so blind to the waste they use, I remember people laughing at the fact we sell our trash to other countries,, the only reason other countries even think of recycling our trash is because they are forced through trade agreements to accept it, there are other reasons, but that one stuck with me for some reason. Oh and the Gun problem in America, Sigh guess what America, this is what happens when you are the world's Arms dealer, Yes, I said it, America is nothing more than Arms dealers, okies, enough crazy talk, Let me ask a question my father asked me when I was a kid, What right do we have, as a Race, to live on a another planet, when we can't even live on our own planet? We can't even solve the problems we have here, how can we live on another planet, My father's belief was, if we could live in our Oceans, we could live anywhere, but people use to laugh at him for that, and now I feel the same, think about it, The technology needed for human life to flourish under water is emence, but that technology would make space exploration easier but the opposite can't be said for technology used for space, Our oceans would crush the technology in seconds, See the difference, Yes I know there's more to it, but that's the simple version. Something people forget is, Electric and steam powered vehicles were developed right along with gas/diesel, but Ford and the other industry's at the time decided that gas was the best way to make money because of the wear and tear on the engine, replacement parts, and maintenance, and yes I know there's more to it, okies my crazy is coming out full force He just made another joke of DOGE also, prices going down again. Someone, please stop him from manipulating markets, people are losing money while he is having fun. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1400663054367571968 https://youtu.be/c-FGwDDc-s8 [deleted] I guess you are talking about graphen We should be expanding rail network strong rail network + hyper loop, sounds as what we really need that plus graphene batteries and electric bicycles (which would provide a bit of exercise = health to the people) I know it is difficult to imagine a world without cars, but maybe we should plan everything in this direction PD: I life in a village and I'm car dependant they are metal atoms inside the batteries lose some electrons after years of use, the battery could be tagged as radioctive then thats why since always there are special rubbish to deposit the batteries just we have never dealt before with batteries as big as the electric cars carry, plus no one is telling and spreading the clean truth so... until new materials come to batteries is gonna be a mess that without speaking all electronics using batteries would increase in price due shortage of materials the radioctive level is low but is there and since is a multi billon bussiness expect companies to make the necessary amends to cut out all info about how bad batteries are what is the need to launch that many rockets when we are under climate problems and pollution for years? wouldnt be more logic to waste all that intel + money to trigger and eco revolution? India one of the most beautiful countries in earth is full of pollution, thats a shame they still talking tamil probably the oldest language in the world, dated back to egiptian times and before, archeological findings shows Tamil people were writting letters to Pharaons they preserved a really good interaction with nature, you can find monkeys freely living in the country rest of the world could learn some good stuff about them but we let petroil destroy the world, big companies only thinking about making money instead of keeping the enviornment in good conditions banning more ecological solutions for years that about donkeys (you are kinda people that better to keep far away, unpolite as hell, cannot even discuss properly) but hey, is bitcoin the problem (sure...) and just to add a bit of salt > classical banking is ecoftiendly then.. they are not using energy to produce it, wood, inks, metals, not using cars to move the money around, no computer systems to keep log of your transactions, etc etc I’ve been here long enough to see these dips before Elon started posting about BTC... but if it’s true tell him to keep it up until I get my tax return. I’m buying lots of dip these past 2 weeks but I still have more coins I’d like to buy. Actually I think it’s more believable that crypto prices are being affected by what’s happening in the markets right now with shorts. HODL! Ohhhh sick burn! They use lithium batteries? How dare they do that while posting a comment about children in mines! Really though, how fkin stupid can you be? Ur. Mum uses lithium batteries too You criticize society! Yet you live in it. Very interesting... Have you ever learned about his life beyond headlines? Watched any docs or gone out of your way to look beneath the surface? There are plenty of legitimate reasons to hate this man You think 🤔 it’s a game. This man thinks 12 steps forward. Trust me it’s NO game. All part of his master plan. Keep buying and accumulating DOGE and you’ll see exactly how he will help the little guy, the average person!! Same principle as toilet paper and gas shortages. The problem is that other people think that other people think that other people think too much. Just buy 12 hours after hes tweeted a negative and sell 5 mins after he tweets a positive But this means Elon DOES have market power lol On the flip side TA works because every whale and most retail buyers use it, it’s 50% “self fulfilling prophecy.” if 100% used it perfectly every coin would be a straight line, so thank god for FOMO. This generation has zero patience :/ Class 4 rapids! Hang tight!!! I totally agree, plus long term invest have less risk involved, while also less rewards. Only if you could have some project with huge potential for long terms that also has great shor term rewards.. Bridgewater’s report from back in Jan 2021 stated this. In hindsight they’re so right. Bitcoin as a market is not yet big enough for the type of trades that institutions execute on, to not influence the price Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Yeah. when crypto started it was mostly regulars folks. Now its turned into wall st and its tactics. If there is one thing I know about standardized testing, it's that the answer is always C. Devil’s advocate! WHAT IF… a) he’s manipulating the market to get rid of all the paper handed beeshes who are the real ones destabilizing crypto and b) giving non paper handed beeshes discounted crypto thus rewarding the people that would stabilize the market… just a thought I believe your theory about algos dumping and then the retail traders panic sell.Not sure how we are going to get out of this cycle You say it is a “much stronger hypothesis” but in your argumentation I don’t see anything that shows you have more proof or solid basis than the guy you are criticizing. As in paid I would say large stake investors in his company's ask him to do it. You don't get as much money as he has by not greasing the wheels. [deleted] [deleted] I read em do I can prepare liquidity to average down as well as hodl the line Lots of evidence to prove that he is doing it intentionally The fault is on those who can’t do without his tweets the same folks are the ones still making noises about what is saying. Grow up haters💵 Yeah true but I don't see how it's his fault that people are dumb. If Donald Trump tells people to drink bleach against Corona and someone does and dies, who is at fault? Don't hate the player, hate the game Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* He's still tweeting from jail Thank you, TheLastPwnr, for voting on xkcd-Hyphen-bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!) you really think a billionaire heading several large futuristic compaines(boring company, tesla, starlink, spacex) gives a fuck about the number of likes and retweets he gets? You really think hes sitting at the office or at home refreshing twitter to see how many likes his tweet about federal reserve& dogecoin got? lol. All he does is work. he makes a joke or even has an opinion on twitter. then ppl make their own choices buying or selling crypto but that his fault right. hes totally manipulating the market. come on id bet all my dogecoins im spending more time defending him right now than he spends looking at the number of likes and retweets he got on twitter XD why not? when has he told anyone to buy or sell their specific crypto? Is he not allowed an opinion? its not his fault you apes go pump and dump altcoins based off literally anything he talks about. He tweeted about baby shark do do video and the price of SHARK coin shot up 300%. a bunch of ppl bought up that coin, drove the price up, and sold for profit, and crashes the price again. how the hell did he felicitate that? he never said go buy up anycoin. id bet money all the elon haters bought in at the highs and got fucked when everyone dumped their coins As soon as geniuses like Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawkings died, fuckboys like Elon become the new genius when really its just another thing Elon inherited for next to no effort. Idol worship will be our downfall. Worship yourselves people! We all have potential for greatness! As an American also I agree with you after WWII America gained its spot as a super power due to treaties and taking control of spoils of war. If you think of the human race exploration is built into our DNA from the first humans to follow the Mammoth across the Bering Straight to tribes that were land locked until they decided to Sail into the oceans finding many islands in the south east Asian seas. The right as a human race for exploration is key to its survival but the problem starts with humans being their own worst enemies. I agree I think it's crazy to think that we do not even understand most the species on earth and still think hunting other advanced species like Whales, Elephants and others as sport. The problem lies in greed which is an addiction and the human race is still technically in its infancy. Now insects have had a 10 million year advance over humans and if you want to look at a society in sync look at Mega Ant Colonies and Bees. Bees as a colony use advanced math and science for their decisions for their survival. Humans on earth will be considered Neanderthals if Elon can populate Mars using renewables and science building an even more advanced human race than Earth. The real energy of the future will be hydrogen as for its light as hell for flying space craft and the most abundant element in the universe. Life began in the oceans and yes humans could try to live under water but think of the damage we would do from privatizing the oceans with this capatalistic agenda. We are currently already living and working in space and the future for the human race is to push the bound and explore into new territories hoping for a better life like our ancestors. Elon tried to bring the warning flags but was shot down or restricted by certain geo politics and he knows the science just like all the other scientist warning us of the trouble to come with climate change and its been projected its too late now to try to fix what we caused To crypto people this tweet says doge is trash. To others it says doge is real money. I wish we could design a bot that could have multiple Twitter accounts call him a market manipulating motherfucker in immediate reply to everything he posts. Get people to short the shit out of Tesla. Drive that fucker into the ground and dry up his personal liquidity. And then turn around and say ""oh so this is bad? When I make you lose your life's work..... This is bad? "" This guy is a 🤡 and a grifter. Just don’t buy anything related to him.. Didn’t think I’d receive an intelligent reply here. Use your words bud Ah, so you’re forming opinions based off shit you see on the Internet. I render your statement invalid. Maybe that will be the future. [removed] By what mechanism does metal become radioactive in batteries? If you strip electrons from a metal atom it becomes an ion. If u want to talk about something.. Focus on the topic.. Stop talking about all sorts of stuff Bitcoin a legacy blockchain which is losing dominance.. Much better tech out there. Decentralised blcok chains that are faster.. Cheaper and a hundred times more enviromentally friendly.. U do t have to be a rocket scientist to work this out.. So wtf u still harping on about this old outdated tech. Trot on with such nonsense... I don't think it's all Elon by any means. I'm just saying that altcoins would also fall because they're still linked to the price of bitcoin. I'm not complaining. I'm still up a crazy amount for the year The point is that lithium batteries are used almost everywhere. Yet people seem to think that it's a big problem when electric cars uses them while they don't care too much for other uses. That's hypocritical. You assume I give a damn about society Sounds like I need to look into it Fuck him and doge. Him more! This. This generation does what the previous generation did during the dot com bubble Sometimes patience is learned. A lot of people are learning it now. [deleted] I mean, anything is possible. Lets tackle your primary assumption: paper handed bitches are destabilizing crypto. How might your confirm/deny that this is true? Time Wyckoff appears to have a similar pattern, people like Ben Cowen were predicting a general pullback based on TA, monitoring exchange flows does not indicate panic selling (rather accumulation), major lines of support are hit in large chunks of volume too large to be retail. Vs shit like SHIB - you can see a better retail reaction with smaller orders making up the volume, and a general blow off top after vitalik dumped. The difference in L2 is big. Do you have any evidence to back up YOUR statement, in defense of panic selling LEADING the selloff? Im not saying panic selling isnt present, im just saying it doesnt seem to be the leading force for major tokens. Instead, all of my sources lead to believe this pullback is healthy. Or people like you just cry to cry and don’t realize one man isn’t all your problems lmao. This is a perfect statement Such a stupid comment lol I might perceive it differently. It is not a secret that majority of population is actually dumb (I am not a smart ass as well) and he just proves that by using his OWN social media accounts to post whatever he wants. As we all do. And then these loud people get into some strange crazes and hypes. I really can not comprehend this obsession with social media. Doing it on purpose or not, affecting the market or not, we are all agree he is an a*****le. No shit 😂 yeah exactly. Whats the motive? Tank prices so he can buy low. He is an active crypto trader. I have other ideas why. How about you? If your boss tells you to do something, and you later get fired for that exact thing you were told to do? Who's fault is it that you got fired? So people aren't responsible for what they say? That's garbage. Why are people so hung up on Donald Trump? Will you be telling your grandchildren in 2050 about the big bad orange man and how he hurt you? Yes, I do. He's a sad and self-conscious narcissist with very low self-esteem. I believe he genuinely cares what anime avatar twitter profiles say about him. What if I told you it was possible to hold crypto and not care about Elon musk? Possible to still be affected by the drooling masses. Not sure how many people are going to like this comment but it's 💯the truth, Bill Gates stole the ground work for windows OS from Apple and changed the course of our lives with a lie, To this day, Microsoft still has a monopoly on Computers OS, we basically have a whole generation, who grew up on a lie, how does this compare to Elon Musk? How many companies did Elon Musk start on his own w/o buying it first? Elon Musk like Bill Gates is riding the Genius of their respective creators, They are Nothing more than Grifters out to make money, and the Computer industry and communities need to realize this I understand that as a Race, we need to explore, it's the curiosity, it's the Questions we can't answer that drives us, it's the beauty in the knowledge that it's mathematically impossible for us to be alone in the universe, it's the beauty in looking at the moon, knowing there's no breathable air there but wanting to go there and look right back at Earth, Our mother, and see her beauty, there are so many beautiful things to dream and see about space exploration but you're right, it is Greed that controls most actions we as a race make. We are a fickle society and until we can live with each other, things will never change Doge is a garbage coin.....the definition of a shit coin That doesn’t sound very nice. Remember, Do Only Good Everyday. lol use your brain and watch the vid if want, im not going to waste my time spoon feeding you not worrying about running out... minerals used on batteries are called rare earths because are rare (same name tells) hopefully soon graphene batteries show up electricity generates inside battery cells because electrons are constantly exchanging from one atom of a certain metal to another atom of a different metal with the time those atoms lose electrons and become unstable, is at this point when batteries generate certain radioctivity the problem is not 1 battery the problem comes from the millions of batteries cars around the world would be using that being said, no doubt radioctivity is harmful to humans (altough animals humans included seems to adapt to the enviornment), nowadays there are animals and plants growing at chernobylx and those are radioctive plants and animals so I guess all the nasty stuff humans are facing nowadays (including air pollutants, moving apart from batteries topic), at some point babies would be born that can handle it better that we do nowadays also out of topic, that doesnt mean we shouldnt care about enviornment because everything adapts with the time, we do really need to take care of climate change and/or the stuff that pollutes the world I have no issue with the use of lithium batteries only with corporations that use slave labour or child labour. There are companies developing more environmentally friendly and people friendly methods of lithium extraction. No with a comment like yours you seem like a douchbag This [removed] They way I understand the Dot Com bubble, is that it was mainly fueled by WallStreet hedgefund managers and day traders, moving millions on hyped insider information. Not the average Joe or Mr. and Mrs. Smith investing in their future, or; previous generation as it were. [removed] This is the way Back then I was not schooled on the wicked ways of the world. (When Bitcoin at $100) Now I am , being down over 6k LOL But it could be worse! I had to get a job to recoup.LOL 👍 You might not be responding to me, but I didn’t make a statement. I just pointed out that your post only contained assumptions not backed up by anything of substance, just like the one from the guy you were criticizing in the first place. Lol this answer is the best. SAY IT LOUDER AO EVERYONE CAN HEAR IT. No, it's pretty accurate actually. yeah that happens when you marry a girl who wants the world to be an AI-ran communist society. That, and not getting pussy. Not defending elon just bad comparison. If you dont listen to your boss you could be fired also. Nobody is making you listen to Elon. Horrible comparison 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻 No not saying that. But I'm responsible for what I say just as much as you're responsible for what you do. But it's arbitrary and not black and white at all well you clearly never listened to him speak and are basing your option of him from other reddit comments. i know you're not likely to but i recommend checking out his JRE episodes Yeah but he’s not at fault for all the adult making their own choices. And if you’re only holding you’re not losing or gaining anything, therefore you can’t claim to be affected. You only gain or lose when you sell. Your comment made me smile. 😀 glad to see not everyone in this country has brain worms hahaha Gates came from a very rich family and went to a very exclusive school where he had access to a computer system(the P & C paid for) that colleges around the US couldn't afford. He was in the right place at the right time. That opportunity was only there because of his very privileged life. But he did make the most of that opportunity. That needs to be said.. If we think big picture the universe is billions of years old. The story of life's journey on earth can be replicated from what planets we have found out in the universe. So to think we have been the only ones out there is reasonable because we have not such proof of other life but in reality far far away their could have been plenty of civilizations that could have existed but died out just like here on earth. Or a civilization could have been as advanced as we are today but they were self destructive kind of like the human race. But the one thing i know forsure is that life can be replicated under certain circumstances Oh I 100% agree. But that's how it's perceived none the less. Hello there, Elon’s toilet paper. They just mad they didn’t get in at .006. Do Only Good Everyday! You’ve already wasted your time. I don’t watch YouTube for my information. I’m not illiterate I'm sorry but basically everything you wrote is wishy washy bull shit. Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* The majority of this generation is doing exactly what the average Joe was doing back in the day, you've got a minority that's also doing what the previous generation was doing back in the day, complaining about only seeing a 20% return on their investment after two days. Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* For sure, i didnt put a lot of effort into the post. I had tried to convey that by making it explicitly clear my stance was a hypothesis. Frankly, i dont feel strongly enough on the matter to spend time putting together a quality, structured statement. Even if I did, I don’t think it would have material impact to definitively confirm my hypothesis. If it did, I wouldn’t be sharing it — i’d be trading based off of it. Its a weakly held opinion. But thank you for calling it out. Sure bud. Who told you that? The corporate media who is obviously controlling how you perceive what happens in the markets? Dude... if you think Elon tweets are swaying the markets... you're simply not that smart and shouldn't be investing. Get that AI pussy! Based on his dating experiences, I don't think he's the kind of guy who will bend down for a woman. I'm sure it's already in his blood to make AI driven society or whatever on earth he is aiming for. Let's not forget he's very selfish, he only cares about himself. There's no way he does something for someone else, even for his gf. Upvote for standing up to the Elon Fanbois Thought you typed “Al-ran” and I was like, “who’s Al?” Well, that’s was after I thought it was some kinda Arabic phrase. Exactly. That was an awful comparison. How is that a reasonable presumption in any form? Elon is still a fuck head even if you suspend the he crypto nonsense. Sadly my Father and Uncle had a front row seat to Bill Gates and Steve jobs Nerd Wars that most people don't even know happened, My uncle was a programmer for IBM at the time, and alot of programmers were burned out, lost everything and some even killed themselves, Let me ask a question.... How many companies have gone under cause of or was influenced by Microsoft...... The US government split Microsoft into 3 or 4 divisions to try and reduce the monopoly, Sigh, guess what Morons you made them stronger.. People like Elon Musk and Bill Gates, they don't care who they hurt, and if I hear about all the good Bill Gates has been doing, I'm going to throw up, Drug dealers who do good with rotten gains are still drug dealers. Think about that! Gates is a manchild, when the internet was still young, AoL thought it could stand up to Gates, You see who is still around, I know there's more to it, but I remember a article where Gates Gates basically said he would destroy AoL CEO at that time, everyone thought it was a joke, yeah, Bill Gates is still laughing about that one Hahaha ok snowflake, yeah sure screw YouTube and hundreds of thousands of hours of valualbe info uploaded for free by researchers, scientists, univeristies etc. [deleted] [deleted] Exactly, he doesn’t get pussy for a long time. And zero chance he isn’t getting pussy You're joking right? The fucking moron froze embryos where he had inseminated Amber Heard's eggs and is now trying to get them destroyed. Apparently once he lost his erection he discovered what it might mean to his wallet in the future. Thanks. Fuck Elon. hahah. Well it’s based on Grimes’ rant of an “ideal communist world ran by AI, where no one would need to work”. She put this in her tiktok. Pretty cringy. If you broke and clowning a billionaire, the joke is on you Absolutely! Hey don't get me wrong, I was born a couple blocks away from where Google headquarters would end up being so I was enamored with them when I was young. I have a friend named Harold that developed electric and hydrogen vehicles as a hobby in the early 80s. The feds raided him and took all of his prototypes and didn't charge him with anything. Elon and Bill gates were placed in positions by idk who knows lol. He also co developed Pong, too and got screwed over by them after it was marketed. These stooges were chosen to rule over all and leech off of brilliant minds like my friend Harold. Sad shit. Elon Musk does the same thing, maybe not to the extent of Bill Gates, but when the manchild is hurt or just in that funky mood, the whole cryptocurrency ecosystem suffers You could have made your statement in as many words if you truly understood it. Can't cope harder. [deleted] Reading comprehension is great, you should try it. First time hearing it 👀 What kind of person he really is? I know this is some days but I do surely agree. FUUUUCK Elon. Wow, what a bootlicker. you must have this much money to insult billionaire..lol Yeah, and people wondered why Satoshi went anonymous, can you imagine the cryptocurrency ecosystem if everyone knew who she/he is? The PC generation would have been so different if Bill Gates was called out for his BS, and unless we want The Cryptocurrency Ecosystem to suffer from the same problem, we the communities need to step up and say No more then I will try what he, understandibly so, doesnt want to do but also lacks the foundation as the video is a lot of non-sense. This is slightly related to the start of this thread and people like him seem to be offended when Musk is being described as a hardworking person. I disagree with that statement as well, he may have been a hard-working person in college, but since his time with Paypal he became nothing more than a business sensation and that in a sensational sense. There is a plethora of examples how he **pushes** others to be hardworking in full disregard of human possibility. The results of his companies are not growing because of his influence, but because of many talents his companies recruited. This is nothing unique, but what pisses people off and me too, is that he is a complete absolute massive jerk. Not a good man, not a hardworking man, at least successful, jerk. There are the examples of Steve Davis, Martin Eberhard and some would include Mary Beth Brown. How Musk behaves is very ugly and no admiration can purify that; he cares for his personal goals very much but lacks empathy to achieve them humanely. See the example of the regulated 24h work-shifts at Tesla he himself ordered to be implemented. Hahaha true I think he gets some, but there are signs his kids are due to artificial insemination. I think the due may be gay. lol, that means actually nothing. Finally some examples for me to search. I’ve never heard a negative thing about Elon until the crypto market problems. I appreciate the time! I’ll investigate further and adjust my opinion based off what I find. “Finally, some examples for me to search now that someone else to spoon fed them to me because I can’t be bothered to do my own research” FTFY Glad to be of help. Maybe you wont change your opinion which is fine, because to some people his behaviour justifies the success he has or seen from a holistical perspective on humankind his push for greater technology to advance civilization justifies it as well. No matter what, it is always good to gain a critical perspective on a supposed ""hero"" as some surely would call him. Wtf am I going to “research”? Is Elon a bad guy? The original comment made absurd claims and I was asking for legitimate reasons, not hearsay. Someone that didn’t have a stick up their ass gave a few examples to begin my “research” instead of pretending they know things. If you had a motive to knock someone down, provide evidence of said claim. No, it’s not owed to me, but I’m not making the statement. “Is Elon a bad guy?” https://lmgtfy.app/?q=is+elon+a+bad+guy It’s a start! Or, the commenter could supply the real examples for others to investigate if they truly cared. Hate is easy to spew based on opinion. Justification for said hate is required when trying to conform others to your ideologies. “Real examples” are not required when trying to convince somebody of anything. If you’ve ever seen a commercial for pizza and then ordered the pizza you saw in that commercial, then you’ve been convinced of doing something without being given all the facts. It’s not only easy to spew opinion, it’s convincing! It’s effective, it works! Which is exactly why it’s important that we each do our own research! Right, that works on mindless fucks that absorb memes. Like I stated, if their true intent were to convince someone to believe their ideology, they would provide a basis beyond opinion. So then you task “the mindless fucks” to do your research for you? No, the mindless fucks that upvote cause they like the sentiment while lacking the truth" "The results are in, and they look pretty conclusive...",3382,https://i.redd.it/5wysfz48z8z61.jpg,"People keep trying to blame others for their problems. Musk isn’t the one responsible for selling or tanking markets — the people are. The logical way to look at the market is to realize, acknowledge, and accept that people themselves are the volatile factor. You could replace Musk with any other random, and it wouldn’t change the fact that people are emotionally unstable when playing the market. This post itself is a great example of that. It’s just an emotional response to something. [removed] Plausible. This guy is a high risk asset, for the best and the worst. If you told me 3 months ago that i would be losing 30% of my gains because of some goofy tweets from an autistic billionaire, I wouldn't have believed you. Now he is pumping ADA ;) I had no idea everyone in crypto was so soft, who cares, they’re still holding, we are still holding. It’s a weird obsession 143 votes lol Elon should run this poll Haha I don’t think he realized the inexorable reality of memes, that they always die out. He wasn’t a master meme rhetorician, just another celebrity surfing the wave, and his ride has ended. Interesting. May be a discriminatory remark, being that Musk is autistic. It always tickles me pink that people get offended when elon is put in a certain light, but this might be a reddit thing. People's decisions. When they see dips, they bitch out and say ""Scam"". And when it is rocketing to the moon, they believe it and regret not joining the wagon. LMAO The man who sells electric cars that consume massive amounts of electricity says that Bitcoin is bad because it uses too much electricity 🤣🤣 Elon the con man /r/CryptoMarkets/comments/ncrp1q/jackson_palmer_a_cocreator_of_dogecoin_elon_musk So I have a couple of questions will people who are really educated in crypto trading give me some legitimate answers please? Why would Eli musk stop accepting Bitcoin because of energy concern and then turn around and take a poll on whether he should accept Dogecoin? The only thing I can think of is he's trying to sabotage Bitcoin because he's going to sell it and move the profits over to Dogecoin! I'd love to hear everyone's opinion that's willing to share their voice to tell me what they think is going on... I like to pretend I know it all but I try to learn from you guys that know more than me so any opinions or thoughts would be welcome!?? Lol From a whole 143 votes 😂. Honestly this sub Reddit is hilarious. Not good for your heart though, too much salt. Lol Elon had over 3 million votes and I’m supposed to care what some peasant thinks who couldn’t even muster 150 votes? [removed] For real though. Hopefully he makes his mind up, but not looking promising I don’t think this is a problem at all Who cares They go hand in hand IMO Elon Flusk...Easy answer. shietLon musk ! Yes. Welcome to Twitter. Oh so we are not free individuals making our own rational decision in a free market? [removed] [removed] Elon dump my coin buhu Musk may be unstable, but as he'd say - 'did you expect him to be a chill dude'? He's an absolute genius - literally, one of the most brilliant minds of our time. Yet, despite that - or perhaps as part of it - he's prone to strange behaviors, promotion of misinformation, and acts of extreme megalomania. He's got Asperger's Syndrome - and, based on what I know of him - likely more than a couple mental illnesses. But insofar as Doge is concerned? It's a power exercise - he's demonstrating how he can manipulate the market with nothing more than words. I'm sure he gets off on it, I'm guessing he doesn't really care at all about it otherwise. He's the 2nd richest person alive - in the end, his instability probably doesn't matter much to him. both of them togther are 100% im in So guys it looks like big coin is still trending down a little bit more in a little bit more every five or six days. Do you guys think it's going to come back up still or what? I'm frustrated because you know as soon as you pull all your money out and lick your wounds the very next day it goes way back up and then you want to go on him and put a bullet in your head! I'm not going to be doing that this time. So all I can think to do is basically hold it until I'm broke or hold it until it comes back up? Cuz I'm already in for a penny in for a pound... What do you guys think? Cuz I am a little bit nervous... MANSION token just launched on dxsale! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 4877 www.mansiontoken. Com Haha. Um haven’t we known this But I cannot hodl Elon Musk People are volatile — and Musk exploits that. So he has no part in playing them? No one is blaming it’s the reality of the situation. Agreed! At least Doge is now safe from greedy traders. 🤷‍♂️if anything - it’s time to buy Doge. People’s mistake is that they went fomo about buying it and selling it. Well correction happened. Doge will gain a lot of value and be safer now. So naive, smh. This is like saying ""a dam breaking isn't responsible for the town flooding, WATER is."" Ahahahahaha. You crack me up dude. Like ya, no shit people are the ones buying and selling. But powerful individuals (including whales) always will have more...you guessed it! Power! Over price movement, etc. Now go read a book bro. You come off as seriously naive. He has an incredible reach and ""credible"" opinion. If he had done what he did in the stock market, he'd be in jail. I agree with you that the people who got screwed made a mistake, but it's not mutually exclusive: he manipulated the market through his reach, pumped and dumped a sh*tton of coins and people screwed up by following someone with no liability or responsiblity into a very volatile market. Makes no sense to take 100% of the blame away from him. Oh another musk slave here 🤮🤮 It's really not an emotional response. It's just a bloody joke. Have a giggle and move on. 0 Yet SpaceX is dominating The biggest problem is that he endangers the entire market and not just his own scamcoin so you think doge devs and ada devs are same? It's a joke. Relax. whats funny about that? Yes I too see the irony of it. All his friends and family voted I guess. Too bad he doesn't have a real following to get some real numbers Maybe he is. Behave. It all has to be part of some elaborate plan. Just totally strategic.. hedgefunds sabotaged his SNL making Doge coin look bad in the media so people would lose money/faith in Doge which was not his intention.. as hedgefunds went long in Bitcoin he said he would not accept Bitcoin anymore so it would drop in price now they lose money and can’t buy fancy Tesla’s anymore.. How I know? Because his tweet was exactly the day after his appearance in SNL.. coincidence?!?! 🤔 using climate change as an excuse was just pure sarcasm as these people always try to manipulate and earn money from climate change.. Elon mentioned he still believes in Bitcoin and crypto many times after and is still promoting Doge because it’s the people’s money and he is trying to protect it.. I would say he is a true legend or maybe even a hero?! If he was going to sell he would be pumping the coin not dumping. He’s going to buy more and gullible idiots made it cheaper for him He's going to move over to HBAR. 😉 Relax. It's a joke. Just a bit of fun. Are you expecting some government-backed poll of half the population of Brazil or something? this is less r/cryptomarkets as it is a hater’s ball where they just cry about doge and Elon It's a joke, you daft melt. Haven't you noticed that in the last decade voting seems to now have a reverse correlation to quality? The more people that vote for something the worse it actually is? (Queue those downvotes) Your post has been removed because you posted a banned URL. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete your post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* [removed] [removed] I applaud you for enjoying a joke, and I can get behind that :D But there’s no denying that a lot of people are getting way too butthurt about it. Because it’s the best run space program in the world To be honest I think this is a good test. If the entire crypto market can't withstand the instability of a single person perhaps it's not mature enough yet. [deleted] This post is not going to age well Nope - just that Tweets from Elon either screws or pushes in short term those coins Yet lots of people are not joking, my feed is filled with it. It’s exhausting. The only hit to crypto is a major brand not accepting BTC as a currency, and the influence of Musk. It’s not a representative population. But I’ll admit, we are being a bit overly technical here You spelt scam wrong Honestly, my thoughts exactly! Maybe he’s jumping back and forth between the two — Bitcoin and Doge. He’s the one with the foresight of when to buy and sell considering he’s the one manipulating. Hey dude this is most intelligent thing I've heard... See I'm learning but I don't know everything about everything... One thing though that stood out to me is it something was off about this I was right about that much you just explained it thoroughly though! Thank you for taking the time to talk to me. I am invested in Dogecoin and put half of my savings into SHIB... Do you think SHIB will come back up cuz I'm not worried about Doge it's doing fine!??? He's going to move over to HBAR because it's clean and he can get in from the ground up. I didn't look at it that way. Thank you for your Insight. So many people are so rude when they don't realize that sometimes it's really awesome to bounce ideas off of others so they can look at it a way you never thought of. Thank you very much have a blessed day! No not at all, just bears a striking resemblance to those hair product adverts that claim 92% of people agree it gives better results (*sample size of 138). There’s a general anti Elon sentiment on Reddit. Probably because most redditors are poor. Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Guessing it's the most funded too Idk how this isn't brought up more often its 100% the case And that there be most bipeds on this rock. True dat I like my memes to be well researched i thought it was some meme reference i wasnt getting In the end nobody knows if he really does this for others or just self interest.. do note that he got extremely attacked by the media after his tweet.. then my second question would be who controls the media? Just invest where you believe in.. the fact you invested in both tells me you are a pretty smart ape.. ;) nobody knows the future but I can tell you that paper hands didn’t pay me off (had to learn the hard way) experience gave me diamond hands 💎pray for wisdom and if you do become a millionaire don’t forget to bless others ;) *final note: I might not agree with everything Elon does but you really need to have some pretty *** balls to take these guys on a personal level Cheers Try and do something fun today. You'll feel better for it. No, not even close actually Well we all know what Elon is really good at - getting people to give him money [deleted] Another, (IMHO), spot on comment! THIS IS THE WAY... Eh, I'm in exam season, I can't think of fun things right now. He's a con man so he knows where to get his funding from Now im curious to know what you read 7 years ago Another way to look at this, other than something really really bad happening most things are gonna go up. Definitely not every coin but most everyone that gets even somewhat popular. We are tiny, we are retail, your only position of even minuscule power is to hold. Luck is the name of the game and knowledge can only greatly increase your chances of getting lucky. That much i know!! You need to write a book giving people perspectives who invest LOL!" The King of HODL!!!!,3363,https://i.redd.it/8ykco1ozws271.jpg,"Was this that dude that couldnt find his password and only had a couple tries left to get it right or lose it forever? I really hope that poor bastard got his coins!!! probably someone who went to jail for selling drugs on the silk road just got released from prison. And I can't even wait 9.7 hours. Looks like someone just found the bit of paper with their private keys on it… I think we all feel the same… congratulations are in order.. and also ‘fuck you’.. lol.. I think that’s the standard way to acknowledge someone that’s just ‘found’ 310 btc.. How much BTC do you need to be considered “a Whale” ? Genuine question , not scarcasm They just found it on their aunt's pc after 9.7 years. finally found the lost notepad file I guess Take that, paper handed bitches. THATS how it’s done. Time in the market beats timing the market. diamond hands in legend, lol probably just trading them in for cardano @OP is your super power to find super diamond hands? Prison I remembered on the 2nd guess that the nano ledger wiped after 3. It wiped. I only put $75 worth of bitcoin on there, but this was in 2017 so maybe 600 lost? fuck those types of wallets. x: ""Wake me up when my 310 BTC worth more than 10, 000, 000 USD."" 9.7 years later.... If Satoshi’s wallet ever “powers on” to the whale alert stalkers, i’m taking off of work that week. That will be an epic shit show. I am beyond obsessed with this mystery. I care more about that mystery getting solved than actually becoming wealthy from crypto. 100% if i had the choice between the two i’d pick knowing the truth and real backstory. I make enough money outside of crypto anyway. Should wait for another 9.7 years man! He finally found his keys. Which twitter account is this? I'm interested in following it A broke person had it all planned out. In 2011, went to a bank robbed 1500$, bought BTC and kept it in a cold wallet. Pleaded guilty to cut down the time. Released in 2021 and wollah! Bought his private island to enjoy his cocktails. I think it went something like this... ""Jeez these e-mails are old. Wait, what's this one about starting a bitcoin wallet... HOLY SHIT!!"" Did laptop in landfill guy finally find his hardrive? HOLDER always wins. This is a specific evidence. I imagine if I held the current BNB. Some time later will it be like the current BTC?. I'm also holding some BARMY. Looking forward to coming tomorrow :)) 💎👐 The legend awakens Shall we bow, Yeah, he is a king..... That’s so dope. Fair play. Makes my hands look like paper the nutter Someone found the old miner program on their old computer What does activated mean? A new transaction? This makes me think of the people who sold their old computers without erasing any data on their harddrives by thinking "" fuck that old piece of garbage , now it's someone else's problem "" .. Just imagine the possibilities of some having dormant adresses .. Never checked . I hope I can endure as much. Nah. No whale. Just some poor bastard who lost his way for a bit. He found his “way”. [deleted] Sorry guys... I had to change wallet... I wish i could save my mortgage on some hard disk and forget about it He doin true hustle😎 He won!! Please whoever this is we must know your story! It is either the king of HODLers or a lucky person who found his private keys after several years. guy lost his password, truck driver, had a company be able to unlock his account I believe it was him Probably lost it and found it after 9 years of lost sleep :))))))) Legend-wait for it-dairy Good chance it’s stolen with things like this It only took 300 3060ti gfx cards and the power output of a small country to obtain the password... Cool. Ross Ulbricht just filed a lawsuit last month saying that refusing to allow him to communicate with his father violated his religious rights. Maybe they reached a settlement, and Ulbricht finally told pops where the bodies are buried. Ross Ulbricht just filed a lawsuit last month saying that refusing to allow him to communicate with his father violated his religious rights. Maybe they reached a settlement, and Ulbricht finally told pops where the bodies are buried. [deleted] And thats why you keep your shit in a perfectly safe exchange. You can always recover your lost password if you can prove identity. Muhhh keys. Yeah. Have fun losing millions over keys that give you ""peace of mind"". I don't trust myself with anything The Patience 👏 Anyone else check their old computer in case you had any coins lying around? [removed] The German guy with 2 try’s left has 7002 BTC. The English guy whose wallet is in a landfill has 7500 BTC. I think that guy had close to 220 million, so I don’t think this is the same guy My first thought aswell im pretty sure he owns alot more than 310 though from memory They are celebrating now!! Pop the champagne 🍾🥂🥂🥂🥂🍾 [removed] He already owns a lot more btc than in the locked wallet so wouldn't really call him a poor bastard Why would it be locked forever? I hope so. 🤣 I would guess it can't out of a safe deposit box. It was worth over 20 million a month ago, and we could all imagine thinking that 11 million is enough after almost a decade. What about this makes you think the 310 btc was ‘just found’? I have a very small amount of coins that I've kept in the same Bitcoin-QT wallets since 2013-2014. I don't move them because I don't want to be able to sell. $10M and above (based on the Casino standard) which I believe everyone is using I can't help but feel that they got out of the market at the wrong time...but yeah, HODL to the moon, everyone! I love to repeat it because it's encouraging; we are still so early!! I am one of the many of you who decided not to sell out of FUD in this dip. We will rise again and each time, establish a new foundation to climb ever higher! stop losses beat time in the market Looking for you, who holds the super power. I hope it is this. Probably got locked up for some bullshit drug charges, now he's laughing. What percentage chance do you think Satoshi is Adam Back Are there any good articles/documentaries you suggest? It's such a fascinating subject. I was listening to Bankless this morning, and the guest referred to Bitcoin's creation as an ""immaculate conception"" since it's al shrouded in mystery and such. ""Activated"" is a song by English singer Cher Lloyd for her upcoming third studio album. It was released on 22 July 2016 through Vixen Records. More details here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Activated *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If something's wrong, please, report it in [my subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot).* *Really hope this was useful and relevant :D* *If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [deleted] ""Activated"" is a song by English singer Cher Lloyd for her upcoming third studio album. It was released on 22 July 2016 through Vixen Records. More details here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Activated *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If something's wrong, please, report it in [my subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot).* *Really hope this was useful and relevant :D* *If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [deleted] If the latter one, he is going crazy now. Because it is un anticipated that he managed to somehow retrieved it back. Legendairy? Haha Best reference I've seen in a while. That's my favorite legen___dary What makes you say that? Then he shoulda bought Monero And what happens if the exchange gets hacked, and all your money gets sent elsewhere? Just don't lose your keys. Cold storage is the best way of storing your crypto. Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Oh that makes me want to 🤮 at the thought. I wonder if the guy went into the landfill to try his luck Not quite as dramatic but I have 6000-7500 enjin in a wallet on an erased hard drive and no idea if it can be recovered. At the peak it was worth nearly 50k for something I paid only 300 bucks for :( What kind of wallet was he using that only gives you a few guesses? Seriously Bitcoin lore goes this deep? Kind of amazing actually F Im mad as hell for these two. Like damn. In a landfill?? Id straight up kill myself lol like not in a sad way but in a fuck this way. I won the game..and i lost the game at the same time. 💥💥BLAM doubletap to back of head. Obviuosly id pay a guy to do it and tell him he gets 11mil then guve him the address for the landfill...which would create a time loop forever of people hiring other people to kill them since they didnt get the bitcoin. Idk im high. [removed] [removed] Man I coulda swore I heard about 10 million. Shit we could both be right and theres two different dudes that have coins locked up lol There's another guy who has been searching his local landfill for quite some time. Maybe a few months. He had 700 million worth. Lol 🙈 I think that after a decade.. if you hadn’t sold.. just one or two of those bitcoin., then you were not desperate for the money. And since everyone is expecting btc to go higher in the coming year.it would be a curious time to move the lot.. The fact that someone has sat through so many ups and downs., so many opportunities to sell. Why sell now? I could understand if they were selling into a massive rally.. but to sell into consolidation after all this time makes no sense. Ya the person who turned 1k into 11 million timed their exit wrong 😂 Bro any time rn is a great time for the price he got it at. He turned $1000 into millions. Yes it isn’t as much as he would have made if he got out at $60k/coin but this is still damn good. I’d take it, shit… Yeah if i were them and I’d waited this long, at least wait 6 more months back to an ATH. The person didn’t sell it yet though, yeah? It says it’s been activated and ready to sell, but no actual sale yet. Still too many possibilities to name him as a lone suspect. I think he was directly involved in a group and likely was writing as “Satoshi”. The data helps narrow down the odds. But a video by Cold Fusion outlined why he also likely might not be him either. Though those reason could be blatant misdirection. Have you seen that video? If not you should. Everyone knows Satoshi is just some guy from the future who went back in time to create crypto to save the futures economy. These are great! (3 vid series) [https://youtu.be/\_Kav2K1DVWo](https://youtu.be/_Kav2K1DVWo) ​ & follow-up read to confuse you just when you feel convinced; [https://leung-btc.medium.com/len-sassaman-and-satoshi-e483c85c2b10](https://leung-btc.medium.com/len-sassaman-and-satoshi-e483c85c2b10) [deleted] 🤣 Is it really? Lol. Did you lose your keys then find it? Haha shit....Autocorrect That's the equivalent of a boomer keeping cash in shoe boxes because they claim the banks will take it all. I get there is a possibility that someone hacks an exchange. But that possibility is minuscule and they actively work on security measures. The possibility of me losing my shit is 100% more likely to happen. Id rather have no Bitcoin than to be in that position Try to not think of the negative side. While yah, it it awful for those guys who loose their coin but remember that all the lost crypto is making a base (liquidity) for the coin. That coin will never get sold it'll always be on the blockchain. But it makes me sad ...I couldn't imagine the frustration knowing you only have 2 trys🤔😿 Yeh I heard he hired a team of people to search for it, to no avail. He’s even begged the city with a reward of millions of $ to help him find it, but they always deny his requests. He keeps offering increasingly large sums of money. Everyday for the rest of his life. 😁 I sure hope so. If he hasn't tell me what landfill it is and give me the password and I'll go look. Could be, DM me & I'll walk ya through some steps to check. NOTE: DO NOT dm me any wallet info or transmit any personal information & be wary of anyone who ever asks for that. Just gonna walk you through a lot of dif software solutions to recover deleted data. If just formatted and not written to after there should be a way to recover non destructively. Might take a day or two and a second equal or larger drive to recover to. Minitool power data recovery is one such tool. [deleted] It wasn't the wallet password with two more tries but the encrypted USB drive that automatically wiped all data after too many failed attempts. Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* I think he was willing to pay 10 mil to have someone unlock it, he had around 220mil I heard ab multiple people so you both can be right Yea, i’d imagine locked coins is pretty common lol I agree. I'm new to crypto. I have been buying ada, btc, eth, and vet for a couple months hoping one day it will all be worth it. I'm not ordering the Lambo yet, but it is life changing to focus on investing instead of saving money. > everyone is expecting btc to go higher in the coming year. Lol 'everyone' had better be careful and learn about the market cycles in relation to the BTC halving cycle then. Prices will go up... after completely collapsing for a few years first. Could’ve just got out of prison? Heh its more money than anyone could possibly need. sell it all, enjoy the rest of your life. Maybe this is one of many wallets this person owns. More than likely if they were around in crypto 10 years ago, they own more than 310 BTC total. Broke from Covid Crypto isn’t a safe long term investment you know. Lol Why is that hard to believe? We were at nearly 65k a month ago and now down to 40k. That 11 million would be significantly higher had they either waited longer or sold earlier. I'm not saying they made a bad move. Just that they could've done even better. But that's all of us, so I get your point. I can't know when the highest high or lowest low will be...so I just aim for ""buy low, sell high"" to the best of my ability. I'm in the green doing that, so far! 🤪 Me too. But Lambo today! I think a more direct comparison would be buying gold, and storing it in a safe. Even bank storage(I can't remember the term), because this isn't something you're supposed to actively touch, unless you're a day/swing trader. If you're buying coffee with ADA, then it makes sense to have cardano on the exchange, or in your example, in the bank. If you're buying BTC, and plan to hold for the next 10 years without any swings, then you put it on cold storage. It's no different from having a safe, or keys for the bank storage. There's a level of responsibility that needs to be on the person. I'm not gonna try and convince you to buy a ledger, because it doesn't really matter. But you can't pretend ledgers aren't useful as a way of safely storing your wealth. Plus, exchanges have commonly been soft hacked, meaning someone accessed the exchange. Best way to avoid this is the same for bank accounts, but they often use biometrics which means someone can just access your info easily while you're asleep. I almost forgot the password to a wallet worth 25k and I was sick Well todays your lucky day my guy🙄 don't think liquidity means what you think it means. And when he dies, any last chance of getting it will go with him. Thus creating a permanent liquidity. ""to no avail"" The local council wouldn't let him search for it. Lol, reminds me of Silicone Valley The dude doesn't have millions of dollars to finance it. It would be the city paying taxpayer money for what is potentially not even a real thing or able to be found It’s kind of a terrible situation - not only did I reformat it but also used the computer afterwards. The good news is I used the minimum level of security when I reformatted it, but I still out about 20 GB on the hard drive after erasing it. My only hope is that maybe since the file was a “new file” pretty much 6-8 months before I wiped it that maybe it was much further on the hard drive? If that makes any sense at all lol. I put about 20 gb on the hard drive after reformatting it 🙈🙈🙈 so why not copy at a low level (1s/0s) to another medium and get unlimited chances? I would give someone way more off they could crack it. 50/50 as I would be so happy to even get it Personally I think your eth and btc are the best moves.. I had Ada for 2 1/2 years.. and sold the lot for ethereum.. it’s where the liquidity/innovation and dapps are.. the hype was great to sell into.. I now run a few validator nodes on ethereum… with the Ada funds.. I just don’t see the support being there after the testnet.. you may not remember EOS.. But it was exactly the same hype.. and now it just hosts some rubbish gambling apps. I also sold vechain.. I think it’s over hyped.. I hold unibright instead.l similar idea.. but these guys are being used by everyone., including Coca Cola.. Good luck with your investments.l I still think we’re due a blow off top.. before we go into a bear cycle.. If we have just had it.. it’s a bit of a whimper.. considering the 2 year bear market I just sat through.. I think the market has a bit mor Ron it just yet…. It your 100% correct in market cycles.. Your not the only person to have thought of that.. it’s 100% possible.. This is turning into one of those internet mysteries.. I genuinely want to know now..but I suspect we never will This would be a great setup for a show; they just did 10 years and have no idea that crypto exploded, and when they're released they realize they're a millionaire just like that. I'd watch up to 2 seasons of that. Sell 90% and enjoy the rest of your life knowing that if you have fiat that starts to inflate you won’t loose the value. Being broke from Covid.. so you decide to move $11 million in one go.. but have never sold off any until now.. If it was money worries.. you’d expect to see smaller amounts being moved to pay off debts.. Something about this just ‘waking up’ sounds either., ‘stolen’.. ‘lost’.. or forgotten. We may never know.. Let's be real: anything above one million made from 1.000 is good enough. 11 or 20mio... Who cares? You're made for 2 lifes and have still money left to grow. Lol And some people say hard wallets are safer than Celsius... Ive loat the password to an account with £10 in it and im fuming more so than when I accidentally threw away £10 note with an empty cigarette packet, quit smoking that day hahaha How do you almost forget a password? Haha you thought.. I have over 27 dollars in Bitcoin. Basically a full time thing for me Isn't liquidity just something they put in article titlez? I saw u/cryptoguru69 , he said ""something something liquidity"" Yah..my bad. I meant ..shit I don't have the word for it...like a base of lost money..it will be er ever be sold or used..those lost coins will never be able to loose value..(unless the coin goes completely to the trash. don't think liquidity means what you think it means. It would literally be solid, no liquidity Edit: if you want to know what liquidity is, it is essentially how easy it is to spend an asset , or convert an asset. If the keys are lost forever, it will never be converted into cash or another asset meaning it has no liquidity [removed] That was inspired on that guy And it's been in the landfill for YEARS. Even on the off chance they do somehow, someway find it, there's a decent chance the drive could be dead. It’s possible. Unless you specifically overwrote the memory allocation, you may possibly get a good forensics guy to recover it. For sure. Dang, even a 95% finders fee still leaves you with $11m. I mean... Cardano has a use case.. like the stable coin for venezuela... I believe in the project almost even more than in the profit margin. Yeah, I didn't say we're done yet. Still, I wouldn't be telling people to buy BTC if I think that the market is going to collapse starting Sep-Oct. Definitely don’t sell it and hold fiat. Trade it for index funds, real estate, private equity, etc. Things that are inflation proof. They could be trying to cash some and then rebuy into losses now-but gains in the future to attempt to lower their tax bill, or decided to lend them on defi, or was suddenly in over their head not knowing what to do with the gains of becoming a millionaire and spent some time figuring that out emotionally and tax wise. We don't have information either way, and it very well could be the case it's found. But just wanted to provide some alternatives because not all early holders are still holding because of lost wallets. Something about this says ‘inferring something that isn’t there’ for some reason People move around their investments from time to time. That’s not that crazy. Yep, it's a great reward for HODLing for so long. I hope this whale decides to keep HODLing some of it because I believe it's going to take off 🚀🌜🎊🥳 1 million? Outside of crypto the ‘experts’ would advise mutual funds that bring in 7% a year. His account might be at $2000. And it would be Denominated in the US dollar, which itself is a depreciating asset. [removed] Congrats I too quit smoking. But for a different reason. Sure is great. Bro your hilarious. Lmfao wish i could actually meet some of the ppl i talk to on here lmao I think it just means how easily it can be exchanged for fiat. Like I could have 69,420 Butt coins but no exchange to cash em in at lol 😆 I don't know a direct term either. I suppose it could be said that a portion of circulating supply became substantially illiquid, meaning it would be a degree of challenge (in this case basically impossible) to convert the funds to a liquid state. Basically, with lost wallets, the amount in the wallet can be subtracted from the total (circulating) supply available which would increase the true value of the currency by a proportionate amount (I think). Sorry for my tone, I meant it more jokey in a pretty sleepy state this morning and now that I read what I wrote I just sound like an ass. Liquidity; When u have to pee and a little bit drips out. “Bra I had to piss so hard I had a liquidity!!!” Appears they don't want to hear it lol Yeah if it stays in the dead wallet isn't that technically a token burn? Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* The stable coin of Venezuela ….. lol Very funny.. I believe in Ada.. in the same way I believe in Santa.. or the tooth fairy.. People talk about them a lot.. but you never catch them doing anything useful,in the wild..lol I’m not telling anyone to buy or sell anything.. But what ever happens in September.. I still think btc and eth are some of the safest places to shelter.. And I’m not sure I’m aligned with your sept-Oct forecast.. a bear cycle will come.. but the damage all depends how far we rise before.. Ive sat through a bear market.. and I can sit through another.. It’s being leveraged up that will destroy people.. We will probably never know.. One thing is for sure. They have no money worries.. they won't be paying any tax, already in a tax haven duh If I hodled that, I would simply invest the proceeds in some safer investment and live happily ever after from the interest . Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* [removed] Lol..no worries..I didn't take it mean..😊🤷‍♀️...I guess we should call it Non circulating supply...like burned. Either you or another said this as well. Interesting to consider how much is lost. Have a great day! Liquidity is when to much taco bell I believe. 🔔 Yes...this is a good way to describe it..I didn't know how to describe it and used liquidity improper. Thx. That wasn't a joke... Venezuelas currency is trashed. So Venezuelans try to trade for dollars instead, but since dollars aren't an officially accepted currency, they use a crypto. That literally may be why they cashed in What investment is safer? Lol. (Hint; none). And earning interest on US Dollar assets: itself a depreciating currency. Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* No prob Babydoll. 🤙 Obviously.. everyone gets that Venezuela ‘s ‘bolivar’… is a failed currency.. pretty common knowledge.. So a stable Coin of the ‘Bolivar’ would be pretty useless.. which is what I thought you meant.. I remember the petro… but wasn’t it a massive failure? So comparing the national stable coin of Venezuela to Cardano.. is funny.. even if you didn’t intend it to be.. I may have to use that line myself..lol Yea.. but.. as I said in other comments on this thread.. waiting all this time.. and selling into consolidation., and not a rally is curious. Crypto has literally the highest volatility of any market on the planet. Pretty much any index/ETF is a less risky investment, same for government bonds. You should also consider the miriad of non-market investment options available, such as real estate or private loans. Don't get me wrong, my entire net worth is in crypto right now. But to claim it's literally the safest investment on the planet is absolute bollocks. Silver Nah it's not Venezuelan, some dude in the silicon valley made it, it's called Reserve i think, I'm just saying they're using it. I'm comparring it because this is a similar issue Cardano tries to adress in Africa. The other issue being a non-functional banking system, the fact that Ethiopia as a country accepted it, sets a precedent, Venezuela didn't accept the Reserve coin. And if that precedent continues and it really does manage to secure other African nations support, it has the potential of becomming Huge. Imagine being released after 9 years in prison to access that BTC wallet you stashed away. One possible theory I just thought of Because real estate and index funds were safe and non-volatile in 2008. Right? Safe? Silver is down for the 10 year period 2011 to 2021. Securing a small subsection of Ethiopia.. .. schools records.. is not the same as it being adopted by the whole of Africa.. I think ether Charles Hoskinson was drunk.. or confused when he called it the ‘African deal’… for Cardano.. and it took him long enough to announce it… like everything in Cardano.. it’s slow.. But the industry moves fast.. innovation moves fast.. ethereum has inovation/liquidity/daps.. a thriving defi Ecco system.. Imagine not being able to check to make sure you wrote down your seed phrase correctly for 9 years? Imagine not selling at the 20k high.. and watching a bear market of 2 years.. and thinking you missed the top. Lol.. it’s probably just some rich guy that found his phrase… Go look at the charts for the SPY500 or DOW. The 2008 financial crisis was less of a percentage drop than the crypto crash we had *last week*. So yes, even at literally the worst time in history, index funds were less volatile than cryptocurrency is right now. Not to mention that the financial crisis was caused by the entire world economy caving in on itself, whereas the recent crypto drop was caused by... China announcing they may crack down on mining soon? If the price of your asset can drop 50% (or even harder for alts) from such an arbitrary event, how can you possibly claim it's safe? Of course all markets have volatility, that's the point of speculative investment. The question is the comparative risk between Crypto versus anything else, and I'm afraid you're objectively wrong about it being safer than, well, anything. Not for long. And as with anything, don't buy at the top. Silver is massively undervalued atm. Y'know... Cardano isn't just pushing their shit out to be the first at something or be the fastest, they're doing it properly... and doing things properly is a prerequisite to being taken seriously by public institutions. We could argue back and forth about this, and ADA probably isn't this explosive altcoin that's gonna take off by 2k% in a few months, but it's moving, slow and steady wins the race. The worst time in history wasn’t 2008. And unless you bought and sold in the last 6 weeks crypto has made you wealthy in proportion to your investment. Nobody has ever gotten wealthy in index funds. How can an asset that is up thousands of percent over a 10 year period be called unsafe? Only dogmatic mantra could create such an absurd position. We’re not talking about a spike. We’re talking about a decade of growth. Maybe yes, maybe no, but safe long term? It’s a disaster if you chose to HODL silver over almost any alternative the last 10 years. As a holder of Ada for 2 years.. I can tell you I fell for that too.. But really… it’s just about delays to features that should be there by now.. Charles Hoskinson dines out on his ethereum connection.. while ethereums innovation is smart contracts.. to not have them in year one is crazy. Staking.. was an ‘upcoming feature’ that was on testnet for 3 months.. and then slowly rolled out… it took forever. The point is.. Cardano drip feeds these features.. but they are never better than what is already out there.. That’s why I sold all my Ada into a rally and bought ethereum.. I now run validator nodes.. and I’m much happier.. So now you've moved the goalposts over to it being a good way to make money. No argument there, as I said, I am invested in cryptocurrency because I believe it is a profitable investment. This is an entirely separate point to your previous claim of crypto being a *safe* investment. It's not. You can make a shitton of money by walking into a casino and betting everything on a single roulette spin - that doesn't mean it was a low-risk investment. Sure, but not in times when hyperinflation can no longer be stopped, when the entire stock market is in a gigantic bubble and when silver prices have been insanely manipulated. When circumstances were different, I would agree with you. All I know is that I will stick to crypto and commodities with the shit that will be upon us soon. What could be safer than growth in the hundreds or thousands of percent? I will never understand this mantra that crypto is unsafe. It’s literally the most insane idea in all of finance. Crypto is not a roulette wheel, it’s an asset class and a currency. Crypto is up thousands of percent. Silver is down. How can silver possibly even be in the discussion as a store of value? It’s literally worse than even the US Dollar, which is a terrible asset to hold. I see no reason to think money will rotate in a meaningful way into metals. In the 1990s maybe. Okay so assuming you actually want to understand this, I really suggest you do some research on risk management. Risk and reward are intrinsically related, they're two sides of the same coin. Nobody is giving money away for free - if you want to earn money, you have to risk your capital. The more risk you take, the higher your potential profits. >What could be safer than growth in the hundreds or thousands of percent? *ANYTHING*. For every person who gets in early and makes a profit, there's another who's left holding the bag. Such a rapid rate of growth is utterly unsustainable, which is why crypto spikes and crashes in four year cycles. Every single bull market, a lot of people are left with *massive* losses. Sure, the smart play here is to hold and hope - but at that point your money is gone, and so you're gonna be broke for the next 4 years. Not sounding safe to me. Conversely, a government bond is risk-free. There is no chance whatsoever that you will lose money on your investment. For this low risk, obviously the rewards are also far lower. The reason we're both invested in crypto is because we believe the risk-reward balance to be more favourable than other options. For a final time though; that does not make crypto a safe investment. The risk part of the equation is still orders of magnitude higher than many other investment option out there. We just believe the insane reward portion outweighs that potential downside. Forgive me, I forgot buying high and selling low is the way to go. “A government bond is risk free” But I need to learn. Jesus. S&P has an entire index for defaulted muni bonds. Speaking of government though, Bitcoin survives the default and collapse of nations. In fact it would survive the collapse of all nations. Unless your definition of long term is the last 6 weeks, it’s literally impossible to have done what you just said in crypto. Yes, actually. The term ""Risk-Free Rate"" is an extremely important metric in quantitative finance, and is determined by subtracting the current interest rate from bond returns. [https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/risk-freerate.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/risk-freerate.asp) The only way a government will not pay out on their bonds is if the entire goddamn government collapses. At that point, you have far more important shit to worry about than collecting on your bonds, like people actively trying to murder you for food. Bonds are entirely risk free as long as you assume your country will still function at the time of expiry. > Bitcoin survives the default and collapse of nations. In fact it would survive the collapse of all nations. Hilarious argument. Yes, it would survive the literal apocalypse. Enjoy your infinite digital wealth in a world with no society to spend it in. [deleted] Municipal bonds fail all the time. In fact, I’d say every government, including National, will fail at some point. Bitcoin doesn’t only survive these collapses, it thrives as a flight to quality. Flight To quality. As long as there are computers, there will be crypto. But is your standard really “will it survive the apocalypse” Index funds swing 50% in a matter of weeks too. No asset has protected and grown wealth in human history better than Bitcoin. In fact, it’s nearly impossible to protect wealth over time in dollars or dollar denominated assets now. So your stance is that governmenal collapses are more likely than the price of cryptocurrency decreasing over some nebulously long time period. Alright. Personally I disagree this is true for the vast majority of countries, but at this point we're arguing over a crystal ball, so I don't think it's fruitful to continue down this path. By making this argument, you're entirely ignoring the dimension of time associated with all investments. If your recommendation is that cryptocurrency is a safe investment over the period of decades, then I can at least see where your coming from now. However, cryptocurrency is extremely volatile on shorter time scales. Not even just to the level of hours and days, but as evidenced by the 4-year cyclical nature of the asset, it's entirely possible to lose money on crypto even over a period of *years*. In terms of actual quantitative finance / statistical metrics based on the *history* of the asset, it is objectively untrue to claim it to be safer than government bonds. (Even when accounting for the extremely low rate of default, which as you point out is not zero.) So ultimately, I still vehemently disagree with the blanket statement of ""cryptocurrency is a safe investment"". Perhaps you should rephrase it to something along the lines of ""cryptocurrency provides an excellent hedge against the future decay of nations""? [deleted] If I were to rephrase it I would probably say “crypto is the only safe investment long term” Top of my head. And this is just USA. August/September of 2008 was around 40% loss in stocks. By 2009 it was well over 60% down. Summer 1929. 90% was eroded during the Great Depression. October 1987 9/11/01 crashed the markets 30%+ August 2011 about 30% eroded. COVID crash was pushing 40% loss. Safe investments. No volatility. And in the long term which, advisors recommend, the markets barely keep up with inflation. Safe investment? And those people about to retire, who were told “buy and forget” and didn’t know how to use derivatives? They’re working again. Driving taxis and check out counters at stores. Criminal what brokers do to people advising index funds. Fair enough! Thanks for the discussion, enjoy the rest of your day. [deleted] You can parse words like we’re in a court of law, but the more I think about this, the more convinced I am that index funds are not suitable investments at all. [deleted] Even if one wants stock in their portfolio long term, index funds are the last thing I’d recommend. I’d tell them buy blocks of growth stocks write covered calls and buy OTM puts. The very easily learned buffet strategy. Buy stock with puts, sell stock with calls. Protect the downside. Stick to growth stocks." Getin ready for moon,3290,https://i.redd.it/l2ny9wjdewx61.jpg,"Monero is the invisible one standing in the front of the row To be fair..... doge is already on the moon from $0.002 >includes dash, but >link, dot, uni nowhere in sight the absolute state of crypto Reddit I look at that and think Doge will die first. My degenerate self couldn't resist. I hate this situation with it SO fucking much but I've taken 1000 beautiful $$ out of my normal account to blow on DOGE. I'll margin the shit out of it and see where it gets. Fucks sake, I don't know if I hate myself or the community more... Considering the amount of nonsense in human nature, i fear this post can age badly. You can hate doge coin but you’ll never hate it as you much as you hate yourself for not investing in it before April 🤣 Lettsssss gooooooo I dont know if i did the right thing, but moved everything from doge to eth and xrp @£0.50 Sorry, XLM is going to the moon https://youtu.be/1wm72oqsYqA Serious question to all. Anyone else having login issues with the crypto.com app? Lmfao the doge there😂 rn ALBT is so much better now their partnership with GBG is a killer I find it very suspicious that today of all days that I'm having issues logging into my crypto.com account for the DOGE coins I have in there. I can't even open it. I've read that they are having problems but with Elon being on SNL tonight and doge climbing I'm very pissed that their app is fucking up right now. Needs LINK to be a relevant, but I share the sentiment. Meanwhile, XMR is in a fully stealth suit and can’t be seen lambo hunting I would swap doge with dash [removed] LTC shouldn't be any where near btc but ok There's no such thing as free money. Many will soon cry and I'm afraid some will even take their own life because of doge. Please gamble only what you can afford to lose. Where is XRP🚀? Xrp gonna fly tho Nice repost op ADA should be in the clown outfit as well This meme.. funny .. bur realistically Doge should be wearing a Halo suit resembling the Master chief! Cause it's going to outerspace ! 🚀 Moon will destroy them in seconds when it starts being used for space exploration$$$$$$. haaaaaa Real situation is just BTC a soldier, rest a bunch of clowns You guys are stupid. They’re going to be looking for soldiers. To all the haters doge will have the last laugh sorry you missed the train. Lots of haters laughed a Bitcoin to look at it now no one laughing right Is there any other way to login to my account other than the app? I've tried the website but can't figure out how to get in. Bittorrent BTT is the one not shown coming to rescue all @ 0.007 Btc is the bullets otherwise yez You’d hesitate to shoot the clown jester though, he doesn’t look like a threat. 🤣 Where is Zcash? Add doge to [Earnbet](https://game.earnbet.io) and let it have more use case. Haven't traded this due to this single fact. And that's because it's been the most active dApp for me. Switch the labels for Dogecoin and Bitcoin. [removed] Forgot ANKR lol Ada should be clownin too but I like it Dash is a premined scam Right On!! u/chaintip you forgot Bitcoin Cash .001 fees baby. Cash baby cash Where is XRP You can buy SHIB now on crypto.com litcoin you’re hilarious Shib is waiting around the corner 🚀🚀🚀 And Bonfire keeps them cozy at night ;) Doge 😂 Hahha DOGE Lol, this has got me cracked up on a sunday. Had a friend call me to buy 10 DOGE yesterday... Despite all the hype, I know a couple of people that made a fortune with DOGE. DOGE turns out to be more than just a meme. Lol just diversify into NFTs guys, I'm buying NFTFY this monday. Screw what everyones says, OG Crypto traders are just salty that DOGE isn't any better or worse when compared to shit alts like DASH [removed] [removed] https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMoonshot/comments/n8iwqu/antmars/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf $CHAIN 📈📈📈 I'm half invested in doge and etherium classic, both are down by alooot from when I bought in. I'm holding both but if my etherium cancels out my doge I'll sell both. Orbit to da moon Wtf? Where is ETC? Haha Hbar should be in that line up Damnit you beat me to it yuuuuup You're all fucking idiots- Sep 7, 2020 — Intelligence firm CipherTrace is claiming that it has developed a tool that can trace Monero cryptocurrency Also see https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/9j56aj/dea_agents_claim_that_they_can_track_monero/ Or Monero Privacy Protections Aren't as Strong as They Seem | WIRED Mar 27, 2018 — Why? Sorry I have not been investing in crypto for a long time but I have been following crypto quite a long time. Why is Monero never talked about and seeminly undervalued? ​ For me crypto is about privacy and limited supply to fight inflation. Monero afaik is way more private and I believe (altho I cant back it up) there are more actual transactions on Monero than on BTC since the Dark Web moves a lot of money and you dont really want to trust a BTC mixer when you can monero it. And that’s exactly why it’s not worth it anymore to me... no way it’ll go up a few thousand from here to make that type of return possible lol. Just gotta wait for the next hot shitcoin, only problem is they all are named after fucking Elon or doge or the moon. This is a 2017 meme... Honestly, what does link/dot have to do to get some love Looking at all those now I’m wondering why I didn’t buy any a year ago! Oh well. Mate leave dash alone. Translation: why isn't my bag being shilled with the others? Right 😂 no XRP either “You’re all stupid. See they’re gonna be lookin for army guys.” -Peter Griffin, dressed as a clown in Vietnam No one kills the clown Doge will have the last laugh yeah well i been holding it since .002 and laughing all the way to the bank bruh.. so kerp talkin isht losers lol.. salty fvkin boomer so get out You love us. It’s why you’re here. I mean the only thing that’s going to happen is your going to get free $😎 since it dipped right now I bought another $1000. Screw the whale that sale, don’t sell brother. Just HODL. You did it now? You nuts man, its too late for this run It's already 3 years old. You’re not wrong 😑 Yeah, ETH is soaring today. Thought that was what was going on. 😏 it will go to the moon but slow and steady. Nah XRP gang here we're leaving you behind Yah..it was giving me all sorts of shit earlier...8hras ago...it's ok now. YES!!! this has made my life much happier. In 2 months!!! Crazy It’s the best altcoin Downvoted for a sensible post. Tells us plenty [deleted] Why is that? They downvote you cause you’re right 15 million doge mined daily . u/chaintip Living in 2017 Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* *** [chaintip](http://www.chaintip.org) has [returned](https://explorer.bitcoin.com/bch/address/bitcoincash:qrelay20gzppq7kgtmqrjpkyqm7gl6xavcdcf6kfpx) the unclaimed tip of `0.00001414 BCH` | `~0.02 USD` to u/LTBby. *** Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* This was already debunked. The IRS still has a bounty for tracing Monero. Please do your homework before fudding. Monero is just like cash: invisible, untraceable and actually useable. All other crypto is public by default (visible), Monero is private on default and optionally public. Imo Monero should be in front of the row because it actually delivered on the promise to be electronic p2p cash, unlike Bitcoin. OG privacy coin and IRS bounty People are afraid of it being banned. Just like in the old days of bitcoin. I think the exact opposite will be true, if there is one crypto that will be used by governments/oligarchs it will be Monero. Monero does not have more transactions than Bitcoin, but it is one of the only coins that is actually used as a currency. I don’t think monero is undervalued, I think all other coins are massively overvalued. because it’s the sleeping giant of the cryptocurrency space :) Privacy is not a necessity yet, but it’s becoming increasingly more necessary and popular. Excited for atomic swaps implementation and the official launch of Tari - once beta has been finished. What?? No $ELONSAFESTDOGEFATHERMOONCASH is the next big moonshot!!!! *Trust* me bro. It's got a deflationary supply and it's a community driven project! No rugpulls, Devs are all doxxed and not holding coins anymore !! It's the next big meme coin! /s sound familiar lmao Something something eth started at $10.06/coin something is now $4k something something SHIB Uni link and dot are in my top 5. Both have my love. Check out SHIB coin....I was sceptical but when I seen my balance today I about 💩!!! [deleted] Thank God no xrp Exactly my first thought EXACTLY!!!.. SHIB...is my .0000001.....coin...it's at .000017....today. my bag is heavy and I'm up thousands and thousands.....there are a few diamonds....got to hold and sift they the poo I wouldn't hold this shit any longer than a live grenade 😆 I did ride the whole thing live tho. Charts seem to copy past weeks performance so I planned accordingly. I'm shorting and man did I get it right this time. 🤘 Just the way I like it...unlike these 2 pump chumps in doge lmao Sorry, never heard of you and all those lawsuits Yea it straighten up a few hours after I wrote that. Thanks I mean ETH literally is but ok This guy knows. Just noob altcoin maximalists that don't know shit downvoted you Why not? Hahaha I know.. everyone thinks there and expert on crypto .. but the proof is in the gains 💪🏾 *** [chaintip](http://www.chaintip.org) has [returned](https://explorer.bitcoin.com/bch/address/bitcoincash:qrelay2d8kejjqtk4gg5gmtrsglgtcvd7v52d6wds9) the unclaimed tip of `0.00001414 BCH` | `~0.02 USD` to u/LTBby. *** This is the way!! It’s kinda impressive how loud the people who are so wrong can be. Didn't they add a traceable code to it a few years ago? Yeah I actually agree, I meant undervalued on comparison, maybe the best way to make a projection of price is observing the one that is used as currency the most instead of those used to speculate and invest I mean if you wanna send me $20 I’ll invest it in doge, but as a sentient adult human I am free to make my own investing choices. Good luck to all y’all doge holders and I wish you the best, but I’m gonna sit this out and watch from the sidelines. I’m happy for all my friends that have made money on it, and I’m a bit jealous of the folks that got in early. Edit: thought shib was some sort of insult, didn’t realize you were just commenting about another coin lmao Link is my third largest and I only have a small amount of DOT I hold no uni (I’m not anti-uni I just don’t hold it) All three are good projects Why What about $BTT and $EOS? I'm sorry. I rode the shitcoin train. Too stressful. Have fun Make your own version of the meme and include what you'd like to see man idk whatever floats your boat Must add $VET To each their own Sell as soon at it hits 1 What kinda crazy exchange was selling shorts on Doge? I would have loaded up on those shorts on Friday haha. Good call. Now where to short safe moon? They are all in that sub right now going...”all the whales are selling but don’t panic....they are just selling chunks not dumping at once...” idiots. Hey. I just seen crypto.com has SHIB...wowowowow!!!! I bought on exchange and it gone bonkers....loosing the zeros FAST. Let me know what you think huh? I'm up by a few grand from a tiny investment🤑..(I'm shocked tbh!!!) But really it’s Ada Haha really downvotes ? What a bunch of silly slap dicks Why? [deleted] Nope, still untraceable. Ceo of ciphertrace debunked it himself in an interview. Lightning on the other hand..... It's ok. I'm sorry lol..I shoulda stated it was a coin!!! Have a good one, no worries!!.😁 I'd like to piggyback and also offer to let someone send me $20 SHIB LINK is my 4th largest (BTC ETH Atom), atom kinda happened accidentally lol. My DOT holdings are right behind Link, but I also hold KSM right behind dot and I kind of consider DOT + KSM a combo buy, if you aren’t up on KSM it’s basically a valuable test net for dot. So with that analogy, dot/KSM would be higher up. After that, is UNI. I am now DCAing into ADA, and any smaller coins I take profit from will probably Go into getting my ADA to equal up to my link uni atom dot holds. BTC ETH LINK DOTksm ADA UNI ATOM I haven’t researched those so I don’t have a strong opinion there Gotcha.. UMA could possibly solve stock market issues and build a bridge between 🥺 Xrp isn't based on blockchain, it's as basic as a bank ledger and that's what it's used for. Sold at 62. Re bought at 68, resold at 64 and waitting for the 0.57 drop. The coin is so heavily traded right now that every typical move is being followed, minute to minute, boundary to boundary. Edit: Im shorting. Thus the weird prices. I'm on Binance, they offer a full spectrum of options. I've already got it and you are correct. ADA is the future I'd follow charles into battle any day any battle It’s a solid project with a good future. That’s why. Can we have a civilized conversation on why everyone doesn’t like XRP? Not just by downvoting my comments Much appreciated.. I award you 1 Dogecoin take it to the moon with you kind sir 🙏 >r/WallStreetBets 60 I've heard they tried it with the last fork. Haha all good and you too :) why aren’t you buying strait btc?? why mess with those low level china supporting coins Can you elaborate, I see blockchain in the white paper, or maybe I'm just in a den of people who hate XRP, seems to be quite polarizing. If you're doing shorts at that high frequency, why not just go long cause it's just oscillating. Shorts carry more risk right, so it seems like a high attention play for highish risk? Correct me if I'm wrong Shiba inu is hot on cry PTO .com Can you share more other than that it’s “solid”? Lol. Most BTC is mined in China. Loll Nah, you're right. It's just a small sum I keep for degenerate bets like this. I wouldn't day trade with any substantial amount that I'd lose sleep over. Edit: Sorry I had to cut the answer short.. To continue: My thought behind this trade is that I feel that DOGE is following previous patterns. And it should do so, everyone is trading it, everyone is TA-ing it, its a self fulfilling prophecy. I know for a fact that it will crash and burn at some point but I also see firesales of %% everywhere so far so it's hard not to fuck around some. Solid by partnering with banks around the world providing liquidity for them. Settlement takes 3 seconds anywhere in the world. Fees are non existent and all the coins are pre mined so it’s a green crypto that doesn’t need tons of electricity to mine. how old are you? Yeah I figured, I'm trying to learn more about the market in general and I've never played with options yet lol. I have a small bit of my money for degenerate shit like safemoon LOL Dude trust me no point in arguing with people on these subs about xrp they have been circlejerking about hating xrp since 2017. Yet drool over doge coin a literal joke/meme coin that’s worthless and gonna crash hard once people realize it's worthless. Also xrp has been down a good while now because of the ridiculous lawsuit from the SEC which ripple is going to win soon enough as SEC is already trying to get to a settlement. After that we’re gonna see a big pump like before recently in price I’d definitely imagine. How old are you? I get that there are ‘riddlers’ and ‘theories’ but I honesty believe in the future potential in the project. Of course I’d love it to be 10k a coin but It might take a while for that. I just hope that people see the potential that XRP brings to the world. That’s the point of crypto. I don’t care that the founders took profits, good for them. It doesn’t affect anyone at all. If price drops more, buy more. That’s it and just wait for utility. ha yr a kid, mic drop...nuff said Exactly how I feel too man I repeated the same immature question you asked me is all. Your IQ must be as high as the MPG of a Hummer. You asked someone why they don't buy straight BTC and are buying ""China supporting coins"" instead. Obviously You're too dense to know most BTC is mined in China. Ya and you're prejudiced. hahahahaha" Daddy Musk is not gonna like it but it’s true,2984,https://i.redd.it/ocm8tv9hs4y61.jpg,"*robinhooda pump and dump [deleted] 1 Doge = 1 Doge Honestly, I don't think so. Imagine how many people would be VERY pissed at him if he dumped all of his doge (which he can't do without people knowing). especially if that action were enough to tank the coin. He has built a very enthusiastic following/fanbase. His public image is very positive and people practically worship him. He/Tesla stands more to gain by doge gaining more and more momentum and remaining stable thereafter, than if he were to dump it FWIW: I don't own any doge. SPACE X payment system!!!!!!!!! How you like me now. But Elon is our friend! He likes us and cares for us more than his wealth. /s Edit: I wonder who upvotes. Hope not fanboys who don't get sarcasm. I think he's just an narcissist that gets off on seeing himself move the market. We'd all be the same. I think a lot of people who talk shit about Doge secretly wish they invested & are butt hurt that others have been able to make some good money off of this. It is what it is. He basically said it him self. it’s just idiots rule the world with ignorance to stay in bliss I truly feel sorry for people who didn't see this at the onset. We’re all emotional creatures who are victim to our impulses. Op is no different than those who bought in. Instead of doge, he bought on the bandwagon of picking on doge. Not a lot of people keeping their emotions out of it. It’s all just a big game. Someone could probably make a “anti doge” coin and it’d probably meme up in value. I understand the situation as a guy testing how much influence he has. I would do it myself as a social experiment if I could... Dude has almost half a trillion dollars between liquid money and assets. I highly doubt he's wasting his time on tryin to make money pumping and dumping. He literally admitted it when he called it a hustle... ok mr fud man lemme tell you something you had to be a legit fuckin moron to lose money on doge in the past few months it goes up 150%, drops a bit and rebounds, then comes down 30% then it waits a week then it goes up 150, drops a bit and rebounds, and comes down 30 yea its a pnd if you wanna call it that, but damn if you are on the D end of that, you should stop with altcoins while youre ahead. Tesla is the ultimate pump and dump, its a $12bn company that is currently trading for $640bn https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/spacex-to-launch-doge-1-to-the-moon--875845973.html We are going to the moon don't you guy's follow the news Or maybe I should join Twitter and follow his tweets? Fuck. I’ve already missed it again. Probably. Its how he is raising money for mars LOLZ “It’s clearly a pump and dump” you say after it drops 15% after going up 50% in a week. Just goes to prove, you can't fix stupid. Others pumps LOTS of money into it and ran for hills like smart investors. (Not to be a jerk to the little guys, like myself, but I'm talking millions not hundreds). They made a nice killing and while those with unrealistic dreams still HODL and an ugly future awaits them IMO. At the end of the day folks, Crypto is no different than the Stock Market, WE ALL want to make money right? truth be told, if you're a philanthropist, awesome, me, I only care about my money and watching it go up by 1% or 100%. Elon Musk is all about that ego., and making a profit doesn't hurt either. Doge always was and always will be pump-n-dump garbage. I've been saying this on r/dogecoin since around... January(?) *Citadels and Robinhoods* pump and dumb After years of hearing the phrase ""pump and dump"" for some reason this meme is the first time I heard it as a sexual innuendo. I'm not sure what that says about me... Dogecoin is the equivalent of the Pet Rock. You don't need to reinvent the wheel in order for people to believe something has value. That being said I don't think people should hold more than 5% doge in their portfolio. It may be a joke but that doesn't mean that people won't use/own it. If you’re dumb enough to buy something when someone who is constantly trolling says too you deserve to lose all your money. Elon isn’t pumping anything he’s trolling. Whoever takes what he says at face value and/or reacting with outrage should read up on Charles Darwin. Elon literally promoted the future of crypto and especially Dogecoin... foh Haters gonna hate Yea whatever you gotta say to justify not buying originally He has too much $ to be pumping dogecoin. There’s obviously way more value to it then that. I trust his plan. Always remember Elon is a rich Mother****** and doesn't care about your portfolio. Just ride the hyped by daddy Musk if you want to diversify your money. Still holding some of my doge since 2016 , and also GRPL which i am earning with there staking and farming that has 100% APY “SpaceX accepts doge coin as payment to launch a lunar mission next year” - Associated Press everyones butthurt, still up 50% on the week..Crickets, banks arent gonna let blockchain take over until they sink theyre pesky claws into it and figure out how they can manipulate .. The game is make profits and run lol Nah he jus likes to fuck with the SEC The cult of Elon-haters is more zealous and frenzied than the cult of Elon-lovers. Change my mind. Name your actual evidence for this? Other than you just being salty about not hitting 16000% returns since January? Why in God's green earth does he need some risky pump and dump shit when he's about to literally get the SECOND not his first his SECOND mother of all stock payouts for tesla performance. Literally 30 billion dollars worth of payout. After already receiving an almost equally insane payout already for performance. If you actually think he is trying to fuck over random people. How much did he buy originally? Even if it started as 300 million its chump change to him. He doesn't need it. He legitimately loves crypto and thinks fiat is stupid and thinks the government controlling currency is stupid and everyone who missed out can't wait to crucify him EVEN though they're getting extra exposure on their crypto projects because of the DOGE cultural response. You are angry sir. I think it was called a hustle on Saturday night fucking live. If you're treating their skits as solid investment advice, due diligence, or research, or just a single basis of reality of anything. You're a giant moron. It's a cultural movement and it's fantastic exposure for all crypto currency. It's bringing millions of new people into the very edge of what crypto is. And it will lead to millions more taking the step further after that. But idiots like you attacking them and trying to make them feel like fools won't help them. I think many a time a crypto has crashed 50%, even 90% and everyone laughed at hodlers from the outside. Be the reason people hold all crypto. Not sell. I don't want people selling bitcoin any more than I want them selling ethereum any more than I want them selling cardano any more than I want them selling doge. The more people buy CRYPTO projects period the more they accept it into their lives and realize how meaningless fiat currencies are. The year that even a fraction of the world stops using fiat permanently is the year that all HODLers start to rule the world. Fuck your short sitedness. Fuck your need to see others suffer to serve your own ego because you're FOMOing about others fat returns while you sit on something that's moving less. Yours will move to. Maybe not every single project but they mostly move as a whole. How can it be Elon Musk's pump and dump...... when DogeCoin is LITERALLY a MEME!?!? Lol, how TF are people even salty about it crashing when it has zero team behind it, no real world application and was created as a joke and continues to exist as a meme! Of course it is. Yeah... wouldn’t he get into big shit with the SEC if this were the case? Pretty sure RH is to blame for the biggest pump & dump So what is Dogecoin?? I think it’s true, but I don’t think it was premeditated. I honestly think he wanted to bring attention to the crypto space and he whimsically chose doge as his example. Probably for the memes. I might be naive in thinking this, but the way he changed his tune in explaining that any of the top altcoins could be the future of currency, makes me believe that he’s learning about the potential of blockchain as he goes. I personally didn’t buy into the hype and buy doge myself, but I do believe that the attention it’s brought to the crypto space is a positive thing, despite people calling doge the new GME. I’m just riding the wave baby. Your friendly neighborhood IRL version of a james bond villain.. Wonder if he set a limit to dump some last night Yea OFC, Elon and that Mark Cubain or wtf is his name and many others, they also pumped GME, they buy early make hype, then sell and make major profits. I wish we could see how their fortune changed during these months. You have to be literally insane to think they are not making money from this. The richest man on the planet clearly needs this kind of scheme to make money. It’s just his pump True. People who buy Doge by following Elon Musk's tweets would do well to realize that this will end very badly for them. Given his extreme popularity, with over 50 million followers on Twitter, Elon Musk would do well to be much more responsible. And that’s bad because? Most of us go along for the ride… We all need money? Billionaires just need more :) He said he wouldn't buy until distribution changed in Feb. It hasn't. I don't think he owns it. 80% in ~100 wallets. Look at who publishes the puff articles and ads. My guess is some hedge funds, and they have access to the publications. Nah. I highly doubt the billionaire needs Doge. The more people jump into Doge the lesser into Silver. Thus less scarcity of silver. Tesla needs silver for batteries, cars, solar panels. I believe Elon Musk is a genuinely good guy, so I don’t think he will dump this coin. Everyone will lose respect for him and his reputation will be like Jordan Belforts, a fucking snake 🐍 Who cares tho Yes. And robinhood. Bmt Or rather, Elon's kid's toy. He was clear right from the outset that Doge was to be his way of educating his child in digital currencies and economics. Play-ducation. Nothing wrong with getting in on the pump, mind. But that guy holds ordinary people in unimaginable contempt. He's literally making your money his kid's plaything, so follow along at your own risk. When you’re rich and have influence everything can be your pump and dump I'm staring t9 think the same thing. There's a reason he has what he has and it probably isn't by helping anyone other than himself. Guy buys in low, hits SNL and its just another pay day for him. I'll hold for now but I'm about to bounce One word- Shiba https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/spacex-accepts-dogecoin-payment-launch-lunar-mission-next-year-2021-05-09/ people generally don't accept what they are pump and dumping as a form of payment post pump “He bought? All in? Dump eeeet” Waiting for the XRP to pump and dump. Lets talk in 19 years if doge is still a joke. No one can tell the future. Be open for every possibility Robinhood's pump and dump... Elon is merely a scapegoat it’s the people’s pump and dump Like Elon needs to do any pump and dumps. I’ve also seen this pic with different memes photoshopped on the sign. Wrong Everything's a pump and dump to you guys 🙄 BTC is old news; Doge is the future. TO THE MOON! [removed] My feelings is that Elon is the worst part about Doge, it's like he purposefully uses his wide influence on social media to trigger the Whale dumps. Correct. Just a game to him. Check out Elon’s latest tweet and stop hatin just because you’re a boomer and hate memes. Any crypto publicity is better than non. Get a new hobby dude I seen someone call him Doge Daddy and almost pulled all my money out of crypto So cringe to call him ""Daddy"" Elon has so much money he doesn't give a crap about the price of DOGE. He uses DOGE as a synonym for all cryptos, which he does believe in. He also loves a good joke so pumping DOGE is fun for him while simultaneously getting people interested in blockchain via DOGE. DeFi, blockchain, crypto assets etc. are the future and we all know how much Elon embraces cutting-edge tech to propel humanity to the future. No worries, I love gambling my life savings. It’s fun! you dare talk to your daddy musk in this way? He managed to transform my 7 bucks into 52! Elon is too rich to give a fuck about pumping and dumping I kinda think it’s just his pump and pump at this point DOGE will be in the history books for stealing alot of peoples life savings that's for sure. There is no value at all no real word use case nothing. As you said it is pump and dump only. Robinhood is of course a big part of that. 8% of the trading volume on Robin Hood was from crypto investors. I don't even want to think about how much of that 8% went into Doge. Hopefully market comes back to normal really quick and we see volume inflow on large cap coins like ETH and BTC to make new ATH's. Just stay away from these new shitcoins like safemoon ass or however they are called. At the end you loose your savings and miss the next big bull cycle. Invest smart and not driven by greed! Elon is an eccentric fella to say the least, he's probably been into Doge for a lot longer then we know.. Anyway he has always loved meme's and I believe his perception is that almost all the coins are to him like a meme, value is what a person is willing to pay for a Meme coin at that specific moment and time. Tesla sportster launch now Doge a big game for an eccentric Billionaire, I don't think he needs the money... I wouldn't be surprised if he had huge short positions and is now laughing his ass off as he watches doge sink. Dogecoin peeps seem to ignore the fact that Elon is the world's first billionaire troll. Comparing the pro and con answers towards Elon musk in this post is pretty revealing. The pro side has well backed arguments and good reasons, while the con side has conspiracy theories and straight up lies. But emotional lies, so more people believe them. Crypto is a dream for wealthy pump and dumpers. Unregulated fun I'm making money just buy and sell with them lmao, an ape could do it. Yes it is Came here for this. For once, I believe he's been proved wrong. This is the case. The lock trading for others and dump their own wallet. Elon is worth almost 200B. He don't need to pump and dump he wants his own crypto. That was good! My question is do anyone blame Elon? big if true And don't forget it. Much wise, People seriously think he’s the man for the people, he literally threatened his employees for trying to unionize The cult around Elon baffles me, like yeah he’s done some cool shit. But this dude isn’t on your side. The fact that they keep peddling doge as “the people’s money” because the richest man on earth said it was is absolute bullshit They literally worship him. The doge sub reads like a q drop If you were as cynical as me, You’d be of the mind that pretty much nobody, save for some direct blood relatives and a very rare friend here and there cares about you for any reason at all... and most of the remaining assholes don’t even have billions of dollars as some perverse incentive to be that way. They are just that way on their own. They would do it for free... or if there were a way, would pay for the experience. Uhhhhhh no Underrated take This is true lol or maybe he'll come up with his on coin soon, he was just testing his popularity in the cryptospace hahaha really better to invest in projects with real use case like bumper, not just some shitty coins fueled by hype hahaha I honestly think that he thinks it's funny. He's somewhat of a narcissist. And he likes that dogecoin is turning the financial world into somewhat of a joke after they heavily shorted Tesla and tried to kill his company off. He has an axe to grind with banking. He hates them. I talk shit about doge all the time because it is a shit coin . That being said I also invested in doge and made a decent amount of money . Only because something makes you money doesn’t mean it’s not shit Pyramid schemes make millions for the people who set them up but they are still pyramid schemes. you just have to be smart about what actions you take and don’t follow the crowd because well this is exactly what happens Mating call of the fucktard ""Oh, you're jelly, bruh"" Nah. I've seen and made more of legit projects. Congrats on all your success. Now, what? Yeah. I wish I dumped my money into doge but I dont ride off the backs of the uninformed No the problem is the dream of the big bucks of today’s investors when in reality it’s the guy who bought in when it launched and everyone else might make 15% if they don’t hold for life. The coin can’t even handle 1 whale dumping when there is too many to count. I’m betting some of the larger early day whales have a doge net worth larger then the actual fiat value deposited into doge. When your only defense is ""you're just jealous"" to a pretty solid critique then you just look really silly. Elon stans are a cult of personality like with qanon and Trump. Ive said ""doge will go up to $15 tn"" and will get a ton of upvotes even though that is an absurd statement. Then ive said ""Doge will hit .40 cents tonight"" which was way more likely since it was at .49 cents and got a ton of down votes. Doge stans will literally hold the bag for whales until its worth .0000000001 What’s the difference between that and every other crypto in existence Alt’s doing better anyway Just to let u know, most ppl wont make any profit till they trade for stable coin (at least take ur initial investnemnt out) Hahahhahahaha yeah yeah, It made me money!! Stupid or not, my account is full. Honestly, I think this is exactly his point. I'm actually a huge fan of Musk, that doesn't mean that I'm blind to the fact that Musk is the Tony Stark of internet trolls. I 100% support his antics. I have to painfully agree You mean the people who have made a 7,000% return this year? See what? Looks fine to me. I hasn’t even dropped that much. It was at this price last week so we just need another week honestly anti-doge just might spike up because of doge hate ,but then the arguments against doge would also be used against anti-doge and then the people shitting on doge coin holders become the very thing they swore to destroy You should try Yes!!!! Rich people are kind of psychopathic. The dude definitely gets off on being able to move a market. Its totally ego driven True if he can ever actually sell of his shares at that price. ‘“It’s clearly a pump and dump,” you say after it dumps after it pumped.’ ""It's clearly a pump and dump"" I say after a coin that has no technical advantages over competing coins and only selling point is that it's a meme pumps to 10% of bitcoin's market cap in a month after being 0% of bitcoin's market cap for years ""YoUrE jUsT jEaLoUs yOu dIdNt MaKe MoNeY oN dOgE"" >trust the plan Literally indiscernible from a Qanon believer. The difference in opinion is probably because you haven’t seen this DD https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ That read like a q drop my guy. 87% of doge is controlled by 700 accounts 60+% is controlled by 100 accounts Basic math would imply that people who arent filthy rich already will be stuck holding the bag. Also, its really adorable you guys defend a man who doesnt know you exist nor cares about his own employees. He's not the man of the people. Doge is not the people's coin Leave your cult https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/jun/13/tesla-workers-pay-price-elon-musk-failed-promises https://www.businessinsider.com/ex-tesla-employees-reveal-what-its-like-work-elon-musk-2019-9 https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/25/business/musk-labor-board.html Looks like someone is spending those crypto profits on meth. Unfortunately this behavior is why Congress enacts rules to keep retail from hurting themselves. What do you mean? Why can memes not be pump and dumps? He uses it to stroke his ego He treats his employees like ass. Hes not a good person. His reputation is a snake. Stop defending your cult leader https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/jun/13/tesla-workers-pay-price-elon-musk-failed-promises https://www.businessinsider.com/ex-tesla-employees-reveal-what-its-like-work-elon-musk-2019-9 https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/25/business/musk-labor-board.html Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Shitcoins just make this new tech look like a joke. That's not good publicity when your main target audience is government and banks. Except Robinhood keeps blocking transactions during peak moments. Everyone makes money in a bull market.....not everyone get out with profit So easy a caveman can do it* You mean you're making money by shilling them or by trading (when they let you)? He shouldn’t be everyone make Their own decisions This love for Elon is utterly disgusting. He is a gross human. He is a union-busting, arrogant billionaire asshole whose family benefitted from South African apartheid. He can go fuck himself. People need to stop sucking his dick. Unions in the aerospace field stagnat Innovation and slow down the whole process, aerospace is such a different field from everything else. Hell I'm a highschool dropout with zero college and I'm an Avionics Engineer. Weird concept but not everyone agrees with unions. So I think people like Elon for many reasons: do you own a Tesla? I don’t know how much input Elon Musk had on the Tesla but they are fucking brilliant. Honestly, the best car I’ve ever driven. There are a lot of flaws in them, but they are so fun, so futuristic and quirky. I took a woman who was dying of cancer for a ride in my model S and the smile on her face... She was Portuguese and speaks no English and I’m English and speak no Portuguese but we spoke the language of mutual joy that day. Another reason people love Elon: he wants to get to Mars; that’s literally why he set up Space X. I’m a space nut and a bit nerd... I’ve been obsessed with living on Mars when I first learned it’s just within the Goldilocks zone. Anyone who says they want to get to Mars, is a good egg in my book. Another reason: he has ideas that are capable of changing the way the world works... paypal... boring company... Space X... he is a genius plain and simple and his ideas are capable of bringing good to the world. Yes, he will benefit from this but I think that he wants this money to fund his space dream. Another reason people love him: he’s authentic. He smoked weed on a podcast - his shareholders are not overly fond of him (although most of them have tripled their investment in the last 2 years - my grandfather 5x his investment in Tesla), but he doesn’t behave like a soulless CEO. Elon takes drugs, goes to running man, watches nerdy things, runs a massive company, occasionally pumps our holdings in crypto and seems to be a nice enough fella. I enjoy the break from the ultra conservative, super serious culture in the business world that Musk embraces. It is nice to see the CEO of a major corporation with such a big middle finger and a wacky sense of humor. Not worshipping the guy by any means, but I am quite amused by Musk, and also do think his companies are doing some really cool stuff. Tesla really did popularize the electric car for people who aren’t leaf driving enviro-nuts willing to drive around a goofy car to save the planet, and SpaceX is really killing it in the aerospace field. I enjoy that experts are always shitting on Musk companies, but they keep performing well despite that. I also get the criticisms of Musk. *shrug* Richest people on earth are the people who own our currencies they just put these actors in our faces to make us chase stupid dreams It’s not the people’s money bc he said that. He is endorsing it BECAUSE it is the people’s money. He’s smart af like him or not. Most of those ""Doge is the crypto of the people"" memes existed when I was mining them in 2014, nothing new about that. I feel the same way about Safemoon. I made a lot of money on Safemoon, but I’m smart enough to know it’s literally a Ponzi scheme. After a 250% rise in my doge investment, I took out half The rest is just a gamble and let’s me participate in memes The other half went to legit coins weighted by mkt cap This is the way They'll buy ETH classic next no worries So you missed out on thousands of dollars and you think that makes you more intelligent... Same I love his antics and what he is trying to do with the world. but he is still a business man trying to succeed and if you have massive plans like he does Then you need a lot of money so I figured doge was going to dump hard >Musk is the Tony Stark of internet trolls not ""of internet trolls"", man's literally the guy IRL. This. I feel like a majority of people are forgetting it was literally less than a penny at the beginning of January. Dogecoin is doing the damn thing. I only feel bad for the people who FOMOed into doge in the last week and spent more than they could lose on the gamble Return implies that it's an investment when in reality it's essentially a spin of the roulette wheel. Especially with how new crypto is vs traditional investments, let alone meme coins vs alt coins. You can make money either way but call a spade a spade. Lol it would be funny! I just love the idea that people are naturally emotionally chaotic and just don’t realize it! It’s like the folks who are offended that other people are offended. But with stonks and meme culture, you can basically make real life money playing off those trends. The whole thing feels so surreal to me. Like where was this kind of gambling when I was younger? You must be young or have personal insight into the topic you bring up. If you think -15% is a dump, then you’re a terrible crypto trader You know the vibes! Only difference is we know Elon is the cult leader off the bat. P.s. Ron Watkins is Q How so? Elon is putting a lot of kids on the hook right now. It's not good for his brand to make a shit load of kids lose money. But it is very profitable to make a big group of people insane amounts of money fast.. and try to get every one of them on board with his company and into his brand. People are joking like crazy about needing to buy a tesla after this just because it's him... I dont get it.. but I got in at .0013 Okay genius see you never You're an idiot sucking on marxist penis I said it's not Elon's pump and dump! Its a meme FFS! People mentioning a meme are not pumping it to then dump it, they are just joking around...... with a MEME! That's the whole point of meme's, they are not serious, it's ALL a joke! If people failed to get the JOKE and instead took it seriously, they are the exact reason the meme exists in the first place..... The very fact it's a MEME makes it a pump and dump all by itself! People can't whine and bitch about it when it literally has never had ANY substance behind it whatsoever, it was created as a JOKE, it exists as a JOKE and it continues to be a JOKE that keeps giving the rest of us entertainment! The ONLY people that are involved in the pump and dump are the FOOL's who failed to grasp its a joke and instead went all in in the hopes it was a magical rocketship to the moon! He doesn’t treat them bad, they just work hard People use this? I've been daytrading all day, made atleast minimum 500 trades today alone. Lol What a surprise must be a coincidence again I've only had trouble with trades going through on stock at open, never with crypto though, I just day trade doge. Couldn’t agree more, fuck all these ultra rich fucks Tell me how you really feel Unequivocally based opinion Cry more you whiney little bitch No offense but all white families in SA benefited from apartheid whether they wanted to or not. he didn't choose to be born there and didn't choose his family. What, his family did something bad? He must be bad, according to the judges of the middle age Cutting taxes on the rich stagnated innovation The US used to do things And then Reagan said the rich dont need to pay as much taxes Now we have more billionaires and Nasa has a smaller budget And the billionaires have so much money they started their own for fun NASAs as vanity projects Hey, also weird concept not everyone agrees with some arrogant rich fuck with a cult following of delusional worshippers who threatens his employees for wanting to unionize. also another weird concept someone who doesn’t agree that americans shouldnt of gotten additional pandemic relief is hilarious when he received over 500 million from the government and received billions from the government at low interest. But hey thats just the weird concept right? We all have our opinions and i choose not to agree with some jerkoff who claims hes for the people actually isnt for the people There's a difference between not agreeing with unions and illegaly threatening employees trying to unionize. This has gotta be a copypasta lmao I genuinely believe that he intends to do right by mankind. He just knows that to make an omelette you gotta break some eggs. He's not perfect, nobody is. He's just doing something with his status. I'm also a big space nerd and a bit biased as a consequence. No one is gonna live on Mars, you fucking moron! Elon is a master salesman bullshit artist. Think! Stop reacting to bullshitting rich people. Did you actually watch the podcast? He took one puff and then said ""I don't smoke weed because I feel it makes me unproductive."" People just saw the picture of him holding a joint circling the net and are like ""Ohhhhh shit Daddy Musk is a laid back stoner, he cool AF."" https://youtu.be/ouQ88erCztk >is nice to see the CEO of a major corporation with such a big middle finger and a wacky sense of humor. Not worshipping the guy by any means, but I am quite amused by Musk, and also do think his companies are doing some really cool stuff. Tesla really did popularize the electric car for people who aren’t leaf driving enviro-nuts willing to drive around a goofy car to save the planet, and SpaceX is really killing For the most part, I agree with you. I'm mainly pointing at the people who seem to mindlessly worship him. Never said he wasn’t smart.... and I love it when over a quarter of the “people’s money” is concentrated within like 10 whales. [removed] ##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475775** times. **2.** `u/max-the-dogo` **8480** times. **3.** `u/ekorbmai` **5566** times. .. **120524.** `u/DrawJosh` **1** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.) Asking in good faith, is that a shit coin too? As if anyone actually knew doge would blow up like this. Taking the safer bet is usually the smartest option. Dumping money into a shitcoin is not the safer bet. Maybe he’s just saying that he’s not dumb, the uninformed can be pretty damn stupid. It does. Those who bought in early sure made some profit. But don't forget those who entered on the top of the wave One man’s gamble is another man’s investment. Without knowing the future, any investment is a gamble. The dude pumped a MEME coin with nothing else behind it to show how his base will literally do anything for him. Hes known to treat his employees like utter garbage. His stans are a literal cult of personality akin to qanon who he treats with contempt by trolling them. Next time try to attack the substance of my argument instead of making an ad hom.❤ P.S. he doesnt know you exist Holy dunning krueger Bro, i got in at .000000000000000000000000000009 and really like defending a terrible guy who doesnt know i exist just so i can feel good in my community of other cultists Im a Soc Dem. Not a marxist. Completely different Completely triggered all because I said that and provided a source? Yup definitely a cult Oh wow lol OK. I kind of thought Elon's tweets were having an effect on this price of this memecoin but I guess not! Silly me lol Thats delusional Noobies use it Gl getting taxed out the aaa “Peak moments” like during SNL. Robinhood was back to their old tricks again, like the disappearing sell button. Also 500 trades is crazy. [example 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/l7svow/robinhood_restricts_crypto_trading_as_dogecoin/?utm_source=amp&utm_medium=&utm_content=add_comment) [example 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/SPACs/comments/l83632/robinhood_blocking_me_from_buying_cciv/?utm_source=amp&utm_medium=&utm_content=post_title) [example 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/l6wvia/robinhood_and_other_brokers_literally_blocking/?utm_source=amp&utm_medium=&utm_content=post_title) Play with SHIB.. I put $30 and now it’s $5000.. “Self made billionaire” Family owns a literal gem mine in SA Nah fuck the poor Why do you enjoy sucking his dick so much? He does chose to threaten his employees and he does chose to attack their unionizing efforts; he did chose to disobey California covid restrictions; he is an arrogant, self-serving dick; he doesn't care about humanity; he is not a great inventor (he steals/buys ideas than claims credit for them); etc. Look, he's a billionaire CEO. He's not some hero. People shouldn't look up to him because all he's doing is looking down at you. Did I say you could stop sucking, bitch? SpaceX isn't a vanity project. A lot of other ones are. SpaceX is a functional company overall and supplements nasa. Jesus you sound like a whiney little bitch. Cry more snowflake Why are you so upset? What was illegal about it? It’s actually not haha I just get very emotional for Elon Yeah, that’s literally it. You can’t change the world when you’re broke. You need to be rich or no one seems to care what you say I’m holding out for a manned mission to Titan! Titan > Mars [removed] Don't call users here ""fucking morons"" please. Pretty big move taking more than zero puffs when you don’t smoke, while knowing the world will see it I do - a Ponzi Scheme is where old investors are paid back from the money brought in by new investors.. so in Safemoon’s case it’s the whales. They are the old investors and they are being paid from the new investors. The problem with Safemoon is eventually the growth rate will slow and then the whales will just dump everything they can and leave everyone with a pile of useless tokens they can’t sell. I was in crypto pump and dump discord groups back in the day, and everything people used to say in there is echoing in the Safemoon community today. Who’s this guy w 475,000???? Is it just a bot that constantly posts “this is the way” on things? Honestly someone can't definitively say yes or no. ETH forked back in the day when it got hacked off of what is now Ethereum Classic. It's had issues since then like 51% attacks and it doesn't run smart contracts. However, people with 4gb cards have started to mine on it now that they're unable to mine ETH, which further improves the security of the network with the increased hashrate and also increases people's trust in it. There's also the whole code is law argument that some people have. Personally, I wouldn't buy it, however in the future if it is the most profitable coin to mine, I would probably mine it. Definitely DYOR, there's videos on YouTube about it. Some of what I've said may be wrong but pretty sure I got the gist of both sides correct. If you didn’t think Doge would continue to blow up after it hit 7 cents then idk what you were thinking Oh ok, missing out on money makes you a genius That’s the beauty of getting in early. The top now is going to be the “I wish I got in then” later. Such is the cycle of stocks and cryptocurrencies. I can totally agree with that on a certain level. Risk vs reward and all that. The only reason anything has value is because we assign it value. Don't get me wrong, I think doge is great as a ""gateway drug"" into crypto. It just bums me out to see friends dumping $ into RH to ""buy"" doge to then turn around and complain that they got locked out, can't sell, and lost money. And, Zero sum game. If you took the same amount of energy you spend being negative into something productive, you'd be very successful in life. Best of luck. [deleted] Says the socialist Your sources are the equivalent of spoiled tripe. There are few people on the planet trying to help humanity as much as musk. You're a loser with no imagination and ill do everything in my power to make my life one big effort to proving people with your shitty philosophy wrong. Including hodling and starting my own company.and becoming a billionaire myself. Help a billion people become a billionaire. Get vilified by lazy faux academics.who are purely brainwashed by those who are literally paid straight from government money Elonphoebe What can a noob use in the US? I don't have a problem with robinhood, but I want to invest in something other than the 7 cryptos they list. Im pretty new to trading but wouldnt any profits be taxed as regular income? And any losses would remove some of the taxes correct? lool omg i didn't know that Nope. They had shares at some point, but thats like 1 generation ago. I never mentioned any of the things you're arguing against. He's actually very very good at figuring out holes in the market and filling them with slightly tweaked versions of things that exist. Rockets that land. Electric cars. Figuring out how to make things just slightly different on a large scale while turning a profit is incredibly hard. I never said he was a hero. I respect his hustle for sure though. He definitely has an abrasive personality... maybe because of his aspergers? Lol why the sexualized language instead of an actual argument? Do you have unfulfilled desires regarding Elon musk you need to project? Go fuck youself Elon musk is the closest thing to “real person” billionaire we will ever get, his autism (like my son) shows through and he lets it, which I like. We’ve seen him be genuine in interviews and emotional, like a real person. He really genuinely (I think), wants to innovate and make things that a: are common sense and b: progress humanity. I guess I am probably on the autism spectrum to some degree, I hate political bullshit that gets in the way of common sense (such as the COVID shit), a lot of nerdy geeky people are in the same boat, and I think that’s why he gets the love, they see him do and say the things that they are thinking. I hope he keeps it all under control, fame can go to your head, Bill Gates thinks he’s the messiah, Bezos is trying to politically control the world now, we need more billionaires like Elon Musk, they are the only once who can truly push humanity forward, all the other cucks just get in the way with there bullshit. So anyway I’m with you, I don’t believe Elon pumps and dumps, he sold all his properties because people bitched that he had them... I don’t think he cares THAT much about making more money, just doing the shit he wants to do. Exactly. If I was as rich as him I know for a fact I'd be a much worse person 😂 I'm doing an Astrophysics, Space Science and Astronomy degree, hoping to get into the space industry afterwards. I'd love to be a part of a manned mission one day 😍 Don't call other users morons in this sub. Public figures are fair game. And yes, I think Elon is an idiot for posting about doge as much as he does. In the last 4 months now, the sentiment towards him has warped from ""Thank God elon musk propped up bitcoin"" to ""Why is he shilling dogecoin?"" to ""FUCK ELON MUSK HE MADE ME LOSE A LOT OF MONEY!"" To compliment the last sentence above, it does not help that there were/are a few doge whales that are propping up every tweet he makes (including that one the other day about using dogecoin to buy a tesla vehicle). I am pretty sure the SEC is going to clamp down on his tweets about dogecoin in the near future. They are bound to think of *something* that will get him in trouble. He's a billionaire, dude. I wouldn't consider smoking a bit of weed - in a place where it was totally legal - a big move. But whatever, Musk simps gonna simp. Those postts on sfm subreddit that go ""Safemoon family!"" make me feel bad. So many unsuspecting hodlers there expecting to get rich. You can't say anything either because they'll not hear it. Don't get me wrong, they might as well make money, and I'm all for that, but many don't seem to realize what they're investing in. Probably Thank you for that. Im happy Ive found the part of crypto reddit that is very nuanced and not defensive when asked about certain coins There literally dozens of other coins doing the EXACT same thing as doge (minus the marketing from Elongated muskrat). But I will say that profiting off the backs of emotional newbies isnt illegal Get ratioed Shall we take a stroll through the dogecoin subreddit? Quite a few upset people. Well, I actually agree with that definition of gambling. Touché. But just because it’s gambling doesn’t mean that the odds are stacked against you. I’m not saying it will happen for ever but at this point the only way you lose is by selling Cool deflection. Im not beig negative and already pretty successful (by my standards). Im unemotionally assessing and critiquing the situation. And most people in a cult of personality cant handle that Speaking of negativity, your god treats his employees pretty terribly lol https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/jun/13/tesla-workers-pay-price-elon-musk-failed-promises https://www.businessinsider.com/ex-tesla-employees-reveal-what-its-like-work-elon-musk-2019-9 https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/25/business/musk-labor-board.html Tldr idc Again, I'm not a socialist 😂 LOLOLOL Did you know tripe (in menudo) is good for hangovers? But hey, do me a favor when you become a billionaire let me know. Screenshot this and send it back to me when it happens 😂😂😂😂😂 Elonstan I use [Kraken.com](https://Kraken.com) to buy crypto's for fiat, then transfer those cryptos to binance or any other exchange where they list more coins. After that I transfer any crypto I have to my own wallets. Tax accountant chiming in. Some basics: If you hold a stock (or most assets) for less than 1 year and sell = short term gain/loss. If you hold for greater than a year and sell = long term gain/loss Your long term gains are netted with your long term losses and short term gains with short term losses. These 2 are netted together figured out your capital gains/losses. The larger of these 2 determines the long or short term classification. Long term gains are taxed at your capital gains tax rate (either 0%, 15%, or 20% depending on your AGI) Short term gains are taxed at ordinary income rates (this depends on what tax bracket you fall in) Capital losses of any type will offset ordinary income ,with a limitation of $1,500 for singles and MFS, and $3,000 for married filing joint. Any unused losses may be carried forward indefinitely at $3,000 ($1,500) per year until exhausted. Note: this applies to the 2020 tax year and is subject to change depending on who's doing what in D.C. Another Note: If there is any typos, go kick rocks, I'm sleepy. ​ Hope that helps. Edit: Wife informed me I needed a period after ""sleepy."" She doesn't have to kick rocks, the rest of you do. All sales including coin for coin exchanges are taxable events. Not sure how losses work, I don’t think you get any benefit nope, gotta hold for a year profits are taxed as capital gains, losses can be written of within a certain percentage depending on where you live. Don't try to blame his character flaws on Asperger's. All the things I mentioned above are things that he chose to do. Btw, he didn't invent electric cars; he just made a luxury one. How's that going to benefit humanity? He's just a CEO. There are better people in the world to look up to. Same. I'd quit in a heartbeat and just travel the world. If he was doing all this for money he would've retired after PayPal. I’d be such an arse if I had his money, it’s actually a good thing for humanity that I have zero work ethic and am not a genius [deleted] That sounds like a fun degree! I’m doing Economics 😂🤦‍♂️ not as fun as it sounds... no rockets.. no moons.. no dark matter (unless you count the sweat patches on my lecturer...) You’re talking to both of us there then??? Yes, but don’t you see how stupid you look calling someone who’s clearly more intelligent than you “a moron”. Regardless of your opinion on Musk, he is smarter than you. Period. He has achieved more today than you will achieve in your entire life so stfu MOD Name call all you want. Also, what state was he in that this was legal? Isn’t Joe’s office in Texas or something like that? Either way, haters gonna hate I’m sure some of them will make money. You’re so right, I sometimes make a comment in there just to remind people that seeing as the price is up they should probably sell and take some profit and everyone slams me and downvotes it. They all think that Safemoon is going to create 1.6million new millionaires. When you actually research the project there are so many red flags and the people in that sub look up to the devs as if they’re super beings rather than just clowns who learnt how to code This is the way. Yea for sure. I only made the ETC joke because a lot of the doge hype is Robinhood traders, and their selection of ""coins"" is very small, and ETC is relatively cheaper compared to Bitcoin and Ethereum The whole point is that it has support, only weird stuck ups make investing a moral debate, people are making money and you’re upset because you missed out lol imagine me caring about being ratio’d on Reddit when I’m up thousands on what I’m getting “ratio’d” for Lol upset about what? The sub is mostly people happy they held through the dip There's a word for that. It is called being objective; however, it involves little to no emotion. So, I'd dare say, you're not being objective, but you definitely are being negative. Regardless, best of luck. If you don't believe in luck, then have a safe a peaceful journey through this world. We all are just trying our best. No need for more negativity. But don't worry kid. The hype will get to you and you'll buy in right in time to hold the bags. Thats how it goes Ya you're pretty dumb huh? No because it literally won't be worth my time then as it's not either now Edit actually I will Doge hater I wish I could use Kraken, but I live in Washington state where they're not able to comply with regulatory stuff. I'm getting set up on coinbase and binance us, but still, I'm looking for newer coins to get into. Thats a great response thank you! You just add up all the profits and losses and you pay tax on any profits. It's not really as hard as you're making it out to be. sorry but you should know this it’s basic knowledge to any semi competent investor Uh, well he started off with luxury cars to fund the company and because when you're at small scale you need higher margins. He's been releasing cheaper and cheaper models as the company has gone along. He's building massive factories all over the world to create electric cars people can buy. Most of the electric cars sold in the US are Tesla and I see them everyday. It's not like Koennisegg. They're 35k which makes them 10k more than a baseline Carolla or Accord but you save a ton on fuel over their lifespan and get tax credits. They're competitive with fuel cars now on price. He's also working on solar products, batteries for solar powered homes, good satellite internet that's accessible globally and has low latency, significantly reduced price space flights, and boring co. Boring company even if it doesn't work potentially made tunnel building more green because he switched over the boring machine to electricity and got it to run 24/7. Previously I believe they ran on diesel. Boring out a tunnel like that creates a massive amount of carbon normally. I'm an environmentalist and unfortunately next to no one is actually doing something about the global warming. Honestly he could do a lot of terrible things and his effect on the world would still be positive. I don't suck up to Elon. I don't own a Tesla. I don't follow his Twitter. But as an engineer who knows Tesla/SpaceX engineers and family with Tesla's it's very hard for me to act like he's some bad guy. He's a very socially awkward dude who obsesses over solving problems and turns them into real world solutions. That's a very very hard thing to do. I'm not saying he invents things everyday, but just setting up these companies and getting funding is a job that is brutal and would kill most people with stress. There are tons of people who act like Elon Musk and scam investors and never deliver. He actually comes through and takes these things to the market and creates new businesses. A lot of us struggle to hold 9-5 jobs and build basic interpersonal relationships. Am I supposed to loathe some guy just because he's rich when he pushes the world forward in a tangible way? He fucks up sometimes and he's definitely not a saint, but I don't know anyone who is. I think we hold public figures to impossible standards that none of us actually meet. It's very easy to criticize people from afar. If most people made their life as public as Musk they'd get cancelled in a heartbeat for saying the wrong thing, doing something bad, etc. Are you me? That’s great mate, but what’s it relevant to? ;) Yeah it's just the core physics and maths that sucks 😬😬. I'm not sure if I'd be able to do an economics degree 😂 But lots of money! Who is smarter than whom is besides the point. take a 7 day break, buddy for failing to read our rules. He literally prefaces it in the interview by saying ""Oh it's legal now, yeah?"" which Joe confirms. This aint it chief Didnt say I was. Read my mind if you think you’re good at it. Im just saying that at the very least there is a good reason to believe doge is stupid. Not even supported or connected in any way shape or form. It why coinbase doesnt have it Just because you won money at the casino doesnt make you smart or morally correct. Keep patting that ego on the back ""Happy ppl that held through the dip"" Ya and a lot of them bought at a .60ish dip that continued dipping. One of the biggest threads is somebody basically saying ""plzzz dont go. Plz buy more and hold. Plzzzz"" One love bro or whatever the wellness community says https://youtu.be/9stYGxxcujg Dont worry bro, I DCA out before saturday and Im happy with my return and no bags to hold 100 accounts own +60% of it and 700 accounts own +87%. The math isnt in our favor. Its a meme and literally worth nothing. Have fun ""Ya youre pretty dumb huh?"" - guy with symbol of a pretty mediocre jam band with hippy cult following https://youtu.be/RyIPmmCmIb0 You will literally have more time if you become a billionaire. No more washing dishes, cooking, cleaning, mowing the lawn, etc Edit good Reality hater [deleted] Possibly a highly diluted version You don’t want to do an economics degree.. “ooo game theory sounds fun!” Yeah, it sounds fun. But trust me, game theory is about as fun as having a prostate exam from Cruella Da Vil The physics of it are probably the most interesting part Reminds me of Les Grossman in Tropic Thunder. ""A G5 jet...and lots of money...plays"" Probably a running joke to say it because in some places it is. But, hey it’s fine. I just don’t understand the hate he has. What ego? I’m not the one downplaying others investments as lucky gambles. This sub has dedicated its whole weekend to shitting on Doge investors even though we’ve done nothing to you, fuckin weirdos [deleted] Still wouldn't have time for you but nothing better than slapping out of touch redditors with reality Life hater Why are you adding 10%? Short term gains are just included as part of your regular income. I’ve done crypto taxes several years now. It’s really not that big of a deal. They are interesting, just not fun to revise and do the long ass questions 😅. You don't understand why a dude who threatened to fire his workers for not working during COVID gets hate? A guy who's family made their fortune in apartheid South Africa in emerald mines, consistently steals other's ideas and markets them as his own, and uses his Twitter as his own personal playground to manipulate his followers into doing whatever he wants? Yeah okay, keep drinking that cool-aid, buddy. I guess building a few rocket ships negates anything bad he's ever done. As for the legality of smoking weed. Do you honestly think they would publicly break the law on a podcast watched by millions? C'mon... 😴😴😴😴😴😴 Ok, ill check in from time to time to see if youre a billionaire yet 🥰 Your mom What does his family have to do with it? You don’t choose what family you are born into. On the note about firing his workers: I agree that this was shitty. Do America have a furlough style system like we have in UK? Also, did Tesla still have to produce cars during this period? I don’t want to patronise you, but if Tesla were to stop producing cars, those people wouldn’t have jobs so?... Tesla makes the majority of its income from selling these carbon emissions credits to other car companies not from the sale of cars. However, they wouldn’t get the credits if the cars were not produced so again: these people wouldn’t have had jobs if Tesla stopped producing cars... seems like a fairly reasonable request that during times of economic crisis and recession that a man wants his workers to be productive and feed themselves rather than be unproductive and starve .. Goodnight little guy. Okay 👌 Your dad Goodnight big guy who strokes his ego on reddit Nice" "There is a Dogecoin wallet that holds over $2 billion worth of doge (that is over 38 billion dogecoin). All day they have been purchasing 28.061971 worth of Doge over and over again. Guess whose birthday is June 28th, 1971... Elon Musk..",2810,https://i.redd.it/2hzc9cvg1ig61.jpg,"All this tells me is that if this guy ever sells, the entire doge market will crash through the floor and never recover. For all we know, that could just be an exchange cold storage account. Look at how often it receives... what the fuck I had 280 doge once. I assume it's not Elon going 'hey guys look at me', but someone else going 'I'll trick everyone into thinking I'm elon' I am born that day It’s just a few transactions . I don’t think it’s Elon . Just someone trolling. Update : Maybe it’s Elon. Its an old wallet and no other billionaire has that kind of guts Wallet address https://dogechain.info/address/DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvGLR3mr7L Is it that easy to trick people? Man, this guy is smart ass hell: ""Elon is buying, look at the buy orders, kek"" Buy, Buy, Buy Crash That's Dogetoshi his wallet. There are lots of patterns and references in the deposits ... someone want to decode the binary? https://dogechain.info/address/DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvGLR3mr7L good lord this man is probably the CEO with the biggest meme game this world has ever seen You know the person comes here to watch the speculation They've been doing it for a while with the 69 and 420 i have translate this binary code: isityouelon?sendbackanyamounttoconfirm 0110100101110011011010010111010001111001011011110111010101100101011011000110111101101110001111110111001101100101011011100110010001100010011000010110001101101011011000010110111001111001011000010110110101101111011101010110111001110100011101000110111101100011011011110110111001100110011010010111001001101101 Mark Zuck was barn in 1984... Orwell predicted the dystopia zuck has brought upon in his novel 1984... 1 fart and this guy makes doge worthless. As long it's him ofc Mark Cuban likes to play games Wtf How can you even sell 1bln coins? Where is that money coming from? This is bizarre What if he is looking to own most of a cryptocurrency then he is going to do massive fork on it to repurpose it? Is that coherent? Turn 2 Billion to 38 Billion by posting much wow on twitter every now and then. Not bad Elon Serious question: would it be easier converting this to BTC than it would be selling it straight up? It’s just n exchange wallet Can anyone proof this real? Sources?? Could just be someone sending the amount to the big address. 28 doge is not much God. No matter how hard I try I can’t escape Elon fan boys. So he's literally responsible financially and tweetingly for DOGE rise lmao maybe is his way to give back Checkmate Good Doge! Dudes his own central bank. Destroyer of shorts. Which exchange? I doubt it's actually Elon. Anybody with this wallet obviously knows Elon's the face of Doge and can purposely use his birthday to convince people it's him. I call troll Don't knock Elon, I think you left your stuffed shirt and golf pants back in 1999 He’s doing it for you. Most of the recent buys contain only ones and zeros. Are they sending a message? This guy has 3 billion worth in dogecoin, I find it hard to believe that he didn’t use inspect element Either way, doge is screwed. Sell while you still can. I translated more of the binary code this guy has been leaving behind. People are using cheap currencies to communicate in binary. I'm not really sure if this is meant as an advertisement for the company, which seems to have a guy name Wes sitting as CEO, or maybe to donate to the charity a child is raising money for (see sympl.care). Feb 5: on? send back any amount to confirm Feb 7: tfwnogf Feb 9: ICU im nube 2 b?n@<3 ur dsrpt me: sympl.care CM \[redacted\] Feb 9: dogemeh Feb 9: gmail Feb 10: hi Feb 10: symp.care Tbh I wouldn’t be surprised if this was him he’s a mad genius Apparently he is the richest person in the world. So 2bn is....nothing? https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/07/elon-musk-is-now-the-richest-person-in-the-world-passing-jeff-bezos-.html Elon doesn’t need any profits, he’s doing this doe the people, for the financial revolution I take your conspiracy and raise it. It’s a group of millionaires sharing 1 wallet trying to fuck with conspiracy theorists to steal their money. Or it could be another rich person trolling since we don’t write the date like that in the US I'd like to think that Elon wouldn't be a dick and pull the carpet out from everyone by cashing out all at once. But who knows. I've never met the guy. How much more coins does this person need before he can execute a 51% attack? Papa Musk and I share the same birthday. All exoplanets line up in formation to send space energy to us fine specimens on that day. Every year. Dogeeeeeee!!! STFU! Elon is clever, well we know that. Actually the guys a genius. He saw a potential profit making model in crypto which is totally under regulated and is now increasing his net worth by manipulating the crypto world. its all legal and even ethical, since the crypto world has no regulation, anyone can do what ever they want and that includes making markets, pushing social media to buy and sell, basically do whatever so long as they dont steal. (that about the only illegal thing you have in crypto.) couldnt u have saved us the fuckingtime wasting and circle the numbers in the ''Amount'' column he bought that corresponded to his birthday? I wasted 5 min searching for your stupid lil game you dumbfucking prick. That would make sense, wasn’t he the former ceo of dogecoin or something? 2 billion is play money for someone when they have almost 200 Billion No way!!! Why $HOGE of all coins being shilled right now? \> 885 holders \> applied for Coingecko, Coinmarketcap and Blockfolio 3 days ago - listing this week! \>solid tokenomics (1% distributed per buy and 1% burned per sell; basically ""swingies get the rope"": the coin \>top bagholder holds less than 3% of the coins pooled \>up 3x since yesterday \>liquidity locked. Rug proof \>all of this points to organic growth, no PnD shit Dextools: [dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0x7fd1de95fc975fbbd8be260525758549ec477960](https://dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0x7fd1de95fc975fbbd8be260525758549ec477960) Telegram - [t.me/hogefinance](https://t.me/hogefinance) The man is 💎🙌💎 That is the ultimate flex teh lulz for kek Hello Wolong The wallet hash could well be a child's name?? This wallet boggles my mind. Thanks for posting! Wow we’re all the way up to a whopping 7 cents He’s literally “that” tv show or movie billionaire Fate loves irony.. 🐕🚀 Elon is smart he would invest in something else. Elon buying and filling his bags with doge and btc Ok, so it's either Elon or somebody who wants people to think it's Elon lol. Of course the doge bandwagon will fall for it Vtho check it out Nah fam, my bad, forgot I was making auto deposits If this is actually him, would it be market manipulation https://twitter.com/cankerwort_/status/1358554747507245060 It’s probably bill gates what this is crazy If he put an order through to sell them all would the price crash immediately? Or would it be when after? Coincidence?? 🙌💎💰🚀 What about all those 1.0011010 kind of transactions in there? It looks like binary. Anyone got time to try and see if there's a hidden message there? Bc this is pure market manipulation. He says Doge is the future, will sell when he deems fit. Doge is held heavily by chinese addresses. This is likely one of them In the previous 2017 crypto bull market cycle Dogecoin did about 80x its starting point before hitting its peak. Assuming a similar trajectory in this bull market cycle it would end up topping out at around 11 cents. If you’re looking for a cryptocurrency to invest in which is extremely risky but has potential to make huge gains from here based on performance from previous market cycles, look into Vertcoin. Here’s some properties of Vertcoin which support a bullish case: • Limited supply, not pre-mineable (84 million max supply) • Recent launch of Verthash to support its commitment to ASIC resistance (making it profitable to mine this on a GPU) • Relatively large Reddit community compared to current market cap • Price history during previous bull cycle (started previous bull cycle at below $0.05 and topped off at $10 resulting in 200x maximum gains; going into this bull cycle it’s starting at a price of $0.20 so if it were to follow a similar trajectory in this bull cycle it would end up topping out at around $40) best way to earn more crypto is to trade them as options on level01 decentralized options trading app on playstore. Dammit Elon....Are you hanging out with Rogan again? lol Cardinal rule #1 Stop watching the news. The media always reacts to price, the price never reacts to the media. Cardinal rule#2 Never jump on the hype train and trade a pump and dump. GET OUT NOW!!!!! Have any of you seen the [tweet](https://twitter.com/SatoshiLite/status/1360898307040686081) from Charlie Lee (LTC creator) - He as clarifying how a 51% attack is very very hard, but Doge was about to get destroyed in 2014 since it uses scrypt and Charlie helped them out and made the miner run both, so anyone mining LTC got free doge. That is where most of the doge has accumulated as LTC has been a top 5-10 coin for the last 6 years and Doge was basically a joke. LTC has had ongoing dev, innovation, and marketing and is now avail on every exchange. Doge came along for the ride. Do you think Elon Musk is even paying attention? He is building 5 companies and has no clue about all this. He just likes the IDEA that Doge could overtake all crypto but without LTC it is a dead duck and the holders are the LTC miners who kept the crumbs which now have value. He COULD do something erratic and blow billions but would he really? Seems more like the retail guys who just gave the LTC miners a lot more free cash! Oh my god I love this timeline Ok aaaand? Doesn't necessarily means it was purchased by Elon himself... [deleted] Isn’t that date right around when the major spike happened and he was tweeting like crazy? It’s totally him All of the 0 and 1s in the amounts could be binary code? Damn! Buy your Doge. I buy it every day just for fun. At a nickel a coin I’m in. This a pump and dump crypto the rich invest big and then the people who put a bit will go up they will sell once they made gains sorry for being real I also invested in doge I learned the hard way Anyone thinking of money laundering in long term? I never thought he had that sort of money in liquid cash, crazy Terrible trader, though. Feb 9 was literally the ATH. Well who said it is one person? It can be also a investor group So I just want to make a point. They’re not necessarily “buying” doge. The wallet is “receiving” doge. Which means that anyone could be sending that amount over and over again. It doesn’t necessarily have to be the owner doing that Where do you see that purchase? Where you get that info from? He is seriously such a child Couldn’t this be Robinhood’s wallet? no body got the name dennis from the first few(bottom up)? or the website maschnose (dot) art? lol wierd It's almost like he is pumping it... Weird Right!? Absolutely insane. Dude is set for life. Sell a million worth over a year, shill on r/dogecoin to get the price up, repeat. If that’s all it takes, it deserves it. It's been mentioned in other threads that those LARGE wallets are, in fact, the holdings of exchanges (Robinhood perhaps). Don't freak out, shibes. EDIT: Found the tweet from the Dogecoin dev talking about it: [https://i.redd.it/ldbf1uv2f7g61.png](https://i.redd.it/ldbf1uv2f7g61.png) 1 DOGE will always be 1 DOGE He won’t or people will lose faith in him We must watch the wallet then https://dogechain.info/address/DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvGLR3mr7L He’s not gonna sell he’s trying to share his wealth with you buddy How about OTC sales in reasonable portions? Spread the sale over 10 years Like a kick from Mortal Kombat [deleted] And he'll do it for ""funsies"". And why would he crash his favourite meme? Makes me want to dump it. He might not be able to sell. I’m not sure even Binance has the market depth to take that volume. No, no it wont. Itll crash but will recover if DOGE will actually become a utility. Yep. Would be disaster for those still hanging in there. Which I bet this whale inevitably sells soon. 😳 [removed] [deleted] [deleted] Birthday twins Same! Triplets ... but 76, sooooo not triplets. Nvm. Someone with a billion dillars Has what kind of guts? Wtf do you mean, billionaires can buy small countries if they want to. Manipulating emerging markets is one of their favorite pastimes. Bruh if that's Elon then its market manipulation. But what if it's true? People were saying Elon's last tweets were fake as well. They said hackers got greedy and posted too many dogecoin tweets ""to be believable"". Turned out it was just Musk himself. This man is known to YOLO entire companies. Is this really that far-fetched? *smart as *incoming transactions (not buy orders) Hi sudharshan Dogetoshi Dogiemoto? Brb registering Dogetoshi as an erc-20 I found this wallet last week and took a look at the ""binary"". It was gibberish as far as I could tell. dude is CEO of meme There is a reason why he felt that Tesla didn't need a marketing budget. The next set is 'tfwngf' 😂 George Orwell wrote the book in 1948. He just switched the last two digits to represent a time in the future. Say what? 1 million people buying 1000 coins. Yeah man, alternate reality, crypto is the economy of DNA sequencing, souls are sold to the devil, to be rich, to be famous. The past get modified all the time. There is like no way to win but to sell yours. Don't, stay Human. Kinda yea. And he's rich enough to back up any asset. I’m not sure if it’d be easier or not but it’d most defiantly make it expensive There would be way more transactions lol obviously just go to the wallet address! watch it daily if you want! Elon stans are just low-quality people There’s nothing more disgusting than seeing a bunch of myopic moonboys simping over a billionaire. Wait, hold up...Did you say the comment directly to me the, OP? So from my comment, you drew the conclusion that I am an Elon fanboy? (yes it's fanboy, a compound word..not 2 different words.) Wow. What an emotional reader you are. I am simply stating a fact.. You obviously found it exciting enough to click and comment. Get out of here with that bs. Elon fanboy, wth is that supposed to even mean? To me, he is just the dude who owns Tesla and just bought a shit load of BTC. Bug off. Awww poor little salty boy hmm? Lol no way that’s some wild coincidence...at first I thought the people saying it was him were just blowing steam up his ass...but now I’m convinced.....wish I had seen this earlier, and I wouldn’t have panicked lol. If he’s buying it up, then there’s good reason. There were references to this wallet right before the last major rise. I'm wondering if it is Elon, and he's pushing both BTC and Doge. >28.061971 South Africans do write dates like that though. This is exactly why Covid lock downs end up going on for years. You see CLEARY something that's fishy and you wishy washy it away with some non-sequitur idea. That date format is the ISO international standard used by most coders around the world dude, richest man on the world doesn't need a few billions. doesn't own a house, works all day.. just saving the world A lot more.... That's about 10% of the total market cap. But yeah if they sold all at once...Def will send the price down. Right!?!? and monero yes there is binary!!! did you take the time to do it? My buddy did... It's pretty weird what it says though Good Rule. Did you mean to reply to this post though lol? This is just about a crazy find in a doge coin wallet. I am not sure how you got all of that from a pic showing some interesting transactions in a doge coin wallet but thx for the info? Duh. I just said it's Elons birthday. I didn't say it was his wallet. It's another billionaires obviously. This went way over your head. First of all...the post has nothing to do with Elon Musk buying doge on his birthday..how could that even be possible if we are in the month of February you doofus..Secondly, reaaad it again....I'm simply stating that SOMEBODY is sending a USD amount in doge that looks like elons birthday. I never said it was Elons wallet or anything of the sort. You just assume. It absolutely is. A lot of people have brought up this fact and some have decifiered it I nev'r bethought he hadst yond sort of wage in liquid chinks, crazy *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout` Click the picture. All you have to do is look at block explorer for doge. If you know how to do that. It's all right there for you to see. Keep in mind this is a pretty old post. Thx Your post has been removed because you posted a banned URL. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete your post: Where do you see that purchase? Where you get that info from? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* literally anyoe can send DOGE to that address you shilling shyster, GTFO Somebody with two billion in just one memecoin does not need to part out a segment per year. He will most likely just sell all at some point and crash the coin. It's funny to me that some people think he's doing this for the gainz. He's doing this for the lulz. He's already set for life, which is why he can blow billions of dollars on memecoins. Exactamundo my friend! [deleted] Besides owning the most progressive car manufacturing company ever and the most advanced space prgram to ever exist....yep Doge is what did it lol Well any currency would tank if 1/5 of its total value was liquidated in one day. This makes the most sense and someone is shilling by sending Elons birthday to it. Hope it works for you buddy. Why would exchanges (and anyone really) put so much into single wallet. Isn't it much safer to distribute? If anyone did any amount of research on what kind of person Elon Musk is, they have already lost faith in the guy. There are some interesting numbers of doge purchased. E.G 420.69 9.11911911 so on so on definitely weird Maybe you must, but I'm not stupid enough to still be in doge. Thank you for pulling the wallet \^\^ I had to post this I could not believe it!!! #whale All those ones and zeros... 🤔 I dont know if anyone did it already but there is a message in the binnary buys. If you go from the bottom and put one after another going up this is what you get. I only did 52 transactions from the buttom. You get: Buy Doge(..) HEYELON?T3MUSKketeerskkkwatch?v=XpdpW0z9xnQ. You can see the ending is a youtube link. If you follow it it will take to Bob Sinclar - world hold on. The music video is about a boy taking his dog to spacerocket :D This is to funny. I know this is old, but I noticed that there will be multiple blocks purchased at a time that look like binary code. Maybe if someone translated the binary to text there would be messages? 🤷🏻‍♂️ Because that's how it works🤦‍♂️ Exactly what's going on here. Helping the little guy. What entity that can buy OTC, would want anything to do with DOGE (besides this monster-wallet)? Why would he spread sell a pumped up coin? That's practically begging to lose money. You're retarded. 2 billion USD, not 2 billion coins. Have you heard of perhaps... Using multiple exchanges >if doge will actually become a utility Opinion instantly discarded Agreed. Send a few bucks to a wallet and take a screenshot. Potentially make more money off moons and crap than they put in that account shilling the controversy. Not saying that this is what’s going on but certainly within the realm of possibility. Just a little $2 billion for pranks bro what's the big deal? not really. the entire joke is the 281 coins. not the existing balance. 281 right now is about $20. It’s probably an early miner What? Separated himself? 😂 Gee, I wonder who that could be? Putin? Market support you mean 😉 🤣 It's not gibberish, I've gone through some of it and already found this: 4fe01a08…45ca2cc6 1.00111111 -> ? 1be69c97…23eeb7ef 1.01101110 -> n 6441f9f9…5ddd0a70 1.01101111 -> o 1a6b747c…00f3e0f9 1.01101100 -> l 8f6ec25b…63a90b94 1.01100101 -> e c28c298f…893fd502 1.01110101 -> u f6b0e79e…bb0fcc7f 1.01101111 -> o 5b4fb3a7…9a60ae8b 1.01111001 -> y 572e8b07…092fc3f3 1.01110100 -> t c35539c6…4b31f69c 1.01101001 -> i 7c00519a…dfc87bf8 1.01110011 -> s 74436a55…975b50eb 1.01101001 -> i They go bottom to top. It spells 'is it you elon?' Someone's been trying to get his attention Did you notice any other patterns (besides the 420s and 69s)? I think I saw a pi in there ... and number tagging of the 500k batch deposits [deleted] [deleted] He got lucky then. 1 million retards swooning to the influence of a walking meme, gonna be a lot of broke kids out there soon That escalated quickly Just buy monero and get out of surveillance coins. Not necessarily I cant read. Better than all the redditors who hate him out of jealousy [deleted] Especially the heir of an apartheid gem mine fortune. Fucker wasn’t born with a silver spoon in his mouth- it was a diamond spoon mined by virtual slaves and put in his mouth by someone who he called whatever the Afrikaner version of “mammy” is. (Note to anyone reading this: I know apartheid is not “the same” as slavery so if you were going to make that point, then don’t bother, your opinion is of no value to me. Also, I don’t know and quite frankly don’t care whether or not Elon speaks Afrikaans- I couldn’t care less what flavor of colonizer he is so if I’m wrong don’t correct me. Hell if I’m right don’t even say anything- everything I know about this turd has been against me will) There's absolutely nothing more disgusting! [deleted] Lol, did you SERIOUSLY correct my spelling of “fanboy” lol. And I’m the one with an emotional reaction? Project much? Ah sorry left the link out because my posts keep getting deleted https://decrypt.co/57352/mysterious-dogecoin-billionaire-elon-musk-birthday So I just went through the wallet and translated all the transactions that were clearly binary code to text. I would guess there is more binary code if you go further back. Don’t forget it could just be some random rich guy that googled Elon’s birthday and thought it’d be funny to trick us. Could be the OP for all we know. So does much of the rest of the world Its written like that in canada too, elon also lived in canada for a bit Good catch! No it isn't. Yes I did because its a pump and dump shitcoin with a giant whale wallet just waiting to dump everyone and leave them holding the bag. Theres probably more than one wallet like this and chances are they all know each other and will coordinate a dump so they can make buy the bottom and make a huge profit. What did it decipher to? I started working on it but wasn’t on my computer so it got to be too confusing from my phone Never mind I actually should learn to read all of the comments. So seems like someone sending in binary spelling things out to him, but he’s not the one writing the binary code Selling half his stash would be selling 10% of the market cap of the coin, it would be very difficult to get rid of the whole bag in a short space of time without a downward influence on the price. maybe doge coin will be the official supercharger currency and tesla will be now listed as woofpower Yes, but the value would crash too. Usually, the super rich try to establish a dynasty. Clinton's, Bushes, Trump's I think he does it for power. To be able to exert so much power over a joke is very empowering. I don’t think that he plans on selling. He has too much. Money anyway, I think that he enjoys seeing the direct influence of his clout in monetary value. I also think he’s doing it to give back some to fellow nerds. The crypto market is not regulated you can do whatever you want. Have you checked out r/dogecoin lately? If 1 wallet holds 1/5, that is what you are asking for. This is what the Dogecoin dev had to say recently: [https://i.redd.it/ldbf1uv2f7g61.png](https://i.redd.it/ldbf1uv2f7g61.png) I remember his tweets against Covid, I was like daaamn this guy will fall. Instead, everyone forgot because people forgets Seriously? Listening to him speak & seeing what he’s done & will do for the greater good of humanity, should INSPIRE the upmost of faith in Mr Musk. 420.69 is wsb meme sell point. Tej Wallet bought 911,911,91 Coins during the same time that he tweeted about it. I bought 10$ of doges in 2019, now worth 500$, I am not selling until it each doge I have reaches 100$. Name checks out. Yup the wallet seems to check out. I can’t think of any Billionaires with that much money to pump a meme. Buying in for the pump . Imagine if true it would moon Dodgecoin ... Elon wants small investors to profit and thinking about this makes me want to buy Mate Elon is the richest guy on Earth he doesn’t need your dollars kid, he’s a philanthropist ! 😂 [deleted] That is true no I was just thinking out loud without the actual thought process haha Assuming price of Doge will go down overtime then ya he will lose money but it seems this guy probably doesn’t need the money if he could afford the billions of Doge Why not swap doge for other coins rather than all USD? Like some conversions to BTC, some to USD, some to USDT, some to ETH, etc. if that is possible. Yes it is still selling Doge but at least maybe it’ll have less of an effect if switched to different coins/currencies over time, or maybe I’m just not understanding the process? Or just slowly sell small portions per day over a shorter time period like 1-3 years rather than 10 years like the other guy said? Did you check the market depth... maybe? The depth of buy orders on Binance is 10M. The depth of buy orders in Bidesk is 5M. In a first approximation, the total depth is 100M. Your comment doesn’t change my conviction that this whale can dry the market. Thanks for letting us know of you opinion discarding abilities 10/10 Chad It’s only $2B at current prices. This shitcoin was only worth 2/10ths of a penny 6 months ago. So maybe a few million between friends instead. Edit: even less if this person started accumulating prior to 2018 some of us need to blow off steam on the weekends I noticed those but not sure what you mean by number tagging? 1337 80085 There's binary text messages in there That first questionmark is actually an o (which was obvious) And the mayans used the same calendar as us? amen to that. i was never really ""human"" to start Me either. You do know that it’s possible to simply admire and/or respect a person, right? What he’s accomplished is respect worthy. But some of the shit he pulls categorically makes him a piece of shit. I hate him because he’s a billionaire and therefore a sociaopath. Oh, and his riches came from a family wealth in blood diamonds and apartheid. Yes, insulting my intelligence and integrity makes you seem smarter, keep at it. Idk I can think of like 10 more disgusting things off the top of my head... Damn, I need to add /s here?? Is this some next-gen q-tardery or what? Yeah, the wealthiest man on the planet, that constantly abuse the system to make himself even wealthier, is there to disrupt and shake things up. Jfc.. This is why you simps are disgusting. It’s a cult mentality. Yes, because if you insist on calling me something, at least spell it correctly. Lmao! This guy. Look I am not a fan boy :) but thanks for the compliment I guess? And there is nothing emotional about correcting your spelling. It's just a habit of mine :) If you think that this wallet belongs to a single person, you got a lot more research to do. It belongs to an exchange/larger entity. And NO, there are not more wallets like this. This wallet holds about 30% of all doge in existence. Know your facts ;) Feb 5: on? send back any amount to confirm Feb 7: tfwnogf Feb 9: ICU im nube 2 b?n@<3 ur dsrpt me: sympl.care CM \[redacted\] Feb 9: dogemeh Feb 9: gmail Feb 10: hi Feb 10: [symp.care](https://symp.care) i have translated this binary code: isityouelon?sendbackanyamounttoconfirm 0110100101110011011010010111010001111001011011110111010101100101011011000110111101101110001111110111001101100101011011100110010001100010011000010110001101101011011000010110111001111001011000010110110101101111011101010110111001110100011101000110111101100011011011110110111001100110011010010111001001101101 Its not elons wallet. I am just saying someone was sending his bday a lot. Its probably an exchange wallet address or some type of another platform. He only has to break even + some to make it worth his while. Imagine reducing DOGE still to „meme coin“ at this point. This guy isnt going to establish a dynasty by being anonymous online. He will most likely cash out at some point. I agree, elon doesnt care about the money he makes on doge. He makes that kind of money regardless, he already is worth enough money that he could never go broke from lifestyle, his money makes money just being money. So why not pump a memecoin to the moon and never sell it? This is exactly what I’ve been trying to tell everyone lol. It’s an ego boost. So in his mind, Elon has “his own” decentralized currency .. that is a joke.. that he can exert force upon .. that has a following that is incentivized .. where he can direct energy on projects that need attention. Yeah tell that to the SEC and the many crypto businesses and coin offerings they have crackdown on: [https://www.cnbc.com/2018/11/16/in-crackdown-of-crypto-sec-goes-after-unregistered-coin-offerings.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2018/11/16/in-crackdown-of-crypto-sec-goes-after-unregistered-coin-offerings.html) [deleted] Here's a sneak peek of /r/dogecoin using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/dogecoin/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Who’s still holding $DOGE? 🚀](https://i.redd.it/pbznfp8l24f61.jpg) | [11119 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dogecoin/comments/lb3ant/whos_still_holding_doge/) \#2: [And I'm holding! Are you?](https://i.redd.it/xnvg57mtlve61.png) | [4305 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dogecoin/comments/la47ll/and_im_holding_are_you/) \#3: [Who’s still holding doge today?](https://i.redd.it/a7qsl17gngf61.jpg) | [4798 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dogecoin/comments/lcfcms/whos_still_holding_doge_today/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/) Yes, it’s really bad and completely ruined that subreddit But that doesn’t answer my question. Why would exchanges put so much into a single wallet? I’m not questioning that it’s an exchange wallet, I’m questioning why anyone would put so many coins into a single wallet. It’s a single point of failure for them just as much as it is for individual users holding large amounts. yeah. he was right. we moved on and he guarded thousands of jobs at his factories. praise daddy Elon. Did you even listen to him talking about the whole Covid situation on The Joe Rogan Experience? [deleted] https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/utmost-vs-upmost-difference So you're never selling? What a waste of 10 bucks. Took my bag 🤷 Elon does not care if small investors make profit 😂 yall think hes some benevolent god. Hes not. Okay, just don't go complaining online when you're left holding doge that is worth 1/10th what you bought it for. you dont have to believe in that, it's simply common sense If I had near infinite money I could definitely see myself doing something like this. I’m a bit weird, but so is Elon. Converting to another crypto is still ""selling"" and will reflect on the blockchain as massive amounts of coins switching hands. This will still cause a crash. Slowly selling doge is a retarded move because it will fall back to fractions of pennies within the year. Just that the last digit in the amt was the batch number .... 1, 2, 3, and 4 [deleted] Can you elaborate on what constitutes him as a piece of shit? I know he obviously called the diver a Pedo, but curious what other things [deleted] Nestle. [deleted] I personally dont waste time researching memes because lord Elon said it was cool. Corporate FOMO is going to cause a spike in suicides this years. Also, I dont really care who owns the wallet because I know they want to make a profit on it. If you're one of these dogecoin believers then more power too you. All you have to do is open the chart and look left to see what the future holds. You and a lot of other ""believers"" are in for a bad time in the next few weeks when the massive dump catches you by suprise. ;) Thanks! if said seller's net worth was north of 180 billion, would they even care? I told my spouse this last week when checking my latest crypto news, ""Elon keeps messing with the crypto market! It's driving me insane!!"". He knows crypto but not how it works but he is a financial advisor and he said, ""So a billionaire makes comments about the market and it influences it? That happens with every market, not just crypto. Get used to it"". 😂 Thats old old news...its prehistory in crypto terms...its now 2021 and also...thats only in the US, remember, crypto is global. Exactly Good question. I wish I knew the answer. The dev does say he's warned them before not to do that as it's a security risk. Elon could’ve retired in his 20’s & lived on an island surrounded with super models. But no, he decided to invest everything he had into companies with the vision of fixing/aiding mankind with big problems which we will have to deal with in the near future. Telsa, Neuralink, The Boring Company, Space X. Do some research champ, the man really fuckn cares about more than money & seshing with his mates in space. Lol cheers bro 👊 Doge is a meme coin, 100$ is nothing compared to where it will go. Bruh I’m not even buying any Doge, but seeing the speculation going on is pretty fun Billionaires helping the little guy? LMFAO, they wouldn't be billionaires if they were real philanthropists. Do you know how many regular peoe have already lost a bunch of money on doge? Elon is irresponsible. So what’s the solution? Dudes stash is actually not worth nearly as much? Lol By the way that address is sending more binary to the same address today Did I target you specifically? I said people simping over billionaires is disgusting. If you get offended by that, then that literally means you yourself think you’re a fucking Elon Musk simp. I’m in awe of that lack of logical thinking that goes into coming to the conclusion: this person made me aware I’m a billionaire simp, therefore I should personally attack his intellect. Are you even allowed to choose your own clothes in the morning? Mitch McConnell. Tax. Records. You simp. Wait... Why do you think I am believer in Dogecoin? You are just Mr. Assumption huh? Bro it's simply a post acknowledging a doge coin wallet that holds big bucks and has funny looking tranactions in binary... You are obviously drawn to Doge coin if your clicking it and commenting away. lol so chill. Sounds like your the only believer. And it's not a meme. It's a screenshot. I mean $2 billion in liquid assets is much more detrimental than you think. Its not like he has $180 billion lying around that he can play with or use, its mainly tied up in his business. Assuming this seller is Elon, no. Assuming it is any other billionaire, yes. Not sure why people don't get it yet. They have all the money because they want all the money and they will continue to do everything in their power to get more. Yes, but crypto's volatility makes it the perfect candidate for that to have HUGE ingluence on it, contrary to the stock market, where unless the millionaire in question is the CEO or owner of the company, it won't really affect the market as a whole, if at all. [deleted] Lol Roflmao $100 Wait, do you actually think it will be $100 each or you just trolling? Elon has been irresponsible in many ways. If you haven't noticed, he's a bit nutts. He has made more money, just this past year alone, to outlast his whole lineage of family. (Past, present and future) No respectable philanthropist, money manager or business person would put that kinda money into this Sh1tcoin... And if you take a look at the wallet, there's binary messages in there. I will have them decided today at some point. This person is also obsessed with the numbers 420 and 69. Judging by the fact that Elon ripped a doobie with Joe Rogan on his podcast and Elon is known for his threesomes, I'm pointing to Mr Musk as well... Now, I haven't gone down the rabbit hole over the wallet, I simply looked at the first 50 transactions. So not like I have a real profile set of who or what's going on. But by quick glance, either it's Musk or someone very clever. The only real solution is to not be holding 2 billion dollars of doge at a time. I was thinking this too but he would be dumb as fuck to sell them in large quantity when he doesn’t have to u know? The solution? Dump them all before the spammers & shills stop pumping it. Diarrhea Whatever you say homie. The only people who still care about dogecoin are bag holders, nooby dreamers, and Elon's bank account. Which one are you?? P.s. dogecoin is a meme.... Very good insight. This is very true. Good point. Like I said, he knows about it he just doesn't really know how it works. I know how it works in theory and in my head but regurgitating it to another person makes me sound like I'm speaking Greek. The biggest electric car manufacture in the world for a start? Becoming a multi-planetary species? Not to mention he just launched a 100M prize campaign to remove fossil fuels! 😂 He have a new to crypto tag so, yes. I think he’s been reading too many of the 5-day old accounts’ ~~posts~~ spam on r/dogecoin None of the above.I am just the person on reddit who posted a ""meme"" that got you terribly frustrated. It's okay.... you can go relax now. Intersting how you know sooooo much about Doge? You even know exaclty who still cares about it!! Are you a magic 8 ball!?!! ​ EDIT: And just so you have your facts straight... Dogecoin and Dogememe are two entirely different things. What I have taken a screenshot of is a DogeCOIN wallet. Not a meme. Dogecoin THE CRYPTOCURRENCY was named after the DOGE meme.. [deleted] Terribly frustrated??? 😂😂😂 I have zero dollars invested. Also, how could anyone not know something about dogecoin?? Dogecoin moonshot posts are plastered all over social media. I'm just trying to warn people that some times dreams dont come true because your hero's are using you to make their dreams come true. Lol Is Elon your hero? Or somebody you? Once again, this is simply a screenshot of a dogecoin wallet with binary code in the transactions. It's just something interesting to figure out. That is if you know how to decipher binary. No talk about dreams coming true or me buying Dogecoin or anything of the sort. It's a SCREENSHOT dude. This exact reddit post got national attention on Decrypt and The New York times. It's just an interesting find. But there has been so many people like you whose replies are about Elon fan boys and dreams? Like what are you talking about??? lmao [deleted] You're kind of daft aren't you?....... This is getting boring now.... [deleted] That's why you should move on and go find another subreddit to talk about how much you despise Elon, yeah? [deleted] How about you go fuck yourself?? You engaged me, I dont remember asking for your opinion. Aweee!!! I knew you were terribly frustrated. No, you didn't ask for my opinion. But you started making assumptions about me. And you asked me questions. You got answers. And now you got upset. Move along.. I really dont understand why you care what I think if you dont care about dogecoin or elon musk. I really really think you like them based on your reaction to my nay saying but thats just personal opinion. Also, being a sarcastic asshole isn't going to make me just..... Go away...... LOL. Karl I don't care if you go away or not. You can choose to hang around if you'd like! You just seemed upset so I figure it's best for you to find a new subreddit at the moment. Based on my reaction? You are the one dropping F-bombs on Reddit. So I would lean towards the fact that maybe you are tied up in this a bit.. Are you mad that Elon pumped Doge? Are you mad that a lot of people made a lot of money on doge? Like I just don't get your frustration, lol! You're on here telling us all about the 3 types of dogecoin holders like you got all the answers lol. Dropping warnings!! Thank you for your research and for your warnings Karl! I promise your post won't make anyone sell or hold. Its not my money. I dont care what people do. Also, I told you to go fuck yourself.... Like whoopy get over it. And yea I kind of do see it coming. Shitcoins attract gulable no-one and theres nothing wrong with something that isn't rainbows and hopium. Sorry you're mad about that... Yes you told me to go F\* myself. Nothing to get over. Sounds like you have something to get over, your obviously heated!! And ""Whoopy?"" I just realized I am talking with a highschooler. So for your next frustrated reply, I am just going to sit that one out!! ✌️ Are you scared to say fuck or something on reddit because your profile will get a ban?? Im not so petty as to report you for that. When someone starts telling someone to go F themselves... it means they just got their buttons pressed. AKA your pissed. I hit a soft spot. And it's okay Karl.. I can take your F bombs all day. You use words like ""noobie"" LMAOOOOOO. Possible middle school not even high school ??? When I tell someone to go F themselves, it's to their face. Not behind the keyboard. Have a good day Karl. Oh so you can tell me to fuck off in a round about way but you get offended when i say it?? 😭😭😭😭 you sound like one of those little PC soy bois now 😂😂😂 When did I tell you to F\* off in a round about what? See when people are mad, upset and frustrated - they jump to conclusions and make assumptions. Literally what you have been doing from your first post. What makes you think I am offended? I literally just told you, feel free to drop all your F-bombs on me. I assure you little Karl... I can take it. Haha Pc soy bois? Wth is that? Its just a word, you dont need to put on all of your armor for it. I was only directing it at you in one instance. Also, i don't really understand the need to censor yourself when saying it. I am talking with a middle schooler, of course, I need my armor!!! edit: you don't have to understand my need to censor it when saying it. And yes, it's apparent you don't understand a lot of things. Damn pretty soon we are going to be back in kindergarten 😂😂😂😂 The multiple cry baby emojis certainly make it seem that way. Those a lmao emoji's. This is a crying emoji 😭😭😭 Same difference. Anyone who drops multiple emojis in a row is someone who spends way to much time on the keys. Oh yeah and any girl I have ever dated. I think anyone who spends this much time indulging the guy who has been trolling for a while now spends too much time on the keys. Lol by this much time... you mean the 20 seconds it takes for me to type my response? So I don't know maybe 5 minutes in total. You use words like trolling and noobie. Multiple emojis.. Tells me everything I need to know about you. I actually work from home, making money while responding to your frustrated post. So, Gee.... Thanks Karl! #blocked Thats mature. Like you're the only one here. You're like super late. This post is old. outdated. You come in with your opinions and your assumptions about me the OP. No one cares about you. 21d reddit profile. what happened to your last one? lol LET ME GUESS. You were being you... and now you can no longer access that account. LMAO!! Obviously you did because you scrolled that far down the comments to tell me I'm wrong. Actually I've never used reddit before this profile. I'm a ""NOOBIE"".... Lol What are you talking about? I don't have to scroll. You reply, I click the popup and it takes me directly to your comment. You really got a lot to learn. I can tell. This post about a doge coin wallet got you all bent out of shape. I am going to let you go now. There is so much for you to learn.. don't waste your time talking with me bud. Omg..... I can't even find my comment in the post its so far down. That's because you don't know how to use reddit and you are scrolling to find comments when all you have to do is take a shortcut. Probably way too much for you to comprehend though. Good luck learning how to use reddit. ???? How do you think I'm replying to your comments if I can't even find my original simply by scrolling down the thread?? Im saying that you had to look through a lot of comments until you found mine." "Hello darkness, my old friend",2787,https://i.redd.it/cknnlxbz9xt61.png,"I am financially back to where I was 2 weeks ago Everything 20% off. All that RED.... so much opportunity!!! Buy the dip!! Doge looks like it has no clue wtf is happening and is just living it’s best mediocre life right now. I don’t own any, but I love to see it. guys! what should i buy right now? i have free 500$ Tether is stable as fuck Bought the dip here. Let's see how it shakes out Guess they doged a bullet Anyone know why this is happening? Obviously, people are dumping other coins to buy $DOGE... great marketing for Doge Whales. *"" as you can see, Dogecoin is resilient and better store of value than BTC, come and join us""* Woof-woof! I woke up an hour ago glanced at phone and packed a fat bowl of moon rock and played ""Disco inferno while crying in the shower"" Good times....Hold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is doge really a shitcoin xD Vechain unlike other cryptos ALL I SEE IS GREEN 🚀🚀🚀🤣😂😭 Holding Tron and XRP...we must have been in the same discord chat in 2017 Doge army on duty - keeping doge as stable as a stablecoin even in such a dip. and there will be light at the end of the tunnel 🌈 Damn. Wish I had the extra money to buy into this dip. $Nano is up too ! Anyone mind tellin which app ? Safemoon and HungryBear still in the green as well. Must be a “shitcoin” thing. Bought even more ADA 😎 My GF tried talking me into buying doge, she got a 30 minutes lecture on economics and the Africa project. Darkness?!?! I’ve been here since BTC $3000. ETH $156. I’m still up 1450%. It’s not even a bit cloudy. Look at all those discounts! Every dip I ask myself if the course is still higher than when I bought. It always is. Holding always wins. I've come to meet with you again Nano is still looking good Nano holders kalm AF... Finally somebody else who shows Bittorrent! What app is that? Is this an app you use to display altogether? You get upset when it’s on sale? 🤔🤣 All I see is everything is on sale! Buy buy buy Buy buy buy! Is all I see 🎶looks like doge is up again🎶 Lord Doge leading us away from darkness Dogecoin is shame Doge new store of value DOGE TO THE MOON 🚀🚀🚀 What goes up, must come down. I bought doge at nickel, because I knew it would hit 10c due to the hype; it hit 40c and I dumped it with a huge smile on my face, and a lot more money to dump into BCH. BCH has now stabilized prior to the next jump, and I think this is a great time to buy in. Hey everyone! I have $200 to spend in crypto. Where should I put it to? Bitcoin? Doge? Bitcoin Cash? ETH? Litecoin? Doge giga pump incoming!!!!!! Ohhh doge e doge [deleted] Great buying opportunity! Hahaha good one Wanted to save some cash for potential dips, but ofc i blew it on ath BCH. Life is good. GOODMORNINNNNGG Abnormal is the new normal. Good I want to buy back in Thats a fucked up picture right there Can't wait for all the ""First time?"" GIFs Damn i shouldn't have looked. Woof, Buzz. Hugs n love ✌️ Firesale! Opportunity to reinvest profits taken last weekend. So happy I get to pump my ADA bags more market was overdue for a correction after a booming bull rally. This is not darkness! This is pure shiny energetic light! A healthy system has ups and downs, if it's always up is insane, if it's always down is depressed... and also boring! Good luck All graphs are basically the same, then there’s doge sniffing glue in the corner wondering wtf is going on Bought the dip! So cursed. Awesome, was waiting for a dip to buy back in Cough.. VET... cough cough... Just a normal weekend dip. The only difference is this time more people are watching and freaking out. The fact that only doge it’s green it’s poetic ... sorry I’m crying 😭 🤡🤡 Luckily enough I only lost like $300 But I was up like $500 Woohoo! Now is the time to buy! I read this in doge voice Look at the weekly chart! Discounts. Discounts everywhere I sold 80% of my alt coins just before the drop and reinvested all on ADA on a 30% discount. Now lets hope I made a good decision. I''m only in 2000€ so not the the big money's. But only invest what you can afford to loose 🙃 Epic post. Damm. It's so sad that your only green graph is dogecoin Everyone is suddenly rethinking doge and adding it in for diversification. Hello darkness my old friend if you got liquidated. You can always trust the doges. Even on the darkest days they will bring you light. #safemoon You should be following AMP lol doge over there Can't wait for the 50% off sale at the end of this year Meanwhile nano on 120%+ 🌝 Doge rocks BUY THE DIP BUY THE DIP BUY THE DIP BUY THE DIP BUY THE DIP BUY THE DIP It’s not a darkness it’s a sale event! Anyone who’s treating it differently deserves no wealth, shall have none either. Darkness: I have a boyfriend And there is that puppy grinning in the corner! If this doesn't explain our world right now I don't know what does anymore lol Wheels on a shopping cart be like You would think that Elon Musk had a lot of wisdom when tweeting about Dogecoin... or just the opposite... Dogecoin didn't do so bad thanks to Elon :D Red today green tomorrow...or at least 2yrs from now I love it 😎 Healthy and then start again 🚀💎 Germany is Hodlin! Only dog is green :D Fucking doge coin HODL and buy the dip Is that a certain piece of software to obtain those graphs in that way? Or have you compiled them like that? Buy buy buy buy!!! Good time to get my investment+ back on doge and put in BTC, ETH well they dip and SIA... still holding doge (500k) baby let’s see where it goes. Mined and bought these doge years ago. SPREAD OUT IN BTC, REN, AKRE. So I cry alot All I see is a fire sale You meant: “HELLO ALL TIME HIGHS FROM LAST MONTH, MY OLD FRIEND” This may be the case, but almost every coin I bought since 2018 has gone up unbelievably. The only one that didn’t, and the one I had the most money in, appears to be a scam. If I had invested in the alternative to the one I had (I was torn between the two) I’d have close to a million dollars from just that coin. tl; dr - we aren’t even close to mainstream adoption yet, and if you hold you’ll probably make money I was more surprised on the ETC runup, but DOGE got all the headlines. Buy buy buy ...I've come to $DOGE with you again Fire sale!! Buy buy buy buy buy! crybaby Fuck i need to find my old reddit profile from years ago probably had change go to dollars. Where’s the 🤡 that tried calling me out earlier u/yaboyrella I hope more blackouts happen so we can have a 50% discount next Found the tards Stop checking. If you believe in the coin then don’t worry about it. There will always be profit taking. I’ve made most of my profits on these dips if you are so inclined. You forgot ANKR This is your average Friday massacre from a few years back. Shut up and buy Tuesday. You're welcome. Redness* Does that make Doge the beacon in the night? The lighthouse in the storm? ;) Look at that green meme Well, at least now we know where to invest when bitcoin is having a plunge Is anyone else buying the SafeMoon while its cheap? I spent half the night figuring out how to buy it. I went through the BitMart app but I had to transfer BTC to my BitMart account then convert it to USDT and then buy the SafeMoon. There are other platforms that are getting set-up for it but I didnt want to wait. Neo went up though. It’s a glory of a weekend for me What? What is going on? All i see it's NORMAL CRYPTO MARKET LIKE EVERY FUCKING DAY It's funny how only doge is going up *How the turn tables* Why is dogs coin going up?? [removed] Doge is crypto cancer. Nano is up from last week BUT 22 DAYS LATER!!!!!! LETS GOOOO Hilarious BUY DA DIPPP Why are the charts all the same besides doge? Thank the lord I stocked up on Lucid it is literally the only asset I have that is up right now . I am scared to even open Coinbase right now , I am going to let it recover before I look.🤣 Today hurts my soul Bitcoin is also a time machine. I’m still on the green this month, but my portfolio shrunked a bit :’(. So I went and bought some more BTC and BNB, gotta enjoy the sales This is the proper response Love these occasional -XX% and the such. Feels like little gifts of love and caring from the divine market to us mortals. Also I'm so fucking glad I got caught to the right side of it. What I found is it happened because of this: Electrical supply blackout in China caused mining hash rate go very low, then whales obviously sold huge to liquidate the the poor and greedy longer and leveragers to let the price go down and then buy the dip again.. https://bitcoinmagazine.com/business/bitcoin-mining-hash-rate-drops-as-blackouts-instituted-in-china Soon as I saw the dip last night I panic bought 30k worth of crypto I know right, its like the managers special section of the suoermarket. I loaded some coins this morning Not $NANO. Which can add $BTC hedge to fee-less and green to it’s resume I hear they are doing a buy 1 get 1 discount soon! FLASH SALE! Facts Buy Buy Buy *”Doge looks like it has no clue”*... Can confirm. No clue. It had a pretty big dip, and that community rallies around a dip like no other. The perfect time to dump Doge bags for ETH. This will be interesting indeed. I’m holding my 10,000 doge till it’s $10 or $0.01 DOGE like The Big Lebowski of crypto Yeah I feel like it's an entirely (or at least significantly) different investor profile. They're on RH just humming along oblivious to what the rest of the crypto-sphere is up to... maybe... I have a feeling some of this dip is going into doge.. because of their recent success and hype. Unfortunately it is unsustainable as an extreme inflationary asset. It will dump hard and go back into btc lol Just buy some already!!!🤷‍♀️you know you need too! I did..because you just never know..but like a little blood thirsty monster that it is..don't turn your back for a minute.... Its the wannabe crypto traders & simps of Elon Musk, nah, stop shilling for a coin without no utility VET 50/50 btc eth $SHIT Spread out in BTC, DOT, LINK and ADA Link $GME xvg Hbar 💎 Without a doubt, Telcoin SafeMoon Doge BTT‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ Iota $AMC $GME XLM ADA Celer network BTC, ETH, CAKE, BUNNY(I'm a little bias.. check username), BNB, SXP, INJ, ADA, DOT... to name a few AMP $SNX Ada $eth ONE and stake the 12% Nano I mean would it even count as an investment? Tether literally went up 0.5% Not really, he shoot up to $1.05 when btc crash happened, clear signal of huge liquidation going on 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🍻‼️ Most likely panic selling noobs because of sudden hashrate drop in BTC, beacuse of a big Blackout in china, nothing severe, will be gone in a few days 1️⃣ There was a massive drop in Bitcoin hashrate. This was attributed to blackouts that have been instituted in China. As we know, Chinese miners control the overwhelming amount of Bitcoin hashrate (a concern I have raised in the past). Of course, a collapse in hashpower not only creates FUD about network security but it also means that transactions slow to a crawl 2️⃣ Rumours (or FUD) that the US Treasury would be charging financial institutions for using cryptocurrencies for money laundering. So far, these are unconfirmed and I can't see any official sources. Either way, it spooked some weak hands who then may have dumped. 3️⃣ Massively overleveraged longs. Highly leveraged positions can lead to a cascading impact of further liquidations. That is because when an exchange liquidates a losing position, they have to sell the underlying cryptocurrencies and convert into USDT. This selling pressure itself leads to further falls in the price and hence liquidations. (per Guy at Coinbureau) Margin calls, domino effect, being sold in tether, will rebound in a day or two, save this post or Mark my words This cause is most likely due to leveraged traders being margin called when the price dropped. This then cascaded into other leveraged traders and created a positive feedback loop. The lesson here is don’t trade crypto with leverage. Buy $5000 worth? Got it! Ironically DOGE is built to be more stable. yes Nope. Every time it triples or quadruples since before .01 there’s 1800 posts “GUYS you’re going to be bagholders, my coin is up 10% but your 400% shitcoin is going to be a total rugpull, don’t say I didn’t warn you” meanwhile the highest returns continue to be in doge for months now. There’s multiple use cases already, mainstream popularity and celebrity adoption, but oooh there’s no cap (reminds me of another popular currency) so it must be worthless. But what do I know, I’m just an idiot for buying one of the best investment vehicle on the market atm (aside from gme) meanwhile my carefully researched and diversified account is only up 15% now after that drop. Good thing I don’t listen to y’all Why because you didn't get in early and you say so?....uh ok good one Doge is the only viable currency. All the others are just hodl coins. It's spelled shibecoin xD No. People are just shills for coins that are built to function like BTC (DOGE isn't) Username checks out Fill your pockets with that shit then. See how it ends. At least one of you is buying doge right? I read the wiki about the Africa project. Still don't understand what that has to do with DOGE. Confused... Any opinion you get here will either be bias, or complete nonsense from people looking to validate their own choices, or perhaps even manipulate the market. [no offense to anyone here, it's just how it is]. You have to read into things, and try to understand which coins are offering something unique, have competent and active development, and which are likely to be around 1, 5, or 10 years from now -- and try and make an educated guess if they are undervalued right now. However, two promising coins in my opinion are both [NANO](/r/nanocurrency) and [Monero](/r/Monero). DOGE can take your the money the furthest rn since its growth potential is greater and you can buy more units because the price is low. BTC eventually hits $100k you have $400 DOGE hits a bit higher than JUST a dollar hell $3 dollars you have $800 - $2000 Basically saying DOGE will have an easier time doubling your money. But you could probably lose half your value easier in DOGE than BTC Risk = reward Disclaimer: I own all the coins so I don't care which one is pumping, this is just honesty. Out of your suggestions, ETH AND LITE are your next best bets. IT DOES SUCK!!! Too busy counting my vet profits, do I need to screenshot that or? You must be new here if you’re getting this excited The candle in the wind I did the kucoin route and got thru the fastest. Its some work but i made it to the promised land Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* I heard Bitcoin will travel back about 1 year in time this coming summer. !remindme August 2021 More Trx and Vet for me please. Miners can also use futures to hedge. They can dump and still make money and keep their position This is de way me brudder. Buy when everyone else is selling. Doge is running this market. Doge drives the world. Doge doesn’t stop! I was able to sell my joke stack of DOGE at $0.40 and then stacked on Nano at $5.33 before that one took off. Pretty sure this is the only successful crypto ""trade"" I've ever made If you ever need to show the irrationality of the market to someone, this chart is it. Doge, a completely useless coin is trending up when everyone should be dumping their positions to buy up alts. Meanwhile everyone else is dumping ETH to buy more DOGE. At $10 it’d have the market cap of BTC. That's just like your opinion man. It'll take DOGE +20 years to double, it's not doing anything dangerous. Its inflation rate keeps moving closer to 0% while BTC grows in orders of magnitude. This is absolutely sustainable. It's set up to function as currency not like the speculative assets of crypto currently. I stopped buying BTC because it's returns have gotten weak. When BTC FINALLY hits $100k I'll only have doubled my money.. Or dot and stake it Why would you 50:50 on two of the closest correlating crypto currencies there is? Eeeyyy! Telcoin represent! U really think it will reach 1$? This guy Reddit’s Indirectly yes.. You deposit your USDT to Celsius and earn 12% (or 10.5%) APY as passive income.. Pretty sure it went up 5% At one point it was up 2% On Binance.US it shot up to $1.50 That’s what I figured that’s why today was a good day for me to actually get into crypto but I just saw everything green yesterday and now red today and just wasn’t sure if this happens everyone in awhile or not Could be also because turkey will ban cryptos at the end of the month (+ india soon) Not just noobs, the writing has been on the wall for quite a while. The bull season is about to end. And many like me decided to cash out, rather than chase last profits and risk ending with the bag. That is part of the problem, just a small part it is due mainly to margin calls in a domino effect once they begin, newbies buying Crypto with way too much margin now we’re unable to keep it You’re confusing short term investment with shitcoin. Definitely a shitcoin, possibly a good short term investment if you’re not too greedy and know when to sell Another popular currency? Are you really comparing doge to USD lol. Do you not see the difference in the small fact that all governments around the world have adopted FIAT, when will they adopt doge? How could you even compare doge to fiat lmao. It's the easier to spot rug pull ever and sure if you got in at the start you won't be a bag holder, corrections are healthy and doge didn't even correct when the rest of the market did, do you not question why? https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-02-17/cryptocurrency-sleuths-point-to-robinhood-as-dogecoin-whale robinhood has already restricted selling and they will fuck investors in the ass, just wait for it. Me too. Yes 100%. BTC has become a speculative asset. Some of these other crypto have awesome tech, but DOGE is the one set up to be currency. My point was that when my gf tried to convince me to buy doge, I explained her why I won't and why I stick with projects like Cardano. thank you! I bought 2,200 shares of DOGE at $0.05. I have one share of Litecoin. I have 555 shares of Cardano. And only $48 worth of BTC. So far as a college student I think that’s fairly good I have vet to bro got in 5k coin at .06 cents. Chill. I’ve got over 5k in 10 different coins. Doge quadrupled my portfolio in 4 days. Ain’t tripping. Just calling you out cause you deserved to be called out for your 💩💩 comment but I digress. I hope we all get rich and I ain’t mad at ya but I had to give you the 🤡 award for your comment. Also not on crypto sub Reddit much I stick to my actual coins sub Reddit’s. Cardano. One. Celr. Vet. Doge. Decentraland or mana. fet. Enj. Ogn and just got rid of xlm to buy more doge. All love 🤙🏻 lmao !RemindMe August 2021 Who said that? I'd love to know why or how. Mmmmhhhmmmmmmmm, soooo well you lost and you suck…… remind me bots who have been reminded! Let this person know how much they suck at prediction!!!! !RemindMe September 2021 please take all the trx VET and ADA!!! LOAD UPPPP!!! Why VET? Can Americans do futures? Pretty soon guys will put pictures on tinder with Doge instead of their doggy You timed the market, you one time genius for life.. KUDOS!! 👏👏 You achieved the impossible my good friend FUCKING LEGEND! DOGE is a good for currency, BTC and the alts aren't so much. Their utility is elsewhere. Yeah but by then btc might have the market cap of gold Wow, I thought the limit was $5 but I guess DOGE could hit $10. Disclaimer: I'm not checking your math. $10 equals btc mkt cap? Correction! Doge to $100.00 Money is subjective. I don't sell btc in hopes of usd gains. At some point I've stopped looking at my btc as a usd value, and just look at it as a savings account. When I need cash, I sell a little. In the future we won't need to convert btc to usd to buy things. While fiat continually prints into oblivion, btc will steadily climb in usd value, given the block reward halving, and that isn't changing. Stock to flow model is outrageously accurate. Expecting a bear market next year so yes I'll sell a little to try and time it, but we all know how timing the market goes ;) in any case after the next halving the btc rise will echo every previous rise post halve. Can't help but wana maximize my btc holdings to ride my 2nd halving and see where that bull run goes. Are you just staking Dot or pairs? Well u/poopsinpuddles I invest in crypto and believe in it's future, not looking at it as a get rich quick scheme. But if that's the flavor of info ppl are looking for, dot, link and solana are going places. Also every time btc drops 10 percent, alts drop 15-30 percent, then when btc and eth recover back 10 percent, alts are sideways. This is the second time in 2 days I've heard about Telcoin, just bought 20,000 of them. I mean... It's got a beat to it now with the pump and drops and people love cute shit. Even though it has no cap and requires a constant rate of people buying to not deflate it looks like it's meme power is at least capable of $1. Yes, eventually but no clue when, but iv made a lot of money since starting and the community behind it are rad. Absolutely. That's been clear for at least a few months now. The risk/reward passive income available in crypto these days blows traditional passive income stocks out of the water. Normally 5% on an income dividend stock is considered extremely good, but the pure income stocks pretty much stay flat or drop in value , the growth + dividend stocks only give about a 2-3% dividend payout (think stocks like PG, Coke, etc) Now you can either go with eth/btc for higher passive income interest as well as growth, or stablecoins for 2x the rate with a guaranteed protection of the underlying capital. Problem is in order for this stuff to really compound and make you big money you need to already have decent enough wealth in the first place. Everyone's focus should be on learning skills and investing in themselves to get themselves the highest paying job possible to accelerate the starting point, since you won't get rich just waiting on that $1k to grow but you will get rich exponentially faster the sooner you increase your starting amount One million percent Wooo omg 10 % is nothing.. literally, nothing, you could go eat breakfast and have 5% Volatility in 2 hours... dips are around 25-35% above 50% would be considered a Crash, 80-90% end of the bullrun... so no... this is nothing but a hiccup Disagree on end of bullmarket , but yeah most likely this is partially true ,its not a bad time to make some profits I feel this is very unlikely. Let's see in 3 days. I'm guessing 2200 You are incorrect when it comes to the end of bull market, margin calls were exercised last night causing a domino effect which is why tether is up! This will correct itself in a day or two maybe even just today! Everyone should be loading up right now Replace the word 'investment' with 'gamble'. Everyone wants to time the market correctly but few will succeed. You’re right, USD was a poor comparison, I don’t think doge will ever become a primary currency, but it’s certainly one of the best speculative investments. Doge corrects after every pump much like other coins, if you’re buying at the top your risking a lot with any financial instrument, I got back in at .05 so I’m in a good position. I just think people’s arguments against doge have been the same every time it pumps, without fail, and yet it continues to multiply, which invalidates the rug pull argument DOGE is the best fit with current currencies. But It still makes the single greatest improvement to those financial systems by being a decentralized crypto. Yeah. I got that feeling, was just curious if the Africa project was some kind of scandal. Or even a brilliant marketing scheme. Or a very cute and funny project with no lasting value. Just curious... :-) Sweeet. College student here too. ETH is good tech you might want to get in. check the ratio on that comment bruh you deserve to get clowned on, but hey that’s good son. you finally making something out yourself, just don’t @ me every time the price rise and you get wet between the legs I will be messaging you in 4 months on [**2021-08-18 00:00:00 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2021-08-18%2000:00:00%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMarkets/comments/mtbkvk/hello_darkness_my_old_friend/guz91ne/?context=3) [**51 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FCryptoMarkets%2Fcomments%2Fmtbkvk%2Fhello_darkness_my_old_friend%2Fguz91ne%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202021-08-18%2000%3A00%3A00%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20mtbkvk) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-| We here Okay, before i get myself into trouble i'd like to make it clear its all speculation. Projection is based on past major corrections of Bitcoin extrapolated to near future - which points to sometime in end of September or Oct. - Which roughly marks the end of the crypto Bull Run and entering the Bear market. But there's many factors affecting above vs previous major corrections. Which are the current pandemic never ending stimulus, economic conditions, inflation etc. One very possible factor is also with the vaccination drive and opening up of the economy. Which means opening up of more businesses and people will need the money to do that. Where will they get the money from? Bank loans and investments... stocks are gonna drop, crypto market's gonna drop for sure - by how much? time will tell. If i have to guess, it may not be as much as previous crypto crashes as now we a lot more retail and, most especially institutional investors coming in. But still... Regardless, it's just best to be prepared. Control your investments, save more, and have some extra ready when the bear market finally enters as discount stocks and cryptos will be everywhere. ;) Happy trading! I don't know why this was downvoted. It seems like a legitimate question that I'd like to see discussion on. While I don't have an answer for you, I hope you get your info! Yes Gotta get lucky every once in a while 😉 Then 2 days later DOGE doubles. Doge is a meme coin and will always be a meme coin. Make your money if you can and have the extra, just be smart and have proper precautions in place to sell quickly if the retail investors get spooked. I think doge will go up. For sure. Until it doesn’t. ...and that crash will be leaving a lot of bags much quicker than some other altcoin crashes. I get that too. Currently I am equating BTC value to USD, as opposed to a raw BTC value. But, at the same time I'm just trying to profit and acquire more financial freedom. Buying and selling is often playing with fire, right? I just try not to over expose my available funds all at once. Ride the waves, stay liquid so that we can take advantage of buying opportunities. If I'm not ready to walk away from a certain investment, I always pay for the sell. Juat staking. Looked into running a validator, but it's a lot of work. Staking is great, consistent returns, just gotta double check the ones you nominate to be active and not over-subscribed or slashed. Usually the ones with an Identity are consistent Bitcoin is an outdated poorly designed buzzword. Ethereum grows at the same rate. If anyone is getting involved in crypto today then Bitcoin is not the way. Ethereum is, ripple is. The sooner Bitcoin is removed from crypto future the better but at least it will shuttle adoption because it’s such a hot topic word. Congrats and welcome! Telcoin has a solid business model and they're still relatively early in their timeline. From their milestone, they're just about to ramp up more of their global partnerships as well as marketing and advertisements. There's no hype around them so their growth is organic but i wish there's just a bit of a hype though. That being said, personally my investment for Telcoin is on the mid-long term plan. I'll see where this goes at least 1-2 years to 3 years max. And I bet u've started this cause of Musk, yea, sheep? [deleted] Agreed! I consider myself as a decent starter.. Compound interest, the 8th wonder of the worlddddd Hotbit.io will net you 28% on tether Nah just 10% Lol and they're about to set up the suicide hotline over at r/Cryptocurrency again. 😆 👏🏻💯FACTS Almost everything is over 10x from the low points. Value does not go up endlessly. I will now wait until capitulation is pretty obvious and there is no hope and will scoop in again. Worked quite nicely this round, made some mistakes but still ended up around 7x profits :) It is Just sunday. And then comes next rustling of the leaves, and flock panics again, and then comes the next, etc. Until the value does not recover to original level anymore. Everyone is well in the profit, so caution is winning over greed. Until the next panic comes, market is at the top, panics like this are an indication of people timing their exits and getting jumpy. I think you're underestimating how far the rug can be pulled when the media FUD starts and robinhood begins to dump. You're in at .05 so you your safe as fuck. ""It keeps pumping"" is not a counter argument to it not being a pump and dump. Why does robinhood own doge and why are they restricting selling already? What fundamentals does doge have to sustain this levels of growth? What were the catalysts for doge so far? I'm genuinely curious because I really can't see this being sustainable. Jesus, I'm not even happy to be right but that was a very quick rug pull. Downvotes mean nothing to me I see what gets upvoted here. How’s your vet doing lol I forgot why I’m here… [deleted] Hey man thanks, It was a legitimate question. Unfortunately if someone questions a shilled crypto, they always get downvoted by the shills. Would love to know more about VET. Which exchange can you do it without a VPN? I'm new, but from what I gather...exchanges like Binance don't let this because of our laws. The highest I saw was 0.42. That's like saying BTC is for illegal transactions and will always be for illegal transactions. We all have our origin stories. If it drops or crashes, I'll just buy more. I've been been buying DOGE since it was under half a cent, just grabbed 1000 more last night. If I sell again it'll hit a dollar tomorrow. Yea that's fair, the times I've traded I can't say I was really good or anything, but if you got a good system going then that's great. I just see btc as the biggest gravity in the crypto sphere and only trade in smaller coins. Btc I only buy the dips While ripple is struggling to reach its original ath from 2017, btc keeps breaking ath every month or so for the last 8 months. When btc has a bear cycle next year, you can bet nearly all other projects will have a bear cycle too. You do you buddy. Lol no? Unexpected douche response I just go the easy route, interest account on BlockFi gives 6% on btc, 5.25% eth, 6.5% ltc. But if you have a dedicated computer available staking eth in a pool or if you have 32eth on your own, you can make 7.9% through that method. I don't have a dedicated device I can keep online so I'm fine with interest accounts. Celsius offers slightly higher rates but I don't quite trust them as much as I do BlockFi just yet but they are reputable certainly not a scam. Apparently coinbase and other places will be offering staking soon, the downside is they're taking a cut of your profits so you should only use them if you don't have a device you can use, I plan on using them since the rate is a bit higher than the interest I'm getting. of course, you have third party risk through any of these methods, but it's the same risk as keeping your coin on an exchange. many hodlers would say put it in a hardware wallet , but we're hitting the point of mass adoption where it's getting easier to trust some of these passive income options. When you do the math, getting that monthly interest paid to you in coin is obscenely valuable I mean I added $10k to my annual income just by moving my coins from my hardware wallet to these options. And the beauty is since it's paid in coin you almost get retroactive interest, when bitcoin hits 100k for example my interest will have been like 15k I tend to avoid anyone that offers such a high rate, that doesn't seem like a legit business model how would they be able to sustain paying out such a high interest that implies they're loaning it out to people for more than that oh it's based in China, definitely avoiding that like the plague. Absolutely zero chance of any legal recourse if they fuck you. People need to understand the risks with Chinese companies, it's completely fair game for their government to just suddenly take their funds or lock out all users from any country and keep their money, and they're a sovereign nation good luck going to the US embassy and having them laugh in your face about doing anything about it. Same thing with investing in ""stocks"" there, you aren't buying shares in the actual company when you buy stuff like NIO, Alibaba, etc, you're buying share in the cayman islands shell company that can be closed off at any time. LMFAO When they post the suicide hotline, it's the BEST buy signal So when are you buying lmao And 5 days recovery is my estimate. Is your prediction crypto disappears? Or just go back to 2015 levels. Based on all data, again, Vegas is 100% on this being a dip. That was the panic, the US treasury department announced earlier that they are investigating several large companies for money laundering using crypto, that is what started all of this, along with margin calls 🍻 Lol i love how you came back to tell me doge is down when the entire market is pulling back as BTC drops to test 40k support. Funny that I’m still massively in the green in doge and half my ‘safe’ holdings I got at the last correction are red again. I think we were hoping for the moon by now... /u/ToTheMoonGuy We’re here to be reminded that the market has dipped again….:( Bitcoin was about $12k a year ago, so it did not in fact travel back a year in time. I also forgot why I’m here. What was past me thinking? Nonsense idiot. your resaponse is weird. I don't know why you have to say what you said. Aren't bonds, indices, etfs, and stocks the same? Don't middle income class invest their money in the hopes it will grow bigger someday for them to enjoy later in life (i.e 401k, retirement plans?) Sure there's a lot of retarded ape mind smooth brain comments here as a joke or maybe others putting all their money in but i'm sure its already a given people should be aware to only put in what they can afford to lose. I don't think anyone here's saying they've put all their money and racked their credit debt on some stupid crypto (okay maybe some). My father in law who's relatively comfortable financially to afford some luxuries in life still play in stocks and it was a huge help in building his hotel business. - if the market turned otherwise and crashed? it was his separate budget for investment anyway and he knows that will just turn back up given enough time for it to pick up. As much as there's sad stories how one person took their own life because of crypto i also see a lot of people who've made it big and finally paid off their debt, now better life, or is now having an early retirement (for both him and his kids). No reason not to put in 5-10% or less of your income on crypto if it allows it. Who know's that little 1000 dollar could get 3000X. I have about 1000 of them right now but that's really because I went on a buying spree of everything below $1 lol. I am also holding a few thousand more VTHO as well and the dividends have been nice so far. I'm definitely not an expert. But....... VET is a logistical coin, which has a partnership with a number of big companies like PWC, BMW, Maersk. The idea is to couple RFID codes on products to this chain, so you can follow the product from factory to its user. I'm fan for two reasons, 1.) it is not an investment coin, but ment to really be doing something useful and feasible. 2.) large companies are involved. My understanding is Bitcoin futures in the US are regulated by CBOE. You can use VPN to access Binance or FTX I believe. There are also decentralized outlets such as synthetix, DYDX. No, I mean after you sell, it has this habit of jumping. The I timed it perfect, becomes fuck, why'd I sell? I've been waiting for DOGE to revisit ath so I could get a beefy return when I sell my Robinhood DOGE. It hit .09 last week and I sold 20,490. I did the same thing when were first breaking a penny. Still holding 23,000 though. I bought ETH at $18 and sold at $110 because I was sure that was going to be it’s ATH. So don’t listen to me honestly. I definitely own some, a whooole 0.01. But man when I have other investments moving greater percentages in less time you know that's where I'll focus my money! BTC is definitely the galactic center. I'm really excited for tech and the future though. They've been saying crypto is going to change financial systems forever and I can't wait to see it! GL No, I've just seen lot of teens (influenced by Musk) throwing money into it believing, they will turn 200$ into 20k, sorry for misunderstanding Hard to say yet, once prices are really down and going sideways for longer time. Previous cycle I missed the exact low spot, but still got in around 2x of the absolute low in coins I tracked. This is a massive dip do to margin calls, save this post and you will see in a day or so That is the explanation for this panic, next weeks panic or one after that will have new explanation. On bull cycle news like that would be ignored. On bear cycle they trigger panic. Of course you're green you're safe. My point is that all the newbies who bought in at 40c got the rug pulled out from under them by the most obvious pump and dump. Sure they might see 40c again in months time but they were duped. (°.°) That was me selling half of the DOGE I had last week before it broke 10 cents Shrug. See ya Friday “Massive?” First time? The best part is we shall see in a week or two who is correct🍻 I see where you’re coming from, and I’m seriously no doge crusader, before it blew up it was 10% of my holdings. I don’t recommend to anyone to buy anything in this market unless there’s a correction happening. In fact I told my friends to wait for a pullback. But I still don’t really see the rug pull you keep talking about. If I bought at .40 I’d be comfortably holding and waiting, like I did at .05 and .0016 before each massive jump Far from it 🍻 Sorry to be checking in again, you see that rug pull yet? “Of course if you bought btc at 20k your safe. All the newbies who bought in at 50k had the rug pulled out from under them by the most obvious pump and dump. Sure they might see 50k again one day but they were duped.” That is true, but atleast BTC most likely has a future long term. Doges only future is to pray that Elon doesn't get bored of doge and move on and that the bag holders keep holding in the hope that's doge will actually get adopted in the future. You’re right. Personally I’m accumulating ETH ALGO and BTC for long term holds, not DOGE. However, I still think doge is here to stay, and as long as Cuban and the likes are pushing it for ticketing and stuff it will stay relevant, and it all depends on what coin the whales decide to push." Hahaha I ain’t scared I’m keeping my crypto,2700,https://i.redd.it/s6he7t6zxtu61.jpg,"rich folks aren't paying anything, they will pass the bill to the middle class Makes me sad af looking at my spreadsheet though and seeing I've dropped 25k on the day. But yeah, I'm sure it'll be short-lived. Especially if the increased deficit-spending leads to 1970's-style inflation. The real kicker is you only get charged capital gains if you SELL. Paper handers pretty much self fulfilling prophecy I make 135k a year and I'm in the top 8% of americans for wage payments. 50% of americans make less than 47k according to the social security administration. Shit, I'm 36 and have 30 more years to work, and I know I'll never make 400k a year. I'll top out at director or maybe VP of corporate finance which pays between 175k and 220k in 2021 dollars. That's half of what's up for debate When the rich whales liquidate it affects us poor folks. I get the joke. Not a hater....but just know that the 400k is for a married couple. So 200k single is the threshold Thank you The myth called the American dream is a hell of a drug lol Just cash out in another country. I don’t think they’re scared, they just took everyone’s profits during the bad news and will rebuy with your money when the price is lower. They don’t lose, they gain The best thing to do in times like this is to buy and HODL, Patiently waiting for more dip so i can buy btc with fiat then invest in the Pinknode project [deleted] Lol as if the wealthy corporations ever pay anything. Literally Apple has never paid a single cent of tax. If rich folks liquidate then they have to pay takes but if they hold then no taxes Funny how that works This meme just shows how people don't understand economics or taxes or follow what bidens people actually been saying He’s tanking the whole fuckin market Alright so no one realizing this is going to push very wealthy people into donating more to charitys to get those tax breaks. Taxation is theft Pedo Joe is effing the big boys now. Hes taking a break from the little ones Lol if you think everyone else doesn't also feel it when the wealthy are taxed more.. who the fuck makes 35k in highschool Wait that is a good for the people right? More tax for the rich? So you guys can afford much cheaper healthcare right? Or at least invest in poor people give them jobs homes one time to raise the quality of life and more people to tax in the long term. Maybe use its UBI boosting the economy when people have more money to spend? But UBI only comes if you also work.maybe some stuff idk. Taxation is theft [deleted] This meme is also applicable when i tell a white person i dont support Black lives matter as a black person...but also this meme has NOTHING to do with crypto bruh. please just delete it before the mods do Anyone stupid enough to hear “tax hike” and think they won’t be targeted are either rich enough to be political donors or poor enough to be political donors. Apparently you don’t understand the market.. the people making that much drive the market... the rest is self explanatory... just look up every other time they raised taxes on the rich. It hurts the middle class too and mostly the lower class... [deleted] Look at us. Ready to lay down 50% tendies and don’t care. Easy when u give a shit Inflation is a tax on the middle class If they raise taxes everything will get more expensive in over to cover profits. Texas better get on with secession I'm not about paying taxes to a globalist puppet so they can pay crooks aka CONgress to scheme and steal more of my money I am not scared because I got a huge profit on $ryo today. Everything I lost from other coins has been recovered because of ryo. It is going to the moon. Do institutions pay income tax on crypto? [removed] Not crypto related unless I’m missing something? LMAO I appreciate the deep discounts I bought in at this morning. Thanks for being stupid :p [removed] Same It's alright that's the reality that we have to accept. Even so, we have to do our best to be like them. Keep holding what you got bro. Why don't you join UNO's IDO for better gains? Money follows the path of least resistance Biden is shit [removed] Dont worry it will trickle down to us Thru inflation Does anyone know if I can buy crypto with PayPal And gas will be 3.80 in Chicago. What crypto? the thread should lock after this response, that is all Yep As always. Lol you can't pass the bill for your income tax/capital gains. They can hide it offshore and let the country go to shit, but that doesn't stick poor people with the bill until the tax code changes again lol Raising taxes like this just keeps the upper middle class from becoming rich, and has only a minor or negligible impact on those who are truly wealthy. Get on one time windfall that puts you into that bracket? Congrats you’re giving most of it to the government. That’s fine as far as it goes, I don’t mind being taxed in principle, but someone who is already wealthy will have tax shelters to funnel that stuff through and will pay nothing. I’d rather see an *actual* tax on the wealthy - this includes corporations - but neither party is even going to touch that. The billionaires maybe, the average folks who just made it are going to get screwed. Exactly. Economic illiterates, and Keynesians (but I repeat myself) love the ""tax the rich"" mantra. I've never met anyone employed by a poor person. \-After taxes and transfers, the top 2 household income quintiles generate a net revenue for the government while the bottom 3 income quintiles are a net loss. \-Taxes and means-tested transfers caused the bottom quintile to receive an average of over 65% of their income's value from the government *on top of their income*, while the top 1% lost more than 33% of their income. \-Over 72% of transfer-value went to the lowest quintile, while less than 0.5% went to the highest quintile. \-Households in the highest income quintile, which received about 54% of all income,  paid about 69% of federal taxes. Households in the lowest quintile, which received about 4% of all income, paid less than 0.5% of federal taxes. Households in the top 1% of the distribution received 16% of income and paid 25% of federal taxes. [https://www.cbo.gov/publication/55413](https://www.cbo.gov/publication/55413) As always America’s infrastructure might not crumble with extra funding, bullish signal I think this is the season for some other better coins. Coins like ryo are going to the moon today while these to p coins are low. Unless you’re paperhands portnoy. No capital gains on those sells Until they pass a wealth tax and then you’re forced to sell. The rich are gonna sell before the tax increase 400k is for a couple, it’s 200k for single. So you might have to pay some nominal increase for earnings over 200k.. big whoop. [removed] VP in your industry pays 220K? You need a new line of work. Do you know how taxes work? They always creep. Once its law, its easy to tweak downwards forever, essentially. But what whales will do with that? Will they stop trading and make profit because of higher taxes? That's bullshit... Almost nothing changes. I mean it will affect their gains, but it's not the end. This is only FUD news effect. Moreover US citizens can profit from that as the higher taxation of wealthy people can bring the money to their pockets at the end and lot of them can buy crypto as well. Therefore it can **positively** affect poor folks. Well let's all become eskimos 🐋🍔 Liquidation is a period in a cycle. I was thinking the same as you, but continued to realize that after the liquidation, there’s going to be buying. Higher long term taxes —> liquidations —> rebuying = increased volatility —> good for poor folks But when we get to middle class, how do we break upward with the constant dragging So does printing money into oblivion You don't have the right to control the market lmao Good point. Only affects ~3.65% of the population. If I made 200k I’d gladly pay a little more in taxes. I’d make that trade in a heartbeat. Fuck. It's 200k for single people? Source? And they wanna raise LTCG to like 39% after $1mm lol hide your wallet YALL This isn’t true, you have to cross 400k single or joint filing. Your SO would have to also make $200,000+ Source? That's fucked That's not how IRS thinks The crypto market is down the past day because Biden is talking about a 43% capital gains tax on crypto. I am going to pay almost half of my gains to the government even though I took 100% of the risk? And your argument is what ""if you dont work you wouldnt pay taxes,"" huh? You want to pay more taxes good for you, Ive worked for the government I see the waste, I want to keep my money. but thats just me. time to get a real job Not really he’s making the weak people sell there crypto so the government could buy at a dip and control all crypto It is truly fucking astonishing that so many people in a crypto investing subreddit are cheering on more government control over the economy and tanking markets. The fees you pay when making a crypto transaction are basically taxes. Better sell your hodlings. Do you also believe capitalist production is voluntary? You spelt gaetz wrong Outdated joke man...we’ve moved on to making fun of Matt Gaetz and Child marriage. Throw that energy towards ending real crimes, not Breitbart headlines. Right? Where I live a lot of the state jobs don't even pay that much. No That's the dumbest possible quote to use here. Wow, a Holocaust reference because some elite will have to pay a nominal % more in tax. And remember, they were given deep tax cuts, so now they’ll need to pay some of it back. Remember when Obama came for our guns? Because I don’t. Also raising taxes on 3.65% of the population is not the same as rounding up the jews, gays, roma, and the mentally ill for slaughter. 🙄 So what joe said didn’t affect crypto? You poor thing. That sounds rough man. Hahahahaha you poor poor fucking cry baby. Give me a fucking break. And got don't understand how taxes work. They're called brackets for a reason, they'd only go up for the money over 400k. If you're having issues surviving on 400k a year, youre shit with money. That's pathetic man. Alright, man baby, go eat your tendies. Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* The increase in taxes is passed down to consumers in the form of higher prices. It's not a hard concept. The house never loses. If you own a business, and your tax rate goes up, you have two choices, eat up the cost yourself, or increase prices. Guess what option they always go for, and guess who it hurts the most? Hold up. So if we made the wealthy and corporations pay their fair share, without upping the burden on the middle class, would you be for that? Homeless people are hiring all over in my area i have not met anyone employed by a “poor” person. i HAVE met hundreds of people employed by people who make under 400k though... believe it or not, not all small business owners have 400k+ salaries. not all restaurant owners rake in 400k+ profits per year. most do not. and the few who do honestly make enough money per year to pay taxes. “tax the rich” means tax people who make an excessive amount of money per year and refuse to pay taxes that will help the poor (most of whom have jobs, just not high-paying ones because their bosses want to maximize profits) pay for basic needs such as health care Yeah well I've never met a benevolent wealthy person either so what do you have to say about that? All humans are greedy. Some more than others. Some do not care how their actions affect the wellbeing of others. Humans are cruel. This is what the rich always cry to get the poor to fight for them It falls on us / middle class people when the wealthy raise the prices of goods, hire fewer people and give worse raises to make up for their losses I have my undergrad in economics, an MBA, and 11 years of experience working in finance. The marginal tax rates on the ultrawealthy are down from about 90% to 37% due to the revenue act, the economic recovery tax act, and the tax reform act. You are correct, taxes do creep, and they creep downwards for the people who hold all the wealth. > Will they stop trading and make profit because of higher taxes? That's bullshit... You're kidding me right? What, you think whales are all hodling? > I mean it will affect their gains, but it's not the end. So it does affect their gains then? Does that mean they will trade less or trade more? > Moreover US citizens can profit from that as the higher taxation of wealthy people can bring the money to their pockets at the end and lot of them can buy crypto as well So you think the wealth will trickle down to you from the government? How does that work exactly? > Therefore it can **positively** affect poor folks. Are we talking about crypto markets here or ""poor folks""? Do you think ""poor folks"" do better on government handouts or a booming economy that creates jobs? What do you think happens to jobs when there's less capital flowing into markets? What happens to ""poor folks"" 401ks when the market tanks because whales invest in warhol paintings and real estate instead of the markets? You can support booming markets and innovation or you can support government redistribution. Pick one. That's why we need to know the actual productive value of crypto currency. How many labour hours is crypto currency saving us from doing? How does higher taxes on rich people bring more money to the pockets of Americans? Unless you mean to say through welfare and handouts. this would apply, if richt people would have to play by the rules This is one of the dumbest things ive ever read - lot of mental gymnastics going on here. Since when do we all agree that the federal government spends money more effectively than free markets in terms of economic growth? If I was sitting on millions of unrealized gains and I could sell at get hit with the current capital gains rate instead of a future one then I’d probably sell. There are a lot of people sitting on life changing money, but if a large percentage of their gains can be wiped out overnight by higher taxes then it makes sense to sell. This happens in the stock market from time to time. Higher taxes benefit nobody except the politicians. Well, and companies with big government contracts like the military industrial sector. You and me, we just get screwed, and we get screwed double if we happen to get lucky and make a big gain. This guy is peek Reddit. It will be interesting to see what happens normie Redditers take them selfs out of the normal Reddit echo chambers and come to places like this. And long before you get close to making close to six figures regularly you should be itemizing the daylight out of your stuff. It’s not “a little more” potentially +40%. You say that now, but when you actually work your ass off to earn, 🦆 boy stepping in and taking %40 is bullshit Then do it. But don't force others. You're a liar. Literally no one is stopping you from writing a bigger check to the IRS this month. So why don't you put your money where your mouth is and go ahead and do that? Your tax liability is just a suggested minimum. The IRS will happily take a larger check from you. So are you going to do that or not? right now I can see all the people making $395k who are searching for a low income wife (or husband, cuz I'm not sexist) to save on their taxes. https://nypost.com/2021/04/02/biden-admits-tax-hike-could-hit-people-earning-200k/ I've got an idea: Let's start a militia to defend the hedge fund managers who will be affected by this. Oh, wait, their accountants already have a workaround Oh wait, this won't get through congress. I'm so disappointed that I won't be able to stand up for the rights of the 0.1% to continue their monetary hording and pillage. Lmao so many rich ass redditors outing themselves https://nypost.com/2021/04/02/biden-admits-tax-hike-could-hit-people-earning-200k/ I'd love to see them try to enforce it. [deleted] Smh he’s sticking a giant club up our assholes - knew he’d fuck us all up It’s fucked up - Ima just hold but shit sucks Serious question, how can the government effectively control crypto when any decent developper can launch a new one tomorrow ? They must not be paying 35% tax while the roads crumble under my tires because the money goes directly into a corrupt authoritarian police state. I’ve declared my crypto earnings every year that I have earned more than 3k because I know what it’s like to owe the IRS. Those fees are voluntary. There is no monopoly on crypto trading like the government monopoly on tax collection. Exchanges charge different rates and the entire point of many defi projects is to lower those fees to basically nothing. You can trade stocks on many apps with zero fees. This is called freedom. Frankly I'm not even sure why you're here since you seem to be actively opposed to the founding principles of both bitcoin and defi. You do realize that this is the entire point or decentralized finance right? That is a very poor counter argument It really depends on what country that capitalist production is taking place. He is on camera sniffing children I think he’s the dumbest possible person to be on Reddit tbf Hey, remember when elon musk and other ""elites"" invested in bitcoin a few months ago? I guess you really hated that. The government would have done like, so much good with that money instead. We should give them more power over our economy because they don't have enough. Isn't that what satoshi wanted? More government control over our money? [deleted] ""oh no taxes are going up, let's make a bunch of taxable events"" Spouting something doesn't make to true, people have been predicting a dip like this all week. Just happened to align with some news, but the market doesnt work that way. Crypto is irrational. Btc hasn't changed at all since a year or two ago, and yet has flown. i dont know, how do you think it affects crypto? Lol ⭐️🔥🦍HARAMBE ($HRMBE) #HarambeHands 🦍🔥⭐️ Apes together strong $170k mcap, Locked Liq (2y) ORGANIC GROWTH ALL DIPS ARE EATEN RIGHT UP😈😈 HARAMBE HANDS STRONG HARAMBE is back and his army of apes is growing strong with him. 🦍 Dev locked liquidity for 2 years! + Community funded liquidity, funded by those who believe in giving back to wildlife while filling their pockets. IN HARAMBES HONOR WE WILL SPREAD HIS NAME AND STORY 👏🏽 Community driven charity to fund a wallet for gorillas in need in the works One month til the anniversary of Harambe’s death May 28, imagine the pump when we get to his day of remembrance. Doge coin?? lol they’re tryna force a day on it This is a likeminded community of apes who are tired of being scammed. Looking to grow this micro cap gem into the stratosphere with teamwork and communication. 🫂 🦍APES TOGETHER... STRONG🤝 100% community token. The holders decide the future. VERY YOUNG, LOW CAP LOCKED POOL and GREAT COMMUNITY DONT MISS OUT You’re correct. Furthermore, it’s the smaller businesses that really get hurt. A massive corporation or someone making millions of dollars a year can probably relocate to a more favorable market. Someone who is rich but not a billionaire likely cannot, either because they lack the resources or because they own a localized business. So really higher taxes hurt domestic markets and people. >It's not a hard concept. The house never loses LMAO. I love that you're applying gambling metaphors into statecraft and governance This tax isn't applying to businesses across the board, it's only for people making above 400k. Nobody with this much income is strapped for cash/having to increase prices substantially to account for the increase lol. You're talking out of your ass, most of those business expenses are itemized anyways Yes. Taxes were originally intended for the rich. Look at where we ended up! I’m actually happy to contribute back to society, but it feels awfully unfair when those who make more, pay less. You have to be pretty wealthy to get to that point, can’t just get there through making a day’s wages. And the AMT and similar help ensure you can’t get there through a windfall either. Someone who makes a million bucks from say crypto is not independently wealthy, it’s not that much money any more. But they’ll give the majority of it in taxes. That seems wrong to me. People who can dodge taxes always will dodge taxes as long as it makes sense to do so. I bet we’d see a lot less tax dodging if we lowered the top tax rate. That might even increase our realized tax revenue. You could also try to reduce deductions or impose restrictions on doing business in the US, however with competitive foreign markets only the biggest corporations and small local businesses would end up paying. The biggest would make it worthwhile and the smallest would have no choice. Mid sized companies wouldn’t need to worry about saturating a market so they would leave fir greener pastures. End result would be a reduction in long term tax revenue and an increase in the price of goods. I wouldn't consider someone who takes in 400k a year to be poor. That's way up there in the upper middle class. Oh, the healthcare thing? Right. Lol. Healthcare is a product, not a right. You do not have the right to someone else's labor. I've met several benevolent rich people, actually. A very good friend of mine is involved in real estate, he's 32, and is a millionaire. He's constantly giving back, even has a charity organization. You know that you can get rich by benefiting consumers instead of screwing them over, right? Let them do it, somebody will indercut them, free market and all that right? .The amount of tools thst carry water for millonaries is embarrassing. Good then you would know that the threshold for what is ""rich"" keeps going down, and can plan accordingly. And yes when the income tax started it was 90% but almost no one had to pay that. ""so you think the wealth will trickle down to you from the government? How does that work exactly?"" Dude we have a century of data showing the impact of government expenditure on affluence, there's no need to speculate here. Any economist can answer this question, I know you think you're pulling a ""gotcha"" out here but you're just parading your own ignorance there. In a form of a free healthcaresystem for example? Might be a bit hard to grasp that for your but its working out quite good in the rest of the developed (and undeveloped) world. Dude you spend way too much time on the internet, looking at your posts you're in a classic alt right bubble. Also read the posts above yours... What is the difference if whales in art or real estate? I'm not from US, but from what I read there is no difference (?). If so, they have to pay taxes from profits, no matter where they make gains. My point about larger taxation of wealthy people is that the money helps poor people and at least part of these people will return the money to crypto and they can increase the usability of crypto and therefore help all the crypto ecosystem. Yes, there is the possibility that whales will sell all the crypto now and they will cash it out and let it in the bank, but what about inflation, right? So it's not ideal just to quit and let everything in the bank. There are many businesses based on crypto, therefore many whales who don't sell, or they sold, but they will buy again. And last, but not least thing, the USA is not the whole world... If whales in the USA sell, whales in Europe, China, Russia can buy and the price can recover, and then US whales will cry from missing out or doing FOMO buys. Crypto and DEFI are on the way to make the world better, to (at least partially) replace fiat, then why should we bother by some Biden's new law? It can hurt it a little bit, but it won't stop it at all. Why do we need to know that? Better infrastructure, rail, and access to real high speed internet would very much help small town america become richer. Investment in renewable energy lesses our dependence on foreign oil and help fight climate change. And ""handouts"" aren't necessarily bad. Bezos, musk, and gates couldn't spend their wealth if they tried. Redistributing that would pump money into local economies via restaurants, entertainment, discretionary spending. Someone making minimum wage pulls in about 16k a year. Bump that to 25k and you'll see more money circulating rather than being locked up in interest payments. Someone who eats out once a month could now eat out 3 times a month, and that money goes to waiters, bartenders, etc. Income inequality is spiking and that's been, historically, a bad thing. Well, generally you hope the taxes will be used in helpful ways. fund public healthcare will save money for most Americans, funding education will make our workers more efficient growing the economy, creating more wealth, etc. Etc. Username checks out So maybe whatever I write you will sound like ""mental gymnastics"" in your ears. I'm not sure if even should bother... Anyway, I haven't claimed that the government spends money more effectively than free markets, I was talking about money flow to the poor people and possibly back to the crypto. In brief.. I just wanted to say, that nothing much is going on... Just a fucking dip, maybe a short-term bear market, but it will settle down, and higher taxation can help poor people. As always the first market reaction is panic, then people start to think about it, then they become more confident again and buy... And who knows, higher taxes can be there for some time, then Biden will die or end as a president and his successor will lower the taxes again... Cryptocurrencies will resist. Whales can quit, hold, or trade and pay taxes.... who cares? It could be, but crypto market can by easily 10x in few years... Than it can be more profitable to pay huge tax later then selling now with a lover tax. But yes, I understand that for someone this could be the final straw. *confused noises* In almost every case it's better to take the 12k/24k allowance. Only time it makes more sense is if you spend all your money on taxable shit, donate everything, and have two large mortgages that you pay interest in. I think you are misguided on how far 100,000k gets you with itemizing. Taxes don't just magically spill over into a new bracket and ass fuck you sideways. Say for example if you make $399,999 or less, you pay 15% taxes on that. That single dollar more doesn't mean you pay 40% tax on the whole stack now, you're paying the higher tax on the amounts that go over that, so you'd be taxed 40% on that $1. You're only paying more on the money that gives above that, which is the entire point. It's also incredibly unlikely that someone is simply making that money on a simple salary and has absolutely no way to get legally clever with that money in any way. Taxes are just part of life and also greatly increase the quality of life for all. If you're making so much money that you're paying more in taxes than some people are making all together, be happy for the awesome life you've got. On everything that exceeds the 400k threshold. Still quite bearable. That's not how tax brackets work LOL this is not how tax brackets work. I’m busting my ass watching number go up on the chart. It ain’t much but it’s honest work This is such a bullshit strawman. There's no point in an individual paying more taxes to prove a point, societal progess happens on the macro level. Because that’s not what I said. If the choice is make what I make now, or make 200k and pay more in taxes, 100% of people would choose the latter. > for a low income wife (or husband, cuz I'm not sexist) I mean, not that I really care but if you weren't, you'd just have said ""spouse"" ;) Dude you’re one clever trade away from getting your anus expanded by that tax lol it’s not an us versus them thing What happens when they come for you? I think you are confusing well off for rich. They are very different things. [deleted] everything is fine, unless you're an overleveraged trader pretending to be a big dog. buy the dip They only have to control the good ones... so Bitcoin. This is good for Bitcoin which people will hold long term and bad for shitcoins like doge and eth How? You pay a portion of your purchase to the system, in order to protect and sustain the system. Am I describing tax or crypto? Spoiler alert: its both. Each of your comments manages to top the previous one, that's impressive. You really are a person of culture. Higher taxes on corporate profits... were these taxes ruining the American economy when they were 28% before? Dude Congress when it was ruled by the republicans put together a tax bill that advantages the wealthy and corporations, then told the middle class they were reducing taxes but never mentioned the part where their taxes conveniently go up in 2021. Look it up. I wasn't applying gambling metaphors to statecraft and governance. I'm applying a gambling metaphor to business fundamentals. If you own a business, you can either pass the increases down to the end consumer, or you can absorb it yourself as a loss. No business has been taxed onto prosperity. You're dumb and you should feel dumb That’s because you are too stupid to understand what an axiom is So what’s so wrong with changing the corporate tax rate back to the levels it was at 5 years ago? People act like if we make wealthy folks pay more they’ll just head out of the most profitable market that’s ever existed. No ones talking about socialism, just make the large corporations pay their fair share instead of tossing the burden onto the middle class and stop letting the American plutocracy dictate policy and pretend to be pro “small business”. We pay taxes. Do we not have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? A millionaire is not who I am talking about. Millionaires are small fish. Not really carryin water for them, its a pretty straightforward process that happens every time taxes are raised. They control a lot of the levers that hit most normal people as in the examples described above. I couldnt give a shit less about the millionaires' wealth, but if you just ignore their ability to shift their financial issues to the people under them you're missing a big point. ""Somebody will undercut them""? No, they wont because they are all in the same boat and can't operate a business while losing money > Dude we have a century of data showing the impact of government expenditure on affluence, there's no need to speculate here. It's hard to imagine a more anti reality hot take than pretending the government taking money from you makes you more wealthy. > Any economist can answer this question, LOL. Thomas Sowell. Hey, how are your covid vaccines doing in Canada and the EU? Yeah I’d rather pay $600 a month in insurance than deal with the NHS or whatever. Sure I’m fine with a system to help those who really need it but I don’t want the government in charge of the healthcare that I actually use. The government does everything poorly. Alt-right or not, every thing he said is 100% accurate. Do you not see the market tanking??? I think you live in a bubble! Lol. Did you just read my comment and instead of actually thinking about what I said you scoured my comment history looking for something to get angry about? And you think I'm the one that spends too much time on the internet. Btw please point to one thing I said that is even remotely ""alt right"". Why are you even in this sub anyway? You seem to be angrily arguing against the entire point of bitcoin and defi. Every single innovation in decentralized finance is being driven by markets pushed by the very rich people you're so angry about, and millions of people who are trying to get rich. I cannot fucking wait until we have truly decentralized exchanges and a truly decentralized internet so people like you can stop cheering on their destruction by the government. > What is the difference if whales in art or real estate? I'm not from US, but from what I read there is no difference (?). If so, they have to pay taxes from profits, You only pay taxes when you sell. Rich people borrow against assets that go up in value, which all assets will when inflation increases. I mean, this exists in the crypto space with products like Blockfi. If your asset increases in value by 5% per year, and you can borrow money at 4% per year... Or you can hoard cash and watch it go down in value through inflation. > My point about larger taxation of wealthy people is that the money helps poor people and at least part of these people will return the money to crypto This is not even close to being reflected by reality. > There are many businesses based on crypto, therefore many whales who don't sell, or they sold, but they will buy again. And last, but not least thing, the USA is not the whole world... If whales in the USA sell, whales in Europe, China, Russia can buy and the price can recover, and then US whales will cry from missing out or doing FOMO buys. So... you're arguing for decreasing America's dominance in crypto? You're also admitting that countries with lower tax rates will trade more?! > Crypto and DEFI are on the way to make the world better, to (at least partially) replace fiat, then why should we bother by some Biden's new law? It can hurt it a little bit, but it won't stop it at all. Because Biden's policy will decrease investment and trading in the crypto market which will decrease innovation. Crypto and DEFI exist for the sole purpose of decreasing top down control over the economy and individual freedom. You're arguing for the opposite of that. The lower the required labour to get the currency viable, the more probable it is that it will be used as currency. Hence gain in value. For example lower bank employee labour hours. If there isn't a real world gain in using crypto, then the currency is not going to have an advantage whenever it no longer is viable as a way to avoid taxes or do illegal transactions. If the only value of crypto is illegal stuff, then we're gaining money in bad faith. If there's real value in crypto, legally, then we are gaining money by investing in a useful tool for the future. That's why we need to know that. One is a quick money grab and the other is durable. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/03/12/californias-77-billion-high-speed-rail-project-is-in-trouble.html This the same government you think should forcibly take more of your money for ""rail""? > Better infrastructure, rail, So fewer potholes make people richer? How does that work exactly? Want to take a guess at what percentage of the Dems infrastructure package goes to roads? As far as rail goes, you should go look up the ""high speed rail"" the woke government of california tried to build. Emphasis on tried. Want to guess how much money they wasted? > real high speed internet would very much help small town america become richer. How? And why is the government the best entity to do that? Elon Musk's starlink is almost up and running. Why bother if the government is going to start yet another wasteful monopoly? > Investment in renewable energy lesses our dependence on foreign oil and help fight climate change. You do realize we became energy independent under donald trump right? Hey, remember solyndra? Turns out the federal government isn't as good as the market at picking winners and losers. Go ask a russian over the age of 60 how this idea scales. > And ""handouts"" aren't necessarily bad. Bezos, musk, and gates couldn't spend their wealth if they tried. Redistributing that would pump money into local economies via restaurants, entertainment, discretionary spending. Do you have any idea of how many people those three men employ directly and indirectly? You also understand that their wealth is almost entirely on paper and in the value of the companies employing those people right? Top down redistributionism fails, always. Again, go ask a russian over 60 to see how this idea scales. > Someone making minimum wage pulls in about 16k a year. Bump that to 25k and you'll see more money circulating Uh, the price of gas is way, way up. So is the price of coffee, wood, and a ton of other commodities. So no, we won't see more money circulating because prices will rise to meet that artificially inflated wage. Rail wouldn't do much, too many ""small town America""s with not high enough populations to justify the high investment in building rail to those towns. Infrastructure, yeah that would help, but local infrastructure is definely better left in the hands of the state that hosts the people, rather than the disconnected federal gov. Access to high speed internet would be huge, I agree. As for the handouts aren't bad argument, you are effectively using your moral structure to justify taking the money of those who you deem have ""more than they could spend"" and somehow transferring it to low-skill workers. You are missing the fact that this wealth cannot be adequately taxed even if you tried, as taxing someones stock portfolio is taxing money which is not currently in the posession of its legal holder, and is instead being used by the business which created and sold the stock. Ultimately I will not argue on the moral side of things, as my mild Asperger's leaves me incapable of discecting many moral structures without causing great offense. You'd be surprised how much of none of that money goes to any of that This entire argument is based of the premise that our government has our best interests in mind and isn't corrupt and wasteful as all hell. So... You think the federal government, OUR federal government is going to spend money effeciently to boost the economy? The same federal government who just printed $2 trillion? The same federal government that spent like a billion dollars on a healthcare website that didn't work? Can you name even one federal program that spends money effeciently and spurs innovation and freedom? > funding education will make our workers more efficient growing the economy, creating more wealth, etc. Etc. If that were true then states and cities that spent the most per pupil would have the best outcomes for students. The data say otherwise. Why do you think that is? I get it though. We should lower our corporate tax rates to a booming socialist country like sweden right? Oh, wait. The corporate tax rate in sweden is 22%. Ours is 22%. Ireland's is 12.5%. Want to take a stab in the dark at which of those three countries Apple decided to offshore a few hundred billion dollars in? Government control over the economy and redistributionism is antithetical to the founding principles of bitcoin. Thinking your political overlords are going to magically fix everything from the top down without destroying innovation is absurd. I can see where you are coming from, but funding in public education has so far not done anything but inflate teachers unions, and more public healthcare hasn't lead to a reduction in the costs of health insurance. I also fail to see how funding education would make somebody who is already educated more efficient. In terms of creating more wealth, if the taxes incentivised spending, that would do a lot for circulating more money around the economy. Yes but an unrealized possibility of gains in the future is not a very compelling argument for someone sitting on very real and substantial gains now. Furthermore, I could sell half and let the other have sit. High taxes harm economies. Will crypto do well in spite of high US taxation? Probably, since it’s a global market and there are many jurisdictions with lower taxation than the US. However, that doesn’t really matter to someone who’s looking down the barrel of a potential wealth tax. I am pretty sure many of these people are complaining just because.. Exactly. The truth is that the majority of the people upset about this don't even understand the math because they'll never need to understand anything past the 22% (85k) tax bracket in their entire lives. And yet that 87% majority is the loudest, crowing on about how they might all one day become millionaires... Too many big boy words please simplify Your first part is right but your second part is wrong. There’s lots of tech, biotech, finance, law, medicine jobs that pay over 200k base salary (Q) Where are my dogs making more than $400k on short term capitol gains? (A) You could drop a bomb on Greenwich Connecticut and another bomb on the Hamptons, and 90% of them would be dead. You need to start investing If there's no point to an individual paying more taxes then why are you pretending you're personally willing to pay more taxes to prove a point? You aren't. If you were you fucking would. Stop lying. You want other people to pay. Guess what? Those people are pretty much the only reason you have ever got any gains at all from investing in crypto. We went from like 30k to 65k on the back of tesla and microstrategy and other whales dumping several billion into bitcoin. I guess you didn't ride that bull run because you would rather that money went to the government right? What, you think that money would have trickled down to you? You think the government would have spent it in a way that actually benefits you more than this? You're not thinking this through you're just parroting woke talking points. Talking points from people who are agressively anti free market, the very same free market that allowed you to make any gains at all from crypto. Is this a joke? Do you think ""100% of people"" would choose to make $200k and pay LESS taxes or make $200k paying MORE taxes? Making $200k and pay more taxes would be like making $175k, which would STILL be more money than you're making now. You're pretending you're some kind of marxist saint for wanting that. You still haven't told me why you won't pay more taxes now. Why aren't you paying your ""fair share""? The top twenty percent of income earners in this country already pay 87% of all federal income taxes. Should it be 100%? Want to guess what percentage the bottom 50% pay? wow, you peered right into my soul When I make it to the 0.1%, I'll sleep much better knowing that you are guarding my castle and barking at anyone who wants to touch my bags of gold. Then you'd be a rich prick cheating on your taxes, and so would deserve to be hauled off to prison. I think you are trying to confuse the point with semantic hair splitting. [deleted] I sure hope everything’s all good. Either way it still sucks we have that dimentia assed dipshit in power fuckin everything up The fact that you believe ETH is a shitcoin 🤦🏻‍♂️ ETH is not a shitcoin whatsoever. Do you have any idea about cryptos lol A ""portion"" to the system to protect and sustain is okay, but taxes are 5% - 15% vat in Europe or sales taxes in USA in every product. Plus + Your income taxes + Car ownership + house taxes + Any other fee or tax invented in the future It's not just a ""portion"", it's too much. Yeah, *that's* the misunderstanding here lmao. You're drunk man Sure. The quote you used basically means you've a right to the government being out of your life, which is why you find it in the Declaration of Independence. Healthcare isn't a right, it's a product or service. You don't have the right to another person's labor. You said wealthy, so millionaire definitely falls in that category Yeah, ok.m, sure, you meant billionaires. Those are even more so. You're aware billionaires aren't liquid, right? And their success relies on that of their firms, which are mostly publicly traded. While they may not be directly charitable (although manu are), they're providing a livelyhood for thousands. In the case of someone like Jeff Bezos, even hundred of thousands when you consider the small businesses that list on their site. It just sounds like you're jealous. Now, if you were talking about how some of those people lobby government to benefit them and hurt their competition, I'd tend to agree. Wow, I didn't know all business in Europe are losing money on in other jurisdictions with more taxes liabilities, the reality is that this record market highs and crumbling infrastructure and middle class deterioriation can't continue like this. You must be down quite a rabbit hole if the only academic you can reference is Sowell and the idea that fiscal multipliers can be higher than 1 is a ""hot-take"" to you. Carry on as you were buddy, you are not my problem. Their working great for the people that got them. The line is just long and slow ... so very fucking slow. I would argue that is more due to poor logistics by the government. This problem can be solved in a universal healthcare system as it can in a for profit system. Alt-Right just means anything to the right of Marxism on Reddit. > Did you just read my comment and instead of actually thinking about what I said you scoured my comment history looking for something to get angry about? I'm not angry at all tbh, my honest reaction: I looked at your comment and went this is idiotic and hyperbolic, sounds like someone has spent too much time in a bubble, so I had a look and was right. You've then angrily ranted again against something I didn't even say, so again, put your phone down, go outside, relax, you're just whipping yourself into a frenzy over nothing. Wouldnt actual savings be a better metric? > Top down redistributionism fails, always. Again, go ask a russian over 60 to see how this idea scales. Actually it doesn't, which is why [the economy nearly always performs better under Democratic administrations than Republicans.](https://www.thebalance.com/democrats-vs-republicans-which-is-better-for-the-economy-4771839). [2](https://evonomics.com/economists-agree-democratic-presidents-better-making-us-rich-eight-reasons/). History has shown us that in the US the economic multiplier of welfare policies is far higher than that of tax cuts every time. You can prattle on about how the free market will abide and unchecked capitalism is the only option all you want but reality will still exist. I mean shit you hit all the classic ""go ask a russian,"" ""you can't tax the rich because their wealth is only on paper,"" ""but muh job creators!!!"" You're literally just a fox news repeat bot lol. Rail built the America we know today. Chicago and St Louis would be nothing if they weren't hubs between the coasts. The Interstate system was implemented by eisenhower, a republican, and is the lifeblood of american commerce. And I'm totally for taxing the stock money that took 0 labor to gain. Is bezos worth 300 billion because he does 300 billion worth of work? Nobody does 300 billion worth of work. I'm glad he revolutionized commerce, I use Amazon all the time, but the profits don't trickle down to the people who actually make it function. Why not give your employees a proportional bonus? People act like jetblue doesn't exist. >So... You think the federal government, OUR federal government is going to spend money effeciently to boost the economy? The same federal government who just printed $2 trillion? The same federal government that spent like a billion dollars on a healthcare website that didn't work? Can you name even one federal program that spends money effeciently and spurs innovation and freedom? Yes >If that were true then states and cities that spent the most per pupil would have the best outcomes for students. The data say otherwise. Why do you think that is? That is not true. If you look at the data by school district it lines up. >I get it though. We should lower our corporate tax rates to a booming socialist country like sweden right? Oh, wait. The corporate tax rate in sweden is 22%. Ours is 22%. Ireland's is 12.5%. Want to take a stab in the dark at which of those three countries Apple decided to offshore a few hundred billion dollars in? So, because apple is gaming the system, we should not try and fix anything. Let me see all these fortune 500 companies move to ireland or china. That would be so dumb, so dumb in fact that they won't do it. >Government control over the economy and redistributionism is antithetical to the founding principles of bitcoin. Thinking your political overlords are going to magically fix everything from the top down without destroying innovation is absurd Thinking the government can control innovation is absurd. Also, if all it took to magically fix everything from the top down would be a decrease in innovation then I would be Okay with that Taxes also pay for public services like the police, fire department, postal service, social security, the military, public transit, freeways and roads, Medicare, etc. >reduction in health insurance cost Not what I said but okay >Could make someone already educated more efficient Not what I said either! Straw men really do make it easy for you huh? If it were possible to upvote more than once every now and then, I'd use that cooldown right now. They're just so fucking stupid it's actually mind boggling. I can understand how someone would be hateful and bitter enough to want to prevent someone else from getting benefits and they're not getting anything. It's selfish and scummy most of the time, but understandable. I truly do NOT understand the thought process that leads to people fucking *themselves* over though. You can't apply logic to people that don't even understand the concept of it though, sadly. THE BIG TAX IS ONLY FOR BIG KIDS. YOU CAN CHILL. Oh shit, well my heart goes out to them. I hope they'll be able to get the help they'll need to survive then. woosh That wasn’t the argument I was making. That’s a different question. I’ve never said anything about fair share. Never remotely claimed a Marxist ideal. I don’t know what you’re on about, but hope you have a good rest of the day. I read crypto forums to talk cryptos. I don’t think Biden’s announcement was a big driver of this dip. Maybe you do. Fine. You might be right. If I wanted to play the red and blue shell game I’d go to a political sub. I don’t give a fuck about any of it. Have a good one. Haha based Careful, you might be an idiot [deleted] No, we actually just fired that guy. Now we have a sensible guy in office. > ETH is not a shitcoin whatsoever. Do you have any idea about cryptos lol Be thankful you don't know any BTC maximalists. They're rarer these days, but when ETH started to rise and The Flippening became a thing, factions started to spring up to try to eliminate ETH. Crypto sociology is some wild shit. I've held Bitcoin since 2011. Eth is centralized, vitalik decides what happens. It's only purpose and the reason people pay for it is ti create more shitcoins like ICOs , or NFTs or tokens Sure but that doesn't invalidate my point Government intervention is inexorably more harmful to the weakest link. It can be the consumer, the employee, the minorities, et cetera. That’s the axiom. LOL. It's almost as if all academics don't agree like you're pretending they do. > The line is just long and slow ... so very fucking slow. I would argue that is more due to poor logistics by the government. This problem can be solved in a universal healthcare system as it can in a for profit system. Oh. So the line is long and slow because of the government, but would be fixed by adding more government to the mix. I guess that begs the question of why it wasn't fixed by adding more government? BTw what do you think happens to pharma innovation that developed these vaccines when we increase corporate taxes? What happens when we increase capital gains taxes so less capital flows into these companies? Very odd that Canada didn't develop their own vaccine with their superior government healthcare. Would also be curious to hear your take on why Canadians travel to the US for surgeries and why cancer survival rates are higher for many cancers in the US. Government is the problem here, not the solution. Anything to the right of BuzzFeed lel Thinking taking 40% someone’s reward for their risk is ok, you are fucked No. You're a liar. You read my comment, had nothing to say but still felt the need to lash out so you actually took time out of your life to scour my comment history for wrong think. Of course you didn't find any, but you decided to lie anyway and pretend I said something ""alt right"" so you could reclaim the moral high ground without even trying to add anything to the conversation, let alone make a coherent argument. > so I had a look and was right. Please tell me what I said that was ""alt right"" you liar. Okay, where is your analysis to the specific points he raised and why they are wrong? Havent seen a single thing from you besides rambling about the guy's post history Would need to include the other resources which are used yeah, but what do you mean with actual savings >Actually it doesn't, which is why the economy nearly always performs better under Democratic administrations than Republicans.. 2. History has shown us that in the US the economic multiplier of welfare policies is far higher than that of tax cuts every time. This is not proof that top down redistributionism works. This is saying that spending more tax money in certain parts of the economy helps generate economic output. Social safety nets =/= socialism. > https://www.thebalance.com/democrats-vs-republicans-which-is-better-for-the-economy-4771839 This is truly hilarious. > By Many Metrics It's the Party That Doesn't Put Business First ... > A study from the National Bureau of Economic Research found that Democratic presidents since World War II have performed much better than Republicans. On average, Democratic presidents grew the economy 4.4% each year versus 2.5% for Republicans. LOL at GDP growth being the measure of the economy. You do realize that printing money increases GDP growth right? > You can prattle on about how the free market will abide and unchecked capitalism is the only option Why are you even in this sub?! You do realize that decentralization is the entire point of bitcoin and DEFI?! Why didn't Satoshi build top down government control into bitcoin? After all, the ""checks"" are what makes economies work better right? > I mean shit you hit all the classic ""go ask a russian,"" ""you can't tax the rich because their wealth is only on paper,"" ""but muh job creators!!!"" You're literally just a fox news repeat bot lol. It's hard to imagine having a more ridiculous hot take in a sub about DEFI markets. I take it you're going to give all the gains you got from investing in crypto back to the government because they were all driven by evil rich people right? The top twenty percent of income earners already pay 87% of all federal income taxes. Should it be 120%? Want to guess how much the bottom 50% pay? Of course you know that people who own assets, which go up in value with inflation, generally borrow against their capital instead of selling and triggering capital gains right? Trading is different. Trading increases the volatility that gets you gains in crypto. Do you think trading activity vs borrowing against assets will go up or down with an increase in capital gains taxes? I get it though. We need to lower our corporate tax rates to the level of a socialist country like Sweden! Well, let's see. They pay 21%. We pay 22%. Biden wants to raise it to 24%. You want to guess which segment of income earners saw wages rising fastest under Donald Trump? Again, why are you even here? Lol fr, rails are just indescribably inefficient compared to aircraft when it comes to a country as large as the USA > If you look at the data by school district it lines up. The data say otherwise. > It is known that socioeconomic factors bear a strong relation to academic achievement. When these factors are statistically controlled, however, it appears that differences between schools account for only a small fraction of differences in pupil achievement (pp. 21-22) And this is from a rabidly leftist website. https://www.brookings.edu/research/its-not-nothing-the-role-of-money-in-improving-education/ > Schools in the United States spend an average of $12,612 per pupil, which is the fifth-highest amount per pupil among the 37 other developed nations in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Are we fifth in the world for educational outcomes? No. We're 13th. https://datatopics.worldbank.org/education/wDashboard/dqlearning New York spends $24k per pupil, the most of any other state. Want to guess where New York sits for public school rankings? 12th. Want to guess where New York sits for test scores? https://wallethub.com/edu/e/states-with-the-best-schools/5335 > So, because apple is gaming the system, we should not try and fix anything. Let me see all these fortune 500 companies move to ireland or china. That would be so dumb, so dumb in fact that they won't do it. You make it sound like ""try to fix anything"" is a goal in and of itself even if it leads to WORSE outcomes, which it will and which it does here in reality. When corporate tax rates go up, tax revenue goes DOWN. Not up. When corporate tax rates are lowered, tax revenue goes UP. Not down, up. This was true for JFK's corporate tax cuts, Reagan's cuts, Bush's cuts, and Trump's cuts. Even Obama admitted this. > Thinking the government can control innovation is absurd. Is this a joke?! You don't think governments can tax away innovation and destroy entire industries?! > Also, if all it took to magically fix everything from the top down would be a decrease in innovation then I would be Okay with that Are you even listening to yourself?! Raising taxes DOES NOT magically fix ANYTHING and does decrease innovation. Why are you even here? The entire point of Bitcoin and DEFI is to decentralize government power over economics. Uh, we're already paying for all of that at our current tax rates. Nice :) Not saying the additional tax hurts, just saying the idea that you can’t possibly make that much without being a CEO or something isn’t true Oh no, I got it. It just doesn’t sound like you know what the fuck you are doing, or aren’t very good at it No, I won't be skipping out on any taxes. The middle class? Are you fucking serious? Taxes aren't applied at large to everyone at the same ratio, ever heard of tax brackets? Unless you're trying to pretend that trickle down economy hasn't been proven to be a load of bullshit? Tax gains over 1 million at 90%, the only thing that will happen to the middle class is that they'll get more governmental services! No... everything was great under President Trump. Slow Joe got in and just taxes the fuck out of everybody and wastes tax dollars You’re a damn fool No one out here other than you is acting like there's some consensus regarding this issue, you're the one acting like government spending serving any economic benefit is completely new information you're recieving from left field. Rather than a really orthodox view which disagrees with your own personal opinion. proper investment is the solution for this . A for profit system or government system requires that. Canada failed to do so. Canada isn’t the only country with a universal healthcare system , an neither is the states the only for profit system. I don’t know the metrics and statics around covid 19 vaccination rates for a universal vs profit system. That information could enlighten both of us to whether or not either system is succeeding / lagging behind the other. Personally I’m very grateful for Canada’s universal healthcare system. It’s provided me with the surgeries that have keep me alive so I can continue to contribute to society. I understand that both systems have Their issues. Maybe I’m biased since I’m alive due to having one. Would I be alive if i lived in a country without it . I don’t know. Either way I’m open to better understand the benefits of a for profit system and it’s effects on society as a whole > Thinking taking 40% someone’s reward for their risk is ok, you are fucked This is a much deeper discussion than dumb twitter 1 liners that economic illiterates can provide, but thanks for your comment. In the golden age of america when inequality was its lowest. The economy was booming and a single man could buy a car, home and feed his family without spending 100k dollars on college......they were taking 80% from those people. I think we need to get back there Well for example: > So you think the wealth will trickle down to you from the government? How does that work exactly? Empirical evidence suggests that taxes and transfers considerably reduce poverty in most countries whose welfare states commonly constitute at least a fifth of GDP.[3][4][5][6][7][8] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Welfare%27s_effect_on_poverty I know in certain circles everything the government does is wrong but they do get a lot of things right as well, that's part of where I was saying he was hyperbolic... but these are deep conversations and very complex topics. Well transaction processing fees and cost incurred due to processing delays for starters. Smart contract displacement of contract cost relative to author, validate, and post-signing approval for contracts especially for multi-party with counter-signing requirements. My man, do you know much about current financial products and the sheer wasted time and money we dump into them? Rail is massively more efficient than air for moving heavy things. People sure, air is better, with things like building materials it’s not even close. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/03/12/californias-77-billion-high-speed-rail-project-is-in-trouble.html Right but the initial question asked what theoretically would higher taxes do. And the answer is better funding for these services. Whether or not this actually happens or is effective even if it does is uncertain. I don't have an opinion one way or the other on this. It was a simple question so it was a simple answer. you didn't get it. Who the hell is talking about skipping out on taxes? [deleted] Haha. What a special kind of delusional you are. Sadly not an uncommon kind, though. Have fun, kiddo. Get out of your comfort zone of the 1950’s once in a while. Time moves forward, not back! :) What did I say here that is wrong? Vitalik forked the Eth blockchain when he and hhis buddies lost money on a poorly coded smart contract > government spending serving any economic benefit So to be clear, you think Joe Biden taking a break from stumbling through speaking in complete sentences to print TRILLIONS of new dollars is a good thing? You think this is the way economies grow? Taking money from productive people and letting the government spend it in the most inefficient way possible? I'll bet you think FDR literally confiscating citizen's gold was a good thing too. Why are you even on this sub or interested in crypto at all? The entire point of crypto and DEFI is to eliminate top down control over economies and personal finance. > Rather than a really orthodox view which disagrees with your own personal opinion. It's amusing that you think ""orthodox views"" in economic academia are sacrosanct yet still participate in a sub about crypto and DEFI markets. You do realize those ""orthodox views"" are the entire reason we need crypto and DEFI? You do realize that academics pay ZERO price for being wrong and never, ever have to put up their own money to test their theories? Do you seriously think there is no difference in outcomes from government spending and market activity? Really? I think doctors profiting off their labor makes sense. I want doctors to be able to get obscenely rich if they are doing a good job. That incentivizes us to have more doctors. The problem is that insurance companies are getting rich because the government is forcing us all to buy insurance, then restricting how insurance companies operate so there’s no real competition. Furthermore they can’t even discount us for being healthy, so even though I work out three times a week, keep a good figure, eat well, etc I pay the same amount as anyone else. It’s bullshit. > I don’t know the metrics and statics around covid 19 vaccination rates for a universal vs profit system. That information could enlighten both of us to whether or not either system is succeeding / lagging behind the other. Less than 2% of Canada is fully vaccinated. In the US we're more like 25%, so more than ten times better. https://www.npr.org/2021/04/15/987787702/behind-the-relatively-slow-vaccine-rollout-in-canada My point is that the private market developed these vaccines, not government. The government had literally endless money to do so so this is not about investment. it's about efficiency. BTW the pfizer vaccine was first coded in January of 2020. No justification. And I don’t have Twitter. Fuck Biden. They should just close existing tax loopholes I think everyone should be taxed equally, regardless of gender, race, or economic status. Imagine a world where everyone is treated equally. Yeah you are fighting for inequality I'm finance illiterate 🤠 I just disable it and look at the end result after all the transactions. Like someone had to waste 5 minutes of their time in it, some coal had to be collected, transported and burnt. All the real-world actions. If that is more or less, that would affect the transaction costs. Which I suppose is a lot lower with crypto. Looking purely at the finance would include the profits companies make from the transactions, while that doesn't matter. If some people create 100 potatoes and divide it fairly or unfairly, makes no diff, still 100 potatoes for same amount of work. Yep, I agree with that. Still doesn't justify billions of federal dollars in my opinion > Right but the initial question asked what theoretically would higher taxes do. And the answer is better funding for these services. Whether or not this actually happens or is effective even if it does is uncertain. We're talking about reality here. Not your theories. Perfect It'd make me an idiot. The only person needing to grow up here is you because clearly you don't know what you're talking about. Taxes for the rich have been going down for a long time and the middle class has only been worse off, how strange, right? Based on what you're saying the reverse should happen... Weird, right? Funny you're deleting your comments too, can't assume when you say something stupid? Keep living in your fantasy land you mentally deranged pansy I haven't said anything regarding Joe Biden's economic policy, or economic stimulus - where is this coming from? I'm talking about taxing people to fund expenditure, not printing money. How are these even related? Government's have been spending money long before Joe Biden, some have done it efficiently, some have done it inefficiently. Acting like you're completely unaware of the possibility that a government could possibly successfully invest in the economy of a country is just dumb or dishonest. You're just trying to redirect me onto a conversation about Joe Biden because you realise that pretending to be completely ignorant of the prevailing view in economics didn't strengthen your point, or your authority. So you've just pivoted onto muddying the water because you can't be bothered, or aren't capable, of rebutting the orthodox view. Whether you support government intervention or not burying your head and pretending it has never worked is a dead end. I didn't realise that having brain dead takes just because they support my view was compulsory in the crypto community. I’m talking global statistics on uni vs profit statistics. Not just comparing two countries . The sample size has to be large enough to validate the statistics. I didn't say you had twitter, I implied you talk like someone on twitter with dumb 1 liners on very deep and complex topics. And my gosh you are emotional dude, get a grip. You will never, ever, in your entire life earn over 400k a year, so try not to worry about people earning more than you'll ever make. Equally and fairly are two different things. If taxes are the same for a person who makes $1000 and a person who makes $100,000 then the tax BURDEN is UNEQUALLY high on the poorer person. In order to tax everyone EQUALLY your tax burden must square with your income. Its like how traffic tickets today are unequal with the flat rate. If i make $1000 and i speed i get a ticket for 250$ that is a serious problem for my finances. If i make $100,000 and speed with a 250$ ticket then i can pretty much continue breaking the law all i want because the ticket is insignifigant to me. If the ticket scaled, rather than being a flat rate the rich person would also have to follow the law. I want equality. You are proposing inequality where the rich have less of a debt to the social contract than the poor. You’re looking at 10s of trillions in savings every year on top of years of wait time and cost of missed opportunities. Originally or now? It most definitely paid for itself many times over from a commerce perspective. If you mean now, yeah...much tougher sell for rail or high speed rail now. If it were expanded to the point where you could mostly eliminate long haul trucker routes and get things like ISOs moved across the county more economically it can start to make sense though. Lol, yes in reality taxes do pay for those things. Often very inneffectively. Often higher taxes doesn't help. Someones different tax allocation does help. For instance, a lot of taxes were allocated to the military and we have the strongest military in world. Perhaps more taxes should be allocated to different sectors as well. I never said where I believe taxes should be allocated or how much. I just stated a very basic function of taxes because someone asked. I don't understand the animosity or confusion. Have a good day. So does praising a dude for raising taxes Why are you ignoring the fact that printing money and spending it increases GDP? Why are you ignoring that government spending increases GDP? How does the government spending more money it either printed or literally took from citizens make people richer? Do you think the economy is a perpetual motion machine? > Acting like you're completely unaware of the possibility that a government could possibly successfully invest in the economy of a country is just dumb or dishonest. But the measurement of this ""success"" using GDP is complete and total bullshit. You do realize wages have been stagnant for decades now right? That wages for low income workers were rising faster than any other income bracket under Trump? Printing money and blowing out government spending just kicks the can down the road and produces inflation. You stave off short term volatility for much larger volatility down the road. So asset holders win, the poor who hold cash lose. Basically the exact opposite of what you think your modern monetary theory nonsense will accomplish. >You're just trying to redirect me onto a conversation about Joe Biden because you realise that pretending to be completely ignorant of the prevailing view in economics didn't strengthen your point, or your authority. So you've just pivoted onto muddying the water because you can't be bothered, or aren't capable, of rebutting the orthodox view. Again it is highly amusing that you're angrily yelling about the ""orthodox view"" of economics in a crypto thread. If this ""orthodox view"" actually worked in reality we wouldn't need crytpo, and wages would not have been stagnating for the past few decades. 😂 You don’t even think you can! I’m asking for the same percentage to be deducted from everyone. If I make 100,000 and pay $1,000 the burden is the same as making 4,000,000 and paying 400,000. One pays more, one pays less, but it’s the same percent. Since we are talking about percentage your speeding ticket analogy doesn’t pan out. If you where to say a speeding ticket is 1% or whatever of the persons monthly income is that’s fair, but that’s also a whole other conversation In fact your speeding ticket analogy is a perfect reason why the rich and poor sure have the same percentage of taxes Definitely now. If I had the foresight to see the modern economy in 1950 I would have pushed for a modular and upgradable rail network harder than anybody. Oh well, hindsight is always 20:20 > Lol, yes in reality taxes do pay for those things. Often very ineffectively. So... if taxes are already spent effectively, how will adding more money to the pile help? Maybe we could focus on getting tax dollars spent effectively and let people innovate and invest in the markets that will build the future? I wonder what a government designed Tesla or iPhone would look like... > I don't understand the animosity or confusion. Have a good day. Because people are in a subreddit dedicated to economic and financial technology that is being built to DECENTRALIZE power over economies and money. Crypto and DEFI were built to increase freedom FROm governments. People in this thread are arguing against the core principles of crypto and DEFI and insisting that top down government control is better. That might fly in /r/politics or the billion other radical leftist subs out there these days, but not here. No, the taxes are really needed at the moment. Have you been eve paying attention to what's been going on in the world for the past year? What the hell man, pretty much nothing you say is relevant. It's actually kind of stunning how you manage to write so much while contributing so little. 1. Why are you still talking about printing money, that has nothing to do with what I'm saying at all. 2. You seemingly admitted that GDP can be boosted by government spending (which is literally the only substantive claim I've ever made in this conversation). 3. Do you honestly need me to explain how a growing economy can benefit the populace, really? And I'm the idiot, we're onto our 2nd grade school economic concept and you're struggling again. 3. I never actually talked about GDP, it's value in terms of judging economic performance isn't really relevant here. Stop trying to put words in my mouth to redirect me into the argument you want to have, I've never made these claims. 4. Why are wage increases under Trump relevant to your point, you realise there was also government expenditure under Trump. Right, Trump didn't turn America into an Anarcho-Capitalist society did he, he presided over one of the largest economic stimuluses of all time. 5. Given that you're constantly struggling to grasp even basic stuff, and half of what you say is irrelevant to the point that I'm starting to doubt you've ever read an economics textbook I'm really starting to doubt you're in a position to lecture me about orthodox economics. If the idea that a populace MIGHT benefit from economic growth is hard for you to intuitively grasp you have about as much authority on this subject as a flat earther or anti-vaccer. It's honestly arrogant of you to share your opinion while being this level of stupid. Come on man, regroup, reread what I've said and try to say something relevant. Or give up. There's no point trying to hit me with weird gotchas about Trump and Biden because neither of them is actually relevant to the question of whether government spending can benefit the populace. And can it with the ""if you aren't stupid like me how can you be interested in crypto"", there are plenty of smart people interested in crypto who don't live in a fantasy world where things they don't like can't possibly be effective. Alright, Trump, here’s your seventh Big Mac, go take your hydroxycloroquine and your insulin... A flat percentage is still a disproportionate burden on the poor because the costs of good, services and food doesnt change with their taxes. A gallon of milk is still 5$. So their percentage should still be less so they can keep living You're making up imaginary arguements with the wrong people. Someone asked what taxes are used for and I gave some examples. I never claimed support for any political propositions. Then you made all these assumptions about my positions and leanings for providing an explaining about taxes. I'm anti-over governance and pro-defi just as you are. We're in a fucking crypto subreddit for crying our loud. You seem to pick a lot of fights. 😂 > Why are you still talking about printing money, that has nothing to do with what I'm saying at all. LOL why do you think GDP goes up under democrat presidents? Of course when GDP went up under Trump it was the Obama economy! > You seemingly admitted that GDP can be boosted by government spending (which is literally the only substantive claim I've ever made in this conversation). No, I didn't ""seeming;y admit"" anything I literally said it. That was my entire point. GDP is a pathetic measure of how well an economy is doing, because again, literally printing money from thin air will also increase GDP even if wages are dropping, unemployment is skyrocketing, etc. etc. > Do you honestly need me to explain how a growing economy can benefit the populace, really? And I'm the idiot, we're onto our 2nd grade school economic concept and you're struggling again. If you think GDP growth through government spending and printing money is a good measure of ""growing the economy"" that helps anyone besides asset owners I don't know what to tell you. I guess you just ""forgot"" to explain to me how the government taking money from citizens and then spending it makes people richer. > Why are wage increases under Trump relevant to your point, you realise there was also government expenditure under Trump. Right, Trump didn't turn America into an Anarcho-Capitalist society did he, he presided over one of the largest economic stimuluses of all time. Trump got one of the largest tax cuts in decades past. Or did you forget that's what we were talking about? Of course you already knew that tax revenue actually went UP after the trump corporate tax cuts, and JFK's corporate tax cuts, and Reagan's corporate tax cuts, and Bush's corporate tax cuts... because you're on an investing sub and understand that when tax rates are high, rich people borrow against assets instead of trading and corporations like Apple stash $250 billion in tax haven countries like Ireland. Guess what Apple did with that cash when Trump lowered corporate taxes? You also totally know that Obama even admitted that when corporate taxes are raised, tax revenue is LOWER. Not higher, LOWER. > If the idea that a populace MIGHT benefit from economic growth is hard for you to intuitively grasp you have about as much authority on this subject as a flat earther or anti-vaccer. It's honestly arrogant of you to share your opinion while being this level of stupid. LOL. Which segment of the ""populace"" benefits from GDP growth from government spending and quantitative easing? What happens rto inflation? > Come on man, regroup, reread what I've said and try to say something relevant. Imagine actually thinking that the government taking your money and then spending it somehow makes you richer and then lecturing someone on ""orthodox economics"". > And can it with the ""if you aren't stupid like me how can you be interested in crypto"", there are plenty of smart people interested in crypto who don't live in a fantasy world You can't possibly be this stupid. Are you going to give back all the gains you made during the bull run? Whales drove almost all of it. According to you the government should have taken that money instead. That would have magically made you richer. You can have leftist redistributionism or crypto gains. Pick one. Don’t buy $5 milk There is no reason a certain demographic should have to pay more taxes. Millions of people climb out of poverty every year, making it easier to be poor and harder to be rich is not the way Clearly not, then. You are literally idiotic mate, done here. I'm not even American, I don't care about Trump or Biden, I don't care about your corporation tax rate, I don't care about quantatitve easing. All I got involved to do was point out that you pretending that government intervention couldn't possibly have a positive economic impact was dishonest, or stupid. You're not going to coax me into a debate regarding specific policies, I was making a general point regarding economic theory, and you've already confirmed the point I was making. It's pretty clear you're hoping I'll have a some wider left Vs right debate with you but it's not happening - this isn't even a left or right issue. The right are perfectly happy funding emergency services, which clearly benefit the economy - the fact you think government intervention = leftism just shows how you're ideological rather than scientific in your understanding. Bye boi The actual amount doesnt matter. Its the fact that there will always be a base price. And I just explained why people should pay different rates. There are countries you can move to if you want a flat rate That’s ridiculous, there are countries you can move to (Britain) that will tax the shit out of you" Reminiscing those good old days when BTC is on its inception period.,2621,https://i.redd.it/miaww1aj8d371.jpg,"Listen if you went back in time to go compete you'd still want the $500 just to go buy more bitcoin than that 25 at that time Just to think when I moved to America, Bitcoin was created. Could’ve had a couple billion dollars if we invested, but hey, 20/20 vision Old meme but yeah, no one has come forward so far and said they were the recipient of said bitcoins and still kept them till now That's amazing. I wonder if those players held onto those coins. Oh you know just a million dollar asset at the end there … If we ever needed a better example of how the dollar is devaluing..lol… You almost have to feel sorry for the guys that came 1st-4th. Probably a life lesson I there somewhere..lol r/agedlikemilk Fuck Elon Musk 1st place: $500 2nd place: $250 3rd place: $150 4th place: $100 5th place: $1,000,000 redeemable in 2021 Yo somebody gone see that and freak out because they have learned they have 25 BTC sitting somewhere lmao It’s the taking part that counts 🤪 Sheeeeeeet Wow, you know the saying there is always a first time...well this is the first time I'd be happy to lose. Well if the first place used the $500 to buy BTC it’s a good price... but h highly doubt it lol I remember hearing abouy someone ordering a pizza with btc like 200 or something After this im not so sure that we are early adopters Imagine hodling those 25 bitcoins, that would've paid off 30000 times more, today. Plot twist: Lilly Allen came 8th Amazing to see the progress. At the time it was the last prise, today... Would’ve came 5-8th used to cumming last anyways ;) Just kidding I’m a virgin [deleted] Really ? You can’t stop laughing ? You can’t stop at all ? You didn’t stop laughing ? Please tell me if you’re still laughing [removed] [removed] If only I’d come 5th lol Wow [removed] [removed] [removed] Losers are now the winners [removed] The sheer mindset of this fella With hindsight you're exactly correct, but I'd say it's likely that none of the people that got the cash prize bought bitcoin with it, whereas there's a possible chance that those that won the bitcoin may still have it. Imagine almost becoming a millionaire if only you played a little worse. GREAT SCOTT!!! Genius move sir! Yeah but then you'd have to be good enough to win lol. Damn zerg rush incoming That is some next-level thinking. You are a true hodler, my friend. Mad lad That's a shark. Mate i traveled back in time to get the btc. After reading your comment ill need to travel back again and get the 500 🤦🏻‍♂️ couldnt i read this earlier?! 20/21 vision Not just a meme, I was involved in the Starcraft 2 scene professionally 10 years ago and I remember this tournament. There were a few tournaments that gave out BTC prizes as it was like a 'participation medal' to make sure everyone won something Honestly there’s no way they didn’t just sell it even at like $1,000 You've lost about 15.82% of that $500's purchasing power since 2011 whereas Bitcoin has 20,000x. Hope you do well! It’s 10,000 BTCs actually Unless you bought $500 worth of btc with the first place prize Precisely SCAAAM Lol.... Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your post has been removed because you posted a banned URL. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete your post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* [removed] 4th place would be the most epic loss Ya, there seems to be like maybe 10-100 people in the entire world that held their Bitcoins from that era with the intention that the value would get to where it is today -- basically no one knew nor could predict. The white paper is so beautiful that I'd like to think if I found it in those days, I'd be one of the few but who am I kidding? Oh fuck. 5 million....? How much do you think Bitcoin is worth lmao This is why I didn’t study at school, still waiting for my big pay day. I would’ve sold in 2017" Buy the dip.,2587,https://i.redd.it/dshdq1ld7d771.jpg,"Anyone wanna buy a kidney? Buy the crash Am I sposed to buy Bitcoin with Bitcoin? All I've got left is Bitcoin. He bought? Dump it. I bought so many dips my dips got dips Just got my $16 nicehash payout, ya'll probably saw it on the whale reports. You guys have ever had money? I think definition of dip is when it goes up again after it goes down.. when we have dips after dips after dips, it's no longer a dip, i guess we are just going DOWN Please stay down until payday. No, but i get paid bi-weekly so i'll be back soon lol I had a feeling the dip was going to be very dippy. I sold off most my tokens back to fiat then bought everything back at a way cheaper rate and got more for less. That’s how you buy when you have no money left to buy. Lol I feel that Seriously. The dip and then the dip to the dip and then the dippity dip followed by the dippity doo dip [deleted] Crash me outside, how bout dat? Yah, i added BMI, FWT and VET this week. Trying to figure out the market... I just to DCA on some coins, I don't go all in haha especially right now. Recently bought ETH MATIC and PINK. You gotta join the Staking program of Dot Finance while still early. Coz they do provide massive APY. Some people have short term memory problems. The crash comes down hard, creates a new low, then skyrockets. Been in this game for 5+ years and now is the time to buy. Buy projects that have potential for massive gains. Mine are REN, DOT, ADA. There will never be another ""dip"" for me in Doge. I bought mine at $0.00028 Can we ban this meme For the millionth time. We get it. You’re broke. [deleted] [removed] This is so amusing. You stake your life to whatever you love. Sell everything to gain everything. I just staked with YLA Powerpool ,am expecting 15% + APY. It is the first decentralized index providing exposure to Bsc based asset. It's worth looking at. I would definitely go for NIF. They provide high returns to the users. Mark my word, soon it will cross 200x-300x mark in couple of months. NIF is the native token of UNIFTY, one of the top NFT projects. It is one of the est project under $50m market cap. You people are still holding ?? PS: I am still holding Too real. I feel this so much This assumes make money outside of crypto, but sadly I do not Ya some people have a job and get a paycheck its how we keep stacking sats! Look into it! When the dip never ends... Just a little bit at a time! Farm your stuff for more and then keep buying dips. Seleniumswap will allow to farm from 29 June 21:43 UTC , The presale is live [here](https://seleniumswap.com/presale). This is the only project with an active program against rugpull. Do your research [here](https://selenium-1.gitbook.io/seleniumswap/) Tend to resort to DCA, especially in times like this. This is the time in the market in which a lot of buyers buy the dip. Lmao 🤣 Ian Gallagher memes are so funny H O D E L Lmfao I'd sell a foot and a half to get more Ada and ALBT especially for the albt 3 month staking program No they sold without any profit and bought back more expensive 🤣 I have been catching this knife for weeks, I am all out. Buy Ankr it’s fucking cheap With what money yo? I ran out already I give virtual blowjobs for eth.. -Says a Lesbian What is money? Miraculously, if you take profit then you have money for the dip. This is me... 100% DCA a piece of your paycheck every week, never look at your portfolio. I just bought the Amp dip. Then it dipped again hahahahaha fml 🤦🏾‍♂️.. that was absolutely my last. Time to ride it out No Ragrets! Liquidate stocks that are all time high now - I did liquidate AMC when it got high and was able to dump more into crypto. Lol! I feel it so much,the last fund available I bought RELI dips, and now what? I wish to buy more.. Like how? yup - I just sold off my friend house, hahahahahahah I dont still have money.. its new money... Selling my stocks that are in profit to buy. Used to use a credit card but Uphold randomly stopped that 😒 it's a seven layer dip Wait till late fall early winter to buy.. the dip is going to be big... dont be fooled by this lil dips. wait for the biggy,...bitcoin under 20K ether less than 1500.0 [removed] [removed] I use cryptohawk Cryptohawk has helped me out a lot [removed] Someone finally said it!! do you accept dogecoin? Not in dip Blood type? 🤣🤣🤣 Id be interested. If not Doge, have you heard of SAFEMOON? Oh, and you dont smoke right? Eat the crash Crash the sell Buy the trash You could take a collateralized loan against your Bitcoin to buy more Bitcoin, but I wouldn’t recommend it. No, don't do it Doooomp eeet. How are you getting that low of a payout? I thought the minimum was .001 btc crypto is not my only source of income. and i got the PLUGnet dip recently and now i am ready for their liquidity mining event. Lmao good one Yes buy high sell low. That's what we are doing. Getting destroy by the dips. Now lets just hodl I missed that boat. I kept hodling with a certain number in mind and it crashed before I could reach it #rookiemistake I missed that one hard. If i had sold my etherum at 4300 or whatever it peaked at and bought it back now I'd have an extra 20k. I'm really bad at this. [removed] Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif) >Its fucking sad that HODL = paper hands, fud, fomo, watching the prices every day. You also forgot that it also means this HODL = Staking, watching the price every day, watching the pool rewards daily, earning passive income and not affected by IL. ETH 🙏 YLA FWT is still a good buy. I guess we will see some movement once they give us the access to their platform on July 14th. Finally, there won't be a waitlist anymore and all 100k+ people will be able to use it. How much APY when we stake PINK? 🤑 I am proud of your early investing 🐶 So much bullshit, paid bot? You're spamming this bs all over Hilarious. You know Ripple is an international company right? They could be outright banned from the US and XRP would still exist and be worth money. Most of their biggest operations and XRP in use are overseas right now. Idiot. Money is any item or verifiable record that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts, such as taxes, in a particular country or socio-economic context. The main functions of money are distinguished as: a medium of exchange, a unit of account, a store of value and sometimes, a standard of deferred payment. More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If something's wrong, please, report it in [my subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot).* *Really hope this was useful and relevant :D* *If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif) Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* I hold a bunch of Dogecoin and ain't selling, I have some cash on the side to jump into an interesting new project like Wallfair or to buy the dip like MATIC... THC positive I'd rather buy some low cap coins having solid FA. While waiting for the market to recover, I'm staking my LINK, DOT, and USDT on Dot Finance's DeFi Yield aggregator. Crash ate me I am the trash. Who wants to buy me so I can buy the dip? I feel happy when I see comments like this. It shows me how far we still have to grow. Most markets would just leverage margin, but not this one yet. Goes to show there’s still much work to be done. Exciting! Who cares at this point-it would all go back to the same entity You could via Baanx with Bitcoin and with an interest-free option alongside it. .0005 min to coinbase What pool did you choose? PLUG, ETH or USDC? Yeah I feel ya man. My strategy is to keep an eye on the top 10 cryptos I want and compare the last dips and see how low it went. Chances are it’ll go lower on a death cross and it did but I was definitely taking a stab at the goal number and luckily it worked out but easily could have gone either way. This was the first big dip I’ve gone through so I had some plans and back up plans and back up plans for the back up plan. Ultimate goal is to come out on top though of course lol. Ya man most people miss the bottoms of the dips. You really have to be looking at it all the time I feel. So does Cardano but whatever floats your boat. Yeah! Have you seen their Supercharger products? I wanna try DOT and GOLD staking. Right now, I have no idea because its not actually the same but the last time I checked it was 80-90% APY for LINK and USDT Thanks Lol. You’re fine bot. For now. Don’t blow it. Was not expecting a hug from that link but thanks haha Dude, whats MATICs use case after eth 2? That doesn’t feel like a good long term play yeh but 500,000 $SAFEMOON for 1 kidney is pretty good. Dip ate me PLUG one. i think it's going to be enough. what did you choose? i know that the other two gonna have bigger APY That is a good strategy to have. My eyes glaze over when ever I am looking at technical stuff and I really need to know more. Hopefully we all will come out on top! I wish I had better alerts or something. I am more interested in USD and EUR because the APY is 43%. You will never see that again. And I am sure that you can't name any other platform that does the same. We never know and maybe ETH 2.0 wouldn't be as good as MATIC too ,. Anyway right now I focus on micro-cap or new projects like Wallfair during this bear market it's the best thing to do I think. when will eth 2 be? I need to know to sell of my mining profits got no time for this shit dude... P&D bullshit. Check PINK mate, listing on MEXC Global soon. DYOR Eat the dip!! Ya my best advice is to always have some cash ready on the side lines to buy. I find at peak dips it can be slow to transfer funds fro Fiat to crypto so it’s good to have some In there for the dips. Also good to zoom out and see the trends and have an idea of what’s a really good price and what’s just inflated at the moment. This will help you figure out what to buy on the dips perhaps. Also remember we are all in this crypto game early and there is lots of time for gains still. Just be patient and use your Will power to help stay patient. I know eh. I set notifications for specific coins to be at specific prices and I always get them the day after. Like wtf is that! Haha brother I was joking, I wouldnt touch SAFE with a ten foot pole. Ill have3 a look into PINK. [deleted] Thanks man! That is some solid advise! what stable coin do you use? You not the only one ☝️ I get that too😂 nice nice! that's a very wise decision bruh. We need to invest in something real this time. Considering the fundamental analysis. PINK is already listed on MEXC global bro. +100% up gains But too much dip on my chip. I used Tether once and then I heard about the possible shit show that it is so I realized I could just “sell” the token back to my fiat account on the app for a small fee that I consider the cost of doing business, and buy it back with that fiat. Then eat the dip off the chip" Take me to the moon.,2584,https://i.redd.it/3n4tymln2bt61.jpg,"I know a dude that dumped a couple stacks into DOGE,to kinda use it as a ""stablecoin""... go fucking figure...the shit explodes over the next week. The mfkr couldn't have been luckier. That's like the dude at the casino that accidentally presses 100x bet or max bet and hits a line of 7s first try. Doge is 100% gambling and nothing else. Buy good cryptos. Just hold..I'm try story here..got sick of my doge..got rid of all my puppies and kept a few ""breeders"" ....then...it doubled..that night....so I waited an added more..Just keep everything is my motto now..🤔😜🧨 Why is a penis poking Elon Musk with a stick? Freaking Doge I knew I should of put 100 bucks in when back in Nov. I said nay, I can’t tell you how much money I have felt on the table for not listening to my gut. The gut knows people the gut knows. Doge coin was primed for action. 1. Easily accessible to uneducated noobs as their only option on a non-crypto stock app. 2. Pumped by famous person. 3. Noobs buy only option they have, and tell other noobs ""it's the next bitcoin"" because their noob brains don't understand shit coins. This thread aged well It actually was already a pretty good day for Doge yesterday 😅 😂😹😹😹💀💀💀💀💀💀 if Bitcoin is GOLD Doge is SILVER How do you feel now? 5x in a week 2x in the last 24hrs Damn, why did I not invest in the meme economy? There are so many other WAY better coins wtf NGL Doge got me started in crypto and I’ll be forever grateful. I realize it’s a shit coin. I also realize that people in general are idiots and will invest in this. I’m not dumping my life savings into Doge but I may $50 ride n see where it takes me in ten years funny how a lot of the people on this sub in particular talk shit about doge because they’re losing out while other people are making money and that makes them mad bagholding underperforming coins. I posted on here months ago asking if $500 in doge around .0032 was a good idea and everyone talked shit on it lolllll This is a meme coin, TBH I hope it will die soon Your still at .12 dont worry maaan be happy!! I just put up some actual cryptos as collateral in order to borrow and short 50,000 doge. Take me to the river🎶 🚀🚀🚀🌑🌒🌗🌕🌔🌖🌘🌓🦍🦍💎💎👋👋 Man I am laughing for last 10 minutes Don't the rules of this group say no memes? Awesome. Keep them coming. Down with the man. Who needs rules? More doge coin memes. I have not laughed so hard in all my life. The only thing missing now is a Brazilian poverty story, then my morning will finally be complete. Follow that intuition! Buy better coins Hahah this, but at 1000 lolz /u/covfefemy Lol I used to mine doge when it was brand new. I bought millions of them when they cost 0.000000001 cents. Lost my wallet like 10 years ago. Lmao [removed] 😂😂😂😂 [deleted] [deleted] Yeah, I was trying to figure out what was so attractive to Doge to have such a pump. But it's indeed gambling I guess. i told my parents not to use robinhood and not to buy crypto, they have no experience with it and they dont even know what they’re doing, i woke up to a 1000 dollar deposit and a 100 dollar dogecoin buy this morning 😒 i told em not to like 2 days ago, i tried telling them dogecoin isn’t a serious investment since people are doing it for the lols too, i told em that this crytpo relies on elon musk and they dont understand VeChain all the way buy ethereum while it’s still below $10k Imagine being this guy haha so bitter Held Doge since 2018,sold it when it didnt amount to anything...had to get bags of polkamon and it doing good already just announced a partnership with MATIC which is not a bad idea Vechain don't need no Muskyboi tweets. [https://imgur.com/gallery/NJMvEdT](https://imgur.com/gallery/NJMvEdT) I think the original comment is a joke... So you think other cryptos are more predictable or better for making money? And that there exist ""good cryptos"" and ""bad cryptos""? All cryptos have a reason for their existence and whether they are good or bad is highly subjective. Sure then go ahead spend your investment on ""good cryptos"", good luck. Reddit is full of circle jerking noobs that fall for the basic dogma What are good cryptos? Sir this is a casino... Sooky cry baby ass beetch, DOT any day over memes I knew that 100 percent this morning got in at 0.13 and exited at 0.18 and was sweating bullets watching it lol [https://imgur.com/gallery/NJMvEdT](https://imgur.com/gallery/NJMvEdT) Why not? penis poke everything, doesn't need to make sense Eh the whole markets growing exponentially its hard to lose money atm as long as you do a little research and you don't have the patience of a toddler. Amd dont buy ath's! Got some funny answers when I asked for some advice on how to surprise my girlfriend with newfound crypto smarts. Someone said tot tell her to buy a ALL the DOGE. Which of course I understood to be a joke... now I’m wondering what if.. 😓 [https://imgur.com/gallery/NJMvEdT](https://imgur.com/gallery/NJMvEdT) It'll come down to some lower level and chill for a while. Doge is only really good for it's pump and dump cycles. Give it time. Yeah. Do not ever ever ever ever buy something because you ""think"" its a good idea. No. You trust that weird fucking feeling in your gut before you listen to your stupid fuckin brain. It’s not the only crypto on RH-is that the app you’re referring to? 100% this, ppl are sheep and don’t want to do their own research. But hey if you capitalized and made guap, then good on you. I just don’t see sustainable growth. Tell me this, what does bitcoin actually have on doge other than being the founding cryptocurrency? As cryptos go, they are on the same level. There is no underlying business. It is simply an asset in its own right, thats value is determined by confidence in the coin itself and the market in general. If anything, DOGE could be an indicator of long term market health. How yw feeling today dude lol That's what I thought and that's why I was holding Nano. But got tired of people just buying things for no reason so I sold Nano and bought Dogecoin a month ago. Good Doge That's because you got lucky over the richest man in the world shitposting on twitter rather than making an informed choice. Crypto is supposed to be a decentralized alternative to banking, not a rich people's plaything. You got hate because you're feeding into the opposite side of what everyone else who has been here pre-2021 believes in I mean literally everything is up though so that’s probably not it at all. VET is right there with DOGE. Most folks just can’t figure out why DOGE is up. It’s a meme that is performing extremely well. They talked shit on you trying to buy $500 of DOGE at .0032 because at the time, all indications pointed to it being a terrible idea. ""I hate other people being happy"" It won’t. [https://imgur.com/gallery/NJMvEdT](https://imgur.com/gallery/NJMvEdT) Best doge memes are on doge sub. Hahahah Didnt even care at the time. I was just doing it for the lolz and thought it would die off in a couple years. Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Prove how wise you are by sending me 30k. Only unwise people don't send me 30k. Everyone knows this is a gamble. The coin itself was made as a joke, there's litterally no value in investing in dogecoin other than it being a meme. I'm so glad for those who made Bank on this, but in no way is this a smart play. Stop dumpin your anger on people and making up false narratives. I never said he wasn't smart. I backed him 100% in being the only one who said it was a great idea, I just didn't have the capital to do it myself or I woulda. Seriously... I hate people like you that go online just to start fights. Die in a fire. if they were to dump all 30%, would value go down by 30% ? Does it work like that? The pump is the reason for the pump Doge is big because it is well known. Just like Bitcoin. Other than that it doesn’t offer much lol I bought doge last year and never sold it just hoping to get huge profits and now it's a WOW for me doge saves my financial problems lol. Looking forward to this coins to VET, CAKE, INFI, GRPL, BTT, and EBOX to give me huge profits in the next 5years. GameStop pumped and fomo hit a lot of people, mass adoption of robinhood by new retail investors, hype died down people notice doge is cheap and listed on robinhood, wallstreetbets mentality totally absorbs r/dogecoin, now all those clueless people with all the GameStop/diamond hands energy are flooding the whole crypto space. It’s funny just read the threads on r/dogecoin. It’s like they don’t realize that cryptocurrencies aren’t stocks. A lot of people are going to get burned hard. There’s a post with a a bunch of people talking about how they’re millionaires and that they’re holding. If they know anything they’d cash out and buy actual Bitcoin and a hardware Wallet. Instead they’re just letting it ride in robinhood.. Find a good example of a famous pump n dump from their era, or try referencing the .com bubble Literally they won't be the only ones, and this is what will drive the price up lmao You don't own crypto on robinhood. You own the right to look at a piece of text on the app that says you do. But you can't withdraw it. Amazes me it ever got this far really. So, they’re up 50% already😂. While your advice was probably the best to give at the time, the timing of events that happened today probably means they won’t be listening to you in the future for any investment advice unless they get burned bad. Your parents are children, I would use this in court to argue their mental incompetence. You should be in charge of their finances I will take dogecoin meme coin over government printed pieces of promise paper any day I was hoping to get here first but ayyyyyyyyyyyy, I told my family a month ago to open a binnce account and get on vechain, only my auntie did, she rocks, the rest can visit us on the private island when its true value is realised. also if she'd put the money in when i told her instead of 3 weeks after she'd have top end lambo money. but atleast shes seen some good gains over the past week. Is there a fundamental reason why is VeChain pumping? Tempting to finally dump my bags from the last market cycle. Polkamon is listed 3rd among the top 10 most promising low cap projects that are not listed on a CEX yet ...$PMON all the way. Dogs go to vets right? Nah I'm not kidding actually. But you're right that ""good crypto"" is a bad choice of words. I think most people here know what I mean tho And my father was a Circle jerking noob, so be careful how you talk about them around me. How did you do that?? 🤔☺️ I've bought the ath on btc at 27k, 33k, 41k, 55k, it's been working out pretty well so far. Yea most of it was gotten at 10k before the surge but there's nothing wrong with averaging in at aths, those becomes the new lows in time I think by easily accessible it also means the price is low enough that having more ""shares"" per dollar spent gives noobs the idea they're early in the project considering the next crypto on the list is ETC and it's $25 a coin. I bet a lot of people who hold doge on Robinhood that scream doge to $1 on Twitter knows that dogecoin is a top 11 crypto with a market cap of $17b for no reason other than being a meme I thought it’s because btc was limited to 21m coins long term and doge could keep putting out endless supply Doge coin mints 10,000 coins per minute, there are currently 129 billion doge coins and rising. Terrible inflation, worst than USD. BITCOIN only has a maximum of 29 Million, making it rare and worth its price. If your coin requires a billionaire to manipulate the markets for you to start seeing profits, perhaps it wasnt the safest choice Exactly this Which is where they should stay.... Let it go man, had 330k doge in a hardware wallet. Learn from your past mistakes but don't sit on them. Trust your gut and don't listen to other people's opinions no matter how informed. I'm super wise Now how do I wire 30k to a stranger on reddit Been holding over a year. Bought in at .0013 ...in a little over a year with a steady climb my 20 bucks is almost 2 thousand. How was that not smart? I'm going to hold until I hit another comma. Hahaha cry baby boy well, I'm aware it'll dump more as others see a huge red candle. but would this 1 person solely be reponsible for a 30% drop (if it works that way). Funny right What it did have to offer was that it was a great way to get a lot of a crypto and impress newcomers with ""1000 Dogecoins"" or a gag gift like I did a few years ago because it has a cute shiba inu on the paperwallet I love the coin, but it's weird to me that they are currently worth this much. They are intended to be almost worthless to be able to gift impressive sounding amounts Just curious have you researched these currencies(VET,CAKE,INFL,GRPL,BTT,EBOX) or just gambling This really explains a lot, thanks! Enron is a company nearly everyone should know I think the .com bubble is a good example, I clearly told them on tuesday that we shouldn’t use robinhood since they have such limited options, the stock market is hard asf man. I don’t have time to do trading in the day and a lot of the things there are LONG time investments, i told her to use coinbase or binance or crypto.com, tf did we make accs for if ur not even gonna use them You cannot withdraw it?? What? I’ve never heard that before. I don’t use it just curious I told them this I bought 1k, was this predictable that they were gonna make 50%? No, thats the thing. ITS. A. GAMBLE. Sure, everything is a gamble but who knows where doge is gonna go? Amazing 😂 Auntie is a real G First of all, I think the price will increase further because this project has a real product & use case so I’m not surprised but I think there is some kind of FOMO at the moment. Remember one thing in the bull market: sometimes you have to take your profit so if you want to sell something, sell your inlay & leave the rest of it Ofcourse Tradingview.com a lot of the marketplaces have the same charts. What does ath mean?? ripple is cheap as shit too and at least has an actual business case behind it. I don't hold any, but man if you want cheap crypto at least buy something that has some sort of value proposition and isn't just a meme lol I hear ya, but I don’t see how having a trend of early investors making a misplaced assumption about value is a good thing for a project. To me it sounds like a lot of weak hands will invest and then get dumped on when the major holders start to take profit. I believe big holders will inevitably take profit because of the endless (literally endless) pressure of an ever-increasing supply. Don’t get me wrong. I have some doge myself, but I am ready to dump it like every other person I know (personally) that holds it. So, I get your point about it appearing more accessible, and I do not disagree. I just think that ultimately that point will come back to hurt the coin since it is the typically weak handed early investor who will think that way. Eth and ltc have so much upside too anyways It's about making money for me. I'm making the most off doge. Once the hype dies down I'll take my current 7000% profit and move to another coin It's luck not smart. You did nothing of particularly keen intelligence. Now is your chance to be Intelligent. Smart would be finding creative ways to utilize that asset to increase holdings. Smart and lucky would be finding ways to bet said holdings either for or against future growth and seeing your returns multiply. 😉 🎲🌚 Die in a fire, childish shit. I know VET and Cake but not so familiar with GRPL.can you tell me about it please. Enron is not a relevant example and has no parallels Nope. On robinhood you can't withdraw your crypto. It has to stay there, you can withdraw in fiat, that's all. I’m not disagreeing with you, just saying that the timing of events might make you look unreliable for investment advice in their eyes. Plus you can sleep better as soon as you already took out your initial investment 😅👌 you don't even have to panic during a bear market since you are only in with your profit :-) all time high XRP is banned in the US atm so ETC is the next cheapest available on RBH. 13 cents vs $26. If you got $20 to spend having 150 shares looks better than 0.75 shares to a first time investor No its been steadily climbing since I've bought in. At worst it's just a stable coin. But right now we got 2 people with way too much influence. Musk and Cuban just pumping it up like crazy. I got in before that. I seen musk get on board.. I bought more. I've been doing this for a good long while. Only thing lucky about it for me was finding it when I originally did. Ride the hype and make a few bucks huh? it's literally a pump n dump fake company that was one of the most popular notorious fraud examples in history You think it's better to bring up something like MGT a penny stock that trades for 7cents you think that'll help bringing up a tiny company no one knows as an example of a pump n dump penny stock? 🤣🙈 bro you're fuckin clueless the whole point was to name a famous example. Just because you're too dense to see the parallels between a massive company rising to insane valuations off no tangible value and a pump n dump doesn't mean they aren't analogous im sure making 1k in crypto makes me unreliable 😂 oh I still see xrp on my robinhood so I didn't even realize it can't actually be purchased No now isn't the time to be smart? Despite your disagreement I'm going to take my gambling money and double it down. What do I have to lose? >bro you're fuckin clueless I literally had a single sentence comment, you really read into things lmao what is wrong with you I agree, Enron is one of the best known examples of accounting fraud and financial crime. Doge may be a shit investment but is not inherently fraudulent. Thus, my single sentence stands, it is an irrelevant example Rekt There’s gotta be some misunderstanding somewhere. Did you not say that you told them not to buy Doge , then they did this morning? If you tell them not to do something and they go against your advice and do it anyway and it ends up extremely profitable for them that same day, then yes, that would make you unreliable (in their eyes). I don’t know anything about you or your investment strategies other than that doge is a shit coin(which I agree with) and am not judging your reliability for investment advice in general. Just saying that it happened to be bad timing for you to tell them not to buy. Of course nobody could predict a 50% jump in a few hours I hope you do double down dude. But you're the one who said it's not smart, its luck. Have a good one im good on this convo thx 😎😏 I told them this coin was being pumped like crazy due to elon musk, i explained to them the day he stops talkin about it is most likely the day it dies, now they’re asking me before buying cryptos, got a text “is stellar lumens good” i told them “yeah i’ve been telling you since october”, they have the habit of not actually doing things theyre told, they lost like 100 in the stock market, i told them the stock market is difficult, they simply cant get a grasp of what people tell them 🤦‍♂️ Lol thanks for telling me. tf, my mother just said its her money and she wants in robinhood, the fuck? Okay, thats fine but why the fuck does she keep asking me if these cryptos are good? shit pisses me off so much, like why the fuck bother me if you’re not gonna but this shit, ive been telling her about xrp, ethereum, and everything and NOW she fuckin ask me about it and she doesn’t even fucking buy it and waste my time? shit has me on edge cause she does this in real life situations, she never seems to take shit serious. she always is late whenever we have an important event, shes there last minute. a while ago we took a flight to cali and guess was, she overslept and was basically late, she got lucky enough because they were about to close the doors “maybe she’s just tired” she had 2 weeks off before the flight, she decision to pack her bag literally at 12 am, istg bro" Elon Musk owns Bitcoin. Tesla owns Bitcoin. Those are two separate things. I think that’s news?,2547,https://i.redd.it/hmts8rmgzlv61.jpg,"Dave 'Paper Hands' Portnoy I doubt someone like Elon would care to swing trade crypto; the 10-year returns have been looking good for bitcoin [deleted] But did he buy it right back? I think this reinforces quite a few notions that stress everyone out. It is OK to sell and take profits. What goes up, does come down. Despite this, the floor is typically higher each time. The highs and lows are difficult to ascertain. It is far too easy to get caught up in bull runs. There are plenty of others too, but do not believe everything you read without DYOR. Set yourself a plan and a few moon shots, whether it is clearing a debt or purchasing a car, and adapt. Never invest any money you need access too or can't afford to lose. How dumb is portnoy tho?? He should just stick to eating pizza I have never and will never listen to Portnoy seriously. He's good for pizza reviews and talking shit about Michael Rapaport and that's about it. If they really wanted to prove they are one of us they would buy high sell low. Dave Portnoy is an idiot I'm sure most ppl know this but it seems pretty obvious for those who haven't figured it out... Portnoy is a moron. A rich, influential moron... The real question is why? When is enough enough for these jackals? Like, why the fuck does Elon Musk need another billion dollars? The sycophants who worship these people are just as disgusting. Nice answer What kind of world does he live in where someone else wanting their investment to succeed is considered a heinous act of greed Fuck Portnoy Dave Saltnoy Elon pumped BTC to please China. They are huge holders. I think he's pandering to them to be able to stay in business there. Dancing with the devil. What did selling 10% prove? We all knew bc went up and selling would result in a profit for telsa. elon acting like he wouldn't actually do that just for his own 'lulz'. We all acting like he wouldn't. I'm really starting to dislike this dumbfuck portnoy.. God, he wants hard to be relevant....wow. get a life bro! Papa Elon said nay nay [deleted] Can anyone confirm if Elon has ever publicly stated he owns Bitcoin separate from the Tesla treasury? That’s the point. I don’t even care about the Portnoy comment Just remember one thing. The pOrTrN0Y guy is a knucklehead. I guess the Winklevoss twins’ meeting with this idiot still wasn’t enough for him to get it. Christ Dave is such a doorknob [deleted] Zzzz not news Elon should get arrested for market manipulation... EM is level 100 ultra mf super boss do not denigrate the man What about doge? Does he pump that? 💥 [removed] Trash talks Bitcoin. Owns Bitcoin 🤦‍♂️ people fail to realize that ""dump"" also happens in CEFI... look at (my massacred boy) my currency the argentinian peso...is a great example of that Crypto is mined in other countries too. China won’t want its population to have digital currencies because its freedom for the people. They are autocratic controllers. These are factors. Short term possible FUD from suckers for long term proof of concept. Seeing the profits in USD on paper is going to cause more institutional buys. Even if any company buying because of this went riskier than would be responsible for a company holding millions in BTC and sold half of their buy, that’s still a *shit* ton of money in the system that might not have been there otherwise. Dave Paper Hands Portnoy is annoying as fuck. Dude held Chainlink for like 12 hours before complaining he didn't make millions off it and sold at a loss. Can't stand that asshole. [deleted] Portnoy is a nonce Yes but who gives a crap. Free will. If he admitted it whatever. Who cares. I wonder how much personal BTC Elon has! Fkn Legend @Elon ""I only own *one* bitcoin"" That gives it away. Probably doesn't even know you divide it. ""Listen I own 1 #Bitcoin"" Weird flex but ok Haters are gonna hate Is he going to buy back in? That's what I want to know. Portnoy is a clown Are people finally realizing that DP is not someone you should be taking financial advice from? He started a sports blog, what a genius. [removed] 🚀🚀🚀🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘💎💎💎👋👋👋 [removed] [removed] People panicking over what they should be celebrating... No way he only owns 1 BTC. He's freaking rich. That's just for the tax man. He probably has a non custodial wallet with like 100btc. Portnoy is the embodiment of wealth induced Dunning Kruger Tesla is not hodling, they just use bitcoin as a store of value to make sure they don’t lose the value of their money supply to the devaluating US dollar When I sell it’s also to prove liquidity [removed] Who really gives a shit if he took a little profit. Give the dude a break. Everybody takes profit at some point. He only sold like 10% or something like that, it's not like he sold his whole bag. Portnoy is a moron Owned. So Tesla is not Elon? Who is Tesla then? Paper hands portnoy at it again. The fucker cant hold a wet paper bag. HODL’ing bitcoin? Fuck i WISH it would crash so I can stock up for 2024/5 Paper hand Portnoy!!!! This guy is an absolute bell-end. Nope. You are reading too much into it. ""I have not sold any of my bitcoin"" Does not necessarily mean that he owns any. It just means he has not sold any bitcoin belonging to him. Possibly, because he does not own any. I really hope he makes an even bigger ass of himself and panic sells again. He’ll be a great example for a lot of new people holding 1/100th as much BTC as him so that they make 10x his % gains in the future. Paper hands portboy * Portnoy is such a bitch. Portnoy is a fucktard. Its not so much about elon, as it is about tesla board members. Obviously im just speculating, but he does have a point to demonstrate to corporations how they can capitalize on the volatility. I think its good Unless he’s a globalist playing a role in the destabilization of the US dollar. Here’s my observations: China loves Elon Elon loves China China controls 65% of the Bitcoin hash rate (enough for a 51% attack aka control) Elon is loading up on Crypto and pumping Bitcoin and Doge while trashing the dollar Many celebrities are piling on Globalist banks almost all unanimously came out pro-Bitcoin and are stacking it while also expressing doubt about the US dollar China loves and benefits from all of this Everything I mentioned has happened in the past 90 days… if you can employ some of the best traders in the world, and they could make you a $100 million+ swing trade, in a pretty short time frame... i dunno about yall but im pretty sure last time i checked companies, particularly like the ones elon gets involved with, love profits! i dont see why thats not something they'd 100% do not saying they DID do that here etc.. just i dunno why we pretending like its not something they'd at least very strongly consider. also why we pretending this isnt literally something elon would do purely for shits and giggles. Agreed. It doesn't make sense for him or Tesla. Heard of quantum computing? [removed] It's only been around for 10 years tho right? He also tried to ride the GME wave, got burnt, then cried about it like the little bitch he is. [deleted] I’m a fan when he shills my altcoins. Not a fan when he pulls some shit like this. Yea I see why he annoys people but he is a “dumbass” that has made more than most of us will in our lifetimes combined my friend Should have doubled down. [removed] I can’t stand the guy, but he did build and then sell a successful company to a much larger company, which says he isn’t as dumb as we’d like to think. This is the way It's human nature. He's spent his entire life trying to acquire wealth. You expect him to retire in his prime as the second richest person in the world? Not likely. Ofc he is. He is like the ultimate venture capitalist Liquidity. That it wasn't a long term play. A currency rather than just a commodity I'm guessing some board members saw it as a sunk cost that would never show any actual returns. Remember you don't make money by hodling. Can't wait to watch him get crushed by Brooks Koepka Are you saying the bitcoin he owns is part of the Tesla amount? It sounds like he’s making a distinction in the tweet between what Tesla has and what he has, and that he hasn’t sold any of his. Lol in the picture you link, Musk says he did not sell any of HIS bitcoin. He sold a part of teslas to prove a point. Yes I like both dese mfs but I lick pussy even better No shit. Has Elon ever admitted to having his own Bitcoin separate from Tesla balance sheet? Has he admitted a personal stash? Shit, that's more btc that I have. Probably more than most people have. It is a weird flex though. Like, anyone with the money can buy a whole bitcoin. Portnoy is a millionaire and only has *one* btc. Maybe he's following boomer advice and only exposing 1% of his portfolio to it? Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* He's built a media empire making an ass out of himself in the public eye. He's making money either way. [removed] Paper Hands Poorboy \*\* Agreed You forgot to put 'paper handed' in front. [removed] Agreed part ✌️ But could that not have been grounded in theory alone? They obviously sold it because they wanted to reduce the BTC amount. Maybe bc they needed the money or were too scared to own that much. The fed is doing a pretty bang up job destabilizing the US dollar printing 25+% of the money that’s ever been printed in the last year. Rapid inflation will ensue, and the dollar will be destabilized. I’m hoping crypto is a decent hedge.Thats not to say that you’re wrong, I think you’re spot on as well. [deleted] Well, in my books there is two types of globalists and it's essential to differentiate them. The ones that does shit that helps the planet and humans as a whole and the ones that exploit the different laws and power structures in different countries to fuck over the planet and the rest of us with it. You hit China, Elon, Globalist - I'm surprised you didn't start yelling about communists too So soon mining btc will become a matter of national security, and governments will start setting up their own rigs. Lovely. 🙂 Wasn’t aware that the CCP was in the mining business. If all the borders disappear how will I be expected to keep all my freedom in one place? You are so focused on China it’s no wonder you can’t see anything else. Seems like Biden is the one trashing the dollar. I just love how the word globalist is frequently used as a slur. “You care about EVERYONE??? Yuck, what about ‘mu rights??!” Youre on to something. Now do the world loves china. China doesn’t control 65 % those shits n giggles would come.at the cost of cryptos legitimacy Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Don't board the rocketship if you're not willing to get burnt. Man that was so fucking cringeworthy. I always disliked Portnoy but when he pulled that cry-baby bullshit stunt I just had to laugh. Such a bitch. Fuckin Paperhands Portbitch ! Literally jumped in so late to try and hog the spotlight. Good thing he got burned [deleted] He also fucks with employees who try to unionize, so he’s got more in common with Elon than he cares to admit. [deleted] Agreed. If the 1% who controlled most of the worlds wealth were more willing to help with the other 99%, it would be a better place. Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Lol, it’s like you’re using a fork to eat soup He's literally trying to go to the moon. I guess I'm not human in that case. That's the exact opposite of what OP is saying. Reread what you responded to, slowly and out load might help. He's asking if Musk ever publicly stated that he personally owns Bitcoin before this post. OP, I'm not sure why these fools don't understand your point. I think you made it very clear. Not sure of the answer, though. [deleted] Hey, that’s great, I don’t hope the guy goes broke or anything, but it’s not like he’s playing 4d chess with what he’s been doing with crypto so far lol the simpler explanation is that he’s just bad at it and he’s making classic mistakes based on emotion. It’s a free country but he really deserves to continue to get spanked by the market if he keeps making dumb moves and spreading baseless FUD as an example to everyone else with even less experience why they shouldn’t be making panic moves before thinking through goings on in the crypto space. [removed] Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Paper hands poopboy*** Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Lol what You forget, they're managing Billions. Proof of liquidity is very important on balance sheets or you're not representing actual numbers. Try paying your bills with theoreticals. It's pretty apparent that neither of your guesses are true, either. I hope he is trashing the dollar. Fuck the dollar. It's a lost cause. Hence, crypto. That’s reasonably concerning right? Any chance someone can provide a comparison for day what percentage Australia may have printed out of curiosity? I live here and wouldn’t know what to search myself Is there a website that shows how much cash is being pumped into the system on a daily/weekly or even monthly basis? I'd love to have a quick reference I can use to see by what % the dollar has deflated in value. I'd like something along the lines of, ""bitcoin gained 6% today and the value of the dollar went down by 3%. also don't forget the recession recovery before corona. If you expand the dollar printing to a 10 year horizon i think its around 40% of all USD in circulation This. This should be higher This, even if it's just two competing super powers, China who sees the coming dollar fall and investing in alternative options to overtake top spot, and the US who is destroying the dollar trying desperately to maintain its hegemony and putting forward stupid ideas like Facebook coin to start a ""new"" centrally controlled dollar. Can't we just say fuggem both and celebrate a currency based on individual freedom is getting coincidently propped up by some of the sociopath class (not including or excluding elon in that, can't decide). Obviously there is a number of agendas, and obviously they don't give a fuck about you. Take advantage of whatever you think they are attempting I say. So if the china pump and dump happens, I'll be happily buying as much as possible with bush/Clinton dynasties and the rest of the lizards, while some normies get scared off. Loved that! 😍 His conclusions are just weird China is communist, Elon is communist and the global bankers are definitely commies too. (People have no humor) Well you pretty much need the CCP to operate the large mining factories they run. And the CCP can just take control at any point if they wanted to. The trillions in handouts aren’t helping, that’s for sure. Rocket Fuel is volatile yo, but it takes you to the moon. Yup. Paperhanded bitch on top of it. That was such a joke.. [deleted] [Idk about that ](https://youtu.be/goePYJ74Ydg) Guess it depends what you mean by smart. IQ-wise and general knowledge-wise I imagine they’re far above average. Ironic that without that 99%, none of it exists. OP asked if Elon has ever publicly stated that he owns bitcoin, and the tweet OP posted was Elon publicly confirming he owns bitcoin, so I was trying to figure out why OP is even asking that question. Not sure why I'm clarifying that for you tho since you seem like someone who just goes out of their way to word things like an asshole and make the world a little worse of a place with your internet interactions. I was just genuinely trying to understand what OP is talking about. He did not say before this post, maybe read what i replied too, regardless just google the damn question and your lazy asses would find out. About every quarter [https://i.imgur.com/hsBP0kZ.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/hsBP0kZ.jpg) He started day trading as a way to generate content for barstool while everyone was at home after the pandemic started and it's been a pretty big success for him in terms of driving attention and views back towards his company. My point isn't that he's a good trader, my point was that he's already likely generated many times over his trading account value in terms of revenue for Barstool. Him absolutely blowing up that account would generate a lot of revenue for him and his company because it would definitely blow up on twitter and they'd have even more viral content. So, he wins regardless of what happens with that account. He also definitely has other people managing the majority of his money. He's worth well over 100 million and started the day trading account with a couple million. With how crazy the stock market was last year, he's probably made more in profit in 2020 on his legit accounts than that day trading account is even worth. Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Heh heh heh, poop, heh heh heh Surely they could have looked at the liquidity of BTC and seen how easy it is to sell 10% of their BTC. Did they have to sell it to see that? So why wouldn't they have bought it back then? I kinda want the dollar to be ok until, idk 2080 or so - after I’m dead. Haha [removed] Try the RBA website - pretty sure they report on the money supply. Regardless of the percentage in Aus, you or this dude has no idea how inflationary this will be ~ possibly low in terms of cpi or the price level given the recession. It will, however, cause asset price inflation eg in markets like crypto. [removed] [removed] [removed] Comment is speeling mistake, commentor is misspeller, other commenters post defenitely BS too. So you can confirm that 65% of all mining hardware is physically located in China? Trillions in handouts to people who are struggling during a global pandemic? You are right nothing actually sells itself, however someone isn't a business genius these days for realizing ""Oh people are hungry! I could fill that need and market it!"" Lol found the Dave Portnoy fanboy... Not sure about that, but a good percentage of them (at least CEO'S) are sociopaths Im with you. I mean there's a lot of people who are straight up stupid and got rich by chance, but I'm sure a lot of the people in high positions of powers don't keep those positions by being stupid. You'd get pushed right out and exploited by people who are actually smart. It may seem stupid what they do but I think in reality they're just sociopaths. I know one who seems really stupid but in reality the shit he does is really well calculated just entirely for his own benefit and completely disregards others. He's completely oblivious when it comes to others needs and well-being. I understand that he’s basically just recreationally trading with money he doesn’t need for secondary revenue from the entertainment provided by those activities, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t make at least as much if not more if he was actually, you know, making *good* trading moves, you know? Not to mention if he was just being an irresponsible ass with his crypto for entertainment on purpose (which I don’t fully buy anyway) that’s going to go over a lot of people’s heads and influence a hell of a lot of people who don’t have millions to burn. And hey, our respective reks are our own responsibility, anyone just blindly following someone else’s moves should rethink what they’re doing even if it’s someone who actually *does* know what they’re doing, but still. Just because he doesn’t need the money he’s losing, he could always make more lol the guy’s just kind of stumbling around crypto like a jackass and tweeting garbage like he knows what he’s talking about. Which again, free country, but a lot of other personalities in crypto are evidence that losing money, giving in to FUD, and generating it yourself isn’t the only way to provide entertainment value. In fact, it’s arguably not a very sustainable business model because someone with a platform that big is inevitably going to get a fair number of fans blindly following trades and getting burned. Sure, those people would be wrong to do that, but it’s still going to happen. All I’m saying is the guy’s been in this space long enough to learn something and get better at this, and it seems like he hasn’t. If he’s just being an investment clown purely for entertainment, that just sounds like an even stupider strategy than his investment strategy thusfar. I mean, if so, sure, we’re talking about it, but it sure as hell doesn’t make me want to actually go watch him talk about crypto or anything relating to finance on his show... 😂😂😂😂👏🏻👏🏻🍻 Yes. The Tesla board isn't going to just transfer a fuckton of profit into an asset before they know they can get it back. It's not like they are all crypto experts, I'm sure he had to both educate and prove to them that bitcoin is viable as an asset, just like the US dollar, which they have been using their whole lives. Theory doesn't mean shit when the money is gone. How do you know they didin't buy back or buy more? This news isn't instant. Tesla had been acquiring its BTC holdings for months before it was public news. ""But why wouldn't Elon say they bought back if they did/are?"" To do what? Prove something to Dave? I think Elon cares more about proving things to the board than to the ""Daves"" of the world. Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* [removed] Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Can confirm This is pretty common knowledge dude https://www.buybitcoinworldwide.com/mining/china/ Now look at the “expansion” of mining to other countries to get you to think they’re decentralizing it. All these companies are buying Chinese mining machines (compromised HW). The recent Bitcoin “correction” from $64k to $48k - we were told the DOJ was going to prosecute money laundering and it spooked the market. Bullshit. It was a major power outage in [checks notes] CHINA. https://youtu.be/dAJ6fFzlXtM Now dig into some of the other major Cryptos… Ethereum - China dominated ADA - Created by IOHK (Input Output Hong Kong) Keep going down the list. Your jaw will drop. Crypto is programmable money. Who programs it? Decentralized entrepreneurs trying to better the world? Hardly… Don't forget the corporate handouts? Individual people got just a tiny slice of that pie. [removed] Some are but many who aren’t struggling got money that will devalue the US dollar and those same people will likely be very angry when they realize the long term consequence of the stimulus packages. Best case scenario, when rapid inflation tips towards hyperinflation, the fed will raise rates dramatically and we will have a recession. Worst case, hyperinflation actually happens. [deleted] That could be, but I'd say that's different from being not smart >sounds like an even stupider strategy than his investment strategy thusfar. That's because it's not an investment strategy. It's Barstool content and he's creating that content as the El Pres character he plays at Barstool, which is just an exaggerated version of himself. The cost of the content, which I'm sure he's recouped in revenue for the company a few times over now, is the risk he takes on from making entertaining trades and live streaming himself talking about it and tweeting about topics in the market. Its also worth mentioning that he actually was making money. Last summer I think his day trading portfolio was estimated to be up over 10 million. I'm not sure what it's at now. >influence a hell of a lot of people who don’t have millions to burn. Portnoy has to be the least nefarious influencer in this space. Crypto is littered with people pumping shit coins and has been for years. Oh true that. They may be in the process of buying back. Not to prove anything to Dave R. This is business they don't care about stuff that happens on twitter. I'm talking about for Tesla. Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* 😍👍😂 I was under the impression that 65% of hashing rate from mining pools is in China, not the actual miners and hardware. Pretty common assumption. I'm not gonna argue with how deep China has its finger into crypto but I *will* point out that the dude on the YT video is kind of a maximalist. Arguing that gold is useless and should soon collapse ignores pretty much the whole part of the practical use of the element in modern industry. >entrepreneurs trying to better the world? This is just nonsense that gets fed to people who want to believe it, same for ESG investing in stocks, the returns aren't higher but I'm sure plenty of fat fees have been collected. Got it, so what you’re saying is that the CCP controls Bitcoin and President Xi is the CEO of Bitcoin. You have anything to back up your claims of “compromised HW”? Who programs it? Devs. Lol medical worker pay was slashed dramatically and countless people were laid off. And they, you know, constantly got exposed to COVID Wouldn't that value drop show on the USDX? The USDX is still around 90, the level it was at one point in 2017 and higher than it was from 2003-2015. I've been expecting the dollar to crash but I thought it would be happening by now the corporate handouts are what you should be REALLY incensed about. yours is just misguided anger my friend. “Handouts” for medical workers. What a look into the pathetic state of your mind set. What a repulsive person you are Your mindset seem ripe for business failure. Maybe there is a connection between how emotionally you are reacting to the criticality of his ""success"" and what has happened to you IRL? You think there’s a distinction? [removed] If my miners are in my basement and I mine to a pool in China, does the CCP have control over my miners? Well yeah, if any nefarious activity is being conducted from a mining pool that is centralised in China then couldn't miners switch to another pool not conducting in this? Happy to be proven wrong here, this is just from my basic understanding. What does make sense? You're the one who said it's going down by 25% so what did you mean by that? Do you mean inflation goes up 25%? USDX goes down by 25%? I'm not asking for an economics class here just curious what metric you are thinking about when you say it's ""going down nearly 25%"" If an attack is already underway it would be hard to realize until it is done That's very false. How so? I wouldn't know unless someone told me" Crypto PTSD,2452,https://i.redd.it/kdgr8lv3x8d81.jpg,"we are now very much close to the BTC miner production cost of $34,000. Now, if the BTC price continues to correct further, we can see heavy selling and capitulation coming from Bitcoin miners.  Roger that, Accumulate more dip. I already bought UDO today and I'm looking forward to buying ABT as well Ah man. This shit killed me 🤣🤣 If I had an award to give, I would We need more of these type of memes in these ugly times That’s hilarious I'm so tired of the cc subs. If I'm not banned I'm leaving them lol ​ This is top shelf meemery however Haha. Well, I already bought some more dip. But the reason why this dump didn't really affect me was because I saved most of assets as usd in the freeway network before this dip began. Getting 43% apy on usd while waiting out this dip lol. Hopefully the free fall ends soon, and I can reenter the market 😳😳😳. She gets it!!!! Crisps* My face after seeing this meme for 1,000th time. And now, what's she saying, sell the dip? haha. shit just got real and it's time to see the real ogs. Those that are here for the long term and eventually see new all time highs, like from cometh cause even from the massive correction is still having more register for the game which also equals more investors, crypto is still bullish. The concept and purpose of this project is very good. I hope that the development team will be able to make every effort to make this project a great and useful project. bought BTC today [deleted] Already bought the dip, bought some SYS, BNB etc let's what tomorrow brings We were just boys... Actual lol The dip needs dipping Came 4 da gainz...stayed 4 da memezzz This dip brought to you by Grenada I read ""Buy The Dip!"" and have been doing that. Now that I'm broke, just realised the dip is finally happening! This is gold. Dip v12.7 Sell orders going out like choppers from Saigon [removed] ""buy the dip..."" I was told that the miners cost was $20-21k Hey Steve Dave, I think I found the dip. Can the whales quit dropping today. Stoppp!! Let’s go up now. Eckkk 😂😂😂😂😂 THE GREAT DIP https://psilocybemushroomshop.com/product/dmt/ just about cried laughing at this. Literally with Russia and Ukraine How do you know I heard it cost most miners $20,000 to mine one bitcoin…. [removed] I agree with you, and I'm also accumulating more BTC, ETH, and Lox trio tokens. Soon, MLD and Metalox will be airdropped to Lox trio token holders. I agree very much. Crypto moon boys on YouTube miss your superchats Where that 43% APY coming from, amigo? 43% APY on stables is almost too good to be true. I'm only staking mine at Celsius for 8ish% But I have the same strat with you where I save stables for dips like these or IDOs. Dao Maker which had heavy VC backings on their project recently opened their token sales [without the requirement of having their token staked](https://learn.daomaker.com/publicsho). Lesser costs and I can dump all my money on projects instead of buying their token, so it's a win win for me. Chips! And Fries! Oh, and for the record it's ALU-MINUM. Here we call them “chips” - Ringo [removed] Done enough with BTC trying the waters with some really good projects I had in mind before the dip, and also will increase my stake in Ore network's ongoing liquidity mining for more over 762% APY. I love the smell of paper hands in the morning! Beacuse they can't keep mining and stay in profit if price goes below their profit margin. He’s the CEO of bitcoin That’s what I heard too Thats a good list you have there, Unido in app staking is coming soon as well, so I can finally put my UDO to good use Well, according to what I gathered before I got in. 80% of profits made in the platform (form transaction fees and other high-level investments) are directly sent back to the liquidity pool. Basically crediting the users. Well, I would have agreed with you on the too good to be true part if not because I already know that Freeway is fully regulated. So assets saved in the network are fully insured. I haven't heard of Dao maker before though. Hopefully that means I can get my hands on a 30series gpu I mean as a crypto miner the only people who are going to mine at a loss are people who are gonna hold their coins. Mining and then selling at a loss is kinda dumb, better off just shutting down the less efficient machines and wait for difficulty to drop. not entirely true - they will raise transaction fees to offset the loss of price Just like when oil went down in price and chased out the frackers , it cost more to get the oil then it was worth . What if theyre mining like myself and my mates regardless of price cos we believe in 4 years time we’ll be bang in profit This is a wise choice. Lox also intended to include Play to Earn and Play to Keep gaming in their metaverse project. The first of the playing card series is currently in development. You can dyor PC Master Race sub be like... You do know bitcoin mining isn't done on graphics cards? This is the real answer Wwe're talking about the large industrial operations that have to pay for the energy and real estate as operational cost, not too mention the financing on purchasing the ASIC miner. If miners are in a place where they mine at a loss, wouldn't it be better to just buy the coins instead of mining? And then what happens > oil then it *than *Learn the difference [here](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/when-to-use-then-and-than#:~:text=Than%20is%20used%20in%20comparisons,the%20then%2Dgovernor%22).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.) I dont know anything - but I guess it applies that the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent, then again I guess we can test that thesis. It appears that you are all optimistic about Lox.I bought UDO with my last funds but I will look into it. Have you registered for the Unido waitlist?For six weeks, you will have the opportunity to earn free UDO. And you think industrial operations will mine crypto and sell immediately for below production costs? less people transact on Bitcoin L1, lowering the hashrate, and fee’s decrease. Or price raises again and fee’s decrease I'll look into it, but in the meantime, I'm looking forward to the announcement of the Hurrian MLD airdrop for Lox Network trio token holders. The point is that they might have to shut down, because of cash flow issues. Something that everybody that mines at home tend to forget. If it in any way offsets the cost of their rigs, yes. It only needs to beat the cost of electricity if they expect the price of Bitcoin to stabilize above cost of electricity for them to mine. It's a waiting game for them, bleed as little money as possible until it is profitable again. Okay sure dude, lets hope for the best Be it cash flow or not no miner in the world industrial or small time is going to mine and then immediately sell below cost to manufacture. That makes zero business sense at any scale. Just because you have fixed costs does not mean you are gonna keep going and let variable costs crush you instead. Because one of the biggest costs in any size operation is power which is a variable cost. I read about UDO, which is also a good project. Just wanted to let you know that the Hurrian MLD airdrop for lox network trio token holders will be supported by Bitrue Official. The snapshot is scheduled for March 12th, and there will also be a monthly AMA with the Lox CEO. When you run a business and you can't pay the operational cost, then you're gonna have to either 1. sell assets to cover the shortfall until the situation improves, 2. borrow money until the same, or 3. pack up shop and cut your losses. That's the reason why I said if this continues, many industrial miners will just pack up shop and sell the hardware while it's worth money. For those with GPUs it's easy, but a bit harder for those with the ASIC miners." "Bought at $61.5k last saturday, then sunday comes.",2419,https://i.redd.it/j8vxuqwyc3v61.jpg,"Only lose when you sell Damn bro thats rough. Bought some at 53 so im still pretty optimistic It’s historically not a good time to buy on friday I believe. I saw a posts someone has put all price data into a spreadsheet. It was pretty neat, Sunday’s were usually red. Wasn't 6.1 ath? Big balls buying top. Here’s some music to console you. https://youtu.be/CkeDjLZMRRk no wonder they say sunday is the cheapest Yo i spent my paycheck on 61.5k too lmao I've been sitting on the sideline for the last year and felt it was doomed to crash at and time, but i finally decided to jump in and bite the bullet around 62k with almost all of my savings. Fuck. [deleted] I also learned the hard way 😅 Guess that’s why people do dollar cost averaging 🤷🏻‍♂️ Foiled again! I’m with you just remember it probably does not matter very much in the mid-long term Just pretend in your mind that it didn’t dip more and forgeddaboudi. Because you can’t change it. Doesn’t make much difference to you because the difference between when you bought and now wouldn’t have got you much more profit anyway. And it’s inevitable that the crypto will go up in the future and you’ll still be a chicken dinner. Well my cat had to have surgery so I had to sell most of my holdings of Dogecoin but it was good timing cuz I made enough to almost cover the cost of surgery Hodl, just hodl. It will go back up and reach 100k! Just make sure you hodl! Get used to it. What we do is speculation not investing. [deleted] Luckily for me, I just buy a small bag almost everyday, dip or not, I'm stacking sats to hodl for several BTC cycles. Long term thinking. I opened a new trade at 54 so I know the feel Hey i bought it at 55 thinking it would go back up silly me and then you need to sell to survive and it starts mooning like never before... The struggle is real 😳!!!! HODL Feel your pain. Bought some at $63k after it came down off of the ATH. Then when dipped I scrounge together more and bought around $55K. So I am cost averaged at $60K. Not horrible right now but still seeing red. Hodling the line here for sure Shrug. Every month there is a sell off before the options expire. Buy the dip sure, but you have to actually let the price fall some distance first. That's me buying a whole lot of ONE at $0.14. 🥲 Those are rookie numbers... check my order. http://imgur.com/a/k4sRUNn Lol I need it to go lower before I sell. I hear this is the way. It’ll be back up soon. That’s why you don’t go all in Give that money to me. I'll let you be rich, or maybe I'll be rich. Idk. Lmfao that wasn’t a dip that’s a top about to crash Shit happens, stay strong it will recover for sure. No worries. It always do. I hope you didn't buy some shitcoin. I'm going with UTK. How about you guys? Ouch. F. 😂 Now ask your bf for more !!! What movie is that picture from? Scale in, my dude Oh well... You're in now. Just HODL! [removed] We’ll be back for you! That hardly a dip that you bought into.. Biden’s gonna bbrrrrrrrrr again. You got this.. Is like pee If you've got a big amount at hand, place orders at various price levels. Never drop a big stack at a single price. Evens out better, better psychologically If your a long term holder, it will recover, and gain in the years to come. Hard to predict daily trading patterns with so many people able to buy and sell on a sec's notice. Advice I learned, don't look several times a day. Maybe weekly, or every few days. Well, luckily i bought Plugnet at dip price. You can also start adding liquidity on uniswap to earn more rewards. Bought back VET today, hopefully it makes sense. This hurts too much 💔 I just started buying crypto lol I buy the dip with all my money every time. Then I make more money and buy the dip again. 💪 Look up Stock to Flow. Bitcoin will reach 80,000 easily once this wave of volitility passes. Even if you don't believe in STF, many retail investors are taking profits while smart money is hedging their stock with Bitcoin holdings. They have to hold BTC in order to offer it as a financial instrument, so it's a self fulfilling prophecy. It would be ideal for me to finish out my second half of bitcoin at 20k instead of 30k.... There’s just something mysterious about owning a couple physical bitcoins it’s like owning a kilogram bar of gold or something One day 61k will be the dip Bahahahah 🤣 Use dca next time! I have only two trading strategies; FOMO and YOLO Some heavy btc traders I know saying this was just a pull back and that a correction is due in a couple of months if not September.. they are predicting 10-11k. Wonder if anyone can speak on this? Mad rage, bounce yo shit back! Come on! Tough spot T\^T You should have bought Dogecoin! It’s going to the moon! You people are crazy buying btc at 60k Nah, not for MEL. Check this newly listed MEL token on Uniswap. Added fresh bag of MEL yesterday. Soon to moon, best time to have it now. I feel you😭 I bought at 60k, then at 56k, then at 52k, and this shit just keeps dippin😭 Short term traders buy dips and set a stop loss at or above even. Long term hodlers buy after large corrections or in bear markets. Either way you can only lose money if you sell. Time is on your side. I did not hear no bell. It's going to continue pushing upward Damn right Agree. Or loose when futures contract gets liquidated :( The only place bitcoin has to go is to go up. So I dont mind. Goodluck to us! I did notice this, every correction I am just looking at my portfolio on Saturday evening, pondering when will it plumet again, whether I should sell a portion now or wait, so far my decision was to wait, then lo and behold, Sunday crash. So far so good, after each correction my portfolio goes up 70%, so this time if the bull run is not over I am putting sell orders on 50% of every coin I have at a 1.7x multiplier. And hodl the rest till around September sell 25% and the rest just sell as the market goes into bear mode. No need to be greedy, I put an amount and in 6 months I made them 6x, if they remained in my bank account I would have been digging into them, another 70% increase means I made 880% profits and I should be happy with them. do you remember the best days! I also found this post really interesting!!! https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/mdf4la/this_is_what_happens_to_bitcoin_when_options/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf I looked at the data over the past few months and it looked to correlate, but I'm watching closely this week to see what happens On binance it was 64-65ish i know right? considering the pattern its had for the last month my target's been $45 for a while now Kraken too I FOMO'd in at 10,500. It dropped. that’s the most important thing right there And then it went up again :) Just make sure you’re not losing out on too much via fees, I’m sure it works fine for a percentage but if it’s a flat fee you may be losing out We only lose when we sell. Hold and wait for your right price. Best of luck! Limit orders at 20 & 30% pullbacks work great I gave up on this ONE We're gods among men. Jokes aside, we will hit new ath soon so dont sell. i have some Plugnet tokens myself and i don't think that you saw it good. that one is dipping as well. it's a great time to buy more, before the liquidity mining event start like the new taxes for the rich? that’s going to hurt us all so BUY and HODL!!! it will only hurt if you sell, try to hold and have patience, may all of luck in this world be with you. still in doubt about that, 60% of total DOGE supply is owned by 80 addresses. big balls ftw If it is doing the same thing that it has been doing for the past decade you still got a deal. Yeah just gutted I didnt wait a bit longer. Or at least buy 50% then 50% now Then that's not bad. It will overcome ath eventually. And it'll go down again The calculated gains outweigh the fees on average in long term, but not always during short term. Definitely not in a bear market, but the following bull cycle more than makes up for it. Then again, I'm also looking out a decade or 2 from now. Update: I pay roughly $1 in fees, so in a decade I'd have paid roughly $3650 in fees assuming I don't adjust the amount at all. The gains in 10 years will far surpass that of the fees. You're right. Best of luck to you too bud :) [removed] Since 60% is owned by a few people and they’re not selling, it’ll be pretty stable! Buying with a 12 hour difference would have meant getting 20% more coins, but it's impossible to predict it. Hopefully it will stay like this until I have some spare cash and can buy some juicy coins, but a few days from now we might be at BTC 56K again, with everything else catching up. At least you didn't buy at the top (F) This is what I've started doing, set aside half or even 2/3 and spend the 1/3 at market price. Dca over the next few days It will not be bad if i wont take any. I dont panic at all. I dont feel anything which is good. Yes but but what if he would have bought at $10K, which is the likely next bottom? I prefer to sell high and buy low. but also up and down and up again - same day i hope that all the hodlers will participate in the event. we can help it a lot i think. and we may get a nice rewards. ^THIS great idea 10k is not the likely next bottom. It’s 42k You forgot one 0. 100K is going to be new bottom. [removed] Ii tried to buy at the perfect time during the dip but 1k of Purchase didn't go through. Wahhhh! Keep on dreaming :) On 42K most would be still on profit, and that is not sustainable as profits would be taken, which drives price lower. Hahaha! BTC is cyclic, it will go low before it goes back up. 100-200K is likely be the new ATH in 3 years or so. you will earn a percentage of the yield proportional to your ownership in the pool. the pool 1 will be bigger, it will take a little more effort to set up, and requires ETH. that means there probably won’t be as many people doing it, which means you’re very likely to be able to earn more rewards. Keep on dreaming? 42k will have a 33% drop from our last resistance if 62k. It’s not a dream to lose that much value, it’s actually a nightmare, yet to think this scenario is just a dream? You’re suggesting that BTC is no longer going to be profitable? So you think we’re done or something and that it’s game over? It’s just a correction. A correction to 42k which is a very strong support, then back up. How low do you think we’re going? Do you think we’re hitting a major trend reversal that will realize a bear market for some time? I think we’re going to continue the bulk market after this weeks correction. I do however think it’ll be a bad week, but no need to go anywhere. Haha no. Look at halving charts and mining charts. i would definitely stake mine into PLUG/ETH pool because that's the most traded one imo make sure you participate in that since the first hour because that's when the biggest APYs happen and you can capitalize on your investment quite nicely [removed] This commenter you're replying to is a troll, don't waste another second on them Resistance is funny thing, it has tendency to melt away in a blink of an eye. It only takes one piece of bad news, or technical glitch at big exchange, and the resistance is gone. Especially as everyone is jumpy as hell, knowing that bull season has been already lasting much longer than one can hope for. Won’t help much. People kept saying the same when bear season started the previous time. Miners are not omniscient, and halving won’t help that much as when miners drop the difficulty adjusts. I don't think that how it's going to work forever. You understand market cap, for bitcoin to double you need a trillion dollars. Other coins need a billion to double or triple. It's an uphill battle and sooner or later the price just can't increase anymore unless you dry the accounts in several banks which would trigger a market crash, housing sector crash, etc. Plus investors will be thinking why would they buy into bitcoin for 2x and not in a coin that makes them 50x. Bitcoin might flirt with $250k in the coming 10 years, but you have to consider the risk on physical assets if all those trillions go into bitcoin. If bitcoin triggers a national crash in the banking sector, you can bet that governments will increase taxes insanely on bitcoin gains, allow banks to stop transactions into exchanges, prevent money from exchanges to go to your bank, make it illegal to receive cash above a certain amount, basically making the decision to invest in bitcoin a big pain in the ass. never staked myself because of the high fees and the low amounts i tend to put into new projects. i've seen a lot of liquidity mining programs and it feels like this is the newest way of bringing a token where the company wants. rather safe if you ask me pool 2 will be for PLUGnet hodlers who stake their tokens directly to their PowerFarm contract. i think they won't be this cheap once things start rolling. i think liquidity mining will heat things up a bit as well as the partnerships that are gonna be announced So I am a troll because I say things you don’t like :) End of bull market is already overdue, BTC has newer stayed up for long when most are on profit. Sort of a different situation now than 4 years ago but ok Have you seen other coins mcap? You got a good point. But BTC inst just in America. Yeah if you don't have at least $1k in a coin it's not really worth to provide liquidity but you can also leave the tokens there and once the token rises in price it will make you a very nice surprise since you will get more eth for your money and the tokens now are worth a lot more [removed] You sound like you haven't been around very long. It's been higher highs and higher lows systematically for 12 years. But yea you're right. Better get the btc tombstone out again cuz this run is dead! /s You're a troll because you make inflammatory comments/rebuttals with no factual substance. You're acting like you have some sort of ability to know where BTC is going to go next and you have no idea like the rest of us. You're not here for any reason more than to troll, goodbye. Btc crashing the banking system in any country will result in the same outcome, and used as an excuse by other governments to take action. And not many nations have a trillion dollars to put into bitcoin to keep pumping the price to $250k or $500k, you are talking about $5 trillion - $10 trillion, and if bitcoin is at 50% of market cap, then the whole market will be at $10 trillion to $20 trillion. Maybe we can reach that number in 20-30 years. For this cycle I think the maximum we can get is total crypto market of $4t - $6t, if we haven't hit a peak already... i think that it won't be a problem. otherwise, they wouldn't run it, right? I have been around long enough to recognize the euphoria that comes at the top, and the series of dips that are the start of the bear market. Yes the next low will be higher than previous low which was around 4K. I know what mcap is but I don't know if it have any limits with btc. [removed] Better cash out then Mr Weak Hands. I could use some more cheap coin. There is no limit, just saying that investment in a virtual gold could have negative consequences for real world economy if a lot of money found in banks is transferring into bitcoin in a short period of time. I am not complaining honestly, I wouldn't mind banks burning to the grounds but was replying to the halving charts comment. Let's say the year is 2042 and another halving happens, base bitcoin price is $125k and in order to go to $375k you will need an extra $5 trillion dollars during that cycle. >APY suffers in the end. get your point but i am not in just because of mining or staking. i actually believe that they can make things easier for all of us. i will provide liquidity ofc, we all have to at this point but I think that the long-term potential behind this is what matters the most. LOL! I cashed out at 60K :) As I said I have learned to recognize the unsustainable euphoria. [removed] i am talking about PLUGnet. does fwt also have a liquidity mining event? PLUGnet, basically, allows you to use DeFi from your existing exchange account. Your assets stays safe in their vault but you get a copy of those assets to use in the PLUGnet DeFi network. they link up lots of exchanges and custody providers so there is more liquidity and so any asset they list can all be on the PLUGnet network. I think no one does a similar thing now. [removed] >Copy? Is plugnet like generates synthetic assets? And from when is their Liquidity Mining event starting? you can mint synthetics directly on the exchange or custodian with PLUGnet. there is no info about the liquidity mining date but it will be announced soon because the audit is over i think. what are the results? that went well? who did the audit for them anyway? [removed] hacken did the audit, they got the highest grade for security. yeah, don't know if you saw that but the hacken actually said that it was one of the best audits they did, which means the code is extremely safe. they also revealed another member of their partnership alliance and it's Moonstake. [removed] [removed] if you wanna have a good-working product then audit is a must. one single flaw or mistake and the work that you've done could be in vain. they can take all the time in the world to make it good, as far as i am concerned. it is, like i said, hacken gave them the highest possible grade for security [removed] [removed] yeah, makes me bullish a bit. i hope they will make the announcement about the liquidity mining soon. i wanna know more details. i used to get it on uniswap until they got listed on pancakeswap. less fees with that bsc integration. [removed] yeah i am trying to keep up with everything but as far as i know, they said that there will be more info about the plug/eth pool when the audit is over and before they launch the event." Choose wisely,2382,https://i.redd.it/93r3l0t2jqx61.png,"Unfortunately I don't think the majority of people getting into crypto care what it ""does."" I think the only thing being chased right now is ""gains."" Which in all fairness... we are all here for the gains. I'm somewhere between trying to embrace the opportunity and thinking it's trash. Let's all just hope that this alt season doesn't end up giving the entire general public a ""F crypto"" mentality or worse yet... regulations. Technically that's BTC too. But elon likes doge and some guy at work made $500 on it. Who cares about some stupid uranium thing? Fuck, you convinced me... ***I'm doubling down on Doge.*** Buying more Doge 🤷‍♂️ The one on the right is cute and simple. good for me, going all in ! Not a fan of doge but this isn’t that accurate or fair of a comparison. Doge does more than what’s listed. you can spend it at, surprisingly, dozens and dozens of places. Also, Doge is digital currency, or at least trying to be. ETH is a smart contract network. Made 7k over 3days with doge... im not entertaining no doge slander at all... this so called “hype” coins is helpin ppl that never seen real money b4.... now what they do with it is a whole nother discussion You make it seem like you need to choose one or the other So doge has more room for growth.... that’s what I’m seeing /s You ain't gotta lie to kick it my dude Such uninformed One coin to rule them all. I'm playing both sides $1500 eth and $100 doge. I figure eth has found its new base level around 3400-3500 and will probably go up to $5000 over the next few months. Doge is a wild card that will just spaz out up or down for no real reason so I will hold some incase it jumps up to like $5 for no logical reason I choose DOGE!! 🚀🚀🚀 Doge it is, thanks! Markets can be irrational longer than you can be solvent All the ""die hard"" crypto investors are so butt hurt 😂😂 Well unless you're on Robinhood. Then the doge side becomes even easier. * You can look at in your Robinhood account. [deleted] Both sux. One because it's a meme and the other because of the horrible high fees. Better move to trx But the thing is....most people aren't here for the tech....they're here for the gains.... and the reality of the situation is that coins are worth exactly how much people are willing to pay for them. You think all of these coins worth millions to billions, some of which don't' even have a working utility yet (or do have a working utility that barely anyone uses) are worth their market cap?? NO. But people are willing to pay what they're willing to pay for them, so that's why they're where they are. I hold both... DOGE for a fun ride and ETH for all the aforementioned utility. Can’t argue with the utility... so, diversify and you’re all gonna be fine. Don’t be salty And you can spend it at 41k+ stores as of today. Edit: referring to Dogecoin Im not a DOGE fan but you can buy lots of things now with it. It actually has some utility and utility is the last thing DOGE devs had in mind. Most of the hype around utility is a wank. Most people are into crypto for the profits. You forgot about looking at the dog on the logo. At least dodge can do that, Ethereum can't say the same unless you are a millionaire People are not wise, they will choose doge over ETH. So buy Doge ok got it https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ibtimes.com/these-48-companies-accept-dogecoin-payment-3161086%3famp=1 This link is a list of 48 companies that accept doge as payment proof this meme is fake news This is actually false Instructions unclear, YOLO'd 100k on DOGE @ .6 Just buy ETH n not worry about the crazy swings This is actually pretty false. Don’t just hate on it to hate on it man. If you have a legit reason, fair enough. But there are lots of applications for it at this point. Just within the past few days some 41,000 stores were opened up to doge. Why choose? buy both. to be fair, you can actually use dogecoin as currency You can spend doge at Newegg and Dallas Mavericks games....can you do that with any of the rest of it? You literally can spend doge at more than a thousand places 🤡 Most lay people will pick doge for its simplicity..... For better or worse. It's too late to crowdsource an ad in the NYT with this, but that would have been the responsible thing to do. Maybe still not too late to do this and we add bullshit like Safemoon alongside Doge At this point, I don't think retails care about this. They only listen to Tiktokers and Elon Musk. Doge=wow such currency eth / broken high fee garbage The one on the left it has purpose in crypto. If I grow up and want to explain to my childeren what crypto is I would like to tell them about ethereum and bitcoin and nano. Not about doge it’s basically useless Very true but people yet to understand the the ecosystem all they know are memes and $$$ This is only true if you own on robinhood, but is your coin literally going to the moon!!! I don’t in the slightest bit care what utilities these coins have to offer. I just want to make lambo money Is everyone forgetting about the cute dog on their token? He's so cute. I proudly own both but other than recognizing some shit coins I don't know what any of these cool logos do/are. And I probably speak for most people. Other has a dog on a coin, I choose that Woof! All in! Take my money! Much mony very wow DogeCoin looks like the easy choice. Too much going on, on the ethereum ecosystem. I actually paid for something using dogecoin because the eth and btc fees were too high. Checkmate. the CEO of Ethereum is a doge fan himself....Um so idk what you on about here. ETH : You pay insane fee's I’ve spent doge. Only thing I’ve ever done with ETH is lose money. If the usability of a currency were that important the USD would be doing a lot better than it is. I can’t tell, is this Pro Etherium or Pro Dogecoin? Can you get any yield on doge? I can't on the platform that I use Eth? But is it funny? 🐶 *Eth sounds needlessly complicated* Main issue with Doge is no hard cap. Kinda same issue with ethereum i guess. Is there a higher quality version of this? Thanks! ""decentralized lending"" *Blockfi* But the cute dog… I know most of us hate that a memecoin is having a better ROI than our favorite coins with far greater utility, but this feels kind of petty. y not both? But the gains can be unreal!!! Can I have a like to a higher res version of this? You can spend doge at over 41,000 stores through Flexa network on gemini pay or SPEDN app I chose dogecoin! ether charges too much for everything .. like chill with all ur fees ! Lets get doge to the moon 🌙 🚀 Doge is just for futures trading bro Has it dumped yet? Yeah cuz everyone in crypto is in it just because the technology. I do care what my choice of crypto does. Moeda Loyalty implements micro-banking to give those without access to financing a leg up in live. My investment tries to help those who need it. Very happy with it and will hold and keep investing. Isn’t then Bitcoin the same as Doge but capped? I like dogs and memes, easy choice So true... my 2017 PTSD is kicking in now Retails are moving to accept the Doge as payment too Doesn’t mean anything. The people have chosen Shit, try comparing it to ADA Dogecoin is investing in a moment and that's fun in its own way. The moments gone tho don't invest. could put btc next to doge aswell with similar description I chose both Ain’t gonna lie, I hold both. Eth for hodling, doge for quick gains. Trailing stop loss this weekend for doge. We’ll see after SNL. In a capitalist world, the only thing that matter is the exchange value of something, the use value is not important. Weapons, oil, tampons, cigarettes, it dosent matter, the only thing that matter its the exchange value. Doge is just another manifestation of that. This is comparing apples to oranges You can swing trade one for hundreds of dollars a week and the other for hundreds of dollars a week. Lol I chose both. I pulled half down. Now I ride boys I bought doge as a joke at a fraction of my other coins. Even if I’m not earning an insane amount of money, all the green always puts me in a good mood. Maaaaan!!! Doge is going to be a stable coin due to the lower price entry, the price fluctuations and opportunities to make gains. Plus this puppy is hitting the moon!!🚀🚀🚀🚀 But which is up 27,000% in the last year? (/s, I like both) Is this a doge buy signal I actually have more DOGE than I have ETH atm, but that's only due to DOGE's raise in value lol Not sure how many people know these facts about Eth who invested money in doge. Ohh god please help them. Everyone is correct. If you're d.c.a. 200$ a week into crypto then you're not a uniswap customer. But at the end of the day, don’t we want a simple replacement for tulips, gold, or cash? Not saying doge is good for that, it is not. But I can see a world where Monero (which I love) is like cash, and ETH is your replacement for banking and so forth. Or am I just way off with this? NaCl Wow So many doge fans in this reddit post 60% of ethereum is on the AWS. So Bitcoin was created as crypto currency, then came all the other crypto currencies. But none of them is getting used as a currency. You will never use Bitcoin or ethereum as a currency let’s be real. But you are not here to use them as a currency either, you are here to buy it and sell it to make a profit. Nobody even cares about making one of them a internet currency. Doge community did it, while other crypto fans was wasting these years doing nothing. Definitely good for trading. Yeah but so? None of the coins literally produce anything but imaginary numbers that we gamble on. The whole thing is just a game. So I bought dogecoin at .06. I’m pretty happy with my return comparatively. Okay but if DOGE hits a dollar, I'll get a Dogecoin tattooed on me I bought Doge at 4c and thought I'd missed the boat. I can't use BTC, ethereum , Cardano to buy daily stuff for me they all are same and only ones matter is with highest return. Doge isn't instamined! One of the founders sold it all for a honda civic and the other one just gave them away. Together with bitcoin it is the only coin with a fair origin. It sheds light on the fact that instamined alts are mostly money grabs. I don’t know why we compare apples with oranges really... You forgot to mention wich one of those coins Is up over 1000 % this month... The only factor that matters to 99% of the people who are buying crypto. At least make it accurate and list all the things Doge does... you forgot a bullet point in that you can use it at Mavericks games and select other venders. But forreal why do so many hate on something that is such a FU to the traditional way we think of money. It’s rallying not because of all the great things the project does but what the coin does for its community. Dude at the gym yesterday says as Doge is mentioned on some financial show “Doge paid my car off”. Let that community thrive without so much hate. You can replace dogecoin with Bitcoin and add its supply is limited, more deep pocketed investors are buying and you can buy tesla with it. ETH is going to be the leader not very far into the future because of its apps. Everything in the picture isn’t usable except Dogecoin. But it’s a fast payment network — now with major MAJOR adoption — probably better than any cryto payment-centric protocols out there~ Ethereum is garbage. Doge is too don't get me wrong Ah cool just straight up lie to rep your favorite coin Making $$$ on both. Does anyone have ideas about SAFEMOON or SHIBA? ​ THANKS Also you can buy Mavericks ticket Echo what u/2Late2DaParty has said. No one cares about the ecosystem in general. A lot of supposed Shitcoins are meant to be better than Doge. People got rich of Doge - feels like normies are killing it by merely investing like the rest of Crypto normies throwing their money at Defi projects. A lot of altcoins didnt deliver to this date - so if you invested in Doge good on you. Normies are investing in upcoming projects like NFTFY, Rarible,CryptoPunk,... Art is subjective so is this entire industry. Invesing a meme coin like DOGE, at least you know what you are getting yourself into I mean look at the usd.... I can put it in the bank or take it out, same thing Looks like overcompensating to me. Why so much hate here for the Doge. It’s lifting up all crypto by being an on ramp for millions of people who will find other coins too. This whole sub is people bent out of shape about Doge…… Choose rendoge then Is it lost that Vitalik is working with the doge developers to bridge services? You are basically making the case that the upside potential for doge is huge. Exactly my thoughts. I want to invest some money on doge but part of me thinks it's trash but I'm not even sure about that. I'm one of them. It's an investment, I'm out there to make money. As long as you're not doing something immoral, cruel, etc. I don't care if you are renting out beach umbrellas or trying to populate Mars. Make me money. How much that ""utility"" is a solution looking for a problem? If no one is utilizing it, or in the case of Ethereum the cost of entry is too high for most people, then how useful is it in reality? I never see posts that say anything like ""The value of ETH is going up because I just created a smart contract that does a new thing."" Investors say that utility is something that look for in a coin but when you ask them what features they use the only one I've ever had anyone tell me that use is DeFi staking or liquidity or something else very similar. Imagine if DOGE went from PoW to PoS. It truly would ""go to the moon."" Im cool with F crypto. Regulations is the darkest timeline for sure. I really hope these greedy people dont ruin the game for everyone. To be honest, I miss the times where Crypto was only known/used by darknet folk. At least when I opened a conversation about it with someone then, I would hear something meaningful coming out of their mouths. Not. Anything. *Near*. This shitshow that crypto is right now. And yes, its a shitshow and no, I don't like it at all. And also most of you can't tell your right shoe from the left. There. Off my chest. This meme is stupid. There are hundreds of ways to use Doge now, and it doesn’t even mention it is in the same block chain as lite coin. Lite coin uses visa, just another crap FUD post. Oh believe me, once the majority holders of doge cashes out and the price crashes, there will be regulations implemented for cryptos. There's way too many altcoins and pump dump schemes and I'm all up for regulations to prevent this. Regulations are already here... especially for something as complicated at Ethereum. By the end of this weekend...we are gonna see some huge dips Regs are coming. Nothing will stop that. But it’s the kind of maturity grow-up moment the space needs. Then it’s mass adoption Maybe someone here can help me. I want to get medicalchain I’m really interested in the project … but ethereum cost about 40% transaction fees. Am I doing something wrong? I personally bought DOGE for the meme at 0.1$. After that I got more curious about crypto and now I'm buying more serious coins. So DOGE is definitely not just bad, I think that it brought many more people and even some friends around me into the market and made them care about crypto and made them appreciate the tech behind it. You could very well be on the money with the dump signalling the potential beginning of the end of this bull market It’s been hard, tbh. I am investing in projects which I think have long term value. Sure, it’s still gambling but it feels more principled somehow. Then there’s people YOLOing into DOGE and just crushing it. It’s hard to not get swept up in the hype and short terms gains. This younger generation didn’t experience what occurred in 2008 for reason why crypto exit today. So I agree it’s all about the gains and nothing else. Yah, definitely something to keep in mind. I personally don't hold doge but comparing doge to an entire ecosystem is like comparing apples to a smoothie. I've been watching doge and its community closely because its fun. I think saying doge will fail is as silly as saying it will succeed because at this point its pretty up in the air. Lol what? Correct, but there are talks about applying smart contracts on layer 2 for btc, which could be interesting My buddy is still holding XXX,XXX doge that he bought last summer. Dudes making dumb money. People just need to let the meme coin do it’s meme thing I made $2000 out of $180 and im late investor got in at 4 cents earlier in 2021. You can also buy stuff with doge the fool that posted this be hating though this guy speaks the truth good thing ETH has Polygon soaring along on layer 2 ill take some more of that too. Hes lying though this is a list of companies that accept doge as a form of payment https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ibtimes.com/these-48-companies-accept-dogecoin-payment-3161086%3famp=1 Just remember that unrealized gains are unrealized. You haven't made 7K until you sell. [removed] Exactly. You can like both. The CEO of Ethereum just donated to a crypto fund in India with Dogecoins that doesn't mean he does not like eth. I got $600 slammed into small amounts of 11 different coins, I try to read the charts, not interested in much the usage of the projects. At best, I'm just curious about them all, because I've only been interested in Cryptocurrency since last February. DOGE, ALGO, ETH, BTC, BSV, LTC, BAT, BTT, ADA, STMX, LUNA. Currently $100 shy of doubling my money. Buy [low], sell your initial investment when you're up, and let the profits ride. Buy the dip, and repeat... 🤷 Granted, it's taken me 3 months to make not quite $600, not big money, but it's almost 100% return... I don't hate on any coins🤘🤙🚀 It has little to no room. Ethereum is being actively developed, doge isn’t. Much false That last sentence made me laugh 😂 god dang thank you for posting that relieves some of my pain dabs only help so much... This is why I bought safemoon. Not that I think it'll go up to $5 ever. But even if it hits a fraction of a cent, it'll be a NICE payday(?) ( Maybe payyear or pay lifetime) lol was searching for this comment 🙌🏻 Dogehurt. 😂😂😂😂 I got Ethereum too but why the lie theres stores that are already accepting doge as a form of payment I can't wait till retails figure out that we call them retails as a nice term for ""don't know shit shouldn't be investing "" https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ibtimes.com/these-48-companies-accept-dogecoin-payment-3161086%3famp=1 That link is a list of companies that accept doge so you can stop trying to convince people is useless If you lose money with ETH and you weren't robbed, you did something wrong. With liquidity pools, yes. It's so easy a simpleton could grasp it. The people gonna be broke as fuck too lol Just like they always have Doge is hinging on Elon on SNL, after that there is nothing > apples to oranges But you can still compare them. Cool stay away from it but dont believe the lies companies do accept doge as a form of payment slowly everyday more and more https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ibtimes.com/these-48-companies-accept-dogecoin-payment-3161086%3famp=1 It’s my first crypto bull market, so I take it as experience for trading shitcoins in the next one. I started this as long term investment, but as a trader in other markets it’s clear there’s a lot of money in shit at a time like this. You need experience though. In or out, you are probably to late to buy for anything right now Just to be clear, buying Doge isn’t investing - it’s gambling. It’s literally a joke. You’re hoping you can sell it to someone else before the price crashes. Ethereum, to us this example, actually has a use case and is therefore an investment. Buy Arrr Piratechain. its the next 10000x. Im just holding till it hits a dollar then im pulling out, doesnt really have much room to grow more than a dollar, ADA ETH and a few others are my main concern for the future If you didn’t get in before the pump, do not touch it prior to the dump. Wish I’d been stupid and YOLO’d this bitch when it was fractions of a penny, don’t get me wrong. When the hype dies and the bottom starts to fall out it’s going to be disastrous, and the people who didn’t get out while the getting was good - those who know nothing about investing but got in because of the unheralded pump that has taken place, are going to be crushed. It’s a pyramid scheme. The coin has zero utility.... unless you want to buy a Mavericks jersey I am just lurking around the edges here, but it is my Mother’s instinct that middle school boys don’t want to hold .000% of a Bitcoin or .025% of an ETH. They want to own whole coin, and rn dogs is where they can throw their allowance. There are a lot of baby apes in the doge market. Explain why you think it’s trash? Did you do your homework or are you repeating hearsay? 160,000 lines of code, 8 major updates, faster, more efficient, and much more. Did you stop to ask why Elon tried to buy out the top three Doge holders. Why is he supporting it? Their is a purpose. Get past the Dog on the coin. There is a reason insiders support this technology. Read the code and it will make sense. This is why i only invested $420. Its my *shits and giggles* amount. Exactly. Is anybody in the crypto game to lose money? We all want to make money, and if hooking a net on the Doge coin comet can get some short term or even long term gains, what is stupid about that? I hold most my funds in elsewhere, but when I am in Vegas I always throw a few chips on the roulette table. No shame in my game. [removed] For sure, you make some fair points but in order for DOGE to go to a POS it would actually need a development team who's working on that. Also, my understanding is some of ETH's recent movement is due to the EIB issuing 121 Million in 2 year bonds using the Ethereum Block chain. Also, as a former creative I do think there is a huge chance we may see broader user of NFT's. When you consider that ETH can be broken into decimals for the purpose of transaction I think there's a lot of potential for it being a utility once we see a reduction in gas fee's. >Ethereum the cost of entry is too high In what way? The price of 1 ETH, or the price of a transaction? [deleted] You can’t compare it to litecoin because dogecoin has unlimited supply. You actually think Doge is a legitimate asset? Holy hell. I guess depends what your definition of failure or success is. Correct, mate I am just applying that I don't agree with comparing echo systems. It's the fact that doge is a meme coin and it's inflationary that renders it obsolete. Ikr. Many of the people making money off of doge right now have never seen that kind of money in their lives. Dunno why people who didn't buy in when the getting was good are all salty now. Guarantee you most of the people bashing doge now would've purchased if they predicted its success. Y'all pretend you don't like making money as much as the rest of us, even if it's just to sell and reinvest in something with better long term stability/ability. I had some doge, that I sold at 7 cents. Although I'm regretful that I did it......wtf is the point of being bitter and spreading rude negativity about the success of others, just because I wasn't one of the ones lucky/smart enough to have seen its potential beforehand and ignore the naysayers? Do I think those not taking profits right now are making a wise decision? No. But who is anyone here to try to put themselves and our ""real"" coins on a pedestal and pretend we know what's going to happen? Think doge has proven that it can surprise people. Could still be around 10 years from now, for all we know. I've seen this both first and second hand that It's also great marketing and attracting MANY people who probably wouldn't have considered investing into crypto any time soon, into the space. That's going to be good for all of us in the end, as even if doge tanks, much of those profits will have already gone into other coins. [deleted] Lol I won the lottery. I also made a ton of money off of an even bigger shitcoin. Does that make it a good purchase? No. Its gambling. You people act like you are some kind of genius when the cards are in your favor, then flip the table and cry when it isnt. You are pathetic. And it’s actually now a lot more as of yesterday. [Flexa Twitter](https://mobile.twitter.com/FlexaHQ?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor) Your right bout that part💯 And what tells you they didn't daytrade it? Name one market that doesn’t follow that definition. GitHub is your friend, friend. Doge is being actively developed and the next release is what coinbase is waiting on to make Doge available to coinbase users Odd, what is the dev team for then? Very slander There are small businesses that do accept it and even Dallas Mavericks (Mark Cuban is the owner) accepts DOGE along with other methods and coins for payment when you buy their merchandise. I actually went to their website to see if it was true and it is. They prompt you to connect to your wallet and pick the coin you want to pay with. DOGE and DOGE wallet is one of them. That’s def not a lie. You can find a list of businesses that accept this coin as a payment method. It’s a great PR for them since DOGE has millions of followers. Bro I don’t think you understand what crypto is if stores accept dogecoin so what? I can atleast do something with ethereum I can use a decentralized exhange to exchange it to another coin. They have a smart chain smart contract They’re using Bitpay, which means they also accept BTC, BCH, ETH, DAI, etc. Lol dude, this angle makes no sense. Either you want to use doge as a currency, in which case it would be preferable for it to be way more stable than it is or ever will be, OR (most likely) you're looking for gains, in which case it doesn't matter even a little bit where you can spend your doge. Doge is just gambling, plain and simple. Gotta see how much juice is left! Of course you can. I like both. Just buy a ton and sell when it hits $1.00 tomorrow during or soon after SNL. Then never look back Already got 10 bucks that I forgot about which is 150 now lol Not at all. Depends on what you view as gains. /r/garlicoin No, I would rather stay poor than fall for a pump and dump scheme. Get out of here will ya? True but the thing that made me consider doge is how many small businesses accept doge as a form of payment. Of course there's other coins for that but doge is already famous now and people all over the world are going crazy over it. It has value if people believe it has value. If doge keeps it up this way then it might become actually good. I don't think it's mostly kids that buy doge but probably most of them are over 18. You need to be over 18 to open an account at an exchange if I'm not mistaken correctly. Truth \> Smart contracts are genuinely useful for lots of things, I used Augur to bet on the election among other things and I use NFTs for a card game a play. The point I was making is that investors talk about the utility of a coin but few have actually used any of these to understand what they are beyond just a buzzword. I've come across talk from many investors who have invested in staking coins but have no clue how to stake them because they never took the short time it takes to learn how. \> doge with proof of stake would still be strictly less useful than ethereum. Usefulness doesn't matter to an investor. Utility matters. And most utility to investors are just buzzwords (see above). I'm sure if DOGE could wear the buzzword PoS investors would be all over that. A little research would show you that the developers have jumped back on the project all up from here Transaction DOGE has something that investors like or else it wouldn't be priced where it is right now. My point about the tech is that most investors don't really care to learn enough about the tech to make an informed investing decision. To them staking on a Gen 1 blockchain is no different from staking on a Gen 2 blockchain. If they think staking is something that will increase the utility of a coin then all that they care is that it is a coin that can be staked. They how is immaterial to them but sometimes the nuances make a big difference. If DOGE coin has an unlimited supply then it shouldn't be anything for you to gift me a hundred thousand coins right now. That's nothing compared to unlimited, right? Note: This is not a beg for coins. The statements above are for demonstration and though provoking processes only. I have not posted my DOGE coin address. In fact you don't even know if I have DOGE wallet. Nice FUD account, how much you shilling your time for, and where do I sign up? All things considered it's checking off quite a few boxes in the succeeding category. Current top 5 crypto Adoption on scale with LTC Media coverage / exposure Large community. Better projects have failed but worse projects have succeeded too. True that ! He’s making. It’s not going back to last summers price. It’s literally up 24,000% from a year ago True true You’re a salty ball Would you like some fries with that SALT? Call it a pump and dump all you want but it has a bigger following than whatever shitcoin your into i got ethereum too and cardano amongst others but doge already built floors of resistance stronger than your pathetic shitcoins and thats facts. Before you talk shit for missing out like dumbass get the facts straight many companies started accepting dogecoin already. Im no genius but im also not a dumbass like you i pick the winners $82 billion market cap and getting stronger It's okay butty, you'll have your time too some day. U shoulda got in to doge, u might be a happier man Nothing. But remember most day traders lose money, so... [removed] Wow Im not the one calling Ethereum useless for i like ethereum im going to stake mine on ethereum 2.0. I have some im no hater, But dogecoin is not useless in my opinion and it keeps improving not everything has to be part of ethereum network or its useless Thats good all those coins are nice everybody just wants to bash on poor good old dogecoin though for it recent pump but Dogecoin is an OG already its an old coin Yeah i wish i had put more than sixty cents in no? Shhhh. Don't tell anyone this before papa musk does his DOGE price increasement dance for the world to see on S&L this weekend. Too much such wow all at once and DOGE will overshoot the moon. The price of the coin reflects the reasonable expectation that the technology of the network is flexible enough to overcome this current issue in the short to medium term. [deleted] Are you okay dude? I really hope you’re fucking with me Jim. Maybe do some more research on why Doge is a legitimate asset. You most likely won’t find anything. Good luck with your investing. [deleted] SALT was a solid shitcoin What are you people talking about? Did I not say that I just made more in a different shitcoin than doge did over the last week? How is that salt? I made more in % return than you... RemindME! 6 months “reply to this thread” Are you seriously trying to flex one shitcoin being better than another, then at the same time shitting on real projects because theres more gains in doge — when you dont even know if my shitcoin had higher returns than doge? Love how you are so desperate to prove yourself right that you contradict yourselves in your own bias arguments. Cant win a debate with stupid. I see why religions are still so powerful for you hopeless zealots. [deleted] Imagine thinking a joke coin that literally replenishes itself specifically to keep the price down is a smart investment. This is why you’re so mad about the situation, because you haven’t made any worthwhile money lol [honestly the most ironic thing I’ve ever read lol ](https://www.reddit.com/r/dogecoin/comments/n7p8dk/doge_developers_at_work/gxfjpv2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) You people are actually insane You’re not entitled a cut of crap for their profits. If you bought Twitter shares in 2013, you’d have lost money investing in a profitable business. When you enter a market, you are entering an auction system which requires people to make profits and losses. Whether it’s bikes or gold or shoes or doge?? A lot of people are accepting it that’s all! But with other crypto’s they actually are worth something to the crypto space I had .92 cents left over I used when Doge was at like .00004. In & out a few times since though. Hodl woulda been wiser. Lol It’s incredible! We’re all rich! You have people that are trying to use ETH right now to get in to DeFi investing. When they go to connect their wallets they are hit with a fee that is $2-5US. Then they have to convert (or swap) their ETH for another token and that's another $20-30US. Lastly they have to put those tokens in a liquidly pool this is another $30-50US in fees. So anywhere from $50-100US just to stake some tokens, once. When you realize that most people only want to invest about $100-200US at a time those fees are outrageous. 50% of their money earmarked for investment is gone right away! And they are left wondering if it is going to take the rest of what they had earmarked to invest to get any of that money back so that they can enjoy it or invest it elsewhere. Agree. Or at the very least when E2 comes out DOGE wasn't expected to last more than couple of years. Yet here we are 8 years later. The only thing that we know about the future of crypto currency is that we don't know the future of crypto currency. Investors today are looking for utility but few can define utility and none can tell you how it affects price. Let me give you another example. I have a few wallets from supposed long dead Gen 1 blockchain coin running. They don't connect to anyone anymore or they connect but I can't find an exchange that lists the coins. The developers have supposedly abandoned the projects. Then suddenly during the pandemic two of these wallets spring to life. The web sites are updated with rosdmaps. One of is now listed on 3 exchanges, up from 0 just a year ago. The other is now offering a coin swap because it is transitioning to a token on Gen 2 blockchain. You can't tell me that someone 5 years ago (that would be 2017) knew any of this was possible. Yeah, all these gains are gonna kill me thanks. You do know it’s gone up 350,000% in the last 5 years. And you’re saying “I don’t believe in it it’s going to crash to last years numbers. the whole coin is going to crumble. Who cares if it went up 350,000% in 5 years 24,000% in the last year and 1000% in the last month.... that’s doesn’t prove anything. It will fail!” It makes you look ignorant I forgot about SALT lol Dern, I missed out on that one. Ever been on Reddit before? I will be messaging you in 6 months on [**2021-11-07 21:44:19 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2021-11-07%2021:44:19%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMarkets/comments/n748pu/choose_wisely/gxblt8u/?context=3) [**2 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FCryptoMarkets%2Fcomments%2Fn748pu%2Fchoose_wisely%2Fgxblt8u%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202021-11-07%2021%3A44%3A19%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20n748pu) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-| For what im bullish on dogecoin. Unless you think its going down then please come back in 6 months. RemindMe! 6 months ""return to this thread with some popcorn"" Don't even bother there's no reasoning with them. What level of education do you have out of interest? Just curious? Heres a list of companies that accept dogecoin so stop it doge keeps improving its a whole different system than it was years ago thats what you dont get. If you want to diss doge diss litecoin aswell cuz at this point doge is working like a Litecoin fork bye felicia keep hating on doge comparing its strong following to a cult smh https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ibtimes.com/these-48-companies-accept-dogecoin-payment-3161086%3famp=1 Last i checked it was 73 cent and we dont need luck dogecoin community is solid diamond hands we getting new investors everyday. Wow. Much salt. I am insane....ly happy with my decision to buy doge. Even if it hit 0 tomorrow wouldn't change that fact 😊 Dude Ethereum is a smart contract network i get it and dogecoin is trying to be a digital currency. Apples and oranges dude i like both projects i understand they are not the same but dogecoin is not useless. Defi is where it’s at. I like the Degen markets bsc has tucked away on the internet some crazy apy, apr gains to be had The price of ETH reflects the knowledge that this is a temporary setback with a solution already developed and in testing. When you invest, you don't invest in the past or current value of a company or asset, you invest specifically on the expected future value of the company/asset. To get hung up on current transaction costs when there's literally a solution in sight is short sighted and you will miss out on the gains as it is fixed. Also there's an enormous amount of people investing a lot more than a couple of grand. If you're at the lower end of the scale I can understand it's frustrating. But even $70 out of 2k is only 3.5% which is high but small price to pay if you understand the potential gains. Yep, the current transaction cost is an unfortunate speed bump, and shouldn't quell your expectations of future utility. [deleted] If you hold them too long you’ll get bent over. I’m not saying you can’t make money with them at all, you can make a ton. I’m just saying they’re bullshit coins is all. Imagine thinking gains means you’re holding a good coin. Safemoon went up too, still a shitcoin. [deleted] No whats that? I didn’t say anything about either going up or down so just calm down I’m just gonna compare ETH and doge in 6 months in terms of gains Master’s degree in engineering. Dogecoin needs to fix its tokenomics before I will change my mind. I get that this pump may have resurrected a dev community; but until it fixes the whole “joke”, its no more than a gamble. In which it is compared to other gambles. And based on the trade I made this week — I made the right move. If you make money off doge, all the power to you. I dont care. But dont act like its some kind of eth competitor just because of a pump. So hater Good for you. I encourage you to explore actual projects and support the space, in addition to flexing your bags. They are both good but all I am saying is that ethereum is more usefull imo then dogecoin Keep on going Gas fees represent the cost to continue validating transactions. You’re not investing in the gas fees though, so I don’t feel it’s fair to treat it like an asset I have more now than I did yesterday. Thanks Crypto-fairy! Wow. You're salty with no facts on hands. I hope btc falls down more so others can rise up. I own Ethereum so i win either way. But in the last 12 months Dogecoin has had better returns than both bitcoin and ethreum i believe the same trend will continue please come back in 6 months. Of course I'm only joking, I'm doing an astrophysics masters. I was just curious because you immediately attacked people's intelligence, which I don't think is very fair. That's all. Getting downvoted for it though so I guess people don't share my feelings on that 😂 Ew, monkey with a spanner I never even said I made any money Yea Ethereum is probably more useful than the majority of all coins out there i can agree with that and thats why is #2 with 407 billion market cap it gets love and the recognition it deserves if you ask me. And sharding etc will bring them down. I'm not sure what your argument is? As opposed to Doge's unique value proposition, it's got first mover advantage as a meme coin? Yes, you made profit on a useless asset. This doesn't not prove the asset to be useful. You can argue that it's useful to you, because you made profit, but this still provides no use to anyone else. So unless DOGE can provide profits for everyone on earth then your use case is limited to you. Would you prefer we pat you on the back and say DOGE is the future? Anytime genius! Ok I am that’s why I did a reminder Poke fun all you want. I do it too. At least you are educated. Convince me why doge has functional merit past memeability. Seems like you may know something I dont. Huh? OP is saying if you have $100 you’re only gonna get $50 of ETH. I think that’s pretty shitty. You think it’s nice? No asset provides profits for everyone on earth. 🤣🤣🤣 you ruffled his feathers It's unfortunate not nice, but It would be very shortsighted to do $100 transactions at the moment. And it's shortsighted to value ETH on this current limitation, especially as solutions to that problem are known & being implemented right now. You'll lose an enormous opportunity if you do. Are you shortsighted? So you agree that your profits mean nothing in relation to DOGE as a currency. Ikr hahahah He's not short sighted. He's realistic. The average person doesn't have thousands of dollars just sitting around. They invest from their income. And the average person typically only has at most a couple hundred to invest. If you want wide spread adoption of something you need to make it affordable to the masses and not just the wealthy. I said that no asset can make the unrealistic expectation of bringing profits to everyone on earth. I've made my point clearly three times and you choose to focus on half of a sentence. Your gains mean fuck all to anyone else. You could become the richest man in the world from DOGE and it would still not prove DOGE to be a useful asset. So I could get rich along with millions of others who have invested and that would be useless to people? Hmmm, where does the money come from Jim? I have lots of it from Doge. I'm really happy for you, but this isn't about you. You are the worst. Go fuck your doge It’s about Doge making huge gains and giving people money? You hate me because I am making money? So what's the next step, once I cash out of DOGE? Do I: A) DCA into realistic investments and viable assets Orrrrr B) Buy more DOGE? No Make more money. Yes you do To the moon, baby! No, just enough See, DOGE provides you *money* which is a tangible asset. You see this as value. How you derived value from DOGE is outside of my scope of reference. However, I can take a pretty good guess. A) You study crypto trading as a profession or hobby and make calculated decisions based on market analysis. B) You heard from a trusted source when to get in and out of the market. or C) You are gambling, because speculation is cheap. In any case, I hope you know what you're doing. But seeing as your only use-case for DOGE is your own personal profits, and you seem totally blind to that profit being attached to someone else's losses, I'm not sure you do. The only thing you have convinced me of is that *money* is better than DOGE. So I invest in Doge, that makes all of my other investments irrelevant even though I have gains in them as well. So even though I make gains in my other investments, and make gains in Doge, I need to be careful because you think things? I mean if you makes you happy I can just tell you I lost all my money. Here, I lost all my money, you were so right about it all, I should have listened to you. Sounds like you gamble on more than DOGE. But hey, we all start somewhere. Why don't we start with how DOGE is a useless memecoin. Gambling implies that I have spent money that I can’t afford. I have invested and made over more than once. Gambling implies you had no indication of the market's direction." Me waiting for 100k BTC,2366,https://i.redd.it/vdu4ewqiag271.jpg,"100k will trigger massive sell-off. Everyone is waiting for 100k It's going to happen! Just hoping this year ;). Me waiting for $28,000 so I can fill up. September 18, 2021 I DECLARE BANKRUPTCY! I’m ok... No I’m not. Remember when people speculated that btc would potentially break out its 4 year cycle and that huge sell off may not happen now that we have institutional buyers 🤣 and the opposite happens Waiting for $1 BTC. /s It's continuously failing to break 40k again. Ditch BTC and diversify into ETH and ADA BTC will reach $100k in 2021 👍🚀 Legend says he is still waiting. See you in four years. We need a crypto winter and capitulation before next rise can start. Current situation looks like late 2018, the bull market ended but the bear is not yet in full swing. Next bullrun Go for a walk, turn off the off. 2025 is almost there I believe it is coming this summer and will blow pass 100k. 100k in 2023, now crash, 2022 buy, 2023 = profit The beauty is that this is far more reasonable than the aPeS waiting for fucking AMC to go to 100k - 500k.. unironically. Never going to happen. BTC is clearly r/definitelynotscamcoin you're all going to lose your money. Edit: really, I have to add the /s ? Fuck it buy pizza... just not in the 3rd week of the month, thats always the low spot. Hahahaha Elon musk🙏🏼 Thought this was john hamm for a second In 4 5 years i tell you, its gonna hit 150k I already did that for $10K long time ago. I think everyone saying it will be $100k EOY is what lead to $60k+. Now it’s back around what it was in the beginning of the year. I think ultimately it’s the steam engine of crypto, but we got a some ICE crypto in development and coming out. It’s just the first and most widely known. You mean 40k Soon don’t stress I can’t wait 🤦‍♂️ Keep hoDling, soldier! 🧐 Hi, this is Alessio Rastani, hope you're doing well. Today I wanted to talk to you about crippling depression and why the light at the end of the tunnel might really be a train. Once you understand Bitcoin you will go 100 % allocation. Everyone is waiting for$100k NOW. As it gets closer, expectations will likely adjust. If btc blows past $80k, then $90k, then $100k in two weeks, how many people do you think will wait to see if it blows past $110k the following week? It will trigger a massive FOMO as well. Yes but this will be the proof people who haven't entered the market yet needs to see before they finally fomo in. OMG IT'S 100K?!? It happened at 10k, it'll likely go similarly this time around. Am I the only one waiting for 300K? Especially after an incident with the treasury. Not after this big fat whale dump. New target is $200k It depends how we get there. If it’s straight up for no consolation then sure yes. If it’s summer 2022 then maybe not Then it drops and everyone that sold buys back in. The process repeats. I think more institutional money will own BTC by the time 100k is here. It will also see huge fomo so should balance out. ....and I'll buy it all. waiting to sell lmao It will bring many other strong fomo altcoins, I have prepared myself a few $BARMY to wait I thought that was what $20k was Or next year.. let’s face it.. it’s gonna be sweeeet. But if your just hodling with no leverage.. just sit down, and enjoy the ride.. And if it dips.. and don’t have Fiat to put more in.. just sit and enjoy the ride.. If it gets to 70k.. then dips back to 55k.., just sit and enjoy the ride.. I think the take home information is.. let bitcoin takes its own route to 100k+… and just Sit down and enjoy the ride.. What did you know a month ago? 14:37 GMT I’m likely to have a new baby girl on this date, would be a nice gift for her. [deleted] Bitcoin Season seems around that time of the year. Sept and Thanksgiving times. how do you know? why this date? !remindme 18 September 2021 Responding to tag the time traveler. !remindme 18-09-2021 Edit: well fuck I am disappointed man. this is the way. just re-roll Sell off was super obvious, I got spidey sense tingling like a fire alarm when BTC was dragging along at $60K and started selling. That’s too low $12K is likely I'm once again need your financial support 🙁 Are you saying it won't rise high for a lonnng while? yea it needs to fucking drop so more people can join, nobody is going to buy anymore at this price Cranking up the miners now... big coins daily coming shortly for 10 cents an hour. Mine the dips and dead spots... dont buy them... which brings up another point all together... blockchain was meant to replace banking, stop putting bank money into it. What’s your reasoning behind this? I mean I wouldn’t trust a phantom developer either, but that’s just me. What incident? Are you referring to the new $6T money printing? One of the very important lessons that I learned wast that passive insome is very important after you make a lot of money. Make the money work for you !remindme 18-09-2021 RemindMe! September 18th, 2021 what meeting have you been to ? Spidey was right after all. Good call Those going to be though years. No lambo, just rent bike then. This is what it looks like. I mean would you invest anything but pocket money into crypto right now? After overreaching the market needs a reset, happens every time. I'm curious now. Are you saying to mine the dips and flats, and that it costs only about 10 cents per hour? And another thing is: What do you mean to not put bank money into crypto? I think that was sarcasm No incident yet, this is a hypothetical if the reverse repo markets keep on increasing exponentially , and an event like that plays out. https://v.redd.it/uq3bx1nlkq171 This is from the senate hearing last week. Nah I was referring to the recent senate hearing, following an liquidity test. All major banks ceos were asked to testify in that hearing. https://v.redd.it/uq3bx1nlkq171 Basically there are high indications for a market event. In the scenario of a bond default happening, the shock waves will cause investors to panic and pull out of traditional investments while resorting to gold and btc. That is my take at least seeing how it works wish other countries in financial crisis. PSA. That is my personal assumption, so please be critical with it. I am not saying there will be such an incident, I am saying that if what is described plays out, I expect crypto to explode. That's exactly what I will try to do on Freeway app once they launch the full version. Try going for real estat, foodshops, also staking crypto and maybe some lending with your cash. Precious metals are extremely good especially silver 😊 you sponge bob smarty pants I will be messaging you in 3 months on [**2021-09-18 00:00:00 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2021-09-18%2000:00:00%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMarkets/comments/np2egz/me_waiting_for_100k_btc/h037xw5/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FCryptoMarkets%2Fcomments%2Fnp2egz%2Fme_waiting_for_100k_btc%2Fh037xw5%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202021-09-18%2000%3A00%3A00%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20np2egz) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-| Yes and yes a 1000 watt mining setup should give you about 200mh.or better... 50mh is something like $3 worth of coin per day in a down market.. then when it goes up... well thats what they do... also Blockchain technology was meant to replace the “trusted 3rd party” (ie: bank) in financial transactions. Stop letting them in on the cut. Banks are the money launderers, not the cryptos... Put 10 mil in the bank... Bank loans it out to others like this: 9 mil loan, 8 mil loan,7 mil loan, etc etc... each of those loans to another account that works with a similar scheme.... this can not exist in crypto. Now... the fearless american orange leader... has actually lifted the limit on the laws that kept the money laundering by banks under control and they can go full tilt, they dont even need to keep 10% in reserves any more. Fuck a bank... for them to call crypto out for being criminal is quite a bold move considering the business model that they operate on. You are correct So one of the riskiest most speculative assets will do well in that environment? Not sure I buy it, look what happened March 2020 [deleted] You trying the supercharger products? I prefect bnb and eth as i got more of that. Still waiting to access the platform. That could take years though. Looks like the regulators won't allow it soon i saw that on FWT you can get gold. don't know if that is true and how that will work. looks attractive to me but i am just not sure if that's a legit one. To be fair that would be an unprecedented case. So this is a theorycraft discussion But seeing people in countries in serious financial duress, and with considerably less buying power have turned to crypto, even when it got our tight outlawed by the government. There will be two bodies at play, institutional and retail. I honestly cannot predict what retail will do, because they tend let emotion overwhelm the logic, but could cause an bullish hedge againist a falling market. But in reality the more likely scenario is that the government will vote to remove the default cap from treasure bonds, and things will naturally play out. Not worried about it yet. If afterwards, they call all blue chip tech, silicon and ISP companies, CEOs in pentagon to testify then I may get a bit jumpy. Waiting for the access myself. I am bullish about USD and EUR APY. I saw that they will be available in the US in a cpl of weeks, thanks to regulations. thats on my list as well. i truly understood the benefits after i saw they can give you stable and high like 43% for USD and EUR oh are you sure? then the whole market will be rgulated and good to go? I think nobody does that. You can get some % if you choose banks to do that but they cannot compete with that APY. I hope people will recognize the potential behind this. What am I reading lol? 43% guaranteed returns is in no way something real I am sure about FWT status in the US. I saw that on their twitter page. If they are lying then I am lying as well. But I think they are not making a false hype over such an important thing." What's the problem with the current generation?,2242,https://i.redd.it/8ei6umhroti81.png,"Willing to bet that the yacht creator bought from him/herself to set the floor price and create demand. Don't need to pay for maintenance or crew, at least not yet Surprised that there are a lot of rich people who can spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on random shit? Why the FUCK are we calling them “metaverses” and not just fucking VR? Are those $650,000 dollars real dollars? I don’t get it. You dont pay maintainance on boat. Metaverse 1 , real life 0 If you make a bunch of money selling drugs, just create a NFT yacht and buy it from yourself using the drug money 🙌 It's not a generational thing. You can bet boomers would use NFTs to help them destroy the economy, if they had them back then. “Why are people placing value on something I think is worthless?!?!?!?!” Guess what, bucko, it’s all fundamentally worthless. The value in anything come from people thinking it has value. So it’s on the blockchain, and you can use it in VR/AR. Same same Im just going to rent myself out as a bench bum. Giving landscapes that authentic feel. Less maintenance on the metaverse one. Welcome to 2022. Want a house? Make an NFT sell it for the price of the house then buy a house. Rinse and repeat for anything else And also the problem with mmcrypto lol “The current generation??” Wtf are you talking about? You have no idea what you’re talking about, you’re blaming nothing and everyone essentially. Sheesh, what a stupid title. Hear me out here… Money laundering This SubReddit is like a fancy dress day in a nursery. 50+ kids playing make believe in their chosen dress up costumes. NO IM BATMAN!!! YDKS What's the problem with the current generation? What kind of take is that? Do you actually think this 650k nft yacht was bought by a Millennial/Gen Z kid that can't afford to move out of their parents basement? This was either bought by someone to launder money or someone so absurdly rich, they already have a real yacht. This generation is struggling with the deep flaws of our monetary system, making the rich richer and the poor poorer, to the point where some have this kind of money that could get a whole family through a lifetime, to blow on a sandbox yacht. You into the Metaverse, NFT, P2E industries? Check out GamiFi and while your at it get some $GMI to secure some whitelisting for their IDO's. It's a launchpad for Blockchain-based games that are trying to make a name for themselves Man I downloaded a .jpeg of a yacht for free. Or they are a billionaire and don’t care how they spend their pocket change but in metaverse you can sell it again in just a click of button away... like its easier than real world I love when crypto people make fun of nft people. Like I’ll buy a coin with no use but a yacht with no use? What idiot would do that😂 But this metaverse yacht at least isn’t a waste of materials and bad for the environment 🤷🏼‍♂️ Guaranteed the guy who pays $650k for a metaverse yacht, DOES have a real yacht worth well more than $650k More, you can feed a shit ton of hungry people with that……when there’s another French Revolution on a world scale it will be shit like this that starts it….the wealthy are so wealthy they can buy pretend shit for millions while the homeless starve in the streets. Fuckers be like….”let them eat pretend meta cake” Zuckerberg is an asshole. Laundering money. That's the biggest problem of every rich in every time. They are just modernizing themselves The difference is that a real yacht is insanely expensive to upkeep (clean, maintain systems, dry dock, staff, etc). Blatant money laundering to avoid taxes. Or money laundering Money laundering…. Real yacht price declines first few years. A meta one appreciates by the day.. Read Kiyosaki, be clever ; ) Difference: The value of the yacht starts depreciating as soon as you buy it whereas the metaverse one will most likely appreciate. Even if the metaverse thing is all a bubble that will eventually pop, we are the the beginning of it. That being said, a real life yacht is much better Do you get a NFT with a real Yacht for that price ? I have seen some nft projects that gives you the physical version too. Only an idiot would pay that just for an NFT. How is this not a money laundering scheme? Maybe money laundering? Stupid question. A really tiny one [deleted] Although i was very bullish on this everything, its starting to be clear this is a game of influencers and rich people for starters. Which generation are you referring to? And the buyer probably sell his real yacht to have metaverse yacht. So stupid Still don't understand this This is scary Apostrophe or comma? Hell yeah he’s probably getting virtual head form a virtual Beyoncé on his virtual yacht while we stay poor on our irl hovels But then you'd have to get off your ass 😏 A fool and his money are soon parted. [deleted] Bad motor. You all are funny I just sold a crypto punk today with one hell of a profit . Whats wrong with old people endorsing oldtimer cars for there sound. It is all just love for great work. I just buy it all. A Porsch, a Pokemoncard and a NFT why not... Unpopular opinion: I think this first wave of digital assets is all bunk. Great proof of concept, too many monke not enough concept. Still hodling my fair share into the dirt with you guys though. I wonder why nobody ever doubt whether the transaction is real, rather than just someone with special interest buying it from from his wife... I hate the fact that the first thing mega corps did with a literally endless and infinitely reproducible landscape was create artificial scarcity The question is do most people who buy a yatch do it to use it or to show it off. If it is the latter then I am not surprised. You need friends and money to get the clout of owning a yacht, in the metaverse if you own a yacht your clout comes from post like this and no cost of maintenance $650k for what amounts to a conversation starter. Yeah but I mean…the docking fee, all of that upkeep. This was you’ve got a yacht that no one can ever go on for the same price! Man thats why Nifty Island on a fucking roll Uhm... capitalism. We must sell something or the other as our civic duty and its the digital world. This shit was only bound to happen. I am done answering questions like this. I've been banned from enough subs. Money laundering Generation of what? Not enough info in the post to know what the hell you're asking about. Idiots...virtual yacht is way more fun 🤣 Real tatch will need maintenance Its missing some zeros What the fuh! What is this? A yacht for Ants? needs to be at least 3 times bigger i will now be selling virtual eggs ! metaverse is a trap on Blockchain. Sorry but that's the fact! the person who bought it probably has a real one too Smart move. Real boats cost too much to maintain. This one will stay brand new until forever, on whatever hard drive it’s stored. Subs 💀 Yes but a real yacht can’t be used to launder 650k. We youngling make and sell digital yachts so we can have the real ones! Please tell me this is not real… But why.......? But the resell value of a real yacht is terrible. Does the metaverse yaht loose value over time like the real one will? Asking for a friend. My guess is these garbage metaverse things are being used to launder money , it’s not even like these games are good lol (ie: doesn’t make sense for someone to spend that money on garbage like this) Not to take away from that guys point but, $650k for a yacht would be the worst yacht of all time. So anyone want to tell me how to make a yacht so I can sell it for 650k??? Why be poor in real life when you can be poor in a made up world? I still don't get it, how can people pay so much usdt for something like this I just lost count… so its alot of probelemo Crypto world is crazy cyberyachts… Tell you what. Real life has always been much more disappointing to reel life. And then came the metaverse! 💚 Perhaps this is the post Y2k era problem. It had long been predicted that AI will take over our race. Maybe what we see here is the genesis of that prophecy!!! 🦾 Is their a metaverse repo man. If not I’ll sign up Was it Russian Billionaire oligarch who had his vessel sanctioned? SUNK! by computer-virus or STOLEN by Meta-Pirates... owner better buy Sandbox insurance This. Or the next person will buy it for $250K thinking they’re practically stealing it ppl don’t realize how incredibly common this is in NFT space most floor prices are illiquid jokes watch how fast shit tanks soon as nfts get a major bear market lol >Laundering Laundering Real yachts cost a lot in maintenence and upkeep, do you have to pay for a virtual cleaner in a virtual yacht? bingo. Wash trading has been done from the beginning of time. But as the saying goes, a sucker is born everyday. Thats called wash trading and it’s illegal It's a scam just like the art industry Wen metaverse boating accident? And gas in the metaverse is still cheaper than the meatverse. At least not yacht They create it and sell it to themselves to give it fake value It's an investment! Wait till you discover the meta logo tattooed on your brain with a bar code. Because sheeps think metaverse is a new thing when it has existed since the earlier 2000s trough online life sims games look behind the curtains. all is not what it seems. think deeper. think. ​ Laundering. Yes Difference though between a real yacht and one in Mark Zuckerbergs shitty Roblox VR. Someone is trying to create value on a crashing stock If it is a gen-z or millennial, you know damn straight that wealth came from above anyways. If it isn't a wash Trade that is.... I heard this so many times it stopped being funny I downloaded a jpeg of your mom last night for the price of some semen That's such a misconception about billionaires. If you act like this you will never become a billionaire. Don't be too quick to write it off. NFTs and metaverse features are expanding into the walls of DeFi as it is obvious in Govworld's customizable lending platform. If you can use the yacht or whatever NFT you've got as a collateral in taking loans, without paying maintenance fee, I think it's a good consideration. [deleted] I think you mean “how do I get my real yacht out of the metaverse?” - Morpheus, probably Apostrophes are used this way in Switzerland Please enlighten us. This Bargain not even a bear market, once hedge funds and venture capitalists stop pouring money into crypto and nfts then the everything going to go caput for a while. one of the reasons why theres so much hate for ADA is because hedge funds and venture capitalists didn't invest early in it and missed out on massive gains. Historically, NFTs have done really well in crypto bear markets so your comment isn't really correct Shit gets popping when crypto gets bearish, and goes down when crypto pops off The great tulip bubble comes to mind No, but you also can't board a virtual yacht and go somewhere real on a real ocean. Thats actually kind of a valid point. 😂 If something is illegal, who is the police? I get the joke. Here’s an upvote. Need to set up metainsurance company Or money laundering People forgot about Second Life? AFAIK, I think it's just the hype that is making these things sell at such outrageous prices. NFTs, P2E games, metaverse etc. The only issue I see with all these emerging niches in the crypto space is that they're way too fragmented and it's sometimes a bit difficult to pinpoint which is the real deal. I think it's high time this is taken care of. Right… Well I'm thinking and the only conclusion I'm coming up with is that you don't know what money laundering is. For someone who doesn't go yachting, the shitty Roblox VR is the one they prefer. I don't give a shit either way what people spend their money on. Just find it interesting how some people decide to police it. Exactly spending that trustfund money like theres no tomorrow Literally every time anyone mentions NFTs there's a ""right-click, save jpeg"" comment from some pretentious numbnuts thinking they just won the internet. Because it's true Every rich person I've dealt with is a penny picking asshole who wouldn't give a dollar to a homeless man I think you mean millionaires. Billionaires area whole different species. “Surprised that there are a lot of rich people who can spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on random shit?” ... you mean that guy I’m not generalizing billionaires, I’m just saying that whoever this individual is probably has significantly more money than $650k, so it’s not like it’s some generational problem where we just spend our entire life savings on an NFT Well things in a bubble do go up in value, until the bubble pops. Good to know. The price of running, maintaining and mooring a degrading asset like a yacht is pricey. A digital asset could gain them money. Some people also prefer video games than real yachts I guess, so there's that too. The American Dental Association? Who wouldn’t want to invest in a cleaner smile? VCs and hedge funds do not invest in NFTs, maybe some DAOs, but it’s not a highly winnable game. Ada is shit cuz there’s only so many tx that go through each block. Influencers get their own staking pool with accelerated apy (100%), while others get 10% or something. Ada is a joke. Source: work for a Vc as a researcher/analyst, bought Ada at ~.1 sold at .8 when I learned to read. Also, metaverses with creator-economies are likely at $1T annual opportunity, according to JPMorgan and the other VCs I talk to. There are some projects that are focused on getting more hedge funds and capitalists into crypto though, so hopefully everything won't go caput. But yeah, It's always better for them if they got in early. UnidoEP might be a good one for em' a nft bear market. not a different market entering a bear market. Big brother doesn't want us to do things in the real world by the look of things. Lock downs, self isolation etc The MeTaSeA Wash trading should be regulated by SEC That and metaverse hookers and coke for yacht parties Or creating selling it to themselves to create a fake initial value. But yes, it's really that much money. Also, these transactions are mostly money laundering. But also, a lot of real world art value is what it is due to money laundering, sooo yeah. It kinda does irritate me when people drop cash on useless shit because they can, just makes you disappointed in humanity. Unless that yatch increase in value, that's money people would kill for, wasted on Zuckerbergs shitty VR. And don't give me that shit ""hurr durr well owned money"" just shows that some people stack it in stupid amounts if they can spend it like that and fuck over the market. Now go fuck yourself and buy your prada hoodie for 2000$ I really don’t understand what’s not to get about NFTs. It’s literally art.. just think a painting. It’s the same. So you also buy random stuff in apps for let's say 65? That's about the same if you have 100k as spending 640k with 1 Billion. VC people are SCUM who's only goal is to fuck retail out of money using shady practices and insider information. So Ada is shit(it is) and NFTs are valuable? Got it. I’m calling cap, even if just on the last sentence. Ya chattin’ bruv yh if they dont profit off something or miss out its not going to be favourable for them because they've missed out from the start. them getting more into crypto is good adoption wise but its also bad because when the money stops the market will crash or take a big dip for a while i think Irrelevant to the discussion. A virtual yacht is not worth as much as a real yacht. Not having to clean it doesn't change that. I can avoid cleaning a yacht without having to buy a virtual one. Yeah because that’s what crypto is all about....regulation. And another! Then metaverse lawyers after you get caught dumping illegal things in decentralized waters. Then buying it from another wallet for 1/10 TH of the the coat, and claiming it as a loss! Yay! Lol no it's not Where did you even hear this from redditors and their conspiracy theories 😂 I thought the point of buying your own NFTs was tax evasion, not money laundering. How exactly are they laundering money? honestly can't wrap my head around it. > It kinda does irritate me when people drop cash on useless shit because they can, just makes you disappointed in humanity. Why would it make you disappointed? It's other people. With money. They're free to do whatever the fuck they want. I'm very sure if you opened your books, we would find a fuckload of stupid useless shit you've been dropping your cash on. Glass houses and whatnot. > Unless that yatch increase in value, that's money people would kill for, wasted on Zuckerbergs shitty VR. A real yacht doesn't increase in value. And only accumulates expenses. And is a chore to get to, get out on the water, and enjoy it for however long you have before having to do something else. A virtual one is much easier on all counts, and just as exclusive. > And don't give me that shit ""hurr durr well owned money"" just shows that some people stack it in stupid amounts if they can spend it like that and fuck over the market. Yeah? So? It's their own money. Let them do whatever the fuck they want. Why do you care? You got money? Go spend it on whatever you want. > Now go fuck yourself and buy your prada hoodie for 2000$ Lol. Pathetic, really. NFT ≠ art Uh yeah spending $65 on something you want when you have $100k is totally reasonable Lol VC ppl are actually pretty dumb, but retail always surprises me on how much dumber they are. 99% of all projects are elaborate scams to get you to believe in them. The VCs are just another beneficiary, if they can sell properly. If you don’t like VCs, there’s PLENTY of fair launch/stealth launch projects. But that takes work, best to just trust the marketing firms at dipshit fund with your lifesavings. If you listen news, articles, yt vids for what bags to buy, then you’re begging to get dumped on. NOTHING is free Edit: I’ve seen many VCs lose 70%+ recently, and you think they run the market lol Here here. Just cos you DV this dude doesn’t make him any less correct.. Bro ignore this fool he doesn’t know shit. https://twitter.com/redpillcandy/status/1490473409117052936?s=21 Learn to use google dumb ass. I larp all day, but I don’t lose money like u. Keep believing idgaf Decentralized waters the same thing as international water? It’s the same concept. Right click & save is like taking a photo of a painting. And whether you like it or not, it’s still art. Yeah on something you want. You’re referring to the sandbox yacht as pointless. So would you spend 65 on something pointless? I wouldn’t And money works exponentially. Regardless how rich you are 650k is still a lot of money. Billionaires don’t actually face a billion in their bank account as cash I can afford to lose money tho Mufu. I got your wife on my Direct Debit list s’all good Read the comment again… I said the last sentence. Issue the VIC’s and other JP Morons with their well deserved CAP 🧢 Google & Twitter as citable references. Oh how academic you are CapKingMaster. All HAIL Not really the same tho. Even if you get a print of the painting, it isn't free, and it doesn't have any of the raised brush stroke details in it. Meanwhile, my jpg can be the same as yours You should probably research what NFTs actually are. Stay in crypto pls. I’ll just take more of your money. Have a g oood day ser. Ada top coin. Don’t look at TVL/MC compared to chains 5x cheaper with 5x more liquidity. Good coin Lol you listen to CNBC, I listen to Hentai Avenger. Best part — you have ZERO clue who that even is lmao. I’m giving you so much alpha, but you just gotta admit you’re dumber than rocks first. Ok, but there are things unique about NFTs also. Maybe not visually, but the data behind the image will be. Or.. you should? Wtf did that just say? I bet your one of those Gen-Z storm the capital types aren’t ya. Ya trying to talk mooch.. but ya making a fool of yourself bruv. And the fact that you turn on me when you realise you have no other way to save any grace.. Just shows. CNBC? I’m fucking British bro and not watched or read msm in over 20 years. Joys of being an ext intsec op in the forces. I’ve been laughing at yanks like you since you were in nappies. And not because of mass opinion or msm rhetoric.. because unlike Reddit warriors like yourself. Some of us here actually have real world experience and we’ll regarded opinions and skill sets on the matter No dis Intended beans. But don’t give it big un on something you evidently know fuck all about and then verbally attack someone (u know fuck all about) simply because you can’t construct a half adolescent argument Peeeace I'm not the one that thinks NFT = art. Just because there is art attached to NFTs doesn't mean the actual non-fungible token itself is art. It's a token, not a jpeg. If you right-click and save a ""NFT"" you are not saving the NFT. You are just saving the image. Ah, fair enough. I agree my dude, I misunderstood.. Because they can be art, but are obviously not just art." Although I wouldn't buy the dip...,2238,https://i.redd.it/eky6qk4p15681.png,"To be fair, she was there in the garage he started the company at helping him pack orders and run the business. Why wouldn't she deserve her fair share of the stock of the company she helped build from the ground up (with Bezo's family's money I mean). Classic bear trap. Bitch fell for it. Bezos is a bag of shit but he isn't a shit coin [deleted] Why will you not buy the dip? Me, I am buying the dip...loading my portfolio with SYS, BTC, LUXY and WFT [deleted] This disgusts me. She started and built the company with him! Lol, this is very enticing but I'll pass. My bags aren't that bad tho just waiting for some like PNODE, POLS and FTM to just take a leap. Her Stop loss got her out Someone post the anatomy of a bubble Imagine thinking it was for anything other than increasing pedophilic and homicidal tendencies lol Jeff Bezos was married before he starts Amazons tho, and McKenzie was a supporter of Jeff when he decided to quit his well-paying job for an adventure that was unlikely to be successful. To be clear I despise feminism altogether, but it's unfair to say such a thing about McKenzie and I've seen dozens of em already I'd be buying high and lickin low Pelosi I'm glad I could buy some dip. I even bought another cricket NFT pack from Rario's marketplace. The crypto gaming market is improving everyday. Metawars is capturing the market. Why would anyone not buy the dip 😂😂, I have stacked up my portfolio with QANX, ALGO and SOL JEFFREY, JEFFREY BEZOS Am I the only one here saying she was the lucky one this woman is a 10! ... even her trading strategy is top notch! I can't wait to divorce most of my hodling at the top. Have been married to many coins like ETH, PLUG, DOT and NU. I ironically bought at the top and selling when it low 🤑 this also belongs on /r/murderedbywords Lol [removed] I don’t care how rich you are, if you lose $70b in a divorce, you’re never over it. Sign prenup BOTH GENDERS SIGH PRENUP I see no reason not to buy the dip. I just bought the dip of SYS ETH MATIC LUXY BTC Trueeee! HAHAHAHAH The really lucky one is the dude that married her! Tell me about gold digger 😂 she didn't buy the dip, she married the dip. Why bother with is it a dip or a pump With option trades you can earn money with both, it's on you to pick the right side. The plus side is with Siren protocol you don’t get liquidated, because you use options instead :) more profits to buy more ETH Its still funny Swing divorcing 👰📉 So the estimate price per blowjob was... around 2 million? Jeff's mom looks like him with a wig. oh damn wrong comment ah well. ​ didn't his wife do all the accounting and bunch of hard work for years? she was totally a co-founder. [deleted] What's her ""fair share""? Bezos needed capital to start a business?! Such a shame. Never let Jeff forget his roots [deleted] absolutely, there are faaaar worst examples Because 50% of billions of $ [deleted] HODL is not everything, sometimes you're better off taking profits. Wait for Amazon Coin than... Elon's ex endured a lot o too. What's with the blatant misogyny. I wouldn't buy the dip in the market of the image... You think the Fed's indication that they will tighten in '22 is a headfake? Lol.. tbh, this is really a good discount opportunity for me to buy and add more to my bag of ETH, SOL, VET & BBANK. It's amazing many are waiting for such a time like this, yet are still giving in to fear. But woman bad Even if the image and caption from OPbis totally wring because she was there from the beginning I think you got yourself some nice lowcaps almost similar to my bags and you got a gem in PNODE believe me. Really solid holds. PKR and ICONS would be great additions to the bag. These are solid low cap alts with really great prospects. She wanted more time for those activities? She deserves it absolutely, Early stage is rough. When no one believes you. How much would you charge to let Bezos put his penis in you? There’s a difference between needing capital and borrowing hundreds of thousands of dollars from your parents, multiple times, on top of demanding new employees hand over money for shares then pretending like you have some humble self made roots. Needing capital is one thing. Getting a donations from mommy and daddy and grandmommy and granddaddy to help prop your shitty failing business afloat for over a decade until you can finally corner the market and monopolize it is a whole different entity. ​ Fun random fact: I am talking about Jeff's adopted dad, since his biological dad abandon him for his love for the unicycle (true story look it up). That's not how it played out because he wasn't an r/incel. I know! Try saying that over at /r/cryptocurrency though... [deleted] Oh poor thing, endured a lot with the son of a billionaire... Definitely, I will not try it too Can you explain why? Preferably ELI5 Or point me to a good resource to learn. Cryptonoob just entered a month ago. Maybe it's the FDS in me, but I didn't read this as ""woman bad"". I quite agree with you on ICONS, have quite a volume in my bag. I hope it moons during the next bull run. I know PKR it recently partnered with Gamerse a meta and NFT gaming project. I await the great things the partnership will bring especially in metaverse. Wait, you guys are getting paid? $53 billion Definitely more than half his wealth I won't accept anything under $50 Fair enough, about 50%? Best comment ever I mean, I’m a straight male, happily married. So 100 bucks and a 6 pack of bud heavy…? 🤷🏼‍♂️ That last phrase caught me off guard. Somebodies been listening to Robert Evans Lol everyone there believes in only DCA and HODL Do you imagine things are less bad when it's a billionaire doing it? It's a joke, as the label says. The graph is Jeff Bezzos fortune. Talking about the Metaverse, you should check out Kotalverse (KTV). It's also a gaming NFT project. Sometimes the value is a negative amount. beeing an amazon employee must be ""rough"" Per inch? Seems fairish. Just trying to determine fair market value. Too dumb or scared (or both) for any other viewpoint dividend sharing dapps is the way You know, interest rates and all Inflation? Per nanometer If there's a fluffer. No fluffer and I'll be tapering." You guys mind if I do a quick thank-you note?,2171,https://i.redd.it/lr7ezml0n1471.jpg,"GME Apes are thanking you too ;) thanks for the profits and enjoy your dips Scared money out. Smart money in. What happened in 2013 and 2018 is not necessarily what is going to happen in 2021. This is *not* the dip you are looking for... Seriously, though. This dip looks like shit. No buying pressure. Next support is at 20k. Holding GME and buying up the crypto dips too! Can’t stop won’t stop! I have both, and sold nothing. Facts The way people on this sub rationalize sell offs is straight up mental gymnastics On behalf of GME Apes I salute you, and wish you luck in your crypto investments. If you ever feel like going to war give us a call. Let's see where I have heard this bullshit before? oh ya ""Its chinese new year guys."" ""This always happens right around when wall street execs get bonuses."" ""People are selling now because of the tax implications."" Indeed. Taste the DIP! I'll put 80 percent at least into crypto after all this is over , I don't trust any fiat currency or government haha Can’t stop won’t stop! Hedgies get wedgies 🦍💎🙌 Shorting hedge funds and their crooked market maker brokerages and clearing houses with the help of SEC are a virus to society and the ones running the criminal financial system. Thank you Fbi and msm for spreading fud this morning about having tools to recover ransom money. Now the prospect of becoming a millionaire is real for me. I feel so blessed to be invested in meme stocks and crypto right now. The meme stocks going up have allowed me to make profit and in turn invest into the dip. Lmao Lmfaooo!!! GME up and crypto on sale. What a time to be alive! where do people get these cool charts? As I always say buy high, sell low, thanks for filling my sell orders as the price tanks lmao In all reality, which crypto should someone invest in at this time? Crypto does offer a nice time lag for wise investors to exploit who can use that time lapse to buy dips strategically and also maybe even play the normal stock markets on the side for fun... I commented about this the other day, it's exactly what they're up. Keep spreading the word! GME+ETH the best combo. 50% sale for my crypto <3. Yay sure, i'm up for buying the dip, bought REEF, ALICE, BMI, PLUG, FWT, ICX, COTI at this bear market 😉 No they will thank you for the cash of an asset that is going to drop further :) bugger off to wsb Another butt hurt doge lover, pretending to be ""not-butt hurt"". Buy now, if you like. I'm gonna laugh later. Im so sick of yall talking about fucking hedge funds. Idiots. Now if WhiteBIT could send me my compensation for POODL right now it would be very nice of them! 570$ to reinvest while things are down! Edit: Guess I made some people angry? I don't understand why... Thank you Hedge Funds for using your power for Good! Yeah but Jimmy Fallon can go fuck a duck. [removed] Wow you seriously think they're on your side? You have to be so ignorant to side with people that are actually against you retail investor smh. darn you, cryk cryk crypto handlers!! You are no real super hodler!! [removed] Ikr I would love to see the evidence behind these claims. My understanding is that hedgefunds haven’t invested in crypto to any significant degree. It’s bizarre that most people here just blindly accept these claims as fact. The reality is that the market was over-extended and due for a correction anyway. [removed] Retailers unite regardless of interest. Hope you apes make it to the moon! thanks for letting me get my money back Yes! I'm deep in GME and cant wait to cash in some of those tendies for $500 ETH after they pull all of this leverage out of the market. Ook ook ook hee hee [removed] I ain't scared. I came from poverty so I know what it's like to have nothing. YOLO. [removed] I better get a side job to make some extra bucks to buy that dip Whoa! My first award! Thank you. Just to be extra clear, make your own decisions. I can’t tell the future. My point was simply that if this rolls over and nukes, the downside potential will probably be larger than the potential upside. And not seeing much of a reaction to price retesting support, so that’s not reassuring, either. thats what ive been thinking. The dip is just starting Me too. 😄👍 This is the way >TechnicalRoundup This is the way You are a hero. [removed] Non-fiction It's a psychological casino simulation, sir! No one knows the reasons really so might as well tell each other stories, lighten up man it's clearly meant to be light fluff Don't take shit too seriously I myself have XX GME shares. 😘 Just saying, if GME moons, crypto goes up (not that it will matter for you at the point). If GME somehow gets fucked, crypto will go up. Hedge that bet, you already know that dip is tasty ;) The rich always avoiding taxes...tisk tisk tisk. Nummy nummies! 😋 Wouldn't hurt imo. #Gamestop. Yea 99% sure all they done was hacked dudes exchange password lll Agreed. 🥳 I think they pay to have special access. I on the other hand copied this chart off someone else who paid. Then I Incorporated it into this Meme. Lol. Ones you believe in. I like ETH personally, has more use. I know some people may not like it, but alot of people are starting to accept it, Dogecoin. I own these two.. and others. 🤗 Been seeing FWT lately and it seems like they are targeting the US Market. Only to bounce back to new ATH. ☺ Are you...dying inside? Reality is somehow hard to understand Uhmm. You got it backwards. This post has nothing to do with thinking they are on anybodys side, this is a post just thanking them for fucking up in the stock market so they sold crypto to try and fix it. 🙄 Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Yes honestly the crypto holders and gme holders should unite to take down the manipulating greedy hedgefunds. I hope they all collapse. Thank you Good sir, and I know a good amount of us will put at least 5 percent of our gains into btc and eth. (Personally I'm putting 25 percent in) entire stock market is going to puke when it finally happens. Yes we shall moon and the crypto will supermoon from our crypto 🍌deposits [removed] [removed] [removed] Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* I love this stand point. I am with you 100% here. I’m not afraid to go broke, I’m afraid to not try something [removed] Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Patience is key. Bear markets last as long as bull markets, historically. I watched BTC fall for 18 months from Dec 17 to mid-2019. You’ve def got some time to put some cash away. Congrats to all who loaded up under 32k. Looking much better now, with BTC above 33k. Situations change in minutes or even seconds sometimes—be sure to calculate and manage your risks. I’d like to take a moment to shill the best analysts in the business: [TechnicalRoundup](https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCYStZ8mMNGOVTj-Z4AbbSrQ) These guys are how I learned to trade. They’ll never tell you for certain where anything is going, which is how you know you can trust them. We can’t know for certain which way it’ll go. Plan for both cases and stick to whatever plans you make. Even if they’re wrong, you’ll have lost less than you make when you’re right. Also be aware that more people are bearish rn than bullish. That makes me think I might be wrong. Crypto is notorious for juking/faking everyone out. [removed] It's true, I am. You can be too, mortal. It just takes vegetables and homework. Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Female gme shares? Wow Consider me hedged. You’re full or shit and have no idea why crypto is dipping. Do some actual DD. Everything that I’m reading indicates that it’s retail driving markets down not institutions. I figured it out! first i figured out that different sized box charts are actually called ""Tree Maps"" then i searched crypto treemap and got [https://coin360.com/](https://coin360.com/) h/t to https://infogram.com/page/choose-the-right-chart-data-visualization After 1-3 years that is. I prefer to buy closer to bottom. I think that person lives under a rock and the market noise is disturbing them. Especially one as dense as theirs Well I guess I am already part of the club then? I own both. Talked to a programmer at a hedge fund. They make money when the market is more volatile. Melvin got fucked, but basically the rest of the hedge funds made out like bandits. We're individuals making our own investment decisions. Count me in [removed] Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* 👍 Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Good to know! I bought the first time on may 23rd, only to witness some recovery. And today was already thinking this can be a unique opportunity in the next weeks… I second this. Just watched their recent video, straightforward and quality technical analysis [removed] Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* And diamond hands?? Lol. GME, she sure is beautiful. No silly, double digits. We only know dump is on spot market. Thanks that was really helpful. I then used that info you gave me to do some research that it's called a ""Heat Map"" possibly and searched that for the Nasdaq. Came across this site showing the ""Heat Map"" for the Nasdaq. https://www.finscreener.org/map/map/nq100 Edit: spelling This might be better on the eyes. https://finviz.com/map.ashx?t=sec I can wait. Only put I what I can afford to wait with. 😁 Most of us have our eyes on 3+ years.. I know I got mine set just for the future. I want to buy things with my Crypto.... never sell! ​ and yes I believe BTC might hit 20K or less. and i will go on a USD spending spree. I doubt it will be like 2018. That was the first cycle ever, and the only one we have to look at, so we can't say it'll be same I think y'all make up narratives about hedge funds that have no basis in fact or reality. Same haha thinking of selling some crypto holdings to buy more gme Yep. Small time, but I hold both. I play both sides mouhahahaha toasted hedgies miam [removed] smart investors welcome and love volatility :) [removed] Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Yeah this is the most valuable resource out there. Pretty much all of Crypto YouTube is nonsense, but these guys are from Twitter, and their streams are super high quality. Cred also has an entire course on trading on his YouTube. All free. Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Those too. nice! 🙌 I am greedy, I prefer 10x profits over 5x :) r/roastme Any basis in fact or reality for this statement? I noticed a lot of overlap between AMC holders and ETC holders Buy on the dips, giggle on the rips... This is the way [removed] [removed] [removed] Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* [removed] there are two kinds of people in the world. smart fellers and fart smellers. you‘re the later one Chump, I prefer 20x News literally just came out that Bitcoin is hedge funds least liked asset. I have ETC.. as well as other cryptos. ##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475775** times. **2.** `u/_RryanT` **22744** times. **3.** `u/max-the-dogo` **8487** times. .. **752.** `u/Rollers_Are_aGenre` **41** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.) Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* I rather be wealthy than salty :) 20x would require perfect timing, my best has been around 15x. The ""news""... 6 companies own 95% of the outlets... And who owns them? Remember when Archigos got margin called? Viacom dropped 50% in 1 day. Yep, HFs have massive holdings in all major outlets. If you owned the news, what would you say? Same here, ETC, ETH and BTC all have their own place in the ecosystem. I think the overlap is interesting because a lot of your general ETH holders or investors generally disregarded ETC on an emotional level This is the way ""it takes a genius not to see"" -Noam Chomsky Lmao. This is what I mean. Fucking conspiracy theory nuts have taken over investing subreddits. I’m curious what future you see for etc? As far as I know it isn’t being developed anymore and has no plans for moving to a proof of stake consensus method? Why bother? Certainly it will never be bigger than eth or Bitcoin and without development how will it have any future growth? This is the way There's development, Donald Mcyintre has a website, Etherplan.com which covers ETC well. There's also the ETC cooperative which Grayscale donates 1% of it Ethereum classics trusts profits from for development." Dogecoin (DOGE) shoots 200% higher as WallStreetBets starts to pick up on crypto,2156,https://cryptoslate.com/dogecoin-doge-shoots-200-higher-as-wallstreetbets-starts-to-pick-up-on-crypto/,"830% boys. Let's. Keep. Pumping tldr; Dogecoin (DOGE) has appreciated by over 200% in the past 24 hours. The meme-based cryptocurrency is now one of the top-20 cryptocurrencies in market capitalization, bypassing a number of DeFi plays. DOGE is currently trading at all-time highs and has a market cap of $3 billion. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.* HOLD! I've doubled in under an hour already. Don't panic sell Sold yesterday at .0074. Goddamn it. Originally holding since .0034. Kicking myself. Bought lots and sold as dips started, up $500 today. But would've been up like $4000. A win is a win I guess. Don’t buy on robinhood. Not your keys. Not your coins. Do some googling and get a dogecoin wallet. Transfer money into a crypto brokerage and withdraw the trades to your wallet. Wash rinse repeat. 500% in a day. Keep it going don’t sell 🚀🚀🚀🚀 Buy and hold! Buy and hold! #Dogecoin ! BUY ON BINANCE Y'ALL And don’t use Robinhood Just bought 1200! HODL! 💎👋 DOGE TO THE MOON!🚀🚀🚀 KEEP BUYING THE DIP! THIS WILL ONLY WORK IF WE ALL HOLD. NO QUICK FLIPPING. YOUL MAKE EVEN MORE MONEY ONCE WE CAN GET IT TO HIT $1.00 OR HIGHER!!! PLEASE HONOR THE OBJECTIVE AND HODL!!!! defi FTW I believe voyager has halted the purchase of DOGE Im also unable to buy on Robinhood. Hold! Just bought 1000 gotta keep this train going This article has no idea what it’s talking about WSB literally bans you for posting about crypto Buy those dips 🛸 I made my very small test investment of $30 back in under 3 hours last night. Nothing more than luck on part because I have no fucking clue what I’m doing haha. 💎 🦍 🚀 🌝 or whatever Doge going up in price on the power of the meme? [removed] Holding on to my 100€ of doge, it s not much but holding is holding ! ✊🏼 We should create a telegram group for Dodge coin supporters This is not correct. Crypto talk is forbidden on WSB. Check the sub rules. Edit: Rule #4 Buy and hold by and hold. We need people to go into the Wall Street bets and make sure that people are aware so that we can gain support. Elon Musk tweeting and supporting Dodge coin $10 is trendy on the news. We must also try to gather more followers more members more soldiers for the cause. This is the way Send it to the fucking moon Get it to 1$!!! What is this bullshit? WSB dont have anything to do with crypto, its actually against the rules to just write the word crypto there I honestly don’t think this is wsb they are focussed on gme they don’t really touch crypto. I think this is just hype and everyone jumping on it I wonder how fast we can get it to $100/coin We don’t need WSB ... DOGE to $1 - $10 - $100! [deleted] What’s the best exchange to buy Doge? i’m so bummed coinbase doesn’t support it LETS FUCKING GO Asia is getting in the party now. And Europe is waking up in a few hours. Lots of legs to this. r/wallstreetbets now has over 5 million hungry people for new opportunities. Let’s get the $1 meme $1 goal degenerates!!! HODL Woooooooo!!!!! Doge trading getting blocked What the hell Bought more today! I bought this as a joke because I like Doge- guess owning 20,000 of them wasn’t silly after all..... In for $70,000 https://t.me/joinchat/H_VhXoft5hY0pisv Created a Dodge coin telegram community. Bread the word this will be a room where we can organize No crypto in there is allowed, you can’t handle over 5 million in the subreddit Robinhood is straight up preventing me from buying it because I don't have enough buying power whatever that means Thoughts on Voyager App?? ~9X insane!! Don’t let WSB see this, not sure they’d agree As a collective unit on crypto, nor our collective speed. However, I believe in Doge, therefore I believe, Doge believes in me. Also, GME🚀🚀🚀🚀 To be fair, a lot of WSB was also already in crypto. It will be interesting to see what happens after all this though. I think a lot of them were getting into crypto through Robin Hood just because it was easy, and really don’t care whether or not they own the coins Since they plan to trade them back to dollars soon anyway. Let’s see how many of them move to better brokers like Fidelity versus how many move into decentralized space. My main concern is that many will not come over to crypto because the space seems immature and filled with air headed ideologues, which to be fair again, it partially is. Wallstreetbets don't discuss Crypto. It is clearly written in their RULES CoinEx is easily trading DOGE. Let’s get it to a dollar! I need this to drop so I can buy in! Great for a shitcoin Whats next XRP? The SEC has been trying to suppress XRP for the past 2 months with its lawsuits! I say STICK IT TO'EM! 🚀 They should pump btc instead of doge I don't fucken understand wallstreetbets, what the actual F are they actually trying to accomplish pumping a shitty coin? And gamestop? Why choose to pump a failing industry model. Look I love me some geeky specialist shops but sadly the feet through it are mostly not enough to sustain them :( Could you lot try breathing in through your nose and put your money in BTC and ETH, and then hold? That's how it works. Anybody has DOGE in Poloniex and having problems withdrawing it? Poloniex is not allowing withdrawals in DOGE at the moment :( This is not good news. Last thing we want is for regulatory agencies turning their attention to crypto. Tha 15x on the month tho gg I’m dumb can I buy this via E*TRADE Assume over hyped now! It is the time to observe it. Low MC low coin price high volume all hype let’s go moondog Pump!!! Let’s goooooo!!! I'm in! Hodl to a dodle 💵 Lol ""starts to pick up on crypto""? They have a rule banning crypto cause they were getting a bit too into it with ICO's Bought some after finally getting into one of my exchange accounts. Binance holds all the $DOGE until you withdraw it. Until that happens, they will keep dumping it on us over and over again to avoid people taking money out of their servers into real world. Take the $DOGE out of their hands once you get it. Binance is the biggest volume exchange for DOGE. Everyone sends their DOGE to binance's wallet, then they hold it while we trade a magical version on their exchange. You dont hold anything until you withdraw it out of the exchange. While binance has that much DOGE in their wallet, they have the power to keep dumping the market so ensure that nobody withdraws. If people withdraw as soon as they buy, Binance will have not much DOGE, making the supply less than the demand, and the price will rocket. Binance is the main market maker in its own markets. This is how we will help the price go up once we already bought. IF you let them keep all of the supply once you buy, the demand will never increase. What about now?? We doing it tonight! Dumb 879% now 🚀 Pumping? Who’s pumping? We simply like the coin have fun with your losses, good drop today, and going lower still. very classic pump and dump 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🧑‍🚀 ""Pick Up"" on crypto? They ban discussion of crypto lol. They know what the crypto market is, but don't include it in discussion. Which is great because imagine everyone spamming their favorite coins as much as GME. Dear lord it'd be trash. Update: on Coingecko, Doge is, or has been, in the top 10 crypto. The market cap was around €5.5 Bil. WSB doesn’t like crypto. GTFO with this BS. We like stonk. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 That's nuts. Wow. This is an interesting lesson to be learnt. Retail has actual power! Is the run over? It dropped really hard. Who is selling? Let’s get it to $5! Doge always drops back down!!! No!!! The fools!!! Pour into Cosmos! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 Don't be dumb. Jump in again. The autistic people from r/wallstreetbets and Elon Musk até joining the party I got in at .007 and left at .075 👀 [deleted] How do we do that? Listen to this guy If this info is too late what should I do tomorrow with my investments on robinhood? Bought more today 🚀🚀 Is this for real tho? Because if you can make infinite coins then how can the price truly go crazy? Binance won’t let me cuz Louisiana?! I keep getting an error when trying to log in to binance You can use the Ellipal app they have an exchange built in. I agree. This is a winner [deleted] How can you hold doge, when you can liquid farm. Binance is trading Doge still I just bought on Robinhood. Maybe back up? Just bought on RH The auto mods Like cryptos cool but not here lol Nice bag, got ALBT UBT and SNX. Are you by chance looking into $UDO? It's backed by the same team that launched ALBT and incubated by same DuckDao. I have a feeling this rule is about to change! Yes buy all of it If I lose money because of this BS rule, buildings should be torn down. That happened to me. After you hit ""buy"" click ""limit order"" in the top right corner and add a price that is 1% more than the current (you likely won't end up paying this). IT IS 5 CENTS YOU CHEAP FUCK GME was chosen due to the 150% short seller position. Not because of fundamentals. WSB has been calling for this short squeeze for a year now. Keep up. They are pumping GME because the hedges have over loaned on the stock. The way a short works, you loan me a Pokémon card because you think it is worth $1. I think it’s worth $0.50. So I take your Pokémon card, sell it, and you say “In x amount of days you owe me whatever the cost of that Pokémon currently is.” Well in X amount of days, if that Pokémon card is worth $5 I owe you $5. If it’s worth $0.50, I give you $0.50 and I keep the other $0.50. You need to pay attention. You must close your eyes to see it. They aren’t interested in the business, they are interested in the money. - Master Oogway Lmao the people saying to HOLD and diamond hand Dogecoin. GME kind of makes sense with the short interest but this is straight up a pump and dump. Late buyers will lose their shirt on this once the early people sell (and they will) and this will be the first lesson on “investing”. yep, had to exchange it for USD (One of?) The big trading app for crypto is Coinbase. Check them out for Crypto in a layout similar to Robinhood, that's easy for even beginners to understand. You can grab a lot of the popular coins like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, etc. However, DOGE specifically isn't on Coinbase. DOGE isn't really a real coin, it was created as a joke, but WSB are having fun pumping in real value right now. For DOGE, you'll need to use a different (more complicated?) exchange such as Bittrex, or what WSB people are flocking to, Voyager (might be down right now due to new user flood). Or, you can also buy DOGE from Robinhood, they have some a few of the most popular cryptos (Bitcoin, etc). Hope that all helps! In b4 everyone corrects me with their favorite exchanges of choice, there are lots of good ones! Short it lol Hibernation till the next pump. It will probably go way lower and skyrocket some later date Cryptos are pumped (it is known) and this is the worst to pump lol. This is not the way. (Unless you went all in at .0002 then grab some sweet tendies and enjoy the ride.) It's faster and cheaper than bitcoin! :) I got out high and bought Gamestop with the profits 🙃 Retail does have power but in this instance it’s only retail pumping value up for other retail purchasers. I’m guessing there is no institutional money in doge and it will invariably come crashing down as people start to cash out I mean in this scenario retail is just playing musical chairs though. Seems to be that way, it aint rising anymore. Staying steady. Still have some left but only later today will we know if it inflates again. Not looks so good now though 🌝 Trust wallet is pretty good DeFi wallet CoinEx is easily trading DOGE now! $1 here we come! CoinEx is easily trading DOGE! They can’t stop us! 1$ + here we come! Hold them until after the squeeze, if you’re talking about GME lol. Then cash out or transfer brokerages. As ss ok as I cash out I’m done with Robinhood, but I’m not going to start a transfer to a new brokerage at a time like this. That’s for you to decide. If you have coins in Tobin hood, may be best to sell, move money back to bank. Then try to buy roughly the same amount somewhere else. You might be losing some purchasing power in the short term. But long term you’ll thank yourself. I bought 4k doge coins today, im holding strong ✊🏼 It can't. Miners get 10k DOGE each block. You can't outpump this dump. That's what this token has always done. The only positive that may come out of this is that newcomers actually discover crypto and put their money in BTC, ETH, and other high profile projects. Crypto was slowly getting out of the casina phase, so this last day is a setback for sure. Use Kraken [deleted] I’m pretty sure there’s no limit Right now there are about 113 billion in existence, miners get 10,000 for each block mined, a block is mined every minute. So it isn’t going to stay up [Binance.us](https://Binance.us) is completely broken for me. I can't buy anything at the moment and Kraken is down also. Coinbase is the only thing up and they don't have DOGE Like it’s objectively misinformation. You can just go read the subreddit rules over on WSB 😂 it’s such an easy fact check Yeah. Definitely blocking exchanges until the price tanks. Self preservation I suppose? It still will not let me Lol. In the meantime it went to 8 cents and is now back to 4.78 cents... Elon made a few millionaires overnight! But someone always loses on the other end - make sure it ain’t you! But what about Doge? If you look its price charts it has periodicly pump and dumped, unless there is a strategy to bustvthe huge shorter of doge after pumps? I know that, but what stops them going on a pitchfork brigade and screwing up other stuff. The idea is noble, but will the execution remains to be seen. This remains my view, it seems to be going down the crusade or suicide bomber route, in their mind they are doing what's right, but how far till doing what's right start fucking with my pension fund? Just saw that this is temporary and not intentional. https://twitter.com/Poloniex/status/1355095184934100993?s=20 Hope Poloniex get this sorted out quick! Thanks - very informative Especially since it is an inflationary coin. Nothing wrong with people making tendies off of it, but much like GME, there are going to be alot of people left holding bags for longer (or forever) than actual crypto. WSB is pretty toxic as far as ""investing"" goes. Whatever they are doing, just don't If you don't want to be eating ramen noodles and living out of a cardboard box for the next decade. They have a horrible propensity for loss porn. It's just one giant meme to them. Hold on to that one!! Not over, dont be 🧻🤚, going to $1 for 💎🤚 It’s called a djp my guy 🚀 🚀 It is, but they don’t have Polkadot. Better off with TokenPocket. [deleted] 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 Lol they picked the worst coin to try to pump So in other words big losses for doge instead of the pump Crypto is only casino, it is the only form of true price-driven supply/demand but there is zero underlying intrinsic value to the coins. Its strength is in the network. Should that network flip tomorrow to AnotherCoin then BTC will be as dead and worthless as primecoin. Kraken keeps crashing for me. Any other apps? Kraken is coming us with a gateway error right now. [https://status.kraken.com/](https://status.kraken.com/) Hard to tell, looks like a lot of people are making small return and selling early. Morons 🙄 Double check that you put a price at least 1% greater than the current. I got the math wrong once and it didn't work. Otherwise, try investing more money at a time. it's a memecoin, so the memesub pumped it after their scammer god tweeted about it (elon musk) You’re either in or you’re not my man. Your point about the fact that this GME shit can affect your own pension is the reality of how fucked the stock market really is. Your retirement is in all reality based on a few folk’s speculation. The biggest scam is that folks have been sold the idea that their savings should be gambled with, and that it’s safe. If you’re super sketched out about the volatility, you can always move into bonds. and do you believe them ? to me it looks like they want to stop mass withdrawals of huge gains I like your optimism but it barely scratched 8 cents today. Its gonna be a long ride until it hits $1 😐 It has everything, even polkadot. I’ve had the wallet for a while. But, I remember it was very quick when I set it up Crypto is banned on WSBs last I checked so this is not the normal users pushing Doge, lots of new people, bots, and scammers hoping they can shill something to the moon (and apparently people are that gullible). I’ve even seen the Doge shilling spill over onto outside platforms where it’s even easier for them to convince noobs that somehow Doge is anything like the GME squeeze. This can only go down. Check out the entire graph for DOGE. It has several of these large pumps throughout the years, but it always goes all the way back down. There is ZERO upward trend. There are **128,136,378,598** DOGE in the market, with a 6.6 billion total market cap. Bitcoin has a 600 billion market cap. Getting DOGE to $1 would mean x20 and put it roughly at a 132 billion market cap, which simply isn't realistic. People new to crypto look at token price but should look at market cap. ​ Even if it did hold a price for a while it will always be forced down due to the billions of more DOGE actively being mined and added to the supply. It's a meme coin for good reason. We can all have a laugh when it pumps, because it literally makes no sense. But people will lose money, which is harder to justify when you're not sticking it to some hedge fund. This isn't sticking it to anyone, only the people left holding the bags in the end. Check out ACDX, not sure if it has doge listed yet though (would have to check) but it is a good derivatives exchange with governance token. And of course they just lanched BBS as a structured product to simplify trading for noob traders and reduce drastically trading fees. Worth taking a look at imho. Etoro? Binace.us is the only other that I have used that has Doge but the wait time for verification is super long, might have to just wait on kraken Look, I like the fact that there is volatility, otherwise it probably would not have grown at all, but I'm locked into a company pension fund, so can't really move. Guess I'll just have to hope for the best and try and make bank with some side money (although I am not an avid supporter, I'm also not completely against what wsb is doing, but leave my pension dafuk alone if possible) Hey, the withdrawal functionality is back up! I just submitted my withdrawal and it's in pending now. Probably will take a while for it to be processed with the blockchain so busy now. Aaaannnnnd it's gone again... I honestly think they are just struggling with technical problems, otherwise they wouldn't be yoyo-ing with this. Yea this is what I have been seeing too. There is so much talk about doge on twitter and that everyone should «hold». Its weird, almost seems artificial. r/satoshistreetbets is the crypto. It’s sad tho, it would be interesting is this coin could become a mini Bitcoin (if it was possible) I say that because it would both be humorous but also because it would really put crypto in the main stream even more The wait time was SOOOO long on Binance. I think it took a full 2 weeks for me back in early January. I'm so new to this but I'm glad I got in, it's an exciting time! Lol i used (coinswitch. Co) you guys have to stop using those KYC ass crypto apps Tons of bots trying to push pump and dump schemes off the FOMO caused by GME, worse everyone attributes it to WSB to try to give the scheme legitimacy and the media eats it up and amplifies it even though these schemes are clearly against the sub’s rules. I think this is part of the plan to destroy WSB’s reputation once the dust settles, we’ll have thousands of boomers on TV crying about losing their retirement savings because “WSB told them to invest in X” Coinswitch is a scam buddy. These fuckers charge you 10 times more than binance because of excuses like lack of liquidity. Thank you, Im so happy Im not the only one who sees this. Its lowkey scary. Well you better be buying something thats going to make that 10 times back idgaf🚀🚀🔥" 50$,2126,https://i.redd.it/aprsty6u7pu61.jpg,"The shittier the coins the better Its not spending... It's 'investing' Buy dogecoin they said, it would be fun they said. I understand why they're laughing, I was the joke all along. it's like looking in mirror right now 1 loaf of bread now might be 10 loafs of bread in a few months. Here’s to another week of Ramen noodles I love groceries. Better than hunting and gathering. [deleted] only water and ice cubes for me I just think we're well beyond the ATH of bread, milk, and eggs Yeah but it’s an investment, groceries ALWAYS finish in the toilet. That’s literally throwing money down the toilet. When you invest in the future: you keeping that money and increasing it :) I mean efficient lifestyles and investing as much as you can does make millionaires... just saying OMG. Hahaha. Haven’t seen this a thousand times on every crypto sub. Hahahaha I confess. I'm like this in stretches. I feel seen 😍 This is too real bro More like spend $5K x4 times and you’re fine. Lol Hell I don't want to spend $5 on food let alone $50... I can't sell dumb groceries for profit Why does no one know how to correctly use a dollar sign? You're not spending the money. Where is BTT? Thats what I did yesterday why not both Bitcoin will lose its dominance within the following year, it’s already before 50% as of today. Overdraft fees? Whatre those?! [removed] I bought 20$ of LINk when it was 0,10$ so now I consider the money I use to trade as play money since I only really spent 20$ in crypto this far. I'm in this picture and I don't like it Investing is like super responsible and fun version of saving! Get the Fold App! Why not get both? Ah shit, tag me next time. This is what food stamps is for tho 🤷 Is this me in the mirror? Haha. And now, I am waiting for DFC to be out in the public. I believe DeFi City will make it to the top! Allocating 1000$ for this. Have you got any poocoin yet? Yes that’s a thing. We are pumpin and dumpin! 3/5 are good.... this. is. the. waaaay 🚀 Ah, it is quite nice to meet a fellow man of refined taste. This is what I TRY to tell my wife. She cares not It’s “infrastructure spending “, that’s the buzz word. You bought a dopamine pump and dump. The pumps always fun, the dump is always painful. Don’t smoke crack if you have a taste for such emotional swings. Crypto dilution, essentially. Crypto is gonna be the new pennystocks. I don’t think BTC is going anywhere though, it was predicted to drop already like a month ago, and a steep drop, yet it’s still holding on. A lot of companies are supporting transactions with it and big banks investing in it. It’s a long term hold IMO. If BTC falls below $40k then most of the alts will take a hit including DOT or its associated projects like you mentioned spiderdao etc. The only way to hedge the fall are futures short positions or staking your alt holdings like I do for spiderdao on [NEST](https://stake.spiderdao.io/#/) staking program. I am adding some gaming blockchain projects as well to my portfolio this year apart from polka-dot projects. Exeedme, DGC etc I am waiting for the dips to buy, not fomo-ing right now since I see a correction round the corner. We are already overstretched overall all so need to cool-off before the next leg up. The dollar sign goes in front of the number. Elementary school was free I’ve heard of it, not in my repertoire yet I prefer *B U K K A K E C O I N* What the fuck is PooShit when there's POLKAMON!!!!!! ""where's that money from the other day?"" I... [spins around in chair] *invested* it, baby 😎 [checks portfolio to see its down 25%] Same! >Don't smoke crack *noted* How are you just gonna not mention Enjin? Someone seems like they lost on LINK at 0,10$ So far I use it for charting on bsc. Not the coin but their product. Works pretty decent. Have your heard about [**CumRocket**](https://www.reddit.com/r/cryptocurrencymemes/comments/mvagz7/cumrocket_taking_off_at_the_moment/gvc84sn/) ? I would all-in if I were you.... (not investment advice tho) Heard of Polkamon? That coin is the rave of the moment Annnnnnnd... it’s gone. That's random When that CumRocket starts pumpin’... Man I put $11 into that a few weeks ago and pulled out a nice $30 profit, could’ve made $180 or more last I checked from that 11, oh well. I’ve found a few other good coins to balance out the 15 or so that turned my $10 into pennies. Stay salty nocoiner" anyone else?,2097,https://i.redd.it/rdmfrmj5qtn61.jpg,"Nobody will even listen long enough for me to tell them all I know. 🖐🏾 at some point real soon people that know that you are in crypto will know you are wealthy Most of them just ask how much i invested so i divide by 10. But my mother does not believe that number for one second ;) When you want to help with adoption but you’re also into crypto because you’re pragmatic.. I get that. Somehow i feel ashamed to tell the real amount. Not that it's a huge amount, but most people still see it as gambling your money away. And i don't really want to explain to them why i believe in it because then i look like a brainwashed shill (in their eyes). People in general are highly uninformed about blockchain, they only see BTC as an unstable alternative way to pay for things on the internet. Also i don't want to be like, ""this is it guys, the golden ticket"" because they might take my advice, and when shit goes bad they'll blame me. I'm young and single so i can take the risk. I don't want to be the guy who ruined my married 40+ coworkers saving's. Also, i don't want their stupid comments about me losing all my money when a bear market comes. ""I told you it was a bubble dude"". So yea, i try to keep it to myself. Even if i kinda want to share my excitement about the technology and monetary possibilities. The trick is keep buying and never sell [removed] Nice 😎🖖 Keep stackin' those sweet sweet sats[&alts]👍🌙 At a certain point, I’m pretty sure most of us in some ways are “smarter” than the people we still can’t get to open their eyes. And the fact that we are getting excited you’d think they’d catch on. Quite the psychological manipulation has occurred on the older generations for sure. Survival 101. The only people that know I'm in crypto in real life are my parents and my brother. No one else needs to know what's in my bank account. It's not a security issue, it's just tacky Real Yes 😂 You expect me to admit to that? In public?? /s Yepp [removed] I keep telling them BUT they think it’s either too complicated or they think it’s beyond them to do WHICH IS CRAZY 🤷‍♂️ You have a your fingers in a few pies? Ahhh, you are the pie. Prove it True but better don’t tell anything to those ppl who don’t understand [removed] Dat shit creepy tho r/creepy Guilty crypto enthusiasts to take part in QUAI’s trading competition. QUAI will be giving away $3000.00 USD Worth of QUAI and $2,000.00 USD of BNB to top traders! Haha so true. I’ve been really investing time in DD on $PKF, anyone heard of them? New company to help devs code in a WiX type of way.. meaning very simple way. They are backed by a heavy team and their advisory group is crazy! Au21, duckdao, mantra dao, x21x the list goes on and on. Community saying this is a 50x coin. It’s already up 10x. @Polkafoundry haha true enough, in deep This right here. But this is also how we know we got in at the right time. Eventually they will see and come around. I would listen xd [deleted] I’m all ears lmfao I always feel like I have all this information to vomit on people, usually I put up a splatter guard. Lmao I'm both dying to tell friends how much I've made but also don't want a soul to know. It's a weird place to be I'll tell them in depth when i'm swimming in my millions, a few years from now. Joke :p No Omi ? Your post has been removed because discord links, referral links, and referral codes are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your post has been removed because discord links, referral links, and referral codes are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Ha, that's kind of you. Tougher to type than to talk (esp. since I'm on mobile), but if you have some burning questions, first ask google, second feel free to ask! In crypto, you can read info 24/7 and still fall behind, so always ask questions and always question the answers you find. me to, I dont mind learning from someone who has been long enough in the game and avoid making the same mistakes. That’s gold Lmao you're alright. 50/50 BTC /ETH, small automatic buys like you're paying a bill, only put in what you can afford. Do this for 5 years while you plan your retirement. TBH that's it. Boring, but effective. There some alts to dabble in but as you've seen those can be dangerous. DPI is an index of DeFi coins I like that's a pretty safe way to get exposure to a wide range without having to drop a fortune on gas fees for 10 token buys. Yeah, i hear you & two of my very good friends to whom i told the real numbers just want to give me money so i invest for them hehe I'm kinda new to this too. but my best friend is not so i teamed up with him ! But i am obsessed now tho, can't even scroll normal memes or wasted time on the net pointlessly anymore ;) Sent you a chat message If you’ve got any time to reply! What will dogecoin do on the moon and why are they going to the moon in the first place ? This is so true. I just dipped my toes in the water after two weeks of reading this shit morning and night. I still don’t even know what the best exchange is. I started on Coinbase pro, but they don’t even offer Luna. What exchanges are people here using? Also, I have a cold wallet coming in two weeks, but until then what hot wallet is popular? Right now I just have BTC, ETH and ADA. Good hot wallet to hold it till my wallet gets here from France? DCA, HOLD, repeat till you’re happy with the amount. Maybe consider selling after that. I hope your not *only* holding doge my good man, I mean you do you but, I'd be careful about that strategy. Nevertheless, good to hear on finding crypto friends, always good to have a sounding board for your investments, hopefully he's a good influence and not a bad one. And lol I've been in the game since 2017 so this point I'm pretty numb to it all. It's a meme, so if it moons it moons for meme reasons. I dont bother to speculate on it, the fundamentals are nonexistant. Uniswap is the best exchange ;) But, expensive for now... but V3 and optimism scaling are coming sooner than people realize. Well said! Hehehe thanks for caring :) No i sold all my doge non sense, it did get me into crypto so i am grateful for that :) But as soon as i started educating myself i moved away from doge! 2017, 2018 So you lived through the great crypto crash & live to tell the tale ? Mostly altcoins now : dot, atom, link, ada, algo, fcl, htr ! \+ some eth I love the Polkadot ecosystem so far ! Gavin Wood built something strong there i think! But i am just learning as i'm still new :) Thanks for taking the time :) Ahah I was only joking :p! What do u think about beam ? Thanks for the insight, I’ll check it out. Have you used Binance.us? I assume that’s the only place to get BNC which seems like one of the premier coins. That's awesome man! Always big respect to anyone who learns and grows and it sounds like your doing a lot of it. I'm still kicking myself for not getting involved in dot earlier but it's hard to stay on top of everything and I got burned pretty bad in 2017 yoloing on alts so the ptsd kinda holds me back. It's water under the bridge tho, nobody can ride every big run up and I try and remind myself that in the grand scheme of things I'm still doing great. Certainly a head of all the ppl who don't hold any crypto haha I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors good sir and that all of your coins moon and you buy as many lambos you want haha. Cheers mate DOGE is actually doing insane rn Haven't heard much of it sorry. No, my on/off ramp is Coinbase. I try to use it as little as possible, I strongly prefer decentralized services. If someone can seize or move my coins without my permission, that's not where I want my coins. Thank you :) Its crazy how many new crypto's come out! And i guess the ones we hear about are always the ones that mooned! Fomo is hard thing to battle when you're new ;) And the (i should have) part as well but i guess you get better at handling those with time, i sure hope so ! Same to you, i really appreciate that you're taking the time to answer :) Wishing you all the best as well, may your many upcoming lambos make you smile ;) Cheers I am fully aware ;) Enjoy the wild run :)" So true...,2082,https://i.redd.it/g39uhscf6ok61.jpg,"buy high, sell low Can’t lose if you don’t sell. Just hodl that's why u don't sell. I bought BTC at 53k because it looked like a dip. then the dip dipped even lower Who would sell eth at this stage of the bull run #nutcase [deleted] It will go back down, don’t worryv I just bought .65 Eth 🥳 Bought at 1900 I'll keep twiddling the thumbs of my holding hands Soon...soon... Ahhh the classic buy high sell low The exact reason I let bots do the trading during every dip market, emotions can really stand in a way of making a rational decision, something that happened to me too many times Have the Bogdanoff twins taught you nothing? It just seems to me that ethereum holders have paper hands, and Bitcoin is more stable. Why would you sell tho And it was sold at 1400 due to the gas fees Idiots keep selling..all it takes is to look at the percentage from day to week to month to see that it will ALWAYS go back up. I may be wrong...but every coin I have has done it's roller coaster omg...but always up. This last week was just a setback...there is just too much knowledge and so forth about digital currency..the ones that have made it this far..I personally don't stress on.... especially the ones we mined...seriously couldn't loose from saving those all these years. why this sub have such stale memes? eek If people would just plan to hold anything they buy for 3month minimum unless they meet progressional goals, we wouldn’t have these memes What’s your thought process for selling while down lmao. HODL Don't ever sell if you have no profits. Always remember the golden rule: BUY LOW, SELL HIGH, and HODL! 👌 Like what I did to POLK, ETH, DAO, and ORN. But I think it's still a good entry for POLK, especially before they launch their MVP this quarter. Why would you do this lmao Geez, I witnessed $300+ then my coworker sell all of his ETH. What hurts the most is the idea that you see all these highs and lows but you didn't keep any ETH at all. But I still have my backup alts included in the top 15 also been eyeing on this platform since gaming will definitely boom this year. [https://anrkeyx.io/](https://anrkeyx.io/) If you’re doing this then you can’t play. Here’s a tip: stop buying ether. 💀💀💀 If you’re losing money during a bull run there’s no help for you. Did you think ETH was gonna become useless and crash to 20 for the rest of its existence? Do people seriously do this? Panic sell based on absolute zero bad news/developments? I will be the first to admit I am not a brave man. But jesus, why get in the space at all if you're gonna get scared and sell at the first dip. SPREAD THE WORD ABOUT BTT EVERYWHERE THE MORE AWARENESS THE HIGHER THE INFLUENCE OF TRAFFIC INDUCED TO THE COIN.. WHICH WILL SPIKE THE PRICE OF BTT. HOLD GME to accept Dogecoin as payment petition! Any signature helps! Doge and GME to the moon, both communities can benefit off each other. http://chng.it/jfKKxsbPM9 I lost my live savings again... pain Sold at 379 when i [removed] Paper hands Who the hell would sell eth at 1400 Lessons have to be learned I suppose 30 mgs of Adderol, working from home, not having a clue what day trading is. If you have never spent hours watching the charts go up and down. Hodl! Ya mook! TFW you shoot yourself in the foot and blame the bullet Normal Buy High, Buy the dip, Buy the dip again, Sell Low at another dip, It starts going up.....repeat. ​ If become a strong holder it will crash for 3 years. Think im alredy ded Why sell??? Everytime happens :P Just Hold Yeah that’s a shitty thing to do Noob Which is why I bough Eth @ $300.. why would you sell with 1400 911 I'm dyiiiinnn Everyday I'm dyiiiinnnnn [removed] People like this need to learn how to zoom out. Just holding and waiting for better times 😂 I gave all my money at $1650. It then dips to almost $1300 so I was crying inside back then. Now that it’s going up, I’m starting to see rainbows haha! L33t traders never sell. We get margin called. A clear explanation why you need to hodl, or better still get [MARK](https://benchmarkprotocol.finance) tokens for hedging against downwards trend/ market volatility. Better to buy ICX! People will definitely now needs lending platforms. I am waiting for Askolend platform to launch so that i lend my crypto from there. Askolend looks like a decent addition in lending platforms. i take advantage of price movement and trade eth as options on level01 app. The whole buy low sell high thing still applies with crypto there buddy. It’s just gas... I bought BTC moments before the 2017 crash. I only invested what I could lose so I left it ... about 3 years later I discovered that my money had tripled. easy money ❌🧢 buy late into the hype and panic sell This is the mfkin way This is the way! Just like having a Latina or South Asian wifey. Definition of buy high sell low. Thx for the laugh It’s happened sometimes I’ve been taking more of an ostrich approach. I plow my head in the sand and I wait until my coin reaches a new ATH and my friends usually text me [deleted] Only your money :D Hodl and believe in your predictions haha Jokes on you, I bought at $58k I bought BTC at 58k. Luckily I also bought when it was below 2k too. I've bought at basically every price point cause I get paid every two weeks :) I bought ADA at 1.45 the other day. All I can do is wait. But still that's okay, it will go down and up ...long tem it goes UP. I feel there's too much implementation and awareness around digital currency like btc/eth/bch etc..the ones who have been around and known.....like I've told my son...pretend that 53k is new...and there is no price lower..trick yourself...the mind is a strong thing...if you invest now..in ten years let's lay it triples. You still have all of that increase, just not as much as if you mined some like I have. But STILL say 300,000 is a fat return...yah..400,000 is better but..I hope you understand my ramblin assed words....lol.. keep buying in..cuz the last coin isn't even going to be mined till like year 2145...so definitely massive loss or return!!! Yay....lol 😊😆☺️🥤🍿💲🤑💸👍✅⭐ I mean, I sold a pretty sizable chunk of my stake at 1950. Gonna buy back in sooner or later, but it's not inconceivable. Right, I’m calling BS on this post Awesome....can you pick up some btc too. It's a bit lower today(again🙀😫) and even if it drops more..it's a win win in the LONG RUN...it's exhilarating!!! Same boat. But I sold at 2020 right before that. What platform / exchange are you using? Damn. Why are you having to pay gas fees? You can buy it on crypto.com with zero fees for 30 days...I been buying and selling like a crazy woman!!! I agree with your golden rule! But sometimes most of the traders forget about it and they always do BUY HIGH SELL LOWER. So they must have proper risk management or else they are all rekt. I always do DCA so all losses will be cover in POLK, ETH, DOT, and BTCST. I'm just waiting too in POLK MVP and migration in Q2. This guy gets it Stop yelling. this is not r/WSB For someone else This is the way! I dont understand? Inflation has entered the chat Not just your predictions but also market sentiment. Things were bullish af before the drop. Nothing changed no news it just dropped. When sentiment has stayed consistent but prices haven’t your mouth should water with opportunity. I bought at $6 and spent it on MDMA. Chump change I got in at $58,250 This is the way. Just wait for a goguen announcement brother. Don't worry. Somewhere this month we'll get to see the moon. not sure if this is satire That's not even remotely what this meme is about though. Presumably you bought at less than $1,950 and then you sold at $1,950. The meme is about someone buying at $2,000 and selling at $1,400. During a bull market that very few think is over. Honestly, the FUD around ETH last week, at least in my own rationale, almost had me exchanging my ether at a small loss for Cardano. I decided against it but I had my finger on the button. I can imagine someone else actually doing it I’m putting all my money in Eth for right now You ever actually have your token leave the website wallet? yeah, this gamified prediction platform will take us to another level. Allowing us to take a position in Esports, Crypto Futures, Sports, Politics, and other market types 🔥 Will you participate in their MVP? When you marry them, they’re the most beautiful beings (buying high) few years into the marriage you realize all that glows isn’t gold cuz they get fat and age faster than women of any other race (sell low). Can relate This guy dips Relate so hard! Spent 81 BTC on cheap African weed with seeds in it How does it feel And provided you don't paper hand that shit, you'll be looking at a 2x before the bull run is fully over in... I'm betting somewhere around late August, early October. Wait for it to spike at around 100-120k (low target), sell it in time for the crash, buy it back at $15k, and hold on to it for dear life for the next 3 years or so. Then retire like a boss at the peak of the next bull run. I made a plan with I vesting monthly $30 in BTC, for the cost leverage effect. But still, why shouldn’t I cash out even though prices are ridiculously high atm? Thanks for the encouragement! And here I am hoping the old saying ""buy the rumor, sell the news"" applies in this case with a dip after the release cus I really want to buy back into Ada but these prices are too high for my liking. That's been me since Ada hit $.80 and I just keep waiting for a correction but not even after btc dipped did cardano lose steam. Eth needs to do something before the gougen update for cardano or else idk what I'm gonna do. I wouldn't... we got awhile before 2.0 release and there's allot of coins that will have massive gains well before ETH will that you could funnel back into ETH if you wanted.. ETH has basically done a 2x in 4 months... thats not good compared to many defi projects or even random crap coins on coinbase.. you would be better off putting your money into a random coin like Civic, DNT, Mana, OXT ect.. not saying those projects are better or that I believe in them more than ETH but don't be a ""maxi"".. each of those coins have had better gains in the last month than eth has in 4 or close to True. And yes I have. There's the friggin fees. Just got to play with more cash...got to ..due to the fees...I just only do sized that is worth investing..like say moving a 100 bucks ...same as 10000 It's better to have more options on their platform so players can choose whatever they want to forecast. Of course, I'll participate in their MVP it will happen this quarter. Jesus Christ. Wtf is wrong with you [deleted] There isn't one race that does that. The key is to meet their mother. If shes 50 and looks 65, you know what you are in for. All good. You only lost $4 mil Things that help; * Not knowing the exact amount, (somewhere from 50 to 200 million worth in today's figures). * Knowing I would never have bought that much Bitcoin. * Recalling how much fun I had. * Knowing I would have sold it early. * Actually buying some to HoDL in 2013. * Buying a car with it in '17 * Buying a house with it in '20 * Still hodling most of it now. * Looking like a prophet for getting into it early (when I was really just a degenerate party animal) Thanks for asking! I would guess there’s a 0% chance BTC sees 15k again Yeah , no thanks I’m not interested in shitcoins . Well then you gotta choose, why trust some website with all that value? You can easily lose your tokens if there is an exit scam for example. you just said some racist shit, and then called someone racist lol im out Lol fake I doubt it..unless on the way down to BUSTED zero..you might see 15k for a millisecond!!!it has so much potential to be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars in OUR lifetimes...(I am 52)..last mined btc is expected around 2145😳🤔...it's not too late to get in and make alot of 🤑💲 So everything other than ETH is a shitcoin? You're putting all your bets that 1 thing in particular is gonna work out in the wild west of crypto? I invested i to Aave at $60... even after the crash thats still about a 7x down from 9x.. Don't put all your eggs in one basket, thats not a smart move Learned my lesson with these shitcoins in 2018. Pass, I don't even want to touch ltc anymore. Btc and eth are the only crypto's I'm touching unless one of these shit coins become currency for amazon. That's right. I don't keep my main stuff anywhere online, these little apps like cash app and RH...but it's easy enough to send to your ""whatever kind ..wallet.."" one that you have control over and your keys your wallet...yadayada☺️.but also every user should be super. Careful on who and what exchange you trust with any of your cash and info(personal). But yes I do agree the gas is costly. I don't argue you that.☺️ [deleted] Yeah nah He is probably too new.. I did that he said a few months back and believe me a learned my lesson , the only 2 stable coins to really invest as right now it’s bitcoin and eth . Other coin .. you’re just guessing ay man salute to you for being mature and responsible over the internet, that was pretty cool" RIP,2081,https://i.redd.it/krlrri9d07a71.jpg,"Only if you sell You guys make profit😳😳 What country is 43.4%? In Germany you have to hold for 1 year and then you are Tax free Don't fuck with the IRS. Been audited once for a mistake on their behalf regarding a college fund. They will make your life hell, even if they are the ones who fucked up. See the comment below by u/AmericanScream. 20% long term (more than 12 months holding) or higher for short term depending on your tax bracket. Top bracket right now is 36%. The infrastructure bill being considered in Congress would raise all gains. Still under negotiations, but it is going to raise your taxes on crypto. Make sure you hold for 12 months and 1 day to get into longterm capital gains. Goes down to something like %15. Don't forget your state going for double penetration. Remember, they can't tax you if you don't have gains! Reddit is funny in the part where they hate rich people because they don't pay taxes but simultaneously don't think they shouldn't pay taxes when they get rich. 43%? That better be some FUD. It’ll be a cold day in hell before I basically give them half my profits. You guys have gains?! couldn’t you just use a VPN and then technically none of the trades occurred in the US? Only if you make over a million dollars a year ITT: people who don't realize how taxes work. If you make enough to worry about that, you make enough to get an offshore bank account and company to cash out there. This is why I am not looking forward to the market in Spring 2022. All the day-trading and bull-run trading of 2021 has tax implications, and a lot of people had a LOT of short-term capital gains (probably in excess of their salary). If your job thinks you're making $100K, and they withhold like you're making $100K, you're going to have to sell a lot of shit to cover a $350K tax bill next year. It's a good problem to have. It's bad for the market to have a bunch of people selling to cover tax bills. It’s usually preferable to have things taxed as a capital gain as opposed to income… You guys are paying taxes? Just move to Germany. 0%. You guys haven't applied for your dual citizenship to Portugal yet? If you exchange your crypto for USDC does it still count as a sell event? Not sure why you would sell their crypto for USD unless you desperately needed the money immediately. I hear everyone talking about this! I also hear everyone saying the rich have ways of getting around it. So why cant rich crypto folks do the same things? Come on over to Austria. It's beautiful and tax free after a 1year HODL. ""gains"" Luckily I’m married filing joint and wife don’t work . Yeah, if it's over half a million in pure profit! Get this FUD outta here. If you are in a tax bracket that hits you at that % you are already rich. Get a good accountant Does this work the same for stocks in Canada? 50% of gains are taxed, so would it be the same for crypto? Pretty cool shades on the fat one Wait don’t you get taxes if you pull it out of the crypto market? Like back to your bank account? So I can sell Bitcoin leave it in that bitch, wait a year and get a job at McDonald’s and I will sell? Tax ? Lol... Hold the Line! Lol watch me You’re about to be mooned! 💫 Ah yes, but what about the capital LOSS tax write off? Any of these coins/tokens with a distribution to dev or marketing are going to get killed in the US w taxes Soon uhh ...we becoming duel citizens or whats the play? I thought the benefit of crypto currency was that you never had to turn it back into dollars. Damn cousin I'm from Argentina... my advice: don't pay anything to the government or you will end up like us. Can’t pay tax if you never sell Maybe if you make over a million… I mean I'd rather sell 100k and get taxed on 40k, than the underlying investment goes down to under 60k That's only of you make $400k or more in a year. Taxation is still theft. The government did *nothing* to earn any of your gains. Buy gold or silver, previous metals arnt taxed. you guys in the US? *chuckles* Banger *My Charitable Trust that will negates taxes* I’d be all for taxes like this if they actually invested it well Affordable healthcare, housing, schools, teachers, clean water, infrastructure, etc. eh only on realized gains >1m, im not pressed ahah I posted in a similar sub asking ppl what they’d do if they woke up and their portfolio skyrocketed and they wanted to withdraw and most people were pretty cool about it explaining what they’d do, but others basically shit on me for being stupid saying you can just withdraw the profits ezpz…I should have just directly asked how people (legally) mitigate capital gains taxes I guess bc 43% is insane. To my knowledge it drops substantially after 1 year but I need to do more research. Can’t tax you if you trade using a non US platform. Taxation is theft They don’t want you rich. This assumes you're making money and we all know 95% of yall feeling the pain rn Isn't it still 0% in the US if filing single and under 40k? [removed] Make sure you get some SCRT as they are doing a smart contract-enabled blockchain with a heavy focus on privacy including the contracts themselves and any dApps and transfer your bag there. Or you can put it under the couch also! Governments are getting better at doing their stuff that’s for sure..not good not good Better make 2 mill if you want to keep 1 mill 🤣 Thanks democrats and commies! Sorry for being redundant. Well the whole point is to get to an ability to spend it and not need to cash out This is easily circumvented if you know what you're doing! Switzerland is 0%. Love it here [deleted] Just hold until Republicans inevitably get back into power. Who's gonna make you pay taxes lol edit: omg stfu guys this was literally just a joke Just hodl till the next admin with friendlier cap gains tax policy Its a currency, not an equity, but aight SEC do your thang 43% capital gains tax? Wow that's quite steep Callmecarson?? No federal your definition of ""rich"" is wrong if giving up 40ish % of your money makes you not rich Nice thing is that the 46% capital gains tax increase is dead at this point. It should be at 15% and that would make the CCP rat bastards slave labor a non-issue. Stupid ass communist. Legit? They can’t chase everyone if we all leave… Let’s convert some more third world countries into better first world countries. What 43% TAX? Is this America? Buy Crypto -> Borrow with collateral -> No capital gain taxes Taxes in America are ridiculous even if you don't deal with crypto. I do hardwood flooring and LVP floor work. I calculated the taxes I owed from the income amount and it's about 19% of all the income. That's 1 out of every 5 gallons I coulda got. That's over 3 meals (if eating 3 times daily) per week I could have. There are enough citizens that we shouldn't be having to fund the gov all these meals, gas, etc. per EACH of us - ESPECIALLY not even more than that 19%! You guys only have to pay 43%!?!?! So peyote are going to buy it and never sell it. Got it. If they can just keep dragging their feet on an etf for long enough to bring in this.. Then .. what am I saying.. of course they can drag their feet.. Then bring out a fed coin.. and then muddy the water about legislation.. Damn. What country is that? Is that the kid from page master on the right? just asking , So if i made a 1000$ off crypto how much taxes would i have to pay If you report a loss of a million, how much do they cover again? Don't want to take the risk but if you make out big they'll gladly take ""their cut"". So I'm new to both stocks in general and crypto. Just as a hypothetical example, say I get $10 worth of some crypto and then manage to sell it for $1,000, when are any and all taxes applied and are they something I personally have to account for or be liable if I fail to do so or is it an automatic thing that is deducted from the amount I receive when I sell? Reminds me of the tax I was forced to pay on the few RSUs I was ""lucky"" enough to get... [removed] Serously. Wtf is going on here? We all knew crypto as ""anti-gov"", and now people are freaking out because they are ""surprised"" that the government is trying to regulate it? Smh... My charitable remainder trust says otherwise A friend told me if you intentionally cash out during a dip to take a loss you don't have to pay that loss amount in taxes or something. Anybody know what he's talking about exactly? Or is that bullshit. 20% Capital gains tax in UK, so not as bad but still 20% of my gains being robbed from me ! [removed] Just don’t pay They don't count as gains if you burn them. This is for the dummies who haven’t been paying it cross trading or dumping and not reporting. Should read IRS in back. Democrats in government Can't tax if you never sell Don't pay taxes if you never sell. Which state has among the best financial advantages like force enterprises and taxes ? Asking for a friend. Not in Portugal.. [removed] [removed] They're literally fucking thieves Gains? 😂 I joined this forum but I’m not some libertarian asswipe either. Libertarianism only makes sense if you’re rich enough to not have to deal with other people in life which means maybe 20,000 people in the entire world. They can gate and cordoned themselves from the rest of us but if we ever get access to them, we take what they have. It’s the Wild West all over again. Which is not a bad thing if you Larry Ellison types really believe in Libertarianism but we know you don’t. There is a reason government exists and one reason is to solve disputes or provide a framework for solving them. Don’t bother voting me down and calling me an asshole either. Taxes are not what they used to be in the 40s but maybe they should be. Nice Crypto rally this weekend. Pleased to meet you! Let’s add to it the coordinated FUD that is tanking the crypto market right now with a three year old story of Tether, perfectly timed to scare many out of buying into the future asset class. Part of why I sold. Can use loss to offset tax, also its only a loss on what it was, not where you bought ;) [removed] Capital gains tax is near that much Who the heck would want to live in California? Let’s say your primary job pays you $100 000/year, but you sell 1$ million worth of crypto. will you be taxed 46%? Considering you just made $1 100 000 for that year? Also if you trade from one crypto to the other (in America). Not your fiat, not your value. Only if you tell. Only if they know you sold Only if you have gains would love to know the single-digit percentage that makes enough to be affected by that kind of capital gains tax, maybe 0.01% of crypto traders? All day [deleted] USA MAX is 37% for short term, and 20% for long term. edit: added ""MAX"" [deleted] Croatia has similar law, it is 2 years hodl and then it is tax free. dont mess with defi stuff tho. 10 years xD Yeah fr this year is going to be hellish for a lot of brand new 'traders' when they realize they needed to keep track of what the TV was at the time of purchase and at the time of sale (...myself included admittedly hah) for every single conversion Yeah seriously. Don't fuck with the irs. [deleted] Bold strategy cotton You can actually save money on your taxes if you had a loss. Let’s say your primary job pays you $100 000/year, but you sell 1$ million worth of crypto. will you be taxed 46%? Considering you just made $1 100 000 for that year? This! This. I see a lot of budding fiscal conservatives. For the most part, there is a lot of people on reddit so you are seeing different peoples opinions.. I hate paying taxes, but I do it. My problem was I was ignorant about cap gains on crypto and wound up with a large bill. The more you know! I'm not gonna lie, uncle Sam can gladly have his $0.43 on my $1,000,001st dollar of crypto gains. I think ill be alright at that point 🤷 [deleted] It is 100% FUD. For 2021 if you hold for a year and a day (Long Term) you are taxed on 20% of your profits. [https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/taxes/capital-gains-tax-rates](https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/taxes/capital-gains-tax-rates) If you hold for less than a year and a day (Short Term) you are taxed at the normal income bracket levels. The highest level for a single filer would be 37% and that is only on the profits over $518,401 because of marginal tax brackets. If you are in that tax bracket you have enough money to afford a good accountant and aren't paying anywhere near that rate though. [https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/taxes/federal-income-tax-brackets](https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/taxes/federal-income-tax-brackets) ~~Pretty sure this only applies to traders.~~ I scalped $1000 off a quick trade when I saw I bought just before a spike and that will be counted towards my income (offsetting other losses lolol) edit: ...I think. Please correct me**.** ~~if~~ I'm wrong. Not too arrogant to accept that edit 2: misphrased - my understanding is that it's all capital gains tax but that short-term vs long-term is the difference between 43% and not- 43%. FIFO vs LIFO is important I understand that part The US will take their half and there ain’t shit you can do unless you’re already a rich asshole who’s avoiding taxes through the “legal” loopholes the elite use Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's. You may not like it, but that's how you get nice things like roads, electricity, running water, internet, etc. 🤫 Don't fuck with the IRS. Just pay the taxes. Hence the getting rich part True, depending on your situation You guys are making money? Lmao You still need to pay taxes as a US citizen. Unless you give up citizenship, but then you have the 25% exit tax. So you get fucked either way. Also, nobody has mentioned the Net Investment Income Tax (NIIT) which is an extra 3.4% on your net gains. Yes. The irs doesn't make any special consideration for stable coins We can. It's actually easier to navigate regulation with crypto That's amazing. I literally want to move to Kangaroo land. I have one tbh Not necessarily. If you bought 50 btc in 2013 for a few hundred usd, and decide to sell them all at the same time when bitcoin is at it's peak, you can have 0 net worth and a 40k job and a shitty rental apartment, and STILL pay 400k in taxes on your $1million sale of bitcoin. THIS is the fucked up part about US taxes. Capital Gains Taxes are designed to keep the poor people poor. also curious about this and what if I move some of my gains to my TFSA? I'd buy them No, just if you sell bitcoin. It's not good. Yes but your capped for losses not for gains. fuck the ""right"". Welcome to anarchy. The system that bitcoin created the economic system for. Welcome to the right. If you make it big with crypto it's actually fairly easy to mitigate capital gains taxes but you'd need to have set up an account before the 2019 changes to most crypto platforms requiring government issue verification of identity or set up a shell account which is RIDICULOUSLY easy Based on that comment I assume you haven’t been to a public school or used public roads…at minimum? Dumb The filing is not under 40k. Yes Sad, really. Hey hey hey, you're right. You also have to pay tax on your profits if you spend it. A trade is a trade, it doesn't matter whether you realize your profit in currency or goods/services. Do you know what tax brackets are? If you had the type of money to be in that tax bracket you would just go get citizenship in Portugal or Germany The IRS and the government unfortunately. Men with guns who can legally break down your door, use force to put you in chains then lock you in a cage. Do not fuck with the IRS. Being audited is a nightmare. You may not be arrested, but it sucks. Can't stress that enough. I did nothing wrong and was audited. Six month process. I had to hire a tax attorney to get them to stop their bullshit. **Edit:** In the U.S., there is now a box on your 1040 to the IRS that you have to check if you have or have not traded or sold crypto in the last year. All exchanges in the U.S. (i.e., Coinbase, Binance U.S., etc.) report your trades to the IRS. If you don't report it on your taxes, you are now committing tax fraud. Don't take the risk. It's not worth it. This is always said by people who are not familiar with taxes or crypto forensics, and definitely don't have anywhere near enough gains to warrant evading tax authorities for a lifetime You pay the same taxes on FOREX. Currency, commodity, equity, or dent the .gov wants theirs. And as a US Citizen, you pay US taxes regardless of residency unlike almost every other country on earth. Nah OPs just a noob at taxes. My effective rate was -6% last year thanks to stimulus and children but this year will be very close to 0 , thanks to an ev purchase credit and tax rebates for solar array and ev charger installs Murica' baby. 1000$ If your only source of income was that $1000 than 0 because you'd be way below the poverty line. How much you actually pay depends on your total income and if you've held an asset for short or long term (1 year and a day) But if you make 50k a year and make over 8-10k on a crypto trade you should probably claim it.. You should technically be claiming it when you file your taxes but a $900 gain almost certainly wouldn't be noticed by the irs unless you were deeply audited. I wouldn't claim it tbh. Pretty much, if you're working a 9-5 and make less than 85-100k a year, don't worry about your crypto gains. They don't really care. Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* It depends on your income and your spouse's income. Was it a short term gain or long term gain? Was it a loss? It all depends. Google this shit if you live in the U.S. They aren't playing around with crypto cap gains anymore. If it's short term capital gains, you'd be taxed up to 37% on any income over $300K to $500K (depending on marital status). If you're in a state like California that charges 10%+ state income tax, yeah, you'd get there. Someone who lives in a no-income tax state like Florida who only sold what they had been holding for over a year might pay 20% while someone who lives in California and sold what they had been holding for less than a year pays 40%+. ​ [https://www.forbes.com/advisor/taxes/taxes-federal-income-tax-bracket/](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/taxes/taxes-federal-income-tax-bracket/) [https://taxfoundation.org/publications/state-individual-income-tax-rates-and-brackets/](https://taxfoundation.org/publications/state-individual-income-tax-rates-and-brackets/) If you're making that kind of money you should have an accountant. I got one once I started making over 30,000 a year. This is why a lot of peopleAreGoIngTOJaiL. If you make a million dollars hire a CPA. Don’t ask Reddit. I only get $200 a month Not sure about the US, but in Canada the first 50% of all capital gains are tax free. Cap gains tax is MUCH lower than labour income tax. well........why not travel to a crytpo tax heaven country and sell there??? either ways, came across this gem, $PoP which is the native token of the POPTown.....low cap and it solves the proof of partnership problem....... You don't pay taxes based on what you have sold in crypto. It is the sale - cost basis. Then you need to look at short term vs. long term investments. If you held the crypto for more than a year the maximum federal rate is 20%. Suppose you are married filing jointly and your cost basis was 250K for the crypto. Your taxable income after deductions would be around 820K. The exact number would depend on what your personal deductions are. Assuming you held the crypto for more than one year and using 2020 tax brackets. The 15% tax bracket is in effect up until 479K. 70K would be taxed as regular income 479 - 70K = 409K would be taxed at 15 percent 61.35K 820 - 479 = 341K would be taxed at 20 percent 68.2K So you would owe the federal government around 129.55K from your Crypto sale. States vary widely in tax rates. Where I am it is a flat 5%. Only if you use an exchange that reports to the stasi. There are some that don't... of course they charge more... but you're spending that money either way. Damn!! I’m the 0.01% baby! Ty for coming. Making just a 1000 dollars which people think makes them rich. Say you made 10k and bought a shitty house and fixed it up. You owe half the sale of the crypto and half the sale of the fixer upper. My understanding is that the IRS calculates it off the price of the earliest crypto you bought that they have a record of. Since everything since has been non-kyc for me... they probably don't care about all my losses since then. For reasons I still don't understand the extreme increase in fees since 2017 didn't cause a mass exodus as expected. Smart decision in regards to a currency that works as it use to, but horrible decision in regards to ""investing"". I forget who said it, but the saying is that you should never bet against the stupidity of the masses. I hate to admit it... but I can't argue with that logic. At any rate... the IRS probably thinks my crypto is worth way more than it is based on their greedy way of calculating it. [deleted] The resources I can find look like 20% and 39% for long and short https://www.angloinfo.com/how-to/japan/money/general-taxes/cgt-inheritance-tax Denmark tops crypto with 58 % I reckon Those are the max amounts, requiring you to pull out a half mil in a year to start hitting that tax rate https://www.fool.com/research/capital-gains-tax-rates/ Most people aren't making and paying that much. However on top of that you have NII tax of about 2.5% and state taxes IF you make over a million dollars. Short term is relative to your income tax unless you make like over 500k a year, which, yea, you could've easily made that amount this year, starting at March with like 20k, but its worth noting if you're rich as fuck. Plus state tax - 13% in California! More in California. Imagine being so stupid you don't know how tax brackets work I thought long term was 15%. Max for federal. Then states can throw in their own tax on top. So this is a theoretical top tax rate that would not affect 99.7% of people? Sound the alarm Something tells me OP is not in the top 0.3% This makes moving more enticing [deleted] US is 2 years and it’s long term gains tax which is 15-20% less tax. I have no financial stake in any of the companies that can produce your crypto IRS info, but there are several out there that are good. They can retro look at your transactions and explain what you need to pay on taxes, or what you will receive on taxes (from losses). Edit: Here are the two I'm familiar with, but there are more out there. This isn't financial advise or an advertisement. There are competing companies that make it very simple and some of them also work with online tax filing services. Don't get scammed. **DYR. Always. Don't click ad links.** Click the actual search result links. That's why I'm not posting any links here. Be wary of scams. CryptoTrader and Cointracker are two of the biggest ones that are legit. **Again, make sure the link is legit before you click on it and enter information!** Wait.. What.. So I have to list every trade made when submitting my gains? I've used multiple exchanges, lots of fast trades on trending coins over the last two years, must be thousands of trades, I've not withdrawn anything yet but I plan to withdraw back to fiat at the end of the next bullrun. It's how they got Capone. May be how they take down other famous people. They will make your life miserable. You can at least prevent errors on your own side that may lead to an audit Be meticulous. You now have to check a box on the 1040, so there is no more excuse of ""I didn't know."" I'm just providing it as a warning. They will come after you, right or wrong, and it is best to report everything correctly. That's why they were wrong in my audit. I had the information to show that I had reported correctly. [deleted] Go Roger Ver and renounce your citizenship. Now that’s some funny shit right there ☝️🤣🤣🤣 An absolute win :') An absolute win :') I don't think you got the joke. I mean I'm sure I am but I'm also sure there are those that believe both without seeing the hypocrisy. That's exactly how I feel, but greed is a hell of a drug. It is the treasury and the federal reserve who have been doing the trickling ""pissing on"".... you're nutz if you think taxes are a problem for the inflation makers. They're also the ones who get paid by taxes. Talk about ""cognitive dissonance"". I saw you get taxed 15% on longterm unless you make more than 400k a year. Posted the link someone in this thread That’s only federal. States have their own taxes too. Nope. If you're in the US, any trade incurs capital gains. Scalping is just like any other trading. If you realized a profit you pay capital gains taxes, either short or long term depending on how long ago you bought it. It's usually FIFO as well so if you buy and immediately sell 1 BTC today but you had bought a different BTC a month ago you use that old BTC for the cost basis, not the one you just bought then immediately sold. You should *really* speak with an accountant to get a better understanding of this stuff before trading since taxes should play a big part in any trading and investing strategy. It should just be short term or long term capital gains tax. Neither is anywhere near 46% (at least for my tax bracket) You gotta be pretty rich to hit that rate anyway, it’s for the top tax bracket of like $1M+ in a year Tax rates go up and down. That’s why my goal is to take profits on successful alts and accumulate BTC, ETH, ADA, and ATOM for the very long term. If you hold, they cannot tax. And without torturing you to get the seed phrase, there is nothing they can do to take it from you. My hope is crypto will be seen as legal tender decades from now and it will not be taxed at all. I see crypto is an emerging market and now just being the tip of the iceberg. Decades long time horizon with solid projects is my strat Why do you people hate the wealthy? Y'all some stupid people to hate others just cause they have a lot more money than you or avoid the *ridiculously high* taxes. With a massive profit, what if I build my own army and roads? Hmm? What then? I am the senate. Ooooooooof. How about I don't use those things and can I get my money back? How about the social security I will never get to use because I'll be dead before I can retire. Are you going to do the math here or just repeat dumb shit you were taught in public school. Yeah I might consider that when people like Bezos do the same No no no, you don't understand, people on the right want all of that but only the parts that they personally use and it needs to be paid for by someone else Pretty sure Cesar ended up getting stabbed in the back Let’s say your primary job pays you $100 000/year, but you sell 1$ million worth of crypto. will you be taxed 46%? Considering you just made $1 100 000 for that year? Do tell!! Lol i hope you made a joke. 🤣 Otherwise you just ticked all the stereotype boxes for Muricaland. Austria =/= Australia I'm pretty sure contribution rule dosen't change, since you would be going from one account to the other. It would be seen as a contribution, just like going from a personal trade account to a tfsa. If we could hold crypto in a tfsa that would be another story. Fuck. Wish I knew that 2 years ago! Haha I‘ve kept a pulse on Crypto since about 2017ish (mainly just researching the tech and blockchain overall) but only jumped in this year unfortunately now that I have a few dollars to play around with. Can you point me towards any resources/ideas for somebody who got involved after 2019? No worries if not, I’ll keep digging on my end but figured it’s worth asking! I’m not planning on converting anything back to fiat for a long time (maybe never if adoption keeps trending up) but better to be prepared in case of emergency Thanks! Or used a military black site to illegally torture, used drone strikes on a bunch of brown people, had to arm a contra-faction government, gift a golden hammer to a senator, bail out Wall Street, prop up a for-profit prison system... But yeah sometimes schools and roads get looked at too. Bases on this comment I assume you didnt know that roads and schools existed before the 1913 income tax revenue act? or israel... You pay taxes voluntarily with out concern for getting it ""wrong"" and fearing fines or incarceration? Dang real?? I thought decentralized meant fuck the government taxes and shit too [deleted] They won't do that. That's cringe LoOPHolES fOR tHE rIch! /s People hate on smart people paying as little as they can within the rules of law. Why pay more than you have to? Wow. Is that state-dependent? I thought it was lower, lol Thank you for the insight! I'm kind of clueless with this stuff at the moment and don't want to accidentally commit tax fraud. Thank you. Time to move! This states forcing people out and I don’t feel bad. they’ve run my home into the ground. Awesome thank you so much! So you’d get better returns selling at $900 000 than you would selling at $1 000 000, considering the $900 000 would get taxed less? [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] Holy fuck I’d riot. Thanks for pointing that out - I've corrected it. As long as its in a wallet or on an exchange etc you are good right? Its only when you cash out that the tax applies? AND city taxes for many (generally progressive) cities (SF, NYC, …) Got nailed with $50k last year because I was ignorant of cap gains rules. It was painful. Had to take out more gains to pay the taxes, which I will now be taxed on this year. The U.S. needs to get their shit together. Crypto isn't property. Edit: I made a serious gamble/investment on a particular asset that was well under a penny at the time. I got lucky. I'm not rich. I'm the definition of middle America. I did some research and got a homerun. Isn't that the point of investing in crypto? I don't envy anyone paying taxes in CA. Y'all get screwed. How do tax brackets work? x/ [deleted] You still have to pay taxes to the United States if you are a citizen living abroad; there's some exemptions and exclusions but moving to another country doesn't free you from having to pay taxes. without a doubt. what is being poor for another 2 years? [deleted] Correct. Even in an extreme scenario, like using a trading bot, you have to report each trade. Anytime you move crypto to fiat, or crypto to crypto (including stable coins) it is a taxable event. Highly recommend using one of the crypto tax services that are out there if you had trades numbering in the triple digits or higher this year. That's why you'd have to be a fool to bring it all back into the tracked and traced fiat system. Use local.bitcoin or openbazaar or your neighbor or something. Or spend it with vendors who will take it directly. In case everyone has forgotten... the fiat bankster system are the enemies of free (as in liberty) money. Of course they're going to make it so they get paid if you're dumb or lazy enough to kow tow to their whims. Exactly. It will save you time and money and also lead to an easier process if you are audited. I can't imagine what it would have been like if I hadn't had documents to prove I was right. Crypto is more complicated, but the IRS is doing more and more to crack down. Don't think you are special or immune. They'll come for you and cause a lot of problems if you don't report. [deleted] [deleted] You are absolutely correct. 20% is the top rate for long term and that is on profits over $441,450. I should have said that in the original post. I got caught up in the Gamestop hype (and made $$) so I am planning to speak with an accountant to track my trades this year. Thankfully since then I've only been DCAing into a few tokens mainly focusing on projects with a business model around organic growth vs. pump and dump (therefore accumulating is in line with what they want) and plan to leave those untouched for 3+ years so the damage has generally been done already. Not to take away from your point though. The cost basis aspect is crucial and many people don't get that. I didn't as of 2020 lol EDIT: but also my understanding was that everything within a 1 year span is incurred as capital gains at the high % tax rate but after 1 year and 1 day that's lowered substantially Ok this is what I was thinking - 43% probably applies to the big baller traders of the crypto community who are paying short term capital gains tax out the wazoo, no? Good luck holding crypto with valuations in the tens and hundreds of billions for the “very long term”. Nobody knows when this will end, but we all know that regardless of the adoption and number of use-cases for cryptocurrencies, it’s a joke to think they’re worth even a tiny fraction of AAPL (or pick any other Russell 3000 company, really) This is *especially* true of BTC really struggles to have a use-case aside from a toy payment system. One which could be developed for less than $20/BTC I think you misspelled left. Lol who do you think pays for most of that shit? Hint: it ain't those screaming for reparations, covid relief, and unemployment. The ones bitching about the taxes are the ones paying them. The ones talking about having ""nice things"" are definitely not paying nearly as much. That wasn't because of taxation. Also, it wasn't Caesar who said that dude, it was supposedly Jesus of Nazereth in the gospel of Matthew. No. That's not how taxes work. If the proposed 43% rate goes into effect at 1 million, only the 100k over a million would be taxed at 43%. Also that assumes selling for a million is entirely profit since you are only taxed on the gains. Realistically you will be paying significantly less than that. If you made over 1M in capital gains, yes. It’s cool, he must be from the southern states. Not sure what you mean by that? Still had taxes. And the big infrastructure bill that passed for interstate system was post 1913. Since you are only talking about federal income tax. What about sales tax too? 1789 Massachusetts created public schools for their state. First public school opened in Boston in 1635. Yes... Like 6-8 years ago. The moment people like my dad started asking, ""what's this Bit-Coin stuff?"" Government's decided they needed to enforce taxes on it. In theory, you have to pay taxes on realized gains on all kind of objects (at least that's how it is in my country, Norway). Special rules may apply to stuff like stocks and currencies, but crypto isn't considered a currency in my country, it's just considered a regular object. In practice you only pay this kind of tax when the gains are high enough, which for the most part boils down to real estate and crypto. Hint: Loans are tax free The threat of violence is the source of all government power You're right, you just end up hanging yourself in a Spanish prison Fr Scientology showed us that IRS are nothing but bunch of bitches! They can't do shit to us. They can fuck off with that tax fraud bs to France /s [deleted] For my income of floor work in the range of $xx,xxx, my taxes were approximately 19%. If you live in a state like California it could be as high as 63% if you factor in state Sad to see! homeless everywhere, too strict, taxes out the ass, I can go on and on. Howdy from Texas! Come on Down! California? They are the top economy in the US and doing so well they're giving tax rebates to people. How can it be such a trash state if it's the 5th largest economy in the world? Who do we blame? Should I blame you? How does something like that happen? How do they run it into the ground? hahahahahaha..............they would have no choice than to embrace this industry Not in the US system. You don't pay 37% on all your money when you exceed the threshold. It works in levels, like this: 0% of the first $10k; 10% of the next $20K (i.e. the $10,001st to the $30,000th); 20% of the next $70K (i.e. the $30,001st to the $100,000th)... So on $100K of income you pay (0 * 10,000) + (0.1 * 20,000) + (0.2 * 70,000), or $16,000 in tax. Your effective tax rate in that example is 16%. Err, I mean yes. You'd be better off sending me the extra $100K. I'll give it back next year, I swear. No that's not how taxes work. Only the dollars you make after the brackets run out are taxed at that rate. This video does a good job of explaining it. https://youtu.be/VJhsjUPDulw You still pay US federal taxes, but you might have a tax treaty in your residency country to prevent double taxation. The only way to avoid US tax is to renounce your citizenship, which costs like $10k. I believe Canada is the same, which tbf does simplify things a lot and remove loopholes Japan is amazing. Crypto is junk. Don't hate me because I think it's crap. I'm just a big fan of Japan and I wondered if you would stick your head out the window and say hello for me. I feel like Australia does CGT pretty fairly. You pay the percentage of tax on CGT you would normally pay on income. For example if you earn between $37,001 and $87,000 you pay 19% on income AND CGT. However, if you hold for more than a year you only pay CGT on 50% of your profit. [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] taxable events in the USA are when an asset changes ownership. This includes trading between alts or between crypto and fiat Keep records of everything and get professional tax guidance if you're dabbling in the financial wild west. It's not just good to know the tax implications of what you've done, but what you may do in the future so you can account for it in your trading strategy and not have any surprises What would you have done differently in hindsight? If you're paying 50k in capital gains taxes then you're not in any kind of trouble or worry, so thanks but sorry, the rich should be taxed. Not sure why I'm being down voted here. I said I was ignorant. I'm not rich. I used the money to help pay off our mortgage and an emergency medical expense. I'm not driving a lambo. I was dumb and didn't fully understand the tax laws. I had no idea that trading from crypto to crypto was taxable. Found out the hard way. I paid my taxes. It sucked, but I'm not complaining about it. It's a warning for other people. Set aside money when you make trades or sell. Yep, and when they get rich, they'll not want to pay the taxes. Silly people. We do. And then our government officials severely mismanage those funds. It's depressing. Like this https://youtu.be/VJhsjUPDulw No, you're not correct. Biden's proposal is a total (including state taxes and NIIT) 48.4% capital gains tax rate for those making over $1m in taxable income. This doesn't effect 99% of people. For future reference, saying ""that's not correct"" doesn't make something incorrect. Thats why you _don't_ move back? They cant tax what they dont know about Yeah, I know about this one. Like the other guy commented, there are ways to lessen your liability, that I’d look into [deleted] I was unaware that it is different than other capital gains asset classes. 12 months and one minute later, technically. This is something I definitely need to look into, thanks. What if you are only doing small time trading like under $1k, are they only coming after the big guys...i wish they would get these taxes in line with what they really should be. I cant believe crypto has come to getting taxed for trades its crazy They’re specifically targeting crypto trades now. IRS is hiring a ton of people to do this (I live a block away and have met ppl recently hired). You can buy GBTC inflation = tax Here’s hoping they don’t plan to raise it to 43%… Not in the united states. 37% is the highest short term capital gains tax (for those with an income of 518k+. I have no idea what this 43% is. Currently I only need to pay 15% for long term and and 22% for short https://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/101515/comparing-longterm-vs-shortterm-capital-gain-tax-rates.asp No, people on the left don't mind paying taxes to receive services in exchange, those on the right don't want to pay taxes, don't want services to be available until something happens to them then suddenly it's there government's job to save them. They killed him because he turned tyrannical and ignored the senators. I don’t care who said it. Either way it is a dumb quote. The only purpose the federal government is supposed to serve is military and making sure states don’t implement laws that violate the Constitution. Majority of taxes should go to the local and state government, not the other way around Lol If we had a consumption based system like sales tax and no income tax I would be much happier, but still Any time you take something from someone by force or threat of violence, its called theft. And you proved my point, schools existed over 100 years before the tax according to your example. Edit: also you do know that the government doesnt build the roads right? They hire contractors and dont have any incentive to spend wisely. These nuts are the source of government control Not on my watch They might be batshit insane, but full credits for [Operation Snow White](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Snow_White). Ok before I get anymore notifications from you lunatics. It was very VERY clearly just a flaccid joke. Can you guys chill for 0.0002 seconds please? That is sick. I think I’d make a good addition b/c I’d bring 0 California politics with me. Your beautiful state sounds better every day. I been sent to spread the message... This is sarcasm right [deleted] 50% of the realizes gain is to be treated as income . if you push yourself up into the highest tax bracket then it can be rough. You can claim it as a business gain if your structured your investments like that . Which can give you quite a few deductions. Lastly , if you invest through your tax free savings account then they can like your sack. Canada is the same, more. I am Canadian. I pay around 60% capital gains. Alright maybe not. I’d be pretty mad though. But then you pay taxes and btc crashes and you lost 2,000. Then what? They pay you back??! Lol Every trade (including crypto to crypto) put money into your savings account to pay for it. That way, when the tax man comes to collect, you at least have some of the payment. [deleted] You'd be surprised. It was more than I actually made because the IRS considers every single trade as a taxable transaction. I made some good trades, but it still bit me in the ass. I don't have $50k sitting around. Edit: Please see my other comment. I am not rich at all. I invested in what traditionally would be considered a ""penny stock,"" and I got lucky. I didn't fully understand that cap gains taxes include crypto to crypto trades. So, when I paid off part of my debts, I didn't know that I'd owe a shit ton on taxes. I got lucky. I'm not trying to be an ass. If you'd like to visit my house to confirm, you're welcome. Edit: Was more than I made. I used it to pay off home and medical loans. It was more than I expected to pay taxes on. **I was ignorant.** I don't want to pay the taxes now... and that isn't going to change just because I have more to lose. Eh, some taxes don't make sense. Would you prefer higher taxes on every crypto transaction that makes you money? I got lucky. Then I had to pay a shit ton of money after I used the gains to pay off bills and medical expenses. I'm not rich. I'm not complaining. I'm just warning people to be aware of cap gains taxes. Hence the folks moving out? Bring incorrect is what makes it incorrect. Biden's proposal is 43.4% and that does include the NIIT. For future reference, 43.4% is not the same as 48.4%. https://smartasset.com/taxes/biden-capital-gains-tax ""How I went to jail in one phrase"" for $400, Alex hm you would still want to keep the stack and live off the money it poops. the bigger the stack the bigger projects you can support regardless of wanting to work or not [deleted] Sure thing. Just got into crypto this year myself (better late than never). Tax implications started giving me a little anxiety pretty quick. I tested out Crypto.tax after doing some research and it seems promising. I'll probably go with that next year come tax time. the only way to even come close most is a tax software service, I use Koinly…. CEX can be problematic if small/outside US, of course COINBASE works great, KUCOIN, BINANCE……but some smaller exchanges dont even offer workable CVS files much less auto integration…….altilly claims a HACK at the server, no records available, I almost wonder if thats really what happened. I found that using a DEX is far easier, no import, direct from the chain to the “brain”……KOINLY seemed to handle DEFI and REBASE. I paid 400$ for a deal on 2 years with an option for background reports 4-5 years back I think. there was NO WAY I would have been able to do it myself. taxes are going to be the biggest hurdle for mass adoption I think…… the taxes should be forefront to trades in my opinion and paid upfront like a roth IRA and folded into the structure of tokenomics……NFTs present issues, probably so does rebase activity. what a fuckin mess really….. all these people getting casually involved via paypal , VENMO, etc etc are going to shit themselves when they learn the pitfalls of using crypto for purchases, only cards like CRYPTO.com/FOLD make any sense in that respect. Its a pathetic mess that the feds and states werent proactive with the Industry, and most of the Industry was complicit to just ignore the issue and let the players eat shit down the line. Its gonna cost everybody a pain in the ass within a few years. Wyoming seems to be a leader in regards to preparing….I live in Idaho…..so close yet so far away, 7% sales tax, 7% cap gains, income tax, overpriced homes and the state valuing shithole houses with no inspection far above value. Crypto taxes are going to be a stumbling block regardless of blockchain innovations. If they make stable coins a big problem, fuckem, at that point we will have even bigger issues. [deleted] [deleted] Amount doesn’t matter. Trades doesn’t matter. All taxable transactions. It took me 2 days to track my trades last year, and I’m a CPA. I was ready to fucking die with my excel sheet. Yup. [deleted] [deleted] The 43% rate is a proposed rate on profits over $1 million. Only your 1 million and first dollar and beyond would be taxed at that rate. The highest I've ever heard of was 40% and that was just in Biden's proposal, come to think of it. I've never paid too much attention to the tax rate at the top lol I'm nowhere near that (yet). Gotta humble myself and read up on this stuff some more so I have a sensible exit strategy Unfortunately you are way off. The right doesn’t mind paying taxes. They just don’t want it going to Pakistani gender studies, bolstering other countries while ours falters, and paying for people who won’t work to better their own lives. The left wants more and more tax revenue for social programs while the middle and lower classes are getting poorer and poorer from the increase in taxes and cost of goods. >The only purpose the federal government is supposed to serve is military and making sure states don’t implement laws that violate the Constitution. Yea, you don't know much about how government or society works. Most of what works right in this country is run by the Feds, not the states, including all Wireless/radio communication, GPS, flood and levee protection, bridges, interstate highways, national parks, wildlife preserves, the nation's fisheries, telecommunications, power plants, and of course.. the Internet you're using right now to demonstrate how much of a hypocrite you are. My example didn’t prove that. There were still state taxes on Mass. and there was federal income before interstate system and federal sales tax too. I would agree that a VAT like Europe would be better than income tax. Would only count on what you spend and could be targeted to types of spending. If you bought less luxury things you pay less. Would promote saving too. In all dumbfoundedness, It really is amazing how many Californians are moving here because of how bad things in CA are…and when they get here they display Democratic candidate yard signs for every election…and scowl at you if you’re wearing anything patriotic…and think you’re an “unedumacated” hick if you fall anywhere right of center. I don’t think they even care for moderates or Libertarians either. It’s very strange. Texas may still look red to outsiders, but it’s really solid purple. No it's facts based on data. [California defies doom with number one US economy](https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2021-06-14/california-defies-doom-with-no-1-u-s-economy) [California has a staggering 757 billion budget surplus](https://www.politico.com/states/california/story/2021/05/10/california-has-a-staggering-757b-budget-surplus-1381195) What happened to facts over feelings? I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to say here, but marginal tax rates mean that not every dollar you earn is taxed at the same rate. In 2021 the second highest tax bracket is 35% and that ends at $523,600. Earning $523,601 puts you in the highest tax bracket at 37%, but you don't suddenly lose 2% of your income by earning one extra dollar. Only that 1 extra dollar gets the highest tax rate, the rest of your money is taxed at the lower brackets that they fall into. Regardless of where the brackets start and end and what the rates are though, in every single instance you are better off selling at a higher price than a lower one. You can’t buy crypto in your TFSA. How are you paying 60% taxes on capital gains? Mind breaking it down? Why dont you just use something to hide ur trades and do them through a foreign exchange with a VPN and then back when you wanna pull out, that way you only have to pay the fee the one time. I use Monero for most of my activities. No, I got nailed because it was 36% on short term. I made some good trades and made some money. They tax you on trades too, not just selling your crypto into fiat back into your bank account. Every transaction is taxed. I got a break in 2019 because I had a loss, but I didn't know that crypto to crypto trades count. I got crushed for it in 2020. Listen to you, having to explain that you don’t live in abundance to gain favor. Eff that. Good for you for making money dude. You took risk. That has value. [deleted] We used most of the gains to pay off part of our mortgage. We live in a city with extremely high real estate rates. We also have some medical expenses that were unexpected. Don't come at me with that shit. This. Just silly all those who act like those not wanting to pay taxes is bad. With so much corruption because of the taxes we pay, fuck taxes. The IRS needs to simply the tax code so lawyers cant find loopholes and then lower the tax altogether. Middle class homeowners pay just under 50% in total taxes depending on the state they live in. For what? So gov can keep printing and give to bankers? What most don't get is that the fed res cant increase interest rates without collapsing our economy so they've handed the job of cooling inflation to the IRS who goes after the middle class which helps increase inequality. Whatever that ""lucky"" was, it was an awful lot, because you have to be reporting a shitload of money to get to that kind of tax. I don't live there anymore, but Nashville is a great option. No income tax and is far better than Dallas or Austin. Edit: Born and raised there. Reminds me of the jokes in AZ/TX: Californians move away to escape California, and then immediately start turning their new localities into California They were correct in saying it ""doesn't effect 99% of people."" If you bothered to read the article you linked, you would've noticed this: ""The IRS charges high-income investors an additional 3.8% net investment income tax (NIIT), which could raise Biden’s proposed tax to 43.4% for those with long-term capital gains over $1 million. And depending on where you pay state taxes, your capital gains may also be taxed at the same rate as regular income taxes as well."" If you bothered to read my comment, 48.4% includes NIIT and state taxes. 39.6% is the proposed tax rate. 43.4% includes 3.8% NIIT. Average state capital gains tax rate is 5%. That comes to a total of 48.4%. I know math and reading at the same time can be difficult, but you could at least try. >Bring incorrect is what makes it incorrect. You know, you saying that doesn't make what he said incorrect. Would the USA really go to the trouble of extradition or whatever they'd need to do to bust a dude dodging like 50k in taxes? Seems like more trouble than it's worth. Ehhh they could fuck you easier. Make it a minute. So if it's property and gets taxed, what about other kinds of property? Like if I trade a friend an engine worth $10k and he gives me an $8k transmission, with no money exchanged. Is something like this also supposed to be taxed? If the day comes where they say I owe, I will more than likely just pay, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with it. Crypto was supposed to stay decentralized and it just keeps turning more and more into a centralized thing. If you have an IRA you can get it on Fidelity, Vanguard, TD Ameritrade, etc It effectively is a tax if you define ""tax"" as the movement of wealth from the public to the government. There is nothing witty about that. I don't understand what you mean by that. One little piece of advice… be careful taking too much profits. Factoring in my salary and profit so far this year, if I take anymore profits, I get bumped up a tax bracket and need to pay an extra 2% capital gains tax. Make sure the profits are worth getting bumped up Suuuuure, that's why conservatives never cut taxes to then cut safety nets and never try to privatize things that profit society as a whole like health care. “*Supposed* to serve” Dont kid yourself, with companies like Apple building there, it wont remain cheap for long. Facts matter. Would love to see how much of that $757m budget is due to restricting services due to pandemic impacts though haha. people and companies are leaving cali in droves, it is a massive economy, yes, but is falling due to stupid high taxes and living expenses. a 100k job in san fran is like a 30-40k job in what it buys you in other states. even apple is building out facilities out of state as it understands its engineers dgaf about living in silicon valley and paying those insane prices. Cannabis legalisation propping up the American economy California's unemployment rate is 7.9%, almost the highest in the country. It's funny how that wasn't mentioned in the bloomberg article. California is the biggest economy, but saying it is the ""top"" economy is twisting reality. https://www.mercurynews.com/2021/07/01/walters-californias-economy-is-recovering-but-roaring-back-hardly/ [deleted] Through crypto ETFs you can (grayscale, BTCC, etc.) Federal income tax + provincial income tax. Google the rates Because I was audited by the IRS for using a 529 fund in one year and they thought it was applied in the next year, which is illegal. I learned a lesson. Stay away from the IRS. Their job is to take your money. If they think you haven't given them enough money, they will fuck you. FYI- for those that don’t know, you can carry forward losses to offset gains for some period (3-4 years maybe?) I honestly came from shit. Had to serve in the military to pay for college, and work my ass off just to get what I have. There are ups and downs. Appreciate it. My whole point was for people who may not understand cap gains taxes. It can be a MF no matter what you've made. It's how I was able to collect losses in 2019. I sold at the end of the year and then rebought. It was legal. I believe it still is, but make sure you do your own research. I'm not a financial advisor. Yes absolutely you should do this. I sold at $29k and rebought a couple hours later. Yeah, I lost $1k in rebound price, but I saved sooooo much more in capital loss offsets. Made my day. I would say, I was very, very, very lucky. Don't hate. read hard tax bad unga bunga They are doing this to keep institutions out because they can make crypto grow the fastest and the government doesn't want crypto growing any more than it already has. I can't believe no one notices what is going on here. [deleted] It could possibly fall under a 1031 like kind transaction, which would def tax. [deleted] Getting bumped up only applies to the profit that are actually above the line. You don't pay more on the money you already made if you go up into another tax bracket than you did before you went into that bracket. Watch [this](https://youtu.be/VJhsjUPDulw) video. Many conservatives want better access to healthcare too. You think only those on the left have a hard time accessing health care? The majority of conservatives I know agree with many of the talking points on the left. What we disagree on is implementation. The right wants less government intervention. Privatize it? Sure! Make healthcare accessible and affordable to everyone? Hell ya! Let the government, who is already tens of trillions of dollars in debt and clearly cannot budget or use taxes efficiently, control it? Hell no! yea, well I don't know where you live, but I am betting you enjoy a lot of daily benefits you are apparently unwilling to recognize Those are more feelings that are not supported by facts. https://www.sfgate.com/local/article/California-exodus-is-just-a-myth-massive-UC-16301134.php “No one goes there, it’s too crowded” The idea that mass amounts of people are abandoning California is an alarmist fiction. Even more so for companies. Tech companies are building facilities out of state because they’ve literally hired all the talent available and they’re still growing. Not saying there aren’t a ton of problems with California, I don’t want to live there myself. Too many people. ;) ""Droves""? Yeah, [about that](https://www.dailynews.com/2021/07/07/no-evidence-of-a-california-exodus-uc-study-finds/). That wasn’t the comment the guy replied to. He replied to a comment suggesting you’d make more money if you sold before you made more money, which makes no sense, regardless of tax brackets. It’s now how taxes work. But way to make a fool of yourself AND attack someone personally for it. Did *you* read the whole thread? Me, jreddish, the video I posted, and your sources are literally all saying the exact same thing here. *I* was specifically responding to eskimoboy10 asking >So you’d get better returns selling at $900 000 than you would selling at $1 000 000, considering the $900 000 would get taxed less? Which, no, if you had the option to sell at 900k vs 1M you are not getting better returns because going into a higher bracket does not suddenly tax the rest of your income, only the portion over the bracket, so by selling lower you are literally walking away from money. And idk why you gotta bring Goofy into this, he did his best raising Max as a single father. Do those pay dividends? Nearly 100% of my portfolio is in ETFs, so I understand that they are a way to “diversify”, but the reality is you are just buying the idea of diversification, just like you are buying the idea of crypto when you buy a crypto ETF. If they sold when they rebalanced and paid dividends it might feel more real. What province are you in if you don't mind me asking? Also, I think you're oversimplifying tax rates by saying ""60%"" and misleading those who are reading. Even if you were in the highest tax bracket of the most expensive province (Québec), just by adding the highest scale, you're getting 33% federal and 25.75% provincial = 58.75% And that's not accurate in the least bit since that's not how income tax works in Canada. You'd be paying the federal 33% on any taxable income **over** $216,511, anything under that is in scaled back in different brackets. A similar method is used to calculate provincial taxes as well. >15% on the first $49,020 of taxable income, plus 20.5% on the next $49,020 of taxable income (on the portion of taxable income over 49,020 up to $98,040), plus 26% on the next $53,939 of taxable income (on the portion of taxable income over $98,040 up to $151,978), plus 29% on the next $64,533 of taxable income (on the portion of taxable income over 151,978 up to $216,511), plus 33% of taxable income over $216,511 So how are you paying 60%? Just trying to figure out if you're simplifying it for conversation sake, or if you're getting fucked by your accountant. Matic ? $3k each year carry forward for I believe 3 tax years. Who gives a fuck haha. Corporations get 20 year net operating loss carry forward. If that is fair, I’m not sure what else couldn’t be coined as “fair” And it is a good lesson to be shared. The it’s laws are not clear on crypto. People always say “ask your CPA”. How many CPA’s are up to date on crypto? I’m guessing few, and it’s probably not the CPA your family has used for 15 years. so you’re likely going to have to find a new one. [deleted] Not hating, just pointing out for anyone thinking they may be in the same boat, and most aren't selling more than $100k a year. I stated the facts of what is being proposed. Not whether I was for or against it. Not sure what would make you think you're the only person with that view point. How would they ever go about knowing that the transaction happened. That's kinda what I'm talking about with crypto, just make it so the government can't know, like with monero. I actually side with the rich people on this one, if I came up and built something successful why should I have to pay a higher tax than the other people. Boo hoo, I made it they didn't is how I would look at it. It's like they are punished for being more successful. Reddit just likes to pick on them because they think you can't make that much money without being immoral and fucking people along the way. That's because a large part of Reddit is a liberal hive mind tho, out in the real world when I talk about it people tend to agree on my perspective. That is good to know. I still wouldn’t really want to be taxed at a higher rate Shhh let the right enjoy their fantasies. Gotta believe in something after you get too old for Santa Claus, I guess. Disney is moving its corporate positions from cali to florida. https://deadline.com/2021/07/dinsey-moving-parks-division-jobs-california-florida-1234794243/ I agree with you, and I don't think they pay dividends, but if you want exposure to BTC price action in your TFSA, then BTCC, QBTC and GBTC will give you that exposure. No you don't own the bitcoin in itself, but holding the ETF will give you the untaxed gains that one would be looking for. You're buying the idea of btc, sure, but the gains are represented through it, and we're all in this for the money right? VET It’s 3k per year for 25 years up to 75k. Cpa here - it’s extremely straight forward haha. Yea exactly. If they get rid of wash sales, I’ll be pissed Again, I admit I got lucky. I made a call on a trade, I hodled it, and it paid off. I still have money in it, but I took gains to pay of loans/mortgage. I'm not sure if anyone else would have done something different. The whole point of my comments is that people should be aware that they have to pay taxes on all trades. Don't be a sucker like me who gets a bill from the IRS that you then have to scrounge up scratch to pay. And don't think they don't see you. They do. Well mainly just because I was the only one that said anything about it. [deleted] [deleted] > That is good to know. I still wouldn’t really want to be taxed at a higher rate Of course you would.. If nothing else has changed (obtained new loans etc.) being in a higher tax bracket would mean you make more money. I mean if we’re talking about leveraging tax free investment vehicles, I guess you are right. I just wonder how closely it tracks the exchange traded values of the underlying assets; especially since those are so insanely volatile. I’m any case, I goofed this year when I found a shitload of doge in a zip file I saved from an old work computer I had them on and dumped it into Binance and made several thousand small trades as it was going up to 0.75. Managed to cash out a few thousand before everything went completely tits up, but taxes are going to be.. well, not fun to do this year. Definitely contemplating hiring help. My exposure is pretty exposed right now, I’ve got several wallets with several currencies, I’ve even got some locked in ADA staking; I assume I treat that like an in kind barter exchange as well, but we’ll see. What about staking rewards. For example: stake coin “ABC” and earn 100 abc each year. The underlying price of abc fluctuates. So do you pay cap gains in the usd value at the moment of earning abc? If that’s the case you could gain more abc but report a tax loss because the usd value dropped? …..OR do you only report cap gains when converting ABC to USD or another coin? no totally, but it is akin to winning the lottery, which is why you paid so much, don't know if it was short term or long term, if it was long term then it's even more than we can guess, but it's still in the range of several hundreds of thousands of dollars, not a lot of crypto traders, especially on this site, are ever doing anything near that. If you make 1k from selling crypto and only have a 18k salary, you don't owe hardly anything, possibly nothing depending on your tax bracket. You're commenting your political view on my comment, which is all numbers, no political views. That would probably the reason I didn't say anything about it. And a penalty (25%), plus .5% interest per month, which is capped, but do not recall the cap amount. If the algorithm has nothing to calculate then it can't track you tho. That's the kinda prevention I'm talking about. But I will agree that the government normally does get what they want because we the people let them grow to control to much of our lives and it's only going to get more controlling as time goes on. I was hopeful at the beginning of crypto that we could use it as a safety net Incase of an large economic collapse, but it doesn't seem like that will be the case anymore as it's become way to tied to the already established system...we were almost there. I'm in the center and don't vote. I did my service in the military for 6 years. I have my opinions like anyone else. I like things from both sides, I take info from all sources and decipher it on my own. I'm not in a culture war, nor do I feel I'm a victim. But I do feel a lot of people are the way they are because they feel like they gave to identify with their team. That's all politics is these days, my team vs your team and it sucks. I just wanna not be taxed out the ass, shoot my guns, smoke my weed and be left alone on my land to do what I want. I'm not here for you and your not here from me. That it, it's the simple life I'm after. Yes but unless there’s a dire need to sell I’d rather wait and avoid it Very closely actually, for both BTCC and QBTC, though there is a premium to consider that will affect the value of your holdings. Follow the link, scroll down, and set the chart to YTD and compare movements/% fluctuation. The NAV moves along with BTC and is looking pretty close, considering that at inception, BTCC was sold for 10$ while btc was near 52k if I remember correctly. Found this site to compare premium costs of different funds. https://bitbo.io/ As for your situation, first off, good on you for finding the doge, that's one of those stories I always enjoy hearing/reading. Taxes will definitely not be fun and I haven't remotely kept track anywhere near what I should have, but if I can just send them a CSV file of my transactions and tell em to figure it out, that would be the best. I also can't stop thinking of how not fun taxes and transaction retracing will be this yea since reading this thread. You convert cap gains when there is an economic transaction (sale or a trade). You wouldn’t pay capital gains income or loss just because the price fluctuates - if that was the case, it would be a disaster for everyone. You would pay tax on the “income” received at the fmv of the 100 coins received for staking though - likely at the time the stake is completed. It’s technically interest received on a “short term loan”, but not entirely sure. Would be hard pressed to see that taxed as a capital gain. I’ve never staked anything so not as knowledgeable as I could be. It was short term, which is part of the reason I paid so much. Also a warning. I don't want to disclose what I made, but the coin was around $.005 when I made the buy. Crypto made a huge difference in my life when my family really needed help. It was a good investment. That's why I'm part of the community. Edit: Warning as in consider the difference between short and long term taxes. I could have paid much less in taxes had I not sold before 12 months. It's incredible how much people can save. Absolutely sell if you need the gains right now, but know that you could be paying a lot more. Lottery is way simpler. When you're exchanging from one crypto to another .... making losses and gains... it is not at all clear any more.. [deleted] [deleted] Well I rest my case :) It's important for people to know that it is a taxable event on any trade (in the US). Crypto to crypto included. Not just crypto to fiat. yes, all of that 🙂. Yea I guess so, well hopefully someone figures out a good legal way to do it at some point like rich people do with Fiat. However it seems like even that may go away soon with the Global tax that the UN is proposing. No no no, it doesn't have to be that far extreme I'm just talking about adding new taxes or increasing taxes everything can just stay the way it is and be happy. We don't need to pay more than we already do as most people agree we already pay more taxes than we need to but I'm okay with the way it is currently. And I added my military service in there as a thing of why I don't vote. But yes as Jeb Bush said please clap In the US, exchanges have to report to the IRS. So if you made transactions on Coinbase or Binance US, they send that info to the tax man. The IRS then compares that info with what you reported on your 1040. If you didn't report gains, they can audit you. If you had losses, you can actually lower your taxes. Just never think you can out smart the IRS. Audits are horrible. [deleted] Np M8, hope u have a good rest of the day too. Nice chat" Cardano bypasses Dogecoin to become 5th largest cryptocurrency,2061,https://liquidcrypts.com/cardano-bypasses-dogecoin-to-become-5th-largest-cryptocurrency/,"Don't they mean 4th? BTC, ETH, BNB, then ADA? DOGE is currently 5th Lol I never thought this would be a title on reddit a couple months ago This headline reads as if Doge has been holding that spot for years when it’s only had a larger market cap than ADA for several weeks. Lol. Anyone else remember those ~8 years where Doge was going for less than a penny until Elon’s tweets in January? [deleted] At least half of the top 10 literally embarrasses me. Despite the number of coins I have I really want a retrace to about $1.50 so I can buy a shitload more. I so should have doubled down last month. Anybody invest in Gen Coin?? She's legit!!! 🔥🔥🔥 Only a matter of time before BNB kicks rocks and Cardano is #3 That’s sad that DOGE past Cardano first and now the news is putting DOGE on top of Cardano. It's like a grown adult man bragging about beating up a bunch of children on the playground. Praise the Sun! Fuckin finally.....DOGE needs to go away. Good. Maybe we can leave this madness behind us and focus on real use cases again. Good. Hopefully doge dies out and retail investors focus on solid projects instead. Yeah because Doge drops even faster, Elon has lost a lot of credibility when it comes to crypto, so he can’t pump Doge as much anymore. He probably can still do a significant damage to Bitcoin though. It's gonna be a long slow bleed for doge #ADA is #4 on CoinMarketCap [deleted] nice Duh ADA and Doge are both a cancer on crypto. Ones a hollow joke of a coin and the other is Doge, which is the class clown in Medical School. Fucking clown shoes. REAL NEWS Took us long enough 🙄 One scam replaced by another scam. 😂🤑 Based Go away doge. Good to hear And then gets rug pulled 10 minutes ago. this is good thing, but doge will pass it again i think And?? Thank god this Doge JOKE is dying This was my reaction. Maybe they mean doge is how 5th? XRP is still higher than ADA, but that's a matter of time. XRP needs to go too. XRP has underreported circulating supply on Binance affiliated site like CMC. It's currently 4th but has been trading places with Cardano almost weekly the last few months. Ada was 4th last week with the pump but now back at 5th. Not for long I’m sure. If you are running a race. and you overtake the person in 3rd place, what position would you be in? WOO HOO !! go DOGE!!! MKR. Head fake A coherent sentence is far above the abilities of the average person. where is the best place to buy ones like BNB, ADA and cardano? None of thats on paypal, robinhood or fidelity If you are running a race. and you overtake the person in 3rd place, what position would you be in? Everything in crypto is really ""Wow imagine if someone said this 3 months ago"" lo No, I would like not to remember the ~10000 doge I sold in November for $30. Lalalalalalalala I can’t hear you. No, you understand perfectly. Because of all of its use cases... Oh, wait. Maybe because of its flappy birds and ponchos? And the other half don't because? Oh the project is real...oh it has a proper team...oh the use cases... But why does the individual token have a price? Forget the technology or the platform. Why does the actual coin have a price? Yeah no one can answer that one because they're too embarrassed to admit it's all speculation. Meme coin or ETH. It's all speculation. Your wish is your command Startup is a Good series!!! Lol yeah I heard Adam Brody is backing it... Ones a meme. Ones a scam [deleted] Have you been living under a rock for the last week? The overall market is down because musk trashed BTC. Where Bitcoin goes the market goes for the most part. I don’t understand the doge hate either. Those of us that own it will be laughing our way all the way to the bank. Bailed for excatly this reason dudes run amok IMO Musky never had any credibility when it came to crypto. He is just a rich tool playing games in an industry that doesnt really need him. That why they’re being listed on Coinbase soon? and with shitcoin you mean ADA and Doge right? Because they both are nice. Hahaha. Yep, we need to install a large rear view mirror so we can see Doge way back there. [deleted] Where are you getting this information? Coinmarketcap.com has XRP at a cap of 54B and ADA at a cap of 64B XPR is not decentralized defeating the purpose of cryptocurrency purpose in a globe scale Is ada gonna go up or down? In your opinion BNB can be bought on Binance or Crypto.com. ADA is the abbreviation for Cardano, same thing. You can buy it on almost any exchange, Coinbase, Crypto.com, Binance, etc. Also, ditch Robinhood, shady practices Didn't know PayPal had crypto, but fuck that too, fees are shit Fidelity has no fees but extremely limited options Get on one or all of the exchanges I mentioned above [deleted] Pain My best friend bought 2 million last April for 5k and sold at a 30$ loss less than a few days later. Sold 10,000 at $0.04. Lalaalalalalalalalalalallalalalalalala [deleted] > Forget the technology or the platform. cool Lol there genie... is this one of 3 wishes? Or just granting Cardano at $1.50? I think it might. $1.63 right now Wow…yeah…haha…anyone else looking for discounts at a specific price? I’ll see what I can do for you. I'm quite invested in ADA, why's it a scam? We need to get Coti. It will be the version of XRP on Cardano network. DeFi, yes. But I was blown away recently by Aavegotchi because it uses so many Blockchain tools in one app: - each Gotchi is an NFT - each Gotchi has its own escrow contract that allows it to accept deposits of any ERC20 - Aavegotchi uses Chainlink as an oracle for verifiable randomness - Aavegotchi uses a DAO so participants can vote in development progress I think this is pretty amazing in terms of showing what’s possible. Pretty cool stuff. And then of course everyone’s favorite layer 2 solution right now: MATIC Also can’t wait what DOTs para chains will bring once released. ETH2 will also be very interesting. I’m following the smart contract battle very closely; right now it’s impossible to tell which platform will emerge as the winner. Also looking at lesser known projects but with a great team like ONE or ALGO Obviously you haven’t been paying attention. Bitcoins downward trend started a week or two before Musk turning on Bitcoin. Kinda like John McAfee on the previous cycle. Each end of cycle seems to have a bullshit oracle as it’s herald :) doge is gone with al the elon fuck ups. it’s also trash More people to cash out One is not like the other. Moon, Doge, SHIB, etc…… not ADA. Nice Exactly I've got it at 71B on Coinstats. Seems like one of the two is off by ~10B XRP in terms of available supply. CMCap has an available supply of ~35B vs ~45B on Coinstats Water is wet? But, yes, exactly. [deleted] So, if Ripple the company dies tomorrow, XRP will cease to exist with them? True, though I consider it valuable to the worlds economy as it actually provides a significant function... where as some cryptos don't really serve a purpose imo. Please. Someone explain this for me...why is everyone ignoring me after making blanket statements like this? ..I just can't figure it out. Certainly it has many great things coming like smart contracts in the summer and strong potential for growth. Just look at the weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly rise of Cardano compared to BTC let’s say and you’ll see it has so much potential to grow. So yes going up and up! If Charles comes through, and everything with the technology works as planned then it literally has nowhere to go but up. can someone from india like me trade in crypto.com? yeah i only have robinhood for crypto, but the amount i have isnt even worth the transfer “fee” Who the hell sells at a 0.6% loss??? I thought rugpulls were only a thing with those fraction of a cent shitcoins, this is my first time hearing about it regarding a ‘legit’ coin, but I guess if there’s enough whales selling then anything is possible. Go on then. Why is an ETH worth whatever it is? Its price has no bearing on the success of Ethereum. Founder is a known snake oil salesman It’s not. Charles has been very open about the entire development The overall market started following BTC after musk trashed it. I got out of Bitcoin awhile ago. I’ll store my wealth in good projects I'm not even an ada bro but it's so superior to doge. Has a better use case for transactions. I have no idea what's going on with it but it sounds like they are developing dapps for it! Bees don't bother explaining to flys why honey's better than shit bro, don't waste your time. Very nice! Thanks, hadn't used Coinstats. Good to have multiple sources of information Hey man that may of been obvious to you but some people are new to this, it might not of been something they had realized. Water is actually not wet. It only makes other materials/objects wet. Wetness is the ability of a liquid to adhere to the surface of a solid. So if you say something is wet we mean the liquid is sticking to the surface of the object. Wait. Because you didn't see the key term 'cryprocurrency' you think it's centralized? Make sure I understand. Ripple is a company that builds software that works on top of the XRP Ledger, these are not the same thing... Ripple is not XRP, but I can understand the confusion. He had other shit he was more excited about and got paper hands. I didn’t even know about it til like a month ago when I asked him if he owned any DOGE because I knew he invested and at least dabbled in the crypto world. I felt really bad for him but at the same time... shame on paper hands. I also thought he was sitting good at first because he only showed me a cropped screenshot of his 2 million coins... then uncropped lol. First culling was like 2017. Most of the market died after that, so yes, shit coins and real coins can still have a rug pull. Did anyone else notice PAXG go from 2k to $9200 briefly on 0516? Talk about a some blue whale breaching type manipulation... THAT WAS INSANE! [deleted] You can make this reductive argument to basically any good or asset in the world. Why is my house worth what it is? Because that's what someone is willing to pay for it. Why is a computer worth $1000? It doesn't provide $1000 of value necessarily. But people are willing to pay that price. Okay that's good news. Why would guy above say it's a scam? Like doge? Every project is going to go down. The whole market mindset, bots and everything has been tied to BTC for too long, for that to break easily. Right now Euro is the good project. Although I have to say that I think good projects will be the first ones to recover. 💯 % Beehive Investment Group 💯 Obligatory Nice!! Coingecko has XRP>ADA Doesn’t it vary by exchange? Yeah, I'm one of these people. Would love an explanation. Edit: man. Still waiting over here for this lovely explanation... Any hour now...I can feel it! No? Nothing? Man. Really looking forward to the knowledge you have.... No, it's fine. I agree with the statement. You make me wet, keep talking nerdy to me. But don’t H20 molecules adhere to each other also? Oh Jesus. Bad bot. It's not actually a scientific fact that it's not wet, and given it's historical use, water is considered wet. Water, is the essence of *wetness* Wouldn’t that same logic basically make Bitcoin a meme coin just by its own value only being based on what people are willing to pay for it? I’m not being facetious so I apologize if it seems like a rude question, but I’m genuinely curious about this. And obviously I know BTC is the grandfather of all coins today, or at least inspiration for them. It opened the door for every one of them at least. My point was that certain people think ""real"" coins such as BTC or ETH are inherently worth more than meme coins or whatever. And my point is that it is all speculation. It's not like the coin is tied to the underlying success of the platform. Yes Ethereum is a fantastic project but that doesn't mean ETH is worth anything. I bought ADA at around 2-3 cents and sold all this year. Don’t buy at ATH. Their subreddit is run by cult followers and blocked me for telling the truth. Abandoned for years, only for old charlie to come back and start hyping the coin up with little action There is a certain percentage of crypto investors that are more “fans” than analytical. The complaint against ADA is how long it’s taken to roll out smart contracts. It’s supposed to drop in August also known as “Alonzo” There are many good coins and projects but few are as high profile about their transparency as ADA. Doesn’t mean it’s guaranteed to be a success or anything like that but IOHK is very slow and methodical on their roll out Doge is just a gamble. Don’t own any more than I’d be ok losing. I don’t think I’ll be losing any money Matic is holding strong. It’s a rough morning overall though. Good time to buy and average down? Or could this last a few days? What are you talking about? That’s what my mom said [deleted] He managed to stay dry. [AND JESUS WEPT](https://youtu.be/z4FGzE4endQ?t=83) >""real"" coins such as BTC or ETH are inherently worth more than meme coins or whatever. There are real values associated with the production/mining costs of the coins. For BTC and ETH, this floor is much, much higher than something like ADA or DOGE or LTC or whatever. I haven't bought ath I've bought Ada they the same thing? Fair enough. To be clear, I have no money in btc but I'm glad to hear that you recognize doge as a gamble Nah, it will attract people because it has not fallen yet, and thus will crash when those sell on first dip. Just look what happened to Cardano. How/why is XRP centralized? Mining bitcoin gives you a reward in bitcoin. There's no reason that is tied to a value in fiat currency. Holding a bitcoin doesn't do anything either. It's not like those who have more bitcoin can do something which intrinsically gives it more value. The truth is the price of it is pure speculation. This is the thing with all crypto. No matter how great the project is, the coin or token is purely the speculative part of it that makes the creators of the project rich. It doesn't do anything to actually enhance the project itself. If you bought <$1 and can hold for 2-5 years more without selling, then you should be ok, I think. Oh ath means All Time High. Sorry about the crypto jargon. Meaning you should not pay highest price to buy Oh yea. I have no preconceived idea that it’s the next Bitcoin and is going to make me rich. I have made a little money on it and I’m still holding some coins. There’s no telling where it’s going up or down. I do feel it could get to a dollar or so. On the first dip? It went from 2.83 to 1.80 in 12 hours yesterday. I’m not sure what you consider a dip. It’s came back to 2.09 in 8 hours. On the first dip? It went from 2.83 to 1.80 in 12 hours yesterday. I’m not sure what you consider a dip. It’s came back to 2.09 in 8 hours. On the first dip? It went from 2.83 to 1.80 in 12 hours yesterday. I’m not sure what you consider a dip. It’s came back to 2.09 in 8 hours. On the first dip? It went from 2.83 to 1.80 in 12 hours yesterday. I’m not sure what you consider a dip. It’s came back to 2.09 in 8 hours. Not fallen yet? It went from 2.83 to 1.80 in 12 hours yesterday. It’s back up to 2.08 already this morning Lol all I said is what was obvious to a user might not of been obvious to others. Yeah..haha how is it obvious? Dude I don’t know what you’re talking about or why you’re asking me. Ask somebody else. I never said anything about any coin or token. ""Hey man that may of been obvious to you but some people are new to this, it might not of been something they had realized."" What am I missing? If I am mistaken and you can explain the context of this comment you made, shit, I'll apologize immediately. I just keep hearing this stuff about xrp and no one wants to back their claims. LOL can you fucking read dude? ALL I said to him was what was obvious to him, may not of been obvious to others. I said NOTHING about XLM. My ENTIRE point is that some people don’t know as much yet. Got it? ..you ignore a context. But no, I see you don't know anything about any of this. You are just making random pointless comments I guess haha. So i definitely apologize. Thanks for the clarification! Nobody was talking about context. I was speaking literally. You quoted me, so in my literal comment, where did I bring up XRp? Jesus...XRP was the implied context of the thread, if you follow the thread that is..so you either were talking about XRP in the comment or you just made a random ass comment about nothing...therefore if you were speaking literal, it was nonsense and followed a thread talking about xrp being a centralized crypto.. Actually pretty simple I feel like.. so I understand now. You claim you were speaking literal nonsense and had no idea the thread was actually talking about xrp. Cool. Got it. Thank you. Lol okay dude" Crypto is the way,1984,https://i.redd.it/9x217m5v9ys61.jpg,"I know a withdrawal when I see one #2 [deleted] Everyone is a genius in crypto bull market Willing to bet half the users in here do not own stock Both my crypto and stocks are green right now. Something something dont put all eggs in same basket... Not when your stock portfolio are comprised of crypto proxies!!! Many of ya'll came here after 2017, I can tell by memes like this. This is the way Keep your crypto and stocks in separate accounts. Don't mix em. Stay diverse. Stay smart. Eat crayons as not financial advice I like my bananas in different bowls... like those dirty fucks gotta take a page from them spread your wealth income in many platforms. Also kiss my ass RH I have completely pulled my investments from the stock market because it is filled with criminals and the idiots who love them. It is only loosely tethered to reality in many respects. Number 2 - You get what you deserve with your portfolio for using Robinhood. Crypto is doing amazing at the moment, but it’s beginning to look to good to be true... Ehhh I love crypto but diversification is important too. Lots of people in this space are too new to remember the massive pullbacks that have occurred in the past, but they happened. That being said, most of my money is in crypto these days. It used to be like, 10% crypto 80% stocks, but now it’s the opposite. My crypto is outperforming my stocks but those have had a rockin’ last year too if I do say so. Honest question, when it comes to stocks why don’t people just buy a lot of some really safe stocks like Microsoft and hold. That’s practically guaranteed free money The only way you could be down 94% is if you’re day trading penny stocks like an idiot PLBY is the only stock keeping me green slowly switching over to more crypto was at 70/30 on stocks and crypto now thinking about 20/80 just keep PLBY and RYCEY and everything else into crypto I’ve been looking into ETH, UNI, and MANA. Bitcoin I just use as a savings account with monthly deposits into it lol Newbies in the space should get carried away by greens,anything can happen at anytime. Firstly i was looking for a good deflationary nft project with the Chainkink kind of VRF feature and low supply cos im sure that will influence the price,i invested in Polkamon for having such features and its been great experience ever since with new partnerships around the corner...anyways its crypto and don't get carried away. true that, i make money in crypto, lose that profit in options.. ez life I’ve been trying to get my brother and mom to make even a binance account, it’s been 2 months and they’ll still “get around to it” I’m just trying to help them out ya know This is so accurate for me 😂 As much as I love crypto, but thats bot true. Unless you have a shit portfolio but then its your own fault. Fuck the stock market EXACTLY Lol. Fax Life really does imitate art. Exactly me today. Haha this is actually my life though lol Crypto is more predictable in my opinion. So true lmfao especially when i look at the growth of ADA and XDB Have a look at Alien Worlds (TLM) today. It’s literally the second chart. Feel bad for anyone invested in that. https://i.imgur.com/EunOvHO.jpg I’m literally up in crypto a bit more than I’ve lost in stocks on 1/3 the initial investment. I’ve almost 10xed my entire crypto portfolio in a matter of a few months. Meanwhile my stock portfolio hasn’t moved... Sold all my stock to buy more crypto. Whoooooops Crypto: It is the way. Chose your stock wisely $GLXY You know why? We're in a bull market. I'd like to see you post this again in a year or so. Doesn't mean crypto is bad tho... I'll probably be doing the same damn thing lol Word! Waiting for my stock portfolio to go back up so I can sell and put it all into crypto but I know that’s not going to happen anytime soon. Lmfao yeah okay. That’s a withdrawal or you let your options expire worthless. ABSOLUTELY TRUE!! I still have a few stocks I am waiting to sell but I have liquidated 90% of my stock portfolio and moved it into Crypto... not looking back! After this season btc & alt ATH, I will encash the half of profits, the other half will stay as HODL, and another portion will move to stockmarket I feel attacked. Joke’s on you, all my stocks are mining companies. Edit: looks like the joke’s on me today. You still have a stock portfolio? lol Hehe booay! My portofolio is at 7x since August and looking forward to see the real pump, especially from bmi which I have much faith in due to the storm they brought into crypto insurances with their No KYC policy I’m in this photo and I don’t like it *Pain.....* i feel attacked HAHAH Yeah till 6 months from now when we're all curled up in the closet and seeing 87% losses on bit and 99% on literally every alt No shit!!! This speaks to my soul Facts! I was just saying this yesterday..👍🏼👍🏼 Wise move,any interest in nft? I thought turkey had very bad government with erdogan and all I have a 80 percent stocks and 20 percent crypto portfolio I´m from turkey and I try to farm like Sushi, POP etc. passive income while currency is only going down. “Except this time it was different. The year was 2029. The crypto boom had not stopped for even a day. The new elite were crypto early adopters and weird failures in their late 30s that had 0.31 BTC left over from a Silk Road drug purchase in 2012.” I know just about nothing about crypto except that every year I haven't bought, I've regretted. Bought for the first time tonight, split between bitcoin, etherium, and litecoin. Without knowing enough about the intricacies of each I figured it was the best thing a noob like me could do. yeah right, with different price prediction till the asset dips...Lol The other half own GME. Identifying myself here. [deleted] 99% of my portfolio is in stocks and bonds. ~5% is play money, of which ~1% is crypto. Crypto has completely ruined stocks for me. How can anyone be content with 10% gains a year after spending years watching their investment portfolio swing 10% up and down every day? It’s just lame as shit unless you have a ton of money to throw around, which very few people do. With crypto, even a small investment has the potential to grow into enough to buy a car or pay off a lot of debt Show me the way I threw €1000 at crypto in October of 2017. A month later I was thinking ""If this keeps up, I can retire in....9 months"". That should have been a warning. Reddit was buzzing. I had tech-illerate friends ask me about crypto. Same thing is happening all over again. Now we're also in a global health crisis. Governments have pulled out all the stops to keep the economy afloat, and the markets have eagerly gobbled up free money, setting records. My house has seen a 50% increase in value in the last 5 years. Young people have entered the stock market thinking they're brilliant investors. If you ask me, this one's going to be nasty. And when they ask you just say ""mr suitman, i literally eat crayons. I dont know what im doing here."" Thinking to move it all over too since december, half my stock portfolio has moved into either GME or crypto 🤷🏼 Honestly about to go this route Just did the same! All those reasons and red day after red day, all connected to the reasons you listed. Wish I would have done it sooner, have gained so much very quickly with crypto! Selling on the way down is the way. Too hard to predict the top. This was what I *said* 2016 and sold my 0,5 BTC for 200$ My portfolio is still stock heavy with 29% growth. But my crypto portfolio is catching up! We'll see how long that lasts on both sides. 😅 “why don’t people put money in a 1% apy savings account it’s free money” because you can put your money elsewhere and make more money. options, more likely than penny stocks, i turned $1k into $6k+ in one move (don’t ask about any of my other options plays though lol) IBM. Damn I was regretting not investing when I saw it doing 400% during the ICO [deleted] [deleted] Ever heard of sarcasm? I read this in Hunter S Thompson's voice. Or, more specifically, Depp doing Thompson. Change that litecoin to chain link and you got a solid portfolio 👍 Hello fellow GME ape 🤘🏽 I’ll fess up to bring in both camps as well! (GME is fun as hell, but Crypto is definitely the way forward I think) I do have some solid, sensible shares but they are so boring they just make me want to sit in a corner and puke... Wait until it hits a major bear market for several years. You will rethink this Honestly... bonds are pretty useless if you are under like 50 years old or so Yeah because people don't have stock or options portfolios that are just as volatile Crypto can go down too and very fast. Even tho let´s say my STRONG 13x since Jan It certainly can, but the 3 year bear market taught us a hard lesson about crypto. It will happen again TSLA, ARKK, BLK, ETHE, GBTC, MS, MSTR, PYPL, SPCE, SQ. Held since late December early January. [deleted] You’re the type of person to see a bad red month and cash out your losses. I bet you when BTC drops down to 30K or ETH to 1k you’re gonna sell and cry about how you wish you didn’t always pull out when it’s red for a small amount of time said\* F Yea but something like Microsoft stock is going to give you 20% returns in a year’s time which is likely above average for what the average investor is raking in. Just saying Bruh are you joking that's a terrible analogy lmao. he's talking about Microsoft which has more than quadrupled in value since 2017 and that's before factoring in dividends. In comparison of a 1% savings account which takes over 75 years to double. you're gonna have to do better than that to have a convincing response to /u/Frequent-Muffin1 10B coins at $6 each would mean it was a single shitty game with a $60B market cap. For reference the whole of Activision is roughly $75.57B. Would have been unfathomably crazy! Just HODL 3-5 years [removed] sounds like a dumbass GME/CRYPTO APE hybridization complete. As a 39 year old guy who's lived through the dotcom bust, housing crisis, and COVID, I'll respectfully disagree. Bear market recovery can take years. I'd rather hedge my bets and do a healthy mix. If you're a wily trader you could still make decent gains in a bear market. Holders are screwed obviously Exactly Nah actually I’ve been doing stocks for a few years, but I’ve noticed over the past month crypto is where the money is. Struggling to make money in this corrupt stock market, so naturally I moved to where I see a future and where I feel confident in investing my money. I’m holding crypto for life now. I appreciate you trying to analyze me though. Lemme guess you’re the type of person to tell everyone if the coins you hold gain 10%?! You run and tell everyone how much of a genius you are and how much money you’ve made?! I’m glad you have such positive words for someone who has crossed completely into the crypto world and is trying to learn everything they can. THX 😂 dang, y’all really missed the point? with more risk comes more reward. If someone was a good trader, could they have bought and sold out after it reached say 300% ? $LIGHT is one to look out for, super cool and fast deflationary coin 👍🏼 Booster packs! we would be best friends in an alternate universe :D My positive words are put your money back in stocks because the volatility of crypto isnt for people who can’t afford to lose everything Investing in a single equity contains risk. Nah you just made a terrible point. As soon as trading started it dumped instantly. I found [this youtuber who was streaming it at the time](https://youtu.be/_TwdsdDk1EU?t=13589) [timestamped at 3:46:29] to see what the sentiment was like and people in the chat complained that they put their sell orders at $5, $4 and $3 and it dropped too fast for anyone to react. Funny thing is the youtuber stepped away for 2 mins and it started early so he completely missed it! Either that or his real trades were on another computer (more likely). [removed] Thank you so much for your knowledge insight! I was really wondering what you think I should do with my investing. Good luck to you! Yep. Burn the supply, burn it all! Hope you don’t lose everything, no need to be more toxic than you already are." Have a good night ya'll,1974,https://i.redd.it/fi7leaei81y61.jpg,"One of the weirdest realities of being an adult is realizing just how emotional people are. I got into day trading, because I thought this was a field that double-downed on being a logical robot. And yet all I see are people slinging dirt at each being angry all the time. No wonder the stock market is the way it is, lol. Savage Wasn’t it like .32¢ last week? Wtf are y’all panicking about 😂😂 Doge not mooning tonight is not nearly as bad as the cringeworthy “comedy” that aired tonight on SNL. This pullback has prevented many in the doge community from selling which most likely would have busted the coin. Instead it looks to be consolidating around .50. Consolidation tends to be good or long term growth. Priced in It looks like the entire crypto market is taking a hit. This isn’t aging too well It's still dumping. And i'm just getting downvotes here for saying Doge is the most overvalued, useless meme coin. [deleted] Welcome to the crypto community..gotta be able to take the sinking ship memes with the moon memes. One negative meme during the bad and everyone gets butthurt Oh no I’m only up 1200% lol How do i short dogecoin DOGE was pumping before news of Elon being on SNL. Itll continue to pump Everyone expected doge to dip with the SNL skit. It’s a common theme in trading to buy the rumor and sell the news. So, that exactly what I did. And you know what? I bought back in at .48 To The Moon Oh I don’t know. I’m still up 500% DOGE has risen and fallen several times now and it always lands slightly higher than before. It’s went up high, then settled in the 10s. Did it again, then settled in the 20s. Again, 30s. And now it’s done it yet again and it’s settling in the late 40s early 50s. DOGE will hit 1$ it’s almost certain. I sold half of mine Doges and bought BTT. So because it had a bad night because people didn’t push it to a dollar and it dropped 30 percent in less than a day it must be a sinking ship? It’s still green this past week even after this dip... have you seen the stock market? Ahahahah!😂😄 Lol Not sure what people want from Elon. It's not his fault it dropped yesterday... It's clear that was Vlad, Shitadel, and Melvin because it was tanking and they once again stopped trading... Imagine that🤦🤦 No, Musk was the iceberg Dodge to the moon!! Maybe not tonight but tomorrow for sure! There is no space in Dogecoin I thought all you clowns cared so much about the people who were going to lose money on doge?? Turns out you just wanted doge to fail 🤣 this shit ain’t over yet bubba 📈🚀 Doge crashed as it always does but hasn’t gotten anywhere near as low as it was even a few weeks back. It’s actually already on the way back up too. It’s in no way finished. So much hate here for a fun coin. Oh good. I can finally buy the dip. So over the doge hate in the crypto community, Been watching it since 2018, it goes up and down, that’s how this all fucking works. Y’all sound like mainstream media when BTC crashed, and the exact thing that crypto stands against. All crypto is crypto, all money switched from Fiat is good. Have a good day :). Buying more 🤷🏽‍♂️🐕🚀 Kind of childish. There are couple of options, wait for it to hit 1$, cash in. And use your gains into other stable coins. And there is: I hate doge for no reason, because of that ima short it just to prove my point to other people. Oh wait there is also the hypocrite ones, its gonne collapse and people going to turn a bad eye on crypto. So here i am, helping it to collapse. People gonne lose there savings! And dont make the amount of money they could have been, but are just a bigger dick now. And despite all that: its still up high...... If you lost money on Doge, it's the best tuition you ever spent. Hate Bait #hodlstrogn It’s going back up already who can say where the road goes? where the day flows? only time... It will moon later DOGE OR ETH Mean while HOTDOG on the stellar network is up more than 10x in the past 24 hours🌭 Buy the fucking dippppppp will go up again. Does every crypto dip Like this and everyone buys in again ??? This is what happens when you follow hype and do not do your research on what has genuine utility. I bought BTT and was amazed at how inexpensive the coin was. And with its world wide use why it was an unrecognized gem. I held it for two years and it is just now starting to be recognized for what it is. Dodge will eventually crash and burn. It was a joke when it began and it will be a cautionary tale when it ends. BTT will also be a cautionary tale of why oh why did I not back this? In a few months when this stupid bull market is finally over and all meme coins have vanished, doge will be worth only a fraction of what it is today. I will celebrate those days when the noobies who bought the top of an absolute useless shitcoin will be faced with the reality. And the joke drops Ok paper hands. How can people not see musk pumping doge here? He said its the future, as real as a dollar,and screamed doge coin to the moon. I was telling you that days ago. A price action which is drived by hype is forced to fail. SNL was a sell the news event. It was clear that Elon won't say on television to buy Doge or whatever. He is not that stupid and still in the U. S. the SEC is not really nice to people no matter if they are multi billionaires or not. You really think Elon wants to be responsible to Doge trader or hodler who loose all their savings because they fomo in a zero value coin which is inflationary? I don't think so! 🎶🎵Let it burn. Wanna let it burn.🎵🎶 Nice one! Saturna is here for you 🚀 Hey Doge holders, Elon murdered yer durdurs Absolutely TANKED Someone should replace the titanic with a Lambo! [deleted] Hahaha 100% accurate! Maybe Elon is releasing his own token, he just tested out his popularity in DOGE? Haha Best to invest in a project with real use like melalie, don't just join the bandwagon lol Just swap from DogeCoin to SHIBA INU, we're continuing to da moon on another ship! /s (No, I actually did buy some INU for the lulz lmao) Particl $PART [removed] [removed] Any moment that doge dips is a moment that haters clap its going back up just wait real holders hold The hate here for people taking their profits and moving on to real crypto is hilarious. [now what](https://mobile.twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1391382766764298245) 100% Snark. Did I miss something? Nah - normal everyday, nothing happening, move along, nothing to see here kind of day. Have a great day everyone. You deserve all the best. It will slowly grow again and the whales hold less of it now Pretty sure snl was the iceberg !RemindMe 1 Year Doge is doing just fine. The market would be an incredibly logical place if it weren't for all the humans involved XD I agree with you. I look at this post and some of these comments and it’s weird that people are so upset about other people’s investing choices. [deleted] [removed] No wonder YOUR market is the way it is! /s It's still $.56 which makes no sense but fuck it, why not. /r/FluentInFinance The stock market was alot better when there was no social media..I really feel that it has led to way too much in and out..jumping from one stock to another..fractional shares etc. Too much human discussion and people banding together to take em down...wall street is not a safe place for an average blue collar investers. I used to be much more emotional as a teen, I’m only in my early 20s but have become much more of a rational, big-picture person since then. I get disappointed when I realize most people didn’t join me on this journey haha Welp, on to the next boat.....rowing to SafeMoon. This is true. Last I checked, .44? This didn’t age well I added a bit more to the portfolio on this dip after the initial "" oh no"" reaction. Lol. Consolidation isn’t a thing when you’re gambling Negative ghostrider. Agreed, that was not comedy bro. This might be true if 10,000 doge weren't minted every minute... jfc people. Let the meme die. This aged like milk, memeholder I enjoyed SNL.. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Making fun of a guy with autism for being more successful and funny than you every will be? Wow...that’s cringeworthy. [removed] Buy the rumour sell the news $.20 for me Yeah, look at Bitcoin. 59k to 56k. Looks to be going back up, but still. Good time to buy, but I have no expendable fiat... Downvotes? Hell no my friend, I am upvoting you for saying things as they are ♥️ Lol it’s already back to .58 I think it may go down to even 0.34, but how did you time the Thursday? Binance Phemex [removed] Been hodling since .016. I'm just waiting for the Shibe to hit at least $1 to cash out. I say at least because I have no doubt that it'll go above that, but that's just my personal goal. I'll be very satisfied with my own gains by then. I have some but am worried it’s not going anywhere... 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻💯🤘🏻🍻 It's annoying that i can't buy that tt crap even with bitcoin, have to buy ethereum first ... Yeah it looks fine to me. Already back in 50 cents range. People want it to fail, don’t try to defend yourself against teens on reddit Green is not the only thing that matters. Volume or better yet, fundamentals are as important as the past price action. I dont care about anyone losing money but myself buddy. Im still holding. This is the way I shorted it 2 days who with a x10 leverage , im kinda happy now and took nice profit What about I'm gonna short it because I believe it will drop and I'll make a small fortune off the position? Not everyone has vindictive motivations behind this sort of thing. I have not lost money yet. But my profits were hurt. It’s holding around .55 Still profit for me Most likely yes. Bottem is very stable with lots of things still to come. I traded doge for Cardano. I think it has the most potential for its price A “Noob” is you. Some “Pro” would have used hes brains: made the most he could make of it. And used hes profits into other coins. Stop acting funny kid Why you so angry ? Doge is about peace and brotherhood. Buy some DOGE Someone's mad he missed out on the major profit haha As real as a dollar is not a compliment at all. Joke is on the hype crowd... “He screamed doge coin to the moon,” were our friend’s last words before he saw the ship disappear from the surface. I’m still up 650%, you were saying? Thats true, but he makes a bangin car. Thats for sure. Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Damn. That’s good. Wish I would have put it on there. If it were all bots prices wouldn’t ever move. Volume would be zero. The market is 100% emotion. Humans and social media have screwed Wall Street There are greater consequences you aren't considering. The whales in Doge are using it to transfer wealth. Why do you think doge is the most promoted ad on reddit and has been since under .05. Why do you think several large corporation all the sudden started promoting it? (Hint look at their investors). it's literally a scam and will likely result in regulation that will chill the cryptos markets. Some networks are actually doing good in the world and have solid fundamentals. So yeah, people get pissed with the pump and dumps. I just feel bad for all the idiots who are getting burned. [removed] Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* It makes sense if you logic it out. Logically expect people to be emotional and chaotic. And then be logically yourself. If you can keep your own lens free from bias (that is, don’t naturally assume people (should) do what you expect them to do), but rather expect them to be chaotic and emotional — it all logics out. The biggest problem with logic is that a lot of people go into situations completely unaware of their own emotions and chaos, and then get confused when everyone doesn’t act exactly like they would. So the logical approach is to throw away everything you know from personal experience, and expect people to act chaotically. Safemoon is a great project! Im glad its not meme driven either. There’s tokenomics, new wallet and exchange coming, and B safety rating on Certik. It’s doing so well that Coinmarketcap refuses to change its rank(it should be top 30 i believe). They went so far as to put SHIBA INU the next bullshit baseless coin in their top 30 after their only pump since being created in october. We got good big things coming and we have a lot of enemies blocking our path (looking at you CEO of binance aka owner of CMC). Point is, row on over here, but bring a space suit Currently at .50:) recovering slowly but surely!!:)))) It’s even worse now .40 cents and rising fast! Someone deleted their reply, but the fact that arguments like ""it means lower inflation rates over the long term"" and ""it means it can work as an actual currency"" demonstrate that most people getting into DOGE have no clue of how different asset types work or why ""investing"" in a ""currency"" is really really dumb. Central banks don't want people saving their dollars because they believe it causes economies to stagnate. Central Bank policy regarding USD is to maintain an intentionally weak dollar (but not too low). This is why you see talk of low to zero interest rates and the FED continuing to print money. This is why banks offer pathetic savings rates of .05% APY for letting them gamble with your money. The idea is that if the dollar can lose value at a consistent rate over time it'll encourage spending, make it easier for loan borrowers to pay off debts in the future, and incentivize international investors to use USD over their own currency for their loans. In a nutshell, you're meant to spend inflationary currency as quickly as possible and borrow more so the economy can continue magical exponential growth fueled by fairy dust and dreams. So, if you want to actually save your money, you have to pour it into an investment vehicle like a stock, property, or a crypto with either a capped supply or practical utility. It's for this reason you definitely don't want TESLA or APPL flooding the market with 1 million new shares every week because it would dilute the value and it would be pointless to hold it and only fools would do so. Yet, this is what doge is doing EVERY SINGLE DAY. This was the entire ""joke"" of Doge when it was first created. That was the origin of the meme. In DOGE, if you're buying it, you're the punchline. Musk did great! Not sure what autism has to do with it. SNL has been bad for years, this show was just particularly cringe. (Example: GenZ soap opera). Musk was the absolute best part of the show and the only reason I watched it live instead of clips on the toilet like everyone else. He did ok for not being an actor. The show on the other hand, should be ashamed. That was awful. Plus, I had no idea who any of those people were. Used to watch SNL every week in the 90s... Hahahaa Elon ain’t gonna shag you pal Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Rumor the news sell the humor I mean Elon’s appearance on SNL; everyone thought it would be the thing to pump it but already priced in. Everyone’s big mad at robinhood though. The whole things jus really funny to me to tbh 0.000.5 for me Apparently you haven’t been following the dogecoin subreddit. The issue is that that's not just your goal. It's a number that so many people will choose as their selling point. There will be a MASSIVE sell wall at that price and it'll inevitably bounce back down as there's not enough buyers Would highly recommend $0.95 instead Not financial advice though. For all I know DOGE could go to $10 this bull run if stupid money keeps pouring in. So DYOR BTT IS THE WAY Can get it for tether and tron too And having ether just lying around is also a good idea. As important as fundamentals are in crypto so is community and Doge has one of the best. As I write this it’s up 19 percent on the week so yes green isn’t the only thing that matters but to call it a sinking ship is wrong IMO. So it’s just for karma, I see, seems counter intuitive though.. Everyone is in for the cash, you care about companies and technology go into shareholding. You are doing it wrong Me too. Good luck bro If that works out for you, great. I'm here since 2017 and never invested in any useless meme coins, and still made money. I think meme coins are cancer for this whole market. We need regulations ASAP to get rid of them, so that people can take crypto more serious. Don't call me a noob. Otherwise i call you a shitcoin flip flopper. Nope. I would have never bought such coins. So i can't be mad. If you feel bullish about it, go ahead and fomo in now. Go all in DOGE and wait a few months. As opposed to the whales in every single other stock/coin? I agree. Of course the idea of making money is a nice thought, but along with that, realizing that Crypto is the next phase of societal evolution is a big deal. The masses need to adopt the concept so it can actually go mainstream. So many people who have never bought a single coin ate up the DOGE hype and they are gonna get burned. How many of them will have the notion that crypto is 1 big scam and become staunchly opposed to it? Even so, people are not being nice. It’s stupid. The whole thing is a crap shoot anyway. Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* [deleted] I think is the whale and market maker doing this shitty sell off . Why would someone sell something when u loosing you have to hold the bag and buy more coz price is dip !! Check back in a year.. oof Did it not moon for snl like they all thought it would? Rising fast? Are all you cult worshippers really this oblivious I apologize, I misinterpreted what you wrote [deleted] Market manipulation isn't very funny. But the overt emotional response, that's gold I was hoping for it to hold around .70 But all week I’ve asked everyone should I sell and put into etherium? And everyone said BO. Elon is on SNL. TO THe MOON!!!!!!! Ya know Nobody should, that place is just an echo chamber filled with confirmation bias. [removed] I mean.... It was just a joke. Not financial advice. No they're not. At least not for serious coins like btc and eth. This isn't about making dollars. This is about developing a new financial system for the 21st century. That way, when the legacy system collapses, there's something to fall back on. ‘Here since 2017’ And saying ‘we need regulation’ in crypto May as well tell us you’re a moron in a third way ? I already did. I also cashed out my initial investment. I also diversified a chunk and I still hold a lot of DOGE. Regardless of what you think of the coin's fundamentals you can't deny the profit it's made. I thought $1 was not possible, now not hitting $1 seems not possible. If I hadn't already had DOGE would I YOLO now? No. Probably not, but I'd diversify into it. But just by hating on it you're shooting yourself in the foot. There have been many coins with great fundamentals over the years. Most of them are dead. I mean you are literally sat there saying that a coin which has increased in value by more than 1500% since January i shit. Regardless of what the future for it holds that level of profit can not be ignored. It's either going to be the most legendary pump and dump of all time or....it will be the future and I think people waving white papers in the air shouting ""fundamentals!"" will miss out greatly by not diversifying even $100 into DOGE. Yeh it might crash dramatically to 1 cent but equal chance that in a year or two that $100 will be $500. Ok boomer Those whales don't turn off your sell buttons... So your argument is a telegram link? That got instantly removed? Suck my cock you unholy wank I literally listed multiple things? Tokenomics, certification, exchange, and wallet. Not “great things” “more great things” etc. If you’re gonna criticize learn to read the info presented to you. But I’ll keep taking the fallacies that flow out your ass I’d list more actual reasonings but again you can’t read the original ones in the comment before. But whatever, enjoy shitting on it. Im happy with seeing more legitimacy day by day It’ll be at the same price or lower, this time next year. Bro you guys separate yourselves over here like doge ain't crypto. We ain't in no cult bii Just hit .50 once again:) Well, I just picked up 250 extra shares during the dip. Now every time one of those shares makes a few pennies, I profit from it. Fractions of cents matter. I think that as long as the internet exists that crypto currency will as well. Speculative buying exists in all realms- as for me, I like the stock. Man I wanted blast you but here you are being reasonable in reddit. I would say 99% of the people buying Doge coin don’t care about owning it. They really only care about making money from it. Yeah don’t go with the crowd. Usually everyone is wrong. When crowd is exited be scared. Dont remember who said this quote but it really helped me over the years. It tested .7 and got rejected, why on earth would it hold there? If you want my opinion, it won't. So far and for the past 3 weeks, the chart is following every typical twist and turn, if you exclude the 25% scale ups (on BTC pair) every few days. That tells me that the only true buying power that goes into DOGE is these pumps, which are also meant to fish people in DOGE and are not organic growth. Still, the saying ""traders will trade anything"" has proven to have merit so I'm expecting every dramatic movement to be matched with another dramatic countermovement of at least half the strength. I’ll see you in a week when it’s back at .70 I was trying to tell my buddies to sell Friday (buy the rumor sell the news) that's what I did thinking it would plunge during SNL. Your dum I don’t understand, why would people think Elon musk on a late night shit comedy show skit thing, has anything to do with doge? Those that know what Doge is wouldn’t even watch it normally... The whole damn thing made 0 sense to me, but I held, because last time I didn’t hold and missed out... oh well it was a gamble and I lost. Buy the news, sell the rumor - as they say. Your loss, baby. Pride doesn’t make money. I always knew that on Reddit mostly moonboys and gambling plebs are hanging around, and your comment proves it once more. Thank you. [deleted] [removed] Same price it was last year. Remindme! 365 days ""check doge price"" The difference is that real crypto won’t magically replenish itself every week like doge coin. [uh yeah. that’s a cult dude. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMarkets/comments/n748pu/choose_wisely/gxbuwbd/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) Deluded as fuck😂😅😂😂 You’re talking like your coin didn’t hit .74 yday 1. It’s not a share 2. Fractions of 250.00 mean nothing as your transaction fees are already higher 3. It’s going down now love.... This Actually the crowd is usually right, it’s just people get carried away, don’t know when to execute at the business end of the market, and get weirdly attached to their intangible asset. For example, we like the stock Warren Buffet. ""..be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy only when others are fearful."" How did the btc/doge trading affect the price? Because they only bought Doge because of Elon. Of course, everyone else will do the same, right? You panic sold at a 30% drop. Shhh [removed] do you even understand what crypto was made for when you ask for regulation Stop getting so emotional around coins. Its cringey af Lmao peace Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Unsure if you're being sarcastic... But it was $0.0024 this time last year Fr. I liked doge too but these guys were supposed to dump. Take your quick cash and run. Too many new investors don’t have a plan of how to get out Please fucking do 😂 !RemindMe 364 days “dunk on dumbass who doesn’t understand crypto” I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2022-05-09 17:31:41 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2022-05-09%2017:31:41%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMarkets/comments/n87n76/have_a_good_night_yall/gximnb2/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FCryptoMarkets%2Fcomments%2Fn87n76%2Fhave_a_good_night_yall%2Fgximnb2%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202022-05-09%2017%3A31%3A41%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20n87n76) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-| These idiots have no idea how circulating supply effects them, or market cap. Don’t bother. We hit .40 today, we are about to break .59😂 if you would have put $10,000 at 8AM when it dipped again, you’d have a cool $15k at .60😅 Sorry that you didn’t buy Dogecoin early enough😂 BTC is down 1.40 % this month. Doge is currently 680% up this month😂 doge coin is up 18,000% this year, BTC is up 482% this year. The US dollar has a bigger inflation rate compared to Doge. Just because you were stupid and didn’t buy Doge cheap doesn’t mean you have to talk shit lol. Keep being mad and broke I’m talking like we didn’t hit .74 because we haven’t hit .74 today😂😂😂 we hit .74 yesterday like good boys:) This is a big dip for us not going to lie. But other coins have had MUCH bigger dips😂 Back in 2017 BTC was over $1200 then it dipped to 0.06. But oh look where BTC is now:) Lollllll this is a train wreck .44 If they are on Robinhood they are shares. If they are in your wallet they are coins. When it hits .50 again I’ll make $25 in profit. Stop raining on everyone’s parade and buy some DOGE at a discount. When 90% of the value is held by 1% of the holders, doesn’t matter what the crowd says Actually they aren't. Look at earnings on stocks. People think if a company makes earnings, the stock will rise. It's a 50/50 guess. Sometimes it goes up, sometimes it goes down. As someone said above, "" Buy the rumour sell the news"" It seems to be the dominant market that moves the price since its moving in steps. I don't know how to explain it in English. Check the pair on the coingecko chart and you'll see the pattern. I don’t know what’s going on these days, ADA ETH DOT XMR are super strong, they are my picks, and they are my picks for logical reasons, Doge is just a crazy gamble :-) Unfortunate, now that’s just stupid... who would ever sell at a 30% drop , hold that bitch like you hold your cock at night... I panic BOUGHT lol You see it as gambling because you can’t see it’s value. Others see what you can’t. [deleted] I put $800 in around this time at .003. I got the fuck out the second big pump and bought more ETH and BTC. No, that’s right where it’ll be. And Elon introducing millions of new investors to a fundamentally bad crypto is horrible for the space overall in long term adoption. OR, maybe it’s a calculated move to get lots of people into the crypto space and he’s using doge on SNL because why wouldn’t you use a joke coin on a joke show. It’ll come out in an episode of JRE eventually. Rug tf outta everyone...? Lol I didn't say it would skyrocket or something. I wanted to check till where it would go. You're pretty arrogant, to be honest. I love the people predicting $100 doge. That would put doge into the same market cap magnitude as EUR. You know, that tiny shitcoin that's pushed by some small nations that bounded together to fuel their economies with memes about each other Bitch by that same logic you could make a million pounds... gtfo of my messages and go jerk to your shibe pals 😂😂😂😂 you’re one hyped simpleton... your own community is backing my point, with the amount of “I’ve lost 10k in 10 mins..” posts on your subreddit. The kinda guy to get a boner over a coin with a dog on it.. You understand supply and demand right... high demand and LIMITED supply is why Bitcoin is worth $55k. It's a pump and dump and you missed the peak BTC dipped from $1200 to 6¢ in 2017? That's a lie. Who cares about BTC... I’m talking about your shitcoin you DOGE simp... What other coins had bigger dips? Are you drawing candles on your bathroom walls? Jesus christ this post cant be serious Actually your time of posting it was already at .44 but sorry the big doge investor knows best... good luck wish you big profits I would say that the 1% very much listen to what the sentiment of the crowd is, and leverage it against them to make even more. 🦀 #Nobody Knows If A Stock's Going Up, Down Or F***Ing Sideways, Least Of All Stockbrokers. But We Have To Pretend We Know. [removed] Duamind hondz Ape stronk 🦍 I think he’s simply a narcissistic and wants to see how much power he personally has over the market. I’m sure it’s intoxicating. Lol. Bet. Anyone with a brain already sold No I just understand how crypto works. Or you know, took 5 seconds to learn why doge is unlike literally every single crypto Lolol. Go fix covid in your country lol Awwwww someone is mad there broke😂 I mean if your buying crypto shouldn’t you have that goal in mind 😅😅 get rich????? Or are you trying to go broke? Sounds like someone is sad😞 don’t be mad at Doge. Doge is nice if your nice to doge:) 🐕🐕🐕 DOGE TO THE MOON. Looks like doge is going to the moon literally 😂😂😂 DOGE-1 Mission to Moon🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 What logic do you use? Complain like a little fucking bitch when a coin that was started as a joke is outperforming all crypto in your portfolio more than likely? Okay shut the fuck up you fuckin PEON. You a broke ass PEON and you’ll stay broke 😂 unless you buy doge of course;) Ur a fool if u don’t think that has happened to bitcoin Iv lost 18k since last night but guess what? I’m not fuckin complaining😂 last Doge dip I lost 12k and didn’t complain but bought more😂 it’s not my fault some people decided to buy Doge with all the $ to there name in hopes of getting rich overnight 😂 you aren’t losing $ until you sell LOL. Sorry but this isn’t a race😂and yes I understand supply and demand. Doge is infinite just like the US dollar:) and all last week we were breaking the All time high lol. Just a matter of time before we break the ATH once again. I checked Coinbase prices. I clicked to show all time prices and the lowest price someone paid for BTC was 0.06 April 14th 2017. Shitcoin? Oh yeah you just a boomer who is mad😂 & technically no all I have to do is just go on coinbase and look at the price charts😂it’s not hard. Now shut the fuck up and go work your little 9-5 and make someone else Richer by doing the work☺️ you a little keyboard warrior 😂 I will be happy with small gains. And large gains too! Smiles lovingly at .05 DOGE. That’s a very good point mr Crab How do they do that? I’m a newbie what’s WSB stand for? That’s the point. Emerson said that if you build a better mouse trap the world will beat a path to your door. PT Barnum wrote, in direct response to Emerson, that if you build a better mouse trap but only whisper it’s existence into a well you will sell far fewer than the man selling regular mouse traps but screaming about them in town square. Emerson died penniless and Barnum one of the wealthiest men in the world at the time. It’s the marketing that makes the difference. The viral nature of the joke is exactly what it’s value is. Good for you. So salty you had to check through my profile to throw personal insults at me. Hahhahaah such a pity. You've got a sad life. Elon lover where did you see me write that? Didn’t deny the boner line tho dude.... You're acting on blind faith... but hey, fortune favors the bold right The US dollar is backed by the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines. DOGE is backed by... the DOGE army? a meme? Comparing doge to the USD... Jesus There is no secondary source that will agree with that number. Google ""Bitcoin yearly lows"" or check any other chart in the world. According to Coinmarketcap historical data, BTC was never lower than $755 in 2017. That was on 1/12/2017. Edit: was a flash crash after maintenance on a single exchange Haha and your coin isn’t even listed on Coinbase you twat 😂😂😂😂😂 Yeah, go back to sitting on your rolling pin and tugging to pictures of Elon Just so you know, I don’t think they are hating on you potentially making money, they are trying to warn you that there are cryptos out there that will ultimately crash very hard and very fast. Due to how doge is set up, it is extremely extremely extremely likely to not sustain its current price. We want you to not lose money, there are much better cryptos that have the likelihood to change the world. It’s like Apple and Microsoft when they first came out, but even bigger. Doge is a joke, and was created as a joke. Just be very careful, and if you get burned we all hope you realize that it wasn’t the fault of crypto. Thank you captain crab The internet. WSB is an example where you can literally see everyone’s next move, and at least get an idea of sentiment Wall Street bets, the subreddit that created the GameStop frenzy [removed] When u made the point of ppl posting “I lost 10k in 10min” And I said, ur a fool if u don’t think the same thing has happened with Bitcoin. You need help? Boner only because I first bought doge at 0.06:) this dip isn’t a dip to me because I’m still winning 😂😂 price goes up or down it’s all good for me 😂😂😂 Well we are barely being accepted and backed lol. Give us some time😂 I can go eat downtown in my town right now and pay with Doge:) there is 2 subdivisions in my city ( 40- 50 houses) that have a sign that say they are accepting Doge Coin I’m sorry what would it be compared to them? Crypto is CURRENCY just like the USD. Doge is crypto just like Bitcoin or any other crypto. You work to earn money correct? You can be paid by crypto if you chose to in some job sites. You can be paid with the crypto of your choice. So yes Crypto is just like the USD. “A lot of traders were surprised last night when looking at the GDAX bitcoin price chart. During a brief moment, the BTC/USD price dropped by 99.9%. Keeping in mind how this trade revolved around 100 BTC in volume, there was a brief panic among traders. As a result, bitcoin was valued at US$0.06 before returning to its normal price. A rather interesting event, to say the least.” “That allows for traders to buy and sell bitcoin at unprecedented rates. In this case, those who scooped up bitcoin at US$0.06 will be more than pleased. None of the other bitcoin exchanges emulated this price behavior, though.” I just searched online on why the price dropped for 0.06 and I copied and pasted what I read above^^^. There was BTC Sold for 0.06 in 2017. To be exact, the day this happened on was April 14th 2017. We aren’t listed on coinbase but are somehow still the 4th on the list😝😂even with this dip we are still in the same spot we were yesterday 😂 100% Big DOGE investors know best. I remember when the internet arrived as a joke- You know as a way for high ranking military personnel to share porn. I don’t care if it reaches $1. I just like the stock. I’m not out anything. I invested as a joke and already have returns that I can laugh at. Speculative investment. Are you trying to convince me or yourself? I made the comparison to my argument of it being a shitcoin.. but for the record never compare DOGE to BTC. Anyway Williamfuckedrogers you have no argument.. go back to your subreddit with your other fanboys There may have been a flash crash on a single exchange that led to a price point that only one buyer was able to luckily acquire. What does that have to do with your original point? Telling the world that BTC crashed from $1200 to 6¢ is only fostering false hope, if that even happened at all. BTC was not universally available at 6¢ for anyone who wanted it on any exchange that day. You're pointing to a lightning strike as ""data"". https://www.newsbtc.com/news/bitcoin/gdax-bitcoin-price-briefly-crashes-us0-06-system-maintenance/ A lightning strike. That pricing error on GDAX had nothing to do with supply and demand for BTC. Just be glad you weren’t buying doge on the way up and sell if you’re up, buddy. Don’t be one of these saps that buy at 55 or worse yet 65 and end up being the “diamond hands” dude mashing sell on the mouse at 25 cents. Will it pump again? Shit, maybe. But simple economics are against you at this point. It takes a consistently larger group of people willing to pay these prices for it not to drop. You can’t hodl this into oblivion man. Um okay. [removed] DOGE is comparable to BTC, you zealot. It's also like saying that Bitcoin Cash was worth $9k in 2017 because one of the exchanges that opened BCH trading had a bug where it showed the wrong price at the start of trading Well my point was any coin is prone is dropping in price and able to recover. Doge is being bashed right now because it fell in price? This isn’t the first time it’s dropped lol. After 4/20 it fell and it took about 2 weeks for it to recover and reach a new ATH. I’m not saying it is going to take Doge just 2 weeks to recover once again, it might take 2 months this time. Even with this horrible dip we are still out performing BTC on weekly prices, monthly prices, 3 month prices, 1 year prices, and 5 year prices. I’m not sure why Doge is getting all this hate lol. I bought $500 at .55 and $500 at .65. My average is no where near that but I bought a little high yesterday I must admit. But I’m okay with that. I already cashed out my investment and play with the houses chips now. Can I ask why you seem so angry? Figure of speech more than anything. Elon lover you still here? It’s been an interesting convo.... but I’m sure you’ve got to get off, those memes won’t fap over themselves you know. If you're not sure why DOGE is getting all this hate, try finding out. It's worthwhile to know your opponents stance just as well as your own. Bitcoin's fall in price to 6¢ wasn't because people owned it at $1200 and decided they wanted to sell... and people kept selling all the way down to 6¢. A computer glitch dropped the price to 6¢ for one second, then the price returned to BTC's actual value. No one bought/sold BTC at $100, $10, $1 on the way down. That's different than when a price drops due to supply and demand. Nice! Good for you! Great way to not get burned :). [removed] Elon is cool but I don’t care about celebs, I care about you, and your unbelievably hostile attitude towards someone you don’t know Here’s how I see it. People are missing out on free $. People invest in hopes to gain financial freedom. Doge coin is easy $ right now. Like it’s free $. People are buying at a price and sad they don’t win $ within a day😂 obviously playing with $100 won’t make you rich, I play with 7500-10k. Once I see I’m winning 2-3.5k profit I sell. I rebuy at dips. But hey, more $ for me lol I’m not complaining:) Actually wrong I saw a Reddit user who posted this exact thing. Let me start looking for the user, he showed he bought at $11 if I recall correctly. If it wasn’t $11 then it was $111 but I know it was 1 of those 2 prices. I don’t remember the caption because it was in Spanish and my Spanish reading skills aren’t good but I remember my cousin showed it to me and he read it to me. We were talking about the price of BTC a few weeks ago when we sold all of our BTC and started buying Doge. We checked and saw the 0.06 price drop and started looking into it and found the post with the screenshots. So- now you guys can ALL stop worrying about little ol me betting on penny’s, right? Leave me alone with my ‘cult’. I just like the stock. Not responding to your criticism was a nice way of saying that I don’t think it was valid or worthy of a response. Why are you so angry? It’s banter... all the best and much profits mr shibe It's free money? Where is the money coming from? Help me understand. Go fuck yourself Ummm I just told you how but let me break it down even more. When monkey (me) see the price drops I buy:) when I see the price go up to the point to where I’m making $2500 profit. I then sell my doge coin and simply wait for the price to go lower. For example doge is at .54 right now, if I bought $10,000 I’d have about 18,000 doge. Once that doge is worth $12,000 or even $11,450 I’ll sell. I would sell 18,000 doge, when I can buy more then 2000-2500 doge at the same price I’ll re buy. Let’s say I sell for $11,500, I would wait until I can buy 20,000 doge for $11,500 and wait until It goes up to where I’m making profit once again:). 1 account has most of my doge coin I bought at a very low price and I haven’t sold or bought with that account. My Robinhood account I use to sell high buy low. And if you are worried about “oh but you have to pay taxes on gains”. Correct I do have to. But then again you can buy Robinhood accounts for like $20-$40. Make a limit to how much profit you want to take per account then cash out:) then onto the next Robinhood account to get $. Big up uphold inc 😂😂😂😂 Ur whole account is dissing doge and boosting BTC, 84 days old, ur opinion is nothing 😂😂😂 1. Yeah can’t stand the cult of Doge 2. I have never boosted BTC 😂😂 3. BIG UP UPHOLD INC Lol ur lame" Why is it like this?,1935,https://i.redd.it/7vf933mhmkc71.jpg,"900? Try 25K Oddly akin to drugs lol oh god. Paying for shipping does not involve any doses of hopium. I was buying watch straps the other day and my total came to £59. Seriously considered buying a £69-strap (nice) to push the total over £100 so i wouldn't have to pay the £8 in shipping fees. It's an expense vs risk to reward scenario. Save where you can to use that fund later to attempt to create more funds. I don't know why, but it is. Only fools pay shipping. Because it's real life vs fantasy This is so true I'm feeling it 100% =))) Because one is investment, other is just consumption. [removed] [removed] trade can make me rich [removed] It is called ""principles""! :) Zero upside potential on the junk that arrives in the mailbox and eventually lands in the trash. Plus, I’m just plain cheap! Your driving into Freakonomics waters now. Seriously check out the book and or podcast. $1500 unrealized L on an ETSY short goddamnit [removed] [removed] It’s kind of like say at work you’re about to do a thing, but then a colleague says “hey go do xyz” (the thing you were about to do). So you think to yourself “well now I’m not gonna” Other Why is it like this's: * Why do crypto trades require variable fees when traditional transfers have fixed fees? * Why do ""stablecoins"" require you to ""trust"" that their assets are real despite them not adequately proving it? * Why is blockchain so much slower than traditional transactions and nowhere near as scalable? * Why are so many municipalities shutting down this ""unstoppable"" transfer of values? * Why does blockchain claim to be innovative despite not doing anything better than existing technology? /r/CryptoReality Rookie Numbers My ""the weekend"" NFT would like to have a word 900? Try 50k [removed] I remember shorting on ETH recently for about $1000 them it pumped hard. LOL Now I decided to stake some of my coins (XKI and ATOM) in the Cosmotation wallet. High APY is real It happens. [removed] [removed] [removed] [removed] But I saved money on my car insurance 😉 25k? Try 420,069k LOL on when? give me something you're trading, right now You got 25k I can try this with? I feel like it has to be the right time to go all in. [removed] [removed] [removed] 25? try 10K I thought gambling. [deleted] [removed] it might if I'm ordering from Wish or AliExpress. [removed] [removed] [removed] [removed] [removed] [removed] [removed] [removed] [removed] [removed] [removed] Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* [removed] [removed] [removed] [removed] Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. 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Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.*" The new economy,1935,https://i.redd.it/z214nsiwwnz91.jpg,"Lays has no chips only air. 'You will own nothing and you WILL be happy' Uber ruined taxis, Airbnb ruined local housing, ftx ruined your bank account And Russia has no army Banks only have 10% of money you give them, welcome to reality. Mind-bogglingly enough it does make sense 👀 You forgot ""Governments with debts print money out of thin air"" Difficult math with no utility has no no value, news at 6... You will own nothing and be happy Uber : No one wants to drive people that complain about everything looking for free rides. AirBnb: I’m not paying a $300 cleaning fee plus completing chores for a weekend stay. FTX: Run by high level low intelligence grifters more concerned with perception and having orgies in the Bahamas than running an exchange. And I have no money and binance doesnt have a office adress. Buy Gold, Silver etc. All point back to one group in the United States. You will own nothing and be happy. We’re all happy right?! 🫣 Thought you wanted to own the means of production Mean. Debt rules the world. They are only a fancy interface The future looks…… eh, dimly lit..? 😂 So you're telling me that you understand how services work? You’ll own nothing and be happy-wef And we work for air money... thanks to inflation and central Banks. Uber owns cars (to rent to contractors without personal vehicles) they just don't make them FTX has negative crypto. And I dont have money. All good. Yep No it’s the parasitic economy. This is the comment area, but I don't have anything to comment And the bank's have no money ha ha. What a time to be alive 😳 “New economy”. Oh wow. Turns out being a middle man in something is a “new economy”.. i have a surprise for ya, a lot of stuff is like that. Even business where you find work and hire someone who does it cheaper 🤷‍♂️ But in the case of FTX, you have a solution to protect yourself from this: leave your crypto off the exchanges. Not your Keys, Not your Coins. Schrodinger’s economy This new economy still made some people super rich. I guess the secret is to always take it with a grain of salt. Nothing is as good as it seems and if you can profit on it, do the nike way and then get out. and Leon’s getting larrrrrrrger ""Decentralised"" And banks don't have the majority of their money. What's new🙃 FJB Bbbbb build back better 😂😂🫠 Uber: where regular ppl own the taxis instead of companies Airbnb: where regular ppl own the hotel rooms instead of companies ppl in this thread: regular people will own nothing! This couldn't be more true. With FTX, you can solve this problem: leave your cryptos off the exchanges! COIN i think is good bet FTX also do not have bitcoin Nitrogen. Helium. Let’s get high So true! Same as cryptos, only dream. Enough is enough! There's chips in Lays, you just have to go to FTX to get them. Possibly Lays has all the lost crypto. You took the words right out of my mouth.... I came to say the same! So ditto! Look like BMW new motto, with their ""heated seat subscription"" 😐 This is dangerous misinformation, racist, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, bigoted, antisemitic, body negative hate speech. Andrew Tate strike again No, taxi cartels ruined taxis. In many cities, they were running monopoly or protected businesses with shitty service, dirty cars and long waits. When Uber came along, rather than improve, they used politicians and the police to uphold their position. I cry crocodile tears for old-style taxi businesses. >Uber ruined taxis I'm ok with this, as they only affected 1 shitty industry. airbnb is actually ruining housing markets for people that want to live somewhere (mainly renters) Uber underpriced their service to kill the competition and are unprofitable. They are doubling rates now that they have less competition. Same for AirBNB. This type of predatory capitalism used to be/needs to be regulated. [deleted] This Suiii [deleted] No. Actually only 3% is actual, physical currency. The rest..just #s on a screen. To the point, when people say"" US printed 5 trillion dollars"" some actually take that literally...lol [deleted] Horrible investments. Good to have a small amount for barter in SHTF scenario, but as an investment, good luck growing wealth. [deleted] I'm sure you mean politicians or political parties right? You wouldn't be talking in a hateful way towards any groups of humans would you? Just curious bc I see a lot of antisemitism going around and I'd hope your smart enough to know better and not be a Kool-Aid sipper. Independent critical thinking is a dying thing these days and that herd mentality is rampant and ignorant. But I'm sure you were talking about political parties in which case I agree I like ya style 👊 Mostly, it enabled the mega rich to extract $$ out of those lower on the chain of being. Have fun with your tulips. Keep on deluding yourself with the *but the real economy is a scam too* horseshit you crypto victims have been eating up for years. It won't stop this whole thing from being a scam where the rich extract $$$ from the low information poor. Bitcoin`s obliteration won't take a decade. Soon , it won't make any sense for anyone to farm it. Bye bye. Because now you don’t own your own words right cuz ppl who own nothing are the ones who provide services on Uber and Airbnb You have a mouth and no words Yep. Taxis were shit, unreliable, expensive, and they’d cheat you if they could. Then Uber popped up and was better in every single way. Happily didn’t take another taxi for a decade. Now the pendulum is swinging back Old style taxi is unaffordable tho I did a consulting study for a client in Portland about a decade ago on the taxi industry in the city and it was atrocious. The drivers made on average iirc $4.25/hour. It was a government granted duopololy that took advantage of African immigrants. It’s Uber or Lyft. It would be cool to see another major company enter the ride sharing to bring prices down more. Those two fuckers corner the market all day. >Corruption ruined taxis Specifically, regulatory capture. Yeah cuz let's act like stealing from an artist/industry and embellishing on it for a profit is not how humanity has worked for all of time. huh? Ukrainian farmers are doing good enough job [deleted] Meanwhile a handful of American HIMARS are leveling Russian ammo depots and command centers with impunity using satellite-guided rockets from up to 200 miles away, while Russia has no answer Actually reserve requirements were dropped to 0% a couple years ago. Yeh nah. Until it crashes to 5k Gold and silver are naturally occurring elements with a wide range of uses, they can’t exist in the digital sphere just as Bitcoin or any crypto can’t exist as a physical element. Have you ever wondered why Bitcoin is always portrayed as a Bullion coin? Someone bought bitconnect. Lol I feel like this when the AI or ML suggest words for conversations or emails Its competition in action. Uber was better, now taxis have adjusted to try and catch up. If either wins and becomes a monopoly, they will (and have already) abuse it. There’s the Estonian Bolt. You will hear much more in the future Not all of humanity friend, there’s has always been people with principles. As incredible as it may seen. With American equipment and tech even farmers can defend off a mediocre army is what you meant to say… [deleted] I think Putin sits 40 feet away of his officers because he knows if he says launch the missiles- they will revolt. Russia's answer is easy. Go slow and wait for America to quit like they always do. [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] I feel like this is a Tin response for someone who makes a great quip. It doesn't go against principles to have a mentor and create something on your own based off of what you learn from them. It's not a matter of not having principles. It's that people get inspired by other people's work and then create based on what they've experienced themselves. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it. I'm saying the fact that anybody thinks there's anything wrong with it is silly. How many movies are there based on Shakespeare? I don’t think farmers can defend middle strikes. With American developed tech, Russia can just keep obliterating infrastructure in Ukraine from afar. Not that they’ll only do that because they’ve got children they can still enlist in the army. And when America gets bored what happens? Afghanistan was barely a year ago lol. How do people not see how this ends? God i hope America stops trying to go to ww3 Google it and have a read it will explain it better than me. Have a nice day Does the US have a history of quitting in this kind of situation? Unlike Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan, we have clear attainable goals, home field advantage, and an opportunity to cause one of our main adversaries to capitulate. 12,500% means nothing to those who invested after it went above 5k. Those who bought well below 5k most likely already cashed out at least partially and/or are currently millionaires. Congrats if you bought at pre 2011 prices. I had a mining setup back then, but never followed through on it.. 😢 Gold and silver are easily verified as real, you can test with a magnet or just ping test there is apps available now that actually confirm the harmonics and then you can also verify by testing weight and size. It’s impossible for counterfeit coins to pass these tests as precious metals have atomic weights unique to each element. Gold and silver have been used as currency for thousands of years for this very reason. Gold is actually close to 20x rarer then silver in regards to mining yields however silver has far more industrial use been the most conductive and also most reflective naturally occurring element. Nearly every electronic device on the face of the planet will have some silver contained within the circuit board and/or conductors. Solar panels, Battery’s, EV’s, phones basically anything that requires a conductive path capable of high amperage all rely on Silver and as we sit there is no alternative available. In years gone gold was also used but due to the ever increasing price due to higher cost of mining and diminishing yields as we exhaust the supply, has now become a store of value that has proven in the last couple of years to perform better then nearly every other asset class. difference is that Ukrainians are fighting for their freedom and afghan just didn't gave a shit cuz they thought they would be dying for a puppet USA government I thought..let me check notes here, oh right Russia invaded a sovereign nation right next to EU? Poland was hosting euro cup together with Ukraine a few years a go and I was there during that time as well First of all, there is no opportunity to defeat Russia in Ukraine. Any American politician that tried to send troops would be removed from office before the first 5,000 casualties. Second of all, not abandoning Afghanistan was 10,000x easier than this would be. This talk is truly absurd. Same! Still so pissed and hoping for time travel to be released soon 🙏🏻 I never had a mining setup back then because my mom was poor. [deleted] No the difference is that the resistance in Ukraine is 100x the resistance that they faced in Afghanistan. The Taliban didn't have an airforce and nukes. I’m not going to support war. Sorry about it. Sure there is. Keep drawing them in while they lose manpower and equipment that they can't replace while handing them defeat after defeat. Nobody needs to march into Russia. No American boots need to be on the ground. Just keep up the current momentum and Russia eventually falls. Or Putin gets taken out by a member of his inner circle, whichever comes first. Take it to a bullion dealer, they will tell you within minutes what it’s worth. than why did afghans fold to Taliban? Was there no will to fight perhaps... no problem, but you shouldn't defend the aggressor either, but Ukraine has the RIGHT to defend its land and people That's not a remotely realistic perspective of what's happening. It took NATO six months to stop buying Russian oil (and they're still buying it indirectly). Americans are already complaining that the US is spending too much on the war. The US will abandon Ukraine like they did with all of their allies during the cold war (with the exception of Greece). [deleted] Lol don't worry you'll get to test that theory when NATO pulls out of Ukraine. Sure but America doesn’t need to help No it doesn’t. It takes a magnet, a set of working ears or a scale and vernier calipers. It’s why gold has been used as currency for thousands of years. Bitcoin isn’t even a good store of value because there’s no actual intrinsic value, it’s why it never will be anything other then a speculative gamble. I’d rather lose 5% when I purchase and know that when I wake up tomorrow whatever happens it will still be worth in relative terms the same amount. Some guy fleeces 8 billion dollars from a crypto exchange and Bitcoin tanks 10%. Not what I would call a smart investment to me it’s just a gamble. They could verify gold was real in 2600 BC do you really think in over 4600 years that process is harder? ofc they will pull out, Russia is on a bring of collapse they can help whoever they want just like Saudi Arabia china and Iran are helping russia [deleted] Idk where you're getting your information, but Russia is nowhere near collapse. The ruble is more valuable after the invasion, they're making more money from selling oil and gas now than they were before the invasion and Putin most likely shorted western stock markets before he launched his attack and likely made billions of dollars immediately upon invading Ukraine. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Touchstone_(assaying_tool) “The touchstone was used during the Harappa period of the Indus Valley civilization ca. 2600–1900 BC for testing the purity of soft metals. It was also used in Ancient Greece.” https://www.perthmint.com/news/investor/market-research-and-analysis/perth-mints-physical-gold-sales-up-almost-70/ Bullion sales up 70% for the year…. if you are right then let's wait and see how it pans out for him in January We'll see how Europe's energy crisis goes. last time I checked Europe is stocked up and ready to go! https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-10-25/too-much-gas-the-unexpected-twist-in-europe-s-energy-crisis?leadSource=uverify%20wall Oh wow, I didn't realize their storage capacity was that low. I was under the impression they would run out of reserves this winter. Didn't realize that might happen before winter starts. With gas prices this high out of season, this is going to get ugly. Well maybe you don't have enough patience my comrade to read all the way through.. ***""Europe’s efforts to build up stockpiles means European storage is 93.6% full and Germany is at 97.5%, according to Gas Infrastructure Europe.""*** Its a shame Putin ruined any good progress russia has made economically over the years, the people will suffer the most as always. Lmao >Europe’s efforts to build up stockpiles means European storage is 93.6% full and Germany is at 97.5%, according to Gas Infrastructure Europe. **While that’s providing some comfort to the market, in Germany it’s only enough to meet demand for two months of colder weather so Europe will need to keep attracting cargoes of LNG.** You're creating a fantasy. Reality is right in front of you. oh look, you can read, yes 2 months are locked in right now...the Europe will not stop and twiddle their thumbs and say ""hurray we have gas in till mid of January lets stop all the imports"" for their next two months, the supply will continue to be imported don't you think? Your own source is telling you that Europe is completely screwed and you're ignoring the facts in front of you. They have been stockpiling all the excess gas they can get all year for this shortage, and they weren't even able to completely fill a two month reserve. They aren't about to magically fall into extra gas when the peak usage season starts. They barely had extra during the summer. Maybe you don't live somewhere that has summer and winter like Europe, but there is a massive demand for gas during the winter that is just starting, and they are going to be way short. There's no spinning this. Prices will go through the roof. hey let's talk in 3-4 months! clearly we have two different definitions to what Europe is screwed means" Truth.,1915,https://i.redd.it/yti72niiuya71.jpg,"Seeing my money dip. Have to get ready for next bullrun & not listen to YouTubers lol Crypto investor explaining his losses to Stock Options guy. \-Fixed it. [deleted] I don't know I've seen some pretty sick losses on the wall street bets sub smh. Some people really go in more clueless than crypto noobs after crypto, the stock market feels like a children's playground just do crypto stocks and be both But we also earn more In fact, it doesn't make any sense to explain anything. Experience can be gained but assets are hard to find like before joining. Me to me That one friend that complains about a 5% loss in his stocks... They never knew how the roller coaster rides we are in cryptoworld haha, but I'm used to it. Sometime you are poor and then nxt day you are 🤑 rich . For now i am accumulating more Ada, Bnb , eth , cake and Relite. I believe to this token Me explaining to friends why Bitcoin and Crypto is a great investment, downplaying the latest capitulation. Stock market guys trying to explain that a 0.05% dip is “volatility” 😡 It's only funny because it's true 😃 But in practice only newbies and very gambling people lose everything, because if you invest in really good coins like ETH BNB ALBT you will have small losses if any All coins which provide something useful will develop and grow in value, coins which are created only for speculation will fall because they are not needed This is the way Lmaooooo lolz0rz [removed] Hahahha. That's hilarious. Boys talking about how puberty affects them too to girls on their first period Yeah I'm seriously about to take my money out of crypto and go back to options trading cuz this everyday red shit is ridiculous /r/RepostSleuthBot -- just checking. [deleted] [removed] I'd argue its the other way around, lol I haven't seen any stock market investor go - 80% and back up in a day. [removed] [removed] Crypto investors have laser eyes. Yeah, basically. Sorry guys. Dont sell yet. Bull market resumes next week. Yes exactly this! Those option guys be playing with life or death situations lol Stock Options guy explaining his losses to Crypto futures guy Yeah options will murder you if you don’t know what you’re doing holding can do it too. Yh that's why imo Forex is a total waste of time [removed] I feel you. [removed] You are right. Because of that, I am looking at the STO marketplace, especially now when they solving liquidity issues with the first DEX for that type of token. The hardest is taking profits for me. Tough one to learn. ...and wake up to a massive 20 thousand dollar green candle the day after you give up. [deleted] Dont tell anybody this cuz it's a secret....the tendie man is coming next week. Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* [removed] How you know? I saw a post today where a dude had a GameStop call option at $800 strike price expiring 7/16... like bruh WTF ARE YOU THINKING ...will murder you if you do know what you're doing as well. The market is a fickle beast. But you can buy penny stocks or oil explorers and have the same result. It’s like you discovered water 😂 Hey Hey Hey Let’s just say dude was in 200-300k negative territory with calls that were never going to hit. 1700$ call on Tesla for 7/16🤦🏽‍♂️ I believe speculation will lead to high losses in Nft market Right. I could have made 5000 when ADA hit 1.8, was waiting for that even 2.0. Had to sell at 1.6 making only 2300 You ain't lying 🤣🤣🚀 It's not that easy to leave cuz crypto be on my mind 24/7 🤣 Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* check my profile. greyscale post. These are baits ma dude. If a single degen post of 100k $ lures in 1000 degens that will put roughly 1k in each and if you're the guy who sells and likely paid the shill also, you just sold for a mil your 100k plus your initial invesent. Happened to me pretty recently so yes it’s wild it's statistically impossible to win them all. Assume you'll lose at least 50% of the time and make sure to risk no more than half of what you stand to gain. Once the order is in, look away. Do not watch the chart. You will start thinking irrationally and abandon your strategy. ""Maybe I'll lower my stop loss and catch a reversal"" ""Those candles are moving fast, I think they're going to break resistance, maybe I'll raise my sell limit and catch an extra 20%"" NO. Do not make any decisions based on feeling. Stick to calls based on technical analysis..... Unless Elon tweets, then it's time to panic. People who have a portfolio full of shitcoins or penny stocks have the same mindset as people who buy 20+ lottery tickets, thinking it's only a matter of time before they hit the big one. wallstreetbets degens are margin ""traders"" who got lucky the first couple times. They're gamblers. Also, there's a new Barclays trading strategy specifically designed to take advantage of these kinds of... ""traders"" I don’t see it Which forum? Like people who bought Ethereum at ATH Click on my avatar. Then click on my profile. Scroll down to like the third post down you'll see it... It's on the bitcoin sub... it has zero upvotes so it would be hard to find there. I bought it at almost ath.. 6.80€ well that was once almost ath but I was still scared when it dipped I just checked it out. Interesting. Maybe you should post it on the cryptocurrency sub? I took your advise... Great. And I'll check out the rest of your channel. There are a lot of bullish signals. Big wallets are in the large cap coins ready to pump. The $1trillion that disappeared in May is about to come back from the stock market. Don't forget to take profits. The future of crypto is too uncertain to be a good long-term investment. but god is it a great opportunity for swing and positions traders. Yes, I've got my sell orders ready. What other bullish signals are you seeing? The billionaires and major corporations investing in ETH 2.0. Sygnum, a Swiss bank, now offers ETH 2.0 staking. Cardano is seeing widespread adoption, though smart contracts are a little delayed. It appears good things are happening with all the large caps except Binance. A few big traders threatened to file lawsuits against Binance a month or two ago if they weren't compensated for losing several million dollars when the exchange went down. They threatened to do so if they weren't paid by July 12, so we should be hearing about that pretty soon. Also they've been banned in quite a few places, the most recent and most serious being the UK. Also they're being investigated by pretty much every major financial regulator on the planet, and I have a feeling SEC will shut down [Binance.us](https://Binance.us) as well. I recommend checking out ""This Week in Crypto"" by Guy at the Coin Bureau youtube channel. He covers anything major that happens with the big coins. Thankfully I've stayed away from using Binance all the while." Good weekend my fellow warriors,1908,https://i.redd.it/yz6dhtbb3nm71.jpg,"🤣🤣🤣🤣 abs of steel. Down only 40%, man I have to wait another week for that steak dinner.🦴😄 Haha, that is god damn right. Sell or buy anything, you will see the 2% of price change immediately lol Stocks have been shit lately. Crypto makes stocks look like a joke. Dude if you're down 40% you're in the wrong cryptos.... me, losing about 13% of my life savings on crypto, to my dad, angry about losing 3% of his pocket money on penny stocks: weakness discuss me... Laughs* in penny stocks!!!! Edit: Cries*... \-40%? shit coins u got then. Well we cryptotraders were used to it because of its volatility. Xyo is up 70 percent Stock varies like 0.06% hourly that's nothing but people freak out “Diamond hands” is the minimum when it dips. I always buy a ton more when it dips like this. It’s like a buy-one-get-one deal! u/haron51255 müssen wir dem anderen max sagen Diamond hands people!!! Balz of steel [removed] [removed] Hahaha. Knowing this makes me think if we should dollarize ourselves every thursday What happened? Without large losses you wouldnt be able to have large gains. Volatility is your friend. Don't mind me; it's just a normal day at the market. 🤣🤣🤣too accurate..We don't even bat an eye.. unless it's 90% drop Lol so fucking true. I am desensitized to anything less than -20% in stocks. My affirm stocks mooned the last few days an closed my swing with an 80% gain… and thought that was weak compared to the Sol and algo gains. I need to recenter my risk profile because crypto if turning me into a loose canon and thats usually where the music stops if 2018 is a guide to my crypto moves. Thank god I turned my notifications off So I have to say, I’ve been trading stocks while there’s a lull in crypto and it goes up like 7% and they call it a win and I’m like wtf…? Idk why ppl be checking everyday. Everything for me is long term. So true… [removed] Living like a king Sweet I can post here I can’t yet in r/CryptoCurrency but soon I will not far away! And I can share my insights and chat with all my mates here that I can’t in r/CC soon though soon I will! [removed] I'm up 550% on FTM so I guess this meme doesn't apply to me Seems the dip in the market caught quite a number of people as it was not planned, and now all I hope for is a sweet weekend, filled with greens and some pumps, else someone like me might choke to death, except that Algobots on upbots have been performing well with Sonny BnB bot doing a +559% profit Trading which is my source of survival now. [removed] Buy high, sell low! jajaja.. keep strong!!! lets gooo -24% Everything is on sale! sad day Lol this didn't age well Brains of lead, the upcoming dump could be seen mile away. I am currently constricted to my home and system, no unnecessary spending. Grateful I took profit from my pnode bag, emergency and buy back fund secured. For now we HODL. Wait you don't dip into life savings to buy the most recent coin that just pumped 50% thinking it's definitely going to pump more and make you rich? I did 1hr of research on youtube I'm just early stop your fud Fr though some people don't listen, buy on hype with no research using money they shouldn't at the tail end of a market cycle and then cry because they're down 40%, instead of DCA over a year during a bear market and profit when everyone starts buying it up. algorand also :) hahaha Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Could you please elaborate on that please ADS of steel 😹👌 Just read your comment. You my friend deserve a community award. HODL my good man. No paper hands here. This is exactly what i'm doing with my FWT, REEF, SOL. Taking profits but majority holding it. Better days are coming. It's all about being patient. bitcoinZ (BTCZ) been up 100% these month It’s whales cashing fiat with their holdings. We are at the apex of current peak. The drops you are seeing are whales triggering dumps by massive sells, and then rebuying at bottom and pocketing the difference. This continues until people don’t buy the dip and prices continue to drop until next bottom is reached. And then climb starts. Do you see now? Sure I will, all my bags are intact. Pnode e and Dot especially, I can only but imagine what the parachain auctions will do to both token prices. Elaborate on why this is the apex of current peak and why this was foreseeable. Eventually a dip always happens, it’s easy to say afterwards that it was going to happen at that time… New investor here, almost got wrecked by the first crash in May, since then I researched a lot about the bear market and waited patiently for the first sign of market mania and euphoria. Being able to sense market sentiment is a skill most people should try learning. But I love buying the dips End of hype on El Salvador and Cardano, sentiment changes on Reddit, manic state never lasts long, buy walls being paper thin. Perfect opportunity for whale to cash out. See I prefer to buy at the top and sell close to the bottom. Until you run out of cash, and then big drop comes :) True, this happen as well with doge coin and elon musk remember? But avarge ppl will never be as fast as whales ehhh I think we have till december. But I could see the crash happening sooner. I agree with you here you know what you talking about because the whole cryptocurrency markets are speculative and with the Internet and social it’s so so so fragile and thus volatile which is in one way showing us all we are still in a golden age of cryptocurrency. This could be nothing also compared to in 20-30 years when kids born after 2020 are 18+ and inheriting crypto from family or investing their inheritance into crypto which will be Way Bigger than 2T or even 10T Mcap. Every day around 50-100 new coins are listed on CoinMarketCap and this is the best place to find the real gems that have just been released or are new forks or older coins. Cryptocurrency is a business and goes so much further than the stock markets. Crypto is similar to Forex In that it’s a day traders paradise but crypto is also an investors paradise where Forex will not be good for investing unless you really know your economics and know the market that it’s pegged with will blow up or blow down and this over a few days or weeks or months you hold a Forex positions for maximum gains but this isn’t a normal strategy it’s day by day take the profits re evaluate and re invest. What people need to look at or those innovators and entrepreneurs here?? Have a think about this and I’ll be making a post when I can post in r/CryptoCurrency on how crypto can be used in many business that money or fiat is apart of. Let’s have a brain storm for yourself or any readers you can share your thoughts or if they are to good to share and you want to patent it then do that! So THINK what doesn’t crypto do right now that money does or fiat can??? If you find something that crypto does not do but cash or money or fiat can then that could be a huge new market you could be the first to have a business in. Let’s think hmmm most basic things are taken but there are much more that can be done. Ok I thought of some and it’s actually a huge goldmine but I’ll share because I want crypto you fly! So money you can buy INSURANCE with or take out House Car Property Health Insurance and or get loans against your income which is $ or your fiat money earned or on government benefits. So why aren’t there crypto managed insurance? Will there ever be with the fact crypto is ones own bank and must keep it safe themselves. Where places like rarible and the likes who handle millions of dollars of Ethereum every day are prone to attacks and possible theft of their businesses crypto. For this there needs to be insurance plainly for CryptoCurrency holders or owners. As this does not exist the only insurance you have is a seed or security phrase and your password. Also note your balance is not held in your Wallet or on a wallet on a USB it only shows your balance and offers a means of transferring it to or from the public address. The long string of numbers and letters. Since a business can’t insure crypto as assets UNLESS I AM WRONG in 2021 maybe they can now for place like rarible or CMC or any exchange. I guess if crypto is taxable in your country you may be able to get some kind of business insurance for assets which could include crypto but from theft is highly un likely as one could taught the system sending it offshore or paying a coder to do it and to take all the “businesss” crypto and put in wallets many wallets or seed phrases as I was going to say your Crypto or any crypto isn’t held in wallets it’s held on the Blockchain and is only accessible with your Seed phrase (never give it out to ANYONE ever) it’s the only way you will be able to recover your account or your funds if you loose a wallet password or the device ect so write it down on paper perhaps 3 times and out them in a lockable chest or somewhere safe that you will remember it will be in like a folder ect. Back to using crypto for things fiat is used for what about for loans and or as a asset you own in that you can take out loans again that capital and if you can’t pay the loan back for any reason you can sell some Bitcoin or any coin and exchange to Fiat and pay the loan off. I have thought of some others but I want to see if anyone else has any ideas on what crypto should be or cold be used for that it’s not being used for.? Stay safe and HODL! I just don't sell. DCA my way to homelessness XD Based on speculation, when do you think btc bottom is? I was always told September’s are always down months Hard to say, I am expecting -30-40% from the latest top." Cardano (ADA) finally hits 2 USD!,1905,https://i.redd.it/a1a3m81jy5z61.jpg,"Well, to be fair it did hit yesterday afternoon in the midst of a FOMO rally, but this push back over the $2 mark is a much better look. Finally? They were $0.50 in January That's great return next stop $5. August needs to hurry up already.... *googles medically induced comas* [deleted] I gave this an upvote and I do not hold this! Something about ADA makes me root for it! Congrats! It hit $2 yesterday. ADA has done a fairly good job of gaining adoption. I've read that Wyoming allocated funds to the University of which they bought ADA and are staking. This coin is my first ever crypto. Only have a few though. Hoping it would shoot up even more. I'm so excited to see what ADA is going to be valued in 1 year🤑 Where Ma haters at ?! Adorei esse r/suddenlycaralho I bought a little! To the moon! Congrats ADA hodlers! I hope my alt hits a new ATH! Good vibes all around Just the beginning, yo ATH life is the good life (currently $2.18) Goddammit I need a dip now! Im holding 235 at 0.85 CAD im not selling till im 40 so in 2031 ill update lol Go Ada go! About time that it started to move Lifting up my portfolio single handedly ADA i love you 💚 It hit 2.10 yesterday Lol [removed] 2021 is an interesting year for Cardano that includes projects like Cardano’s governance stack, smart contracts, Cardsno’s metadata standard, token issuance, full decentralization. Cardano commercialization of the platform is already underway. Cardano is getting nation states and bringing millions of users in through that push model. Cardano also decentralized finance, and non-fungible token marketplaces. Cardano is the “Apple iPhone” of blockchain, it takes it time mastering the features within its eco-blockchain network. Ethereum is the Android, quick to release but defective and poor quality app products on its eco-blockchain inventory. É para vender quando chegar aos 2 euros? [deleted] I bought a tiny bit yesterday ( my first time buying crypto )and today it shot up. When $5? Onwards and upwards! Best fundamentals and real life use cases for a project imo. Exciting times. Sucks I didn’t hold my 10k bag and sold at 1.67. Oh well. I bought in at .6 or so, only have a 4k bag now with the rest of the 10k in eth that’s done well too so i guess i can’t really complain D0gec0in is going to hit $2.35 this summer!!! I like Happy day! Dang I kept wanting to buy more but never saw a good time since it was usually going up except for that one big dip (which I bought more) Good problem to have I suppose. Didn’t ADA hit $2.10 yesterday around lunch time for a hot second? ""Finally"" lol. I have never owned any but congrats! Its already hit $2 yesterday, It went down for a little bit but now it's back on track trending upwards. Cardano just keeps trending upwards and has a good momentum [removed] Damn dude it was sooo difficult! On a tear COMPRAR COMPRAR COMPRAR Anyone buy safemoon, cardano and shiba on the same one crypto app? Please share there are so many I have no idea which to use! Yessir lel i have like ...11 XD And I staked my 15 ADA for 30 days just before it started pumping. That's some bad timing The guy buying it ath at 2... [removed] And here some of us sitting with our dicks in our hands... Sucks to lose yourself and lose all your ADA to a scam... Congrats ADA Fuck, where is the dip? Any other promising coins as I think I'm late now 😜. [removed] Made 50% profit then moved over to eth cause it's already dipped I thought. 1 hour later... aaaaaaaaand it's gone Hey OP, what app is this? [removed] Hey what trading platform is this, and do they have it in the US? Also, does anyone have a recommendation for a crypto day trading platform with plenty of indicators? and it was $1.00 in January 2018, making ""finally"" totally appropriate here Depends on context. That’s a 3X, a “great” return is a stretch considering BNB did a 7x in the same time frame, ETH did a 2.8x a week ago but has since stalled and ADA has overtaken it. VET did a 6x. MATIC has done like a 15X. But more importantly feel ADA was 1.00-1.40 for a really long time compared to other coins. Felt like it was getting left behind. So to break out and finally beat ETH in terms of recent gains is a worthy celebration. Yeah but this is a crypto bull run you don't understand Well the comment was “finally hits $2” which it was projected to do long ago. Is 0.50 equal to $2? Not sure how someone would say “finally?” when it finally hit it 😂😂😂 HAHAHAHAHA.....IT EVEN DID 2 USD WITH NO USE CASE............THINGS WE WOULD LOVE TO SEE ON DEFI..................YOU ALL should check out the $POP of the POPtown , massive defi gem...good inroads...... [removed] I'm just sad that I'd like to have hoarded more :c What’s happening in August?? You need to load up on coins that are going to be on ADA. Probably will but long term that means nothing. Onky traders worry about the short term. Classic I sold mine on Thursday baaaqd timming. Im scare now to buy on the top The spread on Coinbase is nuts though. No it didn't lol ""bUt It DoEsNt dO AnYtHiNG"" HAHAH português/brasileiro brota demais ADA was called a stable coin for months. Can't say you need a dip now or ""wish I bought more"".. Remindme! 10 years 2.12 rn🤠 [deleted] Don’t tease me bro 😎 Eu não vou vender, só no staking bebê Only 5 weeks? Sounds to me like the hoe here is you lol 5 weeks aint shit. Its not ADA is you my friend lol at least you made 20% . All about the long game buddy Yea no Doge coin goes crazy when ETH flips BTC. I think it needs to hit its initial goal of $1 first, lol Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* binance has cardano and shiba Why? After the 30days it'll be worth way more than it is now Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your post has been removed because you posted a banned URL. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete your post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Binance! Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Well, this is binance. I'm not sure if Binance.us is different than mine (I'm in Brazil) but I'm sure they and coin base are the best places to trade right now That's fair, I wasn't around for the last crypto run 100% gain 2018 to 2021 isn't horrendous either Context is right The other guy who brought up that it was $1.00 in 2018 made a good point but I don't think your comparisons are apples to apples Matic is an Ether sub-coin so much more risky that people will move away from it. Promising but risky And BNB (to me) seems like a time bomb waiting to drop like an anvil Why don't you compare it to Dogecoin gains too?? In which case, you could devalue any growth It's 4x not 3x and anybody invested in it should be pretty content with the gains because that's amazing growth betcha this guy was on a ""get rich quick"" pyramid scheme at a point in his life. Legit spot on Yeah it’s had a slow run lately whilst eth has creeeeamed it! Does anyone completely understand? I'm pro crypto but the gains here compared to my stocks still seem crazy Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* The steps of investing in crypto. Buy, watch it drop and sit below your buy in price for a month, bitch about the dumb coin you bought, suddenly 2x, bitch that you didn't buy more lol - me after seeing any coin go up 5% I only have 55 of them lol The breakout is typically a safer entry point anyway. I believe smart contracts will be implemented then. Please correct me if incorrect. Any recommendations to research? Google ADA ecosystem. Do research on each one. COTI, Cardstarter, and ERGO are good places to start. Can I ask where you find out the latest on ADA coins? ERG [removed] What do you expect it to reach long term? Just curious because they have 45b total supply I think? Not sure if they’re gonna burn some or what. On coinbase it did. As high as $2.10 just past noon yesterday before it pulled back. Coinbase Pro shows it did. https://snipboard.io/PY4Mxb.jpg What does it do? Genuinely curious if you’ve heard of anything being built on Cardano. It seems like a credible technical project with no developer adoption at the application layer from my research. DOGE tech coin. It didn't have a new ceiling like it does now. Once it dips back to where it was then I can more confidently buy as I know it has gone higher. There is a 12 hour delay fetching comments. I will be messaging you in 10 years on [**2031-05-15 20:02:24 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2031-05-15%2020:02:24%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMarkets/comments/nckx0m/cardano_ada_finally_hits_2_usd/gy8zr1u/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FCryptoMarkets%2Fcomments%2Fnckx0m%2Fcardano_ada_finally_hits_2_usd%2Fgy8zr1u%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202031-05-15%2020%3A02%3A24%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20nckx0m) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-| 2.18 now 🙌🏽 And here I was kicking myself for being “bored” and cashing out my $4 profit. When did you bought ADA the most unappreciated and undervalued Crypto asset. CardStarter, SoMee, SundaeWasp, GeroWallet and Alonzo will redefine Cryptocurrency, DeFi and crypto-transaction will low fees, safer and quickest speed. Cardano, for example, is 1.6 million times more energy efficient at the moment than bitcoin. Ethereum says, “Hey, we’re open source, we’re an open ecosystem. But by the way, we want to be like Microsoft, with Internet Explorer and ActiveX, lock everybody into our ecosystem!” Shouldn’t users be liquid? Shouldn’t information value be liquid? So what’s Cardona focus on is the cross-chain communication protocols. 5 weeks HAHAHAHA people are stupid. You know you dont need to 10000000% gains a day to be a good investment right? 🤣🤣🤣 sheesh Long presumably meaning more than a week. D0geC0in is going to 13 cents....you probably also said no way a few months ago ahahahhahahahahah Thank you! Possibly. It could also just drop back down again and I missed my chance to cash in some gains thank you! Thanks, yeah I use Coinbase, but I don’t think they even have candlesticks and any indicators for their charts. I’ll check out binance. Thanks. I’m just saying many major coins except Bitcoin and Polkadot were out-pacing ADA in price growth until the last few days. So the term “finally” is somewhat appropriate IMO. Also I understand 100% growth as a 1x, so I assumed 3X was appropriate. So to go from .50 to 1.00 is a 1x, 1.50 2x, etc someone please correct me if I’m wrong. Just think about how many people haven't bought in yet S curve adaption yadda yadda. My fine collection of assorted shitcoins is up more than 10x since last year and I’m like „meh“. In crypto since 2014 btw. This is the way me das right fool how did you feel about missing the d0gec0in rocket?! You wont have to wait that long to see a raise in price. The test net is dropping any day now. Most likely end of the month. Coti What exchange are those available ? Whoa this is problematic. No. Bad. The benchmark is always BTC. Think how high the probability is that ADA reaches nearly the same market cap and put that into perspective. I don't think they will then. Some will be used to continue to rewards validators. Some will go to project development. I haven't looked the distribution in a while but they don't need to burned coins. Well, it's been the most developed on blockchain for consecutive months (since November I believe). Take a look for yourself, there's hundreds of projects using Cardano network and many migrating from Ethereum when smart contracts are implemented this summer. Testnet for smart contracts going live soon. Thats cuz you suck at researching but have you tried moving your ethereum around? Well i have not worth it they wanted to charge me more than %100 on gas fees i tried Cardano and they dint charge gas fees or maybe they did but they where so lil i dint notice. Ethereum fan boys never shut up about utility we get it is a smart contract system That’s the risk inherent in maximizing gains though, isn’t it? If there is the certainty then the market has priced it in Do you think would be a dip? At least like 20% from today price? Na thats believable. Unless musk uses it for tesla id say a hard no on anything above 2$. I mean if it does? Good for you! I dont hate on gains lol just being realistic no worries homie I don't see it dropping below 1.80 again this bull run I get that. There is a lot of room for growth, and am bullish on crypto but it may not be just sunshine and roses I also feel Cardano will be Tesla's crypto choice... But I am weary of crypto's opposing parties. Especially Crypto's like Cardano and Ether who threaten to replace major financial and credit institutions, and threaten the value of currencies regulated by governments Only one I haven't done that to was matic. Bought the entire boring time in the 30s and built up wayyyy to big of a position in a smaller cap coin. Finally dropped 20% bag tonight. This is the only way. [deleted] *Mr Burns face* ""Excellent"" Started buying at $0.90 best decision of my life. Its on 31st May KuCoin for US and Binance International are good ones with those I believe. what’s problematic? all i said was niggas lack patience Yeah, forgot about that. But what about Eth or BNB? You think ADA has potential to overtake them? I’ll concede I can always get better at researching :). One of the hardest things as a non-technical investor is to appreciate the developer community around a project, which is why I asked the question. I was responding to someone meming about what Cardano actually does, so yeah I was interested in utility. Like I said it seems like a credible technical project. But at a $73bn valuation without any product market fit other than “I can send around my ADA balance with low fees” I’m a little skeptical. It feels heavily asymmetric to the downside at this entry level. Competition is important to end up with a superior product... Hopefully If that coin was dragging down your whole portfolio and you don't believe it will recover I don't blame you for dumping it. Yep. That is a slippery rug to be standing on . $1.06 for me. First token I bought into and I’m in it for the long haul. Wish I got in earlier, but I bet heaps of people are saying that at the current price now. lol imagine how I feel getting in at 0.08 🤑 I was in at $0.30. I've took big profits and rolled into other coins, but the funny thing is if I had done nothing I would have more profit than I do now According to coin market cal it is. Originally it was early May. Most likely it’s end of May though. Yea ok. Of course it has the potential to replace any of the top 3. I don't think this is likely in the near future. Crypto market is a baby. It's likely the number one crypto hasn't been created yet. Competition is important, but there will be a lot of losers. Both Cardano and Ether have a lot of potential Matic has like 400% since i first bought lol ""I can't believe you like money too! We should hang out."" Was buying all the way down to 0.03... The problem with that is your gains are so good you exit your positions too early. Only got 1/3 of my stack now... dammit. That's nothing -- I bought January 6th 2018 and sold November 14th 2020 🤘🤘🤘 Damn dawg good shit! im black i literally got pics on my account ion know why y’all tripping over the n word Well i tried sending Ether to my wallet they wanted to charge me lot of money just on gas fees more than %100 with Cardano they dint charge me any gas fees so in that sense Cardano is better however ether is a smart contract system that other cryptos use Was gonna say, that’s profit taking not drag release lol I have a rule to never take more than my initials out until I see a true end to the bull market. Better to sell late than waaaaay too early. That said, if you bag some crazy multi million level I get it. That kind of money forces you to start selling in small chunks just to avoid crashing the market. Prove it Ether is supposedly about to solve their gas issue with the whole transition to proof of stake. But i heard Cardano would eventually Both can do well. I think whichever gets more developer support will become dominant I don't sell to Fiat. Only BTC. If BTC starts to move back up into New ATH. I could buy back in to ADA at a higher $ Value than it is now but get it cheaper in BTC value so I profit. jus click on my profile Yeah I don’t like the BTC pairs trading style just yet. Feels smart until you start thinking about taxes. Too complex to handle the taxable events when they aren’t just in USD. 🤤 💦" Me as a noob,1889,https://i.redd.it/w3nlh8opdcy61.jpg,"This is anyone in our bull market right now. DoGe WiLl HiT $98 bY mIdNiGhT bEcAuSe ElOn MuSk iS mY dAdDy I've been teaching TA at University for a couple years now. Technical Astrology is really on the rise! Wtf!?!? How’d you get a pic of me?? Juiced to the gills Shit this guy would have all Greek and Roman Chads all over him 😆😆😆 Guy in the photo real or photoshopped? Who is he? I didn't predict or post anything for about 3 years once I got in crypto. I was still learning. that jaw line already went beyond attractive line and stopped into funny territory True story. That dude is CGI right? You are MEGACHAD You couldn't pay for that look Lol how i wish i can also predict what will happen , i even here for 5yrs and still making mistakes. But holding doge ada eth and GRPL is the best decision i made. My buddy who is not even in crpyto yet predicting prices. ""me opening IG-account to teach about the market, when the only coins I know is doge, eth and xrp"" My god you’re handsome! This is like 90% of the Reddit crypto subs. I’d like to see what percentage of Reddit crypto subscribers even have a stock trading account that isn’t Robinhood. My guess would be 10%. is this a real human Then where is your laptop? Fake!!!11!1!!! Me Me too, buy ASS Lol This is me after I started buying eos and storing it on my ownr and atomic wallets I turned $20 into $60 within 4 weeks. I cashed out before the drop and will never touch crypto again. HAHAHA! Its me predicting CATE will pump after they launch the Beta version of their multiblockchain app this June. :D The problem is not to share his thoughts on twitter for example. Alot of people also in the youtube community claim to be experts in crypto market but that's not true at all. Most of the influencer make more money selling their bs trading course or promoting their ref links. No professional trader will ever post their working strategies for the public. If too many people use it it will be countertraded very quickly. The best way to learn is mostly to collect as much experience as possible. Write down what is going wrong and most important STICK TO YOUR RULES. ​ Most newbie trader fail because they are emotionally unstable or fomo and of course cannot calculate their risk until stop loss. So i will help you with that: Let's say you want to risk 2% of your total balance until your SL is reached. Current Balance: 10k USD Current BTC price: 60k USD Stop Loss BTC price: 55k USD 2% Risk = 200 USD (10k:100x2) : (60k-55k) = position size ​ You don't need leverage at all in most of the cases. ​ Work smarter not harder! “I got 200+ percent gains, I’m an investing genius” *Literally anyone who bought some btc, eth or doge a year ago* ETH only go up I only see bears the last 24 hours We’re in a bull market?? The market hasn’t moved in like a month Seems legit. Subscribed 🔔 Had a doordash driver genuinely try and convince me that doge will hit 1000$ in the future. I brought up its lack of fundamentals and the fact that for that to happen it would have to pass BTC market cap and he said (BTC hit 1000$ before and people said it wouldn’t happen so why can’t that happen with doge?). I just stopped the convo there two words: market psychology I do astrofinances. Every night I look at the sky at the constellation of ETH and BTC and every night it tells me what to do 🙏 Too obese to be true lol He’s real. He’s the Giga Chad [Ernest Khalimov AKA Gigachad](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/gigachad) Both. Yeah proportions are all wrong r/nattyorjuice He's photoshopped Link near the top tells the story, this gigachad is indeed real \*1000+% When in doubt zoom out. Look at ETH Of the over 9000 coins and tokens , you sir must be holding some very odd ones. Oh, I think you must be only into BTC and judge a bull market by it. True, BTC hasn't moved. This is alt season. BTC might have a another 1 or 2 leg up runs, but alts are where it's at. We’re talking about crypto look at totalcrypto marketcap Smart man Didn't forget the bell icon either, you're the real one! I’ve given up on trying to reason with people. I’ll admit to being a newbie crypto investor, but I dove in head first. Spent a solid week learning everything I could and researching the tip I got from one of the engineers at work (ADA) managed to buy it at exactly $1 on a dip (who doesn’t live whole numbers, eh?)…and am confident that it will continue to ebb and flow higher than what it is currently. That being said, I finally succumbed to the fact that we are living in the matrix and not everything makes sense. I’d have made a million on Doge if I’d YOLO’d and not continued to hold my ground on how worthless it was (and still is). From here on out, if the crowd is gravitating to a shit coin, I’m jumping in with them knowing full well that I need to GTFO before the rest of them do. Im willing to bet $1000 it will never hit $2 lol [deleted] 🤣🤣i seen people commenting this exavt thing on instagram bro shits so crazy no wonder the rich keep getting richer When your DoorDash driver is giving you crypto advice it may be a sign we all need to get out of the market soon!! How nuts can you be to think Dogecoin would hit $1000 a coin? That would make it more valuable then all the companies in NSDQ. Shhhhh!!!! hes seriously real?! He’s perfect You can make money on shit coins! You just can't get to greedy, and have to accept there's a risk of getting burned. Bought SHIBA INU yesterday and just doubled my money today after selling. Not touching it ever again, but was an easy 2x. Shiba Inu is Dogeshit 2.0 👍 it’s shitcoin fabulous Yeah that’s what I did. I dropped my holier than though attitude about doge and played the SNL hype. Most profitable trade I’ve ever made. Still can’t stand doge though. Id take that bet, it climbs a little more with every “hype moment” and in just 4 months or so its gone up over 50x. I wouldnt be surprised if it breaks expectations, i do see it crashing eventually but wouldnt be surprised if it didnt You be sniffing queefs? As real as any Instagram model. Buying doge and expecting it to continue to grow steadily is literally pissing in a river and hoping it turns yellow. All you should be hoping for is that some hype carries it to 1$. Afaik it doesn't contribute anything new to the crypto market other than being a copy of Litecoin and having musk push its agenda. Scratch and sniffs With enough people and enough water, I wager we could turn that river yellow Exotic choice" This is it,1881,https://i.redd.it/nccyqvaw92371.jpg,"People keep posting this. I wonder how long it'll take y'all to realise that maybe the things you're expecting in a currency aren't conducive to it being actually good for use as a currency. Missed off ""people actually use it for 100% of their bills"" This resurfaces every few days. You have forgotten that a currency can have enormous utility without having any investment/growth value. USD is the most useful currency in existence. Shitcoins have neither investment value nor utility. ""Been in the bear market since conception"" - you know how bullish that sounds right? All valid; however you seem to have forgotten, 'backed by the most powerful military in the entire world'. Currencies should be inflationary for real world use, please stop posting this nonsense. Most hilarious part is how crypto is only relevant because of the relative value to the US dollar. I don’t see how crypto has any practical value if you aren’t using it as a currency and instead use it as a commodity with no actual use. Can we please stop reposting this omg When yall jump down that freemason/elite banking families/fiat money rabbit hole, shit gets real creepy real fast. This meme is stupid as fuck. Unless your balls haven't dropped yet USD is the world reserve currency and doesn't care about you going REEEEEE ITS SHIT And we have to use it whether we like it or not Yeah except one huge difference: foreign companies aren't lining up to buy bonds denominated in a shit coin. With a government and powerful military to back it up And THIS is why crypto is so cringe. Not only is this wrong, it alienates people preventing broader adoption. If we're all broke then the world continues. If we're all rich then we're all broke. Repeat. Doge coin?? another one 😩 ""I don't want to lose 3% annually!"" *loses 30% in 2 hours* ""This is fine."" Seen this 5 times the past week. Accepting that I’ll have to see mouthbreathers repost it every day for the next 50 years You know what makes usd not a shitcoin? I can go to any supermarket or gas station and they will accept it, no hassle. Any drug dealer, any pawn shop, any bank. Good luck having those same results with your poocoin ultra, fucking troglodytes Fuuuucckkkkkk this is CONSTANTLY REPOSTED. OP YOU ARE LOW EFFORT AND LAME. I feel like these memes forget the fact the $ is backed by the full force of the US military industrial complex. Yes it’s all about what people artificially find valuable... but when you have a international, unilateral killing machine that will blow up farms, hospitals, and schools to prove a point and ensure profitability of their “interests” it’s hard to divest from that... but people gotta meme about something I guess lol Rug Lmk when any crypto can serve as a fiat currency, and as a baseline for all oil imports/exports in the modern world. That 27 trillion number is interesting, as it also happens to be, the amount of times this has been posted on reddit this week. Everything is spot on except the last point. It’s only been in a bear market since Nixon took the gold standard away from the dollar before that it was fine LOL! Hahahaa man this is gold, you make this yourself? People keep reposting this but cashes out to FIAT after they profit. LOL The king of Sh\*tcoins. How many more times are we going to see this post. Can we finally get it listed on Uniswap? But with this technology you could buy coke instantly with no transaction fee! yes. People would buy this as long as they made a donation to a charity first why dont people read old posts before posting the same stuff 125th time! Kinda worrisome really It is the worst memecoin there is....... by far Used in most of untraceable illegal acts worldwide, preferred by street criminals Heavy to carry, easy to physically damage for permanent loss Launched with massive security issues, has been easy to counterfeit worldwide Lacks diversity in design, no female or ethnic representation Carries actual bacteria and spreads disease Promotes awkward finger touching Posts like these still make me weary of crypto communities. This is so stupid that it’s hard to believe people are upvoting unless ironically. These posts are absolutely embarrassing to the crypto community. It shows how ignorant the average user in crypto is. “The USD is evil and only popular bc the US government will shoot a missile at anyone who doesn’t use it!” Must we parade our ignorance so easily? What are your opinion about $KIMJ KimJongMoon? I mean, it’s a shitcoin but the devs are putting a lot of effort in social media and in completing the roadmap? True Jen Why are you investing in this shitcoin bro. You should only get paid in BTC. Don't take any job that offers USD. Its not a store of value. Here is the original tweet that inspired this https://twitter.com/joinryze/status/1394374934936293380 It's 1.2 trillion not 27 trillion in circulation per fed reserve. i dont know why americans cry about usd tho i mean u used it to gain insane advantage against the whole fucking world. i like btc coz it will ruin dollar and usa empire with it but americans crying coz of dollar is strange to me Ppl shouldn't mistaken USD with usdTether.. rest, v underrated post LOL...because it is. God do I hate the word “shitcoin.” I thought for sure investing would be more mature than gambling. But there’s vulgar name calling everywhere in life. I think I need to just accept it, lol. Amen! ENJ & ETH are my go to. To be a shitcoin, it'd have to fluctuate by hundreds/thousands of % a few times a year. Outside of a handful of projects, the crypto space is more similar to penny stocks than currency. I think 3% inflation is a huge underestimate. Max Keizer believes it’s closer to 12% FIAT currency is such a joke! Crypto is King 👑 The first shit coin is the federal reserve note When your shitcoins can pay the Government to keep you out of jail let me know... There are positive qualities to inflationary currencies. They encourage spending and that increases economic growth. 1% of holder own 30%???? That's sucks mate 🚀VAIVO ECOSYSTEM: 🔥 $Vaivo SWAP: A decentralized exchange built on Binance Smart Chain, a fast and inexpensive alternative to Ethereum. Much like the celebrated Uniswap DeFi AMM protocol running on Ethereum, VaivoSwap enables users to swap between cryptocurrency assets by tapping into user-generated liquidity pools. 🔥 $Vaivo SHARE: Will act like a share of the $Vaivo Projects meaning that who holds it will be part of the ownership so every holder is a important part of the community (earn passive income for holding) 🔥 $Vaivo Defi: Aims to use technology to remove intermediaries between parties in a financial transaction using Coins, tokens and NFT's. The infrastructure and use cases for DeFi are still in development 🔥 $Vaivo Wallet: Supporting Ethereum and ERC20/ERC223 tokens. Will provide a fully security system that makes it simple to store your cryptocurrency. Being Designed for iOS and Android so provide the best possible experience and ease of use. 🔥 $Vaivo NFT Marketplace: Users can then create their assets by uploading items to exhibit their work. The user can also select which payment tokens they would like to accept for their art and set a fee if the platform suggests it. The next step in the workflow is to list items for sale. The user can choose a bid for a fixed price or an auction. A transaction is created when listing an item for sale to launch a personal trading smart contract for the user wallet. 🔥 $Vaivo Marketcap : Will be a price-tracking website for cryptoassets in the rapidly growing cryptocurrency space. Listing stable coins and Tokens without the needing of paying exaggerated fees. oh look its the same fucking information in a new wrapper and taken from the binance subreddit [removed] [removed] What you want is a currency that perpetually sky rockets in value like bitcoin 😂. Look how rich we all are 🤣 I just want my currency not to be owned by the same people that own me, otherwise I'm just doing their chores for whatever it costs them to feed me [deleted] the point here is there are superior alternatives. its obvious the reality of the situation, youre not replacing USD over night. But there are far superior alternatives that we can hopefully start moving towards. The clue is in the name? missed the fact that most of it is literally covered in fecal matter. Exactly. People use it. That's it ONLY saviour. If it had the use of somthing like doge I'm highly confident it would be priced in the .00s. It's just such a bad currency in so many ways, it sucks that popularity and force are what keep it at the top Common knowledge🤔 The point of a currency is stability. It's useful but a terrible store of value. should be stablecoins or other top projects for comparison not shitcoins [deleted] That loses to rice and poppy farmers This subreddit is infested with 16 year olds who like to ignore this fact. Please explain why inflation is necessary for real world use. Oh the atrocities our labor has supported Ive never felt more owned in my life than every time I use dollars This is informative to share.... talk to my hand. You have a lowlife. Poor little lad. ✋ Check EWT I will back you up on this. Instant and no fees... hmm... *""there is another one""* Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Then go ahead and take Bitcoin off the table too. Cause it's mostly owned by a very small group of people. Just like the dollar. My fried you’re a poet Nobody owns you unless you're a slave. Keep in mind that though they might curb inflation, or that despite some great use benefits of USD, that my federal(?) taxes - for the past two years each - were a ridiculous ~19% of my income. But what makes them superior? Name of what? Maybe some very rich people do wipe with the bills. And maybe some very poor people do it out of spite before using it to buy drugs. It's popular for one thing because the US government requires US residents to pay their taxes in it (even if you earn crypto!) and they'll lock you up if you don't. It's popular because people like it. Because it's safe, reliable, efficient etc. isn't that like 100% of a currency's worth? Just for sake of conversation. What are some of the ways the dollar is legitimately a bad currency? Agreed, and the US dollar has been the dominant trade currency for 70+ years. That sure reads of stability to me. Luckily crypto is incredibly stable So any crypto that rises more than 0.05% in a year is a failure. It's a fine store of value at ~1-3% loss per year and basically zero risk of more, but it's a bad investment, as every currency should be (otherwise it doesn't flow). Controlled inflation has an economic purpose: continued economic growth. If the argument is that it's poorly controlled, that the gains go to the wrong people, that it could increase its velocity...etc. that's something else. But the idea that a currency with built-in deflation is good for economies has been debunked by a good number of economies throughout history. A terrible store of value is an automobile. So what is more stable exactly? It's kind of funny the crypto community is harping on how unstable the dollar is.... The crypto market literally has tens of thousands of purely scam cryptos at this point and the price can easily swing 10-15% in a day... Are we going to pretend this is stable? [deleted] It's not a cryptocurrency so it's not a simple matter of whether it has a fixed supply or not. Its supply is chosen by a combination of issuance and tax. Well from my point of view, you can't lose if nobody dares to invade You... This is an impossibly superficial comment that doesn’t yield any insight as to the topic at hand. The fact that the dollar is propped up by the US government is extremely powerful. I have a feeling that you wouldn’t be so derisive if your favorite cryptocurrency had the full faith and backing of the US government. You would use that as your top selling point on the coin. For growth and to incentivize people to spend the money. You would not spend a deflationary currency. No shit man. Regardless of anyones religous views, *those* cats think theyre working toward a prophecy. Real or not, theyre gonna try to fulfill it. I think the whole gme/moass situation is just a controlled avenue to CBDC. Theyre willing to blow up the market and make some of the masses millionaires when it will still ultimately serves their ends. You should try spending Yuan or Bolivars then. [removed] At the moment as with many currencies and stores of value, the difference though is if large holdings of somthing like btc ever got distributed in some selling event the previous owners cant create more of their own at will. Even somthing as useless as doge outshines the dollar here in that after enough time has passed enough coins will be created that some predictable 15m a day won't even begin to cover average burn rate and it becomes deflationary. Symptomatically rendering any of today's majority holders to comparable peanuts. The biggest benefit here is that crypto is predictable in the way it exists. It simply follows rules written in code. As opposed to the dollar... ..... 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 When does your stand up tour start? I needed a laugh today. Currency = currents = flowing That's a sad way of seeing things. I don't think crypto is all drug money and you don't need to wipe yourself with it. I think smart people know when to take their wins, always using TIOX2 as a strategy to get profits and worked so far with $ZNN. How do you guys take your profits? when do you know how to stop? Yep yep yep.. common tactic with oppressive world leaders is popularity through fear. Hit em from all angles Sure but only where it's creators made an environment for it to perform. If only grocery stores decided to begin using anything other than the dollar then we'd immediately see it's reliability decrease. The safety of the dollar I fear is losing its grip as well. Though anecdotal, many people I talk to about these things keep actual dollar ownership to a minimum. Everyone wants to own stock and coin because fiat is less desirable. The system being built around the dollar, again, is the only place I see it's efficiency as well. Everything humans obtain is being offered by businesses trained to the dollar. Food, power, taxes, all asking for the dollar. Once there are different avenues for people to trade these commodities with anything other than dollar built, dollar hungry conglomerates.. well then I'm certain it will be the day it reaches actual shitcoin status I’d argue people only “like it” because it’s been the only option for so long… It didnt get to be safe, reliable and efficient overnight, or say, 10 years. Give something with better fundamentals a chance to flourish. Change of this magnitude doesnt happen fast. It's popular because people like it. Because it's safe, reliable, efficient etc. Your post is so wrong... Safe, reliable, efficient? You mean like those savings that were found hidden on a property and the buying power had greatly decreased due to inflation over the years? It's only those things in the sense that you can safely rely on being able to use it right away for many things at many places and online. Not really, nobody is in charge of bitcoins existence by forcefully printing as much as desired then demanding it's acceptance for things like food and citizenship. Now sure if nobody ever wanted to use Bitcoin for anything an nobody ever did, it would be valued as less and would be worthy of a shitcoin lable, but I strictly differentiate between somthing like btc that has value because people use it within it's written rules and somthing like the dollar that has value because those who own the majority of it insist they maintain control of global value in and of itself. Bitcoin is like natural flower nectar to bees that have been kept in a lab given synthetic sugar their entire lives. It's a way of attributing value to things already there in the stuff that we already do without being burdened by lab operators who entirely decide how much sugar they want to make on any given day and how much of that goes to the bees. Stability backed up by military force and petroleum. Not sure many crypto’s have those options. Between 1968 and 1991 inflation was over 3% all but one year. It’s been over 3% multiple times since 1991 as well. Well actually, if hyperinflation happens then an automobile is a great store of value, because it can be resold later for what its worth is equivalent instead of holding cash that has way less purchasing power. Nah it's not. I just Googled it and it seems to be true: 9 trillion $ printed in 2020 due to stimulus injections. That's about 22% of the total supply. There are many sources for it, but I'm not sure which one you might or might not believe, so see for yourself. So about the inflation part: inflation typically hits the economy about 4-5 years after it's been ""printed"". I personally expect tough times for the USD (and also the EUR) in a few years time. That’s true. Two expansive oceans and a militarized populace also make that difficult. That said - you can’t invade the bitcoin network. Doesn’t mean that both can’t be true at the same time. Show me the proof that it has been reposted 100000 times 🤣 Agree re: deflation. Disagree re: centralization. Ultimately a BTC-like coin with a fairer distribution/mining model is what I'm advocating for. Unfortunately I don't think there are many sound coins without massive accumulation neat the top. was talking about fiat... paper money specifically. being covered with shit. not crypto. shit coins well... they are usually fully comprised of just shit. and paid for PR articles. So I see this argument a lot and I wanted to ask something. When people like you harp on the dollar, are you more concerned with inflation or about centralized systems? I'm just curious because inflation will happen. As resources drop, cost of finished goods go up. Look at lumber last yr. In regards to a centralized system, I don't see how it would make sense to pay for hydro with I dunno hydrocoin, and power with powercoin. Why not just have 1 means to pay. Otherwise you're creating much more work than needed. Now creating digital asset classes that can be a scalable variant to say gold and silver, that can g9ld value, that's a different story. Ifs and buts. Irrelevant. No, it's that their government requires them to pay taxes in it. I mean you can use it all over the world and it's maybe the most stable currency in history. People can trash the US and USD all day but cryptos have tons of significant flaws right now as well. excuse me, but i'd like your budget over the next quarter but please denominate the expenses in bitcoin. good luck. We just picking 23 random years here or is there something meaningful about 68 to 91? It's been under 2% in six of the last ten years and under 1% in two of those years. That's what this ~ is for. Sure. Nearly any asset is better than cash in a hyperinflation situation because tomorrow it will cost more to replace. Bread is a phenomenal asset during hyperinflation if you only hold it short-term (see Germany 1923). Hell, even liabilities are better in a way since you're paying off nominal debt with money that has lower real value, assuming they were taken out before the lender got wise and upped the interest rates to compensate for the risk. In general, cars are crappy assets though. They cost a lot, depreciate fast, and are subject to fashion and technology changes (airbags, bluetooth, and spoilers are all the rage!). People (esp in the US) hate to admit it because they love their cars, but love /= good asset. Imagine someone trying to invade Alabama or Georgia. I'm sure the common folk can handle themselves I don’t think there is any military on earth that could “win” those fights... unless they get a green light to obliterate the entire country. I know it sounds nice to say they “lost” to farmers, but in reality the only way to win would have been to never engage. The US did steal/secure a fuckton of oil, though. Not sure I’d consider that a total L. I see this every. Single. Day. I. Get. On. Reddit. Lol Tbh I agree there's better possibilities than what we have for top coins right now but I see almost anything as being better than the dollar. The sooner we shift from fiat the sooner we can seriously start shaping the crypto system. I'm sure that shitcoins are also a great source of income for crypto in general so they're having their own place in a perfect echosystem Inflation is the cost of products, not money. RPI/CPI - look them up. Measures of how much the price of things have gone up. Completely irrelevant arguement and is in fact arguing to use cryptos as an investment rather than a currency. It's not so much an either or question, their kinda tied to one another. The US can keep making more dollars and raise wages and start some kind of Ubi system, but it wouldn't matter because it there's no rules as to how much is created when, and like lumber, cost of resources will just rise in comparison to how much money is in circulation compared to what's held by the largest percentages. If the actual workers of America ever feel entitled to more dollars for what they offer to society they will be given what they want in order to feel like they've won until the cost of a cheeseburger goes up equal to their new salary. End of the day it's about what we trade our time for and I for one don't like trading it for an extra dollar that my bosses bosses boss prints thousands more of every day. I'm productive for the value of somthing determined by my government. Therefore what I do is for my government. Given what I'm doing is most of all day, every day, I'm a comparable slave to my government solely through the means of a currency that accumulating larger percents of through honest labor is mathematically impossible. They can't print more btc. Even coins with unlimited supply created at predetermined rates are deflationary in nature and exist predictably. I harp on the dollar because it will never, over any long enough period of time accuratey depict the value of what our community does as a whole or place that value in what society deems most deserving. The dollar seemingly only exists to keep wealth in the pockets of those who can morally or otherwise take advantage of government legislature, essentially making value itself meaningless. I think it was Goldman Sachs I was reading an article about the other day that was unable to provide somthing like 10% or more of it's trading history over a 50 or so day span to the fine of $2500. That's anything but a transparent ledger and is actually criminal, hence the fine. However hiding unknown amounts of invaluable transactions at the expense of a compatibly small fine seems more like a bribe to me Ifs and buts are the backbone of the scientific method. Seems with your kind of close mindedness anything of your personal choosing is irrelevant. Also I didn't use any 'buts'. Thanks for not listening ✌️ Edit: I see my 'but', apologies. Otherwise I hold to what I said Yes but it’s truly the very beginning “Valued at fair value” Of the southern states, I feel like those are two of the least prepared lol Roll Tide I agree with those points. They secured Oil? I think you have a problem with your eye. Seeing this always you are high in drugs? 🤣 hallucinating bruh! Stop that. Dollar not going anywhere. It will continue to be the dominant currency for a long time. But I agree it sucks. And I agree we need to start shifting asap. Exactly, as a hedge against inflation I'm well aware of that. But I was more or less inquiring why ppl are so hard set on the idea that crypto can be a hedge and means of transaction. Because you're right, cost of products/goods rising will be inflation, and it will still happen. Adopting a crypto currency won't change that. If lumber is scarce the cost goes up. Doesn't matter if you're paying with USD or frog legs, the cost of goods rise and fall Thanks for the run through! Not sure if i personally agree with this but I appreciate you bringing me in on your thought process. Don't wanna be ignorant to others experience! Why and how is the backbone of scientific method i'm sorry sir but the value of btc has dropped so you no longer have enough to make your purchase of 10 new computers https://theconversation.com/why-you-cant-explain-the-iraq-war-without-mentioning-oil-59352 I believe you were talking about Iraq when you said poppy farmers. Please let me know if I misunderstood the reference. This isn’t exactly a scientific article, but it’s a pretty simple explanation of how we secured oil from the war. You are a weird fucking reposter. And like a point another post has made: don't consider shifting to only crypto. Diversify. Get other stores of value as well. Crypto but also precious metal, cars, guns and ammo, toilet paper, water - things that will retain or increase in their value if things go down economically. Cant test anything if you don't have a hypothesis to test. Hypothesizing is alot of ifs and buts It drops, it goes up, it drops again.. nothing to stress about. Nobody ever lost money holding btc long term. Nah, Afghanistan haha. Massive poppy ppl. I understand Iraq - will follow the link though. Dont change the topic. Show to me the 100000 repost. 🤣 you are weirder than me. You see this everyday? Surely you have a problem with you brain. 🤣 and how do you think that would affect the budgets of people, companies, and governments when they can't predict whatsoever what the price will be when they're making budgets? [removed] Crypto isn’t gonna replace any government backed fiat currencies, but if you’re implying that it’s not opening up more avenues for a wide range of people then you’re being dubious. It’s meant to be the people’s currency, not the governments’. Also, those budgets aren’t looking any prettier with the rampant dollar printing. Just look at those money supply charts! IQ Higher than you? 🤣 Exactly. I want to buy something from someone in the congo, it makes it that much easier. jesus christ some crypto people are the dumbest people on earth tell me genius, if you're saving up to buy a $300 bicycle at $50/week, it will take you how long to buy it? what is your degree of confidence that the bike will still be $300 in a week? if that same bicycle costs 750k sats but in 6 weeks will cost X sats because of btc volatility and you can save $50/week, how long will it take you? because your frontal lobe is likely damaged, i'll go ahead and tell you: it's unknown, so it's impossible to plan long term. just because you have a political aversion to the federal reserve and USD, doesn't mean it doesn't work. Yeah bro you’re smart as fuck!!! Keep winning u a genius 😘 As if your purchasing endeavors are being halted by fiat currencies Hahaha I think i get the disconnect now. That’s fud from a long time ago. First of all, nobody is calling for total replacement of fiat with crypto. It’s a great hedge against inflation in the long run, store of value. That’s bitcoin. Secondly, crypto is oh so much more than just btc right now. From defi to money transfer to investments and startups to NFTs to dapps to fast easy payments etc etc and blockchain is just getting started. There are so many more new ways of adoption. Also, why so mad bro? I get it you don’t like this stuff and you don’t wanna think beyond “oh how will I buy my hamberder with bitcoin?”. That’s okay.. don’t like it? Don’t get into it. Someone hasn't bought a specialty item from another country. shut up nerd" "NYC mayoral candidate, Andrew Yang, just tweeted about BTC and crypto in general",1859,https://i.redd.it/ss331p0gdxg61.jpg,"[deleted] He's apparently leading the race too Bitcoin is cool but blah blah blah politician talk, hope Bitcoin doesn’t because the next “talking point” BTC and UBI? Nice combo. Vote for the man New Yorkers. Yang Gang! At first I thought he was taking about BTS (the Korean boy band) USA is losing the race. ""Financial Capital"" has done left the building I can feel the regulations from here.... Yah so he can tax it like crazy [deleted] Crypto is going bullish and you love to see it! He has my vote! That would be a major win for crypto in NYC. We currently have very strict crypto laws here. Andrew Yang for president! Politicians politicking. Nothing new. This man will be president one day Sounds more like populism. What is he going to start with? Andrew Yang is definitely a mood and I'm here for it. one of Us. He doesn't have the Elon clout. This guy is a loser. Never voting for him! The world’s financial capital? Well now he should help with the regulations. ""Decentralized currency"" Bitcoins dominance is declining. The flippening going to happen? Sounds promising. But I hope that he will pay attention not only to btc, but also to other assets. And I want to be able to pay for purchases using my crypto Ownr card in NY. Does he have a chance at winning the nomination? I wish.. nyc loves to elect old cronies.. nyc is fucking trash if you really think about it Fuck this may make me turn from Sliwa. Although isn’t the point of crypto decentralization? Well this may make me turn from Sliwa, although isn’t the point of crypto decentralization? But also I suppose adoption could be sped up in the city. I fucking love Yang. Hope he runs for president again. Wait so I should research bitlicense to see why I can’t trade in ny? BitLicense is poison. [removed] ""a hub for cryptocurrencies"" is a complete and utter antinomy If you're looking for reasons to say that, then maybe. A ""hub"" in this context simply means that cryptocurrency use is encouraged. For example, businesses may receive a 5% tax credit if they allow customers to purchase using crypto. There is no ""hub"" in the sense of centralization of crypto. Humans are not a crypto hub, servers are. If you follow him he’s not the average politician- he in fact stated how dehumanizing it is His agendas good [deleted] Don’t be a wang vote for Yang You’re a loser. k Yes. New York, London, Hong Kong. Usually in that order. Flippening to.....whats your call? [deleted] But makes BTC more valuable. It's a win-win for crypto holders. That's some high level paranoid thinking. New York is also a tourist hub, do they complete autonomy over tourism? Or do they just provide a tourist market investors can put their money in? I'm going to give you the benefit that the word you meant was autonomy not ""utter antimony"" and that's jumping right over the ""how"" anyone would ever get autonomy over crypto currencies. Are you ASSuming this or did Yang come out and say it somewhere ? That doesnt matter Thank you. Makes me question the money I’ve spent on the WSJ and The Economist subscriptions given my clear inability to retain information. lol A diversity of altcoins Hmmm but why are half of the cryptocurrencies in coinbase restricted in ny ; I thought it used to be one of the most lenient states before the first adoption Uhh... no. I have read the bitcoin and ethereum whitepapers though, and know the basics of how blockchain works as well as the crypto(graphy) portion of crypto. Do you even know what you're talking about? It doesn't matter what you think, or what Yang thinks, a ""hub"" in crypto is a mass of servers or ASIC miners, etc. For real? I didn't know that...So can you technically head to NJ... Make your purchase and hold it in your wallet while you live in NY? Im confused lol Where are you pulling that example of that yang can offer something like a 5% tax credit for crypto use or that ever would have a remote chance of happening ? I have accounts from other states that allow me to trade here but Binance checks your location. Coinbase let’s me trade you just can’t open a new account with ny Id. Just use a vpn and say you’re in the Netherlands. Also fuck this nanny state. They’re afraid. You can buy and hold whatever you want in NY, it's the exchanges that have to pay to do business in state. So kraken for example just doesn't let you sign up at all with a NY address. If you find a private seller to get your crypto you're good to go. What do you mean “where am I pulling that example from”. There are plenty of historical examples of tax credits to businesss for doing something. And Cryptocurrency is new, there are no examples." The reality of China banning Bitcoin,1826,https://i.redd.it/7tsoz33r32q71.jpg,"Gotta love the annual Bitcoin ban by China. Better luck next year! You might wanna Google where all the mining hardware comes from Bitcoin doesn't need China. Bitcoin is freedom. China only have interest in their own digital currency. I personally think this is good for Bitcoin. The US can now use China's reluctance as a motivator to try and seize the sector. People should never get affected by the China FUD. If anything I’m seeing a lot of projects and especially start up like Genesis Pool doing great already. China is like Elon.. it no longer holds power on crypto they'd just don't want their citizens mining it. I guarantee the government that confiscated all those private rigs isn't totally going to use the itself, not at all It’s a yearly calendar event in China Ask any network operator how easy it is to block crypto traffic? It's trivially easy. China can easily modify their ""great firewall"" to identify blockchain servers and refuse to forward their packets. It wouldn't stop 100%, but it could easily stop 80% and render the network unreliable and unusable. By the way, China is not ""banning bitcoin over and over."" They've banned it one time, and they're giving people a chance to opt out before they ramp up more and more enforcement. They'll continue to crack down more and more over time if people continue to violate their directives. They have the power and the ability to do so. If bitcoin operated on its own autonomous network, it might be different. But you can't be a parasite on a network that the state exclusively controls, and expect that the state can't stop you. They absolutely can. And like I said, they don't need to stop 100% to render it unusable. Crypto requires a high degree of ubiquity and popularity in order to hold any value. China as well as most other large nation states, easily have the ability to nullify the ubiquity of crypto if they so desire. They haven't gone that route yet, but that's just because crypto really isn't the threat people think it is. The crypto market could completely collapse tomorrow and you'd probably not see any disruption in non-crypto markets. Lmfaooo 🤣 Bitcoin is all powerful and bitch ass China can do nothing about it CRYPTO TO THE MOON 😂😂😂😂😂 Yea it’s hilarious watching them try and fail though. CHINESE GOVERNMENT IS BUYING THE DIP!!! Mostly with all the discounted USDT they bought from their citizens in the sell off!!!! Its everywhere and nowhere, it's an issue 🤣😎✌ Fucking idiots. Bitcoin usage is suicidal. Monero is what you really want. China 🇨🇳 & Bitcoin go together like Madam & Eve [removed] What do you guys think will come of it? [removed] [removed] funny how people think btc can be stopped by a gov every year..Haha.. you know they're buying loads right now Perfect meme for this moment! HODL! It’s nice to see this meme pop up every 4 months or so. Followed by multiple people in the Doge community posting a picture of crypto dipping while having the same title of What’s Going On?! great meme Pooh bear can't stop it [removed] their stupid leader just totally lose control on the 70 % mining farm,now they have less and less impact to crypto now 🤣 How can you ban, that which is already banned? Curious, did they unban every year also? At least some other promising projects are growing great there, Wabi for example. They even pay with its tokens in supermarkets lmao the sarcasm... My Bitfinex balance feels great after China lmao fok china! btc doesn't need China.. \#NaftyArt JOIN NOW 🖼NaftyArt.com The best #erotic #NFTs from the best #NFTartists ⚡️Highest quality #art 💟@TERA1PATRICK 💟@EvaElfie 💟@LuxuryGirl\_XXX 💟@HheadShhot 💟@NancyA\_official \#Nafty #DYOR❕NaftyToken.com 😈 and #invest #NFTCommunity #NFTlaunch [removed] [removed] Interesting that China’s ban had less effect on cryptos valuation than a single tweet from Elon Musk Here is a big FOMO in the market.., @Donald trump first #metaverse coin will be #polker play to earn...so you must check out #polker community.....#NFT #btc #eth #Crypto #GameFi !!! http://polker.game Who comes up with these epic memes? They’re geniuses I think it is a new ban every two month. [removed] China is using it to control the market drops and their wealthy are loading up during them. It's calculated. If China bans production of mining machines - which they haven't yet and likely won't because the sale of such machines means money for the China Government - they could easily be produced in any other nation. China can't even stop bitcoin transactions from happening in their borders. They can only stop the yuan being used to buy bitcoin, full stop. bitcoin? obviously china.. Probably the reason DEX alts did great in the market today, Chinese Dengens have left the exchanges to go dengen on deX. Talking about DEX have you all seen the MUSE FINANCE? its lockdrop is currently on...... might want do magic here tho......hopefully DYDX the new derivative go x100 For bitcoin. Not the real thing. Meh the only thing relevant is ASIC mining chips that can be manufactured in any other foundry elsewhere. [removed] When China pulls the rug, whole nations will go bankrupt.......... [removed] [removed] NEVER. GPOOL have been doing a ton to keep us all safe. They raised over 600k in the first round of IDO and they're launching a new IDO that's probably going to kill it. [removed] [removed] > They'll continue to crack down more and more over time if people continue to violate their directives. They have the power and the ability to do so. Any country that does this will just make BTC more valuable therefore more profitable. Nigeria is a prime example. I once believed it impossible to stop but it’s not impossible. It’s allowed for now. A government can print infinite money and can buy as much as they want at any time. The size of fiat is so massive, it could absorb the fiat used to attack crypto prices. [removed] [deleted] [removed] [removed] [removed] [removed] Fuck off idiot [removed] [removed] [removed] [removed] Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* [removed] [removed] [removed] Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* [removed] [removed] [removed] Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* [removed] Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Appropriate time for the rocket league quick chat They can’t even stop the factories that are already producing counterfeit/illegal products. [deleted] But then again, what will they ban though? ASICS? or all computers that could possible mine crypto? Because if it is the latter, good luck to China. Im not descenting at all here i want to make it clear. But most people actually do need fiat to get their hands on crypto, sure theres the odd miner or node operator. But for any kind of mainstream adoption to continue you need to be able to get it via a debit card or bank transfer. It's kind of crucial for crypto to integrate with traditional financial channels going forward. Of course the China Crypto thing is not a new development or anything, it really should have no effect on any kind of value proposition. But government crackdowns are an issue and compliance is important. [removed] **['Bitcoin' | 'BTC' definition](https://buyhodlsell.com/terminology/btc/)**: Bitcoin (BTC) is the primary peer to peer electronic ledger. It is the blockchain with the most security and hashpower. *Check out the [crypto terminology guide](https://buyhodlsell.com/terminology/) for more 🤖* [removed] [removed] [removed] Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* [removed] Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* [removed] Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* In the Future, BITCOIN would be the store of value, giving gold a run for its money.......sadly enough, i have no BTC at the moment tho, the best i coul do is long on alts that would give me massive profits and i get at least a few btc! IDOs could do the trick, maybe even lockdrop like the MUSE FINANCE lockdrop too That is completely unrealistic. Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* They didn’t? Wtf why am I getting boo’d I’m right. Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Anything else your majesty…your mom says take your meds! [removed] Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* You mean they don't even try. They ~~can’t even~~ dont want to stop the factories that are already producing counterfeit/illegal products. [removed] Nah not really you just take your ASIC chip designs which is the only thing complicated in a mining machine to a foundry in United States like Global Foundries. The reason more chips aren't manufactured elsewhere is just cost not any other logistics. Agreed, the ban turns off a channel of asset inflows to bitcoin for a country with a billion people. And that’s heartbreaking because access to capital in developing parts of that country would be more beneficial than detrimental to China as a whole. But the Chinese government is afraid of better access to information and technology. One could see this as an endorsement for bitcoin, in that if it wasnt that good they wouldnt see it as threat (as they do Google, YouTube, etc) [removed] Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* [removed] Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* [removed] It depends how you want to look at it. A lot of people underestimate the sheer size and complexity of the country. Regional officials often strike deals and take bribes from local factory owners. Local officials will take pride in their economic success and want to see that continue. This doesn’t always align with what the central government would want. There’s a lot more that goes into it, it doesn’t function as synchronously as they like to appear. Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your comment has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Exactly, China isn't exactly a monolith, which is the same for many large countries around the world." Hello darkness my old friend,1819,https://i.redd.it/vw6xev4lh6c71.jpg,"Was a little bit of a rough today yeah Get into crypto they said, get a Lamborghini they said. I buy in… three days later “great crypto crash of 2021” Seeing posts like this reminds me to not look at my portfolio. Thank you. You haven't lost money unless you sold as a loss. Are you saying we'll lose money for a little longer, go way down and then never lose money again? I'm up for that! Officially down almost 50% on my portfolio. It's hard but I'd keep hodling Ethereum is still up 6x from a year ago. Buy during extreme fear. Buy when no one is talking or thinking about crypto. You may always talk crypto but it’s important to see bigger picture. News outlets, politics. When all of that focuses on other things, load up! Or DCA - but that doesn’t work for me LOL all month you mean! I just try not to look at my balances I cry less when I don't look HAHAH Honor is all mine Lose 500 usd in the last month, i didnt here no bell It’s only a loss if you SELL, and I ain’t SELLIN! At this point Iv put all the money I possibly can (yes I bought all the dips) and am willing to. I’m just going to uninstall everything and chill I have a bit more saved up to buy more. No point at looking at this when my powder is all used up. And ladies… Thanks😜 It hurts, but I'm not selling a dime. You only lose money if you sell. 🥂 If you sell you loose 😂 When I loose, *I just add more* As a 2017 hodler still way in the green I couldn't careless. I always thought people who said ""I don't care, I'll just hold 1btc is 1btc"" were just in denial or lying. Now I know what it's like. I actually don't care. Should it get close to 10k I'll start to be concerned. Gotta love the ride tho. Just like my wife’s boyfriend loves her to ride I sunk a few quid in around April time, it's all nose dived for me now, I bought BTC, ETH and DOGE. I don't bother checking now, I've written it off mentally, I don't have any spare to buy more. I'll keep my wallet and a small bit in exchange. I actually like the idea of what digital currency can bring and freedom to people who can't open a bank account. However while the wealthy few remain in control unless they embrace it, they'll use whatever influence they can to create FUD and keep spreading bad rumours. I remain optimistic that one day digital currency will replace outdated fiat currency but who knows, maybe not in my lifetime? I gained money today lmao I gained today lol see you at McDonald's! Should have just bought Hex, literally the only crypto currency still standing and making people money. The bear market is in, you can either hold your shit bags to minus 50-80% like in 2018 Or you can buy and stake hex and actually make money during the bear market Here Here, my good man. I've come to talk with you again Same here buddy, today was a bit rough but we will still do the same thing again, maybe this time, I will be more careful when testing the waters and probably use a risk management strategy to breakout. Provided you did not buy too much into shitcoins, dig in, hustle, get money and DCA into btc and eth. [removed] Haha well i stake my alts these days and keep on accumulating at lows, collecting BMI from Bridge Mutual like Insured Finance that protects our assets from hacks, keeping it on their app and stake. Still staking VET and ICX too and holding for long term! Staking is one of our good options! that's when the market has played ya'll like a fiddle ! :) *a few Months ago* Ah cool, crypto is something i want to get into! *now* Yikers... Down 2500€ and I know some of you guys are down bad bad I wanted you to break a hundeed comments, heres 101. Yeah, yup, yes, hes back Yep This meme is so relevant every month lol Haven’t lost a penny yet. Don’t sell don’t lose baby!!! Meh my stuffs in a hard wallet. Up, down, I just hope I can remember how to access it in 10 years 😂 I've lost 50 ma dudes and I bought cardano at 1.29 usd then it feel on 1.10 still **HOLD** Well I am not selling now :) I bought dips all weekend. It’s like walking up the down escalator. 😩 It’s been real Indeedy-do Losing $300 today. Can i bring my guitar? [removed] You only lose money if you sell at these prices. Just zoom out. You only lose if you sell in the red. Hold that shit because we all know that the absolute latest we'll have to wait to see green is the next BTC halvening. Sink sink , but no money to buy —> sad Is etc worth it at all like mid to long term? [removed] It's only noon. Still holding for the next 4 years regardless though. Lost 500€, you? Edit: 1k, aaah that starts to hurt Unless you own OMI Every time I get excited reading these tragedy memes, hoping for the crash to have come so I can buybuybuy, only to find out it did like -1.5%, with people sad as if crypto was the nasdaq lol The high of the thousands I'm losing is quite fun to me at this point Just tryna buy more lol [deleted] Lol yes. The quote is gentleman though (Titanic) Your dime will soon be worth a nickel, and that nickel will turn into a penny. Keep hodling til you become homeless. I like this ideal and feel the same way. if you’re not looking to sell any time soon why be bothered anyway? Watch out for this hard ass here guys. He doesn't care. No offense, but you sound like a total douche. What crypto went up for you today? Bear market hasn’t hit yet you moron Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Oh yeah. Easily to hold when you’re getting great staking and lending rewards. Buying in at the peaks rarely works out short term I’m not down but I’ve lost about 95% of unrealized gains haha Haha thanks $1 seems to be the support since the crash. If BTC capitulates to 24k, we could see a 70 cent ADA again. Back the truck up! Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* I can’t really say yes or no to that. I had bought ETC at $12 earlier this year and sold when it hit $150. I still have 10 ETC getting passive income on Celsius. Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Hold through bear market? Why? just today? I'm down about $7800 Made money shorting Oh damn, I'm sorry for the loss. I lost about 20 dollars (all my stop losses triggered) I day trade crypto so not making anything for the day is pretty rough. I don't know what to tell people if they bought DOGE besides that it is a meme coin. Always has been. That's why it was made. Look for crypto with real world uses. 1 USD = 1 USD but if they're printing $120 billion a month then it doesn't have the same value. Same with Doge. 😊 How about now? Lol. Don't worry about it, I was emotional too when I started out and lost money. You'll get over it with time and cheer up. It's gets better kiddo stick with it. except he is right.... Rule #1 is don't invest what you can't afford to lose and so there is no reason not to hold. Eating capital gains taxes during a down-market is not a good idea. 2017 bubble/crash was brutal. I watched a six-figure profit disappear but I knew not to sell. This bubble/crash isn't nearly as brutal... and was inevitable/predictable to anyone who experienced 2017. I don’t trade crypto lol Really because I checked all you fucks are down 50-70% don't worry about Hex though were still making new ATH's these days you fucking loser! True, but as usual, we have to invest on what we can afford to lose ☺️ So now I'm trying to buy BnB using my ada then rebuy ada at super low prize wdyt it's a good plan right. Right now the exchange from Ada to BnB is rising from 0.28 to 0.40 I set it at 45 it should be a good Staking rewards and because I sold all my eth during the 2018 bear market and would be very wealthy had I not. Time in the market beats timing the market every time. Selling at a lost is the worst mistake one can make. They clearly don’t know what they are doing 🤣 Thanks for making me feel better :D I'll just hodl my way through even if I have to wait for a few years. Although my strategy was to take as much risk possible with the biggest reward 100-500x. Let's see how that'll work out. Either I lose it all or I am a damn millionare. Not really something in-between Down about $20k, but it wasn't anything I was going to sell soon. Not trying to get hit with short-term gains taxes again. I view everything as at least a 12 month investment after my last tax bill. You haven’t lost it until you sell Day trade? Pay your taxes. Also can’t claim losses on wash sales. Or taxman is comin’ for ya. My goal trading is not losing any lol [deleted] All crypto is meme. Always has been. Always will be. Lots of laughs 😆 if you are naïve enough to believe that BTC is real. BTC is an elaborate hoax made up by the libertarians who want to destroy western democracies. Exit strategy works. You can’t time the market. Bitcoin will hit an all time high this year bud. Keep holding your shit coin. Staking is the move! It makes these dips just a little bit more bearable 🐻 We aren’t even in the bear market. Another pump to end the year, and then the bear market sends us back to these levels next year. Sell at the end of the year and wait to get back in at these levels next year after the dump from new ATH’s. Who recommends selling at a loss? Not me. Taking profits and waiting to re-enter at a lower price is the best thing one can do. Accumulate more of what you’re investing in that way and increase your ROI. Simply holding through both bull and bear markets will see returns with sufficient investments but taking profits, anticipating dips, and investing those same profits at a lower price will gain one increased returns. Just chill and wait. Unless you need the cash, forget you invested. I've been holding since like 2012 and off/on buying and I'm ""down"" an eye watering amount but I ain't trippin. Everyone crawled up my ass when 20k popped but I held on. I have no TA, no insights, just dumb luck and confident it hit 60k once, didn't go to zero, it'll do it again. Now to be fair even now I'm still way up and I've taken profits here and there, but it's still a bummer. Dude, I was the guy telling my friends to sell for $10 back in 2013 when they were using bitcoin to buy molly on Silk Road.... learned my lesson early :) I mean, sure I've taken a little profit here and there but I've been holding since pre-2017 crash and that was worse than this one. Just move your coins off exchanges into private wallets and stop looking at the prices for a while and you'll feel less stressed out. Once you have enough crypto stashed away, you can borrow against it instead of selling. At the current growth rate of BTC, literally any interest rate is worth it. I’ve heard of people borrowing against crypto in a bear market, using the loan to put a down payment on a rental property, using the cash flow to pay both the mortgage and the crypto loan payments, and then borrowing against the house to buy my crypto as the next halving cycle approaches. Keep in mind, the dollar inflation rate often grows faster than a mortgage interest rate, so the interest is basically cancelled out over time. Hope you still hodling haha Crypto is treated as property, so it does not follow the wash sale rule that applies to securities. Obviously that can change at anytime. Look at A-1 here: https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-drop/n-14-21.pdf https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/05/25/bitcoin-crash-opens-door-to-a-tax-loophole-for-investors.html Yeah, as always. Do the research, and don't sell at a loss unless you have to. If you do, write it off on your taxes if you live in the U.S. Just like gains from sells and trades are taxable, so are losses. It can save you money. There's a world of difference between ""hehe the makers of this coin put a silly dog on it"" and ""the makers of this coin are pioneering DeFi and blockchain technology."" [deleted] All money is an elaborate hoax. It's just a bunch of numbers on a computer in a bank that we trust we can use to buy things. Yeah we will see wont we whose right, because I bet Hex is going to get another 5-10x WAY SOONER than btc will get even a 1-2x at this point lol For sure! Can I borrow your crystal ball? Mine seems busted. That has been how it goes historically with the BTC halving. This is an emerging market, never really know what will happen. Institutions and governments start buying in… let’s just say we haven’t even left the launchpad yet Yes, that's brilliant if you can accurately predict the market. We are in the same boat..... looks like planning early retirement just got pushed back a few years but I'm 100% confident in the future of crypto. Unfortunately, I am was far too young in 2013 to buy crypto :( I've only recently been starting with the 6k that I got from my 18th birthday... I've kept some coins on exchanges because eth fees are so high or they are staked. Haven't sold anything. I've been through it before. True! Wash sales are for stocks. Thanks for the clarification. You can write off only $3000 per year. Lots of laughs 😆 when you lost tens of thousands or millions of USD. [deleted] You need history lessons my not a friend. Libertarians are a threat to humanity and all other living things in the universe. No it is not. Your opinion doesn’t matter. Who is right? Yea take your profits man. Down a solid 20% since your post lmao. Hope you took profits. 👌🏻 Pull up the entirety of a chart and you’ll see pretty similar movements between similar times. History tends to repeat itself. At least you have a boat! You should have told your parents, aunts, uncles, adult brothers and sisters and their in laws and their adult relatives to buy Bitcoin for you. You can’t blame anyone else for missing out on the GREATEST wealth transfer in the history of men. You can carry over losses to the next year as well. Of course I do. I don’t think you grasp the difference between industry leaders and bullshit memecoins. [deleted] Cool story meme guy. I will before the end of the year Doge to the moon Lol yeah and I'm still up over 50x since last year That’s why I mentioned per year. Imagine writing off $30K lost in 2021. You can’t fully write off that loss until 2031. That is only for one year’s loss. Also if you trade a lot you may also have wash sales disallowing loss claims for stocks. What is a commie? I am a lobster 🦞 fisherman, right! Meme is good. Facts matter. Noob. Looking good today bud Hey, I was happy to carry it over this year when I had gains. Money is money. I love paying the tax man as little as I have to legally. A lot of people don't know that they can write losses off. Never hurts to mention. The more you know! Sure, anything is better than nothing. I found that it’s not very practical if one has a relatively large portfolio. I recommend learning from your losses and use that knowledge to make more money in gains. Experience is priceless. Agreed. Also, understanding the difference between long term gains and short. Not to mention setting aside money for taxes on your gains when you trade for them." Only thing that gives me anxiety right now...,1821,https://i.redd.it/vstr61l98xu61.jpg,"Emotional self control is key. Easier for me as I am dead inside. I only buy high and sell low. It just happens that way though it's never my intention. I'm also tapped out. Really wanna buy but already spent more on it than I planned initially 😅 and it's pretty much fancy gambling to some extent. Me too, the only thing I can do is to cry out loud and tell people in the future that I had a chance to invest but didn't because I'm a broke student. I really have to learn to DCA... Same boat, my weekly ritual is Wednesday mornings,. WHATEVER DIP SEE YOU NEXT WEEK BITCH I feel you here. Luckily today is my day to spend a little on crypto. Discount day! I cancelled my (non employer matched) investments in stonks and am instead buying eth every week. Just because I'm not investing my emergency fund doesn't mean there isn't other money to invest. Yeah I have to check the bank account after I check the market. Talk about anxiety 😥 That is my current situation and I am mad about losing this opportunity so true i bought last week and i cant buy it now That’s what an overdraft line of credit on your checking account is for! (Not financial advice and I am not a financial advisor.lol) Yup right there with you FIRE SALE 🔥 I hope it stays like that for few more days. I am waiting for my salary. Fuck the rent Anyone else having issues buying xrp on Kucoin right now?? Take some CBD for anxiety, and you'll be fine. You make wise decisions if an expert tells you what to buy. Just use CryptoPing, they have some decent signals like polakdot (buy) on their twitter account and they particularly specialize in DeFi- based projects. You make wise decisions if an expert tells you what to buy. Just use [this DeFi investment signaling service.](https://twitter.com/CryptopingFree/status/1384379200103239680) they have some decent signals like polakdot (buy) on their twitter account and they particularly specialize in DeFi- based projects. I hate it to be honest. This. The only thing I'm upset about is I have little extra to throw at the dip. Snatching up what I can though! I’m getting into crypto and I’m honestly very wary on where to buy it. I just read all the horror stories with Binance and their ridiculous delays, glitches, account lockouts etc.. What platform has worked for you all? Am I crazy to want to take my crypto over the BlockFi And take out a collateralized loan for 10 or 20 K and buy the dip and just pay the interest for a year? Because you bought doge at the top? Ditto. Day after I spent the money I could on Crypto things tanked. Hopefully things are still down by payday next week but my luck it will be at all time high by then. [removed] Yep LOL. I feel the same bro. But maybe this is not the perfect time for us But what are you planning to buy? Already bought more POLK while it's still cheap and while they haven't launched their MVP. Still holding some EBOX, an undervalued coin that secures our crypto transactions. 👏 Learn to use the Futures market and you can always buy the dip!!! Exactly this! If you are afraid from this dip while we are in a bull market, maybe investing is not for you. The first thing and most important you need to have to invest is Emotional discipline. Hug a crypto trader or investor right now Buy high and sell low for ease of mind. :) ALWAYS have fiat/stablecoins on hand buy the dip they said. with what, all my money was sitting at the peak. if you throw in super small amounts. you can keep buying dips longer Cognitive dissonance at its finest So badly want to buy right now but don’t get paid again until the 30th . Frustrating af Shit I feel attacked story of my life #Btt Buy some EBOX it has a potential to hit its ATH again. Check them out on Uniswap Buy it and forget about it for the next 5 years... Then, buy yourself a new Lambo and hookers I buy daily and sell never. Good idea but don't you have interest in new projects? ​ Pinknode is actually making waves by providing developers with web API access to the Polkadot Relay Chain Ugh me toooooooo It's 100% gambling at this point. I feel you, I'm a student as well. The best thing we can do right now, is to put as much money in as we're comfortable with and let it ride. The market has still so much potential :) So relatable, I'm a student as well and I have already invested the money I saved this month and I regret not waiting for a dip like this. Lol thought of selling yesterday and buy back today but for the first time I hodled. Seems that is what I’m in for the next years. I really have to learn to stop putting in money little by little and just let it accumulate and wait for a dip. Lol, im sure we all could be more diligent I buy once a month when paid, always seems to be at a high then though! And then it's like ""GUESS WHAT, WE'RE IN AN ATH AGAIN, SHOULD HAVE BEEN SMART TO INVEST BEFOREHAND"" That's great to hear! I wish you all the best on your investment! Lucky day,Dip day Bought the dip earlier today and im sure when its time to buy into the Pinknode ama have bags of it...the infura of polkadot Jesus christ lol What is kucoin Binance's horror stories should mostly be Binance US, I didn't had any problems with Binance com so far, though my investments in there are peanuts compared to others. Coinbase Pro, Binance com, Crypto com, KuCoin and Kraken are some examples of popular markets, all with their own pros and cons. Best thing you can do is try all of them and stick to your favorite :) I was reading spiderdao's whitepaper, dVPN networks is the VPN 2.0 for sure. I wonder if they will launch the network by Q2-21, 'Bandwidth Monetisation' is a pretty new concept. Users can sell their bandwidth. I have come to FIAT for now, I still think it as a LOCAL TOP! Buy other altcoins as well like DeFi coins as Crypto has evolved a lot since 2017 due DefI TVL is increasing every day. Alts are a great way to increase your btc holdings via 'Alt/Btc' pairing. I have added DOT, BNB, UNI, LINK, SPDR to my long-term bags along with Bitcoin. I might add NFTs too like of bondly, spiderdao ,etc. I am ready to buy bitcoin dips this time, already made a mistake of not entering when it dipped to $11k but the same mistake won't be repeated again. Polkamarkets MVP is now launched on the Ethereum Testnet, haven't you tried it already? They are partnered as well with some of the biggest projects like Orion Protocol and Bridge Mutual. Got no anxiety about buying more POLK bags right now. Doing the same lets see if useless fuck like me can earn some shit You should really look into dollar cost averaging. it's been fruitful for me, and I'm in the same pay period situation. Ok great rehearsal everyone. Now let’s get out there and type “what is kucoin”, but actually into Google this time. What is an exchange. 👍🏼 I really didn't have a doubt about this platform tbh. We can see the potential of this gamified prediction platform to be huge. Their MVP is a masterpiece. IMO Could you explain DCA LI5 or have a link to a video that does? Would be appreciated. That’s what he described lol. Fallen out of your bed this morning? They are now asking the community about what are we expecting on the platform, and I chose gaming/esports predictions. I'm more of a fan of Dota 2 and I want to integrate my passion for both of my hobbies in one platform. What is xrp XenomoRph Pee" Every time i buy after a dip and then it dips even further,1813,https://i.redd.it/3uuwaar3u1571.jpg,"Oh you enjoy catching that falling knife too? I feel this with my 62k buys... I’m quite happy with the way we’ve been dipping so far. I’ve been able to reduce my average purchasing price The whole last couple of months has been incediption. Dip within a dip within a dip within a flash crash within an Elon tweet within a dip within a China banning cryptos for the 10^42nd time within Leonardo Dicaprios dirty undies. Same on this end, time to change my strategy (but I have no money left to buy) I’m not educated enough to wait for it to bottom out to invest. I’ll just throw in a thousand every week and then just wait until it comes back to the all time high in like 5 years. My super power is ALWAYS guessing wrong. I’ve given up and don’t even look at the prices anymore. I just mine and either let it sit there or move some to BTC and let it sit there Absolutely true! I had to buy SCRT on 3 stages lol! Every time I say this should be the last dip, and it dips more, then I can't resist the price! But in the end, this wouldn't make a big difference, since I am planning to hold for a good time. Once secret network gets rated within the top 10 projects, the purchase price will not really matter! Buy the dip! Whales need cash! Seriously, pretty soon we hit the point where people cannot afford to buy the dip anymore, and then the real “fun” will start. You're not alone :))) LOL 😂😂CLOV This is the way Painful 🙈🙈🙈🙈 Every fucking time Not until you sell it Everyday you mean? That's when you just DCA again, happier this time about a better entry. I've bought so many eth entries in this action we've been having lately. Couple hundred $ each dip down to a lower point than my last dca. I know right. What's the point? Just buying it now is still half of what I paid for. What's 20% up or down now compared to the 50% I lost since April. Lol it me This is why I just started shorting everything!!! Wait until it curls. “I’m going to a accident!” Use dollar cost average technique. During the bear run, buy the dips in periodic fashion. Let's take you have 10K USD, every week buy the dip for only 1K. This will average out the losses when the market returns back to being bullish. For months I would look at the prices of crypto on Binance and everyday like 95% of the coins would be in the green. I wanted so bad to just put some money on every coin and ride it out and about 2 weeks ago I finally was able to do that, I put $100 on half and $50 on the other half. And for the first time ever I saw all the coins in the red. Like every single one. After watching green for months, I mean come on. I still have a positive outlook because I think crypto will be important as countries move away from anonymous paper currency. I think the black market alone will be keep crypto alive but if the real market starts embracing crypto it will be even better for ya boi Been catching those GD knives since Feb 1 especially in Tech and Growth lol! I keep saying man it can’t go no lower then Bam another 50% drop😂smmfh!!! I bought ETH at 4k r i p The opposite happenings when I bought XKI. In the end, the fundamentals still matter. IMO I just keep buying, these prices won’t last long… Tell me when you buy it, I'll wait and buy it later. LOL I bought MATIC at the bottom for $1.54. It’s down to a $1.37. Follow me for more ways to turn $1,000 into $900. Damnn.. You rich . My 62 buy turned 10 😂 Ouchh No I’m not happy . Hope you do well! DCA is the way *Leonardo Dipcaprio I took my 7k investment loss out of 20k, and pulled it out put it into AMC, and yep so far will be making back all of my money, then coming back to crypto later this month. You forgot that Tethers backing is raising some puzzlement again, people on commercial paper market are wondering why Tether is so invisible there, even as it should have significant visibility due to how much of it's worth is backed in there. ​ https://www.ft.com/content/342966af-98dc-4b48-b997-38c00804270a Yes. People here are mostly idiots. The BTC is a low flat time 95% of the time. Why they choose to buy when it super pumps and HODL I will never know 🤡 All you really need to do is find your support and resistance levels to find your buy in area! It really isn’t rocket science and MANY Traders willing to teach the sticks that I suggest learning before putting money into stocks!!! TA and the charts tell you EVERYTHING well almost everything lol least where to buy in at!! “InTheMoney” and “TheTradingChannel”, on YouTube will teach you all you need to know about Candlesticks and TA!!! Don’t guess, research and invest in projects you believe in. It’s long term hodl not overnight lambo. Theres a floor in every dip. The elevator just cant make its mind up what floor we stopping at. We'll come back, and if you can afford to - just keep averaging down until then. [deleted] YES!! Just hold. Strong hands always win. ETH will bounce back. I did the same with ETH, DOT, UTK, and ADA. Strong fundamentals will rise again. [removed] I've had matic with an avg price of $0.80. didn't sell when it hit $2.20 bc I thought it'll go higher. Went in big @ like $1.30 and then it just kept falling. I knew it'd go back up eventually, but it's just so fustrating I got in at $.43 and been holding, but everything else has been bad I made the mistake of buying GVT at 13$ thinking it wasn’t done going up. Keep in mind it had already peaked at 16$. I watched all of my money disappear over the course of 2 days. It was a nightmare. Say what you will about the stupidity of investing in GVT. I’m laughing so hard right now ... it’s all jokes n fun until you are on your jet laughing at me with your glass of wine This a nice price mate... Recently bought PINK from their Triple IDOs recently and one thing that I observed is that it actually gave me an easy x5 gains lmao 🚀 And then my 55k, 50k and 39k buys... Yay! I'll be holding for a little. Your a special kind of stupid. I love it! 😂 What chart are you plotting your support and resistance on? Monthly? Yearly? AMEN Sir!!!! That’s the problem right there is everyone thinking their gunna get rich overnight lol but unfortunately shit don’t work that way!!! Nah, I rather wait for prices to stop falling, and then I start averaging. Starting investing too early seriously cuts into profits. Take a look at charts in 2014 and 2018, peoples behavior after ATH is rather similar. People buy the dips, which defends the price for a while, then people run out of money or interest, and the price falls to the floor, and then starts to pick up. So I am going to wait until prices have gone sideways long enough before I start investing in again. People do not have infinite amounts of money to pour into crypto, which means that when people run out of money to buy the dips, the real price drop starts. Happened in 2014, 2018 and will happen now. I sold around 60K, and when to start investing back in is a game of patience, too early and significant part of profits is lost. Trust me in holding for sure, just found it funny how as soon as i bought in the next week was when the charts were in a blood bath The market is recovering. BTC is over $40K now. Bulls are coming, so don't sell. Fill your bags and hold!! Great choice with UTK, I think UTK has the most space for growth! Yeahhh✌️ what's important is that we do participate on their passive income. Stakelab is considered to be one of the top-tier validator imo. you are not alone Same here with other coins. Now I know that the longer a market is very high, the more probable it will crash. And it will crash eventually. No need to sell when you have a good profit already, but having a stop loss may be a very good idea. Get the profits, and buy more on the dip. I had to add more money that I was willing to have on cryptos because I am on that forced hold for coins I bought some time before the crash. The only happy people here in crypto are the minority that got in last year or very early this year. The majority of retailers lost money and are just waiting to break even so they can sell You’ve been hanging out over at r/doge too long mate. I like Webull and Tasty! Love Webull’s charts though the most though! The info and sleekness on their app is pretty great!! TOS is good to(think or swim) Weekly and monthly pending on viotility sometimes yearly! It doesn’t happen that way, but in the society we live in, everyone thinks that. Because of news and media and even YouTube pumping up hype. Most people don’t realize that most of the people that got rich off doge didn’t invest 2 days before Elon went on snl. They invested in 2013-2016 or 2018-2020. And the later you got in the more you had the invest. Anyone that invested past feb 2021 got fought hodling the bag while the long term investors walked away rich and still have a huge bag. Whales are bullies on the playground shaking the little guys upside down for their lunch money. Once the pockets run dry it hits bottom and chills for a while cause everyone is scared and when it feels safe to bring money to the playground again things start to go back up. Could take a little while but we will see. Hold tight and keep your shekels close. BTC looks much better. Well, it has the smallest cap from this list so it has a lot of room for growth. But also UTK fundamentals are strong. I am here with you The moment they break even and the see green bars all around their minds will instantaneously turn greedy again telling themselves to at least wait a little more to get some profit and then they won't sell. That stuff about selling of you are break even is what you tell yourself while in pain not when you actually hit break even and it looks like you are going to make money. Indeed, UTK fundamentals are great. The adoption king. New merchants are coming every day and that list is really huge. Soon merchants will be rewarded for every crypto payment they received! Good point. Though until we get to the break even point - BTC above around 57k then a majority of retail investors likely won’t be putting much more into crypto. So who Is going to take us to those ATHs again. You see these crypto threads are extremely empty compared to a couple of months back. Interest has gone till we hit that 57k again" Interesting,1801,https://i.redd.it/h4sqi5isnx571.jpg,"This man has figured out the stock market / and the crypto market. Thats exactly how it is! Alright, I'll go now. I'll go now? Algo now. ALGO NOW! market haha This is an absolute hilarious yet true representation on how we rate our stocks. It's not an analysis of products, company direction or market potential. It's all based on hearsay, conjecture and plain old FUD that sets a stock price. so true!!! the market is so dumb....my god kimkardashian drank some pepsi!!sell coca quickkkkkkkk Made me laugh hard 🤣😂 Stock here ? Here ? HIRE ! Worst game of telephone ever It's not that most people are headless chickens. It's just that some are and the motions of the market excellerate themselfs by people expecting things. I feel like these market charts are free experiments for human psychology Bruh this comic has been posted so many times... This is exactly how it is that's why I switch into NFTs and planning to mint my firt creation in [nft.tech](https://nft.tech) they will restructure the NFT industry specially the marketplace by their first liquid matching engine They should yell hold and lease The power misunderstanding is also the power of FUD and Shills That's exactly what it is! Looks like a day in my life... Those who let their emotions guide their choices always end up getting trapped by the rumor mill that keeps swelling in markets like Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. This drawing highlights the importance of having your own long-term goals and only acting on your own decisions. very adequate representation. I like the guy on the phone Lmaoo This is #facts Crypto Trading Platform SwissBorg Adds Support for XRP, ‘The Most Scalable Digital Asset' the existence of investors today This is exactly what happened! But I got to understand the whole thing from the beginning and started to fill the bags with SCRT when the dip first started. The price was great to skip, and the project is too powerful and brilliant to ignore! The bear market was never the problem, it's just the biggest opportunity! Luckily all the people in this comment section and Reddit in general are all the big boss hog on the far left, and everyone else is the people on the right!!! lol love this. Just a bunch of asshxxxx. Asshxxxx ? Hodl ?? Hodl..... Hodl..... Hodl [removed] I’m down less than 2% today why is every stock sub freaking out? I swear to god people expect the S&P to see green every single day of their life. This seems about right. Lol Good one !! Haha I love this cartoon. I remember someone posting this on some other sub last March when shit really hit the fan in the stock market. This is why I focus on the technology more than the hype. I love browsing Reddit to see what people are talking about, but I know the importance of DYOR and understanding the actual tech/implications. [removed] This is how the market really works. Yeah this cartoon was made in 1989 too I agree with you. Although at first when I saw the word ""stock"" I was thinking maybe he's saying something about tokenized stocks and assets as that I've been seeing more upwates about security tokens and tokenized stocks lately This is nice So true lol! Thanks God I learned from 2017's lesson.If you're a hodler doesn't matter what other people would say. I just bought RELI at dip and I'm good to go. Warren buffet never told me Kardashian would kill my value stonks I've noticed many parallels to real life. If I get in a good mood I tend to exaggerate just like a euphoric market which eventually leads to an emotional correction, followed by a dip which I exaggerate, some healthy consolidation and then an emotional breakout to start the cycle again. Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* And has been reposted more than 1,989,000,000,000 times hahahALGO Never seen it Welcome to the internet Apathy is a tragedy and boredom is a crime. Can I interest you in anything and everything all of the time?" Price of Bitcoin on Valentine's day,1783,https://i.redd.it/3tuf9zi38ih61.jpg,"brb I’ll jump on that time machine of mine ... Someone send me to 2009 **I hope my ex has a horrible day... using fiat** 2022: 139,000 2023: 166,000 2024: 89,000 2025: 195,000 2026: 229,000 2019 really got everyone If I bought in 2010 there’s no way I would have been able to make myself hold until 2021. I probably would have been lucky to hold until it hit $1 in 2011. Once it doubled I *might* have held but once it tripled I’m pretty sure I would have sold. It shoulda been $69,000. So around $15k Valentine’s Day 2022?! TFW I was in the process of setting up a Bitcoin wallet in 2009 as it seemed fun and techy, but got bored with the effort of it and went back to playing MW2... Such is life in the zone. Someone who invested 100$ in 2010 and held ever since....would have 98 million dollars right now. But let’s be real....99.99 of us would’ve probably sold before it even reached 100$, per coin. so 450k next year iTs tOo vOlAtiLe Interesting, looks to me this time next year btc will be 150k or 15k 2011: $1 SO funny. I bought the first multiple dollar bubble (\~$30, From March to June 2011). When it burst I was so pissed at myself I didn't buy it again for over a year. In hindsight, that seems pretty funny. Don't trade. Always HODL Bitcoin gave us a valentine gift since he knows we spent $$$ on loveones lol I smell a bubble I don't see a pattern. Looks like it doubles then tanks then becomes exponential. This hurts me. And? surely the community has more than ‘Bitcoin number go up’. Like I appreciate this is good if you hold but if you know about BTC You know it’s up, if you don’t then you don’t care and if it was down you’d be saying ‘hodl’ so either it’s up and we upvote or it’s down and we say hodl and upvote that, either way no real substance here Every 5-6 Valentine’s is the slump followed by growth. Won't be bad dropping in some $2k in 2011. 5¢.......fuck me. The #1 price that's mathematically *completely* out of whack on that list is the current one. BTC is *waaaayy* overpriced rn (imho), and people need to understand that nothing just keeps going up forever without some major corrections. So we should buy every dip on Dogecoin for the next 10 years? Lmao Why do you insist on hurting me. would be cool to see this list for the top 20 coins or so 2014 was the first big spike followed by a dip. 2018 was the next big spike whoch had a dip the following year. 2021 was a big jump from last year. But I though BTC was going to zero? i feel like ill be looking back at somepoint saying fuck i could of bought at 49k what an idiot not to [removed] 2013. It was a very good year. https://youtu.be/TeDfgUvyKHk Remindme! One year I literally downloaded Bitcoin core and some mining app back in June 2011 on my old desktop. I don't think I set it up correctly because it currently shows my wallet is zero 😭. It's still loading after 3 weeks and has about 1year and 9 months left. Is there a slim chance that something might pop up or am I just wasting my time? I should have just bought some bitcoin on Mt. Gox but thought it would be cool to mine it myself.... I literally haven't been sleeping well for the last month because of this If only I had a time machine... I’d go back in time before I built the time machine and never build it. Because no one should be playing with the time space continuum Do you guys can image how far we can go if we keep holding BTC and using [Mudrex](https://Mudrex.com)? jus know when im at the right age imma start investing a bit and getting me some btc [removed] One day we'll be talking about the stats of the likes of Polkadot, Bridge Mutual, Secret Network, Polkastarter, Cardano, Dogecoin, and many more as well because I believe DeFi projects are going tp be the Next Big Thing to happen in the crypto space. Now only if ETH follow in these footsteps. Next year it better be $69,420.00 Would anyone be interested in buying a 32 k youtube channel? I accept crypto as payment too Fml I wish I woulda gotten $100 worth in 2010 Got room for one more on that thing? Someone make me not like 5 years old when that shit blew up Good luck storing it all those years and not losing it RemindMe! One Year 2030: 🌙 Remindme! One year Remindme! 1 year RemindMe! five years RemindMe! One year RemindMe! One Year Thats why certain investing requires the mindset that all the money put in is already gone. Think about all the people who got antsy and sold in 2019. Huge mistake The thing to do is take profits. Take out 10% of profit and not take original investments. If you do that over time, the thing can still grow while making sure you don't lose if it goes down. Nicccce Judging by the pattern here it should be higher next year, and then it'll fall to somewhere in between the 2021- and 2022-price in 2023. There's obviously no guarantees that'll happen though, so time will tell. For that to be true ..it has to reach 90k first (based on the same price you used) How did you come up with this number? You have to know the halving years to see the pattern lol sure why not You can Your post has been removed because discord links, referral links, and referral codes are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your post has been removed because discord links, referral links, and referral codes are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Negative, but I’ll happily sell you one or two for a 2020 price. *Hateful Eight Intensifies* Room... For one mo? Do we need to call an ambulance for that stroke? Sir, I'm going to need you to have a seat over there. What? Chances are you would have been more like me than someone who mined hundreds of bitcoin and held a bunch for over a decade. In 2016 I got annoyed with an npr interview about bitcoin. I was like ""why's smart people radio trying to scam everyone with fake money?"" A year later my friend bought a new car purely with some crypto profits and I thought he was being a fool and would be in poverty soon. He got rekt in 2018 like everyone else but he didn't seem to care at all. Now he's a millionaire and I don't know him anymore cause he's completely insane. Filthy rich, but truly insane. Just remember the numbers don't tell the entire story I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2022-02-15 05:00:19 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2022-02-15%2005:00:19%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMarkets/comments/ljwtmo/price_of_bitcoin_on_valentines_day/gni6cq2/?context=3) [**18 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FCryptoMarkets%2Fcomments%2Fljwtmo%2Fprice_of_bitcoin_on_valentines_day%2Fgni6cq2%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202022-02-15%2005%3A00%3A19%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20ljwtmo) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-| The fact that i have left over bits of bitcoin from a fountain that amounted to pennies at that time , that i forgot about and now is almost at 100$ I’m sure you’re such a pro millionaire investor. Guy writes the most honest admission of the day that 99.9% could relate to... and you come in acting like mr smarty pants wise guy.. annoying. Newsflash: YOU wouldn’t have held till 2021 either! Not even close! By looking at the sequence of numbers The best I can do is 2017 price! ~~I think we might need to.~~ @$EdiT$@ He is doing ok now, no medical assistance required. They're like 14 I was very young and didn't know about crypto at the time when BTC was skyrocketing !RemindMe One year He possibly is, but this is how humans do. Imagine how dumb the average person is, then remember half of everyone is dumber than that. Sorry, could you be more specific? I'm not seeing the pattern. There's a few years where it jumps then recedes. Edit: don't know why im getting downvoted for asking a legitimate question. Years 2014 and 2019 seem out of sync. No clue where this guy got his arbitrary number from. Thats a rip-off!! Fine I accept. Are you like 10 years old now? He made it up. Its all speculation. The fact of the matter is that blockchain only became a legitimate technology in the global market within recent years. Applications of the tech are still being experimented with, and there is still resistance to widespread adoption. Until we have a signifcant portion of the population that is ACTUALLY tech savvy and understands use cases/how to hold and pay with crypto, I dont forsee any ability to predict pricing on any crypto that isn't dedicated to maintaining a set price range. Great! I will take 5 If he was 5 in 2009/10 he would be 16/17 now Thank you! I guess all the people downvoting me are just butt hurt kids who hope to get rich. He said when BTC was skyrocketing so I guessed thatd be around 2017." Welcome Back!,1785,https://i.redd.it/4lgnmd26xaz81.jpg,"The apostrophe in bros is enough to make me scream! But do you pay in dog-themed internet money? Doesn’t this hurt their recruiting cause? Aren’t they saying the only reason you would consider working there is if you hit rock bottom? Hire a copy editor Lol. Sir, this is a Wendy's..... Worked with a guy in an autoshop that was happy sticking to changing oil and tires all day long. He told me pretty much puts all of his money towards crypto. Like, 90% of it. He's banking on it being huge and him being a millionaire in a few years. I feel attacked. Real? If so, great troll micky d! Talk about a McRibbing Welcome back, ""Diamond hands"" I hate to do it but if that's real, I have to give a point to McDonald's Lol Free napkins ! I'd like to think this is fake because of that apostrophe Have they even started to accept or offer crypto yet? Lol Get with it Ronald. Better have some golden something to pay those bros. 😂 Nice!!! Is McD's offering to pay their employees with crypto? 🤣 LOL, probably we should buy a shitcoin in order to protest like the old days Sauvage Love this :-) if real! Yes, insult the people you’re trying to hire. Stay classy McDonalds. McShite trying to stay relevant is a fucking joke Smart ones will go work during this bear market and accumulate. Work at McDonald’s for 2 years and heavily accumulate. You could come out a millionaire. Just saying I think this has been proven fake in the wallstreet bros sub. But If it was real, what would be their message? Stop playing with your digit ""assets"" and come work for us and earn some REAL money? Or something.. 🤣 Millenial Thinker literally did this video months ago https://youtu.be/i1fKhS105UA 2 years ago. This Youtuber called it. Lol, jokes on them.. Mcdonalds employee in Denmark earns more than a airline pilot where I work. ROFL - is this real? Or photoship? Are you paying in crypto five mins in, it's like they never left... TF! Their HR should do advanced salaries to allow the Crypto Bros to buy the dip That helped me out!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=876ybp7hk8M SAVAGE 😂😂😂 theres no way this is real but if so this is just too much lol....McDonald's clearly hasnt heard of the great resignation Apes don't grammar good. It’s the first thing I noticed too, like a total psycho. Lol If you think ""bro"" is a word in it's own right, then an apostrophe there is incorrect as it would imply ownership. But if you think ""Bro"" is a shortening of ""Brother"" then Bro's is correct, because it replaces dropped letters, akin to ""it's"" short for ""it is"" or ""G'day"" short for ""Good Day"" It does look incorrect because you don't usually write ""Hey Bro', how's your day?"" ... But maybe we should be. If you lost everything because of Luna - then you're a complete idiot. A person has a portfolio. About 6 coins. He Dollar Cost Averages into each coin every month. That's it. End of story. You don't lose your home, your retirement, your whole life over one coin. If you did, then you're an idiot who should not have been investing anyway or even using a computer. They pay in Grimace Coin https://www.grimacecoincrypto.com/ Knowing who they are is how they succeed. They are familiar with the term McJob It’s the internet my dude, of course it’s real. Now get applying! French fried They started charging me thats why i always swallow. Yes! Grimace Coin https://www.grimacecoincrypto.com/ Harden up ya sook Photoshop even! I bet they had a 2 hour argument about that in advertising. No, I don't think this is right. In English, we use apostrophes to mark contractions, but not for clippings. Like, we don't shorten ""doctor"" to doc', or ""mathematics"" to math'. A good example of this is ""captain,"" which can be contracted as ""capt'n"" or clipped to ""cap."" What about the the '90's vs. '90s? Not quite I can't be bothered wording this all out so imma just go with simple 'My bro's car' would be correct 'They're my bro's' would not work, it could just as much be 'bro is' as the long winded version We? Oh my god! [removed] Clipped to cap sounds like a situation at work when you really fuck up. [deleted] Errr - they 🤦🏼‍♂️ this is me after the btc and doge highs, the doge one hit real hard as i remember being told about it years ago and shrugging it and well here we are. this grimace shit will hit a mil. ​ ​ /s or well i cant /s bc /s/fuck All part of a complete breakfast. Hello Mc D's HR recurring specialist" Well it’s time to buy another dip!,1780,https://i.redd.it/yahj1do4jnb81.jpg,"I've averaged my portfolio down into nonexistence Yeah, some people really know how to make a lot of usdt in any situation we're currently not in an investing market. this is a trading market if you're just planning to buy+hold, be ready to be in the red a lot Bring it on. It is the perfect time to re-strategize and accumulate as much as I can afford. PLUG, ETH, BNB, LINK, and DOT are on my watch list.  trust me this time is the dip Based on True story I'm not missing out on the current price of my favourite smart contracts tokens including BTC, ETH, QANX, BNB, MATIC, NII, and LOOP Accurate I already did that, GTH and BRKL particularly caught my eyes. GTH is now live in BSC Network, the ETH-BSC bridge has also been deployed. Bullish pointers IMO. Let's see what the likes of BTC and ETH do over the weekend. What dip? DPX/rDPX throwing up long green candles. BTRFLY and really all protocols that are accumulating CVX to best position themselves for the growing 'Curve Wars' are all winners. If you're losing money in this market, it's because you arent paying attention and are probably trying to get all your news from Reddit welcome to my life, the lesson is buy all the dips ! Which dip? And which future dip should I be buying more in? I plan to buy low and sell lower (hahahahaha kidding). It is actually the best time to put some money in the dip if you know what you're doing. I've been averaging down on my bag so I'm not quite bothered. The dip of DIA, DOT, SOL, BNB, OCEAN, OIN looks enticing and so irresistible, I had me some of those. We either make it or make it this year. Sometimes I wish I had the yellow infinity stone to go back in time and make millions! Wtf? Why do people keep saying dip? Don’t get my excited it’s hardly budged Most of the dip i bought are now yielding some profits. Still patiently waiting for more great profits. haha, I bought the dip and actually I am loosing on all of the coins. Just glad bought SCRT too which is pumping on Tarantino whose is going to launch its NFt on their stashh app mainnet irrespective of the law suit. It's going lower than you think. Alot of whales sold just before the 600$ transaction report to the IRS went into effect. It will stabilize soon and then flatten for awhile. Maybe Tanos bought shitcoins 😂😂, I bought $UDO RAMP and TARA of recent and they are still doing quite fine. If you cant buy the dip then you cant enjoy the pump [removed] Bullish on Jacy! Dipped to high 70’s, looks like it’s consolidating before it’s next move up! Great team, doxxed, clear road map, liquidity locked and certik underway 👍 Buying the dip is a good strategy for those that missed buying the bottom, but I got tired of the dip at some point as it keeps going down. I just want to hodl what I have for a while. But I recently discovered NII, a layer2 solution that provides fast, secure, and affordable gas fees. Dollar! Cost! Average! Actually more than that [removed] I feel dips are opportunities to make use of your USDT to get coins at discount prices. Loaded my bags with SCLP, BRKL, BNB and DIA. Massive with a hopeful x5 pump before the year runs out. The dip is the perfect time to stack so bring it on. I've added some more MATIC, SYLO and ICONS tokens to my bag, and now I'm watching closely DOT, LINK, BNB. Lmao that man is the dip 😂😂😂 [removed] SAITAMA and SHIB lol Got more NFTs from RarioCricket marketplace for now Buy more 🤣🤣 “Trust me” - anonymous guy on the internet. Found myself here again. Did grab some more AIOZ... pure DCA. The calm before the storm, need enough before IBC and OSMOSIS. Just need them to enable staking so I can enjoy my red more. Lol. This is why you use the DCA strategy. I did that with OIN and I'm sitting in cool profits now. It was the main coin I accumulated during the dips alongside a few others. Kept a huge chunck of stablecoins asides to ape into Dreem Metaverse and Monster Galaxy p2e during their IDOs. DREEM is yet to fix a date and GGM just concluded its first IDO on enjinstarter, the next one is on trustpad tomorrow and the last is on bybit CEX on the 18th. All long term holds for me, so I don't mind being in the red for the short term. Already bought. Managed to snag some Ocean Protocol on the cheap and some Rario cricket NFTs for cheap, for 2022! I will keep on buying all the dips till I can't no more. The market is constantly offering us opportunities now and I can't even afford to miss out on any. I used the opportunity to load up on the Cartesi dip at $0.6. I remain very optimistic about this year as a whole. Haaaha, you made me laugh so hard mate. :D This is very true for those panic sales, FUD people. You are making losses only if you don't wait long enough. I bought some Ocean for 1$ and after it falls to 0.7, I bought some more, so my average now is about 0.85. I won't sell it before it reaches 10$ and how long does it take, two days or two months, I don't care... Lool this is why DCA is advisable Always a good time to buy the dip, haha! I bought a lot of OIN during the dip, which ended up being great as OIN pumped a lot in the last days. I'm staking my OIN bag for passive income anyway so volatility doesn't really effect me as I'm in OIN for the long run! Depends on how deep the dip is. :D I am buying OCEAN on a 20% dip, but it never went more than 5% down from this price. IMO there are at least 30% or more gains to be made soon... Is ENS a good to buy? Funny thing is the dip kept on dipping. I'm not good with selling perfect top/buying back perfect bottom. So I just DCA'ed & Hodl & if possibly, stake. Really helped me to grow my OIN & ROWAN stack, at good staking APR [removed] Don’t use kucoin. I thought this was cryto...not Clov From 30k a year ago to 2k today. My soul hurts I am a great example of this. I bought ustd in these last days and the price just kept falling Usdt is the best thing to hold now. The good thing is that you can actually stake it on Freeway platform and earn deposit rewards. This is the best alternative with the way market is going. This says it all, this is the time to HODL for as long as possible; although I also make some little investment in the ongoing LFG liquidity mining so I just don't hodl hopelessly. It's also best when you Hodl while receiving some passive income on your tokens. Like putting in my DIA on binance flexible savings while accumulating more DIA while staking SDN on Shiden Network feels super cool. Out of fiat lol. Dip or rise it is what it is for me lol. ETH, LINK and DOT are on my watch list too including SYS. Am sure a pump will happen very soon BNB is good but I think DOT will make a better investment as it still has more strength and chances to blow higher and it has already extended this to some of its tokens most especially low caps like PNODE, POLS and PKF. You are right Buddy. The right time to accumulate. This is the best time to get token/coin at a discounted rate. Good also to make sure some stablecoin are saved for when the dip gets dipper. Recently got my hands on TOWER, REVV, ONE and also got my hands on SPOOL Source: trust me bro Actually where does everybody get their news from - except of Reddit? Serious question 🙋‍♂️ [removed] Is this some sexual joke? Can't call them profits if you didn't cash them out Bought more SCRT after the Shockwave update... Taken some profit into GTH and ATOM. Something brewing with gather👌🏽. Cosmos to resume bullish movement shortly. The transaction report is for businesses not individuals Source: I swear bro I know what im saying I thank goodness the world is not filled with the well-BIFd. Best wishes on your wilde ride. Take profits while you can And Jacy Fuck Off with NFTs > I bought ustd What std? that's cos you bought ustd... it gets cheaper everyday sire... it's free over here [removed] USDC is my stablecoin choice. I spent a lot on UNQ cpl of days ago but I had to make my move since it was hard to get in their token sale. They have the potential to revolutionize the whole NFT space. They are the NFT pioneers on Polkadot and Kusama. Probably gonna win the next parachain slot auction. Regarding staking stables, I think that Freeway is better for assets like DOT and ADA. For the stablecoins I use Celsius and YieldApp, I think it's less risky and APYs look more sustainable. Waiting for V2, there should be some improvements + mobile app is coming soon. I want to see if they will include some more assets that will be available for staking. Usdt Is shit. The sooner everyone gets rid of it, the better. True, I've never run out of USDT, and staking it can provide decent returns. But I always keep it in my wallet in case I want to jump into new projects or buy some gems when the market dips, as it did recently, and I was able to get some MATIC and SYLO at a cheap price. i dreamed about it last night. i bought the dip and got the lambo, bro. Best places for current Blockchain information is on Twitter and Discord. Reddit fails as a medium to get quality information since it falls to hivemind mentality where morons have same upvote/downvote abilities as people who are actually knowledgeable. Getting information from Reddit is like asking a random nobody on the street for advice. The information on Reddit is often just Noise... And, even if it *is* accurate, by the time it makes it's way to a Reddit post, it is already old information. Instead, it is best to get your information straight from the source and from selected individuals who are known to be experts in this space. Twitter *can* be shitty if you dont maintain it. The way you'll want to use it, is to create an account *specifically* for blockchain information. You should only follow people who are developers or those who add value to the space. Maintain the list of people you follow, and treat them almost as though they are your employees feeding you updates. When you properly vet the people you follow, your news feed is guaranteed to be high quality information that is up to the minute of latest developments. As for Discord, you will want to join the official Discord of every major project in blockchain and crypto space. The official Discords have significant resources and in-depth information on the projects, and you get to interact directly with the community and dev team. All this information will be vital to making better financial decisions and to gain a better feel for the strength of a project and community. I would recommend beginning with the official dev teams for Ethereum and all of the top defi protocols as shown on defi llama or defipulse. Reddit is basically the worst place to get crypto information. There is so much misinformation here that can be deceptive to people new in this space. Reddit is the last stop for news and is little more than a place to circlejerk when you're bored. What have you seen that signals this ? A large portion of the whales are commodities traders. Damn this the 1st time I've ever seen someone talk about kusama on this subreddit, really good coin USDT isn't shit if you stake it. I get enough USDT just so I can DCA when there's a dip. I bagged a good amount of OGN and NII during the dip. I have no regrets having USDT in my portfolio though I don't stake them [removed] Really? 😃 I dreamed about it last night too. I bought the dip. It went really well with the chips I was eating. This….does put a smile on my face. [removed] Thank you so much! Will defiantly sign up to the discords then, it’s just a little overwhelming if you don’t know the way around the place… will have to take a good look at it. Cheers buddy ! Really? I didn't pay much attention but yeah, Kusama is a good one. I think that it will be even bigger when all the projects that won the auctions start heating up. When it comes to UNQ, they already won the 14th parachain slot auction and their platform, Quartz, became an official parachain for Kusama. They're not backed. Usdc, Dai, Ust are better i cashed out in november lmao. still holding on cardano though bought at 2.2. sad." “Make sure to destroy the like button for the Youtube algorithm..”,1757,https://i.redd.it/ncgm3bwabv871.jpg,"Eh. I don’t care and will keep buying as I can either way tbh. I’m new to this, but the way I see it, It will be more than clear within 6 months if this is a bear or a bull. If it’s still a bull….then great…will be able to sell some on the way up in the near future. If it’s a bear…also great, that will give me much more time to continue to buy at great prices. Win, win IMO. If you zoom out enough... we are always in a bull run Who’s actually saying that? I haven't watched a crypto channel in a month. I gave up trying to predict. I'm just gonna hodl. What shit coin did you buy to be down 80%? MMCrypto, seems like a nice person, videos are complete garbage. ok question: I know when you sell your crypto that is a taxable event. But what if I trade one crypto for another? Never sold just converted it into something else. Do I still have to report it ? Lol if you were ever down 80% you need to adjust your memecoin allocation this is a bull market. ""Now, IS THIS IT, for bitcoin? Are we looking for the bounce-back today, or is there a LITTLE BIT MORE to go? Well I want to show you a VERY INTERESTING fractal from 2020 that could be the BIGGEST CLUE what bitcoin COULD BE doing next! Most likely there is going to be an INSANE OPPORTUNITY for a trade, so if you guys are interested in that, please stick around till the end of the video, like comment and subscribe!"" I can't help but laugh at some of the way the video-makers word their videos haha Truth Lol we are all George and we are all broke Modern Investor has basically been screaming in the mike that we’re in a bull market all month. Most crypto YouTubers are morons anyways This bullrun is over ! I follow Alex Ristani and he doesn’t think it’s probable that btc dips to 20k… he mentions wyckoff as well. I think wyckoff isn’t gonna ge a few more weeks though. I really do think this is a time for big people to accumulate. If you’re newbie, don’t expect any giant moves for a WHILE… Oh lord, this is so true. Only an idiot that bought every peak could be down 80% rn Crypto Banter :) Why’re you watching crypto youtubers in the first place Just keep buying man. It’ll get better crypto youtubers are poor and are projecting that into you... but sure, go follow the pseudo-intelectual youtube crypto OG that understands institutional level of trading and investing because ""he was there since 2016"" and you're a new guy looking for help. anything not related to news is 100% useless content because they can't predict sht otherwise they wouldn't have a youtube channel. But thanks to Ellio Trades i discover BMI and FWT and bought at lows and sometimes scalp 🤫 I like that both has real product. True. If it was a bull market all crypto would be up. Not how it is atm Karls channel “The Moon” makes me cringe so hard. The cringey mf shills the shit out of Bybit. Want to kms But we are in a bull market right Tis a bull market tho, just a healthy retracement I mean, we are in a bull market. You’re a noob if you think otherwise. Ove been at the same amount in my Coinbase for the past 4 months despite putting everything I mine into it. One day I will make a profit. Down 80% relative to what? The recent ATH? Cmon man. Unless you got into crypto in 2021, you are still up many multiples. someone didn't dca from first buy ... :) Lmfaooo!!! [removed] I mean they aren't won't...we are way up. Zoom out from the day and weeks. We are almost double from just months ago....that's pretty damn good ""We're in a Wyckoff accumulation phase"" Well if you didn't get in until the price was through the fucking roof then you are gonna have to wait awhile. The other option. Sell it all. Take the loss and start over 😆 If all you care about is k/d ratio just say you lost a round and find a new lobby and hope it goes better for you this time. [removed] We are going up but I still don't see this as a definitive proof we're still in a bull market. BTC still can't break 36k. The drop in difficulty might change that though. this is the way Yuuup. The most important figure I saw that finally got me to start buying is that literally everyone who bought and held for at least 4 years was profitable, even if they bought at the worst possible time. At this point any buy now will be twice as profitable as one at 64, so I consider it a good time to DCA no matter what happens. This is how I treated 2017. Bought a bunch even at the top. It crashed. I held and now everything is worth double/triple/ and even 10x on some buys. Buy and hold only this time I’m adding some staking and DeFi to the mix to increase my token holdings for a year or two. Didn’t have this option 4 years ago. Especially looking at it long term. This “mini” bear market isn’t going to be anything in 2 years. By then, everything will be higher. Just keep buying and stop expecting to be a millionaire in a week. Easy enough. True dat kinda interesting to ponder making a chart of life on plant earth and being able to zoom out on that. What kind of bull run has the various life forms been on? [deleted] I mean, anyone who’s saying it’s not a downtrend is in total denial, but the main thing is whether someone thinks it’s gonna last weeks, months, or years. It’s not like there’s never been a drop this massive in the middle of a bull market before so it’s at least possible, but I definitely wouldn’t recommend anyone just go all in assuming it’s over for the next 3 years, or there’s gonna be another big pump in the near future. If you plan for anything reasonably possible you’ll win either way. Isn't the primary sentiment on YouTube. Bitboy's new show ""Around the Blockchain"" provides a decent day to day perspective on what 4 YouTubers from different channels are thinking about whatever topics are trending that day essentially. I wish there were some more channels I could find that have a wider scope discussion with differing opinions that aren't necessarily sharing linked motives so to speak. Cowen. We are in a Bull Market. I made +100% this month But I’ve been buying and Holding LEASH (Doge Killer) Coin bureau Same. DCA for the rest of my life. Sell into strength during the next two halving events and I'll be ready to retire in 10 years. StormX I really believe in the project. It’s not like a doge coin or shinu it actually does something & has a app Yes. That it is taxable event People buy usdt and other stable coins to evade taxation. Read about it more clearly tho. Sir this is reddit. bulls, crabs, and bears. it’s a zoo market! I am George. We are all George. We are all waiting for a pump. Time to find cheat alt coins that will be cheaper in a week. Wyckoff can fckoff…. /s Many successful people have a YouTube channel. Not everyone stops working or sharing their knowledge just because they have enough money not to. There are quite a few legit traders with youtube channels. Yeah...totally Sure I got into crypto in June 2021. Its been a slow fall man.... Still falling :( Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your post has been removed because you posted a banned URL. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete your post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* We are in a bearish trend let’s be honest. I hope it will dip more so I can buy more at this point DCA. If it goes down great I'll try and buy even more during that period. I always remember Dan's comment: have the fundamentals changed? No, then don't worry about it so much. Long term investments and mass adoption is the goal. [removed] Precisely. The human race is in a bubble. Crash imminent Believes were in an accumulation/consolidation phase, as does Ben Cowen. I lost a lot of money listening to this guy. He takes a big hit of hopium before recording every video. In his defense, he’d probably lose viewers left and right if he didn’t keep saying we’re in for massive gains right around the corner. Yep, just stay open minded. Fundamentals are stronger than ever. It would be weird if it was over until 2024 or so. But it could be The fact that we’re chilling around $2000 is really really interesting to me. We’ve never had a consolation period that’s gone this long before. I could see the market going either way at this point. I really do. The whales move the market. If they want it to go up they’ll make it happen. Ivan on tech and cowen at least admit we’re in a bearish trend The dream StormX has been quietly abandoned Capital gains or loses on the coin you sold to buy the other coin. Yes, it's still a bull market, ever heard of the wife's boyfriend? Yea, like that one guy who made a video saying to invest in bitcoin like 8 years ago. Regularly is taking vacations to places like Dubai and riding in private jets etc. Yet still has a YouTube channel. For myself... Yes,. Everybody's situation is different. But I will continue to add to my stack as long as the price is lower than when I first started buying crypto. Which was in Feb 21 so pretty much until we hit new ATHs. Anyone who thinks this is a bear market hasn't been in crypto for more than 1 year Still looks like we're following the Wyckoff thing pretty closely. He is the best The only reason Cowen has a channel is to shill his staking pools. He has some decent TA, but he more or less didn’t really say anything, and his catch phrases get really annoying. You gotta listen to many sources and then decide yourself what's right. Never listen to one source You’ve only lost money if you sell. Just like you only make money if you sell. That’s where I’m leaning as well. Fundamentals look great, unlike the top of every bull cycle I’ve ever heard of the majority of people seem to think this cycle’s 100% done, and looking at the charts either there’s still some significant upward movement in the next few months or BTC’s bucking a decade’s worth of multiple different macro trends. …But I’ve still got some buys set around 24k and 20k just in case lol It's over until 2024. I've been saying that since the Tweet-led BTC crash. Maybe not for ETH since we don’t have as long to go by, but look at the 2013 BTC chart parabolic rise before a blowoff top and (Iirc) ~85% drop that stayed down for months and faked everyone out, but then it had another parabolic rise before another blowoff top and the classic multi-year bear cycle. But this May didn’t even have a blow off top, which I would call the most abnormal if that really turned out to be the end of this year’s bull market. I would look into hedge funds holding Crypto. Word is that they are super over leveraged. As do most. I dont think that's arguable personally Lol nah, it has a partnership with the basketball team Portland trailblazers. I’m pretty sure this token is going to the moon. It’s need a lot of time tho. Yeeeeah i was afraid to think it but I felt like that might have been the answer. Wife’s boyfriend got into BabyDOGE presale If it doesn't double every day how is the $200 I invested going to buy me a Lamborghini? Lol What's that? Lol maybe you havent check Coin Bureau yet I mean, he hasn't had staking pools until the last few months. He has a channel to shill his ""into the cryptoverse"" premium membership, which is upwards of almost $100 a month. I dont pay for it, but his free content TA is pretty great imo, obviously dyor. I learned this the hard way. Don’t listen to sources that view YouTube as a revenue stream. If they start flashing logos, graphics, and telling you to like/subscribe, you’re in for a bad time. You want the really low production channels where some guy just shares his screen on TradingView and speaks into a headset. Or don't listen to anyone and just buy and shill out because loosing your mind over 10% swings every day isn't worth it Buy some crypto, live your life, check back a month later, repeat Those would be great buying opportunities indeed Highly doubt it. But it doesn’t matter. I’m happy either way. Good point. Damn. Where can I subscribe? Meaning what exactly? They can’t afford the prices to go down? If you’re looking for the trading side of crypto krowns krypto cave is pretty unbiased towards the price action. I’m not a trader but occasionally check out his content Yeah it's like no shit we're going sideways skewed down. 30k support is pretty good though Got those sweet losses to counter the gainz, tho, so it’s not all sadness. Right?? Patience, and DCA. Honestly that's the best thing anyone with a small amount of spare cash can do. Just do 50 every month or two. I know some people who just throw 50 a week who have steady jobs and don't even look at their portfolio. I'm a degenerate who just dumps every spare dollar I have but hey I don't want a Lambo I want an island. It's a theory of stock price fluctuations which explains the last 6 months of BTC price action pretty well. Google image search 'Wyckoff distribution' and look at the patterns next to a chart of the last 7 months of BTC vs fiat. I have to agree coin bureau is my fav but Ben cowen is right up there. He's a lot more level headed and data driven than most. I appreciate his insights greatly My evenings not complete without a visit to both of these channels! Kind of, I still watch some of those people, just because they have a business and BTC is going down doesn't make them evil. People only want to hear good news but they should be more level headed. I still watch mmcrypto from time to tim, but I call him my hype man. He's a good trader only during the bull run but he is a pretty good trader. He also emphasizes hodling. I'm not gonna take his opinions over coin bureau or Ben cow though. Lately my favorite TA guy has been Satoshi Stacker by far. The less followers the better. The small guys have to gain followers through accurate predictions so they put intense research in before every video rather than just drink a Monster and yolo it for 15 minutes. Hope you're right Yup if crypto goes down it will have a cascading effect on crypto and stock market. Also some evidence that banks and hedges are the ones pumping and dumping crypto. Not 100% on this source but it was a real hearing. https://wallstreetonparade.com/2021/07/witness-drops-bombshell-at-house-hearing-hedge-funds-are-getting-100-times-leverage-on-crypto/ Appreciate the recommendation! If you have done a taxable swap followed by a loss in the new coin, consider doing a single trade in that new coin. Either sell and immediately buy it back, or sell at a local top and try to buy back in lower. This will register a loss on the new coin that will offset taxes on the previous coins gains. Actually these small alt coins i have lost money on my trades. I used coinbase. Where they give you free coins if you watch those videos. Which equaled to 10-20$ Moved it all to polygon. Polygon crashed then moved it to a coin thats under a dollar. LRC and still was losing. Saw compound was doing good so I moved about 23$ to compound. So what's this about loses? How do you tax a loss? Humans search for meaning in patterns, Wyckoff is a great example It's almost as accurate as the crystal ball distribution More time to accumulate. Just do some napkin math and see what’s actually better: pump, you sell and can’t afford to buy 100k btc in significant amounts anymore? Or crabmarket in the 30s for 3 years with a massive pump to 500k? Of course they do, searching for meaning in patterns is the reason humans thrived in the first place. It tends to give better results than pure guesswork Yes, you’ve clearly read Sapiens or are just smart, but there’s a difference between seeing an absolute pattern and making up a story to comfort and make sense of chaos, my view is wyckoff does this, this isn’t a pattern in nature, this is a chart made up of thousands of inputs Agreed, there are far too many external influences to rely on such methods" Lol,1735,https://i.redd.it/k8ahhypngjm81.jpg,"Lmaooooo wow I bought from 2880... Help Definitely the other way around Guess some people have enough usdt not to worry about it Off-topic but what's that actor's name in the bottom frame? Off topic but what movie? Except the part you’re missing is that as an automobile driver I can’t drive across a bridge to a different gas station that gives me more efficient gas that goes farther, but I can bridge my ETH to layer 2 and enjoy cheaper fees. Lol. Got it kinda backwards, but this meme still slaps Hahaha Lol. Eth is definitely being kept behind because of its very high gas fees. Let us hope that gas fees will be set to a more reasonable price in the next update. I really have faith in Vitalik and all the developers working on the Ethereum Blockchain. However, we have to think about other alternatives in the meantime. I like to invest in $kitty token since its fundamentals make it a great candidate for going higher in price. If you want to go for a more secure choice, just stick with BTC. I don’t get it :( Lol this is so dumb it’s funny Lol. So accurate 🤣🤣🤣🤣 This hits different as we are about protesting gas hike prices over here and flights are canceled for fuel unavailability😅😅😅 LOL ETH gas is fizzing out my pressure slowly. Lmaoooo Funny joke😂😂. But we will definitely get through this phase, though it will be easier for some than others especially those that are already used to paying his Eth gas fees 😂 I bought at $232 in June 2020. Buy in early is how to capitalize at a maximum I bought at 4300. Feels bad man I bought at 3200 my friend, may the god be with us! James Franco Killian Mboobe Ballad of buster Scruggs. It’s a live action anthology of western stories. This is the second story. Incredible movie could t recommend enough. LMAO been looking into layer 2s like MATIC and ALBT. Latter because they're the official bridge of EWT. Also LOOP And the fact that fees on L1 eth are currently down Fundamentals and kitty!? Bruh Gas refers to the unit that measures the amount of computational effort required to execute specific operations on the Ethereum network Since each Ethereum transaction requires computational resources to execute, each transaction requires a fee. Gas refers to the fee required to conduct a transaction on Ethereum successfully. 😂 To the Moon! Thanks Ive been building on matic almost a year now. Absolutely love it. The dev environment isn’t as robust but the fees are so cheap it’s a great place to experiment. Just to experiment? Any other suggestions? Also waiting for the AllianceDEX to actually see things through." You know the pain ;(,1738,https://i.redd.it/z4ykw8q2qma71.jpg,"Probably those who bought at 64k is on another level This hurts as hell, seeing an opportunity but being unable to take it. Believe I've taken advantage and made good use of the dip because I set aside a little from every penny I'm getting to can buy the dip. With this technique I hope I'll be able to buy BXX once it's listed. My pain is being denied by bank to buy the dip. That’s also another level Oh a scale of “stagnant for months” or “bought at an ATH”, how much pain do you feel? I just wanna stake!!!!! Calling a crash a dip is cope Oh c’mon man. We’ve been in a “dip” for over three months. You haven’t had any spare change for over three months? I’m holding cryptos right now but the cognitive dissonance in this sub is awful. It hurts asf not being able to take an opportunity when it presents itself. Thankfully I took advantage of the dip and accumulated more... Loaded my bag with more PNODE, ADA, ETH and plan to stake all. Particularly gonna stake PNODE the most so I can take full advantage of it's UniFarm pool whereby users who stake PNODE havee the opportunity to yield 5 more tokens saddam hussein You had to go and kick a man when he's down... *not knowing where the dip Buy in march/april 2022, that will be the real dip before it explodes again in 2024 The pain is iristable to the bones! Good thing I've accumulated my fave alts in the dip and their staking program is available now. I'm talking about MEL from Melalie. I feel attacked! 😩😢😂😂😂so true been like this so bad I wanted to risk an cash advance on my cc Yes 😭😭😭 So true, I've been waiting 2 weeks to invest more. I always buy the dip! My money has been dipped 70 percent since the dip started [removed] [removed] [removed] The dip that keeps on dipping I agree! It sucks seeing such opportunities but not being able to take them. Going to all in when the dips dip! 😂🤣 I am feeling this currently. Don’t worry it’s still dipping 🥲 I feel attacked, this is so me, especially when I get to see a new project with good fundamentals when they pop up on a user-friendly Launchpad. Fetal position in a closet level It doesn’t hurt so much until someone reminds me it’s supposed to. Does 63k count? My silver will cover that loss many times over when the time comes. Imagine that...😳😯 same thing what happen it 2017. If u hold and DOC u will make everything back with tremendous profits. #beautyOfCrypto😁💪👌 What bank? Was it due to being a large amount they’ve denied you?? Its called a joke... Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* Your post has been removed because Discord and Telegram links are not allowed. If you believe this was an error, please send us a link to this post through modmail. Do not edit or delete the post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMarkets) if you have any questions or concerns.* That's ok, if you have time you will have your money back. Next halving in 4 years Not large and I am living not in US or EU or UK so the bank name is not really relevant I think Interesting, I don’t know many banks here (UK) that would deny it Barclay’s? Everybody in crypto subs are calling them out for blocking payments to some crypto exchanges To pRoTEc YOu Some US Banks won’t let you make any crypto related purchases. It’s fd up… Use a different service if possible."